IJoyv^r•.Vl.''!«.*'i-l<»V-..r.-vr •-'....'. "\ i■, „- ^^■^^fe^P^-v-:^•••■,■•■:-'4., .;.■. ; g&^^^r^-vc-- .■■■ ■ ■■;.--^v • +A "-*."S*it!C •.t..j...-..,»i...^;,.^j5X"r,:^r„r.;i." •■»"•■■• - ♦— ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D.C. \ / 1,1* -?/, 91 i-v>(ictf-C rhJL-u. War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, Washington, J). C\, July 10, 1898. General George M. Sternberg, Surgeon-General, Lr. »S'. Army: General : I have the honor to present herewith the third volume of the second series of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This volume includes 11,112 author-titles, representing 4,873 volumes and 10,690 pamphlets. It also contains 10,636 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets, and 34,314 titles of articles in periodicals. There are also catalogued 677 medical portraits, under the heading "Collection of Portraits." The Library now contains 127,938 bound volumes and 216,839 pamphlets. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue, as far as published: author-titi.es. SCBJECT-TITLKS. Titles. Volumes. Pamphlets. 151, 504 6,327 14,802 10, 690 , . , Journal ar-Book titles, i . tides. 168,557 511,112 7,884 30,384 5,774 21,725 10, 636 34, 314 Portraits. 176,364 ; 85,663 6.346 6,127 15,732 6,383 11,112 | 4,873 4 335 Second series : Vol. I.. Vol. II. Vol. in 677 Total to date___ 209,554 ■ 103,046 183, 323 192,851 597, 535 5,012 Very respectfully, Your obe dient servant, JAMES C. MERRILL, ' / Major and Surgeon, U. S. Army, / Librarian, S. G. O. in Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis. Am. J. Physiol., Bost. Acad6mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. [See Me"m. couron. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux.] Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. [See J. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila.] Academy of Stomatology. [See Tr. Acad. Stomatol., Phila.] Aerzte der Provinz Hessen-Nassau. [See Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzta d. Hessen-Nassau, Frankf. a. M.] Aerztliclier Bericht des Kigaschen Stadt-Kraukenhauses fiir die 10 Jahre von 1HH6 bis 1897. Riga. 1 v., 1897. Sc'. Aeiztliche Monatschrift. Leipzig. 1898. 8°. Aerztliche (Die) Praxis. (Frtiher "Der iirztliche Praktiker" uud "Die Praxis".) Zeitschrift fiir die wissenschaftlichen und praktisclien Interessen des Arztes. Wiirzburg. v. 11, 1898. 4°. [Formed by consolidation of: Aerztl. Pract., Hamb.,with: Praxis, Wiirzb.] Allgemeine deutsche Nahrungs- und Genussiuittel-Kunde. Miin- chen. v. 1, 1898. fob American Academy of Denial Science. [See Tr. Am. Acad. Dent. S,-., Phila.] American (The) Academy of Railway Surgeons. Official re- ports of meetings. Chicago. 1.-3., 1894-6. 8C. American (The) Dental Weekly. Atlanta, Ga. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases. St. Louis, v. 1, 1897-8. h°. American (The) Journal of Physiology. Edited for the American Physiological Society by H. P. Bowditch [et al.~\. Boston. v. 1, 1898. 8°. [1] [2] Am. M. Month., Bait. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), Phila. Am. Text-Bk. Gen.-Urin. Dis. [etc.] (Bangs & Hardaway), Phila. Anat. Schrift., Heidelb. Anjou med., Angers. Ann. di chim. Pavia. Brugnatelli, Ann. di chim. e storia nat. Brugnatelli, Pavia. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par. Ann. di farmacot. e chim., Milano. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par. Ann. de la med. homoeop., Par. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi. Annot. zool. japon., Tokyo. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl. Arb. a. d. Priv.-Frauenklin. v. A Mackenrodt, Berl. Arch. d. Balneoth. u. Hydroth., Halle a S. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Gand & Par. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli. Arch, de med., Lisb. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par. Arch, di med. int., Palermo. Arch, de parasitol., Par. Arsberatt. f. Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors. Ass. franc, p. l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par. American (The) Medical Monthly. Baltimore, v. lfi-16, 1897-*. 8-. [Continuation. October. 1-97, of: South. J. Hoiueop. | American Physiological Society. [See Am. J. Physiol.. Host. Also : Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost. | American Psychical Society. [Nee Psych. Rev., Bost.] American (An) Text-Book of the Diseases of Children, including special chapters on essential surgical objects; [etc.]. Edited by Louis Stan, assisted by Thompson S. Westcott. Philadel- phia. 1 v., 1894. 8-. American (An) Text-Book of (biiito-l'iinary Diseases, Syphilis, and Diseases of the Skin. Edited by L. B. Bangs and W. A. Hardaway. Philadelphia. 1 v., l."9><. *-. Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. [See Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait.] Anatomische Schrifteu von G. Azzoguidi, J. B. Paletta und .1. Brugnoni, hrsg. von E. Sandifort. Aus dem lateinischen iiber- sezt und niit Zusiizen vermehrt von Heiitrich Tabor. Heidel- berg. 1 v., 1791. l'i°. Anjou (L') me'dical. Revue mensuelle de chirurgie, meVlecine, gyn6cologie, pharmacie et matiere m6dicale et des interets professionnels. Angers, v. 1-."), 1894-8. 8 . Aunali di chimica, ovvero raccolta di memorie sulle scienze, arti, e manifatture ad essa relative di L. Brugnatelli. Pavia. v. 1-3, 1790-1. 8°. [Continued, in 1793, as: Ann. di chim. e storia nat. . . . Brugnatelli, Pavia.] Annali di chimica e storia naturale, ovvero raccolta di memorie sulle scienze, arti, e manifatture ad esse relative di L. Brugna- telli. Pavia, v. 4-19, 1793-1&02. 8-. [Continuation, in 1793, of: Ann. di chim. . . . Brugnatelli, Pavia.] Annales d'electrobiologie, d'electrotherapie et d'e"lectrodiagnostic. Paris, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Annali di farmacoterapia e chimica. Milano. v. 1, 1898. 8 . [Continuation, in 1898, of: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano.] Annales de m&lecine et chirurgie infantiles. Revue pratique internationale. Paris. Nos. 9-10, May 1-15, v. 2, 1898. 8G. [Continuation of: MCd. inf., Par.] Annales de la in6decine homceopathique. Paris, v. 1-2,1842. 8°. Annales de la Soci6te de me'decine legale de Belgique, fondle en 1889. Charleroi. v. 1-9, 1889 to 1897-8. 8°. Aunotationes zoological japonenses auspiciis Societatis zoologica' tokyonensis seriatim editaj. Tokyo, v. 1 ; pt. 1, v. 2, 1897-8. 8°. [Articles in English, German, French, or Italian.] Anti-Adulteration Association. [Sec Health News, Lond.] Apothekei-Zeitung. Hrsg. voin deutschen Apotheker-Verein. Berlin, v. 6-8, 1891-3; v. 11-13, 1896-8. fol. Arbeiten aus der Privaf-Frauenklinik von A. Mackenrodt. Ber- lin. Hft. 1-2, 18apeutique oculaires. Paris, v. 1-4, 1895-8. 4°. Clinical Report of the Rotunda Hospitals, for one year, November 1, 1896, to October 31, 1897. Dublin. 1 v., 1898. 8°. Clinical (The) Review, a journal of practical medicine and sur- gery, issued monthly. Chicago, v. 7-8, 1897-8. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in 1897, of: Chicago Clin. Rev.] Collection de diffe"rentes pieces, concernant la chirurgie, l'aua- tomie, et la unklecine pratique, extraites principalement des ouvrages Strangers. [Par Jean-Francois Simon.] Paris, v. 1. 1761. 16°. .Compte rendu des seances du Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite" du de'partement de la Seine, public sous la direction du PreTet de police. Paris. 1 v., 1896. 8°. Conferenze cliniche italiane. Dirette dal prof. Achille De Gio- vanni. Milano. 1. s., v. 1, 1K)7. 8°. Congres d'assainissemeut et de salubrite", Paris, 1895. Compte rendu et travaux. Paris. 1897. 8°. Congres g6n6ral de statistique. 1 v., 1853. 4°. Congres international des sciences m&licales tenu a Moscou du 19 au 26 aout 1897. Paris. 1 v., 1897. 8°. Session de 1853. [Brnxelles.] Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite" du de'partement de la Seine. [See Compt. rend. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Seine, Par.] Consular Reports. Commerce, manufactures, etc. Washington D. C. v. 55-56, 1897-8. 8G. ° ' Consultorio m6dico internacional. [-SVeEco d. Consult., Madrid.] [5] Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte d. Hessen- Nassau, Frankf. a. M. Corriere san., Milano. Country Doctor, Sparta, Tenn. Critique, Denver. Cycl. Dis. Child., M. & S. (Keat- ing), Phila. Czasopismo towarz. aptek., Lwow. Correspondenzblatt fiir die Aerzte der Provinz Hessen-Nassau. Frankfurt a. M. v. 2, 1897-8. 8 \ Corriere sanitario. Rivista settimanale di interessi professionali sanitari e di esercizio pratico per i medici-ufficiali sanitari- farniacisti. Milano. v. 9, 1898. fob [Consolidation [resump- tion of original title], in 1898, of: Corriere san. Bisettim., Mi- lano, and Corriere san. Settim., Milano.] Country (The) Doctor. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Sparta, Tenn. v. 4-5, 1897-8. 8°. Critique (The). Formerly: The Denver Journal of Homceopathy. Denver, Colo. v. 4-5, 1897-8. 8°. [Continuation, October, 1897, of: Denver J. Homoeop.] Cyclopaedia of the Diseases of Children, Medical and Surgical. The articles written especially for the work by American, Brit- ish, and Canadian authors. Edited by John M. Keating. Philadelphia, v. 1-4, 1890-1. 8°. Czasopismo towarzystwa aptekarskiego. [Chronicle of the Apothecaries' Association.] Lwdw. v. 5-26, 1876-97. 8°. 1>. Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Dental Brief, Phila. Dental Digest, Chicago. Denver J. Homoeop. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl. Deutsche Krankenpfl.-Ztg., Berl. Deutsche Prax., Miinchen. Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev. Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Private Sanitary Society of Japan.] Tokvo. Nos. 172-175, September 25 to December 25, 1897. 8°. Dental Brief (Welch's Monthly). Philadelphia, v.2,1897-8. 8C. Dental (The) Digest. A monthly summary of dental science, devoted to the progress of dentistry. The official organ of the Dental Protective Association of the United States. Chicago. v. 1-4, 1895-8. 8C. Dental Protective Association of the United States. [See Dental Digest, Chicago.] Denver (The) Journal of Homceopathy. Denver, v. 1-3, 1894-7. 8°. [Continued, October, 1897, as: Critique, Denver.] Dermatologisches Centralblatt. Internationale Rundschau auf dem Gebiete der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten. Berlin. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Deutsche anthropologische Gesellschaft. [See Festschr. z. Vei samml. d. deutsch. anthrop. Gesellsch., Liibeck. J Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio. [See Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u . Volkerk. Ostasieus in Tokio.] Deutsche Krankenpflege-Zeituug. Fach-Zeitung fiir die Gesamt- interesseu des Kraukeupflegeberufes. Berlin, v. 1, 1898. 8 . Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. [See Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. ... d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . . , , Brnschwg. ] Deutsche Praxis. Aerztliche Zeitschrift fiir das Auslaud. Miin- chen. v. 1, 1898. 8°. Deutscher Apotheker-Vereiu. [See Apoth.-Ztg., Berl.] Deutscher Samariter Bund. [See Samariter, Miinchen.] Dnevnik syezda Obshestva russkikh vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Bulletin of the Congress of the Society of Russian Physicians in memory of N. I. Pirogoff.] Kiev. 6., 1896. 4l . E. Echo vet., Liege. Eco d. Consult, Madrid. ficho(L') ve'te'riiiaire. Liege, v. 1-28, 1871-98. 8°. Eco (El) del Consultorio. Revista practica quinceual de medi- cina y cirugia, redactada por el personal facultativo del Con- sultorio m6dico internacional. Madrid, v. 2-5, 1895-8. 8C. Edwards' J. Health, Atlantic City. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.], Wiesb. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Wiesb. Exposit. univ. internat. de 1878. Confer. Palais Trocadero, Par. [6] Edwards' Journal of Health. Edited and published monthly by Joseph F. Edwards. Atlantic City, N. J. No. 1, v. 1, October, 1897. 4 . Electro-Therapeutical Laboratory of the University of Michigan. [Sec Bull. Electrother. Lab. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor.] Ergebnisse der allgemeinen Pathologie und pathologischen Ana- tomie des Menschen und derTiere. Bearbeitet von E. Albrecht [et al.~\. Hrsg. von 0. Lubarsch und R. Ostertag. Wiesbaden. 6 v.. 1896-7. 8-. Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungsgescbichte. baden. v. 1-6 (1891-6), 1892-7. 8°. Exposition universelle internationale de 1878, a Paris. reuces du Palais du Trocade'ro. Paris. 3 v., 1879. 8°. Wie: Confe- F. Farm. J., S.-Peterb. Farm, vestnik, Mosk. Farmats., Mosk. Festschr. Ed. Hagenbach-Burk- hardt, Basel u. Leipz. Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Besteh. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Magdeb. Festschr. z. . . . Jubil. d. Gesell- sch. pract. Aerzte zu Riga v. d. stadt. Irrenh.- u. Pflegeanst. Rothenberg, Riga. Festschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Zurich. Festschr___d. Prov.-Irren-Anst. zu Nietleben b. Halle a. S., Leipz. Festschr. z. Versamml. d. deut- sch. anthrop. Gesellsch., Lii- beck. Fiftieth Anniv. Hartford M. Soc. Food & Health [San. Rec. ], Lond. Forh. med. Selsk. i Kristiania. Foitschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Harab. Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr. W. Winternitz, Wien u. Leipz. Facultad de medicina, cirugia y farmacia de la Repiiblica de Costa Rica. [See Gac me\l. de Costa Rica, San Jose" de Costa Rica.] Farmatsevticheskiy Journal. [Pharmaceutical journal.] S.-Pe- terburg. v. 20, 1898. 4°. Farmatsevticheskiy vestnik; zhurnal visochaishe utverzhdyon- navo rossiyskavo farmatsevticheskavo Ob-va vzaimuavo vspo- moshtshestvovaniya. [Pharmaceutical messenger; journal of the Russian Pharmaceutical Society for Mutual Aid.] Moskva. v. 2, 1898. 4°. Farmatsevt. [Pharmacist.] Moskva, v. 6, 1898. 4C. Festschrift Eduard Hagenbach-Burckhardt zu seinem 25jiihrigen Professoren-Jubilaum gewidmet von seinen Schulern. Basel und Leipzig. 1 v., 1897. 8°. Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens der medicini- schen Gesellschaft zu Magdeburg. Magdeburg. 1 v., 1898. 8°. Festschrift zimi 75jjihrigen Jubiliium der Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga von der stadtischen Irreuheil- und Pflegeaustalt Rothenberg. Riga. 1 v., 1897. 8°. Festschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Ziirich, 1746-1896. Den Teilnehiuern der iu Zurich vom 2.-5. August 1896 tagenden 79. Jahresversammlung der schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft gewidmet. In zwei Teilen. Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. 41. Jahrgan<>- lr-96 Jubelhand I-II. Zurich. 2 v., 1896. 8°. Festschrift anlasslich des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens der Provinzial- Irren-Anstalt zu Nietleben bei Halle a. S. von fruheren und jetzigeu Aerzten der Anstalt. Leipzig. 1 v... 1897. roy. 8°. Festschrift zur xxviii. Versammlung der deutschen authropolo- gischen Gesellschaft. Liibeck, August, 1897. Liibeck 1 v 1897. 8°. " ' Fiftieth Anniversary of the Hartford Medical Society, founded September 15,1846. Proceedings at the celebration, October ■>(> 1896, at Hartford, Connecticut. Hartford. 1 v., 1897. roy. 8°.' Food and Health. Supplement to the Sanitary Record. London No. 6, June, 1897. 8°. Forhandlinger i det mediciuske Selskab i Kristiania. Kristiania 1893-7 8°. [Continuation, iu 1893, of: Forh. Xorske med". Selsk. i Kristiania.] Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahleu Hamburg v. 1, 1897-8. roy. Hc. h' Fortschritte der Hydrotherapie. Festschrift zum vierzijriahrieen Doctorjubilaum des Prof. Dr. W. Winternitz. Hrs- von Dr A Strasser und Dr. B. Buxbaum. Wien und Leipzig, fy 1897, '#_>' Freie Veninigung bayrischer Vertr.-ter der angewandten Chemie. [See Ztschr. t. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl.] [7] u. Gac. med. de Costa Rica, San Jose de Costa Rica. Gaz. de pharm., Lisb. Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah. Gerichtl.-psychiat. Gutacht. a. d. Klin. Forel in Zurich, Stuttg. Gesunde Kinder, Hamm i. W. Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed uff. san. [etc.], Napoli. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Ace ad. vet. ital., Torino. Gdteborgs Lak.-Sallsk. Forh. Gyermekgyogyaszat, Budapest. Gaceta medica de Costa Rica. Revista nacional de medicina, cirugia, farmacia 6 higiene. Publicacidn meusual. Organo de la Facultad de medicina. San Jose' de Costa Rica. v. 1-2, 1896-8. roy. 8°. Gazeta de pharmacia. Publicacao mensal de pharmacia e de chi- mica. Orgao dos interesses profissionaes da classe pharmaceu- tica. Lisboa. v 15, 1897-8. 8 . Georgia (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. A monthly review of science, practice, and progress. Savannah, v. 1-2, 1897-8. 8-. Geriehtlich-psychiatrische Gutachten aus der Klinik von llerrn Professor Dr. Forel in Zurich, fiir Aerzte und Juristen hrsg. von Dr. Theodor Kdlle. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Forel. Stuttgart. 1 v., 1696. 8°. Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga. [See Festschr. z. . . . Jubil. d. Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu Riga v. d. stiidt. Irrenh.- u. Pflegeanst. Rothenberg, Riga.] Gesunde Kinder. Zeitsehrift fiir kiudliche Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, sowie fiir die gesamten korperlichen und geisti- gen Interessen der Jugend. Hamm i. W. v. 1-3, 1896-8. ^. Giornale per i medici periti giudiziari ed ufficiali sanitari, desti- nato ad iuformare gli abbonati del movimento scientifico ed nfficiale in rapporto all' esercizio pratico della medicina legale e dell' igiene. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1897-8. 8°. Giornale della reale Societa ed Accademia veteriuaria italiana,. Torino, v. 46-47, 1897-8. 8>. [Continuation, in 1897, of: Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet., Torino.] Gdteborgs Lakaresiillskaps Forhandlingar. Goteborg. 1892-.'). 8°. Gyermekgydgy&szat. [P;ediatry.] Budapest. No. 1, January 30,1898. fob [Supplement to: Orvosi hetib, Budapest.] Gynaekologische Klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engstrdm in Helsing- fors. [See Mitth. a. d. gynaek. Klin. d. . . . O. Engstrdm in Helsingfors, Berl.] H. Health News, Lond. Hippocrate, Par. Homeop. J. Surg. & Gynec, Chi- cago & N. Y. Hosp. Life, Chicago. Hagenbach-Burckhardt (Eduard). [See Festschr. Ed. Hagen- bach-Burckhardt, Basel u. Leipz.] Hamburgische Staatskrankenaustalten. [See Mitt. a. d. Hainb. Staatskrankenanst.] Hartford Medical Society. [See Fiftieth Anuiv. Hartford M. Soc. 1 Harvard Medical Alumni Association. [See Bull. Harvard M. Alumni Ass., Bost.] Health News. A sanitary and social monthly journal. The official organ of the Anti-Adulteration Association. London. No. 7, v. 11; no. 28, v. 12, 1897-8. fob Hippocrate. Revue meneuelle de mddecine historique. patrio- tique, anecdotique. Paris, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Hollandse Maatschappye der Weeteuschappen, te Haarlem. [See Verhandel. nitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. <1. Weetenscb. te Haarlem.] Homeopathic (The) Journal of Surgery and Gynecology. Chicago & New York. v. 1, 1898. 8°. Homoopathischer Verein im Grossherzogthum Baden. [See Hygea, Carlsruhe.] Hospital Life. A monthly magazine devoted to the interests of hospitals, sanitariums, and training schools for nurses, and all who are identified therewith. Chicago, v. 1, 1898. 8C. Hufela. d'sehe Gesellschaft in Berlin [See Verhandl. d. Hufe- land. Gesellsch. in Berl.] Hyg. Bb, Amst. Hygea, Carlsruhe. [«] Hygienische Bladen. Populair maandscbrift voor praktische en toege]>aste gezondheitsleer. Amsterdam, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Hygea. Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunst. Hrsg. . . . vondem homoopa- thisehen Vereiue im Grossherzogthnm Baden. Carlsruhe. v. 1-22, 1834-47; n. F., v. 1 ; no. 1, v. 2, 1848. 8°. [Place of pub- lication in last volume is spelled Karlsruhe. ] I. IjiKwaiHo. Ogata Byo-in . . Osaka. Illust. Rundschau d. med.-chir. Techn., Bern. Indiana Dent. J., Indianap. Init. Rep. Neurol. Lab. Phila. Polyclin., N. Y. Intermed. d. biob, Par. Internat. Atlas selt. Hautkr., Hamb. u. Leipz. Irrenpflege, Halle a. S. IjiKwaiHo. Ogata Byo-in Kenkiu Kwai. [ Report of Medical Society. Ogata Hospital Society for Research.] Osaka. Nos. 59-72,'November 10, 1896, to December 10, 1897. 8°. Illnstrirte Rundschau der mediciuisch - chirurgischeu Technik. Internationale Yierteljahrsschrift. Bern. v. 1, 1898. 8 . Indiana (The) Dental Journal. Indianapolis, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Indiana State Dental Association. [.See Proc Tri - State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, Phila.] Initial (An) report from the Neurological Laboratory of the Philadelphia Polyclinic. New York. 1896. 8°. [Reprint from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1896, n. s., xxi.] Institut zur Behandlung von Unfallveiietzten in Breslau. [See Wissensch. Mitth. d. Inst. z. Behandl. v. Unfallverl. in Bresl.] Intermddiaire (L') des biologistes. Organe international de zoo- logie, botanique, physiologie et psychologic. Paris, v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. International Homoeopathic Congress. [See Tr. Internat. Ho- moeop. Cong., Lond.] Internationale wissenschaftliche Lepra-Conferenz zu Berlin im October 1897. [See Mitth. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Lepra-Con- fer. zu Berl. ] Internationaler Atlas seltener Hautkrankheiten. International atlas of rare skin diseases. Atlas international des maladies rares de la peau. Hamburg und Leipzig. Nos. 1-13, 1889- 97. fob Irrenpflege (Die). Monatsblatt zur Hebung, Belehrung und Uu- terhaltung des Irreupflegepersouals, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der freien Behandlung, der kolonialeu und familiaren Krankenpflege uuter stiindiger Mitkiilfe erfahrener Irreniirzte und Anstaltsbeamten hrsg. von Dr. Konrad Alt. Halle a. S. v. 1, 1897-8. ti°. I-yo I Kwai. [I-yd Medical Society.] [See Kyo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo. ] J. J. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila. J. Applied Micr., Rochester. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond. J. beige d'homceop., Brux. J. Homceop... Phila. J. de la med. homoeop., Par. J. de med. Par. d. pays etrang. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Philadelphia. 2. s., v. 10-11, 1894-7. fob Journal of Applied Microscopy. Rochester, N. Y. v. 1 1898. so# Journal (The) of Balneology and Climatology. Being the jour- nal of the British Balneological and Climatological Society London. Pt. 2, v. 2, April, 1898. 8°. Journal beige d'homceopathie. Organe des dispeusaires houioeo pathiques du pays et du Cercle homceopathique des Flandres Bruxelles. v. 1-5, 1894-8. 8°. Journal of Homoeopathies. Philadelphia, v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Journal de la mddeciue homceopathique. Public par la Sociote hahuemannienne de Paris. Paris, v. 1-4, 1845-8. 8°. Journal de mddeeine, on observations des plus fameux mddecins chirurgiens, et anatomistes de l'Europe, tirdes des journaux des pays dtrangers, et autres mdmoires particuliers. Paris 2 nos April and May, Kirto. 12^. no8'» [»] J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi. J. Nihonbashi-ku San. Ass., To- kyo. J. Peking Orient. Soc, Tsientsin. J. de pharm. de Liege. Jahresb. d. k. poliklin. Inst. d. Univ. zu Berl. Jo-san-no Shiori, Osaka. Journal (The) of the Mississippi State Medical Association. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery, published by the Mississippi State Medical Association, embracing its trans- actions. Biloxi. v. 2, 1898. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Rec Mississippi, Biloxi.] Journal (The) of the Nihonbashi-ku Sanitary Association. To- kyo. Nos. 34-37, v. 2, 1897. 8°. [Japanese text.] Journal of the Peking Oriental Society, Tsientsin. v. 3, 1895. Journal de pharmacie de Lidge. Revue scientifique et profession- nelle. Lidge. v. 1-5, 1893-8. 8°. Jahresbericht des koniglichen poliklinischen Institutes der Uni- versitat zu Berlin. Berlin. 12.-14. (1823-34), 1826-35. 12r . Johns Hopkins University (Anatomical Laboratory of the). Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait.] [See Jo-san-no Shiori. [Guide to obstetrics.] Ogata Byo-in jo-san-fu I-Kwai. [Ogata Hospital Midwives' Medical Society.] Osaka. No. 11, April 10, 1897, and no. 23, April 10, 1898. 8°. K. Khirurgia, Mosk. Klin. - therap. Wchnschr., Wien. Kurber. ii. Erfolge d. physik. diatet. Heilfaktoren, Leipz. Kyo rin-no Shiori, Tokyo. [See Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. Festbd. af Axel Kev (Axel). Key . . .] Khirurgia. Yezhemiesyachnoye izdanie. [Surgery. A monthly publication.] Moskva, v. 1-3, 1897-8. 8°. Kliniseh-therapeutische Wochenschrift. Wien. v. 5, 1898. 4°. [Continuation, iu 1896, of: Therap. Wchnschr., Wieu.] Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschafteu zu Gdttingen. [See Nadir, v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Gdtting. Geschiiftl. Mitth.] Kdnigliches poliklinisches Institut der Universitiit zu Berlin. [See Jahresb. d. k. poliklin. Inst. d. Univ. zu Berl.] Koniuklijke (voorhen Bataafsche) Maatschappy der Weten- schappen te Haarlem. [See Natnurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Kurberichte fiber Erfolge der physikalisch-diatetischen Heilfak- toren. Centralorgan fiir die gesamten Interessen der Kur-, Heil-, Bade-, Massage- u. orthopiid. Anstalten uud deren Per- sonal. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1896-8. roy. 8°. Kyo-riu-no Shiori. [Guide of Kyo-rin.] I-yd I Kwai. [I-yo Medical Society. ] Tokyo. Nos. 1-3, v. 5, January to March, 1893; nos. 2-9, v. 6, 1894; no. 3, v. 10, March 31, 1898. 8°. L.. Life & Health, N. Y. Louisville J. S. & M. Life and Health. A monthly magazine for the practical discus- sion of all subjects pertaining to life, health, and the enjoyment of longevity. New York. v. 1-3, 1896-8. 8°. Louisville (The) Journal of Surgery and Medicine. Official organ of the Louisville Surgical Society. (Continuing Mathews' Quarterly Journal, j Lmiisville. v. 5, 1898. 8°. [Continua- tion, June, 1898, of: Mathews' Quart. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louis- ville.] Louisville Surgical Society. [See Louisville J. S. A M.] Maandbl. v. koudwater geneesk. v. N- en Z.-Nederb, Haarlem. Maandbl. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem. H. Maandblad voor koudwater geneeskunde voor Noord- en Zuid- Nederland, gewijd aan de Kneipp'sche koudwatergeneeswijze. Haarlem, v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Maandblad voor praktische verloskunde, hoofdzakelijk ten dieuste van vroedvrouwen. Haarlem. x. 1, 1897-8. 8 . [10] Maandbl. t. de vervalsch., Amst. Magyar fogasz. szemle. A sto- matol. [etc.], Budapest. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp. Rep., N. Y. Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg. Med. Century, Chicago. Med. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Krankenh. Deutsch!., Berl. Med. franc., Par. Med. d. Gegenw., Berl. Med. inf., Par. Med. Libr., Denver. Med. Rec. Mississippi, Biloxi. Med. Reg., Richmond. Med. Rep. Soc. Lying-in Hosp., N. Y. Med. Rundschau, Berl. Mem. couron. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg, Brux. Maandblad tegen de vervalschingen. Met een bijbhid gewijd aan hygiene en Industrie. Amsterdam, v. 7-14, 1-9D-8. roy. 8J. [Continuation, in v. 7, 1890-1, of: Maandbl. t. de vervalsch. v. levensm. [etc.], Amst.] Maatschappy der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. [See Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Magyar fogaszati szemle. A stomatologusok (fogorvosok) orszitgos egyesiiletenek hivatalos kozldnye. Ungarische zahnarztlicbe Revue. [Officielles Organ des uugarischen stomatologischen (zahnarztlichen) Landesveieins.] Budapest, v. 1-2, 1896-7 to 1897-8. 8C. [Hungarian text.] Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital Reports. New York. 1.-4., 1894-7. Manitoba Medical Association. [See Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg.] Manitoba (The) and West Canada Lancet. A journal of medicine, surgery, physiology, chemistry, materia medica, and scientific news, being the journal of the Winnipeg and Manitoba Medical Associations. Winnipeg, v. 5, 1897-8. 8°. [Successor to: North. Lancet, Winnipeg.] Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors. [See Arsberatt. f. Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors.] Medical Century. A semi-monthly international journal of homoeo- pathic medicine, surgery, and collateral sciences. Chicago. v. 1-6, 1893-8.' roy. 8~. [Since January, 1896, published at New York and Chicago.] Medical College of Virginia (Faculty of). [See Med. Reg., Rich- mond.] Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Magdeburg. [See Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Besteh. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Magdeb.] Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Tokyo. [See Ztschr. d. med. Ge- sellsch. zu Tokyo.] Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt fiir die Krankenhauser, Klini- ken und Polikliniken Deutschlands. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1897-8. fob Mddeciue (La) frangaise. Le petit mddecin des families. Organe hebdomadaire de vulgarisation scientifique. Paris, v. 14,1898. fob [Continuation of: Petit mdd. d. families, Par.] Medicin (Die) der Gegenwart. Monats-Berichte aus dern Gesamt- gebiete der Medicin fur die Praxis. Berlin, v. 1, 1898. 8-\ Mddecine (La) infantile. Revue pratique internationale. Paris. Xos. 1-8, v. 2, January to April, 1898. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par.] Medical Libraries. Devoted to the interests of medical libraries and bibliography. Denver, Col. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, February to May, 1898. 8°. Medical Record of Mississippi. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Biloxi, Miss. v. 1, 1897-8; no. I, v. 2, April, 1898. 8°. [Continued as: J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi.] Medical Register. Issued monthly under the auspicies of the Faculty and Society of Alumni of the Medical College of Virginia. Richmond, v. 1-2, 1897-8. 8°. Medical Keport of the Society of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. New York. 1897. 8-. Medical Society, District of Columbia. [See Proc. M. Soc. Dist. Columb.] Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. [See Penn. M. J., Pittsburg.] Medicinske Selskab tiania.] i Kristiania. [See Forh. med. Selsk. i Kris- Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow. [See Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Glasg.] Medizinische Rundschau. Zentral - Organ fiir alle deutschen Aerzte im Iu- und Auslande. Berlin, v. 1, 1897-8. fob Mdmoires eourounes et mdmoires des savants dtrangers, publids par I'Acadduiie roy ale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgi.iue. Bruxelles. v. 53-54, 1893-4 to 1896. 4- [11] Methodist Episcop. Hosp. Rep., N. Y. Minneap. Homoeop. Mag. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskranken- anst. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens in Tokio. Mitth. a. d. gynaek. Klin. d. . . . O. Engstrdm in Helsingfors, Berl. Mitth. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Lepra-Confer. zu Berl. Mois med., Par. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila. Miinchen. med. Abhandl. Municip. Affairs, N. Y. Methodist (The) Episcopal Hospital Reports. New York v 1 (1887-97), 1898. 8°. Michigan State Dental Association. [See Proc Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, Phila.] Minneapolis Homoeopathic Magazine. Minneapolis, v. 5-7 1896-8. 8°. Mississippi State Medical Association. [See J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi.] Mitteilungen aus den Hamburgischen Staatskraukenanstalteu. Hamburg, v. 1-5 (1889-96), 1890-97. 8. Mittheilnngeu der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Vdlker- kunde Ostasiens in Tokio. Tokio. v. 5-6, 1884-8 to 1893-7. 4°. [Continuation, in v. 5, of: Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokohama. ] Mittheilnngeu aus der gynaekologischeu Klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engstrdm in Helsingfors. Berlin. 1 v., 1897. 8 . Mittheilnngeu und Verhandlnngen der internationalen wissen- schaftlichen Lepra-Conferenz zu Berlin im October 1897. Ber- lin. 3 v., 1897. 8°. Mois (Le) mddical. Rdpertoire pdriodique de mddecine, de chi- rurgie et de pharmacologic. Paris, v. 9-10, 1897-8. 12°. Monatsschrift fiir Gesundheitspflege. Organ der dsterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Gesundheitspflege. Wien. v. 16, 1898. 8°. Monthly (The) Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine and Universal Medical Journal. Philadelphia. N. s., v. 1, 1898. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in 1898, of: Univ. M. Mag., Phila.] Miinchener medicinische Abhandlungen. Miinchen. Hft. 1-74, 1891-8. 8°. Municipal Affairs. Issued at quarterly intervals. New York. No. 2, v. 2, June, 1898. 8°. ]¥. N. Am. J. Diagn. & Pract., St. Louis. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg. Off. Rep., Chicago. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli. N. York Eclect. M. & S. J., Rochester. N. York Lancet. N. Zealand Off. Year - Book, Wellington, N. Z. Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch. zu Gotting. Geschaftl. Mitth. Nat. Hosp. & San. Rec, Detroit. North American (The) Journal of Diagnosis and Practice. De- voted to the interests of the practitioner. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1, 1898. 8°. National (The) Association of Railway Surgeons. Official report of the fifth annual meeting, held at Old Point Comfort, Va., May 25 to 28, 1892. Chicago, 111. 1 v., 1892. 8°. [Contin- uation of: [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chicago.] Nnova (La) rivista clinico-terapeutica. Napoli. v. 1, 1898. 8°. New York Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal, adapted to popular and professional reading. Rochester. Nos. 1, 4, 5, July, October, November, 1850; no. 7, January, 1851. 8°. New York Lancet, with which is incorporated: The Archives of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics. New York. No. 3, March, 1898. roy. 8°. [Continuation, in 1898. of: Lancet, N. Y.] New Zealand (The) Official Year-Hook 1897. Wellington, N. Z. 1 v., 1897. 8°. Nachrichten von der kduigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gdttingen. Geschaftliche Mittheilnngeu. Gottingen. 1894-7. roy. 8°. National Confederation of State Medical Examining and Li- censing Boards. [See Tr. Nat. Confed. State M. Exam. Bds., Easton, Pa.] National (The) Hospital and Sanitarium Record. Detroit, Mich. v. 1, 1897-8. fob National Society of Electro-Therapeutics. [.See Tr. Nat. Soc. Electrother., N. Y.] Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Ziirich. [See Festschr. d. uaturf. Gesellsch. in Ziirich.] [!■_>] Natuurk. Verhandel. v d. Ba- taafsche Maatsch. d. Weten- sch. te Haarlem, Amst. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Maat- sch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst. Nederl. gasth. v .. . te Utrecht. ooglrjders Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. Festbd. af Axel Key . . . Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Bataafsche Maatschappy der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Amsterdam, v. 1-2, 1799- 1603. 8°. [Continued as: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maat- sch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de koninklijke (voorhen Bataafsche) Maatschappy der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Amsterdam, v. 3-5, 1807-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Bataafsche Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst., and continued as: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Maatschappy der Weten- schappen te Haarlem. Amsterdam, v. 6, 1812. 8°. [Contin- uation of: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst., and continued as: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem. See 1. s.] Nederlandsch (Het) gasthuis voor behoeftige en nriiivermogende ooglijders, gevestigd te Utrecht. 28.-32. Jaarliksch verslag, met no. 21-32 der Wetenschappelijkebijbladen. Utrecht. 1 v., 1887-91. 8°. Nederlandsche psychologische Vereeniging. [See Psychol. Bi- hlioth., Amst.] Nenrological Laboratory of the Philadelphia Polyclinic. [See Init. Rep. Neurol. Lab. Phila. Polyclin., N. Y.] New York State Agricultural Society. [See Tr. N. York Agric. Soc, Alhany.] Nihonbashi-ku Sauitary Association. [See J. Nihonbashi-ku San. Ass., Tokyo.] Nordiskt medicinskt Arkiv. Festband af kamrater och larjungar tillegnadt Axel Key med anledning af bans trettiofemariga verk- samhet sasom professor i patologisk anatomi vid Karoliuska mediko-kirurgiska Institutet i Stockholm den 28 mars 1897, Stockholm, v. 30 (in 2 parts), 1897. 8°. o. Oesterr. Chem.-Ztg., Wien. CEuvre med.-chir., Par. Ohio San. Bull., Columbus. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg. Oto-rino-laringol. espafl, Ma- drid. Ohshestvo russkikh vracher v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [ .sVe Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev. ] Oesterreichische Chemiker-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fiir Nahrungs- mittel-Untersuchung, Hygiene und Warenkunde. Wien. v. 1, 1898. fob Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Gesundheitspflege. [See Monat- schr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien.] ffiuvre (L') medico-chirurgicale. Suite demonographiescliniques sur les questions uouvelles en mddecine, en chirurgie, en biolo- gic. Paris. Nos. 1-6, 1897-8. 8°. Ogata Byo-in jo-san-fu I-Kwai. [Ogata Hospital Mid wives' Medical Society.] [See Jo-san-no Shiori, Osaka.] Ogata Byo-in Kenkiu Kwai. [Ogata Hospital Society for Re- search.] See Iji Kwai Ho. Ogata Byo-in . . ., Osaka.] Ohio Sauitary Bulletin. Columbus, Ohio. v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. Ohio State Dental Society. [See Proc Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, Phila.] Ophthalmologische (Die) Klinik. Internationales Halbmonats- blatt fiir Pathologie und Therapie der Augenkrankheiten. Stuttgart, v. 2, 1898. 4C. Oto-rino-laringologia (La) espanola. Revista mensual de eufer- medades de oidos, nariz y gargauta y obras completas del Dr. D. Josd de Letameudi. Madrid, v. 1, 1898. 8°. P. P. & S. Plexus, Chicago. Pacific Med.-Dent. Gaz., Fran. San P. (The) & S. Plexus. Chicago, v. 1-3, 1895-8. 8°. Pacific Medico-Dental Gazette. A monthly magazine of dentistry oral surgery and medical miscellany. San Francisco, v 6' 1898. 8J. [Continuation, in 1898, of: Pacific Stomatol. Gaz.' San Fran.] [13] Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hop- kins Univ, Bait. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg. Pharm. Arch.. Milwaukee. Pharm. Rec, N. Y. Phil. Port. Series, Chicago. Phila. M. J. Physiat. Rundschau, Chemnitz i. S. Policlin., Brux. Praxis, Wurzb. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc, San Fran. Proc. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. Proc. Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, Phila. Proc. U. S. Vet. Med. Ass. Proc. Utah M. Soc, Salt Lake City. Proc.-verb. Soc. d. sc. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux. Psych. Rev., Bost. Psychol. Biblioth., Amst. Pub. Health, Phila. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash. Papers from the Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. 1 v., 1897. 8°. Peking Oriental Society. [See J. Peking Orient. Soc, Tsientsin.] Pennsylvania (The) Medical Journal. The official organ of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Pittsburg. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. [Continuation, in Juue, 1897, of: Pittsburgh M. Rev.] ° Pharmaceutical Archives. Milwaukee, Wis. v. 1, 1898. 8°. Pharmaceutical (The) Record. A semi-monthly journal of phar- macy, chemistry, materia medica, and the allied sciences. New York. v. 3-15, 1883-93. 4°. [Title of v. 1-2 was: Martin's Chemists' and Druggists' Bulletin.] Philosophical Portrait Series. Chicago. Pt. 1-2, 1898. fob Philadelphia (The) Medical Journal. Philadelphia, v. 1, 1898. roy. 8°. Philadelphia Polyclinic (Neurological Laboratory of the). [See Init. Rep. Neurol. Lab. Phila. Polyclin., N. Y.] Physiatrische Rundschau. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Na- turheilkunde und Volksgesundheitspflege. Zugleich Organ fiir die collegialen uDdsocialeu Interessen der physiatrischeu Aerzte. Chemnitz i. S. v. 4,1897-8. 8°. [Continuation, in July, 1897, of: Naturarztl. Ztschr., Chemnitz i. S.] Physiologisches Institut zu Amsterdam. [Sec Stud. d. physiol. Inst, zu Amst., Leipz. u. Heidelb.] Policlinico generale di Torino. [See Riv. iconog. d. sez. mal. nerv. d. Policlin. gen. di Torino.] Policlinique (La). Recueil semi-mensuel des travaux de la Poli- clinique de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. v. 1-7, 1892-8. 8°. Praxis (Die). Zeitschrift fiir die praktischeu Aerzte in kleinen Stiidten und auf dem Lande. Wurzburg. v. 1-2, 1896-7. 8L & roy. 8°. [Merged in: Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzb.] Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. Boston. 1898. 8~. [Bound with: Am. J."Physiol., Bost., 1898, i.] Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Third series. Geology. San Francisco, v. 1, 1897. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society, District of Columbia. Jan. 17, 1883, to June 10, 1885. [n. p.] 1883-5. 8°. Proceedings of the Tri-State Dental Meeting of the State Asso- ciations of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, held at Detroit, Michigan, June 18, 19, 20, 1895. Philadelphia. 1895. 8 \ Proceedings of the United States Veterinary Medical Association. V. p. v. 1-4, 1893-7. 8°. [Proceedings of First Veterinary Congress of America are contained in Proceedings of 30th annual convention.] Proceedings of the Utah State Medical Society. Salt Lake City. 1895. 80. Proces-verbaux des sdances de la Socidtd des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. Paris & Bordeaux. 1896-7. w . Provincial-Irren-Anstalt zu Nietleben bei Halle a. S. [See Fest- schr. . . . d. Prov. -Irren - Anst. zu Nietleben bei Halle a. S., Leipz.] Psychical (The) Review. A quarterly journal of psychical science and organ of the American Psychical Society. Boston, v. 1-2, 1892-3 to 1893-4. 8°. Psychologische Bibliotheck. Uitgegeven vanwege de Nederl. psycbologische Vereeniging. Amsterdam. No. 1, [1897]. 8°. Public Health. A quarterly journal of sanitation. Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1896-8. 8°. Public Health Reports. Treasury Department, United States Marine Hospital Service. Washington, D. C. v. 2-12,1887-97. [14] R. Rayons X, Par. Rendic. d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital., Pavia. Rendic. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. Rendic. d. sedute d. Soc. ottal. ital. Cong, gen., Pavia. Rep. Dep. Health, Chicago. Rep. Mass. Char. Eye & Ear In- firm., Bost. Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Me- xico. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par. Rev. encicb, Barcel. Rev. gen. de l'antiseps. et d. fer- ments therap., Par. Rev. illust. de polytech. med. et chir., Par. Rev. internat. de therap. et Phar- macol., Par. Rev. med., Quebec. Rev. med. et pharm. de l'Afrique du nord, Alger. Rev. du prat., Par. Rev. de psychol. clin. et therap., Par. Rev. quincen. de anat. patol. [etc.], Mexico. Rev. de sc. nat. e sociaes, Porto. Rev. du serv. de l'intend. mil, Par. Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Basel & Geneve. Rayons (Les) X. Annales de radiologie thdorique et appliqnde. Paris, v. 1. lsiK fob R[eale] Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna Rendic. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna.] [See [See Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Keale Accademia veterinaria italiana Accad. vet. ital., Torino.] Reale Societa italiana d' igiene. [See Atti d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano.] Reale Societa veterinaria italiana. [See Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Ac- cad. vet. ital. Torino.] Rendiconto dell' annuale Congresso della Societa ottalmologica italiana 18*6 e 18-7. Pavia. 1887-8. 8°. [Reprint from: Ann. di ottal., xv-xvi. Continuation of: Rendic. d. sedute d. Soc. ottal. ital. Cong, gen., Pavia.] Rendiconto delle sessioni della r. Accademia delle scienze del- 1' Istituto di Bologna. Bologna. N. s., v. 1, 1896-7. 8-. Rendiconto delle sedute della Societa ottalmologica italiaua. XI. Congresso generale dell' Associazione medica in Perugia. Riunione generale della Societa italiana d' ottalmolo^ia. [188.").] Pavia. 1886. 8. [Reprint from: Ann. di ottal., xv. Continued as: Rendic. d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital., Pavia.] Report (Biennial) of the Department of Health of the City of Chicago. 189r>-6. Chicago. 1897. 8~. Report of the Massachusetts Charitable Eye Sc Ear Infirmary. 1897. Boston. l>9s. 8°. Revista de anatomia patoldgieo y cliuicas. Periddico quincenal ilustrado. Mexico, v. 2, 1897. cc. [Continuation, in 1897, of: Rev. quincen. de anat. patol. [etc.], Mdxico.] Revue cliniqne d'andrologie et de gyndcologie (affections des organes urinaires et gdnitaux). Paris, v. 4. 1898. 8°. Revista enciclopddica. Fisica, qiiimica, farmacia, higiene, antro- pologia, biologia, psicoterapia, bibliograf ia, conocimieutos utiles, economia y medicina domdsticas. Barcelona, v. 1, 1898. 8-. Revue gdndrale de l'autisepsie et des ferments thdrapeutiques. Journal mensuel pour la vulgarisation des progres scientifiques. Paris. Nos. 13-28, Jan. 25, 1897, to Jan. 25, 1898. 8. [Con- tinuation of: Rev. gdn. de l'antiseps. mdd. et chir., Par.] Revue illustrde de polytechnique mddicale et chirurgicale. Re- vue mensuelle des inventions francaises et etrangeres concer- nant la mddecine, la chirurgie et les sciences accessoires. Paris. v. 1-11, 1888-98. 8°. Revue Internationale de thdrapeutique et pharmacologic Re- cueil mensuel. Paris, v. 1-6, l89:>-8. 8\ Revue (La) mddicale. Quebec, v. 1, 1897-8, fob Revue (La) mddicale (mddecine humaine et animale) et pharma- ceutique de l'Afrique du nord (Algdrie et Tunisie). Aleer. v. 1. 1898. roy. 8~. Revue du praticien. Revue iuternatiouale des sciences mddi- caleset Journal d'iutdietsprofessionnels. Paris, v. 1,1898. 8^. Paris. Revue de psychologic cliniqne et thdrapeutique 1897-8. 8°. v. 1-2, Revista quincenal de anatomia patoldgica y cliuicas mddica y quirurgica. Mdxico. v. 1, 1896. 8. [Continued, in 1897, as: Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Mexico.] Revista de sci. ncias naturaes e sociaes. Orgao dos trabalhos da Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro. Publicacao trimestral. Porto No 4, v. 1, 1890. 8°. Revue du service de l'intendance militaire. Paris N s 5 livr v. 10, 1897. 8°. ' "' " ' Revue trimestrielle Suisse d'odontologie, publide par la Socidte" odontologiqne suisse. Basel A: Geneve, v. 8, 1698. 8°. [Text German and French. See, also, Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahuh Basel & Geneve] [15] Riforma chim., Napoli. Riv. di chir., Napoli. Riv. di ginec. contemp., Napoli. Riv. iconog. d. sez. mal. nerv. d. Policlin. gen. di Torino. Riv. di med. leg., Milano. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli. Riv. quindicin. di psicol. [etc.], Roma. Riforma (La) chimica. Rivista internazionale settimanale di chimica pura ed applieata. Napoli. v. 1, 1897. 8°. Rigascbes Stadt-Kraukeuhaus. [See Aerztl. Her. d. Riga. Stadt- Krankenh.] Rivista (La) di chirurgia. Giornale quindicinale di chirurgia pratica. Napoli. v. 1, 1898. 8°. Rivista di ginecologia eontemporauoa. Napoli. v. 1, 1897. 8°. [Supplement to: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli.] Rivista iconografica della sezione malattie nervose del Policlinico generale di Torino. Torino, v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. [Reprint from : Boll. d. Policlin., Torino.] Rivista di medicina legale e di giurisprudenza medica. Milano. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Rivista mensile di psichiatria forense, antropologia criminale e scienze affiui. Napoli. v. 1, 1898. 8°. Rivista quiudicinale di psicologia, psichiatria, neuropatologia ad uso dei medici e dei giuristi. Roma. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Rossiyskoye farinatsevticheskoye Ob-vo vza'imnavo vspomosh- tshestvovaniya. [See Farm, vestnik, Mosk.] s. Saitake Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo. Samariter, Miinchen. Samml. gemeinverstandl. wis- sensch. Vortr., Berl. Samml. med. Schrift., "Wien. San. Med., Westerville, O. Saratov, zemsk. ned. Saratov, zemsk. ned. VI. Med. san. obzor. [Journal of Microbic Science.] Tokyo. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Zurich. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb. Select, essays & monog., Lond. Semanario de saude pub., Rio de Jan. [Saratov Provincial Weekly.] VI. Mediko - sanitarniy obzor. VI. Medico-Sanitary Review.] [See Festschr. d. Saitake Gaku Zasshi. Nos. 3-22, 1896-7. 8C Samariter (Der). Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Samariter-uud Rettungswesen. Zeitung des deutscheu Samariter-Bundes. Miiuchen. v. 3, 1897. 4°. Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftliche>r Vortrage, hrsg. von R. Virchow und F. von Holtzendorff. Berlin. 2. s., Hft. 25-48, 1867. 8°. Sammlung medicinischer Schriften. Hrsg. von der Wiener kli- nischen Wochenschrift. Wien. v. 1-10, 1889-90. 8°. Sanative Medicine. A journal devoted to the principles and practice of the Physio-Medical School of Medicine. Wester- ville, Ohio. v. 1-8, 1891-8. 8°. Saratovskava zemskaya nedielya. Saratov. ' Nos. 1-12, 1898. 8U. Saratovskaya zemskaya nedielya. [Saratov Provincial Weekly. Saratov. Nos. 1-12, 1898. 8°. Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. naturf. Gesellsch. in Ziirich.] Schweizerische odoutologische Gesellschaft. [See Schweiz. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve.] Schweizerische Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Zahnheilkunde. Hrsg. von der schweizerischen odontologischen Gesellschaft. Basel & Geneve, v. 8, 1898. 8°. [Text German and French. See, also, Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Basel & Geneve.] Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Chemie und Pharmacie. Organ des schweizerischen Apotheker-Vereins und des Vereins sebwei- zerischer analytischer Chemiker. Journal suisse de chimie et pharmacie. Organe de la Socidtd suisse de pharmacie et de la Societd suisse des chimistes analystes. Ziirich. v. 30-36, 1892-8. 8°. [Continuation, in 1892, of: Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., SchaIfhansen. "J Schweizerischer Apotheker-Verein. [See Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Ziirich.] Scottish (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edinburgh, v. 1, 1897. 8°. Selected essays and monographs. Translations and reprints from various sources. London. 1 v., 1897. 8°. Semanario de saude publica pela Sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, 1831. fob [16] Semi-Centen. Anaesthesia, Bost. Sieroterapia, Roma. Soc. Alumni City Hosp., N. Y. Sovrem. med. i hig., S.-Peterb. Sovrem. terap., Mosk. St. Louis M. Gaz. Statist, yezhegod. S.-Peterb. Stud. d. physiol. Inst, zu Amst., Leipz. u. Heidelb. Siiddeutsche Apoth. - Ztg., Stuttg. Syst. Dis. Eye (Norris & Oliver), Phila. Syst. Leg. M. (Hamilton & God- kin), N. Y. Semi-Centennial (The) of Ana'sihesia. October 16. 1846, October 16,1896. Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston. 1 v., 1897. 4°. Sieroterapia (La). Rivista della specialita. Roma. v. 1-2, 1897-8. 8C. Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro. [See Rev. de sc. nat. e sociaes, Porto.] Sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. [See Semanario de saude pub., Rio de Jan.] Societa italiana di scienze naturali. [. 8°. [v. 1 is 3. ed.; v. 2 is 2. ed. ; with v. 6 the word "Hollandse" changes to "Hollandsche".] Verhandluugen der Hufeland'schen Gesellschaft in Berlin. 1895-6. Berlin. 1897. 8°. w. Hyg. d. Weekly Drug News, N. Y. Wchnschr. f. Therap Auges, Brest. West. M. & S. Gaz., Denver. Wissensch. Mitth. d. Inst. z. Behandl. v. Unfallverl. in Bresl. [tfecTr. West Kent M. Wochenschrift fiir Therapie und Hygiene des Auges. Breslau. v. 1, 1897-8. fob ™ * Weekly Drug News. A technical and commercial journal, devoted to drug, chemical, and pharmaceutical interests. New York. Nos. 4-6, v. 5, December, 1882. fob West Kent Medico-Chirurgical Society, Chir. Soc., Blackheath.] Western Medical and Surgical Gazette. Denver, v. 1,1897-8. 8°. Winnipeg Medical Association. [.See Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg.] Winternitz (W.) [See Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr. W. Win- ternitz, Wien u. Leipz.] Wisseuschaftliche Mittheilnngeu des lustituts zur Behandlung vou Unfallverletzten in Breslau. Breslau. Hft. 1, 1897. roy. 8°. World's Columbian Dental Congress. bianDent. Cong., Chicago.] [See Tr. World's Colum- [10] z. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl. Zborn. zakona i uredaba u Kne- jevini Srbiji, Beogradu. Zool. Bull., Bost. Zool. Jahresb., Berl. Ztschr. f. Crim.-Anthrop., Berl. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. The- rap., Leipz. Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo. Ztschr. f. TJntersuch. d. Nah- rungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl. Zubovrach. sborn., Mosk. Zahnarztliche Rundschau. Centralblatt fiir Zahnheilkunde und Zahutechnik. Berlin, v. 7, 1898. 4°. Zbornik zakona i uredaba u Knejevine Srbiji izdanich od 18 Au- gusta 1880 do 26 Juna 1881. [Collection of laws and ordinances iu the principality of Servia.] Beogradu. 1 v., 1881. 8°. Zoological Bulletin. Boston, v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. [See Zool. Jahresb., Berl.] Zoologischer Jabresbericbt. Hrsg. von der zoologiscben Station zu Neapel. 1896. Berlin. 1897. 8 . Zeitschrift fiir Criniinal-Anthropologie, Gefangniswissenschaft und Prostitutionswesen. Berlin, v. 1, 1897. 8°. Zeitschrift fur diatetische und physikalische Therapie. Leipzig. Hft. 1, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Zeitschrift der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Tokyo. Tokyo. v. 7-11, 1893-7. 8°. [Japanese text. Continuation, inv?7, 1893, of: Ztschr. d. Tokio med. Gesellsch.] Zeitschrift fiir Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, sowie der Gebrauchsgegenstande. Zngleich Organ der freieii Vereinignug bayrischer Vertreter der angewandten Chemie. Berlin, v. 1, 1898. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Vrtlj- schr. ii. d. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Chem. d. Nahrungs- u. Genuss- mittel, Berl., with: Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel u. ihre Bezieh. z. Hyg., ii. forense Chem. u. Pharmakogn., Miinchen.] Zubovrachebnly sbornik. [Collection of dental medicine.] Moskva, v. 15, 1898. 8°. Zweite geburtsbiilflich-gynakologische Klinik in Wien. [See Ber. a. d. 2. geburtsh.-gynakol. Kliu. in Wien.] CATALOGUE. C. CAAGMAN. C. Cenni sopra 1' omeopatia e sopra la dieta o regime che per essa si prescrive. 7 1. 8°. To- rino, G. Bocca, 1838. [P., v. 1453.] V. C De cholera te Ramadan in Perzie in 1872. 11pp. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1873.] Hepr.from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1873, ix, 1. Afd. C*** Catalogue des ouvrages de mddecine, his- toire naturelleet littdraturecomposant labiblio- theque de feu M. le docteur ***. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Thoinas, 1891. C***. Catalogue de livres rares et curieux anci- ens et modernes composaut la bibliotheque de M. le docteur ***. 94 pp. 8°. Paris, £. Paul, L. Huard 4' Guillemin, 1891. C. (A.) SeeCordier (A.). C. (A. L. L.) Tichborne or Orton? The "crucial test" tested by A. L. L. C. Being a review of the photographic'test suggested in a recent pamphlet "for use in cases of disputed identity". 15 pp., 4 pi. 8°. London, [Whittingham <$• Wilkins], 1874. C. (D.) Mdtdorologie des cultivateurs, suivie d'un avis aux habitans des campagues, sur leursantd, et sur quelques-uns de leurs prdjugds. 130 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-J. Fuchs, an VII (1798). C. (E.) Bailey Microscopical Club; table showing the actual magnifying power of thirty-five mi- croscopical objectives of various makers, as de- termined at a meeting of the Bailey Microscopi- cal Club, held in New York, September 20, 1870. 21. 8°. [New York, 1870 ?] [P., v. 1100.] [C. (E. C. P.)] Hawthorn Lodge: its surround- ings, and what I did there. 24 pp. 16°. London, Lite $ Fawcett, 1884. [de C*** (Edmond).] Notice sur la ddcouverte de cadavres apres quaraute et uu ans de sejour dans la glace. 7 pp. 8°. Charnonix, V. Payol, 1861. C. (F. P.) See Cobbe (Frances Power). C. (G.) A treatise of mathematicall physick, or a briefe introduction to physick, by judiciallastrol- ogie, intreating very exactly and compendiously of the nature and quality of all diseases incident to humane bodies, by the naturall influence of the celestiall motions. * Written by G. C. sm. 4°. London, A. Kenib, 1653. In: Dariott (C.) Dariotus redivivus. sm. 4°. London, 1653, pp. 135-184. C. (G. B.). See l>ialogo intorno 1' opera degli errori, [e1;c.]. 8°. Milano, 1858. C. (J.). See Digby (Sir Kenelm). D' eminente oratie over 't glieuexen der wonden, doer het poeder, [etc.]. 8m.4°. Haer- lem, 1661.— Papin (Nicolas) ona (J. R.) Relatoria medico acerca das aguas minero-medicinaes de Cabeelben. [Erlangen.] 21pp. 8°. Nien- barg a. IV;, C. J. G. Gleuewinkel, 1892. Cabot (Arthur Tracy). A contribution-to the treatment of empyema. 13 pp. 12°. Cam- bridge, Riverside Press, 1883. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cix. -----. Papers upon genito-urinary surgery. I. Nephrotomy for hydronephrosis; recovery. II. The constrictor urethrie muscle; its relations to urethral pathology and treatment. III. Case of multiple calculi in the bladder. IV. Theapplica- tion of antiseptic principles to genito-urinary surgery. 39 pp. sm. 4°. Boston, D. Clapp 4' Son, 1886. -----. The same;. V. Notes on the treatment of stone in the bladder [etc. ]. VI. A ease of supra- pubic, lithotomy. VII. A case of hysterectomy for the relief of pyelitis from obstruction. 26 pp. sm. 4°. Boston, D. Clapp 4- Son, 1887. -----. The same. I. Notes on the non-operative treatment of enlarged prostate. II. A contribu- tion to the treatment of rupture of the bladder. III. A successful case of ureterolithotomy for an impacted calculus. IV. Observations upon the anatomy and surgery of the ureter. V. Pachy- dermia vesica?.. VI. A case of calculous pyelitis; suppression of urine for seven days; operation; recovery. 59 pp. sm. 4°. Boston, D. Clapp $ Son, 1893. CABRERA. Cabot (Arthur Tracy)—continued. -----. The same. XIV. Five cases of rupture of the urethra treated by external urethrotomy and suture. XV. A case of cyst of the kidney, ap- parently cured by a single aspiration. XVI. A case of cancer of the urethra. XVII. A case of scirrhous cancer of the bladder . . and a case of cystitis with ulceration. . . XVIII. A case of sacculated bladder, with autopsy. 2(5 pp sm. 4°. Boston, D. Clapp 4' Son, 1896. -----. A case of atresia ani urethralis; operation with relief. 7 pp. 16c. [Philadelphia, 1888.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii. -----. The. choice of operation for stone in the bladder. 16 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1889. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii. ----^. Bony anchylosis of the temporo-maxillary joint relieved by osteotomy of the neck of the inferior maxilla. 7 pp. 8°. St. louis, 1889. Repr. from: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1889, x. -----. A case of cystitis, with the formation of a thick epidermal sheet in the bladder—pachy- dermia vesicae. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc., Phila,, 1891, 11 a. ci. -----. Papers upon abdominal surgery. I. Cases of laparotomy for tubercular peritonitis. II. Two cases of laparotomy for penetrating Avounds of the abdomen. III. Notesoncomplicatiousmet with in cases of strangulated hernia. IV. Two cases of abscess of the liver implicating the pleu- ral cavity; operation with recovery. V. A case of relapsing appendicitis [etc.]. VI. Fifty-two cases of laparotomy undertaken for the removal of tumors. VII. Large papillomatous Cyst with ascites; laparotomy, [etc.]. 59 pp. sm. 4°. Boston, D. Clapp $• Son, 1891. -----. Cases of operation in spina bifida and en- cephalocele. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. Repr. from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1892, xvi, 121-128. -----. Remarks on the treatment of enlarged prostate. 22 pp. 8C. Boston, D. Clapp 4" Son, 1895. -----. The question of castration for enlarged prostate. 45 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1896. Repr. from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiv. See, also, Liicke (A.) Surgical diagnosis of tumors. 12°. Boston, 1880. Cabot (Richard C[larke]). The diagnostic and prognostic importance of leucocytosis. 24 pp. 12°: Boston, Damrell 4' Upliam, 1894. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxx. -----. The clinical uses of the preparations from the thyroid gland, pituitary body, suprarenal capsules, and bone marrow. 11pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1896. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila,, 1896, lxix. -----. The myelocyte of Ehrlich. 20 pp. 24c. Boston, Damrell 4' 'i'nham, 1896. Repr. from: Boston M. .—Ribeiro Ouimaracz (E. A.) Ac§ao physiologica e therapeutica da Carqneja (Cacalia amara, Veil.). Gaz. med. brazil., Riode Jan., 1882, i,81-83. Cacao [and substitutes]. See, also, Butter ( Vegetable); Chocolate. Blaxchkt (G.) * Etude sur le cacao. 4°. Montpellier, 1884. Cohn (H.) * Ueber Cacao als Nahruugsmittel. 8°. Strassburg, 1894. Graf (P.) * Die Bestandteile des Kakaofettes. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 1888. Kunze (W. E.) * Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Cacao-Alkaloide. 8°. Wies- baden, 1893. Lazarus (W.) *Das Gtycosid der Cacaosa- men. Ein Beitrag znr Entstehung der sehon liiiigst bekannten Cacaosamen - Bestandteile. [Erlangen.] 8°. Dusseldorf, [1893]. Milhau. Dissertation sur le cacaoyer. 12°. Montpellier, 1746. [Quilus, ou de Chills (M.-B.)] Histoire naturelle du cacao et du sucre, divisde en deux traitds qui contienuent plusieurs faits uouveaux, et beaucoup d'observations dgalement curieuses et utiles. 16°. Paris, 1719. HulNhoflT (S. K.) Eikel-cacao. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 33-41.—Wolfram (G.) Die quantitative Bestimmung des Theobromin im Cacao und in der Chocolade. Jahresb. d. chem. Centralstelle f. off. Gsudhtspflg. in Dresd., 1878, vi-vii, 76-80. Cacarrie (Louis-Joseph) [1863- ]. * Essai sur les amndsies toxiques. 112 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 333. Caccias^uerra (Matteo). Modificazione sulla legaturade'denti. 29 pp. 8°. Catania, II Leone di San Marco, 1864. Cacciaglicrra (Matteo)—continued. -----. Sopra 1' assorbimento delle radici dei denti di hitte 24 pp. 8°. Catania, Bellini, 1870. -----. Sulla estirpazione dei denti. 24 pp. 8°. Catania, [C. Galatola, 1877]. Date on cover: 1878. Caceiamali (Francesco). See Orsi (Francesco) |i/i 1 s] Lezioni di patologia e terapia [etc.J. 2 v. S°. Milano, 1878-9. Cacciapiioti (Francesco Paolo). Note cliniche su taluue malattie dei rem in rapporto con le malattie del cuore. 2 ed. 54 pp. 8°. Napoli, G. M. Priore, 1891. -----. Rumore sistolico del cuore. suo vaiore semiotico e clinico. Lczioue raccoltastenografi- camente. 2. ed. 41pp. 8°. Napoli, G. M. Priore, 1891. -----. Sulla cisti da echinocco della nulza. Le- zione clinica raccolta neJl' anno scolastieo 1889 28 pp. 8°. Napoli, G. M. Priore, 1892. Caceiola (Salvatore). Aleuue ricerchc sulla distribuzione dei nervi dell'intestino. 24 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1884 Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1884, xxvii. -----. Sopra un caso di atassia da lesioni cere- bellar!, osservazioni anatomo-patologichc. '24 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1885. -----. Angioite obliterante e sclerosi del nervo tibiale anteriore. [Also:] Uu caso di capsula surrenale accessoria aderente al renc. 7 pp.. 2 b, 2 pi. 8°. Padova, J'rosperini, 1885. Bound with his: Sopra un caso di atassia [etc.]. 8°. Padova, 1885. -----. Alcuni studi sulla etiologia della febhre migliare; nota preventiva. 19 pp. 8°. Padova, P. Prosperini, 1886. -----. Quattro casi di neoplasma del corpo pitnitario e qualche altra osservazione anato- inica. 56 pp., lb, 3 pi. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1886. -----. R. Univcrsita di Padova. Lezioni ele- mentari di anatomia patologica dettate per gli aliinni del terzo corso di medicina. Raccolte e pubblicate da F. Landucci e A. Omizzelo. 648 pp. 8°. Padova, P. Pizzati, 1886. Cacciuttolo (Domenico). Lettera sulla costi- tuzione epidemica accaduta nell' isola di Procida negli anni 1785, 1786, e 1787. Scritta ad un amico professore. 110 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Napoli? 1787.] Cachail (Henri) [1864- ]. *Kystes du cor- don et du canal de Nuck, leurs relations avec les hernies inguinales. 98 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 75. Caclielievre (Adrien-Adolphe). *Essaisurla variole. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, 1830, No. 933. Cachera (Charles) [1865- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude de l'erysipele a rdpdtition. 35 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 82. [Caelierano (G. Francesco M.)] De' mezzi per introdurre ed assicurare stabilmentela colti- vazione e la popolazione nell' agro romauo. Ixxx, 406 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Roma, Barbiellini, 1785. Cachetlis (Christophorus) [1572-1624]. Con- troversiaj theoricse i^racticse, in primam aphoris- morum Hippocratis sectiouem. Opus iu duas partes divisum, philosophis ac medicis perutile ac perjucundum, in quo qinecunque ad veme sectionem, purgationem, et probam victus ra- tionem pertinent, nou minus accurate, quam acute ac elegauter in utramque partem disputan- tur ac enodantur. 15 p. b, 799 pp., 2 1. 16°. Tulli, apud Sebastianum Phillippe, 1612. For Biography, see Bull. med. d. Vosges, Epinal, 1896-7, xi, no. 41, 68-73 [A. Fourmier]. CAOHEUX. 5 CADAVER. Caclieux ([Francois-Joseph-]Emile) [1844- ]. L'dcouomiste pratique. Construction et or- ganisation des crdches, salles d'asile, dcoles, habitations ouvrieres et maisons d'employds, hdtels pour cdlibataires, cuisines dconomiques, bains, lavoirs, cercles popnlaires, nourriceries, maternitds, dispensaires, hdpitanx, hospices, asiles de unit, postes de secours, mdcanisme, statuts, reglements des institutions de prdvo- yance et de bienfaisance. viii, 814 pp. 8C. Atlas, 3 p. b, 72 pb, fol. Paris, Baudry 4" Cie., 188.",. Cachexia. See, also, Addison's disease; Anaemia (Idio- pathic); Appetite (Abnormal, etc.); Bones (Soft- ening, etc., of) ; Cancer; Rickets. de Champesme (J.) * Sunt-ne cachexia? spe- cialis a singulis organorum degeueratioiiibus oriunda? ? 4°. Parisiis, 1824. VAX DER Colff (J.) * De cachexia. 4C. Havderoviei, 17(i4. Fischer (G. C.) *De cachexia. 4°. Erfordice, 1732. MAirs (J.) *De cachexia, sm. 4°. Basilew, 1620. Schkxcke (J. H. C.) * Diss, sistens geminam cachexia? indolein ac naturam. 4°. Jena?, 1760. Wedekind (G. C. G.) Ueber die Kachexie im Allgemeiuen und iiber die Hospitalkachexie insbesondere, nebst einerpraktischeu Einleitung iiber die Natur des lebendigen Korpers. 12°. Ofen, 1798. BratNon (G. T.) The value of cachexia in the diag- nosis of malignant disease. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlvii, 45-48. — Oubkr, De l'augmentation subite des globules blancs du sang dans la periode ultime des cachexies. Tnion med., Par., 1859, 2. s., iii, 5-12. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1858-G1), 1861, iv, 310-318. — Grassi (B.) & Calandruccio. Intorno ad una malattia paras- sitai ia (caches.sia ittero-vermiiiosa o cachessia acquosa o marciaja). Atti d. Accad. Gioenia di sc. nat. in Catania, 1885, 3. s., xviii, 229-234. — Hutchinson (J.) Three cases of a severe and aggressive cachexia, in association with scar-leaving eruptions on the extremities. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1889, i, 21-32. — IVIenjot (A.) De cachexia. In his: Diss, path., 4°, Par., 1665, ii, 637-644.—Potain. Vh cas de cachexie sans lesion reconnue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxfi, 85. [Cacioppo (Gioacchino) et al.] Sulla eucefa- lite epidemica; rapporto della facolta medica presso il magistrato supremo di salute in Palermo. 8 pp. r°. Palermo, G. Barravecchia, 1844. [P., v. 1130.] Cacoiiionade (La); histoire politique et mo- rale, traduite de l'allemand du docteur Pangloss, par le docteur lui-meme, depuis son retour de Constantinople. 12°. Cologne, 1756. Reprinted 18—. Cactina. iTly«'rs (O. M.) Cactina; a new and valuable cardiac stimulant: its origin, physiological action, therapeusis, etc. X. York M. J., 1891,' liii, 681-683. Cactina pillets in foetal circulation. 12 pp. 12-. [ St. Louis'], 1894. Cactina at home. 12 pp. 12°. St. Louis, Mo., [18-]. Cactus. See, also, Cactina. Masson ( L. ) * Contribution a l'dtnde des cactees. 4°. Moniptllicr, 1.^90. Uubini (If.) Cactus grandirlorus, patogenia osservata sull' iiomo sano e convalidata sul ma- lato. 8°. Napoli, ls(i4. ISoinvt (E.) &Boy-TeigHier (J.) iStudesnr Taction cardiaque du cactus graudiflora. Bull. gen. do th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1891, exxi, 343-349.—Hale (E. M.) On the toxic, pathogenetic, and therapeutic qualities of the cacta- ceai. X. Am. J. Homo-op.. X. Y., 1*90, 3. a., v, 417-428. Also, Reprint.—Herwir*ch (('.) Fluid extract of cac- tus grandiflorus as a heart stimulus. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 444-446. —l.c-win (L.) Ueber Anhalonium Lewi- nii und andere Cacteen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- Cactus. kol., Leipz., 1894, xxxiv, 374-391.—Sharp (G.) Cactus grandiflorus; its literature, composition, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Practitioner, Lond., 1894, liii, 161-178.— Snader (E. R.) A contribution to the study of the clinical uses of cactus grandiflorus as a cardiac medicine. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1895, xxx, 580-596.—Wilcox (R. W.) Cactus grandiflorus; a clinical study. Post- Graduate, N. Y., 1891-2, vii, 85-99.—Williams (P. W.) Cactus grandiflorus. Practitioner, Loud., 1891. xlvii, 266- 273. Also: St. Louis Clinique, 1891, iv, 493-497. Cadanjac. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Cadaqiies. Marti (R.) Topografia medicadeCadaques; memoria del puerto de Cadaques y poblaci6n aneia, correspondiente al ano de 1888. Bol. de sau., Madrid, 1889, iii, 941-947. Cadaval. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Cadaver. See, also, Adipocere; Death (Apparent) and signs of death; Ecchymosis (Cadaveric); Rigor mortis. Dupont (C.-G.) *De la perte de poids que subissent les cadavres daus l'air atmospherique. [Paris.] 4°. Angers, 1889. Forckenbeck (F.) *Diss. inquirens causam perfectse depletionis vasorum majorum in cada- vere detects. 4°. Harderovici, 1764. Garmann (C. F.) De miraculis mortuorum. sm. 4°. Lipsice, 1670. -----. The same. De miraculis mortuorum libri tres, quibus praemissa dissertatio de cada- vereet miraculis in genere. Opus physico-medi- cum . . . beato autoris obitu interveniente edi- tuni a L. I. II. Garmauuo. 4°. Dresdos et Lipsiw, 1709. Horstius (G.) lue-iptc de naturali conserva- tione et cruentatione cadaverum ubiexcasu quo- dam admirando et singulari duo problemata, quai sequens pagina monstrat, dedncuutur. Ac- cessit brevis responsio ad eundem casuni a Facili- tate Medica Viennensis Academiae conscripta. Editio nova margiualibus illustrata et addita exercitatione de somno et somniis aucta. 16°. Wittebergce, 1608. Macintyre (P.) *De causis arteriarnm, post mortem, vacuitatis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Pasta (A.) Epistolse ad Alethophilum Ansa, altera de motu sanguinis post mortem ; altera de cordis polvpo in dubium revocato. 4°. Bergami, 1737. Brown - $«~'qiiar«l. Prolongation exceptionnelle de certains actes reflexes de la moelle epiniere, npre-s la mort. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 101.—Carles (P.) Sur une efflorescence blanche [of cholesterine?] de- veloppee sur le corps d'un agonisant. Gaz. med. de Bor- deaux, 1873, ii, 181.—Carson (J.) On the vacuity of the arteries after death; communicated to the Roy. M. &Chir. Soc. Lond., 1820. In his: Essays Physiol. & Pract., 8°, Liverpool 1822,29-47.—Corin (G.) Ueber die Beschaffen- heit des Leichenblutes. Internat. klin. Itundschau. Wien, 1894, viii, 1721-1726.— Do^iol (J.) L'etat du cceur aprea la mort. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886,' i, Sect, de physiol., 47-52, 1 pi.— Falk (F.) Ueber postmortal Blutveranderungen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl, 1889, n. V., 1, 271: 1890, Iii 215: liii, 76.—Formation of crystals in cadavers. Seimt. Am., N.Y., 1897, lxxvi, 263.—Fragments of historic humanity. Practitioner, Lond., 1896, lvii, 2*8-292.—von llofuinnn (E.) Ueber einige Leichene)■schehmngen. Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 1449; 1489.—.Icanselmc (E.) & IjW- moycz (M.) l^tude sur la contractilite post mortem et sur Taction de certains muscles, dapres des experiences faites sur des cadavres de choleriques. Arch, de physiol. norm. et path., Par., 18S5, 3 s., vi, 109-159.— Ko«fl (A.) [Ueber die von Dr. Monti ausgefiihrten Versuche zur Demonstra- tion der Reductionserscheinungen, welche nach dem Tode in thierischen Geweben auftreten.) Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, 547.—ITIaclicnzic (S. C.) Notes on phenom- ena occurring after death. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 167-171.—itlalvoas (E.) Les facteurs internes de la putrefaction des cadavres. Progres med., Par., 1897, 3. s., CADAVER. 6 CADAVER. Cadaver. vi, 11* — .Marshall (J. X.) Observations on the changes which take place in the pupil alter death, and the action of atropine and other alkaloids on the dead eye. Lancet, Lond., ]88.\ ii. 286-2*8. Alto, transl.: Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 1048; 1077 — Martin (E.) Un cas curieux de spasme cailaveii(]ue. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1896, xi, 278-280.—IV. 3\. Delia naturale incorruzione de' cada- veri. In hix: Kae. (V opusc. scient. e filol., 16°, Venezia, 1732, vii, 341-409.—Ogston (F.) A curionsinatanceof ca- daveric spasm. Edinb. M. J., 1882-3, xxviii, 80S.—Picon &-. Itamond. Methode pour etudier sur le cadavre les changements de position quo subissenf les organes abdo- minaux sous l'influence des organes voisins. Compt. rend. Soc do biol.. Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 746.— Puga Borne (F.) f view] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1888-9, xxiv, 39-77.—Beriihcim (H.) Eutwurf eines Leichenschaugesetzes fiir das Konigreich Preussen. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1892. xvii, 57; 05; 77; 90; 101; 113; 125; 149; HI2; 173; 186; 193; 205; 217; 229; 242; 249; 257; 269; 282.~Bcrthcrand (E.-L.) De la necessite de creer une morgue a Alger. Bull. Soc. d. sc. . . . dAlger, 1870, vii, 218-220, 1 pi. — Bljlh (A. W.) The disposal of the dead. Tnternat. Health Exh. Confer., Loud., 1884, [no. 2], 259-278. Also: Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health, Lond., 1883-4, 200-218. Also [Abstr.]: Pub. Health, Lond., 1874, ii, 54.—Bonnamaux. Projet de maison mortuaire. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, ii, 238-240.—Brcituns (M.) Ue- ber neuere Leichenanstalten; eine hvgienische Studie. Deutsche Med.-/tg.. Berl., 1886, vii, 221; 285; 531; 543; 555; 563.—Briiii;liiii'ftt (It. R.) The funeral director as a sanitarian. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn. 1889-90, Har- risb., 1891, vi, 407-471.—Itrouanlrl (P.) Enseignemeut de la inedeeine legale; modifications k apporter aux dispositions interieurcs de la morgue. Progres med., Par., 1879. vii, 89; 110; 132; 291; 310. -----. Installation d'appareils frigorifiques a. la morgue. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 63-70. Also, Reprint. -----. Les d6pots mortuaires. Ann. d'livg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiv, 289-294. Also, Reprint.—Hi oii:n«l« I (P.) u Ules- nil (O.) Les sepultures; projet de revision du decret du 23 prairial au XII. [Rap 1 Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxvi, 385-408.— Burdctt (II. C.) The neces- sity and importance of mortuaries for towns and vil- lages, with some suggestions for their establishment and management. Rep. Cong. San. lust. Gr. Brit., Lond.. 1880, ii, 97-120.— Burial and cremation. Practitioner, Lond., 1895, lv, 400-470. — Bnrnny (E.) Sobre a organi- sacao de uma morgue n'esta cidade [Lisboa]. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1888, Iii, 193-202. — Christian burial and cremation; a note and a query. Lancet, Loud., 1896, ii, 1260.—Clark (A.) The disposal of the dead. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1892, iv, 247-25:!.—Collins (W.J.) The provisions of coroners' courts and mortuaries in London. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1890, v, 387. — Cooper ( C. H.) On the burial of the dead. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1894-5, xv, 567-574.—Cow- ley (A J.) Sobre ei estado de conservacion de varios ca- daveies; informe dado a. la junta superior de sanidad. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1879, xv, 205-209. -----. Ensenanza delamedicina legal; instalacion de una morga en csta capital; reformas en la de Paris, (ion. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1879, v, 344-351.— Darrcux (C.) Notice sur les inhumations. Ann. du Cons, de sahib, pub. de Liege, 1844, i, 49-56.—Decret portaut reglement dad- ministration publique determinant les conditions applica- bles aux divers modes de sepulture. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 4s5. — Devcrjjie (A.) Statistique de la morgue pour lanneo 1836. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1837, xvii, 310-333. -----. Statistiquedecennalede la morgue, 1836-46. Ibid., 1851, xlv, 182-215.-----. Notions generates sur la morgue de Paris, sa description, son service, son systeme hygi6- nique: de l'autopsie jndiciaire, comparee h, l'autopsie pa- thologiquo. Union med., Par., 1877, 3. a., xxiv, 077; 713; 749; 797. Also: Ann. d'iiyg., Par., 1878, 2. s., xlix, 49- 79.— Discussion de la question des depots mortuaires. Bull. Acad, roy.deiued.de Belg., Brux., 1879. 3. s., xiii, 977- 98::.—Discussion (A) on the disposal of the dead ; in the section of public niediciueattheanimalineetingof the Brit- ish Medical Association held in Bournemouth, July, 1891. Brit. M .L, Lond., 1891, ii,627-631.—Disposal ol'thodead. Brit. M. J., Lond., Is93, ii, 859.—Douglas (J Ci Inhuma- tion in Indian towns. MadrasQ. J. M.Sc. 1867-8, xii, 24-31. -----. De la creation de maisons ou depots mortuaires a. Paris. Bull. Soc. denied, pub. 1879, Par., [1880], ii, 248- 254. Also: Rev. d hyg., Par., 1879, i, 908-914. [Discus- sion J, 1880, ii, 38; 229. -----. Depot mortuaire a Bru- xelles. Ann. d'iiyg., Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 377-379. -----. Les depots mortuaires h Paris. Ibid., 1884, 3. 8.. xi, 325- 331—Duncan (E.) The reform of our present methods of disposal of the dead; earth-to-earth burial versus cre- mation. San. Jour. Glasg.. 1887-8, n. s., xi, 193-212, 1 pl._ OADAVEK tndaver (Care and disposal of). Kklunil (A. F.) Alcune osservazione sul mode odierno di trattare i corpi morti, con proposte per ovviare agli in- couvenienti piu notevoli esistenti. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1886, vi, 124, 163. Also, transl. [Abstr.); Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1880. 3. s., ii, 300-302. — Felix (J.) Sur la cremation et sur un nouve.au systeme de cerrnoils, le tachyphage, au point de vue de l'hygiene publique et privee. Cong, internat d'livg. et de demog. C. r. 1894. Budapest," 1896, v, 407-409. — Fischer. 1st von der Leiche eines an eontagioser Kiankheit Gestoibenen Anstecknng zu besorgen? Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1835, xliii, 103-181.—Fischer. Das neue Leiehenhaus in Ulm. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1872-3, xxv, 20-30.—Fliuzer. Leber Nothwendigkeit und An- lage von Leichenliiiusern. Deutscho Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1880. xii, 163-160. 'Also, transl.: Ann. d'livg., Par., 1881, 3. s., vi, 543-550.—Gianni (C.) & Cialli (L.) Le case mortuarie. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1882, iv, 161-174.—Good (A.) La morgue a Paris et les nouveaux appareils frigorifiques. Nature, Par., 1886-7 xv, 99-102.—CJribble (W". H.) Mode of disposing of our dead. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1892-3, xvi, 250-263.— Crriflith (J. D.) Innocuous transportation of the dead. Am. Pub Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1895, xx, 123-129.— Guernsey (R. S.) Law relating tothe, removal of corpses after buiial. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1882. x, 519-526. — <»uil- bcrt (E. A.) Cremation or earth-burial, which? Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1896, xi, 9-28.—Gnirand. Rapport de la sous-commission charged d'etudier le nouveau procede de disinfection des cadavres. Rec. d. actcs du Comite med. d. Bouohes-du-Rhone, Marseille, 1877-8, xvii, 156-160.— linden (F. S.) The rational disposal of the dead ; a plea for legislation. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, ix, 86-91. -----. The rational and sani- tary disposal of the dead. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1893, xiii, 323-345.—Hardwickc. On public mortuaries for large towns. San. Rec, Lond., 1878, ix, 205. — Har- vey (C. A.) The sanitary disposition of the dead. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890, xiv, 637-640. Also: J. Frankl. Inst, Phila., 1889, 3. s., xcviii, 362-371.—Hay (G.) Sepulture versus cremation. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 687-690. -----. Economy in the disposal of the dead. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1888, ii, 73-78.—Hicks (A. B.) The preservation of the dead in mortuaries and elsewhere. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 226. — Hutton (A. W.) Quick- lime versus cremation. Health, Lond., 1885, v, 34: 50.— Jagannailhan (P. R. H.) Cremation and burial. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1895, iii. 410-418.—Jones (A. E.) Disposal of-the dead. Health Lect., Lond. & Manchester, 1888, xi, 73-1(13.—Keber. Sind Todtenflecke wirklich das erste und niemals fehlcnde Zeichen der Faul- niss? Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1852, iv, 359. — Kiichen- meistcr ( F.) Die verschiedenen Bestatfungsarten menschlicher Leichname, vom Anfange der (leschichte bis heute. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1885, n. F., xiii, 324: xliii, 79: 1886, n. F., xliv, 388: 1887, n. F., xlvii, 381. — Lacassaguc (A.) De la necessite de construire a Lyon une morgue et de creer dans cette ville un etablissement public servant d'obitoire on maison mortuaire. Ann. Soc. do med. de Lyon, 1880, 2. s., xxviii, 194-228. Also: Lyon med., 1881, xxxvi, 259; 294. -----. Morgue etobitoire. Hyg. deLyon. C. r. Cons d'livg. pub. du Rhone, Lyon, 1887, 320-358.—Lmfollyc &, lYapias (H.) Rapport sur la creation de maisons ou depots mor- tuaires a. Paris. Bull. Soc. de med. pub. 1879, Par., [1880], ii, 316-328 Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, ii, 38-49.— Lamoiiroiix (A.) Cr6ation des maisons mortuaires h Paris. Ann. d hyg , Par., 1881, 3. s.. v, 61-79. — Landr, A propos du retard apporte dans les inhumations. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1891-2, xxi, 69-72. —Lawrence (F.) Ou the danger to health arising from burial in imperishable coffins Tr. San Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1885-6, vii, 282-286. ----- On disposal of tho dead. Tr. San. Inst. 1892, Loud., 1893, xiii, 121-120. — IiCgislucion de fecha atrasada de sanidad fenestra (1807-JS8S.) I Sol. de san., Madrid, 1888, ii, 862-894. — Lelomiicaii (C.) Sepultures. Diet. eucyel. d. sc. med.. I'ar., 1880, 3. s., ix, 229-244. — Liberie des funerailles: reglement des divers modes de sepultures. Ivec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de Frame 18(49, Par., 1890, xix, 784-790.— 1. iman. Das neue Leicheuschauhaus in Berlin. Vrtljschr. I. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1880, n. F , xlv, 170-178. — l/owiitlc* (I\ W.) The disposal of the dead in Liverpool, past and present. San. Rec, Lond., 1875, ii, 237-241. -----. The disposal of the dead; burial and cremation. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1887, n. s., xliv, 195. -----. Cremation or burial; the dis- posal of the dead in and around Liverpool. Liverpool M.-Chir J., 1888, viii, 439-447. -----. The new mortuary Prince's Dock. Ibid.. 1891, xi, 109-116. — Unrsil (D.j Lea inhumations. Inion mod. du Canada, Montreal, 1890, n. s., iv, 171-175. — Tiailin (J. W.) The disposal of the dead. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 306. — iTIartin Oil (R.) Necropolis 6 eolnmbarios. Gac. med catal., Barcel., 1894, xvii, 1; 33. — Tlnrtius (G.) Ueber Leichenhauser. Friedreich's 151. f >>ericbtl Med., Niirnb., 1895, xlvi, 436-459. — du ITIesnil? De la creation de maisons ou depots mortuaires a Pails. Rev. CADAVER. 9 CADAVER. Cadaver (Care and disposal of). d'hyg.. Par., 1879, 1, 908-914. — Millares (L.) Algunos dates acorea do la inhumacion como practica fuueraria admitid.i enEspaiia; resiinien histdrieo: valor higienico de los cementerios. Bol. d. Ateneo de alumnos intern, do la Fac.domed. deBarcel., 1882-3, ii. 100-115. — Mitjavila (V.) E\tracto del ensayo italiano sobre sepulturas, sacado del suplemento al semestre niedico-clinico. Peri6d. Soc, de salud pub. do Cataluna, Parcel., 1821, i, pt. 2, 1-16. — Moore (J. T.) How shall we dispose of the dead? Univ. Med.. Galveston, 1895-6, i, 204-212. — Moore (W. O.) Cremation: incineration; completion. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull , N. Y.. 1890, ix, 516-518. — Morale* (R.) Morgue de Lima Monitor med., Lima, 1891-2, vii, 178. — Morris (J.) The proper disposal of the dead. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Uep. 18>5, Concord N. H., 1886, xi, 78-88. Also: San- itarian, N Y., 1880, xvi, 50-64. -----. The necessity for a morgue, and the proper disposal of the dead in the citv of Baltimore. Rep. Bd. Health Maryland, Annap.. 1886,'88- 91. — Mortuaries. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 829 —de IVadaillac. Inhumation and incineration. J. Acad. Nit. Sc. Phila., 1897, 2. s., xi, 139-142. Also, Reprint. — Nasse. Leber dioBenutzung von Leichenliiiusern. Med. Cor.-Bl. rlieiii. u. westfiil. Aerzte, Bonn, 1842, i, 62-04.— Noycs (LP.) Artistic disposition of the hodv; a sug- gestion. Phrenol. .1., N. Y., 1882, n. s., xxv, 149-152.— IVew ( The ) Mausoleum Company's svstem of sanitary entombment. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1890, 3. s., xcix, 306-309, 1 pi. — Parker (W. W.) Burial versus crema- tion. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1880. 137-144. — Pen. cocke (J. M.) The disposal of the dead. Brooklyn M. J., 1889 iii, 449-484. Also. Reprint. — de Pietra Santa. Moyenne par periode decennale des cadavres reeus a la morgue de 1830 a 1381, et moyenne de l'augnientation de la population pendant la meme periode. J. d'hyg., Par., 1882, vii, 497. -----. Res Parisienses; le premier depot mortuaire municipal. Ibid., 1891, xvi, 181; 195.— Polizei- Verordiimig des koniglich preussischen Regierungs- Prasideuten zu Hannover, hetreffend die Beerdigung meuschlicher Leichen. Vom 8. Dezember 1886. Veroffeutl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1887. xi, 41. — Porter (J. N.) Gas-tight graves. San. Rec, Lond., 1882-3, n. s., iv, 289- 291. -----. Burial reform. Ibid., 1888-9, n. s., x, 162-166. -----. Mortuary reform. Ibid., 1890-91, n. s., xii, 5; 57.— Probst (C. O.) Report of the committee on the disposal of the dead. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1895, xxv, 1028-1034.— Resiolaiuento speciale di polizia mortuaria. Aramin. san., Montegiorgio, 1891, i, 1; 9: 17; 25. Also: Monitore d. med.. Roma, 1892, iii, no. 41, 1-8.—Report of the Kings County Morgue. 1881-2; 1887-8. Rep. Dep. Charities & Corrections, Kings Co.. N. Y.. Brooklyn, 1882, 111 : 1888, 109.—Report of the morgue for the vear 1878-9. Rep. Health Dep. St. Louis, 1878-9. ii. App. H, 1-4, 1 tab—Ri- ley (IL A.) The law of burial. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii. 5-9.—Robinson (W.i On improved method of interment. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1886-7, Lond., 1887, viii, 83-80.—Rogers (S. A.) Address to the graduating class of the Memphis Hospital Medical College. [What dispo- sition shall we make of our dead?] Memphis J. M. Sc, 1891-2, hi, 33-40.—Rohe(G.H.) The non-necessity of any- radical change in the present svstem of disposal of the dead. Tr. M.& Chir.Fac.Maryland, Bait,, 1885,100-166.—Riitfer (C.) Ueber Bestattungsmethoden. Gesundheit, Frunkf. a. M., 1889, xiv, 193; 209.— Snnvcur [ D.-J.-J. ] De la police, des deces et des inhumations. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1842-3, ii, 482-537. Also, Reprint.— Schocnfeld. Les transports mortuaires, specialement par cliemin de fer. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 809-827.— Schuster (A.) Beerdigungswesen. In: Handb.d. Hyg., etc., S'\ Leipz., 1882. 2. Theil, 1. Abth., 1. Hlfte., 253-300.— Scrvizio mortun io per la eitta. di Torino. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1803, 2. s., xlvi, 49-62. —Smith (F. A. A.) What to do with the dead. Prov. M. J., Lei- cester. 1889, viii, 258-261. —Smith (W. R.) Embalming as a sauitary means of disposing of the dead. Univ. Med., Galveston, 1895-6, i, 234-239—Suite de la discussion de la question des depots mortuaires. Bull. Acad, row de med. de Belg., Brux., 1879, 3. s.. xiii. 977; 1057; 1121; 1161: 1K80, 3. s., xiv, 33; 167— Nil iter (A. W.) On the disposal of the dead, with special iclerence to the prevalent practice of embalming. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 1034- 1038. — Tainas (T.) Verbrennungsofen und Transport- wagen fiir Cadaver. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1892, xvi, 385-389.—Tedcschi (G.) La "morgue" di Pa- rigi. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1894, v, 42,1 pi. — Thompson (Sir H.) On recent proposals relating to burial and crema- tion, and the importance of disinfecting all bodies dying from infectious disease; with remarks on the present sys- tem of certifying the cause of death. Tr. vii. Internat, Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, ix, 79-85. Also, Reprint —Transportation of dead bodies. Rep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Concord, 1889, viii, 101-106.—Treat (C. R.) Sanitary entombment; the ideal disposition of the dead. Sanitarian, N. V., 1889, xxiii, 519-532. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1889, Concord, 1890, xv, 186-200. Also: Rep. Bd. Health Indianapolis 1889, Indi- anap , 1890, viii, 242-257.—Trolard. Necessite de crea- tion de chambres mortuaires et de morgues a Alger. Alger Cadaver (Care and disposal of). med., 1883, xi, 101-108.—Van Vranken (A. T.) Buried or burned, which? Albany M. Ann., 1893, xiv, 97-103.__ Wegman (J.) Description of the new city and county morgue. Med. & Surg. Rep. Cook Co. Hosp. 1890 Chicago 1891, 29-32. — Westhofeu ( E.) Leber Leichenhallen! Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rheiu. Ver f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1881, x, 51-56—Wickcs (S.) Sepulture; its methods and re- quisites. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1883, 137-260.— Wiemers ( W. F. ) The advantages of cremation as a lueansof disposal of thedead. N Am". Pract..Chicago, 1892, iv, 253-261.—/amora (J. L.) 89. Also, transl. in: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1890, n>F.. liii, 84-95. -----. Kto prav? Po povodu ekspertizi o uasilstvenuoi smerti Kapitana Gizhdeu. [Who is right! Apropos of the expert evidence in the case of the violent death of Captain Gizhdeu.] 8J. Kiev, 1890. Etude meVlico-le'gale sur les causes de la mort du Baron de Reinach. Par P. Bronardel, P. Schutzenberger, H. Richardiere, J. Ogier, A. Vil- liers. 8-. Paris, 1893. Feltmax (G.) Traetatus de cadavere inspi- ciendo. Iu ciijusrecessu, prseter ea qua? iu froute promittuntur, varia de fuueribus, sepulturis, medicis, vulneribus, veneuis, cruentatiouibus, similisque argument! rebus edissertantur. Ad- jicitur disceptatio alterplex ad L. per agrum, xi. c. de servit. et aqua, quaruni prior est de tran- situ exercitus, altera, de vehiculis sibi obviis, cum riorum sparsione et indite, sm. 4C. Gro- ningcc, 1673. -----. The same. Adjiciuntur discepta- tiones binte ad L. per agrum xi. c. de servit. et aqua, quaruni prima est de transitu exercitus, altera de vehiculis sibi obviis. 2. ed. 4°. Bre- moB, 1692. Fleischmaxn (G.) Leicheiioffnungen. 8°. Erlangen, 1815. Folli (F. ) Intorno alia cronologia della morte; osservazioui e ricerche di medicina legale. Tesi di laurea presentata il 30 giugno 1892. 8°. [Bologna, 1892.] Frextzelics (S. F.) Commentatio historica, de cadaveribus humanisad prsesentiam occisoris cruentatis. Oder vom Bluteu toder Corper im Gegeuwart des Thiiters. 4°. Francofurti et Lip- sice, 1753. Fulxtes (M.) Apuntes sobre exhumaciones y autopsias y modelos de reconocimientos m6dico- legales. 12°. Lima, 1873. Gerber (B. R.) * De legitima cadaveris oc- cisi sectione occasione art. cxlix. c. c. c. 4'J. Halce Magdeb., 1761. Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). Great Britain. Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council of Iveland. Mandeville inquest. Re- turn to an order of the House of Commons, dated 13 August, 1888, for copy of trauscript of short- hand writers' notes of proceedings. 13 August, 1888. fol. London, 1*88. Great Britain. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Weir, Thomas (inquiry as to cause of death). Return to an address of the House of Commons, diited 2 July, 1895, for "Re- turn of the report of an inquiry ordered by the Secretary of State for the Home Department into the causes of the death of a patient named Thomas Weir, at St. Ann's Heath, Virginia Water, held by Mr. Gully, (). C, assisted by Dr. George H. Savage July 6, 1895. fol. London, 1895. (it'RWiTSCH (S.) * Experimentelle Unlersu- chungeu iiber Leicbenveriindernngen zur Be- stimmung des Alters der Leichen iu gericht- lichen Fallen. ^°. Bern, 1889. Guyot (C.) *De cadaverum sectionibus pa- thologicis, et recto ex illis ferendo judicio. 8°. Groningw, [1818]. Gvozdeff (I.) Pervichnly naruzbnly os- motr miortvavo tiela izvestuoT lichnosti. [First external examination of the cadaver of a given individual.] 8°. Kazan. 1887. Harris (T.) Post-mortem handbook, or how to conduct post-mortem examinations for clin- ical and medico-legal purposes. 12°. New York, 1887. Hebexstreit (J. E.) De corpore delicti, me- dici secantis culpa incerto disserens, ad sectio- neni publicam cadaveris foeininini, quaauatomen foro applicatam expositurus est . . . commili- tones convocat. 4°. Lipsiw, 1743. Ixquest on the death of Agnes E. Lottimer, before Dr. George C. Ball, coroner, Brooklyn, N. Y. 8°. New York, 1854. Jatjmes (A.) *Des caracteres propres a faire distinguer les ldsions faites pendant la vie, de celles qui peuvent avoir 6t6 produites apres la mort. 4°. Montpellier, 1835. Kapatsinski (N.) *K voprosu o trupnikh pyatnakh i differeutsialnoi diaguostike pri- zhiznenuikh i posmertnikh ssadin i strangulya- tsionnoi borozdki. [On cadaveric spots and dif- ferential diagnosis of ante-mortem and post-mor- tem excoriations and strangulation furrows.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 18*2. Kirchmaier (T.) Diss, pbysica de cruenta- tione cadaverum, fallaci illo prsesentis homi- cidal indicio, von dem Bluten eines gowaltsaru- entleibten Corpers, alseinem ungewissen Merck- mahle der Gegeuwart seines Morders, ex causis potissimum naturalibus deducto . . . 1669. 4°. Halw Magdeb., 1726. Kirkpatrick (J.) Some reflections on the causes and circumstances that may retard or prevent the putrefaction of dead bodies, occa- sioned by an account of a body found entire and imputrid at Staverton in Devonshire, eighty-one years after its interment; in a letter to the So- ciety of Navy Surgeons. With an attestation of the fact, and of the similar state of three bodies discovered fourteen years since in St. Martin's, Westminster, and interred there last century. 8°. London, 1751. Klkinberg (A.) *Todesursaehen bei plotz- lichem Tode. Gerichtsarztliche Studien auf Grundlage von 277 Beobachtungen aus Dorpat und Riga. [Dorpat.] 8°. Mitau, 1892. VON Kobylecki. Gerichtsarztliches Vade- mecum zum practischen Gebrauche bei Obduc- tionen, nach dem Regulativ zusammengestellt CADAVER. 12 CADAVER. Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). fiir Gerichtsiirztc, Sanitatsoffiziere, Candidaten des Physikatsexamens und Studirende. 12°. Hamburg, 1890. Kraus ( L. A.) Praktische Anweisung zu geri(;htlicben Leichen untersnchungen, besonders zur Vorbereitung auf gerichtliche Sectiouen und zuin uninittelbaren Gehrauch bei denselben fiir gerichtliche Aerzte und Wundiirzte und fiir Rechtsgelehrte. 2. Anfl., mit einem Schluss- worte iiber Leichenbiiuser und verwandte Ge- genstande. 8J. Hehnsledt, 1837. Larix (E. A.) * Travmaticliesk'ia ssadinl, prizhizuenniya i posmertniya; mikroskopiches- koye izsliedovanie. [Traumatic excoriations produced during life and after death; micro- scopic investigation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1*01. Leshtshixski (M.) *0 pronikanii zbidkikb veshtshestv v dlkbatelnlye puti cbeloviecheska- vo trupa. [On the penetration of liquids into the respiratory passages of dead bodies.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, lV>8. Lombroso (C.) Sulla mediciua legale del cadavere, secondo gli ultimi studi di Germania ed Italia trattati. Tecnica, ideutita, fisiologia, velena del cadavere. 2. ed. 8°. Pinerolo, 1890. Louis (A.) Me"moire sur une question anato- mique relative a la jurisprudence; dans lequel on 6tablit les principes pour distinguer, k l'in- spection d'un corps trouve pendu, les signes du suicide d'avec ceux de l'assassinat. 8°. Paris, 1763. Maxuale sul regolamento disciplinare portato dalla notiticazione governativa di Milano, 20 ottobro 1838 risguardante il seppellimento dei cadaveri umani con module per atti di notifica- zione, verificazionc e visita,e con esempj di morti apparent! o relativi, efficaci soccorsi, utile ai parrocbi, coadjutori, medici, chirurghi, leva- trici, commessi, anziani, cursori, custodi,ecc.,ed a qualsivoglia altra persona interessata all' eseguimento di questa legge. Composto dal Andrea Amati. 8°. Milano, 1839. Maschka. EinigeBemerkungeiivom gerichts- iirztlichen Standpuncte zu Hrn. Dr. Lambl's Votum in Palacky's Scbrift: "Zengenverhor iiber den Tod Konig Ladislaws von Ungarn und Bohmen im Jahre 1457". Cutting from: (?) 141-150. Molchanoff (V. A.) *K ucheniu o trupnikh pyatnakh. [Study ou cadaveric spots.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Niemann ( A. ) Gerichtliche Leichen-Oeff- nungen. Er.^tes [bis viertes] Hundert, in 3 v. 8°. Erlangen, 1856-62. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1856-62. Oboloxski (X. A.) Posobnik pri sudebno- meditsinskom izslyedovanii trupa i pri izslyedo- vanii veshtshestvennikh dokazatelstv. [Aid in the medico-legal examination of the corpse and in the search for material proof.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1894. Oi.livier d,Angers. Considerations medieo- lcgales sur certaiiies productions resultant de la decomposition des cadavres, et qui peuvent, dans qnelques cas, aider a de"couvrir la cause de la mort. 8°. Paris, [1*19, vet sub^eq.]. Pfaezius (C.) »fc Blatschmied (C.) Do lluxu sanguinis e corpore occisi ad prasentiam occisoris. 4°. Lipsiw, 16t>4. Preuss ([F.] W.) * Ueber die Altersbestim- mung von Leichen. 8J. Berlin, 1895. Raynaud (T.) De incorruptione cadaverum, occasione de niortui beminei corporis post ali- quot secula incorrupt i, mi per refossi Carpeuto- racti. 2. ed. 12°. Aravsioni, 1651. Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). Regelativ liir das Verfabren der Gerichts- iirzte bei den geriehtlichen Untersnchungen menschlicher Leichen. 8°. Berlin, 1*75. Richter ([J.] C.) Geiichtsarzliche Obduc- tionstabellen. 1. & 2. Abtb. 16°. Liincburg, 1841. Ridder (O.) * Ueber krimiuelle Leichenzer- stiickelung. 8 . Berlin, 1897. L'ociiorx (J. A.) *An causa morbi, aut sal- tern mortis, semper e cadaveris extispicio patet? 4°. Parisiis, 1*21. Schema zur foreusischen Obduction. 8°. Braunschweig, 1880. Schnierer (J.) *Diss. med. inang. sistens extispicia cadaverum decern. In: ije Wasseuberg. Op. miu. med. et diss. 8°. Yin- dob., 1770, iv, 1-36. Souokix (I.) Dielo o Mironoviche, Semiono- voi i Bezak, v sudebno-meditsiuskom otnoshe- nii. [The medico-legal points in the trial of Mironovich, Semionova, and Bezak. ] 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1885.] State of Michigan. File No. 347. House of Rep. No. 686. [Introd. by Mr. Sawyer.] Rep. without recommendation by committee on judi- ciary. Lansing, April 22, 1879. A bill to pro- vide for the holding of inquests upon the view of bodies of deceased persons, and to repeal sec- tions 7970, [etc. J. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] Stich (A.) Ein niediciniscb-forensischer Fall. 8°: Berlin, 180H. Srccow (H. E.) Die gerichtlich-medicinische Beurtheilung des Leichenbefnnds. 8°. Jena, 1849. Telgmann (R. F.) *Dissertatio jnridica de frustranea. cadaveris inspectione in homicidio (dass die Besichtigung bei gescbebenen Mord vergebens sei). 4C. Recusa [Helmstadii], 1731. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to provide for inquests under national authority. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1985. Introd. by Mr. Hoar, March 26, 1886. row 8°. [ Washington, 1886.] Virciiow (R. [L. K.]) Die Sections-Technik im Leichenhause des Charit6-Krankenhauses, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf gerichtsaiztliche Praxis. Erweiterter Abdruck aus dem ersten Jahrgange der neuen Charite-Annalen. Im An- hange: Das Regulativ fiir das Verfabren der Gerichtsiirzte bei den geriehtlichen Uutcrsu- chungen menschlicher Leichen vom 6. Januar- 13. Februar 1875. *°. Berlin, 1876. -----. The same. 3. Anil. 8 ;. Ber Un, 1884. -----. The same. 4. Anfl. 8J. Berlin, 1893. -----. The same. A description and ex- planation of the method of performing post- mortem examinations in the dead-house of the Berlin Charite" Hospital, with especial reference to medico-legal practice. [Transl. by T. P. Smith.] 12°. London, 1876. -----• The same. Post-mortem examina- tions, with especial reference to medico-legal practice. [Transl. from the 2. German ed. by T. P. Smith.] 12°. Philadelphia, 188(1. -----. The same With additional notes and plates. From the 4. German ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1885. Weber (J.) *BeitriLge zur Lebre von der Diffusion an der Leiche vom gerichtsiiiztlichen Standpunkte aus. 8-. Berlin, 1894. Westeriioff (A.) * Do cadaveribus auctori- tate publica lustrandis. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1738. Wiener (D. ) Conunentar zu den Instrnc- tionen fiir das Verfabren der Aerzte bei den geriehtlichen Untersnchungen menschlicher Leichen. An der Hand der deutschen Straf- processorduuug, Eutscheidungeu des Reichsge- CADAVER. 13 CADAVER. Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). ricbts, der bezuglicheu Ministerial-Erlilsse und Bemerkungen der Revisionsbehbrden. Auhang: Ausziige aus Obergutacbteu von Revisions- behbrden betreffend Obductionsberichte. 8°. Wien, 18*8. Wistrand (A. T.) Tabeller for medicolegala- obductioner. [Tables for medico-legal exami- nations.] 8°. Cpsala, 1838. Accarain (C.) Un et ran fie casde . . . mort natnrelle. Clinique, Brux., 189:!, vii, 322-324. — AdauiN ( Z. B.) Death supposed to have been caused bv violence. Boston M. &. S. J., 1894, exxxi, 576. Also: Tr. Mass. Mod.-Leg. Soc, Cambridge, 1895, ii, 187-192.—Adloil. Erhangen, Erwiirgen oder Erdrosseln? Gattenniord durch Strangu- lation: Versuch die Leiche zu verbrennen, inn jede Spur zu vertilgen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1881, n. F. xxxiv, 19-25.—Aguirre (J. J.) &. Purl ma T up- per (F.) Exhuniaciones de cadiiveres i cereruonias de cuerpo preseute. Rev. med. de Chile, Saut. de Chile. 1883- 4, xii, 135; 173.—Aigrc (D.) Suicide ou homicide? frac- ture du cricoids; corps etranger du larynx. Ann. d'hvir. pub., Par., 1893, 3. s.. xxx, 496-502. Also: Rev. de med. leg , Par., 1893-4 i,218-223.—Albani (F.) Lanuoreseiua, nell' accertaniento del decesso. Gior. di med. leg., Lanci- ano, 1897. iv, 170-174.—Andercn (Voneineni) schleunigen Tode; Historic. K. Akad. d. "Wissensch. in Par. . . . Ab- handl. 1701, Bressl., 1749, i, 579-582. — Amicrcii (Von eineni) jahlingen Tode nach cingenoiumeuer Arzeney; Historie. Ibid., 582-586.—Angeli (C. L.) Sulla niorte di Mariano e Costantiuo, fratelii Xeri, trovati niorti nel proprio letto la notte dei 23 marzo 1790 dimoranti nella villa della Costa Territorio di lliolo, cagionata da molte pianticelle di Josciamo nero niangiate la sera; osserva- zione. Rac. diop. med. mod. ital., Boiogna, 1827, v, 343-349.— Augustiu (F. L.) Von den Kennzeichen zur Entsehei- dung der Frage: Ob ein im Wasser gefundener Mensch lebendig ins Wasser gerathen und darin ertrunken, oder ob er vovher gestorben und hernach ins Wasser i;e\vorfcn sey? Arch. d. Staatsarznk., Berl., 1803-4, i, 11-50.—An- topsy table in the coroner's department of the New York Hospital. Hydraulic ..t San. Plumber. X. V., 1882-3, i, 161. — lta.be (J. M.) Informe sobre la causa de la muerte de A. . . . C. . . . Trab. Coin. d. med. leg. e big. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873-4, ii, 362-371. -----. Informe en averiguacion del origen de la muerte del moreno F. C. Au. r. Acad, de cien. in6d. .. . de la Habana. 1888-9, xxv, 157-172. — Kaphas (G. C.) To i.Ki(f>a\ov TTi-u/tta. raAT^bs, 'AOi^at, 1896, 201; 233; 297; 239; 361 ; 426.—Hayern. Instruktion fiir das Verfabren der Aerzte im Konii;reiche Bayern bei den geriehtlichen Untersu- chungenmeuschlicherLeichcn. DeutscheMed.-Ztg.,Berl., 1881, ii, 17; 33; 47; 62; 77; ,-9; 106; 122; 138; 158; 174, 193; 210; 227; 242; 258.—Becker (T. C.) The legal status of the dead body; the disposal and obligation to disposeof the same; how and by whom it may be exhumed or re- moved; autopsies, by whom ordered; the rights of rela- tives and accused persons; including an appendix contain- ing a synopsis of the statutes of the different United States andTerritoriesconcerningsame. In: Witthaus&Becker. Med. Jur. [etc. 1, 83, N.Y., 1894, i, 295-327— Bel I in (E.F.J Ekspertiza po dielu ob otravlenii Rostovskavo na Donu pochotnavo grazhdanina Nikolaya Maksimcuko: nasil- stvennayasmertiliyestestvennaya, otravlenie mishyakom iii tif? [Expert testimony in the case of the poisoning of I N. Makshuenko, of Rostov; violent or natural death, poi- soning by arsenic or typhoid?) Vestnik. obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt med., St. Petersb., 1891, x, 3. sect., 47; 87. -.---. Sudebno-meditsinskoye znachenlo omileniyatrupov; obra- zovania v nikh zhir'ovoska. [Medico-legal value of the saponification of the cadaver; formation of adipocere.] Ibid., xi, 3. sect., 31-53. — Bergman (F. A. G.) I be- grafniugs- och likbranningsfragen ur medicinsk syn- punkt. [The question of burial or of cremation from a medical point of view.] TJpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1888-9, xxiv, 39-77. Also, Reprint.—von Bcrginann. Super- arbitrium der k. wissenschaftl. Deputation fiir das Me- dicinal wesen iiber die Frage: Ob der Tod des J. G. S. durch die demselben am 10. October 18S2 von dem Guts- pachter V. zugefiigten Vcrlctzuugen verursacht worden ist? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1883,n. V., xxxix. 193-198.—von Bergmuiiii cfcSkrzeczka. Superarbi- trium der k. wissenschaftl. Deputation fiir das Medici- nalwesen, betreffend Moid oder Selbstmord. Ibid., 1892, 3. F., iv, 1-14— Berlingcri, Raiuaroni & Sloupy. Rapport sur le proces-vei bal d'autopsie a l'occasiou de la mort de M. Dosquet, dit Saint-Eline. Soc. de med. leg. de Fiance. Bull., Par., 1885, viii, 370-382.—Bernt (J.) Visa reperta [etc.] Gestorbener: An der Entziindung der Brust und Baucheingeweide. In his: Visa reperta u. gerichtl.-med. Gutachten. Wien, 12^, 1827, i, 164: 1838, li, 188: 1845, iii, 133. — Bertholon. Examen d'un cadavre <16capit6 trouv6 dans un puits k Rhadez (Tunisie). Arch, de l'authrop. crim., Par., 1887, ii, 574-578. — Binswanger (0. S.) Medico-legal post mortem examinations. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Orog., Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). 1897, v, 211-224.—Bliiinenstok (L.) Kazuistykasadowo- lekarska; sprawozdanie z wazniejszych pi zypadk6w. [Medico-legal cases ; report of the most important cases.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1877-82, xvi-xxi, passim. -----. Zur Beautwortungder Frage. Ob Moid, Selbstmord, oder Zufall? Handb. d. gerichtl. Med., Tubing., 1881, i, 439- 480. -----. Orzeczenia sadowolekarskie Wydzialu lekar- kicsgo Univ. Jagiell. [Medicolegal contributions of the medical faculty of Jagollon University.] 1'rzegl. lek., Krakow, 1882-92, xxi-xxxi, passim. — Bochcr ( C.) Om obligatorisk Lijjsyn ved Lager. [Compulsory post- mortems by physicians. 1 I'uiesk. f. Lager, Kj^henh., 1895, 5. R..'ii, 112 - 1157. — Bogdan ((I.) Suicide ou assassiuat? Deux rapports in6dico-legaux. Bull. Soc. de mod. et nat. de Jassy, 1896-7, x, 125-138. Also: Med. orient., Par., 1897, i, 147-154. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1897, iv, 77-83.—Bond (T.) Notes on the Althorp murder. Westniinst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, viii. 41-47.— Bontidorir (E. J.) Undersdkning, huruvida lakareu genom legal section kau utreda, om den ddde blifvit nior- dad eller driipen [etc.]. [Examination of cadaver in sus- pected murder.] Finska liik.-sall.sk. handl., Helsingfors, 1846, iii, 167-269.—Bourncville & Bricoii (!'.) De l'organisation des services d'autopsie. Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 345-349.—Bowditcli (II. P.) The collection of data at autopsies Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Cambridge, 1880, i, no. 3, 139-141.—Bowditcli (H. P.) & Harris (F. A.) On the collection of data at autopsies. Ibid., 1878-87, i, pp. xvii-xx. Also, Reprint. Also: Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1882, cvii, 305.—Bremmc. Ist Fran X. an den Folgen der Diphtheritis oder der Vergiftung (lurch Belladonna uestorhen? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1881, n. F., xxxv. 30-42— Bremian (J. R. M.) Exhuma- tion after fourteen years' burial. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1237.—Bristow (A. T.) Medico-legal inspections and post-mortem examinations. In: Hamilton & Godkin. Syst. Legal Med., 8°, X. V., 1894, i, 25-56.—Brouardcl (P.) Du service des autopsies m6dico-leuales a la morgue. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1878, cxlii, 581-595. -----. Le moment de la mort au point de vue medic-o-le^al. Rev. scient., Par., 1888, xii, 738-741.— Brouardc 1 (P.), Ri- chardierc Sc Ogier. Les causesdelamortdeM.de Reinach. [Ab.-tr.] Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1893-4, i. 17- 21.—Brugnoli ( G. ) Osservazioni e ricerche medico- legal! sopra un cranio umano. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st, di Bologna, 1892-3, 5. s., iii, 288-291.—Bruinama (G. W.) Verplichte lijkschouw. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1886, 2. R., xxii, 537-549. -----. XTog iets over verplichte lijkschouw. Ibid., 1887, xxxiii. 598- 600. — Buckhain (T. R.) Autopsia cadaverica legalis. Med.-Leg. J., X. Y., 18S5-6, iii, 396-406. — t'. S»fistica- cion de nn muerto. Rev. med.-social, Madrid, 1892, no. 24, 3.—de la Calle (L.) Informe para decidir si los an- tecedentes facultativos estan arreglados & la ciencia y si la muerte del asiatico Luis fue determinada por el (olera esporddico, 6 k consecuencia de un fuerte golpe, y si k los diez dias de muerto pudo la putrefacciou boriar las huellas de este. Trab. Com. de med. leg. 6 hig. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien.m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1872-3, i, 186-194. -----. Consulta con el fin de averiguar si la muerte del negro Domingo fue ocasionada por haberle pasado por encima del vientro un vehiculo cargado con siete cajas de aziicar. Ibid., 302-313. -----. Consulta para determinar si una mujer en el octavo nies del embarazo puede presen- ciar impasible el incendio de su linica propiedad y resistir durantn algun tienipo la influencia del calor. Ibid., 549- 551.—Camillcri (F.doP.) Importancia de laautopsia. Gac. de 1. hosp., Valencia, 1883, ii, 366-369.—Carrara (M.) Lesioni agonali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 430.-----. Mutilazione dei genitali in un cadavere. Ibid., 4'jK._CanN8c (S.) Cadavre trouv6 dans l'anfractuosite d'un rocher et reduit k qnelques ossements; suicide pro- bable par inanition. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878, 2. s., xlv, 317- 330. Also, Reprint. — C'erne. L'affaire de Malaunay; experts et contra-experts. Xormandie med., Rouen, 1897, xii, 85-94.— ('crvrrn (It.) De la terccra comisiou de medicina forense en causa por usurpacidn de estado civil. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1893, xiii, 5-53.—Charticr. fitudode criminologie retrospective; un pr6sideut amor- tier au Parlement de Bourgogne, assassin, coudanme et execute. Arch, d'anthrop. dim., Lyon & Par., 1897, xii, 122-35.—< hlumwky. Fchlen der Todteuflecke nach dem Verblutunsrstode. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1895, 3. F. x, 22-28. -----. Moid oder Vcrungliickung ? Be- gutachtuug nach 13 Jahren. Ibid., 1897, 3. F., xiii, 111- 129. — Circularc von der kaiserl. konigl. Landesre- gierung im Eizherzogthume Oestcneich unter der Euns in Betreff der Todteubeschau. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1797 i 313-320.—Clarke (H. B.) A case of delayed pu- trefaction. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cix, 598. — Cohn. Tod des Arbeiters A. K. (lurch eigene oder fremde Schuld ? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1891, 3. F., ii, 265-269.— Consulta sobre honorarios facultativos por exhumacion y autopsia del cadaver de D. J. . . . C. . . . A. . . . Trab. Com. do med. leg. e hi a. pdb. de la r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1872-3, i, 168-170. — Contcstacion k diversas preguntas hechas con motivo de la muerte del CADAVER. 14 CADAVER. Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). negro Miguel, Congo. Ibid., 123-128.—Cornaz. [Apro- pos dune triple exhumation.] Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1891, xi. 53. — Cornaz (E.) & Rfjiiiri (L.) pfcre. Rapport medico-legal sur un individu trouve mort dans le lit du Seyou, ii la suite dune rixe. Echo m£d., Xeuchiit.. 1860, iv, 586-595. Also, Reprint.—Co u- git. I'm eas de fratricide, ; expertise medico-legale. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xviii, 187-199. — Coutagne (H.) Trois faits medico-Iegaux difficiles k interpreter; asphyxie par strangulation et suffocation; fracture du crane. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1893-4, 484-488. Also: Lyon med., 1894, lxxvi, 464-471. -----. Diagnostic difl'e- re'ntiel du suicide et de l'assassinat; affaire de Mont merle. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1894, ix, 283; 411, 1 pi.— Cowley (L. M.) Cue tiones relativas k la putrefaccion de los cadaveros y al reconocimiento de la raza y del sexo. Trab. Com. de med. leg. 6 hig. pub. de la Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1874, iii, 20-33. —Croston (J. F.) The Crosbv homicide. Boston M.' & S. J., 1890, cxxxiv, 332-334. — Degranges (E.) &. I.alargue (E.) Obser- vation de medecine legale; soupcon d'empoisonnenient par l'acide arsenieux: la cause presumed de la mort pai ait etre la circulation dans le systeme arteriel des principaux organes, d'une substancoorganiquespeciale, ayant l'aspect de corpusculcs inorganiques; anatomie pathologique dc cet etat maladif du liquide sauguin, li6 ii une chlorose. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1851, ix, 347; 407; 497. Also, Re- print,— Be Sanctis (T. L.) Revisione di perizia me- dico-legale (seziouc d' accusa). Morgagni, Xapoli, 1881, xxiii. 672-676. -----. Medicina legale; revisioui di perizie. Ibid., 1883. xxv, 29-34. — Dcschamps (A.) Asphyxie par un haricot k la suite de contusions alidominales et re- nales; mort. Arch de l'anthrop. crim.. Par., 1891, vi, 479- 481. -----. L'affaire Achet au point de vue iu6dioo-16gal. Ibid., 1892, vii, 18-24. — Dictamcu de la segunda comi- sion de medicina forense en causa por lesiones que produ- jeron la muerte k las veinticuatro boras sin asistencia faoullativa. Au. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1895, xv, 353- 367. — Diebcrg (C.) Hundert gerichtliche Sectionen ; verrichtet undaualysirt. Vrtljschr. f gerichtl. u. ott'. Med., Hcrl.. 1864, xxv, 299-379. Also, Reprint. — Discovery (The) of human remains in Marylehone. Lancet. Lond., 1897, i, 1765. — Diltiioli (P.) Ueber emeu Fall von Selbsterdrosselung; ein Reitrag zur Lehre vom Morde und Selbstmorde. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berk, 1896, 3. F., xii, 300-321.—Draper (F. \V.) Was it a murder or was it a suicide? A medico-legal enigma. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Cambridge, 1890, ii, 85-92. — Dworui- Isclienko ( S.) Ueber die Thymus des Erwachsenen in gerichtlicb-medicinischer Beziehung. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berk, 1897, 3. F., xiv, 51-61.—Kaston (J. A.) Chargo of culpable homicide; marks of violence on head, softening of right lobe of cerebellum, and of a poriiou of middle right lobe of cerebrum ; apoplectic extravasation in both of these situations. Month. J. M. Sc., Edinb., 1851, xiii, 430-133. Also,inhis: Contrib. to Leg. Med.,8°, Edinb., 1851, 3-6.—Kmmert (C.) Mord oder Selbstmord? Ein Fall aus Lissabon. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879, ix, 321; 359. -----. Ueber gerichtliche Leichenuuter- suchungen. Ibid., 1881, xi, 369; 412. -----. Beitrage zur forensen Casuistik. II. Zufiilliger Tod oder Moid? Fried- reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Is'iirnb., 1882, xxxiii, 170-177.— Frhardt (F.) Selbstmord (Erhangen) oder Mord (Er- drosseln) mit Aufhangen der Leiche. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berk. 1894, 3. F., viii, 102-107.— Kriiian. Zwei nmmificirte Leichen. Ibid., 1884, n. F., xl, 33-36.— Fula (D.C.) L' autopsia nell' identificazione del cada- vere. Corriere san., Milano, 1896, vii, no. 24, 2-4.—Falk (F.) Celier Formulirung von Obduktions-Protokollen. Preuss. Med.-Beamtcn-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl., 1889, vii, 20- 27. -----. UeberpostuioitaleBlut-Verauderniigen. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1890, n. F., Iii, 215-233.—Fci- gel (L.) Zagadkowa smierc sp. M. R. Otrucie czy smi- erc naturalna? [The mysterious death of M. R. Was death caused bv poisoning or wasit natural?] Wiadomosei lek., Lw.'.w, 1887-8, ii, 132; 107.—Feroci (A.) Colicaper iudigestioue; niorte rapida avvenuta dopo diciotto ore; resultati negativi dell' autopsia cadaverica e dell' analisi chimica; considerazioui concernenti gli avvelenamenti sospettati e le niorti ra|)ide uelle euteralgie e in altri stati morbosi. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1885, cclxxi, 161-201.—Fesslcr(.I.) UeberGesundheitsschadigungund Tod durch psvchische Insulte. Friedreich's Bl. f. ge- richtl. Med., Xiirnb., 1.-91, xiii, 93-125. — Figuier (L.) Experiences qui prouvent qu'il ne se forme pas de sucre apres la mort dans lefoie des animaux. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1857, xliv, 1213-1216. — Firket (C.) Du but et de l'organisatiou des services d'autopsies. Ann. Soc. med.-chir.de Liege, 1883, xxii, 246; 277; 325; 371. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1883, 1,' 387-400.—Fischer. Die Leichenschau iu Beziehung der Hygieine. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Gebmtsh., Wmnen- den, 1880, xxxi, 331—343.—Fish (D. B. X") The Dunbar tragedy: was it a murder, or was it a suicide? Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1878-87, i, 3.19-367. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxv, 272-276. —Fiirslag till stadga om hvad iakttagas borvid rattsmediciuska under.sokniugar af Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). ddda menuiskors kroppar. [Medico-legal examination of dead bodies.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1882, xliv, 220-233.— Fontanel* (F.) Apuntcs medico legales para asistir al levantamiento de un cadaver. Union med., Lerida, 1895- 6, i, 38; 53; 71—Fox (('.) Violent (cephalic) death with- out external trace. Ulust. M. Xews. Loud., 1888-9, i, 80.— Freeman (R. ti.) .Multiple cavities in the liver from post-mortem decomposition. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (1889), 1890, 25-27. — F re ye r. Kruhzeitiger Eintritt von hochgradigem poslmortalem Emphysem der Haut und in- nerer Organe; Todesursache: traumatisches Erysipel. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1884, n. F., xl,'37-41. ___'—. Moid oder Selbstmord ? Eiii Xeben-( iutachten. Ibid.. 1880, n. F., xlv, 43-51— Fricdbcrg (II.) War die Entziindiusg des Brustfelles, an welcher der Schmierer Z. gestorben ist, die Folge eines Eisenbahuunfalles? Ge- riehtsarztliches Gutachten. Ibid., 1881, n. F., xxxiv, 226- 245. -----. 1st die Entziindung des Brustfelles, der Lunge und desZwerchfellesunddioDarinblutung.welche den Tod des Arbeiters Hugo A. herbeigefiihrt hat, die Eolge einer Brustwunde? GericbtsarztlichcsCutaehten. Ibid., xxxv, 45_55.—Frolich. Tod durch Erhangung, oder Erdrosse- Iung, oder Typhus. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. (iff. Med., Berk, 1869, n. F., xi, 57-68.—i Fue o no envenenada? Do- cumentos niedico-legales referentes alfallecimiento do ^Ma- ria Lnisa Frizar. Cion. med., Lima, 1888, v, 321-351.— Oalan ( M. ) Informe sobre calificacion de hci-idas y causa de la muerte del asiatico Oliva. Trab. Com. de med. leg. 6 hig. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Ha- bana, 1872-3, i, 239-249. — CSarcia (G. M.) Primer in- forme para averiguar si la herida observada en D. A. . . . P. . . . pudo sella causa exclusivade la muerte. Ibid. ,344- 348. -----. Informe paradeterminar la causa de la muerte deD. A. . . . A. . . . G. . . . Ibid., 573-580. —---. Consulta en averiguacion si la muerte fue consecuencia tie sevicia, 6 de un enveiieiiamiento por el opio. I bid , 1874, iii, 75-80.— <»arria Ijcbrcilo (J.) Informe enun caso dc muerte por sevicia. Ibid.. 97-129. — Garnicr (L ) Sur les autopsies medico-legales k propos d'un cas do mort rapide avec sus- picion d'empoisonnenient. Rev.med. del'est, Nancy, 1890, xxii, 609-613. -----. Les organes destines k l'expertise chimique ; note critique sur les precedes suivis pour lea recueillir dans les autopsies. Ann. d'iiyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 227-234— Oodiulio de Faria (J. C.) Os depoi- mentos e iuterrogatorios de algumas testemunhas nas au- diencias do julgamento no processo Urbino de Freitas. Correio med. de Lisb., 1894, xxiii, 22; 28; 53; 62; 91; 104; 114.—de Cordon (M.) Informe en un caso de muerte. despues de contusioncs, y suspension del caddver. Trab. Com. de med. leg. e hig. piib. de la Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1874, iii, 418-483. — Gordzyalkovslti (I.) Znachen'ie dlla posmertnavo diagnoza trupnikh izmiene- niy naruzhnikh pokrovov. [ Value for post-mortem diag- nosisof cadaveric changes of external pails.] Shorn, trud. Kharkovsk.Vet. Inst. (1887), 1889,;,305-34(;.—Gosse (H.J.) La photographic apres deces. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxvi, 526-535. — Granirr (R.) Ueber Obduktionen in Unfallsachen. Aerztl. Saehverst.-Ztg.,Berl.,1890,ii,49-53.— Gullinannng (B.) Cachexia iucurabilis ex cadaveris anatome se manifestans. Acta Acad. nat. curios, 2. ed., Norimb., 1727. i, 6-9. — Gutachtcn-Kuriosiiiii (Ein). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 389. — Gutachten in der Untersuchungssache gegen den Stabsarzt a. D. Dr. G. in G. wegen fahrlassiger Todtung. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1892,vi, 1995; 2040; 2083; 2125.—Haak- man Trcsling(T.) Zelfmoordof moord? N. derl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1882, 2. R., xviii, 289-293.— llauseei (S.) Det medikolegale Ligsyn. [The medico- legal iio-t-iiiortein] Ugesk. f. Lasger, Kjobeuh., 1895, 5. R., ii. 709-775.—Ilartcop (F.) Zwei uugewohnlicho Ob- diiktionsbefunde. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berk, 1897, x, 417-422. — llebbcrt (C. A.) An exercise in forensic med- icine [two cases of mutilation of the human body; diffi- culties of identification]. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, iv, 49-60. — IIeiin (F.) L'etude des champignons developpes sur les cadavres pom rait-elle fournir des don- n6es utiles a la medecine legal.? Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1893 3. s., xxx, 97-104.—lie Her. W.sselburner Mordprocess'. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv. 870-872.—Ilemmer (M.) Ueber Leichcnbeschau. In his: IIyh-nische Stu- dien, 8°, Miinchen, 1875, 34-43.— Hoadly (C. J.) Some early post-mortem examinations in Xew England Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1892, 207-217. — llodgdon (A. H.) Comments on a case of homicide. Boston M & S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 363.—Ilofmann (E.) Die Leichen des i c^mDel'- vo.m geiichtsiirtzlichen Standpunktc. Wien. 1881, iv, 1537-1544. -----. Die gerichtsiirztliche med. Bl. Aufgabe bei der Sicherstellung der Ideutitiit von Leichen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1882, xxxii, 57; 89; 118; 237; 276; 306; 329. -----. Zum Falle Waschauer-Ballogh; gerichts- aiztluher Obduktionsbefund und Gutachten. Ibid., 830; 88J; 916;94o -----. Ueber di-akute Meningitis imangeb- nchen ursachhehen Zusammenhange mit Misshandlun"'en oder leichteren Verlet/amgen. Ibid., 1888, xxxviii. 173; -_it»; 24o; 286. —Ilofmann (,T.) Erhiingungstod durch eigene oder durch fremde Hand? Veihandelt vor dem bchwurgerichtshofevonSchwabenundXeuburg. Ztschr f CADAVER. 15 CADAVER. Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). d. Staatsarznk., Erlang , 1854, xlv,Ergnzngshft.,l-85. Also, in his: AusdemGerichts.saalc, 8°,Erlangen, 1854. l.Hft.,1- 85.—Ilolden (C.S.) Suicide or homicide? A case formed- ico legal diagnosis. BostonM. &S. J., 1894,cxxxi,364. Also : Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Cambridge, 1895, ii, 177-179.— Holmes (W. H.) The condition of bodies long buried. Boston M. 7.—Spiitli. Selbst- mord oder Tddtung? Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1890, lx, 106-108.—Steven (J. L.) The pro- cedure of the Crown as regards post-mortem examinations in criminal cases. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xxxix, 372.— Mtoll. Mord oder Selbstmord. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freib. i. Br., 1846. xi. 501-528.—Ntrassmaun (F.) Eini- ges iiber das Aufliiiugeii von Leichen. Vrtljscbr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berk, 18r>7, n. E., xlvi 97-IOL—Htroppa (C.) St. Toruani (A.) Rieerche chimico tossologiehe, sopra un cervello putrefatto. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1880-81. ii. 338-346. — Htrzj /.o« ski. Zmarzniecie czy tez smierc w skutek tluszczowego zwyrodnienia serca? [ Death from freezing or fatty degeneration of the heart?] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1*81, 2. s., i, 280; 301.— ! [Suicide or outrage?] Lancet. Loud., 1891, ii, 993- 995. — Nailer (A. W. ) Some points of medico-legal interest in the scientific investigation of the case of the people versus Roxalana Druse, together with an exhibition of specimens representing the corpus delicti. Tr. M. Soc Nr. Y., Syracuse, 1887, 417-428, 1 pi. -----. Observations upon the disposal of dead bodies; the medico-legal aspect. Ibtd., 1888, 472-478.-----. The pres- ent status of the proposed law to regulate embalming of hu- man dead bodies. Ibid., Phila., 1891, 391-402. — von Siury- Rienz. Mord oder Selbstmord? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Beil., 1890, n. F., liii, 234-244.— Musiui (T.) La causa de la muerte del Padre Esquiii i . . . * Rev. med.- quir., Buenos Aires, 1883-4, xx, 12-21.—.""iyiiies (\V. H.) & Guthrie (J.) Was death caused by sunstroke or vio- lence? Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1885-0, v, 154.—Sy- monds (J. A.) An account of the exhumation and ap- pearance of a corpse fourteen months after death, and of the detection of poisoning by arsenic;. Tr. Prov. M. &■ S. Ass., Lond., 1835, iii, 432-472, 1 pi. .4/*o. Reprint —Ta- 2 Cadaver (Jurisprudence of). mayo (D.) Informe en causa por muerte do D.» C. R. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . dc la Habana, 1895-6, xxxii. 255-259.—Tarenetski (A. I.) Dlelo o smerti Kapitana Gizhdeu. [The affair of the death of Captain Gizhdeu.| Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. I'etersb., 1890, v, 3. sect., 1-38.—Taylor (A. S.) Death from disease or poison. Does the retention or maintenance of heat in a (lead body furnish anv indication of the cause of death? Guy's no'sp. Rep., Lond., 1874, 3. s., xix, 467-487.—Taylor (W. II.) A case of delayed putrefaction. Boston M. St S. J., 1883, cix, 461. — TimermaiiN (G.) Sul diagnostics difl'crenziale tra le lesioui violente fatte a corpo vivo, quelle fatte a corpo morto, e i risultati cadaverici: consi dcrazioni medicolegale poggiate sopra fatti pratici ed es- perimenti. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.chir. di Torino, 1862, 2. s., xliii, 3; 65.—Toilesart einer im Walde gefundenen Person; Schussoder Schlag ' Samml. gerichtl.-med.Ober- gutacht., Berk, 1891, 207-215— Todrafall (Ein) auf sehr geringe Veraulassung; aktenmiissige Geschichtserziih- lung zur bessern Einsicht der Obduktion. Mem. d. Heilk., Staatsaiznciw. u. Thierh.. Ziillichau, 1813, i, 157-174.— Torok (J.) Vizben talalt rothaddsban levo bulla, bor- datdresek, mellh&rtyai vetomlenynyel. [Body found in water; murder suspected.] Allamorvos, Budapest. 1882, 57.—Torrey (H. A.) Appearance of a body six months after interment. Mass. M. J., Bost, 1895. xv, 16.—Tos- rani i D.) Bei cadaveri degli sconosciuti e per le autop- >io giudi/.iarie. Bull. d. Coin, spec d' ig. d. municip. di Roma, 1883, iv, 377-381, 1 pi. — Tourdes (G.) Examen medico legal dune presumption de tentative d'homicide. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1864, xxiv, 49-56. Also, Reprint.— Tourdes (G.) & Rousselot (P.) Six ineurtres et un suicide; relation medico-M-gale de sept autopsies. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiii, 206-220.—Traeinshi. Zur Einfiihrung der allgemeinen Ptiichtleichenschau im Deutschen Reiche. Deutsche Vrtljschi. f. off. Gsndhts- pflg., Brnschwg., 1893, xxv, 1-17. — Troppanncger (C. G.) Casus sistens controversiam de morte medieamentuni rite neque praparatum, neque ordinatum subsecuta. In his: Decisiones med.-for., 4°, Dresd., 1733, 70-87.— Turchetti (O.) Relazione ruedico forense sulla causa della morte del giovanetto L. Bianchini di Empoli. Rac- coglitore, Fano, 1847, xix, 383-409. — Utruin in inspec- tionibus et sectionibus cadaverum semper et indispensa- biliter necessarium sit, omnes ties ventres anatomicis ita dictos, caput, thoracem et abdomen aperire? Et si hoc forte neglectura vel intermissum fucrit, utrum caussarum patroni sive reorum defensores aptum et sufticiens indo argumentum depromere queaut, vulnerum vel aliarum kesionum lethalitatem impugnandi? Selecta med. Frau- cof., Francof. ad Viadr., 1740-43, ii, 311-320. -Vnleutinua (M. B.) Do reperto sub aqua cadavere, an vivuui, an de mortuum eo projectum sit? In his: Nov. med.-leg., 4°, Francofurti ad Mrenum, 1711, 297-355. — Vnludc. De l'occlusion spontanee des paupieres apres la mort. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 168-172. —Vibcrt (C.) Au- topsie medico-legale. X. diet, de m^d. et chir. prat., Par., 1886,xl,70-81.—Virchow & Mchmidtiuaiin. Superar- bitrium der k. wissens< haftl. Deputation fiir das Medi- cinalwesen, betreflencl Vorverfahren wider X. und Genos- sen wegen vorsiitzlk her Todtung. Vrtlischr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1897, 3. F., xiii, 5-24. — Vishnevski (S. M.) Xoviy priznak smerti ot zamerzania. (Now sign of death from freezing.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1895, xxv, 3. sect., 11-20.— Wachholz (L.) Oozuaczaniuwiekuzezwlokuapodstawie kostnienia glbwki kosci ramiemowej. [On the determination of the age of cadavers by the ossification of the humerus.] Rozpr. Akad. Umiej. wydz. niateniat.-pr/yr.. Krakow, 1895, 2. s., ix, 1-44. Also [Abstr.|, transl..- "Friedreich s Bl. f. gc richtl. Med., Xurnb.. 1894, xlv, 210-219.— Walmcau. Mord oder Todtschlag ? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berk, 1895, 3. F., ix, 298-308. — Walser (B.) Vorlaufige Mit- theilung iiber Versuche exi>erimcntelier Erzeugung von Lidemphysem am Cadaver. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1897, xliii, 1. Abth., 201-205—Walther. Ueber das Leichen schauweson. Aer/.tl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1895, xlix, 98-101.—WardclI (J. R.) Exhumation in suspected poi- soning. Piovincial M & S. J., Loud., 1848, 569-572. Also, in his: Cases in I'rivate Pract., 8°, Worcester, [1848?].41- 4 4.—Wusserl*uhr(H.> Die allgemeine Leicheusdiauvor dem Reichstag.-. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berk, 1886, i. 113- 117.—Wolf. Friih/eitige\'erwesuugundeigeuthiimlicher BefundamSehadel. Vrtljs. In. f.gerichtl. Med., Berk. 1883, n. F., xxxix, 272-278. — Wo III , nella sala di anatomia della libera University di Perugia in occiisione dell' XI." congresso dell' Associazione medica italiana. * . Perugia, 1**~>. Baltlaeeoni (F.) Esposizione di un metodo per otte- nere la jierfetta riduzione delle sostanze animali a solidita lapidea. Atti d. Accad. d. sc. di Siena. 1841. x, 113-116.— tiannal. Sur la conservation du cadavre. [Rap.] Compt. reud. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1837, v, 222-226.—Susuki (B.) Shitai jeso in zukete shitai funsoho. | Preservation of ca- davers by fumigation.] Ztschr. d. Tokio med. Gesellsch., 1893, vii, no. 4, 13: no. 5. 11. —Variot ((I.) Recherches sur la conservation du corps humain par les precedes gal- vanoplastiques. Bull, et ni^-in. Soc. w6d. d. hop. de Par 1890. 3. s., vii, 703-773. Also, Reprint.— Weleker (H.i Spiritusdichte Leichenki.sten. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwck- Ingsgesch., Leipz., 1894, 88. Cadaver (Temperature of). Valentix (A.) "Die postmortal Tempera- tursteigci uug. [Bern.] ~ . Leipzig, 1869. Barman (J. W.) Ou the rate of cooling of the human body after death. Edinb. M. J., I879-8U xxv, 993-1003.— Crothers (T. D.) Rapid and retarded cooling of the body after death. Med. Ann., Albany, 1881, ii, 178.— I.adame. Des causes de lelevation de la temperature du corps apres la mort. Bull. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Neuchatel 1868, viii, 8U92.—Kiehet ((,'.) Lecons sur la chaleur ani- male: la temperature nines la mort. Rev. scient. Par 1.885, xxxvi, 398-403.— Womaek (F.) Rate of cooling of the body after death. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1885, xxi. 252-257. Cadaver (Infantile, Jurisprudence of). Sec, also, Docimasia: Ecchymosis (Subpleu- ral); Infanticide; Obstetrics (Jurisprudence of). Bi>\or. Extrait dun rapport medico-legal stir un e:is d'infanticide par combustion daus'im Cadaver {Infantile, Jurisprudence oj). four d'un enfant nonveau-ne\ 8U. [Cherbourg, 1856.] Cutting from: Mem. Soc. Acad, de Cherbourg, 1856, 280- 296. Brouardel (P.) L'ati'aire Fornaraki a Ale- xandre, roy. 8°. Paris, 1^81. BCttxer (C. G.) Yollstandige Anweisung wie durch auzustellende Besichtigungen ein ver- iibter Kindermord auszumitteln sey, mit beige- i fiigten eigenen Obdnctions-Zeugnissen. Ziun ! Nutzen neu angeheuder Aerzte und Wundarztc aufs neue herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungeu begleitet von Johann Daniel Metzger. 8'■'. A'o- nigsberg, 1804. Cattkll (H. W.) Some special points on the performance of autopsies on the new born. 8 . [Philadelphia, 1893.] Chartikr ( H. ) * Examen ru6dico-le"gal et autopsie des eufants nouveau-nes. 4°. Lyon, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1890. Cr.M.Mix (W.) The proofs of infanticide con- sidered, including Dr. Hunter's tract on child murder, with illustrative notes, and a summary of the present state of medico-legal knowledge on that subject. 8° London, 1836. Daniel (C.-F.) Comnieutatio de infantum nuper natorum umbilico et puhuombus. 12-. Halla; 17M). Exgel (E. G.) *Diss. sistens momenta gene- ralia inquisitionis de morte dubia neonatoruni. 8°. Vindobonw, 1830. vox Faber (W. E.) Anleituug zur gerichts- arztlichen Uutersuchung neugeboruer Kinder bei zweifelhaflenTodesarten, mit einem Vorwort von Elsiisser. 14°. Stuttgart, 1855. Gaxs (S. P.) Von dem Verbrechen des Kiu- dermordes. Versueh eines juridisch-physiolo- gi8ch-psychologischen Commentars zu den Art. XXXV. und CXXXI. der peinlichen Gericlit>- Ordnuug Kaisers Carl V., den Art. 157 u. 17>* des Strafgesetzbuches fiir das Konigreich Baiern u. den §§381. u. 385 des Criminal-Codex fiir das Kussische Reich. 8°. Hannover, l-v.'l. Graham (Cathleen Honoria). *The centre of ossification in the lower femoral epiphysis in relation to forensic medicine. 8 . Berue,'[\88ti]. Guxther (J. J.) Revision der Kritericn, dereu sich gewohnlich die gerichtliche Arznei- wissensehaft zur Eutscheidung der Frage be- dient: "Ob todtgefnndene Neugeborne eines naturlichen oder gewaltsamen Todes gestorbeu seyen! " Fiir angehende Physiker und Crimiua- listen bearbeitet. 12°. Kbln, 1820. Ih'NTER (W.) On the uncertainty of the signs of murder in the case of bastard children. 8°. London, 1818. -----. The same. 8 . London, 1829. Lexhard (C.) "L'oreille moyenne du noii- veau-ne-. Etude me'dico-legale'. 4 . Paris, 1-67. Nikitin (M. D.) Sndebno-meditsinskoye zna- cheuie zheludochno-kishechuot probl u novoro- zhdeunlkh dietel. "Vtoraya zhiznennaya pro- ba." [Medico-forensic value of the gastroin- testinal proof in new-born children. "Second vital proof".] 8°. Moskva, 1868. Sallaxdt (H.) * Ueber die forensische Be- deutung gewisser Sektiousbefnnde bei Neuge- boreueu. [Wurtzburg.] 8~. Burgsteinfurt, 1891. Wach (S. G. F. C.) Gerichtsarztliche Uuter- suchung und Begutachtung in Betreff eines au- geblich durch den Sturz unter der Geburt auf deu Bodeu getodteten Kindes. 8°. Erlangen, 1837. de Waschmanx (A. T.) *De signis iufantis a partu recentis lisque in iufanticidio repetendis. ">0. Mosqnas, 1850. CADAYEK. 19 CADAVER. Cadaver (Infantile, Jurisprudence of). Wiliujekg (('. F. L.) Ausfiihrliche Darstel- l lung der Lehre von der Pneobiomantie oder von den aus der Obductiou zu eutnehiuenden Bewei- sen fiir oder wider das selbststandige Lebeu todtgefuudeuer neugeboruer Kinder. 12°. Leip- zig, 1830. Zillessen (R.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Magen-Darni-Schwinnnprobe. 8°. Bonn, 1887. Adloflf. Kindesmord festgestellt trotz bedeutend vor- geschrittener Fanluiss der Kindesleiche. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1891, 3. F., i, 299-303. —Ainci»cii- bisse; nicht Schwefelsaurevergiftung; natiirlieher Tod. (Fall " Harbauin ".) Samml. gerichll.-iued. Obergutaclit., Berl., 1891, 216-228.—AiiNstcrordciitlichcii (Yon einer) menschlichen Frucht; Historie. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhaudl. 1701, Bre-1., 1749, i, 505-568.— Becker (IM Gutachten in der Lutcrsuchungssache ge- gen die ledige Dienstmagd F. F. wegen Kindesmords. 1873. In his: Saimul. geriehtsiirztl. Gutacht., Berl., [1892], 17- 22. -----. Gutachten in der rutersuchungssaehe gegen die ledige M. O. in G. wegen Kindesmordes. 1*80. Ibid., 49-55.—Becliuiaim. Ob Kindesmord durch Krdrosseln i oder dnreh Kopfvt i let/ungen ? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. j Med.. Heil., 1882. n. P., xxxvi, 51-59.—von Bergiuami &. Skrzcczka. Siipcrarhitrium der li. wissenschaftl. Deputation fiir das Medieinalwesen, betreffend Mord eines Kindes. Ibid., 1WI4. 3. F.. vii, 195-203. —Bernard (\\r.) Defective infantile life unrecosnised by state medicine. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland.. Dubl., 1894-5, xiii, 392-400.— Berlolilo (G.) & Pola (C.) Sopra un caso di supposto iufantieidio. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1857, 2. s., xxx, 321-342.— Binila (C.) Sul bacterium coli come criterio di vita dell' infante. Gior. di med. leg., Laneiano, 1896, iii, 21-35.—BluinciiMtok (L.) Czypluca noworod- ka, ktdry oddyehal ninga star sie bezpowietr/.nemi.' [May the lungs of a new-born infant, which has breathed, remain airless?) Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1883, xxii, 507; 519; 535. -----. Watpliwedzieciobojstwo. [Doubtful infanticide.] Ibid., 1885, xxiv. 450-452. -----. Wa.tpliwedzieciob6jstwo. [Doubtful infanticide.] Ibid., 1887. xxvi, 417-419. -----. Watpliwiedzieciobdjstwo. [Doubtful infanticide.] Ibid., 1892, xxxi, 202. — Brouardel (P.) Strangulation d'un I enfant de dix-neuf mois ; dechirure incomplete de la paroi du ventricule gauche; ulceration de l'endocarde; an6- vrysme do la paroi. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 18S6, 3. s.. xv, 77- 82. -----. L'infauticidi-; quest ions m6dieo-legales. Ibid., 1896. 3. s., xxxvi, 350-364.—Buhrlen. Seltener und sehr | merkwiirdiger Erfund bey der Legal-Inspektion und Sek- j tion eines unreifcn und todtgeboruen Kiudes. Mag. f. d. techn. Heilk. [etc.], TJlm, 1805, i, 357-:;ii7—llanton. Ex- amination of the bodies of three children, two of which had been "overlain", and the third intentionally suffo- cated. Proc. Westrainst. M. Soc, Lond.. 1848-9, 12.—C!a- zenenve (P.). Sur un cas de meurtre d'enfant par inges- tion de fragments d'eponge de toilette. Lyon m6d., 1892, lxxi, 471-474. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 62-65.—Chevallicr. Examens de foetus d6capit6s ; ex- anien separe des corps et des tetes ; la saillie de la langue est-elle une indice de la strangulation ? Rev. de ru6d. leg., Par., 1894-5. 450-453.—(Jhlumsky. Erstickung des neu- ] geboreuen Kindts durch Einhullen in einen Bock und Yer- graben im Saude. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1886, n.F., xliv,297-307.—Comnick(H.) Fahrliissige Kiudes- tikltung. Ibid.. 1890, 3. F., xi, 310-320. — Corrado (G.) L'osservazioue dello sterno per lo apprezzamento dell' eta del feto e del ueonato. Gior. interna/,, d. sc. med.. Xapoli, 1890, n. s., xii, 581; 625; 70J. -----. De' principali nuclei di ossificazioue che possono rinvenirsi all' epoca della ua- scita; studio medicolegale sul fondamento di 285 osserva- zioni. Anomalo Napoli, 1891, iii. 143; 179; 231.—Daniel (C. F.) Von eineni lehendig gebornen Kinde, das an einer Kopfverletzung und unterbliehener Ablosung der After gestorben. Inhis: Samml. med. Gntacht. [etc.], 8°, Leipz., 1776, 223-225. -----. Von einem im Wasser gefundenen lebendig gebohrnen Kinde, das an einer Verblutung gestor- ben. I bid., 238-242. -----. Beantwortnng der Fragen : Ob die bemorkte Kopfverletzungeu au sich lethal sind ? Oh sie durch das Niederschiessen aus Mutterleibe in das unter der Gebiihrerin gestandene Fassgen, oder durch das, nach des Kindes Tode. von der Inquisitin augeblich ge- schehene Ilinwerfendesselben auf das Eis haben eutstehen konnen? Ibid.. 250-252. -----. Von eineni vollkommeneu und le bend ig gebohrnen Kinde, dasdurch dieheftige Kalte, noch, ehe es At hem geholet. zu Tode gekommen. Ibid., 263-266. — Deleau jeune. Kecherches physiologiques et pathologiques sur la presence de l'air atmosph^riqne dans l'oreille movenne. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1835-6, iii, 65; 97. — Diilrich (P.) Ueber die mit der Geburt ini Zusammenhange stehenden Eindriicke und Ver- letzuiiiien des kindlichen Schiidels und deren ge- richtsarztliche Bedeutunsr. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 473; 492; 503. —---. Ueber Geburtsverletzun- gen des Neugeborenen und deren forensische Bedeu- tung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1895, 3. F., ix, 203-257, 1 pi. -----. Ueber einen urspriinglich als Cadaver (Infantile, Jurisprudence of). Verletzung angesehenen congenitalen Cntisdefect am Schcitel eines neugeborenen Kindes. Ibid., 25H-264,1 pi.— Boston (J. A.) Contributions to legal medicine; being observations on the medical jurisprudence of infanticide, with especial reference to a case in which there was ex'- tensive fracture of the skull. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1852, xiv, 523-530. Also. Reprint. — Erman. Eine 2 Jahro alte AVasserleiche. Vrtljschr f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1881, u. F., xl, 29-33.— Ei«liekung durch Versoharren oder Sturzgeburt? Samml. gerichtl. med. Obergutaclit., P>crl., 1891, 585-589 — ErMtickmig durch iinssere Einrlusso, wahrscheinlich durch Verschluss von Nase und Mund lnittelst eines weichen Gegenstandes ; fdtalo Erstickung? Bewusstlosigkeit der Mutter? Ibid., 590-598.— Falls (F.) Zur Magen-DarmSohwimmprobe! Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1885, n. F., xiii, 281- 284.—Fii-lilz. Kindesmord durch Verschluss der Luft- wege mit weichen (leg. nstauden. Ibid., 1891, 3. F., i, 19- 32.—Filoiiinwi-tSiu'lti (G.) Sul nucleo epifisario ft mo- rale. Kiv. sper. di fieniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1889, xv, ]it. 2, 191-205. -----. Lo state tetale dei pulmoni nelle neero- scopie per infantieidio. Gior. di med. leg., Laneiano, 1894, i, 49-62. -----. Sui caratteri della eseguita respirazione nelle necroscopie per infantieidio e sui criterii della vita legale. Ibid., 1895, ii, 23-34. -----. Valutazione dell* atrofia del timo come segno della morte da inanizione nei bambini. Ibid., 188-201. -----. Sopra un caso d' infanti- eidio. Ibid., 1890, iii, 72-83.—Frank (M.) Ueber den Werth der eiuzelnen Iteifezeichen der Neugeborenen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Perl., 1894, xlviii, 163-200.- I'rc)rr (M.) Zum Toeberris«, von der Mutter ihrem scheintodt geboreuen Kinde unbewusst ap- pjicirt; ausserlich an den Bauchdecken keine Verletzung; WesendesScheintodes; Beweise fiir denselben aus den blut- bedeckten Schnittflaehen derNabelschnur und dem freien Bluterguss in die Bauchhohle; Blutungen konnen auch aus nach dem Tode beigebrachten Wunden eintreten; es ist sehr schwer, durch iiussere Gewalt den organischen Zusammenhang todter Organe aufzuheben; Verletzungen durch Schultze'sche Schwingungen. Samml. gerichtl.-, med.Obergutacht.,Berl., 1891,615-629.—I.,es*cr(A.) Sta- tistischeszurBeurtheilungderStiehhaltigkeitdcr Lungen- und der Magen Darin-Probe. Centralhl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 601-G10.—Lilienfeld (H.) AngeblicherKindes- mord nach dem Gutachten der ohducirenden Aerzte; we- gen Mangelhaftigkeit desGutachtensden PragerGerickts- arzten zur Abgabe einesOhergutachtens vorgelegt; natiir- liche Todesart. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1885. n. F., v, 329- 333. — fjodcwijkM (J. A.) & van Linden van den Ilea veil (H. L.) Kindermoord door den vader; gorech- telijk-genecskundigrapport. Psychiat. Bl , Amst., 1893, xi, 29-53.— I.oescr. Erst lckungstod oder Verblutung aus der nicht unterbundenen Nabelschnur? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1884, n. F., xii, 80-94. -----. Tod eines neuge- borenen durch Erstickung oder Schadel verletzung oderVer- blutung ausdernicht unterbundenen Nabelschnur. Ibid., 1891, 3. F., i, 32-41. -----. Moid eines halhjahrigen Kindes durch Yerschluckenlassen von Nadeln und Glasscherben. Ibid., ii, 59-63. — f.owndea ( F. W.) Extraordinary case of infanticide; mummification of the umbilical cord. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1889, ix, 264-268. Also, transl.: Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvii, 189-194.—Jlair. Eine vom Ungeziefer angenagte Kindsleiche; Craniotabes-Pendant zum Falle "Haarhaum". Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1883, xxxiv, 69-72. — Vlalvoz (E.) Recherches bacteriologiques sur la putrefaction des nouveau-n6s et applications uiedico-legales. Bull. Acad. rov. de m■*.">. xxx, 487. -----. Tod eines Kindes,-angeblich in Folge von Schlagen; schwere Cadaver (Infantile, Jurisprudence of). Verletzung; natltriiche Todesart. I bid.. 602. —■—. N'eu- feborenes, in der Erde vergraben gefundenes Kind; Tort urch Erstickung; Aurrindnng der Erde im Darmcaual. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl., 1886, n. F. xlv, 242-246. -----. Todtgeboreues Kind; mehrfache Verletzungen erst nach dem Tode zugefiigt. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 291. -----. Enfant nouvean-n6 pr6sentant un epau- chement sanguin abondant sous locuir che vein et dans la cavite- cr4nienne; determination du mode do production de cette derni6re!6sion. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1887, ii, 438-441. -----. Cadavre d'enfant deeou vert dans un etat avanc6 de putrefaction; conclusions ind6ciscs sur la cause de la mort regard6e par des premiers experts comme pro. dnite parun catarrhe suffocant. Ibid., 441-445.-----. An- geblicher Kindesmord; Erstickung durch Verscharren bedingt? Oder Tod in Folge einer St urzgeburt.' Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl.. 1888, n. ¥., xlviii. 318-321. -----. Plotzlicher Tod eines 10 Tage alten Kindes; vermuthete, durch die Pflegemutterveranlasste Erstickung; Nachweis eines natiirlichen Todes. Ibid., 321-324. -----. Nengc- borenes vielfacheVerletzungendarbietendesKind; Kindes- mord oder natiirliche Todesart? Ibid., 1889, n.F., Ii,275— 279.-----. Im Bettstroh vorgefnndene Leiche eines neuge- borenen Kindes; wabrscheinlich'erdruckt. Ibid., 282-286. -----. Vierzehn Wochen altes, vergraben vorgefundenes Kind; natiirliche oder gewaltsame Todesart ? Ibid., 286- 290. -----. Neugeborenes Kind ; Erstickung durch einen in die Mundhdhle eingebrachten Pfropf aus Stroll. Ibid., 290-295. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre der Magen- Darmprobe hoi Neugeborenen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 1153; 1193.—iTIerkel (S.) Der Einfluss von Bewegungeii einer Kindesleiche auf deren Respirations- und Digestions- traktus. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnh., 1892, xliii, 401-421.—Tlichelsen. Ein eigenthiimlicher Fall von Tddtung einesKindesund Verstummehing des Leiehnams. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1885. n. F., xliii, 231- 241. — St ikhalovski. K kazuistike dletoubiystva pos- redstvom pererfezauia shei nozhem. [Infanticide bv cut- ing the throat.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, iv, 301.— iVlontnlti (A.) La mntilazione del neonato in rapporto alia tesi d' infantieidio. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1887, lix, 604-609. — Nardelli (R.) Infanticido o menu .' In his: Treperiziemed. leg., 8°, Avezzano, 1884,45-59.—Nobiling (A.) Der pathologisch-anatomische Be fund bei dem Er- stickungstode des Neugeborenen und seine Verwerthung in gerichtlich-medicinischer Beziehung. Aerztl. Int.-Bt. Miinchen,_ 1884, xxxi, 417; 431; 442. Also, Reprint — Odoanli (J.) Delle macchie del feto dctte eomune- mente Vogbe recitata nell' Accademia di Belluno addi— 1765. In: N.rac.d' opusc. scient. etilol., 16°, Veuezia, 1777, xxxi, 1-52. — OlshauNcn & Piator. Superarbitriuni der k. wissenschaftl. Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen iu der Untersuchungssache wider die Loaf rail Marie K. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1892, 3. F., iv, Suppl.. Hft, 1-8.—Orlloff(IL) Kind oder Fotus? Ibid.. 1889, n. F., Ii, 115-123.—Palmer. Kindsmord oder natiirlieher Tod ? Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiiittemb. ftrztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1892, lxii, 129-132. — Peter in a a n (A.) Von einem, dem Angeben nach, abgetriebenen oder sonst verparthierteu Kinde.' In his: Casuum ined.-Ieg. deeas i, 12°, Leipz., 1718, 102-112. -----. Von einem todt gefundeneni Kinde. Ibid., decas ii, 12°, Leipz., 1709. 55-06. — Piiikliiim (J. G.) Some remarks upon infanticide, with report of a ease of infanticide by drowning. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc. Cambridge, 1878-84, i, 260-264.— Baimondi (C.) & Rohm (U.) Perizia su parte del cadavere di un feto. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena. 1889, 4. s., i. 161-183. Also: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia. 18-9. xv. pt. 2, 281- 309. — KaiiHrbn (J.) ■ Fahrlassige Kindestodtung. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med..Niirnb., ]S8.">. xxxvi, 218- 226. -----. Zwei Falle von Erstickung Neugeboruer. Ibid., 1888, xxxix, 318-228. — Beicbeaber^er. Klage auf Kindesmord, Sinnestiiuschung von Seite der Ange klagten; Ohergutachten der k. ungar. medizinischen Fa- cultat. Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1871,vii, 64; 80.— Rcinebolh. Charakteristische Sugillationen an den Oberschenkeln eines gemissbrauchten Kindes als Folgen einer Ziichtigung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl. 1896, 3. F., xi, 80-88.— Be a bo Id. Versuch derKinds-Todtiing. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1896, xlvii, 21- 25- — Bighi (F.) Esumazione di ossa fetali; imputa- zione di ripetuto infantieidio. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1889, xi, 240-248. — Rodriguez ( F. F. ) In- forme en un caso de infantieidio atrihuidoa Dona M. A. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1887-8 xxiv, 529-537. — Russo-Cilibcrti (A.) & Ale**! (G.) Sulla soffocazione per infossamento. Arch, per le sc med., Torino, ls8s, xii, 419-426. — Mcbillcr. Kindesmord ; Er- stickungstod durch Verlegen der Athmungswce mit- telst eines Fingers; Leugneu der A nge.se huldigten. an gebhche Bewusstlosigkeit. Vrtljschr I' "erichtl Mid. Berl., 1887, n. F., xlvii, 297-306. - N, billing. Vorsiit/ licher Kindesmord oder durch epilentisches Irrsein be ,o,^t^-r K'tranknngstod? Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl.. ^89, ii, 180-184.-Wchmidl (F. C. T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Meconium. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl Med. Berl., 1897, 3. F., xiii, 320-333. — Mcbncider (f. J., Be- CADAVER. 21 cadet. Cadaver (Infantile, Jurisprudence of). leuchtuiig einiger Kriterien zur Ausmittlung des Lebeus und A thmeiis todt gefundener neugeboruer Kinder. Aim. d. Staatsarznk., Tubing., 1837, ii, 35-82. — Schroeder. Superarbitriuin der k. wissenschaftl. Deputation fur das Medicinalwesen iiber die Todesart des Kindes S. in Z. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1887, n. F., xlvii, 197- 200.—Severi (A.) Valntazioue della lunghezza del tubo alimentare e delle sue diverse parti in rapportoalla eta del feto. Tesi medico-legale. Sperimentale, Fireuze, 1884, liii, 482-508.—Meydel (C.) Ueber acquirirte Lungenate- lektase Neugcborener und deren Ursachen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1891, 3. F., ii, 5-17 Mighele (S.) Di un criteiio positivo nel rcito d'infantieidio. Arch, di psichiat. |etc], Torino, 1889, x, 315-321. — Minion (P.) Exanien d'un fcetus mort-ne et d'une fille inculp6e de sup- pression de part. Rev. de ni6d. leg.. Par., 1893-4, i, 278-280. Also: Rev. med. de Test,Nancy, 1894, xxvi, 143-146. Also: Aicb. de tocol. el de gynec. Par., 1895, xxii, 7-9.—Skrzc- czka. Leichnam; Lebeus fahigkeit; Moustrum. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1865, n. F., iii, 263- 280 -----. Superarbitriuni der k. wissenschaftl. Deputa- tion fiir das Medicinalwesen vom 10. Januar 1889, betref- fend Kindesmord. Ibid., 1889, n. F.. ii, 255-264. -----. Superarbitriuni der k. wissenschaftl. Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen vom 20. November 1889, betreffend Kin- desmord. Ibid., 1890, n. F.. Iii, 209-215. — Socqnct (J.) Rapport sur deux cas d'infauticide; a propos d'une com- munication de M. le Dr. Bouton. Soc. de med. leg. de Fiance. Bull., Par., 1885. viii, 406-413. -----. Rapport sur un cas d'infanticide. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xv, 165- 172. — Sotiza Lima. Infantieidio; caracteres do reeemnascido: infantieidio por commissao e por omissao; docimasia. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da Fac.de med. do Rio de Jan., 1885-6, ii, 1-38. — Specifischc fremde Stoffe ini Magen von Xeugebornen. I. Fall. Ueber Lebeu ohne Athmen Neugehoruer, vom Dr. M&rklin. [II. Fall. Ertrinken des Xeugebornen im Abtritt, vom Dr. Born.] Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1859, xvi, 26-54. — Spcrnnza id Giudiziomedico-legale a favore di Santa Truzzi imputata d' infantieidio. Rac. di op. med. mod. ital., Bologna, 1828. vi, 220-244. — Stndfeldt (A.) Betragtniuger 1'ra Retslagens Standpuukt over Blodnin- gerne i Legemets stora Hulheder hos nyfodte Born. [Les heniorrhagiesdesgrandeacaviteschez lesenfantsnouveau- ues au point de vue de la m6decine legale. C.-r., no. 8.] Xord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1885, xvii, no. 1, 1-11. — [Stark (J. C.)] Warum werden in den Sterbelisten noch so viele Todgebohrne und Kindbetterinnen gefunden 1 Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1787, i, 93-109. — Stevenson (T.) Case illustrating Breslau's "second life test" in in- fanticide. Guy's Hos. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 1, 131. — Stout (A. B.) Review of the opinion of Judge Blake, of the probate court of San Francisco, rendered September 23, 1863, on the petition of n. M. Garwood for letters of administration on the estate of Joseph M. Garwood, de- ceased. Pacific M.&S. J., San Fran., 1864, vii, 52-59. Also, Reprint. — Tama»sia(A.) In causad' infantieidio ; nota di medicina legale pratica. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio- Emilia, 1886, xii, pt. 2, 72-80. — Tarnier. Un cas d'in- fanticide, rapport au nom de la commission permanente. Ann. d'livg., Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 418-423. Also: Soc. de med. leg.de France. Bull., Par.. 1890, xi, 39-44. — Tajr- lor (W. H.) A case of infanticide. Tr. Mass. Med.- Leg. Soc, Bost., 1885, i, no. 8, 329-332. Also: Boston M." & S. J., 1885, cxiii, 459. — Tod eines 1J Jahre alten Kindes an Pneumonic; Herzhypertrophie; hat der Heilbeflissene, friihere Schreiber H. fahrlassig und uusachgemass das Kind hehaudelt.' Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutaclit; Berl., 1891, 519-526. — Tod wahrscheinlich durch Kin- wirkung auf das im Freieu in der Xaeht gebornc Kind; vielleicht ungiinstige Lagerung auf dem Arme der Mut- ter; ist das Kind noch lebend unter Heu gesteckt worden / Ibid., 575-584. — Ungar (E.) Feber die Bedeutung der Magen-Darin-Schwiiumpiobe. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Berl., 1886, lix, 164. Also: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1887. n. F., xlvi, 62-81. — UnuNual (An) form of infanticide, tried at the Old Bailey. Guy's Hosp. (jaz., Loud., 1893, n. s., vii, 370. — I'truni infansa Maria . . . cxpositus et exanimis repertus vivus vel jam mortuus a matre exclusus fuerit. Selecta med. Fraucof., Fraucof. ad Viadr., 1740-3. ii, 320-337. — Vibcrt. Rapport sur un cas d'homicide par impru- dence. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1885, 3. s., xiii, 427-442. - Wil- son (J ) A suspicious case. Lancet. Lond., 1885, ii, 365.— Winter. Zur Stichhaltigkeit der Magendarm- probe. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1889, n. F., Ii, 101-115. — Wolff (G.) Ein Kindesmord, zugleic h ein Beitrag zur Bewnsstlosigkeit der heiinlich (Jebarenden Ibid., n. F.. 1. 265-271.— Wollner. Tod eines neuge- borenen Kindes durch Erstickun"- oder Lebensschwache? Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb.. 1884, xxxv, 111- 122.—Wood-on (E. W.) Infanticide. Kansas M. Cat., Fort Scott, 1890, i. 71-78.—Zaygl. Kindes-Todtiing oder Kinds Moid? Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 18m8 xxvix. 30-55. — Ziircher (A.) Kindsmord oder natiirlieher Tod? Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1882, xii, 806-809. Cadaveriii. See Cadaver (Poison of). Cadeac-les-Bain*. StatioiiN thei males et bains de iner; Cad6acles-Bains (Hautes-Pyrenees). J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1897, xxvii, 428. Cade (Thomas Charles) [1809-94J. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1161. Crtdeac (Antoine) [1865- ]. * Contribution a l'eiude de la chol6cystite suppure"e. (Symp- tonies et diagnostic.) 58 pp., 11. 4k. Paris, 1891, No. 166. Cadeac (C.) Pathologic generale et anatoniie pathologique g6ncraledes animaux domestiques Avec la collaboration de J. Bournay. viii, 478 pp. 12 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliire j- fits, 1893. -----. S3. Cadier [Albert]. Cours de laryngoscopie et de lurvngologie. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Rousset <$• Cie'., lr-70. Cadierglies (Georges) [1867- ]. * Contri- bution a lVtude des de"chirures obst^tricales du rol. 75 pp., 2 1. 1 -'. Paris, 1892, No. 24. Cadilhac (Paul) [1p69- ]. * Affections broncho-puhnonaires chez Veuiant rachitique. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 402. Cadiot (Henri) [1^73- ]. Ties dangers de la ponciion hypogastriquc de la vessie. 65 pp., 11. 4 . Lyon, 1895, No. 1133. Cadiot (P.-J.) Traitement chirurgical du coi- nage chronique. 31 pp. 8 . Paris, Asselin «»■ Houzeau, 1891. -----. La tuberculo8e du chien. 75 pp. > . Paris, Asselin iy Houzeau, 1>93. -----. De la castration du cheval cryptorchide. 56 pp. 8- . Paris, Asselin <$• Houzeau, 1893. -----. De l'ovariotomie chez la j anient et chez la vache. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin .V Houzeau, 1893. -----. Les exercices de chirurgie hippique a I'eeole d'Alfort. 115 pp. 12-". Paris, Asselin § Houzeau, 1.-95. See, also, Friedberjjer (Franz) & Frdhncr (Eugen). Pathologic et tberapeutique sp£ciales des animaux domes- tiques. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1891-2. ------ & Aliliy (J.) Trait6 de thdrapeutique chirurgicale des animaux domestiques. v. 1. xii, 629 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Asselin .j- Houzeau, 1895. Cadi sell (H.) Die Abfallverbreunuug vom tech- nischeu und fhianziellen Standpunkte. 39 pp., 18 pi. 8°. Ziirich, Ziirchcr d- Furrer, 1896. Cadiz. See, also, Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), by localities; Small- pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Villaeacana (A. G.) Topografia medica de Cadiz; memoriadel puerto de Cadiz y poblacidn aneja, correspon- diente al anode 1888. Bol. de san., Madrid, 1889, iii, 920-923. Cadiz, Ohio. Chapin (L. E.) Cadiz water works. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio 1895, Columbus, 1896, x, 49-54, 6 pi. Cadiz (Josepk-flrnile) [1858- ]. •Contribu- tion a l'e"tude du traitement de la rupture de l'utdrus pendant et apres le travail de l'ac- couchement. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 305. Cadmium and its salts. Huch (F.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Cad- miums. [Erlangen.] 8 . Miinchen, 1892. Athanaaiu & I^anglois (P.) De Taction compaiee des sels de cadmium et de zinc. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s. ii, 496.-Clarke (F.W.) & Kcb- ler (E. A.) On cadmium iodide. Am. Chem. J. Bait., l«*:i v. 235-240. Also, in: Clarke (F. W.) & .Toslin (O. T. ) On some phosphides, etc., 8°, [n. p., 1883], 5-10.— De Siiuone (G.) SiilP azione biologica del cadmio. Inciirabili, Napoli, 1893, viii. 687; 739.—Grimaud. Sur Taction tberapeutique des selsde cadmium. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1851, xxxii, 758. -Roux. Du bromure de cadmium. Marseille med., 1884, xxi, 135-137.—Meveri (A.) Le alterazioni del rene nel veneficio pel cloruro di cadmio. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1896, xx, 293-340. Cadogfaii (William) [1711-97]. An essay upon nursing, and the management of children, from their birth to three years of age; in a letter to one of the governors of the Foundling Hos- pital. 4. ed. 38 pp. 8°. London, J. Roberts, 1750. [P., v. 1336.] -----. The same. 10. ed. 53 pp. 8°. London, R. Horsfield, 1772. [P., v. 898.] -----. Oratio anniversaria in theatro collegii re- galis medicorum Lotidiiteusium ex Harvtei insti- tuto habita die xviii Octobris, 1764. 23 pp. 4°. Londini, J. Winston, 1764. Cadogfau (William)—continued. -----. The same. . . . die xviii Octobris, 1792. MS. 13 1. 8°. London, [1792], -----. Afhandliug om gikt, och alia chroniska sjukdomar, samfiilt lorestalde, sasom harri'uande af samnia orsaker : Hvilke desse orsaker iiro; jiimte en foreslagen fornuftig och uaturlig lake method . . . Ofversatt ifran Engelskan. 2 p. 1., vi, 7-96 pp. 16 . Stockholm, J. A. Carlbohm, 1783. See, also. Reflections on the gout, [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. [London, 1772, vel subset!.]— Some remarks on Br. Cadogan's dissertation on the gout, [etc.] [in 1. a.]. 8->. London, [n. d.). Cadogan - rrlasterniaii (G[eorge] F[rede- rick]) [1833-93]. Dermepeuthesis: animal.skin- grafting. 7 pp. 12°. [Leicester, 1*88.] Repr. from: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1888, vii. .For Biography, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 223. Cadot ( Autoiue-Marie- Auguste ) [1866- ]. *La voix eunuchoide: son traitement. 62 pp., 1 1. 4 \ Lyon, 1893, No. 837. Cadrieu (Jean-rSuillaunie). * Essai sur la d<>- thinenterite. 31pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1835, No. 40. [P.,v. 10K5.] Cadroy (Elie) [1857- ]. * De la resection tibio- tarsieune dans les luxations du coude-pied en dedans. 49 pp., 11. lr. Bordeaux, 1885,7. s., No. 28. -----. The same. 49 pp., 11. f1-. Bordeaux. G. Gounouilhon. 1885. [Cadwalader (Thomas)] [1708-79]. An es- say on the West-India dry-gripes; with the method of preventing and curing that cruel dis- temper. To which is added, an extraordinary case in physick. v, 42 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1745. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Cadwallader (Jonathan). The physicians out-done, or, the gout curable; as also the rheumatism, dead - palsie, convulsion of the nerves, and contraction of the sinews, [etc.]. 16 pp. 12°. London, N. Dodd, [1721?]. Cadwell (Frederick A.) Treatise on the eye and ear; rules for the preservation and restoration of sight; deafness, its causes and progress ex- plained; newdiscoveriesin treatment, illustrated with numerous cases and engravings. 7. ed. xiii, 16-276 pp., port. ^ . New York, [Holt Bros.], 1869. Cseciliadse. Sarasin (K.) Die Sinuesorgane der Cacilien. \cr- handl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1889, 91-95. -----. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Cacilien. Ibid.. 95-99. Caecum. See, also, Appendix rermiformis. FLOSS (W.) * Ueber em Oylinder-Epithelioiu des C6cu.ni. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Lockwood (C. B.) On abnormalities of the caecum and colon with reference to development. 8°. Edinburgh, 1^4. Marcacci (A.) II signiiicato fisiologico dell' intestino eeco. 8°. Perugia, 18**. Otstaniol. Cas d'investigation du ctecum chez une enfant de six mois. > . Havre, [n. d.]. Berry (K. J. A.) The anatomv of the cacum. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894-5, x, 401-409.—Brito (I*. S.) The peri- toneal investment of the human ca-cum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 917.— Oelbet ( P. ) Ectopie du ca-cum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 51. -----. Ectopic sous-hepatique du cacum. Ibid., 65. — Uodhoii (G. E.) On the presence of I'eyer's patches (glauduhe agminatse) in the efficum and colon of certain mammals. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 18K3-4, xviii, 388-392.—Farcnholl (A.) An' abnormally located cecum. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 427. — Garrod (A. H.) Note ou the caecum of Canis cancrivorns. [Prom: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.. 1873, 748.] In his: Collect. Scient. Papers, 8°, Lond., 1>-M,22.t. _____. On the cacum coli of the capybara (Hydroi-hasi-us capybara). [From: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1876, 19.] Ibid 313-316.—Hartinaini ( H.) Auonialie dans la situation du cieeiim. Ihill. See. anat. de Par. 1887, lxn, 311 —Hcrve (G.) 1 >e Texisteiico dun appeudice caical l\EC(7M. 24 CECUM. CaeCUIH. rudimeutaire chez qnelques pitheciens. Bull. Soc. d'an throp. de Par., 1882, 3. s , v, 792-794. — Hildebraad. Die Lageverhaltnisse des (.'dcum und ihre Beziehung zur Entstehung von aussereu Cdcalbriichen. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1891-2, xxxiii, 182-213. — Legueu (F.) La situation du caecum chez l'eufant. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 55-69. Also, Keprint. — lTIalas (R.) The peritoneal relations of the ciecuui; rectification of an historical error. ^>". Oil. M. & S. J., 1887, n. s., xvi, 442-451. Also, Keprint. — Bansohoflf (J.) Considera- tions ou the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the ca-cum and appendix. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 40-46. Also, Reprint. — Robinson (F. B.) Gerlach's valve in the cecum. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1893, xxviii, 272. ------. Unusual ca-ca in one hundred and thirty au- topsies. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1895, lxi. 307-312.— Hprnguc (W. B.) Action of the ileo-ca-cal valve. De- troit Lancet, 1882-3, u. s., vi, 149-153.—Tarenetski (A. S ) K /nachenlii sllepol kishki i cherveobraznavootrostka v pialuielieskoin i antropologicheskom otnosheniyakh. [Importanceof cascum and vermiform appendix.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv, 353-355— Told t (C.) Die Formbil- dung des menschlichen Blinddarmes und die Valvula coli. Situngsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-na- turw. CI., Wien, 1894. ciii, 41-71, 9 pi. Also, Reprint. Also | Abstr.]: Verhaudl. d. anat. Geaellsch., Jena, 1894, viii. 219-223.—Tnflier. Conformation exterieure et vais- seaux du ccecum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 652. ------. Etude sur le caecum et ses henries. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1887. i, 641: ii, 52. Caecum (Cancer of). See, alm>, Caecum (Excision of). Ahtus (M.) * Contribution a l'e"tiule cliniqne du cancer du caecum. 4°. Paris, 1*01. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1*94. Bcgcr. Ein Fall von Krebs des Wurmfortsatzes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 616-618. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, viii, 549. — Bloeq ( P. ) Cancer primitif du ccecum ; mort par perfora- tion intestinale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 399- 403. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886. 2. s., iv, 840.—Bon- ley (IS.) Epithelioma cyliudrique de la valvule ileo-cce- cale: obstruction intestinale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, lvii, 208-274.—Bri»towe (J. S.) Cases of malignant disease of the cacum. Med. Times &. Gaz., Loud., 1885, ii, 1-3.—Cancer of the ileo-coecal valve and cu-cuni; ab- stracts of five cases for the seven years, 1882-8. Middle- sex Hosp. Hep. 1888, Lond., 1889. 201-203. — Carriere & Armand. Cancer vegetant du ccecum ; dilatation dela erosse de l'aorte ; rainnllissement cerebral. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 18!i0, xxvi. 289. Als": fiaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1800, x. 4H2.—Conleaud. Des inflammations du cajcum et de ses annexes. Arch de med. nav., Par., 1894, lxii. 143- 153.— Epithelioma of ea-cme. [Case.] North Lond.or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1886, Lond., 1887, 57.—Fenjjer (0.) Colloid carcinoma of the cwcnui. J. Am. M. Ass, ("hicago, j l88f>. xi.600. Also: Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1888, xi, 513-515.— Foxwell (A.) Case of enseal carcinoma. Med. Times & I iia/., Lond., 1885, ii, 250.—Hadden (W. B.) Carcinoma of ea'cutu with extreme narrowing. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., ..-80-7. xxxviii, 148.—Harley. Case of malignant disease ofciecum; perforation and rapid death, autopsy; second- arv growth iu abdominal wall and both kidneys. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii, 287.—Hobaon i.I.'M.) Cyl- inder epithelioma of caecum with extension to crest of ili- um and metastatic deposits. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883- 4, xxxv, 212, 1 pi. — Hughes ( W. E.) Cylindrical- celled epithelioma of ca-cum. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1883, xlv, 542-544. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cix, 541. Also [ Abstr. ]: Tr. Path Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii. 33.— I.jot. Cancer colloide du ccecum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1880, lxi. 192-194. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1880, 2. s., iv, 617.—Money (A.) Acase of columnar epithelioma of the ileo-ciecal valve, complicated by a post- ea-cal abscess, and with secondary growth in the mesocolic glands, liver, and lungs. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 103-105.—.Tlnswer &. Carry. Cancer of the ciecum. Tr! Path. Soc. Phila. (1893-5), 1890. xvii, 10. — Peroehnud. Careinome de la valvule de Bauhiu. Bull. Soe. anat. de Nantes 1*88, Par, 18!w. xii, 8.— Phelisae. Cancer du caecum: psoitis suppnree. Bull. S.ic. anat. clin. de Lille. "8M'>. i, 138. —Keuwiek iG. J.) Scirrhus of ca-cum and secondary affection of the kidneys. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4. iii. 246.—de Krn/.i (E.) Cancro primi- tivo dell' intestino eiero. Riv. elin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 18*5. vi, 17-19.— Miichlinj;. Case of malignant disease of ca-cum: necropsy. I.aneet. Lond., 1886. i, 348.—Tiaon tE.) Cancer du ca-cum, augiome du foie et corps tibreux interstitiel de l'uterus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 363. Caecum (Diseases of). See. also. Caecum (Excision of). Baudouill. Distension eiiornie du cu-cum : sphacele de la uiuqueuse ccecalej tidvio typhoide. Bull. Soe. anat. Caecum (Diseases of). de Par., 18s7, lxii, 749-754. - t oi nil (V.) A Vlnrie (R.) Observation de tuherculose du cacum simulant un cancer de cet organe. Cong, p I't-tudc 80- 7) 1887, xxxviii, 146-J48.-Wharton (II. It.) Sarcoma ot the ciecum, simulating appendicitis. Internat. Clin Phila., 1894. 4. s., ii, 199. Caecum (Ulceration of). See, also, Caecum (Excision of). Bradhury. Case of ulceration of the ca?cum with Pya-mie abscesses in the liver. Lancet. Lond., 1884, ii 6.i,.-Kieiiinnn iKi Reehtsseitiges Pleuraexsudat und I ueumouie des leehtcu Dnterlappens. sowie eitrig ab"e- C-ECUM. 25 C^SAKEA^. Caecum (Ulceration of). sackte Perihepatitis und ein grosser metastati9chcr Ab- scess des rechten Leberlappens iu Folge von (ieschwiiren imCoecum; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1888), 1889, 359-362. -----. Anaemic eximia in Folge von ulcerin-udem Carcinom des Ccecums und Durchbruch desselben in die Fossa iliaca; Tod. Ibid. (1889), 1890, 293-295.— Long (W. J.) Case of ulceration of the caecum with sloughing of the appendix. Intercolon. M.J. Australas., Melbourne, 1896,1,708.—UskotT (N. V.) Communicatio vesico-ccecalis. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kxonstadte, 1880, xvii, 82-86. CaelS (Theodoricus Petrns). Ratio oeeurrendi ! morbis a mineralium abusu produci solitis. Edi- I tio altera. 84 pp. 16°. Basilea', 1780. [P., v. 2149.] ------. Remarques sur l'observation xiiime iu- sere'e dans une brochure qui a pour titre: La nature mddecin, par le mddecin Vanasbroeck. 10 pp. 8C. Bruxelles, Lemaire, an r[1797]. Caeninierer (Joannes Augustus). *Deunguine articulari ejusque vitiis. Lipsiw, 1771. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1776, iv, 110-113. Caen. Osier (J.) Salubrite publique; eaux potables; ali- mentation en eau de la ville de Caen (Calvados); euquete sur les eaux distributes. [Rap.] Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1892, Melun, 1893, xxii, 433- 439. Caenens (Hilaire) [1868- ]. * Coincidence de la tuberettlose pulunuyiire et des lesions du cceur; antagouisme dans Involution simultan^e des deux affections. 84 pp., 11. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 665. Caesalpina. Dellien (F.) * Ueber die systematische Be- deutung der anatomischen Charaktere der Caes- alpinieen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1892. Caesalpinus (Andreas) [1520-1603]. Quajs- tionum peripateticarum lib. v. Daemouum iu- vestigatio peripatetica. 2a ed. Quaestionum medicartim libri ii. De medicament, facilitati- ons lib. ii., nunc primum editi. 21 p. 1., 291 ft*. 4°. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1593. Bound with: Baptista (Horteusius.) De rerum uni- versitate divinae iustitutiones. 4°. Romce, 1594. ----■—. Kdroir-pov sivo speculum artis medica' Hippocraticum: spectandos, diagnoscendos cu- raudosque exhibens universos, turn universales turn particulares, totius corporis humani morbos, in quo multa visuntur, quae a praeclarissimis quibusque medicis iutacta prorsus relicta erant arcatt;i. 7 p. 1., 663 pp. 12°. Fraucofurti, tun. M. Beckeri, 1605. For Biography, see Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1884 xxxv, 295-390 (H. Tollin). Also, Reprint. Also: Gazz. med.di Roma, 1885, xi, 457-471 [F. Scalzil. For Portrait, see Barzellotti (Giacomo). Dialogo sulla scoperta, della circolazioue del s-aujrue, letcl. 8°. Pisa, 1831. Caesar (Cajus Julius) [100-44 B. G'.J. Littrk (M.-P.-E.) La verite sur la mort d'Alexaudre le Grand, par E. Littr6, [et] La mort de Jules. Ce"sar, par Nicolas de Dainas. 12 \ Paris, 1865. "LefevrefA.) Jules Cesar. Rev. mens, de 1'lScoled'an throp. de Par., 1896, vi, 265-283. Caesar Optatus. See Optatus. Caesareae Aeademiae Medico-Chirurgica? col- lectanea medico-chirurgica . . . cura et impensis edita. viii, 460 pp., il., 2 pi. 4". Vihue, typ. J. Zawadzki, 1838. ---—. Museum anatomieum. xv,281,4 pp. 4°. Filna;, typ. T. Gliicksbergi, 1842. CaEsareae Universitatis Charcoviensis Anna- I les acholic clinica; chirurgicae . . . qnos ad cele- brandam annivi-rsariam diem xxx Augusti aun. mdeccxlvi, publici juris fecit, J. Vanzetti. Aunus aeademicus mdceexlv-vi. x (II.), 358 pp., 1 ]., 21 pi.,.3 tab. 8'-. Charcovice, 1846. a^arenn section. See,also, Labor (Complicated, etc.) from rupture of the uterus; Sacred embryology; Symphyseot- omy, etc.; Uterus (Pregnant, Excision of). Arndt (A. F.) *De sectione caesane. 12 . Berolini, [1846]. Beyku (A. [A. A.]) *Der Kaiserschuitt an der Lebonden. [Berlin.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1889. Braun vonFernwald (K.) Der Kaiserschnitt bei eugem Becken. H . Wien, 1891. Bredokf (R. K.) * Materiall dlla bolleyetoch- navo ustanovleniya pokazaniy k kesarskonm siecheniyu, i operatsiam umenshayusbtshiin obyom ploda pri vtsshikh stepenyakh .suzhenia taza. [Data tor the more exact determination of the indications for Caesarean section, and operations that diminish the size of the infant in extreme degrees of narrow pelvis. ] -* . Sanktpeterburg, 1866. Campbell (W.) A probationary essay on the GVsarean section; submitted, by the authority of the president and his council, to the examina- tion of the Royal College of Surgeons; of Edin- burgh, when candidate for admission into their body, in conformity to their regulations respect- ing the admission of ordinary fellows. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1819. Dormer (A. M.) *De partu ctesareo. sm. 1 . Erfordia-, 1673. van Embden (S.) *De partu cassareo. 4". Lugd. Bat., 1771. Gaillardot (C.-P.) * Dissertation sur l'ope"- ration ce"sarienne. 4°. Strasbourg, an 8 [1800]. Gilly (J.) * Beitrag zur Iudicationsfrage fur den Kaiserschuitt. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Tubingen, 1894. Gi'MMERT (L.) * I'eber Kaiserschnitt. 8 . Tiibingen, 1893. Guzzoni(A.) II taglio cesareo. 8 . Milano, [1887]. [Hi'-TER.] Kaiserschnitt. 8°. [Berlin, 1839.] Cutting from: Encyclopad. Worterb. 8°. Berlin, 1839, xix, 305-367. vax der Kaav (G. J.) * Eine neue Indication zur Auweudung des Kaiserschnittes. 8°. Frei- burg i. B„ 1891, Kaiserschnitt (Der) und seine Stelluug zur kiinstlichen Friihgeburt, Wendung und Perfora- tion bei engem Becken. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. L. Korn, Dr. H. Liihmann und Dr. J. Priiger hrsg. von Dr. G. Leopold. 8°. Stuttgart, 1.-88. Kaiserschnitt (Der) und seine Stelluug zur kiinstlichen Friihgeburt, Wendung, atypischen Zangenoperation, Craniotomie und zu den spon- tanen Geburteu bei engem Becken. In 6 Bei- triigen aus der k. k. Wiener Universitats-Klinik fiir Geburtshilfe und Gyuaekologie des . . . Carl Braun von Fernwald, hrsg. von Egon Braun von Feruwald und Karl A. Jlerzfeld. 8 . Wien, 18.-8. Kai'FFManx (L.) *De sectione cesarca nuper in clinico nostro a cl. Kiliano eadem in femina iterum instituta. Aceedunt animadversiones mi- croscopio factae de ducendis vulnerum in utero cicatrieibus. 8°. Bonna; 1851. Kikct ([J.] J.) *T)e sectione cassarea. 8°. Berolini, [1852]. Klewitz (F.) * Ueber die Berechtigung des conservatives Kaiserschnitts bei absolttter und bei relativer Indication. 8°. Berlin, [1887]. Klingelhoeeer (R.) * Der Kaiserschuitt bei Uteruseareinom. 8C. Marburg, 1*88. Malago (P. P.) Delia sezioue cesarea, de' vantaggi cli' essa ha sopra la siunsiotomia e della necessita di eseguirla con tutte le regole dell' arte anche nelle donne gravide che sono morte. Meuioria divisa in tre parti. 4°. Fer- rara, 1815. CESAREAN. 26 CESAREAN. Caesarean section. Meinhold (G.) *Die moderne Kaiserschnitts- techuik, besonders mit Kiicksicht auf die Behand- lung der Atonia uteri durch Tamponade mit Jotlof.irmgaze. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Meyer (E. S.) * De perforatione foetus et sec- tione caesarea. 8°. Berolini, [b-'liO]. MtEi.LER (F. A.) * De hysterotoinia. 4 . Lipsitr, [1800]. Mi'ller (P.) Der moderne Kaiserschnitt, seine Bereehtigung und seine Stelluug unter dett geburtshiiltlichen Operatiouen. 8°. Berlin, \*82. _ vox Ploderl (1". X. G.) * Ueber den Kaiser- schnitt. 8". Miinchen, 1819. -----. The same. De hysterotomia. 8°. Landishuti, 18'20. Radford (T.) Observations on the Caesarean section and on other obstetric operations. With an appendix of cases. 8 \ London, 1865. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8J. London, 1880. Rayxaudts (T.) De ortu infantiurn contra naturain per sectionem caesaream, tractatio: qua reliqui item conscientiae nodi ad mat rem alvo gerentem, ac fcetuin, ejusque partum spectantes, solide et accurate expediuntur. Aceessit discus- sioerroris popularis, de conimunionepro mortuis. 16°. Lugduni, 1637. Russ (Clara). * Beitrage zur Kaiserschuitts- frage. [Zurich.] 8J. Leipzig, 1889. Sciiier (J.) * Ueber die Iudicationen zum Kaiserschuitt und deren Wert. 8~. Wurzburg, 1888. Thatcher (J.) A probationary surgical essay on the Caesarian section; submitted ... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, when candidate for admission iuto their body. 8°. Edinburgh, 1817. Aberdein (R.) A correction. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 427. — «le Argenta (C. M.) De la operacion cesarea y sus resultados clinicos. Correomed. castellano, Salamanca. 1889, vi, 417: 433. — Arnott (J.) Ca;sareaii section. Edinb. M. J., 18*7-*, xxxiii, 405-407.—Bar. A quel moment doit-on praliquer Top^ratioii cesarienne ! Bull, et ui6iu. Soe. de med. prat, de Par., li-8X, 921-928. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1889, xvi, 13-1"). — Barnes (R.) Embryotomy vs. Cesarean section. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 303-300. -- Batehclor (F. (',.) Cajsarean sec- tion. Austrahis. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 259.— Bieiuer & Pciper. Ueher den Kaiscrsclmitt. Arch. f. G.\naek., Berl., 1884, xxiii. 467-478. — Biggai- (H. F.) Caesarean section. Tr. Homoeop. M. See. X. Y., Roches- ter, 1887, xxii, pt. 2, 118. Also: Physicians' &. Surgeons' Invest,, Buffalo. 1887, viii, 327. -----. Cesarean section. Homuiop. J. Ohst., N. Y., 1893, xv, 297-322. Also, Re- print lll:inc(£.) I)el'op£rationc6sarienne; methodes operatoires et indications. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890 xvii, 1; 65; 138; 193; 290: 380; 436. — Botles. (C.) A propos de reoperation cesarienne. Bull. Soc. d. m6d. et nat.de Jassy, 1890-91, iv, 33-39—Cameron (M.) Onthe relief of labor with impaction by abdominal section, as a substitute for the performance of craniotomy. Brit. M J., Lond., 1891, i, 509-514. Also, Reprint. Aha.- North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1891. xxvii. 19,'i-205. — Canilela (M.) Paralelo cliuico entre la histerotomotocia y la ce- falotripsia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1888, xxxv, 386-391.__ Canmo (F.) 11 taglio cesareo conservatore con sutura dell' utero. Ann. di osti-t , Firenze, 1888, x, 241; 289- 337- 385; 433: 1889, xi, 145; 433; 481. -----. Operazioni'com- plementari del taglio cesareo ; studio storicoclinieo critico Ibid.. Milano, 1892, xiv, 169; 409; 517; 065: 839: 1893 xv' 124;862: 1894, xvi. 88; 353; 679.—< hiura , I)., Del parte prematuro al taglio cesareo; divagamenti ostetrico-sta- tistici. (lior. internal, d. sc. med.. Napoli, 1880. ii, 278; 1248— de Cloamailruc. Rapport sur un travail de M.' le doeteur . . . intitule: Operations ccsariennes: Gneuiot, rapporteur. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 18*.~. 2. s., xiv 827 841. Also: .1. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1885. vii. 565-577.— C'oe (H. C.) The eh-ctive Ca-sarean section: the most favorable time for operation. Tr. Am. Gvnec.Soe Phila 1892. xvii, 87-97. Also: Aw. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1892, xxvi] 401-470. Also. Reprint —C'ohnstein. Zur Seelio ea-sa' rea. Centralbl. f. Gvniik.. Leipz.. 1881, v, 289.—C'olella (G.) Di una rara indicazione di taglio cesareo Speri- mentale, Firenze. 1890. lxvi, 3*1-390.— Bolder (II., Die Stellung des Landarxtes zur Perforation und Sectio ca;sa- rea. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz.. 1894. Xo 99 [Gyna- kol., No. 38,99-146.] —Eustaehe (G.) Parallele entre Csrsarean section. l'opfa'atiou cesarienne et l'operation de Porro. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1884, vi, 728-732. Also [Abstr.]: Union med., Par., 1*84, 3. s., xxxviii, 506.—Everke (K.) Ueber Kaiserschuitt. Ges. Beitr. a. d. Gi-b. d. Chir. u. Med. d. prakt. Lebeus. Wiesb., 1893.73-92.—Finch-el (VV.) Ueber den Kaiserschnitt an dei I.ehendeu. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1883, viii, 2; 15; 22. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1883, xxviii, 3; 14; 35. — Ford (W. II.) The Ca-sarean section in placenta prrevia. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 525-550. — Frank (F.) I'.eitrag zur Lehre von der Sectio ca-sarea. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1881, v, 593 : 1882, vi. 24. -----. Zur Lehre von der Sectio caesarea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 349-:i53. — Freaden- bcrg. Casurstische und kritische Beitrage zur Kaiser schnittsfi-iige. Arch. f. Gynaelc, Berl.. Is80, xxviii, 24:;- 262.— Fi-iisch (H.) Zur Vereinfachung des Kaiser. schnittes. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 393- ;59*>. — Frobenins (G. C.) Vom Partu cresareo, oder Ausschneidung der lebendiiren Frucht aus Mutterleibe. Samml. v. Nat - u. Med.- . . . Geseh. 1721, Leipz. u. Ilmlis- sin, 1722, xvi, 412. — Fallertou (Anna M.) Ca-sarian section. Rep. Proc. Alnmme Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1890, xv. 73-^0. — Uarriguis (II. J.) The im- proved Cesarean section. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1883, xvi, 337; 505; 599. -----. I lie improved Ca-sarean section. Ibid., 1886, xix, 1009-1022. — t^anlai x. Also, Reprint. — Oilliain (D. T.) The Cesarean operation. X. York M. J., 1890, li, 510-518.— Ciiottschalk (S.) Kann die Kraniotomie des lehenden Kindes jetzt durch den konservativen Kaiserschnitt ersetzt werden; Deuisc he Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 607-669.— Grand in (E. II.) The Cesarean section from the stand- point of relative indication. Tr. Am.Gvnec. Soc, Phila.. 1890, xv, 382-400.— Haggard (W. I).') The improved Caesarian section vs. craniotomy. South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1889, xi, 505-510. Also: Tr. South. Surg. Sc Gyiiec. Ass. 1889, Phila., 1890, ii. 66-7;; — Hni-i-igan (C. P.) A plea for modern Caesarean section. Chicago M. Recorder, 1895, ix, 150-154. [Discussion ]. 170-180. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Gyna-c. & Obst. J., X. V., 1895, vii, 215-249. Also. Reprint.—Harris (R. P.) Who is the most successful Cesarean operator? Am. J. Ohst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 111. -----. Does the removal of a fetus by abdominal section after a rupture of the uterus, constitute a "Cesarean op- eration", and is it proper to classify this form of delivery with gastrohysterotomy, which has a different degree (if fatality, both as regards the mother and fetus? Ibid., 856-865._ AIso: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. (1881), 1882, 34-43. -----. The present and improving status of Cesarean surgery. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1891, xvi, 111-144.— Hirst (B. C.) The indications for Cesarean section. N. York J. Gyna'c. & Ohst, 1894, v, 220-232. Also [Abstr.] : Ann. Gvnwc. i Pa;diat., Phila., 1893-4, vii, 505-507.— Howell (S. Y.) The Ca sai ian section. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1884-5, xxiv, 193-204.—Johnson (.1. T.) Can the Cae- sarian section he safely substituted for craniotomy in the United States at the present time? J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1887, viii, 109-174. [Discussion], 189. Also, Re- print.— Kaltenbaeh. Ueber absolute und relative Indicationen zum Kaiserschnitte und deren Beeinflussung und mdglichc Verschiebung (lurch die Symphysiotomie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 14-16." Also [Abstr.]: Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1892-3. Miin- chen, 1894, iii, 21.—Kehrer (F. A.) Zur Kaiserschnitts- frage. Arch. f. Gynack., Berl., 1885-6, xxvii, 227-265. Also, Reprint.—Khazaa (S. I.) K uchenlu o kesarskom siechenii pri uslovnoin pokazanii. (Study of C;i-Harean section in conditional indication.) J a'kush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb.. 1887. .. 967 981.— Knikenberg (G.) Beitrage zur Kaiserschnitt I'ratre. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1886, xxviii, 408-415. — I.askine. De l'operation cesa- rienne. Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1891. ii, 215: 315.—I^ee (H. J.) Some notes on Cesarean section and embryotomy on the living child. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1892-3, viii, 53- 60.—Iicwem. The relative position of craniotomy and Caesarean section. Lancet, Loud., 1892, i, 1189-1191 — l.ohlein(H.) ZurKaiserschnittsfrage. In his: Gyniik. lagesfr. [etc], 8°, Wiesbaden, 1890, T-38, 2 pl.-liUi.lt 1 i-'„'lhe prognosis of Ca-sarean operations. Tr. In- ternat. M. Cong., Wash., 1ms7, ii, 356-362. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 413-416. Also, traml . X. Arch. dobst. et de gynec, Par., 1887, ii, .'.33-541.—JIar« (A.) O cie^-m cesarskiem i .jego metodacb. [Cwsarean section :!',ol J!.s m«tu»«>8-] Przegl. lelc. Krakdw. 1881. xx, 224; 2.8; 2o5: 269: 285; 302; 319.- Montgomery (E. E.) &. Vander Veer(A.) TheCesarean s.'-ction. Tr. An. Ass. Yt\tm « 9-ynec- Phila-- J««9, ii, 366-375.-Maaehnieyer (V.) Beitrag zum Kaiserschnitte und iiber das Verhalten des bei demselben verwendeten Nahtmateriales. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1890, xxxvii, 312-331.-Munk (H.) Ein Beitrag zu den selteneren Indicationen fiir Sectio ca>saroa. Rrag med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 533 ; 548— 91urphe> (P. ■ Vo'«ar,'an sect'on vs. einbi-votoniv. Obst. (raz. Cin- c;n. 1889, xn, 169-175. Also, Reprint.-.TIarray (R A ) Ihe limitations of the Ca-sarean section. Tr M Soc N x\, Phila., 1893, 121-126. Also: Am J. Obst , NY' 1893 CESAREAN. 27 CESAREAN. Caesarean section. xxvii, 509-515.—IVairne (J. S.) The Cesarean section. Edinb. M. J., lsMi-7, xvxii, 905-911.—IVoble (C. P.) The Cesarean section ami its substitutes. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1893. xxvii, 2(8-218. Alto, Reprint. — Xovitski (A. A.) Sovremcnnoyo sostoyauie voprosa o kesarskom sie- chenii pri otnositelnom pokazanii. [Present condition of the question of Ca-sarean section and its relative indications. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891/ xii, 1055-1058. — Fiskaeek ( L.) Die Indicationsstellung des Kaiser- schnittes, nebst casnistischen Beitragen zur Porro'schen und Siinger'schen Kaiserschnittniethode. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 18*9, ii, 614; 635; 655; 670. — Poten. Zur Technik und Prognose des conservativen Kaiscrschnittes. Arch. f. Gvnaek., Berl., 1891. xl, 511-520.— Ponlet (V.) A propos de 1'operation cesarienne. Concours med., Par., 1884. vi, 595-598.—Rein ((i. E.) Kesarskoye slechenio iii virlezivanie beremennoi matki ? [Ca?sarean section or removal of pregnant uterus?| Kjened. klin. gaz., St. Pe- tersb., 1881, i, 261; 276: 290: 309 ■ 32o._Rnge (P.) Bei- I trag zur Kaiserschnittsl'rani'. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- nak., Stnttg., 1890, xx, 93-99. —Wanger (M.) Ueber die | Yeibesseruugsfahigkeit des klassischeu Kaiseischnittes, besonders in Hinsicht auf Primarheilung der Uterus- wunde und Regeneration des pucrperalen Uterus. Tage- bl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Natnrf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 276-279. -----. Zur Rehahilitirung des classi- schen Kaiseischnittes; nebst einem Anbantro: Nachtrage I zur Geschichte der Uterusuaht be ini Kaiserschnitte. I Arch. f. Gvnaek., Berl., 1882, xix, 370-399. Also: Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1882), 1883, pt. 2, 3- I 32. -----. Ueber welche Mittel vcfiigt nun der zeitge- mass verbesserle Kaiserschnitt in Riicksicht auf diese Hebung der Operationsprognose. Arch, f Gynaek.. Berl., 1882, xx, 300-310. -----. Neue Beitrage* zur Kaiser- schnittsfrage. Ibid., 18*5, xxvi, 163-233. -----. My work in reference to the Cesarean operation; a word of protest in reply to Dr. Henry J. Garrisues. Am. J. Obst, X. Y., I8S7, xx, 593-616. -----. Ueber den Kai- serschnitt. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 362-372. -----. Kaiserschnittfragen. Centralbl. f. Gy- nak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 169; 194; 213.— Simon. Re- searches on the Caesarean operation. Mem. Rov. Acad. Surg, at Paris, Lond., 1759. ii, 324-371.— ttkulsch ( F.) Weiterer Beitrag zur Lehre vom Kaiserschnitte nach con- servirender Methode. Arch. f.Gynaek., Berl., 1889, xxxiv, 130-144.—Mligh (J. M.) Is a rigid os with placenta pre- via an absolute indication for Cesarean section? Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1892, xxv, 653-656.— Staade. Einige Be- merkungen zur Technik und Indication des Kaiserschnit- ti-s. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891. xvii, 1149- 1151.—Stoltz (J. A.) Nouvelles observations, suivies de nouvelles recherches sur l'operation cesarienne ou gastro- byst6rotomie, consideree conime tuoyen de terminer lo travail de l'enfantement dans les cas de r6trecissementou d'obstruction des voics naturelles. Arch. med. de Strasb., 1836, iii, 81; 241.—Mtrebel (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Losung der Kaiserschnittsfrage. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1896, Iii, 322-354.—Mntugiii (V. V.) K voprosa ob uslovnom po- kazanii k kesarskomu slechenlu. [On conditional indica- tion for Cesarean section.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 333; 363.—Swan (J. M.) Caesarean section. China M. Mis*. J., Shanghai, 1892, vi, 173-170.—Trenb ill.) Quel est le moment propice pour 1'opt-i-ation cesarienne? N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec. Par., 1**8. iii, 447-454.—Tsa- konas (S. S.) Tifd iiri T>)5 Kaio~apiKr)<; rofir/i;. raArji-o?. "Aeyvai. 1887, xvii, 744-747.—Tucker (A. ii.) & Ootle i.J. R.) Caesarean section. N. York Polyclin., 1895. v. 69-7.'.— Varnier (II.) De 1 operation cesarienne. Rev. prat. dobstet. et de pasdiat , Par., 1892, v, 1; 65; 97.—Veit (J.) Ueber Sectio cajsarea. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 329-332. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.): Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak.. Stuttg., 1888, xv, 175-178. -----. Zur Lehre vom Kaiserschnitt (mit Demonstrationen). Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gvniik. 1889, Leipz., 1890. 244-253. —von Velils (D.) Beitriige zur Kaiser- schnittsfrage. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1892. xxiv. 185-200. —Viliko (H. H.) Modern Ca-sarean section. Obst. Gaz., (Mucin., 1889, xii, 238-242.— Vilauza (R.) Del taglio cesario, metodo Sanger, in contronto con 1' operazione del Porro. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma. 1895, v, 1. Bliedung (II. J. A.) *De sectione caesarea in Institute obstetricio Kiliensi, nuperrime a G. A. Michaelis peracta superstate prole et inco- ltuui post qnartam banc sectionem matre. 4 . Kilio3, 183(5. Braciit (H.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Sec- tio Cajsarea unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der durch Beekeiigeschwiilste bedingten Indika- tionen. *-. Kiel, 1895. Del Salvatore (A.) Un terzo caso di taglio cesareo operate nell' ospedale civico di Matera. 8°. Matera, 1889. During (M.) Epistola de nova, rara et ad- miranda hernia) uterime, atque banc jnsto tem- pore subse<]nentis partus caisarei historia; cum aliis nonnnllis scitu utilibus; scripta ad Guil- helmnm Fabricium. sm. 4°. Witebergce, 1612. Dunlop ( W. ) Casus sectionis ca?sareanea), puerpera dies septem superstite; cajsoue dies quartnordecem. 8°. Rochdaliw, 1801. Goergkns (A. L.) * De tribns casibus sec- tionis caesarea? in clinico obstetricio Bonnensi infelici cum eventu. institutis. 8°. Bonna; [1841]. Hoerle ( C. ) *Zur Statistik des Kaisei- schnittes. 8°. Bonn, 1889. Kellie (G.) History of a case of impractica- ble labour, iu which the Ca'sarean operation was performed. *lJ. [Edinburgh, 1.-UL] KlOtz ([G. ] G.) *Ein Fall von Sectio caesa- rea bei Carcinom der Portio nnd Vagina. 8°. Greifswald, 1893. Laniik ([B. II.] O.) *Ein Fall von Sectio caesarea. H . Greifswald, 189:$. Leoniiard ([J.] H. [G.]) * Laparohysteroto- miio casus et descriptio pelvis osteomalacia-. 8°. Berolini, [\*\\'.\]. Loss(H.) *Drci Fiille von verbessertem con- servierenden Kaiserschnitt aus der Universitiiis- Frauenklinik zu Jena. [Jena.] 8°. Worms, 189:5. Mantrkdi ( F. ) Un' operazione di taglio cesareo. *:. Matera, 1884. Matthes (W.) * Kin Fall von Kaiserschnitt bei kyphoscoliotisch-rhachitischcm Becken. *°. Berlin, 1-8."). Mayor (G.) #Do sectione caesarea; accedit descriptio casus singularis. 8°. Berolini, [184:5]. Mettens (J. [O. A.]) * Fiinf Fiille von Kai- serschnitt aus der Marbtirger Entbindungs- anstalt. 8°. Marburg, 1890. CLE SAKE AN. 28 CESAREAN. Caesarean section (Cases and statistics of). Meyer (N.) Geschichte einer durch den Kai- serschnitt glucklick beendigten Eutbindung. V2~\ Frank/, a. M.,1821. Mirgel ( L. ) * Sieben Fiille von Kaiser- schnitt. 8'-\ Bonn, 1896. Eeinhard (G.) *Ein Fall von Kaiserschnitt nach alter Methode. 8J. Marburg, 1888. Keinhardt(L.) *Ein Fall von rachitischem Zwergbecken, nebst einem Anhang iiber Kaiser- schnitt. 8°. Basel, 1888. Rhode (C. L.) *Relatio de sectione caesarea feliciter peracta. 4°. Dorpati, [1803]. Schroers (G. A.) *Ein Fall von Sectio caesarea nach classischer Methode bei rhachitisch verengtem Becken aus der Marburger Klinik. 8°. Marburg, 1887. Schultex (J. J.) * Sectio caesarea bei ky- photischem Becken. 8°. Bonn, 1*94. Schultz ([C] H.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Sectio ca-sarea. 8°. Kiel, 1893. Schpltze (B. S.) Ein Kaiserschnitt. 4 . Jena, 1862. Sippell (F.) *Ein Fall von Kaiserschnitt. 8°. Marburg, 1877. Starke (J. C.) Zweyte tabellarische Ueber- sicht des klinischen lustituts zu Jena in An- sehungder Kranken,desWitteruugsstandes, etc., vom October 1782 bis dahin 1783, nebst einer Abhaudluug von einer glucklich vollbrachten Kaisergeburt und einigen andern vorziiglicheu Kranketigeschichten. 4°. Jena, 1784. Steiielinps (J.) *De operatione caesarea viveute adhuc matre, cito, tuto ac jucunde in- stituenda. 4°. Basileai, [1744]. Tuffier. Operation c6sarienne pour une grossesse complique"e de fibromyomes de l'ute'rus et du ligament large. 8C. Havre, [1889]. Weber (A.) *De sectione caesarea in clinico obstetrico Bonuensi felici cum eventu instituta. 8°. Bonna;, 1*50. Aalsmeer (C. V.) Een geval van sectio caesarea, hoofdzakelijk ten gevolge van verlenging van den cervix , uteri. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Verloosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1891, iii, 109-112.—Aberdein (R.) A case of Caesarean section. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 686.—Adenot. Deux observations d'operation cesarienne. M6m. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. deLyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2,177- 179. -----. Trois operations c6saiiennes sui vies de suc- cess, dont une operation de Porro pour volumiueux fibrorae iiitraligamenteux. Obstetrique, Par., 1897, ii, 250-258 Also: Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1897, iii, 153-159.— Adolphi (H.) Ein Fall von conservativem Kaiserschnitt bei nahezu vollstaudiirer Vaginalocclusion mit gliickli- chem Ausgang fur Kind und Mutter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv, 150-153. Also, Reprint.— Ahifeld (F.) Sectio caesarea; Kind lebend; Tod der Mutter am 3. Tage. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.- gynaek. Klin, zu Marb. 1885-6, 8°, Leipz.. 1887. iii. 116- li8. -----. Perforation : Kaiserschnitt; kunstliche Friih- gehurt; spontane Geburt! Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte.Frankf. a. M., 1896, v, 683-087.—Allen (D. P.) & Powell (H. H.) Cesarean section. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1897, xxxv. 392- 395.—Allen (J. E.) A case of Cesarean section. Ibid., 1889, xxii, 492-495.—Allied (I. P.) Caesarean operation under difficulties. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1896, n. s., xii, 452-454.—Anderson (R.) Case of Caesarean section. Indian M. J . Calcutta, 1886, v, 77— Angnlo (J.) Obser- vacion de unaoperacion cesarea practicada con buen 6xito, tanto respecto dela madre comodelniiio. Cron.del. hosp., Madrid, 1854, ii, 174-176.—Arms. A case of Cesarean section, -where the pelvis was normal. [From: Proc. Cuvahoga Co. M. Soc, 1884. Oct. 2.] Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 201-207.—van Arnoi.j (A. J. W,) & Braain (H. L.) Sectio caesarea. Neilerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 48-50. — Amott (J.) Three cases of Caesarean section. Tr. Edinb. Obst Soc, 1883-4. ix, 63-71. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1884-5, xxx. 510-516. -----. Caesarean section. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1886-7, xii, 143-140.-----. A successful case of Caesarean section. Ibid., 1887-8, xiii, 191-196. Also: Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1887-9, n. s., xii, 30-34. Also: Edinb. M'. J., 1888-9. xxxiv, 140-144.— Bach. Operation cesarienne, faite avec. succ^spour la mere et pour l'enfant. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1846, vi, 153- 163. Also, Keprint.—Backer (J.) Sectio caesarea ket a?*ai*eail section (Cases and statistics of)- csete. [Two cases of . .] < hvosi hetil., Budapest. 189i, xii, 368.—Baer (B. F.) Report of a case of pregnancy in the right horn of a uterus bicornis, treated sucecssfully by a modified Caesarean operation, twelve months after the death of the child at the full term of gestation: so- called "missed labor". Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. Phila., 1888, xiii, 455-470. Also, Keprint.—Bailey (II. F.) Case of Caesarean section for impacted fibroid. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 919. —Baker (M.) A case of Caesarean section made necessary by two largo fibroid tumors of the uterus; snccessfullv performed for both mother and child. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1881, xiv, 596-601. Also [Abstr.] : Indiana M. J., In'dianap., 1S83-4, ii, 1-3.—Balatresi (U.) Storia di un' operazione cesarea per eclampsia. Indipendente, To- rino, 1881, xxxii, 025-631.— It an foot (A. M.) A case of Caesarian section for contracted pelvis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1893, xxviii, 151.—Bar. Tumeur pel- vienne; operation cesarienne; presentation de malade. Bull, et mem. Soc. ohst. it gynec de Par., 1891, 39-41. fDiacussionl, 52-57. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1891, vii, 139-141. -----. Une fenime ayant un bas- sin rachitique pseudo-osteomalacique et chez qui on dut pratiquer l'operation cesarienne. Bull. etm6m. Soe. ohst. et gynec de Par., 1894, 170-173. Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Par., 1894, 2. s., vi, 304 — Bartholomew (J. N".) A case of Caesarean section made neces- sary by a contracted pelvis. N\ York M. J., 1891, liii, 297. — Bechet. Tine operation c6sarienne k la campagne ; grossesse & terme chez line rachitique & hassin vici6; intervention apres trois jours de travail; enfant vi- vant; guerison. Progres m6d., Par., 1896, 3. s., iv, 373.— Bejan (Y.-I.) Sur un cas (l'operation cesarienne. Bull. Soc. d. med. ot nat, de Jassy, 1890-91, iv, 7-31— Belluzzi (C.) Operazione cesarea seguita da sutura uterina con esito feliee per la madre e pel figlio. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist, di Bologna, 1879, 3. s., x, 193-208, 1 pi. Also, Re- print.—Bennardini (G.) Breve narrazione di una gas- tro-isterotomia. Atti d. Accad. d. sc. di Siena, 1841, x, 95- 101.—Biggar (H. F.) Three cases of Caesarean section, one of which necessitated Porro's operation. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1890, xxxviii, 344. -----. Caesarian section. Tr. "World's Cong. Homceop. Phys. & Surg. 1893. Phila., 1894, 536-557. — Birnbanm (F. G. H.) Fiinfter Kaiserschnitt bei einer Person mit Bemerkungen iiber Schaltwirbel- becken. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884-5, xxv, 422-430.— Bishop (H. D.) Caesarean operation; case resulting in safety of child and death of the mother. N. Am. J. Ho- moeop., N. V., 1893, 3. s., viii, 230-233.—Blatner (J. H.) Caesarean section. Med. Ann., Albany, 1881. ii (Tr. M. Soc. County Albany), 177. — Bleynie ( L.) Operation ce- sarienne. Limousin med., Limoges, 1892, xvi, 103-110.— Bodin (P.-J.-F.) D'une operation cesarienne faite avec succfes. In his: Essai sur les accouch., 8°, Par., au V [1797], 135.—Bogdanik (J.) Ein Kaiserschnitt wegen Carcinom der Portio und Vagina. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 97-99. — Bommers ( W. ) Multiple Wachsthumexostosen und durch dieselbo hervorgerufene Hemmung in der Scelettbildung; Sectio casarea bei einer Frau mit Exostosen. Fiinfz. Beitr. a. d. Gob. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ver. d. Aerzte d. Rgrngsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 495-498.—Bompiani (A.) Un' operazione cesarea conservati ice. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1889-90, xvi, 240-243. -----. Secouda e terza operazione cesarea con conservazione dell' utero ; madre e figli salvi. Ibid., ,351-374. Also [Abstr.]: Riv. di ostet. e ginecol., Torino, 1890, i, 262; 273. -----. Operazione cesarea con- servatriee ; madre e figlio salvi. Riv. di ostet. e ginecol., Torino, 1890, i, 65-72. Also: Gazz. med. di Roma, 1890, xvi, 233-242. -----. Quarta operazione cesarea con con- servazione dell' utero; madre e figlio salvi. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1890-91, xvii, 175-178. Also : Riv. di ostet. e ginecol., Torino, 1891, ii, 120-122.—Bonora (C.) Contributo alia casistica della operazione cesarea. Rac- coglitore med., Forli, 1892. 5. s., xiv, 233 ; 265.— Ronlor (S. A.) Extra-peritoneal haemorrhage during pregnancy; Caesarean section ; death. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 84.-----. A successful case of Caesarean section in a cottage. Ibid., 1897. i. 660.—Borgstedt. Kaiserschnitt mit Rettuugdes Kindes und nachfol^endem Tode der Mutter. Prov. San.- Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. AVestfalen 1842, Minister, 1844, 131. — Bouilly. Operation c6sarienne; enfant vivantj gii6rison de la mere. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv. 215-220.—Braithwaitc. A case of Cae- sarean section. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i. 217— Brand ( E.) Ein Kaiserschnitt in der Landpraxis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 695-697.—Branfoot (A.M.) A case of Ca-sarian section for contracted pelvis. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass.. Madras, 1891-3, iv, 175- 181.— It ran n (G.) Beitrag zum Kaiserschnitt nach con- servativer Methode. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 27; 60. Also [Abstr.]: Sitzungsb d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Ge- sellsch. in Wien, 1888, i, 1-3. ---'—. Yerengerung des queren Durchmessers des Beckenausganges bei kypho- tischeru Becken ; Sectio ca-sarea nach conservativer Me- thode. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in CESAREAN. 29 CESAREAN. Caesarean section (Cases and statistics Wien, 1891, iv, No. 1.— It rami (S.) Ueber einigo Fiille von Sectio caesarea. [Operator, Dr. Madurowicz.] Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1889, xxxiv, 317-324. -----. 0 eieciu ce- sarskiem zachowawczem w przypadkach zbliznowacenia pochwy. [On conservative Caesarean section in cases of narrowing of the vagina.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1890, xxix, 567; 583.— von Braun [vou Fernwald] (C.) Zwei Falle von Sectio caesarea. Allg. "Wien. med. Ztg., 1883, xxviii, 187. -----. Demonstration zweier Falle von Sectio caesarea und iiber einige Hysterectomien. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in "Wien, 1888, i, 69. _____. Demonstration dreier Fiille von Kaiserschnitt. I bid., 108- 110.—Bray (J. L.) Case of Ca-sarean section. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1884-5, xiii, 705-709. — Breislcy. Casuistische Mittheilungen mit Demonstration eines ge- heilten Falles von Kaiserschnitt. Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 785-787. — Brieoult. Traumatisme de la region sa- cr6e; bassin spondylo-lysthesique ; operation cesarienne, Presse iu6d. beige, Brux., 1884, xxxvi, 73.—Buglioni (G. C.) Storia di un'operazione cesarea. Raccoglkore med. Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiv, 145-151.—Burroughs (J.J.) Cae- sarean section. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1891, xxiii, 177-181.—B use h. Geschichte einer Kaisergebnrt bei Os- teomalacic Gem. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1828,iii,292-300,1 pi.—Cabanas y Cnballcro(C) Opera- cion cesarea. Rev. de med. v cirug. pi act.. Madrid, 1894 xxxiv, 240-243. — Calderiiii (G.j Taglio cesareo. Os'- servatore, Torino, 1882, xviii, 625-635. — C'aliari (C.) Parto cesareo bigemino per bacino piatto rachitico. Ei- forma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 603; 615. — Cameron (M.) The Caesarean section ; with notes of a successful case. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1889, i. 180-183. -----. Remarks on Caesarean section; with notes of a second successful case. Ibid., 1890, i, 583-585. — Carloni (L.) Laparo- isterotomia cesarea per insormontabile ristringimento va- ginale seguita da esito fclice per la madre e per il feto. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1885, lvi, 569-584. — Carstens (J. H.) Ca-saieau section. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1894, xviii, 433-435. [Discussion], 455-457. Also [Abstr.] : Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1894, xxix, 775-777.—Cataliotti. Intra- abdominal fibrous tumour; Ca-sarean operation ; recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 218. — Ca- ternaalt. Operation c6sarienne pratiquee avec succds k Longue (Maine-et-Loire). Concours med., Par., 1880, ii, 585. Also.- Arch, de toco]., Par., 1881, viii, 177-179.—Ca- zin. Tnmeur fibreuse sous-p6riton6ale; dystocie; ope- ration cesarienne. (Extrait.) Assoc franc, pour l'avance. d. sc C.-r. 1874, Par., 1875, iii, 941.—Champneys (F. H.) A case of Caesarean section for contracted pelvis. Tr. Obst. Soc, Lond. (1889), 1890, xxxi, 136-160. Also [Abstr.]: Lan- cet, Lond., 1889, i, 736. Also [Abstr.] : Brit.M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 836.— Charles (N.) Trois nouvelles operations cesarieunes conservatrices, pratiqu6es k la Maternite de Li6ge, avec snccfes pour la mere et l'enfant. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1893, 4. s., vii, 617-639. [Rap. deHicguet] 590-594.—Chnrpcnticr. Surune operation cesarienne pratiqm'-c pour un carcinome annulaire du col et du vagin, par M. le Dr. Jeannel, professeur k l'Ecole de medecine do Toulouse. Bull. Acad. de. med., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, 539-549. — CheruisheA" (I. V.) Sluchal kesar- skavo slecheni'a pri otnositelnom pokazanii. [Caesarean section in a case with relative indications. ] Soobsh. i pro- tok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh., 1889, vii.pt, 1.84-89.—dcClos- madciic. Trois operations c6sariennes. Bull.Acad.de m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 827-841. Also: J. d. sc.m6d. de Lille, 1885, vii, 565-577.—Corner. FiinfzigKaiserschnitte wegen Beckenengo. Arb. a. d. k. Frauenklin. in Dresd., Leipz., 1893, i, 297-342.—Coleman (J. S.) A case simu- lating and believed to be abdominal pregnancy at full term : laparotomy, C;esarian section, and removal of a living child weighing seven pounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vi, 527. Also.- N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 561. -----. Cesarean section, necessitated and justified by hy- pertrophic elongation of the cervix; removal of a living female child of seven pounds weight. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 1148-1162. Also, Reprint.—Col lings (C. DA.) Case of Caesarean section after prolonged labour in con- tracted pelvis hydrocephalic (!) foetus. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 120. — Conservative Ca-sarean section for pla- centa praevia centralis. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894, v, 27.—Cooke (J.) Case of Caesarean section for carci- noma of vagina; successful removal of child: recovery of mother. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 219- 221.—Coscntino (G.) Operazione cesarea con conserva- zione dell' utero e asportazione delle ovaia. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Xapoli, 1897, iv, 449-462. -Cousins (J. "W.) Ca-sarean section: recovery. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1080. — Crimail (A.) Operation c6sarienne pratiquee pour un retr6cissement du bassin, avec suc- ce,s pour ]a m^re & l'II6tel-Dieu de Pontoise. Ann. de gyn6c, par. ]8g9 xxx]- 272-279. — Caliingworlh (C J.) A case of Ca-sarean section. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1887, ;. 1277. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix, 252-263. -----. Caesarean section in a case of flat- tened generally contracted pelvis; death in sixty hours; Caesarean section (Cases and statistics on necropsy; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 19. -----. Case of Caesarean section for contracted pelvis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1892), 1893, xxxiv, 89-97. Also, Reprint. -----. Caesarean section in a case of cancer of the cervix uteri; child saved; death of mother on fifth day; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1382-1384. -----. Two cases of Caesarean section in deformed pelves ; recovery of mothers and children. Ibid., 1440.-----. Caesarean section at the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy for pelvic ob- struction from a largo tumour of the uterus; death. Ibid., 1894, i, 1494.—Cults (R. E.) Caesarean section, with re- port of a case. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 160-169. — Czyiewicz (A.) O eieciu cesarskiem. [On Caesarean section] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1893, xxxii, 565; 579; 589; 603. -----. Dalsze dwa przypadki ciecia cesarskiego z pomySlnym przehiegiem. [Two more cases of Caesarean section with successful result,] Ibid., 1895, xxxiv, 293;o 311. — Dahlgren (K.) Kejsarsnitt med lycklig utgang for moder och barn. [Caesarean operation; successful for both mother and child.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1894-5, xxx, 277-283. — Davies (J. D.) A case of obstructed labour from malignant disease of the cervix uteri; Caesarean section; recovery. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1894, i, 1021.—Davis (W. E.) Caesarian section. Texas Cour. - Rec. Med., Dallas, 1895 - 6, xiii, 227. — Wecio (C. ) Per la statistica del taglio cesareo demolitore. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1896, xviii, 895-906. — Welas- sus. Operation cesarienne; succes pour ia mere et l'en- fant. Bull. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lille (1888), 1889, 111- 126. Also: Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1888, xxx, 122; 200. Also: J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1888, ii, 313; 337. — We .Liee (J. B.) Report of a case of Caesarean section successful for mother and child. Am. J. Surg. & Gynaec, Wellston, Mo., 1895-6, viii, 156-158. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1896-7, xxxvi, 59-61. [Discussion], 64-66. Also: Am. Gynaec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, ix, 557-561. [Discussion], 627-631. Also: N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1897, ix, 3-7.— Dcinclin. Note statistique sur l'operation cesarienne depuis 1887. Rev. ohst. internat., Toulouse, 1895, i, 169- 175. Also [Abstr.] : Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1895, xvii. 405-407.—Wepaul. R6trecis.-,ement du bassin; operation cesarienne; cephalotripsie; regime. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 509-571.—Wiener (J. L.) Ein Kaiserschnitt, nebst Bemerkungen. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Franenkr., Berl., 1863, xxi, 108-122.—Wirner (G.) Sectio caesarea esete osteomalaciAn&l. Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1896, xx, 182-184. —Woderlcin (A.) Zur Casuistik des conservativen Kaiseischnittes bei re- lativer Indication. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1887, xxx, 316- 321.— Dolii-n. Ein Kaiserschnitt wegen Fibroids an der hinderen Beckenwand. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. n. Frauenkr., Berl., 1867, xxviii, 11-23, 2 pi— Wok lor. Ein Fall von konservativem Kaiserschnitt. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 630-633. — Wolan (T. M.) Caesarean section; a case and its lesson. Midland M. Misc., Leicester, 1884, iv, 164; 203. Also: Med. Bull. Phila., 1885, vii, 73; 112. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 1036-1038. -----. A case of Caesarean section; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 155. — Wonohue ( F. M. ) A successful case of Cesarean section. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890. xxiii, 508-511. — Worsctt (W. B.) Cesarean section for hydrocephalic child and a ruptured uterus. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1894, xxix, 374. — Wrossbaeh. Ein Fall vou Sectio caesarea bei osteomalacischem Becken. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 538-540. — Wrys- dale (T. M.) Caesarean operation, for the relief of an obstruction, caused by a uterine fibroma impacted in the pelvis. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 621-623.—Dudley (A. P.) The Caesarean operation, with the report of a case. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 712-719. [Discus- sion], 755-760. Also, Reprint. -----. A successful case of Caesarean section; a history of the case, with some remarks upon the merits of the operation as compared with craniotomy. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1893, viii, 88-94, 3 pi.—Diilirssen. Kaiserschnitt, tiefe Cervixincisionen und mechanische Dilatation des Muttermundes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 643; 670. Also, Reprint.— Duncan (W.) Epithelioma of cervix; Ca-sarean section. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1891, Lond., 1892, 159. -----. Ute- rus, with kidneys and ureters, from a case of Caesarean section. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1892), 1893, xxxiv, 127. -----. Generally contracted flat pelvis; Caesarian section. Middlesex Hosp'. Rep. 1892, Lond., 1894, 184. -----. Can- cer of rectum; inguinal colotomy; pregnancy; Caesarean section; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 405.—Duiidas (T. A.) A case of successful Sanger Ca;sarean operation. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 495.— Dunn (J. H.) A report of two Caesarean operations. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv. 306-308.—E. (A.) De caesarea operatione in matre vivente, In his: Disp. physiol.-theol., 8°., Par., 1884, 265-278. — Eckerlein. Ein Kaiserschnitt bei Phy- sometra mit giinstigem Verlanf. Centralbl. f. Gvnak.. Leipz., 1892, xvi, 137-141.—Edis. Pregnancy complicated with cancer of the cervix; Caesarean section; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 16. — Ehrcndorfer (E.) Zur CESAREAN. 30 CESAREAN. Caesarean section (Cases and statistics of)- Casuistik der Kaiserschnitt - Operationen. Arch. f. Gy- naek., Berl., 1882, xx, 101-116. -----. Mittheilung iiber zweianHofrath Spath's Klinik ausgefuhrteKaiserschnitt- Operatiouen. Ibid., 1885, xxvi, 125- 136. — Eichholz. Eiu Kaiserschnitt. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1887, ii, 225-235, 1 pi.—Eugraham (R. O.) Caesarean section. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 465-470. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1885, xvi, 302-306. — Engstrdm (O.) Ett kejsarsnitt med lvcklig utgang for nior och barn. Fin- ska lak.-sallsk. h'andl., Helsingfors, 1889, xxxi, 30-40.— Esser (J.) Ein Fall von Sectio caesarea bei einer iiber- miissig grossen, todtfaulen Missgeburt. , r.v-.i, 2Sr>-i:92. — Harper (J.) On a case of Caesa.ean section. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 119.—Harris (P. A.) A successful case of Caesarean section. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlv, 137. Also, Reprint.—Harris (R. P.) Special statistics of the Caesarean operation in the United States, showing the successes and failures iu each State ; one hundred and twenty operations with fifty re- coveries; their results compared with those of craniotomy, oophoro-hysterectomy and laparo-elytrotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 341-361. -----. Progress of obstet- rical surgery; abdominal deliveries in the United States during the year 1880; five Caesarean and three Porro- Caesarean operations. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiii, 372-378. -----. A defence of the Caesarean statis- tics of America. Ibid., n.s., lxxxiv, 155. -----. Sull' operazione cesarea; statistica. Indipendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv, 21. -----. The mortality of the Caesarean seciion, when the condition of the subject is favorable, and where the uterine wound is sutured so as to render it impervious to fluid, and to secure an early union of its serous coat. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 63-65. -----. The progres sively increasing mortality of the Caesarean operation in the United States. Ibid., 431. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1886, xviii, 284-286. -----. The possible re- sults of Caesarean delivery, as shown by the marvelous record of Leipzig, Germany, for the years 1880 to 1891, under seven operators, and aistheresultof improved meth- ods timely resorted to. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n. s., cii, 371-376. -----. The mortality under the Caesarean operation in Great Britain during the last eight years: and the encouragement offered for the introduction of symphysiotomy as a substitute for craniotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1242.—Harrison (G. T.) A case of Caesa- rean operation. N.YorkM. J., 1884, xl, 260. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 293-295. — Haven (G.) Caesarean section, with the report of a case. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxii, 179, 1 tab. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of a case of Caesarean section. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxiv, 436.— Hays (J. M.) A caso of Caesarean section. North Car. M. J.. Wilmington. 1889, xxiv, 161-172.—Hefting (J. D.) Nog eens sectio caesarea bij eclampsia gravidarum. Med. "Weekbl., Amst., 1897-8, iv, 449.—Heim. Der Kaiserschnitt. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Miinster (1830), 1832, 65.—Hclvetius. Ob- CESAREAN. 31 CESAREAN. Caesarean section (Cases and statistics servation anatomique. [Case of Caesarean section.] Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1731, Amst.. 1735, 41. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d.""Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1731-4, Brest, 1757, viii, 27. — Henseler. Sectio caesarea. Gen.-San.- Ber. v. Westfalen 1838, Mtinster, 1840, 190. — von Hci-rt" (O ) Kaiserschnitt; tiefe Cervixincisionen und mechani- sche Dilatation des Muttermundes; Bemerkungen zu dem gleichnamigen Aufsatze von Diihrssen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, xxx, 792.—Herman. A case of osteo-sarcoma of the pelvis nearly filling the pelvic cavity; labour at term ; Caesarean section. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i,986.-----. Notes of a case of Caesarean section Abstr. Tr. Hunter Soc, Lond., 1891-2, 61-63. -----. Cases of Ciesarean section. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1508; 1565: 1894, ii, 77.—Hertzseh. Sieben weitere Beitrage zur Lehre vom conscrvativen Kai- serschnitte. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1890, xxxvii, 07-87.— Hill (S.) A successful case of Cesarean section. Proc. Connect. M Soc, Bridgeport, 1891, u. s., iv, 133-138.— Hillenkramp. Der Kaiserschnitt. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Minister (1831), 1833, 85.—Hirst (B. C.) Two Cesarean sections and three symphyseotomies; a year's work in the surgical treatment of insuperably obstructed labor. Univ.M.Mag.,Phila., 1893-4, vi, 293-296,4pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of a Cesarean section and of two symphyseotomies. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 65-70. -----. Two Cesarean sections. Ibid., 1897, xxxv, 537-539. [Discussion], 557. -----. Two Cesarean sections, one for a dermoid cyst impacted in the pelvis, the other for a flat rachitic pelvis and an overgrown child. Ibid., 790-793.— jlljoi-t (G. F.)] Kejsarsnitt utfordt a banibords-afdel- uingen af Allmiinna och SahlgrenskaSjukhuset i Gdteborg den 9 Augusti 1860. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1861, xxiii, 147- 161. Also, Reprint. — Hoag (J. C.) Caesarean section, with report of a case. Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vii, 17- 26. — Hodges (F.J.) Caesarean section; the classical section made for a relative indication; post-mortem section. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1895-6, xiv, 37-39. — Hoebekc (J. P.) Observation de uast ro-hysterotomie pratiqu6e avec succes. [With report.] In his: Mem. et obs. prat., 8°, Brux., 1840,35-42. -----. Observations de gastro-hyst6ro- tomie. Ibid., 1840, 53-60. — vou Hormann. Ein Kai- serschnitt. Vereinsbl. f. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1890, vi, 55-60. — van der Hoeven (J.) jr. Rachitische bek- kenvernaauwing; sectio caesarea; dood; beschrijving van het hekken; verdubbeling der tepels. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1862, vi, 1-6. AIso, Reprint. — van der Hoeven (L.) Twee gevallen van sectio caesarea. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1890, lxiv, no. 23---Hofmeier (M.) Drei gliicklich verlanfeno Falle von Kaiserschnitt. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1887, xiv, 95-105.— Horion (C.) Operatiou cesarienne; extraction d'un en- fant vivant; gu6rison de la mere. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1876. 3. s., x, 442-455. [Rap. de De Roubaix], 375-377. — Hubert ( E. ) Bi-pare rachitique; bassin de 45 millimetres; provocation du travail k 8 mois; rigidite du col; putrefaction rapide de l'enfant; laparoto- mie in extr6mis; mort 3 heures apres la deiivrance. Rev. m6d., Louvain. 1889, viii, 433-438. -----. Bassin r6treci; presentation de l'epaule; essais de version: essais de decol- lation; operation c6sarienne; guerisou. Ibid., 1892-3, xi, 385-388. — Hunter (R. H. A.) Successful case of Caesa- rean section. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1885, ii, 599. —Ingalls (P. H.) Successful case of Cesarean section. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxvi, 194-198. Also: Univ. Med., Galveston, 1896-7, ii, 133-137. — Inverardi. Un caso di operazione cesarea col metodo conservativo. Riv. di ostet. e ginecol., Torino, 1890, i, 116-121.— Jabtonowski ("W.) Kazuistyka lekarska w Turcyi; ciecie cesarskie. [Caesarean section; the first case in Turkey.] Przegl. lek., Krakow. 1883, xxii, 231; 287. — Jacobi-Muller (C.) Deux cas d'operation cesarienne. Cliniqne, Brux., 1892, vi, 673-676.—Jaggard (W. W.) A case of conservative Caesarean section under the relative indication, with termination in recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 63-65.—Jalland. Caesa- rean section; myxofibroma of the cauda equina and other nerves. Lancet, Lond.. 1894, i, 802.— Jchn. Kaiserschnitt. Gen.-San.-Ber. v. Westfalen 1841, Miinster, 1844, 204-207. -----. Kaiserschnitt mit gliicHichera Erfolge fiir Mutter und Kind. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen 1842, Miinster, 1844, 128-131.—Jenks (E. W.) Report of a case of Caesarean operation, with some comments. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1885, N. Y., 1886, x, 172-183. Also, Re- pi int.— Jewett (C.) A case of Caesarean section. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 231-233. Also, Reprint. -----. Two successful cases of the conservative Caesarean sec- tion. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1892, ii, 177-186. Also: Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 109-111. — Johnson (J. T.) Caesarean section; death on tenth day. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 696-699. — Kasch- knroflf (J. A.) Ueber einen gliicklich ausgefiihrteu Kaiserschnitt. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 275- 278.— Kayser (H. F.) Zwei Kaiserschnitte wegen hoch- gradiger Narhenstenose der Weichtheile. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. n. Gynak., Stuttg., 1893, xxvii, 304-320.— Kehrer (F. A.) Osteomalacic ; Kaiserschnitt in der Eroffuungs- Caesarean section (Cases and statistics periode; Mutter t, Kind erhalten. In his: Beitr. z. klin. u. exper. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Giessen, 1879-90, ii, 423-432.—Keith (S.) A case of Caesarean section. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 8.—Kelly (H. A.) A case of Caesarean section. Med. News, Phila., 1888. liii, 320-322. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 1193. Also [Abstr.]: Polyclinic, Phila., 1888-9, vi, 117. -----. A consideration of three successful Caesarean sections in Philadelphia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 225-246. -----. My fourth Caesarean section. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 500-503.— Kipp. Sectio caesarea. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen 1845, Miinster, 1847, 149. — Klcibolle. Der Kaiserschnitt. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.- Coll. zu Miinster (1831), 1833, 81. — Kluyskens [H.] Rapport adresse k Monsieur le ministre de l'inlerieur, relativement k un niemoire envoy6 par M. Hoebeke, chirurgien-accoucheur k Sottegern, sur un grand nombre d'operations cesariennes, pratiqu6es par lui dans le dis- trict d'Alost. Bull. Soe.de m6d. de Gand, 1853, xx, 152- 163. Also, Reprint. — Kollock (C.) A case of pelvic contraction; mother and child both saved by a timely resort to laparo-hysterotomy. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1892, xxx, 1-6. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond. 1892-3, xix, 417-422.—Kosmiriski (F.) Crzypadek ciecia ce- sarskiego z powodu guza miednicy malej. [Case of Caesarean section on account of tumor in tine pelvis.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1894, xxxiii, 282-284.—Kouwer (B. J.) Keizersnede wegens algemeene bekkenvernauwing, in verband met verlamming der onderste ledematen in den kinderliiken leeftijd. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 937-941.—Kramer (G.) Sectio caesa- rea; gunstig af'geloopen waarneming. Ibid., 1881, xvii. 375-377. — Krasovski (A. I.) Kratkiy obzor opera- tsiy kesarskavo slechen'ia, prolzvedyonnikh v SPB. Rodovspomogatelnom zavedenii, s 16-vo oktyabrya 1885 goda po 1-e yanvarya 1888 goda. [Caesarean sections performed in the St. Petersburg Lying-in House, from Oct. 16, 1885, to Jan. 1, 1888.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1888, ii, 73-78. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1888, xxxii,282-286.—Kufferath. Grossesse compliqu6e de fibromo ut6rin; operation cesa- rienne. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1886, lxxxii, 203-210.—l.edru. Operation c6sarienne. Bull. et ni6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 138-145.— 15.— deja (A.) Kaiserschnitt bei osteomalaeischem Be- cken. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1896, xliii, 1209.—Leo- pold (G.) Ein Kaiserschnitt mitUterusnaht uachUnter- minirung der Serosa und Resection der Muscularis; gluck- licher Ausgang fur Mutter und Kind. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl., 1882. xix, 400-415. Also, Reprint. -----. Zwei weitere gliickliche Kaiserschnitte mit Uterusnaht nach Unterminirung der Serosa und Resection der Muscularis. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884, xxiv, 427-436. -----. Zwei weitere Kaiserschnitte (4. und 5.) mit Uterusnaht, ohne Resection der Muscularis. Ibid., 1885, xxvi, 407- 428. -----. Acht weitere Kaiserschnitte; fiinf nach Sanger, und drei nach Porro; mit glucklichem Aus- gange. Ibid., 1886, xxviii, 97-130. Also, Reprint. -----. Fiinf und zwanzig erhaitende Kaiserschnitte und die Stellung der Sectio caesarea zur Perforation. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl., 1889, xxxiv, 301-316. — l.evequc & Panis. Operation cesarienne. Union m6d.et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1885, ix, 25-32.—licvy. Om et Tilfaelde af Keisersnit paa Grund af fuldstaendig Lukning af Modermunden og Moderskeden. Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kiebenh., 1860, 5. R., i, 331-341. A Iso [Abstr.], transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1863, xxi, Suppl.-Hft., 178.—liOdovici (F.) Operazione cesarea eseguita, con felicissimo esito della madre e del feto. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1843, xii, 304-309. — liongaker (D.) Caesarean section, with report of a successful case. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxiii, 278-281.— lioviot. Operation cesarienne chez une fern me a, bassin normal au cours d'une grossesse normale rn6connue. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et gyn6c de Par., 1894, 204.—EiOwie. Un cas d'op6ration c6sarienne avec infection de la matrice. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1895, lxii, 215-217. — I-udlam (R.) The Caesarean section because of pelvic obstruction, the child and the mother both being saved. Clinique, Chicago, 1892, xiii, 573-577.—Ludwig. Kaiserschnitt. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1844," Koblenz., 1846, 138. — Ludwig (H.) Kyphotisches Becken mit Exostosen; Sectio cae- sarea conservativa. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1895, xix, 539-541. -----. Sectio caesarea bei ubermassig eut- wickelter. todtfauler Frucht. Ibid., 1896, xx, 64.— Luni-an. Operation cesarienne dans un cas de defor- mation du bassin; survie de la mere et de l'enfant; allaiteraent maternel. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1882-3, i, 34-36. — K.migreu ( S. S.) Third successful case of Caesarean section. Proc. Homoeop. M. Soc. Ohio. Hamil- ton, 1886, xxii, 171.—I.usk (W. T.) A successful case of Caesarean section. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac Maryland, Bait., 1887, 97-99. Also: N. York M. J., 1887, xlv, 505. Also, transl.: N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1887, ii, 233- 236. -----. The new Caesarean section, with reports of CESAREAN. 32 CESAREAN. Caesarean section (Cases and statistics of)- three successful cases. Tr. Am. Gyn.-ec Soc. Phila,, 1888, xiii, 110-141. Also, Reprint,-----. Patient with kyphosis; pregnancy complicated by pendulous abdomen; Caesarean section, with fatal termination to mother; child living. X. York M. J., 1889. 1, 2s:i->5.— l-voff (I. M.) Kesars- koye slecheni'e pri bezuslovnom suzheuii taza. s blago- priyatnim iskhodoiu diva niateri i ploda. [Ca-sarean sec- tion for absolute narrowing of pelvis, with happy termina- tion for both mother and child.) Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 44.—.Hnasveii (G. J. J.) Sectio caesarea, met gunstig gevolg voor moeder en kind. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 105-107.—.Tineaa (A. V.) A case of successful Ca:sarean section. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890, viii, 307-312. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1890, xc, 361-365. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., 1. 2. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1890, li, 446. — McCUcllan (G.) A case of Caesarean section. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n.s., lxxxiii, 449-452.— Me ^'lei- land (.1. II.) Two cases of Caesarean section. Tr. Ho- mteop. M. Soc. Penn. 1893, Phila., 1894, xxix, 237-241. Also: Med. Century, Chicago, 1894, ii, 97. — McGowan (W.) Case of Ca-sarean section for osteomalacic pelvis. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1890, i, 589. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1890, i. 1423. — Malhcrbe. I'terus op6r6 jadis d'op6ration c6sarienne. J. de med. de l'onest, Nantes, 1884, 2. s., viii. 110.—Mandclshtaiuni (I. G.) .Sluchai kouservativnavo kesarskavo siecheniya s hlagopriyatnim iskhodom dlya materi i rebyouka. [Conservative Caesarean section, with happy result to both mother and child.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 756-762, 1 pi.— Tlanlcy (T. H.) Caesarean section. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., i, 229-232.—Marangoni (G.) Storia di una opera- zione Cesarea. Aim. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1882, cclix, 493-497.— Martin ((}. F.) Caesarian section; recovery. Tr. Am. Inst. Ilomueop., Phila., 1896, 371-873. Also: Homoeop. J. Ohst, N. Y., 1896, xviii, 540-548.— [.Hnrtiuetti (A.i] Operazione cesarea. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1888, x, 32. — Mnrtino (A.) Quarta operazione cesarea con il metodo Porro; esito felice per la madre o pel feto. Rassegua d' ostet, e ginec, Napoli, 1893, ii, 313-316. -----. Quinta operazione di istero-ovariotoinia cesarea praticata con felice esito per la madre e pel figlio. Ibid., 1895, iv, 129-133. —Matkovie. Ueher eiuen aus- serst primitiv, doch gliicklich vollendeten Kaiserschnitt. Memorabilien,'neilbr.. 1882, n. F., ii, 159-161.—Maygrier (C.) Operation cesarienne pratiquee avec pleiu succes chez une femmo rachitique ayaut un bassin a forme double oblique ovalaire. Obstetrique. Par., 1890, i, 328- 331. Also: Rev. ohst. internat., Toulouse, 1890, ii, 289- 292. — Hazurkcvich (A. K.) Sluchai kesarskavo slechenia [proizvedlonuavo A. I. Krassovskim]. [Case of Cesarean section (performed by A. I. Krassovski).] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1 92, vi, 146-149. Also, Reprint. -----. Sluchai kesarskavo slechenia, pri otnositelnikh pokazaniyakh s blagopriyatnim iskhodom dlya materi i ploda. j Caesarean section in a case with relative indications, with happy result for both mother and child.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1896, x, 1272-1275.— van der Mcij (G.H.) Bijdrage tot de statistiek der keizersnede. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ver- losk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 18*9. i, 51-66.—Mendes dc Leon. Carcinoma colli uteri gravidi. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1888, 2. R., xxiv, 2. afd.. 53.—Meola (F.) Parto cesareo operato col metodo conservatore e seguito da felice successo. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1894, lxviii, 405-467. Also: Incurabili. Napoli 1894, ix, 177-190 — Merz (L.) Note sur deux cas d'op6ra- tion c6sarienne. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'ohst. et de paediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 562-564.—Mejer. Beohachtung von einem Kaiserscbnitt. Museum d. Heilk Ziirich, 1794, ii, 211-218. — Meyer (F.) A case of Ce- sarean section. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1889, n. s., xi, 415-417. — .HiHer ( E. / A case of Ca-sarean sec- tion. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1885, 107-111 AUo: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1885, n. s.. xc, 178-182 Al.«i: Atlanta M. a S. J., 1886-7, n. s., iii, 21-28.— .Hitchell (G. S.) A successful case of Caesarean section. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 345. _____. The second successful Cesarean section performed in Cin- cinnati. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. ](-9:s, xxviii, 520-523.__ .Hiyashita ( S.) [ Laparo-hysterotomy; child only saved.] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1885, no.385, Aug. 15.— Monprofit (A.) Operation cesarienne et myomectomie. Arch. prov. de chir., Par.. 1895, iv, 637-640.— Moreno y Lopez |M.) Parto distiicico; opera, ^caH' Pf Casarian section. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1894, Providence, 1895, v, 114-119 — Predte. cnenski (*. A) Sectio cesarea po prichine nepravili nas^o taza: izvlecheme zhivavo rebyonka; smelt mater- nal den: kitoticheskiy taz. [. . . for irregular pelvis; ex- CESAREAN. 33 CESAREAN. Caesarean section (Cases and statistics ' of)- traction of living foetus; death of mother on fourth day; kyphotic pelvis.] Otchet o zasaid. lecheb. russk. vrach. v Voroneje, 1.-S0, 54-60, 1 pi. - - PyolroflT (V. A.) Kesar- skoye slechenie lz-za tazovol opukholi. [Ca-sarean section in a case of tumor of pelvis] Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1892, xiii. 29. — Qucircl. Operation cesarienne; nidre et en- fant* vivants Arch, de tocol , Par., 1890. xvii, 824-828.— Rabagliati (A.) A successful caso of Caesarean sec- tion. Med. Press &, Circ, Lond., 1893. n. s., lvi, 497.— K ad ford (T.) Two cases of impracticable labour aris- ing from nialacosteon of the pelvis, in which the Caesarean operation was performed; accompanied with practical observations. Edinb. M. & S.,I.,1841, lv, 67-76.—Rnpin. Multipare; bassin rachitique generaloment letreci et plat; operation cesarienne; enfant vivant, mere gueric Rev. med do la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1895, xv, 213-219,— Real! (F. ) Due operazioni cesareo esemiite. Riceo- glitore med. di Fano, 1853, viii. 81-98.— Keijeaga (J.) De sectio caesarea by een gcv.il van eclampsie tijdensde graviditeit Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1,-91, 2. R., xxvii. pt. 2, 785-7*8.—Rein (G. E ) O proizvedlon- nom im kesarskom siechenii. [On a case of Caesarean section peiformed by him ] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kicve (ls9i), lf-95, viii, 61. -----. O vtorom slu- chaye kesarskavo slcbenia po povodu tibrozuol opukholi malavo taza. [Ou his second caso of Ca-sarc in section for fibroid tumor of the true pelvis 1 Ibid., 73-75.—Rcuss (P.) Ein Kaiserschnitt am 7. Tage der Wehen; Gene- suug; Osteomalacic Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl , 1879-80, xv. 133-142. Also, Reprint.—Reverdin (A.) Grossesse prise pour kyste k l'ovaire; resection de l'iutestiu; opera- tion cesarienne ct hystercctomie abdomiuale dans la nieme seance; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. dc Par., 1894. n. s., xx, 199-203. —Reynolds (E.) A case of C;c sure in section. Boston M. A: S. J., 1897, '•xxxvii. 35.— Riildett (A.J.) A case of Ca-sareau section for cyesis complicated by malignant disease of the rectum. Lancet. Lond., 16!'7. ii. 600. — Rieppi ( L.) Quattro operazioni eomplementaii di taelio cesareo cou esito di guariuionc. Ann. di ostet., Milano, Jf95, xvii, 873-880.—Robutti (A.) ifc Mo (G.) Taglio cesareo; feto vivo; morte di qucsto dopo due Morni o deila madre trentacinque giorni dopo 1'operazione. Osservatore, Torino, 1883. xix, 497: 51i.- Roouhuysc (11.) The Caesarean delivery of a child. In his: Mid.-chir. Obs., 12°, Lond., 1676, 23-60.—Rosner (A ) Z kazuisryki • iex-ia cesarskiego. [Cases ot Ca-sa- | rean section.] Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1803, xxxii, I(i5: 117.— Boss (J. F. W.) Caesarean section; obstruction of the pdvis by a large fibroid tumor; previous induction of premature labor; recovery. Am. J. Oust., N. V., 1897, xxxv, 261-204. — von Rosthorn. Ein Fall von Sectio caesarea conservativa bei Zwergbecken. Wii-n. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 1147—Row (F. E.) A case of Cae- sarean section. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 225. — Manger. Eiu gliicklicher Fall von Sectio caesarea nach alter Me- thode mit Demonstration der Operirten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 306. Also: Mitth. d. Gesell- sch. f. Geburtsh. in Leipz. (1880), 1881, 42. -----. Con- ception durch ein accessorisches Tuben-Ostiiim ; Kaiser- schuitt, hedingt durch filihereectopische Schwa ngerschaft. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1895, i, 21-28.— de Maint-Moiilin (E.) Cas remarquable de viciatiou pelvienue; rupture uterine; operation cesarienne. J. d'accouch., Liege. 1885. vi, 149: 161. Also, Repiint— Ma I us (H.) Ueber drei Falle von Kaiserschnitt. I'rag. med. i Wchnschr., 1890, xxi. 136-138. — Samel. Kai erschuitt. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Kdnigsb. (1837, 2. Sem.), 1839, 82.—Mniiiii-manii (Ii. W.) A case of distortion of the pelvis. Causing the gravid uterus to be anteverted, and bang pendulous between the thighs; placental presenta- tion, requiring the Caesarian operation. Statistics of Caesa- rian section. Lancet, Loud., 1850. ii, 50. — Maunders (13.) Caesarean section. Texas Cour.-Rec Med., Dallas, ^93-4, xi, 105.—Schenck (J. II.) G< Scbichte eiw-i- glii< klichen Eutbindnng duich u-a Kaiserschnitt, nebst Beiiieikuiigon ii'ierdiese Entbiuduiigsweise uherhaupt. J. f. Geburtsh., I Frankf. a. M., 1»20. v. 401-609. Also, Reprint.-Schcnk. Operation des Kaiserschnitts. San.-Per. d.'k. Med.-Coll. zu Miinster (18/2), 1831. r-0.—Schlegcl. Beskrivel.se af en Sectio < a-sare <. Nyt I'.iblioth. f. Lseger, Kjebenh., 181", ii. 39-55. — Mclilcmmer. Ileroismus eines Weibes; fiviwillig hegehrier Kaiserschnitt bei 9,0cm Conjugata zur Erlangung eines lebenden Kiio'cs. Centralbl. f. Gy- nak, Leipz., 1881, v. 131.—Me Inn id. Gesehichte eines Kaiserschnittes mit gliicklichcm Ausgange. Vcrhandl. d. nied.-chir. Gesellsch. d. Kantons Ziirich (1820), 1827, 12.— Mehueider (J.) Ein konservativer Kaiserschnitt mit gliii-klicheiii Erfolge fiir Mutter und Kind. Centralbl. f. G.\n;ik , Leipz. 1893. xvii, 1057-106 I. —von McIioiiIm ii- (A ) Kaiser-chnitt. Med.-cbir. Zttr., Salzb., 1824, ii, 2.-0- 288 Also transl. [Abstr.]: Lond. M. Reposit. 1*25, n. 8., I i, 77.—Mchwarz (F.) Vier Ka.Hi- von Sectio ca-sarea. I Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz.. 1893, xvii. 225-2->.—Mcibelli (M.) Operazioni di parto cesareo e. resoeonto della sala di maternita. dell' Ospedale degl' incurahili. Gior. internaz. I d. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 81-104, 2 pi.—Meelig- [ 3 Caesarean section (Cases and statistics of)- uiaiiu (L.) Ueber Osteomalacic (im Anschluss au die Demonstration eines durch Kaiserschnitt operirten und geheilten Falles im arz(.liclien Verein zu Hamburg). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1077-1080.—Menu iN'.i Caesa- rean section. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 278.— Shan (J.) Case of Caesareau section. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1892), 1893, xxxiv. 98-104. — MhirshoflT (D. I.) K kazulstikle kesarskavo;slechenia pri uzkikh tazakh. [Cae- sarean section for narrow pelvis.] Vrach, St. Petesb., 1890, xvii, 989-991.—Mhrader (J. A.) Cesarean section; recovery. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1884, xi, 524-530.—von Miebold (E.) Gesehichte eines Kaiserschnitts bei Osteo- malacic mit uugliicklichem Ausgaugfiir Mutter und Kind. N. Ztschr. f. Gi burtsk., Berl., 1845, xviii, 45-65.—Minion (M.) Zwei Kaiserschnitte. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 214.—Minion Thomas (A. E.) Bokkem ernau- wing doorspondylolisthesis; sectio caesarea met goeden uit- slag voor moeder en kind. Nederl. Tijd-chr. v. Geneesk., Amst . 1885. 2. R., xxi, 2. afd., 52-68. Also, transl..- Ann. de gynec, Par.. 188(1, xxvi, 108-188. Also. Iran si..- J. d. sagos-femmes, Par.. 1880, xiv, 149: 157; 165; 171.-Sinclair (W.J.) A case of Cesarean section. Med. Chron., Man- chester, 1890, n. s., v, 207-274. — Mkutich (F.) Ein Fall von lectio cas.irca bei relativer Indication, nebst Bemer- kungen iiber Darnipunction. Wien. med. Ill, 1888. xi. 46- 48. Mligh (I. M.) Placenta previa; Cesarean section; absolute indication. Am. J. Obsr., N. Y., 1892, xxv, 221- 223. — Miiaitli i.l. W.) (ia-tro-b\ sterotomy; or a case of Cesarean section. Med. Rev.. St. Louis, 1894, xxix, 141- 145.—Morel (K.) Cp6ration ee arieune pour cancer do l'ut6rus; eulantvivaut; eueri>on operatoire. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 317-319.—Mpsitli. Sectio cesarea unter autiseptisehen Cantelen. Aeiv.tl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1882), 1883. 121.—Spain (A. W.) & Gcritnii-ycr (C.) C;esar< an section, with a case. ludi- aua M. J., Indianap., 1896-7, xv, 250-258.—MtaudIce (E. L.) Ca-sanan section. Eclect. M. J., Cincin.. 1*97. lvii, 65-07.—Starke (J. C.) Gesehichte eines gliicklich voll- brachten Kaiserschnitts bei der Fr. von L. . . . zu Weimar den 18tf° December 1783. In his : Zwevte Nacht. Tab. Te- bers d. Klin. Inst, 4°. Jena. 1784, 1-36.—Mtaude. Drei Kaiserschnittsfallo. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1893, xvii, 777-784.— Mtcmbarth (W.) Przypadek ci^eia Ce- sarskiego pomyslnie zakoiiczonegodla matki i plodu. [Cae- sar- an section, with favorable results for both mother and child.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1895. xxiii, 615-647.—Mten- house(W. M.) Successful case of Cesaieau section. N. Zealand M. J., Duuediu, 1889-90, iii, 225-230.—Sterling (J.) Case of Ca-sarian operation. Lond. M. & S. J., 1831, vi, 44-48. — Stolipinski (V.) Kesarskoye slechenie pri absolutnom suzhenii taza s blagopriyatnim iskhodom dlya materi i ploda. [Caesarean section in absolute contraction of the pelvis, with favorable result for mother and child.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1894, 66-68.— Mtoll (IT.) Bericht iiber 4 Kaiserschnitte mit beson- derer Beleuchtunj; des Frank'schen Verfahrens. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Fellba' h, 1896, xlvii. 50-64 — Mliitzle. Eiu Fall vou Sectio caesarea bei Osteomalacic Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiiittemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1881, li, 57- 62.—Mutugiu (V. V.) Kesarskoye siechenie pri uslovnom pokazanii. [Caesarean section under relative indications.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh.v Mosk., 1880-8, vii, no. 12-13,14-21.— von Swiecicki (II.) Beckeukuochengeschwulst; Kai- serschnitt; Geuesung. Fraueuarzt, Berl.. 1890, v, 540- 544. Also, Reprint. -----. Sectio caesarea wegen Eklamp- sie am Ende der Schvvangerschaft. Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 397.— Szymniiski (B.) Przypadek cie.ciacesar.ski- ego z pomyglucm zejsciem dla matki i dziecka. (Ca- sarean section with success for both mother and child.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1896, xxiv, 1253-1255 —Tait (L.) The after-history of a case of Ca-sarean section. Lancet, Loud., 1890, ii, 706.—Tarnier. Operation cesarienne necessitee par un cancer eu\ .ihi-sant le col et le segment inierieur de Luteins. J. d. .-..iges-ieimiies, Par., l-O:!, xxi, 377-379. -----. Cinq observations d'opeiatioii cesaiieime. Itev. obst. iuteinat., Toulouse, 1896, ii, 81-95. — Tcuflcl. Kin Fall von Kaiserschnitt bei Carcinoma uteri. Arch f. Gynaek., Perl.. 1*89-90, xxxvi, 352-357.—Tlsicme (A.) ('ieciecesarskiez pomysliiem zejsiieni dla matki i dziecka. [Ca-sarean section successful for mother and child] Me- dycyna, Warszawa, 1891, xix, 305; 321; 337.—Thomas (T. G.) A successful case of Caesarean section Med. Pee.. \. Y., 1892. xii, 534-536. Als\ Reprint.—Thorne (W.S.) A successful Ca-sarian section. Pacific M..I San Fran., 1894, xxxvii. 481 — Toclg (W.) Sectio ca-sarea, wegen Beckenvcreiigeruug unternoiuiuen. Ztschr. t. Xat.- u. Heilk. in I'ngani. Pest, 1853-4, iv, 297-300.— Tolh (I.) Daganat oko/.ta medenczesziikiiles miatt w'-U/.ett csas/iinnets/es 2 esete. [Two cases of tasarean section on account of tumors contracting the pelvis.] Orvosi heti szemle, Budanest, 1890, xx. 88.—Trioen (C.) Partus Ca^sareoproximi historia. In his: Obs. uo-d. chir. fasc,4°. Lugd. Hat,, 1713, 64-70—Tullle (G. M.I Cesa- rean seel ion. Daniel's Texas' M. J., Austin, !e90-9l,_ vi, 387—Ulliiiau (C. M.) T\& kejsarsnitt uttdrda pa (.ote- borgs barubdrdshus. [Two cases of Caesarean section per- CESAREAN. 34 t^ESAKEAN. Caesarean section (Cases and statistics formed in Lying-in Hospital in Gothenburg. ] Hygiea.Stock- holm 1889, li, 729-744. —Ulrich. Der Kaiserschuitt. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Miinster (1832), 1*34. 90. -----. Section caesarea. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen 1844, Miinster, 1840. 117.—Van den lira il- licit. Operation cesarienne chez une primipare alleinte d'un retiecissenieut considerable du bassin; suct-es pour la mere et l'enf.int. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1893. xiv, 129 — Van Ruren (EL) A case of Ca-sarean section; death: remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1890 i 646. — Vande M'arki-i- (E.) Caesarean operation iu a dwarf. Med. News, Phila., 1885. xlvi, 256-259.—Varian (W.) An unpremeditated Ca-sarean section. Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1888, lix, 457.— Varnier (II.) L'op6ration cesarienne a, lTns- liiut obstetrical de Dresde. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1890, 2. s, xxvii, 158; 361.—Veve (S.) Parto distdcico porobliteracion completa del cm-llo uterino; histerotomia abdominal; muerte de la madre & las 36 horas. ('ion. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1889, xv, 437-443.—Von Ram. ilolir (C. A ) A case of modern C;e.»ariau section with a unique indication. N. York J. Gyna-c. .— Weist (J. R.) Ciesareau section ou account of fibroid tumor of cervix uteri. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1880, xxix, 301.— Weaning (W. II.) Cesarean section ; with the report of a ease. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897. xxxviii, 543-547. [Discussion], 561. — Wcnzcl (II. P.) Caesarean section performed at term successfully, both mother and child remaining alive and iu good health. Ann. Gyna:c. & Pa-diat., I'bila.. 1890-91, iv, 593-000. Also, Reprint.— U'l-rnrr. Beitrage zur Casuistik der Perforation und des Kaiserschnitts. Ztschr. f. Wumlai/.te u, Geburtsh.. Wiunenden. 188a, xxxi, 344: 1881, xxxii, 253; 315: 18SL'. xxxiii. 58; 159; 204: 1883. xxxiv. 147: 35ll. —Werlheiui (E.) Dili Fiille von Kaiserschnitt bei Eklamp-, c. Wu-n. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v. 531-534. —Wescheke (E.) Report of a Ca-sarian section. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1893, xxxvi, 431-434. — Wetterarcn (C.) Ett kejsarsnitt. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 453-403. — Whralou (('. A.) A case of Ca saiea-i section. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, hi9. — Whitehead (R. II.) A successful case of (Ce- sarean section in 1852; from 11 t-case-book ol the late Dr. \V. P. Malh-tt N'orth Car. M..L. Wilmington, 1893, xxxii, 13- 15.—Willis(LL) Ca-sarean section. N.Am. J. Homoeop., N.Y..ls91,3. s., yi. 825-828. —Wilson (CM.) A successful case of Caesarean section. Ann. G\na-c. & I'aediat., Phila., 18S9-9o, i,,. 280-282. Also: Proc I'bila. Obst. Soc, 1890, 1-3. —Wilson (W. 11 ) Keport of a Ca-sareau sec- tion. Am. G\n;ce. &. Obst. J.. X. Y., D9;, x, 531-534. [ Discussion j. 003-007. — Wiuckcl. Noch eiu Kaiser- schnitt nach alter Methode. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. L. ipz., 1880, x, 3G9-372. -----. Sectio ca-sarea. Ibid., 1889, xiii, 825. Also, transl.: J. d'accouch., Liege. 1890, xi, 70.— Wiiilt'i-nitx (E.) Ein Kaiserschnitt mit gunstigeui Ausgange fiir Mutter und Kind. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892, xviii, 8 8-870.— [Wittzack.] Gliicklich abgelaufener Kaiserschuitt. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1834. Bell., 1836, 205.—Worcester (A.) A case of Caesarian section. Boston M. & S. •!.. 1*93. exxviii, 3GG. Also, Reprint.—Wynisin (H. 0.) A case of Caesa- rean section. Med Pec. NY 1891, xl. 125.— Wysor (.1. C.) Three unpublished Caesatean sections; published by LMward A. Ayeis. Am. J. Ubst . X. Y., 1890, xxxiii, 549- 553.— Zartmann. Bauchschnitt. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med -Coll. 1833, Koblenz, 1836, 181 — Z in lie (G.) A suc- cessful case of the modern Ca-sareau section. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1893, iv, 125. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, u. s.. xxx, 555. Caesarean section (Cattit-horn). PignL (X.-E.) " De l'lici niieheinent nature!; ct observation d'une dea-hirure. faite par la conic d'un taureau aux parois de Pabdomen et de la matriee, chez une i'euirne en etat do grossesse, et sortie du foetus e( de ses ddpendanccs par la plaie. 4 . Paris, l-.i'i. Also [Abstr.], in: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1836, vii, 417. Stiers wreetbeydt gepleeglit ai-n mee.ster i-nde vron, en wonderlijck liestiert tot verlossingh Iiunnes kindts, gesehiet tot Sardain, lf>47. fol. Amsterdam. 1G47. Three copper-plate engravings representing the attack by a bull upon a peasant and his pregnant wife. The Caesarean section (Cattle horn). woman has bt-en tossed into the air, and the child has dropped from the ripped up abdomen to the ground. The parents died of their injuries, but the child survived. I Im third pi de represents the dressing of their wounds. See, also, infra, Barlholinus (T.). Bartholinas (T.) Partus caesareus ruirabilis. In his: Anat rariorum, 12°, Ilafuiae, 1054, cent. II, 180-181.— Daniel (C. E.) Yon einer Fran, die in dieLoisteiiee;.cii(l im set-listen Monat ihrer Schwaugerschaft von einer Kuli gestossen worden, untl zu gehoriger Zeit zw.,r Wi hen empfunden hat, iiber der Geburt abcr gestorben ist, bi-v der das Kind durch die zerrissencn Mntti-rsclu-iile in deii Unterleib getreten ist, etc. In his: Saiiiml. med.Gtitai lit. [etc.], «"■■. Leipz.. 1770. 201.—Frilasc (E. A ) Gescliicbto, Erziililung und Tageregister, betreffend cine Secticm ni caesaream, welcbe an einer durch den Stoss eines ()i bsen verwuudeten sebwangercu Frau, mit crwiiiischtem Aus. gansx. Verm. chir. Schnft.. Berl.. 17<>2. iii, "9-74. Also [Abstr.]: Chir. Biblioth., Getting., 1782. vi, 389- 91. Also, transl. : J. de chir. (l)esault), Pur., 1791. ii, 32r> 331. Also, transl.: Lond. M. J., 1790, xi, 14-i-lOti.—Teissier. TJebei- cine gewaltsame Zerreissung der Pain hdecken und des sehwaneeren 1'terus mit Austritt eines lelienden Kiudes. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. iu Berl. (1862-3), 180), xvi. 32.—Harris (It. P.) Cattle-horn lacerations of the abdomen and uti rus in pregnant women Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 073-685. -----.' A tenth horu-Caesareaii case, with recovery of the woman, the subject b Tig n Pawnee Indian squaw, and the animal inflicting the injury an American bisjn bull. Ibid., 1033-1030. -----. Cattle. horn Cesarean section. Ibid., 1182. — I.nir-C'orij;iiy. [Kemnie euceinte de huit mois, recut nn coup de cot i e de taureau, qui ouvrit la regi n hvpogastiique, et la psrtiii anterieure de la matriee.] Itec.peiiod.Soc.deined.de Par., 1799, v, 79-82. [Sec. also, supra. Pigue ] — .tlnish (E. J.) A remarkable case of penetrating and lacei.ited wound of the abdo nen and uterus of a pregnant woman, with escape of a living child through the wtiut.d. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1807-8, ii, 148. Also: Half-Y- ; v'.y Coiiipend. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, i, pt. 1, 130.—Xicott (I. Z.) Caesarean section by an ox. Med. Aire, Detroit, 1885, iii. 341. — Semeleiler ( P. ) Au additional case of cattle, horn laceration of the pregnant uterus. Am. J. Obst . K. Y„ 1887, xx, 1030-1038. — Spilsbury (G. G.) [Cas.- of a woman far advanced iu pregnancy gored by an ox bv fall- ing on his horn.] Tr. M. -J5."..—Sti-in^ari (V.) Contrihuto alia storia dell' ope azione ces tn-a. Indipcndente, Torino. 1881, xxxii, 411 -420.—Trachet. L'operation cesarienne depuis 18-2. Bull. mod. du nord. Lille, 1888. xxvii. 82-94, 5 tab. Caesarean section {Jurisprudence o/). Caruepe (J.-B -V.) Recherches sur une ques- tion me~dico-16gale, si un enfant extrait de la matriee par l'operation c6sarienne, apres la mort de la mere, a survecn a celle-ei. Dans laquelle on 6tablit les conditions qui constituent la vie et la mort, les signcs de l'une et de l'autre, h-s fepreuves propres a s'assnrer de leur existence et les moyens de rappeler a la vie les personnes qui sont dans nu 6"tat do. mort npparentc. 8 . Per- pignan, an XT (1*02). ii. (I'.) Voto niedico-legalo. Vertente sulla dtibbiezza di vita a carico di un feto sotiiinestre est.ratto dal cadavere della propria matre duo ore dopo la di h-i niorte. R iccogli- tore, Fano, 1845, xv, 211-217. — Itessler (L.) Ueber des Khemannes Veto gegeii driiigend indicirte operative Ein- griffe an seiner Frau. St Petersb. me.I. Wchnschr., P9D, n. F., vii, 401-401.— Tin ho a (P. A. 0.) Operation cesari- enne. In his: Medecine legal■-, 8°, Rouen 1801, iii, 197- 216.—Noiiiaieibi-oilt (M.) Fall von Kaiserschnitt in der Agone; l.-beiides Kind. Perl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 103-100. -----. Weil'-re llemei kungen zur Sectio caesarea legalis. Ibid., 1881, xviii, 430-432. Caesarean section (Methods in). See, also, Caesarean sect io n (Vaginal); Caesa- rean section with cxr'nion of uterus, etc.; Caesarean section by Sanger1^ method. Berlin. !)<' l'operation cesarienne; merliodis et proce"des d'excViition. Couronn6 par I'Acade- mie de mddecine. (Prix Capuron, 188L).) 8°. Paris, \80>. Buuckiiardt ([C. W. ] 11 ) * Ueber den Werth der vtifsehiedenen Methodeu der Sexdio caesarea. 8-. Halle, [1880]. Boudon (£.) *fitude critique sur l'operation cesarienne et Population de Porro. Manuel op6- ratoire. 4°. Paris, 1885. CESAREAN. Caesarean section (Methods in). ------. The same. 8 '. Paris, 1-;-.">. Duciiateac (F.-T.) Notice et reflexions sur un nouveau proee"d6 pour pratiquer l'operation cesarienne. In au cercle metlical le 14 uovb. l-<-2:?, ]iar Baudelocque, accoucheur, neveu de feu Batidelocque. *■'. [Lille, Hv>:!.] Ilepr.from: Cercle med. Dcxcker (11. D.) "Spec, inaug. med. sistens ratiouem optiiuam administraudi partum Caesa- reuin. 4°. Duisburgi, 1771. Galbiati(G.) La pelviotomia; ragguaglio di una nuova operazione di chirurgia che puo con vantaggio sostituirsi alia cesarctt, riuscita prosso di noi setnpre mortal* alle douue alle iiuali si e praticata. 8°. Xapoli, 1«:!"2. GOkdes (M.) *(ienaue kritische Erorterung der verschiedeuen iilteren, netieren uud neuesten Verfahten beim Ivtiiserschnitt und der Motnente, welche heute fiir die Wall I der Motliodo bestiin- uieud sein uiiissen. Prcisaut'giilie der medici- nischen Facttltat. b°. Bonn, 1?»87. Klamrotii (A.I * Ueber die netieren Metho- de n des Kaiserschnitts. 8°. Strassburg, 18*7. Lalvkiuat ( T. -E\ ) Nouvelle m6tho-90. xvii, I- 20. -----. Du ine.illeiir uaitonieut de la plaie uterine dans l'opei.ition ces irienne classique. Gaz. d. b6p. Par., 1890, lxiii, 477-182.—Braua (S.) O cie, iu cesarskie u wyko- nau6m na karlicv wedlug nietody Pony. [Cae-arean sec- tion ])erfortued in a dwarf according to Porro's method.] Przegl lek., Kr kriw, 188-t, xxvii. 2 1: 55; 09.—Cainei-oa (M.) "The prevention <>f haemoirh g • iu aesareau section. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1*92 ii, 1"*::. — <'aruso (F.) Metodi autiebidel ta lio cesareo. Arch.di o.tet.e ginec, Napnli, ls9l. i. 419: I*li5 ii. 18; 131: 149; 222; 302; 400: 1896. iii, 3 7-420—C'liaaii (W. P.) A now suture in Caesarean sec- tion. Maryland M. ■/., Halt, 18*7 s. xviii, 389.—C'oe (H. C.) C.esirean section; suture of the uterus versus total extirpation Tr. Am. Gynec. Sue. Phila., 1890, xxi. 343- 3!4 Als-: Med. News. N. V., 1890, lxviii. 601-0 H.- Dok- tor iS.) Kobeit-feie ha'&utul s/.uk medenczes no csa- pzarniet-zes ulan. [Oblique Caesaiean sect ion after Rob- ert iu operation on a womau with narrow pelvis.] Orvosi hetil . Budapest, 18:t7, xii,'280.—Dudley ( A. P.) I'he technique of the Ca-sarean section. Tr. N. Vork M. Ass., 1894, xi, MC-115. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1-95, xxxi, 10-24. Also, transl: Arch, de tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1895. xxii. 195-203. — Fustache ( G. ) Paralieie i-ntte l'operation de Porro et l'operation cesarienne. Cong, pe- riod, internat. d. sc. med. C.-r. 1884, Copeuh., 1»86, ii, 36 CESAREAN. cesarean section (Methods in). Sect, d'obst. et de gynec, 3-7. — F.vcrlte (C.) Ueber die Anlegung des Uterusschiiittes bei Sectio ca-sarea. Mo- natschr. f. (ieburlsh. u. Gvnaek.. Berl., 1897, vi. 45-49.— Feliling (II.) Ueber u'euere Kaiserschnitt-Methoden. Samml. klin. Vortr.. Leipz., 1884, No. 248 (Gynak., No. 70), 1835-1852.—Fraakel (E.) Ueber Kaiserschnittinetlio- den. Jahresb. il. schles. Gesellsch. f. vatorl. Knit. 1891, P.resl.. 1892, Ixix, med. Abth.. 59-63. Also.- Deutsche med. YVclinschi., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 985; 1011. — Fritsch ill.) Noch eininal die Voroinfaehung des Kaiserschnittcs. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 227-230. —«aln- bin. Model n methods of performing Ca-sareau section. Abstr. Tr. Hunter. Soc, Loud., 1891-2, 59-01.— print. [See, alto, supra.] — .Viii Her (P.) Der Kaiserschnitt und sein < Moditicatiouen. Cone period, intermit, d. sc. med. C.-r. 1884. Copenh., 1886, ii, Sect. d"ol)3t. et de gynec, 2.—F-avlofl"( A. P.) K vopro- su o viborlo niezhdu kouservativniui kesarskim sleelic- nletn i operatsiyel Porro; konservativnoye kesarskoye slechenie s stcbastliviin iskhodom dlya materi i ploda. [On tho choice between conservative Caesarean section and P -rro's opeiatiou; a conservative Caesarean section with hippv result for both mother and child.] J. akush. i jensk boliez., St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 123- 135. — Porak. Des sutures de l'literus pendant l'operation c6sarienne. Gaz hebd. de med . Tar., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 409; 426; 479.— Potocki (J.) Dc l'operation cesaricimo et en particu- lier de l'op-eralion c6sarienne avec double suture de l'lite- rus ar la methode de Saenger. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1880, xxv, 179; 281; 45; 410. -----. Lo nianuel op6ratoire mo- deruoderopet at ion cesarienne. Ibid.. 1889, xxxii, 428-444. Also [Abstr.]; Rev.obstet.etgynec. Par., 1890. vi, 215-218. -----. L'op6ratiou cesarienne moderne; tnaiiuelop6ratoire. Ann. de gynec et d'obst.. Par., 1890, xxxiii. 114; 107.— Hclunidt (A. E.) Kritische und expenmontelle Unter- suchung-ii iiber Uterusnaht. Materialieu zur Technik des Kaisers-hnittes. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1882, iii, 102. AIko, transl ■ Med. Press \-. Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 48 !. — Miolipiaski 0,.",. s., i. 34 1. [See, also, infra, Scoppola, and Serpieri (A.) | —Baliva (R.) & Serpieri (A.) Extraor- dinary Caesarean operation. [Transl. of private corre- spondence.] Lancet, Lond. 1886, i. 994. [See, also, preced- ing.]— Ojorgjevie (V.) Kino Taglohneriii schlit/.t sich selbstden liauch auf. nimmt das Kind heraiis nnd lasst sich den liauch durch cine Naehharin wieder ziiniilieii. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 300.—von Guggenber;;- (O.i Entbindung (lurch L paiotomie, von der Gebaroiiden selbst ausgefiihrt. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, 3. A ls<>. \V;eu. med. PI., 1885, viii, 74r-77. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Caesarean section (Self-performed). Iiiit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 392.—Harris (R. P.) Six self- inflicted Caesarean operations with recovery in five cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1888, xcv, 150-158.—iVl'Clellen (S.) Case of self-performed Ca-sarean section. N. Vork M. & Phys. J., 1823, ii, 40-42.—.Tloseley (P.) Ca-sareau opera- tion performed by a negro woman on herself. In his: Treatise on tropical diseases, 8°, Loud., 1803, 108-109. Also: N. York M. & Phys. J.. 1823, ii, 43.- Ncoppola (S.) Una strana operazione cesarea. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1880, ii, 470; 500. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1880, vii, 240. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 890. Als,,, transl.: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, vii, 312; 452. [See. also. supra, Baliva (It.), and, infra, Serpieri (A.).]—Nerpirri (A.) Ulteriore notizie sulla ormai celehre Nazzarena De Alexandria di Viterbo. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1886, 5. s., i, 307. Caesarean section (Vaginal). Ci,arkk (A. S.) * Contribution a, l'dtnde de la lanato-elyirotoinie. 4 !. Xancu, 18*7. -----.' The same. 8-. Paris, 1*87. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch.detocol., Par., 1887, xiv, 577-602. Massox (A. M.) *De hi gastro-tHytrotomie. 4°. Argenteuil, 1*78. Amadci ( E. ) Isterectomia cesarea totalo vagino- addominale per carcinoma. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1896, xviii, 394-402.—Beck with (P. E.) Thomas'operation; laparo-elytrotomy. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Conn., 1881-2, i, 563-578. Also: Proc Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1882, n. s., ii, 121-143.— Clarke (A. S.) Laparo-elytro- tomy; report of obstetric committee. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1882-3, vii, 163-173.—Duchrs- sea. Demonstration eines Falles von vaginalera Kaiser- schnitt und eines vaginal exstirpirten, rupturirten Uterus. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Perl., 1890, xxv, pt. 1, 40-52.—Everke. Ein Fall von conservativem Kaiserschnitt; Uterusnaht mit gleichzeitiger Entfernung des das Geburtshinderniss bildenden Collummyoms per Vaginam; guter Ausgang fiir Mutter und Kind Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1890, xvi, 630-632.—Garrigncs (H.J.) Remarks on gastro-elytrotomy. [Withdiscussion and supplement. ] Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1878, Bost., 1879, iii, 212-234, 3 pi. -----. Additional remarks on gastro- elytrotomy, with special reference to Porro's operation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883. xvi, 33-50. Also, Reprint. -----. Gastro-elytrotomy (Thomas's operation), compared with oophorohysterectomy (Porro's operation). Boston M. & S. J., 1883. cviii, 13.—Gillette (W. It.) A success- ful case of laparo-elytrotomy, with remarks on the indi- cations, dangers, and results of the operation. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1880, xiii, 98-105. Also, Reprint. — Jevrctt (C ) Two cases of laparo-elytrotomy, with remarks. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1885, N. Y.', 1886, x, 344-354. Also, Re- print. — Lcnocl. De la gastro-elytrotomic. Soc. med. d'Amiens. Bull. (1878-9), 1880, xviii - xix, 87-89.— M'Clorinack (J. N.) Laparo-elytrotomy. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1881, xxiii, G5-72.—lUcKini (W. D.) The present status of laparo-elytrotomy, with report of a suc- cessful case. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 651-057. Also, Reprint.__Polk (W. M.) Landmarks in the operation of laparo-elytrotomy. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxv, 449-454. _____. A lecture on gastro-tlvtrotomy. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1883, x, 133-135.—Pons y Gnimcra (M.) Operacion cesarea vaginal, practicada con 6xito feliz en una muger do treinta y nuevo anos; presentacion y estraccion de pies de un feto putrefacto. Tele-r fo med., Barcel., 1850- 51 iv, 104-111. Also: Bol.de .ued., cirug. y farm, Ma- dr'id, 1851, 2. 6p., i, 275-277. Also: Abe]a. M6d., Barcel., 1852 9 s vi, 18-21. Also, transl. [Austr.] in: Obs. de chir! prat, [L.-J. Saurel] 8°, Montpol., 1852, 25-34.—Skene (A. J. 0.) A second successful caso of gastro-elytrotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 023-030. Also, transl.: Re- pert, med., N. Y., 1883, i, 133-137. -----. A case of laparo- elvtrotomy, with safety of mother and child. Med. Press &'Circ. Loud., 1888, 11. s„ xlv, 9 — Taylor (W. H.) Re- port of a case of gastro-elytrotomy, in the section on obstetrics and diseases of women of the American Medi- cal Association. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 167- J7D. —Thomas (T. G.) Laparo-elytiotomy; a substitute for the Ca-sarean seciion. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 225-247. A Iso, Reprint, -----. Comparison of the results of the Caesarian section and laparo elytrotomy in New York. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 510-512. Also, Re- print. Caesarean section in animals. ■taller (T. M.) [ Ca-sarean section on the cow. ] Mis- sissippi Yallev M. Month., Memphis, 1887,vii,399.—Ham- ilton (C.) Caesarian section successfully performed on a cow South. Pract., Nashville, 1887, ix, 296.—Ilcrz (G.) Die Ausliibi ungdes Kaiserschnitts bei einer Kuh. Wchn- schr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Augsburg, 1881, xxv, 349.— IViiiiion (V.) Operation c6sarienne sur une chienue. Pec de med. vet. Par., 1885,7. S., il, 415-422.-Sclimey. Sectio caesarea bei der liuudin. Berl. thierarztl. Wchn- schr., 1894, x, 351. CESAREAN. 38 CESAREAN. Caesarean section on dead or dying. Sec, also, Labor (Accelerated, etc.) in the dying; Sacred embryology. Maxasse (A.) *Die Sectio etesarea in der Agono. ^ • Berlin, 188.">. 1'avloi k (P ) *0 kesarskom siechenii na myorlvikli. [Ca'sarean section on the dead.] -\ Sanlilpeterbitrg, lsiil. Ki:ixhai:i>t (L. F.) Der Kaiserschnitt an Todten. Fine gekronte Preis-Abhandlnnir, nebst eiii'-r Vorrede vou L. S. Rieeke. 8°. Tubingen, lfj'.i. Backer (J.) Sectio caesarea post mortem. Orvosi hi-til., Budapest, 1894, xxxviii, 135. Also, transl.: Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1^14, xviii, 509-572. Also, transl. [Abstr.| : Post, med.-chir. Pressc Budapest, IS',14, xxx, 108; 49J —de Braiivoir (R.) L'oper.tion cesarienne (post-mortem) devant la loi. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1801, xxviii, 17 1-179.—Beyer. Kaiserschuitt nach dem Tode einer Kreissenden. (len.-San.-Bei-. v. Westfalen Is.ls, Miinster, 1840, 191.—Bonnet. Grossesse do sept mois; apoph-xie; mort de la mere; operation cesarienne; enfant vivant. Bull. Soc de m6d. de Poitiers, 1800, xxviii, 108-117. Also : I'nion med. delaGironde, Bordeaux, 1860, v. 402-408.—Brothers (A.) Cesarean section for eclarapsiaina moribund woman, with fatal result. Am. J. Obst,. N. Y., 1-90, xxxiv, 529-532.— Bullioni (G. B.) Taglio cesareo post mortem. 1! iccoglitorc med.. Forli, 1892. 5. s.. xiii, 510-512.—Burroughs (J. J.) Ca-satian sect on post mortem; successful delivery of aliving foetus. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1883-4. n. s., x, 427-434.—Carrara (G.) Sopra un caso di taglio cesareo seguilo da amputa- ziono utero-ovarica in donna moribonda. Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1884, n. a., vi, 9-23.—Charles (V.) Primipare k terme; mort rapide pendant lo travail; opera- tion cesarienne post inert m. J. d'accouch, Liege, 1884, v, 285.—Cleveland (J. L ) Impregnation Ave months after the cessation of menstruation; the lit rine sound used without harm to the fetus; a living child e tracted by Caesarean section one hour alter death of the mother. Tr. Obst, Soc Cincin, 1877-9, i, 111 110. Also: Cincin. Lancet, & Clinic 1878, u. s., i, 30-38.—t'oechi (A.) Sopra la vitalita d' un feto estratto dall' utero della madro morta precedentcmente. In his: (.'onsulti med.. 8°, Milano, 1824, 482-484.—Davis (E. P.) Post-mortem Ca-sarean section, with delivery of a living child. Med Xews. X. Y\, 1890, lxviii, 119. Also, Ileptint.— Dohrn (K) Kaiserschnitt nach dem Tode; Muskelstarro der moribund extrahirten Frucht. Centralbl. f. Gyuiik., Leipz., 1886, x, 113-115. -----. Tonische Muskelkontraktur bei todtgcborenoin friihzeitigen Kinde einer Eklam]itischen; Sectio caesarea post mortem. lb d., 1895, xix, 497. -----. Der Kais- r- si-hnitt an verstorbenen Schwangeren. Samml klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., Is97, No. 188 (Gynakol., No. 09 9«7- 1000).—Drobeg;;. Kaiserschnitt nach dem Tode. Geu.- Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1829, Coblenz, 1832, 102.— K. (A) I)e operationo ca-sarea post mortem pi a -gnantis. hi his: Disp. physiol.-theol., 8°, Par., 1884, 2K2-305. — Erd- heiai (S.) S.clio caesarea in mortna; leb< nd>-s Kind. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1S90, xx, 377.—Ferber. FeberdeuKaiserschuitt an der'l'odten. S-hmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1803, cxvii, 2. lift,, I79-1S9.—Fiseher. Sectio etesarea post mortem. Ztschr. f. Wundar/.to it. (ieburtsh.. Winuendeu, 1885. xxxvi, 135-111.—F roll berg. Kaiser- schuitt nach dem Tode. Gen.-Ber. d. k rhein. Med.-Coll. 1829. Coblenz, 1832, 103. — Oallardo (P.) Opeiacion ccs&rea post-mortem. Actas . . . Cong, ginec. espafi., Ma- drid, 1888. i, 91-98. Also: Bisturi, Toledo, 1888, i, 129- 137.—CSastaldi (G.) Taglio cesareo post mortem. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1894, xlv, 961-908.—Gusserow. Kaiser- schnitt; zweimal au der Todten, einmal in der Agone. Charite-Ann. 1883, Berl.. 1885, x, 607.—Hays (J. M.) Caso of Caesarean section after death of mother; living child removed. North Car. M. J., Wilmington. 1K85, xvi, 271-273. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 563.—von Ilooi-a (J.) Wahrnehmung von einem Kaiserschnitte, welcher gleicb nach dem Tode der Fran vorgenommen ist. In: Levret. Wahrnehiuuiigoii v. d. Ursachen . . . schwerer Geburt, 12°, Liibeck u. Altona, 1758, 499-502.— Johnston (G. B.) Post mortem Caesarean section. Practice, Rich- mond, 1889, iii, 253. — Kaatzner (K.) Unterlassung des postmortalen Kaiserschnittes. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1891, Graz, 1892, xxviii. 80. — Klicker- ■ii a a n. Verwachsung des Mutterinundes und Kaiser- schnitt nach dem Tode. San.-Ber. d Prov. Brandenburg 1837, Berl., 1840, 116.—Kosmiiiski (F.) Sectio caesarea post mortem; plody zywe. [ . . . children living.] [Two cases.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1895, xxxiv, 422-424. — liCimaiider (K. G.) Nigra ord om kejsarsuittet p& diida och pa lefviinile. [Caesarean section in the dead and living.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1889-90, xxv, 1-24.— Leoupacher. Zum Kaiserschnitte au der Leiche. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1890, xlvii, 187- 191.—Marc. Question de la vie et de la viabilit6. [Cas d'operatiou cesarienne post mortem par M. Cabaret; ques- Caesarean section on dead or dying. tion medico-legale do survie.] Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1838, xix, 98-169. — Horisaiii (O.) L' ostetrico pn6 essoie antoiizzato a ptaticaie il pario cesareo su donna agoniz- zante, affino di salvare pin sicuiauiento il feto, a gravi- dan/.a giunta mil' ultimo bimestro, ma non a t-rminel Xella condiziono aceeimata e lecito far succederc alia operazione cesarea 1' amputaziouc utero-ovai lea (opera- zione di Porro) ancho quando la donna siabeu conformant? Resoc Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, lss2. xxxvi. 114-139. Also: Iliv. clin. e tetap., Napoli, 1883. v. 513-532. Also [Discus-ion]: Ann.diostet., Milano, 1883, v, 641-054. Also: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, I8n a dead woman] reported by \V. \V. Jaggard. Phila. M. Tunes, 1881-2, xii, 6!9.—Stearns (II S.) A case of post mortem Caesarean section, with delivery of a living child. Med. Rec, N. Y , 1896, 1, 245.—von Slein- biichel. Eklampsie; Sectio caesarea post mortem; in- trauterine Leicheustarre. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xlv, 369; 433; 474.—Thomas. Kaiserschnitt nach deiu Tode der Mutter. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med. Coll. 1828, Coblenz, 1832, 65. — Trier (M.) Et Tilfaelde af Sectio caesarea post mortem med levendo Barn Gynaek og obst. Medd., Kjebenh., 1881, iii, 54-56. — Wiei-ciiixky (U.) Vor dem Blasensprung abgestorbene Fiucht; Sectio caesarea in inoribunda; Schultze'sehe Schwingungen; ausgedehnter Lnftgehalt beider Lungen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1888, xii, 309-371.—Zeydler (P.) O ke- sarskom siechenii na myortvikh. [Ctesareau section in the dead.] Arch, sudebnoi med., St. Petersb., 1870, vi, no. 4, 2 sect., 26-43. Caesarean section with excision of ute- rus or of ovaries. Baumann(J.) * Ueber den Eiurluss der Porro- Operation nnd Castration auf das Wesen der Osteomalacic. K-. Basel, 1889. Bkckh (G. C.) *Die Exstirpation des Uterus als Ergiinznng der Sectio caesarea. *-. Wiirz- burg, 1881. Blumenthal (M.) *Ein Fall von Porro- Operatiou bei Osteomalacic 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Cokdks (F.) *Du manuel operatoire daus l'operation de Porro. 4°. Montpellier, )**4. Fkaxgides (J.) * Ueber Complication der Geburt mit Gescbwiilsten der iuneren Sexual- organe. Ein gliicklicher Fall von Sect. caes. nach Porro wegen Uterusnbromyom tins Geb.- K. Kaltenbach's Klinik. 8°. Halle a. S., 1893. Frev (R.) * Casuistischer Beitrag zur Porro'- Bclien Methode des Kaiserscbuittea. 8°. Heidel- berg, lfj83. CESAREAN. 39 C.ESABEAN. Caesarean section with excision of ute- rus or of ovaries. GCXtiier (II.) *Ein Fall von Porro-Opera- tion mit gliickliehein Ausgange fiir Mutter und Kind. 8°. Berlin, ri>«9ii]. Kissel (L.) "Die Porrooperation bei osteo- ma lakiscbem Becken. 8J. Freiburg i. B., 1888. KOK ([F. A.] F.) *Ein Fall von Osteomala- cic: On* r;ilion nach Porro. 8°. Marburg, 1891. Niehhoff ( B. ) *Drei Fiille von kaiser- schnitt; zwei nach Porro's Methode, einer nach Sanger's Methode. 8°. Kiel, 18<-<>. Rosentkager (M. ) * Ueber linen Kaiser- schnitt nach conservierender Methode, nebst Statistik der Porro-Operationen. 8°. Jena, 18-i>. 8CHI.EMMEH. Die Porro-Operatiou oder die neue Kaisi r-ehnitt-Methode nach Porro und ihre moralischen Grenzen. 8°. Stuttgart, 18*1. Tismer (G.) *Die Wiirdigung des Kaiser- schnitts nach der Methode vou Porro. 8°. Wiirzburg. 188*. Abel. Eine nene Indication zur Sectio caesarea nach Porro. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii,2M1-283. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1896), 1897, xxvii, pt, 2, 81-91. [Discussion], pt. 1, 107; 124. — Adam (G. K.) A successful case of Porro's operation. Austral. M J., Melbourne, 1890, n. s., xii. 300-304. — Adenot. Dystocie par fibrome ; operation de Porro; extirpation de la tu- nieur. Lyon med., 18:6, lxxxii. 191; 294. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), i897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 86-90. -----. Operation de Porro. Mem et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 103-106.—Alexander (W.) Purulent encephalitis with obscure symptoms occurring in a pregnant woman at full term ; chi d saved hy abdominal section (Porro's opera- tion). Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 169. — Arinangne (J.) Nota sobre la primera operacion de Porro pracficada en Ksrana. Independ. med , Barcel., 1882-3, xviii, 76. — Aruott (J.) Case of Porro's op ration: death. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1885. n. s., No. vii, 48-50.— Ashton (W. E.) A successful Porro-Miiller operation for malformation of the uterus and vagina. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 369-371. — Baldassarra (F.) Parto cesareo con amputazione utero-ovarica. Puglia med., Ban, 1893, i, 145-153.—Baldwin (J. F.) Caseof Porro's operation. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, t ol<>do, 1890, 109-114, 1 pi. Also: Columbus M. J., 1890-91. ix, 106-111. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 13*-141. Also: Northwest. M. J., Minneap., 1890, xviii, 222. — Barnes (F. ) A caso of Porro's opeiation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18s5, i, 122. -----. Case of Porro's operation. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1889-90, v, 315-320.—Barriera. Opei atioii de Porro chez une name rachitique, avecsuites heureuses pour la mere et pour l'enfant. Arch, do tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1893. xx, 945-948.—Barrow (D.) A case of the Porro operation; recovery of mother and child. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxvi,677-679.—Barsotli (A.) Diunaovaro-isterectomia cesarea pr-nicata nella maternity di Lucca. Imparziale, Firenze, l>-83, xxiii,175; 209. -----. La secondaovario-iste- rectomiacesarea(m6todoPorro)praticat a nella. maternity di Lucca; feto salvo; madre guarita. Gazz.med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1886, 8. s., viii, 71-7(1.— Bartlett (J.) A proposed modification of Porro's operation. J. Ani.M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 3S5-390. Also : Chicago M. J. & Ex.mi., 1886, liii, 211-239. —Bartsikovski (N. V.) Sluchai rodov, osloz- nennikhraziivoiu matki iopukholyu vnialom tazu, sposlle- dovatelnoyu operatsiyei po Porro. [Case of labor compli- cated by rupture of tlie tit ertts and tumor in the true pelvis, with consequent Porro's operation.] Yu/.hnorussk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1892, i, 66. — BashkiroflT (A. S.) Sluchai operatsii Porro. J. akush. i ji-nsk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1887, i. 102-105.—Bayer. Ein Kaiserschnitt nach Porro mit Erfolg fiir Mutter und Kind bei einem osteomalaci- schen Becken; nebst Beschreibung drei weiterer osteoma- lacischer Becken und mit einer Besprechunc der Fort- schritte in den Methoden des Kaiserschnittes. Arch, f, Gynaek.,Berl., 1881,xviii,412-426.—Beaucamp. Ueber Stielhehandlung bei Porro'scher Operation. '1'agebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Kdln, 1889, lxi. 173. -----. Ein Beitrag znr Porro-Operation. Arch. f Gynaek., Berl., 18^97 xxxvi, 358-370. -----. Weiterer Beitrag zur Porro-Operation. Ibid., 1891, xl, 117-128. -----. Recidiv von Osteomalakie nach Porro. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1895, xix, 155-159. — Bei-nayx (A. C.) Porro's operation. Internat. M. & S. Synopsis. St. Louis, 1887-8, i, no. 2, 5. -Bcrtazzoli (A.)' Relazione di tie operazioni Porro di cui due con affondaniento del pedun- colo. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1892, xiv, 1; 118.— de Bevc. Retrecisseinent extreme du bassin; operation de Porro tardive; mort, Rev. med., Lonvain, 1892-3, xi, Caesarean section with excision of ute- rus or of ovaries. consrenito di Robert; laparatomia cesarea, metodo Porro, con esito felice per la madre e pel feto. Altro caso di bacino di Robert in persona della sorella nubile. Atti d. r. Accad. sc. med. in Palermo (1894), 1895, 12H-145. Also: Arch, di ostet. e ginec. Napoli, 1894, i, 421; 498.—Bishop (E. S.) A cas-, of Porro's operation; recovery. L„ncet, Lond., 1894, ii. 142i.—Blac-k (J. F.) Porro's operation; mother and child saved. lit it. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 128.— ISIaek (J.J.) A Porro-Ca-sarean section, rendered nec- essary by a deformed pelvis, and a uterus enormously en arged by fibroid growths; together with a cyst of the ri-.-ht broad ligament. Med. News, Phila., 1^-89, lv, 480-482. Also, Reprint.— Blane (ft.) Operation do Fremiti appli- quee il l'literus gravitleou laparo-liystcrcctoiniocesarienne totale. Arch, de tocol , Par., 1890, xvii, 380-388.—BI nine (F.) Porro C;esarean section for an ovarian tinm rconipli- eatin iu morte. Ibid., 1891, iii. 546-557.—Couraut. Zur Indikation der Porro'sclieii Operation bei narbiger Strikturund Fistelbil- dung iu den weichen Geburtswogeu. Centralbl. f.Gwiak., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 990-995. — C room (J. H.) Case of Porro-Cassarean section. Edinb. M. J., 1890-91, xxxvi, 896 - 898, 1 pi. -----. Notes of a case of puerperal eclampsia with hypertrophic and undilatable cervix; Ca-sarean section tPorro). Med. Press &. Circ. Lond., 1893, n. s., Iv, 323.—Cullingwortli. A case of Porro- Caesarean section in a rachitic dwarf; successful result both to mother and child. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1068- 1070.—Cuzzi (A.) Di una operazioni- di Porro. Ann. di ostet.. Milano, 1883, v, 37-44. — Dallas. L'opera- tion de Porro, pratiquee ;Y Constantinople pour la pre- mifere fois avec sue es. Union med. d'Orient, Constant. 1880. vii. 305-307.—Daaeourt. Pbeuomenes observes aux epoques cataineuiales chez des oper6es par la in6rhodt- de Porro. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1884, viii, 16-19.—De- baissieux. Kyste de rovairocompliquant une grossesse ii terme et met taut obstacle a raccouchemeut; operation de Porro avec ovariotomie; guerison. Cong, period, inter- nat. tie gynec et d'obst. C.-r. 1892, Brux., 1894, i, 707- 711.—De Cristoforis (M.) La cesarea estirpazioue totale dell' utero riveutlicata agl' Italiani; ovario-isterec- tonii.i cesarea. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1882, 1, 561-567.__ Dekanski (A. P.) Sluchai osteomalvatsii u beremen- noi, udalcnic matki i ptitlatkov; vizdorovlt-uie. [Case id osteomalacia in pregnancy: removal of uterus and append- ages; recovery.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez.. St Petersb. 1892, vi. 931-934— Diminished (The) mortality of the Porro-Osaivan operation [Edit.J Med. News I'bila., 1888, liii, 07X-6X0.—Donald (A.) A case of mollified Porro's operation for cancer of the cervix complicating pregnancy. L meet. Lond., 1893, ii, 1510. — Douhof£ Eine Porro'sche Operation iudicirt dutch vorhergegaugene Caewareail section trith excision of ute- rus or of ovaries. Vagiuo-fixatio Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 1079.—Duchamp. Observation d'une operation de Porro. Loire med.. St.-Eticune, 1886. v. 5.— Duchamp (V.) Operation cesarieuuo suivie de I'.imputation par In vagin de l'literus invers6; guerison. /'"/. 1 s97, xvi, 'J-J9-2.J2 — Dumas (L.) Bassin rachitique; operation cesaiieime par la methode tie Porro; enfant vivant; mort dc la mere le sixieino jour par pcritonite. Ann. tic gynec, Par., 18X4, xxii. 283-297. Also: Montpel. m6d., 18-4, 2. s., iii. 408-421.—Duneaii (W.) Extreme rachitic deformity in a pregnant female; Porro's operation; recov- ery of mother and child. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 16-18.— Dunn (J. II.) Tumor of pregnant uterus; sin ccssful Porro's operation. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1892, xii, 71. — Elder (G.) Notes on a case of Porro's operation for obstruction to labour by uterine fibroids (with specimens). Brit. Gyntcc. J., Lond.. lh95-6, xi, 473-476. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1M)5, n. s., Ix, 572.—Evcrke. Ein Fall von Porro-Operation wegen Beckenonge in Folge von Osteomalacic; Heiluug tier Osteomalacic I leutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1892, xviii, 72-74. — Falasclii (E.) Storia di una istero-ovariotomia cesarea (operazione del Porro). Boll. d. Soc tra i cult. d. sc med. in Siena, 1884, ii, 223-228.—Febling (II.) Ein Kaiserschnittnach Porro bei Osteomalacia mit giinstigeni Ausgange. Arch, f, Gynaek., Berl., 1882, xx, 399-408. -----. Ein vierter K.d- serschnitt nach Porro. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 11-84, viii, 17-22.—Ferrari (D.) Distacco utero-vaginale in sovrapparto; opeiazione Potto. Spallanzani, Modena, 1881, 2. s., x, 337-342.—Fcrri (A.) Due operazioni cesaree con amputazione utero ovarica per osteomalacia. Gior. p. lelevatrici. Milano, 1896, x, 180; 190: 1897, xi, 3.—Ficki. Operacya ciecia cesarskiego sposobem Porto. [Ciesai-ean operation according to Porro.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1880, xxix, 179; 187.—Foehicr. Dystocie due k une tunn-ur du col de l'literus; operation de Porro; guerison. Mem.et compt.-rend. Soc. d.sc. mod. de Lyon (1883), 1884, xxiii, pt. 2, 49-59.—Fontana (P. M.) Rottura spontanea dell' utero in travaglio di parto; taglio cesareo cotnpletato con 1'amputazione utero-ovarica eseguito da guarigione. Ann. di ostet., Firenze, 1888, x, 97-121—Fraipoat (F.) -Bas- sin ost6omalaciquo; grossesse de 7 mois envir, n; eufaut mort; operation cesarienne, sui vie d'atnputation utero- ovarique de Porro; guerison. Ann. Soc. metl.-thir. do Liege, 1891, xxx, 225-232. Also: Bull. Soc. beige de gvnec. et d'obst., Brux., 1891, ii, 88-96.—Fratkill (B. A.) K voprosu o posobiyakb prioslozhnenii beremennosti i rodov miomami matki. (Sluchai operatsii Porro.) [On the treatment in complications of pregnancy and labor by myoma of uterus. (Case of Porro's operation.) ] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1892, viii, 6X8-728.—Fratlina. Istero-ovariotomia cesarea. Riv. veneta disc inctl., Vene- zia, 1887, vii, 318-331.—Fullerton (Anna M.) Obstetric. surgerv. with the leport of a Porro case. Pioc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii, 433-449. Also: Man land M. J., Bait., 1892-3. xxviii, 177-180.-Galabin (A. L.) Con- dition of placenta in uterus removed by Porro's operation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix, 98. -----. A case of Porro's operation. Ibid. (18X9), 1890, xxxi, 57-68. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1889. i, 332. Also, transl.: J. d'accouch., Liege, 1889, x, 101.—Garde (H. C.) A case of Porto's operation for rachitis of pelvis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1887-8, vii, 139.—Garrigucs (11. J.) The improved Caesarean section, containing the description of a kyphotic ju-lyis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi. 337; 505- 599. —Gauiglia (T.) Relation d'un cas d'operation cesa- rienne (precede de Porro), avec suites beureuses pour la mere et l'enfant. N. Montpel. med.. 1897, vi, 150-157.—Ger- baud. Bassin rachitique; operation cesarienne par la me- thode de Porro; enfant vivant; mort de la mere le sixteme jour par peritonite. Montpel. med.. 1X85, 2. 8., iv, 148-150.— Godson (C.) Porro's operation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 142-159. -----. Porro's operation. I bid., 1891, ii, 793-795.— Gomez (J.) Operacidn de Porro. Gac. in6d., Mexico, 1897. xxxiv, 381-401, 1 pi. — Grigg. Porro's operation; child saved; death of mother from at pt ii a-iuin. twentv-four hours after operation. Med. Rec, N Y. ls>2, x\i,376.— Gross in ana ( P. ) A modified Porro-Ca-sarean opera- tion; the pedicle dropped in. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. e., lxxxvi, 477-479—Guermonprcz. Hvstetct tomie abdomiuale totale substitute k l'operation de Porro. Arch. de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 699-703. — Gui- chard (A.) Operation cesarienne suivant le precede de Porro, chez uno malatle presentant une cvpliuse dorsale avec retrecisseinent transversal du detroit inlei ieuret tout le bassin oblique ovalaire, pratiquee le 22 inai 18x1. Ann.de g\uet-., Par., 1882, xvii, 321-342. Also [Bap. de Lucas-Cham- pioniiiete| ; Bull, t-t mem. Soc. ih- chir. do Par., 1882, n. s., viii 302-373 —Guillermet. L'operation de Porro. Rev. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1881. i. 250; 309. -Guz. zoni (A.) Un' amputazione utero-ovarica cesarea; donna salva, bambino vivo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1880. vii. 43; 50; t.O — Hamill - myoma, complicated by preg- nancy, and preventing natural delivery. Austral M. J., Melbourne, 1893, n. s., xv, 629-634.— Hough (C. 11.) A case of Porro-Ciesarean section, (^uart. M. J., Sheffield, 1X94-5, iii, 201-264.—Howe (A. J.) The Porro operation vs. the Ca-sareau section. Eclect. M.-L, Cincin., 1890.1,377- 387. Also: Geoigia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta, 1890-91, xii. 201- 216.—Ikeda (J.) Ein Kais rschuitt wieder nach Porro mit uiiustigem Resultat fiir Mutter und Kind. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz.. 1893, xvii, 1060-1063. -----. Porroshi setsukaisitsii wo site moshi tomoni antlen narishi saito no siken. | Second case of successful operation bv Porro's method.] Korin no shiwari.Tokyo, 1894.vi, no. 2, 1-3; no. 3, 1-4. -----. FutatabiPorroshi nideiwosetsukaisitsuoogo- nashi mo oyobi sogo wo sukubi tarn sitsuken [Two suc- cessful cases of Porro's operation. J Tok\o med» Wchnschr., 1894, No.826, 1-6. Also: Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio. 1894.no. 333,2: no.334,20. — Imlaili (F.) Acasoof Porro's opera- tion. Brit.M. J., Lond , 18s5. i, 221. -----. On pregnancy in double uterus: with a successful case of Porro's opera- tion. Ibid., ii, 695.—Inverardi (G.) Stenosi pelvica di 3" grado (C. O. 3 cm.); taglio cesareo (metodo Porro); fetovivo; donna salva. Gazz. d. din., Torino, 1886, xxiv, 367-375.—Jassinwki (P.) Ueher den K-iUersrhnitt nach Porro. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1368; 1401; 1432.— Jay (J. G.) Cars irean section with oophorectomy; re- port of asuccessful case. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1888 n.s., xc.vi, 465 476.—Jenkins (Lilian). Four cases of Porro's operation at the Lady Kinnard Memorial Hospital, Luck- now. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1895, ix, 88.—Johan- novsky (Y.) Zwei I-'iille von Sectio cassarea nach Porro mit glucklichein Ausgaug fur Mutter und Kind. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 188X, xiii. 39.—Jones (M. II.) Porro's operation. Tr. Ob-t. Soc Lond. (1X85). lxxti, xxvii, 4. Alio: Lancet, Lend., Ixx5, i. 10X6.—Jordan (J. F.) A success- ful case of Porro's operation for cancer of the rectum. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1894, i, 299.—Kabierake jun. Eine Sectio ca-sarea nach Porro mit intraporitonoaler Stielver- sorgung. Centralbl f. Gynak., Leipz., 1883, vii, 281 ; 297. Also [Abstr.]: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1883, v, 60.— Keeling. A successful case of Porro's operation. Metl. Press & Circ. Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiii, 221.—Kehrer. Fall von Porro's Sectio caesarea wegen Uterus-Ruptur. Ver- Cesarean section with excision of ute- rus or of ovaries. handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak. 1889, Leipz., 1890, 8-12.—Kelly. Myoma complicating pregnancy ami pre- venting deli very: Pot to Caesarean operation modified by dropping the pedicle. .Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1894, v, ><). — King (A. F. A.) Inversion of tho cervical stump in Porro's operation. Am. I. Obst,, N. Y., 1X84, xvii, 348-351.—Kleiawaehter (L.) Beitriigozur Porro- Operation. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1x86, xii, 238-261. Also, Reprint. — Klotz. Eine SeeFio caesarea nach Porro wegen Myom Centralbl. f. Gynak Leipz., 1887, xi, 345-318— Kofler (II.) Ein Fall von Sect. ca-s. nach Porro. Wien. klin. VVclmschr., 1891, i v, 967. ------. Atoniauteri mil nachfolgender Laparotomie. Ibid., 1893, xvi, 260. — Komlratowii-z (S.) Uwagi o eieciu cosarskiem wedlug sposobu I'orro dokonywanem. |<)n Ca-sarean section completely performed by I "on o's met hod.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 18su, viii, 257; 276.—Krassovski (A. I.) Dva sluclirya kesarskavo slechenia proizve- dyonniye po sposobu Porro. [Two cases of (Cesarean sec- tion performed by Porro's method. | J. akush. i jensk. bo- liez., St, Petersb;, 1888, ii, 178-187— Kuffernth. Opera- tion de Porro. Bull. Soc beige de gynec. et d'obst., Brux., 1SX9-90, i, 15-29, 2 pi. ------. Labour complex, laceration of uterus, osteo - malaciee, contracted pelvis; Caesarian section, Porro's operation. Rep. & Statist, spec. State hosp. Madras (1892), 1893, 55 — I.anro (V.) Istero- ovaiiotomia cesarea. Gior. internaz. tl. sc mod., Napoli. 1883,n. s.,v, 273-278.—I.auwers (E.) Deux observations d'operation doPorro; un cas de dechirtire de 1 ut6rus et du vagin, pendant l'accouchement, traite par l'hysteiecto- mie abdominale. Bull. Acatl. roy. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1892, 4. s., vi, 558-565. — l.enoel^ De l'operation de Porro. Soc. med. d'Amiens. Bull. (1878-9), 1880, 90-97.— I.esi (V.) Un' operazione del Porro. Raccoglitote nu-d., Forli, 1884, 4. s., xxii, 529-538. ------. Un' altra operazione del Porro. Ibid., 1885, 4. s., xxiv. '185-198. ------. La 3" ope razioue del Porro. Ibid., 1891. 5. s., xi, 5-9.—fjewis (D.) An interview- with Porro. Am. J. Obst , N. Y., 1x94, xxx, 354-360.— Levis. Beitrag zur Stat istik des Kaiserschnitts mit Excision des Gebarmutterkdrpers. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., L-ipz.. 1881, v, 193-196.—Levy (F.) Ueher die Methode des Kaiserschnittes nach I'orro. Wien. Kli- nik, 1X80. vi, 287-346. — I.czin (V. Y.) K operatsii Porro. [Porro's operation] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 1201.— Eiihotzky. Sectio ca-sarea nach Porro. Sitzuugsb. d. geburtsh.-gymek. Gesellsch. in Wien, 18X8, i, 155. ------. Ueber zwei weitere Falle von Forro- Operationen wegen Osteomalacic Ibid.. 1889, ii, 95.— IiOwson(D.) Case of modified Porro's operation Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892-3, xvii, 174-178— I.ubac. Ova- rio-hysterectomie cesarienne (operation do Porro) chez une rachitique retrecie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, Ixvi, 679. Also: Arch, de tocol. et tie gynec, Par., 1X93, xx,C00-603.— Ijucas-Chanipionniere (J.) Operation de Porro. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1880. 2. s., ix, 183-187. ------. Rapport sur nn travail de M. Delaissement, intitule: Operation lie Porro, suivie do succes; l'operation de Porro et l'op6ratiou cc-arienno simple. Bull, et m6m.S0c.de chir. do Par., 1886, n. s., xii, 91-99.—Ludlam. Porro's operation at the fourth month in an extreme case of myo- fibromata. Cliniqne, Chicago, 1894, xv,180, 1 pi. — Lumpc. Ein Kaiserschnitt nach Porro. Arch. f. Gynaek , Berl., 1884, xxiii, 276-282.—I.usk (W. T.) The new Caesarean section; with reports of three successful cases. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1888, xiii, 110-141.—I, voff (I. M.) K kazul-ttikle Porrovskikh operatsii . Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881. ii, 577-580. ------. Kesarskoye slechenie po Porro pri osteomalyaticheskom taze s blagopriyatnim iskbodora dlya materi i plod 1. [Caesarean section according to Porro in osteomalacia of pelvis, with good result for mother and child ] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1891, xxxix, 844-848.—Ylac- doualfl (A.) Case of Porro-Miiller operation in a la- bour obstructed by a largo dermoid tumour adherent to the posterior aspect of the britn of the pelvis. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc., 1884-5, x 157-161. Also: Edinb. M. J., 18X5-6, xxxi, 121-128. — IVIaclareii (G. G.) Case of Porro's operation. Indian M Gaz., Calcutta, 1891."\xvi, 43. Also: Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1X91. i, 514.—IflavPhalter (N.) Preg- nancy; contracted pelvis; double dermoid est; Porro's operation; recovery of mother and child. Med. Rec. W Y., 1894, xlvi, 567-569.—Maugiagalli (L.) Due easi di taglio cesareo col metodo Porro per rare indicazioui. Aim. di ostet,, Milano, 1890, xii, 215-230.— Tlartin lA.) Eiu Fall von Kaiserschnitt nach Porro. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg.. 1881, x, 146-156. 1 di.ig—iTInrtin (C.) I Porro's operation for impacted labour due to contraction of the pelvis. Brit. M.I., Lond., 1X94, ii, 1369.— Tlai-liao (A ) Intorno ad una operazione tli istoro-ovariotoinia ce- sarea. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1884, xxxviii, 38_45. ------. Intorno ad una openzione d' isterototuia cesarea. Incurabili, Napoli, 1891. vi, 21-25. ------. Un altra operazione cesarea col metodo Porro: madre e figlio salvi. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1X92. i, 129-131.- Tlar- tone (V.) Parto cesareo alia Porro. senza drenaggio. I Atti d. r. Accad. metl.-chir. di Napoli, 1892, xlvi, 416 — CESAREAN. 42 (LESAItEAN. Caesarean section with excision of ute- rus or of ovaries. mason (S. R.) Case ©r 'Porro's vprraami forvuBuu. xlvi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. (1881), 1882, 11. -----. Zwei Fiille von Kaiser- schnitt mit Exstirpation des Uterus (nach Porro). Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1882, xxix, 207-210.—O'Sullivan (M. U.) Caesarean section, with oophorectomy; recovery of mother and child. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1889. ii. a., xi, 410-415.—Ott (D. O.) Kesarskoye slechenie po sposobu Porro-Rein'a s blagopriyatnim iskhodom dlya materi i ploda. [Caesarean section by Porro-Rein's method with gootl result for mother nud child.] Trutli Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb. (1888-90), 1892, lvi-lvii,38-47. Also: Vrach,St, Petersb.. 1888.ix, 1037-1040. Also.tronsl.: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1890. xxxvii, 88-99. — Parish (W. H.) Poiro-Miillei operation. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1883. xvi, 1197-1207 Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 447- 451. Also- Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 398-402. Also: N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii. 443-447. Also: [Abstr.]: Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 111-113. — Parish (W. H.) & Allis (O. II.) A Porro-Miieller operation performed because of au impacted shoulder presentation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1887, xx, 503-506. Also .- Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1886-7, xvi, 460.—Parona (F.) Operazione cesarea per distocia.- eseguita col metodo Porro. Indipendente, Torino, lx>l xxxii, 529-534. — Peruzzi (D.) Taglio cesareo completato dall' amputazione utero-ovarica — 25" nella statistica italiana. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1880, ii, 705-716.—Petit ( L.n.) L'operation de Porro. [Rev. crit ] Arch. geu. de med., Par., 1882, i, 188-204.—Pezze (L.) L' operazione tli Porro. Atti d. xi., Cong. metl. inter- naz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, Chirurg. [etc.], 551.—Piccinini (G.) Un caso di operazioni cesarea alia Porro. Ann. tli ostet, Milano, 1891, xiii, 843. —Pinard (A.) & Megoud (P.) Gastro-bysterotomie suivie do rhysterectoniie totale chez une femnie en travail k terme, ayant un retret-is.se- nieut extreme dn bassin. Ann. de gvnfic et d'obst , Par., 1897, xlvii. 97-102. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxvii,47-50.—Pobedinsky(N.) Ein Kaiserschnitt nach Porro mit gliickliehem Erfolge fiir Mutter und Kind. Centralbl. f. Gynak..Leipz., 1896, xx,801-804 —Pollosaon (A.) Grossesse; fibrome uterin; operation de Porro. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, Caesarean section trith excision of ute- rus or of ovaries. I xxxvi pt. 2, 9.—Porro {E.j Aniputemooe-ntero-ovarica ! cesarea (-metodo Porro). Ann. uuiv. di med. e chir., Mi- lano, 1883, eclxiii, 2X0.—Porro oiler Kaiserschnitt I (Ein Beitrag zur Moral in tin- Medizin.) Wien. med. Bl., Issl. iv, 369; 404. — Prochownick (L.) Ueber einen Fall von Kaiserschnitt nach der Porro'schen Methode wegen eingekeilten Uterusfibroins. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 18X2. vii, 535-537.—Priec (J.) The Porro operation. Ann. Gymec, Bost.. 1889-90, iii, 1-3. -----. Porro's oper- ation; puerperal hysterectomy. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1890-91. iv.345,2 pi. -----. Porro's operation. Ibid., 1890-91, iv, 683-686, 1 pi. ------. Exhibition of sped- men from a case of Caesarean section with removal of the. uterus and large fibroid tumor. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1891, 3. s., xiii, 111-115. ------. A case of Porro's operation, necessitated by fibroid tumor. Ibid., 116.-----. The Porro operation vs. Caesarian sectio-i. Am. Gynec J.,Toledo, 1892, ii. 333-341. 3 pi —Price (J.) & Clegg (W. T.) Acaseof Porro's operation. Liverpool M.-Clnt. J., 1893, xiii, 472. — Pryor (\Y. K.) A case of I'orro's operation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 523-528.— Pugliatti (It.) Una operazione cesarea seguita d' am- I putaziono utero-ovarica (metodo Porro); madre e figlio salve. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1891. xiii, 635-044.— Pyotroff (V. A.) Sluchai operatsii Porro. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 30.—Kaineri (G.) Di un taglio ce- sareo col metodo di Porro seguito tla guarigione in bacino lordo-scogliotico da rachititle. Riv. di ostet, e ginecol., Torino, 189i), i. 49-57.—Rein (G.) Sue la methode opera- | toire tie 1'extirpalion do l'uterus gravide. Ann. de gyn6c. Par., 1881, xv, 130-133.—Ricciardi. II trattaineii'to del j peiluncolo uterine dopo 1' operazione Porro. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1892, i. 97; 133; 197 ; 257.—Rich- ardsoa (E.) Ca-sarean section with removal of uterus and ovaries after the Porro-Miiller method. Am. J. M. Sc , Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 36-46. Also, Reprint. -----. Report on results of post-mortem examination of the body of Liua Earl [operated upon September 22, 18X0, tor re- moval of a living child from the uterus by Caesarean sec- 1 tion, as modified bv Porro aud Miillei]. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 534-537. Also: Metl. News, Phila, 1883, xiii, 423-425. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 515- 517.—Rickctls (E.) Porro's operation; report of a case. Cincin. Lancet Clinic, l.ssx. n. s., xxi, 233. ------. Porro's operation, at or near the fifth month, for sm ill fibroid of the cervix accompanied bv hydramuios and total retention of urine. Am. .1. Obst,. N. Y., 1896, xxxiv, 690. [Discus- sion], 652-655.—Robb (II.) A caseof Porro-Caesarian sec- tion (modified). West. Reserve M. J., Cleveland, 1894-5, iii, 172-174. Also. Reprint.—Robertson (W. S ) A case of Pono's operation in which the child was born alive, but with a fatal rcsu't in the mother after sixty hours. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 982. —Robinson ( B.) Uterus removed by a Porro operation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 880. ------. Exhibition of specimen of Porro operation. Chicago M. Recorder, 1x95, ix, 170-176. — Robsou (A. W. M.) A case of Porro's operation at the full term of pregnancy for myoma; recovery of mother and child. Lancet, Lond.," 1893, i, 414. ------. Two cases in which Porro's operation was performed for impacted pelvic tumours preventing deliv- ery. [Abstr.] Med. Press &. Circ. Lond , 1897, n.s., lxiv, 319. — Robson (A. W. M.) & Husband (N. R.) Por- ro's operation for suppurating ovarian cyst completly blocking tho pelvis. Brit. Gymec J., Lond., 1897-8, xiii, 22. — Rossa. Sectio caesarea nach Porro wegen Osteo- malacic. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893. vi. 291-293.— Rumpe. Eiu Fall von Sectio c;esarea nach Porro. ('en- trabl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 109-172.— Runge (M.) Osteomalakie: Porro-Operation mit Veisenkung des Stumpfes; gliicklicher Ausgang. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1891-2, xii, 116-121. — Russell ( L. E.) [Pregnane? after double ovariotomy]; Poiro operation. Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass., N. Y.. 1892-3, xx, 247-249. — Macrc. Operation de Porro. Bull. Soc. beige de gynec. et d'obst., Brux.. 1889-90,9-11.—Salin (M.) Kt-jsafsuitt elter en moditierad Porro's metod vid graviditet i ena halfvan af en dubbel uterus. [Cesarean section according to a nodi tied Porro method iu pregnancy and double uterus.) Hvgiea, Stock- holm. 1881. xliii, 153-160. — Maugregorio (G.) Taglio cesareo con amputazione utero ovarit-o per grave vizianira pelvica da osteomalacia. Gior. p. lo levatrici Milano 1891, v, 89-95. —Savage ( T.) A case of Porro's operation; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1x82, ii, 423. _____. I'orro's operation. Birmingh. M Rev., 1883, xiv, 213-221. Also, Reprint, — Nchacfler (O.) Ueber eine in del Dorfstube ausgefuhrte gluckiieh verlaufene Porro-Amputatioii des Uterus nach completer Zerteissung desselben nnd Austtitt des Kiudes in die Banehhdble. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr.. 1897. xiiv, 1099-1103 - Ac hm alius* (G.) Eine Ver- besserung fiir Ivstimmte Fiille tier Porro'schen Operation. Centralbl. f. Gvnak.. Leipz., 1884, viii. 209-212.-Schopf , r>. Rosentrager ( M. ) * Ueber einen Kaiser- schnitt nach conservierender Methode, nebst Sttttistik der Porro-Operationen. 8°. Jena, 1*89. S.'yxgek (M.) Der Kaiserschnitt bei Uterns- fibrotnen, nebst vergleichender Methodik der Sectio caesarea nnd der Porro-Operation. Kriti- ken, Stndien nnd Vorschlago zur Verbessernng des Kiiisi-rsi-luiiits. 8°. Leipzig, 1882. Adolphi (II.) Ein Fall vou conservativem Kaiser- schnitt bei naht-zu vollstantliger Vaginalocclusion mit gliicklichem Ausgang fiir Kind und Mutter. Deutsche metl Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889. xv, 150-153. — Avlnmli- loflT (M. Z.) Sluchai konservationavo kesarskavo sle- chenia. |Case of conservative Oa3sare.au section.) Pro- tok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. metl. Obsh., T fiis, 1896-7, xxxiii, 238-245. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. 11. Gynaek., Berl., 1897, vi, 270-273. — lliiiiiii-i- (O.) Sectio caasarea; vortlerer mittlerer Mcdianschuitt; Uterusnaht nach Uiiteriniiiirung tier Serosa und Resection der Muscularis; Siinger'scbe Methode tier Dterusniiht. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl . 1882, xx, 409-424. — Boechini. Di un parto cesareo conservative; madre e fig iasahe. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii. pt. 4. 267.—Braun iG.) Sectio ca> sarea wegen relativer Indication nach conservativer Methode. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh -gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien 18S8, i, 81 - so. ------. Ein "weiterer Fall vou Sectio caesarea nach conservativer Methode mit giiu- stigem Ausgange fiir Mutter und Kind. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. I xxx. i, '284. ------. Ueber einen tli it ten und vierten Fall von Sectio ca-sarea nach conservativer Me- thode. Ibid., 415-417.—Braun (S.) Nowy przypadek ciecia cesarskiego tlokouane o ua karlicy wedlug metotly Saengera z wynikiem pomyslnym dla matki i ploda. |Another case of Ca-sarean section in a dwarf, ac- cording to Sanger's inelliotl. with good result for mother and child.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow, 18X8, xxvii, 441. — von Braun-Fernwnld (C.) Sectio cassarea CESAREAN. 44 CESAREAN. C Taglio cesa- rt-o alia maniera del Sanger; operazione e ;cguita due volte sulla steesa donna. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiii, 309-324. -----. Presentazione di mil donna operat > f li.-.einento due volte tli taglio ces ueo alia maniert del Siinger. Atti Cong. "en. d. Ass. metl ital. 1891, Siena. 1X93, xiv, 559-554.—Fasola lE.) Operazione cesarea col metodo Sanger ; inerzia ed emorragia interna grave cou- secutivaallasuturaprofoiida e siipei ticiale (siero-sierosa); amputazione dell' utero (metodo I'orro) : bambino salvo : madre guarita. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1XX0, xxiii, 369; 38-v—Ferrari (T.) Due operazioni cesaree (metodo con- servativo). Stuil. di ostrt. e ginec, Milano, 1x90, 27-37. - Fiodoroflf(I. I.) Sluchai kouservativnavo kesarskavo slechenia pri absolutnom suzhenii taza. [Case of con servative Ca?sareaii s ctiou in extreme contraction of pel- vis.] .1. akush. i jensk. boliez. St. Petersb , 1891. v, 729- 736.—Conies. Conservativer Kaiserschnitt i Mutter und Kind lebend). Deutsche m-d Wchnschi-., Leipz. u. I'.erl., 1897, xxiii, 46-*. — Ooodell I W.) C;esare m section for carcinoma of tho cervix uteri; the new Siinger operation. Med. &Surg. l.'eportcr, Phila.. 1889, lx, 381-384. — llaiuon de Fresnay ( L.) (Yphalothripsie; section c6sarieiin i; operation de Sa-nger. Courrier metl., Par., 1XX9, xxxix, 355; 363. —Harris (U. Pi Additional casesof thoSanger Caesut-an operation, Med. News, Phila., 18X6, xlix, 317. -----. The first fifty Ca-sarean operations under the Siinger method. Ibid , lxx7, 1. 314.—Hinuc (G.) Caesa- rean section; report of a case: description of Siiu er's operation. Nashville J.)l i, S., 1SS-*, u. s., xii, 177-183.— .laggard (W. W.) A caso of conservative Ctesaroan section, terminating in recovery. Metl. News. I'bila 1X88. hi, 405: 4u8. Also: Maryland M. J.. Bait.. 18-8. xix! 104-171. — Jewell ((.'.) Two successful cases of the con- servative C;esarean section. Metl. &. Surg. Reporter Phila., 1x92, lxvi. 453. Also: Tr. M. Soe. N. Y.. Phila. 1892. 256-261. AUu, Reprint.—Kelly. A case of conser- vative Caesarian sect ion. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. Bait., 1891,ii,62. —I.auro (V.) Un parto cesareo cmservatote e duesinfisiotomie (una per nuova indieazi me, 1' altra con nuovo processo); mailri git.iriteofigli vivi. Arch.di ostet. e ginec..Nanoli. Is95.ii.245: 137:594. Also [ Abstr. ]: Atti d. Soc. ital. tli ostet. e ginec lx',14, I'oggibonsi. 1X95 i.239-243 — Leopold (G.i Ein Kaiserschnitt mit Uterusnaht nach Unterminirung der Serosa und Resection tit r Muscularis; gliicklicher Ausgang fur Mutter und Kind. Arch f. Gv- nai-k., Berl., 1882, xix, 400-415. Also: Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (IXX2), 1*83, pt. 2. 33-48. -----. Zwei weitete coiiset \ irende Kaiserschnitte. mit Chrom saurecatgutnabt untl gliickliehem Ausgange. nebst Bemer- kungen iiber die Vereinfachuiig ties Kaiserschnitt s. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Bell., lXXi.xii, 545-547. — Levy (F.) Snaevert Baskken; c. v. 7J ctm.. K jsetsnit (Siingen Karbolintoxikation. Hosp.-1 id., Kjobenh., 1889, 3. R , vii, 1250 - 1260. — Liihotzky. Eineu gebeilteu Fall von conservativer Sectio ca-sarea, der durch seineii Heilnngsverlaiif iutcressant erscheint. Sitzungsb. tl. ee- burtsh.-gvnaek. Gesellsih. iu Wi.-u, ix 12 v, 5. — I.ipinslii (S. A.) Sluchai kesarskavo slechenia pokouserv iiivnoinu sposobu pri otnositelnom pokazanii s blagspriyatuim iskho- dom dlya materi i rebyouka. [Conservative Cesarean sec- tion iu a caso, with happy result for both mother and child.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez.. St. Petersb., 1x96. x. 1263-1271, 1 1 pi. — .Tlandclslamiu (J.) Eih Fall von kousei vative'm Csrwareail section by Siingers method. Kais rschnitt mit gliicklichein Ausgang fiir Mutter unil Kind. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1X97. xxi. 9x5-990.— iTIarta (G. B.) Uu' operazione eesu-ea col metodo di Siinger. Riv. veneta Hi sc. med., Vene/.ia, 1889, x. lti,",- ll-i.—Jleirowitz (l'.> The Ca-s.irean oi>eration, a< e.ird ing to Sa-nger'* method ; performed bv II. C t'tn-. In er. nat. J. Surg.. N. Y.. 1X91. iv. 101-103.'— Tloi-isani njj Sopra una ojierazione cesarea col ptocesso di Sanger Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Xapoli. 1889. 1, 85-88.— .Tl iiusier (II ) Ein Kaiserschnitt nach Siinger-Leopold, nut unglltcklichem Au-gange fiir Mutter und Kind aus dem .lahre 1X83 C.-ntralbl. f G\niik., Leipz... 1880, x. x2- X7 -.\eale (L. E.) A case of Sanger's Ca-sar- an section Med. News. Phila., 1XX8, Iii, 233-255.—Ufigrisoli i B ) Ope- razione cesar. a col metodo conservatme. Baccoglitore med., Forli, 1890, 5. s., ix, 353-373. — .Xoriuent (R. 15.) Sanger Ciesaivan operation necessitated by a peculi u cause and accompanied by unusual c •mpiioations. Med. News, Phil i., 18X8, Iii. 117 - 150. — Oberiiiaun (II ) Drei weitere Falle vou Kaiserschnitt nach Sanger's Me- thode; Heilung tier Mutter; lebende Kinder. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl.. 1XX5-6. xxvii. 266-2X3. — Oliage (J.) ^ case of Siinger-Ca-sarean section. Med N'ews. Phila., 1888, Iii, 685-688. — I'ozzoli (B.) Iliun caso tli op ra/.ione cesa- rea Saenger con esit > felice p r la madre e if feto Alem-ti metl. parmen.se. Parma, 1X90. iv, 257-263 Also: Slud. di ostet. e ginec.. Milano. 1890. 109-118.—Praeger (J.) Ein konservativt-r Kaisei-si-hnitt. Centralbl. f. Gyuiik., Leipz., 1891. xv. 717.—Kost-ullinl (J.) Ciecio cesar kit> metoda. Sa-nger'a. Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1X91, 2. s.. xi. 805-809.— Mauser. Ueber Vereinfachuiig tier Technik ilea K liserschniltes. Yelhandl. d. tleu:seh. Gesellsch. f. Gviuik L-ipz.. lXsli, i, 113-135. Als*: Centralbl. f. Gy- niik., Leipz.. 1880, x, 444-447.— Hani (A.) La tecnica del taglio cesareo conservatoire st-condo il processo detto di Saenger. Ann. ill ostet., Milano, 1^87, ix, 97-102.— Mchaula ( F) Ein Fall von konservativeni Kaiserschnitt mit giinstigeni Ausgang fiir Mutter und Kind, nebst Be- merkungen iiber Silberdr htuaht dos Uterus. Wien med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi, 33; 73; 101; 130. -----. Einzwt-i- tor gliicklicher Kaiserschnitt mit Silberdrahtnaht ties Uterus. I bid..till: 7o9. -----. Ueber zw. i weitere Sat-n- ger'sch ■ Kaiserschnitte. (N'r. iii u. iv.) Prag. metl. Wi-hn- schr., lXxx. xiii. 1-3. Minion. Ein Kaiserschnitt. weichen er aus relativer Anzeige nach conservativer Methode mit gliicklichein Ausgang fur Mutter und Kind ansfuhrte. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Bezirksver. in Erlang. 1X89-9(1, .Miin- chen, 1891.1-3.—9ippeI(A.) Kaiserschnitt nach Siinger. Arch. f. Gynaek., B.-rl., 1X86-7. xxix, 476-487.—Skutseh (F.) Kais. rschuitt mit I'terusn ibt. Ibd., xxviii, 1,11- 143.—von Strnuch (M.) Ein Fall von couservativein Kaiserschnitt. St. Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., Is92, n. F., ix, 221. Also: Fraiienarzt, Berl., 1892, vii, 486-491.— Toiuson (G. I.) K voprosu konservativnol miomotoniii pri beremennosti. I On conservative myoinotomy iu preg- nancy.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St' Petersb., 1897, xi, 311-313—von Troycr (J.) Ein Fall von conservatives Ka;serst:hnitt aus relativer Indication; giinstiger Erfolg fiir Mutter und Kind. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 945- 947— Vinke (H II) Two cases . f Cesarean section by the Sanger uiethod. Tr. M. A*s. Missouri. St. Louis, 1889, 117-121, —Wolcatynslii. Leber zwei Fallo von con- sorvativi-iu Kais. rschnitt mil Uterusnaht. (Sanger's Me- thode). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., lxxo, ii, 53X-54H. —Znin- shin (A. 1.) Sluchai kesarskavo siecheti'ia po konseiva- tivnoniu metodu s modifikatsiyei S u-nger'a. tipt-rirovanniy A. I. Lebedevim. [Case of couservati ye Cesarean section, with Sanger's modification, performed by A. I. Lebedeff.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersu., 1887, i, 461 -465.— Zinlte iG ) Ca-sarean section, with leport of a case and a full description of th .< -Saenger oper-tion". J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 18X8 x. 413-423— Zwcifel (P.I Sechs wei- tere Fiille. von couservativein Kaiserschnitt nach Sanger. Arch. f. Gyniik., Berl., 1XX7-X. xxxi, 19 1-217, 1 pi. Caesarius (Joannes) [14i!l-irj.")l]. Se* Celv . Torino, Fodralti, [1*'.VA], Repr. from: Ann. di med., 1833. Caffe (Charles-Joseph) [1751-1835]. Sahki't ( G. ) A Saint -Edme ( B.) Caftt- (Charles-Joseph). In thrir: Biographie de M. Caffe [etc.]. 8°. raris, 1842, 27-45. Caffe (Paul-Louis-Balthazar) [1803-76]. Dis- cours prouonte xtirLi tombe de M.-F.-A. Labarbe, candidat en mddeciue. 4 pp. 12°. [Rouen, Pre- vot, 18:50.] Repr. from : Journal de Rouen. -----. Considerations stir l'histoire mddicale et statist it] tie du cholera-morbus de Paris. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Tdliard, \8'.\2. [P., v. 1-3...] Repr. from: J. univ. et hebtl. de metl. et chir. prat., Par., 1832, vii. -----. Rapport a M. le ministre de l'agriculture, dn commerce et des travaux publics sur l'opli- tlialmie r^gnante en Belgique, accompagii6 de considerations sur la statistique de ce pays. ll(i pp. 8°. Paris, M. Fossone, 1840. [P., v. 1682.] -----. Eloge historique de M. le docteur Benolt Mojon; prononc6 le 19 Janvier Ih.'iO, dans la s6ancc publique annuelle de la Socicte mddicale d'emulation de Paris. 8 pp. 12-. Paris, F. Mal- testej- Cje.,[18r>0J. Repr. from: Union iued.. Par., 1850, iv. -----. Necrologie. F. Jeandet. 12 pp. 16°. Paris, E. Briere, 1860. Repr. from: J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1860, xxvii. For Biography, see Notice extraite du Pantheon hio- graphif|iie sur M. le docteur Caffe (Paul-Louis-Bait basar). 8°. Paris. I860. — Sarrut (Germain) & Saint-Edme (B.) Biographie tie M. Caffe (PanlLonis-Baltbazar). doc- teur en mddecine. 8°. Paris. 1842. See. also: J. Soc. de m6tl. et de pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1876, i, 34 (Poudet). Caffe ail ( Julieu-Charles-LSon) [1*69- ]. * Etude sur la pathogenic du colobome de l'iris. 51 pp. 4-. lille, 1895, No. 104. Caffeine. See, also, Heart (Diseases of, Treatment of). Amat (G.) * La cafei'ne; action touique et excitatite des injections sous-cutauees. 4°. Pa- ris, 1~89. Biedermanx (J.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Cofte'in's und Coffeidin's. 8^. Halle a. S., 18-1. Broxxer (11.) * Ueber die diuretische Ver- wendung des Coffeins in der praktischen Medi- cin.. 8°. Slrassburg, 1*86. Brcneau (M.) *Dela cafeine et ses indica- tions dans certaiues maladies aigni-s chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1894. Cramer (L. H.) * Ueber fcttbstitutionspro- ducte des Caffeins. 12°. Berlin, 1894. Gaucher (L.) *De la calcine et . Riuz (C.) Beitrag zur Toxikologie des Coffeins. Arch. f. exjier. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxviii, 197-200. — 1'zarliowski (L.) O poduiccaj^cem tlzi- alaiuit kofeiny na mb/.g u all pp. 8°. Messina, 1888. Cagiiari. S>e Universities. C a glial'■ (Province of). Manicomio di Cagliari. Diretto dal dottore G. Sauna Salaris. Rcso- conto statistico still' andamento del servizio sanitario durante 1'anno 1891. 21pp. 8'. Ca- gliari, F. Muscas, 1802. Cagnatus Yeronensis (Marsilius) [1543-1612]. De continentia vel de sanitate tuemla liber pri- mus. 2 p. 1., 151 pp. 4 \ Ilonw,, apud A. et H. Donangelos, 1591. Another copy, bound with: Minadous (Aurelius) [in l.s.J. Tractatusdevirulentiavenerea. 4°. Venetiis, 1596. -----. In Hippocratis aphorismum secundte st-c- tiouis viccsinuini quartum comincntarius. 31 pp. 4°. Bomw, apud A. et H. Donangelos, 1591. Cagnctta (Tonimaso) [1837- ]. Indirizzo alio studio della clinica medica e casuistica. 2. ed. 366 pp. 12°. Napoli, D. Cesareo, 1886. Cagney (James). See Handbook of general therapeutics, v. 6. 8°. London. 1887.—von .Inkwell (Budolf). Clinical diag- nosis. 8°. London, 1890. -----.Thesame. 8°. London, 1893. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1897. Cagny (L6once-Jules-Eaoul) [1861- ]. *IIi«< iiM«ion sur les cagots des Pyrenees et la lepre. Bull. Acad de med., Par., 1892, 3. «., xxviii, 626-644.— l>:ij:ird (\.) Nouvelle lorme de lepre chez les cagots des Py tenet's. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii. 649-652. -----. Sur les troubles trophiques des ongles, des'cheveux et des dents speciaux aux cagots. Compt. rend. Soc. de CAGOTS. 47 CAILKE. Cagots. biol.. Par., 1892. 9. s., iv, 786. — I.ijnrd (V ) & Regtiault (F ) lie ('existence de la lepre attenueechc/. les cagots ties Pyrenees. PronTi-s nietl.. Par., 1892. 2. s.. xvi, 403; 466; 484; 497.—.Tlnjjitol. Montages tie duigts recueillis sni- des cagot-t de !mlies tie-Ilealn. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1892, 4. s , iii, 553-572. -----. Sur une varied^ de cagots ties Pyrenees. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1892, 3.8., xxviii, 598-600. — Outcast (An) race in the Pyrenees. [Transl. from: Das Anslantl.] Pop. Sc. Month.! X. Y., lt-87-8, xxxii, 546-549—Routine! (T.) Les carols, lour origine. leur posteriti- et la lepre. Boll. Acad, tie m<»d., Par., 1892. 3. s., xxviii, 753-764. -----. Cagots et lepreux. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1893, 4. s., iv, 149-161. CaliagllOt (L[onis] -A[lphonse]) [1809- ]. Sanctuaiteduspiritualisme. Etude de l'ame hu- niainc, et de ses rapports avec l'nnivers, d'aptes le somnamhulisnie et lVxtase. 1 p. 1., 38'3 pp. 12-. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1850. -----. Encyclopedic magnelique spiritnalistc, traitant speeialeinent dc faits psychologiques, magie magn6tique, Swedenborgianisnie, necro- mancie, magic celeste, etc. 7 v. 12°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1851-62. v. 7 has f llowing additional to title: Mafic-res conteuues dans ee volume: Etudes sur les facultes prophetitpies tie i'honnue. Les Saints ftvaimiles au tribunal de la raisou huniame, suivis des fivaugilesdu xixe siecle. -----. Magic magnetiqne, ou traite historique ct pratique de fascinations, iniroirs cabalistiqnes, apports, suspensions, pactes, talismans, charmc des vents, convulsions, possessions, env6ntements sortileges, magie de la parole, correspondauce sytnpalhique, necroniancie, etc. 2. e"d. 516 pp. 12'. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1>.~>8. Se*\ also, von Reiehenbaeh (Karl) Baron [in 1. s.]. Lettn s oditpies-niaguetiques [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1853. Caliawba, Alabama. Sic Fever (Malariul, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Cahen (Kngen). * Ueber einen. Fttll von ricns lodcns. 27 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Si heiner, 18*7. Calieil (Fritz). *Carcinom und Phthise. [Stras- bnrg.] 32 pp. * . Kbln,Dumont-Schauberg,\88b. See. aUo, Helferieh (Ileiniich) & Cahen (Fritz). Jahres-Bei it-lit uberdie chinirirische Klinik der Universi- tiit Greifswald. 8°. Greifswald, 1890. CaJieil (Georges) f 1 -62- ]. * Contribution a l'dtin.e de l'astasie-abasic. 135 pp. 4^. Paris, 1-9H, No. 63. Cahen ( Heinrich ) [1865- ]. * Ueher das Anftrctcnder Gallensanrcn im ikterischen Harn. 33 pp., 11. 8°. Jhnn, J. Bach Wwe., 1&>0. Calien (Lucicu ) [1862- ]. *Etude com- parative des (liferents procetles d'analyse bio- logiqne des eaux potables (appliquee a quelqncs eaux de Nancy). 1 p. 1.. 59 pp., 3 1., 27 pi. 4-. Xancg, 18-6, No. 231. Cahen (Mayer) [1823-f.u]. Carte. Nettologie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1866, xxxiii, 489. — ll[erai-l. [P., v. 1169.] Rel>r. from : Arch. gen. de rn6d., Par., 1851. 4. s., xxvii. ------. A practical treatise on diseases of the skin iu children. From the French. 2. eil..with notes, appendix, and formula-, by Robert lUwarth Blake, xii, 331 pp. 8l . London, J. Churchill .,- Sons, 1-63. 1 Caille (An.lte). See Sylviuw (Jacobus) [in 1. s.]. La pharmacopee (etc.). 12°. Lyon,l51i. -----. Thesame |tn 1. s.J. 24°. Lyon. 1580. Caille (Augustus). Acute Carbol - Vcrgiftuug. 7 pp. 8°. tew York, ln*.(\. Repr. from: M. Yoiker med. Presse, 1885-6, i. -----. Permanent drainage for ascites. 10 pp. 12°. [New York, 1**6.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1836, xliii. CAILLE. 48 CAISSE. Caille (Augustus)—continued. -----. Sterilized milk. A report of some experi- ments made to determine the proper manner of boiling and preserving milk for the use of in- fants. 2 1. 8\ New Fork, 1888. Repr. from: Dietet. Gaz., X. V., .888, iii. -----. A method of .prophylaxis iu diphtheria. 11 pp. 12°. Xew York, frow's Co., 1888. Repr. from: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1888, xxxiii. -----. Prolapse of the inverted lower portion of the right ureter through the urethra in a child two weeks old. 6 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc , Phila., 1888, n. s., xcv. -----. Our present knowledge concerning the aetiology of typhoid fever. 11 pp. 12°. Sew York, 18-9. Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1889, xlix. Caille (Claudius Antonius). * Au convivia sani- tati couferant? Pr&'ses Bartholomaeus Tussanns LeClerc. 4pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1771.] -----. * An morbornni pulmonis acutorum cura- tio ponenda sit in expectoration is congrua pro- motione f Prajses Joannes Jacobus Messence. 4 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1772.] -----. [* An iu niorbortim therapeia habenda est ratio epiileuiiic grassantis ? ] Pneses Joannes Jacobus Messence. 4 pp. 4J. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1772.] -----. * An sit inutilis, quiii imo nociva, cancri invetcrati curatioquaicuiiiquc sive instrumentis, sive medicainentis. Pra-si-s Pctrus Poissounier. 4 pp. 4C. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1772.] See. also, .Hunier (Maria Zorobabel) [in 1. s.]. *Utrum in ascite paraceutesiin tardare, nialuui! 4°. [Parisiis, 1776.] Cailler des Barbalicres (Petrus). Medi- cina-, theses. [I. An peripneumonia? hyeniali ex- tractum hcllebori nigri ? II. An fiat nutritio a sinipliei viisoruni distentione 1] 10 pp., 1 1. 4-. Rupcllw, P. Mesnier, [1729]. [P., v. 1218.] Cailleret (Augustc). *Des injections de serum antitoxique duns le traitement du te'tanos. Ex- pose theorique, experimental et clinique. 143 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 338. Cailleret (Ch.) [1855- ]. * Etude cliniqne snr ralbuminurie dans la phthisie pulniouaire eonsideree au point de vue du pronostic. 70 pp. 4J. Paris, 18*1, No. 329. Caillet (Casimer). *Des ruptures isol^es de la choro'ide. 2 p. 1., 65 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Strasbourg, I860, 3. s., No. 175. Caillet (Fretleric) [1861- ]. * Etude sur les troubles de la sensibilite dans les affections ner- venses. (Dissociation syriugomyelique.) 86 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 173. Caillet (PaulT [1858^ ]. * De l'insuffisance aortique consecutive a l'atherorue de l'aorte. 46 pp., 11. 4 . Paris, 18*1, No. 315. Cailletet [Cyiille]. Oleomelrie. 23 pp. 8°. Mezieres, F. Devin, 1855. [P., v. 1800.] Caillieux. See .lai'44.] CAISSE. 49 CALAMV. Caisse d'epargne et de prevoyance de Paris. Instructions extraitcs des statuts ct reglements. 2 1. 8 . Paris, I'. Duponl, [1850, re? snbseq.]. [P., v. 1731.] Caisso (finiile). * lie l'exclusivisntc en uie"dc- cinc. 94 pp., 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1853, No. 43. Caisso ([Jean-]B[cnjamiu]) [l83.">- ]. Re- cherches cliuiques et anatomo-pathologiques sur la tievre typhoide. x, 11-335 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye; Montpellier, C. Coulet, 1864. Caisson disease. St e Air (Compressed, etc.). Cains (Hernardinus). Disputatio de vesicautium usu. 5 p. 1., 87 pp. 4 . Fenetiis, apud E. Denchinum, 1606. Cains [ Kaye or Key ] (Joannes) [1510-73]. Demedendi methodo libri duo. ex cl. Galeni Per- gameni, et Jo. Baptistse Montani Verouensis principnm iuedicoruui,aententia. Opus utile,et jam primum natuni. 107 pp., 1 1. 16-'. Ba- silea', [apud H. Erobenium . 6, 8 pp., port. See. also, M;d. Times . Paris, 1895. €aithcu«ei- (C. W.) lDe oleo kajuput. In: Cah THEIsek (.1. F.) Diss. noun, select, phys.-chym. tie med. j 4 Cajeput. 12°. Fraucof. ad Yiadr.. 1775, 87-112. — Xi^aielli ;S.) Nuta sul! issenzadi caie]iut. Kesoc. Act -nil! nn-tl. cli r.tli Xapoli,-1883, xxxvii, 5-7. Calabar bean. See. also. Physostigma, etc. Daykecx. Note sur Taction phvsiologiqin- ct thera|icutique de lit ft-vc de Calabar. ~ . Liege, 18(18. (;ii:.\LDKs. Dc la feve du Calabar. 8 . . Pu- rls, 1863.] VON Vixtsciigau (M. i Risultamenti di al- euue cspcricnzc instituite colla fava del Calabar. 8lJ. Venezia, 1H\\. Repr. from : Atti t. Ist. Veneto di 8C, lett. ed arti, 3. S., ix. De-Giovnimi (A.) Dell' applicazione della fava del Calabar e dellt- ustioni ai lati della eolonna vertebrale con- tro 1'eniatiiria t-ssenziale. Morgagni, Xapoli 1S'J.">. xxxviii, 455-458.—liJirnldew. Action exere^e sur la pupille par l'extrait de la 16 ve du Calabar (Physostigma venenosiini). [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. ac., Par., 1863, lvii, 45. Calabre (E.) * Dissertation sur rinflueuce dc rcducation, tics habitudes et des passions, dans les maladies nerveuses. 84 pp. 4". Paris, Didotjenne, an XII [18041. [P., v. 102-. ) Calabrese (Alfonso). Risnltati della cuia an- tirabica Pasteur nell' anno I-'95. 39 pp. - . Xapoli, F. Sangiovunni, 1*06. Istituto antitahicti tli Xapoli. See, also. Kagari it!) \- 4'alabi-ee*e (A.) Clteriori rict-rt-he cliniche t- spt-t■iiiit-iitali sulla nssina ed antitos sina dif'terica. 8°. Xapoli. Is95. Calabria. Rubkkti (F.) Mcmoriii sii i lavori per In dis- scccanicnto de' highi in Calabria ultcriore. 4 . [n. p., n. d.] Bai-i-oil (G.) Una gita fra i Calabro-Albanesi. Arch. per 1' antrop., Fireiize, 1887, xvii, 257-270. Calaciui'a (Giuseppe). Monograna sul colera. 62 pp., 11. 12v. Palermo, tipog. dello " Statuto", 1884. Calafato (Gabriele). Ricordi igienici per pn- servarsi dal colera, compilati dal ... 24 pp. 12°. Palermo, frat. I'cna, 1887. Calafatti (Giorgio) [1652-1710]. PatiniiN (C.) [Biography.] In his: Lyceum pataviu., 4°, Patavii, 1682, 123-125, port. Calaguala. See Polypodium calagnala. Calais. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Calais (H. Pierre). * I'eber Varicen im Liga- meiitum latum. 30 pp., II. ■* . Freiburg i. />'., E. Kuttruff, 1*06. Calame (Henri). I.c scleromc chez les nou- veau-nt's. [Bern.] 30 pp., 1 pi. 8 . Xeuchdtel, P. Seller, lr*85. CalaillC (' Henri-Florian ). Notice sur .Jcan- Francois-Xavicr Pugnet. v, 125 pp., port. 8 . Xeuchdtel, If. Wolf rath, 1*18. CalaillitOSO (De) errore Avicenme [etc.]. See di Forte (Angelo). Calamoiclif liys. Kick lord (Elizabeth Ej The hypophysis of the Ca- lauioichthys calabaricus (Smith). Anat. Ariz., Jena. 1894- 5, x, 165-470. Calamus. See, also, Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). Tiioms (II ) * Ueber den Bitterstotf der Kal- niuswnr/.t'l. [Krlangen.] *''. Halle a. S., 1886. Caileac 6c Jlennier. Contribution k l'etude phy- siohitin|ue tie 1'osscnco do Calamus aroinaticus. Compt. rend S.ic. de biol.. Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 509-512. Calamy (Louis) [1862- ]. *Du traitement de la cataracte diabefique. 47 pp. 4-. Paris, 1890, No. 137. UALANDRUCUIO. 50 CALCANEUM. Calandruc'4'io ( S. ) Agostino Bassi di Lodi, il foudatore della teoria parasitaria e delle cure parasiticide 75 pp. 8\ Catania, F. Martinez, 1892. i Calailtoiii (Andrea). .Sulla natura e struttura j del lupus e della tubercolosi cutanea, contribnto j anatomo-patologico e sperimentale. 1 p. 1., 106 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Xapoli, V. Pasqualc, [1892]. Calas (Alexandre) [1853- ]. Auguste Comtc me'decin. 91 pp. 4^. Paris, 1889, No. 205. Calalraveiko (Fernando). Ensayos in6dico- literarios. Recuerdos de la vida escolar: Coin- I ritleucias. Los niiios en los hospitales. Los exanient-s. La clinica social. Las mujeres en las academias. Division topografica del cuerpo humauo v sus aplicaciones. 91 pp., 1 1. 16°. Madrid, F. Xozal, 18*1. -----. El hipnotismo al aleance de toilas his in- tcligencias. 40 pp. l(!c. Madrid, J. J. Menen- ilez, 18*8. -----. |Qne medios serian mas elicaces para atajar el sin nuinero de males que aquejan £ la proi'esion larinaeeutica en nuestra patria '. Modo tie pouer en practica los que se crean ma's efi- caces. Memoria premiada en publico concurso por el Instituto medico-valenciano al eonme- liiniar esta corporacion el qttincuagesimo tmo de j suinstalacion. 20pp. 8 . Zaragoza. LaDerecha, \ 1^92. See, also, F lister Fernandez (Agustin). Los trata- inientes de la ilifteria. sm. 4°. Ilellin. 1891.—Malifurio v Fani-a (Francisco de P.) [in 1. s.]. Monosirafia acerca ib-la ilifteria. 8C. Madrid, 1889. Cal:ivassy (Alexandre) [1859- ]. "Des abi-t-s du septum ure'tro-vagiual. •">() pp., 1 1. 4 . Lyon, 1894, No. 912. Calba (Henri) [1868- ]. * Troubles moteurs et sensitifs chez les tuberculeux pulmonaires. 54 np. 4 . Lyon, 1*04, No. 880. Call»et (Jean-Benjamin) [l8()."i- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude des tumeurs cougenitales d'ori- gine parasitaire de hi region sacro-coccygienne. 220 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 199. -----. The same. 226 pp. 8\ Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1893. Calcaglll (Francesco). Let tera sull' usointerno del carbon iii legno nelle febbri intermittente. 15 pp. 12 . Palermo, 1814. Calraiieinii. Sei, also, Astragalus (Dislocation of). I.eboncq. Zur plastischen Anatomie der Fersenge- gend bei (ten Autiken. Verhandl. d. anat.Gesellsch., Jena, 1893, vii. 156-158. — ITIorestin (H.) Note pour servir a 1'^tude de l'anatoniie du calcaneum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix. 737-742. -----. Note sur l'architecture du calcaneum consider^ au point de vue des fractures de cet os. Ibid., 803-807. Calcaiieillll (Diseases of). See, also, Amputations (Tarsal, etc.); Ampu- tations at ankle-joint; Calcaneum (Surgery of). Lefkbvkk (L.-F. ) *Des calcanei tcs infec- tienses. 4 . Lyon, 1894. Engliscli. Entziindung des rechteu Sprunggelenkes mit Caries des Sprung untl Fersenheiues; Amputation; Mors. I>r. d. k. k. Krankt-nanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879. 451.—Finolli (E.) Ueber Tuherculose ties Calcaneus. Deutsche Ztst-hr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894-5, xl, 459-465, 1 pi.—Hofinokl. Cariescalcanei sinist.; Amputl cruris; Heilnng. Arch. f. Kintlerh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 181.—Owen (E.i A cast- of necrosis of the os calcis in a child; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 37— Poncet (A.) Des calcaneites infectienses. Bull, med., Par., 1893, vii, 611-613. Also: Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1893^ vi, 241-251. — Reboul. Tuherculose du calcaneum ; ne- crose centrnle. Marseille med., 1892, xxix, 482-485. Also: Ann. de l'ficole ... tie med. et pharm. de Marseille 1892 Par., 1893, 91-93.— Snowball (W.) Caries of os calcis. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1882, n. s., iv, 153—Tillaux. N6crose centrale du calcaueum. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.,, 1885, lviii, 913.—Tnflier. Note a propos d'un cas de kysteten- Calcaiieillll (Diseases of). dineux de la goiittiiVt- calcaneeniie. Bull. Soc. anat. ih- Par., 1886, lxi, ,_'9.")-303. Also .- Progres nieil., Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 721: 74.'i. — 'An icke. Caries centralis calcam-i; t'-vide' ment: Ili-ilung. ChariteAun. 1881, Berl., 1883, viii, 478. Calcaiieillll (Dislocation of). See, also, Astragalus (Dislocation of). Iidbkcr (K.) Elinisch-anatomischer Beitrag zur Lelm- von der Entstehnng der kompleten Luxation ties Talus Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 1009-HU5. — Weiss ( W. j Luxatio calcanei sinistri complicata. Aerztl. Ber. d. k k allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1880), 1882, 155. Calcaiieillll (Excision of). See Calcaneum (Surgery of). Calcaiieillll (Fracture of). Arendt ( F. ) * Ueber Calcaneusfractureu, 8°. Greifswald, 1893. Kowalk (R.) * Die Fracturen des Calcaneus 8<-\ Berlin, [lb80]. Schmitt (K.) * Ein Fall von Sternfractur des Fersenheiues. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. A b i-ah am (P. S.) Fracture of the os calcis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1889-82, n. s.. ix. 60. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, 3. s., lxx, 527-529.—Aim is (E. L.) Injury of the os calcis, complicated with a compound fracture nf'the le". J. Nat. Ass. Kailway Surg., Fort Wayne, 189U-91, iii, 23t- 234.—Biihr (F.) Ueber Kompressiousbiuche desFersen- beines. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1893, n. F., No. 84 (Chir., No. 22, 491-506]. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 518. — Bailey (F. A.) Fracture of the os calcis. Proc. Oregon M. Soc, Portland 1880, vii, 68—Ball (C. B.) Fracture of os calcis. Prot- Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. s., ix, 57. A Iso : Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, 3. s., lxx, 525. — Ballenghien (A.) Fracture par ecrasement du calcaneum gauche; r6tablisseiiieut rapide des fonctions du membre. Bull. Soc. anat.clin. de Lille, 1889, iv, 264-271. — Ballenghien (A.) &-. ISnei-. ■nonprez. Sur les fractures du calcaneum par ecrase- ment. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 649.—Bell. Compound fracture of os calcis. Etliuh. M.J. 1881-2, xxvii, 1100.—Bennett (E. H.) Fracture of the os calcis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 222-224. -----. Fracture of os calcis. Ibid., 1880-82, n. s.. ix, 58-60. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, 3. s., lxx, 526.— Belts (W. W.) Fracture of the os calcis, with report of a case. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 107-110.—Calderai (D.) Frattura del calcagno. Morgagni, Milano, 1893, xxxv, 501-504.—Chnuvel. Sur un memoire de M. le Dr. Guermonprez, couceruant les fractures du calcaneum par ecrasement. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1890,2. s., xxiv, 347. — B-ailliez. Fractuiv du calcaneum gauche, J. d. sc. rued, de Lille, 1891, i, 56-58.—Fifielil (W. C. B.) Fractureof the os calcis of each foot; death from embolism on the twelfth day; autopsy. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 126. — GuMenbaner (C.) Ueber die Behandlung der Rissfracturen des Fersenbt-ines. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1888, xiii, 161. Also, transl..- Riforma med., Roma, 1888,iv, 735.—Joy (H. M.) Fracture of the os calcis, with report of a case of comminuted fracture with an unique method of tieatmeut. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiv, 39-41.— ITIorestin. Deux cas de fracture du caleaue.um par ecrasement. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 651-653. -----. Trois cas de fracture du calcaneum. Ibid., 733- 736.—Porter (G. H.) Fracture of os calcis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 157.— Sanssol (A.) Un cas de fracture dn calcaneum par arraclieiucnt. Gaz hebtl. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1883, v, 157; 196. — Stevenson (W. F.) Fracture of both ossa calcanea. Lancev Lond., 1884, i, 891. — StiniHon. Fracture of the calcaneum. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 139.—Van Bnren (E.) Os calcis, fracture of, from concussion, resulting in caries; excision. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc. 1881-2, Omaha, 1882, 135-137.— Wacquez. Deux vari6te.s de fractures du calcanenui chez la meme personne; difficult6s du diagnostic; rneca- nisnte et pathogenic Bull. Soc anat.-clin. de Lille, 1889, iv, 129-135. !alcaiiemii (Surgery of). Bhause (K. F. R.) Die Resectioneu des Fer- senheiues. 8°. Leipzig, liof>. Cavaillk (J.-B.) * Essai sur 1'extirpation totale et sous/- periostee du calcaueum. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884. Fahlexbock (W.) * Centrales Riesenzellen- sarkom des Calcaneus. *'-. Jl'iirzburg, 1894. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. i. Chir., Leipz. 1895-6, xiii, 175-180. Helle (V.) Des tumeurs du calcaueuin. 4~. Paris, 1896. CALCANEUM. 51 CALCIUM. Calcaiieillll (Surgery of). -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1806. d'Ambrosio (A.) Della disarticolazionedel calcagno, c del vuotaiuento alia Sedillot dello stesso e di altre ossa del piede. Movimento, Napoli, 1880. 2. s., ii, 626-634.— Ames (R. P. M.) Entire excision of the os calcis. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1885-6. 139-142 — Bnrthaiier. Ueber die Exstirpation des Calcaneus, nebst Beschreibung eines Fillies von centraleni Sarkom des Calcaneus, welcher durch Exstirpation des Calcaneus geheilt wurtle. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893-4, xxxviii, 462-472.—Bayer (S.) Ett fall af storcelligt alveo- lar! rundcellsarkoni i halen. [Alveolar, round-cell sar- coma iu calcaneum.] TJpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1883, xviii, 103-106.—Briggs (W. T.) Epithelial growth of the heel; removal, together with resection of a portion of os calcis. Nashville J. M. & S., 1883, xxxi, 135-137. —Burrall (F. A), jr. On entire excision of the os calcis. Bellevue & Char. Hosp. Rep., N. Y., 1870, 91-106.—Caries of the os cal- cis; excision; mortification. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen.Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1882, 248-250, 1 pi—t'erne. Resection du ealeaneiitn. Bull. Soc. de nu'-d. tie Rouen (1890), 1891, 2. s., iv, 27.—Denton (A. N.) Removal of the os calcis; ampu- tation; recovery. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1878, viii, 50-52.—Excision of carious os calcis. Abstr. M. it S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1882, Pendlebury, Manches- ter, 1883, ii, 122.—Grcenhow (H. M.) Excision of the os calcis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1867. ii,44.—Oritti (R.) Svuotamentodelcalcaguo; n novo processo operative Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1888,ix,258.—Hancock. Case of removal of os calcis in caries. Proc.Westininst. M. Soc, Lond., 1848- 9, 26.—Jeannel. A propos d'une observation du chon- ilrouieducalcanthim. Rev.med.deToulouse, 1885, xix, 521— 531.— Ijanderer (A.) Medbnor Fersenschnitt. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1S96, xxiii, 857. —lielievanl. Note sur nn point historique de la resection sous-pt-t iosteo du calcaneum. Ann. Soc. denied, de Lyon, 1875, 2. s., xxiii, 329- > 342. — Mareaeci (G.) Disarticolazione del calcagno. Atti Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1880. Genova, 1882. ix, 304-310. Also: Sperimentale, Firenze, 1881, xlviii, 490-4'iS— Oilier. De l'extirpation sous-p6riostee du calcaneum et de ses re- sultats d6finitifs. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon. 1875, 2. s., xxiii, 284-317.—Perez Abren (C.) & Bo'driguez (A.) Osteitis tuberculosa del calcanei); reseccion parcial; cura- cidn. Rev. de cien. ni6d., Habana, 1895, x, 49.—Pinnoek (R. D.) Thirty years' lameness and impaired health per- fectly recovered from after the removal of a large central necrosis from the os calcis. Australas. M. Ga/.., Sydney, 1886-7, vi, 63. — Poinsot. Carie du calcaneum; extirpa- tion totale; guerison. Mem. et hull. Soe. tit- ni6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1880, 305-310. — l'ohiillon. Lxtirpation totale du calcaneum; regeneration de l'os; font tions du pied const-rvees. Bull, et meui. Soe. de chir. tie Par., 1882, n. s., viii. 52s-."3U.—Bevneltas y Carrillo (F.) Resec- cion del calcaneo. Acttis . . . Cong, region, de cien. med. 1879, Cddiz, 1882, 540-549.—Swann (A.) Removal of os calcis. etc., for strumous disease. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 305.— Villcneuve. Extirpation du calcaneum. Anu.de l'Ecole . . . de med. et phariu. de Marseille 1892, Par., 1893, 304.—Wheeler. Excision of the os calcis. Dublin J. M. Se., 1881, 3. 8., lxxi, 446-448. Calcaneum (Tumors of). See Calcaneum (Surgery of). van Csilcar (Albertus). *De hirudinis histo- ria naturali et usu medico. 1 p. 1., 66 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apud L. Herdingh <$r filium, 1823. [P., v. 2075.] van Calcar (Berend). * Specimen . . . conti- nens nouuulla de febre puerperali in genere, et de putrescentia uteri in specie. 1 p. 1., 48 jip., 11. 8C. Grouingce, J. B. Wolters, [1841]. Calceolarius (Franciscus). Iter Baldi civita- tis Verouse mentis, in quo mirahili online descri- bitur montis ipsius, atque aliarum quarundam ipsum contingentium partinm situs. Recensen- tur praetereaqinedam iusignes plantte, ac herlne, ihi nasi entes, qua? nsui medico plus caeteris con- ferunt. 111. *°. [ Vero n w, 1571.] Bound with: Olivus (Joannes Baptista). De reconditis, et prajcipuis collectaneis [etc.]. 8°. Veronce, 1583. Calcification. See, also, Arteries (Diseases of); Bone (Ab- normities of); Placenta (Calcification, etc., of). Czech (E.) * Ueber Kalkmetastasen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 189;"). Hiuschbkkg (L.) * Ueber Kalkausscheidung und Vt-rkalkung. 8°. Breslau, [1877]. Petlit (A.) Sur le role des calcosph6rites dans le cal- cification ii l'6tat pathologique. Arch, d'anat. mier., Par., 1897, i, 107-124, 1 pi. Calcinaja. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Calci*. See Calcaneum. Calcituba. Sciiaudinn (V. R.) * Untersuchungen an Fo- taininiferen. 1. Calcituba polymorpha. Rohoz. 12'. Berlin, 1801. Calcium and compounds. Sec, also. Disinfection of clothing, etc. Alston (C.) A dissertation on quick-lime and lime-water. 8°. Edinburgh, 1752. Bijl (J.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kalkre- sorption im Thierkdrper. 8°. Amsterdam, 1884. Bouhy (A.) * Observations sur le role dc l'eau de chaux dans 1'allaitement itttiticiel ct le re- gime lact6 exclusif. 4°. Paris, 1*04. Draeb(A.) * Untersuchuugcu iiber den I)es- iiift-ctionswert des Kabolkalks hci Typhus- und Cliolcraaiislccrungen. 8°. Kiinigsbergi. Pr., 1893. Fhanke (C.) * Ueber die Giftwirkungen der Calcittm-Salze. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1880. Gillk ((I. B.) La chaux cousid6ree comme disinfectant. 8~. Anrers, 1871. Repr. from: J. de pharm. d'Anvers. Livet(G.) *De l'emploi du carhure de cal- cium en chirurgie (et particulierciuent dans le traitement du cancer del'ut6rus). 4J. Paris, 1896. Mallet (H.) * Etude des combinaisons du cal- cium avec les acides oxygeu6s du phosphore. 4°. Montpellier, 1894. TvntBn'(I. A.) *K voprosu o vliyanii ugle- kishivo kaltsa (1,5 grm. v sutki) na kharakter hielkovavo obmieua u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the influence of calcium carbonate (1.5 grams iu 25 hours) upon albuminous metabolism in healthy men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Viiiski (I. K.) * K voprosu o vliyanii uglekis- lavo kaltsia, 1,5 grammov v sutki, na usvoyenie zhirov pishtshi, obmien vodi i kozkno-lyokhoch- niya potieri u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the influ- ence of calcium carbonate, 1.5 grams in tweuty- four hours, upon the assimilation of fats from food, metabolism of water, and losses by skin audlnngsinhealthy men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Bates (X. T.) The danger consequent on the long- continued use of limewater with milk. J. Mat. Med., New Lebanon, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 33-37.—Bor«las & Ci- i-aril. Du pouvoir antiseptique du permanganate de chaux. J. de med. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 522— Bin-let. De l'usage medicinal de l'eau do chaux. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1700,Par., 1719, Mem., 122-134. Also: Ibid., Amst., 1706 M6m., 157-172. Also, transl.: K. Akad.d.YV'issenscli., in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1692-1701. Bressl., 1749, i. 448-461.— Calcium carbide. N. York M. Times. 1895, xxiii, 281.— Clelaml (J.) On the use of saccharatetl lime in medi- cine. Edinb. M. J., 1859-60, v, 113-116. Also, Reprint.— t'remer (M.) Demonstration eines mit kiilkarmer Nah- rung unter Zugabe von Strontiuni]ihosphat ernahrten jungen Hundes. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morph'ol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen (1891), 1892, vii, 124-126.—Cybn 1 ski (X.) MIeko wapieune jako srotlek tlesinfekcyjny. |Milk of lime as a disinfectant.] Przegl.lek., Krakow, 1892, xxxi, ■ >22: 531; 543.— Danger from the long-continued use of limewater and milk. [Edit] Louisville M. News, 1882, xiii, 133.—Bn vy (J.) On the action of lime on the textures of the human hotly. In his: Researches Phys. & Anat., 8°, Lond., 1839, ii, 290-298. -----. Ou the action of lime on vegetable substances. Ibid., 299-304. — Forster (J.) Beitrage, zur Kenntniss tier Kalkresorption ini Thier- kdrper. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1884-5, ii, 385- 411.—-«lc <»iaxa (V.) Sur Taction desinfectante du blanchimeiit ties murs au lait de chaux. Ann. de microg., Par., 1889-90, ii, 305-321.- Ilamack (E.) Das Kalkwas- ser; eine pharniakologisch-therapeutist-he Ski/.ze. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv. 352.— van't IIoff (J. H.) De verhoudiug van koper-calcium-acetaat bij verwarming en samendrukking. Handel.v. h. Nederl. Nat.-en Geneesk. Cong. 1887, Haarlem, 1888, i, 103-105.—Irvine (R.) &■ Wood head (G. S.) Secretion of carbonate of lime by animals. Part II. Proc. Roy. Soc Edinb., 1888-9, xvi, 324-354. Also: Rep. Lab. Roy. Coll. Phys., Etlinb., 1890, ii, 122-152.—Klein. On iodate of calcium as a disinfect- CALCIUM. 52 CALCIUM. Calcilllll and compounds. ant. Rep. Metl. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1887, Lond., 1888, xvii, 288-290.—Kriiger (M.) Ueber die quantitative Bestim- mung geringer Mengen von Kalk. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1891-2, xvi, 445-452.— I, chill a mi (E.) Zur Wirkung ties kohlensauren Kalks. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1894, xxxi, 538-540. — iTlarcone (G.) Del rosolato di calci, nnovo dismfettante. Gior. di vet. mil., Roma, 1890, iii. 91: 129— IVcuiiiniiii (S ) & Vas (B.) Ueber die Aus- scht-iiltiiig des Calciums und Magnesiums unter physio- logist-hi-n und pathologist-hen Verhaltnissen. Ungar. Arch. f. Med.. Wieab.,'1894-5. iii, 307-329.- Perl (L.) Ueber tlie Kt-soi ption der Kalksalze. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1878, lxxiv, 54-66.— Pintkowski (M.) O dzialaniti soli wopiennj'ch wogole a w szc/.egoluosci wody krynickiej wniektorych przewleklych chnrohach znladka. [On the action of calcium salts in general, and especially of the wttter from Krvnica in certain chronic diseases of the stomach.] Pain. 1'owarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1897, xciii, 363-416.—Baudnitz (R. W.) Physiologisches und Thera- peutisches iiber Kalksalze. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 356; 368; 3M. — Rey (J. G.) Ueber die Ausscheidung und Resorption ties Kalkes. Arch. f. expt-r. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz., 1894-5, xxxv, 295-305.—Binger (S.) Re- garding the action of lime salts on caseine ami on milk. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1890, xi, 464-477.—Bocei (G.) II po- ter'e disinfettante del latte di calce sull' acqua tli mare e di st-ntiiia. Ann. d. metl. nav., Roma, 1896, ii, 663-672.— BiiMNo-Oiliberti ( A.) Sulla sede di formazione dell' ossolato di c.alcio nell' organismo animale. Arch, per le sc. metl., Torino, 1885-6, ix, 59-78.— Schctelig. Ueher die Herstamiuung und Ausscheidung des Kalks im ge- sunden und kranken Organismus. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1880, lxxxii, 437-454— Nee (G.) Desnouveaux sels tie calcium en tliGrapetilique; traitement physiolo- giqtie et regime des maladies tit- lVstoniac. Bull. Acad, de metl., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 313-326.—Span ton (W. D.) On iodate of calcium as an antiseptic. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1890, ix, 139. — Torn I bo (L.) Sull' elimi- nazione del calcio per le mine. Itiv. din. e terap., Xapoli, 1889, xi. 289-300.—Well (.1. J.) Examen causae incalesccntiae calcis viva-, atldita opicrisi tie materia ignis cui inciilescentia dicta atlscrihitur ex Gcrmanico in La- tinura tradiictum a I-'. X.tle Wasserberg. In: De Wasser- herg. Op. min. med. et diss., 8°, Vindob., 1775, ii, 41-84.— Wli j tt (11.) An essay on the various strength of different lime-waters. Essays i Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb., 1754, i, 372- 385. Also, in his: Observations on the dropsy [etc.], 8°, Edinb., 1768, 94-113. -----. A letter to the Rev. Thomas Birch . . . from John Pringle . . . inclosing two papers communicated to him by . . . [on experiments with lime- water]. Essays & Obs. Phil. Soc. Etlinb. Also, in his: Observations on tho dropsy [etc.], 8°, Edinb., 1768,115-120. Calcium (Bisulphite of). Berg (H.) Caleiuin-bisulritlosning, ett nvtt antiscpti- cuni. Eira, Stockholm, 1892, xvi, 35; 69. — Sjobcrg (X.) Om ealciunibistilfit-losning of dess anvandning i i-nskiltl praxis. [Application in medical practice of solution of bisulphite of calcium.] Eira, Stockholm, 1892, xvi, 762-770. Calcium (Chlorides and hypochlorite of). See, also. Chlorides, etc. Spillmanx ( G. ) * Contribution a l'etude physiologique et tberapeutique du chlorure de calcium cristallise". 4C. Xancy, 18*6. Begbie (J. W.) The therapeutic actions of muriate of lime. Etlinb. M. J., 1872-3, xviii, 46-58. Also, in: Select. from the works of [etc.], 8^, Lond., 1882, 307-323.— C'ogliill (J. G. S.) Therapeutic notes on the chloride of calcium. Practitioner, Lond., 1877, xix, 247-252.__ l'i-iglitoii (R. W.) On the therapeutic value of the chloride, of calcium. Ibid., 1885, xxxv, 161-165.—Bastre &. Floresco (W.) Thrombose g6neraliseo k la suite d'injections de chlorure de calcium. ('ompt. rend. Soc. de biol'., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 560. —Davie* (A.) Chloride of calciuni as a therapeutic agent. Practitioner, Lond., 1886. xxxvi, 12-17. — lliuniiiel (M.) Das Kalium- chloricum in der Militar- und Kriegs-Praxis. Wien. med Bl.. 1879, ii, 90. — Peter* (J. C. ) On muriate of lime! Med. Rec, N. T., 1884, xxvi, 288. — Poincare. Hypo- chlorite de chaux et hyposulflte do calcium; experiences negatives. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xvi, 153-155.—, Bingei- (S.) The influence of calcium chloride on egg (Jlhiunen and some of its derivatives. J. Physiol CauT bridge, 1891, xii, 378-390—.Nlcfsnii (U.) Intornoall'azione del cloruro di calcio sull eccitabilita nervosa, sull' elimi- nazioue della calce per 1' orina negli alienati e snl suo uso terapeutico in alcune psicopatie. Riv. sper. di freniat Reggio-Emilia, 189.!, xix, 574-633. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d! xi Cong, med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, Fisiol., 185-188! Also, transl. [Abstr. 1: Arch, ital.de biol., Turin, 1894-5 xxii, 183-188.—Vollmer (E.) & Aseliotr (C.) Expe'- riineiitelle Studien iiber Chlorcalcium und seine Ver- werthuug in Kreiiznacher Batlerkuren ; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Einfluss der Haiitnerven auf den Stoffwechsel. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1897, xl, 23-36! Calcium (Phosphates of). Bexeke (F. \V.) Der phosphorsaure Ktilk iu physiologischer und therapeutischer Beziehung. Ein Beitrttg zur physiologisclien Heilkunde. s . Giiitingen, 1850. -----. Zur Physiologie und Pathologic des phosphorsauren und oxalsauren Kalkes. Kin zweitt-r Beitrag zur physiologisclien Heilkunde. Nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Gesundheitszu- staud der englischeu Kiistenstadt Margate und eiuige dort an scrophulosen Kranken gemachte Beobachtungen. 8°. Giittingen, lHoO. CoiRRE. Phosphate et chlorhydrophosphatc de chaux. 8C. [PaWs, 187;").] Delattre ( C.) * Etude sur les gisements francais de phosphate de chaux. Note sur la decomposition du phosphate bicalcique par l'eau. 4°. Paris, 1882. Dusart (L.) Clinical reports con finning the results of the experimental researches on the physiological and therapeutic action of the phos- phate of lime. 8?. Paris, 18*0. -----. Etudes cliniques. Documents nou- veaux concernant le lactophosphate de chaux. 12°. Paris, 1880. -----. Recherches experimentales sur Pac- tion physiologique et th6rapeutique du phos- phate de chaux. 8°. Paris, 1884. -----. The same. Proefondervindelijk on- derzoek naar de physiologische en geneesktin- dige eigenschappen der lacto-phosphorzure kalk. Naar den tweeden druk nit het Duitscli vertaald door een geneesheer. 12°. Amsterdam, 1877. -----. The same. Experimental researches on the physiological and therapeutic action of the phosphate of lime. 3. ed. 12°. Paris, [1878]. -----& Blache (R.) Recherches sur l'assi- milation du phosphate de chaux et sur son emploi thdrapeutique. 8°. Paris, 1868. Ekeberg (A. G.) & Bergsten (N. A.) De calce phosphorata. sm. 4C. Upsaliw, 1793. Prota-Giurleo (N.) Stndi e rapporti sul fosfo-lattato di calce e ferro liquido. 24°. Na- poli, [1886]. Prunier (G.) Etude chimique et physiolo- gique du phospho-glycerate de chaux pur. H\ Paris, [1h«J4]. Role du lactophosphate de chaux dans la vie. 12c. Paris Xancy, 1893. Aiiflonard (A.) Phosphates de chaux incilirinaux. J. th- mi'-il. tie l'onest, Xantes, 1889, xiv, 176-195.—Blncke (R.) Ou the use of the lactophosphate of lime in ady- namic fevers ami in convalescence. Uaillard's il. J., X. Y., 1883, xxxvi, 484-487.—t'nrle*. Phosphates de chaux; thera]>eiitiiiue et pharmacologic. Mem. et hull. Soc. lie med. et chir. tie Bordeaux (189::). 1894, 3r_'-3-J6. Also: J. tie med. de Bordeaux. 1*93, xxiii, 345-348. —Dnncy (I'M!.) Effect of decomposing organic matter on insoluble phos- phate of lime. J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, Raleigh. 1887, iv, pt. 2, 41-44.— Delmis. Des phosphates de chaux et de leurs modes d'administration. Gaz. d. bop.. Par., 1890, lxiii, 23LV— Jacqucinain- (L.) Conservation ilea solutions tie phosphates calcium's par lacide carboniqne. Lyon med., 1887, lvi, 175. — v:m ITIsirion (L. A. J.) Lacto-phosphas calcis. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1886, lx, no. 33.— Pa i run It. Note sur les prt'-parations de phos- phate de chaux. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1887, xlviii, 241-252— Paqnelin. Ueber die Werthlosigkeit des phosphorsauren Kalkes als Xutritivuni; seine Gesehichte m der Physiologic and Therapic. Allg. AVien metl Ztg., 1880, xxv, 125; 135; 144. - Qnexsc. Zur Eunktioii ilea phosphorsauren Kalkes. Aerztl. ' Prakt,, Hamb., 1896, 'i*' ;,21.~?31-— Sambiie. Note sur un nouveau mode (I administration du phosphate tleVhaux. Arch, tie metl. nav. Par., 1883. xl. 147-149. Also .- J. de therap., Par., 1883, x, 0/2-014.—Terea (J.) & Arnold (C.) Das Verhalten tier Kalkphosphate ini Organismus tier Carnivoren. Jah- resb. tl. k. lliierarzneisch. zu Haunov., 1882-3, xv. 39-47. -----V D~ Vl',,liaheii der Caleiumphosphate im Organis- So? rter Jlei8chfr.-ss.-i-. Arch. f. d. ges. PhV8iol., Bonn, 188.1, xxxii, 122-170.-Ville (J.) Des phosphates de chaux ail point de vue therapeutique. Gaz,. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1891, xiii, 351-354. CALCIUM. 53 CALCULUS. Calcium (Sulphides of). See, also. Cancer (Treatment of'). Alexnmler (W. T.) Ou an unusual effect of tho sul- phide of calcium. Arch. Dei mat., N. Y., 1882, viii, 19-22.— Benlinin (R. F.) The uses of sulphide of calcium. Proc. \V. Loud. Med.-Chir. Soc. 1884-6, Loud., 1887, ii, 23.—Bourdon. Considerations a propos du sulfure de calcium, medicament h6roique des maladies virulentes. Bull, de med. et pharm. dosimel., Par., 1896, 145; 176.— Smith (A.H) Report of the committee on restoratives, of the Therapeutical Society of New York, on the use of the calcium sulphide as an antisuppurative. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxv, 592-600. -----. Calcium sulphide as an antisuppurative. Med. Gaz., X. Y., 1882, ix, 219. —Wil- son (M.) Some uses of calcium sulphide. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 366-368. Calculators. Fareai (P.) La psychologie des calculateurs prodiges. Rev. tie I hypuot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 330- 332.—Regis. Caleulateur extraordinaire (arithmomnaie). Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1896), 1897, 335-337. Calculus and. concretions. See, also, JBgagropilus; Bezoar; Brain, Gout, Concretions in ; Gravel: Intestines, Pal- ate (Soft), Pancreas, Concretions in: Phlebo- lites: Tonsils (Calculus, etc., in). Beyeuovktus [vax Beverwyck] (J.) Ex- ercitatio iu Hippocratis aphorismuin de calculo. Accednut ejusdeiu arguinenti doctoruni epistolae. 24-. Lugd. Bat., 1641. Bogdanovski (E. I.) Klinicheskaya khirur- gia. Kamennaya boliezn po izslledovaniam. [Clinical surgery. Investigations ou calculous diseases.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1*87. Borrichius (O.) Dissertatio de lapidum ge- neratione in macro- et ruicrocosnio, cui accessit additio . . . Joseph! Lanzoui. 24°. Ferrar'ue, 16*7. Bouc hard at (A.) Annual abstract of thera- peutics, materia medica. pharmacy, and toxicol- ogy, for 1867; followed by an original memoir on gout, gravel, and urinary calculi. Transl. and edited by M. J. De Kosset. 8°. Philadel- phia, 186*. Chiarloxe (J.) * Essai sur les affections cal- culeuses. 4C. Genes, 1813. Cregut (I.) * Diss, sistens calculorum iu corpore humano reperiendorum generationem ex principiis physicis demoustratam. 4C. Ba- silea:, 1730. Dietrich (G. S.) "Diss. med. contiuens duas observationes rariores circa calculos in corpore humano inventos. 8°. Halce, [178^]. Dobsox (M.) A medical commentary ou fixed air particulaly. I. . . . VIII. In the stone and gravel. IX. On the disposition to the stone in cyder countries, compared with some other parts of England. X.... 2. ed., with appendix ou the use of the solution of fixed alkaline salts satu- rated with fixible air, in the stone and gravel, by William Falconer. 8C. Dublin, 1785. Esbach [G. ] Les calculs urinaires et biliaires. 8°. Paris, 1.-85. Ferraxdcs (J.) De nephrisis et lithiasis, seu de renum, et vesica calculi definitione, causis, signis, ... ex Hippocrate, Dioscoride . . . collec- ts. 8 . Parisiis, 1570. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Parisiis,16)01. Grimberg (X.) Kurtze Beschreibung des Nicren und Blast-n Steins, das ist, griiudtliches Bedencken von beyder Xatur und Eigenschafften, deroselben Xahincu, Ursachen, de niateriali et efneiente tarn diaguosticis, quam pathogynomicis, nicht minder auch von dem utero Dulech, und der Cura prophylactica ct therapcutica. 32°. Hafnice, [1695] Groex van Prinsterer (P. J.) * Dissertatio medica mauguralis, sistens nonnulla calculorum genesiu naturain, ct cum tophis podagricis con- Calculus and concretions. venientiainspectantia. C^uibus accedit singularis ictcri periodici, dt-posilionc materije calculus* :ul cutiin soluti, historia. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1788. Groexevelt (J.) [or Greenfield (J.) J. Dis- sertatio lithologica variis obscrvationibus et fignris illustrata. 2. ed. 8°. Londini, 1687. -----. The same. Aitto/oyia. A treatise of the stone and gravel, their causes, signs, and syniptoius, with methods for their prevention and cure; and sonic account also of the manner of the collotiau section. Written in Latin, and rendered into English. 16°. London, 1677. -----. A coinpb-at treatise of the stone and gravel; comprising its origin, symptoms, best way of easing, true method of cutting, and di- vers remarkable histories of curing many cruelly afflicted patients. With an ample discourse on lithon trip tick, or stone breaking medicines 12°. London,1710. -----. The same. *°. London, 1712. Hairtmann (A.) *[Diss. sistens] generatio- nem calculi huniani. sui. 4". Lipsiw, [1650]. -----. *[I)iss. sistens] curationem calculi humani. sui. 4°. Lipsiw, [1652]. Holthof (A.) *De lithiasi. 8°. Berolini, [1*61]. Jkhringics (J. C.) Exercitatio medica tie genuina calculorum iu humano corpore pnecipue renibus et vesica generalione, necnou eoruiu signis et remediis. Xovis, manifestis, certissi- misque fundanieutis superstructa. sm.4°. Jenee, 1664. Kaltdorff (C. L.) *Lith"chemiu} aniinalis specimen propositit. l(i . Erlangw, 1809. Lavater (J.H.) *Diss. med.-chir. de calculo renum et vesica? ut et de rheuniatisnio a muco pra3ternaturaliter in ist is partibtts disposito ortum ducente. sin. 4°. Basileie, [1718]. Marcet (A.) An csssiy on the chemical his- tory and medical treatment of calculous disor- ders. 2. ed., revised and enlarged. 8°. Lon- don, 1819. -----. The same. Versuch einer chemischeu Gesehichte und iirtzlichen Behandlnng der Stein - krankheiten. Aus dem Euglischen iibersetzt vou Dr. Philipp Heineken. Sc. Bremen, 1818. Meckel von Hemshach (J. H.) Mikrogeo- logie. Ueber die Concieinente ini thierischen Organismus. Nach des Verfassers Tode hrsg. und bevorwortet von Dr. Thcodor Bilroth. 8W. Berlin, 1856. Mendini (V.) 'De anthropolithologia. 8°. Ticini Regii, [1830]. DU Menil. Die Analyse der thierischen Con- cretiouen, oder Anleitung diese iibnormeu Er- zeugnisse nach ihren physikalischen Mcrkmalen kenneu zu h-rnen, uin sie auf ihre Bestandtheile im Fetier, wie auch auf hytlrochoinischem Wegc, eigenschaftlich und gewic.htlich zu untersuchen und sich mit den Wirkungen der hiezu ntithigen Keagentien bekannt zu machen. Fiir Aerzte und Chemiker boarbeitet. 8°. Altona, 1837. du Mont (N.) * De calculo renum et vesica-. sm. 4J. Basileie, l(>9<». Morton (\V. J. T.) On calculous concretions iu the horse, ox, sheep, and dog, being the sub- stance of two essays read before the Veterinary Medical Association. H . London, 1^44. Ord (W. M. ) On the influence of colloids upon crystalline form and cohesion, with obser- vations on the structure and mode of formation of urinary and other calculi. V . London, 1879. Palitzscii (L. F. ) *De calculo. sin. 4 ■>. Jener,, [1734]. Paracelsus (A.) Labyrintus und Irrgang der vt-rmcinten Artzct. Item, siben Defensiones, oder Schirinreden. Item, von Ursprung und Ur- CALCULUS. 54 CALCULUS. CaIdlIII* and concretions. sachen des (Jricss, Sands, und Steins, so sich ini Mcnschen hefinden, kurtzer Begriff. Durch D. Adam vou Bodenstein :m Tag geben. 24°. Ba- sel, [1574]. Perry (S.) A disquisition of the stone and gravel; with strictures on the gout, when com- bined with those disorders. 8°. London, 1777. -----. The same. 12°. London, 1785. Poisson (J.) *An calculus a caseo? Prses. Francisco Sorand. sm. 4\ [Parisiis, 1681.] Roos (S.) * Casus lithiaseos subjicit. sm. 4°. Abote, 1827. Ruff (J.) Diiit und Wegweiser fiir Galleu- uud Xierensteinleidende. 16°. Berlin, 1891. Ryff (W. H.) Des Steins, Sandts und Gries inn Nieren, Lenden und Blasen, sampt alien diser schmertzhafftigen, uuleidlichen oder hart beschwerlichen Gehrechen, vilfaltigen schweren unnd sorglicheu Zufellen, ersten Ursprung, an- fencklichen nnd griindlicheu Ursachen. Zu son- derlichcm Nutz, Wolfart, und trostlicher Hilff dem armen gemeinen Man, auffs new beschriben und inn Truck verorduet. sui. 4°. Wyrtzburg, [n. d.]. Schirl.eus (T.) Diss, philosophica explicaus causas probabiles lapidum in macrocosnio, qua occasione in originem corporum omnium inquiri- turatque ostenditur earn deberi aquas et semini- bus, prtemissa tractatui medico de causis et cura- tione calculi tain renum quam vesica?. 16°. Hamburgi, 167-. Schubart (N. H.) * De. genesi calculi renum et vesicae, sin. 4°. Jeiue, 1751. Schultens (G. R.) * De taussis imminutte in Rep. Batava morhi calculosi frequenthe. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1802. Sciiurig (M.) Lithologia historico-medica, hoc est calculi humani consideratio physico-me- dico-curiosa, qua non solum ipsius generatio, loci natales, tic vi;e diversa- pariter it copia, co- lor et figura, substantia et superficies, setl etiain in corpore humano elt'ectus morbosi et synipto- mata item ejusdem excretio et ex urethra exci- siolithotomiaet nephrotomia porro calculi ipsius analysischymiea et nsns medicusi>ariter ac usus lithontripticorum et antinephriticornm nee non varia de calculis hrutorum in specie lapidis be- zoar; raris atque seieetis observationibns cum indice locni>letissiuio propouuntur et exponun- tur. sm. 4C. Dresdm et Lipsim, 1744. Seoner (J. A.) * Diss, sistens calculorum iu corpore humano reperiundorum genesiu et cu- ram. sm. 4,J. Gottingw, [1737]. Steinics ( G. ) Lithograpbia curiosa occa- sione diversornni, in corpore serenissiinae princi- jiissa' Barutho-Brandenburgicae, etc. v. non. Oc- tobris anno mdeeii pie defunctae, post obitum dissecto, repertorum calculorum. 18°. Baruthi, 1703. Stutzic (J.) * De concretionibus anorgani- cis iu organisshno humauo. 8°. Pragos, 1846. Thompson (H.) Clinical lecture on the early history of calculus disease, and the treatment best adapted for its preventiou. 8-. [London, 1871.] Valentiner (J. H. F.) * De lithogenesi. 4°. Eilice, 182'A. [Venette (X.)] Traite' des pierres qui s'en- gendrent dans les terres et dans les animaux, oil l'on paile exactemeut des causes qui les forment | dans les homines, la methode de les preveuir et les iibus pour s'en garautir et i>our les chasser meme hors dn corps. 16°. Amsterdam, 1701. -----. The same. 12. Paris, 1701. Zieoenhornius (C. A.) *Diss. qua observa- tiones rarissiime calculorum in corpore humano generationem illustrantcs . . . placidaj dissiden- lalcillll* and concretions. tium disquisitioni exponuntur. 4 . Wiltenber- gw, 1726. Bang) (L. B.) Illustrative cases of calculous disease. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 189... xlvii. 513-516.—Bell (J.) Pvenal and vesical calculi. Montreal M. J., 1897, xxv, 791, 1 pl._ van BcTcrivyi-k (.1.) Stoenstiiek; aenwijseude den oorsprouck, teyck< urn. t voorkonu-n, en ghenesen van steen en graveoj. In. his: Inleydinge tot de Hollandtscne genees-middclen, 4°, Amst., 10.">(i, v, 21-46.— liriignn> telli. Sopra icalcoli. Ann. di chim. e storia nat., l'uvia, 1802, xix, 272. — Cnrticr (L. V.) Remarques sur It- cnl- cui. In his: Precis d'obs. de chir., 8°, Lyon, 1802, H8- 168. — D«;lmis. Sur le traitement medical des affec- tions calculeuses. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 267.— Dujartlin-ISeRunictz. Du regime alimentaire dans la ^ontte et dans les gravelles urinaire et biliaire. Bull. gen", de therap. [etc.], Par., 1886, cxi, 337-348.—Efowtcin (W.) Zur Naturgeschiclite der Concreniente ini Tliier- korper, insbesondere tier Harnsteine. Wien. metl. Bl., 1888, xi, 321; 358.—Fonrcroy (A. F.) Analisi comparata delle different! specie di concrezioni animali e vegetabili. Ann. tli chim. e storia nat., Pavia, 1795, viii, 7-56: ix, 98- 155.—Qalippe (V.) Mode de formation du tartro et ties calcules salivaires; considerations sur la production des calculs en general; presence des microbes ou de leurs germes dans ces concretions. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 116. -----. Recherches critiques et experimentales sur la gen&se des calcifications pathologi- ques, sur la production des calculs dans l'et-ouoiiiie en gen6ral et eu particulier stir la formation du tartre et des calculs salivaires. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1894, 65; 76; 84: 91; 106; 114; 133; 143; 146; 154; 165; 172; 180; 187; 195: 1895, 50.—Oarers (J.) Apuntessobroel tratainieiitn farmaceutico do las enfermedades litiiisicas y calculosas. Cr6n. med.. Valencia, 1880-81, iv, 331; 359; 417. — von Genersich (A.) Die Hiirte der krankhaften Concre- niente. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1893, cxxxi, 183- 209. Also, transl.: Ungar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1893-4, ii, 206-212.—Harley (G.) The formation of calculi, par- ticularly of urinary and gall-stones. Med. Puss & Circ. Loutl., 1895, n. s., Ix, 227.—iTIorria (Tl.) The effect of the Roentgen iavs on urinary and biliary calculi. Lancet. Lond., 1896, ii, 1367-1370.— JVcilsoii (W. II.) Improper feeding as a cause of lithiasis. Milwaukee M. J., 1896. iv, 330-332.—von Noorden (('.) & Belgardt (K.) Zur Patbologie ties Kalkstoffwechsels. Beitr. ■/.. Lehre v. Stoffwechsel [etc.]. Berl., 1895, Hft., 125- 132— Paglia- rucci (N.) Do calculo. In: Weber (G. H.) Vollstand. Ausz. a. n. Diss, [etc.], 8°, Bremen, 1775, i, 126-131.- Pitcairn (A.) De calculo. In his: Op. omn., 4°, Lugtl. Bat., 1737,167-174.—Plowright(C. B.) On the distrilm tion of calculous disease in Norfolk. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 863. -----. On the cause and distribution of cal- culous disease. Med. Times & Gaz , Lond., 1885, ii, 491- 497. -----. On calculous disease. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 434-437. — Posnrr (C.) Studit-n iiber Steinbiltliuig. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1885, ix, 323-340, 1 pi. -----. Ueber Steinkrankbeit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 490-493. — Rorizevich (II. I.) Kamennaya boliezn na severle Rossii. [Lithiasis in the north of Russia.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1886, ii, 580-597: 1887, iii, 306-310.- -----. TJeber die Steinkrankbeit iu den Ostseeprovinzeu. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1887, n. F., iv, 431-433. -----. Kamennaya boliezn v Povolzhye. [ Lithiasis in the valley of the Volga.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1893, ix, 536; 653; 903; 995; 1107.—Si-limit (P.) Cal- cul forme dans lo foyer d'une carie. Bull Soc. tl. sc. med. du gr.-duch6 de Luxeuib., 1S67, 123. — Sorgoni (A.) Sulla genesi delle calcolose coucrezioui, e sul tli lorn metodo curativo; riflessioni. Raccoglitore, Fauo, 1842, ix, 389-397.—Thompson (Sir H.) Ou the preventive treat ment of calculous disease and the use of solvent remedies. Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. Y., 1889, ii, 307-351.- ViiiojjrailoH'. Lithiasis. Vrach. Vaidoni., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 3855. —Walter (J. G.) De concrementis terrt-s- tribus in variis partibus corporis humani it-pert is. In his: Observat. anat., fol., Berl., 1775, 41 - 56. 3 pi. — Yrl- Ioly (J.) Remarks on the tendency to calculous diseases: with observations ou tho nature of urinary concretions, and an analysis of a large part of the collection belonging to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1829, exix, 55-81. Also. Reprint. -----. Sequel to a paper on the tendency to calculous diseases, and on the con- cretions to which such diseases give rise. Phil. Tr. Lond., 1830. exx, 415-428. Also, Reprint. Calcillll* (Biliary). See, also, Bile-duct (Obstruction, etc., of); Bile-duct (Perforation, etc., of); Colic (Hepatic, etc.); Liver (Abscess of); Liver (Atrophy of). Abelevkx (A. S. 1.. G. G.) * De cbolelitbis. 8°. Lugd. Bat., [1H4H]. Alivia (M.) La periangiocolite da calcolosi biliare. 8°. Parma, 1«86. CALCULUS. 55 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary). Bf.nivexh s (A.) Lapides iu tunica epatis reper ti. In his: De abditis nonuullis . . . eausis. 8°. Floren- tice, 1507, sign, a, viib. Also, in: Galkx (C.) Liber de plenitudine. 4°. [Pa- risiis], 1528, sign. AAS, f. 3b. Also, in: Dodonjeus (R.) Med.obs. exemplarara. 12°. Lugd. Bat, 1585, 132. Bogusheyski (L. [V. ]). *0 zhelcliulkh kamnyakh. [On biliary calculi. ] 8°. Sankt- peterburg, 1866. Bollinger ( O.) Ueber Gallensteinkrauk- heiten. 8°. Miinchen, 1801. Also, in: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 299- 303. Also, in: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Miinchen (1891), 1892, i, 51-64. Brockbank (E. M.) On gall-stones or chole- lithiasis. 12°. Philadelphia, 1896. Brugxoni(A.) *De cholelitliiasi. s\ Tieini Regii, 1841. Charton (C.) * Essai sur les calculs biliaires. 4C. Strasbourg, 1866. Clouet (J.) Un cas curieux de formation de calculs biliaires. 12°. Rouen, 1872. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d. amis d. sc. nat. de Rouen, 1872. Cyr (J.) Traite" de l'affection calculeuse du foie. 1'^. Paris, 1884. Davids (G.) *De calculis cysticis et hepati- cis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1734]. Dexuce (M.) Tutneurs et calculs de la v6si- cule biliaire. 8°. Paris, 1886. Dilger (E.) * Ueber einen seltenen Fall von todlicber Cholelithiasis. [Jena.] 4°. Wiesbaden, 1893. Fournier (L.) * Origine microbienne de la lithiase biliaire. 4°. Paris, 1896. -----. The same. 8°. Pans, 1896. Goldsmith (M.) Gall stones. 8°. Benning- ton, 1880. Goyri (J. C.) * La lithiasis biliar. 8°. Bue- nos Ai7-e8, 1884. Heidler (C.) * Ueber die Gallensteine des Meuschen. 8C. Wien, 1838. Kraus (J.) sen. Beitrage zur Pathologie und TherapiederGallensteiukrankheit. 8°. Berlin, 1891. -----. The same. 2.Aufl. 8°. Berlin,189o. -----. The same. The etiology, symptoms, and treatment of gall stones, with additional re- marks on operative treatment, by Henry Morris. 16°. London, 1896. Lang (A.) #Gallenstcin-.Statistik auf Grand der Sektionsprotokolle des pathologischen Insti- tutes zu Giessen vom Jahre 1872 bis 1892 incl. 8°. Giessen, 1*93. Muleur (G.) * Essai historique sur l'affection calculeuse du foie depuis Hippocrate jusqu'& Fourcroyet Pujol (1*01-1802). 4°. Paris, 1884. Musser (J. H.) & Piersol (G. A.) Studies in pathologv. Gall stone and gall-stone section. 4°. [Philadelphia, 188f>.] Naunyn (B.) Klinik der Cholelithiasis. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. -----. The same. A treatise on cholelithiasis, transl. by Archibald E. Garrod. 8°. London, 1896. Niemer (A.) * Ueber einen Fall von Gallen- steinen in den Lebergallengangen. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Ortner (N.) Zur Klinik der Cholelithiasis und der Gallenwege - Infectionen. Aus der medicinischen Klinik (Professor E. Neusser) der Universitiit Wien. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1894. Petei!s(H. [H. C.]) *Gallenstein-Statistik nach den Befundeu des pathologischen lustituts zu Kiel vom Jahre 1873-1889. 8°. Kiel, 1*90. Pezelt(A.R.) De cholelithis. 8°. Vindo- bonw, 1833. Calculus (Biliary). Riedel. Erfahrungen iiber die Galleusteiu- krankheit mit und ohne Icterus. 8°. Berlin 1892. Also IRev.J, in: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s. cvii 180-184. Also, Reprint. Robson (A. W. AI.) On gall stones and their treatment. 12°. London, Paris, 4' Mel- bourne, 1892. Ricard (L.-E.) * Contribution k l'etude des concretions calcaires et phosphatiques de la vdsicule biliaire. 4°. Paris, 1885. Richelmi (P.) Essai sur les calculs biliaires. 8°. Xiee, 1824. Schloth (O.) Ueber Gallensteine. [Erlan- gen.] 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. Schroeder (II.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologio und Statistik der Cholelithiasis. 8°. Strassburg, 1892. Sterne (A.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude do la lithiase biliaire chez le vieillard. roy. 8°. Xancy, 1896. de Tiiomeze (L. II.) "De calculobiliari. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1773. Wadsberg (A. Al.) "De cholelithis per ab- scessum ruptuin egredientibus, casus et experi- menta. 4°. Upsaliie, 1788. Weise (R.) * Ein Fall von Cholelithiasis mit periodischen Koliken, langdauerndem Icterus, fievre intermittente und Ausgang in Heilung. 8°. Jena, 1895. Winger (F. B.) * De calculo systematis ouro- poetici. 8°. Vindobonce, [1776]. Also, in: de Wasserberg. Op. min. med. et diss. *°. Tindob., 1776, iv, 392-432. Abeles (M.) Ueber Cholelithiasis. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1889, xv, 181; 185; 189; 194; 198. Also: "Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 29; 54; 72. — Andem (J. M.) Specimens from a case of impacted gall-stones with fistulous connection between the gall-bladder and the colon. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., ii, 27-35.— Anderson (W.) Case of impacted biliary calculus. Pa- cific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1887, xxx, 148-151.—Andro- nico (C.) Sullalitiasi biliare. Osservatore, Torino, 1888, xxxix, 241-250.—Aufrecht. Zur Kenntniss der Durch- bruchs-Stellen wandernder Gallensteine. In his: Path. Mitteil., 8°, Magdeb., 1886, 3. Hft., 60-67.—Axtell (E. R.) Gall stones; a medical review. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1896,128-131. Also: Colorado M. J., Denver. 1896, ii, 316-319. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1897, xv, 1.—Bar- ron (H. G.) Case of gall stone impaction. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1882, ii, 169-173.—Batclicldcr (F. B.) Bili- ary calculi. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 321-323.—Bnz Igleaias (C.) De la litiasis biliar y su accidente m&s ordinario, el cdlico hep&tico. Correo m6d. castellano. Sala- manca, 1886, iii, 147; 179.—lie Bcauvnis. Calculs bili- aires volumineux rendus par les selles; analyse tie ces cal- culs et consid6rations cliniques a propos de cette observa- tion. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1878), 1879, xiii, 91-99.— Benedict (A. L.) Gall-stones witboutcolic. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 635.—Bemabei (C.) Casodi generate e notevole dilatazione delle vie biliari per colelitiasi, in donna isterica. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1884, ii, 165-168.—Boruasconi (B.) Litiasi biliare illus- trata. Gazz. med. tli Uoina, 1887, xiii, 457; 505.—Bi«««i (G. P.) A white gall-stone. Med. Rec, N. T., 1893. xliv, 698. — Bigga (H. M.) Two cases of impacted gall stone. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (1891), 1892, 67-69.—Binnie (J. F.) Abstract of remarks on a case of gall stone in tho cystic duct, with its treatment. Am. J. Surg. & Gynaec., Kansas City, 1894-5, v, 21-23. Also: Kansas City M. In- dex 1894, xv, 299.—Blimu-(F.) Notes on a case of chole- lithiasis. Tr. Am. Ass. obst. & Gynec. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 412-418.—Boix (E ) Lithiase biliaire chez une jeunu fille do 17 aus £; b6redite homologue; famille arthritique; lithiase biliaire chez la mere; affection liepatique indeter- minee chez une tante materiielle. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1894, i, 483-486.—Bollinger (O.) Ueber Gallen- steinkrankheiten. Miinchen. metl. Wchnsoher., 1891, xxxviii, 299-303.—Bondi (E.) Considerazioni diagnos- tiche sopra un casodi calcolosi del fegato. Hull. d. Soe. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1882, ii, 159-167.—Bonifield (C. L.) Report of a case of gall-stones. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvi, 713. —Borodiilin (V. M.) Cholelithiasis s smerteluim iskhotlom. |Terminating fa- tally. 1 Kjent-d. klin. gaz., St. l\>tersb.. 18*2, ii, till-617.— Boiiloumic. Presentation d'un enorrae calcul biliaire. Bull, ct nieni.Soc.de therap., Par., 1886, 2. s., xiii. 106-111. Also: Bull. med. d. Vosges. Rambervillers, 1887-8. ii, no. 6, 51-63.—Brt-i-x. Calcul obstruant le canal choledoque. CALCULUS 56 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary). Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, tie Brux . Briatow (A. T.) Acute choice Brooklyn M. J , 1897, xi, (;33-635. Cases of gall stones: with remarks. • 361-363.—Brockbanli (L. M.) 187(1, xxv, 153-161.— stitis, with calculi. -Ki-intowi- (J. S.) Lancet, Loud., 1887, Some observations on the pathology, etiology, and treatment of gall stones. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1893-4, xix, 84; 145, 1 pi.— Brown (T.) Report of a case of biliary calculi with ab- sence of gallbladder. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1887, 36-38. Also: St. Louis Cour. Metl., 1887, xviii. 15- 17— Rruvcllc. Calculs biliaires. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille. 1886, i. 61.— Builder (T. H.) [Cholesteric gall- stones.] Med. Age, Detroit, 1894, xii. 199-202. —Burns (J.H.) Biliary calculi. Ontario M. J.,Toronto, 1892-3, i,231- '.'33. [Discussion], 259-263. Also: Canad. Pract.. Toronto, '893, xviii, 13-17.—Bjrd (W. A.) Gall-stones; their pre- vention and treatment. Weekly M. Rec, Chicago, 1884, x, 344-316.—Cahen (C.) Ein Seltener Fall von Gallensteinen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 667.— Capozzi. Un caso di calcolosi biliare. Boll. d. clin., Milano. 1895, xii, 199-206. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, '895, xi. pt. 1, 182-186.—Cardareili (A.) Calcolosi bili- are. Morgagni, Milano, 1894, xxxvi, 150-154.—Cnrpen- tier. Lithiase biliaire et de nephrite parenchymateuse. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1878, xxvii, 196-219.— farter (W.) On gall-stones, medically considered. Liv- erpool M.-Chir. J., 1894, xiv, 223-227.—Carter (W. S.) Gall-stones. Tr. Path. Soe. Phila. (1893-5), 1896, xvii, 37.— Ciirllcilj;*- (A. M.) A remarkable accumulation of bil- iary calculi. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881-2, iii, 112. -----. Enormous gall-stone. N. York M. Times, 1896, xxiv, 269. -----. Cholelithiasis, with report of cases. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1896, [Phila.], 1897, ix, 39-62.— (had wick (C. M.) A case of impacted gall stone; jaun- diceof.si wears'duration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1143.— Chanflard (A.) Valeur clinique de l'infection conime cause tie litliiase, biliaire. Rev.de med., Par., 1897, xvii, 81-93.—i'hicoli (N.) Novelle ricerche sulla genesi pato- geue tlei calculi biliari. Tn-grassia. Palermo, 1885, i, 7-20.— Chittenden (R. H.) The chemistry of gallstones, with -peci.il reference to their mode of origin. Med. News, X. Y.. 181)7, lxx, 549-552.— Chvoatek (F.) Gallensteine, Calculi fellei. Cholelithi. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 379; 393; 491; 432: 473; 494; 536; 545: 1881, xxvi, 48 Con rail i ((',.) Cholelithiasis. Norsk Mag. f. Lagevitlensk., Christiania, 1891, 4. R., vi, 1046-1053.— Cullimorc (D. H.) Biliary calculi in India. Metl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxii, 4-6.—Daland (J.) Disease of gall-bladder and ducts, with gallstones. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 42.—Da vis (R. A.) Impaction of the gall bladder with discharge of 130 calculi. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1881, xxxi, 66-71. —De Albertis(0.) Microchimica dei calcoli biliari. Rivista, Geuova, 1883, ii, 481-485. — De Kami (C. W.) Biliary calculus; its diagnosis and treatment. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila., 1892, 310-314. — Delbaslaillc. Note sur un cas de lithiase biliaire. Ann. Soc. metl.-chir. de Li6ge, 1889, xxviii, 51-54. — Deniges (G.) Sur un nouveau mode d'essai des calculs biliaires. Union pharm., Par., 1897, xxxviii, 344-346. — Dibare (N.) Ilepi rjjs efoSou jueyaAuii' \oXo\i6uiv Sia Tbtv vat.Kii>v eKof>r)K)n pani-r6as. Bull. Soc. tie med. tie Poitiers, 1852, xx, 54-75. — Ferguson iA. H.) Biliary calculi. Medi- Calcillll* (Biliary). cine, Detroit. 1895, i. 193-201.—Fiedler (A.) robcr Gal- lensteine. Wien. metl. Bl., 1880, iii, 1229; 1250; 1288; 1320.—Fouquet (L.) Sur un calcul biliaire contenant de l'acide stearit[ne. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1896, 6. s., iii, 117—vou Frey. Ueber Gallenstauung ohne Icterus Wien. med. Wt liusc.hr., 1892, xiii, 1016.— Fiii-bringcr. Die (ialleiisteinkiaiikheiteii. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Metl., Wiesb., 1891. x, 39-81.—Gairdner (W. T.) Call- stone arrested at time of death in the ductus coinniunis Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Stic, 1884-6. ii, 121.—Galalz (P.) Lithiasa biliari. Clinica, Bucuresel, 1891, ii. 241-243.— Gallianl (L.) La litliiase biliaire et le coeur. M6tl mod., Par.. 1894, v, 1589-1592. -----. L'atrophio tie la vesi- cule dans la lithiase biliaire. Ibid.. 1895, vi, 113.— Mar- nier (L.) Culcul biliaire tie 22 centimetres cubes trouve dans des selles humaines. Mem. Soc. tie med. de Xancy, 1883-4, 128. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path , Par.! 1884, 3. 8., iv, 176. Also: Rev. ined. delist, Nancv. 18sV xvi, 534. — Geoflfroy. Observation auatomique [trente- trois petites pierres dans la vesicule du fiel]. Hist. Acad roy. d. sc. 1706, Par.. 1707, Mem., 509-511. Also: Ibid' 1706, Amst., 1708, Mem., 662-664. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1706, Ilrt-ssl 1750, ii, 672-674.—Gilbert (A ) A Doiuinici (S. A.) La litliiase biliaire est-elle tie nature microbieniie I Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 485-487. —Gilbert (A.) Sc Fournicr (L.) Du role des microbes dans lagc- n6se des calculs biliaires. Ibid., 1896, 10. s., iii, 155-157. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1896, xliii, 147. Also: Union metl., Par., 1896. 4 s., ii, 90. -Godlce (R. J.) Two cases of gall-stone. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895. 5. s., ii, 33-37.— Goodrich (A. R.) A case of large biliary cal- culi. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1886, n. s., iii, uo. 3, 170-172. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn. 1885-6, v, 416-448.—Gould (A. P.) A ca^e ot gall-stones' illustrating their spontaneous fracture. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888, xxi, 193-195.—Grellety. Note sur la lithiase et la pseudo-gravelle biliaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 77-79. -----. Lithiase biliaire ; coliques hepa- tiques. [Extr.] J. Soc. de m6d. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne, Limoges, 1886, x, 114-124.—Gumprecht. Neuere Fortschritte in tlerKenntnissderCholelithiasis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 224: 241; 278; 323.—Ilainlinc (J. E.) A case of gall stones of twelve years'standing. Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 134-136.— Ilai.........(Ei Cholelithiasis. Peoria M. Rec, 1896, i, 161-166.— Hanot & Lcticnnc. Note sur di- verses vari6t6s de lithiase biliaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 857-859. — Harem (G.) Ein Fall von Entleerung von Gallensteinen durch den Magen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1896, xii, 188; 198.—Ilcuson (J. W.) Cholelithiasis; anatomy and history. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 615-621— Hill (H.) Pa- thology of gallstones. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1.-95, xx, 8-11.— Hecgh (K.) Gallstone disease. Northwest. Lan- cet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 43-50. — Holeomb (C. M.) Gall- stones. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896, xxxiii, 363. — Holsti (H.) Oiu ftirekomsten af gallstenar hos oss sanit nagra ortl om gallsteussjukdomens iitiologi och symptomer. [Observations de calculs biliaires en Finlaude et re- marques sur l'etiologie et les symtomes dela cholelithiase. Res., p.xxvii.] Finskalak.-sallsk. hantll., Helsingfors, 1888, xxx, 199-226.—Hutchinson (J.) On the passing ol'gall- stones. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1896, vii. 156-158. —Hutch- in-on (J. II.) Biliary calculi, etc. ; a clinical lecture. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1881, iv, 339-344.— Jajgcr (G.) Gleichartige BeschafTenbeit der in tier Leiche eiiier Frau gefundenen < lallensteine mit den 15 Jahre vor dem Tode ab- gegangeeen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1832, vi.60.— Joliiiion i W. II.) Spontaneonsevacuationof uliireegall- stone. Lancet, Lond., 18-8, i. 51s.— JohiiKton M ;. B. i The diagnosis and treatment of cholelithiasis. Vir-inia M. Month., Richmoud. 1895-6, xxii, 785-795. [Discussion I. 749- 753.— Johnstone (J.) An account of two extraordinary cases of gall-stones. In his: Mod. Essays & Obs. 8°. Eves- ham, 1795, 200-208.— Jones (J.T.) An experience with bili- ary calculi, and cases. Memphis M. Month., 1894, xiv. 337- 342. — Kahler. Ueber Cholelithiasis. Intermit, klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1890, iv, 1886; 19-8; 2005—Btebler (F.) The pathology of gall-stones. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1896, n. s., xxxvi, 707. — Kraus (J.) sen. Beitrage zur Casu- lstik der Cholelithiasis. Prag. med. Wolmsc.hr., 1881. vi, 81; 96; 103; 116. -----. Fiinf Fiille von Cholelithiasis bei Intlividuen unter 20 Jahren. Ibid., 1891, xvi 127. _____. Ueber spontanen Abgaug tier Galleuconcrenieiito und Eut- ternung derselben auf operatives Wege. Ibid 18:i5 xx, 378-380.— L,andis (H.) Baliarv calculi Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1896, lxxv, 585-589. — 9, -lit inn (A.) Note sur un cas de lithiase biliaire. Arch t,.,, denied. Par., 1891 ii, 734-740. -----. Les calculs p.irietaux de la yesicule biliaire. Cong, franc, de med. 1805. Par., 1896. ii, 460-466. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par 1895 lxiii 301- 307. Also [Abstr.]: Med. mod.. Par., 1895, vi, 529.— I.e^ tienuc iA i \ Jourdau. Note sur un cas tl- chole- cvstito calculeuse. Gaz. hebd. tie med.. Par 1815 xiii, 308; 31R.-I.iuboi.....IroiriP. V.i &«ub.uij: -tli (I. a.) K ka/.uiMi;, ■ /uelchuo-kamennoi boHe/ni [Gall- CALCULUS. 57 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary). stone disease.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1895, i, 640- 661. — Liloyd (J.) On the localisation of gallstones, and the several operations for their removal from the biliary passa-os. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1895, xxxvii. 193-205.— Lloyd (J. H.) Gall-stones. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1891- 3), 1893, xvi, 71.—I.uzzatto (B.) Di un caso di angioeo- lite suppurativa da litiasi biliare. con pigmentazione ano- mala ed intermittente delle orine. Arch. med. ital.. To- rino, 1882, i, 280-310.— Mc-Cutchoii (P. B.) History of a case of biliary calculi: gall stones. X. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 19-24. — Manseau (II.) Trois cas de calculs biliaires; autopsie et operation; succes. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1893, n. s., vii, 5-12.—Mar- tanloiiio (A.) Sulla genesi dei calculi biliari. Riforma metl.. Napoli, 1892. viii.pt. 3, 567-570 — Marrhand (F.) Ueber cine bautigo Ursache der Galleusteinbilduug beim weiblichenGesehlecht. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv. 221. Also, Reprint. ------. Ueber eine hiiufige Frsaohe der Galleusteinbilduug beim weiblicben Ge- schli'cht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 49.—Marshall (G.) Large gall-stone ]iassed per rectum. Tr. Glasg. Path. A. Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv, 2:7-229.— Martin (E. H.i Cholelithiasis. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1895, i, 331-335. Also.- Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1895-6, Bur- lington. 1897, 74-82.—Martin (.1.) Large number of gall stones passed without pain ot-inconvenience. Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 212. — Martin Gil (R.) Calculo biliar. Gac. in6d. catal., Barcel., 1890. xiii, 97- 101.— Mauclaire. Calcul cystiquo ; atrophietle la vesi- cule; lobe marginal supplementaire du foie. Hull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 958-960. — Mayer (.1.) Expe- rimeuteller Beitrag zur Frage der Gallensteinbildung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl.. 1894, exxxvi. 561-568.— Mayo (W. J.) Gallstone disease. N. York M. J., 1895, lxii. 233-236.—Meat-hem (J. G.) Unusual case of gall- stones, with remarks upon that disease. Tr. "Wisconsin M. Soc, Madison, 1891, xxv, 257-268. — Merle. De la coniaso biliaire et de ses symptomes. Gaz. med.de Par., 1884. 7. s., i, 543; 555. ------. La coniaso biliaire et ses symptomes. Marseille med., 1880, xxiii, 302-366. — Mesch- ter (G. K.) A Care (J. R.) A case of cholelithiasis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889. lxi, 31. — Michaux (J.) Biliary concretions and gallstones. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond. 1886-7, xiii, 7S5-79i>. — Mikhailotl (M. P.) Sluchai zhelchno-kamennoi boliezni. [Case or" gall-stone disease.] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Pe- terb., 1895-6, [no. 8|. 15-21. — Monro (T. K.) Specimen from a case in which a very large gallstone was evacuated spontaneously per anuni nearly two mouths after an attack of intestinal obstruction. Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliii, 447-449.—Moore (J. W. ) Large gall-stones passed peranum. Proc Path. Soc Dubl., 1880-82, u.s., ix. 112: 120. -----. Large gall-stones passed per anum. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1885, iii. 297-300. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc.. 1885. 3. s., lxxix, 509-512. Also, Reprint—Morales Pe- reira (S.) Di&tesis calculosa biliar con tlilatacion de. la vesicula: curacidn. Gac. med., Mexico, 1887, xxii, 336- 345. — Morison (R.) Intestinal gall-stone. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9. xxxiv, 151. — Morris (R. T.) The action of various solvents on gall stones. In his: Loct. on Appen- dicitis, 8-. N. Y., 1895, 84-93— Morrison (D. N.) "Bili- ary calculi. Maritime M. News. Halifax, 1892, iv, 164- 169. — Morrison ( R. ) On gall-stones. Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1895. xxii, 181-204.—Mosler Ueber Gallenstein- kraukheiten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv. 317.— Moss (T. R.i Report of a case of cholelithiasis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxv. 105-108. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 775-778.—Musser (J. H.) A case of gall-stones with extreme dilatation of the biliary canals. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1*85-7, xiii, 54. -----. Gall-stones; a number of specimens, with some clinical histories. Ibid., 56. ------. Report of a case in which au enormous gall-stone was removed post mortem. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1886.3.8., viii, 69. — \.-iniivii. Ue- ber Gallensleinkrankhei ten. Wien. nied.Wi-hnst-.ili.. 1891, xii, 743-748. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Cong, f. ninere Med., Wiesb., 1891, x, 17-38. [Discussion], 69-81. Also |Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1891,-xiv, 243-216— IVikolski (D. P.) Sluchai zhelchnavo kamnya. [ Case of biliary calculus.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb.', 1885, i, 493.—Norris (W. H.) Biliary calculi. Med. Chron., Bait., 1883-4, ii, 222-224.—Odoui (T. B.) & I,ercli (O.) Mauri-pas Island and its diseases; gall stones, their origin and treatment. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1893-4, n. s., xxi, 897-903. —Ord (W. M.) Description ot a large gall-stone passed peranum; with remarks on the structure and mode of formation of biliary calculi. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 139- 143. Also. Kepi int. -----. Some of the rarer symptoms produced by -all-stones. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 496- 499.—Orton (G. T.) Notes on a case of biliary calculi. Canada Lancet. Toronto, 1*93-4, xxvi, 324-327.—Osier (W.) Gall-stone at the orifice of the common duct; he- patic intermit tent fever. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila.(1887-9),1891, 52. -----. On the symptoms of chronic obstruction of the common bile duct by gallstones. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 161-185.— I'agc (F.) A large gall-stone. Clin. Sketches, Lond.. 1896. iii, 69 —ParrotJ iF. J.) A gall- Calculus (Biliary). stone of unusual size. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1884, vi, 140.— Pntezou. Mouograplne des gros calculs biliaires.' Rev d'hydrol., Nancy, 1882-3, xxv, nos. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 10; 11; 12. ------. Des acei-s febriles k forme intermittente dans la lithiase biliaire et les gros calculs hepatiques; expose de nos connaissances relativemeiitii cette question! Bull. metl. tl. Vosges, Rambervillers, 1888-9. iii, no. 10, SO- IL— Pcin>l:i//i (I.) Della colelitiasi. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Veiie/.ia, 1851, ii, 454; 609: 1852. iv, 169. Also Reprint. — Pepper (W.) The gall-bladder filled with gall-stones, without causing marked symptoms; ascites, tapping with a capillary cannula; acute rheumatism; acute ondopericardius. Sled. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 625-627. —Phulpin. Dilatation des voies pan- cr6atiques ct biliaires sous la dependance d'un calcul ar- rt-tt- dans le canal choledoque, on availt de son embou- chure. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 9.—Piiiero ( A. F.) Litiasis hepiitica. Rev.argent.de cien. m6d., Buenos Aires, 1884-5, ii, 39; 93. — Porter (F. T.) Gall- stones. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875-7, n. s., vii, 35.— Porter (S. R.) Six cases of biliary calculi. Mass. M. J., Bost,, 1887. vii, 193-199. — Porter (W. T.) Remarks on the pathology and diagnosis of gallstones, with refer- ence to their treatment with olive nil. Weekly M. Rev., St, Louis, 1888, xviii, 617-622. — Posm-r. Ueber den Ban tier Gallensteine. Deutsche med. Wt-hiisclir., Berl., 1885, xi, 45. —Procliaska (G.) De calculo felleo per anum exert-to. In his: Admit. Acad., 8° Prag a.-, 1781, ii, 5-35, 1 pi.—Pnpier. Calcul biliaire voluniineux. Mem. et compt.-rend. S,>c. d. sc med. de Lyon (1887), 1888. xxvii, pt.2, 42. — Kieketts(E.) Gallstones. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1896, xxxiii, 899-901.—Rigal. Analyse tie calculs biliaires. Arch.de m6d. nav., Par.,1887, xlvii. 236-238.—Ringstedt (O. T.) Ett fall af cholelithiasis. Ft-stskr. . . . med. dokt. F. W. Warfringe [etc], Stockholm, 1894, 119-148.—Roe- ser. Observation de calcul biliaire, tie trois centimetres et demi de diaraiitre. Gaz. tlegyn6c, Par., 1885-6, i, 118-120.— Rollcston (H. D.) Gall-stones encysted in a saccuusl of the gull-bladder. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 87.—Rollins (W. H.) A gallstone. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 419.— Roth (M.) Beobachtungen iiber die Galleusteiukrankheit. Cor.-Bl. f. schwei/.. Aerzte. Basel, 1881, xi, 513-526. ------. Ueber Cholelithiasis. Festschr. Rudolf Virchow, Berl., 1891, 1-20, 2pl —Rovsing . Gonzales (A.) * Contribution a l'6tude de 1'obstrtiction intestinale par calculs biliaires. 4°. Paris, 1H87. Holscher (A.) * Ueber einen Fall von Darm- versehluss durch perforirten Gallenstein. 8'. Freiburg i. B., 1887. Huxerhofk ( H. ) * Ueber Perforation der Gallenblase iu folge von.Cholelithiasis. 8°. Gbt- tingen, 1*02. Knoop ( H.) * Gallensteine im Nubel. 8°. Marburg, 1^9-2. Lobstein ( E.) *Zur Casuistik des Gallen- stein-Ilt-us. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Tubingen, 189.">. Also,in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir,Tubing., 1895, xiii, 390-426. Nickel (C.) * Zur Casuistik der durch Cho- lelithiasis bedingten Pericystitis vesicae fellese. 8\ Marburg, 1886. Petersen-lit )KSTi-:r,(W.) * Gallensteinbildung iu ihrer Bezii-hiiug zu Krt-bsuud chrouischer En- darteriitis. [Kiel.] 8°. Xeustadtin Hoist., 18*'A. Raymond (V.) *I)e l'occlusion intestinale par calculs biliaires et surtout de son traitement. *-. Lyon, I"06. SciitjLLER (H.) * Gallensteine alsUrsache der Darmobstruktion. 8;. strassburg, 1891. Schwan(A.) * Ueber M-igeu verschluss durch Gallensteine. 8°. Giessen, 1891. Seelos (A.) *Zur Casuistik des Darmver- schlusses durch Gallensteine. 8". Miinchen, 18*2. CALCUL I :s. Calculus (Biliary, Complications nnd sequela' of). von Tempski (I.) *lt-bt-r Darmobstruction durch Gallensteine. 8°. Greifswald, ]s-9, VVadsberg (A. M.) #l>e cholelithis per ab- scesstun ruptuni egredientibus, casus et experi- nienta. sm. 4°. Cpsaliie, [178*]. Weise (R.) *Ein Fall von Cholelithiasis mit periodischen Kolikeu, langdaucrndcin Icterus, fievre intt-rmittente und Ausgang in Heilttno-, 8°. Jena, l.-9.->. Abram (J. H.) Some morbid conditions due to gall stones. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1893, xiii,497-500.—Aclmril (C.) & Phulpin (K.) Angiocholite calculeuse avec abct'-s ar6olaire du foie. Metl. mod., Bar., 1894,v, 385-387. — A lieu (C. S.) Report of a case of biliary calculi, diffused hepa- titis, and hydrothorax. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886, ii, 519-521. — Andrew* (V. E. ) Gall-stone penetrating the bowel. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1895-6, xiv, 412.— Atkinson (J. A.) Acute intestinal obstruction from gall stones. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 475. — Audry (J.) Un cas d'obstruction intestinale mortelle, par calcul bili- aire. Lyon med.. 1887, liv, 532-543. Also: Mem. et compt.- rend Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii, 98-109.— A u free hi. Austrittvon (iallensteiiien aus tier Gallen- blase: Ahkupst-lung derselben auf der ohert-n Lebcrfliiche; Durehbrucli von (ialle durch die Lunge. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888, xliii, 295-298. — Babiuski. Occlusion intestinale due k un calcul biliaire enclave dans le rectum. Bull. Soc. auat. do Par., 1883, lviii, 117. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1883, xi, 736.—Basinger (T. W.) A case of biliary calculi from birth, with lt-ucocvtht-inia as a complication, which resulted iu death. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1895, xlvi, 95-103. Also: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1895, xxxii, 181-187. — Beadles (C. F.) The rela- tion of biliary calculi to malignant tlisease of tho liver anil gall-bladder." Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1896, xlvii, 69-94.— Bell (I.) On a fatal case of acute peritonitis due toes- cape of the contents of the gall-bladder and partial ex- trusion of a medium-sized gall stone. Montreal M. J., 1892-3, xxi, 81-85. — Birclier. Occlusion des Diiun- darines durch einen Gallenstein. Cor.-Bl. f.schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1892, xxii, 142-145. — Bliss ( II. D. ) The ductus choledochus communis obstructed by a calculus; jaun- dice; necropsy; remarks. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 436.— It or* uk (M.) Przypadek cholelithiasis polaczonej z nie- zwyklq, ruchomosci;}, powiekszonego pecherzyka zolcio- wego. [Case of cholelithiasis complicated by unusual mo- bility of an enlarged gall-bladder.] (laz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 601-604.—Bourdon (II.) Calcul biliaire d'un volume considerable tomb6 dans le tube digestif, a. travers les parois de la vesicule et du colon transverse adherentes et perfon'-cs. Union med., Par , 1859, 2. s , ii, 439-443. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. d* Par. (1858-61), 1861, iv, 287-292.—Bridge (N ) Ulceration of a large gall-stone into the alimentary canal, producing unusual symptoms. Internat. M. Mag., Phila, 1893, ii, 541-543.— Brown (E. II.) Obstructive jaundice due to an impacted gall stone followed by cancer and suppressive jaundice. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1891, ii, 75.—Carlson (B ) Cholelithiasis empyema vesicas felleaj. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1896-7, n. F., ii, 571.— Canard. Occlusion inttsti- nale par calcul biliaire. Rev. med. de la Suiss.) Rom., Ge- neve, 1882, ii, 82-85.— Chappet. Calcul du ckoletloque; dilatation de la vesicule ; pas tie cancer. Lyon m6d., 1896, lxxxiii, 484-488. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 178-182.—Clark (L. B.) A case of intestinal obstruction duo to impacted gall-stone. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxviii, 214 — Coi- gnai-d (A.) Des irregularites du rvthme cardiaque dans un cas de lithiase biliaire chrouiquo. J. de therap , Par., 1883, x, 361-363. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1883, xv, 303- ----- R6flexes cardio-vasculaires dans la litliiase biliaire. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1885), 1886, xxi, 38- 41. Also: Union med., Par.. 1886, 3. s., xii, 397-399.— Colegrove (La R.) The passage of a largo biliary calcu- lus through an umbilical fistula N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 131.—Cornillon (I.) Des rapports do la litliiase biliaire avec les fonetions uterines. Progres med., Par., 18H7, 3. s., v, 257.—Crosby (T. V.) A case of sudden death. Lan- cet, Lond.. 1897. ii, 52.— Cutler (E. G.) Impacted gall- stone, ulceration into duodenum. Boston M. A S.J ,1889, cxxi, 030 -Bavis (T. G.) Obstruction of bowel bv a lar-e gall stone. Med. News, X. Y., 1896, lxviii, 207.— D-cplat* (U. ) Lithiase biliaire; goitre exophtalmique; as> stohe : ci i chose cardiaque; compression tie la veino cave lnleneure; guerison. J. d. se. med. tie Lille, 1890, i. 1-7 — Draper (W. H.) A case of obstruction of the ileum bv a gallstone. N.York M.J.,1882. xxxvi, 17-22.- l>rozila(.I Cholelithiasis subsequente- phlegmoue textus cellulosi ad portarn hepatis ; thrombosis purulenta vena} unibilii-alis et venarum hepaticarum cum abscessibus hepatis subse- queutesHpncaemia; Icterus gravis; Tod. Jahrb.d Wien. k.k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 949.— Uuirctt i IL A.) A case of fatal luematemesis from ulcera- CALCULI'S. 59 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary, Complications and sequelie of). tiou of gall stone into the duodenum. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895, i, 1090.— Oufourl. A propos tl'nn cas d'obstruction intestinale par calcul biliaire. Mem. et compt.-l-tiid. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1888), 18f9, xxviii, 278-297. Also.- Lyon med., 1889, lx,-5; 48 — Feltz (J.) Calcul tit- ebol. sterine ayant determine des accidents d'obstruction intestinale. France metl., Par., 1881, xxviii, 100-103. Also .- Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1881), 1882, v, 191-195.—Fussell (M. H.) Im- pacted gall-stone; dilatation of biliarv ducts. Tr. Bath. Soc. Phila. (1893-5), 1896, xvii, 10 —CJairdner (W. T.) Clini- cal remarks on a case illustrating liability to errors iu diag- nosis, in which frequent paiuful attacks, probably of bil- iary colic (reputed as gastric), orcurred during more than two years, in connexion with mitral valve disease and dilated hf-art, the fatal issue being determined by a small calculus lodged in the duodenal orifice of the common duct; iauntlice probably absent throughout. Lancet, Lomb, 1885, i, 1025-1027. — fialealius (D. G.) De calcnlis in cysti fellea, et intraejustunicasrt-pertis. Boiionit-nsi m- ct art. lust, comment., Bononia?, 1731, i, 354-358.— H:\ I Hard (L.) Les complications tlioraciques tie la litliiase biliaire. Med. mod.. Par.. 1895, vi, 185-187. -----. Des vomissenunts de calculs biliaires. Ibid., 429. -----. Les alterations de la veine porte dans la litliiase biliaire. Ibid., 713-715. -----. De l'ileus par calculs biliaires. Presse in6d., Par., 1895, 185-187. -----. Do l'obst ruction py Unique par calculs bili- aires. Ibid.,377. -----. Diagnostic des tistules cholecysto- intestinales dans la lithiase biliaire. Semaino med.. Par., 1895, xv, 309. Also, transl.: Med. Week,Par., 1895. iii, 410- 412.—Oarand. Sur uin» complication rare tie la lithiase biliaire. Loire med., St.-Etienne. 1888, vii, 29; 91— <»atti (F.) Due casi tli occlusioue intestinale da calcoli biliari nel tenue. Gazz. d. osp., Milano,1880,i,625-640. Oaiiilrroii. Obstruction intestinale par un calcul biliaire voluniineux 6migre dans l'intestin; arret stercoral d'une dur6o de six jours; evacuation spontanee du calcul; guerison. Rev. med. de la Frauche-Conite. Besancon, 1892, i, 15-22. -----. H6niorrhagies intestinales rebelles causecs par deux cal- culs biliaires voluniineux Emigres dans le colon ascendant; evacuation spontanee tie ces calculs; guerison. Ibid., 35-46.—Goodhnrt & Perry. Obstructive jaundice; biliarv calculus; cholecystitis; dilated bile ducts; ascend- ing suppurative hepatitis; tleath. Guv's Hosp. Gaz., Loud.. 1889, n. s.. iii, 29; 41. — Ooyens (L.) Ob- struction intestinale par calcul biliaire. Ann. Soc. tie med. d'Anvers, 1897, lix, 123-127. — Grundzach (J.) Ueber Gallensteine im Magen: Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Magt-nerweiterung. Wien. med. Pi esse, 1891, xxxii, 1089-1091. — Ouelini (A.) Strozzamento in- torno per grosso calcolo epatico impegnatosi nella fine del digiuno. Gior. tli anat. e fisicl., Milano, 1867, iv. 25-28.— Guepin (A.) Yolumineux calcul biliaire expuls6 spon- tanement par un abc6s de la paroi abdominale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 639-643. — Ilabcrshon (S. O.) Clinical cases illustrating some of the complications con- nected with the passage of gall-stones. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v. 6-18.—Hnndford (H.) Multiple strict- ures of the intestines: carcinoma of the portal fissure; jaundice from impacted gallstones; minute (microscopic) disseminated growths iu the liver combined with intersti- tial hepatitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, xii, 140-142.— Harris (G.F. A.) Caseof pya-mic abscesses consequent on gallstones. Indian M. J., Calcutta, 1S85, iv, 603-607.— Hayein (G.) Sur un cas d'6vacuation de calculs biliaires par la voie stomacale. Bull, et mem. Soc. metl. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3.8., xii, 667-074.—Uelferich. Bemerkungen zu einem Fall von Ileus durch Einklemmung eines grossen Gallensteines im Diiundarm. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1889, xv, 260. Also: Verhandl tl. mid. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890, 95-97.—Hercael (M.) Ko okozta cholangitis suppurativa. [Stone causing cholangitis .suppurativa.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 5.—Herr(W.) Durchbnieh von Gallensteinen durch den Xabelriug; vollige Heiluug. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1884, xxv, 25-27— Hill (CD.) A caseof accumulation of gall-stones in the gall-bladder and cystic duct: resulting in closure of the ducts, ai.d death bv asthenia. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 240. — Ilintze a ■■«.-■< (A.) Lithiase biliaire ; aiigiocholite siipjiuree et abets niiliaires dissembles du foie: ictere in- fectieux et rievre intermittente hepatique ; obliteration et dilatation considerable du canal choletloque par un gros calcul, sans decoloration des selles: anurie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1892, lxvii, 411-418.—.Miles (C. H.) A case of acute intestinal obstruction from impacted gall-stone, m a patient aged seventv-seven; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1890. i, 1121.—Mitchell (J. T.) Notes of a case of ex- traction of calculi from right loin. Proc. South. Austral. CALCULUS. 60 CALCULUS. Calculus (Ililiary, Complications and sequela' of). Branch Brit". M. Ass., Adelaide, 1884-5, 129-133.—Molli- ere. Four biliary calculi eliminated through au abscess in the right iliac fossa. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1888, n. s., xlv, 137.—ITIonod. Obstruction complete du jeju- num par un calcul biliaire: symptomes d'etranglement interne. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1827, 2. ed., 1842, ii, 26- 28.— Monprofit. Obstruction du pylore par un calcul biliaire. Ibid.. 1897, lxxii, 488-492^—Morris ( W.) A fatal case ol obstruction of the bowel [by] gall- stone. Rep. Proc. Nortbumb. A Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1885-6. 81-84. —Morton. Two Liall stones passed through au abdominal abscess. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1881, n. s., xxxii, 404. — IV a son (E. N.) Case of impacted gallstone. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1896, xl. 245.-QJttinger (jf.) Cancer priniitif tie la vesicule biliaire: calculs biliaires; compression du canal h£pati- que: ictere chroniquo. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 551-556. Osier (W.) On some of the effects of the chronic impaction of gall-stones in the bile-passages, and on the tievre intermittente hepatique" of Charcot. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii, 111-114. Also, Re- print. -----. On the ball-valve gall-stone in the common duct. Lancet, Lond., 1897. i, 1319-1323 —Parker (C. T.) The complications of cholelithiasis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 639-651. —Pastean (().) Voluniineux calcul du canal cliolt'iloque. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 271.—Pauly (It.) Mort par h6morrhagie du foie dans le cours do la lithiase biliaire. Lyon metl., 1892, lxx. 430- 435.—Pawlowicz (_T.) Przypadek zanikniecia swiatla kiszek przez kainien zolgiowy. [Case of intestinal occlu- sion caused by a biliary calculus.] Medycvna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 685-687. — Pericholecystitis chronica e cholelithiasi; Tod. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Kiankenanst. 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1897, iv, pt. 2. 459—Peters (G. A.) Biliary calculi; perforation of the duodenum: abscess. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 558. Also: Med. >'cws. Phila., 1885, xlvi, 619. — Pleehaud. Obstruction intestinale causae par des calculs biliaires. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phy- siol. ... do Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 113-115.—Pilliet (A. - H.) Lesions tie la vesicule biliaire conteiiant ties calculs. Bull. Soc. auat.dePar., 1891, lxvi, 500-503.—Poirier (A.) A bees de la fosse iliaquo droite, donnant issue k un grand nombretie calculs biliaires. [With report.1 Aun.Soc.de med. tie Gand, 1883, lxi, 11-18. —Pope (F. M.) Case of vomiting of gall-stones; necropsy; communication be- tween gall-bladder and duodenum. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 961.—Porta (T.) Observacion de un volvulo 6 pasion iliaca, producida por unos calculos biliarios de grande maguitud. Period. Soc. tie salud pub. de Cataluna, Barcel., 1821, i, 326-340.—Porter (W. H.) Multiple and retained gallstones; parenchymatous metamorphosis of the liver and kidneys; marked jaundice. Med. Rec, N. V., 1887, xxxi, 440. Also: Proc.'N. York Path.Soc. (1887), Is88,93.— Potain. Ulcere simple du duodenum; retrecissement de 1'artere pulmonaire; pneumonie du sommet; accidents consecutifs k la lithiase biliaire. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1890, lxi, 50-56.—Price (W. H.) Gall-stone compli- cated by gastric ulcer; autopsy. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lxix, 633. — Pye-Smith (P. H.) Two cases of gall-stone causing obstruction of the bowels. Tr. Path. Soc Lond. (1886-7), 18S7. xxxviii, 160-163.—Beed (C. A. L.) The sequela- of cholelithiasis. Cinciu. Lancet-Clinic, 1897,n. s.. xxxviii, 401-405. [Discussion]. 411-417.—Ren- du. Sclerose liepatique diffuse parlithias« biliaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 162-104. — de Bidder (C. C. J.) Bt-klt'inmingvan galsteenen in het colon adscendens. Xe- derl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1852-3, 3. s., ii, 157-164. Also, Re- print.—Bobsou (A. AY M.) Varieties of intestinal ob- struction dependent on gall-stones ; with a series of cases. Metl.-Chir. Tr., Loud, 1894-5, lxxviii, 117-126. Also: Pioc. M. A Chir. Soc. Lond., 1894-5. vii, 51-58. Also [Abstr.] : Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 220. — Roncagliolo (E.) Calco- losi biliare ; colecistite cronicariacutizzata ; tnruore biliare della cistifelh-a : pi-ricolci-istitecronicacou aderenze; itte- rizia smtomatica. Cron. tl. clin. med. tli Geneva, 1H95-6, iii, 258-203.—Root iKliza II.) A case of biliary obstruc- tion by a calculus, with intermittent pyrexia. J. A in. M. Ass, Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 801. Also: Tr. ('hica-ti I'alli. Soc (1894-5), 1896, i, 156-161. — Roux A \:ttt:t■■• l.an i< i . Lithiase totale do voies biliaires. Bull Soe. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii,:;."»:;. —Ruelle. Mort subite par syncope dans un cas tie lithiase biliaire chez une femnie. France metl., Par., 1882, ii, 847-849. Alsn; Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 229-232.—Rullicr (E.) Perforation de la vesicule biliaire pleine de calculs: peritonite suraigue ; mort Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1895. xxvi, 519- 523. — Sell a bad t Z. ) Ein Fall vou Gallensteinen mit Ruptur der i.alien blase. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1896.ii. I'.. mii 1!>-2L — Schuiitz (R.) Iutermittirende Fieber bei liallensteinen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii. 915-918 —Schiile (A.) Leber einen Fall von Duo- denalsti nose durch einen Gallenstein ; Heiluug. Ibid., 1894. xxxi. 1015-1017.— Smith (J. A.) Impacted gall- stone; acute lia-mnrrhagit- pancreatitis: death. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1897. ii, 468. — Smith (W. A. De W.) Case of Calculus (Biliary, Complications and sequela' of). intestinal obstruction caused by an impacted gall-stone. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 779. — Sottas. Un nouveau cas d'obstruction intestinale par un calcul biliaire. France med., Par., 1892, xxxix, 433-436. -----. Obstruction in- testinale par calcul biliaire. Ibid., 1896, xliii, 353-356.— Spanglcr ((.'. F.) Bowel perforation from gall-stone im- paction. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 416. — Si reelt (D.) Chronic peritonitis, the result of ulceration of the gall bladder from presence of nail stones. South. Clinic Richmond. 1890, xiii, 69-71.—Terrilc. Calcolosi biliare, ectopia epatiea. Cron. d. clin. metl. tli Genova. 1892-3, i, 189-191.—Thiroloix (J.) Lithiase biliaire ; obstruction intestinale par un calcul voluniineux; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 455.—Thomas (A. R.) A case of partial obstruction of the bowels by a gall stone. Am. Homoeop., N. Y., 1.-80, vi, 143. — Tyson (J.) Impacted bilirry calculi; suppuration in gall-bladder and bile-tlucts; death. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 61.—Vermorel. Lithiase biliaire; obstruction du canal choledoque; augio- cholite suppureo: rupture du canal hipatique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 909-911.—Verstraelen (U.) De l'ileus produit par un calcul biliaire et son traitement. Ann. Soc. demed.de Gand, 1888, lxvii, 42-54 —Vi lad rich (M.) Csilculoiaro. Union med.. Lerida, 1895-6, i, 25-27.— VukoloflT(A.E.) Sliichalneprokhodimostikishek vslied- stvie zakuporki podvzdoshnol kishki zhelchnim kam- nem. [Obstruction of the intestines due to lodgment of biliarv calculus in the ileum] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1896, vii, 16-2.0.—Wagoner (G. W.) Gall blad- der containing forty stones ; rupture; death. N. YorkM. J., 1891. liv. 208.—Walters (J.) & Berridge (W. A.) Acute intestinal obstruction caused by impacted gall- stone. Lancet. Lond., 1881. ii, 174.— Weber (F.) Ileus, bedinst durch Verschluss ties Darmt anals mit eineni Gal- lensteine. St, Petersb. metl.Wchnschr.. 1879. iv, 357-359. - West (S.) Suppuration in ami round gall-bladder due to calculi; pus in hepatic veins ; infarcts in lungs. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 281-283. — W hi te (W. H.) A case of a gall-bladder containing gall-stones which had a fistulous communication with the duodenum, and set up inflammatory thickeningof pylorus. Ibid., 2Sii.—Wilkes (W. D.) Gall-stones causing intestinal obstruction. Ibid., 1884-5, xxxvi, 218-221. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1884. ii, 1244. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 1092. — Wilkinson (G.) A caseof acute intestinal obstruction from impacted gall-stone; recovery. Brit, M. J.. Lond., 1897, i. 390.— Williams (A. G.j Death from impaction of gall stones. Lancet, Loud., 1887, i, 1081.— Wising (l». J ) Om gall- steusileus. [Sur l'occlusion intestinale par ties calculs biliaires. C.-r., no. 23.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1-85, xvii, no. 18, 1-31. CalcilSlls (Biliary, Diagnosis of). Bieling (J.) * Ueber Cholelithiasis mit be- souderer Beriicksichtigung dor iSyinptoinatolo- gie. 8J. Wiirzburg, [n. d.]. Flemmixg (C. A.) seu. Ein Beitrag zur ge- natiereu Diagnose grijsserer iu deu (billeiigangen eiugeklemmter Gallensteine und der tladttrch gewohnlich bewirkten sogenamiten Leberkolik oder Colica hepatica. 8Z. Leipzig, 1KW. Lefranc (J.-A.) * De qnelques phfjnoinenes initiaux de hi lithiase biliaire envisages au point de vue du diagnostic. 1°. Paris, 1881. Pauly (B.) * Des calculs biliaires, des altera- tions et des symptdines qn'ils produisent. 4°. Paris, 1859. Abrahams (R.) The genital phenomena of renal calculi. X. York M. J., 1897, lxvi, 349-351.—Adler (I.) Cholelithiasis without icterus; casuistic and diagnostic remarks. Ibid., lxv, 281-289. Also. Keprint. Also, transl: K. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1897, ix, 8-26. — Ali- son (A.) Contribution au diagnostic tie la lithiase bili- aire. eonsideree en dehors tie faeces de coliipie hgpatique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1887, ii, 141-158. — lie tie (F.) Be- merkungen zur Gallensteiu-Diagnose. Meinorabilien, Heilbr., 1891-2, n. F., xi, 457-459. -----. Zur Symptoma- tology- und Diagnose tier Gallensteine. Ibid., 1895-6. n. F.. xiv, 455; 523.—Briinniehe (A.) Cholelithiasis eller cancer hepatis? In his: I'raktikantklin., 8D, Kjobenh., 1892. 151-158.—1'ourvoisier (L. G.) Zur Diaguostikder Gallensteiukrankheiten. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1890, xxvi. 689-697.—Bumouly. Knorint- calcul biliaire (5 centimetres sur 3); difficult!- tie diagnostic avec une inflammation ai^ui- des m -aucs pelviens. Gaz. tie gynec., Par., 1885-6, i, 41 43.—l-'arusworth (l\ J.) Biliary cal- culus and its tliae-m.-is. Med. A Sur-. Reporter. IMiila., 1896. lxxv, 238.—Gano«n_iM. li.) Error dc diagnostiro. Gac. med., Lima, 1876, ii, 3,n-:i,:.'._Gilbert. Fournier i: Oudiu. Photographie ties calculs biliaires par les rayons X. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1897. lo. s., iv, CALCULUS. 61 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary, Diagnosis of). 506.—ii rah am (J. E.) The symptoms and diagnosis of cholelithiasis. Med. Rec, X. Y, 1897, Iii, 390.— Hurley (G.) On sounding for impacted gall-stones. Metl. Times A Gaz., Lund., 1884, ii, 7; 43. Also, Reprint. Also [Ab- str.]: Proc. Roy. M.& Chir. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, u. s., i, 248- 252. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 892. -----. On sounding for gall-stones; and the extrusion of gall-stones by digital manipulation. Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. Y., 1889, iv, 853-877.—Hutchinson (J.) On the simula- tion of obstruction of the bowels bv attacks of gall-stone colic. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888. i, 1374.— Johnston (J. A.) The diagnosis of biliary calculi continued by explora- tory incision. Cincin. Lancet Clinic.. 1895, n. s., xxxv, 524- 527" [Discussion], 528-537. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 648-654. [Discussion], 737-747. Also: Times A- Reg., Phila., 1895, xxx, 361-364. [Discussion], 366; 385. Also [Abstr.]: Metl. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 632-635.—Iiuzznlo (B.) Un caso di sofflo epatico; con- tribnto alia tliagnosidi colica epatiea da litiasi biliare. Boll. tl. clin., Milano, 1893, x. 49-54 — Jlathieu (A.) Calculs biliaires ou calculs intestinaux? Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. j d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 770— Mcletti. Diagnosi di colelitiasi sbaghata. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 547.—Peabodv (G. L.) The diagnosis of gall-stones. Med. Xews, X. Y., 1897, lxx, 513-516.—Shears (G. F.) The diagnosis and treatment of gall-stones. ('Unique. Chicago, 1897, xviii, 341-348.—Watson (S.) A case tif large gall-stones, simulating an abdominal tumour. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 188L vi, 139.—Webster (G. W.) The differential diagnosis of cholelithiasis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 956-960.—Whitlnker (J. T.) Detec- tion of gall-stones by the exploring needle. Metl. Rec. N. Y. 1882, xxi, 568. Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of). de Quextal (AY.) "Essai sur les traitements de la lithiase biliaire. 4°. Paris, 1895. Schroeder (A.) * Ueber die Behandlung in den Giillengangeu sitzonder Steine. 8°. K*el, 1895. Tro'Ltzki(I.I.) Oterapevticheskoinznacheuii olivkovavo masla pri zhelchno-kaiuenennoi bo- liezui. [Therapeutic value of olive oil in the disease ot* biliary calculi.] 8°. Kazan, 1894. Aphel (F.) La podofillinanella calcolosi biliare. Gazz. • med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii, 145-151. — Bernnbei (C.) Su che pud essere foudata la pretesa efficacia dell' olio d' olive nel trattamento interno della colelitiasi. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1883, i. 7. Also .- Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1884, ii. 299.—Bcrnabei (G.) Dell' ingannevole efficacia dell' olio di oliva nella co- lelitiasi. Riforma med., Roma, 1888. iv, 1142.— Blum (F.) Zur Therapie der Cholelithiasis. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1895, xiii, 259-201.-----. Zur Behandlung der Chole- lithiasis mit Ot-lklvstiren. Verhandl.d.Cong. f. innereMed., Wiesb., 1890. xiv, 500-508.—Brockbank(E.M.) Injection of olive oil for removal of impacted biliarv calculi. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 865.—Buddc (V.) Den niedicinske BehandlingforGaldesten. [... biliarv calculus.] Lgesk. f. Laeger, Kjobeub., 1891, 4. R., xxiv, 355; 379.— Burbank (T. S.) Are the masses passetl after ingestion of large doses of sweet oil gall-stones? Subject for discussion before the Medical Society of Xorth Carolina. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1890, xxvi. 508. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. M. Soc. N. Car. 1890, Wilmington, 1891, 104. Also [DiscussionJ: Xorth Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1890, xxv, 410-412.-Cas- sae't. De l'efficacite du salicylate de soutle contre Its j accidents de la lithiase biliaire et comme cholacoguo. j Bull. Sot:, d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, | 53-56. — Cassinc. Traitement de la lithiase biliaire. Xord med., Lille, 1894-5, i, 91-93.— < li.-iiill.-ird (A.) & Dupre (E.) Notesur le traitement de la lithiase biliaire, par I'ingestion d'huile d'olive a hantes doses. Bull, et mem. Sot:, med. d. hop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 414-423. [Discussion], 429. Also \ Abstr.]: (iaz. hebd.de m6d. Par.. I 1888, 2., s., xxv,676-679.—Clirislciiscn (J.) Oleum oliva- rnra ved cholelithiasis. Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk.. Christiania, 1889,4. R., iv, 399-104.-Clarke (J.'M.) Cases of biliarv colic cured by the, administration of olive oil. Brit. M.\l.,Lond., 1895, ii, 76.—Collective (A) investiga- tion by the therapeutic section of the Philadelphia Poly- clinic Medical Society. Sweet-oil in the treatment of gall- stone*. Times .V Reg., X. Y. A Phila., 1891. xxiii, 260-267.— Combemale. Un cas de lithiase biliaire traite par l'lniile d'olives. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1890, xxix, 465- 469.—Comingor (J. A.) Treatment of gall-stone suc- cessful bv massage or "pumping deliver'. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1889-90, xvi, 201.—C jr. De la chole- cystotoinie consideree snrtout au point de vue de ses indi- cations. Union med., Par., 1885, 3. s., xxxix, 109-115.— Destree. Traitement.des calculs biliaires. J. tie m6d., chir! et pharmacol., Brux., 1893, 673-679.— Discussion on the treatment of gall-stones. Albany M. Ann.. 1892, xiii, 257-277.— Dunin (T.) 0 leczeuiii Kamit: zclciowej Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of). (cholelithiasis) za pomocti jodku potasu. [On the treat- ment of . . . by potassium iodide. Gaz. lek., Warszawa 1896,2. s., xvi, 581-581 —K vans (T.) A large calculus re- moved from the bowels liy inflation. Metl. Xews Phil-i 1896, xlix, 401.—Cedcli (C.) Dell'uso delle neque iii Monteiatini nella liliasi biliare. Riv. ital. tli terap. etl i<*. I'iaeciiza, 1891, xi, 42; 76.—Ferrnnd. Traitement dela litliiase biliaire. Gaz. tl. hop., Bar., 1894, lxvii, 949-953. -----. La glycerine, et. la lithiase biliaire. Bull, et mem Soe. med. tl. hop. tie Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 281-287.—Fisher (H. M.) Biliarv calculus treated bv large doses of olive oil. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890,'i. 421. —Filz (R. H.) Cholecvstotomv. C\el. Pract. M. (Ziemsscii). X. Y. 1881 (suppl., 469-471).—«»asmn (J. McF.) Olive oil in lieu of cholocystotomy for biliary obstructions. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1887, ii. 92-95.—4«iuva (F.) 11 jotlo- formio e la colelitiasi. Indipendeute. Torino, 1883, xxxiv 604; 625. Also, Reprint— liioodliarl (J.F.) Remarks on gall stones and on their treatment by the ad ministration of large doses of olive oil. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1892, i, 219- 222.—HankiiiM (G. T.) The olive oil treatment of gall stones. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 311.—Har- ley (G.) The extrusion of gall-stones by digital manipu- lation. Illust. M. Xews, Lond., 1888-9, i, 73-77. Also, Reprint. -----. The expulsion of biliary concretions by digital manipulations. Verhandl. d. x. internat. mt-ti Cong. 1890. Berl., 1891, ii, 5. Abth., 105-108.—HoeUcher (J. H.) Cholelithiasis. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi. 708- 714. — Iliibuer (E.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der (iallenstcinbehandliing. Ztschr. f. arztl. Landpraxis Frankf. a. M., 1894, iii, 229-238. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl.. Wien, 1895, xxx, 522-525. — Karlsbad. Choleli- thiasis. Med. Rev. f. int. Med. u. Therap., Wien, 1891, ii, 213.—Kennedy (R.) Olive oil for removal of gall stones! Camilla Lancet,Toronto,1880-81, xiii,134-137.—Kums (A.) Calculs biliaires; eniploi de I'huile d'olive k haute dose. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1890, Iii, 177-185.— I.ei-oux (H.) Xote sur un cas d'angiocholite calculeuse; traite- ment par l'antipyrinc. France metl., Par., 18r-9, i, 140- 148.—l.evashoflf (S. V.) O terapevticheskom znachenii Duraude'ovskoi smlesi pri zhelchnokameiinol bollezui i o terapii cholelithiasis voobshtshe. [Duraude's mixture for biliary calculus, and on the treatment of cholelithiasis in general.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv, 225; 241; 257. Also, transl.: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1885, ci, 430-473, 1 (bag. — l.oelicr (F.) Gallstones suc- cessfully treated with olive oil. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1882-3, n. s., x, 676-678. — M'Gill. Cholecystotomy. Brit.M. J., Loud., 1884, ii, 1142. —McShane (J. T.)' Treatment of gall-stones by massage. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 287. — Mays (T. J.) Olive oil in the treatment of gall-stones. Ibid., 513. -----. Sweet oil in the treatment of gall-stones. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, 249-260. Also: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1891-2, xxxi, 207-220.—Mitchell (A. T.) What becomes of large doses of olive oil.' X. YorkM. J., 1896, lxiv, 816.—Mouod (C.) Traitement de la cholecystite calculeuse. Pnsse med., Par., 1896, no. 42, pp. ccviii-ccx.—Murphy (J. B.) The surgical and medical treatment of cholelithiasis. Medicine, Detroit, 1895, i, 139-148. — Naiinyn Sc Fiir- bringcr. Die Behandlung tier Gallenstein-Kranklieiteii. Her. ii. tl. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. iunere Med., Leipz., 1891, x, 2-16—von Oefele (F.) Butter bei Leber- und Gal lt-nleiileii. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1896, vi. 305; 321.—Oliver (T.) Jaundice, due to simple obstruction, successfully treated by olive oil. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii. 870. Olivet! (T.) Terapia della colelitiasi. Raccogli- tore metl., Forli, 1892, 5. «., xiii, 477-481.—Oilier (V.) De la lithiase biliaire; pathogenic; etiologie: traitement. Lyon med., 1889, lx, 619: lxi, 5; 82.— Peurse (II. E.) The treatment of gall-stones and gall stone colic. Kansas City M. Index, 1895, xvi, 76-78. — Plicquc (A.-F.) Du traitement de la lithiase biliaire. [Abstr.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1894, lxvii, 121-123. -----. Les causes et. le traite- ment hygienique de la lithiase biliaire. Ibid.. 383-387.— PolitCS iC.) XoAoAiOi'acri? 8cpairev9elcra. Sid Tr}s vSpoQepa- Trtri'as. PaArji-bs, 'Afloat, 1882, viii, 265-269— Prentiss (D. W.) Call stones or soap? Olive or cotton-seed oil in the treatment of gall-stones. Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, Iii, 518. Also, Reprint. — Katin. Deux cas d'extraction de calculs de la vesicule biliaire. Lyon m6tl., 1.891, lxvii, 5-13.— Kalfe (0. II.) A clinical lecture on the treatment of gall-stones. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 17-22: 1895, vi, 281-286.— Rosenberg (S.) Zur Behandlung der Cho- lelithiasis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 1040; 1069 Also: Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1889), 1890 xx, pt. 2,154-173. IDiseussionJ. pt. 1, 208-216. Also: Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 1889, iii, 542-548. -----. Leber die Behandlung tier Gallenstein - Erkrankung mittelst Olivendl. Med.-cliir. Centralbl., Wien, 1891, xxvi, 250.— Rutlnn (A.) Olive oil for the removal of gall stones. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1880-81, xiii, 175 — Maunders ( E. T.) A case of hepatic stone successfully treated. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1889, xii, 43. — Mehultz (V.) Ein Fall von Pseudogallensteinkoliken bei Cholodocbus- obstruction; einige Angaben iiber die pharmiicologische Wirkung von Calomel und Oleum olivarum. Berl. klin. CALCTLITS. 62 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of). Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi. 132-137.—Mee (G.) it tuile physio- lu. Kottenhahn (H.[E. F.]) *Eiu Beitrag zur Casuistik der Cbolelitbiasis-Operationeu. 8°. Bonn, 1806. LieberkChn (R.) * Die bistoriscbe Entwick- lung der operativen Bebaudluug der Gallen- stt-iue. S°. Berlin, 1804. Piedvache ( E. ) De la nt-pbrolitbotomie couiine traitement de la litliiase biliaire, en par- ticulier dans les petits calculs du rein. 4°. Pa- ris, 1896. Sciiulz (R.) * Ueber die Indicationsstellung fiir operative Bebaudluug tier Cholelithiasis im Anschluss an einen Fall vou Cholekystotomie. 8°. Ha tie a. S., 1890. Stroke (H.) *Auwendung des extraperito- uealen Explorativ.scliiiittes in drei Fiilleu vou fraglicbeu Galb-nsteinen. 8°. Gbttingen, 1888. Abbe (R.) Biliary calculi removed by cholecystotomy • recovery. X. York M. J.. 1889. xlix, 107. -----'. The sur- gery of uall-stoue obstruction. Tr. X. York Acad. M. (1893). 1894. 2. s.. x. 211-236. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliii, 548-552. Also, Reprint— Adams (J. F. A.) A case of biliary calculus; cholecystotomy: duodenal fistula; recovery. Boston M. i S. J.. 1892, exxvi, 55-58. Also, Reprint.—Ashlon (W. K.) A successful ease of cholecys- totomy for the removal of gall-stones obstructing the cystic duct. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. »., viii, 301-303. Also, Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of, Opera- tive). Reprint.—Rnutloiiiii (M.) Lesop6rationsnouvelles sur les voies biliaires; la ovstioolithotripsio. Progres m6tl., Par., 1897, 3. s.. vi, 1-3. - 'Birk (C.) When shall we oper- ate for cholelitliia-is ; X. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 628-034. Also, Reprint.— Bernays (A. C.) -A successful case of ideal cholecystotomy, with critical remarks'on the pathol- ogy and the different operative procedures practiced ou the svstem of gall vessels. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1885 xii, 350-359. Also, Reprint. — Berry (,J.\ Two cas -s of cholecystotomy; removal of a hundred and thirty and of sixty-four calculi. St. Bartk. Hosp. Rep., Lond., Is!).', xxviii, 47-54. —Bishop ( S.) Dilated gall-bladder: re moval of calculi; death from ulceration of impacted calcu- lus. Lancet, Loud., 1894, ii, 1481.—Bo-eke I (J.) Dclacho- 16cystotomie appliquee au traitement ties calculs biliaires. Me'm. Soc. de metl. de Strasb., 1884-5, xxii, 126-144. Also: Con"., franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc] 1HS5. Par., 1886, i, 515-530. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1885, v, 801-816.— Bi-iilflon ((.'. K.) Cholecystectomy; impacted gall-stone in the common bile-duct. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xx, 367- 369.—Broadbent Sc Page. A case of gall-stones in tho cystic duet; cholecystotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1282. — Biota (A.) Cholecystectoinie pour la li- thiase Iimit6e a l.i vesicule biliaire. (iaz. hebd. tie metl., Par., 1894, xii, 369-372.— Broekatt (A. A.) Acute intes- tinal obstruction due to a large gall-stone; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 1130.—Brodier. De l'intervention cbirurgicale dans les accidents de la litliiase biliaire. In- depeud. med., Par., 1896, ii, 65-67. — Buchanan (G.) Cholecystotomy for the removal of biliary calculi, retained in a gall-bladder with occluded cystic duct. Brit. H. J., Lond., 1886, i, 872.—Bukowski (R.) Empyema calculo- sum vesicas fellete: pericholecystitis adhaesiva; obliteratio cicatricialis completa ductus cystici; laparotomia; chole- cystectomia; sanatio. (la/., lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2.s., xiii, 629-634. —von Burrkhardt (H.) Ueber die chirunri- scheBehandlung tier Gallensteinkraiikheit. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1895, lxv, 193; 201; 209; 217.—Calhoun (C. W.) Three gall-stones removed from the gall-bladder through the walls of the abdomen. Med. Rec, X'. Y., 1881, xix, 116. — Caliari (C.) Due casi tli- colelitiasi trattati chirurgicaraente. Riformamed., Xapoli, 1894, x, pt. 1, 421; 434.—Campenon. L„parotf>snie pour obstructioninteslinaleparcalculbiliaire. (Resume.) ( ong. franc, tlechir. Proc.-verb. [etc.],Par., 1891,v,442.—Carda- rclli (A.) Un caso di calcolosi biliare operato feliceinentc di colecistectomia. Boll, di clin., Milano, 1894, xi, 445-456. Also: Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 161-174. — Cartaya (P. M.) Fistula biliar cutanea; ex- pulsion de un cdlculo: colecistytomia y evulsion do cuatro calculus. Cron. med.-quir. tie la Habana, 1886, xii, 352-372, 1 pi. — Cerne. Presentation d'un calcul biliaiie extra it parlacliolecystotomio. Bull. Soc. denied, de Rouen (1891), 1892, 2. s.,v, 103-105.—Chaput. Cbolecystotomie pour cal- cul enclave dans le canal eystique; le douziAmo jour, oblite- ration de la fistule biliaire par abrasion. [Rap. do Terril- lo'n.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de cliir.de Par., 1890,11. s., xvi, 270- 274.—Cholelithia«i«, 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, zu Basel (1892), 1894, 70.— Cholelithiasis; Ab- scesse ties 1. Leberlappens; Perforation eines Abscisses; Peritonitis circumscripta, 1 Fall. Ibid. (1893), 1894, 62.— Cholelithiasis; Ectasie der Gallenblase ; Cholecystec- toinie; 1 Fall. Ibid. (1887), 1888 59.—4 laude. Litliiase biliaire; cancer du foie propage k la vesicule; eliolecvsto- stouiie. Bull. Soe. anat. tie Par., 1895. ixx, 552-555.—(Joelho (S.) Cholecystotomia n'um caso do lithiase biliar; cura. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1894, xii, 93. — Coley (W. B.) Bi- liary calculi; cholecystotomy. X. York M. J., 1891, liii, 479.—Colzi (F.) Itterizia grave da litiasi del coledoco; catarro delle vie biliari da strt ptococco piogeno; colecis- totomia; jiuarigione. In his: Resoc. tl. tqi. eseg. . . . in Clin. chir. in Firenze, 8°, 1892, 69-72.—Craven. " A case of cholecystotomy for suppuration 111 the mill-bladder and gall-stones: recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii. 447. — frede. Zur Chirurgie der Gallensteinkraukheit. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii, pt. 2, 232-240, 1 pi. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Her!., 1889, xxxix, 517-525, 1 pi.—Dalle Ore (G.) Colecistectomia per ritenzioue cistica da calcolosi; guarigione. I!iv. veneta tli sc. med., Venezia, 1890, xii, 165-171, 1 pi.—Davis (W. E. B.) A case of cholecystotomy for stones in the gall- bladder and cystic duct, with remarks ou gall-stones. Tr. South. Surg. A Gynec. Ass. 1891, Phila.. 1892, iv 366-372. Also: Am. Gynec J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 269-274— Bawson (J. L.), jr. A successful cholecystectomy for impacted gall-stones and intramural abscess of gall-bladder. Med. Xews, Phila., 1890, lvii, 597-599. —Dcaver (J. B.) Chole- cystotomy, with removal of stone from the common duct. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1896, iii, 67. — Dclageniere (II.) Catheterisme ties voies biliaires pour un cas de lithiase biliaire; guerison. Con. 1894, 203-222. Also: Ejened. jour. "Prakt, Med.", St, Petersb., 1894, i, 18-25.—Hamilton (J.B.) Diverticulum of gall-bladder; incision; removal of gallstones: recoverv. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 65— Hnrriugton'(F. B.) Intesti- nal obstruction from a large gall-stone; operation: recov- I ery. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1896, cxxxv, 219.—Haslam. j Gallstones removed from the bladder and cystic duct of a woman. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1035.—Herczel. Ein j Fall von Gallenblasenoperation mit Entfernung von 54 Steinen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 1076.—Hofiuokl. Cholecystotomie wegen Hydrops der Gallenblase in Folge von Gallensteinen; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 411-413. -----. Cholelithiasis, Cholecystotomie mit Ent- fernung von zwei Gallensteinen ; Eutwicklung einer Gal- lenblasen - Dickdarmfistel; HeilnnL'- Ibid. (1887), 1888, 347-350. Also: Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 367.— Honians (J.) Gall-stones formed around silk sutures, twenty months after recovery from cholecystotomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxvi, 114-116, 1 pi.—Hughes (W.) Empyema of gall-bladder; cholecystotomy in two stages, with evacuation of two pints of pus and three gall-stones; recovery. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xii, 335-339.— Iliunblet. De l'intervention chirurgicale dans la lithi- ase biliaire. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1889, 3. s., xxxv, 217-248.—Hume (G. H.) Cases of operation for gall- stones through a transverse incision. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 406.—Hutchinson (J.) Laparotomy for impacted gall stone. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1892-3, iv, 27-29.— Hutch- inson (J.), jr. Gall-stone impacted in the small intes- tine; removal by laparotomy. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1896, xlvii, 94-96.—Hutchison (J. C.) A case of closure of the orifice of the cystic duct by a gall-stone; abscess of the gall-bladder; cholecystotomy; recovery. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 555-557. 'Also: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 569. — Iversen ( H.) Cholelithiasis; cholecvstectomia. Gynaek. og obst. Medd., Kjabenh., 1888, vii, 123-127. — Jeaunel. Contribution au traitement chirurgical de la lithiase biliaire. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1896, ii. 337-346. Also: Arch, prov.de chir., Par., 1896, v, 543-550.—Jessop. Calculi from cases of cholecystotomy. Rep. Proc. Xorth- umb. A Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1888-9, 32-34.—Johnston (J. A.) Diagnosis of biliary calculi confirmed bv exploratory incision. Times & Reg., Phila., 1895, xxx, 361-364.— Jones (G.E.) Biliary calculi. Ibid., Phila. & Bost, 1896, xxxii, 81; 124— Jones (T.) Gall- stones; suppuration of the gall-bladder; cholecystotomy; recovery. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1886-7, v, 465.— | Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of, Opera- tive). Kablukofl* (A. F.) Sluchai polnavoizsiechenla zhelch- navo puzirya pri zhelchno-kamennol boliezni. [Case of complete excision of gall-bladder for gall-stone disease | Metl. Obozr., Mosk., 1896, xlv, 263-274—Keen (W. W.) Xote on cholecystotomy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1879, n. s., lxxvii, 575.—Kehr (H.) Zur Chirurgie der Gallenstein- krankheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 39; 69; 141; 168; 423. Also: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1893-4^ xxxviii, 321-399. -----. Neue Erfahrungen auf dem Ge- biete der Gallensteinchirurgie. Berl. Klinik, 1894, Hft. 78, 1-26. -----. Ein Ruckbliek auf 209 Galleusteinlaparoto- mien mit besonderer Berucksichtiguug gewisser, ander- weitig selten beobachteter Schwierigkeiten bei 3>i Chole- dochotomieen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896, liii 362- 382. Also: Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Beil. 1896, xxv, pt. 2, 333-353. [Discussion], pt.1,92-94. [See, also] supra.]—Kelly (H. A.) Cholocystorrkaphy, followed by cholocystotomy; evacuation of one hundred and eighty- eight gall-stoues; recovery. Ann. Gvna-c, Bost., 1888-9 ii, 517-519. Also: Am. J.' Obst,, X. Y., 1889, xxii, 1191- 1193.—Kocher (T.) Eiu Fall von Choledocho-Duodeno- stomia interna wegen Gallenstein. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz Aerzte, Basel, 1895, xxv, 193-197.—Koebcrlc (E.) Co- liques hepatiques; calculs biliaires; cholecystectomie. Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1886-7, xxiv, 236-245. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 202.— Kiiminell (H.) Chirurgische Erfahrungen iiber Gallen- steinerkrankung und ihre Behandlung durch die ideate extraperitoneale Operationsniethotle. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1897, i, 137-105.—I,angc (F.) Im- pactetl gall-stone in the ductus choledoehus; cholecys- totomy; death. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 106. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 96-98. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 381-385. ——. Extirpation of the gall-bladder for calculi. X. York M. J., 1891, liii, 77. -----. The surgical significance of gall-stones. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii, 29-33. Also, transl.: X.Yorker med. Monatschr., 1897, ix, 27-31.— Langenbnch (C.) Cholelithiasis; Cholecystectomia. Berl. ~klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 720-722. '-----. Zur zweckmiissigen Methode der operativen Entfernung von Gallensteinen von Dr. E. Senger. Ibid.. 1890, xxvii, 100- 105. — Jliatouclie. Cholecystite calculeuse snppuree; cholecystotomie; mort au bout de deux mois par troubles hepatiques. [Rap. de Terrillon.] Bull, et m6m. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 1889, n.s., xv, 208-215.—Iiauenstcin (C.) Zur Chirurgie tier Gallenblase. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893, xx, 6.—EiC Dentil (A.) Lithiatte de la v6sicule bili- aire coexistent avec un cancer des conduits biliaires et du foie; diagnostic obscur; incision exploratrice; extraction de calculs multiples de la v6sionle biliaire; mort par col- lapsus. Inhis : Hop. Xecker. l!tudesdeclin. chir. 1890-91, 8°, Par., 1892, 282-287.—I.ejars (F.) Contribution k l'etude des indications de la eholecystostomie et de la choice\stectomie dans la lithiase v6siculaire. Rev. de chir., Par., 1896, xvi, 645-672. —tendon (A. A.) Chole- lithotomy and subsequent passage of a gall stone. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 241.—laconic. In- tervention chirurgicale dans la lithiase biliaire avec hy- dropisie consecutive de la vesicule (cholecystectomie et cholecystotomie ideale). Cons, franc, decliir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Far., 1892, vi, 164-172.— Llobet. Colecistotoniia por c&lculos biliares. An. d. Circ, med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1894, xvii, 72-76.—I.,oweii*teiii. Zur Frage der chirur- gischon Behandlung der Gallensteinkrankheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 563-566.— lioreto (P.) Di una diagnosi tli colelitiasi sbagliata; operazione; guari- gione. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc, d. 1st, di Bologna, 1888-9, 4. 8., ix, 573-576. — iTIcCosh (A. J.) Case of gallstone im- pacted in common duct; choledochotomy; suture: recov- ery. Med. .y Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., X. Y., 1896, i, 180-^2. Also (Abstr.]: Ann. Surg., Phila,, 1896, xxiii, 180— IVIucdonald (A. A.) Cholelithotomy, with chole- diiodenostoiuy for the relief of jaundice due to impacted gall stones. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1893, i, 33-38.— McGraw (T. A.) Extraction of biliary calculus from the common duct. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1895, xix, 159-173. — MacKay (N. E.) Gall-stones and dis- tended gall-bladder; cholccvstotomy; recovery. Mari- time M. News, Halifax, 1895, vii, 171. — JTIackay (W. A.) A contribution to the surgical treatment of gall- stones. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1264.—M'Murtry (L. S.) Gall stones; suppurating gall-bladder; cholecystotomy; recovery. Am. Pract. A Xews, Louisville, 1890, n. s., ix, 402. Also: Med. Progress, Louisville, 1890, iv, 827.— ITIain (II. F.) & Duncan (li. B.) A case of chole- lithiasis, dropsy of gall-bladder, cholecystotomy, and re- moval of two stones, weighing 250 and 25 grains respect- ively; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1890, n. s., xii, 489-493.—Marcy (H. O.) The surgical relief ot ob- struction of the common duct bv biliary calculi. Times A Reg., Phila. & Bost., 1896, xxxii, 441-444. Also: Tr. X. York M. Ass., 1896, xiii, 229-235. -----. Contribution to the history of operative interference for the relief of ob- struction of the common choledoch duct by biliary calculi. CALCULUS. 64 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of, Opera- tive). Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxv, 80-85.—Marriott. Chole- cystotomy and crushing of impacted iiiill-stone in cystic duct. Brit, M.J., Lond., 1890, i, 135 .—Martin (C.) Case of gall-stones removed bv cholecvstotomv [by L. Tait]. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1890, ix. 272 — Maltoli (A.) Sul tra'tamento chirurgico nella lit iase biliare. Atti e rendic. Accad. metl.-chir. di Perugia, 1894, vi. 61-78—Mayo (W. J.) A report of two operations for the relief of gall stones. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1892, xii, 101.—Meek (H.) A case of empyema of gall bladder from gall stones; oper- ation; recovery. Ontario M. J., Toronto, 1894-5, iii, 123- 126— Mciseubach (A. n.) Cholecystotomy for biliary calculi: eleven hundred gall stones; report of a case. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1895, vi. 99-102.—Meredith. Case of cholecystotomy for dilatation, due to impacted calculi; su- ture of the incision in the gall-bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885,i,431. — Michnux (P.) Cholecystectomie dans le traitement. de la lithiase biliaire. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1893, vii, 798-800. -----. Crises re- p6t6es de coliques hepatiques; ictere chronique, decolora- tion des selles, chez une femme de 62 ans; laparotomio; gros calculs obliteraux du canal choledoqne; choledo- cotomie, extraction du calcul, suture du canal; fistule bi- liaire temporaire; guerison, par le Dr. Felix Lejars. [ Lap ] Bull, et m6m. Soe. tie chir. de Par., 1896, n. s., xxii, 43(1-434.— tli lie i' (B.C.) Six successful operations for biliary calculi. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, Ixiii, 476.—Morris. Call-stones; cholecystotomy. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1891, Lond., 1892, 118; 121.—Morris (R. T.) Gall-stones encysted in the abdominal cavity : laparotomy; recovery. Men. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 22.—Morton (T. G.) A case of cholecvstotomv, with recovery after re- moval of gall-stones. Med. Xews. Phila., 1893,' lxii, 296 — Murphy (J.) Cholecystotomy; solitary gall stone; re- covery. Rep. Proc. Noithunib. A Durham M. Soc, New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1890-91, 35.—IVapier (A.) Cholecys- totomy for biliary calculi. Glasgow M. J., 1886, xxvi. 299- 305.—IVaiiiiiaiin (G.) Cholelithiasis; choleeystostomia. Eira, Stockholm, 1893, xvii, 329-332.—Omboni*. Due casi di colecisl ite calcolosa complical i trattati chirurgicamente. Gazz. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1897, xvii, 25-31.—Page (F.) Four eases of gall-stones. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1602.—Pnrkes (C. T.) (a) A case of cholecystectomy; (b) specimens of gall stones. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1889, xi, 1-3.-----Gall stones and their surgical relief. Chicago M. Rec, 1891, i, 381-387.—Parona (F.) Calcolosi biliare; colecistectomia parziale; guarigione. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1891, 1, 155. — Paul (F. T.) The surgical treatment of gall-stones. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1896, xvi, 488-494. — Pean. Des operations applicables au traite- ment de la vesicule biliaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 426-429.—Perier. Extirpation dela vesicule biliaire dis- tendue par un calcul engage dans le col. Mercredi metl., Par., 1890, i, 499. —Peritonitis perforativa durch Gallen- austritt; Cholelithiasis; 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. tl. chir. Abt. d. Spit, zu Basel (1893), 1894, 61. — Perkins (J. W.) A case of impacted gall-stone with abscess formation; chole- cystotomy ; recovery. Kansas City M. Index, 1891, xii, 201- 206.—Picque. Lithiase biliaire; cholecystotomie; gueri- son operatoire. Com; franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1891, v, 643.— Piukertou (S. H.) Empyema of the gallbladder; choice vstotomy. and removal of gallstones; re- covery. In his: Synops. Cliu. Surg., 12°, Salt Lake City, 1893,21. -----. Cholecystotomy; removal of one large gall stone; recovery. Ibid., 22. -,- Porter (M. F.) A case of cholelithotomy, with remarks upon the surgical treatment of cholelithiasis. Tr. IndianaM. Soc, Indianap., 1889,108- 112.— Poulscn (K.) Om den kirurgiske Behandling af Cholelithiasis. [Sur le traitement chirurgical de la lithiase biliaire. C.-r., no. 20. | Xord. metl.,Ark., Stockholm, 1892, n. F.,ii,3.Hft.,l-50.—Pozzi. Calcul biliaire enchatonne en partie dans le canal choledoque, en partie dans la premiere portion du duodenum; ictere chronique grave; cirrhose biliaire hypertrophique; duodeuotomie ; extraction du cal- cul; suture complete; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1894, n. s., xx, 630-634.—Bafin. Deux cas d'extraction tie calculs tie la vesicule biliaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, 3- 11. — Beboul t .1.) Chol6cystite calculeuse suppur6e; cholecystotomieparvoie lombaire; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 398-400.—Richard- sou ( M. H. ) Cholecystotomy and cholecystectomy for stone impacted in the cystic duct. Metl. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi, 551-556—Bieketls (E.) Surgical treatment, of gall- stones. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvi, 708-710.— Riedel (B.) Chirurgische Behandlung der Galienstein- krankheit. Handb. d. spec. Therap. inner. Krankh., Jena, 1895, iv, 2. Teil, 68-137.—Robinson (B.) Operation for gallstone on a woman, 26; recovery. Milwaukee M. J., 1894. ii, 353. -----. Thirty gall-stones removed from a girl twentv-two years old. X. Albany M. Herald, 1895. xv, 209- 211 — Bobson (A. W. M.) Cholecystotomy for gall- stones, performed on the strength of symptoms without physical signs. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 79. -----. Chole- lithotrity in the treatment of gallstones. Med. Chron., 'alcillu* (Biliary, Treatment of, Opera- tive). Manchester, 1891-2, xv, 1-8. -----. A clinical lecture on indications for surgical interference in cases of gall- stones. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3. i, 22-24: 1895, vi, -J86- 289. — Roper (A. C.) Two unusual cases of gall-stones, with cholecystotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 534. -1 Bose (E.) Die Grenzen des idealen Gallenblas. ostein- schnittes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. xxxiv. Festselir . . . C. Thiersch [etc.], Leipz., 1892, 55-64.—Boss (J. F. W.j The dangers of gall-stones; with a plea for early laparot- omy in obscure abdominal disease. Am. G vnec. J., Toledo 1892, ii, 197-208. -----. The surgical treatment of gall'. stones; a further contribution to the surgery of the gall ducts and gall bladder. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1896, xxi, 1-7.—R u ta. L' intervento chirurgico negl i accitlen t i delhi litiasi biliare. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1896, xii, pt. 1, 649- 651.— Sandnlli. L'intervento chirurgico nella coleli- tiasi. Ibid., pt. 3, 205-208.— Santopadrc (F.) La lito- tripsia applicata alia litiasi biliare. Raccoglitore metl. di Fano, 1858, xviii, 258-271. — Schoolfield (C. B.) Chole- cystotomy for gall-stones; recovery. Cincin. Lancet-Cli- nic, 1896,"n. s., xxxvi, 711-713.—Schopf (F.) Cholelithi- asis; Cholecystotomie; Heilung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893, i, 830. -----. Cholelithiasis; Cholecystotomie; Tod. Ibid., 1896, iii, 1046.-----. Choleli- thiasis; Cholecystotomia; Gehirnabscesse; Durchbruch in den rechten Seitenventrikel; Tod. Ibid. (1894), 1896. iii, 1047-1049.—Scott (W. G.) Gall stone impacted in the cys- tic duct removed by incision; recovery. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1895, ii, 133. — Scnger (E. ) Leber eine zweckmassige Methode der operativen Entfernung von Gallensteinen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 28-31. -----. Einige Bemerkungen zur Gallensteinchirurgie. Ibid., 367-369.— Seymour (W. W.) A case of gall-stoues, patent and conceal ed: exploratory laparotomy with autopsy ten weeks later. Tr. X. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886, ii, 338-341. -----. Personal experiences with gallstones, and the operation for their relief. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec, Phila.. 1890, iii, 145-159. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890. xxxviii, 625-C28. -----. Case of cholecystotomy with cholelithotrity: death from la grippe on the twenty-first day. Tr. Am. Ass. Ohst. & Gynec. 1891, Phila., 1892, iv, 131-134. -----. Three suc- cessful cholocystotomies for gall- stones, with remarks based on six cases. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Albany, 1894, 130-134. Also : Ann. Gynsec. & Paediat., Phila., 1893-4, vii, 446-450.— Shepherd ( F. J.) A case of cholecystotomy for gall- stones. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xii] 330-334.—Sieur. Du traitement chirurgical des calculs biliaires et. en par- ticulier de la cholecystotomie. Poitou m6d.. Poitiers, 1891, vi, 114; 121. -----. Traitement chirurgical des calculs biliaires. [Rev. crit.] Arch. gen. de med., Par. 1892, ii, 77; 197; 319. — Sims (J. M.) Remarks on cholecystotomy in dropsy of the gall-bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 811-815. Also, Reprint. — Smith (C. N.) Cholecystotomy for gall-stones. Am. Cvnec J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 550-554. — Soave (L.) Di tin'caso di colecistectomia parziale con legatura del condotto cistico per itlrope cronica della cistifellea dacalcoli biliari. Riv. veneta tli sc. med., Venezia, 1894, xx, 141-145.— Southam. Cases of cholecystotomy for the removal of gall stones. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 754. — Stamm ( M. ) Operation for gall-stones; congenital absence ol gall-bladder; death. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888. x, 388—Stein (R.) A successful cholecystotomy for biliary calculi and empyema of the gall-bladder. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii, 201.—Stone (I. S.) Cholelithot- omy; report of seven cases. Metl. Xews, X. Y., 1897, lxxi, 364-366.— Strobe. Mittheilung eines Falles von Anwendung desi■enalen Explorativschnittes bei fraglichen Gallensteinen. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1888, KSln, 1889, lxi, 159.— Strain (H.) Om ope- rationer paa galdebhereu ved galdesten. [Operations on gall-bladder for calculus.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Liegefor., Kristiania A Kjobt-nh., 1890, x, 24 ; 68— StuTlsgaard (C.) Et Par Stenoperationen paGaldevejene. [Troisoperations pour lithiasis des voies biliaires. C.-r., no. 40. | Xord. lned. Ark., Stockholm, 1892, n. F., ii, 6. Hft. 1-7.—Sutton i.l. B.) A caso of cholelithiasis; removal of impacted ".all- stones through an incision in the common duct; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1891-2, xxv, 161. Also [Abstr.]: Mid- dlesex Hosp. Rep. 1891. Lond., 1892, 120.—Tait (L.) The surgical treatineut of gall-stones. Lancet. Lond., 1885. ii, 379; 424.—Taylor (II. M.) Surgical treatment of chole- lithiasis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii. 665- 672. | Discussion ]. 749-753. Also: West. M. & S. Reporter, St. Joseph, 1895, vii, 183-187. Also: Richmond J. Pratt,, 1895, ix, 321-329. Also: Texas M. J., Austin, 1895-6 xi, 228-235. Also: Atlanta M. A S. J., 1895-6, ii. s., xii 528- 535. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1895-6, xxxiii, 449-453. Also | Abstr.] : Xorth Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1895, xxxvi. 205.—Taylor (J.W.) A caseof cholecystotomy for gall- stones, with remarks on the treatment of the impacted cal- culus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. i. 130.—Terrier I V.) In- flammation et dilatation de la vesicule avec calculs bili- aires, prise pour une lesion infiammatoire du cit-curu et de I appendice : operation de cholecystectomie partielle et de CALCULUS. 65 CALCULUS. Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of, Opera- tire). cholecystostomie; fermetnre ulterieure do la fistule bili- aire; iiuerison. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1895, xiii, 603- 605.—Thiriar (J.) De l'intervention chirurgicale dans certains cas de lithiase biliaire. Cong, franc, tie chir. Proc.-verb. |etc] 1885, Par., 1886, i, 559-574. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1886, vi, 213-225. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1886, xxxviii, 57; 65. -----. Cholecystectomie ; laparotomie pour calculs biliaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. do j chir. do Par., 1887, n. s., xiii, 720-726. Also: Cliniqne. Brux., 1888, ii, 65-70. —Tirifahy. Rapport de la com- mission qui a examine le travail de M. le Dr. Laurent, in- titule : De la tumeur biliaire suppur6t>: observation ; ex- traction et issue de trois calculs. Bull. Acad. roy. denied, de Belg., Brux., 1889, 4. s., iii, 275-278.—Todd (C. E.) A case of cholecystotomy with very large stones. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1691-2, xi, 82—Trantenrolh (A.) Akute infektiose Cholangitis und Cholecystitis infolge von Gal- lensteinen ; neilungdurchOperation. Mitt. a.d. Gronzgeb. d.Med. u.Chir., Jena, 1896, i, 703-716.—Tullicr. Calcul du canalchoiedoque; cholecystotomie; lithotripsic; extraction par morcellenient: vesicule atrophiee : guerison. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 66-69. -----. Lithiase tie la vesicule biliaire ot cholecystostomie. Ibid., 1896, n. s. xxii. 245-251. Also: Gaz. hebtl. de metl., Par., 1396, u. s., i, 289-291. — Tyson (W. J.) Large gall-stone in ductus communis choletlochus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 182. — Vantler Veer (A.) Report of cases of cholecystotomy, with special reference to the treatment of calculus lodging in the common duct. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gvnec. 1891, Phila.. 1892, iv, 135-154. Also, Re- print. Also: Med. Rec. N. Y., 1891, xl, 645-648. — Vau- Iriu. FAude sur le traitement op6ratoire de l'obstruetion calculeuse du choiedoque. Soc. tie med. tie Nancy. C.-r. ... Mem., 1895-6, pp. lix-lxi. — Villard. Calcul du choiedoque; obstruction duodenale par adherences peri- toneales: eholesystostomie. Lyon m6d., 1896, lxxxii, 527- 529. — Wardle (M.) A case of cholecystotomy; a re- markable mill stone. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1896, i. 396.— Weiner (Mario B.) Operation for abdominal fistula, and removal of gall-stones. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, lv, 523.'— Weir (R. F.) Carcinoma of the duodenal papilla; obstructive jaundice; cholecystotomy: pancreat- omy. Med. Rec, X Y., 1893, xliv, 801-803.—Wenning (W. H.) Cholecystotomy for gall-stones. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvi, 710.—Willard (De F.) Chole- cystectomy for impacted gall-stouts. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1893, xi, 363-367.— Wright (G. A.) Coexisting renal and biliary calculi: cholecystotomy: necropsy; re- marks. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 563. — Zavaleta (M. A.) Litiasis biliar; colecistotoniia; extraccion de 175c&lculos; litotricia en el canal cistico ; curacion. An. d. Circ. m6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1894, xvii, 4-7. Calculus (Biliary) in children. Gourdix-Seryemere (G.) * De la lithiase biliaire dans l'eufauce. 4°. Paris, 18*0. Bukai (J.) Die Lithiasis des Kindesalters in I'ngarn. CoDg. internat. d'hyg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896. viii, pt, 3, 273-278.— I., a nib (D. S.) Gall-stones iu agirl fifteen years old. Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, liii, 403.— Walker (A. D.) Gall-stones in an infant three months old. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*82. i. 575. Calculus (Biliary) in pregnancy and the puerperal state. Kerlixe-Hering. * Contribution a l'etude de la litliiase biliaire dans ses rttpports avec la grossesse et l'accouchement. 4\ Paris, 18815. Boorsc (L.) Laborand the puerperium complicated by the expulsion of biliarv calculi. Milwaukee M. J., 1893 i, 153-155.—DreyfuK-BriMac (L.) Des relations tie la lithiase biliaire avec la grossesse et l'accoucheinent. Gaz. hebd. dem6tl., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 817-821—Eieriiiann (A.) Ueber puerperaleGallensteinkolik. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 35-37.—Liaudouzy. Des indica- tions therapeutiqnes dans la lithiase biliaire chez la femme gravide (etude pathogenique). Rev. metl. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1*84, ii, 479-484. Calculus (Bronchial and pulmonary). Poulalion (S.-A.-M.) Les pierres du pon- uion, de la plevre et des branches, et la psendo- pbtisie pulmonaire d'origine calculeuse. M°. Paris, 1891. Andouard (A.) Concretions pulmonaires. J. de med. tie l'ouest, Xautes, 1879, xiii, 282.—Brechtfeld (J. 11.) Lapis in pulmonibus. Acta metl. et phil. Hafti. (1671-2), lt/73, i, 192— Biuhal (J.) Exaraen de calculs pulmonaires (concretions tubereuleuses cr6tat-6es]. Rev. g6n. de l'antiseps. med. et chir., Par., 1895, viii, 230-235.— t'alli»en (H.) Beobachtung von einer holen, mit Aesten verseheneu polyposen Konkretion, welche dutch den Calculus (Bronchial and pulmonary). Hasten ausgeworfen wurde. In: MerkwnrtligeKraiiken- gesch. [etc.], 8^, Halle, 1795. 8-12— 4 hirkoli (V.) () tak nazivayemikk bronkhialiiikh kamn\akh. [Case of so-called bronchial stones.I Metlitsina, St. Petersb., 1891, iii, 293.—C'ontby (J.) Deux concretions t-rt'-tacees expeo- torees par une femnie tie treute-huit ans, au milieu de vio- lentes quintes de toux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop de Par., 1890, 3. s.. vii, 313. — Dodoiia-iiN (R.) l)e cal- culo pulmonis. In his: Med. obs. exempla rara, 16°, Co- loni;e, 1581, 57— Fraenkel (A.) Frt-intlkdrper aus tlcn Luftwegcn. [Eiu veritabler Lungi-iistein.] Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xv, 299. Also: Ver- handl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1888-9, viii, 257-260.— <»nlipne A I^elieuue. Xote sur un calcul pnlmo- naiie. ('tiinpt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 89.__ LieinniMlre (P.) Calcul liiigrateur du pouniou. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1885, ix, 129-133.—iVlaleolm. Calcareous bodies which were ex- pectorated. Tr. Belfast Clin. Sc Path. Soc, 1854, 78-80.— iVlnre. Mort trt-.s-proiupte produite par plusieurs d6sor- tlrcs tlans tlivers oraanes. J. do med. chir., pharm., etc., Par . 1787, lxx, 202-210.— tIomciito (P.) Lii raro caso tli calcolosi bronchiale. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1889, x, 474; 482. Also [Abstr.J: Sit-.iliamed., Palermo, 1889, i, 234-236.— .VIuiimoii (E.) Case of calculi in the lun^s. Cases A. Obs. M. Soc X.-Haven County, 1788, 84-86.-Poz*i (A.) A: Iludelo. Des concretions calcaires du ])ouuion et do la plevre. Gaz. med. de Par., 1888, 7. s., v, 541; 553.— Ko«« (•!. B.) Bronchio-lithiasis. Austral. M. .1., Mel- bourne, 1892, n.s., xiv, 300-303.—Trnha von Krzowitz (W.) Abhandlung vonden Luugensteinen. Wien. I'.eytr. z. prakt. Arznk., Dessau u. Leipz., 1783, ii, 173-211. Calculus (Tntcstinal). See, also, -SSgagropilus ; Bezoar; Intestines (Obstruction of); Stomach (Concretions in). Demohx ((_'. Iv. G.) * Ueber einen Fall von grossein Dartnsteiu. 8-. Kiel, 1*01. Deutschmann (H.) Enterolitbeu als Ursacbe der Typhlitis nnd Appendicitis. 8 \ Freiburg i. />'., 1«96. Fyke (A.) A probationary essay on alvine concretions. 8°. Edinburgh, 1818. Jager (M.) Ueber die Darmsteine des Mi-ti- schen nnd der Tbiere. 8°. Berlin, 1834. Alexander. Bezoar removed from the small intes- tine. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1882, ii, 371-373.—Beni- veni (A.) Lapis ex intestinus ojectus. In: Dodona-us (R.) Med. obs. exempla rara, 16°, Colonial, 1581, 167.— Rloudcuu. Calculs intestinaux produits par la mag- nesie. Bull, et mem. Soc. tleth6rap. 1879, Par., 1880, 2. s., vi, 77-80.—Brambilla (G.) Occlusioneintestiualedat-n- teroliti. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1888, xlvii [xlviii |, 306.—Denver (R. W.) Rectal calculus. Tr. Path. Soe. Phila., 1880, ix, 16.—Drunnnoud (J.) Xotes on a case of calculus of the vermiform appendix. Rep. Proc. Nor- thumb. & Durham M. Soc., Xewcastle-upon-Tyne, 1885-6, 85-87.—Fen wick (E. H.) Intestinal calculus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, xxxvii. 261. — Fischer (H.) Darm- steine und Ileus.; Demonstration von Darmsteiuen. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., fieri., 1888. xvii, 31- 34.—Griffon (V.) Calculs enclaves dans I'ampoule tie Vater. Presseuicd., Par.. 1896. 547-549.—Henry (F. P.) Concretion from the vermiform appendix. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., IS80, ix, 27.—Hue (F.) Calcul de l'lippendice. Norniantlie med., Rouen, 1S97, xii, 395. .Iciniin;;* (E.) Caso of calculi (enteroliths) of bowel. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1894, iv, 296.—I.augeubueh. Demonstration eigenthiimlich grosser t'oiicietionen ties Magens und des Diiuiidarras, welche durch Enterotomie herausgt-ftirdei t worden sind. VerhantU. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. (,'hir. 1880, Berl., 1881, ix, 54.— I.oinbnrdiui (L.) Sopra iiu grosso calcolo trovato nello stoma cod' uncavallo. Gior. tli anat.. fisiol.epatol.il. animali, Pisa, 1877, ix, 210-213.— .TIelieau (M.) Acute intestinal obstruction from an en- terolith associated with abdominal carcinoma. Am. J. Obst., X. V., 1892, xxv, 687.— .TIalerba (P.) Analyse chiniiijue de qnelques calculs intestinaux. Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin. 18K3-4, iv. 195-197.—.Tluliiiwteu (P. H.) Ente- rolith. Kilrh. v.tleSkiindin.Naturforsk., Stockholm. 1865, 547-551, pi — .?lnr*hall(GR.) Salol calculi. Bril. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 78.—Matieu (A.) La lithiase intestinale et la lithiase appeiidiculaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1896, lxix, 40J-4O4.—iVIetleuheimer (('.) Kothsteinbildung und Magnesiagebrauch. Mt-morabilieu, Heilbr., 1892-3, n. F., xii, 321-325.— Tlonliine (L.) Algunas consideracionea sobre, los calculos intcstinales en el caballo. An. r. Acad. do cien. metl. . . . de la llabaua, 1884-5, xxi, 124-128.— ITIoores (\V. L.) Intestinal concretion or gall-stone, which ? Nashville J. M. A. S., 1882, n. s., xxix, 1-6.—Ord (W. M.) Enterolith; an oriental bezoar. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 385. Also, Reprint.—Ott (A.) Beitrag zur Pathologic tier Ent.i-rolithen. Prag. med. Wchuschi-., 1894, xix, 179-181.—Phelps (W. C.) Enteroliths. Med. O CALCULUS. 66 CALCULUS. Calculus (Intestinal). &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1897, lxxi, 42.—Pin nock (R. D.) Removal of a calculus from the vermiform appentlix of the caecum; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1892, n. s., xiv, 1-8.—Prunieres. Bezoards hoi-d6ac6s ex- pulses par un homine sounds pendant 16 ans, mais d'une facon intermittente, a l'usage d'un pain prepare avec la larine d'orge blutee. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1876. Par., 1877. v, 808-815.-Bochaai (G.) Contribution a retudc ties calculs appendiculaires. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv, 637-674, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—Schubcrjj (F.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss tier Entstehung, ties inueren Banes und der c lemischen Zusammensetzung von Kothsteinen. Arch.f. path. Anat. [etc] Berl., 1882, xc, 73-87.1 pi.—Sebregondi. Durch- bruch eines Darinsteines durch die Bauehwand und voll- kommeue Genesung. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1847, xvi, 168.— Shimodaira (J.) Darnisteinbilduug bei congenitaler Aftervcreiigerung. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo. 1897, xi, Hft. 12, 1-3. Calculus (Lachrymal). Coi-uwcll (H. G.) A case of obstruction of the in ferior canaliculus of the eye by dacrvoliths. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882,^xxxiv, 108. — Fieuzal. Dacryolythe. Bull. clin. nat. opht. de l'liosp. tl. Quinze-Vingts, Par.,1887, v, 159. —Ficher. Ein Thran en stein. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz.. 1897, xxi, 207.—Kipp (C. J.) A caseof tearstone in the canaliculus of the lower eyelid. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1883. xxiv, 289. — Pagenwlerher. Ein Thranenstein im Canaliculus lacrymalis inferior. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Carlsruhe, 1871-2, ii, 2. Ahth., 49- 52.—Kobin (C.) Sur une espece particuliere de concre- tion du sac lacrimal. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1859, Par., I860, 3. s., i, 112.—SainelMohu (J.) Zur Casuistik und Anatomie der Lithiasis glanduhc lacrymalis. Cen- | tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1880, iv, 369-373. I Calculus (Lacteal). Gould (A. P.) Lacteal calculus. Metl. Xews, Phila., 1883, xliii, 235. Calculus (Nasal). Didsbury (G.) * Contribution a l'etude des rbinolitbe.s. 4C. Paris. 1*01. -----. Tin- same. 8C. Paris, 1894. Fethke (J.) * Ueber einen seltenereu Fall vou Nasenstein. s?. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1897. Low'exthai, (S.) * Ueber Rliinolithiasis. *°. Berlin, 1894. MoxxiE (E.-J.j "■* Contribution a l'etude des rbiiiolitbes. 4U. Bordeaux, 1880. Schmalowski ( R. ) * Ueber Na.sensteine, nebst Mitteiluuo, von zwei tieneii Fallen. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1807. Seicligmanx (M.) * Ueber Na.sensteine, im Anschluss an zwei neue Fiille. [Heidelberg.] >-. Karlsruhe, 1S9'2. Silich (L.) Kanini nosovoi polosti. [Stones in tlie nasal cavity.] 8> [St.Petersburg, 1888.] Agar |M. F.) A case of rliinoliths. Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lvi, 526. — Allen (11.) Rhino- liths. Intel nat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 189-191. Also, Reprint. — Baber (E. C.) Case of rhinolitb, with re- mai-ks. Brit, M. •).. Lond., 1885. ii, 736. -----. Case of rhinolitb. Lancet, Loud., 1887, 772. — Baden (G.) Et j Tilfadde af Riuolit. Hosp.-Tid.. Kjtfbcnh.. 1889, 3. R., vii, 41-43. — Ball (J. B.) Case of rhinolitb. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 478. — Bark (J.) Rliinoliths. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.., 1896, xvi, 235-238. — Berlioz (A.) Examen de quatre rliinolithes. Arch, internat. tie laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1891, iv, 132-139. Also, Reprint. Also: J. de pharm. etchim., Par., 1891, 5. s., xxiii, 447-449. — Bettuian (J.) A case of rliinolithiasis. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1884, iii, 257-259. Also, Reprint. Also | Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J.. 1884, cxi, 135-137.—Bigelow (J. M.) A rhinolitb. Albany M. Ann., 1887, viii, 178.—Bovill (E.) A caseof rhinolitb. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886. ii, 718.—Brown (\V. X.) Case of calculus in the right nasal cavity. Edinb. M. J., 1859, v. 501-503. Also, Reprint.—Chand (K.) A cast- of nasal calculus or rhinolitb. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1896, xi, 418.— (haiu/iit (J.) fitudesur les rliino- lithes. Rev. mod. tie Toulouse, 1888, xxii, 217; 265.— 4 hini-i (O.) Ein Fall von Rhiuolithiasis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1397-1401. Also, Reprint. -----. Nasenstein. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1885-6, 353. -----. Deux cas de rhinolithiase, avec re- marques sur l'etiologie. Ann. d. mal. del'oreille, dularvnx [etc.]. Par., 1890, xvi, 18-21. — C'lav (A. F.) A ease of rhinolith. Brit. M. .1.. Lond.. 1887. i. 328. — 4'ozzolino (V.) Un grosso ealcolo della fossa nasale sinistra. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli. 1888, viii, 23-26. -----. Rinolito, o ealcolo nasale. eon tlistru/.ione parziale del setto nasale. Morgagni, Milano, 1893. xxxv, 154-169.—Feurnley (YV.i Calculu* (Nasal). A rhinolith discovered by accident. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1893, i, 405.— OareI (J.) Un cas tie rhinolithe. Ann. (|. mal. del'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 18S9, xv, 377-3HI__ Gerbcr. Zur Kenntniss tier Xasensteine. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 1165.—(i!rn. deuigo (G.) Sur un cas do rhinolithe. Ann. d. mal. ij(. l'oreille, du larynx [etcl, Par., 1895, xxi, pt. 2, 246. — ■lajck (M.) Nasensteine. Intermit, klin. Rundscliau Wien, 1892, vi, 1543.—Hall. A case of rhinolith. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1893-5, Madras IST, v. 33.-Hall (F. de IL) A case of rhinolith. Tr. Clin Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xxvi, 60-07. —Hering (T ) Uiala nht-i- izlogi wapienne w jamach iiosowych (rhinoliiy). [Forei<;ii bodies and calcareous deposits in the nasal cavities. ] (ii~z lek., Warzawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 29-32.—Herzfeld (J.) Ueher einen aus Schwefeleisen hesttdiendeii Rhinolitheu, nt-list Bemerkungen iiber Schwefelwasserstoff bildung iuuerliall) derNase. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1897, xxxi, 63-65.— Jacquemart. Amas consid6rable tie concretions cal- caires dans les fosses nasales. Ann. d. mal. tie l'oreille t-t du larynx, Par., 1884, .\, 47-51. -----. Des rliinolithes on concretions calcaires des fosses nasales. Alger med., 18J.5, xiii, 105-110. — Jaiiatka ( F. ) Rhinopharvngolilli Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 643.—Ko»tlin. iSteiuiges Concrement in der Nase. Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttewli. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1854, xxiv, 51.— ftiilm. Eiu Fall von Rhinolithenbildung. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1892, xxvi, 189.—Jjanlin (G.) Leber Freindkiirperderobereii Luftwege und vier neue Fiillo von Rhinolitheu. Arch, t' Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1896, iv, 137-162.—I, ogan (P. W.) Rhinolith. St. Louis M. A. S. J., 1885. xlix, 73.- Ijunin (V. I.) K kazui'stike riuolitov. [Rliinoliths.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliv. 615.—Malyutiu (E. N.) Sluchai nosovikh kamnel u 12-lietnei tlievochki. [Rhino- liths in a girl 12 years old.| Ibid., 1896, xlv, 418-422.- Maaini (G.) Un ealcolo della fossa nasale destra. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 426. — Tlorelli (K. ) Orrktl (rhinolith) egyesete. Orvosi hetil . Budapest, 1886, xxx, 1513-1518. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. metl.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 65."-----. Orrkd esetek. I Cases of nasal calculi.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896, xl, 541.— IVIoriarty (M. D.) A cast- of rhinolith. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 690.—Moure (E.-J.) Sur un castle rhino lithe spontanea. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 376; 388. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1893, xxvii, 219; 257.—Nolle. Ein grosser Nasenstein! Allg. metl. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, lvi,118L—Noquet. Un cas tie rhinolithe. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1890, xxix, 377-385. -----. Un cas de rhinolithe. Ibid., 1894, xxxiii. 377-384. Also: Rev. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1894, xiv, 623-628.—Nourse (W. E. C.j Case of calculus in the nos- tril. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 728.—Polo. Presenta- tion d'une rhinolithe phosphatique form6e par un noyau de cerise; considerations sur la formation ties calculs du nez. Gaz. metl. de Nantes, 1895-6, xiv, 77. Also.- Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1896, xvi, pt. 2, 964-960.- Power ( D'A. ) A rhinolith. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 321.—Bipault (H.) Un cas de rhinolithe. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par.. 1895, xxi, pt.2, 520— Rohrer. Eiu Fall von Rhinolitt-n- bildung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 27. ----. Eiu Neuer Fall von Rhinolithenbildung. Ibid., 1892, v, 85.— Bothenaieher. Kiinstliche Entfernung eines einen Kirscbkern enthalteiiden Rhinolitheu. Monatschr. f. Ob renh.. Berl., 1897. xxxi, 65.—Buanlt. Trois cas de rhino- lithiase. Rev. tie laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1890, x, 530-533. [Discussion], 534.—Scheppegrell (W.) The etiology, symptoms, and treatment of rliinoliths, with the report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 874. Also. transl.: Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par.. 1896, vi, 175-177.—Schniiegelow (E.) Om Stendannelsc i Nasehulen. [Sur les rhiuolithes. C. r., no. 22.] Xord. metl. Ark., Stockholm, 1884, xvi, no. 16, 1-10. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Rev. mens, de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1884, v, 3Wi- 383. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de laryngol., 108- 110.—Seifert. Ueber Rhinolithen. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wlirzb., 1885,112-116. Also, Reprint,— Seiler (C.) Two cases of very large rliinoliths. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 125-'l27.—Stoker (J.) Case of rhinolith. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 449.— Stucky (J. A.) Rhinolith, weighing seventy-six grains, in a child ten years of age. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1896, i, 102. — Wagner ( R. ) Rhinolith. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 833. Also: Sitzungsb. tl. Ver. (1. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1891-2, Miinchen, 1893, ii, 24-26.- Wakcficld (W. H.) Nasal calculus, or rhinolith, with report of a case. Charlotte [N. C.] M. J., 1894, iv, no. 2, 36-38.—Weil (C.) Haseluussgrosser Rhinolith; hyperos- totische Verengerung der rechten Nasenhohle unil Poly- pen au der unteren Muschel. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 18sti, v, 441.—White (J. A.) Nasal catarrh of twenty-eight years' duration cured in a few weeks by removal of a rhino- lith. Virginia M. Month., Riclniio.id. If90-91 xvii, 438- 440.—Wright (J.) A case of rhinolith and two cases of a tooth iu the nose. Med. Rec, X. Y 1889 xxxvi 396. Also: Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait,, 1889-90, 3. s xxiii 241-246. CALCULUS. 67 CALCULUS. Calculus (Pancreatic). See Pancreas (Concretions in). Calculus (Parotid). See Calculus (Salivary). Calculus (Perineal). itlnzzoni (C.) Des calculs du p6rin6e. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, ii, 439-443.—Molliere (D.) Contribution k l'etude des calculs du p6rin6e. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1882, lv, 402; 412. —Biberi (A.) Estrazione di uu ealcolo perineale formatosi iu seguito all' operazione della pietra in un seno flstoloso residuo alia medesima. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino. 1851, 2. s., xii, 118- 121.—Takada(K.) [A caseof perineal calculus.] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1882, no. 207, March 18. Calculus (Preputial). Andrews (J. A.) Calculi in the prepuce. J. Cutan. A Gt-nito-Urin. Dis., N. V , 1891, ix, 218.—Buchclmnnn (A. G.) Preputial calculus. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, v, 204. — Calculs preputiaux. Siecle med., Par., 1881, ii, 105.—Croft (J.) Cases of preputial calculi. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885, xviii, 8-11,1 pi.—Fischer. Entfernung vou 4 Praeputialsteinen. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Winnenden, 1880, xxxi, 3-5. — Ilirano (C.) [ A case of preputial calculi. ] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1885, no. 363, March 14.— Jenkins (A. K.) A case of calculus preputialis. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, v, 211.—Mathcw (R. G.) Large preputial calculus. In- diau M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 84.—IVailer (II. A.) Preputial calculi. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1884-6, Madras, 1887, i, no. 10, IL—Oltnzawa (T.) [Case of preputial calculi.] Tokei Zasshi, Osaca, March 5, 1881.—Zeller. ZurCasuistikder Praputialsteine. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1890-91, xii, 240-245. Calculus (Prostatic). Emmerling (K. G. P.) * Zur Casuistik der Prostatasteine. 8°. Berlin, 1*86. Blaine (B.) A case of prostatic calculus. South African M. J., East London, 1888-9, iv, 105— t'hiarella (G. B.) Contribnto alia easuistica dei calculi prostatici. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. di Siena. 18>7, v, 454-459.—Dal Fabbro (A.) Calcolo cis- toprostatico. Indipendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv, 313-320.— Howe (A. J.) Prostatic calculus. Tr. Nat. Eelei t. M. A-s.. Orange, N. J., 1883-4, xi, 131-133.—IUa*tin (C. H.) Prostatic calculi; their probable causes, with notes of re- markable cases. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. 1884, Phila., 1885, ii, 143-159. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 175-179.— Morris (H.) Case of prostatic calculus, with profuse and continued haemorrhage; severe urethral fever; recov- ery, after median lithotomy. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1882, ii, 244.—Palmesi (V.) Storia di due calcoli prosta- tici. Raccoglitore med.. Forli. ]8i«6. 5. s.. i, 375-386.—Pos- ncr(C) Studien iiber Steinbildiui". II. Ueber Prostata concn-tionen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1889, xvi, 1-14- 160, 2 pi. — Posteni»lti (P.) Sopra i calcoli prostatici. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1885, xi, 25-29. — Santcsson (C.) Prostatastenar soin kainor i blasstenar, jemte aiimarkuin- gar of ver olika slag af stenbildning inom blaskorteln. Hygiea. Stockholm, 1879, xii, 521-528. Also, Reprint.— Scltier (A.) Calculos de la prostata y de la region pros- tdtica de la uretra. Gac. de 1. enferm. de 1. dig. g6n.-urin., [Madrid, 1887-8, i, 1-12. Calculus (Pulmonary). See Calculus (Bronchial, etc.). Calculus (Renal). See, also, Colic (Renal); Ureter (Exploration, etc., of). van Campex (C.) * De calculo renum. 4°, Lugd. Bat, 1668. Castillion^us (P. M.) Aduiiranda naturalia ad renum calculos curandos. 12- Mediolani, 1622. Cova (A. M.) Dissertatio de renum calculo ejusdemque cum aliis morbis similitudine. «°. Ticini, 1790. Giussaxi (C.) * De renum lithiasi. 8°. Me- diolani, 1820. Guerix (J.-M.) "Contribution a l'etude de l'hydrouephrost- calculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1682. Harder (C.) *De calculo renum. sm. 4C. Argentorati, 1647. KOhlkr (G. G.) *Diss. tradens novam patho- iogiam calculi renum. 4°. HalwMagdeb., 1698. Legueu (F.) * Des calculs du rein et de l'ure- tere au point de vue chirurgical. 4°. Paris, 1891. Calculus (Renal). -----• The same, s . Paris, 1891. Macasius (J. C.) *De calculo renum. Re- spondeuto Jobaune Christiano Hipirio. sm. 4°. [Lipsite, 166(5.] Makiaxus Sancius Barolitanus. De lapide re- num euriosum opusculum nuperrime in lucem aeditum. Ejusdem de lapide vesica per incisio- nem extraheudo seqnitur aureus libellus. 24°. renetiis, 1535. Also, in: Chikuugia. fol. Tiguri, 1555, ff. 179-175. Also, in: TJffenbach (P.) Thesaurus chirurg. fol Francofurti, 1610, 859-891. Masquelier (J. li.) * De calculo renali. sm. 4 . [Parisiis], 1754. Maul (J. G.) * De lithiasi et humano rene dextro in materiam lapidosam degenerato. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz.,177i,ii,V2i. * Paxsa (M.) Consilium antinephreticum, das ist: Ein heylsamer Rathschlag vom Lenden- steyn. 16°. Leipzig, 1615. -----. The same. Niitzlich- nnd heilsamer Rathschlag von Lenden-Steiue, darinnen kiirtz- lich, doch deutlich angezeiget wird, was der Lendenstein sey, woraus solcher erwachse, und wie man ihn recht erkennen, auch gliicklich vertreiben soil, alles aus bewahrten Autoribus, nicht nur allein mit gemeinen, soudern auch mit kriiftigen Mittelu, uud besoudern gntcn Wassern von gruudaus konne curiret werden durch M. P. S. F. D. P. 12°. Graetz, 1701. Schoor (W. K. J.) Beschrijving van eenen nieren blaassteen, benevens eeuige opmerkingen over het voorkomen van acidum oxalicuni in de organa uropoetica. 8°. [Leiden, 1*1^.] Repr. from: Tijdschr. v. Shei-en Artsenijbereidkunde, Maart, 1845. Uxtzer (M.) De renum calculo florilegium medico-chymicum. 4°. Magdeburgi, 1623. Vax der Burgh (E. W.) * Lithiasi renali. 4-. Gandce, 1823. Ajcll© (A.) Pielonefrite calcolosa purnlenta da bac- terium coli; nota clinica ed osservazioni batteriologicho. Clin. Chir.. Milano, 1893, i, 546-556.—Albert!. Elftagigo 'Anurie infolgo Verstopfung beitler Ureteren durch Nie- rensteine; ktine TTramie; Totl. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Cbir.. [Leipz., 1884, xx, 466-475. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1884, vb 1155-1159.—Allen (H. B.) Renal calculi. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v, 488-490.— Allen (W. B.) Case of nephritic calculus and pyelitis. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 405-407.— Andrew* (E.) Recurring calculi descending in numbers from the kidneys, and the cure of the cases without nephrotomy or litholapaxy. Int-inat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., i, 261-265.—Armstrong (G. E.) Renal calculus. Montreal M. J., 1896-7, xxv, 553-559.— Barling. Renal calculus and pyonephrosis. Birmingh. M. Rev., Is93, xxxiv, 91.—Barrett (W.) Contribution to the study of nephro-lithiasis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 716-724.—Bax. Coliques nephr6tiques se repetant a, intervalles plus ou moius 61oigu6s pendant 15 mois, au bout desquels so produit l'expulsion d'un calcul d'oxalate de chaux de forme remarquable. Gaz. m6d.de Picardie, Amiens, 1889, vii, 233-235.—Bennett (E. 11.) Renal cal- culus. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 186V8, n. s., iii, 338-340,1 pi. -----. Renal calculus. Ibid., 1868-71. n. s., iv, 205, 1 pi.— Billqviwt. Dubbelsidig iie])lirolitliiasis. Goteborgs Lak.-siillsk. Forh.. 1893, pt. 2, 44-47. —Bisehoff (E.) Verlegung beitler Ureteren durch llarnsteine; Auurie von 23 tagigerDauer. Deutsthes Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1884-5, xxxvi, 183-188.—Blaehez. Lithiase renale; pye- lon6phrite; rein kystique. Bull.et mem.Soc.ni6d. d. hop. de Par., 1887, 3. s'., iv, 9-11. — Koldt ( II. J.) Calculus pvelo-nephritis. Proc. N. Tork Path. Soc. (1891), 1892,49.— Bruen (E. T ) Caso of pyelonephritis dependent upon renal calculus. Metl. News, Phila., 1887,1, 288-290.—Bry- ant (J. D.) Stone in the kidney; diagnosis; indications for surgical treatment. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Phila., 1892, 84-87. —Chiari (H.) Ueber sogenannte Indigosteiubil- dung in den Xierenkt-lcben und Becken. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xiii, 531-543.— Clacius (G.) Affectus calculosus, cum hecfica renali. In his: Consilia metl., 4°, Franck. u. Leipz., 1739, 74-79.—Clarke (W. B.) Sponta- neous fracture of a renal calculus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, xii, 181.—Comutoek (T. G.) Primary calculous- formations; renal colic from> calculus in the kidney. N. CALCULUS. 68 CALCULUS. V a I cui us (Renal). Kng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1884-5, iv, 360-363.— t'ortlicr (A. H.) Nephro-lithiasis. Tr. M. Ass. Mis- souri, St. Louis, 1S94, 175-183. Also: West. M. J., Fort Scott, 1894, v, 1-4— C'otlerell (E.) Stone impacted in the ureter; its consequences, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1615-1618. — Coup- land ( S.) Clinical lecture on renal calculus. Metl. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1882, i, 165-168. Also, Reprint. -----. Double hydronephrosis, following renal calculus; cystitis; enteritis (typhoid fever?); old and recent peri- tonitis: post-mortem examination. Ibid., 661. — Cretle Sc DiMlcl. Leber den Nierenstein Herzog Albrecht V., ties (Jrossiniithigt'ii, von Bayern (t 1579). Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1884, xcv'i, 501, 1 pi. — Baland (J.) Calculous disease of the kidneys with stone in the ure- ter. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 175.—Dandois. Contribution au traitement des calcules du rein. Rev. med., Lonvain, 1894-5, xiii, 481-493. — Daralos ( V.) An&lisis de un calculo renal. Gac. med., Lima, 1877, iii, 113.— De - Pietra - Lconc (E.) Caso clinico di ne- frolitiasi seguito da uronefroectasia; guarigione per 1' emissione di nove litri di urine con sabbie, renella e peli. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1885, xv, 25-27. — roil Dittel. Nierencalculose. Wien. metl. Bl., 1881, iv, 1519.—Doyen. Calculs de l'uretere. Courrier m6d., Par., 1897, xlvii, 185. — Dnbne. Trois pierres dures d'acide urique; pyelon6phrite k gauche; lithotritie en une seance avec Evacuation imm6tliate de latotalite ties fragments. Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliv, 253-259. — Earle (H.) On renal calculi. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1820-21, xi, 211- 231. Also, Reprint. — Engliwcli (J.) Ein Fall von dop- pelsoitigen grossen Niercnsteinen. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1890, iii, 420; 441. — Ewhner ( A. A. ) A case of renal calculus. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 174. Also, Reprint. -----. Further note on a case of renal calcu- lus. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 525. Also, Reprint.— Fenwick (E. H.) The clinical distinctions between stones imbedded in the renal substance antl those loose within the pelvis. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, iii, 212-215.— *n FoiiNecn (R.) Pro nephritide seu calculo renum. In his: Consult, med., fol., Venetiis, 1619, 59. -----. Pro calculo renum. Ibid., 306-308.—Forbes (W. S.) Indigo calculus from the kidney. Metl. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 187.—Franks (K.) A renal calculus with an unusual nucleus. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890, viii, 355-358.—Friihwalfl (F.) Ein Fall von Nephrolithiasis; casuistische Mittheilung. Arch. f. Kiuderb., Stuttg., 1893-4, xvi, 56-60— Fiirbringer. Nephrolithiasis, Cal- culi renum, Nierenconcremente. [Abstr.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1890, xvi, 128; 157; 175. — Furst (O. J.) Renal calculus. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1894, vi, 621- 624.—Galeatius (G.) Historian duse mirabiles calculo- rum in ureteribus existentinm. Bononiensi sc. et art. Inst, comment., Bononioe, 1767,v,pt. 2, 139-150.—Galippc (V.) Calcul renal; presence de uombreux parasites. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1880, 8. s., iii, 378. Also .- France m6tl., Par., 1886, ii, 1050.—Galliard (L.) Calcul du rein; phlegmon perin6phriqiie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, "361-364. Also: Progres med., Par., 1882, x, 28. — Gangolphc. Calcul r6nal enchaton6 ; anomalies do l'uretere gauche et de l'appendiee ih'-o-ccecal; arthrite deformante du coude et do poiguet droits; pieds bots-con- g6nitaux. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1883), 1884, xxiii, pt. 2. 73-76.—Oarlock ( W. D.) The origin and medical treatment of uric acid calculi of the kidney. Tr. N. Tork M. Ass. 1888, Concord, N. H., 1889, v, 129-138.—Gamier (L.) Calcul renal phosphatique provoqu6 chez un uratiquo par 1'abus des eaux alcalines. Rev. metl. de l'est, Nancy, 1S96, xxviii, 129-131. — Gosh- tovt. . Pvelitis calculosa. Protok. Obsh. Mogbilev vrach., Moghileff n. D., 1889, 48-53. —Golovin (E. A.) O hi hen. pochechnoi kamen. bol. (nephrolithiasis). Bol- nitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1891, ii, 1061-1075.__ Good (I. W.) Passage of a renal calculus by the bowel. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 242.—Grant' (Sir J. A.) Chcvne-Stokes respiration and renal calculus. CanadaM. & S. J., Montreal, 1887-8, xvi, 277-281.—Oraux (G.) Note sur un cas tie gravelle phosphatique du rein gauche co'incidaut avec de la gravelle urique du rein droit. Bull. Soc. dem6d.de Par.(1891), 1892,xxvi. 58-6".—Grcenongh. Small renal calculus. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880, vii, 79.—God lee (It. J.) Reflections suggested by a series of cases of renal calculus. Practitioner, Lond., 1887, xxxix, 241; 329. — G nillet (E.) Hematuria persis- tante chez un calculeux tie vieille date ; douleur k l'ex- treiuit6 inferieure de r-.irett-re droit; cordon indur6 appr6- ciable au toucher rectal. Diagnostic: calcul arrete a l'ex- tr6mite inferieure de l'metere; accidents nremiques ; autopsie; rein droit atteint de pyelonephrite calcu- leuse ; uretere droit dilate et hypertrophic ; absence de t-alcul k son extremit6 inferieure, mais calcul engag6 dans son orifice siiperieur; atropine extreme du rem gauche. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1887, lxii. 889-893. Also : Ann. tl. mal. d. org. g6nito-urin., Par., 1888, vi, 119-125.__ llaebner (H.) Ein Fall von gleichzeitigem Verschluss beitb-r Lreteren durch Nierensteine; Tod nach fiinftagi- ger Anurie ohne uramische Erscheinungen. Berl. klin. Calculus (Renal). Wchnschr., 1881, xviii. 531-536.—Haig (D.) Unilateral nepbro-litbiasis: complete obliteration of one kidney and chronic diffuse inflammation of the other. Metl. Rec. N Y., 1881, xx. 634.— Hamilton ( K. ) Renal calculus' Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, •_>i4, 1 pi. J Hartniann (II.) Ilematurie congestive dans un cas de calcul du rein. Ann. d. mal. d. org. gt-nito-urin., Par 1894, xii, 523.—lleh'ir (P.) Renal calculi dislodged anii evacuated by an accident. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895 viii, 366.—Hohn (J.) Ein merkwiirdiger Fall vou Stein'. krankheit. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xlv, 382-385__ Ilofmokl. Nierensteine; perinephritischer Abscess'in der rechten Lumbalgegend; Spontaueriiffuung des Ab- scesses mit Abgaiig etwa 30 Nierensteine: Ausgang in Fistelbildung; Calculus vesicas urinariae; Cystotomia pe- rinealis Lateralis; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1889), 1890,383.—Hutch iNOii (J.) A case of calculous nephralgia; death during a paroxysm. Glasgow M. J., 1886, xxv, 304. — Iamcl ?.;.) Ueber Operation und Diagnose der Nierensteine. i;> i] klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 224-227.— JTniuew (A.) I;,. nal calculus iu a patient with double ureters and renal pelvis. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 377-381.—Jones (T.) Cases of renal calculus. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1692-3 xvii, 155-158. — Kelly (A. O. J.) Calculous pyelitis' Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, Ixxiv, 651-653.' [Bis- cussion], 663. Also: Proc. Phila.Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1896, xvii, 5-9.—Konig. Priiparate von experimented erzeug- ten Nierensteinen bei Thieren. Verhandl. d. deutsch Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii, 41-43.—dc Lnlau- bie (H.) Etude clinique sur les concr6tions communes du rein. Rev. th6or. et prat. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par 1896, iv, 209; 286; 368; 616; 671. — Lancereaux (E.j Lithiase r6nale; ses effets et ses complications (coliqupg n6phr6tiques; anurie; hydron6pbrose et n6phrite intersti- tielle; suppuration du rein ; abces de voisinage; perfora- tions diverses); Evolution; diagnostic et prognostic; etio- logie et pathog6nic; indications therapeutiques; traite- ment g6n6ral et local. Union metl., Par., 1888, 3. s., xlv 849: xlvi, 98; 109. Also, in his: Lee. tie clin. m6d. . . la Pitie, 8°, Par., 1886-90, 168-185. — I,eblond (V.) Rein calculeux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 596-598.— Lechtcn. Note sur un cas d'expulsion spontanee de plusieurs calculs r6naux, pendant et apres un acc6s de rhumatisme goutteux. M6m. Soc. dem6d.de Strasb., 1885, xxi, 96-100.—Lie Dentil. Contribution k l'histoire de l'extraction des calculs des reins. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1881, ci, 337-350. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Acau. de rn6d., Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 194.—Lees. Renal calculus. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1850, 218-220.—Lcpine (R.) Snr le traitement des conditions uriques et des "tophi". Se- maiue m6d., Par., 1894, xiv, 49. — fjindbcrg. Fall af njursten med dodlig utgang. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1884, xxvi, 411-413.—Lloyd (J.) Practical observations on kidney stone and on kidney mobility. Practitioner, Lond., 1887, xxxix, 171-182.—Lloyd (J. II.) Stone in the kidney, with multiple purulent cysts. Tr Path. Soc. Phila. (1891-3), 1893, xvi, 200-202.—Lo'ckwooil (G. R.) Impacted renal calculus, with the report of a case. Med. Rec, N. T., 1888, xxxiii, 576-579. —-—. Uric acid calculi. Tr. Path. Soc. N. T., 1889, 9-12. Also.- Metl. Rec, N. T., 1889, xxxv, 445—Liuin (J. R.) Renal cal- culus and abscess (traumatic 0 ruptured into left pleural cavity. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 138-141.— rricArtlmr (L. L.) Calculous pyelitis. West. M.Rev., Lincoln, Nebr., 1896, i, 1-5. — VlcCounell (J. B.) Ne- phrolithiasis. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1896-7, xxv, 281- 284.—MTaedonald (J. A.) Remarkable case of renal calculus. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 18.-3-4, xii, 524- 527.— Mackenzie (H. W. G. ) A case of calculi con- tained in cysts in the kidney. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887- 8, xxxix, 155-157.—IH'Hurray (W.) Case of renal cal- culus complicated with acute peritonitis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 142. — IVIasclika ( W.) Zur Pathogeuese der Nierensteine. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1887, viii, 149-176.—.Hauclnire. Calculs du rein droit; atropine du rein gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.,1892, lxvii, 1S8.—;»Iay (B.) Stone in the kidney. Birmingh. M.Rev., 1887, xxi, 10-19.—illegnin. Calculs r6naux chez un chien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882. 7. s., iii, 23-25.— Mery (H.) Calcul renal voluniineux-, occupant les cilices it le bassinet. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885. lx. 500-502.— .Vlillington. Multiple renal calculi and pyonephrosis; autopsy; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1»85, i. 250.'—Mitchell (J. 1.) Notes of a caso of extraction of calculi from right loin. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 68.— Moore (J. W.) Calculous pyelitis'; iliac abscess. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n.s.. ix, 135-138. -----. A case of cal- culous pyelitis, followed by albuminoid disease. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1887, v, 79-K3. Also: Med. Press A Lire, Lond.. 1887, n. s., xliii, 595.—.Hordlior«t. Warum mnd harnsaure Nierensteine und tier Harngrit-s so viel leichterloslich alsGichtabhigerungen ? Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1893, vii, 392-396. - Tlorri* (H.) Ou calculus im- pacted iu the ureter, and the feasibility of removing it by surgical operation. Am. J. M. Sc,' Phila., 1884, n. s., lxxxviii, 458-468. -----. On a east; of calculous disease of CALCULUS. 69 CALCULUS. Calculus (Renal). both kidneys, with remarks on the surgical treatment of calculous kidnevs. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xx, 106-110. — .Murray (C. F. K.) Notes of a case of long- standing renal calculi in both kidneys. Lancet, Loud., 1885 ii 614. — lllnswer (J. H.) A specimen of renal cal- culus; oxalate of lime. Tr. Bath. Soc. Phila, (1881-3), 1884, xi, 198. Also: Med. News, Phila.. 1883, xliii, 213.— Navarro. Lithiase r6nale exp6fimentale avec hydro- uephrose. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 658.—Oli- ver (J.) An anomalous cast- of renal calculus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 690.—Ord (W. M.) Indigo calculus from the kidney. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1878, xxix, 155-159. _____. Calculus containing carbonate and phosphate of lime. Ibid., 161. Also, Reprint lot' both preceding arti- cles]. -----. Calculus from the kidney. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1879-80, xxxi, 185. Also, Reprint.—Orton (H. N.) Case of uric acid calculus, which appeared to have been dissolved in the pelvis of the left kidney by alkaline reme- dies. Chicago M. J. A Exam., 1884. xlix. 36(1.—Pari ((I.) Di un raro caso d' anuria per occlusione di am bid tie gli ure- tcri da calcoli in donna aft'etta da uefrite atrofica. Racco- glitore med., Forli. 1889. 5. s., vii, 349-365.—Pa«e (L. F.) Renal calculi; report of case. Indiana M. ,L, Indianap., 1889-90, viii, 195-197.—Park (A. Y.) A case of pyelitis of nineteen years' duration caused by a renal calculus ; re- covery, j. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 145-147. Also, Reprint.—Parker (R. W.) On a case of suppression of urine following injury to a sacculated kidney containing calculi, the other kidney being entirely disorganised. Mt-d.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1887, lxx, 2KJ-260.—'Paton (E. P.) On renal calculus. Hospital, Lond., 1897, xxii. 10-12.— Peipers (A.) Leber eine besondere Form von Xiereu- steineu. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 531.—Pen- rose (F. G.) Kidneys from a case of renal calculus. Tr. Path. S ic. Lond.. 1887-8, xxxix, 161.— Pfeiffer (E.) Ue- ber oxalsaure Nierensteine und iiber Oxalurie. Centralbl. i. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1895, vi, 281- 289. — Pick (T. P.) Caseof impaction ot stone in one ure- ter ; atrophy of the kidney of the opposite side. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1886. xix, 270-274. — Piscnti (G.) Sulle al- terazioni del rene e sulla formazioue di calcoli renali in seguito a legatura dell' uretere. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1883, xviii, 499-516, 1 pi.— Poels iK. R.) Du rein L-alculeux. Presse med. beige, Brux.. ls9o. xiii, 797; 817, 4 pi.—Porter (G. L.) A xanthie oxide calculus from the kidney. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, 1881-2, i, 344-354. Also. Reprint. —Poyntz (J. W. W.) Calculus impacted in the ureter. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1891, ii, 39.— Prescott (W. H.) Calculi of the kidney, with hydro- nephrosis. Boston M. A S. J., 1895. exxxii, 208.—Pnig y KalaiiNo. Contribuciou al estudio clinicodelaarenaria rubra. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1882. viii, 392.— Bn- baine. Calcul r6nal; coliques nephretiques: expulsion spontanee du calcul par l'uretre. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol... . de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 10-14. Also: J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1884-5. xiv, 394-396. — Elnynioiul (P.) Lithiase renale; nephrite calculeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 597-600. — Rea (R. L.) Renal calculus discharged from the kidney and retained in abdominal walls seven years; removal. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 432-434. — Reczey (I.) Tizenegy napig tarto teljes anuria vesekoves betegnel. [Complete anu- ria lasting eleven days from renal calculus. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896, xl, 637.—Richards (C. H.) Ne- pbretic calculus, suppurative. Proc. M. Soc. Delaware 1884, Milford, 1885. 30. — Richardson ( B. W.) R. nal calculus. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, 96.— Kit- zo. Lithiase renale; abces peritiephretique commuui- quant avec la cavite thoraeique. Gaz. in6d. d'Orient, Constant, 1890-91, xxxiii, 57-59.—Robins (C. R.) Stone in the kidney. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896- 7, i, 529-531. [Discussion], 538. Also: Practice. Rich- mond, 1897, xi, 4-10. — Rovsing (T.) Leber Diagnose und Behandlung der Nierensteine. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1895-6, li. 827-860.—Rush (W. B.) Nephritic cal- culus; report ot case. NorthCar.M. J., Wilmington, 1896. xxxvii, 249.— Sainton. Pyelo-nephrite calculeuse uni- lat6rale; ureniie: mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 234-236. — Sang-ree (E. B.) A case of renal calcu- lus. Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1889. xx, 829— Manndbv (R.) Stone in the kidney. Internat. Clin., Phila. 1892, 2. »., ii, 183-200.—Seechi (E.) Calcolosi renale. Atti tl. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1896, 278-291.—See (G.) FAat actuel de la science sur la gravelle et les calculs du rein. Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 21-24.—Shafer (J. P.) Renal calcu- lus. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1885-6, vii, 113-117.—Sharp (G.) Puce iron-pigmeiited renal calculi. J. Anat. A Phys- io!., Lond.. I8!i3-4, xxviii, 447.—Slee (R.) A renal calcu- lus. Med. News, Phila., 1893. ixiii, 663. — Slcciibcrj; (B. U.) Renal calculus. Med. Ann., Albany, 1881. ii, 129- 132.— Stewart (D.) Case of renal calculus. India Reg. M- Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 193. — Mtranss (J.) Ueber deu Einfluss des kohlensaureu Kalks auf den luenschlichen Stoffwcchsel, tin Beitrag zur Therapic der hariisaureii Aierenkonkretioiitii, nebst einem Anhang iiber Alloxur- koiper-Ausscheidung bei Nephrolithiasis. Arb. a. tl. (Jtadt. Krankenh. zu Fraukf. a. M. Festschr. . . . 1896, 69- Caldllus (Renal). 78. — Snmnierhaves i.l. 0.) Renal calculus removed from the left thigh. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 845.— Tateo (L.) Caso iniportant.it tli anuria da calcoli renali. Puglia metl., Bari, 1893, i, 55-64. — TcuflTet (J.) Ueber Nierensteine und Pyelitis. Metl.-Cor. Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, Iv, 97; 105. — Thompson (J.) Cases of renal calculus. Albany M. Ann., 1887. viii. 179- 181.—Triton (J.) Renal calculus, its diagnosis ami treat- ment. Bost on M. Sc S. J., 1886, cxv, 365-368.—V oil te (A.), ir. Lithiasis renalis. Nederl.Vcreen. v. Paediat. Voordr., Utrecht, 1895-6, iv, 212-222. — Walker (H. F.) Renal calculus. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 77. — Walker (J. B.) A case of renal calculi. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1882-3, Phila., 1883, v, 12. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 42. — Weber ( A.) Steinbildung in beiden Nieren nach Sturz auf den Riicken. Miiucheu. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 306. —Weeks (S. H.) A unique caseof renal calculi. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1892-4, xi, 508-514. Also: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 235-237.—Wehncr (W.1I.) Report of a caseof renal calculus. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxxiv, 687.— Weiss (T.) Litliiase r6nale et traumatism!-. Rev. 11161L tie lest, Nancy, 1884, xvi, 174-179.- Wendt (E. C.) Unilateral nephrolithiasis; complete obliteration of one kidney and chronic diffuse inflammation of the other. Bull. N.' York Path Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 263-266. — Wcstcrlmid (E.) A Raycr (S.) Eft fall af njursten. [ Renal calculus. ] Upsala Lakaref. Forli., 1884. xix, 150-160. — White (W. H.) Large renal calculus almost pure triple phosphate. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 276.—Wolf (W.) Ein Fall von Ein- klemmungeines Niereusteinesim recbteu Ureter. (Noun Mouatenach einer Blasenverletzung.) Wien. metl. Presse, 1888, xxix, 1167-1170.—Wolfl". Nierenentziindung durch Stein. Gen.-Her. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1827. Coblenz, 1830, 60.— Wolff (L.) A case of nephro-lithiasis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila.. 1889-91. xv, 179-181.—Wright (.1. A.i Notes on some cases of renal calculus, with remarks. Med. Chrou., Manchester, 1886-7, v, 458-463.—If eo (G.) Renal calculus. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 217, 1 pi.—Yeoman (J. B.) Occurrence of an enormous renal calculus. J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lond., 1895-6, xxx, 527-529.—Zimmerman (R.) A case of renal calculus. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Appletou, 1888, xxii, 206-208. Calculus (Renal, Diagnosis of). C'ase (A) of renal calculus, with a remarkable absence of subjective symptoms, showing the value of percussion as a means of diagnosis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, n. s., ix, 159.—('ova (A. M.) De renum calculo ejusdem- que cum aliis morbis similitudine. Diss. med. ital. tlecas . . . pia-fatus J. J. Roemer, 16°, Norimb.. 1797, 59-84.— Fen wick (E. H.) Can any diagnostic inference be drawn from the character of thepain of stone in the kidney? Tr. M. Soc. Lond. 1896, xix, 282-289, 1 tab.—Poaaati (C.) Diagnosi di calcolosi renale in rene unico conammoniemia. Ann. univ. di metl. e chir., Milano, 1886, eclxxvii. 382-390.— Guyon. Diagnostic des calculs du rein. Bull, med., Par., 1891, v, 1117-1120.—Kelly (H. A.) Diagnosis of renal calculus in women. Metl. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 593-596.—Lanphcar (E.) Stone in tho kidney, pre- senting a clinical picture of sacro-iliac disease. Tri-Statc M. J., St. Louis, 1897, iv, 111.—Mabboux. De l'albu- minurie dans la lithiase renale; urines albumineusrs chez les graveleux; orisines tliverses et signification tie ce symptome; indications et contre-inilieations qui en de- coulent relativement k l'emploi des eaux minerales. Lyon m6d., 1891, lxvi. 109; 194. — iTIacintj re (>L ) Roentgen ravs: photography of renal calculus; description of an adjustable modification in tho focus tube. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii. 118— IVoblc (C.P.) A new method of examining the kidney, especially for stone. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila, 1894, xv 48-51.—Swain (J.) The effect of the Riintgen rays on calculi; with tho report of a case of renal calculus in which the diagnosis was confirmed by skiag- raphy. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1897, xv, 1-13. Calculus (Renal, Treatment of'). Carmon (W. C.) * De tisu veuaesectionis iu paroxvsmo calculi renalis. sm. 4°. Haloj Mag- deb., [17:54]. Gurvich(L) *K voprosu ollechenii pochech- navo litiazisa naturalnoi i iskusstvennol vodoi Coutrexeville (Source du Pavilion), i vliyanii etol vodi na vidielen'ie kisloti. [On tlie treat- ment of nephrolithiasis by natural and arti- ficial Coutrexe'ville watt-r, and tbe influence of this water upon the elimination of uric acid.] 8°. Yurycr, 1894. Lee (S. H. P.) Remarks on the stone and gravel in the kidneys, liver, and bladder; with an account of the discovery of it solvent remedy, now used with universal success, and commonly CALCULUS. 70 CALCl'LUS. Calculus (Renal, Treatment of'). known its Dr. Lee's gravel specific. 8°. Xew York, 1852. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1852. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1855. Bennett (W. H.) Manipulation without incision as a possible treatment in certain cases of stone in the kidney. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1026.—Randois. Contributions au traitement des calculs du rein. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1895, 4. s., ix, 187-198. [Rap. de Deneffe], 147-150. Also: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- uiiii.. Par., 1895, xiii, 817-827. — Forest ( W. E. ) The relief of pelvic and abdominal pain bv hot colon dou- ches. Med. Rec, N. T., 1891, xxxix, 592-595. —Golo- win (E.) TJeber tlie Behandlung der Nierensteinkrank- heit. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1891, n. I<\, viii. 427- 432.—Herrmann (A.) Ueber eine neue Behandlungs- metbode der Nephrolithiasis mit Glycerin. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 564; 580. Also, Reprint. — .John- won (A. J.) On the uce of solvents in cases of renal cal- culus. Canad. Pract.,Toronto, 1889, xiv, 145-148—Kisch (E. II.) Leber den Einfluss der Kalkwasser auf harnsaure Nierenkonkretionen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 1004-KMiii. —Klcuiperer (G.) Zur Therapic tier harn- sauren Nier< inoncietionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxx, 729-734. Also: Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1896), 1897, xxvii, pt. 2, 223- 238.— licvison (F.) Om Behandling af Urinsyrekonkretnenter. [. . . renal calculi. | Hosp. -Till., Kjtiben'h., 1895, 4. R., iii. 683-685. — I, icbe (G. ) Zur niechanischen Behandlung tier Nierensteine. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1894. xii. 653.—.Mendelsohn (M.) Zurinternen Behandlung tier Nierenste inkraiikheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 286- 289. — .Murray (W.) On the removal of renal calculi by toxic doses of belladonna. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 582.— Ralfe. Specimen of renal calculus passed after six weeks of solvent treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 627.— Ralfe (C. H.) Renal calculus removed by solvent treat- ment, Proc. M. Soc, Lond., 1887, x. 301-304. — Raval- dini (L.) La glicerina nella nefrolitiasi renale. Racco- glitore med., Forli, 1893, 5. s., xv, 197-201. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s., ix. 19-28. Also, Reprint.—Stew- art (D. D.) Piperazin in the treatment of stone in the kidney. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1893, 3. s., xv, 1-16. Calculus (Renal, Treatment of, Opera- tive). See, also, Kidney (Surgery of). Kkeitmaik (W.) *Nephrotomie bei Stein- niere. *u. Erlangen, 1894. Adams (C.) Report of an operation for renal calculi of extraordinary size. Med. Era, Chicago, 1896, xii, 204- 206, 2 pi. — Riirker (A. E.) Complete history of re- nal calculus; exploratory lumbar incision, with palpation and multiple acupuncture of the kidney; no stone de- tected; operation wound healed in a few days, with no ill effects. Lancet, Lond., .1885, i, 141.—Reck (M.) A case of nephro-lithotomy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882, xv, 103- 113, 1 pi.—Herteling (J. B.) Nephrectomy for renal cal- culus. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1897, xvii, 321-327. Also: Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap.. 1897. 211-218.—Rundy (F. E.) Sc Injjalls (W.) Nt phro-litbotomy; recovery of comparatively good and continuous health during the past eight years'. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1882, cvi, 483-486.— Rutlin (H. T.) A case of renal lithotomy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882, xv, 113-117, 1 pi.—Cabot (A. T.) A case of calculous pyelitis, with complete suppression of urine for seven days, relieved by operation. Boston M. AS. J., 1893, cxxix, '213-216.—C'hcroii (P.) Le traitement chi- rurgical tie la litliiase renale. Tribune med., Par., 1892, 2. s., xxv, 710; 726.—C'ordier (A. H.) Nephrolithiasis. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlv, 332-334—C'ullinsworth (C.J.) Impaction of a large calculus in each ureter im- mediately above the vesical orifice, causing dilatation of the ureters and abscesses in the kidneys, the kidney on the right side forming a large abdominal tumour; abdominal Bectiou with a view to nephrectomy; removal of calculus from right ureter; death (from uraemia?)'. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1885, xxxvi, 278-281. Also, Reprint.—Ray (D. D.) Acaseof nephrolithotomy ; largo calculus. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond. 1892-3, xxvi, 24-28. 1 1., lpl._Ruret (H.) Sur les calculs ramifies du rein et les operations qui leur convien- nent. Ann. tl. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 350- 367. — Heaton i(!.i Stone iu the kidney, with a report of eight cases ot nephrolithotomy. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1897, xiii, 129-140.—Ilerczel (E.) Ueber operative Be- handlung der Nierensteine. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1887, i, 483-488. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1887. xxxvii, 1661; 1701. Also transl.: Raccoglitore metl., Forli, 1888, 5. 8., vi, 57-77. — Hind (W.) Total suppression of urine due to impacted calculus, with atrophy of the other kidney from a previous similar condition. Brit. M. .L, Lond.. 1894, 960.—Israel (J.) Demonstration einer exscirpirten Stein- Calculus (Renal, Treatment of, Opera- tive). niere. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 870.-----. Die Operation der Steinverstopfiing des Ureters. Ibid., 1896, xxxiii, 841-844. Also: Yerhanill. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch' (1896), 1897, xxvii, pt. 2, 309-319. |Discussion], pt. 1, 202- 204.—Jones (H.I.) Perinephric abscess; ending with perineal lithotomy. Pacific M. J., San Frau., 1893, xxxvi, 409-412.—Kirkhani (F. \V.) A case of suppiossion of urine treated by removal of an impacted calculus from the ureter by operation. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 525.— lilcm- perer (G.) Zur Theiapio tier harnsauren Xicri-iicoucre- tionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 729-734.— I.auenstein. Extraction eines grossenSteines aus dem Nierenbecken mittelst des Simon'schen Lumbalschnittcs Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xi. 284.—I>e Dentu. A propos de la communication de M. Tuffier sur la nephro- lithotomie. Bull, et mem. Soc tie chir. do Par., 1894. n. s. xx, 107-110.—Lennandcr (K. G.) Om njursten, meii tva lyckligt opererade fall. | Nephritic stone, with two cases successfully operated upon.] Upsala Liikarel'. Forli , 1896-7, n. F., ii, 56-75. Also, transl.: Deutsche nn-il Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1897, xxiii, 337; 360. —I,e/.in (V. V.) K voprosu okhirurgicheskom vmleshatelstvic pri pochechno-kamennoi boliezni. [On surgical intcrfereuco for stone in the kidney.] Laitop. russk. chir.. S.-Petirh., 1897, ii, 401-406.— Marry (II. ().) An operation for renal calculus. Boston M. A S. J., 1892, cxxvii, 137. —.Mori-im ■(H.) A caseof nephrolithotomy, or tbe extraction of a calculus from an undilatetl kidney, with an illustration. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1881, xiv,'30-44. Also, Reprint. -----. Ou the surgical treatment of renal calculus. Lan- cet, Lond., 1888, i, 1182; 1237. — \aiiman (R. T. B.) Hydronephrosis from renal calculi; nephrolithotomy; fatal haemorrhage on the ninth day after operation. In- dian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 189fC iv, 277-280.—Pana- rolus (D.) De renum lithotomia. In his: Ialrolo^ismo- rum, 4°, Romas, 1652, 344. — Pilcher. Nephrolithiasis: nephrectomy. Brooklyn M. J., 1896, x, 575-577.—Ralfe (C. H.) & Oodlee (R. J.) A case of suppression of urine caused by impaction of calculi in both ureters, re- lieved by operation. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xxii, 155-162.—Ransohofl' (J.) Concerning stone in the kid- ney and its operative treatment; with report of eases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 1-7. Also, Reprint.— Richardson (M. H.) Renal calculus; removal; re- covery. Boston M. A S. J., 1882, evi, 491.-Salin (M.) Fallaf sten i nedre delen af urett-reu, hvar for ban med framgang utfort njurexstirpation. [Case of stone in infe- rior part of ureter in which nephrotomy was successfully performed.] Sveus. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Hantll., Stockholm, 1894, 133-139.—Seott (J. W.) Report of renal calculus. Southwest. M. Rec, Houston, 1897, ii, 283.— Smith (W.) A case of nephrolithotomy. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, ix, 347.—Stcnveiison (W. E.) A Rutler-Smythc (A. (_'.) Case of hydronephrosis caused by renal calculi; nephro- lithotomy ; ulceration into a branch of the right renal artery by an undetected spiked calculus, with fatal haemor- rhage on the seventh day after operation; necropsy. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1897, xiii, 230-232.—Stiinsou (L. A.) Stone in the kidney, the surgical treatment. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Phila., 1892, 88-94.—Thelen (O.) Nephro- lithotomie wegen Anurie; Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, ix, 185-188. — Tuffier. De la nephrolithotomie it do l'h6mostase preventive dans les operations sur le rein. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1894, lxvii, 109-116. Also: Mercredi metl., Par., 1894, v, 49-51. [See, also, supra, Le Dentil.]— Werner (Marie B.) Removal of renal calculi from the muscles in the left lumbar resriou. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1890, xi, 327-331.—Whiphan (T.) A Hawmd (J. W.) Two cases of nephrotomy for the removal of renal calculus. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882, xv, 117-128, 1 pi. Calculus (Renal) in children. Aiiiozaii (EL) Cab ul phosphatique chez un enfant soumis a l'usagedu phosphate tie chaux. J. denied, de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 74. — Rovet. Lithiase r6uale ac- quise chez un enfant tie 18 mois. .1. tie metl. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 191. — Conlon (G.) Lithiase renale choz un enfant de trois aus, a\ aut fait sa premiere apparition k la suite tl'uue scarlatinc. M6d. inf., Par., 1895, ii, 579- 582. — Partridge. Specimen of renal calculus removed from an infant. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1886, xix, 153. —Pill (G. N.) Renal calculus in infants. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1894-5, xlvi, 90. — Puijn (J.) De iiieren door steenen opgevuld, in eenjongen van vyf jaren. Natuurk. Verhan- del. v. de Bataafsche Maatsch. d. Wetensch te Haarlem, Amst., 1804, ii. pt. 2, 265-268. 1 pi.—Smith (E.) On cal, cuius of the kidney in children. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i- 266-268. Calculus (Salivary). Buciiwald (W.I * Ueber Speiehelsteine. 8;. Greifswald, 1h csokti egy i itkabb esettirol. [Rare ease of stone in urethra] (iyogyitszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 323. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Best. metl.-chir. I'res>e, Budapest. 1887, xxiii. 672. — Razy. Sur deux observations de calculs uretraux. envovcc.i par MM. Laiy et Julien Pioger, par M. Bazy. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soe. tie chir. dc Par., 1894, n. s.", xx. 338-348. — Reltranie i V.) Calcolo voluminoso riscontrato nella fossetta navicolare. Indipeiiflente, To- lino, 1882, xxxiii, 418-420.—Briau. Calculs urethraux; Calculus (Urethral). infiltration d'urine. Lyon med.. 1896, Ixxxii, 296-298, Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 100. — Ravi* ( S. T.) Calculi occupying the urethra. Quart. Tr. Lancaster City &■ Co. M. Soc.. 1881-2, ii, 15-17— Reboot. Calcul de I'uii'-llire Bull. Soc. de med. de Rouen (1889), 1890, 2. s., iii, 32-35. _ Running (L. E.) A case of calculus of the urethra. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 316. — Fenwick (K. H.) Stone impacted in the prostatic urethra; tnlitii'rf. ,1889- 90, xii, 188-193,11., 1 pi! — Fiornni (G.) Calcoli un-trali e vescicali per corpi stranieri. R. Ist. Lomb. tli sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1889,2. s., xxii, 600-603.—Gai-uin. Quelques considerations sur les calculs de l'uretlue Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1883, 3. s., xxiii, 306-314.-<;il. Ion (G. G.) Urethral calculous sac. Australas. M. (la/. Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 191. — Oott (L.) Calcolo uretrnlc; uremia. Gazz. med. ital., prov. veuete, Padova, 1884. xxvii, 241. Also: Comment, clin. d. mal. d. org. gen.. urin., Pisa, 1884, i, 115-119. — Ifarnrohrcneilciii der Fossa navicularis. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abtb.*l. Spit, zu Basel (1883), 1884, 91.—Jan (M.) A case of urethral cal- culus. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 303.— Jerni. gan (C. H.) A stone in the urethra. St. Louis M. a S. J., 1884, xlvi, 79.—Kirtikar (K. R.) Urethral calculus. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1880), 1887, n. s. [3.], x, 60- 62.—Knight (A. L.) Urethral calculus. Cincin. Lancet A Clinic, 1883, n. s.', x, 264.—Km-batoff (I.) Nenormal- no bolshol kamen mochei'spuskatelnavo kanala. [Abnor- mally large stone in urethral canal.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1892, ii. 545-551. — Laidlaw ( G.) Urethral calculus. Chicago M. Times, 1894, xxvi, 89-93. — Law (W. F.) A case of urethral calculus. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Deme rara, 1893, 116. — Legnen (F.) Des calculs de la portion prostatique de l'urethre. Ann. tl. mal. tl. org. genito-urin., Par., 1895, xiii, 769-782.— Licblein (V.) Zur Kasuistik der Harnrohrensteine und speziell der Divertikelsteine der Harnrobre. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1896, xvii, 141-156.—Little (J. L.) Urethral calculus. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xbv, 517.—Loumean (E.) Retreoissenient cong6nital et calcul de 1' ur6tre. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1895-6, iv, 329-339. -----. Calcul de l'nietre prostatique. Ibid., 1897, v, 546-548. — Loumean & Rarlan. Volumineux calcul de l'uretre. Mem. et hull. Soc.de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1893), 1894, 50-60. Also.- J. de m6d.de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 153-156.—ITIarho (L.) Adatok a fern hugyczo-kovek kdrtandhoz. [Contribution to pathology of male urethral calculi. J Orvosi hetil, Buda- pest, 1888, xxxii, 1143-1147. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-cbir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 1025-1027.—Mary. ashes (S. I.) RIedkiy sluchai uretral navo kainnva, [Rarecaseofurethralcalculus.] Vuzhno- russk. med.gaz., Odessa, 1893, ii. 331.—Matsui (F.) & llabu (A.) Slmdu ketsusekinositsukeuuizukete. [Clinical note on urethral calculus.] Ztschr. d. Tokio med. Gesellsch., 1892, vi, No. 24, 4-9,1 pi.—Mudd (H. G.) Report on an unusual speci- men of urethral calculus, with outline of history. J. Cu- tan. A Genito-Urin. Dis., N. T., 1889, vii, 99-101. - ITIiil- ler. Kolikerscheinungen, hervorgerufen durch Ktuikre- mente in tier Harnrobre. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1895, iii, 81.—ITIule-Rertolo (S. I Ln caso di calcolo uretrale. Morgagni, Napoli, 1882, xxiv, 258-260.— Neumann (J.) Die Harnrohrensteine. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1886, xxxi, 585; 597; 609; 621.—O'Hara (\V.) A case of urethral calculus. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii. 129. — Phocas (G.) Calcul urethral extrait ' par une boutonniere perineale; gue-rison. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1891, i, 57-59. — Kanmohotf (J.) Urethral calculi. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus. 1885, 169-173. Also: J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 65-67. — Reignicr (A.) Observations de calculs de 1' urOthre chez l'limniue. Soc.d. sc. ni6d. tie Gannat. C. r. 1883-4, Par., 1884, xxxviii, 18-20.—Rorig. Ein Harnrohrenstein. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1896, x, 205. — Rogers (\V. I!.) Vesical and urethral calculi; report of fifteen cases. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1888-9, iv, 1-12.—Rowling (C- E.) A case of urethral calculus. Australas. M. Gaz.,'Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 24,.—Sentex (L ) Deux observations tie cal- culs uretraux. J. de ru6d. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 153- 158. — Serpossinn ( S. ) Calcul urethral. Rev. metl.- pharm., Constant., 1889, ii, 122.—Siikholl (N.) Tri slu- chaya calcularum urethralium. Russk. Metl., St. Petersb., 1888, vi, 541. — Takaki. Urethral calculus: retention, extravasation of urine and recovery. Sei-i Kwai M. J.. Tokyo. 1889, viii, 131-134.—Thiroloix A Rupasquirr. Calculs de la portion prostate-niembraneust- tie l'liit-llne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 420-422. — Tirifnhy. Histoire d'uu calcul urethral. J. de med., chir. el Phar- macol, Brux., 1874, lix, 306-317. Also, Reprint.— Vifor- eo«t (A. R.) Tres casos de calculos ui etrales. Siglo med . Madrid, 1897, xliv, 455-457. — Vo*krc*ciiHki (I'. P.) K kazuistikie uretraluikh kamnei. [Cast-sol urethral calcu- lus.) Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1885, vi. 57G-578.—Willc (V.) Leber Ilarmbhrensteine. Aerztl. Iut.-Bl., Miinchen. 188". xxxii. 199; 211. — Vnblorhkoflf (A. V.) Dva sliichaya kamnei v niiiclielspiiskati-liiiim kanalle. [Two cases of urethral calculus.) Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 179. CALCULUS. 73 CALCULUS. Calculus (Urethral, Treatment of, Opera- tire). Ahrrns. [Fall eines aus der Urethra extrahirteu Blast-nsteins.] Cor.-Bl. d. allg. mecklenb. Aerztever., Rostock, 1892, 484.—AleksfeycfT (M. M.) Dva sluehaya j izvlecheniya kamnya iz mochevavo kanala. [Two cases of removal of calculi from urethra. | Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1882, vii, 3242— Raltarel. Observation de cal- cuh urethral voluniineux; extraction; guerison. Rec. de iu6tu.de med.. . . mil., Par., 1881, xxxvii, 578.—Renham. Case of impacted urethral calculus, followed by urinary abscess; perineal section; complete recovery. Lancet, Lond.. 1887, i, 681.—Rokai (J.) Calculus urcthr.ilis; ex- tract io; urethritis e,s cystitis crouposa; oldal giitmetszGs; gydgyulas. [. . . lateral section; recovery.1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1889, xxxiii, 33-35. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 271. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1889-90, xi, 18-22. — Rraid- M-ood (D. G.) Removal of calculus from urethra. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 205.— Kimvn (W.H.) Removal of urethral calculus of unusual size. Laucet, Loud., 1887, ii, lill.—Charon. Extraction par la taille p6rintale d'un calcul engage dans l'urethre chez im enfant tie huit ans. Cliniqne, 3rux., 1894, viii, 321-323.—C'hennntais. Frac- ture du col du femur, deehirure tie l'urethre, fistule uri- naire, calcul urethral; ur6throtoniie interne, faille peri- n6ale, issue ulterieure spontanee du calcul: am'-rison. Gaz. mi-d. de Nantes, 1883-4,ii, 107.—Chnekerhnlly (B. L.) [Sudden death following the extraction of an urethral calculus.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1880, xv, 279.— i'rc- qny. Extraction des calculs de l'urethre. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1890, lxiii, 24.—Re Sinione (Z.) Circa un casodi calcolo vescicalt- impegnato nell' uretra ed estratto metli ante massaggio ed incisione. Gior.metl. tl.r.esercito, etc., Koma, 1891, xxxix, 1297-1301.— Rieu. Observation de paraplegie survenue a la suite de l'irritation produite par un calcul de l'liretre; extraction du calcul; gueiison. [ Rap. de S6e. ] Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881. n. s., vii, 5-9.—Flenry. Calcul nrt-tral developpe depuis vingt ans dans la region spongieuse du canal de l'nretre; uretrotomie externe. Ibid., 631-633.—Galloz- zi (C.) Osservazione su di un volumiuoso calcolo ure- trale, operato nella clinica chirurgica. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1881, xxxv, 90-93. 1 pi. Also: Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1882, xxiv, 81-84.—Hill (J. C.) Removal of impacted urethral calculus. Metl. Rec, N. T., 1893, xliv, 719. — llofiuokl. Bildung eines Urethralsteines, bedingt durch eine bruckenformige narbige Verwachsung der ausseren Harnrohrenniiindung; Entfernung desselben nach Discission der Narbe; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenanst, Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 295.—Le- gonx. Urethrotomie externe pour calcul de l'urethre. (iaz. med. de Pieardie, Amiens, 1890, viii, 70. — JTIinich (A.) E-*liazione di un enorme calcolo dell' uretra spon- , 2iosa e merabranosa seguita da guarigione. Atti r. 1st. j Vent-to di sc, lett. ed arti, 1887-8, 6. s., vi, 59-72, 1 pi. Also: Riv. veDeta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, viii, 5-16.— Popcscn (D.) Calcul uretral, phimosis congenital, im- paliulism (accese de febra intermitentft tipul cuart); ure- I trotomie externa; influenta iutercurentii; vindecare. Spi- talul, Bucuresci, 1894, xiv, 152-155.—Thistle (F. T.) A ease of impacted calculus behind a stricture of the ure- thra; retention and extravasation of urine; operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond.. 1892, ii. 1330. —Thomas (J.D.) Calculus removed from tbe membranous part of the ure- thra. Proc. South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Ade- laide, 1883-4 47. —Thomas ( W. T.) Stricture of the urethra, calculi; external urethrotomy; death. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 189rvxv, 67-69. Calculus (Urethral) in children. Coesfcld. Ein Blasenstein im Orif. tirethr. bei einem IJjahr. Knaben. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x. 405.—Crandall (F. M.) Impacted urethral calculus in a boy of three years. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 100 — Lannelongne. Calcul tie l'urethre chez un enfant de deux ans: infiltration urineuse. Bull, et mt'-in. Soc. de chir.dePar.,1881, n. s..vii, 488-490.—.florelli (P.) Volumi- uoso calcolo uriuario emesso per 1'uretra; considerazioni sulla litolapassia nei bambini. Boll. d. clin., Milauo, 1887, iv, 433-447.—Watkins (O.) Calculus impacted in the urethra of a child. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 79.—Whitson (J. M.) Extraction of a calculus from the urethra of a two A-ear old baby. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1886, 136. Calculus (Urethral) in female. Ratnaud (J.) Volumineux calcul de l'urethre, chez une femnie de 69 ans, op6r6 sans douleur grace an chlor- hydrate de cocaine du ^ en bailigeonnage et en injection. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1884-5, iii, 86.— Chapplain. Note sur un cas de calculs extra-ur6tbraiix chez la fi-nime. Marshille med.. 1883, xx, 484-493.—Rubonrg. Calculs uretraux chez la femnie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeanx (1893). 1894. 266-272. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 333. — Fitch (W. E.) Litheetasv successfully performed. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1893, ii, Calculus (Urethral) in female. no. 5, 25.—Quenn A Pasteau (0.) Etude sur les cal- culs urethraux chez la femme. Ann. d. mal. d. org ge- nito-urin., Par., 1896, xiv, 289-326. Calculus (Urinary). See, also, Gravel; Calculus (Perineal); Cal- culus (Preputial); Calculus (Prostatic); Calcu- lus (Penal); Calculus (Scrotal); Calculus ( Ure- thral); Ureter (Surgery of); Urine in disease. Asst-krils (J.) De calculo. Respondents Christiano Sniilovio. sin. 4 . Rostoehi, [1617]. Bird (G.) Observations on urinary concre- tions and deposits; with an account of the cal- culi in tlie museum of Guy's Hospital. 6°. London, 1842. -----. Urinary deposits; their diagnosis, pathology, and therapeutical indications. 8° London, 1844. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1*46. -----. The same. 3. ed., revised and en- larged. 8°. London, 1851. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1857. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. -----. The same. A new Am. from the 4. revised and enlarged Lond. ed. SJ. Philadel- phia, 1K54. -----. The same. Edited by Edmund Lloyd Birkett. A new Am. from the last Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. Burthogge (R. ) * De lithiasi et calculo. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1662. Clauder (C. E.) Gorgonea metamorphosis, sive mirabilis calculi humani historia, cum judi- eio ejusdem et figura lapidis. Excutitur in prae- fatione nova, de methodo subvenieudi submersis laryngotomia, hypothesis. sm. 4°. Chemnitii, 1728. Clerc (C. A. B.) * De viarum urinariarum calculis. 4°. Argentorati, anno XIV [1805]. Dagavakian (N.) * Etude sur l'etiologie et la pathog6uie des calculs urinaires. 4°. Paris, 189:5. Ebstein (W. ) Die Natur und Behandlung der Harnstt-ine. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1884. Everwyn (J. G.) *De lidoyeveota in vesicula urinaria. 4'. Lugd. Bat., 1758. Feiimel (D. G.) *Diss. med. proponens lapi- dicinani mierocosmicam, seu calculum renum et vesicas, sm. 4°. Erfurli, [1709]. Ferkaxuus (J.) De nephrisis et lithiasis, seu de renum, et vesicae calculi definitione, causis, signis, prsedictione, praecautione et curatioue . .. Ex Hippocrate, Dioscoride, Galeno, Avieena, Aetio, et Paulo ^Egineta, aliisque celeberrimis medicis collectis. 16u. Parisiis, 1570. Fekster (C. F.) *De ct-rtioribus calculi re- num et vesicae indiciis. 4°. Altorfti, 1741. Herbst (J. J.) *De renum et vesica; calculo. sm. 4°. Marbnrgi Cat tor um, [n. d.]. Hinderinck (('<. J.) *De calculo renali et vesieali. 4°. Hardervici, 1757. Hohsmax (S. ) *De calculo renum et vesi- cae. 4-'. Lugd. Bat., [1721]. HrnnAKD (N. G.) Observations, ante-mortem and post-mortem, upon the ease of the late President Day. 8°. [Xeiv Harenf 1868.] Hutchinson (J.) On urinary calculi: the lessons which they teach and the problems they suggest. Being the essay appended to the tenth fasciculus of the New Sydenham Society's Atlas of pathology. 8°. London, 1888. Jaemscii (C. G.) * Calculorum conside- rationem theoreticam defendit. sm. 4°. Halm Magdeb., 1758. Kovacs (T. G.) * De renum et vesicae calculo. sm. 4°. Vltrajecti, 1661. CALCULUS. 74 CALCULUS. Calculus (Urinary). Leroy d'Ktiolles fils. Traite pratique de la gravelle et des calculs urinaires. 8°. Paris, 1*66. LuriLLiKK (0.) * Qnelques cousideratious sur l'etiologie et le traitement des calculs de la vessie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*67. McAdam (D. H.) * Dissertatio medica iuau- guralis de calculo uriuali. 8°. Edinburgh 18-22. Magendie (F.) Recherches physiologiques et mddicales sur les causes, les symptomes et le traitement de la gravelle. 8°. Paris, 1818. -----. The same. Avec quelques remarques sur la conduite et le regime que doivent suivre les personnes auxquelles on a extrait des calculs de la vessie, 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1828. -----. The same. Physiologisch - medici- nische Untersuchuugen iiber die Ursachen, Symp- tonie nnd Behandlung des Grieses und Blasen- steines. Ans dem Franzosischen iiberset/.t von Job. Gottfried Zollner. 16°. Leipzig, 1820. -----. The same. Physiologische nnd medi- cinische Untersuchungen uber den Harngries, seine Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlung; nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Dial und Ver- halten derjenigen, die vou Harnsteinen befreit worden sind. Nach der 2. Aufl. des Franzosi- schen bearbeitet von Dr. Friedrieh Ludwig Meissner. 12°. Leipzig, 1830. -----. The same. Physiologisch-geneeskun- dig onderzoek, aangaande de oorzaken, ver- schijnselen en geueziug, van de graveel- en steenziekte. Uit het Fransch. 8°. Rotterdam, [n. d.]. Mauruc (F.) * Essai medical sur les con- cretions urinaires. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834. Millar (D.) The case of David Millar, mas- ter of the grammar-school of Kirkaldy. 8°. [London, 1852.] Cutting from: Gent. Mag., Lond., 1752. Momber (A.) Tractat vom Nier- und Blasen- Stein, worin selbiger eigentlich bestehe, (lessen griindliche, inuerliche als iiuserliche Cur und Praeservation, [nebst einem in Knpfer gesto- chenen curieusen Abriss des von dem Herrn Hoff-Rath Heister aus der Blase eines 40jahrigen Bergmauns geschuittenen wundersahm gebil- deten Steius so zu Helmstadt 1735 gliicklich vollentzogen.] 8°. Helmstadt, [1735]. Mossdorff (T.) * Synopsis calculorum uri- nariorum. sm. 4°. Jenos, [1820]. Muller (J. S.) *Rarant de calculo vesicae observatiouem atque epicrisin . . . proponit. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1768]. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc. ]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1774, vi, 82-89. van der Mye (F.) *De arthritide et calculo gemino tractatus duo. 4°. Hagce- Comitum, 1624. Onderdonk (H. U.) *On stone in the blad- der. 8°. Xeiv York, 1810. Petrous (H.) *De calculo renum et vesicas. Respondente Petro Titius. In: NosOL. harmonica dogmat. et hennet. 4°. Mar- purgi Cattoium, 1616, ii, 393-335. Pfaehler (J. G.) *De calculis vesicae urina- ria? cystitis. 4°. Argentorati, 1774. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz(F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1780, xi, 117-137. Robinson (N.) A compleat treatise of the gravel and stone, with all their causes, symp- toms, and cures accounted for. To which are added, propositions demonstrating that the stone may safely be diesolv'd, without any detriment to the body; drawn from reason, experiments, and anatomical observations. 2. ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1723. Calculus (Urinary). Rodzevich (G. I.) Bibliograhcheskiy nka- zatel rabot o kamenoi boliezni i sposobakli veva Hechenia v Rossii. [Bibliographical index of works on lithiasis, aud methods of its tresitment in Russia.] 8J. Moskva, 1800. Rossi (J.) De calculis urinariis. *°. Muns- pelii, 1780. Schaw (W.) A dissertation on the stone in the bladder; in which are considered the nature of the human calculus, the doctrine of men- struum, or the dissolvent .for the stone, aud how far they are agreeable to the laws of phi- losophy, and the animal ceconomy ; in a letter to a plivsician in London. 2. ed. 4°. London, 1739. Schumacher (M.-L.-L.) * Dissertation me dico-chirurgicale sur les calculs de la vessie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1813. Stern (M.) *Zur Pathogenese der Harn- steiue. 8°. Miinchen, 1889. Straselius (F.) * De calculo renum et vesi- ca?. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1659. Tilly (C.) Omstandig berigt van het worden en ontworden des steens en graveels in ons, en veelerhande qualen; als mede eenige gevallen onder het gebruyk van het medicamentum gra- tia probatum. i8°. Haarlem, 1728. -----. The same. 7. ed. 16°. Haerlem, 1792. Ultzmann ( R. ) Die Harnconcretionen des Menscheu nnd die Ursachen ihrer Entstehnng. 4°. Wien, 1882. VAN Wijkhuijzen (F. D.) * Over de steenen inde urinewegeu. 8°. Leyden, 1857. Winger (F. B.) * De calculo systematis ou- ropoetici. 12°. Findobono3, 1776. Armstrong (J. M.) Stone in the bladder and kidneys. Peoria M. Month., 1884-5, v, 301. —Axe (J. W.) Vesical calculus; its origin, development, anil treatment. Vet- erinarian, Loud., 1887, lx, 8; 71; 223; 303; 623: 1888, lxi, 569. — Bangs (L. B.) Some clinical features of stone in the bladder. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 169-173. Also, Re- print. — Beaumont (G.) Stones in the bladder. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 221.—Bennett (E. H.) & Bobinson (T.) Urinary calculi. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. s., ix. 133-135.—Black (H. M.) A case of vesical calculus. Practitioner, Lancaster. 1884, ii, 4. — Borrcro Fcncvarria (E.) Una litiasis singu- lar. Rev. de cien. m6d., Habana, 1888, no. 37, 5.—Bi-en- •lei (J. G.) De calculi vesica) urinalis renumque natali- bus. In his: Opnsc. math, et metl. [etc.], 4°, Gottinga;, 1769, i, 56-60. — Brown (B.) Large vesical calculus. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880, vii, 80.—Bru- gnntelli (L.) Osservazioni sulla natura del calco- lo della vescica. Ann. di chim. o storia nat., Pavia, 1798, xv, 209-216. — Buchanan (G.) Cases of cal- culus. Glasgow M. J., 1885, xxiii. 321-324. —Cabot (A. T.) A case of multiple calculi in the bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 195-197.—Calcoli vescicali. (Cases.] Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1881, \ i-vii, 230-236. —Cay- ley. Notes of a ease of calculus weighing 25J ounces. Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1883, iv, 258. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 24.—Cloquet (J.) Observations sur deux cas de calculs urinaires vesit aux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1859, xlix. 693-696.—Bodonnens (R.) De duodecim in vesica calculis. In his: Med. obs. exem- pla rara, 16°, Colonite, 1581, 111.—Fbstein. Beitrag zur Lehre .von den Harnsteinen Verhanill. d.Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1883, ii, 175-179. — Estes (W. L.) Unique case of multiple calculi affecting the bladder and prostate gland. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1892-3, iv, 137- 141.—Fenwick (E. H.) A bladder showing a post-trigo- nal pouch which had contained a latent calculus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 302. -----. Latent vesical calculus. Proc. W. Loud. Med.-Chir. Soc. 1884-6, Lond., 1887. ii, 45-47. — a Fonseea (R.) Pro calculo vesica-. In his: Consult, med., fol.. Venetiis, 1622, ii, 58-62.— Frank (E. R. W.) Ein Fall von seltener Blasensteinbil dung. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Svph. Festschr. . . . Georg Lewin, Berl., 1896, 155-158,1 pi.—Freyer (P. ,T.) " What isastonein the bladder'" Arejoinder. Brit. M. J., Lond . 1888, ii, 12-14. [See, also, infra, Thompson (H.).J— Gal- liet. Calculs vesicaux. Assoc franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C r. 1880, Par., 1881, ix, 958-961.—Gaston (J. M'F.) Ob- scure case of vesical calculus. Med. Standard, Chicago 1887, ii, 73. — Gerrish (F. H.) Cases of nrinarv calculi Boston M. Sc S. J., 1885. cxii, 6.—Gine y Pnrtagas (J i CALCULUS. 75 CALCULUS. Call'il 111* (Urinary). Calculos vesicales. Independ. med., Parcel., 1883-4, xv, nil*. — Gould (A. P.) A case of vesical calculus of long duration without renal implication. Proc. M. Sot-. Loud., 1879-81, v, 244.—Greehikliin (A.) Kamen prostatiche- skot chasti uretri. Calculus partis pro-taticre vesica- uri- nal-. Voyenuo-med. J., St. IVtorsb., 1897, clxxxviii, med.- siiec. pt.. 390.—Gnyon. £tudo cliniqne d'un calcul vesi- cal. Bull, med., Par., 1891. v, 227. Also: Nice med., 1890- 91, \v, 99-103. -----. La cystite et les calculs de la vessie. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 321-324. Hamilton. Calculi in the kidney and blatldei. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1847- 52. 234. — Harrison (R.) A lecture on the formation of gravel aud stone in special reference to their prevention and treatment. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, iii. 84; 100.— Heath (('.) A clinical lecture on stone in the bladder. Rut. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1189-1191. — Hell wig (J.) Calculus vesicas rara magnitudinc. In his: Obs. phvs.- med.. 4". Aug. Vindel.. 1680, 331-333. —Hesegawa (K.) Kotai nam boko ketsuseki kausha siken. [Clinical note on urinarv calculus.] Ztschr. tl. Tokio mod. Gesellsch. 1893, vii. No. 1. 16-21, 1 pi.—Hodgman (W. H.) A stone in the bladder. N. York M. j., 1891, liii, 425-427.— Ito (T.) [A case of vesical calculus.] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, Sept. 24, 1881. — Jackson (T. V.) Stone from avesicaldiverticuliun. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8. xxxix, 192.—Kallionze* (E.) AiOicuris rrj? ovpoSo\ov KvtrTeto?; iatrt?. raAijKos, 'A0iji>ai, 1888, xviii, 331-333. — Keegnn (1).F.) Notes ou stone in tbe bladder. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 18H7, xxxii, 124; 244. Also: Indian Lancet, Calcutta. 1897, ix, 384-388. Also: Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta. 1897, xiii, 73-81.—Kelsall (II.) Rough notes on the subject of vesical calculi, with a brief record of cases to accompany a small collection forwarded to the museum of tlie Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. Army M. Dep. Rt-p. 1^77, Lond., 1879, xix, 234-238. — Keyes (E. L.) Urinary calculus. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Asbhurst), N.V., 1886, vi, 145-300. Also: Ibid., 1895, vii, 923-938.— Kovaes (J.) Ueber Harnblasensteine. Wien. Klinik, 18t>3, ix, 293-323. Also: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18.-3. xix. 901; 917; 937: 957; 981; 1000; 1020: 1063. Also, trand.: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883. xxvii, 1073; 1101.— dangenbiich (C.) Mittheilung iiber einen grossen Blasensteiu. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1881, xxvi, 255-257,1 pi.-Lazaro Andrai. 120. [See, also, supra, Freyer (P.J.)'.]— Treisc(L.) Ob- servation von einem sehr grossen Stein, welcher 9 Loth sebwer gewogen und bey einem Bottger allhier nach des- stn Totl in der lilase gefuuden worden. Samml. v. Nat.- u. j Metl.- . . .Gesch. 1724. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1726, xxix, 104- 106— Trioen (C.i Calculus gemellus ultro excretus. In his: Obs. med. chir., fasc, 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1743, 6-7, 1 pl—Tsnkonas (S.) Zur Casuistik der Blasensteine i a! rill il* (Urinary). beim Manne. Wien. mod. Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, 1299.— Ursinn* (J.) De renum et vesit-e calculo. In: Ware nius(IL) Nodologia, 8°, Lipsiaj, 1605, 229-240.— Vilori- kovski (T.) Sluchai mocbevavo kamnva neobiknoveii- nol velichiiii. [Case of urinary calculus of unusual size.] Trudi vrach. Odessk. g. boln., Odessa, 1877, iii, 129-143, 2 pi.—Weir (R. F.) Stone in the bladder. Cycl. Pract. M (Ziemssen), N" Y., 1881 (Suppl., 445-447).—Wheeler (W. I.) Bilobed vesical calculus. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl 1877-80, 11. s., viii, 96. — Williams (J.J.) Renal ami vesical calculi. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 238.— Winslow (R.) Urinarv calculi. Maryland M. J.. Bait 1895-6, xxxiv, 345-317. [Discussion], 349-351. — Witbeek (C. E.) Urinary' and renal concretions. Med. Ann.,AI. bany, 1881. ii. 199-201.—Xeissl (M.) Blasensteine. Wien. metl. Bl., 1880, iii. 257-261. Calculus (Urinary, Adherent and en- cysted ). See, also. Bladder (Sacculated); Lithotomy (Complications, etc., of). Dci'txi; (1*.) * Etude sur les etileuls enclm- tomie's de la vessie ebez l'homme. 4°. Paris, 1802. Annandale (T.) A case of encysted vesical calculus- Brit, M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1122. — Ballenghien (A.) Calculs phosphatiques ancieunes, enchatoniics tlans une cavite- pr6vesicale; taille sus-pnbienne; eresipele. Bull. Soc. anat.-cliu. tie Lille. 1889 iv, 222-227.— Barreneelien (M.J.) Inflltracion urinosa por cdlenlo enclavado en la uietra. Rev. metl. de Chile, Sint. de Chile, 1880-7, xv, 24.— Itazy. Des calculs enchatonn6s de la vessie Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 466-474. Also : Ann. d. mal d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1892, x, 681-692 — Browne (G. B.) Two rare cases of encysted vesical cal- culi in the male successfully removed by supra-pubic lithotomy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1890, xxiii, 88-92. Also, Reprint.— Cameron (H. C.) An unusual form of en- cysted calculus. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 271 — Court (A.) Impacted urethral calculi. Lancet, Lond.,1896, i, 1561.—Dandois. Calcul dela vessie enkyste. Ann. Soc. beige de chir , Brux., 1895-6. iii, 134- 138. Also: Rev.med., Louvain, 1895-6, xiv. 49-53. — Di. ehiara (F.) Calcolo incastrato nella porzione prostatica dell' uretra; ipertrotia enorme_della prostata; distacco del calcolo merce- la corrente continua. Gazz. elm. di elettro- ter., Palermo, 1886, iv, 129-146.—Ferria (L.) Sopra un caso di calcolo incistato della vescica. Saggi di chir. . . . giubileo di L. Bruno, Torino, 1894, 97-104.—Horwitz (O.) Report of a case of impacted urethral calculus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 655-660.—£ic Clerc (L.) Calculs v6sicaux; calcul enchatonne; autopsie. Cliniqne, Brux., 1897, xi,409-412.—Littre. Sur deux pierres trouvees dans les parois de la vessie d'un garcou de vingt ans. Hist- Acad. roy. d. sc. 1702, Par., 1720, Mem., 26-32. Also: Ibid., Amst., 1707, Mem., 34-42. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wis. sensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1702, Bresl., 1750, ii, 3-10.— Ijloyd (J.) On stone impacted in one ureter. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1206-1208.—Mallock (A. E.) Encysted cal- culus of the bladder. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 667.— Maresz (J. E ) Przypadek kamieni napletkowych. [En- cysted calculus.J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881,2.8., i. 654.— May (B.) Calculi imbedded in the walls of the bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 702.—McGuirc (H.) Cystic calculus; a clinical lecture. Bi-Mouth. Bull. Univ. Coll. Metl.,'Richmond, 1897, ii, 180-182.—Miller (J. S.) Vesica calculi impacted iu the prostatic portion of the urethra. Peoria M. Month., 1880-81, i, 317.—Morton (T.G.) Cat cuius impacted in the urethra, causing gangrene and rupt- ure of the urethra. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xi, 712-715.— Moullin (C. M.) Sacculated bladder with calculus tixed behind prostate. Tr.Path. Soc.Lond.(1886-7),1887,xxxviii, 178. —IVicolich (G.) Ueher einen eingefassten Slein. Wien. metl. Presse, 1896, xxxvii, 1033-1036. — Okasaki (K.) Shuto ketsuseki no itji siken. [Impaction of uric acid calculus in the urethra.] Judendo Ijikeuku Kwai Hoko, Tokio, 1893, no. 164,27-30.—Otis. Encysted vesical calculus; difficulty in diagnosis. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 193.—Pisani (L.J.) Urethral calculus attached to an old lithotomy scar. Br.t. M. J., Lond., 1890, i. 661.— Pousson (A.) De la conduite a tenir dans le traitement ties calculs enchatoun6s. Ann. d. mal. d. org. g6nito-urin., Par., 1885, iii, 713-736. Also, Reprint. — Keliqnet. Mo- yens propres k detacher les concr6tions calcaires adh6- rentes aux pa> ois de la vessie. Bull. Soc. de metl. tie Par. (1872), 1873, vii, 177-186. ----- Calcul en forme de double bouton, avant occupe l'orirtce vesical de l'uretere droit. Ibid. (1875), 1876, x, 25-27.—Riebelot (L.-G.) Calcul tie l'urethre et calcul enchatonue de la prostate. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1885), 1886, xx, 29-38. Also: Union rued., Par., 1885, 3. 8., xxxix, 361-367.—Robins (C. R.) A case of impacted calcums in the male urethra. Med. Reg., Richmond. 1897, i, 103.—Roi-ig. Ueber daa Verhiiltniss eingekapselter zu freiliegeuden Blasensteinen. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, 229-233.—Royden (W.) Case of CALCULUS. 76 CALCULUS. Calculus (Urinary, Adherent and en- cysted.) encysted stone in the bladder, with rupture of the cyst, peritonitis, and death. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 248.— Snnrez de Mendoza (A ) Calcul enchatonne. Ann.d. mal. tl.org. geniio-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 700-707. -----. Cal-. culos iucrustados 6 enquistados. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract.. Madrid, 1897, xii, 81-87.—Sympson (E. M.) Case of calculus impacted in the male urethra, and removal by crushing. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 537. —Tcevan (W. F.) Diagnosis and ireatment of impacted urethral calculus. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1877-9, iv, 249-251.—Vineent. An- topsie d'un calculeux; quelques mots sur I'bistoire du malade; calcul enchatonu6 a chaque orifice vesical des ureteres; congestion r6nale et pnlmonaire; aortite chro- nique; insuflfisance aortique; reflexions. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 216-222. Also.- J. de med. do Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 312-317. Calculus (Urinary, Causes and statistics of). Carter (H. V.) Au account of the calculi contained iu tbe Grant Medical College Museum; witb some geueral remarks ou calculi in India. 8°. [London, 1830.] Debout d'Estrees. Les causes de la gra- velle et de la pierre 6tudi6es a Coutrexe"ville pendant neuf anu6es de pratique mddicale. Otivrage couronn<5 par l'Acade~inie de mddeciue. 2. e"d. *°. Paris, 1878. Ebstein (W.) & vox Nicolaiek (A. M.) Ueber die t-xperimentelle Erzeugung von Harnsteineu. Mit eingebeftetem Atlas. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1-91. Also [Rev.], in: Internat.klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1891, v, 1151. Fernet (C.) * De la diathese urique. 8°. Paris, 1869. Hindess (T.) * Ueber Zusammensetzung uud Entstehnng der Harnsteine. 8°. Dorpat, 1886. Kukula (O.) Ueber Lithiasis der Harnblase iu Bob men. Verfasst und aus dem Bohmischen ins Deutsche iibertragen. 8°. Wien, 1894. Moller (F.) *Zur Frage von der Hiiufigkeit der HimisteineiuThiiringen. 8°. Weimar, 1888. Also, in: Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Wei- mar, 1888, xvii, 347; 403. Mluijay (J.) A probationary essay on the formation and solution of urinary calculi. 8°. Edinburgh, 1*26. Schubart (N. H.) * De genesi calculi renum et vesicae, sm. 4°. Jenw, [1751]. Schultens (G. R.) * De caussis imminuta- in rep. Batava morbi calculosi frequeutite. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1802. Stldexski (N.) *K ucheniyu ob obrazovauii mochevlkh kamnei. [On the formation of uri- nary calculi.] 8°. Kazan, 1*7 A. Bnlassa(L) Ahugykovekrolhaz&nkban. [Urinary calculi in our country (Hungary). (Genesis and statis- tics.)] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1857, i, 1; 25; 33__Barnes (Ii. W.) To what extent does the influence of position liming the act of micturition affect the formation of uri- nary calculus? Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1883, i, 1281.—Bi-nee (M. F.) Causation of calculous diseaso. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1888-9, i, 99-102.—Bulhdcs (O.) Fre- quencia dos calculos vesicaes no Brazil; ivsultados opera- torios. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1888, iii, 311; 319; 327. Also: Cong, brazil, de med. e cirug., Rio de Jan., 1889, i, 59-84, 3 tab. Also: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1888-9, 3. s., vi, 458: 1889-90, 3. s., vii, 61.—C. (F.) Sull' etiologia delle calcolosi della vescica. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. 1895, liv, 300; 311; 330.—C'i vialc. Statistiques sur l'affection calculeuse. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1833, vii, 394.—Davis (E. H.) Report of the committee outhe statistics of calculous disease in Ohio. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1850, 37-47. Also, Reprint.—Ebstein (W.) &I\icolaiei-(A.) Ueber dieexperimentelle Erzeugung von Harnsteinen. Verhandl. d. Com:, f. inuero Med., Weisb., 1889, 208-270.—Egan (J. C.) Urinary calculus iu Xorth Louisiana. X. Oil. M. &. S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 1103-1105. —Estlandei- (J. A.) Frekveusen af calculi vesicales i Finland. Linska liik.- siillsk. hantll., Helsingfors, 1876, xviii, 106-109.—Clener- sich. Die Harte der krankhaften Steinbildunsien. [Transl. from: Orvosterm. Ertesito, 1892, Hft. 3. ] Pest. metl -chir. Presse, Budapest. 1*9:;. xxix, 413.— Ilcnrte- loup baron. Lettre k M. le president de l'Acaibmi.- des sciences, en reponse a quelques assertions emises par M. lo docteur Civiale, daus un memoire sur la statistique des cal- Calt'iiln* (Urinary, Causes and statistics of). culeux, lu dans la seance du 19 ao&t 1833. Gaz. d. hop Par., 1833, vii, 402. Also, Reprint.—Hume (G. H.) Notes of a case of vesical calculus of traumatic origin. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. & Durham M. Soc., Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1880-81, 44—Johnston (G. B.) Comparative fre. quency of stone in the bladder iu the white and negro races. Tr. South. Surg. Si Gynec. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896 viii, 220-224. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila,, 1896, xxiii, 129- 131.—Kerr (J. G.) Vesical calculus in Canton province, China, including the report of a personal experience in 894 operations. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1894, viii, 104- 116. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1894, xv, 7-28.— Keyes (E. L.) The geographical distribution of urinary calculus, with an inquiry into its cause. NT. York M. J. 1884, xxxix, 237-240. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv| 233-236. Also, transl.: Ann. d. mal. d. org. g6nito-urin ' Par., 1884, ii, 294-298. — I.evshin (L. L.) Rasprostrane- nie kamennol boliezni v Rossii. [Extent of lithiasis in Russia.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1890, ix, 478- 486. Also, transl.: Verhandl. d. x. internat. metl. Cong 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Ahth., 159-166. —Mo (G.) Rendi- conto dei calcoliorinarioccorsinellaclinicatliretta dal Prof. Bruno durante gli anni scolastici 1879-81. Osservatore Torino, 1881, xvii, 481; 497; 513; 532.— Hmld. Forma tion of vesical calculus. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1885, xlviii. 515-522. — Nnsh (J. B.) Prevalence and distribution of calculus in the bladder in Australia. Australas M. Gaz., Sydney, 1888-9. viii, 55-57, 1 map. -----. The prevalence of stone in the bladder in Australia. Ibid., 1893, xii, 253- 258, 1 map. — Wicholscn (E.) The influence of position during micturition as an alleged cause of stone. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 13.—Nicolaysen (J.) Report on the investigations concerning some points in the etiology of urinarv calculus. Internat. M. Cong. Rep. Collect. Invest. Com. Norweg. M. Ass., Christiania, 1887, 01-67.—Pa gcllo (G.) Sull'etiologia della calcolosi vescicale. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1886, cclxxv, 409-428. — Panlin (E.) La maladie de la pierre dans les anciens tl .clies de Lorraine et de Bar. Rev. ni6d. do Test, Nancy, 1896, xxviii, 781: 1897, xxix, L—Porter (Rev. H. D.) Calculus in north China. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1892, vi, 161-164. — Post (G. E.) Calculus in Syria aud Palestine. Tr. Internat. M.Cong., Wash., 1887,i,606-616.—Pousson (A.) Distribution geographique des calculs uriuaires; appreciation des documents quelle fournit sur l'etiologie de cette affection. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1887, iv,36; 42; 59.—Prochnov (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Harn- steinbildung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 180; 221.—Bey. De l'influence des climats et des races sur la frequence de la lithiase urinaire. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 37; 134. — Roberts (A. E.) Vesical calculus in India; its distribution and a theorv of its cause. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1895. xxx, 260; 420. Also: Indian Lan- cet, Calcutta, 1896, vii, 109-115.— Rodzcvicli ( G. I.) Kamennaya boliezn na sieverie Rossii. [Lithiasis iu northern Russia.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1886. ii, 580-597. -----. Kamenaya boliezn v Khersonskoi guber- nii. [Lithiasis in Kherson Government.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1889, i, no. 16,1-4. -----. Kamennayabollezen na vostokie Rossii. [ Lithiasis in eastern Russia. ] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1890, vi, 258-285. Also [Abstr.]; Dnevnik obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1890, no. 2, 17-26.-----. Kamennaya boliezn naKavkazIevoobshtshe. [Lithiasis iii the Caucasus in general.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1891, vii, 8-39. -----. Kameiinaya boliezn v g. Jerusalimle i v Palestiuie voobshtshe. [Lithiasis in the city of Jerusalem and in Palestine in general.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xvii, 363-365. — SalIzman (F.) Om forekomsten iFinlandaf blassten samtnagraordom dess behandliug. [De la frequence des calculs v6sieaux en Fiu- laude et quelques mots sur leur traitement. C.-r.. p. xix.] Fiuska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1887, xxix, 115- 140. — Seheubc (B.) Die Steinkrankbeit in Canton und Bangkok. Arch. f. Scbiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Cassel, 1897, i, 176-178. — SoboroflT ( S. I.) Material! dlya operatsii kamnedrobleniya. [Statistics of operations for urinary calculus.] Vrach, St. Petersb, 1881, ii, 172-177.—Solly (E.) A complete list of all cases of urinary calculus, renal, vesical, and urethral, treated in St. Thomas's Hospital during the twenty years from 1869 to 1888, inclusive. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1888-9, Lond., 1890, n. a., xviii, 2;V7-2i7.—Thomson (J. C.) Calculus in China. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1890, iv, 119-129.—Tuffier. Lithi- ase urinaire expeiimeutale (calculs renaux; calculs vesi- caux ) d'apres la methode d'EbsteinetNicolaier. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1893, 5. s., v, 361-368. —I'ltz- inann (R.) Die Harnconcretionen des Menschen uud die Ursache ihrer Eutstehung. Besprochen von E. Frank. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii, 569. —Vasilyeff (V. V.) Material! dlya izucheniya kamennol boliezni v Kazauskol l smezhnikh s neyu gubernivakb. [Data on the study of lithiasis in Kazan and lieighborin"' governments ] Vrach St. Petersb., 1880. i, 705: 737-Werniann. Beitrag zur Ot-nese der Blasensteine. Centralbl. f. tl. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1894, v, 280-282. CALCULUS. 77 CALCULUS. Calculus (Urinary, Complications and sequela' of). See, also, Bladder (Foreign bodies in); Calcu- lus (Urethral); Calculus (Urinary, Adherent, etc.); Calculus (Urinary) or foreign bodies. Boi'Ss.vviT (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de la cystite des calculeux. 4°. Paris, 18*2. Buffa (F.) Caso d' una cistitide con rac- colta straordinaria di calcoli. Osservazione. 1-2^. Voghera, 1821. Donnadieu (A.-A.) De l'anurie calculeuse, et en partieulier de son traitement chirurgical. 4°. Bordeaux, 1803. Also [Rev.], in: Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1896, lxix, 423-428. Dorie (E.) "Contribution a l'etude de la cystite calculeuse. 4J. Paris, 1892. Jardet (P.) *Des lesions renales couse"cu- tives a la lithiase urinaire. [Paris.]. 4°. Le Mans, 188f>. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1883. Laguens (D.-G.) "Contribution a l'6tude de l'anurie calculeuse. Diagnostic et traitement. 4\ Bordeaux, 1880. Sassier (C.) *Sur les affections calculeuses des voies urinaires. 4-\ Strasbourg, 1814. Sciiulze (J. A.) * De calculis in locis inusi- tatis uatis et per vias iusolitas exclusis, occa- sione observationis singnlaris calculorum lenti- cnlarinm ex abscessu inguinali exeretornni. sm. 4°. Wittebergce, [1741]. Anni-ie (L') calculeuse et son traitement chirurgical. J. de med. et chir. prat, Par., 1895. lxvi. 802-808.—ISazy. Calcul vesical; polyurie; urines laiteuses; exploration; abaissement de temperature ; urines purnlentes; dilata- tion enorme des caliees ct des bassinets. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 426-429.—Bleltsofl" (A.) Vozvrat mochepuzirnavo kamnia, oslozlint-unavu puzirnorektalnoi flstuloi. [Recurrent vesico-urinary calculus complicated bv vesico-rectal fistula.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 194-197.—Bouchaeourt. M6moire sur une alt6- ration sp6ciale de la vessie dans certains cas (l'affection calculeuse. Arch. g6n. de med.. Par., 1<<39, 3. s., iv, 409- 437. Also, Reprint.—Bonrillet. Expulsion d'un calcul par le perinee. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. C. r., 1878, xxxii, 53-56.—Brown (D.) Fatal case of vesical calculi. Boston M. &S. J., 1887, cxvii, 583.—Caire (P.) Relaziono di vasto ascesso addominale sostenuto da calcolo orinoso sviluppatosi tra le pareti della vescica, 1' uretere destro ed il retto intestino. Gior. d. i. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1860, 2. s., xxxix, 461-466.—Casella (G.) Un caso clinico di anuriacalcolosa, seguita daguarigione. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1885, ii, 120-124— Cheatham (W. T.) A unique case; urinarv calculus sloughed out through the perineum. North Car. il. J., Wilmington, 1886, xvii, 162-164.—Cow- pert J.) Vesical calculus; perforation of bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 17.—Davidson (A. R.) Pyelo- nephritis consequent upon the presence of calculi and over- distentiou of the bladder for three weeks; twenty-one calculi found in the bladder. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 166-169.—Denver (J. B.) Stone in the bladder; abscess of the liver. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, i, 262-267. Also, Reprint.—Demonlay (L.) Observation but une pierre du poids de deux onces, cinq gros, sortie par une escarre gangreneuse au perinee, et expose des suites qui ont accompagu6 cette cruelle mnladie depuis 1793 jusqu'en octobre 1820. Ann. clin. Soe. tie im d.-prat. tie Montpel., 1820, 2. s., ix, 55-61.—Dyalloir (V.) Cal- culus vesicae urinaria?; cysto-pyelo-nephritis chronica; pneumonia hypostatica. (Echinococcus hepatis.) Obja- zat. pat.-anat. izslied. stud.-med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1895, 867-871.— Fayrer (J.) Recto-vesical fistula, and vesical calculus; death from pyaemia, and the formation of fibrinous coagula in the right side of the heart. In his: Collect. M. & S. Essays, 8°, [n. p., n. d.].—Fereol. Anu- rie calculeuse; mort le dixieme jour; acces d'aiigor termi- nal. Bull. ctm6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. a., vii, 775-778.—Frank (E. R. W.) Ein Fall von seltener Blasensteinbildung. In: Beitr. z. Uermat. u. Svph. Fest- schr. . . . Going Lewin, Berl., 1896, 155-158, 1 pi.—Gi-onm (F. H.) Vesical calculus with chvluria. Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, Iii, 666. Also, Reprint,—lesurinaires emises spontanement chez un malade et presentees par M. C. Paul. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1879, Par., 1880, 2. s., vi, 230-233. — Cnstueil. Expulsion spontanee de calculs volumineux par l'lirfetbre chez une ft-nime de 59 aus. Marseille med., 1894, xxxi, 305- 307. —Cellerier. Expulsion spontanee d'un calcul vesi- cal chez une femnie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de mGd. et chir. de Bordeaux (1880), 1<-81, 512-518.—Contnsti (J. J.) Ob- servac ion y reflecsiones sobre la salida espontanea por el ano tlii dos voluminosos calculos tie la ve.jiga de la orina. Period. Soc. de salud pub. de Cataluna, Barcel., 1821, i, 319- 325.—Dodouaeuw (R.) De calculo e muliebri pudendo sponte propemodiim excidente. In his: Med. obs. exem- pla rara, 16°, Colonise, 1581,112-UL—E ve (F. S. i A large urinary calculus expelled per urethram from a girl. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 320. —Fleming ((}.) Ex- traordinary expulsion of a large cystic calculus during life [iu a mart]. Vet. J. &. Ann. Comp. Path., Loud., 188u, xi, 303-307.—Ouibert (H.) Expulsion spontanee de cal- culs urinaires volumineux chez un vieillard. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. metl.de Montpel.. 1889, xi, 198.—Hellwig (J.) Calculus 6 mulien- gravida prosilieus. In his: Obs. phys.- metl., 4°, Ang. Vindel., 1680, 317.— Jewett (IL) Sponta- neous expulsion of a large stone from the bladder of a wo- man aged 68 years. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Svracuse, 1886,162- 164.—Konig (S.) Observations sur un nombre prodi- gieux de pierres rendues par une femme a Berne en Suisse. , [Transl. from: Phil. Tr., Loud., 1678.] Collect, acad. d. mem. [etc.J, Dijon, 1755, ii, 526-530. — Li-mihrii (J. M) Blasesten. sum geuom natureus egen atgard afgatt genoni urinriiret pa en 81-arig qvina. [Stone of bladder passed spontaneously through urethra in a woman of 81 years.] Eorh. v. de Skandin. Xaturforsk., Stockholm, 1865, 544- 546.—Li-onartl (H. F.) A case of spontaneous expulsion of a large urinary calculus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 510.—lilanow y Falccs (E.) Estraetidn de un calculo j voluminoso, y salida expontanea tie otro mas petpiefio, al • truvesde una fistula vexifo-vagiiial. Corresp. metl., Ma- drid, 1882, xvii, 147-119— .Tlofia I (\V.) Spontaneous dis- I charge of a very large calculus from the urinary bladder. Glasgow M. Exam., 1S3I-2, i, in—ITlouehet. Expulsion ' spontanee d'un volumineux calcul tie la vessie a travers la I paroi uietbro-vaginale. Bull, et num. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1883, n. s., ix, 123-126. — Tlui-phy. [Forty-three i uric acid calculi, removed from a gentleman, aged 55, by J himself ] Rep. Proc. Northumb. &. Durham M. Soc , New- castle-upon-Tyne, 18*4-5, 58. —Roche (L.) Soixaiite-buit cahuls urinaires pesant tb- 2 k 12 grammes, rendus en nioins de 15 mois. Bull. Soc. metl. de 1'Tonne 1885, Au- xerre, 1886, xxvi, 92-99.—Kollet (£.) Expulsion sponta- nee d'un gros calcul vesical. Lyon metl., 1890, lxiii, 488- 492.—Sharp (J. G.) Calculus passed by the female ure- thra. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 543. — Sinclair J. London, 1740. See, also, infra, Hartley (LV). [Hartley (D.)] An account of the contribu- tion for making Mrs. Stephens's medicines pub- lic; with some reasons for it, and answers to the most remarkable objections made against it. 1'2 . [London, 17 :W.]' See, also, supra, d'Escherny (D.). -----. Ten cases of persons who have taken Mrs. Stephens's medicines for the stone. With an abstract of some experiments tending to il- lustrate these cases. 1*2°. London, \7'.\8. -----. A view of the present evidence for aud against Mrs. Stephens's medicines as a solvent for the stone. Containing a huudred aud fifty- CALCULUS. 80 CALCULUS. Calculus (Urinary, Treatment of). five cases, with some experiments and observa- tions. 12°. London, 1739. -----. De lithontriptico a Joanna Stephens nuper invento dissertatio epistolaris. 8°. Ba- silece, 1741. -----. The same. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1741. -----. The same. Ed. 2. Cui adjicitur methodus exhibendi lithontripticum sub forma couimodiore; accedunt etiam conjecturse qusedam de sensu, motu et idearum geueratione. 8°. Bathonicr, 1746. -----. To make the lithontriptic mass and electuary. 8°. [London, 1752?] Cutting from: Gentleman's Magazine. Heixrich (E.G.) * Diss, sistens regulas neces- sarias circa excretionem calculi renum a medico observandas. sm. 4°. Erfordim, [1745]. Jurin (J.) An abstract of the case of . . . written by himself, as far as relates to the tak- ing of his lixivium for the stone and gravel. 12°. [London], 1752. -----. The same. sm. 8°. [London, 1767.] Kanitz (H.) Der Harnstein (Nierenstein, Blasenstein) geheilt, resp. zersplittert und ent- fernt ohne Operation nacheigenen Erfahrungen. Steinleidendeu zum Trost, den Herren Aerzten zur Beachtung. 12°. Gera $■ Leipzig, 1877, Langrish (B.) Physical experiments upon brutes in order to discover a safe and easy method of dissolving the stoue iu the bladder by injections. To which is added a course of experiments with the lauro-cerasus in order to investigate its effects on animal bodies, when given in such small doses as not to kill. Like- wise an account of several experiments and ob- servations on the fumes of sulphur, shewing by what means they destroy an animal body. 8°. London, 1746. -----. The same. Experiences de mddecine sur des animaux, pour ddcouvrir une methode sure et aisde de dissoudre la pierre par injections. Avec nne suite d'exp6riences sur les effets du laurier-cerise et sur oeux des vapeurs du soufre. Lues aux assemblies de la Sociote" royale et traduites de l'anglois par M. L. . . . 18°. Paris, 1749. Lee ( S. H. P.) Remarks on the stone and gravel in the kidneys and bladder, with an account of the discovery of a solvent remedy. 3. ed. 12°. [Xew London], 1843. -----. The same. 5. ed. 12°. New York, 1846. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1852. -----. Tbe same. 8. ed. 8°. Neiu York, 1833. Leroy-d'E"tiolles (J.-J.-J. ) Expose des di- vers process employe's jusqu'a ce jour pour gu6rir de la pierre, sans avoir recours a 1'opera- tion de la taille. 8G. Paris, 1825. -----. Lettre a l'Acadernie de mddecine, en r6ponse au rapport sur la question de la dissolu- tion des calculs uriuaires par l'eau de Vichy. 8°. [Paris, 1839, vel subseq.] -----. R6pouse aux lettres adress6es par M. Petit a l'Acadernie des sciences, a l'occasion du rapport de MM. Gay-Lussac et Pelouze, sur la dissolution des calculs urinaires. Etude de quel- ques effets des carbonates alcalins sur les ph6- uomenes de la vie. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Logerais. Traitement de la gravelle et de la goutte. 8°. Paris, 1880. Macquer (P. J.) *An in calculo renum et vesicae, pro natura calculi, setate, et tcmpera- mento ajgrotantis; remediuui alkalino-sapoua- Calcilllis (Urinary, Treatment of'). ceumAnglicum ? Prses. : Jacobo Alberto Hazon, sm. 4°. [lyarisiis], 1742. Also, in: Uallek. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lautannir, 1755, iv, 411-430. Also, in: Sigwakt (G. F.i Qusest.nietl. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 3-26. Malvigne (P.) *Parallele des principaux moyens th£rapeutiques qu'exige la presence des calculs dans les voies urinaires. 4°. Strasbourg, 1806. Petit (C.) Nouvelles observations de gu6ri- sons de calculs urinaires, au moyen des eaux thermales de Vichy, suivies d'autres observa- tions sur l'efficacit6 de ces memes eaux, em- ployees contre la goutte. 8°. Paris, 1837. Portafax (X.) * Quelques considerations sur la dissolution de la pierre dans la vessie. 4°. Paris, 1884. Saunders (W.) Observations aud experi- ments on the power of the mephytic acid in dis- solving stones of the bladder, in a letter to Dr. Percival. 8-. London, 1777. Schreiber (J. F.) Epistola ad Albertum Haller de medicamento a Joanna Stephens con- tra calculum renum et vesicte divulgatoet int-fri- caci et noxio. sm. 4°. Gottingce, 1744. Also, in: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannat, 1755, iv, 431-439, 1 pi. Schulze [or Schultze] (J. H.) Abhaudluno; von der Stein-Cur durch inuerliche Artzeneyen uberhaupt und insonderheit von der neulicli bekanut gewordenen Englischen welcher bey- gefiiget worden D. Alexander Monro's . . . zwo Versuche vom kiinstlichen Einspriitzen und Con- serviren wol praparirter Theile. Aus deiu Englischen ubersetzt durch J. B. Wolffrum. 16°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1740. -----& Graberg (J. E.) An dentur medi- camenta quae calculum in vesica comminuant. In: Hallek. Disp.chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1755, iv, 329-335. Segalas (P.-S.) Essai sur la gravelle et la pierre, considdrees sous le rapport de leurs causes, de leurs effets, et de leurs divers modes det raitemeut. Premiere partie. Gravelle. H\ Paris, 1835. -----. The same. Deuxieme partie. Pierre. 8°. Paris, 1835. Seifert (P. ) Ueber die neue franzosisehe Methode, Blasensteine ohne Steinschnitt zu ent- fernen. 8°. Greifsivald, 1826. Stephens (Joanna). Receipt for the stone and gravel, with proper observations and expla- nations thereon, together with some hints con- cerning the preamble to the act of Parliament on that subject; to which are added some few thoughts how most properly to encourage valu- able discoveries or real improvement in physick or surgery. 8°. London, 1739. Tanchou. Exposition d'un nouveau procetle pour extraire les pierres de la vessie sans opera- tion sanglante, precede d'un examen de toutes les methodes de lithotritie employees jusqu'a ce jour. 8°. Paris, 1830. Thompson (Sir H.) On the preventive treat- ment of calculous disease and the use of solvent remedies. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1873. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1888. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Also, in: Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. T., 1889, ii, 307-351. Warning (A) voice upon the malady of stone. Being a narrative of an extraordinary cure of the above disease after a year's duration. By tbe sufferer. 8°. Brighton, 1860. Whytt (R.) An essay on the virtues of lime- water in the cure of stone. 2. ed. With an ap- pendix, containing the cases of the Right Hon. CALCULUS. 81 CALCULUS. Calculus (Urinary, Treatment of'). Horace Walpole, esquire; the Reverend Dr. Newcombe, etc. 12°. Edinburgh, 1755. -----. The same. 3.ed. 12°. Dublin, 1762. ■-----. The same. Essai sur les vertus de l'eau de chaux, pour la guerison de la pierre. Avec un supplement . . . Trad, sur la 2. ed. de l'anglois, par M. A. Roux. Auquel on a ajoute une methode de dissoudre la pierre par la voie des injections de M. Butter, traduit par le meme. 12°. Paris, 1757. Andrews (E.) Management of certain eases of recur- rent urinary calculi without cutting or crushing. Cbicasio M. Recorder, 1893, iv, 171-175— Ai-oiimoIiii (E.) Die Auflosimg eines harnsauren Blasensteines durch das Emser Wasser. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix. 1029.— Ashhnrst (J.), jr. Individual experience in the treatment of vesical calculus. Times &. Reg., Phila., 1893, xxvi, 504-508. Also: N\ York M. J., 1893, lvii, 077-080. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxxi, 15-19. Also: Den- ver M. Times, 1893—I, xiii, 1-9. — AufloNimg (Von der) ties Steines vom Menschen in gemeineni Wasser; Historic. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abbandl. 1720, Bresl., 1754, v, 413-410.—Anlangier (A.) Etude sur Taction dissolvante des eaux minerales sur les calculs vesicaux et de celles de Bareges en partirulier. Compt. rend. Acail. d. sc. Par., 1860, 1, 149. —Bell (G.) Case of twenty- eight calculi extracted from the bladder without cutting. Edinb. .T. M. Sc, 1826-7. ii. 345 350, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.— Bi-amt- (C.) Litliiase. Traitement de la gravelle ou litliiase r6nale et visit-ale. Rev. tie therap. ni6d.-cbir., Par., 1884, li, 402-405.—Brando ( W.) A letter on the differences in tbe structure of calculi, wliich arise from their being formed in different parts of the urinary pas- sages, and on the effects tbat are produced upon them by the internal use of solvent medicines, from Mr. . . . to Everard Home. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1808. xcviii, 223-243. Also [Abstr.]: Abstr. Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. Loud. (1800-14) 1832, i, 303.—Brik (J. H.) TJeber Piperazin als Lbsungs- niittel harusaurer Concrelionen. Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 765; 781.—Broadbent. Cases illustrating the solu- tion of vesical aud renal calculi. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1883, i, 1006. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 909— Rrongniart (J.) Action de l'eau min6rale de Contrex6ville chez les cal- culeux 6tudi6s au point de vue du diagnostic de la pierre et du resnltat ulterieur des operations. Ann. Soe. d'hy- drol. med. dePar., 1882-3, xxviii, 156-246. Also, Reprint.— Cabot (A. T.) Notes on the treatment of stone in the bladder. Boston M. i*»olut ion (Sur la) du calcul liumain dans des eaux i-ommunes. Hist. Acad, roy. d. se. 1720 Par., 1722,23-26. Also: Ibid., [de I'ar.j 1720, Amst., 1724, 30-34. Also transl.: K. Akad. tl. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl., Bressl.. 1754. 413-416. — Bnbuc (A.) Sur un moyen de faciliter l'evacuation des gra\ ieis el de pr6venir la recidive de la pierre chez les mabitlt-s attein ts de gravelle urique habituelle. Buil. Soc. de med. dePar. (1877), 1878, xii, 90-94.—Ewich. Leber den Zerfall von Blasensteinen durch Natron - Litliionwasser. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 760; 787— Fawccft (J.) Note on the value ot piperazin as a solvent of uric acid stones in urine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1426. —Forbe* (W. S.) Tbe re- moval of stone-in-the-bladder. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. Phila. 1894, xii, 239-264.—Foiiiqin-t y .Vluiioz (J.) Breve meinoria 6prenocionacerca de la destruction quimioae in- travexical de los calculos urinarios, mediante un instru- mento llamado litolisias. Bob de med., chu^. y farm Madrid, 1836, iii, 100-102.-Gnrce* (J.) Historia clinica tie una urolitiasis, curada por la atenaria rubra. Cron. metl., Valencia, 1880-81, iv, 193: 225—Geollroy. Sur e remede anglois pour la pierre. Hist. Acad. ro\. tl. sc. (tie Paris] 1739, Amst., 1743, Mem., 374-404.—Golden- bci-g (H.) Experimental observations on litbolysis. I Med. Rec, tf. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 513-515. — Gonzalez Aanago (M.) Sobre el tratamiento farmacologico de la (liatesis tinea y especialmente de la litiasis nrica. Siglo ntX. ' Maf,ri". 1897< xliv- 401-403. — Gouley (J. W. S.) Abstract of a paper on the choice of treatment of urinary concretions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 289- 6 CnScilUllK (Urinary, Treatment of). 295. Also, Reprint.—Harris (I.) Eight, months' work in tbe treatment of vesical calculus, and other observa- tions. Albany M. Ann., 1891, xii, 11 -14. — Harrison (R.) Further observations on tbe treatment of stone in the bladder. Ann. Surg.. St. Louis, 1885, i, 499-517. Also, Reprint. — llelferieh. Leber die Entfernung eines im Ureter festsitzenden Steines und eine exquisite Divertikelblase. Verliandl. tl. deutsch. Cresellseb. f Chir Berl., 1894. xxiii, pt, 2, 515-518, 1 pi.— BIoNkiii* (S. E.j Researches on the decomposition and disintegration of phospbatic vesical calculi; and on the introduction of chemical decomponents into the living bladder. Phil. Tr. Lond., 1843, exxxiii, 7-16. Also [Abstr.]: Abstr Phil' Tr. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1837-43. iv, 142.—van Iw-inoii! Bijdraue tot tie bchantleling der blaassieent-n. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. (leiieosk., Amst., 1882, xviii, 597-601.— Koehler. Magnesia borocitrica pr/.t-ciw kamienium ncrkowym i peeherza moczowego. | Magnesia boroeitrate iu renal and urinarv calculi.] Pr/.e^l. lek. Krakow 1879 xviii, 323-325.—I.niiil (K. ('.) & Whalcy , ii, 167-171.—von Dittel. Die dreihundert Blasenstein-Operatiouen. Wien. med. Wchn- schr.. 1882. xxxii, 723; 755.—Forbes (W. S.) Surgical diseases of the urinarv organs; stone in tbe bladder; its removal. Med. Xews. Phila., 1892, lxi, 456-458.—Gal- loy.zi ((.'.» Su tli un voluminoso calcolo uretrale, operato nella t linita chirurgica. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1882, iv, 55-59.—ten Hiiatf (G.) Bericht wegens het suyden en afhaleu van den stt-cn tier blaaze, in twee byzontb-rt- tvtb-ii. Verhandel. uitgeg. tl. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem. 1779, xix, pt. 1, 427-432.—II illu- sion (W. H.) Stone in the bladder; choice of operation. Mul. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 663.—Morwley (V.) Stone in bladder. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1884. 90-95.—Innes (C. A.) Stone in the bladder; retention; supra-pubic aspiration; extravasation; death. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 934.—Kay (T. W.) Urinary calcu- lus and lithotomy. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1888-9, xi, 383- 386. Also, Reprint.—Keegan (1). F.) Further experi- ences in the surgery of stone in the bladder. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. 1890, xxv, 2; 40.—Keye* (E. L.) Stone in the bladder; whatspecial indications should govern achoice of operation as between lithotomy and lithotritv. Tr M Soc. N. Y.. Phila., 1892, 103-107.—Kbnig & Kramer! Ueber die Wahl der Voroperationen zur Kiitfernung der Blasensteine bei dem Manne. Verhandl. tl. deutsch Ge- sellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1886. xv, pt. 2, 1-35. [Discussion], pt. 1, 27; 75— Kovacs (J.) A lmgvkoveket eltavolito miit6tekrol es sajiit komiiteteimrol. [Removal of urinary calculus, and my own operation.] Gydgyaszat, Buda- pest, 1887, xxvii. 1; 13; 25; 37. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. metl.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18*7. xxiii, 81; 104; 121; 163.—Kntner (R.) Beitrag zur Steinbehandlung. Berl.' klin. Wchnschr., 1897. xxxiv, 273. [Discussion], 275.— Laplace (E.) Removal of calculi through the urethra bv dilatation. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc., N. Oil., 1889 117-121 Also: N. Orl. M. A S. J., 1888-9, n. s., xvi, 911-914.-^ 1TI a I lez. De la fragmentation des gros calculs et de leur extraction par une ouverture artificielle. Gaz. d. hop Par., 1882, lv. 196-198—\nsh (J. B.) Calculus in the bladder, with considerations as to which of the three lead- ing operations should be performed. Australas. M. Gaz. Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 31-38.—O'Hngan (C. J.) A vesi- cal calculus weighing 7f ozs. removed by the rectum. Tr. Calculus (Urinary, Treatment of, Opera- tire). M. Soc. N. Car. 1890, Wilmington, 1891, 41. — Perinnn (E. S.) Om operativ behandliug af blasesten i Stockholm under aren 1879-1891. [Operative treatment of urinary calculus in Stockholm in the years 1*79-91. | Hygiea Stockholm, 1895, lvii, 1-55.—Rose ( W.) Extraction of calculi from the bladder per urethram, with the litlio- trite scoop; remarks. Lancet, Lond.. 18*1, ii, i:il»._ Smith (J. G.) Some interesting cases of stone iu the bladder. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1887, v, 177-189, 1 pl._ Southnm. A case of removal of calculi from thekitlnpy and bladder; previous discharge of calculi through a lum- bar fistula. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1891-2, xv, 14-10__ Stone in bladder. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Ren 1889, Loud., 1891, 222-229.—Surgical (On the) manage- ment of genito-urinary calculus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 189'1 xv, 169-190.—Table IV. Stone in bladder, North Lond or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1887, Lond., 1888, 215-219.- Tommasini-Degna (A.) Epicistotoraia per calcoli vescicali; coutributo statistico. Riv. veueta di sc. metl. Venezia, 1896, xxiv, 441-454— Tsakonas (S.) 'HSlvckti'. kott)s T>)s oiipoSdyoit kuitt«i>5 eni AlOiatrtuis. Ta\rjvbi, 'AOijvai, 1896, 105.—Twyiiain (G. K.) Notesof four casesof vesi- cal calculus. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 199.—Vnnderveer (A.) To what extent can we classify vesical calculi for operation'! With a report of cases, and remarks on the different methods employed. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila., 1887, v, 79-124. Also, Reprint. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1887-8, xiv, 343; 423— ■von Verebely (L.) Erfahrungen aus dem Budapester Armen-(Stephaiiie-)Kintlerspital iiber Jdie ■wahrend 18 Jahren behandetten Harnsteinkranken. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1889, xxxiv, 126; 139; 151. Calculus (Urinary, Treatment of) by galvanism. Prevost &. Dumas (J.) Note sur l'emploi tie la pile dans le traitement des calculs de la vessie. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1823, xxiii, 202-208. Also, Reprint.— Yvon (P.) Electrolyse des calculs urinaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 361-363. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1894, 182-186. Also: Ann. d. mal. d. org. g6nito-urin., Par., 1894, xii, 447-449. Calculus (Urinary) in animals. See, also, Lithotomy, etc., on animals. Cloquet (J.) Observation sur une affection calculeuse d'un jeune yak (taureau de la Chine). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.' 1858, xlvii, 184-189. -----. Note sur ties cal culs urinaires trouv6s dans la vessie d'un pore par M Scheerer-Kestner. Ibid., 1859, xlviii, 357. — Bncour- neau. Traitement des calculs urethrauxduchien. J.th- med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1895, 3. s.,xx, 1-4.—Schoppe (B.) Die Harnkiigelchen bei Wirbellosen und Wirliel- tieren. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1896-7, vii, 405-439, 1 pi.— Treves (P.) Vesical calculus from a dog. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 311. Calculus (Urinary) in children. Sec, also, Calculus (Urethral) in children. Dumont (M.-A.) *Du traitement des calculs vdsicaux cbez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1892. Moeller (V. A.) * Ueber Blasensteine bei Kindern. 8°. Bonn, [1893]. Schlkoel (J. D.) * Diss, sistens castuu de calculo vesical pnegrandi, in put-to novenni in- vento. sm. 4°. Erf or dice, [1745]. Arnozan. Calcul phosphatique chez un enfant sou- mis ii 1'usage du phosphate de chaux. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1886), 1887, 467-470.— Bokai (G.) La litiasi dell' infanzia in Ungheria. Pe diatria, Napoli, 1895, iii, 11-19. Also, transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1895, xxxi, 121-123. Also, transl. Jahrb. f. Kiuderh., Leipz., 1895, n. F., xl, 32-38. — Brown (G-.) Impacted calculus in each ureter, suppression of urine five days, aud death from convulsion. Abstr. Tr. Hunte- rianSoc. Lond., 1872-3, 19.—Churchill. Bimanual detec- tion and removal of stone in children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 116.—da Costa Vnarte (I. R.) Sc Pereira JLiCiiiom (J.) Contribuicoes para o estudo da producgao dos calculos vesicaes na infaucia. Coimbra med., 18*2. ii, 219-221.—Edwards (F.S.) Detection of stone iu the blad der of children. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 12*2.—Folel (H.) Note sur les calculs vesicaux de l'adnlte, remontant al'enfauce; indications opr-ratoircs. Bull. metl. du nord, Lille, 1890, xxix, 169-178.—Frnitniglit (J. H.) Urinary concretions in children. Med. Rec., N. Y.. 1889, xxxv, 122- 126. Also, Reprint.—Gajdar (S. F.) A case of vesical calculus ina little girl; removal per urethram. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x, 306.—Cialloi*. Note sur uo castle calcul chez un enfant de 5 mois. Ann. Soc. tie metl. de St.-Etieuue et tie la Loire, 1872, iv, 92. — Hamaide & Sejouruet. Sur un cas de pierre dans la vessie chez une CALCULUS. 83 CALCULUS. Calculus (Urinary) in children. petitefilledesix ans. Bull, gen.de therap. [etc.J, Par., 1889, i-xvii, 59-64.—Harrison (R.) On the treatment of stone in the bladder in female children. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1885, iv, 291.—Mnnshnlter. Petite fille atteinte tie cys- tite et pyelone-phrite calculeuses li6es a ties anomalies des organes urinaires. Soc. de metl. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . M'em., 1895-6, p. ix. — Hendrix. Des calculs de la ves- sie dans l'enfance. Ann. tie la Policlin. de Par., 1896, vi, 174-178. — Uomans (.1.) Stone in bladder in a girl of dye. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, cxxxiii, 164. — Komo- roii'Nki (B.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki chordb narzadu moczowego u dzieci. [Contribution to diseases of the urinary apparatus in children. ] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1892, xxxi, 324-326. — daiinoi* (P.-E.) Des calculs ve- sicaux chez les eufants: tie leur traitement. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1884, ii, 475-486. — Hieniettaim. Observation d'un calcul urinaire sorti spontanement par 1'uretre, chez un enfant tie onze ans, sans qu'aucun synip- tome n'ait fait presumer sa presence dans la vessie. Ann. clin. Soc. de ni6d.-prat. de Montpel., 1819, 2. s., iv, 82-84.— Lonmeau (E.) Calcul vesical de l'enfance. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux. 1895-6, iv, 306-315. Also, transl. .- Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1897, xiii, 400; 418. — I.inns (('.) Caseof vesical calculus iu a female child; operation; cure. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1885, ii, 633. — Linin (J. R.) Calculus of the bladder in a female child 3£ years old ; lit-hotrity j recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1884, i, 385.—Mar- shall (L. W.) A case of calculus vesicas in a female child 2 years old. Tr. Path. Soc. LontL, 1886, xxxvii, 319.—Morgan (J. H.) Ou vesical calculus and its treat- ment in children. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 36-41. — Parker (R. W.) Calculus vesicae in a female child; : rapid dilatation of urethra; extraction. Med. Times Sc I Gaz., Lond.. 1881, i, 540. — Patterson (F.) The treat- ment of vesical calculus iu young children. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s., xi, 805: 1890, 3. s., xii, IL—Settler (A.) Tratamiento de los calculos en los ninos. Actas . . . Cong. ,ginec. espan., Madrid, 18-8. i, 448-456. — Siiiionin (E.) Calcul vesical volumineux enchatonne, chez un enfant. In his: Quelques faits de chir., 8°, Nancy, 1881, 5-14, 1 pi.—Strong (A. B.) Seventeen cases from private prac- tice of calculi in the bladder or urethra of children, fifteen of which would seem to lend support to the theory of ex- cessive meat diet as a possible cause. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 56-58. Also: Peoria M. Month., 1888-9, ix, 71- 75.—Todd (0. E.) An interesting case of stone in an in- fant set. 16 mouths. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 287. — Vargas (A. M.) Adherent vesicarcalculus in a child; clinical history aud general study of the ques- tion. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1890,vii. 241-260. ' Also, transl.: An.de obst., ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid, 1890, x, 193; 225; 257. A Iso, Reprint.—Wharton (H. R.) A case of vesi- cal calculus in a girl of 3 years. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 24. — White (J. W.) The modern treatment of vesical calculus in male children. Metl. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 530-533. Also, Reprint. Calculus (Urinary) in the female. See, also, Bladder (Female, Foreign bodies in); Bladder (Female, Surgery of); Calculus ( Ure- thral) in female; Calculus ( Urinary, Spontaneous passage of'); Fistula (Vesieo-raginttl, Complica- tions, etc,, of); Lithotomy in the female; Lithot- rity in the female. Camixiti(N.) Calcolosi vescicale nella donna. 12°. Messina, 1888. Camus (C.) *Du traitement des calculs ve'si- cau* cbez la femme. 4\ Paris, 1893. Curtil (E.) * Du traitement chirurgical des calculs vesicaux chez la femnie. 4-. Paris, 1886. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1886. Gauthiek (J.) * Contribution a l'e"tude du traitement chirurgical de l'affection calculeuse cbez la femme. 4°. Lyon, 1887. -----. The same. H-. Lyon, 1887. Phocas (Gt.) Contribution a l'e'tudedu traite- ment des calculs vesicaux chez la femme, et en particulier de la dilatation du col de la vessie chez la femme. 8°. [Paris, 1890.] Vvedenski (A. A.) * Operatsii pri kamennol boliezni uzheushtshiu. Istoriko-statisticheskiy ocherk (pt. ii). [Operation for calculous dis- eases in women. Historico-statistical sketch."] 8°. Moskva, 1893. KiMchizio (G. B.) Dilatazione rapida incruenta dell' uretra muliebre per estrazione di corpo estraneo della vescica. Rivista, Genova, 1883, ii, 529-531.—Blake. Ve- sical calculus in a woman ; dilatation of the urethra and removal of the stone by forceps. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, Calculu* (Urinary) in the female. cv, 1-9.—Itoultou (P.) Caseof stone, with severe cys- titis aud vesicovaginal fistula; remarks. Lancet, Lond. 1884, i, 1120. — Bontflowcr (A.) Case of unusually large calculus removed from a girl per urethram. Ibid., 1880, ii, 251. — ISurenn. Volumineux calcul de la vessie chez une femme; perforations de la paroi vesicale nnterieureet de la paroi v6sieo-vagiiiale; poche urineuse dans la cavite prcv6sicale : fistules urinaires crurale et vesico-vaginale; double uretero-pyelite ascendaute avec dilatation. Gaz. ni6d. de Nantes, 1895-6, xiv, 25.— l-ndgc (W.) Caseof stone in the female with sacculated bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 6.—I'amlcln. Un dato para cl tratamiento de los calculos vesicales en la mujer. Progreso ginec. Valencia, 1886-7, ii, 129-137.—Carloni (L.) Grosso cal- colo vest-it-ale (grarnmi 65) in donna, estratto col processo nretrale Colot-Dubois. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, liii, 53-58. — (Jant-hioN. Calcul de la vessie (38 millimetres do large sur 47 de long) chez une femme; extraction par la dilatation immediate progressive de l'urdthre; gu6rison sans incontinence d'urine. Normaudie med., Rouen, 1887, iii, 225-230. — Cheron. Volumineux calcul, de\'elopp6 dans un kyste du vagin ouvert daus l'urtbthre, chez une femme de soixante-sept ans ; operation k l'aide de la gal- vanocaustie tberniitiuo; emploi du chlorhydrate de co- caine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, lx, 429-431. Also: Arch. ile tocol., Par., 1887, xiv, 539-550. —C'ornarins (D.) De calculo e- muliebri putlendo, absque sectione cxtracto. In his: Obs. met!., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1616, 31. —Cowell. Cal- culus in the female bladder; removal by a combination of dilatation and incision. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1881, i, 512.— DesnoH (E.) Deux observations de calculs vesicaux vo- lumineux ayant pour noyaux des epinglesacheveux. Bull. Soe. tie med. de Par., 1890, 14-27. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1890, 3. s., xlix, 879; 894; 906.—Dun lap (A.) A remark- able case of extraction of a largo stone from the female bladder through the urethra. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 853-856. — Kin mot (T. A.) Stono removed from the bladder of a female. Ibid., 121-123. -----. Vesical cal- culus in female. N. York M. J., 18S2, xxxvi. 172. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 88.—Fcleki (H.) Dermoid okozta kiibautalom esete. [Urinary calculus or dermoid; hair as nucleus.] Gydgyaszat, Budapest, 1889, xxix, 519. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 1201.—Gallozzi. Calcolo vescicale e fistola vescico-vaginalc ; estrazione del calcolo dalla via vaginale; anchilosi del giiiocehio; distensione forzata. Terap. clin., Napoli, 1896, v. 18.— Garin (P.) Un dato mils para la historia de los calculos vesicales en la mujer. Progreso ginec, Valencia, 1886, ii, 706-711.—Gretschcr dc Wauilclbni'i; (A.) Affection calculeuse ineconuue depuis vinirtans. In his : Mem. de med. et chir., 8°, Par., 1881, 81.—Grow.* (F. H.) Vesical calculus with chyluria. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 666. —Guild (J.) Urinary calculus; report of a case. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Mont- gomery, 1887, 391. Also: Alabama M. & S. J., Birmingh., 1887, ii, 329.—Hanc (A.) Kystolithiasis bei einer Frau ; haufige rasch aufeinanderfolgende Rezidiven ; Entfernung eines Divertikelsteines; Heilung. Intermit, klin. Rund- schau. Wien, 1889, iii, 673-675. —Heath (C.) Clinical lecture on calculus in the female bladder. Lancet, Loud., 1882, ii, 1067. — Ileydenreich (A.) Du traitement des calculs vesicaux ehez la femme. Semaine m6d., Par., 1887, vii, 273. — llottinger (R.) Harnsteine in einem Ure- thraldivertikel bei einer Frau. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh., d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1895, vi, 128-131. — Kal- liontzes (E.) 'En-t &vo> irepurTuxretav Ai'Oou -rrjs ovpo&6\ov Ku'trreios irapa yvi>ai£iv. Takr]vbs, 'ASr/vat, 1896. 14-16.— Kidd (G. H.) Vesical calculus iu the female. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1876-7, xxxix, 8-<. -----. Stone in the female bladder. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4, Dubl., 1884, ii, 283-288. A Iso: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, 3. s., lxxviii, 197-202.— Kiihcgyi ( M.) Entfernung vou Blasensteineu mittelst deiKoipacystotomie. "Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 1385- 1388.—Loinucau. Volumineux calcul v6sieal chez une femme. Mem. et. bull. Soe. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1894), 1895, 839-K52. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1895, xxv, 85; 08. — lTIacdonald (A.) Calculus iu the female bladder. Tr. Etlinb. Obst, Soc, 1881, vi, 136-146. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxii, 93; 115.— iTlncdonald (R.J. J.) Two cases of urinary calculus in the female. Tr. Hongkong M. Soc, 1889, i, 223.—Mad- den (M.) Vesical calculus in the female. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc., 1876-7, xxxix, 90. — lTIanhiewicz (O.) Zur Kenntniss derBlasensteiuebeiFraueu. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, xxx, 37-39. [Discussion], 48. Also: Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1892), 1K93. xxiii. pt. 2, 240-247. [Discussion], pt. 1, 272-274. — iTIinclla (F.) Contribute alio studio del calcolo vescicale nella donna. Gazz. med. tli Torino, 1885, xxxvi, 553-562. — Morales Ai-jona (B.) Contribncion al estudio do las alt ttioues calculosas en la mujer. Rev. tie metl. y cii-uir- pract., Madrid, 1886, xviii, 505-514. — IYiel*«n (P.) Om Bort- fjernelse af Blsersten ved Simons Mctode til Dilatation af den kvindelige Uretra. [Removal of calculi by dilatation of urethra.] Gvmek. og obst. Metld., Kjobenh., 1881, 3. Hft., iii, 38-41.—Oliver (J.) Ananomalous case of stone in the bladder in a female. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, CALCULUS. 84 CALCUTTA. Calculus (Urinary) in the female. 791. — Parker. Two cases of calculus vesica} in girls, removed by rapid dilatation of urethra. Med. Press &Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxii, 470.—Patterson (A.) Stone in the female bladder. Glasgow M. J., 1881, xv, 1, 1 pi.— Phocns ( G.) Contribution a l'6tude du traitement des calculs vesicaux chez la femme, et en particulier de la dilatation du col de la vessie chez la femme. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1890, xxxiv, 345; 446. —Pick (T. P. i Clinical lecture on a case of stone in the bladder of a female, and what it led to. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1884, i, 487-489.—Poli« (A.) Volumineux calculs vesi- eaux chez une femme. Ann. Soe. m6d.-chir. de Liege, 1892. xxxi, 2s.Vj<)ii.—Porter (G. H.) Urinary calculus in the female. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 3lo.—Pozzi. Rapport sur une observation de M. le Dr. Cam-hois . . . intitulGe: Calcul vesical (de 38 millimetres de largeur sur 47 de longueur) chez une femnie; extraction par la dilatation immediate progressive de l'urethre; gu6- rison sans incontinence d'urine. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1887, n. s., xiii, 494-499. —Reamy (T. A.) Largo vesical calculus in a young girl; operation. Am. J. Obst.,N. Y., 1888, xxi. 1206-1209.—Reliqnet. Dilatation brusque de i'urethre d'une femme iigee, avec chloroforme ; extraction de la vessiod'une pierre volumineuse; guerison rapitle, sans incontinence. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1876), 1877, xi, 128-132.— Kichet (A.) Calcul vesical chez la femme; observation; diagnostic; comparaison entre la faille et la lithotritie. In his: Clin, chir., 8°, Par., 1893, 584-599.—Roberts (W. O.) Vesical calculi in the female removed through the urethra. Am. Pract. &News, Louisville, 1890, n. s., x, 321-320. Also: Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1890, Phila., 1891, iii, 209-214.—Ronflart. Note sur un cas do calcul vesical compliqu6 de fistule v6sico-ut6rine et de rupture du p6rin6e. Cliniqne, Brux., 1889, iii, 691-695. — Rowan. On a case of vesical calcu- lus. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1887, n. s., ix, 448-453, 1 pi.—Marnier. Ueber Blasensteine bei Frauen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1894, xxviii, 151-168.— Mchatz. iLunrohrenstein von besonderer Grosse. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. (iesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1888, ii, 115-118.—Mheii-ill (Z. B.) Vesical calculus in females. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, ii, 930-941. — Si- monin. Dilatation rapitle du canal de l'urdtre chez la femme eu vue du diagnostic et pour l'extraction de calculs volumineux et multiples. M6m. Soc. de med. de Nancy (1880-81), 1882, pt. 2, 186-192, 1 pi.—Solano R. (Z.) Cal- culo vesical, extraido a traves de la uretra el 22 de julio de 1891, por el doctor Josue Gomez, eu uuasefioradecincuenta y siete alios. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1891-2, xv, 575.— Nuendcr (E.) Dos casos de cdlculo vesical voluminoso, extraido por tlilataeion rapida de la uretra en la mujer, mediante la anestesia. Rev. esp. de oftal., sif. [etc.], Ma- drid, 1881, ano iv, vol. ii, 221-237. Also: Andalucia me,d., Cordoba, 1881, vi, 201; 225: 260. Also: Encicl. med.- farm., Barcel., 1881, v, 431 -435. — Todd (S. S.) Curious origin of calculi in the female bladder. Kansas City M. Rec, 1884, i, 294— Troquart. De la lithotritie com- binee avec la dilatation tlu canal de l'urethre dans le traitement ties calculs vesicaux chez la femme. Mem. et bull. Soc tie med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1880, 588-617. AUo: L do med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, x, 177; 190.— VasilyeiF (V. V.) Litiazis u zhenshtshin. [Lithiasis in women. ] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1881, xxi, 9-11. — Vvedenski (A. A.) K voprosu o kamen- nol boliezni u zhenshtshin. [Calculous diseases in women] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1886, vii, no. 8 ~. Ancona, 1874. Langemeyer (E. B. S.) *De calculis uteri. 8 . Groninga', [1845]. Ratt (W.) Memoria sopra tl' alcune concrezioni cal- colose ritrovate nell' utero. Mem. d. Soc. di med. emulaz di Genova, 1802, i, pt. 2, 37-43.—R riggs (W.) Uterine cal- culus; removal of a stone tilling the entire uterine cavity St. Louis M. 6c S. J., 1886, 1, 209-211. —Farre (A.) Oil tbe nature of various substances formed in or discharged from the uterus and vagina. Arch. Med., Lond., 1857-9, i, 71-75. Also, Reprint.—Louis. Memoir on calculous concretions of the matrix. Mem. Roy. Acad. Snrg. at Paris, Lond., 1759, ii, 1-38.—[Peqnet.] Observations on a calculous concretion of the uterus. Ibid., iii, 391-394.— Rani (S.) Stone in uterus. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, xxv, 209.—.Sailer (E.) Un caso notable de afeccion calculosa uterina. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1888, xxxv, 466- 468. Also, transl.: Courrier med., Par., 1889 xxxix, 190- 192.—Vieta Canduras (A.) Una mujer Htogen6sica; historia y consitleraciones acerca de una afeccion calcu- losa tie la matriz. Clinica, Zaragoza, 1880, iv, 65; 73; 81; 89; 105; 121. Also: Region nuid.-farni. vasco-navarra, Pamplona, 1892, i, no. 19,4; no. 21, 3; no. 22, 5; no. 23, 3; no. 24, 3. Calculus (Vaginal). Baas. Harnsteinbildung nach Querobliteration der Vagina bei Vesicovaginaltistel. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 361. — Cheron. Volumineux calcul, d6veloppe dans un kyste du vagin ouvert dans l'urethre, chez une femme de soixaute-sept ans; operation a l'aide de la gal vano-caustie thermique; emploi du chlorhy(Irate de cocaine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 429; 440.—jack- son. Discharge from the vagina of numerous large bodies of epithelial formation. Boston M. &. S. J., 1857, lvi, 299.— Vlnlerb.-t (P.) Analisi chimica di tre calcoli vaginali (.'). Resoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1887, xii, 224.—de Marchettis (P.) Concretion forruee par des graviers sur les parois du vagin, apres un accouche ment; cas rare et qui n'a pas encore ete d6crit. In his: Rec. tl'obs. rares [etc.], Trad., 8°, Par., 1858, 177— Pnii- dolfi (E.) Intorno a calcoli fattisi in vagina. Resoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1887. xii, 181.—Ter-UIiiia- so IF. Sluchai iskusstvennavo obrazovaniya mochevavo kamnya v matochnom rukavle. [Case of artificial forma- tion of urinary calculus in the vagina.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1880, xvii, 93-96. Calculus of probabilities. See Statistics (Vital). Calcutta.. Letter from tbe municipal commis- sioners to tbe government of Bengal, forward- ing a report on tbe drainage of Calcutta, by W. Clark, C. E., dated tbe 29 Dec, 1855. 104 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Calcutta, F. D. Cru~<,' Co., [1836]. -----. Keport of the committee on tbe drainage of Calcutta, 1857. viii, 35, xviii, 13, iv, 32, lxxiii, xlvi pp., 4 1., 4 plans, 6 diag. 8-. Cal- cutta, J. Gray, 185/. [Also, in: P., v. 926.] CONTEXTS. I. Report of the committee. LT. Appendices. 1. Calcutta. 2. The river Hooghly. 3. halt water lake. 4. Water supply. 5. Evidence. 6. Tables. 7. Plans. CALCUTTA. 85 CALDANI. Calcutta—continued. -----. Report by tbe Messrs. Rendel, C. E., on the drainage of Calcutta. [To the secretary to the municipal commissioners of the town of Cal- cutta. With remarks on Mr. Rendel's report. By W. Clark, eugiueer to the municipal com- missioners.] 49 pp., 3 plans, 1 diag. 8°. [Cal- cutta, P. M. Craneburgh, 1859.] [P., v. 926.] -----. Anunal reports of the health officer of Calcutta to the chairman of the corporation, for the years 1876 to 1883-4; 1886-95. fol. Cal- cutta, 1877-96. Reports for 1876-81, 1886-8, are hound in 2 v. Report for 1882-3 is for 15 months ending March, 1883. [Reports on the vital statistics of the town of Calcutta aud ou the work done in the health officer's department. ] To the chairman of the corporation. [Quarterly.] 1. & 2., 1883-4; 4., 1887; 1.-4., 1888; 4., 1891. fol. [ Calcutta, 1*8:5-92.] Memorandum. [ "Vital statistics of Calcutta, by the medical officer of health.] [Monthly.] Juue to Oct., Dec, 1883; Jan., April, 1884, to May, 1885; July, Aug., Oct., Nov., 1895; Jam, 1886, to May, 1887; July, 1*87, to April, 180b; July, 1895, to Aug., 1897. fol. Cal- cutta, 1*83-97. Weekly returns of deaths in Calcutta. By the medical officer of health. July 21, 1883, to Sept. 5, 1885; Sept. 19; Oct, 3 to Nov. 14; Nov. 28, 1885, to May 1, 1886; June 5, 1*86, to Jan. 15, 1887; Feb. 5 to April 30; Mav 21, 28; June 11; July 2 to Oct. 29 ; Nov. 12, 1887, to Feb. 14, 1891; Feb. 28, 1891, to Nov. 27, 1897. fol. & imp. fol. Calcutta, 1883-97. Imp. fol. commenced Nov. 4, 1893. ----. Memorandum relating to the system of recording mortuary statistics iu Calcutta. By H. L. Harrison, chairman. Aug. 18, 1886]. 7 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1886.] ----. Report on the death statistics of Calcutta, appended to the secoud quarterly report on the health of Calcutta during April, May, and June, 1*86. 17 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1886.] ----. Weekly returns of deaths in the amalga- mated area of the suburbs of Calcutta, by the medical officer of health. May 31, 1890, to Feb. 14, 1891; Feb. 28. 1891, to April 29, 1893; May 13 to Oct. 28, 1893. imp. fol. Calcutta, 1*90-93. To J. G. Ritchie, chairman of the Calcutta municipality. 14th May, 1894. Memorandum on cholera and Prof. Halfkine's anti-choleraic vaccination.] 9 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1894.] -----. Cholera in Calcutta in 1894, and anti- choleraic inoculation. 17, 12 pp., 2 pi. fol. [Calcutta, 1895.] Repr.from: Rep. Health Off. Calcutta, 1894. -----. See, also: Bengal. Annual reports on the Calcutta medical institutions. By the surgeon-general, Indian medical department, to the secretary to the government of Bengal. For the years 1878; 1893. fol. Calcutta, 1879-94. Calcutta. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Ty- phoid, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Sta- tistics (Vital), by localities; Universities. Bengal. Report on the drainage and conser- vancy of Calcutta. By David B. Smith, sanitary commissioner of Bengal, fol. Calcutta, i860. Chekvehs (N.) The sanitary position and tbe obligations of the inhabitants of Calcutta. A lecture delivered before tin; Bethune Society, Calcutta, on the 13th of Noveuiber, 1862. 8°. Calcutta, 1863. Calcutta. Lasscs (A.) Calcutta and its sanitary condi- tions. 8°. Calcutta, 1863. Martin (J. R.) Notes on the medical topog- raphy of Calcutta. 8°. Calcutta, 1837. Observations on the municipality of Cal- cutta, shewing what is desirable for present good and future security. 8°. Calcutta, 1*63. Strong (F. P.) Extracts from the topography and vital statistics of Calcutta, embracing ob- servations on these subjects formed at different periods, and officially submitted to the local authorities. 8°. [Calcutta, 1837.] -----. Topography of Calcutta. [In refer- ence to the climate and selection of districts to which prisoners are sent. Also, vital statistics, treatment, and dieting of prisoners. ] 8°. [Cal- cutta, 1845.] -----. Extracts from the topography and vital statistics of Calcutta, embracing observa- tions ou these subjects formed at different peri- ods, and officially submitted to the governor- general, Lord William Bentinek, and the local authorities [1838]. 8-;. [Calcutta, 1849.] C'ooinai-(15. K.) Tho sanitation of Culcntta. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1895, vi, 450-452. [Discussion], 463.— Cotton (J. S. ) Sanitary improvements in the city of Calcutta. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog., Lond., 1892, xi, 173-177.— Cunningham (D. D.) Med- ico-topographical report on Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 113-117.—Finch (C.) Vital statistics of Calcutta. J. Statist. Soc. Loud., 1850, xiii, 168-182. Also, Reprint. — Grant-Bey (.1. A. S.) An instructive study for the Alexandria quarantine board, and a cause for congratulation on the part of the Egyptian sanitary de- partment. [Transl. from: Al-Shifa.] Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix. 240.—Health (The) ami sanitation of Calcutta. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1043.—Rawlinson (R.) San- itary condition of Calcutta. Lancet, Loud., 1883, i, 429.— Sanitary condition of Calcutta. [Erlit.] Ibid., 689.— Sanitation in Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 245-247. — Sanitation (The) of Calcutta. Indian M. J., Allahabad, 1884, iii, 389-390.—Sanitation (The) of Calcutta. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, \iii, 571-576.— Simpson (W.J.) A note on the sanitation of Calcutta. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1897, xii, 101-103.—Sykes (W. H.) On the populatiou and mortality of Calcutta. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1845, viii, 50-58. — Whole (Tlie) question of Calcutta insanitation and the duty of the Bengal government in the matter. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1897, xii, 137-139.—Williams (W.C.) The cleans- ing of Calcutta. Ibid., 148. Calcutta. Medical College Hospital. Inscrip- tion on the plate, deposited iu the foundation stone of the Medical College Hospital. [Foun- dation stone laid Held. 3, 1848.] 1 broadside fol. Calcutta, W. Ridsdalc, 1*4*. Printed on pink satin. Note.—The money for building this hospital was raised partly by public subscriptions through tbe municipal aud fever hospital committee ami the council of education, which produced rupees 1,03,000. A further sum of Co.'s ru- pees 1,07,000 was contributed to this purpose, of which 50,000 was a munificent donation for the benefit of the city by Rajah IVrtab Cliunibr Singh, and the remainder was the balance of a sum of money raised by lottery for the improvement of Calcutta. Part of the ground on which it stands, of the value of rupees 12,000, was gener- ously given by Baboo Mutty Lol Seal. This hospital was founded for the relief of the sich poor of all classes and creeds in the city of Calcutta, and particularly for those afflicted with epidemic disca.se. Foundation stone laid Sept. 30, A. D. 1848, A. L. 5848. Calcutta Metlical Society. Transactions for the years l**0-*3. 1 v. 12°. Calcutta, l8*0-*3. Repr. from: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880-83, xv-xviii. Calcutta Native Hospital and its Dependent Dispensaries. Report of the transactions of the . . . during the year 1*72. 17, xix pp., 1 1.. 2 tab. 8°. Calcutta, T. Black <)'• Co., 1*73. Founded iu 1792, and supported by private subscriptions. Calcutta Public Health Society report for 1*86. 43 pp. 8°. [Calcutta, 1**7.] Caldaili (Floriano) [1772-1836]. Rinessioni sopra alcuni punti di tin nuovo sistema de'vasi assorbenti, ed esperieii/e sulla elettricita am- CALDAXI. 86 CALDWELL. Caldaili (Floriano)—continued. male. 6 p. 1., 1*2 ]»p., 1 1. 8°. Padova, nella stamperia Penada, 1792. ------. Osservazioni sulla membrana del tim- pano, e nuove ricerclie sulla elettricita animale. viii, 198 pp., 1 l.,3 pi. 8°. Padova, nella stam- peria Penada, 1794. Bound with his: Rinessioni sopra alcuni punti [etc.J. 8°. Padova, 1792. ------. Tabulae anatoiuicae ligamentorum corpo- ris humani. Front., 11 1., 11 pi., and 11 outline pi. Elephantine fol. Venetiis, J. Picotti, 1803. ------. Memorie intorno alia vita ed alle operedi Leopoldo Marco Antonio Caldaui. 1 p. 1., lxxix pp., 1 1., port. fol. Modena, 1822. ------. Nuovi eleinenti di anatomia ad uso delle scuole. 2 v. xx, 424 pp., 1 1.; 408 pp. 8°. Venezia, G. Picotti, 1824. ------. The same. 2 v. xiii, 410 pp.; 399 pp. 12°. Bologna, R. Masi, 1*27. See, also, Knips Macoppe (Alessandro) [in 1. s.]. Aphorismi fete.]. 8°. Venetiin, 1795. — IVuovi commen- tarj di medicina e di chirurgia [etc.] [im 1. s.]. 5 v. 8°. Padova, 1818-20. Caldaui (Leopoldo Marco Antonio) [1725-1813]. Rinessioni fisiologiche sopra due dissertazioni del Signor Claudio Nicola Le Cat, indirette alia real Accademia di Gottinga. xvi, 283 pp. 12°. Venezia, G. Pasquali, 1767. ------. Iustitutiones pbysiologicae. Ed. 3a. xii, 372 pp. 8°. Venetiis, sumpt. J. A. Pezzana, 1786. ------. Istituzioni anotomiche. Tradotte in ita- liano da Gaetano Castellani. Pt. 2, v. 1, & pt. 1, v. 2. vii, 252 pp.; vii, 198 pp. 8°. Brescia, Bettoni, 1807. For Biography, see Caldaui (F.) Memorie intorno alia vita ed alle opere di Leopoldo Marco Antonio Caldani. fol. Modena, 1822. Caldas. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Caldas da Reinha. dos Santos e Sua-a (J.) As aguas thermaes das Caldas da Reinha. *c. Coimbra, 1876. Caldelas de Tiiy. Ariiirudariz (A.) Las afecciones cronicas bronqnio- pulmonares cardiopaticas v las aguas minero-medicinales de Caldelas de Tuy. Siglb m6d., Madrid, 1897, xliv, 211; 231; 242. Calder (F. W. Grant). Practical hints on the cure of squinting by operation, viii, 96 pp. 8°. London, H. Renshaw, 1841. Calderai (D[ario]). Nozioni pratiche per la pubblica assistenza. 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pisa, E. Spoerri, 1888. ------. Dispensario chirurgico comuuale di Ce- cina. Resoconto. 23 pp. 12°. Padova, Sana- rio e Pizzaii, 1893. ------. II servizio chirurgico di S. Martino di Lupari. Resoconto clinico. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1804. ------. La malaria. Relazione al sindaco di Seravezza. 16 pp. *-. Seravezza, A. Boldrini, 1895. Calderara ( Ettore ). Relazione al consiglio comuuale della commissione d' inchiesta sul ser- vizio sanitario cittadino. 132 pp. roy. *°. Verona, P. Apollonio, 1**6. [Calderiui (Carlo Ampellio)] [1808-56]. Pre- cetti salutari onde essere preservati dal cholera- morbus esposti colla scorta delle opere di Scot, Kloster, Bischoff, Magendie, Sophianopoulo, Keraudren, Trompeo e De-Rolandis, Tommasini, Broussais, Rusca, Berres, Weiland, ecc; dei rap- porti delle commissione mediche di Lombardia, di Venezia, di Fraucia, di Pienioute, mandate ne' paesi affetti del cholera; dalle varie istruzioui ecc. ed adattavi allamaniera di vivere de'Veneti. 36 pp. 8°. Verona, libr. alia Minerva, 18:55. Calderiui (Giovanni) [1841- ]. L' istituto ostetrico di Parma; eenni storiei. Prelezione per 1' anno scolastico 1*72-3, 21 nov. 1*72. UO pp. 8°. Roma-Torino-Firenze, E. Loescher,1*7,\, Repr. from: Osservatore, Torino, 1873, ix. ------. R. Istituto ostetrico annesso all' ospizio di maternita nell'Universita di Parma, ^ren- diconto, anni 1872-3; 1*73-4; 1*74-5. vii, 257 pp., 6 diag., 2 pi., port. *':. Parma, 1*77. ------. The same. 2° rendiconto. Biennio H7r>- 6 e 1876-7. vii, 82 pp. 8°. Torino, Cammilla e Bertolero, 1879. Bound with the preceding. Repr.from: Osservatore, Torino, 1879. ------. Del metodo nella scienza e nell' iusegna- mento e delle riforme univtrsitarie. 51 pp., 11, 8°. Parma, Rossi- Ubaldi, 1882. ------. L' ostetricia e la ginecologia nelle uni- versita tedesche. Studi fatti in due viaggi. 1H pp., 5 pi. roy. 8°. Roma, eredi Botta, 1882. ------. Manuale clinico di terapia e di operazioni ostetriche per studeuti e medici pratici. xvi, 298 pp., 1 1., 7 pp. »°. Torino, Rosenberg 4- Sel- lier, 1897. Calder6u (Andre's Garcia). See Garcia Calde- ron (Andre's). Caiderou (Luis-Felipe) [1*67- ]. * Irido- cboroblites infectieuses. 83 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 418. Calderdn y A ran a (Laureano) [1848- ]. See Chicote (Cesar). Alimentos y bebitlas. 8°. Ma- drid, 1894. For Biography, see Rev. de hig. y pol. pan., Burcel., 1892, iii, 161-164 (R. Castells). Ca Ideron de la Barca (Pedro) [1600- 81]. de Nan Gregorio (Marques). Exposicion textual psicoldgica de algunos afectos tratados por Calderon. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1881, iii, 142-214. — C'alatra- vcfio y Valladares (Fernando). [Sketch of his life.] Alumno med., Madrid. 1881, ii, 121-123. Also: Ilustracion med.-qtiir. espaii., Zaragoza, 1881, i, no. 8, port, [litho- graph] with text. —del Castillo y Domprr (J.) Ho- mena-ie a la memoria del insigne autor de "La vida t-s sueno", el inmortal poeto . . . colo'O del ingenio, gloria de la literatnra espanola. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1881, vii, 271-274. Calderoni (Pascal). Osservazione e riflessioni sopra una frattura obbliquo-acuta del femore, decomposta parecchie volte nel decorsodi cinque mesi, e ricomposta dopo un si lungo tempo col- Y ajuto dell' estension permanente. 22 pp., 2 pi. 16°. Genova, 1812. ------. Considerations sur un nouveau moyen propose par le docteur Mojin pour l'extraction du placenta, xix, 48 pp. 12-'. Paris, A. Bar- thelemy, 1827. Calderwood (Henry) [1830- ]. Moral phi- losophy, as a science aud as a discipline. An inaugural lecture. 18 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Ed- monston $• Douglas, 186*. ------. The relations of mind and brain, xvi, 455 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan .) Co., 1879. ------. Evolution aud man's place in nature. 2. ed. xx, 316 pp., 2 pi. 8°. London $ New York, Macmillan <,- Co., 1896. Caldone (Pietro). Relazione al niagistrato un caso di aneurisma traumatico dell' arteria fenio- rale della coscia sinistra, diaguosi e cousulta- zione chirurgica, prognosi, enra ed autopsia. 8 pp. 8°. Matera, Conti, 1885. Caldwell (Charles) [1772-1853]. An eulogiuut to the memory of Dr. Samuel Cooper, delivered, by appointment, before the Philadelphia Med- ical Society, on the fourth day of March, 1799. 44 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, M. Cam/, 1799. ------. The same. 48 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, .1/. Carey, 1799. [P., v. 2137.] ------. A semi-annual oration, on the origin of pestilential diseases, delivered before the Acad- CALDWELL. 87 CALHOUN. Caldwell (Charles)—continued. emy of Medicine of Philadelphia, on the 17th day of December, 179*. xii, 13-59 .pp. *°. Philadelphia, T. <,■ S. F. Bradford, 1799. ______. An address to the Philadelphia Medical Society, on the analogies between yellow fever and true plague, delivered by appointment on the 20. day of February 1*01. viii, 44 pp. 8°. Philadelphia. T. <,' "'. Bradford, 1*01. ______. An oration on the causes of the difference, in point of frequency and force, between the en- demic diseases of the United States of America aud those of the countries of Europe, delivered, by appointment, to the "Philadelphia Medical Society", on the fifth day of February, 1802. 46 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. if- 7F. Bradford, 1802. ______. A reply to Dr. Haygarth's " letter to Dr. Percival, on "infectuous fevers"; and his "Ad- dress to the College of Physicians at Philadel- phia, ou the prevention of the American pesti- lence", exposing the medical, philosophical, aud literary errors of that author, and vindicating the right which the faculty of the United States have to thiuk aud decide for themselves respect- ing the diseases of their own country, uninflu- enced by the notions of the physicians of Eu- rope. 50 pp. 8°. Philadelphia', T. «(• W. Brad- ford, 1802. ------. An eulogium to the memory of Mr. George Lee, delivered, by appointment, to the Philadel- phia Medical Society, on the 24. Feb., 1802. 34 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. $ W. Bradford, 1802. ------. Au experimental inquiry respecting the vitality of the blood. In his: Med. theses [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia. 1805, i, 353-395. ------. Extract from an eulogium on William Shippen, delivered by ... in the Medical Col- lege. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. H. Cunning- ham, 1818. Title-page says "delivered by Caspar Wistar", but Cald- well's name is pasted over it. ------. An inaugural address ou the advantages aud facilities of establishing a medical school in the Western States, delivered in the Episcopal Church in Lexington, on the 18th day of Novem- ber, 1819. 28 pp. *':. Lexington, T. Smith, 1*19. ------. A discourse on the genius and character of the Rev. Horace Holley, LL. D., late president of Transylvania University. With an appendix containing copious notes, biographical aud il- lustrative, viii, 294 pp., 2 pi., port. 8°. Bos- ton, Hilliard [and others], 1828. ------. Thoughts on physical education: being a discourse delivered to a convention of teachers in Lexington, Ky., on the 6th and 7th of Nov., 1833. 133 pp. 8 -. Boston, Marsh, Capen $■ Lyon, 1834. ------. A discourse commemorative of Philip Syug Physick, prepared by appointment of the faculty and class of the Louisville Medical In- stitute, and delivered January 12th, 1838. 41 pp. 8°. Louisville', Ky., Prentice $• Weissinger, 1838. See, also, Tour (A) through part of Virginia in the summer ot 1808 [in 1. s.J. 8°. New York, 1809. ------. See, also: Yandell (L. P.) [in 1. s.]. A reply to the attacks of Dr. Charles Caldwell. 8°. Louis- ville, 1850. Caldwell (G[eorge] Chapman) [1834- ]. Elements of qualitative aud quantitative chem- ical analysis. 2. ed. viii, 175 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston, Son fy Co., 1892. Caldwell (John J[abez]) [1836- ]. Report of cases treated by electricity, aud addenda: Electro-medicine and electro-surgery. 23 pp. 8°. Baltimore, W. K. Boyle <('• Son, 1873. Repr. [with additions] from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Mary- land, Bait., 1873, lxxiv. ------. The connection between excessive nerve and brain worry and bodily disease, with pa- thology and treatment of cancers, tumors, etc. 7 pp. 8°. [Baltimore, 1*74.] Repr. from: Tr. M. &. Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1874. ------. Genius resistless: a Pindaric ode, in tribute to Jenner and Pasteur. 12 pp. 12°. Baltimore, Md., W. A'. Boyle, 1882. ------. Some interesting reflex neuroses, with treatment and comments. 12 pp. *\ [Rich- mond, 1885.] Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond 1885-ti. xii. ------. The erectile tissues; their physiology, pathology, and treatment. 8 pp. 8u. [Char- lotte, N. C, 1893] Repr. from : Charlotte [N. C. | M. J., 1893, iii. Caldwell (John L.) Liquor sedans, saw pal- metto, damiaua, pichi, and stylosanthes elatior; their uses in nervous diseases; their medico- legal relation; epilogue. 10 pp. ri . [Rich- mond, 1894.] Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx. Caldwell (W[illiam] C.) The modes of actiou of emetics. 7 pp. 16°. ^eu> York, 1*94. Repr. from: Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. T., 1894, vii. Cale (George W.) Clinical report of six surgical cases. 8 pp. 8°. [St. Louis, 1892.] Repr. from.- St. Louis Clinique, 1892, v. Calella. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Caleudario delle facolta mediche italiane, 1893. 2 p. 1., 140 pp. 16°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1893. Calendrier a I'usage des membres du College de pharmacie et de leurs Aleves, pour l'an IX de l'ere republicaine, 1800 et 1801 de l'ere chre"- tienne. 156 pp. 32°. Paris, Quillau, an IX [1801]. Calendula officinalis. See, also, Burns (Treatment of). Wirth (F. A.) * Ueber die Bestandtheile der Bliitben der Riugelblume (Calendula officinalis). [Erlangen, 1890.] 8°. Wesel, 1891. Reynolds (R. G.) Calendula. Pacific M. Sc S. J.. San Fran., 1886, xxix, 720-723. Calenture. Pereyra (L. J.) Tratado completo de calen- turas, fund ado sobre las leyes de la inflamacion y putrefaccion, que constantemente observarou los mayores y mas ilustrados mddicos del mun- do; compuesto con methodo geom6trico, y carac- teres bot&nicos. sm. 4°. Madrid, 1768. Piquer (A.) Tratado de las calenturas, segun la observacion, y el mecanismo. sm. 4°. Va- lencia, 1751. ------. The same. Traite" des fievres. Trad. de l'espagnol en francois par M. . . . D. M. M. sur la troisieme et derniere <5d. de 1768. Revu et corrige" par C. et R. 8°. Amsterdam, 1776. Cales (Franciscus). * De saniori humorum pa- thologia. 38 pp., 11. 41. Leodii, ex typog. fra- trum Jennehomme, [1829]. Calgary, the Denver of Canada. Its adapta- bility as a health resort and as a site for the Dominion sanatorium for the treatment of con- sumption. 38 pp., 2 pi. *c. Calgary, Alta, 1895. Calhoun (Abner Wellborn) [1846- ]. Iri- dotomy and its applicability to certain defects CALHOUN. 88 CALIFORNIA. Callioun (Abuer Wellboru)—contiuued. of the eve. * pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., South. Publ. Co., 187;"). [P., v. 1442.] Repr. from: South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1875, v. -----. Defects of hearing aud other evils, the result of enlarged or hypertrophied tonsils, and the urgent necessity of immediate and proper treatment in order to restore the ear aud other neighboring organs to their accustomed functions. Read before the Medical Association of Ceorgia. 12 pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., H. H. Dickson, 1877. Repr. from.- Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1877. ------. Tobacco poisoning aud its effects upon the eyesight. 8 pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., J. P. Harrison <$• Co., [1879]. Repr. from.- Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1879. ------. School hygiene in relation to its influence upon the ^dsion of children, or school sanitation. An address delivered before the Medical Associa- tion of Georgia, 1884. 15 pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., J. P. Harrison 4; 9.-42 1861 to 189:5-4. *. Sacramento, 1834-94. The State Hospital, at Stockton, was opened in Aug.. 1851. The insane department was added in May. ls.">2. A\\ other patients were transferred to the State Marine Ho* pital in San Francisco July 1, 1853. Reports prior to lwitj are annual. The superintendent reports annually to tin- directors, and they report biennially to the governor of tin- State. ------. See, also : California. State Engineer. The sewage ques- tion iu California. Report of the State engineer Win. H. Hall, to the board of directors of the Stockton Insane Asylum, on the sewage for the in- stitution in their charge. 8°. Sacramento, 18K5. California. Napa Slate Asylum for the Insane. Biennial and annual reports of the trustees and resideut physician to the governor of the State 1.-8., 1875-6 to 1*91-2. 8°. Sacramento, 1877-9-2. Opened Nov. 15, 1875. The report for 1879-80 is an au nual, and all others are biennial. The resident pbysiciau reports annually to the trustees, and they report biennially to the governor of the State. California. Sacramento State Hospital. An- nual report of the trustees for the year 1852 11 pp. 8°. [Sacramento], G. Kerr, 1853. California. Stale Board of Health. Biennial and annual reports to the governor of the State. 1.-14., 1870 to 1895-6. 8°. Sacramento, 1*71-96. First report for 18 months, ending Nov. 1, 1871; secuntl for 20 months, ending July 1, 1873; sixth is annual; sev- enth for 18 months, ending Dec. 31, 1881; ninth for 30 months, ending June 30, 1886. —-----. Circular [on the importance of vaccina- tion, and urging its general adoption by the people. Aug. 3, 1880], 4 pp. 8°. [Sacra- mento, 1880.] ------. Monthly circulars. Abstract of the re- ports of deaths and their causes iu the [princi- pal] cities and towns of California. Nov., 1882, to March, 1883; May, 1883; Oct., 1884, to Jan., 1892; March, 1892, to March, 1897; May, 1897. fol. & 4°. Sacramento, 1882-97. ------. Information for the public. Diphtheria. Circular of the . . . May 29, 1883. 9 pp. *u. [Sacramen to, 1883. ] ------. Preventable diseases circulars. Facts for the people concerning cholera. 8 pp. 8°. Sac- ramento, J. J. Ayers, 18*5. ------. Circular to supervisors, trustees, or conn- cilmen of [towns or cities, relating to the act approved March 19, 1878, and to facilitate the work of local health authorities. January, 1888]. 21. 4\ [Sacramento, 1888.] ------. Circular [tolocal authorities, calling their attention to the laws of 1889, relatiug to vaccina- tion, cremation, human dead bodies, and boards of health]. May 1,1889. 21. 4°. Sacramento, 1*80. —;----. Preventive disease series. Diphtheria; its restriction and prevention. Useful informa- tion published for general distribution. 6 pp. 8°. [Sacramento, 1891?] ------. Proceedings of the State sanitary conven- tion held under the auspices of the State board of health of California at San Francisco. 1., 1*93; 3., 1895. 76 pp.; 102 pp. *-. Sacramento, 1893-5. ------. Circular No. 4. Preventive disease series. Restriction and prevention of cholera. 8 pp. 8°. [Sacramento, 1894.] "-• Circular No. 4. Preventive disease series. School hygiene. Addressed to the public school 1894 T™ °f California' * PP- 8°- [Sacramento, ------. Blauk forms used bv the . . . fol. [Sac- ra men to, n. d.] „ , CONTENTS. Record of births. Record of deaths. Record of marriages. CALIFORNIA. 89 CALIFOKNIA. California. ment of the State Agricultural Society. J. A. Barwick, observer and director. *: .' Sacra- mento, l***-96. ------. Monthly review of tho California sec- tion, climate and ctop service, weather bureau, in co-operation with the State Agricultural So- ciety. No. 6, v. 2, Dec, 1*92. v. 3-9, Jan., 1893, to June, 1896. 8°. Sacramento, 1*1)3-6. ------. Monthly weather aud crop bulletins of the California State weather service. Issued by the State Agricultural Society in co-oper- ation with the U. S. Weal her Bureau. Nos. 1-6, Oct., 1*95, to March, 1*96. v. s. Sacramento, 1895-6. ------. Weekly weather and crop bulletins of the California State weather service. Issued by the State Agricultural Society in co-operation with the U. S. Weather Bureau. Nos. 1, 4, 17, 25, 1896. v. s. Sacramento, 1*96.' ------. California section, climate and crop service, weather bureau. In co-operation with the State Agricultural Society. Weekly crop bulletins. Nos. 1-5, 8-22, 1897. v. s. Sacra- mento, 1807. ------. California section of the climate and crop service of the weather bureau. In co-oper- ation with the State Agricultural Society. Re- ports. [Monthly.] v. 1, nos. 1, 2, 6, 7, 1897. 4°. Sacramento, 1897. University of California, Berkeley. Library Bulletin No. 9. List of printed maps of Califor- nia. *-. Berkeley, 1887. AdaniM (J. S.) California as'a health resort. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 173-175. —Anderson (W.) Mineral springs of California. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894. xxiii, 929-931.—Barnes (Mary S.) Some primitive Californians. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 189C-7, 1 486-496. - Bcecher (A. C. \V.) California as a win- ter resort for invalids. Times & Reg., Phila., 1891, xxiii, 329. Also. Reprint. — Davis (J. L.) California for health. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886, n. s., xvi, 245- 251. [Discussion], 203. — Fife (J.) The climate of Te- hama County, Cal. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1888, iii, 303-305.—(Gibbons (W. P.) Contribution to the medical botany of California. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacra- mento, 1874, 116-123. -----. Report on indigenous botany. Ibid., 1884, 79-87. -----. Report of tbe committee on in- digenous botany [etc.]. Ibid., San Fran., 188«, 272-280.— Hatch [et al.]. The climates of California, in relation to pulmonary diseases; being the substance of a report by the State board of health. Pacific M. &. S. J.. San Fran.', 1880-81, xxiii, 437-401.— Jenkins (J.-F.-T.) Du tlimattle la Californie. Union nu'-il. du Canada, Montreal, 1884, xiii, 250-253. — Kobi-r (8(>-7, ii, 331-340. —Robertson (J.W.) Coast cli- mate of California. Rep. 15d. Health Calif, Sacramento, 1884-6, ix, 199-209. -----. On the use and abuse ot the mineral springs of California. Ibid., 210-216. -----. Cli- mate and health resorts of California. South. Calif. Pratt. Los Angeles, 18K7, ii, 445 402. Also: J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, lssi. ix, 547-555. -----. Medical topography of California. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, v. 141- 149.—Room-y (I;. F.) Climatology and diseases of Placer County. Pacific M. J., San Fran.', IsDli, xxxix, 361-370.— Shew (A. M.) California as a health resort. Proc. Con- nect. Med. Soc. Hartford, 18S4, n. s., iii, no. L 49-56. Also, Reprint. — Trembly (J. I!.) Topography and me- teorology of California, autl their therapeutical relation to disease. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1886. xxix, 486- 501. —Witlney (J. P.) Geographical and topographical features common to the whole Pacific coast. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, l«s7, ii. 1-4. -----. Climatic features common to the whole Pacific coast. Ibid , 165-171. California, state Board of Health—continued. ------. Cholera tract. No. I. 6 pp. 8°. [Sac- ramento, n. d.] ------. Circular of the . . . Resuscitation of the drowned. Methods to be adopted on the spot. 7 pp. 8'. [Sacramento, n. d.] California. State Board of Prison Directors. Biennial aud annual reports to the governor of the State. Biennial, 1877-8 and 1*78-9. An- nual, 1.-13., 1879-80 to 1891-2. 8J. Sacramento, 1879-92. Prior to 1879-80 reports were made hienniallv. Report for 1891-2 is the 43. fiscal year. California. State Engineer. The sewage ques- tion in California. Report of the State engi- neer, Win. Ham-Hall, to the board of directors of the Stockton Insane Asylum on the sewerage for the institution in their charge. 76 pp. 8°. Sacramento, J. J. Ayres, Supt. State Printing, 1883. ------. Physical data and statistics of California. Tables and memoranda relating to rainfall, tem- perature, wiuds, evaporation, and other atmos- pheric phenomena; drainage areas and basins, flows of streams, descriptions and flows of arte- sian wells, and other factors of water supply; mountain, valley, desert, and swamp-land areas, topography of stream channels, elevations above the sea, and other topographical features. 547 pp. * . Sacramento, J. J. Ayers, 1886. California. State Mining Bureau. Contribu- tions to the geology aud mineralogy of Cali- fornia [and rare mineral recently found in the the State]. By William P. Blake. 8 pp. *°. Sacramento, J. D. Young, 1881. ------. Contribution to the geology and mineral- ogy of California. On the milling of gold quartz. Bv Melville Attwood. 20 pp. 8°. Sacramento, J". D. Young, 1882. ------. Annual report of the State miueralogist to the governor. 7.-9., 1**6-7 to 1888-9. 8-\ Sacramento, 1888-90. California. Stockton State Hospital. Report of the trustees to the legislature. 2., 1851-2. 55 pp. 8-. [Sacramento], G. K. Fitch $• Co. and V. A. Geiger # Co., [185:5]. Opened in Aug., 1851. Tbe insane department was added iu May, 1852. On July 1, 1853, the patients (not in- sane) were transferred to the State Marine Hospital at San Francisco, aud the name was changed to Insane Asylum of the State of California, at Stockton. California. See, also, Beaumont; Cholera (Asiatic, His- tory, etc., of ), by localities; Directories, etc. (Med- ical) ; Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Cerebro- spinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, His- tory, etc., of), by localities; Medicine (Military, History of') — Campaigns, etc.; Prisons, etc. (De- scriptions, etc., of'), Quarantine (Laus, etc., relat- ing to), by countries; San Diego; San Jose; Santa Barbara; Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities; Sewage (Disposal of), etc.; Small-pox (History of'), by countries; Statistics (Vital), by localities; .Universities. California for health, pleasure, and profit. Why you should go there. 8C. San Francisco, [1894]. Hatch (F.W.) The seaside health resorts of California. 8°. Sacramento, 1882. Jackson (A. W.) On the buildiug stones of California. (Supplement to secretary's report.) 8C. Berkeley, 1888. Bulletin on the building stones of California, from the Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Economic Geology of the University of California. United States. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Annual review of the Calitbr- nia climate and crop service, for the years 1887; 1892-5, by the climate and crop depart- J California [Lower California], Stkkets (T. II.) Contributions to the natural history of the Hawaiian and Fanning Islands CALIFORNIA, 90 CALKINS. California [Lower California]. and Lower California, made in connection with the United States North Pacific exploring expedi- tion, 1*73-5. 8°. Washington, 1*77. Bargrrt (J.) An account of the aboriginal inhabi- tants of tho California peninsula, as given by ... a Ger- man Jesuit missionary, who lived there seventeen years during the second half of the last century; translated and arranged for the Smithsonian Institution by Charles liau, of New York City. Eep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1862, 351- 359.—ten Kate (H.-F.-C.) Quelques observations ethno- grapbiques recueillies dans la presqu'ile Californienue et en Sonora. Kev. d'ethnoir., Par., 1883 ii, 321-326. -----. Mat6riaux pour servir k l'anthropologie de la presquile califoruienne. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 551-5(>9. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: An. d. Mus. nac. de Mexico, 1887, iv, 5-16. California [Southern California]. Coville (F. V.) Descriptions of new plants from southern California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. *'. Washington, 1802. Repr. from: Proc. Biol. Soc. "Wash., 1892, vii. Disinterested testimony concerning Santa Barbara and southern California. [Record of temperature at Santa Barbara from April 1,1876, to April 1, 1877.] 4°. [n. p., 1877?] Kern County, California: its location, soil, climate and resources. With some account of its superior advantages for settlers. Elephan- tine fol. San Francisco, [1894]. Bard (C. L.) The climatic surgical advantages of lit- toral southern California. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1890, xxvi, 122-140.—Boas (F.) Anthropometrical obser- vations on the Mission Indians of son thern California. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Salem, 1895, xliv, 1 1., 261-269, 9 tab.— Brown (C. W.) Disease conditions in southern Cali- fornia. J. Metl. 9. Cailliot (Dom Augustin) [1672-1757]. Traite historique des eaux et bains de Plomhieres, de Bourbonne, de Lnxeuil et de Bains. 333 pp., 111. 12°. Nancy, Leseure, 1748. ------. Dissertations sur Its apparitions des es- prits, et sur les vampires ou les revenans de Hongrie, de Moravie, etc. Nouv. e"d. Premiere partie. [v. 1.] 11 p. 1., 431 pp. 12°. Einsi- dlen, J. E. Kalin, 1749. ------. The same. Nouv. e"d. 2 v. xx, 77, 486 pp.; xvi, 483 pp. 12°. Paris, Debure Vuine, 1751. Additional title in v. 2: Avec une lettre de Monsieur le Marquis Maffei sur la magie. Calinette (Albert). "Etude critique sur l'etio- logie et la pathogeuie des maladies tropicales attributes a la filaire du sang humaiu. 46 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 18*6, No. 232. ■------. Le venin des serpents: physiologie de l'tiivenimation; traitement des morsures veni- meuses par le s6rum des animaux vaccine's. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, Soc. d'e'd. scient., 1896. [Calinette (Francois).] A treatise of feavers, in which is contain'd a description of the nature of fermentation, together with the causes, symp- toms, and cures of all leavers. Written originally in Latin, by the author of Riverius reformatns. 3 p. 1., 1:56 pp. 24°. London, E. Baldwin, 1701. ------. Riverius reformatns, renovatus et auc- tus, sive praxis medica methodo Riverianse non absimili juxta recentiorum, turn medicorum, turn philosophorum principia a . . . conscripta, et [Calinette (Francois)]—continued. publico olim prseleeta; qua) in novissima hac editione a suo autore recognita et ampliata; imo notis itidem aliis ac tractatibus selectioribus illustrata, auctior multo prodit. 2 pts. in 2 v. 5 p. 1., 461 pp.; 408 pp. 12°. Genera', sumpt. Soeictatis, 1706. See, also, Kiverius (Lazarus) [in 1. a.]. Riverius re- formatus, [etc.]. 12°. Lugduni, 1690. Calmettes (Jules). "Contribution a Fetude de la cirrhose du diabete bronze. 63 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1896, No. 131. Calmettes (R.). See HoIiim* (Gordon). Histoire des progres de la larvngologie [etc.]. 12°. Bruxelles, 1887__Michel (Carl) [in 1. s. |. Du traitement des maladies de la gorge [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles. 1884. — Oertel (Max-Joseph) [m 1. s. ]. Traitement de l'obesit6 et ties troubles de la circulation [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1886.—Urbantachitsch (Victor) [in 1. s.]. Traite des maladies de l'oreille. 8°. Paris, 1881. Calmucks. Z . . . r. Notizen iiber die Arzneikunde der Kal- niiicken. Russ. Samml. f. Naturw. u. Heilk., Riga u. Leipz., 1816, i, 91. Calm*. Blaxall (F. H.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on the sauitary condition of Calne. Dec. 27, 1874. fol. London, 1874. Caloglossa. Cramer (C.) Ueber Caloglossa Leprieurii (Mont, Harv.) J. G. Agardh. Festschr. z. Feier d. . . . Karl Wil- helm v. Nageli u. Albert v. Kolliker [etc.], Zurich, 1890- 91, 1-18, 3 pi. Calomel. See Mercury (Chloride of). Calori (Luigi) [1807-96]. De foetu humano nionoculo. 27 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Bononice, ex off. Emygdii ab Ulmo, 1840. Repr. from: Novi comment. Acad. sc. Inst. Bononien- sis, 1840, iv. ------. Descrizione anatomica di un iperencefalo umano. 24 pp., 3 pi. roy. 8°. Bologna, 1843. Repr. from: Mem. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1843, iii. ------. Auimadversiones anatomicse de tergemina atresia, nimirum oris, ani, et vagina), in humano fceto inspecta. pp. 29-55, 3 pi. 4°. [Boloqna, 1849.] Cutting from: Novi comment. Acad. sc. Inst. Bononien- sis, 1849, ix. ------. Aunotationes anatomicse de origine et connexionibus nervi accessorii Willisii cum pos- ticis nervorum cervicalium superiorum radieibus et cum nervo vago. 72 pp., 5 pi. 4°. Bononur, ex typog. Emygdii ai Ulmo, 1849. Repr. from: Novi comment. Acad. sc. Inat. Bononieu- sis, 1849, ix. -------. Tre osservazioni anatomicbe ; una, sopra una connessione congenita della milza con le ap- pendici uterine sinistre; altera, sopra un'ano- malia del peritoneo ; la terza, sopra il rapporto di fonnazione e di sviluppamento tra gli arti ed i loro apparecchi nervosi. 44 pp., 6 pi. 4°. [Bologna, 1849.] Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1850, ii. ------. Animadversiones historico-critiete et ob- servation's anatomica) de portiono minore paris quiuti nt'ivorinii cerebri hominiset nonnullorum mammalium domesticorum. 35 pp., 3 pi. 4°. [Bologna, 1H50.] Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. se. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1850. i. ------. Sui rapporti esistenti fra le piii cospicue diramazioui arterioso e venose diramate per la milza dell' uomo e dei mammiferi domestici; ricerche storiche ed osservazioni anatomicbe. pp. 563-5H6. 4°. [Bologna, 1850.] Cutting from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1850, i. CALORT. 94 CALOT. C'alori (Luigi)—continued. ------. Sulla corda del timpano. 50 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Bologna, San T. d'Aquino, 1853. Repr. from.- Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1853, iv. ------. Sulla matriee degli scudetti cornei della cassa twracico-addominale dei cheloni; memoria. 26 pp., 2 pi. 4\ Bologna, 1853. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc d. Ist. di Bologna, 1853, iv. ------. Intorno un peracefalo umauo inserito col suo tralcio ombellicale in un tronco comune al tralcio di feto normale. 25 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Bo- logna, San T. d?Aquino, 1855. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1855, v. ------. Descrizione di un mostro umano doppio opo-ectodimo, preceduta da un breve commenta- rio sulle uova gemellinche degli uccelli. 70 pp.. 9 pi. 4°. Bologna, San T. d'Aquino, 1855. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1855, vi. ------. Sulle horse inucose sottocutauee del corpo umano; annotazioni anatomichi. 22 pp. 4C. Bologna, San T. WAquino, 1857. [P., v. 1126.] Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1857, viii. ------. Sopra un voluminoso tumore congenito esteso dalla pelvi ai piedi con apparente compli- eazione di ernia o sventrainento. pp. 187-206, 2 pi. 4°. [Bologna, 1838.] Cutting from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1858, ix. ------. Cervello di un negro della Guinea, pp. 177-212, 8 pi. 4°. [Bologna, 1865.] Cutting from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1865, 2. s., v. ------. Di alcuui nuovi musculi sopranmunerarii degli arti. pp. 137-147, 2 pi. 4°. [Bologna, 18U6.] Cuttimi from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1866, 2. s\, vi. ------. Delle corrispondenze del nervo musculo- cutaneo con il capo sopranuumerario del bicipite braeehiale e col bracchiale intorno. pp. 149-155, 2 pi. 4°. [Bologna, 1866.] Cutting from.- Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna 1866, 2. s., vi. ------. Varieta dei muscoli del tronco e descri- zione di una pettorina di fanciullo singolare per varie anomalie. pp. 3*3-393, 4 pi. 4°. [Bo- logna, 1867.] Cutting from .- Mem. Accad. d. sc d. Ist. di Bologna 1867, 2. s'., vii. ----,—. Di una iuversione splancnica generale nell' uomo aceompagnata da alcuni notabili del eapo con esso lei couvenienti e da estrauee ano- malie. 28 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1881. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna 1881, 2. s., iv. ------. Di un mostro umano acardio e della ipo- tesi piu probabile intorno alle cagioni della maucanza del cuore. 34 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1885. Repr. from : Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna 1885, 4. s., vi. ------. Degli arti superiori deformi in un feto a termine e delle alterazioni ed anomalie ossee, mnscolari, nervose e vascolari concoinitanti. 28 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeg- giani, 1886. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1886, 4. s., vii. ------. Sopra due casi di varieta numeriche delle vertebre accompagnati da varieta numeriche delle costole e da altre anomalie. 18 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 4°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 18*7. Repr. from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1887-8, 4. 8., viii. Calori (Luigi)—continued. ------. Sopra il muscolo episternale e le sue ana- tomicbe interpretazioiii. 12 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Bo- logna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 18**. Repr. from: Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1888, 4. s., ix. ------. Sopra un caso d' iuversione dei condotti • toracici, accompaguato da iuversa origine dell' arteria succlavia destra e sulla geuesi delle due anomalie. 10 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Bologna, Gambe- rini e Parmeggiani, 1890. Repr. from: Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1890, 5. s., i. For Biography, see Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiii, 334; 38!). Also: Arch, per 1' autrop., Firenze, 1896, xxvi, 369 (M.). Calorimeters and calorimetry. Donkin (B.) & Holliday (J.) Calorimeters fortestingfuelsonasmallscale. 8C. London,1*00. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Lond., 1889-90, cii, pt. 4. Rosenthal iC.) * Calorimetrische Untersn- chungen iiber die Warmeproduction und Warine- abgabe des Armes an Gesunden und Kranken. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1*88. d-'Artonval, Sur une nouvelle m6thode de calorim*;- trie. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 25. -----. Nouvelle metbode calorim^trique applicable a l'homme. Ibid., 1884,8. s., i, pt. 2,651-654.-----. Kecherclies decalorim6trieaiiimale. Ibid.,721; 763.-----. Calorimetre differentiel enregistreur. Ibid., 1886, 8. s., iii, 104. -----. Recherches de calorimetrie. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1886, xxii, 113-161. -----. Recherches c'alori- nirfkriques sur l'lioinme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i. 138-140. -----. L'anemo-calorimetre, ou nouvelle mfitbotle de calorimetrie bumaine, normale et patbologique. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1894, 5. a., vi, 360-370— Hald'ane (J. S ), While (W. II.) Sc Washboum (J. "W.) An improved form of animal calorimeter. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1894, xvi, 123-139 — JLanglois (P.) Contribution & l'etude dela ealorim6trio chez rbomme. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1887, xxiii, 400-461. Also, in: Uichet (C.) Phvsiol. Trav. tin lab.. 8°, Par., 1893, i, 279-352— lianlanie (F.) Essni tie calorimetrie animale; sur un calorimetre an6mothermii|iii-. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 5-8. —I.e. fevre (J.) Nouvelle m6thode de calorim6trie aniniale; premieres recherches sur les lois tie la thermog^nese dans les courants d'air. Arch, do phvsiol. norm.et path., Par., 1895, 5. s., vii, 443-454.— \uiuill (G. H. F.) Leber this .luukers'sche Kalorimeter und den Heizweith des Ber- liner I.t'iichtgases. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1895, v. 351- 353. — Ott (I.) Human calorimetry. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 342: 1,29. -----. An improved calorimeter. J. Nerv. Sc Mont, Dis., N. Y., 1890, xvii, 348-351. A Iso, Re- print—Kicket (C.) D'une nouvelle ru6tliode calorime- trique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. 8., i, lit. 2, 655-657. -----. Le caloriuifttre h siphon et la production dela chaleur. Ibid., 707-715.-----. Recherches tie calori- metrie. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1885. 3. s., vi, 237; 450. Also, in his: Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, i, 147-255. —Rosenthal (J.) Versuche liber Warmeproduction bei Siiugethieren. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1891, xxviii, 529-533. -----. Die Warineproduction im Fieber. Ibid., 785-788. -----. Physiologist-he Calori- metrie. Ibid., 1893, xxx, 911-915. ----—. Calorimt-irist-lie Hutersuchuugen; Nacbtriigo zur Theorie der Calori- meter. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1894, 223-282, 3 pi.— Rubner (M.) Ein Calorimeter fiir physiologiscbe und liygu-niM'he Zweckc Ztschr. f. Biol., Muncben u. Leipz., 1S8S, xxv, 400-426. -----. Calorimetriscbe Metliodik. Beitr. 7,. Physiol., Marb., 1891, 33-68, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.— Waller (A. D.) Calorimetry by surface thermometric and liygrometric data. Proc. Physiol. Soc Lond., 1893, pp. xxv-xxix.—Winternitz (W.) Ueher Calorimetrie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1876, lxvi, 503-521. Calot (Francois) [1861- ]. *De la chol<5- cystectomie (ablation de la v6sicule biliaire). 211 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 52. -----. The same. 238 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, L-'H. ------. Le traitement de la coxaline. 304 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, 1895. ------. Note sur la correction operatoire des sco- lioses graves. 5 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Paris, Masson et Cie., [181)7?]. —-—-. Note sur quelques modifications apport6es a la technique du redressement des maux de Pott. 6 pi. with descriptive text. 8°. Paris, Masson et Cie., [1897?]. GALOT. 95 CALYCANTHINE. Calot (Francois) A: de Rothschild (H.) Le dispensaire H. de Rothschild a Berck-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais). Essai sur l'assistaiH-e mddi- cale et chirurgicale gratuite dans les petites villes et dans les campagnes. 226 pp., 9 pi. 1-2 \ Paris, G. Masson, 1893. Calotropis. IHcKcddie (G. D.) Note on the action of tbe juice of the leaves and stalk of madar (Calotropis gigantea). In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1867, ii, 148.—Irlorton (J.) Tbe therapeutics of Indian madar (Calatropis gigantea). In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, viii, 296. Calovini '(Tito). Treno-ospedale-ferroviario; continuazione degli studi del dottore Pietro Crespi. 15 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Milano, L. Zanaboni e Gabuzzi, 1884.] Calphuniius (Franciscus). See Avieenna. Liber canonis totius niedieinse [etc.], 4°. [Lugduni], 1522. Calstock. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Blaxall (F. H.) Report on the sanitary con- dition of the parish of Calstock, and on the causes and prevalence of preventable diseases there, fol. London, [1871]. Calf ha. Bi-ondgeest. Ueber Caltha palustris. Verhandl. d. x. interiiat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 4. Abth., 57. Calton (Georges) [1866- ]. * Contribution a l'etude d'un erytheme symptomatique d'une infection secondaireeu particulier au cours de la fievretyphoide chez l'enfant. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 308. Caluci (Eugenio). L' omicidio-suicidio; cenui critici. 15 pp. 8°. Venezia, Fontana, 1884. Repr. from: Temi Veneta, ix, n. 13 & 14. Calliri (Francesco). Relazione sopra un preteso eruiafrodito. pp. 167-202. 4°. [Siena, L. $ B. Bindi, 1774.] Cutting from: Attid. Accad. d. sc. di Siena, 1774, v. Calvados (De"par lenient du). Comite" d6parte- meutal de protection des enfants du premier age. Proces-verbaux des stances pour les anuses 1881-84. 4°. Caen, 18^1-4. ------. Protection de l'enfance. (Loidu23 decem- bre 1874.) Distribution solenuelle des recom- penses a l'h6tel-de-ville de Caen, dimanche 9 • juillet 1882, sous la pre"sideuce de M. le Dr. The'ophile Roussel, senateur. 67 pp. 8°. Caen, F.Le Blanc-Hardel, 1882. ------. Rapport ge"ne"ral sur le service sanitaire dans le Calvados par M. J. Anne, chef du ser- vice sanitaire. 36 pp. P2°. Bayeux, imp. 0. Pay an, 1890. Calvani (Michele). Istoria di una tisichezza tubercolare curata cou 1' uso dell' etiope mine- rale. In: Raccolta di opnsc. med.-prat. 8°. Firenze, 1778, iv, 352-356. Calvary (S.) & Co. Verzeichniss einer Samm- lung vou Werken aus dem Lager von ... in Berlin. Zoologie. Vergleichende Anatomie und Pliysiologie. 20 pp. 8°. Berlin, [1879]. Calvary Parish. Investigations of the social statistics commit tee, parish branch of the Church Temperance Society. 32 pp., 9 tab. 12°. [New York, 18SJ3.] Calvert. See Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Calvert (F. C.) & Co. Carbolic acid or phenol, as a disinfectant; and how to use it in cases of infectious diseases. 44 pp. 8°. Belfast, M''Caw, Stevenson 27[-30]. Separate title-pajie to each Centuria; the ix., Auaustse Trcbocorum, 1628; tbe x., Silberdina', 1629; the xi., Silber- thue, 1630; the xii., Silberdiure, 1630. ------. The same. Centuria xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. 3 p. 1., 388 pp. 24°. Argentina, sumpt. E. Zetz- neri, 1652. Camerarius (Ludovicus) [1566-1642]. See Camerarius (Joachimus). Symbolorum et em- bleuiatum [etc.]. sm. 8°. [Francofurti\, 1605. Camerarius (Rudolphus Jacobus) [1665-1721], *Tensio cordis, lipothymiae causa, occasione ex- perimenti pueuinatici exposita. 1 p. 1., '24 pp. sin. 4\ Tubingw, typ. M. Eommeii, [1686]. -----. De sexu plantaruni; epistola ad. Mich. Beruhard. Valentini. Tubinga?, 1694. In: Valentini (M. B.) Polychiesta exotica [etc.]. 4°. Francof. ad Moenum, 1700, 225-268. Camerer (Albert). *I. Studien iiber qualita- tive Trennuugeu derMetalle der Schwefelamiuo- ninm-Gruppe. II. Einwirkung von Natrium- thiosulfat auf verschiedene Metallsalze und Me- talloxyile. [Erlangen.] 39 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, C. Sclieufele, [1885, vel subseq.] Camerer (Alexander). Diss, de ophthalmia venerea et peculiari in ilia operatioue. Respond. auctore Jul. Frieder. Breyer. In: Diss. med. select. 12°.' Tubing., 1785, iii, 94-134. Climerer (Julius). * Ueber die diiitetische Be- handlung des Diabetes mellitns. [Tubingen.] 36 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1893. Camerer (Rudolf). * Ueber Fremdkorper, welche die Tuba Eustachii durchdringen. 20 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Pietzcker, 1804. Camerer (W[ilhelm])1 [1842- ]. Zucker- harnruhr, Korpulenz, Gicht und chronische Nierenkrankheiten, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Untersuchungsmethoden und diiitetischen Behandlung. vii, 135 pp. 12°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1888. Camerer (Willielm)2. *Versuche iiber den zeitlicheu Vcrlauf der "Willensbewegung. 47 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1866. [P., v. 1897.] Camero (Gabriel) [1864- ]. "Contribution a l'etude du traitement tie la cystite douloureuse par le curettage vesical chez la femme. 156 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 452. Cameron (Charles)1. New theory of the in- fluence of variety in diet in health and disease, accounting for many obscure affections hitherto hut little understood, and tending to elucidate the nature aud requisite treatment of the exist- ing epidemic cholera, xv, 104 pp. 8°. London, S. Hiqhley, 1832. Cameron (Charles)2 [1841- ]. On the fail- ure of vaccination, and the variolus origin of much of the vaccine lymph now in use. From the Times, Nov. 24,1879, with .confirmatory notes from other sources. 5 pp. 8C. [London, W. Young, 1879.] ------. Microbes in fermentation, putrefaction, and disease. Paper read before the Philosoph- ical Society of Glasgow, Dec. 14, 1881. 32 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall $• Cox, 1882. Repr. from: Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasg. '------. The cholera microbe and how to meet it. Address delivered at Belfast, July 31, 1884. 26 pp. 8;. London, Bailliere, Tindall $■ Cox, 1*84. ameron (Sir Charles Alexander) [1830- ]. Sugar; its composition, properties, preparation, and adulteration; also, some observations on the present method of levying the duties ou sugar. 30 pp. 8°. Dublin, W. Robtrtson, 1863. ----. On the chemical composition and fertil- izing value of the sewage of Dublin. Read at meetings of the. Royal Dublin Society, held on tho 19th December, 1864, aud the 15th January, 1865. 11 pp. 8°. Dublin, R. M'Gee, 1865. Repr. from: Dublin Builder. ----. The prevention of contagious diseases. A practical treatise on disinfectants, antiseptics, and other sanitary agents. 2 ed. 36 pp. Hi0. London, Paris <;• Madrid, Bailliere, Tindall cf Cox, 1871. -----. Report on public health. 30 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1873. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1873, lv. -----. On mercuric iodate: its preparations and reactions. 4 pp. 8°. London, A. Boot, 1876. Repr. from: Analyst, Lond., 1876, i. -----. On an impervious material for damp courses in houses. (Read 21st February, 1877.) 5 pp. 8°. [Dublin, A. Thorn, 1877.] -----. The same. 7 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1877. [P., v. No. 2092.] -----. Report on an epidemic of fever caused by infected milk. pp. 175-198 [July 1-24]. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1879. Gutting, with additional note [cover with printed title] from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, lxviii. -----. Preliminary note on the absorption of selenium by plants, pp. 231-233. 8°. [Dublin, A. Thorn, 1879.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Scient. Proc. Koy. Dubl. Soc, 1879. -----. On abortive aud mild typhoid fever. 3 pp. 8->. [Dublin, 1879.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, lxviii. -----. On the action of water upon mercuric sul- phate. 3pp. 8°. [Dublin, A. Thorn<$■ Co., 1880.] Repr.from: Scient. Proc Hoy. Dubl. Soc, 18[78-]80, n. s., ii. -----. On the composition of the milk of forty- two cows. 8 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1881.] Repr. from: Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 188[l-]3, n. s., iii. -----. Reports on the state of public health in Dublin, and the sanitary work performed there- in. To the lord mayor, aldermen and burgesses of Dublin. [Monthly.] June, 1881; May, 1883, to July, 1887; Sept., 1887, to June, 1890; Aug., 1890, to July, 1891; Sept., 1891, to Sept., 1892; Nov., 1892, to June, 1897. 8°. Dublin, 1881-97. -----. Reports upon the state of public health and the sanitary work performed in Dublin, dur- ing the years 1880-96. Also, annual reports upon the analysis and inspection of food, etc. 19.-35., 1880-96. 8°. Dublin, 1881-97. -----. On the results of the Town Labourers' Dwellings Acts. 10 pp. 8°. [London, Spottis- woode Sf Co., 1881.] Repr. from: Tr. Nat. Asa. Promot. Social Sc. 1881,Lond., 1882. -----. On the poisonous properties of borax aud nitre. 3 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 188-2.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, lxxiv. -----. Sanitary legislation and administration at home and abroad. (Specially reported for the "Medical Press".) 11 pp. 12-. [London, T. Danks, 1-83.] Repr. from: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv. ------. Note on diabetic urine with low specific gravity. 2 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1883. J Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1883, lxxv. ------. On the hygiene of Irish national schools. 11 pp. 8 . [lJublin, 1884.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, lxx vii. CAMERON. Cameron (Sir Charles Alexander)—continued. -----. Address. Subject: "Micro-organisms aud alkaloids which render food poisonous". Read October 3,18-4. 19 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1**4.] Repr. from: Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1884-5, vi. -----. On the water-supplies to Irish towns. 24 pp. 8°. Dublin, Fannin .j- Co., 1885. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, lxxviii. -----. On the anatomical knowledge and original discoveries of Irish surgeons. 19 pp. 8°. Dub- lin, J. Falconer, 1885. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, lxxx. -----. The homes of the working classes in Dub- lin. 16 pp. 8°. Dublin, Dollard, 1885. -----. History of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and of the Irish schools of medicine, including numerous biographical sketches, also a medical bibliography, x (11.), 759 pp., 13 pi. 8°. Dublin, Fanning- Co., 1886. -----. On the toxicity of silicon fluoride. 9 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1887. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1887, l^xxiii. -----. On the clearance of an unhealthy area, under the provisions of the Public Health Act. 8 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1887.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1887, lxxxiii. -----. A visit to the claret couutrv. Cheap wine for the people. 6 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1887.] Repr. from: Dublin J. AL Sc, 1887, 3. s., lxxxiv. -----. Report on the death-rate in Dublin, pp. 359-368. 8°. Dublin, Dollard, 1*87. Cutting [cover with printed title], marked in upper left- hand corner: 1887—No. 54. See, also, CJi-eat Britain. Army. Report on the prevalence of enteric fever [etc.]. fol. London, 1888 — Oldfield (Josiah). Tuberculosis, or flesh eating a cause of consumption. 12°. London. 1892. For Biography, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1886, v, 97-99, port. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Cameron (James). See Great Britain. Local Government Board. Milk-scarlatina. 8°. London, 1886. Cameron (James). Soaps aud candles, ix, 306 pp. 12c. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son $■ Co., 1888. See, also, Oils and varnishes [in 1. s.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. Ciimeioii (James Chalmers). See American (An) textbook of obstetrics for practi- tioners and students. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. Cameron (James Spottiswoode). Aunual re- ports of the medical officer of health, with the tables of the sauitary inspector to the sanitary committee of the borough of Huddersfield for the years 1880: 1881; 1883-7. 8\ Huddersfield, 1881-8. -----. Report of the medical officer of health to the sanitary committee of Huddersfield. 4. qr. of 1885. 2 sheets, fol. [Huddersfield, 1*86.] -----. The compulsory notification of infectious disease. Special report on the working of the local clauses in the Huddersfield acts of 1876 aud 18&0. Printed by order of the sauitary commit- tee. 21 pp. 8°. Huddersfield, G. Whitehead 95. Caiiio v Monloobi© (Jose). Nee Burger (Carl Gottlieb). Compendio de cirugia operatoria. " 8°. Madrid, 1876. (aiilO^H. Regolamenti di polizia urbana, ru- ralc e di pubblica igiene per il comune di Ca- mogli. 16]>p. 8°. Genova, Martini Pietro, 1874. CaillOll (Eugene). "Etude sur la toptigrapliie medicalo du canton de Bordt-res (Hantes-Pyre- n£es). 72 pp., 1 map. 4°. Bordeaux, 1883, 5. s., No. 22. CaillOHS (Aloysius). * [Ex institutionibus me- dicis. ^Etiologia generalis. I. De flatibus, et vermibus. II. [etc.].] 18 pp. 4°. Augusta Tanrinorum, Bianco, [1818]. [P., v. 944.] Camous (Emilio). See Legge (La) sanitaria 22 dicembre 1888 illustrata cttlla biblio'gfafia [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, 1896. de Camp (Ferdinand Alexander Ludovicus) [1814- ]. *De chorea Sti. Viti. 28 pp., 2 1. 8-. Berolini, typ. frat rum Schlesinger, [1840]. van den Camp (Joannes Baptista). *De fe- bre putrida, receutiornm advuamica. 15 pp. 4°. Lovanii, H. Baumans, [1*20]. [P., v. 958.] Van Camp (Joannes Jacobus Willebrordus). * De hvdrothorace et hydrocardia. 24 pp. 4C. Lugd. Bat., J. ran Bemmel, 1*06. [P., v. 1482.] Camp (Josef). * Typhus und acute Miliartuber- culose. 24 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1883. Campa (F. de P.) Calendario de la preiiez e higiene de la muger encinta. 215 pp., 1 1. 12°. Valencia, P. Aguilar, 1874. ------. Lecciones de ginecopatia 6 enfermedades especiales de la mujer profesadas en la Facultad de medicina tie Valencia. Recogidas taqnigra- ficamente por D. Eurique Almar. viii, 580 pp., 2 1. 8°. Valencia, J. M. Blesa, 1881. ------. Tratado completo de obstetricia. 2. ed. v. 1. Embriogenia. Obstetricia normal, xxiii, 536 pp. 8°. Valencia, P. Aguilar, 1885. Campagna. Sec Rome. Caiupagrne. See Thulie (Jean-Baptiste-Henri) [in l.s.]. La manie raisonnante du Dr. Campagno. 8°. Paris, 1870. Campagne (P. J.) P. J. Campagne's hand- boek voor droogisteu- en apothekers-leerlingen. Geheel vernieuwd en in verband met de Pharma- copcea neerlandica bewerkt door R. J. Opwijrda, en H. Kloetc Nortier. iv, 630, 55 pp., 2 1. 8". Tiel, H. C. A. Campagne, 1854. Campagfiiole (Edouard). L'assistance mddi- cale gratuite (commentaire de la loi du 15 juillet 1893). Ouvrage honore" d*une souscription par M. le ministre de Fint6rieur. 1 p. 1., 352 pp. 8 . Paris, Berger-Levrault $• Cie., 1894. Cainpaignac (J.-A.-J.) Considerations sur la rualadie epklemique qui a regn^ a Paris pen- dant le mois dejuin 1831. 56 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1831.] [P., v. 1677.] Title-page wanting. -----. Note sur quelques cas d'administration du seigle ergot*?, coinme moyen de provoquer ou d'activt r les contractions de l'uterus pendant le travail de l'accouchement. 19 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1831. [P., v. 1690.] Repr. from: Repertoire medical. Campailla (Tomaso) [1668-1740?]. Del motu degli animali; discorso. Parte prima. De' movimenti interni. 273 pp. 16°. Palermo, A. Pecora, 1710. Cainpan (Bernard). Essai sur les variete"s de la couleur des hommes. 26 pp., 1 1. 4°. Mont- pellier, G. Izar & A. Ricard, [an VIII [1800]]. [P., v. 1911.] Canipana* Recherches d'anatomie, de physio- logic et d'organogenie, pour la determination des lois de la genese et de Involution des especes animates. Premier m6moire: Physiologie de la respiration chez les oiseaux; anatomic de l'ap- pareil pneumatique-pulmonaire, des faux-dia- phragmes, des so re uses et de l'intestin chez le poulet. Preface analytique, fonnant prospectus au premier nie'moire. xv pp. 4°. Paris, G. Masson, 1875. Canipana (Andrea) [ 1770 ?-1855 ]. Osserva- zioni sul miglior modo di premier la pietra in vescica dai litotomi. 18 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Ve- nezia, Picolli, 1821. Canipana (Antonio) [1751-1832]. Farmacopea Ferrarese. 3. ed. 216 pp. 12°. Venezia, S. Gnoalo, 1803. ------. The same. Ed. 5. xi, 329 pp., 1 1. 12c. Firenze, G. Piatli, 1808. ------. The same. Ed. novissima tratta dalla qniuta di Firenze. 261 pp. 12°. Venezia, A. Santini e figlio, 1809. ------. The same. 7. ed. 423 pp. 16°. Firenze, G. Piatli, 1821. -----. Tbe same. 13. ed. 1, 406 pp., 1 1. 12°. Bologna, Cardinali $• Frulli, 1828. ------. The same. 15. ed. lvi, 427 pp., port. 12°. Pesaro, A. Nobili, 1831. 7n.- Raccolta di farmacopee [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 12°. Pesaro, 1831, pt. 1. ------. The same. Farmacopea del dottore . . . accresciuta di moltissime aggiuute. 16. ed. e prima milanese. xvi, 528 pp. 16°. Milano, per gli editori, 1832. For Biography, see IVigiisoli (G.) Elogio del Prof. Antonio Campana Ferrarese ricavato da un' analisi dili- gente delle sue opere edite ed inedite. 8°. Ferrara, 1861. Campana (Roberto) [1844- ]. Sifilide e sihlitici in un triennio di clinica. Sommario. xvi, 384 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1882. -----. Osservazioni sulla medicazione locale della lepra (elefantiasi dei Greci). pp. 421-425, 1 pi. 4°. [Roma, 1883.] Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 3. s., xv. ------. Clinica dermopatica e sifilopatica della r. Universita di Genova. Fasc. i, iii, xi, xii, anni 1883, 1885, 1892. 8°. Genova, r. Ist. de' sordo- muti, 1884-92. Fasc. xi and xii, 1892, are printed by A. Ciminago. ------. Alcune dermatosi neuropatiche; studii cliuici ed anatomici. 99 pp., 9 pi. imp. 8°. Genova, r. 1st. sordo-muti, 1885. Repr. from.- Atti r. Univ. di Genova. ------. Sui globi del mollusco contagioso. Con- tribuzione istologica. 8 pp. 8°. Milano, Bor- tolotti di Dal Bono e C, 18*6. Repr. from: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1886, xxi. Bound ivith his: Clinica dermopatica, [etc.]. 8°. Oe- nova, 1886, Fasc. iii. ------. Dei morbi sifilitici e venerei. Sommario di conferenze in due parti, xv, 339 pp. ; vii, 183 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Genova, 1888-9. ------. Tavole per disegnarvi le localizzazioni dei morbi cutanei. 5 pp. 8°. [Milano, F. Val- lardi, 1889. ] Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii. Bound with his: Clinica dermopatica, [etc.J. 8°. Ge- nova, 1886, Fasc. iii. -----. The same. 3. ed. xiv (11.), 416pp., 1 pi. 12°. Genova, A. Ciminago, 1894. ------. Lepra. 224 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Genova, 1894. ------. Clinica dermosifilopatica. della ra. Uni- versita di Roma. Fasc. i and ii, 1894-5; Fasc. i and ii, 1896. 8°. Roma, C. Garroni, 1894-6. Fasc i and ii, 1896, are printed by frat. Centenari. ------. La cura di alcune infezioni. Due lezioni, pubblicate nella rieorrenza del primo ceutenario della scoperta di Jenner sulla vaccina/ione aui- male. 22 pp. 8°. Roma, frat. Centenari, 1896. CAMPAXELLA. 102 CAMPBELL. Cainpaneila (Paolo). Brevi note intorno ad un caso clinico osservato in Sammauro di Ro- magna. 12 pp. 8°. Montegiorgio, Delbello, 188<). Cainpaneila (Tommaso) [1568-1639]. Medi- cinalium, juxta propria principia, libri septem. Opus non solum medicis, sed omnibus natura? et pri vat se valetudinis studiosis utilissimum. 12 p. 1., 690 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugduni, J. Caffin Sf F. Plaignard, 1635. Campani (Cesare). Storia e progresso della odt-ntologia. 8 pp. 8°. Firenze, 1877. Repr. from: Gior. dicorrisp. p. deutisti, 1877, vi, disp. 4. Campani (Dario). Nuovo processo di imbalsa- nmzione. 7 pp. 8°. Pisa, tip. del Folchetto, 1889. Caiiipamilaria. Klaatscb (H.) Beitrage zur genaueren Kenntnisder Campanularieu. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1883-4, ix, 534- 5!)6, 3 pi. Camparan (Victor) [1832- ]. [Biography.] Metl. mod., Par., 1897, viii, Suppl., 97. Campardon (J.-F.-A.) De la couperose. 29 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1847. Campardon [ Thdodore - Jean - Jules-Charles ] [1832- ]. Socidtd de mddecine pratique. Rapport fait au nom de la commission des appli- cations nouvelles a la thdrapeutique pendant l'aunde 1884 (deuxieme amide). 60 pp. 8°. Clermont (Oise), Daix freres, 1883. See, also, Formulaire de thdrapeutique [etc.]. 4. 6d. 16°. Paris', 1K86. For Biography, see Bull, de m6d. prat, de Par., 1887, 36- 38 (Gillt-t de Grandmont). Campari (G.) Analisi chimica dell' urina, sedi- menti e calcoli, colla descrizione degli utensili e dei reattivi necessarii per eseguirla, nouche un cenuo preliminare sull' analisi chimica in gene- rale, qualitative e quantitativa. xvii, 351 pp., 1 1., 7 pi. 12°. Parma, L. Battel, 18*1. Cailipm-t (Henri) [18.77- ]. * De l'dpiscld- ritis. 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 215. Campbell (Alexauder D.) A probationary es- say on the viability of the foetus. 2 p. 1., 39 pp. 8 '. Edinburgh. Balfour Jy 'Lick, 1842. Campbell (Amory Sibley) [1849- ]. Gun- shot wound of the abdomen; fecal fistula—spon- taneous closure; recovery; with remarks on treatment; including a further consideration of the action aud applications of quinine. 16 pp. 8°. Augusta, J. Loveday, 1*81. Repr. from: Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1881, xxxii. Campbell (Charles James) [1820-79]. De la uarcose uterine directe pendant l'auesthdsie ob- stdtricale. 29 pp. 8C. Paris, G. Masson, 1877. Repr. from: J. de tb6rap., Par., 1877, iv. For Bioqraphy, see Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1880), 1881, xxii, 65-68 —.Tli^ula (W.) An introduction to practical bacteriology [etc], 12°. London, Aeio York, 1893. Campbell (Hugh). The salicylic treatment of gout, rheumatic gout, neuralgia, and diabetes. 2. ed. ix (1 1.), 107 pp. 12°. London, H. Ren- shaw, 1879. ------. The drink-hunger in women. Its causes, consequences, and curative treatment, vi (11.), 86 pp. 12°. London, H. Renshaic, Lw90. Campbell ( J. ) A letter fnm . . . M. D., a physician in the country, to his friend in town, occasioned by the case of the Right Honourable Thomas Winington, esq., lately published by Thomas Thomson, M. D. 42 pp. 8°. London, L. Raymond, 1746. Campbell (James). List of new works and new editions iu every department of medical literature. Contents: List of medical journals, visiting lists for 1873, sets of medical journals, new books and editions, James Campbell's publi- cations, old and valuable medical works. 14 pp., 17 1. 16°. Boston, 1875. Campbell (James). * Zur Lehre von der kryp- togenetischen Septikopyamie. [Tubingen.] 13 pp. 8 . Leipzig, G. fhieme, 1891. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1801. xvii. Campbell (J[ames] B.) Three cases of pneu- monia followed bv mania. 5 pp. 16°. [Phila- delphia, 1894.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv. Campbell (John). An essay on neuralgia spas- modica, or tic douloureux. 1 p. ]., 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Pillans, 1823. [Also, in: P., v. 1272; 1617.] Campbell (John). Surnical cases. 12 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Edinburgh, J. Stark, 1832.] [P., v. 1190.] Repr. from : Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1832, xxxvii. Campbell (.John). Negro-mania: being an ex- amination of the falsely assumed equality of the various races of men; demonstrated by the in- vestigations of Cliampollion, Wilkinson, Rosel- lini [it al.]. Together with a concluding chap- ter presenting a comparative statement of the condition of the negroes in the West Indies be- fore and since emancipation. 551pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Campbell <$• Power, 1851. Campbell (John). Thirty years' experience of a medical officer in the English convict service. 139 pp. 12°. London, T. Nelson <,• Sons, 1884. Campbell (John). Elements of hygiene for schools and colleges, vi (1 1.), 120 pp. 12°. Dublin, M. H. Gill ]. [Also, in : P., v. 1496.] Repr. from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1874-5, xx. ------. Report of three cases of short attacks of insanity, with some remarks on the discharge of recovered patients. 8 pp. 8°. Lewes, G. P. Bacon, 187."). Repr. from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1875-6. xxi. ------. Notes on flic reparative power of insanity. 5 pp. 8°. Lewes, G. P. Bacon. 1876. Repr. from: J. Ment. St-., Lend., 1S76-7, xxii. ------. Feeding versus fasting. 7 pp. 8°. Car- lisle, C. T hum am <»• Sons, 1878. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i. ------. Insanity ; its treatment and prevention. 23 pp. 8°. Carlisle, C. Thurnam <.y Sons, 1880. Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii. ------. Note on the absence of beer in an asylum dietary. 4 pp. 8°. Carlisle, C. Thurnam if Sons, 1881. Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1881, i. ------. Complaints by insane patients. 10 pp. 8°. Lewes, H. W. Wolff, 1*81. Repr. from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1881-2, xxvii. ------. The necessity for careful physical as well as mental examination prior to sending patients to asylums. 10 pp. 8°. Carlisle, C. Thurnam <$• Sons, 1**2. Repr. from .- Lancet, Lond., 1882, i. Campbell (John P.) Biological teaching in the colleges of the United States. 183 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1891. U. S. Depr. of thelnt. Bur. of Educ. Circ. of informa- tion no. 9, 1891. 04 CAMPER, CAMPBELL. Campbell (M.). nee llerlwi^ (Oscar). The cell [etc.], 8°. London, New York. 1W).">.—IMiguIa (W.) An introduction to prac- tical bacteriology [etc.J. 12°. London, New York, 1893. Campbell (Robert) [1826- ]. Letter on the treatment of typhoid fever. Iu answer to inquiries. 9 pp. 8 . Augusta, Ga., J. Morris, 1858. Repr. from: South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1858, n. s., xiv. Campbell (Robert). The relations existing be- tween eczema and psoriasis. 9 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1877. Repr. from: Arch. Dermat., N. T., 1877, iii. -----. Clinical reports of the Demilt Dispen- sary. Department for diseases of the skin. pp. 7-12. 8°. [New York, 1878.] Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1878, xxviii. Campbell (William) [1788-1848]. A proba- tionary essay on the Caesarean section. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Neill, 1819. [P., v. 1271.] -----. A memoir on extra-uterine gestation, viii, 154 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, ./. pp., 1 1., 11 pi 3 pp., port. 4°. Utrecht, B. Wild <,- J. A Ithccr, 1792. -----. The same. Disconrs prononces par feu ... en l'Acadmnie de dessein d'Anisterdam, sur le moyen de representor d'une maniere sure les di- yerses passions qui se manifestent sur le visage ; sur l'<5tonnaute conformite" qui existe entre les quadrupt-des, les oiseanx, les poissons et 1'hom- me; et entin sur le beau physique; pnblie'e par son fils Adrien Gilles Camper; trad, du hollan- dois par Denis Bernard Quatremere D'Ljonval. viii, 107 pp., 11 pi. 4 \ Utrecht, B. Wild 4- J. Altheer, 1792. -----. CEuvres de . . . qui ont pour objet l'his- toire natnrelle, la physiologie et l'anatomie compar6e. 3 v. 8°. Paris, J.-H. Jansen, 1803. -----. Planches pour les ceuvres de . . . qui ont pour objet l'histoire natnrelle, la physiologie et l'anatomie (comparee). 34 pi., port. fol. Pa- ris, T. Dabo, an NI, lo03. -----. Observations anatomiques sur la struc- ture int6rieure ct le squelette de plusieurs especes de c6tace"s. Publie'es par son fils, Adrien Gilles Camper, avec des notes par M. G. Cnvier. Ou- vrage qui peut faire suite aux Annales et md- moires du musenm d'histoire naturelle, et, aux recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des quadru- pedes, par M. Cuvier. 218 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Dufour, 1820. -----. The works of... on the connection be- tween the science of anatomy and the arts of drawing, painting, statuary, etc. In two books, containing a treatise on the natural difference of features in persons of different countries and periods of life, and on beauty as exhibited in ancient sculpture; with a new method of sketch- ing heads, national features, and portraits of in- dividuals with accuracy, etc. A new ed., by T. Cogan. xxiv, 175 pp., 19 pi. 4°. London, J. Hearne, 1821. See, also, Irlauriceaii (Francois) [in 1. s.]. Tracraat van de siektens tier swangere vrouwen [etc.]. 2. ed. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, 1759.—iTIulder (J.) [in 1. s.]. Oratio de meritis Petri Cam peri in anatomiam comparatam. 4°. Groningce, 1808.—Minister (Joh.) [in 1. s.J. Een zestal verlosknnilige operatien en waarneemingen [etch 8°. Amsterdam, 1804. — Sterk (A.) [in 1. s. ]. Bescheide beantwoording [etch 8°. Leeuwarden, 1774. For Biography, see Omiiel* (Carel Eduard). Het le- ven en de verdiensteu van Petrus Camper. 4°. Utrecht, 1880. -----. See, also: Catalogue de manuscrits de Pierre Camper et de lettres ine"dites 6crites par lui ou h lui adresse"es, qui se trouvent dans la bibliotheque de la Soci6te n6erlandaise pour les progres de la me'deciue a Amsterdam. 8°. Amsterdam, 1881. Camperiiis Syniphorianus. See Cham- perius. Campesilis (Joannes Antonius). See Anto- nius. Camphor. See, also, Acid (Camphoric), etc.; Amaurosis (Treatment of); Borneol; Chloral; Menthol; Opodeldoch. Askociikxhki (A.) *0 kamphore v smysle fiziologicheskoiu, terapevticheskom i toxikolo- gicheskom. [Camphor with regard to physi- ology, therapeutics, and toxicology.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1858. Deuue (L.) * Les principaux camphres d'ori- gine vegdtale. 4°. Montpellier, 1888. CAMPHOR. 106 CAMPHOR. Camphor. Dkkesmaxx (H.) * Leber die antihydrotische Wirkung der Kampfersaure. 8°. Bonn, 1880. Fagot (D.-F.) *Sur le camphre. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1828. Gai.i.as ([F. W.] M.) * Ueber ein pinakonar- tiges Retluktionsprodukt des Camphers, und iiber Filixsiiure. 8°. Erlangen, 1894. Graffenaler (J. P.) * Dissertation sur le camphre, consider^ dans ses rapports avec l'his- toire natnrelle, la physique, la chimie et la md- decine. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI (1803). Grimaud (F.-fi.) * Monographic du camphre. 4°. Paris, 1855. Gronovius (J. F.) * Disp. med.- botanica inaug. t-aniphoraB historiam exhibens. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [171.")]. Haller (A.) Contribution a l'6tude du cam- phre et d'un certain nombre de ses derive's. 4° Nancy, 1870. Hartlfjb (B.) * Beitrage zur therapentischen Verwertung der Kamphersaure. 8°. Greifsivald, 1889. Also [Abstr.], in: Wien.med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 286-289. Hoff (W. T.) * De camphorae natura et ge- nuino effectu. 4°. Harderovici, [1810]. Laxkhorst (A. M.) * De camphora. 4°. Gandari, [1829]. Lapin (A.) * Zur Pharmakologie der Campher- gruppe und der iitherischen Oele. 8°. Jurjeiv, 1893. Maury (P.) * Etude sur les camphres. 4°. Montpellier, 1883. Millot (D.-B.-J.-L.) *Histoire pharmacolo- gique du camphre. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837. Moreau (B.) * Sur la relation entre le pouvoir rotatoire du camphre et le poids moleculaire de quelques dissolvants. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Pagani (S.) * De camphora ejnsque usibus. 8°. Patavii, 1837. Perrexot (F.) * Etude expe"rimentale et cli- niquesur le chlorure de camphre. 4°. Lyon, 1886. -----. The same. 8?. Lyon, 1886. Pirck (L. J.) *Dt camphora. In: DE Wabserbebg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Yin- dob., 1775, ii, 300-392. Steix (F. E.) * Ueber die Wirkung fortgesetz- ter kleiuer Dosen von Kampher beim gesunden Menschen. 8°. Greifswald, 1887. Tralles(B. L.) Exercitatione physico-medica virtutem camphora? refrigerantem at- internis corporis hmnani inceudiis restinguendis aptissi- mani edisserit, atque ex genuinis artis principiis adstruit. Comitatur opusculum pra-fatio Fri- derici Hoffmauni. 8°. Vratislaviie et Lipsice, 1734. Vogel [J.] * Ueber das optische Drehungs- vermogen des Kamphers. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Wagfxer(H.) * Untersuchuugen iiber die Wirkung des Camphers und der Camphersaure. 8°. Marburg, 18*0. Zehner (W. H. E.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Campheroxims. 8J. Marburg, 1892. Alexander (B.) Leber subkutune In.jektionen von Oleum camphoratum Pharm. Ger. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1891, xii. 359; 88:; — Camphor (Tlie) tree. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1897, xliii, Suppl., 1 "_ . *':iinplioia (De). Bononiensi sc. et art. Inst, comment., Bononia-, 1755, iii, 80-82. —Camphora (De) in curationibus atlhibenda. Ibid., 1757, iv. .">s-63.— Dewey (L IL) Tho camphor tree (Cinnamonnm camphora. Net s ci; Eberm.). Am. J. Pbarm. Phila,, 1897, lxix, 507-510.— Gillel (C.) Constitution du camphre et de ses derives. Hull. Acad. rov. d. sc. de Belg.. Brux., 1894, 3. s.. xxvii, 113-139— fti-aHmaiin CE.) Der Kampferbaum. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokobama, 1893-5, 277-315, 4 pi.— Haller (A.i Contribution b, l'etude des t amphols et ties camphres. Kev. scient., Par., 1887, xl, 4*1-492.— Hcrr- (go 11 (A.) Action antigalactogogue tin camphre. Cour- rier metl.. Par., 1897. xlvii, 15!'. —Kuby. Campln-r als Abortivniittel. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb.. 1881, xxxii, 310-312.—Ituuzc ( F.) Zur therapeutischen :uii|>!ior. Verweiitlung des Kampherwcins. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl., 1893, lxii, 301. Also. Keprint.—lii-mi-i;. Du cam' phre. Hist. Acad. roy. tl. sc. 1705. Par., 1700, Mem., 38__ Levin (A. M.) K ucheniyu ofiziologischcskom dltlstvii kaml'tui i yeya proizvodnikh. [Study of tbe physiololtor (Bromide of). Pathault (L. ) Du bromure de camphre (camphre mouobrome' de Wnrtz) et de ses usages therapeutiques. 3. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1876. Peters (R.) *Experimeutelle 13eitriige zur Pharmaeodynamik des Monobromcamphers (Camphora mouobromata). 8°. Dorpat, 1880. Ki-aril (G. M.) A curious effect claimed for monobro- mate of camphor. N. York M. Times, 1883-4, xi, 18-20.— Rosenthal ( M.) Ueber Brtuncampher- Vergiftung. Wien. metl. Bl., 1881, iv, 1353-1356. MllipllOB* (Toxicology of). Ranerjec (B. N.) A case of camphor-poisoning. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 142.— Biol he in (A.) A case of poisoning bv camphor, -with remarks. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1887, xxxii,734-736.—Ghattcrji (B. B.) A caseof camphor poisoning. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1894, iii, 123.—Gowen (P.) Effects of the ingestion of camphor. Lancet, Lond., 18S2, i, 378.—Davirn (1!.) A fatal caseof camphor-poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 726.—East (E.) Poisoning by essence of camphor; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 542.—Finley (Mary J.) A fatal case of poisoning from camphor. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 125. — Freeman ( W. L.) Camphor poisoning. Dosimt-t. M. Rev., N. Y., 1895, ix, 296.— Ho.....an (A.) Fatal case of camphor poisoning. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1888. n. s., x, 252-256.—Johnson (G.) Cases of poisoning by homoeopathic concentrated solution of cam- phor. Inhis: Med.-Lect. '.>'_', 3. s., viii, 106. —King- koiu (C. H.) Ett fall afkamfei-I'i'.i .iftning. Finska lak.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1844-5, ii, 530-532.—Ryan (J. P.) Poisoning by camphor. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 433.—Soeqnet (J.) Suspicion d'enipoison- nement par lo camphre. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, 520-532.—Tiilcombc (I<\ S.) Severe symptoms fol- lowing the administration of a small teaspoonful of cam- phorated oil. Lancet. Lend., 1897, ii, 660. Camphor (Carhdated). Rernay* (A. C.) Canipbo phenique vs. iodoform; a practical note. Metl. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890, i, 68-7(1.— C'oehran (M. B.) Carbolatt' of camphor. Therap.Gaz., Detroit, 1891, 3. s., vii, 93.—Gombemale & FiiiiuoN. Recherches experimentales sur Taction physiologi<|uc du pb6nol camphre. Montpel. metl.. IbitO, 'J. 's., xv, 53-56. — KnuliMli (D. E.) Camphorated carbolic acid. Metl. Rec.. N. Y., 1893. xliv, 426.— Ordin (N. E ) Kratkiya zamletki o llechebnoin dMstvii karbolovoi kamfori. rBrief notes on the therapeutic action of carbolatt tl cam- phor.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1897, i. 373-377. — Nchnefrr (T.) Phenol-camphor. Peoria M. Month., 18b4-.">. v, 545. CAMPHOR-MENTHOL. 107 CAMUS. Camphor-menthol. Bishop (S. S.) Camphor-menthol in catarrhal dis- eases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 636-638. Also, Reprint. -----. Camphor-menthol; a supplementary re- port. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*95, xxiv, 662. Also, Reprint. CailiplllllS (Feico Jan). * Eenige opmerkingen over tibreuse poliepen der baarmoeder, naar aanleiding van een door denschryver waargeno- men geval. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Groningen, M. Smit, 1873. Camphllis (Petrns). * Diss. . . . t-ontinens aui- madversioues de doloribus ad partum. 2 p. 1., 4 pp., 3 1. 8-. Groninga', M. Smit, 1838. Campi. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Campi (Francesco) [XVI. century]. [Biography.] Quadrobiog. ... med.echir.lucchesi., 8°, Lucca, 1843, 7. Cauipili (Giulio). II grande ipnotismo e la sug- gestioue ipnotica uei rapporti col diritto penale e civile, vii, 170 pp., 11. 8~. Roma-Torino- Fireuze, frat Bocca, 1886. Biblioteca antropologico-giuridica, aerie ii, v. 9. Campinas. See Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by localities. Camplin (John M.) On diabetes, and its suc- cessful treatment. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. Repr. from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1855, xxxviii. Campobasso. ' See Medicine (Clinical, Cases of). Campobello Island. 22 pp., 4 pi., 4 plans, 1 map. square 12°. [n. p., 18^1.] Campo Grande. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities. Cainpograiide (Valerio). I diritti sulla pro- pria persona. Parte generale. 54 pp. 8-. Ca- tania, A. Pausini, 1896. Repr. from: Antologia giuridica. Campolongo [pseudon.]. DerkleineScauzoni. Repetitorintn gynaekologicum hysteropoeticum. 5. Anfl. viii, 4*2 pp. 16°. Leipzig, Glaser 4' Garte, [n. d.]. CampoBoilg-US (^Emilius) [1550-1604]. De arthritide liber unus, de variolis alter. Nunc primum in lucem editi, opera atque industria Ricardi Valcheri. 3 p. 1., 74 pp. 4°. Venetiis, apud P. Meietum, 1586. ------. De variolis liber. Opera atque industria Ricardi Valcheri. 3 p. 1., 63 pp. 4°. Venetiis, apud P. Meietum, 1586. Bound with his: De arthritide liber unus, [etc.]. 4°. Venetiis, 1586. Campos. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. Campos (Charles) [1862- ]. * Etude do la mart-he de la temperature dans 1'ei'vsipele. 34 pp., 1 1. 4'-. Paris, 18-6, No. 244. [Campos (Juan N.) &. Iglesias (Enrique).] Brief notes on the immunity of the capital of the State of Mexico from palustral complaints and considerations inferred for their treatment. 8 pp. 12°. [Toluca, 1892.] Campos (Tomas). Estadlstiea de los resultados obteuidos eon el uso de las aguas azoadas del establecimiento de Barcelona (privilegio Aviles). 19 pp. 8\ Barcelona, 1891. Campo San Marti HO. Regolamento di pub- blica igiene del comune di Campo San Martino. 15 pp. 8 }. Padova, stabil. tip. Ditta L. Penada, 1882. de Campo* Freirc (Norberto). * Ueber Peri- typhlitis. 56 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Wiirzb. Tele- graph, 1882. Campos da Paz. A questao dos vinhos (os vinhos falsilicados). xxviii (1 1.), 373, viii pp., 2 1. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, typographia Perseveranca. 1886. V ' de Campos Salles (A.) [1858- ]. *De l'ozene et des rhinites fdtides. 53 pp., 1 pi. 40 Paris, 18*6, No. 267. Camp Point. JVIileham (S.) Sanitary survey of Camp Point. Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii, 258-260. Camps (Goutran) [1856- ]. * Du panaris profond ou ostermiyelite des phalanges. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 225. Camps (William). Case of cerebral or subjec- tive vision. 4 pp. 8°. [London, 1839.1 [P., v. 1492.] Repr. [with additions] from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859. ------. On hysteria considered as a connecting link between mental and bodilv disease. 4 pp. 8°. London, 1859. Repr. from: Med. Circ, Lond., 1859, xiv. ------. Essays and reviews on affections of the nervous system, including their pathology and treatment. [4 papers.] 6, 6, 8, 8 pp. 12°. [London, H. E. Lewis, 1864.] Repr. from: Med. Mirror, Lond., 1864, i. ------. On epilepsy. In what class of cases, and under what circumstances, may we reasonably hope for cure in epilepsy? 2. ed. 20 pp. 8°. London, H. E. Lewis, 1865. [P., v. 974.] Repr. from: Med. Mirror, Lond., 1865, ii. -----. Hysteria: the hysterical constitution or temperament; with suggestions as to its pa- thology and treatment. 35 pp. 8°. London, H. E. Lewis, 1866. [P., v. 974.] Repr. [with additions] from: Med. Mirror, Lond., 1864, i. Camps and camp diseases. See, also, Armies (Diseases, etc., of); Hy- giene, Medicine, Military; Pilgrims. Seixk (D6partement de la). Prefecture de po- lice. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite. Rapport sur 1'insalubritl resultant du cantonne- ment de forains et de nomades sur des terrains du 13'' arrondissement. H. Bunel, rapporteur. 4°. Paris, 1892. Benedict (A. L.) Summer camp hygiene. Am. Med.- Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, 92-94.—Squire (J. E.) Camp fevers; their origin aud spread. Tr. vii Internat. Cong. Hyg. &Demo;:., Lontl., 1892, viii, 96-101. Camps y Camps (Jose"). Lecciones de prac- tica tie operaciones farmaceuticas explicadas por el . . . y apuutadas en la clase por . . . Pa- blo Romeo Garcia. 2. ed. 323 pp. 8J. Madrid, G. Estrada, 1873. Campuzan (Joseph-Marie-Evariste) [1865- ]. * Quelques considerations sur I'asthme, et en particulier sur l'asthme infantile et son traite- ment. 47 pp., 21. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 71. Campy (Laurent). "Recherches sur la plile"- bite. 19 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1826, No. 69. CaillSOii (Charles) [1866- ]. * De la cure radicale tie la hernie crurale. 60 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1893, No. 856. CaillllS (Arnand). * Des mouvements involon- taires provoqu6s dans les membres paralyses des h6miplegiques par les mouvements volontaires des muscles non paralyses. 54 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1885, 7. s., No. 13. Camus (Camille) [1867- ]. *Du traitement des calculs vdsieaux chez la femnie. 94 pp. 4°. Paris, L-<)3, No. 232. Camus (Cyprien) [1788-1865]. See l^aliillomie (Roniain-Pierre) [ini. 8.]. Histoire des foutaines de Cauterets [etc.J. 8°. Paris, | 1877]. CAMUS. 108 CANADA. Camus (Edmond). "Du role de la persistence des germes dans la transmission de la diphtheric (Etude critique.) 88 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. H. Storck, 1896, 2. s„ No. 14. Camus (J.-B.) [1862- ]. *Du traitement radical du cancer du gros intestin par la colec- tomie et enterorrhaphie apres laparotomie. 130 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 230. Camus (Jean-Marie) [1870- ]. *De l'epi- lepsie jacksonienue provoquee par les trauma- tismes de la plevre. 65 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 29. Camus (L[ucien]) [1867- ]. * Recherches sur les causes de la circulation lymphatique. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 369. Camus (Marie-Jos.-Nap.) *Des moyens hemo- statiques. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839. [P., v. 933."J Concours. Camus (Martel). Organisation ge'ne'rale ou ve- ritables conditions d'avenir et de bonheur de tous les homines de travail, qui ne formeront plus qu'une seule et meme famille avec nos phi- lanthropes, pour que ses membres, en general, aient toujours, par leur union, de l'emploi, des secours, des recompenses, des decorations parti- culieres, selon le m6rite de chacun d'eux, ainsi- que des retraites en cas d'iunrmite's ou de vieil- lesse. 83 pp. 8°. Paris, Bouchard-Huzard, 1841. [P., v. 1731.] -----. Extrait de l'ouvrage sur l'organisation du travail. 39 pp. 8°. [Paris, H. Vrayet de Surcy4'Cie., 1848.] [P., v. 1731; 1751.] CamilS (Victor) [1867- ]. *Etude des neo- plasies primitives du grand Epiploon. 83 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 75. Camuset (J.-P.) * Essai sur le niuguet des nouveau-n6s. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835, No. 1098. Camuset {Louis) [1841-97]. Charon (R.) Necrologie. Arch.deneurol., Par., 1897, 2. s., iv, 362-364.—IVecrologie. Progres m6d., Par., 1897, 3. s., vi, 207. Camus-Oovignou (Armand) [1851- ]. *Des polypes de l'estomac. 54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 369. Camut (Louis). Librairie du Progrfes scienti- fique industriel. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, 1884. Camutius (Andreas) [1510?-78]. Excussio brevis prajcipui morbi, nempe cordis palpita- tionis, Maximiliani secuudi Ca;saris invictissimi, simul ac aliorum aliquot virorum illustrium prader naturam affectuum. 74 pp., 1 1. 16°. Florentiw, G. Marescoti, 1378. Camuzet (Louis) [1863- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'hysterie d'origine h6redo-alcoo- lique. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 171. -----. The same. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1891. Cauaby (Jules-Hector) [1867- ]. *Del'abla- tiou des amygdales hypertrophies avec Pause 61ectrothermique. 81 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 48. Caiiac (Francois-Charles) [1861- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude de la physiologie patholo- gique de la mort daus l'etranglement de l'in- testin. 76 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886, No. 41. Canada. Bill. An act to regulate the quali- fications of practitioners in medicine and surgery in Upper Canada. No. 108, 4. sess., 8. Parlia- ment. No. 198 of 1865, 1. sess. 7 pp. fol. Que- bec, Hunter, Rose 4' Co., [1865]. —----. Memorandum on cholera; adopted by a medical conference held in the bureau of agriculture, in March, 1*66. Printed bv author- ity. 34 pp. 12°. [Ottawa], ptd. by the Bureau of Agriculture and Statistics, 1866. .-----. The same. Me"uioire sur le chol6ra. [Adopte par une commission de sant6, convoquee Canada—continued. au siege du gouvernemeut, mars 1866. ] 52 pp. 121-'. Ottawa, Bureau of Agriculture and Statistics 1*66. -----. The same. Hoe men in Canada over de cholera denkt. Naar het Engelst-h tloor Philo- demus. 48 pp. *°. 's Gravenhage, M. J. lisser, 1866. [P., v. 185.] -----. Rapport annuel du bureau des inspecteurs d'asiles, prisons, etc., au gouverneur-g6neral de l'Ame'riquc-Britannique du Nord. 5., 1865. iv, 83,108pp. 8°. Ottawa, Hunter, Rose 4 Lemieux, 1866. -----. Regulations relating to quarantine to be made by vessels arriving in the Dominion of Canada. 35 pp. 12°. Ottawa, M. Cameron, 1-68. . English and French text. "With an act relating to quar- antine. -----. Acte relatif a la quarantaine. Cap. xvii. [Sanctionne" le 14 juin 1872. ] 5 pp. 8°. [Ottaiva, B. Chamberlin, 1872.] -----. Regulations relatiug to quarantine to be made by vessels arriving in the Dominion of Canada. [Proclamation. May 23, 1868. ] 23 pp. 8-;. Ottaiva, L. B. Taylor, 1873. Title and text in English and French. -----. Regulations relating to quarantine to he made by vessels arriving in the Dominion of Canada. [Proclamation. Jan. 21, 187:5.] 8pp. 8°. Ottawa, I. B. Taylor, 1873. -----. The same. Reglements coneernaiit la quarantaine a etre faite par les vaisseaux arri- vaut dans la puissance du Canada. 8 pp. 8°. Ottawa, I. B. Taylor, 1873. Canada. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Insane (Care, etc., of), by localities; Prisons, etc. (Descriptions, etc., of), Quarantine (Laws, etc., relating to), Quarantine (Reports, elc.), by countries; Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities; Sewage (Disposal of), etc.; Small- pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics (Vital), by localities; Universities; Vaccina- tion (History of), by countries. Colmer (J. G.) The Dominion of Canada, as it will appear to the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1884. 8°. London, 1884. Douglas (J.) Medical topography of Upper Canada. 8°. London, 1819. Hingston (W. H.) The climate of Canada and its relations to life aud health. 8°. Mon- treal, 1884. James (J. C.) & Macdougall (A.) The western division of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way. 8°. London, 1884. Logan (W. E.) Geelogical survey of Canada; report of progress for the year 1857. 8°. To- ronto, 1858. Selwyn (A. R. C.) & Dawson (G. M.) De- scriptive sketch of the physical geography and geology of the Dominion of Canada. 8°. Mon- treal, 18*4. ICIoxaui (G. W.) Fifth report of the committee . . . appointed for the purpose of investigating and publishing reports on the physical characters, languages, anil indus- trial and social condition of the Northwestern tribes of the Dominion of Canada. Hep. Hi it. Ass. Adv. Sc. li-8:>. Lend., 1890, lix, 797-893, (i pi. —Hall (E. IL) Canada; the Old Colony and the New Dominion. J. Soc. Arts. Lond.. 1X81, xxix, 475-487. —Hill (C. S.) Eeonomie ami sociologic relations of the Canadian States and the United States, prospectively considered. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. Salem, 189(1, xxxviii, :!7,")-400. Also, Keprint. - Illusion (W. H.) The climate of Canada and low it atletts us. Montreal M. J., 1X94-5, xxiii, (Ml-li.VJ.-Rod- ilick (T. G.) Le Canada; son organisation ct ses ies- soinees medicales. [Transl.] Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1897, xxvi, 589-595 —Hwrrylimit (T.) Re- CANADA. 109 CANAL. Canada. cherches sur les eanx minerales du Canada. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1855, xii, 300-304.- Strnthcona (Lord) Sc tloiinl Royal (Lord). Canada; its climate as a health resort aud its position toward medical science. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 907-910.—Wal- lace (A. W.) Fourteen months in Canada from a medi- cal point of view. Metl. Press & Circ, Loud., 1881, n. s., xxxii, 189. Canada. Minister of Agriculture. Census of 1881. 21 pp. fol. [Ottawa, 1882?] .------. Census of Canada, 1890-91. v. 2. xi, 1561 pp. 8°. Ottawa, S. E. Dawson, 1891. English and French text. ------. Census of Canada. Bullctims Nos. 17, 18, June, Sept., 18'V.!. 8\ [Ottawa, 1893.] English and Fiench text. ------. Mortuary statistics of the principal cities and towns of Canada. 1., 1883; 3.-9., 1885-91. 8°. Ottawa, 1884-92. Annex to the reports of the minister of agriculture for 18c3, 1885-91. Organized Dec. 26, 1S82. First report in 2 v., each volume for 6 mouths. Reports for 1889 and 1890 bound in 1 v. English and Fiench text. ------. Statements of mortality in the principal cities of Canada. [Monthly.] June, 1885, to Dec, 1891. 8°. [Ottawa, 1885-91.] ------. Quarantine. Annual reports of the general superintendent of Canadian quarantine. By Frederic Montizanibert. For the years 1886- 7; 1889-91; 1893-4. 8°. [Ottawa, L-87-94.] Canada. Minister of the Interior. Geological and natural history survey of Cauada. Reports of progress for 1879-80 to 188:5-4. 3 v. 8°. Montreal, 1881-5. -----. The same. Annual reports. N. s., v. 1-8. 18.-5-95. 9 v. - . Montreal d'- Ottawa, 1^86-97. Alfred R. C. Selwyn, director from 1879-93; G. M. Dawson, director from 1894-7. v. 3 and 5 in 2 pts. each. ------. Geological and natural history survey of Canada. Alfred R. C. Selwyn, director. Com- parative vocabularies of the Indian tribes of British Columbia. By W. Frazer Tolmie aud George M. Dawson. Published by authority of Parliament. 131 pp., 2 maps. 8~. Montreal, Dawson Bros., 1884. ------. List of the geological and natural history survey of Canada. 28 pp. 8°. Ottawa, McLean, Roger <,- Co., 1884. ------. Geological and natural history survey of Cauada. Contributions to Canadian palaeon- tology, v. 1, pt. 2. By J. F. Whiteaves. 91- 196 pp.. 1(51., 15 pi. 8°. Montreal, W. F. Brown, 1880. Canada. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Me- i ieorological Office. Meteorological service. Monthly weather review, for the months of Dec, | 1886; Jan., March, 1887; May, 1887, to Jan., 1888; March to Dec, 1888; Jan., Feb., April, June, July, | Aug., Oct. to Dec, 1889; Jan. to Juue, Aug., 1-90. 4°. [Toronto, 1887-90.] -----. Annual reports of the meteorological ser- vice of the Dominion of Canada, by Charles Carpimiel. 15., 1-85; 16., 1886. roy. *z. Ottawa, 1888-0 Canada ( The ) Health Journal. A practical sanitary monthly, devoted to individual and public hygiene, and a reporter of vital statis- tics. Edward Playter, editor. Was title of: Sanitary (The) Journal in Sept., 18-0, to May, 1883; and in Sept., 1886. to June, 1888. Canada (The) Journal of Dental Science, v. 4 (Xos. 1-4), August, 1877, to August, 1879. 8°. Montreal. Ended. Canada (The) Lancet', v. 13-30, 1880-97. 8°. , Tor on to. i Current. Dr. Fulton died in 1887; J. L. Davison he- came editor. Canada (The) Medical Record, v. 9-25, 18H0- 97. 8°. Montreal. Current. Canada (The) Medical and Surgical Journal v. 9-16, 1880, to June, 1888. 8°. Montreal. Continued under title: Montreal (The) Medical Journal. Canadian Club of Harvard University. See Harvard University, Cambridge. Canadian Club of. Canadian Institute. Annual reports. 1886-7 to 1888-9; 1890-91; 1802-3; 1893-4. 8°. To- ronto, 1888-94. -----. Proceedings. 3. s. v. 5-7, 1886-7 to 1888-9; n. s., v. 1, 1897. 8 . Toronto, 1888-97. -----. Transactions, v. 1-4. 1889-90 to 1892-3; pt, 1, v. 5, 189(5. 8°. Toronto, 1891-6. -----. Annual archaeological report and . . . session 1891, being an appendix to the report of the minister of education, Ontario. 101pp. 8°. Toronto, Warwick .,- Sons, 1891. Canadian (The) Journal of Medical Science. v. 6-7, 1881-2. 8°. Toronto. Continued under title: Canadian (The) Practitioner. Canadian (The) Journal of Medicine and Sur- gery. J. J. Cassidv, editor. [Monthly; 2 v. an- nually.] v. 1-2, 1897. 8°. Toronto. Curreut. Canadian (The) Medical Review. Edited by W. H. B. Aikins [et al.] [Monthly; 2 v. annu- ally.] v. 1-6, 1895-7. 8~. Toronto.- Current. Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal, v. 14-31, 1880-97. 4° & 8°. Toronto. Current. Canadian (The) Practitioner. Formerly "The Canadian Journal of Medical Science". A monthly journal of British and foreign medical science, criticism, and news. Editors: A. H. Wright, H. Cameron, R. B. Nevitt, U. Ogden, R. Zimmerman. [Monthly.] v. 8-22, 1883-97. 8°. Toronto. Current. Title of v. 1-7 was: Canadian (The) Jour- nal of Medical Science. Canadian (The) Record of Natural History and Geology with proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal. J. T. Donald, ed- itor. [ Quarterly. ] No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1884. Montreal. Canadian (The) Record of Science. [Quarter- ly. ] No. 6, v. 2, April, 1887; No. 4, v. 4, October, 1-90. 8°. Montreal, Natural History Society. Canal (Arterial). See, also, Arterial duct Gekard (G.-P.) *Le canal arte"riel au point de vue anatoinique (developpcment, situation, obliteration). 8°. Lille, 1897. l>nri<-r (J.) Persistance tin camil arteriel chez une femme de .">1 ans. Lull. Soe. anat. de Par., 18S5, lx, 55-58.— Fieux. De l'obliteration du camil arteriel. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1894, xxiv, 125. —Gilbert (A.) Un cas tie persistant-!- simple tin canal art6iiel. Bull. Soe. clin. de Par., lssii, v. 105-107. Also: France metl., Par., is8f>. ii, lufi'-'.—.Tlnlfterbe (A.) Dela persistance tin caual art6- riel au point de vue clinique. J. tie med. de l'ouest, iS'an- tes, 1880, xiv, 89-101. Casial (Cranio-pharytu/eal). iVlaygi (L ) Intorno al t-amile. crauio-faringeo in al- cuui rosicaiiti. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Mi- lano, 1890, 2. s., xxiii. 719-729. Caiaal (Inguinal). fl»aillm-d. Recherches anatomiques sur le canal in- guinal. Kept-it. sen. d'anat, et. physiol. path., Par., 1829, viii, 110-114.— I-ot-li wood (C. B ) An address on ex- ploration of the inguinal caual, with special reference to lipoma of the cord, inguinal varix, congenital hydrocele, and retained testis. Lancet, Loud., 1897. ii, 12:13-1235. Canal (Paul). * Du chancre des oreilles du cluen. 30 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Pradel Viguier et Boe. 1876. [P., v. 1412.] l5colo veterinaire de Toulouse. OANALE. HO CANCELLIERI. Canale (Floriauo). De' secret! universali rac- colti et esperimentati. Trattati nove, ne' qnali si hanno rimedii per tutte 1' infermita de' corpi humani. Come anco de' cavalli, bovi, e cani. Con molti secreti appartenenti all'arte chemica, agricoltnra, e caccie, come nell' indice alfabetico. 7 p. 1., 304 pp. 16°. Venelia, G. Imberti, 1640. Canaiis (Pietro). Note sulla epidemia colerica del 1887 nella citta di Messina. 24 pp., 1 plan, 1 diag. fol. Roma, tipog. delle Mantellate, 1889. -----. Sulla disiufezioue dei carri che hanno servito al trasporto del bestiame sulle strade ferrate. 23 pp. 4°. Milano, G. Cirelli, 1889. Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1889, xi. -----. Stutli sulla iufezione inalarica, sulla va- rieta parassitaria delle forme seinilunari di La- veran, e sulle febbri malariche che da esse dipen- dono. 32 pp., 1 pi. fol. Torino, V. Bona, 1889. -----. Sui provvedimenti adottati dalla r. pre- fettura di Genova per prevenire lo sviluppo e la diffusioue del colera. Relazione . . . al consiglio provinciale sanitario. 30 pp. 8°. Genova, P. Martini, 1893. Also, Co-Editor of: Rivista. d'igienee sanity pubblica, Roma, 1890. Canalisation und Abfuhr, mit besonderer Be- ziehung auf Leipzig. Eiu im Auftrage des arzt- lichen Zweigvereins zu Leipzig von desseu Sani- tatsausschuss bearbeitetes uud dem Rathe der Stadt Leipzig vorgelegtes Expose. 31 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Wiegand, 1869. Canals. Girerd. Programme d'hygiene des Europeans dans l'isthme de Panama. 12°. Paris, 1*84. Maclean (L. F.) The Sidhnai canal system. 8°. London, 1891. Repr. from: Inst. Civ. Eng. Abstr. papers in for. Trans. & Period., Lond., 1890-91, ciii. NOURSE (J. E.) The maritime canal of Suez; brief memoir of the enterprise from its earliest date, and comparison of its probable results with those of a ship canal across Darien. 8°. Wash- ington City, 1869. Smith (J. L.) Inter-oceanic caual. Practi- cability of the different routes, and questionable nature of the interest of the United States in a' caual. 8°. Louisville, Ey., 1880. United States. Congress. Senate. Resolu- tion intended to be offered by Mr. McPherson. [In relation to constructing a canal across the isthmus at Nicaragua and Costa Rica.] 51. Cong., 2. sess. S. Misc. Doc. No. 76. Feb. 21, 1891. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1891.] Royland (G. H.) The Panama Canal sanitation. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1882, x, 002-605.—Colin (L.) Rapport sur les mesures hygieniques il conseiller au sujet de l'ex6- cution du canal de Tancarville. [Malaria.] Bull.Soc.de m6d. pub. 1881, Par., 1882, iv, 77-89. —I^arry (F.-H.) le baron. Rapport sur le ni6moire de M. le Dr. Companyo, intitul6 : "Projet d'organisation tie service de saut6 du canal interoc6anique de Panama". Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 206-208. Also, Reprint. — Ward (H.) Canals and their impurities. San. Rec, Lond., 1896-7, n. s.. xviii, 204; 237. Cananiusali. Incipit liber quem composuit Canamusali philosophus de Baldach super rerum praeparationihus quae ad oculorura medicinas faciunt, et de medicaminibus ipsorum rationa- hiliter terminandis. In : Guy be Chauliac Cyrurgia [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1199, ff. 263-269. Canandaigiia. Andrews (H.), .jr. Report on matters relating to the sanitary condition of Canandaigiia. Rep. State Bd. Health N. T. 1884, Albany, 1885, v, 342-345, 1 plan. Cauano (Giam Battista) [1515-79]. See t'ori-adi (A.) Tre lettere d' illustri anatomici [etc.]. h^. Milano, 18nS. For Rioqraphy, see Gaz. med. de Par., 1KK4, 7. s., i, 133-137 (Albertus). Also. Janus, Amst., 1896-7, i, 560-563 (P. Fabre). Canappe (Jehan). See Galen. L'anatomie des ostlu corps humain [etc.], 16°. Lyon, 1541. -----. Du mouvemcnt des must-lea [etc.]. 16°. Lyon, [1541]. -----. llenx hvres de simples [etc.]. 32°. Lyon, 1547. — <3ny d«- C'limilinr. Pro. logue ot chapitre [etc.]. 16°. Lyon, 1542. — Opuscules de divers autheurs [etc.] [in 1. s.J. 32°. Lyon, 1552. Canard (C.-M.) *De la gymnastiqne, et tie son influence sur le developpement des faculty physiques et morales. lp.l.,34pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1812, No. 368. Canary Islands. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc, of), Fever (Yelloiv, History, etc., of), by localities; Leprosy (History, etc., of). Douglas (M.) Grand Canary as a health re- sort for consumptives and others. 12°. London 1887. Keibel (F.) *Die Urbewohner der Canaren. Ein authropologischer Versuch. 8°. Strassburg, 1887. Taylor (J. C.) The health resorts of the Canary Islands in their climatological and med- ical aspect. 8°. London, 1893. Verneau (R.) Cinq annees de sejour aux lies Canaries. 8°. Paris, 1891. Bvrthelot (S.) M6moire sur les Guanches. Mem. Soc. ethnol., far., 1841, i, 129: 1845,ii, 77.—Canary (The) Islands. Metl. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1885, i, 455-457.— Oambier (J. W.) The Guanches: the ancient inhabi- tants of Canary. [From: The Antiquary, 1894, xxix.] Rep. Smithson.'lnst. 1894. Wash., 1896, 541-553.— I,con ( F.) Datos para la estatlistica m6dica de la Vega de San Mateo ( Canarias). Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1888, xi, 289; 324: 354; 424; 458; 488; 522; 569; 587; 618.- ITIelland (B.) Climatic treatment in Grand Canary. Metl. Chr.'n., Manchester, 1897, vii, 321-351, 1 map.— ITleyer (H.) Ueber die Urbewohner der Canarischen Inselu. Festschr. f. Adolf Bastian . . . Berl., 1896, 63-78, 2 pi.—Kentoul (li. R.) Notes on Madeira and the Canary Isles. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1888, vii, 219; 256. — Tay- lor (C. F.) Goflo: food and physique. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 224-228. — Taylor (H. C.) Personal experiences of a winter in the Canary Islands. Etliub. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 607-611. — Vcrncau (R.) De la phira- lit6 des races anciennes de l'archipel cauarien. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1878, 3. s., i, 429-436. Also, transl.: Bol. Soc. antrop. de Cuba, Habana, 1879-86, i, 33-38. ----. Sur les Semites aux lies Canaries. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1881, 3. s., iv, 496-507. -----. L'industrie de la pierre chez les anciens habitants de l'archipel cauarien. Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 1887, vi, 361-382. -----. La tailledea anciens habitants des lies Canaries. Rev. d'anthrop.. Par., 1887, 3. s., ii, 641-657. -----. Habitations, sepultures et lieux sacr6s ties anciens Canariens. Rev. d'ethnog, Par., 1889, viii. 221-272. -----. La table des anciens Cana- riens. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1892, 4. s., iii, 427- 431.—Vignal (W.) Orotava and the Canary Isles; notes of a winter sojourn. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 419; 469. Canary-birds (Diseases of). See Birds (Diseases of). Canastota. KuichLing (E.) Report on the unsanitary condition existing at Canastota, N. T. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y., Troy, 1888, 129-139, 1 plan. Canaveri (F.) Analyse et refutation des 616- mens de mddecine du Dr. J. Brown, xii, 312 pp. 8°. Turin, M.-A. Morano, an XIII [1805.] Cancalon (A.-A.) L'hygiene nouvelle dans la famille. Preface du Dr. Dujardin-Beaumetz, iv, 91 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Soc. 6d. scient, 1892. -----. The same. 206 pp. 8°. Paris, [1895]. -----& Itlaurange. Formulaire pratique de l'hypodenuie. xi, 194 pp. 24°. Paris, RueffSf Cie., 1894. Cancellieri (Francisco) [1751-1826]. Lettera di . . . al tlottore Koreff . . . sopra il tarantis- mo, 1' aria di Roma, e della sua campagua, ed i palazzi pontincj entro, e fuori di Roma, con le notizie di Castel Grandolfo e de' paesi cir- conviciui. 380 pp., 1 1. 8°. Roma, F. Bourlie, 1817. CANCER. Ill CANCER. Cancer. Sec, also, Chloroma; Tumors (Malignant); and undernames of parts and organs, as Bladdder, Bones, Brain, Breast (Cancer of). Adamkiewiez (A.) Untersnchungen iiber den Krebs und (bis Princip seiner Behandlung. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1893. Alberts (J. E.) Over kauker. Historisch- critisch en experimeuteel onderzoek. 8°. Gro- ningen, 1885. -----. The same. Das Carcinom iu histori- seher und experimentell-pathologischer Bezie- hung. 8°. Jena, 1887. Alliot (J.-B.) Traite" du cancer, oil l'on ex- pliqtie sa nature, et ou l'on propose les moyens les plus stirs poor le guerir methodiquement. Avec un examen du systeme de M. Helvetius. 18°. Paris, 1698. Arentzen(A.) *De cancro. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1719]. Bagneris (A.-R.) * Essai snr le cancer en g6neral, et sur celui de la mamelle eu particu- lier. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Balbis (F.) Thesis. [De carcinomate, seu cancro.] 4'. Genua, 1809. Beccerus (C.) *De cancro in genere. sm. 4°. Lipsioe, [1661]. Benoit (J.) * De l'anatomie pathologique, du diagnostic diffe"reutiel, et du traitement des tu- meurs eanc6reuses. 8°. Montpellier, 1844. Blendinger(A.) *De cancro. sm. 4°. Er- furti, [1677]. Bouchard (D.) *Sur le cancer en general. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Ceccherelli (A.). Sulla patogenesi e tera- peutica del cancro appuuti. 8°. Firenze, 1879. Chappuis (J.-A.) * Reflexions sur les affec- tions cancereuses et sur les cas ou les operations chirurgicales peuvent etre utiles ou nuisibles. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834. Critzman (D. ) Le cancer. 12°. Paris, [1894]. Deschansses (J.-C. ) *Snr le cancer. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI (1803). Deshais-Gendron. Recherches sur la nature et la gu6rison des cancers. 4°. Paris, 1700. Duparcque (F.) Refutation de la doctrine d'iuevitabilit6 et iucurabilite" du cancer. 8°. Paris, 1837. Esmein (J.-B.) *Sur le cancer. 41. Stras- bourg, an AT (1803). du Fay ( J. F. ) * Dispntatio sistens ma- lignitatis naturam et originem in morbis acutis. sm. 4°. Halas Magdeb., [1695]. Fell (J. W.) A treatise on cancer, and its treatment. 8°. London, 1857. Francke (J. C.) *De cancro. 4°. Jence, [1770]. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig u. Budissin, 1771, iii, 451-453. Garxier ( G.-J.-F. ) * Sur le cancer. 4°. Paris, an XII, 1803. Gladbach (G. J.) *De scirrhis in genere. 4°. Jence, 1759. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig u. Budissin, 1771, iii, 376-383. Gosky (C. W.) *De cancro. sm. 4°. Halas Magdeb., [1731]. Gutteridge (R. S.) The distribution, nature, causes and successful treatment of cancer with- out operation and without opiates. 8°. Lon- don, 18*4. Helvetius. Lettre a M. Regis sur la nature et la gu6rison du cancer. 4C. Paris, 1691. Hildemaxx (F. ) * De cancro occulto et aperto. 4C. Harderovici, 1766. Hoerlixg(A.) *De carcinomate. 12°. Hal- bersladii, 1851. Cancer. Holmstrom (B. G.) *Om den sjukdoms- form, som kallas kriifta. [The nature of so- called cancer.] 8°. Helsingfors, [1847]. Huhn (J. G.) *De cancro occulto et aperto, cum observationibus nonnullis. 4°. Giessw, 1784. HuiE (R.) A probationary essay on scirrhus and cancer in general, but particularly as they are met with in the female breast. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1822. Johnston (G.) A probationary essay on can- cer. 8°. Edinburgh, 1824. Kaaw [Boerhaave] (A.) *De scirrho. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1738. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Keue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1780, xii, 80-82. Law (W.) A probationary surgical essay on cancer. 8°. Edinburgh, IrilK Licht (H.) * Ueber Gesehichte und Entwick- lungsgeschichte des Carciiioms. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Longo (A.) * II caucro studiato nella sua istologia, sintomatologia e cura con speciale riguardo alia patogenesi. 8°. Napoli, 1895. Lopes (M. A.) Tratado compeudioso do scirro, e do cancro, em que deduzindo-se a molestia de sens principios, e causas, se applica o trata- mento e curativo mais adequado. 16°. Lisboa, 1811. Louis. Observation et remarques sur les effets du virus cancereux, et sur les tentatives qu'on peut faire pour decouvrir un specifique contre ce vice. 16°. Paris, 1749. Mackenzie (J.) *De carcinomate. 8°. Edinburgi, 1824. Marechal (F.) Observations cliniques, sui- vies de quelques r6flexions ge"ne"rares sur lea affections caucdreuses. 4°. Montpellier, 1821. Marie (A.) * Recherches sur la question du cancer. 4°. Paris, 1895. Marshall (J.) The Morton lecture on can- cer aud cancerous diseases. 8°. London, 1890. Also, in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1141-1145. Also, in: Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1045-1049. Marshall (W. W.) Views of the origin, nature, symptoms, and progress of cancer, fis- tula, etc., derived from practical knowledge; together with certificates of some of the cures perfected. 8°. Richmond, 1842. Mauduyt de la Varknne (P. J. C.) *An tumoris cancrosi radicitus ablati regeneratio rursus chirurgiae tradenda? 4°. Parisiis, 1760. Melchior (J. H.) *De scirrho tarn interno quam externo. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1729]. Miquel (A.) *An scirrhus, proprie sic dic- tiis, seu cancer occultns, insanabilis? 8°. Pa- risiis, 1824. Montagnana (M. A.) De herpete, phagede- na, gangrama, sphacelo, et cancro, turn cogno- scendis, enraudis, tractatio accuratissima. 12c. Venetiis, 1589. N. (R.) Eu kart afhandling om kriiftan, hwarnti (less orsaker uudersokas, och twanue emot samma sjnkdom tjenlige medel, hwilka hitintils blifwit hos oss hemlige hallne, liiggas iorallmanhetensdgoni bast a walmening. [Short essay on cancers, their causes and treatment.] 12°. Stockholm, 1800. de Neufville (W. K.) *Qua3stioues de carcinomate. 8°. Francof. ad M., 1*13. -----. The same. 8°. Francof. ad M., 1845. Nicolai (E. A.) Theoretischeund praktische Abhandlungen iiher die Entziindung und Eite- rung, den Brand Scirrhus und Krebs, und iiber die Kurarten dieser Krankheiten. v. 2. 12°. Jena, 1786. CANCER. 112 CANCER. Cancer. Paget (Sir J.) The Morton lecture on cancer and cancerous diseases, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on Friday, Nov. 11, 1887. Published at the request of the coun- cil. 8°. London, 1887. Also, in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1091-1094. Also, in: Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 999-1003. Pattlsox (J.) A short practical treatise on cancer; and ou the best means for its removal and relief, without the usual operation by the knife. 12°. London, 1861. Peyriliie (B.) Dissertation acad£mique sur le cancer, qui a remporte le prix double de l'Acad6mie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Lyon, le 8 decernbre 1773. [Traduit du latiu par Mathey.] 12°. Paris, 1776. Pfister (J. J.) * De cancri quadam specie circa Rhenum inferiorem valde communi cum adjuucto distinctionis cancri specierum tenta- mine. 4°. Duisburgi, 1795. Pfotenhauer (L.) * De carcinomate. 12°. Berolini, 1812. Philo. Dr. Arnold's letter to J. E. M'Dowell, of Kentucky, and his answer. Also, a review of an article published by Prof. Eve, upon Dr. January, in the Nashville Medical Journal, for - October, 1854. 8°. Nashville, 1855. Pinxer (O.) Die Krebskraukheit, Ursachen, Wachsthum und Verlanf auf Gruudlage der neuesten wissenschaftlichen Forschungen. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Prkllwitz (F. R. H.) * De combiuatione carcinomatisforniaruin. 12°. Regiomonti Borus- sorum, 1853. Purcell (F. A.) Ou cancer, its allies and other tumours, with special reference to their medical and surgical treatment. 8°. London, 1881. • Revue des maladies cance"reuses, clinique, experimentale et bibliographique. R6d. en chef: Dr. E. Ozenne. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, October, 1895-7. 8°. Paris. Current. Rindfleisch (G. E.) Die Bosartigkeit der Carciuome dargestellt als eine Folge ihrer ort- lichen Destructivitiit. 4°. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Rohm (J. CT.) * De carcinomate. 8°. Gry- phice, 1*'X\. Roczet (F.-J.-L.) * Recherches et observa- tions sur le cancer. 4°. Montpellier, 1818. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1818. Rudolph (E. ) Das Krebsgeschwiir nach Heinrich vou Mondeville. [Berlin.] 8J. Qued- linburg, 1896. Saisset (A. F.) *Diss. de cancro generatim sumpto. 8 . Monspelii, 1789. Savchexko (P.) *Rak pervichnlkh volokon poperechuopolosatlkh mlshts. [Cancer of the primary fibres of transversely striated muscles.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1873. Schcck (J. G.) *De cancro. sm. 4°. Er- fordia; [1687]. Smyth (J. 8.) Cancer: its diagnosis, progno- sis, and treatment, based upon temperament, diathesis, etc. 8°. London, 1838. Sohler (L.-C.) * Essai rnedico-chirurgical sur le cancer en general et sur celui de la ma- melle en particulier. 4°. Strasbourg, 1812. Snow (H. L.) Clinical notes on cancer; its etiology and treatment, with special reference to the heredity-fallacy, and to the neurotic origin of most cases of alveolar carcinoma. 12°. Lon- don, 1883. -----. A treatise, practical and theoretic, on cancers and the cancer-process. 8°. London, 1803. Cancer. Tenzer (D. G.) * De cancro occulto aperto- que. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Bu- dissin, 1769, i, 107-114. Turck (L.) Essai sur le cancer. 8°. Paris 1842. Turgne (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur la nature et traitemeut du cancer, sm. 4°. Pise, [1812J. Veegens (D.) * De carcinomate. [Leydeu.] 8'-'. Amstelodami, 1845. Vopelius. Carcinosis, eiu neues Krankheits- bild. Hire Diagnose und Therapic nach den Grundsatzen meiner inneren Antisepsis. 8°. Miinchen, 1895. Wagner (D.) * De scyrrho et cancro. 12°. Vienna?, [n. d.]. Walshe (W. H.) The anatomy, physiology, pathology, and treatment of cancer. With ad- ditions by J. Mason Warren. *°. Boston, 1844. Wangerin ( E. L. J.) * De carcinomate, eoqne imprimis mammae feminea-. 8°. Gryphice, 1835. Wells (Sir S.) The Morton lecture ou cancer and cancerous diseases. 8°. London, 1889. Also, in: Wood's M. & S. Mouog., N. Y., 1889. iii, 1-33. Also, in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1201; 1269. Also, transl. in: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1889, No. 337 (Chir., No. 103, 3193-3232). Williams (D. W.) Cancer, its origin and prevention, with other allied diseases, iu couuec- tiou with the contagious diseases act. 12°. Lon- don, 1887. Ailanii (J. G.), Martin (C. F.) [et al.]. Discussion on carciuoma. ^uontreal II. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 581-618, 1 pi.— Adamkiewiez. OjadowitoSci nowt>twor6w zlo&liwych (rakdw). [On tko virulenoe of malignant tumors lean- cers).] Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1390, xxix, 365. Also, transl.: Wien. rued. BL, 1890, xiii, 403. Also, transl.: Pest, iiied.- ekir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 654. Also, transl.: Oesterr.-ungar. Centralbl. f. d. nit-d. Wissensch., Wien, 1890, i, 225-227. -----. Dalsze spostrzezenia nad jadowito- dcifj. nowotivurdw zloSliwych (rak6w). [Further observa- tions on virulency of neoplasmatic malignant cancer.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1891, xxx, 49. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 49. -----. Ueber die Reactioncn der Carciuome und deren Ileilwertli. Ztschr. f. Therap. in. Eiubzhng. d. Elect.- u. Hydrothcrap., Wien, 1891, ix, 129- 131. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1891, xxvi, 4'.'5. Also: Wien. med. BL. 1891, xiv, 401. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1891, xxxii, 1170-1172. -----. TJntersuchungen iiber den Krebs. Wien. med. BL, 1892, xv, 124.----- Ueber den Krebs. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. iuuere Med., Wiesb., 1893, xii, 206-223. -----. Noch eiumal der Krebs. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1893, xi, 485; 607.—Albertazzi (S.) Contribnto alio studio del cancro acuto. Guglielmo daSalict-to, Piacenza, 1879-SO, i, 69-75. Also, Reprint.—Al- berts (J. E.) Onilerzockingen over het carcinoma. Han- del, v. h. Nederl. Nat.- en (J-enccsk. Cong. 1887, Haarlem, 1888, i, 189-191. -----. Der heutige Stand der Krebsfrage. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 1043-1050.—Andemon (M'C.) [On cancer.] Glasgow M. ,L, 1880, xxvi, 17-20.— Balogh (K.) A riik (carcinoma, krebs). Orvusi hetil., Budapest, 1802, vi, 17; 41; 102; 123.—Barker (F.) On cancer. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1888, vii, 195-198.—Beck- ett (W.) Newdiscoverics concerning cancers. Addressed to Charles Bernard. In his: A Coll -ction of Chirugical Tracts, 8°, Lond., 1740, 1-59.—Kenekc (IL) Neuere Ar- beiten zur Lehre vom Carcinom (1880-91); zusammenfas- sendes Keferat. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz , 11-9'-'. ccxxxiv, 73; 185; 261—IScratluiiig iiber das Schema fiir die Dis- cussion iiber die bosartigen Geschwiilste. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1880, Berl., 1881, ix, 100-105.— Blanc (W.) De la nature et du proimstio du cancer. Cliuiquc, Brux., 1889, iii, 401-410. — Bond ( C. J. ) Re- marks ou cancer, pathological and clinical. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1894, xiii, 172-176. — Braitliwaite (J.) What is cancer? Lancet, Loud., 1888, i, 1287-1289.—Bryant (J. D.) Malignant neoplasrnata. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 1177-680. Also, Reprint. -----. The Wesley M. Carpenter lecture; important facts relative to malignant disease. N. YorkM. J., 1895. lxi,609-017. Also, Reprint — Buchanan (G.) Concluding remarks [on cancer]. Glasgow M. J., 1886, xxvi, 39-44.— Butlin (11. T.) Lectures on the re- lations of sarcoma to carcinoma. [Abstr.] Brit. M. . ing first steps in a rational study of cancer. Brit. M J Lond., 1893, ii, 830-834. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of tar cancer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 17.----.. ^n experimental investigation into the causation of cirn. cer. Ibid., ii, 636-638. Also, Reprint. — IM-cttyninn (J. S.) Is mercurial poisoning the cause of ran. cer? Chicago M. Times, 1886-7, xviii, 345-347. —Rap. pin (G.) Recherches sur l'6tiologie ties tumeurs ma lignes. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1886-7, v, 65; 125. — Kvvil (C. H.) The histogenesis of carcinoma. Phila. M. 'linns 1882-3, xiii, 249-258.—Ribbcrt (H.) Neuere Arbeiten zur Aetiologie des Carcinoms. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr. Leipz., 1891, xvii, 13-15. -----. Beitrage zur nistogeiit-st- des Carcinoms. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1894, exxxv, 433-469, 2 pi. -----. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Histogenese des Carcinoms. Centralbl. f. allg. Path u path. Anat., Jena, 1894, v, 697-706. -----. Ueber die His- togenese und das Wachstum des Carcinoms. Arch, f path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, cxii, 153-177, 1 pi.— Itou- cali (D. B.) Stato preseute delle nostre cognizioni sopra 1' etiologia del cancro. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Roma, 1897, xi, 537-556. Also, transl.: Centralbl f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxi. 318; 394.— Sato (A.) Kanso no kisei byotokusetsu ni zukete. [On the cause of cancer.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1W)2, no. 306, 23-25.—Scheurlen. Die Aetiologie ties Carci- noms. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 935. Also: Allg med.Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, lvi, 1729-1732. Also.- Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1033. Also, Reprint.— Schuchardt (B. ) Mittheilungen iiber das hiiufigere Vorkommen von Krebs in gewissen Gegenden und iiber die Aetiologie desselben. Cor.-Bl. tl. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1894, xxiii, 62; 89. -----. Beispicle von haufigerem Vorkommen von Krebs in einzelnen Lo- kalitaten. Ibid., 255-260.—Schuchardt (K.) Beitrage znr Entstehnng der Carcinome aus chronisch entziind- lichen Zustanden der Schleimhaute und Hauttlecken. Habilitationsschrift. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1885, No. 257 [Chirurgie, No. 80], 2195-2238. Also, Reprint.— Sengcr(E.) Studien zur Aetiologie des Carcinoms. Berl. klin/Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 185-189.—Shattock (S.G.) & Ballance (C. A.) An exposition of tbe reasons for con- sidering cancer to be an infective disease. Tr. vii In- ternat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog., Lond., 1892, ii, 70-81.— Snow (H. L.) Tho etiology of cancer; statistics and remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 1012.------. The local origin of cancer. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.,1890, n.s., 1.493- 496. —---. Increase of cancer; its probable cause. Nine- teenth Cent., Lond., 1890, xxviii, 80-88.—Stallard (J. II.) The etiology of cancer. Pacific M. & S. J.. San Fran., 1884-5, xxvii, 1-7.—Steven (J. L.) The origin of cancer. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1884-6, ii, 260-268. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1886, xxv, 425-433.—Stroebe (H.) Neuere Arbeiten fiber Histogenese und Aetiologie des Carcinoms. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1891, ii, 403; 453.—Survey of recent work hearing on the pathology of cancer and sarcoma. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 529; 593.— Tanchou. Dela frequence du cancer en rapport avec la civilisation. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1843-4, xi, 17- 19.—Tillmanns (H.) Die, Aetiologie und Histogenese des Carcinoms. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1895, xxiv, pt. 2,183-210. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1895, 1, 507-534. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii.tl. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxiv, 17-19. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1805. xlv, 1400.— Valentin (E.) Histo-ge.ne.sis del carcinoma. Rev. cap. de oftal., sif. [etc.], Madrid, 1884, viii, 3-21.—Van Colt (J. M.), jr. The status praasens of the aitiology of cancer. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt'. 1, 332-337. Also: Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 656-665. — Vamien Corput. Considerations sur l'6tiologie du cancel et sur sa propbvlaxie. Bull. Acad. roy. tie med. de Bcli;.. Brux , 1883, 3. s., xvii, 1143-1175. Also, Reprint.—Van Hook (W.) Carcinomas arising in inveterate ulcers, and in an- cient sinuses. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 189(i, ii, 385-391.— Verneuil. Le cancer de l'homme lui vientlrait-il tie ses rapports avec lo pore et surtout de 1'ingt-stion de la chair de cet animal? Gaz. hebd. de med., 1'ar., 1893. xl, 253- 257.—Webb (T. L.) The etiology of cancer. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1892, xxxii, 342-347. -----. Endemic cancer. Ibid., 1894, xxxvi, 209-212. -----. Arecolliers exempt from cancer? Ibid., 1895, xxxviii, 208-211.—Wheeler (G. A.) Some facts bearing on the aetiology of carcinomatous dis- eases. Boston M. Sc S. J., 18s5. cxiii, 616.— Will«n*»»s (W. R.) The continued increase of cancer, with remarks as to its causation. Metl. Chron.. Manchester, 1890-7. n »-. v, 322-325. Also [Ahstr.l: Brit. M.J.. Lond.. 1896. ii 318. -----. Cancer and morbus miseria;. Metl. Press Sc Circ. CAXCEU. 117 CA^'CKK. Cancer (Causes of). Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiv, 30.—Winge (E.) Report on the investigation concerning some points in the etiology of cancer. (Malignant disease, including sarcoma, etc.) In- ternat. M. Cong. Rep. Collect. Invest. Com. Norweg. M. Ass., Christiania, 1887, 41-60 — Woodhead (G. S.) Ab- stract of the Morton lecture on the etiology of cancer. Lancet, Loud., 1892, i, 1018-1021.—Yenney (R. C.) The cause of the malignancy of tumors. Med. Sentinel, Port- land, Oreg., 1897, v, 14-20. Cancer (Complications and sequela? of). See, also, Cancer (Generalized) [etc.]; Cica- trices (Complications, etc., of); Erysipelas and cancer: Pregnancy and cancer; Syphilis and cancer; Tubercle and cancer; Ulcers (Conijili- cations, etc., of). vox Ammox (F.) * Ueber das brancbiogeue Carcinom. 8Z. Erlangen, 1891. Bachmaxx (H.) * Wachsthum des Strnina- carciuoms. 8-". Zurich, 1893. Huberty (E.) * Ueber die Knochenbriichig- keit bei Krebskranken. 8°. Bonn, [1878]. Isch-Wall. * Arthritisrue et cancer. 4°. raris, 1891. Jennings (C. E.) Cancer arid its complica- tions. 8-\ London, 1889. Also, in: Wood's M. Sc S.Monog., N. Y., 1890,viii, 563-698. Maxxe (L.-F.) Observation de chirurgie au snjet. d'une masse skirreuse qui occupoit la prin- cipale partie de la fesse gauche, le sphincter de l'anus, le boyau rectum et le \i6rm6e, coniplique'e de bait fistules, dont trois percoient l'intestin [etc.]. sm. 8C. Avignon, 1746. Muyer (C.) * Ein Fall von Ulcus simplex in Verbindung mit Carcinom. 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Thalmessinger (V.) * Ueber gleichzeitiges Vorkommen von Carcinom und Sarkom. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1888. Auchr, Des nevrites peripheriques chez les cance- reux. Bev.denied.,Par., 1890,x, 785-807.—Azani. Can- cer ; fracture spontanee; presentation de pieces auato- iuiques. Mem. et hull. Soc. de m6d. et de chir. de Bor- deaux, 1876, 371-375. — Bar be. lirythroderniie scarlati- nifurme premycosique chez une eaneereuse. Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s.. v, 1069-1071. — Barber. Kecurrent carcinoma in post-rectal tissues -with metas- tases; death from infection with the streptococcus pyo- genes. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1893, iv, 71.— Briggs(W.) A centenarian cancer patient; remarkable longevity. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1887, liii, 150.—Cameron (H. C.) Remarks on malignant disease in displaced or- gans. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xiii, 309-311.—Cartaz. Can- cer du sein ; fracture spontanee duf6mur; l'autopsie, can- cer generalise des os, des visc£res, etc.; tumeur fibn-use uterine calciflee. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 837- 839.—Charcot. Sur la paraplegie douloureuse et sur la thrombose art6riolle qui surviennent dans certains cas de cancer. Bull et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1865), 1866, ii, 72-75.—C'hassy (A.) Tumeur cance-reuse oblit6- rant la veiue cave inferieure et l'oreillette droit. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1896, lxix, 753. — Cooper (S.) Case in which the left femur and the fifth rib on the right side were fract- ured in consequence of disease, the bladder being at the same time in the state of carcinomatous ulceration; with observations. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1832, xvii, 51-57.— Coupland (S.) Multiple thromboses in pelvic and ab- dominal cancer with mitral disease. Med. Times & Gaz. Lond., 1885, i, 247-249. — Duplay (S.) & Savoire. Recherches sur les modifications de la nutrition t In z les cancereux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1895 cxx, 1294-1296. — Fiulaysou (J.) On the occur- rence of pyrexia, shiveriugs, and pyaemia in eases of malignant disease. Lancet, Loud., 1888, ii, 710-712.— Fleming (C.) Paget's disease of the nipple; mam- mary tumour; secondary nodule in the brain. Glasgow M. J., 1892, xxxvii, 138-140. — Fleming (W. J.) Spon- taneous fracture of clavicle and of humerus, identified with cancerous diathesis, in the absence of mammary or uterine disease. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855, ii, 76-78. — CJi- got-Suard. L'herpetisme et le cancer, avec des con- siderations g6n6rales sur le traitement tie l'herpetisme. -Mem. et bull. Soc. metl.-chir. d. hop. tie Bordeaux. 1867, ii, 4o0-4Gl.—Cirawitz. Leber die Anamieen bei Tuberku- ose und Carcinom. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Perl., 1893 xix, 1347-1350. [Discussion], 1176. Also: Verhandl. rt- Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1893-4, xiii, 113-126.— Hamilton (K.) Fractures iu cases of cancerous ca- o™ « d' Pr(!8s & Circ" Loml" 1874' "• 8- xvii- --*- AM).—Hanoi (V.) Cancer et suppuration. Presse med., i Par,, 189o, 81-83. - Harem (G.) Sur un cas d'auemie Cancer (Complications and sequelce of). eaneereuse. Med. mod., Par.. 1897, viii, 161.—Jaltins (W. V.) Primary scirrhus ; plouro-pneuinonic and renal. Austral M. J., Melbourne, l.s85, n. s., vii, 100. — von Jnksch(R.) Ueber Coma earciuomatosum. Wien med Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 473; 512. — Kirkpatrick (II. C.) Sciatica as a complication of carcinoma. Montreal M. J., 1893-4, xxii, 654-656.— Jiiwel (A. A.) Zlokachest- venniya navoobrazovauia i khronicheskaya vozvratnaya likhoradka. [Malignant new growths and chronic relaps- ing fever.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 913; 944; 973.— Klemperer (G.) Ueher den Stoiiwochscl und das Coma tier Krebskranken: mit Bemerkungen iiber das Coma diabeticuni. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 869-874. Also: Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl., 1891, ii, 177-190__ tinner. Carcinosis cum catarrbo gastrointest. et cysti- title. Her. tl. k. k. Krankeiih. Wieden 1872, Wien, 1874, 79-81.—Ijebreton (M.) Cachexia eaneereuse; endocar- dite v6g6tante; embolic ecrebrale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 369-371.—l-onj-slreth (M.) Uuusually rapid course of cancer. Metl. iV. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, lv, ,72 — liovcland (1!. C.) A case of secondary cancer invading the liyer, sternum, and vertebra-, with a growth in the spinal canal causing paralysis from press- ure. Med. Rec, N. V., 1897, li, 120. — I.owe (G.) Can- cer of the breast; ovariotomy ; subsequent tetlema of arm relieved by incisions. St. Barlh. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 62. — liiiyx ( J.) Modifications survenues dans l'6tat du cerveau chez trois sujets canc6reux. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1892, n. s., ii, 82. — Marsh (H.) On the association of suppuration with malignant disease. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887. xxiii, 147- 160.—Mayor (A.) 6c Qimiiii (E.) De l'art6rite chro- nique dans lo cancer et tie 1'hypergenese de tissu 61astique qui l'accotnpagne. Rev. tie chir., Par., 1881, i, 986-1006.— Naegeli ( O. ) Die Combination von Tuherculose uud Carcinom. Arch. f. path. Auat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cxlviii, 435-448, 1 pi.—rVanu (G.) Traumatism §i neoplasme ma- ligne. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1889, ix, 333; 366; 403.—rVel- son(E.M.) Cancer of the breast; spontaneous fractures. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, v, 406-409. [Discussion], 443- 416.—IV'euendorir (R.) Psychose untl Carcinom. Cen- tralbl. f. Neryenh., Leipz., 1883, vi, 505-507. — Orecehia (C.) A proposito di alcuui carcinomi combinati con pro- cessi flogistici. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d.sc.med.n.r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 459-475. — Oviatt (G. A.) Singular succession of symptoms in a case of malignant disease. Boston M. &S.J., 1888, cxviii, 222.—Pye-Smith (P. H.) A case of cancer, cirrhosis, and tubercle; unusual distribution of secondary cancer. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 166-169. — Regaud (C.) Sur l'ascite ean- eereuse. Cong.franc, denied. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 629-635.— Roche (L.) Cachexie eaneereuse aigue, causes proba- bles Ueber Krebs- implantation. Beitr. z. klin. Chir.. Tiibing.. 1894, xi. 321- 332. 1 pL — Kopfstein < W.) Leber Implantation von frischem Krebsgewebe in das Kauiucbeiihirn. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii. 1249: 1295. — Kraske (P.) Ueber die Entstehung sekundarcr Krebsgeschwiilste Cancer (Contagion and inoculation of), durch Impfung. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1884, xi, 80]- 806.—Iiagrange. Inoculation du cancer dans le corps vitro du lapin; resultat nt'-gatif. Bull. Soc tl'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 220.— Tlui-ie. Les gretfes cancereuses. Ind6pend. metl., Par., 1890, ii, 81._ VImiIiim. Transmission du cancer tlu chieu au chieii, resultat positif dans un cas; experiences de MM. Mallus et Violet. Rev. d. mal. cancer., Par., 1896-7, ii, 16.- ITIayet. Inoculation du cancer tie l'homine an rat. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. st-. m6d. de Lyou (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 125. ------. Sur les effets tie l'inoculation aux animaux de cancer humain ou de produits cancereux; r6sultat positif dans un cas. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc. Par., 1893, cxvi, 1316-1320. ------. Sur la transmission aux animaux du cancer de l'hoiiinie. Compt. rend. Soc. (l(. biol.. Tar., 1894, 10. s., i, 550. ------. Note sur la trans- missibilite du cancer de l'homine au rat blanc. Mercretli ni6d., Par., 1894, v, 582. Also: Province 11161L, Lyon, 18(14, viii. 553. ------. De l'inoculation du cancer. Province ni6d., Lyon, 1895, ix, 253-256.—ITIorau (II.) Inoculation en serie d'une tumeur epitheliale tie la souris blanche. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 289. Also ■ M6d. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 367. ------. Le cancer est conu gieux. Rev. scient.. Par., 1895, 4. s., iii, 39-44. —.?lmult (P. F.) Can cancer of the penis be acquired by inoculation from cancer of the cervix uteri? N. York M. J. iski, xxxviii, 457-459. — Ned op il (M.) Carcinom und liif.-c tion. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1883, 123-140, 3 pl. —Nieaiw. De la greffe canc6reuse. Rev. de chir., Par., 1883. iii, 811- 849.—Noel (L.) Sur la topographie et la contagion du cancer. Rev. d. mal. canc6r., Par., 1896-7, ii, 137; 201.— Odenius (N. V.) Om kancercellernas infektions- forrulina. [Sur la propri6t6 infectieuse des cellules can cereuses. C.-r., no. 26.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1881, xiii, no. 26, 1-32.—Petrolic (L. M.) Tentativi di inocu- lazioni del cancro dell' uomo negli animali. Gazz. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1886, 8. s., viii, 243— Poilriz (A. G.) K kazulstike samoprivivki raka. [Case of sell'-inoculation of cancer.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, y. 348-352, 1 pl._ Poircr (D'A.) Preliminary note on the experinn ntal production of cancer. J. Path. & BacterioL, Edinli. & Lond., 1892-3, i, 495. ------. Cancer houses antl their victims. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1240. -----. The infectivity of cancer; a retrospect and a forecast. Ibid., 1895. i, 910-912. Also, Reprint. — Pozzi (S.) Sur un me- moire de AL le Dr. Giiermonprez (de Lille), cont-eruantIn contagion professionnelle du cancer. [Rap.] Bull. Acad. domed., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxv, 457-461. — Kappiu (G.) Recherches sur l'inociilabilit6 du cancer. Gaz. metl. tic Nantes. 1889-90, viii, 61-64. Also, Reprint—Rebiilet & Guelliot. Du caractere infectieux et contagieux tlu cancer. Normandie med., Rouen, 1891, vi, 357-361.— lirnionil (A.) Dela nature infectieuse du cancer. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1889, lxii, 852; 866. Also: J. tl. conn. need. prat., Par., 1889, [lvij lvii, 269: 274. —Rosner (A.) W sprawie przeszczepialno&ci raka. [On inoculability of cancer.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1895, xxxiv, 344; 373; 394; 408. — Schwyzer (A.) Infectious character of carci- noma; inoculation of cancer in tbe wound made for total extirpation of the cancerous womb. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 455-457.—Sibley (W. K.) On the non contagiousness of cancer. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1890-91. xiii, 381-385.—Smith (E. II.) Cancer in husband ami wife. Med. Rec, N. T., 1895, xlviii, 383. — Sorel. Du cancer en Normandie; le cancer se transim-til par 1 'ha- bitation et par l'eau? Normandie m6d.. Loueii. 18!io. v, 385-391.—Thorn (W.) Zur Infektiositat ties ('arrinimm. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 228-232.—Welir. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die positiven Ergebnisse tier Carcinoin-Ueberimpfungen von ilund auf Huntl. Ver- handl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii. pt. 2, 86-88, 1 pi. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 18K!». xxxix, 226-228, 1 pi. Cancer (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See, also, Cancer (Blood in); Cancer (Pa- thology of); Cancer ( Crine in). Alexandre (G.) * De la leucocythose dans les cancers; applications au diagnostic. 4 . Paris, 1887. Biekchen (P.) Abbanillung von den waliren Kennzeicben der Krebsscbaden wie auch der scropbulosen und veneriscben Gesi-hwiire nnd Gescbwiilste. Aus dem Scbwediscben ubersetzt [von Adolpli Murray]. 8°. Gbttingen, 1775. Koch (R.) "Das Verb alten des Mageusai'tcs bei Carcinom. 8°. Giessen, 1887. Laurence (J. Z.) Tbe diagnosis of surgical cancer. 2. ed. 8°. London, 185H. Mksseant (F.-J.-B.-D. ) *Sur la difficulte 1 du diagnostic de la carcinose generalised. 4°. I Lille, 1894. CANCER. 119 CANCEK. Cancer (Diagnosis and semeiology of). Stephen vF. ) *1V signis cancri. Lipsiw, 1782. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frank/. u. Leipz., 1783, xviii, 144-162. Abraham (P. S.) "Ona supposed caseof indigenous leprosy " [really carcinoma]. Tr. Path Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii 309-313.—Adamkiewicz. Zur Reaktion der Car- cinome. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 1291-1293.— Babes (V.) &.*ltoicesco (G.) Sur le diagnostic du cancer lies organes internes par l'examen niicroscopiqne des petites"tumeurs luetastatiques sons-cutanees. Progres ined., Par., 1895, 3. s., i, 113-115.—Bryant tJ. D.) Re- marks introductory to a discussion on the prognosis of malio-naut tumors as modified by their management. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1895, xii, 238.—toe (II. C.) The clini- cal versus the microscopical evidences of malignant dis- ease. N. York M. J., 1887, xlv, 679-682. Also, Reprint.— Curtis (H. F.) Early stages of carcinoma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1S.S8, xxxiii, 605.—Delassiiw. Adinopathie cer- vicale detective ties neoplasmes abthmiiuanx (deux fails) J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1896, ii, 385-393.—Diagnosi (La) dei tumori raaligni primari della pleura e del polmone Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1^08-1511.—Buplant. Myome matin ou cancer uiu.stulaire lisse. Lyon metl., 1897, lxxxiv, 21-23.—Esmarch. Ueber tlie Aetiologie und die Diagnose der Carcinome. insbesoudere tlerjenigen der Zunge und Lippe. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 566-568.—Fanlitner (R. B.) Free hydrochloric acid- is its absence from the stomach a sign of cancer? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895 xxiv, 315-317.—Faure (j.-L.) De l'importance de douleurs irradie.es et des doifteurs a distance dans le diagnostic et le prouostic du cancer. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1895, xiii, 75-79.— Franclie. Ueber die Aetiologie. uud Diagnose von Car- cinom und Sarkom. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morpbol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen, 1888, iv, 1-9.—Freund (E.) Zur Diagnose des Carcinoms. Wien. med. BL, 1885, viii, 268. -----. Zur Diagnose des Carcinoms. Zur Erwidernng [an Dr. Matraij. Ibid., 873. — Gay. La diagnosi dif ferenziale tra le atfezioni cancerose e quelle amiloidi degli organi digestivi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1540.—Gonley (J. W. S.) The prognosis of malignant tumors as modified by their early detection and prompt ablation. Tr. X. York M. Ass.. 1895, xii, 263-273. Also: N. York M. J., 1895, lxii. 786-7*9.—CJiintz (J. E.) Friih- zeitige Diagnose von Krebs durch einen neuen, besonderen klinischeu Symptomencomplex im Stadium der Incubation und ties Ausbruchs der Krehscachexie. Aerztl. Ceutr.- Anz., Wien, 1896, viii, 113; 129. Also: Meraorahilien, Heilbr., 1896, n. F., xv, 203-215.—Haiiseniaiin. Tlie diagnosis of malignant tumors. Internat. Clin.. Phila.. 1895, 5. s., i, 208-215.—Heitzmann (C.) Physiologist-he Vorbilder des Carcinoms uud Alveolar-Myeloma. X. Yorker med. Presse, 18*0, ii, 181-186.—Helferich. Ein Fall von tiefliegendem Carcinom am Yorderarm, nebst Bemerkungen iiber schwer diagnosticirbare Caicinome. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 1890, xvi, 1114.— Hutchinson (J.) The precancerous stage of can- cer, and the importance of early operations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 5. -----. The microscope and the early stages of cancer. Arch. Surg., Loud.. 1897, viii, 238- 240. — Klemperer (G.) Leber den Stoffweehsel, und das Coma tier Krebskranken, mit Bemerkungen iiber das Coma diabetieum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 869-874.—Konig. Ueber die Prognose des Carcinoms. Wien. metl. BL, 1888, xi, 456-459.— II ann (M. D.) The sig- nificance of pain in the diagnosis of cancer. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 1-4. — IVIarmy. De l'utilite de l'observation microscopiquedans le diagnostic des tumeurs cancereuses. Rev. med.-chir. tie Par.. 1847, i, 215-221. Also, Reprint.— Ulolliere (I).) Sur le pro nostic du cancer. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc. - verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, iii. 2*9. -Qiienn & Longuet. Du can- cer secondaire de l'ombilicet tlesa valeur semeiologique. Rev.dechir., Par., 1896, xvi, 97-133.—Roimiielaere ( W.) Du diagnostic du cancer. Ann. de l'Univ. de Brux. Fac. denied.. lx*2, iii, 233-325. Also, Reprint.— Rotgans (J.) Een en antler over de diagnose van boosaardige gezwellen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. R., xxxiii, d.ii, 153-165.—Nehaeffer (E. M.) On the microscopical diagnosis of cancer. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 403-406.—Mchill. Ueber den regelmassigen Refund von Doppelpunktstabchen im carcinomatosen und sarcoma- tosen Gewebe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1034. — Schweninger ( E.) Betrachtuiigen iiber Krebs und seine Diagnose. Mitth. a. d. dermat. Klin. d. k. Char.-Krankenh. zu Berl., 1887-8, 5. Hft., 17-35.—Smith (R. B.) Temperature in the diagnosis of malignant dis- ease. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s , lv, 584.— Spinelli (P. G.) Sull' adenopatia sopraclavicolare nei cancri degli organi della piccola pelvi e dell' aildome. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1893, xx, 397-415.—Vireliow (R.) Zur Diagnose und Prognose des Carcinoms. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1888. cxi, ]-2t. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1888, xxxiii, 13; 23. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1888, xi, 33; 68.—Warren (J. C.) The early diag- Cancer (Diagnosis and semeiology of). nosis of malignant growths. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. Phila 1889, vii, 9-24.— Williams (R.) A case showing the value of the left supra-clavicular adenopathy as a re- vealing symptom of intra-abdominal cancer; with re- marks. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 262. Cancer (Heredity of). Manichon (F.-L.) De l'he're'dite" du cancer, et en particulier du cancer de l'estomac. 4 Paris, 1806. Rebulkt (J.) * Influence de rherMite" sur la frequence du cancer en Normandie. 4° Paris 1896. Also [Abstr.], in: Rev. tl. mal. cancer., Par., 1896-7 ii 19-25. Rueoer ([A.] W.) * Ueber Epithelialcar- ciuoin der Haut bei niehreren Kiutlern einer Famille. 8°. Berlin, [1*80]. Ziel (II.) * Ueber den Einfluss der heredi- tiiren Anlage auf die Entstehung;des (Jarcinonis 8°. Erlangen, 1892. Bantisla l'l:i veria ( U.) Gemelas cancerosas. Rev. denied, y cirug. praet., Madrid, 1890, xxxviii, 17. — Bo- ailly (II. T. 11.) "Is cancer hereditary?" Brit. M. J., LontL, 1895, ii, 14.—Deve. Une famille tie cancereux; heretlite et contagion. Union metl. tlu nord-est, Reims 1894, xviii, 189-191.—B-inui (II. P.) Tbeory of cancerous inheritance. Lancet, LontL.1886, i,148-150. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, LontL, 1885, n. s., xl, 491.—^uelliot (0.) L'heredite tlu cancer. Union me.fl. tlu nord-est Reims, 1896, xx, 249-251.—Hard man (W.) The hered- ity of cancer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1358.—Har- rison (T. T. S.) Some observations on the heredity of carcinoma. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, 328. — Howlett (E. H.) A family history of cancer, with remarks. Quart. M. J.. Sheffield, 1893-4, ii, 313-319.— Snow (H.) Is cancer hereditary ? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 690-692. -----. Blastoma (cancerous and quasi- cancerous growths of congenital origin;. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1893, xxxiv, 321-331. —'Williams (W. R.) The family-history of cancer-patients. Brit. M. J.. LontL, 1884, i, 1039. ' Also, Reprint. -----. Tho family history of cancer patients. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 146-148. -----. Is cancer hereditary? Brit. AI. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1006. dancer (Hospitals for). See, also, Cancer (Cases, etc., of). Caxcek (Free) Hospital, Bronipton and ltJ7 Piccadilly, London, W. Annual reports of the committee of management and surgeon to tbe governors and subscribers. 9.-11., 1859-61; 13., 1863; 16., 1866; 17., 1867; 19., 1869; 20., 1870; 22.-25., 1872-5; 29., 1879; 31.-45., 1881-95. 8-. London, 1860-96. -----. Statement of cash receipts and pay- ments for the year 1884. 8°. [London, 18*3.] Middlesex' Hospital, London. [Festival dinner, to be held April 13, 1894, to raise a special fund to provide accomodation for females suffering from incurable cancer.] 4°. [London, 1894.1 New Yoke Cancer Hospital. Annual re- ports of the managers to the subscribers. 1.-12., 1884-5 to 1896. 12°. [New York, 1885-97.] -----. [A short account of the hospital, with extracts from " regulations" relating to the admission of patients. ] 12°. [New York, 1889.] -----. Bv-laws and regulations. Adopted Nov. 15, 1887^ 8°. [New York, 18s7.] New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, New York City. Annual reports of the officers to the subscribers. 1.-12., 1882-3 to 1893-4. 8° & 12°. New York, 1884-95. Barker (F.) Address on the opening of the New York Cancer Hospital. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 647- 651.—Cancer (The) Hospital, Brompton. Builder, Lond., 1885, xlix, 424, 1 pi.—New York Cancer Hospital. San. Engin., N. Y., 1885, xii, 488, 1 pi. lancer (Microorganisms of). Kohotneff (A. A.) Parasitarnly kharak- ter rakovoi opukholi. (Predvaritelntiye soob- shtshen'ie. [Parasitical character of cancerous tumors. (Preliminary communication.)] r* \ Kiev, 1893. Repr. from.- Univ. izviestiya, Kiev, 1893. (ANGER. 120 CANOEK. Cancer (Microorganisms of). -----. The same. Sporozoen als Krank- heitserreger. 1. Hft. Untersuchungen liber den Parasitismus des Carcinoms (Rhopalocephalus carciuomatosus). 4°. Berlin, 1893. Also [Abstr.], in: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii, 373-380. Oktjshko (A. [A.]) *0 mikroorganizmakh rakovikh opukholei. [On the microorganisms of cancer.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Pfeiffer (L. ) Untersuchungen iiber den Krebs. Die Zell-Erkrankungen und die Ge- schwulstbildungen durch Sporozoen. [With at- las.] roy. 8°. Jena, 1893. Savchexko (I. G. ) Sporovikovlya chu- zheyadniya v zlokachestvennlkh opukholyakh. [Spore producing parasites in malignant tu- mors.] 4°. Eier, 1894. Repr. from: Univ. izviestiya, Kiev, 1894. See, also, infra. ---:—. The same. Sporozoen in GeschwuT- sten (Carcinomen und Sarcomen). roy. 8°. Cassel, 1-95. See, also, infra. Schwakz (E.) Ueber den Carcinom-Para- sitismus. Kritische Studie. 8:. Wien n. Leip- zig, 1895. Also [Abstr.l, in: Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 215; 233. Atlniukicnir/. Ueber den Krehsparasiten, Cocci- tliuin sarcolytus. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 161 ; 208. — Ad lei- (I.) Protozoa and carcinoma. Am. J. AL 'c, Phila., 1894, n.s., cvii, 63-73. Also, Reprint. — Alba- rrau (J.) Micro-organismos del cancer. Arch, dela Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 9-19. — An- ilvews (E.) A study of the locations of 7.881 primary carciuomata as illustrating the probability of a cancerous microbe. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 738-743. Also: Pacitit- Rec. M. & S., San Fran., 1889-90, iv, 195-199.— Azione (Sul!) patogena dei blastomiceti e della etiologia blastomicetica nei neoplasmi. Rassegna dei pih recenti lavori italiani. Riv. ital. di patol. gen. eanat. patol., Torino, 1896, i, 103-111.—Hallance (C. A.) Sc Shattock (S. G.) Cultivation-experiments with new growths and normal tis- sues, together with remarks on the parasitic theory of can- cer. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 412-438, 1 pi.-----------. Report on cultivation-experiments with malignant new growths. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 929- 931.—Banti (G.) Sui parassiti del carcinoma. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 3, 361-364.—Bar well (R.) On the iinprobabilit v of a parasitic origin of malignant disease. Lancet, Lond., 1834, ii, 180; 430; 678; 1024. — It an in- garten (P.) Leber Scheurlen's Carcinombacillus. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1888, iii, 397.— Bei-gonzini (C.) Sopra i cosi detti or' ismi carat- terisiiei del cancro ; corpuscoli fucsina di Russell. Ras- segna di sc. med., Modena, 1891, vi, 97-106. — JBernabei (C.) Ricerche hatteriologiche e|sperimentali sul cancro ; nota preliminare. Riv. clin., Milano, 1888, xxvii, 56-65.— Hernabei (C.) & Sauarelli (G.) Prime ricerche bacteriologiche sul cancro. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. u.r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. di Siena, 1888,vi, 20-26. — Boiling. ton (Alice). The parasitic protozoa found in cancerous diseases. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1894, xxviii, 307-315. — Braitliwaite (J.) On the micro-organism of cancer. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1636-1638. Also, Reprint.—Brandt (A. F.) Ob otnoshen. bacill Scheuerlen'a k etiologii raka. [Relation of Scheurlen's bacillus to etiologylof cancer.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. g Kazani, 1888, xii, 99-125.—But- chardl (E.) TJeber ein Coccidium im Schleimkrebs ties Menschen und seine Dauersporeneyste. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1893, cxxxi, 121-129, 1 pi.—Bntlin (H. T.) Malignant tumours and parasitism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 45. — Calinette (E.) De l'etiologie coc- cidienne du cancer. Bull. me-d., Par., 1896, x, 1227-1229. -----. On the coccidian etiology of cancer. Bull. Pasteur Inst., Danbury, Conn., 1897, v, 0-11— Camelot (E.) Le cancer est-il de. nature parasitaire? J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1896, i, 193; 217.—Cattle (C. H.) Do parasites ex- ist in cancerous tumours? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893,ii, 179. -----. Observations on tbe histology of carcinomata and the parasite-like bodies found in them. J. Path. Sc Bacte- rid., Edinb. Sc LontL, 1893-4, ii, 367-379, 2 pi.—Cattle (C. H.) Sc Millar (J.) On certain greuarinidae antl the possi- ble connexion of allied forms with tissue-change^ (cancer) in man. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1236-1240. —Caasin (M.) La theorip parasitaire du cancer. [Rev. crit.J Arch. gen. denied.. Par., 1892. i, 70-90. -----. La theorie psorospermi- .: in - tlu cancer. Rev. d. mal. cancer.. Par., 1895-6, i, 3-7.— riiri'lii-si (H.) Les psorospermoses et la theorie para- i-itai c 'In cancer. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1890, iv, 205: 225. — Clarice (.1. J.) On parasitic micro-organisms in Cancer (Microorganisms of). cancer. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1*92-3,"xliv, 188-207. ----_. < The protozoa considered in relation to disease, especially cancer, sarcoma, and other morbid growths. Metl. Ph-sh Sc Circ, LontL, 1S93, lvi, 155; 181 ; 207. ----. Cancer, sar- coma, and other morbid growths considered in relation to the sporozoa. Ibid., 233; 293; 319; 350; 370. Also, Re- print.—Coi-nil (V.) Des modifications des uoyaux et des cellules cancereuses qui pen vent en imposer pour des para- sites. Atti tl. xi Cong. metl. internaz., Roma, 1894. ii, pa. tol. gen. edanat. patol., 84-88.—Corselli (G.) & Frinco (B.) Blastomicete patogeno nell' uomo; contribnto all' etiologia.dei tumori maligni. 1st. d'ig. d. r. Univ. tli Pn. lermo. Lav.di lab., Roma, 1894-5, i, 1-15, 4 pi. Also: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. metl. in Palermo (1895), 1896, 120-132, 4 pi. Also: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1895. n. s., xvii, 699-706. Also: Ann. dig. sper., Roma, 1895, n. s., v, 433-447,4pl.—Councilman (W.T.) Theparasilicorigin of carcinoma. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxviii, 392; 415 — Craig (C. F.) The parasitic origin of carcinoma. Proc. Connect, M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1896, 204-211, 1 pi. Also, Ke- print.—!>' Anna (E.) L' etiologia del cancro e la teorin parassitaria. Policlin., Roma, 1893-4, i, 445; 493, 1 pi. -----. Osservazioni alia critica del prof. Pio Fo4 sui mio lavoro: L' etiologia del cancro e la teoria parassita- ria. Ibid., 1895, ii, sez. chir., 37-48.—I>aii«:i< (M.) Can- cer et psorospcrmies. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1893. xl, 498; 510.—Bean (G.) Dr. Russell's characteristic micro organism of cancer. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 708.—Dele> pine (S.) Protozoa and carcinoma. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, ii, 674-676.—Bcnuce (M.) Le microbe du cancer] Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1888, ix, 574; 593; 621.—Dnbreuilh (W.) Coccidies dans un 6pith61ioina de la main. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 197.—Bnplay (S.) & Cazin (M.) Recherches sur la nature parasitaire du cancer. Tr. vii Internal. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog., Lond., 1892, ii, 81-85. — English (W.T.) The parasitic origin of cancer. Northwest. Lan- cet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 439-442.—Fabre-Domergue. Sur l'origine parasitaire du cancer. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.]. Par., 1891, v, 503-511. -----. Discussion de l'origine coccidienno du cancer. Ann. demicrog., Par., 1894, vi, 49; 97; 145; 211; 579; 603, 6pl.-----La theorie parasitaire du cancer. Presse m6cl., Par., 1896, 157.—Foa (P.) Sui parassiti del cancro; 2" nota. Gazz. liietl. tli Torino, 1892, xliii, 381-384. -----. Sui parassiti del cancro. Ibid., 1893, xliv, 41-43. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, K-93, xiv, 139. -----. Sui parassiti del cancro. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt, 3, 267-269. -----. Sui parassiti e sulla istologia patologica del cancro. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino e Palermo, 1893, xvii, 253-278, 4 pi. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1893, xx, 44-66, 4 pi.—Fowler (G. R.) Origin of carcinoma through the medium of a specific micro-organism. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1893, 219-228.—Freire (D.) Nota sobre o microbio do cancer. Rev. d. cursos prat, e tbeor. da Fac. de med. do Rio do Jan., 1889, 73-82.—Grallcmaerts. Le parasitisnie tlu canter. J. de m6d., chir et pharmacol., Brux., 1892, 593- 599.—Galloway (J.) Observations on parasitic organ- isms in carcinoma. Tr. Path. Soc. LontL, 1892-3, xliv, U08. -----. Tbe parasitism of protozoa in carcinoma. Brit.M. J., Lond.. 1*93, i, 217-222. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 231-234. —Oibbe* (II.) On the parasitic nature of cancer. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1893, viii, 289-297. Also: A ni. J. M. Se.. Phila,, 1893, n. s., cvi, 1-7. Also, Reprint.- Giles (A.) &.Boyce (R.) Sporozoa and cancer. Lancet, LontL, 1893, i, 529; 593. Also: Rep. Dep. Path. Lniv. Coll., Lond., 1892-3, i.-Outteri-84-0, ii, 178-200. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1886, xxv 249-27L—C'oe (H. C.) The pathology of carcinoma. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila., 1893, 179-185. Also. Reprint,— Cornil (Y.) Du cancer et do ses caracteres anatoini- ques. Mem. Acad. dem6d., Par., 1865-6. xxvii, 301-385. Alio, Reprint. -----. Carcinome: partie histologiqne. Diet, encycl. d. se. med., Par., 1876, xii, 347-369.— De Orazia ( F.) Sulla presenza dei cosidetti corpi tli Kussel nel sistema nervoso centrale dell' uomo. Ri- forma metl., Napoli, 1897, xiii. pt. 3, 772 - 775. — Deuycr (S. E.) The histology of cancer of the breast. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1897, xi, 72-78.— Devic Sc Paviot. Processus histologique de propagation tlu cancer secon- dare dans les os plats. Cong, franc, de med. 18S4, Tar., 1895. i, 623-629. — Dnffielfl (G.) Microscopical diagnosis of the carcinomata. Detroit Lancet, 1883-4, n. s., vii, 487- 490.—Duval (M.) Le cancer et la parthenogen^se (noto do rectification). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s.. i, 646. — Edmunds (W.) Carcinoma myxomato- des. Tr. Path. Soc. LontL (1886-7), 1887, xxxvi'ii. 377.— Elsenberg (A.) Du mode do vascnlarisation et de la disposition ties vaisseaux dans lo caucer. Tribune nnd., Par., 1*81, xiv, 67-69. — Foa (I'.) Sopra taluni corpi inclusi nelle cellule cancerose. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1891, xiii, 833-835. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s.. xl, 125-127. — Fonck. Canter gan- gliouuaire. Ann. Soc. d'auat.-path. de Brux., 1866, xii, 31- 34.—Fordycc (J. A.) Lantern-slide exhibition of photo- micrographs illustrating the structure of cancer and other pathological conditions; abstract of remarks. Tr. M. Soc. N.'Y., Phila., 1895, 129-131, 2 pL—«aleolti (G.) Beitrag zum Studium des Chromatins in den Epithelzellcn der Carcinome. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1893, xiv, 249-271, 2 pi. -----. Su certe particolarita, di struttura nelle cellule epiteliali dei carcinomi. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, patol. gen. ed anat. patol., 100-102. -----. Sulle granulazioni cellulari nei carcinomi. Policlin.. Roma, 1895. ii—AT, 428-438.— GibbeN ( H. ) The pathology of carcinoma. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila . 18s9-91, xv, 306-322. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1*91, 3. s., vii, 436- 445— Hnnseninnu ( D.) Das Krebstromaund die Grawitz'sehe Theorie tier Schlum- merzellen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1893, exxxiii, 147-165. — Harris (T.) The relation of purpura to ma- lignant growths. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1888-9, ix, 353-375, 1 pi. A Iso, Reprint.— Hayem. Stir la leucocy- tose ties cancereux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 286. —Heiberg (H.) Tre Preveforelaesninger. II. Om Kraeftsvulsternes Strukturforbolde og Udviklings- historic. |Structure of carcinoma and history of devel- opment.] Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk., Christiania, 1870, 2. R., xxiv, 521-540. — ■Ieideniauii (W.) Ueher Ent- stehung und Bedentung der kleinzellige Infiltration bei Carcinomen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1892,1 exxix, 77-109, 1 pi.—Hirschfcld (F.) Eine Bemerkung zu Hen-n Dr. Klemperer's Arbeit: Leber deu Stoff- wechsel und das Coma der Krebskranken. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 979. [See, also, infra.]— John- sou (R.) Pathological conditions of the mamma associ- ated with carcinoma. Tr. Path. Soc. LontL, 1891-2, xliii, 170-175, 1 1., 1 pi.—Johnstone (A. W.) The carcino- matous metamorphosis. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1882, vii, 225-230. — Kahanc (M.) Ueher das Yorkommen lehen- der Parasiten im Blute nnd in Geschwulstzellen bei Carcinomatoses Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xv, 413-419. -----. Notiz, betreffend das Vor- kommen von Blastomyceten in Carcinomen und Sarko- raen. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena. 1895, xviii, 616. — Kanips. Spatrezidive nachKarzinom-Operationen. Kor.-Bl.d.allg. mecklenb. Aerztever., Rostock, 1897, No. 185, 506.—Kan- lorowicz (L.) Zur Pathogenese der acuten allgemeineii Carcinomatose und zur Casuistik seltener Krebsmetasta- sen. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. n. path. Anat., Jena, 1893, iv, 817-826.—Kellogg (C. W.) A study of the cellular pathology of carcinoma. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1896-7, iii, 158-172, 3 pi.—Klcbs (E.) Some remarks on malig- nant growths. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1895-7, ii, 220-239.— lilein(G.) Epithel, Entlothel und Carcinom. Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Jubil. tl. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. in Berl.. Wien, 1894, 295-300. — Klemperer (G.) Ueber tlen Stoffwechsel und das Coma der Krebskranken. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 869-S74. [See, also, supra, Hirschfeld (F.).]—Kosiriski ( A. "W.) Sporozoa w ko- morkach raka; przyczynek do danych o kom6rkach raka, zawierajacych waknole (fisalidy) braz o ich zawartoSei. [Cell formation in cancer; contribution to knowledge of cancer tells, endogenesis and contents of cells.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 109-119. -----. O zwyrodnieniu Sluzowem kamdrek rakowych. [On tbe degeneration of carcinomatous cells in myxo-sarcoma.] Ibid., 784-7K8. -----. Zur Lehre von der Schleimmetamorphose der Krebs zellen. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1892, iii, 145-149, 1 pi. -----. Nleskolkozamiechaniyosafranon- lovikh yadrishkakhvrakovikh klietkakh. [Some remarks on thesafranophil nucleoli in cancer cells.] Arch. lab. obsh. patol. p. Imp. Varshav. Univ.. 1893, i, 19-29, 1 pL— Eiim- rencefj. Z.) Illustrationsofthepathology of cancer. As- Canicer (Pathology of). .soc. M. J., LontL. 1850, ii, 696; 716; 786; 804; 832; 851; 870; 886. Also. Reprint. —Ijubarsch (O.) Ueber Riickenmarks- veriinderuugen bei Carcinomatosen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med Berl., 1896-7, xxxi, 399-415, 1 pL—Lustig (A.) La ca chessia nei malati di carcinoma e dovuta ad un' autointos- sicaziono.' Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze 1896 1, 97-99.—ITIaeallum (A. B.) & Cavcn (J.) Carcinom- atous growths. Proc. Sc Tr. Path. Soc. Toronto, 1889- 90, i, 17 — TlcFai-laiid (J.) Theory of alveolus forma- tion in cancer. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893, ii, 638-641, 1 jil.-M'Grnw (T. A.) The malignant metamorphosis of diseased tissues. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Lansing, 1884, viii, 514-521. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 283-286.— IVIandl ( L. ) Recherches histog&iesiques sur les tu- meurs malignes. | Abstr. ] Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc.. Par., 1857, xliv, 1016.—lllaiiu (M. D. ) Some points on the histology of malignant tumors. Buffalo M. & S. J. 1882-3,xxii,300-306.—iTIajet. Fails pour servir a l'etude de hi pathogenic du cancer. Cong, franc, do m6d. 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 900-908. — U ay laid (A. E.) Carcinoma considered chiefly in its pathological aspects. Tr. Glasg. Path. \-. Clin. Sot-., 1884-6, ii, 234-246. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1880. xxv. 342-354. — lVIontane. Des lesions vascu- laires dans It- carcinome et des rapports des alveoles cancereux avec les lymphatiques. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par.. 1890, 9. s.,'ii, 689. — .Vlorpurgo (B.) Corpi tingibili nelle cellule tli carcinomi. Mem. Accad.rd. sc. med. e nat in Ferrara, 1893, lxvi, fasc. 3, 29-32, 1 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, patol, gen. ed anat. patol., 88-90.—iTIniin (H. E.) Pathology of cancer. Toledo M. CompcniL, 1894, x. 2^5- 290. A Iso, Reprint. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phi a., 1894, lxxi, 245-247.—IVepveu (G.) Recherches histolo- giques sur la pathogenic tlu cancer. Marseille m6d., 1892, xxix, 41-47, 1 pi.—PVicolueei (G.) Sull' intima struttura tlcllo scino,lettera indirettaal S.DeRenzi. Filiatre-sehe- zio, Napoli, 1843, xxvi, 3-8. Also, Reprint.—Owen (I.) Malignant disease; twelve cases submitted to post-mortem examination. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1879, LontL, 1880, x, 33-36.—Pianese(G.) Sulla natura de' corpi cancerosi. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1895, n. a., xvii, 401-412. -----. Sulla teoria blastoniicetica del carcinoma e delle specifiche colorazioni de' blastomieeti. Ibid., 1897, n. s., xix, 408-475.—Popoff (T. V.) Klietochkoviya vklyucht- nia raka i tlobrokacbestvennikh epitelialnikh obrazova- niy. [Cell contents in cancerous and benign epithelial tumors. ] Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 556- 574, 2 pi.—Power (D'A.) A comparison of the results obtainetl from the inoculation of portions of tissue affected with Paget's disease and eoccidin. J. Path. Sc Bacte- rid., Edinb. & LontL, 1893-4, ii, 251-254. Also, Reprint,— Przewoski (E.) Miejscowa eozynofilja w raku i kilka slow o znaczeniu komdrek eozynofllowych wogolo. [Local eosinophile in cancer, and a few words on the meaning of eosinophile cells in general.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1896, 2. s., xvi, 905; 941. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1896, vii, 177-191.—Reed (C. H.) The histogenesis and histology of carcinoma. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3. xiii, 249-238. Also, Reprint.—Reinbach. Ueber das Yerhalteii der Leukocyten bei malignen Tumoren. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1893, xlvi, 4867562, 1 pL— Ken- nie (G. E.) Recent work on the pathology of cancer. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 69; 105; 175.— Rib- bert. Leber Einschliisse im Epithel tier Carcinome. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1179-1183.— Richet (C.) Effets toxiques des iniections veiueuses de tumeurs cancereuses ulcere.es. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 601.—Rosenthal. Ueber Zellen roit Eigenbe.wegung des Inhalts beim Carcinom des Menschen und iiber tlie sogenannten Zelleiuschliisse auf Grund von Untersuchungen an lebeusfrischem Material. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1896, li, 104-129, 5 pL—Ruffer 1]. Axdhy (C. L. F.) * An cancer ulceratus cicu- t nin eludat? 4-. Bruxelles, 1854. Lettre d'un citoyen de Lyon a Monsieur Roux, docteur regent et professeur de pharma- cie de la faculty de raeffne dans l'Univ^ de Paris, avec des observations sur les effets d'un remede contre les maladies cancereuses; et la copie des proces verb, et des certihcats de"pose"s chez M. Bioche, notaire a Paris. 16°. Paris, 1767. Lewis (D.) Caucer and its treatment. 16c. Detroit, Mich, 1892. Lussana (F.) Sur le traitement du cancer a l'aide du sue gastrique du chien et sur la ma- niere d'extraire ce sue et de l'employer. 4 . Padoue, 1*69. . Marsden (A.) The treatment of cancers and tumours by Chian-turpentine, caustics, excision, and other methods; to which is added short, practical, and systematic description of all the varieties of this disease, and remarks on the nature and treatment of ulcers. 8°. London, l-*v. -----. The same. Our present means of successfully treating or alleviating cancer and tumours of the breast, tongue, lip, face, skin; to which is added a short, practical, and system- atic description of the principal varieties of this disease. 8-. London, [188!)]. Millardet ( A.) Traitement du cancer sans instrument tranchant. Examen des requitals de eette nouvelle methode. 8°. Paris, 1831. Olmade. Appreciation de la m6thode anti- phlogistique dans le traitement de quelques le- sions organiques. Preinierni6moiresur les lesions cancereuses ou pre"sumees telles. *-. Paris, 1824. Pattison (J.) A second appendix to the suc- cessful treatment of cancer; to which are added a few remarks on the improved treatment of fis- tula. 2. etl. 8°. London, [I860], ■-----. A short practical treatise on cancer; and on the best means for its removal and relief, without the usual operation by the knife. 12°. London, 18,61. 'aneer (Treatment of). -----. Cancer; Unsuccessful treatment with- out operation. 8J. London, [n. d.]. Perrussel ( F. ) Guide du mddecin dans le choix d'une methode pour guerir les maladies aigues et chroniques, comprenant des e"tudes cliuiques et tberapeiitiques sur le cancer. Suivi d'un memoire sur la vah-ur caract6ristique des svmpt6ines, par le dr. De Bti-nninghausen. 18 . Paris, 1860. Receta original del unguento anticancroso couocido por el nombro del Canario, mandada pnblicar por el real proto-medicato, en virtud de real orden de S. M. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Robinson (H.) The new speeialite' for can- cer; Michel's process for successfully removing cancerous and other external malignant tu- mours without tin-; knife. 2. ed. 8-'. London, 1873. -----. The same. Cancer and external tu- mours ; their successful dispersion by the Michel and other ointments, without the knife; with numerous cases illustrating the advantages of the treatment, and the probability of complete immunity from disease after the operation in the worst forms, a prolongation of life. 2. ed. 8°. London, ls74. Ross (P.) *De cancro ejusque curatione me- dica et chirurgica. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhe- num, 1727. Rowley ( W. ) A practical treatise on dis- eases of the breast of women . . . Likewise observations on the simple inflammation of the breasts; on the abscess, induration of these parts, and on diseased nipples, with the method of preventing cancer; of the schirrus or cancer- ous induration arising from other causes, with mild and successful methods of cure [etc.]. 8°. London, 1772. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1777. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1790. -----. The same. Abhandlung iiber die ge- fahrlichen Zufalle an den Briisten der Kindbet- terinnen, nebst verschiednen neuen praktischen Bemerkungen iiber den Krebs und dessen Heil- arteu. Nach der 2. Ausgabe. Aus dem Engli- schen ubersetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen begleitet. 8°. Breslau u. Hirschberg, 1794. -----. A letter to Dr. William Hunter, on the dangerous tendency of medical vanity, occa- sioned by the death of the late Lady Holland. 8°. London, 1774. -----. An answer to the criticism in the Monthly Review for October, 1779, on a pam- phlet lately published, called Seventy - four cases; with the manner of cure, and tbe prep- arations of the remedies in scirrhous and cancerous complaints, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1779. -----. A second letter to Dr. William Hun- ter, being an answer to tbe liberal criticism in the Monthly Review for November, 1774, ou a former letter, occasioned by the death of Lady Holland, containing a remarkable cure of a schirrus, antl cancerous ulcer; to which are added, reasons why that poisonous drug, hemlock, should never be given in cancerous cases, [ete.]. 12°. Lon- don, 1775. Saffouy (H.) A treatise on the causes and effects of scirrhous tumors and tancers, addressed to tbe governors of the city dispensary, with the author's apology for using the late. Mr. Guy's arcanum for the cure of the above disorders, evincing from reason and experience that appli- cation to lx- the only one capable of effectually removing all scirrhous tumors without the knife; to whit-lT is annexed the case of Mr. Staples, of Sutton, in the county of Kent, who A\as eftectu- CANCER. 126 CANCEK. Chancer (Treatment of). ally cured of a scirrhous tumor in his breast, and fully attested by certificates from most of the principal gentlemen of that county, including Sir J. Boyd, hart, [et al.]. 8°. London, 1789. Sander (G. ) * Ueber die Behandlung der iuoperablen Carciuome. 8°. Berlin, 1883. Schmeltz (J.) Tumeurs diverses malignes et chroniques. Affections cancereuses traite"es sans operation. Observations; premiere se"rie. 8C. Nice, 1884. Snow (H.) The palliative treatment of in- curable cancer; with an appendix on the use of the opium-pipe; being a lecture delivered at the Cancer Hospital, March 7, 1890. 12°. London, 1890. Standke. Operatiouslose Behandlung und Heilung von Lupus und iiusserem Krebs. 8°. Bremen, 1894. Storck (A.) Libellus quo demonstratnr cicu- tam non solum usu interim tutissime exbiberi, sed et esse simul remedium valde utile in multis morbis, qui hucusque curatu impossibiles dice- bantur. 8-". Vindoboiue, 1760. ------. The same. An essay on the medicinal nature of hemlock; in which its extraordinary virtue and efficacy, as well internally as exter- nally used, iu the cure of cancers, schirrous and tedematous tumours, malignant and fistulous ulcers, and cataracts are demonstrated and ex- plained ; tbe whole being founded on observa- tions made in a variety of the respective cases where this remedy was administered by Dr. Storck, the Baron van Swieten, Dr. Koilman, and others of the most eminent physicians and surgeons at Arienna. Transl. from the Latin original. 8°. L.ondon, 1760. ------. The same. Verhandeling over de ci- cuta of doll kt-rvel, waar in door veele proefne- mingen, van welken de wydberoenide Baron van Swieten nieerendeels oog-getuigen geweest is, betoogt werd, dat dit kruid niet alleen uitwen- dig veilig kan gebruikt worden, niaar ook een zeer nuttig geneesmiddcl is iu veele ongenezelyke ziekten, inzonderheid inverharde kliergezwellen en de kanker. Uit het Latyn vertaalt door Lambertus Bikker, [etc.]. 8°. Rotterdam, 1760. ------. The same. Dissertation sur I'usage de la cigiie, dans laquelle on prouve qu'on peut non seulement la prendre iuterieurement avec su- rety, mais encore qu'elle est un remede tres-utile dans plusieurs maladies dont la guerison a paru jusqu'a present impossible. Trad, du latin. 16°. Vienne cf Paris, 1761. ------. Libellus secundus, quo confirmatur cicutam non solum usu interno tutissime ex- biberi [etc.]. 8°. Vindobonw, 1761. ------. The same. A second essay on the medicinal nature of hemlock, [etc. ]. Transl. from the Latin original by a physician. 8 . London, 1761. -----. The same. -----. The same. 8°., London, 1761. [London, 1761.] Cutting from: Gentleman's Mag-, Loud., 1761. ------. The same. A necessary supplement to the former essays on the medicinal virtues of hemlock, [etc.]. Transl. from the original Latin printed at Vienna, 1761, by a physician. 8°. London, 1762. Thomas (W.) Commentaries on the treatment of scirrhi and cancers, from the earliest period to the present; for the purpose of pointing out antl establishing a specific for those diseases on ra- tional and scientific principles. 8°. London, 1805. Thornton (W.) The cause aud cure of ma- lignancy: an important announcement to the medical profession. 8°. [Boston, 1894. ] Cancer (Treatment of). Titius (C. C) * De nociva cancri inveterati exstirpatione novis exeinplis demonstrata. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstiiutl. Ausz. [ete.]. 12°. Ltip. zig u. Budissin, 1771, iii, 411-410. Toscanelli (C. M.) Del inaraviglioBo speci- fico delle lucertole, o ramairi per la radical cum del cancro, della lebbra e lue venerea ultima- mente scoperto dal Siguor D. G. Flores [etc.], 12°. Torino, 1784. Adamkicwicz. Zasady racy.jonalDego, leezenia no- wotworowzlosliwych (rak6w). [Basis of rational treatment of cancerous malignant neoformations. ] Przegl. lek., Kra- kdw, 1891, xxx, 177. Also, transl.: Wien. med. BL, 1891, xiv, ' 211-213. Also, transl.: Ztschr. 1. Therap. in. Einbzhng. d Elect.- u. Hvdrotherap., Wien, 1891, ix, 57-59. Also, transl: Wien. med.' Wchnsehr., 1891, xii, 593-596. -----. Fremde Beobachtungen iiber tlie Wirkuugsweise des Cancroin, nebst einigen Bemerkungen. Wien. med. Wihnstlir. 1892, xiii, 1553; 1591; 1638. ----. Weitere Erfolge in tier Bebaiitllung der Carcinome nach meinem Yerfahren, und meine Gegner. Wien. med. I'resse, 1894, xxxv, 921; 9(i8. -----. Krebsbehandlung und Krebsheilung. Wien. mod. Wchnschr., 1895, xlv, 1427; 1475. -----. Ueber einen wei- teren, mit Cancroin erfolgreich bebandelten, besonders schwereu Carcinomfall. Ibid., 1896, xlvi, 631-633. —An. drew* (E.) The latest methods of treating carcinoma bv hypodermic injection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 1159.—Andrews (E. W.) Phenic acid in cancer. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1882, xxxii, 227-231. — Ar- nott ( H. ) On tbe therapeutical importance of recent views of the nature and structure of cancer. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. LontL, 187-1, ii, 103-122. Also, Reprint.—Atkin- son (A. S.) A method of treating canter. N. YorkM. .1., 1896, lxiv, 526— Barton (E. W.) Sulphide of calcium in cancer. Lancet, LontL, 18S2, ii, 332. — Bell (C.) On the period of life at which carcinoma appears in a -woman, and the management of the female constitution when threat- ened with scirrhositv and glandular enlargement. Loud. M. Gaz., 1834-5, xv, 424-429. [See, also, supra.]—Beer (Ii.) Zur Krebsbehandlung und Krebsheilung von Prof. Adntn- kiewicz; Entgegnung. Wien. metl. Welinschr., 1895, xlv, xlv, 1517-1519.—BiclousofF (P. P.) O konservativntmi liechenii niekotorikh form raka. | Conservative treat ment of certain forms of cancer.] Otchetodiejatel.Obsb. Tulsk. vrach.,Tulla, 1891,xxix, 19-24.—Bishop(E.S.) Theuseot cinnamon in the treatnientof cancer. Lancet,LontL, 1894, ii, 281.—Boucher (L.) La cure du cancer par le matte- isme. Normandie metl., Rouen, 1892, vii, 174; 212.—Itonr- din. Traitement des affections cancereuses. Premier memoire. Bull. Soc. metl.-prat, de Par., 1844, no. 39, 87- 127. — Braithwaite (J.) Will cancer ever be cured? With a suggestion as to the medicinal treatment of early cases of external cancer. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1886, v, 437-439.—Brown (A.) Malignant tumois ; their treat- ment. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1895, l'.'24-122(i.- Burow. Aeusserliche Anweiidiing des chlorsaurenKali bei offeneni Carcinom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873. x,0L— Cantrcll (J. A.) Facial epitbeliomata antl 1 heir treat- ment. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1897, xvi, 161- 165.—Cui-pciilcr (J. S.) A new treatment for cancerous affections. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1891-2, iii, 119-124. — Chambers (J. E.) The treatment of canter according to the. temperature producing its growth; with five typical cases. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1888, xvi,8-10.— Chicken (It. C.) The treatment of advanced cancer. Quart, M. J., Sheffield, 1894-5. iii, 40-54, I pi. — Clay (J.) On the treatment of caucer. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1005. -----. The treatment of cancer. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892,n.s.,liii, 522-524.—Curtis (B. F.) The cura- bility of cancer when the lymph-nodes are iinvolved Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Phila.. 1895,51-61. Also: Metl. Kec.N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 193-195.—Cutter (E.) Diet in cancer: I. Full textof nine eases. IL Theoretical considerations. Albany M. Ann., 1887, viii, 218; 233. Also, Reprint. — C/.erny. Therapie der krebsigen Stricturen des Oesophagus, ties Pylorus und des Rectum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1897, xxxiv, 733; 762: 779.—De Backer. De la cancerose et de son traitement au moyen ties ferments purs. J. d« metl. tie Par., 1897, 2. s., ix, 270-279. —Despeiyui-* (V.) Nouvelle observation de cancer trait6 par les layons tie Rcentgen. Lyon med., 1896, lxxxiii, 550. — Discussion on Dr. Beatson's method of treatment of inoperable car- cinoma. _ Med. Press & Circ, LontL, 1897, n. 8.. lxiii. .103; 459.—Discussion iiber gehoilte Carcinome. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. (Jesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii, 12-23.— Drzcwiccki (J.) A contribution to the treatment of malignant growths. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 9b — Einer (Yon) neuen bewahrten Cur des Krebses. [X. Kortholt's: Balsamus vulnerarius und Liquor. | Sai.....1. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Ct-sch. 1719, Bressl., 1720, \ii, 100- 116. — Fabrt-.Douicr^iie. Thdrapeutique du cancer; theorie de hi desorientalion cellulaire. Presse m6d., Par., 1894. 223-225. — Fair (W.) Leber die Wirkuneen des Fucus Helmiiithochorton gegen deu Scirrhus. [Transl, extract, from his: An essay on the effects of the fucus CANCER. 127 CANCER. Cancer (Treatment of). helminthochorton upon cancer, by E. Dohlhoff. ] J. d. Chir u. Augenh., Berl., 1822, iv, 057-608.—Fay (M.) Ue- ber Karziuom uud desseu Behandlung. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1894, xv, 743. — Fuchs (I).) Anweudung der Borsiiure bei Krebsgcschwuren. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 582. —Fuster. De la compression dans le traitement du cancer, et dun uouvel appareilcom- pressif pour le caucer des niamelles. J. d. conn. m6d. prat.. Par., 1833-4, i. 161; 195.—(i. (J. M ) A new treat- ment and possible cure for cancer. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 1327.—Grant (T. P.) A case of scirrhus treated by in- ternal medication. Am. Pract. & Xews, Louisville, 1893, xv,41-44. AZso.Reprint.—Hashimoto. Beitrag zur Be- haudluug der Sarkome und Carcinome. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1885, xxxii, 11-22.—Hasse (O.) Zur Krebs- heilung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [ etc. ]. Berl., 1896, exlvi, 209: 1897. cxlix, 230. — IlilmkaiupH (II.) Das Karzi nom und seine Behandlung in dem letzten Jahrzehut. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885. vi, 207; 277; 289; 301; 313; 325. Also, Reprint. Also, transl : Ann. Soe. med.-chir. de Liege, 1885, xxiv, 181; 233; 317. — Ilirschfcld ( E. ) On the therapeutic value of carica papaya in cancer. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1*93, xii, 336-338. — Hood (P.) On the administration of carbonate of lime as a means of arresting the growth of cancerous tumours. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 927;— Howard (H. C.) Alcohol in the treatment of malignant disease. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1896, xviii, 281-283.—Hulkc (J. W.) Five cases of cancertreatedwith cinnamon; remarks. Lancet, LontL, 1894, ii, 034.—lsch-Wall (M.) Contribution k l'etude du traitement des tumours malignes. Rev. d. mal. canc6r., Par., 1895-6, i, 92-97.—Jacubasch (H.) Zur Behand- lung ties Krebses. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 861- 864.—Janvi-in (J. E.) On the use of alveloz in the treatment of cancer. Ann. Gynfec, Bost., 1887-8. i, 27- 31.—Jen n no I Sc Reinoud. La cancroi'ne. Midi med., Toulouse, li- 93, ii, 121- 124. —Jennings (CE. ) New methods of treating cancer. Med. Week, Par., 1894, ii, 205. — Kolbc (J. D. ) & > enter. Neue Krebs-Cur an einer Brust. mit HerruRath KortholtsReinetlieu. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1720, Leipz. u. Budissin. 1722, xiv, 672-675. —Kraske (P.) Ueber kiinstliche Ueber- hautung offener iuopeiabler Krebse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 1.—Cmub (J.) Rumex acetosa in cancer. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 363.— Lanilsbergcr (J.) TJeber die Therapie der Carcinome; eine kritische Studie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bed., 1883, xxix, 98-LI8.—La pin (I. I.) K voprosu o Hechenii raka narodnimi sredstvami; Hechenie raka iiastoyi-mtrutovika (polyporus iuniarius). [Treatment of cancer by popular remedies] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1889, vii, 243; 261.— Laiicnstciii (C.) Zur Frage tier Ueberhautung inope- rabeler Krebsgeschwure. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 37.—Lees (R. C.) The treatment of inoper- able malignant neoplasms by the bichloride of mercury in oil. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 875.—Lender. Die arztliche Behandlung der Carcinome durch Ozonlosungeii. Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect.-u. Hydrotherap.. Wien, 1888, vi, 161-163. Also: Tagebl. d. Yersamml. deutsch. Natnrf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1889, lxi, 112-114.—Lewis (D.) Marsdeu's treatment of cancer. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1880, 307-372. -----. Cancer and its treat- ment. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1874, x, 329-341. Also, Reprint. -----. Notes on the management of incurable cases of cancer. Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxix, 513-516.— Liscia (A.) Un caso di guamione di epitelioma della faccia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 857. — Long- hurst (A. E. T.) The treatment of cancer. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 371. —Jlanilcrs (H.) The method of Dr. De Backer in the cure of tubercle and cancer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 802. — Tlamli y. Leber die bisherigen Erfolge der internen Therapie ma hgner Geschwiilste. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1896, lxvi, 249-252. —Marsden (A.) The treatment of cancer. Specialist, LontL, 1880-81 i 121- 152 ■ IBs. —von Meyer (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Li-hre von der Reilbarkeit tier Krebskrankheit. Deutsche Ztschr. f Chir Leipz., 1888, xxviii, 169-188 Also: Therap Mo- natsh., Berl., 1888, ii, 313-316.—Mitchell (J. S.) A new method of treating carcinoma. Metl. Era. Chicago 1889 vn, 132-141.-.Morgan (J. B.) The treatment of cuta- neous cancers. Med. Xews, N. V., 1897, lxxi, 225-229.— Nana. Colorarea biologic^ camijloc de tratare in afec- finnilu chirurgicale si mal cu seam& in tumorele mali-ne. hpitiilitl, BucurescI, 1892, xii, 09: 99; 122; 155; 231.—l\eu- dorfer (J.) Allgemeines iiber Behandlung der Can i nose. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1888, ii, 393-399.— Von \iiNsbaum. Ueber Umwandlung maligner Ge scuwulstt- (Krebse) in gutartigo und iiber Vorziige gluhen- ifS f'^tru'»ente. Aerztl. Int.-Bl , .Miinchen, 1883, xxx, I.I/-202. Also, Reprint. —Fadiera (G. W.) Al'veloz milk in cancer; notes on treatment, with cases. Metl. Age, Detroit, 1888, vi, 390-392.-Faladini. Tratamiento tie ios tumores malignos no operables. Bol. de san. mil. ' Biienos Aires, 1891, i, 460-469.-Paltzel (J.-G.) An K>C ,..eJ5t,,rP*tio? In hig: Quaest. iv. cardinales, 4°, Monspeln, 1710, 3-4 1. - Parascandolo (C.) ContHbu- Cancer (Treatment of). ziono ai nuovi metodi di cura dei tumori maligni. Arch. internaz. di med. e chir, Napoli, 1897. xiii, 259-276.— Parker ( W. \V.) Wh.t is the doctor's duty to his patient suffering with malignant disease? Med.' Re«- Phila., 1889, v, 77-79.—Pearse (II. E.) Recent advances in the treatment of inoperable cancer. Kansas City M. Index, 1897, xviii, 231-230 —Potter (T. E.) Treatment of cancer. West. M.&S. Reporter, SI. Joseph, 1896, viii, 1-4.— Radiuger (I.) Versuclie mit Cancroin. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 1853-1855. — Rak (A) gydgyitasa- rol. [Treatment of cancer.] Gyogyas/.ar, Budapest, 1879, xix, 129; 140. — Keboul ( H.-L. ) Ilistoire do l'emploi tberapeutique du eondmango. Rev. d. mal. canc6r., Par. 1890-7, ii, 154-159. —Richardson (B. W.) Morphine- vaseline as a local application in cancer. Asclepiad, Lond., 1889, vi, 147. — Richardson (T. (i.) The cura- bility of cancer; a clinical lecture. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J. 1880-81, n. s., viii, 849-854.—Ross (J. C.) The use of cin- namon in the treatment of cancer. Lancet, LontL, 1894, ii, 105. -----. Tbe use of cinnamon iu the treatment of can- cer. Ibid., 939. -----. Cinnamon in the treatment of cancer ; with notes ou a series of cases. Med. Press & Circ, LontL, 1894, n.s., lviii, 420-424. — Rowe (W. E.) The treatment of malignant growths. Phvsician & Surg. Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, 262-204.—Schiflf. Qnel- ques points de physiologie en rapport avec l'application, i6cemiiient proposee, du sue gastrique au traitement ties tumeurs cancereuses. Cong. med. de toutes les nations, 2. -ess. de 1809 a Florence, Bologne, 1870, 151-154.— Nchmidt (F. W.) Tlie Tinctionstherapie of Mosetig- Moorhof in the treatment of inoperable malignant neo- plasms. Chicago M. Rec, 1891, ii, 506-508. [Discussion], 558. —Schmidt (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Krebsbehandlung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 269-271.— da Silva Jones (G. M.) Sur le domptagc du g6nie cance- reux; essai de strat6gie m6dicale. Corn-io med. tie Lisb., 1892, xxi, 71; 81; 92; 151: 1893, xxii, 11— Snow (H.) The non-operative treatment of cancer, its scope and necessary limitations. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1891, x, 198-200.------. Tho path of improvement in cancer treatment. Metl. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., Iv, 659-662. Also, Re- priut. -----. An abstract of a lecture on the conditions of cure in cancer, with illustrative cases. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 84-87. -----. Opium and cocaine in the treatment of cancerous disease. Brit. M. .T., LontL, 1890, ii, 718. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1896, iii, 904-906.—Tilanus (C. B.) Over de behandeling van carcinoma. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst , 1851. i, 507: 1852, ii, 1; 41; 51. Also, Reprint. — Treat incut of malignant tumours without the knife. Med. Age, Detroit, 1895, xiii, 656-659.—Velloso (I. A.) O alveloz no trata- mento das ulceras cancerosas. Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1884, iv, 120-122.—Warren (J. C.) Personal experience in the treatment of cancer. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1887, cxvi, 154-157. -----. Tlie modern treatment of malignant disease. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1896, exxxv, 665-667. [Dis- cussion], 674. — Wehr (W.) O przeszczepianiu raka. [Prevention of cancer bv inoculation.] Przegl. lek.. Kra- k6w, 1884, xxiii, 365-307. — Wight (J. S.) Report on cases of sepsis, sarcoma and cancer, treated with carbon- ate of lime and bromide of arsenic Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 3-10. -----. On the value of inter- nal medication in the treatment of malignant disease. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 189 i. 196. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 383-391. —Wilcke. Ileilung eines Cancer apertus. Prov. San -Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Pommern 1835, Stettin, 1836, 93— Wyniau (II. C.) The treatment of cancer. Am. J. Surg. S: Gynaec, Wellston, Mo., 1895- 6, viii, 71. Cancer (Treatment of, Operative). See, also, Cancer (Cases, etc., of); Cancer (Recurrent); and under names of organs, as Breast (Cancer of, Treatment of, Operative). Butlin (H. T.) Ou tbe operative surgery of maligimnt disea.se. 8°. London, 1887. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Philadelphia, 18H7. Feakon (H.) A treatise ou cancers; witb au account of a new and successful method of oper- ating, particularly in cancers of tbe breast or testis, by which the sufferings of the patient are considerably diminished, the cure greatly accel- erated and deformity prevented. 8°. London, 1784. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 . London, 17*6. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1790. Fkkxot (M.-H.-C.) * Essai sur les resultats 61oignds du triiitement ties tumeurs malignes par l'extirpation. 8J. Nancy, 1897. Godet (C.-E.) * Resultats de rintervention chirurgicale dans quelques carcinonies (larynx, tube digestif, uterus). 4°. Paris, 1886. CANCER. 128 CANCEL.. Cancer (Treatment of Operative). Loy (E.) Dell' intervento chirurgico nelle neoplasie maligne. 8-. Cagliari, 1890. Partsch (C.) Das Carcinom uud seine ope- rative Bebaudluug. Nach den in der kotiigl. chirurg. Klinik zu Breslau gesannnelte Erfah- rungen. (187f>-1882.) Habilitatiousschrift. 8 . Breslau, 1884. Robert (A.) *Des operations que uecessitent les affections cancereuses. 4C. Paris, 1841. Rudolph (J. P. J.) *Tnmoretn cancrosum singularem aniputatione feliciter sanatum de- scribit. 4°. Erlangee, 1770. Snow (H. L.) On the reappearance ("recur- rence") of cancer after apparent extirpation; with suggestions for its prevention, aud general remarks ou the operative treatment of malig- nant growths. 8°. London, 1890. -----. I. The conditions of radical cure in cancer (with cases). II. Tumours of the breast which are dispersible without operation (with cases). III. Tbe conversion of benign tumours into cancer. IV. The practical outcome of re- cent researches on cancer. Reprinted papers. 18J. London, 18U5. Thede (E.) * Die Erfolge der Laparotomie bei malignen Geschwiilste der Abdonrinalorgane insbesondere der Ovarien. 8°. Eiel, 1892. Albert (E.) Ueber die Heilbarkeit des Krebses durch operative Behandlung. Erwiderung an Prof, von Wini- warter. Wien. med. Presse. 1885, xxvi, 1605-1609.— Annandalc (T.) Practical hints niton the operative treatment of cancer of the lip, face, mouth, and throat. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 539-543.—von Bcrgmnnu. Demonstration zweier Fiille von durch Operation geheil- tem Carcinom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 634.— Boicc (J.) Repeated operation for malignant disease. Denver M. Times, 1893-4, xiii, 407-409.—(Jabarez (P.-L) Observations et r6flexions snr l'extirpation de tumeurs squirrheuse.s. J. tl. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1840-7, xiv, 88- 90.—t!aseio-C'ortese (Ct.) Rith-ssioni sul cancro e sopra un'estirpazione tblla glandula sotto-mascellare. In his: Rac. di mem. chir., 8°, Palermo, 1X44. 71 - 1.47. — G'licyuc (W. W.) Lettsomian lectures; the objects aud limits of operations for cancer. [Three lectures.) Tr. M. Soc. Loud., 1896, xix, 133; 168; 201. Also, Reprints. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 385; 449; 577. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 397; 467; 677. Also [Abstr.]: Metl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896, n. s., lxi, 232; 280; 341. -----. Operations for cancer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 813.— Conner (P. S.) Operative treatment of cancer in various localities: lip. tongue, floor of mouth and pharynx. Tr. Am. Sum. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 44-50. [Discussion], 90-102.—Crutcher (H.) Is cancer curable surgically? ,L Otitic. Surg.. Chicago, 1895-6, iv, 498-500.—Curtis (li. F. > Tin- cure of cancer by operation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlv, 225-230. — Danilois. De l'intervention chi- rurgicale dans les tumeurs malignes. Rev. m6d., Lonvain, 1X9I-5, xiii. 385-396.—Davics ticllci-M (C.) Valor de la cirugia en el tratamiento tb- los tuniores malignos. Actas . . . Cong, region, de cien. med. 1879, Ca- diz, 1882, 183-193. Also, transl: Indipendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv. 673-081.—Wilcox (S. F.) On the advisabil- ity of operating for cancer. X. Am. J. Hornceop., N. Y., 1X91, 3. s.. vi, 24X-252.—Williams (R.) The question of the curability of cancer by operation. Prov. M. J., Lei- cester, 1893, xii, 509.—Winter (L.) Carcinomatiise De- generation einer alten Xarbe (warty tumor, Hawkins); Amputation; Ileilung. Akad. Hosp. d. Univ. Giessen (1848), 1849, 29-37.—von Winiwarter (A.) Ueher die Heilbarkeit ties Krebses durch operative Behandlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1885, xxxv, 1525-1531. [See, also. supra, Albert (E.).]—Wythe (J. H.) The radical cure of malignant tumors by operation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894. xxii, 984. Cancer (Treatment of) tcith anilin prod ucts. Kasten (R. [K. T.]) * Casuistischer Beitrag zur Behandlung nicht operabler maligner Neo- plasmen durch parenchyniatose Injectionen von Methylviolett. 8-. Greifswald, 1891. Rachuiaier (V.) Ueber Pyoktaniubehandhnig ties Carcinoma. Wien. med. Presse. 1891, xxxii, 1364-1366. Also: Med.-chir. CeutralbL, Wien, 1891, xxvi, 527.— Berghard (F. F.) Treatment of inoperable malignant disease by injection of methyl violet. Prov. IM. J., Lei- cester, 1X92, xi, 177-180. — Oondaniin (R.) Pyoktanine et cancer. Province ru6d., Lyon, 1891, v, 258-269. — !>)'- akouotr (P. 1.) Po povodu Hecheuiya neoperiruyeuukh zlokachest vennikh uovoobrazovaniy vpriskivauiyami rast- vora pioktanina. [On treatment of inoperable malignant tumors by injections of solution of pvoktanine.] Chir. Laitop.. Mosk., 1892, ii. 3-13. — Oyer (I.) Some obser- vations on tin- use of fuchsine in the treatment of cancer X. Oil. M. &. S. J., 1890-91, n. s., xviii, 746-748. — K in horn (M.) Methyl blue in malignant inoperable growths. Mid Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 358. — Gcrota. Tratanientul tumorilor maligne prin injectimil de pvoctnnina, Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1891, xi, 201-205. — Kraiiss (W.) The treat- ment of malignant neoplasms bv intra-parenchymatoiis injections of methyl violet. Memphis J. M. Sc, 1892-3. CANOEK. 129 CANCER. Cancer (Treatment of) icith anilin prod- ucts. iv, 65-68.—Marshall (J. S.) Pyoktanin bine in the treatment of cancerous growths, with one case in illus- tration. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass., Phila., 1891, xxxi, 146-157.— Mazct (C.) Epithelioma ancien et assez 6tendu de la face (angle externe de l'oeil) traite et gutiri par des applications de bleu de m6thvlene. Marseille metl., 1X97, xxxiv, 394-399.—Meyer (W.) Xotes on the effect of the aniline dyes, especially the blue pyoktanin, in the treat- ment of inoperable malignant growths. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891, xxxix, 473-478. ------. The treatment of inoperable malignant growths with the aniline dyes. X. York M. J., 1891, liii, 435. -----. The results obtained from the use of aniline products in the treatment of carcinoma. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1893, xviii, 522-545. Also, Reprint.—Mor- ris (R. T.) Intravenous injection of methyl blue in can- cer cases. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1891, ii, 484-486.—von Mosetig- Moorhof (IL ) Die Tinctiousbehandlung inoperabler maligner Xeoplasmen. Wien. Klinik, 1892, xviii, 1-30. Also^ transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 414. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen iiber die Tinctionsthe- rapie inoperabler maligner Xeoplasmen mittelst Anilin- fafben. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1896, xiv, 1-9.— >"nnii (G.) Le traitement des tumeurs malignes par lo pyoctanine. Cong, franc.de chir. Proc. verb, [etc.], Par., 1892. vi. 325-327. Also, transl. : Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 1018-^020.—Ormsby (O. B.) A little experience with pyoktanin in cancer. Metl. Rev.. St. Louis. 1896, xxxiv, 3-5.—von Nclilen. HeilingeinesFalles von Kankroidder Wange durch Pyoktanin. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hanib.. 1891, xii, 515-518. Also, transl.: J. d. mal. cutan.et syph , Par., 1891. iii, 507-510.—Slack (H. R.) Blue pyok- tanin in the treatment of inoperable malignant growth. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1897, xxviii. 1227-1229. Also: Atlanta M. & S J., 1897-8, u. s., xiv, 377-383. — I'iic nouvelle application du m6thyl-violet; le traitement ties n6oplasmes malins inop6rables par les injections intra- parenchymateuses tie ce liquide. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1891, xix, 41—Ziljjien. De l'emploi du violet de raethyle danslepanseraeiitdes ulcerations cancereuses. Rev. ni'ed. de l'est, Nancy, 1891, xxiii, 657-666. Cancer (Treatment of) icith caustic. See, also, Cancer (Treatment of) by electric- ity. Felix (J.) Des caustiques dans le traitement du cancer. 2. e"d. wr. Bruxelles, 1892. Kobel (F.) * Ueber die Arsenbehandlung der malignen Tumoren. *°. Tubingen, 1886. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1886, ii, 99-128. Parker (L.) The treatment of cancerous diseases by caustics. A critical inquiry into tbe modern therapeutics of cancer. 8C.' London, 1856. -----. The same. The modern treatment of cancerous diseases by caustics or enucleation; an inquiry into the effects of many new remedies iu arresting tbe progress of cancer. 4°. Lon- don, 1867. Vixay (P.) * Considerations snr l'emploi de l'arsenic dans les affections cancereuses. 4\ Strasbourg, an XI (1803). a>fBJerkeii (P.) Om arsenikens speciflka verkan p& kraftartade sar. [Specific effect of arsenic in cancerous sores] Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Hand)., Stockholm, 1815 ii 2. Hit., 201-210.—Boutfard (J.-J.) Sur la guerison dii cancer; caustiques et operations sanglantes. J. de med. chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1868. xlvi, 123; 209; 331. Also, Reprint. -----. Du traitement chirurgical du cancer par les caustiques. [Rev. par L. Henriet] Tribunemed. Par 1882, xiv, 513; 525.—Bulkier (L. D.) On the use of caustics in malignant disease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1894, xxii, 982-984.—Siemens (T.) Die Leistung des Jorom-Arseniks in der Krebstherapie. Allg. med. Centr - Ztg., Berl., 1887, lvi, 1821: 1837.—Dabncv (W. C.) Tbe use of anhydrous sulphate of zinc as a caustic in cancer- ous ulcers. Med. Xews, Phila.,1882, xl, 401. —Fenn (C. M.) Citric acid in the extirpation of malignant tumors. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1885, v, 209. -----. The antagonism be- tween citric acid and cancroid cells. Ibid., 1895, xxiv, b"°—t»aston (J. McF.) Successful treatment of can- cer-with arsenic. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1885, xv, 121- i-o.-Honsell tli.) Zur Behandlung des Krebses nach ,Jn-1,y "I."1 '1'""<'enisenko (X. N.) Liechenie rakaborodav- nikom iii cbistotieloin (chelidonium majus). [Treatment of caucer by ... ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 851; 950; 1301. ------. [Yeshtshoochistolielievrakle.] [More on chelidonium in cancer.] Ibid., 1897, xviii, 450.—Fin. kelshtein (B.K.) Nieskolkonablyudeuiynaddieistvleiu preparatov chelidonii majoris pri liechenii zlokachest- venuikh opnkholei. [A few observations on the action of preparations of chelidonium majus in the treatment of malignant tumors] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1897, viii,634-639.—Kalabin (I.S.) Kvoprosuoliechenii raka ehistoieloni. [On the treatment of cancer with che- lidonium.] Med. Ohozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 102-104. Also, transl. : Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1*97, xxi, 292-294.— Kelber (M.I.) Xieskolko nablyudeuiy nad dleistvlem vityazhki borodavnika (chelidonii majoris) pri rakie vlagalishtshnoi chasti matki. [Some observations on the action of the extract of ... in cancer of the vaginal part of the uterus.] Vrach, St. Petersb.,1896, xvii, 1299-1301.— Kraisiii (V.) Chistotiel pri rakie viek i litsa. [Cheli- donium mains in cancer of the evelids and face.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1^97, xiv, 252-257.—Mils a to flf (X. A.) Tri sluchaya neoperiruyemavo raka matki pod vlivaiiiein Hecheniya chistotielom. [Three cases of inoperable can- cer of the uterus under tlie influence of treatment with chelidonium majus.] Vrach. Zapiski, Mosk., 1896, iii, 303- 312.—Pekoslawski ( L. ) Przypadek raka skdrnego twarzv, wyleczonego po zastosowaniu wyciagu glistnika pospolitego czyli ziela jaskdlczego (extractum chelidonii majoris). [Case of epithelioma of tbe fact- cured by ... 1 Medycyna, Warszawa, 1897, xxv, 74S-750. — Poticycuko (V. V.) Zamletka o dieisfvii vityazhki borodavnika. iii chistotlela (extr. chelidonii majoris), pri zabolit vaniyakh rakom. [On the action of ... in cancer. | Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 440-448.—Prince (('. L.) Chelidoniuiu majus as a cure for cancer. Xature, Lond., 1896-7, lv, 155.—Robinson. Ln cas de tumeur eaneereuse traite. par le i-helitloiuo tl'aprfes la m6thode du Dr. Denisenko. Bull, et mem. Soc. tie therap. Par., 1896, 600-605.—Mhini- gclski (N. I.) O liechenii raka ekstraktoin chelidonii majoris. [On the treatnieutof cancer with . . .] Voyenno- ine'il. J.St. Petersb.. 1890, clxxxvii, 1. sect., 811-821.— Mhiil^iu (K. I.) O Hecher>ii raka vityazhkoi borodyav- nika (clielitloniuin maj.). [On the treatment of cancer with extract of . . . ] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1897, viii, 406. -----. Xieskolko sluchayev zabolievaniy rakom. Hechonulkh ekstraktoin chelidonii majoris. [Several cases of cancer treated by extract of . . . ] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 966-975.—Wpivuk (C. D.) Chelidonium majus in the treatment of cancer. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, 3. s., 229-232. Cancer pentine. Allbutt (H. A.) Chian turpentine in cancer. Lan- cet, Lond., 1881, i, 155.—Andrews (E.) Experiments m the use of Chian turpentine, mastic and sulphur for can- Treatment of) icith Chian tur- CAXCEE. 130 CAXCEK. Cancer (Treatment of) icith Chian tur- pentine. cer. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1881, xxxi, 315-320. Also [Abstr.]: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1881, xii, 526-529.— Astles (H. E.) Some evidence of the efficacy of Chian turpentine in caucer.j Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 941-943.—Binnie (J.) Chian turpen- tine in the treatment of cancer. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Milwaukee. 1882, xvi, 84.—Bury (G. W. F.) Chian tur- pentine in the treatment of cancer. Lancet. Lond., 1886, ii. 895.—Chian turpentine in cancer. Indian M. J., Cal- cutta, 1**7. vi, 8-11.—Clay (J.) On the use of Chian tur- pentine in cancer. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 1033-1035.— Cochrane (A. H.) Chian turpentine. Pacific M. Sc S. J.. San Fran., 1882-3. xxv, 438-441. — Engel (H.) Chian turpentine, and its effect in cancer. Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 454-458.—Hickinbothaiii (J.) Chian turpentine in cancer. Lancet, LontL, 1881, ii, 380.— llulke (J. AV.) Memorandum on the results of a trial of Chian turpentine as a reputed remedy for cancer of the female genital organs, made during several months in the year 18*0, in Whitbread Ward, Middlesex Hospital. Ibid., i, 1019. —Kerr (J. K.) The Chian turpentine treatment of cancer. Ibid., 1888, i, 496. —King (E. W.) Chian turpentine in cancer; report of three cases. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1881. n. s., ii, 128. — Lewis (D.) The Chian tur- pentine treatment of cancer. Tr. M.Soc. N. Y.. Syracuse 1888, 527-530. Also: X. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 65. Also, Reprint— Vogt (P.) Die Terpentin-Injectionen bei ma- lignen Geschwiilsten. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, in Greifs- wald 1882-3, Wien u. Leipz., 1884, 188-198.—Ward (E.J.) Chian turpentine in treatment of cancer. Texas Cour.- Rec. Med., Dallas, 1887-8, v, 9-11. Cancel* (Treatment of) tcith electricity. Cauuady(C.G.) Treatment of carcinoma and epithe- lioma by galvanism. VirginiaM. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 516.—Crusell. 1 )e l'applicatiou du galvanisme, de la chaleur solaire et du feu au traitement du caucer et de certains ulc^res tie mauvaise nature; emploi de la char- pie d'ecorce de chine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1850, xxxi, 61. — Daiiion. Du traitement du cancer par 1'e.lectro-puuctiire voltaique. Cong, franc, tie chir. Proc.- verb. [etc.], Par., 1892, vi, 650-653.— Jackson (AY. L.) An experience with Parson's method in treating cancer by clectricity. J. Electrother., X. A'.. 1894, xii. 20-36. Also': X. Am. J. Homoeop., X. A'.. 1894, 3. s., ix, 96-102.—.TIason (AV. M.) Malignant growths treated with acetic acitl by the cataphoric action of the galvanic current. Calif. M. J., Sau Fran., 1896. xvii, 213.—Masscy (G. B.) Zinc-amal- gam cataphoresis in mucopurulent inflammation and ma- lignant growths. Tr. Am. Electrothcr. Ass., 1895, v, 114- 120. -----. The treatment of cancer by a new method, viz: the electrical diffusion of nascent oxychlorides of mercury aud zinc. Med. Ret-.. X. Y.. 1897, li, 150-153.—IVe win an (R.) Electricity in carcinoma. Times Sc Register, Phila., 1891, xxiii, 285-293. Also, Reprint. —rVunu (li. J.) Be- havior of cancer under mild galvanic currents. Tr. Am Electrother. Ass., [u. p.], 1894. 139-142.—Parsons (J. I.) The arrest of growth in four cases of caucer by a powerful interrupted voltaic current. Iirit. M. J., Lond.. 18*9, i, 936; 128*. Also, Reprint. -----. The arrest of growth in can- cer by the interrupted voltaic current. Lancet, Lond., 18*9. ii, 1108. -----. The arrest of growth in cancer by the interrupted voltaic current. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond. 1890, n. s., i, 652-655. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1890,' ix. 715-719. -----. The arrest of growth in cancer by the interrupted voltaic current (electro-atrophy!. Wood's M Sc S. Monog., X. Y., 1890, v, 589-602.—Beading (L. W.j A report of a few cases of malignant growths treated by electro-puncture. J. Electrother., N. Y.. 1896, xiv, 92- 100. — Bosuer (A.) Themokauterectomia uteri totalis celem zapobiezenia przt-szczt-pieniu raka. [. . . in order to prevent the speading of cancer. ] Przegl. lek., Krakdw 1895, xxxiv, 246-248.—Schramm (H.) Elektroliza przy ' leczeniu rakow nie nadajaeych sie. do operacyi. [Elec- trolysis in treatment of cancer without resorting to oper- I ation.] Ibid., 1890, xxix, 568. Cancer (Treatment of) by injection. See, also, Cancer (Treatment of) by electric- ity- Baccelli. Iniezioni endovenose di sublimate corro- sivo in un caso di cancro dell' epiploon e in due casi tl' ere- sipela. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1893, xix, 313-319.—Baxton (H. G.) A probably malignant tumor treated by injections of chromic acid. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1889, ix, 239-245.— Butlin (II. T.) Clinical lecture on the treatment of can- cer by injection. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 213-219.— Giordano (D.) Le iniezioni modificatrici nella cura dei tumori maligni. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia 1895 xxiii, 137-147.— IVepveu (G.) Injections d'huile'phos- phor6e et d'ars6niate de sonde dans un carcinome du sein inoperable. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s. ii, 343. — Poncel. Curabilite des tumeurs d'apparence eaneereuse par les injections interstitielles de bichlorure de mercure. Semaine med., Par., 1890, x, 339. Cancer (Treatment of) tcith toxins. Arloing (S.) Sc Courmont (J.) Sur le traitement des tumeurs malignes do l'homine par les injections <1,. s6rum d'&ne normal ou prealablement inocule avec du sue d'epitheliome. Bull. Acad, tie metl., Par., j*90. 3.s.. x\w 517-538. Also: Provincem6d., Lyon, 1896, x,211-"iii ,;„.,', [Abstr.]: Lyon med., 1896, lxxx'ii, 189-191.— llai-lci-in (P.) Traitement du cancer par la serumther.ipie. UuU peud. med., Par., 1896, ii, 33. — Benle ((',. B ) Anticai cinomatous toxin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, ]_'.— Berk (C.) The treatnieutof malignant tumors with the lovinc* of erysipelas. Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vii, 96-101.— Bcrger. Les nouvelles methodes do traitement tlu can- cer. France metl., Par., 1895. xiii, 721-727. — Boinci. Serothe-rapie anticancereuse. (Jong, franc tb-med. 189j" Par., 1896, ii, 589-591. — Bompnrd. Xote sur le traite'. mentdu cancer par la serotherapie. Concours meiL, Par. 1895, xvii, 613-015. — Bouque. Rapport tie la commis- sion qui a etc chargee d'examiner le memoire de M. le Dr. H. Matagne, a Bruxelles, intitule: Premiers essais tit' traitement ties tumeurs malignes inoptrables par les toxi- nes de Coley; un cas de cancer gueri. Bull. Acad, rov de med. de Belg., Brux., 1896, 4. s., x, 275-278. — Biourenu! Essai de serotherapie contre le cancer. Oaz. hebd d," med., Par., 1895, xiii, 440-443.—Brossard. De la sero- therapie dans le caucer. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1895, ix 217.—Itriinner (G.) Rezultati liecheuiya zlokachestven- nikh novoobrazovaniy sivorotkol krovi. [Les resultats de la serotherapie dans le traitement du cancer. Extr. 726.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-IV- terb., 1896, ii, 714-720. Also, transl: Medycyna War- szawa, 1896, xxiv, 998-1002.—It runs (P.) Zur Krebsbe hantlhing mitErysipelserum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 313; 428. — Cadiot. Sur lo traitement des tumeurs malignes par la serotherapie, chez les animaux. Rev. de m6d. v6t., Par.. 1895, 8. s., ii, 529- 534.— Castelli (A.) Sul potere emolitico della tossina cancerigna; ricerche cliniche e spcrimentali sul saugue r sull' urina dei carcinomatosi. Riforma med., XapoliJ896, xii, pt. 3, 746; 759; 770.—Chamber* (J. E.) Vegetable nucleo-toxine in the treatment of cancer. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1895, xii, 9-11. -----. Second report on vegetable nucleo-toxines in the treatment of cancsr. Ibid., 62-04.— Coley (W. B.) The treatment of malignant tumors by repeated inoculations of erysipelas, with a report of ton original cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila , 1*93, n. s., cv, 487- 511. Also, Reprint. -----. The treatment of inoperable malignant tumors with toxines of erysipelas antl bacillus prodigiosus. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1894, xii, 183-215. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cviii, 50-66. Also, Reprint. -----. The treatment of in- operable malignant tumors with the toxins of erysiiadas and bacillus prodigiosus. Tr. X. York Acad. M.' (1*94) 1895, 2. s., xi, 448-470. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlvii. 65-70. Also, Reprint. -----. Erysipelas toxins and cry sipelas serum in the treatment of inoperable malignant tumors; further observations. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlvii, 609-612. -----. The therapeutic value of tlie mixed toxins of the streptococcus of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus in the treatment of inoperable malignant tumors, with a report of one hundred antl sixty cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1896, cxii, 251-2*1. Also, Reprint. -----. Further observations upon the treatment of ma- lignant tumors with the toxins of erysipelas antl bacillus prodigiosus, with a report of one hundred anil sixty casts. [Abstr.] Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 189G, vii, 157-162. Also: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1896, xxi, 737- 750. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1896-7, xxix, 67-77.— Czerny. Ueber Heilversucho bei malignen Geschwiil- sten mit Erysipeltoxinen. Miinchen. med. AVchnsclir., 1895, xiii, 833-835.—B. La serotherapie du cancer. Gaz. med. tie l'Algerie, Alger, 1895, xl, 75.—Bnudoi*. Trai- tement des tumeurs malignes par les injections de serum. Rev. med., Louvain, 1895-6, xiv, 247-257. — Bsivalos Sc Acosta. La seroterapia y el caucer. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1895-6, xxxii, 358-367. Also: Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1895, xxi, 514-521.— Bavies (H. R.) Treatment of malignant tumours by mixed toxins. Lancet. Lond., 1*97, i, 438.— Be Buck Sc Walton. Rapport sur la serotherapie ties tumeurs malignes. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1896, lxiii, 26-34.- Betwiler (B. n.) The treatment of cancer and sar- coma by forced alimentation aud the use of the toxin of erysipelas. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1896. 3. s., xii. 149-151.— Be Witt (T. F.) The employment of the toxins of ery- sipelas in the treatnieutof malignant disease. Xorthwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 89. — Donald i AV. M.) The treatment of malignant growths bv the injection of ery- sipelas toxins. Physician Sc Surg.,' Detroit Jc Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii, 337-341. —Emmerich (R.) Sc Scholl (H.) Klmische Erfahrungen iiber tlie Heilung tits Krebsca durch Krebsserum (Ervsipelserum ). Deutsche nicd. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 265-208. Also, Re- print. Also: Aerztl. Ceutr.-Anz., Wien, 1895 vii, 209; 228; 242. Also [Rev.]: Wien. med. BL, 1895. xviii, 284. —--- ——■ Kritik der Versuche des Herrn I'rof. Brims uber die Wirkung des Krebsserunis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 358-300. Also, CANCER. 131 CANCER. Cancer (Treatment of) icith toxins. Reprint.___________• Die Haltlosisikeit der kritischen Bemerkiiugen ties Herrn Petersen iiber Krebsheilserum- therapie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 378-381. Also, Reprint. — Emmerich ( R. ) \ /.i in merman n (M.) TJeber einige mit Krebsseruni behandelte Fiille von Krebs und Sarkom. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1*95, xxi, 706-712.— Fabre-Doim-rgue. Des applications de la serothe- rapie au traitement des cancers. Presse med., Par., 1*95 204. -----. Serotherapie et cancers. Compt. rend. Sot'de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 386-388. Also: Ann. de microg., Par., 1895, vii, 219-222. — Ferran (F. E.) La seroterapia en el cancer. Progreso med., Habana, 1895, vii, 167-173.—Ferre (G.) Essais de serotherapie auticancereuse. Cong, franc de med. 1895, Par.. 1896, ii, 583-5*9. — Fiodoroff ( S. P.) Rezultati Hecheuia zlo- kachestvennikh novoobrazovaniy vpiiskivaniaini krovya- nol sivorotki. [Results of the treatment of malignant tumors by blood-serum injections. ] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk.. 1896, xv, 184-192. —Forjjue. Les nouveaux traitenients du cancer. X. Montpel. m£d., 1895, iv, 525- 532. — Freymuth. Zur Behandlung des Krebses mit Krebsseruni. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi. 333.—G. (A.) La seroterapia en el tratamiento del cancer. Au. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1895, xviii, 411-414. — Gibicr (P.) De la serotherapie dans le cancer. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1895, exx, 1375. -----Serotheraphy in cancer. X. York Therap. Rev., 1895, iii, 71-74. —Gliicksmanii ( G.) Ueber tlie Bac- teriotherapie der bdsartigen Xeubiltluugen und ihro Grundlagen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 98- 100. — Gnerison (La) du cancer par la s6roth6rapie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1895, 9. s., ii, 241-245. — Happel (W. H.) The serum treatment of malignant growths, with a report of three cases. Albany M. Ann., 1897. xviii, 21- 27.—Hericourt (J.) & Biehet (C.) Dela serotherapie dans le traitement du cancer. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1*95. exxi, 567-569. — Hirschfeld (E.) The treat- ment of caneer bv erysipelas serum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1896, xv,*87-9L — vou Jaksch (R.) Ueber die Behandlung maligner Tumoren mit dem Erysipelserum von Emmerich-Scholl. Mitth. a. d. Grenzgeh. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1896, i, 318-327. —J a niche (O.) &. Ncisser I A.) Zur Radicalbehandlnng der Carcinome. (Exitus letalis nach Erysipelimpfung bei inoperablem Mamma- carciuom und mikroskopischer Befuud des geimpften Carcinoms.) Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1**4. xi, 401-407. Also: AVien.med. BL, 1884, vii, 815-818.—Jefterds (H. C.) Inoculation of erysipelas as a cure of carciuoma. X. A m. J. Homceop., X. Y, 1889. 3. s., iv, 158-162.—Jona (R.) Di alcuni t-asi di cancro curati colla sieroterapia. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1896, 156-172. Also : Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 655-660. Abo [Abstr.]: Cirillo, Aversa, 1896, iv, 65-68. Also [Abstr.); Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1896, 5. s., xxi, 341-346.—Jousset (M.) I. Traitementdu cancer par le serum 6rysipelateux. II. Traitement du cancer paile serum de Richet. Art med., Par., 1895, lxxxi, 345-354.—Xleeblatt (D.) Ein Beitrag zur Heilwirkung ties Erysipels bei malignen Tumoren. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 107-109.—Koch (F.) Zur Frage der Behandlung der malignen Xeoplasmen mittels Erysi- peltoxins. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 103-105.—Kopfstciu (W.) Klinische Erfahrungen iiber die Wirkung des Erysipelserums auf Carcinome und andere maligne Geschwiilste. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 515; 533.—Korff(B.) Ueber Carcinombehand- lung mit Streptococcus-Prodigiosuskulturen und negati- ves Resultat. AVien..med. AVchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 513- 517.—Krompecher (O.) Ar&kseruni. [Cancer serum.] Ujabb gyogysz. es gyogym., Budapest, 1895, 2. — I.art- schneider (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Krebs- serumbehaudliing. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 660- 666. — L«e Bcntu. Toxith6rapie et s6roth6rapie des tumeurs malignes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1896, lxix, 159-164.— Lershin (L. L.) K voprosu o liechenii zlokachestven- nikh opukbolei vpiiskivaniaini kultur rozhistikh strepto- kokov. [On the treatment of malignant tumors by injec- tions of cultures of the streptococcus erysipelatosus.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1896, xv, 81-101.—Lugo Hidalgo (J. M.) La seroterapia del cancer. Gac. m6d., Mexico, 1897, xxxiv, 243-249.— Mataguc (H.) Premiers essais de traitement des tumeurs malignes iuoperables par les toxiues de Coley; un cas de cancer gu6ri. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1895-6, viii, 401.—rVacciaroue. La tos- siterapia e la sieroterapia nei tumori maligni. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1896, xii, pt. 1, 505.—Opitz (E.) Ueber die Veranderungen des Carcinomgewebes bei Injectionen mit Krebsserum (Emmerich) und Alkohol. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1896, xxxiii, 754-756.—Otero (M.) La seroterapia cancerosa. Gac. med., Mexico, 1897, xxxiv, 46-48.—P. La serotherapie dans le cancer. Tribune med., Par, 1895, 2. s., xxvii, 387-390— Pearse (H. E.) The serum and toxine treatment of malignant growths or cancer. Kan- sas City M. Index, 1897, xviii, 53-57—Petersen (W.) Einige kritische Bemerkungen zur Krebsheilserumthe- rapie von Emmerich und Scholl. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 314-317. -----. Zur that- a il cer (Treatment of) with toxins. siichlicheu Berichtigung in Sachen des Krebsheilserums. Ibid., 429. -----. Klinische Beobachtungen bei der Bac- teriotherapie bdsartiger Geschwiilste. Arch. f. klin Chir., Berl., 1896, liii, 184-191.—Kagni (S.) Contributo clinico alia sieroterapia nel cancro. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1895.viii, 65-72.—Beiueboth. Injectionen in ein Endothelium mitEminerich'schent Krebsseruni. Deutsche metl. AVchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 794.—Biehet Sc Hericourt. Serotherapy in the treatment of caucer. Med. AVeek, Par., 1895, iii, 510.—Boberts (J. B.) Treat- ment of malignant tumors with the toxins of the erysipelas streptococcus and the bacillus prodigiosus. Med. Xews Phila,, 1895, lxvi, 606-608. — Bonier (R.) Bacteriothe- rapie bij maligne nienwvorming. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. R., xxxiii, d. 1, 1071-1074.— Honcali (D. B.) Intorno alia cura dei tumori maligni colle iniezioni delle toxine dello streptococcodell' erisipela associate con quelle del bacillo prodigioso e colle iniezioni dei cosi detti sieri anticancerosi preparati coi metodi di Richet ed Hericourt e con quelli di Emmerich e Scholl. Policlin., Roma, 1897, iv, sez. chir., 1-18. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxi, 782; 858.— Salvafi (V.) & Be Karlano (L.) Sul siero anticaneerigno. It i forma metl., Xapoli, 1895, xi, pt. 3, 495; 507— Naucrhcriug. Malignant tumors and toxin treatment. Milwaukee M. J., 1896, iv, 77-79. — Sell (A.) Maligne Nydannelsers Paavirkning af Erysi- pelas. [ Theory sipelas treatment for malignant neoplasms.] Hosp.-TitL, Kj^benh., 1895, 4. IL, iii. 389-391. — von Scmatzki (J.) Die Behandlung tier malignen Tumoren mittelst tier Streptococcuseulturen und tier Mischculturen von Streptococcus und Bacillus prodigiosus. (Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1897, viii, 241-243. — Menu (X.) The treatment of malignant tumors by the toxins of the streptococcus of erysipelas. J. Am. M. Ass..Chicago, 1895, xxv, 129-131. Also, Reprint.—Scrothrrapia anti- cancerosa. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1895, xiii, 310; 323; 339. — Sieroterapia (La) del cancro. Stomaco, Xa- poli, 1896, ii, 41. —Smith (C. H.) The biologic cure of caucer. Indiana M. J.. Indianap., 1895-0, xiv, 238.— Stimsou (L. A.). Gerster (A. G.) Sc Curtis (B. F.) Results of injections of erysipelas toxines upon malignant growths. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1896, xliv, 53.—Swain (J.) The treatment of malignant tumours by the toxins of the streptococcus erysipelatis and bacillus prodigiosus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1415.—Taillicfcr. La serothe- rapie du cancer & l'Hotel-Dieu tie Toulouse. Arch. ni6d. de Toulouse, 1696, ii, 1-0.—Tile (V. A.) Xieskolko slov po povodu Hecheuia rakovikh opukbolei rozhistoyu sivoiotkoyu Emnierich'a i Scholl'a. [On the treatment of cancerous tumors by erysipelas serum of ... ] Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peteib., 1896, i, 451-409.—Tossiterapia e sieroterapia dei m-oplasiui maligni. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1896, xvii, 257.—Tratamiento del cducer por me- dio tie inyecciones de serum erisipelatoso. Semana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1895, ii, 225.—Trombetta (D. S.) Sulla sieroterapia del cancro. Morgagni, Milano, 1896, xxxviii, 54-5*. — Walton (P.) De la s6rumtherapie des tumeurs maligm-s. Belgique m6d., Gand-Haarlem, 1895, ii, 71-77.— Wycth (J. A ) The value of inoculatious with septic or toxic agents iu the treatment of malignant neoplasms. Atltlr. . . . .sect. surg. & anat. 45. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1894, 67-88. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, x\ii, 985-992. Also: N.York Polyclin., 1894, iv, 1-3.— Zicmacki (J.) Ueber die Resultate der Behanilluug vou 20 Fallen bdsartiger Xeubilduugen mittelst Injec- tionen von Antistreptocoecenserum. St. Petersb. med. AVchnschr., 1897, u. F., xiv, 333-335. Cancer (Urine in). (Juk(;dike (H.) *De l'ure'e dans le cancer. 4°. Paris, 1883. Lancelin (P.) * Contributiou a l'etude de la valeur 86ui6iolt)gique de la loi de Roininelaere. 4°. Paris, 189U. Laudeniieimkk (R.) *Die Ausscbeidung der Cbloride bei Carchiomatosen. 8°. Berlin,, 1892. Also, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xxi, 513-557. Rauzier (d.) De la diminution de l'ure'e dans le caucer; valeur seSnieMologique; applications sp^ciales au cancer tie l'estomac et aux tumeurs abdomitiales. wo. Montpellier $■ Paris, 1*89. Duplay (S), Cazin Sc Sa voire (C.) Recherches sur l'urologie des canc6reiix. Arch, gen.de med., Par.. 1895, ii, 5-25.—Duplay (S.) & Ma voire (C.) Recherches sur les modifications tie la nutrition chez les cauc6reux (toxicite urinaire). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, exxiii, 1009-1012.—Gaudier & Hilt. Recherches sur la toxi- cit6 urinaire chez los canc6reux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 822.—Griffiths (A.-B.) Sur une ptomaine extraite des urines dans le cancer. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 1350.—Iiirmisson (E.) L'uree dans le cancer. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.- verb. [etc.] 1885, Par., 1886, i, 166-170.—Robin (A.) 32 CANCER. CANCER. 1 Cancer (Urine in). L'uree et le cancer. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de- Par., 1884, 3. s., i, 317-321.—Romnielaere (AV.) De l'hypo-phosphaturie dans les cas de cancer. J. de m. J.) * Tentamen inaug. qiucdam de fungobajinatodeconiplectens. 8J. Edinburgi,1817. Schneider (F. H. C.) *De fungo biematode. 4°. [Berlin, 1H-21.] Wichers (L. J.) A. fil. *Diss. med. . . . exhi- bens casuin fungi medullaris cum epicrisi. 8°. Groningce, [1847]. Allen. Encephaloid sarcoma of liver and lungs. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 405.----- Medullary carcinoma of the root of the right lung and of CAXCEK. 133 cancer. Cancer (Encephaloid). the liver. Ibid., 1883, u. s., v, 257-259.—Andrews (E.) Fungus haematodes and melanotic carcinoma. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1879, xxxix, 486.—Barrett (A. E.) Fun- gus haeruatodes of leg, treated with chromic acid; cure. Lancet, Loud., 1877, ii. 278.— Bauer ( E.) Carcinoma medullare. Ztschr. f.AVundarzteu. Geburtsh..AVinnenden, 1877, xxviii, 119-123. — Bijdragen tot de anatomic en physiologie van deu fungus medullaris. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Need. Indie, Batav., 1845, ii, 118-127.—Brandt (A.) Grzyb rakonaty. [Caseof cancerous fungus.] Paul. Towarz. Lek. AVarszaw., 1846, xv, no. 2, 1-4.—Braun. Fungus medullaris. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1831, Koblenz, 1833. 75.— Briickinann. Ueber den Blut- schwamni der Kinder. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1811, ii, 71-73. — Burggraeve. Fongus-h6matode de la cuisse gauche; diathese. Presse metl. beige, Brux., 1849, i, 26.— Butcher (R. G. H.) On encephaloid cancer occurring as an isolated manifestation of malignant disease; and on the cancerous degeneration of warty excrescences; with the operative treatment applicable to each. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1856, xxii, 257-284, 6 pi. Also, Reprint— Choqnette (H.-E.) Enc6phaloide versus epithelioma. Union ni6d. tlu Canada. Montreal, 1889, n. s., iii, 119.—Davis (E. H.) Fun- gus nematodes. Med. Ann., Albany, 1881, ii, 180. — Denis (C.) Observation de fougus hematode. Anil. Soc. lnetl.- ehir.deLiege, 1862, i, 59-61.—Ferron & IVouaille. Can- cer enc£phalo!de de l'estomac, du pancreas, du colon, et tlu mesentere. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. .. . de Bordeaux, 1892. xiii. 70-75. Also: J. de me.d. de Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 120-128.—2—|,utz (F. J.) Epithelial cancer. Tr. M. Ass. Mis- souri. St. Louis, 1879, 02-68. Also: St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1879, xxxvii, 554-559. — ITIalassez (L.) Sur lo "cylin- drome " (epitheliomealveolaire avec envahisseiuent niyxo- niateux). Arch, de physiol. norm, et path.. Par., 1883, 3. s.. i, 123: 187; 470. 2'pl. -----. Sur la presence des psoiospcriuit-s dans les tumeurs epithelialcs. Compt. lend. Soc de biol., Par., 1892, 9.s., iv. 183-185— tlalhcrbc (A.) Quelques mots sur la classification des tumeurs tin | , xv, 797-814.—Stirling (R. A.) A clinical lecture on some cases of epithelioma. Anstral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 481-486.—Thibiergc (G.) Epithelioma serpigineux tie la region front ale ; tlifficultes de diagnostic avec uno syphilitic tertiaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.', Pur., 1894, v, 123-128. -----. Epithelioma serpigineux tie la region Iron talc. Internat. Atlas selt. Ilautkr., Hamb. u. Leipz, 1897. PL XL, with text. — Tiirok Sc ToinmaMoli (P.) Contributo alio studio della natura del cosi detto epitelioma contagioso. Riforma metl., Napoli, 1889, v, 1118; 1124. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb.. 1890, x, 149-161.— Tommasoli (P.) Contributo alio studio dell' epitelioma epidermico (epitelioma verrucoso abortivo; malattia di Paget della verga). Gior. ital. tl. mal. ven., Milano, 1893, xxviii. 542-577. — Tousset. Histologie ties epitheliomas du corps. J. tl. conn. metl. prat., Par., 1889, 5. s., x, 34.— Trelat. Epitheliome polymorphe developpe probable- ment dans une loupe. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1883, Par., 1885, vii, 28-31. Also .- J. de med. tie l'onest, Nante.s, 1884, 2. s., viii, 138-140.—Turner (G. R.) Epithelioma of lip and of penis in a man aged 24. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 1421.—I7nnn (P.G.) Zur Kenntnis der hyalinen Dege- neration der Carcinomepithelien. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, i, 28-36, 1 pi. -----. Carcinoma serpiginosum multi- plex. Internat. Atlas selt. Hautkr., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1897, PL XL, with text.—Van Benedcn (A.) Snr le develop- pement du cancer epithelial. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. do Liege, 1891, xxx, 252 ; 286.—Wadsworth. (Microscopic section of an epithelioma of the limbu s corneas.) Boston M. & S. J., 1879, c, 330.—'Walker (E. W.) Epithelioma- tous growths and contiguous glands. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1882, n. s., ix, 121. — Z. Due casi di estesa ulce- razione epiteliale agli arti superiori. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1879, xliii, 511-515.— Zahn (F. W.) Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Epithelialkrebse. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc. 1, Berl., 1889, cxvii, 37-51, 1 pi. Cancer (Epithelial, Treatment of). Gares (J.-F.-A.-A.) * Traitement des tumeurs epitheTiales par le caustique arsenical. 4 . Paris, 1882. Hyvkknaud (J.) *Du traitement des can- croides par le chlorate tie potasse. 4°. Paris, 1887. Manxixo (L.) Da resorcina e gli epiteliomi della pelle. 8°. Palermo, 1884. RorCiiEK (J.) * Contribution a l'etutle et au traitement de lJepitbe"lioina be"nin de la face. 4°. Bordeaux, 1*91 >. Sansicx (A.-J.) Etude sur le traitement du cancroide par le chlorate de potasse, 4L. Lille, 1895. Silva AkauJO. [Accao do leite de aveloz no tratiiinento dos epitheliomas.] 4°. [Rio Janeiro, 1889.] MS. with English translation. Ailamkicwicz. Ueber Epitheliom-Behandlung. Ztschr. f. Therap. in. Einbzhng. d. Elect.-u. Hydrothcrap., Wien, 1891, ix, 185-187.—Alt (A.) A case of recurrent epithelioma finally removed by galvano-cautery ; no relapse after three, years; previous to this, sympathetic neuro- retinitis. Am. J. Ophth., St, Louis, 1893, x, 170-172.— Belt (E. O.) Sulphuric acid paste in the treatment of epithelioma of the face. Metl. News, Phila,, 1896, lxiv, 573. Also, Reprint—Bio.....(I.N.) Epithelioma of the face treated with lactic acid paste. Metl. Times, N. \., 1897, xxv, 9. -----. The treatment of epithelioma on tho superficies of the body. Am. Therapist, N. V., 1897-8, vi, 73.— Buchanan (G-) Epitheliomatous ulcer ou right thigh; amputation-, recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiv, 422. — Bulkley (L. D.) Epithelioma cuit-d by Marsden's paste. [Cheek.J St. Louis Cour. Med., 18,9, ii, 335-338.—Burow (E.) Epithelialcarcinome; 34 It alle. In his: Mitth. a. d. chir. Priv.-Klin., 8°, Leipz., 1880, o2- CANCER. 136 CANCER. Cancer (Epithelial, Treatment of). 58. —Caird. Epithelioma of leg in a young man; ampu- tation below knee; primary, and two attacks of secondary haemorrhage; subsequent recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii, 758.—t'ancro epiteliale recidiv.to; estir- pazione; guarigione. Sped. Lotti in Pontedera, sez. chir., Pisa, 1888, 143-145.—C'crny f (S.) & Trunecek (C.) Guerison radicale du cancer epithelial. Semaine m6d., Par., 1897, xviii, 161-164. Also, transl: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1897, xxxii, 289: 302. Also, transl: Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 205-209—t'hadwick (H. J.) Treat- ment of epithelioma antl lupus. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1894, xviii, 237-242. — Chasseaud (W.) Gueri- son de l'epitheiioma d'origine s6bacee par la r6sorcine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1890, cxix, 207-211.— Collins (W. A.) The curability of epithelial cancer aud kindred ulcers. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1882, n. s., ix, 49. — ©ottrelle ( L.) Essai du bleu de methylene dans un cas d't-pithelioma. Gaz. m6d. de Pieardie, Amiens, 1894, xii, 260-269.—Crispo (M.) Contribuzione alia cura deli' epitelioma colla resorcina. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1893, xv, 348-350.—Belineau. Cancroide de la r6gion sus-claviculaire eueri par l'electrolyse inter- stitielle. Rev. internat. d'61ectroth6r., Par., 1891-2, ii, 194-198.—Buany-Soler. Epithelioma de l'aile du nez gueri par le violet de methyle. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1893, vii. 30.—Bubarry. Gu6rison d'un epithelioma de la face par le bleu de methylene en injections intersti- tielles. Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1897, xii, 137-140. —Bu Castcl. Traitement des epithelicmes, et partieuliere- nient des 6pitheliomes de la face, par les applications de bleu de methylene et d'acide chromique associt'-s. Bull, et mem. Soc'de th6rap., Par., 1896, 693-701. —Bn- plony. Des injections interstitielles dans les 6pitht'-li- omes. Assoc. franc, pour l'avancc d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1882, Par.. 1883, xi. 757-760. —Elliot (G. T.) Treatment of epithelioma with lactic acid. J. Cutan. & Genito- Lrin. Lis., N. Y., 1888, vi, 20.—Filaretopoulo (G.) Traitement radical de l'epitheiioma cutan6. Rev. d. mal. cancer., Par., 1895-6, i, 2;i0-233.—Francis (S. W.) Prob- able epithelioma, cured by astringent washes. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc 1883, Providence, 1884, iii, pt. 1, 64-66.— Ftister (A.) Contribuci6n a la terap6utica de los epi- teliomas. Rev. esp. de oftal., dermat., sif., etc., Madrid, 1891, xv, 193-196. —Oarretson (J. E.) Radical treat- ment of epithelioma. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 242.— Garino (A.) Nouveau traitement du cancer epith6hal de la peau; cures offrant tous les caracteres de guerisons radicales. Atti d. xi Cong.'med. internaz., Roma, 1895, v, Dermat., 31-33. — Gilliam (D. T.) A curative of epithelioma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxx, 151. — Ooft- heil (W. S.) The cure of epithelioma. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1892, xxii, 16; 68.—Graves (E. E.) Treatment of epithelioma by magnesium sulphas. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1891, 199-208. — Gutierrez (A.) Pre- sentaci6n de dos operados de epitelioma. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1896, v, 84. — Hartzell (M. B.) The treatment of epithelioma of the skin. Therap. Gaz.,De- troit,1894,3. s.,x,73L—Hunt (S. H.) Epithelioma cured by arsenic. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1878, 322.—Jaja (F.) Contribuzione alia cura del cancroide della cute con la resorcina. Gior. ital.d. mal. ven., Milano, 1887, xxviii, 20- 27.—M.cy ser (P. D.) Grafting for the cure of epithelioma. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 353.—Kuhn. Do l'association de l'acide chromique k l'acide ars6nieux dans le traitement ties cancroldes de la peau. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1897, 10. s., i, 49-51.—I.avrand (H.) Cancroide et cauterisation chimique. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 201- 204.—L aw son (G.) Chimney-sweep's cancer in the axilla; removal of the growth; ligature of the axillary artery and amputation of the arm at the shoulder-joint, so as to bring the flap of skin over the shoulder onto the chest. Tr. Clin. Soc. LontL, 1882, xv, 165-168. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 439.—Lie Bentu. Resultats du traitement des epitheliomas par la pyoktauine. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 325-329.— Lcinoine (G.) Traitement des epithebomas par le chlorate de potasse. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1888. ii, 425-429.— Lewis (D.) The treatment of epithelioma with mild caustics. J. Cutan. Sc Genito-Lrin. Dis., N. Y., 1888, vi, 23- 27. Also, Reprint.—ITI'Guire (J. C.) Treatment of epi- thelial cancer. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1887, n. s., iv, 102-104. — Matherbe Sc [Perrochaud. A propos de la gu6rison radicale du cancer epithelial par l'acide ars6nieux. Gaz. med. de Nantes. 1890-7, xv, 292. — Mannino (L. ) La resorcina nella cura dell' epitelioma. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1882, xvii, 156-159. -----. La resorcina e gli epiteliomi della pelle. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 428.—Miles (A. B.) Epithelioma and its treatment. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1878, v, 950-961. —Miller (T. W.) Epi- thelial cancer; removal; speedy recurrence; death. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar.-Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1882, 163.— IVicaise. Epithelioma pavimenteux de l'avant-bras gauche; ablation avec le thermo-cauterc Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 929. — North (N. L.) The treatment of epithelioma and the cancroid ulcers by topical applications, principally of lactic acid. Tr. N. Cancer (Epithelial, Treatment of). VVork M. Ass., 1893, x, 71-75. Also: Gaillard's M. J N. Y., 1893, lvii, 410-414. —IVolto. Traitement des can- croldes par le caustitptc arsenical. Normandie med. Rouen, 1887, iii, 409-415.—Ogier (T. L.) Treatment of epithelial cancer. Tr.South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1885, 65-67. — Pareja (J.) Dos epiteliomas tratados con la aplicacidn de la pasta de Canquoin. (Lie. med. do Gra- nada, 1888. vii, 429-431.—Parsons (J. S.) Rodent cancer and its treatment by electricity, with cases Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1175-1177— Phiiarctopoulos (G. A.) Pi^ikyj Bcpaneia rwf €7rt#TjAicd/iaTuji/ roit fiepjua-ros 6ia tou aKpaTov , [.1723]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc]. 4°. Lausan- nee, 1758, iv, 21-32. Frank (K.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Me- tastaseubilduug beim Carcinom. 8 \ Erlangen, 1893., Fronista (J. L.) * Ueber die Yeranderungen der Organe durch carcinom at use Metastasen. 8°. Freiburg i. Bad., 1881. Gorin'G ( K. ) * Ueber das Vorkoinmen von Krebs im Gefasssystem. 8 . Giessen, 1834. Heuschel (K.) * Zur Multiplicitiit maligner Neubildungen speciell der Carciuome. 8^. Halle a. S., 1893. Hiltermann (I. ) * Ueber Metastase eines Gallertkrebses des Magens in die Lungeu. Sc. Wiirzburg, 1893. Jacobs (G. LJ.H.]) *Ein Fall von Magen- uud Ovarialkrebs mit gleichzeitiger Tuberkn- lose. 8-. Eiel, 1895. Machkxaud (G.) * Tumeurs carcinomateuses multiples du tissu cellulaire sous-cutaue. [Bor- deaux.] 4C. Eochefort, 1884. MiciiELSOHN ( J. ) * Zur Multiplicitiit tier prhniiren Carciuome. 8C. Berlin, [1889]. Ravel (G.) * Sur les cancers primitifs multi- ples et snr un cas de leucocythemie et cancer de l'uterus. 4C. Lyon, 1894. Reixkober ( J.) * Ueber die Generalisation des secuudiiren Carcinoms durch eapilliire Em- bolic. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1879. Eodrigues Pereira (M. J.) * De diagnos- tic© differencial entre o cancro do estomago e" o do pancreas. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1883. Stcrzexegger (C.) * Beitrage zur Krebsme- tastase. (~c Ziirich, 1892. Allen. Cancer of breast, liver, lungs, pleura, and skull. [ Specimens. ] Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1881, u. s., iii. 499-501. -----. Carcinoma of liver and perito- neum; hydatid of gall-bladder. Ibid., 1882, n. s., iv, 157- 159.—Anders (J. M.) A case of acute primary carcinoma of the stomach with secondary new growths in the pan- creas, liver, aud spleen. Med. Bull., Phila., 1896, xviii, 121-125. — Anderson (M'C.) S.—I.cnoble. Due casi tli diffusione di tumori maligni secondarii. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 18!)6. xvii, 1649.— I.c IVoir. Cancer secondaire du foie latent, consecutif a un cancer dc l'estoinac, carcinose phmale et pnlmonaire. Bull. Sue. anat. tie Pur., 1890, lxv, 99. — l-clnllc. Carci- nose peritout-o-intestiiiale secondaire a un cancer de l'esto- inac Ibid., 1896, lxxi, 559-561.—Eotlirop (T.) Cancer of liver and pancreas; large collection of calculi in gall- bladder. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1880-81, xx, 303-306.—Lov rich (J.) A hashdrty&bdl kiinduld endothelioma szamos metastissal a belsd szervekben. [Endothelioma developing in the peritoneum with many metastases to the internal or- gans.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895. xxxix, 159. — Lud- lam (R) Non-operable disseminated abdominal cancer. Cliniqne, Chicago, 1895. xvi, GIL —JTIader. Gallert. Carcinom des Oesophagus, Magens. Peritonaeums und tier Pleura; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stif- tung in Wien (1881). 1882, 292. -----. Symptome einer Bicuspidaliusufficienz ohne entsprechenden Befuntl in tier Leiche; Carcinoma hepatis et pleurae. Ibid. (1889). 1890, 345.—yiandry (G.) Ueber synunetrische primiire Carci- uome. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1891-2. viii. 589-596.— flalliicn (A.) Carcinome latent tlu pylore et tlu foie; tumeur secondaire k la partie superieure des circouvolu- tions parietale et frontale ascendantes gaudies: monopie- gie hrachiale puis h6mipiegie droite; aphasie, pas de 16- sion tie la troisieme frontale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 57-60. Also: Progres med.. Par.. 1881, ix, 547. ----. Cancer du corps thyroide, du eoeur et tlu poumon ; propagation probable par embolie veinouse. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 578-586. — ITIcndelson (W.) Large retro-peritoneal sarcoma, with secondary deposits iu the kidneys and liver. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1886, xxx, 105.—^lii-canton (F.) Des carcinoraes primaires multi- ples. Kev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1893, xiii, 173; 229. A Iso, Reprint.—JHolliere (H.) Cancer de l'estoinac et des ovaires. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc med. de Lyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, pt. 2. 53-56.—Jlorgan (E. J.) Congenital absence of the vi^ht kidney; carcinoma of the liver, common bile-duct, and head of the pancreas; carci- nomatous ulcers of the fundus of the blatlder, with hsema- turia. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1887), 1888, 147-149.— Morris (R. T.) Malignant islands at the navel, occur- ring simultaneously with malignant disease of the abdom- inal or pelvic organs. In his .- Lect. on Appendicitis, 8°, N. T., 1895, 94-97.—Mnsser (J. H.) Cancer of the pan- creas, duodenum, and mesenteric glands: secondary lymphatic deposit; pericardial adhesions. Phila. M. times, 1881-2, xii, 322-324. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 12-14. -----. Carcinoma of the liver and stomach. Ibid. (1893-5), 1896, xvii, 35-37. — rVicaise. Cancer de I'extr6mit6 inferieure de l'iieon et de la valvule il6occecale; tumeur cantereuse secondaire de la paroi recto-vaginale. Bull, et m6m. Soc de chir. de Par., 1883, n. s.,ix, 185.—Oliver (J.) Acute cancer of bowel and liver with pyrexia, but without jaundice or ascites. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 1252.—Pavi'ot (J.) A Bcraril (L.) Du can- cer musculairc lisse en general et de celui de Interns en par- ticulier. Arch.demed.exper. etd'anat. path., Par., 1897, ix, 816; 944. A ho [Abstr.]: Lyon med., 1897, lxxxv, 267-269.— Peuch 6c Perroud. Observations de generalisation canc6reuse. J. de med. de Lyon, 1867, viii, 301-310.— PiotroflT ( N. V.) Sluchai mnozhestvenuikh polipov zheludka i kiskek s perekhodein v rak. [Multiple polypi of the abdomen and intestines, with conversion into can- cer.l Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1895-6, [no. 4]. 20-29.—Pirnitzcr (A.) Carcinoma hepatis et lienis sub. catarrho gastrointestinali acuto et pneumonia. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1872, Wien, 1874, 78.—Poncc- let. Cancer de l'estomac ayant envahi le foie, le duode- num t-t la paroi abdominale. Presse metl. beige, Brux., 1884, xxxvi, 153-156.—Porter (W. H.) Carcinoma of the pancreas, liver, peritoneum, and retroperitoneal glands with peritonitis. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 87-90. -----. Carcinoma of the bladder, with secondary growths in the ureter, kidney, retroperitoneal glands, in- testine, pancreas, spleen, liver, and lungs. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1885, xxvii, 329.—Priolean (L.) Caucer du ca-cum, au in6sentere. du pancreas. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. • . . de Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 1-5. Also: J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 182—Pye-Smith. Unusual dis- "ancer (Generalized, multiple, and vis- ceral). tribution of secondary cancer. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 800. — Biez. Cancer de l'estoinac et tlu foie. Ann. Soc! d'anat. path, de Brux., 1878, xxvii, 81-83.—Ripley. Gas- tric sarcoma with secondary sarcoma of the liver. Med Gaz., N. Y., 1881, viii. 163. — Biva (A.) Di un caso di carcinoma gastroepato peritmieale. Clin, mod., Firenze, J895, i, 65-71. — Riviere. Cancer primitif tie l'estomac avec. cancer secondaire du foie. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 125-130.—Roberts (J. B.) Malignant disease of the peritoneum and abdominal viscera. Phila, M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 582. Also: Tr Path. Soc. Phila., 1883-5, xii, 224.—Rolleston (H. D.) Mediastinal carcinoma .secondary to scirrhus of the pan- creas. Tr. Path. Soc. LontL, 1890-91, xiii, 320. —Rosen- stein (S.) Sarcom der Nebennieren mit Metastasen in Nieren, Pancreas und rechtem Herzen. Arch. f. path. Anat. fete], Berl., 1881, lxxxiv, 322-324, 1 pL—Matter- thwailc (T. E.) Carcinoma of tho pancreas: occlusion of the ductus communis; cavernous metamorphosis of the liver. Metl. Rec, N. V., 1881, xix, 275. — Ncliiiumcl- buseh ((.-.) TTeber multiples Auftretcu primiirer Car- cinome. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1889, xxxix. 860-885. Also: Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ., BeiL, 1890, iv, 53- 79. — Sch ran I (J. M.) Kanker van bet beenstelsel, van tie hei senen, van de borst- en van de watervaatsklieren. Nederl. YVeckbl. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1851, i, 168-171.— Scbuchardt (K.) Mittheilung eines Falles vou Car- cinom beitler Nebennieren und der Schilddriise mit kreb- siger Thrombose ties Ductus thoracicus und schwerer Ch.vlusietention. Breslau. iir/.tl. Ztschr., 1883, v, 181. — Shattuck. Cancer of head of pancreas and of the liver. Boston M. & S. J., 1882, cvi, 246.—Smith (W. G.) Malig- nant disease of the stomach, pancreas, liver, etc. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1887, v, 272-275.—Squire (T. H.) Unusual case of cancer. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 327.—Standthartner. [Fibroses Carcinom im Kopfe des Pancreas mit Stenosirung des Darmendes, des Ductus Wirsungianus und des Ductus choledochus.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1879), 1880, 34.—Starr (L.) Carcinoma of the liver, pancreas, and cceliac glands. Tr. Path. Soc Phila., 1880, ix, 13-16.—Steven (J. L.) An address on the surgical treatment of gastro-intestinal can- cer, based on the post-mortem examination of twenty-six consecutive cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 845-847.— Stintzing (R.) Carcinom des Magens, tier Leber und der G alien blase; Jaucheherd zwischen Leber und Colon transversum mit Perforation in das letztere; Schrumpf- niere. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 46.—Stock- ton (C.G.) Carcinoma of the pancreas, kidney, and liver. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, iv, 18. — Stone (I. S.) The relation of calculi to malignant disease of the liver and kidneys. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 183-185.— Study (J. N.) Two cases of cancer of the abdominal and thoracic viscera. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1884-5, iii, 189- 191.—Suchard. Cancer de la peau du dos avec gene- ralisation aux ganglions du creux tie Palsst-lle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, 4. s., vii. 194. — Surmay. Caucer la- tent de l'estomac oudu foie ; plu'-nonienes singuliers. Bull. med. de l'Aisne 1884-5, St.-Quentin, 1887. 17-24—Susini. Cancer del estomago y del hL-atlo. Rev. nied.-quir., Bue- nos Aires, 1883-4, xx", 62. — Talamon. Cas de gene- ralisation eaneereuse par le systeme lympbatique. [Rap. de Quenu. ] Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1880, lv, 341-345.— Thompson (H.) On a caseof carcinoma of the pleura, liver, and left supra-renal capsule, with ascites. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1874, i, 31-33. Also, in his: Clin. Lect., 8^, Lond.. 1880, 108-116. — Tison. Carcinome generalise. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1888, lxiii, 833. — Troisier. L'ad6nopathie sus-claviculaire gauchedans le cancer abdominal. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. rued. d. hop. dePar., 1888, 3. s., v, 21-26.—Vcrchcres. Cancer primitif des ganglions parotidieus ; cancer dt-s ganglions abdoiui- uaux; envabissemeut du pancreas et ties parois du canal choiedoque. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 20-23. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1883, xi, 263.— Viguicr. Car- cinome abdominal generalise. Lull. Soc. d'anat. et phy- siol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 239— Vulpian. Carcinie g6n6ralis6e; glandes mammaires, ganglions del'aisselle et sus-claviculaires, parois abdomiuales, etc.; epanclienieut pleural; cachexie ties avanc6e; amelioration dans l'espace de deux mois; guerison apparente. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1885, lviii, 481.—Waller (M.) Ueber das multiple Auf- treten nrimarer, biisai tiger Xeoplasmen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1890, liii, 1-58. - Watson (15. A.) Primary scirrhous carcinoma involving the ribs, adjacent connec- tive, and muscular tissues, the pericardium, and heart- wall. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 217. — Weiss (G.G.) Primary cancer involving the heatl of the pancreas with secondary deposits in the liver. Ibid., 1884, xxv, 304.— Wells (j. A.) Carcinoma of pancreas, liver, peritoneum, and retroperitoneal glands with peritonitis. Ibid.. 1881, xix, 383.—Willnrd. Secondary sarcoma of heart, lungs, aud gall blatlder, following primary amputation for tleposit in the femur. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii. 54. Also.- Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 160-163.—Williams CANCER. 140 CANCER-QUACKS. Cancer (Generalized, multiple, and vis- ceral). (W. R.) A case of multiple primary cancer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896. ii, 1023.—"Wood (H.'C.) Cancer of liver, with metastasis to the brain and other organs ; destruction of the occipitotemporal convolution without affection of special sense. Phila. M. Times, 1880-80, xi, 274. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 59.—Woodbury (F.) Case of primary cancer of the liver and gall-bladder, com- plicated with gall-stones and ulceration of the sac. perfora- tion, antl fatal peritonitis. Coll. Sc Clin. Rec, Phila., 1883, iv, 2-4.— Workman (C.) Cancer of the stomach and liver. Glasgow il. J., 1892, xxxvii, 387.—Wycth (J. A.) General carcinosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxvi, 552.— Zimmerman (R.) Malignant disease of lower part of colon, upper part of rectum, and left supra-renal capsule. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1882, vii, 390. Cancer (Lenticular). See Skin (Cancer of). Cancer (Medullary). See Cancer (Encephaloid). Cancer (Melanotic). Bierbalm (E.) " Ueber das Vorkommen und die Verbreitung des melanotischen Carcinoms. [Kiel.] 8°. Miinster, 1896. Bennett (E. H.) Melanotic carcinoma. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1877-80. n. s., viii, 63-65. —Eddy (W. J.) A case of melanotic cancer, caused by irritation. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1890, lviii, 29.—Kiister (E.) Melanosarkom des Nagelbettes; secundiire Sarkomeder Achsclhohle und der Riickenhaut; Exstiipation: Heiluug; spater Tod an Recidiven. In his: Ein chir. Trienn. 1876-8, 8°, Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 255. — Ijmitlowski. Carcinome pigmen- taire generalise. Bull. Soc auat. tie Par., 1893, lxviii, 371.— Ljoebel. [Melanotisches Spiudelzellensarcom vom iin- ken Larinbeinteller ausgeheud, mit zahlreichen Metasta- sen iu alien Organen.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Wien (1879), 1880. 38.—Sarcoma melanodes ; 2 Fiille. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1884, Wien, 1885, 147-152. -Snow (H.) Abstract of a lecture on melanotic cancerous disease. Lancet, Loud., 1892, ii, 872-874. Cancer (Miliary). Piece (A.) *Ein Fall von fieberhafter dis- seiniuirter Miliarcarciuose. 8°. Eonigsberg, 1891. Tiilmmel (G.) Ueber einen Fall von allge- nieiuer Carcinose mit besouderer Beriicksichti- jnuig, des kliiiischen Yerlaufs. 8°. Greifswald, w. Brodeur. fitude sur la carcinose miliaire aigue pri- mitive generalisee. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 181-192.— Guinard. Cancer miliaire dela peau generali- se. Union med., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxi, 205-207.—Lemoine. Observation de carcinose generalisee. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1*94, xxxiii, 334-339. — Leubuscher (G.) Akute Carciuose. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xl, 1378.—Megay (G.) Carcinosis miliaris acuta esete sokszoros rakembo- liakkal. [. . . with multiple cancerous embolisms.J Or- vosi hetil., Budapest, 1894, xxxviii, 63. Also, transl. [Ab- str. 1; Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 537.— Petit. Sarcomatoseou carcinose g6n6ralisee. Bull. Soc d anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 212.—Pe- trolic (L. M.) Contribuzione alio studio della carciuosi miliare acuta primitiva delle sierose ; [poliorromenite car- cinomatosa .']. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1882, 1, 567-578.— Raymond Sc Brodeur (A.) Contribution k l'etude de la carcinose miliaire aigue primitive, g6neralis6e. Arch gen. de med., Par., 1882, cl, 146-157. Cancer (Recurrent). See, also, Cancer (Treatment of, Operative). Petit [H.-L -A.-M.] * De quelques points re- latifs a la recidive et aux voies suivies par la generalisation des cancers du sein chez la femme. 4°. Paris, 1834. St'iioKN (E.) * Ueber Schwund und Riickbil- dungnialignerTuinoren. 8C. Strassburg I.E.,1888. Sxow(H.) On the re-appearance (recurrence) of canter after apparent extirpation; -with sug- gestions for its prevention, and general remarks on.tlie operative treatment of malignant growths. 8-\ London, 1890. Also [Abstr.], in: Lancet, LontL, 1890, ii, 1374. Wkise (F. A.) Ueber die Zuriickbildung der Skin-hen uud der Polypen und iiber die Heilung der Krebsgeschwure. 12:. Leipzig, 1829. Cancer (Recurrent). Boice (J.) Repeated operations for malignant disease Kansas City M. Index, 1894, xv, 106. —Curtis. Early recurrence following excision of malignant disease. Ann Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 708-710. —Fen wick (E.H.) Re- section of part of the left lower lateral wall anil base of tin- bladder for recurrent epithelioma. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loml 1893-4, xxvii, 163-166.—Oerster (A. G.) On the surgical dissemination of cancer. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885 ii 98-109. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1S85. xlvi, 230-234 Also: N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 233-236.—Cuinnrd (A.) Recidive des tumeurs malignes par inoculation operatoiro Union m6d., Par., 1895, 3. a., lix, 457-459— Smith (F. a! A.) What is the average lapse of time before tho return of cancerous disease after operation ? Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 565.—Steven (J. L.) & Brown (J.) A case of second- ary cancer of tho rib, vertebra;, and ovary, occurring after removal of the primary disease in the mamma, and compli- cated by myoma of the uterus. 1 bid., 1892, i, 1024.—Wil- lett. Rapid recurrence of epithelioma ; pain controlled by gelsemium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 767. Cancer (Rodent). See Cancer (Epithelial), Cancer (Villous). Elgxowski (L. R. E.) *De cancro villoso. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., 1853. Cancer en cuirasse. See Skin (Cancer of). Cancer (Free) Hospital, Bromptou, London, S. W. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 10., 18(50; 11., 1^(JL; 13., 1863; 16., 1866; 17., 1867; 19., 1*69; 29., 1879; 31.-45., 1881-95. 8°. London, 1M51-9G. ------. Statement of cash receipts and payments for the year 1884. 2 1. 8°. [London, 1hs->.] ------. Annual report of the medical committee. 34., 1884. 2 sheets. 8°. [London, 1885.] Cancer-quacks. See, also, Cancer (Treatment of). Aber. M6thode et traitement du docteur . . , [tumeurs et cancers]. 16°. Paris, [n. d.]. Bacheler (J. H.) Caucer positively cured. 8C. [Grand liapids, Mich,, 1889.] Bahrs (D.) Die Heilung des Scirrhus und Krebs so wie der an dem menschlichen Ktirper erscheinenden Parasyten durch meiu Geheiin- mittel. 8°. Magdeburg, lr;53. Gathers (J.) A positive cure for cancer, with- out the use of caustic or the knife, reliable and uniform in its effects in all cases, aud demon- strated beyond the possibility of a doubt, .-c. Baltimore,\l856]. Comixs (J. M.) Cancer radically cured with- out the knife or pain. 8°. New York, 187*. Fauvel (C.) La vraie ve"rit6 sur M. Vries, dit le docteur noir. 2. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1859. Lynch (D.) A candid and unvarnished view of a small part of [his] practice in cancer com- plaints, and in the art of healing generally. 8°. [Xew York, 1829.] McLeish (J.) & Weber (C.) Cancer and tumors scientifically treated and cured. The knife discarded. 8°. Cincinnati, Ohio, [1890]. Martin (H.). A narrative of a discovery of a sovereign specific for the cure of cancers. With several other improvements lately made in medicine. With a postscript on a singular case of a stone taken out of the tongue. 1*2°. Philadelphia, 1782. Praux (O. P.) Anleituug zu der Krebs-Cur ohne Schuitt, denen Herren Medicis und Chi- rurgia in Teutschland zur Priiffung und feruerer Uutersuchung saint eiu uudauderu Merekwiirdig- keiten von Theophrasto Paracelso, vorgestellet durch . . . 12°. dm, 1744. Spiegel (C. [B. V.]) Cancer expelled from the system, with all its roots and fibres by con- stitutional treatment; also, all chronic diseases, rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, [etc.]. 8J. [Mem- phis, 1859.] CANCER-QUACKS. 141 CANDOLLE. Cancer-quacks. Thornton (W.) Tbe cause and cure ot ma- lifnaney; an important announeeinent to the medical profession. .*• . Boston, 1894. Tl'HNBULL (D.) The new cancer treatment. Cancers and tumours successfully extracted by the scientific practice of organic preparations without administration of chloroform or the aid of the knife; with an account of sixty cases of tbe improved treatment, accompanied by up- wards of fifty testimonials in favour of the new method. 2. ed. > . Cheltenham, 1876. Wells (SirT. S.) Cancer cures and cancer curers. 1*2 . London. 1-iiO. " C'ancrr-cnrcrs." Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1876, j; "ST.—Chambers (J. E.) Disastrous results from so- called' cancer plasters. "West. M. J., Fort Scott. 1895, vi, 81 —Cockburn (S.) Secret remedies, and cancer eur- in'f being a few remarks suggested by the perusal of a pamphlet headed "A second appendix to the successful treatment of cancer ", bv Dr. Pattison, London. Month. Homreop. Rev., Lond., 1859, iii, 411-415. Also. Reprint.— Death from poisoning by a quack; some remarks in re- gard to the abolition of quackery. Xorth Car. M. J., Wil- mington, 1883, xi. 67-70.—De I.annoy (C. W.) Cancer cured without the knife: the operation a success, but the patient dies; report of the trial of a travelling cancer- doctor for manslaughter. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3. xiii, 530-533.—Jncobson (N.i The treatment of malignant tumors in so-called cancer cure institutions. Tr. M. Sec. N Y. [Phila.j, 1896,419-426. Also: Med. Xews, X. Y., 1890, lxviii, 174-178. Also: Columbus M. J., 1896, xvi, 204- 21.'. — Newton (R. S.) Explorations in cell-pathology; or observations in regard to the causes, character, and treatment of cancer; made from 1843 to 1877. Tr. Eclect. M. Soc X. Y. 1877, Albany, 1878, 284-298. Also, Reprint. Canclialagua. Lebeck (L.) Etude sur le canchalagua (Ery- thrcea chileusis gentianace'es) conside're' au point de vue botanique, medical, chimique et pharma- eeutique. 4°. Paris, 1868. Cancroid. See Cancer (Epithelial). ■ (a lie I'll ill oris. See Mouth (Gangrene of); Mouth (Inflamma- tion of). Cande(Ange-Louis-Armand) [1865- ]. * Etude critique sur la thdrapeutique des he"morrhagies par iuertie uterine apres la deTivrance. 62 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 77. Cande (Jean-Baptiste) [1853- ]. * Quelques recherches sur les helminthes cestoides de riiomme en Cochinchiue, pre'ee'de'es d'un coup d'ceil sur les caracteres ge"neraux et la distribu- tion geographique des te'niade's et des bothrio- cephalides. 50 pp., 2 1. Paris, 1882, No. 337. Candedda (G. Luigi). Relazione sul cholera asiatico che invase la citta di Genova nei mesi d' agosto, settembre. e ottobre fatta al consiglio superiore militare sanitario. 24 pp. 16°. Ge- nora, tip. Ferrando, 1835. Caildela (Nicola). Assistenza pubblica esposta ai medici provinciali secondo i programmi gover- nativi. 2 p. 1.. 3-88 pp. 8°. Xapoli, D. Cesareo, 1890. -----. La tubercolosi e la linfa di Koch. 24 pp. 16°. Xapoli, 1890. -----. Le zoonosi in attinenza alia patogenesi, alia batteriologia e alia profilassi ad uso degli ufficiali sanitarii e degli aspiranti medici pro- vinciali. 31pp. 8. Napoli, D. Cesareo, 1890. Candelaria. dc la Puente (L. V.) Topografia medica; apuntes para la del pueblo de Candelaria. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1884, x, 19-22. Candelier (Victor-Louis-.Sylvain) [1871- ]. * Du curettage total de l'uterus comme methode d'avortement provoque". 70 pp. 8°. Lille, l8(Jii, 4. 8., No. 128. Caildelle (Henri). Manuel pratique de m6de- cine thermale. 436 pp. 12c. Paris, O. Doin, 1*79. Caiideller© (Joannes Hector Maria). * [I. De temperaiiu-ntis. II. [etc.].] 20pp. 4:. Augusta', Taitrinorum, ex typ. Bianco, [1818]. [P., v. 944.] Candia. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Candid (A) and impartial account [etc.]. See Drake (K). Candidas [Petrns]. De genitnra hominis in- cipit feliciter, quomodo generatur homo, qualiter concipit mulier, [etc.]. [Ad jinem:] Angelus Typhernas . . . Petro de Nigionibns . . . salutem. Commentariorum qnorundam Germauici impres- sores opera fastiditi jocundum opusculum per- cuuetati sunt. Nos Caudidi variarum rerum annotationes scitu quidem pulcberrimas propo- suimus Libioque patri studiosissimo asscripsi- mus. Nihil amplius videri cupientes quam opus- culum esse candidi. Nostra vero diligentia et illorum industria impressum Lueule et dum lege- ris iguoscas extere nationi et errata castigate 7 1. sin. 4°. [Roma', n, d.] Candler (C.) A theory of the causation, and suggestions for the prevention, of dysentery; together with hypotheses on the causation, and views as to the prevention, of typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, remittent, diphtheria, typhus, and- other zymotic diseases in man and animals by mucor. xi, 336 pp. 12°. Melbourne, G. Robert- son, 1873. -----. The prevention of consumption. A mode of prevention founded on a new theory of the nature of the tubercle-bacillus, vi (1 p. 1.), 240 pp. 8°. London, E. Paul, Trench . neviv, apud Josephum Paronem, 1626. The Ars medica is a reprint of the preceding work. The treatise on the treatment of fevers is additional. Bound with the following. -----. Do primis rerum natura factarum princi- piis commentarius. In quo qusBcnuque ad cor- porum naturalium ortus, et interitus cpfuitio- iiem desiderari possnnt, accurate, set! breviter explicantur. Huic acccssit commentarius alter in quo quidquid de corporutn natura factoruin principiis generatim jam perquisitum, discus- sumque est, id totum una corporis humani, tan- demque ipsius hominis procreatione, clarius elucescit, cxprimiturque. 5 p. 1., 178 pp. fol. Geneva', apud J. Pavonem, 1626. Caneva-Zanini (Giuseppe). Studio sul ser- vizio sanitario pei poveri in Milano. 30 pp 8C. Milano, G. B. Colombo, 1889. -----& rTIoiitegnacco (A.) Duecento ernie curate radicalmeute. 48 pp. 8':. Milano, L Marchi, 1892. Canfield (C. W.). Editor of: American (The) Annual of Photopiritnales y corporales que suelen ocurrir, asi & las madres como a sus frutos. Va inserto un tratado sobre el inodo de restituir las funciones vitalcs a" los abogados. Con algunas lauiinas concernientes a varios asnntos. Obra compuesta en italiano por . . . reducida & com- pendio, y puesta en frances con varias adiciones y notas sumamentc utiles y curiosas por Mr. el Abate Dinouart, y traducida del frances al cas- tellano por Don Joaquin Castellot. 2. ed. xxxvi, 474 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Madrid, Copin, 1785. Cangiaiio (Emmanuele). Sulla quistione: II cholera-morbus asiatico e epidemico o conta- gioso? 30 pp., 11. 8°. [Napoli, 1831.] [P., v. 1137.] J l i Bepr.from: Fihatre-aebezio, Napoli. Cangiano (Emmanuele)—continued. -----. Doctrinaj medica) bomceopathicie exa- mcn. 55 pp. 4C. Neapoli, [G. Gentile], 1833. Cangoura. B.vktkls (W.) *Studien iiber die Cangoura und deren Stammptlauzc. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1894. Kobe it (R.) TJeber Cangoura. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1893, xiv, 92!). Caillggia (Franciscus Ant.) *De medica acidi prussici vi. * pp. 4°. Genua', A. Frugoni, 1806. [P., v. 2145; 2147.] Cani^iani (Ermcnegildo). See Andi-al (G.) Compendio tl' anatomia patologica. 8°. Lirorno, 1859. Canino. Regolamento amniinistrativo, sani- tario c disciplinare dello Spetlalo di Canino amministrato dalla locale Ctingregazioue di carita. 19 pp. 8°. Foligno, P. Sgariglia, 1888. CailisillS (Marinus). * De vcntricnlo. 22 pp., 1 1. 8-. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, [1724]. [P., v. 1364; 1919.] Canisteo. 4»ai-diner (J. T.) Report on the insanitary condition of Canisteo. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Albany, 1887, vii, 8-J-87. Canities. See Hair (Diseases of). Canitz (H[ermau]). Die Naturheilkunde in ihren Anwendungsformen uud Wirknngen. Nach den arztlichen Grundsiitzen von . . . bearbeitet von W. Siegert. Yerbesserte Aufl. ii (2 1.), 98 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, TV. Issleib, 1888. -----. Chronisch kalte Fiisse, Hire Wirknngen, Ursachen, Yerhiitung und naturgemasse Be- seitigung. Nach 20jahriger Erfahmng darge- stellt. 2. Tausend. 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, TV. Iss- leib, 1888. -----. The same. Chronisch koude voeteu, hun- nen invloed, oorzaken, voorkoming en natnur- lijke bestrijding, op grond van waarnemingeu gedurende 20 jaren. 52 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, E. F. Seyffardt, [1889]. Gezondheids-Biblitttheek, no. 17. Canitz (M.) Die Diphtheritis, ihre Ursachen, Verhiitung und naturgemasse Heilung mit genau erlauterten Kurplanen und Gesundheits- regeln so dass Jedermann danach die Behand- lung unternehmen kann. 51 pp. 12°. Berlin, F. Globig, [1890]. Also, Co-Editor of: Natui-lieilkunde (Die), Berlin, 189'J. ( Canivell (Francisco). Tratado de vendages, y apositos para el uso de los re ales colegios de cirugia, ilustrado con diez laminas, en que se manifestan los apositos necessarios a cada opera- cion, tanto separados, como aplicados con sus corrcspondieutes vendages para la mas facil inteligencia tie. los principiantes. 3 p. 1., 144 pp., 10 pi. sm. 4 . Barcelona, imp. de T. Pifer- rcr viuda, 1763. Canivet (K.) Nouveau guide de I'etudiant en me"decine, docteurs en mddecine, offlciers de saute", sages-femmes. 108 pp. 16°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1868. Canna. Oyeriiage (C.) * Anatomische Untersuehung und Keiinungsgeschichte der Samen von Canna und Musa, nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige ver- wandte Samen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Ahlen, 1887. Canna (Aloysius Jacobus). *I. De scapulss fractura. II. [etc.]. 16 pp. 4°. Augustas Tau- rinormn, ex typ. Bianco, [1818]. [P., v. 944.] Cannabis indica. See, also, Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). Arutinyantz (S. M.) *0 khimicbeskom iz- sliedovanii lndiiskoi konopli. [Chemical inves- CANNABIS. 14< Cannabis indica. tigation of Indian hemp.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1881. Bluhoughs (H.) *Le chauvre indien (Can- nabis indica). [Lyons.] roy. 8C. Saint-Etienne, 1*96. De Courtive (E.) * Haschish. Etude his- torique et physiologique. 4°. Paris, 1848. Gkim.ux (£.) Du hachisch, ou chanvre in- dien. 8'-'. Paris, 1865. Lallemaxd (C.-F.) Le hachych. 12°. Pa- ris, 1843. Lapin (L.) * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cannabis indica. 8°. Jurjew, 1894. Maktius (G.) *Pharmakologisch-medicini- sche St ntlieu iiber den Hanf. 8°. Leipzig, 1856. O'Siiaugiixessy ( W. B. ) On the prepara- tions of the Indian hemp, Gunjah (Cannabis indica), their effects on the animal system in health, and their utility in the treatment of tetanus and other convulsive disorders. 8°. Calcutta, 1839. Pkeobhazhenski (V.) * Alkaloid indieiskoi konopli i yeya preparatov: ekstrakta i khashi- sha (sredneus'iatskavo); khimicheskoye izsliedo- van'ic. [Alkaloid of Indian hemp and its prepa- rations: extract and hashish (middle Asiatic); chemical investigation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1876. Stakck (M.) * Ueber die Anwendungsweise der neueren Caunabispraparate. 8°. Bonn, 1887. Villard (F.) Du hachisch; e"tude cliniqne, l>hvsiologique et thdrapeutique. 8°. Paris, 1872. Zeitler (H.) * Ueber Cannabis indica. 8>. Erlangen, 1885. Anldc(L.) Studies in therapeutices; cannabis indica. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1890, 3. s., vi, 523-526.—Banal. Note sur les extraits de cannabis indica. Montpel. m6d., 1890,2.s.,xv,461-465.—Bnttaglia (B.) Sulhascischesua azione nell' organismo umano. Psichiatria, Napoli, 1887, v, 1-38.—Ben lie (F. D.) An experience with cannabis in- dica, Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 445-451.—Ber- lliernnd (K.) Apropos dela prohibition du haschisch en Tunpiie. J. de med. et pharm. de 1'Alg6rie, Alger, 1876, i, 76.—Berthicr. Le haschisch administr6 comme hyp- notism-. Bull. Soc. de metl. prat, de Par., 1867, 23.— Birch (E. A.) The use of Indian hemp in the treatment of chronic chloral and chronic opium poisoning. Lancet, Louth, .188!), i, 625.—Browne (E. G.) A chapter from the history of cannabis indica. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Loud. 1896-7, iv, 81-80. Bnchwald (A.) Ueber Cannabis- Praparate, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Canabinonvergiftun- gen. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1885, vii, 277-279. —t'ala- bresc (L.) Sc Fabiani (GJ Ln esperimento sull' azione nsiologit-a dell' haschich sull' organismo umano. Cirillo Napoli, 1878, i, 73; 97.—Christison (A.) On the natural history, action, and uses of Indian hemp. Month. J. M Sc, Lond. Sc Etlinb., 1851, xiii. 26; 117. Also, Reprint.— Chronic -mania iu gauje smokers. Asylum J.. Berbiee 1883, 60.—Ede* (R. T.) _Cannabis indica. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893. cx.xix, 273.—Kga»Ne (K.) Le chanvre indien. Bull. gen. de tli6rap. [ete.'|. Par., 1890, cxviii, 119; 170; 226.—Eloy (C.) Haschist-h. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med ' Par., 1886, 4. s., xii, 500-516.—Fristedt (R. F.) Om ham- pan i medicinskt hanseende. [Hemp from a medical view.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 499-530. Also. Re- print.—Froiimiiller. Gerbsaures Canuabin. Mt-mora- bilien, Heilbr., 1882, u. F., ii, 257-203. -----. Noehmal das gerbsauere Cannabin. Ibid., 1883, n. F.. iii, 273-275.—Gi- raud (J.) L'art de faire varier lis ethts du hat-hieh Encephale, Par.. 1881, i, 418-425.—ii ley <]•;.), Richet (() Sc Rondeau (P.) Notes sur le hachich. Bull. Soc. de psychol. physiol. 1885. Par., 1880. i, 9-13.—Gmlanl (K.) Haschisch. In his: figypte et Palestine. H■'■>. Par. 1867 343-357. — Graeffner (W.) Erfahrungen uber Balsa- mum cannabis ind. (Denzel). Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 416.— Hare (H. A.) Clinical and physiological notes on the action of cannabis indica. Therap. Gaz. Detroit, 1887, 3. s., iii, 225-228.- Hay (M.) A new alka- loid in cannabis indica. Pharm. J. Sc Tr., Lond., 1883 3 s., xiii, 998. Also, Reprint.—Miller (A.)" Das Cannabi'- uum tannienm. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix 125. —Ireland (T.) Insanity from the abuse of Indian hemp. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1893, xiv. 622-630.__ Jonex (H. L.) Note on cannabis indica as a narcotic. Practitioner, Lond., 1885, xxxv, 251. —Kelly (W. M.) CANNABIS. Cannabis indica. Cannabis indica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1281.—Lai I. ler (A.) Tberapeutique; du chanvre indien. Ann med.-psych., Par., 1890, 7. s., xii, 78-83. — I,cc« ( R. (j.j Cannabis sativa seu intliea: Indian lump. Brit. M J Lond., 1895, i, 300.—iVlci'onncIl (J. F. P) Uses ot cannabis indica. Practitioner, LontL, 1888, xl, 95-98, — .Mackenzie ( S.) On some classes of cases in which Indian hemp is of special service. Metl. Week, Par., 1894 ii. 457. Also, transl: Semaine me.d., Par., 1894, xiv. 399.J Tlai-iiio-Znco Sc Vignolo (G.) Sur les alcaloitlt-s de la cannabis indica et tie la cannabis sativa, [Transl. from: Attid. r. Accatl.d. Lincei. Cl.] Arch.ital.debiol' Turin, 1895-6, xxiii, 409-415. — TI:u *h:ill (('. R. ) The active principle of Indian hemp; a preliminary conuiiuui. cation. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 235-239. — .VIultiMou (J. B.) Cannabis indica as an anodyne and hypnotic. St Louis M. Sc S. J., 1891, lxi, 265-271. Also: Brooklyn M J., 1891, v, 714-723.—von Jlcring. Leber die Wirkunl gen des Haschisch. Aich. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1881, xv 275.—Oerlel (T. E.) Observations of the effects of can- nabis indica in large doses. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N Y 1895, viii, 965-968. Also.- Vermont M. Month., Burlington 1895, i, 238-243. Also: Moody's Mag. Med.. Atlanta,"89a' i, no. 3, 9-12.—Oliver (J.) On the action of cannabis indica, Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 905. —Prior (J.) TJeber die neueren Canuabispraparate. Miinchen. metl Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 547-551. — Piixiiiclli. Gero! saures Cannabin als Hypnoticum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi. 7-9. — Kech. Des effets du hachisch sur l'homine iouissant de sa raison, et sur l'aliene, Abeille Brux., 1848. iv, 240; 338.—Rcnz (G. A.) My experiment with cannabis indica. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1885-6, v, 203.— Reynold* (.1. R.) On the therapeutical uses and toxic effects of cannabis indica. Lancet, Lonil., 1890, i, 637.—Richet (C.) Poisons of the intelligence; hash- eesh. Pop. Sc. Month., N. T., 1878, lxxvi, 482-486.— Richter. Die therapeutische Wirkung verschiedeuer Canuabis-Piaparate. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1884, iii, 486.—Ronx (F.) l5tude sur la cannabine. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1886, cxi, 492-514. — SaM telle (H. W.) Notes relating to the effects of cannabis indica, with an illustrative case. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1896-7, xlix, 671- 674.—Schiischny (H.) A cannabio-keszitmenyek meg- bizhatlans&ga. [Uncertainty of cannabis preparations] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 332. Also, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 286. — Sec (G.) Usages du cannabis indica dans le traitement tics n6vroses et dyspepsies gastriques. Pratique metl.. Par., 1890, iv, 397-100.—Suckling (C. W.) On the therapeutic valne of Indian hemp. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1891, ii, 12. Also [Rev.]: N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 244. — Tolh (L.) '' Grimault & Cie. cigarettes indiennes au cannabis indica." Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1881, xxv, 377; 401.—Ulleraper- ger. Haschisch-Zuckerwerk in Amerika. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Neuwied, 1867, 133.—Vulieri (R.) Sulla canapa nostrana e suoi prepa- rati in sostituzione della cannabis indica. Ann. clin. tl. osp. incur., Napoli, 1887, xii, 230-267.—Wallich (G. 0.) Cannabis indica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1224.—Walsh (J. H. T.) Hemp drugs and insanity. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1894, xl, 21-36. Also [Abstr.]: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 333; 369: 447.—Warden & Waddell. The active principle of Indian hemp. Indian M. (laz., Cal- cutta. 1884, xix, 259; 354.—Wood (H. C.) On the medical activity of the hemp plant, as grown in North America. A prize essay, read before the Amer. Phil. Soc, Nov. 19, 1869. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila. 1869, xi, 227-233. Cannabis indica (Toxicology of). Atllee (J.) A case of poisoning by cannabis indica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 948. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1078.—Ruchwald. UeberCannabis-Praparate,nebst Bemerkungen iiber Cannabinonvergiftungen. Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1885, Bresl., 1886, lxiii, 51-56.—Bechler. Vergiftungserscheinungen nach lial- sanmm cannabis indicae. Miinchen.med.Wchnschr.. 18S(i, xxxiii, 544.—Bentlif (P. B.) A case of poisoning by ex- tract of cannabis indica. Clin. Sketches, Lond., 1896, iii, 70.—©nsiccia (V.) Un caso diavvelenamento per canapt* indiana. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1883, i, 326- 330.—Comfort (I.) An overdose of cannabis indica. Mil- waukee M. J., 1895, iii, 370. —Cook (A. B.) Poisoning by cannabis indica; two drams of Herring's English ex- tract Indian hemp being taken without suicidal intent. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1884, xxx, 25-30. —Fisher (H.) Case of cannabis indica poisoning. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvii, 405.—Fi»chlowitz (G. G.) Poisoning by cannabis indica. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1896,1,280.-Oei»cr (Mary L.) Poisoning by cannabis indica. Ibid., 519.- II a maker (W. D.) A case of overdose of cannabis in- dica. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1891,3. s., vii, 808.—Hunger- ford (Mary C.) An overdose of hasheesh. Pop. Sc. Month., N. \r., 1883-4, xxiv, 509-515.—Ulinler (L. J.) In than hemp poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1773.- PrentiNs (D. W.) Case of intoxication from a compara- tively small dose of cannabis indica. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, 1892,3. s., viii, 104.—Pnsinelli. Ueber Cannabinon- CANNABIS. 145 CANNES. Cannabis indica (Toxicology of). ver'iftung. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii. 815.—Robertwoii (li.) Toxic symptoms from tincture of Iutiiau hemp in officinal doses. Med. Times & Gaz., LontL, 1885, i, 817-819.—Ruskin ( \V. B.) Two cases ot acute poisoning from solid extract cannabis indica. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1890, xx, 363.— Sa wtelle (H. W.) A cast- presenting peculiar susceptibilit y to the action of cannabis indica administered for neuralgia; recovery. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1894, n. s., xviii, 2. —Nchrort" ( K. D.) Fall einer Yergiftun" mit Haschisch. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte in Wien, 1857, iii, 641; 657.—Seifert (O.) Ein Fall von Vergiftung mit Balsamum cannabis indicie. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 347. — Simmon* (R G.) A case of unusual toxic action of caunabis indica. Coil. Sc Clin.Rec, Phila., 1896, xvii, 26.—Siisskind. Zwei Falle von Vergiftung mit Extractum Cannabis indicie (Denzel). MetL Cor. -Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1887 lvii, 244.— Walker ( B.) Indian hemp poisoning. Brit. M. J.. LontL, 1896, ii, 1382.—Williams (H. S.) An overdose of cannabis indica. Therap. Gaz., Detroir, 1885. 3. s., i, 18.— Windscheid (F.) Ein Fall von Cannabin- vergiftung. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 805-808. Cannae. *£tude sur les determinations pleu- rales de la grippe. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, Xo. 202. Cannady (Charles G[raharu]). Cbronic endo- metritis; its tetiology, modern methods in diag- nosis, and treatment. 8°. [Richmond, 1893.] Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx. -----. Subinvolution of uterus, and its treat- ineut by electricity. 4 pp. 8°. [New York, 1893.] Repr. from: N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1893, iii. -----. The relation of tight lacing to uteriue development and abdominal and pelvic disease. 9 pp. 8-'. Toledo, 1894. Repr. from: Am. Gynaec. Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1893, v. Cannas-Boy (Nieolo'). Studi sui sintomi oculari nella meningite epidemica della base. •21 pp. 8°. Cagliari, tip. Alagna, 1886. C a lined food. Riabchevski (D. ) * Svinets v konserviro- vannlkh pitatelnlkh veshtshestvakh s higieni- cbeskoi tochki zrieniya. [Lead in conserved food from a hygienic point of view.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1886. Wilson (T.) Notes on canned food, prepared under the direction of the Commissary-General of Subsistence, U. S. A. 12°. Washington, 1h70. Attfield. Tin in canned foods. San. Engin., N. V., 1883-1, ix, 429.—Canned foods. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1884, ii, 889-891.—Canned French peas and beans. Report. Rep. State Bd. Health X. Y. 1886, Albany, 1887. vii, 405-410.—Charteris (M.) Sc Snodgrass (W.) Ex perimental research on tinned peas, greened with sulphate of copper, and the physiological action of this salt on ani nials. Lancet, Lond., 1892. i, 190.—Dn Mcsnil (O.) Des differents proc6d6s do conservation des viandes; leurs avantages et leurs inconvenients. Ann. d'livg., Par., 1874, 2. s., xiii, 357-380.—Fine Id (\V . C. B.) Canned tomatoes and chloride of zinc. X. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 442.— Hall (F. P.) On the action of certain vegetable acidson lead and tin. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1882-3, iv, 440-452.— Ilaimnoiid (W. A.) Canned tomatoes and chloride of /.inc. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 370-372.—Hehner (O.) "Preserved vegetables again." Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 607.—Johnson (J. G.) Poisoning by canned goods. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1884-5, ii, 53-73. Also, Reprint. Also : Sanitarian, N. Y., 1884, xii, 477-492. -----. Poisoning by canned fruits and meats. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1884-5, ii, 165-168. [Discussion], 314-321. -----. Canned tomatoes and chloride of zinc. N. York M. J., 188G, xliii, 471-474.— Kratzer(IL) Waysof preserving food. [Transl. from: Die Xatur.] Pop. Sc. Month.. X. Y.. 1883, xxiii, 623-627.— Ijoebisch (W. F.) Sc Malfatti (J.) Zur elektrolyti- scheu Bestimmung des Kupfers in Gemiisecoriserven. Wien. med. Presse, 1891, xxxii, 617; 661.—Maefadycn Sc Rlyth (W.) Report as to the results of a bacteriologi- cal and chemical examination of the tinned ox tongue which caused illness to five persons. Pub. Health, Lond., 1892-3. v, 98.—.Head (R.) A caseof severe gastrointes- tinal irritation caused by tinned fish. Practitioner, Lond., 1886, xxxvi, 264.—IVapia*. Soudure interieure des boites de conserves alimentaires; emploi de l'etain fin Rec. a. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1889, Par., 1890, xix, 347-349.—North (J.) Canned foods as a cause "I acute poisoning. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 32-35.—Notes on the use of sulphate of copper in canned 10 Canned food. gootls. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Albany, 1887, vii, 411-422.—Ogden (H.) Tin poisoning from canned tomatoes. Dakota M. brief, Mitchell, 1886, i, no. 4.— Poisoning by tinned food. Med. World, LontL, 1897, i, 306.— Ponehel (G.) Soudure iut6rieure des boitcs de conserves alimentaires; dangerd'intoxication par leplomb; reclamation des industriels du Morbihan et du Finistcre contre les restrictions edictees. Reed. trav. Comitecon- sult. d'hyg. pub. tie France 1888, Par., 1889, xviii, 427-430.— It■ Icy (H. A.) Medico-legal case. [Injuries claimed to have been suffered by eating canned tomatoes.] Med. <£-. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, liv, 454.—Rosenbergcr (S.) The dangers in canned gootls. Z&id.,1884, li, 570. —Steven- stm (T.) Poisoning by canuetl gootls. Med.-Leg.. L, N. Y, 1884-5, iii, 511. Also [Ilex.]:' Ibid., 648-651.—Ungar. Ueber die Gefahren, welche der Gesundheit durch den Gennss iu verziunten Couservebiichsen aufbewahrter Nahrungsmittel drohen. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884. lvii, 373. Also.- Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1885, vii, 40.—Warden (C.J.H.) On the analysis of certain samples of tinned meat. Chem. News, Lonil., 1890, lxi, 291; 303.—Wear (A. T.) A family poi- soned by eating tinned salmon. Lancet, Loud., 1888, ii, 193— Werth (Ueber den) der Nahrungsntittel-Extracte mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Suppen-Extracte der Fabrik Ig. Eisler Sc Breden in Inzersdorf bei Wien. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1875, xx, 330; 339.—Wightwick (F. P.) Canned vegetables and lead poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1888. ii, 1121. Also: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1889, xlviii [xlvii], 172.—Wigner (G. W.) Report on an analysis of various tinned food products. Analyst, Lond., 1880, v, 99; 126. -----. Note on an old tin of preserved meat. Ibid., 197.—Wohlfarth (L. A.) Canned fruits. Med. Index, Kansas City, 1885, vi, 106. Camiegieter (Joannes Jacobus). *De farina et pauc. 2 p. 1., *8 pp., 4 1. 8°^ Groningie, R. J. Schierbeck, 1809. [P., v. 1955; 2069.] Ca liner* (Diseases of). Gerbaud. La maladie des Cannes, dermatose ties ouvriers cannissiers (observations et experiences). Mont- pel. med., 1885, 2. s., v, 171; 228. Cannes. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities; Sewage (Disposal of ), [etc.]; Small- pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Blanc (H.) Advice to intending visitors to Cannes. 12°. London, 1893. Bernard. Notice mddicale sur le climat de Cannes. 16°. Cannes, [1880]. Repr. from.- Guide de l'etranger k Cannes. Cannes; lettres d'une jeune femme. 8 . Cannes, 1865. Cazalis (J.) Etude sur le climat de Cannes. 8°. Paris, 1880. Galton (D.) Keport on the works of sewer- age and drainage proposed for the town of Cannes, France (Alpes-Maritimes). 8-1. Lon- don, 1883. Marcet (W.) On the Mediterranean coast of the south of France in its medical aspect, with a report of meteorological observations made at Cannes, from November 1, 1874, to April 30, 1875. 8°. London, 1876. -----. On the weatber at Cannes during the season 1875-6; a report of meteorological obser- vations made at Cannes, from November 1, 1875, "to April 30, 1876; with remarks. *^. London, 1877. Bernard. Constitution niedicale de Cannes. Mede- cin, Par., 1883, ix, no. (i.—Continental winter resorts; Cannes. Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1897, n. s.. lxiii, 227.— DryMdale (A.) Climate of Cannes. N. Am. J. Homoeop., N. Y.. 1.-8*. 3. s., iii, 225-231. — I>iichansnoy. La saison d'iiiver a Cannes. Lull. Soc.de med. prat, de Par. (1878), 1879, 135-137.— Oalton (D.) Mortality of the town of Cannes. Lancet. LontL, 1883, i, 925.— Orefoner. Cannes, ein Winterciirort fiir Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz.. 1896, n. F„ xiii. 284-288. Also: St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr.. 1895, n. F., xii, 305-309. — Ilerard. Sur un tra- vail de M. le Dr. de Valcourt intitul6: Les bains de uier a Cannes pendant l'hiver et notamment dans la saison 1894- 1895. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxv, 166-168. —Sybrandi (N. L>.) De winter van 1867-8 m het zuiden van Frankrijk, inzonderheid te Cannes. Ne- derl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, ii, 447-468. Also, Reprint.— 'Williams (C. J. B.) On the improved sani- tation of Cannes. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 883. CANNES. 146 CANTADOR. Cannes; lettres d'une jeune femme. [Quelques mots d'explication par A. Mace.] 6* pp. 8C. Cannes, F. Robaudi, 1865. C'aiiliey (H. E. Leigh). The winter meteorology of Egypt and its influence on disease. Two papers read before the Royal Meteorological So- ciety of England (December, 1896) and the Xllth International Congress of Medicine, at Moscow (August, 1897). vi. 72 pp., 4 pi. 8'~. London, Bailliere, Tindall fy Cox, 1897. Cannibalism. See Anthropophagy. ('minion (Jean-Marie-Andre") [1863- ]. *Ee- cberches sur le nerf auditif, ses rameaux et ses ganglions. 74 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lille, 1894, No. 45. Facnlt6 de m6decine et de pharmacie de Bordeaux. CanniII (William) [1830- ]. The medical profession in Upper Canada, 1783-1850. An his- torical narrative, with original documents re- lating to the profession, including some brief biographies, xtt; 688 pp., 1 pi., 20 port. 8°. Toronto, TV. Briggs, 1894. Cannington. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by local- it ia. C'aiilliot (Eugene) [1863- ]. *De la resec- tion du bord inferieur du thorax pour aborder la face convexe du foie. 48 pp. 4C. Paris, 1891, No* 101. -----. The same. 48 pp. 8C. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1891. Cannstatt. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Cnnonbio (Alessandro). II successo della peste occorsa in Padova 1' anno m.d.lxxvi, scritta, et veduta per ... 3 p. ]., 35 ff. 12°. Venetia, P. Megietti, 1577. Canobbio (Gio. Batista). * Saggio sulla na- tura degli acidi e sulle loro proprieta in generale, presentato alia Scuola di farmacia della reale Universita di Genova. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Genova, G. Grarier, 1815. ------. Memoria sopra il solfato di magnesia, che trovasi cristallizzato, in incrostazione, ed efflore- -cente, fra i villaggi di Groguardo e Morbello, nella provincia d'Acqui. 30 pp. 12°. Genova, G. Grader, 1816. ------. Topografia fisica della citta e dei con- torui di Genova. iv, 176 pp., 2 1. 8C. Genova, Ponthenier e F., 1840. Canolle (Leon) [1854- ]. * De l'avortement criniinel a Karikal (Inde francaise). 40 pp. 4° Paris, 1881, No. 301. Canonhei'ius ( Petrus Andreas). Iu septem aphorisinorum Hippocratis libros, medicse, poli- tical morales, ac theological interpretationes. 2 v. 11 p. 1., 843 pp.; 3 p. 1., 725 pp. 4-. Ant- rerpite, apud P. *. Canstatt (Carl Friedrich) [1807-50]. Memoire et observations sur la cause qui cutretient l'oph. thalmie militaire dans l'arnice beige. 17 pp. >. Bruxelles, 1834. Repr. from: Bull. m6d. beige, Brux., 1834, i. ------. Memoire ophthalmo-pathologique sur lea obscurcissemens du fond de l'ceil. 36 pp. 8C. Bruxelles, P.-J. Voglet, l8:'>r>. ------. Haudbuch der niedicinischeu Klinik. Die specielle Pathologie uud Therapie vom kli- nischen Standpunkte aus bcarbeitet. 3 v. in 5 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1841-7. ------. The same. 4 v. in 6. «°. Erlangen, /'. Enke, 1843-7. ------. The same. 2. vermehrteAufl. 4 v. [And:] Supplement-Band zur ersteu und zweiten Anfl., von E. H. Henoch. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1843-54. ------. The same. 3. giinzlich umgearbeitete Anfl. von E. H. Henoch. 2 v. xii, 828 pp.; 716 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1854-5. ------. The same. De bijzondere ziekte- en ge- nezingsleer uit een kliuisch standpuut bewerkt; uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door H. H. Hage- mau, jr. 1. d., & 2. d., 1. afd. xii, 343 pp.; vi, 646 pp. 8°. Utrecht $• Amsterdam, C. van der Post, jr., 70- ]. *Des resultats 61oignes du traitement de certains fibromes ute"- rius par les crayons au chlorure de zinc. 74 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1896, No. 1167. Cantele (Antonio). Padova di fronte all' igiene. 91 pp. 12°. Padova, F. Salmin, 1891. Cantelli. Desarticolazione medio-tarsea col metodo dello Chopart modificato. 21 pp. 8°. Roma, C. Voghera, 18KI. Repr. from: Gior. di med. mil., Koma, 1883, xxxi. Cantera (Sebastiano). Saggio su le malattie di quest'anno 1764,con un trattato del balsamo sala- zarino. Si agginugne 1' opuscolo del Boyer in- torno al metodo da seguirsi nella cura di varie in- fermitaepideuiicbe, che per lo piu regnar sogliouo nella generality di Parigi. Tradotto dalfraucese. 3 p. 1., 74, 33pp. 8°. Napoli, G. Raimondi, 1764. Canterbury. See, also, Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of'); Small- pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Alford Canterbury Poor Relief Association in union with the Kent Mendicity Society. Re- ports for the years 1878-9 to 1882-3. 8°. Can- terbury, 1879-83. CANTERBURY. 148 (ANTHAKIDKs. Canterbury (Province of). Report on the geo- logical survey of the province of Canterbury. By Julius Haast, provincial geologist for the year 1863. 31 pp. fol. Christchurch, "Press" 'Office, 1864. [P., v. 1293.] Canterbury Dispensary. Annual reports of committee of management to the subscribers. 45.-48., 1880-83; 50., 1885; 56., 1891; 58.-60., 1893-5. 8°. Canterbury, 1881-96. Instituted 1836. Cantharides and derivatives. See, also, Blisters. Audouin (V.) Recherches pour servir a Fhis- toire natnrelle des cantharides. Lues a l'Aca- d6niie des sciences le 3 septembre 1826. 8 . Paris, 1826. Repr. from: Ann.d. sc. nat, Par., 1826, ix. Berset (F. P. ) * De cantharidibus. 12°. (Eniponti, [1771]. Berthoid (P.) * [Etude de la cantharide officinale.] 4°. Paris, 1856. Brentano (P.) Commentario alia materia medica pura di cantharis vesicatoria. 8°. Roma, 1861. Canella (F. ) L' azione delle cantaridi di- mostrata. Due osservazioni in forma epistolare. 8°. Venezia, 1843. Repr. from: Gior. per serv. ai prqgr. d. patol., "Venezia. Champy (E.) * Sur I'usage interne et externe descantharidesenme'deeine. 4 . Strasbourg, 1809. Eliaschofp (Ida). * Ueber die Wirkung des Cantharidins auf die Nieren. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1883. Forsten(R.) *Diss. cantharidum historiam naturalein, cbemicam et medicam exhibens. 4 . Lugd. Bat., [1775]. -----. The same. 4'-'. Lugd. Bat., 1775. -----. The same. Ed. altera. 12°. Argen- torati, 1776. Geyer (J. D.) Tractatus physico-medicus de cantharidibus ad meutem S. R. J. naturae cu- riosorum horis conscribtus subcisivus. sm. 4°. Lipsias if Francofurti, 1687. Groenevelt (J.) De tuto cantharidum in medicina usu interno. 12°. Londini, 1698. -----. The same. A treatise of the safe internal use of cantharides in the practice of physick, written a few years since iu Latin, now translated into English by John Marten; to which are added several further and very re- markable observations and histories of the said doctor, also of the translator aud others con- cerning the safe, prevalent, effectual, and won- derful virtues of cantharides internally admin- istered iu divers difficult and deplorable dis- tempers, as ulcers of tbe kidneys and bladder, stone, gravel, strangury, dropsies, and some particular venereal cases, most clearly evincing that without them those diseases can never be cured. As also an anatomical and clinical ac- count of that insect, with some very curious observations relating thereto, made by the fire and microscope. Likewise a letter to the doc- tor of tbe effect of cantharides in the gout, to which is subjoined a true history of that cruel disease, and how far cantharides contributes towards its cure. 12°. London, 1706. Klippel ( N.) * Sur Paction et l'emploi des cantharides. 4°. Strasbourg, 1807. Lacomme ( J.) * Vesication cantharidine et cautharidate. 4C. Lyon, 1894. Prasca (J.) *De cantharidum actione et usu. 4°. Genua:, 1810. Qiteuche (J.-J.) *Sur les cantharides. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Steidel (P.) *Ueber die innere Anwendung der Canthariden. (Eine historische Studie.) *°. Berlin, [1891]. Cantharides and dee i eat ires. Wernhkr (C.) * Untersnchungen iilier den Einfluss des Cantharidin auf thierisclie (Jewebc und den Organismus. 4°. Giessen, 18C0. Alpago-Novello (L.) Le iniezioni di cantaridinatu di potassa producono una reaziono generale? Riv. vincta di sc. metl., Venezia, 1891, xiv, 530-533. — Bni'iniicn (J. S.) Existencia de la cantaridina en un insecto nue vive en las inmediaciones de Lima, pt-rteiieciente k la fa milia de los coleopteros. Gac. nietl.. Lima, 1876, ii 220 223— Beauregard (H.) Qnelques observations sur lea moeurs et le d6vcloppement de la cantharide (cantharis vesicatoria). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884,8.s.,i pt 2,485-487. -----. Note sur le developpement du pri'iii'-m,', vesicant cbez la cantharide. Ibid., 509. ____-. Sur ib d6veloppement naturel de la cantharide. Compt. rentl Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, c, 1472-1475. -----. Koto'snr le mode de d6veloppement naturel de la cantharide. Compt rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 383.— Bclky (J.j Cantharidin a vizeletben. [Cantharidin in tho urine.] KB. zeg. 6s T6rv6ny. Orvos., Budapest, 1880, 61-64. — Kriiiii (E. T.) Experimental use of cantharides as a diuretic Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 275-277.—Cassaet (E.) De Taction do la teinture de cantharides. Comiit. rentl Soc de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 603-600.—Cassine. Le l'em- ploi du v6sicatoire cantharide. Eev. prat. tl. trav. de med Par., 1896, liii, 339. — Deroto (L.) Sull' azione della can- taridina. Boll. d. r. Accatl. di Genova, 1891, vi, 121-126.— Du Cazal. Teinture de cantharides et albuminuric Gaz. hebd. tit- metl.. Par., 1895, xiii, 508-511. — Fianki-I (B.) Weitere Mittheilung iiber tlie Wirkung des cauthari- diusauren Salzes. Wien. med. BL, 1891, xiv, 150.—Gin. eeot. Peut-on rendre inoffensive la vesication cantliari- dienne? Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1896.x 481.—Criittiier. Einiges iiber die Wirkung der cantha' ridinsauren Salze. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891 xxxviii, 488-490.— IIeryng(T.) Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung der cantharidinsauren Salze. Therap. Monatsh.,Berl.,1891 v, 557-561.—Hi-ymaiiii (P.) Demoiistrationen znrWir- kung des cantharidinsauren Kali. Ber!. klin. Wchnschr 1891, xxviii, 243-250. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1891^ xiv, 149.—JTousscl (P.) La cantharide. Art metl.,'Par.' 1897, Ixxxv, 161-180. -----. Experiences de la cantharide sur des lapins. Ibid., 180-1S7.— Kahn (M.) Ueber die Wirkung ties Cantharidins. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1892, vi, 235-239.—Lnngowoi (A.) Ueber die Alterationen des Gefasssystenis und tier inneren Oriiane in Folge von Cantharidin. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1884, ii, 437-440.— Lettera del dott. Luigi Toti. . . al chiariss. sig. dott. ja- copo Panzani, relativamente ad ulteriori sperimenti sopra T efficacia delle cantaridi per 1' uso iuterno. Gior. per serv. a. storia rag. d. med., "Venezia, 1798, xi, pt. med., 152-157.— Ijicbreicli (O.) Die Wirkung der cantharidinsauren Salze. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, 169-176. Also, transl: Rev. scient., Par., 1891, xlviii, 14-19. _____. Ueber die Wirkung der cantharidinsauren Salze; eine pharma- kologische Mittheilung. Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1891), 1892, xxii, pt. 2, 7-21. [Discussion], pt. 1, 146-159. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 145-149. ____. Bemerkungen iiber die Wirkung der cantharidiiisauren Salze. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1892, vi, -94-298.—I,n- bliuslii(W.) Ueber die theiapcutische Wirksamkeit der cantharidinsauren Salze. Ibid., 1891, v, 289-243.— Pauliicci (F.) Dell' uso in medicina delle cantaridi me- dicinali. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1882, 4. s., xviii, 77; 140.—Rrmoiiriino (P. C.) Cantharidal blisters; their past and present status as a remedy. J. Pract. M., X. T., 1895-6, vi, 465-471.—Kosenbacli (O.) Bewirkt die In- jection von cantharidinsauren Sal/.en Fieber? Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 524-526.— Tichomi- row (W.) Die spectroscopischen Kicenscliaften tier Can- thariden und ihrer/Priiparate. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1884, xxiii, 637; 649.—Zch (A.) Cantharidin, and its effects upon tubercular lung disease, as illustrated by cases from the medical clinic of the Xew Fork Post- Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Merck's Bull., N. T., 1892, v, 471-479. Cantharides (Accidents from and toxi- cology of). Galipi»e (L.-M.-V.) Etude toxicologique snr l'empoisoniH-ment par la cantharidine et par les preparations cautbaridiennes. 8o. Parts, 1876. Lahousse ( E. ) Recherches experimentales sur les lesions histologiques du rein produites par la cantharidine, sui vies de considerations sur divers symptdmesde l'albuminurie chez l'homme. 8°. Bruxelles, 1883. Miviellk ( J. ) * Sur les dangers du v6sica- toire a la cantharide. 4°. Paris, 1896. Nicolas (A.) * Sur la n6phrite c'antharidienne. 4°. Paris, 1881. C AS TH ABIDES. 149 OA'JNTON. Cantharides (Accidents from and toxi- cology of). Kei'et (E.) "Contribution a l'6tude de l'al- bumiuurie cantharidienne. 4L. Paris, 1881. EiUES (J.) * Du vesicatoiro cantharide et des pr6ventifs du cantharidisme reno-vesieal. 4°. Paris, 1881. Aufrecht. Das rtinde Magengeschwiir in Folge sub- cutaner Cautharidin-Einspritzungen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1882, xx, 545-547. -----. Die Schrumpf- mere nach Cantharidiu. Ibid., 849-854. -----. Die Ne- phritis nach Cantharidin. In his: Path. Mitteilungen, 8°, Magdeb., 1883, 2. Hft., 19-33.—Batt (W.) Memoria sugli ertetti d' una dose straordinaria di cantarelle. Mem. d. Soc. metl. di emulaz. di Genova, 1803', ii, pt. 1, 23-34. — Beck (C ) Poisoning with cantharides. N. Am. Pract., Chica- go. 1891, iii, 522-526. — Bressler (F. C.) Toxic effects following the application of emplastrum cantbaridis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1890, 3. s., vi, 450. — Cabrol (B ) Einendicato a quadam striga auxilio adversus febrem quartanam in satvriasim incidit a?ger, a qua mors brevi subsecutaest. Iii: Colleg. anat., 4°, Francof., 1668, [Obs. varia1], 9. Also, transl. in: Grimaud de Caux Sc Martin Saint-Ange. Physiol, de l'espece, 4°, Par., 1847, 289.—Ca- rougeau. Nephrite cantharidienne chez un cheval. J. tie med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1897, 5. s., i, 449-453.— Clarke (T. F.) Symptoms of cantharides poisoning during its internal administration. Lancet, Lond., 1881. i, 499.—Coiubeniale. Breves recherches experimentales sur la cantharidine et observation d'intoxication 16gere par ret alcaloitle. Rev. internat. de m£d. et de chir., Par., 1897, viii, 21-25.—Coiuby (J.) Sc Frcnkel. Dangers du v6si- catoire chez l'enfant; pseudo-meuingite cantharidienne chez un gar§on de quatre ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. ni6d. d. hop. dePar., 1896,3.8., xiii, 757-760.—C'oruil & Toupet. Sar la karyokinese des cellules epitheliales et de l'endo- theliumvasculairedu rein observ6edans l'empoisonnenient par la cantharidine Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.,Par., 1887, civ, 1875-1877. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1887, 3. s., x, 71-75, 1 pi.—Corradi (A.) Tossicolo- gia in re venerea. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1875, ccxxxi,433-50L—Eliaschoff (Ida). Ueber die Wirkung des Cantharidins auf die Nieren. Arch. f. path. Anat., [etc.], Berl., 1883, xciv, 323-342.—Fabre (P.) Ingestion de cantharides pulv6risees; hematurie; cystite; absence de priapisnie; guerison en quatre jours. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 546.—Girai-d (A.) Les experts pies les tribunaux; l'empoisonnement par la cantharide. J. de metl. de Par.. 1896, 2. s., viii, 529. — Ouarnieri (G.) & Agostinelli ( R.) Sull' avvelenamento per cantarido. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1884-5, viii, 307-319.—Bar- ris (G. F. A.) Poisoning by eating a Spanish-flv blister. Indian M. J.. Calcutta, 1885, "iv, 671-673.—Kempf (E. J.) &, iUueller (F. M.) A case of poisoning from cantharis vesicatoria. Am. Pract. ! Repr. from: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y. 1895 xiii. *' ' Cantu. Sec Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by ,0- calities. Cailtll ( Giovanni Laurent.) Saggio chimico- medico sull' acqua solfureo-salina
  • \ Traj. ad Rhenum, 1850. Galaxte (H.) Applications medico-chirurgi- cales du caoutchouc vulcanise dans l'ctat actuel de hi science. 8°. Paris, 1807. Mokellet(Fn) *Le caoutchouch,origines bo- taniqnes, proe^des de r^colte. 4°. Paris, 1884. Bnrtlett ("W. R.) On the manufacture of India rub- ber gootls as related to the health of tbe operatives. Rep. Bd. Health Connect., Hartford, 1880, iii, 31-36—Bandri- inont (E.) Des alterations que les tubes en caoutchouc subissent dans les teintures d'iode. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1872, 508-516. — Bulowsky ( A. ) Ueber die schadlichen Bestandtheilt- derjenigeii Gummisacheu, mit denen Kinder verschiedeneu Alters in Beriiliriing kommen. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1892, xv, 125-140. Cap (P[aul]-A[ntoine]) [1788-1877]. Principes elementaires de pharmaceutique, ou exposition du systeme des connaissances relatives a l'art du pharmacieu. xvi, 431pp., 3 tab. 8J. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1837. -----. Biographie pharmaceutique. Moise Cha- ras. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, Fain if Thunot, [1840]. j [P., v. 1737.] Repr. from: J. de pharm.. Par., 1840, xxvi. -----. Pierre Belou. naturaliste du xvie siecle. Notice historique. 14 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Thu- not f Cie., 1851.] [P., v. 1743.] Repr. from: J. tie pharm. et chim., Par., 1851, 3. s., xx. -----. Memoire snr la glycerine et ses applica- tions aux diverses branches de l'art medical. 13 pp. 8-. Paris, V. Masson, 1854. [P., v. 1740; 1770.] Repr. from.- J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1854, 3. s., xxv. -----. Eohert Boyle, fitude biographique. 39 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Thunot ,,- Cie., 1*36.] [P., v. 1800.] Repr. from: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1856,3. s., xxx. -----. Philibert Commerson, naturaliste, voya- geur. fitude biographique suivie d'un appen- dice. 197 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, V. Masson &• fils, 1861. -----. Un apothicaire beige au xvie siecle: Pierre Coudenberg. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thu- not $ Cie., 1862. Repr. from: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1861, 3. s., xl. -----. Scheele, chimiste sue"dois. Etude bio- graphique, 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, V. Masson ffils, 1863. [P., v. 1707.] Repr. from: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1863, 3. s., xliii. -----. Camille Montagne, botaniste, ancien chi- rurgien en chef d'arniee. viii, 98 pp., port. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere \ [Paris, E. Thunot f Cie., 1854.] [P., v. 1770.] Repr. from: ,T. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1854, 3. s., xxvi. ------&. Henry. Recherches sur les lactates, et sur l'6tat de l'ure'e dans Purine de l'homme et de quelques animaux. 15 pp. 8°. [Paris, imp. de Fain, 1839.] [P., v. 1687.] liepr.from: J. de pharm.. Par., 1839, 2. s., xxv. Capaccini (C.) Kisposte ai trenta quesiti per 1' esame di assistente farmacista con trenta ta- volesinottiche. Compilatiacuradi . . . 236 pp. fol. Roma, 1888. Capacis (Joannes Anastasiades Panama) [1832- ]. *De typho seu febri typhoide. 19 pp. 4°. Berolini, frat. Schlesinger, 1853. Capadosc (Abraham) jr. * De foetu intra t'n- tum. 1 p. 1., 112 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apud rid. M. Cyfreer, 1818. [P., v. 2072.] ------. Bijdrage tot de bestrijdiug der vaccine. Andwoord op den voorloopigen brief van F. van der Breggen. 38 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, C. G. Sulpke, 1823. ------. Conunentatio medica, de ultima ratfione unionis principiorum partium organicarnm; an ex doctrina mechauica sive dynamica sit expli- canda ? In: Orationes vir. in med. [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1841, 1-47. See, also, van der Breggen (F.) Voorloopige brief aan den schrijver van tie bestrijding der vaccine [etc.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1823.—van Dorp (J. P.) De vaccine verdedigd [etc.]. 8°. Utrecht it: Tiel, 1824.—van Ile lin- den (A. J. M.) Verdediging der vaccine [etc.]. 8°. te Breda, 1824.—Ontyd (C. G.) De waarde der koepok-iu- enting [etc.]. 8D. 's Gravenhage, 1824.—Voorloopige aaumerkingen [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. te Amsterdam, 1823. Capadose (Abrahamus) sr. * De mensium tardatione. 19 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat.. T. Haak, 1767. Capadose (Immanuel). * Spec. med. sistens urinse nosologiam. 3 p. 1., 53 pp., 1 1. 4C. Lugd. Bat., T. Haak, 1770. [P., v. 1923.] Capanni (Valerio). Cenni sul clima di Marola desunti da un quinquennio d' osservazioni fiitte dal Prof. ... 23 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Modena, G. T. Vincenzi e Xipoti, 1887. Repr. from: Atti d. Soc. di nat. d. Modena, 1887, 3. «., vi. Caparros (Eduardo Lozano). See Lozano Ca- parros (Eduardo). Capart (A.) De l'hypertrophie des amygdalcs. De la laryngo-trache'ite consecutive. 24 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceanx, 1881. See, also, Michel (C.) [in l.s.j. Traite des maladies des fosses nasales. 8°. Bruxelles, 1879. a Capaulis (Hercules). * De melancholia liy- pochondriaca. 7 1. 4C. Lugd. Bat., ex of. /'. <> pp., 8 1. 8°. Robben Island, at the asylum, 1869. Cape of Good Hope Association for Explor- ing Central Africa. Catalogue of the South- African Museum, the property of a society en- titled "The Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring-Central Africa". 22 pp., 1 1. 8Q. [London], Whiting, 1838. [P., v. 324.] Cape Ulay. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Iry localities. tlecrav (J.) The sewerage system of Cape May. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 593. Cape Tow n. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities. Cape Town, South Africa; a surgeon's summer hol- iday. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 281; 359; 414; 443: Cape Verde Islands. Sec Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. C'apeder (Christian Joh.) * Zur Casuistik der Diplacusis binauralis. [Basel.] 35 pp. 8°. Basel, 1895. Capela (G[uillaume]-Louis) [1870- ]. *Traite- nient de la nevralgie rebelle de la deuxieme branche du nerf trijumeau par la neurectomie centrale. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 373. de Capella (Michael). See IVicolaus Praepositus Salernitanus [in 1. s. ]. llispensarium ad aromatarios [etc.]. 4°. Lugduni, 1537. Capelle (Bernhardus Christianus). *De mam- marum inflammatione. 71. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud vid. $■ hasredes J. Elsevirii, 1670. [P., v. 1949.] Capelle (Carl). * Ueber deu Eiufluss freier Sa'uren auf die Reaktion zwischen Ferrisalzen und Jodkalium. 26 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp jr., 1896. van de Capelle (Jozias Dibbetius). * Speci- men jundicum de tortura reorum. 34 pp., 1 1. 4-. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, [1723]. [P., v. 984.] Capelle (Paul) [1855- ]. * Contribution a l'etude dc l'iutoxication saturnine. De l'ab- sorption cutanee du plomb et dc ses composes com rue cause de l'intoxication saturnine chro- nique. 66 pp. 4C. Paris, 1883, No. 270. Capellinann (C[arl Franz Mtolaus]) [l*.||_ ]. Facultative Sterilitiit ohne Ycrletzun" der Sittengesetze. 21 pp. 8C. Aachen, R Barth, 1884. -----. Mariaberg. 50 pp. 8°. Aachen, R Barth, 1895. See, also, Otlo (H.) [ini. s.]. Kiinstliche Dnfrucht- barkeit [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig <& Neuwied, 1884. -----. The same. 8°. Berlin, 1885. Capello (Francesco). Epilogo dei maraviglosi, ed esperimentati autidoti coutro la peste tanto preservative quanto curativi per beneticio uni- versale. Raccolti dalla dottrina, ed esperienza di molti gravi autori. Secouda impressionu. 95 pp. 24°. Genova, per A. Scionico, 1721. Capello (Giovanni Battista). Lessico famia- ceutico-chiniico, contenente li rimedj piii usati d'oggidl. 9. ed., riveduta e accresciuta da Lo- renzo Capello. xviii, 293 pp. 4°. Venezia, A. Graziosi, 1769. -----. The same. Undecima impressione rive- duta, accresciuta e da molti errori emendata da Lorenzo Capello. 283 pp. 4°. Venezia, P. Sarioni, 1792. Capello (Lorenzo). See Capello (Giovanni Battista). Lessico farruaceu- tico-chimico [etc.]. 4°. Venezia, 1769. -----. The same. Venezia, 1792. Capellutus (Rolandus). See Roland of Parma [in 1. s.]. Capen (Nahum). Reminiscences of Dr. Spurz- ht-ini and George Combe, and a review of the science of phrenology, from the period of its discovery by Dr. Gall to the time of the visit of George Combe to the United States, 1838, 1840. xvi, 262 pp., port. 16°. New York, Fowler cj- Wells; Boston, A. Williams f Co., 1881. See, also, Spurzheim (J. G.) [ini. s.]. Phrenology [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1833. Capem (Thomas). Pain of body and mind re- lieved by mesmerism. A record of mesmeric facts. 2. ed. 34 pp. 8°. London, Baillib-e, 18.61. Capet (Hugo). *An hydropi, vena? sectio? Prseses: Natalus Maria de Geoigland. 4 pp. 4°. Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1747. See, also, I^e ITloine (F. M.) * Qusestio medica. An recans nato [etc.]. 4°. Parisiis, 1767. Capillaries. Black (J.) A short inquiry into the capillary circulation of the blood; with a comparative view on the more intimate nature of inflamma- tion ; and an introductory essay [ with notes and additional observations]. 8°. London, 1823. Diktelmair ( M. ) * De inflexionibus arte- riarum capreolaribus. 4°. Altorfii, [1772]. Froeling (A. G.) *De retibus mirabilibus. 8°. Berolini, 1842. Goluijei'f (A.) * Material! dlya anatomii, fiziologii i istorii razvitiya volosnlkh sosutlov. [Data on the anatomy, physiology, and develop- ment of capillary vessels.] 8°. Sanktpeterbnrg, 1868. Koch (H.) *De pareuchymatc ct vasorum capillarium systemate. 8°. Rostochii, 1833. Natanson (G.) * Ueber das Verhalten des Blutdruckes iu den Capillaren nach Massenum- schnlirungen. 8°. Ebnigsberg i. Pr., [18Ki]. Auerbacb (L.) Ueberden Bau der Lymph- unit lilut Capillaren. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. I8ii.">. iii, 177 - 179. Also. Keprint. -----. Ueber die feint-re Structur der Saugadern uud der Blut-Capillaren Jahresb d. sctales. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Knit., Bresl.. I860, xliii, 142.— Itobi ilzky (C.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Capillar- tiefiisse. Centralbl. t'. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 188^ xxiii, 769-771.—Bonrgerey (J.-M.) Memoire sur It sys- teme capillaire circulatoire tlit iuterm6diaire ties arteres aux veines (extrait par l'auteur). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1848, xxvii, 2C1-2C4. -----. Deuxieme memoir* sur l'appareil capillaire circulatoire (extrait par 1'auteiir). Ibid., 378-380.—Br 11 uton (T. L.) On rhythmic con CAPILLARIES. 153 OAl'OA. Capillaries. traction of the capillaries in man. J. Physiol., Lond., 1884-5 v, 14-16— Bnrdarli. Ueber die Haargefasse, mit Hinsicht auf tlie Lieberkiihuschen Praparate in St. Petersburg. Russ. Samml. f. Naturw. u. Heilk.. Riga u. Leipz., 1817, ii, 400-433.—Campbell (H.) On the re- sistance offered bv the blood capillaries to the circulation. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 594-596. Also [Abstr.]-. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1S95. ii, 1287.—Engenio (G.) Del modo di ter minazione di arteriee nervi in alcune regioni. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1882, Modena, 1883, x. 427-429 — Fick (A.) Ueber deu lhuck in den Blutkapillaren. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1888, xiii. 482-488.—Gad (J.) Ueber den Druck in den Blutcapillareii. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz.u. Wien, 1887-8. i, 33-39.—Gerard (G.) Les canaux auastomotiques art6rio-veineux chez Thornine et le singe. Arch. d. sc. m6d. . . . de Bucarest. Par., 1896, i, 455-471.—Ilallion (L.) Sc Comic (C.) Recher- ches sur la circulation capillaire chez l'homme k 1'aitle d'un nouvel appareil plethvsniographique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1894, 5. s., vi, 381-390.— Jones (T. "W".) Dilatation of the calibre of small arte- ries. Is it a fact in nature, disclosed by "experimental research'', that dilatation of the calibre of small arteries is primary and owing to an active expansion of their walls under the influence of special vaso-dilator nerves ? Lancet, Loud,, 1884. ii, 864-866.—Kerr (W. W.) Capillary circulation and stasis. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1882, xi, 486; 534.—von Kries (J.) Ueber einige Beobachtungen mit dem Capillarelektrometer. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1895, 130-141, 2 pi.—Oliver (J.) Cerebrospinal white line. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 541.—Pitcain ( A.) Dis- sertatio de circulationo sanguinis per vasa minima. In his: Opnsc. med., 4°, Roterod., 1714,15-36.—Reliant (J.) Note sur la forme de 1'endothelium des arterioles, des veinules et des capillaires sanguins. Trav. du lab. d'auat. gen. et d'histol.. Par.. 1882, 64-60.—School (J.) Ueber Wundernetze und divertikelbildende Capillaren bei nak- ten Antphibien und in pathologischen Xeoplasmen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. 1885, xxv, 89-96, 1 pi.—Stefani (A.) Come si nioditica la capacitii dei diversi territori vascolari col motliflcarsi della pressione. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1892-3, 7. a., iv, 1141-1190. CapiQlaries (Pathology of). Wise (T. A.) Observations on some diseases of tbe vascular system. Essay I. Disease of veins. Essay II. Disease of capillaries. 8°. Calcutta, 1831. Rroadbent. Peculiar disturbance of the capillary circulation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 774. Capillary circulation. See Blood (Circulation of); Capillaries. Capillery (Charles) [1869- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'ltude du traitement chirurgical rachi- tlieu du mal vertebral de Pott. 1 p. 1., 80 pp. 4:. Lyon, 1892, No. 682. Capiomont (Philippe). * Dissertation sur la jauuisse. 17 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an XL [1803], Xo. 87. Capitaine (Hyacinthe). *De Taction de plu- sieurs corps simples sur les chlorures de mer- cure ; observations sur les rapports qui existent entre Farsenic et l'antimoine. 54 pp. 4°. Pa- ris. Fain °. Francofurti, imp. H. Osthausii junioris, 1593. Bound with .- Cardanus (H.) De methodo medendi [etc.]. 24°. Parisiis, 1565. -----. Practica medicina seu methodus cogno- scendorum et curandorum omnium humani cor- poris affectuum. Nunc vero recens elimata, librisque septem et capitibus interstincta, studio ct opera Joh. Hartmanni. 7 p. 1., 1090 pp., 141. 4 \ Francofurti, sumt. P. Fischeri, 1 T>94. -----. The same. Medicina practica, sive me- thodus cognoscendornin,et curandorum omnium corporis humani affectuum; nunc denuo edita, et in multis juxta germanas auctoris lectioues, ct potissimuin circa febres adaucta, atque onnii diligentia absoluta. Cui adjecta sunt et re- liqua, quae adhuc extant, ejusdem excellentis- simi viri opera omnia. 1 p. 1., 175 ff.; 310 pp. fol. Venetiis, apud hwred. M. Sessm, 1598. -----. Opera omnia, quinque sectionibus com- prehensa : quarum prima, pbysiologica, secunda, pathologica, tertia, therapeutica, quarta, mista, quinta, extranea. Hac sexta, et novissima edi- tione ejusdem auctoris consilia jam diu deside- rata, ac alia plurima, typis hactenus noudum in lucem edita, nunc autem castigatissima in publicum, ad omnium studiosorum utilitatem, probata. 14 p. 1., 910 pp. fol. Venetiis, apud Sessas, 1617. See, also, IVIarquardus (J.) Practica theorica em- pirica morborum interiorum. 16°. Spirce Nemetilm, 1591. — ITIunster (J.) [in 1. s.]. Discussio [etc. I. 12°. Francofurti, 1603. — Sbriithius (J.) [in 1. s. ]. Ars sphygmica seu pulsuum doctrina [etc.]. 12°. Basileat, 1602. C ap 1 i ck (Lud wig) [ 1855 - ]. * Ueber Dia- betes mellitus. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Eiel, C. F. Mohr, 1882. Caplin (J[ean Francois Isidore]). Four lect- ures on the causes and nature of the deformities of the spine, and the rational means of curing tbis disorder. 8, 8, 8, 8 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, [1851]. -----. The origin and use of the electro-chemi- cal bath for the extraction of mercury and other metallic substances from the human body, and its curative agency in other diseases. 8 pp. 8°. London, W. Freeman, 1856. [P., v. 885.] -----. Documents et lettres autographes rela- tives aux gu6risons operees par les bains electro- chimiqucs. 64 pp. 8°. Londres, H. Bailliere; Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1864. Caplin (Madame Roxcy A.) Health and beauty; or, corsets and clothing constructed in accord- ance yvith the physiological laws of the human body, xii, 83 pp., 9 pi. 8°. London, Darton «>■ Co., [1856]. Capmas (Albert). *Pathogenie des osteomes musculaircs. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1896, 2. s., No. 5. di Capoa (Leonardo) [1617-95]. Parere del signor . . . divisato in otto ragionamenti, nel quali partitamente narrandosi 1' origine, e " progresso della medicina, chiaramente 1' incer- CAPOA. 154 CAPPELLETTI. di Capoa (Leonardo)—continued. tezza della medicina si fa manifesta. 3 p. 1., 658 pp., 11 1. 4°. Napoli, A. Bulifon, 1681. -----. The same. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., 431 pp., 4 1. 4 . Napoli, G. Raillard, 16?9. ------. The same. 3. impressione. 3 p. 1., 304 pp., 4 1. 4°. Napoli, G. Raillard, 1695. ------. Lezioni intorno alia natura delle mofete. 7 p. 1., 179 pp., 8 1. 4°. Xapoli, per S. Castaldo, 1683. ------. The uncertainty of the art of physick, together with an account of the innumerable abuses practised by the professors of that art. Clearly manifested by a particular relation of the original and progress thereof. Also divers contests between the Greeks and Arabians con- cerning its authors. Written in Italian by the famous . . . and made English by J. L. Green. 3 p. 1., 102 pp. 16°. London, T. Mal thus, 1684. ------. Ragionamenti alia incertezza de' medi- camenti. 2 p. 1., 67 pp., 2 1. 4°. Xapoli, G. Raillard, 1695. Bound with his: Parere [etc.]. 4°. Napoli, 1695. Capon (Zenou). * Contribution a l'e'tude des retinites syphilitiques et en particulier de la r6tinite p^rimaculaire. 41 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1-83. Capon Springs and Baths, Hampshire Co., W. Va. [Nine circulars.] 8°. Philadelphia if Bal- timore, 1872-85. Capoiiizer. Sevbold (H. M.) Caponizer. No. 539309 ; May 14, 1895. Caponotto (Amadeo). Rendiconto clinico della seziont- chirurgica diretta dall dott. G. F. Novaro nell' Ospedale di S. Giovanni di Torino, durante 1' iinno 1881. 159 pp. 8°. Torino, tip. Camilla e Berlolero, 1883. Repr. from: Osservatore, Torino, 1883, xix. ------. La mia sezione chirurgica nell' Ospedale maggiore di S. Giovanni in Torino. Rendiconto clinico degli anni 1887-90. 208 pp.; 1 p. 1., 146 pp. 8°. Torino, tip. Origlia, 1888-91. Capony (Charles) [1865- ]. *Ankylose os- seuse de la machoire inferieure. Resection tem- poro-maxillaire. 60 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 705. Caporale (Gaetano). Dell' Agro Acerrano e della sua condizione sanitaria; ricerche fisicho, statistiche, topografiche, storicbe. 3 p. 1., xxxii, 440 pp., 11., 5 pi. 8°. Xapoli, T. Cottrau, 1859. ------. Risultaruenti statistico-clinici sui vantag- giosi effetti de' bagni termo-minerali di Suessola. 3 p. 1., 114 pp., 1 1., 6 tab. 8°. Napoli, stamp, e cart, del Fibreno, 1861. [P., v. 1127.] Caposella. Ste Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. Caponlade (Joseph). * Etude sur la cysto- tomio et la kolpocystotomie dans les cas de ca- tarrhe grave de la vessie et de contracture dou- loureuse du col. 92 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. 5. Capozzi (Domenico). Intorno all' utilita dei purganti in certe forme di disseuteria crouica dalle lezioni cliniche. 8 pp. 8'-. Napoli, stab. tip. Salvati, 1883. Repr. from: Medico prat, contemp., Napoli, 1885, i. ------. Delia natura infettiva della pulmonite fibrinosa. Ragionamenti ed osservazioni clini- che. 4(1 pp., 1 1. *':. [n. p., n. cl] Repr. from : Clin, eontemporanea, ii, Medicina. See, also. Havva (C.) Forma clinica e patogenesi della stenocardia. 8°. Fossano, 1895. 1'app (William M.) The daughter: her health, education, and wedlock. Homely suggestions for mothers and daughters, viii, 144 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis, le91. Cappa (Raffacle). Dell' analisi chimica e dello virtii niedicinali dell' acqua tenno mineralo di Gurgitello, seguitata, tla brevi notizie dell' acqua mini rale di Castiglione. 15 pp. h . Xajioli, D. de Pascale, 186:5. [P., v. 1132.] Capparelli (Andrea) [1^55- ]. Progelto di un nuovo istituto fisiologico con 1' ucquario annesso nella R. Universita di Catania. 11 pp.( 2 pi. roy. 8°. Catania, C. Galdtola, 1888. ------(-. Sulvajuolo; conferenza popolare. II vae- cino preservative del vsijuolo, bisoguo della rivaccinazione, vaccinazioneanimale ed unianiz- zata. 24 pp. 16°. Catania, C. Galdtola, 188s. Capparelli (Leonzio) [1830-92]. Del te-tano traumatico trattato. 215 pp. fol. Bologna, tin. Volpe, 1833. [P., v. 1126.] Repr. from: M6ru. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1847- 57, 2. s., v. For Bioaraphy, see Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiii, 377-387 (Y."Cozzolino). Cappe (Josephus). * Tentamen academicuni de morborum qnorundam ortn et immutationibus paucula quiedam complectens. 2 p. 1., iv, 40 pp., 2 1. 4". Lugd. Bat., apud fratres Murray, 1790. [P., v. 1479.] Cappe (Robertus). *Dehectica. 1 p. 1., 56 pp. 8°. Edinburgh A. Smellie, 1797. [P., v. 1552.] Cappeau. Essai sur l'assainissement de la com- mune de Saint-Mitre et de sa banlieue. 162 pp. 8°. Aix, Xicot f Aubin, 1841. Cappellari (Luigi). Note e contributi scien- tibci. Larve di mosche nell'orecchio. Un caso di ematuria isterica intermittente. Tre casi di cefalea periodica guariti con la segala cornuta. Contributo al metodo Goodell, contro la lacera- zione del perineo nelle partorienti. II salofene nell' ischialgia. 15 pp. 12°. Vicenza, Brunello e Pastorio, 1896. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi. ------. Nuove note e contributi scientifici. 31 pp. 8~. Vicenza, Brunello e Pastorio, 1896. Repr. from: Riforma med.. Napoli, 1895, xi: 1896, xii. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii. van Cappelle ( Herman ) [ 1825-90 ]. * Diss. continens nonuullas historias morborum cum epi- crisi. [Leyden.] 2 p. 1., 90 pp. 8°. Amstelo- dami, G. W. Tielkemeijer, 1848. ------. Internationale sanitaire conferentie te Konstantinopel. 8 pp. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1866.] Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1866, 2. R., ii. ------. De wet tot voorziening tegeu besmette- lyke ziekten. Overzigt van de bevoegdheid en pligten van besturen eu ingezetenen van Neder- land. 28pp. 8°. Haarlem, A. C.Eruseman, 1872. ------. Besluiten van de internationale sanitaire conferentie te Weenen. 12 pp. 8°. [Amster- dam, 1874.] Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst., 1874, 2. R., x. For Biography, see Psychiat. Bl., Dordrecht, 1890, viii, 45-50 (Tellegen). Cappelle (Marie), veuve Lafarge. Mdmoires de Marie Cappelle, veuve Lafarge, Merits par elle- meme. 2 v. in 1. 11,337 pp.; 368 pp. 8-'. Paris, A. Rene i,- Cie., 1841. Boundwith.-TROCtsile Madame Lafarge. 8:. Pari»,1840. Cappelletti (Giambattista) [1808-72]. Nuovo processo operativo per eseguire la blefaroplas- tica allapalpebrainferiore. 16 pp. 4°. Trieste, Marenigh, 1844. ------. Le malattie dell' occhio e delle sue dipen- denze. 4 v. 8°. Trieste, 1848-50. Cappelletti (Giuseppe). La vaccinazione car- bonchiosa nell' Umbria. Relazione al comizio agrario circondariale di Foligno. 47 pp., 3 1. 8°. Foligno, P. Sgariglia, 1883. ------. La tubercolosi degli animali in rapporto alia salute pubblica. 56 pp. 8°. Foligno, !'• Sgariglia, 1887. CAPPELLETTI. 15o CAPSULE. Cappelletti ( L. ) Dipsomania periodica pri- niaria. Dipsomania croiuca secundaria (eon- sidcrazioni cliniche). 29 pp. 12° Ferrara, 1*96. Repr. from: Boll, d manic, prov. di Ferrara, 1896, xxiii. CappcllO (Agostino) [1784 1858]. Esanie cri- tico sopra la officiale relazione del corso e degli eftetti del cholera morbus in Parigi e lie' suoi d' intorni, puhblicata dal governo fraucese nel 1834; articolo diretto al Ch. Moreau de Jonnes. 53 pp. 8\ Roma, Boulzaler, 1835. [P., v. 872.] ------, Lettera puhblicata nel Filiatre sebezio di Napoli (aprile 1836). 20 pp. 8°. Roma, 1836. [P., v. 428.] Repr. from: Gior. arcad. di sc, lett. ed arti, Roma, 1836, lxvi. ------. Risposta ad alcuni articoli stranieri in- torno il cholera-morbus di Ancona. 16 pp. *\ [Roma, 183(5.] [P., v. 872.] Repr. from: Gior. arcad. di sc, lett. ed arti, Roma, 1836, lxiv. ------. Ragionamento per la restaurazionc de' bagui minerali jiressoTivoli. 39 pp. 8°. Roma, 1837. [P., v. 905.] Repr. from: Gior. arcad. di sc, lett. ed arti, Roma. ------. Ragionamento sopra la memoria del Si- gnor Luigi Toffoli, intorno la rabbia cauina. 49 pp. 8°. Roma, 1839. [P., v. 872.] -----. Considerazioni ulteriori in pro dell' inco- luuiita pubblica relative alia peste bubonica ed alia febbre gialla. 29 pp. 8-. Roma, 1846. [P.,v. 872.] -----. Poche parole sulla rabbia cauina, o con- siderazioni in pro della pubblica incolumita re- lative alia peste bubonica. 35 pp. 8°. Roma, tipog. d. belle arti, 1846. Repr. from: Gior. arcad. di sc, lett. ed arti, Roma, 1846, cviii. ------. Considerazioni in pro della pubblica in- ooluuiita. 74 pp. 8°. Roma, 1847. [P., v. ^•i ------. Dilucidazioni istoriche sopra il cholera di Roma del 1837. 75 pp. 8°. Roma, Perego-Sal- vioni, 1847. ------. Sul Sanitario Congresso Intemazionale aperto a Parigi nel dl 23 luglio 1851 e chiuso nel tli 19 gennaio 1852 ; cenni storici. 172 pp., 1 1. 8 . Roma, 1852. [P., v. 872.] -----. Iuformazioni relative al cholera indiano. 32 pp. 8°. Roma, 1855. [Also, in: P., v. 1124.] Repr. from: Gior. arcad. di sc, lett. ed arti, Roma, uxxxvi. ----- Istorico riassunto sopra il cholera indiano. 20 pp. 8°. Roma, 1837. [P., v. 872.] j Repr from. Gior. arcad. di sc, lett. ed arti, Roma, 1856, cxliv. Cappie (James ). The relation of the cranial contents to the pressure of the atmosphere. 16 pp. 8". Edinburgh, Oliver # Boyd, 1874. Itepr. from.- Ediub. M. J., 1874-5, xx. -----. Some points in the physiology of atten- tion, belief, and will. 13 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes if- Sons, 1886. Repr. from: Brain, Lond., 1886, xxxiv. -----. The mtra-cranial circulation and its re- j lation to the physiology of the brain. 18* pp., I 4 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Thin, 1890. Capps (Edgar D.). See Beall (E.J.), Walker [A.C.] & Capps fE. D.] The fitness of the climate of Texas [etc.]. 8°. [St. Louis, 1894.] l Capps (E. D.). Co-Editor of: Southwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Reportei, Fort Worth, 1895. Capranica (Stefano). Studii chimico-fisiolo- gici sulle materie coloranti della retina. Prima comnnicazione. xi, 10 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Firenze- \ Roma-Torino, E. Loescher <$■ Ca., 1877. Repr. from: Atti tl. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. lis., mat. e nat., Roma, 1876-7, 3. s., i. ' Capraniea (Stefano)—continued. -----. Sulla determinazione dell' acidita totale nelle urine. Pubblicazione speciale dei lnvori cseguiti nell' anno scolastico 1893-4. 30 pp. 8 . Genova, A. Ciminago, 1894 Caprara (Vittorio). La chirurgia delle vie biliari. 54 pp. 8°. Milano, 1*93. Forms no. 5, 7. s., of Coll. ital. di lett. sulla med., Milano 1895. Capresi (Giampaolo). Annotazioni medico- critichc alia lettera apologetica del . . . Ottavio Nerucci . . . concernente 1' uso del bagno tiepido nella cura do' vajuoli. xxxviii, 143 pp. 8°. Siena, F. Quinza e A. Bindi, 1749. Capretti (Guidi Vittore). Le inalazioui di jodo- fonnio nella pertossc. 18 pp. 12°. Brescia, tipog. commerciale, [1895], Capri. Ci'OMO (V.) L' isola di Capri come stazione climatica. 8'. Xapoli, 1894. Also [Abstr.]. in: Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894 Roma, 1895, vi, Idrol. e climatol., 20. Capria (Domenico Mamone). Idee gcuerali di nomenclatura sistematica chimica coordinate da ... 3 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Xapoli, 1849. [P., v. 1130.] Capron (Charles- Cesar Achille) [1810- 70]. I'afte. N6crologie. J. d. conn. metl. prat., Par., 1870- 71, xxxvii-xxxviii, 158. 1 apron (George) [1802-82]. Anthony (W. E.) Obituary. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1882, Providence, 1883, ii, pt 6, 545-550.—Toner (J. M.) In meiuoriam. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 603. Capsicum. Pabst (F.) "Zur chemischen Kenntnis der Friichte von Capsicum auuuum. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, [1891, vel subseq.]. Barcelo Estivill (R.) Consideraciones clinico-tera- p6uticas sobre el pimiento tie Cayena. Independ. med., Barcel., 1886-7, xviii, 317; 329; 341.— del Barco (F. P.) TJsos medicos del c&psicum y su especial aplicacion en el tratamiento de la fiebre amarilla. Cron. med., Lima, 1884, i, 69-74. — Buck (H.J.) Tincture of capsicum as a coun- ter-irritant. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1174.— G'larkson (J. R. L.) Capsicum a type of the oresthetics. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, viii, 324-330.—Douglas (A. T.) A few sug- gestions ou the therapeutical uses of capsicum. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1885, 159-162. — Woody (S. E.) Abuse of pepper teas; with cases. Ann. Pract. Sc News, Louisville, 1887, n. s., iv, 135. Capsoni (Giovanni) [1792- ]. Storia della malattia petecchial-contagiosa die ha regnato, principalmente per tutto il 1817, nella provincia di Milano. I reflessioni sulla medesima. 132 pp., 1 1. 16°. Pavia, G. G. Capelli, 1820. ------. Sul clima della bassaLonibardia; ricerchc politico-medico-statistiche. 3G6 pp., 1 1. 8U. Milano, P. E. Giusti, 1839. ------. Ricerche statistiche sui pazzi in Europa. Con un appendice sul gran manicomio di Milano detto la Senavra presso questa regia citta. 142 pp. 8C. Milano, 1844. ------. Ricerche politico-medico-statistiche snl grande ospizio de' pazzi detto Pia Casa della Senavra presso Milano, per servire di appendice alle proprie ricerche statistiche sui pazzi in Europa. 28 pp. 8°. Milano, Pirotta e C, 1844. ------. Nuove ricerche statistiche sull' ospizio dei pazzi detto la Senavra presso Milano. 29 pp. 8°. Milano, 1848. See, also, Julia de Fontenelle (J. S. E.) Manuale di chimica medica. 16°. Milano, 182."). Capsule'machines. [Patentspecifications.] Albach (W. H.) Sc White (A. J.) Capsule-tiller. No. 317482- May 12, 18X5.—Anderwon (L. A.) Capsule. No. 298720; May 20, 1884. — Batcson (S. R.) Capsule- mold and stripping device. No. 420031; Jan. 28, 1890. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 422363; March 4, 1890. -----. Capsule-receiving frame. No. 422364; March 4, 1890. -----. Capsule-joining machine. No. 422365; March 4, 1890.— Davenport (F. E.) Apparatus for filling cap CAPSULE. 156 OAPUUON. Capsu le machines. [Patentspecifications.] suit's. No. 221534; Nov. 11, 1879. — Eastman (L. K.) Capsule-machine. No. 581703; May 4, 1897. — Ferry (H. M.) Capsule-mold. No. 495406; April 11, 1893. -----. Capsule-stripping machine. No. 495407; April 11, 1893.— Clover (J. H.) Capsule machine. No. 297380; April 22, 1884 _ Grove (F. B.) Capsule filling machine. No. 578985; March 16, 1897.—Hall (A. B.) Capsule machine. No. 297792; April 29, 1884. — HaiiMinann (C. F.) Cap- sule-filler. No. 487886: Dec. 13, 1892. — Hcineman (S. E.) Capsule-filler. No. 395138; Dec. 25, 1888.—Minch- inan (W. A.) Capsule. No. 573976; Dec. 29, 1896. — Hobb* (R. P.) Capsule-pin and capsule. No. 525844; Sept. 11, 1894. -----. Capsule. No. 525845; Sepr. 11, 1894.—Hubel (F. A.) Machine for cutting off gelatine capsules. No. 187279; Feb. 13, 1877. -----. Machine for cutting off gelatine capsules. No. 223139; Dec. 30, 1879. -----. Device for removing capsules from molds. No. 223140; Dec. 30, 1879. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 290583; Dec. 18, 1883. -----. Machine for cutting off gel- atine capsules. No. 10437: reissued Jan. 15, 1884. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 292434; Jan. 22, 1884. -----. Ma- chine for cutting off gelatine capsules. No. 10807; re- issued Feb 8, 1887. -----. Gelatine-capsule dipping ma- chine. No. 465933; Dec. 29, 1891.—Hubel (F. A.) & Beinhold (F.) Machine for greasing capsule-mold pins. No. 311659; Feu. 3, 1885.-----------. Capsule-machine. No. 311835; Feb. 3, 1885.-----------. Device for stirring melted gelatine for making capsules. No. 316896; April 28, 1885.-----------. Capsule-ntold-greasing machine. No. 345591; July 13, 1886.—Hubel (F. A.) Sc Smith (J. M.) Gelatine-capsule-dipping machine. No. 465932; Dec. 29, 1891. ----- -----. Capsule-machine. No. 557073; March 24, 1896.—Hubel (F. A.) & Taylor (II. H.) Capsule-machine. No. 10316; April 17, 1883.— In- galls (A. M.) Capsule-filler. No. 545365; Aug. 27, 1895. — Jensen (C. L.) Capsule for medicines, wines, etc. No. 330491; Nov. 17, 1885. — Johnston (W. Iv.) Capsule-filling machine. No. 479812; Aug. 2, 1892.— Krehbicl(J.) Capsule-machine. No. 296844; April 15, 1884. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 296845; April 15, 1884. -----. Capsule drying rack. No. 296846 ; April 15, 1884. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 296847; April 15,1884.-----. Capsule-machine. No. 29C848; April 15, 1884. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 306163; Oct. 7, 1884------. Capsule- cutter. No. 312361; Feb. 17, 1885. -----. Capsule-cutter. No. 313601; March 10,1885. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 315415; April7,1885.-----. Capsule-machine. No. 315416; April7,1885.-----.Capsule-machine. No.315417; April7, 1885. -----. Capsule-stripping device. No. 323159; July 28,1885.-----. Capsule-machine. No. 332204; Dec. 8,1885. -----. Capsule - machine. No. 334240; Jan. 12. 1886. -----. Capsule-filling machine. No. 336010; Feb. 9, 1886. -----. Process of making gelatine capsules. No. 338754; March 30, 1886. -----. Capsule - machine. No. 344783; June 29, 1886. -----. Capsule-stripping machine. No. 347274; Aug. 10, 1886. -----. Capsule - machine. No. 347941 ; Aug. 24, 1886. -----. Capsule-stripping machine. No. 430858; June 24, 1890. -----. Machine for cutting gelatine capsules. No. 430859; June 24, 1890.-----. Cap- sule-dipping machine. No. 430860; June 24, 1890.— Muuger(V.E.) Gelatine capsule machine. No. 2328:!."); Oct. 5,1880.—Melliek (O. C.) Capsule - machine. No. 341267; May 4, 1886.—iTIerz (T. C.) Capsule-machine. No. .'{248(18; Aug. 25,1885. -----. Capsule-joining machine. No. 326578; Sept. 22, 1885.-----. Capsule-machine. No. 334792; Jan. 26, 1886. -----. Capsule-cutting machine; No. 355193; Dec. 28,1886. -----. Capsule-cutting machine. No. 535595; March 12, 1895. -----. Capsule-trimming ma- chine. No. 535804; March 12, 1895. — lHorstadt (K.) Capsule-closer. No. 514842; Feb. 13, 1894. — Otto (G.) Capsule-machine. No. 299936; June 3,1884.—Purdic (C. F.) Capsule-machine. No. 276280; April 24,1883. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 276281; April 24, 1883. -----. Cap- sule machine. No. 276282; April 24,1883. -----. Capsule- machine. No. 289780; Dec. 4, 1883. —Keed (George E.) Capsule forming device. No. 564340; July 21, 1896.— Reiuhold (F. J.) Capsule filler. No. 302777; July 29' 1884. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 323886: Aug. 4, 1885. -----. Capsule-stripping machine. No. 429957; June 10, 1890— Reymond (J. P.) Capsule filler. No. 244308; July 12, 1881.—Kicard (S. A.) Capsule-machine. No. 555021; Feb. 19, 1896.—Schindler (C.) Capsule filling machine. No. 566098; Aug. 18, 1896.—Smith (J. M. ) Gelatiue-cap.sule.dipping machine. No. 465951; Dec 29, 1891.—Starkenslein (L.) Capsule-filling machine. No. 590502; Sept. 21, 1897.—Strieltler (J.) Capsule machine. • No. 307236; Oct. 28; 1884.—Taj lor (H. H.) Capsulc- machiue. No. 275092; April 3, 1883. -----. Capsule-ma- chine. No. 270094; April 17, 188:!. -----. Capsule-ma- chine. No. 311860; Feb. 3, 1885. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 323753; Aug. 4, 1885. — Tucker ( \V. A.) Capsule stripping machine. No. 296895; April 15, 1884. -----. Machine for molding gelatine capsules. No. 297318; April 22, 1884. -----. Capsule cutter. No. 299182; May 27, 1884. -----. Capsule cutter. No. 305867; Sept. 30, 1884.----- Capsule-cuttiug machine. No. 313132: March 3, 1885. -----. Capsule-machine. No. 328623; Oct. 20, Vnpsulemachines. [Patentspecifications.] 188.",. ------. Capsule-joining machine. No. :;.'!6177- Feb 16, 1886.—Voiiiis (\V. P.) Apparatus fur filliii" ran sules. No. 507870; Oct. 31, 1893.—Walsh (R.) fa,,,,,!,. filling machine. No. 346964; Aug. 10, 1886.--Warren (J. L.)& Warren (J. E.) Capsule-trimming machine No. 413989; Oct. 29, 1889— Wohnlirh (L.J.) Capsule- stripper. No. 270716, Jan. 16, 1883.—Woluilich (L. J.) Sc Sc holes (R. J.) Machine for cutting off capsules No. 255829: April 4, 1882. Capsule of Tenon. See Eye ; Tenonitis. CapsuJotoine. lVIarocco (C.) Capsulotomo. Atti d. Soc. ital. iii ostet. e ginec. 1894, Poggibousi, 1895, i, 155. Captier ( F. ) * Propositions generale* sur la nature du vin et sur son emploi di6te"tiqne et th6rapeutiquo. 22 pp. 4°. Montpellier, lull [P., v. 1911.] Capua. Accettella ( F.) Relazione igienico-sanitaria ilella vAttk di Capua. Cirillo, Aversa, 1894, ii, no. 3, 1; no. 4,1; no. 5, 1; no. 6, 5. Capnano (Aloysius). * De oculi hulho et visi- one. 21 pp. 16°. [Viennee], lit. Eirchbergeria- nis, 1771. Capulincillo. Cuilty (C.) Breve estudio sobre el capulincillo tie Queretaro. Monog. mexicauas de mat. med.. Mexico 1890, 123-130. Capuroil(Caiuille-Auguste) [1-59- ]. * Etude sur la hlessure des vaisseaux mannnaires inter- nes. [Bordeaux.] 76 pp. 4°. Rochefort-sur- Mer, 18«7, No. 19. Capiiron (J[oseph]) [1767-1850]. Cours theo- rique et pratique d'accouchemens, dans lequel on expose les principes de cette hranche de l'art, les soius que la femme exige pendant et apres In travail, ainsi que les eUe"mens de l'6ducation phy- sique et morale de l'enfant. xv, 728 pp. 8* , Paris, 1811. -----. The same. 4. 6d. viii, 613 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, Croullebois, 1828. -----. The same. 6. 6d. viii, 9-252 pp., 11 pi. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Dumont, 1832. -----. The same. Corso teorico-pratico di os- tetricia, in cui oltre ai principj di quest' arte, e le cure che esige la donna nel parto e dope il parto, si espongono gli elementi dell' educazione fisica e morale del fanciullo. Prima traduzione italiana sulla seconda edizione francese. 2 v. 316 pp., 1 1.; 287 pp. 8°. Lucca, F. Bert ini, 1822-5. -----. The same. Corso teorico e pratico di oste- tricia, nel quale si espongonoi principiidi questo ramo dell' arte sanatrice, le cure richieste dalla donna durante e dopo il parto ed inoltre gU ele- menti dell' educazione fisica e morale del bam- hino. Traduzione di Giuseppe Cocn. 252 pp , 14 pi. 8°. Venezia, P. Lampato, 1834. Name of auther given as F. Capuron. ■-----. Exanien des remarqnes ct reflexions de M. Villeneuve sur un mdlnoire de M. le Dr. Ca- puron, concernant l'action ohst6tricale du seigle ergote". 39 pp. 8°. Paris, Crapelet, 182,2. [P., v. 90*.] Repr. from: Tr. med., Par., 1832, vii. -----. Traite" des maladies des enfaus, jusqu'a la puberte". 3. e*d., suivi des recherches pra- tiques sur les tumeurs sanguines de la vulve ct du vagin ; par L.-C. Deneux. 214 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles, 1835. -----. The same. Ahhandlung iiher die Krank- heiten der Kinder, von der Geburt his zum Ein- tritt der Pnbertiit. Nach der 2. Aufl. des franzb- sischen Originals, mit einer Vorrede begleitet, von F. A. Benj. Puchelt. xvi, 366 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. Siihring, 1«21. UAPURRI. 157 CARBINOL. Capill'ri (Paganino). Istoria delle febbri epi- demiche che corsero nella citta di Novi 1' anno mdcclxxxiii. 71 pp. 12°. Milano, appresso G. Galeazzi, 17*6. Caput obstipum. Sie Neck (Deformities of). Caput sueeedaneum. Sec Cephalhematoma. Caput) (Giovanni). Istrnzioni popolari sulcho- lcra. 41 pp. 16°. Xapoli, tip dell' Unione, 1884. Carabassetta (Angelineo). II problema del risanamente del sottosuolo della citta. di Spezia j risolto col buon senso da . . . 8 pp. fol. Sj>e- zia, eredi Argiroffo, 1883. Caracas. See, also, Education (Medical), etc., Hospi- tals (Maternity, etc.), by localities. liCdezma (M.) Memoria sobre las flebres mas co- munes en Caracas. Union med., Caracas, 1884, iv, 20; 25. Caracciolo (Gaetano). Sul colera morbus. Lettme popolari. 167 pp. 8°. Messina, tipog. Ribera, 1872. Caracciolo (Rosario). Lapredisposizionemor- besa nella malattia del colera. 18 pp. 16°. Messina, C. Capra, 1888. Repr. from: La Ragione, ii. Caracotchian (Leon Oski) [1870- ]. * De la pericardite a pneumocoques. 68 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1-96. No. 358. Caracoussi (Spyridion). *Casuistische Bei- triige zur Kenntniss des Morbus Basedowii. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1889]. Caracteres des meclecins. See de Limbourg (Jo. Phil.). Cnracteristiqne abregee de la m6thode sous- cutanee. 4 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Thunot $■ Cie., n. d.] Bound with: GtJEKIN (J.) Essais sur la m6thode sons- cutanee. 8°. Paris, 1841. Caradec (Louis [- Marie ] ). Topographie me"- dico-hygi6uique du d^partement de Finistere, ou guide sanitaire de l'habitant. 2 p. 1., 344 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Brest, E. Anner, 1861. -----. Expose" des travaux publics, pr^sent6 a l'appui de sa candidature au litre de membre t orrespondant de l'Acadernie de mddecine. 2 1. 8-. Brest, F. HaUgouet, [1872]. Caradec (Theophile[- Jules-Francois-Marie] ) tils [18.")I- ]. Prejuge"s concernant l'hygiene et les maladies des enfants. 28 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Coccoz, 1881. -----. L'art de donner les soins et d'administrer les medicaments aux enfants malades. xi, 146 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, [1895 ?]. Caraes (Joseph) [1869- ]. "Les corps ctrangers de l'uterus. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, Xo. 13. Caraes (Servais-Marie) [1858- ]. * Contri- bution a la pathologie exotique. Des distomes du foie chez l'homme en extreme Orient. 42 pp., 11. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888, No. 49. Cniafi (S.-M. ) [1853- ]. * Etude sur le traitement des fractures indirectes re"centes du rachis. *7 pp. 4°. Paris, I8rtl; No. 444. Carafoli (Probo). Dermatosi artiticiali. Note j di dermopatologia. 35 pp. 8C. Modena, 1884. I ■-----. Sopra un caso di dacrioadenite sifilitica. Xota clinica. 7 pp. 8C. [Modena, 1*84.] Repr. from: Spallanzaui, Modena, 1884, xxii. Caral(Antonin-C) [1859- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de la cirrhose alcooliquc; sa mart:hc, sa iluree. 62 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1885, No. 2^9. Caraman (Charles Thomas). See Thomas- Caraman. Caramelli (Petrus). *I. De gestis, [etc.]. 16 pp. 4°. Augustas Taurinorum, V. Bianco, [1818]. [P., v. 944.] ;ai*apa. Henry ( B. ) * Stride snr le carapa. 4° Montpellier, 1889. arasso (Giovanni Michele). Nuovo metodo di cura della tubercolosi polnionare. 102 pp. 8°. Roma, E. Voghera, 1894. Repr. from: Gior. med. d. r. escrcito [etc.], Roma, 1894, xiii. ----. Nuovo metodo per la cura della tuber- colosi polnionare. 4 pp. 8°. Genova, tipog. Vnione genovese, [n. d.]. aratlicodry (Constantin). Observations de deux cas de taille par le procerl6 bi-lateral de Dupuytrcn, modifie" eu raieon des circonstances cxceptionnellcs qui ont etc" d6couvertes sous le couteau. Suivi du rapport fait a. l'Acad6mie, dans sa seance dn 1 mars 1856 par une commis- sion eoniposee de MM. Hervez de Chegoin, Amus- sat, et Segalas, rapporteur. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Mal teste, 1856. Caratroca. See Syphilis (Treatment of), by natural waters. Caraiilt (li.) Notice historique et bibliogra- pliique sur M. Marquis. 32 pp. 8°. Rouen, F. Baudry, 1829. -----. Quelques vues g6ndrales sur le cholera- niorbus. 63 pp. 12°. Rouen, F. Baudry, 1833. Caravaggio. Statuto organico della Congre- gazione di Carita e luogo pio elemosiniero in Caravaggio. 23 pp. fol. Treviglio, tipog. Mes- saggi, lb87. -----. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale civile in Caravaggio. 17 pp. fol. Treviglio, tipog. Mes- saggi, 1887. -----. Regolamento di amministrazione per 1' Ospitale civile di Caravaggio. 21 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Treveglio, tip. Messaggi, 1*88. Caravaggio (Evandro). L' amministrazione degli spedali riuniti di Siena. iv, 227 pp. fol. Siena, I. Gati, 1868. Caravias (Eugene-A.) [1859- ]. * Traite- ment des collections purulentes du foie par in- cision large et antiseptique. 73 pp. 4°. Paris, 18H5, No. 73. Caravias (J.-E.) [1858- ]. * Etudes sur les vaselines liquides comme v^hicule dans la m6- thode hypodermique. 31 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 350. Caravias (Spyridion) [1854- ]. * Recherches experimentales et cliniques sur l'antipyrine. 2 p. 1., 121 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 240. Carazzi (Dav.) Tecnica di anatomia micro- scopica. xi, 211 pp. 24°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1894. Carbajal (A. J.) Influence of climate on the progress and severity of pulmonary tuberculosis in the United States of Mexico, and practical consequences that are infected. 22 pp. sm. 4°. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1892. Am. Pub. Health. Ass. Rep., Mexico, 1892. Carbamide. See Acid (Carbamic), etc.; Urea. Carbazol. Caijolet (H.) * Ueber Carbazol und Deri- vate desselben. [Erlangen.] 8°. Nieburga. W., M»2. Carberry (John M.) [18i5.*i-01]. Hodgson (A. J.) Obituary. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc., Madison, 1892, xxvi, :!85. Carbinol. See, also, Methyl. Sliumova-Siinanovsltnyji (Ekaterina O.) K vo- prosu o fiziologicheskom tlieistvii trimetilkarbinola. [On the physiological action of tri-methyl carbinol.] Ejened. kliu. gaz., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 193-198. CAKB(') DE ALOV. 158 CAHBON, Carbo de Aloy (Xareiso) [1826-90]. irlaiinut (P.) Biograt'ia. lie v. tie hig. y pol. san., Bared.. 1892, iii, 101-109. Carbognano. Ven. Ospedale di s. Antonio Ab- batedi Carbognano. Statuto organico e regola- menti di ainininistrazione e di servizio interim. 22 pp. > . Foligno, tipog. P. Sgariglia, 1*89. Carbo-livdrates. See, also, Chloroform; Starch; Sugar. Ballo (Xi.) Ueber Kohlensiiurehydrat. - . Berlin, 1*82. Cutting from: Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., Berl., 1882, xv. IIkss (N.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Verdauung und Resorption der Kohlcnhydrate. [Srrasbnrg.] 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1*9-2. vax Mkenen (A.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss tier Kohleiiydrate des Thierkorpt-rs. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1886. ' Pavy (F. W.) The physiology of the carbo- hydrates; their application as food and rela- tion to diabetes. 8°. London, 1894. narin (IT. S.) Address ou the objects of the Ameri- can Medical" Temperance Association, and on the physio- logical and therapeutic differences between the carbo- hydrates constituting proximate elements of living vege- table and animal bodies, and those resulting from bac- teriological or retrograile action. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1892, xix, 29-!i2. — Kellner (O.) Ueber die Ver- tretungswerthe von Fett und Kohlehydraten in der Nah- run". ^Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1887-8. xii, 113- 115.' — Laiuhrrlii- (H. A.) Ein neues Kohlehvdrat (tbierisches Guinmi) im nicnsehlichen Korper. Ibid., 1883-4, viii, 122-128.—litisli ( -fiibrte'n Versuchen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 189-1 Iii, 239-322. — Randolph (N. A.) Carbohydrate antl'fatty foods. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 732- 738. — Koliii'tNon (W. G. A.) The role of the carbo- hydrates in dietetics. Tr. Metl.-Chir. Soc.Etlinb., 1895-6, u. s., xv, 183-213. — Stutzer (A.) Sc Isbert (A.) Un- tersuehung iiber das Verhalten der in Nahrungs- und Futtermittelu enthalteiien Kohleiiydrate zu den Ver- tlaunngsfermenten. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1887-8, xii, 72-94.—Van I>aer (II.) Contributions a l'histo'ire des ferments des hydrates de carbone (bacille ties lucres tourn6es). M6m. couron. Acad. rov. tl. sc. [etcl de Belg., Brux., 1892-3, xlvii, no.4, 1-37. —Voit (E.) Woilurch bceinflussen Fette und Kohleiiydrate die Eiweisszersetzung. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen (1890), 1891, vi, 101. -----. Ueber den Einfluss der Kohlehvdrate auf den Eiweisszerfall. Ibid., 156-158. Also, Reprint.—Worm Miillcr Sc Olto (J. C.) Medicinsk-kemisk Praktikum. (Oversigt over de for Orgauismen vigtigste Kulhydrater, Albuminstotfe og Albuminoider.) Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1884, xiv, 617-633. Carbolic acid soaps. 20 pp. 8°. New York, C. C Shelley, 1870. Carbolvaseline. Weicliardt. Ueber Carbolvaseline. AUgl med. Centr.Ztg., Berl., 1893, lxii, 925. Carbon and derivatives. See, also, Acid (Carbonic); Carbon (Bisul- phide of); Charcoal; Coal; Soot. Bouchakdat (G.) Du carbone et de ses com- poses bin aires. 4°. Paris, 1874. 4/arbon and derivatives. Frock (ii.) Sur le charliou. 4 . Paris 1836. Heuslki: ([li. E.] 0. [M.]) * I'cber die Wir- kung des Chlorkoklenstoft's C ('U nnd des Drei- fachchlorkohleustorfs C -Clu auf deu Warmbliitor 8J. Bonn, 1>91. Macke.sy (J.) Saggio sull' uso interne del carbone. Traduzione dall' iuglcst- di p. M Benza. 12°. Palermo, 1814. Nickel (E.) Die Farbenreactiouen der Koh- lenstoffverbindungen. Fiir cheinische, physiolo- gisebe, juikrochemische, botanischc, medici- nische und pharmakologiscke Untersuchungen 2. Aufl. 8J. Berlin, 1890. Ncman (A.) *Observationes de carbonatum officinalium prtecipuorura praeparandi methodo, natura ac usu, factae in laboratorio chemico uni- versitatis Groning®. 2. ed. 8 . Groningee, 1 *0*. Paeletta (G.) Dissertazione sopra ii qucsito puodnrre nuove esperieuze per dimostrare con piit sicurrezza, che 1' aria fissa sia apphcabile con vantaggio o no in qualche sorta di malattie. 8°. Mantova, 1781. Ekmsen (I.) An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon; or, organic chemistry. 8°. Boston, 1885. Smyth (P.) Carbon and hydrocarbon. 8°. London, 187"). Repr. from: Philosoph. Mag., Jan., 1875. Turzhanski (V.) * O fiziologicheskom dleist- vii dvu- trekhloristavo ugleroda na zhivotnly organizm. [On the physiological action of di- trichloridc of carbon.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1871. Itai-loli (A.) & Papaso^li (G.) Sull' ossitlaziono dei carboni. Orosi, Firenze, 18*4, vii. 125-136.—Hartley (W. N.) On a chlorsulphide of carbon. J. Chem. Soc. Loud., 1867, v, 33-35. Also, Keprint.—Hci-mami. Ueber ringformige Bindungvon Kohlenstotf-Atomen. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1881, 33-36. Carbon (Bisulphide of). Sapelier (E.) * Etude sur le sulfure de car- bone. [Paris.] 4°. Le Muns, 1885. -----. Tbe same. H . Paris, 18"n>. Schenke (V.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von Sch wt-f elkohlenstoff auf einige Azoverbindungen und lfytlrazone. 8°. Gbttingen, 1889. Aphcl (F.) La terapia del solfuro di carbonio. Kiv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1894, xiv, 285-2*8. — Ber- ghiuy. (G.) Contributo alio studio dell'azione fisiologica del solfuro di carbonio. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1897, 7. s.. viii. 239-260.—Con-en S. (R.) El siilfuro de tar- l.ono ltev. metl. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1888-9, xvii, 209- 229.—Diijnrdiii-Keauuietz. Sur les propri6tes phy- siologitpies. toxitpies et th6rai>eutiques du sulfure tie car- bone. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 987-999. Also: Bull. gen. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1885, cix, 97-108. Also, transl: Med. contemp., Napoli, 1885, ii, 348-354.— liaborili- (J.) Surle dosage du sulfure de carbone dis- sous dans l'eau. M6m. Soc. tl. sc. phys. et nat. de Bor- deaux, 1893, 4. s., iii, 281-300. —lielimann (K. 15.) Ueher die Wirkung des Schwefelkohlenstoffs auf den thieri- schen Organismus. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.- bayt-r. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1888, 151-154.— Sapi-liei- (E.) Etude sur le sulfure de carbone. Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab. de th6rap., Tar., 1889, 23-27. Carbon (Bisulphide of Toxicology of). Bonnet (J.) * Intoxication par le sulfure de carbone. 4°. Paris, 1892. Boxxet (N.-E.) *Des troubles nerveux dans l'intoxication par le sulfure de carbone. [ Paris. ] 4°. Coulommiers, 18^5, Dki.pech (A.) Memoire sur les accidents que d6veloppe chez les ouvriers en caoutchouc l'iu- halation du sulfure de carbone en vapeur. Lu a l'Acadeniie de mddecine dans la stance du 15 Janvier K><>. 8C. Paris, 1*36. Hampe (J.) UeberGeisteskrankheitcn infolge Sclnvcfelkohlenstotf-Vergiftung. 8~J. Leipzig, 1895. CARBON. 159 CARBONIC. Carbon (Bisulphide of Toxicology of). Hektel (M.) *Die Einwirkung des Schwe- lelkohlenstoffsauf den Organismus, nebst Yersu- chen, zu bestimmen, wie viel des cingeathmeten triftiucu Gases wieder ausgeathmet wird. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1892. Kaether (B.) * Ueber Seliwefelkohlenstoff- vergiftungen. 8 , Berlin, 1886. Wksthekg (A.) * Beitrage zur Schwefclkoh- lcnstort'-Ycrgiftung. .^-. Dorpat, 1891. Achard (C.) Accidents nerveux dans l'intoxication snlfo-carbon£c. Metl. moil., Par., 1894. v. 3-6.—Ai-jje- loyano (C.J.) Des nevritessulfocarbonees. Gaz. hebd. tie metl.. Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 195-199.—Bard (C. L.) In- sanity duo to bisulphide of carbon. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1892, vii, 481-485.—Bcrbez (P.) Observa- tion de pseudo-tabes du. k l'intoxication par le sulfure de carbone. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1884, viii. 140-151. Also: France med., Par., 1885, i. 3-8.- IS I och (M.) Ein Fall von chroniseher Schwefelkohlenstoffvergiftung. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 970. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1893-4, xiii, 45-48.—Bruce ( A.) Chronic poisoning by bisulphide of carbon. Tr. Metl.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1883-4, n. s., iii, 145-153. Also: Edinb. M. J.. 1883-4, xxix, 1009-1014. -----. Chronic poisoning by bisulphide of carbou. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb.. 1885-0, n. s., v, 151.— Bry ce (T. H.) Synopsisof a case of chronic poisoning by hisulphitle of carbon. Edinb. M. J., 1880-7, xxxii, 140.— Charcot (.T. M.) Poisoning with bisulphide of carbon. [Transl.J Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lx, 354- 356—C'locz (S.) Sur lesproprietes toxiques du sulfure de carbone, et sur l'emploi de ce liquide pour la destruction des ratset des animaux nuisibles qui se terrent. Compt. rend. Acad.d.sc,Par., 1800. lxiii, 1S5-188.—Delfach (A.) Nou- velles recherches sur l'iiitoxication speciale tine determine le sulfure de carbone-; lindustiie du caoutchouc souffle. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1863. 2. s., xix, 65-183. Also, Reprint.— Duboys tic Liavigerie. Accidents oculaires produits par l'inhalation du sulfure de carbone. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1887, 222-226. Also. Bee. d'ophth., Par., 1887, 3. s., ix, 535-539.—Foreman < W.) Notes of a fatal case of poisoning by bisulphide of carbon: with post- mortem appearances aud remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 118.—Frost (A.), CJunn <-llli «.|iip. Iteportof the committee on poisoning by bisulphide of carbon and chloride of sulphur. Tr. Ophth. Soc. I "Kingdom, Lond., 1885, v, 157-175. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 113.—Fuchs (E.) A case of amblyopia with slight neu- ritis followed by pallor of the discs, caused by the vapour of bisulphide of carbon and chloride of sulphur; severe nervous depression, emaciation, and muscular wasting; recovery. Tr. Ophth. Soc. V. Kingdom, LontL, 1885, v, 152-157.—Callemaerts iE.) Amblyopic par le sulfure tie carbone. J. tie metl.. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1890, xc, 433-437. ■-----. Ri'-tinite albuminurique produite par le sulfure de carbone. Policlin., Brux., 1897, vi. 188-192.— Galtier (E. ) Sur un pr6tendu cas d'empoisonnenient par tie l'eau chargee de sulfure de carbone. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.l, Par., 1885, cix, 317.—Madden (W. B.) A case of chronic poisoning by bisulphide of carbon. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1886. ix, 115-117. Also, [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 18.—Iludelo. Note sur l'assaiuissement d'un atelier de vulcanisation du caoutchouc. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1886, viii, 996-1001.— Jaenieke. Acute Sehwelt-1- koblenstoff-Vergiftung mit totltlichem Aus^mgo. Ztschr. f.Med.-Bearate, Berl.,1889, ii, 222-235.—HLiencr Sc Engel (R.) Sur les alterations d'ordre ht-matiquc produites par Taction tlu sulfure de carbone sur 1 Y-conomit . Compt. rentl. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1886, ciii,394-397.—Lop (P.-A.) & Iiachaux (G.) Des troubles nerveux const-tut ifs a l'in- toxication chronique par le sulfure de carbone. (•:c/,. hebd. dem6d.,Par., 1893, xl, 184-1 s9.—lUacgregor (R.D.) Sup- posed poisoning by the daily use of bisulphide of carbon. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, 1892, n. s., xiv, 622-624.— Maraiidon de Montycl (E.) Des troubles intellec- tuals dans l'intoxieat ion professionnelle par le sulfure de carbone. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 309-339.— Alarie (P.) Sulfure de carbone et hysterie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 445-454.— MaNNoii (H. ) Moyen de pr6venir les accidents que d6veloppe chez les ouvriers 1'inhalation du sulfure de car- bone en vapeur. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1858, xlvi, 683. — Mendel. Ein Fall von Lahmung nach Schwefelkohlenstoff - Vergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl.. 1886, xii, 452.—rVettleMhin (E.) A caseof amblyopia with partial optic atrophy and general nervous depression and emaciation, caused by the vapour of bisul- phide of carbon and chloride of sulphur; partial recovery. It. Ophth. Soc. TJ. Kingdom, Lond., 1885, v, 149-152.— Peterson (F.) Three casesof acute mania from inhaling carbon bisulphide. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvii, 325. Also, Reprint— Pichlcr (K.) Ein Beitrag zui Kenntnis der acuten Schwefelkohlenstoff - Vergiftung. Ztschr. f. Heilk, Berl., 1896, xvii, 403-410.—Rendu (H.) De la Carbon (Bisulphide of, Toxicology of). contracture liee a l'inioxicatioii par lesulfuie d'e carbone. Bull, et mem. Soc. metl. tl. hop. de Par., 1891, li. s., viii 543-550.—Rohm (J.) Two cases of chronic poisoning by bisulphide of carbon. Med. Chrou., Manchester, 1886-7 v, 257-269.—Simon (J.) Accidents produits par le sul- fure tie carbone. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 517. _____. Symptomes (l'intoxication par le sulfure de carbone chez un enfant de cinq mois, consecutifs al'eiivcloppemeiit avec latoilecaoutchoiiqiiee. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf. Par. 1884, ii, 507-510. —Hiniili (W.) Poisoning with bisul- phide of carbon and other factory gases. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1886-7, v, 353-359.—Tama* si a (A.) Dell' intossicazione acutissima per solfuro di carbonio. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1881, vii, pt. 2, 105-124. Also, Reprint. Carbou (Damian). Libro del arte de las corna- tlrcs, t) niatlrinas, y del rcginiiento de las preiiadas y paridas y de los ninos. [In fine fol. ex viii:'] Conipuesto por el egrcgio y maguifico Mestre Damian Carbon, doctor en artes y medicina . . . inipresso en la t-iudad de Mallorca por Hernando de Cansoles. Acabose a veynte y quatro dias di mes de deciembre aiio d mil e quinientos y qua- renta y uno. 120 ff. 12J. [Mallorca, 1541.] Carbonajo ( Giovanni ). Lettera del ... in- torno all' estrazione del feto viveute e morboso ne' parti difficili, c pericolosi al . . . Salvadore Raimondi. 155 pp. 8°. [Girgenti, 1771.] Carbon a ro (Giuseppe). La peste orientale re- lativameute al sistema delle quaranteue. Me- moria della commissione medica del supremo uiagistrato di salute di Napoli scritta dal . . . 65 pp. 4°. NaporT, C. Cataneo, 1845. -----. Intorno agli sperinienti delcomitatorusso inviato in oriente da S. M. 1' Imperatore delle Russie per osscrvarse se il calorico sia un mezzo disinfettante delle cose appestate. Rapporto al sopriutendente generale, presidente del supremo magistrate di salute. 16 pp., 3 1. 8°. [Napoli, 1846.] Repr. from: Gior. d. sc. med. Bound with his: Intorno sul rapporto su la peste [etc.], 8°. Napoli, 1847. -----. Intorno al rapporto su la peste e le qua- rautene, fatto a nome di una commissione alia Reale Accademia di medicina di Francia dal dot- tore Prus; osservazioni. 192 pp. 8°. Napoli, C. Cataneo, 1847. Carbonate of ammonia as an ingredient in bak- ing powder. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1891, vel subseq.] Carbondale. Sec Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Carbone (Francesco). Influenza della luce su 1' organo della vista. 86 pp. 8°. Verona, G. Cieelli, 1876. -----. Letture mediche popolari. Diffetti della vista. 76 pp., 1 1. Hc. Roma, 1884. -----. Medicaziono degli occhi ammalati. 62 pp. 8°. Milano, P. Faverio, 1885. -----. II codice della giovane madre. 178 pp., 11. 8°. Milano, P. Faverio, 1886. Carbonel (Jean-Raoul) [1867- ]. *Du trai- tement des m6trites par le chlorure de zinc en solution. 56 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 52. Carbonell y jtfarti (Juan). Estudio sobre las causas de la liebre ainarillad vdmito negro y de las liebres paludeas en la ysla de Cuba, y su remedio, ii caso el unico. MS. 2 p. l.,51pp. 8U. Habana, 1^79. Carbonelli (Giovanni). Delia castrazione nelle nevrosi della donna. 19 pp. 8°. Torino, V. Bona, 1*96. -----. Forbice embriotoma. 4 pp. 8°. Torino, V. Bona, 1896. -----. Modificazioni al basiotribo di Auvard. 8 pp. 8°. Torino, V. Bona, 1896. Carbonic acid. See Acid (Carbonic). CARBOLIC. 160 (■A1JBOXIC. Carbonic oxide. See, also, Blood (Analysis, etc., of); Blood (Jurisprudence of). Lelorraix (11.) *De l'oxyde de carbone au point dc vue hygienique et toxicologique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*6*. Morton (H.) Carbonic oxide; is it a harmless anaesthetic or a virulent poison 1 8°. New York, 1878. Repr. from: Am. Gas-Light J., X. Y., March 2 and 16, 1878. Prak (J.) *Bijdrage tot de kennis van de hygienische beteekenis van kooloxyd. 8°. Gro- ningen, 1894. Spunt(M. ) *Ue!ier die Wirkung des Koh- leuoxyds auf Eisen uud seine Sauerstoffverbin- dungt'ii. [Bern.] 8. Halle a. S., 1892. Bert (P.) Action de l'oxyde de carbone a haute ten- sion sur la contractility musculaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s.,v, 133. -----. Action de l'oxyde de carbone sur le muscle. Ibid., 232.—Coze. Xote sur l'emploi therapeutique du gaz oxyde de carbone. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, 1'ar., 1S57, xliv, 4!i2. — Fodor (J.) A sz6n61egegeszs6gi tekintetben. [Influence of car- bonic oxide ou health.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1880, xxiv, 109; 133. Also, transl.: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg., 1880, xii, 377-401. Also. Reprint— Fokker (A. P.) TJeber die hygienische Iti-dentting und die Erkennung des Kohlenoxyds. Arch. f. Hyg., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1883-4, i, 503-510. — Gaglio (G.) Ueber die Unveranderlichkeit des Kohlenoxydes und der Oxal- saure im thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. n. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1886-7, xxii, 235-252. — <*■-<-haul (X.) Absorption de l'oxyde de carbone par l'organisme vivant. Ann. d'hysr., Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 97-123. Also, Re- print. -----. Absorption par l'organisme vivant de l'oxyde de carbone introduit en faibles proportions dans l'atmos- ph6re. Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 122; 166. -----. Recherches de physiologie et d'hygiene sur l'oxyde de carbone. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1889, xxv, 453-512. -----. Recherche physiologique de l'oxide de carbone, dans un milieu qui n'en renferme qu'undix-millieme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1891, cxiii,289. -----. Loide l'absorption de l'oxyde de carbone par le sang d'un mammifere vivant. Ibid., 1892, cxiv, 309. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 163. -----. Construction des r6sultats obtenus dans l'etude de l'absorption de l'oxyde de carbone par l'animal vivant; application. Ibid., 1894,10. s., i. 344-346. -----. Influence du temps sur l'absorption de l'oxyde de carbone par le sang. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 594.__ Gruber (M.) Ueber den Nachweis und tlie Giftigkeit des Kohlenoxydes und sein Vorkommen in Wohnraumen. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. zu Miinchen, 1881, xi, 203-219. Also [with addi- tions]: Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1883-4, i, 145- 168. -----. Ueber die hygienische Bedeutung und die Erkennung des Kohlenoxyds. Ibid., 1884-5, ii, 246-251.__ Ilaldanc (J.) The relation of the action of carbonic oxide to oxygen tension. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1895, xviii, 201-217. -----. The action of carbonic oxide on man! Ibid., 430-462. -----. The detection and estimation of carbonic oxide in air. Ibid., 1896, xx, 521. — Hcnipel. Ueber die Grenze der Eaehweisbarkeit des Kohlenoxyd- gases. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd 1878-9, 21 -25. — Hiifner (G.) Ueber die Losliphkeit ties Kohlenoxydgases in Hsemoglobinldsungen. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1x95, 209-2i2.—KreiB (E.) Ueber das Schick- sal des Kohlenoxydes bei der Entgiftung nach Kohlenoxyd- einwirkung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881-2, xxvi, 425-442—Iiinossicr(G.') Influence de l'oxyde tie carbone sur la germination. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc ni£d de Lyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, pt. 2, 110-112. — Marcacci (A.) L' ossido di carbonio dal puuto di vista farmacolo- gico. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1893, i, 65-72. Also transl.- Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1893, xix, 140-148._____\ Sul lneccanismo delja morte per ossido di carbonio. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. metl. in Palermo (1892). 1893, 61.__du itlolay (C. T.) & Jcr/niiiiioHslii iE. J.) ' Improve- ment in processes and apparatus for manufacturing car- bonic oxide. Xo. 216584; June 17, 1879. — Ric-hter (E.) Xeue Reactionen auf Kohlenoxydgasblut. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 199. Also- Verhandl. d. med. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888-9 Leipz 1890, 204.—«le Saint-Mai tin ( L.) Recherches sur le mode d'elimination tie l'oxyde tie carbone. Compt rend Acad. d. sc, Par., 1891, cxii, 1232: 1892. cxv, 835: 1893, cxvi' 260.—Tourdes (G.) Memoire sur Taction anesthesique du gaz oxyde de carbone. [Abstr.J Ibid., 1857, xliv. 96.— ZaU-Nki iS.i Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Ausscheidung des Kohlenoxydes aus dem Thierkdrper. Arch. f. exper Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1885-6, xx, 34-39. Carbon it' oxide (Toxicology of) Sec, also, Blood (Spectroscopy of) ; Blood- washing; Charcoal vapor (Toxicology of); Ex- plosions; Gas (Illuminating, Toxicology of). de Bhacvais (A.-G. j Du traiteinent de l'asphyxie pur l'oxyde de carbone au moyen den inhalations de gaz oxygene et des injections sous-cutanees d'ether sulfuriiiue. Conference (Congres international de sauvetage, seance du 19 septeiubre 1879). 8~. Paris, 18-0. Bkuxeau (M.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'intoxication par l'oxyde de carbone et parti- culierement de l'anatomie pathologiqnc et des signes de cette intoxication. 4°. Paris, 181)2. Delage (L.-C.-F.) Des lesions gastro-intes- tinales dans l'enipoisonnement par l'oxyde de carbone. 4°. Paris, 1896. Driessen (T.) * Ueber die Einwirknng wie- derbolter Kohlenoxydvergiftung auf die roten Blutkorperchen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Freytag (B.) *Versucbe Uber arterielle Transfusion bei Kohlenoxyd-Vergiftung. 8 Eonigsberg i. Pr., [1882]. Giraud (G.) * L'empoisonnemeut par l'oxyde de carbone et les questions me'dico-le'gales qui s'y rattachent. 4°. Paris, 1882. Gross (G. A. L.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik tier Kohlenoxydvergiftung. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Haeckermann (E.) * Ueber einige Nerveu- erkrankungen nach Kohlenoxydgas-Vergiftun- gen. *<-'. Greifswald, [1881]. Haertel (H.) * Differentialdiagnose zwischen Kohlendunst- und Lenchtgasvergiftung. 8 . Berlin, 1897. Hunefeld (F. L.) Die Asphyxie durch Koh- lendunst. Eine chemisch-medicinische Abhand- lung. 8°. Berlin, 1856. Repr. from: Arch. f. med. Erfahr. Khardin (V. [N.]) * O poslfeugarnikh nerv- nlkh zabolievaniyakh i ob iznneneniyakh v nervnlkh tsentrakh pri otravlenii okisyu ugle- roda. [On nervous diseases following coal-gas poisoning, and on the changes in the nerve- centers from poisoning by carbonic oxide.] 8: . S.-Peterburg, 1883. Also, in: Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1885, iii, pt. 1, 88-170. Koch (P. M. E. ) * Zur Encephalomalacie nach Kohlenoxydvergiftung. 8°. Greifswald, 1892. Lamie(J.) * Contribution a l'etude de i'in- toxication oxycarbonee. *°. Bordeaux, 1891. Maass (H.) * Ueher Schwefelkohlenstottvei- giftung. 8°. Berlin, [18.-9]. Meyer (L.) * De sanguine oxydo carbonico infecto. 4°. Wratislariee, 1838. Molliet (V. ) * De l'intoxication chronique par l'oxyde de carbone. 4°. Paris, 1882. Moxdon (E.) * Etude sur quelques fails relatifs :\ l'empoisonnement par l'oxyde de car- bone. 4°. Paris, 1889. Oehlkers (F.) "Beitrage zur Casuistik und zum Nachweis der Kohlenoxidvergiftnng. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Hannover, 1888. Putz (F.) * Ueber Vergiftung durch Produkte der nnvollstandigen Verbrennung speciell durch Kohlenoxyd. 8C. Halle a. S., 1882. S.CHE ff el (J.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kohlenoxydvergiftung. 8°. Eiel, 1891. Simon (C.-J.-B.) * Des paralysies, nevralgies, troubles trophiques et vaso-moteurs survenant sous l'influence de l'intoxication par le gaz oxyde de carbone. 4°. Paris, 1883. Vialettes (E.) * Des accidents consecutifs & l'enipoisonnement par l'oxyde de carbone, an point de vue nieclico-legal. 4-. Paris, 189."). Abi-aniH (A.) Poisoning by carbon-monoxide. Pacific M. &. S. J., Sau Fran., 1883-4, xxvi, 532-535.—Baron (P.) CARBONIC. 161 CARBONIC. Carbonic' oxide (Toxicology of). Troubles trophiques dans l'intoxication ow-earboniquo aigue. Presse med., Par., 1895, 363. — Brrlier (E.) Ueber Nachkrankheiteu der Kohlenoxydgasx t rgiftung, speciell iiber einen unter dem Bilde der niultiplen dissemi- nirten Sclerose des Ceiitralnerveusystems verhuifeneii Fall. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 513; 540 . 562. ------. Zur Lehre von den nervdsen Nachkrank- heit'en der Kohlenoxydvergiftung. Ibid., 1893, xix, 571. ______Die Kohlenoxydgasvergiftung und tlie zu deren Vei'Mitiing geeigueten saiiitatspolizeilieheii Maassregeln. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl., Berl., 1893. 3. F., v, 113 ; 336.— Bei'gc & Be UTobele. Intoxication par l'oxyde de carbone. [Rap.J Presse med. beige, Brux., 1897, xlix. 261-263. Also: Cliniqne, Brux., 1897, xi, 495-197.- Ber- geron. Enipoisonnement par l'oxyde de carbone. Bull. Soc. tie metl. dePar. (1875), 1870, x, 41-43—Bertin-Nan* (H.)tfcMoites»ier (J.) Nouveau precede pour rec herein r l'oxide tie carbone dans le sang. Gaz. hebtl d. sc. med. tie Montpel., 1891, xiii, 517— Blokuscwfiki. Bemerkun- gen zu dem Richter'schen Gutachten, Trunkenheit, Koh- renoxydvergiftung, Erstickung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1892, v, 384—Borsat-i (('.) Un caso tli attossica- meuto carbonico con para lisi del trigemino. Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 338. Also. Reprint. — Boucher ( L. ) Perte de souvenir due k l'oxyde de carbone. et portent sur des faits aut6rieurs k l'intoxication. cbez une 6pilep- tique melancolique. France metl.. Par., 1884, i, 525-527.— Bregma■■ (E.) & Grniewiki (A.) O porazeniach po zaczadzeniu. [Onparalysis from carbonic oxide poisoning.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1897, xviii, 137-147.— Brinnil. Note pour servir k l'bistoire des amnesies toxiques pro- tluites par l'oxyde de earbene. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1839, 3. s., xxi, 356-369. Also.- Soc. de med. leg. tie France. Bull., Par., 1890. xi, 23-36. -----. De Panim-sii- retro- erade dans l'intoxication par l'oxyde de carbone. Cong. internat. de med. ment. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890. 198-206.— Brodier (L.) Enipoisonnement par l'oxyde de carbone; injection intraveineuse tie serum artinciel: guerison. Med. motl., Par.. 1896, vii. 377— Bi-onardel (P.) Symp- tomes de l'intoxication oxyiarbon6e. Ann. de metl. scient. et prat.. Par., 189?, ii. 153-156. Also, transl: In- ternat. Clin., Phila. 1893,3. s.. i, 44-49. -----. Sur l'intoxi- cation rapide par l'oxyde tie carbone des briquettes em- ployees pour le chauffagedes voitures. Bull.Acatl.de med., Par., 1894. 3. s., xxxi, 76-83. — Cassitly (J.J.) The pre- vention of carbonic oxyde poisoning from stoves. Rep. Ass. Health Off. Ontario. Toronto, 1890. 26-30.—Charcot. Abasie a forme trepidant!: a la suite de l'iutoxication jiar l'oxyde de carbone. Bull, med., Par., 1889, iii, 451-453. Also, transl. • Boll, tie clin., Milano, 1889, vi, 323-329. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 340; 354: 366; 4!iii—Clici-biiliez (E.) Etude spectrophotometrique du sang oxycarbone. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, 110- 117.—C'hluniKky. Tod in Kohlenoxyd und Tod (lurch Kohlenoxyd. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1893,3. F.,v, 321-335.—Cramer (A.) Auatomi-cher Befund im Gehirn hei einer Kohlenoxydgasvergiftung. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat.'. -Jena. 1891, ii, 545-55(1.—Culling. worth (C. J.) Poisoning by the fumes of burning coke ; two deaths, one recovery: apprehension of survivor on suspicion of murder. Metl. Chron.. Manchester, 1885-6, ii, fut-Kl—!>«■ Boyer. Observations d'asphyxie par l'oxyde tie carbone survenue apres l'emploi du chauffage mobile. Bulk Soc. de med. prat, tie Par. (1880), 1881, 151-156.— DcichMettcr (J.) Die gerichtlich-mediciiii.sche Diffe- rentialdiagnose zwischen Leuchtgas und Kohlendunstver- giftung. Friedreich's 111. f. gerichtl. Metl., Niirnb.. 1896, xlvii, 33-70.—Belage. Des lesions gastro-intestinales dans l'enipoisonnement par l'oxyde de carbone. [Abstr.] Poiton med., Poitiers, ls97. xi. 10-15. — Oi-kcoiinI. Note sur un accitlent mortel tlu a une tlisposition vicieusi; d'un tuyau de fumee. Bull. Soc. tie metl. pub., Par., 3880. iii, 386-392. — l>iHii-.K i (The) at Snaefel and a remarkable sequel. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i. 1424. — Draper. Fatal poisoning by the inhalation of lime-kiln vapors, carbonic oxide gas predominating. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1878, xcviii, 375. Also: Extr. Rec.Bost. Soe. M.Improve.(1874-9), 1880, vii, 99-101— Drexer (H.) Zur Toxikologic des Kohlen- oxyds. Arch.f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxix, 119-134.— Biifonrnier. Pneumonia droite sans inaction febrile k la suite d'une intoxication par l'oxyde do carbone. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 837. — F.mpoi- xoniicmcntN (Les) par les poeles mobiles (intoxication »xyt-ai-boiiee). Tribune m6d., Par., 1889, xxi,74-77.—Falk (F.) Feber einen F'all von Kohlenoxydvergiftung. Vtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1884, n. F., xl, 279-285. -----. Zur Casuistik der Kohlenoxydvergiftungen. Ibid.. 1891, 3. F.,ii, 260-265.—Fallot. Note stir un cas d'amnesie retro- grade consecutif k l'iutoxicatioii par l'oxyde tie carbone. Ann. d'livg.. Par.. 1892, 3. s., xxvii. 244-252.—Foilor (J.) Gyilkossag szeueleg altal. A szeneleg kimutatasa a beszailtott verben. [Murder by carbonic oxide eas. | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1880, xxiv, 305-307.-«arofalo (A.) .Untersuchungen iiber Glycosurie bei Kohlenoxyd- und Leuehtgasvergiftung. TJntersuch. z. Naiurl. d. Mensch. u. rl. Thiere, Giessen, 1893, xv. 66-92.—«eppert (J.) Kohlenoxydvergiftung uud Erstickung. Deutsche i 11 Carbonic oxide (Toxicology of). med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 418. ______. Zur Theorie der Kohlenoxydvergiftung; eine Experimen- taluntersiichuug. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f vaterl Kult. 1894. Bresl., 1895, lxxii, 1. Abth., Med. Sect., 103.— Given ((Jr. K.) A case of carbonic acid poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 11.—Olynn. Nevritis from poisoning by carbon monoxide. Metl. Press & Circ., Lond., 1895. n. s., lix, 385.—fiiiiimli (R.) Ein Fall von Stupor nach Koh- lenoxydvergiftung; Heilunenach fiinf Monaten. Charite- Ann. 1881. Berl., 1883, viii, 409-415.—Graham (J.) Cases of poisoning by carbonic oxide due to a defective furnace pipe. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 722-724. Also ■ Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1885, xiii, 164-108. Also: Tr. Coll 1'liv's Phila., 1886, 3. s., viii. 177-185. — Giehant (N.) Mi-sure de la dose toxique d'oxyde tie carbone chez divers ani- maux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 380-382. ------. Nouvelles recherches sur l'61imination'tle l'oxvde de carbone apr^s un enipoisonnement partiel. Ibid., 1886, 8. s., iii, 166; 182. ------. Sur les accidents produits par l'oxyde tie carbone. (Extrait.) Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc. Par., 1888, cvi. 289. ------. Application du grisoume. re k la recherche me-dico-legale dc l'oxyde tie carbone. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 162-164. ------. Sur l'absorption dc l'oxyde de carbone pai- le sang; influence du temps. Ibid., 1894, 10. s., i, 251-253. ------. Sur le traitement tie 1'empoisoimemcnt par l'oxyde de carbone. Ibid., 1896, 10. s., iii, 177. ------. Emploi du gi isouraetre dans la recherche medico-legale de l'oxyde de carbone. Compt. rentl. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1896, exxiii, 1013- 1015.—Orchant (N.) & Qninqnniicl. Dans l'empoi- sonnementpaiToxydodecarbone. ct-gaz peut-il passer dela mereau fti-tus.' Ibid., 1883. xcvii,330.—Greiff(F.) Ueber KohlenoxydvcTgiftungbei Thi-enlestillation. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl.. P.erl.. 1890, n. F., Iii, 359-366.—G nil hem (A.) achweis (Feber den) und die Git'tigkeit ties Kohlenoxyds. [From: Imlustrit-BL] Gesiindh^-Iiigenieur, Berl., 1881, iv, 251-254.—Obolonski (X.) K voprosu ob opredlelenii okisi ugleroda v krovi. [On the detection of carbonic oxide in the blood.] Shorn. ! abot. proizved. lab. Anrepa, Cliarkoif, 1885-6, i, 33-38.— Oifier, Brouardcl (P.) Sc »><■»< oii*l. Un cas d'em- poTsonneiiient par l'oxyde de carbone. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1894, 3. s.. xxxi, 376 ; 459.— Ogier 6c Soequet. Cas d'in- toxication par l'oxyde de carbone. Ibid., 1889, 3. s., xxii, 276-298. Also. Soc. de metl. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1890, xi, 80-102. — Pi'-rochnuil. Hemiplegie caus6e par l'enipoisonuenient par Toxytle de carbone. Gaz.m6d.de Nantes, 1893-4, xii. 118.—I»ej«er (K.) Ueber die Vergif- tun" mil Kohlenoxydgas. Allg. med. Ceutr.-Ztg., Berl., 18937 lxii, 1095; 1105; 1117. —Piolrowwki (G.) Pendant conibien de temps peut-on n-trouvertle l'oxyde do carbone dans le sang apres rempoisoiinement.' Comiit. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 433-435.—IMenio. Feber Kohlenoxydvergiftimg. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888, xliii, 299-301. — Poelehen. Gehirnerwei- chuno' nach Vergiftung mit Kohlendunst. Berl. klin. Wchimeln., 1882. xix, 390-399 — Po|»otr iN. M.) K ka- zuistikie poslieugarnikh lieniiidegi\. [Case of hemiplegia from carbonic oxide poisoning.) Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1891, xxxvi 483-4.-8.—Poswelt (A. I Eiu Fall von Kohlendunst- vergif'tung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 377; 399.— Pouvhet (G.) Affaire Gti-ttlingcr et Riat; intoxication accitlentelle par l'oxyde de carbone. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1888 3 s., xx, 361-374. Also: Soe. de med. 16g. de France. Bull., Par-. 1889, x, 191-204.— Proskauer (B.) Die Ge- fahriichkeit tier Carbou-Oefen. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1889. vii, 235. — Qninqnauil. Intoxication par l'oxyde de carbone. Anii.dc- eii. scient. et prat., Par., 1892, ii, 225; 233. — Rehabilitation (La) de Mine. Druaux. p'roct'-s celeb-, Par., 1800-7, iv, 261; 281. — Kiehardiei-e (H.) L'l-mpoisonnenient pai l'oxyde de carbone. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1804. lxvii. 965-969.— Kiehtei-. Truukouheit; Kohienoxvtlvergiftimg; Erstickung. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1892, v, 361-363.— Biehter (E.) Kohlen- oxydvergiftung durch Resorption von tier Leiheshiihle aus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1*95. xxi, 516.'—Kifhter (M.) Zur Differentialdiagnose zwischen ' Carbonic oxide (Toxicology of). Kohlendunst- und Li-uchigasvergifiung. Wien iv|;n Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 753 755. — Koilinnl (,| j Ll; intoxications par l'oxyde de carbone. I'nion nit'-il ' Par., 1894, 3. s., lvii, 133; 205. — von Itoliitni,,,!,, ( P. ) Poliomyelitis nach Vergiftung mit Ktihlenthuist Wien. metl. Presse, 1889, xxx, 2049 - 2052. — Kiintn Delirio allucinatorio acuto da avveh-naineiito per ossitlo di carbonio. Ann. di freuiat. |otc.J. Torino, 1891-2, iii 149-153. Also: Gazz. med. di Torino, 1892, xliii, 461-464.— Bubner. Eine Reaction des Kolilenoxydblut.es. Art'h f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1890, x, '397. — Mclmcli. in a n n. Intoxication par l'oxyde de carbone; paralysis des muscles extenseurs de lavaut-bras gauche; gu6risiui rapide. France metl., Par., 1886, ii, 803-897. Also: (,'our rier ni6d.. Par., 1886, xxxvi, 299. ,l/.w.- Hull. Soc. cliu tie Par. (1880), 1887, x, 101-105.—Meh mi I*. Feber die Ein- wenduiig der Kohlenoxydgas-Vergiftung auf das Arce. Ges. Beitr. a. tl. Geb. tl. Chir. u. Med. d. prakt. LebenV Wiesb., 1893, 229-230.-Scott (A.) A clinical lecture oii dementia resulting from poisoning by carbon monoxide. Lancet, Loud., 1896, i, 217-219.-----. Poisoning by car. bon monoxide. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1896, ii, 907—Niour. Empoisounement oxycarbone. cause par nn ClioiilMtsky' Poiton med., Poitiers, 1889, iii, 80-84.—Nokotowiki (A.) Przyczynck do symptomat. i dyjagnostyki zatrneia tlen- kiem weght. [Symptomatology and diagnosis of poisoning by carbonic oxide. | Przegl. lek.. Krak6w, 1887, xxvi. It).— Spica (P.) & .Vlenegazzi (G. P.) Sull' azione c|,l)' acqua ossigenata negli avvelenaineuti per ossido di enrlm- nio. Atti r. 1st. Veneto tli sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1892- 3, 7. s., iv, 1506-1525. Also: Arch, di farm, e terap., Pa. lermo, 1893, i, 705-723.—NIcvciinoii (T.) Poisoning with carbonic oxide by means of water-gas. Guy's Hosp. Rep. Lond , 1889, 3. s., xxxi, 223-244.-Nloei-mei- (R.) Feber die Kohlenoxydvergiftung vom medicinal- uud sanitiits- polizeilichen Standpunkte. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl Berl., 1895, 3. F., ix, 145; 366: 3. F., x, 147.—Mtraub iW.j Ueber die Bedinguugen des Auftretens der (ilykosuiie nach der Kohlenoxydvcrgiltung. Arch. f. exper.' Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz.', 1896, xxxviii, 139-157.—Tanner (J. A.) Poisonous effects of carbonic oxide in illuminating and other gases. Times & Reg., Phila. Sc Bost., 1896, xxxi, 208-212.—Teweles. Kohleuoxydvergiftung; Tod. her. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1880, 337. — Torres (D.) Un caso tie asfixia, produdila por el 6xido de carbono. Bol. tie med. y cirug., Madiid, 1884, ii, 167-169.—Tornp (S.) Om Kuloxydforgiftniiigei ved Ovne metl "huigsom Forbnending". [Poisoning by carbonic oxide from stoves with "slow combustion".] Norsk Mag. f. La-gcvidensk., Christiania, 1891, 4. 11., vi, 578-583. — Trail I ■■<■■'. Kulilteforgiftning. [Poisuiiing by carbonic oxide.] Fgesk.f. La-ger, Kjobenh., 1890.4. K., xxi, 10-15.—Trend. De quelques symptomes consecu- tifs k l'iutoxication aigue par l'oxyde de carbone. (biz. hebtl. de med., Par., 1895, xiii, 351;' 369; 379.—Trimble (I. R.) Use of nitro-glycerinein a case of poisoning bv car- bonic oxide gas. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890-91, xxiv. 491- 494.—Troi'tski (P.) K voprosu o sudebno-metlitsiiiskoin znachenii izslledovaniya krovi pri otravlenii okisyu ugle- roda. [Medico-legal importance of examining the blood in poisoning by carbonicoxide.] Russk. Metl., St. Petersb., 1885, ii, 95-97.—Valcnzncla (F.) Un caso tic asiixiapor el dxitlo tie carbono, vuelto k la vida por la respiracion prolongada de oxigeno. Siglo med., Madrid, 1889, xxxvi, 35.—Vallin (E.) Les poeles mobiles et a combustion lente. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, xi, 385-403. — Vibert (C.) Diagnostic medico-legal de rempoisonnemeut par l'oxvde decarhone. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i,67; 424.—Vieiini& Tronehand. Un cas d'intoxication massive par 1 oxyde de carbone traite par la saignee et l'injection massive tie serum tie Ilayeni. Nord mi'-tl.. Lille, 1897, iii, 90-92.- Wiii-liholz (l,.j Doswiadczalne przyczynki do nauki o otruciii tlenkiem we.gla; peyvny sposob do odi'6znienia zaczadzeniaotl zatrucia gazeni ftwictlnyrn. (Experimental researches on the toxicity of carbon monoxide; sure method to distinguish between poisoning by the vapor of burning coal aud illuminating gas. J Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1896, xxxv, 223; 240; 255; 271; 286. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1896, x, 400-423.—Wach- holz (L.) Sc Mierailxki (\V.) Przyczynek do rozpozua- wania Smierei z zaczad/.t-nia. [Coutribution to the diag- nosis of death from coal gas poisoning. ] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1897, xxxvi, 80-84.----------. Weitere t-xperi- meutelle Untersuchungeii iiber Kohlenoxyd- und Lencht gasvergiftung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1897, x,269- 285.—WHmoii (J. R.) Effect of carbon tlioxid, carbonic oxid, suphurated hydrogen, water-gas aud coal-gas on animal life. Metl. News, Phila., 1893,Txiii, 677-680. Alio, Reprint.—Kawadzki (J.) Przyczynek do kwestyizbio- rowego zatrucia tlenkiem w^gla. [Contribution to ques- tion of cumulative poisoning by carbonic oxide.] Kron. lek., Warszayva, 1892, xiii, 713-722. CarbOBBier (Henri) [1872- ]. *Cpntribu- tiou k l'dtude de l'aiigine sypliilitiqut; aux trois p^riodes (tlysphaoit- ]uolong6e). (>7 pp., 1 1. 4;. Lyon, 1894, No. K»7. OAKBONOMETEli. 163 CARBUNCLE. (arboiionieter. .tlolewworth (YV.) A new carbonometer. Med.Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliv, 414. Carbo-oxygen. Humphrey (H. S.) Carbo-oxygen in consumption and other forms of -wasting disease. Med. Rec, N. T., 1888, xxxiv, 560-562. Carbothaldin. Tlazzetli (C.) Sopra 1' azione flsiologica della carbo- tialdina. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1890, 4. s., xi, :!iil-364. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1890-91, xiv, 231-233. Carbon (B.) [18.r>7- ]. *De la pouctiou et tie l'iucision dans l'hvtlartlirose chronique. 7'J pp. 4°. Paris, 18*4,'~Su. '202. CarbOlie (E.) [1?n>7- ]. *De l'irideetomie dans la k6ratite parenchymatous!1 et dans la stlcro-keratitc 35 pp. -L. Pans, 1882, Xo. 336. Carbuncle. See, also, Abscess; Anthrax; Boils. Bougax (A.) Du role du staphylocoque dans la pathog^nie de l'authrax et de ses complica- tious; de la destruction dc l'authrax par les fleches caustitiues au chlorure de zinc suivant le proce'tle' de M. Palaillou opposee aux autrcs w6- thodes de traitement. 4 \ Paris, 1S92. -----. The same. L'authrax, pathogenic et complications. Traitement par les Heches caus- titiues au chlorure de zine. H°. Paris, 1892. Chabbert (L.) *De l'authrax des levres, ses complications ; sou traitement. 4°. Paris, 1S77. -----. The same. 8Z. Paris, 1877. Ciiatard(P.) * De anthrace. 4 . Monspelii, 17-7. Cooliiaas (J. H.) * Diss, sistens ohservatio- nem deanthrace verticein occupante. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1839. Darricakerre ( E. ) * Gravite", pronostic et traitement de Tanthrax. 4C. Paris, 1878. Haktman (H.) * De carbunculo. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1653. Martinez y Suarez (F.) Las afecciones car- buueosas y su trasmision al hombre. 8°. Ma- drid, 1880. Vailhe ( L.) * Contribution a l'etude des authiax de la face au point de vue de leurs com- plications. 4 . Paris, 18^0. Wexdroth (W. F.) Ueber die Ursachen, Er- keuutiiiss und Behandlung des coutagiosen Car- bunkels. 8D. Sangerhausen, 18:>7. -----. The same. 8". [u. p.], 1^37. Anthrax of face. Rep. Superv. Surg. -Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 313.—Artola (M. It.) An- tral y forunculos de la cara. Gac. m6tl., Lima, 1876, ii, 411-416.—Baudel (P.) Carbunculus malignus mit todt- lichem Ausgang. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1897, xlviii. 23-:;:;.—Barritt (W.M.) Anthrax. Atlanta M. Sc S. J.. 1889-90, n. s., vi, 467-470.—Bastcro vIierga(J.) Enferuii-ilaib-.s carbuncosas. Cliu. i-scolar, Zaragoza. 1882, i. 2 : 7.—It* rut. Een geval van carbuncu- lus maligiius. Nederl. Tijtlsclir. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1879, xv, 725. — Blanc (11. W.) Anthrax: the disease of the Egyptian plagues. X. Oil. M. & S. J., 1890-91, xviii, 1- -5- — Boi* (A.) Anthrax malin. Progres metl., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 294. — B: auchat (E.) Coutribucion al estudio de las eufermedades carbuncalcs. Gac. med. de Granada, 1883, i, 1-8. — Bui rail (F. A.) Carbuncle of the face. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. ,s.,lxxx, 190-192.— Campbell. Carbuncle or anthrax; death from blood- poisoning. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1885, x, 357. — Car- i-a her (J. V.) Case of carbuncle. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 50-52. — Clark (F. Le G.) Carbuncle. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1883, Lond , 1884, n. s., xiii, 6-Demyanovii h (L. I.) Sluchai karbunkula na verkhut-l gubie. [Cai-bumde of upper lip.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1889-90, xxviii. 59-66.—Briscoll (D.) Carbuncle. J. Med. Sc Sc., Port- land, 1896-7, iii, 252-254.—Eladio Beeio. Antrax grave (avispero) ; curaoion. Fraternidad med.,Vallad., 1881, iii, IWM04.—Engdahl (E.) Om ansigtskarbunklar. Eira, (joti-borg, 1877, i, 29-31.—Fuchs (C. H.) Carbunkel. In €nr1)iincle. his: Ber. ii. tl. metl. Klin, zu Gdtting., 8°, 1853-4,186-190.— (i. (A.) Observacao tic lira caso de anthraz da mica; considcracoes sobre a pathogeuia e tratamento desta molestia. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1873, i, 89; 123.—Oil y Ortega (B.) Apuntes clinicos sobre el carbunco y en- fcrmedadi-s carbuncosas en el hombre. Siglo m6d. Ma- drid, 1892, xxxix, 646 ; 602 ; 078.—Orahain (D. W.) Car- buncle-, itsetiology, pathology, and treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chit-ago. 1894, xxii. 572-571. — 4Jray (C. A.) Car- buncle. Southwest. M. & S. Reporter, Port Worth, 1895-6, i, 172-178. — Hai-alsoii (II. II.) Carbuncle. Therap'. Ga/.., Detroit, 1885,3. s., i, 009.—Hay warn (W. T.) Two cases of facial carbuncle. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 297-300.—Holmes, A cast- of facial carbuncle '; necroDsy. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 889.— Blots. (II. (j.) Remarks on carbuncle, with report of a peculiar case. J. Cutan. Sc Genito-TJrin. His., N. T., 1892, x, 179-183. Also [Abstr.] : Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y., 1891, xv. 71.— Kurz (E.) Einige Falle von Carbunkel. Mt-morabilien lleilbr., 1880, xxv, 193-206. — Krithy ( L.) Valami a bekestnegvei pokolvarrol. [Carbunculus beiiignus.l Or- vosi Tar,'Pest,, 1841, i, 129-139. — ITIeKiiight (E. J.) Furuncles and carbuncles. Proc. Connect. M.Soc, Bridge- port, 1889, 179-185. — IHadmga (F.) Variedad dc pro- cesos carbuncah-s en el hombre. Correo ini'-d. castellano, Salamanca, 1890, vii, 307; 325; 344; 362; 374.—iTIajjralh. Carbuncle of tbe face. Brit, M. J.. Lond., 1885, i,' 1154.— ITIarchetli (G. B.) Sul periodo tl' incubazionc del car- htmchio. Gior. di med. vet,, Torino, 1880, xxix, 186-199.— Tl arte in ■■>■ (H.) Carbonchio maligno. Gior.d. r. Accad. metl.-chir. di Torino, 1853, 2. s., xvii, 449-459. — Martin (A.-P.) Mort rapide par nieningite purulente et septico- pyemic, consecutives a des furoncles de la nuque t-t dc la rlgion mass6terienne gauche. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil . Par., 1897, xxix, 215. — Mastcniinii (G. F.) Car- buncle of the face. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, i, 1246.— Tied in a (M.) Historia clinica tie imea so de antrax. Rev. int'-tl. tie Sevilla, 1886, ix, 129; 161.—iVIoore (M. G.) Report of a case of anthrax carbuncle. Metl. Xews, N. Y., 1896, lxix,701.—©'Conor(J.) Carbuncle. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii. 5s2.—Ozanam (J. A. F.) LapucedoBourgogne. In his: Hist. med. d. mal. epidem., 2. ed., 8°, Par., 1835, iv, 290.—l>nlido (A.) Sobre el carbunco, k proposito de una observacion clinica. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1882, xxix, 8; 27; 42; 54; 72; H)7.—Macchi (G.) Sulla durata della vitalita e virulenza delle forme vegetative del carbonchio nell' or- ganismo dei colombi refrattari. Gazz. tl. osp., Napoli, 1892, xiii, 99-102.—Santero (E.) Sc Baliilo (J.) ; Eri- sipela cedulo-cut&nea? ; Fiebre carbuncolosa espontdnt-a I Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1888, xi, 225-228.—Sarkcr (U. C.) Notes on four cases of carbuncle and their treatment. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, viii, 491— Sebthorpc (C.) On carbuncle. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8, Madras, 1888, ii, 420-431.—Sircar (J.K.) On car- bunch- antl its frequency in diabetes. Tr. Calcutta M. Soe., 1881, ii. 84-91. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi. 204. — Wirear (TJ. (',.) Notes on four cases of carbun- cle and their treatment, Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, xi, 204.—Snyder (A. IIJ Carbuncle. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1891, lx. 21-20.—Mojo. El foranculo del labio superior. Rev. tb cien. med.de Han-el., 1896, xxii, 169-173.—St udart (G.) Observacao de dous casos de carbunculo. Uniao metl., Rio de Jan., 1884, iv, 552-555.—Thomas (E. H.) A case of carbuncle of the neck in a man 65 years old; treat- ment; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1892, iii, 433.— Triller (I). W.) De anthracibus et variolis veterum. In: Hahn (J. G.) Carbo pcstilens [etc.J, 4°. Vratisl., 1736, pt, 2, 1-32.—Verco (J. C.) Two cases of facial carbun- cle; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1891-2, xi, 49- 53.—Vereo"(W. A.) Facial carbuncle. Ibid., 1895, xiv, 252.—Warren i.I. C.) Columnar adiposse, witb their sig- nificance in the development of carbuncle. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 177.—Wernicke. Grano malo y carbunclo. Rev. argent, do cien. med., Buenos Aires, 1886, iii. 45-49, 1 pi.—West (R.M.) Carbuncle. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1895-6, iii, 147-150.—Wright (J. W.) Clinical loctute on carbuncle. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 513-515. Carbuncle (Causes and contagion of). See, also, Boils (Causes, etc., of). Balp (S.) Sc Cnrhonc (T.) Sui prodotti tossici del bacillo del carbonchio. Gior. tl. r. Accad. tli med. di To- rino, 1891, 3. s., xxxix, 897-900. — Brnnner (C.) Beitrage zur Aetiologie acuter Zellgewebscntziiuduiigeii; eineKar- hunkel-Hausepidemie durch Infection mit thierischem Geschwiirssecrete. "Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 371; 391— Jacluiiiiu (\V. T.) r.acteria iu carbuncle. Lan- cet, Lond., 1878, ii, 795 — IVeneki (M.) O chemicznym skladzie laseeznikow karhunkulowyoh. [Chemical com- position of the carbuncle bacillus. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s., iv, 633-637.—Sebilean (P.) Nature parasi- taire de ranthraco-furoiiculose; son traitement. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1888, 7. s., v, 187; 200; 209.—Warren (J. C.) The pathology of carbuncle or "anthrax ". Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 5-8, 1 pi. CARBUNCLE. 164 CARBUNCLE. Carbuncle (Complications of). Barbulcc. Anthrax malin de la region parotidieune; tlegentrescencc kystique des tleux reins; hydrocephalic ventriculaire; mort. France mod., Par., 1883, ii, 529-532.— Berger (P.) Abces central de la diaphyse du femur, consecutif k une ost6omyelite chronique d'embl6e dtvelop- pee chez un adulte a la suite d'un anthrax de la nuque. Ibid., 1890. xxxvii, 498-500.—Bom-hcr (L.-J.-B.) An- thrax de la levre superieure: phlebite faciale double; phlegmon suppure des deux orbites; accidents cerebraux; necrose partielle ties deux cornees. Rec d'ophth., Par., 1884, 3. s., vi, 270-279.—Cases of carbuncle with secondary deposits of pus in the lungs. Indiau Ann. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1854. ii, 463-465.—B-ajce (N.) Case of carbuncle, involving in its jirogress the ilestructioii of very important parts. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1855, n. s., ii, 342- 344.—Dal ton (H. C.) Immense anthrax of back; opera- tion: recovery. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1889, vi, 10.— Besprcs. Anthrax de la levre inferieure, cxostose sous- uugueale. France med.. Par., 1882, i, 614-617. Also: J. d. eonn.mM. prat., Par.. 1882, 3. s., iv. 333. — Fayrer (J.) Malarious poisoning; carbuucular condition of the cheek; death from pulmonary embolism. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1871. vi, 255.—Fischer. Carbunkel des Nackens mit todtlichem Ausgange. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Hegnach. 1887, xxxviii, 293— IHasterman (G. F.) On phagetla-uie carbuncle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 510.—IHirliel (M.) Anthrax tie la nuque; phlegmon perinephretique consecutif. Union m6d. du nord-est, Reims. 1890, xiv, 353-356.—Monnier (L.) Large-anthrax dc la region dorsale: fusee purulente dans le canal rachi- dien ct infection purulente; mort. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1881, 7. s., i. 279-281.—Beverdin (.T.-L.) Recherches sur les causes de la gravite particuliere des anthrax et des furonoles tie la face. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1870, i, 641: ii. 24; 147. Also, Reprint.—Mager (A. H.) A fatal case of carbuncle. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1880-81, v, 103.—Trelat. Phlebite consecutive au fnroncle et a, l'authrax. Bull. Soc. de chir. tie Par. (1865), 1866. 2. s., vi, 451; 458.—Vernenil. Anthrax de la 16vre superieure et nephrite aigue Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1885, lviii, 453.—Wal- ter (W. II.) An extensive carbuncle. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 658. Carbuncle (Treatment of). See, al-- hiirsl (J.), jr. Clinical lecture on the treatment of car- buncle by compression. Phila. M. Times, 1883^, xiv, 409- 411.—Barker (P. C.) How to arrest a carbuncle. N York M. J.. Is9:s. h-ii. 070 — Barnch (S.) The treatment of carbuncle. Am. M. Hi-We.-kly. N. Y, 1881, xiii, 265. Also: Gaillartl's M. J.. N. Y., 1881, xxxii, 517-519.— Blanc (II. i On the tieatnicut of carbuncle by carbol- ised spray. Lancet, Loud., 1888, i, 1129.—Bocarr'o (J. E.) The treatment of carbuncles of large size. Indian M. Pec, Calcutta 1893. v, 311-313. — Bogiian. Anthrax traits avec des pulverisations de sublime corrosif; gueri- son a pen pres complete en huit jours. Bull. Soc. d. ni6d. et nat. de Jassy, 18*8, ii. 195-208.—Braun. Behandlung eines bosartigen Karlmnkels. Ztschr f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Winiienden, 1880. xxxi, 247-250.—Brown (E. H.) Tiie treatment of carbuncle. IudianM.t la/...Calcutta, 1891, xxvi, 231. —Buchanan (W. J.) Large carbuncle on abdomen treated by hypodermic injections of pure carbolic acid. Ibid., 1892, xxvii, 372.— Bnlkley (L. D.) The treatment of carbuncle without incision. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 542-545. -----. Ou the non-surgi- cal treatment of boils, carbuncles, and felons. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 808-871. Also: .1. Cutan. Sc Oenito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1897, xv, 4(3.—Caccia (E.) Cura insolita di un vospaio della nucca; storia clinica. Spallanzani, Mo- dena, 1880, ix, 119-122.—Capp (W. M.) The treatment of carbuncle. Med.News.Phila.. 1893, lxii, 159.—Chappell (W.F.) Treatment of carbuncle wiib carbolic acid. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 631— Chiainenti (A.) La cura chirurgica ed antisettica (telle malattie carbonchiose. Gior. veucto di sc. med., Yenezia, 1878, 3. s., xxix, 377-401.__ Cohen (L. H.) Treatment of carbuncle. Med. Sc Sdrg. Reporter, I'bila., 1886, liv, 188.—Conner (P. S.) On the use of the actual cautery (the thermocautery of Paquelin) in the treatment of carbuncle. Metl. Xews. Phila., 1882, xii, 648.—Conor (J. O.) A note on the treatment of car- buncle. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1896, cxii, 445.— Coriveand. Note sur le traitement de l'authrax sans incision par la methode antiseptique. J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 490. — Cnevns Arringada (F.) Tratamiento de las enfermedades carbonosiis por Car b uncle (Treatment of). el iodo. Rev. med. tb- Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1884-5 xiii 44; 84; 124; 163.— Bade ( Sir P. ) Remarks on the treatment of carbuncles and boils. Brit. M. J. Lond 1888, i, 1045.—Fini ( L.) Sc Poggi (E.) Le iniezioni di sublimato corrosivo nell' iufezionc carhonchio.sa. Khm. segna med., Bologna, 1896, iv, no. 9, 2-4. — Oay (N.) Treatment of carbuncle. Columbus M J., 18S6-7, v, 49_ 53.— CJciglev (J. S.) Local treatment of caibunilp South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1885, xv. 281-286.—Boldni (W. W.) Hydrogen dioxide in the treatment of carbun- cles. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 252—Hayes (E. S.) Carbolic acid injection in the treatment of carbuncle Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1885-6, v, 284.— Hibbt-iii (J.F.) Local treatment of carbuncle. Indiana M. J In dianap., 1884-5, iii, 209-211.—Howard (H.C.) Carbun- cles; their antiseptic and abortive treatment. Chicago M Rev., 1881, iii, 60.—Howell (J. M.) The treatment of carbuncle, with report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y., i8'ji xlvi, 731.—Hughes (C. H.) The dry treatment »l' mr' buncle. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago. 1885. xi, 448.-lti-n. nedy (N. B.) Carbolic acid injections in hieiiiorrhniiN and carbuncle. J. Am. M. Ass., ('hicago, 1880, vi, .VJ!)._ Herseh (S.) Zur Behandlung des Carbunkt-ls. Memo- rabilien, Heilbr., 1878, xxiii, 529-535.—Kirtikar (K. Ii.) On treatment of carbuncle by incision. Tr. M. & I'liys. Soc. Bombay, 1884, n. s., No. v, 28-40.—I.abaiiii (K.) Remedio anti-carbuncoso. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1880, xxvi, 38.— Iiarghi(B.) Spaccatura e eauterizzazioue coll' azotato tl' argcuto, metodo abortivo per la cura del vespajo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1886, clxxxxvi, 127.— Leake (H. K.) The treatment of carbuncle. Gaillaru's M. J., N. Y., 1885, xl, 617-622.—I.c Bon (G.) Guerison d'un anthrax des levres par les applications continues de glace. Bull. Soc metl.-prat, de Par. (1869), 1870, 25-27.— Leonard (B. F.) The caustic potash treatment of car- buncles. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3. ix, 148-150.-de Linares y Bnriquez (F.) Los iodicos al interior en las afecciones carbuncales. Clinica de Malaga, ji-811, i, 97-105. — Lopez Bnbio (W.) Dos palabras sobre el tratamiento del dutrax por las iuyeocitmes fenicadas. Siglo metl., Madrid, 1S82. xxix, 155. — iVIcClellan (G.) On the local treatment of carbuncle by the moist-sponge dressing and counter-irritation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 626. —McKie (T. J.) The treatment of carbun- cle. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1880, 49-54— lHclHanus (J.) Local applications of carbolic acid in carbuncles. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 520.— lHnimonc (A.) Antrace o vespajo e sua guarigione colle iniezioni ipodermiche dei sublimato corrosive Riv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1891, xi, 272-277.— marsh (F.) The treatment of carbuncle. Biriningli. M. Rev.. 1889, xxv, 144-148. — Mcnghraj (II.) Lar^e carbuncle treated by entire excision. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x. 419— IHiquel (T.-F.) Un mot a propos du traitement de l'authrax. In his: Tribnt ii la chir. prat, [etc.], 8°, Tours, 1870, 246-250. — Morales Pcrrs (A.) Antrax extenso en la region lumbar; influencia du las pulverizaciones fenicadas en la inarcha del misnio; tendencia al contagio & pesar de los antis6pticos; oportu- nidad do los desbridamientos 6 indicaciones que pueden cumplir. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1888, xiv, 647-650.— iHorcillo (J.) Antrax benigno; curacion con las inyt-c- ciones intersticiales de acido carbdlico. Rev. esp. de of tab, sif. [etc.], Madrid, 1880, ii, 182-185. — i?l orris (E. A.) Dr. Osboru's carbuncle treatment. Texas M. J., Austin, 1896-7, xii, 364. — '.Hurray (A. B.) The treat- ment of carbuncle by injection of carbolic acid. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 455. — IVanu (G.) Tratanientul antraxului si al fiiruncului. Spitalul, BucurescI, MH, viii, 59-63.—O'Brien (J.) On the treatment of carbun- cle by scraping. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 325- 330—O'Conor (J.) A note on the treatment of carbun- cle [bv excision]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1557. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1896, lxi, 445. Also: N.York M. J., 1890, lxiii, 582. — Osborn (T. C.) A new method of treating carbuncle. Texas M. J., Austin, 1896-7. xii, 302-309.—Owen (E.) Extensive carbuncles treated by erosion; rapid convalescence. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 643.—Page (H. W.) Clinical lecture on the treatment of carbuncle by scraping. Ibid., 6:i5.—Paget (J.) Tbe treatment of carbuncle. In his: Clin. Lectures, 8°, Loud-, 1875, 252-267.—Parker (R.) On the excision and scrap ing of carbuncle. Brit. M. J., LontL, 1888, i, 690. Also. Re- print.— Paseual de Sandc (V.) TA sublimado corn;- sivo en las afecciones carbuncales; nueva foima tie apli- cat-ion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1894, xii, 662-665. — Polnil- lon. Traitement de l'anthrax paries filches caustiques an chlorure de zinc. Bull. Soc. med. de Par. (1887). 1888, xxii, 158-162. Also: Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliv, 121-123.—Post (A. C.) On the local treatment of circum- scribed gangrenous inflammations of the skin ami t rlhilar tissue, commonly known as carbuncles and furuncles. Med. Rec, N. Y.'. 1882, xxi, 281-283.—Pritehard (F. H.) Interstitial injections of carbolic acid in carbuncle- Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1895, xxx, 237-239. — P. T Pascnal (D.) Antrax maligno en el cuello; inyeccioiirs intersticiales fenicadas; desbridamiento; curacion. Siglo- CAKBUNCLE. 165 CARDANCJS. Carbuncle (Treatment of'). nii'd., Madrid, 1884, xxxi, 824-826.—Bichardson (J. B.) Carbuncle: its treatment. Louisville M. News, 1881, : 303 — Biedel. Die Exstirpation des Karbuukels. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 845-848. — Ritchie (R. P.) On the remedies used by the Caffres to nreveiit blood poisoning from anthrax. Tr. Med.-Chir.- Soc Edinb. (1886-7), 1888, vi, 218-224. Also.- Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 97-102.—Bobertson (D.) A case of dia- betes complicated with carbuncle, treated -with antipy- riuo with good results. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1893, ii, 029.—Sagarra (V.? Antrax grave, curado con las in- vecciones intersticiales de Acido f6nico. Rev. de med. y c\ru«. pract., Madrid, 1881,vii, 249-253.—Schalenkamp. Die Behandlung des Karbuukels ohne Incision, vermittels iDiection Durchspiilung und Auflegeus von Sublimatld sun-'. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1896, x, 504. — Se liii Her (M ) Zur antiseptischen Behandlung des Carbuukels. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 225. — Segal (M. I.) 0 liechenii karbuukula. [Treatnieutof...] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v patnvat Pirogova. Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 13, suppl., 99-101. —Shaw (W. E.) A rjlea for conservative treatment of carbuncle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 1226-1228.—Shoemaker (J. V.) The use of chlorate of potassium in furuncular aud carbun- cular affections. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1880-81. Phila., 1881, iii, 12-14.—Spolin (A. E.) Treatment of carbuncle. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1891, lxiv, 151.—Stouey (R.) Carbuncle treated by hypodermic injections of binio- ditie of mercury. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 976.—Taylor (.(' ) On an improved method of treating carbuncle. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1881-2, i, 34.—Thomas (\V. T.) Excision of a large carbuncle of the back; salivation from cyanide gauze dressing Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1147.— Tischer ( F. ) Ueber die lokale Behandlung des Car- bunkels und eine neue Operations - Methode derselben. Festschr. z. Jubil. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte zu San Fran., Calif., 1894, 37-40.—Urnfiuela Hidalgo (L.) Un caso de carbunco que justiflca una vez m&s las venta- jas del tratamiento iuteruo. Siglo metl., Madrid, 1880, xxvii, 344.—Van Leunep (W. B.) Remarks on the an- tiseptic treatment of carbuncle and kindred inflamma- tions. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. Penn. (1888), 1889, xxiv, 346- 359.—Verneuil. Traitement du furoncle et de l'anthrax par la pulverisation pheuiquee. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1888, 3. s., xix, 57-72. [Discussion], 114; 147; 185. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. m6d.-chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1888, iv, 25-30. Also [Abstr.]: Union metl., Par., 1888, 3. s., xlv, 125-130.—Victor (P.) Carbuncle treated with zin- cic chloride, boric acid, and iodoform. Iudian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, xi, 131.—Wallace (J. R.) The treatment of carbuncle by the topical use of carbolic acid, illustrated by five cases. Ibid., 1895, viii, 23.—Weir (R. F.) Re- marks on the scraping out or erasion of carbuncle. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 31— Wcntz (A. C.) Abortive free crucial incisions in the treatment of carbuncle. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 307.—Wilkinson (C. H.) Car- bolic acid injections in the treatment of carbuncle. Dan- iel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1885, i. 215-220. -----. Carbun- cle successfully treated with carbolic and salicylic acid injections. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1886-7, iv, 347-349. -----. The treatment of carbuncle by carbolic acid injections. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila , 1893, lxix, 439.—Williams (H. N.) Case of carbuncle treated by hypodermic injections of carbolic acid. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence, 1889-93, iv, 536.—Woods (J. T.) Carbolic acid injections in carbuncle. J Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vi, 468. — Wyinnu (H. C.) Pictet liquid in treatment of carbuncle, and as a local anaesthetic. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1886, n. s., x, 411. Carbiiretted hydrogen. See Gas (Illuminating); Hydrogen (Carbii- retted). Caicanague (J.) * Etude chimique et phar- maceutique des iusectes vesicants, ix, 11-67 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. 355. Ecole supdrieure de pharmacie. Carcassonne (David). * Essai historique sur la mddecine des He'breux anciens et modernes. 52 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1811. [P., v. 1911.] Carcassonne (Maurice). * Recherches sur le maimel de l'operation de la taille sous-pnbienne chez l'homme. 92 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Montpellier, 1^1, No. 45. [P., v. 1082.] Carceag. Babra (V.) L'etiologie dune enzootic des moutons, iienoininee carceajr en Roumanie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. ««., Par., 1892, cxv, 359-361. Carceles Sabater (Manuel). Histero-ova- notomia seguida de curacion que ha compren- dido la extirpacion total de la matriz, ovario, Carceles Sabater (Manuel)—continued. tronipa, ligauientos del lado i/.quierdo, parte de los del derecho, y 17 tnmores solidosque pesaron 4 kilogramos 780 gramos, practicada por el . . . precedida de un pr61ogo del doctor D. Rafael Martinez y Molina, viii, 9-31 pp. 8°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1885. Repr. [with additions] from: Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1885, xvii. Career! (Sulle) penitenziarie. See Riboli (Ti- mott-o). Careens [ de Karczagh-Uiszallasa ] (Martinus). Index materia! medica;, seu medi- camentorum, in Francisci De Le Boe Sylvii Praxeos niedicae libro primo, tain in fornmlis, quamextraipsaslaudatorum. 48 1. 24°. Lugd. Bat., rid. J. Carpenterii, 1671. Bound with . Sylvius (F. D.) Praxeos rnedicie idea nova. 24°. Lugd. Bat., 1671. Carcinoma. See Cancer ; Tumors (Sarcomatous, etc.). Carcinosis (Miliary). See Cancer (Miliary). Carcimis. See Crab. Carey (P.) [1870- ]. *De l'6pithe"lionie pri- mitif de l'urethre pr6-membraneux. 110 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 304. Card. (A) catalogue of scientific literature. 5 pp. 4°. [New York Sf Lancaster, Pa., 1895.] Repr. from- Science, N. T., & Lancaster, Pa., 1895, n. s., i. Cardamom. Hooker (J. D.) On some species of Amomum, collected iu western tropical Africa by Dr. Dan- lell. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Hekmanx (J.) * Cardamomi historiam et viu- dicias . . . examini submittit. 4C. Argentorati, 1762. Card a n lis (Hieronymus) [1501-96]. De conso- latione libri tres. 132 pp. 16°. Venetiis, apud H. Scotum, 1542. -----. Libelli duo. Unus de supplemento alma- nach. Alter, de restitutione temporum et mo- tuum ccelestium. Item geniturae lxTii, insig- nes casibus et fortuna, cum expositione. 108 1. sm. 4°. Norimbergcs, apud J. Petreium, 1543. -----. Contradicentium medicorum liber primus continens contradictiones centum et octo . . . Liber secundus . . . Addita praBterea ejusdem autoris, de sarzaparilia, de cina radice, consilium pro dolore vago, disputationes etiam quaedam alia? non inutiles. 2 v. in 1. 7 p. 1., 17-284 pp.; 486 pp., 3 1. 4°. lugduni, apud S. Gryphium, 154H. -----. The same. Contradicentium medicorum libri duo, quorum primus centum et octo, alter vero totidem disputationes contint-t . . . Acces- serunt pneterea Jacobi Peltarii contradictiones ex lacuna desumptas, cum ejusdem axiomati- bus. 2 v. in 1. 9 p. 1., 180 ff.; 3 1., 314 ff., 1 1., 9 pp., 10-40 ff. 12°. Parisiis, apud J. Macamm, 1564-5. -----. De subtilitate libri xxi. Nunc demum ab ipso autore recogniti atque perfecti. 35 p. 1., 813 pp. 12°. Lugduni, apud G. Rouillium, ■ 1554. -----. De rerum varietate libri xvii. A prima editione ab ipso denuo authore recogniti, ac pluribus locis locupletati, infiuitisque mendis repurgati. 6 p. 1., 883 pp., 24 1., 1 pi. 12°. Avinione, per M. Vinceniium, 1558. -----. De methodo medendi, sectiones quatuor. 7 p. 1., 393 pp., 6 1. 24°. Venetiis, in ivdibus Rouil- lij, 1565. Bound with his: De consolatione. 16°. Venetiis, 1542. CARDANUS. 166 OARDEW. Cardan US (Hieronymus)—continued. -----. Ars curandi parva, qiue est absolntissi- mus medentli methodus, et alia nunc primum iertita, opera in duos tomos divisa, quae versa. pagina indicabit, omnia autem qualia sint auto- ris epistola vere pnedicat. 2 v. in 1. 47 p. 1., 720 pp.; 1003-1621 pp. 12°. Basilew, ex off. H. Petrina, [1566]. -----. Commentarii, in Hippoeratis de aere, aquis et locis opus, quo nullum, teste Galeno oninibusque medicis et philosophis, pnestantius extat, in quo sine dubio sicut Hippocrates ali- tor, ita Cardauns commentator seipsum superat, In cviii lectiones divisum. qua? medicis, philo- sophis, geographis, astrologis, aliisque faculta- tibus plurimum profutura- sunt. Poterunt om- nes domi Cardanum iucoinparabilem professurem aud ire sine peregriuationis molestia et sumpti- bus, non minori cum fructu, quam si Bononiae essent. Accetlunt pnetcrea ante qnoque non im- pressa llieronymi Cardaui ad . . . Cardinalem I. Aleiatum oratio adinirabilia continens multa, quam trieipitis Geryonis aut Cerberi cauem ali- tor appellat. Quod tria capita complectatur, de nietlicoriim inscitia, et occideudi homines liccn- tia, variisque erroribus. Item, Joan. Baptishe Card. . . . de fulgure lib. unus. Item, Hier. Cardani consilia tria in gravissimis variisque morbis, in quibus api>aret in operibns artis quantum hie vir prudentia, experientia, et arte valeat. I. Pro quodam theologo. II. Pro . . . Fabritio Austriaco Corregij Principe. III. Pro . . . Cardinali S. dementis. Cum tabula lec- tionum et commentariorum omnium in lib. Hip- poeratis quam Hier. Cardanus ipse confecit. 27 p. 1., 338 pp. fol. Basilew, ex off. Henric Pe- trina, [1570]. -----. In lilirnm Hippoeratis de alimeuto com- nientaria; pnelecta dam profiteretur supraordi- nariam medicime. 3 p. 1., 250 ff., 8 1. 16°. Roma', apud hwred. A. Bladii, 1574. -----. Opus novum cunctis de sanitate tuenda, ac vita producenda «studiosis apprime necessa- rium: in quatuor libros digestum. A Kodulpho Sylvestrio Bononiensi medico, receus in lucem editum. 12 ]». 1., 339 pp. fol. Romw, apud F. Zanettuni, 1580. -----. Somniorum synesiorum omnis generis in- somnia explicantes, libri iv. Quibus accedunt, ejusdem base etiam: Dc libris propriis; de cura- tionibus et prsedictionibus admirandis; Nt-rouis encomium; geometria-encomium; de uno; actio in Thessalicum medicum; de secretis; de gem- mis et eoloribus; dialogus de morte, de humanis cousiliis, Tetim inscriptus; item ad somniorum libros pertineutia: de minimis et propinquis; de snmnio bono. 20 p. 1., 278 pp.; 17 p. 1., 413 pp., 1 1. 4°. Basilew, S. H. Petri, [1585]. The second set of pagination has a separate title-page: Opera qiuetlam lectu tlisrna: nempe, De libris propriis; de curationibus et pisedictionibus admirandis, [etc.]. -----. Opnscula medica senilia in quatuor libros tributa, quorum I. De dentibus, II. De rationali curandi ratione, III. De facultatibus niedica- mentorum, praecipue purgantium, IV. De morbo icgio. Omnia nunc primum ex MS. bibliothcta Komana in lucem data: ad singular^ philiatro- rum, omniumque sane philosophantium einolu- mentum. 15 p. ]., 531 pp., 9 1. 16 . Lngduiii, sumpt. L. Durand, lf>:>8. -----. De propria vita liber. Ex bibliotheca Gab. Naud.-ei. Adjecto hac secunda editione de prateptis ad iilios. 34 p. 1., 288 pp. 32°. Am- \ stehvdanii, apud J. Ravesteinium, 1654. [P., v. 301.] -----. Vita di Girolamo Cardano, milauese filo- sofo medico e letterato, scritta per lui medesiuio iu idioma latino e recata nel volgare italianodal ardaniiN i Hieronymus)—continued. Yineenzo Mautovani. xxxi, 371 pp., port. .» Milano, G. B. Sonzogno, 1721. ----. De cyna radit-e, sen dc decoctis, liber, In: Luisi.nus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. fol. Lund Bat 1728, 755-769. ' ' See, also, Encomia medicimi-. 16°. Roterdami, 1CC5._ Ferreriuu (A.) De pudi-n2-56. —Johnstone (J.) Caseof chronic cardialgia. (Med. Obs. Soc. Phvs. LontL, 1762, ii.) In his: Med Essavs &Obs., 8°, Evesham. 1795, 256-263.-Laathi (S.) Et Tilfaelde af ren, ukomplicerct Kartlialgi. Norsk ilag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1885, xv, 717-722 — ITIastini (L.) Cardialgia. Rac. tli opusc. med.-prat., Firenze, 1775, ii, 220-226— Roaenbach (0.) Ueber die auf myopathischer Basis beruhende Form der Migrane und iiber myopatische Cardialgie. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 189; 214. ft Cardiff. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, to the Cardiff urban sanitary author- ity, for the years 1875-81; 1889-90. 8° & fol. Cardiff, 1876-91. Reports for 1875-81, by Henry James Paine: 1889-90, by Edward Walford. Reports for 1889 and 1890 are fol. -----. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, Edward Walford, to the Cardiff port sanitary authority, for the years 1889-92. fol. Cardiff, 1890-93. Cardiff Institute for the Blind. Aunual report of the committee to the subscribers, for the year 1883. Kipp. H-. Cardiff, W. Leivis, 1884. Cardile-Ciofalo (Giuseppe) [1829- ]. La salute pubblica e la fognatura in Palermo. Let- tera a Giacomo Pagana, direttore del giornale, Lo Statuto, in risposta all' altra di Francesco Maggiore-Perni. 11 pp. 8°. Palermo, Lo Sta- tnto, 1883. —. Considerazioni sulla genesi del cholera e sui mezzi profilattici per combatterne la diffu- sion. 66 pp., 11. 8C. Palermo, Virz), 1884. Cardilucius (Joh. Hiskias). Extract aus Joh. lliskia- Cardilucii Tractat und (lessen Anhang von der Pestilentz, darinnen die Natur, Kenzei* ehen, Prast-rviruug und Cur, derselben auffs griiudlichste und gewisseste zu sehen. Jeder- nninniglich zum besten, weil gemeldter Tractat nicht zu bekommen, und auch einen jeden mit Weirlaufftigkeit nicht gedienet, solcher Gestalt zum Druck befordert. 35 1. 12°. Berlin, R. Voider, 1680. Bound icith his: Tractat [etc.]. 12°. Nurnbern 1681. J -----. Tractat von der leidigen Seuche der Pes- tilentz, welche anitzo leidersich mehrund mehr herfiir thut, und besorglieh sicli noch wciter ausbreiten dort'l'te. Wie sich darwider in Zciten neehst. Gott mit zuverliissliehstt-n Mitteln zu versehen, nnd selbige im Fall der Noth zum Pneserviren und Cnriren zu gebrauehen. Aus eigener bey perst'mlicher Gegeuwart in iufeetis loeis, nemlieh An. 1663 bis ti4, iu Holland, uud anno 1666 bis 67, am Rcinstrom genommenen Observation dem Bono Publico zum besten, un- liingst publieiret. Anitzo aber mit unterschied- licheu Stiicken vou sonderbarer Wichtigkeit vermehret und zum Andernmahl ausgefertiget. 12 p. 1., 105 pp. 12°. Niirnberg, W. M. Endters u. J. A. Endters sel. Sohne, 1681. .See, also, Ilartmanii (J.) Officina sanitatis, [etc.]. 4°. Noribergce, 1677.—I.c Febui-c (N.) Meuvermehrter chyinischer Haudleiter und guldnes Kleinod [etc.], 12°. Niirnberg, 1685. -----. Anhiiug iiber das kiirtzlich ausgegau- gene Cardilucianische Traetatlein, von der Pe- stilentz, darinn diejenige Sachen in gedachtem Traetatlein, welche unverschuldeter Massen, von etlichen haben wollen zweifflich gemacht werden, hierinn uuwidersprechlich noch mit mehrem erwiesen, uud weiter unterschiedliche nothwendige und niitzliche Dinge treulich com- municiret, und itzo in dieser zweyten Edition aberniahl mit mercklicher Vermehr- und Ver- besserung ausgefertiget worden, nebst ange- hengter griindliehen Ant wort auf Herrn D. Wiitff beins wider ged. Pest-Tractiitlein geschriebene Epistel. 4 p. 1., 11-131 pp., 11 1. 12°. Niirn- berg, W. M. Endters u. J. A. Endters sel. Sohne, 16*1. Bound with his: Tractat [etc.]. 12°. Niirnberg, 1681. -----. Historische Exempel, was auf die meisten Cometen von Christi Geburt hero erfolget, woraus erhellet, dass nicht ohne Ursach in dem Cardilucianischeu Pest-Tractiitlein unter die Ursachen der Pest auch die Cometen geachtet worden. Nebst einem Discurs iiber den zu End des 1680sten Jahrs erschienenen sehr laugge- schweiften Cometen. Bey auitziger zweyten Edition erwehuten Tractiitleins zu einem zwey- ten Anhange desselben mit beygefiiget. 140 pp. 12°. Niirnberg, IV M. Endters u. J. A. Endters sel. Sohne, 1681. Bound with his: Tractat [etc.]. 12°. Niirnberg, 1681. -----. Ileilsame Artzney-Kriiffte des Niirnbergi- scheu Wild-Bades, wie nemlieh solche herfliessen von einer darinn enthaltenen roten solaristheii und weissen lunarischen Mineral-Tinctur, und nach solcher tragenden zweyfachen Siguatur dienlich seyn zu den fiirnemsten Gebresten des Gebliits, und der weissen Leibs-Safftigkeit, nebst dessen rechtem Gebrauch und mitlauffenden andern kriift'tigen Artzneyen. Nach eigenhiin- diger fleissiger l'robirung den Bresshafftigen zu Dienst beschrieben und publicirt. 11 p. 1., 1-1 pp., 4 1. 18°. Niirnberg, W. M. Endters u. J. -'■ Endters sel. Sohne, 1681. Cardinal! (Francesco). | See rVuova collezione d' opuscoli scientitici. 4 . xso- I logna, 1824. CAKDIXALI. 168 CARETTE. Cardiiiali ( Romuialdo ). Istoria di una tisi- chezza del polmone sanata con 1' uso dell' etiope niinerale. In: Rac di opusc. med.-prat. 8°. Firenze, 1778. iv, 347-352. Cardiograph. Hardier (E.) Note sur un nouveau cardiographe du lapin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 197. — I.,aulaiiic. Technique physiologique: Sur un cardiographe direct a aiguille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s.,i, 6,<2.—liorain (P.) Cardiographie. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1867, xi, 351-359.—Mays (T. J.) The clinical value of the cardiograph. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1888, 3. s., x, 55-63. —Meyer (E.) Cardio- graphie chez le chien. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1894, 5. s., vi, 693-701. — Riiedi (A.) Klinische Beitrage zur Flammentachographie. Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. d. Schweiz, Basel u. Leipz., 1895, 3. K., 321-370, 2 pi.—Varotski (A. I.) Kardiogramma, snyataya nepos- redstvenno s serdtsa. [Cardiogramma taken directly from the heart.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1897, viii. 289; 333; 372. Cardo (Joannes Eduardus). * De comparatione inter aneurisma cardis, anginam pectoris, et asthma convnlsivum. 24 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 4°. Gandavi, J. Begyn, [1825]. [P., v. 1376.] Cardon (Honore'-Fre'de'ric-Bertin) [1850- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude du drainage du peri- toine. 43 pp. 4C. Lille, 1895, 4. s., No. 78. Cai'dona v Uliret (Enrique) [ 1887]. 1 glesias (L.) Primer m6dico de la armada, Don Enrique Cardona y Miret. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1887, x, 281-284, port. Cardone (F.) Dispensario di laringoiatria dell' Ospedale clinico Gesu e Maria diretto dal Prof. F. Massei. Rendiconto degli anni scolas- tici 1883-4 e lfi84-5 (anno iii e iv); con una pre- fazione del Prof. P. Masncci. 67 pp. 8°. Na- poli, G. Micillo, 1886. Cardoni (Gasparo Martinetti). Vita di Gasparo Desiderio Martinetti, medico ravennate del se- colo xviii. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Cardoso (Ferdinandus Rodericus) [ -1608]. Tractatus absolutissimus de sex rebus non natu- ralibus; primum quidem ab autore ipso editus, nunc vero ab innumeris, quibus ubique scatebat, vitiis emendatus, utilissimis annotatiuueulis in inargiue illustratus, dupliei indice locupletatus, et in lucem denuo emissus per Petrum Uffen- bachiuin. 7 p. 1., 389 pp., 6 1. 4°. Francofurti ad Munum, P. lacobus, 1620. Cardoso (Julio A[rthur] Lopes). O cholera, prophilaxia e tratamento dosimetrico. 43 pp. 12 . Porto, J. B. Birra d'- Irmao, 1890. -----. Diagnostico e tratamento dosimetrico das doencas da pelle. pp. 1-104; 137-264. 12°. Porto, J. B. Birra, 1890. Incomplete. Cardoso Klerk (J[oao] B[aptista]). Formu- lario geral medico-cirurgico, ou guia pratica do medico, do cirurgiao, e do pharmaceutico. vii, 796 pp. 18°. Lisboa, V. J. dc Castro e Irmao, 1842. Cardot (Abel-Henri-Joseph) [1861- ]. * Du rhumatisme aux eaux tbermales de Luxeuil. [Paris.] 86 pp. 4°. Mayenne, 1887, No. 129. Cardot (L6on) [1862- ]. * Recherches expe- rimentales sur l'extrait du coronilla scorpioi'des (coronille). 54 pp. 4°. Nancy, 1886, No. 232. Cardoza de Mello Reis (Joaquim). "•"Cancro do estomago. 6 p. 1., 40pp., 1 1. 4-. Bahia, J. G. Tourinho, 1871. Cardron (L. ) A Lemoiiie (A.) Aide- memoire de l'officier d'administratiou du service ties h6pitaux militaires. 316 pp. 16°. Paris, T. Baudoin, 1897. Cai'duii!>>. Pi:n:i ( G. C. ) Asylum languentium, seu carduus sauctus, vnlgo benedictus, medicina pa- Card HUM. trum familias polychresta, verusque pauperum thesaurus, ad normam et formam Academic Na- turaBCuriosorum elaboratus. 16-. Jence, [16691 Verblyuner (I.) Mvhiinieheskly' anahz plodov ostropestra. (Silibi mariani.) -8~ s Peterburg, 186s. Foy (G.) The therapeutic uses of carduus marianns Mary thistle. Metl. Press 4. Bound with.- Commitment, detention, care, and treat- ment of the insane. 8°. Baltimore d- London, 1894. Carel (Pierre). Les me'decins et les chirurgiens de Caen avant la revolution. 42 pp. 8°. Caen, A. Massif, 1888. Carelli (Giuseppe). Igiene veterinaria ad uso dei veterinarii, dei militari, e dei proprietari. 2. ed. 388 pp., 1 1. 8°. Napoli, 1858. [P., v. 1143.] Carelli (Luigi). See Carofalo (R.) Criminologia [etc.]. 8°. Torino, 1891. Careno (Aloysius) [1766- ]. Observations de epidemica coustitutione anni mdcclxxxix, iu civico nosocomio Viennensi. Accedit tentamen de morbo pellagra. 4 p. 1., 140 pp., 11. 12-. Vindobonw, A. A. Patzowsky, 1794. Careno [Luigi]. Ueber die Kuhpocken. 4 1., 30 pp., 1 pi. 16°. Wien, A. Camesina, 1801. See, also, Jeiiner (Odoardo). Ricerche sulle cause e sugli eflfetti del vajuolo delle vacche. 16°. Pavia. iwtu. -----. The same [ini. s.]. 2. ed. 12°. Modena, 1853.— Reyher (Georgio). Dieta patologica o sia metotlo di vivere per gli ammalati. 12°. Firenze. 1795. Care mis (Joannes Baptista). De aeris ingre>su in ventriculuni, ejusqne circulo, usu ac elalerio; de flatibus, de tympanite, eorumque differentiis, ac tandem de alimentis flatuosis; dissertatio epistolaris. 44 pp. 12°. Mediolani, exeud. J. Galeatus, 1757. Carenzi (Beniamino). See Fonssajji-ives (J.-B.) La vaccina diuanzi alle famiglie [etc.J. 12°. Torino, 1871. Carette (Albert) [1858- ]. *Emploidu jequirity et de l'inoculation blennorrhagique dans l'ophthalmie grannleuse. 84 pp., 1 1. 4G. Paris, 1883. Carette ( Denis- Honore" ). * Contribution a i'6tude des acides des graisses. 36 pp. 4'-. /'«- vis, 1**6, No. 2. l?colc supdrieure de pharmacie. Carelte (D6sir6) [l^i;4- ]. *De la luxation trape/.o -m^tacarpienne. 58 pp. 4U. Paris, 1*91, No. 478. Carette ^Louis). * Quelques consid6rations sur les aet-itleuts nerveux qui peuveut compliquer la malatlie de Bright. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, I"1"!, No. 170. CARETTE. 169 CARIES. Carette (Omer-Gabriel-Joseph) [1868- ]. * Contribution a, l'elutde de raccouchement pr6- matur6 artificial. 90 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lille, 1892, 4. s., No. 14. Carex. Marggraff ([C. E.J G.) *Vergieicheii(le Auatomie der Carex-Arten mit ihren Bastarden. 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Carey (Albert). Principles of hygiene; ex- pressly adapted to the requirements of the sylla- bus of the science and art department, South Kensington. Revised ed. vi, 158 pp. 16 . London, T. Murbg. [18*4]. Carey (George AY.) The biochemic system of medicine, comprising the theory, pathological action, therapeutical application, materia med- ica, and repertory of Schuessler's twelve tissue remedies. 3. ed. 444 pp. 8°. St. Louis, F. A. Lui/tres, 1896. Carey (Mathew) [1760-1839]. A short account of the malignant fever, lately prevalent in Philadelphia; with a statement of the proceed- ings that took place on the subject in different parts of the United States. 103 pp., 4 1., port. 8°. Philadelphia, the author, 1793. -----. The same. 2. ed. viii, 9-103 pp., 4 1. 8-. Philadelphia, the author, 1793. Bound with preceding. -----. The same. 3. ed., improved [with list of the names of the persons buried in the several graveyards of the city and liberties of Philadel- phia, from August 1 to November 9,1793]. viii, 9-112 pp., 4 1., 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, the au- thor, 1793. Another copy, bound with his: A short account [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1793. -----. The same. To which are added, accounts of tbe plague in London and Marseilles; and a list,of the dead, from August 1st to the middle of December, 1793. 4. ed., improved, viii, 9- 1(54 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, the author, 1794. Bound with his: A short account [etch 8°. Phila- delphia, 1793. -----. The same. A short account of the plague, or malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadel- phia, vii, 92 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Philadelphia, printed; London, reprinted for Darton & Harvey, 1794. Bound with his: Histoire succincte [etc.]. 8D. Phila- delphia, [1794?]. -----. The same. A brief account of the ma- lignant fever which prevailed in Philadelphia iu the year 1793. 5. ed., improved, xii, 13-97 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Clark <$■ Raser, 1*30. Bound with his: A short account [etc.], 8 . Phila- delphia, 1793. —----. The same. Histoire succincte de la fievre maligne, qui a regn^ deruierement a Philadel- phie, suivi d'un re"cit des mesnres prises dans diffe'reiites parties des Etats-Unis, au snjet de cette maladie. 102 yip. 8C. Philadelphie, Pa- rent pour Vauteur, [1794?]. With autograph letter. ------. The same. Eine kurze Nachricht von dem bosartigen Fieber, welches kiirzlich in Phi- ladelphia grassiret, nebst einer Erziihlung der Maasregeln, die desfals in den verschiedeuen Theilen der Vereinigten Staaten geuommen wur- deu. Diesen ist hiuzugefiiget, Nachrichten von der Pest in London und Marseille. Und eine Liste der Todten, vom ersten August bis iu die Mitte des Decembers 1793. Nach der vierten verbesserten Auflage aus dem Englischen uber- setzt von Carl Erdmann. 176 pp. 8°. [Phila- delphia ?], gedruckt fiir den Verfasser bey S. Saur, 1794. -—- . The same. 176 pp. 8°. Lancaster, ge- druckt fiir den Verfasser bey J. Baileg, 1794. Bound with his.-Histoire succincte [etc.]. 8°. Phila- delphia. [1794?]. Carey (Mathew)—continued. -----. Miscellaneous essays; containing, anions a variety of other articles, history of the yellow fever, which prevailed in Philadelphia in the year 1793, containing a full account of its rise, progress, and termination, with various anec- dotes illustrative of the state of society, [etc.]. xii. 13-472 pp. 8-'. Philadelphia, Careii <.y Hart, IKK). Carey (S. F.). See \ a I ion :il (The) Temperance offering antl Sons and Daughters of Temperance gift. Edited by S. F. Carey 8°. New Vork; 1851. Carfi (Luigi). See ■•■ go (V.) La tisi polnionare [etc.]. 8°. Galta- girone, 1884. Carfrae (George M.) The drift of modern med- icine. Cutting from: Eclectic Mag., N. Y., 1896, 621-627. Carfrae (Mel)uf). Testimonials in favor of M'Duff Carfrae for the situation of janitor to the University of Edinburgh. 16 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1840.] Carganico ( Carolus [Julius]) [1835- ]. *De spermatorrhea. 37 pp., 1 ]. 8°. Vratis- Itiriic, typ. offic. R. Lucie, [1858]. Career (Christian us Herrmauuus). * Diss, med.- pracf. curationem febrium continuarum putri- darum spectans. 16 pp. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, A. F. Rose, 1766. Carliart (William Merle d'Aubigne"). The re- fraction of the eyes of one thousand school chil- dren, with particular reference to astigmatism, as shown by the Javal ophthalmometer. 13 pp. 16°. New York, 1897. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. ------. The importance of the exact correction of refractive errors in school children. 9 pp. l(i:. New York, 1897. Repr. from: K. York M. J., 1897, lxv. Cariboiins (Paulus). *De cystitide. 27 pp. 12°. Ticini Regii, ex typ. Fusi et socii, [1835]. Caribs. lli-iiiloii (D. G.) " Carib art" and its significance. Science, X. Y. Sc Lancaster, Pa., 1895, n. s., ii, 265. Carica papaya. Linde (E.) * Ueber Carpain. 8°. Jurjetv, 1893. Ruger ( G. ) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Carica. 8°. Erlangen, 1887. Albrccht. Note sur le Carica papaya et les propri6t6s digestives du sue qu'il reuferme. Bull. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Neucbatel, 1879-82, xii, 329-333.—Christy (T.) Papaw, Carica papaya, L. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 18H2, xvii, 333.—Frajja y lii-iro (M.) Papaya (common papaw tut). Antiteairo anat., Madrid, 1875,'iii, 416.—Giincno Calm nun (A.) El jugo del Carica papaya. Crtin. med., Valencia, 1879-80, iii,'669; 733: 1880-81, iv, 8; 65.—«rel- Icty. Le Carica papaya. Bull. Site, de med. prat, de Par. (1K80), 1881, 60-68. — Hii-m-lilcr (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Papaya-Vt-nlauung ties Fibrins und besondeis tier hicrbei bcohachthnrcu intermediaren Glo- bulinbildung. I'ngar. Arch. f. Metl., Wiesb., 1892-3, i, 341-349.— .?I«-n«l«-z (11.) Carica papaya. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1*81, i, 73; 138; 198; 271;-364; 436, 1 pi.— lVIo, xx, 325; 337.— Eve (F. S.) Caries without suppuration. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 266-269. — Fnini (B.) Proef eeuer geneezingc van twee been-eeters in eene pa- tiente. Verhandl. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d Wee- tensch. to Haarlem, 1758, 2. ed., ii, 383-394. — Oalippc (V.) lie rinfluence du cot6 sur la repartition de la carie. Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, pt. 2,31-43.— ron Haiiir. Verbreitete Caries. Med. Cor.-Bl. d wiirt- temb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1870, xl, 220.—Hoiilniion (P. T.) Observaciones sobre c&ries del pdmulo, tie la tibia y de los falanges de los dedos; deducciones y aplicaciones practicas al tratamiento tie los panadizos y de las diferen- tes especies de c&ries. Cr6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1855, iii, 521; 552. — Kienvr (P--L.) & Poulet (A.) De l'osteo- periostite tnberculeuse chronique ou carie des os. Arch. dc physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1883. 3. s., i, 224-262,1 pi.— Koliinnnn (O.) Fine neue Methode, Caries zu behau- delii. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 271. — Licntin. Von der Wirkung der phosphorsaure bey der Caries. J. f. d. Chir.. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena.. 1797, i. 555- 557.—Leser. Ueber Trockennecrose des Knochens, ihre Bedeutung und Verhutung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1894, xxiii, pt. 2, 337-351. [Discus- sion], pt. L, 100. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1894, xlviii, 693-707. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxiii, 23. — Mi- chel. Carie del'osiliaque droit, inflammation consecutive duniusele psoas iliaque du memecdt6. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1880, 3. s., xviii, 452-457.—Symc (J.) On caries of the bones. Bead 1821. Diss. memb. Koy. M. Soc. Etlinb., 1892,104-117.—Thi leu in*. Bemerkungen iiber den Bein- frass. Taschenb. f. deutsche Wundarzte, Altenb., 1789, 109-117. Carilian (Ar.) [1857- ]. *Del'incisiou explo- ratrice dans les tumeurs abdominales. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 127a. Carillon (Louis) [1851- ]. *Dumaldesmou- tagues. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, Xo. 98. Carina (A.). See Trompeo (R.) Lettera o progetto di legge snl],. acque miuerali. 12°. Lucca, 1862. Carilli (Antonino). 8ulla cura della difterite in base alle ricerche sperimentali. 36 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Palmero, stamp. Carini, 1H94. Carintliia. Adler (H.) Zur bevorstehenden Organisation des Sanitiitsdieitstes in Karnten. Wien. med. Wchiise.hr 1883, xxxiii, 1203-1205. Cario (E[icbard]). * Ueber den Einfluss des Fiebers und der Inanition auf die Ausscheiduuf der Harnsaure uud der iibrigen wesentlichen Harnbestandtheile. Eine von der medicin iselien Facultat zu Gottiugen gekronte Preisschrift. 1 p. 1., 37 pp. 4°. Gbttingen, W. F. Eastner, 18*8. Caristius (Diodes). See lYJizaldus (Antonius) [in 1. s.]. Alexikepus sen auxiliaris hortus, [etc.]. 16°. Lutetice, 1565. Carita (Vittore). Esperienze per deteriiiinare se nel saugue degli animali infetti di carbonchio, avvenga la sporificazione del bacillus anthracis, e sotto quale forma il medesimo attraversi la placenta nei casi di trasmissione del carbonchio dalla madre al feto. 20 pp. 8°. Torino, Celanza e Comp., 1883. Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Accad. d. med. di Torino, 1*83, 3. s., xxxi. CarillS (Friedrich Theodor Wilhelm). * Ueber die Entwicklung der Chorda und der priuiitiven Rachenhaut bei Meerschweinchen und Kanin- chen. 34 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1*88. c. Carl [Theodor] Herzog in Bay em [1839- ]. Beitrage zur Anatoinie und Pathologie des Glaskorpers. 52 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Berlin, H. Peters, 1879. Repr. from: Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1879, xxv, 3. Abth. -----. Ein Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie ties Auges bei Nierenleiden. 77 pp., 6 1., 6 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1887. Carl (George- Adolphe). * Du mat^rialisme en medecine. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 182*. v. 57. Carl (Joh. Samuel) [1667-1757]. Praxeos me- dic* therapia generalis et specialis pro hodego turn dogmatico turn clinico, in usum privatum auditorum ichuographice delineata. 147,18 pp. sm. 4-. [Halle], lit. et imp. Orphanotrophei, 171^. -----. Vorstellungen von dreyfacher Einleitung in die Medicin, dem Decoro medici zugegeben, 79 pp. 12°. Biidingen, J. F. Regelein, 1723. Bound with his: Vorstellung vom Decoro medici [etc.]. 12°. Biidingen, 1723. -----. Decorum medici von denen Machiavelli- schen Thorheiten gereiuiget, und nach dem Maass-Stab des Christenthums eingerichtet, mir uud meinen Auditoribus zum Unterricht. 174 pp., 1 1. 16°. Biidingen, J. F. Regelein, 1719. [Also, in: P., v. 1849.] -----. The same. Vorstellung vom Decoro medici an- und eiu- yveisend desseu geistliche Gestalt, Pfiicht uud Arbeit. Von Macchiavelli- schen Thorheiten gereinigt, and nach dem Maass- Stab des Christenthums eingerichtet. 2. Aufl., vermehrt mit einer Zugabe von dreyfacher Ein- leitung in die Medicin. 8 p. 1., 174 pp., 11. 10°. Biidingen, J. F. Regelein, 172'.i. -----. Ichnographia anatomia' nomenclaturani ueconoinhc aninialis tabulis synopticis exhibens. 32 pp. 16°. [Budinguce, 1722.] [P., v. 1849.] -----. Ichnographia chymiae fundamentalis ex speciuiine Stahliano doctrinaa Beccheriame in compendium redacto collecta cura et usu audi- torii privati. 28 pp. 16°. Budinguce, J. /'■ Regelein, 1722. [P., v. 1849.] -----. Ichnographia praxeos clinicae, duplicis methodi pro usu in tyrocinio practico memoria) CARL. 171 CARLIER. Carl (Job. Samuel)—continued. ac judicii concinnata. Accedit ichnographia anatomia; et chymia> nccnon forninlaruni. 276 pp., 61. 16 \ "Biidingas, J. F. Regelein, 1722. [P., v. 1849.] -----. The same. Therapia dogmatico-clinica ichnographice delineata. Acccssit epitome for- inularum. Ed. altera, revisa, et accessionibus hinc inde necessariis tain quoad partem genera- lem et specialem, quam pnecipue specialissimam aucta cura Jo. Jacobi Schlierbach. 15 p. 1., 48(1 pp., 12 1. sin. 8C. Budingce, J. C. Stblir, 1737. ------. Selectus forninlaruni pro specimine ac epitome. 46 pp. 16°. [Biidtngte, 1722.] [P., v. 1849.] ■-----. Zeugnissevou Medicina morali. 1. Stiick. Vou Medicina morbi- et luortifera, das ist, von deneu schadlichen Friichten des vielen Artzney- ens. Zur gesegneten Underscheitlungder einftil- tig- aber doch heilsamen, von der verkiinstetten nnd gefahrlichen Medicin niitzlichanzuwendem 7 p. 1., 77 pp. 18c. Schaffhausen, E. Hurler, 1724. [P., v. 1849.] -----. Medicina universalis in AA'asser nnd Miissigkeit, beyder Mittell, Kraft, Tugend, Genugsamkeit, die Gesuudheit zu erhalten und wiederzubringen; alles aus Gbttlichen Zeugnisen reichen Vernuuftsgriinden und Erfahrung, in Beystimmung gelehrter Medicorum Zeuguisse zur eigenen Uebuug dargelegt. 40 pp. 16°. Copenhagen, J. Prenss, [1737]. -----'. Historia medica pathologico-therapeu- tica, in qua morborum circumstanthe perpe- tual esseutiales et extraessentiales aphoristice expenduntur. Accedit exemplaris institutio de cognatione ac dependentia morborum ex Fo- resto, revisa ab Joh. Jacobo Schlierbach. 2 v. in 1. 7 p. ]., 500 pp., 3 1.: 8 p. 1., 292 pp. 12 . Hafnice. imp. J. Preussii, [1738]. ------. Medicina aulica iueinigen notigen, tag- lich vorkomuiendeu, Betrachtungen, Vorstellun- gen und Anschliigen betreffend die Gesundheits- Sorge. 2 pts. iu 1 v. 6 p. 1., 398, 252 pp., 9 1. sm. 8°. Altona, Gebr. Eorte, 1740-33. Title-page of 2. part reads: Medicina? aulicse. Zweyter TheilinllAbbandluugen. I. Detrihusfontibustherapiae. II. De clinice individuali, etc., in einigen Anmerckungen und Applicationen zu unserem Zweck. ------. Erfahrungs-Griiude von des Blutlassens vrahreu Gebrauch und Missbrauch in zween Theileu abgefasset; weichen eine historisch- dogiuatische Einleitung vom Blutlassen vor- gesetzet hat Georg. Christ. Maternus de Cilano. Ill pp. 8°. Flensburg it. Altona, Gebr. Eorte, 1742. Carl (Otto). * Beitrage sur Lehre von der gynii- kologischen Untersuehung. 36 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Jena, H. Pohle, 1-91. Carl (Paul). * Ueber Hepatitis sequestrans. [Tiibingen.] 23 pp. 8--. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1-80. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi. Carlaiider (Christopher) [1759-1848]. See Heriin (S. A.) [in 1. s.]. "Quid Linnseo patri debeat medicina. sm. 4°. Vpsalim, [1784]. For Biography, see SantesHon (C.) [in 1. s.]. Minne- stt-ckning 6fver Christopher Carlauder. 8°. Stockholm, Caiiaa (Friedrich Bernhard) [1866- ]. * Die Anomalien der Nierenarterie. '21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 189:5. Carlbollin ( Gustavus Jacobus). "Censura simplicium. Upsaliee, 1753. In: Selects ex . . . Caroli Linnaei diss, ad nat. hist. pcrtinentes. 4°. Qrrncii, 1766, ii, 95-113. Carles (Alfred). *De la dilatation rapide dans It; traitement deB rdtrdcissements de l'urethre. viii, 9-54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1884, No. 64. Carles (Gaetau). * Etude clinique sur la coex- istence de la variole et do la scarlatine. 54 pp 1 1. 4 . Montpellier, 1882, No. 43. Carles (J.) *Des contre-poisons. 63 pp., 2 1 4-. Montpellier, 1887, No. 409. Carles (Jules). * De Immigration. Relation niddico-hygidnique de cinq voyages & Immigra- tion africaine et indienne de 1858 a 1862. 55 pp. 4''. Montpellier, Malaret, 1863. Carles (P.) fituvage des farines d'armemeut. 15 pp. s°. Bordeaux, Feret if fils; Paris, Libr aires associe's, 181)5. Carlet (G[aston]) [1845- ]. Precis de zoo- logie mddicale. viii, 556 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, 1**1. -----. The same. 2. dd. 1 p. ]., 636 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, 1888. -----. The same. 3. dd., entierement refondue. 718 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1891. Carlet (Lucien) [1859- ]. * Du traitement dlectriquc des tumeurs fibreuses de l'uterus (d'apres la mdthode du Dr. Apostoli). 250 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 348. -----. The same. 252 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris. O. Doin, 18*4. Carleton (Bnkk G.) Medical and surgical dis- eases of the kidneys and ureters. "25:! pp. 8°. New York, Boericke, Rungon $• Ernesti/, 1898. Carleton (Charles M.) [1838-86]. the use and abuse of spectacles. 29 pp. 8"-\ New Haven, Tuttlc, Morehouse f Taylor, 1*69. Repr. from: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, N. Haven, 1868-71, 2. s., iii. For Biography, see Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1887, n. s., iii, 181-184 (L. 8. Paddock). [Carleton (Mrs.)] Enquiry into the nature and effects of the nervous influence, and its connex- ion with the vital, moral, and intellectual opera- tions. A physiological, metaphysical, and moral essay. In three parts. Part I. Nature of the nervous influence and its connexion with the vital operations. Part II. On the connexion of the nervous influence with the intellectual op- erations. Part III. Effects of the nervous influ- ence on the moral and intellectual character. viii, 258 pp., 3 1. 8°. Paris, 1836. -----. Enquiry into the nature of the choleraic influence, its origin and its course; to which is added a collection of the most effectual reme- dies for the cholera, adopted in various coun- tries, and a plan of treatment by the author. 88 pp. 12c. London, H. Bailliere, 1866. Carlevaris ( Gio. Antonio). Istrnzioni sulla vaccina. 34 pp. 4°. Porto Maurizio, G. B. Ca- nepa, 1807. [P., v. 2148.] Carlliant ( Valentin ). * Considerations gdnd- rales sur le r61e que joue le systeme nerveux dans la production des maladies. 1 p. 1., 17 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F.-G. Levrault, 1822, v. 50. Carli (Giacomo). II trasporto dell' Ospizio di maternita in Venezia dall'Ospitale al Brefotrofio proposto dalla depntazione provinciale e difeso dal dottor . . . contro il voto della commissione. xxvi (11.),74 pp. 8°. Venezia, G. Antonelli, 1872. Carli (Gian Rinaldo). Lettera. sulla podagra. 16 pp. *°. Udine, Ciallici, 1792. -------. The same. Lettere sulla podagra. 15 pp. 16°. Rovereto, L. Marchesani, 1795. Carlier (Auguste-Adolphe)[ 1856- ]. * Ana- tomic philosophique; les cinq vertebre* cdpha- liques, la 3e paire de membres, chez l'homme et les autres vertdbrds. 1 p. 1., xi, 357 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 188:5, No. 346. -----. The same, xi, 357 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ,\- fils, 188:5. Carlier (F.) fitudesdepathologiesociale. Les deux prostitutions (1860-1870). viii, 9-514 pp., 1 1. 8-. Paris, E. Dentu, 1887. CARLIER. 172 CARLSEN. Carlier (Georges) [1859- ]. * Etude sur la syphilis pulmonaire. 104 pp. 4J|. Paris, 1882, No. 27. Carlier (Victor) [1857- ]. * Le doigt a res- sort. 253 pp. 4. Paris, 1889, No. 187. -----. The same. 237 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1889. ( arlina. Bruguier. De l'enipoisonnement par la racine du chamaeleon blanc Montpel. med., 1880, xlv, 153-158.— Hu«emanii(I.) EberwurzundMastixdistel; eiuetoxi- kologische Studie. Wien. med. Bl., 1897, xx, 671; 687— Lazzaro (C.) Sul principio attivo della " Carlina acau- lis". Atti d. r. Accad. d. so. med. iu Palermo (1893), 1894, S2-87. Also: Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1894, ii, 235-242. Carlisle. Annual medical reports on the sani- tary condition of Carlisle. By the medical offi- cers of health. 1.-8., 1874-81; 12., 1885. 8 . Carlisle, 1876-86. Reports for 1874-81, by Robert Elliot; 1885, by Wm. Brown. Report for 1874-5 in one. Carlisle. See, also, Fever (l"yphus, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Statistics (Vital), by localities. Lonsdalk (H.) The life of John Heysham, and his correspondence with Mr. Joshua Milne relative to the Carlisle bills of mortality, roy. 8°. London, 1870. Barnes (H.) The medical historv of Carlisle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 245-251. Also [Abstr.J: Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 338-340. Carlisle (Sir Anthony)' [1708-1840]. An essay on tbe disorders of old age, and on the means for prolonging life, iv, 103 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1817. -----. Lecture on cholera and other pestilential diseases. 22 pp. 8°. London, B. Steill, 1832. -----. The means of preserving health and pro- longing life, applied to hereditary diseases, the affections of children, and the disorders of old age. xlvii, 154 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1841. See, also, Steven* (J.) [in 1. s.]. Extracts, etc., from Man-midwifery exposed [etc.]. 8°. [London, n. d.] For Biography, see rcttigrew. Med. port, gallery. 4°. London, [1841)1, i, no. 7, 14 pp., port. Carlisle (Mrs. M. A.) Breathing. 37 pp. 4^. London, Chappell $ Co., [1884]. Carlisle (Robert J.). See Account (An) of Bellevue Hospital [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1893. Carlisle Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 1883; 1884; 1886; 1887; 1889-91; 1893-5. 4C & sm. 4°. Carlisle, 1884-96. Established 1782. Carlisle Rural Sanitary Authority. Medical officer of health. Opinions upon some of Dr. [Robert] Elliott's sanitary work. 3 pp. 8°. [Carlisle, 1872?] Carlotti (Rdgulus). * Etude sur la contagion de la pneumonie franche aigue. viii, 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 377. Carlotto [Giovanni Battista]. Relazione sulla cura della tubercolosi col metodo Koch desunta da osservazioni fatte nelle cliniche di Berlino (tornata del 18 dicembre 1890). pp. 121-133. 12°. [Berlino, 1890.] Cai'lottus (Josephus) [1G34- ]. Patixus (C.)) [Biography.] In his: Lyceum pataviu. 4°. Patavii, 1682,126-129 bis, lpl. CarB*foad. See, also, Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of); Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Kaklsbad. La journde d'un buveur d'eau; texte et illustrations par Job. Etude mddicale Carlsbad. par le docteur Edgar Gans. Les promenades et les environs par M. Oswald. 8°. Paris, [n, d. 1. Kraus (J. K.) Medical guide concerning the use of the mineral waters at Carlsbad. 18°. Carlsbad, 1876. DE Lobkowitz (B. H.) Ode latine snr Carls- bad, composde vers la fin du quinzieme siecle, avec une traduction polyglotte, une notice bio- graphique sur ce poete, des observations sur l'ode, et sur l'autiquitd de ces thermes, par le chevalier Jean de Carro. 8°. Prague, 1829. Young (L. T.) The Carlsbad treatment fur tropical ailments and how to carry it out in India. 12°. Calcutta, 1894. Dnrand-Fnrilel (M.) Sc Dnrand-Fai-dcl (P.j Carlsbad et Vichy. Ann. Soc d'hydrol. med. de Par. (' . r., 1895, xl, 211-230.—Kraus (F) juu. Die Resorption des Nahrungsfettes unter dem Einfiusse des Karlsbader Mineralwassers; ein Beitrag zur Diatetik der Karlsbader Brunnencuren. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 447- 449.—l>oi-aii«l (A.) De las aplicaciones terapeuticas tie las aguas de Carlsbad. Rev. de med. v cirug. pract., Ma- drid, 1897. xl, 604; 653.—Lndwig (V.) Ueher den Kin. fluss des Karlsbader Wassers auf den Stoffwecbsel. ("en tralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1896, 1153; 1177 — Malm. ■ten (P. H.) Bitlrag till kannetlomen om Carlsbailerwiit- nets kurativa forrnaga. [Contribution to knowledge ol Carlsbad water aud curative agent-v. | Med. Arch., Stot-k- holm, 1864-5, ii, no. 8.—iTIeswner (H.) Der I'leistht-.on- sum Karlsbads und seine sanitats-polizeiliche Ueherwa- chung. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1895, xx, 394-397 — IVagl (C.) Zeitfragen iiber Karlsbader Thcrnialwasscr. Mo- natschr. f. prakt. Balneol., Miinchen, 1897, iii, 25-'.M.— Scluiee (E.) The Carlsbad district as a health resort. Med. Bull., Phila., 1896, xviii, 86-91.—Sipiicz (L.) Skiz- zen iiber die Ivurfrequeuz von Karlsbad. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 390-393.—Spitzer ( W.) Wirkung des Karlsbader Thermalwassers auf die Magenfunctiouen. Therap. Mouatsh., Berl., 1894, viii, 148-150. Carlsbad and the natural Carlsbad Sprndel salt in powder-form. 51 pp., 1 pi., 2 maps. 12-'. Breslau, S. Schotllaender, [1891]. Carlsberg Laboratoriet Meddelelser fra Carls- berg Laboratoriet udgivne ved laboratories hc- styrelse. v. 1; Heftet 1-3, v. 2. 8°. Ej^bett- liavn, 1882-4. Carlseil (J.) Epidemiologiske Unders0gelser. I. Bidrag til Difteriens Historie i Danmark og Tysklaud. 2 p. 1 , 287 pp., 1 ]., 1 ch. 8 \ Ej0- benhavn, J. Gjellerup, 1890. -----. Om Pesten i Aaker Sogn paa Bornhohu 1653-4. 12 pp. 12°. [Ejfibenhavn, 1890.] -----. Statistiske Uders0gelscr angaaende Aands- svage i Danmark 1888-89. Uddrag af et paa Foranstaltniug af Kommissiouen af 15 Septem- ber 1888 indsamlet Materiale. [Statistical researches concerning the weak-minded in Den- mark; abstract from materials collected by the commission of September 15, 1888.] 2 p. 1.,'77 pp., 1 1., 1 map. 8°. EUbenhavn, J. Gjellerup, 1891. -----. D0dsaarsagerne i kongeriget Dan marks byer i aarene 1892, 1893, udgivet af det kgl. Sundhedskollegium. Causes des ddces dans les villes du royaunie de Dauemark, 1892, 1-93. Publid par le Conseil royal de sautd. 31, 31 pp. 4C. EjQbenhavn, F. Dreyer, 1893-4. -----. Den asiatiske Kolera. Eu alnienfattehg Fremstilliug, med oplyseude Tekstbilleder og et Tillaeg indeholdende Uddrag af de i Danmark gselderide Love og Bestemmelser vedr0i ende asiatisk Kolera. [. . . A comprehensive treatise with explanatory text illustrations and a supple- ment containing an abstract of the present laws and regulations in Denmark concerning Asiatic cholera.] 2 p. 1., 221 pp., 1 1. 12-. Ejobenhavn, P. G. Philipsen, 1894. See, also, IIoflT (E. M.) Sc Carlien (J.) Medicinal beretuinjr for Kongeriget Danmark [etc.]. 8°. Kjeben havn. 1893. — Veo (G. F.) Hisloriens Vidnesbyrd fete] 8°. Ejobenhavn, 1883. CARLSKRONA. 173 CARMINATIVES. Carlskrona. Kjellberg (J.) Nativitet, mortalitetoch dodsorsaker i Carlskrona saint i Svcriges samtliga stiitler 1875-1892. [Nativity, mortality, and causes of death in Carlskrona and the other cities of Sweden, 1875-189'.'.] Eira, Stock- holm, 1896, xx, 103-109. Carlson (Axelius Gabriel). *Diss. acad. de bronchitide acuta. 1 p. 1., 10 pp. sm. 4°. Fp- sal'uv, regies academ'uv typ., [1833]. Carlson (H[erman] I[inmanuel]). Iakttagelser om choleraii under epidemien i Goteborg 1850 och sjukvarden a cholera-sjukhuset vid breda viigen samt asigter om sjukdomens natur. [Notes on the epidemic cholera in Gotlienburg in 1850, its extension, and views on the nature of the dis- ease.] 1 p. 1., 71 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Goteborg, D. F. Bonnier, 1851. Carlson (Wilhelm). * Ueber Viuum digitalis bei Herzkraukheiten. [Wurtzburg. ] 32 pp. 8 . Arnsberg, H. R. Stein, 1883. Carlsruhe. See, also. Fever (Typhoid, History, of), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of): Sew- age (Disposal of), etc. Baumcistcr. Die Korrektion des Landgrabens in Karlsruhe. Deutsches Wchnbl. f. Gsndhtspflg. u. Het- tungsw.. Berl., 1885, ii. 41— Blell (C.) Der Ortsgesund- heitsrath in Karlsruhe und sein Kampf gegen das Geheim- mittelunwesen. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. iitt Gsntl- htspflg. iu Magdeb. (1882), 1883, 11. Hft,, 1-19. —Knaiiir (il.) Kanalisationder Haupt-uud Residenzstadt Karls- ruhe. Gesundh.-Ingeuieur, Berl., 1881, iv, 213; '-'39; 305; 405. Carlsson (Sture). Xagra anteckningar om skarlakausfebern pa Katarina sjukhus pa grund af 4000 fall, vardade under aren 1880-1891. 63 pp., 8 diag. on 11. 4~. Stockholm, E. L. Beck- man, 1-95. Bihang till Stockholms stads Helsvardsnamnds &rs- berattelse 1894. Carlton. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Carlus (Lucien). * Quelques considdrations sur un cas d'abces pulmonaire observd a la cliniqne de M. le professeur Hirtz. 1 pi., 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866, 2. s., No. 908. Carlyle. Kingsbury ( T. D.) Sanitary survey of Carlyle. Rep. Bd. Health Hlinois 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii, 227- 235. Carlyle (Thomas) [1705-1881]. Kiernan (J. G.) VCas Carlyle insane? A study of race egotism. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1895, xvi, 231-259. — Thomas Carlyle viewed psychologically. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1881, n. s., vii, 157-173. Carinalt (William H.) Report of . . . commis- sioner of the Xew York State Agricultural Society for the investigation of abortion in cows. 69 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Albany, 1869. -----. Some limits in the use of the ophthalmo- scope. 16 pp. 8:. [Hartford, 18^0.] Repr. from: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1880, n. s., ii. -----. Cases of interest. 16pp., 1 pi. 8°. Hart- ford, Lockwood <)■ Brainiird Co., 1884. Repr. from: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, nartford, 1884. -----. A brief consideration of the cases of ap- pendicitis occurring in the practice of. 13 pp. 8C. [Bridgeport, 1894.] Repr. from: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1894. -----. Five gunshot wounds of the intestine and mesentery; laparotomy; sutures; recovery. 21. 8°. New Haven, 180."). Repr. from: Yale M. J., X. Haven, 1894-5, i. Report of a case of appendicitis presenting some peculiar and instructive features. 2 1 New IIaren, 1896. Repr. from: Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1895-6. ii Carmeclik. Ila y (M.) Carmedik, a Cape bitter; its characters and chemistry. Edinb. M. J., 1S82-3, xxviii, 1078-1082. Also Reprint. CarillCllillS (Daniel). De medendi methodo libri sex. 5 p. 1., 350 pp., 12 1. fol. Bononia- typ. N. Thcbuldiui, 1(536. Cariiiicliael (Andrew). A memoir of the life and philosophy of Spurzheini. 1. Am. ed. vi, 96 pp. 12\ Boston, Marsh, Capeu

    - sectionis in paroxysmo calculi renalis. 14 ]ip. sm. 43. Halm Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1734]. [P.. v. 138b'.] Carinona y Valle (Manuel) [1831- ]. Lecons sur 1 '6tiologie et la prophylaxie de la fievre jauue donnees a la fin de l'annee 1884 aux 61eves de cliniqne interne. Augmentees de plu- sieurs notes sur des faits observes post^rieure- nient, et d'une preface ecrite par Eduardo Li- ceaga. xii, 13-299 pp., 8 1., 5 pi. 8°. Mexico, 1885. For Biography, see Escuela de med., Mexico, 1881-2, iii, no. 13. Carinont (James). The Crichton Royal Insti- tution, Dumfries. 107 pp., 26 pi., 5 port. 8 . Leicester, Raithby, Lawrence if Co., 1896. Cannoiize (Edouard - Sulpice) [1859- ]. * Contribution a l'e*tude de la neYrnlgie testicu- laire. 41 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1*88, Xo. 85. Carnalian (James R.) Camp Morton. Reply to John A. Wyeth. 79 pp. 8C. [Indianapolis, 1892.] Carnall (W. C.) A Co. Souvenir of the Leland Stanford Junior University, and description of Palo Alto, the university town. 15 pp., 3 maps, 3 plans. 8J. San Francisco, Dakin Publ. Co., 18^8. Carnarvon Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Sec Carnarvonshire Combined Sanitary Dis- trict. Carnarvon Urban Sanitary Authority. See Carnarvonshire Combined Sanitary District. Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Infirmary and Dispensary, at Bangor, Wales. Annual state- ments of accounts of the committee to the sub- scribers, for the years 1872-1! to 1874-5; 1876-7; 1878-9; 1880-81 to 1895-6. fob, 4°, & 12°. Ban- fjor, 1*73-90. Established 1845. -----. Rules for the government of the ... 16 pp. 12°. Bangor, Nixon if- Jarris, 1877. -----. Rules of the . . . Revised, corrected and settled at a special meeting of governors held 20th January, 1893. 25 pp. 8°. Bangor, J. R. Brown, 1893. -----. Annual meeting. [Account of the pro- ceedings of the meeting held Nov. 12, 1891.] Broadside, 10 by 15 inches. [Bangor, 1891.] Repr. from: Xorth "Wales Chron., Nov. 14, 1891. -----. Blank forms of recommendatory letters. 4°. [Bangor, n. d.] Carnarvonshire Combined Sanitary District. Annual reports of the medical officer of health. 1.-13., 1877-89. By Hugh Rees. 8°. Carnitrron f Bangor, 1878-90. The combined district is composed of Bangor and Beau- maris; Carnarvon, Cod way, Festiniog, Llanrwst and Pwll- heli (R.). Bangor, Bethesda, Carnarvon, Cohvyn Bay, Conway, Criccieth, Dwygyfylchi. Festiniog, Llandudno, Llanfairfechan, Menai Bridge, Pwllheli and Tnyscynhaiarn (M.). Conway, Festiniog, and Menai Bridge added in 1886. Colwyn Bay, in 1888. Carnat. Notice sur Bourbou-l'Archambault. Du traitement thermal. 36 pp. 8°. Clermont (Oise), Daix freres, 189(i. Carnegie (John) [ -1884]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1884. i, 919. Cariielli. Instruzione sopra le malattie delle gengive, e delli denti, e sopra la maniera di conservarli con 1' uso dell' elixir balsamico, di- seccativa, ed antiscorbutico. 16 pp. 8-, Na- poli, 1792. [P., v. 1125.] Carne-Ross (Joseph). Observations upou tlie modes of treatment of pleurisy with effusion with special reference to the therapeutic value of thoracentesis. 4* pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Mac- laclilan f Stewart, I8c2. Carnesi (Tommaso). Un fibroma molluscoiilu delle grandi labbra. Nota clinica. 13 pp. £<->. Palermo, tip. frat. Puglisi, 1885. Camel (Le) du mddecin praticien: formulas. ordonnances, tableaux du pouls, de la respira- tion et de ia temperature, comptabilite. 24 pp. With blank forms, obi. 16°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here f fils, [n. d.]. Carnet [Jules] [1830- ]. Maladies de l'es- tomac. 2. 6d. iv, 221 pp. 16J. Paris, Faure, 1865. -----. The same. Manx d'estomac. Constipa- tion, regime, hygiene, traitement. 3. e\l., re- vue et notablement modifie'e. 430 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Chaix . Re- print. Also: Semaiue metl., Par., 1894, xiv, :109.—Krj;i« (E.) Le regicide Caserio; lettre k A. Lacassague. Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon Sc Par., 1895, x, 59-71. Canioy (J[ean]-B[aptiste]) [1836- ]. La hiologie cellulaire: etude comparee de la cellule daus les deux regues. Fasc. 1. 271 pp., 2 tab. 8\ Lierre, J. Van In $• Cie., 1~84. See. also, Cellule (La), roy. 8°. Lierre <£• Louvain, 1884-96. Caro (Angel Fernandez). Causas de la ceguera y uiodo de evitarlas. 29 pp., 1 ch. 12°. Ma- drid, 1891. -----. The same. 52 pp., 1 ch. 16-. Madrid, 1--91. Caro (Leo). * Ueber die patbogenen Eigenschaf- ten des Proteus Hauser. [Erlangen.] 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1893]. Caro (Leopold). * Ueber Aphasie; im Anschluss daran: Ein Fall von Aphasie bedingt (lurch I erschwerte Erregbarkeit und Verkiirzung der Dauer siimmtlicher Sinnesvorstellungen. [ Wnrtzburg. ] 42 pp. n-. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1888. Repr. from: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888, xliii. [With the addition of the case cited.] Caro (Moses). *Ein Fall von Scoliose nach obstetricaler Lahmung der beiden Uuterex- treuiitiiten. 41 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1886. " de Caro ( Vincenzio ). Saggi sulla podagra. vii, 100 pp., 2 1. *\ [Napoli, 1790.] [P., v. 1119.] Caroe (K. F.). £eeDanske(Den)La;gestand|eto.]. 8°. Kjebenhavn, Carolabad. Steinmelz (C.) Zur Gesehichte des Carolabades in Kappoltsweiler (Ober-Elsass). Deutschemetl. Wchnschr.. 1-eipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, ^43. Carolabad (Das) in Kappoltsweiler (Ober-Els). krdig-saliniseh-lithiumhaltige Thermalquelle. 8aison vom 1. Mai bis 30. September. 2 1. 4°. [Rappoltsweiler, 1892.] Caroli [Joseph]. * Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical tie la nevralgie faciale 94 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 514. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1896. Carolina (The) Journal of Medicine, Science and Agriculture. Conducted by Thos. Y. Simons and Wm. Michel. [Quarterly.] v. 1, 1825; n. s., nos. 1-2, v. 1, March to May, 1826. 8°. Charleston. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, n. s., Dr. Simons sole editor. Caroline Islands. Iion/no (B.) Ligeros apuntes tie Ponape, capital de la region oriental de las islas Carolinas, ocupatlos militar- niento por los Espanoles. Bol. denied, nav., Madrid 1896 xix, 73; 102; 123; 172; 200; 249; 274. — lTIachon-o (A.) Apuntes para cl estudio medico dc la Isla dc Yap. Ibid 1892, xv, 250; 284. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, de med! nav., Par., 1893, lx. 110-119. — Navarro y C!aOizares (J.) Condiciones de salubridad tie la Isla de Yap (Caro- linas). Confer, cieut. d. Cuerpo de sanid. de la Armada San Fernando, 1882-7, i, 386-393. CarolinisclH'S medico-chirurgisches Institut in Stockholm. Mittheilungen vom physiolo- gischen Laboratorium des . . . Hrsg. von Chr. Loven. 3 Hfte. 8C. Stockholm, 188>2-4. Caroliliskalnstitutets forvandling till Medico- Chirurgisk Akademi. Handlingarroraudo viickt fraga om hela Medicinska Undervisuingens for- flyttandc till Hufvudstaden och . . . 148 pp. 8:\ Upsala, Leffter . 8 . Paris, G. Steinheil, 1889. Caron (Alfred) [1854- ]. 'Contribution a l'dtude des complications du cancer de 1'uterus. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 369. Caron(Arthur-Jean-Baptiste) [1854- ]. *De la gangrene des organes gdnitaux chez les nou- velles accoucluSes. 70 pp. 4°. Lille, 1881, 2. s., Xo. 15. Caron (C.-A. ) Etudes cliniques de la fievre typhoT.de et de son traitement. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, 1878. Caron [Ciiarles-Louis]. Tumeur polypiforme de"veloppee dans l'oreillette gauche et plongeant dans l'oriiice auriculo-ventriculaire gauche, qu'elle r(5tr6cissait. 24 pp. 83. [Paris, L. Mar- tinet, 1854.] [P., v., 1647.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix. Caron (Eugene). * De la rugiuation de la base du crane comme moyen de destruction des poly- pes qui s'y implantent. 28pp., 1 pi. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1867, 2. s., Xo. 978. Caron ( Felicien ) [1863- ]. * Essai sur la faradisation intra-stomacale daus la medication de certains vomissemeuts rebelles. 37 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 280. CARON. 176 CARPENTER. Caron (J[ean]-C[harles]-F[61ix]) [1745-1824]. Dissertation sur l'effet mecbanique de l'air dans les poumons pendant la respiration, avec des reflexions sur un nouveau moyen de rappeler les noy6s a. la vie, propose par le noctenr Menzies, Edimbourg. 71 pp. 8\ Paris, Croullebois, an VI [1798]. ------. Projet de reglement sur l'enseignement et l'exercice de l'art de guerir en France. 29 pp. 8. Paris, an IX [1801]. ------. Questions: La chirurgie peut-elle retirer quelques avautages de sa reunion a la medecine ? Cette reunion fournira-t-elle des medecins asst-z rnstruits en chirurgie, pour secourir l'humauite souffrante? 42 pp. 8C. Paris, an X [1802]. ------. Remarques sur un fait d'insensibilite, qui t|iielquefois doit avoir lieu dans les amputations des grandes extremites. 15 pp. 8°. Paris) Croullebois, an Nil [1803]. ------. Reflexions snr l'exercice de la medecine. iii, 58 pp. 12°. Paris, Clousier, an XII [1804], ------. Memoire sur la necessite de retablir l'ecole de chirurgie telle qu'elle fut fondee par Louis XV, en la ciegageant du joug que la me- decine lui impose depuis la revolution. 75 pp. 8 . Paris, chez l'auteur, 1817. Caron (Jules) [181)5- ]. * Les "voies du sue" dans le cartilage hyaliu. 39 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Lille, 1894, 4. s., Xo. 34. Caron ( Paul-Edmond ) [1853- ]. * Traite- ment de hi metrite parenchymateuse chronique, etudie surtout au point de vue de l'ignipunc- ture. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 98. Cai'Oll (Philippus). Au cnjuslibet causa morbi una e sex rebus non naturalibus? Prses. Michael de Hodencq. 4 pp. 4 \ [Parisiis, F. Mitguet, 1690.] [P., v. 1329.] [Caronclli (Pietro).] Saggio sopra 1' ospita- lita e gli spedali. 30 pp. 8°. Venezia, S. Apolli- nare, 1792. Carosi (Erminio). II drenaggio iu chirurgia dopo le ultime perfezioni della medicatura anti- settica. 45 pp. 8°. Ascoli Piceno, tip. Cesari, 1895. Carotid gland. ^ Kopfstcin (W. ) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ge- schwiilste der Carotisdriise. "Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix. S3; 97: 117— I'altanf (R.) TJeber Geschwiilste der (ihimluhi earotit-a, nebst einem Beitrage zur Histologic und Kntwiekelungsgeschichtederselben. Beitr. ■/,. path. Anat. u. l. allg. Path.. Jena, 1891-2, xi, 260-301,2 pi.—Nchaper lA.) Beilrage/.ur Histologic der Glandula carotica. Arch. i'. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1892, xl, 287-320, 2 pi. Carotid. See Artery (Carotid). Carotid canal. Beanrrstird (H.) Le canal carotidien des roussettes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 914-916. Caroz (Jules). La pharmacie; ce qu'elle est, ce qu'elle devrait etre. 158 pp. 8C. Paris, E. Blot, 1804. [Also, in: P., v. 1811.] Carozzo (Quilique). *Des plaies arterielles. 14 pp., 11. 4. Genes, 1811. [P., v. 2151.] Carp (Ednardus Henricus) [1814- ]. *De tumoribus cysticis, adjecta morbi historia. 28 pp., 2 1. 12°. Berolini, typ. Nietackiunis, 1837. Carpain. See Carica. Carpene (A.) II rame nel vino e nelle derrate alimeutari, sua azione nell' organismo umano. Autidoti. Purez/.a del solfato di rame, sue adul- terazioni e metodi per isvelarle. Nuovo pro- cesso d' analisi quantitativa del rame fondato sulla stearina. 28 pp., 1 pi. 8°, Torino, E. Loescher, 1890. Carpentaria (Grid/of). See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Carpenter (Alfred) [1825-92]. Malignant pu8. tule. 19 pp. 8-'. Croydon, F. Warren, 1874. ------. Remarks on the lirst principles of sauitary work. 31 pp. 8°. London, 1.-79. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1879, ii. ------. Tbe address on domestic health, delivered to the Health Congress at Brighton, December 16th, 1881. 20 pp. 12°. Croydon, J. W. Ward 1881. ' ------. The utilisation of town sewage by sur- face irrigation; being experiences gained at Beddington sewage farm. 19 pp. 8°. London 1881. ' ' ------. The principles aud practice of school hy- giene. 368 pp. 12'-'. London, J. Hughes, 1887, ------. On sewage disposal for water-closet towns. 7 pp. 8°. [London, 1888.] Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 312. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1892, i. 338. Also: Midland M. Misc. Lei- cester, 1882, i, 97-99, port. Carpenter (Arthur B.) [1852-90]. For Biography, see Cleveland M. Gaz., 1889-90, v, 556- 558. Also': Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1891, 336-339. Carpenter (Charles F.) Report on instru- ments of precision. [Vienna International Ex- hibition, 1873.] 38 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1875. Carpenter (Elon N.). See ITIabonCW.), Flint (W. H.) & Carpenter (E.N.) Clinical observations on the action of sulfonal, Bayer. 8°. New York, 1889. Carpenter (George) [1859- ]. Go-Editor of: Pediatrics, New York Sc London, 1896. For Biography, see Scalpel, Lond., 1896, i, 1, port. Carpenter (George Alfred). Dangers of tbe continuous hot wet pack in acute renal disease. 20 pp. 8°. London, 1888. Repr. from .- Practitioner, Lond., 1888, xii, Carpenter (George W.) [ 1802-60]. Carpenter's family medicine-chest dispensatory, containing a select catalogue of drugs, chemicals, and fam- ily medicines, with the properties and doses of each article most approved of in domestic med- icine ; to which is appended a concise descrip- tion of diseases, with directions for the treat- ment of such as are unattended with serious con- sequences; showing also the best immediate measures to be adopted in those disorders and accidents which are destructive to life, when the physician is not at hand, or until his assistance can be procured. 327 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [Neall], 1835. Carpenter (Henry) [1819- ]. [Biographical sketch. J Practitioner, Lancaster, 1883, i, 9. ~" Carpenter (Horace) [1826-88]. Obituary. Proc. Oregon M. Soc, Portland, 1888, xv, 38. Carpenter (J[ames] G[iven]) [1854- ]. Se- quels of naso-pharyngeal and aural catarrh, il- lustrated by cases from private practice. 6 pp. 4°. [New York, 1884.] Repr. from: Gaillard's M. J., 1884, xxxvii. ------. Treatment of neoplasms of the naso- pharyngeal cavity. 7 pp. 12°. Chicago, 18*3. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v. Carpenter (John T.), jr. Two cases of hyaline formations in the optic nerve. 5 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] ~ - ■ Repr. from .- Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893. Carpenter (Josephus Mason). * De dysenteria. 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Edinburgi, excud. A. Neill cunt soc, 1794. [P., v. 1541.] Carpenter (Julia W.) Hygiene versus surgery in gynecology. 9 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood $ Co., 1889. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1889, xxii. CAKL'KXTEK. 177 CARPENTERS. Carpenter (Julia W.)—continued. _____. psoriasis and the new remedy, gallaceto- pbcnone. 11. .-'. [Cincinnati. 1892. ] Repr. from: t'inciu. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s., xxviii. _____. The open-air treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. 3 pp. 8 . Cincinnati, 1896. Repr. from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1896, n. s., xxxvi. _____. Two cases of mycosis tonsillaris. 2 pp., 11. 8-. Cincinnati, 1896. Repr. from : Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. 8., xxxvi. Carpenter (Mary). Report. The prisons of tbe United States. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Carpenter (Philip Pearsall) [1819-77]. See Smithsonian Institution fin 1. s.]. Check list of the shells of North America [etc.). 8°. Washington, 1867. Carpenter (R.) The sick man's companion, or a short note on fever, and a new method of cure ; together with an enumeration of the symptoms which usually attend a number of diseases, and a mode of treatment prescribed with medicine, the production of our own country. 46 pp., 1 1. 12. Johnstown, 1812. [P., v. 1433.] Carpenter (Rolla C.) Heating and ventilating buildings. An elementary treatise. xiii. 411 pp., 1 pi. 8 . AYir Yo7-k, J. Wiley §■ Sons; London, Chapman \ York M. J., 1888. xlvii. 45. Also: Tr. il. Soe. N. Y., Syracuse, 1888, 568-57'.' (D. Lewis). Carpenter (William Benjamin) [1813-85]. "On the physiological inferences to be deduced from the structure of the nervous system in the invertebrated classes of animals, viii, p3 pp., 2 pi. &-. Edinburgh, J. Carfrae, 1839. [P., v. lot 14.] Alto, in: Dusolison's Am. M. Libr. *\ Phila., 1840. 138-1s8 2 pi -----. Principles of general and comparative physiology, intended as an introduction to the study of human physiology, and as a guide to the philosophical pursuit of natural history. 2. ed. xx\i, r>77 pp., * pi. --. London, J. Churchill, 1* 41. ■-----. Principles of human physiology, with their chief applications to pathology, hygiene, and forensic medicine, xx, 6-0 pp., 1 pi. ->'-. London, J. Churchill, 184-,'. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed., with additions by the author, and notes and additions by Meredith Clymer. xxii, 2f>-618 pp., 1 pi. 8 . Philadel- phia, Lea <)'• Blanchard, 1843. ■-----. The same. Principles of human physi- ology, with their chief applications to psy- chology, pathology, therapeutics, hygiene, and forensic medicine. 5. Am. from the 4. and enlarged Lond. ed. ; edited, with additions, 12 Carpenter (William Benjamin) continued. by Francis (inrney Smith, xxviii, 33-1691 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard f Lea, 1853. ------. Animal phvsiologv. 2. ed. xii, .".79 pp. 8°. London, IV S. Orr J- Co., 1848. ------. The objects of medical study, and the spirit in which they should be pursued. 15 pp. 8\ London, Wilson ,1- Ogilry, 1*48. [P., v. 1294.] Repr. from: Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vii. ------. Shell. 16 pp. * . [London, 1849.] Repr.from: Cycl. Anat. & Physiol. (Todd), Lond., 1847- 9, iv, pt. 1. 1------. On the use aud abuse of alcoholic liq- uors, in health and disease, xxviii, 264 pp. 12". Boston, W. Crosby f H. P. Nichols, 1-51. | ------. The same. With a preface by D. F. Con- die. Prize essay, xxiv,25-178 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, H. C. Lea, 1*66. | ------. On the influence of suggestion in modify- ing and directing muscular movement, indepen- I dently of volition. 7 pp. 8°. [London, 1852.] [Also] in: P., v. 1565.] Repr. from: Tr. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1852. ------. On binocular vision and the stereoscope. 18, ii pp. 12°. Liverpool, H. Greenwood, 1*62. [P., v. 1492.] Repr. from: Brit. J. Photog., Lond., 1862. ------. What is common sense? pp.401-41*. - , [London, 1872.] Cutting from: Contemp. Rev., Lond., 1872, xix. ------. On the doctrine of human automatism. Pt. 2. pp. 940-962. 8. [London, 1875.] Cutting from: Contemp. Rev., Lond., 1875. ------. The microscope and its revelations. 6. ed. xxxii, 8*2 pp., 26 pi. 8°. London, J. cy A. Churchill, 1881. ------. Tho same. 6. ed. xxxii, 882 pp., 26 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blakistou, 1881. ------. The same. 6. ed. 2 v. Front., xi, 388 , pp.: iv, 354 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood j- Co., 1883. [ ------. The same. 7. ed.. in which the fust seven chapters have been entirely rewritten and the text throughout reconstructed, enlarged, and revised by the Rev. W. H. Dallinger. xviii, 1099 pp., 21 pi. 8. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4- Co., 1891. -----. Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to tho training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid condi- tions. 6. ed. lxiii, 737 pp. 8°. London, C. Re- gan Paul $ Co., 1881. ------. The physiology of alcoholics. An address. 22 pp. 16'". New York, 1**\'>. ------. Ocean-circulation. Researches in the "Challenger" and "Tuscarora". pp. 565-5.-9. 8'-. [London, n. d.] [P., v. 2030.] Cutting from : Contemp. Rev., Lond. See, also. DinMcrtalioiiM on diseases of the orjriins of respiration [etc. |. 8>. I'hiludAimlft. 1841.—Pa«el (Sir.).) VcrshiK over tie vt rkri-i no |etc.]. 8°. Leiden, 1«46.— Taylor (P. A.) [in 1. s.|. Current fallacies about vac- cination. 8'. London, 1881. -----■ [inl.s.]. Vaccination. 8°. London, [1881J.— Wallcit (J. II.) [in 1. s.|. Doc- trines of life. 8°. [St. Louis. 1868 ] For Biographt/, .sec Uoston M. Sc S. J., 1885. cxiii, 499. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 11(9. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii. 928. Also. Midland M. Misc., Leicester, 1882, i, 33. Also: Pop. Se. Month., N. Y., 1885-6, xxviii, 538-544, port. Also: Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. tl. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1886, 45-49 (C. von Yoil). For I'm trait, see Am. Month. Mier. J., Wash., 1886, vn, I no. 4. Carpenters. (IiKKMONritKZ (F.) Etude sur les plaies des ouvriers en hois (presentee a la Socie'te' de chi- rurgie de Paris le 25 avril 188:i). 8°. Ports, 1883. I Fratini (P.) L' industria dei h ;;nami in rapporto all' igiene. Riv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1890, x, 41; 73; 105. CARPENTER'S. 178 CARPUS. Carpenter's Annual Medical Advertiser, pub- lished and distributed to the physicians of the United States. Containing a descriptive ac- count of the most popular of the new medicines, surgical instruments, medical books, etc., and of the improvements in chemistry, pharmacy, etc. Bv Geo. W. Carpenter. For 1835, 1836, and 1-44. 8 . Philadelphia. Carpeiltier (Ad.) * Histoire natnrelle des smi- lacees au point de vue de la matiere mddicale. Etude des racines de salsepareillo du commerce. 4 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, A. Fillet fils, 1869. [P., v. 17(18.] Ecoh- de pharmacie. CarpeiBticr ( Charles-Augustin ) [1861- ]. "Essai sur l'anatomie de l'articulation de V6- paule. 93 pp. 4-. Lille, 1887, 3. s., No. 32. Carpeiltier (Charles-Henri-Joseph) [1853- ]. Sur le traitement chirurgical de Hypospadias perine'o-scrotal. 68 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1^92, No. ('8. Carpeiltier (Eugene). De l'iritis syphilitique. \29 pp., 1 ]., 2 pi. --. Bruxelles, G. Moyolez, 1871. ' Carpeiltier ( Francois-Albert) [IMil- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des paralysies alcoo- liques. 7- pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. hi. -----. The same. 78 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1*91. Carpeiltier (Gabriel) [1859- ]. * Diagnostic de la nephrite iuterstitielle sans albuminuric. 60 pp. 4C. Paris, 1886, No. 317. Carpeiltier (Georges). * Quelques considera- tions sur les plaits p6n<5truntes de l'abdomen, avec issue de lY-piploon. IS pp. 4 . Paris, 1-70, No. 171. Carpeiltier (J.-B.). tier Dniinnilirii (A.-L.) La photographic fete.]. 8°. Lyon, 1884. Carpeiltier (Petrns Josephus). *l»e hernia in- guinali incarci-rata. 28 pp. 4C. Gandari, apud I underhaeghe-Maya, [l-:?0]. [P., v. IM-l.] Carpeiltier (Prosjier-Leon) [1871- |. *1)e la defense dans le tlclire de persecution chronique. 62 pp. 4J. Paris, 1896, No. 298. Carpentieri (Alfonso). Contribuzione alia pa- tologia tlelle flogosi utero-peritoneali nel puer- perio ed in particolare del flemmone ed as:-esso del leganieiito largo. 31 pp. -1-. Bari, F. Pe- iru:zelli j-figli, 1-.-9. ------. A proposilo dell' articolo 5:'. della legge sulla sanita pubblica; osservazioni. 7 pp. 8C. [Bari, F. Petruzzelli Jfigli, 18-9.] Carpeiltier-.flerieourt (Eug.). See Duj:ii-l-l-4(>j. a description of the muscles of the human body as they appear on dissection ; with the synonynia of Cow per, Wiuslow, Douglas, Albinus, and In- nes, and the new nomenclature of Dumas, pro- feasor of anatomy at Montpellier. xii, 55 pp., 7 pi. 4J. London, T. Lewis, 1-01. -----. An introduction to electricity anil galvan- ism, with cases shewing their effects Iu tin- cure of diseases; to which is added a descrip- tion of Mr. Cuthbertson's plate electrical ma- chine, viii, 112 pp., 2 pi. 8 \ London, A. Phil- lips, 1803. -----. An account of two successful operations forrestoring a lost nose from the integuments of the forehead, in The cases of two officers of His Majesty's army; to which are prefixed historical antl physiological remarks on the nasal opera- tion, including descriptions of the Indian and Italian methods. 1 p. 1., ii, 102 pp., 1 1., 5 pi. 4°. London, Longman [and others], ]*16. -----. The same. Gesehichte zweier gelungc- nen Fiille, wo der Veil nat der Nase vermitu-lst der Stirnhaut ersetzt wurde. Aus dem Eugli- schen iibertragen vou H. S. Michaelis, nebst einer Vorrede vom Ritter Carl Grade, x, 111 pp.,5pl.,ll. 4°. Berlin,Realschtilbu-chhandl.,l*l7. -----. A history of the high operation for the stone, by incision above the pubis; with obser- vations on the advantages attending it, aud an account of the yrarious methods of lithotomy from the earliest periods to the present time. iv, 204 pp.. 3 pi. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1819. CarjUIN and wrist-joint. See, also, Bursae of hand, etc.; Metacarpal bones. Bhaude (B. M.) *0 mekhaizme luche-kiste- vavo sustava. (Material! dlya izuchen'ia slozb- nlkh sustavov.) [Mechanism of radio-carpal articulation. (Materials for study of compound articulation.)] .--. S.-Peterburg, lrelS. Banr ((.}.) Der Carpus der Paarhufer; eine niorplio- genetischo Studie. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz.. lhKi-4, ix, 597-603. -----. Ueber das Ceutrale carpi der Saugetliiere. Ibid., 1884-5, x, 455-4.>7. -----. Neue Beitrage zur Mor- phologic des Carpus der iSiingetiere. Anat. Anz.. Jena 1889, iv, 49-51. -----. Der Carpus der Schildkioten: Ei wiederuug au Ilcrrn Prof. Dr. Emil Rosenberg. Ibid., 1892, vii, 206-211.—Bi-ycc (T. II.) On certain points in the anatomv and mechanism of the wrist-joiut reviewed iu the light of a series of Riiutgen rav pliotograiihs of the living hand. J. Anat. Sc Phvsiol.. Lend., 1890-7, xxxi, 59- 79.—Cliaiivel (J.) .— I'hocaN. Osteite nevralgique du pisi- forme. Xord nnd.. Lille, 1896, ii, 150-152.—J*ayrc (L. A.) Chronic disease- of the wrist-joint. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1880, cii, 577.—Smith (Li. W.) Chronic rheumatic ar- thritis of the wrist joint. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, iii, 39.—Staples (F.) Case of chronic inflammation of the wrist-joint, with deformity from enlargement of the joint, and from reflex contraction of the flexor muscles of the forearm. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Louis, 1878, 10.__ Tuberliulose des Handgelenks; 2 Falle. Jahresb ii tl. chir. Abt. tl. Spit, zu Basel (1894), 1895, 142. —Weis- senbach. Un cas d'ai thrite du poignet, non traumatique accompaguee tie pare.sie musculaire et d'insensibilite. Bev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1890, x, 604. Carpus and icrist-joint (Dislocations of). See, also, Carpus and wrist-joint (Fracture of). Felix (J.) * Etude sur la subluxation spou- tau6c du poignet en avant. 4C. Lyon, 1*M. Habili.on (K.) * Luxations carpo-m^tacar- pieunes des quatre deruiers metacarpiens. 4°. Nancy, 18Si. Ailkcn (C.) Dislocation forwards of the hand. Lan- cet, Lond., 1887, i, 1183. — Albertin. Note sur un cas de luxation traumatique dc los semi-luuaire sur la face pal- maire du poignet gauche. Province med., Lyon, 1887, ii, 420. -----. Luxation de l'os semi-lunaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1894), 1895, xxxiv, pt. 2, 160.—Amlertoii (K.) Dislocation of the wrist- joint. Brit, M. J., Lond.. 1880. i, 399.—Bedford (C. II.) Case of backward dislocation of radial side of carpus, with fracture of radius and infraction of ulna. Ibid., 1887, ii, 772.—Bennett (W. H.) A case of spontaneous displace- ment forwartls of botli wrists. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv. 265-267.— Bode (O.) Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie uud Casuistik tier Spontanluxation tier Hand. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 1128-1130.—Borck (E.) Com- pound dislocation of the wrist. Proc. St. Louis M. Soe. Missouri (1880), 1881, iii, 74-78, 1 pi. Also, Keprint. Also: St. Louis M. Sc S.J., 18>-0 xxxviii. 2,2-274.—Brigjj>9 (C. G. ) Dislocation of tho head of the ulna forward without a fracture, of the radius. Metl. live, X. Y.. 1891, xxxix, 553. —Kiit-hsmaii (G.) Caso of compound dislo- cation of the semilunar hone of the carpus. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 113.—Bucliaii.-in (J. G.) Luxa- tion of the unciform boue. Med. Sc Surg. Beporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 418.—Cameron (II. C.) Complete forward dislocatiou of the semilunar boue. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 885.—Carroll (J.) Case of dislocation of the wrist. Glasgow M. J., 1889, [4.] s., xxxi, 91.—Carroll (T.) Com- pound dislocation of the carpal ends of both uluaj, followed by tetanus and death. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 475. — Cati-i-inopoulo* (P.) Uue observa- tion de. luxation tlu poignet en arriere. Cong. d. med. grees 1882. C.-r., Constant., 18*3, i, 104.—Claudot (M.) Contribution it, l'etude ties luxations medio-carjiiennes traumntiques. Arch.de metl. ct pharm. mil., Par., 1885, v, 130; 177.—Cochrane (J.) Case of dislocation of tho wrist. Etlinb. M. J., 1883-4, xxix, 1008—Compound dislocatiou of the wrist-joint, from the bite of a horse. Med. Times & Ga/.., Lond., 1857, xv, 351. —Courbon. Observation de luxation du poignet, Ann. Soc. tie nu'-d. de St.-fitienue et de la Loire (188U), 1*81, vii, 048-051.— Daillicz. Luxation tlu poignet en nrriere. Bull. Soc, auat.-clin. tie Lille, 1891, \ i, 1-4. Alsn: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1891. i, 131-134—B-ailijjolle*. Luxation eu ar- riere du poignet droit chez un enianl, tieouzo aus. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1883), 1884, 400- CARPUS. 180 CAIUTS. Carpus and icrist-joint (Dislocations of). 407. Also: J. de med. tic Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 170-172.— Delorme. Luxation du poignet gauche eu avant com- plete dataut de quatre ans; fracture de l'extrGniite inf6- rieure du radius et du cubitus. Bull, et mem. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 377-379. —Die n. Luxation du poignet en avant, par cause tlirecte.- ii n ductibilit6. Und.. 1884, n. s.. x.290-298. — Bollinger (G.) Kezflczam az elokar hajlitd ohlahira. [Dislocation of hand (from in- jury at birth').] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1*83, xxvii, 1339- 1341. Also, transl: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 157.—Bupuy (J.) Luxation du poignet. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux. 185u. 385-392.—Entwell (\V. C. B.) Practical observations on compound luxations of tho radius at the wrist-joint, with an abstract of cases. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 151-100.—Ferron. Luxation du poignet. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 37-39.—Finn (W. D.) Dislocation at wrist joint. Maritime M. Xews, Halifax, 1891, iii, 102.— Fiir- nrr (W.) Compound dislocation of wrist; recovcrv with perfect movement. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 541.—Gam. gee (L. P.) A case of forward dislocation of the semi- lunar bone. Ibid., 1895. ii, 30. — Garden (R.J.) Dis- location of tho wrist-joint, antl fracture of the lower end of the. radius. Edinb. M. J., 1882-3, xxviii, 865-877, 1 pi.— Gardner (E.) [Dislocationsof the wrist.] Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1891, n. s., xv, 400.—Gaudier. Luxation du carpe eu avant, sans fracture des extremit6s: reduction impossible; resection des tetes du radius et du cubitus; retour partiel des functions tlu poignet. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 810.—Gross. A case of compound dislocation of the semilunar bone. Phila. M. Times. 1S81-2, xii, 220.— Hamilton (F. G.) Dislocation of the wrist. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i,-514.—Dlai-i-iMon (0. M.) [Backward dislocation of the carpus.] Daniel's Texas M. J.. Austin, 1887-8, iii, 83. — Hecht < L. i Ueber die traumatische Haudgelenksluxation. Mum hen. med. AVchnx-hr , 1894, xii, 632-034.—Hern (J. F. T.i Een gcval van volairelux- atie van do hand. Nederl. 'lijilschr. v. (lem-i-sk., Amst., 18*4, xx, 415.—HoIIih (H.) Backward dislocation of the wrist. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1345.—Hossaelt (J.) A case of backward dislocation of the carpus. Brit. M. -J., Loud., 1895, ii, 14-21.—Lam-en zi (L.) Disarticolazioue radio-carpianasiuistra per fi-nta d' arma de fuoco. Arch. tli med., chir. cd ig., Roma, 1871, v, 214.—Iiegoux. Luxa- tion du poiguet en avant: issue tlu radius et du cubitus par une large d6chirure des tissus a. la partie inferieure et anterieure de l'avant bras; impossibility de reduction ; r6- section ties deux os; application du panseraent ouat6; guerison apres un mois; conservation des principaux inouveinents do l'articulation; la main execute tons les mouvements normaux. Gaz. m6tl. de Pieardie, Amiens, 1885, iii, 30. — l>eiNi-ink (H.) Luxation tics Ulnarkopf- chens gegeu den Radius. [2 cases ] In his: Ber. tl. chir. Poliklin. tl. Krauen-Hiilfs-Ver. zu Hamb. f. tl. Jahre 1872-8, 4°. Hainb., 1879, 42.— I.iudley ( W.) Dislocation of the carpal boues backwards. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1883-4, xxvi, 167. —Lowe (H.) Dislocation of the wrist; death; dissection of the part. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 937.— I.iic.-in (R. C.) Dislocation by rotation backwards at the wrist joint. Cuy's Hosp. Kep.. Loud., 1887, 3. s., xxix, 117-121. —.TIadeluny. Die spontane Subluxation der Hand nach vorne. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878, xxiii, 395-412, 1 pi. — .llooi-e (E. M.) A luxation of the ulna not hitherto desci i'oetl, with a plan of reduction and mode of after treatment; including the management of Colles' fracture. Tr. M. Soc. XT. Y., 1870, 233-244, 3 pi. Also, Re- print, — 'loiton ( T. II. ) Dislocation of carpus back- wards. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895, ii, 13!.—\i-k- (A.) Dis- location of ulna at wiist. Laucet, Lond., 1*81, ii, 353.__ O'Hara (M.) Compound dislocation of tie-wrist, with extrusion of the semilunar bone. Proc. Phila. Co. M Soc. 1881-2, Phila., 1882. iv. 55-57. Also.- Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 301. — Orrillard (A.) Des luxations de l'ex- treiuite superieure des quatre derniers metacarpiens dans leurs articulations avec le carpe. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi. 1085-1092. — l':illirson (A.) Dislocation of the I wrist. Glasgow M. .).. 1887 xxvii. 18. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lund., 1*80, ii, 1102.—Poucet (A.) Luxation aut-ieuue du poiguet en avaut, avec arret de developpe- ment de tout le membre superieur. Gaz. d. hop., Par. 1890, lxiii, 4-0.—Fooley (J. U.) Congenital dislocation of the wrists. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1880, xxi, 216-220.— Rene t A.; Luxation tlu poignet sur 1'avaut-bras, com- plete et en arriere. sans fracture. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 580— Bolaad (O.) Dislocation of the wrist without fracture. Phila. M. 'limes, 1879, ix. 430. Also: X. York Eclect. M. Sc S. J., 1879, vi. 80.— Boux. Luxation du poignet, avec desortlre considerable: naiiL'iene; mort. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1829-30, ii, 274. — Byd)«ici-. Zur Aetiologie der Haiulgelenkluxation. Deutsche Ztschr f Chir., Leipz., 1881, xv, 289.— [Nt-hiuidt < A. || Ein Fali von traumatischer Luxation der uutern Haiidwurzelreihe nach dem Handriicken. Arb. a. d. chir. Univ.-Poliklin. zu Leipz., 1888. 51-56. — Nervier. Observation d'une lu- xation du poignet. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1880, 2. 8., xvii, 196; 211— Sherburn. A case of dislocation of the wrist backwards. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 985.—Simpson Carpus and icrist-joint (Dislocations of), (W. J.) Rare luxation. Complete dislocation of the'ear pus backward upon the fore-arm without fracture I Kan sasCity M. Rec, 1884, i, 137.—Smith (E. X.) DifliM-ation of the wrist-joint. Brit. M. J., LontL, 1880, i. 4411. *ijm. mon (L. A.) Di.slocation of the lower end of tl; dm i-nr" ward. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix. 561.—Te««on. ()Wr- vation de luxation du poiunet. Bull. Soc. de ni.il ,p \n„flr (1868), 1869, 2. s., lxvi, 07-71.—I'llon y Gei-nll (J.J) Caseof dislocation of the carpus forwards. Hosp Cu V Y., 1878,iv, 169.—Walker (C. R.) Dislocation backward! of the carpus aud hand. Lancet, LontL, ls*7. jj, ;,|^_ Whitby (E.V.) Dislocation of the wrist-joint, lb it M~ J., Loud., 1880, i, 586.—Wight (J. S.) Dislocation of the left hand backwards, complicated with a separation of the distal radial epiphvsis. Hosp. Gaz., X. Y.. 1879 vi 57a Also.- Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii, 260.------. Dislocations of the carpus. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1891, ix, 465-479. Carpus and wrist-joint (Excision of). See Excision of wrist. Carpus and icrist-joint (Fracture of). See, also, Carpus and wrist-joint (Dislocation! of). Dki.bkcq (H.) * Des fractures ilea o.s du carpe [Paris.] 4'-. Lille, 1*87. Daillicz. Fractures experimentales des o.s du carpe J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1891, i, 152-154.— de Robert! Fracture coiuminutive ties extremites radio-cuhitalesiinns l'interieur tie l'articulation du poignet par cause turn- matitpie. Union med. d'Orient, Constant., 1879, vi, 42.— Wight (J. S.) Fracture of the right carpal runeiform bone, impacted fracture of the left radial base, ami incom- plete fracture of the distal end of the left ulna. Med. Gaz., 1ST. Y., 1881. viii. 93. Carpus and -icrist-joint {Surgery of). See, also, Amputations (Carpal, etc.); Car- pus and wrist-joint (Tumors of); Carpus and wrist-joint ( Wounds, etc., of); Excisions of wrist. Ration (S. H.) A diseased carcinomatous growth of the left wrist: removed. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1845, ix, pt. 1, 247, 1 pi. — IVotla. Synovite tendineuse k grains riziformes du poignet et tie la paum.- tie la main; incision; pansement de Lister; guerison. Hull, et iu6m. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii. 740-7.">2. Carpus and icrist-joint (Tumors of). Lkison (A.) * Contribution & lY-tuilc des kystes h grains riziformes du poignet. rov. 8°. Lille, 1S9.'.. Lejeunk. * De la tumeur blanche tie l'articu- lation radio-cubitale inferieure. 1°. Paris, 1*80. Sk.miac ( J.-B.-B.-P.-L. ) *" Kystes a grains riziformes du poignet et de la main. (Revue cliniqne.) 4°. Paris, 18*8. CaMtianx (J.) Tumeur blanche du poiguet: caverne tnhereuleuse de l'extremite inferieure du radius cousitle- ree comme point tie depart du mal. Bull. metl. du nord, Lille, 1804, 2. s., v, 150-159. — Debaisieux (T.) Kyste hordt'-iforiuo du poignet; traitement par la methode de Lister: guerison avec conservation de tous les motive- mt-nts. J. tl. sc. med. de Louvain, 1880, v, 145-152.— Dc roiibnix (I..) K\ste de la region dorsale du poifiuet. Ann.de L Univ. tie Unix. Fac. de med., 1881, ii, 51.-l>e»- Kiiin(L) Tumeur blanche du poignet; resection. Ann. Soc. tie metl. d'Anvers, 1892, liv, 213. — Gay (C. ('. F.) Sarcoma of left wrist. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1879-80, xix, 430. — <«ine. Tumor dseo esferico hueco \ aveolar de la region carpiana. Bol. med. escolar, Parcel., 1879-80,1,2; 5: 13. — Cirinda ( J. ) Angioma venoso de la niuneca. Siglo med.. Madrid. 1879, xxvi, 37C— OnennonpreB & .Mellaril if.) FibroniyxAnie voluminous; de la lace pal- maire tie la main et du poignet. J. d. sc. metl. de Lille, 18*9. i, 78-fc0. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de cliir. th Pur., 1888, n. s.. xiv, 750. — l• «!■■ 1839, Hi, 143.—.?Iar«arneci (O.) Su un' raro tuinoredel carpo. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1890-7, xxii. 401- 409.—ITlomiier (L.) Kyste synovial du poignet. imiltilo- culaire; ablation; guerison. Bull. Soc. auat.de Par., 1891, lxvi, 92.- Psizok MariiNqiu-ta tS.) Tumor bianco do 1» articulacion radio-carpianuilereeha: tratumu-nto lot-dp*' el nitrate de plata fundido; termiiiaeion por falsa aii•] Ibid., 1*91-3, Poiittemoli, fo,'.- :!,rHchVl t,L) VM(i Pal' Miit <*« verre de la pmL? i1.1'0 ''^ I)0le»«t droit; section des tendons fle- cnisseurs de la main ct des doigts, des nerfs median et cu- €ai*piis and icrist-joint (Wounds and injuries of). bital et de l'artere cubitale; sutures an catgut; rt-tablisse- nieut des fonctions des muscles et des nerfs. France med., Par., 1889, ii, 1721-1724.-Rodriguez (I.) Corps etranger articulaire m6eouiiu et sorti de l'ai-ticulation k roccasion dun traumatisme. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 422. — Koae (W.) Severe injury of wrist- joint, with division [of| nerves, vessels, and tendons treated by conservative surgerv. Proc. M. Soc. Loud 1887. x, 348-351. Also [Abstr. |: Brit. M. J., LontL, 1887] i, 957.—Somen* (G. B ) The anatomy of the wrist and band, with reference to cuts and crushes. Tr. M. Soc. Calif, San Fran., 1895, xxv, 263-20!).—Morel (E.) Extrac- tion d'un morceau do verre apres I rente ans de scjour dans les tissus. Gaz. med. de Pieardie, Amiens, 1883, i, 59. — Mpruyt. Plaie du poignet droit avec section de tendons. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1889, 3. s.. xxxvi, 103- 105.—Slalon (L. L.) Restoration after tho hand is com- pletely separated from the arm. North Car. M. J.. Wil- mington, 1880, v, 293. — Thomas (S. C.) Punctured wound of the wrist. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1885, xxxii 213-216. — Uytterlioeven (A.) Plaie de l'articulation radio carpienne gauche; extirpation du semi-lunaire et d'un fragment du pyramidal du carpe; gu6rison. In his: Melanges de chir., d'oiihth. et d'hyg. pub., 8°, Brux., 1859, 33-35. —Watson (F. S.) A case' of division of tendons and nt-rw-s at the wrist. Boston M.& S.J., 1891, cxxv, 698. Ciirpxov (Samuel). See Rienier (Joh.) [in 1. s.]. Duella mulierum. sin. 4°. lYeissenfelsce, 1680. Carquet (J.) * fit tide sur les saponines. 27 pp., 1 1. 4J. Montpellier, IS93. No. 53G. iScole de pharniacie. Carr (Alonzo Ferdinand) [1.S17-S7J. BlaisrielKF.) Obituary. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Coucord, 1888, 163-166. Carl" (Georgius). *l)e pneumonia. I p. 1., 17 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1822. [P., v. 190U] Carr (Henry). Our domestic poisons; or, the poisonous effects of certain dyes and colours used in domestic fabrics, iv, 50 pp. 12c. Lon- don, IV. Ridgway, 1^79. -----. Poison in domestic fabrics in relation to trade and art; being a sequel to tbe pamphlet "Our domestic poisons from tbe sauitary point of view". 31 pp. 16°. London, IV. Ridgway, [1880]. Our domestic poisons. With an appendix on arsenical poisoning by wall-papers. 43 pp. 8°. London, IV. Clowes

    59- ]. Some mani- festations of rachitis not always associated with severe bone changes. 14 pp. ^ . [ Phila- delphia, lr-'JO.] Repr. from: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1890, vii. -----. Laryngismus stridulus. H pp. 12J. New York, 1-9L Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1891, liii. -----. A case of scorbutus in uu infant. 4 pp. 12 . [New York, 1892.] Repr. from: Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii. -----. iSarcoma of the skin of the back in a baby. 2 pp. 8. [New York, 1893.] Repr. from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893, x. Carr (William P.). See Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum, Washington. 8n. ( Washington, 1888. ] OAltR. 182 C'AURKLLI, Carr (William Wilkins). The legal protection of the present watt-r supply for Philadelphia. 1 p 1., 46 iip. 8 . Philadelphia, G. H. Buchanan S-Co., [1**6]. -----. The suggestion of insanity in criminal cases and the trial of the collateral issue, xv, 13,". pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. cf J. W. Johnson $ Co., 1890. Carra (Prosper) [1*66- ]. Etude sur la plcuiesie syphilitiqne du stade rosdolique ou pleurdsie svphilitique de la periode secondaire. 99 pp. 1 . Paris, 1894, No. 23. Carracido (Josd R[odriguez]). La evolucitfn en la quimica. vii, 352 pp. 12-. Madrid, viuda de Hernando g Ca., 1894. -----. Tratado de quimica organica ledrico y practico, aplicado especialmente a las ciencias niedicas. 924 pp. 8°. Madrid, J. M. Sanchez, [n. de setembro proximo passado. 24 pp. * . Lisboa, na impressao regia, 1*17. [P., v. 1778.] Carrel (Charles- Louis- Fernaud) [ 1863- ]• "Considerations snr lo pronostic operatoiie et la guerison des sareomes du fdmur. 59 pp. 4 ■ Paris, 1*95, No. 502. [Carrel (IL), Andre (<;.) &, Bissuel (E.)] Projet d'assaiuissenient tie la Presqii'lle lyou- naisedans la partie- comprise entre Uk plat:e ties Cordeliers et la place Bellecoiir. Plan et notice. 15 pp. roy. *'-'. Lyon, Pitral nine, 1**2. ,Carrelli (Francesco). Sulla fognatura eloacale della citta di Napoli. Giustitica del parere pro- pugnato. 45 pp. *^. Napoli, F. Giann'mi If I figli, 1885. CAR HERA. 183 CAHEIER. Carrera (Antonio Garcia). Programa del pri- mer cuiso de anatomia deseriptiva y general, I 1**5. 24pp. 12J. Granada,Lopez Guevara.[l-*6]. Issued with: Clinica, Granada, 1886, ii. Carreras y Arago (Luis). Estudiosoftalmo- Ioimcos. Coleeeion de articulos y observaciones • cliuicas sobre varias enfermedades de los ojos, seguida de una memoria sobre el oftalmoscopio. 217 pp., 1 1., lpl. 12°. Barcelona, Ramirez y Ca., W5. ._____. De las eataractas hereditarias y de su trasmisiou principalmente ii los individuos de sexo igual al del pacit-nte originario. 11 pp. .—. Barcelona. E. Cllastres, 1884. See. also, Ai'iiiniijjiic y Timet carteten oder verwickellen ve- nerisch-chronischen Krankheilen. Aus dem Franzosischen; mit Aumerkuiigen ties Ueber- setzers. 2 p. 1., l.">2 pp., 1 1. 12 ;. Frankfurt 4'- Leipzig, J. G. Fleischer. 17r9. Bound ivith: Hendv (J.) Sc ROLLO (J.) Ueber die Drii- senkrankheit [etc.]. 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1788. -----. Recherches sur uue question mddico- ldgale, si un enfant extrait de la matriee par l'operation cdsarienne, apres la mort de la mere, a stirvdeu a celle-ci. Dans laquelle on dtablit les conditions qui constituent la vie et la mort, les signes de l'nne et de Tautre, les dpreuves pr^pres a. s'assurer de leur existence, et les mo- ve is de rappeler a la vie les personnes qui sont daus un dtat de mort apparente. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. * . Perpiguan, J. Alzine, an XI [1802]. Carreri (Giuseppe). Dispensario celtico ^ra- tuito in Vercelli [Eendiconti di esercizii.] 1., la8il-9U; 2., 1^90-1)1. - pp.; 7 pp. *' A 12'. Vercelli, tipog. Facchiuetli, 1890-91. -----. Epitelioma sitilitico curuto c giuirito col inetodo Starenzio. 6 pp. *.\ Vercelli, tipog. Fac- clnneni, 1891. Currero (Petrns Garcia). See Garcia Carrero (Petrns). Carret. Opinion snr le projet de loi relatif a l'exercice de la mddeciue. Seance du 17 ventose. anil. 4 pp. *'. [Paris, Imp. nat.,an II [1794].] Carret (F.) *Du traitement des fistules vdsico- vaginales par l'occlusion vaginale. 116 pp. 4' . Paris, l*-3, No. 430. Carretero y .lluriel (Mariano). Censo -e:ie- ral de las aguas minerales de Espaua. .">7 pp., 11. 8°. Madrid, G. Juste, 1876. Carrette (Jean-Baptiste-Alexandre). * Sur hi cataracte. 2^! pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*26, v. .V,. Carrette ( Eugenius Josephus). * Diss. med. tie asphyxia ejusque medendi methodo. 27 pp. 4-' Lovanii, H. Baumans, [1820]. [P., v. 958. ] Carretti (Francesco) cV. Lodi (Arualdo). Stu- dio di Manicomio provincial!- di Porto Maurizio. 28 pp., 4 plans. 4°. Torino, Camilla e Bertolero 1891. del Carretto (Giaeomo). Sul sistema di fogna- tnre tubolare-puetiinatica e sulla convenienza tli applicarlo alia citta di Napoli. Voto ra«ioiiato- risposte a questi conclusioni. 8°. Napoli, F. Giannini, 1874. Carrey (Ferreol) [1872- ]. *De la luxaiiot. traumatique ancienne du radius en avant (luxa- tion irrdduetible) et de son traitement par la rdsection de lVxtreinit6 deplacdc. »o pp 4 Lgon, 1*91, Xo. 964. Carrez (Cvrille). * Essai snr le dosage de I'urde. [Lyons.] 223 pp. 4-. Lille, l-'X\ No. 12. ficole tie pharmacie. Cair-Goiiim (F. C.) The hospital almanac, 18*-. Compiled by . . . chiirtnan of the Loudon Hospital. Metropolitan hospitals in the year of jubilee. [Containing the name and address, governing body, medical staff, etc.] Broadside, 28 by 36 inches. London, Whiting . Philadelphia, 1870. Carrick-on-Suir. Sec Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Carrie (Emmanuel). * De lalitliolapaxie. de >es contre-itidieations et de l'emploi du chlorbydrate de cocaine comme anesthesique local, x, 11-101 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1 >*."), Xo. 33. Carrier (Albert). Lecons cliuiques sur I'e'pi- lepsie et les troubles intellcctucls qui I'accom- pagnent, faites k l'hospice, de 1'Antiquaille. Ke- ciieillie-i par M. Laurenciii. 109 pp. ~ . Lyon, imp. Mougin-Rusanil, 1**3. Carrier (Albert E.) Bald beads. 9 pp. ~. [Detroit, 1891.] Repr. from: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1891, xv. ------. Pigmentation of tbe whole surface of the body, occurring suddenly during tlie treatment of a case of psoriasis; warty growths upon the palms and soles, following the internal use of arsenic. 8 pp. l(i . [Philadelphia, 1*94. J Repr. from: Mud. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv. CARRIER. 184 CARR0N-MASS1D0N. Carrier (Edouard). Lesalidndsdevant I'opinion et la loi. Apercu critique et philosophique sur le nouveau projet de loi. 45 pp. S~. Lyon, Mougin-Rusand, 1887. Carrier (Henriette). Origines de la Maternitd de Paris. Les mattresses sages-femmes et l'offlce des accouchdes de l'ancien HOtel-Dieu (1378- i 1796). xviii, 272 pp., 15 pi. 8°. Paris, G. , Steinheil, 1888. Carrier (Jean-Jacques-Louis) [1791- 1802]. Caffe, N6crologie, J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1862, \\i\, 496. [Carriere (Edouard).] Les eaux mindrales du golfe de Naples. 15 pp. 8 . [Paris, Fain —continued. 2 p. 1., 150 pp. 16°. London, H. K. Lewis' 1892. See, also, Fagge (C. H.) The principles and practice of medicine. 8^. Philadelphia, 1886. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, G99. Alto ■ Guy's Hosp. Rep. Lond., 188s, 3. s., xxx, pp. xxiii-xxxi. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 653. Carrion (Daniel A.). See Verruga (La) peruana [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 12°, Lima, 18s6. de Cail'O (Jean) [ 1770-1".">7 ]. Observations et expdriences sur l'inoculation de la vaccine. 5 p. 1., 216 pp., 1 pi. 8-". Vienne, 1*01. -----. Observations pratiques sur les fumigations sulfurenses. 1 p. 1., 250 pp., 1 1. r<-:. Vienne C. Ceroid, 1819. [P., v. 1076.] See. also, €le Eiobkowitz (B. H.) Ode latine sur Carlsbad. 8-\ Prague, 1829. Carroll (Alfred Ludlow) [1833-93]. Hygiene in schools and colleges. In: Lincoln 5. 8°. [New York], 1885. Repr. from: Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886. ii. -----. Typhoid fever. 33 pp. 8°. [Concord, N. H, 4* New York, 1888.] Repr. from.- Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1887, Concord & X. Y., 1888, iv. -----. Remarks introductory to a discussion on nosography. 10 pp. 8°. [Concord, N. H., Sc New York, 1889.] Repr. from.- Tr. N. York M.|Ass. 1888, Concord & X. Y., 1889, v. -----. What is the rate of mortality from malig- nant neoplasmata as compared with other dis- eases. 7 pp. 8°. [Concord, N. H., $• New York, 1889.] Repr. from. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1888, Concord & X. Y., 1889, v. -----. Address on state medicine. 20 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1890. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv. -----. Remarks introductory to a discussion on acute diffuse peritonitis. 20 pp. 8°. Concord, 1891. Repr. from: Tr. N. York M. Ass., X. Y., 1891, viii. See, also, Hamilton (G.) The status of professional opinion [etc.J. 8°. [New York, 1883.] .For Biography, see Med. Rec, K". Y., 1893, xliv. 596. Also: Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1893, x, 4U2-416 (J. W. S. Gouley). Carroll (Charles-Frdddric). * Essai sur les ditfd- rences des maladies catarrhales et des maladies pituiteuses. 16 pp. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel, an FT [1798]. [P., v. 1437.] Carroll (Guy-Jullien-Toussaint) [1760- 18201. For Biography and Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Carron de la Carriere (Guy-Charles-Ddsird- Marie) [1858- ]. * De Pexistence de la pneu- monie lobaire chez les enfants du premier age. 77 pp. 4-. Paris, 1886, No. 109. -----. The same. 71 pp., 2 1. 8. Paris, Asse- lin $• Houzeau, 1886. -----. La nouvelle creche de l'lmpital Xecker. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1890], Carronges. See Fever (Typhus. History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Carroii-UIassiuon (Philippe) [1851- ]• * Contribution a l'dtnde de l'bydrocele eukystde du cordon spermatique. 62 pp., 1 1. 4 . Paris, 1-84, No. 192. CAKROX DU VILLARDS. 185 0AR8. Carroll du Villards (Charles-Joseph-Frd- tldric) [1*01-60]. Du laurier-eerise considdrd conime agent thdrapeutique. 26 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1*30.] Bound with: Lisfranc (I.) Mem. sur l'excision [etc.]. go. Paris, 1830. Repr. from: Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1830, iii. _____. Notices ndcrologiques snr A. Scarpa et J.- B. Paletta. 25 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvier n ssuro regulator for car ventilators. Xo. 350309; Oct. 5. 1886. -----. Ventilator for cars. No. 363642; Mu\'24 1887. — .larvis (W. D. F.) Car ventilating ap- paratus. Xo. 359975; March 22, 1887.— Jones (E. B. ) Draft and dust guard for cars. No. 483382; Sept. S!. 1892.- Jones (M. C. ) Ventilating cars. No. 252673; Jan. 24, 1882.—Jones (O. H.) Car-ventilator. No. 293578 ; Feb. 12, 1884. -----. Car-ventilator. Xo. 293967; Feb. 19, 1884. — Kimptou .) Car-veutilator. No.536885; April 2,1895— Newberry (II. S.) Improvement in car ventila- tors. Xo. 209914; Xov. 12, 1878. — Norris ( C. F. ) Car ventilator. No. 239188; March 22, 1881. — Ober (W Y.) Car-ventilator. X<>. ::::2739; Dec. 22, 1885. —Outten (W. B.) & Jones (W E.) Railway car ventilator. No. 304848; Sept. 9.1884. —Palmer (J. M.) Ventilating railroad cars. No. 297835; April 29, 1884. -----. Ventilating railroad cars. No. 578356; March 9. 1897. — Pancoast (R. M.) Ventilated car. Xo. 422618: March 4, 1890. -----. Venti- lating railway cars. Xo. 515608; Feb. 27. 1891. -----. Ex- haust ventilator for railway cars. Xo.547356; Oct. 1, 1895.— Fasehkc(T.) Ventilatingwiudow for railway carriages. No. 242148; May 31, 1881.— Pearsall (C. \V.) Car-ven- tilatinf device. No. 552300; Dec. 31, 1895.—Perry (E. S.) Car-ventilator. No. 329591; Nov. 3. 1885.—Perry (G. R.) & Perry (W. II.) Air-circulating mechanism for railway- cars. Xo. 467195; Jan. 19. 1892.—Prentits (J. L.) Car- ventilator. No. 356851; Feb. 1, 1>*7. — Putnam (E. P.) Fan for railway-cars. Xo. 401712; Oct. 20, 1891. — Rey- nolds (J. H.) Dust guard for railway car windows. Xo. 257068; April 25, 1882.—Bobbins (C. E.) Filtering-ven- tilator for cars. No. 514277; Feb. 6, 1894. — Robinson (W.) &. Baher (M. S.) Car ventilating wind wheel. No. 589195; Aug. 31, 1897. — Robisou (W. M.) Sc Magoffin (W.) Railroad-fan. Xo. 495200; April 11, 1893.—Bogers (G. T.) Ventilator for railway-cars. Xo. 541904; Aug. 20, 1895.__Rogers (W. S. ) Riilwav-ear ventilator. Xo. 481196: Aug. 23, 1892. — Rosenthal (E. S. AV.) Draft- guard for cars. No. 460325; Sept. 29, 1891— Rosenthal (G.F.C) Draft-guardforcars. Xo.475611; May24, 1892.— Ross ( 15. M.) Ventilating cars. Xo. 470002; March 8, 1892.—Hands (J.) Automatic fans for cars. Xo. 394402; Dec. 11, 1888.—8c hoe a (C. T.) Ventilating car-door. No. 469794; March 1, 1892.—Scott (L. B.) Car window. No. 242059; May 24. 1881.—Scott(W.) Ventilating cars. No. 29071H- Dee. 25, 1883. — Shepherd (J.) Car ventilation. No. 251957: Jan. 3, 1882.—Stafford (M. B ) Car-veutila- tor. No. 511309; Dec. 26, 1893.— Stanley ( H. F. ) Car ventilation. Xo. 586939: July 20. 1K97. - Swanson (F.) Car-window. No. 496454; May 2.1893—Tapper (L. C), jr. Car-ventilator. Xo. 402044; April 23. 1889.—Taylor (O. U.) Car-ventilator. No. 413816; Oct. 29, 1889.— Thomas (G. L. ) Window-ventilator for railway-cars. No. 502919; Aug. 8, 1893. — Tillinghast (C. P. ) Rail- road car ventilator. No. 9572; Feb. 15, 1881. — Timms (J.) Car ventilator. No. 528928; April 30, 1895. — Tit- eomb(C. 1!.) Air-purifying antl ventilating apparatus for railway cars. No. 506749; Oct. 17, 1893.—Townsend (I.) Car ventilator. No. 305251; Sept. 10, 1884.—Tully (W.J.) Cat-ventilating mechanism. No. 570353; Oct. 27, 1896.— Tuttle (E. A.) Car-ventilator. No. 208349: Sept, 24, 1878. —CngrnrylJ.) Car-fan. No.581969; May4,1897.— Voak(J.D.) Ventilating apparatus for railway-cars, factories, etc. No. 376494; Jan. 17, 1888. — Walker (J.) Car-veutilator. No. 274063; March 13, 1883.—Waller (E. F.) Snioke and dust fender for car windows. No. 405060; June 11. 1889.—Weinberger (L.) Ventilator car. No. 5583::0; April 14. 1896. — Weiss i C. P. ) Car-ventilator. No. 39,1828; Oct. 9, 1888. — Whitlow (C. ) Car-window ventilator. No. 554160: Feb. 4. 1896. — Wiuehell (E. H.) Railroad-car ventilator-valve. No. 204271: May 28.1878.— Wolfe (II. IT.) Ventilating cars. Xo. 208132; Sept. 17, ls78.—Wright (\V.) Car-ventilator. No. 384184; June 5, 1888. Carslaw (John Howie) [1863-95]. See Flatau (E.) Atlas of the human brain [etc.]. 4°. Berlin. Glasgow, 1894. For Biography, see Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliv, 200-204. Carson (Hampton L.) The Weaver case. Also the ease of John Daley, by John B. Chapin. 11 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [1*"8]. Carson (J. C.) & Hrrilicka (Alois F.) An interesting ease of pst-udo-hemiapbroditisnius inasculinus eomplettis. 8 pp., i pi. 8-. Albany, 1897. Repr. from: Albany M. Ann., 1897, xviii. Carson (James) [1772-1843]. Remarks on a late publication, entitled "A vindication ot* the opinions delivered in evidence by the medical witnesses for the Crown, on a late trial at Lau- Carson (Ja.nes)—continued. caster". I'M pp. H . Liverpool. W Jones 180*. ' Bound with: Tkial (The) of Charles Angus [etc 1 *J Liverpool, 1808. -----. Essays on digestion, aud on the intluence of the venous capillaries in promoting the eir- dilation of the blood, written in 1*34. 40 p« 8°. Liverpool, Webb <) Hunt, 1863. Carson (Joseph) [1808-76]. A memoir of tlie life and character of James B. Rogers. 22 pp 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, l«.v>. -----. Synopsis of the course of lectures on materia medica and pharmacy, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. 2. ed. viii, 9-HXj pp., interleaved, with notes. 8°. Philadelphia Blanchard ruatique. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Duval, 1875. [P., v. 2138.] Repr. from: Progres m6d., Par., 1875, iii. -----. Des neYroses reflexes d'origine nasale. 14 pp. *°. Paris, A. Delahaye et E. Lecrosnier, 1**0. Repr. from: France med., Par., 1885, ii. -----. Note sur les paralysies laryngees d'ori- gine ceutrale. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4' fi. Lecrosnier, 1885. Repr. from-. France med., Par., 1885, ii. -----. De la tuherculose nasale. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4" £• Lecrosnier, 1887. Repr. from: France med., Par., 1887, ii. -----. De l'ictus larynge". 8 pp. 8°. Havre, Lemale 4 Cie., [1889]. Repr. from: Arch, de laryngol., de rhinol. [etc.], Par., 1889, ii. l j. ■ ------. De quelques complications de l'operation des tumeurs adeno'ides du pharynx nasal. 19 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1890. Repr. from: Arch, de laryngol., de rhinol. [etc.], Par., 1890. iii. Carta/; (Adolphe)—continued. ------. Paralysie double des crico-arytenoidiena posterieurs dans un cas d'anevrysme de l'aorte. [fin-theme eczemateux a la suite des pansements ausalol.] 6 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, [1891]. Repr. from: Arch, internat. de laryngol. Tete 1 Par 1891, iv. J' ------. Du traitement des suppurations rebelles du sinus maxillaire. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, 1892. Repr. front.- Rev. internat de rhinol., otol. et larvnn-ol Par, 1892, ii. ' " ' ------. La soudure complete dn voile dn palais et du pharynx. 24 pp. 8<\ Paris, 1893. Repr. from: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etch Par. 1893, vi. ..ii -----. Du traitement des abces du sinus maxil- laire. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, 1893. Repr. from: Rev. internat de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par., I89:t, iii. See, also, Trelat (TT-.) fils. [in 1. s. |. Cliniqne chirur- gicale. 8°. Paris, 1891. Carte (Francis Lindesay) [1802-94]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 889. Cartellieri (P[aul]). Beobachtnngen iiber die Wirksamkeit der Franzensbader Minerahvasser. [From: Die Heilkriifte Franzensbads, Prag, 1846.] 8 pp. 8°. [Prag, 1846, vel subseq.] A supplement to: Hecht (J. A.) Die neuesten Erfah- rungen iiber die Heilkrafte der versendeten Mineralwasser von Eger-Franzensbad. 8°. Prag, 1847. -----. Monographic der Mineral-Moorbader zu Franzensbad bei Eger in Bohmeu. Nach Unter- suchungen und Erfahrungen. 2. Aufl. x (1 1.), 121 pp. 8°. Prag, K. Andrt, 1852. —. Karlsbad als Kurort, viii, 168 pp. 12°. Wien, Karlsbad, Leipzig, R. Stark, [1888, vel subseq.]. Pages 155 to 168, inclusive, advertisements. Der Diabetiker in Karlsbad. 37 pp. 16°. Wien, Karlsbad, Leipzig, H. Jakob, [1691]. Ueber den Gebrauch der versendeten Franzensbader Mineralwiisser als Nachcur der versendeten Karlsbader Wasser. 4 pp. 8°. [». p., n. J.] Carter (Albert). Dentists and dentistry. A dissertation upon dentists in general, oid estab- lished dentists, advertising dentists, and den- tists by registration, cheap dentistry, painless dentistry, enamelled teeth, adamantine teeth, self adhesive teeth, patents, prize medals, in- ternational awards, and all the rest of if, as daily set forth in the advertising columns of the papers, iii, 9-43 pp. sm. 4°. London, H. Kimpton, 1880. Carter (Alfred H[enry]). Elements of practical medicine. 5. ed. xvi, 472 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1888. -----. The same. 6. ed. xvi, 496 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1891. -----. The same. 3. ed. xvi, 447 pp. 12c. New York, D. Appieton .,- Co., 1885. & Bott (Samuel). A text-book of physi- A Iso: cal exercises, adapted for the use of elementary schools, with preface by George H. Kendrick. x, 168 pp. 8°. London, McMillan Museum, with some general remarks on calculi in India. 26 pp. 8°. [London, I860.] Repr. from: Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bomhay (1859), 1860, n. s., v. ------. Spirillum fever, synonyms, famine or re- lapsing fever, as seen in Western India, viii, 449 pp., 11 pi. 8°. London, J. 4" ^- Churchill, 1*82. ■------. Memoir on leprosy, published for general information in continuation of government noti- fication No. 4900, dated 7th Dec, 1882: "Memo- randum on tlie prevention of leprosy by segre- gation of the affected'". 7, 164, 5 pp., 1 pi. fol. [Bombay, Govl. Central Press, 1884.] ------. On a Peyerian ulcer-lesion of the small intestines apparently new. 1 p. 1., 101 pp., 10 1., 10 pi., 2 ch., 1 tab. 8U. Bombay, 1886. ------. ' Observations on the prevention of leprosy by segregation. 3 pp. fol. [Bombay, Govt. Central Press, 18r>7.] Repr. from .- Bombay Govt. Gaz., Jane 30, 1887. ------. On the lately demonstrated hlood-con- tainiuatiou and infective disease of the rat aud equities in India. 30 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. Cal- cutta, Govt. Print, 1888. Repr. from: Scient. Mem. Med. Off. India, Calcutta, pt. 3. ------. Xote on the occurrence of a minute blood- spirillum in an Indian rat. 4 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4 . Calcutta, Govt. Print, 1*8*. Repr. from: Scient. Mem. Med. Off. India, Calcutta, pt. 3. ------. Note on some aspects and relations of the blood-organisms in ague. 29 pp., 4 1., 1 pi. 4°. Calcutta, Govt. Print, 18*8. Repr. from.- Scient. Mem. Med. Off. Iudia, Calcutta, pt. 3. See, also. Gray (II.) [in 1. s.]. Anatomy, descriptive aud surgical, roy. 8°. London, 1859. Also subsequent editions. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i. 1256. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1897, i, 1381. Also: Med. Reporter, Cal- cutta, 1694. iv, 106, 1 pi. (B. D. Basu). Carter (James). The Curtis-and-Rathbone prize essay. Second prize. "On the influence of temperance, cleanliness, and frugality upon the working classes." 12 pp. 12°. Liverpool, E. Smith 4- Co.. 1850. Repr. from: Liverpool Mercury, June 7, 1850. Carter (J[ames] M[adison] G[ore]) [1843- ]. A synopsis of the medical botany of the United States, x, 176 pp. 8°. St. Louis, G. H. Field, 1-*-. ------. The cause and treatment of pneumonia. 10 pp. 8°. [Chicago], 1890. ------. Catarrhal diseases of the respiratory pas- sages. 135 pp. 12°. Chicago, E. H. Colegrove, .)'• Co., 1895. Carter (James Thomas) [1850-87]. See Hart (D. B.) Sc Carter (J. T.) A contribution to the sectional anatomy of advanced extrauterine gestation. 8°. Edinburgh. 18X7. For Biuijraphy. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 861. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1*97, ii, 789. Carter (Robert). *Au inaugural essay, being a comparative inquiry into the properties and uses of opium, vii, 2* pp. > . Philadelphia, 1-03. Carter (Robert Brudenell). Eyesight: good aud bad. A treatise on the exercise aud preserva- tion of vision, viii, 265 pp. 8°. London, Mac- millan 4' ('o-, 18*0. ------. Cantor lectures on colour blindness. De- i livered before the Society of Arts, May, 1881. 24 pp. 8J. London, W. Trounce, l>~8l. arter (,Robert Brudenell)—continued. ----. Eyesight in civilisation. 20 pp. «^ London, Macmillan 4' Co., 18*4. Repr.from: Times, Sept. 16, 1884. ----. The modern operations for cataract; he- iug the Lettsomian lectures for 1**1. t*\\ p., 8°. London, Macmillan 4' Co., 1884. -----. Eyesight in schools. A paper read before the Association of Medical Officers of Schools, ou April 15th, 1885. 36 pp. 16°. London, Harri- son 4" Sons, 1885. Repr. from: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1885. i. See. also. IVIillington (J.) [in 1. s.J. Are we to read sdrawkcah [etc. |. 18°. London, [n.d\.—Sicheffler (II.) [in 1. s.]. The theory of ocular defects [etc. 1. 8°. Lon- don, 1869.—Zander (A.) [in 1. s.]. The ophthalmoscope [etc]. 8°. Philadelphia. 1866. For Biography and Portrait, see Prov. M. J., Leicester 1890, ix, 65, port. (G. F. Bettany). -----& Frost (William Adams). Ophthalmic surgery. 2 p. 1., 554 pp., 2 pi. 12°. London, Paris, New York 4" Melbourne, Cassell «J" Co., 1887. ------------. The same. 2 p. 1., 554 pp., 2 pi, 16 . Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 4' Co., [18*8]. Carter (R[ussel] Kelso) [1*49- ]. Divine healing;, or "faith cure". pp. 777-780. 8-. New York, 1887. Cutting from: Century, N. T., 1887. Carter (William). Rhythmical essays on the beard question, vii, 63 pp. 12J. London, Simp- kin, Marshall 4" Go., 1868. Carter (William). Introductory address deliv- ered at the Liverpool Royal Infirmary School of Medicine, ou Tuesday, October 3rd, ls71. 2:1 pp. 8C. Liverpool, T. Brakell, 1871. ------. Annual reports of tho health of West Derby during the years 1874-89. 8°. Liverpool, 1875-90. Carter (William A.) A study of heat-prodinv tion and heat-dissipation in the normal and fe- brile states. 7 pp. 8 . [New York, 1*90.] Repr. from: J. Nerv. Sc Ment, Dis., N. Y., 181)0, xvii. In: Ott (I.) Contribution to the physiology and pa- thology of the nervous system. 8°. [n. p.]. 1891, pt. II. Carter (\V[illiani] Allan). Sauitary papers, read to the Edinburgh and Leith Engineers' So- ciety and the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Edinburgh. 118 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell 4- Bradfute, 1877. Carter (William S.). See C'erna (D.) Sc Carter (W. S.) A study of the comparative actions of antipvrine [etc.]. 4°. f». p, 1892.]—Ott (I.) & Carter (W. S.) Tho four cerebral heat-centres. 8°. [Detroit, 1887.] Cartesitis (Renatus). See Descartes. Carthage. See, also. Cholera (Asiatic, History, elc, of), by localities. Veatcli (W. F.) [et al.]. Sanitary survev of Carthage. Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii, 251-258. Carthagena. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Cartliaiims. Oiacona (P.) Sul fermento caseificante del Cartha- inns tinctorius. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1890, xx, 327-330. Cartlieuser (Carolus Wilhelmus). *l>e oleo kajnput. In : Cartheusf.r (.1. F.) Diss. noun, select, phys.-chim. ac metl. 12°. Francof. ad Viadr., 1775, 87-112. Cartheuser(Joh. Fridericus) [1704-96], *Diss. sistens casuni asthematis sanguineo-spasinodiei. 36 pp. sm. 4-\ Halie Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hen- delii, [1731]. [P., v. 1386.] ------. * I)e reciproeo atque mechanico sanguinis et fluidi nervei ad motum impulsu. Oder: dass das Bint und der Nerveu-Safft die Bewegungeu CARTHEUSER. 189 CARTILAGE. Cartlieiiser (Job. Fridericus)—continued. i111 Corner verursache. liesp. .Joh. Conrad Seiner. 40 pp. sm. 4-. Hulw Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilli- ijeri, [1731]. [P., v. 74. ] _____. Elemeuta clieiniie medicie dogmatico- experiinentalis. Una cnm synopsi materia' me- dicie selections. In usuni tyionum edita. 7 p. 1., 360 pp., 4 l.# 12J. Hala' Magdeb., sumpt. J. K. Frilsclui, 1736. -----. Rudimenta materije medicie rationalis experitnentis et obsei vationibus, physicis, chy- micis, atque medicis seleetioribus superstructa et celebrium medicorum ac chymicorum testi- nioniis hinc inde corroborata. In usuni andi- torii sui edita. 6 p. 1., 501 pp., 5 1. 8-\ Fran- co/, ad Viatlr., typ. M. Hubneri, 1741. -—■—. Pharmacologia theoretico-practica rationi et experieutiie superstructa, in qua niedieamen- tornm ofticinalium usitatorum pneiiaratio, ua- tura, modus operandi, vires atque usus medicus perspicue describuutur ac solide explicantur. 5 p. 1., 7.")ti pp., 8 1. 12c. Berolini, apud A. Baude, 1745. -----. Fundament a materia? medicie tain gene- ral is quam specialis, iu usuni aeademicum con- scripta. Editio prima veneta. xii, 396 pp. 4J. Venetiis, apud I>. Deregni, 1755. , -----. Demorbisendeiniis libellus. viii, ..(i* pp. 12°. Francof. ad Viadr., A. G. Braun, 1771. I -----. Dissertationes physico-chymico-iuedicje anuis nuperis de quibusdam materia^ medica* siibjeetis exaratai ac publico habitae. Nunc ite- rum recusie. 3 p. 1., 168 pp. 12-. Francof. ad Viadr., C. G. Straus, 1774. -----. Dissertatioues nonuullse selectiores phy- sico-chyniictB ac medicte varii argument! post novatn lustratioueui ad prelum revoeattv. 1 p. 1., 366 pp., 1 1. 12°. Francof. ad Viadr., C. G. Straus, 1775. Bound with his: Dist. phys.-chym. med. 12°. Fran- cof. ad Viadr., 1771. Tarthrall (Isaac). See Buihnn (W-) Domestic medicine [etc.]. 8°. I'hiladelphia. 1797. Cartier. See Villain (L.) &Baseon (V.) [in 1. s.]. Manuel de liuspeeteur de viandes [etc.]. >■ . Paris, 1880. Cartier (Adrien). *£tude de pathologie ge'ne'- rale; la inaladie et le systeme nerveux. K{ pp. 4^. Pa, is, 18-2, Xo. 199. ----. L'hygiene a Toulon. Statistique hygie- nique( 1*74-93). viii, 310 pp., 4 1>I.,3 maps.' 8-. Toulon, A. Isitard .)'■ O'e.,1894. Cartier (Francois) [lKi4- ]. *Glycosuries toxiques et en particulier intoxication par le I nitrate d'uraue. iv, 5-154 pp. 4 . Paris, 1891, I Xo. 332. -----. The same. 154 pp. r-. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1891. Cartier (Julien). * De la dysenteric 39 pp. 4-. Paris, 1859, Xo. 269. Cartier (Louis-Vincent) [170--18S9]. Con- j sidcrations auatomiques et patbologiques sur les articulations. 7 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI [1803], Xo. 69. -----. De la m6dcciue interne appliquee aux maladies chirurgicales. 80 pp. 8 . Lyon, ./.- I M. Barret, 1807. [P., v. 1670.] -----. Eloge de M. Marc-Autoine Petit. 31 pp. 12 . Lyon, Ballanche, 1811. Cartier (Paul) [1854- ]. * Abcespenostiques de la paroi thoraciipte. 61 pp. 4■ '-. Paris, 1882, No. 267 bis. Cartier (Rene") [1864- ]. "Contribution a 1 etude dn rachitisme et en particulier de son traitement maritime.' (Resultats observes a Berck.) 66 pp. 1 . Paris, 1891, Xo. 212. Cartilage. See, also, Auricle; Bones (Development, etc., of); Chondrin; Ensiform curtilage; Joints; Larynx; Negro ; Nose. Apolai'T ( H. ) * Ueber Fast-rknorpel. * = Berlin, [1*90]. Bouma ((}.) * Over de sanienstelling, de func- tie en de reproductie van het intennediaire kraakbeen. * . Leiden, 1883. CiucitMAK (X. K. ) * Stroyen'ie i razvitie khryaslitsheviii tkani. [Structure and develop- ment of cartilaginous tissues.] *'-. S.-Peter- burg, 1*90. vax Ki.tkn (J. C. ) *De cariilagine. *■ . Gorichemi, 1*46. Hannover (A.) Le cartilage primordial et son ossification dans le crane huinain avant la naissance. 8°. Copenhague, l>8l. Herissant (L. A. P.) * An a substantia' ter- ra" intraporos cartilaginnm appulsu ossium duri- ties :' 4 . [Parts, 1768.] Skmmek (A.) * Fntersnclningen fiber die Entwicklung des Metkel'schen Knorpels und seiner Xachbargebilde. 8-. Dorpat, 1872. Sieveking(IL) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Wachsthums und der Regeneration des Knorpels nach Beobachtnngen am Kauinchen-uud Miiuse- ohr. [Strasburg.] 8°. Naumburg a. S., 1*92. Also, in: Morphol. Arh., Jena, 1891, i, 121-135, 2 pi. Spi'leh (A.) * Ueber Ban und Entstehnng des elaslischen Knorpels. 8°. Erlangen. 1*95. Also, in: Sitzungsb. cl. phys.-med. Soc. zn Eilaug. (1895), 1896, xxvii, 88-103. Tenderich (H. F.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Strnctur der normalen nnd des pathologisch veriinderten Knorpels. 8. Greifswald, 1892. Valenciennes (A.) Recherches sur la struc- ture du tissu eldineutaire des cartilages des poissons et des mollusques. 4 . [Paris, 1851.] Cutting from: Arch. Mus. hist, nat., Par., 1851, v, 505- 528, 5 pi. Carrieu. Note sur le d6veloppement des cellules raruifie.es du cartilage des cephalopodcs et de leurs rap- ports avec certains Elements des chondroines. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 577-579. — I'habrir (C.) Recherches sur les transformations cliiniiqiies de la substance fontlanientale du cartilage pendant l'ossitica- tion normale. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc.Par., 1894, exviii, 1057-1000.—(; tin (in (J.) Formes de passage dans le tissu cartilagineux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, cxxv, 738-740.—Cipollina (A.) Sull'applicazione della reazione cromoargeutica alio studio della eartilagiuo. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 189C, xi, 108-111. 1 pi.— Di-kliii)zt>ii(M.C.) Het netkraakbeen. Handel, v. h. Nederl.. Nat.- en Geneesk. Cong., Leiden, lfv*9, ii, 144-140- -----. Celii-r das Wachstnm des Knorpels nach Unter- suchungen am Caput femoris des Knoelii-s. Biol, ("en tralhh, Erlang.. 1890-91, x, 560-562. Halliburton < W. D.) On the chemical composition of the cartilage oc- curring in certain invertebrate animals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Ltmtl., 1S84-5. xxxviii, 75. Also: Chem. News. Loud.. 1885, li, 42.— Ilaiiun (A.) Nachtrag zu der Arbeit ties Herrn Dr. Keller: Leber die Beziehungen der durch tlie Arbeit ties Herrn Dr. Roller festgestellten Thatsaelie tier chondro-produktiven Kiihigkeit ties Periosls rein binde- gewebig vorgehildeter Knot-lieu zu tier von YV. Kuiix ant' gestellteu Theorie iiber die Ursachen tier Lokalisation der Knorpel- und Knochenbildung im Skelet. Arch. t. Ent- wcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1896, iii, 657-659. — lli-ii-giiaiiii \- Kobin (('.) Sur l'ossifieation des car- tilages sterno-claviculaires temporo-tnaxillaires et trnclie- ens conipatt'-e a celle tin tissu preo.sseux. J. de l'anat. et physiol. fete], Par., 1KS2, xviii, 588-599. — II«-j iiinnu (P.) I'eher die Ueberkreti/.ting der Spitzciiknorpcl. Berl. klin. Wchnschr , 1882, xix, 25. — llo^aci (U.) Sc Hog- gan (Frances E.) Des lyiuphatiques du cartilage et tlu periclioinlre. Cong, period, internat. tl. se. med. C.-r. 1879, Amst,, 1880, vi, 560. ----- -----. On the lymphat- ics of cartilage, or of the perichondrium. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1880-81, xv, 121-136, 1 pi. — Knin (E.) Zur Morphologie des Wrisberg'schen Rumpel-. Mitth. d. Ver. tl. Aer/tt; iu Steiermark 1886, Craz. 1*8,. xxiii, 36- 41, 1 pi. — Kolli-r (H.I 1st das PerioMl uindegewebig vorgebildt-ti r Knoehen ini Standi-. Knorpel zu biltlen .' Ex- [tcrimentelle LTnteisiichung iiber deu Einfluss tlurch einen iiusseren Eingrift" gesetzter Bedingungen auf die Eutste- huug eines bestinnnteu an der betu tf'enden Stelle neuen CARTILAGE. 190 CARTILAGE. Cartilage. (lewcbes aui liasis latent vorhandener Anlage. Arch. f. Entwcklnusineclin. d. Organ., Leipz., 1896, iii, 624-656, 1 pl._HoInIii (K.) Ueber die lutercellularsubstanz des Netzkuorpels Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxix, 533- 538. 1 pi. — Krukenbcrj; (C. F. W.) Die cheniischeu Bestandtheile des Knorpels. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1884. x\, 307-326.—I .fitly (J.) On tho intimate structure and history of the articular cartilages. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1849, n.s., xvii, 277-294. 2 pi. Also. Reprint.— I.oisrl (G.) Les cartilages linguaux et le tissu carti- lagineux chez les gastciopodes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 193-196. — TIoi-imi- (C. T.) Nagra riin augaende kondroitiusvafvelsyraus forekomst. [Some experiments on the presence of chondroitinsulpburic acid] Lpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1893-4. xxix. 461-467.— Vl»l<»< hot! (J.) Sc Fubini (S.) Zur Kenntniss des Cliomlrins. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensck. u. d. Thiere, (ii.-sseu, 187G, xi, 104-126. — Pan*ini tS.) Sulla costitu- zione della cartilagine e sulla origine deiie fibre elastiche nella cartilagine reticolata ml elastit-a. Gior. tl. Ass napol. di meil. e nat., Napoli. 1891 ii. 3,-54 I pi. —Pillit-t (A.) Sur la structure dn cartilage clastique. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, 403. — Poirier & Kotterer. Cartilage branchial bilateral et synietritiue. J. tie l'anat. et phy- siol. [etc.]. Par., 1890, xxvi, 49-62.— I'onclicl. Sur des cristanx se tt-iiinaut par le carniin, trouves tlans un car- tilage emhryonnaire. (.'oinpt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1*81, Par., 1882. 7. s., iii. 34. — Pruddt-n ( T. il.) Experimental studies on the transplantation of cartilage. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., Is8l, U.S.. lxxxii, 360-370.— Ri-naiil (J.) Sul- la bantle articulaire, la formation cloisonuante et la sub- stance chondroehrotiiatique des cartilages diarthrotliaux. Ci.nipt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1887. civ, 1539-1542.— Mat-t-hi (E.) Degli inue-ti di dist-hi osteo-cartila^inei sui capi articolari reseeati. Boll. d. r. Accad. metl. di I It-nova. 1894, ix, 69, 1 pi.—Scliaflfrr (J.) Benierkungen iiber tlie Histolopie und Histogenese des Knorpels der Cyclostomen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1897, 1, 170- ]ss'. ------. Ueber die Eahitrkeit des Perio tes Knorpel zu biltleu. Arch. f. Entwcklngsniechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1897, v, 343-351, 1 pi. — Schein (M.) Ueher Kuochen- kernbiltlung unci Ossifikation des Knorpels. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., lsui. xliv. 185-L8. — Nrhlcicln-i- (W.i Nou- velles communications sur la cellule eartilagiin-use vi- vante. Bull. Acatl. roy. d. sc. tie B lg., Rrus., Is7'.i. 2. s., \lvii. 811-823. I Kap. tie van Bauibeke], 751-i55.— , Schmiodi-borg (O.) Ueher die cheinischc Zusam- j mensetzmig des Knorpels. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharinakoi., Leipz.. 1891, xxviii, 355-404. Also. Ib-print.— Selmll'.e (M.) Zur Frage iiber die, sogcnanntc kiinst- liche Linwaudluug chondrogenen Knorpels in Collageiun. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Beth. 1861. x\, 37U--377.—Sol- Sj«-i- (Il.i Ueber das verschiethnc. optische Verhalteu i 'be-timinter Abschnittt- auscheinend normalen Gelenk- I kinii[)e',> nach Einwirkung von absolutem Alkohol. Ilia . I.-.-5. cii, 258-262, 1 pi. ------. Ueber die Alkobol- reaction normalen Oelenkknorpels. Ein Beitrag zur llistopbvsik. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklugsgesch., Leipz., 1886, 169- 184, 1 pi. ------. Leber Knorpelwachstliuin. Fortscbr. tl. Med., Berl., 1889, vii, 849-855. Also: Ver- handl. d. anat. Cesellsch., Jena, 1^89, 67-, 1.—.<>«■■ lie (A.) Sur le developpement des fibres elastiques dans le filtro- cartilage tlu corps diguotant cbez le ftEtus tie cheval. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par., 1894, 10. s., i, '250-258. — van d«-r Ntricht (O.) La structure du cartilage aiti- culairo tk-s oiseaux. Ann. Soc. de med. tie (bind. Ie89, lxviii, 259-271. Also, lb-print. -----. Kecherchcs sur la structure du cartilage diarthrodial des oiseaux. Ver- handl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1889, 71-77. — Trrraziia (It.) Metodos de eoloraeiou de la substantia fundamen- tal cartilaginosa. Rev. trimest. mit .Tog.. Madiitl. 1896, i, 112-121.— Winslow. Sur la meehauique des cartilages scmiluuains. ilist. Acad. roy. tl. sc. 1719, Amst., 1723, Mem., 2U5-214. Also, transl.: K Akad. tl. Wissensch. iu Par. . . . Abhandl. 1719, Bresl , 1754, v, 237-244.— Wol- Uts (M.) Zur Kenntniss der Grundsubstanz uud der Saltbahuen des Knorpels. Arch. f. mikr. Auat.. Bonn, is'.tl. xxxvii, 492: xxxviii, 618, 1 pi. Caa'tiBa^e (Diseases of). Fritzsc in-: (A.) Die Osteochondritis disse- cans. *■. Jena, l-'JO. Petrone (A.) L'iunannnazione della cartila- j giue. 4 . Napoli, 1S75. Sanders (B.) "Eiu Fall von Exostosis carti- laginea. 8°. Wiirzburg, lr-yi. Vogel (H.) * Ueher Perichondritis des Tar- salknorpels. 8'. Bonn, [1^73], Achard (".) Melanose du tissu cartilaginous. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, Ixiii, 1011-1(14—Aperl. Achon- droplasic. Ibid., 1895, lxx. 772-775. — Bocgehold (E.) BiMuerkcnswertber Fall von primarer Eutziiudung uud Vereiterung der Epiphysenknorpel. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bell., 1881, xxvi,459.—Rontrocm (E.) Ueber die Ochro- ! nose der Knorpel. Internat. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Cartilage (Diseases of). Festschr. B. Virchow . . . Berl., 1891, ii, 177-198. 1 p|._ dc Fortnnei (D.) Du cancel du cartilage ou choudro- sarconie. ib-v. tie chir.. Par., lssti, vi, 400-409 — IInr|. ■ua■■ n. Ein seltener Ausgang multiple!- tartilagiiiarer Exostosen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1892-3, xlv, 572-580 1 pi. — IIiiImt (K.i Em seltnerer Fall von "multipleii cartilaginiiieu Exostosen'. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.] Berl.. 18s2. lxxxviii. 256-262. —Kapunmincr (G.) Kiwi-'. peleutziiiiilungsbilder. Arch, t mrkr. A nat., Itui.n. 1897. xlix, 556-561, 1 pi.— l,ampro* (Iv. P. T.) Iltpi \oy&pw6ov7s-9, xn 1-15, 1 pi. Also. Keprint.— I>an«-o (G.) Contributo alia conoscenza delle reazioui istoehiruiche della cirtila^int- ialina fisiologica e patologica. < iazz metl. di Torino, 1892, xliii, 821-832.—Bckbnysen tM. C.) Het hyaline kraak- been, zijn beteckeuis en zijn groei. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1889, 2. It., xxv, afd. 2, 253-205, 1 pi. Also. Keprint. — Fusari (R.) Contributo alio studio della cariilav,in(- ialina Atti Accad. d.sc. metl. e nat. in Ferrara, 1894-5. lxix, 95-98. Also, transl.: Arch, ital.de biol., Turin, 1896, xxv, 199-201.— HatioloN < I > i MtAtTij- fitXTa. icrToAoyt/ca. 7repi roO vakivov \6vSpov. TaAiJi-o?, 'ASqvat, 1881, vi, 89-93. —JLivberkiilm (N.) Ueher die Ossifica- tion des hyaliuen Knorpels. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. ■wissensch. Med., Leipz., Is02. 7o2-7(il 2 pi. Aho, Re- print.—Renaut (J.) Sur la formation cloisonnanle (sub stance trabeculaire) du cartilage iivalin foetal. Ctunpt. rend. Aead. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 1452-1455. — Moljjrr (B.) Die "Wirkung des Alcohols auf den hyaliuen Knorpel. Fest. -Sehr., Albert v. Kolliker, Leipz., 1887, 103-127, 2 pi.------. Ueher Schruinpfuugser- scheinungeu am hyaliuen Knorpelgewebe des Men- schen und deren Beziehungen zu den Fihrilh-n. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1887-8, xxxi, 303-333, 1 pi. ------. Leber pericellulare und iutercellularu Abla-eruneen im Hvalinknorpel. Ibid., 1889-90, xxxiv, 40s-128. 1 pi. — Spina (A.) Beitrage zur Histologic (lea bvaliuen Knorpel.-.. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1886, u. F., i, 447-462, 2 pi.— Mpronck (C. H. H.) Zur Keuutuiss^dcr Struktur des Hyalinknorpels. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1887, ii, 259-269.—Ti-iinci-ich (11.) Unter.suchuugeii iiber gent'- tische uud biologiscbe Verliitltnisse der Gruntlsubstanz des Hyalinknorpels. Arch. 1. path. Anat. [etc.), Berl, 1893, cxxxi, 234-273, 2 pi— Tbin iC, On the structure of h valine cartilage. Quart. J. Mier. Sc, Loud.. 1876, n. s., xvi,'1-22, 1 1., 2 pi. AU<> [Abstr.l: Proc Rov. Soe.Ltiiiil., 1884-5. xxxviii, 173.—Tilliiiami- (H.) Ueber die flliril- lare Strnctur des Hvalinknorpels. Arch, f Anat. u. Ent- wcklugsgesch., Leipz, 1877. 9-21.—Tizzoni (G.I Sulhi istologia normale e patologica tb-Tle caitilagini ialiue. Arch, pi r le se. med., Toiino, ls77-8 ii, 27-102, 1 pl-— Van der Mtricht ( O.) Recherches sur le cartilage CARTILAGE. 191 CARUS. Cartilage (Hyaline). hyalin. Ann. Soc. dc med. tie Gand, 1885, lxiv, 221-232. Also, Reprint. -----. Recherches sur It- cartilage hyalin. Arch, de biol.. Gaud, 1887, vii, 1-92, 3 pi.—Znckerkandl (E.) Beitrag zur Lehre vou dem Baue des hyaliuen Knorpels. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d, Wissensch. Math.- naturw. Ch, Wien, 1885, xci, 250-256, 2 pi. Cartilage ( Wounds and injuries of). Siiklyarev-ski (S.) * Patologo-anatoniiehes- koye izslledovanie protsessa zazhivleniya ran I rehernikh kkryashtshei. [Investigation of Un- healing process of wounds of costal cartilages.] I 8°. Sanktpcterburg, 1875. Spite (T.) * Contrihution a l'etude des frac- tures completes des cartilages diarthrodiaux. 4C. Paris, 1881. CJies (T.) Ueber Heilung von Knorpelwnnden. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1881, x, pt. 2, 111-120. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881. xxvi. 848- 857. Also [Abstr.]: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi. 237. _____Ueber Ileilung von Kuorpelwunden. Deutsche Ztschr. f- Chir., Leipz., 1882-3, xviii, 8-34. 1 ph—Korob- kin (M. P.) K ucheniyu o protsessakh zazhivleniya khryashtshevikh ran. [Healing process of injuries of cartilage.1 Chir. Vestnik. St. Petersb.. 1885, i, 67; 155.— Pozzi (A.) Fractures des cartilages costaux et luxation de l'appeutlice xiphoide. Progres m6d.. Par., 1888. 2. s., viii, 276; 292.—Redfei-n (P.) Ou the healing of wounds in articular cartilages, and on tbe removal of these struct- ures after amputations at the joints, with remarks ou tho relation which exists between the diseases of cartilage anil ulceration and inflammation in other textures. Month. J. M.Sc.,Lond. Sc Edinb., 1851, xiii, 201-215. Also, Reprint. Cartilage (Intervertebral). f leland. On fibro-plates and intervertebral discs. J. Anat. & Physiol., Loud., 1889-90, xxiv, 373-378.—Kauf- maim iF. J.)" ZurWachsthumsgescbichte derZwischeu- wirhelscheiben. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1853, vi, 412-416.— Labatt (H.) Structure and uses of the in- ] tervertebral substance. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835-6, xvii. 341- 343. Cai'tledge (A[biah] M[organ]). The present status of drainage in surgery. 11 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii. -----. Hysterectomy in acute puerperal sepsis, with report of cases. 9 pp. <■*-. [New York, 1811(3.] Repr. from: Am. Gynjsc Sc Obst. J., X. V., 1896, vii. Carton (Augustin) [1866- ]. * Dn rachitisme intra-uterin. 77 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, Xo. 73. Carton (Louis-Beujamin-Charles) [1861- ]. * Les eaux de hoisson a Lille. 88 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Lille, 1883, 2. s., Xo, 58. Cartwright (Samuel) [1815-91]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 671. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1891. ii, 518. Cartwright (Samuel A.) [179:5-186-2]. On ma- lignant fever. 44 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Webster [and others], 1826. Repr. from: Med. Recorder [etc.], Phila., 1826, ix. -----. On cholera. 1849. Newspaper cutting. -----. A few remarks on hamiatokinety. 3 pp. -°. [New Orleans, 1853.] Repr. from: X. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1852-3,ix; 1853-4, x. Caruba di Giudea. Hofmann (I.) Die Caruha di Giudea gegen Lungendampf uud andt-re Brustkrankheiten, naturhistorisch uud medizinisch hearheitet. * \ Wien, 1842. (arum. W heeler (J. A.) A case of poisoning by caraway seeds. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 394. Carus (A.). See I,owe (C.) [in 1. s.]. Verzeichniss anatomischer, clntiirgischer und geburtshiilflicher Instrumente. 12°. Leipzig, 1837. Carus (Alhertus Gustavus). *De graviditate tnho-uterina seu interstitiali. 19 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Lipsiw, tyi). Staritzii, 1^41. [P., v. 1597.] Cams (Carl Gnstav) [1789-186*]. Versuch einer Darstellung des Nervensystems nnd inshesoudere des Gehirns nach ihrer Bedeutung, Entwicke- lung und Vollendung im thierischen Organis- mus. x, 322 pp., 6 pi. 4°. Leipzig, Breitkopf 4- Hdrlel, 1814. ------. Lehrhuch der Zootomie. Mit stater Hiusicht auf Physiologic ausgearbeitel. 1 v. & atlas, xxxii, 702 pp., 1 1. 8°. Atlas, xlvii pp., 20 pi., 4°. Leipzig, bei G. Fleischer den Jiingern, 1*\8. ------. The same. Lehrhuch der vcrgleiehenden Zootomie. 2. Aufl. 2 v. xxxii, 414 pp.; 419- 8-36 pp. 8 . Leipzig, E. Fleischer, 1834. ------. Zur Lehre von Sehwangerschaft und Geburt; physiologische, pathologische und «he- rapeutische Abhandlungen, mit besonderer Hin- siehf auf vergleichende Beobachtungen an den Thieren. 2 pts. in 2 v. iv, 231 pp., 7 tab., 1 pi.; vi, 174 pp., 2 tab., 3 pi. 12°. Leipzig, G. Fleischer, 1822-4. ------. You deu iiussern Lebensbedingungeu der weiss- nnd kaltbUitigen Thiere . . . Ge- kronte Preisschrift. Nebst zwei Beilagen iiber Entwit'klungsge.sehichte der Teichhornschneeke, uud tiber Herzsehlag und Blut tier Weinbergs- schneekc und des Flnsskrebses. viii, 87 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Leipzig, G. Fleischer, 1824. ------. The same. Twenty plates, with explana- tory references, illustrative of an introduction to comparative anatomy. 56 pp., 20 pi. 4°. [London, 1827.] Is a translation of the atlas of his: Lehrhuch der Zootomie. ------. Von den Ur-Theilen des Kuochen- und Schalengeriistes. xvi, 186 pp., 12 pi. fol. Leip- zig, G. Fleischer, 1828. -----—. Analekten zur Xaturwissenschaft und Heilkunde. 2p. 1., 179pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Dres- den, P. G. Hilcher, 1829. ------. Vorlesungeu tiber Psychologie, gehalten im Winter 1829-30 zu Dresden, xvi, 431 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Fleischer, 1831. ------. Lehrhuch der Gynakologie, oder syste- matische Darstellung der Lehren von Erkennt- uiss und Behandlung eigenthtimlicher gesuntler und krankhafter Zustiindo, sowohl der nicht sehwangern, schwangeru und gebiireudeu Fraiu-n, als der Wochnerinuen mid neugebor- nen Kinder. Zur Grundlage akademischer Vor- lesungen, und zum Gebrauche fur praktische Aerzte, Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer. 2 v. 424 pp., 1 tab., 1 pi.; 568 pp., 2 tab., 2 pi. 8-. Wien, M. Lechncr, 1*32. ------. The same. 3. durchgiiugig verbesserte und mit vielen Zusiitzen verinehrte Aufl. 2 pts. in 1 v. xvi, 432 pp., 1 pi., 1 tab.; xviii, 562 pp., 2 tab., 2 pi. 8". Leipzig, E. Fleischer; Wien, C. Ceroid, 183*. Another copy has 2 pts. in 2 v. ------. System der Physiologie, umfassend das Allgemeine der Physiologic, die physiologische Gesehichte der Mensehheit, die des Menschen und die der einzelnen organischen Systeme im Menschen, fiir Naturl'orscher und Aerzte hear- heitet. 3 pis. in 3 v. K-. Dresden «)• Leipzig, G. Fleischer, 1*38-40. ------. Grundziigo einer neuen und wissenschaft- lieh begrtindeteu Cranioscopie (Schadellehre). viii, *7 pp., 1 tab., 2 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, Balz, 1841. ------. Einige Worte iiber das Verhiiltuiss der Kunst krank zu sein zur Kunst gesund zu sein. iv, 5-39 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Weichardl, 1843. ------. Vom gegenwiirtigen Standc tier wissen- schaftlich begriindeten Cranioscope. Ein offent- licher Vortrag gehalten am 3. Februar 1844 zu Leipzig. 1 p. 1., 59 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, T. Cra- mer, 1844. CARFS. 192 C'AKVEli. Carus (Carl Gnstav)—continued. -----. Llelegenlliche Betrachtungen iiber den Charukter des gegenwartigen St.iudesder Xatur- wissenschaft. * pp. 8-. [Dresden, J. Bloch- nttinu jun., 1*49, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1869.] Repr from: Pbonix, No. 7. ------. Symbolik der menschlichen Gestalt. Ein Hiindbnchzur Meusehenkenutniss. xiv, 371 pp. 8<-. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1853. ------. Ueber die sogenannten Aztekcnkinder. pp. 11-19, 3 pi. 8°. [Leipzig, 1856.] [P., v. 1869.] Catting from: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Math.-phys. Cl., Leipz., 1856, viii. ------. Ueber Lebensmagnetisnms und iiber die magischen Wirkungen iiberhaupt. x, 306 pp. 12c. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1857. ------. Lehenserinnerungen und Denkwiirdig- keiten. 4 v. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1865-6. ------. Vergleichendeu Psychologic oder Ge- sehichte der Seele in der Reiheufolgc der Thier- welt. vi,316pp. *'-. Wien. W. Braumiiller,1*66. See, also. Oarbiglietti (A.) [in 1. s.]. Intorno all' opera [etc.]. 8°. Torino. 1862.—Koch (A. C.) Resultate geologischer, auatomiscber nnd zoologischer TJutersu- chuugen [etc.]. fol. Dresden <£• Leipzig, 1847. For Biography, see J. tl. conn. in6d. prat., Par., 1869, xxxvi, 366 (Caffe). Also: Sitzungsb. d. k. haver. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1870 i, 412-415 (von Kobell). ------. See, also: Geskllschakt fur Xatur- uud Heilkunde in | Dresden, lhremhochverehrten Mitgliede Herrn Carl Gnstav Carus, widmet zur Feier seines fiinfzigjahrigen Doctor-Jubiliitim am 20. De- cember lHil. 4°. Dresden, 1861. -----, Otto (Adolph Wilhelm) &, d'Alton (Eduard). Erliiuterungstafeln zur vergleichen- deu Anatomie. 9 pts. in 9 v. fol. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1*26-55. Hit. 1-3 bv C. G. Cams; Hft. 4-6 by Carus and A. W. Otto; Hft. 7 by Carus, Otto, and E. dAlton; Hft. 8-9 by Carus, Otto, and dAlton. Another copy of Hft. 1 (Leipzig, 1826) has bilingual text (French antl German), with additional title-page: Tables synoptiques de l'anatomie comparee, traduites en francais par Ernest Martini. Cams (Hermanns Mauritius). See C'larus (J. C. A.) [in 1. s.]. [Pr.] adversaria clinica i. 4°. Lipsice, 1839. Cams (J[ulius] Victor) [1823- ]. Zur niihern Kenntniss des Generationsweehsels. Beobachtungen und Schliisse. 65 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. -\ Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1*49. [P., v. 156*: 1*91.] ------. System der thierischen Morphologie. xii, 506 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Ent/clntanu, 1*53. See, also. Bc-ato (L. S.) Die Structur der einfachen Gewebe [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1862. ------. Icones zootomies [etc.]. fol. Leipzig, 1857. For Biography and Portrait, «eeZool. Anz., Leipz., 1893, xvi. No. 420, port. Carusi (G[iuseppe] M[aria]). Osservazioni sul- la origine della rahbia e modo di eurarla. 14 pp. 8°. Napoli, stamp, del J'aglio, [1*57]. [P., v. 1113.] ------. Memorie di . . . 32 pp. >°. Napoli, stamp, del Vaglio, 1861. [P., v. 1127.] CONTESTS. Del rospo e della salvia del Boccaccio. Delia natura dell' aiitrace e motlo di curarlo. Osservazioue sulla trasfusione del saugue. ------. Lettera teoretieo-pratica sul colera del 1*54 comparato al colera odierno e ad altri morlu infettivi. 6. ed., con note. 42 pp. 8°. Salerno, slab. tip. Migliaccio, li-*4. Repr.from: Frusta, 1*^-4. Caruso (Francesco). Die neuesten Ergebnisse des conservativen Kaiserschnittes mit Uterus- naht (nach Sanger's Methode und anderen Xaht- Cai'USO (Francesco)—continued. verfabren). 1 p. 1., 51) pp. *~. Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, l*ro. Repr. from: Arch. f. Gynak., Berl., 1888, xxxiii. Caruso (Giuseppe). Due casi d' irritaliilittispi. nale guariti con la corrente coutinua. 14 pp, 8C. Palermo, Carini, Carolina 4' Macoclin, 18*82. Repr. from: Pisani, Palermo, 1882, iii. ------. Sul potere antifebbrile dell' antipiriua 8 pp. 8*-'. [Milano], F. Vallardi, [1884]. Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v. ------. Sulla eziologia, diagnosi e cura della oc- clusione intestinale. 53 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. *~. Palermo, tipog. frat. Vena, 1885. ------. Sulla natura delle fehbri infettivo domi- uanti in Palermo. 15 pp. 8°. Palermo, tipog. frat. Vena, 1885. ------. Storie cliniche e considerazioni su tre casi di pleurite essudativa. 25 pp. 8-. Palermo, E. Loescher, Torino, 1885. Carvacrol. Cohn (A. H.) Carvacrol iodid. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1897, xxix, 464. de Carvallio (Ayres). Observacoes a' eereu do tratamento e conservacao dos dentes relacnen d'estes orgaos com a saude em geral. 23 pp. 8°. Porto, A. da Fonseca Vasconcellos, 1874. [P v. 1267.] de Carvallio (Caetano Jos6). See Foi-iiiulario pharmaceutic© [etc.]. 8:. Lisboa, 1816.—Ijcwis (M.) Conhecimento pratico dos meilica- mentos [etc.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1815. de Carvallio (Joao Egydio). *Cousideracocs sohre la laparotomia. 80 pp. 4-. Rio de Ja- neiro, typ. da Papelaria Ribeiro, 1896. de Carvallio (Josd Lourenco). Alguuias no- coes instructivas sobre a higiene individual com respeito aos futuros ameacos do colera-morho. 23 pp. 8°. Lisboa, F. X. de Sousa, 1848. [P., v. 1262.] de Carvallio (Maximiano) Marques. 1'atho- genia da febre amarilla e a iuhalacao prophy- lactica Maximiliana. 31 pp. * . [Rio de Ja- neiro, 1884, vel subseq.] de Carvallio (Thomaz) [1819-97]. Bettcncourt Pitta. Discurso pronunciado it beira da sepultura. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1897, lxi, 127.— T.(K.) [Biography.] Med. contemp., Lisb., 1897, xv, 187. Carvallo (J.). See Kicliet(C.) Bibliographia physiologica, 1893. h°. Paris, 1896. Carvela (Franz). Beobachtuugeu iiber die ileilnng, der Rhachitis. Aus dem Italienischen iibersetzt von Fr. Xav. Melicher. Hrsg. von Friedr. Nasse. 3 p. 1., 39 pp. 8~. Bonn, T. Habichl, 1835. Carvelle (H[enry] De \V[olfe]) [1852- ]. On the importance of the early recognition of certain diseases and conditions of the eye by the general practitioner, with suggestions regarding their management. 15 pp. 12U. New York, 1^91. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1894, lx. Carveni (Giuseppe Matarazzo). Contributo alia chirurgia delle emorroidi. Descrizione di una piuza. 27pp. 4°. Milano,GallicRaimondini,1*92. ------. Un caso di ferita contusa dell' uretra pe- riueale maschile. 6 1. * . [Milano, Galli .">4. Casalniorauo: Regolainenti di pubblica igi- ene, polizia urbana, polizia rurale, servizio mor- tuario del comune di Casalmorano. 47 pp. 8°. Cremona, tipog. G. Feraboli, 1887. Casal y Ay 11 ado (Manuel) [alias Don L«u- eas Alcuiau]. See Hippocrates [in 1. s.]. Aforismos |etc.]. 12°. Madrid, 1818. ----. The same. 18°. Barcelona, 184:;. Casainajor (Antonius). See Bernard (F.) *An a temporum varietate vari morbi? In: <>1'.>estiones med. Par. 4°. Tuhingie. 1789, i 101-105.— liiiloiK-lle (P.) * An cereoli in plerisque ure thrse fistnlis sectione praestantiores? In: Siuwakt (G F.) Quaestiones med. Par. 4°. Tubingos, 1789, ii. 154-163 Casaiiiayor ( AmtSdee ). * Contribution a l'etude de l'eclampsie puerperale d'apres une statistique de la cliniqne de 1*72 a 1892. 90 pp., 2 tab. 4°. raris, 1892, Xo. 202. Casa may or-Dufour de Planta(Auguste) [1872- ]. * Etude sur la prophylaxie de la tuherculose. 56 pp. 4;. Paris, 1896, Xo. 266. Casana y Sanchez Ocafia. See l>oi-vault (F. M.) (Botica.) La oficina de farma- cia. 3. ed. 8°. Madrid, 1884. Casanova (John X.) Physiology and medical jurisprudence; a contribution to the prospective reformation of several erroneous doctrines in relation to human reproduction, xxiv, 160 pp. 8°. London, Headland 4' Co., 1865. Casanova (Raphael) 11*59- ]. * Intoxica- tions chroniques par l'alcool, l'absiuthe et le vnlne~raire; des signcs particuliers qu'elles pr6- sentent au point de vue dn diagnostic differen- tiel. 92 pp. 4^ Paris, 1885, No. 284. -----. The same. 92 pp. *°. Paris, O. Doin, 1**5. Casares (Antonio). Aualisis tie las aguas mi- nerales de Sousas y Caldeliuas, del valle de Veriu. 16 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Santiago, J. R. Ro- mero, 1854. Casares (Manuel Maria). Co-Bditor of: Kcvistn m6dico-quiri'irgica, Quito, 1896. Casaretti (Vittorio). La rigenerazione del rene in seguito a distruzioni parziali. Nota istolo- gica. 8 pp., 2 ].l. 8°. Pisa, F. Mariotti, 1888. See, also, De (^razia (F.) Sc €asarctti (V.) I deri- vati del creosota nella cura della tisi polmonare. 8°. Pisa, 1893. Casartelli (L.-C.) Traits de mddoeiue mazd6- enne, traduit du Pehlevi et comments. 51 pp. *-. Lonvain, C. Peelers, 1*86. Repr. from: Mus6on, Louvain. CASAS. 194 CASCIAM. Casas (Nicolas). Tratado complete de epiz6o- tias en general y particular. 2 v. 243, 111 pp.; 435, v, v, 45 pp., 2 tab. 12°. Madrid, imp. d. Col. de Sordo-Mudos y Ciegos, 1846-8. Casas de Batista (Rogelio). See Fabrc y D'Huc. Tratado elemental de las en- fermedadesdela mujer [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1872.—Lomle (C.) [in 1. s.J. Nuevos elementos de higiene [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1789. Casas de Ulendoza (Nicolas). Memoria sobre el mecanismo de la generacion en los ani- males. pp. 157-210. 4°. [Madrid, E. Aguado, 1856.] Cutting from: Mem. r. Acad, de cien. de Madrid, 1856, iv. Casassus i Adrien) [1864- ■]. * Contribution a l'etude (Unique des intoxications cons6cutives a I'usage autiseptique de l'acide phenique. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 43. Casati (Eugeuio). Scrofolosi o tubercolosi, e T estirpazione delle glandole linfatiche tuberco- lari. 85 pp. 8°. Roma, E. Loescher 4- Co., 1886. -----. La castrazione nei fibromiomi uterini. Memoria presentata per 1'esame di libera do- ceuza in ginecologia nella R. Universita di Roma. 133 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Forli, tip. e lit. democrat tea, 1888. ' -----. Tre casi di tetano traumatico guariti con alte dosi di idroclorato di pilocarpina in inie- zione ipodermiea. 93 pp., 1 1. 8°. Forli, tip. lit. democratica, 1888. Repr. from: Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1888, 5. s., vi. -----. Nuovi studi sperimentali e clinici sulla catramina. 8 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Civita Vecchia, tip. Calamatta, 1889. Casati (Gaetano). See l.azzati (P.) [in 1. s.J. Prospetto clinico [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1865. Casati (L[uigi]). Studi riassuntivi sulle tri- chiue e la trichiuosi. 2. ed., con aggiunte. 44 pp., 1 pi. * \ Forli, 1879. Ca«ati (Luiyi Agostino) \ -1881]. IVccrologia. Gazz. d. osp., Mijano, 1881, ii, 811. Casauboil (Gabriel) [1858- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'dtude de la granulie des synoviales ar- ticulaires. 72 pp. 4~. Paris, 1883, No. 390. Casauboil (Isaac) [1559-1614]. See Arit»totelen. Ta &u>£6ij.eva.. 2 v. fol. Genevas, liio.l.—t'eNiiw (A. (_'.) De medicina lihri octo [etc.]. 16°. I'utttvii, 1722. -----. Tbe same. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1730. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Rotterodami, 1750. de Casauboil (Leon) [1859- ]. *L'hysterie chez les jeuues garcons. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, Xo. 69. Casazza (Eugeuio). Alcuni casi notevoli oc- corsi nella Clinica chirurgica propedeutica di Pavia nell' anno 1893. (1° semestre.) 32, v, pp., 1 1. *~. Pavia, successovi Bizzoni, 1893. Cascade Pauper Establishment. See Tasma- nia. Cascade Pauper Establishment. C a sea doe. lets over eeneu vreemden vorin van huidziekte, welke bij cenige eilandhewoners van den Molukschen Archipel wordt waargenomen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1859, iii, 629. Also, transl..- Syphilidoh, Erlang., 1860, ii, 552-555. Cascalt'S (Franciscus Perez). See Perez Cas- cales de Guadalajara [in 1. s.]. Cascara. See, also, Cascarine. Eymeri (J.-G.) *La cascara sagrada, Rham- nus purshiana. 4-. Paris, 1884. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull.g6n.de tb6rap. [etc.],Par., 1885, cviii, 534-540. Also [Abstr.], in: Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab. de therap., Par., 1884-9, 3. History (A) of the introduction, source, pharmaceutical composition, aud therapeutic application of cascara cordial. 16°. Detroit 4" Neio York, [n. d.]. Alexander (W.R.) Cascara sagrada. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1881, n.s., ii, 84. — Atkinson (A.) Cascara Cascara. amarga, hark Honduras, genus picramnia; a new altera tive tonic. Ibid., 1-3.—Aiiltle (J.) A clinical estimate of the position of cascara sagrada as a remedy for habitual constipation and kindred disorders. N. Y'ork M. J., lega li, 703-708. — Bracltett (J. E.) Cascara sagrada (liliani- nus purshiana). Tr. Internat. M. Cong., AVaah., 1887. Hi 43-47. — Biifalini (t).) Sull' uso terapeutico della cas- cara sagrada. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, I8sh, 4. »' vii, 88-90.—Busey (S. C.) Four drachms of tin- fluid ex' tract of cascara given for an equal quantity of tbe flniii extract of ergot. Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gynec. Soc. 1885-7 [Wash., 1889], i, 121-123.—Cascara (La) sagrada (IJliam. nus purshiana). Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1885, xxii. 40-51. _ CheltsoflT (M.) O vliyauii extr. fluid. cascareeB sagrada- na otdieleuiie pishtshevariteluikb sokov. [Action of ... on the secretion of digesting juices.] Ejein-d. klin. gaz. St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 418; 444. — Connecticut Medical Societv ; cascara sagrada (Rhamnus pursh.). Metl. Age Detroit. 1885, iii, 362-364. — Fenn (C. M.) Uutowatd t-f. fects of cascara sagrada. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 18sk j s., iv, 5'J-.»-'.24.—Fiissell (M. H.) Results of the use of cascara sagrada in fifty cases. Ibid., 1887, 3. s., iii, 29U- 301.—<3reene (G. E. J.) Note on some of the disadvan- tages of cascara sagrada. Practitioner, Lond., 1k.sk, xl, 435-437. — llornc (J. F.) A further note on cascara sa- grada. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1884, ii, 054.—James |P.| The therapeutical action of rhamnns purshiana (cam-ara sagrada). Med. Press A: Circ, Loud., 1883, n. s.. xxxv, 353. — IjRiulowski (P.) Xote sur l'emploi du cast-ara sagrada (llhaninus purshiana). Union in6d., Par., 18K4, 3. s., xxxviii, 1074.—Copes d'Almcida (T.) A cascara sagrada como medicamento puruativo. Uniao metl., Rio de Jan., 1886, vi, 243; 308.—Meltlcr (L. H.) A clinical study of cascara sagrada in fifty unseleeted cases. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 210-214. — Mile* (C. E.) Cascara sagrada, Rhamnus purshiana. Mass. Kclcct. M.J., host, 1882, ii, 442-445.—Nalin (E.) Contributo all' utilita della cascara sagrada nella pratica medica. Morgagni, Milano, 1896, xxxviii, 135-140. — Perry (A. L.) A case illustrat- ing the proper mode of administering cascara sagratln. Med. Age, Detroit, 1888, vi, 104. — Bio de In IiO/.o v Miranda (F.) Estudio sobre la "cascara amarga exostema . . . ! Estudio. Mexico, 1891-2, iv, 183-191. — RoscnbiiNch (L.) Kilka slow o wycia.gu z cascara sa- grada, jako leku rozwalniajacyiu. [Extract of cascara sa- grada as a laxative.] Przegl. lek., Kraktiw, 1889, xxviii, 443—Steele (J. G.) The buckthorns of California. Pa- cific Rec. M. Sc Pharm., San Fran., 1886-7, i, 163; 203.- Stephcns (T. G.) History and therapy of cascara sa- grada (Rhamnus purshiana, de Candolle) in sciatic and some other affections. Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1892, xxv, 76-78.—Stewart (F. E.) Some notes on cascara stigratla. Med. Age, Detroit, 1889,vii, 486-488.—Taiujciiuin (C.W.) Cascara sagrada and its physiological action. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1883, n. s., iv, 485-489. — Wolff (L.i Cas- cara sagrada. In his: Oleates and oleo-palmitates, s°, Phila., 1881, 12. Cascara. sagrada (Rhamnus pursbiaua, D. C); its botanical origin, microscopical structure, chemical composition, therapeutic application, and pharmaceutical preparations. With appen- dix of clinical reports of its use iu private and hospital practice, v, 71 pp., 8 pi. 12-. Detroit, Mich., [n. d.]. Cascarilla. Daniell (W. F.) On the cascarilla plants of the West India aud Bahama Islands. 6°. [n. p., n. d.] Duval. Recherches chimiques sur la cascarille. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1845, 3. s., viii, 91-101. Also, Ke- print. Cascarine. Tison. Contribution to the clinical therapeu- tics of cascarine. 1(5°. Paris, 1896. Coiubemale. Quelques experiences sur la cascarine; des dangers de son emploi th6rapeutique. Bull. med. du nord. Lille, 1891, xxx, 97-102. Casciana. Ghkkardi (F.) Wtabilimento termo-minerale di Casciana. Statistica delle malattie osservate nel biennio 1886-7 ed analisi dei resultati enra- tivi. 8C. Pisa, 18*8. Franchini (E.) Sui fanghi minerali di Casciana. Atti Cong. tl. .iss. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, i, 456-466.- rTIiiinli (C.) Sui hagni di Casciana. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1888, xlvii [xlviii], 395-398. Casciani (Paolo). Montecatiui e le sue ucque. 4* pp. 12°. Firenze, Galletli e Cocci, lb"J0. OASCIANI. 195 CASEINE. Casciaili (Paolo)—continued. _____Influenza dell' alimentazione e del lavoro sulla tossicita dell' urina umana. Nota riassun- tiva. 8 pp. 8C. Napoli, 1896. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 2. Cascio-Cortese (G[inseppe]). Lettera sopra 1' estirpazioue di un grosso tnmore spuguoso san- gtuguo del dottore . . . diretta al celehre A. Yucca Berliughieri. "24 pp. 8°. Pisa, P. Ra- nieri, 182Z. _____. Eagguaglio di uu viaggio medico fat to in Toscana al cadere del 1837. 74 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. >-'. Palermo, G. Redone, 18'.\9. _____. Raccolta di memorie chirurgiche. v. 1. 2 p. 1., 2~r2 pp., 2 1. 8 \ Palermo, F. Solli, 1814. Case (John). The -words of the key to Helmont proved unfit for the lock; or, the principles of Mr. William Bacon examined aud refuted, aud the honour and value of true chymistry asserted. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. sm. 4°. London, J. Smith, 1682. -----. Compendium anatomicum nova methodo institutum, ubi ars ipsa capitibus et divisioni- bus ita illustratur, ut omnia uno quasi intuitu conspiciantur, et eo firmius idcirco retiueantnr. 5 p. 1., 191 pp., 8 pi., 1 1. 16. Amstelodami. G. Gullet. 1696. Case (Meigs). A new treatment for spine dis- eases. 8 pp. 8C. [Oneonta, N. Y., n. d.] Case {Samuel H.) [1808-92]. Obituary. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 132. Case for Alexander Craig [et al.] against the Kev. Fergus Jardine, minister, of Kiughorn, in the reference by the synod of Fife to the ven- erable the general assembly. [Also:] Case for the Rev. Fergus Jardine. [Also:] Record of tbe proceedings ... of the ease of the parishioners of Kiughorn against Rev. Fergus Jardine. 30, 51, iii, 178 pp. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1839.] [P., v. 953.] Case (A) of alleged criminal abortion; the con- sequences of a hasty assumption. 10 pp. 12°. New York, 1893. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1893, lvii. Case (A) of chronic Brigbt's disease (parenchym- atous), with recovery; including the sworn statement of tbe patient. 32 pp. 16°. [New- Orleans, 1893, vel subseq.] Case (Tbe) of Congressman Black. 11. 4-. [Washington, 1882.] Case of divorce of Andrew Ure, M. D., v. Catha- rine Ure. [With preface by N. Chapman.] viii (11.), 39, viii pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1821.] Case (The) of divorce and re-marriage thereupon discussed. By a reverend prelate of the Church of England and a private gentleman; occasioned by the late act of Parliament for the divorce of the Lord Rosse. 2 p. 1., 155 pp. 24°. London, N. Simmons, 1673. Case (A) of middle meningeal hemorrhage. Op- eration; recovery. An analysis of forty-eight cases of uncomplicated intra-crauial hemor- rhage, by Charles L. Scudder, M. D., and Fred. B. Lund, M. D. II. Middle meningeal hemor- rhage, by G. L. Walton, M. D. III. Localized hemorrhage beneath pia mater over upper third of Rolandic area, due to fall on the head; local- ized convulsions without loss of consciousness; later, slight mental confusion with paralysis of the affected limbs, followed by prolonged coma and death. By James J. Putnam, M. D. 28 pp. &-'. Philadelphia, 1895. • Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., cix. Case (The) of Miss Blandy and Miss Jeffreys htirly stated and compared, in which the natu- ral passions, premeditation, and consequences of murder are considered, [etc.]. 28 pp. 8C. London, J. Robinson, 1752. Case of osteo-sarcoma of the lower jaw, as oper- ated upon Robert Penman, aged twenty-four years, from Coldstream (Scotland;. [Operation by James Syme.] 12 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Philadel- phia, T. K. ,,• P. G. Collins, 1839. Case (Tbe) of Thomas Bowler, a lunatic now un- der sentence of death in Newgate for shooting at Mr. Burrows, farmer, of Alperton Green, Mid- dlesex. 33 pp. 8°. London, T. Harper, 1812. Case (The)Bof Doctor William Rees, late physi- cian to the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, C. W. Memorial to his excellency the Gov- ernor General in council, claiming compensa- tion for serious personal permanent injuries sus- tained while in the discharge of his professional public duties; together with correspondence, proceedings, and reports of several committees of both bouses of Parliament in support of his claim. With an appendix. 14 pp. 8°. Que- bec, Hunter, Rose 4' Go., 1865. Case (The) of the medical officers of the army fairly stated in a letter to the.Right Hon. Earl De Grey and Ripon, secretary of state for war, by a retired deputy inspector-general of hospi- tals. 17 pp. 8°. London, C. Griffin if Comp., 4°. 1864. Casedevant (F.) [1856- ]. *De la men- struation pendant la grossesse. 42 pp., 3 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1882, 5. s., No. 7. Caseine. See, also, Albumen. Willdenow (Clara). *Zur Kenntnis der peptischeu Verdauung des Kaseins. 8°. Bern, 1893. Wr6blewski (A.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Fraueucaseins und seiner Unterschiede vom Kiihcasein. 8°. Bern u. Leipzig, 1894. Forms Hft. C, 2. R., of: Mitth. a. klin. u. med. Inst. d. Schweiz. ArthiiM (M.) Sur les cas6ines et les fibrines. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 327-329. — Basch (K.) Die Entstehnng und der Abbau des Casein im Korper. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 3LS-320. — B<-<-hamp (A.) Sur la caseine, le pliosphore organique de la caseine et l'etat des phosphates insolubles dans le lait de vache. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxi, 109-120. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvii, 1085-1092.—Brandenburg (K.) TJeber die Ernahrung mit Caseinpriiparaten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.", Leipz., 1896, lviii, 71-81. — Chittenden (R. H.) Caseoses, casein dyspeptone, and casein peptone. Tr. Connect. Acad. Arts' Sc Sc, N. Haven, 1888-92, viii, 66-105.—Chittenden (II. H.) Sc Painter (H. M.) Ca- sein and its primary cleavage products. Ibid., 1885-8, vii, 362-405. Also: Stud. Lab. Physiol. Chem.1885-6, N. Haven, 1887, ii, 156-199. — Danile'vshy (A.) Zur vor- laufisien Ahwehr. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 18*2-3, vii, 426-449.—Drechwcl (E.) Zur Kenntniss der Spaltungsproducte des Caseins. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1889-90, iii, 66-70. Also, transl. : Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1889, i, 51-56. -----. Ueher basische Spaltungsproducte des Casei'us. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Perl., 1891, ii, 2. Abth., 27-31. — ErikiiiN (J. S.) The changes produced in casein by the action of pancreatic and rennet extracts. J. Physiol., Cambridge., 1891, xii, 193-219. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., ism, i, 1332. Also [Abstr.]: Rep. Scient. Grants Com. Brit. M. Ass. 1891-3, Lond., 1894, ii, 51.—dii-iitzm-r (!'.) Die Caseinausfallung, ein eiufaches Mittel, urn tlie Aeitlitat von Sanren zu bestimmen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1897, lxviii, 168-175.— Ilain- innrNten (O.) Zur Frage, ob das Casein ein cinhcit- licher Stuff sei. Ztschr.f.physiol.Chem., Strassb., 1882-3, vii, 227-273. -----. Om parakaseinets fdrh&lhuide till lope. [Tlie relation of paracasein to rennet.] Fp.sala LiiKarcf Forh., 1895-6, n. E., i, 181-198.— IIug»unen«i ''•) he cherches sur le passage ties solut inns tie caseine il 1 ravers la porcelaine. Lyon" med., 1892, lxx, 385-391. — Jolly. Sur la nature chiniique de la caseine. Bull, et 1116111. Soc de m6d. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893, 15-17.—KoHter (H.) Nagra bidrag till kiinnedomen om kaseinet och doss koa- gulation med liipe. [On casein; its coagulations.] TTpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1881, xvi, 514-545.—Lnqm-r (15.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Caseinsalze fiir die Ernahrung vou Kranken. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1897, xix, 171- 173. — Mni-uiNC (G.) TJeber den Werth des Caseins. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiv, 223-248.----- CASEINE. 196 CASPAR Caseine. TJeber das Verhalten der Phosphorausscheidnng bei Stoff- weehselversuchen mit Casein. Ibid., 1897, lxvii, 373-394. _____.TJeber den Niihrwert des Caseins. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur 1896, Bresl., 1897. lxxiv, l.Abt, Med. Sect., 77.—von Jloraczcivski ( W.) Verdauungs- prodncte des Caseins uud ihr PLosplior^ehalt. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1894, xx, 18-51.—Ringer (S.) Further observations on the behaviour of caseinogen. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1891, xii, 164-li;9. — Kohmaiin (F.) Ueber einige salzartige Verbindungcn ties Caseins und ihre Verwendung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 519-522.— Snlkowslti (E.) TJeber den Vorbleib des Phosphors bei der Verdanung des Caseins. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1893, xxxi, 385. -----. TJeber das Verhalten des Caseins bei der Magenverdauung uud die Verseifung der Fette. Ibid., 467-469. -----. TJeber die Anwendung des Caseins zu Ernahrungszwecken. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1894, xxxi, 1063-1067. -----. TJeber das Verhalten des Caseins zn Pepsinsalzsiiure. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiii, 401-422. — Umin, (P. G.) Unguentum Caseini, eine ilene Salbengrundlage. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, xvi, 209. Also: Arb. a. Unna's Klin. f. Hautkr. in Hamb. 1895, Berl., 1896, 21-27. Also, transl. : St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1895, lxviii, 329-335. [CaseJla (F.)] Uffici d' analisi reclani.iti dalla salute publica dall' industria enologica e dal commercio. 31 pp. 8°. Piacenza, F. Solari, 1885. Caselli (Azzio). Considerazioni sulla trasfu- sioue del saugue e nuova cannulla per eseguirla. 25 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini <)• Parmeg- giani, 1874. -----. Memorie chirnrgiche e relazione quadri- enuale (1872-5) delle sale chirnrgiche dell' ospe- dale di Santa Maria nuova in Eeggio nell' Emi- lia. 243 pp., 1 1., 5 pi. 8°. Reggio nelV Emilia, S. Calderiui, 1876. -----. Contributo alle resezioni. 3. ed. 20 pp. *- . Reggio-Emilia, S. Calderiui e figlio, 1880. Estirpazione completa della laringe, fa- ringe, base della lingua, velopendolo e tonsille. 32 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeg- giani, 1880. Estirpazione di fibro-encondroma mixo- matoso enorme dell' osso joide e della laringe, 19 pp., 2 pi. 8C. Reggio-Emilia, 1880. -----. Estirpazione totale dell' utero per la via della vagina. Asportazione attraverso la vagina d' enorme fibroma sotto sieroso uterino sviluppato nel legamento largo sinistro. 12 pp. 8°. Milano, P. Agnelli, 1881. Repr. from: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1881, iii. Caselli (Crescentino). Progetto di nuove sedi per le cliniche dell' Universita di Pisa redatto per ordine della Giunta ammiuistrativa del Con- sorzio universitario. 15 pp., 6 pi. fol. Torino, tip. e lit. Camilla e Bertolero di N. Bertolero, 1-97. Caseiuforoot (Gysbertus Henricus). * De lestu marino. 11 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1696. Caserta. See Prostitution (History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Caserta (Province of). Relazione del vice segre- tario generale Sig. Eaffaele de Paola all' onere- vole commissione ammiuistrativa del reale Mani- coniio di Aversa sulla chiusura dell' esercizio 1.^72. 21 pp., 8 tab. 4°. Aversa, tipog. del reale Manicomio, 1873. -----. Movimento statistico dei folli ricoverati nel Manicomio di Aversa durante l'anno 1872. 6 pp., 11 tab. 4°. Aversa, dai tipi del reale Manicomio, 1874. Caserta (Franciscus Antonius). Tractationes time atl nietliciuae praxiin pertinentes; altera de natura, et usuaquarum potabilium, turn in sanis turn iu asgris corporibus; aliae de natura et usu viuorum, turn in sanis, turn in segrotis; in quibus pneter csetera scitu dignissima, et necessaria, ab omnibus, qui aquam, vel vinum gustare nove- rint, aqua potum podagricis et arthriticis esse infestum, vini vero pottuu esse utilem, veriis Hyppocratiis, et Galeni auctoritatibus, ac veris- 1 s.]. Discoveries in the . London, 1831. Caserta (Franciscus Antonius)—continued, simis ronibus demonstratur. Cum indice oures- tionnin, articulornm, et dubiorum atl Odoiirdum Faruesinni. 3 p. 1., 174 pp. 8°. Neupoli, ex ty- pog. S. Poncalioli, 1623. Cases (The) of Gouldstone A.-. Cole, and the legal procedure in ascertaining the mental condition of prisoners. Edited by D. Hack Take and Geo. H. Savage. 22 pp. 8 -. Lewes, H. W. Wolff 1884. *' Repr. from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1883-4, xxix. Cases and observations by the Medical Society of New-Haven County, in the State of Couuec- ticnt. 8°. New-Haven, 1788. Case-taking. See Records (Medical). Casey (Edward). Annual reports of the medical officer of health and the inspector of nuisances for the borough of New Windsor urban sanitary authority for the years 1884; 1885; 1887-89. « Windsor^, 1885-90. Caslt (J[obn] Th[eodore]). Der Zuckungsver- lauf als Merkmal der Muskelart. pp. 147-1(30. 8C. Leipzig, Veit $ Co., 1880. Repr. from; Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1880, Suppl.-Band. -----. Report upon a chemical examination of the excreta of diarrhoea cases. April, 18*9. 14 pp. fol. [London, Eyre 4" Spottiswoode, 18*9.] See, also, Bruntoii (T. L.) & Cash (J. T.) Contri- butions [etc.]. roy. 8"-. London, 1884. Cash in (Miss). See Long (J. St. J.) [in. science and art of healing. 8C Cashmere. ITlcBciIilic (G. D.) Medical notes on Kashmir. Indian M. J., Allahabad, 1885, iv, 16-18. Casilli (Napoleone D.) Istruzioni sommariesul colera asiatico dirette ai snoi aluuni. 2. ed. (ill pp. 8:. Napoli, frat. De Angelis, 1865. Casimir (Henri). *De l'inflnence de l'antipy- riue sur la secretion urinaire. 50 no., 11., 4 tab. 4\ Lyon, 1886, No. 334. Casilli (Agostino). See Nclii-on (O.) [in 1. s.]. Elementi di anatomia pa- tologica, [etc.|. 8°. Napoli, 1873. -----. The same [in 1. s.]. "Parte speciale. 8°. Napoli, 1874. -----. The same [in 1. s.]. 8-. Xapoli, 1870. — Tommasi (S.) [in 1. 8.]. Lezioni cliniche sulla anemia, [etc.]. 12°. Napoli, 1881. Casilli (Mario). La situazione e i rapporti dell' utero nelle condizioni normali e uegli sposta- menti patologici. 94 pp., 10 pi. 8C. Genova, tipog. d. r. Ist. sordo-muti, 1893. Casinaun (Otho). See Bniyerimis Campegius (J.) Dipnosophia sen sitologia esculents, [etc.]. 12°. Francofurti, 1606. Casoni (Filippo). Successi del contagio della Liguria negli anni 1656 e 1657. Descritti du Fil- lippo Casoni; opera inedita e corredata d' oppor- tune annotazioni. *1 pp. 8°. Genova, frat. Pagano, 1831. Casoria (Filippo). Memorie chimiche. 29 pp. ho. Napoli, tipog. d. Filiatre-Sebezio, 1839. [P., v. 1137.] Caspar (Carolus Rudolphus). Dc labio lepo- rino; commentatio anatomico-patbologica de labii leporini palatique lissi indole atque origine. 54 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Gottingie, H. C. Secmann, IKp. Caspar [Hugo]. Parallelen zwischen Homeo- pathic und Allopathic viii. 100 pp. 8°. Wien n. Olmiiz. E. Hblzel, 1856. [1\, v. 1882.] See, alto. Uininb (F.) Sc ( tutptii' (H.) Homiiopa- thisch klinische Studien. 8~. Wien. 18.V-'. Caspar (Joh.) * De panacea mercuriali. 12 pp. sm. 4:. Tubingw, typ. G. H. Reisii, 1700. Caspar ([Joseph Heinrich Robert] Leopold) [1866- ]. * Ueber das Colobora des Sehner- ven. 37 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1887. CASPABI. 197 OASPIUS. Caspari. Die Kursaison des Jahres 1877 in Meinberg. 4 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1878.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv. Caspari (C[arl Gottlob]) [1798-182S]). Homii- opatisches Dispensatorium fur Aerzte und Apo- theker. x, 67 pp. 8C. Leipzig, Baumgartner, 182-'). _____, Homoopathischer Haus- und Reisearzt, ein uuentbehrliches Hiilfshuch fiir Jedermann, insbesoudere fur alle Hausviiter, welche auf dem Laude, entfernt von arztlicher Hiilfe, wohnen, um sich dadurch ohne dieselbe in schnellen Krankheitsfiillen selbst helfen und die dazu nothige Haus-Apotheke verfertigen zu konnen. Hise,. vou F. Hartmann. 2. vermehrte und ver- besserte Aufl. x, 122 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Baum- gartner, 1829. [P., v. 1449.] _____. The same. 7. verbesserte und stark ver- mehrte Aufl. xxiv, 287 pp. 8-\ Leipzig, Baum- giirtner, 1845. —-— . Katechismus der homoopatischen Diiite- tik fiir Kranke. 2. Aufl. von G. AV. Gross, xvi, 80 pp. 8-. Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1831. See also, Anatomisch-ehiriirgische Darstellung der Vt-rrenkungen, [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig. 1821. Caspari (Carolus Theodorus) [1841- ]. * De paralysibus e cerebro ortis. 32 pp. 12°. Bero- lini, G. Lange, [1864]. Caspari (Charles), jr. A treatise on pharmacy for students and pharmacists, xv, 679 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers 4' Go., 1895. Also, Editor of: Pharmaceutical (The) Review, Baltimore, 1892. See. also. National ( The) Dispensatory, [etc.J. 8D. Philadelphia, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia t£ Arei« York, 1896. Caspari (David) [1859- ]. * Ueber das Ver- lialteu des Santonins im Thierkorper. Eine pharmakologische Studie. 41 pp. 8C. Berlin, L. Simion, 1883. Caspari (Job. Baltbasar). * De pleuritide vera. 7 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et hosredes J. Ehevirii, 1668. [P., v. 1949.] Caspari (Otto). Yirchow und Haeckel vor dem Forum der methodologischen Forschung. 32 pp., 1 pi. *:. Augsburg, Lamport 4' Comp., 187*. Caspari (Paul) 11867- ]. * Die Behinde- ruug der Respiration durch die Nase. 36 pp., 11. 8:. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Caspari (Walter). Rede gehalten bei der Beer- digung des Dr. Franz Hermann Reinhold von Frauk am 9. Februar 1894. 9 pp. 4°. Erlan- gen, E. T. Jacob, [1894]. Caspary (N.) Die Trinkwasserfrage im Allge- tneinen und in Riicksicht auf die Trinkwasser- Verhiiltuisse der Stadt Diiren; eiu Wort zur Belehrung und Beherziguug. 85 pp. 8°. Dii- ren, Hamel, 1*81. Caspary (Robert). Ueber Wiirmeentwicklung iu der Bliithe der Victoria regia. pp. 711-756, 4 diag. 8°. Berlin, P. Jeanrenaud, 1856. [P., v. 1856.] Cutting from: Monataber. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch., heil., 1855. Casper. m^ Tetann8neil8e*,,"M (Das) [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, Casper (Amvel Elias). * De alvi ductioue ad areeudos secundarios febris scarlatinas inorbos e&cacissima. 48 pp. 12°. Traj. ad Viadr., e Mipog. Apitziano, [1790]. Casper (Benno). * Ueber die Temperaturstei- gerungeu bei eiufachen Fracturen. [Erlangen.] •" PP- 8°. Berlin, 0. Dreyer, 1894. rasper (Joh. Ludwig) [1796-1864]. Ueher die medicinisch-statistischeu Verbiiltnisse der Medi- cmalpersouen zu der Bevolkeruntf im preus- Bwchen Staate im Jahre 1824. 18 pp., 1 tab. Berlin, 1826. •■■from: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826-7. xxiii. Casper (Joh. Ludwig)—continued. -----. Gegen eines uugenannten Schrift iiber die preussische Medicinal-Verfassung. 32 pp. 8 . Berlin, F. Diimmler, 1829. ------. De behandeling der Asiatische cholera, door het aauwenden van koud water, op physio- logische gronden aangeprezen. Uit het Hoog- duitsch vertaald eu met een aanhansel vernieer- derd door J. G. Rosenstein. xvi, 92, 40 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, F. Hartmann, jr., 1832. [Also, iu : P., v. 1209.] Sanitats-Berichte fiir die Provinz Bran- denburg vom zweiten Halbjahr 1830 bis 1832. 8 \ Berlin, 1832-4. Commeutationis de tempestatis vi ad valetndinem particula prima. 18 pp. 4°. bero- lini, A. Hirschwald, 1841. Rede zur Feier des siebeh und fiinfzigsteu Sliftungstages des Koniglichen medicinisch-chi- rurgiscben Friedrich-Wilhelni-Instituts am 2ten August 1851. 20 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, [1851J. Practisches Handbuch der geriehtlichen Medicin nach eigenen Erfahrungen bearbeitet. 3. Aufl. 2 v. it atlas [4. Aufl.]. xxvi, 680 pp.; xxii, 913 pp. 8°. Atlas, 10 pi.. 10 1., 4°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschwald, 1860. -----. Tbe same. Handbuch der geriehtlichen Medicin. Neu bearbeitet uud vermehrt von CarlLimau. 8. Aufl. 2 v. xxii, 814 pp.; xxiii, 1079 pp. l-c. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1889. The same. Traite" pratique de mddecine legale, re^dige" d'apres des observations person- nelles. Trad, de l'allemaud sous les yeux de l'auteur par Gustave Germer-Bailliere. 2 v. xxviii, 439 pp. ; 608 pp. 8C. Paris, Germer-Bail- liere, 1862. See, also, Manual completo de medicina legal [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Madrid, 1872-3. — ITIedicina foiensis (nach Casper) [in 1. s.]. MS. fol. [n.p.,n.d.] For Biography, see Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1864, i, 96. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1864, xxxi, 111 (P.-L.- B. Caffe). Casper (Leopold) [1859- ]. * Ueber die In- version der Gebiirmutter. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Jacoby, [1883]. -----. Die symptomatische Bedeutung und The- rapie des Residualharns. 22 pp. 8°. Berlin, Fischer, 1888. Berl. Klinik, Hft. 7. ------. Impoteutia et sterilitas virilis. viii, 168 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1890. Der Katheterismus der Ureteren. 7 pp. 8\ Leipzig, G. Tltieme, 1895. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.P.erl., 1895, xxi. Kystoskopie. 15 pp. 8°. [ Wien it. Leip- 12°. zig, Urban 4-Schwnrzenberg, 1896, vel subseq.] Repr. from: Keal-Encycl. d. ges. Heilk., 3. Aufl., Wien u. Leipz. Also, Co-Editor of: Vi« rteljnlir««b« -i-ichte uber die Gesamtleisttingen auf dem (lelucte tier Krankheiten des Harn- uud Sexual-Apparates, Berlin, 1896. See.also, Thompson (SirB..) \inl.B.}. Die stricturen und Fisteln der Harnrobre. roy. 8°. Miinchen, 1888. Casper (Otto) [1873- ]. * Beitrag zur Epi- didymitis gonorrboica mit besouderer Beriick- sichtignng des Gonokokkus Neisser. 33 pp., 1 1. 8J. Berlin, -'. Vogt, 1896. Caspersoliii (Carl Anton Thomas) [1863- ]. * Zur Statistik uud Radikaloperation des Mast- darmkr.-bses. 28 pp., 2 1. 8=>. Kiel, Schmidt 4 Klatinig, 1887. Caspersson (Harald Oscar). See Hwa«ser (1.) [in 1. s.]. Underrattelser tor brimnsgaster [etc.J. 8°. Upsala, 1849. Caspius (Georjjjus). See CJi-angci-in* (B.) In detensionem bbelli [etc.J. 16°. Parisiis, lo81. CASSAET. 198 CASSELL8, Cassaet (Jean-Eric-Th6odote) [18(>3- ]. * De la pathogenic des accidents de Pair comprint. 110 pp. 4\ Bordeaux, 18-6, No. 76. ------. De l'absorption des corps solides. vii, 67 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1891. Cassag'lie (Guillaume-Stauislas). * Stir la cys- tite ou inflammation de la vessie. 1 p. 1., 18 pp. 8°. Strasbourg, 1827, v. 56. Cassaiglieau ( Jean - Maurice - Jules - Marie ) [ls65- ]. *Des abces froids ossifluents de l'os coxal dans leurs rapports avec la coxalgie ou pseudo- coxah'ies (l'origine iliaque. 98 pp. 4-. Bordeaux, 1891, No. 32. Casual (Charles E.) On "The extension of pub- lic analysis1'. 14 pp. 8°. London, [Kenny if Co., 18*9], Repr. from: Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit, Loud., 1889, x. ------. Report of the public analyst appointed for the parish of Kensington, upon tbe articles analysed during tbe quarter ended 31 March, 1889. 8 pj). 8C. [London, 1889.] ------. Annual report of the imblic analyst appointed for the parish of Kensington, for the year 1888-9. 30 pp. 8°. [London], J. IV. Wake- ham, 18*9. ------. Annual report of the public analyst ap- pointed for tbe parish of Saint George, Hanover Square, for the year 1888-9. 16 pp." 8°. Lon- don, Wightman4- Co., 1889. ------. The annual report of the imblic analyst appointed for tl't- parish of St. Mary, Battersea, for the year lK8.*-9. 8 pp. 8'. [ London, 1889.] See. also, thcyne (W. W. ), (oiiiclil ( W. H. ) Sc Ca*wal (C. E.) Public health laboratory work. 8°. London, 1884. Cassalette (Josef). * Hydrops und Empyein der Higlnnorsbohle. 22 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. Riihrl, 1889. Cassail (Alcide) [1872- ]. * Du retrecisse- inent mitral ancien masque" par la myocardite interstitielle diagnostique" par la palpation. 1 p. 1., 68 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1*96, 2. s., No. 38. Cassail (A[uguste]-L[ouis]). Recherches aua- fomiques et physiologiques snr les cas d'uterus double et de superf^tation. 2 p. ]., 84 pp., 1 ] 8 >. I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1826. [P., v. 1523.i Cass ail IIS (Ferdinandus). See rVoIa (J. A.) [in 1. s.]. Quod sedimentum sano- runi [etc ]. 8°. Venetiis, 1502. Cassariuy (Eugene) [1861- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de quelques aconitines. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 269. Cassava. Wiley (H. W.) Sweet cassava (Jatropha manihot or A'ipi). 8\ [it. p., 1888.] Cutting from : Agric. Sc, 1888, ii, 256-260. ------. Sweet cassava: its culture, prop- erties, and uses. 8. Washington, 1894. U. S. Depart. Agric. Div. Cliem. Bull. No. 44. Shoemaker ft J. T. ) Cultivation of the cassava plant on tbe Pinellas Peninsula. Med. Bull., Phila. 1896 xviii, 403. Casse (J.) La tuherculose des os et des articu- lations. 220 pp. 12°. Bruxelles, H. Lamer I in, 1895. Cassefoolim (Joh. Friedericus ) [ -1743]. Tractatus quintus anatoniicus de aure humana* cui accedit tractatus sextns anatoniicus de aure monstri hnmani, cum tribns lignrarum tabulis, et indice tain liornin duormn, quam quatuor priorum tractatum, ante annum de aure hu- mana. 2 p. ]., 64 pp., 3 pi., 3 1. 4°. Hake Maiideb., sumpt. Orphauotrophei, 1735. Bound with his: Tractatus quatuor [etc.]. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1734. ------. Methodus secandi et contemplaudi cor- poris humani musculos, in usum medici use et Cassebolllll (Job. Friedericus)—continued, ehiriirgiic studiosorum. 7 p. 1., 93 pp. so Halte Magdeb., in off. Rengeriana, 1740. Bound teith his: Methodus succincta [etch 8° Wni~ Magdeb.. 1740. J aau* ------. Methodus succincta secandi et contem- plandi viscera hominis, in usum medicina' et chirurgisB studiosorum. 3 p. 1., 62 pp., 11, s- Halce, Magdeb., in off. Rengeriana, 1740. Casseday (Frank*F.). Editor of: medical (The) Argus, Minneapolis Minn 1896. ' "■■•' Cassel. Erneuerte und erweiterto Ordnung fiir das Collegium medicum zu Cassell; saintnt deu Uesetzen, welche das Medicinal- und Sanitiits- wesen iiberbaupt, und im ganzen Lantle, betref- fen. 91 pp. roy. 8°. Cassel, H. Schmidt, 1778. Cassel. See, alSo, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Military), Statistics (Vital), by localities. (Ikumaxy. Beschreibung der Garni son Cas- sel, vom Standpuukt der Gesundheitspflege aus aufgestellt. Hrsg. von der Metlizinalabtheilung des koniglich preussischen Kriegsministeriums 8 . Berlin, 1893. Cassel ( Regierungsbezirk ). Generalberichte iiber das offentlicbe Gesundheitswesen des Regiernngsbezirks Cassel, von C. Rockwitz, Reoierungs- und Medicinal-Rath. 1.-2., 1875- 85." 1 p. 1., 192 pp., 36 tab.; v, 406 pp. *-. Kassel 4' Berlin, 18^2-8. Two reports for 11 years. Casselberry (W[illiam] E.) A new method of feeding in cases of intubation of the larynx, by position, head downward, on an inclined plane. 5 pp. 8'-'. [Chicago, 1888.] Repr. from: Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1888, lvii. ------. Arthritis deformans of the larynx. 7 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1893.] Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1893, lviii. ------. Nasal polypus: its association with eth- moiditis and its treatment by resection of the middle turbinated body. 19 pp. 16°. New York, 1894. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1894, lx. ------. Electrolysis by a current controller for the reduction of spurs of the nasal steptum. 13 pp. 12°. New York, 1895. Repr. from: N. York M. J.. 1895, lxii. ------. Intubation in the adult. With special reference to acute stenosis of the larynx. 13 pp. 12°. New York, 1896. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1896, lxiv. CasselBa (Pietro). Compendio di ezoognosia (conoscenza dell' esterna conforinazione degli auimali domestici utili). Manuale pratico per gli allievi delle scuole superiori di veterinaria e di agricoltura [etc.], 1 p. 1., 191 pp. 12°. Napoli, 1889. Cassells (James Patterson) [1837-84]. On the treatment of chronic exautbenial katarrh of the tympanum. Ip. 1., 10pp. 8°. [Glasgow, 1874.] [P., v. 1496.] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1872-4, n. s., v-vi. ------. Myriugomycosis aspergilliua (Fungus car disease). 15 pp. 12°. Glasgow, Dunn $• Wright, 1875. [P., v. 2089.] ------. Otological memoranda: being clinical observations illustrative of tbe diseases and injuries of the ear. 18 pp. 12°. Glasgow, I iu nn ,,- Wright, 1*76. Repr. from.- Glasgow M. J., 1876, [4. s.J, viii. ------. Sewer-gas and ear-disease; a record of struggles with foul drains and other unsanitary conditions. 11 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver $ Boyd, 1*78. AiSSELLS. 199 OASSOLNOVO. Cussells (James Patterson)—continued. ,____. Thoughts and suggestions concerning the education of deaf children. 8-\ Edinburgh, Oliver iv Boigl, 1878. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1877-8, xxiii. _____. On aural diagnosis. 7 pp. 8°. Glasgow, A. Maedougall, 1883. Repr.from: Glasgow M. J., 1883, 4. s., xviii. See also, Hartinnnii (A.) Deaf-mutism [etc.]. 12°. London, 1881— Politzer (A.I [in 1. 8.]. A text-book of the diseases of the ear [etc.]. 8-. Philadelphia, 1883. For Biography, see Glasgow M. J., 1884. [N. S.4.J, xxi, 391. Casseliuann (Arthur). *Cbemische Fntersu- chung der Friichte des Seitlelbast's (Daphne Mezereum), insbesondere des darin enthaltenen let ten Ol's. 49 pp. 8\ St. Petersburg, 1870. Cassem Aga. See Schenchzer (J. G.) [in 1. s.]. An account of the success of inoculating the small-pox [etc.]. 12°. London, 17-J9. Casserilis Placentinus (Julius) [1545-1605]. Peiitiestheseiou, hoc est de quinque sensibns. Liber, organorum fahricam variis iconibus fide- liter sere iucisis illustratam, nee non actionem et usum, discursu auatomico et philosophico accurate explicata continens. 3 p. 1., 346 pp., 9 1. fol. Venetiis, apud N. Misserinitin, 1609. -----. Tabuhe auatomicie lxxviii, cum supple- inento xx tabularum Danielis Bucretii . . . qui et omnium explicationes addidit. 199 pp. fol. [Venetiis, 1627.] Plates are paged. In: Spigelius (A.) Opera qme extant omnia, fol. Atasterdami, 1645, i. -----. The same. Tabula? anatomicse lxxiix. Omnes novie nee ante hac visa1. Daniel Bucre- tius . . . xx. qnae decrant supplevit et omnium explicationes addidit. 221 pp. sm. 4°. Franco- furti, imp. et coalo M. Meriani, 1632. Another copy, bound with.- Srn.ELius (A.) De humani corporis fabrica [etc.]. 4°. Francofurti, 1632. ----. The same. Anatomische Tafeln, mit den- selben welche Daniel Bucretius hinzugethan, uud aller heygefiigten Erklarung: zu Xntz and Ehren der Wuntliirtzte, insonderheit aber de- rerin den Hoch-loblichen Konigreichen Diiu- nemarck und Xorwegen Wohneuden. AnfF An- ordnung D. Simouis Pauli . . . fiir diesem ins Deutsche iihergesetzet, nun aber allererst an den Tag gegeben, nebenst einer lateinischen Zugabe, iu sich begreiffend die Einfuhrung der Auato- mey-Kunst und derer offentlichen Ubnng, anff der nhralten und weitberiihmten koniglichen Academien Kopenhagen. 22 p. 1., 218 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 4°. Franckfurt am Mayn, T. M. Gotze, 1656. ----. De formato foetu tabnlae, earumque ex- planatio. In: Spigelius (A. ) Opera quae extant omnia, fol. Amsterdami, 1645. I. De formato foetu liber singularis, 29- 49 (containing 10 pi.). Casset (Paul) [1864- ]. *Re"cidive des fie- vres interinittentes par traumatisme puerperal. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Carr4, 1891, No. 9. Cassia. See, also, Cinnamon. Tre.meau (G.-C.-E.) * Recherches sur le de- veloppement du fruit et l'origine de la pulpe de la casse et du tamarui. 4°. Lons-le-Saunier, 1892. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris. Black (C. E.) Oil of cassia as an antiseptic. Tr. Illi- nois M. Soc, Chicago, 1893, xliii, 500-502.—Meckel (E) Sc Schlagdenhauflen (F.) Sur le M'bentainare ou Fede- gosa (Cassia occidentalis L.). lStudo de botanique, de matiere medicate et de therapeutique. Arch, de med. nav, Par., 1887, xlvii, 241; 354.—I»orte (A.-M.) Nou- velles recherches sur le "Cassia alata", casse a gousses ailees (lesrumineuses). Ibid., 1890, liv, 241-256.—Shimo- yam a (J.) Habaso ni zukete. [On habaso or cassia occi- dental^.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1894, no. 340, 1. Cassia (Vincenzo). See Mijgmiiml Ritter von Ilanor (C. L.) [in 1. a.]. Le- zioni sulla cura della strotiuazione nella sitilide [etc.]. 8°. Napoli di Roma, 1879. CassidailiUS (C.) * Contribution a Fe'tude du diScolleiuent du corps vitro". 80 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1885, No. 247. Cassidy (J. J.). Editor of: Canadian (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Toronto, 1897. Cassidy (J. 8.) Elements of chemistry and dental materia medica. vii, 364 pp. 12°. Cin- cinnati, R. Clarke 4-Co., 1893. Cassieil (Victor -Auguste- Arthur -Louis) [1871- ]. * Accidents produits sur l'appareil de la vision par relectricite a bord des navires de guerre. 46 pp. (1 1.), 1 pi. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 10. Cassiere (Jacobus). An morosi potus salvia?? 61. 4°. [Monspelii,H. Pech, 1712.] [P.,v. 1218.] Cassim Pacha. Stekoulis (C.) KGflexions sur l'assainisseinent du vallon tie Casshu-Pacha. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constant., 1892-3, xxxv, 357-366. Cassili (John) [1813-69]. See Outlines of general zoology, roy. 8°. New Turk, 1851. Cassilie (Leon) [1860- ]. *Du sarcoeele sypbilitique a d6but inflammatoire et doulou- reux. 65 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1886, No. 110. Cassinis (Francesco). Cura ospitaliera e sus- sidi a domicilio. 19 pp. 8°. Padova, Prospe- rini, 1890. Cassino (Samuel E.). See International (The) scientist's directory [etcl [ini. s.J. 8°. Boston, 1885. ------. The same. 8°. Bos- ton. 1888. — Naturalists' (The) directory [in 1. s.]. 1877-80: 1884; 1886. 8°. Boston & Salem, 1877-86.— Scientist's (The) international directory. 1892 ; 1894 ; 1895. 8°. Boston, 1892-5. Cassiodorus (Magnus Aurelins). See lVIeibomiu* (J. II.) [in 1. s.]. Magni Aurelii Cas- siodori, formula [etc.]. 4°. Helmestadi, 1668. Cassioli (C.) * Ricerche sperimentali sopra la reazione tossica individual* in rapporto collo sviluppo quautitativo del sistema nervoso. Tesi di laurea. 73 pp. 8°. Siena, 1895. Cassias (Andreas). *De febre artificiali. 9 1. sm. 4°. Kiloni, typ. J. Reumanni, 1666. -----. De trinmviratu iutestinali cum suis ef- fervescentiis repetita disputatio, cui accessit epistola aruici ad amicum qua prsecedens dispu- tatio examinatur. 70 pp. 24°. Neomagi, apud N. Placidum, 1669. Bound with.- Castellus Petbus. De visitatione aegro- tantium. 24°. Romce, 1630. CassillS, Felix [Iatrosophista]. De medicina ex Grtecis logica? secta? auctoribus liber translatus sub Artabnre et Calepio, consulibus (anno 447) nunc primum editus a Valentino Rose. x, 260 pp. 12°. Lips'm, in cedibus B. G. Teubncri, 1879. Cassius [Jean-Jacques-Joseph]. Essai sur les moyens d'aneantir la contagion variolique. 8°. 23 pp. Paris, A. Gueret, [1800], -----. * Dissertation sur les avantages et les in- conv6uiens de l'61ectricit6, appliquee a la cure des maladies. vi, 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1803, No. 69. Cassivucli (Giuseppe). Lessico farmaceutico chimico, contenente li rimedi piu usati d' oggidi. 342 pp. fol. Venezia, appresso P. Sola, 1781. See Miinetitini, Vulpcs Sc Cassola. Analyse et proprit-tt-s metlicinales des eaux ruin6rales [etc.]. 8°. Naples, 1834. Cassolnovo. Cavalasca (G.) Delle condizioni igioniche e, sanitario del comune di Cassolnovo 1889. 8-. Vigevano, 1889. CASSONE. 200 CASTANEA. Cassone (Giuseppe). Yaiuoloepidemico. Yac- cinazione e rivaccinazione. 2. ed. 61 pp. 8°. Cnsale, C. Cassone, 1879. Cassoilte (Emile) [1868- ]. *Du r61e de l'eau dans la transmission du cholera; epid6mies de Marseille et de Barreme 1892-3. 109 pp., 11., 1 map. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 108. -----. The same. 110 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Paris, G. Steinheil, 1894. Cassiuiiiuiai*. -Some observations made upon the root called casmunar, imported from the East Indies, shew- ing its nature and vertues above any other as yet written of, in curing apoplexies, convul- sions, palsies, lethargies, tremblings, fits of the mother, giddiness in the head, and all distempers of the brain and nerves. Published by a doctor of physic in Glocestershire. sm. 4°. London, 1693. Castaillg: ( Charles - Alphonse ). * Recherches experimentales sur l'albuminurie et la glycosurie pretendnes des feiumes enceintes. 1 p. ] 3f> pp 4°. Strasbourg, 1*69. 3. s., No. 229. Castaillg (Giibert-Jeau-Baptiste-Albert) [His- ]. * Etude medico-legale sur les caracterea exterieurs des blessures produites par les re vol- vers. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 18(.r.{? K„. pi, Castaillg (H.) * De la tachycardie paroxys- tique essentielle. 84 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, Mil No. 323. Castaillg (J.) * Syntheses de pharmacie et tie chimie. 16 pp. 4C. Paris, E. Thunot 4- ck 1*68. [P., v. 1706.] Ecole de pharmacie. Castaing (L.) [1870- ]. * Essai sur les eaux minerales de la Roche-Posay (Vienne). 49 pp 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 399. Castaing (Maurice) [1863- ]. *Abces et gangrenes consecutifs a la variole. 54 pp. 4- Paris, 18*8, No. 26. Castaing (Paul). Notice sur les eaux mind- rales de la Roche-Posay. 31 pp. 8-'. [Tours Deslis freres], 1889. Castaing [Z.] V6rit6 de l'homceopathie, on theorie nouvelle propre a demontrer faction re"elle, le mode et la nature d'action des reniedes infinit6simaux. 102 pp. 8°. Toulouse, (timet, 1852. [P., v. 1446.] Castaldi. La peste dans l'Irak, Arabic, en 1873-4. Rapport du Dr. . . . public" par l'ad- ministration sanitaire ottomane. 40 pp. 8°. Constantinople, typ. et lith. Centrales, 1875. Castaldi (Raffaele). Nota clinica sopra uu caso di glaucoma. 16 pp. 8°. Napoli, S. Graziutto, 1888. ------. Ulcus serpens ed hypopyon - keratitis. Considerazioni critico-cliniche. 50 pp. 6°. Na- poli, A. Bellisario e C, 1889. Castan (Alfred) [1835-91], Appr6cier les ser- vices que la physiologie experimental a rendus et peut rendre a la pathologie interne, v, 8- 131 pp. 4°. Montpellier, Ricard freres, 1860. Concours. ------. Traite" e"lenientaire des fievres. vi, 382 pp. 8°. Paris 4' Montpellier, Asselin, 1864. ------. De l'enseignement de l'histoire de la mddecine, son caractere et son hut. 23 pp. 12J. Montpellier .p Cettc, Boehm 4'fils, 1874. See, also, Dumas (L.) La question de la maternity a Montpellier [etc.]. 8°. Montpellier, 1887. .For Biography, see Montpel. in6d., 1891, 2. s., xvii, 197- 205 (A. D.). Castan (J.) [1849- ]. * Curettage de l'ute- rus dans les retentions placentaires. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*89, No. 130. Castanares (A.) A few general remarks re- garding yellow fever in the State of Tabasco. 8 pp. sm. 4°. [Mexico, 1892.] Castanea. Albixi (G.) & Fienga (A.) Ricerche chiniiclie analitiche sulle castagne comuni. 4°. [Napoli, 1*67.] Repr. from: Rend. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fls. e mat. di Na- poli, 1861. Couverchel. Note sur le marron d'Inde. 8°. Paris, 1846. Repr. from : J. d'agric. pratique et de jardinage, 1846. Lepage (P.-H.) Quelques faits pour servir a l'histoire chimique et technologique du marron d'Inde. 8°. Rouen, [1855]. Repr. from: Pr6cis de l'Acad. d. sc, belles lettres et arts, Kouen, 1854-5. Nass (P.) * Ueber den Gerbstoff der Castanea vesca. 8°. Dorpat, 1*84. Olivier (A.) * fitude sur le maronuier d'Inde. 4°. Montpellier, 1883. Cassnto (Carlo). See .llichelacci (A.) [in 1. s.]. Lezioni cliniche di di-rniatolojiia. 8-\ Firenze, 1871. Castagne (Noel) [1859- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la laryngotomie inter-crico-thyroi- dienne. 46 pp. 4°.' Paris, 1884, No. 59. Castagneto (Giovanni Battista). Tesi per ot- teuere il grado di licenziato in chirurgia. 2 1. fol. Genova, 1818. [P., v. 2150.] ------. Tesi per ottenere il grado di dottore in chirurgia. 41. fol. Genova, 1819. [P., v. 2150.] ------. Disputa intorno ad una non cancrena. 8 pp. fol. [n.p., n. d.] [P., v. 2146.] ------. [Lettera al] Signor Guglielmo Batt [su di un caso di cancrena]. 43 pp. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] ------. Al Signor Guglielmo Batt. 43 pp., 1 1. 16°. [Genova, n. d.] Castagnol (A.-L.) * Etude historique et bi- bliographique de la medication thyroidienne. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1^96, No. 250. ------. The same. 57 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1896. Castagnoli (Giulio). Relazione sull' operato della commissione cittadina d' igiene pubblica di Bologna dal 1° gennaio al dicembre 1889, letta dal presideute ... 14 pp. roy. 8°. Bologna, Regia tipog., 1890. Castagny. Opuscule medical a la portee des gens du moude. 1 p. 1., 56 pp. 8C. Avignon, L. Aubanel, 1848. de Castaigne (Gabriel) [ -circa 1630]. Le grand miracle de nature me"tallique, que en imitant icelle sans sophistiqueries tous les me"- tanx imparfaits, se rendront en or fin, et les mala- dies incurables guariront. 78 pp. 16°. Paris, J. Dehovry, 1660. Bound with his.- CEuvres. 16°. Paris, 1661. ------. L'or potable que guarit de tous maux. 146 pp. 16°. Paris, J. Dehovry, 1660. Bound with his.- CEuvres. 16°. Paris, 1660. ------. Les ceuvres taut ine"dicinales que chy- miques, divise~es en quatre principaux traitez: I. Le paradis terrestre. II. Le grand miracle de la nature rne'tallique. III. L'or potable. IV. Le thresor philosophique de la in6decine m6tallique. 2. e"d., a quoy sont adjoustez les aphorismes Basiliens, et la methode particuliere pour bien faire le merveilleux ongueut appell6 Munus Dei. 93 pp. 16°. Paris, J. D'houri-y, 1661. Castaillg (A[lphonse]). Les embaumements et les sepultures cbez [h-s anciens Pe"ruviens. pp. 120-134. 8°. Paris. E. Leroux, 1*87. Cutting from: Arch.de la Soc. am6r. de France, Par., 1^87, n. a., v. CASTAXEA. 201 CASTELX/EJO. C'astanea. Peipers (H. W.) *De cortice hippocastaui. 4°. Duisburg, 1763. Balland. Marrons et chataignes. J. de pharm. et chim., Par.. 1897, 6. s., v, 525-527.—« Si belli (G.) Nuovi studii sulla malattia del castagno delta dell' incliiostro. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1882, 4. s., iv, 287- 314 5 ph — Roze (E.) Sur la maladie des chataignes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, cxxv, 982. Castaneda (Gabriel J.) Causa y tratamiento racional de la lepra de los Griegos hallados por induccion. 48 pp. 8°. Bogota, Eehererria her- manos, 1*82. Castaneda y Triana (Tiburcio) [1856- ]. "Des kvstes des ligaments larges. 94 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882. No. 13. Castaiier y Cuesta (Eduardo). Cruz (J.) & de Letameudi (J.) [Biography.] Cieucia mod., Madrid, 1897, iv, 429-434. Castang (Pierre) [1850- ]. * De la marche du delire chronique. 59 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 18*2, No. 360. Castarede-tabartlie (Paul). * Du chauf- fageet de la ventilation des habitations privces. 23o pp., 8 pi. 4°. Paris, 1*69, No. 34. -----. The same. 235 pp. 8°. Paris, E. La- ehaud, 1869. Castel. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Castel (Henri). Les bienfaits de la ine"thode Raspail a Ronbaix. 132 pp., 1 1. 12°. Roubaix, J. Lesguillon, 1875. Castel (Henri). * Des indications chirurgicales daus les lesions de l'articulation coxo-feniorale I par armes de guerre. 57 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, I 1-81, No. 231. clu Castel (Jacobus). *De lochiis. 6 1. 4C. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et hceredes J. Elsevierii, 1668. [P., v. 1917.] Castel (Jean) [1861- ]. ~ Considerations sur la pathogenic des fistules ombilicales. 61 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 56. Castel (L[ouis]) [1770-1852]. Refutation de la doctrine nie"dieale de M. le docteur Broussais, et nouvelle analyse des ph6nomenes de la fievre. xviii, 216 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon 4' Cie., 1824. -----. The same. Refutacion de la doctrina ine~dica del doctor Broussais, y nuevo analisis de los fendmenos de la calentura. Traducido al castellano por Nicolas Molero. xxvii, 292 pp. 16-. Sevilla, 1827. -----. Les bases physiologiques de la m6decine. Premiere partie, contenant la refutation tie la doctrine de Charles Bell, et l'explicatiou des plumonienes de la paralysie. 203 pp. 8:. Pa- ris, Eovtin, Masson 93. Castelli (Petrns Vascus) [ -1650J. Exercita- tioues medicinales ad omnes thoracis affectus decern tractatibus absolut.e, quorum primus est de angina, secuudiisdctussi, tertinsde astlnuute quartus de sanguinis spttto, quintusdepleuritide sextus de peripneumonia, septimus de empye- mate, octavus de phthisi, nonus de cordis pal|i- tatione, decimus de syncope. Quibus perquain multiB nova? difficultates medicie, ac physica? tarn theoricie quam practical, discutiunttir, et pene inuumera Hippoeratis, Galeni, aliorunique medicinae procerum locapugnantiaconciliantur difficilia explanantur, et ad usus medicos re- duenntur. Opus omnibus medicis, ac pliiloso- phis, rerum causas pervestigantibus, et rccte, utiliter atque decore, turn in consultationibtia (quas vocant) cum alias medicam artem exercere cupientibus utilissimum. 21 p. 1., 986 pp., 17 1. 8C. Tolosce, apud R. Colomerium, 1616. -----. Optiinus medicus, in quo conditiones per- fectissimi medici exponuntur. 3 p. 1., 32 pp. sm. 4°. Messance, apud vid. J. F. Bianco, 1617. Also, in: Conringius (H.) In univ. art. med. [etc.], sm. 4°. Helmestadii, 1687, pt. 2, 17-68. -----. The same. Ad Messanensis editionis ubi 1637 prodiit exemplar. In: Conringius (H.) Introductio in universant artem medicam [etc.]. sm. 4°. Balat & Lipsios, 1726, pt. 2, 17-68. -----. De visitatione legrotantium. Pro suis auditoribus et discipulis ad praxim instruendis. 130 pp. 24°. Romas, apud J. Mascardum, 1630. See, also, Antidotario romano, latino, [etc.], 8° Roma, 1639.—Verbezius (D.) [in 1. s.]. Pro Ray- mundi Mundereri disquisitione [etc.]. sm. 4°. Avgusiw Vindelicorum, 1626. Castelli (Pier Filippo). Notizie istoriche in- torno alia vita, e agli scritti di Conti Pigatti detto Conti di Monte, medico e poeta. In: Rac d'opusc. scient. efllol. 16°. Venezia, 1754,1, 467-504. Caste Hier. Trait6 de la fievre miliaire des femmes en couche. Ouvrage qui a 6t6 couronne par la Faculte" de m6decine de Paris, daus sa seance publique tenue le 5 novembre 1778. xxxvi, xxxix, 177 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montargis, X. Gilles, 1779. Castellina in Chianti. Regolamento per il servizio di assistenza medico-chirurgica nel comune della Castellina in Chianti, approvato dal consiglio comuuale nell' adunanza del di 26 ottobre 1882 e dalla R. prefettura il dl 12dicein- bre successivo. 19 pp. 8°. Poggibonsi-Siena, tip. Cappelli, 1884. Castellini (Ludovico). See Fochetli (Madame). I rimedii per sanare [etc.]. 24°. Milano, 1683. ----. Secretti overo rimedii, [etc.]. 18=. Venetia, 1717. Castellini (Sebastiano). See On be (P.) II medico de' poveri |etc.]. 24°. Ban- sano, 1715. ----. The same. 16°. Bassano, 17IJ4. Castellino (Pietro F.) Dell' eredita in paralo- gia. 46 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1896. Forms no. 9 of: Coll. lez di let. sul med., 7 s. -----. Lezioni di semejotica e patologia speciale medica del cuore e dei grossi vasi. Fasc. 1-6. 240+pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1897]. Ca*tellon. Koig (N.) Topografia niedica de Castelhm; dates para su formacidn; ciudad y sus arrabales; poblacion. Bol. de san., Madrid, 1889, iii, 963. Castellot (Jt)at|uiu). .S'eeCangiauiila (F. E.) Embriologia sagrada [etc.]. 4°. Madrid, 1785. Castells y Ballespi (Camilo). *La teniay su tratamiento. 16 pp. 8°. Barcelona, »«- cesores de N. Ramirez y Ca., 1885. 03 CASTIGLIONL CASTELLS [Y BALLESPI]. Castells [y Ballespi] (Federico). Del btste- risiuo consideratlo en sus relaciones con algu- nas enfermedades localizadas. 36 pp. roy. 8°. Barcelona, succsorcs dc V. Ramirez 4' Ca., 1882. Also, Editor of: Kc visia de higiene y policia sanitaria, Barcelona, 1890. See also, dras Fortuity ( F.) El parasitismo y la antisepsis [etc.]. 8°. Reus, 1890. Castells Ballespi (Rosendo). * La leche; estudio medico de este compuesto organico. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Madrid, lit. Corrales, 1893. Castellus(Bartholomieus). Ac Castelli. Castellns (Franciscus). See Galen (0 ) Nicolai Leouiceui in libros Galeni [etc.J. fol. Venetiis, 1508. Castellvi (Jose" Codina). See Codina Castellvi (Jose). de Castelmont, le chevalier. See Coningo (Nicolas). de Castelnan (H.) Recherches sur l'inocula- tion appliquee a l'etude de la syphilis. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, Me'quignon-Morris fils, 1841. ------. Essais physiologiques sur la legislation. Premier essai. De l'interdiction des alie"ne"s. xiii, 202 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Durand, 1860. See, also, Chevallier (A.) Lettre k M. H. de Castel- nau. 8°. Paris, 1855. Castelnova-Bariano. See Itlelai-a. Un' opera igienica. 8°. Mantova, 1888. Castelnovo cl' Asti. Cantu ( G. L. ) Saggio chimico-medico sull' acqua solfureo-saliua di Castelnovo d'Asti. 12°. Torino, 1823. Castelimovo di Porto. Jacoangeli (T.) L'aqua acidulo ferruginosa di Cas- telnuovo di Porto. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1895, xxi. 175-183. CasteliiliOVO (Giacomo). Pensieri sulla ele- fantiasi scrotale o degli Arabi con relazione di un pronto e nuovo mezzo emostatico per le emorra- gie traumatiche. 28 pp., 5 pi. 8 . Torino, G. Favale e Co., 1851. [P., v. 1115.] Castelo y Serra (Eusebio) { -1892]. E«pina i A.) [ Obituary. ] Rev. de med. y cirug. priict., Madrid, 1892, xxx, 171-175. Castel San-\ieolo. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Castel San Pietro. Bianchi (G ) Dell' azione cufativa delle aequo salso- bromo-jodiche di Castel S. Pietro negli essudati della pleura e del peritoneo. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1897, v, no. 5, 1-3. Castelvetro di Modena. Regolamento d' igiene pel comune di Castelvetro di Modena. 16 pp. 8-. Modena, A. Rossi, 1887. Caster (Heinrich) [1848- ]. See Bad Johannisberg im Rheingau, [etc.]. 8°. Oest- rich, [n. d.]. Castera (Juatin) [1864- ]. * Etude sur les rapports de l'edephantiasis des Arabes avec la filaire du sang. 70 pp. 4\ Paris, H. Jouve, 181)2, No. 319. Casteran ( Etieune-Auguste-Ele^onor ). * Con- siderations sur quelques points relatifs a l'ame'- norrhee. 28 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 18.37, No. 146. [P., v. 1081 ] Casteret (Jacques) [1870- ]. * De la cure radicale des hernies ombilicales de l'adulte et en particulier de l'omphalectomie avec la suture a (Stages. 66 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 744. Casterman (A.) Denr6es alimentaires; pain; fours e"conomiques a circulation d'air chaud. 36 pp., 11., 5 pi., 11. hG. Bruxelles, G. Stapleaux, 1*~>~>. Casterman (Ludovieus). # De viribus naturae. [ Gande. ] 24 pp. 4°. Tornaci, C. Casterman- Dieu, 1«24. [P., v. 1375.] CastetS (Paul) [1868- ]. * Do quelques cau- ses de la mort inattendue du fcetus pendant le travail. 107 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 369. CastetS ( Paul-Vincent-Maurice ) [1869- ]. " I'atiiog6nie de la nephrite aigue a la frigore. (Etude oxp6rimeutale et critique.) 88 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1*96, No. 68. Castex (A.lolphe). * Considerations sur les ex- pertises meYlico-le"gales en matiere d'alieriation mentale. 1 p. 1., 109 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1868, 3. s., No. 122. Castex (Andr<5). * Etude snr les adeiiites ilia- ques. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 390. ------. L'enseigneinent des maladies du larynx, du nez et des oreilles dans les universit6s d'Au- triche et d'Allemagno; rapport a M. le ministre de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts. 69 pp., I 1. 8°. raris, Soc. d'e'd. scient., 1895. ------. La pratique des maladies de l'oreille, du larynx et du nez, do l'origine a nos jours. Lecon d'ouverture du cours. 28 pp. 8°. [Paris], J.- II. Bailliere et fils, [1896]. Castlielaz (John). * Etudes sur le lactate de zinc. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, E. Thunot f Cie., 1856. [P., v. 1701; 1728; 1840.] ficole de pharmacie. Castiaux. See CJerme (L.) Relation m6dico-16gale de l'affaire Saison [etc.]. 8°. Arras, 1885. Castiglione (Branda Francisco) [ -1712]. See Castiglione (G. O.) Prospectus pharmaceutic!, editio secunda [etc.]. fol. Mediolani, 1G98. ------. The same. Editio tertia. 3 pts. in 2 v. fol. Mediolani, 1729. Castiglione ( Giovanni Onorato) [ -1679], Prospectus pharmaceutic! editio secunda, sub quoAntidotariumniediolaneusegaleno-cliiniicnni . . . nunc vero Braudte Fraucisci Castillionei, filii, studio et labore noviter emendatum, auc- tnm, et in tres partes divisum, quaruin prima complectitur regulas et tempora pharmacopoli aptiora ad disponeuda ea qme ad eorum oflici- uas conferunt, cum exacta ponderum ac meu- surarnm nsualiuin designatioue . . . Secunda, mantissam chimicam spagiricam Nicolai deLem- mery, e gallico in italicum traductam. Tertia, tractatus de tinctura coralliornm,alkaest, [etc.]. 3 pts. in 1 v. 21 p. 1., 484 pp.; 16 p. 1., 216 pp., 1 pi.; 118 pp., 1 pi. fol. Mediolani, C. J. Quinti, 1698. ------. The same. Editio tertia . . . olim de- mandatum . . . avo, mox Brand* Fraucisci Cas- tillionei patris, inde Joaunis Honorati filii, stu- dio et labore denuo emendatum, [etc.]. 3 pts. in 2 v. 15 p. 1., 634 pp.; 18 p. 1., 260 pp., 1 pi.; 111 pp., 2 1. fol. Mediolani, ex, tt/p. C. J. Galli, 1729. Castiglione (Giovanni Onorato), nipote. See Caatijfliwnc (G. O.) [Nonno.] Prospectus phar- maceutic! editio tt-rtia, [etc.]. fol. Mediolani, 1729. Castiglione [ Castillioiisens] (Pietro Ma- ria). Admiranda uaturalia, ad renum calculos curandos. (5 p. 1., 13-222 pp. 12° Mediolani, ex apotheca G. Ferioli, 1622. p. 218 mutilated; pp. 219 and 220 missing. Castiglione di Cervia. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Castiglione del Lago. Regolamento di pub- blica igiene pel comune di Castiglione del Lago. 12 pp. 12 . Castiglione del Lago, G. Capocci e C, 1882. Castiglioni (Cesare) [1808-73]. Della scrofola o malattia scrofolare. Commentario del . . . dal R. Istituto Lombardo onorato con acccssit al preraio di foudazioue Cagnola nel 1861. 1 p. 1., lviii, 374 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Bernardoni di Gio, 1862. CASTIGLIOXI. 204 CASTOKANf. Castiglioiii (Federico). Sulle comnnicazioni fatte all' Accademia iisio-medico-statistica da varii istituti scientihci d' Italia risguardanti 1' invasione e 1' andamento del cholera morbus nel 1854. 21 pp. 8~. Milano, Galleria De-Chris- loforis, 18")5. Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1855, cliii. Castillion. * Contribution a l'e'tude des vege- tations et de leur traitement par le grattage. 36 pp. 4,c. Paris, 1886, No. 100. del Castillo-Qnartiellerz (Rodolfo). Nu- evo proceder para la resecci6u del cuerpo del maxilar inferior. 7 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Cordoba, 1889. -----. Sutura elastica. 7 pp. 8'-\ [Cordoba], 1889. See, also, von Aril (C. F.) De las heridas del o.jo [etc.]. 8°. Barcelona, 1879.—Gras Foctnny (F.) El parasitisino y la antisepsis [etc.]. 8°. Reus, 1890. Castinel (Felix) [1848- ]. * Quelques con- siderations sur la reimplantation des dents. 74 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 336. Castle (A. C.) Fallibilities of scientific evidence in medical jurisprudence. 27 pp. 8°. New York, Joltnstone Brothers, [n. d.]. Repr. from .- Dental Miscellany. Castle (F[ranklin] D[ick]) [1846- ]. Hy- giene of the eye. 12 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1875.] Repr. from: Penn Month., Phila., March, 1S75. Castle (Frederick A[lbert]) [1842- ]. Design for an isolating pavilion for use in connection with a hospital, or as one of a series of cottage hospitals. 6 pp., 1 pi. 12°. [New York, 1886.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv. See, also, Mnrrell (Wm.) A manual of pharmacology and therapeutics, [etc. |. 8°. New York, 1890.—WooiI'b household practice of medicine, [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. New lork, 1880. Castle (George) [1635-73]. See Pcchey (J.) [in 1. s.]. Some observations made upon the Molucco nutts. sm. 4°. [London], 1672. [P., v. 1075.] Castle ( M. ) Monographie caracterielle, ou in- ductions phrenologiques, pre"ce"de"e d'une appre- ciation phrdnologique de la meme tete par le Dr. Dumoustier. 52 pp. 8°. Florence, 1850. Castle (Thomas) [1804 ?-40?]. A manual of sur- gery, founded upon the principles and practice lately taught by Astley Cooper and Joseph Henry Green. 3. ed. x, 14-463 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, E. Cox. 1832. -----. Tbe same. 4. ed. x, 11-456 pp. 12°. London, E. Cox; Boston republished, 1859. -----. Essay on poisons. 6. ed. vi, 135 pp., 21 pi. 16c. [n. p., 1834?] -----. Au introduction to medical botany, com- prehending the elements and glossology of bot- any; the Linneau artificial and natural systems; the natural system of Jussieu, and several com- prehensive tables of the properties, uses, and doses of medicinal plants. 3. ed. viii, 276 pp., 4 pi. 24°. London, E. Cox, 1837. Castle Bromwicll. -See Aston Union. Castleforcl. See Scarlatina (History, etc., of), by localities. Castleton Medical College. Catalogues of the officers and students for the sessions of 1822-2'); 1827; 1828; 1830; 1831; 1834 (f.); 1836 (f.); 1837 (s.). 8C. Castleton 4- Albany, 1822-37. Castleton Medical College. See, also, Education (Medical), etc., by locali- ties. Currier (J. M. ) Song of the Hubbardton raid, delivered on the 50(-l)th anniversary of the raid of the citizens of Hubbardton, Vermont, ou Castleton Medical College, held at the resi- dence of J. Sanford, M. D., Castleton, Vt., No- vember 29, 1879. 12J. Castleton, Vt., 1880. Cast let own-Roche. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Castner (Franz) [1869- ]. 'Ueber Gallt-u. steinileus. 39 pp. 8°. Greifswald. J. lh,i 1894. CastOldi (Ezio) [1830- ]. Relazione del trattamento stato fatto nel 1862-76: 1SH4 -6* 1890; 1892; coi bagui marini nell' Ospizio di Sestri Levante e colle acque salso jodiclio di salice in Rivanazzano agli scrofolosi povcri di Milano e provincia. Anni 1-15; 23-25: 29; 31 16°. Milano, 1862-93. Anni 1-16, 1862-76, in P., v. 2105. Title varies. -----. Delia diatesi scrofolosa e suo trattamento mediante i bagni marini; memoria. 341 pp., 1 1. 12°. Milano, frat. Borroni, 1*64. -----. 11 comitato promotore per la cura bal- nearia marina agli scrofolosi poveri di Milano c il niuuicipio di Sestri Levante. Narrazione « considerazioni. 30 pp. 12°. Milano, A. Gatti- noni, 1885. Castor. Lixck (J. G.) & DtiRR (F. A.) Historia naturalis castoris et moschi. 4°. Lipsia:, [178(5]. Marius (J.) Castorologia, explicans castoriu animalis naturam et usum niedico-cheniicuin, antidhac a . . . labori iusolito subjeeta, jam vero ejusdem auctoris et alioruni medicorum observa- tionibus luculeutis ineditis, adfectibus otnissis, et propria experientia parili labore auctu a Joanne Franco. 16°. Augustas Vindel., l(>8f>, -----. The same. Traite du castor, dans lequel on explique la nature, les proprietes et I'usage medico-chymique du eastoreum daus la medecine. Augmente des observations de cet auteur, et de plusieurs autres medecins ce"li'bies, de l'histoire des maladies dont on n'avoit point encore parie et d'un grand nombre de decouver- tes, par Jean Francus, traduit par M. Eidous. 16°. Paris, 1746. Wilson (C.) Notes on the prior existence of the castor fiber in Scotland, with its ancient and present distribution in Europe, and ou the use of eastoreum. 8C. Edinburgh, 1858. Repr. from: Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1858. Castor oil. See Ricinus. Castorani (Raphael). De la keratite et de ses suites, viii, 147 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-BailHere, 1856. -----. Memoire sur les causes dc la catatacte lenticulaire. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1857. [Also, in: P., v. 876.] Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 1857, iv. -----. Memoire sur les causes des taches de la cornee. 14 pp. 8C. Paris, H. Plon, 1862. Repr. from .- Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv. -----. M6moire sur l'extractiou lineairn externe simple et combiuee de la cataracte. 106 pp. 8°. I'aris, Germer-Bailliere, 1874. —:---. Rendiconto statistico della R. Clinic.a of- talmica di Napoli, diretta dal . . . per A. Ger- mano. 22 pp. 8C. Napoli, L. Vallardi, 1878. Repr. from: MorU. New York, London, [1897?]. 8erhes (A.) Guidt- bygidniqne et chirurgical pour la castration et le bistotirnage du cheval, du taureau, de la vache, du be"lier, du verrat, etc. 12=. Paris, [1-61]. Tortigue (L.-A.) * Influence de la castra- tion sur le developpement, la conformation, le Castration of animals. earactere, la force et la viguctir des chevanx, et snr l'amedioration des races chevalines. [Tou- louse.] 8°. Lavaur, 1876. Bnillt't. Dt- la castration des males chez les niammi- feres domestiques, envisagt'-o dans ses rapports avec la zoo- teebnie. Rev.nied.doToulou.se, 18*0, xx, 289; 340. —Bay- er. Castration unter antiseptischeu Cautclen. Wchnschr. f. Tbierh. u. Viehzucht, Augsburg, 1881, xxv, 405-409.— Bonnignl (D.) Accidents tardifs this h la soudure de l'cpiploon dans la cicatrice tie castration. Rec. tie in£d. vet.., Par., 1892, 7. s., ix, 337-341.—t'ndiot (P.-J.) Die Castration tier Kryptorchiden. [Transl. | Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierb., Stuttg., 1892-3, iv, 385-423.—B-cgive (A.) Memoire sur la castration des animaux cryptorchides. Bull. Acad. roy. tit- med. deBelg., Brux..1875, 3. s.,ix,855-908. Also, Reprint.—G ray (H.) Tbe effectual use of lard as au aid to the actual cautery in preventing and arresting haemor- rhage in castration and other operations. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1893, xxxvi, 401— <;iiiitli< i> (K.) Das Kapaunen der Hiihne. Berl. thieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1890, vi, 97; 105.—Ontmann (W.) Die aseptische Cas- tration. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierb., Stuttg., 1892-3, iv, 529-534. — Hoffmann. Die chinesische Methode der Kastration weiblicher Schweine. Ibid., 1889-90, i, 249- 252.— I.«-cii«-y (H.) (Estrum in spayed animals. Vet. J. \- Ann. Cotnp. Path.,'Lond., 1890, xxxi, 11. — Loilct. Alloiigi-meiit ties membres posterieurs, dh k la castration. Comj't. lend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, exxii, 819.— Mauri (F.) Castration of cryptorchids. Am. Vet. Rev.. N. Y., 1893-4, xvii, 4; 79; 127; 184; 242; 300; 379.—IHoller. Zur Castration der Cryptorchiden. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tbierh., Stuttg., 1889-90,' i, 385-402. Also, transl.: J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1890, iii, 117-128.—Oater- in a mi (J.i TJeber die Castration von Kryptorchiden. Berl. thieriiiv.tl. Wchnschr., 1889,v, 177-179. Also, transl.: J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. &.Lond., 1889, ii, 115- 119. — Piot. Castration des taureaux et des buffles par la ligature Slastique, pratiqu6e & l'adrninistration des domaines de l'6tat 6gyptien, depuis 1'annee 1882 jusqu'il ce jour. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. v6t., Par., 1889, n. s., vii, 302-310. Also: Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet , Par., 1889, n. s., vii, 302-310. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Berl. thierar/.tl. Wchnschr., 1890, vi, 49-51. — Rettci-rr (E.) Effets de la castration sur Involution des tissus peniens chez le chat. Compt. rend. Soc. (le biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 206-208.—Trasbot (L.) Note sur la castration, par la voie inguinale, des cbevaux cryptorchides. Rec. de m6d. vet., Par., 1892, 7.S., ix, 129; 217; 342; 495.—Vigezzi (D.) Studi su alcune malattie del funicolo spermatico conse- guenti alia castrazione dei solipedi. Gior. di anat., flsiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1886, xviii, 149; 181. Castration (Female). See Ovariotomy. Castration instruments. [Patent speci- fications.] Fai-ish (N.) Castrating-forceps. Xo. 540092 : May 28, 1895.—Fredrickson (A. A.) & Murray (J.) Cas- trating instrument. No. 560127; May 12,1896.—Sparcn- bm-g (J.) Castrating instrument. No. 558668; April 21, 1896.—Wedcr (P. J.) Castrating instrument. No. 560383; May 19, 1896. Castren ( Matthia Alexandro ). * De patholo- gica systeinatis nervorum gangliosi dignitate. 72 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, ex off. typog. Frenckel- liana, [1833]. Castrensis ( Stephanus Kodcricus ). See di Castro. Castii (Joseph) [ IKS- ]. * Du traitement palliatifdu cancer ulcere" du col de l'uterus et eu particulier de l'emploi d'une preparation speciale d'iodoforme. 56pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 354. Castricus (Jacobus). Sec Vandenkasteele (Jacques). Castro. Observacoes sobre o vegetal paracary, e suns applieacoens therapeuticas. 15 pp. sm. 8°. Para, A. J. R. Guimaraens, I860. [P., v. 1-257.] de Casti'O (Alphonso) [1865- ]. * Ueber das secondare Mageucarcinom. 31 pp. 8U. Ber- lin. G. Schade, [1890]. de Casti'O (Andreas Antonius). Dc febrium curatione libri ties quibus accessere duo alii libelli de simplicinm medicamentorum facultati- bus; et alter de qualitatibus alimentorum quae humani corporis nutritioni sunt apta. 11 p. 1., 271 ff., 131. fol. Villanicoste, E. Carvaho, 1761 [1636?]. CASTRO. 206 CASTRO SAEMKNTO. di Castro (Ezechiele). Xc V|< rcurio (G. S.) [in 1. s.]. La commare [etc.]. 4-. Yeneiio. 1045. -----. The same. 4°. Venetia, 1686. de Castro (Francisco). See .flayer (G.) Formas curaveis das niolestias do coraciio |ete.]. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1888. de Castro (Francisco Javier). Introdiiccion al estudio tie la terape"ntica 6 sea coucepto de la terap6utica moderna. xvi, 384 pp. 8°. Ma- drid, Perojo, \877 [1878]. See, also, Frrraud (A.) Clinica terap6utica [etch B'J. Madrid, 1883. tie Castro (Jos6 Joaquim). See lVlcmoria sobre a excellencia [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1845. — Rcflcxoes criticas [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Lisboa. 1811. a Castro (Petrns) [ -1663]. Febris maligna puncticularis aphorismis delineata. 4 p. 1., 269 pp., interl. 4 1. 16°. Norimbergas, ex off. Endte- rorumjun., 1652. -----. The same. 101., 239 pp. 16-. Bergomi, typ. J. Santini, 1726. -----. Bibliotheca medici eruditi. 4 p. 1., 78 pp., 12 1. 24°. Patavii, typ. J. B. Pasguati, 1654. -----. The same. Nunc primum ab Andrea Pasta recensita atque aucta; in qua scriptorum medicorum, chirurgicorum, aliaruniquo faculta- tum ad eruditum medicum spectantium, turn veterum, turn recentiorum delectus instituitur, non sine censura, atque anuotationibus tyroui- bus medicis apprime utilibus. 4 p. 1., 166 pp. 1*2", Bergomi, ex typ. J. Santini, 1742. [Also, in: P., v. 1428.] -----. Pestis Neapolitaua Romana et Genuensis anuorum 1656 et 1657, lideli narratione deline- ata ct commentariis illustrata. 11 p. ]., 2(i3 pp. 18-\ Verona;, typ. Rubeanis, 1657. See, also, [de] $antaci-nz ([Ponce] A.) [in 1. s.]. De impedimentis maguorum auxiliorum [etc.]. 18°. Pata- vii, 1652. de Castro (Raimundo). See Jacob-vcn (J. L.) Una localidad para tubercu- losos. 8°. Habana, 1894. a Castro (Rodericus) [1546-1627]. Deuniversa mulieruni medicina novo et antehac a nemine tentato ordine, opus alisolutissimum et studiosis omnibus utile, medicis vero pernecessarium. Pars prima, theorica, quatuor comprehensa li- bris, in quibus cuncta quae ad mulieris natu- ram, anatomen, semen, menstruum, conceptuni, uteri gestationeni, foetus formationem et homi- nis ortnrn attmeut, abundantissime explicaiitiir. 2 pts. in 1 v. 5 p. 1., 135 pp., 10 1.; 2 p. 1., 333 pp., 11. fol. Hamburg!, in off. Froboniana, 1603.- -----. Tbe same. 24 p. 1., 598 pp., 20 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud P. Baleonium, 1644. -----. The same. 4. ed., auctior et emendatior. 2 v. 7 p. 1., 226 pp., 23 1.; 1 p. 1., 524 pp., 22 1., 1 tab. sm. 4°. Hamburgi, apud Z. Hertelium, 1662. -----. Medicus-politicus: sive de officiis niedico- politicis tractatus, quatuor distinct us libris: in quibus non solum bonorum medicoruni mores ac virtutes exprimuntur, malorum vero fraudes et imposturse detcguntur, verum etiam pleraque alia circa novum hoc argumentum utilia atque jucuuda exactissime proponuntur. 3 p. 1., 277 pp., 8 1. sin. 4'-. Hamburgi, ex bibl. Z. Hertelii, 1662. Bound with his: De universa muliebrium morborum (etc.J. sm. 4°. Hamburgi, 1662. For Biography, see Arch, de hist, da med. portugueza, Porto, 1886, i, 49; 73 (P. A. Dias). de Castro (S. V.) Cholera in Egitto nel 1883, sua origine e misure igieuiche e quarantenarie. 6* pp., 2 1., 6 tab. 8C. Milano, E. Vallardi, 1^4. de Castro (Samuel Orobio ). *De vaso-moto- riscbe zenuwen en bare peripherische centra. 3 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. Schroder, 1877. de Castro [Castrensis] (stephanus RouYri- cus) [1550-1627]. Tractatus dc coinplt-xii morbo. rum, studio et diligentiu Valerii Nervii, cum indice rerum, et verborum. 250 pp., 1 1. pjO< Florent'ue, apud Z. Pignonium, 1624. -----. Tractatus de sero lactis. 76 pp. 16°, Florentiiv, ex typog. Sermartelliana, 1631. -----. Qua? ex quibus. Opusculuin vere aure- urn. ac praacipua prognoseos mysteria rest-runs. 7 p. 1., 278 pp., 1 1. 16°. Lugduni, apud J. Coffin 1645. -----. Expositioues in aliquos Hippoeratis U3jjrotos, admodum practicabiles. 136 pp. 16°. Venetiis, apud F. Brogiollum, 1656. [P., v. ]*H[).] -----. Vari;B exercitationes medica? (pauca: sed valde doctie) pri vatic lectiones. His aecessennit in bac secunda editione expositioues in aliquos Hippoeratis aegrotos admodum practicabiles. 4 p. 1., 223 pp. 16°. Venetiis, apud F. Brogiol- lum, 1656. [P., v. 1889.] -----. Syntaxis praedictionuni lnedicaruni, opus varietate, et utilitate doctrines priestantissiiinun, ct ad prognosin (qua? metliciuam facienti suin- mopere necessaria est) qnam utilissiuiuni. Ac- cessit triplex ejusdem authoris elucubratio. I. De chyrurgicis administrationibus. II. De potti refrigerato. III. De auimalibus microcostni. 5 p. 1., 452 pp., 7 1. 4°. Lugduni, P. B. L. Ar- naud 4' C. Rigaud, 1661. -----. Tractatus de natura muliebri seu dispu- tationes ac lectiones Prisame. Nunc primum in lucem editus. 1 p. 1., 132 pp., 1 1. 4°. Franco- furti, H. a Sonde, 1668. Another copy, bound with his: Syntaxis praedictionuni [etc.]. 4°. Lugduni, 1661. Another copy, bound with: Sixiuauus (J. B.) Ge- neanthropeia; [etc.]. 4°. Francofurti, [1669]. See, also, C'clebcrrimoi-uisi aiiatoniicorum Severini . . . varia opuscula [etc.]. 4°. Francof., 1668. — TrcviiH (P.) Ad lilnum de sero lactis. 24°. Romce, 1634. de Castro y L,atorre (Florencio). Manual de diseccion. 2 v. 400 pp.; 499 pp., 1 pi. 12\ Madrid, M. Rodriguez, 1877. For Biography, see Ciencia mod., Madrid, 1897, iv, 4G1 (Calatraveno). Castro Vi:u'hii. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. de Castro y Perez (Francisco Javier). Iu- troduccion al estudio de la terapeutica, 6 sea coucepto de la teraperitica moderna. xvi, 384 pp., 1 tab. 8 . Madrid, tipog. de la Riv. con- temp., 1877. a Castro Sariuento (Jacob) [Ki92-1762]. Dissertatio in novain, tutam, ac utilem metho- dum inoculatiouis seu transplantationis vario- larum, Thessalia, Constautinopoli, et Venetiis prinio iuventam, nuncque in hac civitate, auc- toritate Regiae Majestatis Britannica;, compro- batam, 28 Julii, 1721, cum criticis notis in varies auctores de hoc morbo scribeutes. 3. ed., cor- rected, iv, 43 pp. 8°. Londini, 1731. A reprint of original title-page, London, 1735. Bound with his: Materia medica |etc.]. 8°. Londres, 1735. -----. Materia medica physico-historico-mecha- nica, reyno mineral. Parte I. A que seajnntain, os principaes remedios do prezente estado da materia medica; como sangria, sanguesugas, ventosas sarjadas, emeticos, jmrgantes, vesicato- rios, diureticos, sudorificos, ptyalismicos, opiados quina quina, e, em especial, as minbas agoas de Inglaterra. Como tambem, huma differtacuin Latina sohre a inocnlacam das hexigas. 538 pp., 11 1. *°. Londres, 1735. -----. Appendix ao que se acha escrito na ma- teria medica, do Dr. J. dc Castro Sarmento, sobre a natureza, contentos, effeytos, e uso pra- tico, em forma de bebida, e bauhos, das agoas CASTRO SARMENTO. 207 CAT. a Castro Saruiento (Jacob)—continued. das Caldas da Rainha: partecipado no puMico, em huma carta escrita ao Dr. J. M. Sachetti Barbosa, a que se ajunta o novo methodo de t'azer uzo da agoa do mar, na cura de niuitas en- fermidades chronicas, em especial nos achaques das glandulas. 2. ed. 260 pp., 5 1., 1 diag. r-:. Londres, 1757. See, also, ".Memoria sobre a cxcellencia, [etc.] [till. s.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1845.—Rt-fflt-xocs criticas [etc.] [in 1. s.j. 8°, Lisboa, 1811.—Sharp (S.) [in 1. s.]. Tratado das operacoens de cirurgia [etc.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1773. For Biography, see Coimbra med.. 1881, i, 377: 1882, ii, 27; 59; 125; 239 (F. A. Rodrigue.s de Gusinao). -----, Harris (Walter) & L,e Due (Antonio). Dissertationes in novam, tutam, ac utilem me- thodum inoculationis, seu transpiautationis va- riolarum. Prima methodus auctoritate Regia> Majestatis Brittannicae comprobata 28. Julii 1721, et puhlicata cum criticis notis in varus autores de hoc morbo scribeutes a Jacobo a Cas- tro. Altera methodus praelecta a Gualtero Har- ris. Tertia Byzantina dicta veutilata ab Antonio Le Due. 117 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Lan- gerak, 1722. Boundwith: Kulmus(J. A.) Tabulae anatomicae [etc.]. 12°. Amstelcedami, 1732. -----. The same. Editio novissima. 36 pp. 4°. Genevce, sumpt. Pevachon 4' Cramer. 1727. Another copy, bound tvith : Morton (R.) Opera medica. 4°. Oenevce, 1727. Also, in : Morton (R.) Opera medica [etc.]. 4°. Lug- duni. 1737, ii. pp. 47 sie- (*) F\ 80 sis- (*) K4. Castroearo. Si-Hiiiii (F.) & Campani (R.) Kuova analisi chi- mica dell' acqua salsohromiodica di Castroearo che scatu- risce dalla rupe dei Cozzi di propriety del Signor Aristide Conti. Orosi, Firenze, 1897, xx, 43-47. Castro - Soffia (J.-Louis) [1^54- ]. * Re- cherches experimentales sur la tuherculose des os. 117 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 263. -----. The same. 118 pp., 1 1. 8-. Paris, A. Delahaye 4' E. Lecrosnier, 1884. Castro-llrdiales. Topografia medica de Castro Urdiales; memoria del pnerto de Castro Urdiales y poblaci6n aneja, corres- pontliente al ano de 1888. Bol.de san., Madrid, 1889, iii, 947-953. Castroverde (Jose de Lletor). See de Lletor Castroverde. Castrucci (Evangelista). Igiene popolare. Le 8tagioni. 103 pp. 16°. Roma, E. Perino, 1887. Casts. Mackay (E. A.) An easy method of taking plaster casts. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1896, i 529. Casts (Bronchial). See Bronchitis (Fibrinous, etc.). Casts (Urinary). See Urine (Casts in). < Castueil (Einilien). * Contribution a l'e'tude de la pathoge"nie des cancers. 77 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4. Paris, 1894, No. 133. -----. The same. 77 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1894. Castueil ( Henri - Louis - Marie ) [ 1869 - ]. 'Contribution a Felmde du psoriasis syphili- tique plantaire. 78 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 30. Casuale medicum, oder auserlesene Ephemeri- •les medico-practicae, aus eigener Observation und Praxi clinica von Anno mdccxxiv u. mdccxxv, und zu einem Collegio medico-casuali practico augewendet, von Mich. 1725 bis Ostern 1726, auch zu mebrereu Nutzen in Praxi clinica, die Casus nochmahlen revidiret, vollig elaboriret, und mit einer Nota und Observation von wiirck- hchen Ablaufe der gefiihrteu Cur, bey jedem Casu vermehret. 126 pp., 6 1. rMS.l 4C. ["■p.], 1727. L J Casilistischer Jahresbericht aus Dr. J. Hirsch- berg's Augenklinik, 1S78. See Hirschberg (J ) CaSlllailUS (Protbus). De lingua qua maxi- mum est morborum acntoruin signum; opus, in re medica, novi argumenti. 7 p. 1., 14« pp. 120, Coloniw Agrippina; M. Smitz, 1626. Casus et ohservationes medicinales selt-ctiores et rariores. See Weber (Fridericus Christianus Theophilus) [in 1. s. ]. Casuso (Gabri(d) [1850- ]. Editor of: l»ro«re«o (El) medico, Habana, 1889. For Biography, see Higiene, Habaua, 1893-4, iii, 125-127 (F. Grautlc Rossi). Caswall (Charles). The physiology of the or- gan of bearing deduced from its anatomy as it exists in man, and from comparative anatomy; together with its pathology and the treatments of the injuries and diseases to which it is liable. x (1 1.), 116 pp. 8°. London, H. Wix, lh33. Caswell (Alexis). Results of meteorological observations made at Providence, R. I., extend- ing over a period of forty-five years, from Decem- ber, 1831, to December, 1876. iv (1 1.), 33 pp. 4°. Washington City, 18S2. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 443. Caswell (Edward T[hompson] ) [1833-87]. Address delivered at the annual meeting of the Rhode Island Medical Society, June 11, 1879, by the president. 26 pp. 8^. Providence, E. L. Freeman 4- Co., 1880. ------. Annual address delivered before the alumni of Jefferson Medical College, Philadel- phia, March 11, 1879. 25 pp. 8°. Providence, tE. L. Freeman 4' Co., 1880. ------. Public health. An address. 8°. [Provi- dence, 1881.] Repr. from: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1880, Providence, 1881, ii. ------. Reform in medical education the aim of the academy. The annual address delivered before the American Academy of Medicine, New York, Sept. 20, 18*1. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, IV. F. Fell if Co., 1881. For Biography, see N. York M. J., 1887, xlv, 468. Also: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1887, Providence, 1888, iii, pt. 5, 475-477, port. Caswell, Hazard & Co. Illustrated cata- logue of surgical instruments and appliances. W. F. Ford, manufacturer, x, 129 pp. 8C. New York, [1874]. ------. Registered physicians iu the county of New York. Compiled aud alphabetically ar- ranged from the official list in the office of the countv clerk, to Jan. 1, 1881. 40 pp. 12°. [New'York, 1*81.] ------. The same. Revised to Jan. 1, 1883. 53 pp. 12'-. [New York, 1883.] Cat. See, also, Bites (Poisoned); Diphtheria (Causes, etc., of); Lungs (1'arasites of). Claskx (F. H.) * Ueber die Muskel und Nerven ties proximaleu Abschnittes dervorderen Extremitiit der Katze. 8°. Bonn, 1894. -----. The same, 4C. Halle, 1895. Cutting from: Nov. act. Akad. d. !Naturf., lxiv, Nr. 4, 179-211, 4 pi. Gokham (F. P.) & Tower (R. W.) A labora- tory guide for the dissection of the cat. An introduction to the study of anatomy. 8°. New York, 1895. Hale (E. M.) The cat and its diseases. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Mayer (F. A.) Griiudliche Anleitnng die verschiedeuen Arten der Huude und Katzen zu erziehen, zu warten, von Krankhciten zu be- wahren und von denselben zu heilen. Nebst einer kurzen Naturgeschichte dieser Thiere. 12°. Wien, 1803. CAT. 208 CATALEPSY. Cat. Mivart (St. 75. HEtstJEN (P. H.) *De catalepsi. 8°. Bero- lini, [1841]. Hirschel (L. E.) Gedauken von der Starr- sucht oder Catalepsis, nebst einigeu Zusiitzen zu deu Gedauken, die Heilungsart der hinfal- lenden Sucht betreffend. 12°. Berlin, 1769. Catalepsy. Le Maitre (P.) Contribution a l'etude den t^tats catah-ptitjues dans les maladies nientales. 8-'. Paris, 1895. de Man (J.) *De catalepsi. 4. Lugd. Bat 1671. Pai-de-St. Martin (G.-G.) "Etude cliniqne d'un cas de eatalepsie complique"e traitee par l'hypnotisme. 4?. Strasbourg, 1869. Probart (F. G.) *De catalepsia. 8 . Ldin- burgi, 1825. Afonxki (A.) Sluchai katalepsii, nastupivshel noil vliyaniem khloroformirovaniya. [Catalepsy arising un- der chloroform aniESthesia.] ' Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb 1885, xxiv, 7.— Aikin (J. M.) Catalepsy. Omaha Clinic 1892-3, v, 37-39.—Arinaingaiul. Catalepsie cbez une hysterique; monomanie cons6cutive (?); action favorable des courants 61ectriques sur la catalepsie. Me in. et bail. Soc. de m6d. et chir. do Bordeaux (1880), 1881, 138-152 Also: J. dc med. de Bordeaux, 1880. ix. 445-448. Also, Ke- print.—Rartlier (E.) Sc Banby. Note sur un rax rare de catalepsie. Compt. rend. Soe. tie biol., Par., 1897, in. s.. iv, 47-49. — Beglercs (X. P.) KaTaAr)i/n? 0<7Tepiic>) e( eKTps. TaKrjubs, 'ABijvaL, 1883, X, 234. — Bei-nheiui. De l'attitude cataleptiforme dans la fievre typlioidt- ,t dans certains 6tats psychiques. Rev. tie l'hypnot. et .psychol. physiol., Par., 1895-6, x, 233-236.— Boiinlin. R6sum6 d'un memoire sur la catalepsie. Bull. Soc. inert.- prat.dePar., 1841, no. 31,17-48.—BiiMNchof (II.) Touch ing a strange catalepsis or stiffness cured by the moxa. In: Two Treatises [etc.], 12°, Lond., 1676, 135. — Car- ratii (C.) Storia di catalcssia con disordini inentali. Gior. di nenropatoh, Napoli, 1882-3, i, 73-76. — t'arrci-a (F.) Un caso de catalepsia. Independ. med., Barcel., 1880-81, xvi, 422-424— Cigliano. Un caso di catalcssia. Arch, di psicbiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 580-584.— Dodonaeus (li.) De catocho. In his: Med. obs. ex- empla rara, 16°. Colonise, 1581, 9-17. — Bormeusc (La) de rilospice-General de Rouen. Union m6d., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 1055.—Draper (W. H.) Catalepsy from the use of absinthe. Med. Rec, N. T., 1881, xx, 65.— Drys- dale (C. R.) A case of catalepsy in a patient with gen- eral tuberculosis. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 610. — Flim (A.) Clinical lecture on catalepsv. Med. News & A hstr., Phila., 1881, xxxix, 515-517. — a Fourteen (R.) Pro ca- thocbo seu catbalepsi periodica. In his: Consult, med., fob, Venetiis, 1622, ii. 274-276.—Frieilmami (A.) Ka- talepsia egy este. [A case of catalepsv.] (iydgviiszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 106.—Friihner (E.) Ueber Kata- lepsie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Tbienued., Leipz., 1881!, ix, 119-136.— Gonzalez Olaechea. Un caso rare tie ca- talepsia; curacion por medio de la surest i6n hipiititica. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1894, xi, 177-179. — ftowlilu-vidi (M. I.) Sluchai katalepsii. Arch, psicbiat. [etc.]. Cbarkov, 1883, ii, no. 2, 84-88. — Greene (F. AV.) A case of cata- lepsy. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 1068.—Holm (11. A.) Om Katalepsi. Iagttagelser fradet norrejydske Sindssygeasyl. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1871, iii, no. 14,1-54; no. 19,1- 32. Also, Reprint— Hoist (E.) Kataleptisk Dedsstivbetl. [Cataleptic rigor mortis.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjabeub., 18*4, '■',. R., ii, 529-531. — Horn. Catalepsia. San.-Ber. d. l'tov. Brandenburg 1840, Berl., 1843,121-124.—Hospital. Con- siderations sur la catalepsie. Ann. med.-psyeb., Par., 181)2, 7. s., xv, 355-383.—Ingels (B. C.) Un cas de catalepsie. Bull. Soc. de m6d. incut, de Belg., Gand, 1880. xix, 18-25 — Ito(S.) Shoseiahenkyoseinonire. [Twocasesofcatalepsy in new-horn infants.] Chiugai Iji Sbinpo, Tokio, 1894, no. 338,8-12.—Jacobi (A.) Catalepsy in a child three years old. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1885,153-157. .4'so: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1885. n. s., lxxxix, 450-452.—J aja (F.) I'n caso di catalessia cosciente con conservazitmc della parola. Gazz. med. d. Puglie, Bari, 1890, x, 4!)-.r<0. Als»: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1890, vii, 110-119.—Jebb (J.) Case of cat- alepsy. In his: Works [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1787, ii, 444-452.— Katalepsie; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ku- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1880), 1881, 351.—Kiaer. To Til- fickle af kataleptisk Dodsstivhed. [Case of cataleptic rigor mortis.] TJgesk. f. Lager, Kj^benh., 1889, 4. K.,xix, 101-103.—liagardclle. Catalepsie eons6cutive a une manie aigue.- guerison. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1878, 5. s., xix, 38-42. Also. Reprint.—Landau (R.) Ein Fall von Katalepsie. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1314; 1343. — I.asegue (C.) Catalepsies partielles et passa- geres. Arch. gen. de mod., Par., 1865, ii, 385-402. Also, inhis: Eludes nied., 8°, Par., 1884, i, 899-918.—I>avirotle. Des difftrentes formes de la catalepsie, des phenoniem-sde double vue. J. de med. de Lyon, 1864, i, 401-407.—Iiloyd (W. F.) A case of catalepsy.' Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 1213.—Miijjgiorani. Sul centro nervoso che presicde ai feuoineni 'della catalessi. Atti Accad. med. di Ronia, 1879, v, fasc. 2, 253-282.—Mathien. Observation d'un cas de catalepsie, de paralysie, de contracture et quelque- fois d'extase cataleptique, de manifestation cutan6e auto- grapbique,tie "nature hysterique" chez un .jeunehoinme. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1885, lxxx, 637-647.— CATALEPSY. 209 CATALOGUE. Catalepsy. ITIenjot (A.) De catalepsi. In his: Fchrnm nialig. hist fete.], 4°, Par., 1622, 106- 116. — Jlianowslti (J.) Catalepsis a 5 diebus durans, birndinibus capiti bis appli- eitis et remediis alvum leniter moveiitibus, sanata. Col- lect med-cbir., Vilniv. 1838, i, 236-238. — .Hills (C. K. ) Catalepsv. Svst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1888, v 314- 338. Also [Abstr.]: Polyclinic, Phila.. 1885-6. iu. 109-113. '2____A case presenting cataleptoid symptoms, the phe- nomena of automatism at command, and of imitation auto- matism. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 298 - 300.—Tlil- iiei'(E) On catalepsy or trance. Etlinb. M. \- S.J., 1850. lxxiv 318-335. Also,Reprint.—Mitchell (J. K.) A case o"f"lo-al catalepsy; an undcscribed hysterit-il disorder. | Am. J. M. Sc., 1'iiila.. 1893. n. s.. evi. 148-151. —^Inline (P. F.) Keflex, cataleptiform neurosis. Internat. Clin.. Phila.', 1893, 3. s.. iii, 255.--Jlniioz BarreilatV.) Algo acerca de la catalepsia. ("lac. med. tie Scvilla. 1882. iv, 41 ; 57._Ord. Case of hysterical catalepsy. Brit. M. J.. Lond 1882 i, 422.—Oslicrovwlti lb. I.) Sluchai kata- lepsii.' Metl. Obozr., Mosk., 1890. xxxiii, 562 564. — Fait- zel (J.-G.) An catalepsi potio cardiaca catbartico-nne- tiea? In his: Qiuest. iv. cardinales. 4-. Monspclii. 1710, j _ Perl ii*. Cas rare de catalepsie. Rec. tl. proc.- verb. . . . Soc. denied, prat. Par. (1855). 1866, 40-44.— Pi- cot (U.) tin cas de catalepsie idiopathiqno. Rev. mt'-d. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1886. vi, 628-630.— Pislelli (E.) Istoria di una catalessi continua. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. ined.-fis.. Firenze. 1*44. ii. 273-275. — Richter (G.) Ein Mittel'" Katalepsie'' zu erzeugen. Centralbl. f. Ncrvenb., Coblenz, 1881. iv. 290. — Riejger. Ueber normale nnd kataleptische Uowegungen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1882, xiii, 427-481.—Robertson (A.) Voluntary and involun- tary catalepsy, with tbe sequel to a vase shown to the society in 1883. Glasgow M. J.. 18s7. xxvii, 457-461. -----. On catalepsv. witli cases: tit-atment by high temperature aud -alvani'sm to bead. J. Ment. Sc. Loud.. 1887-8. xxxiii, '59-"67.—Rogers (J. G.) Thyroids in catalepsy. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass.. Ftica. 1896. 161-182. 1 ch. Also: Ant. J. Iusan., Chicago. 1896-,. liii. 26-38, 1 ch. —Rom- berg (M. H.) Deber Ekhpsis. [Case.] Deutsche Kli- nik Heil., 1850, ii, 111. — Nehafler. Katalepsie. Prov. San.-her. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Poiimiern 1834. Stettin. 1835 45-47.—Schlesinger (H.) Feber kataleptische Todten- starre. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med.. Niirnb.. 1895, xlvi, 38-45.—van Sehoot(H) Katalepsie bij eene zwan- gere en haar jonggeboren kind. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- lieesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 110-113.—.Seininola. Di un casodi catalessia e sognazione spontanea. In his: Oiiere min., Napoli, 1841, 89-98. Ako, transl. .- Virginia M. Sc 8. J., Richmond, 1855, v, 281-288.—Sloan (A. T.) An ex- treme case of hystero-catah-psy. trauet-s lasting 58. 30, 24, antl 12 hours; insanity: recovery. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1891-2, n. s., xi. 81 - 93.—Mmilli i W. It.) Recur- ring cataleptic attacks (hysterical). King's Coll. Hosp. Itep. 1894-5, Lond., 1890. ii.'195-198.—Spina (A.) Ueber tlie experiieentelle Hervorrufung eines kataleptifornien Zustandes bei der weissen Butte. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1893, xxxviii. 485: 497.—Stark (S.) Case of catalepsy with remarks. Edinb. M Sc S. J., 1850, lxxiv, 335-341.— Nnciio eataleptico. Siirlo nu'-tl.. Madrid, 18'8(i, xxxiii, 312.— Targioni Tozzelti (G. ) Osservazioni intorno alia catalessi. Inhis: Prima race, tb osserv. med.. 8°, Firenze. 1752, 97-101. —Taylor (R. B.) Obsei vaeiones acerca tit- la catalepsia. Pabellon metl.. Madrid, 186K, viii, 123. — Tliclmicr. De la catalepsie. Bull. Soc. tie m. Customs. M"d. Rep., Shanghai, 1883, no. 26, 29.— Voiwin (A.) De la cessation instantanee d'acees do catalepsie par la faradisation du lnamelon gauche. Rev. tie, l'hypni.t.et psychol.physiol., Par., j892-3, vii, 307-311.— Walker ( A. S.') A case of hvstero-catalepsy. Edinb. Hosp.Kep., 1893,i, 423-425.—Wellenbei-gh. Een geval van flexibilitas cerea. Psychiat. BL. Dordrecht, 1885. iii, 2U7-213.—Winslow ( W. W. ) A case of catalepsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 1321. — Vankovski (L. A. ) Katalepsiya (karachun) sopryazhennaya s psikbicheskim razstroistvom. [Catalepsy accompanied bv mental de- rangement.] Med. Sbornik, Tirlis, 1877, no. 23, pt, 1,1-22. Cataliotti (Ferdinand) [1*62- ]. * lb- la galac- tophorite (abces inte"ro-mammaire eanaliculaire (leChassaignac). 91pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 172. C'ataliotti (Ignazio). Sullo stato della cultura medico-scientifica iu Firenze, Parigi e Londra; rivista contemporauea. xvi, 17-343, xl pp., 1 1. s . Palermo, B. Lima Lao, 1885. Catalog der crernatistischen Ausstelluug des viii. internationalen Congresses fiir Hygiene md Deuiographie in Budapest, 1.-9. September ^894. 158 pp. 8°. Wien, 1894. French and Germau text. 14 CatalogO dello armamentario storico spettante alia clinica operativa. di Pavia. Redatto per cura del Prof. E. Bottini nel febbrajo 1*94. 52 pp., 2 1. 80, Pavia, frat. Fusi, 1^94. Catalogue des bibliotheques de feu MM. P. Bos [el al. \. See Hiill (E. J.) 8°. I.eide, 1892. Catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to tbe American Indians, also a few local histories selected from tbe stock of (Jeo. E. Littletield, Boston, Mass. No. S. Nov., 1882. 24 pp. iv. [Boston, G. E. Littlefield, 1882.] -----. Tbe same. No. Id, Nov., 1883. 24 pp. 8°. [Boston, G. E. Ltltlcjicld, 1**3.] Catalogue ( A ) of chymicall books. See, Cooper (Will). Catalogue des cranes (l'origine fmnoise, exposes par le inusee d'anatomie dc l'Cniversite iinpe- riale d'Alexandre, en 1 inlantle, a Texposition des sciences autki'opologii|ues a Paris, 1878. 19 pp., 1 map. b°. Helsingfors, 1878. Catalogue of an extensive and valuable patho- logical museum, comprising thirteen hundred specimens, preparations, and illustrations, in medical uud surgical pathology; to which is addetl a smaller collection containing very valu- able specimens in comparative anatomy, which will be sold by auction by Maclacblau, Stewart & Co., Edinburgi)- 1 P- L, 78 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Edinburgh], J. Thomson, [n. d.]. Catalogue dc livres rares et curieux provenant des bibliotlietjues dc feu le Dr. Clie"reau et tie feu leDr. 1). . . . (do Bailleul). 175 pp. 8C. Paris, A. Chindin, 18*6. Catalogue des livres rares et pre"cieux compo- sant la bibliotlieque de feu M. J. Auvillien. Jurisprudence et medecine cunt-use; poeles francais des xvie et xviie siecles; poetes satiri- ques, chansons, romans, conteurs, fac6ties, etc. 2 p. 1., 1*8 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Miard, 18<>5. Catalogue de manuscrits de Pierre Camper et de lettres inedites e"erites par lui, ou a lui adressees, qui se trouvent dans la bibliotht-tjue de la Societ6 nderl and also pour les progres de la rn6decinc a Amsterdam. 2 p. 1., 18 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, F. Mailer 4- Co., 1881. Catalogue of medicinal plants, [etc.]. See [Duncan (Andrew)]. Catalogue of pharmacopeias, dispensatories, and medical botanies, irom the library of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, loaned for the exhibition at the centennial anniversary of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June *, 1**1. MS. 17 1. 8-. [Boston, 1*81.] Catalogue ( A ) of phrenological specimens [etc. ]. Sec Boston Phrenological Society. Catalogue of the preparations illustrative of normal, abnormal, and morbid structure, [etc.]. See Langstaff (George) [in 1. s. ]. Catalogue of portraits and busts in the Royal College of Surgeons of Kngland. with short bio- graphical notices. 68 pp. *°. (July), 1892. Catalogue raisonne" des cspi-ces et varie"t6s d'aloes ddcrites par MM. Willtlcnow, Haworth, ])<■ Cantlolle et Jacquin, ct de celles non deVrites existatites dans les jardins de l'Alleniagne, de la France ct du royaume des Pays-Baa. 7, 72 pp. 8C. [ii. p., n. d.] [P., v. 838.] Catalogue of Russian medical dissertations, [etc.]. See, Maxwell (Theodore). Catalogue of the sanitary appliances [etc.]. See Hornsey Local Board, ilighgate. Catalogue des theses russes [etc.]. See Petroff (X. P.). Catalogue (A) of a very select and valuable anatomical museum, consisting of upwards of seven hundred specimens in anatomy and morbid anatomy, collected during more than forty years' CATALOGUE. 2 10 CATARACT. Catalogue (A) of a very select [etc.].—cont'd. public practice . . . which will be sold by auction I»v Messrs. Wheatlev and Adlard, on Friday and Saturday, April 22 and 23, 1831. 20 pp. sm. 4°. [Loudon, 1*31.] [P., v. 744.] Catalogue of works on the microscope, [etc.]. Sec Roper (Freeman C. S.). Catalogues. See Bibliography (Medical). Catalog!!* bibliothecai Guyotianie instituti surdo-niutorum Groningaui. Pars specialis, de surdo-mutis, balbis, csecis. mente imbecillis. Curavit Dr. A. W. Alings. viii, 244 pp. 8°. Groningte, typ. frat. Hoitsema, 1*83. Catalogue dissertationum academicarum sub piiesidio Joannis Junckeri ventilatarum. 3 1. 4 . Hahe Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, 1749. Catalogue librorum Acadeniiie ca-sara-a- me- dico-chirurgicae. 2 p. 1., 705 pp. 8Z. Petropoli, typ. Adminlst. med., 1-o'J. Catalogue librorum medicorum, auctorum tain veterum quam recentiorum, qui speciatim auato- miani, botanicam, chymiam, chirurgiam, phar- maciani, nee non priesertim historiani natnra- leni et medicinaui practicam illustrant; quorum magna pars compacta ideoque vel unico, vel paucis exemplaribus prostat. Hos pneter caete- rarum facultatum quamplurimos, qui pagina versa indicantur, pretiis appositis Gallicie va- loris (vulgo livres et sols) veuunidat Amandi Konigii bibliopoliuni. 132 pp. [interleaved]. sm. *°. Are/entorati, 1768. Catalogue librorum medicorum, juridicorum, mathematicorum, philologicoruni ex bibliotbecis Gasp. Gnnteri Med. Doct. necnon jurisconsulti cttjusdam doctissimi (nuper defunctorum) una cum nonnullis libris Gallicis.Italicis, liispauicis, etc. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud Domum auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni in vico vulgo dicto Ave-Mary-Lane prope Lndgate- Street, vicesimo die Martii l()-p., 1 pi. a Messina, Nobolo, 1835. [P., v. 1113.] Catauutus (Nicolaus). Catanenso dispeusa- torium, sive antidotarium ea contiuens medi- cameuta, quie apud nostros medicos usitatiora habenta. Simpliciaitcm, quie principaliiun vice (si ea desiderentur) a doctoribus exeogitata, succedauea excepta sunt, ac medicanienta veluti perficientia, ex industria receutaus. 7 p. 1., 300 pp., 7 1., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Catance, ex typ. J. Bisaqni, 1666. Cataphoresis. Kuxbauiii (A. I. F.) Catapboresis. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 18Ut>, n. s., xxxvii, 539-541. [Discussion], 546.- Honwtou (E. J.) Cataphoresis. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass., [n. p.], 1892, 51-62.—Morton (AV. J.) Note ou anew method of cataphoresis (amende cataphoresis). N. York M. J., 1891. liii, 173-475. -----. Electric cataphomtis; its uses in general medicine. Tr.Ani. Electrother.Ass., [n.p], 1892, 62-73. — l*<-tersou (F.) Note on a new svstem ofcxact dosage in the catapboretie use of drugs. N\ Tork M. J., 1890, Iii, 543.—Price (W. A.) The physiology of cam phoresis. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1897, xviii, 647-651. Also: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1897, xxxix, 702-718—Ro- ilolpli (G. W.) Some observations on cataphoresis. Pacific Stomatol. Gaz., San Fran., 1897, v, 241-243.- Wallins (W. H.) Notes upon the chemistry of cata phoresis. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass., [n. p.], 1892, 73-7!i. Cataplasms. Koiiavisi (E.) Comments on cataplasinata. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 122.—«in main (K. W.) Een mitldel ter vervangiug van koude omslegeu en pappen. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], I'tret-lit, 1881. v. 38!)- 419, 1 pi. -----. How to make a ponltiee. [Edit.l Prac- titioner, Lond., 1882, xxix, 279-281. — I,:iill< i- (A.) Sur une poudre de lin inalterable, preparee pool lit confection des cataplasmes. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1883, lvi, 523.— IVepven. Cataplasme bacteritcre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1'ar., 1875, 6. s., 394. Cataract. Bauerlkix ( A. ) Meiue Erfahrungen iiber Staar und Staaroperationen in 2n Jahren. 8-, Wiesbaden, 1*94. Carrette (J.-B.-A.) *Sur la cataracte. 4-. Strasbourg, 1826. Ceccaldi (A.-F.) "Considerations et refle- xions sur la cataracte. 4°. Montpellier, 1870. Ciialibert. A dissertation upon the gntta serena, the paralysis of the retina, and the prog- ress of cataracts. Together with a new method to cure these disorders, and check them in tlieir origin. 8 . London, 1774. Chandler (G.) A treatise of a cataract, its nature, species, causes, and symptoms, with a distinct representation of the operations by couching aud extraction ; also Daviel's compar- ative view of their respective merits ; together with some hints concerning means for prevent- ing its formation, aud superseding the necessity of either operation; extracted from tbe best authors. 8°. London, 1775. Clement (C.) * Sur la cataracte. 4°. Pa- ris, 1818. CATARACT. 211 CATARACT. (ataract. Colombier (D.) De suttusione seu cataracta oculi anatome et mecauismo locupletata. 16°. Amstehdami 4 Parisiis, 17(15. Afco in- Sandifort. Thesaurus diss. [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1778, hi, 401-436. Colombier (J.) * An pro multiplici catarac- ta" genere, multiplex eirrj <>7?ovc ? 4°. [Paris, 'cornaz (E.) De la frequence de la cataracte dans ses rapports avec la coloration de l'iris. [From : Ann. Soc. d. sc. nnSd. et nat. de Ma- liues.] *- [n.p.,n.d.] Cowell (G.) Lectures ou cataract: its causes, varieties, and treatment; being six lectures de- livered at the Westminster Hospital. 12°. Lon- don, 1**3- Ccsson (P. ) Remarques sur la cataracte. 4-. Montpellier, 1779. Descoubet (A.-V.-L.) * Essai sur la cata- racte. 4°. Montpellier, 1837. Galezowski (X.) Des cataractes et de leur traitement. 1. fasc. *c. Pan's, 1885. Heistek (L.) & Widmax (J. G.) * De cata- racta in leute crystallina, 12c. Altorfii, 1711. Hoppenstedt (C.) * De visioue per catarac- tamimpedita. 4-. Helmstadii, [1713]. Jaeger (E.) Ueber Staar und Staaropera- tionen, nebst anderen Beobachtungen ans seines Vaters Dr. Friedrich Jaeger, k. k. Professors, etc., uud aus der eigenen ophthalmologischen Praxis. 8-\ Wien, 1854. Keith (J.) A probationary surgical essay on cataract; submitted to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. *c. Edinburgh, 1805. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgh, 1*10. Koinzer (C.) *De variis cataracta- formis et operandi niethodis. 8°. Berolini, [1857]. M'Gkegor (J.) *De cataracta. 8-. Edin- burgi, 1820. Normaxd (D.-C.-A.-A. ) *Sur la cataracte. 4C. Strasbourg, an XI [1803]. Rathlauw (J.-P.) Trait6 de la cataracte, daus lequel ses causes, caracteres et effets, mais priucipalement la methode de faire l'op6ration se trouvent distinctement explique~es, confirm6es par l'experieuce et e'claire'es par desseius natu- rellenient coulorez; avec une preface sur la structure de l'ceil, les proprie"tez de la vision, et les maladies de l'un et de Fautre. 8°. a Amstel- dam, 1751. Saxsox(L.-J.) Traits de la cataracte par . . publie d'apres les lecons par les 61eves Alph. Bardinet et J.-B. Pigne\ 2. e"d. 8 . Paris, im. Scarpa (A.) Lettere al prof. Maunoir sulla cateratta e sulla pupilla artificiale. fol. Pavia, Mb. Schoen (W.j Die oeschichtliche Entwick- lung uuserer Kenntnis der Staarkrankheit. 8°. Leipzig, 1897. Stevenson (J. ) On cataract; its nature, symptoms, and ordinary modes of cure, with ref- erence especially to the restoration of sight, by a peculiarly mild and successful operation, ap- plicable to every variety and stage of the dis- ease and at any period of life. Illustrated with numerous cases. 7. ed. 12°. London, 1843. Stricker (W.) Die Krankheiten des Linsen- systems nach physiologischeu Grundsiitzen. Fiinf Biicher. Ein gekronte Preisschrift. 8°. Frankf. a. M., 1845. Thompson (J. N.) Practical observations on blindness from cataract; with cases illustrating the advantages of an early operation. 12°. London, [1840]. Cataract. Tko.scuel (G. H.) *De cataracta omni tem- pore deponenda. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1753]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1782, xv, 1-4. Vander Espt (I. J. G.) *De cataracta. 4°. Gandw, [1825]. Wooi.iiouse (J. T.) Dissertationes ophthal- micus de cataractaetglaucomate, contra systema sic dictum novum D. X. N. Brissaei, Antonii, Heisterii et aliorum ; e gallica in latinam lin- guam translatie a Christopboro Le Cetf, filio. 12°. Francof. a. M., 1719. Ball (J. M.) Thougbts on cataract, Med. Rev., St. Louis, 18()o\ xxxiii, 132. — Brewster (D.) On the cause and cure of cataract. Tr. Roy. Soc. Etlinb., 1804-5, xxiv, 11-14. — Brown (1!. A.) Is the cataract ripe? Milwau- kee M. .T., 189,"), iii, 145.—Cartier (L.-V.) De la cata- racte. //) his: Precis d'obs. de chir., 8°, Lyon, 1802. 177- 192.—Cataracte* (Sur les) des veux. Hist. Acad. roy. d. SC. lTOli, Par.. 1707, 12: (1707), 1708, 22: (1708), 1709, 39: (1722), 1724, 15— Chauvel. Affections du cristalliu; cataractes. Rec d'ophth., Tar., 1893, 3. s., xv, 119; 191.— Corn:t v. (E.) De l'influence du sexe et de l'dge sur la frequence comparative de la cataracte. Ann. Soc. de ni6d. prat, de la prov. d'Anvcrs, Boom et Malines, 1855-6, xii, 51-71.—Critchett (Gr.) Practical remarks on cataract. Ophth. Kev.. Lond., 1881-2, i, 21; 73. — Be Beck (D.) Diagnosis and after-treatment of cataract cases. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1888, n. s., xxi, 225-233. Also, Reprint— Voucher. Do la cataracte. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1883, xii, 49; 193; 292.—Fox (L. W.) Intro- ductory clinical lecturo [cataracts]. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1896, xv, 537-541. — Galczowtiki. Eludes sur les cataractes et sur leur traitement. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1880, 3. s., ii, 129; 198; 311; 339; 401; 470; 556; 725. Also, transl. .- Rev. esp. de ottal., sif. [etc.], Ma- drid, 1881-2, ano v, vol. i, 32; 227; 286: 1882, aiio v, vol. ii, 27: 96; 295; 339: 1882-3, aiio vi, vol. i, 111: 1883, vii, 76; 124: 242. -----. De la marche et du pronostic des cataractes. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1885, 3. s., vii, 257-272.— fiayct. Sur la distribution dela cataracte dans la region lvonnaise. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.- rend. 1882, Par., 1883, xi, 763-765.—de Oouvcia (H.) A questao da cataracta. Bol. da Soc. de med. e cirug. do Rio de Jan., 1888, iii, 242-246. — <*unn (R. M.) A post-grad- uate lecture on cataract. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, ix, 1-7.— de la Hire fils. Remarques et reflexions sur la nature des cataractes qui se forment dans l'ceil. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1706, Par., 1708, Mem., 20-24. Also: Hist. Acad.rov. d. sc. 1706, Amst, 1708, Mem., 24-29. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1706, Bresl., 1750, ii, 659-664. -----. Remarques sur la cataracte et le glaucoma. Hist. Acad. d. sc. 1707, Tar., 1708, Mem., 553- 555. Also: Hist, Acad. roy. d. sc. 1707, Amst, 1708, Mem., 731-733. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1707, Bresl., 1751, iii, 90-92. -----. Re- marques sur la cataracte et le glaucoma. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1708, Amst, 1709, Mem.. 245-250. Also: Hist. Aead. roy. d. sc. 1708. Amst.. 1709, Mem., 315-320. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1708, Bresl., 1751, iii, 285-289.—Jeaffreson (C. S.) Clinicallecturcon cataract Lancet, Lond., 1S86, i, 387; 434; 479. — JToiion. Note sur les cataractes stratifi6cs et sur leur traitement. J. de la sect, de m6d. Soe. acatl. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1863, xxxix, 126-136. Also, Reprint—Kanlta (K.) Untersu- chungen iiber den graueu Staar. Ztschr. f. Nat- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Pest, 1851-2, ii, 265-270. — TIcry. Question de chirurgie, savoir: Si le glaucoma et la cataracte sont deux differentes, ou une seule et meme maladie? Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1707, Amst., 1707, Par., 1708, Mem., 491-501. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1707, Amst., 1708, Mem., 654- 667. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1707, Bresl., 1751, iii, 78-89. -----. Do la cata- racte et du glaucoma. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1708, Par., 1709, Mem., 241-245. Also: Hist Acad. roy. d. sc. 1708, Amst, 1709, Mem., 309-314. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1708, Bresl., 1751, iii, 280- 284.—Murray (It. D.) Cataract. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1329. — IVagel. Das Gewicbt einiger sammt der Kap- sel extrabirter Cataracte. Mitth. a. d. opbtb. Klin, in Tiibing., 1884, ii, 165.—IXeiibiirger. Ueber die Haufig- keit der Starbildung in den verschieileneu Lebeusaltern. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 203-266.— Pcruzzi (D.) Sulla cataratta. Raccoglitore med. di Fauo, 1854, 2. s., ix, 121-154.—Pitcaim (A.) Do suf- fnsione, sive cataracta. In his: Op. omn., 4°, Lmrd. Hat., 1737, 118-120. —Rich a rd*on (B. W.) The synthesis of cataract. J. de la physiol. de I'hoinme, Par., 1860, iii, 449; 645. — KuniNxewiez (K.) Przyczynek do nauki o wa- dacb rozwojowyeh oka. [Contribution to structural dis- eases of tbe, t\'e. On cataract] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1881, ix, 357-359.—Wan Ion Fernandez (J.) Estudio sobre la catarata; dc ciertos particulares antes y despues de la catarata. Cron. m6d.-quir. do la Habana, 1891, xvii, CATARACT. 212 C ATA Ii ACT. Cataract. 143-147—Seabrook (H. H.) Tlie natural course of cataract. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1891, xl, 294-298. — Second! (R.) Franimenti della lezione di chiusura del corso di clinica oculistica [cataratta]. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i ->8>-\<> —Meliiiler ( H.) Der graue Star und seine Be- handlung. Dcuische Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, v, 2. Hft, 369; 381'; 393; 405. Also, Reprint.— Stel I wajj von Carton. Staarreife. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1882. xxvii, 337. — Stevenson (J.) Observations on catatact. N. Med. & Phys. J., Loud., 1812, iv, 286 ; 353; 1 pi.—TacUe. De la inatiiration do la cataracte. J. de med., cbir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1889, lxxxvii. 401-407. - Taylor (C. B.) Cataract. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i. 864-866.—Tiflany (F. B.) Cataract. Internat, Cliu., Phila., 1893, 3. s., m, 293: 1894. 3. s., iv, 276. 7 pi. Also: Aled. Rev., St. I.ouis, 1895, xxxii. 3r5; 405; 424; 441: 460.—AVer man n ( M. F.) Important facts about cataracts. Metl. Herald. St. Jos- eph, 1896, xv, 324-330.—[Widmarlt (J.)) Cataracta, Rap. f. k. Serafhuerlasar. 188ti, Stockholm. 1887, 24: 1887, Stockholm, 1888, 24. — Wrny (C.) -Etiology, prognosis, and treatment of disseminated dot cataract. Tr. Ophth. Soc. r. Kingdom, Lond., 1891-2, xii, 109-114. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 271. Cataract (Artificial ripening of). dk Laxgeniiahex (P.-E.) "Contribution a lVtutli' du traitement des cataractes non nifties (maturation artiticielle et lavages iutra-ocu- la ires.) 4--. Nancy. 1886. deLapersonxe(1'\) "Etude clin ique sur la ma- turation artiticielle del a cataracte. 4°. Paris,l88'A. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1883, xv, 203: 209; 220: 226. Nordmax (G. A.) * Om konstgjord starrmog- nad. [On artificial ripening of cataract.] 8°. Helsingfors, 18sr>. Also [itev.l, in: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1885, xlvii, 548-558. tIbttixger (P.) * Die kiinstliche Reifung des Stains. *°. Breslau, \88~>. Antonelli (A.) Studio critico ed osservazioni cliniche intorno alia ruaturazione artificiale della cataratta, Ist. di clin. ooul. d. r. Univ. di Napoli, 1889-90, 221-275.—Ayrea (S. C.) Artificial ripening of cataract. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1*96. n. s . xxxvii, 370-372. — Ball (J. M.) Arti- ficial ripening of cataract. Kansas City M. Index, 1895, xvi, 401-405.—Iteltman (I?.) Artificial ripening of cat- aracts. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 710. -----. A new operation for the speedy ripening of immature cat- aracts. Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii, 83-93. [Discus- sion], 160-163. Also [Abstr. J: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 122-125. -----. Ripening of immature cataracts by direct trituration. Aun. Ophth. Sc Otol., St. Louis, 1893', ii, 26- 30. Also, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 681-684. Also, Reprint. -----. Ripening of imma- ture cataract by direct trituration. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol., St. Louis 1895, iv, 29-33. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1895, viii, 173-177. — Bull (('. S.) Forster's operation for the rapid artilicial ripening of cataract, with an analysis of thirty easts. X. York" M. J., 1884, xxxix, 572.— Bn«i- nelli (F.) Sulla maturazione artificiale delle cateratto di lento decorso. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1S97, iii. 150-153. — 1'aiitli-on (Y) La maturation artificielle tie la cataracte. I Jew gen. d'opht., Par., 1883. ii. 241-248. — Ci-eniceanu ((j.) A s/iirke hdlyog megeresi idej6rol. [Early matu- rity e* (H. D.) On Fibster's op- eration for ripening immature cataract. Med. Rec, N.T. 1883, xxiv, 118-120.— Parisotti (().) Sulla maturazione artificiale della cataratta. Riforma med., Roma, 1889, v, 62 ; 68. Also, transl: Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1889, 3. «., xi, 129-135. -----. Maturazione artificiale della cataratta. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1894-5, xxi, 337-359.— Pipino (W. C.) Direct trituration in ripening immature cataracts. Med. Rec.N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 141.—Poole; (T. R.) A modification of Forster's method of artificially ripening cataract. Ibid., 1885, xxviii, 703. — Kinnlili . (M.) Maturazione della cataratta per mezzo del nuts- saggio praticato direttamente sulla cristalloide; prucesso operative Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1895, xxiv, 470-485. — Rohmer. De la maturation artificielle de la cataracte. Rev. med. de l'est, Xancy, 1886. xviii, 483-497. Also: Mem. Soc. de med. do Nancy (1885-6), 1887, 14-28. ----. A. propos de quelques nouveaux cas de maturation arti- ficielle de la cataracte. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1887, v, 123-136. — Uotisnnder. [Om cocain och om en ny metod att bringa stationiira omoana starrar till mognad.] Sveus. Liik.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1884, 305-316. — Santo* Fernandez (.1.) Maduracion arti- ficial de la catarata. Cron. mt-tl.-quir. de la Habana, 1885, xi, 561-567. Also: Iudepcnd. metl., Barrel., 1885-6, xvii, 137-140.—Mchirmer (O.) Experimentelle Studie iiber tiiti Forster'scbe Maturation der Cataract. Arch. f. Ophth , Leipz., 1888, xxxiv, 1. Abth., 131-160, 4 pi.—de Ncliwci- nitas ((>. E.) Nuclear cataract: artificial ripening by di- rect trituration; extraction, followed by prolonged anil at times violent dementia, recovery of reason anil good vis- ion. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol., St.'Louis, 1893, ii, 145-147.- Secontli (R.) Sulla maturazione artificiale delle cate- ratte. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova (1887), 1888.255- 267. Also: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1887-8, xvi, 428-441. Also : Rendic. d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, 14-27.—Snell (S.) On the artificial ripening of cataracts, with special reference to Forster's operation of tritura- tion. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Loud., 1889-90, x,214- 229. — Theobald (S.) Two cases in which "trituration of the cortex" was practised in counection with prelim- inary iridectomy to hasten the development of slowly ripening cataracts. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1883. iii, 566-571. — Thompson (J. T.) Xote on Forster's arti- ficial ripening of cataract. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1890-91, xiii, 38-40. — White (J. A.) Remarks on imma- ture cataract and the be»t method of hastening maturity. Arch. Ophth., X'. Y., 189U, xxi, 516-527. Also [Abstr.]: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1892-3, ii, 48-51. Cataract (Gases antl statistics of). Sec, also, Cataract (Treatment of, Operative, Cases, etc., of). [da Marola (Y.)] Dissertazione chirurgica sulla cataratta, coll' aggiunta cutschiiiaiin (R ) Untersuchungen zur Fathogenese der Cataract. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1877, xxiii, 3. Abth.,112: 1879, xxv, 2. Abth., 213; 4. Abth., 247: 1880, xxvi, 1. Abth., 135, 3 pi. -----. Cataracta nephritica. Ibid., 1881, xxvii, 1. Abth., 315-317. -----. Leber nephritische Cataract. Ibid., 1883, xxix, 3. Abth., 191-204.—Dor (H.) Be la production artiticielle de la cataracte par la uaphtaline. Rev. gen. d'opbth., Par., 1887, vi, 1-14. Also | Abstr.] : Arch, ophth. de Lisb., 1887, viii, 1-7. -----. Cataracte naphtalinique. Bull, et mem.Soc. franc, d'opbt., Par., 1887, v. 150-155. Also: Rev. clin. d'ocuh, Par., 1887, vii, 99-102.— l>nl>i< I (H.) Xote sur quelques recherches bacteriologiques dans les cata- ractes. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1891, cvi, 182-186.—Bnfour (C. It.) The relation of general disease to the formation of cataract. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890, xxvi, 614-616. Also, Reprint.—FvetsUi (F. O.) Albmninuriya i kata- rakta. Metl. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxvii, 210-220. Also: Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, J887, iv, 97-111. Also, transl: Arch, d'opbt., Par., 1887, vii, 308-323.—Fnravelli (E.) Sulla cataratta naftalinica. Aun. di ottal., Pavia, 1893, xxii, 8-11.— Fonl.-iu (J.) Sur la cataracte poiutillecpost- typho'idique. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1887, 3. s., ix, 195-200.— Frcnkel. Contribution a l'6tude de la pathoge-nie des cataractes. Bull, ct mem. Soc. franc, d'oput., Par., 1893, xi, 5:;8-542. -----. Pathogenic des cataractes. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. (1. sc. med. do Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 88-91. -----. Contribution k l'etude de l'urologie cliuique ties cataractes. Ibid. (1896), 1897, xxxvi, 39-42.— Froidbi»e. D'un cas de cataracte provoquee. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1884, 3. s , xxvi, 89-93.—(Jnlezowski. De l'iiillueiict) des irites et des choroidites sur le develop- pement des cataractes. Rec. d'oDht., Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 75_88. -----. De. l'etiologie dc la cataracte. Ibid., 719: 1883, 3. s., v, 17.—HaMiiee. De l'etiologie tie la cataracte; suivi de remarques par Edouard Cornaz. Arch, d'nplrt., Par., 1853, i, 232-256. Also, Kcprint.-^Heiiiiielte. Ein Fall von Kataract, vcranlasst durch Entozoen (?). Klin. CATARACT. 214 UATAIUCT. Cataract (Causes and pathology of). Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg.. 1896. xxxiv, 423-429.— Hen* (C. ) Ueber die Naphthalinveranderungen im Kaninchenauge und iiber tlie Mussagekataract. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. tl. ophth. Gesellseli.. Stuttg., 1877, xix, 54-65. Also, transl: Rev. gen. d'opht., Far., 1887, vi, 385 - 393. -----. Experirnentelles iiber Blitzcataract. Period, internal. Ophth. - Cong. Ber., Wiesb., 1888, vii, 308-317. -----. Zur Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie verscbiedener Staarformeu; Cataracta centralis, Cataracta perinuclearis: zur Erkliirung der angeborenen Catataetformen; Cataracta punctata. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz . 1893, xxxix, 1. Abth.. 183-220, 4 pi—von Hippel (E.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie tier eeiitralt-n uud perinuclearcn Katarakt. Ibid., 1895, xii, 3. A bt b.. 1-12, 2 pi.— .luckson (E.) Study of tbe relation of general dis- ease to the development of cataract. Times Sc Reg., I'bila.. 1893, xxvi, 1109-1112 — Klin«iiuiun ( T.) Ueber tlie Pathogenese ties Xaphthaliustaares. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Beil.. 18!I7. c\lix, 12-22. —liortneff (A.) 0 rafanicheskoi kataraktie. [On raphania cataract.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1892,ix. 114-122.-Ki-<-y**ig (F.) Ein Fall von Glasmucherkatarakt mit cigeutiiinlichem Verlaut'. Mitth a. tl. ophth. Klin, in Tiibing., 1890, ii, 322- 328.—l.,ande»bcrg ( M.) Chronic nephritis in relation to cataract. Metl.T?ull., Phila., 1884. vi, 234-237. Also, transl: Arch. f.Ophih., Berl., 1884, xxx, 4. Abth., 143-156 -----. Zur Aetiologie tier Cataractbildung. Centralbl f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1888, xii, 39-41.— Tl agnnw ( 11.) Experimentelle Studien iiber die Erniihrung tier Ivrystal- linse und uber Cataractbildung. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1890, xxxvi, 4. Abth., 150-216,3 pi.—llama (G.) Sc Ovio (G.) Studio intorno alia cataratta artiticiali-. Arch.tli ottal., Palermo, 1896-7,iv, 167-190. — Vlai-lin (G.i Etiologie de la cataracte. Hull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opbt., Par.,1885, iii, 42-52.—.VIeyhdfer. Zur Aetiologie ties grauen Staars; jugentlliche Katarakten bei Glasmachern. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1886, xxiv, 49-07. Michel. Fcliertlie cheiniscbeZusammensetzung der normalen und kataraettisen Linse. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. C.-r. 1884, Copenb.. 1886. iii, sect, d'opbth., 89.— Tlules (P. II.) Anterior central capsular and pyramidal cata- racts; their true pathology. Tr. Ophth. Soc. l\ Kingdom. Lond., 1890-91, xi, 70-76.—iVcnbergei-. licit rag zur Ent- wickelung der Cataract. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1893, xvii. 165-167. — Wieden (A.) Cataractbil- dung bei teleangiotatischer Ausdehnung der Capillaren der ganzen Gesiehtshaut. Ibid., 1887, xi, 353-357.—Odhc- linw (J. L.) Kiiu om venerisk stair och tless operation. [Case of venereal cataract and its operation.] K. Vetensk. acatl. n. Ilantll., Stockholm, 1784. v, 204-208. — l'anat, Quelques courtes remarques au sujot du travail du Dr. C. Hess, sur la cataracte napbtaliniqae. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1887. vii, 552. — Bampoldi (R.) Della miopia aqui.-ita che precede talune volte la formaziono della cataratta cor- ticale. Ann. di ottal.. Pavia, 1884, xiii, 338-343.—Beche. Kiu beitrag zur Entwickelung tier Katarakt. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh.. Leipz., 1893, xvii, 12;)-13i. -----. Ein fcrnerer Beitrag zur Entwicklung der < ataiact. Ibid., . 363-366.- Ki»ley (S. D.) Cataract antl its association with the gouty and rheumatic diatheses, and their rela- tion to diseases of the eye. I 'niv. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, ix, 610-617.—Bobin (C.) Anatomic patbologique ties cataractes en general. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1855, v, 177- 2o9. Also, Keprint. — Kobiiiwlt i (S.) Zur Pathologic und Therapie der Cataracte. Deutsch. Ztschr. f. prakt. Metl., Leipz., 1874, i, 5. Also, Reprint. — Bonrc. Du rote de l'astigmatisme dans la gt'-nese tie la cataracte. Arch, d'opht.. Par, 1895, xv, 44-48. Also: Rev. gen. d'opbt., Par., 1895, xiv, 300-305. —Wch inner (O.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie und Pathogeneso des Central- staars. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1891, xxxvii, 4. Abth., l-2">, 2 pi. — Schmidt-Bimulei- (IL) Zur Aetiologie tier Katarakt-Entwickelung im mittleren Lebensalter. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1883, xxi, 181-183.— Schoen (W.) Die Ursachc ties grauen Staars. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1888-9, xix, 77-88, 1 pi. -----. L'e- tiologie de la cataracte. Rev. gen. d'opbt., Par., 1889, viii, 340-342. -----. Ursacbe und Beginn des grauen Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Ros- xx, 170-177. -----. Die Anfange und Ursachen Deutsche Rev., Breslau u. Berl., 1893. xviii, 115- -. Die Staarkrankheit, ihre Ursache und Ver- Wien. kliu. Rundschau, 1896, x, 321; 344; 366; 431; 449; 485; 500: 518; 531. -----. Ueber Staar nach Kriimpfen; mit Er widening von F. YVettendorfer. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 760.—dc *< lnvciiiil* (G. E.) The relation of disease and of morbid conditions other than those located iu the eye to the formation of cataract. Med. & Surg. Reporter,- Phila., 1893, lxix, 885- 892. Also : Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1893, xxvi, 1112-1115.— Shisliliin (G. I.) Sluchai oboyudostoronnei katarakta ot utlara molniyel. [Double cataract from lightning.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1887-8, xxiv, 324-320.—Hocor (G.) La cataracte produite par la naph- taline. Pull. Soc. d. metl. et nat.de Jassy, 1890-91, iv, 40- 44.—."tons. De i'ctat tie l'eiicephalo chez les cataractes. Mem.ct bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop.de Bordeaux, ls68, iii, Cafaract (Causes and patholoqy of), 400-434. —von Stein (S) Razvitie kat'arakti u mnr sbikh svinok potl vliyani'em kamertonov. [Develop™. t of cataract in guinea' pigs by means of a tuninf fork"! Trudi vtor. syezda russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1887 j fl7j ./J Also: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxvii, 77-80. a\«0 Irani [Abstr. 1: Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 091. — Tnlho (J j xi*. skolko slov o slo'istol kataraktie. [On lamellar i-at-u-i-m Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1867, no. 3, pt. 2, 77-95.- Vsu-hei-tL' De rastigmatisme considere eonnne une ties causes tie In cataracte. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opbt., Par. 18*1 iii. 35-41.—de Weelter (L.) Etiologie de la cntnrartn Lev. clin. d'ocul.. Par., 1885, v, 257; 281.—Zehcnder (Wj \ HntthicNMcn (L.) Leber tlie Brechungscocfticieiitcn katarackttiser Linsensubstanz. Klin. Monatsbl f in genb., Rostock, 1877, xv, 239-257. Cataract (Complications of). See, also, Erythropsia. Jutsch ((L) *Ein Fall vou Cutaracta leu- ticularis cum Atrophia ncrvi optici ohne Ge- siclitsfelrtsbesclirankuug. hc. Greifswabl l*;ii. Willi)T. *De la cataracte hdiiiorihiioi,,,,,, 4°. Paris, 1891. All port (F.) An unusual case of cataract. Am.,I Ophth.. St. Louis,1896,xiii, 52 — Alt (A.) A case of proba- ble spontaneous absorption of part of a cntaractous lens; dislocation of the small nucleus into the anterior clianilit't■' glaucoma: Ibid.. 53. — Antonelli (A.) Le croissant lin6aire du cristallin, dans certaines formes tie cataracte; confirmation anatomo patbologique. Aun. d'ocul., Par., 1897, cxviii, 17-27.—ANtengo (G.) Cataratta antica ui persona sifilitica. Boll, d' ocul.. Firenze. 1893, xv, no. 15, 1-3. Also. Reprint.— B i*tis (J.) Sur la cataracte ilana ses rapports tie cause a etiVt avec les convulsions; glau- come secondaire. Gaz. med. d'Oricnt, Constant., ]MI'2-3, xxxv, 5. —C'hanil ( M. ) Spontaneous falling down of cataract into the posterior chamber; restoration of sijjlit. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1894, iv, 140. — C'ii-iurioiir. Cataratta lnssata nella camera anteriore e glaucoma con- secutive Riforma metl., Napoli, 1894, x, pr. 3, 243-245.— Collin* (W. J.) Cataract twenty-four Years- maturing Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1886-7, xi, 344." ----. Caso of paralysis of sensory branches of right fifth nerve, with cataract and without any corneal change. Tr. Ophth. Sue. U. Kingdom. Lond., 1887-8, viii, 254-258.-----. Sequel to case of paralysis of right fifth nerve with cataract. Ibid., 1888-9, ix, 165. — Demicheri (L.) Anneaux d'hilerfe- rence tlu cristallin cataracte. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1897, xvii, 38-42.— Dntonr. De la cataracte li£raorrhagiqiit-. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1886, iv, 76-84.- ' Dujardin. Cataracte hemorrhagiquc. J. il. ho. mid. de Lille, 1887, ii, 73 -79. — Frolhinghaiii (G. E. ) An unique and complicated case of cataract. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii. 305-307. — IIcukc. Ein dritter Fall von einseitiger Cataract mit Knot-lien- anomalie derselben Seite. Central!)], f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1883, vii, 367. — H0rbyc ( L. ) Glaukom; graa Sta-er. Tidsskr. f. d. norskeLaegefor., Kristiania,1890, xvi, 417-419.—Jones (S. J.) Four cases of cataract, with some unusual results. Internat. Clin., Phila., l^tl, iii, 315-318.—Katwani-otl" (I N.) Cataracta luemorrbagirn. Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1886, iii, 43-40. —!\oyc* (II. I'.i Cases of cataract [of unusual character]. X. York Eu- & Ear Intirm. Rep.. 1894, ii, 6-11.—Pi y JXnfu-r (F.) Cata rata y glaucoma. Kev. do cien. metl. tie Parcel., 1890, xxii, 505. — Bolhy.iegcI (A.) Ueber die Coincidenz von Cata- racta und Nephritis: ein Beitrag zur Lehre von tier (.'alii racta- nephritica. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1886, xxxi, 361.— Schanz (F.) Zwei Fiille von jugi-ndlicher Staarerltnin- kung. Jahresb. d. Gesellseli. f.'Nat • u. Heilk. in Die.stl., 1896-7, 67.—Scott (K.) Double cataract with marked (3 physiological triradial division on Lnssurface. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1889-90. x, 147.—Stillson (LO) Complications in cataract arising from diabetes, albu- minuria, litbemia. etc. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18H6, xxvi, 177-179.—Ware (J.) Case of a young gentleman who recovered his sight when seven years of age. after having been deprived of it by cataracts before he was a year old; with remarks. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1801, xci, M- 396. Also [Abstr.]: Abstr. Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. Loud. (l*uo- 14), 1832, i, 58.— \V< ll< ii-'. Paris, 1S39. Malfatti. Xeue Heilversuche. I. Gelun- j geue Vertilgung des grauen SLaares durch eine nene aussere Heiluiethode. II. Haufige Entste- hnng des schvrarzen Staares aus dem Raphagra. i Erkenntniss und Behandlung dieser, so wie an- derer (eben so oft verkannter) Krankheiteu der Schedel-Suturen. 83. Wien, 1847. Peacock (H. B.) Observations on the blind- ness occasioned by cataract, shewing the practi- cability and superiority of a mode of cure with- out an operation. ~ . London, 1792. Businelli (F.) Relazione sul preteso valore di una cineraria per guarire la cataratta. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 188ii-7. xiii, 23-25.—Dnhlernp. Behandlingen of graa Star. Hosp.-Tid., K.jobenh., 1893, 4. R.. i. 885; 905.—Eale* (H.) The treatment of cataract. Birmingh. M. Rev., ]89o. xxvii, 257-267.—Fano. Conduite a suivie dans les cataractes hranlantes et en voie dc displacement. 3. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1885-6, vii, 101. — Faje. De la possibility d'ohteuir l'arret de developpement ou meme la retrogression d'une cataracte. Cong, period, internat. tl'ophtb. 1867, Par., 1868, iii, 141. — Galc/ownki. Du traitement medical des cataractes. Progrfes iu6d., Par., 18.-5, •>. s., ii, 453-455. ------. Du traitement de la cataracte. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1885, 3. s ,vii, 324-333. ------. Traite- ment medical do la cataracte. Ibid., 393-402. ------. Traitement de la cataracte luxee. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht,, Par., 18ss, vi. 1-4. Also: Rec. d'opbth., I Par., 1888, 3. s., x, 257-260.—Garcia Lopez (A.) Tra- ' tamiento m6dico de la catarata con cl yodurodepotasio y el amoniaco liquido. Porvenir, Madrid, 1853, i, 177.— HirgchbersiJ.i Leber dit; Heilung ties Schmutzstars. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 427- 430. — Jackson t K. i What to do for incipient cataract. Tr. M. Soc I'enn.. Phila., 1891, xxii, 186-192. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1891. lix, 60-63. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1892, i, 139-146. — Kaliwh (It.) The arrest and partial resorp- tion of immature cataract, with restoration of reading- power. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 341-343. Also, Reprint. -King (W. R.) The medicinal treatment of incipient cataract. J. Ophth., Otol. Sc Laryngol.. X. Y., 1891, iii, 126-132. — I,innell (E. H.) The value of reme- dies in the treatment of cataract, Homoeop. Eye, Kar Sc Throat J., X. Y., 1897, iii, 230-238. —Little (D.) Obser- vations on the treatment of certain forms of cataract. I Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896. ii, 312. Santa-l'rnz ( M. ) Terapeutica dc la catarata. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp.. Madrid. 1889,i,29; 62; 156; 252.-NaiitoaFcrnandcz (J.) Con- uncta que debe observarse con las cataratas invadidas de elaucoma. f'ron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1892, xviii, 740- i 744. Also, transl . Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1892, cviii. 343- 34/.—Neliafcr iH.i Der graue Star und seine Behand- lung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884. ii, 369; 381; 393; Cataract (Treatment of). 405; 417. — NlepheiiNon (M.) Report on the treatment best adapted to each variety of cataract, Tr. Am. M. Ass. Phila., 1858, ii, 447-470, 2 pi. Also, Reprint,—Tavijjnoi. Du traitement de la cataracte par le phosphore. ( tiurt icr med., Par., 1868, xviii, 386; 397; 403. ------. Considera- tions sur le traitement de la cataracte par le phosphore; mode d'action du remade. Ibid., 409: 1869, xix, 131.— Tiffany (T. B.) Treatment of cataract. Proc. Kansas M. Soc, Wichita, 1893, xxvii, 100-110. Cataract (Treatment of, Operative). See, also, Cataract (Black): Cataract (Con- genital); Cataract (Diathetic); Cataract (Secondary); Cataract (Smile); Cataract (Treatment of) by absorption; Cataract (Treat- ment of) by aspiration; Cataract (Treatment of) by discission ; Cataract ( Treatment of) by extrac- tion; Cataract (Treatment of) by rediuation; Cataract (Zonular). Cui. de Yillaks (A. F. L.) " L)uaestio me- dico-chirurgica, an oculi punctio cataractani pneeaveat ? In: Hai.lek. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Latisamtev, 1755, ii, 157-163. -----. * An oculi punctio cataractani prie- eaveat? In: Siuwakt ((I.E.) Oua-stiones metl. Par. 4°. j'n- binga;, 1789, ii, 171-179. Collins (\Y. J.) The composition of the human lens in health and in cataract, and its bearing upon operations for the latter. -J. London, 1889. Daxxich (P.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von den Staaroperationen. s". Halle a. S., 18911. Ferreika da 8ilya ( J. ) * Tractamento cirurgico da cataracta. 4C. Bahia, 1872. Gastaldo (J.) Monografia acerca dc la cata- rata y su operacion. 8-. Madrid, 1893. Hildebhant (R.) * Experimeiitelle Untersu- chungen iiber Antisepsis bei der Staroperation. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Hamburg, 1KK>. Also, in: Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 189:>. Hft. viii. 33-60. Rosmixi (J.) Sur l'operation de la cataracte. Lettre au professeur Landolt. "^ . Milano, 1891!. Taktka (A.-E.) * De l'operation de la cata- racte. 4°. Paris, 1812. Albertotti. Operazioni di cataratta. Rasseiiiia di sc. med., Modena, 1887, ii, 552: 1888, iii, 19; 108. —Alva- ratio Gomez (J.) Consideraciones generah-s pi adieus acerca de la operacion de la catarata. l'esis de tloi'toiadu. Cron. oftab, Clidiz, 1883-4, xiii, 115; 135; 165. — Keraril (A.) De l'operation de la cataracte faite sur uu seul icil, sans attendee que la cataracte soit format- daus l'neil oppo- see. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1844. xi, 179-184. — Calli<..... (A. W.) Cataract operations. Atlanta M. \- S.,L. 18.M5-7, n. s., iii, 29-32.—C'arreras-Arajfo. Alguuas conside- raciones que deben tenerse presentes en el tratamiento operatorio de las cataratas. Kev. de cien. metl.. Barcel., 1883, ix, 131; 167. — 4'riiehetl (A.) Ou tbe treatment of immature cataract. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1889. ii, 414. [Dis- cussion|, 694-698.—Dead j- (C.) The operation for cata- ract. J. Ophth., Otol., & Laryngol.. N. V.. 1895, vii. 75- 93.—Delienne(A.) Note sur l'operation tie la cataracte. Bull. Soc. denied, dc Par. (1886), 1887. xxi, 156-162. Also: Union med., Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii. 977-981.—Dialler. Bei- trage zur Operation des grauen Staares. Metl. Abhantll. Festschr. tl. Stnttg.arztl.Ver., 1897, 363-373.—Dnbriieil. De l'operation tie la cataracte. (laz. med. de I'ar., 1884. 7. s., i, 289-291. — Fano. De l'operation de la cataracte. C'ourrier med., Par., 1868. xviii. 377. ------.De l'interven- tion operatoire dans les cataractes. J. d'ocul. ct chir.. Par., 1885-6, vii, 161- 163. — Ralrzowski. Lezionc cli- nica su 1' operazione della cataratta. Gior. internaz. (I. sc. metl., Xapoli. 1885, n. s., vii, 162-164. ------. Du traite- meut chirurgical de la cataracte. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1885, 3. s., vii, 457-464. ------. Traitement chirurgical de la ca- taracte. Promt's metl., Par., 1885, 2. s.,ii,409; 437. ------. Indications generates pour les operations de la cataiacto. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 269-276.-- Gayef. Rapport sur l'operation de la cataracte. Period, internat. Ophth.-Cong, ber., Wiesb., 1888, vii, 108-135.—«otH (V.) Per la storia dell' operazione della cateratta. Liv. clin. tli Pologna, 1886, 3. s.. vi, 286.—<»iwnz (E.) A sziirke lial- vog operiihisai-61. [Operation of grav cataract.J Szcnie- szet. Budapest. 1893, 29-32. — Haase (C. C.) Kfitrago zur Operation ties grauen Staares. Festschr. z. Eioltn. d. CATARACT. 216 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of, Operative). n. allg. Krankenh. zu Hamb.-Eppendorf, Hamb., 1889,56- 87.—von Ilippel(A) Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Stnaropi ration. Muncben. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 669-671. Also: Sitzungsb. tl. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Hallea. S. 1892-3, Miinchen, 1894,'iii, 102-109. — Hirsehbcrg (J.) Leber Staaroperation. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886. xii, 301; 319; 339; 354. -----. TJeber den Star-Stich der Inder. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 48-53. Also, transl: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 211-214.— Hock (J.) TJeber die Operation des an- gewachsenen Staares. Wien. med.Bl., 1882,v, 1315; 1352.— JaeliNon (E.) When cataract is ready for operative treatment. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1893, xxiv, 97-103.— .Inhrisz (L.) Adatok a halyog miitetelehez. [On opera- tion for cataract.] Szeiu6szet, Budapest, 1883, 3; 28.— Kirkpati-iclc (E. A.) Cataract operations. Lehigh Yalle\ M. Hag.. Easton, Pa., 1896, vii, 85-87.— Knapp (IL) On the operation of some kinds of complicated cata- ract. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1879, ii, 527-530.— Komoto (J.) [Of the operation for cataract. | Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1897, no. 1000, 3-6. — Kulint. Ueher Staar- und Nachstaaroperationen. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iiiztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1889, xviii, 349-361.—I.amlolt. Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Star-operation. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1892, Hft. vi, 15; Hft. vii, 1. Also, Re- print. Also, transl: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1892-3, ii, 129- 20o. — iVIanolcftcn (N.) Operation de la cataracte. Tr. Internat. M. (Jong., Wash., 1887, iii, 695-698. — ITIooren (A.) Die operative Behandlung der jiatiirlich nnd kiiust- lich gereiften Staarformen. Fiiufz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ver. d. Aerzte d. Rgrugsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894,236-266. Also, Rejn int.— lVIorand (L.) R6rlexions sur les avantages d'operer une premiere cataracte (16s son entire formation, sans attendre la se- coocle. In his: Mem. et obs.clin., Tours, 8°, 1844, 25-27.— !▼■ nterinilch (J.) Xotes sur l'operation de la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1897, cxvii, 408-425. — rVuel (J.-P.) Autour do l'operation de la cataracte. Ann. Soc. m6d.- chir. de Liege, 1895, xxxiv, 270-278. — Paiiat. Des der- uie.rs progres realises dans 1'opt-ration de la cataracte par extraction. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xv, 18- 27.—de la Pefia (A.) Los progresos en la operacion de la catarata. Rev. de med. v cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1888, xxii, 337-347. Also, Bt-print.—Perrin (M.) Remarques au sujet de la communication de M. Panas sur l'operation de la cataracte. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xv, 60-64.—Petit. DissertationsuiTop6rationdelacatarircte. Hist. Acad. tl. sc |tb- Paris] 1725, Amst, 1732, Mem., 8-30. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1725, Bresl., 1755, vi, 501-517, 1 pi. -----. Memoire dans lequel on determine l'endroit oh il faut picquer l'ceil dans l'operation de la cataracte. Hist. Acad. d. sc. [de Paris! 1726, Amst., 1732, Mem., 370-385, 1 pi. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1726, Bresl., 1755, vi, 726-737, 1 pi. — Pfliiger. Bemerkungen zum gegenwartigen Stande der Frage tier Staaroperation. Klin. lion i tsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1892, xxx, 155-176.—Khein- ilorf(J.) Zur Staaroperation. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1887. xviii, 180-192.—Rodcro (F.) De la operacion de la catarata. Rev. estremena de med., cir. y farm., Cdceres, 18S3. ii, 153; 201.—Santos Fernandez (J.) Operacion ile las cataratas &ntes de su perfectamadurez. Cron. m6d.- quir. de la Habana, 1885, xi, 407-410. -----. La evolucion en la operaei6n de la catarata. An. oftal., Madrid, 1895, xviii, 49-52. Also: Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1895, xxi, 59-61. — Mchnabel. Entwicklung der Staropera- tionen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1891, xxxvi, 425.—Sclioc- Ier. Zur Staaroperation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv. 703-707. — Sell weigger ( C.) Ueber Staar- uud Xacbstaar-Operationen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1886-7, xvii. 125-157. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1887, xvi. 253-290. -----. Zur Staaroperation. Berl. klin. Wehusehr., 1887, xxiv, 625-627. -----. Ueber Cataract- Operation. Period, internat. Ophth.-Cong. Ber., Wiesb., 1888, vii, 135-163.-----. Zur Cataract-Operation; eine Er- widerung an Prof. Dr. Jacobson. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., ■ 1888, xxxiv, 3. Abth., 255-259. — «lc Schweinitz abney (S. G.) Operation for cataract. Cincin. M. J., 1896. xi. 417-419. — Denetre. Lue operation do cataracte pratiquee ii Tournai en 1351. Ann. Soc. de uted. CATAKACT. 217 Cataract (Treatment of Operative, Cases and statistics of). \ tie Gand, 1892, lxxi, 48-62. Also, Reprint.—Dettrhampsi. Note sur dix-neuf operations dc cataracte. Dauphine med, Grenoble, 1890, xiv. 41-52. — l>e**y-Pitznle.«i (S.) Operazioni di cateratta fatte nel biennio 1890-91 dal prof. cav. Yincenzo Gotti nella sua casa tli salute iu Bologna. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1892. 7. s.. iii. 555-564. Also . Boll, d'ocul.. Firenze, 1892, xiv. no. 17, 5-7: no. 18. 2.— Dolzhi iikotl'(V. I.) Obzor sotni operatsiy katarakt. [Review of one hundred operations for cataract. ] Yestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1892, ix, 26-38.-E«orofl'(I. L.) Otchot o sto pyatidesyati dvukh opeiatsiyakh katarakti. [Re- port of'a hundred aud fiftv-two operations for cataract.] Ibid.. 1884, i, 241-252.—Ferjjii- iV.) Ten years' experi- ence of cataract operations. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1893, i, 997-10C0.—Fink (G. H.) Method of operation for cat- aract in Bijnor Dispensary, with the result of a hundred cases during 1890. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1890, xxv, 358-362.—Fisher (J. II.) Analysis of [76] cataract op- erations. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1894, Loud.. 1896, n.s., xxiii,481-498. — Freyer (P. J.) Clinical notes in oph- thalmic surgerv; one hundred and forty-six cases of cat- aract. Indian'M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878. xiii, 150-152.— Galczowski. Lecon clinique sur l'operation de la cata- racte. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1884, 3. s., vi, 589-594.—Hig- gens (C.) On two hundred operations for extraction of cataract. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1883-4. iv, 116. — Holt (E. E.) First series of one hundred cases of cataract, with operations. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland. K-8.". 480-497. —Issckul/ (L.) A h&lyogoperati6k koriii szerzett tapnsztalatok 1880-90-ig. [Observations collected in the Eye Infirmary about cataract operations. 1880-90.J Szemeszet. Budapest, 1891,1: 13; 25. Also, transl: Ungar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. u. Wien, 1895. i, 153-201.—Inire (J.) Kimntatas 200 halyogkivetel eredmenyerol. [Two hundred successful cases of cataract.] Szemeszet, Buda- pest, 1891, 59-64. -----. HiUyogniiiteti tapasztalatok. [Experiences of cataract operations.] Ibid.. 1897. 1-9.— Ivanorski (A. Y.) Semdesyat sluchavev operatsiy katarakti. [ Seventv cases of operations for cataract. | Yestnik oftalmol., Kiev. 1896. xiii. 381-386.—Jeffries (B. J.) Report of 105 cases of opciution for cataract. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1874, xci, 341-353. Also. Reprint. -----. Re- ports of sixteen cases of cataract operations. Boston M. & S. J.. 1875, xciii, 517-521. Also, Reprint. — Jnhasz (J.) A koroda halyogmiitetei az 1876-7 tanevben. Szem6szet, Budapest, 1878. 1: 17. Also, transl: Ungar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. u. Wien. 1895. i. 113-129. ---:—. | A koroda lialyogmiitetelei az 1877-78. es 1878-79 tanevek- beu. [Operations forcataract for the school years 1877-8 and 1878-9.] Szemeszet. Budapest 1880, 26-42. -----. Adatok a halyog mfitet elehez. Ibid., 1883. 3; 28. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1883, xix, 407: 481— Katwanrotr (X. I.) Sluchai vesma pozdnei operatsii katarakti. ^Ycrv late operation for cataract.] Yrach St. Petersb.. lS85.'vi. 642.— Laudrttbrrg (M ) Bericht iiber 123 Staaroperationen. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1878, xxiv, 3. Abth., 59-126— LatriUe. Statis- tique de treize operations de cataracte; 11 cas simples2 tramnati.jues. Poitou med., Poitiers. 1,-96. x, 25-29.— l.oelierer if.) Adatok a Schulek tanarfele halyogopera- ticilioz. [Contributions to the cataract operation of Pro- f-s-cu- Scbuh-k. ] Szemeszet. Budapest, 1897, 17.— vlachek (E.) Spostrzezenia kliniczne uad zacma. i jej operacyja poczynioneod 1-go styczn. 1878 po koniec 1882 r. [Cataracts and operations, from 1 January, 1878. to the end of 1882.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow, 1884, xxiii. 4o9; 422; 435; 541; 557; 569.— tlcKrowii (W. A.) On one hun- dred consecutive cases of cataract, mature and immature, treated by intraocular injection. Brit, M. J., Lond.. 1888, i, 176-178.—^lurginna (C. L.) Von zwey Staaropera- tionen, davon die eine. wider alles Yermuthen. ungliick- lictie. die anilere dagegen die erwiinschtesten Lolgen hatte. In his: Med.-chir. Beob.. 12°, Berl., 1783. ii, 127- 143— .\iholyiiliin (I. X.) Otchot o devyanosto - semi operatsiyakh katarakti v zemskoi praktikle. [Report of ninety-seven operations for cataract in country practice.] Yestnik oftalmol., Kiev. 1*91, viii, 226-229. —'■—. Otchot osta-shestidesyati chetiryokh operatsivakh katarakti v Petropavlovskoi zemskoibolnitsievl894i 1895 g. [Report on 164 operations for cataract in the communal hospital of Peter and Paul during 1894 aud 1895.] Ibid., 1*96 xiii, 143-147. — Xuel (J.-P.) Operation de la cataracte . . . resultats obteuus k l'aide de la nouvelle maniere d'operer. Ann. Soc. in6d.-chir. de Liege, 1896, xxxv, 11-19.—Poine- roy (O. D.) Removal of a cataractous membrane by for- ceps with resulting vision of ££. Manhattan Eve & Ear Hosp. Rep., X. Y., 1894. i, 12 — Pre foil taine (A. L.) Summary of operations for cataract done at the Xew York Eye and Ear Infirmary from October 1, 1894, to October 1, 189o. N. York Eye & Ear Infirm. Rep., 1896, iv, 55-81.— Kampoldi (R.) Le operazioni di cataratta eseguite durante 1' anno scolastico 1886-7 e il sublimato corrosive Ann. tli ottal., Pavia, 1887, xvi, 318-324— Kandolph (K. L.) A series of fifty consecutive operations for cata- ract. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1892, iii, 19-23. CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of, Operative, Cases and statistics of). Also. Reprint.-----. A second series of cataract operations (one hundred and lift v eight). Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull Bait., 1897. viii, 199-204.—von Kens. (A.) Staaropera- tionen. Wien. metl. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 770; 805; 898.— K[obertM| (P. F.) Tits operacioncs de catarata. Rev mcd. quir., Buenos Aires, 1881-2 xviii, 206-209.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) A series of cataract operations. Post- Graduate, N. Y., 1893, viii, 271-275.—Narz (A.) Estado que inaniflesta las operaciones de catarata practicadas por ini en las onferinerias destinadas para este objeto en el hospital general, desde la primavera tie 1838 ha'ata tin del olonode 1815. Cron. del. hosp., Madrid, 1854, ii, 176-178.- Nalin (M.) Synopsis of a report of eighty-three cataract. operations._ Texas M. Sc S. Rec. Galveston, 1882, ii, 414- 417.—.Sal I ini (tl.) Casistica delle operazioni di cataratta. Spallan/.ani, Modena, 1885, 2. s., xiv. 347-355.—Mania Crnz. Estadlstiea de cataratas operailas . . . eu el lusti- tuto oftahuico durante el a no 1895. Siglo metl. Madrid 1896, xliii, 98-101.—Snnlo» Fernandez (J.) Operacion de la catarata antes tie so perfecta inailme/.. Rev. esp.de of tab, sif.,etc, Madrid, 1885, ix, 193-197.—Melimeielilei- (L.) Die Staaroperationen an der Klinik des Prof. v. Arlt. AVien. med. Wchnschr., 1882, xxxii, 433; 456; 492; 560.—Nehniilz (tl.) Xotizen zur Staaroperation. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Stuttg., 1883, xxi, 483-506.— Secondi (R.) Dell' operazione della cateratta nell' ul- timo decennio rivista; quadro statistico delle operazioni di cateratta eseguite dall'autoro nel biennio 1873-74.— Salute giorn. di sc. med.. Genova. 1875, i, 17; 33. Also, Reprint. — MerebreniiikolF (E.P.) Otchot o 300 opera- tsiyakh katarakti. Yestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1891. viii. 32- 44.—NililoM.sy (ea kin (C.W.S.) The after treatment of cataract operations. Indian M. J., Calcutta. 1886, v, 312-321.— Dranxai'l. Du nettojage des masses corticales dans l'operation tie la cataracte par injection et aspiration. Hull, ct nicm. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1895, xiii, 308-316.— Bunn (.J.) The small cataract knife. Med.Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 600. — IEVNieycuko. O neblagopriyntnom dieistvii koka'iua pri operatsii katarakti. [On the unfavor- able action of cocaine in operation for cataract,] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1885, ii, 406-408. —F. (L.) Notas sobre a techuica da operacao da cataracta. Correio med. de Lisb., 1891, xx, 202; 213: 1892, xxi, 4; 114. — Fano. Quelques incidents relatifs an traitement chirurgical tie la cataracte. J.d'ocul. ot chir., Par., 1887-K, viii, 191. —Forster. Leber einige Verbesseruiigeii bei der Operation ties grauen Staars. Jahresb. d. st-bh-s. Gesellsch. 1. vatcrl Knit. 1881 Bresl., 188:', lix, 135.—Fort. Les deruiers perfectiouuements do l'operation do la cataracte. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1881, liv, 235.—Fox (L. W.) Improved eye-pads for the after-dress- ing in cataract operations. Metl. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 35L—OalczowsUi. A new method of cataract extrac- tion without excision of iris. Lancet. Lond., 1883, i, 92. CATAKAUT. 220 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatmentof, Operative, Meth- ods and after-treatment of). -----. O operacyi zacmy i opatrunku przeciwgnilnym. [Operation of cataract with antiseptic dressings.] Medy- cyna, Warszawa, 1885, xiii, 293-296. -----. Soius pi-eiirui- naires k donner aux malades avant l'operation de la cata- racte. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1885, 3. s., vii, 721-733. -----. Instructions geuerales pour l'operation do la cataracte. Ibid., 1£86, 3. s., viii. 193-213. -----. Choix de la methode operatoire de la cataracte; moyen d'6viter les complica- tion-. Ibid., 1887, 3. s., ix, 257; 351; 403; 472. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et m6in. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1887, v, 108-113. —Oareia Calderun. De la autisepsia y de la cocaina en la operacion de la catarata. Rev. esp. tie oftal., dermat., sif., etc, Madrid, 1891-2, xvi, 49-62.—Oaupillat. Pansement apres l'operation dc la cataracte it grand lam- beau superienr. Rev. g6n. d'opht., Par., 1891, x, 339-342.— Giorgi (G.) Memoria sopra un nuovo strumento per operarn le cateratte, e per formare la papilla artificiale. Rac. di op. med. mod. ital., Bologna, 1829, viii, 467-480, 1 pi.—de <»ouvcia (H.) O melhor processo para a opera- cao da cataracta. Brazil-med., Rio deJau., 1889, iii, 10.—_ Uriirfi- (A.) Fortgesetzter Bericht iiber die mittelst" antisi-ptischer Wundbebandluiig erzielten Erfolge der Staaroperationen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1889, xxxv, 3. Abth., 248-264. — Graudclcnicnt. Des conditions de succes dans l'operation tie la cataracte. Lyon med., 1890, lxiv, 404-408. — tirynfcltt (J.) Operation de cataracte; pansement avec la gelatine antiseptique. Gaz hebd.d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1880, viii, 37; 100.—Hall (G. C.) Ou a new operation for cataract. Indian M. J., Calcutta, 1886, v, 127.—Hirschbcrg (J.) Ueber den Star-Sticli der In- der. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 109-111.—Hotz (F. C.) The rational treatment of patients after cataract operations. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 313-318.—Howe (L.) On a method of opening closed pupil after operation for cataract. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Louth, 1881, iii, 127.—Iiiou|y]e (T.) Vortbeil und Nach- theil der Iridectomie bei Cataractoperation. [Japanese text.] /.tsehr. (1. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1895, ix, Hft. 8, 12-18. Issehuty. (L.) Sujatszerii lat^si iniivelet cataracta perinuclearisnal. [Peculiar method of operation in perinuclear cataract.] Szem6szet, Budapest, 1887, 32- 36.—Jackson (E.) A new form of cataract knife. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1888, v, 62. — Jeaflreaon (C. S.) "A new operation for cataract." [Criticisms upon Prof. Galezowski's paper.] Lancet, Loud., 1883, i, 167. -----. A new operation for cataract. Ibid., 705. — Ha- ■noeki (W.) Kilka uwag o nowoczesne j ojieracyi zacmy. |Ou the modern operation for cataract.] (iaz. lek., War- szawa, 1886,2. s., vi, 687-694.—K hod in (A.) () promivani- yakh perednei kameri pri operatsiyakb katarakti. [ Wash- ing out of anterior chamber in operations for cataract.] Trudi vtor. syezda russk. vrach. v. Mosk., 1887, ii, glaz. bob, 3-10. Also: Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1887. iv, 21-32.— Knapp. Peripherische Kapseloffnung. [With discus- sion.] Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Rostock, 1878, xi, 170-175.—L,a Fayc. Memoir for improving the new method of performing the operation of the cataract. Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg, at Paris, Lond., 1759, iii, 350-378.— Lupcz Ban-alt (R.) Operacion de la catarata; procedi- miento eu dos tiempos. Rev. ro6d.-quir., Maracaibo, 1883- 4, i. no. 6, 5-8.—Coring (E. G.) An improved operation for a new pupil after cataract operations. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. V., 1880, iii, 151-157. — McCoy ( T. J. ) A new shield for the protection of eyes after cataract operations. Med. Rec, N. V., 1892, xiii, 664. -----. Rest and protec- tion of the eves after cataract operations; a new shield. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1893, viii, 8-12. — Ma- chelt (E.) O operacyi za6mybez wyciecia te.czowki. [On operation of cataract without extraction of iris.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1893, xxxii, 13; 29. — JIcKcowu (W. A.) Tho injection operation for cataiact. Tr. Opkth. Soc U. Kingdom, Lond.. 188(1, vi. 317-328. Also, Reprint.— Mascaro (A.) Un nucvo kistitomo para la opera- cion de la catarata, que no es niugun nuevo instru- meuto. Bob de med. nav., San Fernando, 1881. iv, 65-68.— Mcyhofer. Iodoform nach Staaroperationen. (4 Fiille.) Kliu. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1884, xxii, 166-171.— Michel (C. E.) Dark rooms and bandages discarded in the after-treatment of cataract-operations, iridectomies, etc. Arch. Ophth., N. V., 1886, xv. 318-331. — Mooren. On the most simplified methods of cataract operations. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887. iii, 688-692. —Mou- giu (L.) Lunettes pour op6i-es de cataracte. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1895, xiii, 437.—Murdoch (R) Some improvements in instruments anil appliances for cataiact operations. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1883. iii, 467-472. — Muterniilch (J.) 0 znaczcniu opr- zetlniej atropinizaoyi oka przy operacyi zaiimy. [On the value of atropinizing the eye previous to operating for cata- ract] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1896, 2. s., xvi, 226-229.- OdheHiiiN (J. L.t Formonen atvid starr-operation noga och otta ronsa dgat. [Demonstration that iu cataract operations the eye is to be repeatedly cleansed out.] K. Vetensk. Akad.' 11. Handl., Stockholm, 1793, xiv, 240- 242.—Panna. Prophylaxie des accidents iufectieux con- secutifs ii l'operation de la cataracte. Arch, d'opht.. Par., Cataract (Treatmentof Operative, Meth- ods and after-treatment of). 1893, xiii, 593-596. — Parinaud (H.) Dernit-res modifi- cations apportt';es k l'o]K-ration tie la cataracte. (iaz. med de Par., 1883, 6. s., v, 267-269.—Phipps (J. W.) On the treatment of patients after the operation for the cataract: in which are shewn the evils attendant on long confine- ment and continued bandages, and an opposite practice recommended; illustrated with cases. In: Wathen (J.) "A new and easy method of curing the fistula lacry- malis", by Jonathan Wathen, 8°, Loud., 1792, 75-104.— Pipino (W. C.) The ideal operation for cataract. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Cedar Rapids. 1890, viii, 188-196. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 554-556.—Power (IL) Com- ments on the after-treatment of cataract. St. Barth. Hosp Rep., Lond., 1880, xvi, 211-228. -Bandolph 2- 457. — von Bolliniuiid (A.) Ueber die gogonwiirtigo Nachbehandluiig der Staaroperationen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 329-331.—Mailtos Fei-unudez (J.) Conti -uindit-ncion de la cocaina en las operacioins do la catarata. An. r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1884-5, xxi, 495-502. Also: Lev. de. med. y cirug. piaet., Madrid, 1885, xvii, 14-21. — Schroder (C.) Ueber cine neue Methode der Kapselspaltung bei tier Operation des Altersstaars. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18s2, xix, 26; 41.— Secondi (R) Traitement de la cataracte par I'evacua- tion rep6t6e de l'humeur aqueuse. Cong. p6riod. internat. d'ophth. 1862, Par., 1863, ii, 217-222. -----. Sulla medica- zione antisettica nelle operazioni di cateiatta. Ann. tli ottal., Pavia, 1883, xii, 512-521. Also .- Salute: Italia med.. Genova, 1883, 2. s , xvii, 377-380—Sncl I (S.) The rational method of treating cataract patients, to the exclusion of compresses, bandages, and dark rooms. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 525. Also, Reprint. Also: Prov. M. J., Lei- cester, 1886, v, 534. -----. On the after-treatment of cataract and other operative cases to the exclusion of dark rooms, bandages, etc. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. i, 176.—Stevenson (D. W.) A plea for preliminary iiidec- tomy in cataract extraction. Tr. Indiana M. Soc. Fort Wayne, 1896, 61-66. [Discussion], 306. — Streatfeild (J. F.) Needle-hooks in secondary cataract operations. Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong. 1872, Lond., 1873. iv, 157-163. Also, in his : On section of the cornea, etc., 8°, Lond., 1872. pp. 7-12. Also, transl: Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. C.-r. 1872, Par., 1873, iv, 174-180.—Snarez de Mcndozc Suture de la corn6e dans l'operation de la cataracte. Ca/. d. nop.. Par., 1889, lxii, 439.—Tavignot. Nouvelle me- thode operatoire de la cataracte par debridement. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856, xiii, 950. —Taylor (C. li.) A new operation for cataract. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i. 013.— Taylor (P. R.) Operation for cataiact with treatment and protection of the eye. Metl. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1895, viii, 493-495.—Troyano de Quintana (J.) ; Q116 proceder es preferiblo para la operacion de calaratas ? Actas . . . Cong, region, de cien. m6d. 1879, Cadiz, 1882, 761-767.—True (IL) Pansement de la cataracte. ilont- pel. med., 1891, 2. s., xvi, 5-12.—Warloniont (R.) Der- nieres modifications apport6es a l'operation do la cata- racte. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1887, 3. s., xxxi, 210- 225.—Weill (G.) Aiguilles-lancettes pour les operations de cataracte secondaire. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1896, xv, 337.—Wichcrlticwicz (B.) O uowym sposobie opera- cyi zacmy niedojrzalej i przyczynek do antyseptyki w okulistyce. [Xew method ot operation in immature cata- ract ; antiseptics in oculistics.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa 1885, 2. s., v, 505-512. Also, transl: Kliu. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1885, xxiii, 478-493. — Hid mar L (J.) Om kokain och desinfektion af ogat-vid starroperationer. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1895, lvii, pt. 2, 189-239. —Wolfe (J. R.) On operation for cataract, Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1884, ii, 218. -----. On the method of obviating the risks of failure in operations for cataract. Ibid., 1885, 1, 44-46. -----. Does tbe position of the section in cataract operations influence suppuration of the cornea; aud. if so, what part is played by septic infection? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885. i, 224.—Wood (('. A.) Best methods of pre- paring dressings for cataract cases, and their character and composition. Ophth., Rec, Chicago. 1897, vi, 390- 393.— Wright (J. W.) Cataract: improved operation. Columbus M. J.. 1883-4, ii, 403-409. —Voung (L. T.) Co cable and cataiact at Labore. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 146. CATAEACT. 221 CATAEACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by absorption. Jacob (A.) On cataract, aud the operation for its removal by absorption, with the lino needle through the cornea. S°. Dublin, 1851. Egbert (J. H.) The absorption of immature cataract, with restoration of visiou. Notes on new remedies, N. Y., 1893, vi, 97-99. Also, Reprint. Also: Pacific Roc. M. & S., San Fran., 1893-4, viii, 147.—Fox (L. W.) The resorp- tion of immature cataract bv manipulation conjoined with instillation. Times Sc Reg., N. Y. & Phila., 1890, xxi, 565 — Ivalisli (R.) The absorption of immature cataract by manipulation conjoined with instillation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxviii, 685-688. Also, Reprint. — Budin (V.) Vliyanlc povtornikh prokoluv corneao na vsasiva- [ nie razsiechennol kataraki. [Influence of repeated punct- ures of the cornea upon the absorption of a cut cataract.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1895, xii, 322.— Vance (R. A.) The cure of cataract by the method of absorption. Co- lumbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 49-53. Cataract (Treatment of) by aspiration. See, also, Cataract (Soft); Cataract (Trau- matic). C'zermak (W.) Drei Fiille von intracapsularer Auf- saugnng ties Altersstaars. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1891, xxix, 126-136. — Fano. L'operation de la cataracte par la methode tie la succiou ou de Inspiration. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1885-6, vii. 121-123. — Howe (L.) On the removal of hard cataract bv suction. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1893, vi, pt/3, 594-596 — Ka- Isauroff (I. N.) K voprosu ob operatsivakh katarakti visasivaniem. [On operation of cataract by aspiration.] Vestnik oftalmol.. Kiev, 1889. vi, 305-316. — Motais. Observation de cataractes cong6uitales et traumatiques traitet s par l'aspirateur du docteur Redard. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1886, 7. s., iii, 412-415. Cataract (Treatment of) by couching. Sec Cataract (Treatment of) by reclination. Cataract (Treatment of) by depression. See Cataract (Treatment of) by reclination. Cataract (Treatment of) by discission. See. also, Cataract (Morgagnean). Wieck (O. [C. ]) * Ueber die Discisio ma- turaus. 8C. Kiel, 1*83. Slays (I.) Dun couteau-aiguille pour la discision de la cataracte. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. C.-r. 1857, Brux., 1858, 446. — Mazza (A.) Operazioni di cataratta per discissione ed estrazione. In his: Dieci anni di prat., 8°, Genova, 1887, 52-63.—Mooreu (A.) Die indications- grenzen der Cataractdiscission. Deutsche med. Wchn- Bchr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix. 857-859. — Tyncr (T. J.) Absorption of cataract (probably congenital) one year after first discission and ten months after second. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1886. ii, 181. Cataract (Treatment of) by electricity. C'olburn (J. E.) The galvanic current in the tieat- ment of certain forms of cataract. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1887 viii, 619-622.—Kxetzlty (E.) On the nature of cataract, and on its treatment with electricity; with the report of a case. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxii, 6-20. Also, Reprint— >oyes (H. D.) The so-called cure of cataract by electrici'y. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. T., 1881, iii, 305-308. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction. Axagnostakis (A.; Encore deux mots sur l'extraction de la cataracte ches les anciens. S-. Athenes, 1*78. Dantoxe (G. B.) .Sull' estrazione della cate- ratta niciiioria. H-. Iloma, 1872. Drogxat-Laxdke (O.-L.) *De l'extraction de la cataracte. 4-. Montpellier, 1871. -----. The same. d-'. Montpellier, 1H71. Jai;(;er(C.) 'Fragmenta de extractione cata- ractae et experimenta de prolapsu artificial! corporis vitrei. 8°. [ Vindoboni, 182'A.~\ Kazas (B. I.) *0 velieliiiie pro'izvodiniavo na ylaz davlen'ia v motnente vivedienia khrus- talika pri extraktsii katarakti. [On the degree of.pressure upon the eyes exerted at the moment of extracting the crystalline in extraction of the cataract.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, M).~>. Kichtek (A. (}.) Observationum chirurgica- rum fasciculus primus continens de. cataracta: Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction. extractione ohservationes Regise Scientiarnm Soeiet. Gutting, exhibitat. 12°. Gottingie. 1770. Also I Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc 1 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1774, i, 83-86. -----. The same. Observationum chirurgi- carum fasciculus secundna. Li0. Gotlingw, 1776. Wathex (J.) A dissertation on tlie theory and cure of tbe cataract, in which the practice |"•. of extraction is supported, and that operation, in its present improved state, is particularly described. 8-. Loudon, 17s"). Alt (A.) On cataract extractions. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1891, xxiv, 461 -464. — Bailal. Legons sur l'extraction de la cataracte. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1882, iii, 87: 102: 135; 208; 230; 288; 335- 383- 430; 527; 562; 601. —Barr (S. D.) The extraction 'of in- cipient cataract. Med. Rec, N. V., 1891, xl, 712.—Bates (W. H.) Notes on cataract extraction. Virginia M Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 217-228. Also, Reprint — Bellman (B.) Simple cataract extraction and some thoughts on prolapsus of the iris. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cugo. 1895, xxv, 409-412. Also: Chicago M.Recorder, 1895, ix, 89-98. — Bromirr (A.) On extraction of immature' cataract. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 1245.—Browne (E. A.) Notes on the extraction of cataract (aretrospective view). Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1896, xvi, 76-91—Buffuin (J. H.) Cataract extraction. In his: Clin. Papers [etc.], 8°, Chi- cago, 1883, 18-22. — Burnett (S. M.) Remarks on cat- aract extraction. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 401. [Discussion], 412. -----. Some exceptional features in cataract extraction. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 376-386. Also, Reprint. — Cnstalui (R.) Brevi considerazioni pratiche sulla estrazione della cate- ratta. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 618-648.—Cheat- ham(W.) Extraction of cataract. Louisville M. News, 1881, xi, 50-52. — i'oiirsserant. Quelques r6flexions critiques relatives a l'opfiratioii de la cataracte par ex- traction. Bull. Soc. do med. prat, de Par., 1865, 19-21.— t'rilehelt (A.) Remarques pratiques sur l'extraction de la cataracte. Bull, et rn6m. Soc.franc, d'opht,, Par., 1886, iv, 320-324. Also, transl: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 913.—Del Monte (AI.) Sull' operazione della cateratta dura per estrazione dal punto di vista dell' ottalmologia moderna. Morgagni, Napoli, 1869, xi ii. 824; 893. .1 Iso, in his.- Scritti varj [etc.], 83, Napoli, 1874. 66-108. —Discussion (A) on cataract extraction. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 822- 824.—Dunn (J.) A note on extraction of cataracts the result of intraocular inflammatory processes; reflex cat- aract? intraocular inflammation the result of intraocular changes. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 95- 101.—Gavel. De l'extraction de la cataracte Province metl., Lyon, 1889, iii, 157-159.—Graves (A. C.) Cataract extraction. West. M. Sc S. Reporter, St. Joseph, 1831-2, iii, 27-31.— Guaiia (L.) Dell' ablazione della cataratta. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1885, Perugia, 1886, xi, 3C2-365.—Ilaab (O.) Bemerkungen zur Staropcration. Beitr. z. Aujrenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890-91, 252-258.— Ilisjjjcns (C.) Extraction of cataract. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1180. — Ilirschberg (J.) Noch einmal die Starausziehung bei deu Griecben. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1888, xii. 200-206. -----. Zur Gesehichte tier Star-Ausziehung. Ibid., 1890, xiv, 198-200. -----. Ueber Kernstar-Ausziehung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 635-638.—Jackson (E.) Cataract extraction. In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 1895, o.s., i, 311-317. —Jacobson (J.) senior. Leber Katarakt-Extraktion. (Zum Vortra" des Dr. Sohweigger.) Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1887, viii, 877-879. -----. Leber Katarakt-ExtraUtion. Tagcbl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Natnrf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1889, lxi, 203-208. — Keyaer (P. D.l Remarks on extraction of cataiact. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol., Kansas City, 1892, i, 15- 17. — Knapp (11.) Remarks on some practical points concerning cataract, extraction. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc., Newport, 1870, 143-147. Also, Reprint, -----. On the extraction of cataract; clinical remarks made before the class of students at tho New York Ophthalmic anil Aural Institute. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 169-172.— l-ewis (F. P.) Notes on the extraction of cataract. Tr. Ho- moeop. M. Soc. N. Y.. Rochester. 1890, xxv, 92-98. Also: J. Ophth., Otol., -& Lanngol., N. V., 1890, ii, 99-104.— Love (J. W. C.) Cataract extraction an otlit-t- operation, sometimes (and most of the time). Ophth. Rec, Nash- ville, 1894-5, iv, 213-217. —Miieuainara (N. C.) On extraction of cataract, Wcstminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, iv, 27-30.—Montgomery (W. T.) Cataract opera. tions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 437.—Morauo (F.) In quali forme di cateratta couvenga 1' estrazione della capsula insicme alia lento? Gior. tl. mal. tl. ocelli, Napoli, 1881, iv, 13-24. —Mules (P. 11.) Extraction of cataract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 43. — Murrell (T. E.) Cataract extraction an office operation. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1894-5, iv, 59-01. —Ovio (G.) L' estra zione della cataratta. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1890, xix, 237- 240— Pasensleehcr (H.) Praktische Rathschlage zur- UA1AIIACT. C iitai'act (Treatment of) by extraction. Staaroperation fiir angehende Augeiiarzte. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1894, xxxii, 339-352. Also, transl.- Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1894-5, iv, 293-306.— I'iinii*. Du passe et du present dans l'operation de la cataracte par extraction. Semaiue in6d., Par., 1886. vi, 82; 105. — PJiui;st (A. ().) Corneal measurements alter the extraction ot cataract. Arch. Ophth.. N. Y., 1896, xxv, 333-340.—I»ills lB.) Cataiact extraction. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Excelsior Springs. 1890. xxxiii, (14-73. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1890, xxxviii, 433-435.—«lu I»ui (M.S.) Verhandeling over de ontbinding van th vertluisterde lens crystallina, in het waterachtig vogt van ons oog, en de vordeelen, welkedaardoor verkreegen worden iu debewer- | kiuge vau de berstellinge van het gezicht. Verhandel. I uitgeg. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te naarlem, 178-1, xxi, 63-85. — Bcichenbach. Einige Wuhrni-mun- gen das Au.sziehen ties grauen Staars betretfend. Museum d. Heilk., Ziirich, 1795,'iii, 19-38— Blieimlorf (J.) Zur Staaroperation. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1887-8. xviii, 180-19'J. Also, transl..- Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1888. xvii, 437-446. —Rivers ( E. C.) Cataract extraction. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1892, 40-47. Also: N. York M. J.. 1893, lvii, 301-303. Also, Reprint. —Byerson (G. S.) Miscellaneous facts regarding extraction of cataract. Ophth. Rec, Nashville," 1891-2, i, 258-260.—Schmidt- Bimplcr (H.) Zur Extraction centraler rudinientarer Staare und dicker Nachstaare. Centralbl. f. prakt. Au- genh.. Leipz., 1885, ix, 161. —Sehnabel (J.) Ueber die Entwicklung der Staar-Extraction in den letzten zwanzig Jabren. Mitth. tl. Ver. tl Aerzte in Steiermark 1888, Graz, 1889, xxv, 62-65. - Ncliweijtsjer. Ueber Extrac- tion. Ber. ii. d. Versannnl. tl. ophth. Gesellsch.. Stuttg., 1887, xix, 86-113. -----. Leber Extraction unreifer Ca'ta- racten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 1890, xvi. 605.— de Schweinitz (G. E.) Concerning the extraction of immature cataract, with the report of cases. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1896, xvii, 48-52.—Si mi (A.) Intorno al secondo tempo della estrazione delle eateiatte capsulo- lenticolari e di quelle lenticolari mature ed immature. e della maturazione artificiale di queste tiltiine. Loll. d' ocul., Firenze, 1884-5, vii, 14; 79.—Spalding < J. A.) On the extraction of cataract. Tr. Maine M. Ass.. Port- land, 1882. vii, pt. 3, 476-483.—Sulzer (D.-E.) Documents j servant it l'histoire de l'extraction de la cataracte; essai historique. Ann. d'ocul.. Par., 1895, cxiv, 321; 431. Also, transl: Ann. d'ocul., N. Y., 1895, cxiv, 329; 440.—Taeke. Extraction de la cataracte. J.dem6d., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1883, lxxvi, 318-328.—Taylor (C. B.) Clinical lec- tures on diseases of tbe eye. Lecture IX. Cataract extrac- tion. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 6-8. -----. Modem cataract extraction. Ann. d'ocul., N. Y., 1895, cxiii, 106-114. Also, transl: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1895, cxiii, 106-114.-----. The age-limit for cataract extractiou. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1305.—Tweedy (J.) On extraction of immature cataract. Ibid., 1888, i. 066.—de Weckcr (L.) Les indications do l'extraction simple. Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1884, xcii, 207: 1885, xciv, 29. -----. L'avenir de l'extraction de la cata- racte. Ibid., 1S89, ci, 221-227. -----. Quel progres reste k realiser pour l'extraction de la cataracte.' Lettre ouverte adresseo au prof. Sbordone. Arch, d'opht.. Par., 1892, xii, 350-357. -----. Reminiscences historiques con- cernant l'exiiaction de la cataracte. Ibid., 1893, xiii, 212-233— Wieherkieivicz (B.) Sur la kystotomie par rapport a l'extraction tic la cataracte. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1889, 3. s., xi, 257-265. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Cases and statistics of. See, also, Cataract (Treatment of, Operative, Cases, etc., of). Brecht ([F.] O.) * Bericht iiber 159 Cataract- extractionen mit peripherer Kapselspaltung. 8-. Berlin, 1888. Chauvet (L.) *De l'extraction de la cata- racte a la cliniqne ophthalmologique de la Facultd de me'decine de Bordeaux. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1881. Derby (H.) Anaesthesia and non-anajsthesia in the extraction of cataract; with some practi- cal suggestions regarding the performance of this operation, and comparative statistics of two hundred cases. Hc. Cambridge, 1882. Dittmer (J. [H.]) * Beitrag zur Statistik der modificierten Linear-Extraction. 8\ Kiel, 1892. Durr. Bericht iiber die ophthalmologische Thatigkeit in den Jabren 18-1 bis 1*84 und iiber weitere hundert Staar-Extractionen nach. von Griife's Methode, nebst einer kurtzeu Mittheilung tiber die Blindenanstalt in Hannover und einer •>TZ CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction- Cases antl statistics of. Zusaininenstellitiig der Erblindungsursachcn der jetzigen Zdglinge. 8'-'. Hannover, 188b. Ens (S.) * Historia extractionis cataracta-. 8-:. fVorcttnii Frisioi um, 1*0'i. Ferge (E.) Bericht iiber Hundert Ntaar- Extractioneu, nebst einigen anderen Mittheilun- gen aus der Praxis. 8:. Braunschweig, 1**'A. Fink (G. II.) Methods of operating for cata- ract and secondary impairments of vision, with the results of 500 cases. 12°. London, 1891. Galezowski (X.) Des cataractes et de leurs operations; conferences cliuiques. Recueillies par le Dr. Boucher. 8J. Paris, 1886. Higgi.xs (C.) Table of one hundred and fifty operations for extraction of cataract, obi. s . [London, n. d.] vox Muralt (C.) *Die Staarextructionen der ophthalmologisclieu Klinik iu Zurich, 1870-SO 8°. Ziirich, 1*81. Sbordone (G.) Statistica di 257 operazioni di cataratta eseguite col metodo della estrazione lineare moditicata (vou Graefe). 8-. Napoli 1888. Scheffer (A.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der modificirten Linear-Extraction, ft-. Kiel, 1**\. Taylor (C. B.) Clinical lecture on a case of cataract extraction. 8°. London, [1875]. Won't: (J. K.) An improved method of ex- traction of cataract, with results of 107 opera- tions. 8J. London, 1*68. AdIcr(H.) Lens; 58 Linear-Extractionen. Ber. d.k.k. Krankenh. Wieden, 187G, Wien, 1877, 372-379. —Agnew (C. R.) A contribution to the statistics of cataract extrac- tion of one hundred antl eighteen recent cases. In his: Ophthal. Notes, 8°, N. Y., 1874, 9-30.—Arnold ( T.) Mit- theilungeii iiber 400 Staar-Operationeii ausgefiihrt von Prof. O. Haab an Kranken der Ziiticher Lnivcisitiits- uud seiner Privat-Augenklinik. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb.. 1892, xxv, 41-109. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Arch. Ophth.'. N. Y., 1893, xxii, 402-474.—Aver* (S. C.) Extraction of cataract without iridectomy. Progress, Louisville, 1887-!*, ii, 320-322.— Baldwin (B.J.) '1'wenty-five successive extractions of cataract without a failure. Tr. Al. Ass. Alabama. Montgomery, 1880, 333-339.—Ball (J. M.) Three operations for extraction of cataract; one artificial ripening of senile cataract. N. Albany M. Herald, lh95, xv, i:07-209.—Barr (S. 11.) An earlv extraction of cata- Llj-act. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 240.—Barraqner (J.) Tratamiento de bis operados tie catarata por cxtraccion. Bol.oiictl.Col.de med.de Barcel., 1897, i, 81-91. —Baii- ilon. Note snr les resultats obtenus dans cent qnaraute operations de cataracte de 1871 k 1888. Bee d'opbth., 1 ar., 1889,3.s.,xi, 395-398.—Belt (E.O.) Report of one, hundred cataract extractions at the Presbyterian Eye, Ear, at.d Throat Charity Hospital. Ai ch. Ophth., N. Y., 1888, xvii, 1-8. Also, Keprint.—Black (G. M.) A successful cata- ract operation performed without the observance of the usual rule's. Denver M. Times, 1892-3, xii, 3*0-384.— BlasliovicM (V.) A budapesti egyetemi szemkliuikan v6gzett b-gutols6 301) Graefe-extractio eredmen.\e. (Re- sult of the last three hundred Graefe extractions com- pleted at tbe Budapest public eye clinic. ] Szemeszet, Budapest, 189G, 29. — Blood (J.) On a series of two hundred and eighty-two cataract extractions. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 370-374—Bucltlin (C. A.) Report aud remarks on a series of two hundred cataract extractions. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1880, xxx, 505-508. Also, in his: Nasal stenosis, 12°, N. Y., [n.d.], 8-13.—Bull (C. S.) Report of thirty-six cases of simple extraction of cataract without iridectomy. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 1887, iv. 413-420, 1 tab. Also: X. York AL J., 1887, xlvi, 293-290. -----. Extraction of cataract without iridectomy: report of one hundred successful cases. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1889, Concord, 1890, vi, 219-232. Also: N. York M. J., 18*9, 1,477-483. Also, Reprint.—Burnett (S. M.) Extraction of cataract without an iridectomy. Mod. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 197-200—C'ereselo (V.) " Quattrocento sessauta operazioni di cataratta per estrazione praticatt- dal Prof Panas durante 1' ultimo triennio; iniportanza delle lava- ture autisetticbe endooculari; inutility dell' iridectomia. Osservatore, Torino, 1888, xxxix, 313-322. — Chandler (H. B.) Report of ii ft v cataract extractions by a new method. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890. exxiii, 305.—V, heath am (W.) Report of sixty-three cases of extraction of cata- ract. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1*85, xiv, 1 - 11. —Coleman (W. F.) Operations for cataract. Internat. Clin., I'bila., 1890.0. s.,iii, 305-311.—Collins (E. T.) Statistics of cases CATARACT. 223 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Casts and statistics of. of extraction of cataract before and since the introduc- tion of cocaine. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1880-7, xi, 341. — C'renieeami (G.) Elsi) 50 Oracle-tele luilyog- kivonilsom. [Another fifty extractions of cataract by liracfe's method.] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1885, 89-92.— tullx rtson (IL) • Four cases of Galezowski's method of cataract extraction, the last slightly modified. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1880, iii, 149-157.— Beady (C. t A collection of personal experiences in cataract extraction. ,1. Ophth.. Otol., & Laryngol., N. Y., 1**9, i, 355: 1890, ii, 55. _ Del IHonlc (M.) L' estrazione della cataratta nella mia pratiea: statistica e corrolari. Movimento, Napoli, 1884-5. xvi, 101; 170; 216.— Derby (H.) One hundred cases of cataract extraction, with a- siugle fail- ure: with a discussion of the advantages of non-nnres- thesia in this operation. Tr. Am. Ophth. Snr., X. Y., 1*81, iii, 195-208.—I>rake-Broekman (K. F.) A statisti- cal review of 1.707 cases of cataract extraction. Ophth. Rev., Lond.. 1884, iii, 229-245. -----. A statistical review of 1,026 cases of cataract extraction. Ibid., 1888. vii, 317- 335.—F.bncr. Mittheilungen iiber 400 Extractionen des Alterstaats. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 275- 27s—Ellelt (E. (.'.) Sc Parker (W. R.) Report of a se- ries of cataract extractions performed at the hospital. Wills Eve llosp. Rep., Phila.. 1895, i, 100-103.—Kuwon (F.G.) Statistical report of ninety-four cataract, extrac- tions performed at the Xew York Eve and Ear Infirmary. X. York Eve .v. Ear Infirm. Rep., 1893, i, 26-30.—Evcrit- bu*ch lO.i & Peinerl (J.) Bericht iiber 1.420 (vom 1. April 180s bis 1. April 1883) in der MunchenerFniversitiits- Au"enklinik aus-eiuhrten Staarentbiuttungen. Arch. f. Au«tlib.. Wiesb., 1883-4. xiii, 396-473. Also, transl..- Arch. Ophth . X. Y., 18>4, xiii, 311-391.—Fasje. Yaleur et in- dications de l'iridectomie dans l'opeiation de la cataracte Apropos d'une s6rie de trente extractions. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 18ul, xii, 606-608. ---—. Compte- rendu d'une nouvello serie de quarante extractions de cataracte. Gaz. med. de Pieardie, Amiens, ls92, x, 373. ----. Soixante-dix extractions de cataracte: operations secondaires. Ibid., 1894, xii, 43-40.—von Fieaudt (K.) Tvenne fall af extractio cataracta- cum capsula. Finska lak.-sallsk. handh, Helsingfors. 1870. xviii, 117-122—Fo*- ter(F.H.) Two cases of cataract extraction. Med. Call. Quincy, 111., 1883. iii. 64-68.—French (H. C.) Cataract I extractions at the Roval Ophthalmic Hospital. Moorficlils, London. J. Ophth.. Otol., Sc Laryngol., X. Y., 1892. iv. 51- 55. — Frothiughani (G. E.) Cases of haul cataiact operated on by modification of Grade's method, from Janu- I ary 1, 1880, to January 1. 1>-81. Physician & Surg., Ann I Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii, 308-311. -----. (.'ases of hard cata- ract operated on by mollification of vou t li aefe's method, from Oct. 1. D-81, to July 1, 1882. Ibid.. 18.-2, iv, 322.— de Gourfa (H.) Estatistica das ultimas 33 opeiacoc-s i de cataracta praticadas na clinica da Faculdath- durante o corrente anno lectivo. Rev.d.cursos prat, etln or. tla Fac denied.doRiodeJan., 1880. iii, 2"num., 103; 111— Giadd; (L. B.) A report on thirtv-eight cataract extractions. I Proc. Nebraska M. Soc 1881-2. Omaha. 1882. 108-171.— Greeiri It.) TJeber 450 Extractionen von Cataracta seni- lis ohne Iridectomie. Arch. f. Auncnh., Wiesb., 1890-91. xxii, 355-373.—Oriflith (A. II.) A first hundred of cata- ract extractions. Med. Cbron., Manchester, 1887-8. vii, 177- 191— Hallauer (O.) TJebersicht iiber 400 Staar-Extrak- tionen ausgefiihrt in der Basler ophthalmologist-hen Klinik vom 5. Januar 1889 bis 11. April 1895. Augenheil- anst. in Basel. Jahresb. (1895), 1890, xxxii, 63-77— II ic- gens (C.) Xote on nine hundred and twenty-five extruc- I tious of cataract. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 316-318.—Ja- cobNoii (J.), sen. Yon Graefe's "modificirte Linear-Ex- traction " und der Lappenschnitt; nach eignen Erfahrun- gen aus der Zeit 1854-88. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1888, xxxiv, 2. Abth., 197-275.—Jones (H. M.) Cases of cataract extraction (exhibited); lead before the Cork Medico-Chirurgical Society. April 1, 1873. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi. 85-87. Also, Reprint.—Juhasz ( L.) A korda halyogmiitetelei az 1877-8 es 1878-9 tanc- vekben. Szemeszet, Budapest, 1880, 20; 37. Also, transl: Ungar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. u. Wien, 1895, i, 131-151.—KatsauroflT (I.; Otchot o pervoi sotnle ek- straktsiy katarakti. [Report on the first 100 cataract ex- traction's.] Yestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1884, i, 23-39.— Kcrsclibaumcr (Rosa). Bericht iiber 200 Staar-Ex- traktionen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii, 127- 149. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., X.Y.. 1891. xx, 349-355.— Keyser (P. 11.) One hundred and forty-eight extractions of cataract by different methods. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1883, xv, 152-169. —Knapp (II.) Report and re- marks on a fourth and fifth hundred of cataract extrac- tions, according to von Graefe's nut hod. Arch. Ophth. &■ Otol.. X. Y., 1877, vi, 3-131. Also, Reprint. -----. Be- j port aud remarks on a sixth hundred of cataract ex t rac tions, performed according to von Graefe's method. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1879, viii, 200-223. Also, Reprint. -----. Bericht iiber ein siehentes Hundert Staarextractioneu; mit historischen und kritischen Bemerkungen, besonders 'alaraet (Treatment of) by extraction— Cases and statistics of. iiber die poriphere Kapselei iift'nung. Arch. f. Augenh. Wiesb., 1881-2, xi. 49-09. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth , n! Y., 1881. x, 295-318.-----. Reportof thoeighthsei iesof'one hundred consecutive cataract extractions, with remarks. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1883, xii, 69-104. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1883-4, xiii, 150-198. -----. Report on a recent series—the eighth—of one hundred consecutive ex- tractions. Tr. M. Soc. X. \'., Syracuse, 1883, 253-255. -----. Report on a series of one thousand successive cases of extraction of cataract with iridectomy. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Bost.. 1887, iv, 421-431. -----. Report on a ninth and tenth series of one hundred consecutive cases of cataract extraction, performed according to von Graefe's method. Tr. M. Soc X. Y.. Syracuse, 1887, 478-184. Also: X.York M. J., 1887, xlv, 204-200. -----. Bericht tiber hundert Staarextractioneu ohne Iridectomie. Arch. f. Augeuh., Wiesb., 1888, xix, 1-35. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. Y.,1888, xvii, 51-73. -----. Extraction of cataiact with- out iridectomy, with a short report of one hundred suc- cessive cases. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1888, 387- 392.-----. Report on a second series of one hundred suc- cessive cataract extractions without iridectomy. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 18*9, xviii, 1-11. Ai!so, Reprint. -----. Bericht iiber ein tlrittes Hundert Staar - Extiaetioncn ohne Iridectomie. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii, 190-215. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth.. N. Y., 1890, xix, 280-3u2.—Itorzhenevski (S. >i.) Otchot o pervi sotnle ekstraktsiy katarakt v zemskoi praktikie. [Report of tho first hundred extractions of cataract in rur.il prac- tice. [ Metl. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxvii, 1012-1019.— Krii!ov*l nel mio servizio all' ospedale di Lucca. Boll, d' ocul.. Firenze, 1885-6, viii, 282-294. Also, Reprint. — Sims (W. S.) Operation for the extraction of hard cataract, and a report of twenty-six eases. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson. 1890, 108-110.— Sinclair (A. G.) Five cases of cataract extraction, all successful; performed under verv unfavorable circum- stances. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1880, 115-117.— Minilh (E.) Simple extraction of cataract; deductions based upon a series of one hundred operations. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1895, xix, 109-133. Also [Abstr.]: Tri State M. J., St. Louis, 1890, iii, 121-120. — Snell (S.) On extraction of cataract by a shallow lower flap; with a record and analysis of 121 operations. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, i, 44-48. -----. On the extraction of cataract with and without iridectomy; an analysis of three hundred operations. Ibid., 1889, ii, 695. Also, Reprint.—Nteffan (P.). Dor periphere flat-he Lappenschnitt, nebst einem Rcferate iiber 300 weitere Cataraetextractionen. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1883, xxix, 107-228. — Story (J. B.) Notes on a series of 100 cataract extractions. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lix, 80—Ntrawbridjfc (G.) Re- port of forty recent cases of cataract extractions. Phila. M. Times, 1876, vi, 245-249. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of two hundred and twenty-one cases of cataract extrac- tion. Med. News, Phila,, 1886, xlix, 375. -----. Report of two hundred and sixty-one cases of cataract extraction. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 18m;, iv. pt. 2, 298-315. Also, Reprint.—Swanzy (H. RJ On a series of one hundred cataract extractions. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890, viii, 194-211. Also, Reprint. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1890, xc, 257-261. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 531-535.—Sylvester (J. H.) Notes on a case of extrac- tion of cataiact, after its depression by a hakim. Tr. M. A- Phys. Soc. Bombay, 18G9, n. s.,ix (app.) pp. xlv-xlvii.— Tacke. Rapport sur 462 extractions de cataracte pra- tiquees dans sa cliuique. J. de metl., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1888, Ixxxvi, 321; 304.—Taylor (II. M.) Cataract extraction; iridectomy. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1877, iv, 45— Theobald (S.) Notes of a series of cata- ract extractions by von Graefe's method. Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1885-0, xiv, 317-320. Also, Reprint. -Thomas (C. M.) A report of one hundred and twenty cases of cataract extraction. J. Ophth., Otol. Sc Laryngol., N. Y., 1889, i, 13-26. -----. A report of fifty cases of cataract extraction. Ibid., 1891, iii, 8-13.—Tobiu (W.) The mod- ern operation for cataract extraction, with cases. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1884-5, xvii, 73-70. — Tronoflf (V. D.) | Three cases of extraction of cataract] Protok. Omsk'. med. Obsh., 1880-7, iv, 81-83.—Vaeher. Remarques sur une s6rie de cent operations de cataracte ; 50 avec iridec- tomie, 50 saus iridectomie Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opht., Par., 1893, xi, 543-549.—Vitali (E.) Operazione delle cataratte incomplete. Ai-n. di ottal., Pavia, 1895-6, xxiv, 580-582. Also: Rendic. d. Cong. tl. Ass. oftal. ital. 1895, Pavia, 1896, xiv, 3G-38.—Warner. Otchot o tisy- achle ekstraktsiy katarakti s nebolshim perifericbeskim loskutora (po Graefe). [Report of a thousand extrac- tions of cataract with small peripheral fragment (after ...).] Vestnik oftalmol.,Kiev, 1892, ix, 1-16.—Wahlfors (K. R.) Berattelse ofver 150 starrextraktioner utlorda a harvarnude ogonklinik. [Report on 150 cases of ex- traction of cataract performed in the eve-clinic in this Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction- Cases and statistics of uity. ] Fin-ka lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1891. xxxiii 333-301. — Ware (L.) Report of one hundred cases of extraction of hard cataract, J. Am. AI. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 885-889. —Wnrlomonl. L'extraction de la cataracte; vingt-cinq ans de son histoire. Ann. d'ocul. Brux., 1886, xcv, 5-13.—Webster (JJ.) Report of thirty'. five cases of cataract extraction. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc., N. Y., 1883, iii, 497-509.-----. Report of fifty cases of cataract extraction, with remarks. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, host 1886, iv, pt. 2, 320-327. Also: N. York M. Mouth., 1886-7] i, 49-51. -----. Report of one hundred and thirty-six cases of cataract extraction. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hart- ford, 1891, vi, pt. 1, 75-80. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 121. -----. Report of one hundred and eighteen cat- aract extractions. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp Rep., N. Y., 1895, ii, 21-31. Also, Reprint. — de Wecltcr (L.) L'extraction tie la cataracte en 1952 [1752]. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1890, cxv, 275-281. Also, transl: Ann. d'ocul.. X.Y. 1896, cxv, 269-274.—Week* (J. E.) A report of one hun- dred consecutive cases of cataract extinct ion. with re- marks. X. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 137-140. —While (J. A.) Cataract extraction; results aud after-treatment of, as exemplified by cases operated on during the meeting of the Medical Society of Virginia; also operations for tar- sal cyst, pterygium and ectropion. Virginia M Mouth. Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 1; 188.—Williams (('. H.) A comparison of some cases of cataract extraction, with and without iridectomy. Boston M. Sc S. J., 18*7, cxvii, 202-204. — Wilson ( F. M.) Seven cases of cataract ex- traction, with preliminary iridectomy. N. Eug. II. Month., Newtown, Conn., 1881-2, i, 75-77. -----. A third table of ten thousand cataract extractions. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc 1895, Hartford, 1896, vii, 403-405.—Wilson (H.) Report on one hundred extractions of cataract by the peripheral linear section. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1871 li, 281-290. Also, Reprint.—Woods (II.) Cases of cata- ract extraction without iridectomy. Maryland M J.. Bait., 1888, xix, 285.— Wood ward (J. II.) Fifty-four cases of cataract extraction. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1892, xxi, 398-406. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Complications and sequela) of. Abadie (J.) * Contribution a l'6tude des he"morrhagies eonsecutives a l'extraction de la cataracte. 4°. Lyon, 1892. -----. The same. 8C. Lyon, 1892. BoRRY (E.) * De l'enclavemeut irien, couse- cutif a l'extraction (le la cataracte, priuc-ipulc- ment d'apres la methode f rancaise ; historique; pathog^nie; propkylaxie. 4°. Lyon, 1*89. -----. The same. 8-. Paris, 1889. Cabannks (C.-I.) "Contribution a l'etude des hemorrkagies intra-oculaires apres l'extrac- tion de la cataracte. 4°. Bordeaux, I89.r>. Granier (M.) * Quelques considerations sur les accidents propres a l'operation de la cataracte par extraction. 4C. Montpellier, 1848. Krivitski (V. J.) * Ob astigmatizmie rogovoi obolochki poslie operatsii iridektomii i prostol linearnoi ekstraktsii. [On astigmatism <>f the cornea after iridectomy and simple linear ex- traction.] *--. S.-Peterburg, 1896. Miller (R.) * Experimeutelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Entstehnng der streifenforuiigen Homhauttrubungen nach Staarextraktiou. 8°. Greifswald, 1894. Petrucci (G.) Dell' emorragia post-operativa nell' estrazione di cataratta. Osservazioni cli- niche. 8°. Parma, 1895. Thorx (H.) * Ueber Suppuration nach Staar- extraktiou. 8°. Greifswald, 1889. Abadie (C.) Les enclavements iriens et capsulaires cons6cutifs k l'extraction de la cataracte avec iridectoinie. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1886, xevi, 128-133. -----. Etude cliniqne et pathogenique d'une complication peu couuue consecutive a l'extraction de la cataracte avec. iridectoinie. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1*96, cxvi, 45-49. Also, transl.: Ann. d'ocul., X. Y., 1896, cxvi, 42-46. —Alt (A.) Cataract ex- traction followed by death. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1885, ii, 40-42.—Arniaignne (H.) Observation d'hemor- rhagie operatoire a repetition, chez uneop6r6e de cataracte par extraction; paracenthese tardive; guerison. Kev. cliu. d'ocul.. Par., 1884, iv, 163-165. —Bader (C.) Six eases of false membrane after extraction, operated witli one or two needles. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 393. —Bald- win (B. J.) Excessive hemorrhage following the extrac- tion of cataract. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1889, xviii, 328.— CATARACT. 225 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Complications and sequela' of. Barek (C.) On retarded closure of the wound, and some rare accidents and sequela- of cataract extraction. Am. J. Ophth.. St. Louis. 1897. xiv. 281-288— Barrett (J. \V.) Intra-ocular ha-morrhage, following cataract extraction. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1889, n. s., xi, 445.—Berry (U. A.) A case of spontaneous purulent hyalitis occurring nine months after a successful cataract extraction. Tr. Ophth Soc V. Kingdom, Lond.. 1889-90, x, 160-105. Also [Abstr.|: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i. 008. -----. Note on an unusual result of cataract extraction. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. Kingdom. Lond., 1890-91, xi, 152-155. —Bickerton (1\ II ) Cataract extraction performed on an insane indi- vidual. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 1880. vi. 209-211. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i. 345.—Bjerriim (J.) Lidt statistik ovei inflaiumatoi iske tilfu-lde efter kataraktextraktioner. Xord. ophth. Tidsskr.. Kjobenh., 1888. i. 138-113.—Bono (G. B.) Dell' astigmatismo negli operati di cataratta per estrazione. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 131-177.— Bourgeois. D'une cause de retard lie cicatrisation chez les operes ■ e cataracte. Rec. d'opht., Par.. 1897, 3. s., xix, 139-146.— Boynton (F. H.) Acute ■itcoiularv glaucoma following cataract extraction. J. Ophth., Otol.. Sc Laryngol.. X. Y.. 1890, ii, 11-13.— Brniley (W. A.) Result of extraction of innnatiire cataract. Tr. Ophth. Soc V. Kingdom, Lond., 1889-90, x, 230-232.—Brosc (L. D.) Neuralgia provoked by carious teeth complicating subsequent healing after cataract ex- tratiou. Ophth. Rec. Nashville. 1895-6, v, 121-124.— Bnller (F.) Glaucoma after extraction of cataiact. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Hartford, 1891. vi, pt. 1, 120-120. Also: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1891. viii, 313-319. — Burnett (S. M. i Some exceptional features in cataract extraction. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 370-383.— Cant iff. J.) On the management of prolapse of the iris after simple cataract extraction. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1892, ii, 834. — C'eresto ( Y.) Cn' operazione di cataratta per estrazione complicata a rilevantissema perdita di vitreo, che termina tuttavia colla guarigione lasciando 1 oechio con Y=§. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv. 450.—Cheval- lereau (A..) Kystes de l'iris consecutifs a une extraction tie cataracte. France ni6d.. Par., 1892, xxxix, 673-676. Also, transl: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond. 1893. n s., lv, 220-222.—Chilton (R. H.) Cataract extraction: fluid vitreous. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth. 1884-5, ii, 142-144. — Coggin (D.) Rupture of a pupillary mem- brane after removing a cataract. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, cxxxiii, 645.-----. Hemorrhage after extraction of a cataract. Ibid., 645. —Collin* (E. T.) Some of the complications after extraction ot cataract. Ophth. Hosp. hep.. Lond., 1888. xii. 19-42. -----. On the treatment of suppuration after extraction of cataract. Ibid., 179-183.— Collins i E. T.) A Cross ( F. R.) Two cases of epithe- lial implantation cyst in tbe anterior chamber after ex- traction of cataract. Tr. Ophth. Soc. TJ. Kingdom, LontL, 1891-2. xii, 175-180.—Coover (D. H.) An interesting but disastrous termination of a cataiact operation. Ophth. Rec..Chicago, 1897, vi. 126 — Conrsserant. Soulfevement tin lambeau dans la kei atomic snnerieurc; berniede l'iris. Bull. Soc. de med. pi at. de Par.', 1855, 44-46. -----. Ex- traction d'une cataracte; operation ayant dure plus de trois hemes. Ibid., 1.-60. 13-15.—Cross (11.) Sc Collins (T.) Implantation cyst in the anterior chamber after cataract extraction. Brit. M. J., Lond., Is92: ii. 130.— DclganoflT (W.) [or Dolgauoff, which see, infra]. On the changes on corneal astigmatism after cataract extrac- tion. Arch. Ophth.. N. Y., 1897, xxvi, 250-252.—Oes- champ*. Retard anormal dans la formation de la cliaiu- '"'>- anterieure apres l'operation de la cataracte. [From: t'liuit|ue opht.] Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1890, xx, 257- 259— DolgauoflT (Y.N.) O ranevom astigmatisme ro- govoi obolochki poslic extraktsii kbrustalika. [On astig- matic affections of cornea after extraction of crystalline lens.l Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1894, xi. 388-403. Also [Abstr.]: Trudi Y syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova. S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 438-410. Also, transl: Arch. t. Augenh.. Wiesb., 1894, xxix. 13-28.— Uujnrdiu (A.) Staphyhmie hemisph^rique pt-llucide ties toinees; cata- racte; extraction. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1881. iii, 470-178. ----. Corps etrangerdu cristallin avec cataracte; extrac- tion suivie du rt-tablissemeut de la vision. Ibid., 1881', iv, 502-504. -----. Delire suivi de mort aprfes une operation de cataracte. Ibid., 1894, ii, 329-337.—Dunn (J.) Three cases of dislocation of the lens occurring in cataiact ex- traction, showing three of the positions the lens may as- sume; question as to the regeneration of the vitreous. Ann. Ophth. Sc Olol., St. Louis. 1893. ii, 250-254. —Edsnll (F. H.) Cataract extraction followed bv complete atrophy of the. iris. Metl. News, N Y.. 1897. lxx, 107.—Fage(A.') Contribution a l'etude des hemorrhagica intra-oculaires eonsecutives k l'extraction de la cataracte: examen histo- logique. Arch, d'opht.. Par., 1889. ix, 351-357. Also, Re- print. Also: Gaz. hebd. d.sc. med. tie Bordeaux, 1.-89. x, 306-308. ----. Infection tardive del'ieil apres l'opt'-ration dc la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul.. Brux., 1890. civ, 36-39. ----. Hemtii-rhagie intra-oculaire grave apres uncextrac- 15 1'ataract (Treatment of) by extraction- Complications and sequelw of. tiou de cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., I'ar., 1893, cix, 266-269.— Ferri (L.) Complicazioui postume dell' operazione di cataratta e loco cause. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1889-90, xviii, 493-500.— Ficuzul. Hemorragies eonsecutives k rex- traction de la cataracte. Bull, ct mem. Soc franc, d'opht. Par., 1884. ii, 141-144.—Fromaget & Cabannes. De rii6morrhagie intra-oculaire expulsive consecutive k l'ex- traction tie la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Par. 1896, cxvi, 118- 123.—da Oaina I'iuto. Des hemorragies eonsecutives a rexlractioii tie la cataracte. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1884, iii, 9i-100.— Garcia Calderoii. Del thlirio con- secutivo k la operacion de la catarata. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1890. ii, 241-243.—CJasparrini (E.) Emor- ragia eonsecutiva ad ablazionc di cataiatta e successiva guarigione spontanea in ambo \i\'\ ocehi. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1894, xxiii, 270-280.—Gotti (V.) Dell' emorragia eonsecutiva all' estrazione della cateratta. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1884, 3. s., iv, 547.—<*roenonw (A.) Zwei Falle vou Aderhautabldsuug (scheinbarem Chorioidt-altu- ruor) nach Cataractoperation mit spontaner Heilung Arch.f.Augenh., Wiesb., 1889,69-72. Also,transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1889, xviii, 277-280.—Guaita (L.) Prolife- razione degli epiteli corneali sull' iride e nella pupilla in seguito ad ablazione di cataratta. Rendic d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, 85-96. Also: Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc med. n. r. Accad. d. tisiocrit. di Siena, 1888, vi, 234-245, 1 pi. Also: Ann. di ottal., Pavia. 1888, xvii, 145- 156, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 002-606.—Hall (G. C.) The prognostic value of ac- cidents during cataract operation. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1892, iii, 199-201.—Hansel! (H. F.) An uncommon accident in cataract extraction. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 337.—Harlan (H.) Case of hernia of iris occurring on third day after cataract extraction without iridectomy; hernia replaced; recovery. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1891, xx, 81. -----. Successful cataract extraction in a case of advanced retinitis pigmentosa. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890-91, xxiv, 265.—Hess (C.) TJeber die Ursache der streif'enforniigeu Hornhatittriibung nach Staarextrae- tiou. Ber. ii. tl. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1892, xxii, 144-148.-----. Klinische und^xperimentelleStu- die iiber die Entstehung der streifenfdruiigen Hornhaut- trubung nach Staarextraction. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1892, xxxviii, 4. Abth., 1-11, 1 pi.—Higgens (C.) Two cases of extraction of cataract in which the eye first oper- ated on successfully was lost from sympathetic ophthal- mitis, following unsuccessful extraction in tbe second eye. Lancet, Lond., 1884. ii, 542.—Hileman (S. E.) Intra- ocular hemorrhage after cat at -act extraction. Arch. Ophth., N. Y.. 1888, xvii, 208.—Hock (J.) Cataract-Extraction, Beginn einer eitrigen Infiltration ties Wundrandes am sechsten Tage, starke Magenblutung und Melaena, voll- standige Colliquation der Hornhaut, Verschwinden der bedrohlicben Allgemeinerscheinungen. Wien. med. Bl., 1885. viii, 1308. -----. Cataracta eonsecutiva post irido- cyclitidem; Extractio cataractae cum capsula in o. s.; Ex- tractio cataracta- sine capsula in o. d.; Pupillarverschluss a. 1. Auge in Folge vou Hinaufgezogenwerden der Iris gegen die Wunde; Iridotomie; Heilung. Ibid., 1309.— Holmes (C. R.) Haemorrhage following extraction of a black cataract in a highly myopic eye, probably associated with choroidal changes; enucleation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 83. —Blotz (F. 0.) Excessive haemor- rhage after cataract extraction. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1888, v. 65-08.—Jack (E. E.) Intraocular lueiuorrbage during or shortly after cataract extraction. Metl. Sc Surg. Rep. Host. City Hosp., 1890, 7. s., 81-92. Also. Reprint.— Jackson (E.) Astigmatism following cataract extrac- tion antl other sections of the cornea. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1430-1435. Also: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1893-4. iii. 409-421. -----. Destruction of the eye by hemorrhage following cataract extraction. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1894. iii, 9-11 -Katsau- roir (I. N.) Krovotechenie iz glaza vslietl za izvlecbeniem tratarakti. [Hemorrhage from the eye following extrac- tion of cataract.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, v, 617.— Keyser (P. D ) Glaucoma fuhninaiis, after extraction of cataract with iridectomy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 378-380. -----. Iridectomy necessary twelve and fourteen days after normal extraction of cataract. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1892-3, ii, 353-355.—Khodin (A. V.) Ob odnoni riedkom oslozbnenii pri ekstraktsii katarakti. [A rare complication in the extraction of cataract.] Tiudi V syezda Obsh. russk. viacb. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.. 1894, i, 441-444.—Knapp (H.) A case of hemorrhage into tho vitreous after a cataract ex- traction. Arch. Ophth, N. Y.. 1891, xx, 78-80 Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1891, xxiii, 272-274. -----. On the occurrence, prevention, and management of prolapse of I lie iris in simple extraction of cataract. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1891 vi, pt, 1, 80-85.— Bollock (C. W.) Changes iu refraction after cataract extraction Med. News. Phila , 1893. Ixiii, 688.—Kiaui- sztyk. Du prolapsus de l'iris apres rextraction de la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1891, cvi, 280-282.—I,ee CATARACT. 226 CATAKACT. Cataract (Treatment of') by extraction— Complications and sequela' of. (C. G.) Haemorrhage after cataract extraction. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1895, liv, 504-506.—Lewis (F.N.) Glau- coma, following cataract extraction and keratonvxis. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp. Rep., N. Y., 1895, ii, 38-40.— I.owy ( R.) Geistesstorung uach Cataractextraction. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, Iii, 166-184.— Ijongenecker (D. F.) Hemorrhage after cataract ex- traction, and some thoughts as to cause. Proc. Kansas M. Soc, Topeka, 1894. xxviii, 291 -303. — Lopez (E.) Spontaneous cure of prolapse of iris after cataract extrac- tion. Areh.Ophth.,N.Y., 1891, xx, 269.—Lozhcchiiikofl (S. N.) [Logetschnikow iu German transl.]. Sluchai izvlecheniya katarakti, oslozhnennoi boliezuyu Basedow'a. [Case of extraction of cataract complicated with the dis- ease of . . .] Yestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1891, viii. 219-222. Also, transl: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Stuttg.. 1891, xxix, 277-281.—itlcKay (R.J.) Apparent disappearance of iris after extraction of cataract. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc N. Y., 1882. iii, 348-350.—Mngne. Triple operation de cataracte; deux abaissements; extraction; synchisis; em- ploi de la glace. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par.. 1888, 95-99.—ITIarshall (C. D.) On the immediate and remote results of cataract extraction. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1895, xiv, 56-219.— Tlellinger (C.) Experimentelle Untersuchuiigen iiber tlie Entstehung dei in letzter Zeit bekannt gewordenen Triibungen der Hornbaut nach Staarextraction. Arch. f. Ophth.. Leipz., 1891, xxxvii, 4. Abth., 1.19-188.—Mitchell (S.) Two cases of glaucoma, following cataract extraction. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1897, vi, 355-358.—ITIonoycr (F.) Cue extraction de cataracte. dans un cas de luxation spontanee et d'opacifica- tion du cristallin avec complications du cote du tractus uveal et du corps vitr6. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 171-177. Also, Reprint.—LTIookerjec (L. M.j Notes on loss of vitreous after cataract extraction. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1880. xv. ill. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1880, i. 47-51. — IVettleship iK.i Asthenopia after extrac- tion of cataiact. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1884, Lond., 1886, n. s., xiv. 02.—rVcnsehiili r (M.) fils. Do l'astigma- tisnie post-operatoire. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1891, 3. s., xiii, 515-519.—>oyes (H. D.) Extraction of bard cataract; death on tho fifth day; examination of the eye. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, host., 1886, iv, pt. 2, 328-343,'2 pi. -----. Severe hemorrhage following extraction of cataract. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1895, Hartford, 1896, vii, 448-454.—IVuel (M.-J.-P.) De certains troubles corn£ens (oiisecutifs a l'extraction de la cataracte. Bull, et mem. Soc franc d'opht., Par., 1892, x, 37-47.—Oliver (C. A.) Description of a few of tho rarer complications occurring during and following cataract extraction. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1896, xxv, 307-313. —Farinaud. Le prolapsus tie l'iris dans l'extraction simple do la cataracte. Rec d'ophth. Par 1891. 3. s., xiii, 321-328. | Discussion ]. 352. — Pfliiger. Der Irisvorfall bei der Extraction des Altersstaan-s und seine Yerbutuug. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Stuttg., 1897, xxxv, 332-340.—Proudfoot (A.) Excessive intraocular haemorrhage after cataract extraction, followed by enuclea- tion and location of the haemorrhage in the retina. Am J Ophth., St. Louis, 1888, v, 305-307. Also: CanadaM. Rec. Montreal, 1888-9, xvii.19.—Balic (B.) Successful cataract extraction from an insane leper. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 581.—Bava' (G.) Estrazione doppia di cataratta felice- mente eseguita in occhi affetli da gravissimo microttalmo ereditario. Ann. di ottal.. Milano, 1880, ix, 284-288.__ Bindovski (D. F.) Sluchai buynavo breda poslie izvle- cheniya katarakti. [Violent delirium after extraction of cataract.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 239-241.—Kisley (S. D.) Destructive hemorrhage during extrat t ion of cat- aract. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol., St. Louis, 1894, iii, 16. — Bohmer. Des hemorragies eonsecutives a l'extraction de la cataracte (hemorragies expulsives de A. Terson). Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1895, xxvii, 97-106.—Bohmer Sc Jacques. Contribution anatomique k l'etude de la patbogeuie de l'hemorrhagie expulsive apres l'extraction de la cataracte. Arch, d'opht, Par., 1895, xv, 465-477.— Boosa (D. B. St. J.) Astigmatism after cataract extrac- tions. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 4. s., iv, 298.—Bow- land (E. D.) Two grave accidents after cataract extrac- tion. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1892, 177-179.— Boy.(D.) Detachment of retina following a simple ex- traction of cataract. Refractionist, Boston, 1894, i, 90-92.— Bud in (V.) Extraktsia katarakti pri khrou'icheskoi biennorreye s blagopoluchnim zazhivleni'em rani. [Ex- traction of cataract in chronic conjunctivitis, with recov- ery.] Yestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1895, xii, 321. — Saltini (G.) Sopra alcuni casi di delirio in seguito all' extrazione di cataratta. Spallanzani. Modena, 1881, 2. s., x, 19-27. Also [Rev.]: Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1881-2 iii 149-158.—San los Fernandez (.1.) Hernia voluminosa del ins despues de la extraction simplede la catarata, Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1893, xix, 6-8. — Schiotz (H.) Ein Fall vou hocbgradigem Hornhautastigmatismns nach Staarextraction; Besserung auf operativemWege. Arch. f. Augeuh., Wiesb., 1885-6, xv, 178-181. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1888, xvii, 295-298.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) A case of intraocular hemorrhage after ex Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Complications and sequela' of. traction of cataract. Anu. Ophth. Sc Otol., St Loni« 1894, iii, 12-15. -----. Some compilations following the extraction of cataract, I'bila. I'olvclin . 18ii'i; """"iu 244 —dc Schweinitz (G. K.i, .laehsou (IS.) \ Ri,"|r." (S. D.) Complications of cataract extraction ami snh.se qnent healing. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1893-4, iii,421-4;to'_ Sciinemi (E.) Sull asfigmatismo corneals in se- guito ad estrazione di cateratta; osservazioni oftalino- inetricbe su 146 operati. Aim. di ottal.. Pavia l.-8'i xviii 299-329. Also: Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal ital' UsA Pavia, 1889, xi, 110-116. -----. Sulla modiflcazione della curvatura della cornea in seguito ad estrazione di cata- ratta. Ann. di ottal., Pavia. 1890, xix, 209-231. — N<-. Also, in: Arch, d'opht,, Par., 1885, v, 508: 1880, vi, 268. Beyekixi (J.) *Do renclavt'tiient de l'iris et th- la cristalloide anterieure apres l'operation de la cataracte par extraction line"aire combined i\ riridectoiuie. [Paris.] 4\ Mayenne, 1887. Castoraxi (R.) Memoire sur l'extraction lineaire externe simple ct combiue'e de la cata- racte, preseute" a rAcadeinie des sciences le 1*2 octobre I -74. 8:. Paris, 1874. Also [Abstr.], in: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1874, lxxix, 847. Chiralt (V.) La queratotomia media. Es- tudio sobre la operacion de la catarata. ^c. Sevilla. 187"). Derby (H.) Amesthesia and non-ana-sthesia iu the extraction of cataract. With some prac- tical suggestions regarding the performance of this operation, and comparative statistics of two hundred cases. 8-. Cambridge, 18-2. Gori (M. W. C.) De cataract-extractie en hare laatste wijzigingeu. 8J. Amsterdam, 18-6. de Grand Boulogxe (A.) Memoire sur deux instriiments nouveaux destines a rextraction et a l'abaissement de la cataracte, de"di6 a l'Aca- dernie rovale de mddecine. 8- . Marseille, 1843. -----. The same. 8°. [Marseille, 1-4:5.] Huge (M.-A.) * De la cataracte secondaire et de sou extraction par la sclerotique. 4°. Stras- bourg, 18">6. Hyades (P.) Des ru6thodes ge^uerales d'ope- ration de la cataracte et en particulier tie l'ex- traction lineaire composee. '--. Paris, 1870. vox Jaeger (D.) Der Holilscliuitt,; eine neue Staar-Extraetions-Mcthode. 8Z. Wien, 1873. La( hmaxx ("H.) Instruincntorum ad cornea? sectioneni in catarrhactae extractione perficien- dani. inventorum, descrijitio ' historica. 8°. Gottingw, 1821. -----. The same. 8-. Brunsvici, [1834]. Laurent (B.) * La suture de la coru6e dans l'extractiou de la cataracte. 4-. Paris, 1895. Lf.port (J.) Guide pratique pour bien exe~- cut-er, bien reussir et niener a bonne tin l'ope- ration de la cataracte par extraction sup6rieure. 12-. Paris, i860. Loldox (C.) A short inquiry into the prin- cipal causes of the unsuccessful termination of extraction by the cornea, with the view of showing the superiority of Dr. F. Jiiger's double knife over the single cataract knives of Wenzel and Beer. 4. London. 1816. Mugniery (J.) ^Lavages intra-oculaires apres l'extraction de la cataracte. 4C. Lyon, 18-y. Pagknsteciier (H.) Ueber die Extraktion des grauen Staares bei uneroft'netes Kapsel (lurch deu Scleralschnitt. Vortrag gehalten in der "V itsaininlung der mittelrheinischen Aerzte zu Frankfurt a. M. den 3. April 1866. 8-. [n. p., 1-60.] Pkignox (A.) De l'extraction de la capsule anterieure dans l'op6ratiou de la cataracte. 4°. Paris, 1887. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Methods and after-treatment. Pixkl Maisoxneuvk (G.-C.-L.) Contribu- tion a l'etude des indications de l'iridectomie dans la cataracte. 4°. Paris, 1887. Powers (G. 11.) Cataract extraction without iridectomy. Paper read before the San Fran- cisco Medical Benevolent Society, November 2^, 1886. 8°. San Francisco, 1**6. Prixck (A. E.) The extraction of cataract as influential bv ni\cologieal development. 8J. [Jacksonville, III., \***.] Keichenisacii (J. F.) "Cautelie et ohserva- tiones circa extractioncm cataractie, novaiu methodum s\ nizesin operandi sistentes. 4°. Tubingcv, [1767]. Also, in: Saxdifort. Thesaurus diss. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 177s. iii, 437. Also, in: Diss. med. select. 12°. Tubing., 1785, iii, L'78^323. Eenard (C.-H.) "De la valeur de l'iridec- tomie dans ('extraction de la cataracte au point de vue des resultats de l'operation. 4°. Nancy, 18S6. Richter (A. G.) [Pr.] de variis cataractani extrahendi niodis. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Francof. u. Leipz., 1774, i, 81. Kcethlisherger ( P. ) * Ueber die Ausspu- lungen der vordern Augenkanimer bei der Star- extraktion an der Basler ophthalmologisclien Klinik. [Basel.] 4°. Bern, 18<>3. Sauvage (A.) * De l'extraction de la cata- racte; me-thode a lambeau p6ripb.e"riiiue sans iridectomie. 4-. Paris, 1883. Scott (J.) Cataract and its treatment; com- prising an easy mode of dividing the cornea for its extraction, and appropriate means for re- moving the differeut forms cf that affection. 8\ London, 1843. Skriftvaxlixg om alia brukelioa siitt at opc- rerastarren pii ogonen. 8C. Stockholm, 1760. Sokoloff (S.) * Sravnitelniy razbor sposo- bov izvleckenija starcheskoi katarakti. [Com- parative analysis of the methods for extracting senile cataract.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1870. Texxaxt (F.) * L'operation de la cataracte simplified. (Proced6 du Dr. A. Trousseau.) 4°. Paris, 1894. Thuraxt (J.-B.) *An iu cataracta, potior lentis crystalliuae extractio per ineisionem in coruea, quam depressio per acum? 4J. Parisiis, 175','. Thurmaxn(C.G.) * Die Antisepsis imDienste der Staar-Extraction. 8°. Greifswald, 18--8. Tietz(J. R.) * Verfahruugsweisen im dritten Act der Extraction bei Cataracta dura. 8°. Leipzig, [1866]. Vespa (G.) Lettera ad un amico, in occa- sions d' un nuovo strumento inventato per ta- gliare la cornea lucida nel fare 1' operazione della cateratta per estrazione. sm. 4C. Firenze, 1769. de Wecker (L.) Sur un nouveau proc6d6 operatoire de la cataracte. (Extraction a lam- beau p6riph6ri(]ue.) 4. Paris, 1875. Abadie (C.) Don proc6des actuels d'extraction de la cataracte. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.J 1886, Par., 1887, ii, 635-638. Also: Anu. d'ocul., Brux., 1880, xc\i, 257-200. Also .- Proves med., Par., 1887, 2. s., v, 245. Also: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1887, 3. s., ix, 170-174.—Aguew (C. R.) Operatiousmetbode, urn Secundiirstaare uud an- dere niemhranit'onne Obturationen aus dem Pupillarge- biete zu entferncii. Clin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1865, iii, 389-392.—Ajjnilar Blanch (J.) Eutre los pro- cedimientos del m6tbdo de cxtraccion de la catarata jcu&l es en eeneral preferible? Cr6n. m6d., Valencia. 1888-9, xii, 577-584.— AnagnoHtakis. Substitution de l'extraction proprement (lite a l'expression commtiuement usit6e de la cataracte. Cong, period, internat. d'opbth. C.-r. 1880, Miliin, 1881, vi. 25-29.—Andrews (J. A.) An instrument for syringing out cortical matter in cataract extraction. CATARACT. 228 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction- Methods and after-treatment. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc., Hartford, 1802. vi, 455. -----. A new portable apparatus for sterilizing eye instruments by boil- ing in water; au aluminium shield for protecting toe eye after cataract extraction. X". York M. J., 1893, lviii, 580. Also, Reprint.—Arcoleo (E.) L' estrazioue della capsula autcriore del cristalliuo neila operazione della cata- ratta. Ann. di ottal.. Pavia. 1888. xvii, 329-340.—Ai-lt. Yerweudiing der Reisin^ci scben Hakenpincctte bei der Cataractcxt'raction. Arch. f. Ophth., Herb, 1885, xxxi, 4. Abth., 285-294.—Arniaijjnnc (II.) Dc l'extraction d'un lambeau de cristalloi'de anterieure dans l'operation (le la cataracte. Rev. clin. d'ocul., Par., 1887, viii, 273-275.—As- teiigo (G.) Lavaggio della camera anteriore nell' opera- zionb tli cataratta. Boll, d' ocul., Fhvuze, 1890, xii, no. 16, 1-3.—Arelino Saldarriaga. Catarata; nuevo metodo para operarla, llamado metodo de colgajo eliptico sin iredoctomia. Rev. ru6d., Bogota, 1882-3, vii, 494-498.— Ay res (S. C.) Extraction of cataract without iridec- tomy. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1887-8, ii. 320-322. -----. Extraction of cataract without iridectomy, or simple extraction. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, 1889, 53- 02. Also: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1889, vi, 131-139— Badal. Methode nouvelle pour le diagnostic retrospec- ts' de la refraction, apr6s l'extraction de la cataracte, et d'une facon gen6rale, tlans l'apbakie. Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol. 1878^ Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 198-201. -----. Manuel operatoire de l'extraction do la cataracte k la cliniqne do l'hdpitul Saint-Andre. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1882, ii, 230; 288. — Bajardi (P.) Un nuovo metodo di estrazione della cataratta; a lenibo superiore con iridoto- mia periferica. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1895, 3. s., xliii, 243-250, 1 pi. — Baldwin (B. J.) Shall we do an iridectomy in extracting cataract? Alabama M. Sc S. Age, Anniston, 1890-7, ix, 309-375.—Ball (J. M.), jr. A case of cataract extraction, with remarks ou tbe cocaine solution used. Metl. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 485.— Bai-tlett (E. W.) A further modification in cataract extraction. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1883, xvii, 82-85.-----. Cataract extraction with preliminary iridectomy. Ibid., 1880. xxiii. 200-2U4.—Becker (O.) Expos6 des resultats obtcnus tlans la cliuique du Prof. Arlt, par le proc6de (l'extraction lineiire motlifie par M. de Graefe. Cong, pe- riod, internat. d'ophth. 1807, Par.. 1868, iii, 72-82. [Dis- cussion], 93-104. —Berry (G. A.) Note on the after-treat- ment of cases of cataract extraction. Ophth. Rev., LontL, 1885. iv, 257-261. — Birnbachcr. Ein neues Verfabren der Kapsel Entfernung bei Star-Operationen. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz.. 1894, xviii, 70-72.—BiIzon (G.) Lo point noir de l'operation de la cataracte par extraction. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1894, cxi, 241-256.— Blanch (A.) Quelle est la meilleure methode d'extraet ion de la cataracte? Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1889, 3. s., xi, 460-408.—Blasiu.« (E.) Sur une nouvelle modification apportee au couteau-ai jiuille, pour l'extraction dc la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1844, xi, 135-140.—Borllien (L.) Katarakt-Extraktion med tre Instrumenter (Kt-ratncystitomia). Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk., Christiania, 1887.4. R., ii, 125-129.—Bour- gcoiN (A.) Dela kystectomie dans l'operation de la cata- racte. Bull. gen. de tbe.rap. [etc.], Par., 1890, cxviii, 112- 118. Also: Rec. d'opbth., Par., J890, 3. s., xii, 456-458. -----. Lunettes pour operes de cataracte. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1894, xii, 353-357. -----. Procede simple pour certaines extractions dans la examine ante- rieure. Ibid., 357-359.—Boynton (F. H.) Tbe after- treatment of cataract extraction. J. Ophth.. Otol., & La- ryngol., N. Y., 1889, i, 160-166.—Bribosia pere. Contri- bution a l'operation de la cataracte par extraction lineaire modifi6e. Bull. Acad. roy. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1870, 3. s., iv, 875-922. [Rap. do Thiry], 804-816. Also, Re- print. -----. Modifications a apporter. en certaines cir- constanccs, a l'operation de la cataracte par extraction lineaire. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. 1872, Par., 1S73, iv, 41-40. — Bribosia pert-. Sc Bribowia ( E. ) Avant, pendant et apifes l'extraction de la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1880, ci, 103-122. — Brock in an ( E. F. D.) Preliminary capsnlotomy in tbe extraction of cataract. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1891, viii, 90-92.— Bronner (A.) A modified hook for the removal of the remains of lens capsule. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889. ii, 715.— Bull (C. S.) Simple extraction of cataract without iri- dectomy. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1890, v, pt. 3, 572-598. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y. 1890, xxxviii, 313-317.— Calhoun (A. W.) A plea for the return to iridectomy in cataract extraction. Ophth. Rec, Chicago. 1897, vi, 373- 375. — Omit (W. J.) Cataract extraction without iridec- tomy, tbe cortical matter being removed by injection with a specially constructed syringe. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 871.—CJni-icr (R. B.) On some practical points connected with cataiact extraction. Tr. Ophth. Soc TJ. Kingdom. Loud., 1880, vi, 431-440.—C'aslorani (U.) Sull'estrazi- one linearo inferiore della cateratta colla capsula. Resoc. Accad. mecl. chir. di Napoli, 1884, xxxviii. 60-111. Also, Reprint.—C'ellicr (J. I.) Aguja acanalada para la que- ratomia lin- al en la cxtraccion de la catarata. G-tc de oftal., otol. ylaringol., Madrid, 1886, i, 50-52. Also: Con- Catfaa'act (Treatment of) by extract ion- Mel huds and after-treat o. cut. sulfa, Cadiz, 1882-3, i, 97-100.—Chnvernae. Extraction dela cataracte: retour a la methode do David. | Abstr I Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1883, lxxxix. 43-71.—tlliibrci. Sur un procede ties simple desphiiicterotomie et d'iridcctoiiiie applicable a ropt'-ration dc la cataracte. Bull, et mem Sin- franc, doubt., Par., 1884. ii, 45-49. Also: ltec. d'opbth Par., 1884, 3. s., vi, 17. -----. Les indications de l'iritlec' tomie daus l'operation de la cataracte. Arch, d'opbt Par., 1880, vi, 355-300.—Chiaoliu (J. J.) Tho after-treat ment of cataract cases, to tbe, exclusion of compresses bandages, dark rooms and restraint. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1887, ix, 39-46. -----. Cataract extractions, with only the eye operated upon closed by adhesive strips, the other eye left open for the guidance of tbe patient. Ibid.. 1888 xi, 017-020. Also, Reprint. -----. The after treatment of cataract extractions. Internat, J. Surg., N. Y.. 1889, ii 123-120. -----. How cataract patients' eyes are dressed at the Presbyterian Eye. Ear, antl Throat Charity Hospi- tal of Baltimore. Ann. Ophth. \- Otol., St, Louis,'1894, ijj, 5-8.------. Leave the eye not operated upon uncovered! after cataiact extractions. Ophth. Rec, Nashville 1.-91' iv, 108-111. Also: Brit. M.J., Lond ,1894, ii. 588.-t'lni-U (C. F.) The influeuco of antisepsis on modern cataract extraction. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1895. 1.343-:i5i Also: Columbus M. J., 1895, xv, 200-207.—Coleman (\V. F.) Preliminary iridectomy in tbe extractiou of senile cataract. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1897, vi, 218-227.—Co. loin be. Note sur l'extraction de la cataracte par le pr. cede deNotta. Normandie med., Rouen, 1887, iii, 345-347.- G'ourMseraiit. Incision de l'iris en haut dans la kerat'i- tomie superieure. Bull. Soc. de 11161I. prat. dePar., 1804,36- 38.—(lowell (G.) Oil certain modifications of von Grate's linear operation for the extraction of cataract. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1883, i, 49. — Crainiceanu (Gr.) Az iris mouotti himi«.«tas (A.-C.) Sur la .simplification tie l'extraction de la cataracte. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1891, 3, s., xiii, 136-143.—Dujariliii (A.) Extraction tie cataracte par un nouveau procede. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1885, vii, 805-811. -----. La dcuxifemt- methode dc Daviel pour ex- traire la cataracte. Bull. Soc. d. sc. metl. de Lille (1893), 1894, 127-129. -----. L'extraction de la cataracte si-Ion la derui&re methode de Daviel. Ibid., 170-184. ----. A. propos de l'operation de Daviel. Ann. d'ocul., Par.. 1894, cxi, 257-260. -----. Faut-il operer encore la cata- racte avec le chloroformc? Pratique jour., Lille. Is95- 6, i, 129-131. —K^appa ( T. > A modified operation for extraction of cataract senilis. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, v, 313-316.—Fage. L'extraction simple dc la cata- racte sur les yeux atiopinise-s. Bull, et ni6m. Sue. franc. d'opht, Par.,' 1894, xii, 200-20"). Also: Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 181)4, 3. s., xvi, 336-340.—Fano. lies lavages ties chainbres oculaires, apres l'operation dela cataracte par extraction. J. d'ocul. et chir.. Par., 1889-90, ix. 01-04.— Fieuzal. Du meilleur procede (l'extraction de la cata- racte senile. Bull. clin. nation, opht. de l'hosp. d. Quiuze- Yingts, Par., 1885, iii, 81-94.— Font-hard. Considera- tions critiques sur l'operation de la cataracte de nos jours. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1897, i, 115-127.—Fox (L. \Y.) The preliminary aud after-treatment in cataract operations- Ann. Ophth. & Otol., Kansas City, 1892, i. 88-91.----. Immediate capsnlotomy following the removal of cataract. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 189l! xxv, 320-325. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Coun., 1891-4, xiii. 407-470. Also: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1894, xxii, 837-839. Also: Metl. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1894, lxx, 807-809. Also: Med. Bull., I'bila., 1894. xvi, 251-254. Also, Reprint.- Francc (J. F.) Ou ophthalmostasis; with an account of an improved method in extraction of the cataract. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1858, 3. s., iv. 81-102, 2 pi. Also. Re- print. — Franke (E. ) Beitrage zur Staarextiactioii. Arch. f. Augenh.. Wiesb.. 1880-81, x, 71-95. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1881, x, 121-137.—Froth- iii;'hiiiu Mi.E.) Some observations concerning the ex- traction et cataract without an iridectomy, anil the use of tbe baudugc in the after-treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- CATARACT. 229 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Methods and after treat ment. ca,To, 1888. xi, 505-509. -----. Remarks on the need of more! efficient protection of the eye after cataract extrac- tion, aud an improved apparatus for the purpose. Ibid., 1891. xvii, 335-340. Also, Reprint. — Fryer ( B. E.) Tho technique of cataiact extraction. Am. J. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1789 xiv, 210-222. — Fuchs. Die iieueii Mcthoden der Staa'roperation. Wien. klin. Wcbnscbr.. 1893, vi. 19-23.— Gailliel. Operation tie In cataracte par extiaction, au moyen de l'iridotomie simple Gaz. hebd. de nieil., Par., 1881. 2. s., xviii, 132.—Galczotvski (X.) Du spray phe- uique comnie moyen preventif et curatif de kerato-iritis suppurative dans l'extraction de la cataracte. Rec d'ophth., Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 208-277. -----. De la nou- velle methodo tie l'extraction tie la cataracte sans exebion tie l'iris. Ibid., 1883, 3. s., v, 05-09. Also, transl. [Ab- str.]: Lancet. Loud.. 1883, i, 92. -----. Emploi des ron- delles de gelatine pour 1 occlusion do la plaie corneenne apres l'extraction de la cataracte. Rec. d'opbth., Par., 1885, 3. s., vii, 577-584. Also, transl. : Ann. di ottal., Pa- via, 1885. xiv, 414-420. Also, transl: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 13.-----. De l'extraction de lacataracte sansiridectomie et des soins consecutifs. Bull, et m6m. Soc franc, d'opht., Par., 1885, hi, 109-172. -----. Sur la plaie corneeniie dans l'extractiou de la cataracte et sur les moyens d'en prevenir la suppuration. Ibid.. 1880, iv, 217-226. ------. De l'ex- traction de la cataracte ct du pansement autiseptique. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc] 1885, Par., 1886, i, 360-360. -----. De l'extraction de la cataracte saus iri- dectomie, et du moyen de prevenir les complications. Tr. Internat, M. Cong'., Wash., 1887, iii, 092-095. -----. De la sphincterotomie avec incision semi-elliptique de la cor- ner tlans l'extraction des cataractes incompletes. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 202-269.'-----. De l'ex- traction de la cataracte a lambeau semi-elliptique sans iri- dectomie ; details du pi oced6 operatoire de l'auteur. Ibid., 711: 1893, xv, 255. -----. Extraction de la cataracte sans iridectoinie; sesavantasesetsesecueils. Ibid., 1893, 3. s., xv. 255-261. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc franc, d'opht., Par., 1893, xi, 378-385.— Garcia C'achazo (E.) Cnidados previosy eonsecutives d la extraccion de la catarata. Gac med. de Granada, 1890, ix, 8-12.—Gaui-an, De l'extrac- tiou de la cataracte k lambeau simple on combine ; etat actuel de la question ; choixdu procede. Normande med., Rouen, 1S88, iv, 61; 104.—Gayet. Essai sur le retour de l'extraction de la cataracte a la methode francaise. Lyon med., 1885, xlix. 143-150. -----. De la substitution comme procede genfiral de la keratokystitomie a la keratotomie et a la kystitomie separees, dans l'operation de l'extraction lie la cataracte. Bull, et mem. Soc franc, d'ophth., Par., 188G, iv, 235-250.—Geisslcr (A.) Ueher den derzeitigen Stand der Staarextractionsinetboih-n. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 18S5-0, ccviii, 277-281. — Gilford ( 11. ) A new dressing for cataract-extraction and other wounds of the eyeball. Arch. Ophth., N. Y.. l.-9o, xix. 42-40. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh.. Wiesb., 18>9-30. xxi. 181-183. ----. The shield dressing for cataract extraction. Ann. Ophth. & Otol.. St. Louis. 1894, iii, 141-143.—Gracia (A.) Description di 1 procetlimiento espanol para la estraccion de la catarata lenticular simple. Telegrafo ni6d., Bar- cel., 1850-51, iv, 52-55.—Gradcnig© (P.) Sull' estra- zione capsulo-lenticolare. Ann. tli ottal., Pavia, 1895, xxiv, Suppl., 15. -----. Sull'estrazione capsulo-lenticolare della cataiatta. Ibid., 1896, xxv, 77-85. Also: Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital. 1895, Pavia. 1896. xiv, 128-136.—Graefe (A.) Ein Wort fiir Beibehaltiuig der Iridectomie beitler Extraction barter Cataracten. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 18^, xxxiv, 3. Abth., 223-225. -----. Zur Wundbehand- lutig der Cataractextractionen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1193. — von Grafc <[F. W. E.] A.) Feber modificirte Linearextractioii. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1865, iii, 306-316. -----. Nouvelle r6pon.se a M. dc Hasner, uu sujet d-^ sa cri- tique de l'extraction lineaire. Ann. d'ocul.. Brux., 1868, lx, 102-109. Also, Reprint— Grandcleuicnl. Indica- tions des lavages intra-oeulaires apres l'extraction de la cataracte; nature du liquide a employer. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. dc Lyon (1837), 1888, xxvii, pt. 2, 53-57. Also: Ann. d'ocul , Brux., 1887, xcvii, 73-75. Also: Lyon med., 1887, lv, 75-78. -----. Utilite, mode (Paction et technique des lavages intra-oculaires apres l'extraction dc lacataracte. Ibid., 1889, lxi, 366-370. -----. Des condi- tions de succes dans l'operation de la cataracte. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. rned. de Lyon (1890), 1891, xxx, pt, 2, 135-140.—Hansen. Observations sur le procede (l'ex- traction de Liebreich. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth 1872. Par., 1873. iv, 52-58. — Harlan (II.) Tbe plaster strip cataract dressing new and yet old. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1893-4, iii, 431.—Hijjycii* ((,'.) On extraction ot immature cataract. Lancet, Lond , 1888. i, 915.—Hjorl. Om Kataraktextraktion nibn Iridektomi. Notsk Mini. f. j^'Kfvidcnsk., Christiania, 1891, 4. R., vi, 643-651.- HoilgrM (F. 1[ j Preliminary iridectomy in extraction ot cataract. Brit. M. J., Lond.", 1882, ii,424.'—Hull (J. M.) A defence of cocaine in cataract extractions, iu answer to Dr. Calhoun's article. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1880-7, t'ataract (Treatment of) by extraction- Methods and after-treatment. n. s.. iii, 477-481 —Indications de riridectoruio dans l'extractioii de la cataracte. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1882- 3, vi, 81—J aekMon (E.) A new knife for the extraction of cataract, Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, u. s., xcvii, 202- 204. -----. The simple extraction of cataract. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, I'bila., 1891, xii, 324-330. Also: Mary- land M. J., Bait.. 1891-2. xxvi, 07-71. Also: Coll. Sc Clin Rec , Phila., 1891, xii, 292-295. Also: Metl. A Surg. Re- porter, Phila.. 1892, lxvi, 88-92. -----. Pressure on the globe after cataract extraction. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1891, xvii. 331-333.—.Incobwon (J.) Ein motivirtes Ur'- tlieil iiber David's Lappcn-Kx l ruction und Graefe's Li- near-Extraction. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1886, xxxii, 3. Abth., 73-95. Also, transl..- Rev. gen. d'opbt., Par., 1886, v, 529-546. —----. Die Extraction mit der Kapsel. Cen- tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz.. 1889, xiii, 129-134.—Halt (E.) De la suture corneenne apres l'extraction de la cata- racte. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1894, xiv, 639-045. Also, transl : Arch. Ophth., M. Y., 1894, xxiii, 421-425. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh.,Wiesb., 1894, xxx, 15-19.—Katsanroir (I. N.) Uproshtshenniy sposob izvlecheniya katarakti. [Simplified method of extraction of cataract!] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1884, v, 804. -----. Perviye opiti izvlecheniya katarakti po uproshtshenuoinu sposobu. [First results of extracting cataract by a simplified method.] Ibid.,837. -----. K protilaktikle septicheskikh zabolievaniy glaza poslie ekstraktsii katarakti. [Prophylaxis in septic dis- eases of the eye after extraction of cataract.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1886, iii, 321-326. -----. Izvlecbenie ka- tarakti uproshtshennim sposobom. [ Extraction of cata- ract by a simplified method.] Ibid., 1887,giv, 111-119.— Keiper (G. E.) Immediate, capsnlotomy following the removal of cataract. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol'., St. Louis, 1894, iii,420.—Kirkpatriek (E. A.) Cataract operation by the method of simple extraction without iridectomy. Mari- time M. News, Halifax, 1892, iv, 144-146.—Knapp (H.) Extraction of cataract by peripheral division of the cap- sule. Tr. Internat. M.Cong., Lond., 1881, iii, 89-95. -----. Cataract extraction without iridectomy. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Bost., 1880, iv, pt. 2, 316-320. Also: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1887, xvi. 54-71. Also, transl: Period, internat, Ophth.-Cong. Bit., Wiesb., 1888, vii, 163-177. -----. On simple extraction of cataract, Boston M. Sc S. J., 1888, cxviii, 349. -----. Dividing tbe capsule during the cor- neal section, in extraction of cataract. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1889, xviii, 169-173. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh , Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii, 180-189. -----. Die Behandlung der Kapsel wiihrend und nach der Staarextraction. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iv, 10. Abth., 1-11. -----. Method and results of simple extraction of cataracts. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1892, xix, 269-277.— Korncd (A.) tTfogo a h&rtydsutolidlyog kikuz&sdra. [A new pincette for removing secondary membranous cata- ract.] SzemGszet, Budapest, 1892, 21. Also, transl : Ungar. Beitr.z. Augenh.,Leipz.u.Wien, 1895,i,275-277.—I.. Notas sobre a technica da operacao da cataracta. Correio med. de Lisb., 1891, xx, 202-204.—Landolt (E.) 1" Quelques instruments concernaut l'operation de la cataracte; 2° ciseaux pour l'6nucleation de l'ceil. Bull, et m6m. Soc. franc, d'opbt., Par., 1891, ix, 175-179. -----. L'operation dc la cataracte de nos jours. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1892, xii,401; 405; 529. — l>an^e (O.) Zur Antiseptik bei Staarextrac- tioneu. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1884, xxii, 414- 418. — I.avajje (Ou) intra-oculaire apr6s 1'cxtraction de la cataracte. [Abstr.] Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1887, xcvii, 302-304—Lebrun (P.) Nouvelle m6thode (l'extraction de la cataracte par uu proc6de a, lambeau median sphero- cyliudrique. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. 1872, Par., 1873, iv, 217-226.— I^cc (C. G.) Remarks ou modern methods of cataiact extraction. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 336.— fiiebrcich (R.) On anew method for extraction of cataract. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1871, n. s., ii, 259-269. Also, Reprint.—I^ippineoll (J. A.) Intra- ocular syringing in cataiact extiaction, with a report of fifty-three operations. Tr. M. Soc IYnn., Phila., 1889-90, xxi" 165-181. Also, Reprint. ——. Routine syringing out of cortical matter in cataract extraction, as illustrated bv one hundred cases. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc., Hartford, 1891, vi, pt. 1, 85-120.—l.oselieehiiihoir (S. N.) Nie- skolko izvlecbeniy katarakti po sposobu Volkova. [Sev- ■ eral extractions of cataiact by Yolkoft's method.] Vest- nik oftalmol., Kiev, 1892, ix,'358 - 300.— de l.iiea (D.) Nuovo processo per 1' estrazione (Idle tateratto capsularie delle capsiilo-lenticolari. Rendic. Accatl. nied-cbir. di Napoli, 1806, xx, 8. A Iso, Reprint.—itlelteown (YV.A0 Injection or irrigation in the extra' tion of cataiact: anti- septics; the present position of the question. Lancet, Loud., 1886, i, 325. -----. Intracapsular injection in the extraction of cataract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 528. -----. Instrument pour les injections intra-oculaires dans l'extraction de la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1888, xcix, 144-146. -----. Iiitracapsu'ar injection in theextrac- tion of cataract. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 324.------ Clinical lecture on massage scoops and irrigation in the extraction of cataract. Laucet, Lond., 1889, ii, 783; 992.— CATAEACT. 230 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Methods and after-treatment. IVIauolcocu (N.) Rolul actual al kistitomulul in ex- tractia cataracte!. Romania med., BucurescI, 1896, iv, 407-410.— Hnnloraiin (F.) Operazioni di cataratta, iridectomia e scb votomia, e considerazioni pratiche sul nuovo coltcllino proposto dal Dott. Tommaso Galli. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1-87, ix, 290-302.—.TIarple (W. B.) Methods of dealing with the lens-capsule iu cataract ex- traction. N. York Polyclin.. 1890, viii. 165-168. IVfartiu (E.) La suture de la cornee dans l'op6ratiou tie la cata- racte. Rec.d'opbth., Par., 1889. 3.s.,xi, 205-209.—Tlai-tiu (G.) Hygiene des instruments qui servent a l'extraction dela cataracte. Gaz.d'opbt,, Par., 1884, vi, 49-57.—Michel (M.) History of the admission of light in the after- treatment of cataract operations. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 273-275. — .Tli not (J.) Galezowski's, and Dr. C. Bell - Taylor's method of extracting cataract. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1883, n. s.. xi, 551.—ITIonrcal (R.) La iridectomia Siutes dela operation de la catarata. Oftal. prdct., Madrid, 1882, i, 85-89. -llwiUgoinciy (W.T.) After-treatment of cataiact extraction. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 803.— TIooi-c ( W. O.) The after-treat- ment of cataract-extraction. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, £53-257. Also, Reprint. —.Worand Sc Verdicr. An account of the operations of the cataract, by the ex- traction of the crystalline performed in presence of the commissaries of the Academy, by Mr. Poyet, surgeon, first pupil of the hospital of La Cbarite. Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg, at Paris, Lond.,1759, iii, 379-390.—lloiu-a Brazil. Novo processo para a extraccao da catarata; extra ccao por pequeuo retalho mixto com'iridotomia. Arch, ophth.de Lisboa, 1881, ii, 105-112. Also: Uniao med., Rio de Jan. 1881, i, 551-501. -----. Qual'o melhor processo da extrac- cao da cataracta. Com;', brazil, de mod. e cirug., Riode Jan., 1889, i, 200-212— ."Tlulest (P. H.) Cataract extrac- tion (v. Graefe's); a new method of treating an old com- plication. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1272.— Tlurrell (T. E.) Tho after-treatment of cataract extraction and iridectomy according to Dr. Michell's methods. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 197-199. -----. The simple dressing after cataract extraction. Ophth. Rec, Nash- ville, 1893-4, iii, 121-130.—Tlursinna (C. L.) Vom grauen Staar, nebst der Beschreibung, wie ich ihn ausziebe. Jn his: Metl.-cbir. Beob., 12°, Berl., 1782, i, 108-195.— IHuttcrmilch (J.) Operacya zadmy bez irydektoraii na oku atropinizowaneni. [Operation for cataract without iri- dectomy, by using sulphate of atropin.] Gaz. lek., Warsza- wa, 1893, 2. s., xiii. 930-934. Also, transl.: Ann. d'ocul.,Par., 1893, ex. 81-88.—IVcvc (A.) On intra-ocular irrigation in cataract extraction. Indian M. J., Lahore, 1889, ix, 139- 144.—Nicati. A la recherche d'un proc6d6 (l'extraction de la cataracte capable d'6viter les enclavements et les hernies, on d'en attenuer les effets. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1892, xii, 731. -----. La pointo des couteaux a cataracte; fHoheuse routine &deraciner. Ibid., 1893, xiii, 136.—Nor- ton (G. S.) Tho value of ice after cataract extraction. J. Ophth , Otol, & Laryngol., N. Y., 1889, i, 278-286.— IVuel (J. P.) Prophylaxie des prolapsus iridiens dans l'extraction simple do la cataracte. Bull, et m6m. Soc. franc- d'opht., Par., 1896, xiv, 170-176. Also: Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1896, xv, 265-267. Also, transl: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 467; 514. —Oliveres (L.) De la chloralisation dans l'extraction de la cataracte et nou- veaux proctitis operatoires d'ablation du staphylomo total de la corn6e, du trichiasis et du distichiasis de la paupiere supdrieure. Cong. p6riod. internat. d'ophth. Compt.-rend. 1880, Milan, 1881, vi, pt. 2, 16-30.—Owen (D. C. L.) On tbe extraction of cataract by small angu- lar flap and the lower section. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1881. n. s., iv, 254 - 204. — Pagcnstecher ( H.) Ueber Ex- traction cataractiiser Linsen mit ihrer Kapsel. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1865, iii, 316-328. -----. Ueher Staarextractioneu mit mid ohne Entfernung der Kapsel. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1888, xxxiv, 2. Abth., 145-166. -----. Ueber die Kataraktextraction in geschlos- sener Kapsel. Period, internat. Ophth.-Cong. Ber., Wiesb., 1888, vii, 506-511. -----. Praktische Rathschliige zur Staaroperation fiir angebende Augenarzte. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1894, xxxii, 339-352.— Pa- mard. De la cataracte et de son extraction par un pro- cede particulier. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1844, xii, 149; 191.— I'ana*. Du choix du meilleur procti!6 ^'extrac- tion de la cataracte. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1885, Par., 1886, i, 346-360. Also: Arch, d'opht., Par., 1885, v, 289-305. -----. Des derniers progres lealises dans l'operation de la cataracte par extraction. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1886, 2. a., xv. 18-27. Also: Therap. contemp., Par., 1886, vi, 29-35.—Paoli (C.) La cateratta e del migliorprocesso operatorio di estrazione. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 450-450. Also, Reprint. — de la Pciia (A.) Tratamiento consecutivo a la extraction de la cata- rata. Oftal. prdct., Madrid, 1882, i, 25-29. -----. Opera- ciones consecutivas a la extraction de la catarata. Ibid., 49-54.—Pcruzzi (D.) Sulla incisione lineare della cornea per 1' estrazioue della cataratta. Raccoglitore ined. di Fano, 1859, xix, 21-32. — Pctrilli (R.) II piccolo lembo Cataract (Treatment of) by extraction— i}[ethods and after-treat ment. superiore modificato nell'estrazione della cataratta lenti- colare. Atti d. Cong. tl. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889 ii, 322.— Plettiuck-Kauchnii. Des inconvenients de l'operation do la cataracte, avec iridectomie, compares aux avantages do l'extraction simple, avec le lambeau senii- elliptiquo de Galezowski,_prati3-4, xxxv, 167-177. — Simi (A.) L' iridettomia nella estrazione della cateratta e niedicatura prima e dopo 1'operazione. Moll, d'ocul., bireuze, 1896, xviii, 42; 50.— Siirus-Pirondi. De l'extraction de la cataracte par le procede lineaire combine avec riridectoiuie. (Extraction lineaire moditiec. i Union med. de la Provence, Marseille, 1866, 233-238. — *iuith (E.) Cataract; morphine hypo- (lermically, as a means to prevent prolapse of the iris iu simple extraction. Arch. Ophth.. N. Y.. 1891. xxiii, 85- 87. — SSperino (C.) Simplification do l'operatioii de la cataracte par extraction. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. 1857, Brux., 1858. 450-455.—*ioc/yn*lii. Quelques mots sur l'incisiou dans l'extraction de la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1891. cvi, 279. — Stcflan (P.) Zur Techuik des periphereu flachen Lappenschnittes. Kliu. Monatsbl. f. Augeuh., Stuttg.. 1888, xxvi, 225-237. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen und Studien iiber tlie Kataraktextraction. 1882-1818: Antisepsis und Technik. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1889, xxxv, 2. Abth., 171-206. — StcvciiNon ( D. W.) A plea for preliminary iridectomy in cataract ex- traction. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1896, xv, 212-214. — Stillson (J. O.) Modern methods in cataract opera- tions. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1895, xlvi, 48-61.— Story (J. B.) The treatment of cystoid cicatrix after cataract extraction. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1883-4, iv, 126-131— Mtrcatfeild (J. F.) On section of the cornea as a preliminary operation. Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong., Lond., 1872.'iv. 138-143. Also, Reprint. ----. On a preliminary precaution to be taken in cases of cataract extraction, when there is, or has been, any lacrimal obstruction or catarrh. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. King- dom, Loud., 1883-4, iv, 118-126. — Wuarez de ITIeudoza (F.) Sur la suture de la cornee daus l'oper.Uion tie la cataracte. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1889, 3. s., xi. 523-538. Also [Abstr.]: Arch, d'opht., Par., l-s9. ix, 444. -----. La suture de la cornee dans l'extractiou de la cataracte; nouveaux faits ii l'appui. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par.. 1891, ix. 04-73. Also: Rec d'ophth.. Par., 1891. 3. s., xiii, 577-585. Also [Rev.]: Boll, d'ocul., Firenze. 1892,xiv, no. 1, 1-3. -----. Nouveaux faits de suture de la cornee dans l'oxtraction de la cataracte. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opht., Par., 1892. x, 63. Also: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 410-112. — Swanzy (H. R.) Ou tbe combined method of cataract extraction. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. King- dom, Loud., 1892-3, xiii, 165-199. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press .& Circ, Loud., 1893, n. s., lv, 637. — Taylor (C. [B.]) Mtihode propre k empecher le prolapsus de l'iris apres l'extraction de la cataracte, au moyen de la separa- tion de l'iris de son insertion p6riph6rique, au lieu de l'abla- tion d'un segment de son linibe. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. 1872, Par., 1873. iv, 38-40. ---—. On the use of eserine as a preliminary to extraction in cases of cataract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1293—Teale (T. P.) A suc- tion-curette for extraction of soft cataract. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1863-5, iv, 197-202. -----. Abandonment of iridectomy in tbe extraction of hard cataract; being the Bowman lecture. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1892-3, xiii, 1-19. Also, Reprint. Also: Brit.M. J.,Lond., 1893, i, 1253-1256. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1427-1431. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lv, 605-609.— Terrier. Rapport sur un travail de M. le Dr. Gale- zowski, intitule: De la n6cessit6 d'abandonuer l'excision de l'iris dans l'extraction de la cataracte et de revenir a l'ancienne methode francaise. Bull, et m6ru. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1882, n. s.. viii, 852-857. -----. Rapport sur un travail de M. Chavernac, intitule: Extraction de la cata- racte ; retour k la methode de Daviel. Ibid., 1883, n. s., ix, 70-77.—Terson. Des moyens tl'eviter l'infection de la plaie, a la suite dc- l'extraction de la cataracte, dans les cas de catarrhe du sac lacrymal. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1882, xvi, 225; 257. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'ophth., Par., 1883, i, 50-52. -----. L'extraction simple de la cataracte par le proc6de a lambeau inferieur. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1885, xix, 577-587.------Du lavage in- traoculaire aprfes l'extractiou de lacataracte; un compte- gouttes injecteur. Ibid., 1887, xxi, 229-240. — Thoina* (C. L.) Shall we extract cataract with or without iridec- tomy? Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1891, 209-225 — Tieisot (J.) Op6ration de la cataracte par extraction a lambeau simple ou combinee. Presse med., Par., 1895, 371-373.—Trousseau (A.) Le pt6rygion et l'op6ratiou de la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1893^ cix, 47-50. -----. Suture de la eorn6e pour renversement du lambeau corn6en apres une operation de cataracte. Ibid., 1895, cxiii, 189- 191. Also, transl.: An. oftal., Madrid, 1895, xviii, 87-89. -----. Traitement de l'h6morrhagio apr6s extraction de cataracte par la suture scl6ro-corneenne. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1897, xvii, 106-108.—True (H.) De la kcratok ystito- mie dans l'extraction de la cataracte. Montpel.'med., 1688, 2. a., x, 122-120. — Tyner (T. J.) Preliminary cap- snlotomy in the extraction of cataract. Daniel's Texas M. J.. Austin, 1890-91. vi, 1^9-192 Also: N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 320. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d. xi Cong. med. inter- naz. 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, Oftal., 90.—Valk (F.) Report of four operations for tbe removal of cataracts without an iridectomy and by an entirely new method. Post Grad- ataract (Treatment of) by extraction— Methods and after-treatment. uate, N. Y., 1887-8. ii. 326-334. Also. Reprint. _____. Cataract without iridectomy. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila 1 1890. 108-114. Also: N. York .M. J.. 1890, li, 431-4331 -----. Cataract extraction with the his retractor. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Coin;. 1803. Wash., 1895. pt. 2, 1398-140'' Also: X. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 493-496. Also. Reprint.— Vnlndc. L'operation de la cataracte et son pansement. Ann. de therap. med.-cbir., Par., 1890, vi. 269-273. — Viol (W.) Zur moditicirten Linearextraction kernhaltiger Staarformen. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Knit. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl., 1861, 3. Hft..224- 235. — Volkoir (M. F.) Material! k riesheniyu voprosa ob ekstraktsii katarakti bez iridektomii. [Contribution toward solving the question of cataract extraction with- out iridectomy.] Dnevnik4. siozda russk.vrach., Moskva, 1891, 347-350. -----. K voprosu ob ekstraktsii katarakti bez iridektomii. [On extraction of cataract without iri- dectomy.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1891, viii, 99-113. -----. Nuzhna li kapsulotoiiu'a pri ekstraktsii katarakti? |Is capsnlotomy necessary in extraction of cataract?] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 444-447. Also: Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1894, xi, 366-387.—Waller (O. K.) O sovremennom polozhenii voprosa oh ekstraktsii kataraktoznavo i nor- malnavo khrustalika. [Present condition of the question of extraction of crystalline lens either cataractous or nor- mal.] Yuzbno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1894, iii, 149; 168. — Wai-loiiioiit. (Quelques considerations sur les procedes (l'extraction do la cataracte. et uue nouvelle methode de pratiquer cetto operation. Cong, neriod. in- ternat. d'ophth. 1872, Par., 1873, iv, 46-52.—Watson (W. S.) On the advantages of opening the capsule, before making the corneal section in the operation for cataract. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 515.—de Weekcr (L.) Sur un nouveau proced6 operatoire de la cataracte. [Ex- traction k lambeau p6ripheriquc.J Compt. rentl. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1875, lxxx, 1294-1297. Also, Reprint.-----. Quelques perfectionnemeuts apportes a, l'extractiou tie la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1882, lxxxviii, 215-224. Also, transl..- Oftal. pract., Madrid, 1883, ii, 32-41. -----. L'extraction simple. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1884, xcii, 207- 227. Also, transl.: Rev. argent, de cien. med., Buenos Aires, 1884-5, ii, 195-212. -----. L'avenir de l'extraction lin6aire et de l'extraction a, lambeau. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1886, xcv, 245-250. -----. Un quart (le siecle consacre au perfectionnement de l'extraction de la cataracte. Progres med., Par., 1890, 2. s., scii, 415. Also: Nice-med., 1890-91, xv. 51-50. -----. Extraction simple et extraction com- binee. Arch, d'opbt., Par., 1892, xii, 657-668. -----. La section de Daviel; reminiscences historiques concernant l'extraction de la cataracte. Ibid., 1893, xiii, 261-272. Also, Reprint. -----. Modifications apport6es par Daviel a sa section; reminiscences historiques concernant l'ex- traction de la cataracte. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1893, xiii, 401-412. Also, Reprint. -----. L'extraction k lambeau triangulaire ou ogival. Arch, d'opht., Par, 1893. xiii, 412-423. Also, Reprint. — Weeks (J. E. ) Discis- sion of the capsule after cataract extraction, with the presentation of a new instrument. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1895, Hartford, 1896, vii 398-403.—White (E.W.W.) On the ill-effects of coc tine in cases of cataract extraction. Ophth. Rev., Lond.. 18MJ. v, 6-8.—White (J. C.) Ou tho abandonment of iridectomy aud the new operation for hard cataract, Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 443- 445.—Wichcrliicwicz (B.) Sur l'irrigation des chani- bres de l'ceil pour l'extraction tie la cataracte Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1886, iv, 207-217. -----. -----. Ueber this geeignetsto Verfahren der Kapseleroff- nung behufs Staarentfernung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Stuttg., 1889, xxvii, 169-178.-----, Zur Naeh- behandlung Staaroperirtcr nach eingetrotener Infection. Therap. Wchnschr.. Wien. 1895', ii, 101-105. —Widuiark (J.) Om starrsnittets utveckling efter A. v. 'Ira-fes doth [Development of operation for cataract sincethe death of von Graefe] Hyaiea, Stockholm, 1892. liv. 24.-258.—Wil- liams (('. H.) 'Suture after cataract extraction. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1896, exxxiv, 383 - 3S5. — William* (H. W.) Simple cataract extraction. Ibid.. 1885. cxiii. 385; 414.— WiUoii (H.) On extraction ot cataract by vou Graefe's peripheral linear section. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, xlix, 307-325. Also, Reprint,—Wolfe (J. R.) Demonstration on extraction of cataract. Metl. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 533: xlviii, 1. — Wood (C. A.) The after-treatment of normal cataract extraction. The- rap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1896, 3. s., xii, 77-81, 2 pi. — Wright (J. W.) Improved operation for extraction of cataract, Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 145-151. — Wright (L. W.) Taylor's method of extracting cataract. Metl. Rec, N. Y.,' 1883, xxiv. 192. Cataract (Treatment of) by reclination. See, also, Cataract (Soft). Boyeu (J. 13.) *L>ujestio medioo-chirurgica, an deprimeudio cataracta; expectauda maturatio f In: Halleu. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1755, ii, 149-156. CATARACT. 232 CATARACT. Cataract (Treatment of) by reclination. UiDDLL's (A. H. F.) * In cataracta depres- siouein lentis una cum capsula pleruinque pra-- ferendam esse extractione. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1777. vii, 27-55. Manieri (M.) Su' casi di cateratte operabili e su' 1 metodo della depres.sione come e quando da pref'erirsi noli altri oggidi conosciuti. Anno- taziotii ti-oretico-pratiche. 8°. Napoli, isf>l. Piegadi (A.) All' . . . dottore Leopoldo R117 bini per aver depresse le cateratte agli occhi di Albotta Boscovieh Piegadi, versi ed i scrizioni del prete . . . 4^-. Venezia, 1*28. de Abrcti (A. S.) Cristallin reruonte., et passe dans la chambre anterieure, viugt-deux mois apres la d6pression de la cataracte. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1844, xii, 36. -----. Dissertatiou sur un nouveau precede pour la r6clinaison- depression tie la cataracte, et sur les resultats obtenus, dans cette operation, k I'Institut ophthalniique de Bru- xelles. Ibid., 53-72, 1 pi.—Barrett (J. W.) A case of couching for cataract; perfect vision thirteen years after- wards. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1*94 11. s., xvi, 381.— Borer (L. A. H.) De l'entrainenent ties parties ant6- rieines (lu corp* vitre pendant l'operation tb- la cataracte par abaissement. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1847-8, 1194- 1201. Also, Reprint.—Busiiielli (F.) Catluta d'un nu- cleo di cataratta nella camera antcriore 3 anni dopo 1' ab- bassamento nel vitreo: riduziom- con manovre esterne e ristabilimento della vista. Spallauzaui, Roma. 18X7, 2. s., xvi, 201-205.—C'a*cio-<'ortc*c ((}.) Osservazioni sul metodo di deprimere la cateratta. In his: Rac di mem. chir.. xp, Palermo, 1844, i, 43-70.—de Haaw (J. H.) Een geval van geuezing van cataract door reclinatie. Nederl. Ti.jilsebr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884,xx, 105-108.—ITIagne. Des beiireux effets (le la glace appliquee sur l'ti-il immedi- atoment apre.s l'operation de la cataracte par abaissement. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xii, 89-91.—rVorrie (G.) Kataraktdepressionen i Skandinavien i sidste Halv- del af LSde Aarhundrede. Nord. ophth. Tidsskr., Kjd- benh., 1892, iv, 1-28.—Rainpoldi (R.) E ancora judicata in qualche caso la depressione della cataratta? Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1886, xv, 423-428. Cataract (Anteriorpolar). IIakixg ( W.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der pathologischen Anatomie des Pyramidalstaars mit Hornhautadharenz. [Jena.] 8\ Leipzig, 1896. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1897, xliii, 1. Abth., 25- 40, 1 pi. Collins (E. T.) On the minute anatomy of pyramidal cataract. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Loud., 1891-2, xii, 89-105. Also [Abstr. |: Am. J. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1892, ix, 130-138.—liar in;; ( \\ .) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der patho- logischen Anatomic ties Pyramidalstaars mit Hornhautad- harenz. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1897, xliii, 1. Abth., 25-40, 1 pi.— Tin lex (P. 11.) Pyramidal cataract. Tr. Ophth. Soc. ('. Kingdom, Loud., '1892-3, xiii, 70.—Polled (F.) Cataracte pyramidale (anatomie patholturique). Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'bistol. du Coll. de France. Trav.. I'ar.. 1874, 311-320,1 pi— Sccly (W."\V.) Anterior polar cataract. Ciucin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1883. 11. s., x, 203—Winger (M.) A lobordad hdlyog (cataracta pyra- midalis) kit esete. Oifosi hetil., Budapest, 1804. viii, 201; 217; 249: 205; 318. — Nloeber. Cataracte pyramidale. Mem. Soc do med. tie Nancy. 1882-3, pp. xli-xiiv. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 18s3, xv, 185-187. Cataract (Mack). See, also, Amaurosis. Fkoxmuller. Die Konvexgliiserkur zur Hei- lung gewisser Formen des schwarzen .Staares. 8-. Niirnberg, 18*57. Kiefer (D. G.) Ueber die Xatnr, Ursachen, Keunzeicher, uud Heilnng des schwarzen Staa- res. Eine von der Gesellschaft der Aerzte und Wundarzte in Amsterdam des Preist s wiirdig erkannte Abhandlung. 12. Gottingen, 1811. vox KliZOWlTZ ( W. T. ) Gesehichte des schwarzen Staares, in welcher die Erfahrungen der Aerzte aller Zeiten enthalten sind. Ueber- setzt von George Philip Mogalla. Erster Theil. 8°. Breslau, 17<)(). Lefeiutke de Saint-Ildei--()nt((;.R.) Feber den schwarzen Staar, und die neu cut deckle Heilart desselben mittelst des Was.serstoffgas. Nebst eiuigeu merkwiirdigeu Kraukengeschich- | Cataract (Mack). ten. Aus dem Fraiiztisischcn ubersetzt ,» Leipzig, 1801. A brah a in so n (M.) Ueber die Anwendung ties Kam- phersim schwarzen Staar. Arch. tl. prakt. Arznk. Leipz 1787, iii, 25-29.—Ai-tlin-Dcllcii (P.) He la cataracte noire. N. Montpel. med., 1800, y, 501; 588; 001.—Ar. maiifiiac. Note sur la cataracte noire. Mem. et bull, Soc. tie med. et cbir. tie Bordeaux, 1880, 197-202. Ituim. gente (R.) Cateratta nera in ambogli occhi; estra/hiiie guarigione. ISoll. d'ocul., Firenze, 1887, ix, 49— Itin iu-11 (S. M.) Black cataract; a clinical lecture. Med. New. Phila., 1887, 1, 113-110. -----. Extraction of black rata ract from tbe anterior chamber. J. Am. M. Ass., Cliicajm 1887, ix, 121.—1> 11 get I'd ill (A.i Cataracte noire. J.d se] med. de Lille. 188;;. v, 894.—t-iiliel ale Og-aiidinoiit] Observation de c.itaracte noiie; extraction; analyst- -jn ,- troscojiiijiie. Arch, d'opht.. Par., 1893, xiii '27" -"811 Also. Rec d'ophth.. Par., 1893, 3. s., xv, 223-227. Vic. Hardy (M. M.) Half of cataractous lens, which was absolutely black when removed from the left eye of patient, whoso right eye contains a cataract, which appears to be growing black; spectroscopic 11 naly sis of tho colouring mat- ter. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Lond., 1881-2. ii, 10- 12.—IVIoanro (G.) Contributo all' anatomia patologiea della cataratta nigra. Gior. d. Ass napol. tli metl. e nat. Napoli, 1894-5, v, 222-248, 2 pi.—Nlill»on (.1. O.) Black cataract; report of a case, with remarks. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Fort Wayne, 1890, 07-72. — von Waltlier (P. F.| Die Lehre vom schwarzen Staar und seiner Heilart. J. d. Cbir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1841, xxx, 347-563. Also, licprint. Cataract (Capsular). Mirailt (G.) De la cataracte capsnlaiie ct particulierement du traitement de la cataracte capsulaire secondaire. Travail adresse a MJI. les membres de l'Acadernie impeiiale de tiie'de- cine de Paris. *J. Angers, 1*61. Bach (L.) Histologische und klinische Mittheilungen Uber Spindclstaar und Kapselsiaar. nebst Bemerkungen zur Genese dieser Staarformtn. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1897, xliii, 3. Abth.. 603-082, 2 pi.—(Jalezowski (X.) Cataractes capsulaires. Progres med., I'ar., 1880, 2. »., iii, 349-351.—Hayn-oed (G. M.) Congenital aphakia with capsular cataract; a case. Homo-op. Eye, Ear & Throat Hosp., N. V., 1897, iii. 239.—IVIirnult ;G) Lettre an docteur Cunier, rcdacti-iir en chef des Annales d'ocu- listique, sur la cataracte capsulaire secondaire. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1844, xii, 73-88.—Mehirnicr (0.) Histolo- gische und histochemische Unter.suchuiiiien iiber Kapsel- narbe unil Kapselkutarakt, nebst Bemerkungen iiber das physiologische Wachsthum und die Struktur dor vorderen Linsenkapsel. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1889, xxxv, 1, Abth., 220-270, 4 pi. Cataract (Congenital). Bkandexbfug (H.) "Ueber Cataracta con- genita. 8°. Greifswald, HlKL Delavalle (F.) *Du choix du proce'de' ope- ratoire daus la cataracte congenitale. *-J. Lille, 1896. Albertotti (G.) Osservaziono di uu caso di catarattfl congenite operate in individuo d' auni 21. Atti d. r. Ac- cad. di nicd. di Torino, 1884, vi, 363-378. Also, transl: Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1884-5. vi, 341-350.-Alt (A.) Some remarks on congenital cataracts. Am. .1. (>|ihtli., St. Louis, 1887, iv, 337-345. — Ariiiaignac (II.1 Cata- racte cong6uitale double, adherente it gauche; atiesiepu- pillaire des deux cot6s resistant a, l'action do l'.tropino; microphtalmos; nystagmus continuel; strabisme bilateral en haut et en dedans; absence complete do fixation; ex- traction du cristallin k gauche; irridectomie a droite; ame- lioration dt- la vue Rev. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1881, ii, 241-246.—ISciisodi (A.) Congenital cbolesteiino cataract; choh-sterino degeneration of the whole lens in an infant. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 1085—Briboxia tils Gueri- son d'un aveii-jle do naissance; operation do cataracte congenitale double, chez un sujet de 15 ans. Aicb. d'opht, Par., 1892. xii, 88-95. Also. Reprint.—KusiiK Hi. Uue casi di cataratte congenite. Bull. d. r. Accatl. med. di Roma, 1883, ix, 286-290.—de Capdeville. _Calatact<- congenitale. Marseille med.. 1881, xviii, 656-COi.—Chi*- olni (J. J.) Operation for congenital cataract in twenty- lift li year; vision slowly established. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1880, vi, 175. C'rilcliett (A.) The operative treatment of congenital cataract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1241.—Dor (H.) Guerison d'un enfant atiemt de cata- racte congenitale des deux yeux. Cong, period, internat. d'opbth. C -r. 18so, Milan,'1881, vi, 152-157. -----. Rap- port sur le traitement tie la cataracte congenitale. Bull. et mem. Soc. franc, d'opbt., Par., 1892, x. 1-37. Also: Rev. gen. d'opht,, Par.. 1892, xi, 193-222. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. med.. Par., 1892, vi, 835-837. Also [Abstr.]: J. d'ocul. dn nord do la France, Lille, 1892-3, iv, 1-3— Ficuzal. He la discission avec le coutcau lauceolairc dans les diversea CATAEACT. 233 CATARACT. Cataract (Congenital). varietes de cataracte congenitale. Bnll. clin. nat. opht. de l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts, Par.. 1888, vi, 49-77. Also [Ab- str.]: Arch, d'opbt.. Par.. 18s8. viii. 221 - 223.— Fischer (E.) Bericht iiber ein achtjahriges Kind mit aiigehorenor totaler Katarakt und (lessen Verhalten wiihrend der ersten drei Wochcn nach vviedererlangteru Sehen. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1888, xxvi, 401-481.—Fox (L. W.) Cougenital cataracts successfully removed in a pa- tient sixty yeats of age. Tr. Am.Ophth. Soc. Bost.. 1885, 149-151.—-twiilczowski. Cataractes congenitales. Rec. I d'opht.. Par., 1880. 3. s.. ii. 080-695. —----, Dc quelques formes particulieres des cataractes congenitales. Ibid., 1881, 3. s., iii, 152-150.—Oarria C'aldcron (A.) Sobre uu caso tie cataratas congeuitas. Rev. de metl. y cirug pract., Madrid, 1887. xx, 505-517. — Oirand-Tenloii. Rapport sur le travail pr6sente par M. Giraldes et in titnle: Considerations sur le traitement des cataractes congenitales. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1807), 1808, iii, 44-52.—(Soldzielier (W.) Zwei Fiille von beiderseitiger angeborener Katarakt, nebst Bemerkuugen iiber das Sehen- lernen Blindgeboreuer. "Wien. med. AVchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 33; 08.—Orafe (A.) Xote sur un aveugle de naissance operis de la cataracte k l'age de tpiinze ans. Lev. scient., Par., 1892, 1, 67-75.—von (.rolmnii (W.) Feber Mikrophthalruus und Cataracta congenita vascu- losa. nebst cinigen Bemerkungen iiber Driisen der Chori- oidea und Neiibihlung von Linsenkapsel. Aich. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1889, xxxv, 3. Abth., 187-200, 1 pi. — Home (E.) An account of two children born with cataracts iu their eyes, to show that their sight was obscured in very differ- ent degrees; with experiments to determine the propor- tional knowledge of objects acquired by them immediately after the cataracts were removed. Phil. Tr.. Loud., 1807, xcvii, 83-92. Also [Abstr.]: Abstr. Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc Lond. (1800-14), 1832, i, 254-2."t;.—Lagrange (F.) "Dela pupille artificielle daus le traitement des cataractes con- genitales. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de pajdiat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par.. 1896.' 902.—Leplat (L.) De la cataracte congenitale. Ann. Sot. med.-chir.de Liege. 1885. xxiv. 376-379.—ITI art in (W. i Operation for congenital cataract in a child, nerfonned under the influence of chloro- form. Iudia Reg. M. Sc. Calcutta. 1848 i, 191. — lliiin (J. F.) Congenital cataract. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1808-9, viii, 333. IVorton (A. B.) A peculiar case of congenital cataract. Tr. Am. Homoeop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc, Buffalo, 1883, vii, 79.—yoro processo de discisao de cataracta con- genita completa. Peiiod. tie ophth. prat., Lisb., 1880, ii, no. 1, 25-29.—Paiias. L'operation des cataractes con- genitales. Progres med., Par., 1893, 2. s.. xvii, 113-115. Also, transl: Boll, tl' ocul., Firenze, 1893, xv, no. 5. 1-5.— Powers (G. H.) Congenital cataract. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1892, xxxv. 529.—Rheindorf. Discision einer augeborenen Katarakt bei einem Smonatlicben Kinde; Tod 15 Stuuden nach der Operation. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1883, xxi. 517.—Schafer. Ein Fall von congenitalem. einseitigem Scbichtstaar. Ibid., 1881. xix, 455-458.—Solomon (J. V.) Clinical lecture on congeni- tal cataract. Lancet, Lond., lr-85. ii. 375. — Mtaderini (C.) Cataratta congenita, arida. pt-ndula. Boll. tl. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1885. iii. 490-5UU. Also: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1885, xiv, 519-523.—Su Iter (G. F.) Removal of a congenital cataract, accompanied bv a retinal glioma. Toledo M. Sc 8. Reporter, 1*95, viii, 1R7. — Van den ] Bergh. Un cas d'operation de cataracte congenitale. Pie^se med. beige, Brux., 1894, xlvi, 337. — Viilor ( Z. ) Velesziiletett heineny maghalyogrdl. [On congenital hard nucleated cataract.] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1880, 81 - 85. Also, transl: Wien. med.'Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 644; 670.—Walker (VT.) Congenital cataract with imperfect development of the lenses. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1850, x, 305-3u8. 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Walter (O.) Zur Casuistik der onerirten angeborenen Stare. Central- j bl. f. prakt, Augenh., Leipz., 1896, xx, 364-366. — Webster (D.) A case of congenital cataract: both lenses removed by operation. Arch. Pediat, X. V., 1893, x, 932-934.— Zii-ni (E.) Mehrere seltene Falle von congenitaler Kata- rakt, Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1892, xxx, 5- 25,1 pi. Cataract (Diabetic). See, also, Cataract, Diabetes, in animals. Calamy (L.) * Du traitement de la cataracte diabetique. 4°. Paris, 1-1)0. Coubs.sehant (H.) Reflexions sur Population (le la cataracte chez les diabdtiques. 8°. Paris, lr*7r\ Goeis:; 4 vi, 191. —Steiner (L. 1 lVrsistanee du canal de'cioipiet et cataracte polaire postern ure compliquee de ehorioreti. nite speciriqiie: depots de pigment daus les parois tin ca- nal. Ann. d'ocul.. Par.. 1890, cxv, 41-44. Cataract (Pyramidal). See Cataract (Anteriorpolar). Cataract (Secondary). See, also, Cataract (Capsular). Bachks (J.) "fitutle sur la cataracte secon- daire et sur son traitement en particulier. 4°. Paris, L-81I. Bekceot (It.) * Quelques considerations sur le traitement des cataractes seeondaires 4° Paris, 1-94. Schtiltz(W.) *l'eber die Discission desXacli- staars. 8°. Kiel, 1-!H. Balilomero Castresann (F.) Cataratas secnu- darias; iivtomia; iroectoinia; iridectomia. Rev.de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1890, xxxviii, 491 — 495. — Knlm (E.) Good vision after removal of leus entire iu its cap- sule for secondary cataract following glaucoma. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta,' 1896, x, 9. — Biimham (G. IL) Re- marks on the operation for secondary cataiact. Med Rec, N. Y., 1892. xii, 400. — Claiborne (J. II., Blunt- hook and hook-knife for facilitating tbe operation for sec- ondary cataract. Ibid., 1SU3. xliv, 575. — 9.—Esberjr (H.) Zur Operation des Naeh- staars. Klin. .Monatsbl. f. Augeuh., Stuttg., 1895, xxxiii, 249-251.—Kalczonslii (X ) Sur un nouveau procede operatoire (l'extraction des cataractes seeondaires. Bull. et men. Soc. franc, d'opbt., Par., 1892, x, 47-49. -----. Nouveau proc6de op6ratoirc des cataractes seeondaires k l'aide de deux aiguilles serpettes. Ibid., 1896,xiv, 182- 191. Also: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1896, 3. s.. xviii, 513-523. Also, transl: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1890, x. 545-547. -----. De l'operation des cataractes seeondaires adhe- rentes par lincision d'arriere en avant. lice, d'opht., Par., 1896, 3. s.. xviii, 587-599. — da Gama I'into (J.) Contribution a l'operation de la cataracte secondaire. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1897, ex vii, 22-40. Also, transl: Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1896, xxxiv, 295-315.—Oaycl. Proc6d6 d'iridectomie dans les 1 as de cataractes seeon- daires. Assoc, franc, pour finance, d. sc. C.-r., Reims, 1880, ix, 944-948. Also, Reprint,—Helling. Beobachtungeines Nacbstaars (Cataracta secundaria), wclelier ohne Opera- tion zufallig geheilet wurde. J. f. d. Chir., Arzuk. u. Geburtsh., Berl., 1800-1, i, 139-176. — Libbrccht. In- strument pour operer les cataractes seeondaires. Cong. period, internat. d'ophth. Compt.-rend. 1880, Milan, 1881, vi, 113.—.VI art in (E.) La cataracte secondaire; sa fre- quence, sa cause, le moyen de l'eviter. Rev. mens. d. mal. d. yeux, Marseille, 1889, ii, 37-41. — .Mayer (A.) Ut6hdlyogok korai elt&volitlisi inodja (extractio prse- cedens cataract® secundariae). Gydgyiiszat. Budapest, 1882, xxii. 649-653. Also, transl [Abstr.]: I "est. med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1882, xviii, 858. — .llolais. Ope- ration de la cataracte secondaire. Bull, et 1116m. Soc. franc, d'opht.,.Par., 1888, vi, 24-28. Also: Bull. Soc. do med. d'Angers (1888), 1889, n. s., xvi, pt,2, 13-18.—Pooley (T. R.) Operation for secondary cataract followed by iridocyclitis and consecutive glaucoma. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1891, viii, 377-380. —Pro 11 tr (J. M.) Nouveau proc6d6 de discission de la capsule dans Its cataractes seeondaires prod ui tea par des depots vitreux et des opa- cites sur la capsule. Rev. clin. d'ocul.. Par., 1884, v, 64- 66. -----. Capsulotomie simple, avec le kystitome, et capsulotomie crois6e, dans les cas de cataracte secondaire produite par des d6pots vitreux ou des opacites sur la capsule. Ibid., 1885, v, 89-92. -----. Superiority du procede par le kystitome sur le procede par les aiguilles de Bowman pour cataractes seeondaires. Bull. et mem. Soc franc, d'opht., Par., 1888, vi, 28-34. — Bed- moml (I). I>.) An electro-magnetic rotating needle for the discission of tough and calcareous secondary cataracts. Tr. Ophth. Sot. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1889-90, x, 'J5-J.—Bos- nian. Considerations relatives k la structure et au CATARACT. 235 CATARACT. Cataract (Seco nda ry). traitement operatoire de certaines formes de cataracte secondaire. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1889, ci, 93-98. — Schmidt (J. A.) Ueber Nacbstaar uud Iritis nach Staaro|>eratiouen. Abhandl. d. k. k. metl.-chir. .losophs- Acad. zu Wien, 1801, ii, 209-292— Mi mi (A.) Cura della cateratta secondaria (casi pratici). lloll. tl' ocul., Fi- renze, 1879-80. ii, 105: 125; 140. — Strcalfcild. Sur l'emploi des aiguilles crocliets dans les operations de cataracte secondaire. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. 1872. Par., 1873, iv, 174-180.—Taylor (C. B.) Secondary or after cataract. Lancet, LontL, 1894, ii, 374-377.—Tel- nikhiii. Noviy kapsulotoin i ye-vo upotrebleui'e pri vtorichnoi kataraktie. [New ca))sulotome and its appli- cation iu secondary cataract.) Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1886, iii, 320-332.— Yijjncs (L.) Cataracte secondaire; irido-eapsulotomie: piuce-ciseaux. Verhandl. d. x. inter- nat. metl. Cong. 1890. Berl., 1891, iv, 10. Abth.. 11-13.-----. Quelques mots sur les cataractes seeondaires. Rec d'ophth., Par., 1891, 3. s., xiii. 65-72. Also, transl: Rev. esp. de oftal., dermat.. sif. [etc.], Madrid. 1891, xv. 289- 296.—de Wecker (L.) Nouveau procede operatoire de la cataracte secondaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opbt,. Par., 1891. ix, 284-294. — Wichcrkicwicz. Quelques mots sur l'operation de la cataracte secon- daire. Bull, et mem. Soc franc, d'opht., Par., 1895, xiii, 135-142.—Williams ill.) How to deal with secondary cataract. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 113-115. Cataract (Senile). See. also. Cataract (Morgagnian): Cataract [Spontaneous cure of). v.ix Hummel (C.) *Beifra\oe zur Aetiologie der Cataracta senilis. t°. Wiirzburg, 1*86. Fekket (A.) De la cataracte corticale vul- gaire, dite cataracte spontanee ou senile; his- torique, causes, pr phylaxie et traitement nie'di- cal. ^c. Paris, l89'.\. Kaijsek (F.) Om det enkla starrsnittet jetnte en sainnianstiillnino; af de under aren ldyi-1894 a Kougl. Seratinierlasarettet utforda starropera- tionerna a senil starr. [Simple cataract extrac- tion with a summary of cataract operations for senile cataractcarried out at the Royal Seraphim- lazaret in the years 1*91-94.] 8°. Stockholm, 1895. Also, in: Hygiea. Stockholm, 1895, lvii, pt. 2, 35; 89. Xickelsburg ( L. ) * Weitere Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Cataracta senilis. [Wurtzburg.] ?-. Berlin, 1892. Waldenstrom (J. A.) "Niir bor den harda aldersstarren opereras? [When can we operate for cataract in elderly persons?] 8P. Fpsala, 1869. Adt (L. F.) The cause and prevention of the senile cataract. Albany M. Ann., 1895, xvi, 325-333.— And re w (E.) On the extraction of senile cataract in its capsule. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, i, 41-44. — Angel I (IL C.) The variable progress of senile cataiact. j. Ophth., Otol., Sc Laryngol., N. T., 1890, ii, 24.—Badal. Dc la cataracte nucl6aire senile. Gaz. hebd. d. sc metl. tie Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 094.—Baker (A. R.) A report of twenty-seven consecutive cases of senile cataract operated by the von Graefe modified linear extraction. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, li-s.">. ii, 15-21. -----. A further report of extrac- tions of x-nile cataiact. Ibid., 1887, iv, 21-26. — Beau- mont (W. M.) Tbe progress and prognosis of incipient senile cataract, Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 76.— Briere. Cataracte senile compliquee de syn6cbie totale et d'iritis sympatbique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 93.— Burnliam (G. H.) A few remarks on the treatment of lamellar and senile cataracts. Med. Rec, N. V., 1891, xl, 209. — Carre. Cataracte s6nile; manuel operatoire de l'exti-action. Gaz. d'ophth., Par., 18L J. & CATARACT. 236 CATARACT. Cataract (Senile). Pract., St. Louis, 1897, iv, 243-245— Thompson (J. W.) The flap extraction of senile cataract. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1880, vi, 202-204. — Vci-jjliewe ( V.) Further observations on the modified operation lor extraction of senile cataract. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 87.— Wakelield (W. H.) Senile cataract; report of cases aged sixty \ ears and upwards. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1895, vi. 873-878— AViclicrkicwicz (B.) O niezwyklej przypadlosci po prawidlowem wydohyciu zacmy starczej. lOu unusual symptoms in ordinary extraction of senile cataract | Przegl. lek., Krakow, '1891, xxx, 481-483.— Wilson i P.M.) Senile cataract; one hundred extrac- tions. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1895, 65-89.— M'ilxon (H.) Tbe operation for senile cataract. Hoinujop. Eye, Ear Sc Throat Hosp., N. Y., 1897, iii, 215-229. Cataract (Soft). See, also, Cataract (Morgagnian). Avsset (D.) * Du traitement de la cataracte molle par la me'thode de Inspiration. 4°. Paris, 18*2. Bailby ( J. ) * Des resultats fonctionnels eloignes de 1'opcratiou de la cataracte molle chez les enfants. 4°. Lyon, 1K>4. Riviere (G.) * Traitement des cataractes congenitales molles par l'extraction lineaire sini]»le opposee a la discission. 4°. Paris, 1*87. Andibert. Proc6d6 nouveau pour l'aspiration en un seul temps ties cataractes liquides et demi-molles; descrip- tion d'une aiguille-k6ratotome creuse speciale; avautages; observations k l'appui. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc- d'opht., Par., 1892, x, 54-63. Also: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1892, cviii, 100-109. — Breton. Cataracte liquide d'une teinte jau- n&tre; extraction; guerison. Rec. d'ophth., I'ar., 1883, 3. s., v, 633. — Coppez. De l'operation de la cataracte molle par aspiration. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. franc d'opht., Par., 1885, iii, 145-169. Also: J. dented., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., 1885, lxxx, 177-201. —Bnjardin (A.) Deux cataractes molles op6rees par aspiration. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1886, viii, 473-478.— Fcuer (N.) A lilgy halyog miitelele. [Operation for soft cataract.] Szem6szet, Budapest, 1881, 3-7. Also, transl: Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 424; 488; 519. — Ficuzal. Irido-choroidite ancienne; luxation du cristallin; cataracte molle; extrac- tion dans la capsule avec la curette len6trec Bull. clin. nat, opht. do l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts, Par., 1886, iv, 181.— Green (J.) A modified operation for discission in soft cataiact. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1880, iii, 158.— Hemeaway (H. B.) Soft cataract; its causes and pa- thology. Chicago M.Rev., 1882, v, 88-90.—fjec (C.G.) On the extraction of soft cataract bv injection. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, i, 103. -----. Extraction of soft cataract by intracapsular irrigation. I bid., 1889, i, 706.— Uano- lcttcn. Note sur un procede (l'extraction de la cataracte molle. Bull, ct mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1886, iv, 234. — Bedard (P.) Sur les procedfes op6ratoires k em- ployer dans le traitement de la cataracte molle. France med., Par., 1885, ii, 1120. Sainl-Tlai-tin. Note sur quatre cas de cataracte molle traites par la methode de l'aspiration. Bull. clin. nat. opht. tie l'hosp. d. Quinze- Vingts, Par., 1883, i, 138-142. — Webster (D.) Loss of an eye following keratonyxis for soft cataract in an adult. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1888-9, viii, 223-226. -----. A case of soft cataract cured by a single needling. Denver M. Times, 1892-3, xii, 8. Cataract (Spontaneous cure of). Dklbes (O.) * De la resorption spontan6e intra-eapsulaire de la cataracte s6nile. 4U. Paris, 1*96. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1*96. (iiiiMM (O.) * Eiu kasuistischer Beitrag zur Spontanlieilun"; yron Altersstaar. [Erlangen.] 8-. Miinster, \_18*9]. Meyer (P.) * Ueber spontaue Resorption von Cataracta senilis. [Gottingen.] 8°. Berlin, 1887. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1887, xxxiii, 1. Abth., 159-194. Steixhokf (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Spontanresorption des Altersstaares. 8°. Bres- lau. 1896. Ann* (E.) Spontane Kataraktresorptiou im Verlaufe von Meuingitis cercbralis. Bull. Soc. d. sc med. du gr.- ducbe de Luxeinb., 1885. 80-82. —Aril. Spontane Ber- stuug der vorderen Kapsel einer kataraktdseu Linse. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch.. Stuttg., 1881, xiii, 130-133. —Baquis (E.) Sul riassorbimento intra- capsulare spontaueo della cataratta. Ann. di ottal.. Pavia, 1897, xxvi, 76-104.—Bickerton (T. H.) Traumatic cata- Cataract (Spontaneous cure of). ract; absolute disappearance of leus and capsule without operation; perfect vision with (?) power of accommoda- tion. Lancet. Lond., 1885, i. 514. — BIizom ((J.) Cata- ractes primitives et seeondaires spontanement gu6rics. Aim. d'ocul.. Par., 1897, cxvii. 270 —Bi-etiauer (J.) Drei Fiille spontaner Aufsaugung von scnih-r Katarakt bei nnverletzter Kapsel. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch.. Stuttg., 1885, xvii, 47-58. Also, transl .- Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1880. xv. 3-10.- Clievallerean (A.) Guerison spontanee d'nm- cataracte senile. France nietl' Par., 1897, xliv. 433-435. Also.- Pec d'opht., Par. 1897 3. s., xix, 484-489.—Cliisolm (.1. .1.) The dislocation of an opaque lens; nature's rare method of suddenly and painlessly restoring sight to a cataractous eye. Am J Ophth., St, Louis, 1892, ix, 97-99.—Oe»o«n« (R.) Uu caso raro di riassorbimento spontaueo iii cataratta senile Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 1664; 1070. Also: Spallam zani, Roma, 1889, 2. s., xviii, 410-420. Also, Reprint.- Gardner (C. It. ) Absorption of opacities in a caseof senile cataract. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1891-2, i, 411__ Gunu (R. M.) Growth of new lens fibres after sponta- neous absorption of traumatic cataract. Tr. Ophth Sm- U. Kingdom 1887-8, Loud., 18*8, viii, 120. —HijjSciiN (C.) Case of spontaneous disappearance of cataract! Tr. Ophth. Soc V. Kingdom, Lond., 1891-2, xii. I(i7-1D9. Also ■ Brit. M. J., LontL, 1892, i, 1022. —von Hippcl (E.) jun. Ueher Spontanresorption seniler Cntaractc. Per. ii. <1, Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1895, xxiv, 107- 269.—Kipp (C. J.) A caseof spontaneous absorption of asenMe cataract, without injury to the capsule of the lens; restoration of excellent vision. Am. J. Ophth., St, Louis, 1887, iv, 157-102. — Kdt-ui;'. Guerison spontanea dc la cataracte. Progres med., Par.. 1897, 3. s., \. 'J73. Also: Rec. d'opht,. Par., 1897, 3. s., xix, 204-209.— Langc (0.) Zur Frage iiber die spontane Resorption cataracioser Linsentriibungen. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1884, xxx, 3. Abth., 211-214. -----. Nacbtrag zu eineni Falle von spontaner Auf heilung einer cataraetiisen Linse. Ibid., 1880, xxxii, 4. Abth., 281-287. — (Vatanson (A. V.) Samorodnoe vsasyv. starcht-sk. katarakty. [Two cases of natural absorption of senile cataract.J Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1891, xii, 906-908. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Klin. Monatsbl f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1891. xxix. 423-427.— rVicati. Guerison spontanea de cataracte senile. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1888, cvi, 1478.—NcliiM-iild-onim (T. B.) A caseof spontaneous absorption of a cataractous lens. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1894, xv, 132-134. Also: Phila. Polycliu., 1894. iii, 334-330. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894, lxx, 530. Also: Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1894, xxvii, 2G3.—Schramm (F.) Spontane Aufsaugung eines Altersstaares bei nnverletzter Linscn- kapsel. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 687; 735.—JOzili (A.) Aggbdlyognak dnk6uytes felszivodAsa, [Sponta- neous absorption of an old cataract.] Szem6szet, Buda- pest, 1884, 3-5. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz.. 1884, viii, 17-19. Also, transl: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 180. Cataract (Traumatic). See, also, Cataract (Spontaneous cure of). Aukaxd (L.) *Des resultats eloignes de l'in- tervention et de la non-intervention dans les cataractes trauniatiques; etude statistique. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Egnek (R. M. F. J.) * Ueber Contusions- staare, speeiell die durch Kapselruptur beding- ten. 8-. Greifswald, 1896. Kuell ( H.) * Ueber Cataracta traumatica. 8-. Kiel, 1893. Mi'ller (A.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vou der trauniatischen Cataiact. 8°. Solothurn, 1883. Riemek (T. M.) * Kritiseher Bericht iiber 100 Falle von Cataracta traumatica. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Schloesser(C) Experinientelle Studie iiber traumatische Katarakt. 8°. Miinchen, 1887. Schmidt (K. G. A.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik der Cataracta traumatica. 81-. Greifswald, 188*. AlchslcyeflTfA.V.) Ob iskustvenuo prolzvedlonnikh travmaticbeskikh kataraktakh. [On traumatic cataracts artificially produced.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1883-4, xx, 378-384. — Ball (J. M.) Two cases of traumatic cataracts in children ; extraction: suc- cessful results. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1894, 3. s., x, 661. -----. Treatnieutof traumatic cataract attended byra|>id swelling of the lens. Ann. Ophth. it Otol., St, Louis, 1895, iv, 16-19. Also: Oklahoma M. J., Guthrie, 1895. iii. 300- 304. — JSai'Manti. Cataracte trauraatiiiue develormce souilaineini'iit a la suite d'une commotion nu cristiulin. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 1-17. — ISiswerie (F.) De la cataracte traumatique et de son traitement par la methode aspiratrice. Ann. med.-chir. tram;, et etraug., CATARACT. 237 OAT Alt ACT. Cataract (Traumatic). Par., 1880, ii, 97-102. — Bor ( F.) Recherches expe- rimentales pour servir a l'etude de la cataracte trau- matique. Arch d'opht., Par., 1886, vi, 308-323. 2 pi.-----. Recherches experimentales pour servir k l'etude de la cataracte traumatique; 2e partie Ibid., 1887, vii, 193- 197, 2 pi. — Cataracte traumatique cbez un hoiunic de trente- quatre ans ; resorption du cristallin : atrophic partielle du nerf optique; diminution considerable du champ visuel et de la vision. Rev. clin. d'ocul., Bor- deaux, 1881, ii, 221-224. — Crenieeana ((!.) Cata- racta traumatica partialis egy ritkilbb esete. Szemeszet, Budapest. 18S4, 62-08. Also, transl: Pest. mod.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 787. — t'lii^net. Cataracte traumatique sans ouverture de la cristallolde. Rec. d'opbt.. Par., ls>5. 3. s., vii, 193-198.—Danesi (G.) Sulla cateratta traumatica. Boll, tl' ocul., Firenze, 1883-4, vi, 101-107.— iDcmessn* (A. K.) 2v/u|8oA>) eis tJ|c Sepatniar too TpavfiaTticoO KarapatcTOV. Ta\r)vbs, 'A0jji/ai, 1889, xix,417; 437.—Fage. Dn uettoyage secondaire de la pupillo dans le traitement des cataractes trauniatitiues. Arch.d'ophL, Par., 1893, xiii, 024-627. — Fano. Du pronostic des cata- ractes traumatiques. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1881, ix. 23- 20. -----. Des resultats fouruis par les operations dans les cataractes trauinatiques. Ibid., 1884. vi, 153: 101.— (Jalczowshi. Des cataractes traumatinues. Rec d'opht., Par., 1881,3. s., iii, 705: 1882, 3.s.,iv 17.—Giniid. Observation tie cataracte traumatique k developpement lent. Ann. Soc. de med. tie St.-Etienne et de la Loire (1877-80), 1881, vii, 161-105.—Haltenhoir (G.) Rapport sur le traitement des cataractes trauniatitiues. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc- d'opht.. Par., 1894, xii, 1-51. Also, Re- print.— Landau (O.) Aspiration eines traumatiscben Stars mit gutem Erfolg. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz.. 1895, xix, 37. — de l.apcrsonne (F.) Do lop- poriunite de l'intervention dans la cataracte traumatique. Bull, et mem. Soc franc, d'opht., Par.. 1892. x, 49-53.— I.awloid (J. B.) Two cases of "concussion cataiact". Ophth. Rev.. Lond., 1887. vi, 281 -280. — I.eitner ( V. ) Cataracta traumatica partialis egv esete. Szemeszet, Budapest, 1890, 46. Also, transl. : Arch. f. TJnfallheilk., Stuttg.. 1897. ii, 98. — liCiiz (A.) Ein Fall von Coutn- sionscataract. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz.. 1897, xxi, 15. — .Horse (C. S.) Traumatic cataract. South. Pract.. Nashville, 1886, viii. 214-218.—Oliver (C. A.) Clinical history of a case of ciliary staphyloma and exca- vation of the optic disk following traumatic cataract in a seventeen-year-old boy. TJniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 505-509.— Owens ( E. M.) Traumatic cataract. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 187-191.—Pie- ' cliauil (A.) Essai snr les cataractes traumatiques. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1870. xv, 451: 1877, xvi, 38; 81; 181. Also, Reprint.— Puech (A.) Cataracte trau- matique. Bull et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1896, xiv. 170-181. Also: Rec. d'opht.. Par., 1896, 3. s., xviii, 400-473.—Kaineri (A.) Cataratta capsularc traumatica conestese ailercnzi- iridee; corclisicon un nuovo sinecchio- tonio o eonsecutiva esportazione della capsula.; guari- gione con visione distinra. (jazz. med. cremonese, Cre- mona, 1894, xiv, 14, 1 pi. — Kisley (S. D.) Traumatic cataract. Med. News, N. V-, 1890, lxviii. 405-407.—It oil- man (A.) Fn cas de cataracte traim>atic[iie opere par l'aspiration. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1885, xciv, 120-129. — Sinclair (A. G.i Traumatic cataract, with report of case. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1881, i, 10- 13. -----. Traumatic cataract. South. Pract., Nashville, 1890, xii, 233-236. — .Sns-ll (S.) Clinical lecture on trau- matic cataract. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.. 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 542. — Stoeber (V.) Observations de cataractes traumatiques. Arch. med. de Strasb., 1835, i, 403-421.— TrousNcau (A.) Cataracte traumatique open'-e et gnerie par l'aspiration. Union med.. Par., 1885. 3. s., xl, 325-327. — Webster 'D.) A case of alleged traumatic cataract involving litigation. Eastern M. J., Worcester, 1887, vii, 99.— Wolfe. Sur la cataracte traumati.[iie. Cong, period, internat. d'opbth. 1872, I'ar., 1873, iv. 81-91.— Wood (C. A.) A contribution to the study of concus- sion cataract. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol., Kansas City, 1892, i, 17-21. — Wiierdemann (H. V.) Traumatic cataiact, with occlusion of pupil by false membranes and coloboma of the iris. Am. .1. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1889, vi, 199-203. Cataract (Zonular). See, also, Cataract (Hereditary) ; Cataract in c'tildrev. Lkssixg ([C. T. ]R. ) * Schichtstaar nnd Sc.hielil staaroperationen. 8C. Berlin, 18,9~>. Sciikeiber(J.[B.]) * Zur Lehre vom Schicbt- sliiur. [Kiel.] 8°. Bilefeld, \*96. It.-i^iK-i-is. Cataracte zonulaire double, compl6t6e k gauche et operue par extraction. Union med. dn nord-est, Reims, 1892, xvi. 203.—Bcrnay* (S. A.) Very thin zonu- lar cataiact. with characteristic teeth. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883. n. s., v. 481— BcMclin (O.) Ein Fall von extrahirtem und mikroscopisch untersuohtem Schicht- staarcines Erwachsenen. Arch. f. Augenh , Wiesb., 1887. Cataract (Zonular). xviii, 71-86, 2 pi. Also, transl: Arch.Ophth., N. V., 1888, xvii, 318-332, 2 pi.— ICrowne (E. A.) Ou the association of certain nflections of the teeth with zonular cataract. Liverpool «fc Manchester M. \ S. Rep.. 1878, vi, 253. _____' Zonular cataract and dental maltoi mations. Ophth. Rev., Loud., 1886, v, 354-357.—It nn-chard I. Schichtst iar mit ungewohnlicher Zeichuung tier Vordcrflacho : Inilikatiou fiir the Art tier Operation ties Schichtsfanres. Charity- Ann. 1886, berl., 1888, xiii, 655-658.— Criichelt (A.) A case of lamellar cataracts in which different modes of oper- ating have been adopted. Tr. Ophth. Sue. U. Kingdom, Loud., 1881-2, ii, 12. -----. A case of lamellar cataracts treated by marginal iridectomies. Ibid., 13—Derby (H.) Unintentional artificial ripening in a case of zonular cata- ract. Boston M. <'iil*fgiui;i mi (Li.) Pathologisch- anatomische Untersuehung eines menschlichen Schicht- staares. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1886, xxxii, 2. Abth., 295- 300.—D'Oencli (F. E.) A caseof uniocular zonular cata- ract, Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1891, xx, 258.—I>nb (15.) Bei- trage zur Kenntniss der Cataracta zonularis. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1891, xxxvii, 4. Abth., 26-38.—Einscitijjc Cataracta zonularis mit unrcgebnassiser Linseutriibung des andern Auges; durch Discision geheilt. Augenheil- anst. in Basel. Jahresb. (1895), 1896, xxxii, 48.—«nyet. Cataracte zonulaire. Mem. et compt,-rend. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1889), 1890, xxix. pt. 2, 223-225.—Hcinzcl (C.) Zur Kasuistik des Schichtstares. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1892, Hft. v, 27-29, 1 pi Ilii-sclibci-j; (J.) Scbiidelmissbildung ueben Schichtstaar. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1885, ix, 235. -----. ,Ueber Schichtstar bei alteren Menschen. Ibid., 1893, xvii, 225- 230.-----. Ueber Schichtstar. Ibid., 1895, xix, 75-80.— Jennings (J- E.) Remarks on the treatment of two cases of lamellar cataract. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1894, xxix. 285. — Jcssop (W. H.) Lamellar cataracts. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. Kingdom, 1886-7, Lond., 1887, vii, 171, 1 1., 1 pi.—Kesslcr (H. J.) Een bijzoiidere vorm van aange- boren cataracta zonularis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1891, 2. R., xxvii, pt. 2, 713-715. —JLawford (J. B.) On the pathological anatomy of lamellar or zonular cataract. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, xii, 184-194, 2 pi. -----. Peculiar cataracts of lamellar type. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond.,/1893-4, xiv. 138. — Little (D.) On the operative treatment of zonular cataract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 178. —Peters (A.) Ueber die Entstehnng des Schicbtstaars und verwandter Staarfor- men. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1893, xxxix, 1. Abth., 221- 255, 1 pi. -----. Ueber die Entstehung des Schicbtstaars. Ibid., 1894, xl, 3. Abth., 283-292.—Pro off (J. M.) Trois observations de cataracte zonulaire. Rev. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 172-175.—Purtscher. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre des Schichtstares. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 33-40.->-Schinner (0.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie und Patbogeneso des Schicht- staars. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1889, xxxv. 3. Abth., 147- 186, 3 pi. -----. Nachtrag zur pathologischen Anatomie des Schichtstaars. Ibid., 1890, xxxvi, 1. Abth., 185-192, 1 pi. -----. Zur Patbogeuese ties Schicbtstaars. Ibid., 1893, xxxix, 4. Abth., 202-208.—Scimemi (E.) Su di un caso di cateratta zonulare cou alterazioni dentarie da rachitismo. Boll, d'ocul., Firenze, 1888, x, 53; 65.—Npi- cer (\V. T. H.) Lamellar cataract. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U Kingdom, Loud., 1891-2, xii, 105-107.—Hiovy (J. B.) Zonu- lar cataract ami dental malformations. Tr. Acad. M. Ire- land, Dubl., 18so. iv. 366-370. Also: Ophth. Rev., Lond., 188G, v, 277-282.—Theobald. Exhibition of patient with zonularcatatsicts. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait,, 1893, iv, 55.—Tobin (W.) A case of zonular cataract. Mari- time M. Xews. Halifax, 1892, iv, 81-83. —Webster (D.) Lamellar cataract. Internat. Ulin., Phila., 1891, iii, 307- 309.—Weeks (J. E.) Tho operative treatnieutof imma- ture and some forms of zonular cataract, J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 650-054.—Wiiiierwleiner (II.) Ein Fall von einseitigem, donpeltem Schichtstar. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh".. Sruttg., 1893, xxxi, 300-304.—Words- worth (J. (',.) Peculiar granular bodies on tbe iris after needle operations for lamellar cataract, Tr. Ophth. Soc U. Kingdom, Loud., 1880-81, i, 23.— Wray (C.) Points in the treatment of lamellar cataract, Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1891, x, 263-207. Cataract in animals. Peteus (J.) Der schwarze Staar der Pferde. 8C. Berlin, 1**6. Berlin (R.) Beobachtnngen iiber Staar und Staar- operationen bei Tbieren. Ztschr. f. vergleich. Augenh., Wiesb., 1887. v, 59; 127. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg.. 1887, xix, 113-116. — Ilaltenhotr (G.) Diabetische Katarakt bei einem Hunde. Ztschr. f. vergleich. Augenh., Leipz.. 1885, iii, 65 — Tloeller. Casnisti.sche Mittheiluugen iiber das Vorkommen und die operative Behandlung des grauen Stares beim Hunde. Ibid., 1886, iv, 138-146.--Jlouquet. CATARACT. 238 CATARRH. Cataract in animals. Cataracte chez deux .jeuiu-s chiens. Rec. de m6d. vet., Par., 1893, 7. s., x, 721.— Randolph (R. L.) Two suc- cessful cataiact operations on a dog. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1895, vi, 28-30. Also: J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch.. Phila., 1895, xvi, 133-138.—Smith (F.) Cata- ract iu the horse. J. Comp. Path. A: Therap., Ediub. & Loud., 1896, ix, 138-146.—Viiller* (H.) Angehorene Katarakt beider Augeu mit Perforation der Linseukapsel beim Kaninchen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1894, xl, 5. Abth., 190-190, 1 pi. Cataract in children. Sec, also, Cataract (Congenital). Dolard (L.) ^La cataracte chez les jeunes sujets. 4C. Lyon, 1890. '-----. The same, 8 . Paris, 1890. Also [Abstr.], in: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1890, 3. s., xii, 538-554. Baker (A. R. ) Infantile cataract. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1892, xix, 278-280. Also, Reprint.— ChiNolm (J. J.) Cataract-extraction with iridectomy in an infant six months old. Arch. Ophth.. X. T., 1882, xi, 320-332.— Dodge (S.) Cataract iu tbe young. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1892, iv, 178.—Dolard (L.) Con- siderations geuerales sur Foperation de la cataracte chez bs infants. Rec d'opht, Par., 1894, 3. s., xvi. 408-484.— Fryer (B E.) Double congenital zonular cataract in an infant four months old, iu which both atropia and duboisia produced but slight pupillary dilatation. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 55-57.—Panas. Sur la cataracte nucleaire de l'enfance simulant la cataracte strati- flee ou zonulaire; deductions operatoires qui en de- coulent. Arch, d'opht,. Par., 1882, ii, 481-487. — Schna- bel. Benierkungen iiber die Cataracta der Kinder. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1890, Oraz, 1891, xxvii, 65-71. —Shields (C. M.) When shall wo operate for cataract and strabismus iu children? Tr. M. Soc Virg., Richmond, 1890, 223-226.—Sym (W. G.) Atrophy of iris and infantile cataract. Ediub. Hosp. Rep., 1893. i. 5C6.—Valude (E.) Traitement de la cataracte chez les enfants. Lev. mens. d. mal. tie l'enf., Par., 1888, vi, 413; 452. — Vnrpas (C.) Sc Eggli(H.) Quelques recherches psychologiques sur le sens de la vue chez deux enfants operes tie cataracte double congenitale. Ann. med.- psychoh, Par., 1896, 8. s., iv, 14-26. — Webster (D.) A case of cataract in an infant; probably inherited; re- moved by discission. Arch. Pediat., X. V., 1894, xi, 905.— Wettcndorfer (F.) Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie des juveiiilen Totalstaares. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, 'xlvii, 409; 528. Catarrh. See, also, Bladder (Inflammation, etc., of); Bronchitis; Ear (Diseases of, Causes of); Hay- fever; Stomach (Catarrh of). Altiiusics (H.) *De gravedine et catarrhis. 4°. ' Lugd. Bat, 1669. Bacmkister (M.) De catarrho et ex eo des- ceudentibus odontalgia, epiphora et otalgia. In: Wakenius (H.) Nosologia. 8°. Lip-sice, 1005, 78-88. Botalli's (L.) De catarrho comtnentarius . . . Addita est in fine monstrosornm renum rigura, nuper in cadavere repertoruni. 12c. Parisiis, 1564. Also, in his.- Commentarioli duo. 18°. Lugduni, 1565, 75-182. Coorxhert (C. G.) *De catharro iu genere. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1651. Cromptox (P.) *De catarrho. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 17H5. Deimax (8. A.) *De catarrho. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1793]. Dcraxd (E.) Des maladies catarrhales en general et de quelques points de doctrine qui s'y rattachent. 8°. Bordeaux, 1861. 'Earley (C. R.) Catarrh. 8°. . [n. p., n. d.] Fistei: (J.) Monographic cliuique de l'af- fection eatarrhale. >J. Montpellier, 1SG1. Jeffery (T.) Diss, inaug. in naturatn ca- tarri vindicias theorise Brunonianee exhibens. i'~. Lugd. Bat, 1782. Lighthill (A. P.) Catarrh, its symptoms and cure, including a treatise on asthma, bayfever, deafness, and diseases of the nervous system and blood. 12-. Washington, D. C, 1893. Catarrh. -----. The same. Catarrh, what it is and how to cure it, including a treatise on asthma ami deafness. 8C. Washington, 1). ('., 1893. Malattie (Delle) eaturrali della laringe, dei bronchi, dei pulnioni, dell' intestino e della vescica. 8 . [Milano, \8-8.] Mexgek (A. J.) *De catarrho. 4-. Marde- rovici, 17('rJ. Mexjot(A.) De catarrho. In his: Februm malig. hist. [etc.]. 4°. Parisiis, 1600 125-143. Morris (S.) vDe catarrho. 4~. Lugd. Bat, 1668. Noreus (O.) *De catarrho. 4-. Upsaliw, 1797. 1'aparella (8.) Libri duo de catarrho. Ad ratioualium medicorum doetrinani editi, et nunc magna diligentia recogniti. 16°. Pupia; 156'i. Pixckard (G.) *De catarrho. 4 Lugd. Bat, 1792. Pitcairx (A.) De catarrho. In his: Opera omnia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 17.17, 110. Kujibold (T. F.) The hygiene and tie.-cment of catarrh. 8-. St. Louis, lhsl. Schneider (C. V.) Liber quintns de ca- tarrhosoruui dia3ta, (f de speciebus catarrhoruni, ut de coryza, braneho. catarrho suffocative, ca- tarrho stomachi. [Sectio prima.] 1 . U'itie- bergw, 1662. -----. The same. Liber quintns et ultimas de catarrhosorum diseta, et de speciebus catar- rhoruni, ut de coryza, seu catarrho nieiiibraiiib pituitarias anterioris, catarrho niembranie pittii- tarise posterioris, braneho, hoc est, raueitate, seu de catarrho gntturis, catarrho suffocative ac de curatione illorum. [Sectio secunda.] 4-. JVittebergw, 1662. Schtjt (A.) *De catarrho. sm. 4~. Lugd. Bat, Ki60. vax der Straal(J.) * De catarrho. 8~. Lugd. Bat, 1816. Stkelxikoff (N. D.) *0 mekot>rlkh pato- logo-histologicheskikh izmieneniyakh epiteliya trakhei i bronkbov pri katarrie. [Some pa- thologo-histological alterations of the epithe- lium of the trachea and bronchi iu catarrh.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Tullekex (O.) *De catarrho suffocative. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1694. de With-: (J.) *De catarrho. 4-. Lugd. Bat, 1669. Aschman (G. A.) Etiology and treatment of acute catarrh. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg.. Wheeling, ls!)l, 820-829.- Baltcr (A. B.) Coughs, colds, and catarrh; how to avoid. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1890-91, vi, 354-368. Also, Re- print.—Basict (S. A.) Tho cause of cntanh anil its effects. St. Louis Cliuique, 1896. ix, 513. — ltnuiit. A' liurut mint vigUgkor es mint evszakkoz >/.nUas. (Ca- tarrhus, qua morbus cosmicus, et tiua morbus acclinia- tisatorius.) Orvosi Tdr, Pest, 18:19, ii, 241: 257 — Kinder (G. F.) The etiology of catarrh. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1884, ii, 217-234.—Oiii-pt-ntci- (J. G.) Tho etiology, pa- thology, aud treatment of acute catarrh of the upper air passages. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 514-516.— t'line (L. C.) Catarrh of children and the importance of early treatment. Ibid., 1892, xix, 481-483.—Da t'osta (J. M.) Observations on catarrhal fever. Louisville M. Xews, 1.-82. xiii, 259-201. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Sc Snrg., Phila., 1883, 3. s., vi, 53-59. — Dc ViIdin* (A.) Causes and hygiene of catarrh, acute and chronic. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1884-5, iv, 314-322.—Fox well (A.) Ou a case of acute catarrh. Birmmgli. M. Rev.. 1*95. xxxvii, 206- 213. -----. The nature of" certain catarrhal affections. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1498-1501.—Gallez (L.) Inocula- tion du bacille du catarrhe contagieux aux ponies et aus cobayes, avec ou sans injection pr6ventive tie serum anti- diph'teritique. Bull. Acad. roy. de metl. de Belg., Brux., 1896, 4. s., x, 233. — Ciai-cia Diaz (F.) El proceso ca- tarral; estudio histotico tritico de las ideas emitidas acerca de su natuiali/.a. Clinica, Zaragoza, 1884. iv, 289; 297; 305.—Orenlon. Ansine eatarrhale muqneuse: ter- minaison par sphat eh. France ni6d., Par., 1881. ii, 29.— Ilitz (H. B.) Atmospheric changes as a direct factor in tin- etiology of catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract. CATAREH. 239 CATARRH. Catarrh. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1896, i. 281-284.—Hopkins (H. J)' Catarrh. Pittsburgh M. Kev.. 1895, ix, 131-134.— Jerartl (H.) Catarrh. Kansas City M. Kec. 1885, ii, 8- 10._____A deceptive throat symptom in catarrhal pa- tients. Ibid., 1889, vi. 281. — Kelsch. Des maladies catarrliales saisonuicres. Arch, de rued, et pharm. mil., Par.. 1889, xiv, 169; 265. -----. Maladies catarrliales Baisonuieres. Gaz. hebd. dc med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 518-521. Also: G^iz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1890, iv, 353; 361; 378.—liOjjan (P. \V.) Catarrhal mucous membrane. South. Pract..' Nashville. 1885, vii, 9-18. Also, Reprint. .-----A mixed form of atrophic and hypertrophic ca- tarrhal inflammation (hitherto undescribed), aud its treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 202-204.— Jlct'assv (J. B.) Footwear in relation to catarrh. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. V., 1896. 446. — Moore (K. P.) Ca- tarrhal fever. Atlanta M. Sc S. ,T.. 1*85-6, n. s., ii, 8-12.— Nothiias;el (IT.) Das Yerhiiltiiiss tier Stuhlentleeruiigen beim chrouischen Katarrh. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1883, vii, 1-14.—Pepper (W.) Address in medicine on some of the relations of catarrhal affections. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila.. 1881, xxxii, 113-12S. Also, Reprint. —Piazza (L.) Sur langine periodiquc, a propos d'un cas (le "feb- bricola". Ann. tl. mal. del'oreille, du larynx [etc.]. Par., 1S93, xix, 54-58.—Pii'ici' (N. IT.) The treatment of ca- tarrhal disease of the upper air-passages. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892. i, 936-942— Ponlet. Observations de nevrose du nerf puenmogastriquo ou catarrhe suffocant a repetition; guerison par le traitement anti-epileptique (bromure de potassium associe a la picrotoxiue). Con- cours med., Par., 1881, iii, 027-029—Sexton (S.) Catarrh of the upper air-tract, especially its effects on the ear; with suggestions as to treatment, both hygienic aud med- ical. Med. Pec, X. Y., 1886, xxix, 113-120. Also, Re- print.— Starr (L.) Bronchial catarrh accompanied by spasmodic cough and epigastric pain, occurring in chil- dren. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 5-7.—Stebbings (H. P.) Catarrhal affections and their treatment. X. Am. Pratt., Chicago, 1897, ix. 106.—Thompson (G. H.) Some remarks on catarrh. Am. J. Surg. Sc Gvna-c, St. Louis, 1897. ix. 7. Also, Reprint. —"Walker (J.) [et al.]. Is a residence in Brooklyn calculated to aggravate or induce nasal, pharyngeal, or bronchial catarrh? Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1880-81, v, 399-423— We^elin. Beobachtung eines am Steckfluss plozlich Verstorhenen inhst der Leichenofnung. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich, 1792, i, 161. Catarrh (Treatment of). Dessau (L. A.) Home treatment for catarrhs and colds, a handy guide for the prevention, care and treatment of catarrhal troubles, cold in the head, sore throat, hay fever, hoarseness, ear affections, etc. Adapted for use in the house- hold, and for vocalists, clergymen, Lawyers, actors, lecturers, etc. 12'. New York, London, 1894. de Moxeta (C. J. ) Abbandlung, dass die Kiilte und das kalte Wasser in Catharrkrauk- heiten und Catharrhusten wahre Heilmittel sind. 18°. Warschau, 1779. Bai-iich (S.) Practical hints on the treatment of catarrh. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1882, xxxii, 61-07.—Bishop (S. S.) Camphor-menthol in catarrhal diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1891, xvii, 636-638. ---- A new pathology and treatment of nervous catarrh. Ibid., 189.3, xxi, 809-813. Also, Reprint. — Bonavcn- tin-a (L.) Cura dei oatarri per le correnti continue ; ap- plicazionedi questealla terapeuticadei centri vasomotori, e nuova teoria meccanica sulla flogosi. Memoria premiata 'lall' Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1883,8. s., v. 190-194.—Bnshee (G. li.) Consti- tutional treatment of catarrh. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol.. St. Louis, 1893, ii, 54. — Christopher ( II. ) The spray method; what it can do for catarrh antl its effects. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1885, xlix, 143-145.—Be Blois (T. A.) Hypodermic medication in catarrh. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1883, iv, 20-30. Also, Reprint —Fran It el (B.) Ueber die Behandlung der Angina catarrhalis. Berl. klin AVchnschr., 1881, xviii, 689-691. [Discussion], 751. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-11), 1882, xii, pt. 2, 239-245.—Goodwillie (D. H.) The application, by in- sufflation, of medicated powders to the upper air passages, for the relief of catarrhal conditions. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1882. 331-335. Also: Arch. Med., K. V., 1882, vii, 172-176.— Ilerr (F. C.) Yerba reuma in catarrh. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1883, n. s., iv. 315.—Krebs (G.) Uio Behandlung des chrouischen Rachen- und Kehlkopf- katarrhs. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1896, x, 306; 378.— liees (D. B.) The neurotic treatment of catarrh. Lan- cet, Lond., 1886, i, 393. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 299.—Mackenzie (J.N.) Note on the treatment of catarrhal affections by the internal administration of hydrogen dioxide. Practice, Richmond, 1886-7, i, L— Catarrh (Treatment of). Moss (AV.) The hypodermatic administration of mor- phia for autumnal catarrh. Med. News, Phila., 18s6, xlix, 330.—IVicsel (M.) Ueber die Anwendung tier Kamphersiiure bei Katarrhen verschiedeuer Schleim- hiiute. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 818. Also: Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng d. Elect.- u. Hydro- therap., Wien, 1888, vi, 163-165. — Kumboltl (T. P.) The wordlessness of inhalers and insufflators in the treatment of chronic catarrh. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 141-144.—Sanchez (J.) Nota acerca del uso del alcali o ainoniaco liquitlo como medio preservative dc algunas enferinetiatles cntarrales. Gac. mod., Mexico, 1896, xxxiii, 149-152.—ttelldrn (IL) Massage mot snufva. [Massage iu catarrh.] Eira, Stockholm, 1889, xiii, 219- 222.—Minis (C. A. S.) Chronic catarrh with deafness cured liv I he warm spray method. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1885. xlviii, 208.—Vizioli (F.) Intorno il lavoro del Dott. L. Bonaveutura intitolato: Catarroseccocurato colle correnti constanti cd applicazione, della dottrina dei centri vaso - inotori alia teraneutica. Resoc. Accad. mod.-chir. di Napoli. 1882, xxxvi,'233. Catarrli (Xasal and naso-pharyngeal). See, aho, Coryza: Hay-fever; Ozsena. Bkesuex (M.) Der chronisehe Nasen-uud Kaeben - Katarrli; eine klinische Studie. 8J. Wien f Leipzig, 1881. -----. The same. Mit einer Einleituug iiber den "Npezialismus in der Medizin". 2. volistiindig umgearbeitete und bedeutend er- ■\veiterte Aufl. fe". Wien Anew method cl' treatment of chronic uaso-pharyngcal catarrh. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 69.— Bermtui;- liam (E. J.) A plea tor cleanliness in the treatment of naso-pharyngeal catarrh. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 267.— Boswortb (F. H.) Jarvis operation; its relation to nasal catarrh. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 29-31.— C'athcll (W. T.) The treatment of the nasal catarrhs. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890-91, xxiv, 184-188. Also, Reprint. — Cbappell t W. F. ) Treatment of naso- pharyngeal catarrh. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 328-333. — Cohen (J. S. ) Mild measures in treatment of so-called "nasal and naso-pharyngeal j catanh". Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1885. N. Y., 1886, vii, I44-l''0. Also: Coll &c Clin. Kec. Phila , 1880, vii. 97- 99. Also: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 377- 379. — I>al> (\V. H.) Naso-antr; 1 catarrh and its treatment. Arch. Laryngol, NY.. 1882, iii, 314-319. Also, Reprint.—Dcvil- bias (A.) What can aud cannot be done for nasal ca- tarrh by local applications. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1895, xxv 8]-j. — Douglas (O. B.) Is the cure of chronic nasal catarrli as difficult as has been supposed ? N. York M. J., 1890. li, 309-312. Also. Reprint.—E Ivy (F.) The treat- ment of acute nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1381. Also, transl. : Rev. internat. tie rhi- nol.. otol. et laryngol., Par., 1897, vii, 7. — Fniond. Du catarrhe nasal et de son traitement par l'irrigatiou con- tinue aux eaux du Mont-Dore. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. ile Par.. 1883-4, xxix. 137-:58. — Eiving ( F. C.) The treatment of nasal catarrh in the Loudon Central Throat, Nose antl Ear Hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896. xxvi, 317-319—Flntan (T. S.) Elektrolytische Behand- lung des Schwrliuiigskatarrhs tier N'ase. Wien. med. We.bn.schr., 1892. xiii, 457 - 401. — Frendenthal < W. ) Some points regarding the etiology and treatment of post- nasal catarrli, with remarks on the hygiene of the respira- tory organs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 801- 809.—Gavin© (A.) The treatment of certain cases of chronic catarrh. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Coiig.1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1514.—Gleason (E. li.) Washes and sprays in the treatment of nasopharyngeal catarrh. Med. Bulk, Phila., 1890, xii, 435-439.—Gobdwi I lie (D. H.) Surgical treat- ment of nasopharyngeal catarrh. Tr.Am.M. Ass.. Phila., 1880, xxxi, 803-813.' Also, Reprint.-----. The application by insufflation of medicated powders to the upper air-pas- sages for the relief of catarrhal conditions. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1882.vii, 172-176. Also,Reprint.—Gordon (N.R.) Result of systematic tieatment in nasopharyngeal catarrh and chronic suppuration of the middle ear. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi. 361 - 363. — Griffith (M. M.) Treat- ment of nasal catarrh. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1881. xlv, 502.—IIanion dn Fougerny. De l'emploi ile l'huile mentholee an 10e tlans les rltiDo-pharyiigites chroniques. Ann. tl. mal. de l'oreille. du larynx [etc.], Par., 1895, xxi, pt. 2. 150-154.—Hobbs (A. G.') The ra- tional treatment of nasal catarrh. South. M. Rec, At- lanta, 1886, xvi, 328-330.— Hoch (W. R.l The treatment of naso-pharyngeal catarrh. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1894, xxv, 142-145. Also: Phila. Polyclin.. 1894. iii. 321 323.—Hyer (W. F.) A useful and an easily improvised instrument for treating nasal catarrh. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1883. iii. 540-542.—Jacobson (Xi The ordinary treatment of nasal catarrh. (Jaillard's M. J., X. Y.. 1885, xl, 237 - 242. — Jarvis t W. C.) Surgical treatment of hypertrophic nasal catarrh. Tr. Am. Laryn- gol. Ass. is8(i, X. Y., 1881, ii. 130-141. Also: Arch. Laryn- gol.. N. V.. 1881, ii, 159-170. Also, Reprint. -----. The radical cure of nasal catarrh. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881. xxxii. 205-207. -----. The surgical treatment of chronic nasal catarrh. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 561- 564. [Discussion], 581. -----. The etiology and treatment of nasal catarrh, with special reference to the deviated septum. Metl. Rti., N. Y., 1885. xxvii, 284-288. [Discus- sion]. 301. Also: Med. News. Phila.. 1885, xlvi 299-301. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. ic S. J., 1885. cxii, 279.— I„eflcrts ((L M.) The diagnosis and treatment of chronic nasal catarrh; three clinical lectures delivered at tin-College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Med. News, Phila., 1884. xliv, 461-491. Also, Keprint. —ITIeGahnii (C. F.) The treatment of chronic nasal catarrh. Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1889, xx. 649-651— Mackenzie (J. N.) Some re- marks on naso-aural catarrh and its rational treatment. Tr. M. Sc Chir. Fac. Maryland. Bait., 1883, 268-289. Also, Kepi int.—Major (O.W.) Chronic nasal catarrh; its nat mo and treatment. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1886- 7, xv. 583-594. Also, Reprint. — Musser ( F. M.) The treatment of nasal catarrh. Practitioner, Lancaster, 1883, i, 65-68.— North (J.) The pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of atropine catarrli. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1897, Ii, 11-13-—Peaiicellier. De I 'influence dc l'airmarin, etde lemploi tie l'eau de mer dans les inflammations de la mu- 'Hieuse naso-pharyngienne chez les enfauts. Cong, inter- nat. de bains de mer . . . C.-r. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 153-158.— Pick (A.) The pathology and methods of treatment of hypertrophic and atrophic rhinitis (chronic nasal catarrh), 16 alar I'll (Nasal and nasopharyngeal, Tieatment of). with special reference to the work of the general prac- titioner. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 021-621.—Pipino (W. C.) (ialvauo-cauterv iu chronic nasal catarrli. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1881, xl. 20-24. -----. A novel method of treating naso-pharyn-cal catarrh. Omaha Clinic, 1894-5, vii, 459.—Prnclion t K » Impaired ventilation and drain- age of tho nose the most common causes of nasal ca- tanh. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1897. iii, 344-350.— Bcynolds (L.) \- liovctt (R. W.) The treatment of post-nasal catarrli by the removal of nasal obstruc- tions, with an analysis of one hundred and ten cases. Boston M. \ S. ,1.'. 1889, exx, 208-210.—Bice (C. C.) What cases of nasal catarrh require surgical treatment? Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1886, N. V., 1887, viii, 186-197. Also: N. York M. .1., 1887, xlv, 510-513. Also.. Reprint, -----. The use of ozone in atrophic catarrh. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1893, N. Y., 1894. xv, 101-108. Also: N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 198-201. Also, Reprint. —Robin- son (B.) A brief summary of nasal catarrh and its treatment. N. York M. J., 1889. xlix, 650 -604. — It mil- bold (T. F.) Is chronic nasal catarrh curable? St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1882, xiii, 490-510. -----. The curability of uaso-inucositis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 844; 884; 929. — Nchmicdt (W.) Beitrag zur Behandlung tier chrouischen Schwellungen der Nasenschleimhaut. Therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1896, iii, 725-728. —Weiler (C.) Cialvano-cautery in hypertrophic nasal catarrh. Am. Specialist, Phila., 1881, ii, 131-133.-----. Jarvis' operation iu hypertrophic- nasal catarrh ; with report of three eases. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 479-482. Also. Reprint.-----. Surgical treatment of nasal catarrh. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc' 1881-2, Phila., 1882, iv, 1-6.-----. The pro- phylaxis of nasal catarrh. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1896, N.'Y.. 1897. xviii, 6-10. Also: N. York M. J., 1890. lxiv, 83. Also, Keprint. Also, transl: Pratique metl., Par., 1896, x. 577-580.—Nhoemakcr (C. G.) The treatment of nasal catarrh. Pittsburgh M. Kev., 1892, vi, 161-165.— Shurly (E. L.) The galvano-cautery as a therapeutic measure in chronic nasal and uaso-pharyugeal catarrh. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1879, St. Louis, 1882, i, 284-288. Also: St. Louis M. &-S. J., 1880, xxxviii, 34-38. Also, Re- print.—Sniitb ( A. H. ) On the indications for the treat- ment of naso-pharyngeal catarrh. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 147.—Stevenson iN.i Cai bolicacidin nasal catarrh. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i. 744. — Strong (C. G.) Nasal catarrh and its treatment. Tr. M. Soc Wisconsin, Apple- ton, 1886, xx. 174-178. —Stucky (-L A.) The treatment of chronic nasal catarrh. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1882-3, iv, 549-558. Also, Reprint.—Theism (C. F.) A new powder for acute coryza. Albany M. Ann., 1897, xviii, 27-29. Also, Reprint."—Thomas (W. D.) A few tried remedies in the treatment of na>ul catarrh. J. Ophth., Otol., Sc Laryngol., N. Y., 1893, v, 354-356. — Thrasher (A. B.) Tlie use of resorcin C6H4(H202) in the treatment of nasal catarrh. Tr. Internat. M. Cong.. Wash., 1887, iv, 56-58.—Tilley (II.) An antiseptic alkaline tabloid for nasopharyngeal diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii. 911.— Tipton (F.j The diagnosis and treatment of naso-pha- ryngeal catarrh. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1883, 450-456.— Westmoreland (J. G.) Treatment of chronic nasal catarrh and bronchitis. Atlanta M. Reg., 1882-3, n. s., ii, 467-469.—White (J. A.) Mistaken im- pressions about nasal catarrh and its treatment. Tr. M. Soc Virg., Richmond, 1891, 155-160. Also, Reprint. — Woodruff (J. S.) Phenacetiiie in nasal catarrh. Times & Reg., Phila. Sc Bost., 1897, xxxiii, 90. — Vanex (V. J.) Tratamiento proflliictico del catarro naso-faringeo, segrin propio metodo. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1889, xiv, 13-21. '^atarrll (Nasal and naso-pharyngeal) in children. Allen (H.) Chronic nasal catarrh in children. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884, 3. s.. vii, 65-80. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4. x, 720-731. Also: Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila.. 1881,1,228; 259. Also: Ohst. Gaz, Cincin., 1884, vii, 60-08. — Berinanu (J.) Nasal and post-nasal catarrh; its treatment and prevention in voung children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y,, 1895, xii. 759-709.' Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiti, 481-485. < omby (J.) Le catarrhe naso-pharvngien chez lescnl'ants. Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, 73. Also': Gaz. metl. de Liege, 1896-7, ix, 249.—Faragu (G.) Az ujsziilottek orrliunitja. [Nasal catarrh in the new-born.] (iydgyas/.at, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 38. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : 'Post, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii,403. —Hubbard (T.) Some remarks on the causes and treatment of chronic nasal and pharyn- geal catarrh in children. Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii, 77-82.— Klamnnii. Beitrag zur Behandlung des Nasenrachen- catarrlis der Siiugliiigo und kleineren Kinder. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1881, 1, 1125-1127.—Ulink (P. J.) De locale behantleling van coryza bij kleine kinderen. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1897-8, iv, 505-509. — Stuck? (J. A.) Notes on catarrhal inflammation of the nasal cavities in the young; treatment. Cinciu. M. J., 1887-8, iii, 228-232. Also, Reprint. CAT-ASTHMA. 242 CATKLLAN. l1at-asthiua. See Asthma from animal emanations. Catastrophe (La) du Bazar de la Charite" (4 •fnai 1897). Docunieuts recueillis et mis eu ordre par Jules Huret, du "Figaro"'. 192 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Jurat, [1897]. Catat (Louis) [1859- ]. *Les froids polaires et leurs effets sur l'orgauisme. 54 pp., 1 1. 4 \ Paris, 1887, Xo. 5. Catching's Compeudium of Practical Den- tistry. 15. H. Catching, editor aud publisher. Issued annually, v. 2-7, for 1891-6. 8°. At- lanta, Ga. Current. Want v. 1, 1890. Cafe (S. M.) A treatise on some diseases of the hones and ligaments of the spine. 24 pp. 8°. Washington. J. E. Slteiry, 1886. ten Cat*' iTheodorus). *De diarrhoea. 13 1. 4 . Lut/d. Hat.. A. Elzevlev, 1694. Cafe (William M.). Kfiitor of: Popular (The) Medical Examiner, New York, lss.i. Catechism (A) of botany; being a pleasing description of the vegetable kingdom. Bv a friend to youth. 3. ed. 70 pp., 1 pi. 12°. London, Pin nock $ Maunder, [n. d.]. Catechism (The) of Health. See Porter (Henry H.) [in 1. s.]. Catechism (A) of phrenology, illustrative of the principles of that science, by a member of the Phrenological Society of Edinburgh. From the 6. Glasgow ed. 91 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Phila- delphia, Carey, Lea f Blanchard, 1835. Catechism physico-medicumfetc.]. See Minor (J.). Catechism series. Anatomy. Parts I-VI. 12-. Edinburgh, E. if S. Livingstone, 1889-91. CONTENTS. Pt. I. The upper extremities. II. The lower extremities III. Head and neck. IV. The ahdomen. V. The thorax. VI. The hones and joints. ------. Chemistry. Parts I-II. 12°. Edinburgh, E. .,' .S\ Liringstone, [1897]. CONTENTS. I't. I. Inorganic. 63 pp. II. Inorganic and organic. 64 pp. Forensic medicine. 48 pp. 12°. Edin- 12-. Edinburgh, burgh, E. <)'■ S. Livingstone, [1896]. Materia medica. Parts I-VI. 12°. Edin- burr/h, E. f S. Livingstone, 1891-3. -----. Midwifery. Parts I-II. 78, (54 pp. 12. Edinburgh, E. f S. Livingstone, [1896], -----. Pathology. Part I. General. Part II. Special. 6-*, *2 1. 4°. Edinburgh, E. f S. Liv- ingstone, [18^5], ——. Physiology. Parts I-VIII. 12°. Edin- buvgh, E. f S. Livingstone, 1892-4. CONTENTS. Pt. I. Chiefly physiology. II. Circulation (chiefly). III. Blood; respiration. IV. Digestion (includingmouth, stomach, pancreas, and liver). V. The intestines; Wood glands and kidneys. VI. The skin; animal heat; voice and speech; smell. VII. Eye, ear, and cranial nerves. VIII. Spinal cord: brain; reproduction; physiologi- cal chemistry. -----. Public health. Parts I-IV. 12°. Edin- Catechisin series—continued. ------. Surgery. Parts I-IV. E. f S. Livingstone, 1895-7. CONTENTS. Pt. I. Haemorrhage; repair; inflammation; support tiou; ulceration; mortification; erysipelas- ■wounds; burns. II. Fractures and dislocations of the upper ex- tremity. III. Fractures and dislocations of the lower ex. tremity: diseases of blood vessels ;unl lvm. phatics. IV. Tumours; diseases of bones; diseases of joiuts. ------. Toxicology. 48 pp. 16. Edinbuvqh, K f S. Livingstone, [1897]. Catechisine (Le)de la me'decim- physiologicne, ou dialogues entre un savant et un jeune'mode- cm, 61eve du professeur Broussais; contciiaut lVxpose" succinct de la nouvelle doctrine medi- cale, et la refutation des objections t|u'i>n lui oppose; ouvrage dcstin6 a faciliter l'etude de ct-tte doctrine aux eleves en medecine, aux ofti- ciers de saute*, aux praticiens qui anraient n6glig6 de s'en ocenper, et propre a en donner une juste ide"e aux gens du monde. vi. 276 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, A. J. Van Telroode, 1^24. Catechu. Lehmaxx (A.) *Vergleicheude Untersu- chungen einiger Catechu- und Gambir-Probeu, nebst kritischer Beleuchtung der Methodeu zur Bestimmung ibres Handelswertb.es. •<:. Dor- pal, 1880. Catedra dc hii;i(>iie publica de la Fueultad de medicina de Barcelona. Sesitfu solennie cele- brada el dia 16 de mayo de 1884 con motive del obsequio hecho al profesor por los aluninos dc dicha catedra. Discurso prouunciado por el alumno Don Kicardo Mandado y respnesta dada ]>or el Dr. Rodriguez M6ndez. 24 pp., 1 phot. [bust of Pasteur]. 8-. Barcelona, suees. de A. Ramirez y Ca., 1884. Catel (Blaise-Jean-Louis) [1782-1863]. *Sm la topographie mddicale des prisons rlottantes, elites pontons, suivie de quelques considerations sur les maladies qui y r6gnaient. 22 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 241. [P., v. 1715.] Catelan (J.-A.) De la stomatite ulce>euse 6pi- d6mique. 67 pp. ^-. Paris, Lahnre, [1877]. Repr. from: Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1877, xxvii. Catelan (Laurens). Traicte" des eaux distilleVs qu'un apothicaire doit tenir en sa boutique. 31 pp. 12-. Rouen, M. la Motte, 1627. Bound with : Baudekon (B.) Paraphrase sur la phar- macopee [etc.]. 12°. Rouen, 1027. -------. Traicte des eaux distillees qu'un apothi- caire doit tenir en sa boutique. 215 1. 18°. burgh, E. . Paris. [1894]. -----& Lebrasseur (A.) Des aliments. Hy- giene et regimes alimentaires. vi (1 1.), 274 pp. *'\ Paris, Rueffet Cie., 1897. Catliell(D[aniel] W[ebster]) [1839- ]. The physician himself, and what he should add to the strictly scientific. 194 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Cushings 4' Bailey, 1882. ------. The same. The physician himself, and what be should add to his scientific acquire- ments. 3. ed. 208 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Cushings 4- Bailey, 1**3. ------. The\ same. The physician himself, and what he should add to his scientific acquire- ments in order to secure success. 4. ed. 284 pp. 8J. Baltimore, Cushings 4' Bailey, 1885. ------. The same. Book on the physician him- self and things that concern bis reputation and success. 9. ed. 1 p. 1., 298 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, F. A. Davis, 1889. ------. Kectiil medication. 12 pp. 8°. Balti- more, 1885. Repr. from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1885. ------. A case of pregnancy complicated with uterine fibroids and measles. 8 pp. _ 8°. Balti- more, Guggenheimer, Weil <)' Co., 1886. Repr. from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1886. ------. A small but useful combination of medi- cines for vest pocket aud office use. 4 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1896. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1895-6, xxxiv. CATHELL. 244 OATHETERISM. C'atlicll (William T.) Stammering. 3 pp. 8 . [Baltimore, 1*90.] Repr. from: Bait. M. Sc S. Rec, 1890, i. -----. Catarrhal headache. 7 pp. 8C. [Balti- more, 1^91.] Repr. from .- Bait. M. & S. Rec, 1891-2, ii. -----. The treatment of the nasal catarrhs. 8 pp. 8°. [Baltimore, is<)l.] Repr. from: Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1890-91, xxiv. -----. A study of two cases of paroxysmal sneez- ing, with the treatment. 12 pp. 8°. Balti- more, Friedenwald Co., [1893, vel subseq.]. -----. Troches. 11pp. 16°. [Baltimore, 1894.] Repr. from : Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894, xxxi. -----. Over-fatness; a reliable aud harmless way to diminish and cure it. 16 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1^97. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxvii. Catherine of Aragon. Moore (X.) The death of Catherine of Aragon. Athe- na-uiu, Lond., 1885, 152. Catherine II, of Russia. Mini me. fitudes de psychopathic sexuelle: La grande Catherine de Russie. J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 541; 553; 565. Also: Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1896, n. s., 306-315. Also, transl: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvii, 640; 655; 685. Catheter/em\ See Catheterism (Accidents from, etc.) ; Ure- thral fever. Catheter!!). See, also, Bougies; Sounds. Bourru (E. (J. ) * An satins sit catheterem. iu media sua- cnrvaturie parte foramiuulo utrin- qne pertuudi, quam versus apicem? Prseses P. A. Lepy. 4°. [I'aris, 1766.] Ffess (R.) Ueber Kathetometer. 8°. Steg- litz, 1*94. Tieman (G.) &. Co. Soft rubber goods with patent velvet eyes. Patent "velvet-eye" cath- eters. 12°. New York, [1893]. Alapi(EL) A katheter-steriliz&lds kerdes6hez. [The' question of the sterilization of catheters.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896, xl, 451; 485; 515 , 526. Also, transl: Cen- tralbl. f. tl. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1896, vii, 568; 645. — Ainesbiiry (S.) An improved catheter. Med. Rec, Calcutta, 1890 i. 176. — Biittcy (R.) A new catheter. Xorth Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1881, viii, 14- 10.—Bazy. Fne nouvelle sonde pour le cath6terisme chez les prostatiques. Ball, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1801, n. s., xvii, 503-505.— Biot. Cath6ter uterin flexible. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, jit. 2, 137-141.—Cabol (A. T.) The preservation of rubber catheters. X. York M. J.. 1893, lviii, 246. — Chambcrliu (D. P.) The catheter, its uses and abuses. Toledo M. &S. Reporter, 1894, vii. 4."i9-463. — Con»ins (J. W.) Improved method of deodorising and cleansing catheters. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1S95, i, 12:!. Also: Med. Press tfeCirc, Lond., 1895, n. s., lix, 242. — Daland (J.) A Pompeian catheter. Tr. Coh. Phys. Phila., 1894, 3. s., xvi, 262.—Didama (II.D.) An available catheter lubri- cant. [Saliva.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 81- 84.— Diiclitislclil (L.) Catheter hydroaeriquc. Ann. d. mal. d. org. gc'-nito-urin., Par., 1882-3, i, 558-568.—Elli- ott (J. F.) A new spiral catheter. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i. 631.—English (J.) Ein Instrument zum Eiufiihren der -weichen Kautschuk-Katheter. Wien. med. BL, 1883, vi, 691-095. — Guetcrbock (P.) Notizen iiber Kathe- terfabrikation in friiherer und ietziger zeit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 18S9-90, xxx, 227-237. -----. Ue- her Katheter aus vuikani.sirtem Kantschuk. Ibid., 1891-2, xxxiii, 1-29. — <«iiyon. De la sonde k demeure. J. de med. de Par., 1889, xvi, 8; 19. — Howlett (E. H.) A new form of guido catheter. Lancet, Lond.. 1882, i, 60.— Iliiperieu (F.) TJeber eine nothwendige Veranderung der r.htsenkatbeter. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 33.— Kelly (H. A.) An aseptic two-way catheter. Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, hi, 326. — Kelly '( S. A.) A novel catheter. Ibid., 1889, lv, 416. — l.anz (A ) Ein neuer Irrigationskatheter fiir die Harnrobre. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb.. 1889, viii. 56-60. — I.eavill (S.) Sonic notes on the female catheter. Med. Era, Chicago, 1886-7, iv, 43.—.TIercier (L.-A.) M6moire sur les sondes 61as- thiucs et particnlierement sur les sondes coudees et hi- coutlees. Gaz. med. de Par., 1863, 3. a., xviii, 365; 396. Also, Reprint.—.Meyer (W.) Roser's sound aud Fende- Catlieter*. lenburg's oatheter-soiind. N. York M. J., ]S92, lvi, 162. Also, lit -pt int.—.Vlilchcll (J. B.i Remarks on catheters and self-tatheteristn. suggested bv two years of personal experience. Med. Pi ess .v Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 577-579. — .Morelli (V.) Cateteri de Pezzer, fcioi-. jq! ternaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1895, n. s., xvii, 422-425__ rVitze (M.) Der kystoskopische Evakuatioiis-Katheter Centralbl. f. tl. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz. 1897 viii, 369-379. — Oknda (W.) Nanshi shiuto katheter siyoho narabeui.iika koan no katheter ni zukete. [Meth- ods of usiug ordinary male catheters and my own cath- eter.] Ztschr. d. Tokio med. Gesellsch., 1892, vi, no. 19,13- 20, 1 diag.— Oppler (P.) Znr Sterilisation elastischcr Katheter mittelst Formaldehyddampfen. Miinchen nit-d Wchnschr., 1896, xliii. 1068-1070__Phy«icli. An extem- porized bougie-pointetl catheter in 1795. Suig.Pt-Dn Hosn Phila., 1880, 337. —Pilz . Gakdemix (E.) *Ein Beitrag zur Gesehichte des Katheterismus anschliessond an die Entfer- nung eines Katheterfragnients aus der Blase durch Sectio alta. 8°. [Berlin], 1896. Mayor (M.-L.) Sur le catheterisme simple et force, et sur le traitement des retr&.-is.semeira de l'uretre et des fistules urinaires. 8 . Paris, 1835. Tesorone (G. ) Gambetto: appareil pour maintenir le catheter eu permanence dans la vessie. f:'. Paris, 1878. Albarran (J.) Recherches sur l'asepsie dans le cathe- terisme. Ann. d.inal.d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1890, viii, 33- 45. —Arroyo y Lopez (A.) Necesitlatl tie pert'eccionarse el practico en el cateterismo uretral. Kev. esp. tie oftal., sif. [etc], Madrid, 1883, vii, 115-123.—A**iiintli (.1.) Fi- ber die Gefahren des Katheterismus bei gewissen Formen CATIIETEEISM. 245 CATHETERISM. Catheterism. von Harmetention. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1889, n. Y.,\i, 1-4.—Ayres (D.) The male catheter, with some ob- servations uptiu the proper mode of introduction into the bladder. Tr. X. York M. Ass.. X. Y., 1893, x, 257-263.— Banzet ( S. ) Du choix des sondes urethrales pour le cathetetisme d'urgence. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1897. xi, 67-69.—Benique. Reflexions et observa- tions sur un point de l'histoire du catheterisme. J. d. conn. iu6d. prat., Par., 1846-7, xiv, 167-169. — Brosseau (A.-T.) Du cath6t6risme de l'urethre chez l'homme et de set difficultes. [Resume.] Fniou in6d. du Canada, Mont- real 1883, xii, 249-252. — Browne ( G. B. ) Difficult catheterism. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1891, x, 265-269. Also: St. Louis Cliuique, 1891, iv. 233-239. -----. Is it ever impossible to pass a catheter through tbe urethra into tbe bladder? Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiii, 383.—Bruch (E.l La sonde ;\ demeure dans la ves- sie. Alger med., 1880. viii, 167-169. — Bruckner (E.) Hiigvcsapolas erdekes esete. | An interesting case of catheterisation.] Gyogyaszat. Budapest, 1889, xxix, 316. Also, transl..- Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18s9, xxv, 77;i._Busi (C.) Stud] snl meccanismo del cateterismo ; di una mauiera facile di seringare colle siringhe di goninia elastica, in sostituzione a quelle di metallo. Raccoglitore metl. di Fano, 1856, 2. s., xiii. 306 : 353, 1 pi —Caponotto (A.) Xovita di cateteri e cateterismo asettico. Gazz. d. riin., Torino, 1886, xxiv, 33-36. Also . Gior. tli r. Accad. di nn-tl. di Torino, 1886. 3. s., xxxiv. i!53-65ti.—Chuqnet (P.) Etnde sur le catheterisme retrograde. Therap. contemp., Par. 1888, 2. s.,viii.314; 322; 338: 340—Clark t F. LeG.) Use of the catheter. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1884, Lond., 18m!. n. s.. xiv, 7-12. — Dandois. Tcchnitiue tlu cathe- terisme aseptiquc. Rev. nit-il., Louvain, 1895-6, xiv, 69- 73. — Delageniere (H. ) Sterilisation des sondes en gonnue: catheterisme aseptique. Progres med., Par., 1889, 2. s., x. 295. — Dclefosse. Du catheterisme en general et du catheterisme par temps et mouvemeuts. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1882-3, i, 733; 797.— Douaud (S.-C.) Du catheterisme force. Union mt«L (le la Gironde. Bordeaux, 1868, xiii, 523-527.— Euglisch (J.) Der Catheterismus. Wien. Klinik, 1887^ xiii, 121-214.— Fischer (A.) Die Schwierigkeiten des Katheterismus der Harnwcge. Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii,456; 521; 506; 669: 732.—Fischer (C.) Meine Erfahrungen iiber Catheterismus. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1885. xxxvi, 131-135. — Fort (J.-A.) De la lougnenr de l'urethre au point de vue du catheterisme. chez l'homine adulte. Bull. Soc. de med. prat.de Par.,'1891. 755-760.—Goldmann (E. E.) Beitrag zum Catheterismus posterior. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tii- bing., 1890-91, vii, 460^468.—Grosglik (S.) Praktyczne zasady aseptycznego cewnikowania. [Principles of asep- tic catheteiism.] Medycyna. AVarszawa, 1895, xxiii, 458; 4-0; 503: 523. Also, transl: Wien. Klinik, 1896, xxii, 93- 164— Griinfeld (J.) Der Katheterismus mit geraden Iiistrumeiiten, insbesondere mit Riicksicht auf endosko- pische Untersuchungen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii, 405. — Qrynfellt (J.) Injections intra-urethrales de chlorhydrate de cocaine pour faciliter le cathererisnie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1885, vii, 73-75. Also: [Rap. de Bouilly]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 246-249. —Oniard (F.-P.) Technique simplifies de l'auto-catheterisme antiseptique. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin.. Par., 1897, xv, 633-648. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1897, 2. s., ix, 353-356. — Ouillon (F.-G.) Catheteiisme. In his: Contrib. & la chir. d. voies urin., [etc.]. 83, Par., 1879. 11-18. — Guyou (F.) Technique tlu catheterisme de l'urethre. Bull. metl., Par., 1889, iii, 1547-1550. -----. Catheterisme rait par le malade et parson entourage. Nice-med., 1896-7, xxi, 124; 136. -----. Catheterisme moditicateur. Presse med.. Par., 1897, 17-21. — Enroll (F.) & Miclion (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la sonde a demeure. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1895, xiii, 385-427.— Halle (N.) Le catheterisme et 1'antisepsie. Ibid., 1894. xii, 1G1-196.—fleydenreich (A.) Du catheterisme retrograde. Semaiue med., Par., 1885. v, 327. —Hirsch- »prnng. Ueber tlie Anweudung des Katheters bei kleiuen Kinth-rii, zugleich mit kasuistischen Bemer- liimgen. Xierenkrankheiten beim Sauglinge hetreffend. hilnb. f. Kiuderh., Leipz., 1883. n. F., xix, 417-429.— Huse E. C.) A simple yet novel way to use a catheter. Chicago M. J. Sc Exarn., 1881, xliii, 20L — Knknla (O.) teber den Katheterismus posterior. Klin. Zeit- u. Streit- fragen, Wieu. 1895, ix, 145-198. — Kutner (R.) Zur KathettTSterilisation. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- n. Sex.-Org.. Leipz., 1897, viii, 189-195. — I-eclcrc ( T.) Qiielques indications sur lai preparation de la pommade soluble employee pour le catheterisme. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin.. Par.. 1895, xiii, 332. — Mayor (M. L.) rrincipes fondamentaux du catheterisme. Gaz. in6d. de Par., 1839, vii, 353-361. Also, Reprint.—TOercier (L.-A.) Memoire sur le catheterisme de l'urethre dans les cas (hfficiles. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1858, xxxi, 310-314. Also, Re- print — Mitchell (j. B.) Castor oil as a lubricant in catheterisation. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 283.—Monocl (C.) nu catheterisme retrograde. Bull, et rn6rn. Soc. de chir. de Catheterism. Par., 1886. n. s.. xii, 401-404. — IVann (G.) Cateterismul uretral la barbat. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1894, xiv, 505; 529.— JVenber ( G.) Beitrage zum Catheterismus posterior Arch. f. klin. Chir.. 15.il.. 1881, xxvi, 502-509.— >ovolny (L.) A piiscsapolasrol koresetek kapcsdn. [ How to catheteri/e. with cases.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest,-1891, xxxv, 2; 15; 57. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med.' Zt<* ' 1892. xxxvii, 311; 324; 349; 372. Also, transl. [Abstr?]': Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 221; 244.__ Pachcco .Hende*. Du catheterisme retrograde. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1895, xiii, 800-807.— Poisson (I.) Du catheterisme retrograde. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1885-6, iv, 4-7.—Poiisnoii (A.) Catheterisme 6vacuateur. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. do Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 367-370. — Keybard. Catheterisme obturateur de l'uretre; ses indications, son utilite et sa sup6riorite sur le catheterisme vesical derivatif. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863, lvii, 368. — Bicard (A.) De l'asepsie des instruments employes dans le catheterisme de l'urethre. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 259.—Kuinmel (C.) Ueber den Catheterismus. Ztschr. f. Wuudiirzte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1885, xxxvi, 322-325. —Rydygicr. Wpro- wadzauie cewnika do moczowodow sposolioni Nitzego. [Introduction of the catheter into the urinary organs by Xitz's method ] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1895, xxxiv, 534.__ Sabatini (P.) Del cateterismo dell' uretra niaschile in coudizioni flsiologiche e patologiche. Medicina e la chir., Roma, 1881, iii, 326; 333; 341; 365. — Siimegh (J.) Ueber Kat eterisrnus der Harnrobre. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1892, x, 193-201. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1892, xxvii, 265; 277.—Tigri (A.) Siringa a stantuffo, ideataper 1' intento di facilitare il catteterismo uretrale. Atti d. r. Accad. de' flsiocrit. di Siena, 1870, 2. s., vii, 83-87, 1 pi. — Tillaux. Du catheterisme retro- grade. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s., xiv, 157-164.—Valentine (F. C.) The largest catheter, always. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 174. — Yallejo (B. E.) Cateterismo retr6grado. Rev. arsient. de cien. med., Buenos Aires. 1887, iv, 197-203. — ITonine ( S. ) [On catheterization.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokei, March 10, 1883. Catheterism (Accidents from and se- quela? of). See, also, Bladder (Foreign bodies in); Ure- thral fever. Banks (W. M.) On certain rapidly fatal cases of urethral fever following catheterism. Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvi, 1074-1083. Also, Reprint.—Barling (G.) Some re- marks on so-called catheter fever. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1886, xix, 1-10.—Barton (J. M.) Specimens from a case of urfemia following the introduction of the split bougie. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 206. — Bougon. Retention d'urine, catheterisme impossible d'abord; vio- lences; abcfes urineux aux bourses; erysipele; mort; cre- vasse a la portion hulbeuse de l'uretre; perforation d'un repli de la membrane muqueuse du col de la vessie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, i, 149.— Cameron (H. C.) [et al.). Discussion on catheter fever. Glasgow M J., 1884, xxi, 174-189.—Clark (Sir A.) On catheter fever. Proc. M Soc. Lond., 1883-4, vii, 104-129. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 18*3, ii. 1221-1223. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 1075-1077. [Discussion], 1085-1089. Also [Abstr.): Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, ii, 705-707. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 3-6. -----. Catheter fever. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1883-4, n. s., iii. 87-115, 1 tab. Also: Edinb. Cliu. & Path. J., 1883- 4, i,449-458. [Discussion], 475-489. -----. The discussion ou catheter or urinary fever. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 137.— Dubuc. Nephrite aigue du rein droit et pi ostatite aigue suppuiee, provoquees par des s6ances tie catheterisme metallique non aseptique. Ann. d. mil. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1890, viii, 725-732.—FinlayMon (J.) Case of extensive submucous ecchymosis in the bladder, and hiem- orrhage into the tubules of the kidneys, occurring with- in two days, from a single catheterisation in a case of chronic distension of the bladder. Glasgow M. J.. 1884, xxi, 132-135. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1883-4, i, 35-38.—Fiorani. Cateterismo difficile, false vie, quid faciendum? Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1881, 8. s., iii, 21.—Ford (W. H.) On catheter fever. St. Louis Cour. Med., 18*0. xv. 481-498.—Gnrrca u (E.) The influence of the catheter iu causing vesical irritability. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 862-866. — Gonley (J. W. S.) Paper on urethral fever from catheterisin : its nature and treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1872, vii, 409-411.—Had- don (J.) A case of catheter fever. A nn. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, ii, 239-245 —J. (H. E.) Effects following tbe rapid emptying of a distended bladder. Lancet, Lond., l8t-8. i, 347. —John-oil (W.) Extraction of broken catheter. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889. i, 773— IVIacdonnld (G. C.) A case of so-called catheter fever. Lancet. Lond., 1885, i, 1164. — iTIaitland (J.) Fatal catheterism. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit, M. Soc. 1884-6. Madras, 1887. i. no. 6, 8. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880 xxi, 91.—ITIanciati (F.) Un caso letale di siringatura forzata. Comment. UATI1ETEKISM. 246 OATHOU. Catheterism (Accidents from and se- quela' of). clin. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Pisa, 1884, i. 61-65.—:TIaz- zoni. Sulla patogenesi, e sulla cura della febbre ure- trale. Atti ding. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1878. Lisa, 1879, viii, 159-170. — Xivcn (J.) Catheter-fever. ISrit.M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 265.—F-icard (H.) Des dangers du cathe- terisme chez les vieillards. Fiance m6d., Par., 1879, xxvi, IOC; 114: 130: 139. Also, Reprint. — Raven (T. F.) A ease of so-called "catheter fever". Brit. AI. J., Lond., 1888, ii. 1045. —Roy (G. C.) A caseof catheter fever. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 202. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond., 1884, ii, 410.—Sedillot(C) Des accidents graves qui suivent parfois le catheterisme et les autres operations pratiquees sur l'uretre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1861. liii. 780-783.— Thorn (A.), jun. So-called catheter fever. Edinb. Clin. Sc Path. J., 1883-4, i, 545-547.—Thompson (H.j Risks attending catheter- ism in cases of long-standing retention of urine. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 746.—Van Meter (S. P.) An instructive accident. Tr. Colorado M. Soc . Denver, 1806. 354-359.— Weir (R. F. ) Catheter fever. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix. 15. — Voting (J. M.) On the causation of "so- called" catheter fever. Indian M. J., Allahabad, 1884, iii, 116-125. Catherism in the female. Sec. also, Catheters. Allen ( S. ) An unusual accident in catheterization; j retention of a catheter in the female urethra for thiee ] hours. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1883, xvi, 621-024.—Castclo j (E.) Cateterismo permanente en la mujer. Siglo med., j Madrid, 1888, xxxv, 350-358.—Cope (C. S.j How to make an aseptic, inexpensive and easily constructed female catheter. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1893, xvii, 247-249.—de C'ortcjarenn (F.) Cateterismo permanente en la mujer. Si»'lo m6d., Madrid, 1888, xxxv, 322- 325. —Fnstachc (G.) Du catheterisme de l'urethre chez la femme; erreurs singulieres auxquelles il expose quand on no le pratique pas k decouvert. Rev. m6d.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par.. 1881, iii, 241-248. — Kiistncr (O.) Die einfache gerade Rohro als Katheter fiir die weibliche Harnblase. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 416.— I.sauth (E.-A.) Xote sur le catheterisme chez la femme. Arch. med. de Strasb., 1835, i, 201. — Wolfuer (F.) Die einfache gerade Rohre als Katheter fiir die weibliche Harnblase. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.,Leipz., 1890, xiv, 359-362. Gathers (Johu). A positive cure for cancer, without tho use of caustic or the knife, reliable and uniform in its effects in all cases, aud demon- strated beyond the possibility of a doubt. 32 pp. H\ Baltimore, [1856]. Catherwoou ( Alfred ). A concise aud prac- tical treatise on tbe principal diseases of the { air-passages, lungs, and pleura. xii, 208 pp. j 8°. London, Duncan 4' Malcolm, 1841. Catlioire (Smile-Albert) [1871- ]. * Dan- gers de l'auesthesie mixte; accidents tertiaires apres l'6th6risation on la chloroformisation prd- cldee de l'injection atropomorpbinique. 45 pp., 11. 4°. Lyon, 1894, No. 898. Catholic Blind Asylum, Liverpool. Annual re- ports of tbe committee to tbe subscribers. 24., 1868; 42.-44., 1886-8. 16° & 8°. Liverpool, 1869-89. Established 1841. Catholic Deaf and Dumb Institution for Eng- land and Scotland. See Saint John's Institu- tion for Deaf and Dumb, Boston Spa, Yorkshire. Cathomas (J. B.) * Ueber plotzlichen Gcfnss- verschluss bei Influenza. 15 pp. 8'-. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1895. c Cathrall (Isaac) [1764-1819]. See Biichan (W.) Domestic medicine [etc]. 8-. Philadelphia, 1797. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia 1799. Cathreill (Gisbert). * Ueber das Puerperalfie- ber. 59 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1859. Cathrcin ( Lotbar ) [1865- ]. * Ueber die Einwirkung der Salzsiiure des Magensaftes auf die Milcb. 32 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, \*9\. Catillon (A.) Des peptones au point de vue tberapeutique. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 18*0. Repr.from: Bull. g6n. detberap. [etc.], Par., 1880. xcviii. -----. Du strophantus et de la stropbantine. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Pigelet, 1887. I Catlett (G[corge] C[almes]) [1H30- ]. ]{,,_ port on tbe asylum treatment of the insane. 2H pp. 3°. St. Louis, !**:>. Repr. from: Alienist &. Neurol., St. Louis, 18*5, vi. Catlill (A[rnoId] W.) Oxygen as a distinct rem- edy for disease aud a lite-saving agent in ex- treme cases. 16 pp. -~. Nctc York, M. J. p00. ney, 1892. Repr. from: Brooklyn M. J., If91, v. Catlill (Benjamin Hopkins) [1801-80]. The an- nual address delivered before the Connecticut Medical Society and the citizens of Waterhurv at Waterbury, May 26, 1858. 29 pp. S . Hart- ford, Case, Lockwood if Co., 1K>8. For Biography, see Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1882, xxxiii 538 (C. H. Pinney). Catlill (George). The breath of life, or inal- respiration and its effects upon the enjoyments and life of man. (Manu-graph.) 75 pp. s . London, Triibier if Co., 1*62. [P., v. 952.] Catlill (R[obert]). The relations of pain to weather, studied during eleven years of a case of traumatic neuralgia. With notes by 8. Weir Mitchell. 19 pp., 2 ch. *c. Philadelphia, Col- lins, 1*83. Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1883, 3. s., vi. Catoir (Sosthene-Francois-Joseph) [1863- ]. * M6tbode de douceur dans la reduction des luxa- tions de la haucbe en arriere. 114 pp. 4°. Lille, 1888, Xo. 108. CatOlS (Eugene-Henri) [1839- ]. * Etudesur le sycosis. 136 pp. 4~. Paris, 1-82, No. 14. Callow ( Joseph Peel). On the principles of aesthetic medicine, or the natural use of sensa- tion aud desire in the maintenance of health antl the treatment of disease, as demonstrated by induction from the common facts of life, vi (1 1.), 9-325 pp. 8°. London, Hamilton, Adams f Co., 1867. -----. On the fallacy of pbreuo-maguetism, or, mesmero-pbrenology; as shown by the phenom- ena of suggested dreaming, and tbe formation of arbitrary associations during sleep. 8 pp. 8-'. Manchester, J. Gillett, [n. d.]. Catoil (.Richard). Physiology, in relation to the health of tbe community and the advance of medicine. 20 pp. 8°. Liverpool, A. Holden, 1873. See, also. Testimonial* in favour of Richard Caton [inl.s.]. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1869.J Caton (T. M.) A popular treatise on the pre- vention and cure of the different stages of asthma; with practical observations on the beneficial use of stramonium and its prepara- tions, as directed by surgeon Fisher iu these affections, as well as the hooping-cough; in- cluding remarks on the nutritious properties of tbe sassafras nut iu diseases of this class, vii, 6>8 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood, Neely f Jones, 1811. CatOl'(Henri-Auguste) [1862- ]. * Tuhercu- lose de l'os malaire. 60 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1-^t4, No. 161. Catramiiia. Gunila (R.) La catramina Bertelli nella terapeutica infantile. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1887, vii, 181-183. Catriil (L[ouis]). Le paludisme chronique. 290 pp. 12-. Paris, Rneff f Cie., [1*9?]. See, also, Dn Cazal & C'atrin (L.) Medecine legale militaire. 8°. Part*, [1893|. Catron (Jacques) [1-65- ]. * Etude sur la maladie des tics couvulsifs (jumping; latah; myriachit). 63 pp. 4C. Paris, 1890, No. 129. Catron (Maurice) [1*67- ]. * Contribution a- l'etude du traitement de la cystite tuhercu- leuse. 75 pp. 4\ Paris, 1893, No. 244. CATS. 247 CATTELOUP. Cats (JacobV See Bevri-ovicinw [van Rcvrrwyck] (J.) Alledc werckeu. Schat der gesoutheyt. 1°. Amsterdam, KitiO. Cats (Lillco). *De polypo cordis. 1 p. l.,2l pp. 4 . Lugd. Bat., C. de Pecker, 1763. [P., v. 1935.] Cats Bussemakcr (Ulco). See Bussemaker ,rico cuts). Catsaras. Recherches cliniqnes et experi- mentales sur les accidents survenant par l'em- ploi des seapbandres. 328 pp., 1 1., 5 tab. 8°. Paris, 1*90. Cal ski 11. See New York (Stale). Cattaiieo (Alfonso). Sngli organi nervosi ter- lninali muscolo-tendinei in eondizioni normali e sul loro niodo di coniportarsi in seguito al taglio delle radici nervose e dei nervi spinali. pp. 237- 256, 2 pi. 8-. Torino, 18>7. Cutting from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. di Torino. CL d. sc. fis., lutit. e nat., 1887, 2. s., xxxviii, 237-256, 2 pi. ■----& Monti (Acbille). I parassiti della ma- laria c le alterazioni degenerative dei globuli rossi. Diagnosi differenziale. 20 pp.. 2 pi. 8". Pavia, frat. Fusi, [1888]. Repr. from: Atti Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887. Pavia, 18,-8. i. Cattail**© (Antonio). La colera indica conside- rata iu rapporto alia medicina ed alia societa e saggi di alcune moderne dottriue filosofico- mediche. 165 pp., 1 tab. 8-\ Alessandria, G. Moretti, 183*. See, also. ZVIagondie (F.) Fornmlario [etc.|. 12°. Milano, 1822. -----. The same. 12°. Pesaro, 1831. Cattaiieo (Emmanuele). * Untersuchungen iiber den Hiimoglobiugebalt im Blnte der Neu- geborenen. 31pp. 8-. Basel, J. Frehner, 1891. Cattaiieo (G[iacomo]) [1857- ]. Sulla strut- tura e sui fenomeni biologici delle cellule ame- hoidi del snngue nel Carcinus maenos. pp. 231- 266, 1 pi. 8~. Milano, 1*88. Cutting from: Atti d. Soc. ital. di sc. nat., Milano, 1888, xxi. -----. I fattori della evoluzione biologica. 64 pp. r~. Genova, P. Martini, 1897. Cattaiieo (Giuseppe) [1816-49]. L' idrofobia o la rabbia cauina. Istruzioni teorico - pratiche esposte alia commune intelligenza. x, 11-195 pp. '-"\ Milano, G. Truffi, 1844. Cattani (C.) Das Alpentbal Engelberg und seine Berg-, Wasser-, Milcb- und Molkenkuren. 2. von einem alten Kurgast revidirte Antl. 64 pp., 1 pi., 1 map. 12'-. Winterthur, Bleuler- Hausheer (i. vax der Boon Mesch (A. H.), Mulder *(G. J.) & van Kerckhoff (P. J.) Over de abellen, waariu de betrekkelijke vcederwaarde der voe- dergewassen opgegeven is. 8°. Haarlem, l85l'>. Boutrolle (J.-G.) Le parfait bouvier, ou instruction concernant la connoissance des bceufs et vaches; leur age, maladies et synqi- t6mes, avec les remedes les plus experimented, propres a les guerir. On y a joint deux pet its traitds pour les moutons et pores; ainsi que plusieurs remedes pour les cbevaux aussi experi- rnente"s et qui n'ont point encore parn; le tout le plus abreg6 qu'il a e"te possible. 12°. Paris, 1790. Cattle : their breeds, management, feeding products, diseases, and veterinary treatment. New edition revised by James Sinclair. The veterinary section revised by A. H. Archer. 8C. London, 1896. Dele (E.) Ueber das Rind von Nordaineriku und seine Einfiihruug nach Grossbritannien und Belgien. 8°. Jena, 1881. Detroye (J. V.) L'exploration de l'abdomen du bcenf. 8°. Limoges, 1892. DIxkelberg (F. W.) Die allgemeine und angewaudte Viebzucbt. Zum Gebrauch prakti- scher Zuchter, fur Vorlesuugen und zum Selbst- unterricbt bistoriscb und systematisch bear- beitet. roy. 8°. Braunschweig, 1892. Grognier (L.-F.) Recherches sur le betail de la Haute-Auvergnc et particulit-rement sur la race bovine de Salers. 8°. Paris, 1831. Hjortberg (G. F.) Sweuska Boskai>s-At\ve- len til sin ratta Ward och Skotsel ut i Helsosoeli Sjukdoms Tid, igenom Profwade Medel och NyttigeRacl, til Landtinanna tjenst ihopsamlade. [Swedish cattle breeding; their proper care and attendance in health and disease, as well as ap- proved remedies and useful advice, collected for the use of farmers.] 16°. Gb'theborg, 177(5. Lafitte (P.-F.-O.) * Essai snr 1'espece bovine. 8J. Toulouse, 1876. Massachusetts. Cattle commissioners of Massachusetts. Annual report to the legislature for tbe year 1867. *\ [Boston, 1888.] Mills (J.) A treatise on cattle, showing tbe most approved methods of breeding, rearing, and fitting for use, asses, mules, horned cattle, sheep, goats, and swine; with directions for the proper treatment of them in their several disorders; to which is added a dissertation on their contagious diseases. 12°. Boston, 1795. CATTLE. 241) CATTLE. Cattle. National Convention of Cattle Growers. Proceedings of the . . . held at the Coates Opera House, Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 31, Nov. 1 and 2, 1887, under the auspices of the Consolidated Cattle Growers' Association of the United States. 8C. Chicago, 1887. Raubold (J. G. O.) *Die Eigenthumlich- keiten der Kopfknocben des Riudes auf ibren Werth zur Definition der Passe gepruft liaupt- sachlich am Sehiidel des Hollander Rindes. [Leipsic] 8\ Altenburg, [n. d.]. Schmaltz (R.) Topograpbische Anatomie der Korperhohlen des Rindes. Lfg. 1. 4°. Berlin, [1890]. Schweitzer (P.) Comparative tests of dif- ferent breeds of beef cattle. 6 . Columbia, 1894. ------. Feeding tests with different breeds of boef cattle. 8°. Columbia, 1*94. Seyfferth (A.) Tbe ox; its external and internal structures. Revised and edited by G. L.Brown, oblong 16°. London, [I89f>?]. Bianchi (8.) Sulle ossa parietali nel penere Bos. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1894, v, 134-137.— Bryden (W.) The transatlantic cattle trade and its regulations from a veterinary point of view. Proc. TJ. S. Yet. Med. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1893, xxviii, 99-112. — Gforyizon (M.)" Sostoyanie skotovodstva i zeniledicliva v Zakav- kazskom kraye. [Condition of cattle breeding and agri- culture in Transcaucasia.] Yet. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, iv, nos. 21; 22; 23; 24. — Kaltenegger (F. ) Iberi- sc'hes Horuvieh in den Tiroler und Schweizer Alpen. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. iu Wien, 1884, xiv, 129-141.— Marchi (E.) Applicazione dei diagrarunii metrici nello studio comparative delle razze bovine. Atti Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv, 743-749.—Robertson (W.) ltecords of the internal temperatures of healthy cattle under different conditions. Yet. J. Sc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1885, xx, 311 - 316.—Staillcr ( W.) You der Yiehzucht im Simnienthal. Deutsche tbieiarztl. ■Wchnschr., Karlsruhe. 1895, iii, 89; 97.— von Tormay (B.) A rostaalj ehiru8it&*a. [The admissibility of selling a product from refuse wheat.] Kozeg. 6s Tdrvt-uy. Orvos., Budapest, 1883, 105-109. Also, lra7isl.: Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1884-5, ii, 368-371. Cattle (Actinomycosis in). Vogt (K.) * Ueber einen Fall von Magen- aktinomykose beim Rind. 8 . Freiburg, 189"). Actinomycosis hovis, or lump jaw. In: Kansas. State Agric. Coll. Exper. Station. Bull. no. 35, Topeka, 1893, 99-112. 3 pi.—Axe (J. W.) Actiuomvkosis bovis. Veterinarian, Lond., 1882 lv. 811; 1883. lvi, 1; 73; 225; 305, 2 pi. -daus (E.) Celx-r die Localisation und geo- graphische Yerbreitung tier Aktinomykose beim Rintl in Bayern. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 290-300.—Elikert (N.) Ob aktinomikoze u krupnavo rogatavoskota. [Actinomycosis in horned cattle] Yest- nik obsh. vet., St. Petersb.,'1889, i, 38-41.—Florman (A.) Ueber die Tinction des Actinomyces hovis. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1889, vi, 190. — Oibbes (B.) Actinomycosis bovis. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 337-339. -Gn I man. Actinomycosis bovis iii luchevo-gribkovaya boliezn ro^atavo skota. Aich. vet. nauk..St. Petersb., 1882, xii, 5. sect,, 131-138, 1 pi. — Ilai-z (C. 0.) Actinomyces bovis, ein neuer Schiinnn-l in deu Geweht-n des Rindes. Jahresb. d. k. Centr.-Thierarznei- Schule in Miinchen 1877-8, Leipz., 1879, 125-140.—Ilinlt (A.) UeberLungenaktinomvkoseeinerKuh. Thierar/.tl. Mitth.. Karlsruhe, 1882, xvii, 161-1G5. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1882, xx, 817-819.— Immingcr. Zur therapeutischen Behandlung der Actinomycose des Rindes. Wchnschr. f. Thierb. u. Yiehzuclir, Augsburg, 1889, xxxiii, 149-154.—Knnthack (A. A.) Actinomycosis bovis; the morbid changes in the inferior maxilla. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, v, 29-32.— Korsak (D.) K aktinomikozu rogat. skota. (Acti- nomycosis of cattle.] Vestnik obsh. vet.. St. Petersb., 1889, i, 291; 307.—Liingarrt 'A.) A series of specimens of actinomycosis of the jaws and tongue of oxen, pre- sented to the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1884 and 1885. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 590- 592.—Lump-jaw (actinomycosis) in cattle, in Michigan, in 1890. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1890-91, Lansing, 1891, xix, 250.—Pease (H. T.) Actinomycosis in the buffalo. V«-t. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1891, xxxiii, 14.— Pci-roncito (E.) Ueher den Actinomyces bovis und die Sarkome der Rinder. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1879, v, 33-40, 1 pi. -----. Ancora sulla priority dell' osservazione dell' actinomvecs hovis; per il Prof. S. Rivolta. Medico vet., Torino, 1887, xxxiv, 337-352. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1887, 3. s., xxxv, 352- Cattle (Actinomycosis in). 86(i.—Pflug (, ix, 65; 81.—Bascou (V.) Ladrerie de l'espece bovine; premiere observation en France. Tribnne m6d., Tar., 1888, xx, 436 — B« lli< Id (W. T.) " Swell-head" in cattle. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Pep. 1883, Concord, N. H., 1884, ix, 111-115.— Bigclotv (J.) Testimony on the cattle disease in Massachusetts. In his: Mod. Inquiries, 8°, Post., 1867, 295-325.—Billings 91. Repr. from: Atti d. Accad. di Udina, 1891, 2. s., ix. Baiinatyiic (G. A.) Two cases of foot-and-mouth disease in the human subject. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 1311. — Behla (R.) Der Erreger der Klauen- nnd Maul- seuche, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die akuten Exanthemo beim Menschen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jeua, 1893, xiii, 50; 87.—Bligh (W.) A severe case of foot-and-mouth disease occurring in ahoy. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1355.—Bollinger (0.) The foot and mouth dis- ease, in the human subject. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemsseu),N. Y, 1875, iii, 521-531. — Contagion (He la) de la fievre aphtheuse k l'espece humaiue. Nice metl., 1881, v, 244- 249.—1> ■■ in in-. Surluugue obst-rvt-e chez l'homme. Bull. Soc. m6tl. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1868, ii, 9-11.— Ebstein (W.) Einige Mittheilungen iiber die durch das Maul- und Klauenseuchengift beim Menschen veranlass- ten Krankheitserscheinungen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 129; 154.—Hialop (J.B.) Two cases of murrain (aphtha epizootica) in man. Edinb. M. J., 1803, viii, 704-712. Also, Reprint. — Jiirgens. Demonstration eines Falles von perlsucht-ahnlicher Er- krankuug beim Menschen. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 171. — Kiratein (A.) Ueber perlsnchtahnliche Erkrankung beim Menschen. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1383.—Klein (E.) Infectious udder diseases of the cow iu relation to epidemic diseases in the human subject. Tr. vii. Inter- nat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog., Lond., 1892, iii, 130-154. — Scheyer (A.) Ueber zoonotische Dermatose und Stoma- titis; eiu Beitrag zur Uebertragung derMauI-undKlnuen- seuche auf den Menschen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, ii, 59-73.—Stickler (J. W.) Further observations upon foot-and-mouth disease in its relation to human scarlatina as a prophylactic. Times Sc Reg.. N. Y. Sc Phila.. 1890, xxi, 236-241. — Stiegling. Ein Casus von der Sehad- lichkeit eines inficirten li-bendigen Pintles an dem mensch- lichen Ciirper. Samml. v. Nut.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1724, Leipz. u. Budissin. 1726, xxix, 321. — Wcigl. Infektion mit Maul- und Klauenst-uche bei Menschen. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1895, v, 721-723. Cattle (Diseases of, Treatment of). Gresswell (J. B.) »fc Gresswell (A.) The bovine prescribes Drawn up for the use of veterinary practitioners and students. 16°. London, 1*86. Harms (C.) Erfahrungen iiber Rinderkrank- beiten und deren Behandlung. In der Praxis gesammelt und systematisch geordnet. 8°. Ber- lin, 1890. Cattle (Diseases of Treatment of). -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8". Berlin 1895. Vicij d'Azyr (F.) Expos6 des moyens cura- tifs ct pr^servatifs qui peuveut etre employe's contre les maladies pestilentielles des betes a cornes. Divise en trois parties. La premiere conttent les moyeus curatifs. On y compare les maladies des homines avec celles des bestiaux. La secondo reufernie les moyens preservatifs. La troisii-nie eomprend les ordres euiane's du gouvernement; on y a joint les principaux 6dits et reglemens des Pays-Bas, relativctnent a la maladie epizootique et le mandement de Mgr. l'Archeveque de Toulouse snr le meme snjet. b°. Paris, 1776. Kber (W.) Untersuchungen iiber die Bekampfung von Tbierseuchen mittels schwefelsaurer Torfstreu. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tbierh., Berl., 1897, xxiii, 97-109.— Fiii-thmaier (.1.) Veratrin als Heilmittel beim soge- naiiiiten Kestliegen (les Pintles. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Tbierh., Wien, 1884, viii, 73. — (Gresswell (J. B.) Ob- servations on the antiseptic treatment of some of the zymotic diseases of the domesticated animals, witli special refeientt- to that of splenic apoplexv in cattle. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond.. 1884, xviii, 1-6. — Ouinai-d (L.) La morphine chez les hovins. J. de m6d. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1893, 3. s., xviii, 262-277. — iTIills (J.) The treat- ment of cattle diseases; translated ftom the Tamil. J. Authrop. Soc. Bombay, 1893, iii, 9-21. Cattle (Foods for). [Patent specifica- tions.] Payne (Ii. N.) Food for cattle. No. 234718; Nov. 23, 1880. — Smith (W.H.) An article fur cattle-food. No. 233886: Nov. 2, 1880. Cattle (Foot and mouth disease of). Bonora (D.) II timo serpillo nell' afta epizo- otica ovvero la cura del dott. Morandi. roy. 8°. Mantova, 1893. Blxiva(M.) Memorie lette alia R. Societa agraria di Torino intorno alia providenze ema- nate dagli . . . magistral! di sanita di delta citta e di quella di Berna contro la corrente epizoozia nelle bovine coll' aggiunta della memoria del grand' Alberto Haller sul contagio nel bestiauie. 16°. Torino, 1797. Great Britain. Board of Agriculture. Stat- utory rules and orders, 1895. No. 100. The foot- and-mouth disease order. 8°. [London, 1895.] Great Britain. Privy Council Gffice. Agri- cultural Department. Returns to an order of tbe House of Lords, dated Feb. 14, 1884, for: 1. Return of all the eases in which foot and mouth disease has been imported from foreign countries into England, Wales, and Scotland, and also into Ireland, since the outbreak iu I860; giving the name of each such foreign country and the date and port of landing of each diseased cargo. 2. Return of the number of outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in Eng- land, Wales, and Scotland since 18H0, tabulated according to months, 3. Return of the foreign countries now forbidden, under the act of 1878, to land live animals in the United Kingdom; giving date of each prohibition and stating whether (lie prohibition extends to all animals or to cattle only. 4. Return of foreign countries from which foot and mouth disease has been im- ported since 1880 aud which are now permitted to land cattle or sheep or pigs in the United Kingdom; distinguishing countries which have been temporarily jirobibited and giving date of removal of prohibition, fol. London, 1884. Great Britain. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Foot-and-mouth disease. Return (to an address of tbe House of Lords, dated tbe 16th of April, 1883) for any correspondence with for- eign governments on tbe subject of the contin- ued importation of foot-and-mouth disease from abroad. 23 April, 1883. fol. [London, 1883.] CATTLE. 254 CATTLE. Cattle (Foot and mouth disease of). Great Biutaix. Secretary of Stale for the Home Department. Contagious diseases (animal) act, 1878. Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 15 July, 1884, for "Summary statement of the regulations in force on the 31st day of December, 18-3, made by tbe local au- thorities for the countries in England and Wales aud Scotland, tinder tbe movement into district orders, and also of any further steps taken by those local authorities for securing the isolation of diseased animals, and for preventing the ex- tension of foot-and-mouth disease in their dis- tricts, fol. London, 1884. Kolb(T.) *Aphtbarum pecorinarum et clau- dicationis nuperrime grassatarnm, historia sue- cinta. 4°. Turingc?, [1828]. Lydtin tV Beisswanger. Denkschrift iiber die Maul- und Klauensenche und ihre Bekam- pfung, nebst einer Zusanunenstelluug der be- ziiglicben veteriniir-polizeilichen Bestitnniungen im Deutscben Reich nach dem Stand vom 1. Ja- nuar 1893. 8°. Berlin, 1893. [Massa (P.)] Brevi cenni sulla malattia epi- zootica delta con afte svilttpjiatasi nelle bovine in Genova. lv!0. Genova, 18:19. Petry & Remy. Xote sur l'^pizootie aph- theuse de 18lil-'>. 8-'. [n.p., 1862.] Ricardi (C. L.) Istruzioni contro la corrente epizoozia nelle bovine. Coll' aggiunta della memoria d' Alberto Haller sul contagio nel bes- tiame. 16°. Torino, 1798. United States. Congress. Joint resolution making an appropriation to eradicate the foot and mouth disease, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] Van der Does de' Willebois. Overzicbt van de in Eugeland bestaande wettelijke bepa- liugen tot uitroeiing van het mond- en klauw- zeer vooral met bet nog op den invoer van vee uit het buitenland. 8°. [London, 1883.] Albrecht. Zur Uebertragbarkeit der Maul- und Klauensenche ties Rindes auf audere Hausthierarten. Wchnschr. I. Tbierh. u. Viehzucht, Miinchen, 1896, xl, 37; 49; 61. — ApthoiiM fever among dairy cows. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, l)es Moines, 1893, 257-261."— Babes (V.) Sc Pi-oca (G.) Beobachtungen iiber die Aetiologie der Maul- uud Klauenseuche. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. fete], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxi, 835-849.— Babes (A*.), Stai-co- vici &■ Proca. Observatiuul asupra etiologiei feluci aft6se ejjizootice. Romania med., Bucuresci, 1K97, v. 2: 44, 1 pi.—Bailey (G. H.) Foot and mouth disease at Port land, Me. Am. Vet. Rep., N. Y., 1883-4, vii, 543-546. — Behla (R.) Zur Schutziinpfuiig bei Klauen- und Maul- seuche. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1892, viii, 577-579.— Beisswaenjjer. Ueber das wurttembergische Gesetz, betretfend die Kntschadigung fiir an Maul- und Klauen- senche gefallenes Riudvieb, vom 31. Mai 1893. Deutsche thieriirztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1893, i, 393; 397; 407.— ISciiiler. Ueber das Gift der Maul- und Klauensenche. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk., Jena, 1869, i, 289. — C'ocster. Leber die Uebertragbarkeit von Maul-Seuche vou Thieren auf die Menschen. Alls, deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xii, 189.—Cnyrim (Y.) Maul- und Klauen- seuche im Stall der Frankfurter Milehkuraustalt. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1885, n. V., xxiii, 55-70. — Deinine. Ueber die Uebertragung der Maul- und Klauenseuche (lurch die Milch. AVien. med. BL, 1883, vi. 8-11.— Fraen- kel (('.) Weitere Erfahrungen iiber den Siegel'schen Bacillus der Alaul- uud Klauenseuche. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl. 1S97, vii. H7-55L — GeiiNcrt. Erfahrungen iiber die Lebensdauer des Contagiums tier Maul- und Klauen- seuche. Berl. thierarztl. AVchnschr., 1S92. viii, 121. — Goring. Die Maul- und Klauenseuche. Wchnschr. f. Thierb. u. Yiebzucbt, Augsburg, 1881. xxv, 210.—C»riiian Sc Tnrro (R.) Memoria sobre la glnsopedn. Gac. san. tie Barcel., 1893, v, 81-98. — I in in in ger (J.) Einiges iiber Maul- und Klauen-Seuche. Wchnschr. f. Tbierh. u. Viehzucht. Miinchen, 1892, xxxvi, 457; 469; 477. — Iwersen fl-\) Ein Fall von sporadiscber Maulseuche (Aphtie sporadicae). Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1890. vi, 73. -Kitt (T.) Histologische Untersuchungen iiber Aphteuseuche. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Tbierh., AVien, 1883, viii, 49. -----. Die bosartige Maul- und Klauen- seuche. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierb.., Stuttg., 1892-3, iv, 145-166.—Klein (E.) On the etiology of foot-and-mouth disease. Rep. Local Gov. Bd., LontL, 1885-6, xv, 121-138, 8 pi. Also [Abstr.] : Lancet, Lond., 1886. i, 15. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1886, xxiv, Cattle (Foot and mouth disease of). :;:;. —von Koianyi ( F.) Die Maul- und Klauenseuche, Aphthensenche, Aphthic cpizootica?. Spec. Path, n ThV rap. . . . Notlmagel, Wien. 1897, v, 5. Th., 1. Abth., 137-'l.->u._ Knrth (II.) liaktei iolngische Untersuchungen bei Maiil- und Klauenseuche. Arb ;i. d. k. Csntlhtsanite, Berl 1W- 3, viii, 439-461, 4 pi. — .Tinier (A. ) Leber das bosartige Auftreten der Maul- und Klauensenche. Deutsche tliitr- arztl. AVchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1893, i, 369-372.— M:ti<.<|. Zur Aphthenseuche des Rindes. AVchnschr. f. Thicrh. \\. Viehzucht, Miinchen, 1890, xxxiv, 161.—JVIelirilorf. In wii weit haben sich die derzeitigen Massregt-ln zur he- kiimpfung der Maul- und Klauenseuche hewahrt uml in wie weit lassen die gemachteu Erfahrungen Aenderun- gen geboten erscheim n; Berl. thierarztl. AVchnschr 1897, xiii, 529-533.—.Holla t (E.J.) Foot-and-mouth dis- ease iu Great Britain. Dep. Auric. Coutag. dis. doin animals, Wash., 1883, 195-203. — Peterm. Beitrag zur 1 litt'crenziitl-Diagnose der Maul- uud Khiuenseuclie."l!cil. thieriirzll. Wchnschr., 1892, viii. 25. -----. Beitrage sur Bekiimpfunsr der Maul- und Klauenseuche. Ibid., J893, ix, 49-52. —I'iek (F. J.) Durch den Gebrauch von Jotl- kali erworbene Immunitiit von Rindern gcgen die Maul- und Klauenseuche. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasi- tenk., 1. Abt., Jena, 1895, xvii, 353-356.—1» ii I. ha Klti (Z.) 0 privivauii yashtshura. [On inoculation el the virus of foot-and-mouth disease.] Arestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb. 1895, vii, 102.—Renter (M.i Ueber Maul- und Klauen- seuche. Deutsclie thicriir/.tl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1893 i, 201; 207. — Kmlovaky (J.i Die Maul- und Klauen- seuche und tlie Organisation unseres A'tteriuiirwesens. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Tbierh., Wien, 1890, xiv, 97; 145; 193.—Sanfelice (F.) Ueber einen Behind an von SI alli- um! Klanenseiicbe befallenen Tiereu. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. u. Parasitenk., Jena. 1S94, xvi, 896-905.—Manf'elicr (F.), fjoi (L.) &. Tlalato (V.E.) II barbone (Barbone- krankheit) nei bovini e suini della Sardegna. Mod. zoo- iatro, Torino, 1897, viii. .'!27-3.'i2. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxii, 33-42. — SchilflTarth. Zur Differentialdiagnose zwischen Maul- seuche und Zuugen-Aktinomykose. Wchnschr. f. Tbierh. u. Viehzucht, Miinchen, 1893, xxxvii, 377.— Schollelius (M.) Ueber einen bakteriologiscben Behind bei Alaul- nnd Klauenseuche. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. n. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xi, 75-81.—Schhtz. Impl'versuche zum Schutze gegen die Maul- und Klauenseuche. Arch. f. wis- sensch. u. prakt. Thierb., Berl., 1894, xx, 1 !).—Wlitnnge (G.) Zametki o privivkakh yashtshura. [Remarkson the inoculation of foot and mouth disease.] Arch. vet. nauk, St, Petersb., 1895, xxv, pt. 2, 23-27. — Tnrro . Plant (H.)' Ueber Desinfection der Yieh- Btalle. 8-. Leipzig, 1884. Poli (A.) Ammazzatoio e mercato del bes- tiame di Torino. 8°. Torino, 1890. -----. Guida per la conipilazione del regola- mento e delle relative iustruzioui per i mercati di bestiame e gli ammazzatoi.' Legislazione e moduli. 12-. Torino, 1890. CATTLE. 255 CATTLE. Cattle (Hygiene of). Russia. Department of the Intirior. Zhurnali osobikh sovyesbtsbaniy pro'iskkodivshikk pri Meditsinskom Departamente s "il. Marta po 1 Apryelya 1888 g. dlya obsuzbdeniya voprosa o poryadke peredvizkeniya krupnavo rogatavo skota i ovyefs v yevropeyskoy Rossii. [The journals of special conferences that took place in tbe Department of tbe Interior from March '21 to April 1,1888, to consider the question of reg- uliting tbe transportation of cuttle and sheep iu European Russia.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, lr88. Tktxo (Canton of). Raccolta di atti sulla polizia sanitaria del bestiame. 8\ [«. p., 1880, vel subseq. ] Unttkd States. [Public—Xo. 122.] An act to provide for the safe transport and humane treatment of export cattle from tbe United States to foreign countries. Approved, March 3, 1891. lv. [ Washington, 1891.] United States. Congress. An act for tbe j establishment of a bureau of animal industry, to prevent the exportation of diseased cattle, and to provide means for tbe suppression and extirpation of pleuro-pneumouia and other con- tagious diseases among domestic animals. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H R. 39(17. Iu S.. Feb. 29, 18*4. roy. 8C. [Washington, 1884.] -----. Joint resolution iu regard to tbe export trade in cattle. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9. Sept. 6, 1>93. Reported, referred to tbe House calendar. May .8, 1894. roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1894.] United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill to create a United States cat- tle commission. 47. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 5817. April 17, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Carpenter, roy. 8C. [Washington, 1882.] -----. A bill to prevent and control diseases in cattle, swine, and sbeep. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 4300. Jan. -29, 1884. Introd. by Mr. Ochil- tree, roy. 8 . [Washington, 18*4.] -----. Inspection of vessels carrying export cattle. Report. [To accompany H. R. 13554. A bill to provide for tbe inspection of vessels carrying export cattle from the United States to foreign countries.] 51. Cong., 2. sess. H. 11. Rep. Xo. 3752. Subni. bv Mr. Stockbridge, Feb. 10, 1891. 8-. [Washington, 1891.] -----. Inspection of live cattle, etc. Re- port. [To accompany S. 4155. To provide for the inspection of live cattle, bogs, and the car- casses and products thereof, which are the sub- jects of interstate commerce.] 51. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Rep. Xo. 3761. Subm. by Mr. Hatch, Feb. 11, 1891. 8°. [Washington, 1*91.] -----. A bill to provide for tbe safe trans- port and humane treatment of export cattle from the United States to foreign countries. 51. Cong.. 2. sess. H. R. 13554. Feb. 10, 1891. Rep. by Mr. Stockbridge as a substitute for H. R. 13371. roy. 8C. [Washington, 1891.] -----. Export trade in cattle. Report. [To accompany H. Res. 9. In regard to tbe export trade in cattle.] 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Rep. No. 846. May 8, 1894. Subm. by Mr. Alexan- der. 8°. [ Washington, 1894.] United Statf.s. Congress. Senate. A bill to disapprove chapter forty-nine of the acts of tbe legislative assembly of the Territory of New Mexico, entitled, "An act to prevent tbe intro- duction of diseased cattle into tbe Territory of New Mexico". Approved March 19, 18-4. '49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1198. Introd. by Mr. Coke. | 8-. [Washington, 1**6.] -----. A bill to extirpate contagious pleuro- I pueumonia, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinder- pest among cattle, and the products of live > Cattle (Hygiene of). stock. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. 3025. Dee. 20, 18*6. Introd. by Mr. Spooner, loy. 8C. [Wash- ington, 188(1.] -----. The cattle interests. Statements made before tbe committee on agriculture and forestry of the Senate of tbe United States upon tbe bill (S. Xo. 945) to extirpate contagious pleuro-pneumouia, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest among cattle and the products of live stock, and other purposes. 8°. [Washington, 1**8. | -----. A bill to provide for the inspection of live cattle and beef products intended for ox- port to foreign countries. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 3719. May 1, 1890. Rep. by Mr. Vest. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1890.] -----. A bill to provide for tbe inspection of live cattle, bogs, and the carcasses and products thereof which are the subjects of interstate commerce. 51. Cong., 1 sess. S. 4155. June 24, 1890. Rep. by Mr. Paddock, roy. 8C. [ 77Wash- ington, 1890.] -----. A bill to provide for tho inspection of vessels carrying export cattle from the United States to foreign countries. 51. Cong., 2. sess. S. 4897. Jan. 19,1891. Introd. by Mr. Paddock. Ref. to com. on foreign relations. Jan. 20, 1891. Rep. bv Mr. Sherman. Feb. 4, 1891. roy. 8-3. [Washington, 1891.] -----. A bill to amend an act entitled "An act for tbe establishment of a bureau of animal industry, to prevent the exportation of diseased cattle, and provide means for the suppression and extirpation of pleuro-pneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals". 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 381. Dee. 10, 1891. In- trod. bv Mr. Paddock, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1891.] -----. A bill to prohibit monopoly in the transportation of cattle to foreign countries. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 417. Dec. 10, 1-91. In- trod. by Mr. Vest. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1891.] Beseitigun;; ( Die ) von Ansteckungsstoffen bei Viehbefortlei uitgt-n auf Eisenbahnen betr. Centralbl. f. Vet.-AVissensclU. Leipz., 1886, iv, 369-373. Also: Wchn- scbr. f. Thierb.. u. Viehzucht, Augsburg. 1886, xxx, 385- ;js'j.—Contagions or infectious diseases in cattle antl sbeep. An act to prevent the introduction of contagions or infectious diseases in cattle aud sheep. [Xew South Wales.] Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsarntes, Berl., 1889, xiii, Erguzngsbft., 152-160.—Gcsctz, betreffend die Verpflich- tung zur Desinfection bei Viebttansporten auf Eisenbah- nen und Scbiffen. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien. 1878, xiii, 281 Italicn. Desinfektion der zum Yiehtrunsport be- uutzteu Eisenbabnwagen. Veroffentl. d.k. Csndbtsamtes, Berl., 1889, xiii, Erguzngsbft.. 15L—Kouitflirh bayeri- scbe Bekanntmachung zum Yoll/.ugc des Beichsgesotzes vom 25. Februar 1876'; die Be.seitigung von Ansteckungs- stoffen bei Yiebbefdrderungen auf Kisenbabnen betref- fend. Yeroffentl. cl. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl.. 18s,, xi, 42- 44.— Lombard ini (L.) Sullo stato sanitario del bes- tiame nelbi provincia di Pisa, durante il biennio 1883-4. (iior. di anal, tisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1886, xviii, 241-2.Y!.—iTIilt. Karantinniy nadzor za skotom na korei- skol i Kitaisktti granitse. [Quarantine inspection of cattle on the Korean and Chinese borders.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1895, xxv, pt.3, 53-04. —Patent und Instruction wegen Abwendung der Yiebseucben und antlerer an- steckenden Kraukheiten, imgleichen wie es bei eingetre- tenen Viehsterben gehalten werden soil. De Dato Berlin, den 2. April 1803. Krit. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Berl., 1804- 5, i, 273-379.—Prorredimrnli sanitari snggeriti dal consiglio superiore di sanity per le varie malattie del bes- tiame ed istruzioni popolari relative. Gior. di med. vet., Torino, ls8."». xxxiv, 345: 414— R«*iillnti mier protiy chumt rogatwo skota. [Besults of preventive measures in cattle pbuiue.l Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1889, i, 20-23. — Sh«-vcl«>fl" (M.) Nadzor za peredvizheniem skota na Malo-Aziyatskoi granitzle. [Inspection of cat- tle transportation in the frontiers of Asia Minor.] Ibid., 1891, iii. 84-86. Cattle (Pleuropneumonia of). Ballard (E.) Interim report to the Local Government Board, on an inquiry at Middles- CATTLE. 256 CATTLE. Cattle (Pleuropneumonia of). brougb and its neighborhood, as to an epidemic of so-called "pneumonia", but which was in fact a specific "pleuro-pneumonic fever", fol. London, 1889. Bax (J. N. L.) Niet Belgie maar Nedci land en Engeland komt de eer toe van de uitvinding der inenting bij het ruudvee. Benevens inlich- tingeu aangaande die kunstbewerking. 8°. Nijmegen, 1*'}6. -----. Toelichting en verdediging der bro- chure: Niet Belgie maar Nederland en Engeland komt de eer toe van de uitvinding der inenting bij bet r und vce, benevens inli ebt in gen aangaande die kunstbewerking. 8 \ Nijmegen, 1857. Belgium. Minister de Vinte'rieur. Rapports et documents officiels relatifs a l'inoculation de la pleuro-pneumonie exsudative, d'apres le proceMe" Willems. Rapports de la commission institute pies du ministere de 1'interieur. 3. (1855); 5. (1858). 8°. Bruxelles, 1855-8. Brooklyn. Department of Health. Conta- gious pleuro-pneumouia. Report of proceed- ings at a conference held at the office of tbe . . . Jan. 9, 1884. Prepared by tbe commissioner of health. 8°. [Brooklyn, 1884.] Bkuvlaxts (G.) it Verriest (G.) Nos rap- ports avec la commission de coutrdle des expe- riences relatives au microbe de la pleuro-pneu- nionie eontagieuse. S-. Lonvain, 1882. Chahekt (P.) Instruction sur la peTipneu- nionic, ou affection gangrdneuse du poumon dans les betes a cornes. 8°. Paris, an II [1793]. Cusa (G.) Eziologiaepatogenesi della pleuro- polmonite essudativa contagiosa epizootica dei bovini nella provincia di Novara; rirlessi pratici. 8°. Novara, 1890. Degive (A.) Die Lungenseucbe des Rind- viehcs. 8 . Leipzig, 1885. Delprato (P.) Studi sulla peripneumonia essudativa o poluionea, sull' inoculazione e suoi risultamenti fatti in seguito della relazione se- conda del dottore Maurizio Reviglio sull' ino- culazione qua! mezzo protilatico della pleuro- pneumonia epizootica. roy. 8°. Parma, 1857. Dexkschrift Uber die Lungenseuche unter dem RiudviebindenNisderlanden. 12°. [Haag, 188f,.] Didot (A.) Deux jours a Hasselt. Essai sur l'inoculation de la pleuropuenmonie exsudative des betes bovines d'apres la metdiode du docteur Willems, de Hasselt. 8°. Bruxelles, 1853. vax Dommelen (F. H.) Maatregelen tor stuittng van de longziekte onder bet rundvee. 8J. Leiden, 1851. Dublin Sanitary Association. Epidemic pleuro-pneumouia: its effect on tbe ilesh of oxen. 8-. Dublin, 1877. Dux (F.) On the prevailing epizootic in cattle, called pleuro-pneumonia. 8r;. [Edin- burgh, 1849.] Repr. from: J. Agric. Sc Tr. Highland Sc Agric. Soc. Scotland, July, 1849. Field (W.) Inoculation as a preventive of pleuro-pneumonia, slaughter, taxation and re- strictions. 8°. Manchester, [n. d.]. Galtier (V.) De la pneumo-enterite septi- que ou pleuropneumouie septique des veaux (maladie de la courade.) 8°. Paris, 1894. Great Britain. Board of Agriculture. Sta- tutory rules and orders, 1895. No. 99. Tbe pleuro-pneumonia order. 8°. [London, 1895.] Great Britain. Parliament. Contagious dis- eases (animals) (pleuro-pneumonia). A bill intituled An act for conferring further powers under the contagious diseases (animals) acts, 1878 to 1886, with respect to pleuro-pneumonia. Cattle (Pleuropneumonia of). Brought from the Commons 5th June 1890 fol. London, 1890. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Papers respecting pleuro-pneumonia in cattle, and abstract of experiments made b\- Dr. Willems, of Hasselt. Aud copy of report 0f special commission issued by the Dutch and Belgian governments, relating to tbe cause and treatment of pleuro-pneumonia. fol. London [1853]. -----. Contagious diseases (animals) (pleuro- pneumonia). A bill for conferring further powers under the contagious diseases (animals) acts, 1878 to 1880, with respect to pleuro-pneu- monia. 25 Feb., 1890. fol. London, 1890. Great Britaix. Privy Council. Veterinary Department. Pleuro-pneumonia in Ireland. Cor- respondence relating to pleuro-pneumonia in Ireland. 8°. London, 1887. -----. Pleuro - pneumonia. Return to an address of tbe House of Commons dated 2 Aug- ust, 1889, for: ''Return showing the number of outbreaks of pleuro-pneumonia in the district of each local authority in Great Britain in each of the last three years, the number of diseased and of healthy animals slaughtered, and the sums paid as compensation, after deducting any receipts for salvage." "Similar return for Ire- land." "And, summary showing the totals for couuties and boroughs respectively for England, for Scotland, for Great Britain, for Ireland, and for the United Kingdom." 25 Feb., 1890. fol. London, 1890. (Jkoxeberg (H.) Voorbehoedmiddelen tegen, eu geneeswijze van de besmettelijke longziekte onder de runderen. 12°. Doesborgh, 1846. van Hertum (J.) Een woord over bet aan- wenden van aderlatingen bij de besmetteude longziekte van het rundvee, benevens eenige nadere beschouwingen omtrent de geneeshanr- heid dezer ziekte in het algemeen, en de maat- regeleu om dezelve voor te komen of in hare beginselen te stuiten. 8°. Utrecht, 1852. Landois (H.) & Langenkamp (H.) Die Lungenseuche des Rindviebes vom cellular- pathologiscben Standpnnkte untersucht, be- handelt und geheilt. 8'-'. Leipzig, 1865. Lyman (C. P.) Contagious pleuro-pneu- monia. Third report. 8°. Washington, 1881. MacNamara (R.j, Macalister (A.) &, Rey- nolds (J. E.) Report upon contagious pleuro- pneumonia occurring in cattle, prepared by direction of the committee of the Irish Cattle Trade Defence Association. 8°. Dublin, 1877. Maris (J. H.) Simple rtSponse au dernier mot sur l'inoculatiou de la pleuropueuinouie exsuda- tive dans l'espece bovine d'apres le proce'dc' de M. le Dr. Willems. 8J. Hasselt, 1853. Massachusetts. Address of the governor of Massachusetts on the cattle disease, called pleuro - pneumonia. Delivered before both branches of the State legislature, May 30, 1860. (With report of the commissioners for the#extir- pation of tbe disease.) 8°. [Boston, I860.] Massachusetts. House of Representatives. Evidence [taken before] tbe legislative com- mittee on the pleuro-pneumonia, May 31, Juue 1, 4 and 5, 1860. [Extra session.] 8°/ [Boston, I860.] Memoire sur la pleuro-pneumouie eontagieuse parmi les bestiaux dans les Pays-Bas. 8 . [La Huge, n. d.] Mixette. De la perFpneumonie eontagieuse du gros b6tail. 12°. Compiegne, 1891. Moore (J.) La maladie pulmonaire du b6- tail ou plenro - pneumonic gnerissable par l'ho- mceopathie, avec des avis par . . . Traduit de CATTLK. Cattle (Pleuropneumonia of). l'anglais sur la septieme edition. 8 . Bruxelles, W>£ Netherlands. Ministerie ran Binnenlandsche Zaken. Eerste verslag der proefnemingen met de inenting als voorbeboedmiddel tegen de long- ziekte onder het rundvee. Aan Zijne Hxcel- lentie den Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken. 8~\ ['s Grarenhagc, 1852?] Pi'TZ (H.) Die Hanptdaten derLungenseuehe- Iinpfung seit 1819. 8-. Leipzig, 1>9\. Alxo, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz.. 1891-2, xviii, 113-150. vox Rueff (A.) Die Iinpfuug beim Kampfe gegen die Lungenseuche im Gogensatz zu den Til°"ungsmassregelu der modernen Seucheu-Po- lizei. 8 . Jena, 1881. DE Saive ( J.-M.-J. ) De l'inoculation du betail; operation destinee a prevenir la pleuro- pueumonie exsudative des betes bovines. S . Paris, 1853. Salberg (F.) Die Lungenseuche des Rind- viehes uud ihre Gesehichte, besonders in Rbein- preussen uud Holland, seit dem Jahre 18:!it. Fiir Medieinal-Behorden. Thieriirzte uud Oekono- nicn. 8-. Leipzig it. Cleve, 1846. Sciiltz & Steifex. Die Lungeusenche- Itnpfung und ihre Antiseptik. Bericht iiber die auf Yeranlassung des Herrn Ministers fiir Land- wirthschaft, Doniiinen und Forsten in den Jabren lt-88 i,js ig9i angestellten Impfversucbe gegeu Lnngenseuebe. 8 . Berlin, 1>91. See, also, infra. SvTetoff (G. I.) *K patologicbeskoi anato- niii povaluavo vospaleuiya lyokhkikh. [Patho- logical anatomv of epidemic pneumonia.] 8-. S.-Peterburg. 1883. United States. Congress. Joint resolution to appropriate five hundred dollars to experi- ment at present iu remedies to cure the disease known as pleuro-pneumonia. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. '248. Introd. by Mr. Weller, May 12,1884. roy. 8 . [Washington, 18-4.] United States. Congress. H. of R. A bill for the prevention aud suppression of pleuro- pneumonia in neat cattle. 47. Cong., 1. ses.-j. H. R. 4907. March 6, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Wads- worth, roy. 8-. [Washington, 1882.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the suppression and prevention of pleuro- pneumonia in neat cattle. 47. Cong.. 1. sess. S. 577. Dec. 10. 1881. Introd. by Mr. Rollins. roy. 8 . [ Wash ington, 1*81.] ------. A bill to provide means for the sup- pression and extirpation of pleuro-pneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1127. Jan. 16, 18*4. Introd. by Mr. Miller, roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1^84.] United States. Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of tbe Treasury, transmitting, in response to Senate resolution of Feb. 10, 1882, the report of tbe Trea-ury Cattle Commission on I the lung plague of cattle, or contagious pleuro- j pneumonia. 47. Cong., 1. sess. Ex. Doe. No. 10(5.t 8°. [ Washington, 1*82. ] Willems (L.) Encore un mot sur l'inocula- tion de la pleuropneumonie exsudative dans l'espi-cc bovine. 8°. Hasselt, 1853. Anackcr. Die Lungenseuche der Rinder, Pleuro- pneumonia bourn infectiosa. Thierarzt, Wetzlar, 1891, xxx, 169; 193^ 217,- 241; 265: 1892, xxx, 1; 25; 49.— Arloing(S.) Sur l'etude bacteriologique des lesions de la peripneumonie eontagieuse du bceuf. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cix, 428-430. -----. Determina- tion du microbe producteur de la p6ripneumonie eonta- gieuse du bceuf. Ibid., 459-462. -----. Recherches ex- perimentales sur le virus de la peripneumonie eontagieuse du bceuf. J. de m6d. vet. et zootech.. Lyon, 1889, 3. s, xiv, 505-511. Also: Rec. de med. vet, Par., 1«89, 7. s., vi, 17 CATTLE. Cal tit' (Pleuropneumonia of). 711-716. Also, transl. . J. Comp. Patli. Sc Therap.. Edinb & Lond., 1889, ii, 305-309. -----. Sur les proprietes patho- genies des inatieres solubles fabriquees par le microbe de hi peripneumonie eontagieuse des bovith-s et leur valeur dans le diagnostic des formes chroniques de eette maladie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893. cxvi, 166-169. Also: Province med., Lyon, 1893, vii, 49. Also: J. do m6d. vt'-t". et zootech., Lyon, 1893, 3. s., xviii, 65-68. -----. Injec- tions revelatrices de la peripneumonie conta"iense du bceuf. Ibid., 193-199. Also, transl: Yet. J. Sc Ann. Comp. Path., LontL. 1893, xxxvii, 89-94. -----. Note sur quelques variations biologiques du pneuinobaeillus lique- faciens bovis, microbe tie la peripneumonie eontagieuse bu bceuf. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., lM^Ci-xix 208-210. Also: Province metl., Lyon, 1894, viii, 339. -____! Sur la propriete iminunisante des cultures tlu pneumo- bacillus liquefaciens bovis centre la peripneumonie eonta- gieuse du Ixeuf. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1894, 3. s., xix, 325-331. -----. Production experinientale de la peripneumonie eontagieuse du ha-uf k l'aitlc de cultures; demonstration tie la speciticite du pneuinobaeillus liquefa- ciens bovis. Ibid., 4.r>:!-4.->!>. Al.su: Province med , Lyon 1894, viii, 337-339. — Balar«lini (L.) Tnnesti col'"pus pneuinonico eseiiuiii nella provincia di Brescia negli anni 1853-4. Ca/./. metl. ital. lomb.. Milano, 18.">5. 3. s., vi, 32.— Itn ■■:; (15.) lVnia-t•kuinger om Oxeus ondartetle Lunges- Viit- i Tysklantl. Storbrilanien -ou Holland. Tidsskr. f. Vet.. K.jobenh., 1883, xiii, 291-308. -----. Den ondartede LungesvgesForekoinsti Holland. Ibid., 1884. xiv, 44-46.— Bociim. Quelques reflexions g6nerales sin l'inoculation de la pleuropneumonie exsudative ties betes bovines envisagee comnie moyen prophylactique des maladies epizootiques. [Kap. de Fallot.] Bull. Acad, roy.de med. de Belg., Brux., 1854-5, xiv, 238-247. fDiscussion], 333; 398; 430.—Boiiley (IL) luoculatioii preventive de la peripneumonie eontiurieuse ties betes bovines. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1881,2. s., x, 1086-1100. Also: Echo d. Soc. et A ss. vet. de France, Lyon, 1881, iii. 625-643. -----. Sur l'inoculation preventive de la peripneumonie eon- tagieuse des betes a comes. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1881. 2. s., x, 1190-1206. Also: Rec. de med. vfct., Par., 1882,6.8.. ix, 161; 222. -----. La peripneumonie eonta- gieuse. solution experinientale dela valeurdel'inoculatioa comnie niesure prophylactique. Rec de ni6tl. vet., Par., 1881, 6. s.. viii, 1031-1045. -----. Experiences (l'inoculation preventive contre la peripneumonie eontagieuse. Mem. et bull. Soc. tie med. et, cbir. tb; Bordeaux (1882). 1883, 395-405.—ISriiylunts it Vrrricst. Recherches sur le mi- crobe de laplt-uropuetinionic bovine. Marseille med., 1880, xvii, 535-543. Also: Arch. vet,. Par., 1881, vi, 260-266.— Rntcl. Prophylaxie de la p6ripneumonie eontagieuse. Coug. internat. denied.vet. 1889. Par . 1890,v. 237-302. Also, transl: J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Loud., 1889, ii, 315-318. — dc ©astcliinn ( H.) Peripneumonie 6pizoo- tiquedu gros betail. Monit, tl.hop., Par., 1854. ii, 361-364.— C'otilon & ©livi«-r. Etude comparative de la pneu- monic sporadique, et de la peripneumonie des betes liovines. Bull, et m6m. Soc. centr. de metl. vet., Par., 1884 n. s., ii, 337-359.—t'rocq (J.) De l'inoculatiou preventive de la pleuropneti oouie cpizootiquo du gros betail. Bull. Acad. row de med. de Belg., Brux., 1866, 2. s.. ix, 32-68. Also. Re- print,—C'liniiiiiiihnm (C.) Inoculation in pleivo-pneu- nionia. Vet. J. A:. Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1886, xxiii, 233: 1887, xxiv, 2. -----. Inoculation in plcuio-piit mnonia vetsus "stamping-out". Ibid., 1887, xxv, .'!.')2-338. —!>«•- give (A.) Du diagnostic differenMel etde la proplivlaxie de la pleuropneumonie eontagieuse. Ann. ile med. vet., Brux., 1883, xxxii, 533; 627.-----. Communication relative k l'inoculation preventive tie li pleuiopneumoiiie eonta- gieuse par injection intra-veineuse. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1883. 3. s., xvii, 1016-1028. Also: Ann. de m6d. vet., Brux., 1884, xxxiii, 1-12. -----. Pro- phylaxie de la pleuropneumonie eontagieuse ties betes bovines. Cong, internat. de metl. vet, C.-r. 1889. Par., 1890, v, 303-315. Also, transl: Yet. J. Sc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1889, xxix, 233; 327. — Dclnmotlc. La pleuropneumonie eontagieuse et l'inoculation preserva- trice. Arch, vet., Par.. 1881, vi, 241-2110. -----. La peri- pneumonie bovine dans lis Bassos-Pyrenees; symptoma- tologie; diagnostic general; diagnostic ditlerentiel; ana- tomie patbologique: etude sur l'inocuUtion pteventive. [Extr J Bull, et 1116111. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1885, n. s., iii, 314-404. — D«*lc (E.) De la thernioru6trie dans la pleuropneumonie eontagieuse du gros betail. Bull. Acad. roy. do med. de Be g., Brux , 1878, 3. s., xii, 898-935. Also, Reprint. — Dunn ( T. D.) Antopsy of case of pleuro-pneumouia in a cow. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 260.-----. Some studies on the micrococcus of pleuro pneumonia of cattle. /bid., 261-265. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1885, Iii, 13-15. Also: Phila, M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 249-252. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi. 610. — Dnpre Sc IiCdiyer (H.) Le lait dc vaches atteintes de peripneumonie eontagieuse pent-il transmettre la maladie a l'espece humaiue? Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1885, ix, 195-288. —Eich- horn. Einige Schutziinpfungen mit Blutserum gegen Brustseuche (nach Hell). Deutsche thierarztl. Wchn- 1 CATTLE. 258 CATTLE. Cattle (Pleuropneumonia of). sehr.. Karlsruhe, 1893, i, 135.— Elctli (O.) Pneumozza- /ione bovina nella pleuropneumonia essudativa conta- giosa. Gior. di med. vet,. Torino, 1880, xxix. 124; 241.— E vert* (J.-F.) Kapport sur la pleuro-pneunionite 6pi- zooti(jue des bfetes a cornes. Ann. du Cons.de sahib, pub. de Liege, 1845, ii, 43-53. — Fiedeler. Ueber die Brust- seuche im Koseler Landgestiito und iiber den Krank- heitserrt-ger derselben. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1892. xviii, 1 -38.— F inlay (K.W.i The lung- plague. Med. Rec, X. V.. 1879. xv, 358.— Galtier (Y.) Origine du microbe pathugene de la pleuro-pneumonic septique de-* veaux. Bull. Soc. centr. tie med. vet.. Par., 1893 n. s., xi, 180-184. -----. Lesions de la pleuro-pneu- monie septique ou pneumo-enterite septique des veaux. J bid.. 191-203. -----. Nouvelles preuves teudant a etablir que la pneunio-ent6rite (pleuro-pneumonie septique des veaux) estdeterininee par l'inhalation des poussidres qui se degagent des fourrages. J. de med. v6t.et zootech., Lyon, 1894,3. s., xix, 65-68. — Colli I A.) Sulla inoculaz'ione della pleuropneumonia contagiosa de'-buoi mediante inie zione intravenosa di virus peiipm-uiuonico. Mem. Act atl d.sc. (List. diBologna, 1882, 4. s.. iv,407-418.—CJiiorin (J.) Sur 1'inoculation preventive de la peripneumonie eonta- gieuse. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 1219-1237. Also: Pec,de med. vet., Par.. 188:'. 6. s . ix, 340-357. Also : Echo d. Soc. et Ass. vet. de Fiance, Lyon, 1881, iii, 656- 672. Also: M6decin, Par., 1881, vii. nos. 43, 44. -----. Inoculation preventive de la peripneumonie eontagieuse. Anu. de m6d. vet., Brux.. 1882, xxxi, 192-195. — Harm- bin's. "Wie die Lungenseuche verscbleppt werden kann. Berl' thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1889. v. 331.— Hell. Ueber Schut/.iinpfversuche gegen Brustseuche. Ztschr. f. Ve- terinark., Berl., 1889, i, 1-9..—Hunt (E. M.) Contag- ious pleuro-pueumonia. Rep. Bd. Health X. Jersey 1880. Camden, 1881, iv, 237-247. — Informe acerca de la salubridad de las carnes precedentes de vacas atacadas por la enferniedad llamada " pleuroneumonia exudativa', dirigido al Excmo. Sr. Alcalde constitucional de Zaragoza, por D. Mariano Mondna, D. Santiago Martinez y Miranda y D. Pedro Aramburo, profesores de la Escuela de veteri- naria. y D. Miguel Casas D. Simon Mozota y D. Rudesindo Boira, profesores veterinarios de l-»seccion especial facul- p tativa de policia urbana de dicha capital. Clinica. Zara- goza, 1878, ii, 260; 269; 275; 283; 291. — lasilioflT (M. A.) K voprosu o mierakh prekrashtsbeniya povalnavo vospaleniya lyokbkikh rogatavo skota i preduprezhde- niya yevo razvitiya. [Means of stopping epidemic pneu- monia in cattle and of preventing its development.] Ucben. zapiski Kazan. Vet. lust., 1885, ii, 255-266. -----. K voprosu o borble s povalnim vospalenlem lyokhkikh rogatavo skota v Petmskoi gubernii. [ Tbe struggle with epidemic pneumonia in cattle in Perm Govern- ment..! Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1895, vii, 618.— Jacob. De la valeur de 1'inoculal ion comiue moyen prC- ventif tie la peripneumonie 6pizootique du gros betail. Rap. gen. Cons. d'h\g. pub.de la Meurthe 1858-9, Nancy, 1860, v. 34-52. — Je'iiMt-n (C. O.) Pyaniie bei der Brust- seuche; eine Druseinlection. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tbierh., Stuttg., 1890, ii, 11-21. — Koppitz ( W. ) Beitrage zur Lungenseuche des Rindes. Oesrerr. Vrtljschr. f. wis- sensch. Yeteriuiirk., Wien, 188."), lxiii, 115-121.—Eaw (J.) Report on pleuro pneumonia tit Gardiner. Ulster County, Xew York. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Albnnv, 18*7, vii, 345 — I>«'blnii<- (C. ) Sur l'inoculation pre- ventive de la peripneumonie eontiurieuse des betes a corne. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1881. 2. s., x, 1168-1182. Also: Echo tl. Soc.et Ass. vet.de France. Lyon, 1881, iii,643-655. Also: Kec. de med. vet., Par., 1882, 6. s. ix. 131-144.-----. Sur rinoculation preventive de la peripneumonie eonta- gieuse. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1881, 2. s.. x, 1301-1308. -----. La question de la peripneumonie eontagieuse au Congres sanitaire tie 1885. Kec. tie metl. vet., I'ar.. 1886. 7. s., iii, 919-93::. — I.ci-nyer di.i Le lait ties vaches at- teintes de peripneumonie eontagieuse peut-il transmettre la maladie a l'espfece httmaine? (2e memoire.) Union ro6d. et scient. du nord-est. Reims, 1887, xi, 10-20.— I,ecnjcr (H.) A: Dupre. Le lait des vaches atteintes de peripneumonie eontagieuse peut-il transinettre la maladie a l'espece bumaine? Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 446-458. [ Discussion ], 551-558. Also : Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1885, ix, 195-208. — I.ic- na iix (E.) De la pleuropneumonie septique des veaux. Anu. de med. vet,, Brux., 1892, xii, 465-471. — Loir (A.) Peripneumonie eontagieuse des betes k cornes. In his: Microbiol, en Austialie. 8:, Par., 1892, 64-80. — I.imtig (A.) Zur Kenntniss des Contagiums der Lungenseuche des Rindviebs. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissenish., Berl., 1885. xxiii, 193-196. — I>v9-i:S2. -----. Ueber die Lungenseucheimpfiing. Ibid , 18.--::, ix, 196-209.—Roy (C. S.) The pathological histology of epi- zootic pleuro-pneumonia, Yet. J. A Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1880, x, 1; 176; 338, 8 pi. — Rule* and regulations governing quarantine against pleuro-pneumonia among domestic animals. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1885, iii, 187. — Sanderson (B.) Report on the experi- ments at the Brown Institution on pleuro-pneumonia. [Extr.from: J. Roy. Agric Soc, 1879.| Yet. J. .fc Ann. Comp. Path., LontL, 1879, viii, 413 : ix, 98.—Sehaiimkcll (K.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lungi-nscucht-iinpfiuis. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1892, viii, 421-425. — Nrhiitz. Die Luugenseuche-Impfung und ihre Antiseptik. Internat. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. R. Yirchow . . ., Berl. 1891, iii, 105-152. — Schiitz Sc Miction. Dio Lungen- seuche-Impfung und ihre Antiseptik. Arch. f. wissen- sch. u. prakt, Thierb., Berl., 1889, xv, 217: 1890, xvi, 29: 1891, xvii, 290. See, also, supra.—Thiei iie»*r (A.) Dc linoculation prophylactique de la pleuropneumonie epi- zootiquc. Bull. Acad. roy. de ni6d. de Belg., Brux., 1866, 2. s.. ix, 369-412. Also, Reprint. — Thicrnesse (A.) Sc Dejjive. Inoculation preventive tie la pleuropneumo- nie eontagieuse des hfetes bovines par injection intravei- neuse. Bull. Acad. rov. de metl. do Belg., Brux., 1882, 3. s., xvi,725-743. Also: Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1882, 2.8., xi, 1131-1141. Also, Reprint.—Thierry (E.) Le varolii de la peripneumonie eontagieuse tie l'espece bovine; nou- velles experiences de Melun. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 1895. Auxerre, 1896, xxxvi, 119-123.-Toiiini (F.) Della causa efflciente della polmonca nei bovini e della proposta inoculazioue della materia iiquida spremuta dal polmone maiato quale preservativocontrola stessa; considerazioni. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano. 1855, cli. Also, Reprint.— White (R.) Contagious pleuro-pneumonia. or lung plague. Boston M. \ S. J., 1879, c, 807-815. Also, Re- print.—Willems iL.i New researches upon pleuro- pneumonia and its preventive inoculation. Am. Vet. Rev.. N.Y., 1880-81,iv, 353; 416; 460; 509. -----. Inocula- tion critere de lap6ripneumonie eontagieuse. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 1100-1105. -----. De la non- r6cidive de la p6ripneumouie eontagieuse des betes bo- vines. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1881. 3. s., xv, 156-170. -----. Communication relative a rinocula- tion preventive de la pleuropneumonie eontagieuse des betes bovines. Ibid.. 1882, 3. s., xvi, 62-73. -----. Obser- vations concernant l'inoculation preventive de la pleuro- pneumonie epizootique. Ibid., 1882. 3. s., xvi. 525-533. Also: Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1882, xxxi. 427-437.— -----. Notice historique concernant rinoculation de la pleuropneumonie eontagieuse des betes boviut-s. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1891, xl. 349-353. -----. Note con- cernant le microbe de la peripneumonie eontagieuse du b(Buf. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg.. Brux., 1896. 4. s., x, 486-493. — Wobdhead (G. S.) Some points iu CATiLE. 259 CATTLE. Cattle (Pleuropneumonia of). tin- morbid anatomy aud histology of pleuropneumonia. J Comp. Path. Sc Therap., Edinb. Sc Lond., 1888, i, 123; 339. —Ziirn (V. A.) Pilze in der Lunge eines Rindes, welches mit Lungenseuche hehaftet gewesen. In his: Zoopath. u. zoophysiol. Untersuch., 8°, Stuttgart, 18,2, 38. Cattle (Syphilis of). Ei.WERT (J. P.) "Disp. prior de lue vaeca- rnni Tubingensi. 4 '. Tubingw, 174,"). Salzkr (J. K. B.) *Do lue vaecarmu. 4 '. Tuhingee, 1713. I Wichniami (J. E.) Ueber die sogenaunte Franzo- senkraukheitdesRindviehes. [From: Hannov. Mag., 1787, St. 87.] In his: Kleine med. Scbrifteu, 8°, Wien, 1801, 116-123. Cattle (Southern fever of). Billings (F. S.) The Southern cattle plague (Texas fever) of tlie United States, with especial relation to its resemblance to the yellow fever. Au etiological study, 8°. Lincoln, 1880. -----. Original investigations in cattle dis- eases in Nebraska. Southern cattle plague. 3. ed., revised and augmented with many new investigations, and the true place of the tick as a vehicle of infection unquestionably demon- strated. 8°. Lincoln, Neb., 1893. Paqitn (P.) Texas fever. Investigations between September, 1888, and March, 1S>9. 8°. Columbia, 1S90. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin No. 1. In- vestigations into the nature, causation, and pre- vention of Texas or Southern cattle lever. Made under the direction of Dr. D. E. Salmon, chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, by T. Smith aud F. L. Kilborne. 8C. Washington, l*9'.i. Berry (W. B.) A note on the disease of cattle known as red water. South African AI. J.. Lond., 1884, i, 21.—Celli (A.) Sc Nnntori (F. S.) La malaria dei bovini nella Campagua Romana (sinouimi: febhre del Texas. enioglobinuria di Rumenia e tli Finlandia, ematinuria di Sardegna e dell' Agio Romano). Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1897. n. s.. vii, 249-260, 1 pi. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena, 1897, xxi. 561-572, 1 pi.— Dinwidflie (R. R ) Some Texas fever experiments. J. Comp. M. £ Yet. Arch., N. Y., 1893, xiv, 1-13.—Eisen- uia■■ (F. T.) Texas fever. Am. Pract. 6c News, Louis- ville, 1897, xxiii, 41-46, 1 pi —Karnaugh (\V. H.) Re- marks on Southern cattle fever. J. Comp. M. Sc Vet. Arch., Phila.. 1895, xvi, 78-89. — Krebs (R.) Beobach- tungen iiber das Blutbarnen beim Rinde. Arch. f. wis- sensch. u. pract. Thierb.. Berl., 1883, ix, 216-222.—.tlars- den (R. S.) Notes on Texas fever or rcdwater. J. State M., Lond., 1892-3. i, 1*7-195.— tlcek iA.) Sc S mi Hi (R. G.) Ou loupiug ill and its connection with the tick. Vet- eriuariaa, Lond., 1897, lxx, 69S-709. — fatlon (\V. IL) The name of the Southern or splenic cattle-fever para- she. Am. Naturalist, Phila., Is95, xxix, 498. — Rela- tion (The) of ticks to Texas cattle fever. Rep. Sec. Auric, Wash., Is9u, 107-110. — Rogers (B. At Texas fever antl ticks. Daniel's Texas M. J.. Austiu, 1891- 2, vii, 357-300. — «ehilil i E. ) Die Texasseuche im Elsass. Deat-ehe thierarztl. Wchnschr.. Karlsruhe, 1894, ii, 385.—Smith (1.) Die Aetiologie tb r Texasfieber- seuchedes Rindes. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii, 511-527. -----. Some problems in the eti- ology and pathology of Texas cattle fever, and their bear- ing on the comparative stun v of protozoan diseases. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila.. 1893. viii, 117-131. Also, trand.: Okayama Igakkwai Zashi, 1893, no. 40, 3-5.— Smith IT.) & Kilborne (F. L.) Investigations into the nature, causa: ion, and prevention of Southern cattle fever. Rep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1891-2. Wash., 1893, viii-ix, 177-304, 10 pi.—Smith (T.), Kilborne (F. L.) & Schroeder (E. C.) Additional observations on Texas cattle fever. Misc. invest, infect. & parasit. dis. domest. animals, *'■>, Wash.. 1893, 67-72.— Weisser Sc lVIaaasen (A.) Zur Aetiologie des Texasfiebers. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, lierl., 1894-5, xi, 411-417, 2 pi. Cattle (Transportation of). See Cattle (Hygiene of). Cattle (Tuberculosis of). See, also, Milk and tuberculosis. Fiorentini (A.) Igiene alimentare. La tu- bercolosi della ghiandola inamuiaria in rapporto all' infezione del latte, con alcune considerazioni Cattle (Tuberculosis of). intorno al latte che si eonsuma in Milano e rela- tivi suggerimenti pratici. 12°. Milano, lH9r>. See, also, infra. LiivASiiiA ich (V. I.) *K voprosu o vliyanii kormleniya zkivotnikh myasom bugorehatavo skota. [On the question of the results of feed- ing animals with the meat of tuberculous cat- tle.] 8 -. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Lydtin (A.) Ueber die Perlsucht. Vortrag, gehalten auf dem internationalen thierarztlichen Congress zu Briissel. (Nach der frauzosiseheu Uebersetzung der I'roff. Wehenkel nnd Siegen.) 1.-2. Hlfte. b°. Leipzig, 1885. See, also, infra. -----, Fli.mminc (G.) & van Hertsen. The influence of heredity and contagion ou the prop- agation of tuberculosis, aud the prevention of in- jurious effect from the consumption of the flesh and milk of tuberculous animals. 8°. London, [188:?]. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin No. 7. Investigations concerning bovine tuberculosis, with special reference to diagnosis and preven- tion. Conducted under the direction of Dr. D. E. Salmon, chief of the bureau. 8\ Washing- ton, 1894. Ail am (T.) Ueber die Hauflgkeit des Yorkommcns tier Tuherculose des Bindes beim Schlacbtvieh in den Scblacbtbausern der Stadt Augsburg im Jahre 1883. Wchnschr. f. Tbierh. n. Viehzucht, Augsburg. 1884, xxviii, 125-128. -----. Die Tuherculose des Rindes beim Schlacbt- vieh in Augsburg iu den Jabren 1877 bis 1886. Ibid.. 1887, xxxi, 153: 105. -----. Die Tubcrkulose des Rindes beim Schlacbtvieh in Augsburg ini Jahre 1888. Ibid.. 1889, xxxiii, 09-71.—Aufrecht. Ueber Perlsucht uud Miliar- Tnberculose und eine Ilvpotbese zum Yerstanchtis der Infections-Krankheiten. 'in his: Path. Mitt., 8°, Mag- deb.. 1881, 32-56.—Bang (B.) Ueber die Eutertubercu- lose der Milchkiihe und iiber "tuherculose Milch". Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1884-5, xi, 45-67. -----. Kampen imod Tuberculosen hos Kvaegot. (The strife against tuberculosis in cattle.] Bibliot. f. Lseger, Kjebenb., 1896, 7. Pv., vii, 31-73.—Bergey (D. II.) Bovine tuberculosis as a factor in the production of human tuber- culosis through tho use of meat and milk. Yet. Man., Phila., 1S90, iii. 723-730. Also: Metl. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 102-105. — liluini- (M. D.) Bovine tuberculosis; its communication by ingestion, inhalation, and hereditary transmission: also its dangers to the public, health. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1887. xxxi, 60-65.—Bollinger (O.) Ueber die Identitat tier Perlsucht der Binder mit der mensch- lichen Tuherculose. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1894,xii, 85.—Brusaferro (S.) Tubercolosi del sent) di una vacca. Gior. di med. vet., Torino, 1889, 520-528. Also, Keprint.— Bnj will (O.) DoSwiadczenia nad rozpoznaniem gruzlicy u bydla za pomocq. tuberkuliny. [Experiments on diag- nosing tuberculosis in cattle bv means of tuberculin.] Przegl. lek., Warszawa, 1895, xxxiv, 595; 610.—Cain (J. S.) Bovine tuberculosis. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nash- ville. 1897,98-110.—Clayton (C. E.) My experience with tuberculin in a small herd ot cattle. Am. Vet. Kev.. N. Y.. 1894-5, xviii. 32S-33U. — Cutter (E.) Au American blood test for cattle tuberculosis. N. Eng. M. Month., Danburv. Conn., 1896, xv, 289-296. Also, Keprint. Also: Am. Month. Mier. J., Wash., 1896, xvii, 331-346. — I>e- give. Diagnostic de la tuherculose bovine. Cons. p. l'etude tie la tuherculose 1893, Par., 1894, iii, 133-137.— Belepine °. Voronezh, 1 — . Acstro - Hungary. Officielle Handausgabe der osterreichischen Gesetze und Verordnnngen. Gl.Heft. Gesetze vom"29. Februar 1660, betreffend die Abwehr und Tilgung austeckender Thier- kraukheiten uud der Rinderpest, nebst den Durchfukrungsbestiruniungen. Gesetz vom 19. Juli 1679, betreffend die Desinfection und Yieh- transporten, nebst Yollzugschrift. 12°. Wien, 1-0. Also [Abstr.l. ill: Med.-chir. Centralbl., "Wien, 1879, xiv, 510; 557: 570; 581; 594: 1880, xv, 30; 41. Ai'stro - Hungary. Eaiserlich - kdnigliches j Ackerbau-Ministerium. XX. Gesetzartikel des Jahres 1674 iiber die Verfiigungeu gegen die orientalische Rinderpest. Sauctionirt deu 13. Juni 1674. fol. [ Wien, 1-74.] -----. Gesetz betrelfend die Abwehr und Tilgung der Rinderpest in Bosnien und der Her- cegovina vom 9. Janner 1-80. sammt Dnrch- fiihrnngsvorschrift. roy. 8°. Wien, 1->1. Belgium. Ministere de Vinterieur et de Vinstruc- tion publique. Police sanitaire des animaux domes- tiques. Peste bovine; liicsnres spe~ciales; regle- ment: arreted. 8°. Bruxelles, 1883. Bengal. [On the cattle plague of lower Ben- gal, by Kenneth McLeod, asst. surg.] fol. [Calcutta, 1667.] Clkmext (A.) Me'moire sur le typhus conta- gieux des betes a cornes. 6°. [n. p., n. d.] Dayies (R.) An essay concerning pestilential contagion: occasioned by the distemper now raging among the cattle, with a method proposed to prevent its progress. 8:. London, 1757. Dieckerhoff (AV.) Gesehichte der Rinder- pest uud ihrer Literatur. Beitrag zur Gesehichte der vergleichenden Pathologie. 6D. Berlin, Driessen (D. P. F.) * Ueber die Tierseuchen, besonders iiber die Rinderpest in Niederlandisch Ostindien. [Giessen.] 81. Venlo, 1695. Erdmanx (H. A. F.) * De bovina peste, typho hoiuinum analoga." *-. Berolini, [1657]. Fergi:sox ( H. ) Cattle-plague committee Dublin Castle; report to His Excellency John Baron Wodehouse. 8°. [n. p.], 1865. Foot (A. W.) Symptoms and treatment of the cattle plague, with a sketch of its history and progress. 12°. Dublin, 1*66. France. Arrest du conseil d'etat du roi, qui, en ordonuant l'execution de celui du 18 deeem- "re 1774, prescrit de nouvelles dispositions pour arreter le progres de la maladie epizootique sur les betes a cornes. Du 30 Janvier 1775. 4C. Paris, 1775. I . 1111 < -1»I: i- 11« . Gamgee (J.) The cattle plague; with official reports of the International Veterinary Con- gresses, held in Hamburg, 1663, and in Vienna, 1665. 8". London, 1*66. Gamgee (J. 6.) Tlie cattle plague and dis- eased meat in their relations with the public health and with the interests of agriculture. 6°. London, 1657. Genaue Beschreibung der von dem Herrn Cammerjunker von Biilow, auf Priitzen zuerst versuchten, uud nachher in den Aemtern Biitzow nnd Riihu mit dem besten Erfolg angewandten Inoculation der Rind-Vieh-Seucbe. 6°. Biitzoto if Wismar, 1779. Great Britain. Board of Agriculture. Stat- utory rules and orders, 1895. No. 98. The cattle-plague order. 8°. [London, 1895.] Gresski. (J. G.) Knrtze physicalisch-medi- cinisehe Gedauken von der iu Schwaben und andern beuachbahrteu Orthen grassirenden Horn - Viehes-Seuche. Darinuen fordersamst gezeiget wird, I. Was dise Seuche sey ? Woher sie komme, und inficire? II. Wie sie zu erken- nen? III. Auf was Arth disem, leider! so sehr eingerissenen Uebel zu steuren, nnd was sonsten hierinnen zu thun und zu lassen? IV. Durch was bewiihrt gefundene Mittt 1 disem vermerk- ten Zustand abzuhelffeu sey? Samt einigen hierzu dieuliehen Beylagen dem Publico zum Besten eutworifen. 12°. Augspurg, 1743. Heckmeijer (F. C.') Korte geschiedenis der ruuderpest, benevens eene opgave van al de over dese ziekte kandelende gescbriften die van de vroegste tijden tot op heden zijn uitgekomen. Vooral eehter van die welke door Nederlanders of in de Hollandsche taal zijn uitgegeven. 8°. Amersfoort, 1645. Human (The) blight and cattle blight, or an explanation of the cholera and cattle plague. 8C. London, 1866. Laxcisi (J. M.) Dissertatio historica de bo- villa peste, ex Campani* finibus anno mdccxiii Latio importata: deque pnesidiis per . . . Cle- mentem XI ... ad averteudam aeris labein, et annonse caritatem opportune adhibitis. Cui aecedit consilium de equorum epidemia, quae Romae grassata est anno mdecxii. 4°. Ronue, [1715]. Lorixser (C. J.) Untersuchungen iiber die Rinderpest. 8°. Berlin, 1831. de Naxzio (F.) Sul tifo contagioso de' bovi o peste bos-ungarico ingeneratosi il 1837 nelle Puglie; memoria. 8°. Napoli, 1863. New York (Stale). Communication from the governor, transmitting the report of the hoard of commissi oners of rinderpest for the year 1867. 8°. [Albany, 1*6*.] Rezultati mier protiv chumi rogatavo skota v Yevropeiskoi Rossii. (Na osnovanii offits'ial- nikh dannikh Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Diel.) [Results of the measures adopted against the cattle plague in European Russia. (On the basis of official data of the Ministry of the Interior.)] 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1896.] Repr. from: Pravitelstv. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1896, no. 60. Roloff. Expose" de la peste bovine en Alle- magne de 1*7-2 a 1877 et des r6sultats obtemvs par les mesures prophylactiqttes prises pour einpe- cher I'iutroduction et la propagation de l'e"pi- zootie, traduit d'apres le rapport de . . . Suivi dela legislation beige sur la mature, avec intro- duction et notice, public" sous le patronage de la Socie'te' royale de me"decine publique du royaume, par les soins de MM. Hyac. Kuborn et J.Seulen. 8C. Bruxelles, 1879. CATTLE-PLAGUE. 262 CATTLIN. Cattle-plague. RosKttus [P. F.] Ueber die Rinderpest und deren Tilgung, besonder. iu Anwentliing auf das Yiehsterben zu Pyritz in Pommern im Jalire 180*, und die dariiber erscliienene Abhaudlung des Dr. Roserns. Nach Grundsiitzen des Pro- fessors Sick dargestellt von K. L. Hering. 16°. Berlin, 1812. Skoondat (J.-B.) Memoire sur les maladies pesti lentitlles des boenfs, lu a l'Acadernie de Bor- deaux, le 25 noiit 1775. 12°. Bordeaux, [1775]. Segreto di Bruckner contro la ]ieste bovina fatto di pubblica ragione a merito e spese di una societa filantropica. 12°. Mendrisio, 1^39. Walz (G. H.) Untersuchungen uber die Na- tur und Behandlungs-Weise der Rinder-Pest. mit einer kurzen Gesehichte des Verlatifs dersel- ben in Wiirttemberg in den Jabren 1795-1801. 12c. Stuttgart, 1803. Anarkcr. Notizen und Erfahrungen iiber die Kinder- pest. Thicrarzt.Wetzlar. 1802. xxxi. 241: 265: 1893, xxxii, 1; 25; 53; 72; 97.—Ai-kliansjclski (P.) Statistieheskiva svledleniva o dvi/henii epizootii chunii i sibirskol yazvi v Vyatskoi gtib. s 1877 po 1882 god. Arcb. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1884, xiv. 5. sect., 323-345.—Beale (L. S.) On entozoa (?) in the muscles of animals destroyed by cattle plague. Mod. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1866. i. 57-59. Also, in: (laingeo (J.) Tbe cattle plague [etc.], 8:. Lond., 18GG, 819-825, 1 pi— Ki-ling. Bemerkungen iibi-r die Rinder- pest des Lit-iriiit/.schen Kreises in Scblesicn, welche im Winter 1813-14 beobachtet-\vurde. Mem. d. Heilk., Staats- arzneiw. n. Tbierh., Ziillichau, 1818, ii, 77-91.— It on Icy. Sur bt tnarcbe du typhus contascieux de l'espece bovine. Bull. Aeiid. ile metl.'. Tar.. 1866-7. xxxii, 520-53!). — I)imn. bcii (D.) Pupilage tot tie runderpest-geograpbie. (le- neesk. Tijdsciir. v. Nederl.-Indie, Batav., 1880-81, xxi. 309- 510.—Edinglon (A.) On tbe nature of the contagium of rinderpest. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1897, lxi, 357.—Evsie- yenko (S.) Prakticbeskiye rezultati ohumoubivaniya v nioskovskoi gub. [Practical results of the stamping out of tbe cattle plague in the Moscow government.1 Vet. Vestnik. Kharkov, 188G, v. 3. sect.. 05-82. — I<<-1 ill in a mi ( F.) Ueber Rindviekzucht, Riiidviebaiisstt-llungen und die Rinderpest in Russland. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Tbierh., Wien, 1881, vi, 83; 91; 99: 1882, vii, 3. -----. 0 rodin'io chunii rogatavo skota i mierakh protiv etoi epi- zootii. [On tbe homo of cattle-plague, and measuresagainst it.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1882, ii, 5. sect., 92- 100. — (J. W.) Zur Kocb'schcn Rinderpestinipfung. Deutsche mod Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 630. — Kraycvaki (A. A.) K ucheniyu o cbunne rogatavo skota (pestis bo- vum contagiosa). Arcb. vet. nauk. St. Petersb.. ]>91. i, 5. sect,, 29; 51. —Knniai iK.) Kiuyeki yukoto yuiku suyo no kauke, [Use of milk and meat during the epi- demic of cattle plague.] Dainippon .Shiritsu Eiseikwai Zashi, Tokio, 1893, no. 125, 939-963.— I.i-blaiir. Sur le typhus contagieux des betes k cornes. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1865-6, xxxi, 265-300. [Discussion] 306; 347.— Lugo Hidalgo (J. M.) Tifo del gnnado vacuno. Gac. med., Mexico, 1892. xxvii, 220-230.—'Madden (T. M. ) The rinderpest of the present time, and the cattle plagues Cattle-plague. of past agci in these islands and on the continent. Med Press ,t Circ, Dubl.. istiti, ii, 31: 63; 270; 301; 372; lis", Also. Reprint—Makaroir (O. K.) () nilciakh protiv cbuini i o kliarakterle ehuniniivo yada. (On measures against cattle -plague and on the character of its pi.j.oii ] Vet. dielo, St. Petersb., 1885, iii, no. 12, 0- lo. — Vim j (ijj N.) K voprosu o nezarazitelnosti cliumi (pestis lionni) v periodic inkubatsii. [On the noneonta^iousness of . during the period of incubation.] I'chen. zapiski Kazan! Vet, Inst., 1886, iii, 32-44. -----. Sipnava forma cbuini! [Eruptive form of cal tie plague. ] Vet. Vestnik, Kharkov 1886, v, 4. sect., 1-4.— Tlaswnrl. L'immunination contro la peste bovine. Soc. rov. d. sc, metl. et nat. tip Unix Bull., 1897, lv, 132. — Vliliiii hi nko (M.) () mlcrakli protiv cliumi rogatavo skota. [ Measures against cattle- plague.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1885, xv, 5. sect 191-202.—Vlnllcr. Der Ausbrucb der Rinderpest nil December 18sl. Arch. f. wissensch. u. piati. 'I'hierli Berl.. 1882. viii, 195-2(R—NciHski (M.) ,V Ziln-i-( \.'j K etiologii chunii rogatavo skota. [Ou tin- etiology of cattle plague.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb.. 18!i<;, xxvi 2. sect., 209-317. 1 pi. — \< iil«ki ( M. I. ZiBiir ( X. ) & Vizhiiikcvirh ( V.) () cbnmie rogatavo skota. [On cattle plague.] Ibid., 18U7. xxvii, 2. sect.. 293-312,1 pi. Also. Bolnitsch. gaz. Potkina, St. Petersb., 18117. viii, 849; 889. 1 pi. .4Iso: Truth ' bsh. russk. vraeh. v S.Poteib.' 1896-7, 537-562. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Wchiisclir., 1S97! xxxiv, 513-518. — Oeinler. Rinderpest oder nicht Rin- derpest? Arcb. f. wissensch. u. pract, Tbierh., Berk. 1882, viii, 241-263.—Philippe (J.) Typhus contagieux ilea betes k cornes. Dep. de la Seine-Inf. Cous. centr. d'hy*. [etc.J. Trav. 1870-71, Rouen, 1872. 117-121. —Prof. Kob'i-rt Koch's Benchte iiber seine in Kimberley ausgefiihrti-n Expt-i-imentalstudien znr Bekampfung der Rinderpest. \Transl. from: Agricult. J., Cape Town.] Deutsche nu-tl. Wchnschr., Leipz, >\ Berl., 1897, xxiii, 225; 241. — Pro- fessor Koch and the rinderpest in Africa. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1897, i, 598.—Kimlci-pi-Mt. phst and second re- ports of the committee of tbe New York State Agricultural Society. Tr. N.York Agric. Soe. 1807, Albany, 1868, xxvii, 253-384, 12 pi. ^1Z*0, Reprint. — Itimlt rpol (The) in South Africa. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 12811; 1.155.—Kob- vim. Maladie avant avec la peste bovine de grands carac- teres de similitude; quelle en etait la nature? Rec tin metl. vet., Par., 1883, 6. s., x, 90; 255.—Robin (E.) Sur l'art de prevenir le typbus des betes a. cornes ou peste bo- vine. Gaz. med. de l'Algeiie. Al^cr, 1883, xxviii, 100; 105—("Jadovski (I.) [et al.]. K etiolosii cliumi rogatavo skota i k voprosu o protivochumnikh vaktsinatsiyakb. [Etiolosryof oatth'-plauuc. and the question of inoculations against it, ] Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1894, vi, 260- 267.—Sanson (A.) Le typhus ties ruminants et sa pro- pagation. Gaz. hebd. de'med., Par., 1867, 2. s., iv, 129- 132.— SavelyelF (K. M.) Material k morfologii mikroba cbumi roiratavo skota (bacillus pestis bourn). Arch. vet. nauk, St." Petersb., 1885, xv. 5. sect., 59-78—Sena iiht (E.) Die Rinderpest und das Rinderpest-Contagium. Rev. f. Tbierh., Wien. 1881, iv, 65: 99; 113; 101. -----. hinder- pestabnliclieErkrankungen und die Mikroorganismen bei denselben. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed.. Leipz., 1884-5, xi. 77-80—Scunner (K.) & ArchanyelMki (A.) I't-bt-r das Kindcrpcstcontni'iiim und ilcssen Mitigation. Cen- tralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch.. Berl., 1883, xxi, 306. — Nlipri-k (F.) Chumnaya epizootiyav Astrakhanskom kia.vc | Cat- tle-plague epizootic in Astrakhan district,] Vet. Yestnik, Kharkov, 1886, v, 3. sect., 97-146, 2 diag. — Smith (W.) The cattle plague in Norfolk. J. Statist, Soc. Lond., 1868, xxxi, 395-41)0.—Tartakovwki (M. (1.) Izsllt-dovaiuaoil etiologii chumi rogatavo skota. | Investigations of the etiology of bovine plague.] Arch. biol. nauk. . . ., S.-I'c- terb., 1895, iv, 279-308. Also, transl: Arch, de sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1895, iv, 295-327. -----. K voprosu o vospri- imchivosti verblyudov k ckurale rogatavo skota. [On the susceptibility of camels to cattle-plague.] Arcb. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1897, xxvii, 2. sect,, 109-118— Tlicilcr (A.) Rinderpest in Siid-Afrika. Schweiz. Arcb. f. Tiei li.. Ziirich, 1897, xxxix. 49-62. -----. Experimentabintcrsii- cbungen iiber Rinderpest. Ibid., 193-213.—Tin bin (K.) Cbumnol vopros na entoruologicheskom syezdlc. | The question of cattle-plague in the Entomological Congrt-ss.l Yet. dielo. St. Petersb.. 1886, iv.no. 13,8-13; no. 14,7-13.- Velcriiiai-polizcalirlie Massregeln zur Hintaubal- tung der Ein- und \'< t sehk-ppung der Rinderpest Hildas Kronlaud TJngarn. Ztschr. f. Nat. u. Heilk. in I'ngarn, Pest, 1850-51, i, 73-76.—Wehrnkel. Notice sur le ty- phus contagieux des betes bovines. Ann tie m6d. vet., Brux., 1865. xiv, 589-617. Also. Repiint. — Wclilc if) Einiges iiber die Inoculation (let Rinderpest zur lltstiin- nmn) Opinion, [etc.]. 8°. London, [1857]. CA L'TO. 263 CAUDKELIER. CattO (W[illiani] M.) The uteriue sound and curette. 4 pp. ^ . New York, 1*9^. Repr. from: Am. Gynsec. &. Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi. _____. Puerperal eclampsia. 8 pp. *-. New York, J. D. Emmet, 1*96. Repr. from: Am. Gynsec. A: Ohst. J., N. Y., 1896, vii. Cattolica (Francesco Leonardi). Memoria sul cholera morbus asiatico. 1(> pp. 8 . Palermo, G. Bordino, 18*4. Cattolica (Pasquale Leonardi). See Baudelocque (J. L.) Dell' arte ostetricia, [etc.]. 8C. Milano, ls33. Catuflfe ( Francois-Pierre ). *Contributiou a l'6tnde de la periostite albumineuse ou exsuda- tive. 69 pp., 11. 4C. Paris. 18*3. No. 266. Catllgno [Domenico] A: Cil'illo [Domenico]. \lctmi scritti inediti. 2f> pp. r>. Pisa, T. Nstri f C. 1890. [CalllllO (T. A.)] Quesiti di chimica e storia nut male scelti dal corso di lezioni dato 1* anno 1-17. :32 pp. 8-. Verona, Ramanzini, 1817. [P..v. 1854.1 CatUSieanu (Jean) [1*65- ]. * Contribution a l'etnile du diagnostic de la grossesse au deTmt (signe d'H6gar). 42 pp. 4°. Paris. 1*95. Xo. 7ti. Caubet. See I'habbert (L.) Nouvelles doctrines de neuropa- tbologie, [etc.]. 8-. Paris, 1892. Caubet (Edinond) [l*(i3- ]. * Essai sur les manifestations et les complications buccales de la rongeole chez les enfants. 77 pp., 1 1. 4C. Paris, 1889, Xo. 252. -----. The same. 77 pp., 1 1. - . Paris, G. Steinhil, 1889. -----. Hygiene de la femme et therapeutique generale. 215 pp. 16°. Paris, Rueff et Cie., 1894. Manuel de therapeutique gym-eologique, ii. See. also, Auvard (A.) Sc Caubet (£.) Anesth6sie chirurgicale et obstetricale. 12°. Paris, [1892]. Caucal (E.) * Svnthesesde pharmacie et de chi- ruie. 16 pp. 4°.* Paris, E. Thunot <$■ Cie, 1*68. [P., v. 1705.] ficole de pharmacie. Caucanas (Paul). Traite" aualytique et prati- que sur les eaux mindrales, chaudes ou thermales (le Syl vane's, et sur les eaux minerales froides de Caiuares. Pr6c<3de" de quelques reflexions philosophico-mexlicales sur les prejuge'a popu- lates, et les abus relatifs a la medecine en ge'neial, et a I'usage des eaux minerales eu par- ticulier. 2 v. 112 pp.; 180 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, Belin, au X [1802]. Caucasus. ■See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Ma- larial, History, etc., of), Pest (History, etc., of), Statistics (Vital), by localities. i Gilchenko (N. V.) 'Mateiiali dlya autro- pologii Kavkaza. I. Osetinl. [Contribution to anthropology of the Caucasus. I. The Ossetes. ] 8°. ,S7. Petersburg, 1890. Also [Abstr.], in: Protok. zasaid. Russk. antrop. Obsh. 1890-91, St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 11-26. Svyatloyski (V. V.) Kodniye knrortl. Kav- kazskiya mineralniya vodl; Voyenno-Gruzins- kaya doroga; Tiflis. [Native resorts. Mineral waters of the Caucasus; military road of Geor- gia; Tiflis.] 12°. Odessa, 1*91. Bader (Die) des Kaukasus. All^. Wien. med. Ztg., 1895, xl, 353—355.—Bayern. Bemerkungen nnd Ansicb- ten iiber den Kaukasus und seine vorhistorischen Verhalt- nisse, seine Vblker und deren Industrie. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1882, 326 - 355. — Chan. ti-e (E.) Recherches anthropologiques dans le Caucaae. [Rap. de L. Manonvrier.| Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dc Par., 1888, 3. s.. xi, 198-221.—von Erc-kert. Kopfmessungen kaukasischer Vblker. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg.. 1888- 9. xviii. 263; 297: 1890. xix, 55; 211; 331, 1 chart, — Eru- znrtshi (U.j Ocherk nlekotorikb [glavnelshikb] kavkaz- Caucasii*. skikh kurortov i kliinaticbeskikh stantsiy. [Sketch of the principal health resorts and climatic stations of the Cauca- sus.] Yuzhno-russk. med. ga/.., Odessa, 1893, ii, 652: 1891 iii, 32; 151: 499. — Gilchenko ( X. V. ) Materiali dlya antropol. Kavkaza; Terskie kazaki. [Contributions to anthropology of the Caucasus; Ter Cossacks.] Protok. zasaid. Russk. antrop. Obsh. 1890-91, St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 109-117.—Halbershlanmi (M. M.) Osnovniya nuzhdi Kavkazskikli iiiineralnikh vod. [Fundanientai needs of the mineral waters of tbe Caucasus.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1*94, j, 174-179. -----. Kavkazskiya mineralniya vodi v sezoni 1893-5 godov. [The niiueral waters of the Caucasus during the season of. . .] Meditsina. St. Petersb., 1894-6, vi-viii, passim. — llcrtzcnstein (Y. A.) Naroduoye zdravie i vraehebuava ponioshtsh v Zakavzskom kraye. [Public health and medical aid in theCaucasus.] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-lVtcrb.. 1896, i. 225-228. — Iliilziu* (G. W.) Bruch- stiicke iiber den Gt-sundhciiszustaud an der kaukasischen Linie. Uuss. Samml. f. Xaturw. u. Heilk., Riga 11. Leipz., 1816. i. 554-563.—Kornlevnky (M.) La famille matriar- 1 ale an Caucase. Anthropologic, Par., 1893, iv, 259-27H.— iVIiukii-wicz (J.) Obyczaje Chewsur6w w stosunku do cie/.ai uvch i polozuic. [Customs of tlie Chcrosuriau.s in relation to pregnane\ and puerperium.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Wars/.aw.. 1892,'lxxxviii. 843-S62. — Pantynlilioir (I.I.) Xaseh-nic Kutaisskol gubernii. [The people in tlie Government of Kutaia. ] Yestuik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1892, xv, 2. sect., 36; 122. Also, Reprint. -----. O peshtsheruikh i pozdnielshikh zhili- shtshakh na Kavkazie. [On cave and latest dwellings of tbe Caucasus.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1896, no. 58. 95-232. 16 pi., 11.—Pogozheff (A. Y.) Kavkazskiya mineralniya vodi v 1891 godu. [The mineral waters of the Caucasus in 1894.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii, 847-865. — Sliuvc (G. V.) Materiali dlya izucheniya mineraluikh vod Kav- kaza. [Data for the study of the mineral waters of tlie Caucasus.] Med. Sbornik', Tiflis, 1894, no. 56, 105-llf.— Svyatlovski ( V. V. ) Kavkazskiya mineralniya vodi. [Mineral waters of tbe Caucasus.] Vestnik obsh. big., sud,eb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1X96. xxx, 4. sect., 1: 71; 131: xxxi, 4. sect., 1; 63; 113.—Virchow (R.) TJeber die Anthropologic des Kaukasus. Ztschr. f. Kthu., Berl.. 1882, xiv, 107-111.—Kaborowski. Lespeuplespr6bistoriques et les peuples actuels du Caucase. Itev. scieut., Par., 1887, xl, 811-815.—Zeruoff (M. S.) Sovremennoye sostoyanle kavkazskikh iiiineralnikh vod v vidu predstoy ashtshavo ikh preobrazovaniya. [ Present condition of tbeCaucasian mineral waters in view of their proposednew management.] Yrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 650-654. Cauehard (Ferdinand) [1K70- ]. *l)e la traumaticiue au calomel dans le traitement de la syphilis. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 4(Mi. Caiicliemez ( E [ ugene-Louis ] ). 'Hygiene publique; les mesures sanitaires au marche" aux bestiaux et aux abattoirs de la Villette. 75 pp. 4\ Paris. 1896, No. 442. Cauchois [ Charles- Augustin-Sylvain ]. Dn trepan daus les fractures du crane avec contusion ce"rubralc par contre-coup. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, Lecrosnier f Babe, 1888. Cauda equina. See Spinal cord. de Can dem berg (Carles). See dc Caudemberjjf (G.) Cholera, [etc.]. 8°. Pan*, 1884. de Caudembei'g-(Girard). Cholera; moyen d'en arreter la propagation et d'en preserver les rite's et les individua saus apporter aucune entrave aux relations internationales; avec une preTace par Carles de Caudemberg. 38 pp. 8. Paris, 0. Doin, 1884. Cauderlier (Em.) Les remedes a l'alcoolisnie en Belgique. 41 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, A. Man- ceaux, 1887. ------. L'alcoolisnie en Belgique; le mal; les causes; le remede. l(i:: pp., 11. 8°. Bruxelles, A. Lefevre, 189'A. CaiHliitoilt [Oscar-Philippe) \ -1S77J. Gillette. [Biography.] Union med.. Par., 18/8. 3. s., xxv, 581. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1878), 18(9, xiii, 22. Caudrelier ( Antoine - Joseph ) [1855- ]. 'Contribution a l'etude de rur6mie, et en par- ticulier du symptome hyperesth^sie. 84 pp. 4'-. Lille, 1881, Xo. 6. C AUD RON. 264 CAUftSfi. Caildroil [1*4*- ]. * Etude snr les contu- sions du cristallin. 56 pp. 4~. Paris, 1889, No. 307. Caildroil (Eugene). Explicatie van een nieuw spierbeeld, in gips afgegoten (ter hoogte van 70 Ned. duiiuen), voorstellende den mensch; ten gebruike van kunsteuaars. 4 1., 4 pi. 8°. Utrecht, J. Herfkens Fz., 1847. Cauer (Paul). *Gibt es eine acute Einklem- iming Littre'scher Briiche? 16 pp. 8". Wiirz- burg, Thcin, 1886. Cauer (Rudolf Friedrich Paul) [1870- ]. * Ueher die Beziehungen zwischen abnormer all- genieiner Pigmentierung und Veriinderungeu im Nervensystem. 59 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1894. C. Caufungerus (Georgius). See Vlagirus (J.) [in 1. s.]. Anthropologia. sm. 8°. Francofurti, 1603. Cauliape (Jean-Prosper). * Dissertation sur Its savons. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, Poussielgue, 1840. [P., v. 1696; 1713; 1836.] ficole de pharmacie. Caiijole (Antonin) [1874- ]. * Essai sur la pvloroplastie, ou operation de Heinecke et Mi- kulicz. 76 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1134. Caulier [1849- ]. *De la glossite profonde aigue. 52 pp. 4~. Paris, 1885, No. 112. Caulier [or Colier] (Jean). Varclc. Jean Caulier ou Colier. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1882. 6. s., iv, 345-349. Caulk (L. D.) Caulk's Dental Annual. Devoted to the collection and dissemination of statistics relating to the business aud practice of dentis- try. 1.-5., 1883-4 to 1886-7. 8°. Camden, Del., 1-84-7. No. 2 is 2. ed. of no. 1. Caullet de Veaumorel. See Mettmcr (F. A.) Aphorismes, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1875. Caulophylliuii. Adolphus (J.) The oxytocic properties of Caulophyl- lum thalictroides. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1890, xviii, 260- 262. Camuoiit (F[riedrich] ). Ueber Behandlung chronisciier Gelenkentziindungen an der nntern Extremitat mit und ohne Resection unter speciel- ler Beriicksichtigung der definitiven Endresul- tnte. 1 p. 1., 121 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirsch- feld, 18K1. Caillliont (Jean). * Considerations sur l'hy- giene des nouveau-ne"s. 2 p. l.,20pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1831, v. 62. Cauiiiere (Ferdinand). Requete de la mdde- cine naturelle a FAcad^mie des sciences. 15 pp. *i. Paris, E. Dentu, 1-61. -----. De la mddecine naturelle Indo-Malgache, consid6re"e surtout au point de vue de la thdra- peutique. iii, 147 pp. 12°. Paris, E. Dentu, 1862. -----. Notice sur l'hygiene de la mddeciue na- turelle Indo-Malgache. 3. 6d. 21pp. 12°. Paris, E. Dentu, 1863. -----. De la mddecine naturelle chez les anciens et les moderne8 considered surtout au point de vue de la thdrapeutique. 2 p. 1., 424 pp. 8°. j Paris, E. Dentu, 1865. Cauquil (C.) Les remedes nouveaux, expose succinct des principaux 616ments meclicanien- tetix iutroduits daus la therapeutique de 1878 a 1888. 141 pp. *:. Montpellier, C. Coulet; Paris, A. Delahaye, 1**8. -----. The same. New remedies: the principal medicinal agents introduced into the materia medica from 1878 to 188*. In: Wood's M. & S. Monog. 8°. New York, 1889, i, 699-773. Causalgia. See Neuralgia. Causa rd i Yirtor-Auguste). "Essai sur l;t pa- ralysie suite de contusion des nerfs. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, Ilignoux, 1*6\, No. 25. Causard-d'Arceinoiit (Henry-Leopold). * Dissertation snr l'emploi de la belladona eu mecleciue, et priucipalement dans le traitement des convulsions qui surviennetit petulant lt- travail de l'accouchement. 24 pp. 4 . Paris, 1*24, No. 99. Cause (Une) cclebre. Affaire du grand scnudale de Bordeaux, avec 1'acte d'accusation in-extenso, sans coupure, tel qu'il a etc lit a l'audience et qu'ancun journal n'a reproduit integralement a cause des details inimoraux qu'il coutient. 5. 6d. 52 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, E. I'ellerin, lrt-q. Cause (La) des convulsions nnie. ales. 38 pp. 8-\ Paris, J.-B. Bailliere S-fils, 1880. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s., iii. _____& Bergeron (Georges). Contribution h l'etude de lYnipoisounement par la strychnine, suivie de l'expos6 de l'affaire Toulza, dit Rapala, et de la discussion me"dico-16gale dont elle a 6te" l'objet. 44 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils,'1878. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878, 2. s., 1. Caussin (Octave-Arthur) [1862- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude de la tuherculose verte"brale anterieure. 109 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lille, 1895, No. 90. Caustic (Christopher). See | Feswenden (T. G.)] [in 1. s.]. Terrible tractora- tion! 12-. London, 1803. -----. The same [in 1. s.]. 12°. New York. 1804. -----. The modern philosopher [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1806. Caustics. See, also, Acid (Chromic); Acid (Nitric); Amputation (Methods of); Anaesthetics (Lo- cal); Breast (Cancer of, Treatment of); Breast (Tumors of, Treatment of); Bromine; Cancer (Treatment of) by injection; Cautery (Actual); Uterus (Cancer of, Treatment of). Caustiques (Des) au point de vue chimique. 8-. Lyon, [n. d.]. DepaUL (J.-A.-H.) *De l'emploi des caus- tiques daus les maladies chirurgicales. 4°. Paris, 1847. [Ferrand.] Des caustiques au point de vue chimique. 8°. [Lyon, 1854, vel subseq.] Grimaud (A.) Deeouverte de caustiques qui exclueut l'instrument tranchant dans la cura- tion des cancers, squirrhes, scrofnles, etc. 8°. Paris, 1843. -----. The same. Traite' des caustiques ou agents qui excluent l'instrument tranchant, la fievre et les hemorrhagies dans la curation des cancers [etc.]. 2. e"d. 8-. Paris, ltfoo. Hehbelin ( M.-A. ) Preparation facile des crayons de sulfate de cuivre. 8°. [Nantes, 1*67-76.] Spielmaxx (J. R.) & Riss (J. C.) *De caus- ticitate. In: "WnrwER (P. L.) Delect, 'diss. med. [etc.]. 8°. Norimb., 1781, iv, 175-211. Williardts (C. T.) *Diss. sistens observata nounulla de effectibus causticorum quorundam in corpus animale. 12°. Tubingee, 1811. Cloqnet (J.) Memoire sur line methode particuliere d'appliquer la cauterisation k la reunion de certaines divi- sions tinormales, et specialement k celles du voile dn pa- lais. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855. xl, 463-467.— D'Anna (E.) Iutornoall'azione dei caustici sui vasi san- guigni. Policlin.,Roma, 1896, iii, sez. chir., 463-474. -Eager (W. 15.) Concentrated lactic acid as an escharolic. (Jail- lard's M. J.. X. Y.,1889. xlix, 348-352.—Crillet de t^rnnd- iiioiiI. Xote sur l'emploi des caustii|iies daus la pratique chirurgicale. (hiz. iued.de Par., 1«72. xxvi. 189-141. Also, Keprint. —II utchiiiHOii (J.) I'ses of the acid nitrate of mercury us a caustic. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1891-2, iii, 169-171.—Kaposi. Feber Aetzmittel. The- rap. Wchnschr., Wien. 1895. ii, 377-380.—Kolmer (H.) Unterstiitzuiig von Aetzwirkungen auf Si-bh-iuihauten durch Abiinderuug pbysiologischer Secretioneu. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 189a, 'xxx, 1098.—l.atour. [Sur l'em- ploi couime caustique de l'azotate dc zinc] Hull. Soc de med. prat, de Par., 1873, 82-8.">.—r.aiibeiiburg. Zur Bebaudluug mit atzenden Samen. Miinchen. int-d. Wchn- schr., 1896, xliii, 499.—I.«-«i-and (A.) Memoire sur la cauterisation circulaire. [Ab>tr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1857, xliv, 1337.—Cesser (A.) the anatomiscben Veranderungen des Yt-rdauungskauals dnrcli Aetzgifte. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.J. Berl., 1881, lxxxiii, 193-232.— Haigoiincuve. Memoire sur une nouvelle m6thode de cauterisation dite cauterisation en Heches, permettant (l'obttnir en uue seule s6ance la destruction des tumeurs les phis volumineuses. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. 8C Par., 1858. xlvii, 478— Vlartin (L.-A.) Tumeur i'on- gueuse sanguined 1'avaut-bras; amputation du bras; mul- titude do petits vaisseaux arteriels et veineux fournissant iaustie*. du sang apres l'operation; prodigieux effets de la pftte caustique ; heureux r6sultats de l'appincil a air chaud du docteur Guyot. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857. v, 267. Also, in: Aniussat (A.) De la cauterisation, 8°, F.vietix, [1857 I], 10-16.—ltlalas (It.) On the neglected advantages of caustics m the treatment of malignant diseases in certain localities. X. Oil. M. & S. J., 1889-90, xvii, 465-481, 1 pl._ Mayor. Cauterisation avec les acides concentres. Ver- handl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch., Altdorf, 1842, xxvii, 95-100.—Pertnwio (().) Mauiera di adoperare i caustici liquidi in sostituziono di quella del dottore Rivallie. Gior. d. r. Accad. nied.-chir. di Torino. 1850, 2. s., ix, 161-163.— Pilliet (A.-H.) Xote sur la icjiaralion de la niiiqueuse gastriqtto apres l'actiou des canst hpies. Compt. rentl. Soc. dc biol., Par., 1894, 9.8., vi, 21. — Kivallic. AI ('-moire sur l'emploi des caustiques dans le traitement du cancer, des tumours scrofuleuses, etc.; suivi dc considerations sur les avantages tb- l'alun calcine, pour le pansement etla disin- fection des plait-n. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1847, xxv. 272.—Nt-lm jciiiiioflT. Ueher die Veran- derungen der Haut nnd der Selileinihautenach Actzungen mit Tricbloressigsiiure, raucbender Salpetersaure und Hollcnsteiu. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. ■/,. allg. Path.. Jeua, 1897, xxi, 1-24, 2 pi.—Mpmlaro (C.) II caustico indolente bratlonisio. Progresso med., Napoli, 1889, iii. 742-744.— Ungarelli (0.) Dell' applicazione del caustico di Vi- enna a graudi dischi, e della sua main testa utility in moltc gravi (> chioiiiche malattie. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1854, 2. s., x, 58: 100.—Vandcll (I). W.) On tlie use of certain caustics in surgery. Am. Pract.. Louisville, 1883, xxviii, 321-328. Caustics (Accidents from). Robrrg. Ueber den Tod nach ausgedehnteu Actzun- gen der Haut in gerichtl.-mediz. Beziehung. Aerzil. Prakt., Hamb.. 1892, v, 17; 33.—Trier. Zwei Fiille von Gaugran der Fiuger nach Veratzuug. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1896, x, 78. Caustique (Le). Revue mensuelle de chirurgie pratique. R6dacteur: le Dr. Bougard, avec la collaboration de chirurgiens, de chimistes et de niicrograpb.es. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to March, 1884. 4°. Bruxelles. Caustiques (Des) au point de vue chimique. See Ferrand (E.). Cauterets. Duiiourcay (E.) Qnelques pages authenti- ques de l'histoire m6dicale de Cauterets dans les siecles passes. 8-. Toulouse, 1892. Ai-iIiiim (M.) Action des eaux miuerales de Cauterets sur la secretion gastrique. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par.. 1896, 2. s., i. 59-70.—Bouycr (A.) Traitement des affections chroniques de la gorge et du larynx, a Cau- terets. [Rev.] Ibid., 1897, ii, 427. Cauterization (Apparatus for). [Pat- ent specifications.] Brenot (E. T.) Cauterizing apparatus. Xo. 255.582. March 28, 1882.—Rov (F. M.) Cauterizing apparatus. No. 312512. Feb. 17. 1885. —Boy (F. M. St. O.) Cauter- izing apparatus. Xo. 423393. March 11, 1890.— Paque- lin (('. A.) Cauterizing apparatus. No. 187301. Feb. 13, 1877. — .Sack (C.) Canterizing-point holder. No. 474972. May 17, 1892. — Willeerer ( W.) Cauterizing apparatus. Xo. 589484. Sept. 7, 1897. Cauteriiiaii (J.) De l'hemorrhagie dependante des de'ehirurcs incompletes du canal vulvo-vagi- nal a la suite de l'accouchement. 29 pp. 8°. [Gand, 1*66.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1866, xxxiii. Cautery (Actual) and cauterization. See, also, Joints (Discuses of, Treatment of'). A.NiiOT (C.-C.) * Cant6risation mediate, modi- fication apportee a cette cauterisation. (These pour le dipldme de mddecin ve"t6rinaire.) 8°. Toulouse, 1867. Bartiiolinus (C.) Syntagma medicum et cbiruro'icum de cauteris, prasertim potestate agentibus seu ruptoriis, olim in Academia Pata- vina nationi Germaniciu pra-lcottnn, nunc mul- toruni desidcriis satisfaciendi ergo revisum, auc- tum, arcanistjtie cauteriis usu probatissimis locupletatuin et publici juris factum. Acccssit ejusdem autoris de a err prstilenti corrigendo consilium medicum. sm. 4". Hafniw, 1624. Cruwel (J. H.) * De ignis analysi ac potestate in corpus humanum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1762. CAUTERY. 266 CA VALE Iii. Cautery (Actual) and cauterization. Gondret CL.-F.) Considerations snr l'emploi du feu en medecine, sui vies de ['expose d'un moyen epispastique pro])re a suppleer la caute- risation, et a reniplacer I'usage des cantharides. 12°. Paris, 1818. ------. The same. 8<-\ Paris, 1819. Hixqcet (P.) Aii qnos morbos non sanat chirurgia' ferrnm, sanat chymicus ignis? In his: La m6d. tbeologique [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1722, ii, 655-678. Hertz (M.) * De cauteriis. 8°. Kilia:, 1842. Imbert Delonnes (A.-B.) Nouvelles consi- derations sur le cantere actuel; apologie de ce puissant remede compare avec les caustiques; reflexions critiques snr le cantere habitnel, les exutoires, la saignee, les saugsues; observations snr plusieurs maladies graves. 8C. Paris. 1812. Luhrs(H.H.) * De cauteriis actualibus. 8 . Lugd. Bat., 1841. Magni (P. P.) Discorso sopra il modo di fare i cauterii, 6 rottorii a corpi humani, nel quale si trattade siti one si hanno da fare, de ferri che usar vi si debbono, del modo di tenergli aperti, delle legature, et delle palline, et dell' utilita che da essi ne vengono, cose utilissime non solo a barbieri, ma a tutte le persone che n' hanno bisogno. 8°. Roma, 1588. [Mayor (M.)] Sur la cauterisation par le marteau. 8°. [n. p., 1829.] Repr. from: J. g6n. d. hop. civ. et mil. de Par., 1829. Mexnehand (L.) * De la cauterisation ac- tuelle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868. Merletus (J.) Opuscula medica dua, quo- rum uiiutii est de cauteriis, alteram est para- doxuni de tussi. 16°. Parisiis, 1659. Varisco (P.) * Della pirotecnia chirurgica. 8c. Paria, 1846. Bailly. L'anesth6sie locale et la cauterisation ign6e. Bull, et mem. Soc. de th6rap., Par., 1887, 2. s., xiv, 137- 144. — Banks (W. M.) On the neglect of the actual cau- tery. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 93-103. —Frank (T.'F.) Tbe actual cautery. Chicago M. .J. Sc Exam., 1881. xliii, 343-346.— I,ee (H.) Ou the use of tbe actual cautery in surgical operations. Med. Press &Circ, Loud., 1887, ii. s., xliii, 563. — von ITIosetig-llIoorhof. Die Anwendung der Gliibhitze in der Medizin. Wien. Klinik, 1884, x, 1-24. Also, transl: Clin, di Vienna, Napoli, 1886, iii, 255-279.—Pillard (H. G.) On the actual cautery, and its employment in cutaneous surgerv. Charleston M. J. Sc Rev., 1877, iv, 275-280. Also, Keprint.— Post ( A. C.) The actual cautery in certain inflammatory affections, attended with great swelling and induration of the cellu- lar tissue. Med. Rec. 3T. Y., 1882, xxi, 578. — Py. Me- moire sur les bons effets de l'ustiou daus quelques-uus des cas ou l'observation a demontre, depuis longtemps, l'in- suffisance des niethodes ordiuaires de traitement. Ann. clin. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel., 1818, 2. s., ii, 137- 164. -----. Suite des observations sur les bons effets de radustion, dans le traitement des maladies rebelles aux niethodes ordiuaires. Ibid., iii, 193-200. — Bock-well (A. D.) Cases illustrating some practical points in the use of the actual cautery, and in medico-electro therapeu- tics. N. Eug. M. Mouth., Newtown, Conn , 1881-2, i, 360- 363. —Bubio ( F.) De por que y corno usaiuos el fuego en terapeutica quirurgica. Siiilo med., Madrid, 1881, xxviii, 294-297.—Schcppegrell (W.) A new and simple method by which cautery-irons may be electrically heated almost instantaneously. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 154. Also, Reprint. — Seguin ( E. C.) The use of the actual cautery in medicine. Arch. Med., N. T., 1879, i, 168-178. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Op. inin. [etc.], 8°, N. T., 1884, 393-401.—Thayer (0. Y.) Concentrated rays of the sun (solar cautery) as a remedial agent. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1893, xxxvi, 412-419.— Verneuil (H.) La cauterisation eu chirurgie. Ann. de med. et chir. . . . de Brux. (1889), 1890, i, 1-8.— Voillemier. Du collodion employe pour limiter hi caut6risatiou par le fer rouge. J. d. conn. ined. prat., Par., 1868, xxxv, 262. Cauthoi'U (F[rankliu]). Successful removal of a large tumor of tbe mesentery, with resectiou of 43 inches of intestine; end-to-end anastomosis with Murphy button. 5 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1895. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. Citutrtl (Fernand) [1803- ]. * De lVinploi des agents physiques, et en particulier du inns- sage, daus le traitement des dyspepsies. Massage, de l'estoinac dans ses rapports avec le eld- inisme stomacal. 102 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris l*(\\- No. 114. -----. The same. 94 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, A Maloine, 1894. Cauvet (D[esire]) [1827- ]. * Des solaces. LParis.] 1 p. 1., 152 pp., 6 pi. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. [P., v. 1152; 1704.] Concours. fie.ile de pharmacie. ------. Anatomie et physiologie vegetules, pale. outologie vegetale, geographic botanique. viii, 315 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere . 1., xxiv, 164 pp., 3 pi.; iv, 88 pp. 4C. Firenze, appresso A. Bonducei, 1762-72. CONTENTS. v. 1, pt. 1. Sopra i tumori inflammatory d' ispezione chi- rurgica. v. 1, pt. 2. Dei tumori cronici d' ispezione chirurgica. v. 2, pt. 1. Sopra le f'eiite. v. 2, pt. 2. Sopra le f'ratture. -----. Storia di una reumatica paralisia curata con 1' unzione mercuriale. xx, 135 pp. 4C. Ve- nezia. P. Sarioni, 1769. Cavallo (Francesco). See Caballus. Cavallo (Tiberius) [1749-1-809].' An essay on the theory and practice of medical electricity. xvi, 112 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, 1780. -----. The same. Versuch iiber die Theorie und Anwend ting der niedicinischen Elektricitat. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt. vi, -4 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Leipzig. M. O. Weidmanns Erben u. Reich, 1782. Cavallus (Joannes Baptista). *I. Ex anatome. De ore et contentis. II. [etc.]. 10 pp. sm.4°. Augusta Taurinoru-m, P. J. Zappata, 1748. [P., v.979.] Cavalry. Tymixski (S. L.) * Materiali k voprosu o vli- yanii kavaleriyskoisluzhblnarazvitieorganizma u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the influence of cavalry service upon the development of the organism in health.] [St.Petersburg.] 8'J. Eovna,1892. Cavalsassi (Timoteo). Descrizione della mac- china pei bagui alcoolico-vaporosi e sua applica- zione alia cura di alcune umane infertility 31 pp., I pi. 8-. Roma, 1839. [P., v. 672.] Cavalsassi (Timoteo)—continued. ------. Killessioni mediche sul cloro e cloruri, pretesi speeitici contro la colera, asiatiea. 11 pp 8J. [Roma, 1854.] [P., v. 872.] ------. Cenni storici sulcholera-morbusdelsecolo xix, e ritlessioui teorico-praticbc sulla polvere della ignazia amara proposta dal professore Gian Battista Cbirelli; memorie mediche. 43 pp. 8°. Roma, Monaldi, 1855. [P., v. 872.] Cavan (J. (i. W.) *Positionutn anatomico-phy- siologicarum pars prima, tradens anatomiie prie- stantiain, defiuitionem, ejusdemque historia- pe- riodum primam. Andreas Westphal respondens. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Gryphiswaldite, stanno Hiipf- neriano, 1736. Cavaiina (G[uelfo]) [1850- ]. Ancora sulla polimelia nei batraci anuri. Sopra alcuni vi- sceri del gallo cedrone (Tetrao urogallus Linn.). 21 pp., 1 pi. roy. 8°. Firenze, succ Le Monnier, 1879. • Cavare (Louis). *Sur le voniissement des en- fans. 1 p. 1., 23 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Lerrault, 1815. Cavaroz (Paul) [1870- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de la trepanation de l'apopbyse mastoide, specialemeut dans le casde inastoidite suppun-e. 66 pp., 1 1. 4 . Lyon, 1893, No. 791. Cavarra (A.) Du tannin consider sous les rapports de sa preparation, de son action sur les tissus devenus inertes, et sur les tissus vivans, sains et malades. 16 pp. 8°. [Paris], imp. de Moessard, [1837]. [P., v. 1746.] Repr. from: Bull, clin., Par., 1836-7, ii. Cavasse [Auguste] [1833- ]. Annuaire ge- neral des sciences medicales. 1857-60, 1.-4. an- nee; 1862, n. s., 1. auu6e. 5 v. 8°. Paris, 1857-62. Cavasse (Jacques). * Contribution h l'etude de la lepre aux Antilles et dans le Levant. 110 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 4°. Paris, 1881. No. 227. Cavaye (Raphael) [1856- ]. * Etude sur les fractures du col de l'omoplate et de la cavite gienoide. 80 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 123. Cavazzani (A[lberto]). Azione del cloralio sui reni. 7 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1891. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lah. di flsiol., 1890-91. ------. Delia azione dell' urea sulle pareti dei vasi e sui centri vasoniotori; studio sperimen- tale. pp. 329-340. 8°. Torino, V. Bona, 1891. Cutting (cover with printed title) from: Arch, per le sc. med., Torino e Palermo, 1891, xv, 329-340, in: It. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1890-91. ------. L'innervazioue vasomotrice dei polmoni; ricerche sperimentali. 35 pp. 8°. [ Venezia, 1891.] Repr. from: Riv. veueta di sc. med., Venezia, 1891, xv, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1890-91. -----. Dell' azione dell' ossalato potassico sul plasma muscolare quale contributo alia dottrina della contraziorje e di un nuovo antagonismo farmacologico. 17 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1892. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lah. di flsiol., 1891-2. ------. Ipertossicita delle urine in un caso di "filariaimmitis". 6 pp. 8-. Milano, [1*92], Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, in: It. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1892-3, iii. ------. Contrattilita delle emazie dei mammiferi. 18 pp. 8. [Torino e Palermo, 1893.] Repr. from: Arch, per le se. med., Torino e Palermo, 1893, xvii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1892-3, iii. ------. Sulla diatesi artritica ; osservazioni. 35 pp. 8. Xapoli, 1894. Repr. from .- Kifomia med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4. See, also. Cavazzani (E.) Sc C'avasezani (A.) Le funzioui del pancreas [etc.]. «°- Venezia, 1892. ----- -----. Sur les causes de l'hyperglyceniie [etc.]. 8J. [Turin, 1893.] CA\rAZZAXI. 268 CAVAZZANI. Cavazzani (A[lberto])—continued. -----&. Cavazzani (E[milio]). Ueber die Circulation der Cerebrospinalfliissigkeit. 3 pp. 8°. [Leipzig u. Wien, 1892.] Repr. from .- Centralhl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1892, in: R.Univ. di Padova. Lav.d. lah. di flsiol., 1891-2. ------ ------. Sulla presenza del glucosio nei mezzi diottrici durante il diabete sperimentale. 3 pp. 8°. [Pavia, Bizzoni, 189:2.] Repr. from: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1892, xxi, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1891-2. --------------. Ulteriore contributo alio studio delle alterazioni consecutive alia estirpazione del pancreas. 17 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Milano, 1893.] Repr. from : Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1893. xxxii, in: R.Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol.. 1892-3, iii. ------ ------. Sulla funzione glicogeuica del fegato. 16 pp. 8°. Bologna, tip. Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1894. Repr. from.- Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1894, 4. s., xix, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1893-4, iv. -------------. A proposito dei nervi glicosecre- tori. 3 pp. 8°. Milano, 1894. Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1893-4, iv. ----- & Rebustello (J. ) De Taction de Puree sur les parois vasculaires dans les diffe- rents territoires vasculaires; recherches experi- mentales. 13 pp. 8°. [Turin, 1891.] Repr. from: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891, xv, in: R. Univ. di Padova, Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1890-91. Cavazzani (Emilio). Sulla genesi del circolo collaterale; suoi rapporti coll' influenza nervosa particolarmente nel circolo del Willis; studio sperimentale. 32 pp. 8°. [ Venezia, 1891.] Repr. from: Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1891, xiv, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1890-91. ------. Alcune ricerche sul polso cerebrale o sulla teniperatura della dura madre, scoperta in un caso di carie delle ossa craniche. 13 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Venezia, 1892.] Repr. from: Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1892, xvi, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1891-2. ------. Ueber die Cerebrospinalfliissigkeit. 2 pp. 8°. [Leipzig u. Wien, 1892.] Repr. from: Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. "Wien, 1892, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lah. di flsiol., 1891-2. ------. Sul differenziamento degli organi della sensibilita termica da quelli del senso di pres- sione ; osservazioni. 16 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Napoli, 1892. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lah. di flsiol., 1891-2. ------. L' ittiotossico nel "Petromyzon marinus". 7 pp. 8°. [Torino, 1892.] Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3.s.,xl,in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lah. di flsiol., 1891-2. ------. Sul liquido cerebro-spinale; osservazioni. 11 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1892. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1891-2. ------. Un caso di frammentazione del vittello in un novo di coniglio non lecoudato. 1 1. 8°. [Padova, 1893, vel subseq.] Repr. from: Bull. d. Soc. Veueto-Trentina di sc.nat., v, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav.d.lab. di flsiol., 1893-4, iv. ------. Contributo alio studio delle alterazioni dell' organismo nella chilemia. 11 pp. 8°. [Milano, 1893.] Repr. from.- A' ch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1893, xxxii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1892-3, iii. ------. La curva cardiovolumetrica nei muta- meuti di posizione. 9 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Torino, 1893.] Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1893, 3. s., xii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1892-3, iii. ------. Sul differenziamento degli organi della sensibilita termica da quelli del senso di pres- sione. 7 pp. 8°. [Torino, 1893.] Repr. from: Gior. d.r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1893, 3. s., xii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1892-3, iii. Cavazzani (Emilio)—continued. -----. Sul potere saccarificante del siero dd saugue; ricerche. 31 pp. 8°. [Torino e Pa- lermo, 1893.] Repr. from: Arch, per le sc. med., Torino e Palermo, 1893, xvii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol. 1892-3, iii. ------. Saccarificazione per opera dei batteri; osservazioni. 5 pp. 8-. [Milano, 1893.] Repr. from: Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1*93, xxxii, in: R.Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab.di flsiol., 18!ii;-3,iii. ------. Sul meccanismo della traslbrma/ione del glicogeno in glucosio nell' orgauismo. 11 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1894. Repr. from: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1894,4. s., ^x,in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab.di flsiol., ]M):i-4,iv. ------. Metodo per la dealbuminazione del saugue. 11. 8-. Milano, 1894. Repr.from: Ann. di chim. edi farm., Bologna, 1894, n. s., xix, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab.di flsiol., 1893-4, iv. ------. Blutzucker und Arbeitsloistung. 6 pp. 8°. Wien, C. Fromme, 1895. Repr. from: Centralhl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1894-5, viii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1894-5, v. ------. Sur la decomposition de l'albumine eii- culante. 11pp. 8°. [Turin, 1895.] Repr. from: Arch. ital. (le biol., Turin, 1895, xxv, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lah. di flsiol., 1894-5, v. ------. Esperienze di circolazione artificiale nel fegato. Contributo all' idraulica dei vasi epa- tici. 25 pp. 8°. Venezia, 1895. Repr. from: Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 189."), xxiii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1894-5, v. ------. Qualcbe osservazioue sull' azione interna dell' aldeideformica. 8pp. 8°. Venezia, 1895, Repr. from: Riv. veneta di sc. med.,Venezia, 1895, xxiii, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1894-5, v. ------. Unosguardo alia storia della fisiologia dell' embrione. Prelezione al corso libero di fisiologia della geuerazione e dell' embrione nella R. University di Padova, letta il dl 29 novemhie 1894. 20 pp. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1895. See, also, Cavazzani (A.) Sc Cavazzani (E.) Ueher die Circulation [etc.]. 8°. [Leipzigu. Wien, 1892.] ---— -----. Sulla presenza del glucosio, [etc.]. 8°. [Pavia, 1892.]-----------. Ulteriore contributo [etc.]. s3 [Milano, 1893.].-----------. Sulla funzione glicogeuica, [etc.]. 8°. Bologna, 1894.----------- A proposito del nervi ghco-secretori. 8°. Milano, 1894. — Stefani (A.) &, Cavazzani (E.) Quale azione spieglii 1' anemia [etc.]. 8°. Ferrara, 1888.-----------. So il moncoue ceutrale [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1895. -----& Cavazzani (Alberto). Sur les causes de l'hyperglycemierelativement a la pathog6nie du diabete. 4 pp. 8°. [Turin, 1893.] Repr. from: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1893, xix, in : R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1892-3, iii. --------------. Le funzioni del pancreas ed i loro rapporti colla patogenesi del diabete; studi eil esperienze. 181 pp. 8°. Venezia, A. Noduii, 1892. Also,in: R.Univ.diPadova. Lav.d. lab.di flsiol., 1891-2. -----& Cecconi (Angelo). Metodo Kjeldahl- Wilfarth e metodo Stock. 7 pp. 8°. Bologna, tip. Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1894. Repr. from: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1894, 4. s., xx, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lah.difisiol., 1893-4, iv. ------& L.evi (Salvatore). L' urea nel saugue delicto. 11pp. 8°. Milano, T.L.Cogliati, 1*94. Repr. from: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1894, xvi, in: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1893-4, iv. ------& Manca (Gregorio). Alterazioni della sensibilita tattile e termica in seguito a lesione del nervo radiale. 11 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1895. Repr. from: Riforma med.. Napoli,1895, xi, pt. 1, m: It. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di tisiol., 1893-4, iv. -------------. Ulteriore contributo alio studio delP innervazioue del fegato. I nervi vasomo- tor! dell'arteria epatica. 20 pp. 8:. [Torino, 1895.] . . Repr. from .- Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1895, xix, m: R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di flsiol., 1894-5, v. CAVAZZANI. 269 OAYAPONiA. Caveutoil [Joseph-Bienaiine]—continued. (tier (P.) [in 1. a.]. Rapport fait a l'Acadernie nationale de medecine [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1850—I'clli-fi<-i- (P.-J.) Sc Cav« niou (J.-B.) Exanien chimique de la cochenille [etc.|. S:. Paris, 1818.-----------. Memoire sur un uouvel alcali [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1818.----------. Ana- lvse chimitpie des quinquina [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1821.— Vilrj (J. (!) [in 1. s.]. R6ponse a M. Regnoust. 4°. [ Versailles, 1844.] Caverni (Raffaelo). Storia del metodo speri- mentale iu Italia, v. 1-4. roy. 8°. Firenze, G. Civelli, 1891-5. Cavia. Fheuler (J. J.) "Monographia Cavise por- celli zoologica. 4°. Gottingcs, 1820. Caviar. Ykgokofp (G. [N.]) * Khinicheskiy sostav i usvoyayemost Astrakbanskoi i Salyanskoi pa- yusnoi ikri. [Chemical composition and assim- ilability of pressed caviar from Astrakhan and Salian.'] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1890. Niebel (W.) Ueber Kaviar, seine Bereitung, Beurtei- lung uud seine Verfalschungen. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u Milchhvg., Berl., 1893-4, iv, 5; 21. Cavigloli (Ernesto). Osteorrafia sottocntanea metallica perduta in frattura trasversale della rotula. 8 pp. 8°. Genova, frat. Pagano, [1888]. des Cavigiolles de Massarie (Baptiste). Livre des proprietes du vinaigre. 38 1. 24°. Poictiers, d VEnseigne du Pelican, 1541. Cavities (Closed). See, also, Membranes (Serous); Peritoneum; Pleura. Josxet (P.) An in diversis corporis cavitati- 'bus, diversus sanguinis motus? sm. 4°. [Remis, n. d.] Brachet (A.) Recherches sur le d6veloppement de la cavite hepato-ent6rique de l'axolotl, et de l'arriSre cavite du peritoiue chez les mamniiltSres (lapin). Arch. de biol., Gand & Leipz., 1893-5, xiii, 559-618, 4 pi— tirus y lVIanso (J.) De la superflcie de las cavidades cerradas bajo los puntos de vista anatomico y flsiol6gico, patologico y quinirgico. Prensa m6d. de Granada, 1882, iv, 249; 273; 297; 321; 369; 393; 417; 441. Also: Rev. de med. v cirug. pract,, Madrid, 1882, x, 489; 537: xi, 5; 97; 145; 193; 241. Also: Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1882, vi, 546; 562; 578; 593; 610; 626; 642; 673; 690: 706. Also: Sentido cat6L, Barcel., 1882, iv, 622; 638; 669; 685; 702; 718; 739; 750; 816; 831: 850: 1883 v, 31; 43. Cavity of Betzius. See Abscess (Prevesical, etc.); Prevesical space. Cavle (Georges-Louis-Joseph) [1857- ]. * Con- siderations snr l'etranglement berniaire et en particulier de la keiotomie saus ouverture du sac. 79 pp. 4°. Lille, 1883, 2. s., No. 54. Cavoleau [J.-A.] (Enologie francaise, ou sta- tislique de tous les vignobles et de toutes les boissons vineuses et spiritueuses de la France, suivie de considerations generates sur la culture de la vigne. Ouvrage qui a obtenu le prix de statistique a I'Institut, en 1827. 1 p. 1., 436 pp., 6 tab. 8°. Paris, Mine. Hazard, 1827. Bound with: Lichtentual (P.) Ideologia medica [etc.]. 8°. Novara, 1838. Cavolini (Filippo) [1756-1810]. [ ."Vecrologv. ] In: Delle Chiaje (S.) Necrologia. 4°. Napoli, 1821, 3-17. Csiwdle (Alfred). Rabies. Its course, aud symptoms; preventative and curative meas- ures. 8 pp. 8°. London, W. Ridgway, 1889. Cawnpore. See Sewage (Disposal of), etc. Cawston. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Cavazzani (Guide) [1840- ]. Sulla tras- fiisionc del saugue. 55 pp. s . [ Venezia, 1**6.] Repr. from: Riv. veneta di so. med., Venezia, 1886, v. Cave. See Thomaa- Cai-aiiM-ii [in 1. s.]. Sur un kyste I'ictal [t-tc.J. S°. Paris, 1882. Ca \ v (Samuel). * De pulsu arteriarum. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., T. h'oet, 1779. [P., v. 1475.] Cavedoni (Pietro). Lettera a Alessandro Be- rardi. [Sulle opere di Bufaliui.] 1 p. 1., 122 pp. -^. Modena, Soliani, 1*28. [P., v. 1068.] Cavelier (Frederic). See Decourileiiianche. Rapport sur uue fabrique dt- clnuidcllcs [etc.]. 8°. Caen, 183U. Cavelier (G.) Catalogue de livres sur toutes sortes de matieres: tbeologic . . . medecine, chirurgie, anatomie, [etc.]. 93 pp. 16°. Paris, G. Cavelier, 1729. Cavendish (Henry) [1TM-1SU)). t'uvier (G L.-C.-F.-D.) lc Baron. Eloge historique de Henri Cavendish. In his: Rec. d. eloges hist. roni. 8°, Stilish, et Paiis, 1819, ii, 75-105. Caveiltou (Eugene). * Recherches chimiques snr l'ecorce du cail-cedra, Swietenia senegalen- sis. 26 pp. 4°. Paiis, E. Thunot ii»i4. Cazauvieilll (J[ean]-B[aptiste]). Recherches sur l'agenesie cerebrale et la paralysie conge- niale. 52 pp. 8-. Paris, Migneret. 1827. Repr. from: Arch. g6u. de ni6d., Par , 1827, xiv. -----. Du suicide, de l'alienation mentale et des crimes eontre les personnes, compares dans leurs rapports reciproques. Recherches sur ce pre- mier penchant chez les habitaus des campagnes. 1 p. l..vi, 332 pp. so. Paris. J.-B. Bailliere, 1840. See. also, Bouchct (Camille) & C'azauvieilh (J.-B.) Del'cpilepsie. [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1825]. Cazaux (Charles) [1*55- ]. * De l'eau cliaude daus les prostatites aigues. 38 pp. 4:. Paris, 1*86, No. 2^3. Cazaux (Marcellin). Premiere contribution a l'etude de l'he*moptysie thermale. 24 pp. 16-. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1878. -----. Des maladies cnrables par les eaux mine- rales d'Eaux-Bonues. 32 pp. 8'~. Paris, Dela- hay f Vie.. 1*80. -----. Nature et traitement hydrologique de la phtisie pulmonaire. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Delahaye 2. -----. Tin- same. A theoretical and practical treatise on midwifery, including tbe diseases of pregnancy and parturition, and the attentions required by the child from birth to the period of weaning. 2. Am., transl. from the 5. French ed. by William R. Bullock, xxxii, 17-992 pp., 4 pi. *c. Philadelphia, Lindsay f Blalciston, l*d0. Cazeaux (P[ierre])— continued. -----. The same. Obstetrics: the theory and practice; including the diseases of pregnancy and parturition, obstetrical operations, etc. Re- modelled and rearranged, with additions and re- visions, by S. Tarnier. 7. Am. ed., edited aud revised in part upon the r?. French aud a recent Italian ed., with additions from other recent authorities, a new chapter upon lacerations of the perineum, and an article on puerperal iu- sanity, by Robert J. Hess. xxxii, 33-1081 pp., 12 pi. roy. 8-. Philadelphia, P. Blalciston f Sou, 18*4. -----. The same. The tbeory and practice of obstetrics. s. Am. ed., edited and revised by Robert J. Hess, with au appendix by Paul F. Muude. 2 v., paged consecutively, xxvii, xi, 33-1221 pp., 12 pi. so. Philadelphia, P. Blalcis- ton, Son f Co., 1**6. For Biography, see J. d. conn. nied. prat., Par., 1802, xxix, 191 (Caffe). Cazelles (Lbnile-Honore). See Holcwclioll (J.) \in 1. s.]. La circulation de la vie |etc.|. J2\ I'ar is. 1866. Cazelles (Leon) [1S62- ]. *De la suture des os dans les fractures et les pseudarthroses. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, Oilier-Henry, 1*92, No. 279. Cazenave (J[ules]-J[acques] ). Fragmens d'un traite complet des maladies des voies uri- naires, chez l'homme, conteuant: 1°. L'expose" de quelques-unes des difficultes qu'on eprouve pour sonder les malades. 2°. La description d'une sonde a obturateurs mobiles, destinee a rend re le catheterisme plus facile, exempt de donleurs, et a trouver plus surement qu'avec d'autres instrumeus les pierres contenues dans la vessie. 3°. La description d'un porte-caustique a mandrin articuie, propre a cauteriser circu- lairement, et avec uue tres grande facilite, les portions sous-pubieuues de l'urethre. 4°. Entin, la description d'un urethrometre, a l'aide duqnel on peut mesurer la longueur de l'urethre avec la plus rigoureuse exactitude. 147 pp., 1 pi. 8J. Paris, Bechet jeune, ls36. -----. Edoge du docteur de Gratelou]), de Bor- deaux. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1862. -----. Du traitement de quelques n6vralgies rebelles, notammeut de celles qui sont iusup- portables par l'exees des donleurs. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere $ fils, 1868. Repr. from: Mem. et hull. Soc. m6d.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1868 iii. -----. Histoire abregee des sondes et des bou- gies urethro-vesicales employees jusqu'a te jour. x, 11-52 pp., 1 pi. ft-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1875. Cazenave (P.-L.-Alphee) [1795-1877]. De l'appreciatiou des divers moyens qui peuvent etre employes pour connaltre les proprietes des medicameus. 83 pp. 4°. I'aris, Ve. Dondey- Dupre, 1739. Contours. -----. Die Sypbiliden oder venerischen Krauk- heiten der Haut, mit einer Einleitnng iiber die Syphilis im Allgemeinen, deren Ursprung, Natur u. s. w. Frei nach dem Franzosisclien bear- beitet . . . verseben von Dr. W. Waltber und Dr. C. Streubel. xvi, 348 pp.; atlas, 12 pi. 8-. Leipzig, Gebhardt i: Carxoy (J.-B.) La biologie eellulaire; 6tude comparee de la cellule dans les deux regnes. my. 8 . Lierre, 1-84. '-----, Gn.sox (G.) & Dexys (J.) La cel- lule, recueil de cytologie et d'histologie generale, public par . . . avec la collaboration de leurs Aleves et des savants strangers. Tome 11. roy. 8-'. Lonvain, [l~8l>]. Cellule (La). Recueil de cytologie et d'his- tologie ge'ne'rale, publie par J.-B. Carnoy, G. Gilson et J. Den vs. v. 1-12. roy. 8°. Lierre f Lonvain, 1884-97. 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Repr. from: Bull, dc l'enseignement sup6rieur popu- laiiv, Paris, 1895. Hkxxeguy (L.-F.) Lecons sur la cellule, morpbologie et reproduction, faites au College de France pendant le semestre d'hiver 189:5-94; lecncillics par Fabre-Domergue, revnes par le professeur. 8J. Paris, 1896. Cell. Hertwig (O.) Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Grund/.iige der allgeineinen Anatomie und Phy- siologie. 8°. Jena, 189:5. Date on cover: 1892. -----. The same. The cell; outlines of gen- eral anatomy and physiology. Transl. by M. Campbell and edited by Henry Johnstone Camp- bell. 8■-'. London f New York, ls9.">. ------& Hertwig (R.) Untersnchungen zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Zelle. 8°. Jena, 18S4-5. ----- ------. Untersuchungen zur Mor- phologie und Physiologie der Zelle. Experi- mentelle Studien am tieiischen Ei vor, wiihrend und nach der Befruchtung, von Oscar Hertwig. 8°. Jena, 1890. vox Kollikek (A.) Die Bedeutung der Zel- lenkerne fiir die Vorgiinge der Vererbung. 8C. 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TJeber Kernstructur uud Kcrutechnik. Ibid., 1893, vii, 50-53. —---. Die Crianulalehrc und ihre Kritik. Arch. f. Anat. u. Ent wcklngsgi-sch., Leipz., 1893, 55-66. -----. Ueber das Wt-sentlielie in der Zelle. Ibid., 1896, 423-427. — Andrews ( K. A.) Hani mar's ectoplastic layer. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1897, xxxi. 1027-1032.— Arnold (J.) Altes und Neues iiber Wanderzellen, insbesondere deren Herkunft und Umwandlungen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1893, exxxii, 502-529.— Bard (L.) De I'induction vitale ou influence specifique k distance des elements cellulaires les uns sur les autres. Arch, de med., exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1890, ii, 387- 410.—Bernaya (A. C.) On the relations between cells and micro-organisms. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vi, 4-8. Also, Keprint. — Bcncrmann (J. A.) The "cell- theory " ; can the cell-theory be maintained in the light of recent investigations J Tr. Kat. Eclect, M. Ass., Orange, N. J., 1888-9, xvi, 318-329. Also, Keprint.—Bicdermann CELL. 276 CELL. CeCI. (W.) Ueber Zellstiiitne. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1893, liv, 209-277. — Billroth (T.) On the mutual action of living vegi-table and animal cells; a biological study. [Transl.] t;lin. Lect. . . . by German authors, Lond., 1894, 1-52— Birchmore (W. H.) On cells: a n trospect. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1881-2, i, 63-73. —Boas f.J. E. V.) Om Vandrecelh-r eg dcres Betydning for Oiganismen. Tidsskr. f. Vet,, Kjobenh., 1888, 2. R., xviii. 201-220.— Koveri (T.) Zellen-Studien. Jenaischc Ztschr. f. Na- turw.. Jena, 1887, n. F., xiv. 423: 18S8, n. F., xv. 685: 1889-90, n. F.. xvii. 514, 12 pi.—Brass (A.) Die Methoden bei der Untersuehung thierischer Zellen. Ztschr. f. wis- si-nsch. Mikr., Brnschng., 1884, i, 39-51.—Krinck (Julia). Feber synthetischo Wirkung lehender Zelh-n. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen it. Leipz., 1888-9, n. F., vii. 453-473. Also, Reprint,—de Briivne ( C. ) Les cellules doubles. Ver- handl. tl. mint. Gesellsch., Jena, 1897, 99-104. — Burger (O.) Feber Attraktionsspliiiren in den Zcllkorperu einer Lt-ihesrliissiukeit, Anat. Anz., Jena, 1891. vi. 484-489.— Biitschli t O.) Bemerkungen zu der Sc.hrift des Herrn Arnold Brass "Die Organisation der thierischen Zelle" (1. and 2. Theil). Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1885-6, xi, 2211-242. — Bullot (G.) Sur le volume des cellules. Soc. roy. il. sc. med. ct nat. de Brux. Hull.. 1897, lv, 31-39— B lire hard t (E.) Bichromate und Zellkern. Cellule, Lierre it Lonvain, 1897. xii, 335-3<3.—t'nldcrini (G.) Cellule siniili a quelle della decidua ottenute spc- rimentalmente mediante stimolo meccanico. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 188s, 3. s., xxxvi. 13-15.— ('attanco (G.) I fenomeni biologici delle cellule ame- boid i. Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova, 1896, no. 48, 1-3. — Chabry (L.) Proc6d6s pour injecter un liquide k rint6rieur de cellules vivantes. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. Par.. 1888, 8. s . v, 683. —Clarke (C. K.) 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A growing coll. Am. Month. Mier. J., Wash.. 1896, xvii, 346-349. — Ellenbcrger. Boil rag zu der Lehre von den Kernkorperchen. Arch. f. -wissen.scli. u. prakt. Tbierh., Berl., 1880, xii, 147-149.—F.lsberg , xx 109-123. -----. Altmann's "granula-teori". Ibid.. 1*93-4, xxix, 149-159. Also, transl: Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwck- higsgesch., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 151-160. — Hcidenliniii (M.) Ueber dioCentralkorperchen und Attractionsspliiirni der Zellen. Anat. Anz.. Jena, 1891, vi, 421-427. ----. Ueber Kern und Protoplasma. Festschr. Alb. von Kod- liker. Leipz., 1892, 109-166, 3 pi. -----. Cytoinechanische Studien. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1894-5, i, 473-577, 1 pi. -----. Ein neues Moilell zum Span- nungsgesetz tier centrirten Systeme. Verhaiull. il. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1896, x, 67-80. -----. Xeue Erliiiitcnni- gen zum Span nungsgesetz der centrirten Systeme. Mot phol. Arb., Jena, 1897, vii. 281-365. — Henkiiig (H.i Giebt es freie Kernhildung? Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz.. 1887. iv, 335-340. —Hen ncguy. Sur les parasonies ou pretendus noyaux at-cessoii es. I'mnpt. - rend. Soc. pbilomat. tie Par., 1894, no. 18, 5. — Hermann (F.) Feber regressive Metamorphosen lies Zellkernrs. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 58-62.—Hermann (L.) Ueber Kernleiter mit Quecksilberkern. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol.. Bonn, 1897, lxvii, 257-262.—Herric-k (F. H.) Move- ments of the nucleolus through the action of gravity. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894-5, x. 337-34 >iiiii (R.j Laws of the growth of the cell applied to human anatomv. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1169-1163. Also: .Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1893, xxix, 507-510. — Rlnimbler (L.j Ste.ninen die S'rahlon der Astrophiire oder ziehen sie? Arch. f. Entwcklngsniechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1896-7, iv, 659-730, 1 pi.—Roseia (F.) tell. Beitiage zur Kenntniss der Ptianzenzellen; iiber tinctio- nelle Unterscheiilung verschieilener Kernbestandtheile und der Scxualkerne. Beitr. z. Biol. d. Prlanz., Bresi 189' v, 443-459,1 pi.—Kmlloll (P > Leber cine Eigenthunilieh- keit tier ausseten Kiirnor. Arch. f. Anat. u. Enfr\vekhi"s- gesch., Leipz., 1886, 2,1. — Mcnater (E. II.) The structure of the animal cell. Metl. Times 6c (iaz., Lond. 1883 ii 204-298. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883. ii, 220-229.— Sellloli r (G ) Zur Morphologic tier Zelle. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1894, xliv, 249-259, 1 pL—Kelmeider (C. C.) Uiiter.siiehungen iiber die Zelle. Arb. a il zool Inst,, tl. Univ. Wien, 1890-91, ix, 179-224. 1 pi. _____. Ue- ber Zellstrncturen. Z-ol. Anz., Leipz., 1891, xiv, 44; 49.— Melisaberg (A.) Ueher den Zusammenhang verschie- denai tigc- Gowebezellen im thierischen Organismus. Si- tzungsb. d. phvs.-meil. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. 1893, 44-52.— Mchhrmnyer ( C. B. ) Leber den Einfluss ausserer Agentien auf ' in/.ellige Wesen. Jeuaische Ztschr. f. Na- turw.. Jena, 1889-90, u. P., xvii, 402-470, 1 pL—Schulzc (F. E.) Zelhuembran. Pellicula, Cuticula und ( rusta. Verhandl. cl. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1896. x, 27-32.— ttolger (B.) Die radiaren Strncturen des ZellkiirpiTs im Zu- stande tier Rube und bei tier Kernthcilnng. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 481-484.—Stanfelice (F.) Con- tributo alia conoscenza di alcune forme nucleari. Boll, d. Soc. di nat. in, Xapoli, 1890, iv, 21-25, 1 pi— Nfeinliniis (J.) Leber abnorme Einschliisse in den Zellkernen menschlicher Gewebe. Centralbl. f. allg. Path it. path. Anat., Jena, 1891, ii, 593-001. 1 pi.—Mtendener (F.) Ue- ber invaginirte Zellen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1868, iv, 188-194, lpl.—Strasburger (E.) Die Gesehichte und der jetzige Stand der Zelleiilehre. Tagebl. d. Versanuul. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Danzig, 188(1, liii, 61-70. Also, transl: Rev. internat. d. sc. biol., Par., 1881, vii. 193-205.— Strieker (S ) Mittheilung iiber Zellen und Grundsub- stanzen. ) Vorl. Mitth.) [Repr. from: Auz. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Wien. 1880, Xo. xxiii.] Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1880, 507. — Stndnicka. Untcrwirft die sogeuannten Hinterzellen (Rohousche Zellen, Reisuerscho Zellen, Rie- senzellen, Transient ganglion cells, etc) nach eigenen Un- tersuchungen und den Angaben in der Literatur einer ver- gleichenden Betrachtung. Zool. Jahresb. 1896, Berl., 1897 (Vertebr.), 100.—Tartnferi (F.) Ueber den feineren Bau des Kerns. Central! 1. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii. 546-548.—Trambusti (A.) Contributo alio studio della fisiologia della cellula (partecipazione del nucleo alia funzione di secrezione) ; ricerche citologichc. Sperimentale. Sez. biol..Firenze, 1895, xlix, 194-204,1 pi.— Treub (M.) Sur le developpement des cellules. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt. rend. 1879. Amst., 1880, vi. 514-521.—Turner (Sir W.) The cell theory, past and present. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1890, xxiv, 253-287. Also, Reprint.—Unna (P. G.) Zur Kenntnis tier Kerne. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1895, xx, 597-607. -----. Saure Kerne. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1895. xvi, 461. Also: Arb. a. Unua's Klin. f. Hautkr. in Hamb. 1895, Berl., 1896, 35-39.— Valenli 02], Xo. 33. Cellaring (Paulus). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Cellarilis (Salomon) [1676-1700]. Salomonis Cellarii . . . origines et antiquitates medicas post pnematurum illius excessum emendatiores auc- tioresque edit* a Christophoro Cellario, patre. o p. ]., 62 pp., 2 1. 12°. Jenos, apud J. Bielkium, 1701, -----. The same. [Rev.] pp. 420-496. 24°. [Paris, 1702.] Cutting from: J. d. scavans, Par., 1702. Cellar*. Bell (A. X.) Cellars. Sanitarian, N. T., 1881, ix, 310-314. Celle (Eugene). Hygiene pratica dos paizes queutes ou indagacoes acerca das causas e trata- mento das molestias destas regioes . . . Tradu- zido livremente em portuguez por Domingos Jose" Bernardino de Almeida. 207 pp., 3 1. 8°, Rio de Janeiro, M. Barreto, 1856. Celle (Niccolo). Nuovi elemeuti fisio-patologici di medicina eclettica. 492 pp. S-. Pisa, M. Lido, 1S41. Celles (Marcel-Georges). * Du rhumatisuie ar- ticulaire ]»endant l'etat puerp6ral. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1^5, Xo. 2?3. Celies-fles-Bain*. Barkikk (St.-A.) Cancer, scrofule, phthisic Notice mddicale sur l'dtablisseinent thermal de Celles-les-Bains (Ardeche). 8°. Paris, 1*69. Celli (Angelo). Igiene della tiihercolosi secondo le moderne couomjcuzc etiologiche. 23 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Givclli, 18S5. Repr. from: Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ia:-, Milano, 1885, viii. -----. La protilassi rationale del colera. 11 pp. 8 . Roma, M. Armanni, ]*86. Repr. from: Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1880, vi. -----. !>' igiene della scuola: coni'erenze. agl' is- jiettori scolastici. 1 ]). 1., 150 pp., 2 1. 12u. Firenze, G. C. Sttnsoiii, 1893. -----. La, nostra politica sanitaria. Discorso prontmziato alia Camera dei Deputati nella tornata del 5 oiugno 1893. 25 pp. 16°. Citta di Castello, S. La pi. L-93. See, also. .Tl a re Ilia fava (Ettore) Sc Celli (Angelo). Die Veriiii(lcrun<£ der rotheu Blutscheiben [ etc. ]. 8°. Berlin, 1883.-----------. Sulle alterazione dei globuli CELLI. 282 cklulaj:, Celli (Angelo)—continued. tossi [etc. ]. 4°. Roma, 1S84.-----------. Tho same. On the alterations in the red globules [etc.]. 8°. Bondon. ]S8S. —---------[in 1. s.J. Anuali di ngricolturn, J-K"> [etc.]. iio. Roma, 1885. ----- -----. Sur l'int'ettion ntalarienne [etc.]. 8°. Turin, 1888. — Teale (Thomas Priilgin). jr. Igiene delle abitazioni [etc.]. 8G. Milano, [1896?]- ------A: De Bla*i (I..) Municipio di Palermo. Stazione di vaccinazioni antirabbiehe. Rela- zione del suo primo anno di vita 18*7-7. 52 pp. 8 . Palermo, Tirzi, 1888. ------ A- Fiocca (R.) Intorno alia hiologia delle aniehe. 40 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Roma, frat. Centenari, 1895. j Repr. from: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1894-5, xxi. ------& Guarnieri (Giuseppe). Sopra talune forme cristalline che potreobero simulate il bacillo del tubercolo. 5 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Roma, I Salriucci, 18*'.'. Repr. from .- Atti (1. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. lis., I matemat. e nat., Roma, 1883, 3. s., xv. ----- A ^1 a IT 111 a fava (E.) Ueher die Mn- lariatieber Roms, nanientlich im Sonmier und Herbst. Nach Atti della r. Accademia medica di Roma, V, und handschriftlichen Zusiitzen der Verfasser bearbeitet von Dr. Th. Wevl in Berlin. 10 pp. 81-. [Ilerlin, 1890.] Repr. from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvh. ------& Sanfelice (F.) Sui parassiti del glo- bulo rosso nell' uomo e negli animali contributo all' emoparassitologia coinparata. 41 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Poma, G. Bertero, 1891. ------ A Serafini (Alessandro). Sull' acqua della condotta di Torino durante il 1° trimestre del 1894. 81 pp., 1 map. 8C. Padova, Prospe- rini, I895. -------------. Ancora una parola sull' acqua della condotta di Torino nel 1° trimestre 1894. 16 pp. 8°. Roma, Unione coop, edit., 1895. Celli (Felice). Pio Istituto dei rachitic! in Cre- mona. Rendiconti morale-econoniico-sanitario. Gestione, 1885 (5.). 25 pp. roy. 8°. Cremona, Ronzi e Siguori, 1886. Cellius (Georgius Fridericus). * Quale signum in morliis pnebeat uriua. 16 pp. 4°. Tubingce, J. H. Reis, 1680. Celloidin. Kusse (W.) Nachtragliche Notiz zur Celloidin-Ein- bettung. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1892-3, ix, 49.—Schieft'erdecker (P.) Ueber die Verwendung des Celloidins iu der anatomischen Technik. Arch. t". Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1882, 199-203.—Wil- liamson (II. T.) Note on the therapeutic uses of celloi- din. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 968. Celloidinc (Patent). Directions for making collodion with same, for photographic and micro- photographic purposes. 2 1. 8°. Baltimore, Md., [n. d.]. Cellular [including connective] tissue. See, also, Subcutaneous cellular tissue. Bouchard (A.) Du tissu conuectif. 8C. Paris, 1866. Dupre (S.) * Des tissus elastiques; anatomie et physiologie. 4°. Paris, 1853. Eckkr (A.) Zur Lehre vom Bau und Lebeu der contractilen Substanz der niederstenThiere. 8°. [Leipzig, 184*.] Cutting from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1848, i. Eulexberg(A.) De tela elastica. Y. Bero- lini, [1836]. te Gempt (D.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Xervenendigungeu im Biudegewebe. 4°. Eiel, 1877. Hauff (H.) *De systemate tela- elastic* cor- poris animalis. 4°. Tubingce, 1822. Jeanroi (D.) * An tela cellulosa nutritionis organuin? 4°. [Paris, 1774.] Cellular [including connective] tissue. VON IvOLLIKLR V-\) Neue I'll t('l silcliunjr,.,, tiber (lie Entwicklung des Bindegew ches. '"- Wiirzburg, 1861. Laxdois (L. ) Untersnchungen Uber die Bindesubstanz und deu Verknoclieriingsproce.K.s derselben. 8J. [Leipzig, I8titi.] Repr. from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1866, xvi, Mall (F.) Das reticulirte Gewebe und seine Beziehungen zu den Bindegcwebshbrillen. toy 8°. Leipzig, ]8<)1. Rept .from: Abhandl. d. ninth.-phys. Cl. d. k. sachs. Cesellscli. d. Wissensch., Leipz., lK91,'xvii. Piecq (C.) *Physiologica qnaedam de iuu- vendi facilitate tehe cellularis contractilis, cla.x- ticie, erectilis ac muscularis. 12°. Berolini 184:;. Pohlius (J. C.) [Pr. ] de niotu huniortun in contextu cellulari corporis animalis. 4 . [Lipsiw, 1767.] Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. tt. Budissin, 1774, vi, 1-5. ------. The same. [Pr.] de counnunicatione cellularnm contextus cellulosi. 4^. [Liin-iw 1768.] Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1774, vi, 6. Polyakoff (P. A.) * Materiali dlya niikro- skopicheskol anatomii i tiziologii rikhloi volok- nistoi soyediuiteluol tkani. [Materials for the microscopic anatomy and physiology of areolar fibrous connective tissue.] 8°. S. -Peterburn, 1894. Reichert (C. B.) Bemerkungen zur ver- gleichendeu Naturforschnng ini Allgeineinen und vergleicheude Beobachtungen fiber das Biudegewebe und die verwandten Gebilde. * . Dorpat, 1845. Rollett (A.) Untersuchungen fiber die Struktur des Bindegewebes. 8°. Miinchen, [1858]. Cutting from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch, Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1858, 37-72, 2 pi. Spuler (A.) Beitrage zur Histiologie und Histiogenese der Binde- und Stiitzsubstauz. 8-. Wiesbaden, 1896. Staotfeld (C.) *Es soil durch Vcrsuehe festgestellt werden, welche iirtliche und allge- meine Wirknngen die Eiuffihrung vcrschiedener Luftarten in das Bindegewebe hervorruft, unter besonderer Berficksichtigung der Frage, welche Luftarten entziindungserregend auf die Gewebe wirken. 8°. Breslau, W8. WAHLBERG (C. F.) & TlGERSTEDT (R.) StU- dier om biudviifven. 12°. Helsingfors, 1876. Zander (R. [W. G. H.]) * Yergleichung der verschiedeuen Organe auf ihren Gehalt au Elas- tin. 8°. Greifswald, 1872. Agcno (L.) L' istogenesi e le metamorfosi delle fibre elastlche e la dottriua eellulare; studi e ricerche. Hi- vista, Genova, 1884, iii, 50-80.—Anderson (W.) Sc Ma- kins (G. H.) The planes of subperitoneal and subpleural connective tissue, with their extensions. J. Anat. & Physiol., Loud., 1890-91, xxv, 78-86. —Anfrecht (K.) Ueber dirt Genese des Bindegewebes, nebst einigeu he merkungen iiber die Neubildung (juergestreifter Miixl<<-1 fasern und die Heilung per primam intentiouem. Arch. I. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1868, xliv, 180-202. Also, Ke- print.—Buscalioni (L ) Sull' accrcscimento della mem- brana eellulare. Gior. d. r. Accad. di metl. tli Torino, 1891, 3. s., xxxix, 40.—Chittenden (R. II.) \- CUes (W. J.) The mucin of white fibrous connective tissue. J Exper. M., N. T., 1896, i, 186-201.—Cohn (T.) Leber Intcrcel- lularlucken und Kittsubstauz. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1894-5, v, 293-333, 2 pi. -----. Ueber epitheliale Schluss- leisten an erabryonalen nnd ausgebihleten Gi-wehen. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesrllsch. zu Wiirzb., 1897, n.r., xxxi, 1-30,1 pi— Colomiatli (V.) Sulla moltiplicazioue dei nucleoli e dei nuclei nelle cellule connettive. Osserva- tore, Torino, 1880. xvi, 145-152.—Eckstein (F.) A kotallo, mauy sejtjeirol elettaui szempontb61. [Connective, tissue cells from a physicological point of view.] Orvosi hetil.- Budapest, 1859, iii, 429; 445; 461.—Ewald (A.) Zur His- CELLULAR. 283 CELLULAR. Celliihu* [including connective] tissue. tologie und Chemie der[elastischen Fasern iind des Bintle- fewebes. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1889-90, n. '., viii. 1-56, 1 pL—Fere (C.) Xote sur l'influenco de la compression temporaire sur racciiinulation de la grais.se dans le tissu celhilaire sous-cutane Compt. tend Soc. de biol., Par., 1893. 9. s., v. 62. Flemniinj; (W.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte dor Bindcgewcbstibrillcn. Inter- nat. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. 1!. Yirchow . . . Berl., 1891, i, 213-222, 1 pi. -----. Leber die Entwicke- lung der collagenen Bindegewebsfibrilleu bei Amphibien uud Siiugethieren. Arcb. f. Anat. u. Entwcklugsgesch., Leipz., 1897, 171-190, 2 pi. — Fnsari ( li. ) Su alcune partieolaiiti di forma e di rapporto delle cellule del tes- suto connettivo interstiziale. Atti Accad. d. sc. rued, e nat. in Ferrara, 1891, lxvii, fasc. 1, 65-67. Also: Atti d. xi. Cong. m-'d. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, anat.. 18.- Gard- ner (M.) K voprosu o histog. nezle elastieheskol tkaui. [On histogenesis of clastic tissue.] Vestnik med., Khar- kov, 1896, i, 415; 437.— Uazngiinirr (J.) Note sur un pretendu "nouveau type de tissu elastique observe- par H. Viallanes chez la larve de l'Eristalis ". Compt. rend. Soe. de biol.. Par.. 1886, 8. s., iii, 312-315. —CJerlach (L.) Leber die Anlage uud die Entwicklung des elastiscben Gewehes. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1878, iv (Suppl), 87- 116, 2 pL—Orawitie ( P.) Feber die Strnctur des Binde- gewebes und deren Bedeutung fiir die Histologic der Eiitzunduiigsvorgiinge. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Ge.-ellsch. in Berl. Vortr., 1891-2, 136-144. Also: Berl. klin. Wchn- schr. 1892, xxix, 109-112.—Hodara (M.) Xote rela- tive aux recherches de M. Unna sur les diverses varietes de cellules conjonctives avec demonstration iiiici'oscopique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 18i)."i, 3. s, vi. 574-576. Also: Bull. Soc.' franc, de der- \ mat. et syph.. Par., 1895, vi, 285-287. — Key (A.) & Rrtzins (G. ) Om Senornas byggnad och Swt'tbanor. [Structure of the tendons and the blood-vessels.] Xord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1875 vii, no. 21, 1-21, 2 pi. Also. Keprint. — IColliiinins (J.) Der Randsvulst und der Uispruiig der Stut/.substunz. Arcb. f. Anat. u. Entwc- klugsgesch., Leipz., 18SI. 341-434, 3 pL—Krukenbcrg (C. F. W.) Vergleichend-phvsiologisehe Beitrage zur Che- mie der contractilen Gewebe. Untersuch. a. d. phvsiol. Inst. d. Univ. Heidelb.. 1880, iii. 197-220.—Krnkenberg (C. F. W) & Wagner ( H.) Ueber Besonderheiten des chemist-hen Banes contractiler Gewebe. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1885, n. F., iii, 25-40. 1 pi. — I.anlanie. Ob- servations sur l'origine des flbrilles dans les faisceaux du tissu conjonctif. Compt. reml. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 180-182.— I.dwc (L.) Zur Kenntniss des Bindegewebes. Arcb. f. Anat. u. Entwcklugsgesch., Leipz., 1878, 108-170, 3 pi.: 1879, 43-56, 1 pi. — l.iiUyaiioflT ( S. M.) O inezh- klietochuikh veshtshestvakh. [ On intercellular sub- Btances.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., i894, i, pp. li-lxxvii. Also .- Arch. lab. obsh. patol. p. Imp.Varshav. Univ.. 1896, iii, 1-27.—Lwoff (B.) Leber die Entwicklung der Fibrillen des Bindege- webes. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-na- turw. Cl., Wieu, 1889, xcviii, 184-210, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.— Mali (F.) Reticulated and yellow elastictissues. [From: The Path. Inst. Johns Hopkins Univ.] Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 397-401. -----. Das reticulirte Gewebe nnd seine Beziehungen zu den Bindegewebstibrillen. Abhandl. d. ntath.-phys. CL d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 295-338, 11 pi. — .Vlangiu (L.) Sur la substanceintercellulaire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, ex, 295-297. — llartvii (S.) Original researches in physiology and pathology. On connective tissue. Arcb. Med.. Lond., 1860-61, ii, 99-111, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.— Merkel (F.) Zur Histogenese des Bindencwebes. Ver- handl. d. anat. Gesellsch. in Basel, Jena, 1895, ix. 41-44.— MiiHer ( H. ) Ueber eigenthiimliche scheibenformige Korper und deren Verhaltniss zniu Bindegewebe. Ver- handl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1859, x, 126-137, 1 pi.—Ogncw (J.) Zur Frage von der morphologischen Bedeutung des fibrillarem Bindegewebes. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklugsgesch., Leipz., 1885,437-450,1 pi. Paiinini (S.) Sulla geuesi delle fibre elastiche. Progresso med., Napoli, 1887, i, 8; 60; 97, 1 pi. — PoljakoflT (P.) Ueber eine neue Art von fettbildenden Orgauen im lockern Bin- degewebe. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1888, xxxii, 123- 182. 3 pi. -----. Beitrage zur mikroskopischen Anatomie nnd Physiologie des lockern Bindegewebes. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1895, xlv, 574-592, 1 pL—Rnnrier (L.) Les 616mentsetles tissnsdu systeme conjonctif. J.demicrog., Par., 1888. xii: 1891, xv, passim. -----. Des clasmato- cytes. Ibid., 1890, xiv, 103-106.—Raudnitz (R. W.) Bei- trag zur Kenntniss der im Bindegewebe vorkommenden Zellen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1883, xxii, 228-232.— Ren a at (J.) Xote sur les r6seaux vasculaires limbi- formes du tissu connectif lathe. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 201-204.—Ketterer (E\) Les decouvertes recentes relatives au developpement du tissu conjonctif. J.de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.), I'ar., 1892, xxviii, 211-224. -----. D6veloppement des tissus conjonotifs mu- queux et W-ticule. Compt. rend. Soc dc bioh, Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 47-50. -----. Histogenesis du tissu reticule aux depens de l'epithelium. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Cellular [including connective] tissue. Jena, 1897, 25-37.—Nalvioli (I.) Contributo alio studio dell' accrescimeiito del tessuto connettivo. Arch, per le se. med., Torino, 1889, xiii, 281-290, 1 pi. — Sehrakainp (CL) Ueber active Functionen des Bindegewebes. Fort- scbr. d. Med., Berl., 1894, xii, 693-701. — Sell ■■ berg (A.) Ueber Zusanimenhang von Epithel- und Bindegewebszel- len. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1891, 60; 65. — Siegfried (M.) Ueber die chemischen Eigen- schaften des rtticulirten Gewebes. Fortscbr. d. Med., Berl., 1893, xi, 185. — ttunllcholz (W.) Reticulated tis- sue: its relation to the cells aud its arrangement in differ- ent orgaus. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxxii, xvi-xviii. — Spina (A.) Untersuchungen des leben- den Bindegewebes. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1883, 329-331.— Mpnler (A.) Beitriigo zur Histiologie und Histioge- nese der Binde- und Stiitzsubstan/,. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1896, vii, 115-160, 2 pi.—Starling (E. H.) On the absorp- tion of fluids from the connective tissue spaces. J. Phy- siol., Loud., 1896, xix, 312-320. — Steiner (A.) Neue Beispiele fiir den formativen Einfluss desEpithels auf das Bindegewebe; Entstehnng papillarer Bildungen auf wun- den Fliicheu unter dem Einfluss dariibcr gewucherten, von normal papillenfiihrender Oberflache stammenden, oder papillomatosen Epitbels. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1897, cxlix, 307-329, 2 pi. — Strieker. Ueber die Bindesubstanzen im Allgenieiiien und iiber dieGewebsent- wicklungini zentralen Nervousvsteme. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1879. xxix, 1340-1342. — Van Bniubckc (C.) De l'origine ties tissus de substance conjonctive. Ann. Soc. beige de mier. 1885-6, Brux., 1889, xii, 119-148, 3 pi.— Yirchow (IL) Zur Streitfrage iiber die Bindesubstanzen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1853, v, 590-593. -----. Ueber ehistische Fasern und deren Veranderun- gen. Ibid., 18*9, cxv. 338. — Wahlberg (C. F.) Sc Ti- gerotcdt (R.) Studier om bindvafven. Finska lak.- siillsk. handl.. Helsingfors, 1875, xvii, 110-120, 1 pi.—We- liky ( W. ) Zum feineren Bau des Bindegewebes. Me- langes biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 1880-83, xi, 481-483. — Young (R. A.) The ground substance of connective tissue. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1894, xvi, 325-350. Cellular tissue (Diseases of). See, also, Cellulitis. Baermann (F.) *De telse cellularis indnra- tione. 8°. Berolini, [1825]. Behrens ([K. L.] F.) * Ueber das Vorkom- men von Mastzellen in pathologischem Binde- gewebe. 8°. Halle, 1884. Heulz (L.) * De Fasthe'nio du tissu conjonc- tif; 6tude patboge'nique des dilatations veineuse, annulaire, pulmonaire, etc. 4°. Le Mans, 1884. Hugel (K.) *Zwei Falle maligner Tumoren des Unterhautzellgewebes. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1890. Koster (W.) Bijdrage tot de keunis der dif- fuse iiieuwvorming van bindweefsel, ook met het oog op de elephantiasis dura. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Leipoldt (F. C.) * De morbis telse cellnlosae. 4J. Erlangce, 1782. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.J. 12°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, 1783, xviii, 44-83. de Mayrhausek (C.) * De induratione tex- tus cellulosi. 8°. Patavii, 1832. SlEGENBEEK VAN HEUKELOM (D. E.) * Patho- logisch bindweefsel. 8°. Leiden, 1885. Smit de Klemp (P.) *De induratione telse cellulosue adultorum. 8°. Groningce, 1846. Wild (C.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der amy- loiden und der byalinen Degeneration des Binde- gewebes. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Jena, 1885. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Jena, 1886, i, 175-200, 1 pi. Asihhiirat (S.) Diseases of the cellular tissue. In- ternat. Enc.vcl. Surg. (Ashhnrst), N. Y., 1895, vii, 341-345.— Bnrdenheiier (F.) Ueber die histologischen Vorgange bei der durch Terpentin hervorgerufenen Eutziiudnng im Unterhaut-Zellgewebe. Beitr. z. path. Auat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891, x, 394-432, 1 pi.—Bayer (P.) Die Ge- fassgeschwiilste der Bindebaut. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1896, viii, 65.—Burchnrdt. Ueber die galvano- kaustische Heilung der follikuliiren Biiidehautentziin- dung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1889, xviii, 145- 15G.—FeoktiMow I A. E.) Biudegewebstnberculose als selbstandige primiire Krankheitsform. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1*84, xcviii, 22-90, 1 pi. — Grawiti (P.) Betheiligung der Leiikocvton an der Gewebsneubil- dung. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890. Berl., 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 9-11. [Discussion!, 91. -----. Ueher die schlunimernden Zellen des Bindegewebes und ihrVer- CELLULAR. 284 CELSTJS. Cellular tissue (Diseases of). halten bei progressiven Ernahrungsstoruugen. Arch. f. path. Auat, [etc. ]. Berl., 1892, cxxvii, 96-121. — Howe (I. W.) diseases of the cellular tissue. In: Internat, Enc\cl. Sitru.. (Ashhurst). 1882, ii, 673^-689. Also, transl in: Eiicvcl. internat. de cbir. (Ashhuist)\ Par., 1884, hi.«7- 104.—Kii-Mlein (A.) Die Grawitz'sche Theorie der pro- gressiven Eriiiihrungsstorunuen des Bindegewebes. Allg. med. Contr.-Ztg., Berl., 1893,'lxii, 841— dialing (E. A.) [Remarkable case of hynet trophy of the Subcutaneous cellular tissue] Rep. Proc. Xorthunib. Sc Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 1878-9, 58-00.—ill a re hand. Betheiliguug der Leukocvten an der Gewebsneubildung. Verhandl. d. x. internat, med. Conn. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 6-9. [Discussion), 91. — Melladew (H. F. L.) Report on a case of inflammation of the connective tissue. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1885, Lond., 18'87, xxvii, 371. —IVi- cai*c (15. ) Des epanchements sereux inflamniatoires dans le tissu celhilaire, Rev. mens, de med. et cbir.. Par., 1879, iii, 609-615.—Sehwalbe (K.) Die kiinstliche Erzeu- gung der Cirrhose des Bindegewebes. Deutsche Med.- Ztg , Berl., 1891, xii, 179.—Ziegler. Ueber die Betheili- guug der Lenkocyten an der Gewebsneubildung. Ver- handl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 1-6. [Discussion], 91. Cellule (La). Recueil de cytologie et d'histolo- gie generale, pnbli6 par J. B. Carnoy, G. Cilson et J. Den vs. v. 1-13. roy. 8°. Lierre <$• Lonvain, 1884-97. ' Cellulitis See, also, Abscess; Arm (Diseases of); Pel- vis (Abscess, etc., in). Guilhem ( M.) * Quelques reflexions sur la nature du phlegmon diffns et sur son traitement par le v6sicatoire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Allen (II. B.) Diffuse cellulitis. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1882, u. s.. iv, 97. — Ilcisrath. Ueber die Be- liandluug tier granuldseii Bindehautentziindung mit tie- fen und ausgedehnteii Excisionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 428-432.—Klein (A.) Ueher die Behandlung der Zellgewebseutziiuduiig nach Lister. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1882, viii, 217; 233; 252; 275. — Kraske (I.) Die Behandlung progredienter septischer Phlegtno- nen mit multipleu Incisionen und Skaritikatiom-ii. Cen- tralbl. f Chir., Leipz., 1880, vii. 265-269.—lVlorriH (R. T.) The treatment of plegmonous inflammation of the limbs. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 121.—Weal (F. A.) Submaxil- lary and facial cellulitis. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Derue- rara, 1892, 113-120.— IVnficz (T.) Importancia del trata- miento del flegmon difuso subcut&ueo. Gac. m6d. de Me- xico, 1877, xii, 317-326.—Ogdcn (U.) Gangrenous cellu- litis with sloughing of the rectum. Canad. J. M. Sc, To- ronto, 1882, vii, 111.—Bobb (W. H.) Fatal suppurative cellulitis following an injurv to the baud. Tr. N. York M. Ass.. 1894, xi, 300-307.—Rogers (E. J.) Surgical cel- lulitis of the extremities. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1889, 28-39.— Sands (H. B.) Cellulitis of arm. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1881, viii, 165— Wenzel (H. P.) Acute cel- lulitis, etc., of right leg. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881-2, iii. 158. Celluloid. Duchesne (L.) & Michel (E.) La fabrication du cel- luloid: etude d'hygiene professionnello. Rev. d'hyg., Par.. 1**2. iv, loif-1019.—Faucher (L.) Note sur un accident cause par l'iiiflammatiou subite d'un peigne en celluloid. I bid., 1889, xi, 522-527.—lliiiten-wtoisscr (H.) Zur Heterophistik mittelst Celluloid. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr , 1894. vii, 63. Celluloid Manufacturing Co. The celluloid industries. Celluloid. Some information re- garding its manufacture and the articles made from it. 84'pp., 2 1. 12°. Newark, N. J., lf-xr>. Ceil I!iHose. Usiglio (G.) La cellulosa applicata alle medicazioni chirnrgiche. 12°. Trieste, 1886. Brown (A.J.) On an acetic ferment which forms cellu- lose. J. Chem. Soc, Loud., 1886, xlix, 432-439.—Cramer (A.) lets over de cellulose. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh. 1850-51. 2. s., vi, 261-267. Also, Reprint, — Wilson (E.) La cristallisation de la cellulose et la composition chimi- que tie la membrane oellulaire vegetale. Cellule, Lierre Sc Louvaiu, 1893, ix, 395-440, 2 1., 1 pi. — Ilofnieister (V.) Ueber Cellulo-evcrdauung. Arch. 1. wissensch. u. in-act. Tbierh., Beth 1881, vii, 169-197. -----. Ueber cel- lulose Verdauiing beim Pfcrde. Ber. ii. d. Veteriniirw. im Koniur. Sachs. 1884, Dresd., 1885, xxix. 138-142. — von ItiiBci-iem (W.) Leber die Verwerthung der Cellulose im thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1885. n. F., iii, 67-139. — Ii an ge (G.) Zur quantitative!! Bestimmung der Cellulose. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Cellulose. Strassb., 1889-90, xiv, 283-288. — Mnc«illavry (T in KtlUistmatige digestie van celhl ose. Versl. ,| y Akaa. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst.. l>-76* 2 R \r 380-38t5. Also, Reprint. —.Tlnllcvre (A.) Dt r EinihihN der als Gahrungsprodukt der Cellulose gt-bildeteii I-V sigsaure auf den Gt-wechsel. Arcli. f. d. <■,.„ I'livsiol Bonn, 1891, xlix. 460-477. — Mchiilxe (K.) YebtM-Tlijer' cellulose. Mitth. a. tl pharm. Inst. u. Lab. f. img. ('li|.In' d. Univ. Erlangen, Miinchen, 1889, lift. 2, 2S(>. _ Mmin, (C.) The natural oxs celluloses. Tr. Chem. Sue. Lomi 18:14, lxv, 472-479. Also, liepriut. — TapptiiK ■ \ H i Lntersuclmngen iiber die Giirun'g tier Cellulo-c, inshcsoii. (lore iiber deren Ldsung ini Darmkanalu. Ztschr. I. Ilio] Miinchen, 1884. xx, 52-134. -----. ^'achtraue zu den I hi'. tersuchungen iiber die Garuug der Cellulose. Ibid.. 1S87 xxiv, 105-119. — Vii-diow (Ii.) Ueber eine ini cVhini und Ruckenuiark ties Meiisehon .-uifgefundeiie Substanz mit tier chemischen Reaction der Cellulose. Arch I path Anat. [etch Berl., 1853. vi, 135-138. Also, in his.- i:,'i,t., die Erreghiii keit der Flimmerzellen, 8°, [Wiirzb. 1853] ::- 6.— Weimke (H.) Ist die Cellulose cin Nalirnlmssioft'f Chem. Centr -Bl.,Leipz.,1884, 3. F.,xv. 385.— Weiwhe 111 ) Schulzc (B.) & Flechsig (E.) Koinmt tier Cellulose eiweisssparende Wirkung bei der Einahriingder Iliihivo- ren zu? Ztschr.f. Biol., Miinchen. 1886. n. K.,iv, 373: lssT-c n.F„ vi, 553. — WinterNlein (E.) Ueher da's Verhaltri] der Cellulose gegen verdiinnte Siiuren und verdiinnte All a lien. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb.. 1892-3, xvii.::(n- 400. -----. Zur Kenntniss der Thiercelinlnse o. C'elorisi (Giovanni). La polvere dell' atinosfera. 31 pp. 12°. Milano, E. Souzogno, 18<). Forms no. 36 of: L' igiene popolare. CelOtti (Fabio). Contributo alia diagnosi delle malattie encefaliche a focolaio. 94 pp. 8'. [Venezia, 1887).] Repr. from,.- Riv. veneta d. sc. med., Venezia, 1885. iii. -----. Nevrosi moderna e nevrosi antica. Con- ferenza. 42 pp. 8-\ Udiue, G. B. Doretli, YO'A. Repr. from: Atti Accad. di Udiue, 2. s., ix. Cels(Alphonse) [1^45- ]. Elements d'anthio- pologie. Notion de l'honime enmme orgaui.sine vivant et classification des sciences anthropolo- giques fondanientaJ.es. v. 1. viii, 202 pp. 8-'. Bruxelles, Pre. J. Rozez, 1**4. Another copy, the cover of which reads: Paris, C. Carre; Bruxelles, Vve. J. Rozez, 1886; besides the date on title-page is altered in ink to read: 1886. -----. Essai d'une classification des instruments quaternaires eu silex, et considdrations prdlimi- naires sur l'existence de l'homme a I'e'poijUc tertiaire dans les environs de Spiemies. 3(> pp., 3 pi. 8:. [Bruxelles, 18*7.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1887-8, vi. Cels (Ralmond-Eugene) [1870- ]. *Ct>nni- bntion a l'dtude de la keratose pilairo et dc ses rapports avec l'iclithyose. 12b" pp. 8:. Paris, 189(5, No. 45. CeBSHS (Aurelius Cornelius) [53 B. C.-7 A. D.]. [De medicina libri octo.] 149 1. fol. [Medio- lani, 1481.] Ou first leaf: Aurelii Cornelii Celsi mediciuse liber pri- mus incipit. [Adfinem .-] Cornelii Celsi de medicina libel finet. Impressum Mediolani per Le uartlum Pachel ct Ulderichum Sinezenzeler . . . anno salutis nicccclxxxi. -----. The same. lx ff., 2 1. fol. [l'enetii*, 1493.] Fol ii: Aurelii Cornelii Celsi medicina? liber primus in- cipit. [Ad .tinein ■ :] Cornelii Celsi de medicina tinis. Im- pressor Joannes Rubens Vercellensis fuitdie viii. meusis Julii mccccxciii. Venetiis. -----. The same. In hoc volumine luec coti- tinentur: Aurelii Cornelii Celsi tnedieinie libri viii, quam emendatissimi, gru-cis ctiain omnibus dittionibns restitutis. Quinti Sercni liber de ? -V CELSrS. 285 CELSUS. CclsllS (Aurelius Cornelius) —continued. uiedicina et ipse castigatiss. Accedit iudex in Celsiun, et Seivnuin sane quam copiosus. 7 p. 1., lt>4 ff ^°- [ 'eneliis, in c?dibus Aldi et A. Asulani, lr.-Kl ______. The same. De re medica libri octo. inter Latinos ejus professions autores facih-prinripis: ad veterutn et lecentium exemplariiitn tideni, necnon doetorum hominuin judicium, sununa dilicentia excusi. Acccssit huic thesaurus ve- rbis quam liber Scribonii Largi, titulo composi- tiontini medicanientoruni. Nunc primum tineis, et blattis ereptns, industria Joannis Ruellii. 19 p. 1., 131 ff. fol. Parisiis, C. Wechel, 17)29. Boundwith: (iAi.i.rs (A.) Fastis de peste, [etc.]. fol. Brixia, 1565. ______. The same. De re medica, octo libri. Q. Si-reui Sanionici prieccpta medica, versibus hexainetris. Q. Rhenmii Fannii Palaemouis, de pouderibus et meiistiris, liber rarus et utilissi- miis . . . Hos libros Joau. Csesarius . . . cas- tigavit ... 5 p. 1., 337 ff., s 1., 30 ff., 2 1. V2\ Salingiaci, J. Soter, 1538. .-----. The same. De re medica libri octo. Item, Q. Sereni liber de medicina, Q. Rbemnii Fannii Palauuonis de pouderibus et mensuris liber. 476 pp., 9 1. 12°. Lugduni, apud S. Gryphium, 1542. -----. The same. 581 pp., 1'2 1. 16°. Lugduni, apud J. Toriuesium et G. Gazeium, 1549. Another copy, with which is bound: Sylvius (Jacobus). Ratio niendendi morhis internis [etc.]. 16°. Lugduni, 1549. ------. The same. De arte medica libri octo . . . Gnlielini Pautini Tiletani ... in duos quideni priores libros commentarii, et in reliquos anno- lationes breviores, sed quae jnsti commentarii vicem sicubi rei difficultas requirebat, explere posse videantur. 4 p. 1., 5(54 pp., lw 1. fol. Basileas, per J. Oporinum, [1552]. -----. The same. De re medica libri viii. Item Qu. Sereni Liber de medicina. Qu. Rhenmii Fannii Palsemonis de pouderibus et mensuris liber, omnia ex diversorum codi cum diligentis- sitna collatione castigata. 5~2 pp. 16°. Lug- duni, apud J. Tornasium f G. Gazeium, 1554. ------. The same. 11 p. 1., 239 ff. 16°. Patavii, apud M. Antonium de Gallassis, 1563. ----. The same. De re medica libri octo. Q. Sereni medicinale poenia. Rliemnii poema de pond, efc mensuris. Cum adnotatiouibus et cor- rectionibus R. Constantini. 7 p. ]., 499 pp., 7 1. 12°. Lugduni, apud G. Rovillium, 15(56. ------. The saint-. De medicina libri octo, ex recognitione Joh. Antonidse van der Linden. 10 p. 1., 558 pp., 11. 16J. Lugd. Bat., apud J. Else- ririum, lt>57. Also engraved title-page. -----. The same. De medicina libri octo brevi- oribus Rob. Constantini, Is. Casauboni, alio- rnraque scholiis ac locis parallelis illustrati. Cura et studio Th. J. ab Almeloveeu. Ed. ulti- ma, in qua quid pra^teiea sit prcestitum [J. B. Vulpii] epistola ad lectorem indica bit. 6 \>. 1., lxxii, 598 pp., 16 1. 12'-'. Patavii, J. Coininus, 1722. Lust page numbered 998. -----. The same. Ed. ultima. 29 p. 1., 6**, 49 pp., 19 1., port. 12°. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Lange- ralc, 1730. Also engraved title-page. ------. The same. Dc medicina libri octo, cum noris inn-gris Joannis Ca-sarii, Roberti Constan- tini, Josephi Scaligeri, Isaaci Casauboni, Joan- nis Baptistie Morgagni, ac locis parallelis, cura et studio Th. J. u!> Almeloveeu. Acccdunt J. Kiioilii vita C. Celsi. vatiae lectiones ex tribns ariquis edirionibus, itemque loci aliquot Hip- C'olsil* (Aurelius Cornelius)—continued. pocratis et Celsi ab Henrico Stephanorrapa/l/.^/wf concinnati. [Edited by Joannes Baptista Vul- pius.] 34 p. 1., 749 pp., 13 1., 2 port. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langeralc, 174(5. ------. The sain.-. 33 p. 1., 749 pp., 13 1., 2 port. 81-. Rotterodami, J. I). Reman, 1750. -----. -The same. De re medica. Aecessnrus index vocabnlornm omnium, et eujnscunqitc ad rem pertinent is more diciionarii. In usum humanitafis et mediciine studiosorum. [In two parts, paged consecutively.] xvi, 400 pp., 22 1, ^•'. Glasguoe, Foulis, Gilmour [et al.], 1766. In part 2, after "dictionarii", tho title reads thus: In usum medicintc et chirunricte studiosorum. ------. The Hume. MedicinaB libri octo ex recen- sionc Leonardi Targie. 7 p. I., 586 pp., 1 1. 4°. Patavii, J. Manfre, 17(59. -------. The same. De medicina libri octo ex recensione et cum notis Leonardi Targie. Prie- mittitur Joau. Lttd. Bianconii epistola de Celsi ietate. lx, 506 pp., 33 1. *°. Argentorati, ex typog. Soc. Bipontiiur, 1806. -----. The same. Medicina- libri octo ex recen- sione Leonardi Targie, accurante Joau. Gul. Underwood. 276 pp. 12°. Londini, W. Joy, 1K50. -----. The same. De re medica libri octo ex recensione Leon. Targse. Accedunt J. Rhodii dissertatio de Celsi vita, Scbilliugii quiestio de Celsi ietate, L. Targse prasfatio et index libb. niss. editortunque, excerpta de balneis, de pou- deribus et mensuris Romanis monitum breve, cum conspectu capitum. Prsefixis characteruni, balnearum, instrumentoruinque tabulis. 2. ed. accuratissime emendata opera et studio Georgii Frederici Collier. xl, 5542 pp. 8°. Londini, Simpkin f Marshall, 1831. -----. The same. De medicina [libri septem]. [Text Latin and French.] In: Excycl. d. sc. m6d. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 7. div., [v. iii]. ------. Tbe same. Delia medicina libri otto. Portati nella lingua italiana, secondo 1' esem- plare latino dato al pubblico, da Teodoro Jan- senio d' Almeloveen. Fatica dell' abate Chisiri. 2 v. xvi, 304 pp., port.; xvi, 400 pp. 8°. Ve- nezia, D. Occhi, 1747. -------. Tlie same. Delia medicina libri otto. Volgarizzamento di G. A. Del Chiappa. xii, b80 pp. 12°. Milano, G. Silvestri, 1828. -----. The same. Traduction des ouvrages d'Aureli ns-Cornelius Celse, sur la uie\lecine. Par M Xinnin. 2 v. xxxx, 488 pp.; viii, 480 pp., 3 1. 12°. Paris, Desaint f Saillant [et al.], 1753. Pages 329-336, of v. 2, are wanting, but have been sup- plied in writing. ------. The same. Traite" de la me'decino en hint livres. Traduction nouvelle par Fouquier et F. S. Ratier. 552 pp. 16°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1824. -------. The same. Traduction nouvelle par M. des Etangs. viii, 294 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Didot freres, fils et Cie., 1859 -----. The same. Of medicine. Iu eight books. Transl. with notes by James Greive. xxxii, 519 pp., 3 1. *P. London, D. Wilson f T. Durham, 1756. -----. The same. A literal iuterlineal translation of the first four books of. . . de medicina; with ordo jmd text. Transl. from the text selected for the examination of candidates at Apotheca- ries' Hall and other public boards; in which the elliptical constructions are completed by sup- plying the suppressed words, shewing the rela- tions and concords of the different words with each other. With au introduction explanatory of the more obscure aud difficult grammatical OELSlTS. 286 CEMETERIES. Celsus (Aurelius Cornelius)—continued. constructions, aud rules for rctincing to the English parallels aud equivalents. By Robert Venables. 2. ed. xii, 303 pp. - . London, Sherwood, Gibert tf Piper, l*:i7. ------. The same. The eight books on medicine of. . . with a literal aud interlineal translation ou the principles of the Hamiltoniau system. Adapted for students in medicine. By J. \V. Underwood. 2. ed. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 4U* pp.; 538 pp. 12-. London, Sonter f Law. 1*12. ------. The same. De re medica; with an onlo verborum and literal translation. By John Steggall. 2. ed. 377 pp. 16°. London, J. Churchill, 1853. ------. The same. Kritischer Versuch einer deutschen Uebersetzung der aclit Biicher des . . . von der Arzneykunst, von Johann Hcinrich Lange. 126 pp. 8°. Liineberg, G. C. Berth, 17li"\ ------. The same. Von der Arzneiwissenschaft in aclit Biiciiern. Aus dem Lateinischen iiber- setzt, mit dem Leben des Celsus nach Biancoui und einigen erliinterndeu Annierkungen verse- hen. 1 p. 1., ix. 509 pp., 13 1. s°. Jena a. Leipzig. C. E. Gabler, 1799. ------. The same. A. C. Celsus aclit Biicher von der Arzueiknnde. Aus dem Lateinischen in's Deutsche iibertragen, mit Beigabe vou Celsus Biographie und erliinterndeu Bemerkungen von Bernhard Ritter. xxxii, 605 pp. 8~\ Stuttgart, Ebner f Settbcrt. 1840. -------. De balneis. In: Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis, 1553, ff. 303b-306. -------. De febribus liber. In: Febribus (De), opus sane aureum, [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1576, 179-183. -------. Insigniores aliquot sententiae selectae. 30 pp. 24°. [Amsierlo2dami,apudH.Wetstenium, 16*:,] In: HlPPOCKATES. Iinro/cpaTOus aopi.a>iO<.' [etc.]. 24°. Amstelodami, 1685, sign. 06-Q'- -------. The same. 29 pp. 16°. [Basilice, typ. E. Thurnisii, 1756.] In: Hippocrates. 'ImroKparov; aopiap.oi [etc.]. Ed. nova. 16°. Argentorati, 1756, sign. T2-X4. -------. Dernio-pathology of Celsus. 28 pp., 1 1. 8-. [Loudon, Richards, 1862.] Printed as an appendix to the 5. ed. (Lond., 1862) of: Wilson (Sir Win. Jas. Erasmus). Diseases of the skin. See Albiiius (Bernhardus Siegfried). The anatomy of painting [etc.]. fol. London, 1769. — f^hainpcrius (Svmphorianus). Symphonia (laleni ad Hippocratem [etc.]. 16°. [Lugduni, 1528.] — Hippocrates. 'Itttto- Kpdrovs dopio>i.oi [etc.]. 24°. Amstelcedami, 1685. -----. The aphorisms of . . . s". London, 1708.-----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1735.-----. 'iTTTroicpaTous o^o- pto-fiot [etc.]. 16D. Argentorati, 1756. — Lommius (Jo- docus). Commentarii de sanitate tuenda [etc.]. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1724. -----. The same [in 1. s.J. Ed. 3a. 12°. Lugd. Bat.. 1734. -----. The same. 16°. Amstelodami, 1745.-----. The same [in 1. s.J. Nov. ed. 8°. Vindo- bona, 1794.—iTlannel des m6decins [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1754.—Morgagni (J. li.) [in 1. s.]. In Aur. Corn. Cel- suni, et Q. Ser. Samouicum epistohe. In quibus de utri- usque auctoris variis editionibus, libris quoque manu- scripts, et conimentatoribus disseritur. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1735.—fool itJcrhard Jacob) fin 1. s.]. Chrestomathia Celsiana. 8°. Lugd. Bat. et Atnstelod.. 1832.—Praxis ruedicinae quovis iliustriori [etc.] [ini.a.]. 12°. Venetiis, 1545.—Rorariu* (Xicolaus) [in 1. s. 1. Contradictiones, dubia et paradoxa [etc.]. 16°. Venetiis, 1566. -----. The same [ini. s.J. 16°. Veiietiis, 1572.—Stroinerwn Aurbach (Henricus) [ini. s.]. Saluberrinue adversus pestilentiam ohservationes. 4°. Lypsie, [1519],—Trillcr (Dan. Willi.) Succincta oommentatio de pleuritude [etc.J |inl.s.]. 8°. Francof. ad M., 1740. For Biography, see Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brooklyn, 1882, v, 126; 177; 224; 280 (G. J. Fisher). Also: Glasgow M. J.. 1892, xxxvii, 321-348 (J. Finlayson). Also, Reprint. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiv, 681; 718 (A. Laboul- l)6ue). -------. See, also: Biaxcoxi (G. L.) Lettere sopra A. Coruelio Celso al celebre abate Girolaino Tiraboschi. 12c. Roma, 1779. Celsus (Aurelius Cornelius)—continued. ------. The same. Sendschreiben tiber deu A. Cornelius Celsus an den Abt. lUoronyiiius Tiraboschi aus dem Italianischen ubersetzt vou L . . . Nebst einer Zuschrift von Carl Christian Krause. 8°. Leipzig, 1781. del Chiappa (G. A.) Intorno alle opere e alia eondizione personale di Aulo Cornelio Celso. Discorso medici-rilologici. 12-'. Milano, 1-pj. Fikssixgkk (C.) La therapeutique de Celse. 1CI' siecle. la his: Therap. d. vieux maitres. 8°. Paris, 1897,15-22. KChx (C. G.) De loco Celsi in pru-faf. p. 3. ed. Tarj;'. noviss. male intellecto expnnitur. In his: Opusc acad. med.et philol. 8:'. Lips. 18''8 ii 225-238. Pruck-lTIayr A.) Denkspriiche aus A. P. Celsus. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. \Vien, 1SS3, xviii. ::45; 357. —Kho- dins (Joh.) [in 1. s.J. De acia tlissertatio [etc.J. 40. Patavii, 1639. -----. The same [ini. s.]. 4°. Hafttiie. 1672. -----. Antiquitates philosophical, [etc.]. 4°. 'Lon- dini Sea nor ttm. 1691. -----A. Sereuus Samoiiicus (Quintns). Dc medicina, alter, ut ab Aluieloveenio editns est a. 1713, alter, ut a Constantino a. 15(5(5. .Ed.no- vissima, in qua ad cietera omnia quae in priore nostra, epistohe sex acceduut eel. Jo. Bapt. Mor- gagni uunquam autea vulgatte. 2 v. 5 p. 1 , 592 pp., port.; xlviii, 415 pp. s°. Pa'arii, J. Cominus, 1750. Separate title-page for Celsus : Patavii, 1750. -------------. The same. 2 v. x, 476 pp.. port.; lvi, 34 pp. 12°. Venetiis, ex tijpog. Remondiniana, 176:',. Separate title-page for Celsus: Venetiis, 1763. Celt*. Sec Ethnology. Cement and cement icovlevs, Eveuwi.tn (J.) *De csetnentis. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1*46. Fonlerton (A. G. R.) A perforation of the septum nasi occurring in cement workers. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 314. Cemeteries. See, a Iso, Arsenic in air, etc.; Burial; Burial- places; Cadaver (Care of); Exhumations. Angeli (L.) Dell' antichita de'eimiteri c de' vantaggi, che della loro istituzione ne sono derivati alia umanita; memoria diretta a suoi concittadini. 8-\ Imola, 1-^21. d'Assis de Solsa Vaz (F.) Memoria sobre a iucouvenieucia dos enterros nas igrejas, e utili- dade da coustruccao de cemiterios. 8-. Porto, 1835. Bertoglio (L.) Les cimetieres au point de vue de l'hygiene et de l'administration. 1'2J. Paris, 1889. Bombay Presidency. Correspondence relat- ing to the prohibition of burials iu. the Back Bay lands; and to Dr. Leiths mortuary report for 1854. roy. 8°. Bombay, 1855. Brcn (J. ) Reponse aux trois questions et re"sinu6 de propriety physiques et chimiques des terrains 6tudi6s par . . . Question du ciinetiere. 8-. Geneve, 1876. Cemetery of Mount Auburn. Annual reports of the trustees, together with the reports of the treasurer and superintendent. 49., 1871; 42., l87'.'>; 43., 1874; 48., 1879; 54., 1.^5; 5(5., 1887; .>.-62., 1889-93. 8°. Boston, 1872-94. Chardoillet (J.-F.-E.) Les cimetieres sont- ils des foyers d'infection? Resume" de la ques- tion au point de vue hygie'uique, social et moral. sm. 8'~. Paris, 18^1. Charlestowx, Mass. Contract. City oi Charlesfown, with Woodlawn Cemetery. 1858. f^. Charlestown, 1858. CEMETERIES. 287 CEMETERIES. Cemeteries. [Chexel.] Sur les projets de cimetiere et de chemin de fer municipal ou mortuaire. 8:. Paris, 1^67. Cleator Moor. Special report on the grave- yard accommodation of the district. By John Eaton, medical officer of health. 4 . White- haven, [1881]. Cleveland (H. W. S.) A few words on the arrangement of rural cemeteries. 8°. Chicago, 18-u Claux (Y.) Cimetieres parisiens. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1884, 3. s., xi, 113-121. —Du Me* nil (O.) Les nouveaux cimetieres parisiens de Bagueux et de Pantin-Bobignv. Ibid., 1886, 3. s., xv, 132-146.-----. D6saffectation et dfiblaieinent des cimetieres. Ibid., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 530-547. -----. Ancien cimetiere de Mont- lucon (Allier); projet d'alienation, conditions de displace- ment et de d6blaiement. [Pap. J Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1894, Melun, 1895, xxiv, 104-116. -----. F^glise construite sur uu cimetiere avant I'expiration des debus prescrits et sans exhumations prealables dans la commune de Vabre (Tarn), [Rap.] Ibid., 129. — Du Ucsnil (O.) & Jacqnot. Salubrite publique; installation d'un nouveau cimetiere, a Limeil- Brevannes (Seine-et-Oise). [Rap.] Ibid.. 1893, Melun, 1894, xxiii, 113-117. — Fnbrr (P.) De l'insalubrite des cimetieres. Gaz. med. de Par., 1882, 6. s., iv, 8; 23.— Ferrand (fi.) Des cimetieres, leurs dangers et leurs circonstauces attenuantes. Bull, de r/harm. ()e Lyon, 1887-8, x, 395-405. -----. Recuperation des terrains des vieux cimetieres, par amendement de leur sol, eu prevision de nouvelles sepultures. Lyon med., 1890, lxiv, 435 ; 469.— Ferret ra (T.) Os cemiterios de Lisboa, parecer apre- sentatlo & camara municipal. J. Soc. (1. sc. med. de Lisb., 1880, xliv, 290: 350. —dc Freycinet (C.) Memoire sur les sepultures console roes dans leurs rapports avec la salubrite publique. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1869, lxviii, 1027-1031. —« abba (L.) St-, i cimiteri possano esercitare un' influenza dannosa alia pubblica salute. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1882, 2. s., xv, 279-289. -----. Sull' utilita, o meno di contiuuare nell' uso di comporre i cadavcri nei colombari. trior, d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1887, ix, 12-15.—Gladstone (Isabella M.) Some facts connected with the London burial grounds. San. Rec, LontL. 1883-4, n. s., v, 575- 578. — iio*xr. Du choix du terrain pour un cimetiere. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. Compt. rend. 1882. Geneve, 1883, ii, 56-61. —Oriaaisliaw (R.) Cemeteries in their relation to the potable water supply of the city of Xew York. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1890, xxiv, 148-153.— Hampc. Ueber die Grundsatze, welche bei Friedhofs- anhiLt'eu zu beachten sind. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg.. 1881. iv, 97-106. —Hardman (L. G.) Dis- eases produced by drinking water flowing from a grave- yard; history of the case, etc. Atlanta M. Sc S. J .7 1884, n. s., i, 337.—Hesse (W.) Ueber den Kohlensauregehalt der Graberluft. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 188;- 4, i, 401-417. — Hofniann (F.) Ueber die hygieiiischen Anforderungeu an Anlage und Beuutzung der Friedhdfe. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. (iff. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg.. 1882, xiv, 11-32. Also: Deutscher Ver. f. off. Gsurtht-pflg. Ber., etc. 1881, Brnschwg., 1882, ix, 11-21. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881. xxvi, 376. — Intramural ceme- teries. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1891, 46-67.— Kolodezuikoff (V.) K voprosu o Peterburgskikb kladbishtshakh. [Concerning the St. Petersburg ceme- teries.] Vestnik sudeb. med. [etc.], St. Petersb., 1883, i, 3.sect., 1-34: ii, 3. sect., 1-43: iii, 3. sect., 61-82: iv, 3. sect., 52-76, 2 tab. — Kuiclilin^ (E.) Report on the proposed use of an abandoned eemcierv for tho erection of a school house in the village of Port Jervis, N. Y. Rep. Bd. Health Cemeteries. X. Y. 1887, Troy, 1888, 109-118. 1 diag. — Laurent & ISuissou. Rapport relatif ;\ Lagrandisseinent du cunt-. tiere de Barentin. Dep. de la Seine-Inf. Cons centr d'hyg. [etc.]. Trav. 1893, Rouen, 1891, 79-88.—I.efoi-t (J j Remarques sur l'alteration des eaux de puits par le voisi- naire des cimetieres. Union m6d., Par., 1871, 3. »., xii, 4,s|_ 480. Also, Reprint. -Lcvikoii ( F.) Rapport sui les cimetieres du Danemark, leurs conditions h.vgieniques it leur iiitiirence sur la sante publique. Cong, period, internal d. sc. med. Coiupt.-rend. 1884, Copenh.. 1886, ix. Sect, d' nt6d. pub. et d'hyg., 84-102, 1 tab.— I.a-sencr. Les cinie- tieres et l'enfouissement des cadavres int'ectieux. Ann d'hyg., Par., 1897, 3. s.. xxxvii, 39-44. —I.opes Tieii-n! Exliuniagoes e remocao de terreno de cemiterios! Coimbra med., 1896, xvi, 81-85. —Mayr (J.) Gutarli- ten iiber Erweiterung eines Friedhofes. Friedreich'.) Bl f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1897, xlviii, 312-316.— Mordret. Rapport sur le projet de translation du cimetiere de Roez6. Rap. (Jons, d'hvg. pub. de la Sartha 1875-6, Le Mans, 1877, 140-144.—."Viiovo (II) cimitt-rodi Milano a Mtisocco. Iugeguer. san., Torino, vii, 7-10.— 01-nin (H. P.) En ny kobenhavnsk Kiike^aard. [A new cemetery at Copenhagen.] Ugesl;. f. La "t i Kje. benh., 1894, 5. R., i, 1199-1204,1 map. — Petri. Sind die iiber die gesundheitswidrigen Einflusse von Ilt-griihniss- platzen bestehenden Ansichten noch event, mwieweit haltbar? Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. Berl 1891, v, 15. Abth., 126-139. -----. Gutachten, betreffeiiti deu Jungfernkirchhoff zu Havelherg. Arb. a. d. 1, Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1893, ix, 70-95, 4'maps. —Pimm. tel (A. M. de A.) Estudo critico-hygienic c> sobre os cemeterios do Kio de Janeiro. Cong, brazil, tie med. (. cirug., Rio de Jan., 1889, i, 205-281, 1 pi. — Proceed- ings in the matter of the Catholic Cemeterv at Wot Winfield, Herkimer County, N. Y. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y., Albany, 1694, xiv, pt. 1, 605-661.— Ramon Vezalde. La insalubridad de los cementerios. Siglo med., Madrid, 1881, xxviii, 449-452. — Begulamciito para os cemeterios do municipio de Lisboa. Bol. de saude e hyg. mnnicip. do Lisb., 1887. i, 22-32.—Report of ceme- tery trustees. Rep. dep. gov. city Cleveland (18SW), 1891, 591-612. — Robinet (G.) Pretcndus dangers ties cime- tieres. Rev. scient., Par., 1881, 3. s., i, 779-783. Also, transl: Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1881, xi\, (i.".7-663. — Schmid (G.) Referat iiber Friedbofs-Anlagen. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1881, vii, 261: 277. — Nmith ( H. E.) Report ou a series of monthly analyses of the water from two cemetery wells. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1889-90, Xew Haven, 1891, xiii, 277-285.— Spataro ( D.) La qtiistione dei cimiteri in Palermo. Boll. d. Soc. d'ig. di Palermo, 1887, ii, 205-238.- Tlionvenct. 35tude sur les cimetieres; des dangers qu'ils pr6seutent au point de vue de la sante publique; des conditions & exiger des emplacements destines k leur etablissement; la cremation commemesure d'hygiene applicable aux cas de mort par maladies zymotiqiius. Gaz. m6d.-chir. de Toulouse, 1884, xvi, 265; 275; 281: 1885, xvii, 10.—Torralba (J. L.) Los cementerios sou infec- ciosos. Cron. med.-quir. do la Habana, 1881, vii, 354-359. -----. Los cementerios y sus emanaciones. Ibid., 1882, viii, 323; 364.— Toulouzc (E.) Sepultures parisiennes. Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 1069-1075.—Vale- rius (A.) Quelques considerations sur l'etatacluel des cimetieres dans la province do Luxembourg. J. tie ui6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1872, lv, 273-277. Also. Re- print.— VaIlin(E.) La question des cimetieres. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1881, iii, 633-644. — Vancstc. Cimetiere de Roisendael. Rap. trav. Cons, centr. de sahib, du dep. (hi Nord 1891 Lille, 1892, 284-298, 1 pL—Vcr^ely. Etude sur les cimetieres. Union m6d. de la Girondc, Bordeaux, 1871. xvi, 238; 308. [Discussion], 267; 279. —Verricst (G.) Rapport sur le cimetiere communal de St.-Uenois. Lev. med., Louvain, 1880, v, 430-410.—Was»crfuhr. Uebci die Gesundheitsschiidlichkeit schlechter Friedhofe iu Elsass-Lothringeii; auf Giuiid anillicher Berichte. Aich. f. off. Gsiulhtspflg.. Strassb., 1880, v, 21-31.— Wiewemes. Ueber die bei der Wahl und Einrichtung von Begtiiliniss- platzen zu beriicksichtigendeii sanitaren Anforderungeu. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1881, x, 48 51— Zhivopistscflf (K.) Dezinfektsiya mogil v Novorzhevskoin uyezilic Pskovskoi gubernii. [Disinfec- tion of graves in . *. . ] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1885, xv. 4. sect., 15-23. Cemeteries (Legislation relating to). Auoxa. liegolamento di polizia mortuaria e pei fuuerali civili. 8'-\ I'arese, Lw77. Baker (T.) The inturmonts act, l*7i>. [Pub- lic health ameudmeut.] The cemeteries clauses act, 1~*47, ami compendious abstract of other in- corporated statutes. With notes and practical 8iio,'o-estions. 8C. London, [1>7(J]. Dhoitwicii Rural Sauitary District. Public health amendment act (interments). Burial CEMETERIES. 289 CEMETERIES. Cemeteries (Legislation relating to). orounds. Report to the rural sanitary author- ity of Droitwich, March 29. 18*0. by E. II. W. Swetc, medical officer of health. *°. Worcester, 18-0. Gkeat Britain. Parliament. Burial grounds. A bill to amend the law relating to burial orounds. Printed Jau. 28, 1887. fol. [London, 1887.] Great Britain. Local Government Board. Medical Department. Memorandum on the sani- tary requirements of cemeteries. Aug., 1888. fol.' London, 1888. Great Britain. Parliament. Disused burial grounds. A bill intituled Au act for preventing the erection of buildings on disused burial grounds. (Brought from the Commons 8th Aug., 1884.) fol. London, 1884. Greggio. Regolamenti di polizia mortuaria di pubblica igiene, polizia rurale e polizia ur- bana, e delle guardie campestri. 8°. Vercelli, 1879. Gussano. Regolamento di polizia mortuaria del comune di Gussano. 8°. Brescia, 1882. Massachusetts. H. R. Report of the com- mittee ou the judiciary, to whom was referred tho petition of the Massachusetts Historical Society for additional legislation for the better protection of aucient burial grounds. [AVith the act for the preservation of ancient grounds.] No. 20. Jan. 23,1880. 8:. [Boston, 18*0.] -----. The same. An act for the preserva- tion of ancient burial grounds. No. 33. Jan. 26, 1*80. 8°. [Boston, 1*8".] Mornese. Regolamento di polizia mortua- ria del comune di Mornese. 12°. Novi, 1884. Piacenza. Progetto di nuovo regolamento pel servizio funebre e pel cimitero. 8°. Pia- cenza, 1886. Questione (La) del regolamento pel cimi- tero urbano fra S. E. Rev.ma Monsignore Arci- vescovo e il comune di Lucca. 8°. L,ucca, 1886. Quistello. Regolamento di polizia mortu- aria del comune di Quistello. 8?. Mandtova, 1885. Regolamento del cimitero urbano appro- vato dal consiglio comunale il 18 gennaio 1886 dalla deputazioue provinciale il 24 febbraio snecessivo e sanziouato dal ministero dell' in- teruo il 29 marzo dello stesso anno. *~. Lucca, 1886. United States. [Public—No. 147.] Au act to prohibit the interment of bodies in Grace- land Cemetery, in the District of Columbia. Approved, Aug. 3, 1894. 8°. [ Washington. 1894.] United States. Congress. An act for the regulation of cemeteries and the disposal of dead bodies in the District of Columbia. 55. Cong., 1. sess. 8.467. In H. R. May 20, 1897. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] -----. An act for the regulation of ceme- teries and the disposal of dead bodies in the District of Columbia. 54. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9099. In S. Jan. 26, 1897. rov. H-. [Washing- ton, 1897.] -----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Gallinger, Feb. 15, 1897. roy. 8. [ Washington, 1897.] ------. An act to amend section 4878 of the Revised Statutes relating to burials in national cemeteries. 54. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 8443. In 8. June 11, 1896. Rep. by Mr. Hawley, Feb. 11 1897. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1897.] United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. Congressional Cemetery. Report. [To accompany H. R. 11436. Granting parts of certain streets in Washington City to the vestry of Washington Parish, for the use of the 19 Cemeteries (Legislation relating to). Congressional Cemetery.] 51. Cong., 2. sess H. R. Rep. No. 3645. Subm. by Mr. Ellis, Jan 31, 1891. 8-. [ Washington, 1891.] -----. A bill relating to cemeteries iu the District of Columbia. 52. Cong., 1. sess H R 7086. March 10, 1*92. Introd. by Mr. Hau»em roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill to prohibit the interment of bodies in Graceland Cemetery, District of Co- lumbia. 52. Cong., 2. sess. II. R. 9*74. Dec. 14, 1892. Ini rod. by Mr. Hemphill. roy. * . [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill granting the right to sell bur- ial sites in parts of certain streets in Washing- ton City to the vestry of Washington Parish for tlie benefit of the Congressional Cemetery. 53. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 223. Sept, 6, 1893. Introd. by Mr. Breckinridge, roy. 8°. [Wash- ingtou, 1893.] -----. The same. 53. Cong., 2 sess. Re- ported, July 9, 1894. roy. 8\ [Washington, 1894.] -----. Right to sell burial sites in certain streets in Washington City. Report. [To ac- company H. R. 223.] 53. Cong., 2. sess. IT. R. Rep. No. 1214. June 9, 1894. Subm. by Mr. Heard. 8. [ Washington,,1894.] -----. A bill to prohibit the interment of bodies in Graceland Cemetery, District of Co- lumbia, 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 5897. Feb. 20, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Post. roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1*94.] -----. The same. H. R. 6915. April 20, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Post. roy. 8C. [ Wash- ington, 1894.] -----. The same. Graceland Cemetery. Re- port. [To accompany H. R. (1915. To prohibit the interment of bodies in Graceland Cemetery, in the District of Columbia.] 53. Cong., 2. sess H. R. Rep. No. 1293. July 23, 1894. Subm. by Mr. Post, 8". [Washington, 1894.] -----. A bill for the regulation of ceme- teries and the disposal of dead bodies in the District of Columbia. 54. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9099. May 20, 1896. Introd. by Mr. Babcock. Rep. with an amendment, Jan. 15, 1897. roy. *>. [Washington, 1897.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to amend an act incorporating the proprietors of Prospect Hill Cemeterv, approved June 13, , 1860. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1187. Jan. 21, 18*6. Introd. by Mr. Ingalls. 8°. [ Washington, 18*6.] -----. A bill relating to cemeteries in the District of Columbia. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2627. March 18, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Faulkner, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1*92.] -----. Report. [To accompany S. 2627. Re- lating to cemeteries in tlie District of Colum- bia. Adverse report.] 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. Rep. No. 789. Subm. by Mr. Faulkner, June 7, 1892. 8°. [Washington, 1*92.] -----. A bill to prohibit the interment of bodies in Graceland Cemetery, in the District of Columbia. 52. Cong., 2. sess. S. 3548. Dec. 14, 1892. Introd. by. Mr. Gallinger. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1*92.] ----—. The same. A bill to prohibit the interment of bodies in Graceland Cemetery, in the District of Columbia. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1766. March 13, 1*94. Introd. by AI. Gal- linger. roy. 8 . [ Washington, 1894.] -----. The same. Report, [To accompany S. 2245. Relating to the Graceland Cemetery, District of Columbia.] 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. Rep. No. 566. July 2:5, 1894. Subm. by Mr. i Gallinger. *°. [ Washington, 1*94.] CEMETERIES. 290 CENSUS. Cemeteries (Legislation relating to). -----. A bill to prohibit the interment of. bodies in Graceland Cemetery, in the District of Columbia. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. 2245. Julv 25, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Gallinger. roy. 86. [Washington, 1894.] -----. A bill granting the right to sell bur- ial sites in parts of certain streets in Washing- ton City to the vestry of Washington Parish for the benefit of the Congressional Cemetery. 53. Cong., 3. sess. S. 2468. Dec. 20, 1894. In- trod. by Mr. Blackburn, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1*94.] ' -----. A bill for the regulation of ceme- teries aud the disposal of dead bodies in the District of Columbia. 55. Cong., 1. sess. S. 467. March 18, 1*97. Introd. by Mr. Gallinger. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] -----. The same. Introd. by Mr. Gallinger, and rep. bv him May 13,1897. roy. 8C. [ Wash- ington, 1897.] Vernante. Regolamento di polizia mortuaria nel comune di Vernante. 12°. Cuneo, 1**4. Victoria, Australia, An act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to cemeteries. No. cci. [April 20, 1864.] fol. [Melbourne, 1864.] Knby. Die hygieniachon Anforderungen an Anlage nnd Bt-nutzuiig der Begrabnissplatze, mit besonderer Be- riieksiehtisningtier baverischen Gesetzgebung. Deutsche Vitljstlir. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1882, xiv, 462- 4>u.— Model bye laws for cemeteries; a circular from the Local liovornment Board. Local Gov. Chron., Lond., 1881, 151.—Ordinamento dei ceiueteri. Bull, d Com. spec. d'ig. d. municip. di Roma, 1881, ii, 1-S.—Kct;l;ci higieni- cas que deben observarse en la construction tb- cemente- rios y los enterramientos de cadiivcrcs; ministerio de la gobe'rnarion. Pabellon mod.. Madrid, 1872, xii, 105-107.— Rilev (H. A.) Laws relating to cemeteries and burial. Therap. ("iaz., Detroit, 1880. 3.'s..ii. 157-160. -----. Legal tenure of cemetery property. Ibid.. :i7(i-37S.—Nilcsia. Zirkular von dem Konigl. Maliriseli-Sc.hlesi.sclien Gubi-r- nitiin, betreffend die Einricbtuiig tier Gottesiicker, aussor den Ortschaften, und Begrabungsart der Vt-rstorbciien. N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Pol., Stendal, 1785, i. 309-312. Cemetery of Mount Auburn. Annual reports of the trustees, together with the reports of the treasurer and superintendent. 40., 1871; 54., 1885; 56., 18*7; 58.-62., 1889-93. 8-'. Boston, 1872-94. Cenas (L.) [1858- ]. "Recherches sur la capacitd des oreillettes dans quelques maladies chroniques. 1 p. 1., 68 pp. 43. Lyon, 1884, No. 212. Ceneselli. [Finzi (G.)] La miseria e le malattie nel comune di Ceneselli. Relazione sanitaria. Ot- tobre 1885. 4 ;. Mantova, 18*5. Ceili (Carlo). Sulla resistenza degli elementi giovani del sistema nervoso all' azione del veleno difterico. Nota preventive.. 7 pp. 8°. Pavia, frat. Fit si. 1896. Repr. from: Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1896. -----. Gli eti'etti della tossina difterica sugli elementi istologici del sistema nervoso. Com- municazione fatta alia Societa medico-chirurgica di Pavia il 1* gennaio 1896. Studio anatomico e sperimentale. 23 pp. 8°. Pavia, frat. Fusi, 1896. Ceil ui intorno all' indole ed a] trattamento del tifo annuale. 14 pp. 8-. [Venezia, F. Andre- ola, 1*17.] Ceimi storici sopra la peste di Venezia del 1630- 31. .See F. [iu 1. s.]. Ceillii storico-terapeutici intorno 1' acqua mine- rale nel comune di Castelcucco, distretto di Asolo, provincia di Treviso, pubblicati per cura della locale deputazione. 16 pp. 8C. Bassano, Roberti, 1853. Censier (Jules-Kilmond) [1854- ]. "Centri- bution a 1'etude de 1'ectopie testiculaire en re- tour. [Paris.] 58 pp. 4J. Toulouse, !>,-<» No. 2*8. -----. Bagnoles-de-l'Orne. Reiiseigneinents n,;. n6raux et therapeutiques. 15 jqi. 8°. ('/"•,- mont (Oise), Daix freres, 1*94. Ceil§nra de Hippoeratis operibus. See [Mer- curialis (Hieronymus)]. Census. See, also, Statistics (Medical); Statistics (Vital); and under names of countries. Cheshire (E.) The results of the census of Great Britain hi 1*51 ; with a description of the machinery aud processes employed to obtain the returns. Also an appendix. 4. thousand, tt1. London, 1853. -----. The results of the census of Great Britain in 1851. Also, an appendix of tables of reference. 9. thousand. Revised. 8 . London 1854. -----. The same. 16. thousand. h'evi.sed. 8°. London, 1*54. -----. The same. 19. thousand. Revised, 8°. London, 1*54. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Census (England and Wales). A bill for taking the census of En "land and Wales. July 17, 1890. fol. London, 1*90. -----. Census (.Scotland). A bill for taking the census of Scotland. July 17, 1890. fol. London, 1890. -----. Census (Ireland). A bill for taking the census of Ireland. July 17, 1890. fol. Lon- don, 1*9H. Jarvis (E.) Communications concerning the Ninth Census of the United States. 8,J. [u. p., 1869.] Korosi ( J. ) Projet d'un recensemeut du monde. Etude de statistique iuternationale, *°. Paris, 1881. Massachusetts. Census of Massachusetts, 1885. [ Collection of blank forms, approved March 18 to Sept. 1,1885. ] v. s. [Boston, 1 *>n>.] United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. Permanent census bureau. Report [to accompany Misc. Doc. 184, to properly in- vestigate and report upon the subject of a per- manent census bureau]. 52. Cong., 1. sess., H. R. Rep. No. 106<. Subm. by Mr. Wilcox, April 12, L-92. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. Investigation of the Census Bureau. Report [ to accompany Misc. Doc. 32*]. 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. "Rep. No. 1933. July 16, 1892. Subm. bv Mr. Fithian. 8\ [Washing- ton, 1*92.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to provide for the taking of a special census of the United States. 52. Cong., 1. sess. 8. 670, Dec. 14, 1891. Introd. by Mr. Peffer. rov. 8" [Washington, 1*91.] -----. A bill to establish a permanent census office, and to provide for the twelfth and subse- quent censuses. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 690. Dec. 14, 1891. Introd. bv Mr. Hale. roy. 8G. [Washington, 1891.] United -States. Department of the Interior. A permanent census bureau. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report of the Superintendent of the Census, together with the draft of a bill, iu response to Senate resolution of Feb. 16, 1*91. 52. Cong., 1. sess., S. Ex. Doc. No. 1. Dec.*, 1*91. 8°. Washimj- ton, 1891. -----. Letter from the Secretary of the In- terior, transmitting a report of the examination and review of the Census Office. 52. Cong • CENSUS. 291 CENTRAL. >iimi*. "l. Sess. S. Ex. Doc. No. 69. April 4, 1892. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] Valuer. Considerations sur le census ame- rica'in de 1*90. roy. 8C. Nancy, 1891. Repr. from: J. Soc. de statistique de Par., 1891. Walker (F. A.) Some results of the census of 1870. Read before the American Social Sci- ence Association, at the eighth general meetiug, in Boston, May 15, 1873. 8-\ Cambridge, Mass., 1873. Repr. from: Journal of Transactions, No. v. Baincs (J. A.) The administration of the imperial ceustis of 1891 in India. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1891-2, xl, 717-733. — Bertillon (J.) Sur une statistique iuterna- tionale du recensenient de la population. Bull, de l'lnst. iiiteruat. de statist., Kome, 1895, viii, 300-304. — Brut-li. Ueher die Bedeutung der Tolkszahlung vom hygienischeu St'imlpuukt. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 187;>. Bresl.. 1870. liii. 219.—Chad wick (E.) Xote sur les recenseruents de la population. Cong. gen. de sta- tist., Brux., 18,")3,i, 180-181'.—Clierviii (A) Memoire de la commission consultative pour h- denomhrement de la population. Ann. de demog. internat.. I'ar., 1880, iv, 323- 368. — Hooker (R. H.) Modes of census-taking iu the British Dominions. J. Koy. Statist. Soc, Lond.. 1894, lvii, 298-:>08.7 tab.—Jarvis t. K..i Some suggestions for further inanity as to the vital statistics in the census enumera- tions ' hep. Proc. Internat. Statist, Cong.. Lond., 18G0, iv, 497-4(19. — liOiigstaff (G.B.) Suggestions for the census of 1891. J. Rov. Statist, Soc. Lond.. 1889, Iii, 43C-4G7. AUn [Abstr.l: Pub. Health. LontL, 1889-90, ii, 140-148.— tli I lord (H. B.) Outrageous questions in taking the census. Metl. Rec, N. T..' 181)0. xxxvii, 570.—Aciaou (F. G. P.) On a method recently proposed for conducting in- quiries into the comparative sanitary condition of various districts, with illustrations, derived from numerous places in Great Britain at the period of tbe last census. J. Sta- tist. Soc. Lond., 1844, vii, 40-08. — Pritchett (IT. S.) A formula for predicting the population of tbe United States. Tr. Acad. Sc St. Louis (1880-91), 1892, v, 599-608. Also: Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1890-91, n. a., ii, 278-286.— Rccmscmciitg gt'-neiaux de la population; donnees k rei-ueillir: mode d'opt-rer. Cong. gen. de statist., Brux., 1853. i, 106-142. — Receiisemeiit (Le) de la population fiiincaiseen 1881. Rev. scient., Par., 1881, 3. s., ii, 300-365.— Registration (Tin) of diseases in census returns. Bos- ton M. ,t S. J.. 1878 xcix, 602.—Report to the council of the Statistical Society of London, from the committee ap- pointed to consider tiie best mode of taking the census of the United Kingdom in 1841; adopted in council April 8. 1840. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1840, iii, 72-102.—Haiyanl (W. L.) Inconsistencies of the English census of b-til. | with the registrar-general's reports, and deficiencies in I tin- local registry of births. Ibid., 1865, xxviii. 73-124.— I Uniformity (The) of the census of Australasia in ls91. J. hoy. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1890, liii, 309-323.—IT. .«*. (The) Census Office. Science, Cambridge, 1884, iii. 718. — Vnr- rentrap (A.) Note sur le mode de recensement de la population dan3 les etats appartenant a l'union douaniere de 1'Alleniagne. Conn.gen.de statist., Brux., 1853, i, 179.— Walker (F. A.) The Eleventh Census of the United States Quart. J. Ecouom.. Bost., 1887-8, ii, 135-161. — Whittle (E.) The census of 1881. Proc. Lit, A- Phil. Soc. Liverp., 1882-3, xxxvii, 99-107. — Wilbur (C. L.) How the establishment of a permanent census bureau will improve the vital statistics of the United States. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1807, xxviii, 148-150. Also, Reprint. — WyaiNErigell (E.) Remarks on the plan adopted for taking the census in 1841, with suggestions for its im- provement. J. Statist. Soc Lond., 1849, xii, 71-77. Centaur (The), a journal of English and foreign medical veterinary science, and agriculturalists', sporunau's, ami naturalists' register. [Weekly. J Nos. 1-7, Dec. 3, 1836, to Jan. 4, 1837. 56 pp. 4°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert $ Piper. ten tan re «*i. See, also, Carduus. M£hu(C.) *Kecherches pour servir a l'his- toire chimique et pharmaceutique de la petite centauree. 4°. Paris, 1862. Mehn (C.) Recherche de 1'erythro-centaurine dans le canchalagua (Ervtlirsea chilensisj. Bull. gen. de the-rap. [etc.]. Par., 1870, Ixxviii, 409-412.—Ruiz (H.) Memoria Bobre la canchalagua, su diferencia respecto de la centaura nicnor, y sobre el comercio que se hace de ella en el Peru y Chile. Mem. r. Acad. med. de Madrid, 1787, i, 393-404. Centazzi (Guilherme). Consideracoes geraes sobre os exercicios gymnasticos, e as vantagens Centazzi (Guilherme)—continued. que delles resultfio. 47 pp. 8°. Lisboa, A. S. Coelho e Ca., 1836. [P., v. 1260.] -----. Hygiene, e medicina popular. v. 1. 312 pp. 8°. Lisboa, A. J. da Rocha, 1841. Ceiltenaire de M. Chevrenl, 31 aoftt 1886. Discoms prononecs au Muse"uni (l'histoire natu- relle. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, Gautltier-Villars. 1886. Centenarian*. See Longevity. Centipede. See Bites (Poisonous, etc.). [Centoilio (Luigi).] Cenni sulla difteria curata coi solliti. Memoria letta il 20 maggio 1869 ad una adunauza del comitato medico Vicentiuo. 10:> pp. 8°. Vizenza, G. Burato, 1869. Centorio iei*ter (A. G.) The precipitation of tubercle bacilli bv centrifugal force. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 303.—von Jakseli (R.) TJeber die klinische Verweudbarkeit vou Stenbock's Sedimenta- tor. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xvi, 210. — Ijitteu. Die Centrifuge im Dienste der klinischen Medicin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1891, xvii, 749-752. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1891-2,-xi, 16- 29.—Pnrdy (C. W.) TJtilitv and recent developments in centrifugal methods. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiv, 801-805.— Nondcrs (F. E.) The value of the centrifugal apparatus for diagnostic purposes. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 218- 220. Century (A) of enterprise. Description of the establishment of the manufacturing chemists John Richardson & Co., Leicester, Limited. 40 pp., 24 pi. in pagination. 4°. [Leicester, 189:5.] CeolttO (Benedictus). *De febri lenta nervosa. 16 pp. 8°. Patavii, typ. Seminarii, 1840. Cephalantliine. Mohrberg ( C. ) * Chemisch - pharmakolo- gische Untersuehung des Cephalanthins. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. Also [Abstr.]. in: Arb. d. pharmakol. Inst, zu Dorpat, Stuttg., 1892, viii, 20-50. Ceplialliaeaiiatoma. Duncan (J. M.) On the caput succedaueum, the presentation, and their relations in cases where the head comes first. 8°. Edinburgh, 1861. Hamon ( L. ) * Contribution a l'etude du cepbahematome. 4°. Paris, 1887. Harmuth (C.) * Cephalhematoma neonato- rum. 8°. Jena, 1889. Kokxbiajm ( H.) *Zur Aetiologie und The- rapie des Cephalaematoms Neugeborener. 8°. Breslau, 1878. Kkaushaar (E. C. A. R.) * Ueber die Kopf- blutgeschwulst der Neugeborenen. 8°. Mar- burg, [1855]. Lacouk (O.-B.) * Considerations sur le ce"- phalsematome. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870. Marteixiere (D. ) * De la bosse sero-sau- guine. 4°. Paris, 1879. -----. The same. 8'-. Paris, 1879. Morain (E.) * Du cephalcematome chez le nouveau-ne", et en particulier dc son 6tiologie. 4°. Paris, 1888. Strewe (J.) * De cephalaunatomate. 8C. Gissai, [1828]. Ti.MMKit.MANiN (J. C. G.) * Ueber die Kopf- blutgeschwulst der Neugeborenen. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. VOX WlLLEBRAND (G. W.) * Om Ceplllllie- matom hos nyfodda barn. 8°. Helsingfors, 1862. Zabala y Hermoso (L.) * Etude sur le ee- phaheinatome. 4°. Paris, 1883. A iiggct. Note sur un cas de ceplialaunatome. France m6d., Par., 1892, xxxix. 625. — Barone (A.) Doppio cefaloematoma iu parto tisiologico ; considerazioni etiolo- giche e curative. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1118- CEPHALHEMATOMA. 294 CEPHALOPODA. 4 t'ph.i Gil a* m :it 0111:1. 1121.—Baxtaki (T.j Uu caz interessantdecefalematom. Spitalul, Buciiresii. 1886, vi. 417-427. Also, transl. [Ab- str.]: Arch, rouni. de med. et chir., Par.. 1887, i, 42-44. -----. Double cephaleinatome. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1887. i, 287-291.— Kvkai (J.) Adah'k a t'ej- verdag "(kephalhseniatoina) niegisnicresehez es orvosl&sii- hoz. [Diagnosis and treatment of . . . ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1858, ii, 449; 405; 481. — Bonehut. Cephale- niatome trauinatique tin frontal; osteite; mort par me ningite const'-cutive. Paris med., 1883, viii, 145-147.— Cotti-clle. Cephahematonie. Gaz. med. de Pieardie. Amiens, 1892, x, 359. Also: Gaz. d. bop. de Toulouse, 1893, vii, 27. — Dcpaul. Cephaleinatome double sur le meme parietal. J. d. sages f'emmes, Par., 1882. ix. 377. Also: Medecin prat., Par., 1882, ii, 611. Descroizillcs. Note snr un cas de cephahematonie. Kev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1883, i. 88-93. ----. D'un cas tie cephale- matonie. France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1785- 1789. — Earle (C. W.) Cephalematoma of tbe new-born. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 549. Also, Reprint.—French (P.) Treatment of congenital cephaleniatoina bv aspiration. Arch. Pediat., Jersey Oily, 1884, i, 129-134.—Ciiarre (C.) Due casi di cefaloematoma spontaueo. Atti d. Cong. pediat. ital. 1890, Napoli. 1891, 212-216. —«osselin (L.) Du cephaleinatome tardif, explique par une osteite rare- flante du parietal. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1882, cl, 513- 526.—Heady (J. F.) Case of cephalhematoma. Am. J. Obst, N". V., 1897, xxxvi, 370-:!72. Also: Cincin. Lancet- Clinic. .1897. n. s., xxxix, 207-2(19. —Hernandez Briz (B.) TJn cast) tb- eef'alomatonia. Arch, tie med. v cirug. de 1. ninos, Madrid, 1889, v, 37-40. —Hcydecker (H. K.) A. case of double cephalhematoma, with imperfect ossifi- cation of the cranial bones. Am. J. Obst.. N. V., 1891, xxiv, 734-730.—Hirst (15. C.) A case of bilateral cepha- lhematoma. I'uiv. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 83.— II11 be 1- (F.) Ossified cephalhematoma. Tr. Am. Pe- diat. Soc, N. Y.. 1895, vii, 118-120. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1895, xii, (189-691. —Huter (C.) Zur Entstehnng des Kephalbetuatoma externum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 41-43.—[Hiiter (K. ('. H.)| Kopfgeschwulst der Neugeborenen. Encyclopiid. Wtirtorb., 8°, Berl., 1839, xx, 266-357.— Iiijjei-Moll (Ellen A.) A case of cephalhematoma, occurring in a transverse presentation. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago, 1884, xxxiv, 187-189.— Keating (J. M.) < Cephalhematoma; bronchitis in chil- dren. Arcb. Pediat., Phila., 1885, ii, 11-20.—Kelly (H. A.) < Yphiilhiematomu: a case of sub-pericraninl blood- tumor in the newborn child. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 229-231. -----. Cephalhematoma verum externum; Biibpericranial blood-tumor of the newborn. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soe., Phila., 1890, xv, 189-269. Also, Reprint,— Hrowii ( T. W.) Cephalhematoma with cerebral hem- orrhage. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 461.—Knies- ling. Einige Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen iiber die Kopfhlutu'oschwulst der Neugeborenen. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Her/.ogfh. Nassau, Wiesb., Hft. 1, 166-173. — L.a- marque (H.) C6phal6matome chez un enfant de trois ans. J. de ined. de Bordeaux, 1897, xxvii, 98.—Lcfour. TJn cas de cephaloematome double avec e-panchenient san- guin sotis-epicrdnien. Gaz. liebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 433-437.-McK.ee (E. S.) Cephalhematoma. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1883, n. s., xi, 317-324.-----In- tracranial cephalhematoma. Med. Iiec, N. Y., 1885 xxviii, 342-344. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Sc Surg. Repoiter, Phila., 1885, liii, 715-717. -----. Cephalhematoma. Bef. Handb. Med. Sc, N. Y., 1886, ii, 20-22. Also: Nashville J.'M.'fc S., 1886, n. s., xxxvii, 53-59. -----. Cephalhema- toma, Med. Beg., Phila., 1888, iii, 417; 439.—ITIaybet i-y (C. B.) Self-inflicted injury in a case of chronic mania, followed by a cephalhematoma; facial erysipelas; incision into the blood tumor and a lucid interval. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1894, xxi, 298-300.—ITIertteim (J.) Zur Aetiologie des Cephalhematoma neonatorum. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1892, xxiv, 215-224.—.Tli- gnot [P.] Cas de cephalhematoma, & la fois interne et ex- terne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 191.- JTlignot [fils]. Observation de ce.phalemat6me accident el chez uu enfant de treize aus. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. C.-r., Par., 1881, xxxv, 56-58.—.Vlonnier (L.) Fluorinecephale- niatome situe. sous le cuir chevelu; hemophilic. Bev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1884, ii, 124-120.—IWclinyen (N. V.) K voprosu o krovyanol opukholi golovi novorozh- deunikh. [Contribution on cephalhematoma of the new- born.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1888, ii, 411-420. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1888, xl, 321 -323. — Oui. TJn cas do cephalcema- tome triple. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1891, xviii. 721-728.—Patton (F. H.) Aspiration of ceph- alhematoma. Med. Sc Surg. Keporter, Phila., 1888, lix. 774— Peyraiid. De l'emploi du collodion iode dans le cephahematonie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1879, 339.—Pinard. Cephaleinatome. J. d. sages-feinmes, Par., 1887, xv, 289.—Pnglialli (R.) Un caso di cefaloematoma doppio; etiologia sopra un saggio clinico sperimentale. Gior. di clin. e terap., Messina, 1884, iii. 241-281.—Ra 111 a Iters. Note sur un cas de cephale- matome. Algermed., 1886, xiv, 211.—RimgeiG.) Cepha- Ceplialliaeiiiatoma. lematoma neonatorum s tochki zrleniva etioloirii Ri».b Med., St. Petersb., 1880, iv, 519; 536; 553. Also tranii [ Abstr.): Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 188(i, x,' 7(i'> J Sealzi ( F. ) Del periciaiiematoma; riepilogo, 'annuta zioni ed una storia del medesiuio. Gior. med di Ilnnm 1800, ii, 484-495.-Nchneider (A.) Feber einen ben'er kenswerthen Fall von Kephalohaematoin. Pra.r nu,.i Wchnschr., 1889, xiv, 405-407.—Ncydeler (C.) Ei'„ /„ j von Kepbalhamatom nach Querlage. Prakt. Arzt \\\'\7. lar, 1892, xxxiii, 25.—Stcinbriick. Thoina ii iter die Kopfblutgeschwulst, Kcphalamatoma, neugohoriur Kin der. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Winnemlen 1872-3, xxv, 255-264.—Tordeii* (t.) Cephaleinalmne chez un enfant de dix-sept mois. J. do nied.. chir et Pharmacol., Brux., 1882, lxxv, 523-525. Also: \rrli de tocol., Par., 1883, x, 337-340.—Treves (F.) A case of cephalhematoma with extensive ossification of tin- 1 \Ht wall. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888, xxi, 22-25. — Walker (O. D.) Cephalha-matoiiia. Kansas M. J., Topeka l(-i)') iv, 605-6U7. Also: Med. Sc Stirg. Reporter, Phila 1892 lxvi, 732-734.—Ward (S. M.) Cephalhematoma of the new-born. Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1890, lxii 546- 549. — Withrow (J. M. ) Cephalhematoma. Am. J Obst.. N. Y., 1893, xxvii, 720-728.—Zinnia (A.) Sulla guarigione spontanea del cefaloematoma epicranico con 0 senza 1' aiuto delle applicazioni aromatiehe. [Transl 1 Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1889, vii, 282. Cephalhyoc. de biol., Tar., 1893, 9. a., v. 244- 246.—Pelscnecr (P.) Sur la valeur morphologique des bras et la composition du systeme nerveux central des cephalopodes. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1888, viii, 723-750, 2 pi.—Phiaalix (C.) Recherches physiologiques snr leu clironiatophores des cephalopodes. Arch, de physiol. nonn. et path., Par., 1892, 5. s., iv, 209-224. -----. Structure ft d6veloppement des clironiatophores cbez les cephalopodes. Ibid., 445-456, 1 pi. -----. Note sur les chroma!ophorea des cephalopodes; reponse k M. Joubin. Compt Soc. de biol., Par., 1892,9. 8., iv, 442-447. nd. Nouvelles CEPHALOPODA. 295 CEPPA. Cephalopoda. recherches sur les clironiatophores des cephalopodes; centres inhibitoires du mouvenient des taches pignien- taires. Arch, dc physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1894. 5. s., vi 92-100.—Pilliet (A.-H.) Note sur le cartilage ee- phalique du poulpe vulgaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Tar., 1893, lxviii,419-452.—von Uexkiill (J.) Physiologische rutersuchungen an Eledone moschata. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1891-2, n. F., x, 550 : 1893-4, n. F., xii, v79._l'snow (M.) Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicke- luii" der Cephalopoden. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1881, ii, 553-3)35,2 pi.— Wntase (S.) Observations on the de- velopment of cephalopods; homology of the germ layers. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1887-8. iv. 163-183 2 pi. -----• Studies on cephalopods. J. Mor- phol., Bost, 1890-91, iv. 217-302, 4 pi. Ceplialotaxu*. C'ornevin (C.) Recherches sur la v6n6nosit6 des cephalotaxes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1891, 9. s., iii o94-°90. Also: J. de iue.d. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1891, 3. s" xvi, 233-235. Ceplialotoiue. See Craniotomy. Cephalotribe and cephalotripsy. Chiara ( D. ) Osservazioiie di cefalotrissi per difetto grave alia couiugata sacro-pubica. sru. 4°. Torino, 1867. Bolkwski (M.) * Dc perforatione et cepha- lotripsia. T]. Boxxkl (E.) *Le omphalotribe; son histoire, ses modifications diverses depuis son origiue; le nouveau cephalotribe de M. le professeur Pajot. 4°. Paris, 1886. Gigox (E\) *Des indications de la basiotrip- sie. 4C. Paris, 1893. Heinen (J.) 'Kephalotribe und Kranio- klast. S-. Wiirzburg, 1882. Hennig (C.) Perforation nnd Kephalothrvp- sis gegeueiuauder gehalten. ^c. Leipzig, 1*^7>. Hubner (C. A.) *Beschreibuug zweier par- tiell kiudlicher Becken bei Erwachsenen bei weichen die Kephalothlasis nothig vrurde. 4°. Marburg, [187)6.] Hueter (C.) *Geschichtliche Beitrage zur Lehre von der Kepbalotripsie undden Kephalo- tribeu. 8-. Marburg, l<-.">y. Lehmaxx ( L. ) Bijdrage tot de kephalo- thrypsie. 8°. [Amsterdam, 18~>2.] Rawitzki (M.) * Ueber die Kepbalotbrypsie nach vorausgeschickter Perforation mit beson- derer Beriicksichtiguiig des neuen Martinschen Kephalothr.vptor. 8°. Berlin, [1*71]. Rendu. A propos d'un cas d'obste'trique com- munique a la Sociote me"dicale des b6pitaux. &>. Paris, [1883]. Rintel (G.) *De cepbalotripsia ratione in- primis babita cepbalotriptoris Baudelocquiani. 12°. Berolini, [1*40]. Wuillomexet (J.-E.) * De Involution et de l'adaptation de la tete daus les applications de cephalotribes. 4\ Lyon, 18>0. Albareda Baylina (J.) Cefalotripsia, sus indica- ciones v sus procetlimientos. Au. de obst. ginepat. v pediat/Matlrid. 1880. 2. ep., vi, 77; 97; 129; 101: 193: 225 257; 289. — Auger (L.-L.) Basiotripsie. (iaz. med. tie Montreal, 1891, v, 9-10. — Baart de la Faille (J.) Strictura uteri, vernaauwiug van den bekkeningang, kepbalotripsie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- eu Verlosk., Utrecht, 1859-60, x. 559-585. Also, Reprint. — Balieng- hieu (A.) Quelques considerations sur la c6phalotripsie et l'application de forceps tete derniere. J. d. sc. m6d.de Lille, 1890, ii, 444-448.—Bar. Presentation d'instruineut; basiotribe. Bull. Soc. tic med. prat, de Par., 1889,54-58.— Berlin. Note sur un cas de cephalotripsie necessitee par un r6trecissement du detroit superieur du bassin k sept centimetres dans un accouchement k terme. Niee- med., 1887-8, xii, 113-117. — Calderiui (G.) Per la ria- bilitazione del cefalotribo italiano nelle stenosi pelviche gravi. Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1882, n. s., iv, 1171-1197. — tastelain (F.) De la cephalotripsie tete derniere et de ses avantages dans les r6tr6cissements moyens du bassin. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1881, viii, 449- 462.—Charlem (N.) Primipare a terme; hassin re.tre.ci, mesurant 7* centimetres dans son diametre sacro-pubien ; presentation du sonnnet en O. I. G. A. avec procidence dn cordon; sciage du cr&ne et extraction au moyen du cepha- Ceplialotl'ibe and cephalotripsy. lotribe: suites de couches marquees par une metrite le- gere. J. d'accouch. de Liege, 1880, i, 221. Also : J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1880-81, ix, 219. -----. Secondipare a terme.; bassin legerenient r6tr6ci; presentation de la face en mento - iliaque gauche; applications infructueuses du forceps ;_ perforation etc6phalotripsie; hour-glass rendaut lextraetioii et la version impossibles; terminaison au moyen du crochet mousse introduit dans le crime; de- livrance artificielle; gu6rison; reflexions. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1882, iii, 241-243.-----. Primipare & terme ; bassin de 7 centimetres : presentation du sonnnet avec procidence du cordon; application infriicttieuse du forceps, en ville; perforation et cephalotripsie; gii6rison. Ibid., 1885, vi, 269-271. -----. Tortipare it terme: hassin de 6 centime- tres ; presentation deviee du sommet; perforation et cephalotripsie; suites de couches absolument normales. Ibid.. 1886, vii, 169.—<'on*tni< lion (The) of the cepha- lotribe. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 123-125.— ('(Million. Bassin vicie; retrecisseinent de cinq centi- metres et demi; cephalotripsie repcteo; guerison en hnit jours. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 271-273.—Fonrnier (A.) Accouchement chez une multipare dans un cas de retrecisseinent du bassin ; cephalotripsie apre,s applica- tions infructueuses de forceps ; endometrite gangreneuse avec elimination d'escharre uterine ; accidents septicemi- ques ; lavages intrauterins antiseptiques; guerison. .f.d. sc.med.de Lille, 1881,iii,531-540.—Franeais. Cephalo- tripsie sur un fcotus hydrocephale. J. de med. de Lyon, 1807, viii, 144-149. — Frickhocffer. Perforation; Ke- pbalotripsie. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv. 166-108.— Hainon (tie Fresnay) (L.) Etudes d'obstetrique jirati- que; du forceps cephalotribe et de ses applications prati- ques. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Unix.. 1886, lxxxii, 139; 210; 207: 324; 394; 440; 581; 639. -----. Sur un cas grave d'hemorrhagie utero-placentaire, ayant necessite la cephalotripsie; heureux resultat pour la mere. Paris m6d.. 1887, xii, 253-255.—von IIerff(0.) Kepbalotripsie oder Kranioklasie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 958. — Hernandez IVIcderos (C.) Baciotripcia; exito operatorio; resultado terapeutico, iunesto. Cron. nieth- quir. de la Habana, 1880, xii. 7-17. — Hubert (E.) Le cephalotribe bigame, de M. le Dr Lebon. [Bap.] Bev. med., Louvain, 1889, viii, 403-406. — Jakins (W. V.) A case of cephalotripsy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 30(1. — Jenning* (C. E.) New cephalotribe. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1882), 1883, xxiv, 238. -----. 'Cepha- lotripsy. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii. 231.—Kidd (G. H.) Ob- servations on the construction of tbe cephalotribe. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1807, ii, 335-337. Also, Reprint.—La Torre (F.) Basiotripsia per stenosi pelvica fed una nuova nia- novra. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1892, xiv, 785-789.—I,e- bean. Primipare a, terme; hassin retreci; presentation de a face; applications infructueusesldu forceps; perforation et cephalotripsie; suites de couches heureuses. J. d'ac- couch., Liege, 1884, v, 45. — Hajjimw. Perloration af et hydrocefalisk hoved gennem rygmarvskanalen. [ Per- foration of hydrocephalic head.] Gynaek. og obst, Metld., Kjobenh., 1878, ii, 1; 38. — Nyrop (J. E.) Et nyt Instru- ment: tire tete og Peiforatorium. Ibid., i, 3; 65.—Pa- cifico Pereira(A.) Casos de cepbalotripsia repetida sem traccoes e de eranioelasia. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1882-3, 2. s.,vii, i-6.—Pajot (C.) Cephalotripsie. In his: Trav. d'obst. et de gynec , 8°, Par., 1882, 175-199.-----. Bassin mod6rement r'etrdci; cephalotripsie. J. d. sasres- femmes, Par., 1885, xiii, 369; 377. -----. Cephalotripsie. Semaine m6d., Par., 1885, v, 419. -----. A propos dune cephalotripsie. Ann. de gynec.. Par., 1886, xxv, 1-16. — Piccinini (G.) II cefalotribo dei fratelli Lollini. Gazz. med. tli Roma, 1884, x, 7 ; 13.—Pilat. Betrecissoment k 0.08 cent,; trois applications de forceps en ville; insucces ; cephalotripsie; guerison. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1880, xiv, 18.—Pinard (A.) Le basiotribe Tarnier. Ann. de gyn6c.,Par., l>-84, xxii, 321 : 406: 1885, xxiii,l,2 pi. — Pixies (N.) Ilep't . CEPEAXO. 296 CEBEBELLUAI, Ceprauo. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale Civico Ferrari iu Ceprauo. 15 pp. 8°. Roma, tipog. Letteraria, 1880. ------. Regolamento interno per 1' Ospedale Ci- vico Ferrari in Ceprauo. 16 pp. 8°. Frosi- vone, C. Stracca, 1883. ------. Statuto organico pel Pio Ricovero de' Vecclii in Ceprauo. 10 pp. 8-. Frosinone, C. Stracca, 1*84. Cera (Sebastian) [1738-1820]. Abbandlung vom Lazarethfieber, nebst einem Anhange vom Ker- kertieber. Aus dem Lateinischen. 125 pp. 12°. men, R. Gruffer, 1784. For Biography, see Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1871, xxxi, 325-329 (A. Verga). Cera (Vinceuzo Leonardo). Metodo curativo raziouale per la colera sviluppatosi in Napoli dallo scorcio di luglio 1854. 31 pp. 8°. Na- poli, G. Nobile, 1854. [P., v. 1124.] ------. Sulla alimentazione forzata dei folli sito- fobi. 1 p. 1., 135 pp., 3 1. 8°. Napoli, F. Gian- ni ui ffigli, 1888. Ceradini (Giulio) [1844-94]. II meccanismo delle valvole semilunar! del cuore. 62 pp., 1 pi. ^ . Firenze, iipog. Cenniniana, 1873. Repr. from.- Sperimentale, Firenzi, 1873, xxxi. ------. La scoperta della circolazione del sangue. Appunti storico-critici. Nuova ed. 332 pp., 2. 1 8\ Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1876. ------. Difesa della mia memoria intorno alia scoperta della circolazione del sangue contro 1' assalto dei signori H. Tollin e W. Preyer e qualche nuovo appunto circa la storia della scoperta medesima. 165 pp. 8°. Genova, r. 1st- Sordo-Muti, 1876. Date on cover: 1877. For Biography, see Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1894-5, xxii, 312-318 (L. Luciani). Also: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1895, xxi, 17-26 (L. Luciani). Cerasoli (Vincenzo). Progetto di ospedale pei oronici da erigersi in Roma sul piccolo Aven- tino. Relazione. 57 pp., 1 plan. fol. Roma, Cecchini, 1887. Ceratonia. IVIarlierc (H.) Sur la graine, et specialement sur leiidosperme du Ceratonia siliqua; etude cytologique et chimique. Cellule, Lierre Sc Louvain, 1897, xiii, 5-59, 2 pi. Cerbelaud (G.) Note sur un appareil de sus- pension axial pour le transport des malades ou blesses en campagne du systeme de M. le Dr. E. Gavoy. 11 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Chaix, 1888. Repr. from: Me.ni. Soc. d'ing6nieurs civils, 1888. Cer ber a. Bormaxx (E.) * Beitrage zur Pharmacogno- sie der Cerbera ovata. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miin- chen, 1895. Cerberine. deVru(J. E.) Over cerberine. 8°. [Den Haag, 1^84.] Zotos (Z. N.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Cerberins. 8°. Dorpat. 1892. Wagner (K. E.) K vopr. o cerberine. Vrach. St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 1033-1036. Cercaria's Reise durch den Microcosmus, [etc.]. See Steifensand (Carol. Aug.) [in 1. s.]. Cerebez(T.) [1856- ]. [Biography.] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1897, xvii, no. 1, Suppl., 15. Cerclii (Joannes). Thesis [de pnecipuis motus muscularis ell'ectibus]. 7 pp. 4°. Genuos, 1809. [P., v. 2148; 2151.] Cercle pharmaceutique du Haut-Rbiu. [Exer- cice illegal dc la medecine.] 1 1. 4J. [Mul- house, 1840.] [P., v. 1720.] ------. 2e-5e ann6es. Proces-verbaux des assem- bles geu^rales du 11 novcmbre 1840-24 juil- let 1*43. 4°. Mulhouse, J.-P. Risler, 1840-43. [P., v. 1720.] Cercle pharmaceutique de la Marne. ProctV verbaux des stances gt'-ne'rales des pharniaciens dn d6partement de la Maine. Nos. [4] 5 7 q 15, 16, 17, 1843-54. h°. Reims, l*43-f>4.' ' ' ' Nos. 4 and 5 in: P., v. 1730; nos. 7 and 8 in: P. \ 1720. no. 15 in: P., v. 1718; nos. 16 and 17 in: P., 1723. ' ------. Compte-rendu 1856. No. HI. 60 pp. go Paris, P. Regnier, lb57. [P., v. 1752.] Cereomoiias. Irisawa (T.) Sc Takiguchi (K.) Cercomonas in- testinalis in der erbrochenen Masse. [Japanese text 1 Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1895, ix, Hft. 18, 1-5, Cercopithecus. ^ Camerano (L.) Di un cranio di Cercopithecus ruber E. Geoffr. con dentatura anomala. Boll. d. mus. di zool. ed anat. comp. d. r. Univ. di Torino, 1896, xi, no. 251, 1-3. Cereals. Herpin ( J.-C.) Recherches economiques sur le son ou l'ecorce du fromeut et des autres graines cer6ales. 16°. Paris, 1833. Lixguet. Dissertation sur le bled et le pain, avec la refutation de M. Tissot. 16°. Neufcha- tel, 1779. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps. Considerations sur les c£r6ales, et principalement sur les fro- ments (partie historique); lues a la .Societe royale et centrale d'agriculture. 8'. Paris 1842. Repr. from: Mem. Soc. roy. et centr. d'agric, 1841. -----. Considerations snr les c^reales et principalement sur les froinents (partie pratique et experinientale). 8°. Paris, 1843. United States. Department of the Interior. Department of Agriculture. Division of Chemistry. Bulletin No. 9. Third report on the chemical composition and physical properties of American cereals, wheat, oats, barley, and rye, by Clifford Richardson. 8°. Washington, 1886. Banler. Die Cerealien, ihr Shicksal, ihre Wirkung im Korper und die in Beziehung dazu stehenden physio- logisclien Probleme. Janus, Amst., 1897, ii, 116-127.— Bernheini (H.) Die parasitaren Bacterien der Cerea- lien. Miinchen med. "Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 743; 767.— Lehmaun (K. B.) Erklarung in Betreff der Arbeit von Dr. Hugo Bernheim: "Die parasitaren Bacterien tier Cerealien," nebst weiteren eigenen Versuchen. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1889, ix, 350-361. See, also, supra. Cerebellum. Brosset (J.) * Contributions a l'etude des connexions du cervelet. 4°. Lyon, 1890. Courmont (F.) Le cervelet et ses fonctious. roy. 8°. Paris, 1891. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1891. Esser (C. L.) * De ratione, qua coujungitur cerebellum cum systemate sexuali. 4°. Colonial Agrippinai, [1825]. Gall (F. J.), Vimont [J.] & Broussais [F. J. V.] On tbe functions of the cerebellum. Transl. from the French by George Combe. Also answers to tbe objections urged against phre- nology by Drs. Roget, Rudolphi, Prichard, and Tiedemann ; by George Combe and Dr. A. Coin be. 8C. Edinburgh, 1838. Gouzer (J.) Le probleme dc la vie et les fonctious du cervelet. 12°. Paris, 1889. Lezurier (C.-A.) * An motus vitales a nervis cerebelli ? 4U. Parisiis, 1760. Luciani (L.) Linee generali della fisiologia del cervelletto. roy. 8°. Firenze, 1884. Repr. from: Puhh. d.'r. Ist. di studi sup. ... in Firenze. Sez. di med. e chir. Also, in: Biv. sper. di freniat, Keggio-Emilia, 1884, x, 1-26. ------. II cervelletto. Nuovi studi di fisio- logia normale e patologica. rov. 8°. Firenze, 1891. ------. The same. Das Kleiuhirn. Neue Studien zur normalen und pathologischen Phy- CEREBELLUM. 297 CEREBELLUM. Cerebellum. siologie. Deutsche Ausg. besorgt von M. O. Fraenkel. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Also [Bev.], in.- Kiv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1891 xvii 532-541. Also, transl.: Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis 1892, xiii, 455-409. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891-2, xvi, 289-331. Lcssana (F.) Fisiologia e patologia del cer- velletto. 8;. Verona, 1885. Also [Abstr.]: Med. contemp., Napoli, 1886, iii, 57-67. Also, transl. [Abstr.]; Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1880, vii, 145-157. Rolando (L.) Osservazioni sul cervelletto. 4*-\ [ Torino, 1<-2'J.] Repr. from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1823, xxxv. Thomas (A.) Le cervelet: etude anatomique, clinique et physiologique. >v\ Paris, 1*97. Wagner (R.) Kritische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Functionen des Ge- hirus. Zweite Reibe. Ergebnisse der Experi- luenteamkleinenGebirn. 1'2°. [G6ltingen,18o8.] Cutting from: Nacbr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. tl. Georg-Aug.-Univ., Gritting., 1858. ------. The same. Kritische und experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Functionen des Gehirus. Dritte Reibe. Yeigleichuug der pathologischen Erfahrungen bei Arlectionen des kleiueu Gehirus am Menschen mit den Ergeb- uisscn der Experimente au Thieren. 12J. [Got- tinaen, 1 .<>•'■'.] Cutting from: Nacbr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. (1. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Aug.-Univ.. Getting., 1858. ------. The same. Kritische uud experi- mentelle Uutersuchuugen iiber die Functionen des Gehirus. Vierte Reibe. Fortsetzung der Untersuchungen iiber das kleine Gebirn mit be- souderer Riicksicbt auf die Function der Schen- kel des kleinen Gehirns und die Elementur-Orga- uisation der grauen Rinde. 1"2C. [Gbttingen, isr.9.] Cutting from: Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. n. d. Georg-Aug.-Univ., Gotting., 1859. -----. The same. Kritische und experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Functionen desGehirns. Fiinfte Reibe. Vorliiufige Scbluss- hetrachtungen iiber Ban und Function des klei- nen Gehirns. l'JJ. [Gottingen, 1~(>0.] Cutting from: Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Geor-r-Aug.-Univ., Gotting., 1860. Axenfeld (D.) TJn movimento pendolare della testa iu seguito alia lesione del cervelletto. Boll. mens. d. Soc. metl.-('hit. camerinese, Camerino, 1882-3, i, 15.—Bajgin- sky (B.) Ueber Untersnchungen des Kleinhirns. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1881, 560-506.—Bcchtercw (W.) Ue- ber die functionelle Beziehung der unteren Oliven zum Kleiuhirn und die Bedeutung derselben fiir die Erhaltung des Kdrperiileichgewichts. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882-3. xxix, 257-205. ------. L'eber die Verbindung der sogenannten peripberen Gleichgewichtsorgane mit dem Kleinhirn ; Versuche mit Durcbsehneiduiig der Kleinbirnstiele. Ibid., 1884, xxxiv, 362-388.— Riant Iii (M.) Ipotesi diverse sulla cosi detta sostituzione fun/.io- nale del cervello. Gior. internaz. d. sc. metl., Napoli, 1883, n.s.,v,683-091. — Bitot. Cervelet et intelligence. M6m. it bull. Soc. tie med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1886), 1887, 552- 570. A Iso: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7. xvi, 193; 205.— Boi-glicrini (A.) Contributo alia flsio patologia del cervelletto. Kiv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1888-9, xiv, 81-ll'i, 1 pi. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol.. Tin iii. 18*11, xi, 48-51. ------. Schlafahnlicher Zu- stand bei Thii-rt-ii, denen das 'Kleinhirn en I fern twurde. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1891, x. 049-G53.—Borgherini (A.) Sc C»allcrani (G.) Coutribuzione alio studio dell' attivita fiin/.ioiuile. del cervelletto. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio Emilia. 1891, xvii, 231-262. — Bouillaurt. Nou- velles recherches cliuiques, propres k demoutrer que le cervelet est le centre nerveux coordinateur des mouve- ments necessaires k la station et k la marche, considerees sons toutes leurs tonnes et espfeces. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1881, xcii, 388-392. Also: France med., Par., 1881, xxviii, 289-292. — lirnee ( A. ) On the flocculus. Brain, Lond., 1895, xviii, 227-230, 2 pl.-Brunx (L.) Kli- nische Erfahrungen iiber die Functionen ties Kleinliirns. Wien. klin. Rundschau. 1896, x, 835; 852; 8«s; 880.— Burckhardt (K.) Beitrag zur Morphologie des Kleinhirns der Fische. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwckhigs- gesch., Leipz., 1897, Suppl.-Bd., 111-136, 1 pi. — C!r©» Cerebellum. (A.) Du role fonetionnel du cervelet;. de la constitution des facultes speciales dans les centres enccphnliques. Bev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1881, i, 577-586.— !>' Aju- lolo (G.) Delle variety di forma della fake cerebellare e dei rapporti loro colle parti adjacenti. Bull. d. sc. med. tli Bologna, 1887,6. s., xx, 207-230,1 pi.—Dirtier (A.) Notes pour servir k l'etude de la physiologic dn cervelet. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1895, i, 457-407, 1 pi.—I>iipiiy (E.) Sen- sibilite. du cervelet k la douletir. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 711.—Ferricr (I).) Sc Turner ( W. A. ) A record of experiments illustrative of the symptomatology and degenerations following lesions of the cerebellum and its peduncles and related structures in monkeys. Proc. Boy. Soe. LontL, 1893-4, liv, 476-478. — F is In i- (E. D.) The functions of the cerebellum as indi- cated by recent experiment. Research. Loomis Lab. . . . Univ. City N. York, 1892, ii, 102-112.—Folct (H.) Une nouvelle theorie du cervelet. Bull, med., Par., 1891, v, 541-545. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1891, 2. s., v, 349; 361. Also: Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 244-260.— <«a;:o (ID Funciones del eerebelo. (Lie. med.. Lima, 1870. ii, 13; 24. —<3allerani (G.) Sc Boi-glii rini (A.) Sezione median:) antcro-posteriore del venue del cervel- letto: contributo alio studio della lisiologia del cervel- letto. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia, 1892, xviii, 309- :;so —CJasparini (L.) La dottrina del Nothnagel sul cervelletto. (la/./, med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1885, 8. s., vii, 491. — CSiura (A.) Sulle funzionalita del cer- velletto. Monitoro med.-chir., Ariccia, 1884, i, 99-101.— C»owei-N 'W. It.) Die Function des Kleinhirns. Neu- rol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1890, ix, 194. — «ratiolct (P.) Sc I.even |.M.) Sur les mouvements de rotation sur luxe que detenu incut les lesions du cervelet. [Abstr ] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1800, li, 917-921.— .Icljjersnia (G.) De kleine bersenen; physiologie en anatomie. Ne- derl. Tijdschr, v. Geneesk., Amst., 1893, 2. 11., xxix, pt. 2, 621-634— Laborrte (J.-V-) Sur la physiologie du cerve- let: le cervelet est il l'organe ou le foyer de la force mus- culaire necessitlie par les mouvements voloutaires? Etude de critique experinientale. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 635. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 189o| 9. s., ii, 46-50.—Lange (B.) Iu wieweit sind die Symptome, welche nach Zerstbrung des Kleinhirus beob- achtet werden, auf Verletzuniren des Acusticus zuriick- zufuhren? Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1891, 1, 615- 625.—r.even (M.) Sc Ollivier (A.) Recherches sur la pli vsiologie et la pathologie du cervelet. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hvpuol, Par., 1894, n.s.,iv, 103; 136; 164; 202. — Licd- beck (J. P.) Ueber die Function des kleinen Gehirns; eine medicinisch-physiologische Abbandlung. Hygea, Carlsruhe, 1845, xx, 481-522. Also, Reprint. — Lozano y iVlonzun (It.) Las funciones del cerebello y su iiu- portancia en la coordinacion de los movimientos vo- luntaries. Rev. de med. y cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1897, xl, 410-417— Luciani (L.) Sulle funzioni del cervelletto. Atti (1. Cong. d. Soc. freniat. ital., Milano, 1883, iv, 215- 232. A Iso, transl: Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1885, vi, 339-359. -----. Quale influenza esercitino le mutilazioni cerebellari sull' eccitabilita della corteccia cerebrale e sui riflessi spinali. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894 ii flsiol., C0-64. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1894, xxi, 190-194. -----. I recenti studi sulla flsio- ologia del cervelletto secondo il Prof. David Eerrier; retti- fica'zione e repliche. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1895 xxi 1-27. Also, transl: Arcb.ital.de biol., Turin, 1895' xxiii, 217-242.— I.nwsana (F.) Sul cervelletto; ri- cerche risiopatologiche. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli 1882, n. s . iv, 1H)5: 1883, n. s., v, 5; 198; 369. -----. Fisiologia sperimentale del cervelletto. Atti r. 1st, Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Vene/.ia, 1883-4, 0. s., ii, 557-574. Also : Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1884, i, 5-19.—ITIayyio- rani. La influenza speciale che la calamity esercita sul cervelletto. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1880, v, fasc. 3, 54-78. — .Tl a re Iii (V.) Sulle degeuerazioui consecutive all' estirpazione totale e parziale del cervelletto. Biv. sper di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia, 1886, xii, 50-50. Also: Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1886, vii, 530-532. Also [Discussion |: Atti d. Cong d.Soc freniat. ital. 1886, Milano, 1887, v, 273- "70 Also [Abstr. ]: Ann. univ. di med. e cbir., Milano, 1886, eclxxvii, 306. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1886 vii 357-362.------Sulle degenera/.ioni consecutive alia estirpazione totale e parziale del cervelletto. 2* corau- nica/.ione preventiva. Riv. sper. di freniat. Reggio-Emi- lia, 1887-8 xiii, 446-452.-Tlinsazzini (G.) Suite de- eemiazioui consecutive alle, estirpa/.ioni enucerobellan. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. tl. r. Univ. di Roma. Ir94, iv 73-124, lpl. -----• Siguificato flsiologico delle deuene- razioni da estirpa/.ioni emicerehellari. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma. 1894, ii, flsiol., Gl.-Nolhiiasel (H.) Cerebellum. In his: Top. Diag. der Gelurnkr. 8=, Berl 1879, 1-80. Also, transl. in his: Traite chn. du diag. des niala.l. de renccpb . 8 -'. Par 1885 1-60. See a Iso supra. Gasparini. - 0«ilvie (G) Case of almost complete destruction of the right hemisphere ot tbe cerebellum, without distinct .symptoms of ^retollai disease. Brain, Loud., 1885-0. vm, 40o-408. - ©wsian- iiikow(P.)& Wcliky (W.) Recherches expernnen- CEREBELLUM. 298 CEREBELLUM. Cerebellum. tales snr qnelques proprietes fonctionnelles tlu cer- velet. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 1877, ix, 515-529.—Pelacz Villegas (P. I,.) Notas de laboratorio sobre la lobiilizaciou del eerebelo humano. Cieucia mod., Madrid, 1897, iv, 434; 446.—I*etreqnin. Stir quelques poiuts tie la physiologie du cervelet et dc la nioelle epinit-re. Gaz. med. de Par., 1836, -_'. s.. iv, 545-548. Also. Reprint.—Kanney (A. L.) The archi- tecture and functions of the cerebellum. Med. Bee. N. Y., 1881!. xxiv, 449; 485. — R inn mo (G.) I recenti progressi della flsiopatologia del cervelletto. Riforma med., Napoli. ls!)0, xii, pt. 4, 301-310. Also: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Roma, 1896, vii, 30-54. — Russell (J. S. It.) Experimental investigations into the func- tions of the cerebellum. Rep. Scient. Grants Com. Brit. M. Ass. 1891-3, Lond., 1894, ii. 87-89. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1893, ii, 080. -----. Experimental researches into the functions of tho cerebellum. Phil. Tr. 1894, Loud., 1895, clxxxv (B.), 819-861. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Boy. Soc. Loud., 1894. lv, 57-60. -----. Degen- erations consequent on experimental lesions of the cere- bellum. Phil. Tr. 1895, LontL, 1896. clxxxvi (B.), 633- 660, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Boy. Soc. LontL, 1894, lvi, 303-305. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 640- 642.----. The effects of interrupting afferent and efferent tracts of the cerebellum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 914. Also [Abstr.] : Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1896, n. s., lxii, 21n.—Sk-hilT (H.) Ueher die Eunktionen des Kleinhirns Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 188:;, xxxii, 427-452. Also, in his: Ges. Beitr.'z. Physiol., 8°, Lausanne, 1896, iii, 463- 489.—Serres (B. A.) Recherches sur les maladies orga- niques tlu cervelet. J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1822, ii, 172:249. Also, Beprint.—Spitzka (E. C.) The morpho- logical and functional relations of the cerebellum. Chicago M Lev., 1881, iv, 303-307. -----. The relations of the cere- bellum. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1884, v, 92-101.— Thomas (A.) Sur un cas d'extirpation partielle du cervelet sur le chat; (16g6n6rescences seeondaires. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1895. 10. s., ii, 844-847. -----. Ti- tubation c6r6belleuse deternhuee chez le chat par uue le- sion partielle du vermis (noyau du toit): degeneresceuces seeondaires. Ibid., 1890, 10. s., iii, 171-174. -----. L6sion sous-corticale du cervelet determinee experimeutalemeut sur le chat; degenerescences seeondaires. Ibid., 582-585.— Turner (W. A.) Sc Fcrricr. Lantern demonstration; degenerations following lesions of the cerebellum and its peduncles in monkeys. Atti d. xi Cong. med. interna/.., Roma, 1895, iv, psicbiat. [etc.], 150. —Vera y Lopez (J.) Nota sobre las funciones del eerebelo. Rev. cliu. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1889, i, 121-123. Cerebellum (Abnormities of). Borell. Ein in den Hemispharen und dem Wurm liochgradig tlefectes Kleinhirn. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1884, xv, 208-270.— C'oen (E.) Un casodi falce cere- bellare tripla con picuhe durali soprannumerarie. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1888. xxx. 110-121, 1 pi.—Ernst (P.) Eine Missbiblung des Kleinhirns beim Erwachsenen und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Neubildungen. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1895, xvii, 547-586, 2 pi.—Fusari (R.) Caso di mancanza quasi totale del cervelletto. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. tl. Ist. di Bologna, 1891-2, 5. s., ii, 643-058. -----. Caso di mancanza quasi totale del cervelletto. Gazz. metl. di Pavia. 1892, i, 241-243.—Gould (A. P.) Congenital absence of right hemisphere of cerebellum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 6-8. Also [Abstr.]: Brit.M. ,L, Loud., 1881, ii, 744. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1881. ii, 793. — Ililzig. Ueber einen Fall von halbscitiu'em Defect des Kleinhirns. Arch. f. Psychiat. Berl.. 1884. xv, 266-208.—In gel s (B.-C.) Arret de de- veloppement du cervelet chez un alieue. Bull. Soc de med. ment. deBelg., Gand, 1884, no. 35, 19-28.—:viiugaz> zini tG.) Descrizione di un cervello umano anomalo. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma. 1893, iii, 185-204.—Raggi (A.) Sopra un solco anormale del cervello. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. freniat. ital., Milano, 1883, iv, 414-416.—Richter (J.) Ueber eine abnorme Bildung am Kleinhirn. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xii, 205. — Rossi (U.) Un caso di mancanza del lobo mediant) del cervelletto con presenza della fossetta occipitale media. Sperimentale. Mem. orig.. Firenze, 1891, xlv, 518-528. 1 pi.—Russell (J. S. R.) Defective development of the cerebellum in a puppy. Brain, LontL, 1895, xviii, 523-530, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. — Tenehini (L.) Singolare defor- mity del venue cerebellare inferiore in un uomo adulto a tardo sviluppo intelettuale. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1881, cclv, 549-556, 1 pi.-----. Incompleto sviluppo del lobo mediauo del cervelletto in una bambina di otto mesi. Ibid., 1882, cclix, 460-463, 1 pi. Cerebellum (Abscess of). See, also, Brain (Surgery of). Koch (P.) Der otitische Kleinhirnabscess. tr. Berlin, 1K17. Aclanrt ( T. D.) & Ballance ( C. A.) Cerebellar abscess .secondary to ear diseases, illustrated by a ease successfully treated by operation; with remarks on diag- CerebeBllllU (Abscess of). nosis, aud with a table of published cases. St. Thomns's Hosp. Rep. 1894, Lond., 18%, n. s., xxiii. 133-219, 2 1., 2 pi 1 ch. Also, Reprint.— Banks (J. T.) Absciss in tho cerebellnui. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8. Jan. 20, iKifi 151. —Barr (T.) Case of cerebellar suppuration caused by middle ear infection through the internal auditorv nieatus, with thrombosis of the cavernous sinuses, anil basic lepto-meuingitis. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1897 xxvi 241-243. Also [Abstr.]: Glasgow M.. I.. 1897, xlviii,'202.- Bergh (C. A.) A'oscessus ceiebelli, Ilygiea, Stock- holm, 1897, lix, 569-571. — Bianclii iG.) Storia medica d' una postenia nel lobo destro del eerebello, the pro- dusse la paralisia delle membra dalla parte destra iu un nobile giovanetto, con alcune osservazioni anatomicbe fatte nella sezione del cadavero del medesiuio. In: liar. d' opusc. scient. e filol., 16°, Vene/.ia. 1751, xlvi, 169-20(1.— Boreliiis (J.) Otitis media, abscessus cerebelli. Hy. giea. Stockholm, 1897, lix, 538. —Box (C. R.) Cerebellar abscess: evacuation; recovery. St. Thomas's Hosp. Kep 1894, Lond., 1896, n. s., xxiii, 267.— Buchnn (G.) A case of cerebellar abscess. Glasgow M. J., 18.-9. xxxi. 87-89._ t'alrter (J. G.) Cerebellar abscess. North. Lancet Winnipeg, 1889-90, iii, 141. — Cappevillc. Abces dii lobe droit du cervelet consecutif k uue otite moyenne. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1884, v. 85- 89. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 37.—(or. ■niehael (J.) [Brain from a child, 2J years old. who died from abscess of the left lateral lobe of the cerebellnui I Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Ediub., 1891-2, n. s., xi, 250.—David. son (F. W.) A case of convulsions due to abscess of the cerebellum. Month. Homoeop. Bev., Lond , l8!iu. xxxiv. 21G-22G.—Drnmmonrt (D.) Abscess in the right cere- bellar hemisphere, associated with paralysis and fits limited to the same side. Ibid., 1894, ii, 190 —Dryden (J. L.) Cerebellar abscess from otitis media. St. Louis J. Homoeop. Sc Clin. Beporter, 1894-5, i, 310-314. — Fin- nel. Abscess of cerebellum. Bull. N. York Path. Soe, 1881, 2. s., i, 317.—Fornara (V.) Un caso di ascesso nel cervelletto. Riforma med., Napoli, 1890, vi, 1478; 1484 — Fraser. Purulent meningitis with cerebellar abscess. GlasgowM. J.,1897, xlvii,290-292.—Gordon (S.) Abscess in the cerebellum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, Jan. 22, 1853, 6.-----. Cariv.s of the temporal bone antl abscess iu the cerebellum. Ibid., Feb. 5, 1853, 10.—Grartenigo (G. ) Sulla diagnosi dell' ascesso cerebellare otitico. Arcb. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1897, vi, 161-182. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 2, 211. — Green (J. O.) A case of abscess of the cerebellum from ear disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1888, cxviii, 546-548. — Hartrten (W. B.) Cerebellar abscess. St. Thomas's Hosp. Be]). 1884, Loud., 1886, n. s., xiv, 297. —Handfield-Jones (M.) Abscess in cerebellum; syphilitic symptoms; sudden blindness; great occipital pain; great benefit from calo- mel; autopsy. Brain, Lond., 1884-5, vii, 398-405.—liar- rison (C. E.) A case of cerebellar abscess, the result of chronic middle-ear disease: operation; death. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 795-797.—Heiinan. Ueber einen Fall von otogenem Kleinhirnabscess. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1897, xliii 220.—IgnatoflT (A. A.) [ Dva sliichaya abscessus cerebelli.] [Two cases of. . .J Yoyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1890, clxxxvii, 1. sect., 65-68.—Kenefick (T.A.) Abscess in the cerebellum. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxix, 144.—Koch. Zwei Falle von Kleinhirnabscess. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1090—Kudzinovich (F.E.) Sluchai nariva mozzhechka. [Abscess of cerebellum.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1883-4, xx, 267-271.—l.annoi*. Abc&s du cervelet lie k la presence d'acares dans l'oreille cbezun lapin. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 154.— l-icvi (L.) Abces du cervelet. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 166-172.—Lincoln Sc ITIeFarland. Cere- bellar abscess. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1893-51. xvii, 167.— liittle (T. E.) Disease of petrous bone; abscess of cere- bellum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 193-198.— liOiig (C.) Abscess of the cerebellum. (With report of a case.) Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1896, 43- 50.—I.yakhovslti (E.) Abcessus cerebelli et induratio renum cyauotica; tuberculosis obsoleta. Objazat. pat- anat. izslied. stud.-med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1895. 783- 794. — iTI'Dowel. Abscess in the cerebellum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1859-62, n. s., i, 175. — .Hiiclu-iizie (H. W. G.) .Case of cerebellar abscess St. Thomas's Hosp. Bep., Lond., 1894, n. s., xxii. 143. — IVIaelVlahon. Cerebellar abscess. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto, 1895. i, 127. — .TIcMnrray. A case of cerebellar abscess: ne- cropsy; remarks. Lancet, Loud., 1887, ii, 168. —Martin (G. H.) A rare caseof cerebellar abscess. Med. Century, Chicago, 1894, ii, 551.—IVIntliewson (A.) A case of ab- scess of the cerebellum, following otitis media, months ;ifter apparent cure. Am. J. Otol., Bost., 1882, iv, 209.— ."Tlorris (J. L.) A case of cerebellar abscess, sinus phlebitis and suppurative otitis media. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. (1894-5), 1896, i, 67-71__Ohlinacher (A. P.) The facterium vulgare in a case of cerebellar abscess and lepto- meningitis following middle-ear disease. Cincin. Lancet Clin., 1897. n. s., xxxix, 221-223. Also, Bepi iut. — Ray- mond (F.) Abces du cervelet consecutifs a une otite interne. Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 749-752.—Ricketts CEREBELLUM. 299 CEREBELLUM. Cerebellum (Abscess of). (B. M.) Specimen of an abscessof t i.ecerebelhim. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1880, n. s., xvi, 640-642.— Rotgans (J.) Een eeval van abscessus cerebelli bij otitis media. Nederl. Xijd chr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2. 905- 977.__Schulz (B.) Abscess des rechten Kleinliitns und rechtsseitige Parcse des N. facialis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884. xxxv, 477-480. — Nilva (B.) Un caso di ascesso cerebellare. Riforma med., Napoli. 1891, vii. pt.2,49-52. —Wimpson (J. C.) Cerebellar abscess re- sulting from an injury to the skull. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.'. 1^95, n. s., iix.433.—Wmith (T.C.) Abscessof the cerebellum caused by disease of the car. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 2i>2. —Slallard (J. H.) A case of ab- scess of tho cerebellum. Pacific M. \- S. J., San Fran., 1883-4. xxvi. 207-214.—Steiuuriiggc. Ueber eineu Fall von otitischein Kleinhirnabscess. Ber. d. oberbess. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk., Giessen, 1895. xxx, 248. —Viollel fP.'i Abces du cervelet consecutif a une sii]ipuration ;iurit"ilaire. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1897, lxxi, 450-452.— Wallace (C. S.) Cerebellar abscess. St. Thomas's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1897, xxiv, 353. Cerebellum (Atrophy of). K.utmaxx ( S. ) *Eiu Fall von part teller Kleinhirnatrophie. bL. Wiirzburg, 18*4. Amaldi (N.) Sopra un caso di atrofia d' un lobo cerebellare (con presentazione di preparati). Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1895, iv. psicbiat. [etc.], 201. ----. Due casi di atrofia parziale del cervelletto. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Ernilia, 1895. xxi, 203-248, 1 pi.— Berkley (H. J.) A contribution to the pathology of the gelatinous tvpe of cerebellar sclerosis (atrophy). Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1890, i, 157-169, 1 pi. — Bond (C.H.) Atrophvand sclerosis of the cerebellum. J. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1895'xii. 4(9-42o — Browning (W.B.) Scle- rosis of tbe cerebellum. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8. Madras, 1888, ii, 529-532.— Cramer (A.) Einseitige Kleinhirnatrophie mil leichter Atropine der gekrenzten Giosshirn-Ilemisphare, nebst einem Beitrag zur Anatomie tier Kleinhirnsth le. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891, xi. 39-58, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz Sc Leipz., 1891, n. F., ii, 257. Also [Abstr.]: Limousin med., Limoges, 1892, xvi, 76.—Donrsoiit. Note sur quelques cas d'atro- pliie et d'hypertrophie du cervelet. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1891, 7. s., xiii, 345-362. — Gi-nnciirr, Un cas d'atrophie cerebellense. M6d. mod.. Bar.. 1895, vi, 413-415. Also. tram-L: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1895, xl. 354; 366.— Ilammarbei-g i('.) Atrophic und Sklerose des Klein- hirns. Nord. med. Ark.. Stockholm, 1890, xxii, no. 23,1-39, 1 pi. — KirchlioflT. Ueber Atrophic und Sclerose des Kleinhirns. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1882. xii, 647-668, 1 pi.—Kroliu (W.O.) Atrophy of the cerebellum in a cat. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N.Y., 1892, xix, 731-741.-tlcPhe. (Iran. Atrophy of cerebellum. Proc. Sc Tr. Path. Soc. Toronto, ^9-30J i, 27.—Redlich (E.) Ueber einen Fall , von infantih-r, erworbener Kleinhirnatrophie. Aerztl. Centr. Anz., Wien, 1894, vi, 559. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1894, xvii, 693.—Ncliultzc. Ueber einen Fall von Klein- hirnschwuud mit Degenerationen im verlangerten Marke und im Riickemnai ke (wahrscheinlich in Folge von Alko- holismus. Arcb. f. path. Auat. [etc.], Berl., 1887, cviii, 331- 343. — Soiumcr (W.) Zur Casuistik der Kleinhirnskle- rose. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1884, xv, 252-260.—Study (A) of live intracranial tumors and a case of atrophy of the cerebellum. 1 ep. Gov. Hosp. Insane 1894-5, Wash., 1895, xl, 59-77 8 pi. Cerebellum (Cancer of). See Cerebellum (Tumors of). ( Cl'ebel fill ill (Diseases of). Arndt (M.) *Zur Pathologie des Kleinhirns. *-. Berlin, 1-(J4. Also,in: Arch.f.Psychiat.,Berl., 1894, xxvi,404-429, lpl. Andcraon (McC.) Disease of the middle lobe of the cerebellum. Glasgow M. J., 1896, xlvi, 7-9.—Barbacci (0.) Sulla degenerazione secondaria ascendente del cor- doue di Cowers e del fascio cerebellare diretto. Riforma med., Napoli, 1890, vi, 1178— Bartlett (C.) Three cases of disease of the cerebellum. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 18!il, xxvi, 96-100. —Borgherini (A.) Degenerazione faxcicol-ttadiscendente, successiva a lesionea focolaiodella t-orteccia cerebellare. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1880-7, xii, 253-258. 1 pi.—Bi-iinncr ill.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki zwyrodnii-nia peezkow piiamiilalnych mozgo- wia. [Contribution to cases of degeneration of the small pyramid of cerebellum.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1890, 2. s., x, 132-139.—Canto* I-alceto ( M.) Cerehelitis sub- iigutla. Arch. med. valenc, Valencia, 1881, i, 53-56.— ChvoNtek (F.) Klinische Beitrage zu den Krkrankuugen tb-s Kleinhirnes. Allg. Wieu. med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii, 204; 312; 324; 340; 365; 370.—Bavies (A.) Cerebellar disease. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1886-7, 21-26. — Do- Cerebellum (Diseases of). nntli (J.) Kin Fall von KleinhirnerkrankungmitObduk- tionsbefund. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1896, xlvi, 1289; 1336.—Dri-Mchfeld. Cases of cerebellar disease. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1881, ii, 734: 1882, i, 7; 34. Also, Reprint.— Ferrier (D.) A record of experiments illus- trative of the symptomatology and degenerations following lesions of the cerebellum and its peduncles and related structures iu monkeys. Phil. Tr. 1894, Lond., 1895, clxxxv (B.), 719-778, 8 ph—tiny (M.) I fenomeni stati attributi ad alterazioni cercbellari possono esistere senza che all' autopsia tali lesioni si presentino; considerazioni sul movi- niento di rotazione. Medico vet., Torino, 1880, 5. s., iii, 337-350.—Madden (\V. B.) On some clinical and patho- logical points in cerebellar disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, i, 1087-1089.— Ilcrriiighnm ( W. P.) Sc An- ilrcwc» (F. W.) Two cases of cerebellar disease in cats, with staggering. St. Barth. Hosp. Kep.', Lond., 1888, xxiv, 241-248. — Hun (IL) Analgesia, thermic aniesthesia, and ataxia, resulting from foci of softening in tbe medulla ob- longata and cerebellum, due to occlusion of the left inferior posterior cerebellar artery ; a study of the course of the een- sorv and co-ordinating tracts in tlie medulla oblongata. N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. 513; 581; 613, 1 pi—Ki-miiina- cher. Disorganisation des kleinen Gehirns in Folge von Erschiitteruiig. Prov. San.-Ber. tl. k. Metl.-Coll. v. West- falen 1844, Miinster, 1840, 88-92.— f.coue (A.) L'astenia nelle malattie del cervelletto. Sieilia med., Palermo, 1890. ii, 144-155, lpl. — liii»»niin (F.) Sul cervelletto; ricerche flsio-patologiche. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1884, n. s., vi, 800-807.—Ijiiy* (J.) De. la periodicity dans cer- taines formes tb- troubles tie 1'inuervation ci-rebelleuse. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1893, u. a., iii, 58-60.— Oliver (T.j Notes on two eases of cerebellar disease. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1880-81, xv, 252-260. -----. Notes on three cases of cerebellar disease. Ibid., 1882-3, xvii, 484-490.—Patellani (L.) Se si possa ammettere 1' ossifi- cazione del cervello. Atti Accatl. fis.-med. statist, di Mi- lano, 1855-6, xi, 43-47— Pcllizzi (G. B.) Sulle degene- razioni secondarie a lesioni cerebellar!. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia, 1895, xxi, 162-169. -----. Sulle degenerazioni secondarie consecutive a lesioni cerebellar!. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1897, vii, 189-198.—Redlich (E.) Zur Casuistik der Kleinbirnerkrankungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xlv, 817-821. Also, transl. .- Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1895, xii, 457-461.— Royct (H.) Sc Collet (J.) Sur une lesion systematise du cervelet et de ses de- pendances bulbo-protuberantielles. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1893, xxvi, 353-374.—Rumpf (T.) Zur Pathologie des Kleinhirns. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1885, xvi, 435- 441.—Russell (J. S. R.) The direction of rotation in cerebellar affections. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 907-911.— Mriauianua (E.) Contribuzione alio studio delle ma- lattie del cervelletto. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1887, vii, 105-114.—Seguiu (E. C.) A contribution to the pathology of the cerebellum. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1887," xiv, 217-235. Also, Reprint. Also [Ab- str. |: Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 246-248. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 281.—Stcrg. Ueber einen Fall von Kleinbirnaffection. Mitth. (L Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1876-7, Graz, 1878, xiv, 57-62.—Stewart (J. P.) A contribution to the localisation of cerebellar lesions. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 447-453. —Suckling (C. W.) Cerebellar disease with crossed paralvsis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1884, xvi, 21-23.—Wilkius(G)' Cases of cerebellar disease. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1885-0, xiv, 513-520. Cerebellum (Diseases of Diagnosis of). Lelakge (E.) * Contribution a lY-hnle des lesions du cervelet; symptomatologie ct dia- gnostic 4' . Paris, 1885. Reniheim (H.) & Simon (P.) Symptomes d'ap- parence ce.r6belleuse (vertige, bruits subjectif's, surdite) gu6ris par suggestion hypnotiqne; mort par carciuome abdominal; petit foyer dans le noyau lenticulaire gauche. In their: Rec. de fails clin. 1883-0, 8°, Par., 1890, 54-57.— Uciciim (F. X.) On the significance of optic neuri- tis, blindness, deafness, and the knee-jerk in cerebellar disease. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xx, 675-684.— Friedberg (W.) Zur Symptomatologie der Kleinbirner- krankungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 719-722. Also, transl [Abstr. ]: Sperimentale. Sez. clin., Firenze 1895, xlix, 501-566.—Kians* (W. C.) Symptomatology of cerebellar disease; clinical analysis of one hundred eases, with report of four personal cises. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Phila., 1895, 195-215. Also: N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 673-681. Also, Beprint.—Ijuy*. Contribution a l'etude dela symptomatologie des maladies cerebelleuses; deux observations de lesions du cervelet diagnostiquees pen- dant la vie. Bull. Soc,. de med. de Par. (1867), 1868, iii, 122-131. —Bunnell (J. S. R.) The value of experimental evidence in the diagnosis of diseases of the cerebellum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1079-1082.—Salomonson (J. K. A. W.) Bijdragc tot de diagnostiek der kleiuhersen- aandoeningen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2, 978-992. CEREBELLUM. 300 CEREBELLUM. Cerebellum (Hemorrhage in). RauniHter ( II. M.) A case of local hemorrhagic le- sion of the prepeiluncle (anterior cerebellar peduncle). ,1. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. N. Y., 1890, xvii, 597-603.—Bar- ling (G.) Cerebellar haemorrhage in a boy; a history of a fall. Was the ha-moi'rhagedue to the fall? Birmingh. M. Rev., 1892, xxxii, 223-225. —Brodeur (A.) Hemor- rhagic cerebelleuse; chute sans perte de connaissance; voinissements; heiniplegie gauche avec contracture et ptosis du meme cote; douleur occipitale bien localisee; sensibilite generale obtuse; coma; mort; vaste foyer hemorrhairique occupant tout l'hemisphero droit du cer- velet. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par.. 1882, lvii, 301-303.—Dana. Cerebellar hemorrhage. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 53._»«. IVaxca (G.) Poche annotazioni clinico-nec.ro- scopiche su la emorrhagia del cervelletto. [From: Os- servatore med., Palermo, 1863, 2. s., ii.| In his: Coll. de . . . opusc. scient,-med., 8°, Napoli, 1887, 209-230.— Far- qiiliai-Nou (W. F.) Case of cerebellar hiernorrhage, with hvdatid disease of liver. Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 1501.— Hillairet (J.-B.) De rhemorrhagie cerebelleuse. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1858, i, 119; 324; 411; 549. Also, Re- print — Hard (E. P.) Apoplexy of the cerebellum. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cix. 195. — Jcfl'ersou (A.) A case of cerebellar haemorrhage; necropsy. Lancet, Lond.. 1885, ii, GG4. — l.adreit de I,acliarriere. Yaste foyer h6niorrhagique du cervelet; albuminuric. Bull. Soc'. de med. de Par. (1890). 1891. xxv, 70-75. Also: Union med., Par., 1890. 3. s., 1, 28-33. — Leger. Rapport sur un m6moiro de M. Hillairet, intitule: De l'apoplexie cerebelleuse. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1850-8), 1864, iii, 505-514.— l^epinc (B.) Hemorrhagic cerebel- leuse. Lyon m6d., 1896, lxxxii, 114-117. Also: Eev.de med.. Par., 1896, xvi, 653-655.—l.yle (B. F.) Cerebellar apoplexy. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s , xxxiv, 507.— IVIathien (A.) Un cas (Vh6morrhagie du cervelet. J. d. conn. med. prat, Par., 1885, 3., s., vii, 9. — Mills (C. K.) Hemorrhage into tho cerebellum and fourth ven- tricle, and by extension into the third and lateral ventri- cles. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 242.— IVatier. Hemorrhagic r6cento du cervelet; congestion pulmonaire; mort, Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 251-254. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 585. — IVoel (J.) H6morrha«iie du cervelet. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 638.—Oliver (T.) Cerebellar haemorrhage in a young woman; glycosuria; death thir- teen hours afterwards. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1237.— Paid. Ossification de la faux du cerveau; h6morrhagie du cervelet. Lyon med., 1892, lxxi, 165-167. —Peck (B. E.) Sc Dana. Four cases of cerebellum hemorrhages. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1896-7, iii, 372-378. — Phelps (B. M.) A case, of hemorrhage into the cerebellum. North- west. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 77.—Ratcliflc (J. B.) Cerebellar haemorrhage, with notes of case. Birmingh. M.Rev., 1894, xxxv, 157-161.—Keboul. Hemorrhagic de l'hemisphere gauche du cervelet; contracture des mem- bres stip6rieur et inferieur gauches; deviation conjugu6e de la tete et des yeux k droite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 471. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 1037. — Robert (A.) Hemorrhagic du cervelet; inonda- tion vontriculaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 492. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 288.—Schewing. He- morrhagic cerebelleuse; paresie gauche; perte des fonc- tionsbulbaires. Bull.Soc. anat.dePar., 1880, lv, 644. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 446—Seibert (A.) Alte Blutkaveriie im rechten Kleinhirn. N. Yorker med. Presse, 1885-6, i, 260-264.—Shaw (J.) Case of cerebellar lnemorrhage; abnormalities of cerebral arteries. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxx, 253-255.—Thacher (J. S.) Cerebellar haemorrhage with complete paralysis on the same side as the lesion. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891, 103. — Vespa (B.) & Lonibi ( G.) Un caso di emorragia cerebellare. Gazz. med. di Boma, 1895, xxi, 57-65. Cerebellum (Histology and morphology of)- Athias (M.) * Recherches sur l'histog6nese de l'ecorce du cervelet. s . Paris, 1897. See, also, infra. Barteneff (L. [N.]) O stroyeuii perife- richeskavo sloya uiozzhechkarib. [Structure of peripheral stratum of cerebellum in fishes.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 18,67. Bazileyski (A. P.) *0 niskhodyashtshikh sistemakh mozzhechka v spinnom mozgu po metodu sviezhikh pererozkdeniy (Marehi); experimentalno-kistologicheskoye izsliedovan'ie. [On the descending systems of the cerebellum in the spinal cord after the method of Marehi; experimental histological research.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1896. Cerebellum (Histology and morphology of). Bellqxci (G.) Coutribuzionc all' istologia del cervelletto. Cutting from.- Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. lis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1881. Brosskt (J.) * Contribution a l'dtude des connexions du cervelet. 4°. Lyon, 1890. Falcone (C.) La corteccia del cervelletto, Studi d' istologia e morfologia comparate. 8°. Napoli, 1893. Also [Rev.], in: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1893-4, xx, 275-278. KtrniAX (W.) Die Entwicklung des Kleiu- hirns bei Siiugetieren. 8°. Miinchen, 1895. Also, in: Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. n. Phy- siol, in Miinchen (1894), 1895, 89-128. Kunxemann (O.) * Ueber die Morphologie des Kleinbirnes bei Siiugetieren. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Marchi (V.) Sull' origine e decorso dei pe- duncoli cerebellari e sui loro rapporti cogli altri centri nervosi. roy. 8°. Firenze, 1891. Also [Abstr.], in.- Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1891, xvii, 357-368, 2 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xvii, 190-201. Kitter (W. ) *Histologiscke Studien iiber eiu Pcritheliom des Kleinhirns. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1897. Schulze (F. E.) Ueber den feineren Ban der Ritide des kleinen Gehirues. 4\ Rostock, 1863. Stilling (B.) Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des kleinen Gehirns des Menschen. Atlas, 1. & 2. Hft,, fol. roy. *c. Cassel, 1864-7. Athias. Sur l'origine et l'evolution des petitcs cellules 6toile.es de la couche mol6culaire du cervelet chez le chat et le Inpin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896,10. s., iii, 585. -----. Recherches sur l'histog6n6seder6corcedu cervelet. J. de l'anat. et phvsiol. [etc.']. Par., 1897, xxxiii, 372-404. See.also, supra.—Azonlay (L.) Quelques particularitea de la structure du cervelet chez l'enfant. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, lo. s., i. 211. Also.- Bull. Soc. mat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 198-201). — Bechtcrcw ("W.) Zur Anatomie der Scbenkel des Kleinhirns, iusbesondere der Bruckenarme. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1885, iv, 121-12.1. -----. Ueber die Bestaudtheile des vorderen Kleinhirn- schenkels. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsjiesch.. Leipz.. 1888, 195-204, 1 pi. — Beevor (C.) Die Kleinliirni inde. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1883, 365-388, I pi. — Billoini (G.) Sc Stefan i (A.) Contribution k l'histogenese de 1'e.corce cerebellaire. [Transl.] Arch.ital.de biol.,Turin, 1889, xi, 21-25.—Bennett (J.-H.) Note snr le developpe- ment de nerfs particuliers, k la surface du cervelet. [Hap. de Giraldes.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1841, xvi, 89-95. Also, Reprint, in part.—Bergonzini (C.) Delia strut- tura istologica del cervelletto. Bassegua di sc. med., Mo- dena, 1895, x, 197-201.—Berkley (H. J.) The cerebellar cortex of the dog. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1898, iii, 195-214, 1 pi— Biedl (A.) Absteigende Kleinhirn- bahnen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xiv, 434; 493.— Cnpobianco (F.) Sopra una particolarita di struttura della corteccia del cervelletto. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 3,458-461. Also, transl: Arch, ital.de biol.. Turin, 1894, xxi, 72-76. — Bogicl (A. S.) Die Nervenelemente im Kleinhirne der Vogel und Siiugethiere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1896, xlvii, 707-719, 2 pi.—Edinger. Leber Ursprungsverhaltiiisse des Acusticus uud die directo Bensorische Kleiubirnbahn. Arch. f. Psychiat., Perl., 1887, xviii, 272. — Falcone (C.) Su la morfologia coin- parata del cervelletto. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1892-3, iii, 265-267. -----. Note sulla istogeuesi della corteccia del cervelletto. Atti d. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1893, xlvii, 320-337, 1 pi. — Ferrier (D.) Recent work on the cerebellum and its relations; with remarks on the central connexions, aud trophic influence of the fifth nerve. Brain, Lond., 1893, xvi, 1-26.—Fimari (R.) Sull' origiue delle fibre nervose nello strato mole- colare delle circonvoluzioni cerebellari dell' uomo. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. freniat. ital.. Milano, 1883, iv, 338. — von Gudden (B.) Ueber die Verbindungsbahnen des klei- nen Gehirns. Tai-ebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 303-305. Also, in his .- < les. u. hiuteil. Abhandl., fob, Wiesb., 1889,185, 2pi.—Held iH.) Beitrage zur feineren Anatomie des Kleinhirns und des Hirnstammes. Arch. f. Auat. u. Entwcklngsgcsch., Leipz., 1893, 435-446.—Hcrrick (C. L.) Illustrations of the architectonic of the cerebellum. J. Comp. Neurol., Cincin.. 1891, i, 5-14, 4 pi. -----. The histogenesis of the cerebellum. J. Comp. Neurol., Granville, ().. 1895, v, 66- 70.—von Kdlliker. Ueber die Zellen der Molekular- CEREBELLUM. 301 CEREBELLUM. Cerebellum (Histology and morphology of). la-e des Cerebellum. Verhandl. d. schweiz.*naturf. Ge- seTlsch.. Zurich, 1896, lxxix, 162. — Ijahonsse iE.) Sur l'ontogenese du cervelet. Mem. couron. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1887, viii, fasc. 4, 1-63, 8 pi. Also : Aicb. de biol.. Gand A- Leipz., 1888, viii, 43-110. 8 pi. — l,a?>vciithal (Ni Sur le parcours central du faisceau i-eiebell-ux direct et du cordon poste.rienr, d'apres les resultats fournis par l'etude de la degeneration secon- daire. (Kesurue.) Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. sc nat., Lau- sanne, 1885, 2. s., xxi. 14-25.—fjiignro (E.) Sulla istoge- nesi dei granuli della corteccia cerebellare. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1894. v, 152-1.18, 1 pi. -----. Sulla struttura del nucleo dentato del cervelletto nell' uomo. Ibid., 1895, vi, 5-12, 1 pi. -----. Ueber die Verbinduu- geu der nervosen Elemeute der Kleinhirnrinde unter eiuander, mit allgemeinen Betrachtungen iiber die phy- Biologische Bedeutung der Rapporte zwischen den ner- vosen Eleinenten. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Menscli. u.d. Thiere, Giessen. 1895. xv, 475-514.2 pi.—Liii (A.) Alcune osservazioni sullo sviluppo istolo-rico della corteccia del cervelletto in rapporto alia faeol ta di reggersi e camminare. Biforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 1. 231-233. Also, Beprint. Also, transl: Alienist A- Neurol.. St. Louis. 1895, xvi. 22-28. Also, transl. [Abstr.l -. Arcb. it;il. de biol., Tuiin, 1894. xxi. 395-397.—Meyer (A.) Leber Fasersehwund in der Kleiu- hirniinde. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1889, xxi, 197-221, 1 pi. — Obersteiner (11. i Der feinere Ban der Kleinhirn- rinde bei Menschen und Tieivn. I'>ii)l. Centralbl., Erlang., 1883-4, iii, 145-155.—©fNJnimikofi P.) Ueber die feine Strnctur des Kleinhirns der Fiscbe. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 1861-5, iv. .1.11-102. — I'opoll (S.) Zur Frage iiber die Histogenese der Kleinhiinriude. J Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 189.1. xv. 741-7.12. -----. Weiterer Beitrag zur Frage iiber die Histogenese derKleinbirurinde. Ibid.. 1896, xvi, 462-406. -----. Ueber die Histogenese der Kleinhirnrinde. Ibid.. 1897. xvii, 485: 530; 00.1; 640; 664.— Ramon Cajal (P.) Laseelulasestrelladasdelacapamo- lecular del eerebelo de los reptiles. Rev. trimest. microg., Madrid. 1896, i, 149.—Ramon [y] Cajal (S.) Estructnra del eerebelo. [From: Rev. trimest. dehistol.norm, v patol., Barcel., 1888, May L] Gac. med. catah, Barcel., 1888, xi, 449-457. -----. Sobre ciertos elementos bipolares del eere- belo .joven y algunos detalles m£s acerca del crecimiento y evoliicidn de las fibras cerebelosas. Gac. san. de Barcel!, 1889-90, ii, 208: 233. Also, transl: Internat. Monat- schr. f. Anat. u. Physiol.. Leipz., 1890, vii, 447-468. -----. Sur les fibres nerveuses de Ja couche granuleuse du cerve- let et sur Involution des elements cerebelleux. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., Is90, vii, 12-31, 1 pi. -----. Ueber die Beziehungen der Nerven- zellen zu den Neurogliazellen anlasslich des Auflindens einer besondern Zellform des Kleinhirns. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Nenrol.. Berl., 1897. i, 62-66. — Ketzins (G.) Ueber die Golgischeu Zellen nnd die Kletterfasern Ramon v Caial's in der Kleinhirn! hide. Biol, rntersuch.. Stockholm, 1892,n. F., iv, 57, 1 pi. — Saerozzi (A.) Sul nucleo dentato d< 1 cervelletto. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Keggio-Emilia, 18-7. xiii. 93-99.1 pi.—Sell a per (A.) Zur feinereu Anatomie des Kleinhirns der Teleoslier. Auat. Anz., Jena, 1893. viii, 705-720. -----. Die morphologische uud liistologiscbe Entwicklung des Kleinhirns der Tele- ostier. Morphol. Jahrb.. Leipz., 1894, xxi, 625-708, 4 pi.— Miuirnow (A. E.) Ueber eine besondere Art von Ner- veuzellen derMolecularsehicht des Kleinhirns bei erwach- senen Saugetieren und beim Menschen. Anat. Auz., Jena, 1897, xiii. 636-642. — Spitzka (F. C.) Morphological status of the cerebellum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxvi, 111.— Siiili i-1 P. i Leber die kleinen Rindenzellen des Kleinhirns des Menschen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1896, xii, 529-534.— Nii-oikI tli. ]',.) The mammalian cerebellum. J. Comp. Xeuro].. Granville, O.. 1895. v. 71-118, 8 pi. -----. Apie- liminary account of the comparative anatomy of the cere- bellum. Proc Ass. Am. Anat., Wash., 1897,' 20-27, 1 pi.— Terrazas (R ) Notas sobro la neuroglia del eerebelo y (-1 crecimiento de los elementos nerviosos. Rev. trimest. microg., Madrid, 1897, ii. 49-r,5.—Thomas (A.) Le fais- ceau cerebelleux descendant. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s.. iv, 30. — Vcjas (P.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Vei binduugsbahnen des Klein- hirns und des Verlanfs der Funiculi graciles und cuneati. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1883, xvi, 200-214, 1 pi.—Wlas- snkilt.i i)as Kleinhirn des Frosches. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz . 1887, Snppl.-Bd., 109-137, 2 pi. Cerebellum (Morphology of). See Cerebellum (Histology, etc.. of). Cerebellnui (Sclerosis of). See Cerebellum (Atrophy of). Cerebellum (Softening of). d'AntroMiL.) Ftudepathog6niquedesramolli8sements du cervelet: les obliterations des arteres cerebelleuses. Marseille med., 1893, xxx, 244; 265. — Claude (H.) Sc Jos ne (0.) Ramollissement du cervelet; artcrite syphi- Cerebellum (Softening of). litique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 547-554.— Concetti (L.) Un caso di raiiimollimento del cervelletto in una bambina morta in seguito a meningite cerebro-spi- nale infettiva. Bull. d. Soc Lancisiana d. osp. di Boma, 1886. vii, 251-255. Also. Reprint. — Dickinson (V.) Sc Wei In (S. R.i On cei ebellai softening in infants, with clin- ical and pathological details of a case. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, ,120-.".22.—lieveqne (Iv) Kainollissement du lobe droit du cervelet; tendance au recul pendant la derniere anneo de Ia vie; mort par hemorrhagic dans le corps strie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1S83, lviii. 5I7-.119. Also: Progres med., Par.. 18S4, xii, 503.— Lyon* (B. I).) Softening of the cere- bellum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.. 1868-71, n. s., iv, 85-87.— Prevost. Ramollissement circonscrit dans le cervelet; mort. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1888, 3. s., xxxiii, 94-96.— Seeligmiiller ( A. ) Ceutrale Erweichung des Klein- hirns. In his: Neuropathol. Beobacht., 8°, Halle, 1873.5- 9.—Thierry. Ramollissement du cervelet. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx 147-150. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1886. 2. s., iii. 9. —Weill (E.) Observation de ramollisse- ment i 6rebelleux avec titubation. Me.ni. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, pt. 2, 48-51.— Woillez. Observation de ramollissement aigu du cerve- let, suivie de reflexions. Union me.d., Par., 1855, ix, 577. Also: Bull. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1863, ii, 493-498. Cerebellum (Surgery of). See Brain (Surgery of). Cerebellum (Syphilis of). See Brain (Syphilis of). Cerebellum (Tuberculosis of). Kracss (W. C. ) * Ueber Tuberkel-Knoteu des Cerebellums. 8°. Berlin, [1888]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1888-9, xxviii, 439-453. Leimbach (R.) * Ein symptomlos verlaufe- ner Fall von Kleiuliirntumor (Tuberkelknoteu im Oberwurm) mit Meuingitrs cerebrospinalis tuberculosa. [Heidelberg.] 8-. Leipzig, 1891. d'Astros (L.) Tubercule du cervelet chez un enfant de liuit ans. Marseille med., 1893, xxx, 158-101.—Bau- (Ionia. Tubercules du cervelet; hydrocephalic; tuher- culose pulmonaire ; mort par corps etranger du pharynx. Bull. Sec. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 340-345.—Bern heim (H.) Sc Simon (P.) Determination tuberculeuse dans le cervelet; guerison; vingt-deux mois plus tard, meningite tubercnleuse mortelle. Rev. ra6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1886, xviii, 660-663. Also, in their .- Rec. de faits clin., 8°, 1883-6, Par., 1890,118-121.-----. Ancien tubercule sous-m6ning6, du volume d'une petite noix, k l'extr6inite post6ro-inf6- rieure du lobe gauche du cervelet; ru6ningitc tuberculeuse recente ; duree totale de la maladie, un an; eephalalgie siucipitale depuis nn an, vertiges avec obnubilation et chute, vomissements bilieux depuis 9 mois; symptomes ile meiiingite tuberculeuse termines par la mort au boutde 18 jours. Kev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1887, xix, 40-52.— Kom-Nier. Tubercules du cervelet. Men), et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1870, v, 59-04.— Kristowe (J. S.) Cases of tubercle of the cerebellum. St. Thomas's Hosp. Bep. 1884, Lond., 1886, n. s., xiv, 81-94. Also, in his: Cliu. Lect. Sc Essays, 8°, Lond., 1888, 243-254. — Clark (A.) Tubercle of the cerebellum. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s.. i, 313.— Collin (L.) Tumeur tubercu- leuse du cervelet; predominance des symptomes gastral- giques. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1888, xi, 244- 248.— D'Aloceo (O.) Di uu caso di tubercolo sohtario primitive) del vermo del cervelletto e meningite basilare. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1892, 7. s., iii, 473-486.— Ociiimc (l;.) Fall von angeboreneru Tuberkel des Klein- liii ik-s. Med. Ber. ii. d. Thatigk. d. Jenner'schen Kin- der.-.]), in Bern (1879), 1880, xvii, 50-54.— I»e ltt-uzi (K.) Sul tubercolo del cervelletto. Riv. clin. e terap.. Napoli, lss8. x, 1-4. Also: Boll. d. clin.. Milano, 1889, vi, 1-4.— I>ul:i<«ka (G.) Az agyacs giimos daganatjUiol. [On tuberculous tumorof the cerebellum.] Gyogyaszat, Buda- pest, 188.1, xxv, 145-148. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 188.1. xxi, 301-303. — Onmur. Tuber- cules du cervelet. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1888, ix, 284-288.— Dnplaix. Tubercules du cervelet. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881. lvi. 84-86. Also: Proxies med.. Par., 1881, ix, .181—Feldiiiann (I.) Tu- bcrciihim solitare cerebelli esete gyogyult vesegiitnbkbr mellett. [Cure of a case of tuberculum solitare cerebelli with tuberculous disease of the kidney.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 132. —Formad (IL F.) Tuberculous growths (tvroma) of cerebellum. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1879-81). 1882. x, 178. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 275.— FiiMNell (M. H.) Tubercular tumors of cerebel- lum. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1893-5), 1896, xvii, 168.—Oee (S ) Sc Nyiii|»Noii (E.M.) Cereb liar tumour, tubercular. St. Barth Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, xxiii, 186-188— Gniz- zetti (P.) Trjotermia in un caso di tubercolo sohtario del CKItKP.ELL.rM. 302 OEPEBKLLUM. Cerebellum (Tuberculosis of). cervelletto comprimente il bnlbo ed il pome. Speriinen tale. Mem. orig., Firenze, 1892,182-193.—Hcbb A Will*. Tubercular tumour of cerebellum. Westminst. Hosp. Kep.. Lond., 1889, v, 188-191.—Jennings (('. G.) A case of tuberculosis of the cerebellum. Detroit Clinic, 1882, i, 223-225 —Le Count (E. R.) A case of nodular tubercu- losis of the cerebellum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. (1894-5), 1896, i. 71-80. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 400-402. — Ecgiicn (F.) Tumeur tuberculeuse du lobe gauche du cervelet. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii. 22-20. —derniere (G.) A Diilier (A.) Un cas de tuher- culose du cervelet. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1894, i. 329- 337.— l.dwcnfeld (L.) Leber einen Fall von Tubercu- lose (les Kleinhirns, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Therapic der tuberculosen Meningitis. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 475; 489.—IHarkoe (T. M.) Tubercle in the cerebellum and cms cerebelli with cerebellitis. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 314.— Pershing (H. T.) Tumor of the cerebellum, probably tubercular. Internat. Cliu., Phila.. 1894. 4. s.. i, 122-128! — Ficot. Tubercules du cervelet, caverues tuberculeuses des reins, tuherculose miliaire des pounions. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med.de Bordeaux. 1883, iii, 208-210. —Railton (T. C.) Tubercular tumour in the right lobe of the cerebellum. Med. Cbron., Man- chester, 1889, x, 285-287. —de Sch wcinitz (G. E.) Tu- bercular tumors of tbe cerebellum. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 188.1-7, xiii. 183-181. . Also: Phila. M. Times, .1880-7, xvii, 5;i3-535.—Nebilean (P.) Tuherculose du cervelet; tuber- culose pulmonaire et intestinale; autopsie. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1882, iii. 133-136. -----. Tuherculose isolee du cervelet: symptomes d'iu- coordination des mouvements; cecite; autopsie. Ibid., 136-140. Also : J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 455.— Niinon (R. M) Case of general tuberculosis and tuber- cular t umour in the left lobe of the cerebellum. Birmingh. M Lev.. 1888, xxiv, 150-155. — Mympson (T.) Deposits of tubercle in the cerebellum with double optic neuritis; albuminuria. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. Kingdom, Loud., 1881-2, ii, 83.—Vost (W.) Case of tubercular tumour of the cere- bellum. Glasgow M. J., 1884, xxii, 18-20. Cerebellum (Tumors of). See, also, Brain (Sij/thilis of); Brain (Tumors of); Cerebellum (Tuberculosis of); Cerebellum (Tumors of) in children. Bohm (H.) * Ueber cerebellare Ataxie, nebst einem casuistiscbeu Beitrag- znr Lehre von den Kleiuhirngesclnvulstfii. 8°. Strassburg, 1891. Gki'MME (E. E. J. F.) * Ueber eineu Fall vou Kleinliirntnuior. 12°. Berlin, 1895. LrmviG (A. M. K.) *ELu Fall von Klein- hiriitiimor. [Freiburg i. B.] ^c. [Leipzig], Schneider ( M.) * Pathologisch-histologscliei und kliuische Beiiriige zur Lehre von den Klein- hirngeschwiilsteii. [AVurtzburg.] <S5. Barber (C. F.) A case of glio-sarcoma of cerebellum involving both lobes; autopsy. Brooklyn M. J.. 1895, ix 497-502.—Comb) (J.) Gliomederhemisphereccrebeliriii droit; mort apns cinq annees de Cephases tres-penibles sou vent accompagne.es de vom isscments et ile troubles sta- tiques. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par. 1881. lvi, (19s 701. Also- Progresmed., Par., 1882, x, 5G5.— DeGrazia (F.) Grosso glioma dell'emisferosinist ro del cervelletto con i sin torn i di deficienza funzionalo cerebellare, senza lesioni della cortec- cia e delle vie efferenti del cervelletto. Riforma med Na noli, 1897, xiii, pt. 3, 050; 662.—Dnponchrl (E.) Glionie Kystique du cervelet; plusieurs attaques d'hemiplegie et d'aphasie; h6mianesth£sie et troubles divers de la sensi- bility mort subito. J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1*86-7, xvi 4-6. — Ilektoen ( L.) Cerebellar gliosarcorca. Med! Standard, Chicago, 1893, xiii, 72-74.—IVlclturney (C.) & Starr (M. A.) Glioma of the cerebellum. Med. Kec N. Y., 1893, xliii, 88— Muni (A.) T'n c.iso di glioma dei cervelleto. Boil. d. clin., Milano, 1889, vi, 145-148.—Oli- ver. [Middle lobe of the cerebellum occupied by a myxo- glioma.] Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, Xew- castle-upon-Tyne, 1881-2, 113.—Parker (J.) A cystic glioma of the cerebellum, with oedema of the ventricles Glasgow M. J., 1893, xxxix, 181-188. [Discussion), 226^ 228.—Parkinson (J. P.) Glioma of the cerebellum. Westruinst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1897, x, 114.—Pollaci (G.j Un glioma cerebellare, studiato con la reazione nera; con- tributo alia fina anatomia della nevroglia neoplastica Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 2,638; 653.—Sobotka (J.) Ueber einen Fall von Glioma cerebelli. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xvi, 347-349.—Tison (E.) Nevrogliome angiomateux du cervelet; traitement par l'iodure de so- dium ; mort. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1890, L62- 204.—Trcnel Sc Antheaunic (A.) Un cas de gliome volumineux du cervelet; (symptomes de compression et phenom^nes hallucinatoires). Arch, de neurol., Par., 1897, 2. s., iv, 1-15—Will IT. Gliom des Kleinhirns. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, ii, 829.—Vutskevieli (I.) Sluchai glio-sarkomi mozzhechka. [Case of glio-sarcoma of cere- bellum.] Protok. Zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix, 573-579. Cerebellum (Tumors of Sarcomatous). RtiHL (A.) *Ein Fall von primarem multi- plem Endotlielsarkom des Kleinhirns. 8°. Er- langen, 1897. Toche (F.) * Etude sur deux cas d'endoth6- liorae du cervelet. 4°. Paris, 1^8^. Bernhcim Sc Simon. Sarcome cellulaire avec de- struction de la partie moyenne du cervelet; hydrocepha- lic ventriculaire considerable avec atrophic c6r6brale consecutive; dur6e de l'aflfection, 13 mois; c6phalalgie, vomissements, strabisme, amaurose, convulsions, 6pilepti- formes, puis par6sie avec tendance a la contracture, anes- thesie generale sensitivo-sensorielle. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1887, xix, 35-40.—Borrelli (D.) Caso di sarcoma multiplo con localizzazione nel cervelletto seguito da studii sulla atassia cerebellare. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli, 1880, n. s., ii, 795; 919. Also, Reprint.—Clarke (E. K.) A case of sub-cerebellar sarcoma. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1885-6, xiii, 507.—»e Hichele (P.) Glio- sarcoma del cervelletto. Ann. di nevroh, Napoli, 1894, n. s., xii, 227-254, 1 pi.—Dc Sanctis (G.) Glio-sarcoma del cervelletto; emorragia dei ganglioptostriati; idropedei ventricoli. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1884, xxxv, 457; 481.— Eve (F. S.) Endothelioma (syn. endothelial cancer, vil- lous sarcoma) of the cerebellum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 12-14, 1 pi. — Hebb & Wills. Sarcom- atous tumour of cerebellum. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889, v, 191 - 194. — Iffolbrook. Myosarcoma of cerebellum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1895-7, ii, 144- 146. — Kleinhirntumor nach einem Falle auf das ninterhaiipt; Section; Sarcom, von der Unterfliiche des Kleinhirns ausgehend, in den 4. Ventrikel sich ein- bettend. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1887), 1889, 159.—Laennec. Endotbeliome du cerve- let. J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1889, 3. s., iii, 72.— Nomic. Fall von Sarkom des Kleinhirnes mit multiple! Sarkombildung an der Pia mater des Riickenmarkes. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 347.—Peabodjr (G. L.) Cystic sarcoma of the cerebellum, with secondary hydrocephalus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 18H7, xxxi, 304.— Power (DA.) Primary round-celled sarcoma involving the inferior vermiform process of the cerebellum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 66. -----. Primary round- celied sarcoma, involviug the inferior vermiform process of the cerebellum. Ibid., 67.—Starr (M. A.) Sarcoma compressing the left cerebellar hemisphere; autopsy. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1888, xlv, 421-424.—Stroeber (H.) Sarcome der rechten Kleinhirnhemisphare. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 123. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1893), 1894. xxiv, 5 —Thomas (H. M.) Al- veolar sarcoma of the cerebellum; clinical report; remarks CEREBELLUM. 305 CEKESOLL Cerebellum (Tumors of, Sarcomatous). on anatomical relations of the cochlear aud vestibular nerves, by L. F. Parker; pathological report by Simon Flexuer. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.. Bait., 1890, vii, 193- 19s—Tullio (li.) Sopra un caso di sarcoma parvicellu- laiv del cervello. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, p-t-7, xxxv, 1304-1311.—Weichselbnum (A.) Cysten- bildimf in eineni Sarconi des Kleinhirnes. Ber. d. k. k. Kraukenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 18S0, 429 — Wendt (E C.) Tumor of the cerebellum (alveolar glio- sarcoma) Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 305-309. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1.-81. xx, 719. Cerebellum (Tumors of) in children. d'Astros (L.) Tumeurs du cervelet chez l'enfant. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1894, xii. 225-246. Also: Marseille med., 1894, xxxi, 622-644. — Durante (D.) Nuova contribuzione clinica alio studio dei tumori del cervelletto nei bambini. Pediatria, Napoli 1895. xxxvii, "37-251.—Eisenlohr. Tumor cerebelli von eineni 3- tehrlgen Kinde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv. 1051.__Holt (L. E.) Glio-sarcoma of the cerebellum occurring in a child four and one-half years of age. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 342-344.— Peabody ( G. L.) Sar- coma of tbe cerebellum in the child of a sarcomatous mother. Med. Rec , N. Y., 1886, xxix. 727.—de Sehwei- ' nitz (G. E.) Tuberculous tumors of the cerebellum in a child fonr.years old; autopsy and microscopical examina- tion. Phila. M. Times, 1880-7, xvii, 533-535. Also, Reprint. Cerebellum (Tumors of Treatment of, Operative). Dean (H. P.) A case of cerebellar abscess successfully treated bv operation. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 250-252.— Janz. Zur chirurgischeu Hehandlung del Kleinhirn- timioren. Mitt. a. d. Hamb Staatskrankenanst., 1897, i, 180-188. Also, transl: Riforma med.. Napoli. 1897. xiii, pt. 4. 295-298.—IHoran (J. F > & Kerr ol.i Cerebellar tumor; two exploratory operations; tumor not removed; autopsy; cyst and tibro-sarcomatous tumor of the left lobe. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1896-7, xii, 509-576. Also: Yirainia M Semi-Month., Richmond. 1897-8, ii, 238-243.—Parkin (A.) A case of removal of a cerebellar tumour: no return of symptoms after two and a half years. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1896-7, xxx, 84-87. Cerebellum (Wounds and injuries of). I.egrain. Sur nn cas de dechirure traumatique du cervelet. Gaz. med. de Pieardie, Amiens, 1893, xi, 451- 451.—von .Tiering. Ueber Kleinhirnverletzungen. Tagebl. d. Yersamml. deutsch. Natnrf u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882.lv, 256.—Morgan (J.11.) Wound of the cerebellum by wire which passed through palate, pharyngeal wall, and occipito-atloid articulation. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 12.— Thomson (W.) On acase of pistol-shot wound of the cerebellum. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4, Dubl., 1884. ii. 187-195. Also: Lancet, Lond.. 1884, ii, 361- 363. Also [Abstr. ]: Brit. M. J., Lond, 1884. i, 767. Cerebral murmurs. See Auscultation (Cranial, etc.). Cerebral localization and brain surgery. Bac- terioruania, Asiatic cholera, and hydrophobia. 1*5-6. 42pp. 8°. London,Pickering4'Co., [1886], Cerebration. See Brain. Cerebri n. See, also. Brain (Chemistry of, etc.). Forbes (C.) Note on the therapeutic uses of cere- lirinin. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1894, n.s., lviii, 556.— Geoghegan (E. G.) Tbe chemical constitution of cere- hrine. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1880, n.s., xx, 32-36.— .Tlare- chal. La Transfusion nerveuse; quelques observations chniqnes. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1892, xliv, 141. Cerebritis. See Brain (Inflammation of). Cerebroscopy. See Brain (Diseases of, Semeiology, etc., of). Cerebroside. Freytag (F.) "'Ueber dus Protagon und die Cerebrosirte. [Berlin.] 8'--. Bromberg, 189:5. terebro-spinal fluid. See, also, Brain (Movements of); Spine (Sur- p. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1879. Cerracchio (Pacifico). Delia polizia sanita- ria, ossia il nuovo diritto sanitario interno e dc' regolamenti loeali d' igiene. xii, 135 pp. 8°. Napoli, D. Cesareo, 1890. Cerrada y Gajon (Pedro) [1815-95]. Necrologia. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1895, viii, tl1-413. Cerrada y Martin (F61ix). Estudios de patologia general. Fundamentos de la patoge- uiu. 164 pp., 1 1. 8 \ Zaragoza, establ. tipog. de La Derecha, 1889. Cerreto-Guidi. Societa di assistenza pubblica di Cerreto- Guidi. Statuto della . . . 12°. Empoli, 1890. Cerri (Cesare). Riflessi medici in parte raccolti ed iu parte proprii. 32 pp. 8C. Milano, S. Ma- jocchi, 1844. [P., v. 1108.] Cerri (Giuseppe). Dissertazione intorno alpolso. xv, 219 pp. 12°. Milano, F. Agnelli, 1786. -----. Trattato della pellagra, malattia the ilesola le popolazioni di campagna del regno cV Italia, v. 1. viii, 355 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Sihestri, 1807. -----. Osservazioni intorno al saggio medico- politico sulla pellagra del Signor G. B. Marzari. 39 pp. 8:. Milano, G. Silvestri, 1811. [P., v. 1418.] Another copy, bound with : Frapolli (F.) Animadver- siones in morbuni [etc.]. 8°. [Mediolani, 1771.] See, also, Donzelli (Pietro Paolo). Apologia seconda concemeiitc la cura delle febbri puerperali [etc.]. 16°. Milano, 1790.—Sti-ambi© (Giovauui) [in 1. s.J. Fallacia delle osservazioni critiche [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1826. Certain (The) cure of epilepsy, or falling sick- ness, convulsions and fits; written in the interest of all those patients who, having had medical treatment and having tried all known remedies, failed to get freed from the terrible scourge; together with an appendix. Published hy the German Medical Institute. 6. ed. 17, vii pp., 2 1. 16°. St. Louis, Mo., M. Glshausen, [n. d.]. Certain necessary directions, as well for the cnre of the plague, as for preventing the infec- 1ioti. See Great Britain. Certain orders thought meet to be put in exe- cution against the infection of the plague. 1 broadside. London, R. Barker, 1641. Bound with his: Bathes for the benefit of such as would shorten their journey to Bath. sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Certain (The) and radical cure of deafness. An adviser for all who, being afflicted with diseases of the ear, want to rid themselves of the same with dispatch, and who are opposed to and want to be protected against valueless and even dan- gerous remedies. 8. ed. 46, vii pp., 2 1. 16°. St. Louis, Mo., M. Olshausen, [n. d.]. Certaine (A) relation of the hog-faced gentle- woman called Mistris Tannakin Skinker, who was borne atWirkham, a neuter towne betweene the eniperour aud the Hollander, scituate on the river Rhyne. Who was bewitched in her moth- ers wombe in theyeare 1618, and hath lived ever since ttnknowne in this kind to any, but her par- ents and a few other neighbours And can never recover her true shape, tell she be married, etc. Also relating the cause, as it is since conceived, now her mother came so bewitched. 7 1. 4°. London, F. Grove, 1640. Certaine statutes especially selected, and com- manded by his Majestie to be carefully put in execution by all justices, [etc.]. See Great Britain. Certalclo. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Certifieados relativos al tratamiento de la fie- bre amarilla por el especifico del Dr. [Federico] Pedrera en el puerto de Veracruz. 13 pp. 8°; 2 phot., obverse and reverse, of medal, 4 by 6 inches. Mexico, 1883. Certified Homes for Orphan or Destitute Girls, Dicklehurgh, Norfolk. Annual report for the year 1884. 9 pp. 24°. Diss, E. Abbott, [1885]. Certifyinjjfsurgeons and the factory and work- shops act. Being a summary and review of the evidence aud recommendations of the royal com- mission. 20 pp. 8°. London, T. Richards, 1876. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii. Cerillli (Giuseppe). Eiflessioni intorno ai mali apopletici. iv, 266 pp. 8°. Napoli, V. Orsini, 1806. Cerumen. See, also, Auditory canal (External, Cerumen impacted in). Meyer (D.) *De aurium cerumine. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1684]. Barclay (K.) Wax in the ear; its significance; the diagnosis, prognosis and proper treatment. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1890, ii, 174-180.—Blomliau. Valeur de la composition chimique du cerumen de l'oreille. Bull. Soc. m6d. de Charleroi, 1897, xviii, 110-113. — Laconrret. Quelques m6faits du cerumen. Echo med., Toulouse, 1897, 2. s., xi, 465; 477.—Laniiois & IVlartz. Analyse chi- mique du cerumen. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larvnx [etc.], Par.. 1897, xxiii, 549-557.—IHun-cll (T. E.) Black cerumen. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 390.—Roh- rer. Contribution a la morphologie des bacteriesduceru- men. Cong, internat. d'otal. et de laryngol., Par., 1889, 108-111. Also: Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1889-90, xxix, 44-53. Cerutti (Fridericus Petrus Ludovieus) [1789- 1858]. [Pr. ] inest rarioris monstri in museo anatomico Lipsiensi adservauti, descriptio ana- tomica. 19 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Staritii, [1827]. [P., v. 1597.] See, also, Bergeron [Pierre-Jacques]. Die Schutz- pockenimpfung [etc.]. 16°. Leipzig, [1822].—Ilowship (John). Beobachtungen iiber den gesunden [etc.J. 8°. Leipzig, [1822].—Mallhey (Andre) [in 1. s.]. Ueber die Gehirnwassersucht. Eine gekronte Preisschrift. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt von Dr. Gottlob Wendt. Mit einer Vorrede von Prof. Dr. Cerutti. 12°. Leipzig, 1821.—lTIiqnel (Antoine) [in 1. s.]. Abhandlung von deu Konvulsionen der Schwangern [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1824.— Koch (Eduard) [in 1. s.]. Ueber die Anwendung der Blausaure [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1820. Cerutti (Ludovieus). See Pharmaeoprea ad pauperes curandos accommo- data. 8°. Lipsice, 1729. de Cervantes (Vincente). Discurso pronun- ciado eu el real Jardin bot^nico el 2 de junio [sobre] la planta que los autiguos Mexicanos llamaron Holgnabuitl, y que los naturales del dia conocen generalmente con el nombre de ar- bol del Ule. 35 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Mexico, 1794. LP., v. 1242.] Supplemento & laGazeta de literatura, M6xico 2 dejulio de 1794. Cervasio (Salvatore). Contributo alio studio del morbillo nel regio esercito italiano. 29 pp. 8°. Roma, C. Voghera, 1883. Repr. from: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1883, xxxi. Cervelleri (F. ) De l'emploi de l'61ectro-ma- gne'tisuie dans les maladies des nerfs, et des diffe'rens proce"de"s d'application des appareils 61ectro - magne"tiques a excitation, a courans graduels et a soustraction dans le traitement des paralysies, de la sciatique, de Tamaurose, de Fepilepsie; et de plusieurs autres nevroses, des GEKnTELLEKI. 308 CKSAIfl. Cervelleri (F.)—continued. plaies, et des tumeurs aneiennes de differente nature, et en particulier de certaines tumeurs articulaires et scrofuieuses. Viii, 55 pp. 8°. Naples, Sebeto, 1810. [P., v. 1137.] Cervellin ( Aloysius ). * De exanthematibus papulosis. 16 pp. 8 . Patavii, typ. Seminarii, 1840. Cervello (Nicolb) [1804-90]. Prelezioni alio studio di materia medica date nella regia Univer- sita di Palermo nel corso dell' anno scolastico 1856-7; raccolte e pubblicate dal Dr. Antonio Mai aluso. 133 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Palermo, Pa- gano e Piola, 1857. [P., v. 1427.] ------. Iuangurazione del husto in mariuo del Prof. Giovanni Gorgone, fatta iu Palermo nel- 1' Ospedale della Concezione il dl 4 ottobre 1868. 10 pp. 8°. Palermo, F. Barravecchia, 1868. For Biography, see Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Pa- lermo (1890), 1891, 155-158 (G. Pitre). Also: Sicilia med., Palermo. 1890, ii, 899-902 (G. Pitre). Cervello ( Viucenzo ). Lezioni di clinica tera- peutica dettate nello Spedale di Sau Saverio; raccolte e pubblicate da C. Lazzaro e F. Fodera. 2p. 1., 109 pp. 8-. Palermo, D. Vena, 1894. Also. Editor of: Archivio di farmacologia e terapeu- tica, Palermo, 1893. Cervera (Aqueas de). See Syphilis (Treatment of) by natural waters. Cervera y Kuiz (Eulogio). Un caso di his- tero-ectomia y algunas consideraciones sugeri- das por el mismo. Nnevo procedimiento di extir- paci6n del utero. 60 pp. 8°. Madrid, Escuela tipog. del Hospicio, 1*84. Repr. from: Bol. de med. y cirug., Madrid, 1884, ii; 1885, iii. Cervesat© (Dante). Nuovo doppio stetometro- stetografo; contributo alia tisio-patologia della meccanica respiratoria. 83 pp., 3 pi., 1 diag. 8~. Verona; Padova, Dr ueher f Tedeschi, 1886. ------. Dell' echiuococco nell' eta infantile. 127 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1889. ------. La clinica pediatrica di Padova. Rendi- conto storico-clinico-statistico dal marzo al set- tembre 18.-D. 34 pp., 4 1., 1 plan. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1889. ------. Contribuzione alio studio delle infezioni einorragiche dei neonaii. 276 pp., 2 L, 2 pi. 8°. Padova, A. Draghi, 1889. ------. Dei caratteri chimici del liquido idrocefa- lico. 19 pp. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, 1896. ------. Sopra un caso di morbo d' Hodgkin. 39 pp., 1 pi. 8L. Padova, Prosperini, 1896. ------. Sopra una epidemia di paralisi spinale in- fantile. Studio clinico ed anatomo-patologico. 149 pp.,2 1., 1 pi.,2tab. 8°. Padova, Prosperini, f-96. ------. Nuova contribuzione alio studio della te- tania infantile. 38 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Padova, Pros- perini, 1896. Cervetto (Giuseppe) [1807- ]. Di Giamba- tista Da Monte e della medicina italiana nel secolo xvi. 3 p. 1., 121 pp., 1 1., port., 1 tab. 8-. Verona, G. Antonelli, 1839. [P., v. 1415.] -----. Cenni per una nuova storia delle scienze mediche, letti alia sezione medica della seconda riunione degli scicnziati italiaui in Torino, ad essa dedicati il 23 settembre 1840. 24 pp. 8°. Verona, G. Antonelli, 1841. ------. Appendice ai cenni per una nuova storia delle scienze mediche. 1 p. 1., 33 pp. 8°. Ve- rona, G. Antonelli, 1842. Bound with the preceding. ------. Di alcuni ill ustri anatomici italiani del ilecimoquitito secolo indagini per servire alia stoiia della scienza. 155 pp., 1 1., port. 8°. Verona, G. Antonelli, 1842. [P., v. 1415.] Cervetto (Giuseppe)—continued. ------. Altra appendice ai cenni per una nuova storia delle scienze mediche. 35 pp., 1 J, s Verona, G. Antonelli, 1^43. Bound ivith his: Cenni per una nuova storia, [etc.j. *o Verona, 1841. ------. The same. . . . letta all' Ateneo di Tre- viso il giorno 28 aprile 1843. 39 pp. 8-. Venezia G. Cecchini e C, 1844. [P., v. 1108.] Repr. from: Memor. d. med. contemp., Venezia, 1844. ------. Lettera al Profess. Giacom' Andrea Giaco- mini, relativa ad una orazione del Prof. Fran- cesco Cortege, sul teatro anatomico di Padova 13 pp. 8°. Verona, G. Antonelli, 1845. Bound with his: Cenni per una nuova storia, [etc.], 8°. Verona, 1841. Cervii*. Hart (J.) A description of the skeleton of the fossil deer of Ireland, Cervus meyaceros 8°. Dublin, 1825. ------. The same. 2. ed., with appendix. 8'->. Dublin, 1830. Cery (Gaston) [1868- ]. De la hernie prop6- ritoneale et eu particulier d'une varie'te' rare ( hernie para-inguino-propentoneale ). 14 pp. 8°. Reims, Matot-Braine, 1890. Repr. from.- Union m6d. du nord-est, Reims, 1890, xiv. ------. * Etude cliuique sur le rbumatisme uou- eux chez les enfants. 59 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 4 , Nancy, 1892, No. 343. Ceryle alcyon. Shufeldt ( R. W.) Osteology of Ceryle alcyon. J, Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1883-4, xviii, 279-294, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. Cesaire (Jean) [1460-1551], For Biography and Portrait, see De iTInliter (V.) La medaille de Jean C6saire. 8°. Bruxelles, 1893. Cesalpiims. See Blood (Circulation of, History of the dis- covery of). Cesar (Galdino). * Epilepsia. 1 p. 1., 62 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert f C, 1887. Cesar (Maurice) [1869- ]. * De l'amputation des membres dans les aneiennes paralysies in- fancies. 43 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1894, No! 913. Cesare (Giulio). Discorso inaugurale del galri- netto idroterapico Fonte Giulia in Poifabro (maniago). 22 pp. 8°. Udine, D. Del Bianco, 18D-2. Cesarea Accademia chirurgica di Vienna. Re- golamento per la . . . di G. A. de Brainbilla, da eseguirsi per ordine di S. M. Imperiah- Giuseppe II. Parte prima. 1 p. 1., 169pp., 1 1., 13 forms. 4°. Milano, F. Pogliani e F. Pulini, 1786. Cesareo (Giulio Russo). Osservazioni pratiche sulla litotomia del dottor Luigi Cilento, raccolte dal dottor . . . 55 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Napoli, Pieta de' Turchini, 1835. [P., v. 1137.] Cesareo-Kegio Istituto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Prospetto delle letture della sezione di Padova, nel corso dell' anno academieo 1816-17. 43 pp. 4°. Padora, tipog. Penada, 1817. Cesari ((Huseppe). Prelezione al corso lihero di materia medica e farmacologia sperimentale. 24 pp. 8°. Modena, Moneti e Namias, 18*1. ------. Appunti di materia medica generale. 141 pp. 8°. Modena, Moneti e Namias, 1884. ------. II colera nella borgata di S. Damaso in villa Collegara e in villa S. Donnino della Niz- zola (estate 1886). 2. ed. 30 pp. 8°. Modena, Moneti e Namias, 1886. ------. Sull' azione emostatica dell' antipirina ; nota preventiva. 27 pp., 1 1. 8\ Modena, Bassi 4' Debri, 1889. ------. La pirodina. 23 pp. 8. Modena, Bassi f Debri, 1889. CKSAKI. 309 OETACEA. Cesari (Giuseppe)—continued. ._____. II progresso e la terapia. Discorso in- ano-urale letto nella r. University di Modena il gioruo 4 novembre ld95. 57 pp. 8°. Modena, Soc. tipog., 1895. Repr. from: Annuario d. r. Univ. di Modena, 1895-6. _____& B 11 rani (C.) Sull' antifebbrina ; note preventive. 8pp. 8°. [Modtna, Vincenzi, 1887.] Repr. from: Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1887, ii. _____& Frignani (R.) La cura catartica per iujezioue ipodermica e ret tale. 74 pp. 8°. Modena, Moneti e Namias, 1884. Laboratorio di farmacologia sperimentale nella r. Uni- versity di Modena. Cesarini (Giuseppe). Bonificazione dell' agro loinauo. Epossibile colmare col Tevere gli stagui e le paludi littorali d'Ostia e di Mac- carese? 64 pp., 1 map. 8°. Roma, C. Voghera, 18*6. Cesarius (Job.). See Hoc (In) opnsculo continentur . . . libri . . . per Joh. Cesarium recogniti [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Argentorati, 1534. Cesarotti, rabbe". See Tonrdes (Joseph) [in 1. s.]. Notices sur la vie litteraire de Spallanzani, [etc.]. 2. 6d. 12°. Milan, 18uo. Cesena. Tlori (R.) Rapporto sullo stato sanitario del secondo scmestre 1880 nel circondario di Cesena. Raccoglitore med.. Forh, 1881, 4. s., xv, 297-302. Cesenatico. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Cesio (Carlo) [1626-86]. L' anatomia dei pittori del signore . . ., das ist: deutliche Anweisung uud griiudliche Vorstellung vou der Anatomie der Mahler, wie in den Gliedern des mensch- lichen Leibs die vornehmste Gebeine und Mus- culo, nach ihren Nahruen, Stellen, Anfangen uud Enden, auch fordersten Verrichtungen. bey ihren unterschiedlichen Bewegungen und Hand- lungen zuerkennen, anzuseheu und vorzustelleu seyn; anfanglich von dem ... in netten und deutlichen Tabellen, auch kurtzen doch griind- liehen in italianischer Sprache beygefiigten Er- kliirnngen an das Licht gegeben: nun aber zu mehrern Aufuabm der Mahler- uud Zeichen- Kunst in das Teutsche getreulich iibersetzet, mitgetheilet von Joh. Daniel Preissleru. 7. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 16 pi. fol. Niirnberg, 1780. Plates i, ii, xii, and xiv wanting. Date of preface: 1743 [Cesonius, aliter De Cesis.] Epistola medi- ciualis historica, exhibeus argumenta qusedaiu refellentiareseffusas in epistola insiguiores, a doc- tore medico ad alium medicum scripta, vii. Kal. Jau. an. m. dc. xxcvii, et addita an. m. dc. xciii. oliservationibus prelo subjectis, de lue venerea. 16 pp. sm. 4C. Lutetice, ex typ. A. Cramoisy, 1705. Cessner (C. J.) Handbuch der chirurgischen Instruuienten- und Verbandlehre. xii, 412 pp. 8°. Wien, L. W. Seidel, 1852. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xiv, 572 pp. 8°. Wien, L. W. Seidel, 1855. Cesspools. See Sewage (Disposal of). Cestan (E [tienne - Jacques - Marie - Raymond ] ) [181)7- ]. *Des hebiorrhagies intraperito- neales et de l'heruatocele pelvienne cousiderees particulierement dans leurs rapports avec la grossesse tubaire: pathogenic ; traitement. 188 i PP- 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 471. . The same. 18^ pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, <•■ Steinheil, 1^94. Ceslilia. J Oallo de' Toimiinai (G.) Su 1' uso interno dell' I acquannnerale Cestilia dei F.lli Mauzo, in Torre Annun- mta (presso Napoli). Arch, internaz. d. spec, med.-chir., Napoh, 1894, x, 268-275. Cestodes. Barrois (J.) Une nouvelle conception de l'organisme cestode. Rev. biol. du nord de bi France, Lille, 1889-90, ii, 18-'J::. — Klnnchnrd (It.) Sur quelques cestodes monstrueux. Progres m6d., Par., 1894, xx, 1; 17. Also, Reprint.—Wriesbnch (H.) lieitriige zur Kenntniss der Anatomie der l.'estoden. Arcb. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 188:!, xxii, 525-.r,84. 3 pi l.on iilx-i •; (E.) Einige Experi- inente, Cestoden kiinstlicb b-bend /.n erbalten. Ceutralbl. f. Uakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena. 1892, xi. 89-92.— Tloniez (R.) Cestodes et hehuinthologistes. Kev. internat. d. sc. biol., Par.. 1880, vi, 208-275. -----. Eludes sur les ces- todes. Bull, scient. dep. du nord [etc.], Par., 1880, iii, 249; 35('>; 407. — Wajjener (11. K.) Die Entwicklung der Ces- toden naeli eignen Untersuchungen. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Holland. Maatscb. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, 1857, 2. s., xiii, 1-17, 1 pi. Cestona. Martinez (A. C.) Aguas medicinales y esta- blecimiento balneario de Cestona (Guipiizcoa, clornsailo sodicas, termales & \M° y 27°. roy. 8- Madrid, 1888. ------. Clinica terapeutica del estableci- niiento hydromineral de Cestona. 8°. Madrid, 1891. Caider6n iVInrtfnez (A.) Banos de Cestona. Bol, de sau., Madrid, 1888, i, 292: 1889, iii, 1. Cesti'iim. Traversa (G.) Prime ricercbe farmacologiche sul Cestrnin Parqui, e sul suo priucipio attivo. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1892-3, iii, 181-264, 1 diag. Cetacea. Bot'viKR (E.-L. ) *Les c6tac6s souffleurs. 4 . Lille, 18*9. Bruns (V.) *Diss. sistens disquisitiones auatomico-physiologicas de nervis cetaceorum cerebralibus. 8 \ Tubingce, [1836]. Bureau (T. ) Observations sommaires sur le classeinent des etres organises: Sur le efface" et le rang qu'il occupe daus la classification de M. le docteur Guittou. 8J. Paris, [1855]. Repr. from: Rev. et mag. de zool., Par., 1855. vii. Camper (P.) Observations auatomiques sur la structure interieure et le squelette de plusieurs especes de ce'tace's. Publiees par sou fils, Adrien- Gilles Camper, avec des notes par M. G. Cuvier. Ouvrage qui peut faire suite aux Annales et memoires du Museum (l'histoire naturelle, et aux recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des qua- druples, par M. Cuvier. 4°. Paris, 18*20. Gerstaecker (A.) Das Skelet des Dog-lings Hyeroodon rostratus (Pont.). Ein Beitrag zur Osteologie der Cetaceen und zur vergleichenden Morphologie der Wirhelsaule. rov. 4°. Leipzig, 1887. Guerix (R.) * fitudes zoologiques et paleonto- logiques sur la famille des eetace"s. 4'-. Paris, 1874. Jackson (J. B. J.) Dissection of a spermaceti whale and three other cetaceans. 8°. [Boston, 1845.] Repr. from: Boston J. Nat. Hist., 1845, v. Knox (F. J.) Account of the rorqual the skeleton of which is now exhibing in tbe great rooms of tbe Royal Intitution, Princes street. 8:. [Edinburgh, 18:55.] -----. Account of the whale now exhibit- ing iu the Trades' Hall, Glasgow. 8°. [«.j>.]. 1835. Labach (L. A. ) Dr lapide manati. 4J. Halie Magdeb., [1699]. Murie (J.) On the anatomy of a fin-whale (Physalus antiquoruin, Gray) captured near Gravesenil. 8 . [London, 1865.] Repr. from -. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud., 1865, 206-227. [Sibbald (R. )] Phalaiuologia nova sive ohservationes de rarioribus quibusdam ba- laenis in Scotia- littus nuper ejectis, in qui- bus nuper conspectse bala-me per genera et species, secundum characteres ab ipsa natura CETACEA. 310 CETRARIX. Cetacea. impressos distribuntur, qiiiedam nunc primum describuutur; errores etiain circa deseriptas detcgnntur, et breves de dentium.spermatis ceti, et ambrie grisite orttt natura et usu traduntttr. bid. 4°. Edinburgi, 1692. True (F. W.) Contributions to tlie natural liistory of the cetaceans, a review of the family Delphinidie. *'-J. Washington, 1^89. Wall (W. S.) History and description of the skeleton of a new sperm whale, lately set up iu the Australian Museum; together with some ac- count of a new genus of sperm whales called Euphysetes. 8°. Sydney, 1851. Beauregard (H.) Note sur le coeur et le laryux dn cachalot. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s.. i. pt. 2, 421. -----. Note sur deux ecbouemeuts reeents de Balaenoptera musculns. Ibid., 1892, 9. s., iv, 202. — Beauregard (II.) & Boulart. Rechercbes sur les upparcils "u'enitn urinaires des balienides. J. de l'anat. et pbysiol. [etc.], Par.. 1882. xviii, 158-201, 7 pi.----------. Recherches sur le larynx et la trach6e des baheuides. Ibid.. 011-034, 3 pi.----------- Sur I'utriciile prostati- que et les canaux deferents des cetac.6s. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, I'ar., 1891, cxviii, 596.-----------. Note sur la circulation du coeur chez les balienides. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol.. Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 125-127.—van Beneden (P.-J.) Sur l'articulation temporo maxillaire cbez les eetaces. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1882, iii, 609-678. — Ben- nett (E. II.) Chronic rheumatic arthritis iu the articula- tion of the skull with the spine inthe rorqual, Balaenoptera rostra ta. Tr. Roy. Acad M. Ireland, Dubl., 1896, xiv, 345. —Brandt (J.'-F.) Quelques mots sur uue oste.ogra- phio des Sirenes, accompagnes d'une ost6ologie des paehy- derines et des eetaces. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1803, lvii, 489. -----. Ueber eine neue Classification der Bartenwale (Balsenoidea) mit Beriicksichtigung der unter- gegangenen Gattimgen derselben. Melauges biol. Acad. imp. d.sc. deSt.-Petersb., 1872,viii, 317-333—Camernuo (L.) Recherches sur la structure de la main et des os pelviens chez la Balaenoptera musculns. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1897. xxvii, 196-201. — Camper (P.) Ver- haudeling over bet geboor van den cachelot of pot-wal- visch. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1767, ix, pt. 3,193-229, 3 pi. -----. Verhaudeliug over de zitplaats van het beeuig gehoortuig, en over een voornaam gedeelte van bet ziutuig zelve in wnlvischen. Ibid., 1776, xvii.pt.2,157-200,2pl.—Chabry (L.) & Boulart (It.) Note snr un foetus de dauphin et ses membranes. J. de l'anat. et pbysiol. [etc.], Par., 1883, xix. 572-57.'), 1 pi.—C'raigic (D.) Some observations on a species of euto/.oou or parasitical animal found in the bronchial tubes and pulmonary vesicles of the common porpoise. Edinb. M. Sc S. J.. 1832, xxxviii, 301-312, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. — Flower (W. H.) Abstract of lectures on tlie anatomy, physiology, and zoologv of the cetacea. Brit. M. J., I.on.1., 18»1. i, 553; C32; 717; 760; 794; 840; 876; 962: ii, 38. — CJray (R.) The external aurieul.r opening and the external auditory meatus in the Green- land right whale, Balaenamysticetus. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1888-9, xxiii, 300-302.—Guldberg (G. A.) On the existence of a fourth species of the genus Balaenoptera. Ibid., 1884-5, xix, 293-302. -----. Ueber temporare aus- sere Hinterflossen bei Delpbin-Embrvonen. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, "1894, viii, 92-95. — Hunter .1) Observations ou the structure and reconomy of whales. Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1787, lxxvii, 371-450, 8 pi. Also, in his .- Obs. on certain parts of the animal cecouomv. [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1837. 331-392.—Jolyct (F.) Recherches sur la respiration des eetaces Arcb. de physiol. norm et path., Par., 1893, 5. s., v. (i 10-618. — Kiikcnthai (W.) Ueber die Hand der Cetaceen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 638- 646. -----. Leber Reste eines Hautpanzers bei Zahn- walen. Ibid., 1890, v, 237-240. -----. Mittheilnngeu iiber den Carpus des Weisswals. (Die Bildung des Hama- tunis und das Vorkommen von zwei und drei Centralien.) Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1892-3, xix, 56-64, 1 pi. -----. Ueber Kudimente von Hintertiossen bei Embryonen vou Walen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894-5, x. 534-537. -----. Zur Entwiukelungsgeschichte des Gebisses von Manatus. Ibid., 1896, xii. 513-5J6. — Lcboucq (H.) La nageoire pectoraledes eetaces an point de vue phylogeniqiie. Ibid., 1887, ii, 202-208. — .TIaycr. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Delphins. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Darmstadt, 1827, ii, 111-230,7 pi.—Pouchet (ii.) Developpement de l'event du cacha- lot. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol , Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 149.— Poneliet (G.) & Itcauregard (H.) Note sur le sque- lette du cachalot feinelle. Ibid., 2ul-204.-----------. Note sur une tete dejeune cachalot. Ibid.. 553-555. ----- -----. Sur un cachalot 6chou6 a. Pile de Ue. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1891, xxvii, 117-133, 2 pi.—Pouchet (G.) Sc t'habry. Quatrieme note sui l'organe adamaniiu: les balienides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., Cetacea. iv, 120. —Pouchet (G.) \ Matriti, 1829. Cliabalier (Elie) [1S64- ]. *Du frotteni.-nt, pdricardique et spdcialenicnt de sa valeur se- mdiologique et de ses divcrses modifications p.-ir les mouvements respiratoires. 1 p. 1., 141 ]ip. 4 '. Lyon, 1890, Xo. 567. Chabanean ( N. ) * Essai sur I'usage dc la saignde pendant le cours de la grossesse. 11 pp. 4°. Paris, 180*, Xo. 5, v. 69. Chabaiieix (Joseph-Antoine) [1870- ]. *De l'electrolyse dans le traitement des r6trecis.se- nients d(>s voies lacrymales. 54 pp. 4 . Bor- deaux, 1894, Xo. 7. Chabanet (Julien-Augustin) [1863- ]. *L« t ullage de la glotte. 71 pp. 4°. Paris, 1--7, Xo. -,'44. Chabanier (Arthur). *Du caucer de la glande parotide et de son traitement. 34 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866, 2. s., No. 915. Chabanne (Jean-Baptiste-Camille) [1867- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude de l'hdmiatrophie lin- guale. 50 pp. 4C. Bordeaux, 1891, No. 22. [de Chabannes (Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Fredc- ric) Marquis] [1770-1835]. Explanation of a new method for warming nnd purifying the air in private houses and public houses aud public buildings; for totally destroying smoke, for purifying the air in stables, and every kind of buildings in which animals are lodged. 25 pp. h°. London, Schulze e? subseq.]. The same as preceding, except title-page. [------.] fitudes sur les eaux mindrales de Vals (Ardeche). 44 pp. 8°. Privas, Roure fils, 1*06. ------. Vals en 1868. 55 pp., 1 1. 8°. 'Paris, F. Savy; Lyon, J.-P. Megrct, 1868. Chabannes (Rdnd). * Traitement de la dysp- ude par les inhalations d'aeide carboniquc. 72 pp. 4°. Lyon, 188.-!, No. 412. -----. The same. 72 pp. * . Lyon,J.Gallet,l***. Chabsinon. Mdmoire sur le traitement, siiivi par 23 personnes niordnes par une louve onragee, dans l'arrondissernent d'Uzes (Gard), le 11 ct lo 12 juillet 1850, accompagnd de quelques conside- rations sur la inorsure des animaux (Mirages. 175 pp., 1 map. 4°. Uzes, George, 1851. Chabanon (J.) fils. Observations sur la mala- die dyssentdriqne qui a rdgnd dpiddmiquenienfc a Uzes (Gard) et dans les environs; suivies des moyens de la prdvenir et d6 la traitor. '.U pp. H°. Uzes, L. George, 1832. [P., v. 1745.] Chabasse (Louis-Olivier) [1860- ]. * Con- tribution a l'dtude d'une varidtd des goinmes syphilitiques sous-cutances dites gomnies en nappe. 46 pp., 1 1. 4 \ Paris, 1**9, Xo. 2K>. CHABASSTJ. Chabassil [Autoine-Albert]. Traitement ra- tionnel et cnrutif du choldra dans l'ininiense majoritd des cas. 44 pp. 8°. Brest, typog. et lithog. J.-P. Gadreau, 18.-2. t)u cover: Paris, 0. Doin; Brest, J. Robert. -----. The same. 50 pp. 8'-. Brest, typog. et lithog. J.-P. Gadreau, 1884. Additional on cover: Nouv. M., augmentee du traite- ment pr6servatif. Paris, O. Doin; Brest, J. Robert. -----. Traitement rationnel, curatif et prdven- tifde la fievre jaune. 72 pp. 8°. Brest, typog. it lithog. Gadreau, 1883. Cliabaud (Felix). 'Contribution a l'dtude de la syphilis du maxillaire infdrieur. 70 pp., 1 1. 4 -. ' Paris, 1885, Xo. 288. Cliabaud (Jean - Joseph - Jacques - Etienne ) [1858- ]. 'Contribution a l'dtude de la pa- thogdnie des tumeurs des cicatrices osseuses. 4(i pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886, No. 7. Cliabaud (N.) [1850- ]. * Des accidents observes dans les appareils a air comprimd em- ployds aux travaux sous-marins, et particuliere- tnent de ceux dus a une ddcompression trop brusque. (Quelques moyens pratiques d'y re- mddier.) 55 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 228. Chabbert (L.) Nouvelles doctrines de neuro- pathologie d'apres les lecous dldmentaires de (Unique mddicale professdes a l'H6tel-Dieu de Toulouse par Caubet. Exaruen critique. 112 pp., 1 1. 8 . Paris, Vve. Babe f Cie.; Toulouse, Echo med., 1892. Cliaber (P.) *Du traitement du rhumatisme cerebral par les bains froids. 68 pp., 1 1. 4G. Montpellier, 18*4, No. 17. Chabert. Observations de chirurgie pratique. 11 p. ]., 476 pp., 2. 1. 12°. Paris, J. Mariette, 1724. Chabert (Alphonse). 'Contribution a l'dtude do l'authrax du talon. 60 pp., 11. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1883, No. 19. Chabert (Joseph). * Des grenouillettes. 71pp. 4-'. Montpellier, 1884, No. 55. Chabert (P.) 'Traitement de la fievre puer- pdrale par les bains froids. 108 pp., 25 ch. 4°. Li/on, 1884, No. 216. Chabert (Paul) [1858- ]. 'Essai sur la pleurdsie purulente. ix, 11-70 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1884, No. 54. Chabert, (Paul) [1869- ]. *Du moded'action du bicarbonate de soude sur l'estomac. 45 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1033. Chabert [Philibert] [1737-1814]. Description it traitement du charbon dans les animaux 2- pp. 4C. Paris, de Vim p. royale, 1780. ^-----. Traitd du charbon ou anthrax dans les animaux. 109 pp. 8°. Paris, de Vimp. royale, -----. Traitd des maladies verminenses dans les animaux. 194 pp. 8°. Paris, de Vimp. royale, 1787. -----. Instruction sur la pdripneumonie, ou af- fection gangrdneuse du poumon, dans les betes a cornes. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. nationale, fli/'J/L1793]. -----. Traitd de la gale et des dartres dans les animaux. Iniprimd par ordre du gouvernement. 5. dd. 56 pp. 8Z. Paris, Madame Huzard, an NI[1*0\\]. -----. Ueber die Tollehundeswuth und deren Heilung durch zweckmiissigen Gcbrauch des Gauchheils (Anagallis arvensis L.). Eine fran- zosische Original -Abhandluug. Fiir Deutsche bearbeitet und mit einer Vorrede vou G. F. Sick, hrsg. von J. C. Ribbe. xiv, 96 pp. 12°. Berlin u. Stettin, F. Nicolai, 1812. Sec. also, IiiNtrnetions et observations [etcl. 6v 8°. Paris, an VII [1799]-] so*. For Biography, see Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1890 7 s vii, 029-664 (P. Cagny). OIIABKIE. Chabert [Philibert]—continued. ----- A: Fl'Ollia^e (C.-M.-F.) D'une altdra- tion du lait de vache, ddsignde sous le nom de lait bleu. 34 pp. sc. Paris, A.-J. Murehant an NIII [1805]. -----& Hazard (J.-B.) Instructions stir les moyens de s'assitrer de rexistenee de la niorve sur ceux prop res a prdvenir l'invasion de cette maladie, a en preserver les chevaux, et a ddsin- fecter les dcuries on elle a rdgnd. Inipriiiides par ordre du gouvernement. 4. dd., a laqucllc. on a ajoutd la derniere loi sur les maladies con- tagieuses. 104 pp. 8. Paris, M.-R. Huzard an I'[1797]. Cliabetout. Henry (O.) pkre & Barruel (E.) Notice sur Chabetout et ses sources mindrales. Suivie de considdrations mddicales sur ces eaux mind- rales par Ossiau Henry fils. 8°. Issoire, 1878. Chabodie (David). Le petit monde oil sont reprdseutdes au vrai les plus belles parties de l'homme. 7 p. 1., 128, 86 ff., 7 1. 12^. Paris, D. Guillemot S>- E. Roland, 1604. Chabory (Fdlix). * De l'intiuence des affections nasales sur l'appareil respiratoire. 60 pp. 4 ;. Paris, 1892, No. 197. -----. The same. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1892. Chabory (Ldon). Une visite a Davos-Platz (canton des Grisons (Suisse)), pp. 12-25. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1888. Cutting from: Rev. d'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, 1888, v. Chabory-Bertrand (Etienne). Etudes md- dicales sur les eaux mindrales du Mont-Dore. Premiere partie. 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, L. Le- clerc 1859. Chabot (Alphonse) [1866- ]. 'Contribution a l'dtude de l'acroparesthdsie. 72 pp., 21. 1°. Lyon, 1896, No. 1213. Chabot (Paul-Emile) [1858- ]. 'Del'dthoxy- cafdine dans le traitement de la migraine. 78 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 238. Chabot (Petrns). Prolusio medica circa lithia- sim. 8 pp. 8°. [Monspelii, 1790.] [P., v. 1090. ] Chaboureati (Ferdinand). *Du goitre suffo- cant et de la trachdotomie comnie cure pallia- tive de cette affection. 1 p. 1., 50 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 239. Chabraeus [Chabre] (Dominions) [ -1667]. See Sebizins (Mebhior) jun. [ini. s.]. Galeni ars paiva xii. ]6°. Argentorati, 1632. -----. The same [in 1. s.J. Parva xxiv. 16°. Argentorati, 1632. Chabrand (Albert) [1865- ]. • De la disar- ticulation de la hanche par ddsossement apres amputation de la cuisse sous labande d'Esmarch. 72 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1894, No. 919. Chabre (Dominique). See Chabraeus. Chabre (Louis). 'Programme des produits chimiques et pharniaceutiques prdpards dans lc laboratoire de l'Ecole supdrieure de pharmacie de Montpellier, 1888. 24 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1888, XTo. 436. Ecole de pharmacie. Chabre I \ pere [Bernard-Auguste] [1803- 64]. Caffe (P.-L.-B.) 'K6crologie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1864, xxxi, 191. Chabrely (Louis-Pierre-Joseph-Bernard) [1863- ]. 'Contribution a l'dtude de l'albuminuric et de la ndphrite iuterstitielle sdniles. K'6 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1890, No. 45. -----. The same. 106 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, [1890]. Chabrie (Cam.) [I860- ]. 'Contribution a l'dtude expdrimentale de la fouction du rein. 105 pp. 4C. Paris, 1892, No. 111. CHABK1K. 313 CHAD WICK. Cliabrie (Cam.)—contiuued. ______. The same. 109 pp., 1 1. 8 '. J'aris. G. Sttinheil, 1*92. Cliabiier (J.), lo chevalier. Essai sur le vol des inseetes, et observations sur quelques par- ties de la mdcauique des mouveniens progressifs de riiomme et des animaux vertebres; aceom- pagnds de 13 planches relatives aux organes dn voF des insects; suivis d'un mdmoire contenant des idees nouvelles sur lo systeme solaire. iv, ;?28 pp., 14 pi.; viii, 64 pp. 4-". I'aris, A. Belin, 1-2'.!. Chabrol [1862- ]. *De l'augine dite de Liuhvi"'. 52 pp. 4-\ Paris, 1*87, No. 98. de Chabrol-Chaineaiie (E.) Memoire sur le deplacement de la population dans Paris et sur les moyens d'y reniedier, prdsente par les trois arrondisseinents de la rive gauche de la Seine (10°, lleet 12e), a la commission dtablie pros le ministere de l'intdrieur. iv, 34 pp. 8-". Pa- ris, L. Burchard-Huzard, 1840. [P., v. 173L] Cliabl'Ut (Francisque) [1-64- ]. * fit tide critique de l'andinie pernicieuse progressive. 79 pp. 4-\ Paris, 1*89. No. 1. Cliabry (Laurent) [1855-93]. Contribution a l'etude* du mouvement des cotes et du sternum. 3ii pp. 4°. Paris, 18-1. No. 257. For Biography, see J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.]. Par., 1893. xxix,~73.V738 (G. P.). Chacliainowicz (Stanislaus) [l-ti:'>- ]. 'Ein Vail von priiniirem GallenblasenkreLs bei Steiu- hihlung iu der Gallenblase. 32 pp.. 1 pi. --''. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1-90. Cliachereau (Marie-Paul-Emile) [1849- ]. "Un kyste hydatiqne du poumon: urticaire hydatiq'ue. 62*pp., 1 1. 4\ Paris, 1-84, No. 154. —-—. Situation sanitaire de Nantes pendant 1'annee 1895. 7 pp. 8:. Nantes, 1896. Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1895-6, xiv. Chacon (Agustln). Prevention of ophtalmia neonatorum. 8 pp. 12. [Mexico, 1892.] Cliadbourne (Arthur P.) On the value of a new coca base: benzoyl, ib tropein (tropaco- caincj as a local anaesthetic. 11 pp. *'-. [Lon- don], 1892. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., li-92. ii. -----. Ueber Tropacocain, ein Benzoyl-Pseudo- Tropein, eine neue Coca-Base und (lessen Werth als lokales Ausestheticuin. 2 1. 8-\ Berlin, J. springer, [1892]. Repr. from: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., Is92. Cliadbourne (Edwin R.) A large fiecal ab- scess, pointing iu the popliteal space and re- sulting in a spontaneous closure of the perfo- rated intestine. 12 pp. 12-. [New York, 1*86.] Repr. from: ~S. York M. J., 1886, xliii. Cliadbourne (P[aul] A[nsel]) [1-23-8:!]. Lowell lectures: 1871. Instinct; its office in the animal kingdom, and its relation to the higher powers in man. xi, 13-307 pp. *-. Neiv York, G. P. Putnam f Sons, 1872. -----. [Natural history catalogue.] pp. 345- 3:.9. --. [n.p., n.d.] [P., v. 1*09.] Cutting. (haddock (Charles Gilbert). Sexual crimes. In : Svsl. Leg. M. (Hamilton Sc Godkin), X. T., 1894, ii, 5J5-572. .See, also, von KraflTt-Kbiiijj (II.) Psychopathia sexualis [etc.]. 83. Philadelphia <£ London, 189.3. -----. An experimental study in the domain ot hypnotism, s". Xen: Tork d- London. 1896. — von Schrrnrk-.'Yotzin;: (Albert). Therapeutic suggestion in pM-rlmpithia sex- ualis. f'. Philadelphia <£• London, 1895. Chaddock College, Quincy. Year books [iu- duding the medical department]. 9.-11., 18H6-7 to 1888-9. 8C. Quincy, 1887-8. Organized and chartered in 1878. In 1888 tbe Quincy College of Medicine was reorganized and became the med- ical department of Chaddock College. Chadwick (Adam). *l)e inflammatione. 2p.l., 40 pp. 8 . Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1827. Chadwick (Charles) [1-15-Sf,]. * Inaugural dissertation on the question: How far are secre- tion aud nutrition dependent on nervous in- fluence ? 3 p. 1., 43 pp. 8 . Edinburgh, J. Stark, 1-37. [P., v. 1015; 1510; 1524.] For Biography, see I'.rit. M. J., Loud., 1886, ii, r>3(i. Chadwick (David) [1821- ]. The financial aspect of the sanitary question. A lecture de- livered in connection with the Manchester and Sal ford Sanitary Association in the Mechanics' Institution, Salt'ord, on the evening of March 26, 1855. 18 pp. 8°. Manchester, Powlson f Sons, 1855. Chadwick (Sir Edwin) [ls()0-90]. Economical results of different principles of legislation and administration in Europe, especially those in- volving the principle of competition for the field, as compared with the principle of competition within the field of service; as displayed in the service of railways and of internal communica- tion : of supplies of water in London and gas in Paris; of town drainage and of sanitary works; of the production and distribution of bread, of beer, etc. pp. 381-420. 8J. London, Harrison j- Sons. 1859. [P., v. 1619.] Cutting [cover, with printed title| from : J. Statist. See. Lond., 1859, xxii. ------. On the physiological as well as psycho- logical limits to mental labour. 7 pp. 8-\ [London, I860.] Repr. from: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1860. ------. Address to the general meetiug of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. [Ou public health.] Glasgow, Sep- tember 29, i860. 39 pp. 8 . London, Emih/ Faithfull f Co., 1861. LP., v. 1619.] Repr. from: Tr. Xat. Ass. Promot. Social Se. 1800, Lond., 1861. ------. On the jurisprudence of chargeability for sanitary works and for poor rates, police rates. and other branches of local administration. 37 pp. 8°. London, R. J. Bush, 1873. ------. Public health. Address at the Social Science Congress held at Aberdeen, Oct., Is77. With corrections and additions. 50 pp. 8-. London, [Spottiswoode $■ Co.], 1877. Repr. from: Tr. JTat. Ass. Promot. Social Se. 1877. Lond., 1878. ------. Des attributions du ministre de la sante publique et des priueipes d'organisation et d'action adrainistratives centrales et locales. 48 pp. 8°. Londres 4' Paris, [A. Hennuyer], 187*. Repr. from: Cong, internal, d'hyg. 1878, Par.. 1880. ii. ------. The need of reforms in the administrative organization of the sanitary service with special reference to the appointment of medical officers of health. 15 pp. so. [London, 1*791] Repr. from: San. Register, Lond., 1878f-9]. ------. International Association for the Promo- tion of Measures for Pure Water Supply to Pop- ulations. Presidential address to the delegates of the Congress held at Amsterdam, September 11, 1879. 20 pp. 12^. London, G. Norman .y Son, 1*79. [P., v. 2028.] Rrpr.from: Sun. Register. ------. Physical and mental training and national education on tbe half-time principle. Papers j read at the Congress of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, held at Croydon, October, 1879. 14 pp. 12-. London, G. Norman i\ Son, [1879]. ------. Sanitation in the United States. 1 galley sheet. [East Sheen, Surrey, 1881.] ------. National education; on the rise and progress of the half-school-time principle for mixed physical and mental training, as the foundation of a national system of education. 32 pp. 8 . London, Knight f Co., 1881. CHADWICK. 314 CHADWJCK. Chadwick (Sir Edwin)—continued. -----. Sanitary progress; progress in prevent- j ive. as compared with that in curative, science; including results, in the- saving of sickness and death, and also in the saving of money in civil life in England and Wales, in the army in India und in the colonies, and in the home army, dur- ing one decade; together with illustrations of the sanitary system of circulation, as against that of stagnation ; displayed by Dr. Alfred Car- penter to a meeting at Croydon of delegates from the International Medical Congress. 26 pp. 8°. London, Spottiswoode f Co., 18*1. Repr. from: Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1881, Loud., 1882. ------. Sanitary progress; circulation or stagna- tion: being the translation of a paper by F. O. Ward, read at the Sanitary Congress held in Brussels in 1852 on the arterial and venous sys- tem for the sanitation of towns, with a statement of the progress made since then for its comple- tion by Edwin Chadwick. 32 pp. 8°. London, Knight -'. [New York, 1885.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1885, N. T., 1886, x. ------. Cases of stenosis and atresia of the female genital caual. 19 pp. 12°. Boston, Cupples, Upham 4- Co., 1886. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv. -----. The value of the bluish coloration of the vaginal entrance as a sign of pregnancy. 17 pp., lpl. 8°. [New York, 1886.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1886, N. T., 1887, xi. -----. Ventral hernia after laparotomy, and its surgical treatment. 16 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [New York, 1887.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1887, N. T., 1888, xii. ------. Discussion to treatment of uterine fibro- mata. 4 pp. 8~\ [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1889, xiv. ------. A case of nephro-lithotomy, in which no stone was found. 20 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Philadel- phia, W. J. Dornan, 1890. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1889, xiv. See, also, Fro nnd (Wilhelm Alexander) & Chadwick (James R.) [in 1. s.]. Four cases of echinococci in the femnie pelvis. 8°. [New York, 1875.] Chsetoderma. Hansen (G. A.) Anatomisk beskrivelse af Cha^toderma nitidulum, Lovdn. 8C. [n. p., 1844.] Chaetonotus. Siokes (A.-C.) Observations sur les chsetonotns. J. de microg., Par., 1887, xi, 77; 150 ; 560: 1888, xii, 19; 49, 2 pi. Chsetopoda. Wawkzik (E.) * Ueber das Stiitzgewebe des Nervensystems der Chastopoden. 8°. Breslau, Mt:i. Chafey bey [Shafi'i bek ]. Nabthat li at-tib iit-tajiibi muqaddimat ihi diwan alma misr. [Materials used in empirical medicine in the principal diseases of Egypt.] 20 pp. 4°. [Pa- ris, A.-R. Laine f J. Havard, n. d.] The first 8 pp. Arabic text, the remainder French, read- ing: Traduction du memoire arabe communique, a. I'Insti- tut egyptien par le docteur Chafey-bey. Repr. from.- Mem. de l'lnst. eg'ypt.', i. Chaffard (Joseph) [1.863- ]. 'Contribution a l'dtude des voies lacrymales. 52 pp. 4 . Paris, 1889, No. 371. Chaffey (Wayland C.) * Lymph-stasis or re- tardation of lymph as an element in the cau- sation of disease; especially iu regard to scrof- ula and tuberculosis. 73 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1890. Chag'iiolleaa (Albert-Antoine-Charles) [1873- ]. * Du traitement chirurgical des suppura- tions de l'oreille moyenne et de l'antre masto'i- dien. 54 pp. HP. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 4. Chagnoleau (fidouard-Gaston) [1859- ]. " De la pratique de Panestlidsie par le chloro- fortne. 109 pp., 2pi. 4°. Bordeaux, 1885, No. 12. Chagrin. Coriveaml (A.) fitndes cliniques. Du chagrin con- side-re comnie cause indirecte de la mort. Observation d'un cas de pleure>sie compliqu^e de chagrin. Mem. et bull. Soe. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1879, 123-139. Chahbazian (C.) [1857- ]. "Desfibromes du col de l'utdrus au point de vue de la grossesse et de 1'accouchement. 136 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 157. Chaigneaa (Georges). "Des tumeurs drec- tiles. 1 p. I., 33 pp. 4L. Strasbourg, 1867, 3. s., No. 21. Chaigneail (Jules) [1862- ]. * Etude com- parative des divers agents auesthdsiques em- ployes dans les accouchements naturels. 174 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 173. -----. The same. 174 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1890. Chaikovski (I. ) Mikroorganismt organov dlklianiya chelovieka i ikh znachenie v etiologii niekotorlkh zabolievaniy etikh organov. [ Mi- croorganisms iu the respiratory organs of man, and "their relation to etiology of some affections of these organs. ] 1 p. 1., 97 pp., 4 1., 2 pi. 8°. Kharkov, A. Darre, 1889. Chaille (StanfordEmerson) [1830- ]. Extra- microscopic organisms. 3 pp. 8°. [ New Or- leans, 1880.] Repr. from: N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii. ------. The vital statistics of New Orleans as taught by the U. S. census, 1880. 13 pp., 4 tab. on 2 1. 8°. [Neio Orleans, 1881.] Repr. from: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii. ------. Eadsport, Ship Island quarantine aud the National Board of Health. June 9, 1881. 3 pp. 8°. New Orleans, Democrat print, 1*81. Repr. from: New Orleans Democrat. ------. The importance of introducing the study of hygiene into the public and other schools; address on the forty-eighth commencement day, March 29th, 1882, of the Medical Department of the University of Louisiana. 19 pp. 8°. New Orleans, L. Graham f Son, 1882. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1881-2, n. s., ix. ------. The Louisiana State Board of Health in its annual report for 1881, versus the National Board of Health. Reply in behalf of the latter. 14 pp. 8°. New Orleans, L. Graham f Son, 18*2. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1881-2, n. s., ix. -------. Inundations of New Orleaus and their influence on its health. 18 pp. 8°. [New Or- leans, 1882.] Repr. from: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1882-3, n. s., x. -------. The prevention of yellow fever. Report of the flushing committee, New Orleans Auxili- ary Sanitary Association, June 24, 1882, sub- mitted by Kilward Fenner. 22 pp. 8 . New Orleans, L. Graham if Son, 1**2. Chaille's article (pp. 1-16) reprint from: N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1882-3, n. s., x. ------. Yellow fever, or yellow jaundice in New Orleans in 1882; disputed case of Louis (or Ludwig) Deschler. 12 pp. 8'J. New Orleans, Graham if Son, 1882. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. £ S. J., 1882-3, n. s., x. cuaillS. 316 CHAI1JS. Chaille (Stanford Emerson)—continued. ------. Inundations in Louisiana; their influence on health. 27 pp. 8-\ [New Orleans, 1883.] Repr. from: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1882-3, n. s., x. ------. The New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary As- sociation publishes for the benefit of the public the following information as to small-pox and vaccination, written at the request of the As- sociation by . . . New Orleans, June, 1883. 28 pp. 8°. New Orleans, IV. B. Stansbury Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1845. ------. The same. 4. dd. xviii, 1068 pp ,- Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1861. ------. De l'accouchement provoqud avant le terme de la viabilitd et de l'opdration rdsu- rienne. 8 pp. 8 . [Paris, F. Malteste f Cie 1852.] [P., v. 447; 1130.] Repr. from : Union med., Par., 1852, vi. -------. Des cas oil les inspirations d'dther et de chloroforme peuvent etre employees dans Part des accouchements, et de ceux qui s'opposent k leur usage. :52 pp. 8 . [Paris, Hennuyer, !*:>:].] Repr. from: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1853, xli\J. For Biography, see J. d. conn. ni6d. prat., Par. I860 xxxiii, 63 (Caffe). Chaintre (Armand) [1863- ]. 'Adaptation fouctionnelle des muscles et des tendons a la suite des rdsections. 88 pp., 1 pi. 4 . Litou 1889, No. 495. Chair of anatomy in the University of Edin- burgh. Additional testimonials in favour of M. S. Buchanan, M. D., professor of anatomy iu Anderson's University. 16 pp. 8°. Glasgow, 1846. Chair of chemistry in the University of Edin- burgh. Testimonials in favor of Lyou Play fair. 47 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Murray if Gibb/l?-')*. [P., v. 899.] Chair of materia medica, University of Aberdeen. Application and testimonials of Ralph Stockman, M. D. 39 1. 8-. [Aberdeen, 1886.] Chair of midwifery in University College, Lou- don. Testimonials in favour of James Marr, M. D. 54 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. Constable, 1841. [P., v. 844.] Chair of midwifery in the University of Edin- burgh. Testimonials in favour of James Y. Simpson, M. D. xv, 116 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. Allan f Co., 1840. ------. The same, xv, 126 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. Allan $ Co., 1840. [P., v. 844.] ------. The same, xv (1 1.), 134 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, T. Allan f Co., 1840. Chair of pathological anatomy and clinical med- icine, in Uuiversity College, Loudon. Testimo- nials in favour of Samuel Wright, M. D. 24 pp. 8°. Nottingham, W. Dearden, 1841. [Also, in: P., v. 844.] Chair of physic in the University of Edinburgh. Evidence of professional acquirements submit- ted to the honourable the patrons of the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, by Thomas Laycock. Parti. Chronological catalogue of published writings. Part II. Testimonials, iv, 24, vi, 72 pp. 8°. York, W. Sotheran, 1855. [Also, in: P., v., 884.] Chair of surgery. Testimonials in favour of P. D. Handvside, M. D. iii (1 1.), 5-43, 58-60 pp. b°. [Edinburgh, 1842.] [P., v. 924.] Testimonials xliii-lix, or pp. 44-57, wanting. Chairof surgery in the University of Edinburgh. First scries of testimonials from (a) hospital sur- geons, (b) former pupils, (c) university assist- ants (1875-1882), and former testimonials (1877) in favour of John Chiene. 64 pp. 8°. [Edin- burgh, Crawford .,■ M'Cabe, 1882.] Chair*. See, also, Tables. Boerickk (R.) & Co. Manufacturers of the Depew convertible operating chair, physicians' cabinets, dentists' cabinets, sanitary arm coin- ! modes, invalid self-propelling chairs, rolling chairs, nursery chairs, carrying chairs, new | at- ent crutches, folding bed trays, comfortable back rests, and all kinds of mechanical appliances for the alleviation of the suffering. 8W. Chicago, [n. d.]. CHAIES. 317 CHALIBEET. (hair*. Canton Surgical and Dental Chair Company, manufacturers of Canton and Yale surgical, and Gould dental chairs. Organized 1883. Reor- ganized 1884. Incorporated 1887. Oblong 24°. Canton, Ohio, [1890]. Gray (IJ.) * Cubilium sediliumqne usui ob- stetricio inservientiuni reeentissimam condi- tioneni ac statum exposuit. 8°. Marbnrgi, 1811. Harvard (The) Co. Manufacturers of tbe Harvard physicians' and surgeons' chair, the Case dental chair, and physicians' instrument cabinet. 2 sheets. 4C. Canton, Ohio, 1893. Harvard (The) Physician's and Surgeon's chair. Manufactured by the Harvard Com- pany. Canton, Ohio. Oblong 12°. Canton, Ohio, [1**V]. Illustrated catalogue of the Clobe surgical chair. Oblong 24°. Chicago, [n. d.]. Sargknt ((t. F.) Illustrated catalogue and price list for 1886. Oblong 8°. [New York, 1886.] Sargent Manufacturing Co. [successors to Geo. F. Sargent]. Illustrated catalogue, 1887. Oblong 8 . [New York, 1887.] -----. The same. Oblong - . New York, 1890-91. von Siebold (A. E.) Abhandlnng iiber deu neuen von ihm erfundenen Geburtsstuhl. 4°. Weimar, 1804. Smith (H. S. ) Catalogue for 1893. Smith ^Yheel-Chai^ Concern. 8°. New York, 189'.i. Wigand (J. H.) Ueber Geburtsstiihle and Geburtslager. 8C. Hamburg, lHMi. Hasc (P.) Krankenruhestuhl. Illust. Monatschr. d. iirztl. Polytech., Bern, 1884, vi. 51.— I^andncci (F.) Sc- dia-letto per visite ed operazioni ginecologiche. Kiv. di ostet. fete], Torino, 1897, ii, 22.".--JL'7, 1 pl.-Oertel. Ue- ber einen hygienischen Stiilil. Miim-hcn. nn-d. Wclm- selir., 1895, xiii, 645.— Scndtm;r (J.) Die Combination der Haugematte mit dem Lebnstnbl. ein nenes Lagerungs- uiittel. Ibid., 1897, xliv. 281. — 'Withers ( J. S.) Een uieuwe operatic- en onder/.oekingsstoel. Xederl. Tijd- sclir. v. Geueesk.. Amst.. 1887, xxiii. 101-467. Cliais ([Rev.] Charles) [1701-^6]. Essai apolo- getique sur la mdthode de communiquer la pe- tite vdrole par inoculation ; oil l'on tiicne de fa ire voir que la conscience ne sauroit en etre hlessde. ni la religion offensde. 1 p. 1., 123 pp., 4 1. ~\ La Haye, P. de Hondt, 1754. -----. The same. Versuch einer Vertheidigung der Eiupfropfung der Blattern, worinuen gezei- get wird, dass weder das Gewissen dadurch v.er- letzt, noch die Religion beleidiget werde. Aus dem 1'ranzosischen ubersetzt durch H. Beneze. 3j>. 1., 9-144 pp. 12-. Gotha, C. W. Ettingcr, 1775. Chaix (Alexandre) [1869- ]. * Traitement de l'urethrite blennorrhagique chez la femme par les tiges d'ichtyol. 52 pp. *°. Paris,1896, Xo. 468. Chaix (Andrd) [1865- ]. "fitude cliuique du co-iir normal et do quelques varidtds du rhythine cardiaque chez l'enfant. 93 pp. 4 '. Lyon, 1-92, Xo. 715 Chaker (Mohammed) [1864- ]. * Etudesnr riieuiatnrie d'Egypte causde par la bilharzia luematobia. 72 pp., 1 col. pi. 4°. Paris, 1890, Xo. 127. Clialais ( Charles )[ 1870- ]. * Traitement du mal perforant plautaire ]iar l'dlongation des nerfs. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 608. Chalazion. Koiilmoos (H.) * Ueber das Chalazion. 8. G' iessen, J 893. Kraisk ([W.] R.j * Beitrage zur Aetiologie und Histologic des Chalazions. 8-. Berlin, [1891]. Chalazion. VO.\ Wkuert (P.) Ueber den Bau und die Frsachen des Chalazion. 8C. Konigsberg i. Pr 1892. Ailrini-io (C.) Ricerche batteriologiche su cinque ea- la/.ii. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. fisio- erit. di Sienii, 1888, vi. 251-255. ---—. Su (11 un caso di calazio multiple e di tarsite eroniea diffusa ditutte e qunt- tro le palpebre. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1888, xvii, 259-202.— Alfieri (A.) Sulla natura del calazion. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1895, vi, oftal., 78. — R one he- ron. Du chalazion microbien experimental. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 336-342. Also [Ab- str.]: Bull, et mem. Soe. franc, d'opbth., Par., 1886, iv, 88-91.—Uentachmaiiii ( R. ) Zur Pathogenese des Chalazion. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891, 109- 120.— l»f-yl (J.) TJeber speziflscheBacillen des Chalazion. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 508; 545.— niiinonx. De la conjonctivit6 h chalazion. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1890-91, ix, 00-03.—Fnkala. Beitrag zur I 'hiihizb n - Aetiologie. Centr;ilbl. 1'. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1893, xvii. 302-307.—«Snaita (L.) Su di un caso di calazio multiple e di tarsite cronica diffusa di tutte e qu.ttro le palpebre. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1888, v, 388- 390. — I.ngleyze (P.) Obxei vacion sobre un chnlacion. Rev. argent, de oftal. pract., Buenos Aires, 1883-4, i, 4.— Layi-iiii^i-. Ciintribution a l'anatomie pathologique du chalazion. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. ... do Bordeaux, 1884, v, 70-81. -----. Anatomie pathologiquo et pathoge- nic du chalazion. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1889, ix, 220-241. -----. Patbogenie du chalazion. Mem. et hull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1889, 120-129.—Palermo (C.) Sulla etiologia del calazion. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1890, xxv, 481: 5511, 4 pi.—Panas (F.) Ladiagnosi del calazio. Gazz. cl. osp.. Milano. 1896, xvii, 1052-1654. Also, transl: Presse med., Par., 1896, 681 — Parisotfi. Etiologie et histologie du chalazion. Bull. etme.ni. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1893, xi, 210-239, 3 ph—Poncct (F.) Du chalazion. Ibid., 1886, iv, 85-88, 1 pi. -----. Note sur l'etat parasi- taire de la matiere s6bac6e dans le chalazion et les kystes dermoiides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 303.—Kay (J. M.) The removal of chalazia after tbe method of Dr. Agnew. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1888, v, 259-261.—Kisley (S. D.) Chalazion hordeolum. Phila. Polyclin.. 1895, iv, 411.—Saltini (G.) Sulla inoculabilite del calazion negli occhi dei conigli. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1881, x, 37-43.—Tangl (F.) Ueber die Aetiologie des Chalazion; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tuherculose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890. ix, 265- 275.—Terson (A.) Traitement chirurgical du chalazion. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1897, xi, 321-323.— Topolanski. Zur Therapie des Chalazion. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 1841-1843.—Trousseau (A.) Traitement medical du chalazion. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1897. xi, 167.—Vassaux (G.) Sur la bac- teriologie du chalazion. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886. 8. s., iii, 294; 440—Weiss (L.) Zur Pathogenese des Chalazion. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1891, xxix, 206-208. Clialeix- Vivie (Maxime). ''Des nejvralgies vdsicales. 129 pp. 4C. Paris, 1887, No. 63. -----. The same. 129 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1888. See, also, Cowlcs (Edward). Les hopitaux. 8°. Paris, 1887. Clialette (Henri-Constant). * Essai sur la leu- corrh6e, suivi de qnelques propositions sur l'hy- giene des femmes. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4C. Stras- bourg, 1836, No. 1124. Chaletzky(Eva). * Hydatidenmole. [Bern.] :{9pp. 8 . Genf, Taponnier 4' Sterder, 1891. Clialey & Bouchard-Jambon. Etablisse- nient destin6 au traitement des deviations de la coloune vert6brale et des autrcs vices de confor- mation chez les personnes du sexe feininiu. 1(1 pp. 8°. Lyon, Duraud 4Perrin, [182')]. Clialey (Joseph). * Considerations sur I'ampu- tatiou du bras dans rarticulation scapulo-huni6- rale. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1822, No. 030. ClialllOllb (Naourn) [1855- ]. * Etude d'un nouveau sel de fer, le chloropeptonate de fer. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 323. Ciialibert. A dissertation upon the gutta se- remi, the paralysis of the retina, and the prog- ress of cataracts. Together yvith a new method to cure these disorders, and check them in their origin. 29 pp. 8' ■ London, J. Ridley, 1774. CHALIBERT. 318 OIlALl'T. f halibertfMurh'-Raphael) [Wl- ]. *Leca- rabisine. Etude d'hygiene alinientaire. (i2 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 27. Chaliii de Yinario [or Vivario] (Ragmund) [ 1 .'U.j-Si]. Hensehel (A. W.E.T.) [Biography.] Janus, Gotlia, 1852-3. ii, 403. ChalSi (William Oliver) [1S02-88], Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1888. ii, 1156. Chalk-eating*. See Appetite {Abnormal, etc.). Cliallan (Bernard). *Essai sur l'hygiene du nouveau-ne\ 1 p. l.,21pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 1834, No. 1041. Cliallan ( Claude - Francois ■ Adolphe) [1S2H-76J. Docteur (Le) Adolphe dial Ian. Notice biographique. 8°. Senlis, 1876. Cliallan (Th6odore). Etude experinientale et cliuique sur 1'absinthisine et l'alcoolisnie. Ill pp. 8°. 1'aris, A. Delahaye, 1871. -----& Kabow. Du ehlorhydrate d'apomor- pbine et de ses applications speciales a la psy- chiatric. Memoire In a la Societe vaudoise de mddecine, dans sa seance du 7 d6cenibre 1876. 15 pp. 8 . [Lausanne, L. Corbaz 4~ Comp., 18?(;.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. m6d. dela Suisse rom., Lau- sanne, 1876, x. Cliallan de Belval. An Tonkin. 107 pp. 12c. Paris, A. Delahaye 4' E. Lecrosnier, 1**6. Chaiies. See, also, Syphilis ( Treatment of) by natural waters. Cazalis (H.) L'eau de Challes (Savoie), eau sulfuree sodique forte, iodo-bromure'e, et ses principales indications. 8D. Paris, 1*76. Station hydro-minerale de Challes (Savoie). Etablisseinent ouvert du lo mai au 15 octobre. Eau minerale naturelle de Challes, sulfure use, forte, bicarbonate^ sodi(]ue, iodure"e et bromu- ree. 24°. Chambery, [189.")]. Cliallice (Johu) [1815-63]. Should the chol- era come, what ought to be done? 32 pp. 8°. London, H. Renshaw, 1848. Clialliol (Edouard) [1872- ]. *De la resec- tion a froid dc l'appendice vermiculaire dn I'lrcnni dans h-s appemlicites chroniques a repe- tition. 70 pp. 4-. Lyon, 1894, No. 994. Chalmers (Archibald Kerr). A new life table for Glasgow based on his mortality of the ten years 1881-90. vi (11.), 47pp., 1 pi. 8°. Glas- gow, R. Anderson, 1894. ------. Scarlatina and scarlatinal sore throat; a record of milk iufection. 15 pp. 8 . Glasgow, R. Anderson, 1894. -----. Keport on certain associated cases of enteric fever following Stirling County ball, on 1st October, 1895. With a bacteriological report by R. M. Buchanan. 14 pp. 8 . Glasgow, R. Anderson, [1895]. ------. The distribution of tuberculous diseases in (Glasgow, with observations on the relation of phthisis to room-density. 35 pp., 1 plan, 1 tab. 8 . (ilasgttir. R. Anderson, 1897. See. alsn, Kii-tII (JamesBurn) Sc Chalmers (Arch. K.) Keport on an outbreak of scarlet fever in Glasgow [etc.]. 12°. Glasgow, 1893. Chalmers (Charles). Notes on experiments, with thoughts on electricity. New ed., with additional experiments. 39 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Sutherland 4' Knox, 1850. -----. Electro-chemistry, with positive results ; and notes for inquiry on the sciences of geology and astronomy, with a tract of miscellanies. 1 p. 1., 100 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. Chalmers (John) [1839-88]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 1049. Chalmers (Lionel) [1715-77]. An essay on fevers, more particularly those of the common continued and inflammatory kinds; wherein a' neAV and successful method is proposed for re- moving them speedily; to which is added an essay on the crises of those disorders, vii, i((i pp. *'-'. London, E. <)'■ C. Dilly, 1768. [P., v. Uui'l. j -----. The same. Eiu Versuch iiber die Fiebei vornehmlicli iiber die kalten, hitzigen, und mit einer Entziindung begleiteten Arten, nebst einer neuen und bewiihrten Methode, sie zu hehen. Aus dem Euglischen. 5 p. 1., 104 pp. 12J Riga, J. F. Harlkuoch, 1773. [P., v. 1436.] -----. Nachrichteu iiber die AVitterung nnd Krankheiten in Siidcaroliua. Nebst John Lin- ings Tabelle iiber die Aus- uud Absonderungen des Korpers im dortigen Klirua. Aus dem Eng- lischen ubersetzt. 2 v. in 1. f> p. 1., '.ill pp., ;{ tab.; 1 |). 1., 227 pp. 8\ Stendal, Franz und Gross, 1788-92. Chalmers (Ser. Thomas) [1780-1847]. See Kay (James Phillips) [in 1. s.]. The moral and physical condition [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1832. Chalmeteus [ Chaumette ] ( Antonius ). Enchiridion chirurgicum, externoruni niorbortun remedia turn universalia, turn p irticularia bre- vissime complectens. Quibus morbi venerei cu- randi methodus probatissima accessit. 7 p. 1., 351 pp. 12-. Genevie, M. Berjon, 1627. Forms pt. 2 of: Enchiridion practicum medicochirur- gicum (etc.]. 12°. Geneva;, 1627. -----. The same. 3 p. ]., 351 pp., 4 1. 12-. [Genevan], 1644. Forms pt. 2 of: Enchiridion practicum medico-chirur- gicum [etc.J. Ed. nova. 12°. [Geneva?], 1644. ------. De morbo gallico liber. Ex Euchiridio ipsius chirurgico excerptus. In: LuiSINis (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1728. 849-860. See. also, Enchiridion practicum medico-ohirurgi- cum. 16°. Genexnv, 1627. ChaloiiK-Kiii'-Mai'iie. Bleit-her. Geograpbie botanique du camp de Ch,1- lons. Kec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1867, 3. s.,xix, 490-498. — IMaIjean (K.-A.) fitude bacteriologique de Lean de la ville de Cliiilons-sui -Marne. Arch, de ni6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 1-21. Chalol (V.) Nouveaux 616nients de chirurgie operatoire. 1 p. 1., iv, 744 pp. 12c. Paris, 0. Doin, 1886. ------. The same. 2. e"d. ii, 984 pp. 12°. Pa- ris, O. Doin, 1893. ------. Ovariotomie; kyste de l'ovaire trans- plants; accidents du nouveau pe"dicule. Etudes sur la separation complete et le sort ult6rieur: 1. des kystes ovariques, 2. de l'ovaire. 31 pp. 8^. Paris, 0. Steinheil. 1887. Repr. from: Ann. de gynec. Par., 1887, xxvii-xxviii. Chaliibillski (Tyttts) [1820-89]. Leber die Cholera asiatica vom praktischen Staudpunkte. Aus dem Polnischen ubersetzt von Dr. von Krzywicki. 31 pp. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., Hartung, 1892. For Biography, see Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889, 2. s., ix, 914-919 (H. Nusbauni). Also: Medycyna, Warszawa, 1889, xvii, 737-739 [G. Fritsche]. Chalufonr (Louis) [1864- ]. 'Contribu- tion a l'etude du traitement des fractures de la rotnle. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 223. Chalus (Georges). * Contribution a l'6tude de l'infliience de l'hyperthermio snr la syphilis. 54 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1888, No. 442. de Chalussay (Le Bonlanger). Elomire hypo- condre, ou les me'decius vengez. Coinexlic 3 p. 1., 112 pp. 16°. Paris, C. de Sercy, 1670. Challlt (L.-P.) Note snr l'epiddmie de chol6ra- niorbus, qui a regn6 dans les communes de S liut- Maur-les - Fosse's et Joinville-le-Pont (Seine). 32 pp. 8°. Sevres, J.-L. Joly, 18X3. [P., v. 1809.] CHALVET. 319 CHAMBERLEN. [Chalvet (Pierre)] [1830-72]. Note adressee a MM. Pichot et Malapert sur la maniere d'eni- ployer les carbon i feres pour la disinfection et | le pansement des plaies. 14 pp. 8■-. [Poitiers, | Pichot, 1861, vel subseq.] Lithograph. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1872, xxxix, 62 (P.-L.-B. Caffe). ' Chalwill (William G.) * A dissertation on the sources of malignant bilious, or yellow fever, and means of preventing it. 31pp. 8-. Phila- delphia, Way 4- Groff, 1799. ChalybaiiS ([Georg] Theodor) [1838- ]. Welche Anforderungeu stellt die otieiitliche Ge- sundheitspflege an eine Bauordnung und Woh- J nungsordnung fiir die Stadt Dresden? 1 p. 1., j 40 pp. 8?. Dresden, G. Schiinfeld, 1870. _____. Die Impfungen mit animaler Lymphe in der stiidtischen Iiupfanstalt zu Dresden im Jahre 1883. 7 pp. 8°. [Berlin, G. Reimer. 18*4.] Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchuscbr., Berl., 1884, x. Cliainaecynari*. Ishizaka (S. i [On the use of hinoki (Chamaecypa- ris (?) obtusa)in rheumatism.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1880, no. 21, 3-6. Chainayou (Leon) [1864- ]. *De la colo- pexie dans le traitement des prolapsus graves du rectum. 85 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 214. Chambard (A.) [1847- ]. * La tarsalgie des adolescents, conside'ree dans ses symptomes, sa nature et son traitement. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. :S48. Last page numbered 63. Chambard (Ernest). Les morphinomanes ; etude cliuique, medico-legale et th6rapeutique. xii, 274 pp. 12°. Paris, Rueff f Cie., [1893]. See. also, Epstein fWilhelm). La goutte. sa nature et son traitement. roy. 8-. Paris, ls87— >ifai««- (Edouard) Sc Chambard (E.) Chondrome ossitie de la main. 8°. Paris, 1881. Cham baud (fitnile) [1-64- ]. * La fievre typhoule dans l'armee de Lyon. 56 pp. 4C. Lyon, 18-9, No. 486. Chambe (Paul) [1861- ]. * Contribution a l'e'tude du sarcome primitif des muscles. 70 pp., 11. 4C. Paris, 1895, No. 153. ----. The same. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1895. Chainbellan (Victor). * Etude anatomique et authropologique sur les os wormiens. [«Paris.] 3 p. 1., 65 pp. 4°. Chdteauroux, 1883, No. 425. Chainbelland (Einile) [1867- ]. *De la nitrite blenuorrhagique et des me'tron babies eonsecutives. 76 pp. 4°. Nancy, 1892, No. 342. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. The charter and by-laws, with a history of. . . 160 pp. 8°. New York, published by order of the Chamber, 185.'). Instituted April 5, 1768 ; incorporated March 13, 1770; re-incorporated April 13, 17s4. -----. Reportof select committee on quarantine. (Adopted July 7, 1859.) 48 pp. 8'J. New York, I). Fan Nostrand, 1*59. ■----. Report of a special committee of the . . . on the rules and regulations of the health officer of the port of New York, relative to the disinfec- tion of imported rags. Adopted by the chamber June 3, 1^6. 10 pp. 8°. New York, press of the Chamber of Commerce, 1886. -----. Report of the special committee of the on quarantine at the port of New York during the cholera of 1892. Unanimously adopted bv the chamber Dee. 20, 1892. 48 pp. 8°. New York, press of the Chamber of Commerce, 1892. de Cliamberet (Jean-Baptiste-.Ioseph-Anne- Cesar-Tyrbas). See Tyrbaa de Chamberet. Chamberlain (Charles Walter) [1844- 84]. C. W. Chamberlain, M. D., of Hartford, Ct. N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1884-5. iv, 26-29.— Mayi'r (N.) Ciiarles W. Cliamherlain, M. T>., Hartford. Proc. Connect. M. Soe., Hartford. 1885, 204-210. Also: Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1884-5, N. Haven, 1886, viii 345- 351. Chamberlain (Frederick) [1865- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude de la maladie de Basedow et en particulier de sa pathog6nie. 211 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 208. Chamberlain (Humphrey). Transport of live-stock on railways. 7 pp. 8°. London, 1*96. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civil Eng., Lond., 1895-6, exxvi. Chamberlain (Peter). See Chamberlen. Chamberlain (William Mellen) [1826-87], The relation of the urinary organs to puerperal diseases. 31pp. 8\ New York, W.Wood 4'-Co., 1877. [Also, in : P.. v. 1999.] Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x. -----. The germ theory of disease. 29 pp. 8°. Columbus, Nevins

    ;$.] Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix. -----. Hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil. 4 pp. 8°. Richmond, 1894. Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5. xxi. Notes on a case of round-celled sarcoma, treated hy erysipelas and prodigiosus toxines, after excision. 4 pp. 8°. Richmond, 189f>. Repr. from.- Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, Chainberlin (Samuel). See Auxiliary to health [etc.]. 4. ed. 8°. Buckstown (Ale.), 1807. Chambers (Edmond William)[l$43- ]. [Biography.] Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vi, 82, port. Chamber* (Frederick) |1801-S4J. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 438. Chambers (George Frederick]) [1841- ]. Hints on sanitary law, for the use of landlords, tenants, the clergy, district visitors, and the public generally in the metropolis and suburbs. With appendix, iv (1 1.), 7-40 pp. 16°. Lon- don, Allman 4- Son, [1884]. Chambers (Gulieluius). * De ribes Arabuni et ligno Khodia. 41 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Bouiesteniana, [1724]. [P., v. 1864.] Chambers (Henry). *A dissertation on dropsy. 22 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, Fry 4 Krammerer, 1811. Chambers (J[acob]). Co-Editor of: Practitioner's (The) Monthly, Kings- ton, N. Y., 1892. Chambers (P. F.) Abortion as a cause of dis- ease of the pelvic organs. 5 pp. 8C. New York, 1894. Repr. from: N. York J. Gynaec. 2 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, ls.">6. —. The renewal of life: clinical lectures il- lustrative of the restorative system of medicine given at Saint Mary's Hospital, viii, 430 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1862. ----. The same. 2. Am. from the 4. Lond. ed. viii, 646 pp. 8'~J. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4 Blalcis- ton, 1*66. ----. Some effects of the climate of Italy. 95 pp. 12-. London, J. Churchill 4' Sons, 1865. ----. Tbe indigestions or diseases of the diges- tive organs functionally treated. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 337 pp. 8l. London, J. Churchill 4' 'sons, 1867. Chambers (Thomas King)—continued. -----. Restorative medicine; an Harveian annual oration, delivered at the Royal College of Physi- cians, London, on June 21, 1871 (the 210tli an- niversary); with two sequels, iv, 8."> pp s Philadelphia, H. C. Lee, 1871. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 50.">. Also ■ Illust. M. News, Loud., 1889, iv, 319. Also: Lancet Lond 1889. ii, 572. Also: Hed.-Cbir. Tr., Lond., 1890, lx'xiii Il- ls (Sir E. H. Sievekiug). Chamber* (William Jl[ortimer]) [1814- [V2\. Me in or in m (In). Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1802, Springfield, 1894, xv, p. lxiii. Chambersburg'. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Chambert (Raoul) [1859- ]. *Materiaux pour servir a l'histoire du traitement de l'eclatup- sie puerperale. 35 pp.,5 diag. 4°. Paris, 1884 No. 220. Chamber-vessels, etc. [Patent speci- fications.] See Commodes; Dry-closets; Earth-clos- ets. Baron ( C.) Sanitary pail. No. 483036; Sept. 20 1892.—BaunijjaertfhC.G.) Closet. No. 508079; Nov! 7, 1893. — Blanco (A. T. ) Hygienic chamber. No. 558765; April 21, 1896. — Borling (Victoria Itegiua). Chamber. No. 579512; March 23, 1897.—Cherry (H. H.) Sanitary chamber pail or vessel. No. 558040 ; April 14, 1890.—Cone (Virginia M.) Noiseless chamber attach- ment. No. 455907; Julv 14, 1891.— Crockett (U. K.) Chamber-pail. No. 318873; May 26, 1885.—Davis (J. A.) Chamber-vessel. No. 372063; Oct. 25, 1887. — Davison (J. S.) Cover for chamber-vessels. No. 329441; Nov. 3, 1885.—Fitts (G. C.) Chamber-vessel. No. 501601; July 18. 1893. — Coldsmith (F. E.) Vessel for receiving liq- uids. No. 430425; Junel7,1890.—llinman (\V.) Cham- ber-cases. No. 154140 ; Aug. 18, 1874. — Iinhorsl (!•'. i Improvement in chamber pots. No. 124824; March 0, 1872. — JoIiiimoii (O. P.) Chamber. No. 487747 ; Dec. 13, 1892.— Kimber (A. C.) Portable vessel. No. 4823(18: Sept. 13. 1892. — Kolb (C.) Chamber pail cover. Xo. 178304; June 6, 1876. — Lane (T. H.) Chamber-muffler. No. 228539; June 8, 1880. — Lyman (W. J.) Portable chamber-closet. No. 74558 ; Feb. 18, 1868.—iTIc Donald (D.) Jail-bucket. No. 437614; Sept. 30, 1830. — Orr (J. H.) Improvement in chamber-pails. No. 67067 ; July 23, 1867. — Perry (A. H.) Air-tight cover for vessels. 'No. 497057; Mav 9, 1893.—Rankin (A.) Chamberpot. No. 52320; Jan. 30, 1866. — Rashlcigh (T. J.) Sc Hem i.I.j Sanitary utensil. No. 496097 : April 25, 1893. — KImmIcn (V.) Chamber. No. 110286 ; Dec. 20,1870.—KudroftG. K.) Support for chamber-vessels. No. 472826; April 12, 1892.— Rush (J. D.) Chamber or other liquid-receiving vessel. No. 515131; Feb. 20, 1894.— Schott (A.) Cover for household utensils. No 495684; April 18, 1893.— Smart (Ci Sanitary seal for covers of toilet vessels. No. 483948; Oct. 4. 1892. — Smith (E.) Chamber-closet. No. 189802 ; April 17. 1877. — Still ( E. L. ) Combination furniture. No. 519930; May 15, 1894. — Stockton (W.) Chamber pot cover. No. 102877; May 10, 1870. — Siilli- Fan (J.) Chamber vessels. No. 122741; Jan. 16, 1872.— Vorrath ( G. ) Chamber case. No. 189818; April 17, 1877.— Weiiigniami (E.) Chamber-vessel. No. 474617; May P), 1892.— Weston (Grace M. G.) Chamber vessel attachment. No. 541219; June 18, 1895. — Weston (W. H.) Sc Weston (Grace M. G.) Chamber vessel attach- ment. No. 582247: May 11, 1897.-----------. Attach- ment for chamber vessels. No. 588304; Aug. 17,1897.— Woolly (L. G.) Chamber vessels. No. 184276; Nov. 14, 1876. Cliauibeyroil [A.-M.-F.] Maltre Pierre, on le savant de village. Eutretiens sur l'hygiene. 141 pp. 1(> . Paris, Langlois 4~ Leclercg, 18-11. Chambon (Alfred) [1870- ]. * Tuherculose primitive do la rotule. 110 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 361. Chambon (F.) Compte rendu de mes eludes; ou de quelques opinions eu m6decine. 79 pp. sc. Montpellier, J.-F. Picot, 1790. [P., v. 1089.] Clia mboii ( Joannes - Antonius - Franciscus ). *Positioues quiedam circa temperamenta de- linenntnr. viii pp. 8°. Monspelii, J. F. Picot. 1790. [P., v. 1091.] CHAMBON DE MONTAUX. 321 CHAMOMILLA. Cliambou de JTIoiitaux (Nicolas 1 [1748- 1-Jti], Des maladies des lilies, pour servir de suite aux maladies des feiumes, dn meme auteur. 2 v in 1. 4 p. 1., 359 pp., 11.; 1 p. 1.. 335 pp., 11. 12c. Paris, meet hotel Serpente, 17S5. _____. Des maladies de la grossesse ; pour com- pletter l'histoire des maladies des feninies et des Miles, par le meme auteur. 2 v. xiv, 395 pp.: 1 p. 1., 4-2ti pp. 12°. Paris, 1785. _____. The same. Der Arzt fur Schwangere, oiler Besehreibung und Heiluug der Kraukhei- ten, welche vor der Schwangerschaft hergehen, und sie begleiteu. Aus dem Franzosischen. 3 p. 1., 491 pp. 8°. Bremen, G. L. Fbrsttr, 1792. -----. Mediciniseh-practische Abbandlung von den Krankheiten der Frau en. Aus dem Frau- zosicnen iibersezt vou C. H. Spor. 2 v. in 1. 5 p. 1., 43-2 pp.; 3 p. 1., 390 pp. 12-\ Erfurt, G. A. Key ser, 1789-90. -----. Merkwiirdige Krankengeschichten und Leichenofuungen. Eine freie Uebersetzuug mit tinigen Auuierkungen des Herausgebers. 012 pp., 6 1. 12-. Leipzig, Weygand, 1791. Comparaison des effets de la vaccine avec ceuxde la petite v^role, inocul6e par la ni6thode des incisions. Memoire lu a TAcad^inie des sci- ences, le 11 Janvier 1820. 2 p. 1., xiii, 15-224 pp. rJ-\ Paris, Pillet jeune, 1821. See. also, Thomassin (J.-Franc.) [in 1. s.] Disserta- tion sur le charbon malin [etc.]. 8D". Basle, 1782. Chainbor (Marc) [1856- ]. * Conservation des vibrations thoraciques dans les pleurisies avec epanchernent. 49 pp. 4C. Paris, 18*6. No. 90. de Chambord (Henri-Charles) Comte [1820-82]. Vulpinn. La derniere maladie de M. le comte de Chambord. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 605- 618. de la Chambre (Marions Curaeus). See Cu- reau de la Chambre. Chambre syndicale des fabricants de produits pharuiaceutiques de France. Me"nioire a M. le iniuistre du commerce, de l'industrie et des colo- nies au sujet du projet d'impdt sur les produits pharniaceutiques. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Parts, Alcan-Levy, h-90. Chauibrelent (J.) * Recherches snr le passage des elements figures a travers le placenta, sui- vies de considerations sur la variole foetale et la vaccination congenitale. 55 pp., 21. 4°. Bor- deaux, 18*2, 5. s., No. 8. -----. The same. 51 pp., 1 1. .»-. Paris, O. Douin, 1882. -----. De la meningite aigue pendant la gros- sesse; opportunity deprovoquer l'accoucheriient. 19 pp. 6;. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1*89. Repr. from.- Ann. de gynec. et d'obst.. Par., 1889, xxxi. ■---- Etude clinique sur l'atrophie congenitale ou acquise des membres inferieurs dans ses rap- ports avec la grossesse et l'acconchement. 16 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1890]. Repr. from: Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1890, xxxiv. Chambrette ( Charles-Aug. ) 'Dissertation >''ir les avantages de rallaitement materncl. 1 p. 1., 19 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1817, No. 536. Chambrier (Joachim). &« Salernuni [School of J. Retardement de la mort [etc.] [ui 1. s.]. 16°. Paris, 1561. Chaillbrill (Jean-Marie) [1S70- ]. *Surun cas p. 4°. Paris, 1*76, No. 360. Cliailllliard (L. Matins). "Considerations ge- nerates sur les fonctions propres a la femme et sur la duree de ees fonctions comparees entre elles. 1 p. 1., 21 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1812. No. 359. Chailllliartill (Francois-Isidore) [ISKi- I'afle. Xeei logie. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., I'ar., 1872 xxxix, 142. — 4»imelle (J.) [Biographie.] Pull. Soe. med. prat, ile I'ar. (1808-72), 1*73, no. 05-69, 18. [Cliailiney (Robert M.)] The Dublin hand- book of medicine and surgery, a popular trea- tise for the million. 5. ed. 50 pp. 8-. Dublin, R. M. Chamney. 1872. Cliailiney (.Sophia). * Teller die Anatomie und Aetiologie der AYanderniere. [Bern.] 27 pp. .- . London, [ Adlard <,• Son], 1K>3. Cliainoin (Lhnile) [W>1- ]. De la valeur de la cauterisation moditieatriee appliqu^e an traitement de la tumeur et, de la tistnle lacry- males. 75 pp. S°. Paris, V. A. Delahai/e 4' Lie., 1*76. See. also, Panax ( F.) [ini. s.]. Lecous sur les affec- tions de l'appareil lacr.ymal. 8°. Paris, 1877. Cliamoiiiilla. See Anthemis. CHAMORRO. 322 CHAM PERU'S. Cliainorr© (Rosendo) L1863- ]. 'Contribu- tion a l'etude de la tuherculose aigue des ar- ticulations (hydarthrose tuberculeuse aigue). 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 188*, No. 301. de Cliauiousset [Claude-Humbert, Piarron] [1717-73]. Lettres sur I'usage d'une nouvelle decouverte de pates, de syrops et de tablettes d'orge. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, Barbou, 1772. Cliailiozxi (Paul) [1865- ]. *De renuclea- tion intra-glandulaire des goitres solides. 52 pp. 4C. Paris, 1891, No. 25. -----. The same. 51 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Jouve, 1891. Champagne (Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Vital) [1854- ]. * Recherches experimentales et cliniques sur l'anesthe'sie generale et locale par le bromure d'ethyle. 103 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lille, 1883, 2. s., No. 61. Cliainpdemerle (Felix) [1867- ]. * Con- tribution au traitement chirurgical du prolap- sus genital; operation de Freund. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 190. [Cliampeaux (Claude).] Reflexions sur les hermaphrodites, relativement a Anue Grand- Jean, qualifiee telle dans uu memoire de Me Vermeil, avocat au Parlement. 55 pp. 12°. Avignon 4' Lyon. C Jacquenod fils, 17(>5. See, also, 4oii»til talion de chirurgie [etc.1. 12°. Lyon, 1768. — FniwMole Sc Cliampeaux (Claude) [ini. s.J. Lettre ii M. Louis fete.1. 12°. Lyon, 1768. de Cliampeaux (Palasne) [I860- ]. *Du Ivinphadenome. 56 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 114. Chainpeil (Alexandre). * Contribution a l'e- tude des cystites tardives dans la blennorrha- gie. 60 pi>. 4°. Paris, 1*88, No. 364. Cliauipeil (Joseph-Marie-Jules) [1855- ]. ' Recherches histologiqnes sur la voute du crane membraueux primordial. 37pp., lpl. 4°. Paris, 1S90, No. 333. Cliampel-Mii'-Ai'vc. Glatz (P.) L'hydrotherapie; -les eaux de l'Arve, leur action hygienique et curative; I'etablisseinent hydrotherapique de Champel- sur-Arve. 8°. Paris, ls75. —----. The same. The Arve water-cure as a healer and health-giver. Hydropathic estab- lishment of Champel-sur-Arve. 8°. (relieve, 1875. Cliampeiiier (Paul) [1808- ]. "Des ne- vrites syphilitiques et en particulier de la ne- vrite cubitale de la periode secondaire. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No 28. Champeiiois (Jan Guillemin). See Sylvius (jacobus) [ini. s. ]. Introduction sur l'aiiatouiiqiie partie de la physiologie d'Hippocrat, etc. 16°. Paris, 1555. Cliampenois ( Jean-Baptiste-Victor ) [1853- ]. * Des luxations subites se produisant dans le cours de certaines maladies aigues. 78 pp. 4°. Lille, 1894, 4. s., No. 68. Champeiiois (Paul) [1869- ]. * Etude critique du traitement des kystes hydatiques du foie; avantages des incisions larges. 93 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 313. Cliamperius (Symphorianus) [or Campe- gfius or Cliampier] [1472-1539?]. Index librorum iu hoc volumine contentorum: Syni- phoriani Champerii libelli duo. Primus de medicinal Claris scriptoribus in quinque partibus tractatus. Secundus de legum divinarum con- ditoribus, una cum impugnatione sectae Macho- metica3 quam Arabes alchoranum vocant; opus turn propter hystoriarum coguitionem turn propter rei novitatem perutile. Dyalogus Sym- phoriani Champerii et Sebastiani Coppini Mol- lissouiensis in legem Machometicam. Ejusdem Symphoriani de corporum animorumque morbis eorundemque remediis opusculum in duos parti- Cliamperius (Symphorianus)—continued. turn libellos. Primus introductivus est in prac- ticamGaleni. Secundus legritudinuni aninioruni curativus. Evangelieie Christiiiniequo religionis ex ecriptis Gentilinm et poetaruin et philoso- phorum validissimis argunicntis comprohatio. Ejusdem Symphoriani anhorismisivo collectiones medicinales. Alexaudri Benedicti, Verotiensis, aphorismi sive colleetiones. Alexaudri Aphro' disei Greci de febribus. Opera parva Ilippcx r;|. tis noviter de Greco in Latinum traducta libri septem. Epistohe qua?dani ad ipsutn Synipho- rianum Champeriuni. 6 p. 1., 57, 24,24,8 27 27 ff. sm. 4°. [Lyons, 1506?] -----. Rosa gallica omnibus sanitateni affect an- tibus utilis et necessaria, qua? in se eontinet prsecepta, auctoritatcs, atque seutentias memo- ratu dignas, ex Hippoeratis, Galeni, Erasistrati, Asclepiadis, Dioscoridis, Rasis, Haliabatis, Isaac, Avicennue, niultorumque aliortim elarornin viru- rum libris in iintini eollectas; quie ad inedicani artem rectamque vivendi formam pltirimutn con- ducnnt. Una cum sua preeiosa inargarita: De medici atque egri officio. 7 p. 1., cxxxvi ff. 12°. Venundatnr ab Jodoco Badio. [Ad fincut:] P.x Valentia Allobrogum. 1511. Ex off. Asccnsianu emissum hoc opus A. D. 1514. -----. The same. [2. ed.] 7 p. 1., cxxxvi ff. 16°. [Valencia Allobrogum, ex off. Ascensiaua, 1518.] The words "venundatnr ab Jodoco Badio" on title- page are obliterated. -----. Cribratio, lima, et annotatnenta in Galeni, Avicennie et Consiliatoris opera. 72 ff. KK [Lugduni, in chalcographia Ascensiana, 1510.] -----. Practica nova de omnibus niorhoruin generibus ex traditionibns Gra-coruni, Latino- rum, Arabum, Picnoruni ac recentinm aiictoruni, aurei libri quinque. Item ejusdem liber de om- nibus generibus febrium. 51 ff. fol. [Adfincm:] Venetiis, impensa a>re et cura hceredum Octaviuin Scoii Modoetiensis, ac sociorum, 1522. -----. The same, 'lorping 7rpdftc, de omnibus morborum generibus, ex traditionibus Gra:co- rum, Latinorum, Arabum, Poenoruni ac receu- tiunrautornm, libri v. Item ejusdem liber unus de omnibus febrium generibus. 21 p. 1., 039 pp. 16°. Basiled', per Henrichum Petrum, [1547]. -----. Quae hoc in volumine tractantur. Epi- thoruie commentariorum Galeni in libros Hippo- eratis Cohi. Primus aphorismorum. Secundus pronosticorum. Tertius regiminis acutoriun morborum. Quartus epidemiarum. Ejusdem doniini Siinphoriani Centiloquium isagogicum in libros Hippoeratis, opus variuin acdoctissinnun. Iu quo praeclarissinia quaequeet digna lectu qu;e a Galeno scripta sunt breviter: clareque et pla- cido stilo narrantur. [In fine:] Finis epitho- matutn iu libros epidimiarum doniini Galeni Pergameni cum annotationibus suis. Apud Nanceium Lothoringiae primarium oppidtmi, ad octavum Kalendas Januarii anno salutis nos- tra? 1513, regnante inclito principe duce An- tonio Renati regis ultimi Sicilian filio. Cham- pegius seu Cliamperius. Impressum Lugduni per Johanuem Marion, anno 1516 die 23 Junii. ff. ciiii, 4 1. 16°. -----. Symphonia Galeni ad Hippocrateni, Cor- nelii Celsi ad Avicennam : uua cum seetis anti- quorum medicorum ae recentinm. Item, clys- teriorum campi contra Arabum opinionem. pro Galeni sententia, ac omnium Graecorum medico- rum doctrina, a . . . digesti, contra comuiuneui Arabum ac Pcenorum traditionem . . . congesti, ac in lucem propagati. 46 pp. 163. [Lugduni, 1528.] -----. Le myrouel des appothiquaires et pliai- macopoles (le miroir des apothicaires). Nouv. CHAMPERIUS. 323 CIIANCELLOE. Cliamperius (Symphorianus)—continued. ed., revue, conigee et aunotee par P. Dorveaux. Avec une preface de G. Plauchou. 56 pp. 8~ . Pan's, H. Welter, 1894. Date on cover: 1895. See. also, Avieenna. Liber canonis totius medicinne [etc.J. 4°. [Lugduni ]. 1522 —PelruM de Abnno. Conciliator, fol. [Venetiis, 1521 ] -----. See. also : Allut (P.) Etude biographique et biblio- graphi(]ue et sur Symphorien Champier, suivie de divers opustule.s francois de . . . L'ordre de chevalerie, Le dialogue de noblesse et Les anti- quites de Lyon et de Vienne. 8°. Lyon, 1859. de Clisillipesme (J.) * Sunt-ne cachexia; speciales a singulis organoruui degenerationibus oiiundie? 10 pp. 4 . Parisiis, Crapelet, 1824. Concours. See, also: l.isfrnnc (Jacques) & dc Chnmpesiiic (J.) .Nouveau precede operatoire [etc.]. SD. Paris, 1815. Clianipetier (P.) Les maladies cu jeune che- val. 348 pp., 4 pl. 12c. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1892. .-----. The same. 348 pp., 4 pl. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1896. Champetier de Kibes (Camille) [1848- ]. Du passage de la tete fcetale a travers le detroifc supetieur retreci du bassin dans les presenta- tions du siege. 106 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, O.Doin, 1879. [P., v. 2055.] .----. De l'aecouchement provoque; dilatation du canal genital (col de l'uteius. vagin et ^ulve) a l'aide de ballons introduits dans la cavite" uterine pendant la grossesse. 106 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 18*8. Champier (Symphorien). See Champerius (,S\ inphorianus). Champin [pseudon. ]. See Jullemier ( Mile. Genevieve-Alexandriue). Champion (Eniile - Seraphin ). * Traitement pilliatif du caucer uterin inoperable. 83 pp. .-°. Paris, 1*96, No. 10. CJiampioil] (J.-N.) Tableau de la duree de la vie de l'homme, figuree dans ses phases par les saisons de l'aune'e et par les quatre parties du jour, grave et colorie. Precede d'une expli- cation; extrait de la mappe-moude physico- climatologique du Dr. W. Btftte. 7 jip., 1 pl. 8 . Paris, Vauteur, Pel-icier [et al.], 1827. Champion [L.']. See Robert (N.-J.-Abel) [in 1. s.]. Lettre sur la fievre miliaire. h°. Paris, [1839]. Chainpney (T[bomas]). Medical and chirur- gical lelorm proposed, from a review of the healing art, throughout Europe, particularly Great Britain. With considerations ou hospi- tals, dispensaries, poor-houses, and prisons; ob- servations on the apothecaries' late applica- tion to Parliament; aud proposals for general legislative regulations. Including hints for im- proving the healing and veterinary arts, xvi, 120 pp. 8\ London, J. Johnson, 1797. Champneys (Francis Henry) [1848- ]. A case of interstitial fibromvoma (fibroid) of the uterus. 15 pp. 8°. [London, 1877.] Repr. from: St. Barth. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1877, xiii. -----. Notes on "uterine polarity". 16 pp. 8°. London, Ballantyne, Hanson $ Co., [1880]. Repr. from: Obst. J. Gr. Brit,, Lond., 1879-80, vii. —- • On the pain in pelvic cancer and its relief by morphia, illustrated by fifty cases. Read January 14th, 1880. 24 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 18*1. liepr.from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1880), 1881, xxii. —-—. Introductory address delivered at St. George's Hospital, on October 1st, 1884. 31 pp. 12°. London, Harrison 4~ Sons, 1884. Repr. from-. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii. Champneys (Francis Henry)—continued. -----. Experimental researches in artificial res- piration iu stillborn children, and allied sub- jects, viii, 153 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis 1887. -----. On painful menstruation; the Harveian lectures, 18i)(). viii, 88 pp., 2 tab. 8'-'. London H. K. Lewis, 1891. ------. A history of the work of the Obstetrical Society in relation to the examination and regis- tration of inidwives; being the inaugural ad- dress delivered March 6th, 1895. 44 pp. '8°. London, Adlard 4' Son, 1895. Chailipneys (Rev. William Weldon) [1807-75]. See Marriage with a deceased wife's sister [in 1. s l. 8°. London, 1851. Chauipolliou (Jean-Francois) le jeune [1790- 1832]. See Recede* medicales pour les maladies cutariees [etc.]. 8°. [Paris, n. d.) Chainpoiliier [1858- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des lesions des troncs veineux de la base du cou dans les fractures de la clavicule. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 212. Champi'cux (Jules-Emmanuel). *De-l'epi- lepsie. 1 p. L, 23 pp. 4\ Strasbourg, 1836, No. 1119. Chainpsaur (Adrien). *Des resultats imme- diats et eloignes de l'iridectomie dans l'irido- capsulite avec adhereuces capsulalres. 59 pp. ■ 4C. Lyon, 1889, No. 352. Author's name is pasted over another, which reads Fe- licien Chainpsaur. Champy (Charles). Etude comparee de Fac- tion physiologique des sels potassiques et so- diques et en particulier de leurs chlorures. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870, 3. s., No. 290. Champy (Edme). * Dissertation stir I'usage interne et externe des cantharides en medecine. 1 p. ]., 24 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1809, No. 278. Chan and (Laurent) [1867- ]. *Etude anatomo-patbologique et syuiptomatique du pneumothorax circonscrit tuberculeux; son di- agnostic differentiel d'avec la caverne pulmo- naire. 58 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 674. Chance (Frank) [1826- ]. * Diabetes e vitio organoruui cibi digestioni inservientium oritur. 16 pp. 8:. Cantabrigian, typ. acad., 1856. [P., v. 1189.] See, also, Virchow (Rudolf Ludwig Karl) [in 1. s.]. Cellular pathology [etc.J. 8°. London, 1860. -----.The same [in 1. s.]. • 8°. New York, [n. d.]. Chance (Geo. H.) The dental chair. A poem of light aud shadows. Dedicated to the chair and its patrons. 38 pp. 12°. Portland, Oregon, A. G. Walling, 1878. ------. A plain talk about the teeth. 2. ed. 46 pp. 24°. Portland, Oregon, F. W. Baltes 4 Company, 1892. Chance Brothers Alkali Works, Oldbury. See Oldbury Alkali Works Provident Society. Chanceauline (Alfred) [1850- ]. 'Contri- bution a l'etude du traitement preventif du phlegmon diffus. 34 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, 1877. [P., v. 2053.] Chancel (G[ustave]) [1822- ]. See ]<<>■-aid (J.-15.), Chancel (G.) & Cauvy (P.) Sur le pl&trage des vins. 4°. [Montpellier, n. d.]—Ger. hard! (Charles) Sc Chancel (G.) [in 1. s.]. Precis (l'analyse chimique quantitative. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1864. Chancellor (Charles Williams) [1833- ]. Report to the State board of health on the epi- demic of diphtheria in Frederick City, Md., and the small-pox in Charles County, Md. 63 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Baltimore, Sun Print. Off., 1882. Bound with.- Kep. Bd. Health Maryland. 8°. Frederick, 1882, iv. ------. A treatise on mineral waters and sea-side resorts, descriptive and medical, viii, 160 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. B. Piet 4" Co., 1883. CHANCELLOR. 324 ciiancih:. Chancellor (Charles Williams)—continued. -----. The Liornur system of sewerage. A refu- tation of the criticisms of Colonel Wearing and Dr. Billings. 14 pp. 16°. [Baltimore, 1883.] Repr. from: Maryland il. J., Bait,, 1883-4, x. -----. Sewerage of cities. A reply to the paper of Col. George E. Wariug, C. E., of Newport, R. I., on "The Liernur system of sewerage for Baltimore". An important question involving the interests of health, commerce, and agricul- ture. 24 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. Young, [1884]. Repr. from: San. Convent, Maryland, 1883 (State Bd. Health Rep., 1884). -----. The sanitation of cities and towns and the agricultural utilization of excretal matter. Report on improved methods of sewage disposal and water supplies. 2 p. 1.. 176 pp. roy. 8°. Baltimore, Sun Book f Job Print. Off., 1887. -----. Observations on cholera and quarantine. A national quarantine implies national seclu- sion. 15 pp. 8°. [Baltimore, J. Murphy 4~ Co., 1803.] -----. Special consular report. Inoculation for diphtheria and croup. [Report on the treat- ment of diphtheria and croup by means of hypo- dermic injections of diphtheritic serum.] Oct. 14,1894. 6 pp. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] See, also, Maryland. State Board of Health. Special report on the prevalence of typhoid or entero-miasmatic fever at Cumberland. 8°. Baltimore, 1891. Ciiancellor Inglis : a graduation song for 1876. 3 pp. 8J. Edinburgh, Oliver 4' Boyd, [1876]. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1876-7, xxii. Chancellor (The) process and apparatus for the treatment and disposal of household sewage. Patented Nov. 8, 1887. 16 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1hH7. Chancerel (Lucien) [1858- ]. * Influence hy»ienique des vegetaux sur le climat et leur action speciale sur la malaria et la tuherculose. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 341. Chancerel (Robert). *Les apothicaires et 1'ancieune Faculte de medecine de Paris (1312- 1780). [Paris.] 121 pp., 1 1. 4°. Dijon, 1892, No. 354. Chancerel (Victor) [1802- ]. De l'angine et de ses varietes; memoire couronne par la Soeiete Hahuemanuienne de Madrid, concours de I8d4. 93 pp. 8°. Paris, S. Racon f Cie., 1864. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. med. homoeop. de France, Par., 1864, v. Chancre. See, also, Bubo ; Syphilis (Diagnosis, etc., of); Syphilis (Primary); Syphilis (Primary, Treat- ment of). Du Castel. Chancres genitaux et extra-geni- taux; chancres syphilitiques, chancres simples. 12c. Paris, 1895. Gardillon (L.) *Stir le chancre du vagin, chancre non iufectant; chancre infectant. 4°. Paris, 1881. Ladoire-Yver (E.) * Considerations gene- rales sur la syphilis. Du chancre indure en particulier. 4°. Paris, 1854. Mauriac (C.) Lecons sur la syphilis primi- tive. Diagnostic, pronostic et traitement du chancre syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1881. Montaz (L.-G.) * Recherches sur la trace in- deiebile du chancre syphilitique; ses caracteres. 4°. Lyon, 1880. Nodet (L.) * Etudes cliuiques et experi- mentales sur les di verses especes de chancres et particulierenient sur le chancre mixte. 4 . Montpellier, 1863. Andry (C.) Sur l'importance clinique du chancre mixte. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1897, iii, 20. — Bean- ■loiiiii t C) Du chancre syphilitique. Ann.de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1895, v, 113 ; 121.—Binet (P.) Con- Chancre. tribution k l'etude du chancre infectant du vagin. Prance med., Par., 1SH1, xxviii, ;;8; 50. — Hocking; (W.) Djs. sertatio do pertinacia nlceruin venereoruin acrimonia scabiosa complicatoriuii. Acta Acad. Cies. n-g. Joseph med.-cbir. Vimlob., 17i-8, 263-284. Also, transl.: Aetcs Acad. c. r. Josephine med.-cbir. de Vienne, Montpel., ITii'j i, 313-338.—Coiyiu I (L.) ,fc Cade. Chancres perfiiraiits dn prepuce. Lyon med., 18!i7, lxxxvi, 13-17. — Conner (P. S.) Clinical lecture on primary venereal ulcers (in. cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1881, n. s., vi, Ki.i-171.— Crivclli. | |1H syphilitic chancre; diagnosis and treatment. Iuten olnn Q. J.M.& S., Melbourne. 1*94, i, 37; 148.—Duei-ey (A.) li virus dell' ulcera venerea non e. stato aneore c<>lti'\ ato- ri- cerche sperimentali. Riforma med., Roma, 18H9 v 98 _ Dulles (C. W.) What is a chancre? Phila. M. Times 1878-9, ix, 397-402. Also, Keprint. — Dui-and ( V. j Chancre perforant du prepuce. Arch. med. de Toulouse 1896, ii, 301.—Fournicr~(A.) De quelques varietes (hi chancre syphilitique. Semaine med., Par., 1883, iii, 53. -----. Diagnostic et traitement dn chancre syphilitiqne! Praticien, Par., 1884, vi, 123-125. -----. Chancres syphili- tiques multiples de la region pubienne. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 429. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 1133. -----. Chancre syphilitique genital chez la femme. Mus.de l'Hop. ,Nt.- iouis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph.. Par., [ 1 s<>"i ?J. l:t- 23, lpl. -----. Le chancre syphilitique. [Abstr.] (iaz. m6d. de Liege, 1895-6, viii, 289. -----. Chancres de la re- gion ano-rectale. [Abstr.] J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1896, lxvii, 413-417.—Horgcn. Zur Lehre von den Schankergeschwiiren. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1881, xxii, 193-197.—Hutchinson (J.) Notes on chancres. Arch! Surg., Lond., 1895, vi, 36-41. -----. On the recurrence of induration in the sites of former chancres. Ibid., 1896, vii, 253-261. — Kdbner (H.) Studien iiber Schankci-vi- rus. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f.vaterl. Kult. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Brest, 1802,66-70.—Lowndes (F. W.) Which is the more frequent situation in males of the in- durated chancre, infecting sore or initial sign of syphilis? Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 635.—IVIti urine. Sur quelques va- rietes de chancre infectant. J. de med. et chir. prat., I'ar., 1884, lv, 302-305.— lTIusset (H.) TJeber den Schanker und (lessen Beziehung zur sypt ilitiscben Diathese. Syphilidol., Erlang., 1860,ii, 102; 176.- Ohinann.l)uuiesnil(A.H.) Syphilitic ulcer. Quart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis, 1895-6, iii, 95-97—Parvin (T.; Syphilitic ulcer of the vulva; ovaralgia, spinal irritation, and ana-mia. Interuat. Cliu., Phila., 1891. i, 176-181.—Poral-Koshits (V. I.) Topo- grafiya sifiliticheskavo shank ra. [Topography of syphi- litic chancre.] Vestnik obsh. hig. sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1889, iii, 4. sect., 165-199: iv, 4. sect., 1-30. Also, Keprint. — Power (W.). Venereal diseases. Bait. J. M., 1861, i, 207-219.—Rasnniow (W. J.) Zur Statis- tik der Schanker der Vaginalportion. Vrtljschr. f. Der- mat., Wien, 1880, vii, 517-528. — Rcinondino (P. C.) Total loss of penis from venereal ulceration. J. Cutan. & Ven. Dis., N. T., 1882-3, i, 43. — Kieger (C.) Ueber Schanker, Chancroid und ihre Metamorphosen. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien. 1881, viii, 189-253. Also, Reprint.— Rodriguez Viforcos. Algo de fisiologia patol6gica de la lilcera venerea. Kev. esp. de oftal., sif. [etc.].. Ma- drid, 1882, aiio v, vol. ii, 3-9.—Schwiiiuucr (E.) Eslod- leges mandolafekely. [ Primary chancre of the glans penis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii,439.—Mukhofl (A. A ) [Ulcera indurata prseputii, adenitis iuguinalia bilateralis syphilitica.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1889-90, xxviii, 13-15. Chancre (Abnormities of). See, also, Breast (Syphilis of); Chancre (Phagedenic); Chancre (Serpiginous); Chancre ( Urethral); Eyelids, Face, Lips, Mouth, Nose, Tonsils, Syphilis of; Syphilis (Communication °/)> Syphilis (Extra-genital). Zwktitch (M.) *Sur le chancre syphilitique hypertrophique. 4°. Paris, 1884. Ashhurst (J.), jr. Reulceration in the cicatrix of a chancre. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 802. — Clerc ( F.-F.) Du chancroide svphilitique ou chancre non iu- fectant. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 1219-1224. Also, transl..- Virginia M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1855, v, 180-193.— Du Castel. Chancres syphilitiques atypiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., I'ar., 1890, i, 51-57. ----. Chaucre syphilitique g6ant. Ibid., 1894, v, 546. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 1369.— Ktourncau. Note sur un cas de chancre infectant a longue p6riode d'incnnation. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1897, lxviii, 271-273.—Hutchinson (J.) Clinical remarks on a case of non-venereal syphilis, in which the chancre had some rather unusual characters. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1872, ii, 515. — Hutchinson (M.) Diphtheroid chancre. J. Cutan. Sc Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1887, v, 12-18.—Krefting (R.) Om chancre mixte. Festskr. . . • Prof. Heibergs [etc.], Kristiania, 1895. 151-157. — !>«"- niairc. Observation de chancre berpetiforme infectant. CHANCEE. 325 CHANCRE. Chancre (Abnormities of). Bull. Soc. de med. de Rouen (1889), 1890, 2. s., iii, 88-90. — ".another (E. D.) An unusual form of chancre. Lan- cet Loud., 1,-01. ii, 664.—Puech (P.) Deux cas de chan- cre indure a Umgue inocuhatiou. Montpel. med., 1889, 2. s„ xiii, 449-461. Chancre (Diagnosis of). Blachkyue (J.-B.) * Diagnostic differeutiel du chancre infectant et du chancre non infec- tant, ou du chancre et dn chancroide. 4°. Paris. 1S">.">. Ashhurst (J.), jr. The clinical history of chancre and chancroid. Phila. M. Times, 18S1-2, xii, 405-409. [Discussion), 425-429. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soe. 1881-2, Phila., 1882, iv, 60-65. [Discussion], 67-71. —Au- bert ( P.) Perception de rindiiratiou des chancres avec un seul doigt; toucher unidigital. Lyon med.. 1897, lxxxiv, 471-475. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 349.— Bennett (T. J.) Differentiation between chancre ami chancroid, 'with table. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1885-6, i, 310-315.—Kdbuer (H.) Ueber 'provocatorische Aetzung" zur Diagnostik der Syphilis und deu sog. pseudo-indurirten Schanker. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 751-754. Also: Verhandl. d. Perl, med Gesellsch. (1879-80). 1881. xi, pt. 2, 46-56. — de ."TIarehettis (P.) Distinction entre les ulc^res veneriens et ceux qui sont produits par quelques autres humeurs; gu6rison par lea moyens geueraux et les topiques. In his: Rec. d'obs. rares [etch 8°, Par., 1858, 179-182.—tlaurinc (C.) Dia- gnostic du chancre syphilitique. France med., Par., 1880, xxvii, 321; 327; 345.—Sanjuan (M.) Diaguostico gene- ral de chancro Hunteriano. Kev. esp. de oftal., sif. [etc.], Madrid, 1883, vii, 232-237. Chancre (Treatment of). Sec also. Chancre (Phagedenic); Syphilis (Treatment of). Kossi (A.) * Ueber die neueren Behandlungs- weisen der Schanker. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1^83. Barthelemy. Gu6rison rapide du chancre simple. Union med., Par., 1884. 3. s., xxxvii, 1081-1084. — Bottey (F.) Note snr l'emploi de l'acide pyrogallique dans le traitement des chancres et des bubons chancreux. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par.. 1883, 2. s., iv, 432-436.—Cavaz- zani (E.) La glicerina cloralcanforata nella cura del- 1'ulcera venerea. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1892, xxvii, 165-172—Cordier. Traitement des chancres sous phimosis. Mem. et compt.-rend Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1892), 1893, xxxii, pt. 2, 35-38.—Fournier. Traitement du chancre syphilitique. J de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1897, lxviii, 494-497. — Hallopeau (H.) Cauterisation d'un chancre indure par lo sublime, pratiquee dans le hut d'enrayer le developpement d'une syphilis. France med., Par., 1885, i, 352-354.— Jaiiovskv (V.) Zur Anwendung der Salicylsaure bei Behandlung der venerischen Ge- schwiire. Internat. klin. Rundschau, "Wien, 1890, iv, 977; 1023; 1097.—Kuttner (A.) Ueber die locale Anwendung der Chromsaure bei syphilitischen Ulcerationen. The- rap. Monatsh., Bed., 1891, v, 348.—I.eloir (H.) De la destruction du chancre comme moven abortif de la syphi- lis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1881, 2. s., ii, 69-96.— Ohiiiami -DnineMiiil IA. H.) The chancre and its treatment. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 138-145.— Parker (L.) On the indications for the employ of mer- cury in primary syphilitic sores, and on the so-called spe- cific induration. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, 994. — Nan- juan y Obelar (M.) Tratamiento trtpieo del chancro I Hunteriano. Rev. esp. de oftal.. sif. [etc.], Madrid, 1*83, vii, 232; 18*4, viii, 283. —Szadek (C.) Tratamiento ile las lilceras ven6reas con el acido salicilico. Rev. esp de oftal., dermat., sif. [etc.], Madrid, 1889, xiii, 157-162.— Thin (G.) On the treatment of chancre by glycerinum boracis. Lancet. Loud., 1882. i, 864.—Todd (C. H.) Sur- gical report; containing an account of those affections of the penis which are generally considered as primary symp- , tonis of syphilis, with the modes of treatment employed in the Richmond Surgical Hospital. Dublin Hosp. llep., 1818. ii, 147-189.—Vogelius (L. S.) Et 4 Aar gammelt Ulcus helbredet ved Hydrargyrum formidatum. Hosp.- Thl., Kjobenh., 1883, i, 3. R., 433.— Worster (W. P.) The treatment and care of chancre with peroxide of hydrogen. J. Cutan. Sc Genito-Uriu. Dis., N. Y., 1894, xii, 70-72. Also, Reprint. Chancre (Treatment of) by excision. See, also, Syphilis ( Treatment of) by excision. "Anouyme (L') du Parasitat ". Note sur la contin- gence des resultats de l'excision chancreuae. Lyon m6d., 1881.xxxvi,313-316.—AuberttP.) Excisionhloc'usetauto- inoculation intra-veineuse du chancre syphilitique. Ibid., 1882. xxxix, 485-487.— Bnrduzzi (D.') Del valore della escisione dell' ulcera sifilitica. Gior. ital. d. mal. veil., Milano, 1884. xix, 199-208 -Bumin (E.) Zur Frage der Si'hanker-Exciaion. Vrtl.jsebr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1882, ix, 259-304. Also, Reprint.—Crivelli (V.t Critical review Chancre (Treatment of'). of the results of excision of haul chancre. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 241-240—Be- logu (G.) Sitilide incipiente e sua cura operativa. R|. forma med., Napoli, 1897. xiii, pt. 2, 603; 615.—Wesguiu (L.) Ablation dun chancre pliagcdenique par la circon- cision. Ann. Sec. denied. d'Anwrs, 1882, xliii, 563-566.__ (»ibier. De l'excision preventive des chancres syphiliti- ques. Union med.. Par.. 1881, 3. s., xxxi, 530-533.—J allien (L.) On tho results obtained from tlie excision of the pri- mary syphilitic sore. Tr.Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, ii, 401-403.-----. L'excision de la sclerose initiate. Re>sura6! Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iii, Sect, de dermat. et syph., 54-63.-----. Des re- sultatsde l'excision du chancre syphilitique. Bull Soc de med. de Par. (1890), 1891, xxv,'131-136. -----. Excision des chancres syphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. far., 1891, ii, 306-308.—KrowrzriWki (J.) Ueber die Excision der Initialsklerosen. "Vrtljschr. f. Dermat Wien, 1881. viii, 101-112.— LaNsm (O.)* Feber die Exci- sion des Ulcus durum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 344- 346. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii,'454; 466. Also: Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect, u! Hydrotherap , Wien, 1883, i, 177-179. — Lopez de Here- dia (F.) De Ia escisiou del chancro sitilitico como medio de prevenir las manifestaciones generales de la sifilis. Rev. de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1884, xv. 349-355.— ITIalherbe. 'Chancre indure du prepuce, cnleve par la circoncision. Bull. Soc. auat. de Nantes 1879, Par., 1880, 95-97.—Mauriac (C.) De l'excision du chancre syphiliti- que. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 52; 77; 108.-----. Excision de chancres syphilitiques. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1891, ii, 290-292.—Pick (F. J.) Die Excision der Initialsclerose. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. med. C- r. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iii, Sect, de dermat. et syph , 53.— Sillies (J. H. C.) Excision of the chancre, considered from the analogy between syphilis and carcinoma. Poly- clinic, Phila.. 1883-4, i, 147-150.—von Watraszewski. Ueber die Excision syphilitischer Primaraffectionen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i, 424— Zarrwicz (A.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki wyciuauia wzodu stward- nialego. [ On the excision of chancre. ] Przegl. lek. Krakow, 1885, xxiv, 465; 488; 512; 537; 563; 599; 649; 661. Chancre (Epithelial). See Anus (Tumors of). Chancre (Labial). See Lips (Syphilis of). Chancre (Phagedenic). See, also, Chancre (Serpiginous). Puy6 Medina (L.) * Contribution k l'e'tude du chancre syphilitique e"rosif phage\16nique superficiel. 4C. Paris, 1892. liidronico ( C.) II fagedenismo in rapporto alle malattie veneree. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886. xxxvii, 372- 377.—Bourses. Chancre infectant phag6d6uique de la verge. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 809. Also: Reunionsclin.del'Hop. St. Louis. C.r., Par., 1888-9, 208-210.—Carniichael (H.) Ou the efficacy of pressure in certain cases of venereal phagedenic ulceration. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1838-9, xiv, 1-17. — Cootc (H.) Sloughing phagedena. Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 399. — Danillo (S.) RIedkiy sluchai shankernavo fagedenizma. [Rare case of phagedenism from chancre.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 500.—Fonrnier. Du phagedenisme tei tiaire. Praticien, Par., 1885, viii, 331: 341. -----. Traitemeui. du phagede- nisme. Ibid., 1886, ix, 509— Fi-ouiont. Chancres pha- ged6niques rebelles; de Taction du cyauure de mercure pour combattre lo phagedeuisnie. 1'resse m6d. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 345-347. — Oainberini (P.) Brevi riflessi intorno all' ulcere venereo ditto fagedenico. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firen/.e, 1852, 2. s., ii, 42-44—Hut- chiiiNon. Notes on cases of phagedena. Med. Times >£: Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 98. —Jullien (L) Reflexions sin le phagedenisme syphilitique et le phagedenisme sep- tique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. ot syph , Par., 1890, i, 108-110.— I. syphilis; treatment, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii. 408.— ■jiicaM-Cliniupioiiiiiei-e (P.) Traite- ment du phag6denisnie chancreiix; alopecie syphilitique. J. de m6d. et chir. prat.. Par., 1881, Iii. 253-257.—.Tlnnero (E.) Fagedenismo. Aufiteatroanat., Madrid, 1874,ii.243.— Tlaariac (C) Phagedenisme .syphilitique. Ga/,. d. hop., Par.. 188:i, lvi, 217; 305; 330; 354'; 404; 434; 457; 491; 506; 515.— Palacio*. Ulcera fagedenica en el prepueioy pit-1 del inienibro. Rev.csp.de oftal.. sif. [etc. |, Madrid, 1881-2, afio v, vol.i, 346. — I*ute:;iiai. Du tr.iiieinent du chancro phagedenique. J dc med.. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1863, xxxvi, 11; 117. Also, lb-print - NiinuioiiN (D B.) On the treatment of phagedenic gangrenous venereal sores. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x. 612. — Ninilli (A. J.) Hebra'a bath cure in phagedena. Med News, Phila., 1888, liii, 156. Spill in a u n (P.) Traitement du chancre phagede- nique et des syphilides uleerenses. Aun. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1885, 2. s., vi, 714-720. — Streitz. Phagede- CHANOKE. 326 CHANCROID. Chancre (Phagedenic). nisme, sa cause; le mercurialisme; anto-inoculations mul- tiples; caracteres differents des chancres simples iDOcnlls, d'apres leur siege ; immunite de la face a l'6gard du chan- cre mon. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1882, 3. s., xxii, 386- 391. — Sutton (T.) Case of sloughing phagedena, with remarks. Loud. M. Reposit., 1823, xx, 305-307.—Thiersch (C.) Behandlung des phagedanischen Schankers mil pa- renchymatdsen Einspritznngen von Silbersalpeter. Ver-_. haiKU'. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1881, x, pt. 2, 407-410. Als,,: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881-2. xxvii, 269-272. — Tliirj . Du phag6d6nisnie chancreux; chancre phag6d6ni(iue en gland compliqu6 de gangrene; M Bom- (F. <;.j Report of a ease of chronic chancroidal ulcers. N. York Polyclin., 1897, ix, 167.—Dubreuilli (W.) Sur uue epi. d6mie de chancres mous. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1893 xxiii, 573. Also: Mem. et bull. So-, de med. et chir dc Bordeaux (1893), 1894, 608-612. — Due icy (A.) Nwh einige Worte iiber das Wesen des einfachen, kontagioscu Geschwiires. Monatsh. f. piakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1895 xxi, 57-60.—Durand (V.) Chancre simple perforaut dii pr6puce. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896, viii, 208- 210.—Foumier. Frequence, 'etiologie, symptomatolo- gie, duree et siege du chancre simple. Praticien I'ar 1886, ix, 196-198.—Friedheim (L.) Das Ulcus molle! historisch-kritische Studie. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Ce- sellsch. in Wiirzb., 1888, n. F.. xxi, 207-248—Ootllicil (W. S.) Pseudo-chancre. N. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 390- 393. Also, Reprint.—CJreenough (F. B.) A few statis- tics on the comparative frequencv of the chancroid. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1887, cxvi, 545-549.—Gi-OiiNlnd . Petzolp (A.) * Ueher Koinplikationen bei Ulcus molle. f^. Wiirzburg, 18*9. Schkoeuek (L. A.) ' I'eber einen Fall von Tuberculosis cui is im Anschluss un Bubo sup- lmrativtts nach Ileus molle. - . Bonn, 1894. Balzer. Sur les complications du chancre mon. Re- port. T.) Nieskolko uablyudeniy o liechenii myakhkavo shankra viskabliva- nlem. [Observations ou the treatment of soft chancre by scraping.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1895, [i], 349-354. — Hallopcau (H.) & Macrez. Traite- ment du phagedenisme du chancre simple par la solution forte de tartrate ferrico-potassique. Bull. Soc. fr;inc- de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 379-382. Also: Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 1021-1024. — Heller (F.) Zur Therapie des weichen Chankers. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wieu, 1884, xix, 304. — von IlerflT. Zur Be- handlung des weichen Schankers bei Fi auen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek, Berl., 1895, i, 577. — Krakht (S. F.) Dermatol pri liechenii ulcus molle. Meditsiua, St. Petersb., 1892, iv, 34.—I.anz (A.) Zur Therapie des Ul- cus molle. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii,264.— Ijatouclic (F.) Du chancro non infectant et du bubon chancreux considered sp6cialement au point de vue de leur traitement. Rev. de clin. m6d.-chir., Par., 1884-5, i, 76; 123.—I>cblond Sc Fissiaux. De l'emploi de la r6sorcine dans le traitement du chancro simple chez la femme. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1883, xix, 1-8. — lier- moyez , Xo. 425. Cliandelon (J.), Donny,Kupflorsclilut'- ger &. Swarts. De la composition des eaux mindrales de Spa. Rapport adresse' au conseil communal de cette ville. f>l pp., 1 pl. pw, Dison, B. Debois, 1872. [P., v. 1267.] Cliandelon (Th6odore). Recherches sur une annexe du tube digestif ties tuniciers. 10 pp., 2 pl. 8-. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, [187")]. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de me.d. de Belg., Brux., 1875, xxxix, in: Recherches . . . lah. d'embryog. et d'anat! comp. de l'Univ. de Li6ge, Brux., 1876, i. Chandelux ( Andrd-Jacques-Antoine) [1>S47- ]. Contribution a l'dtude des lesions re- nales de"termin6es par les obstacles au cours de Purine. 46pp. 8L. Paris, P. A.Delahaye 4 Cie,, 1876. -----. *Des synovites fougueuses articuhiires et tendineuses. [Paris.] 1 p. 1., 220 pp. 4°. Lyon, Pitrat aine, 1883. Concours. See. also, Travaux du laboratoire [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Paris, 1882. Chandelux (L[ouis]) [1824- ]. Manuel de l'allaitement et de l'hygiene des enfants nou- veau-n6s. 152 pp. *c. Paris, V. Masson, 1856. C handerna^or. Fras (P.) * Etudes sur Chandernagor; geo- graphie, topographie, climatologie, ethnogra- phic, pathologie, hygiene. 4°. Lyon, 1886. -----. Etudes sur Chandernagor; geogra- phic, topographie, climatologie, ethnographic, pathologic, hygiene. 8°. Lyon, 1886. Ouilloteau (G.) Chandernagor. Arch, de me.d, nav., Par., 1891, lvi, 161-228. Chandler (Benjamin) [1737-86]. An essay towards an investigation of the present suc- cessful and most general method of inocula- tion. 47 pp. 8°. London, J. Wilkie, 1767. [P., v. 1875.] Chandler (C[harles] Frederick]) [1836- ]. Plan for a bureau of street cleaning for the city of New York. [Block plan.] An act to provide for the cleaning of the streets, and re- moval of garbage and ashes in the city of New York. Prepared for the chairman of the com- mittee on cities. 11pp. roy. 8. [Albany, 187-.] ----- & Wieehinann (F. G.) Titles of the more important books of reference relating to chemistry. Prepared for the use of the stu- dents of the School of Mines, of Columbia Col- lege. 1881. 3 pp. 8°. [New York, 1881.] Chandler (CharlesMarcellus) [1827-89]. Janes (H.) Obituary. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Bur- lington. 18!)0, 89-91. Chandler (George). A treatise of a cataract, its nature, species, causes and symptoms, with a distinct representation of the operations by couching and extraction; also Daviel's compar- ative view of their respective merits; together with some hints concerning means for prevent- ing its formation, and superseding the neces- sity of either operation; extracted from the best authors. 1 p. 1., vii, 116 pp.. 2 pl. 8°. London, T. Cadell, and Brotherton 4" Sewell, 1775. -----. Ahhaudlung iiber'die Krankheiten dea Auges und die dagegen anzuwendender Heil- mittel, nebst vorausgeschickter Betrachtung iiber (lie Zergliederuug des Auges, Theorie des CHANDLER. 329 CHANGING. Chandler (George) -continued. tjelicus und die verschiedeuen Arten des un- vollkonitnenen Gesichts. Aus dem Englischen. 3 p. 1., 200 pp., 2 pl. 8. Leipzig, Weygand, 1782. Chandler (John). A treatise of the disease called a cold; shewing its nature and causes, its various species, and different events; to- gether with some cautionary rules of conduct proper to be observed in order to avoid taking this disease, or to get safely rid of it when takeu. Also a short description of the genuine nature and seat of the putrid sore throat. 2. ed. 123 pp. S-. London, A. Millar, 1761. [P., v. 1341.] Chandler (Joseph Ripley) [1792-1880]. Out- lines of penology; read before the Social Science Association of Philadelphia. '24 pp. 8^. [Phil- adelphia, 1874.] Repr. from : Penu Month., Dec, 1871. Chandler (Seth). An historical discourse de- livered before the First Congregational Society iu Harvard, Massachusetts, October 22, 1882. With an appendix by Samuel A. Green. '28 pp. 8:. Boston, G. E. Liitlefield, 1884. Chandler's improved expanding braces. 12 pp. ?~. [London, 1862.] [P., v. 896.] Chanel (Jeau-Baptiste). * Dissertation sur la gibbosity vertebrale. Ip. 1.,20pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1*18, No. 558. C ha net (Andr6). *Des signes de la mort reelle ct de la mort appareute. 39 pp. 4C. Montpel- I Her, 1>40, No. 130. Chaney (Eugene). * Ueber den diagnostischen Werth der Durchleuchtung bei Empyema antri Higbmori. 26 pp., 11. 8C. Heidelberg, J. Hor- ning, 1894. Chanfleury van Ysselsteyn (Janus Leo- nardus) [1819- ]. *De nonnullis morbis, qui se excludere feruntur. 1 p. L, 64 pp. 8C. Gro- ningce, J. B. Wolters, [1844]. [Also, in: P., v. 2079.] -----. Over de speciale klinieken. 41 pp. 8:, Amsterdam, C. G. ran der Post. 186*. Chan? Chun? Kin? [Cho Chiu Kei]. S'no kwan ron. [Treatise on injuries from cold.] 12J. Tokio, 17L5. Chinese text. Chan?arnier (A.) *Des re'tre'cissements de la portion penienne de l'urethre. viii, 9-58 pp., 11. 4". Montpellier, 1885. No. 9. -----. Hygiene de la vue; des vues courtes, longues et faibles; des lunettes; des conserves. 77 pp. 16-. Paris, G. Masson, 18*9. Chan?eux (A[lfred - Albert ] ) [ 186" - ]. 'Traitement de la chore'e; de F hydro therapie en particulier. 63 pp. 4 . Paris, 1895, No. 441. Chanie (Francois). * Essai physiologique sur la circulation du sang. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1820, No. 592. [Also,in: P., v. 1606.] Chann (Manuel). Cours de mddeciue populaire. Seconde serie. vii. 232 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1863.' Channel Islands. See, also, Jersey. ■lardy (H. X.) The Channel Islands for health or pleasure. Med. -Mag., Lond., 1897, vi, 631-643. Chaiinin? (Joannes). See Khazes [in 1. a.]. De variolis [etc.]. 12D. Got- tingoe. 1781. Channin? (Walter) [1786-187*!]. A brief me- moir of Joshua Fisher, M. D., late president of the Massachusetts Medical Societv. 9 pp. *°. [Boston, 1833.] Repr. from: Med. Comniunicat. Mass. M. Soe., Bost., 183[0~-J36. v. -----. Notes on anhamiia, principally in its con- nections with the puerperal state, and with functional diseases of the uterus; with cases. 32 pp. -^. [Boston. 1842.] Repr. from: X. Eng. Q. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1812-3, i. ' Chailllill? (Walter)—continued -----. Memoir of the late Enoch Hale. 12 pp., port. 8°. Boston, D. Clapp, 1*48. -----. Professional reminiscences of foreign travel. 32 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1--52.] [P., v. 848.] -----. A physician's vacation; or, a summer in Europe. iv, 564 pp. 8°. Boston, Ticknor r\ Xo. 439. Cliaiivel (Claude). Le chasse-v^role des iietits enfans. 11 p. 1., 193 pp., 5 1., port. 16°. Lyon B. Vincent, 1610. Chapaid (Albert) [1860- ]. * La rnseole s(iuanieuse dans ses di verses formes. 56 pp. 4 Paris, 1885. No. 350. Chapard [Aristide-Jules-Emile]. 'Des (In- formations thoraciques et des d6viations raclii- dieunes dans leurs rapports avec les obstructions chroniques des voies lespiratoires supeiiciirrs. 154 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, 1*96, No. 579. Chapdelaine (Ed.) [1865- ]. •-Contribu- tion a l'etude du traitement de l'liydrocephiilie vraie. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 184. Chapeaville [or Chapeanville] (Joannes) [1551-1617]. Tractatus de necessitate et modo ministrandi sacramenta tempore pestis; in quo ducentae et duodecim ea de re qmestiones brevi- ter et dilncide resolvuntur. Pastoribus ca;te- risque animarnni curatoribus non modo utilis, sed et pernecessarius. 547 pp., 13 1. 24°. Colo- nice,, apud P. Choliniim, 1625. Chapel (Louis). Du cancroide de la face et du traitement qu'il convient de lui appliquer. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1856. Repr. from: Mem. Acad, de med , Par., 1856, xx. Chapelaiil (P.-J.) Luxeuil et ses bains, pro- pri<§t6s physiques, chimiques et medicinales des eaux min^ro-thermales de Luxeuil, leur etnploi et lenr mode d'administration dans les maladies qui cedent le plus ordinairement a leur action; hygiene des baigneurs pendant la saison des eaux, avec quelques recherches historiques pronvant Fimportance de cette ville et de ncs bains dans Fantiquite' et le moyen age. x (1 1.), 171 pp. 8°. Paris, librairie anatomique, l*-0. [P., v. 1740.] de la Chapelle (Fernand-Paul-Francois-Xa- vier). See de La Chapelle. Chapiel (J.) Des rapports de l'homceopathie avec la doctrine des signatures. Lettre a M. le docteur F. Frerlault. 184 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4~ fils, 1866. Chap-in (Alonzo) [1805-76]. Warner (L. F.) Obituary. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 498. Chapin (Charles V[alue]) [1856- ]. The origin and progress of the malarial fever now prevalent in New England. 41 pp. 8°. Provi- dence, Kellogg Print. Co., 1884. Fiske fund prize dissertation, Xo. xxxii. ------. The present state of tho germ theory of disease. 47 pp. 8°. Providence, Kellogg Print. Co., 1885. Fiske fund prize dissertation, Xo. xxxiii. ------. The original Jennerian vaccine virus as preserved aud used in the public vaccinations in the city of Providence, Rhode Island. [With notes by*C. H. Leonard.] 11 pp. 8'- [Provi- dence, 1886.] Repr. from: Rep. Superintend. Health Providence (I880), 1886, iii. ------. What changes has the acceptance of the germ theory made in measures for the preven- tion and treatment of consumption? 47 pp. 8°. Providence, 1888. Fiske fund prize dissertation, Xo. xxxviii. ------. Methods for the prevention of scarlet fever. Au address delivered at, the annual meeting of the E. I. Medical Society, June 9, 1888. 25 pn. 8°. [n.p.. 1889.] Repr. from: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence, 1883-8, iii. OH A PIN. 331 CHAPMAN. Chapin (Charles V[alne])—continued. .____. Edwin Miller Snow,M. D. [Biography.] 6 pp., port. roy. 8\ [Providence, 1S^9.] Repr. from: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. Providence, 1K89-93. iv. _____, Sonic points in the etiology of typhoid fever. 14 pp. 12°. [Boston, 1**9.] Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J.. 1889, cxx. _____. The purification of public water sup- plies. An address delivered before the Rhode Island Medical Society, June 1, 1893. 22 pp. 8°. [Providence, 1893.] Repr. from: Tr. Rhode Island il. Soc, Providence, 1889-93, iv. _____. The disposal of garbage iu the city of Providence, Rhode Island. 8 pp. 8-\ Concord, X. U., Rep ubi. Press Ass.^ 1893. Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1892, Con- cord, ISiKt, xviii. _____. The same. Utilizacion de los desechosde la ciudad de Providence, Rhode Island. 7 pp. 8' Mexico, imp. de Muit/uia, 1>92. Chapin (Rev. E[dwin |" H[ubbell]) [1814-80]. The post of duty. A discourse occasioned by the death of Dr. A. Sidney Doane, delivered in the Murray Street Church, February 15, 1852. 19 pp. 8°. Xew York, Baker, Godivin 4" Co., [1852]. Chapill (F[redericl-\ W\ileo.r]) [1849- j. Sketch ot Dr. Chapin. N. York M. Exam., 1892-3, ii, 222. port. Cliapin (Henry Dwiyht). Typhoid fever in young children. 10 pp. 8°. New York, W. flood f Co., 1883. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1883, xvi. -----. Two cases of branchial cyst. 7 pp. 8°. Xew York, W. R. Jenkins, [1885]. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. T., 1S85. xxviii. -----. Rheumatism in early life. 23 pp. 12°. Xetv York, Trow, 1*86. Repr. from: Med. Rec , X. T., 1886, xxix. -----. Septic poisoning in early life. 11 pp. 12-. [Xew York, 1889.] Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1889, xlix. -----. The auriculo - ventricular (presystolic) sound. Some considerations on cardiac disease in early life. 12 pp. 12c. Xew York, Trow, 1890. g' Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii. -----. Diphtheria. 20 pp. 1?-. [Neic York, 1890. ] Nurserv Health Tracts, no. 3. Repr. from: Babyhood, X. Y., 1887-8, iv. ■-----. Studies in infant feeding. [Also:] A food for infants, with experiments, chemical and physiological. By Arnold Eiloart. 20 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1890.] Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1893, lviii. -----. Paludism iu children in New York. 9 pp. 12°. New York, 1894. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1894, lix. Chapin (John B[assett]) [1829- ]. Tubercle of the brain. 13 pp. 8°. Utica, N. Y., 1862. Repr. from.- Am. J. Insan., Utica, X. Y., 1861-2, xviii. -----. Report on provision for the chronic in- sane. 17 pp. »c. Canandaigua,ptd. at the Times office, 1868. [P., v. 362.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1868, xix. -----. Report on insanity. Read before the conference of public charities, Saratoga, N. Y., September 5, 1877. 18 pp. 8°. Boston, A. J. Wright, 1877. Repr. from.- Proc. Confer. Char., Bost., 1877. ■----. Experts and expert testimony. Read before the Association of Superintendents of American Asylums for the Insane, Mav, 1880. 20 pp. 16". [n. p.], 1880. —;---• Public complaints against asylums for the insane, and the commitment of the insane. 17 PP- 8°. [Utica, N. Y., 1883.] Repr. from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, X. Y., 1883-4, xl. Chapin (John B[assett])—continued. -----. On mental capacity in certain states of typhoid fever. 7 pp. 8°. [Utica, N. Y., 1884.] Repr. from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1884-5, xii. -----. Address delivered at the forty-third an- nual meeting of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, Newport, R. I., June 18, 1889. 35 pp. 8\ [Newport, 1889.] For Biography, see Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1888-9, xlv, 178, port. [Chapin (John R.)] Description of Dr. Cha- pin's instrument for the treatment of prolapsus uteri bv external support. 6 pp., 11. 8L. New York, 1840. [P., v. 847.] Chapill (Joshua Bicknell). Tenotomy: its ad- vantages and disadvantages. 22 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, T. H. Webb alton (JohnC.) Human physiology. 8°. Jaffna, 1883. — IIaman anatomy, compiled from Grav, Horner [etc.]. 8°. Jaffna, 1872. — Waring (EdwardJohn) [in 1. 8.1. Pharmacopoeia of India. 8°. Jaffna, 1888.— Wells (David Ames) [in 1. s.J. Chemistry practical and theoretical, [etc.]. 8°. Nagercoil, 1875. Chapman (Edmund) [16801-1756-7]. A reply to Mr. Douglass's Short account of the state of midwifery in London and Westminster, wherein his trifling and malicious cavils are auswer'd, his interestedness and disingenuity impartially rep- resented, and the practice of physick, but par- ticularly the character of the late Dr. Chamber- len, vindicated from his indecent and unjust aspersions. 68 pp. 12°. London, T, Cooper, 1737. Chapman (Edward J.) On the fundamental relations of mineralogy to chemistry and physics; and on the general study of the science. 30 pp. 8°. London, Taylor, Walton 4~ Maberly, 1851. -----. University College of Toronto. Heads of lectures in the department of mineralogy and geology, including crystallography, palaeontol- ogy and physical geography. 16 pp. 8°. To- ronto, Lovell 4" Gibson, 1858. Chapman (E[dwin] N[esbit]) [1819-88]. Er- got: its natural history and uses as a therapeu- tic agent. 11 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Crissey 4~ Markley. 1861. Repr. from: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860-61, v. ------. The true uterine mucous membrane; its structure, function and morbid states. 21 pp. 8 . Buffalo, Baker, Jones 4' Co., 1875. Repr. from: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1874-5, xiv. ------. Treatment of diphtheria. 13 pp. 8°. Bufalo, Baker, Jones 4' Co., 1877. Repr. from: Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1877-8, xvii. For Biography, see Brooklyn M. J., 1888, i, 325 (edit.). Chapman (Frederick) [1813-86]. Pollock (G. D.) Obituary notice. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1887, lxx, 29. CHAPMAN. 332 CHAPMAN. Chapman (H. M). See Valentin (William George) [in 1. s.]. A course of qualitative chemical analysis. 6. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 18S4. Chapman (Henry). lets over de behandeling der zweren aan de ouderste ledemateu, bij vrije plaatsbeweging. In het Nederduitsch overge- bragt eu met aanteekeningen vermeerderd, door K. Broes van Dort. xii, 139 pp. 12°. Schoon- horen, S. E. ran Nooten, 1851. Chapman (Henry Cadwalader) [1845- ]. The placenta and generative apparatus of the elephant. 10 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. fol. Philadelphia, Collins, 1880. Repr. from: J. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1880, viii. ------. On a foetal kangaroo and its membranes. pp. 468-471 pp., 1 pl. 8 . [Philadelphia, 1881.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Acad.Nat. Sc. Phila., 1881-2. ------. History of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. 56 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blak- iston, Son f Co., 1884. ------. Treatise on human physiology. For the use of students and practitioners of medicine. xv, 33-945 pp. rov. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros. f Co., 1887. ------. Notes on the anatomv of Echidna hystrix. p. 334, 2 pl. 8°. [Philadelphia. 1887.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1887. ------. Observations on the female generative apparatus of Hyaena crocuta. pp. 189-191, 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1888.] Gutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1888. -----. Memoir of Joseph Leidy, M. D., L. L. D. 49 pp., port, 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1891. -----. A manual of medical jurisprudence and toxicology, xi, 17-237 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1892. -----. The same. 2. ed. xv, 254 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1896. ------. The interpretation of certain verses of the first chapter of Genesis in the light of paleontologv. pp. 68-74. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1893. ------. Notes on Choeropsis liberiensis (Morton). pp. 185-187, 1 pl. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Cutting from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1893. ------. Observations on the Japanese salaman- der Cryptobranchus maximus (Schlegel). pp. 227--233, 3 pl. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1893. ------. Homologies of the alisphenoid and petro- mastoid bones in vertebrates, pp. 32-52. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1894. :----- & Brnbackei* (Albert P.) Researches on general nerve muscle physiology, made in the laboratory of the Jefferson Medical College. 7 pp. 8 >. Philadelphia, 188*. Repr.from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1888. ----- -----. Researches upon respiration, made in the physiological laboratory of Jefferson Medical College. No. 1. On the consumption of oxygen and the production of carbon dioxide in animals, pp. 13-44, 3 pl. 8C. [Philadelphia, 1891. ] Cuttimi [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila.. 1891. ----- -----. The radius of curvatures of the cornea, pp. 349-361. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1893. Chapman (Henry T[homas]) [1800-75]. The treatment of obstinate ulcers and cutaneous eruptions on the leg, without confinement. 2. eil. 1 p. 1., 156 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1853. -----. The same. On treatment of ulcers on the leg without confinement, with an inquiry into the best mode of effecting the permanent cure of varicose veins. With notes, selections and addi- tions by R. S. Newton, x (1 1.), 180 pp. mo. Cincinnati, 1853. Chapman (H[enry] T[homas] H[ugh]). Am- bulance service: a manual of instruction adapt- ed to the use of volunteers. Front,, vi, 58 pp.. 7 pl. 16°. Christchureh, [N. Z.], A. Simpson, 1885, Chapman (J. 3.) Biochemistry: a do.....stic treatise on the application of Schuessler's twelve tissue remedies. 307 pp. 12°. Si. Louis, Mo., F. A. Luyties, [1897]. Chapman (John). Chloroform and other anaesthetics; how they act, how they kill, and how thev mav be safelv used. 7 pp. 8. [Lon- don, Savill 4~ Edwards, 1858.] Repr. [with additions] from: Med. Times ScUaz., Lond., 1858, n. s., xvii. ------. Chloroform aud other anesthetics: their history and use during child-birth. 51 pp. 8d. London, Williams 4~ Novgate, 1859. Repr. from: "Westminst. Rev., Lond., 1859. ------. Diarrhoea and cholera, their origin, prox- imate cause, and cure, through the agency of the nervous system, by means of ice. iv, 5-57 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, j'. B. Lippincott 4 Co., 1866. Repr. from: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii. ------. Prostitution: governmental experiments in controlling it. 62 pp. 8°. London, Triibner 4- Co., 1870. Repr. from: Westminst. Rev., Lond., 1870, n. s., No. lxxiii. ------. Medical charity: its abuses, and how to remedy them, viii, 108 pp. 8-. London, Triib- ner 4- Co., 1874. Repr. from: Westminst. Rev., n. s., nos. 89 Sc 91). ------. Du traitement n^vro-dyuamique dans certaines maladies des yenx. 16 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, P. Asselin, 1878. Repr. from: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1878, v. ------. Cholera, a disease of the nervous system. [Also:] Reviews of Dr. Chapman's work on diarrhoea and cholera, [etc.], 2. ed.. 8°, London, 1»66. 16 pp. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1883. ------. The same. Le cholera: maladie du sys- teme nerveux. [Also:] Examens critiques de l'ouvrage du Dr. Chapman: Diarrhoea and cholera [etc.], 2. 6cl., 8°, London, 1866. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 18*3. Pages 1-8 repr. from.- J. de med. de Par., 1883, v. ------. The non contagiousness, causation, and scientific treatment of cholera, pp. 472-533. 8°. London, Triibner f Go., 1884. Cutting from: Westminst. Rev., Lond., 1884, 11. s., lxvi. ------. Cholera curable; a demonstration of the causes, non-contagiousness, and successful treat- ment of the disease, xvi, 127 pp. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1885. ------. The treatment of epilepsy; principles and practice. Abstract of a paper read to the Medical Society of London, March 18, 1867, and of the ensuing debate upon it. 11 pp. 8°. London, Triibner 4- Co., 1889. ------. L'origine nerveuse des maladies et de leur traitement efficace par Taction directesur le systeme nerveux. Une communication faite fl l'Acadehiie de mddecine de Paris le 14 juin 1-92 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 8 . Paris. Asselin 4~ Houzeau, 1-92. See, also. Kinnear (li. O.) Cholera, and its treat- ment [etc.). 8°. Boston, 1885. Chapman (M[atthew] J[ames]). Ling's edu- cational aud curative exercises. 2. ed. 74 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1856. CHAPMAN. 333 CHAPPELL. Chapman (Nathaniel) [1780-1853]. [Letter to Hon. Joseph Hopkinson in reference to election i for professor of chemistry.] 6 pp. 4°. [Phila- \ delphia, 1818.] _____. Notes on the practice of medicine; taken from the lectures of. . . professor of the insti- tutes and practice of physics, etc., in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, bv Sam. Barrington, isl8_-jv>. MS. iv, 287 ff. 8°. [ii. p.], 1818-22. _____. Elements of therapeutics and materia medica, to which are prefixed two discourses on the history and improvement of materia medica, originally delivered as introductory lectures. 2. ed. 2 v. xii, 9-420 pp.; 534 pp., 1 1. 8°. Philadelphia, M. Carey cp Sons, 1821-2. v. 2 published hy H. C. Carey & 1. Lea. _____. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. xix, 9-526 pp., 11.; viii, 9-533 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey 4' I. Lea, 1825. _____. The same. 6. ed. 2 v. xviii, 370 pp.; viii, 376 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey 4' Lea, 1831. _____. Au introductory lecture to a course of lectures on the theory aud practice of medicine, in the University of Pennsylvania; delivered at the opening of the session of 1838-9. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. G. Auner, 1838. [P., v. 1359.] See, also. Case of divorce [etc.]. 8:. [Philadelphia, 1821.]—Notes on Dr. Chapman's lectures [etc.] [in 1. s.J. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845 — Pattison (Granville Sharp) [in 1. s.]. A linal reply to the numerous slanders [etc.]. 8°. Baltimore, 1821.—Richerand (Anthelme-Balthasar) [t'nl.s.]. Elements of physiology. 8°. Philadelphia, 1813. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). -----. See, also: Jacksox (S.) A discourse commemorative of Nathaniel Chapman, M. D., late professor of the theory and practice of medicine and of clinical medicine. Delivered before the trustees, the medical faculty, and students of the University of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Chapman (Norman H.) Extensive scalding from prolonged exposure to steam at high tem- perature. 12 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1881.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi. Chapman (Samuel). See Astruc (John). A treatise on the venereal disease. 2. ed. 83. London, 1770. Chapman (W. Carroll) [1863- ]. Eesorcin as an antipyretic. Read before the Kentucky State Medical Society, May, 1891. 12 pp. 24°. [Louisville, 1891.] -----. Diphtheria primarily a local, secondarily a constitutional disease. 7 pp. 16°. [Phila- delphia, 1894.] Repr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1894, lxiv. Chapon (Joseph) [1865- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude des Eruptions chloraliques. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 139. Chapon (Urbain). * Contribution a l'dtude auatomo-pathologique de la tuherculose du foie. viii, 9-48 pp., 11. 4 . Montpellier, 1884, No. 19. Cliapon&kier. La physiologie des gens du moude, pour servir de complement a replication. xii, 375 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, F. Didot freres, 1829. -----. La chirurgie sans chirurgiens. 2. 6d. xvi, 17-215 pp. 16°. Paris, Binet, 1832. Chapot-Duvert (Camille). *De quelques applications de l'electricite" a la therapentique (courauts continus, bains electrises). 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 154. Chapoteaiit (P.) Etudes cliniques sur les peptones pepsiques. 39 pp. 8°. Paris, [ V. Goupy 4- Jourdan], lrHI. —;—. The same. Clinical studies on the pep- sical peptones. 48 pp. 8\ Paris, [lierger- Levrault 4~ Co.], 1881. . Etude comparative sur les di verses pep- tones, leuf "preparation et leur einploi. 44 pp. 8:. Paris, [Berger-LevrauU f Cie.], 1882. Chapoteaiit (P.)—continued. -----. The same. Comparative researches on the preparation and use of different peptones. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, [Berger-1,crrault d Cie.], 1883. ------. The advantages of a ferruginous alimen- tation. With clinical observations by Drs. De- lattre, lhiry, etc. 16 pp. 12°. Paris, Berger- Lerrnnlt 4' Co., 1891. fhapoteaiit's morrhuol creosote. 1 sheet. 8°. [//. p., u. d.] Chapotel ((J.) [I860- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la congestion pulmonaire rhnmatis- male. 47 pp., 2 1." 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 365. CliapotOt (Eugene) [1863- ]. "L'estomac et le corset; deviations, dislocations, troubles fonctionnels de l'estomac provoqucs par le cor- set. 1 p. 1., 106 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1891, No. 629. -----. The same. 106 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere d' fils, 1892. CliapoutOt (Antoine) [1864- ]. *Les corps des supplici6s et la Faculty. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 93. Chappell (Walter F[ranklin]). Neurasthenia aud neuralgia from traumatism of the nasal pas- sages. 13 pp. 8°. [New York, 1890.] Repr. from : Med. Rec, N. T., 1890, xxxvii. -----. Results of the examination of the throat and nose of two thousand children to determine the frequency of certain abnormal conditions. 2. ed. 11 pp. 8°. New York, N. Y. Inst. Deaf and Dumb, 1892. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, n. s., xcvii. ------. Treatment of oesophageal stricture by permanent tnbage. 11 pp. 8°. [New York, 1892.] Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii. ------. Hints on coughs, their causes and treat- ment. 15 pp. 8C. New York, 1892. Repr. from.- N. York M. J., 1892, lv. ------. Consumption at health resorts. 8 pp. 12°. [.Veto York, 1892.] Repr. from: N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1892. ------. Two cases of congenital hypertrophy of the tongue. A case of tuberculosis of the thy- roid gland. 21., 2pl. 12°. New York, 1894.' Repr. from: Manhattan Eye . Appleton 4~ Co.], \*96. Repr. from: X.York M. J., 1896. lxiv. Chappelle (Francois-Basile-Paul). *De la classification des glandes. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853. No. 20. [P., v. 1471.] [Chappon (Pierre)] [1749-1810]. La vaccina giustiticata. 8 pp. 16°. [Genora, G. Giossi, 1807.] Translation, with introductory remarks hy William Batt, of a letter to the editors of Journal de m6decine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Chappot [Mafhieu-Francois] [1720-91]. Sys- teme de la nature sur le virus 6crouelleux, ou medecine empyrique. v. 1. x, 480 pp., 3 1. 8°. Toulouse, J.-F. Desclassan, 1779. Chappuis (Claude-Louis). * Considerations sur les moyens propres a prdvenir la contagion de la gangrene bumide dans les h6pitaux. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, an XI [1803], No. 92. Chappuiis (Hermann). *Die morphologische Stellung der kleinen hintern Kopfmuskeln. [Bern.] 16 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Metzger n. Wittig, 1876. Chappuis (J.-Andre). * Reflexions sur les af: fections cancereuses, et sur les cas oil les ope- rations chirurgicales peuvent etre utiles ou nuisihles. 1 p. 1., 23 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834, No. 1067. Chappuis de Manbou (Le marquis). La sante atneiioree par le lait et des mesures hy- gieniques tres productives, meuie au point de vue financier. Lait extrait des " Richesses de la France", revu, corrige et augineute. 48 pp. 12°. Paris, Lamulle 4' Poisson, 1891. Chapt (Joseph) [1866- ]. 'Contribution a l'etude de la perforation de l'ulcere simple de l'estomac et de sou traitement chirurgical. 97 pp. 4°. Paris, l»t)5, No. 255. Cliaptal (J[eaii]-A[ntoine-Claude]) [comte de Chanteloup] [ 1756-1S32], Essai stir le perfec- tionnement des arts chiniiqnes en France, vii, 88 pp. 8°. Paris, Deterville, an VIII riSOOl [P., v. 1353.] ------. Osservazioni chimiche sull' arte di levare le macchie dalle stoffe e di restabilirne i colori alterati. Traduzione con annotazioni di Giu- seppe Moretti aggiuutovi in line 1' estratto d' una memoria del Sig. Vauquelin sull' arte d' imbian- care i pannilini macchi.iti dell' unguento inercu- riale. 31 pp. 12°. Milano, Cairo e Comp., 1807. See, also, Aubergier. M6moire sur la culture de la vigne, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1820. Chapuis (A.) Precis de toxicologic. vii, 736 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1882. See, also, Kurzes Repci.itoriuni der Toxicologic, retch Nos. 53 & 54. 12°. Leipzig u. Wien, [1893]. Chapuis (Edmoud) [1855- ]. *La fievre typho'ide et les bains froids a Lyon; etude gene- rale de la methode de Brand/ 83 pp., 3 diasr 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 103. Chapuis (Edmond-Abel-Gabriel) [1870- ]. * Du traitement de la luxation sus-acromiale de la clavicule par la suture osseuse. 60 pp. 4:. Bordeaux, 1«94, No. 35. Chapuis (Franciscus Xaver.) * Diss. . . . sistens hydrargyri usum in quibusdam morbis baud syphiliticis. 25 pp. 4°. Argentorati, Levrault, 1811. Chapuis (Paul) [1868- ]. * De l'ectopie congenitale iutrapelvienne du rein en anato- mie, en gyn6cologie et en obstetrique. 127 pp 4°. Lyon, 1896, No. 1226. Chapilt [H.] *l)es fractures aneiennes de la rotule; anatomie et physiologic pathologiqueN- pronostic et traitement. 64 pp., 1 pl. 40, pa).-g' ----. Deux observations de hernies etraiiolces perfumes, traitees par la resection et la suture circulaire. 8 pp. 8°. [Havre, l.emale 4- Cie 1890.] ' •' Repr. from: Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1890, lxv. -----. Cornage et aeces de suffocation chez uu hysterique male ; integrite du larynx, spasme de la trachee; tracheotomie; guerison. 4 pp 8 [Paris], G. Steinheil, [h-90]. Repr. from: Arcb. de laryngol., de rhinol., etc Par 1890, iii. ------. Technique et indications des operations sur l'intestin, l'estoniac et les voies biliaires. viii, 168 pp. 1'2°. Paris, Asselin 4- Ilouzenu, ]«)2". ------. Therapeutique chirurgicale des affections de l'intestin, du rectum et du peritoine. 244 pp 12°. Paris, O. Doin, 1*96. See, also. Guide de tli6rapeiitiqne g6n6rale et speciale 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1895. — Tc-i-i-illon (Octavc-hoch" Simon) Sc C'hnput (H.) Asepsie ct antisepsie cliii ui-d- cales. 12°. Paris, 1893. Character of the hoino-opathists as displayed in the recent controversy [hetween Dr. Alex- ander Wood, of Edinburgh, and anonymous homoeopathic pamphleteers.] l'J pp b° [Edinburgh, 1844.] [P., v. 897.] Repr. from: Xoith. J. M., Edinb., 1844, i. Charaka-Saihiiita, antra-nidana-vimuna- carira-iiidiiya-cljikitsita-kalpa-siddhi-sihaoat- inaka, ayurvedlya bhagavata atreyena punar- vasuna upadishta agiiivecana-iiiadheyena tat cishyena vicharita Charaka-ahhidhena yshina prati-samscra vi, e, upadhidharina crljlva'nani'la vidyasagara bhattacharyena bahutii adarcapus- takani samalochya saihscrta prakacita clia, sarasvatl yantre mudrita iu° 1877 sal. [The collected works of Charaka, consisting of the treatises on sutra (general principles), nidana (pathology), vimana ("measure," i. e., behav- ior of humors, time, and place, classification of remedies, etc.), carlra (anatomy), iudriya (senses and mind, their manifestations and affections), chikitsita (therapeutics), kalpa (toxicology), siddhi ("perfection," i. e., evacu- ants, emetics, etc.), forming a part of the Ayur- veda promulgated by the reverend Atreya Pn- narvasu, arranged by his disciple Aguiveca, reconstructed by the seer Charaka. Revised and published on the basis of many manuscripts by the Bhatracharya ("scholar") Jibananda Vidyasagara, A. B.] viii, 962 pp. 8°. Cal- cutta, printed ut the Sarasvati Press, 1m77. Sanscrit text. ------. The same. Translated into English. Parts i-xvi. 508 pp. tc. Calcutta, .Iviitush Chandra Kaviratna, [1888-97]. Charalambieflf (Marco). * Etude sur le traitement de la cystite blennorrhagique aigue de l'homme. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 60. van Charante (Nicolaus Henriciis). * De Antonii Leeuwenhoeckii meritis in quasdam partes anatomise microscopical. 2 p. 1., 78 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apud J. H. Gebhard f socios, [1844]. [P., v. 2081.] Cliaras (Moyse) [1618-98]. Histoire naturelle des auimaux, des plantes et des nrine'raux (pii entrent dans la composition de la theriaque d'Andromachus. Dispeusee et achevee publi- quement a Paris. Avec les reformations et les observations de l'auteur, taut sur l'election, et sur la preparation, qne sur le dernier melange de tous les ingrediens de cette grande composi- tion. 12 p. 1., 310 pp., 1 1., 12 pp., 4 1. 16°. Paris, Olivier de Varennes, 1668. There is also an engraved title-page. CHARAS. 335 CHARCOAL. Charas (Moyse)—continued. _____. The same. The royal pharmacopcea, Ga- lenical aud chymical, according to the practice of the most eminent aud learned physitians of France, and publish'd with their several appro- bations. Faithfully Englished. 4 p. 1., 272 pp. ; 245 pp., 6 1., 5 pl. fol. London, J. Starkey, 1678. _____. The same. 3 p. 1., 27'2 pp.; 245 pp., 8 1., 5 pl. fol. London, J. Starkey, 1678. _____.. The same. Pharmacopee royale, gale'- nique et chy urique. 2. ed., avec des additions considerables sur les plus curienses niatieres. 2 v. 7 p. 1., 800 pp., 10 1.; 676 pp., 26 1., 6 pl. 8°. Paris, L. D'Houry, 16*1. -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 2 v. in 1. 4 p. 1., 448 pp., 5 1.; 430 pp., 18 1. 4°. Lyon, Anisson f Posuel, 1693. For Biography, see J. de pharm., Par., 1840, xxvi, 229- 240 (P.-A. Cap). Also, Repiint. Cliarsizac (Joseph) [1KS8-92]. * Etude sur 1'cBileiue du larynx (cedeme de la glotte). 114 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1885, No. 33. .-----. The same. 114 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1-85. -----. Considerations sur les ecoulemeuts d'o- reille. 11 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Douladoure-Privat, [1**7]. Repr. from: Rev. iu6d. de Toulouse, 1887, xxi. ■-----. Les sulfureux dans la tuherculose laryn- g£e. 23 pp. 8°. [Toulouse, Douladoure-Privat, 1887.] Repr. from: Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1887, xxi. -----. Un cas de cancer du larynx; considera- tions sur la laryngectomie. 8 pp. 8°. [Bor- deaux, A. Bellier 4~ Cie., 1888.] Repr. from: Rev. mens, de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1888, viii. See, also, Mackenzie (Sir Morell). Traite pratique des maladies dn nez [etc.]. S3. Paris, 1887. For Biography, see Bull. Soc. de med. de Toulouse, 1892, ii, 239-244 (Bezy). Charbon. Nee Anthrax. Chacbonneau (Albert). * Etude historique et critique sur la pseudo-paralysie generale syphilitique ou rapports de la syphilis avec la paralysie generale. 90 pp., 11. 4C. Paris, 1891, No. 155. Cliarbonnier. Etudes de statistique; l'igno- rance, ses causes et ses effets en Belgique. 33 pp. 8 . Bruxelles, E. Keym, 1880. -----. Maladies et facultes diverses des mysti- ques, xvi, 3-286 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Maneeaux, 1875. Repr. from: M6m. couron. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1874-6, iii. Name on cover: Charbounier-Debatty, and published at Paris, Germer-Bailli6re. Cliarbonnier (Ed.) * Remarques sur quelques cas de nieurtre commis par des aliene.s d'apres des observations faites a l'Asile de Cery. 71 pp., 11. 8D. Lausanne, A. Borgeaud, 1892. Charbonnier (Edmnud). * Quelques consi- derations sur l'etiologie de la peritonite aigue. 34 pp. 4J. Strasbourg, 1868, 3. s., No. 74. Charbonnier (Gustave-Ferdinaud) [1837- ]. *De l'assistance medicate en Algerie. 92 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 71. Charbonnier (Pierre). Etude des grossesses triples et phis que triples. 94 pp., 1 tab., 11. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1895. Charbonnier (Theodore). * Recherches pour servir a l'histoire botanique, chimique et phy- siologique de l'argemone du Mexiqtie. 38 pp., 11. 4°. Paris. A. Parent, 1868. [P., v. 1705; 1707; 1845.] Ecole de pharmacie. Charbonniere (Louis). See memoire pour Louis Charbonniere [etc.]. 4°. [Paris, 1743.] Charbiirg. See Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities. LCharcellay (L.-J.)] [Collection de me- nioires.] 20 pp. 8°. [Tours, Maine, 1840, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1657.] I. Des an6vrismes de l'aorte, terminus par rupture et suivis de mort subite. From: Rec. d. trav. Soc. in6d. d'Indre et-Loire. II. De la dothi6nent6rie cbez les enfants nouveau-n6s. From: Arch. gen. de m6d., and: Bull. Soc. m6d. de Tours. III. Introduction de pieces de monnaie de cuivre rouge dans l'estomac: s6jour prolonge (pendant prds d'un mois) dans cet organe; vomissements le 15" jour; inutilit6 des purgatifs et des vomitit's; etticacit6 de la position et des aliments. From: Bull. med. de Tours. IV. Pome divise compldtement, sauf la coucbe 6pider- mique palmaire ; imprison, upr&s quelques jours, par la reapplication immediate. From: Bull. med. de Tours. De la nephrite albumineuse chez les en- fants nouveati-nes considered comme I'une des principales causes de l'u'deine si frequent aprfes la naissance. Memoire preseute a la Societe medicale de Tours. 24 pp. 8n. [Tours, Maine, 1841.] [P., v. 1657.] Repr. from: Rec. d. trav. Soc. ni6d. d'lndre-et-Loire, Tours, 1841. Recherches sur l'6pid6mie de typhus qui a regne dans la villi! de Tours pendant ]'ann6e 1814, lues a la seance de rentree de l'Ecole pre- paratoire de medecine et de pharmacie, le 18 novembre 1852. 14 pp. 8°. [Tours, Ladeveze, 1852.] [P., v. 1657.] Repr. from.- Jour. dTndre-et-Loire, 1852. Charcoal. See, also, Carbon. Esprit (A.-E.) * Resume d'une monographie sur le charbon, consider^ plus particulierement au point de vue de Taction qu'il exerce sur certaines dissolutions m6talliques et sur les principes aniens des vegetaux. 4°. Paris, 1849. Stexhotse (J.) On charcoal as a disinfect- ant. 8°. [n. p., 1854. ] Repr. from: Times, Lond., Nov. 22, 1854. ------. On the economical applications of charcoal to sauitary purposes. A lecture de- livered at the Royal Institution, March 2, 1855. 8J. London, 1855. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1855. Weber (G.-P.-F.) Memoire sur les proprie- tes antiseptiques du charbon vegetal pur, sur son action sp6cifique dans la premiere periode des fievres continues et iutermittentes (typhus, h^vre typhoide, cholera, peste, etc.), et sur sa vertu preservative contre la contagion de ces maladies. 8°. Paris, 1846. Grrhaut (X.) Dispositif d'obtenir le d6gagement complet au dehors des produits de combustion du char- bon de bois ou du gaz d'lclairage. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 585. — Hygiene und Kohleu- meiler; eine hygienische Studie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1*81, xxvi, 404.—'Wild (R. B.) Charcoal as a therapeutic agent. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1895-C, n. s., iv, 401-417. Charcoal (Animal). Hetku. # De Faction des substances colo- rantes sur les charbous. 4°. Paris, 1837. Martin (L.) * Etude snr le charbon animal, surtout au point de vue de son action sur les solutions salines et les alcalo'ides. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1886. Payen [A.] Theorie de Paction du char- bon animal: 1°, snr les niatieres colorantes; 2°, dans son application au raffinage du sucre. Presente au concours ouvert par la Societe de pharmacie de Paris. Additions relatives aux niatieres premieres utiles a la fabrication du noir animal; quelques considerations sur le pro- bleme de la revivification du noir propose par la Societe d'encouragement. 8°. Paris, 1822. Repr. from: Ann. de l'lndustrie nationaleet Strang., vi. CHARCOAL. 336 CHAHCOT. Charcoal vapor (Toxicology of). See, also, Asphyxia. De Voisins (C.) "Etude medico-legale sur les conditions diverses dans lesquelles peut se produire l'asphyxie par la vapeur du charbon. 4°. Paris, 1881. Guilotin (J.-J.) *An carbonum vapor in clausis cameris sedulo vitandus? Praises, J. Barbeu du Bourg. 4°. Paris, 1769. Linas & Limousin. Asphyxie lente et gradu- elle par le charbon ; traitement et guerison par les inspirations d'oxygene; observation com- munique^ a la Societl de therapeutique. 8V. Paris, 1868. Marye. De l'asphyxie par la vapeur du charbon, ou examen critique de plusieurs ph6- nomenes consideres, par les auteurs, comme de- pendant de ce genre d'asphyxie. 8°. Paris, 1837. Segade (R. J.) *La asfixia por los vapores del carbon considerada bajo el pun to de vista medico legal. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1*84. Arnozan & Dallitlct. Empoisonnement par les vapeurs de charbon; cschares; n6vrites. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et pbysiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 203-209. Also: Abeille m6(L, Par., 1883, xl, 331-333. Also: J. de m6d. de Bordeaux. 1883-4, xiii, 30-32. — Arnozan & Planteau. "fitude exp6rimentale des troubles nerveux consecutifs k l'asphyxie par les vapeurs de charbon chez la grenouille; anesthesie; paraplegic; eschares. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 187- 190. — Bartheleiny Sc iVlagnan. Intoxication par les vapeurs de charbon; coma; convulsions toniqnes et clo- niqnes subititrantes; contractures consfecutives ; 6ruption acu6iforme dn tronc et de la face; troubles intellectuela graves; delire, collapsus, puis h6b6tude et amnesie; per- sistance de cesderniers ph6nomenes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. s., vi, 406-422. Also: Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1882, vii, 74-90. — Bernstein. Scheintod (lurch Kohlendampf. Gen.-Ber. d. k. lhein. Med.-Coll. 3830. Koblenz, 1833, 79.—Bormari (C.) Un caso di at- tossicamento carbonico, con paralisi del trigemino. Ri- forma med., Roma, 1889, v, 338.—Boulloche (P.) Des paralysies eonsecutives k 1'empoisonnement par la vapeur de charbon. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1890, xx, 212-231.— Bruere (A.) An inquiry into the causation of local motor paralysis after partial poisoning by charcoal vapour. Montreal M. J., 1891-2. xx, 905-911. — C'omby (J.) Asphyxie par les vapeurs du charbon ; c6eite et heini- pl6gie droite ; guerison. France med.. Par., 1882, ii, 377.— Ditlevsen (J. G. ) Tilfaelde af forgiftuiug ved reg. [Poisoning by charcoal vapor.] Hyg. Medd., Kiebenh., 1878, ii. 106-117.—Dncor. Des dangers du chauffage des voitures publiques par le charbon. Gaz. m6d.-chir. de Toulouse, 1889, xxi, 49; 57. Also [Abstr.]. Bull. Soc. demed. prat, de Par.. 1889, 70-72—On nan t (P.-L.) Note sur uue intoxication par les gaz de la combustion du charbon. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1881, i, 237-240. —Dnponchel (E.) Tentative d'asphyxie par les vapeurs de charbon; emphyseme sous-cutan6 ct h6mi- pl6gie hyst6rique consecutifs. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 189f, 2. s., xxviii, KS-90.—■•:iiiiniii^IiiiiiN (H.) Kohlen- dunstasphyxie, Aufhebung der fai adisehen Erregbarkeit der Nil phrenici. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1883, ii, 97- 99.— Chose (B. R I), i Cases of poisoning by carbonic acid. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 276. — Iloti- iiiann (F.) De fumo carbonum noxio et quandoque le- tbali. Inhis: Opusc.theol.-phys.-med., 4°, Hal*, 1740. 278- 304. —Keller. Tri sliichaya otravleuiya ugarom. [Three cases of poisoning by charcoal fumes.] Med. SUornik Varshav. Ujazd. voyenn. hosp.,Varshava, 1894, vii, 57-61.— Kichigiii (A. G.) Tyazholiy sluchai ugara. [Severe case of charcoal fumes poisoning.] Voyenno-nied. J., St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvi, 1. sect., 866-869.—Kohlenriiinst- vergiftimg (TJeber) von Dr. Brnsack. [Abstr.] Ver- handl. n. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb., 1895, 11. Hft., 53. — «le £.a Hai-pc (E.) Asphyxie par la vapeur de charbon ; autopsie medico-legale par Bugnion et de La Harpe. Kev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1885, v, 101-105. — Lareraii (A.) Tentative d'asphyxie par la vapeur de charbon ; troubles cerebraux consecutifs; amn6sie persistants; emphyseme sous-cntan6. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 589-595.— Leudet (T.-E.) Recherches sur les troubles des nerfs periph6riques et surtout des nerfs vaso-moteurs conae- cutit's a l'asphyxie par la vapeur de charbon. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1865, i, 513-529. Also, in his.- Etudes de path, ct de cliu. med., 8°, Par., 1891, iii, 460-475. ------. Note sur quelques accidents provoqnes par l'asphyxie par la vapeur de charbon; les ph6nom6nes d'iiicousciencc, de paralysie p6riph6rique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1883, 2. s., xii. 1073-1077.—Louge (P.) Sur uu cas d'asphyxie par le charbon et de tumeur hepatique. Marseille m6d., Charcoal rajwr (Toxicology of). 1882, xix, 398-404. — I. ne as. Erstickung /weicr Inrti- viduen durch Kolilendampf. Gen.-Ber. d. k i hein Mcil Coll. 1836, Koblenz, 1839, 153-155. — TIarliu. Lettre i M. Gardane pour servir d'errata a la i la/.elte de .sante, au sujet d'un accident occasionn6 par la vapeur du chaibo'u J. de m6d., chir., pliarm. [etc.], Par., 1775, xliii, 248-^55^ Also, Reprint.—ITIcidiiijgcr (II.) Ein Fall von Koliii-n' dunst-Vergiftung. Gesundli.-liigeiiieiir, Berl.. 1882, v, 52- 54.—ITIontalli (A. ) Not! eritiea sulle rid relic m|miV meutali intorno ai distnrbi nervosi consecutivi all' astissin prodotta dai vapnri di carbone respirati dalla ranocciiia Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, liv, 272-275.—Ollivier. Ob- servations et experiences sur plusieurs points de l'histoire niedioo-16gale de l'asphyxie par le charbon. Anu. d'livg Par., 1838, xx, 114-145. —Poplinm (J.) Poisoning by the fumes of charcoal. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1861, xxxi, 242-244.—Reid (A. S.) Five cases of charcoal vapour poisoning. Indian M. Gaz.,Calcutta, 1885, xx, 66__Rendu (H.) Intoxication par la vapeur de charbon; paralysie cons6cutive interessant la face du cote droit, ainsi (pie les exteuseurs de l'avant-bras et du pied du mfime cote; gu6- rison lente. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m<;d. d. hop. de Par. (1882) 1883, 2. s., xix, pt. 2, 33-43. Also: Union med., Par., 1882J 3. s., xxxiii, 386; 397. -----. Asphyxie par la vapeur de charbon. Semaine iun de la glande tliyroidc ct une double exophthalmic. Synouymie: Cachexia exophthalmica, Glotzau- gencachexie (Basedow), amende protrusion of the eye-balls (Taylor), etc. Lu a la Societe de biologie, en mai 1856. Hi pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Thunot 4- Cie., 1856.] [Also, in : P., v. 1604.] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1856, 3. 8., xi. -----. *De l'expectation en me"decine. 55 pp. 8~. Paris, Gernur-Bailliere, 1*^7. [P., v. ltiC>4.] Concours. -----. * De la puenmonie chronique. 67 pp., lpl. 8°. Paris, A. Del ah a i/e, I860. [Also, in: P., v. 1662.] Concours. -----. La mddeciue empirique et la meueeine scientifique; parallele entre les anciens et les ^ modernes. Lecon d'ouverture d'un cours de x pathologie interne profess^ a l'Ecole pratique de CHAKCOT. 337 CHARCOT. Charcot (Jean-Martin)—continued. medecine pendant lcsemestre d'eMe 1867. 24 pp. c°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1867. Repr. from: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl. ______. Histologic de la sclerose en plaques. 2'.1 pp. ~ • Paris, L. Poupart-Davyl, 1869. _____. Dc oorzakcn van jicht. Voorgedragen in het hospital Salpetriere, te Parijs. In: Klin, voordr. en akad. lessen o. geneesk. 8°. Rotterd., 18t>9, no. 2,17-35. -------. Expose" des titles scientifiqnes. 86 pp. 4C. Paris, E. Martinet, 1872. ______. Lecons sur les localisations dans les mala- dies du cerveau et de la moelle epiuiere faites a la Faculty de mddecine de Paris. Recueillies et pubises i)ar Bourneville etE. Brissaud. 1 p. 1., 425 pp. 8°. Paris, Y. A. Delahaye, 1876-80. .------. The same. Ueber die Localisatiouen der Gehiru-Krankheiteu. Vorlesungen gehalten iu der Faculte de medecine zu Paris im Jahre 1875. Gesanunelt uud veroffentlicht vou Bourneville; ins Deutsche iibertragen von Berthold Fetzer. 1. Abth. 260 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, A. Bonz 4- Comp., 1*78. -----. The same. Lectures on the localisation of cerebral and spinal diseases, delivered at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Transl. aud ed- ited by Walter Baugh Hadden. xxxii, 341 pp.. ?-c. London, New Sydenham Soc, 1883. -----. Lecons sur les maladies du systeme ner- veux faites a la Salpetriere. Recueillies et pubises par Bourneville. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 495 pp., 11 pl.; 1 p. 1., 504 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4' Lecrosnier, 1880. v. 1 is 4. ed.; v. 2 is 3. ed. ------. The same. Klinische Vortrage iiber Krankheiten des Xervensystems, nadh der Re- daction von Dr. Bourneville, ins Deutsche iiber- tragen von Berthold Fetzer. 2 v. xiii, 11., 402 pp., 6 pl., 6 1.; xvi, 532 pp., 10 pl., 10 1. ■iJ0. Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler, 1874-8. v. 2 published by A. Bonz Sc Comp. -----. The same. Lecturesou thediseasesof the nervous system. Delivered at La Salpetriere. Transl. from the 2. ed. by George Sigerson. xii, 271pp. 8C. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1879. -----, Lectures on the pathological anatomy of the nervous system. Diseases of the spinal cord. Transl. from the reports by E. Brissaud, in the Progres ine'dical by Cornelius G. Come- gys. xi, 165 pp. *-. Cincinnati, P. G. Thomson, 1881. Repr. from: Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1880, n. s., v: 1881, vi. -----. Lectures on the diseases of the nervous system. Delivered at La Salpetriere. Second series. Transl. and edited by George Sigersou. xvi, 399 pp., 17 1., 17 pl. 8°. London, New Sydenham Soc, 1881. ■----. Clinical lectures on the diseases of old age. Transl. by Leigh H. Hunt. With addi- tional lectures by Alfred L. Loomis. xv, 2M) pp., 3 pl. 8 . New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1881. -----. The same. Clinical lectures on senile and chronic diseases. Transl. by William S. Tuke. xvi, 307 pp., 6 pl. 8°. London, New Sydenham Society, 1881. ■-----• Lecons du mardi a la Salpetriere. Poli- cliuiques, 1687-8. Notes de cours de MM. Blin, Charcot [fils] et Colin. Lithograph copy, iv, 6:w pp. 4°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4" E. Lecros- nier, 1887-8. • Thesame. Poliklinielnskiya lektsii, cki- taunlya v Salpetriere (1887-8). Perevod s frantsuzskavo I. I. Zavolzhskol. Lecons du mardi a la Salpetriere; policliniques. [Transl. from the French bv Zavolzhskaya.] ii, 3-507 PI>-,31. .-° S.-Peterburg, 1889. Issued by: Prakt. med. 22 Charcot (Jean-Martin)—continued. ------. Thesame. 188«-]H89. Note de cours de MM. Blin, Charcot [tils], Henri Colin. 579 pp. 4°. Paris, K. Lecrosnier 4' Babe', 1889. ------. Thesame. Poliklinische Vortrage. v. 1. Schutjahr 1887-hs. Uebersetzt von Sigm. Freud. xii, 480 pp. 8°. Leipzig it. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1892. ------. The same. v. 2. Schuljahr 1888 - 89. Uebersetzt von Max Kahane. viii, 483 pp. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1895. -------. CEuvres completes. Lecons . . . recueil- lies et publieVs par Bourneville et E. Brissaud. v. 4-9. 8°. Paris, l8*7-90. CONTENTS. v. 4. Lecons sur les localisations dans les maladies du cerveau ct de la moelle 6piniere. Publishers: A. Dela- haye Sc E. Lecrosnier. v. 5. Maladies des poumons et du systeme vasculaire. Publishers : E. Lecrosnier A; Bab6. v. 6. Lecons sur les maladies du foie et des reins, re- cueillies et publi6es par Bourneville, Sevestre et Brissaud. v. 7. Maladies des vieillards, goutte et rhumatisme. v. 8. Maladies infectieuses, affections de la peau, kystes hydatiques, estomac et rate, thdrapeutique. v. 9. H6morrhagie et ramollissement du cerveau, m6tallo- therapie et hypnotisme, electrotherapie. ------. The same. v. 7. xxxiii, 615 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, Lecrosnier 4~ Babe, 1890. This volume differs from the same in the preceding set, which is printed by A. Majest6 in Ch&teauroux, 1889, in that it is printed by G. Morand in OrbSans, 1890. ------. Lecons snr les maladies dn systeme ner- veux faites a la Salpetriere. Recueillies et pu- bises par MM. Babinski, Bernard, Fere", Gui- non, Marie et Gilles de la Tourette. v. 3. 518 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4~ &• Lecros- nier, 1887. ------. Clinical lectures on certain diseases of the nervous system. Transl. bv E. P. Hurd. xxiv, 155 pp. 12°. Detroit, G.'S. Davis, 1888. Physician's Leisure Libr., 3. series. ------. Clinical lectures on diseases of the ner- vous system delivered at the infirmary of la Sal- petriere. v. 3, transl. by Thomas Savill. xviii, 438 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham Soc, 1889. ------. On the treatment by suspension of loco- motor ataxy and some other spinal affections. Transl. from the French and edited by A. de Watteville. iv, 5-22 pp., 1 pl. sm. 4°. London, D. Stott, 1^89. ------. The same. O liechenii spiunoi sukhotki podvieshivaniein po sposobu Mocbutkovskavo. Pereviol s frantsuzskavo i dopoluil literatur- nlmi ukazaniyami M. B. Bluemenau. [Treat- ment of locomotor ataxia by suspension by Mochutkovski's method. Transl. from the French, with addition of the index to the litera- ture by M. B. Bluemenau.] 34 pp. 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1890. Issued by : Prakt. med. ------. Hospice de la Salpetriere. Cliuique des maladies du systeme nerveux. Lecons du pro- fesseur; mdmoires, notes et observations parns pendant les amides 1* -9-90 ct 1890-91 et publics sous la direction de Georges Gninon. Avec la collaboration de MM. Gilles do la Tourette. Bloeq [et al.]. 2v. iii, 40ri pp., 3 ding.; 482 pp. 81-''. Paris, I've. Babe 4- Cie., 1H92-3 v. 2 published by F. A lean. See, also. Allium* (Julius). Maladies de la moelle Spinier!! [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1885.—Arllini* (A.) L'elee- tricite statique ct l'hysterio. 8°. Paris, 1881. — Athn- nnawio (Alex.) Des troubles tropbiques dans l'hystSrie. 8°. Paris, 1890.—Azmii (O.-M-Etienne-Eugene). Hyp- notisme, double conscience [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1887. -----. The same. Hypnotisme et double conscience, |etc.]. roy. 8°. Pat is, 189:!. — Heard ((ieorge Miller). The study'of trance [e.tc.|. 12°. New York; 1882.—Bone- tlikt (Moriz). Manuel technique et pratique d'anthropo- metrie [etc..]. 8°. Paris, 1889.— Blocq (Paul) & I;Oiule (Albert). Anatomie patbologique | etc. h 1°. Parts, 1891.— Itoiirncvillc ( Desire- Ma^loire) Sc Krgnnril (P.) Jeoimcruphie plioto»iapbiqne de la Salpetriere. J v. 4°. Paris, 1877-so. — «Jolin (Henri). Essai sur CHARCOT. 338 CHARDIN. Charcot (Jean-Martin)—continued. l'etat mental deshysteriques. 8°. Paris, 1890.—Ebstein (Wiihelm) La goutte, sa nature et son traitement. roy. 8°. Paris, 1887.— Ferrier (David). De la localisation dea maladies cerebrah-s. 8°. Paris, 1879. — Francois- Fi'imrk. Lecons sur les fonctions motriccs du cerveau [etc.|. 8D. Paris, 1887. — Gilles de la Tourette i(ienrges). Der Hypnotismus [etc.]. 8°. Hamburg, 1889. -----. Trait6 cliuique ot therapeutique de l'hystie- rie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. Die Hys- terie nach den Lebren der Salpetriere. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien. 1894.—Janet (Pierre). Der Geisteszustand dec Hysterischen [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, 1891.— I.evil- liiin (Fernaud). La neurasthenie [etc.]. 12-. Paris, l.syi. _ rVothnagel (Carl Willi. Hermann) [in 1. s.J. Traite cliniqne du diagnostic des maladies de l'enc6phale [etc.]. 8J. Paris, IK80.—Pitres (A.) Lecons cliuiques sur l'hysterie, |etc.]. 3 v. 8°. Part'*, 1891. — Richer (l'aul)'[m 1. s.]. Etudes cliuiques sur l'hystero-epilep- sie [etc.]. 8°. Paris. 1881. -----.Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Pom, 1885— KoiM-nthal (Moritz). A clinical treatise on the diseases of the nervous system. 2 v. 8°. London, 18.^1.—Mi-ieuceN d.es) biologiques & la fin du xix' siecle [etc.]. roy. 8°. Pari'*, 1893. — Segiiin (Edward Con- stant). Lecons sur le traitement des nevroses. 8°. Pa- ri*. 1893.— See n r Joanne des Anges [etc.] [ml. s.]. 8°. Paris. 1886—Traite de medecine [etcl [in 1. s.]. v. 1-3. 8°. Paris, 1891-2. For Biography, see Bianchon (H.) [Portrait et no- tice.] In his: Nos grands medecins. 8°. Paris, 1891,67- 7,-,._I.yiibiiiioll (A. A.) Professor Charcot. Nauchno- bio"iatielieskiy etude. [Scientitico-biographical study.] 8°."S.-Peteibiirtj, 1894.— !«i[tok vis] (B.J.) Jean Martin Charcot, 1825-i»:s. [ Repr. from: Amst. Weekblad v. Nederl., 1893.] 16°. Amsterdam, 1893. -Sec, also: Arch. f. exp6r. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz , 1893-4, xxxiii, pp. i-x (Naunyn). Also: Arcb. de m6d. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1893, v, 577-(J06(A. Joffroy). Also: Arch, de neurol., Par., 1S93, xxvi, 177-201 (J. Dauriac). Also: Can- ada Lancet, Toronto, 1893-4, xxvi, 85; 97 (Bourneville). Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1893, xix, 1105 (E. Leyden). Also, transl..- Arch, de m6d. ex- per. et d'anat. path., Par., 1894, vi, 151-154. Also: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz.. 1893, iv, pp. i-xv (W. Erb). Also: Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1893, 2. s., xl, 397-400 (L. Lereboullet). Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1893, lxvi, 901 (A. M.). Also: Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s.. xiii, 927- 930 (W. Ga.ikiewicz). Also: Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, 292- 298 (Jane B. Henderson). Also: Internat. Cliu., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i, pp. xv-xxi, port. (M. A. Starr). Also: J. Path. Sc Bacterid., Ediub. Sc Lond., 1893-4, ii, 155 (G. S. Woodhead). Also: Kliu. Zeit- u.Streitfragen, Wien, 1895, ix, 117-144 (L. Haskovec). Also: Med. contemp., Napoli, 1884, i, suppl., 9-16, port. (G. Runimo). Also: M6d. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 145-147 (Debove). Also: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 433-437 (M. A. Starr). Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1894. lxxvii, 13-17 (W. S. Church). Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 712-714, port. (Mdbius). Also: N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1893, vi. 241-250 (Gilles de la Tourette). Also: N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1893-4, n. s., xxi, 104-175 (Gilles de la Tourette). Also: New Rev., Lond., 1893, ix, 583-594 (Mile. Blaze de Bury). Also: Pro- gres med.. Par., 1893, 2. s., xviii, 137-144 (Bourneville). Also: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. (1894), 1895 Hft. 26, 1-14 (A. voii Strumpell). Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 1513-1520 (S. Freud). For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire. Fac. de m6d. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1891S. Also: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. V., 1893-4, 1.—Collection of Portr. (Libr.). ------. See, also: Comite du monument a Clever h la mdmoire de J.-M. Charcot. 4°. [Paris, 1894.] Fere (C.) J.-M. Charcot et son (Euvre. Rev. d. deux raondes, Par., 1894, exxii, 410-424.—Raymond (P.) Le- con d'ouverture; Jean-Martin Charcot. Progres m6d., Par., 1894, 2. s., xx, 399-407.—Weber (F. P.) Some recollections of Prof. Charcot's recent teaching. Med. Mag., Lond., 1893-4, ii, 314-318.—Withington (C. F.) A last glimpse of Charcot at the Salpetriere. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxix, 207. -----& Ball (Benjamin). Sur la mort subite et la mort rapide a la suite de l'obturation de l'artere pulmonaire par des caillots sanguins, dans les cas de phlegmatia alba dolens et de phlebite oblite"rante en general. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1858. [P., v. 1663; 1G64.] Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1858, v. ----- & Bouchard (Ch.) Douleurs fnlgu- rantes de I'ataxie sans incoordination des mouvements; sclerose commencante des cor- dons posterieurs de la moelle eniniere. 7 pp. 8\ [Paris, E. Thunot 4~ Cie.f 1866.] [Also, in: P., v. 2143.] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1866, 3. 8., xxi. Charcot (J.-M.) & Bouchard (C.)—cont'd. --------------. Sur les variations de la tempera- ture ceutrale qui s'observent dans certaines affections convulsives et sur la distinction mii doit etre etablie a ce point de vue entre les con- vulsions toniques et les convulsions cloniques. 6 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Thunot 4-Cie., 1*66.1 fp v. 2143.] J L "' Repr. from: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1866, Par., 1867 4. s., iii. -----& Brissaud (B.) Sur un cas de syrin- gomyelic observe- en 1875 et en 1890. ]f> pp 8°. Paris, E. Lecrosnier 4-Babe', 1»91. Repr. from: Progres med., Par., 1891, 2. s., xiii. ----- & Cornil (V.) Contributions a Peptide des alterations anatomiques de la goutte, et sp6- cialement du rein et des articulations chez les gouttcux. 29pp., lpl., 11. 8°. Paris, Germer- Bailliere, 1864. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864 3. s., v, pt. 2. -------& Pitres (A.) Etude critique et cliuique de la doctrine des localisations motrices daus l'ecorce des hemispheres c6re"braux de l'homine. 120 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere f Cie., 1883. Repr. from: Rev. dem6d., Par., 1883, iii. ------- -------. Les centres moteurs corticaux chez l'homuie. 198 pp. 12°. Paris, Rueff 78.] -----. Du regime alimentaire dans les maladies aigues et chroniques des organes de la diges- tion. Ouvrage couronne* par la Societe de mede- cine de Lyon. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere; Lyon, Germer-Bailliere; Lyon, C. Savy jeune, 1845. [P., v. 1683.] -----. Traitement rationnel des maladies chroni- ques an moyen d'une nouvelle methode deriva- tive. 18 pp. 8C. Lyon, Savy, 1854. Chardon (Henri) [1834- ]. Les debuts au Mans de Marin Cureau de la Chambre, medecin de Louis XIII, de Louis XIY, et du cbancelier Seguier, membre de l'Acadernie francaise; ses relations de famille et les heritiers de son nom dans le Maine jusqu'au commencement de ce siecle. 55 pp. 8°. [Le Mans, E. Monnoyer, 1874. ] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'agric, sc. et arts de la Sarthe. Chardon-Fleuret (fimile) [1860- ]. *De l'hifluence des maladies iufectieuses sur le de- veloppement des maladies meutales. 8:5 pp. 4\ Lille, 1889, 3. s., No. 78. Charente-Inferieure (Departement de la). See, also, Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Mokk (P.-E.) "Essai sur la topographie me- dicate du departement de la Charente- Infe- rieure. 4 . Paris, 1835. ■I( uiihomine (P.) Essais de topographie m6dicale, d'apres les documents du comit6 technique de sant6: Cha- rente-Inferieure. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1890, xvi, 169; 265. Charente-Inferieure (Departement de la). Rapports sur les travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departement de la Charente-Inferieure pendant les annees 1871-78; 1*80-82; 1885; 1886. 8C. La Pochette, 1882-87. ,%ort8 for 1871-8, 1880-82, by G. Drouineau; 1885 and 1886, by H. Mabille. *n»retlianus (Joannes). Wundartzney zn alien Gebrechen des gantzen Leibs, und zu je- dem Glied besonder, mit was Znfellen die elit- stehn, unnd einem Wundtartz zu kommeu mii- Charethauus (Joannes)—continued. gen. Viel edler, bewerter Artzneyen, Rath nnd Meisterstiick. Rechte Kunst mind Bericht der Aderlas. Fiir die Aderlasser unnd Scherer. xx ff. sm 4°. Franckf. am Mayn, H. Gulfferich, 1549. Charezieux ( Eugene -Eniile- Edouard) [1872- ]. *Do l'osteomveiite chez les jeunes en- fants. 74 pp. mo. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 25. Charge (Alexandre). Etudes medicales, on memoire en rdpouse aux accusations portces contre la doctrine medicale homceopathique. x, 11-214 pp., 1 1. 8«. Paris, Germer-Baillierc; Marseille, Senes, 1*'A8. [P., v. 1448.] ------. Traitement homceopathique pi-eservatif et curatif du cholera 6pid6mique. Instruction popnlaire pouvaut servir de guide en l'absence du medecin. R6impression faite d'apres la 9. ed., suivie de notes relatives 5,1a derniere epi- demic. 62 pp. 12°. Geneve, J. Cherbuliez, 1854. ------. The same. 24 pp. 12°. Marseille, Barla- tier-Fcissat 4' Demonchy, 1855. ------. De l'liomceopathie; encore une fois qtt'est- ce que riiomceopathie? II faut en finir avec elle! 142 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1864. [P., v. 1454.] ------. Traitement homceopathique des maladies des organes de la respiration, xx, 21-454 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Balliere 4~ fils, 1874. ----, Escallier, Putin & Serrau«l. Ar- chiconfrerie de N.-D. des Malades. Dispensaire homceopathique (paroisse Saint-Laurent). Rap- port adresse a M. l'abbe Duquesnay. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Be'nard 4- Comp., 1860. [P., v. 1445.] Charier (Charles) [1859- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de l'emploi du laudanum pour arreter l'avortemeut. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 289. Charier (Gaston-Eugene) [1855- ]. *De l'emploi de la feve de Calabar dans le traite- ment, du tetanos. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 223. Charier (Jules) [1857- ]. * Essai sur l'ce- deme consecutif aux hemorrhagies. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 54. Charier (Leon). * De la meningocele congeni- tale. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Strasbotirg, 1869, 3. s., No. 176. Charing Cross Hospital. Grand festival of sacred music at Exeter Hall, April, 1836, for the Charing Cross Hospital. 1 1. fol. London, C. Richards, 1836. Founded in 1818 as a dispensary under the name of the Royal West London Infirmary, and in 1827 patients were admitted. In 1831 the foundation stone of the preseut building was laid, and tbe hospital was opened in 1834 for the reception of patients. In the latter year a medical school was established in connection with the hospital. ------. Annual reports of the council to the gen- eral court of governors, with an account of the receipts and disbursements: 43., 1863; 44., 1864; 48.-64., 1868-84; 76., 1896. 8°. London, 1864-97. Reports for 1863,1864, and 1868 [in: P., v. 969]; 1871 and 1872 [also, in: P., v. 976]. Reports for 1869-84 bound in 3 v ------. Lectures to the nursing staff, session of 1884-5. Broadside, 8 by 20 inches. [London, 1884.] ------. Abstract of receipts and expenditure for the year 1887. pp. 20-30. 8°. [London, 1888.] ------. A descriptive catalogue of the pathologi- cal museum. By John H. Morgan, curator of the museum, x, 131 pp. 8°. London, Harri- son 4" Sons, 1888. Charing-Cross Hospital and School of Medi- cine, London. Annual prospectuses for the ses- sions of 1881-2 (48.); 1882-3 (49.); 1893-4 (60.). 8°. London, 1881-94. The first session commenced Oct. 1, 1834. Charisius (Christiauns Ludovieus) [1692-1741]. Disp. chir.-med. de meliceria Celsi, vom Glied- CHARISIUS. 340 CHATNTIES. Charisius (Christianus Ludovieus)—cont'd. Wasser. Respondetis Christophorus Daniel Meltzer. 28 pp. 4°. Regiomonti, lit. Reusneria- n is, [1717]. Charitable and Provident Society for the Aged and Infirm Deaf and Dumb, London. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 25.-28., 1885-8. 12°. London, 1886-'.). Instituted 1836. Grants pensions totheaged infirm deaf aud dumb. Charite-Aiiiiaien. Hrsg. von der Direction des koniglichen Charite-Krankenhauses zu Ber- lin. Redigirt von dem arztlichen Director Dr. Mehlhausen. 1.-21. Jahrg. (1874 to 1894-5). 21 v. 8°. Berlin, 1876-96. Charities. Ames(CG.) Wisdom in charity. 8°. Phila- delphia. [1877]. Repr. from.- Penn Month., Phila., 1877. Friedlaender (M.) Bibliographie methodi- que des ouvrages publies en Allemagne, sur les pauvres; precedes d'un coup d'ceil historique sur les pauvres, les prisons, les hdpitaux, et les institutions de bienfaisance de ce pays. 8°. Paris, 1822. Kellogg (D. O.) The principle aud advan- tage of association in charities. 8°. [Phila- delphia, u. d.] Menman (L. L.) The social waste of a great city. A paper read before the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science at its annual meeting in Buffalo, August 20, 1886. Science, K". T., 1886, viii, 283-288. Also, Reprint. Charities (Medical). See, also, Dispensaries; Hospitals; and under names of countries, states, cities, and toions. Allen (N.) Claims of the sick poor; paper read before the Middlesex North District Medi- cal Society, January 31, 1877. 8°. Lowell, 1877. Association pour secours medicaux gratuits. Rapport, suivi de la liste generale des socie- tal res. 8°. Bruxelles, 1871. Blackwood (W. R. D. ) [ Report of the " Committee on the abuse of medical charities".] 8'. [Philadelphia, 1880.] Bloch (A.) *De l'assistanee medicare gra- tuite daus les campagnes. 8°. Paris, 1897. Blooker (C. F. J.) Verpleging van zieken in eigen wooing. 8°. Amsterdam, 1892. Buys (L.) Manuel des premiers secours en cas d'accidents et de maladies subites, precede d'un apercu de l'organisation des secours medi- caux publics daus la ville de Bruxelles et daus les faubourgs. Nouvelle ed. 12°. Bruxelles, 1876. Calderai. Nozioni pratiche per la pubblica assistenza. 8°. Pisa, 1888. Cassinis ( F. ) Cura ospitaliera e sussidi a domicilio. 8°. Padova, 1890. Chapman (J.) Medical charity: its abuses, and how to remedy them. 8C. London, 1874. Repr. from: Westminst. Rev., n. s.,Nos. 89 and 90. Congres international de bienfaisance. Ses- sions: 1° de 1856 (a Bruxelles), 2 v.; 2° de 1857 (a Francfort-sur-le-Mein), 2 v. 4 v. 8°. Bru- xelles, Francfort 8. M., 1857-8. D'Arcy (H.) Du service medical des pauvres, tant a la ville qu'a la campagne, et de la maniere dont il devrait etre etabli pour repondre a la fois aux necessity des malades indigents et aux exi- gences legitimes du medecin. 8°. Versailles 1868. Esmarch(F.) Ueber Satnariter-Schuleu. Ein Vortrag gehalten im Kaufmanuischen Verein zu Hamburg am 30. Januar 1884. 12°. Leipziy 1884. Charities (Medical). Gaillakd (L.) Etudes sur l'assistanee. 8° Poitiers, 1819. Repr. from: Bull, de la Soc. d'agricul., belleslelttt-H sc. et arts de Poitiers. Gallet (L.) Le service dn prompt secours ( theories hospitalicres), avec devis et plans dresses par M. Henri Mathieu, architecte s° Paris, 1889. VAN Holsbeek (H.) Institution des districts medicaux. Organisation du service medical des indigents des villes et des campagnes. 12°. Bruxelles, 1864. MarvogEnis (S.-S.) Critique sur le livre de M. le docteur Limarkis. 12°. Constantinople 1891. ' Menuret de Chambaud (J.-J.) Essais stir les secours a donner aux malades pauvres par le moyen de petits hdpitaux multiplies; et par l'etablissemeut de maisons de misericorde. 8°. Paris, 1789. Monnier (A.) Histoire de l'assistanee dans les temps anciens et modernes. 8°. Paris, 1856. Ordronaux (J.) Questions relating to poor- houses, hospitals and insane asylums, prepared for the use of the visiting committees. Feb. 1 1874. 8°. New York, 1874. Rentoul(R. R.) The reform of ourvoluntary medical charities; some serious considerations for the philanthropic. 8C. London, 1891. Roth (E.) Armen-Fiirsorge und Armen-Krau- kenpflege mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der heutigen Stellung des Arrneuarztes und Vor- schlagen zu ihrer Reform. 8C. Berlin, 1893. Stewart (A. P.) Sanitary economics or our medical charities, as they are and as they ought to be. 8°. London, 1849. Sturgis (F. R.) Responsibility of the medi- cal profession for the abuses of free medical services. 8°. [Neiv York, 1879.] Van Gael (C.) Etude snr les appreciations emises par les autorites medicales et administra- tives, aiusi que par lea associations savantes au sujet de l'organisation d'un service medico-rural des indigents. 8°. Bruxelles, 1881. X. Osservazioni intorno all' opuscolo del ca- valiere Daroui sull' instituzione di un officio ceutrale sanitario notturno. 8°. [n. p.], 1873. Abuse (The) of medical charities. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 121.—Abuses of medical charity; resolutions adopted by the Boston Medical Society, December 18, 1897. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 665. — Aider- soil ( F. H.) Medical attendance for the sick poor, but not paupers. Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1887, vi, 146- 148.-----. A new scheme for the payment of medi- cal men by the state, for free medical and surgical at- tendance for the public (not paupers). Ibid.. 1893. xii, 621-630. Also, Reprint. — Aithaml. De l'assistiince publique des maladies & domicile et dans les h<">pitniix. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Lyon, 1868, 2. s., xvi, 39-76.—Assi*. tnnee (L') m6dicale dans les campagues. Scalpel, Liege, 1894-5, xlvii, 341; 349. — B. (C.) How ambitious doctors abuse medical charity. Med. Rec, N. T., 1891, xxxix, 694. — Bcdoin. L'assistanee medicale gratnitc dans les campaniles. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1894, 3. a., xxxii. 'J3-29.— Boiubaush (C. C.) Abuse of medical charity; cause and effect. "" Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa., 1897, iii, no. 2, 79-91. — Itonlengier. Des interets et des droits com- bin6s du coi-ps rnedical et de la classe indigente dans l'organisation des services de la bienfaisance publique. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1891, xliii, 417-430.—Bourne- ville. Circonscriptions hospitalicres. Progrfes med., Par., 1895, 3. a., i, 397.—Bionribr-nl (G. H.) Provident dispensaries. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1896, ii, 380.—Carharl (J. W.) The charities of regular medicine; how dispenM-il and how received. Texas Cour. Rec. Med., Dallas, 1889-90, vii, 152-154. — C'cnas. L'assistanee mddicale gratuite. Loire med., St.-fitienne, 1895, xiv, 203-213.—Chamle (A.) De l'assistanee medicale dans les campagnes. Anu.d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. 8., v, 138-155. — Cooper (A.) The use and abuse of charity (1883). Some occasion, papers . . Rich mond Athenaeum, 1886,1-14.—Corrntli (A.) Assistenza sanitaria dei poveri a domicilio. Ann. univ. di med. e cbir., Milano, 1880, ecliii, 118-143.—Crocq (J.) Organisa- tion d'ordonnances gratuites au point de vue des medecins praticiens. [Rap.] Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. CHARITIES. 341 CHARITIES. Charities (Medical). C r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, v, 314-318. — Derby (H.) On the abuses connected with gratuitous medical treatment. Boston M. & S. J.. 1885, cxiii, 460-463.— Discussion (A) on the abuse of the out-patient departments of hospitals. Brit M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 370-380. — Doggett (V. F.) Abuse of medical charity; a remedy applied iu 3,000 cases of outdoor patients; results. Med. Conimiinicat. Mass. JI Soe Ilosi.. 1886, xiii. No. v. 563-579. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1886. cxv. 1C5; 132. Also, Reprint— Dupuy (P.) L'assistanee medicale k domicile. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1880, i, 313-315.—Estlnntler (J. A.) Liika- revrkeits stallning till fattigvarden. [ Position of tbe medical profession to the treatment of the poor.] Fmska lak.-siillsk. bandl., Helsinefors, 1874, xvi, 165-172. -----. Om den obligatoriska skyldigheten att ntan ersattniug skota de fattige. bvilken ar ahvalfd lakareyrket, ensamt. |The obligation of the physician to give gratuitous advice to the poor.) Ibid.. 1875. xvii, 159-170. See, also, mfra, Pippiugskbld (.1.) — F«-vrc(P.) Rapport de la commission Domniee par la Societe medicale des bureaux de bienfai- sance, pour etudier la question des secours k donner aux hidigeuts dans les cas d'urgence. Medecin, Par., 1880, vi, no. Tl. — Frey (L.) Welche Erfolge bat das frciwillige Refun-'swesenhisheraufzuweisen ? Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. ('. r. 1894. Budapest, 1896. vi. 452-458.— Gille (F.) Histoire de l'assistanee medicale ft domicile. Medecin, Par., 1879, v, nos. 49; 50. — Gould (G. M.) Charity organization and medicine. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa., 1894, 545-561. Also: Med. News, Phila.. 1894, lxv, 407-412. Also, Reprint. — Greuell. L'assistanee medicale dans les campagnes. Bull. med. d. Vosges, Ram- bervillers. 1888-9. iii, no. 9, 12-15. Also [ Reply 1: Bull. med. d. Vossies. Rambervillers, 1888-9, iii, no. 9, 16-24.— Haditen (A.) How to remedy the growing abuse of medical charity. Med. Rec, N. T., 1885, xxviii, 82.— Hatfield (M.P.) 6c Park (R.) The abuses of medical churities. Chicago M. Gaz.. 1880, i, 106-110. Also, Re- print. — Ilegner (R. ) Ueber unentgeltliche Krauken- pflege. Bl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zurich, 1883, xii, Beih, 1-18.— Hickinbotham (J.) On the administration of medical relief. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1883, xiii, 241-252.—Holmes (T.) On the medical charge of the poor. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxviii. 107-110. Also: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii, 173- 176. — Huber (J. B.) The abuse of medical charities. N. York M. J., 1897. lxvi, 207-209. [Discussion], 232-234.—Hutchinson (E.) The care of the sick poor. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.. Syracuse, 1880, 314-322. — Juell (H l Fri laege og medicin under epide- miske sygdomme. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kris- tiania ?-s. 8C. New York. Current. Chax'DE (E.) Des etablissements de bien- faisance en Orient en 1850. (Notes de voyage publiees par le journal l'Union, dans ses nunie'ros des2, 5, l. Charlataiierie der Honioopathie: eine Stinmie der Belehrung und Warming an's Publiktun. Erstes Wort. 63 pp. b°. Weimar, F. Jansen f Comp., 1853. Charlatanisine de la mddecine [etc.]. See Jacob, le zouave. Charlatailisme (Du) pharmaceutique. Let- tre a la Soci6te de pharmacie de Lyon, par un meinbre correspondant de toutes les societ^s enuemies du charlatanisine. 15 pp. 8°. Lyon, [Ferret], 1835. Charlatan*. See Cancer-quacks ; Medicine ( Legislation relating to); Quacks, etc. Charles I, of England. Hnlfoi-d (H.) An account of what appeared on open- ing the coffin of King Charles the First, in the vault of King Henry VIII, in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, on the first of April, 1813. In his: Essays and Orations, 12°, Lond., 1842, 335-370. Charles XII, of Sweden. VON DtiBEN (G.) Konttng Carl den Tolftes dodssiitt. Historiska bandlingar, protokoll 6f- ver 1859 ars besigtning af Kouungeus bauesar, samt sammandrag af disknssionerna derom i Svenska Lakare-Sallskapet. [King Charles the Twelfth's manner of death. Historical sketch and discussion in Swedish Medical Association.] fol. Stockholm, 1860. Charles (Antonin) [1866- ]. * Du drainage par le proc6de" de Mikulicz: indications et tech- nique. 43 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 121. Charles (Auguste) [1854- ]. * Des fievres intermittentes chez les enfants. 76 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 169. Charles (Cecil). See Biolley (Paul). Costa Rica and her future. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1889. Charles (Daniel Allen) [1851-86]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 176. Charles (Georges). * Des pulverisations anti- septiques prolongees dans le traitement de qnel- ques affections chirurgicales. 47 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1884, No. 236. Charles (H.) * De l'antisepsie a la maternite* de l'hdpital Saint-Louis (ses resultats en 1885 et 1886). 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 13H. Charles (Joseph-Jules) [1865- ]. * Des re- sections de l'avant-bras apres les trauniatismes des parties molles. [Paris.] 68 pp. 4°. Lille, 1891, No. 226. Charles (N[icolas]) [1845- ]. Du palper et des manoeuvres abdominales externes en ac- couchement. Lecou faite a l'Ecole d'accouche- ments de la Maternite* de Liege. 36 pp. 8C. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1879. Repr. from: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1879, xviii. -----. De la vaccine. Definition, nature, his- torique; origine, mode d'action; avantages, ob- jections des anti-vaccinateurs, inconvenient* et dangers; periode de l'unnee, choix du vaccin, proceMes divers d'iuoculation. Syinptdmes, ca- CHARLES. 343 CHARLESTON. Charles (N[ieolas])—continued. racteres de la vraie vaccine, eruptions auor- niales, vaccinelle ; particularites relatives i\ reiuption, complications; traitement; conser- vation du vaccin. Lecon faite a l'Ecole d'ac- coucheineuts de la Maternity de Liege. 16 pp. s-\ Liege, G. Bertrand, 1**'.\. Repr. from: J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1883. iv. _____. Prophylaxie de la fievre pnerperale ; g<5- neralites sur les symptomes et la nature des maladies suites de couches, moyens de les e"viter, eiuploi des antiseptiques dans les accouche- ments. 59 pp. 12°. Lie'ge, G. Bertrand, 1885. Repr. from: J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1885, vi. -----. Hygiene des nouveau-nes. Guide des jeunes meres. 84 pp. 8°. Liege, G. Bertrand, 1887. -----. Cours d'accoucbements donue" a la Mater- nity de Liege. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 505 pp.; 527 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ip fils; Lie'ge, G. Ber- trand, 1*87. ■-----. Tbe same. 2 v. ">27 pp.; 603 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 file; Lie'ge, G. Bertrand, 1892. -----. Deux operations obstetricales. Opera- tion c6sarienne ; mere et enfant vivants. Ac- conchement premature" artificiel; double succes. Reflexions sur ces operations et statistique de la Maternity de Lie'ge depuis sa fondation (1805). 69 pp., 1 1. 8C. Lie'ge, G. Bertrand, 1890. Repr. from: J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1889, x: 1890, xi. Charles (Patricius). * De morborum qui pbthi- sin veram simulant pathologia et discrimine, per stetboscopinin maxime, instituendo. 1 p. 1., 62 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1828. [Charles (Richard).] Observations on anti- nionial preparations. With a description of a new antimonial powder, of peculiar efficacy in fevers and inflammatory distempers, and singu- larly successful in the febrile diseases of chil- dren. 24 pp. 8°. London, G. Herdsfield, 1785. -----. An essay on the treatment of consump- tions; in which the causes and symptoms are considered, and a new mode of treatment pro- posed. 30 pp. 8J. London, G. Herdsfield, 1787. [P.,v. 2017.] Charles (T[homas] Edmondston). Clinical lectures ou dengue, delivered before the stu- dents attending the Medical College. 2 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Calcutta, Wyman 4~ Go., 1872. Interleaved copy. Repr. from: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii. Charles (T[bomas William] Cranstoun) [1849- 94]. The elements of physiological and patho- logical chemistry. A handbook for medical stu- dents and practitioners, containing a general account of nutrition, foods and digestion, and the chemistry of the tissues, organs, secretions and excretions of tbe body in health and in dis- ease; together with the methods for preparing or separating their chief constituents, as also for their examination in detail, and an outline syl- labus of a practical course of instruction for stu- dents, xxvi, 600 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Smith, Elder 4- Co., 1884. ----. The same. 463 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Philadel- phia, H. C. Lea's Son 4' Co., 1884. -----. Ichthyol : a contribution to its therapeu- tics. 12 pp. 8°. London, 1891. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii. -----. Intermittent albuminuria. 18 pp. *KJ. [London, Adlard f Son, 1893.] Repr. from: St. Thomas's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1893, xxi. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 275. Also .- Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 375. Also: Hed.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1891, lxxvii, 38 (W. S. Church). Charles County, Maryland. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Charles G. Putnam, M. D. 3 pp. 8 . Bos- ton, H. O. Houghton

    -95. 8°. Charleston, 18S1-96. These reports date from Jan. 13, 1880, when tbe old board of health was reorganized. The report tor 1880 reads: Annual reportof the board of health. Keport tor 1881 and subsequent called department of health. -----. Bill of mortality. Returns of deaths within the city of Charleston. [Weekly.] April 2, 1881, to Nov. 29, 1890; Dec. 13, 1890, to May 11, 1895; Mav 25 to Sept. 7, 1895; Sept, 21, 1-95, to Oct. 17, 1896; Oct. 31, Nov. 1 1, 1896, to March 6, 1897; March 20, April 3, 24, .May 15 to Jan. 15, 1896. v. s. [Charleston, 1881-98.] -----. Laws, rules, and regulations for the gov- ernment of quarantine for tbe port of Charles- ton. 15 pp. 16°. Charleston, E. Perry, 1**2. -----. Maritime sanitation iu use at the quar- antine station, Charleston, S. C. [Aud official regulations.] 6 l.,7 pl., 1 ch. obl.lfi0. Charles- ton, Walker, Evans f Cogswell Co., 1-90. Charleston, South Carolina. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, Historg, etc., of), Fever (Yellow, Histonj, etc., of), Police (Reports, etc, of), Scarlatina (Epi- demics of), by localities; Sewage (Disposal of), etc.; Small-pox (History, etc, of), Statistics (Vital), by localities. Howard (The) Association of Charleston. Constitution, by laws, and regulations of the OHAELESTOK 344 CHARLIER. Charleston, South Carolina. Howard Association of Charleston. 8°. Charles- ton, S. C, 1872. -----. Transactions during the epidemic of 1871. 8 . Charleston, S. C, [n. d.]. Ramsey (D.) A dissertation on the means of preserving health in Charleston and the adja- cent low country. 8°. Charleston, 1790. -----. Tbe Charleston medical register for tbe year 1802. 12°. Charleston, 1803. Barbot (L. J.) Tidal drain system of Charleston, S. C. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1890, Concord, 1891, xvi, 236-245.—Bell (A. N.) Sanitarv inspection of Charles. ton, S. C. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health, Wash., 1879, 354-361, 2 pl. Charleston Library Society. Constitution and rules. 1875. 20 pp. 12°. Charleston, News and Courier Office, 1875. Charleston Medical Register. By Dr. David Ramsey, t. 1, 1803. 12°. Charleston, S. C. All published. Charleston Preparatory Medical School. An- nouncement for the session of 1858 (5.). 1 sheet. 8°. Charleston, J. Phynney, 1858. Charlestown, Mass. Contract. City of Charlestown with Woodland Cemetery. 1858. 15 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Charlestown, C. Rand 4' Co., 1859. -----. Report of the commissioners and chief engineer of the Charlestown water-works. Feb. 28, 1865. 93 pp., 1 map. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown f Co., 1865. Report of a special committee relative to tbe Charlestown poor's fund. Presented to tbe board of trustees, at their meeting, Nov. 22, 1866. 13 pp. 8°. Boston, A. W. Locke 4~ Co., 1866. -----. Annual report of tbe city physician to the mayor and city council, for the year 1871-2. 6 pp. 8°. Boston, W. 4~ E. Howe, 1872. -----. Report of the trustees of the public li- brary of the city of Charlestown, Mass., to the city council, for the year 1871. 10 pp. 8°. Charlestown, C. Rand, 1872. Charlestown, Massachusetts. See Children (Hospitals, etc., for). Charlestown, New Hampshire. See Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities. Charlestown Free Dispensary and Hospital. Annual reports of tbe board of managers and superintendent to the contributors. 9., 1880-81; 13., 1884-5; 15., 1886-7; 18., 1889-90. 8C. Boston, 1881-90. Charleton (Gualterus) [1619-1707]. Exercita- tiones physico-anatomicse de ceconomia animali, novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa, et mechanice explicata. Ed. 2a. 9 p. ]., 243 pp. 16°. Amstelcedami, apud J. Ravesteynium, 1659. -----. The same. QEconomia animalis, novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa et me- chanice explicata. Accessere ejusdem disserta- tio epistolica de ortu animae humanas, et con- silium hygiasticum. Ed. 3a. 11 p. ]., 302 pp. 16°. Londini, ex off. R. Danielis, 1666. The same. Exercitationes de ceconomia animali, novis in medicina hypothesibus super- structa et mechanice explicata. Quibus acces- sere Guilielmi Cole, de secretione animali cogi- tata, ad hanc cecouomiain prajcipue spectantia. Ed. novissima. 7 p. 1., 262 pp.; 5 p. 1., 159 pp., 1 1. 16-. Hagw-Comitum, A. Leers, 1681. The same. Natural history of nutrition, life, and voluntary motion, containing all tbe new discoveries of anatomists, and most proba- ble opinions of physicians, concerning the ceconomie of human nature, methodically de- livered in exercitations physico - anatomical. 8 p. 1., 210 pp., 7 1. sm. 4°. London, H. Her- ring man, 1659. Charleton (Cualterns)—continued. -----. Exercitationes pathologies, in quibti.s morborum pene omnium natura, geueratio, et caussae ex novis anatomicoruni inventis sednlo inquiruntur. 208 pp. 4°. Londini, T. New- comb, 1661. -----. Onomasticou zoicon, plcrorumquc aui- malium differentias et nomina propria pluribus Unguis exponens; cui accedunt mantissa anato- mica; et qusedam de variis fossilitim generibus 8 p. ]., 309 pp., 8 pl., 17 1. 4^. Londini, J Allestry, 166*. Bound with: Spigeuus (A.) [in 1. ».]. I)e lumbrioo lato liber [etc.J. 4°. Patavii, 1618. -----. Two discourses: I. Concerning the differ- ent wits of men; II. Of the mysterie of vint- ners. 2. ed. 235 pp. 12°. London, IV. Whit- wood, 1675. Each discourse has also a separate title-page. -----. Three anatomic lectures, concerning: 1. The motion of the blond through the veins and arteries; 2. The organic structure of the heart; 3. Tbe efficient causes of the hearts pulsation. Read on the 19, 20, and 21 days of March, lGH:ij in the anatomic theatre of His Majesties Royal College of Physicians in London. 1 p. ]., 105 pp., 3 1., 2 pl. 4°. London, W. Kettilby, 1683. Boundwith: Stuart (A.) [in 1. s.]. Three'lectures on muscular motion [etc. ]. 4°. London, 1739. See, also, Deusiiigius Heautouti morn menus [etc.]. 4°. Hamburgi, 1661. Charleton (Rice). An inquiry into the efficacy of warm bathing in palsies. 99 pp. 8°. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1770. [P., v. 1343.] Charlier (A [ dolphe-Joseph-Ciement ]) [18(i8- ]. * Le typhus exanthematique au Havre en 1893; origine americaine de l'epid&nie fran- gaise de 1892-3. 110 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 200. Tbe same. 110 pp. 8°. Paris, Soc. d'4d. scient., 1894. See, also, De Backer (F61ix). Les ferments th- 1862] *Parallele entre la pleure\sie, la peripneumonie et le catarrhe pulmonaire, consideres dans 1'e'tat aign. vi, 7-27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*18, No *>n'l' v. 141*. " " ' ------. Monographic dos sangsues medicinales et officinales. 60 pp., 1 1. 8 \ Paris, J..II. Hail. Here, \*:\*. [P., v. 1794.] For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat. Par 18Ri xxix, 63 (Caffe). "' Charpie carhonifere de Pichot et Malapert Poitiers. [Letters from various physicians re- commending its use. ] 16 1. 8°. I i\p., I8.>_'i | [P., v. 17Hf».] Lithograph, except the last leaf, which is printed, Charpignon (Jules) [1815- ]. Phj-Ni„h>gj«., medecine et metaphysique du magnetisine. 3bd pp. 8°. Orleans, Pestip, Paris, Germer-Bailliere 1841. ------. Etudes physiques sur le magnetisine ani- mal, soumises a l'Acadernie des sciences. 41 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere; Orleans, V'auteur 1843. ------. Lettre au docteur Frapart [dated: Orle- ans, 15 decembre 1840]. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, Bourgogne 4" Martinet, 1845?] Repr. [with additions] from .- J: du magnet., Par., 1845, i. Bound with his: I'hysiologie, medecine, [etc.]. w° Orleans, 1841. ------. L'art de couserver la sante ; conseils aux ouvriers des villes et aux habitants des cam- pagnes. vii, 9-139 pp., 1 1. 16°. Troyes f Pa- ris, Auner-Andre', [1855]. ------. Considerations sur les maladies de la moelle epiniere. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, Geriner- Bailliere, 1860. Repr. from: M6m. Soc. d'agric. . . . d'Orl6ans, 18C0, iv. ------. Rapports du maguetisme, avec la juris- prudence et la medecine legale. 60 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1860. Etudes sur la medecine animique et vi- taliste; ouvrage mentionne' bonorablement (1™ partie) par l'Acadernie de medecine, sous le titre suivant: De la part de la medecine morale dans le traitement ties maladies nerveuses (1862). v (1 1.), 191 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1864. Charpine (A[lpbonse]) [1863- ]. *Del'ab- sinthisme. 57 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 505. Charpy (Adrien). Cours de splanchnologie. Les centres nerveux. Lecons publiees par Ar- mand Suis. 1 p. 1., iii, 270 pp. 8°. Montauban, J. Guillau, 1889. -----. Cours de splanchnologie. Organes g6- nito-urinaires. Lecons publiees par Ariuand Suis. 1 p. 1., 344 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Cassan His, 1890. -----. Etudes d'anatomie appliqnee. vi, 219 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1892. See, also, Traite d'anatomie humaine [etc.]. 4 v. roy. 8°. Paris, [1892-6]. Charrade (Joaeph-Edmond) [1865- ]. *De la ligature et de la resection de la veine sapheue interne daus le traitement des varices. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 8. -----. Thesame. 88pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1H92. Ch arras (Moses). See Charas. Charrasse. * Essai d'une etude sur l'oieo-re- sine de copabu. x, 11-51 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. 358. Ecole sup6rieure de pharmacie. Charrier (Emile-Theodore-Francois-Camille- Eutrope) [1848- ]. *Du traitement dea kystes hydatiques du foie par la methode de Recamier. 58 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888, No. 94. CHAEEIEE. 347 CHAEEIEEE. Cliarrier ( [ Jacques -Marie -] A [med6e] ). Des niaternites. Memoire In a la Societe de mede- cine de Paris. 11 pp. 8". Paris, Jannin, 1869. .____. Du traitement par les alcalins d'une cause peu connue de sterilite (acidite du mucus utero- vaginal). 6 pp. 8°. [Paris, A. Hennuyer, 1880.] Repr. from: Bull. gen.de thGrap. [etc.],Par., 1880, xcviii. Cliarrier (Leon) [1870- ]. * Programme des preparations chimiques et pharniaceutiques ef- fectu6es dans le laboratoire de l'Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Montpellier comnie epreuve pratique des 3e et 4e examens et dont la discus- sion publique aura lieu dans la seance du [?] juillet 1^95. 17 pp. 4C. Montpellier, 1895, No. 57(i. ficole supdrieure de pharmacie. Cliarrier ( Magdelaine - Ed nice - Clemen- tine-Hucherard), Madame [1797- ]. Delacoux (A.) Cliarrier ( Magdelaine -Edniee -Cle- mentiiie-Hucherard), Madame. In his: Biog. d. sages- fenimes, 4°, Tar., 1834. 54-56, port. Cliarrier (Paul-Robert) [1862- ]. *De la peritonite blennorrhagique chez la femme (p6ri- metrite, perisalpingite). Ill pp. 4C. Paris, 1892, No. 93. _____. The same. Ill pp. 8C. Paris, G. Stein- lieil, 1892. Charrier[e] ( Jean - Pierre - Theodore ) [1808-G7]. Caffe (P.-L.-B.) Xeerologie. J. d. conn. ni6d. prat., Par., IMiT. xxxiv, 415. de la Charriere (Joseph) [ -1690]. Traite des operations do chirurgie: contenant leurs causes fondees sur la structure de ]a partie, leurs signes, leurs simptomes et leur explication; avec plusieurs observations, et une idee gene- rale des playes. 7 p. 1., 395 pp. 12°. Paris, D. Horthemels, 1690. -----. Thesame. 5p. 1., 406pp. 16c. Paris, 1693. -----. The same. A treatise of the operations of surgery. Wherein are mechanically explaiu'd the causes of tbe diseases in which they are needful, grounded on the structure of the part; their signs and symptoms, also many new re- marks after each operation. To which is added a treatise of wounds, aud their proper and methodical dressings. Enlarged with an ac- count of the bandages, and other apparatus necessary in each operation. Transl. from 3. ed. of the French. 3-p*. ]., 386 pp. 16°. Lon- don, D. Brown [and others], 1712. -----. Tbe same. De nieuwe operatien der chirurgie, behelsende haar oorzake, gefondeert op het maaksel van het deel, haar teekeneu, toevallen, en nette explicatie met verscbeyde observatien, en een generaal denkbeeld van de wonden. Uit het Franscb vertaalt; met een voorreden verrykt door Johan Daniel Schlicb- ting. 2. ed. 9 p. h, 5-246 pp., 1 1. 16c. Am- steldam, J. Graal, 1734. Bound icith.- Bujsen (H.) Verhandelinge [etc.J. 16°. Rotterdam, 1731. Charriere [Joseph-Francois-Bernard] [1803- 76]. Notice sur les instrumens de chirurgie, modifies et confectionnes. 2. ed. 16 pp. 8C. Paris, Charriere, 1835. -----. Perfectionnement des pompes et seringues, veutouses, etc., presents a l'Acadernie royale de medecine, seance du 19 novembre 1839. 3 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1839.] [P., v. 847.] -----. Nouvelles dragues de sauvetage et nouveaux instruments pour donner des secours aux asphyxies. 32 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1840. [Also, in: P., v. 847.] Charriere [Joseph-Francois-Bernard] —cont'd. ------> Bouts de seiu et biberons eu ivoire fle- xible. 4 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Parts, 1841, vel subseq.] LP., v. 847.] ------. [Trousses-agenda.] 24 pp. 8 . Paris, 1841. [P., v. 847.] ------. Extrait du Catalogue de la maison Char- riere. viii, 88 pp. 8°. Paris, Charriere, 1844. [P., v. 847.] -----. Tbe same. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, 1844. [P., v. 847.] ------. Trois notices reuuies presentees a MM. les membres du jury central de l'exposition do 1844. 75 pp. 8^>. 'Paris, chez Charriere, 1844. -----. [Extrait du Catalogue de la maison. Exposition nationale de l'industrie de 1844. De- coration de la Legion d'honneur. Exposition de 1839, medaille d'or. Exposition de 1834, medaille d'argent. Exposition de Toulouse, medaille d'or. Atb6n6e des arts, medaille d'honneur.] 92 pp. 8°. Paris, Charriere, 1850. [P., v. 845.] -----. Cinq notices r£unics presentees a MM. les membres des jurys des expositions franchises de 18;54, 1839, 1844 et 1849, et de l'Exposition universelle de Londres en 1851, sur ces instru- ments. 102 pp. 8°. Parts, 1851. -----. Extrait du Catalogue de la maison Char- riere. [Instruments de chirurgie, etc.] 110 pp. 12 \ Pons, 1846. -----. [Tbe same.] 64 pp. 12°. Paris, 1852. -----. The same. 33 pp. 12°. Paris, 1854. -----. Appareils pour l'inhalation du chloro- foruie, pouvant aussi servir pour l'inhalation de l'etber, avec notes et figures explicatives. Ex- position nationale de l'industrie de 1844 [etc.]. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot f Cie., [1848]. [P., v. 845.] ------. Instruments pour dissection, autopsies; trousses et instruments de chirurgie gene"rale; boltes et caisses pour maladies des yeux, etc. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot 4' Cie., 1850. ------. The same. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot 4- Cie., 1851. ------. Catalogue general des instruments et appareils de Charriere. 35 pp., 11. 8'-'-. Paris, E. Thunot 4' Cie., 1851. ------. Notices sur les instruments et appareils de chirurgie, sur les instruments de chirurgie veterinaire, etc. 2. ed. 120 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Plon, 1856. ------. [Catalogue of instruments.] 32 pp. 8 . Paris, H. Plon, 1859. ------. Trousses, nouveau modele, avec instru- ments nouveaux. 30 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Pan's, H. Plon, 1860. ------. [Catalogue general et complet de tous les instruments et appareils de chirurgie. 64 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1862.] Boundwith: Mathieu (L.) Catalogue des instruments. 8°. Paris, 1807. ------. Catalogue g6u6ral illustre d'instrunients de chirurgie. Collin, fabricant d'instrunients de chirurgie [etc.]. 1 p. 1., 218 pp. 8°. Paris, Collin, 1885. ------. Appareil volta-eiectriquo a double cou- rant, du docteur Ducbenne, de Boulogne. 7 pp. 8 . [Paris, E. Thunot 4]. /J See Buret (Louis). CommentHrius iu Jncobi Holh-rii Stempani librum de niorbis internis [etc.]. 8°. Parisiis, 1611.—Hippocrates [in 1. s.h Hippoeratis ct Galeni opera. V.i v. fol. Lutetice Parisiorum, 1679.—I'erdnl. cis (Bartholomaeus) [in 1. s.J. Universa medicina [etc I 4°. Lugduni, 1650. Charters (William Morris) [180G-831. Myers (R. P.) Obituary. Tr. M. Ass.Georgia, Atlan- ta, 1883, 241. Chartier (Audre) [1859- ]. * Traitement de la septicemic puerperale par le curage de l'ute- rus. 100 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 158. -----. Tbe same. 100 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1889. Chartier (E.) Vicissitudes et progres do la the- rapeutique. Discours prononce a la seanco de rentreo de l'Ecole preparatoirc de medecine et de pharmacie [de Nantes], et de l'Ecole prepa- ratoire a l'enseiguement superieur des sciences et des lettres, 3 novembre 1874. 24 pp. 8°. Nantes, J. Grinsard, 1874. -----. Rapport sur l'epidemie de cholera oh- servee a Nantes en 1884. xxxix pp., 1 diag., 7 tab., 1 map. 8°. Nantes, Ve. C. Mellinet, 188,'.. Bound with: J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1884, xviii. Chartier (Henry) [1862- ]. *Exaineii 1116- dico-iegal et autopsie des enfants nouveaii-nes. 1 p. 1., 97 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1890, No. 582. -----. Tbe same. 97 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck, 1890. Chartier (Job.) [1610-62]. La science du plomb sacre des sages, ou de l'antiinoine, oil sont decrites ses rares et particulieres verttis, puissances et qualitez. 56 pp. 4\ [Paris, I. de Senlecque], 1651. Chartier (Paul) [I860- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des eruptions brightiqnes. 56 pp. 4 . Paris, 1889, No. 33. -----. The same. 55 pp. 8°. Pari*, G. Stein- heil, 1889. Chartier (Rene). See Charterius (Renatus). Chart Oil (Charles). "Essai sur les calculs bi- liaires. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 1*66,2. s., No. 911. Chartres (Edouard) [1874- ]. •Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'opbtalmie purulente des nouveau-nes. 69 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1*96, No. 12. Chartroille (P.) De l'emploi direct de l'iode pur daus le traitement de la pbthisie pulmo- naire. 1 p. 1., 57 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Labi, 1-^.1. [P., v. 1646.] Charts showing in detail the pulse, tempera- ture aud respiration of the President (James A. Garfield), morning, noon aud evening, from July 3d to Sept, 8th, 1881. With space left, blank to continue the lines from day tn day. Compiled and prepared from tbe official bulletins. CHARTS. 349 CHASSAGNE. Charts of toxicology, Nos. 1 aud 2, comprehend- incr the poisons yielded from the mineral, veg- etable aud animal kingdoms. Broad sheet. [n. p., 1833.] Charnel (Henri-Jules-Marie) [1872- ]. *De la dilatation normale et anormale du col de l'uterus. 149 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 19. Charnel (Leon) [1866- ]. *De la simula- tion de la folie chez les alieues. 81 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*93, No. 229. ____. The same. 81 pp. 8-'. Paris, G. Slein- heil, 1893. Charukovski (BroJehor [Alchsiei/evich]) [1790-1842]. ghmigelski (M.) [Biography.] In his: Istorich. ocherk kaf. hosp. terap. klin. Imp.Vo.ven.-Med. Akad. . . ., 83, S.-Peterb., 1897, 50-54. Cliantshin (Fiodor [Nikolayevich]) [1863- ]. * K voprosu o fragmentatsii mishech- nlkh klietok serdtsa (fragmentatio myocardii); patologo-auatomicbeskoye i eksperimentaluoye izsliedovan'ie. [. . . patbologo-anatomical and experimental investigation.] 53 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Peterturg, S. V. Volpyanski, 1894. Charveriat (E.) La peste en Allemagne pen- dant la premiere moitie du dix-septieme siecle. 29 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Lyon, A. Rey, 1892. Charvet (A.) Expose sur 1'extinction progres- sive du cretinisme et du goitre endemique dans l'arrondissemeut de Grenoble, pour servjr a l'his- toire generale de ces affections, pp. 65-79. 81-. Grenoble, 1870. Cutting from: Bull. Soc. de statist., d. sc. nat. et des arts indust. du dep. de !Is6re, Grenoble, 1870, 3. s., ii. Charvet (Philibert) [1858- ]. 'Contribu- tion a l'etude du bruit de galop. 67 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1884, No. 227. Charvet (Pierre-Marie-Henry). "Etude sur uue epidemic qui a s6vi parmi les ouvriers em- ployes a la fabrication de la fuchsine. 62 pp. 4C. Parts, A. Parent, 1863. [P., v. 1707.] Charvet (S.) *Esquisse d'une etude sur Phi- lippe Pinel, professeur a l'Ecole de medecine de Paris, medecin en chef de la Salpetriere. (Bio- graphie, travaux.) 89 pp.. 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1881, No. 47. Charvilhat (Gaston) [1869- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de la greuouillette sus-hyo'i- dienne. 72 pp. 4-. Paris, 1896, No. 321. Charvy (E.) [1656- ]. * Essai sur la peri- ostite phlegmoneuse diffuse et son traitement. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, Xo. *8. Charybdea. (inn* (C.) Ueber Charvbdea marsupialis. Arb. a. d. zool. lust. d. Univ. Wien, 1878, i, 221-276, 5 pl. -----. Zur Wahmug der Ergebnisse meiner Untersuchungen iiber Charybdea als Abwehr gegen den Haeckelismus. Ibid., lx* 1-2, iv, 299-312. Chasanow (J[acob]j [1858- ]. * Ueber die Progression der Myopie. 29 pp., 11. 8-. Konigsberg, Hausbrand,s Nachf., [1883]. ----. *I)er Keimgebalt des Dorpater Uuiver- sitatsleitungswassers in den Monateu Jauuar, Februar und Miitz 1692. 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dor- pat, Schnakenburg, 1892. Chasanowitsch (Lasar). * Ueber die Frage der Eimvirkung von Pbosphorpentacblorid auf Salicylsiiure. 16 pp. 8°. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1888. Chasanowitz (Joseph) [1648- ]. * Ueber ilcn Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Kohlensanre- Ausscheidung im thierischen Organismus. 31 pp. s:. Konigsberg, Gruber 4" Longrien, [1872]. Chasav-Yurt. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Chase (A. W.) Dr. Chase's family physician, farrier, bee-keeper, and second receipt book, j Chase (A. W.)—continued. being an entirely new and complete treatise, including tbe diseases of women and children, pointing out, in plain and familiar language, the cause, symptoms and treatment of the leading diseases of persons, horses, and cattle, upon common-sense principles, [etc ]. Revised and enlarged bv tbe author, xxiii, 25-651 pp., port. 8C. Toledo, Ohio, Chase Publishing Co., 1883. Chase (Coustantine). Physical drill for foot troops. Compiled by . . . 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 20 pl. 24°. Washington, I). C. J. J. Chapman, 1897. Chase (Frank II.). Editor of: Miinnyside (The), New York, 1888. Chase ( Heber ). The medical student's guide, being a compendious view of the collegiate and clinical medical schools, the courses of private lectures, the hospitals and almshouses, and other institutions which contribute directly or indi- rectly to the great medical school of Philadelphia; with the regulations of hours, fees, etc., and other information of importance to students. 1642-3. iv, 5-106 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. G. A uner, 1842. Chase (Hiram L[uce]) [1825- ]. Defence of . . . before the board of trial of the Massachu- setts Medical Society, December 22, 1874. 10 pp. 6°. Cambridge, J. Wilson 4' Son, 1875. [Also, in: P., v. 1230.] Chase (Ira Carleton). A laboratory manual of medical chemistry; containing a systematic course of experiments in laboratory manipula- tion and chemical action, the non-metallic ele- ments and the medicinal metals, quantitative processes applied to sanitary water analysis, medicinal organic compounds, proteids, diges- tion, blood, milk, urinalysis aud toxicology. vi (11.), 207 pp. 12°. Fort Worth, Texas, W. W. Underbill, 1897. Chase ( Robert H. ) Au open letter to G. Alder Blumer, esq., M. D., concerning a thorough system of ward supervisorship at the Norristown State Hospital. 9 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Norristown, hosp. print, off., 1890. Chase (Sumner B{urnham\) [1821-91]. .llcinoriam (In). Vis med., Des Moines, 1891-2, i, 288-290. Chase (Theodore R.) The Michigan Universitv book 1844-80. 399 pp. 8°. Detroit, Richmond, Backus 4' Co., 1*81. Chase ( Walter B[enaiah] ). Mechauical sup- port in uterine displacements, with reference to the management of certain complication*. 12 pp. *P. [New York, 1886.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv. -----. Remarks on the use of the uterine curette. 11 pp. 12°. [Xew York, 1890.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1890. li. -----. The prevention of puerperal septicemia. 8 pp. 8°. New York, Stuuresant, 1893. Repr. from: N. Vork J. Gymec. & Obst., 1893, iii. ChaslCS ( Viefor-Etipheinion-Philarete) [1798- 1873]. Le vieux medecin. pour faire suite aux Souvenirs d'un medecin. D'apres Samuel War- ren, Crabbe, Grattan, [etc.]. 287 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, A. Bourdilliat if Cie, 1859. See, also, IVnrrrn (Samuel) |/'ul. s.J. Souvenirs d'un medecin, [etc.]. 12J. Paris, 18."»7. Chaslin (Philippe) [ 1857- ]. *Du role du rove dans revolution du delire. 61 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 104. -----. La confusion montale primitive. Stupi- dite, (lenience aigue*, stupeur primitive. ix, 264 pp. 12°. Paris, Asselin f>. -----. Nouvelles recherches cliniques sur IV- tranglement des bernies. 24 pp. 8\ Paris T. Masson 4' fils, 1*64. Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1864, 3. s., xix, -----. De i'empoisoiineinent du sang par nia- tieres organiques. 40 pp. ,^-. Paris, G. Masson 1873. Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1873, 2. s., ii. See, ako, Swan (Joseph) [in 1. s.]. N6vrologir, on de- scription auatomique des nerfs du corps buiuaiu. 40 Paris. 1838. For Biography, see Bull. Acad, de med., Par., lss.i. 2.«., xiv, 1659-1683 (J. Rocbard). Also: Bull, ct mem. Soc de chir. de Par.. 1882, n. s., viii, 36-52 (Horteloii|>). Also: Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 57-62 (Horteloup). Also: Ibid 1885, lviii, 1162: 1169 (J. Rocbard). Also: Union med Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 157; 169; 217 (Horteloup). Chassaing (E.) [1843- ]. De l'associaliou de la pepsiue a la diastase dans le traiteiuent des affections de l'estoinac. 32 pp. 8. Paris; [Poissy, A. Bouret], 18(57. -----. Des digestions artificielles et de l'associa- tion de la pepsine a la diastase. 16 pp. 8°. Paris; [Poissy, A. Bouret], 1868. -----. The same. Do emprego das preparacoes com base de pepsina e de diastase no tratamento das doeucas das vias digestivas. 16 pp. *-. Paris, 1868. [P., v. 1267.] -----. * Etude pratique de la pepsine. 2 p. 1., 73 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 6. Ecole superieure de pharmacie. -----. The same. 167 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1888. Rewritten. -----. Alimentation ratiounelle du nourrissou et de l'eufant. 34 pp. 12°. Paris, Leccne, Oudin f Cie, [n. d.]. Chassant (L[ouis]-Alphonse) [1808- ]. Dictiounaire des abreviations latines et fran- caises, usitees dans les inscriptions lapidaires et metalliques, les mauuscrits et les chartes du moyen age. 5. ed. Hi, 172 pp. 12-. Paris, J. Martin, 1884. Chasseaud (W[illiam]). La dengue et la grippe; etude des epidemics de 1889 a Sinyrne. 69 pp. 8J. Paris, O. Doin, 1890. Chasseriaud (Paul-Henri) [1855- ]. *Au Tonkin. Souvenirs medicaux d'une catupagne de guerre (1883-4). Relation precedee d'une etude geographique et d'une carte orographi- que du pays. 122 pp., 1 map, 1 diag. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1855, No. 15. Chassevant (Allyre) [1865- ]. * Sur quel- ques nouveaux chlorures doubles. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1892. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris, no. 6. -----. * Action des sels metalliques sur la fer- mentation lactique. 62 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 13. -----. The same. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1893. Chassin (J.) [1850- ]. * Sur l'inoculation de la fievre intermittente. 33 pp., 1 1. 4J- Paris, 1885, No. 53. CHASSIK 351 CHATEAU-SALINS. Chassin (Moses). * Ueber Wanderniere und deren operative Behandlung. 32 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Bern, Iseli 4' Jensen, 1897. Chassinat ( Raoul). Observation d'anomalies auatoiuiques reniarquables de l'appareil circu- latoire, avec hepatoeele congeniale, n'ayant dotine lieu pendant la vie a aucun sympt6me particulier; suivie de reflexions. 14 pp., 1 pl. 8^. [Paris, Migneret, 1836.] Revr.from: Arch. gen. de mod., Par., 1836, 2. s., ii. _____& Die/, (C.-A.) Des mesures et des pre- cautious a prendre pour la conservation do la sante des detenus, dans les maisons peniten- tiaires soumises au regime de la separation com- plete. Memoires adresse.s a l'Acadernie. 2 p. 1, 241, til pp., 1 tab. 4°. Bruxelles, J.-B. De Mortier, 1847. Chassy (Alphonse) [1869- ]. * De l'angine variolique, sa valeur dans le diagnostic et le pronoslic; conclusions basees sur 819 observa- tions personuelles. 98 pp. 4C. Paris, 1896, No. 486. Cliastan (Adrien). * Etude sur la noix do kola. viii, 9-40 pp. 4C. Montpellier, 1893, No. r>45. Cliastang [filie]. Cochiuchiue franc aise; relation de l'epideniie de cholera de 1862. 40 pp.. 1 plan. 8°. Saigon, imp. du gouvernement, 18*2. Cliastang ( Louis -filie- Joseph) [1864- ]. *Du coup de chaleur aux pays chauds envisage au point de vue de sa pathogenic. 52 pp. 4°. Bordeaux. 1686, No. 35. Cliastant (Alcee). Observations on yellow fe- ver. 35 pp. 8°. New Orleans, M. Sagendorph, 1679. Cliastelain (Joannes) [ -1715]. Quies- tiones medicie duodecim. 23 pp. 4 . Monspelii, D. Pech, 1668. [P., v. 1216.] ----. Traite des convulsions et des mouvements convulsifs, qn'on appelle a present vapeurs. 4 p. 1., 288 pp. 16-. Paris, J. Anisson, 1691. See, also. Qusestiones medica; [etc.]. i'j. Monspelii, 1713. Cliastelain (L.-A.-J.) * Dissertation sur la scarlatine. 24 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 1823, No. 673. j Cliastelain (Petrus) [ -1711]. Qusestiones ineilico-chimieo-practica; duodecim. 36 pp. 4 . Monspelii, H. Pech, 1697. [P., v. 1218.] de Chastellux [(Francois- Jean) Marquis] [18:54-88]. See Rcrgasse (Nicolas). Betrachtungen iiber den thierischen Maguetisnius [etc.]. 8°. Dresden, 1790. de Chastenay[-Lauty] (Henry[-Louis]) le comte [1772-1834]. Instruction sur les diverses maladies des betes a laine, avec les remedes cu- rat ifs les plus salutaires. viii, 208 pp. 12G. Paris, Delauiiai/, 1817. Chastenet (Charles) [1865- ]. * Essai sur les nieiancoliques anxieux. 1 p. 1., 71 pp. 4C. Pun's, 1*'J0, No. 44. Chastenet (Leon-Panlin-Georges). * Quelques recherches sur l'appendicite. 84 pp. 8C. Paris, 1897, No. 605. dc Chastenet de Puysegnr. See de Fuy- segur [in 1. s.]. Chastity. See, also, Assault (Indecent)', Celibacy. Korxig (T. G.) Die Hygiene der Keuschheit. 2. vollig umgear bei tete und vermehrte Aufl. 6:. Berlin 4- Leipzig, 1891. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin 4" Leipzig, 1894. Martin (L.) Les dangers de l'amour, de la luxure et du libertinage pour l'homme [et] pour la femme pendant la jeunesse, pendant l'age mur, pendant la vieillesse. 12°. Paris, [n. d.]. Kellogg (J. H.) Chastity and health. Mod. Med. & Bacterid. Rev., Battle Creek,' Mich., 1895, iv, 249; 276. Chastity (Girdle of). Cadknas (Les) et ceintures de chastete. No- tice historique suivie du plaidoyer de Freydier, avocat a Nimes. 12". Paris, lri*3. Daniels (('. E.) lets over kuischbeidsgordels en nog wat. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1890, ii, 170-196, 3 pl. Also, Reprint. de la Chastre (Kene). Le prototype on Ires pariah et annlogique exeniplaiie de Part chi- micquea la phisi(|ite on philosophic de la science naturelle, contenant. les causes, principes et de- monstrations scieutiiiques de la certitude dudit art. 3 p. 1., 136 pp., 7 1. 16-. Paris, J.-A. Joallin, 1620. le Chat de la Sourdiere (Jac. Franc.) See Le Chat de la Sourdiere. Chatai^ner (Jean) [1861- ]. * Des (rou- bles audit it's duns le tabes. 35 pp. 1 . Paris, 18*9, No. 168. Chataillg (Hippolyte). * Etude medico-legale sur renipoisonnenient ]iar le chlorate de potasse. 78 pp. 4 . Lgon, 18*7, No. 386. -----. The same. 78 pp. 8C. Lyon, 1887. Cliatard. Rapport snr le cholera, lit a la So- ciete iniperiale de medecine de Bordeaux dans la seance du 16 juillet 1^66. 12 pp. *u. [Bor- deaux, E. Crugy', 1*66.] [P., v. 927.] Cliatard (FerdinandEdme),sr. [180.1-88]. IVIemoir of Ur. Ferdinand Edme Cliatard. Tr. M. Sc Cbir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1889, 44-47. Cliatard (Herman) [1858- ]. * Cure radi- cale des hernies par les niethodes directes. 87 pp. 4°. Paris, 18*:>, No. 236. Cliatard (Petrns). * Diss. med. chir. de an- thrace. 15 pp. 4°. Monspelii, J. F. Picot, 1787. [P., v. 1397.] Cliatard (Thomas M.) Annual address of the president of the Chemical Society of Washing- ton. The abuse ot explosives, with suggestions for operative laws. ^1 pp. 8°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1*93. „ Repr. from: Bull. Chem. Soc. Wash.. 1893. Chateau (fidouard). * Etude sur les principalis desinfectants. x, 11-62 pp., 11. 4. Montpel- lier, 1*8."), No. 356. ficole superieure de pharmacie. Chateau [Jean-Didier-Ernest] [ -18*4]. Etude sur les eaux de la Bourboule. Revue cli- niqne. [Memoire In a la Societe d'hydrologie medicale daus sa seance du 7 fevrier 1870.] iv, 54 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson 4'fils, 1870. Chateau hriaiit. See Fever (Malarial', History, etc., of), by local- ities. Chateati"Cliiiion. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Chateau -Cwontier. See, also, Prostitution (History, etc, of), by localities. TJahier (E.) Essai de topographie medicale de far- roudissement do Chateau-Goutier (Mayeunc). [Uap.de Vernois.} Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1863-4, xxix, 953- 956. — Tertrain. Kecbercbes et observations sur les conditions hygieniques de 1'arrondissenieiit de Chateau- Gontier(Mayenne). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1851, xlv, 72-86. Chateau-clii-IiOii*. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Chateauroux. See Sewage (Disposal of), etc. Chateau-Sal ins. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Asverus. Beitrage zur Mortalitatsstatistik des Kreises Chateau-Salins (1872-1880 inch). Arch. 1'. off. CHATEAU-SALINS. 352 CHAT IN. C hateau-Salins. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1881, vi, 302-322.—Vimoiil. Ke- flexions sur la constitution 'atinosph6rique et les maladies observ6es pendant l'an 12 et les premiers mois de 1 an 13. Ann. Soc. de nn-d.-prat. de Montpel., 1806, vii, 169-175. Chateau-Til lain. Jacquot. Eaux potables; projet d'alimentation en eau de la ville de Ch&teauvillain (Haute-Marne). [Rap.] Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1893, Melun, 1894, xxiii, 110-112. Chatel [Joan-Marie-Rene]. * Essai critique sur le traitement des diarchies infantries. 55 pp. 4C. Paris, 1895, No. 221. Chatel ( Louis-Marie ). * Dissertation sur le meiaena. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*06, No. 204. Chatel (Victor). Maladies des vegetaux. 13 pp. 8-. [Caen, Ve.Pagny, 1856.] [P., v. 1800.] Chatelain [Auguste] [1838- ]. La ques- tion des incurables dans le canton de Neucha- tel. Rapport preseute a la commission d'initia- tive pour le soulagemeut des incurables. 21 pp. 8°. Neuchdtel, J. Attinger, 1869. -----. Maison de sante de Prefargier. Les vingt-cinq premieres annees de son activite. Rapport preseute a la commission dans sa seance du 5 septembre 1*74. 42 pp. 8C. Neuchdtel, H. Wolf rath f Metzner, 1874. -----. Maison de sante de Prefargier. Exercice de 1876. Rapport preseute a la commission dans sa seance du 25 aout 1877. 19 pp. 8C. Neuchdtel, Wolf rath ,f- Metzner, 1877. ■-----. La folic Causeries sur les troubles de l'esprit. viii, 249 pp. 12c. Paris, Fischbacher, 1889. -----. La folie de J.-J. Rousseau, ii (1 1.), 235 pp. 12°. Paris, Fischbacher, 1890. Chatelain (Elie) [1859- ]. *De la putre- faction i'oetale intra-ut6rine. 96 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1883. No. 200. -----. Etude sur le traitement du lupus tuber- culeux d'apres la methode de R. Koch. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Maloine, 1891. -----. Precis iconograpbique des maladies de la peau, avec 50 planches en couleurs, reproduces d'apres nature par Felix Meiieux. viii, 543 pp., 50 pl. 8. Paris, A. Maloine,1893. Chatelain [ Marie - Francois - Anne ) [ 1783- 1853]. Observations sur la conservation et la reproduction des sangsues. 24 pp. 8°. [Paris, Lachevardiere fils, 1*25.] Repr. from: Ann. de la ni6d. physiol., Par., 1826, ix. Chatelain (Martin) & Vollier. La ineilleure methode de maltage pratique, ou resume de tout ce qui a ete publie pour arriver au meilleur resultat manufacturier de sacoharification des graminees, avec critique des theories pratiques de certains auteurs. 3. ed. 91 pp. 8°. Paris, M. Chatelain, 1862. [P., v. 1764; 1767.] Chatelanat (Alfred). *De quelques affections chroniques de la moelle 6piniere et de ses me- ninges d'apres des observations recueillies a l'hd pital de Bale. [Basle.] 68 pp. 8°. Neuchdtel, J. Attinger, 18*3. Chatelanat (Daniel Franciscus). *Au febri scarlatinas malignae vesicatorium ? 36 pp. sin. 4°. Monspellii, J. Martel, 1777. Chateldon. Hknky (O.) pere, Henry (O.) fils & Goxod (E.-B.) Etudes chimiques et m6dicales sur les eaux minerales de Chateldon, sources de la montagne (Puits Andral et du Mont Carmel). 8C. Clermont-Ferrand, 1838. Chatelet. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. Chatelet (Emmanuel). * Etudes sur la tempera- ture locale du sein apres l'accouchement. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1884, No 279. ChatelKiivoii. ArthiiM *M.) Sur Taction des eaux de Chateljsuvciii (source (luhh-r) sur le chimisme stomaeal. Arch yen d'bydrol. [etc]. Par., 189."), vi, 5-19. Chatellier (Henri) [1855- ]. *Des tuinetirs adenoi'des du pharvux. 3 p. 1., 93 pp., 2 pl 4°. 3 phot. 8■-. Paris, 1**6, No. 92. -----. The same. I p. 1., 93 pp., 3 phot., 2 pl 8-". Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1886. -----. Maladies du pharynx nasal; des tumours adeno'ides. Ouvrage courouud par l'Acad6tnio de medecine. 2 p. 1., 145 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 12 Paris. J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1890. Chatellier (Louis) [1871- ]. "Revolver et nouvelles poudres. Effets produits sur la peau et les vetetnents. Etude medico-legale. 57 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 336. Chatelot (Henri) [1866- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'iritis s6reu.se. 75 pp. 4 . Paris 1891, No. 348. Chatelus (Michel) [1870- ]. * De l'ablation directe des annexes par la voie vaginale. 84 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1052. Chatenay (Gaston) [1867- ]. * Les reac- tions leucocytaires vis-a-vis de certaines toxines v6g6tales et animales 100 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 238. Chatenet (Adrien) [1868- ]. *Dela m61an- colie dans ses rapports avec les maladies ut6- rines. (Contribution k l'etude de la folie sytn- pathique.) 86 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. "269. Chatellier (Auguste-Joseph-Marie) [1845- ]. * Histoire des propri6t6s th6rapeutiques des medicaments d'origine animale ancieunement employes en pharmacie. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Larousse, 1871. [P., v. 1708.] ficole de pharmacie. C ha tennis. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Chatham, England. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, etc, of), hy localities. Buchanan (G.) Report on the sanitary state of Rochester and Chatham, June 21, 1870. fol. London,[1*70]. Chatham, Ontario. Hall (R.) Chatham waterworks. Rep. Ass. Health Off. Ontario, Toronto, 1892, 143-149. Chatillon. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Chatin ([Gaspard-]Adolphe) pi-re [1*13- ]. * Quelques considerations sur les theories de l'accroisscment par couches concentriques des arbres munis d'une veritable 6eorce (arbres di- cotyies). 32 pp. 8C. Paris, Fain 4' Thunot, 1*10. [P., v. 1737.] -----. * Anatomie comparee vegetale appliquoc a la classification. Traduction de. l'organisation interieure ou des parties cach6es des vegetaux, par celles plac6os a leur surface. 35 jip. 4J. Paris, Fain iy Thunot, 1840. [P., v. 1696: 1713; 1836.] E\;ole de pharmacie. -----. fitudes de physiologie vegetale, faites au moyen de l'acide arsenieux. M6moire lu a l'Aca- dernie des sciences le 6 Janvier 1845. 48 pp. 8C. Paris, Bachelier, 1845. [P., v. 173'J.] -----. The de Java. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, If. Ban- quet, [1853]. [P., v. 1735.] Repr. from: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i. -----. Existence de l'iode dans Pair, les eaux, le sol et les produits alimentaires. 57 pp. "'■ [Paris, 1859.] Repr. from: Annuaire Soc. meteorol. de France, 1859, vii- CHATIN. 353 CHAUFFARD. Chatin ([0 a spard-] Adolphe)—continued. _____. Rapport fait a l'Acadeniie iinp6riale de medecine de Paris lo 9 octolire dernier sur un memoire du chevalier docteur M. Macario, inti- tule : De l'infinence m6dicatrice du sejour a Nice. 8 pp. 6\ Nite, [I860]. See. also, C'lmbaiiiies (L.) Eaux de Vals; sources Madeleine, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1805, vel subseq.]. For Biography, sec Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, Suppl., 129. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Chatin (Henri) [ -1873]. Caffe. Necrolo-iie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1873, xl. 301. Chatin (Joannes) fils [1847- ]. * Recherches pour servir a l'histoire botanique, chimique et physiologique du tanguin de Madagascar. 59 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, J. Arnous de Riviere 4' Cie., 18::!. [P., v. 1709.] Ecole de pharmacie. .----. *De la feuille. 110 pp., 4 col. pl. 4°. Paris, J. Arnous de Riviere 4' Cie, 1874. [P., v. 1709.] lScole de pharmacie. Concours. -----. *Du si6ge des substances actives dans les plantes medicinales. 176 pp., 2 pl. 8->. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1876. Concours. -----. Contributions experimentales a l'etude de la chromatopsie chez les batraciens, les crus- taces et les insectes. 115 pp. 6°. Paris, Gau- thier-Villars, 1881. -----. La cellule nerveuse. fitudes d'histologie zoologique sur la forme dite myelocyte. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 1 1.. 1 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere $ fils, 1890. ----. La cellule animale, sa structure et sa vie. j Etude biologiqne et pratique, vi, 304 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1892. ----. Organes de relation chez les invert6br6s. 175 pp. 12'-". Pan's, G. Masson, [1894]. Chatin (Paul) [1865- ]. * Contribution ex- perinientale a la recherche des streptocoques dans l'air atmosph6rique. 74 pp., 1 1. 4C. Lyon, 1893, No. 812. ----. Du cbloro-brightisme, toxicity urinaire et oxydatious dans la chlorose. 116 pp. 8'■'. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1894. Chatiniere (Henri) [1871- ]. 'Contribu- tion a l'etude des micro-organismes du canal genital de la femme. 154 pp. 4:. Paris, 1895, Xo. 532. Chattanooga. Annual reports of the mayor, chairmen of committees, and city officers, for the years 1883-4; 1888. 8. Ch a tlclnooga, 1885-9. ■ Contains reports of the board of directors of the asso- ciated charities, board of health, board of police commis- sioners, and city physician. -----. A codification of the sanitary ordinances. 15pp. 12-. [Chattanooga, i860.] Chattanooga. Sec, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever ( Yellow, History, etc., of), Police (Reports, el''-,of),by localities; Small-pox (History, etc. °f)i °!I countries. Health and meteorology of Chattanooga. Cutting from: The Chattanooga Times, July 1, 1888. Sim* (P. D.) Mortality report from all causes, in the citv of Chattanooga, classified according to sex and color, for the vears 1883 and 1884. Pep. Bd. Health Tenn. 1880- 84. Nashville, 1885. ii, 469-471. — To wiips ("W. C.) Chat- tanooga as a health resort. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 189(J, xv. 1M3-247. Also, Reprint. Chattanooga. Board of Health. Our sanita- tion. An exhaustive report prepared by health officer Leigh. Cutting from: Tbe Daily Times, March 26, 1886. —;—. Statement of mortality, with an enumera- tion of the more prominent causes. [Monthly.] May, 18!)?. 4°. Chattanooga. 2;j Chattanooga Medical College. Medical De- pot tmeiit of Grant University. Annual announce- ments for the s ssions of 18<)o_, No. 117. ------. The same. Sur la f6condatiou dans les cas de polyembryonie; reproduction chez le dompte-venin (viucetoxicum). Ill pp. 8°. I'aris, Soc. d'e'd. scient., 1892. Chauvel ain6. Essai de deontologie pharma- ceutique, ou traite de pharmacie professionnelle, pr6c6d6 d'un historique de la pharmacie en France, et suivi de quelques reflexions sur les principes g6n6raux qui doivent servir de base k sa reorganisation, ix, 180 pp. 8C. Saint-Brieue, C. Le Maout, 1854. [P., v. 1760.] Chauvel (Jules-F.-M.) [1841- ]. The path- ological anatomy of surgical stumps. Transl. • from the French [Arch. g6u. de med., Par., 1869] by B. E. Cottiug. 43 pp. 8°. Boston, ' D. Clapp 4- Son, 1*69. Repr. from: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, lxxx. ------:. Precis th6orique et pratique de l'exameu de l'ceil et de la vision, viii, 431 pp. 12°. Pa- rts, G. Masson, 188;!. ------. Pr6cis d'operations de chirurgie. 3. 6d., auginentec de notions sur l'antisepsie chirurgi- cale. lxxvi, 818 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils. 1891. Chauvel (Jules-F.-M.)—continued. ------. Etudes ophthalmologiques. 1 p. 1 -j^ pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1*96. See also, DrmoMheu (A.) fiuides experimental™ sur 1 action du projectile euirasse du fusil MimuliXr [etc.]. loi. 7^carc«M894.-l<'abiaiii (Gennaro) Ma. nuele di medicature lasciature [etc.]. 8°. Napoli 1884 -----. Tho same. 2. ed. 8°. Xapoli, 1886. ' ------& JVimier (H.) Traitement pratique de chirurgie d'arm6e. xvi, 664 pp. 8>. Paris G Masson, 1890. ' ——, Nimier, Breton & Pesine. Re- cherches experimentales sur les effets des amies nouvelles et des balles de petit calibre a enve- loppe resistaute. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin 4 Houzeau, 1888. v Repr. from: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1888, ii. Chauvel (Theophile-Alfred) [1851- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude du cancer primitif du foie 74 pp., 1 ]. 4°. Bordeaux, 18*:\, 5. s., No 11 Chauveuet (Jules) [1864- ]. 'Contribu- tion a l'etude des abces p6rin6phr6tiques 93 pp. 4C. Paris, 1894, No. 259. Chauvet (Auguste) [1863- ]. *De la diar- rh6e matiuale. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 30. Chauvet (C. ) Eaux niinerales de France; situation, composition, indications therapeu- tiques. 107 pp., 5 maps, 35 pl. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck; Paris, G. Masson, [1893]. Chauvet (Jean-Paul) [1860- ]. 'Etude sur les fleches einpnisonnees de l'Indo-Chine 44 pp 2 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888, No. 34. Chauvet ([J6r6me-Auguste-]Emmanuel) [ 1819- ]. Cous Hippocrates qualis fuerit inter philosophos. 45 pp. 8°. Caen, A. Hardel, 1855. ------. M6moire sur la philosophic d'Hippocrate. 54 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Durand, 1856. Repr. from: Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc. morales et poli- tiques. ------. M6moire sur le traite de Galien, intitule: Que les mcenrs de l'ame suivent le temperament du corps. 54 pp. 8°. Caen, A. Hardel, 1857. Repr. from: M6m. Acad. d. sc, arts et belles lettres de Caen. ------. La philosophic grecque: ses rapports a la ni6decine. 28 pp. 8C. Caen, F. Le Blane- Hardel, 1882. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. nat. d. sc. [etc.|, de Caen. ------. La philosophie des m6decins grecs. Ixxxix, 604 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thorin, 1866. Chauvet (Louis) 11861- ]. * De l'extraction de la cataracte a la cliuique oplithalmologiqtie de la Faculte de medecine de Bordeaux. 62 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884, No. 6. Chauvet (N[apol6on]-M[agloire]) [1805- ]. * Propositions de medecine et do chirurgie. 2:? pp. 4°. Paris, 18.35, No. 77, v. 284. ------. L'avenir de l'homieopathie. Lettres a M. le docteur Bretonneau. 216 pp. 8°. Tours, Ladereze, 1859. ------. Esprit, force et matiere. Nouveaux prin- cipes de philosophie ni6dicale, suivis d'une cri- tique sommaire deforce et matiere, du Dr. Biich- ner. xix, 291 pp., 11. 12°. Tours, Ladereze, 1666. Chauvet (Victor). Le d6vouement des inede- cins francais et des sceurs de Saiute-Camille, h l'occasion de la fievre jaune de Barcelona; poeme qui a obtenu le premier acccssit an concours otivert sur ce sujet, par l'Acadernie fraucaise, cu 1822. 13 pp. 8°. Paris, Dondey-DupH, 18.2. Chauviere (J[ean-Marie-Joseph]) [1862- ]. 'Contribution a l'etude de la forme juvenile du xanthome. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 30. Chauviii (Arthus-Eugene-Charles-Aug.) * Pa- ra llele de l'hypocondrie avec la rh61ancolie. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1824, No. 713. Chauviii (Jules-Charles-Gaston) [!*'>*- ]. *Do l'emploi des pulverisations de chlorure de methyle. 88 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1885. No. 267. CHAUVIN. 357 CHAVY DE MONGEEBET. Chauviii (P.-J.) * Quelques considerations sur j la, oasti'o-enterite. 2 p. 1., iv, 60 pp. 4°. Mont- pellier, J. Martel nine, 1821. [P., v. 1082.] Chauvot (Nicolas). *Sur la vacccine. 87 pp. K . Strasbourg, [an IX, 1801, No. 11]. Chauvot de Beaucheiie. See de Beau- cheiie. Chauvreau (Jean-rrbain-Joseph) [1863- ]. Les tics eoordonnes avec emission brusque et involontairc de cris et de mots articuies. [Bor- deaux.] 66 pp. 4°. Rochefort-sur-Mer, 1888, No. 3. Chauzeix (L.-A.) [1859- ]. #Le jequirity ; mm emploi en ophtalinologie. 124 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1*83, No. 69. Chavane (Andr6) [1861- ]. *Du lait steri- lise: son emploi dans l'alimentation du nouveau- ue. 152 pp. 4°. Paiis, 1893, No. 179. -----. The same. 154 pp. 8°. Paris, Soc. d'e'd. scient., 1890. Chavannaz ( Georges -Alfred ) [1866- ]. *Surla cure radii-ale du cancer du gros intestin (rectum excepte"). 5 p. 1., 115 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1894. No. 21. Chavaillies (Albert). Heredity, cross-breed- ing, and pre-natal influences. 19 pp. 16°. .Yeir York, Murray Hill Pub. Co., 1885. ----. Vital force and magnetic exchange ; their relation to each other and to life and happiness. Followed by a brief study of their agency upon conduct and the phenomena of mind reading and magnetic cures. 45 pp. 8°. Knoxville, T. Haws, 1**8. Chavaiiues (D. A.). Editor of: Journal de la Soci6t6 vaudoise d'utilite jmMiqne. Lausanne, 183:i. Cliavauues (F.). See de Mondevillc (Henri). Chirurgie. roy. 8°. Paris, 189:5. Cliavauues (L6on). * Des complications ac- cotnpagiiant certaines hydroceles extravaginales. [Basle.] 62 pp., lpl. 8°. Lausanne, L. Corbaz 4 Comp., 1878. Cliavauues (S ). See Vlentreux. 8:. [Berne], 1877. [de Chavarri (Ruperto).] Memoria cientifico- desciipiiva de las aguas minero-mediciuales de la Pavorita de Carabana (provincia de Madrid). 116 pp., lpl. 8:. Madrid, Gutenberg, 1884. Chavasse (P.) Nouveaux elements de petite chirurgie. (Pausements, bandages et appareils.) iii, 887 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1887. ----. The same. 3. 6d. viii, 883 pp. 12°. \ Paris, 0. Doin, 1893. -----. The same. 4. 6d. iii (11.), 897 pp. 12°. Paris, O. Doin, 1897. Chavasse (Pye Henry) [1810-79], Advice to a mother on the management of her children, and on the treatment on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses and accidents. 9. ed. xii, 13-408 pp. 12'-. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- Co.. 1868. -----. The same. New ed. xii, 13-408 pp. 12°. Philadelphia. J..B. Lippincott Co., 1^94. Bound with his: Advice to a wife. 12°. Philadelphia, 1894. -----. The mental cnlture and training of chil- dren, xi, 13-286 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4- Co., [1880]. In: Mothers' (The) hook. 12°. Philadelphia, [1880]. -----. Advice to a wife, and advice and counsel to a mother, x, 11-309 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1894. ■—;—. Counsel to a mother; being a continua- tion and the completion of "Advice to a mother". xii, 13-169 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott Co., 1894. Bound with his.- Advice to a wife. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. I Chavasse (Thomas) [1800-84]. Obituary. Briu M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 940— Obitu- nry. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 804. Chava«se (Thomas Frederick]). Clinical re- marks on amputation at the hip-joint. 8 pp. 8<-'. London, J. Hale <,' Sons, [1884]. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i. ------. Neurectomy of the second division of the fifth nerve. 12 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1864. Repr. from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1884, lxvii. Chavassieu d'Aildehert [M] Des inon- dations d'hiver et d'6t6, ou traite de l'bumidite par rapport k l'lionnne et aux animaux; compre- nant l'histoire medicale de Pan nee 1805; celle du catarrhe 6pid6mique act nel et des ant res mala- dies r6gnantes; des avis aux hnbitans des pays inondes ou mar6cageux. et aux artisans qui travaillent dans l'huniidite, sur la conservation de leur sante, et Passainissement des terrains mar6cageux ou submerges et des habitations humbles; precede" des moyens de r6parer les dommages occasioiin6s par les d6bordemeus sur les terres ensemenc6es, les prairies et les foins, extraits des instructions r6dig6es et, publiees par ordre du gouvernement. 2 p. 1,, 127 pp. 12°. Paris, March ant, 1806. Cliavee-Lieroy [1827- ]. Les microbes or- ganises et la cremation. Reflexions et objections sur les rn6moires de Tyndall et Pasteur. 2. 6d. 38 pp. 12°. Paris, J. Michelet, [1884]. Chavernae (J.-F61ix-E.) Le docteur Tourna- toris, sa vie et ses manuscrits. 70 pp. 12c. Aix, Remondet-Aubin, 1869. -----. Deux m6decius [Jacques Fontaine et Antoine Merindol] et un spagyrique [Nicolas Coningo "le chevalier de Castelmont"], a Aix, en Pan 1600. 96 pp. 8°. Aix, M. Illy, 1875. Chavernae (Joseph). * Considerations sur les rapports, qne pr6sentent entr'elles les facult6s vitales pendant l'enfance. 23 pp. 4°. Mont- pellier, J. Martel aine', an VI [1798]. [P., v. 1437.] Chavernae (T.). See Imberl-Delonnes (A.-B.) New progress of surgery in France [etc.]. 4°. [London), 1801. Chavet (Heiurich). See Hoffmann (Christoph Ludwig). Vermiachte medicinische Schriften. 4 v. 12°. Miinster, 1790-95. Chavez (Evaristo M.) # Del uso del cloroformo eu los partos. 15 pp. 8°. Lima, M. Englander, 188:5. -----. * Anemia perniciosa. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lima, B. Gil, 1887. Chavez Villarreal (Melchor). * La tubercu- losis pulmonar se desarrolla con mas frecuencia y es mas favorecida eu su evolucion, en los cli- mas en que bay exceso en el oxigeno inspirado, relativamente a la cantidad consumida en el organismo. 25 pp. 12°. Lima, C. Prince, 1884. Chavigny (Paul) [1869- ]. *Du delire fe- brile. ~6 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1692, No. 730. Cliavin (Henri) [1869- ]. * Traitement des salpingo-ovarites par la laparotomie (resultats eioignSs) d'apres une statistique de 135 laparo- tomies faites par Pierre Delbet). 152 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 235. -----. The same, 148 pp., 2 1. *°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1896. Chavy de Mongerbet. Observations cu- rieuses et int6ressante8 sur la goutte, avec les moyens de soulager cette maladie, en eloigner les acces et les ieudre fort 16gers par I'usage de ses eaux sp6cifiques. viii, 9-68 pp. 12c. Bourg en Br esse, [1761-3]. Bound with: 15tat de la medecine fete], pour l'annee 1777. 12°. Paris, 1777. CHAYE. 358 CHEATHAM. Chaye (Ferdinand) [1856- ]. * Signes et diagnostic de la grossesse extra-ut6rine. 94 pp., 1 1.' 4°. Paris, 1882. No. 178. Chayin (Gnstav) [1861- ]. Die Tracheo- tome', bei Kindcrn unter zwei Jabren. 49 pp. 8-. Berlin, L. Simion, [1883]. Chayrou. See Tlir«l<-n (Joh. Christian Anton) [in 1. s.]. Progres nlterieiirs de. la chirurgie, [etc.]. 12°. Bouillon, 1111. Chaxal (A). See i'owtc (Jean-Jacques-Marie-Cyprieu-Victor). Em- hryog^uie comparee. Atlas, fol. Paris, 1837. Clmzal (J.-P). See l.ahillonnc (Romain-Pierre) [in 1. s.J. Histoire des fontaiuesde Cauterets [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1877]. Chazalon (Joseph) [ 1870- ]. * Des ictus larvnges. [Lyons.] 102 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bourg, 1896, No. 1202. Chazaii (Samuel). Die Streitpunkte in der Puerperal fieherfrage. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1890, No. 12 (Gy- niik., No. 4, 61-108). ------. Physiologie und Diatetik der Nachge- burtsperiodc. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1892, No. 52 (Gy- nak., No. 21, 481-506). ------. Ueber Placentarretention nach rechtzei- tiger Geburt. In: Samml. klin. "Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1894, No. 93 (Gy- niik., No. 35, 55-74). Chaziirain & Decle (Ch.) D6couverte de la polarite liuniaine, ou demonstration experinien- tale des lois suivant lesquelles l'application des aimants, l'elcctricite et les actions manuelles ou analogues du corps huinain d6terminent l'etat hypnotique et l'ordre de succession de ses trois phases; provoquent, transferent, resolvent les contractures, les anesth6sies et les hyperes- the.sies ou s'opposent a leur realisation quand elles sont sugg6r6es; augmentent ou diminueut la force de pression dynamorn6trique; produi- sent l'attraction ou la repulsion, etc. 29 pp. 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1886. ----- -----. Les courants de la polarite dans l'aimant et dans le corps humain. Lois des actions des courants founds par la pile, l'ai- mant, les metaux, les membres humains, etc., appliqu6s a la surface cutanee dans uu but ex- perimental ou therapeutique. Base scientifique de l'emploi de l'61etricite daus les maladies rhn- matismales, ncrveuses, mentales, etc. 99 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, [Marot 4' Cie.], 1887. Chazaren (E.). See Doyen (E.) Sc Roussel (G.) Atlas de microbio- logic [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1897. Chaze (Constant- Joseph) [ 1875- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude de l'ost6osarcome de l'os iliaque. 66 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 19. Chazeaud (E.) [1859- ]. * Etudes cli- uiques snr le morrhuol. (Extrait de Phuile de foie de morue brune.) 56 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 327. Chazelles-sur-Iiyon. See Small-pox (History, etc, of),by countries. Cheadle (\V[alter] B[utler]). Exophthalmic goitre, pp. 175-192. 8°. London, [1869]. Repr. from: St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, iv. ------. On the principles and exact conditions to be observed in the artificial feeding of infants; the properties of artificial foods, and the dis- eases which arise from faults of diet in early life, xii, 209 pp. 8C. London, Smith, Elder f Co., 1889. ------. The various manifestations of the rheu matic state as exemplified in childhood and catlv life, viii, 127 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Smith, Eldtr f Co., 1889. Cheadle (W[alter] B[utlcr])—continued. ------. Eighteen hundred and lliirlv-onc; a retrospect: being the president's address to the Harveian Society. January 19, 181)3. 32 pp. 12c. London. Smith. Elder iy Co., 1893. See, also. Wood (Catherine Jane) [in 1. s.]. Food and cookery for infants and invalids. 8°. Condon, 1S84. Cheap diplomas. How the European market has been supplied with them. The American Anthropological University of St. Louis, an institution of learning that never had an exist- ence. The novel ideas of the Rev. Dr. L. A. Alford. Degrees conferred without study or examination. St. Louis, 1884. Cutting from: The Republican, St. Louis. Cheap (A), sure, and readj guide to health; or, a cure for a disease call'd the doctor. Instruct- ing how to prevent being cheated and destroyed by the exactions and unmerciful usage of igno- rant and oppressive physicians and apotheca- ries; and to prepare at home the proper medi- cines for usual distempers, with their prices to save nineteen shillings in twenty, and expeud little more than a penny a dose. Likewise, a new account of the connection of distempers, key to all physic, and to know any disease. Set forth by the benefaction of a very worthy private gentle.niau,-to contain more than any book of the kind, at the lowest rate, as neces- sary for all families and all persons. 1 p. 1., 3fi pp. 12°. London, J. Roberts, 1742. Cheatham (W[illiam]). Intubation of larynx for true and diphtheritic croup. 11 pp. i(ic. Louisrille, J. P. Morton 4' Co., 1886. Repr. from: Am.Pract. &News, Louisville, 1886, u.s.,ii. ------. Nasal reflexes as a cause of diseases of the eye. 8 pp. 16°. Louisville, J. P. Morton 4 Co., 1887. Repr. from: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1887, n.s.,iii. ------. Diseases of the nose and pharynx, and their treatment. 60 pp. 8°. [Richmond, 1888.] Repr. from.- Virginia M. Montli., Richmond, 1888-9. xv. ------. Granular conjunctivitis with and with- out pannus. 5 pp. 8°. [Atlanta, 1888.] Repr. from: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1887-8, xxviii, pt. 1. ------. Points of interest to the general practi- tioner, deducted from 5,409 cases of diseases of the eye, ear, throat, and nose, seen in private practice, 1887-8. 21pp. 32°. Louisrille, J. P. Morton 4' Co., 1889. Repr. from: Am. Pract. Sc News, Louisville, 1889, viii. ------. Acute mania following the enucleation ofaueye. 11. 8°.' [New York, 1890.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth., N. T., 1890, xix. ------. Pyoktanin in diseases of the eye, ear, aud throat. 7 pp. 18°. [Cincinnati], 1890. Repr. from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxv. ------. Uric acid diathesis in affections of the eye, ear, throat, and nose. 8 pp. 16°. Louisrille, J. P. Morton -r. Paris, [1866]. Repr. from: Reed. trav. Soc.m6d. d'obs. dePar., 18P5-6, 2.s.,i. Chedieu (Jean-Gabriel). * Dissertation sur la luxation particuliere du rayon. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI [1803], No. 85. Cheek. See Pace. Cheek (Foreign body in). Le Fort. Un crochet a bottines ayant s6jonrn6 pen- dant neuf mois dans la joue k l'insu du malade; proc6d6 ^'extraction des corps strangers formant crochet et ne pouvant etre retires par traction directe. Union med., Par.. 1888, 3. 8., xlvi, 541-543. Cheena. Gupta (K. P.) Three cases of poisoning by the fruit id" Cheena kuroopee, natural order Apocynacese ; one prov- ing fatal. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 168. Cheese. Baimaxx (F. ) * Beitrage zur Erforschuug der Kase-Reifung. [Konigsberg i. Pr. ] 8°. Merseburg, 1893. Jacobsthal (H.) *Versuche iiber die Fett- bildung dei der Reifung des Rases. 6". Bonn, 1894. * Musso (G.) II cacio; tecnologia, chimica e microbiologia generale del caseificio. 8°. Roma, Repr. from: Suppl. ann. a. Encicl. di chim. Cheese. Rapport snr la fabrique de from age de Hol- lande, etaldie a, Varaville, dans le departenn nt, dn Calvados, par MM. Scribe et Compagnie, fait a la Societe d'agriculture et de commerce de Caen, dans la seance dn 16 pullet 1822. 8'■■'. Caen, 1830. Bladew (C. it.) Cheshire cheese. Analvst, Loud. 1894. \ix. 131-133. — Capranica ( S.) Relazione della commissione per lo studio della salaturn del forniatrgio nell' interno del! abitato. Bull. d. r. Accad. ined.di Roma 1883, ix. 69-89.- ■>«■ Blaai (L.) & Spieu (M.) Ricerche ihimielie sui formairgi sieiliani. Riv. d' ig. o san. pubb.. Roma, 1892, iii, 621-037.— I^rnst. Nachricht von Gaiss. uud vou dem daselbst iiblielien Gebrauch der Ziegen- niolken. Museum d. Heilk., Ziirich, 1795, iii, 196-208.— von Freutlenreicli (E.) Ueher die Erreger der Rei- tuug ht-i dem Eniinenthalerkase. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.J, 2. Abt,, Jena, 1897. iii, 349-351. — von Frcndcn- reich (E.) i Jmnen (O.) Ueber den Einfluss des Ka- turlabes auf die Reifung des Eiiinienthalerkiises. Ibid., 545-553.—von Kleeki (V.) Ueber den Reifungspr.izess der Kase. Ibid., 1896, ii. 21 ; 61— Vlaggiorc (A.) Sulla eoniposizione dei caci stravecchi; nota preliiuinare. Riv. d' ig. e sau. pubb., Roma, 1891, ii. 609-682. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Arch, f Hyg.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1892, xiv. 216-224. — Vlarpmann ((J.) Ueber die schwarze Far- bung des Kiisi s und iiber Kiise-Vergiftiingen. Siid- deutsche Apoth.Ztg., Stuttg., 1897, xxxvii,' 723-727. — Ulnrako/y (C.) Reifegrad lindFettgehalt-Bestimmung der Kiisc. (long, internat.d'livg. et de dt'-mog. C.r. 1894, Budapest. 1896. iv, 264-266.— TliiK i- (J.) Cheese analysis. Analyst, Lond., 1885, x, 2-7. — Richard. Sur la fabrica- tion du froniage dc Hollande propro aux wpprovisionne- nients de la murine. Bull. Soc. imp. zool d'acrlimat., Par., 1863, x, 465-479. — Ncala (A.) Sc Jaconngeli (T.) Cotnposizione del formaggio pecorino e trasformazioni che subiscono i componenti di esso durante la niaturazioiie. Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma, 1892. n. s., ii, 135-156. — Vieth (P.) On skim milk and enriched skim milk cheese. Analyst, Lond., 1885 x, 7-9. -----. On the composition of cream cheese. Ibid., 18-6, xi, 162. Cheese (Bacteriology of). Benecke (F.) Ueber die Ursachen der Veranderun- gen, welche sich wahrend des Reifuugsprocesses im Em- meuthalerKasevollziehen. Centralbl. f. Bacterid, u. Para- sitenk., Jena, 1887, i, 521-526.—Bolley iH. L.) Sc Hall (C. M.) Cheese curd inflation ; its relation to the b icte- rial flora of fore milk. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena. 1895. i, 788- 795.—Burri ( R.) Aromabildende Bakterien im Em- menthaler Kase. Ibid., 1897, iii, 609-615. — de Fren- denrcich ( E.) Recherches preiiminaires sur le idle des bacteries dans la maturation du fromage do rEinmen- thal. Ann. de microg., Par., 1889-90, ii, 257-283. ------. Sur quelques bact6ries produisant lc boursouflement des fromages. Ibid., 353-366, 2 pl. ------. Sur uu nou- veau bacille Iron v6 dans des fromages bom soufl6s (bacillus Schafferi). Ibid., 1890-91, iii, 161-177, 1 pl. ------. Contri: bution k l'6tude des causes de l'aiuertume des fromages et du lait. Ibid., 1895, vii, 1-14. ------. Bakteriologhcho Untersuchungen iiber den Reifnugsprozess des Ennnen- thalkases. Centralbl. f.Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., 2 Abt., Jena. 1895. i, 168 ; 230; 271; 342.—Henrici (II.) Beitrag zur Bakterienflora des Kases. Arb. a. d. bacterid. Inst. d. techn. Hochsch. zu Karlsruhe, 1894. i, 1-110, 1 pl.—von Kleeki (V.) Bakteriologie des Kiisereifungsprozcsses. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1896, ii, 61- 77.—Marclial (15.) Contribution a l'etude microhiolo- gique de la maturation des fromages mou*. Ann. Soe. beige de mier., Brux., 1895, xix, 27-55, 1 pi. —Riim.m-11 (H. L.) &. Weinzirl (J.) The rise and tall ot bacteria in Cheddar cheese. Centralbl t. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2 Abt., Jena, 1897, iii, 456-467. — Wei Jjm a nil (H.) Ueber den jetzigen Stand der bakteriologischeu Forschnng auf dem Gebiete des Kasereifungsprozesses. Ibid., 1896, ii, ISO ; 207. C liee*e (Poisono us). See, also, Tyrotoxicon. Vacghan (V. C.) The prevention of cholera infantum aud kindred diseases, and of poisoning by cheese, milk, etc. 8°. [Lansing, 1887.] Apery ( P. ) lies empoisonnements par le froniage. Rev. med. pharm., Constant., 1888, i, 114-116. — Baker (H. B.) Poisonous cheese. Rep. Bd. Health Mich.. Lan- sin"- 1885, 122-128.—Becker. Vergiftung (lurch Ka'se- gift. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Miinster (1832), 1834, 74.—Cameron (C. A.) Severe illness caused by inges- tion of cakes and of cheese. Dublin J. M. Sc, 11-82, 3. s., lxxiii. 116-118. — Holnt (A.) ['eobachtungen iiber Kase- vergiftungen. Central! J. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx. 160-168. — Jolm-Olsen (O.) Om osteforgift- niii". [Cheese poisoning.] Tidskr. f. d. norske LaBgeior., Kristiania, 1896, xvi, 599-605.—Kiihn (C. G.) Versuche CHEESE. 360 CHELIUS. Cheese (Poisonous). von den giftigen Wirkungen des Kases. Frei aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt. In: Versuche und Beobachtun- gen [etc.l, 8°, Leipz., 1824,153-190.—Lepierre (C.) Ana- fyse d'un froniage avarie ; extraction d'une ptomaine nou- velle. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 476- 478. Pfliiger. UeberKasvergiftung, speciell iiber einen Fall mit Ausgang in Erblindnng. Med. Cor.-Bl. (1. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1894, lxiv, 145-149—Reed (R. H.) Cheese poisoning. Texas Health J., Dallas, 1893-4, vi, 23-25.-----. Cheese poisoning cases at Mansfield; final report. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 354.—Sturm. Vergiftung (lurch Kase. San. Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1835, Berl., 1837. 315. — Vanglian (V. C.) Poisonous or "sick" cheese. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1884, Concord, N. H., 1885, x, 241-245. -----. Poisonous cheese. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1886, 221-226. Also [Abstr.]: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885, xiii, 267. Also [Abstr.]: Phy- sician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1885, vii, 347-349. Also [Abstr.]: Sanitarian, N. T., 1885, xv, 142-144. Also [Ab- str.]: Detroit, Lancet, 1885-6, n. s.. ix, 59-61. Also [Ab- str.]: San. Jour., Glasg.. 1885-6, n. s., ix, 196-198.----- A new poison in cheese. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxiii, 584.— Vaughan (V. C.) enlN 8°. New York, 181*. Knoi-ler (O.) * Ueber ein n-ucs Dilatonietcr und (lessen Verwendnng zum .Studimn der bei der Liisung und bei chemischen Proccsscn auf. ttetenden Volumanderungen. [Kiianger,.] > Leipzig, 1^8*. List of chemicals, apparatus and requisites for assaying minerals, etc., sold by W. .1. 1,'oln-- beck, hit c.J. F. Limine & Co. *c. NewVorkfu.d.]. Mason ((J.) & Co. Catalogue of chemical apparatus and appliances, pure chemicals and re-agents. 8C. Glasgow. Montagne (J.-L.) * Etude sur les alamhics k fonctions multiples. 4C. Montpellier, 1-1)5. Nachtrag zum Haupt-Katalog von Louis Miiller-Unkel. Glus-technische Werkstiitten, Lager chemischer und physikalisclx-r Appa- rate, Iustruinenle und Utensilien vollkommeii- ster Art. Inhaher: Louis Miiller-Unkel und Richard Miiller -Uri. Zur 2. Anil, gehorig im Selbstverlag. Specialitaten: neiieste elektri- scbe Demonstrations-Apparate, photo-elektri- sche Apparate nach Elster und Geitel, Xorinal- Araeomcter und Thermometer, etc., voluinetri- sche Mnasgefiisse von absolutcr Zuverliissig- keit, etc. *°. Braunschweig, 1896. Nachtrag zum Preisverzeichniss iiber chemi- sche Apparate und Gerathschaften von Max Kaehler & Martini. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Prix-courant des produits chimiques de la maison (I. Fontaine. 8°. Paris, 1*^4. A Puteo (Z.) Officina chymicha fornaciuin, vasoruni, ac instrunientoruni ad destillationein pertinentiuni. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1611. Queen (J. W.) & Co. Catalogue of chemi- cals. No. 203. *n. Philadelphia,1886. Rohrbeck & Goebeleii. List of chemical preparations, pure reagents, minerals, etc. 8°. [New York, 1871.] Schuchardt (T.) Chemische Fabrik. 16°. Goerlitz, 1**1-2. ------. The same. 16°. Goerlitz, 1884. United States. Senate. Committee on Fi- nunce. Replies to tariff inquiries. Bulletins Nos. 2-5. Schedule A. Chemicals, oils, and paints. 8°. Washington, 1-94. Whitall, Tatum &. Co. Chemical glass- ware. 8C. Philadelphia 4' New York, 1879. -----. The same, n:'. Philadelphia 4' New York, 1*84. Kiiudnen (L.) Om Vedligeholdelse af konstaut Tein- peratur. [Sur nu appareil k temperature constante. R6s., 78.] Medd. f. Carlsberg L-.ib., Kjebruh., 18*4, ii. H4-145.— Fcarnley (W.) On a new ;md simple method of apply- ing air-pressure, to "Wolff's bottles. Brit. M J., Loud., 18M, i, 859. Chemiker und Droguist. Central-Organ fiir Chemiker, Apotheker . . . [etc.] Oesterreich- Ungarus. Vou W. Hildwein. No. 4, v. 1, Dec, 1882. fol. Wien. Client ill (Jean-Andr6) [1)574- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude des restes chez l'adulte de l'6bauche thyro'idienne ine'diane. 57 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 40. Cheminade (Georges-Joseph-Marie) [1*63-91]. * Recherches cliniques et experimentales sur les injections hypodermiques de calomel contre les accidents syphilitiques. 115 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1**9, No. 46. -----. The same, iii, 115 pp. *°. Paris, G. Masson, 1**9. For Biographt/. see Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. dc Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 10. CHEMINEAU. 363 CHEMISTKY. Cliemineau (Ambrosins Nicolaus). *An vi- vat niisere qui vivit medico? Pneses Joscpbus Thomasseau. 4 pp. 4°. [Pan's, F. Muguet, 1693.] _____ Cbemischc und botanische Studien poe- sieen. 54 pp. 16°. Breslau, Mciruschke if Be- rendt, 1869. Utile cum dulci, Heft viii. Chemische (Die) Industrie. Monatsschrift lirsw. vom Yciein zur Wahrung der Interessen der cheniischeu Industrie Deutsehlands. Red. von Ernil Jacobsen. v. 8-9, 1-85-6. sm. 4°. Berlin, J. Springer. Chemische (Das) Laboratorium der kgl. wiirt- tenih. Centraistelle fiir Gewerlie und Handel in Stuttgart und die Thiitigkeit dieser Stelle auf hygienischeni Gebiet in-lu sondere in Hiu- sicht auf die Verbesserung der Glasnr der Thon- ireschirre. 16 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Vereins-Buch- dr., 1882. Chemisches Central-Blatt, 3. F., v. 12-19, 1**1-*; 4. F., v. 1-9, 1-89-97. >c. Leipzig. Current. After 1881 published also at Hamburg. -----. General-Register. 3. F., v. 1-12 (1870- *l). Bearbeitet ven Rudolf Arendt. 1 v. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1*83. Chemisches Journal fiir die Freuude der Na- turlehre, Arzneygelahrthcit, Haushaltuugskunst tmdMnnufacturen. Entworfen von Lorenz Crell. Theil 1-6, 177^-*1. *-'. Lemgo. Chemist (The). [Edited by Mongredieu?] [Weeklv; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-2, March 13, 1-21, to"April 16, 1*25. *J. London. Ended. ' Chemist (The) and Druggist; a montmv trade circular, v. 1-51, Sept., 1*59, to Dec, 1-97. 8° & 4°. London. Current. "Want pp. 235-236, v. 1; title and index, v. 10, lMi'J; no. 1, title aud imh-x, v. 11, 1870; Julv, 1871, v. 12; Oct.. 1872, v. 13; Julv. Is73. v. 14: title and index, v. IG, 1875; Jan., 187C, v. 18; Al ay to Dec, title and index, v. 19, 1877: title and index, v. 22, 1880. v. 2 commenced Jan., 1861. After 1885, 2 v. annually. Chemist (The) and Meteorological Journal. John R. Cotting, editor. [Weekly.] Nos. 6-20, v. 1, Sept. 2 to Dec. 9, 1826. 8C. Amherst, Mass. Xo. 20 last pnblished. Chemistry. Sec, also, Alchemy. Appletox (J. H.) Chemistry: developed by facts and principles drawn chiefly from the non- metals. 12°. Providence, 1--4. Barchusizn (J. C.) Compendium ratiocinii cheinici more geometrarum concinnatum. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1712. Becher (J. J.) Opuscula chymica rariora, addita nova prafatione ac indice locupletissiino multisqtie figuris seneis illustrata a Friderico Rotb-Scholtzio. 12°. Norimberqcr, et Altorfii, 1719. J Beguin (J.) Les el^mens de chymie, reveuz, notez, expliqucz et auginentez par I L. D. R. B. Ic. E. M. [etc.]. 12 . Lyon, 16:.8. -----. Tyrocinium chyinicum, commentario illiistratum a Gerardo Blasio. 2. ed. 16-. Am- stelodami, 1669. Berthollet (C. L.) Researches into the laws of chemical affinity. Transl. from the French by M. Farrell. 8-. Baltimore, 1809. Blancard (S.) Die neue hcutige Tages ge- bratichliche Scheidekunst, oderChimia nach den Grunden des fiirtreflichen Cartesii und des Al- cali und Acidi eingerichtet. 16. Hannover it. WolffenbUtlel. 1697. Boekhaave (H.) Sermo academicus de che- mia snos errores expurgante. 4 . Lugd. Bat., Bohn (J.) Operationes chymica^ harumque producta. sm. 4°. [Lipsice, 1717.] 'licmitttry. Braude (VY. T.) & Taylor (A. S.) Chemis- try. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. Buciinkr(J. A.) Grundriss der Chemie. 2 v. 8 . Niirnberg, lr-26-30. Carl (J. S.) Ichnographia chymia? funda- ntentalis ex specimine Stahliano doctrinae Bec- cherianae in compendium redacto collecta cura et usu auditorii privati. 16°. Budingua}, 1722. [Catullo (T. A.)] Quesiti di chimica e storia naturule scelti dal corso di lezioni dato 1' anno 1*17. 8°. Verona. 1*17. DE LA Chastre (R.) Le prototype, ou ties parfait et analogique exeinplairc de l'art chi- micque a la phisique ou philoso|)hie de la sci- ence naturelle, contenant les causes, principes et d6uionstrations scieutifiques de la certitude dudit art. 16°. Paris, 1620. Collectanea chymica: a collection of ten several treatises in chemistry, concerning the liquor alkahest, the mercury of philosophers, and other curiosities worthv the perusal. Writ- ten by E. Plulaletba, J. B. Van Helmout, F. An- tonie, Beruhard, G. Ripley, R. Bacon, G. Star- key, H. Piatt; and tbe tomb of Semiramis. .S'«« more in the contents. 24°. London, 1684. Cooke (J. P.) First principles of chemical philosophy. Part 1. 8°. Cambridge, 1868. Cornish (V.) Practical proofs of chemical laws. A course of experiments upon the com- bining proportions of the chemical element. 16°. Loudon, New York, 1895. Crollius (O.) Bazilica chymica, et praxis chyiniatricie, or royal and practical chymistry in three treatises, wherein all those excellent medicines and chemical preparations are fully discovered from whence all our modern chymists have drawn their choicest remedies; being a translation of . . . his royal chymistry augmented and inlarged bv John Hartman. fol. London, 1670. Davissonius (W.) Pars tertia curriculi cby- mici. De vocabulis chymicae operationi inser- vientibus. Ex curriculo W. D. doctoris med. in usum auditornm suoruni excerpta. 12°. Pari- siis, 1640. -----. Philosophia pyroteebnica, seu cursus chymiatricus, nobilissima ilia et exoptatissima medicina? parte pyroteebnica instructus. 12°. Parisiis, 1642. Davy (H.) Outliues of a course of lectures on chemical philosophy. 8°. London, 1804. Durand (F.-A.) Nouvelle theorie physique, ou 6tudes analytiques et syutbe'tiques sur la physique et sur les actions chimiques fonda- mentales. 8°. Paris, 1854. Etard (A. ) Les nouvelles theories chimi- ques. 12°. Paris, 1895. Faber (P. J.) Alle iu zwey Tbeile verfassete chymische Schriflen, darinnen ini ersten Theile enthalten I. Die Universal -Chymie oder Ana- tomie der gantzen Welt, das ist, aller darinnen begriffenen Dinge, neben einer beylauffigen kla- ren Information, was die Natnr eigeutlicli sey, wie und woraus sie alle Dinge in den 3 Reichcn prodncire, ernalire und erbalte wie, nach Imita- tion derselben, der Lapis Philosophorum durch die spagyi iscbe Kunst verfertiget werden mtisse. II. Die lliiiversal-Weissheit oder Anatomie des M(Mischen und der nietallen, [etc.]. Anfanglicb von dem An tore in lateinischer Sprache klar, hell und sehr deutlicb beschriehen, jetzo aher denen Liebhabcrn der Philosophie und der natiirlichen Wissenschal'l'teu, welche der latei- nischen Sprache uukundig, zum besten ins Deutsche iilx-rsetzet, nnd mit doppelten Regis- tein verselien. 4°. Hamburg, 1713. CHEMISTRY. 364 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry. Fordyce (*G.) Lectures on chemistry. MS. [Notes probably taken by W. Hewson.] * . [n. p., n. d.] FOURCROY (A. F.) The philosophy of chem- istry, or fundamental truths of modern chemi- cal science, arranged in a new order. Transl. from the French of the 2. ed., signed by the author. *-. London, 1795. -----. Systeme des counaissances chimiques, et de leurs applications aux ph6tionienes de la nature et de Part. 10 v. 8°. Paris, an IN [1*01]. Frebault (A.) La chimie coutemporaine. Systeme atomique. Theorie et notation. Coni- paraison avec les Equivalents. 8°. Paris, 1*89. Girardin (J.) Notices sur diverses questions de chimie iudnstrielle, mddicale et agricole. 8°. Rouen, 1847. Groome (W.) Brief notes on chemistry. 8°. London, [n. d.]. Hannemannus (J. L.) Ovum Hermetico- Paracelsico-Trismegistum, i. e., commentarius philosopbico-chemico-medicus, in quandam epis- tolam Mezahab dictain de auro, et historia pbi- losophico-chemico-medica de eodem metallo na- tivo et artiticiali. In quo et 108 qnaestiones chemicse ab . . . D. D. Morbofio propositi ab authore solvuutur, omnia, juxta adeptse Para- celsicai et eclecticas philosophise principia, una cum fasciculo epistolarum ad quosdam nostri seculi medicos celeberrimos et appendice apolo- getico. 12 . Francofurti, 1694. Hare (R.) A compendium of the course of chemical instruction in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. For the use of the pupils. 8°. Philadelphia, 1827. Hartmann (J.) Officina sanitatis, sive pra- xis cnymiatrica plane aurea, antehac a . . . iu- solito caudore conscripta, et a Johanne Michae- lis ac Georgio Everharto Hartmanno authoris filio publici juris facta, ast a typographis adeo depravata, ut ejustuodi falsatio et deprava- tio cunctis hacteuns editionibus inemendabilis fuerit. Nunc vero indefesso labore et pari che- miatrise experientia ab innumeris istis mendis et falsatione typographica revindicata, necuon accessione pnetermissaa ab authore morborum theorise, una cum eorum signis diagnostics, causis et prognosticis, prsecipuaruinque tot ins corporis partium anatomica descriptione illus- trata atque compluribus arcauis, experiments et secretionibus prseparationibus locupletata a Johanne Hiskia Cardilncio. 4C. Noribergw, 1677. Helbig (J. O. ) Introitus in veram atque inauditam physicam. Epistola ex India Orien- tali iu Europain ad celeherrimain sacri Romaui Imperii Academiam naturaa curiosorum trans- missa apertus. 12°. Hamburgi, 16*0. Introdczione alia chimica. 12°. Pistoia, 1777. Juncker (J.) Conspectus chemiie theoretico- practicie iu forma tabularum i;epra3sentatus, in qnibus physica, pnesertim snbterranea, et corporum naturalium principia, habitus inter se, proprietates, vires et usus itemque priecipua chemise pharmaceuticse et mechanicse funda- menta e dogmatibus Becheri et Stahlii potissi- mttni explicantur, eorundemque et aliorum cele- brium chemicorum experimentis stabiliuntur. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1730. de Landero (C. F.) & Prieto (R.) Dina- mica-quimica. I. Alguuas relacioues entre los pesos equivaleiites de los cuerpos simples y los colores de fonnacion de algunos compttestos. II. Concordancia entre los teoremas termo-qiu- micos de Berthelot y la teoria del choque entre Chemistry. las particular correspondientes. H°. Guadala- jara, 1886. Laugier (E\) & de Kramer (A.) Tableaux synoptiqnes, ou abrege des caracteres chimiques des bases salifiables. 8C. Paris, \*28. Le Mortius (J.) Chymite vtrte nohilitas et utilitas in physica corpusculari, theotia mcdicii ejusque materia et signis, ad majorem perfec- tiouem deducendis. Comprehendens opera ejus omnia, hucusque typis cominissa, quiluis sc'or- sim excusa collectanea Maetsania ct, Marc<'iavi- ana bibliopolse subjunxcruut. 4°. Lugd. Bat 1696. Locatelli (L.) Theatre d'arcani. Xcl (jualo si tratta dell' arte chimica, ed suoi arcani. Con gli aftbrismi d' Ippocrate commentati da Para- celso et 1' espositiono d' alcune cifre, ed carat- teri oscuri di iilosoti. 12°. Venetia, 1667. Lulli (R.) Testamentum ditohus lihris uni- versam artem chymicam complectens, et ejus- dem compendium aninne transmutationis; artis metallorum; item testamentum novissiniiim, cum cseteris omnibus operibus quie in secunda parte libri contineutur. Ultima editio ex arclic- typis et exemplaribus fideliorihtis ad uiiguen castigala diligentia D. M. Ran It. 2 v. hound iu 1. 16-. Colonic Agrippince, 1573. MacNevex (W. J.) Spring course of lectures on chemistry, at the University of the State of New York, March 12, 1814. 8°. [u. p.. 1*14.] Marcano (V. ) Elementos de iilosofi'a qui- mica segiin la teoria atdmica. Precedido de una carta de A. Naquet. 8°. Caracas, 1**1. Mangold ( C. A. ) Fortgesetzte chyniische Erfahrungen uud Vortheile, bestehend vorneiu- lich iu einer griindliehen und abgenothigten Widerlegung der bisher siegenden, nunuichr aber iu letzten Ziigen liegenden Chymio des . . . Prof. Ludolffs, und in einigen in der Arzeney- kunst niitzlichen Versuchen, nebst einem Ausziig aus, verschiedeuen Abhaudlungen der Franziisi- schen Academie so hieher einschlagen. hiii. 4\ Frankfurt it. Leipzig, 1749. [Marcet (J.)] Conversations on chemistry, iu which tbe elements of that science arc famil- iarly explained and illustrated by experiments and plates. To which are added some late dis- coveries on the subject of fixed alkalies, by H. Davy. A description and plate of the pneu- matic cistern of Yale College and a short account of artificial mineral waters in the United States. With an appendix, consisting of treatises on dyeing, tanning, and currving. 12°. N. Haven, 1809. -----. The same. *. Am. from 6. Loud. ed. To which are now added, explanations of the text, questions for exercise, directions for simpli- fying the apparatus, and a vocabulary of terms, together with a list, of interesting experiments. By Dr. J. L. Comstock. 12°. Hartford, 1*22. -----. La chimie enseigmSe en vingt-six le- cons, contenant le d6veloppement des theories de cette science, mises a la portee des gens du monde, et k chaque lecon des experiences phy- siques et des applications aux arts. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglais sur la 9. chen Wissenschafff, welcher iu dem ersten Theile vou der Moglichkeit einer zu hereitendeu Universal-Medicin handelt; uud in dem zweyten Theile die duuckeln, fabulosen und allegorisi hen Redens-Arten der Philoso- phen, nebst der Zubereituug solcher Medicin selbst klar uud deutlich auzeiget. Auf vieler Kunst Liebendeu Verlangen zum Druck gege- ben von einem in Chymicis experimentis coope- rautc. 12°. Regensburg, 1752. Poclenc(C.) Lesnonveautds chimiques pour 1897. 12-. Paris, 1897. Reid (D. B.) Directions for using the im- proved sliding scale of chemical equivalents; with a short explanation of the doctrine of defi- nite proportions. 8°. Edinburgh, 1 f-31. Reid (D. W.) The study of chemistry con- sidered as a branch of elementary education ; to which is appended a short statement as to the lectures on the chemistry of daily life, now in progress at Exeter Hall, under the sanction of the committee of the privy council of educa- tion. 2. ed. 8C. London, 1842. Schmidh's (J. A.) Exanieu hypothesium et experimentorttm cheniicorum qua? ab academia scicntiarum regia Parisina voluminibus anno mdcccix et sequcntibus editisinserta conspiciun- tur, praunissum publicislectionibus diim provin- cial! chemiam docendi suscipcret. 4°. Helm- stadii, 172.'. Sixxert (D. ) De chymicoruin cum Aristo- telicis et Galenicis consensu ac dissensu liber ; cui accessit appendix de constitutione chimiie, editio novissima. fol. Venetiis, 1641. Staiii. (G. E.) Fundamenta cliymiie dogina- ticie et experimentalis, et quidam tutu comniu- I Chemistry. nioris physicte, mechanicse, phamincentica> ac medicie, tuni sublimioris sic dictse hermeticte atque alehymicaB. Olim in privates auilitorum usus posita, jam vero indultn authoris puhlicae luci cxposita. Annexus est ad coronidis contir- mationem tractatus Isaaci Hollandi de salibus te oleis metallorum. 2. ed., emendatior et auc- tior. [2 v. in 1.] 4°. Norinibenitv, 1746. Stammer (K.) Chemical problems. Transl. from the second German edition, wiih explana- tions and answers, by W. S. lloskinson. 12L. Philadelphia, 1**5. von Siviiten (A.) ChymischeSchrifftenulle, so viel deren vorhanden, zum cistern Mahl zu- sainmen gedruckt, mit sonderbahicm Fleiss von vielen Drnckfehlern gesiiubert, veruiehret, und iu zwey Theil, als die teutschen tint latciui- scheu. verfasset. 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1680. Tilingics (M.) Prodronins praxeos chiniia- tricie, seu liber singularis, in quo pnescribitur variorum mysterioruni chiinicornm et medica- mentoruin e metallis, mineralibus et vegetabi- libus, non vulgarium, verum selectissiinorum ac secretissiinorum (iu quibus tota praxis chi- miatrica consistit, et quie in corporis humani partitun principaliorum morbis, etiain deplora- tissimis, ac ab omnibus fere medicis dcrelictis prassentissininm, tntissimum ac juenndissimum auxiliuni prsestant) conficiendorum certa ratio: una cum ipsorum virtute, usu, dosi, notis obser- vatiouibus, exemplis quam plurimis et indice locupletissimo. 16°. Rinielii, 1674. Vater (A.) Tbeoriam chymiae mechanicam ex siniplicissimis atque notissimis corporum na- turalium attributis per leges naturae et motus demonstratam . . . sistit atque vendicat . . . Respondente fratre Georgio Friderico Vatero. 4°. Vittemberga; [1713]. Warltire (J.) Synopsis of natural and arti- ficial chemistry, fol. [u.p.,n.d.] Wedelius (J. A.) [Pr.] de furnnlo cnimico sine craticula usus tamen egregii. 4°. Jena; [1745]. Itoltoii ( H. ('. ) Chemistry. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 18s'J. Wash., 1884. 509-531.—Diflerot. Introduction il la chymie; manusci it in6dit. Kev. scient., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxiv, 97-108.—Dnnatan [etal.]. Reportof the commit- tee appointed tor the purposo of inquiring into and re- porting upon the present methods of teaching chemistry ; to which is appended a paper by Professor Armstrong on exercises in elementary experimental science. Kep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1890, Lend., 1801, lx, 265-309. — fiocffioy (E.-F.) Tahle des diffurens rapports observes en chimie entre difl&rcntes substances. In his: Tract, deuiat. med., 8°, Par., 1741, i, 19-60.—Vloml (L.) Chemistry. Nature. Loud.. 1896, liv, 475-480. — Nadtlvr (S. P.) General and th oretical chemistry. Pliarni. Era, N. Y., 1895, xiii, 484 ; 516; .">48; 580; 612. — Toriiii ( F. ) Filosotia chimica. Considerazioni e studj. Ann. di chim. applic. a. ined., Mil.ino, 1853, xvii. 318-332: 1k:,4, xviii, 67; 119, xix, 364. Also. Reprint. — TrzcinNki ( W. ) Place pi-ofessora Nenckiego z dziedzinv chemii. [Works of Prof. Nencki in chemistry.] Gaz. li-k.. Warszawa. 1897, 2. s., xvii, 199; 235; 295; 326; 351. — Univ*>.r*ity (The) chemical labora- tory at Cambridge. Brit. M. .!-, Loud., 1889, i, 1133-1135. Chemistry (Bibliography of). Bolton (11. C.) A bibliography of chemistry for the year 1**7. ^ . Washington, 18*>. ------. Bibliography of analytical and ap- plied chemistry for the'vear 1891." 8°. [n. p.], 1*1)1. Repr. from: J. Analyt. & Applied Chem., 1891. ------. A short list of books on chemistry, selected and annotated by . . . 16°. Neir York, 1895. Repr. from .- Seientif. Am. Sup., 1895, no. 1033. ------. A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1*92. 8°. Washington, 1-93. Borkllius(P.) Bibliotheca.chimica, sen cata- logus librorum pbilosophicorum beinieticoruni in quo quatuor millia circiter authorum chimi- CHEMISTRY. 366 CHEM1STEY. Chemistry (Bibliography of). corum, vel de transmutatione metallorum, re minerali, et arcanis, tarn mauuscriptorum, quam in lucem editorum, cum eorutn editionibus, us- que ad annum 1653, continentur, cum ejusdem bibliothecie appendice, et corollario. 12°. Pa- risiis, 1654. Catalogue (A) of chymical books. In three parts. Iu the first and second parts are con- tained such chymicall books as have been writ- ten originally or translated into English : with a large account of their titles, several editions aud volumes. Likewise in the third part is contained a collection of such things published iu the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (for ten years together) as pertain to chymistry or the study of nature by art in the animal, vegetal, and mineral kingdoms. Col- lected by Will. Cooper. 12°. London, 1675. Columbia College. School of Mines. Titles of the more important books of reference relating to chem ist rv. Prepared for the use of the stu- dents of the School of Mines of Columbia Col- lege. By C. F. Chandler and F. G. Wiecbmaun, 1*81. 86. [New York, 18^1.] Johns Hopkins University. vBibliographia Hopkinsiensis. 1876-93. Parts II and "III. Chemistry, geology, and mineralogy. 8°. Bal- timore, 1*93. Reports of the committee on indexing chemical litera- ture. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc., Salem, 1883-96, pp. xxxii- lxv, passim. Chemistry (Dictionaries of). BotAXT (E.) Nouveau dictionuaire de chi- mie: comprenant les applications aux sciences, aux arts, a l'agriculture (t a l'industrie, a I'usage des chimistes, des iudustriels, des fabricants de produits chimiques, des agriculteurs, des 1116- decins, des phartnaciens, des laboratoires muni- cipaux, de l'Ecole centrale, de l'Ecole des mines, des ecoles de chimie, etc. roy. 8°. Paris, 1887-9. Dammer (O.) Chemisches Handworterbuch zum Gebrauche fiir Chemiker, Techniker, Aerzte, Pliarmaceutcn, Landwirte, Lehrer und fiir Freunde der Natnrwissensehaft. 2. Aufl. 2.-12. Lfg. 8°. Berlin u. Stuttgart, 1*86-92. Ernstixgius (A. C.) Nucleus totius medici- n;e quinque partibus, oder des vollkommenen uud allezeit fertigen Apothekers I. Lexicon practico-chymicum, oder der richtig-fiihrende Chymiste. Cum appendice, breviloquus chy- miens, oder der kurze chymiscbe Redner genant, darin alles, was zur Chymie gehdret, zu fiuden ist. II. Lexicon theorico-medicum, oder der zur Heiluugsgelahrbeitleitende Arzt, welcher die inedicinischeu Kunstworter und was sonst dazu gehoret, erkliiret. III. Lexicon chirurgicum, eiu cbirurgiscb Worterbuch. IV. Lexicon theo- retico-anatomicum, oder der sich selbst erken- nendo Mensch. V. Lexicon et dispensatorium pharmaceuticnm, oder das Apotbekerlexicon. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 4°. Lemgo, 1770. vox Hellwig (L. C.) Vennehrt uud verbes- sertes neu eingeriehtett-s Lexicon medico-chymi- cum; oder chymisches Lexicon, worinuen nicht allcine die Nahmen der ndthigsten Laborum chymicorum, sondern auch die gebriiuchlichsten Vasa, desen Instrumenta, etc., beneunet; nebst andern niitzlichen Dingen; worbey auch unter- schiedlichc Stiickc, was vor Composita daraus pnepariret und laboriret werden, und von deren Tugenden, Krafften, Dosibus, etc., zu finden. Lateinisch und teutsch, nach dem Alphabeth eingerichtet. Nebst eineni Anhang etlicher Apotbecker-Taxe, als einer Zugabc in Druck gegeben. 12c. Franckfurlh u. Leipzig, 1718. Chemistry (Dictionaries of). Hoefer (F.) Dictionuaire dc chimie ct de physique. 2. 6d. 12". Paris, 1^47. Johnsoxi's (G.) Lexicou chymicum, cum oh- scurioruin verhorum, et rertitn bermeticannii turn phrasium Paracclsicarum, in scriptis (.jUH:' et aliorum chyinicoruin, passim occiii-renti'mii' planam explicationem continens. 1*°. i0H[ dini, 1652. -----. The same. 12 . Londini, 1660. -----. Lexicon chymicum. Continens vo- cabula chymica in priore lihro omissa, nmltis vocabulorum chyinicoruin charactcrihus adjectis e Basil io Valentino, Theophrasto Paracclso Osvvaldo Crollio, aliisque autlioribus chymicia collectis. Liber secundus. 12°. Londini, 1660 Klaproth (M.-H.) & Wolf (F.) Diction- uaire de chimie, traduit de l'liHemand, avec des notes, par E.-J.-B. Bouillon Lagrange et par H - A. Vogel. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1*10. Lassaigne (J.-L.) Dictionuaire des reartifs chimiques employ6s dans toutes les experiences faites dans les cours publics ct particuliers, les expertises les essais, les analyses qualitative's ct quantitative^ des corps simples ct de leurs com- poses utiles, soit dans les arts, soit en ni6decinc 8°. Paris, 1839. [Macquer.] A dictionary of chemistry, con- taining the theory and practice of the science; its application to natural philosophy, natural history, medicine, and animal economy; with full explanations of the qualities and modes of acting on chemical remedies; and the funda- mental principles of the arts, trades, and manu- factures dependent on chemistry. Transl. from the French, with notes and additions by tho translator. 4°. London, 1771. Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grnudlage des von Liebig, Poggendorf und Wdhler, Kolbe und Fehliug herausgegebenen Haudworterbuchs der reiuen und angewandten Chemie und unter Mitwirkung von Baumann, Bunsen, Fittig, Fresenius, Hesse, Ilofmann, Ke- kule, Kopp, Wichelhaus, u. a. Gelehiten bear- beitet und redigirt vou H. von Fehliug. Xach dem Tode des Herausgebers fortgesetzt von C. Hell. v. 1-5. 8l'. Braunschweig, 1871-83. Thorpe (T. E.) A dictionary of applied chemistry. 3 v. 8°. London, 1890. Ure (A.) A dictionary of chemistry ou the basis of Mr. Nicholson's, in which the princi- ples of the science are investigated anew and its application to the phenomena of nature, medi- cine, mineralog.y, agriculture, and manufactures detailed. With an introductory dissertation containing instructions for converting the alpha- betical arrangement into a systematic order of study. 8°. London, 1821. Watts (H.) Dictionary of chemistry, revised and entirely rewritten by M. M. Pattison Muir and H. Forster Morby, assisted by eminent con- tributors. 2. ed. 4 v. 8°. London, 1890-94. Wurtz (A.) Dictionuaire de chimie pure et appliquee, comprenant: la chimie organique et inorganique, la chimie appliqu6e a l'industrie, k l'agriculture et aux arts, la chimie aualytique, la chimie physique et la mineralogie. Avec la collaboration de MM. J. Bouis, E. Caventou [ct al.]. 3 v. & suppl. in 3. 6 v. 8°. Paris,!*-*. Chemistry (Essays and observations in). Acetic acid and vinegar, ammonia, ami alum. 12°. Philadelphia, 1885. Bache (F.) Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry, delivered in Jefferson Med- ical College, November 6, 1844. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1844. CHEMISTRY. 367 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Essays and observations in). -----. Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry, delivered in Jefferson Medical Col- lege, October Kith, 1849. 8^. Philadelphia, 1849. -----. Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry, delivered in Jefferson Medical Col- lege, October 13th, 1^52. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*52. B.vkyer (A.) Ueber die chemische Synthese. Fcstrcdc des allerhocbsten Gehurls- und Na- inensfcstcs Seiner Majestiit Ludwig II. Kdnigs von Bayern, gehalten in der offentlichen Sitzung der k. h. Akademie der Wissensehaften zu Miin- chen am 25. Juli 187*. 4°. Miinchen, 1878. Bektiiflot (D.) De Pallotropie des corps simples. ^c. Paris, 1894. Boi'TROX (A.) * Reflexions sur les rapports de.s nuides iinpouderes entre eux. 4°. Paris, 1844. Brown (A. C.) Address introductory to a course of lectures on the theory of chemistry. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863. -----. The development of the ideas of chemical composition. 8°. Edinburgh, 1*69. Burkart (E.) * Zur Kenntuiss einiger sochs- gliedriger stickstoffhaltiger Riuge. [Bern.] rt=. Briinn, 1891. BrssY. Note des travaux chimiques. 8°. II. De spiritu fumante Pan's, [h. d.] Camerarius (E.) Boylinuo. In his: Dissert, tres. 12°. Tubingce, 1694, 4s pp. Casoria (F.) Memorie chimiche. s . Na- poli, 1S59. Collectanea chymica Leidensia Maetsiana et Marcgraviana, olim publice et privatim iu Academia Lugduno-Batava chymiam profiten- tium, ac docentium. 4-\ Lugd. Bat., 1696. Cooper (T.) The introductory lecture of . . . professor of chemistry at Carlisle College, Penn- sylvania, published at tbe request of the trus- tees. With notes and references. 8'. Carlisle, 1812. Cokaixi (E.) Nota di tecnica chimica. 8°. Padova, 1896. Baille (L.) *De la force chimique d'insolu- hilite au point de vue inorganique. 4°. Pavis i860. Domine (P.) * Observations de chimie pra- tique. 4C. Paris, 1*45. Dumas. Lecons sur la philosophie chimique professees au College de France. Recueillies par il. Biueau. [1*36.] 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Ett.mui.ler (M.) & Paulus (J. AV.) De pra> cipitautium vero usu feroque abusu. 4°. Liv- nice, 16-1. Eveuiiart(E.) Contribution from the chem- ical lahoratory. University of Texas. Bull K<>. 4. > '. [«. p.} n. d.] Fauvelle. La physio-cbimie, son r61e dans les phenomenes naturelles, astronomiqnes, geb- logiques et biologiques. Precede d'une lettre de l'auteur a M. Berthelot sur Puuite" de la sci- ence. 12°. Paris, le89. Ferguson (J.) Introductory address to the chemical section. 8C. [Glasgoiv, 1875.] Ferko (P.) * Ueber pyrogene Synthesen. 8°. Leipzig, 1H83. Filhol (E.) * Etudes sur les changements de volume qu'eprouvent les corps pendant la corn- bniaison. 8°. Paris, 1844. .Frickhinger (A. E.) * De capite mortuo vivincando cum adversariis nonnttllis patholo- gic^) practicis. 4°. Erlangce, 17*3. Freire (D.) Recueil des travaux chimiques. piuvi des recherches sur la cause, la nature, et le traitement de la fievre iauue. 8°. Rio de Ja- neiro, 1880. Chemistry (Essays and observations in). Francke (<;.) * Ueber Hosperidin und Ber- gapten. 8^. Erlangen, 1*81. Fucus ([J. A. H.] G.) *Bestimmuugen la- tenter Verdanipfungswarmen beziehungsweise molekularer Siedepunktserhohungen aus Aende- rnngen des Druckcs und der Siederemperatur. 8". Erlangen, l>-94. Gaubius (II. D.) Oratio inauguralis, qua ostenditur cliemiam artibus academicis jure esse inserendtim. Habita 21. Maji 1731, quum pu- bliciini chemiam pnelegendi munus in Academia Lugduno-Batava auspicaretur. 4°. Leidw 1734. Glucksmann ^C.) Kritische Studien im Be- reiche der Fundanientalanseliauiingeii der theo- retischen Cbeniie. II. Theil: Ueber die Moleku- larbypotbese. 8°. Leipzig f Wien, 1-94. Gmelin (J. G.) *Celei)iium Wurtenburgiaj nostra- acidularum teinacensium spiritusque vi- trioli et ejus phlegmatis ex.-imen per reagentia, cum pbtenonienorum explicalione ex principiis ill. Urbani Hierne. 4°. Tubingce, [1727]. Grassi (A.-C.) * Recherches sur les quantit6s de chaleur degagees dans les combinaisons chi- miques. 8°. Paris, 1845. Henry (E.-O.) * Des radicanx composes. 8°. Paris, 1860. Hof ([K. E. H.] H.) * Beitrage zur Beur- theilung von Moleculargewicbts-Bestimmungen in Losungen. 8°. Erlangen, 1795. Hoffmannus (F.) Oliservatiouum physico- chymicarum selectiorum libri iii. 4°. Halm, 1722. Imbert (H.) La dissociation. *°. Paris, 1894. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. President's inaugural address, Nov. 6, 1885. 8°. [London, 1885.] Kelbe (W.) * Ueber das Metaisocymol. 8°. Giessen, lr-81. Klobb (T.-C.) * Lois des doubles decomposi- tions chimiques. [Paris.] 4°. Nancy, 1889. Concours. l5cole de pharmacie. Koene (C.-.l.) Cbimie: compte rendu de l'ouvrage de M. L. de Koninck, intituld: Ele- ments de chimie inorganique. *■'-. Bruxelles, 1-42. ------. Un mot de replique a un mot de reponse de M. le professeur de Koninck. *:. Bruxelles, 1^42. Kuause (A. H.) *I. Einige Verstiche iiber Dampfdicliteliestimmungen. II. Notiz iiber den Diamant. III. Ueber die isomeren Formen des Hydrazous der Orthonitropbenylglyoxylsaure. 8°. Heidelberg, 1*91. Kweekschool der scheykunde. Zyude ver- zamelingen en waarneeiningen uyt de beste en nieuwste schryvers getrokken. Ten dieuste der geene, die zich in deeze weetenschappen willeu oeffuen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1773. Landriani (M.) Opuscol fisico-chimici. 8°. Milano, 1781. Lemenant des Chenais (M.-J.) # Observa- tions sur l'ensemble des phdnomenes considered dans la matiere inorganique, organique et or- gan isee. 4C. Paris, 1844. Lhermite. * Pbenomfeues chiuiiqties produits par les courants eiectriques. 4°. Paris, 1847. Concours. Liebig (J.) Familiar letters on chemistry; second series. The philosophical principles and general laws of the science. 12°. London, 1814. ------. Familiar letters on chemistry and its relation to commerce, physiology, and agricul- ture. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1845. ------. The same. Familiar letters on chem- istry in its relations to physiology, dietetics, CHEMISTRY. 368 CIIEMISTRY. Chemistry (Essays and observations in). agriculture, commerce, and political economv. 3. ed. imp! 8C. London, 1851. Transl. [with additions] of Heidelberg ed., 1851. -----. Chemische Briefe. 3. Aufl. 12°. Heidelberg, 1851. -----. The same. Wohlfeile Ausgabe. 8°. Leipzig f Heidelberg, 1865. Locke (J.) An introductory lecture on chem- istry and geology; delivered November 6, 1838, before the class of the Medical College of Ohio. 8°. Cincinnati. 1839. Malacarne (C. G.) Dei chimici reattivi. Dissertazione. 8°. Brescia, 1810. -----. Della retta preparazione de' criterj o reattivi cbimici. Dissertazione. 8°. Milano, 1813. Malesci (P.) Tesi sostenuta al pubblico con- corso per la cattedra di farmacologia nell' i. e r. arcispedale di S. M. Nuova di Firenze intorno al quesito origine ed ufficio delle materie in- organiche dei vegetabili e degli animali. 8°. Firenze, 1850. Mallet (F. W.) Papers read before the British Association, Brighton meeting, 1872, Section B (chemical science). 8°. London, 1872. Neukrantzen (J. T.) *De necessitate artis cbemicie ejusdem productu summo magna ho- niionum et metallorum medicina lapis philoso- phorum dicta. 4°. Vitembergce, 1725. Nickles (F.-J.-J.) * Physique. Les electro- aimants circulaires. Chimie. Recherches sur le polymorphisme. 4°. Paris, 1853. Odling (W.) On the natural groupings of the elements. Parti. 8°. [n. p., 1857.] Ouvrard (L.-V.-R.) *Lois des doubles de- compositions chimiques. 4°. Paris, 1889. Concours. ficole de Pharmacie. Paillard (C.) Quelques degr^s franchis sur l'echelle dn progres, ou divers points de la phy- sique ge'ne'rale et de la chimie dtndies a l'aide de la theorie de l'unite^ universelle. *°. Paris, 1855. Priestley (J.) Considerations on the doc- trine of phlogiston and the decomposition of water. 8°. Philadelphia, printed; London, re- printed, 1796. -----. Experiments and observations relat- ing to the analysis of atmospherical air; also farther experiments relating to the generation of air from water; to which are added consider- ations on the doctrine of phlogiston and the de- composition of water. 8°. Philadelphia, printed; London, reprinted, 1796. Reid (D. B.) An exposure of the continued misrepresentations by Richard Phillips, esq. (one of the editors of the Philosophical Maga- zine and Annals), in his attempt to vindicate himself from Dr. Reid's first exposure of his misrepresentations in that journal. 8C. Edin- burgh, 1831. da Rio (N.) Lettera del ... in risposta ad i uu suo manifesto col quale invita i chimici, e i dotti in altre porzioni delle scienze naturali, a dir cosa pensiuo intorno ad aleuue definizioui, Bupposizioni, ed assioui, che servir debbono di norma per giudicare del valore delle varie teorie chimiche fin ora proposte. 8°. [Padova, 179*.J Robin (E.) Loi nouvelle regissant les di tie- rentes proprieties chimiques, et permettant de pr6voir, sans l'intervention des affinite's, Paction des corps simples sur les composds biliaires, specialement par voie seche. Nouvelle theorie de la fusion aqueuse et du mode d'action de la chaleur dans la fusion, la volatilisation et la de- composition. Propriety chimiques fondamen- tales: stabilitd et solubilite. Documents. 8C. Paris, 1*53. | Chemistry (Essays and observations in\ Robiquet (H.-E.) *De l'isomerio et du poly- mnrpliisine. 4C. Paris, 1-47. Concours. R5ss (G.) * Beitrage zur Bestimmung von Molekulargrosscti. *'-■. Eilangcn, MM. Iiiujet (P. M.) 'De chemiea- affinitatibns legibus. ^ . Edinburgi, 179*. Sciiamherg (J. C.) Ad oratiouem professionis chymiie iuauguralem . . . invitat. 4°. [Liusice 1699.] ' Schulze (C. R.) * Ueber Hydrate des schwe- felsanren Zincs und schwefelsauren Magne- sium*, uud iiber die Miiller-Erzbach'sche Me- thode die Spannkraft des Wasserdampfs in was- serhaltigen Salzen zu bestimmen. [Erlangen 1 8°. Leipzig, 1887. 'J Segner (J. A.) Diss, chimicam penetrutio- nem salis alcali in iuterstitio salis acidi per experimenta demonstranteni . . . contra crudi- toruni dubia defendet. 4°. Jenai, [1726]. Shaw (P.) & Hauksbee (F.) An essay for introducing a portable laboratory, by means whereof all the chemical operations are coin- modiously performed, for the purposes of phi- losophy, medicine, metallurgy, and a family. 8°. London, 1731. Stahl (G. E.) Spec, beccberianuni sistens fundamenta, documenta, experimenta, ([tubus principia mixtionis subterranean, et instrumen- ta uaturalia atque artificialia demonstrantur. Ex autoris scriptis, colligendo, corrigeudo, con- necteudo, snpplendo, concinuatum. 4°. [«.»., 169*.] Thomson. Remarks on the Edinburgh re- view of . . . System of chemistry. * . Edin- burgh, 1804 Torchon (C.) *Des indices de refraction et de leurs applications a la chimie et a la phar- macie. 4°. Paris, 1863. Wilson (G.) A letter from . . . to Sir James Forrest. [On Dr. Brown's discoveries iu chem- istry.] 8,;. Edinburgh, 1843. Watson (R.) Chtmical essays. 3. ed. 4 v. 16°. London, 1784-6. v. 4, Cambridge, 1780. Zalieski (S.) Z achenie chimii dlya kulturt i cheloviechestva. Me tod yeya prepodavaniya. [Importance of chemistry for culture and hu- manity. Method of instruction.] 16°. Tomsk, 1*8*. Zimmermann (J. C.) De saleprimigenio fere universal!. 4 . Huhe Magdeb., 1733. Andrews (T.) Report on the heat of combination, Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1849, 63-78.—Rrrhamp (A.) Lettres sur hi chimie. Montpel. med., IM:', viii, 134; 230; 340; 44C; 538: ix, 45; -Jill; 340; 441: 1863, x, 138; 233: 1864, xiii, 341 : 1871. xxvi, 95; 180; 303: xxvii, 64; 206: 187:!. xxix, 57; 158; 373; 561.— Berthelot (M.) Remarques sur quelques proprietes physiques des corps con.iuuuen. Ann. de chim. et phys., I'ar., 1850, 3. s., xlviii. 322-347. Also, Reprint.-----. Substitutions inverses. Ibid.. IM", 3. s., li, 48-58. Also, Reprint — Cookt- (J. 1'.), jr. On ail apparent perturbation of the, law of definite proportions observed in the compounds of zinc and anthnonv. Am. J. Sc. & Aits, N. Haven, 1855, 2. s., xx, 222-238. Also, Ke- print.— CrooliCN (YV.) On the nature and the proba- ble, or at least possible, origin of the so-called elements. Nature. Lond.. 1880, xxxiv, 423-432. —Wrapt-r (J. W.) Further remarks on tbe action of presence. Am. J. M. Sc, I'bila., 1-39, xxiii. (is-si.—Elmer (J.) Dissert at ion on the chemical principles of bodies. 17S8. Tr. 11. Soc. N. Jersey 1766-1859, Newark, 1875, 63-07.—(Jolilcv. Essais analytiques sur le liquide lactifornie de MM (.aiulinj^ Choiiniara. J. de pharm. et chim., Par.. 1850, xxx, 271-277. Also, Reprint. — 4»oodiuau (E.) Introductory lecture. Pacific M. J.. San Fran., 1897, xl, 15-18. - Cirnliaui (T) Researches on the arseniatcs, phosphates, and modifica- tions of phosphoric acid. Phil.Tr., Lond., 1833, 253-284.— Hare (R.) An attempt to refute the reasoning of Liebi'.' in favor of the salt radical tbeorv. Am. I. Sc. Sc Arts, N. Haven, 1840, 2. s., i, 82-80. Also, Reprint —Ilaugh- ton (S.) Geometrical illustrations of New-land's anil Men delejetf's periodic law of the atomic weights of the cliem- CHEMISTRY. 369 CHEMISTRY rheiiiixtrv (Essays and observations in). "l elements: a paper rend before> the Koyal Irish Acad- Z\, April 28 and ^^^vJ^c(^U^t±:. em.v. Dubl., 1888, 3. snr l'existenco ( l, 82-uo.— in'iu-y («-'•) bis. Memoire deux nouveaux corps dc la scric amy- cnr lexisienuo ui- .*' w.v ..«..• ~---- _. -r .. Hque: preseute k l'Acadeniie des sciences dans sa seance l! 17 ianvier 1849. Ann. de clum. et phys., Par., 1849, xxv •»46-":A Also, Reprint-1-evol (A.) Memoire c,'„les nlliages consideres sons le rapport de leur coraposi- nonci.imique. Ibid., 1852. 3. »., xxxvi, 193- 221:1853, 3. s xxxix. 103-184. Also, Reprint. - von I.iebig. Ou the studv of the natural sciences; an introductory lect- ure to the course of experimental chemistry in the Uni- "ei-sitv of Munich. 1852-53. lied. Tunes .V Ga/.., Lond., 853 vi 79-8— OT ah n (R.) Veber einige Zersetznngs- produce des Pliospborwasserstotl's. des Antimonwas.ser- stoffsund des Siliciunnvasserslotls. Jenaische /tschi.t. Med u.Xatui w., Loipz... 1870, v. ,58-100 -OTallet (J. W.) Notes of work bv students of practical chemistry in the l-ilinr-itorv of the Fniversitv of Virginia. Chem. JSews, Lond 187" xxv, 258; 270: 1873, xxviii, 270: 1874, xxx, 117; 140■ 1*75 xxxii 160-102: 1876, xxxiv, 147; 168: 179; 190: 1877 xxxvi" 157-167: 1878, xxxviii, 94; 108: 1870, xl. 186; 97 1880 xiii, 180; 193:1880, xliv, 188; 203, 207: 1882, xlvi, 194: ''04- 215: 1883, xlviii, 97; 109,-OTeyer (V. ) Pro- bleme d'er Atomistik. Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 697, 715. 7'>!) —Odling (W.) On the reciprocal precipitations of the'nietals. Quart. J. Chem. Soc. Lond., 1857, ix, 289- 'W Also Reprint. — Persoi. Memoires sur 1 etat moieculairc des corps. Monit. scient , Par., 1868, x, 961; 1009. — PeyriiNton (E.) TJtilite de la chimie et son role dans les connaissances humaines. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. dela Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1891, xv, 2-9; 17-28.— Prcscott (A. B.) Contributions from the chemical laboratorv of the University of Michigan. Am. Chem., XT. 1875-6, vi, 41-45: 1876-7, vii, 44-47. Also. Reprint.— Rabutcan. Considerations et recherches nonvelles snr la loi atomique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par. 1882, 7. 8 iv 376-382.—Untevschiedcne chymische Ouserva- tionen K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1699 Bresl., 1749, i, 249; 479; 740.—Wilson (G.) On iso- meric transmutation, and the views recently published concerning the compound nature of carbon, silicon, and uitrcen. Edinb. N. Phil. J, 1844, xxxvii, 1-21. Also, Reprint—Wislicenns (J.) Ueber die riiumhche Ad- ordnnng der Atome in organischen Alolekulen und ihre Bestimmung in geoinetrisch-isomeren ungesattigten "Ver- bindungen. Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sachs. Ge- sellscb.d. Wissensch., Leipz., 1887-8, xiv, 1-78. Chemistry (History of). See, also, Alchemy; Chemistry (Bibliography | of); Chemistry (Nomenclature, etc., of). Bizio (G.) figlio. Quanto spetta agl'Italiani nella chimica scienza ritolto agli stranieri. 8°. Venezia, 1850. Bolton (H. C.) Chemical literature. An address. 8~. Salem, 18r2. van der Boox Mesch (A. H.) Redevoering over Humphry Davy, den gelukkigen toepasser zijuer wetenschap op de belangen der maat- schappij; en eeuige aanteekeningen. *\ Lei- den, 1837. Borrichius (O.) De ortu et progressu che- mise, dissertatio. sm. 4C. Hafniie, 1668. Braxde (W. T.) Dissertation third: exhibit- ing a geueral view of the progress of chemical philosophy, from the early ages to the end of the eighteenth century. 8'-. [Edinburgh, 1819.] Cailliot (A.) * Histoire et, appreciation de* progres de la chimie au dix-neuvieine siecle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1838. Carracido (J. R.) La evolucion en la qui- mica. 12°. Madrid, 1894. Chevreul (M.-E.) Examen critique au point de vue de l'histoire de la chimie d'un 6crit alohi- iniqtie intitule: Artefii clavis majoris sapientiie, et preuve que cet ecrit est identique avec l'ecril puhli6 sous le nom d'Alphonse X, roi de Castille et de Leon, auquel l'astronomie doit les tables Alphonsines. Preseute" a l'Acadernie des sciences le 2 d'avril 1867. 4 J. Paris, 1867. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. d. sc. de l'Tnst. dc France. Pa:.. 1867, xxxvi. de Coppoxav de Grimaldis. Etablissement du laboratoire dc 8. A. R. et do son academic ckymique, avec le combat de la medecine Gale'- nifjiie contrc elle, fait dans la sale de I'siugustc 24 Chemistry (History of). Senal de Sa voye, ou la chymique mal traitee par la Galenique, et sans misericorde, est contrainte malgre elle. de se deffendre. Avec proteste 116- iinmoius dc ne point choquer les docteurs. 16-. Chamber if, 16*4. Cullen ( W.) The history of chemistry. Lectures. LMS.] 2 v. 4\ [Edinburgh, 1756?] CrviER. Extrait d'un rapport sur les priu- cipaux cliaiigements 6prouves par les theories chimiques, et sur une partie des nouveaux ser- vices reudus par la chimie a la societe. 4 . Paris, [n. d.]. Draper (J. \V.) An introductory lecture on the history of chemistry. 8C. New York, 1846. ETTMtiLLER (M.) & Waknaths (H.) Medi- cina Hippoeratis chymica. 4 . Lipsia; 1679. ___________. The same. 4°. Lip site, 1684. ___________. The same. 4 .• Lipsice, 16M. Ferguson (J.) Three presidential addresses to the chemical section of the Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. On the study of the history of chemistry. Recent inquiries into the early history of chemistry. Eleven centuries of chem- istry, s' -''. Glasgow, 1*79. —----. The first history of chemistry. [Rend before the society, 6th January, 1886.] * [Glasgow], 1886. . ___'.—. Remarks on the first edition ot the chemical writings of Democritus and Synesius. Part 2. * . Glasgoiv, 1890. Repr. from: Prov. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 1890-91, xxii. Franchimont (A. P. N.) De verschillende richtingen der chemie, blikken in bet verledeu, het heden en de toekomst dier wetenschap. 8°. Leiden, 1874. GOBEL (F.) Ueber deu Einfluss der Chemie auff die Ermittelung der Volker der Vorzeit. 8J. Erlangen, 1842. Hoefer'(F.) Histoire de la chimie depuis les temps les plus recul6s jusqu'a notre epoqtte. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1842. Hofmaxx (A. W.) Berliner Alcbemisteu und Chemiker. Ruckblick auf die Entwickeluug der chemischen Wissenschaft in der Mark. 8 . Berlin, 1882. Lense (J.) *De ortu et progressu chyniuc 4". Lugd. Bat. 1702. Mallet (J. \Y.) Stas memorial lecture. (De- livered December 13. 1^92.) Jean Servais Stas, and the measure of the relative masses ot the atoms of the chemical (dements. 8--. [n. p., 1892. J . , VON Meyer (E.) A history ot chemistry trom earliest times to the present day, being also an introduction to the study of the science I ransl. with tbe author's sanction, byCeorge McGowun. *■■'■. London. New York, 1*91. Moddei:.man (11. 8. T.) Vordeiingen der che- mie in de laatste kwart eeuw. Openbarc les, o-eliouden bij bet neerleggen van het hoogleer- aarsambt, dc. 17«l,-n Juni 1-93. - . Gronnt- gen, 1893. „ . . . .,. Thomson ( T. ) The. history ot cliei..isti>. 2 v. 12J. London, 1*30-31. Zwelekk [or Z\V(")LI'I'.K] (J.) Discursus apo- logeticus. . . a.lversus Hippoe.ate.ii chymicum Ottonis Tachenii, ej.isque adulterim salts ytpe- rini novissimi fundamenta, ut ait, ai.tiquissinia. Cui et acces-sere ejusdem justissume vindtcue contra Franciscum Veruy, annexe etiam apolo- g,-n.ate cpistolico anonymi. V. Dordrechh, ' K..II.«lol (P.-E.-M. ) La chimie des Egypticns .viUchi,,,i«,H«V™ EnisirvV "l^iil:/^.TTuv. *. ^ Monde.. Par, CHEMISTRY. 370 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (History of). Pop. Sc. Month., N. T., 1894, xlv, 109-119.—Bolton (H. C.) An account of tlie progress of chemistry in the year 1885. Rep. Smitbsou. Inst. 1885, Wash., 1886, 637-686. Alia. Reprint. -----. An account of tbe progress in chem- istry in the year 1886. Kep. Smitbson. Inst. 1887, Wash., 18^9. 387-447.-----. Progress in chemistry as depicted in apparatus and laboratories. Tr. N. York. Acad. Sc, 1893, xii, 128-137.—Cooke (J. P.) The chemical elements: history of the conception which this term involves. Pop. Sc. Mouth., X. T., 1888-9, xxxiv, 7;i3-7.">().—de Fk-cmcry (N. C.) De cbemia et arte pharmaceutica ad majorem perfectionem in Belgio evehendis. Ann. Acad. Rheno- Tr.iject., 1823, 1-56— F re nnd (A.) HUtoryja chemii. [Historv of ilieniistrv.] Czasopismo towarz., Lwow, 1882. xi', 329: 316— Holland (H.) Modem chemistry. [From: Quart. I!ev.] Tnhis: Essays, etc., 8°, Lond., 18i>-J. 425-464—Itopp (II.) La chimie d'autrefois et celle d'aujonrd'bni. Rev. d. cours scit-nt. [etc.], Par., 1866-7, iv, 408-416.—iVIcldola (R.) The state of chemical science in 1881. Rep. Rrit. Adv. Sc.. Lond., 1895, 639-655. Also, Reprint.—Smith (R A.) The word (-hernia or chemis- trv. Mem. Li*. & Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1882, 3. s., vii. 101-126. Also [Ahstr.l: Proc. Lit. Sc Phil. Soc. Manches- ter, 1879-80, xix, 141-147. Chemistry (Journals and periodicals relating to). American Chemical Journal. Edited, with the aid of chemists at home and abroad, by Ira Remsen. 6 nos. form 1 v. v. 1-20, April, 1879- 9-i. 8°. Baltimore. Current. Andreasch (R.) Sach- nnd Autoren-Register iiber die ersten zehn Jahrgiinge von Maly's Jahres - Bericht fiir Thier-Chemie. 8\ Wies- baden, 1-81. Bolton (11. C.) A catalogue of chemical periodicals. 8°. [n. p., 18-5.] Cutting from: Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, iii, 159-216. -----. Supplement to A catalogue of chem- ical periodicals. 8°. [New York, 1887.] Cutting from: Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1887, iv. Chemical Society of Washington. Bulletins of the Chemical Society of Washington. No. 1, 188Mi; no. 2, 1886-7; lio. 6, 1890-91. 8U. Wash- ington, 1**6). Hieenk (II.) Acta chemica Holmiensia; cum annotationibus Job. Gotschalk Wallerii. 2 v. 8°. Stockholmiee, 175:}. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Notes from tho chemical laboratory. Nos. 1-3. (May, 1*77.) 8°. [Baltimore, 1^77.] Journal (The) of Analytical Chemistry. Edited by Edward Hart. [Quarterly.] v. 1-6, 1887-92. 8,J. Easton, Pa. Journal russkavo fiziko-khimicheskavo Ob- shtshestva pri Imp. S.-Peterburgs kom Uuiver- sitete. v. 17-23, 24, 28. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 188."). Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays- Bas. Par W. A. van Dorp, A. P. N. Franchimont, S. Hoogewerf, E. Mulder et A. C. Oudeman, jr. Xo. 6, tome 8. 8°. Leide, 1889. Riforma (La) chimica. Redattore capo : Dr. Ugo Milone. [Weekly.] v. 1, 1897. 8°. Na- poli. Current. Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin do la ... 3. s., tome 1-6, 1889-91. 8°. Paris, 1889- 91. Society (The) of Chemical Industry. Pro- ceediugs of the first annual meeting, held-in London, June 28 and 29, 1881. London, 1881. Universitat Jena. Mittheilungen aus dem chemischen Laboratorium der Universitat Jena. 8°. Jena, 1876-9. Vegytani Lapok. Havi folydirat. Szer- keszti e"s kiadja : Fabinyi Rudolf. [Chemical leaves. A monthly periodical. Edited and pub- lished by R. Fabinyi. Klausenburg, 1882.] 8J. Kolozsvdrt, 1*82. Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School. Studies from the laboratory of physiological Chemistry (Journals and periodicals relating to). chemistry. Edited by R. H. (^hittenden. v. 1-3 1884-f, to 18-7-8. 86. New York, 18*5-9. ' Bolton (H. C ) Short titles of chemical peiiodirals current in 1887. J. Analyt. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1887, i, 172-175. Also, Reprint. Also: Chem. News, Lond. 1887 lv, 216. Chemistry (Manuals of). Barnes (J.) The new London pocket-book- or, memoranda chemica; adapted to the daily use of the .student. 12-. London, 1*14. Bender (A.) Anleitung zur Darstellung an- orgauischer chemischer Priiparate. Haudhucli der Laboratoriunistechnik, enthaltend : Rr- schreibung der Darstellungsinethoden auorga- nis.cher Priiparate, nebst Angabe ihrer Kigen- schaften und Priifungeii. 8°. Stuttgart, \*[V.\. v. 1. of: Bender (A.) A Erdmanx (H.) Chemische Pra- paratenkunde. 8°. Stuttgart, 1893. Berzelius (J. J.) Lehrhuch der Chcinie. Nach des Verfassers schwedischer Bearheituug der Blode-Palmstedt'schen Aufl. ubersetzt von F. Wohler. 8°. Dresden, ]H2."»-;?1. Bloxam (C. L.) Chemistry, inorganic and organic, with experiments. 5. ed. s°. Phila- delphia, 18*3. -----. Thesame. 6.ed. 8°. Philadelphia,l88%, -----. The same. 7. ed., revised and ed- ited by John Millar Thomson and Arthur G. Bloxam. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*90. -----. The same. 8. ed., rewritten and re- vised by John Millar Thomson aud Arthur G. Bloxam.' 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. ------. Laboratory teaching, or progressive exercises in practical chemistry. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1886. -----. The same. 6. ed. 12°. Loudon, 1895. Boerhaave (H.) Elementa chemise, qua? au- niversario labore docuit, in pnblicis privatisqne, scholis. 2 v. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1732. -----. The same. Elements of chymistrv, faithfully abridged from the late genuine edi- tion, publish'd aud sign'd by himself, at Leyilen. To which are added, curious and useful notes, rectifying several opinions, etc., of the learned author, by a physician. 8°. London, 17:i2. -----. Thesame. A new method of chemis- try, including the history, theory, and practice of the art. Transl. from the original Latin: Ele- menta chemise. To which are added, notes and an appendix shewing the necessity and utility of enlarging the bounds of chemistry. 3. ed. 4°. London, 1753. Bowman (J. E.) An introduction to practical chemistry, including analysis. Ed. by Charles L. Bloxam. 8. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1885. Brugnatelli (L.) Elementi di chimica ap- poggiati alle piii recenti scoperte chiniiche e farmaceutiche. 3 v. 8°. Pavia, 1795-8. Cassidy (J. S.) Elements of chemistry nnd dental materia medica. 12°. Cincinnati, 189.1 Clowes (F.) An elementary treatise on prac- tical chemistry and qualitative inorganic analy- sis, specially adapted for use iu the laboratories of colleges aud schools, and by beginners. From 3. Englished. 12°. Philadelphia, 1**1. -----. The same. From the 4. English ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. Cooke (J. P.), jr. Chemical problems aud reactions, to accompany Stockhardt's Element* of chemistry. 8°. Cambvidge, 1857. -----. Laboratory practice. A series of ex- periments on the fundamental principles ut chemistry. 12°. New York, 1-^91. Croft (H.) Course of practical chemistry, as adopted at University College, Toronto. B°. Toronto, 1860. 71 CHEMISTRY. CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Manuals of). Crosxier (L.) Elementos de quimica mine- ral. 8°. Santiago de Chile, 1846. Cutler (C. AV.) Student's essentials of chem- istry, theoretical and iuorgauic. 32°. New York, 1885. Engel (R). Traite" el&neutaire de chimie. Ouvrage redig6 conform6ment au programme du 31 d6cemhre 1893, relatif au certilicat d'etudes pbysiques, chimiques et naturelles. 8°. Paris, 189ii. Fabulet (A.) Nouveaux 616mens theoriques et pratiques de chimie, ouvrage par demandes et repon^es a I'usage des Aleves en pharmacie et eu mddecine. 8°. Paris, an NI [1803]. First outlines of inorganic chemistry. 16°. London, 1850. de Fourcroy (A. F.) Elementary lectures on chemistry and natural history, containing • a methodical abridgment of all the chemical knowledge acquired to the present time; with a comparative view of the doctrine of Stahl, and that of several modern chemists; the whole forming a complete course of those two sciences. Transl. from the French hy Thomas Elliott. 2 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1785. v. 2 missing. -----. Elements of chemistry and natural history. To which is prefixed the philosophy of chemistry. Transl. from the fourth and last ed. of the original French work. 8°. London, 1796. Fownes (G.) Elementary chemistry, theoret- ical aud practical. Edited with additions by R. Bridges. 3. Am. from a late Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. -----. The same. From the 10. English ed. Edited by R. Bridges. 8~. Philadelphia, 1871. -----. The same. Manual of chemistry, theoretical and practical. A new Ant. from tile 12. English ed., embodying Watts' "Physical and inorganic chemistry". 12°. Philadelphia, 1885. Francis (G.) Chemical experiments; illus- tratiug the theory, practice, and application of the science of chemistry, and containing the properties, uses, manufacture, purification, and analysis of all inorganic substances; with nu- merous engravings of apparatus, etc. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1845. Frankland (E.) & Japp (F. R.) Inorganic chemistry. *P. Philadelphia, 1885. Fremy (E.) & Terreil (A.) Le guide dn chimiste. Repertoire de documents t'n6oriques et pratiques a I'usage des laboratoires de chimie pure et de chimie industrielle. 8°. Paris, 1885. Gautier (A.) Cours de chimie. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1887-92. Gay-Lussac. Cours de chimie, comprenant l'histoire des sels, la chimie v6g6tale et animale. 2 v. 8-. Paris, 1828. Gkmmell (G. H.) Chemical notes and equa- tions, inorganic and "organic. 12°. New York, 1--96. von Gorup-Besanez (E. F.) Lehrhuch der Chemie fiir den Uuterricht auf Universitaten, teclmischen Lehransfalten und fiir das Selhst- studium bearbeitet. In drei Banden. 3. Band. Physiologische Chemie. 3. Aufl. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1874. Graham (T.) Elements of chemistry, includ- ing the application of the science in the arts. 2, Am. ed.. from an entirely revised aud greatly enlarged English ed. Edited with notes by Robert Bridges. Pt. 1. 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. -----. Tlie same. 2. ed. Edited bv Henry Watts, v. 2 only. 8°. New York, 1857. Chemistry (Manuals of). Greville (H. L.) The student's hand-hook of chemistry, with tables and chemical calcula- tions. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1887. Gunther ( M. ) Mentor fiir das Tentamen physicum. I. Auorganische Chemie. 16°. Berlin, 1897. Hahnack ( E. ) Die Hauptthatsachen der Chemie. Fiir das Bediirfuis des Mediziners, sowie als Leitfaden fiir deu Uuterricht. 2. Aufl! 8°. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1897. Hartmann (E.) Chemie fiir das Tentamen physicum. 3. Aufl. 12^. Erlangen u. Leipzig, 1892. Hartmann (J.) Praxis chymiatrica, edita a Johanne Michaelis, et Georgio Everharto Hart- niauno. 4°. Lipsia; 1633. ------. The same. Huic editioui adjectus est, propter affiniiatem materiae, tractatus novua de oleis variis chimice destillatis. 12°. Franco- furti, 1634. -----. The same. Praxis chymiatricie; or the practice of chemistry, written in Latin by . . . and augmented and enlarged by his son, with considerable additions; faithfully rendered into English, fol. London, 1670. Haussknecht ( O.) Lehrhuch der Chemie und cheniischeu Technologic fiir Reul-Gyiuua- sien, O ber-Real- und Gewerbe-Schulen. Zu- gleich ein Leitfaden bei Arorlesungen uud beim Selbststudium. 8J. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 18*3. Henry (W.) The elements of experimental chemistry. 1. Am. from 8. Lond. ed Together with an account of Dr. Wollaston's scale of chemical equivalents; also, a substitute for Woulfe's or Nooth's apparatus; and a new the- ory of galvanism, by Robert Hare. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1819. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1822. Hirzel (H.) Katechismus der Chemie. 2. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1861. Irving (C.) A catechism of practical chem- istry; being a familiar introduction to that interesting science, with an appendix, contain- ing many safe, easy, and pleasing experiments. 5. Am. eil. 16°. New York, 1837. Kawamoto (K. ) Kagaku tsu. [General chemistry.] 7 v. 8°. Tokio, 1876. Japanese text. Knop (W.) Handbuch der chemischen Me- thoden. 8°. Leipzig, 1859. Laugier. Cour de chimie generale. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1829. Lavoisier. Traite ei6raetitaire de chimie, present^ dans un ordre nouveau et d'apres les d^coilvertes modernes. Nouv. €&., a laquelle on a joint la nomenclature ancienne et moderne, pour servir a l'iutelligeuce des auteuts; di Au- reus mdmoires de Fourcroy et Morveau, et le rapport de Baumd, Cadet, Darcet et Sage, sur la necessite" de reformer et de perfectiouner la no- menclature chimique. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1789. -----. The same. Elements of chemistry, in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveries. Transl. from the Freuch, by Robert Kerr. 4. ed., with notes, tables, and considerable additions. 8°. Edinburgh, 1799. Lefemann (H.) The compend of chemistry. With which is included a second and revised edition of the "First steps in chemical princi- ples". 12°. Philadelphia, 1881. -----. Elements of chemistry. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1882. -----. iQuiz compends? No. 10. A com- CHEMISTRY. 372 OU EM ISTRY. Chemistry (Manuals of). pend of organic and medical chemistry, includ- ing urinarv analysis and the examination of water and food. 12°. Philadelphia, 1884. -----. The same. Rewritten and adapted to students in medicine and dentistry. 12°. Philadelphia, 1*88. -----. The same. 3. ed., revised. 12°. Philadelphia, 1891. -----. Handbook of structural formulae for use of students, containing 180 structural and stereo-chemic formula?, oblong 12°. Philadel- phia, 1897. ----- &. Beam (W.) Progressive exercises in practical chemistry, oblong 16°. Philadel- phia, 1890. Luff (A. P.) An introduction to the study of chemistry, specially designed for medical and pharmaceutical students. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1885. -----. A manual of chemistry, iuorganic and organic; with au introduction to the study of chemistry. 24°. London, Paris, 4' Melbourne, 1892. -----. The same. 16°. Philadelphia, 1892. Macquer ( F. J. ) Elements of the theory aud practice of chymistry. Transl. from tbe French. 3. ed. v. 2. 8°. London, 1775. Other volumes wanting. Muhhammad Hiralin. Zuhdet al-kimia. Jild evvel wa sani. [Compendium of chemis- try; v. 1 and 2.] 8°. Istanbul, A. H. 1291 [1874]. Turkish text. Muir (M. M. P.) A treatise on the principles of chemistry. 2. ed. 8°. Cambridge, 1889. Neill (J.) & Smith (F. G.) A handbook of chemistry . . . being a portion of an analytical compend of the various branches of medicine. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. Newth (G. S.) Elementary practical chem- istry. A laboratory manual for beginners. 12°. New York, London, 4~ Bombay, 1896. Oettel (F.) Practical exercises in electro- chemistry. Transl., with the author's sanction, by Edo-ar F. Smith. 16°. Philadelphia, 1897. O'Shaughnessy (AV. B.) A manual of chem- istry, arranged for native, general, and medical students, and the subordinate medical depart- ment of the service. 2. ed. 8°. Calcutta, 1842. Ota(Y.) Shinshiki kagaku. [A new system , of chemistry, compiled from Baker, Fownes, Town, Cook, Roscoe, Chandler.] 10 v. Tokio, 1879. Japanese text. Parkes (S.) The chemical catechism, with notes, illustrations, and experiments. 5. ed., containing the new discoveries aud other con- siderable additions. *°. London, 1812. Payen(A.) & Chevallier (A.) Traite 616- mentaire des reactifs, leurs preparations, leurs emplois speeiaux et leur application a l'analyse. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1825. -----. The same. 3. 6&. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1829-30. Rammelsberg (C. F.) Lehrhuch der Stoichio- metric und der allgemeinen theoretischen Che- mie. 8°. Berlin, 1842. Ramsay (W.) A system of inorganic chemis- try. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. Reid (D. B.) Text-book for students of chem- istry: containing a condensed view of the facts aud principles of the science. 2. ed. 8°. Ed- inburgh, 1836. Remsen (I.) The principles of theoretical chemistry, with special reference to the consti- tution of chemical compounds. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1*77. Chemistry (Manuals of). -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia 1883. -----. The same. sm. 8°. Philadelphia 1887. -----. The same. 4. ed. 12°. Philadelphia 1892. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Philadelphia 4~ New York, 1897. -----. An introduction to the study of chem- istry. 12°. New York, 1*86. von Richter (V.) A text-book of inorganic chemistry. Transl. by Edgar F. Smith. 2. Am. from the 4. German ed. 8°. I'hiladelphia, lrtsf,, Roscoe (H. E.) Lessons in elementary chem- istry : iuorganic and organic. 16°. London, 1867. -----. The same. 16°. Neiv York, 1868. -----& Schorlemmer (C.) A treatise ou chemistry. New edition, completely revised hy Sir H. E. Roscoe, assisted hy Drs. H. G. Colmau and A. Harden, v. 1; v. 2, pts. 1 and 2; v. 3, pts. 2, 4, 5, and 6. 8°. London 4~ New York, 1889-95. Schutzenber^ger (P.) Traits de chimie gene- rale, comprenaut les principales applications de la chimie aux sciences biologiques et aux arts industriels. 4 v. 8°. Parts, 1880-85. Semple (C. E. A.) Aids to chemistry, spe- cially designed for students preparing for exam- inations. Pt. 1. Inorganic: the non-metallic elements. 16°. London, 1878. Sharman (J. S.) Notes on inorganic materia medica and its chemistry. 8°. London, 1885. Silliman (B.), jr. First principles of chemis- try. 50. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1861. Silvestri (A.) Rndimeuti chimico-fannaceu- tici raccolti, ed esposti con precisione, e chia- rezza, per uso degli esamiuandi in tale facolta con in tine alcune nozione botaniche. 16°. .1/i- lano, 1789. Simon (W.) Manual of chemistry. A guide to lectures and laboratory work for beginners iu chemistry. A text-book specially adapted for students of pharmacy and medicine. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1884. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. -----. The same. 5. ed., thoroughly revised. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. Smith (E. F.) & Keller (H. F.) Experi- ments arranged for students in general chemis- try. 2. ed., enlarged. 8C. Philadelphia, 1*91. Staes ( S. I. ) ^rotxeluog uaBg/uara ^/ze/ac. 8°. 'LpvpvTJ, 1877. Stockhardt (J. A.) The principles of chem- istry, illustrated by simple experiments. Transl. by C. H. Peirce. 9. Am. from 6. German ed. 8°. Cambridge, 1852. Tauba (K.) & Shinoyama (T.) Muki kagaku. [Inorganic chemistry.] 2 v. 8°. Tokio, 18*2. Japanese text. Tate (T.) Experimental chemistry for the use of beginners. (Gleig's school series.) 1*-'. London, 1860. Terfve (O.) Laboratoire de chimie. Petit guide pour les travaux pratiques. 8°. Namur, 1891. Thomson (T.) A system of chemistry. 4 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1*02. ' -----. Tlie same. From the 5. Lond. ed.. with notes by T.Cooper. 8°. Philadelphia. 181*. CHEMISTRY. 373 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Manuals of). -----. Elements of chemistry. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1810. Tidy (C. M.) Handbook of modern chemistry, inorganic and organic. For the use of students. 8 . Loudon, 1*7*. Thesame. 2. ed. 8^. Philadelphia, 1-87. Tokyo Igaku Kwaisa (Tokyo Medical So- ciety). Igaku sitsikwa moutai. Riwa gaku. [Quiz compend on chemistry and physics.] 8 . I Tokyo. 1879. Torres (D. A.) Tratado elemental de qui- mica, arreglado al curso de humanidades del Instituto nacional. 8°. Santiago, 1866. Turner (E.) Elements of chemistry, includ- ing the actual state and prevalent doctrines of the science. 8. ed. Edited by Baron Liebig and William Gregory. 8\ London, 1847. -----. The same. Including the history of the imponderables and the inorganic chemistry of the late ... 7. ed., and the outlines of organic chemistry hy William Gregory, with notes and additions hy James B. Rogers aud Robert E. Rogers. 8 . Philadelphia, 1*46. AVells (D. A.) Chemistry practical and theo- retical, rendered into Tamil by Samuel F. Green, with the assistance of medical practitioners, D. W. Chapman and S. Swamiuathen. Printed for the American Ceylon Mission. 8°. Nagercoil, 1875. Tamil text. Williams (R. P.) Introduction to chemical science. 12°. Boston, 1888. Cheilli*ti*V (Nomenclature and symbols of). Bergman (T. O.) Tavole delle afflnita e delle comhinazioni ehiuiiche, trasportate in parole colla nuova nomenclatura chimica da Andrea Silvestri. 8C. Milano, 1801. Capria (D. M.) Idee generali di nomencla- tura sistematiea chimica coordinate da . . . Sc. Napoli, 1*49. Cozzi (A. ) Della nomenclatura chimica e applicazioue ad essa della teoria atomistica. 8 . Firenze, 1842. Girtanner (C.) 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A new nomenclature of chem- istry, proposed by Messrs. de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy; with additions and improvements. oblong 8°. Hanover (N. H.), 1799. Aeltere pharmuceutische, chemische Zeichen und Ab- brevuitui-en. In: Stbekhin (R.) Sviioiivui-Wortcrbuch ['■tc.j, (jo, Berl., 1.-47, 202, 1 tali. — BIsiim aid (S.) Cha- heillistl'V (Nomenclature and symbols of)- racteres (pii apud medicos authores vulgo occurrunt. In his: Lexicon novum medicum [etc.], 8°, Lugd. Bat., 1690, 4 1.—Brainier (J.J.) Verzeichuiss der vornebmsten und gebrauchlichsten in diesem Buch anget'uhrten medi- cinisch- und cliyiuiscben Signaturen, Apothocker-Ge- wicbt, und derer in ltcceptcn eiithaltenen Abbreviaturen. In his: Thesaurus sanitnti-, [2. Theil], sm. 8°, Franekf. a. M., 172"), 1229.— C5.-d« IYIe<>iiil (O.) Le laboratoiro municipiil de cbimie do li ville de Paris; son origine, les services qu'il rend i l'hy- git'-no publique; les ameliorations dont il estl'objet. 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A treatise on the properties, proximate ana- lytical examination, and modes of assaying the various organic chemicals and products em- ployed in the arts, manufactures, medicine, with Chemistry (Analytical). concise methods for the detection and determi- nation of their impurities, adulterations, and products of decomposition. 3v.ini. 8C. Phil- adelphia, 1885-95. Bernays (A. J.) Notes on analytical chemis- try for students iu medicine ; extracted from the 5. ed. of "Notes for students in chemistry". 2. ed. 8°. London, 1886. Berzelius. Analisi chimica d' ogni specie di miuerali da cseguirsi facilmeute colla cannella dei saldatori. Opera del Sig. M. Berzelius, tra- dotta prima dallo svedese iu francese dal Sig. Fresnel, ora dal francese in italiano dal Prof. Gazzeri. 8°. Firenze, 1882. Blarez (P.-M.-C.) # Sur l'analyse rapide des gaz. 4°. Bordeaux, \**l. Brown (J. C.) Analytical tables for students of practical chemistry. 8°. London, 1871. Brunet y Talleda (A.) 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An introduction to qualita- tive chemical analysis. 12°. IVashington, D. C., 1890. Fresexius. Quantitative analysis. v. 2. Transl. by Chas. E. Groves. Pt. 1. 8y. [Lon- don, n. d.] Galloway ( R. ) A manual of qualitative analysis. 8°. London, 1850. Gerhardt(C) Aide-uieiuoire pour l'analyse chiniique, contenant les caracteres des acides et des bases, la marche de l'analyse qualitative, les essais an chalumeau, l'analyse des melanges ga- zeux, et les principales met bodes de dosage et de separation, a I'usage des eleves des laboratoire-! de chimie. 12°. Paris, 1852. Gomez Pamo (J. R.) Manual de analisis qui- mica aplicada il las ciencias me'dicis. *\ Ma- drid, 1882. Gordon (J. H.) Aids to practical chemir-try. Especially arranged for the analysis of sub- stances containing a single base and acid radi- cle. 16°. London, 1^-87. Hake ( H. W. ) Coloured analytical tables, showing the behaviour of the more common metals and acids to the ordinary reagents, with special reference to the colour of the various oxides, salts, precipitates, flames, borax-heads, and blowpipe reactions. 8°. London, 1**9. Henry (O.) Resume" d'un procede pour ef- fectuer l'analyse 616mentaire organique. 8°. [Paris, 1832.] Hoffmann (F.) & Powers (F. B.) A manual of chemical analysis as applied to the examina- tion of medical chemicals. 3. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1883. CHEMISTRY. 376 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Analytical). Johxsox (A. E.) The analyst's laboratory companion. 12°. London, 1888. Jungfleisch (E\) Manipulations de chimie : guide pour les travaux pratiques de chimie de l'Ecole supdrieure de pharmacie de Paris. 8". Paris, 1**6. -----. The same 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1892-3. Kraucii (C.) Essais de puret£ des reactifs chimiques. Guide pratique a I'usage des labo- ratoires de chimie et de microbiologic. Edition fraucaise annotee par Julien Delaite, revue et considerablement augments par l'auteur. Pre- face par L. L. de Koninck. 8°. Liege, Paris, 1892. Krukexberg ( C. F. W. ) Gruudriss der me- dicinisch - chemischen Analyse, unter Zugrnnde- legung der im chemisch-physiologischen Labora- torium der k. Universitat Wiirzburg gehaltenen medicinisch-chemischen Curse. 8°. Heidel- burg, 1884. Kurzes Repetitorium der chemischen Ana- lyse, zum Gebrauche fur Mediciner, Pharmaceu- ten, Techniker, Lehramtscandidaten u. A. Ge- arbeitet nach Benedikt, Classen, [et al.]. I. Th. Qualitative Analyse. 12°. Leipzig u. Wien, [1892]. de Lange (Cornelia C.) * Vergelijkende asch- analyses. [Amsterdam.] 8°. Alkmaar, 1897. Lassar-Cohx. Arbeitsmethodeu fiir orga- nisch-chemische Laboratorien. Ein Handbuch fur Chemiker, Mediziner uud Pharmazeuten. 2. Antl. 12°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1893. Menshutkin & Markovxikoff. Rukovod- stvo pri prakticheskikh zanyatiyakh po kachest- veunomu analizu. Sostavleno po . . . [Manual for the practical work in qualitative analysis. Compiled from . . . ] 16°. Kiev, [1893]. Mohr (F.) Lehrhuch der chemisch-aualy- tischen Titrirmethode. 3. Aufl. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1870. Muter (J.) A manual of analytical chem- istry, qualitative and quantitative, inorganic and organic. Arranged on the principle of the course of instruction given at the South Loudon Central Public Laboratory and the South Lon- don School of Pharmacy. 3. ed. rov. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1887. Noad (H. M.) Chemical analysis, qualitative and quantitative. With numerous additions by Campbell Morfit. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. -----. The same. Chemical manipulation and analysis, qualitative and quantitative. With an introduction explanatory of the gen- eral principles of chemical nomenclature, the construction and use of formulae, the doctrine of equivalent proportions, and ou the preparation and managemeut of gases. A new ed. 8°. London, 1852. Prescott (A. B.) Outlines of proximate or- ganic analysis. For the identification, separa- tion, and quantitative determination of the more commonly occurring organic compounds. 4. ed. 16°. New York, 1893. -----& Johxsox (O. C.) Qualitative chem- ical analysis: a guide in the practical study of chemistry and in the work of analysis. 4. ed., with descriptive chemistry extended through- out, 8-\ New York, 1895. Re veil (P.-O.) * Discussion des divers pro- c6d6s employe's pour l'analyse elemeutaire des substances organiques; determination de leur Equivalent. 4° Paris, 1853. Sadtler (S. P.) A hand-book of industrial . organic chemistry, adapted for the use of manu- facturers, chemists, and all interested in the utilization of organic materials in the industrial arts. 8D. Philadelphia, 1891. Chemistry (.1 nalytictd). Schkrer(J. J.) Tabellarische Uebersicht des Yerhaltens der Gewohnlicheu bei analytischen Untersuchungen vorkonituenden Storl'e gegen Reagentien. Nebst Auleitung zur niethodischcn Untersuehung derselben. (Besonderer Abdruck aus (lessen Lehrhuch der Chemie.) 8\ Wien 1861. Schimpf (H. W.) A text-book of volumet- ric analysis, with special refeience to (he volu- metric processes of the Pharmacopoeia of tlie United States. Designed for the use of pharma- cists and pharmaceutical students, l.ed. 12'. New York, 1KI4. Schlickum (0.) Der chemische Analytiker. Die qualitative chemische Analyse in Fragen und Antworteu. Nebst abgekurzten Metlioden zu pathologisch- und gerichtlich -chemisclien Untersuchungen, sowie zur Priilung der Che- mikalien, natiirlichen Wasser und Ackererde. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Silva (Z.-D.) Trait6 d'aualyse chimique. Public par M.-R. Engel. 8^. Paris, 1891. Smith ( E. F.) Electro-chemical analysis, 12°. Philadelphia, 1890. de Sousa Pinto (A. J.) Observacoes sobre a incerteza das analyses e reagentes, on equivo- cagao em que cahem os qne attribiiem a cada reagente hum caracter particular para distin- guir exclusivamente hutiia determiuada subs- tancia. 8°. Lisboa, 1819. Stella (A.) * Delle analisi e dei reattivi. 4°. Genova, 1812. Sutton (F.) A systematic hand-book of volumetric analysis, or the quantitative estima- tion of chemical substances by measure. 8°. London, 1863. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1871. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1*82. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1896. —. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. 1886. The same. 5. ed. 8- The same. 6. ed. 8C Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1890. Tabellen zur chemischen Analyse, hrsg. von Otto Wallach. 1. Theil: Verhalten der Ele- mente und ihrer Verbindungen. 8°. Bonn, 1880. Taufflieb (H.-M.-E.) * Considerations sur l'analyse qualitative, suivies de l'exposition d'une m6thode analytique applicable a la re- cherche des substances mindrales. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1832. Thexard (L. J.) An essay on chemical anal- ysis; chiefly translated from the fourth volume of the last edition of the Trait6 de chimie 646- mentaire of . . . with additions, comprehend- ing the latest discoveries and improvements in this branch of the science, by John George Chil- dren. 8°. London, 1819. Thomsox (M.) Analytical tablets for the use of students of practical chemistry. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1861. Thornton (H. B.) How to analyse simple salts: solids and solutions. 8°. London, 1*89 Trimble (H.) Practical and analytical chem- istry. 8 . Philadelphia, 1885. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 . Philadelphia, 18-6. University of Georgetown. Qualitative analytical chemistry of inorganic substances. Tabulated and arranged chiefly from "Pre- senilis". Oblong sin. 4. Washington, 1882. Valentin (W. G.) A course of qualitative chemical analysis. Revised and corrected by W. R. Hodgkinson and H. M. Chapman. 6. ed. S'-'. Philadelphia, 1884. CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Analytical). Vilikks(A.) Tableaux d'analyse qualitative des sels par voie huniide. 8°. Paris, 1890. Wills (G. S. V.) Wills' hand-book to practi- cal aualysis, with appendix. 8\ London, [n. d.]. Wolfrum (L.) * Ueber quantitative Bestim- niunuen, welche auf Messung von Wasserstoflgas bcruhcn ; Calciumcarbid; Natriuinsuperoxyd. [Erlangen.] 8°. Aurjsbnrg, 1896. Dull online. Nouvelle methode d'analyse cbiniico- cliiiiq.ii© vohimetri(](ie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par.. 1880, 2. s., xiii, 196-206. Also: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1887, v, 214-'J"J5.— Freire (D.) Novo piocesso para dosar os gazes em di^soluciio nos liquidos orpwicos, dispensando o auxilio da niachina pneumatica a mercurio. Uniao metl., Kio do Jan., 1881, i, 45(M0'->, 1 pl.— Oibertini (D.) II dosainento dell' azoto nelle sostanze organic-he. Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1883, Ixwii. 321-H29. — Hirschler (A.) Beitrage zur Ana- lyse der stickstoffhaltigen Substanzen des Thierkorpers. Zts.hr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1886-7, xi, 25-40.— OUata (K.) Yukibutsu juni jonsurudansoo seirio sum itji shiubo ni zukcte. [A new method of determining: the amount of carbon in organic matters.] Med.-Ztg., Tokio, 18:i2, no. 386. ;i-19.—Pfliiger (E.) Ueber eine Methode, fiir die Maassauah se Losnnsien genau bestimniten Pro- ceutgehaltes herzustelhu. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 18S.">, xxxvi, 101. — Poehl (A.) Mittheilungen aus dem aiialvtisch-chemiscben Laboratorium. St. Petersb. med. Weliuschr., 1877, ii, 405: 1878, iii, 17; 33. Also, Reprint.— Rrichardt (E.) Zur Methodo der Aschenanalyse. Je- uaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz.. 1867, iii, 137- 116.—Schneider. List of tests (reagents) arranged in alphabetical order according to tbe names of the origina- tors. Translated from the German, with additions from various sources, by Hans M. Wilder. Pharm. Rec, N. Y., 1884, iv, 488-491. Also, Reprint— Young (T.) Chemical tables. A. Tables of simple affinity, and of solubility in water at 60° F. In his : An introduction to medical litera- ture [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1823, 507-522. Chemistry (Animal). See, also, Albumen; Bile; Blood (Analysis, etc., of); Boue; Brain (Chemistry of); Calcu- ' lus ( Urinary, Composition of) ; Cartilage; Chemistry (Pathological); Nervous system (Chemistry of); Oxidation process in the body; Urine (Chtmistry, etc., of). Axckll (H.) Liebig's Thierchemie uud ihre Gcgucr. ein vorziigiich fiir praktische Aerzte berechneter ausfiihrlicher Commeutar, zu des- sen physiologischen, pathologischen und phar- uiakologischeu Ausichten. Nach dem Euglischen bearbeitet nnd mit Anmerkuugen vermehrt von Dr. A. W. Krug. 8°. Pesth, 1844. Arthus (M.) Laments de chimie physiolo- gique. 16°. Paris, 1895. VAN Bemmelen (J. M.) De scheikunde als leer der stofwisseling. *:-. Leiden, 1*74. Berard (J.-E\) * Essai sur l'analyse des substances animales. 4C. Montpellier, 1817. Bunge (6.) Lehrhuch der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie in ein und zwauzig Vorlesuugen fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. -----. Thesame. In fiinf und zwanzig Vor- lesuugen. 3. Aufl. 8 . Leipzig, 1894. Charles (T. C.) The elements of physiolog- ical aud pathological chemistry. A hand-book for medical students and practitioners, contain- ing a general account of nutrition, foods and digestion, and the chemistry of the tissues, or- gans, secretions and excret ions of the body in health and in disease, together with the methods ' for preparing or separating their chief constitu- ents, as also for their examination in detail, and an outline syllabus of a practical course of in- struction for students. 8-. London, 1884. Comixelli (A.) Compendio di chimica fisio- logica. 12-. Napoli, 1*96. Davidoff (D. L.) Repetitoriyprakticheskikh zanyatiy po fiziologicheskof kliimi. [Kepetito- rmm of practical work in physiological chemis- try.] 8\ Kharkov, 1888. 377 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Animal). Denis (P.-S.) Nouvelles e"tudes chimiques, physiologiques et m^dicales sur les substances albuniinoi'des qui etitrent comnie principes im- meuiuts dans la composition des sol ides et des flnides orgauiques tant animaux que vegetans; 6tudes faites en snivant lam6thoded'cxperimen- tation par les sels, la seule qui, dans l'etat actuel de la science, seiuble pouvoir etre appliquee avec fruit a des recherches sur ces substances. 8°. Paris, 1856. Drechsel (E.) Anleitung zur Darstellung physiologisch chemischer Priiparate. 8°. Wies- baden, 1889. Dumas (J.) Essai de statique chimique des etres organises. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1842. -----. The same. Par Dumas et Boussin- gault, 3. ed. 8C. Paris, 1844. -----. The same. The chemical and phys- iological balance of organic nature. Edited by D. P. Gardner. From the 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1844. Fachini ( M. ) *Dei residui animali. 8C. Padova, 1866. Friedrich (H. A.) Handbuch der animali- schen IStoechiologie, oder der thiericshe Korper, seine Organe und die in ihnen enthaltenen Sub- stanzen, in Hinsicht ihrer chemischen Bestaud- theile, ihrer physischen und chemischen Eigen- schaften. 8. Helmstadt, 1828. Gautier (A.) Lecons de chimie biologique normale et patbologique. Elles sont publiees avec la collaboration de Maurice Arthur. 2. 6A. 8°. Paris, 1897. Gerstmann (F. B.) * Praxiu clinicam soli- dam in simplicissima minimorum tam solido- rum quam fluidorum corporum mutatione in mistione animali occurrente, fundatam . . . publicie ventilatioui exponit. sm. 4°. Duis- burgi ad Rhenum, [1730]. Guillemonat ( A. ) * Recherches anatomo- pathologiques et experimentales sur la teneur en fer du foie et de la rate. 4°. Paris, 1896. Halliburton (W. D.) A text-book of chem- ical physiology and pathology. 8°. London, 1891. Hammarsten ( O. ) Lehrhuch der physiolo- gischen Chemie. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1896. Hoffmann ( H. ) Grundliuien der physiolo- gischen und pathologischen Chemie. 8°. Hei- delberg, 1845. Hoppk-Seyler (F.) Handbuch der physiolo- gisch- und pathologisch-chemischen Analyse fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 2. Aud. 8°. Berlin, 1865. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. 8-. Berl in, 1883. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. Neu bearbeitet von F. Hoppe-Seyler und H. Thierl'elder. 8°. Berlin, 1893. -----. The same. Traits d'analyse chi- mique appliquee a la physiologie et a la patho- logic. Guide pratique pour les recherches cli- uiques, et annot6 par F. Schliiiideuhauffen. 8C. Paris, 1877. -----. Leber die Entwickelung der physio- logischen Chemie und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Medicin. 8''-. Strassburg, 18*4. Also, transl. in: N.York M..T., 1884, xl. 169; 197. Also, Reprint, Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Lond. M. Rec, 1884, xii, 422-424. Huxkield (F. L.) Physiologische Chemie des menschlichen Organismus, zur Befoiderung der Physiologie und Medicin und fiir seine Vorle- suugen. 2 v. 8°. Breslau, 1826-7. —----. Der Chemismus iu der thierischen Organisation. Physiologisch-chemische Uuter- snchuiigeu der materiellen Veriinderungen oder des Bildnngslebens im thierischen Organismus, insbesondere des Blutbildung.sproces.ses, der Na- CHEMISTRY. 378 CHEMISTRY. Cliciuittry (Animal). tur der Bluikdrpercken und ihrer Kerncheii. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie uud Heilmittel- lehre. Gekroute Preisschrift. 8°. Leipzig, 1840. Ilyin (M. D.) Prakticheskiya uprazhneuiya po fiz'iologicheskoi khiiiiii. Rukovodstvo dlya studentov, zauiuia.ynshtsliiksya v laboratorii prof. A. 1. Danilevskavo. [Practical exercises in physiological chemistry. Hand-book for the students working iu the laboratory of Prof. Danilevski.] Pt. 1. 8-\ S.-Peterburg, 1896-7. Kinuzett (C. T.) Animal chemistry, or the relations of chemistry to physiology and pathol- ogy. A manual for medical men and scientific chemists. *c. London, 1878. Kochs (W.) * Ueber eine Melhode zur Be- stimmung der Topographie des Chcinismus ini thierischen Korper. 8°. Bonn, 1880. Krukenberg (C. F. AV.) Die eigenartigeu Methoden der chemischen Physiologie als Ent- gegnuug auf die Festreden der Herren Leube und Hoppe-Seyler. 8°. Heidelberg, 1885. Kuhn (M. 6. B. ) Versuch einer Anthropo- chcmie. 8°. Leipzig, 1824. Leiimann (C. G.) Lehrhuch der physiolo- gischen Chemie. 2. Aufl. 3 v., with atlas, 1853-4. 8C. Leipzig, 1850-52. -----. The same. Physiological chemistry. Transl. from the 2. ed., by G. E. Day. 3 v. 8°. London, 1851-4. -----. The same. Edited by R. E. Rogers. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. -----. The same. 2 v. 8 . Philadelphia, 1856. -----. Handbuch der physiologischen Che- mie. o°. Leipzig, 1854. Liebig (J.) Bemerkungen iiber das Verhiilt- niss der Thier-Chemie zur Thier-Physiologie. 8'-'. Braunschweig, 1810. -----. Animal chemistry, or chemistry in its applications to physiology and pathology. Edited from the author's manuscript, by AVil- liam Gregory. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1843. Litvak (M.) Povtoritelnly kurs fiziologiches- koi khimii. (Po fiziol. khim. A. Scheffera i dr. rukovod.) [Review course of physiological chemistry. (From Scheffer's physiological chem- istry and other manuals.)] 8°. Kiev, 1889. Maschi (L.) Storia naturale del chimismo animale fisiologico e patologico. 8°. Parma, 1863. Milchsack (C. F. L.) * De salibus esseutia- libus corporis humani eorumque succedente mutatione. 4°. Duisburgi, 1771. Monange (L.) *Matieres extractives (l'ori- gine animale. 4C. Paris, 1889. Moxnikendam (S.) * Over splitsing van jo- dium- en broruiumverbindingen iu het dierlijk lichaain. 8C. Amsterdam, lb86. Mosselman (G.) &, Hebrant (G.) filmnents de chimie physiologique. 8°. Bruxelles 4~ Pa- ris, 1*96. Mulder (G. J.) Versuch einer allgemeinen physiologischen Chemie; mit eigenen Zusiitzen des Verfassers fiir diese deutsche Ausgabe seines Werkes. Nach dem Holliindischen von H. Kolbe. 2 v. (paged consecutively). 8°. Braunschweig, 1844-51. Neumann (J.) * Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Assimilation auorganischer Niihrstoffe im Tier- korper. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., [1893]. Neumeister (R.) Lehrhuch der physiologi- schen Chemie mit Berucksichtigung der patholo- gischen Verhiilinisse; fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 1. Teil. Die Ernahrnng. roy. 8°. Jena, 1893. Norton (S. A.) The human laboratory. A partial synopsis of animal chemistry, prepared for the freshman class in the Ohio State Uni- versity, 1883. Broadside. [Columbus, 1N83.] Ciiemiwtry (Animal). Pettenkoikr (M. ) Die Chemie in ihrem Ver- haltnissc zur Physiologic nnd Pathologie 1 Miinchen, 1848. Rigout (A.) * De la recherche niicro-chi- mique des principes imme'diat.s de I'ccoiioinie animale. 4C. Paris, 1HI5. Suhussler. Irrige Aufl'assungen beziigluh. der Biocheinie. Richtigstellung derselben. 12°. Oldenburg u. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Spickexboom (C. A. li.) * Ueber die Schick- sale der Gerbsiiurc und des Tunnigcn im Tier- korper. 81-'. Marburg, 1896. Thomson (T.) Chemistry of animal bodies 8°. Edinburgh, 1843. AAeyl (T.) Anulytisches Hiilf'sbuch fiir die physiologisch-chemisclien Uebunyen der Ah-di- ciner und Pliarmaceuten in Tabellenforin. r< Berlin, l8>-2, AVurtz (C.-A.) Trait6 de chimie biologiuuc 8°. Paris, 1885. Allen (A. H.) & Scarlc (A.B.) An improved method of determining prott id and gelatinoid substances. Ana lyst. Lond., 1897. xxii, 258-2«3. — (PAihoii val. Losn^,, des gaz daus les liquides tie rorgauismo. Compt. rend Soc. de biol. 1880, I'ar., 1881. 7. s., ii, 28. -----. Filtration et st6rilisation rapides des liquides organiques par l'enipioi de l'acide carbnnique liqu6tie. Ibid., I'ar., 1891, 9. 8., iii, 90-92. — Itniiinsinn (Ii.) Zur Kenntniss der aron'iati- schen Substanzen des Thierkorpi rs. Ztschr. 1' physiol Chem., Strassb.. 1882-3, vii, 282-291. — Bci-iiheim (A.) Beitrage zur Chemie der Exsudate und Transsudate. Arch. f. path. Anut. [etc], Berl, 1893, cxxxi, 274-303.— Blake (J.) On tho connection of tho molecular propel ties of inorganic compounds with their action upon the living animal organism. [Transl. from: Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesellsch.] Chem. News, Lond., 1881, xliii, 191. —Bojfo- ■noloflT (T.I.) Istoriya razvitiya i znaclu nlo fiziologo-i patologo-kliimicheskavo analiza v prilozhenii k kliniclies- koi meditsinle. [Importance of physiological chemistry. | Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1881," vi, 2277-2281.—Bout- qnclot (E.) Remarques sur les niatieres oxydantes que l'on pout rencoutrer chez les (-ties vivants. Compt. rem], Soc. de biol.. Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, C87-689. — Brown (A. ('.) h\siologicnl action, and antagonism. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1884, clxxv, 197- 244. Also, Keprint. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. boc. Lond., 1883, xxxv, 324-328.-----------. Contributions to the study of the connexion between chemical constitution and physiological action. Pioc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xlix, 3il-3l4. — Chevalier (A.)'&. totlcrcnii (E.) Essais historiques sur les mettiux que l'on leneontre quelquefois dans les corps organis6s. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1849, xii, 387: xiii, 124. Also, Reprint.—C'hitlciulcn (R. H.) Report on progress in physiological chemistry; liver, bile, and glycogen. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1884-5, vi, 195-202. -----. Tlie importance of physiological chem- istry as a part of medical education. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 370-374. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 2187-2193.—Christian! (A.) TJeber das Verhalten von Phenol, Indol und Benzol im Thierkorper. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1878-9, ii, 273-287.—€ ure i (A.) L' azione biologica dell' idrogeno e del carbonio secondo le funzioni chimiche. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1890, 7. s., i, 106; 129.- Denige* (Gr.) Determination rapide de l'azote total dans les niatieres organiques ct les liquides do I'gconomie. Arch. cTTn. de Bordeaux, 1895, iv, 193-203. — »ieeli«el (E.) Beitrage zur Chemie obligor Seethieve. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 189(1, n. F., xv, 85-107 — Du- bois. Recherches preliminaires sur le mode d'action de quelques liquides organiques neutres sur la substance organi86e. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 188!!, 7. s.. iv, 23-20. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 188:!, lvi, 147. -----. Ex p6riences relatives a, faction de quelques liquides organi- ques neutres sur la substance organisee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 100-103.—«anbc (J.) Chimie niineralc des corps organises; sol animal; lait et chair musculairo. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1893, 8 s., ii. 445- 447. -----. Chimie mineralo des corps organises; sol ani- mal; dominantes minerules des deux colonies cellulnirefl du cerveau. Arch. g6n. denied., Par.. 1893, ii. 274-284.— <; mi thier (A.) & l,nii

  • 'Jl.— Hiisoimciiq (P.) Lecons do chimie biolo.'ioue. Province mod.. Lyon, 1893. vii, 217; 999. 941. or,-,. 277; 301; 313; 337; 421; 409; 493.—Knuf. 26G-273.—Laudi~ (L\) Contributo alio studio della sintesi (leH'acido fenolsolforico nell' organismo. Lavoi i d. Cong. di mod. int., Roma, 1896. vii, 273-2,8. — Lit* It d ;.) The chemistry ot the animal bodv. Am. Text-Book Physiol. (Howell), Phila., 189G. 943-1021. —ITInynaiiimi (R-l Le niodifiea/.ionidel ricamhio azotato dopo 1'iunesto della vena cava inferiore. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 189.-)-G, xvi, fasc. 2, 1-20. — Marfori (P.) Sulle tras- formazioni di alcuui acidi della serio ossalica dell' orga- nismo- acidi rualonico, succinico e glutarico. Ann. di chim. c di farm., Milano. 1S90. 4. s., xxiii, 193-203. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, 1896-7, xxvi, 194-205.— Iflm-Khall (C. It.) & Heath (II. L.) Tho pharmacology of the chlor-hydrins: a contribution to tbe study of the relation between chemical constitution and physiological action. J. Phvsiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxii, 38-60. — Mar- Khali (T. It.)' Tbe relation between chemical constitu- tion and physiological action. Glasgow M. J., 1895. xliii, 9_](i. — von Moraezewski (AV.) Die Mineralbestand- theile der menschlichen Organe. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb., 1K)7. xxui. 4s:;-490.— .'Veiichi (M.) & gcboDiuon-. Simaaowak;' ( E.-O. ) Etudes sur le chlore et les halogenes (bins l'organisme animal. Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1894, iii, 191-211. — Petri. Zum Vcihahen der Aldehyde, des Traubenzuckers, der Pep- tone, der Eiweisskorpor und des Acetous gegen Diazo- benzolsulfonsiiure. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb., 1883-4, viii, 291-298. — Piatt (C.) Problems of modern physiological chemistry. Hahneman. Inst. Phila., 1894- 5, ii, no. 4, 5. — Preuswe (C.) Zur Kenntniss der Oxyda- tion aromatischer Substanzeu im Thierkorper. Zisc.hr. f. physiol. Cnem., Strassb., 1881, v, 57-00.—de Key Pail- hade (J.) Sur l'existencc da s b-s tissus animaux d'une matiere reduisant lo gavue bleui. Compt rend. Soc. de biol.. Par.. 1897. 10. s., iv", 070.—fialkowaki (E.) Ueher Autodigestion der Organe. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 189 i, xvii, Suppl.-Hft., 77-1C0. — de Nchweinitz (E. A.) Culture media for biochemic investigations. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 2C7. Also, Keprint.—Win i Hi (W. J.) "Weileres iiber die Sehwefelsauro -Bibbing im Organismus. Arch.f.d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1894, lvii 418-420. —Nuicai (P.) Sopra alcune sostauze alcaloidee che furono rinvo- nute nell organismo animale durante la vita. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1880-81, 5. »., vii, 15-40. Also [Abstr ]: Gazz. med. ital., prov. veneto, Padova, 1881, xxiv, 38-40. — Tominaga (K.) Kakikan ni okeru hatsitsu shobutsu no bunkai; (daini hokoku) narabeni Voitshi no sunwan sitshyaku setsuo iiyaburii. [On nitro- gen coutainiug substances in the various organs of ani- mals; (second report) refutation of Voit's theory of cir- culation in the white of an egg.J Ztschr. d mod. Gesell- sch., Tokyo, 1893, vii, No. 15, 1-17.—von UdrriiiNzhy (L. ) Ueber Furfuroheactionen. Ztschr I. ph\siol. Clo-n.. Strassb., 1887-8, xii, 355: 377: 1888-9, xiii. 248.— I7ltim:Ue crystalloid products of tho (-hemolysis of tbe orsanoplastic substances, particularly hy caustic baryta. (Summary and additions.) Ann. Chem. Sled.. Lond., 1879, i, 20-44. —Van Boehaute. Memoire sur l'origine et la iintnre de la substance animale. Mem. Acad imp. et roy. (1. sc. de Brux., 1783, iv. 34-45. — Ward (L F.) The organic compounds iu their relations to life. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. S '.. Salem, 1882-3, xxxi. 493-495. Chemistry (Forensic). See Chemistry in relation to hygiene, etc. ClifllliKti'Y (Medical and pharmaceuti- cal). See, also. Chemistry (Analytical); Chemistry (Animal); Chemistry (Pathological); Chemis- try in relation, to hygiene, etc.; Pharmacy (Sys- tems, etc, of); Stomach (Secretions of, Normal, etc); Toxicology; Urine in di-iase. Arena (I.) Trattato pratico di chimica clinica sull' auulisi dell' nrina, con appendice sull' analisi dello feci, per uso dei medici, stu- deuti di medicina, di chimica e farmacisti. 8°. Napoli, 1884. Arnold (C.) Repetitorinni der Chemie. Mit besonderer Beriicksiclitigitng der fiir die Medizin wichtigen Yerbindungon sowie der " Pharma- copeia Germanica", nnmentlich zum Gebrauche fur Mediziner nnd Pharmazeuteu. 8°. Ham- burg it. Leipzig, 1885. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 18^7. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, lr-90. -----. The same. Repetitorium der Chemie. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der fiir die Medizin wicbtigen Verbiudungen sowie des "Arzneibuches fiir das Deutsche Reich". 4. Aufl. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1891. -----. The same. 5. verbesserte und er- o-inzte Anfl. 8-. Hamburg u Leipzig, 1893. Atlee (W. L.) Lecture introductory to the course of medical chemistry in the Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, Philadel- phia, for the session 1844-5. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. Attfield (J.) Chemistry: general, medical, and pharmaceutical, including tbe chemistry of tbe British Pharmacopoeia. A manual ou the general principles of the science, and their ap- plications in medicine and pharmacy. 11. ed. 8°. London, 1885. -----. The same. 10. ed., specially revised bv the author for America. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. *-----. The same. 14. ed. 12°. Philadel- phia, 189-1. Bache (F.) A system of chemistry for the use of students of medicine. 8°. Philadelphia, lHli). Bartley (E. H.) A text-book of medical chemistry. For medical and pharmaceutical students and practitioners. 8L'. Philadelphia, 1885. -----. Tbe same. 3. ed. *°. Philadelphia, 1894. -----. The same. Text-booh of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry. 4. ed. 12l . Philadelphia. 1895. Baumes (J. B. T.) Saggio di un sistema chimico della seienza dell' uomo. Recato dal i francese nell' idioma italiano e corredato di annotazioni dal cittadino (iiuseppe Greco. 12c. Milano, anno nono rcpublicano, 1805. Bockek (F. \V.) Lelirbuch der praktischen medieinischen Chemie fiir praktische Aerzte und Studirende der Medizin, oder Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantitativen zoocbemischen Analyse. 16°. Weimar, 1855. -----. The same. Medical chemistry for physicians and students of medicine, or prac- tical instructions in zooehcmical analysis. [Transl. and arranged by A. Zumbrock.] 12^ Philadelphia, 1855. BouRGET. Manuel de chimie cliuique. Ana- lyse de l'urine; des calculs, concretions et sedi- ments; des transsudats et exsndats liquides: des liquides kystiques et du sue gastrique. 12°. Paris, 1891- CHKMISTliY. 380 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Medical and pharmaceuti- cal). Bowman (J. E.) A practical handbook of medical chemistry. 8 . Philadelphia, 1850. -----. The same. Edited by Charles L. Bloxam. 4. Am. from the 4. and revised Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1866. Binge (G.) Lehrbuch der physiologischen und pathologischeu Chemie in einundzwauzig Vorlesungen fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 2. ver- mehrte und verbesserte Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Carr (E. 8.) An introductory lecture de- livered iu the Castleton Medical College at the opening of the fall session, 1843. 8°. Albany, 1<43. Cartheuser (J. F.) Elemeuta chemise medi- ca? dogmatico-experimentalis. Una cum synopsi materia? medica? selectioris. In usum Tyronum edita. 12. Halce Magdeb., 1736. Chase (I. C.) A laboratory manual of med- ical chemistry; containing a systematic course of experiments in laboratory manipulation and chemical action, the non-metallic elements and the medicinal metals, quantitative processes ap- plied to sanitary water analysis, medicinal or- ganic compounds, proteids, digestion, blood, milk, urinalysis, and toxicology. 12°. Fort Worth, Texas, 1897. ChkrnIsheff (V. S.) * K voprosu o vliyanii khloristavo ammoniya (5 grammov v sutki) na usvoyenie i obmien azota i kolichestvo srednel sierl v mochle u zdorovikh lyudei. [Ou the ac- tion of chloride of ammonium (5 grams per day) on the assimilation and metabolism of nitrogen and on the quantity of neutral sulphur in the urine of healthy men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Chrestien (A.-T.) Cours de chimie me'dicale et de pharmacie. Discours d'onverture. 8°. Montpellier, 1856. De la Puerta (G.) Tratado de quimica inorganica cou las aplicaciones k la farmacia 6 industria y principios generales de analisis con- forme con las teorias modernas. 8°. Madrid, 1896-7. Dionisio (M. ) Compendio di chimica far- maceutica secondo il programma d' insegna- mento adottato nella R. Universita di Torino. 2 v. 8°. Torino, 1874. Draper (J. W.) Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry, University of New York, medical department. 8-. New York, 1841. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New Yovk, 1841. Dumas. Chimie physiologique et me'dicale. *°. Paris, 1846. Engel (R.) Nouveaux dements de chimie mddicale et de chimie biologique avec les ap- plications a l'hygiene, a la ni6decine legale et a la pharmacie. 4. 6a. 12°. Paris, 1892. ---—cV Moitessier (J.) Traite ele'mentaire de chimie biologique, patbologique et cliuique. 8°. Paris, 1897. Ferguson (J.) On some relations of chemis- try to medicine. Address to the medical stu- dents at the opening of the winter session, Uni- versity of Glasgow, Tuesday, October 30, 1877. 8°. Glasgow, 1878. Figuier ( L.) *De l'importance et du role de la chimie dans les sciences me'dicales. 8'-' Paris 1853. Fischer (B.) Lelirbuch der Chemie fiir Phar- maceuten. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguno der Vorbereituug zum Gehulfen-Exameu. 1. A 2. Hlfte. so. Stuttgart, 18rt5-6. Chemistry (Medical and pharmaceuti- cal). -----. Lehrbuch der Chemie fiir Mediciner, Unter Ziigrundelegung des Arzneibuchcs liir das Deutsche Reich. 8V. Stuttgart, 1892. Fluckiger (F. A.) Pharmaceutische Chemie. 2 pts. in 2 v. 8^-'. Berlin, 1*79. Garnier (L.) Chimie me'dicale, corps inine'- raux, corps organiques. Manuel de lYtudiaut 12°. Paris, 1*97>. Gaussen (I.) * Reflexions sur Papplicatiou de la chimie a la nieMeeine. 4C. Montpellier an Fi" [1798]. Griesbach (H.) Pliysikaliscli-chemischo pro. padeutik unter besonderer Boriicksichtigiuig der medicinischen Wissenschaften und mit liistorischen und biographischen Angaben. 1. Hlfte. 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Hammarsten (O.) Kortfattad liirobok i far- macetttisk kenii med sarskild kansyu till sven- ska farmakop6us preparat jemte handlednitig i titreringsanalysen. 8C. Upsala, [1886]. Harnack (E.) Die Haupttbatsaehen der Chemie. Fiir das Bediirfnis des Mediziucrs sowie als Leitfaden fiir den Uuterricht. 12°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1*87. Hartmann (J.) Opera omnia medico-chy- mica, in quibus praxis ejus chymialrica, nota? in basilicam Crollii et Beguinii tyrociniuiu, dis- putationes chimyco-medicie, tractatus de opio, miscellanea medico-chymica ct introdiictio in vitalem philosopbiam continentur. Partini an- tehac seorsim impressa, partini vero jam ex au- thoris MSS. non dum autea editis collecta, et in iinitin volumeu cougesta atque pluribus aucta a Conrado Johrenio. fol. Francof. a. M., 1684. Hofmann (A. W.) 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Cours de chymie, contenant la maniere de faire les operations qui sont en usage dans la mddecine, par une methode facile. Avec des raisonnemens sur chaque operation, pour l'instriictiou de ceux qui veulent s'appliquer a cette science. 10. 6"d. 8-. Paris, 1713. -----. The same. A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicines which are used in physick; ^vith curious remarks upon each preparation, for the benefit of such as desire to be instructed in the knowledge of this art. 4. ed. Transl. from the 11. ed. in the French. 8-\ London, 1720. -----. The same. Corso di chimica, ch' insegna il modo di fare 1' operationi, che sono usuali nella medicina con metodo facilissimo, et ragionamenti sopra ciascuna operatione. Tra- dotto dall' ultima editione francese da Nathan Lacy, di Loudra. 16°. Venetia, 1699. Leube ( W. O.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Cliemie in der Medicin. 4°. Erlangen, 1883. Lloyd (J. U.) The chemistry of medicines. 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Erfurt, 1716-49. iheillistrv (Medical and pharmaceuti cal). Lui>\\'iG(E.) Medicinisehe Cliemie in Anwon- dung auf gerichtliche. sanitatspolizeiliche und hygienische Untersuchungen sowie auf die Prii- fnug der Arzneipriiparato. Ein Handbuch fur Aerzte, Apotheker. Nanitatsbeamte und Studi- rende. 2. Aufl. * \ Wien it. Leipzig, lp95. Maly (R. L.) Grundziige der moilernen Che- mie fiir Mediziner, Pliarniazcuton uud Chemiker. 8' • . Wien, 1*68. Marabelli ( F. ) Lezioni di chiinicu-l'.inna- ceutica. 2 v. in 1. 12 . Pavia, I8().r>. Mecklenburg (I. M.) A. Simon (J. F.j (inind- ziige der Chemie. in Tabellen-Form. Zuniichst als lvepertoriuni fiir angehende Aerzte und Phar- maceuten. 4°. Berlin, 1835. Mialhe (L.) Chimie appliqude a la physiolo- gic et a la thdrapeutique. 8C. Paris, 1*^6. Miller (\Y. A.) On the importance of chem- istry to medicine. s°. London, 1845. Mitchell (T. D.) Medical chemistry, or a compendious view of the various substances em- ployed in the practice of medicine that depend on chemical principles for their formation; de- signed for the use of medical students. To which is appended a discourse on the medical charac- ter. 18°. [n. p.], 1819. Mi'LLEit (W.) & Otto (J. G.) Medicinsk- kemisk Praktikum. 8°. Kristiania, 18*4. MuiR ( M. M. P. ) Practical chemistry for medical students; specially arranged for the first M. B. course. 16°. London, 1878. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 16°. London,1882. Orfila (P.[-M.-J.-B.]) Siemens de chimie mddicale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1817. -----. The same. Elements de chimie ap- pliquee a la mddecine et aux arts. 4. dd. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1«28. -----. The same. 6. dd. 3 v. H . Paris, 1835. -----. The same. 8. 6d. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1851. -----. Rdsnmd des lecons de chimie, appli- quee a la mddecine-.pratique et k la mddecine legale, par Alexandre Pichon. 18°. Paris, 1828. -----. The same. 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Wheeler (C. G.) Medical chemistry, includ- ing the outlines of organic and physiological chemistry. Based in part upon Riche's Manuel de chimie. 8°. Philadelphia 4- Chicago, 1879. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Chicago, 1890. Witthaus (R. A.) General medical chemis- try for the use of practitioners of medicine. 8°. New York, 1881. Chemistrv (Medical and pharmaceuti. cal). ------. Tlie medical student's manual of chemistry. 8-\ New York, ]8*3. ---:—. The same. 3. ed. 8 . \etr York 1890. Wittstf.in (G. C.) Anleitung zur Darstcllun.r und Piiifung chemischer und pliarmaceutischcr Priiparate. Ein auf eigene Erfahrungen jie.^riin- detes, insbesonderer den Apotliekern newidinetcs praktisches Hulfsbuch. Mil einer Von ode von J. A. Bnchner. 2. Aufl. 8 . Miinchen, 1851. ------. The same. Practical pharmaceutical chemistry. An explanation of chemical and pharmaceutical processes, with the methods of testing (he purity of the preparation, deduced from the original experiment. Transl. and edited from the 2. German ed. by Stephen Darby. 1CC. London, 1853. Wolff (L.) Applied medical chemistry. A manual for students and practitioners of medi- cine. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. ------. Essentials of medical cliemistry, or- ganic and inorganic; containing, also, (piestioiiH of medical physics, chemical philosophy, ana- lytical processes, toxicology, etc., prepared espe- cially for students of medicine. 3. ed., with an appendix. 12°. Philadelphia, 1891. Wulling (F.J.) An elementary course iu in- organic pharmaceutical and medical chemistry. Designed especially for students of pharmacy and'medicine. 1. ed. 12°. New York, ls<>4, See, also, infra. Wurtz (A.) Traitd dldinentaire de chimie mddicale, comprenant quelques notions de to- xicologic, et les principales applications de la chimie a la physiologie, a la pathologie, a la pharmacie et a l'hygiene. 2 v. 2. dd. 8. Pa- ris, 1868. Arena (F.) Sopra alcuui uuovi orizzonti della chimica clinica iu genere e della urologia in ispecie. Gior. spec. di faiiu. sper. e chim. clin., Napoli, 1892, vi, 17-27.— Bcugnot (,T.) Chimie medicale. In: Encvcl. d. sc. med., 41 v., 8°, Par., 1834-46, 5. div., [v. 11.—Bill (J. 11.1 A plea foraiuore thorough study of chemistry in medicine and the arts. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 175-177.— Blum (F.) Der ebemiscbe Tisch des praktischen An- tes. Ztschr. f. arztl. Landpraxis, Frank!, a. M.. 1893, ii, 169-180. — Freund (E.) Ueber die V( rwendung der medizinischen (. heiuie am Kraukenhette. "Wien. null. Wchnschr., 1892, xliii, 369: 415; 473; 511; 567; 607; «5»; 702; 753. — Glover. A lecture ou the applications of chemistry to medicine. Prov M. Sc S. J., Lond . 1KU-2, iii, 63-67.' Also, Reprint. — Greene ( W. H.) Report, on medical chemistry. Phila. M. limes, 1883-4, xiv, 708-711.— Hake ( H. W.) Chemistry and medicine. Westminst Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1888. hi,'43-55. — Ilii^ogiiiviiq (L.) Programme d'un enseignement de eliinue iiKirgtinique, restreint aux applications niedicales et phDi-macrutiqiiea. Rev. scient, Par., 1892, xlix, 481-489. — I,ocbisth (W. F.) Ueber die Anwendung der Chemie in der Medizin. Wien. med. Presse, l.v8::, xxiv, 142; 169; 201. —Ludwig (E.) Einst und Jetzt in der medicinischeu Chemie. Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 231-234. Also.- Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895, xxx, 185-188. Also: Wien. med. Bl. 1895, xviii, 199-202. — Marsha 11 ( T. It.) The relation between chemistry and medicine. Glasgow M J., 1894. xiii, 355- 362.—Nenclii (L.) Sprawozdanie z dzialalnoSei prarnwni cheniiczno-lekarskiej s/.pitali warszawskich za 1. 1684. [Keport of the chemico-medical laboratory in tbe Warsaw Hospital lor the year 1889. | G>iz. lek.. Warszawa, 1885, 2. s., v, 881-88 J.—Perez y Gimcne/; (X. A.) Importiincia de la quimica yneccsidad do la n forma do su estudio en In Facultad (b- mediciua. (ienio ined.-quir., Madrid, 1870, xxii, 360. — Phenomena (On the) of circular poliirisH- tion exhibited by solutious of various organic bodies as a means of diagnosis and quantation in chemical biolojiy and medical practice. (Summary.) Ann. Chem. Med., Lond., 1881, ii, 215-230. — Pie vaiii (S.) I progressi della chimica applicati alia medicina. Atti Cong. gen. (1. Ahb. med. ital. 1880, Genova, 1882, ix, 698. — Rciimen (I) Chemistry in its relationstomedicine. Tr. M. & Chir. Kuc Maryland, Bait., 1877-8, 49-85. Also, Reprint. — Rullnn (R. h\) The place of chemistry in a medical edncaiion. Montreal M.J, 1893-4, xxii, 321-341. — Sadtler (S. P.) The debt of medical and sanitary science to synthetic chemistry. J. Frankl. Inst. Phila., 1889. 3. 8.. xcvii, 203- 219. Also, Reprint.— Simon ( VV.) The position which CHEMISTRY. 383 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (Medical and pharmaceuti- cal). chemistry occupies in itself and in its relation to medicine. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1887, xvii, 481-486.—Slepiieiison (T ) Relation of chemical science to therapeutics. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vi, 108-110.—Stokvis (H. J.) La oniniie dans ses rapports avec la pbarniacotberapie et la niaiiere medicale. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894 2. R., xxx, pt. 1, 633-648. Also, transl: Attid.xi Com' med'. internaz., Roma, 1895, i, 354-368. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. med. BL, 1894, xvii, 239; 257; 274. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 677-682. Also transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 987-990. Also' transl. [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1894. i, 794.— Thiidichmii (J. L. W.) Tbe chemical problems of medicine and the causes which retard their solution. Med. Press ^ Circ, Lond., 18st>, n. s., xiii, 39; 63; 86. -----. The progress of chemistry in its application to physiology, pathology, and ihe praci ice of medicine. Ibid.. 189"), n. s., lix 237 :"'34T: 403; 481; 535; 565; 667: 1x55; 103; 253; 339; 3til; 4i6; 441; 469; 492; 521; 545; 603; 657. -----. The proT'SS of medical chemistrv. Ibid., 1897. n. s., lxiv, 208? 229; 290; 313; 368; 399; 421. — Udransky ( L. ) A cheniia befo yasa a z ujabb orvosi tudomanvra [The relation of chemistry to the newer medical science.] fjyogyaszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 478-481. Also, transl.: Pest.' med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1896, xxxii, 968.— Vaughan (V. C.) Tbe growing importanceof chemical studies in medical education and in medical research. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1891, xxiv, 1-8. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi,'734-741 — Wiilling (F. J.) A course in inorganic pharmaceutical cliemistry. Pharm. Rec, X. Y., 1892-3, xiii-xv, passim. See, also, supra. Chemistry (Organic). See. al o, Chemistry (Analytical); Chemistry (Animal); Chemistry (Medical, etc); Chemis- try (Pathological). Ahrens (F. B.) Organische Cliemie fiir Aerzte iu zwolf Vorlesungen. 8C. Stuttgart, 1894. Alekseyeff (V.) Kratkiy uchebnik orgaui- cheskoi chiinii. [Short text-book of organic chemistry.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1^85. Bkilstein (F.) Handbuch der organischen Chemie. 2. Aufl. 8°. Hamburg 4' Leipzig, 1885-90. Berthelot. Lecciones sobre los metodos ge- nerates de sintesis en qniinica organica, explica- ihis en el Colegio de Francia. Trad, por Vicente Martin de Argeuta. Ediciou del Semanario f'urmuce'iitieo. 82. Madrid, W3. Bjlakkz (C.) Couis de chimie organique. Programme; aide-memoire des lecons. 8°. Pans, 1890. Carhacido (J. R.) Tratado de quimica org£- niea, tcorico y practico, aplicado especialmente H las ciencias ni6dieas. 81-. Madrid, [n. d.]. Cazeneuve. Resume' aualytique du cours de chimie. organique professe" a hi Faculty de mdde- cine de Lyon. 8°. Lyon, Paris, 1*93. Cutler (C. W.) Introductory lessons iu or- ganic chemistry. 32°. New York, 1886. Doering (A.) La quimica del carbono, 6 tratado de quimica orga'nica segun las teorias modcrnas, con aplicucion a" las artes, industria, inedicina y farniucia. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1877. Erni (H.) Constitution of organic com- pounds; heing a hrief account of the different theories advanced on this subject. 8°. Boston, im. Gastell (J.) Kritische Uebersicht der herr- schenden Theorien iiber die Constitution der org. Verbiudungen. 8°. Zurich, 1847. Uekhardt (C.) Precis de chimie organique. 2 v. *°. Paris, 1844-5. vox Gorup-Besanez. Lehrbuch der organi- schen Chemie fur den Uuterricht auf Universi- tiifeii, technischen Lebranstalten und fiir das Selbststudium. 6. Anil., neu bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann Ost. 8°. Braunschweig, 1881. Haenle (0.) Einfiibrung in die organische Chemie. 12°. Berlin, 1894. Chemistry (Organic). Hetet (F.) Manuel do chimie organique ele- ment aire, avec ses applications a la medecine, a l'hygiene et a la toxicologic. 8°. Paris 1880. Hofmann (A. W.) Die organische Chimie und die Heilmittellehre. 8°. Berlin, 1871. Lacote (A.) Des bases organiques naturelles et artiticielles au point de vue chimique, physio- logique et medical. 8°. Paris, 1869. Levy (S.) Anleitung zur Darstellung organ i- seher Priiparate. S,J. Stuttgart, 1887. Liebeo (J.) Die organische Chemie iu ihrer Anwendung auf Physiologie und Pathologic. 8°. Braunschweig, 1842. Limpricht (H.) Grttndriss der organischen Chemie. 8°. Braunschweig, 1855. Marchand (J.-E.-A.) * Considerations gene- rales sur les bases salifiables organiques et sur leur constitution chimique. 4°. Paris, 1840. Percy (J*.) Introductory lecture on organic chemistry, delivered at the Royal School of Medicine and Surgery, Birmingham. Session 1842-3. 8 \ London f Birmingham, 1843. Perkin (W. H.) & Kipping (F. S.) Organic ehemistry. 2 pts. in 2 v. 12°. Philadelphia, 1895. Pohlmann (R.) Repetitorium der Chemie fiir Studierende. 2. Teil. Organische Chemie (Che- mie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen). 12°. Leip- zig, 1889. Remsen (I.) An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon ; or, organic chemistry. 8°. Boston, 1885. VON Richter (V.) Chemistry of the carbon compounds; or, organic chemistry. Authorized translation by Edg»r F. Smith, from the 4. Ger- man ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 18*6. -----. Thesame. Authorized translation by Edgar F. Smith. 2. Am. ed. from the 6. German ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. SciiLOSSBERGER (.1. E.) Lehrbuch der orga- nischen Chemie mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Physiologie und Pathologic, auf Pharmacie, Technik und Laudwirthschaft. 2. Aufl. h . Stuttgart, 1852. Semple (C. E. A.) Aids to chemistry, spe- cially designed for students preparing for ex- amination. Pt. III. Organic. 1(5°. London, 1679. Strecker (A.) Short text-book of organic chemistry, by Johannes Wislicenus. Transl. and edited, with extensive additions, by W. II. Hodgkinson and A. J. Greeuawav. 8°. New York, 1882. Tauba (K.), Shinoyama (T.) & Siubata (K.) Yuki kagaku. [Organic chemistry.] 2 v. 8 . Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. Watts ( H. ) Watts' manual of chemistry, theoretical and practical (based on Fownes' manual). Vol. II. Chemistry of carbon-com- pounds, or organic chemistry. 2. ed. (13. ed. of Fownes'). By William A. Tilden. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1886. Aliwon (YV. P.) Observations on tbe principle of vital nfliniu, as illustrated by receut discoveries in organic cliemistry. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1844-9, xvi, 163; 305.— Gnube°(J.) Chimie miuerale des corps organises; sol animal; essai d'une classification bio-chiniique des nia- tieres albuminoides. Arch. gen. (lo med., I'ar., 1893, i, 327-338.—Morncr (C. T.) Fiskfjallens organiska grund- stubstans frau kemisk synpunkt betraktad. fTho princi- pal organic substance considered from the point of view of chemistry.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1S90-7, n. 1'., ii. 61.-,-(i'J.";. —P'nwlenr (L.) Researches on the molecular dis- syinetrv of natural organic products. Transl. from "Le- cons de ehimie pn.fessee.-.en I860". Ry W. S. W. Rusehen- berger, M. D., U. S. Navy. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1862, xxxiv, 1; 97. Also, Reprint. CHEMISTKY. 384 CIIKNEY. Chemistry (Pathological). See, also, Charcot-Leyden crystals; Chemis- try (Animal). von Bibra (E. F.) Chemische Fntersiichuu- gen verschiedener Eiterarten und einiger ande- rer krankhafter Substanzen. Eiu Beitrag zur pathologischen Chemie. 8°. Berlin, 1842. Hai:dy (A.) *Des recherches chimiques ap- pliqiu'-es a Pet tide des maladies. 4°. Paris, 1847. Briefer ( L.) Zur Darstellung leicht zerset/Jicher ch< inischerKrankheitsstoffe. Ztschr. f.klin. Med.. Berl., 1890, xvii, Suppl.-Hft, 253-256.—Fa lit (F.) Ueber die Wirknngen einiirer Korper ini sogenannten Status nascen- di. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1885, xcix, 104-174.— iSraniiboom (-T.) Zur quantitativen chemischen Zu- samniensetziing einiger menschlichen Organe bei verschie- deuen pathologischen Zustanden. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz , 1SS1-2, xv, 299-321.— Hamberg (N. P.) Undersoknings-metoder och reaktionsprof som begagnas vid detkemiskt-patologiskalaboratoriuni i Wien. [Methods of examinations and reaction tests as performed in the chemico-pathohtgicul laboratory in Vienna.] Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1857, xix, 464-483. Also, Reprint.— Hamilton (FI.) The chemical factor in disease. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1888, xx, 187-197. Also, Reprint.— MeCaskey ( G. W.) Biochemistry in its relations to nervous diseases. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1*95, viii, 1222-1226.—ITIonrwon (J.) A: NrlilagdenhaufFeii (F.) Jsouvelles recherches chimiipies et physiologiques sur quelques liquides organiques (eau des oursins, eau des kystes bydatiques et des cysticerques, liquide amniotique). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.] Par., 1882, xcv. 791-794. Also: France med., Par., 1882, ii, 666-669.- Than (K.) A che- miai torvenyek fogalraanak szerepe a gyakorlat kerde- seiben. Die Rolle des Begrififes der chemischen Massen iu den Prohlemen der Praxis. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 4, 266^274. Chemistry (Pharmaceutical). See Chemistry (Medical, etc.). Chemistry (Physiological). See Chemistry (Animal). Chemistry* Plan of the system of chemical instruction in the laboratory of Thomas Ander- son. 11. 4C. [Edinburgh,18~>0.] [P., v. 1291.] Chemist* (Diseases of). Gohlschmirit (F.) & Weyl (T.) Hygiene der che- mischen Grossindustrie; organische Betriebe. Haudb. d. Hyg.. Jena, 1895-6, viii, 787-898.— Heinzrrling (C.) & ■lclbig. Hygiene der chemischen Grossindustrie; auor- ganische Betriebe. Ibid.. 639-786.—Henry (A.) Surles accidents par intoxication dans les industries chimiques. Cong, internat. d. accidents du travail 1889, Par., 1890, ii. 64-72.—Roth (E.) Hygiene der chemischen Grossindus- trie; medizinalstatistische Einleitung. Haudb. d. Hv Jena, 1895-6. viii. 625-637. " " ' ^heninitins (Samuel). * Diss, sistens ajgrnm hydropicum. 13 1. sm. 4°. Jence, stanno Kreb- siano, [1674J. Chemnitz. Uebersicht iiber das Ergebniss der Impfniigcn ini Medicinalbezirke Chemnitz im Jahr 1.-79, und seit Einfiihrung des Reichsimpf- gesetzes iiberhaupt. Broadside. Chemnitz, J. C. F. Pickenhahn, 18*0. -----. Mittbeilungen des statistischen Anites der .Stadt Chemnitz. Hrsg. von Max Flinzer 6. & 7. Hlfte. 138pp. 4°. Chemnitz, E. Focke, 1 **:>'. Hft. 6 and 7 in one. Uhemiiitz, See. also, Fever ( Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by coun- tries; Statistics (Vital), by localities. Kkamer ( F. ) Phanerogamen - Flora von Chemnitz und Umgegend. 4°. Chemnitz, 1875. Chemnitz ([Friedrich Hermann] Adolf) [1870- ]. """reber Stich-Schussverletzungen des Kniegelenks. [Berlin.] 30 pp. 8°. Salzwedel, A. Mcnzel, 189"). Chemnitz (Martinus). *De sanguinis missioue infantibus neouatis debilibus et noxia et salu- tari. 20 pp. sm. 4C. Gt»»ir. ex off. Braunia, [1766]. Chemolosoff (Aleksiei Stepauovich) [1868- ]. "Ob ochistkie pityevoi vodi khimiches- ChemolosofT(Aleksiei Stcpanovieh)—cont'd. kind veslii.sbcstvami. [On the- pin 'ideation of ]>otab]e water by eheiniculs.] SH pp., 2 1. (■;-. S.-Peterburg, V. Dresscn 4' M. Gutsatz, 1894. i 'licmosi*. See Conjunctiva ( Diseases of). Chemotaxi*. Kowalevsky (Olga). * Relations de la rlii- miotaxie et de la leucocytose avec Paction an- tiflogistique de diverses substances. [Bern 1 8-. Paris, 1896. "J Bctfiiiami (H. W.) Chemotaxis and its relations to medical theory. [Abstr.] Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1894, v, 169- 177.—Rnbinslein (F.) Ueber Stromuiigserscheinu'iigeii in Fliissigkeiten : ein Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Chemo- taxis. YVien.med.Pres.se. 1892,xxxiii. 705-707.—Salomon. sen (C. J. I Undersogelserne over Kemotsikais og deiea Bet.\ (Ining for Paiologien. | hesearehes on chenmtaxia aud its importance in pathology.] Biblioth. f. Larger, Kjobenh 1894, 7. It , v, 21-53.—Weigert (C.) Ueber Cheinotaxis' Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1891, i, 589-597. Chemulpo. I.nnrii* (E. B.) Report on the health of Chemulpo (Jenchuan), Corea, for the half-year ended 31st October, 1893. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep. 1894. Shanghai^ 1895, xlvii-xlviii, 21. Chenal (Albert-Jacques) [1872- ]. *Dcla benzo-iodhydriue comme snccerlaiuSo de l'iodnre de potassium. 67 pp. 8'^. Paris, 1896, No. 52 Chenantais (J.-E.).[18.r>4- ]. *l>e Pepi- the'lionie calcific des glandes s6bac6es. 104 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 375. Chenantais [Jules-Louis] [1820-97]. B[auflouin| (M.) Necrologie. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 753. Chene (Francois). *De l'opbthalmie synipa- thique consid6r6e au point de vue de la patlio- genie et du traitement. 68 pp., 2 1. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1883, No. 7. [Chenel.] Sur les projets de cimetiere et de cheniin de fer municipal ou mortuaire. 16 pp. 8'. Paris, Renou f Maulde, 1867. Chenery (Elisha) [1829- ]. Relation of alcoholism to other forms of disease. 11 pp. 8'-'. [Hartford], 1879. Repr. from.- Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1878-9, iii. Chenevix (Richard) [1774-1830]. Phrenology; article of the Foreign Quarterly Review, with notes from Gl. Spurzheiin. iv, 70 pp. 8. Lon- don, Treuttel, Wiirtz 4' Rich ter, 1830. [P., v. 1050. ] -----. Tho same. 1. Am. ed. 4, 112 pp. 8J. [Boston, Marsh, C-apeu f Lyon, 1833.] Bound with: Si-uuziieim (.1. G.) Examination of the objections [etc.]. 8°. Hoston, 1833. Cheney & Ulyrick. Druggist's hand-hook of American and foreign drugs; their common English and botanical names, arranged in alpha- betical order. 110 pp. 12°. Boston, J. E. Far- well if Go., 1878. Cheney (Frederick Efjlward]). Errors of re- fraction and insufficiencies of the ocular muscles as causes of chorea, with cases. 28 pp. 1'2°, Bos'on, Damrell if Upham, 1890. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1890, exxii. -----. Hysterical mydriasis, paralysis of the accommodation, and blindness, following the use of the hydrobromate of hor.iatropiuc. 12°. Bos- ton, Damrell ty Upham, 1890. Repr. from: Boston M. ^c S. J., 1890, exxii. -----. Ocular headaches. 7 pp. 12'. Boston, Damrell if Cpham, 1892. Repr. from: Boston !M. Sc S. J., 1892, exxvi. -----. Purulent ophthalmia neonatorum as n cause of blindness. 6 pp. 16°. Boston, Dam- rell 4' Upham, 1892. Repr. from .- Boston M. 6c S. J., 1892, exxvi. See. also, Walton ((}. E.) & Cheney (F. L.) [ini. »■)• Tin; importance of correcting ocular defects [etc.]. 16°. Boston, 1892. CHENIER. 385 OHERBAU. Clieiiier tG.) Pathologie comparee. La ques- tion didentite" de nature de la morve et du farcin chez le cheval et chez l'homme. 15 pp. s-\ Paris, Soo de typog., 1**6. Chenieiix (F[raucois]). Hyst6rotomie abdo- miiiiile; ovariotomie double; guerison. 7 pp. s . Limoges, Ve. H. Ducourtieux, 1886. Chenopodiaceae. van Gkkset (C. A.) Notizeu iiber den Bau ib-s Holzkorpers einiger Chenopodiaceen. 8 . .\i„s!,ait. 18.">9. Chenopodium. Moqi'int-Tandon(A. ) Chenopodearum niono- orapbica enumerutio. 8". Parisiis, 1840. Sulmenkff (X. D.) * Lebeda (Chenopodium album L.) yeya khitnicheskiy sostav i usvoyaye- most azotistikh veshtshestv. [. . . its chemical composition aud assimilation of its nitrogenous matters.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Gordyagin (A.) Xieskolko botanicheskikh dannikh o slemeuakh lebedi. [Some botanical notes on the seed of chenopodium.; Dnevnik obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan univ., 1892. 81-9b. Chenopodium (Toxicology of). Bond (A. K.l Death after woruiseed. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1897, xxxvii. 289. -----. Is woriuseed poisonous? iiiid., 313-315.—Gable (I. C.) Poisoning bv oil of worm- Heed. Phila. M. Times, 1880, x, 404. — North (A.) Two cases of poisoning by the oil of chenopodium. Am. J. Otol., N. T., 1880, ii, 197-200. — Pole (A. C.) A case of poisoning bv wormseed oil. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1880, vii, 107. Clienot (Adam). Tractatus de peate. 12 p. 1., 24G pp. 8~. Yindobonce, typ. J. T. de Trattnern, 1766. [P., v. 1395.] -----. Hinterlassene Schriften iiber die arzt- lichen and politischeu Anstalten bey der Pest- seuche. 238 pp. 8C. Wien, J. T. von Trattnern, 1798. See, also, Seligmaun (F. R.) Adam Cheuot und seine Zeit. 4°. Wien, 1861. Chenoweth (James S.) Etiology of appendi- citis; why is it more common in the Anglo-Saxon race? 42 pp. 8°. Louisville, J. P. Morton 4'Co., 1807. Client! ( Edgar )[ 1-64- ]. "Quelques con- siderations snr les serums lactescents. 45 pp., 11. 8-. Paris, 1897, No. 215. Clienu [Jean-Charles] [1808- ]: Essai sur I'action therapeutic]lie des eaux ferrugineuses dePassy. 60 pp., 2 1. 16°. Paris, Fortin, Mas- son f Cie., 1841. -----. De la mortalite" dans l'armee et des mo- yens d'economiser la vie humaine; extraits des statistiques nie'dico-ebirurgicales des campagnes de Ciimee en 1854-6 et d'ltalie en 1859. xvi, 432 pp. sm. 8-3. Paris, Hachette 4' Cie, 18?0. See. also, Wyronuoff (6 comnie une cause de difficultes et de dangers dans la partu- rition humaine. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1846. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxvi. ------. Esquisse historique snr Louise Bourgeois dite Boursier, sage-femme de la reine Marie de Merlicis. 36 pp., port. 8 . Paris, F. Malteste 4- Cie., 1852. ------. Jacques Coitier, mddecin de Louis XI, roi de France, (M6moire couronne par la So- c\6t6 des sciences et arts de Poligny.) 34 pp. 8~. [Poligny, imp. de Mareschal, 1861.] Repr. [with additions) from: Union med., Par., 1861 2. s., xi. ------. Henri de Moudeville, chirurgien de Phi- lippe-le-Bel, roi de France. 100 pp., port. 8 . Paris, A. Aubry, 1862. ------. [Moisson departementale, feuilletous, 6ph6me"rides medicales. etc.] 4 v. 4°. [Paris, 1866-76, vel subseq.] A collection of his miscellaneous writings on medical chronology, history, etc., being principally clippings from the "Union medicale". ' Ephemerides medieales" (v. 3, 4) constituting a calendar of events in medical history for each day of the year. ------. Lu galerie de portraits de l'anciennc Fa- culte de inedecine de Paris. 12 pp. 8 . Paris /•'. Malteste .,- Cie., [1869]. Repr. from: Union med., Par., 1869, 3. s., viii. ------. Guillotin et la guillotine. 52 pp. 8 . Paris, 1870. ------. Notice sur l'origine de la bibliotheque de la Faculte de in6dccine de Paris; ce qu'elle a 616, co, qu'elle sera. 19 pp. 8 \ Paris, V.-A. j Delahaye 4" Cie., 1*7*. Repr. from: Union med.. Par, 1878, 3. s., xxv. ------. Theophrasto Renaudot. 16 p)i. 8 . Pa- ris, L. Leclerc, 1878. Repr. fro///,.-_ T'nion med.. Par.. 187S, 3. s., xxv. See, also. Killiiij; (A.) Premiers principes de mede- cine. 8°. Paris, 1st,,_Catalogue de livres rares et curieux [etc. ]. s-. Paris, lssli. — Edinburgh (The) new dispensatory. Nouveau dispensaire d'fidimbourg [etc.|. 8°. Paris, 1826. — Farmaeopee di fidimburgi [etc.]. S°. Venezia, 1844-7.—Tollin (H.) [ml. s.]. Mi- chel Ser vet; portrait; caractere. 8°. Paris, 1879. For Biographti. see Gaz. hebd. de med., Far., 1885, xxii, 64. Also: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 78. Chereau (Georges). * Dc la tuherculose testi- culairi- diffuse. 44 [pp. 4L. Paris, 1888, No. 46. Cherean (Rene) [1866- ]. * Sur quelques c;is d'upliiisie transitoire chez des fumeurs. 55 pp. 4~. Paris, 1891, No. 95. CHEKECHEWSKI. 386 CIlfiKOK Cherechewski (Jacques) [1865- ]. *Le sens musculaire et le sens des attitudes. 96 pp. 8°. Paris, 18<)7, No. 199. Chereinshanski (Alekeandr). See Itiuot (T.) |in 1. s.] Boliezni pamyati. 8°. S.- Peterburg, ]881.~!«ieeliginuUcr (O. L. G. A.) [in 1. s.]. Ucbebnik bolleznei uervuoi sistemi. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1SS2. Cherepnin (N[ikolaI] Pyotrovich). Besieda vracha o choleric [Discourse of a physician on cholera.] 12 pp. 8 -■. Sanktpeterburg, 1892. -----. BesTcdlo zaraznikh bolleznyakh; zakono- polozheniya o nikh, mieri k ogranicheniyn, lecheu'ie i propisi lekarstv. [Discourses on contagious diseases; laws concerning them; measures for their limitation, treatment, and prescriptions. ] [4. ed.] viii, 114 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, A. S. Suvoriu, 1894. See, also, lmperalorskiiya Mediko-Khirurgiches- kava Akademia. l)vadtztipvatille,tie vraokel [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Cherevkoff (Aleksaudr [Mikkailovich]) [1860- ]. *0 vliyanii bolshikh polnshariy golov- novo mozga na serdtse i sosudistuyn sistemn. [On the induence of the cerebral hemispheres on the heart and vascular system.] 2 p. 1., 176 pp.,. 10 diag. 8C. Kharkov, [A. N. Guseff], 1892. Cheribon. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Cherigie (Edouard-Auguste) [1864- ]. *De la suture des os. [Paris.] 94 pp. 4°. Lille, 1888, No. :524. CherinoflT ( M[ikhail] P[yotrovich] ). O pri- chinukb zaraznikh bolleznei. [On the causes of contagious diseases.] xiii, 150 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Moskva, M. N. LavrofffKo., 1881. See, also, NlmkliorNlti (A.) Kritika uebeniy bak- terbintsev i antibakteriautsev, [etc.]. 8°. Moskva, 188C. Cherinak (Nikolai Karlovich) [1856- ]. *Stroyeuie i razvitie khryashtshevol tkani. [Structure and development of cartilaginous tissue.] 1 p. 1., ii, 75 pp., 2 1., 1 id. 8°. S.- Peterbnrg, V. P. Meshtsherski, 1890. -----. O postroyenii zhivavo veshtshestva; hipoteza zhivikh nioleknl-viklire\ [On the structure of living matter; hypothesis of living molecular vortices.] 3 p. ]., 66 pp. 8°. S.- Peterburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 1895. Chermside ([Sir] Robert Alexander) [1787- 1860]. *Tentameu med de aquae frigidae iu fe- bribus usu. 1 p. 1., 39 pp., 11., 2 pp. o°. Edin- burgi, Ncill et socii, 1817. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1860, ii, 277. Chemak (Ladislaus). *De respiratione volu- ernm. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. 4°. Groningo?,, apud H. Spandaw, 1773. [P., v. 1929; 1931.] Cliernav kin (I[vau] G[rigoryevich]) [1855- ]. *K voprosu o vliyanii trostnikovavo sakhara na usvoyen'ie zhirov pishtshi, kozhno- lyokhochniya poteri, obinien vodi i vies tiela u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the influence of cane sugar upon the assimilation of fat from food, loss by skin and lungs, metabolism of water, and weight of the body, in healthy men.l 53 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Chernbaeh (Nicolas-Guillaume). * Quelques f6nexiuns sur l'abaissement de la temperature dans lis maladies. 1 p. 1., 28 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 189. Chernenko (Roman Fiodorovich) [1861- ]. * K voprosu o chastotie glist u zhitelel Surazhs- kavo uyezda Chernigovskoi gubernii. [Ou the frequency of worms among the inhabitants of Surazh County, Chernigov Government. 1 62 pp. 8°. Gomel, S. J. Fridland, 1896. Cliernevski (E[duard] F[rantsovich]) | 1851- ]. Kurs akushorstva. [Course of obstet- rics.] 2 pts. xv, 317, 8 pp., -j ].; ii, ;?(J6 pp., 1 1 8°. S.-Peterburg, N. A. Lebedeff, MCi-4. CONTENTS. Pt. I. Chast flzlologicheskaya so vklyuchenlem ncheniva o zaraznikh bolleznyakh, sredstvakli i nilerakli piotiv nikh, o viborle kormilits, iskusst\ eimom vskarinliviuiii i o podkarmlivanii dietel. [ Physiological part, iiirhiiliiii;., description of contagious diseases, measures for eneouu- teriug them, the choice of nurse, artificial feeding of jn. fan is. | Pt. II. Chast patologicheskaya so vklyucheniein krnt- kavo ucheniya o bolleznyakh dietel v p'erxiye dni vnl(.. matoehnol zhiznii zakonov Kossiyskol Impeiii, piaviw-lst- vennikh rasporyazbeniy i pravil, olnosyaslitshikhs\a ilo povivalnikb babok. [Pathological part,"including a short account of diseases of children during tin- first da>H »f extrauterine life, and the laws of the Russian Empire couceruiug midwifes.] -------. Nieskolko zamieckaniy ob akushcrskikh shtshi)itsakh. [Remarks on obstetrical forceps "] 6 pp. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1895.] In: Sboiin. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Kodovspom. zaved 1895, iii. -----. O povorotie na uozhki i izvlecheuii plo- da pri uzkom tazie i ob izvlecheuii poslieduvu- shtshei golovki voobshtshe. [On podalic ver- sion and the extraction of the fcetus in case of a narrow pelvis, and in general on the extrac- tion of the head following the body.] 13 pp 3 tab. 8°. [St. Petersburg, I. Trei, 181)5.] In: Shorn, trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved 18116, iv. Cliernisheflf (Vladimir Stepanovich) [1857- ]. * K voprosu o vliyanii khloristavo am- moniya (5 grammov v sutki) na usroyeiri'e i obmien azota i kolichestvo srednei slerl v inochle u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the action of chloride of ammonium (5 grams per day) ou the assimi- lation aud metabolism of nitrogen and on the quantity of neutral sulphur in the mine of healthy men.] 65 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, I. V. Tsiietkof, 1893. CherndflT (V[asiliy] E[gorovich]) [lsSs^.')- ]. *0 Arsaslvauii zhira vzrosllini i dietnii vo vremya likhoradochnikh zabolicvaniy i vnle ikh. [On the absorption of fats by ndulls and children during fevers and without them.] 69 pp., 1 1. 8-'. S.-Peterburg, N A. Lebedeff, 18815. -----. Perityphlitis i paratyphlitis u dietel. [. . . in children.] 69 pp. 8°. Kiev, P. Za- vadzki, 1892. -----. K voprosu o domashouem vospitanii dietel do shkolnavo vozrasta. [On home education of children up toschoolage.] 32 pp. r^°. Kiev, 1*1)4. Chernoviz (P. L. N.) Guia medica, compursta de ties partes principales: I. Formulario medico conteniendo la descripcion de los medicamentus, sus ddsis, las enfermedades en que se emplean, y las mejores f6rmulas. II. Compendio de las aguas minerales de Espana, Portugal, Fraticia, B61gica, Suiza, Alemania y Am6rica Meridional, acoinpatiado de vistas de algunos estableci- mientos termales y de 6 mapas balnearios. III. Memorial terapentico 6 descripcion abreviada de los siutomas y del tratamiento de las enferme- dades. 2. ed., considerablemente auinentada en vista de la 2. ed. portuguesa y con un iinpor- tante suplemento de los mas recientes tiabujosy de la vacunacion carbuuculosa por L. Pasteur. vii, 1195 pp., 6 maps. 8°. Paris, R. 4" F. Cher- noviz, 188o. Cheron (Jules) [1837- ]. Le drainage de liv cavit6 utdrine par les voies naturelles. 13i pp 8°. Paris, 1*92. Repr. from: Kev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par-. 1890-91, xii-xiii. -----. Introduction k l'e'tude des lois g6nerales de l'hypodermie, physiologie ct therapeutique. 555 pp. 8°. Paris. Soc. d'e'd. scient., Ie93. CHEEOX. 387 CHERVIN. Clieron (Jules)—continued. _____. De l'emploi de l'ictuyol dans le traite- ment des tumeurs fibreuses adh6rentes. 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1895. Repr. from: Rev. med.-chir. d mal. d. femnies, Par., 1895, xvii. _---. Traitement des fissures k l'anns par la cocaine et l'ichthyol. 3 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897. Ripr. from: Gaz. de gynec. Par.. 1897. xii. See, also, Browne (K.) Neurasthenia and its treat- ment \etc.]. s:. London, 1894. For Biography, see Itianchon (H.) Nos grands mede- cins. 8°. Paris, 1891, 77-S3. Cheron (Paul) [1853- ]. *De l'albuminnrie duns le rhumatisme articulaire aigit; sa valeur sernciologique. 56 pp. 4 . Paris, 1885, No. 236. C lie rot (Henri) [1859- ]. * Du molliiscnm pendulum de la vulve: faux hermaphrodistne par pseudo-verge lat6rale. 58 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, Oilier-Henry, 1892. No. 185. Cherpitel (Charles) [i860- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'atrophie musculaire progres- size. Ip. 1., 77pp. 4-\ Nancy, 1885, No. 214. Cherry laurel. See Lauro-cerasus. Cherry (T.). See Allen (H. B.) Sc Cherry (T.) The histology of twenty-nine cases of primary neoplasms [etc.]. 8°. Dune- din, 1897. Chcrson. Sec Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Clierubin d'Orle'ans. La dioptrique oculaire, ou la theorique, la positive, et la me'ehauique de l'oculaire dioptrique en toutes ses especes. 22 p. 1., 419 pp., 15 1., 53 pl. fol. Paris, T. Jolly 4- S. Benard, 1671. -----. La vision parfaite, ou le concours des deux axes de la vision en uu senl point de l'ob- jet. 12 p. 1., 168 pp., 10 1., 15 pl. fol. Paris, S. Mabre-Cramoisy, 1677. Bound with his: La dioptrique oculaire [etc.]. fol. Paris. 1671. Chernbini (Giuseppe). Vade mecum per le ucque terinominerali dei bagni di Lucca, per il bngno a vapore e per il nuovo stabilimento iilroterapico. 48 pp., 2 tab. 24°. Siena, 1*88. Chervin [Arthur] [1850- ]. Stammering and its treatment. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, [1880]. ----. La m6thode Chervin pour corriger le be- gaiement et tous les autres defauts de pronon- ciution expliquee dans 38 rapports officiellement redige's, par l'Acadernie de mddeciue, le conseil de sante" des armees, les societ6s m^dicales de Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, etc. Suivie d'une notice snr l'lnstitution des begues de Paris, fondee, en 18(57, avec le concours de M. le mi- nistre de l'instruction publique, subveutionue'e par la ville de Paris, dirigee par le docteur Chervin. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Derenne, 1881. -----. Comment on gue'rit le begaiement. 8 pp. '•c. Paris, G. Masson, 18*2. Repr.from: J. de therap., Par., 1882, ix. -----. The same. 12 pp. 8C. Paris, Soc. d'e'd. scient, [1894]. -----. Geographic me'dicale du de'partement de la Seine-Inferieure. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, 1883. -----. Essai de classification des troubles de la parole. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 188 8°. 'Bordeaux, 1*96. Chabky (L.) * Contribution a l'etude du luotiveinent des cdtes et du sternum. 4°. Pa- ris, \>*1. Also, in: J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.|, Par., 1881, xvii, :iUl-328. Ehleumaxx (E.) *Dic Mecha'ik des Thorax inBiindern. [Bern.] 8 . Dresden, 1886. Hofmaxn (C.) De thorace ejusque partibus commentaiius tripartitus, in quo discutinntur praecipue ea quie inter Aristotelem et Galenum controversa sunt. fol. Francofurti, 1627. Holland (G. C.) The plagiarisms of Julius Jeffreys iu his treatise on the statics of the human chest. *-'. London, 1844. Jeffreys (J.) Views upon the statics of the human chest, animal heat, and determinations of blood to the head. 8--. London, 1843. Rudneff (V.) * Topograhya organov grudnol polosti i opisan'ie, zaklyuchayushtsheisya v nei, klictchatki. [Topography of the organs of the thoracic cavity and description of the cellular tissue, included in it.] 8J. Moskva, 1*89. Albrecht (P.) Sur les copula? intercostoi'dales et les bemisternoldes du sacrum des mamniiteres. Presse med. lielne. Brux., 1883, xxxv, 385: 394.—Anderson (R.) Note on supraclavicular muscles. Internat. Monatschr. • f. Anat. n. Histob, Berl.. 1885, ii, 146-149.—Bardelcbeu |K.) Der Musculns sternalis. Centralbl. f. d. uied. Wis- senscb.. Berl., 1875, xiii, 433-135. Also, Keprint.—Bell (0 ) On the nerves which associate tbe muscles ot the chest, in the actions of breathing, speaking and expres- sion. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1822, cxii, 284-312, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Abstr. Pbil. Tr. Roy. Soc. Lond. (1815-30), 1833, ii, 171.—Birmingham (A.) On the homology and in- nervation of tlie acliselbogen and pectoralis qunrtiis, and the nature of tbe lateral cutaneous nerve of tbe thorax. [Abstr. | Tr. Boy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 473- 476. —C'liarpy (A.) De l'angle xiphohlieu. In his: Etudes d'anat. appliq., 8°, Par., 1892, 80-91. -----. Les muscles costaux. Midi med.. Toulouse, 1893, ii, 565-570.— Cunningham (D. J.) Report of tlie committee of investigation iu tin; anatomical department of Trinity College, session 1888-9. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 188!), vii, 378-387. Also, Reprint. — D-ebierrc (C.) Le thorax de l'homme est-il en voie de regression? Attid. xi Cong. med. internaz.. Roma, 1894, ii, anat., 12-15.— Demcny (G.) Bechercbes sur la forme du thorax et sur le rapport entre la production de travail musculaire et le mecanismede la respiration des sujetsentraiues. ( ompt. n-inl. Soe. de biol., Par.. 1889. !>. s., i, 289-293. Also: Arcb. ile physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1H89, 5. »., i, 580-504.— Dieulafoy «_}.) Poitriue. X. diet, de med. et cbir., prat., Par., 1--0, xxviii, 621-744. — D^ileilein (C.) De fvsikalskc Forhold af Bryst og Br\ storganer bos Bern. Norsk Mag. f. Licgevideiis'k.. ' hristiania, P-90, 4. R.,v, 704- 804. — Dominguez Sc Koldan (F.) El torax y sus iigiones. Rev.de cien. med.. Habana, 18:i5. x, 111-124.— Dwight (T.) & Roech (T. M.) The thorax in in fane v. Arc.li. Pediat,, Phila.. 1891, viii. 321-332.—Emery (C.) & Nimoni (L.) Becherches sur la ceinture scupulairc des cyi rinolib s. [Transl.] Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin 1886, vii, 39(1-394. —«oette (A.) Beitra.e zur veridoichendeu M. rphologie des Skeletsystems der \\'irl)clthiere. I. Ue- her das lirustbein und den Schultergiirtcl. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. 1877, xiv, 502-620, 3 pl— Hal vcitwinn (H. J.) De musculns thoracicus. Vers]. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk.. Amst., 1-61. xii, 164-180,3 pl.— Hainbleton (G. W.) The experimental production of chest types in man. Lancet, Lond.. 1887. ii. 610.—Hatote (C.) Hemerkungen iiber die Athmung. iiber deu Man der Lungen und iilier die Form des Brustkorbes bei dem Menschen nnd bei den Siiugethieren. Arch f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leii>z.,-1893, 293-307. —'Ilenlte (\V.) ZnrTopogiapbie des weiblicben Thorax. Ibid., 18s3. 205- 276, 1 pl.—llirmchlaflT (W.) Ueber das Vnrkoinmen und die Bedeutung eigenartiger Figureu erweiterter Hautve- Chest. nen am unteren Tbeil des Thorax. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1894, xx, 243-245.—Huntington (ti.S.) Contribution to the topographical anatomy of the thorax in the fcetus at term aud tbe new-boru child'. Med Bep Soe. Lying-in Hosp. N. V., 1897, 324-350, 17 pl. _! l.ewiuslii. Der Mecbauismus der Schultergurtelbe- wegungen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1877, 196-207. Also, Reprint.—.Vluggia (A.) Sul rapporto dei visceri interni con la paroteloiacica nei bambini. Pediatria, Napoli, 1894, ii, 146-150. -Ke-hilenu (P.) Poitrine; anatomie; anatomie comparee; anomalies et vices do conformation; physiolo- gic. Diet, encycl. d. sc med.. Par., 1888, 2. s., xxvi, 442- 456— Mliephern (F. ,1.) Anomalous muscle of the tho- rax, connected with tbe diaphragm. J. Anat. & Physiol Loud., 1895-6, xxx, 168.—Stuart (T. P. A.) A simple mode of demonstrating bow the form of the thorax is partly determined by gravitation. Proc. Roy. Sue. Lond., 1891, xlix, 143.— Snoboila. licit rag zur Forinveiande- rung des kindlielien Brustkorbes. Jahrb. f. Kinderh. Leipz., 1890. n. 1<\, xxxi, 327-341.—True (M.-H.) Eludes sur le thorax normal de l'homme. L\on med., 1884, xlvi, 441; 504. Also: Mem. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1884), I8S5, xxiv, 121-137.—Winnie (B.C. A.) The pectoral group of muscles. Tr. Boy. Irish Acad., Dubl. 1889, xxix, 345-378. A Iso [Abstr.]: Proc. Boy. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xlv, 99-101.—Wood (J.) On a group of varieties of the muscles of tbe human neck, shoulder, and chest, with their transitional forms and homologies in tbe mam- malia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1869-70, xviii, 1-3.— Venko (P. D.) O formakb grudi i izmienenii ikh v zavi-imosti ot vazlicbnikh usloviy. [On the forms of tho chest aud their changes under different conditions.] Trtidi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1883-4, li, 73-95. Chest (Abnormities and deformities of). See, also, Corsets ; Occupations ; Spine, Ribs, Sternum, Abnormities of. Beschreibung der merkwiirdigen Brustbil- dung ( Thorax-Difformitat ) des Joh. Heinrich Wojaczek. 16°. Wien, [1867]. Coulson (W.) On deformities of the chest. 1-2°. London, 1836. Foscarini ( J.) * De thoracis coarctatione spontanea. 8°. Patavii, 1834. Goesche ( [G. C. ] H.) * Ueher Trichterbrust. 8°. Berlin S., 1*95. Giieif (G. [R.]) * Drei Fiille von congenita- lem Defekt an der vorderen Thoraxwand. 8°. Greifswald, 1891. Grunenthal ( A. ) * Ueber Trichterbrust. 8°. Berlin, [1888]. Lefebvre ( A. ) * Des deformations osten- articulaires eonsecutives k des maladies de l'appareil pleuro-pnlmonaire (oste~o-arthropathie hypertrophiante - pueumique de P. Marie). 4°. Paris, 1891. Pravaz (J.-C.-T.) De l'emploi et du mode d'action lie lair comprinie' dans le traitement des difforinite's du thorax. 8C. Lyon, 1863. Prinz (15.) * Ueber congenitale Brustmus- keldefektc. H^. Wiirzburg, 1891. Trape (E.-J.-M. ) 'Contribution a l'6tude des malformations costales et de la hernio con- genitale du poumon. 1". Bordeaux, 1893. Abcrerouibic (J.) A case of congenit.l defioiency of chest wall. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1892-3, xxvi, 225.- JBaaeli (K.) Ueber sogenannto Flughaiitliihhing beim Menschen. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl., 1891, xii, 499-515,1 pl.— Bennett (E. H ) On some congenital deformities of the thorax Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.. 1883, i, 263-266.— Bernhardt (M.) Fall von erworbener (tranmatischer) Trichterbrust bei einem au Hysteria, virilis (ex traumate) leidenden Mamie. Deut-chcs Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891-2, xlix, 601-608. — Bilhaut (M.) Deformations du thorax se rattacbant a l'bjportrophie. des amygdales. Ann. d'orthop. et de cbir. pi at.. Par., 1889, iii.'81-85.— Blower (B.) Case of congenital delonuil v of t he chest. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1886, n. s. xii. 407. Also: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 188 i, vi. 470.—QZouehuutl. S6rio d'anomal es du thorax. Bull. Soc. anat. cliu. de Lille, 1888, iii, 219-221. — Bunion (R.) Des deformations tho- rnciques chez les jeiiues gens; remarques faites par les tailleurs. Normainlie m6d, Rouen, 1891, vi, 221-223. Also: Ann d liv-., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 520-523.—Brniis (L.) & KiciU'l (L.) Ueber einen Fall von angeborenem De- fect un hreier Brustmiiskeln mit Flughaiubildung. Fort- scbr. d. Med., Berl., 1890, viii, 1-7,1 pl— Chaparn. Des deformations thoraciques et des deviations rachidienues dans leurs rapports avec les obstructions chroniques, des CHEST. 390 CHEST. Cheat (Abnormities and deformities of). voies respiraloires siiperieures. Gaz.ln-bd denied., Par., 18:i6, xliii. 037 —Clcmcnti. Ueber die Anwendung des Gipsmieders zur Verbesserung der Hiilinerbrusi. Cong. peiiod. internat. d. se. med. Compt-rend. 1879, Ain-t., 1880. vi, 394. — <'oen (E.) Un nuovo caso di toraee imbu- tiforiue. Bull. rma- tions thoraciques. Bull. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lillo (1893) 1894, 230-248— Littlewootl (H.) Congenital absence of both pectoral muscles on the right side. Lancet, Lond., 1894. ii, 19. Liizzalto (M.) 11 toraee a fossa. Riv. ve- neta di sc. med., Venezia, 1890, xiii, 529-542. -----. Sul toraee a fossa. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma 1895-6, xvi, fasc. 1, 101-105.—ITIaric (P.) Sur la deforma- tion thoraeique en taille de guepe chez certains myopa- thiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. bop. de Par., 1895", 3. s , xii, 808. -----. Deformations thoraciques dans quelques affections medi ales. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1896. xliii, 157-162.—JIcinlcz (J.) Peeho infundibuliforme; pecho en emlmdo (Ebstein). An. d. Circ. ni6d. argent., Biieuos Aires, 1891, xiv, 397-411.—?Iirto (G.) Abnorme sviluppo del pellieiaio toracico in un demente. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino. 1806, xvii, 451— Tlomher (Eliza, M.) Flat chest, produced by habits of posture; its prevention and correction. Brooklyn M. J., 1896, x, 355-363.— tliihl- hiiuscr. Ueber Trichterbrust. Deutsches Areh.f. klin. Med.. Leipz.. 1883, xxxjii, 98-100.—Orrcjjo Lnco (A.) Sobre una malformaci6ti especial del pecho (torax en em- bndo); contribucidn al estu Ho de los estigmas I'Imcos de 'a degeueracidn. [From: Bob de med. de Santiago dc Client (Abnormities and deformities of), Chile.] Abeja med., Habana. 1892, i, 93.—Over wee. Ein Fall von augeborenem Defekt der Briistinuskt-hi' lieutsche. iiiil.-ar/.il. Ztsehr., Berl, 1895, xxiv, 440-444.J Fereival (K.) Caso di toraee imbiitifornie; Tiicliter- bmst (Ebstein). Kiv. clin. di Bologna, 1884, 3. s jv 401 -408. — IMilaw-Ui (A.) Ueber cine Di fectmisg' bildung einiger Rippeu mid Muskeln als Uisache einer seltenen Abuormitiit ini Bau des Thorax (I'issura tho racis lateralis). Arcb. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl. 1890 exxi, 598-600, 1 pl. — Kamadier (J.) & *< i icux ( P. ) Xote sur cinq c is de malformation sjieciidi iie la poitrine (thorax en eutonnoir); coutributiou a l'etude des stigmates iihysiques de d6geiierescence. Bull Soc d'anthrop. de Par , 1891, 4. s., ii, 318-335. Also: X iconoE de la Salpeiriere, Par., 1801, iv, 329-343, 3 pl. — Itiiiin ||;i (A.) Anomalia congenita. Uniou med., Caracas. 1881,'i 12. —Kewei (F ) Considerazioni sopra una notevole de' foriuiia toiacicae sulla persisteuza dei vasi ialoidei. Gior dimed. mil., Roma, 1885, xxxiii, 1226-1253.—Bibberl(H.j Zur Aetiologie der Trichterbrust. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Herb, 1884, x, 533.—Bieder (II.) Drei Fiille von angeborenein lvnoehen- uud Muskd-Defekt am Thorax. Ann d. xtiidt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1890-9') 1894 61-83.— BoMcnfi-ld (G ) Ueber Verlagerungdes He'rzeng bei Trichterbrust. Med. Abhandl. Festschr. d Stuttu arztl. Ver., 1897, 115-120— Kiiclicrt (J.) Ueber nnge- boreuen Defect der Brustmuskelu. Miinchen. med. Wclin- sehr., 1890, xxxvii, 469-471.—SabrazeN. Arrets de de- veloppement des parois thoraciques avec pointe de hernie dn poumon. Rev. de me.d., Par., 1894. xiv, 1010-1019.— Schlange. Hocbstaud der einen Halite des Schulter- giirtels. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii 1.JH3. — Schmidt (O. L.) The funnel-shaped breast of Ebstein, with report of a case. Medicine, I)i troit 18!)J,i, 79-85.—Seitz (C.) Eine seltene Missbildungdes Thorax! Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl.. 1884, xcviii. 335-337, I pl.- Nini tli (II. It.) Neuarved 'Trichterbrust". Norsk Mag. f. l.icgevidensk., Christiania, 1886, 4. R., i, 230.—Mtilf. man (('. F.) Round shoulders. Med. Standard, Chi* ago. 1891, x, 62-66.—Stintzing. Ueber angeborenen und er- worbenen Defect der Briistmnskoln. Sitzungsb. d. Ge- sellsch f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen, 1880, il, 30- 35.—Stone (E. Mary P.) "Case of congenital deficiency of posterior part of diaphragm, with abdominal viscera in the thorax. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1895, n. s., xvii, 554. —Sutherland (G. A.) Congenital defect of chest wall. Clin. J., Lond., 1897-8, xi, 173. — Tnylos (G. H. ) The chest developer; an apparatus adnpled to correct thoracic asymmetry, and to restore proper function to the respiratory mechanism. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 11-14. — Teschner (J.) The treatment of postu'al de ormities of the trunk by means of rapid nnd thorough physical development. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 226-260,6 pl. Also, Reprint.—Thomson (J.) On a form of congenital thoracic deformity. Teratologia. Lond. & Edinb., 1895, ii, 1-12, 5 pl. Also, Reprint.—Vclle-.cn (H. J.) "Trichterbrust" med her.edit.-r-r Optrajilen. Norsk Mag. f. Liegevidensk., Christiania 1880. 4. R., i. ::i- 39. Also, transl: (Jen'ralbl. f. klin. Med., l.eipz. Is86. vii, 57-60. -----. Zwei weitere Falle von Triehleiliiast Centralbl. f. kliu. Med., Leipz.. 1880, vii, 745-748. Wil- lett (A.) A second case of malformation of the left shoul- der-girdle, with remarks on the probable nature of the de- formity. [Abstr.] Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lend., 1882-3. n. s., i, 95-101.—Woillcz. Sur un cas de diffor- mite thoraeique considerable, avec deplacement inoffensif do plusieurs organes, et signes stethoscopiques particn- hers. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vi, 515-521. Also: Bull. Soc. rued. d. b6p. de Par. (1858-61), 1801, iv, 462-471. Chest (Abscess of). See, also, Abscess (Subscapular); Chest (Sur- geni of); Empyema; Fistula (Pulmonary); Mediastinum, Pleura, Abscess of. Auclert (fi.) * Contribution a l'6tude den abces des parois thoraciques a" forme pseudo- plenr6tiqne. 4°. Lyon, 1893. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1893. Cartier (P.) * Abces p6riostiqnes de la paroi thoraeique. 4°. Paris, 1882. Citerne (P.) *Des abces froids des parois du thorax. 4°. Paris, 1*84. Dessemond-Sicard (M.-M. ) * Des abces thoraciques recevant des impulsions du cceur et des poninons. 4°. Lyon, 1885. Franche (L.-P.) *De hi pleure"8ie consecu- tive au phlegmon de la paroi thoraeique. 4°. Paris, 1890. Kiepessi (M.) *De tuinore sive de ahscessu lymphatico improprie dicto. 8°. Patavii, 1836. CHEST. 391 CHEST. Chest (Abscess of). Marmauian (J.) "Contribution a l'6tude des abces (Voids de la paroi thoraeique laterale; des abces d'oi igine pleuralc 4°. Paris, 1896. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1896. Penot ( J. -A. ) * Contribution a 1'etude du phlegmon diffns de la paroi thoraeique laterale. 4°. Paris, 1882. Prif.UR (H.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude du phlegmon sous-pectoral. 8°. Paris, 1896. Sori.iGorx ( C. ) *Pathoge"nie des abces froids du thorax. 4°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1S94. BnnliH (J. T.) Abscess in the wall of the chest open- ing inlo the lung. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 374 _Knumgartel ((J.) Tboraxabscesse. Ztschr. f. Wundiirtze u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1883, xxxiv, 58: 1885, xxxvi, 306.—Bonilly. Phlegmon diffus de la paroi thoraeique laterale. Paris med., 1882, vii, 62-64. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1731, Breast., 1757, 77-84.—Chicoynenn pere Observa- tion d'un abces interieur de la poitrine, accompagnee des Byinpt6mes de la phtisie, et d'un deplacement notable de l'epine du dos et des epaules; le tout termine heureuse- roent par l'evacuation naturelle de l'abces par le fonde- racnt. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. fde Paris] 1731, Amst.. 1735, Mem., 724-737.—Colzi (F.) Ascesso tubercolare intra ed estratoracico; asportazione e ra-ehiamento; guarigione; Inhis: Resoc. d. op. eseg. ... in Clin. chir.in Firenze, 8°, 1892, 35.—von Dittel. Abscessus frigidus in regione infra-clavicular, sin. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilaust. d. Dr. A. Eder 1880, Wien, 1887. 13— Dunn (\V. A.) A case of Biib-costal abscess. Cliniqne, Chicago, 1888, i\, 363.—Du- play. Des abces froids de li paroi thoraeique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 905.—Evans (J.) Abscess in tho- racic parietes simulating empyema; post mortem, lied. Press &Circ, Lond., 1881, u. s., xxxi, 313.—Fowler (G. E.) The surgery of intrathoracic tuberculosis. Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1896, xxiv, 541-574.—Gaston (J. McF.) Report of progress in tbe treatment of thoracic abscess. Tr. South. Sing. Sc Gynec. Ass. 1890. Phila., 1891. iii, 399- 413.—Harris (T.) Intrathoracic suppuration 'without rise of temperature. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 429.— Hofmnun. Feber den Durchbruch kalter Abscesseder . Thoraxwandung in die Luugen reap. Brouchien. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 729.—J am in (R.) Phleg- mon diflfus de la paroi laterale du thorax ; mort rapide. France med., Par., 1881, xxviii, 669-672. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1881), 1882, v, 130-139.—Kirmisson. Vo- lumiueux abces presternal d'origine lymphaugitique. Se- maine med., I'ar., 1885, v, 420.—Kduig. Die Erfolge der Behandlung eitriger Ergiisse der Brusthbhle. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 252-254.—I,ardier. Du phleg- mon sous-pectoral, dit spontane, chez les alcooliqnes; anto-tiauniatisme et auto-infection. Bull. me.d. d. Vosges, Rambervillers, 1886-7, i, no. 2, 58-65.—.Lyman. Peii- pleuritic abscess. Phila. M.Times, 1881-2, xii, 505. Also: Boat >n M. & S. J., 1882, cvi, 279.— Mackenzie (11.) & Abbott (F. C.) Subdiaphragmatic abscess comni nicat- im with the right pleura successfully treated by resection of rib and drainage. Lancet. Lond., i894, ii, 10:;'i—iTInni- catiile. Abces rece al perctelui toracic vindecat pi in in- jecnunl cu elorur de zinc. Spitalul, Bucuresel, 1893, xiii, 467.—IVIessncr. Ueber den Durchbruch kalter tubercu- loser Abscesse der Thorax-Wandung in die Lunge reap. Bronchien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f Chir., Berl, 1893, xxii, pt. 2, 128-133. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1893, xlvi, 292-297. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1893, xl, 393.—ITIorestin (H.) Abces tuberculeux du grand pectoral. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 784.—Norris (R. C.) Report of a fatal ease of submam- mary abscess. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1896, xxxiii, 230-232. [Discussion], 244.—Otto. T'ebei- Peripleuritis tubercu- losa (peripleuritischen Abscess nnd Durchbruch des Ab- scesses in die Trachea). Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893, xxxvi, 132-143.—Park(R.) Subcostal abscess. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., ii, 159-101.-Perez Ortiz. Ab- Bceso de la pared toricica izquierda a. nivel de la sexta costilla; resecci6n costal legrado de la pleura; curaci6n. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1896, x, 470-472 — Ramond (F.) 6c Bonnus (G.) Compression du cceur par un abces par congestion. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 21- 23.—Renant. Abces sons-pectoral ouvert directement dans le poumon. Ibid., 1882. lvii, 321-324. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1883, xi, 220.—Rust. Thoracic abscess caus- ing fatal dyspnoea; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 177.—Smith (W. G.) Case of extra-pleural abscess simu- lating empyema. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.. 1890, viii, 19-22.—Souligoux. Des abces froids du thorax. Bull. Soc. anat de Par., 1894. lxix, 293.—Tillatix. Ab- ces froid de la paroi thoraeique. Rev. nrat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1896, liii, 249—Tuffier. iWabces froids des parois thoraciques (mediastinites tuberculeuses). Semaine med., Par., 1890, x, 385— Ulyanovsk! (L. V.) Sluchai Chest (Abscess of). ogroinnavo nariva v oblasti grndnoi zhelyozi. [Enormous abscess in the neighborhood of tlie mammarv "land 1 Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 909-91].—Vcrneuil. Du phlegmon sous-pectoral. Siecle, med.. Par., 1881, ii. 225.— Werner. Drei Fade von Abscesfbildung unter dem Musculns pectoralis. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh. Winnenden, 1882, xxxiii, 323-332. Cliest (Capacity of). See Chest (Mtamirement of). Cliest (Diseases of). See, also, Emphysema; Heart, Lungs, Pleu- ra, Diseases of. Blackmore (Sir R.) A treatise of consump- tions and other distempers belonging to the breast and lungs. 8°. London, 1724. -----. The same. 2. ed. »°. London, 1725. -----. The same. 3. ed. "8°. London, 1735. Blakiston (P.) Practical observations on certain diseases of the chest, and on the princi- ples of auscultation. 8°. London, 1848. Castellii (P. V.) Exercitationes medici- nales ad omnes thoracis affectus decern tracta- tibus absolutai, quorum primus est de angina, secundus de tussi, tertius de asthmate, quartus de sanguinis sputo, quintus de pleuritide, sextus de peripneumonia, Septimus de empyemute, oc- tavos de phthisi, nonus de cordis palpitatione, decimus de syncope. Quibus perquam multae novas difficultates medica) ac physical, tarn theo- ricse quam practical, discutiuntur, et pene innu- mera Hippoeratis. Galeni, aliorumque medicinae procerum loca pugnautia conciliaulnr, difficilia explanantur, et au usus medicos redticuntur. Opus omnibus medicis ac pbilosophis, lerum causas pervestigantibns, et recte, utiliter atque decore, turn in consultatiouibus (quas vocant) cum alias medicam artem exercere cupientibus utilissimum. sm. 4°. Tolosce, 1616. Dialogo quarto familiare scherzoso fra Chi- rone chirurgo, e lo speziale di Poggilonzi sopra lo specchio di disiuganno formato per benefizio dell' umana societa dal dottor Giauiiantonio Vatmucci riguardo alia cavata di sangue nelle infiammazioni di petto ed altri dolori laterali. *°. Genova, 1763. Gerhard (W. W.) The diagnosis, pathology, aud treatment of the diseases of the chest. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. Hall (F. de H.) Synopsis of the diseases of the larynx, lungs, and heart* comprising Dr. Eduards' tables on the examination of the chest, with alterations and .additions. *°. London, 1878. Harris (V. D.) Tlie diseases of the chest, in- cluding the principal affections of the pleura), lungs, pericardium, heart, and aorta. 16°. Lon- don, 18-H. -----. The same. 16°. Philadelphia, 1888. Hattingen (J. G. ) *De morl.is visceium pectoralium in vesanorum cadaveribus cultro auatomico indagatis. 4°. Bounce, [182*]. Hundt (M.) Ein niitzliclies Rc-oiim nt, sumpt dern Bericht der Ettznei, wider otliclie KrancU- heit der Brtist, und bcsonderlich wider den Husteu, Brustseiiche, und Bschwerung des Athems. Darbey ein kurtzer Bericht, wider die Beschwerung des Haupts unnd Schwiudel, Auch ein sehr iriistlich Ri-oinientlin, wider die verdriessliche und ungeliorsame Kranckheit des Podograms, die man den Zii»rian neunet. Mchr ein niitzliclies Regiment, wider die weltleuffig und unsauber Kranckheite, der Frantzosenn. sm. 4°. Franckf. a. M., 1549. Kioisku (A.) A i>rize essay on diseases of the chest. 12°. L.ewistown, Pa., 1835. Laennec (R. T. H.) A treatise on the dis- eases of the chest, and on mediate auscultation. CHEST. 392 CHEST. Chest (Diseases of). Transl. from the 3. French ed., with copious notes, a sketch of the author's life, and an ex- ! tensive bibliography of the different diseases, by J. Forbes. To which are added the notes of Prof. Audral, contained in the4. and latest French ed. Transl. aud accompanied with observations ou cerebral auscultation, by J. D. Fisher. 8C. New York, 1838. von Liebermeister (C.) Lektsii po chastuoi patologii i terapii. T. IV. Bolezni gruduych orgauov (organy dychauija i krovoobratscbe- uija). Pereved s neniet.sk. 8. E. Serebreunikov. [Voriesungeii iiber specielle Pathologie uud The- rapie. IV. Bd. Krankheiten der Brustorgane. (Respirations- und Circulatiousorgaue.)] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1«92. Newton (C.) & Calkins (M.) Thoracic dis- eases; their pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. With a biographical sketch of the life and char- acter of Prof. Calvin Newton. 8°. Worcester, 1854. Philipp (P.) * Ueber Warmedifferenzeu der Brustualften bei einseitigen Erkrankungen der Brustorgane. 8°. Berlin, 1879. de Roziere de la Chassagne. Manuel des pulmoniques, ou traite" complet des maladies de la poitrine, oil l'on trouve la theorie la plus naturelle, les regies de pratique les plus simples et les plus sures pour combattre les maladies de cette cavite". On y a joint une nouvelle methode de reconnoitre ces mernes maladies par la per- cussion du thorax, traduite du latin d'Aven- brugger. l(ic. Paris, 1770. Stokes (W.) Die Brustkrankheiten, deren richtige Wiirdigung uud Behandlung. Neueste Uebertragung ins Deutsche mit Zugabe der spa- ter vom Verfasser veroffeutlichten Aufsiitze: I. Ueber Krebs der Lungen und des Mediastinums. II. Ueber akute Induration der Lungen; und III. Ueber Cirrhose der Lungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1844. Swett (J. A.) A treatise on the diseases of the chest; being a course of lectures delivered at the New York Hospital. 3. ed. 8°. Neiv I York, 1856. Walshe (W. H.) A practical treatise on the diseases of the lungs and heart, including the principles of physical diagnosis. 8 . London, 1851. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1854. -----. The same. A practical treatise on the diseases of the lungs, including the princi- ples of physical diagnosis and notes on climate. 4. ed. 8C. London, 1871. -----. The same. A practical treatise on the diseases of the lungs aud heart, including the princi pies of physical diagnosis. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1H51. -----. The same. A new Am. from the 3. English ed. 8°. Philadelphia, I860. -----. Thesame. Traitd cliuique des mala- dies de la poitrine. Traduit sur la 3. 6a. et annot6 par J.-B. Fonssagrives. 8°. Paris, 18/0. Waters (A. T. H.) On diseases of the chest; being contributions to their clinical history, pathology, and treatment. 2. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1874. Williams (C. J. B.) The pathology and diag- nosis of diseases of the chest. Illustrated es- pecially by a rational exposition of their phys- ical signs; with new researches on the sounds of the heart. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1835. -----. The same. With an appendix, con- taining various opinions and experiments on the mot inns and sounds of the heart, and on the bronchi. 4. ed. 8"-. London, 1840. Chest (Diseases of). -----. The same. Edited, with additions by M. Clymer. 4. Am. ed., revised. 8\ Phila'. delphia, 1853. -----. The same. Die Pathologic, und Dia64. Kansome (A.) On the relation of the chest- lnovciiie-iits to prognosis in lung disease, and on the application of stethometry to examinations for lite assurance. - . London, 1**2. Smith (A. II.) Some points on the physical examination of the che-t. 8°. New York, 189b. Van Ooteghem (J.-A.) * Tentamen medicam circa differentes niethodos explorandi et earum upplicationem ail di versos morbos cavitatis tho- racicaj. 4°. Gandavi, [18^7]. Chest (Diseases of, Diagnosis of). West ( S. ) How to examine the chest. A practical guide for the use of students. 2. ed 12°. Ijondon, 1KH>. Artigalas (C. ) Contribution a l'etude de l'aire de Traube. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 291; 306.— von BiincIi. Der Nachweis der Lungenschwellung und Lungeiistarrheit durch Rdntgen - Strahlen. Wieu. med. "Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 185.— Bnumholtz (I. L ) Postu- kivaynshtshiy pribor i nieskolko slov o postukn anii. f Percussion apparatus, and remarks on percussion, j Vrach. Sr. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 704. — Beclere, Onriin Sc Barlhelemy. Applications de la methode Rbntgen au diagnostic des affections thoraciques et en particulier au diagnostic des lesions de l'aorte. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. bop. de Par., 1897. 3. s., xiv, 713-721 — Beneriikt (M ) Krankbafto Znstiinde der Lungen. des Herzlieutels und des Rippenfelles in lioiitnen-Beleuchtung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 370.—Bergonie (J.) Nou- veaux faits de radioscopie de lesions intrnthornciques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par.. 1890, exxiii, 1268. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1807 xviii. 52. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1897. lxx, 11—Binnehi (S.) Sc C'oe- chi (A.) Sui rapporti del! nlbero broncbiale colla parete posteriore del toraee. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1891, ii. 176-179. — Biernacki ( E. ) Zur Revision einiger Kapitel der plnsikalischen Diagnostik der Brustorgane. Samml. klin. Vortr.. n. F.. Leipz., 1896, No. 154-155 [Innere Med., No. 47. 605-665].—Bouchard (C.) Nouvelle note sur Papplicatiou de la radioscopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, exxiii. 1234. Also: Rev. de la tuherculose, Par., 1896, 273-277. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1897, lxx, 1. -----. Quatrieme note sur les applications de la radio- scopie au diagnostic des maladies du thorax. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, exxiv, 1068-1070.—Cary (C.) The cause of the disparity found both in health and disease on physical examination of the upper portion of the chest. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, I'bila., 1895, x, 397-102. Also: A in. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., ex, 433-438.— Castex (E.) Du sonde percussion du thorax. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 720.—Cccchini (A.) Ricerche plessimetricbe eseguite sulla superfleie postero- inferiore del toraee sinistro in rapporto con alcune malat- tie toraciche ed addorainali. Atti o rendic. d. Accad. med.- chir. di Perugia, 1894, vi. 17-46.—Crook (J. K.) On the diagnostic value of pains in the chest, with illustrative eases. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., 1ST. Y., 1894, vii, 1106-1108.— B-ahlerup. Om Hjflelpemidlerne ved Brystundersegel- sen og deivs diagnostiske Betydning. [Aids in examin- ing the breast and their diagnostic significance.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1881, iv, 4. R.. 37-49.—Druiiinioiid (D.) On auscultation of the trachea and mouth iu tho- racic disease. Med. Press. MS. fol. [London, 1883-6.] Hospital for Diseases of the Throat and Chest, Golden Square, London. Annual report of the committee of management to the sub- scribers, including report, of the Samaritan So- ciety. 4., 18.56; 5., 1867; 8.-11., 1870-73; 13.. 1875; 15.-19., 1877-81; 21., 1883; 22., 1884. 12°. .London, 1867-85. -----. The pharmacopoeia of the . . . based on the British Pharmacopoeia, 1867. Edited by Moiell Mackenzie. 8°. London, 1872. -----. Thesame. 4.ed. 16°. Loudon, 1881. -----. The same. Edited by F. G. Harvey, surgeon to the hospital. 5. ed. 16°. London, 1894. -----. General and building-fund account for the year 1883. MS. fol. [London, 1881.] -----. Statement by the medical council to the committee of management on the differences that have arisen between these two bodies. Action of the committee. Resignation of six members of the medical staff. 4°. [London, P-8:i.] -----. Receipts and pay men ts accounts for the year 1887. )2C. London, 1888. -----. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] v. s. [London, n. d.] -----. Regulations as to the admission of patients. 8°. [London, n. d.] -----. The same. For out-patients. 8C. [London, n. d.] Infirmary for Consumption aud Diseases of the Chest and Throat. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 13., 1839; 11.. 18150; 33., 1879; 37.- 41., 1883-7. 8°. London. 1859-88. Ladies' Samaritan Society, London, in con- nection with the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, City Road. Laws of the . . . adopted at a general meeting of ladies and gentlemen, May 27, 1872. 16°. [London, 1872.] -----. Animal reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1., 1872-3; 2., 1873; 5., 1876; 7., 1879-80. 16°. London, 1873-81. -----. [Blank forms used by the society.] 8°. [London, n. d.] -----. A list of convalescent homes [by the sea and inland] supplied by the ... 4°. [Lon- don, n. d.] Lippspringe, Kurort fiir Brustkranke. 4C Paderborn, 1861. Livkkpool Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Mount Pleasant. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 4., 1867; 12., 1875. 8°. Liverpool, 1868-76. CHEST. 395 CHEST. Chest (Diseases of Hospitals for). National Sanatorium for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Bournemouth, Hants. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 25., 1879; 29., 1883; 30., 1884. 8°. Bournemouth, 1880-85. -----. Statements of income and expendi- ture for the years 1883-5. MS. 4-\ [London, 1884-6.] New York Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat and Chest. Aunual report of the phy- sician in charge and the treasurer. 1.. 1870. 12°. yew York, 1871. North London Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, London and Hanip- stcad. Annual reports of the committee to the oovernors and subscribers. 7., 18 57; 8., 18l>8; 12 ,1871; 13.. 1*72; 16., 1875; 17., 1876; 20.. 1879; 22.. 1881; 24.. 1883; 27., 188(5; 28., 1887. 8-. London, 1868-88. -----. By-laws and rules and regulations, as revised and prepared by a committee ap- pointed at a special meeting of the governors, held July 20, 1883. 8:. London, 1883. -----. [Circular of the committee soliciting contributions.] oblong 1(5C. [London. 188 >!] -----. Statement of income and expenditure, for the year 1**6. 4°. [London, 1--7.] -----. [Circular letter of the committee, to benevolent persons, soliciting a contribution in aid of the building fund of the new hospital.] 4°. [London, n. d.] -----. [Circular letter of the committee, calling the attention of the public to the need of funds to finish the new hospital. With a list of donations.] 8°. [London, u. d.] Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, London, E. C. Annual reports of the council to the governors and subscribers. 4., 1*17-1*; 21.. 1834-5: 34., 1*47; 43., 1*56: 44.. 1*57: 51., 1*64; 53.-55., 1866-8; 57.-76., l*70-*9 : 79., 1*92. s\ London, l*l*-93. -----. Account of the Infirmary for Asthma, Consumption, and other Diseases of the Lungs, Union-Street, Bishopsgate. *°. London, 1*1*. -----. Hospital diet table. Daily allowance. fol. [London, 1*6*.] -----. [Collection of blank forms, by-laws, etc., iu use at the hospital.] v. s. [London, 186*-1**-.] -----. Pharmacopceia of the . . . 24°. Lon- don, 1869. -----. The same. 24-. London, 1876. -----. The same. 24°. London, 1**8. -----. A few facts concerning the . . . June, 1878. 8-\ [London, 1-7*.] -----. Thesame. 4:. [London, 18*2.] -----. [Circular relating to the extension scheme agreed upon in 1875. March, 1*83.] *°. [London, 1*83.] -----. Its origin and progress, 1814-1**3. 18°. [London, 1**3.] -----. Abstract of receipts and expenditures for 1883; 1**5. *. [London, 1884-6.] -----. Statement to the governors by the council of the above hospital as to their action with regard to their late secretary, Mr. J. J. Austin. 8°. [London, 1*89.] -----. [Alterations in laws recommended by the council of management, and to be submitted to the annual court of governors on the 14th of March, 1*90.] 4G. [London. 1*90.] -----. Official report of the proceedings at the special court of the governors held Nov. 2*, 1889. 12c. London, 1890. -----. [Appeal for further donations and subscriptions.] 12°. [London, n. d.] Chest (Diseases of, Hospitals for). -----. Thesame. 16°. [London, 189-.] ------. Its work and its wants. [Circular, stating subscribers' privileges and plea lor the consumptive.] 16°. [London, n. d.] -----. Laws respecting tin; qualifications and rights of governors. 8°. [London, n. d.] -----. [Report of the building committee, and appeal for £10,000, to complete the exten- sion of the hospital.] fol. [London, n. d.] Royal National Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Ventuor, Unilercliff, Isle of Wight.. The National Cottage Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Ventnor, Undercliff, Isle of Wight. [Appeal of the general committee. Prospectus, laws, etc.] 12°. London, 1*69. -----. Annual reports of the board of man- agement to the governors and subscribers. 2.- 16., 1*70-84; 19., 18*7; 22., 1890; 23., 1891; 25.- 2*., 1*93-6. 12°. London, 1871-97. -----. [Description of the hospital and ap- peal for donations.] 24' . London, [187-]. -----. General statement concerning the in- stitution, with regulations as to admission of patients. 8°. [London, 1*73.] -----. General appeal [for contributions, and a brief account of the hospital]. 24°. I [London, 1892.] -----. [Circular letter of the board of man- agement, stating the great need of the hospital, aud soliciting donations, annual subscriptions, or legacies.] 4°. [London, 1*93.] -----. Description and views of the . . . j Christmas, 1*95. 12. London, 1895. -----. Report of the speech of the Lord Bishop of Winchester, in behalf of the hospital j at the biennial festival. 8°. [London, n.d.] -----. Rules to be observed byr patients. By order of the general committee, fol. [Lon- don, n.d] llewelt (W.) Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the ('best, Brompton. Lancet, Lomb, 1851, i, 241. — Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the ('host. at lironipion. Lomb J. M. 1851. iii, 751-759.—HoHpital for Diseases of the Throat j;U(1 Chest. Med. Exam.. Lond.. 1878. iii, '203-207. — Sabourin (C ) Sanatorium du cha- teau de Durtol (Puy-do-Dome) pour le tra teinent des ma- ladies (le, poitrine. Poiton med.. Poitiers, 1*97, xi, 217- 219. — Ventilation of the Consumptive Hospital [at Urompton]. Builder, Lond., 1847. v, 472. — Wolff (1<\) Zur Erriolituujr von Heilstatten fur unbemittelte Hrust- kranke. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 927-931. Chest (Diseases of) in children. Ki-onenberg (A. H.) Ueber die Ursachen, den Ver lauf uud die Behandluiiir der Hrustaffektionen der Kinder, wie solche im Moskauer Kinderkranke.nhause, beohachtel -worden. J. f. Einderkr., Berl., 1845. iv, 81-98.— Hon-i* (M. A.) Three eases of acute thoracic diseases iu chil- dren, simulating meningitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1890, exxii, 24G. i Chest (Diseases of Treatment of'). Sec, also, Chest (Surgery of). Dupont (de I'Ain). Kesum6 succinct sur les affections de la poitrine, et sur Paction du sirop be'ehique, corroborant et depuratif, ou tresor de la poitrine. *°. [Paris, n. d.] Gamblin (A.) * Du traitement iodure' dans les affections des voies respiratoircs. I . Paris, 1896. Ci'auiglia (M.) Sulla prevalenza della cura aeroterapica supra ogui altra nell' asma bron- chiale nell' enfisema polmonale, nella broncoste- nosi e nella pleurite essudativa. *°. Napoli, 1897. History (A) of the discovery of the specific cure of respiratory diseases, consumption, nron- chitis, asthma, etc. (by Dr. J. F. Churchill's , methods), for non professional as well as profes- j sional readers. From the Dutch of Dr. .1. J. I Kerbert, and other sources. 12 J. London, 1878. CHEST. 396 CHEST. Chest (Diseases of, Treatment of). Lagneau (C.) Nouveau traitement respira- toire des maladies chroniques de la poitrine. * . Far is, 1*61. Saint-Locp (J.-L.) * Reflexions et observa- tions pratiques snr l'emploi des exutoires dans qnelques maladies chroniques de la poitrine. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*31. Schmid (C. T.) & Milner (C.) Inhalation the most rational treatment for diseases of the respiratory organs. 16°. London 4' Cambridge, 1865. Turner (D.) Air and diet in chronic chest diseases. 12°. Melbourne, 1893. Knight (F. I.) Keport on progress in the treatment of thoracic diseases. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1882, cvi, 156- 159. —Martin (A.* De la cauterisation dans les affec- tions intrathoraciques. M6deciu, Par., 1880, vi, nos. 50, SI.—Maya (T. J.) On the lethal tendency and its thera- peutic indications in pulmonary and cardiac diseases. Phila. Poly lin., 1896, v, 31-33.—Morgan (J. E.) Treat- ment of pleurisy and empyema. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 324; 364. Also, Reprint.—IVicola* (A.) Lefroid dans les maladies de imitrine. Cong, franc, de med. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 519-524.—Oticeki. Du s6ton iiliforme dans les phleg- masies chroniques dela poitrine. Therap. contemp , Par., 1883. iii, 323—Otis (E O.) Gymnastic exercise as a pro- phylactic and cm ative remedy in chest diseases. Clitnatol- ogist, Phila., 1891-2, i, 293-304. Also, Keprint.—Parker (\V. T.) The use of olive oil as an external application in diseases of the chest. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1881, civ, 561.— Villarroya (A.) Las enfermedades del pecho y la aereo- terapia. Arch. med. valenc, Valencia, 1881, i, 70; 87. Chest (Effusions into). See Chest (Paracentesis of). Chest (Exploration of). Sec Auscultation; Chest (Diseases of, Diag- nosis of); Chest (Measurement of); Percussion. Chest (Fistula of). See Chest (Abscess of j. Chest (Foreign bodies in). Gottheil (W. S.) Migration of a foreign body. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 643.—Willi* (S.) Ear of corn dis- charged through the chest. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, "43. — Willard (L)eF.) Intrathoracic surgery; bron- ehotomy through the chest-wall for foreign bodies impacted in the bronchi. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1891, ix, 345-365. Chest (Fracture of). Sec Chest (Wounds, etc, of) by contusions, etc. Chest (Hydatids of). See, also, Heart (Parasites of); Lungs, Pleura, Hydatids of. Bouyer (C.) De la tuherculose pulrnonaire dans les kystes hydatiques. 8°. Paris, 1896. Kux. Kyste hydatiqne du grand pectoral. Soc. med. d'Amiens, hull. (1878-9), 1880, xviii-xix, 154-157. — Es- querdo. Quisle hid&tico de la regi6n pectoral. Rev. do med., ciruj. y farm., Barcel., 1897, xi, 182— Goucharoff (G. A.) Echinococcns musculi latissimi dorsi. Bolnitsch. ga/.. Botkina. St. Petersb., 1891, ii, 520-522.—Ilo.jel (J.G.) Hydatid of the pleura and liver; operation; death. In- dian M. hoc., Calcutta, 1895, viii, 181.—Krnsnoll'(A. I.) .V Kolpakchi (I. M.) Poddiafragmalno-predbryushin- niv ekhinokokk (echinococcns siibdiapliragiiialis-prfeperi- tonealis). Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 852-863.—Lloyd (S.) Hydatids of the back; compression of the spinal cord. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. T., 1896, x, 659-661.— Manchka. Plotzlicher Tod eines 8-jahr. Knahen ; Ver- daeht einer Misshandlung: kindskopfgrosser Echinococ- eussack im linken Bi ustlcllraumo. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1S82, vii, 461. Also: l'est. med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1*83, xix. 241).—Otto (G.) Ein Fall von Echinokok- kus in der hrustluihle. St, Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884. n F . i, 97. — Verio (J. C.) Caso of multiple hyda- tid cysts treated bv thoracic incisions; recovery. Inter- colon. M Cong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 3r6- 389 —Villar. Kyste hydatiqne intra et extrathoraeique. Bull. Soe. d'anat et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 274. —Wallace (A.) Suppurating hvdatid cyst in tho- rax. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889, xxv, 214-222: 1891, xxvii. 239-242. Chest (Measurement of). i See. also, Anthropometry; Spirometer. Barety (A.) Quelques mots sur la topo- graphie des organes thoraciques et traces pour Chest (Measurement of). servir a l'etude de leurs affections. H>-\ ^jce 1878. Cervesato (D.) Nuovo doppio stetoinetro- stetografo contributo alia lisio-patologia della meccanica rcspiratoria. s°. Verona, 1**6. La Blaxchktiure (J.-R.) * Quelques con. siderations sur revaluation de lu. capacit6 reH- piratoire au point de vue du recriitenn nt. 4°. Bordeaux, 1**3. Moser (C.) *Dus Perimeter uud seine An- wendung. *c. Breslau, [1869]. Mulzer (J.) * Ueber Thoraxinessungen. Hc. Wiirzburg, 1879. Kameacx (J.-F.) Des lois suivant lesquelles les dimensions du corps, dans certaines classes d'animaux, de'termincnt la capacity et les innuve- nieuts fonctionnels des poumous et du coeur. 4° [Bruxelles, 18f>H.] Repr. from: Mem. cour. d. savants . . . Acad. roy. tl. sc. et de beaux arts de Belg., Brux., 185s, xxix. Schoneeld (L.) * Kill Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Spirometrie. 8°. Berlin, [1-82]. van Albuda (B. L.) De vitale capaciteit hij tie ken- ring van rekruten. Nederl. mil. jienee.sk. Arch, [eir I Leiden. 1893, xvii, 615-619.— Albcrtotti (J.) Ein mini metrisches, selbstregistrircndes Perimeter. Klin. Mo inttsbl f. Augenh., Stuttg.,1884,xxii.4(i5-47ii. lpl.-Binrl. Spirometre. Kev. tl. instrum. de chir., Par., 1892, ii, 7,1.— Chomcl. Mensuration du thorax, (iaz. tl. hop. Par 1828-9, i, 213.—Clar(C.) Ueher Spirometrie. I'-l. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien. 1896, vi, 53-55.—Demeny ((}.) Ap pareils de mesure ayant pour but de determiner avec pre cision la foune ext6rieure du thorax, l'etenduo des nioiive ments respiratoires, les pro tils et les sections du tinnc, ainsi que le debit d'air inspir6 et expire, t'ompt. rend. Acad. tl. se., Par., 1888, cvi, 1363-1365.—Dnpont (M.) De la spirometrie en cliniqne. Bull. gen. de therap. [elc.], Par., 1882, cii, 8-14. — Farr (W.) et al. Statement of the chest-girth of boys in Marlborough College, showing the average, maximum, and minimum at each year and <|iio- ter of a year of awe, between 9 and 2j. (Taken in 1S74-8.) Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc.. Lond., 188(1, 1, 152.— Frolirh (H.) Ueber den heutigen Stand der Brustmessiing -Pi age. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 18t<2, xxix, 57; 69. — Oilberl Sc Roger. Stethographe bilateral. Compt. rend. Soc. debiob. Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 979— Goldstein (E.) Ilea circonferences du ihorax et de leur rapport k la t:ii 11• -. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1884, 2. s., vii, 4(1(1-485. Also [ lit- sume] : Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Coinpt.-irnil. 1883, Par., 1884, xii, 656. — Hammond ((J. M.) On the proper method of ascertaining i he chest expansion by meas- urement. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, >o.-von Ili-iii- Ieth (C.) Ein neuer Scoliosen- und Kotpernu ssapparat, "Thoracometer.' Verhandl. d. deutsch. (iescllsch. I. Chir., Berl., 1893, xxii, pt. 2, 134-145, 2 pl.—Hogner (K ) Con- temporary uni- hi lateral stethokyrtographical examina- tions. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894. xlv, 260-266. -----. Criti- cism on the usual method of measurement of chest-expan- sion in life-insurance examinations, and stethokyi togrnpli- ical studies of the bilateral expansion of the chest. lies- ton M. Sc S. J., 1895, exxxii, 453-458. Also, transl: Eiia, Stockholm, 1895, xix, 395-413. —HnteliiiiHon (J.) Con- tributions to vital statistics, obtained by means of a pneu- matic apparatus for valuing (he respiratory poweis with relation to health. J. Statist. Soc, Loud ,'1844, vii, 193- 212. — liaeonqne (II.) Spirometrie. Hygiene p. tons, Par., 1882, vii, 36. — Lagncan (li.) Sur des graphiqiies de M. le Dr. Zwaaidmacher, relalifs k la ste'kometrio pathologiquc ou aux predispositions morbides en rapport avee le dove loppement plus au moins consid6rablo du tho- rax. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii. 199- 201. — .VI :t u re I (E.) Des niethodes de mensuration de la cage thoraeique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1887, 3. s., x, 345-368. -----. De la cyrtographie, stethonietrio et stethographie. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1887, cxiii, 399; 451. Also: (Iaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1888, xx, 17; '.'6; 35; 44. -----. Note sur quelques modifications apportees au compasd cpaissiurpour ses applications a la mensuratiou de la poitrine Bull, gen.de therap [eic], Par., 1891. exx, 153-157.—Mayerhanwen. Selhstre^is- trirendes Perimeter. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Ce- sellscb., Stuttg., 1884, xvi, 132-135.—Otis (E.O.) Measure- ments of the chest aud lung-capacity. Internat M. Mug., Phila., 1894-5, iii. 85-87. Alxo, Keprint. Also: \c Am Climat. Ass. 1893-4, Phila., 1895, x. 199-202.—Periinclre de la poitrine chez les jctines soldats. Mem. et hull. Soc. (le med. ei cbir. tie Bordeaux (1879), 1880. 235; 249. - I'or- tci-(V\\) Direct mensuration of the chest. Med Herald, Louisville, 1882-3, iv. 345-348.—Re? niond. (Jymnastique respiratoire et amplitude thoraeique. Bev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1896, xvi. 254-261. — Koniaro (V.) CHEST. 397 GHEST. Chest (Measurement of). Note critiche intorno allaconimunicazione preliminare del dott. A. Conti sul valore della niisurazione del lornce. Morgagni, Napoli, 1895, xxxvii, 215-224. — Seeland (N.) Sur'le perimetie thoraeique des recrues. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1882, iv, 26-' 0. — Stevens (G. T.) A registeiing perimeter! Tr Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1881, xxxii. 203.— Weed (T. A.) A new cvrtometer. Med. Rec, N. V., 1881, xx. 164.—Wilkins (W. W.) Comparative measure- ments of the ( host Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Manches- ter, 1886, 125-130— Witzeiihanscii (O.) Ein neuer Ap- parat zur Messuug der Brustathnuiiisj. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii. 213-215.— Woillez (E.-J.) Note snr un nouveau procede de mensuration de la poitrine. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1857, i, 583-594. Also, Keprint. Chest (Neuralgia of). Sec also. Neuralgia (Intercostal). Bentty (W.) The causation of the left-side pain. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 18S3, i, 25-31. Brown (H. M.) Pains in the chest, with some suggestions as to treatment. Cincin. M. J., 1893, viii, 199-206. Chest (Paracentesis of). Sec, also, Aspiration; Empyema; Pleura (Effusion in); Pneumothorax (Treatment of). Chatelix (C.) * Elude cliniqne snr la thora- centese dans les pleur6sies s^reuses. 4°. Paris, 1880. Gerhardt (C.) Zur Gesehichte des Brust- stiches. 8°. Berlin, 1890. Gienet (A. J. B. M.) *Utrum in pectoris pa- racentesi, satins sit in parto laterali et antica sectioneni instituere, quam ad partem posticam ? 4C. [Paris, 1766.] Guinier (H. ) Relation d'une thoracentese pratiquee avec succes sur tin enfant de donze mois, accompagnee de reflexions pour servir a l'histoire de la thoracentese chez les enfants a la marnelle. >°. Montpellier, 1866. Hahn (S.) *De utilitate et necessitate para- ceuteseos thoracis. 4°. Jence, [1775]. Also, in: Weiz(F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1776, v. 64-66. Monro (A.) A state of facts concerning the first proposal of performing the paracentesis of the thorax, on account of air effused from the luugs into the cavities of the pleurae, and con- cerning the discovery of the lymphatic, valvu- lar, absorbent system of vessels in oviparous animals. 8U. Edinburgh, 1770. Moutard-Martin. Lecons sur la thoracen- tese faites a l'hopital Buujon, et redigees par M. Lolliot. ^c. Paris, l^iT. Scott (J.) A probationary essay on the acci- dents and diseases which require the operation of paracentesis thoracis. 8 \ Edinburgh, 1827. Wachi-ndokf (F.) * Ueber die Paracentese des Thorax. -°. Bonn, 1868. Abeille. Thoracentese. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1 j-65, 32-37.— Adam* (J. C.) Paracentesis thoracis. N.rthwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1882-3, ii, 217-219.— Al- brecht (F.) Zur Technik der Punction von fliissigen Exsudaten. Ztschr. f aiztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M., 1893, ii, lso-18'j. — Andci-MOii (McC.) Two cases of para- centesis thoiaeis, wil li !e Toma (P.) Di alcuui casi di toraeentesi pratieati nell' ospedale m'ili- tare di Verona. Gior. di med. mil., Roma. 1883, xxxi, 769- 782. — Dienlnfoy. Indications et contreindications de la thoracentese-. Semaine med., Par . 1889, ix, 245. — Fai-mei- (J.) Paracentesis thoracis. In his: Select Cases in Sur". 4°, Lend., 1758, 12-11. Frizzell .) Kasuist. Meddclclser om den antiscpti-ke Thorakoeentese. TJeesk. f. Lager, Kjo- benh., 1881. iv, 4. 11.. 257-260.—Terrier (F.) '1 boincen- teso et drainage pleural. Progres med.. Par., 1896, iv, 137- 140. Also, transl: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1244- 1247. — Troisier. Hydro-pneumothorax tuberculeux traite par la thoracentese ct gueri au bout de deux nuns. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 814- 822.—Vergcly. Cinq observations do thoracentese, avec reflexions. Mem. et bull. Soc. no d.-chir. d. hop. de Bor- deaux, 1867, ii, 397-412.—Vi;aDitl (E.) Sluchai thoraco centhesis. Yovenno-med. .1'.. St. Petersb., 1885. (liii, 3. sett., 77-8U. —Wallace (J.) Thoracentesis. Liverpool M. Sc S. Itep., Lond., 1870, iv, 25-42. Also, Itepiint.— While (W. H.) Paracentesis thoracis as a therapeutic agent. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 18S4, ii, 845-850. Also, Ke- print.— William* ((.'. T.) Bronchiectasis treated by tapping. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1884, vi, 323— Williams (N. H.) Paracentesis thoracis. Tr. Mich. M. Soc. De- troit, 1887, 155-160.— Wilmaers. A propos de la thora- centese. [Abstr. Hap.] Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1894, 4. s., iv, 366-373. CHEST. 398 CHEST. Chest (Paracentesis of. Complications and sequela' of). de Biermont. Pleuresie purulente; thoracentese; mort. Mem. el hull. Sec. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux. 1867, ii, 394-397.—•lassae'l (E.) Deplacement paradoxal du creur apres la ihoiaeente-e. Ar. h. clin. de Bordeaux, 1895 iv, 97-107.—Fort. Observation curb-use de thora- centese. Gaz. d. Imp.. Par.. 1888, lxi. 913.-C!alliard (L.) L'omphy-eiue sous-cutan6 cmisecutif a la poncliou du pneumothorax. Bull, et-metn. Soe, med. d. hop. tie Par., 1897, 3. s.. xiv, 1415- 1417. — <2ir.-md. Rheuma- tismus articularis acutus: pl urilisclies Kxsndat zuerst links, tln.nn auch reohts; Thoracentese: pldlzlicher Tod. Spitals-Ztg.. Wien. 1864. 222-224. — II nber ( F.) Em- physema following aspiration. Arch. Pedi it., X. Y.. 1892. ix. 600-604.—Jeanselme (E.) Des accidents nerveux consecutifs a, la thoracentese et a, l'enipveine. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1892, xii, :u_'-'. ;!>. — Knight ( F. I. ) The dangers of thoracentesis ami injections into tho pleural c iv.lv. Boston M. Sc S. J., 18-n. '.ii. 397-399. Also: Extr. Kec. 'Bost. Soc M. Imp-ove. ( 18-o-S'j), 1883, viii. 4:i-46.— I,:iii<1<-. Do l'expectoration albumineiiso apies la tho- racenieso. Hem. et bull. Soc de med. ct chir. de Bor- deaux. 1873, 26J; 369— Lmru (I.) Muerte siibita en la toracentesis. Bey. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1895, xxxvii, 161; 201; 252. — ITInt-tino (A.) Intorno ad un Iunesto accident* di 11a toiaccntisi. Itesoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1888. xiii. 23-ru.— Oflate (J.) Ope- racion de la thoraxentesis eon exito. OUservador med., Mexico, 1881-2, vi. 85. — I'orrbcr (F. P.) Two cases of paracentesis of the thorax; with ihe unusual coexistence of pneumothorax, not traumatic in one. and pleuritic fric- tion sounds following the operation in both eases; with remarks and deductions. M. cl. News, Phila , 1883, xliii, 679-681. — Potain. Accidents et suites de la thora- centese. Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 193-196.—Ross (J. B.) Probatory thoracotomy, peculiar symptoms following pre- liminary puncture of (best. Austral. M. ,1., Melbourne, 1892 n.'s., xiv, 314.—Scaglioni L.) Neieite bincbiale des'ra seguita a t?(>. Fnlndi (G.) A mellkas esapolAsardl gyermekekn^l- tiz k6reset. [Thoracocentesis in children; 10 en ses.]' Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 188'. xxvi, 645; 677. Also: Pegt metl.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1882, xviii, 628-630. Chest (Pressure of). Cloqcet (J.) De 1'iuHnence des efforts sur les organes renferines duns In cavity Ihorucique S'--. Paiis, 1^0. Itaccelli. Intorno ad un caso di subitaneo e grande aumento di pressione endotoracica. (iazz. med. di Konia 1893. xix, 25-31. Also: Boll. tl. clin., Milano, 1895, xii, m' Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. lierl. 18!):;. xix, 221. Biidingen (T.i Expcriincntellc filter- suchungen der noi nialeu und p ithologisch beeinflussten Diuckschwankungen ini Brus.kasten. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharm ikob, Leipz., 1897, xxxix. 245-272. — I,nut- (W. A.) Some points in the physiology and pulho]og\ „( the changes produced by pressure in the bony skeleton of the trunk and shoulder girdle. Guy's Hosp'pep. 1884-5, Loud., 1886, 3. s., xxviii, 321-434, 2 pl. — l.oewy (A.j TJeber die Bestimmung der Crosse ties schadlichen Luft- raumes im Thorax uud der alveolaren Sauerstoffspau. nung. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1894, lviii, 416- 427. — Spallitta (K.) Sugli eflvtti prndotti dalle vaii- azioni della piessione normale intra el extratoracica. Sperimentale. Mem. orig., Firenze, 1892. xlvi, 5-18. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892. xvii, 287-295.— Znckerkandl (E.) Verdrangungserscheinungen durch Verbildung des Thorax. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1897 xi, 473. Client (Surgery of). Sec, also. Chest (Jbscess of); Chest (Foreiaii bodies in): Chest (Paracentesis of); Chest (Tu- mors of); Chest (Tumors of, Paiielal); Chest (Wounds, etc., of); Chest ( Wounds, etc., of, Gunshot); Empyema ( Treatment of); Fistula (Thoracic). d'Azincoukt (C.) *Des resultats de Pinter- . vention chirurgicale dans les bronchiectases. 4°. Paris, 1896. Baldus (W.) * Ueber die Resektion der Tho- raxwand mit Ertiffnuug der Pleurahohle bei Exstirpation von Geschwiilsten. s . Bonn, 1887. Baudon (J.-B ) *De la thoracotomie poste- rieure dans le traitement des pleuresies pnru- lentes de l'enfance. *°. Paris, 18A7. Bekgada (A.) *De, l'incision transpleural appliqude aux collections sons-phr6niques et eu particulier aux kystes hydatiques du foie. 4-. Paris, 18-9. Dreyfuss (I.) * Ueber Thornkoplustik. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1S(J4. Gouijdet (J.) * Etude sur l'aphitissenient compar6 du thorax par les differents precedes de resection costale et specialement sur uu nou- veau proce'de' de thoracoplastie. 4°. Paris, 189~>. Kessklkh (A.) * Ueber Thorakoplastik; zwei neue Fiille. [Wurtzburg.] 8 . Wesel, lf*8f>. Kickhefel(G.) * Ueber Thoracoplastik. S-'. Greifswald, 1890. Paget ( S.) The surgery of the chest. °. Bristol, 1896. Polaillon. Affections chirurgicales du trouc (racliis, thorax, abdomen, bassin); statistique et observations. 8°. Paris, 1*96. Adelinann (G.) Die operative Entfernung des kno- chernen Brustgurtels. Arcb. f. klin. Chir., Berl., IssH. xxxvii, 681-708.—Amat (U ) De la thoracoplastie. (biz. med. de Par., 1887. 7. s., iv, 579; 603; 615. — Bellamy. Fatty tumour between the ribs; removal; recovery. Brit. M. Jr.. Lond., 1883, 13. — Benzler. Ueber partielle Ke- sektiou der Thoraxwand. Deutsche mil.-arztl. ?tschr., Berl., 1893, xxii. 289-302.—Berti (A.) Voluminoso flbro- condroma della regioue stemale inferiore e epigastrica; estirpazione. Bassegna di sc. med.. Modena, 1888, iii, 131- 134. — Bigtfar ( II. S ) Thoracoplasty. N. Am. J. Ho- mceop.. N. Y., 1893. 3. s., viii, 646-657. Also: Tr. World's Gong. Homoeop. Phys. &. Surg. 1893,Pbila., 1894,286-293.- Bceckel (J.) Considerations sur une serie de dix-sept CHEST. 399 CHEST. Chest (Surgery of). cas de thoracotomie. Gaz.med. de Strasb., 1888. xlvii, 109; 121.—Kolosjncsi (A.) La chirurgie pleuro-pulmonaire. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1896. cxxxi, 397: 1897, cxxxii, 58; 408: 458; 493: exxxiii, 28.—Bond (S. P.) Re- moval of very large fatty tumour. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 140.—Brown (D. B.) A contribution to thoracic surgery. Edinb. M. J., 1884-5. xxx. 489-496.— Bnrkart (J. L.) Removal of the i il-lit clavicle, manu- brium and gladiolus. Tr. Mich. M. Soe., Detr.it, 1892, xvi, 217-220. Also, Reprint.—C a inn bell (H. J.) Notes of six cases of intrathoracic growth. Quart. M. J., Shef- field, 1897-8, vi, 31-36.—(handler (W. J.) Erosion of a rib by a drainage-tube. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1896, 46 —Chauvel. Deux observations de thora- coplastie. Bull, et nieni. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x. 696-709.—Bel CJreeo(G.) Contributo nlla tonic tomia negli siiandimenii plcurali niarciosi. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, '889. lxiv, 337-342.—"Delorine. Contribution a la chirurgie dela poitrine. Assoc Iranc. decbir. Proc.-verb. [etc.]. Par., 1893. vii, 422-428.—Dennis (F. S.) Surgical injuries and diseases of tbe chest. S st. Surg. (Dennis), Phila, ls95, iii. 199-236. -----. [Tbe surgery of t he chest, j Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1896-7, iii, 251-261. — Ferguson (A. H.) Thoracoplasty in America and visceral pleurec- tomy, with report of a <■; se. J. Am. AI. Ass.. Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 56-62. — Fowler (G. R.) A cane of thoraco- plasty for tlie removal of a large cicat ricial fibrous growth from tbe interior ot the chest, the result of an old empyema. Med. Rec. N. T., 1893, xliv. 838. —Frank (R.) Sn'bseio- sis. die Iiiterkostalraunie (lurch wucheindesLipom ; Exstir- pation. Internat. kliu Rundschau. Wien, 1892, vi, 1U99.— Gamaliel (A. F.) Torakotomi;, a bez viniiv.iniyapolosti. [Thoracotomy witbout washing out the cavity.J Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1888 xiii. 154; 157: 168. — Gaston (j. McF. ) The present status of thmacic surger\. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1893. xxi, 293-297. ——. Thoracic troubles from a suigical standpoint. I bid , 1895, xxv, 50- 53.—Godlec iR. J.) A discussi n on tbe sin -ery of the thorax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 189.'. ii, 829-834.—Ooiild (A. P.) Result of thoracopl sty. Tr. C in. Soe Lond.. 1893-4, xxvii. 278, 1 pl. -----. The surgery of the chest. Syst. Surg. (Tieves), Lend., 1896, ii, 399-449.—Onernioiiprez. Thoracoplastie. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1892. vii, 13.—Bni-tc (R. II ) Inj uries aud diseases of i he chest In- ternal. Em•;vel. Surg. (Asbhurst), X. A*., 1835, vii,809-827. — Bill (J. C.) Thoracoioniy iu a case of empyema follow- ing pneumonia. Boston Al. & S. J., 1893, exxix, 618.— Hofmokl. Sul trattamento operativo dei versamenti sierosi, pumlciiti e sanguigni nella cavita t- raciea. Clin. di Vienna, Napoli, 1884, i, 45-81. — Iiunniiira (J.) Kio- kakn setsiikai sitsu shiki n. [Clinical experiences on the opening of the thoracic caviiv.l Rikukun Knnik. Kai Zatji. Tokio, 1892, no. 54, 3-7.—J asiiiski (R.) Thoracoto- miii duplex. Gaz. lek.,Warszawa, 1895, 2. s., xv, 134-137.— ■Fawdyriski (F.) Pizyp.dek znacznej nielkosci wlokni- aka iluszczakowego (fibro-lipoma) < perowauego w szpitalu Pr.iskim. [Fibro-lipoma of remarkably large size operated on in the Praskin hospital.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1891-2, xx, 1-3. — Keen (W. W.) Exteifsive thoracoplasty by Schcde's method. Ann. Surg., Phila., 189", xxi, 721-724, 1 pl. — Hnmar (A.) Tborakotomie. Wien. med. BL, 18112, xv, 2)". —I>ataiielonjjiie. Resection du hord in- ferieurdulhotax. Cong, franc, do chr. Proc.-verb. |etc.]. Par., 18-8, iii, 358-363.— I.eipzijjei- ( H. A. ) Surgical treatnn nt of hydrothorax and empyt ma. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Des Moines. 1896, xiv, 118-134. —Teyden (E.) Ein Tlioracotom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 467.— T,lo- bet. Thoracotomieetthoracopb'S' ie. Rev.decbir., Par., 1895. xv, 242-245.—I,ukashoflf (P.) K voprosuo tornko- plastikie. Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb , 1894. clxxx, 1. sect., 129-132.—de Ulan (M.J.) Waarneeming van een knoest-gezwel in do burst, en het daar tegen gebrnikte gelieini-niiddel van zekere Begynen te Re es. in het land van Cleve. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Ho laud. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1774, xv, 183-191.— Marshall (J.) Lecture on diseases of the chest wells requiring mr- gicnl tre.'itne nt. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 215; 259; 299; 337; 381.—Moll (A.) Soil man die Thoracotomie an der Stelle des Empyema necessitatis niaeben? Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1892, xxix, 821.— IVinui (G.) Toracotoniia per feritedel diaframmao del stomaco; guarigione. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1894,xlviii, 58-67.—IVonchcn (H.) Ein Tlioracotom mit Canute. Illust. Monatschr. tl. arztl. I'olytecb., Bern, 1889, xi, 9-11.—von rVoonlen (W.) Zur Operation dor grossen Chondrome des Rumples; ein Beilrag zur Chirurgie des Zwerchfelles. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 346; 373.—Obetz (H. L ) A contribution to thoracic surgery. Uabneinan. Month.. Phila., 1893, xxviii, 433-453. Also: Tr. World's Cons. H -mteop. Phys. & Surg. 1893, Phila., 1894, 265-285.— Ornishy (L. H.) The surgery of the thorax or chest. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885,'n. s., xl,-74-376.—Paget (S ) A post-graduate lecture . Meyei; (L.) * Die Exstirpation der malignen Brustwandtumoren mit Kiorlhung der Pleuni- holile [Erlangen.] 8P. Wiirzburg, 1890. ISritton. Cancer in the thorax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 20. — Carcinome tier Brustdriise. Jahresb. ii! d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald 1889-90, Leipz.. 189.', 59-63.—Case (A) of scirrhous cancer of the chest. Lan- cet, Lond., 1893, i, 1318.~Collis (M.) Cancer in tho mammary region. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1859-62, n. s., i, 193.—Doyen (E.) Resection partielle du sternum, tit* clavicules, et des lre" cotes, pour neoplasme malin. Arch. prov. decbir., Par., 1895, iv, 63:;-63C.—Freeborn (G.C.) Recurrent carcinoma of the thoracic wall. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891, 80. — iTlonnici- (M.-L.) Tumeur maligne de la paroi thoraeique s'etant manifestee, au de- but, par une tumeur que l'on crnt etre une varice lynipha- tique; mort. Rev. mens. tl. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1884, ii, 382-385.— Oliver. Malignant tumour of chest. Rep. Proc. Nortbuinb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1887-8, 39. — Pooley (J. II.) Intrathoracic can- cer. Med. Compeud, Toledo, 1889, v, no. 3, 3-6.— Rick- ctls (B. M.) Epithelioma in the median line midway be- tween the sterno-clavicnlar junction and ensiforni carti- lage. Med. Progress,Lonisville,1894,x, 100.—[Rossaiider (C.J.)] Cancer pariet. thoracis. Rap. f. k.Sorafinierlasnr. 1887, Stockholm, 1888, 92-Thorowgood. Case of sec- ondary intra-thoracic cancer; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1881, 658.—Willctt (E.) Intra-cystic'carcinoma of pec toral region. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.', 1890-91, xiii, 319. Chest (Tumors of Diagnosis of). Albrec-ht (M.) Zur Diagnose tuberkuloser Tumoren iu der Brusthohle. Wchnschr. f. Thierb. u. Viehzucht, Miinchen, 1890, xxxiv, 149-152.—Cardarelli (A.) Sulle difficolta, diagnostiche delle cisti da echinococco esplicatu nel toraee e sui vantaggi della puntura esptorativa e modo di practicarla. Gior. internaz. d. so. med., Napoli, 1890, n. s., xviii, 121-133. — Finny (J. M.) Thoracic tumour simulating aortic aneurism. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875- 7, n. s., vii, 21-25.—Fraenkel (A.I Uober die Diaqnos- tik der Brusthohlengesehwulste. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1891), 1892, xxii, pt. 1, 214; 223; 239; 274 Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1345; 1378. [Discussion], 1409-1411. A Iso [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 1152-1154. Also, transl. [Abstr,]: Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1892, xiii, 278-280.- O ntt in a nn (P.) [etal.]. Forsetzung der Diskussion tiber den Vortrag des Herrn A. Fraenkel: Ueber die Diagnos- tik der Brusthdhlengeseliwiilsie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 1202-1205.—Jainieson (J.) Cases illustrat- ing the diaguosis of intrathoracic growths. Austral. M. J.! Melbourne, 1888, n. s , x, 441-449.—M<......i-.l- tint lin (E.) Note sur deux cas d'erreurs de diagnostic inevita bles; tumeurs intra et extra-tboraoiqui s prises pour i\v> pleurisies. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Tar. (1856-8), lfcM, iii, 122-129.— Oulmont. Note sur quelques cas de tu- meurs intra-thorac.iqiies off rant tous les signes (le la pleu- resie chronique. Bull. Soc. mod. d. hop. de Par. (1856-8), 1864, iii, 131-137.—Sicard. Diagnostic des tumeurs intra- thoraciques. Rev. do therap. med.-chir., Par., 1892, lix, 6-9. Chest (Tumors of Parietal). See. also, Breast (Tumors of); Chest (Surgery of); Chest (Tumors of, Cancerous). Bnoscn (J.) *Z\vei Fiille von Sarkoni die von den NVcichtueilen der Thoruxwand atis- gehen. S . Wiirzburg, 1-90. Pitt(H. [M.]) *Zur Knsuistik der Ttiuiorcn der Brustwaud. *-. Berlin, [1^'JO]. Weber (M.) * Feber einen seltenen Full von Angiolipom in der Fossa Nnpraclavicnlaris sinis- tra, 8°. Wiirzburg, 1KM). Billroth. Sarkoma subscapulare. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. tl. Dr. A. Kder 1880, Wien, 1887, 11.- BiimcIi (F.) Cystolymphatische (ieschwulst iu M. pee- toralis major. 'Berl! klin. Wchnschr.. 1882. xix. 377.— Cartoni (R.) (Tumore nnico-ciiriieo. del peso di lihhre diciotto, ocenpante la faccia ant. <• lit. sin. del petto.) In his: Espos. d. mal. chir., 8», Pisa, 1828, 79-83.— CHEST. 401 CITEST. Chest (Tumors of Parietal). Chretien. Kyste mueoi'de congenital de la region presternale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv. 506-508. Also: Poiton med., Poitiers, 1889, iv, 244-248. — l>afloii. Liponie de la region sus-claviculaire. Bull. Soe d'anat. et pbysiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 105.— l.ai-^ean. Liponie sus-claviculaire. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 116. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1883, xi 736. — I.e- witn*. Sarcom tier rechten Fossa supra- et iufraclavicu- laris- Tod; Obduction. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1889), 1890, 296-298. — ITlc Bed- die (G. D.) Case of myxosarcoma [over the left scap- nlu]. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1891, xxvi, 77. — .Tlasse. Liponie diffus congenital de la paroi thoraeique. Ga/. hebd. (J. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1897. xviii. 566-5118. Also: Anu. decbir. et d'ortbop.. Par., 1897. x, 366-371. — na/.- zoiii iC) Sarcoma parvi-celliilare alia regione posteriore del toraee: inoperabile. In his: Clin, chir., Roma, 1881, vi-vii 18n.—Jlott < A. B.) Bonv tumor near the clavicle, etc. Weekly M. Bev.. Chicago, 1885. xi. 315-317.—Paget (S.) Sarcoma beneath the pectoralis major. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1.-87-8. xxxix. 305.—de Carvallio (A.) Urn ca^o de iucrustn§ao ealcarea na parede interna do thorax. Brazil-metb, Rio de Jan., 1887, ii, 153.—Chabrely. Vo- lumineux enchondronie du thorax. Mem. et bud. Soc. de med. et cbir. de Bordeaux, 1886, 375-378 — Bcmnie ( R.) Welches Lymphosarkoni der rechten Uiitorschliissclbein- gegend. Med. Ber. ii. d. Tbatigk. tl. Jennei sclun Kin- dersp. in Bern (1880), 1881, xviii, 86-93.—Edcr (A.) Sar- coma cutis pectoris: vom Prof. Billroth operirt. In his: Aerztl. Ber. 1875. Wien, 1876, 123. — Estlander. Etf kolossalt osteo-enchontlro-sarkom frau venstra thorax halften. Fiuska lait. - sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1879, xxi. 150-123.—CJodlee (R. J.) Dermoid cyst of the right side of the chest communicating •with a bronchus. Proc. Roy. M- & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, 3. s., i, 113-115.— Heurteaux. Liponie enorme de la partie laterale du tho- rax. Bull. Soc. anat de Xantos 1883, Par., 1885. vii, 59.— Kocher. Sarkoni der Thoiawvaud. Inhis: Chir. Klin. zu Berl.. Jena, 1891. 189-191.—Kiister (E.i Fibromyxo- sarcoma teleangieetodes der Briisthaut. In his: Ein. chir. Trienn. 1876-S, 8D. Kassel u. Berl., 1882.127.—Petit (L.-H.) Nouveaux faits de liponie sust-luviculaire. Gaz.hebtl.de med., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 836: 1884, 2. s., xxi, 55-57.—Po- laillon. Liponie de la region thoraeique simulant une erosse niaiuelle surnumeraire; ablation; reunion par premiere intention. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par., 1882, 177-179. Also: Ann. de gynec.. Par., 1882, xviii. 343- 345. — Pousson. iS'ote sur un cas de pseudo-lipome Bus-claviculaire. Mem. et bull. Sue. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1887). 1888, 442-456.—Kit-meyer (L. T.) Sarcoma of the thoracic wall. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xv, 513. — Rodriguez. Lipomes de la paroi anterieure tlu thorax. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1892, lxvii, 307. — Ronxeau tils. Tumeur de la region sus- claviculaire; fibro-sarcome. Bull. Soc. anat. de Mantes 1882,Par., 1884, vi,87. Also: J. de med. do l'onest, Xantes, 1884, 2. s., viii, 47.— Sarcoma in regione supraclavicnl. Berl. tl. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1888, Wien, 1889, 207.— Terrier (F.) Enorme myxoiue lipomateux de la paroi thoraeique. Rev. de chir., Par., 1894, xiv, 488-492.— Tiliiiann. Sarcoin tier vorderen Brustwand. Charite- Ann., Berl., 1894, xix, 320.— Turner. On an enormous cartilaginous tumour of the costal cartilages and sternum. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1870. vi, 119-123. Also, Reprint. — Van verts (J.) Sc tlonod (A.) Fibro- san-ome du tissu celhilaire sous-eutane de la paroi thora- eique. hull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 758-760.— WalEis (F. C.) Angeioma of left scapular region. Lan- cet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1189—Wehenkel. Tumeur allongee occupant la region cervico-thoracupie depuis la base du cieur jusqu'au larynx. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux. Bull. no. 30, 18sn-/l. 77. — Wheeler (W. I.) Fibromatous growth situated under left breast, eight inches in length and nearly four inches wide. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., ]889,n. s.,xlvii, 217.—Wyeth (J. A.) Tumor of the supra- clavicular region. Internat. J. Surg., X. V., 1891, iv, 207. Chest (Tumors of Treatment of). See Chest (Surgery of). Chest (Wounds and injuries, of). See, also. Breast, Diaphragm, Heart( Wounds. etc., of); Fistula (Pulmonary): Lungs ( Wounds, etc., of); Pericardium (I'ujiturc of). Anger (B.) *Plaies penetrantes tie poitrine. H% Paris, 1*66. Argento (G.) Sulle fieri te del petto. Stndi sperimeutali e clinici. *1-. Palermo. 1886. Brands (E. C. II.) •■ Waarnemingen en op- merkingen over thoraxverwontlinoen. [Amster- dam. J r-T-. Arnhem, 18*f>. Brassert (II.) * l>ber einen Fall von Stich- verletzung des Thorax mit Znrticklileiben ties Frerndkorpers. 8C. Freiburg i. II., ls!)2. 26 Chest (Wounds and injuries of). Dn Block (J. G.) vl)e vulneruni universe, et speciatini thoruci impactortim lethalitate. 4°. Gandari. [1828]. Gerhardt (C.) Zur Gesehichte des Brust- stiches. K\ Berlin, 1890. Hervk ( P. ) Notes sur trois cas de plaies peh6ti'antes de poitrine, suivies d'autopsie. 8°. Le Mans, 1894. Isoakd (J.) *An turuntlaruni intromissio pectoris vit'neribus noSia? 4°. [Parisiis, 1736.] Ravet (P.-A.) * Observations et reflexions chiruroico-mediciiles sur les plaies de poitrine. 4°. Strasbourg, an Nil [180:!]. Hiedinger [J. F.] Verletzungen und chi- rurgisehe Krankheiten des Thorax und seines Inhaltes. *°. Stuttgart, 188*. Veuing (G.) Ueber die Eindringeiulen Brust- wunden. 4C. Wien, 1801. Also, in: Abhandl. d. k. k. med.-chir. Josephs-Acad. zu Wien, 1801, ii, 335-364. Alcock. A case of perforating wound of the lung. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xiii, 47.—Alexander (J. F.) Stab -wound of the lung. Nashville J. M. & S., 1893, lxxiii, 247.—Ambrosioni (P.) [Ferita di eoltello fra il secondo ed il terzo spazio intercostale sinistro, sulla linea ascellare anteriore ] Rendic. statist, san. d. osp. civ. di Sampierdarena 1874-8, Genova, 1880, 278-283.—Andrews (C. A.) Wound, lung. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1870, i, 469. — AiiNehiitz (J. 11.) Dooidringeude borstwond. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Xederl. Indie, Batav., 1889, xxix, 115-120.—Arlin. Observation d'une plaie p6netrante de la poitrine. Bull. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1839, iii, 142- 144.—Ashhnrst (J ). jr. Case of penetrating wound of lung. Proc. Path. Soc.'Phila. (1860-66), 1867, ii, 170. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. s., 1,101. -----. Rupture of the lung without injury of the thoracic wall. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4.'s..'iii, 159-161. —Becker (L.i Ueber penetrirende Brustwunden vom gerichtsiir/.t lichen Stnnd- punkte aus. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., P.erb, 1885, xiv: 405-424.—Bennett (E. H.) Injuries of the cbest. In: Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), X. Y., 1885, v, 793- 824. — Bennett i W. H.) Wounds of the lung; ninecases. St. George's Hosp. Rep.-1879, Lond., 1880, x, 131.—Bon. chir. Plaie tie la region precordials. Arch, do med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1883. ii, 355-361.—Bouffleur (A.I.) Penetrating stab wound of the diaphragm antl pericar- dium; laparotomy; recovery. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1892-3, i, 30-32.—Brunner. Beohachtung einer geheilten Lun- genwnnde. Museum d. Heilk., Ziirich, 1795, iii, 150-153.— C sir no n (J.) On tho lesions of the lungs. Inhis: Es- says. Physiol. & Pract., S°, Liverpool., 1822, 49-65.—Car- tier iL.-V.) Des plaies de poitrine. Inhis: Precisd'obs. de chir., 8°, Lyon, 1802, 31-36.—Carvallo (D.) Herida peuetrante del torax; muerte. Kev. med. de ('bile, Sant. de Chile, 1880-81, ix, 72-78. —Chcreffedin (S.t Plaies penetrantes de la poitrine. Gaz. med.d'Orient, Constant., 1895-6, xxxviii, 201 - 203. — Chonlant ( L. ) Oberge- richtsarztliches Gutachten iiber eine tddtlieh gewordene Brustwunde. Inhis: Ausw. v.Gutacht.med.-for., Dresd^, 1853, 62-87.—Colaco (B.) Penetrating wound of the chest. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895. v, 164.—Conner (P. S.) Stub-wound of the chest. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1891, ii, 106-110.—Cook (II. U.) Punctured wound ot chest inflicted by an elephant. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 1221.—Crocker (E.) Perforation of the lung. Physi- cian & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii, 391.—Beber- saqncM (C.) Note sur un cas de plaie perforante du tho rax. Ann. Soc. de m6d. tie Gaud, 1895, lxxiv, 204-210. Also [Abstr.]: Belgique mod., (land-Haarlem, 1896, iii, X-S.— ft,. Castro. Ferite del polmone: riassunto di al- cune perizie medico legali. Unione med. egiz., Alessan- dria, 1884, i, nos. 1, 2.—Dewai (M. G.) Two cases of punctured wound of tin chest with injury to the lung; recovery. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta,1895, ix, 215.—Bidier (A.) Reflexions a propos d'un cas de plaie peuetrante de poitrine. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1895, i, 265-272.—Bnr- ham (F.) & Collier (M.) Severe perforating wound of chest and lung; remarks. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885. ii, 101.—Egidi (A.) Un caso dubbio di ferita peuetrante del petto. Kaccoglitoio med., Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiii, 445- 453.__Fil?.:;<-i-:ild. Two cases of penetrating wounds of the thorax. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv. 315- 317.—a FoiiH«rn (R.) Pro vulnere thoracis iienctrante. Inhis: Consult, med., fob, Venetiis 1622, ii, 14.— I'ii«cIiiiii (L.) Sopra on caso di ferita del pohnonc. Raccoglitore, Fano 1838, ii, 301-303.—«»antoii (J. McF.) Traumatism of the chest. .jT.Am.M. Ass.,Chicago, 1891,xvii, 141-146.- OiriNh Chandra Bhnr. Severe incised wounds; wound of the lung: recovery. Indian M. Ga/.., Calcutta, 1880 xv, 332 —CJIniidol. Plaie. penetiante de poitrine. Arch. med. beiges. I'.rux., 1881, 3. s.. xx. 204-207.-Iladlich (H.) TJeber die feineren Voi-imge bei der Heilung von Lun. CHEST. 402 CHEST. Chest (Wounds and injuries of). gen- und Pleura-Wuuden. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878, xxii, 842-874, 1 pl. Also, Reprint—Hecker (A.) TJnter- binduug der Arteria mammaria interna nach perlorireuder Stichvelletzung (operative Eutferuung des vorhaudenen Hamothorax); Heilung. Deutsche, mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1897, xxvi, 193-204. — Ilontnnon (P. T.) Herida peuetrante de pecho; consideraciones sobre su diagn6stico y su tratamiento; curacion. Cron. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1858, vi, 411-423. — Honde. Observation tie plaie p6- n6trante de poitrine. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 1893, Auxerre, 1894, xxxiv, 92-96.—Hnlke. Transfixion of the chest by a shred of glass; recovery. Lancet. Lond., 1888, i, 68.—ignntoff (A. A.) Kolotaya rana grudnol polosti. [Stab wound of the thorax. 1 Voyenno- med. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1896, clxxxvii, 1. sect., 72.—Inglott (G. F.) Wound of the right lung followed by immediate recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 75. — Komorans (J.) Visum re- pertum iiber einen Fall vou Lungen verletzung. In his: Visa reperta, [etc.], 8°, Wieu, 1855. 28-30.—de l^arabrie. Plaie peuetrante de poitrine avec lesion du poumon. France me.d., Par., 1881, ii. 615-617. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1881), 1882, v, 227-229.—Looker (K.) Drei Fiille von penetrirenden Tboraxverletziingeu. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, in Greifswald 1882-3. Wien u. Leipz., 1884, 19-30. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv 1121; 1153—I.oin- bardi (A.) Di un feriniento varissimo nel toraee poste- riore, seguito da guarigione, e conforma di un insegnamento clinico precettato dall' illustre Guido Baccelli, nella memo- ria dello empiema vero. Medicina e la chir., Roma, 1881, iii, 58. — Lnngenwunde; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenh. Wieden 1863, Wieu, 1864, 220-223. — Lymi. Diag- nosticheskoye znachenie podkozhnoi emfizenii pri raneni- yakh grudi. [Diagnostic meaning of subcutaneous emphy- sema in wounds of the chest. 1 Voyenno-med. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1896, clxxxvi, 1. sect., 563-566. -----. Sluchai pro- nikayushtshei rani grudi. [ Penetrating wound of the chest] Ibid., 1897, clxxxviii, med.-spec, pt., 949-960.— Maclure(W.) On the state of wounded lungs. Inhis: Collect.Med.-Chir. [etc.], 8^, Lond., 1845, 52-55.-Ul'Cown (C. C.) Traumatic iujury of lung and pleura. Louisville M. Month., 1896-7, iii. 7. — ITI'Bonnell ill.) Laceration of the lungs. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl.. 1802-5, n. s., ii, 97- 99.—Me Iicod. Case of penetrating wound of the chest. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 347. — Martinez (E. S.) Notable caso de herida penetraute de pecho con lesion pulmonar; curacion publicadacon laannenciade la autori- dad judicial. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1874, ix, 290.—Mar- tinez y Snitches (P.) Informe sobre si una herida del pubuon puedecicatrizarse en quince dias, y determinar si esta y otras heridas fueron ocasiondas por mano uj ena 6 por lapropia. Trab. Com. d. med. leg. e hig. pub. de la Acad. de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873, ii, 171-180.—.tlanri (F.) Contribution ii l'etude des plaies penetrantes de poi- trine. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1883, xvii, 12-21.—rVcdler. Sluchai pronikayushtshei rani grudi. | Penetrating wound of the chest.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxviii, med.-spec, pt., 960-965. — O'Baniel ( W.) Wound of right lung. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1873, xxiv, 82.—O'Farrell (J. M.) Case of bayonet wound of the lung. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 748. — Palmer ( J. F.) On wouud of the lung. Ibid., 1878, ii, 399-400.—Petrouio (F.) Un casodi ferita penetiante del toraee. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1887, viii, 51-53.—RainKishen. Punct- ured wound of the lung: recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1879, xiv, 283.— Beading (G. E. ) Perforating wound of the right lung; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 155.—Rom (S. J.) Penetrating wound of chest and abdomen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1088. — Roy (C. C.) Penetrating wound of tho lung. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1895, vi, 305.—Bnef (M.) Observation de plaie penetrante grave de la poitrine, terminee par'la guerison. Arch. med. de Strasb., 1835, i. 284-291. — Sadlicr (J. E.) Report of a caseof stab wound into the lung. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 266. — St henk (A. H.) Report of a caseof injury to the chest. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1894, xxvi, 231-233. —Schiitz. Penetrirende Brustwunde mit Verletzung der Lunge; Genesung. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1883, xxxiv, 348-350.—Scrapin. Sluchai shtikovoi rani vpravuyu polovinu grudi i odnovre- mennavootkritavoperelomacherepa;vizdorovlenle. [Bay- onet wound in the right half of the chest, with fracture of the skull; recovery.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 255- 258.—Smith (A. H.) A mechanical device for illustrating the movements of the lung in penetrating wounds of the chest, Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1893-4, Phila., 1895, x, 121- 123. Also: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 35.— Spellini (G.) Two cases of spear wounds penetrating the chest. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 269. — Staby (R.) Das Litten'sche Zwerchfellphanomen bei der Beurtheilung von Brustverb-t/uiigen. Aerztl. Sachverst.- Ztg., Berl., 1896, ii, 3s!i. — StellV n (A.) Zur Casuistik der Perforationen der Lunge. .1 a hrh. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1878, xiii, n. F., 79-83. — Nuchier (R.) Stichverletzung der Lunge, Verbleiben der abgebrocheneu Messerklinge im Thorax. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 324.— Thonian (N.) Ligatur der Arteria subclavia dextra unterhalb des Schliisselbeines nach Stichverletzung; Hei- Cliest (Wounds and injuries of). lung. Wien. med. Wchnschr.,' 1898, xlviii, 7; 63; 111.— Valdes (M) Herida penetrante de pecho con herida del piilinon. Gac. med. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1895, i, 164-1 fit; _ Weiss (W.) Vulnus sclopetariuiu thoracis. Aerztl liii d; k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag, (lsso), ]882, 118.— Wil. liams (T.) A caseof perforating wouud of the lung, ,.,,," ing in recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii,"59«._ Woods (J. T.) Traumatic injury; ease of Stewart Spa.yd. Toledo M. Sc S. Reporter, ' 1890, iii, 2C9-272 — Ziirchcr (A.) Penetrirende Brustwunde mit sclnlell darauf gefolgteiu Tode. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel 1883, xiii, 81 - 84. -Zwicke. Messerstichwunden in der Herzgegend. Charite-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1880, xi, 471. Chest (Wounds and injuries of, Compli- cations and sequela of). See, also, Abdomen (Wounds, etc, of); Em- physema (Treatment of). Darribere (B. ) *Sur quelques complica- tions des plaies penetrantes tie Ja poitrine. 4 , Strasbourg, 181't. , Duplax (J.-M.-T.) * Considerations sur lea principalis accidents qui suivent les plaies de la poitrine. 4°. Strasbourg, 1810. Dukaxtix (A.) "Contribution a l'etude des dechirures tlu poumon. 4°. Lyon, l8-'6. Kxcepfler (L.) *Des ruptures bronchiques sans fractures de cdtes ou iudependantcs de cea fractures dans les traumatismesdes thorax. 4°. Nancy, 1886. Lelouis (F.-A. j *Des plaies du poumon et de leurs complications. 4°. Paris, 1834. Maiden (W.) An account of a case of recov- ery after the shaft of a chaise had been forced through the thorax; to which is now added a statement of the health of the sufferer from tbe period of his recovery until his decease, with the appearances of the injured parts after death. 4°. London, 1824. Meyer (A.) * Essai de quelques complica- tions des plaies penetrantes de poitrine. 4°. Strasbourg, 1830. Pourrat (J.) * Contribution a l'etude ex- perimentale du pneumothorax par plaies pene- trantes de poitrine. 4\ Lyon, l^H'i. Stern (R.) Ueber traumatische Entstehung innert-r Krankheiten. Klinische Studien mit Beriicksichtigung der Unfall-Begutachtung. 1. Hft. Krankheiten des Herzens und der Lun- gen. Sc. Jena, 1*96. Uckmar (V.) Contributo alia rottura trau- matica del polmone a pareti toraciche intatte. 8°. Fabriano, 1890. Also, in: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, i891, n. 8., xiii, 921-941. Aladave de Lalibarde. Plaie penetrant* du poumon avec lesion d'une artere intercostale anterieure, suivie tl'epancheiuent sanguin, d'eiuphyseme et de plea- rite; guerison. Rec. d. trav. Soe. med. tl'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1850, 94-96. — Antigiiedad Bicz (F.) Herida penetrante en el torax; pleuro-pneumonia y fistula tora- cica consecutivas. Gac. med. catab, Barcel.. 1887, x,262; 295—d'Andihert Caille dn Bourguet Sc l-cjjiisiu (E.) Plaie penetrante de la poitrine par instrument tranchant; hernie du poumon; hemothorax ; resection de la hernie pulmonaire; guerison. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1893, i, 202-205. —Banks ("W. M.) Notes of acase of rupture of the brachial plexus and right subclavian artery. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, 7. s., ii, 443.- Bogdanik (J.) Dwa rzadkie przypadki obrazenia klatki piersiowej wzglednie kr^goslupa. [Two rare eases of injuries of thorax involving vertebral column.) Pnej{l. lek., Krak6\v, 1889, xxviii, 468. — Boraiuarito (F.) Ferita da punta e taglio nel! 8° spazio intercostale siuistro interessante polmone, diaframma e plica gastrolienal; infezione difterica della pleura; sieroterapia di hehriug; guarigione. Riv. sicula di med. e chir., Palermo, 189i,iv, 130-136. — B rem me. Durchdringende Brustwunde, Querriss von 2 Cm. Liinge in der vorderen "Wand des auf- steigenden Theils tier Aorta ausserbalb ties Herzbeiiteb infolge einer Sehussverletzung in der Schlacht bei Amiena am 27. November 1870; Genesung; Dienstfiihigkeit erst beim Militar, dann im Civildienst; Tod am 2. Juni 1892 infolge einer doppelseitigen Lungenentziindung durch Herzlahmung. Vrtljschr. f. geiichtl. Med., Berl., 1893. 3. F., v, 62-66. — Itiicuo (J. R.) Herida penetrante de CHEST. 403 CHEST. Chest (Wounds and injuries of, Compli- cations and sequela' of). pecho que iuteresa el pericardio y la pleura del lado derecho : pericarditis; pleuresia supurada; chancro in- fectante; sifilis secundaria; empiema; lavado de la pleura ; curacion. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1887, no. 14, 5. — Buryak (P.) Sluchai vizdorovleniya poslie poraneniya erudnol klletkisrazriTOin plevri i vikhozhdeniem uaruzim chastitsi lyokhkavo pri vdikbami. [ Recovery after wound of the thorax with rupture of the pleura and pro- trusion of part of the lung in inspiration. ] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1897, vii, 272. —Carter (J. M. G.) Report of a ease of perihepatitis and pleurisy resultiug from injury. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xxvii, 86. — Cattani (G.) Crepatura del polmone sinistro da trauma. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1882, iii. 154.—Bchio (K.) Penetrirende Stichverletzung der Brust; Hiiniatopneumathorax mit aseptischeni Verlauf. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1886, n. P.. iii, 133-135. — Besir de Fortunet (H.) Sur un cas de rupture tlu diaphragine et du poumon sans fracture de cote. Lyon med., 1886, liii, 507-514. — Bnbrueil. Plaie du poumon; hemo-pneumo-thorax; thoracentese; pjeurotomie; autopsie. Gaz.nied.de Par., 1884. 7. s., i, 445; 553.—Bubrcnilh (C.) Nevrome survenu a la suite d'une plaie de la poitrine. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 313. — Fall (Ein) von todtlicher Zwergfellsheruie, seciis Monate nach einer Stichverletzung in die liuke Brustseite; die linear tier Richtung des Insultes entge- genstehende Lunge blieh nuverletzt; Erkliirung dieses Befunde9. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891, 129-138. — Fanvel. Plaie penetrante dela poitrine (cote gauche); hernie viscerale probablement tie nature Gpiploi'que. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 146-148. — Fischer (E.) Prolapsus pulmonum, ber- vorgehracht durch den Hauer eiues gereizteu Zucht- Ehers. Med.-chir. Centralbl., "Wien, 1882, xvii, 495. — Fitzgerald. Injury to the chest, with displacement of the heart. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880. n. s., ii, 540- 543,_Forgues. Plaie penetrante de l.i poitrine, avec lesion pulmonaire: fracture tie la troisieme cote k Tangle posterieur et section tie la moelle epiniere sans fracture vertehrale, le projectile ayant penetre tlans le canal rachi- ilien par un trou de corijugaison; autopsie. Arcb. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1883. i, 113-116. — Gaston (J. ill.) Wounds and diseases involving both abdomen and thorax. Alabama M. Sc S. Age, Anniston, 1891-2, iv, 245- 259. — Girdlestone. Case of penetrating wound of thorax; compound fracture of rib; wound of lung; haemo- thorax; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n.s., v, 406. — Onder (P.) Tod an Lungenentziindung vier Woehen nach einer Brustverletzunu. Aerztl. Saehverst.- Ztg., Berl., 1896, ii, 473-475. — Hall i A. W.) Traumatic pneumothorax. Brit.M. J., Lond.. 189">. i 1091.—Ileaton (G.) Wound of chest walls penetrating the diaphragm, with wound of the stomach and prolapse of omentum; abdominal section; recovery. Ibid., 1891. i, 8U2.— HoltucM (L. E.) Wound of left lung; an extraordi- nary case. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 749. Also: Tr. Min- nesota M. Soc, St. Paul. 1881. 69-71. — Hoi me* (T. ) A case illustrating the diagnosis of interstitial or sub- pleural laceration of tin- lung. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885-6. xix, 244-248. — Ho witt. Case of punctured wound of thorax: hsemothorax; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v. 363. — Ilott* (II. J.) Rupt- ure of lungs with laceration of bronchus from injury with- out fracture. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1890. ii, 733. — Ktiby. Stich in die Lunge; Empyem ; Complication mit Uiisigi-r Infiltration der Lunge, l-'riederich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1880, xxx% 108-111.— Labadic (A.) Plaie de la I region precordiale ayant entraine la mort. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . .'deBordeaux. 1881, ii, 222-224. Also : J. de med. tie Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 313. —Lane (C. A.) A case of traumatic intra-thoracic rupture of tbe trachea without fracture of the chest wall. Lancet, Loud., 1897, i, 660.—LehncrtM. Plaie peuetrante de la poitrine avec issue du poumon droit; guerison. Bull. Soc. d. sc. metl. du gr.-duche tie Luxemb . 1882. 9-12.—Li'win (B.) Pene- trating wounds of thorax; paracentesis; improvement. St. Louis M. & S. J., 18*7, Iii, 82-84. — Lopez (G.) Herida por arma blanca penetrante de pubnoii; sarampi6n inter- currente; curaci6n. Enciclopedia, Barcel., 1894, vii, 37- 46.—Lowe {(}.) Lacerated wound of chest and abdomen. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 49-51.—Malin- verni (S. G.) Caso di estcsa ferita lacero-contusa di amendue i polmoni, susseguita da guarigione. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1857, 2. s., xxviii, 358-367.— «lc -VlareheltiM (P.) Ex vulnere thoracis inter quartam, etquintam costam, epilepsia suborta, qua nunquam alias correptus fuerat a;ger, turunda immissa, recurrens. In his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1729, 59. Also, transl. in his: Rec. d'obs. raresfetc.]. Trad., 8°, Par., 1858, 103. -----. pU8 ex vulueribus thoracis superioris in ejus- dem cavum effusum, sine .sectione tpiandoque per alvum expurgatum, convalescentibns illieo icgris, quo id citius contingit. In his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.l. 8^, Lond., 1729, 60. Also, transl in his : Rec. d'obs. rares [etc.]. Trad., 8°, Par., 1858, 104-106. -----. Ex vulnere in thoracis cavum Chest (Wounds and injuries of, Compli- cations and sequela' of). penetrante iuferius, perperam viginti dies obligato, febris totius corporis macies, cum delirio suborta, a" suppresso pure, quo oxpurgato, omnia remissa, sauato segro; ex squalore corpus sqnamis instar piscium obsitum ; error vulgariuin cbirurgorum, qui vuluera thoracis non expto- rata, aqnis halsamicis intempestive occluduut, notatur. Inhis: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1729,63. Also, transl. in his: Rec. d'obs. raresfetc.]. Trad., 8°, Par., 1858^ 107-110. -----. Ex vulnere thoracis, superius, magna puris copia in ejusdem cavo cougesta, sectione inter quin- tain et sextain costam expurgata; nee non per os, et uri- nam, diei spatio. In his: Obs. med.-cbir. [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1729, 65-67. Also, transl. in his: Rec. d'obs. rares [etc I Trad., 8°, Par., 1858, 110-113. -----. Ex vulnere thoracis fistula suborta, quie spatio aliquot mensium pervatlens ad capsulain cordis, hujus substantiam ad flbras usque cavi- tatis abftunipsit. Inhis: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], 8°, Loud., 1729,67. Also,transl inhis: Kec. d'obs. rares [etc.]. Trad. 8°, Par., 1858, 113. — .Vlillcr (J. S.) Hemothorax from stab-wound (dan intercostal artery; operation; recovery. Proc. Phil i. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1890,xvii, 114.—Morgan (G. B.) [Patient, in whom a large portion of the anterior- wall of the right chest was torn awav.] Rep. Proc. North- unib. it Durham M. Soc., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1877-8, 12. — Penetrirende Brustwunde; Bruch ties Querfort- satzes des 10. Brustwirbels; Tod an Brust fellentziinduug nach 16 Tagen ; nachtheilige Nebcniimstandc sollen nicht in Bctracht gezogen werden. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Ober- gutacht, Berl., 1891, 94-97.—Penetrirende Biustwunde; Tod durch septische Blutzersetzung; Anklage und Verur- tbeilung der bebandehiden Ai-ztes wegen unterlassener antiseptischer Behandlung auf Grund des §222 Str.-G.-B. Ibid., 458-463. — Penetrirende Brustwunde; Verle- tzung der inneren Drosselader, der rechten Schliisselbein- schlagader und der oberen Lungenspitze ; Truukenheit des Thaters mit abnormen psychischen Zustanden. Ibid., 98-107. — Peradon. Plaie penetrante de poitrine par instrument tranchant avec hernie du poumon ; guerison. Arcb. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1892, xx, 124-129.— Pierce (N. H.) A case of hemothorax following an in- cised wound of the thoracic wall. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1888, x, 582. Also: West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1888, x. 4. Also: Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1888. xvii, 562. Also: Peoria M. Month., 1888-9, ix, 1.— I'lotzli- cher Tod unter verdachtigen TJmstanden einer angetha- nenen Gewalt; Querbruch des Brustbeins; Hyperamie der Lungen mit consecutiveni Lungenoclem ; Truuksucbt uud uuzweckmassiges Verhalten als begiinstigendo Mo- mente. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891, 89-93.—Port. A case, of paralysis of the recurrent nerve after injury of the thorax. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1889-90, 45.—Qnenn. Hernie et plaie tlu p miuon sans lesions de la peau. Gaz. med. de Par., 1895, 9. s., ii, 536. — Raymond (P.) Plaies penetrantes de poitrine; hemothorax; mal de Bright; albuminuric intermittente; pleuresie diaphragmatique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix. 581-583. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 188"). 2. s., i, 464.— Kendu. Sur un cas d'henioptvsic tranmatique. Bull. med.. Par.. 1888. ii, 375-379. — Kichet (A.) Plaie perfo- raute de poumon; pneumothorax traumatique. In his: Lecons [etc.], 8°, Par., 1876, 31-34. Also, in his: Clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1893, 470-478. — Kodct (A.) Sc Pom-rat. Recherches experimentales sur le pneumothorax par plaie penetrante de la poitrine. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, etpatb., Par., 1892, 5. s., iv, 522-533. — Saboiirin. Plaie pene- trante de poitrine; pleur6sie purulent: injections iodees ; guerison. M6m. et bull. Soe. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bor- deaux, 1871, vi, 2(1-28. — Nacre. Plaie de la region sous- claviculaire, sect ion depart ere in am maire externe; ligature de eelle-ci. J. de med., chir. et pharmacob, Brux., 1887, lxxxiv, 102. — Sander (W.) Beiderseitige Lungenverlo- tznng mit naebgefolgter, am 45. Tage todtlich gewordener Lungensebwiudsucht. Inhis: Oherger. Gutacbt. [etc.], 8°, Karlsruhe, 1840, 205-210.—Sonza Lima. Feriniento pulmonar; observacao do um caso 8(li, ]-sl,xx, pt, 2, 208.—Kronn (G. S.) A case of pneiiino-c nilial rupture. JohnsIIopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897,viii. 33 — Clark. Case of extensive injury to chest walls; death. GlasgowM. J., 1882, xvii, 139.—Comte (J.- Cliest ( Wounds and injuries of) by contu- sion or crushing. R.) Note sur un cas de rupture du poumon par simplocontn- sion de la paroi thoraeique. Kev. med. de la Suisse Rom ' Geneve, 1894, xiv. 191-197.—Contusion of chest; phW'- monous erysipelas ; calcareous degeneration of arteries Rip. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp. 1884-5, Wash., 1885, ]-•'-1 Crawvbaw (.1. W. ) Case of severe crush of <-h«~8t fracture of lirst to sixth ribs (left); laceration of Im,,,.' extensive suigi-al emphysema. Med. Chron., Manchester 1892-3, xvii, 317-319. — Cnrtin (R. G.) Angina pectoris and marked anginoso symptoms following heavy Mows aud crushing injuries on the priecordium, and chronic in- flamuiations of the lungs, pleura and pericardium Tr Am. Climat. Ass. 1893-4, Phila., 1895, x. 9-27. — Duma! Herzstorungen nach Contusioneu derBrustwand Monat" sehr. f. TJnfallheilk., Leipz., 1896, iii, 309-316. — I>uret (H.i Fractures du thorax; leurs complications pubuoniiires et plcurales. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1893, i, 337-344. _ nc. wclke (().) Przypadek zgorzeli phica wskutek Htlucze" nia (kontu/.yi) klatki piersiowej. [Gangrene of the lung as a result of contusion of the thorax ] Kron. lek., War- szawa, 1895, xvi, 665-674. — Howe ((). T.) An extensive injury of the chest. Boston M. it S. J., 1893, exxix 441.—JTauincs (A ) it E.«tor(E.) Entitle experinientale des contusions du thorax a propos dun cas de mort conse- cutive a la fracture de neuf cotes du cote droit, N. Mont- pel. med., 1892, i, Suppl., 693-722, 2 pl. Also', Reprint,— Lafnrgnc ( E.) Parricide; ecrasement de la poitriiie- incidentd'audienco: contre-expertise; contlamiiatioii. ();f hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 409; 419.— I.nue- loiignc, Sur un cas de contusion du poumon. Gaz.hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1886, vii. 137-139. Also, inhis- Lee, do clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1888, 291-300. — l.iiicii (M.) Ueber die dmch Contusion erzeugten Erkrankungen der Brustorgane, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung tier Contu- sionspueuinonie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1882, v, 26- 54. ^- iTIarcano (G.) De la contusion del puhnon'en las heridas del torax por ai mas de guerra. Union rued., Cara- cas, 1883, iii, 2-7, —-Tlestre (A.) Informe sobre contusiones del pecho como causa de la muerte del asidtico Tirso. Trab. Com. d. med. leg. e hig pub. do la Acad, de cien rued. . . . de la Habana, 1874, ii, 422-432.—.Homcl (h.) Lo schiacciaiuento del polmone. Gazz. d. osp., Napoli. 1891, xii, 592. — Parmentcr (J.) Bruises of the lungs. Buf- falo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 209-215.—Redier (J.) Contusion du thorax, fracture do cotes, decbirure du foie etde hi rate: hemorrhagic interne; mort. .1. d. sc med. de Lille, 188U, ii, 685-688.— Riedinjjcr (F.) Ueber Brusterscliiittening! Festschr. z. 3. Siecularfeier . . . d. ined. Fac. Wiirzb. Leipz., 1882, ii, 221-234, 2 pl. Also, Reprint.—Schindler (C.) Hie Quetscbungeu des Brustkorbes und ihre Wir- kungen auf die Lungen; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigiuig der Begutachtung Unfallverletzter. Monatschr. f. TJn- fallheilk., Leipz., 1896. iii, 130; 161. — Sc hunter. Ue- ber die Verletzungen der Brust durch stuinpf wirkende Gewalt; vom gerichtsar/.tliehen Standpuiikt. Ztsclir. f. Heilk., Prag, 1880, i, 417-478.—Motirdillc (G.j Contusion de la poitrine par coup do pied do cheval. sans fracture de cotes; vaste epancbenient de sang intra-pnlmonaire; re- marques sur lo mecanisme de cos lesions. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 295 300. — Sunderland. Recovery from a severe flushing injury to the thorax. Lancet, Lond.. 1887, i, 527. — Celt mar (V.) Contributo alia rot- tura traumatica del polmone a pareti toraciche intatte. Monitore med. marchigiano, Loreto, 1889-90, iii, fast-. 11, 107-132. — 'Werner. Platzeu eines Lungenlappens in seiner ganzen Breito (lurch (juetscbiing des Brustkorbs. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 18i(4, n. F., xiii, 4-6. Chest (Wounds and injuries of Gunshot). Sec, also, Breast, Heart, Lungs, Pleura, Wounds, etc., of. Gouzien (P.) *Dcs plaies penetrantes de la poitrine par coups tic feu et particuliereineut de celles obscrvees a Formosc et an Tonkin pendant la cauipagne de Chine (18s:{-^')). 4°. Paris, 18^7. Juugicnsmkyek (J.) "Beitrage zu Srhuss- wund.cn tier Brust (lurch kleine Projektilc. K". Wiirzburg, 1886. ScHtiKMANX (C. F. W.) *Zur Casuistik der penctrirentlen Schusswuntlcn, der Brust. *■■ Berlin, [1888]. Wixtkrsohlk (R.) '" Ueber die jienetrirenden Schussverletzungen des Thorax. 1-2°. Greifs- wald, 1*83. Adam (E.) A case of gunshot wound [of chest). Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xiii, 137. — AilauiN (C) Gun- shot wounds of the chest. Tr. Ass. .Mil. Surg. Nat Guard U. S. 1893. St. Louis, 1894, iii, 124-135. — Aldibert (A.I Plaie pe-netrante du thorax et de l'abdomeu par canne a fusil chargee de plomb; lesions du poumon, decbirure du GUEST. 405 CHEST. Chest ( Wounds and injuries of Gunshot). diai>hra"ine, blessure de l'estoinac qui fait hernie dans le thorax. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 23-29. — Aniieqiiin. Perforation complete du cote droit de la poitrine par uue balle tie revolver, hemorrhagic grave, henio-pneuiiio-thorax, pleuresie purulente, empyeme, gue- rison. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1895, xix, 273-277. Also [with additions] : Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxviii. 1-17.— Backus. Case of gunshot wouud of base of bmg, with implication of colon; recovery. Cauada 21. & 8. d" Montreal. 1885-6, xiv, 304. — Bardeleben ( A.) Zur Casuistik der Brustsohiisse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18:il xxviii, 139-141. Also: Centr.-I'd., f. d. ... Aerzte. tlest'.-Ungarus, Wien. 1891, 39-41; 50.—Bee (L.) Blessure par ai ines a feu : plaie penetrante de la poitrine. Gaz. d. h6p.. Par., 1882. lv, 853.—Berhard. Plaie peuetrante de la poitrine (lie/, un llova par balle de fusil 1880: guerison rapide. Arch, tie med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxvii, 41-44.—Bell (J.) Cases of gunshot wounds of the chest. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 1-5. [Discus- sion]. 5:'.. — ISIoodyood. Perforating gunshot wound of che-'t. .lohns Hopkins Hosp. Bulb, Bait., Is90, vii, 24.— Bonamy (E.) Plaie perforante de poitrine par arme a feu; pyopneumothorax; guerison. J. de med. de l'onest, Nantes, 1889 3. s., iii. 56-62.—Boni ",«'«>i* (L.) i; l>an- jou (G.) Coup de leu (revolver donlonnance) do la re- gion cardiaque. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1890, xv, 35-44.— Bousqnct (H.) Plaie penetrante de poitrine par balle de revolver: pleuresie purulente; empyenie double; resection d'Lsthinder.- ablation de projectile: guerison. Bull, et nieni. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, xxi, 708-712. — Brault (.T. ) Observation de coup de feu du troisieine espace intercostal gauche inini6diatement, au-dessus et en dedans de 1'areole du ninmelon. Province med., Lyon, 1892, vi, 75. — Bnnce ( W. C.) Gunshot wound of chest. Columbus 21. J., 1896. xvii, 504. — Ca- §cio- C'ortcsc ( G.) Sopra una mortale ferita d' anna da fuoco con lesione del polmone. [From: Misc. nied.- chir. di Pisa. 1843, 145.] In his: line, di nieni. chir., 8°, Palermo, 1844, 211-231.—Clastic (C. H.) Gun-shot wound of the cliest: an unusual course of a bullet; death from intra-thoracic hemorrhage. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1893, n. s., xxx, 99-101.— Chapman (J.> Three cases of pen- etrating gunshot wound of the thorax, wilh remarks. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y.. Syracuse, 1880, 378 :»s2 — Chauvel. Plaie penetrante de poitrine par balle; hemothorax tardif; gue- ! rison, par le Dr. Lorin. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de j chir. de Par., 1895. n. s., xxi, 102—Corbctt (R. De la C.) j Penetrating gunshot wouud of chest: recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 179. — C'owelll Case of bullet wound near the heart apex. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 385. — Croft. Bullet wound of chest: wound of of lung; removal of bullet; recovery. Lancer, Lond., 1887, i, 266. -----. Pistol shot wound' of the cliest and lung; recovery. Ibid.. ls'.io i, iii2. — Dcirtijjiiew. Plaie j par balle de revolver. Bull.Soe.aiiat.de Par. IsiiO. lxxi, I 339-341.—De Buck (D.) Sc Tnnderlinden (().) Plaie penetrante de l'abdoinen et de la poitrine par balle de r6- volver . . . Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1896, iii, 33-36.— Delbet (P.) Plaie par arme k feu du septienic espace in- tercostal. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1892, lxvii, 91-91. Also, Reprint. — Demanget. Ein Pall von penetrirender Schussverletzung der Brust. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1881, xxii. 2i7-22:i. — DcprcM. Plaie par arme a feu de la poi- trine; issue dela balle park- larynx. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1886, lix. 417. Also, transl: Boll, d.'clin., Xapoli, 1880, iii, 169- 171.—i>ciliy i A.) Plaie penetrante du thorax par arme a feu. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1888, 3. s.. xxxiii. 21-30.— Dreyer (W.j Yulnus sclopetarium. Hosp.-Tid., Kjo- benh., 1883, 3. R., i, 103. — Duplay. Des plaies de poi- trine par petits orojectiles. Union med., Par., 1896, 4. s., ii, 73-80. Also: EYiio med.. Toulouse, 1896, 2. s., x, 121; 133.—Fayrer (J.) Four cases of gunshot wounds of the thorax. In his: Clin. Sc Path. Obs. in India, 8°, Lond., 1873, 189-201. - Feroci (A.) Sc CJnmbini (O.) Di una ferita penetrante nel petto per proiettile scagliato da re- volver, seguita da einpieraa e terminata febceinente. Gior. internaz. d.sc.men.. Xapoli, 1882, n. s., iv, 1097: 1305: 1883, n.s., v, 8ii. — Folet. Sur les plaies de poitiine par armes & feu. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1895, xxxiv, 193-204. — Fowler (J. K.l Case of bullet wound of tho thorax. Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1886. ix, 49-51.-Ciahan (M.J.) Re- port of pistol shot wound ot r. lung, diaphragm, and upper lobe of liver. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc, Omaha, 1883, 57- 62.—Gehrmann (A.) Gunshot wounds of the thorax. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1892. iv, 410-420.—Cierard. Sur lino playe d'arme a feu, traversaut la poitrine d'un cote k 1 autre. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir.. Par.. 1753, ii, 485-488. Also: Ibid., 1787. vi, 157-162. Also: Ibid., n. ed., 1819, ii, 340-342. Also: Ibid., 1838, ii, 72. Also, transl..- Mem. Roy. Acad. Sui-. at Paris. Lond., 1759, iii, 206-210.— Clodding (0.) Sc Todd roteetors. [Patent specifica- tions.] Crofntt (G. A.) Improvement in eye and lung pro- tectors. No. 145337; Dec. 9, 1873. -----. Improvement in eye and lung protectors. No. 152215; June 23, 1874.— Wayward (H.) Ladies' chest-protectors. No. 181261; Aug. 22, 1876.— Lear (P.) Improvement in chest-pro- tector. No. 112258; reissued. Oct. 22, 1872— Vinson (I? T.) Chest protector. No. 446531; Feb. 17,1891.—Wilder (E. F.) Improvement in chest-protectors. No. 137275- March 25, 1873. Chester. Annual reports of the medical officer of health of the Chester urban sanitary author- ity, for the years 1878-81.^ [By George Arthur Kenyon.] 8°. [Chester, 1879-82.] Chester. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics (Vital), by localities. Crcighton (C.) From mediaeval to modern in the public health of an English citv. Med. Mag., Lond., 1892, i, 18-33. Chester (County Palatine of). Eeports of tbe medical officer of health, with statistical infor- mation and summary of reports of district medi- cal officers of health. Presented to the public health committee of the county council, for the years 1892-6. By Francis Vacher. 8°. Chester, 1-W5-7. -----. Report of the medical officer of health on the state and condition with reference to their pollution or otherwise of all the rivers and streams in the administrative county outside the area under the jurisdiction of the Mersey and Irwell watershed committee. Presented to the rivers pollution committee of the county council, iv, 63 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Chester, Phillip- son f Colder, 1897. Chester General Infirmary. Annual reports of the board of management to the governors and subscribers. 129.-14-2., 188:5-96. S-. Chester, 1884-97. Established in 1755. Prior to 1892 the title was: Gen- eral Infirmary at Chester. In 1882 a convalescent, home was established at Parkgate. Chester Society for Organizing Charitable Be- lief and Repressing Mendicity. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 10., ls~-l; 11., 1*82. 10 pp.; 8 pp. 8°. Chester, Courant Pig. Works, 1S82-3. Chesterfield. Thorxe (11. T.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on a prevalence of infectious dis- eases in the registration district of Chesterfield, and on the sanitary condition of the district. May 18, 1874. fol. London, [1874]. Chesterfield's (Dr.) letters to Ms son [etc.]. See Dalby (Sir William B.). Chesterton ((icorge Laval). Revelations of prison life, with an enquiry into prison disci- pline and secondary punishments. 2 v. ix, 337 pp.; iv, 304 pp. 12-.' London,Hurst f BlackettftZib. Chesterton Rural Sanitary Authority. Annual reports of the medical officer of health for the years 1887-9. By Bushell Anuiugson. 8°. 'Cambridge, 18*8-90. CHESTEKTOX. 407 CHEVALIER. Chesterton Union. Ste Statistics (Pital), by localities. Cheteuli (Tommaso*. Discorso inaugurale pro- nunciuto nella toruata pubblica del 16 ottobre all' apertura dell' anno accadcmico 1847-8 nella Socieia medica d' incorragiamento di Malta. 2,1 pp. >-\ Malta, F. Izzo, 1?47. Chetirkin (E.). j See I.ubo (I.i & Cheiirhin (E.) Buhonnaya chuma [etc.]. 8-- S.-Peterburg, 1897. Chetwood (Charles H.) Genito-urinary and venereal diseases. A manual for students and practioncrs. Scries edited by Bern B. Gallau- det. IT8 pp. sm. 4°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers f Co.. [1-9-21. Students' Quiz Series. Cheurlot (Eugene). Considerations sur la polyurie; de ses rapports avec la phthisic pul- monaire. 1 p. 1., 73 pp. 4-\ Strasbourg, 1868, 3. s., No. 109. Chevais ( Theophile-Louis-Marie ). * Des re- flexes teudineux dans le rbumatisme chronique. 75 pp. S-'. Paris, 1-97, Xo. 599. Cheval. De l'hypertrophie de la tonsile re"tro- pharyngienne et de ses complications. Vegeta- tions ade"uoides, tumeurs. 203 pp. 8-. Bru- xelles, Lamertin, 1-94. Clievalet (Victor) [1-62- ]. *Des compli- cations articulaires de la scarlatine (pseudo- rhumatisme scarlatiueux). 6- pp. 4J. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1892, Xo. 207. -----. The same. 68 pp. 8-. Paris, G. Stein- lieil, 1.-92. Chevalier (Alexandre). See Hermann (J.) La syphilis [etc.]. 8:. Paris, [lt'Jl]. Chevalier (Armand) [1860- ]. *Du teta- nos consecutif aux traumatisme* de l'ceil et de ses annexes. 64 pp. 4=. Bordeaux, 1894, Xo. 76. '■ Chevalier (Charles [-Louis]) [1804- ]. Con- seils aux artistes et aux amateurs, sur l'applica- tiou de la chambre claire (camera lucida) a l'art du dessin, on instruction tb6orique et pratique sur cet instrument, ses diffe'reiites formes et son utilite dans les arts et les sciences. Front., 48 pp., lpl. 8:. Paris, chez V'auteur, 1838. [P., v. 1790.] -----. Nouvelles instructions sur I'usage du daguerreotype. Description d'un nouveau pho- tographe, et d'un appareil tres simple destine a ] la reproduction des e"preuves au moyen de la galvanoplastie, suivie d'un memoire sur l'appli- cation du brome. 78 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. *'-. Paris, Baillib-e, 1841. [Also, in: P., v. 1792.] -----. Melanges photographiques. Comple- ment des nouvelles instructions sur I'usage du daguerreotype. Ip. 1., 127 pp., lpl. *-. Paris. J.Iiaill[i]ere, 1844. [P., v. 179.").] -----. Prix-courant des objectifs, appareils, pro- duits chimiques, accessoires, etc., pour la pho- tographic qui se fabriquent et se trouvent dans les ateliers et magasins de Charles Chevalier. 64 pp. 8'-. Paris, 1858. [P., v. 1791.] See, also. Rapport* sur les instruments [etc.] fin 1. s]. 8°. [Paris, 1-47, vel subseq.] Chevalier (Edgard) [1863- ].• *De l'inter- vention chirurgicale dans les tnmeurs malignes . 4°. [Paris, Tre. Bouchard-Huzard, 1848.] [P., v. 1728.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'encourage. pour l'iudust. nat., Par., 1848. xlviii. ------. De la chicoree dite cafe-chicoree; origine de son emploi; fabrication; falsifications qu'on lui fait subir. Moyens dc les reconnaitre ; avun- tage de l'emploi de la poudre sur la semonle; reglementation a imposer aux fabricants. 16 pp. 8C. Paris, typ.de E.et Y. Penaudfreres, [1854]. Repr. from: J. de chim. rued, [etc.]. Par., 1S.">4, :t s., x. ------. Memoire sur les engrais. De la neces- site, dans 1'interet de l'hygiene publique et de l'agriculture, d'assainir les abattoirs, les chan- tiers d'equarrissage, les lialles; de recueillir les urines dans les villes ct les campagnes, et de faire servir le sang, les vi amies, les detritus de poissons, les liquides urinaires a raineiioration du sol. 24 pp. f.°. [ Paris, F. f V. Penaud freres, 1854.] [P., v. 1-46. j Repr. from: A. de chim. med. [etc.], Par., 1854, 3. 8., x. Chevallier fils (Alphonse)—continued. ------. Note sur h-s tubercules de I'usphodi-lc et sur ses emplois, suivie d'une notice historique et chroiiologiquc stir les divers emplois du i>laii(leu France ei a l'el ranker. 23 pp. .--. Paris, E. .('■ V. Penaud freres, 1855. [Also, in: P., v. 1770.] Repr front : J de chim. nied. [etc.], I'ar., 18."i.">, 4. »., i. ------. Annuaire des conseils et. commissions d'hy- giene de France; suivi du tableau tie classcineiit des etablissi'ineuts insalubrcs incommodes d'a- pres le decret, de S. M. l'eni]ieri'ur. 2 p. )., 277 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Dnpont, l«-(>7. See, also, Onerre (P. ) La conseivation des viandea [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1*.~>S. —Henry (K.-O.l A.-. < Im vnllier (A.) tils [in l.s.]. l5tiideschiiiii(iueset, medici).leo„l,.,ssur le phosphore. 8°. Paris, 1857. Chevallier pere ([Jeaii-Haptisto-]«A[lphoiise]) [1793-1879]. Guide de 1'etmlimit en pharmacie. pp. 181-2^5. 16J. Paris, Bethel jeune, lH2u [P., v. 1824.] Separate title-page. The first part, pp. 1-180 (wanting), is entitled: Guide de l'etiidiant en medecine. ------. Essai sur (Jhaudes- Aigues, (lepartciueiit du Cantal, ct analyse chimique des eaux iniu6- rales-theiiiiales de cette ville. 82 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, imp. royale, 1828. [P., y. 1717.] ------. Observations sur l'emploi. d'un reinede contre la goutte. 19 pp. 8'. Paris, imp. de Iluzzard-Courcier, 1*28. [P., v. 1746.] ------. Note sur ^application de l'eati inindrale- therni.ile au chaufi'age des maisons cl a d'.ilitres usages econoiniqiies. 12 pp. 8 . [Paris, H, Fournier, 1*29, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1809.] ------. Notes sur les precedes ;\ niettre en prati- que jiour conserver les murs des edilic.es publics et particuliers, les statues, et pour enlever la eouleur noire due a la v6ttislo. 14 pp. *J. [Paris, H. Fournier, 1830, rel subseq.] [P., v, 18(19.] ------. Memoire sur les faux en ecriture et stir les moyens de reconnaitre ces falsifications ct -''. Paris. 1824.— Parent[-Duclmtelet] (A.-J.-B.) [in 1. s.J. liapport sur les ameliorations [eie.]. 8° Sc 4°. Paris, 1835. — Piorry (P.-A.) [in 1. s.J. Traite de medecine pratique ...table alphahetique [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1852. —Vitry (T.-G.) [in 1. ».). Reponse k M. Regnoust [etc.]. 4°. [Versailles, 1844.1 CIJEVALLIEK. 410 CHEVALY. Chevallier ([J.-B.-]A[lph.]) pen—continued. ------A: Biirsr (Jules). Monographic generale de rempoisonnement par l'acide snlfurique. 95 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillieie, 1846. [P., v. 1673.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxv. ------ & Barthez [A.-C.-E.] Essais sur les proportions d'arsenic coutenues dans les eaux minerales de Vichy, de Cusset et de Hattterive. Examen des depdts recueillis aux sources, re- cherches sur les urines rend nes par les maladies qui font usage des eaux de Vichy; essais sur les urines et les niatieres fecales des malades qui prennent de l'acide arsenieux. "24 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. $■ V. Penaud freres, 1849.] [Also, in: P., v. 1768.] Repr.from: J. de chim. med. [etc.], Par., 1849, 3. s., v. Contains, also (pp. 13-24): Essais sur quelques eaux minerales et notamment sur celles de l'Allier, par A. Che- vallier. ----- & Boudrimont ( [Marie- Victor-]Er- nest). Dictionuaire des alterations et falsifi- cations des substances alimentaires, medica- menteuses et commerciales, avec l'indication des moyens de les reconnaitre. 7. ed. par L. Heret. v. 1&2. lp.l., 988 pp.; xxiv, 774 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Asselin 2 pp. 12 . t Parisiis, G. Cavelier, 1742. ------. The English malady; or, a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds, as spleen, vapours, lowness of spirits, hypochondriacal and hys- terical distempers, etc. In three parts. Pt I. Of the nature and cause of nervous distempers. Pt. II. Of the cure of nervous distempers. Pt. III. Variety of cases that illustrate and confirm the method of cure. With the author's own case at large. 3 p. 1., xxxii, 370 pp. 8-. Lon- don, G. Strahan, 1733. ------. The same. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., xxxii, 3711 pp. 8°. London, G. Strahan, 1734. ------. De natura tibiae ejusque laxse sive reso- lutai morbis tractatus. [Latin by J. Robertson.] 107 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, G. Carrier, 1741. Bound with his: Tractatus de inthuiorum [etc.]. 12°. Parisiis, 1742. -----. . Account of himself and of bis writings: faithfully extracted from bis various works. To which are added: I. The several characters that have been given of hitn(iu prose and verse) since his decease. II. His character of the Hon. George Baillie. III. His aphorisms, or rules for preserving health and prolonging life. IV. His receipts for the cure of divers disorders. V. Mis- cellaneous observations and reflections on per- sons and things during his long practice and experience. Containing (among others) par- ticular remarks on Cornaro, Sir Isaac Newton, the famous Mr. Law, Dr. Barwiek, Henry Jen- CHEYNE. 413 CHEYNE-STOKES. Ciieyne (George)—continued. kins, and old Parr. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 63 pp. 8°. London, J. Wilford, 1743. Bound with: 1'ittis (W.) Dr. RadchflVs life and let- ters. s°. London, 1730. ------. II metodo naturale di cura, tratiotto dal- 1'inglese da Cosimo Mei. xii, 337 pp. 4°. Pa- dova, stamperia Volpi, 1765. Bie (Georgius). * De actioue niorphiie, sa- lium ejus, et narcotini. 4 p. 1., 40 pp. 8V . Etlinburgi, A. Balfour A'- Soc., 1832. Ciieyne (John) [1777-1>36]. An essay on cy- liaiiche trachealis or croup. 110 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, A. Finley, 1813. ------. Medical report of the Hardwieke Fever Hospital for the year ending on the 31st March, 1817. 116 pp. 8-. Dublin, Graisberrq f Camp- bell, 1S17. [P., v. 1177.] Repr.from: Dublin Hosp. Kep. (1817), 1818, i. ------. A letter to Oeorge Renny ou the feigned diseases of soldiers. 61 pp. 8-. Dublin, R. Graisberry. 1-26. [P.. v. 1214.] -----. Essays on partial derangement of the mind in supposed connection with religion. With a portrait aud autobiographical sketch of the author. 1 p. 1.. '272 pp.. port. 8°. Dublin. jr. Curry, jr.. j Co., 1843. See. also, B:«uii«.<-li<-i«ll (C.) Baunscheidtismns [etc.]. S-. Bonn. |18.">s]. Fur Bioi/raplm. see I'rlf igi-ew (T. J.) Memoirof John Cheyiie. r,.y. 8"-. London, IMi'.i. Also : ------. Med. port. gallerv. 4°. London, [1840], iii, no.5, 20 pp., port. Also: Med. Hist. Meath Hosp., Dubl., 1888. 112-115. Cheyne ( Ninianus Ricardus). *De euiphyse- mate. 2 p. 1., 53 pp. -'-. Edinburgi, J. Moir. 1820. Ciieyne (W[illiam] Watson). On the relation of organisms to antiseptic dressings. 28 pp. --\ London, J. E. Adlard, 1879. Repr. from: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1878-9. xxx. —:—. Statistical report of all operations per- formed on healthy joints in hospital practice by Mr. Lister, from .September, 1871, to tbe present time, together with such accidental wounds of joints as occurred in the same period. 7 pp., 2 tab. 8°. London, 1.879. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1S79. ii. -----. The antiseptic method of treating wounds. In: Ixtekxat. Eucycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), X. T., 1882, Th. La methode antiseptique. In: Excycl. internat. decbir. (Ashhurst), Par.. 1883, , 277-293. —. The same. In: Excyi.. internat. de Cbir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1890, i. 277-29.-.. prac- 5 pl. ----. Antiseptic surgery: its principles lice, historv, and results, xxiv, 616 pp ^ . London, Smith, Elder if Co., 1882. -----. The same. Die antiseptische Chirurgie; ihre (Jrnndsatze. Ausiibung, Gesehichte und R<- sultate. Ins Deutsche iiberf ragen von F. Kam- merer. Mit Vorwort von H. Mans, xxiv, 585 pp., 5 pl. ,--. Leipzig, F. C. IV. Fogel, 1883. -----. Report to the Association for the Advance- ment of Medicine by Research on the relation of micro-organisms to tuberculosis. pp. 241-320, 1 pl. 8 . [London, 1883.] Cutting from: Practitioner, Lond., 1883. xxx. ----. Two cases of idiopathic purpura hemor- rhagica, in which microorganisms were present. 6pp., lpl. 8J. London, 1881. Repr. from: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv. ----. Manual of the antiseptic treatment of wounds, for students and practitioners. xiii, 151 pp. *P, London, Smith, Elder ,('• Co., 1885. ——. Report on the cholera-bacillus. 48 pp. 8 . London, 1-85. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i. Cheyne (W[illiam] Watson)—continued. -----. Suppuration and septic diseases, x (1 1.) 102 iip. 8°. Edinburgh ,)'■ London, Y. J. Pent- land, 1881). Also, in: Wood's M. Sc S. Monog., X.T. 1890 viii no 1 1-102. ' ' • ' Abstract of all cases of tubercular dis- ease which have been treated by [him] with tuberculine up to the" beginning of April, 1891. 67 pp. 8C. London, Adlard f Son, 1891. -----. Excision of the breast for cancer. 8 pp. 8\ Londou, 1*92. Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii. -----. The radical cure of hernia, with a de- scription of a method of operating for femoral hernia. 8 pp. 8°. London, 1892. Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii. ------. On the treatment of spinal abscess. 7 pp. 8°. London, 1*92. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii. -----. The treatment of wounds, ulcers, and ab- scesses, xii, 197 pp. 12°. Edinburgh if London, Y.J.Petttiand, 1894. ----. The same, xii, 197 pp. phia, Lea Bros, f Co., r895. Gangrene. 12c Philadel- ln: Syst. Surir. (Treves). Lond.. 1895, i, 128-151. Also, in: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 128-151. -----. Inflammation. In: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond.. 1895, i, 53-78. Also, in: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 53-78. -----. Suppuration. In: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond., 1895, i, 79-104. Also, in: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 79-104. -----. Syncope and shock. In: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond.. 1895, i, 152-156. Also, in: Syst. Surg. (Treves). Pbila., 189."), i, 152-156. -----. Tuberculous disease of bones and joints, its pathology, symptoms, and treatment, xiv (1 1.), 374 pp. 8°. Edinburgh f London, Y. B. Pentland, Mir ----. The same. (xiv 11.], 374 pp. 8'-. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1895. -----. Ulceration. In: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond.. 1895, i, 105-127. i: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 105-127. —. Wounds and contusions. Also, In: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond., 1895, i, 202-234. in: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 202-234. ------. The objects aud limits of operations for cancer, with special reference to cancer of the breast, mouth and throat, and intestinal tract, being the Lettsomian lectures for 1896. vi, 14(1 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall f Cox, 1*96. ------. The same. vi. 140 pp. 8°. Xew York, 77". Wood f Co.. 1896. Also, Co-Editor of .- King'w College Hospital reports, v. 1, 2, 1893 1 Sc 1891-5. See, also, Kncti'i'ial pathplogy. 8°. New York, 1885.— FIiujjjc ((.'.) .Miero-orgiinismiis [etc.]. 8°. London 1890. — K<-c<'ut essavs bv various authors on bacteria [etc.J [in 1. s.]. 8°. 'London, 1HW. -----, Corfield (XV. II.) A Cassal (Charles E.) Public health laboratory work. 1 p. 1., 92 pp.. 1 1. 8°. London, If. Clowes $• Sons, 1884. Iutci nat. Health Exb. Handb., no. 17. Cheyne Hospital for Sick and Incurable Chil- dren, Chelsea, London, S. W. Annual reports of the committee of management to the govern- ors and subscribers. 4.-21., 1878-9 to 1895-6. 8 . London, 1879-96. Opened June 16, 1875, for the reception of children suf- fering from cbrouic or incurable disease. Cheyne-StoLo* respiration. See, also, Heart (Diseases of, Diagnosis of). Bokdoni (L.) Sul tipo respiratorio di Cheyne e Stokes; osservazioni e ricerche sperimeutali. 8°. Siena, 1886. CHEYXE-STOKKS. 414 CUI A IK. Clicviie-Mokes respiration. Lixgknuerg 0. lvii, 113— 136.—FiiilayNoii. Observations onthestate of the pupil in Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Glasgow M. J., 1887, [4.]s., xxviii, 221-224.—Froiiimcr (I.) Cheyne-Stokes legzes. [. . . respiration.] Gyogytiszat, Budapest, 1890, xxxvi, 333.—4»i»Nou (G. A.) ihe influence of certain drugs on Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Practitioner, Lond., 1887, xxxviii S5-91. -----. An examination of the phenomena in Chevne-Stokes respiration. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 585; 081; 801; 887; 1020: 1105: 1890-91, xxxvi, 910-922, 2 diag.: 1891-2, xxxvii, 035; 928; 1116. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1888-9, n. s.,viii, 193-196.—Good- hart (J. F.) A clinical lecture on Chevne-Stokes res- piration. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 285-289.— llallopt-an Sc Petit (A.) Sur un cas de phenomene do Che\nes- Stokes aveo arret complet du coeur pendant les phases respiratoires; interpretation physiologique et signification pronostique de ce syndrome. France med., Par., 1890, xxxvii, 801-803.—BSn«ier(A.) TJeber Se.hluckatbmnngen im Verlaufe des Cheync-Siokes'sehen Phanomens. Prag. med.Wchnschr.,1889,'xiv, 372.— SI« in (I.) TJcberdicSvmp- torue und die Pathogenese des ('hey ne-Stokes'sehin Phano- mens und ver wandter Athmungsl'ortnen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880, xxvii, 509-579. Also, transl..- In- depend, med., Barcel., 1880-81, xvi, 196; 242; 298.—Hum- phreys (R.) Cheyne-Stokes respiration; recovery; notes of twoeases. Abstr. Tr. RunterianSoc, Lond., 1893-4,47.— Kuufiiiami (K.) Ueber einige kiinstlich ausgeliisto Erscheinungen bei Cheyne-Stokes'schem Athniungsphii no- men. Prag. mod. Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 344; 351. — l.ang- emlorlT (().) Beitrage zurKenntniss des Cheyne-Stokes- schen Phanomens. Breslau. arztl. Ztschr., 1885, vii, 161- 105. — l.aiijjci' ( L ) Beitrag zur Kenntuiss des Cheyne- Stokes'schen Phanomens. Wien. med. Presse, 18S2. xxiii, 1253 : 12*9. —l„«'iibo (W.) Mittheilungen aus der Klinik des I'rot'. Ziemssen ; eiu Beitrag zur Frage vom Cln-yne- Stokes'schen ltespirationsphanomen. Berl. kliu. Wchn- schr., 1870, vii, 177-180. Also, Keprint.—.TlacDomirll. Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Montreal M J., 1.-S9-90, xviii, 294-296. — .tinder. Encephalitische Horde in beiden Streifeiiliiigeln und iu dem Pons Yaroli: Articulationssto- rungen; Stokes'scheKespirationspausen : Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Riidolph-Stit'tung in Wien (1871), 1873. 168.—ITIaaciiDi (T.) Storiadi uncaso intorno al fenomeno di Ciieyne -Stokes. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Lo- reto, 1837-9. i, 533-540. — Mann (J. D.) A contribution to the study of Chevne-Stokes breathing. Br dn, Loud. 1890, xiii, 178-205. — .Vlei-klcii (P.) Asystolio et respira- tion de Cheyne-Stokes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s . xiv. 220-228. Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par. 1897, lxx, 212; 223. — ITIurri (A.) Sulla genesi del fe- nomeno di Chevne-Stokes. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1883, 3. s., iii, 737-803, 11 diag. -----. Sul concetto dell' automa- tisnio in relazione al fenomeno di Cheyne-Stokes. Ibid., 1885, 3. s., v, 161-16*.—>icola« (M ) Observation sur uii phenomeue incounu de la lespiration. [From: Histoire d. mal. epidem. qui ont regne dans la province de Dau- phine, Grenoble, 1786.] J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de Clieylie-Stoker respiration. risen-, Grenoble, 1883-4, viii. 208-273. — O'4'oimell (P.) Cheyne-Stokes respiration in a newly-born child. Bij( M.J., I.ond., 1884, i. 220. OseriLl Beitrag zur Chr\ n,..' Stokes'schen Inspiration. Wien. med. Bl., 1884,'vii, 1480.— I'ini-yio. ^uelque.s observations sur le pl,,-.! nomene de Ch yne-Stokes. Progres med., Par.. l^Mi.2 s., iv, 690. — I*ic (A.) Sur un tremblenieut combine. ;m rvtlime respiratoire de Che\ ne-Stokes. 1'rovinee tnt'-it Lyon. 1896, x, 397-401. — 1'ic (A.) tt Caii-cl-KilliiinL Contribution il l'etude des troubles fonctionnels rytlmii. ques associes au phenomene respiratoire de ('iieuie. Stokes. Ibid.. 1897. xi, 277; 291; 325; 337. — Poole (T. W.) Cheyne-Stokes respiration; a now theory. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1885-6, xyiii, 197-200. — Pmlriicombe (F. M) On Cheyne Stokes" respiration. Lancet, Lund., 1883, i, 816. — ICemoiid Sc Itaylac. Pouls lent prima- nent avec respiration de Cheyne-Stokes et atlai|iics ept. h-ptitonnes. Arch. nied. do Toulouse, 1895, 517-532.— Koiii'i'Non ( \.) On rliythmie contraction of the pupjlg and muscles o!' tho limbs wiih (hey ne Stokes i espiiation. Lancet. Lond., 18-6, ii. 1010. — Roxrnbacli (O.) Entgeg nungau Herrn Filehne beziiglioh desCheyiie-Stokes'schen Atliinuiigsphjin.jinens. Ztschr. f. klin. Sled., Berl., 188L'- 81, ii, 713-721. — Slici rinj;IOBi iC. S.) Note on Clieynu- Stokes breathing in the frog. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1891, xii, 292-298. 1 pl. Also. Keprint. — Square (J. E.) Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Lancet, Lond., 1890. i. 776.- Stadelmaiiii ( E. ) Einige experimentelle Uutersu- chungen iiber Chevne-Slokes'.sches Athinen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1894, xxvi, 207-292.—Stern (K.) Cher Cheyne-Stokes'sches Athmen und andere periodische Aenderungen der Athmung. Verhaudl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1896, xiv, 431-436, 1 diag.—Ntillmaii l\V. O.) Cheyne-Stokes respiration; a report of ihree cases, with remarks. Med. News. Phila., 1888, liii, 555-557.— Storcli (C.) Das Cheyne-Stokcs'sche Athinungsphiino- men, beobachtet an einem sterbeiulen Pferde. hey. f. Thierb., Wien. 1885, viii, 145: 105 —Terrien. Fn caa do respiration do Cheyne-Stokes a cy<-le absolument regie lier, avec modifications des pupilles paralleles aux nioiive- ments respiratoires, et anesth6sie. reguliereineiit intermit- tente de la face dans toute la sphere du trijiiineaii. Pro- gres med., Par., 1898, 3. s., vii, 18-21.—Tizzoni (li) Sullo alterazioni istologiche del bulbo e dei vaghi che determi- nano il fenomeno di Cheyne-Stokes. Mem. Accad. d. vc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1883, 4. s., v, 331-358. 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, 1884. v, 226-247. 1 pl. ----. Nuovi studi sulle alterazioni del bulbo nel feuoiueiin di Cheyne-Stokes. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1886-8, 4. s.. viii, 111-119, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Traubr (L.) Zur Theorie des Cheyne-Stokes'schcn Atliinungs- phanomens. Berl. klin. Wchiischr., 1874, xi, 1K5 ; 209. Also, Keprint. —Unvcrricht (H.) Feber das Cheyne-Stokes'- sche Athmen. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi, 399-109. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1892, xiii, 875 ; 922. — Wellcnbergh (P.) lets over de pathou'euie van bet Chevne-Stokes respiratie phenomeen. Pswhiat. Bl.. Dordrecht, 1885, iii, 30-43. Also, Reprint. — \Verl- heimer (E.) Sur l'un des mecanisnics du phenomeue de Cheyne-Stokes. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1891, 5. s., iii. 172-185.—West (S.) Chevne-Stokes breath- ing in granular kidney. Brit. M. J..'Lond., 1890, i, 545. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 545. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 247. — Wolfe (S.) A study of the Cheyne-Stokes respiration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1893, xx, 89. Clieynet (Jules). *De l'hyoscine; quelques applications therapeutiques. (>'2 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, A. Hey, 1-07, 2. s., No. 9*. Clieyiiey (Jesse .S.) Catalogue of mounting apparatus and material, and of microscopic ob- jects. Made- for sale, wholesale and retail. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878. Chcyssoil (K.) La mortalite" des enfants legi- times ct uatnrels. 3 pp. 8 •. [Xancy, Berger- Levrault f Cie., 18-%$.] Repr. from: J. Soc. de statistique de Par., 1883, xxiv. -----. La question de la population en France cl, a l'ctranger. Rapport. 1 p. 1., ~'J PP- ^- Paris, imp. de VEtoile, 1883. Repr. from: Compt.rend. Soc.d'econ.soeiale, Par., 18H3. Sec, u'lin. Mocietc de inedecine publique et d'hygiene professiouuelle. L'hospice rurale [ini. s.]. 8°. Pant, 1886. Clieze (Amable-Marie). * Kssui stir l'hydrotho- rax. 1 i>. 1., 21) pp. 4:. Strasbourg, 1*29, v. 110. dello Cliiaie (Siefano) [lS-J'J-59]. CompetKlio di elmintogiatia umana, cotnpilulo da . . . viii, 140pp. s-.' Xapoli, Soc. tipog., 1*25. [P.,v.loU'2.] -----'-. Thesame. 2. ed. xiv, 180 pp., (5 pl. wC' Xapoli, Fibreno, 1833. CHIAIE. 415 CHIARI. delle Cliiaie (Stefano)—continued. ._____. Opuscoli lisico-medici. 168 pp., 16 pl. S:. Xapoli, Tramater, 1833. _____. Osservazioni anatomicbe su 1' occhio umano. 84pp.,9pl. fol. Xapoli, 1838. _____. Istoria anatomico-teratologica intorno ad una bambina rinocefalo-monocola. 14 pp., 4 pl. fol. Xapoli, Tramater, 1840. For Biography, see Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1871, xxv, pp. iii-xi (A. de Martini). Cllia'is ([Jeau-]F[raucois-Maurice]). Neuras- thenic et goutte hypoazoturiques, leur traite- ment par les eaux d'FJvian. 35 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, C. Coulet; Paris, G. Masson, 1891. Repr. from: Montpel. med., 1891, 2. s., xvi. -----. Nutritions pathologiqttes, leur traite- ment par l'eau d'Evian. lv! pp. 8°. Mont- ellier, C. Coulet; Paris, G. Masson, 1892. * Repr. from: X. Montpel. med., 1892, i. .-----. Les eaux d'Evian daus l'arthritisme; la neurasth6uie; la goutte. 44 pp. 8°. Paris, Soc. d'e'd. scient., 1896. -----. L'actiou in time et les indications th6ra- peutiques des eaux d'fivian. Chimie biologique et h6matospectroscopie. 20 pp. 8C. Paris, 1897. -----. Notes cliuiques sur les eaux d'Evian. 24 pp. 8-\ Paris, 1897. -----. Xord et midi. La preservation des ma- ladies par les changements de climat. Paris- Meuton. Un chapitrc de climatologie me'dicale compare'e, suivi d'une e"tude sur la tension de la vapeur d'eau et la temperature dans l'atmosphere non saturee. 45 pp., 5 pl., 10 1. dJ. Paris, 1897. Chian turpentine. See Cancer (Treatment of) with Chian turpen- tine. Chianciano. Gualdi (L.) Le acque termali di Chianciano. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. de Soma, 1890-91, xvii, 23-50. Chiap (Giuseppe). See Franzolini (F.) L' epidemia di istero-demono- patie [etc.]. 8°. Reggio nell' Emilia, 1879. del Chiappa (Giuseppe Antonio). Intorno alle opere e alia coudizione personale di Aulo Cornelio Celso. Discorsi medici-filologici. 153 pp., 1 1. 12°. Milano, P. M. Visaj, 1819. [P., v. 1428.] -----. Discorsi due sulla medicina. 72 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Pirotta, 1820. [P., v. 1429.] ■----. Elogio di Paolo Bongioanni. 31 pp. 8°. Milano, Lampato, 1830. -----. Delia dottrina medica; ovvero fondamenti della medicina teorico-pratica; libri sei. 502 pp., 11. 8-. Milano, GugLelmini, 1851. [P., v. 1146.] See, also, Knips-IVIacoppe (A.) Aforismi medico- politici [etc.]. 12°. Pavia, 1822. Chiappari (Giuseppe). See Chrestien (J. A.) Osservazioni sopra un nuovo rimedio [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1811.—Reiner. Sicuri mezzi diprevenirei contagi [etc.]. 12°. Milano, 1817. Cliiappelli (Alberto). Le coudizioni dell' eser- cizio medico nell' antica Eoma. 30 pp. sm. 8&. Pistoia, frat. Bracali, 1881. Cliiappelli (Francesco) [1816-88]. ATccrologia. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1888, eclxxxiii, 09. Chiapponi (Alessandro). Un caso di uremia gravissima guarito coll' ossigeno. 7 pp. 8 . Frosinone, C. Stracca, 1895. ;---. Un caso di uno contro natura per ernia inguinale gangrenata, guarito spontaneamentc. 8 pp. 8°. Frosinone, C. Stracca, 1897. Chiapponi (Pietro). Studi sull' idroterapia. Opera onorata del premio di Istituzioue del dottore doll' acqua di Milano e della medao-lia (V incoriiggiamento dell' Accademia di Bologna 2. ed. vi, 333 pp. 8°. Milano, 1869. Clliara (l.)[omenieo']). Osservazione di cefalo- trissia per difetto grave alia coniugata sacro- pubica. 14 pp. sm. 4C. Torino, Fo'a, 1867. ------. La tecnica della embriotomia. 38 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Bologna, F. Vallardi, 1*82. Forms no. 5, 2. s., of: Coll. ital. di lett. s. med., Milano. ------. II triennio 1883-5 nella Clinica, ostctrica e ginecologica di Firenze diretta dal Prof. . . . Rendiconto clinico del dott. Emilio Fasola. Pt. 1. vii, 2S7 pp., - pl., 1 plan. roy. 8°. Fi- renze, successori Le Monnier, 1888. de Clliara (Francesco Paolo). II morbillo e suo trattamento per 1' aconito napello. 50 pp. 8°. Xapoli, Fibreno, 1844. ------. Sulla lebbra d' Italia, una delle tre ruono- grafie preniiate ad iucorraggiamento dal settimo Congresso degli scienziati italiani in Napoli. x, 11-116 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Xapoli, Fibreno, 1846. di Clliara (Tommaso). Sulla fognatura. Con- ferenze lette nel Collegio degF ingegueri di Pa- lermo, e risposte logiche a taluni assunti della relazione dell' ingegnere comuuale F. E. di Si- nione sui progetti di fognatura della citta di Palermo. 16*, xx pp. 8°. Palermo, l^HO. de Clliara (Viuceuzo). Osservazioni sperimen- tali sul colera asiatico e suo metodo di cura. 16 pp. 8°. Lecce, Campanella, 1881. [Chiareiiti (Francesco).] Ragionamento sulla digestione, con alcune osservazioni sull' uso van- taggioso del sugo gastrigo nelle malattie dello stomaco. 2. ed. 182 pp. 12°. Firenze, stamp. Albizziniama, 1796. ------. Lettera in risposta alle obbiezioni fatte dal Sig. Chiarugi sul nuovo metodo di sommi- nistrare 1' oppio esternamente per frizioni, etc., coll' aggiuuta delle riflessioni sullo stesso argo- mento del Sig. Rossi. 32 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1798.] Incomplete. Chiari. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities; Medicine (67inicaI, Cases of). Chiari (Alessandro). Appunti di idrologia me- dica ad uso dei medici pratici e degli studeuti. Idrologia, elettroterapia, aeroterapia, massaggio, climatologia. 74 pp. 8°. Milano, A. Cesana, 1895. Chiari [Francesco Raniero], abate [ -1750]. See Celsus (A. C.) Della medicina libri otto [etc.J. 8°. Venezia, 1747. — Ramazzini ( li. ) [in 1. s. ]. Le malattie degli artefici. 12°. Venezia, 1145.—Sanctoriii* (S.) La medicina statica [etc.J. 16°. Venezia, 1761. Chiari (H[ans]) [1851- ]. Ueber die Gas- cysten der menschlichen Sclieide. Eine histolo- gische Studie. 81-102 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8-'-. Prag, A. Haase, 1885. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1885, vi. ------. Ueber die topngrapbiscbeu Verhaltnisse des Genitales einer inter partum vcrstoibeneu Primipara. Nach einem Gefrierschnitte geschil- dert. 14 pp., 5 pl. 4°. Wien, Toeplitz <;■ Deu- ticke, 1885. ------. Ueber den Befund ausgedebnter tuber- culoser Ulceration in der Vulva und Vagina. pp. 341-349, 1 pl. H°. [ Wien, 18*6]. Repr. from: Vrtljschr. f. Dermal., Wieu, 1886, xiii. ------. Ueber congenitale polypose Hautanhange an der Raphe perinei. 4 pp. 8°. [Prag, 1889.] Repr. from: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xiv. ------. Ueber das Vorkommen eines doppelten oparteriellen Seitenbronchus an dem rechten Stammbroncbus des Menschen. pp. 470-478. 8\ Prag, A. Haase, 1889. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1889, x. CHIARI. 416 CHIARUGI. Chiari (H[ausl)—continued. ______. Ueber (lie Geuesc der sogenannten Atbe- romcysten der Haut und des Unterbautzell- gcwo'bes. 38 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Berlin, 1«91. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1891, xii. ------. Pafhologisch-anatomische Sectionstech- nik. 1 p. 1., 95 pp., 6 pl; 8°. Berlin, H. Korn- fehl, 1-94. See also, Councilman ( W. T.) Zur Histologic der Tuberculose [c-te.J. 8°. [Wien, 1881.]— »lilttioilnii««ii iiber das Kocli'scbe Mittel [etcl. 8°. lie riin, 1891. Chiari (Ottokar). Ein Fall von Lymphosarcom mit Arsen licbandelt. 7 pp. 8C. Wien, J. B. Wallishausser, 1-79. a. l. a. Repr. from: Wien. med. Bl., 1879, ii. ------. Die Tracheotome und ihre Surrogate. 7 pp. s-\ [Wien, R. Spies f Co., 1881.] a. l.a. Repr. from: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi. ------. Ncubilduugen im Keblkopfe bei KindernJ endolarvngeale Entfernung. 11. 8°. [Wien, 18*1.] " A. L. A. Repr. from: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1881, vii. ------. Ueher retropharyngeale Strumen. 4 pp. 8 . [Berlin, Marsehner A'Stephan, 1*81.] a.l.a. I Repr. from: Monatschr. f. Obrenb., Berl., 1881, xv. ------. Ueber Trachealstenoscn und ihre Behand- lung nach der Sclirotter'schen Methode. 8 pp. *". [Berlin, Marsehner pp. H-. [ Wien, R. Spies if Co., 1**:\.] a. l.a. llepr. from: Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1883, xxviii. ------. Symmetrische Defecte in den forderen Gaunienbogen. 4 pp. 8°. [Berlin, Marsehner f Stephan], 1**4. a. l. a. Repr. from: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1884, xviii. ------. Nasenpolyp. 21 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 18*4. Repr. from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, v. ------. Tubage des Kehlkopfes. 20 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1885. ------. Casuistisches iiber die anasthesirende Wirkung des Cocains. 3 pp. 8°. [Wien, R. Spies f Co., 1*85.] ' A. L. A. ,Repr.from: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 18*.">. xxix. ------. Ein Fall von Rliinolithiasis. 10 pp. 8° [Wien, 1885.] a. l. a. Repr. from: Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv. ------. Des n6oplasm.es de la cloison des fosses na- sales. Trad, de l'allemand par Liehtwitz. 12 pp. 8°. [Bordeaux, A. Bellier f Co., 1886.] a. l. a. Repr. from: Rev. mens.de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1886, vi. ------. Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Hals- und Nasen-Kraukheiten nach den Ergebnissen des Ambulatoriums. 1 p. 1., 84 ]>p. 8 . Leip- zig if Wien, Toeplitz if Deuticke, 1887. ------. Ueber Cystenbildung im Stimmbandpoly- pen. 12 pp. 8-. [Wien, F.Jasper, 1*91.] a. l.a. Repr. from: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv. ------. Ueber die Erkrankungen der sogenannten Bursa pbaryngea. 13 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Hol- der, ls9l. A. L. A. Repr. from: Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv. ------. Entgegnuug auf Dr. Ziem's Artikel: "Noclnnals die sog. Tornwaldt'sche Krankheit". 3 pp. 8° [Wien, F. Jasper, 1892.] a. l. a. Repr. from: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v. Chiari (Ottokar)—continued. ------ A Kiehl (G.) Das Rhinosklerom der Schleiinhaut. pp. 305-340, 1 pl., 1 tab. 8 , Prag, A. Haase, 1885. a. l. a. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Ztscbr f Heilk., Prag, 1885, vi. Chiariana (Mariano). II desiderato amico me- dico miuistro della natura ben in casa di ojrtnino spagirico sincero, che dimostra con sodc ragiotii doversi fugire in tutte le fobbri, il pernicioso abuso del salasso, con il metodo di curarlc, se- condo la niente di Elmonzio, e suoi sej>uaci; ed insieme li rimedj valevoli per guarire piii morbi spettanti anche alia chirurgia. 6 p. I., 3(i* pp. 12 . Verona, P. Berno, 1724. ------. L' obbligo de' medici, chirurghi, e spcciali, diviso in xxiii divcrtimenti, che diiiiostrauo a gli uni il modo di medicare, ed a gli altri di pre- parar beue i medicamenti, con copia di rimedj specifier, naturali e simpatici, per guarire anche da' mali disperati, e forma di medicarli. Opera fisieo-niedica, chimica-spagirica di . . . in ag- giunta al suo libro del desiderato amico medico bene, iu casa d' oguuuo. 3 p. 1., 152 pp. l^o. Verona, P. Berno, 1724. Bound with his: 11 desiderato amico medico [etc.]. 12°. Verona, 1721. Chiarleoni (Giuseppe). Le inezione ipodermi- cbe d' acido fenico nei processi morhosi puerpe- ral i. 20pp.,2ch. 8°. Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1874. Repr. from: Ann. TJniv. di nied., Milano, 1874, cexxx. ------. Malaria e fnnzioni della riproduzione nella donna. 35 pp. 8°. Milano, F. 1'allardi, 18*11. Forms no. 4, s., of: Collez. ital. di lett. s. med., Milano. ------. Otto laparotomie eseguite nell' Ospedale maggiore di bercelli. 45 pp. 8°. Vercelli, Fac- chinetti, 1889. ------. Soffio arterioso della gravidanza e del puerperio. 36 pp. 8°. Vercelli, Facchinetti,1*89. Chiarlone (Jean). * Essai sur les affections calculeuses. 27 pp. 4°. Genes, 1813. [P., v. 2151.] Chiarlone (Quintin) & Mallaina (Carlos). Historia de la farniacia. 2. ed. 962 pp., 1 1. fol. Madrid, J. M. Ducazcal, 1MG5. ------ ------. The same. Historia critico-litc- raria de la farniacia. Compendiada y reformada por D. Carlos Mallaina. 3. ed. ix, 12-8."', 1)7- 456, 4(i5-(i51 pp., 111. 8°. Madrid, tip. del Hos- picio, 1.S75. Imperfect, wanting pp. 89-96, 457-464. Two indexes, not same. Clliarloni (Giovanni). La stura e la malaria; deduzioni igienico-pratiche. 30 pp. 8°. Cuneo, lip. Galiniberti, 1881. Clliaru^i (Giulio). Delle omologie e dei rap- porti rcciproci della fosset.ta occipitale mediae del lobo mediano del cervelletto nell' uomo c ne- gli altri mammiferi. 21 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. roy. 8U. Siena, 1885. ------. La forma del cervello umano e le varia- zioni correlative del cranio e della superticie ce- rebrale, e studio critico sulla genesi delle circon- voluzioni cerebrali. 1 p. 1., 180pp.,2 1., lpl. 8°. Siena, E. Torini, 1886. ------. Lezioni elemeutari di anatomia generale. 213 pp. .S'-\ Siena, S. Bernardino, 1*91-2. ------. Coutribuzioni alio studio dello sviluppo dei nervi encefalici nei mammiferi in confronto con altri vertebrati. I. Sulla prima coiiiparsa del sistema ganglia re nella testa. II. Sviluppo del nervo olfattivo. III. Sviluppo dei nervi vago, accessorio ed ipoglosso e dei primi cervieali. Memoria premiata dal R. Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere in Milano (Premio Fossati, 1893). 71pp., 3 pl. 8°. Firenze, G. Carnesecchi e figli, 1894. Also, Co-Editor of.- Monitore zoologico italiano, Sieua, 1890. CHIARUGI. 417 CHICAGO. ChiarilfjTi (Vincenzio) [ -1822]. Istoria di una tube meseraica nata da gallicismo eredi- tario, con la sezione del cadavere. In: Rac di opusc. nied.-prat., Firenze, 1782, vi, 291-318. -----Lettera di . . . scritta all' Antonio Dnraz- ziui. 22 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Firenze, P. Allegriui, 1783. -----. Della pazzia in genere, e in specie. Trat- tato medico-analilico con una centuria di osser- vazioni. 3 v. 12°. Firenze, L. Carlieri, 1793. -----. Sull' uso esterno dell' oppio. Lettera di . . . al dottor Luigi Frank, con aggiuute e anno- tazioni. 32 pp. 16°. Firenze, G. Pagani, 1797. For Biography, see Pisani. Palermo, 1880, 2. s.,i, 305-335 (C.Livi). Also, transl.: Alienist & Neurol., St.Louis, 1882, iii. 93-118. Cliiaruttini (Edoardo). II salasso in rapporto alia nuova medicina, alia li costituzione medica", all' igiene ed alia civiltjl. Saggio analitieo-sin- tetico. x (1 1.), 222 pp. 8°. Treviso, L. Zop- pelli, 1882. ——. L' igiene nei suoi tratti fondamentali es- posta iu forma catechetica, specialmeute ai ma- estri delle scuole rurali a loro guida teorico-pra- tica. 2. ed.,rivedutadall'autore. 148 pp. 8°. Udine, 1884. ----. Sulla pellagra. 88 pp. 12°. S. Daniele, frat. Biasutti, 1885. Chiavaro (Angelo). See Galvagno (P.) Note di clinica pediatrica [etc.]. S3. Catania, 1891. Chiaverini (Luigi) [1780-1834]. Dell' eccita- bililae dell'eccitamento e quindi della diatesj, dell' irritazione, degli stimoli; coutrostimoli, irritant!. 5p. 1., 71pp. 8°. Xapoli, 1821. [P., v. 1351.] For Biography, see Toria (D.) [in 1. s.] Elogio storico di Luigi Chiaverini. b°. [Napoli, 1834.] Clliazzari (Michele Nicol6). Osservazioni sul- l'uso ed abuso del tabacco iu istato di sanita e di malattia. vi (11.),95 pp. 8°. Genova. Como, 1819. Cliiba Igaknkuwai Zasshi. [Journal of the Medical Societv of Chiba.] Xos. 11-21, 1893-4. H°. Chiba. Japanese text. Chibrac (A.) [1860- ]. *■ Nouvel appareil a pointe m6tallique pour etre associ6 a une gout- j tiere platreV. 40 pp., 1 ]., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, mi, xo. i*6. Chibret (Albert) [1868- ]. * Contribution a l'e'tude auatomo-pathologique des 6pitb61iomas adainantins. 52 pp. 4C. Paris, 1894, Xo. 287. -----. The same. 54 pp., 2 pl. 8"-. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1894. Chibret (Paul). * Qnelques considerations sur la pleuresie simple, primitive. 1 p. ]., 50 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*68, No. 128. -. Etude cliuique de quelques affections sy- j nalgiques de l'ceil (keratites et iritis) leur traite- ment par le massage du point algogene. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, [1889]. Repr. from.- Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1889, ix. . Astigmatisme selon et contre la regie, resultats compares de l'examen objectif (k6ra- toine'trie, skiascopie) et de Fexamen subjectif. °pp. 8-. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1890. Repr. from: Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1890, x. —;—. Nouvelle contribution a l'etude des affec- tions synalgiques de l'ceil; k6ratite infectieuse, indo-keratite grave, spasme de l'orbiculaire, Photophobie, mydriase. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, [1890], Repr. from: Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1890, x. ~ "• Application de 1'autoplastie conjonctivale a la cure chirurgicale du pt6rygion. 3 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1891]. * Repr. from: Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1891, x. 21 Chibret (Paul)—continued. -----. Etude exp6rimentale et cliniqne snr la pathog6nie des affections de la conjonctive au point de vue bacteriologique. 16 pp. 8° Pa- ris, G. Xee, 1891. Repr. from: Bull, et mern. Soc. franc, d'opbt Par 1891, ix. See, also, Tseherning (M.) [in 1. s.l. De l'influence de l'aberration fete.]. 8°. [Parts, 1890.] Chicago. Health laws, ordinances, and regu- lations of the city of Chicago. 28 pp. yo_ [Chicago, 1874.] -----. School census of the city of Chicago, taken May, 1890. Total population by wards and by divisions of the city ; also total number of colored persons, Mongolians, deaf and dumb, and blind persons. 17 pp. 8'". Chicago, 1890. Chicago. .Sec, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for), Chol- era (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Med- ical), etc., Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), Police (Reports, etc., of), Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities; Sewage (Disposal of), etc.; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries ; Sta- tistics ( Vital), by localities. Citizens' Association of Chicago. Annual re- ports of the executive committee to the members of the association. 1.-23., 1874-5 to 1890-7. 8C. Chicago, 1876-97. -----. Reports of tbe committee on taxa- tion. Made Sept. 26, 1874, and Dec, 3, 1874. 8C. Chicago, 1874. -----. Report of the operations of the two committees charged with the collection of funds and purchase of arms and equipments for the civic forces. Oct. 1, 1878. 4°. [Chicago, 1878.] -----. Report of the sewerage committee. Oct., 18*0. 8°. Chicago, 1880. -----. Report of the main drainage commit- tee.. Dec, 1880. hc. Chicago, 1880. -----. Executive committee, Nov., 1881. [Circular letter on tbe importance of increasing the membership and thereby be enabled to ex- tend its inquiries into tbe imperative wants of a municipality, such as increased water supply, improved sewerage, etc. ] 4C. [Chicago, 1881.] -----. Opinion as lo the powers of the city of Chicago over tin; Chicago River. Rendered to the committee on river and harbor of the . . . Dec, 1881. [By Arthur Ryerson. ] 8°. Chi- cago, 1881. -----. Report of the committee on educa- tion. *c. Chicago, 1*84. -----. Manual of the . . . 1(K [Chicago, 1882.] -----. Thesame. 16°. [Chicago, 1886. ] -----. Thesame. 16°. [Chicago], 1894. -----. Open letter [on the politico-economic questions of the day, so far as they apply to the city and county]. Henry C. Rew to the Citi- zens' Association and the answer. 8°. Chicago, 1882. -----. Report of the committee on theatres and public halls. Jan., 1882. 8°. Chicago,1882. -----. Thesame. Oct., 1883. .-"•. Chicago, 1883. -----. Majority and minority reports of committee on street railways. 1883. 8°. Chi- cago, 1883. -----. List of committees for the vears 1883- 4; 1884-5. 24°. [Chicago, 1883-4.] ------. Report of the committees on bridges aud street railways. Sept., 1884. With an ap- pendix giving the report of April, 1880, accom- panied by diagram of proposed double-width bridge. 8°. Chicago, 18*4. CHICAGO. 418 CHICAGO. C hicago. -----. Report of the committee on tenement houses. *-'. Chicago, 1884. -----. Report of the committee on the main drainage and water supply of Chicago. Sept., hs-C). s-\ Chicago, 18*5. -----. Keport of the committee ou theatres and public buildings on heating and ventilation of the public school buildings of Chicago. Oct., 1885. 8°. Chicago, 18*5. -----. Report of the committee on drainage and water supply to the executive committee of the . . . and by it adopted and ordered printed May 25, 1887, as to the necessary legislation aud the condition of the Chicago drainage bills be- fore the legislature. 8°. Chicago, 1887. -----. Report of tbe committee on theatres and public balls to the executive committee of the . . . Adopted aud ordered printed Oct., IK<7. *,°. Chicago, 1887. -----. The lakes and gulf waterway. A brief, with illustrations and notes, published by the . . . Prepared under the direction of com- mittee on main drainage. By L. E. Cooley. Jan., 1888. 16°. Chicago, 1h88. -----. Report of smoke committee to the executive committee. May, 1889. 8°. Chicago, 1889. -----. Report on the northwest water tun- nel. 8C. [Chicago], 1^97. -----. [Circular in reference to tbe cit.v ordi- nance against fast driving.] 4°. [ Chicago, n. d.] -----. Report of committee on police. Gal- ley sheet. [Chicago, n. d.] Hazen (H. A.) The climate of Chicago. 8°. Washington, 1893. Illinois Masons' Benevolent Society. Report of the proceedings. 19., 1890. 8C. Chicago, 18< 10. Reporter (The) of Organized Charity.. v. 1, No. 8. 4°. Chicago, 1887. Tunnels (The) aud water system of Chicago, under the lake and under tbe river. Illustrated by Wall is. 8°. Chicago, 1874. United Hebiew Charities of Chicago. An- nual report of the executive board to tbe board ofdele-are.s. N.s., 4., 1891-2. 8°. Chicago,1*92. Beardslcy (J. W.) Notes on the main chnnnel of the sanitary district of Chicago. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 189."). xxiv, 10-13. — Carter (J. M. G.) Relation of the climate of the lake region to catarrhal diseases of the re- spiratory organs. Chicago M. Recorder, 1893, v, 241-246.— Davis (X. Sj.) On the influence of the ship-canal, now bring constructed hy the trustees of the Chicago drainage district, on the sanitary condition of Chicago aud the State of Illinois. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1893, xliii, 463- 477.— Drainage (The) canalof Chicago ; one of the great sanitary works of ihe age. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, fo-s8.—Gehrinann (A.) &Kennicott(C. L.) The city water supply. Rep. Dep. Health Chicago (1895-6), 1897, 175-214, 4 diag.—Hamilton (J. B.) Drainage of Chicago. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891. xvii, 633-636. Also, Re- print.—Hart (E.) Health conditions of Chicago. Chi- cago M. Reorder, 1893, v, 1-10. —Park (R.) The medical charities of Cook County, 111. Proc. Confer. Char., Bost., 1880, vii, pp.xlix-lxi.—Rauch (J.H.) Sanitary prohlems of Chicago, past and present. Kep. Bd. Health Illinois, Springfield, 1881, ii.91-123. Also, Keprint. -----. Chicago River pollution. Science, Cambridge, '88.">. vi, 27-30.— Reynolds (A. R.) Civil service and the department of health. Chicago M. Recorder, ISO"), ix, 34-50.—Reynolds (A. R.) &Hazeo (A.) Tho water-supply of Chicago; its source and sanitary aspects. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix, 146-151, 2 ch. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1893, v, 371-379.—Robiaon (J. A.) Chicago as a health resort. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1897, ix, 296-298. Chicago. Board of Public Works. Annual re- ports to the common council. 5., 1865-6; 7.-10., 1867-r* to 1870-71; 15., 1875. 8°. Chicago, 1866-76. For continuation see, infra.- Department of Public Works. Chicago. Board of Sewerage Commissioners, Iieport to the mayor and common council, for the half year ending Dec. 31, 18B0. 20 pp. 8°. Chicago, Scott f Co., lNil. Chicago. Board of Water Commissioners. Semi- annual report to the common council. 15. (July to December). 1858. 48 pp. 8°. Chicago, W. H. Rand, 1859. Chicago. Chicago Public Library. Annual re- ports of the board of directors to the inavor aud city council. 9., 1880-81; 11.-24., 1882-3 to 1895-6. 8-. Chicago, 1881-96. -----. Bv-liws. Revised June, 1888. 20 pp 18°. Chicago, 1888. -----. Bulletins. Nos. 1—:?9. Accessions from Dec. 1, 1887, to April 1, 1897. - . [Chicago 1888-97.] -----. Catalogue of English prose fiction and juvenile books. 156 pp. <-;-. Chicago, S. Ell- linger, 1889. -----. The same. First supplement. Jan., 18*9, to Aug., 1890. 18 pp. *'. Chicago, l*9u. -----. Finding list. History and biography. 7. ed. iv, 147 pp. 8°. Chicago, [S. Eltlinger], 1*89. -----. Finding list. Danish-Norwegian and Swedish literature. 7. ed. pp. 139-163. *°. Chicago, 1890. -----. Finding list. Dutch literature, pp. 165- 174. 8°. Chicago. 1890. -----. Finding list. French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese literature. 7. ed. pp. 91-138. 8°. Chicago, 1890. -----. Finding list. Geography and travels. 7. ed. iv, pp. 119-203. 8°. Chicago, 1-90. -----. Finding list. German literature. 7. ed. 89 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1890. -----. List of Russian books. 3 1. 8°. Xew York, Brooks <,■ Goldstein, 1890. -----. Finding list. Language aud literature. Greek and Roman classics. Bibliography. Pe- riodicals. 7. ed. iv, pp. 255-322. 8°. Chicago, 1891. -----. Finding list. Poetry and drama. Essays and miscellanies. Collected works. 7. ed. pp. 205-254. 8;. Chicago, 1891. Chicago. Chicago Reform School. Report of the board of guardians aud superintendent to the common council. 16., 1871-2. 40 pp. 8°. Chicago, Jameson J- Morse, 1872. Opened Kov. 30, 1855. Report is for 17 months, ending Aug. 31, 1872, when it was closed. Chicago. Department of Health. How to pre- vent the spread of small-pox. Office . -f the State board of health, Springfield, Illinois, June, 1881. Adopted by the health department of the city of Chicago. 3. ed., revised Nov., 1881. 4 pp. #3- [Chicago, 1881.] -----. Ordinances governing and pertaining to the department of health of the city of Chicago. 54 pp. 8°. Chicago, Beach, Barnard 4' Co., 1881. -----. Annual reports of the commissioner of health to the mayor aud city council; for the years 1880-96. 8°. Chicago, 18H1-97. Report for 1879 was not published, but the statistics for that year are in the report for 1880. Report for 1895-6 is a biennial. -----. Hot-weather care of infants and young children. Circular. June, 1895. 8 pp. 16°. [Chicago, 1895.] -----. Restriction aud prevention of consump- tion. Circular of the department, prepared by F. W. Reillv, assistant commissioner. Julv, 1895. 8 pp. 16°.' [Chicago, 1895.] Chicago. Department of Health. Bureau of Vital Statistics. Bureau and division reports. CHICAGO. 419 CHICAGO. Chicago. Department of Health. Bureau of I itul Statistics—continued. [Monthly.] Dec, 1880, to Aug., 1888; Oct., 1888, to Feb.."lt89: April, June, I8r9; Jan.. 1*92, to Jan., 1894 ; March, May, 1894, to Nov., 1897. 4°. Chicago. 1 "81-97. Prior to January, 1895, read: Condensed statements of mortality. Chicago. Department of Police. Annual reports of the general superintendent of police of the city of Chicago to the city council, for the years lr<;:-96. 8*~\ Chicago, 1876-97. Report for 187,">. for 9 mouths, ending Dec. 31. Chicago. Department of Public Works. Mayor's annual message and the aunual reports of the department of public works to the city council. 2.-4., 1877-9; 7.-11., 18 2-6; 13.-19.,' 1-88-94. 8C. Chicago, 1879-95. Contains reports of the bureau of engineering, bureau of water rates, bureau of sewers, and bureau of streets. l'or reports prior to 1S7IJ, see. supra. Board of public works. Repons for 1878, 1879. aud 1888, read: Aunual reports of the department of public works. Chicago. Sanitary District of Chicago. A con- cise report on its organization, resources, con- structive work, methods, and progress. Au- thorized by the board of trustees. May 2, 1>94. Revised ami corrected, May 1, 1896. Prepared liv the chief engineer. 22 pp., 2 pl., 1 map. 8'-'. Chicago, J. F. Hlggins, 1896. -----. President's annual message and aunual reports of clerk, attorney, treasurer, chief engi- neer, and marshal of the sanitary district of Chic go, for the year 1895. 76 pp. 8°. Chicago, J. F. Higgins, 1896. Chicago. The marvelous city of tbe West. A history, au encyclopedia, aud a guide, 1892. Writteu and compiled by John J. Flinn. xvii, 18-632 pp., 72 nl. 12c. Chicago, Standard Guide Co., [1892]. Chicago (The) Clinic. A monthly journal de- voted to the medical profession of the middle west. Editor: J. Homer Coulter, v. 10-11,1897- s. 8-\ Chicago. Current. A continuation of: Omaha (The) Clinic. Chicago (The ) Clinical Review. A journal of practical medicine and surgery. G. H. Cleve- land and Albert I. Bouffleur, editors. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-6, October, 1892, to Septem- ber, 1897. 8°. Chicago. Continued under title: Clinical (The) Review. Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Dental Department of Lake Forest University. An- nual announcements for the sessions of 1883 (1.); 1884 (2.); 18-5-6 (4.): 1891-2 to 1893-4 (10.-12.). 8°. Chicago, 1^-94. Organized in 1883 as the Collegiate Department of the Chicago Dental Infirmary. Sessions for 1883-5 com- mem-cil in spring. In 1885 the present title was adopted, and changed to fall sessions. List of graduates to 1893, iu announcement for 1893-4. Chicago College of Pharmacy. Announcements for Ihe sessions of l-r5-6tol887 (20.-23); 1***- 9 to 1890-91 (26.-30.): 1891-2 to 1897-8 (32.-38.). 8°. Chicago, 18-5-97. Organized in 1859, and held two sessions, when it sus- pended on account of the civil war. In February, 1867, the colh-gt- was reorganized, bur. did not open until 1869. From 188.") to 1891, inclusive, two com pie e courses were held annually. In 189"> it became the School of Pharmacy of the Universitv of Illinois. List of graduates from 1861 to 189C, in announcement for 1896-7. Chicago Exposition. Gkosshkim ( C.) Das Sanitatsweseu auf der Weltausstellung zu Chicago. 8-. Berlin. 1893. Chicago Gynecological Societv. Transactions. v. 1-4, 1-91-6. 8°. New York. 1893-6 v. 1-3 repr. from: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1892-5, xxv- xxxii. Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College. An- nual announcements for the sessions of 1878-9 (3.); 1882-3 (7.); 1883-4 (8.); 1*85-6 to 1897-8 (10.-22.). 8^. Chicago, 1878-97. Chartered 1876. List of students and graduates 1877-8- 1881-2; 188_'-3; 1884-5 to 1896-7, in announcements for sub- sequent years. Alumni from 1877 to 1897, in announce- ment for 1897-8. -----. Announcements of annual course of in- struction in orificial surgery, by E. IT. Pratt. 8.-10., 1891-6. 8°. [Chicago, 1*94-6.] Chicago Hospital for Women and Children. An- nual reports of tlie board of managers and offi- cers to the public. 10.-13., 187 4-5 to 1877-8; 17., 1881-2; 19.-28., 188:1-4 to 1892-3. 8°. Chicago, 1875-93. Established in 1865. For continuation, see Mary Thomp- son Hospital of Chicago, for Women and Children. Chicago Lying-in Hospital Dispensary. An- nual reports of the board of directors and offi- cers to the members and tbe public. 1., 1895-6; 2., 1896-7. 21 pp.; 44 pp. 8°. Chicago, S. Ett- linuer, 1896-7. Founded February, 1895. Incorporated January, 1897. Chicago Manual Training School. Annual cata- logues for the.school years 1885-6 (3.); 1887-8 to 1891-2(5.-9.); 1893-4 to 1898-7 (11.-14.). 8C. & sm. 4°. Chicago, 1886-97. Established by the Commercial Club of Chicago. In- corporated A pril 19, 1883, and opened Feb. 4, 1884. Chicago (The) Medical Bulletin. Title, after Feb. 25, 1893, of: ITIedical (The) Bulletin, Chicago. Chicago Medical College, Medical Department of the Northwestern University. See North- western University Medical School (Chicago Medical College). CilicagO (The) Medical Journal aud Examiner. v. 42-58. 1881 to June, 1889. 8°. Chicago. Ended. Chicago (The) Medical Record. Titlu of nos. 1-2, v. 1, of: Chicago (The) Medical Re- corder. Chicago (The) Medical Recorder. Journal of the Chicago Medical Society. Archibald Church, editor. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-14, 1891- 8. 8". Chicago. Current. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, under title: Chicago (The) Medical Record. Chicago Medical Review. A journal of med- icine, surgery, and the allied sciences. E. C. Dudley, editor. [Semi-monthlv; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-8, nos. 1-2; v. 7, Jan., 1880, to Jan. 15, 1883. 8°. ('hicago. Title of nos. 1-10, v. 1, Jan. to May, 1880, was: Chicago Medical Gazette. In Feb., 1883 (no. 3, v. 7), title became: Weekly (The) Medical Review. Chicago Medical Society. Constitution and by- laws of. . . with list of ex-presidents, officers, and members. 22 pp. 16°. Chicago, Clark <('■ Longley, 1886. ------. Official proceedings of the . . . 22 pp. 8°. Chicago, McCluer Ptg. Co., 18*9. CilicagO (The) Medical Times, v. 13-30, 1882- 98. 8 . Chicago. Current. Chicago Pasteur Institute, for the preventive treatment of hydrophobia. [Statement of the number of patients treated to date, April 12, 1892. By A. Lagorio, director.] 1 sheet. 4 . [Chicago, 1892.] Chicago Pathological Society. Transactions. v. 1-2, 1894-7. 280, viii pp. ; 327 pp. 12°. Chi- cago, Am. M. Ass. Press, 1896-7. Chicago Physio-Medical College. Annual an- nouncements for the sessions of 1890-91; 1894-5. 12° & 8°. Chicago, 1890-94. Chicago Reform School. See Chicago. Chicago Reform School. CHICAGO. 420 Oil I COT r'l. Chicago Relief and Aid Society. First report of the committee on special relief to the exec- j ntive committee. Feb. 20. 1872. 16 pp. 8\ Chicago, Hortou f Leonard, 1H72. _____. Annual reports to the common council of the city. 16.-25., 1873 to 1881-2. 8°. Chicago, 1874-82. Chicago School of Dermatology. Announce- ment for the courses of 1887. 8 pp. 16°. [Chi- cago, 1887.] Organized for special clinical instruction to graduates in medicine in skin, genito-urinary, rectal aud renal dis- eases. Each course to continne for four weeks only. In affiliation with the Chicago Hospital for Skin, Genito-uri- nary and Renal-Diseases. Chicago Summer School of Medicine. See Illi- nois Medical College. Chicago Summer School of Medicine. Chicago Training School for City, Home and Forei"ii Missions. Annual announcement for the year 1891-2 (7.). 4^ pp. 8°. Chicago, 1891. Organized 1885. Incorporated 1886. Chicago Veterinary College. Annual prospec- tuses for the sessions of 1887-8 to 1897-8 (5.-15.). 8\ Chicago, 1887-97. Established and incorporated in 1883. List of graduates from 1884 to 1897, in announcement for 1897-8. Chiclia. llarcnno (V.) Investigariones sobre la chicha; fer- raeiitacion directa del almidon y desdoblatniento conse- cnente de esta sustancia en alcohol, dextrina y gas car- b6uico. Union med., Caracas, 1882, ii, 97-100. Chichester. Sec Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties ; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Chichinadzc (David Vissar'ionovich). See Rusttia. Sbornik pravitelstvennikh ra.sporgaz- heniy [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [1886, vel subseq.]. -----. Visocliaishe utverzbdionuiy 10-vo Iunia 1893 goda nstav [etc.]. 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Chicken-cholera. United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Agriculture. To whom it may concern. [A circular, giving the results of some experiments for the prevention of what is com- monly known as chicken-cholera. ] Feb. 23, 1881.' 4°. [Washington, 1881.] ISarthc'leuiy (A.) De rincubation des ceufs d'une poule atteiute du cholera des ponies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Tar., 1883, xevi, 1322. — Bayer. Die Cholera der Hiihner. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veteriuiirk., Wien. 1881, lvi, 44-59. — Routcillicr (J.) Rapport sur l'fcpidemie de choleia des gallitiaces, en 1873, e.i ce qui concerne rarrondissenient (le Rouen. Dep. de la Seine- Iuf. Cons, centr. d'hyg. [etc.]. Trav. 1873, Rouen, 1874, 112-122.—('oi-iiil (V.) Xote sur l'etat des organes et eu particulier des muscles dans le cholera des poules. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., J88I, lvi, 614-618. Also: Progres nied., Par., 1882, x, 423. Also [with additions]: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 1; 11. -----. Observations histo- fogiques snr les lesions des muscles determinees par l'in- jection du microbe du cholera des ponies, sur le sequestre «t sur la poche qui le contient. Arch, de phvsiol. norm. et path.. Par., 1882, 2. s., x 615-G43, 2 pl— < oi-nil (V.) Sc Xouprt, Sur une nouvelle maladie bactcricnue du ca- nard (chol6ra des canards). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 1747-1750. — Ramalcia (N.) Zur Aetio- logie der Hiihuerebolera, nebst einigen Bpmerkungen fiber die Schutzimpfungsfrage. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena 1888, iv, 161-168. — Karlinwlii (J.) Zur Kenntniss der Gefliigelcholera. Ibid.. 1890, vii. 335- 338. — Kilt (T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gefliigel- cholera und deren Schutzimpfiiug. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1886-7, xiii, 1-30. -----. Zur Kennt- niss der Iinrounitatsverhaltiiisse bei der Gcfliigelpest. Monalsh. f. prakt. Thierb., Stuttg., 1893-4, v, 198-200. — Kitt (T.) & Mayr (J.) TJeber Resistenzerscheinuniren nnd Serumwirkungeu bei Gefliigelcholera und Schweine- seuche. Ibid., 1897, viii, 529-550.—Klein (E.) Ein wei- terer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der iufektio-ien Hiihnei ente- ritis. Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1889 vi. 257-261. — ITIarchiafava (E.) & Celli (A.) Una Bpizoozia di colera dei polli nella campagna di Roma; stu- dio sperimentale. Bull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. d. municip. di Roma, 1883, iv. 349-375, 1 pl—Ogata ( S.) [A study of chicken-cholera as it occurs in Tokio (Yedoi] Iji Sliiii- bun, Tokio, 1885, no. 158, May 25. —Ortiz Coffiguy (J.) Chicken-cholera. El c61era de las gallioas. Cron. med.-quir de la Flabnna 1880, vi, 521-525.— PiiKlinr (L.) Le choleia des pouleaj les maladies viruh nies ct la vaccination. Kev. internat'' il. sc. biol., Bar., 1880, v, 430-444. -----. Vai cnmtii.n iii relation to chicken-cholera and splenic, fever. [French text. ] Tr. Internat. M. Cong. 7. sess., Lond , 1881. i, 85-90. Also transl.: Wien. nied. 1'resse, 1881, xxii, lt61-](li;i;. _I von Ratz (S.) Zwei seltcnere Falle von lliiluierrholcia Monatsh. f prakt.Thieih.,Stuttg.. 1893-4.v.1-5 .Nalmon (D.E.) Investigations of fowl cholera. I>cp. A uric. (Jul- tag.dis. dom. animals, Wash., 1883, 44-53.— Nchonwerth (A.) TJeber die Moglichkeit einer vom Bi iiiini-nwasser ausgehenden Hiilmcrcliolera-Epidemie. '1 r. vii. Internat Cong. Hvir. &.Demog.. Lond., 1892, ii, 306-310. Also: Arch f. Hyg.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1892, xv, 6I-10G. — Sticker (A.)" Kiisige Processe bei der Gefliigelcholera. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt, Tbierh., Berl., 1888, xiv. 333-347.- Werllioini (E.) Bacteriologische TJntersuchnngen iiber die Cholera gallinarum. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz., 18rt9, xxvi, 61-78, 1 pl. Chiclet (fitienne). * Quelques considerations sur le traitement de la gastro-enteYite aigue. 1 p. 1., 33 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1826, v. 55. ChlCOli (Nicola). Illnstrazione del gabinctto di anatomia patologica del pubblico macello di Palermo. Memorie sui calcoli. 173 pp., 11. 8°. Palermo, Lorsnaider Giovanni, 1882. ------. The same. Parte seconda. 1°. Novelle ri- cerche sulla genesi patogene dei calcoli biliari. 2a. Produzioni cornee anomali sulla superiicio cutanea. 3a. Trasfnsione del sangue animale per la cura dell' anemia nell' uomo e negli animali. 4a. Calcoli pancreatici. 70 pp. 8°. Palermo, tip. d. Staluto, 1886. Cliicoli (Tolomeo). Cura radicale della ernin insruinale congenita ed acqnisita. 27 pp. 8°. Palermo, E. D." Lo Gasto, 1894. Cllicopee. Office of tbe school committee. Dec. 8, 1881. [Notice to parents that children must be vaccinated before entering the public schools.] 1 sheet. 8°. [Chicopee, 18*1.] ------. Vaccination. [Notice, by the selectmen of the town of Chicopee, calling attention to, and observance of, the law in regard to vaccina- tion.] Dec. 8, 1881. broadside fol. [Cllicopee, 1881.] Cllicopee. Board of Health. Regulations, adopted April 13, 1863. 4 pp. 8°. Chicopee, Wheelock $ Co., 1863. ------. Tbe same. Adopted April 6, 1878. 1 sheet fol. [Chicopee, 1878.] ------. Tbe same. Adopted Sept. 6, 1880. 1 sheet fol. [Chicopee, 1880.] ------. Notice [forbidding deposits of foul mat- ter or rubbish]. May, 30, 1881. 1 sheet fol. [Chicopee, 1881.] ------. Notice [relating to vaccination, insisting that all unprotected persons be vaccinated at once]. May 12, 1681. broadside fol. [Chico- pee, 1881.] ----—. [Blank forms used by . . .] 4°. [Chicopee, n. d.] CONTENTS. License granted. Notice that a nuisance exists on premises. Chicory. Chevallier (A.) De la chicor^e dite cafe- chicor6e; origine de son emploi; fabrication; falsifications qu'on lui fait subir; moyens (le les reconnaitre; a van tage de l'emploi de la poudre snr la semonle; r^glementation a imposer aux fabricans. 8°. Pari*, [18.4]. Repr. from: J. de chim. med. [etc.], Par., 1854, 3. s., *■ Holderlin (W. F.) *Diss. med. posteriorde cicborio. 4°. Tubingce, 1691. Chevallier ([J.-B.-JA.) NotesnrlachicorfietorreMJt', dite caf6-chicor6e. Ann. dhyg , Par., 1849, xii, 354-3(0. Also. Reprint.—Clayton (E. G.) On roasted chicory. Analyst, Lond., 1895, xx, 12-15. Chicote (C6sar). Aliinentos y bebidas. Inves- tigacion de sus alteraciones y falsificaciones. 0HICOT& 421 CHILBLAINS. Cllicote (Ce\sar)—continued. Con un prologo del Professor Don Laureano Calderou. xvi, 734 pp., 11. 8°. Madrid, R. Fe, 1894. _____. Higiene protilactica. Desiufectant.es y desinfcccion. vi (1 1.), 84 pp. 8°. San Sebas- tian, F. Joi net, 1*9 X. CliicotiilS (Joannis). De astbmate, seu snspiri- oso unliclitu dissertatio. Dialogus: Cleodetnus, Chrvsippus. "2-2 ]>p. 12°. [Parisiis, 1669.] Bound with his: Posteriores cogitationes. 12°. Pari- ■siis, 1669. ______. Posteriores cogitationes, sen epistolarum et dissertation urn mediearum. 3. ed. 5 p. 1. 212, 22 pp., 1 1. 12c. Parisiis, E. Langlois, 1669. Cllicoyiieaii (Francois). [1672-1752] Tra- duction du discours latin prononce^ pour 1'ouver- tnre solennelle des ^coles dc medecine . . . le 26 octobrede I'unnee 1722. Pur lequel on tache de refuter I'opinion de ceux qui croyent que la peste est eontagieuse. 77 pp. 16°. Montpellier, Vre. d'H. Pech, 1723. _____. Oratio habita ad publicam scbolarum histanrationem. 48 pp. 12°. Monspelii, 1724. [P., v. 903.] See. also. Observations et reflexions propres a con- firmer [etc.] [in 1. s.J. 12°. Aix, [1721).—Qnseationes medicae [etc. J. 4°. Monspelii, 1713. — Representa- tions pour les maitres eu ehiniriiie [etc.] [in. I. s.] 4°. Paris, 1748. —Representations pour le Sr. de la Mar- tiniere [etc.] [in 1. s.]. h°. Paris, 1748. -----, Verny & Soulier. Observations et reflexions touchunt la miture, les evenemens et le traitement de la peste de Marseille, pour con- firmer cequi est avanc6 dans la relation touchant les accidens de la peste, son prognostio et sa curation, dn 10 de"cembre 1720. 338 pp., 2 1. 12°. Lyon, freres Bruyset, 1721. The same. A succinct ac- count of the plague at Marseilles, its symptoms aud the methods and medicines used for curing it. . . Transl. from the French bv a physician. 38 pp. 12-. Londou, S. Buckley, '1721. [P., v. 2118.] -------------. The same. Beknopt ver- haal ruakende de toevalleu de pest te Marseille, nceveus deszelfs voorzegging eu geneezing, op- gedragen aan-de Heer Ridder de Langeron, en de Heeren Scheepenen der zns on the pulse, respiration and temperatures of children. N.York M. J.. 1891, liv, 258-263,6 charts on 31.- Stocquart (A.) Contribution a l'anatomie de l'enfance; les dimensions des reins. Arch, de m6d et chir. prat., Brux.. 1889, iii, 81-85.—Warner (F.) Study of the nerve- system of children. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1885, ii, 200-209. CHILDREN. 423 CHILDREN. (hi Id re n (Care of). See Children (Charitable care of); Children (Cruelly lo); Children (Defective, etc); Chil- dren (Employment of); Children (Hygiene, etc., of): Children (Protection of). Children (Charitable care of). See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for). Aix <4)opurteinont de 1'). Assistance publi- que. Enfants assisted et protection du ltr age. Rapports annuels presentes a M. le piefet de l'Ain par M. Rollet, inspecteur depai temeutal, pendant l'ann6e 1888-1). 8°. Bourg, 1*89. Association for Befriending Children and Young liirls, N. Y. City. Annual reports of the managers. 7., 1877-8; 14., 1883-4. 8 -'. Xew York, 1878-84. Association for the Benetit of Colored Or- phans. X. Y. City. Annual reports of the man- agers. -27., 1862-3; 4.")., 1880-81; 40., 1881-2. 8-. New York, 1—54-83. Association for the Care of Colored Orphans, Philadelphia. Annual reports of the managers to their patrons aud friends. 4.. 1*39; 9., 1844; 11., 184ii; 14., 1849; 21., 1856; 24., 1859; 28., 1863; 30., 180."); 33-39., le68-74; 41.-53., 1876-88. 8-. Philadelphia, 1840-89. Association for tbe Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Children in Boston. 15. and 16., 1879--0. 8-. Boston, 1881. Baginsky (A.) Die, Kost- uud Haltekinder- pflege in Berlin. 8~. Braunschweig, 1**6. Bexcivexxi (I.) Fanciulli iufelici. obi. 12°. Bergumo, 1892. Boston Children's Aid Society. Annual re- ports of the executive committee to the sub- scribers. 22.-27., 1885-6 to 1890-91. 8°. Boston f Brookline, 1886-91. -----. [A short account of its object and methods, and an appeal to tbe public for aid. ] 8°. [Boston, 1893.] Boston Children's Friend Society. Aunual reports of the board of managers to its friends and the public. 49., 1881-2; 50., 1882-3; 55., 1887-8; 56., 1888-9; 58., 1890-91; 60., 1892-3. 8°. Boston, 1882-93. Boston Young Men's Christian Union. An- nual reports of tbe committee on " Country Week ". Presented by the board of government. 2., 1876; [,., 1879; 6., 1880; 8., 1882; 9., 1883; 12., 1886; 13., 1887; 15.-22., 1889-96. 12°. Bos- ton, 1877-97. Broad Street Infant School, Boston. Report of the teacher to the board of managers, for the year 185:3-4. 8°. Boston, 1854. Children's Aid Society, New York City. Annual reports of tbe trustees to tbe subscrib- ers. -29.-15., 1880-81 to 1896-7. 8°. New York, 1881-97. -----. Christmas appeal for poor children. 8°. [New York, 1888.] Children's Free Excursions, Boston. Annual report of the committee to tbe subscribers. 15., 1886. 16°. [Brookline, 1887.] Children's Home Society of the City of Troy; together with its list of officers and the consti- tution. 1.. 1858-9. 8°. Troy, 1860. Children's Mission to tbe Children of the Destitute, Boston. Annual reports of the execu- tive committee to the corporation. 33.-37., 1881-2 to 1885-6; 39.-48.. 1887-8 to 1896-7. 12°. Boston, 1882-97. -----. The Children's Mission; what it is and what it does. 12. Boston, [1890]. Children's Sea Shore House at Atlantic City. Annual reports of the executive committee and pliysician-in-cbarge to the board of managers and the public. 1.-12., 1872-83; 15., 18*0; 17.- Cllildreil (Charitable care of). 19., 1888-90; 21.-24., l«92-5. 8^. Philadelphia, 1872-90. -----. [Circular of the managers, an- nouncing permanent organization, and solicit- ing contributions towards building.] 4°. [Philadelphia, 1873.] -----. [Circular.] To all who come in con- tact with poor sick children. 8°. [Philadel- phia, n. d.] Clergy Orphan Corporation. Annual re- ports of the committee to governors and sub- scribers, for the years 1870; 1871. 8°. London, 1871-2. Comby (J.) Le septieine exercice du premier dispensaire pour enfants de la Socie"t6 pbilan- thropique. 8°. [Paris', w. d.] Comite de sante\ Rapport du Coinit6 de sante pour enfants pauvres places a la montagne pendant les vacances d'ete. PnSsente" aux sou- scripteurs de l'ceuvre. [Par Dr. Guillaume, rapporteur.] Premiere campagne, 18r0. 8°. Xeuchdtel, 1881. Congres d'hygiene et de sauvetage de Bru- xelles. Notice explicative concernant la Societe" pour secourir les enfants estropies. Pre\sentc au Congres d'hygiene et de sauvetage de Bruxelles par le comite" danois. 4°. Copenhague, 1876. Cork. Annual report of the boarding-out committee of the Cork board of guardians, on the management of tbe orphan and deserted children who are boarded out in the rural divis- ions of tbe union. 24., 1885-6. 12°. Cork, 18J0. Corporation of Barnard Memorial (Warren Street Chapel). (A chapel for children.) Pro- ceedings and reports of the annual meetings. 54., 1889; 55., 1890. 12°. Boston, 1890-91. Destitute Mothers and Infants, Boston. Re- ports of aid given to . . . in 1885; 1889. 8 . [Boston, 1886-90.] East End Juvenile Mission, "Dr. lhnnado's Homes", London, E. Annual reports of the committee and managing director to tbe sub- scribers. 9.-17., 1874-5 to 1882-3; 25., 1890. 8°. London, 1875-91. -----. Kidnapped. A narrative of fact, by T. J. Barnado. 24°. [London, 18*4.] -----. Flotsam and jetsam. [Brief sketch of examples.] By T. J. Barnardo. 4°. [Lon- don, 1*88.] -----. [An appeal for aid. Dec. 1-90.] MS. 12^. [London, 1890.] -----. Tbe seed of the righteous among tbe children of tbe poor. By T. J. Barnardo. 24 . [London, n. d.] Ediniu rgh Merchant Company. [Objects, [lowers, and privileges. Officers for 1-77-8.] 4°. [Edinburgh, 1877.] -----. Excerpts from examiners' reports of the Edinburgh Merchant Company schools, with a list of the more distinguished pupils for the session of 1877-8. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1*7*.] -----. Prospectus for the session of 1878-9. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1878.] France. Assemblee nationale legislative. Rapport et projet de loi sur les enfants trouves, abandonnes et orpbelins, pr6sent6s au nom de la commission (l'assistanee publique par M. Ar- mand de Melun. Stance du 22 mars 1850. 8°. Paris, 1850. -----.. Projet de loi sur les enfants trouves et abandonnes et les orphelius pauvres. Ex- amine' par le conseil d'etat. Seance dn 19juil- let 1851. No. 2008. 4°. [Paris, 1851.] France. Corps legislaiif. Kapport fait au nom de la commission ohargee d'examiner le projet de loi concernant les enfants trouves et CHILDREN. 424 CHILDREN. Children (Charitable care of). abandonues et les orpbelins pauvres, confies a l'assistanee publique, par M. Remacle. Annexe ou proees-verbal de la seance du 30 avril 1853. 8J. [Paris, 1853.] France. De'partement de Vinte'rieur. Enfants assistes. Enquete generale ouverte en 1800, dans les 86 dopartements de FEmpire. Rapport de la commission institute le 10 octobre 1861, par arrete de S. Exc. le ministre de l'inteneur. 4". Paris, 1862. -----. Rapport concernant l'application de la loi du 23 decembre 1874 [sur les mortalitea des enfants]. Preseute a M. le ministre de l'iute- ricitr au nom du comite par l'un des vice-presi- dents M. Theopbile Roussel, seuateur. 8°. Pa- ris, 1880. Repr. from: J. off., Par., 18 avril 1880. -----. Rapports de MM. les docteurs Lunier et Foville, iuspecteurs g6ueraux des services administratifs sur l'Hospice des enfants assistes de Paris. (Mission speciale du 9 mars 1882.) roy. 8°. Paris, 1882. France. Departement de Vinterieur. Conseil supe'rieur de l'assistanee publique. Fasc. No. 27. Enfants assistes. Rapports et projet de loi pre- sentes par la lre section. L. Brueyre, rappor- teur. 4°. Paris, [1890]. -----. Fasc. No. 28. Eufauts assistes. Ob- servations des inspecteurs departementaux sur le projet de loi. 4°. Melun, [1890]. -----. Fasc. No. 31. Session de Janvier 1890. Questions traitees. I. Projet de loi relatif a l'assistanee medicale gratuite. II. Reunion des coinmissious administratives des bureaux de bienfaisance et des etablissements hospitaliers. III. Revision de la legislation des enfants assis- tes. 4°. Melun, [1890]. France. SCnat. Projet de loi sur le service des enfants assistes. No. 27. Senat. Session 1892. Annexe au proees-verbal de la seauce du 18 fevrier 1892. 4°. Paris, 1892. Frankfurter Verein fiir Ferieukolonieen kranklicber Schulkinder. Berichte des Vor- standes des ... 1., 1877-8; 2., 1878-9; 4., 1881; 5., 1882. 8". [Frankfurt a. M., 1878-83.] -----. Statu ten. 8°. [Frankfurt a. M., 1881.] Getchell (F. H.) Directions for the man- agement of infants during the warm weather. Prepared at the request of tbe executive com- mittee of the children's free excursions. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. Gheat Britain. Poor Law Board. Metro- politan workhouses. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 15 May, 1865, for a return "of the dietary table in use at each of the metropolitan workhouses, distinguishing that provided for infants, children from 2 to 6, and from 9 to 16 years of age, suckling women, able-bodied men and women, casuals, old and infirm men and women, and what amount, if any, of extras, such as beer, etc., may be sup- plied to tbe last class of inmates. June 30,1865. fol. [London, 1865.] -----. Metropolitan workhouses (dates of inspection, etc.). Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 28 June, 1-09, for re- turns "showing the dates on which tbe several metropolitan workhouses have been inspected . . . since the 1st day of January, 1868" [up to the 28th June, 1869]; "and the average cost per head per week-of the inmates of each work- house . . . the average daily number of inmates, distinguishing males from females, and bo,\s and f\i\a under fifteen [sixteen] years of age from iales and females above that age; tbe number Children (Charitable care of). of deaths for the year ending Lady Day, Inl- and the amount expended in beer, wine uiuj spirits for each workhouse". July 13, 1870 fol. [London, 1870.] -----. Poor law. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 12 April, 1870 for "copies of report of J. J. Henley ... on the boarding out of pauper children in Scotland"- "and of reports of poor law inspectors . . . ou the boarding out of pauper children in certain unions in England", fol. [London, 1870.] Holy Trinity Ragged Schools and Holy Trin- ity Certified Industrial Schools, Liverpool. An- nual report of the committee to tbe subscribers 2., 1870. 8°. Liverpool, 1871. Ixternationaler Konjjress fur Ferienkolo- nien uud verwandte Bestrebungen der Kinder- hygieiue in Zurich. Verbandlungen des ... am 13. und 14. August 1888. 8D. Hamburg & Leip- zig, 1889. Invalid Children Aid Association, Londou, Annual report of the committee to the subscrib- ers. 1., 1888-9. 8°. London, 18*9. Isere (Departement de 1'). Enfants assistes, moralement abandonues. Asile de la maternite". Protection des enfants du premier age, et Insti- tution des sourdes-muettes de Vizille. Rapport adresse a M. le prefet, par l'inspecteur departe- mental. 1890-91. 8°.# Grenoble, 1891. Kirkdale Ragged Industrial School and Free School-Room Church. Annual reports of tbe committee aud superintendent to the subscrib- ers. 12.-14., 1867-9. 8°. Liverpool, 1868-70. Liverpool Industrial Ragged Schools (cer- tified). Aunual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 3., 1851; 18., 1866; 22., 1870. 8°. Liverpool, 1852-71. Manchester Certified Industrial Schools. Annual report of tbe executive committee to the subscribers. 34., 1880. 8°. Manchester, 1881. Massachusetts. State Board of Lunacy and Charity. Massachusetts care of dependent and delinquent children. April, 1893. Published by Massachusetts board of managers, World's Fair, 1893. 8°. Boston, 1893. National Association for the Relief of Desti- tute Colored Women and Children, Washington, D. C. Annual reports of the executive commit- tee to the public. 3.-19., 1865-81. 8~. Wash- ington, 1866-82. Nkwsboys' and Children's Aid Society, Wash- ington, D. C. Report of the officers, for the year 1889. 12°. Washington, 1890. -----. [A brief accouut of the work done, and au appeal to the public for the meaus to continue it.] 16°. Washington, 1891. New York Juvenile Guardian Society, N. Y. City. Annual reports of tbe directors and offi- cers of the . . . for tbe shelter, schooling, and support of orphan aud homeless children iu the city of New York. 19., 1867. 8°. [Albami, 1868.] New York Medical Aid and Relief Society for Destitute Sick Women and Children. Annual reportof the officers to the members aud con- tributors, for the year 1882-3. 8°. Xeiv York, [1883]. -----. The reply of the ... to the attack of the press. 8°. New York, 18*3. Orphan Society of Philadelphia. Annual re- ports of the managers to the subscribers. 3.-5., 1817-19; 7., 1821; 8., 1-22; 10., 18-24; 11., 1825; 13.-19., 1827-33; 22., 1836; 23., 1837; 25.-33., l8:!!»-47; 35.-66., 1849 to 1880-81. 8-. Phila- delphia, 1818-81. CHILDREN. 425 CHILDREN. Children (Charitable care of). Parker (\V. D'E.) The Irish infant poor in | workhouses, and those sent to nurse in peasants' cottages. 8°. Cork, 1870. Providence Association for tbe Benefit of Colored Children. Annual reports of the man- agers 1., 1839-40; 4., 1842-3; 6., 1844-5; 8., 1840-7: 13., 1851-2: 14., 1852-3; 17., 1855-6; 20.. 1858-9: 21., 1859-00; 23.-42., 1861-2 to 1880-81. 12-. Proridence, 1840-81. Providence Children's Friend Society. An- nual reports of tbe managers. 12., 1846-7; 15., 1849-50; 17., 1851-2; 19.-23., 1853-4 to 1857-8; 26., 1800-61; 29., 1863-4; 33., 1867-8; 34., 1868-9; 37., 1871-2; 39.-45., 1873-4 to 1879-80. 12°. Providtnce, 1847-80. Ragged School Union, and City Children's Mission. Aunual report of the council to the contributors. 48., 1891-2. sm. 4°. London, 1892. Rhode Island Nursery Association for Home- less Iufauts, Providence. Annual reports of the officers to the society. 3.-6., 1890-93. 12°. Providence, lr>91-4. Saint Andrew's School for Girls' Company. [Circular of the council on the establishment of a school for the complete intellectual training of girls from the age of seven upward. Jan., 1877.] 4°. [St. Andrew's, 1877.] -----. [List of officers, objects of tbe com- pany, and announcement of the opening of the school. Oct, 2, 1877.] 4°. St. Andrew's, 1877. Saint Christopher's Home for Children of Gentlemen of Limited Income, Brighton. Ob- ject aud regulations of . . . 8°. [Brighton, 18-4?] Saint Francis Xavier's Soup Kitchen and Ragged School, Liverpool. Annual report of the treasurer. 4., 1868-9. 8-. [Liverpool, 1869.] Saint James's Industrial School (for Girls) and Mission, Philadelphia. Annual reports of the hoard of managers to the contributors. 1.-8., 1875-82; 10., 1884; 12., 18*0; 14.-16., 1888-90. 12°. Philadelphia, 1876-91. Saint John's Guild, for tbe Sick Children of New York City. By-laws of the board of trus- tees of the Floating Hospital of Saint John's Guild, Ciiy of New York. 16°. Xew York, 1875. -----. Annual reports of the officers to the members and contributors. 13.-16., 1877-8 to 1881-2; 18.-20., 1883-4 to 1885-6; 22.-31., 1887-8 to 1896-7. 8°. .Yctc York, 1879-97. -----. [Appeal for funds to maintain tbe coming season's operations of the Floating Hos- pital and tbe Sea-Side Hospital.] 4J. [Netv York, 1894.] -----. Monthly bulletins, v. 3, nos. 2-12; v. 4, nos. 2, 3, 5-10. roy. 8°. New York, 1894-0. -----. The summer hospitals of Saint John's Guild. Iu the twenty-first vear of their opera- tion, oblong 24°. [Netv York, 1896.] Saixt Mary's Industrial School for Boys of the City of Baltimore. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the legislature of the State of Marylaud, tbe city council of Baltimore, and the patrons of ihe institution. 1.-12., 1806-80. 8°. Baltimore, 1809--1. -----. Memorial history, to commemorate its participation in tbe sesqui centennial cele- bration, Oct. 14, 1-80. Prepared by order of executive committee by R. H. Goldsmith, M. D., of the trustees. 8C. [Baltimore, 1**1'!] Schulsanitokilm fur Knabeii, Fridericia- nnm, zu Davos (Schweiz). Begriindet von Dr. H. Peri lies fortjrefiilirt von Dr. U. Scbaarsehinidt "I'd H. Miiblliiiusser. [Descriptive circular.] 8L. [Davos-Platz, lx-:,.] Children (Charitable care of). -----. Thesame. 8. [Berlin, 1887.] Ska Shore Home at Win throp. Annual re- ports of tbe directors and physician to the asso- ciation for the summer seasons of 1875-89 (1.-15.). 12°. Boston, 1876-90. Sea-Side Home (for Children) at Ramsgate and Bexliill-on-Sea. Annual reports of the com- mittee to the governors and subscribers. 3.-5., 1884-5 to 1880-7. 12 . London, 1885-7. -----. A short statement of tbe objects and aims of the committee. 12°. London, 1*85. Seine (Departement de la). Administration genet ale de Vassistance publique d, Paris. Rap- pons sur le service des enfants assistes du de- partement de la Seine, pendant les aunees 1805; 1867. 4°. Paris, 1860-8. -----. Service des enfants assistes de la Seine. Gestion de 1890 et propositions pour le budget de 1892. Rapport pr6seute par le direc- teur ... a monsieur le prefet de la Seine. 4C. Monterrain, 1891. -----. Rapport a monsieur le prefet de la Seine sur le service des enfants maltraites ou inoralement abandonues pendant l'auuee 1890 et propositions pour le budget de 1892. 8°. Mon- terrain, 1891. Seine (Departement de la). Conseil general de la Seine. Rapport preseute par M. Tbtilie, au nom de la 3e commission, sur le service des en- fants moralement abandonees. Adopte dans la seance du 26 dec. 1882. 4°. [Paris, 1883.] -----. Rapport preseute par M. Thnlie, an nom de la 3e commission, sur le service des enfants assistes. 4 . [Paris, 1883.] Sheltering Arms (for children of both sexes), New York City. Annual reports of tbe board of trustees to tbe friends aud public. 1.-24., 1864-5 to 18-7-8. 8C & 12°. Netv York, 1865-88. Societa per la cura climatica gratuita ai fan- ciulli gracili, aluuni delle scuole elemeutari communali. Statuto. 12°. Milano, 1882. Societe des amis de l'enfance pour l'educa- tion et l'appreutissage des jennes garcons pau- vres de la ville de Paris. Sixieme seance gene- rale. 8°. [Paris, 1851.] Society for the Aid of Friendless Women and Children of the City of Brooklyn. Manuals of, for the years 1873-4 to 1880-81 [comprising annual reports for previous years. 4.-11., 1872-3 to 1879 80]. 8°. Brooklyn, 1873-80. Society for tbe Protection of Children from Cruelty and Immorality of Baltimore City. An- nual reports of tbe board of managers to the society. 3., 1881; 6., 1884. 8°. Baltimore, 1882-5. de Tolosa Latour (M.) La proteccion me- dica al niiio desvalido. 8°. Madrid, 1881. -----. The same. [Nueva tirada.] 8 '. Madrid, 1881. United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. Vacation colonies for sicklv school children. Aug. 7, 1880. 8°. Washington, 1880. Vahkextrapp (J. G.) Feriencolotiieen kriink- licher armer Sehulkinder. 8°. [Frankfurt a. M„ 1871?] Verein zur Kettung sittlich- verwahrloster Kinder im Riesengebirge. Statuten. 8 . [Dies- dorfbei Kuhneru, 1815.] Warehousemen and Clerks' Schools for Or- phan and Necessitous Children, Caterham Junc- tion. Annual reports of tlie board of manage- ment to tbe governors and subscribers. II., l-0::-l; 16., 1808-9; 17., 1869-70. 12°. Loudon, 1861-70. Warthlrg Orphans' Farm School of I he Evangelical Lutheran Cbuicii, Mount Vernon, CHILDREN. 426 CIIILDliKN. Children (Charitable care of). X. Y. Annual reports of the director to the board of trustees and patrons. 1.-16., 18(5(5 to 1881-2- 24., 1889-90. 8°. New York $ Mount Vernon, 1872-90. West Side Relief Association and Seaside Sanitarium for Destitute and Sick Children of the City of Xew York. Annual reports of the officers* 3., 1877-8; 6., 1880-81. h3. New York, 1878-81. Ila«'insky (A.) Die Kost- und Hsiltekinderpflege in Berlin" Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. (iff. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- scliw". 1886. xviii, 337-4U3.—Bausch (E.) Bericht iiber die liiisselilort'er Ferien-Colonieen fur arme, kranke uud schwiichlicho Schulkiuder. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein Ver. f. off. GsndhtspHu., Koln. 1881, x. 139-141. — Bericht iiber die Banner Fcrieii-Colonieen fiir arme kranke und schwiichliche Sclinlkinder. Ibid.. 136-139. — Bericht iiber die Erfolge derBreslauer Kiuder-Ferien Colomen in den Jahreii 18sl bis 1884. Breslau. aerzl. Ztschr.. 1885, vii 14;;.—Brandriiberg. Bericht(les Comites fiir den Ferieu-Aiii'enthalt sckwacher Sclinlkinder iu Koln fur (las Jahr 1881. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f.off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1881, x, 132-136.—Oolilachmitlt ( F.) Bericht uber die Ferienkolouien aimer kriinUlicherSclinlkinder mNum- ber"- im Jahre 1890. Ber. ii. d. Gsndhtsvrhlt. ... in Niirnb.. 1890,198-219— Holbrch (J.) Feber den Ferien- aufenthalt auf dem Laude fiir arme Kinder aus grossen Stadten. Cong, period.internat.d.sc.med. Compt.-rend. 1884 Copenh. 1886, iv, Sect, de nied. pub. et d'hyg., 7- 14.—Jacobi (A.) On the improvement of the condition of the poor and sick children; general principles. In: Sanitary (The) care and treatment of children [etc.], 8°, Bost., 1881, 105-205.—Kinder.y.«'oba«l te Schevenmgen. Geneesk., Courant, Ti. 1. 1884, xxxviii, no. 22.—Kriwow- ski (M.) Ueber die Versorgung der hiiltlosen verlassenen Kinder. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. (ill'. Gsndhtspflg.. Brn- schwg., 1894, xxvi, 517-5e'_>.— .llrrkrl ((I.) [etal.] Bericht iiber (lie Feriencolonien aimer kriinUlicher SchiilUmder zu Niirnberg im Sommer 1884. Mitth. a. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. cl. Stadt Niirnb., 1884, vii, 75-86.— ITlctten- li<-iiii<'i- (C.) Ferienkolouien und Kin .erasylo in den baltis.hen Laudeni. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1882, iii, 387- 405.—Mitchell (W.) Health and morals iu relation to the bousinu of poor children. J. State M., Lond., 1897, v 417-420 —Petit (L.) L'enfant et la societe. Rev. theor. et prat. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1897, v, 736-749.— Prizzi (M.) Su le viconde dei bamhini delle madri po- vere assistite in istato di puerperio dal medico del Pio Istituto diSantaCorona. Gaz. med. ital. lomb.,Milano, 1851, 3. s..ii, 73-77.—Bussell (J. 15.) The children of the city: what can we do for them ! Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1880-7, vii, 81-1<)0. Also [Abstr.]: Sau. Jour., Glasg., 1880-7, n.s., x, 321-327. — 8chmi«l-iTI©iiiiar«l. Ueber die korpcrliche Entwickelung der Fci iencolonie-Kinder. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Natnrf. u. Aerzte 1893, Wiesb., 1894, x, 108-129. Also: .Jahrb. 1. Kinderh.. Leipz.. 1893-4, n.F., xxxvii, 297- ;{J8.—Nehulz. Mittheilungen iiber die im Jahre 1883 von Magdeburg aus m s indten Feriencolonien. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f.<">!)'. Csndhtsptlg. in Magdeb. (1883) 1884, xii, 86-90.—Soltmann. Aus dem kaiserlichen Kinihr- heim. Iireslau.aerztl. Zisc.hr., 1887, ix, 109-113.—Nophia- stiehtiiig (De) Kinlerhadplaats te Scheveningen. Geneesk. Courant. Tiel, 1886, lx, no. 32, 33.—Stcucr (P.), Simon (H.) & Tocplitz (H.) Bericht iiber deu ersten Versuch von Kiuder-Fericn-Coloiiieen zu Breslau im Jahr 1881. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1882, iv, 85-89. — Tibaldi (A.) La cura climatica gratnita ai faneiulli gracili ahinni delle scuole elemeutari coinunali di Milano. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1882-5, iv-vii, passim.— Van Putercn ( XI. D ) PrizrienJo bezpriyutnikh (Hotel i podkidishei uyezdninii zemstvami. [Care, for home- less children and foundlings of tho county zemstvos.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1895, xxvii. 7. sect, 1-43.—Varrentrap (G.) TJeber die hi-- herigen Ergebnisse der Ferienkolouien. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1883, xv, 37-57. Also. Reprint.—Wolff (M. P.) Poor children's dinners ; what they are and what they on lit to be. San. Rec.. Lond., 1886-7, n. s., viii, 440; 483.—Zasorski (V. B.) Nhs- ko'ko slov ob ukhodie za dietmi v Chelyabinskom nyezdle. [On the care of children in Chelyabinsk county.] Zapiski Uralsk, med. Obsh. v g. Ekatermburge (1892) 1893, ii, no. 2, 7-15. Children (Cruelty to). Sec, also, Children (Protection of). Appeal (An) to humanity, in an account of the life and cruel actions of Elizabeth Brown- rigv,'. who was tried at tbe Old Bailey on the 12th of September, 1767, and sentenced to be hanged at Tyburn the 14th of tbe same month, for cruel- ly beating and starving Mary Clifford, a parish Children (Cruelty to). girl, her apprentice; giving a true and ciicuin- stantial account of that barbarous transaction. To which is added tbe trial of Elizabeth liftmen and daughter, for the murder of their servant maid, etc. .-< . London, 1767. Delcasse (A.) * Etude m6dico-lcgalo sm- ],.„ seVioos de l'enfance. 4°. Paris, 188.r>. Dumas (K.) *Du libericide, on meurtie des enfants mineurs par leurs parents. 4°. Lyon 1892 ' Also [Abstr.]. in: Marseille med., 1893, xxx, 486-4SS, Duval (P.) * Des s6vices et mauvais tiaile- ments infiige's aux enfants. 4°. Lyon, 1891. Germe (L.) Relation ni6dico-leV;ile dc l'uf faire Saison de Maroenil (Pas-de-Calais), prdce- de"e d'un apercu sur les errcurs m6(lic()-loga]c.s et judiciaires, suivie du rapport de M. (Jallard, et de la consultation inddico-legale de M. Cas- tiaux. 8°. Arras, 18-s"). Hopley (T.) Facts bearing on the death of Reginald. Channel! Cancellor; with a supplement and a sequel. 8°. London, 1860. de Libessart ( H. ) * Essai snr les seVieen en vers les enfants. 4°. Lyon, lw<)2. -----. The same. Etude sur les se vices euvers les enfants. 8~\ Lyon, [n. d.]. eawo exn-aordinario de la nifia abandonada en un dus van por su barbaro padre, y consecnencias fisiologiciis y patologicas deeste ahiindono. Bol. denied., cirug.y farm., Madrid, 1836, iii, 283-285.—Oailcy (A. H.) The 'conflict between parental authority and the Society for tlie Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children. Med. Leg. J., X. Y., 1892-3, x. 370-385. — Gerry (E. T.) Crueltv to children. X. Am. lie v., N. T., 1883, exxxvii, 6V7.r>.— Goshltcrich (M. I.) lti -dkiy sluchai istyazaniya rebyonka po-reilst- vom dieistviyasolnechnikh hichei. [Rare caseof torturing a child by tho action of the solar rrys.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1886, vi, 619. —Jacobi (A.) [etui.]. Reportof the committee appointed to co operate with tlie Xew York Societv for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1881, 59-67. — .lasinwlti. I»lot7li- cher Tod eines etwa 13jahrigeii Al iidchens in Folge licftiger Gemiithsbewegung. Berl. klin.Wchnschr.. 1888, xxv, 685- 688. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1888,xi, 1089; 1130.—Krnu««. Jakob Schnh der Knochenbrecher von Giindringen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1882, Iii, KI7; 148. — ITIarini (T.) In causa di supposte sevizie verso una bambina di cinque anni; relazione inodicoforense. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1889,lxiv,509-515.—.Mci-ncr. Zur Frao-e der Zi'u-htiiiiiniren (lurch die Lehrer; Zwei Falle. Vrtljschr. f. uerichtl. Med.. Berl., 1889, n. F., 1, 254-264.- llnzquiz lit. (i.) Contmuacion de la celebro causa for- madii con motivo de la ulna abandonada en mi desvan en Valladolid, deque dimos noticia en nuestro miniero 107. Bol. de nied., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1836, iii, 390-393.- Platner (C.) Morte lenta procurnta da una madre nlie- nata alia propria tiglia naturale con crudeli e iucessanti tormenti. Gaz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1853,3. s.,iii,311- 345. Children (Defective, dependent, or crim- inal). See, also, Children (Charitable care of); Chil- dren (Protection of); Foundlings, etc.; Prosti- tution; Rape (Accusations, etc., of). Akushorsko - Ginekologicheskove Ob- sbtshestvo v K'ieve. Doklad kommissii izhran- noy Akushorsko-Ginekologicbeskiin Ohshtsliest- vom v K'ieve dlya razrabotki voprosa o uiicrakh prizrieniya bezpriyutnikh dietey i pokidishcy v Yugo-Zapaduom Kraye. [Report of the com- mission, selected by the Obstetrico-Gynecological Society of Kiev to solve the problem of taking care of homeless and abandoned children.] ^ [Kiev, 1*92.] Coffignon (A.) L'enfant, :'i Paris; la niatct- nit6; les enfants assistes; les enfants malades; lesinnrmea; b-s sourds-muets; les aveugles; les moralement abandoun6s, [ etc. ]. *°. Paris, [1--*8D]. Congres d'hygiene et de sauvetage a bru- xelles. Rapport sur les 6tablissements d'^tbi- cation pour les enfants mal eleveset d par le comite danois. 4°. Copenhatme, 1*76. Haldimanx ( G. ) * L'enfance vicieuse et la legislation peua-le. [ Bern. ] 8°. Neuchdtel, A Hamon dv Focgeray A. Cotjetoux (L.) Ma- nuel pratique des nielhodes d'enseignenient spe- ciales aux enfants anorniaux ( sourds - muets, aveugles, idiots, begues, etc.); niethodes; sta- tistique; institutions; legislation, etc. Preface du Dr. Bourneville. - . Paris, 1896. Harris(E.) Tbe educational aud (directional treatment of juvenile delinquents, and of de- praved, neglected, abandoned, and other children in danger of falling into a criminal career. 8°. New York, 1^77. Hull (W. I.) The children of the other half; their homes, their lives, their perils, the helping hands held out to them. Cutting from: The Arena, Bost., 1897, xvii. 1039-1051. Letchwoktii (AV. P.) Report on dependent and delinquent children. >\ Boston, \>77. Report on the scientific study of the mental and physical conditions of childhood: with par- ticular reference to children of defective consti- tution; and with recommendations as to educa- tion and training. 8;. London, 1*95. Voisix (F.) Applications de la physiologie ilu cerveau a l'e'tude des enfans qui necessitent uue education speciale. Examen de cette ques- tion: Quel moded'e~ducation faut-il adopter pour les enfans qui sortent de la ligne ordinaire, et qui, par leurs particularities natives on acquises, forment comninne"meut la pe"pinieiv des alie"ne~s. des grauds homines, des grands sce"lerats et des infracteurs vulgaires de nos lois? 8°. Paris, 1*30. YVitzel's (H. ) Erziehungs- u. Unterricbts- anstalt fur geistig zuriickgebliebene Kinder. Leipzig-Eeudnitz. [Jabresbericbt.] 8Z. Leip- zig, l>'9]- -----. The same. 8 . Leipzig-Eeudnitz, [18*3]. Bertillon (J.) Rapport concernant les enfants illegi- times et leur mortinatality. Cong, internat. d'hyg- et de demog. C. r. 1884, La Haye, 1885, ii, 433-440. — Bovell- Sturge (fimilie). Des divers modes adoptes en Angle- terre pour elever les enfants <|iie la inisere laisse aux | seuls soins de l'fitat. Ibid., 18*4. i, 147-155.— Itour- din (C.-E.) Les enfants menteurs. Ann. med-psxch. Par., 1883, 6. s., ix, 53; 174. Also, Reprint. — Dana (M. M'G.) The care and disposal of dependent children. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char.. Bost.. 1888, 'J37-241. — Dcmoor (J.) Les enfants anormaux ; leur education. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Gand & Leipz., 1897, 173-192.— Emminghaus (I!.) Kinder und Uiiniundige. Handb. d. gerichtl. Med., Tiibing., 1882,iv. 157-198.—Hamon du Fougt-ray. Les ni6thodes d'enseigneineut speciales aux enfants aiiormaiix et en particulier aux sourds-iiinets. Arch internat. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 18%, ix, 502-515.— Ladarac. Les enfants illegitimes en Suisse. Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.r. 1882, Geneve, 1883, ii, 599- 620. — Lange (T.) TJeber eine haufig vorkommende Ursache von der langsamen und mangelbaften geistigen Entwickelung der Kinder. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1893, xxx, 131; 165. — Mitchell (AV.) Neglected children in our towns and cities. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog., Lond., 1892, iv, 131-137. — Motet (A.) Sur la protection de l'enfance abandonnee ou coupablc. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1880, iii, 322-327. -----. Les faux temoignages des enfants devant la justice. Ann. d'hvg., Par.. 1887; 3. s., xvii, 481-496. Also, Reprint. Also: Tri- bune med., Par., 1887, xix, 183 - 186. — Rashkovich (Maria P.) K voprosu ob obshtshestvennoin prizrienii podkinntikh i bezpriyutnikh dietel. [On public care of abandoned children, j Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vracb. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 1, suppl., 19-31.— Schattleworth (G. E.) The educational care of chil- (ben feebly gifted mentally, etc. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de deino'z. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, vii. 623-629. — Taylor (J. M.) Tin; causes of mental impairment in children. Bull. Am. Acad. M., [Easton. Pa.l, 1895. ii, 164- 189. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1895-6, xxviii, 443- Cliildren (Defective, dependent, or crim- inal). 448. -----. Children of feeble resistance; their care and management. Internat. M. Mig., Phila., 1896, v, 439-464. Also: Med. Times &. Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, xxiv 800- 815: 1897, xxv, 1; 17; 35; 50. — Van Putcren (M. D.j Materiali po voprosu o prizryeuii bezpriyutnikh dyetey i podkidishey v Rossii. [Data upon the care, in Russia,'of homeless children and foundlings.] Vestuik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. nied., St. Petersb., 1893, xviii-xx, 7 sect.! passim. Also, Keprint. — Warner (F.) The physical condition of children seen in schools, nnd the local distri- bution of conditions of defective development. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sl Demog, Lond., 1892, x, 315- 323. -----. Physical and mental deviations from the normal anions children in public, elementary and other schools. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Se 1893, Lond., 1894, 614: 1894, 434: 1895, 503: 189(5, 5112.—William** (H. S.) AVhat shall be done with dependent children ? N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1897, clxiv, 404-414. Children (Diseases of). See, also. Abscess (Pharyngeal); Anaesthet- ics in children; Aphthse; Belladonna (Effects of); Bloodletting in infancy, etc.; Breast (In- flammation, etc., of); Children (Hospitals, etc , for); Croup: Cyanosis; Marasmus; Night terrors; Ovary (Tumors of) in infants; Paral- ysis (Anterior spinal); and under names of dis- eases, as. Bronchitis, Diarrhoea, in children. Armstrong (G.) An essay ou the diseases most fatal to infants. To which are added, rules to be observed in tbe nursing of children ; with a particular view to those which are brought up by hand. 2. ed., with additions. 16°. London, 1771. Austrius(S.) De puerorum morbis et synip- tomatis turn dignoseendis turn eurandis liber, ex Graecorurn, Latinorum et Arabum placitis excerptus. Adjeeti sunt Hippoe. Apb. aliquot de noviter natorum adfectibus, alii autem apho- ristiei sensus ex variis authoribus de eorundem bona valetudine tuenda. 24°. Lugduni, l.r>4!>. Bagellardcs a Flumine (P.) Libellus de aegritudinibus iufantiuui. Finit perbreve opus- culum de infatitinm innrmitatibus remediisque earum. 4°. [Paduw], 1487. Ballantyxe (J. \V.) An introductory lect- ure to the course of lectures ou diseases of in- fancy and childhood. *. London, 1890. Ballard (T.) A new and rational explana- tion of the diseases peculiar to infants and mothers; with obvious suggestions for their prevention or cure. 8°. London, 1860. Bloxpus [Bioxpo] (M. A.) De uftectibus in- fantiuin et puerorum. Ab Hypp., Gal., Kas., Haliab. atque JEginetse monumentis depronipta. *-. [Bomw], lfi:?!). Bouvier (S.) ^De affectibus nonnullis in- fantium. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1670. Cascales(F. P.) Liber de affectionibus pue- rorum una cum traclatu de morbo illo vulganter garotillo appellato, cum duabus quaestionibus. Altera de gerentibus utero rem appetentibus denegatum. Altera vero de fascinatione. 4°. Matriti, Hill. Concetti (L.) Lo statu attuale della pedia- tria in Italia, is . Boma, IHilo. Conyers (K.) * De morbis infantum. l'\ Lugd. Bat., 172!). Cooke (G.) Malattie de' fanciulli. \2-. Napoli, 1781. Daigxan (G.) .Scbilderung der Veriinderuu- gen des menschlichen Lebeus oder von den Krankheiten des manubaren Alters und ihrer Be- handlung, mit den Vortheilen und Naclitheileu jeder Constitution und mit iiberaus wichtigen Waruungen fiir die Eltern in Riicksicbt der Ge- suudheit ihrer Kinder des einen und andern Ge- scblechts, besonders in dem Alter der Mannbar- keit. 12°. Leipzig, 1789. CHILDREN. 428 CHILDREN. Children (Diseases of). Demich (V. T.) Pediatrija u russkago na- roda. [Pediatrics among the Russian people.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1892. Dubrisay ([C.-]J.) Considerations ge'ne'rale.s sur les maladies de l'enfance. .) Lo studio della pediatria. Gazz. med. ital . prov.venete, Padova, 1882. xxv, 151; 159.— Cheadle (VV. IS.) On the present position of the study of diseases of children iu relation to medical education. Brit. M. I., Lond., 1888, ii, 361-363. — ChriNtophcr (VV. S.) A plea for the study of pediatrics. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxix, 49-56. Also: Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc.. X. Y., 1892-4, ii, 220-231. -----. Pediatries as a specialty. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 779-781.—Churchill (F.) Should diseases of children be made a special if\ at our general hospitals? Lancet, Lond., 1882. ii, 8i(i.— Churchill (F. S.) Uepoit on recent progress in dis- eases of children. Chicago M. Recorder, 1896, xi, 177- 184.—Comby (J.) Diseases of children. (Excluding in- fectious diseases and rachitis.) Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. V., 1897, xii, 537-831.—Dciiiich < V F.) Pediatrija u iussk. naroda. [Pediatrics of Russian people. | Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb.. 1MH. xi, pt. 2, 125; 187: xii, pt. 2, 66; 111; 169. — l>ia$j|toUf,e..( G. ) 'E7r(.5r)/i('a iAapas (pov ■ in mock (H. P.) Gynaecology andpasdiati ies in India. Indian M. Rec, Ca'cutta, 1895, viii, 161 - 167.— Borland (W. A. N.) Affections of the respiratory svstem iu in- fancy and childhood, compiled and arranged iu tabular form. Arch Pediat., Phila., 1891, viii, 111; 261; 498; 598; 603: 737: 830. — Bornbliith. Ueber Schutzinass- regeln bei ansteckeiiden Kinderkrankheiten. Wieu. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii 1498. —Droixhe. Medecine pratique de l'enfance. J. d'accouch., Liege. 1*81. it, 175; 184; 196; 208: 1882, iii, 3; 15; 26: 39; 51; 61; 76; 87: 101; 111; 127; 143: 156; 171: 182; 19;>; 207. — Epstein (A.) Ueher septische Erkraukungen der Schleiiiiliiiute bei Kinderu. Prag. nied. Wchnschr.. 1879, iv, 321; 329: 311. Also. Ro- priut. EMchcrich (T.) Entwicklung und Stelluug der neueren deiitsehen Ivinderheilkundc. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1890, xl. 10s9; 1141: 1ISX; 1231. — Fcrrail (J. E.) Patologi i infantil. Arch, de la Policlin.. Habana. 1896, iv, 51-57.—Gee (S.) A survey of the literature of the dis- eases of ehi.dhood. Brit, M. J.. Lond , 1883. ii, 236-238. On n dob in (X. P.) Bolle/.ni organov krovoobi a-,litshenia u (licit-i. [Diseases of the organs of circulation in chit dren.] l'VI.I seller, St. Petersb., 1895, v, 001-606.—Han-iN (P. S.) Some common compl lints of children. Scalpel. Loud., 1897, ii, 34; 74.—Henoch. Ueber den Uuterricht in der Kinderlieilkunde. Kin. Jahrb., Berl.. 1890. ii, 130- 139.—Hertel (A.) Bidrag til 15el\suing af Sygdomsfor- holdene i Bai nealderen. [Contribution in illustration of the proportion of disease in children.] Ugesk. f. I.aeger, Kjo- benh.. 1893,4. It., xxviii, 577; 601.—Heiibner (O.) Ueber den piidriatischeu Untenicbt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 619-621.—Ijjiisitycd' i V ) Kratkh obzor russkol p diatrieheskol liti ratm i /a 18i5g. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxvi, 216-236— 1 *ra< l-Ho*< nilial (E.) Birfrnesyg- doiuuie. Med. Aai sski., Kj 'beiih., 1890-93, i—vii. passim.— Jacobi (A.) The relations ol pediatrics to general medicine. Arch. Pediat.. Phila., 1889, vi, 758-769. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat, Soc. 1X8S-9, f Phila. ]. 1890, i, 6, 17.— Jacobi (Mary P.) Opening lecture on diseases of chil- dren, at the PostGraduate Medical school, New Vork. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1883, cviii, 121; 145.—Joachim (IT.) Die Diiitetik und die Krankheiten des kindlichen Alters bei deu alten Iudern. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1890-91, xii, 179-233. -----. Die Krankheiten des Kiudesalters im Papyros Ebers. Ibid., 367-370.—Kelley (S. W.) Pedia- trics; past, present, and prospective. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1895-6, xi, 607-622. Also, Reprint,—Kohn (A.) A gyer- mekgyogyaszat, mint az (isszes orvosi tudomariy egy kiilouleges szak&nak elmelete. [Theory and practice in treatment of diseases of children.] Gy6gy&szat, Buda- pest, 1883. xxiii, 517-522.— Larrabcc (J. A.) Chair- man's address [section on diseases of children]. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 9-U-984.— dc I,avia med., Madrid, 1896, xliii, 465-467.—Botch (T. M.) Recent progress iii the diseases of children. Boston M. &. S. J., 1891 exxiv 628-631.—Seinplc (C. E. A.) The essential features of diseases of children. Med. News, Lond., 1881-3, i-iii, passim.—Hteffen (A.) Ueber den heutigen Stand tier Kinderlieilkunde. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1884-5 n F., xxii, 295-299. — Steiner (F.) Ueber Anorexic 'bei Kinderu uud dereu Behandlung mittelst Oroxintannates Wien. med. Bl., 1897, xx, 767-769.—SturgCM (O ) Lect- ures on some of the distinctive characters of disease in earlylife. Med.Times&Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 773; 807: ii, 5; Children (Diseases of). 69.—Hjmes (L.) Clinical pictures of children s diseas.-* Dublin J. M. Sc, 1897, cui, 103; 2u7 ■ 390- 47V cjv i> 11f2TT.ny,0r i<«J,,M;' Po8t K1'"'1,1"1"' teaching hi diseasei of children. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton. Pa. iwi.i-ii ii 564-571. Also: Phila. Polyclin., In96. v, 473-476.— Ti'-t<.«- [\^ T° T Thompioii (Mary 11.) Why diseases of children hIiouU be made a special study. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago lvii vii, 399-402.—Turner (A.J.) On diseases union..' cliil dren in Brisbaue. Austialas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1 s«tti~J>1 x 65-70 — Violi. Malattie dei bambini in TurVlna Atti d. xi Cong. rued, interna/.., Roma, 1894, iii, pediat., 116-110 _ Walker (J. K.) Some observations on the p,'eiiliaritiea ol diseases of infants aud children. Tr. IV,,v m lV ,s Ass.. Lond.. ,833, i. 73: 1834, ii, 391 : Ihu.-,, iii, 263 .1/*',,' Keprint.—West (C.) Iuternaiional Medical Congress- Sect ion of diseases of children: open address. Krit M J.. Loud., 1881, ii, 216. Also: Lancet, Lond.. 18*1 n 230 Also: Med. Times i Gaz.. Lond., 1881, ii, 151. —tvilkii Ou some diseases of children. Guy's Rosp. Hep. Loud 1860, 3. s., vi, 97-100. Also, Reprint'. —Ynkubov'ich (V! F.) K ucheuiyu o funktsii pishtshevaritelnikh fenneiilov u dietel pri razliehnikh bolleznyakh. [On the function of peptic ferments in children in various diseases.! Med Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlviii, 185-193. Children (Diseases of, Cannes and pa thology of). Babks (V.) BacteriologischeUntersiichuugeii iiber septische Processe des Kindesalters. --. Leipzig, 1889. BiLLAiti) (C.) Patholo^isch-aiuitoiuischcr At- las zur Erliiuterung der Gesehichte der Kiudcr- kratikheiten. 4°. Weimar, 18:>9. Goubkkt (J.-E.-P.) *De la preili.sposition morbide dans l'eufaiice. 4°. Paris, 1891. Gitnddbix (N. P.) O niorfologii i patologii krovi dietei. [Morphology and pathology of the blood iu infants.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Hulot (H.-J.) * Infectious d'originc cutanee chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1895. Oumkx (II.) * De causis morboruiu infanti- liutu iu genere. sin. 4;. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, [1763]. Poui'K (Ii.) * Etude cliuique sur le rytluue respiratoire dans les maladies de l'enfance. 1'. Lyon, 1893. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1*93. Sablaikoles (J.) Recherches d'anatomie ct de physiologie. pathologiques relatives a la pre- dominance et a l'intiucnce des organes digestifs des enfans sur le cerveau. 1'2J. Paris, 1826. SKJOURXKT. Du r61e de la dentition dans la pathologic infantile. 8°. Paris, 1*-.">. Berjjgriiii (E.) Ueber den Fibriugehalt des Blutea bei Krankheiten der Kinder. Verhandl. d. Versaiuml. (1. Gesellsch. f Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Xaturf. n. Aerzte 1894, Wiesb., 1895, xi, 230-219. — BicriVrt. Bcohaclilirngen iiber Disposition zu Keucbh listen, Masern uud Scharlacb, sowie uber Prophvlaxe derselben. Ibid., lsn5, Uresd., 1886, iii, 166-18'i.—BlairiT.S.) Cranialconipivssionas* factor in infantile diseases. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 731. — Blake ( E. ) Why are diseases of the eye aud throat so common in childhood? Metl. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Loud., 1893, xxi, 217. — t'atlaaco (C.) Contributo alio studio della iudicanuria nelle malattie dell' iufanzia. Policlin., Roma, 1897, iv-M., 88; 135. — Chapin (H. D.) Predisposing causes of disease in early life. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 561.—Da via ( K. P.) Pre-natal infection in diseases ot infancy. Arch. Pediat.. N.Y., 1897, xiv.llll- 648.—Eschcrich (f.) Beitrag zur Pathogenese der bat- terielleu Magen- und Uarmerkrankungen im Siiiigliugiial- ter. Verhandl. tl. Versamml. tl. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1889, Dresd., 1890, vii, 100-114. -----. Bemerkungen iiber deu Status lymphaticus der Kinder. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1*96, xxxiii. 645-650. - Felsenthal (S.) & Bernfaard(L) Zur Keuutuias des specifischeu Blutgewichtes kranker Kinder. Arcb. t Kinderh., Stuttg., 1893-4, xvii, 333-348.— Ga«noni (K) Ricerche sul ricambio azotaio in alcune malatiie d> 11 ela infantile. Policlin., Roma, 1895. ii-M., 489-50C.-«arcln Bijo (R.) Apuntes clinicos sobre el envenenamicnto per la leche en los nifios recien-nacidos y flebres do la primera infancia. Cong. med. region, de Cuba. Habana, 1890, 'J12- 220.—Giarre (C.) & Comba (C.) Ricerche batteriolo- eiche sul s mgue e sulle orine iu alcune malattie infettive dell' infanzia. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1897, xxxvi, 93-123.—Jimeno (M.) Concepto de la patologia CHILDREN. 431 CHILDREN. Children (Diseases of, Causes and pa- thology of). de la iufancia. Rev. de enferni. de la inf., Barcel., 1890, i, 59.73.__Kas*owitz (M.) Ueber Kinderkrankheiten im'Alter der Zahnung. Beitr. z. Kinderh. a. d.i. otf. Kin- derkr.-Inst. iu Wien, 1893, n. F., iv, 15-28. — l.ciibiiNchcr (G.) TJeber deu Zusammenhang von Erkrankungen des Circulationsapparates mit Erkrankuugeu ties Nervensys- teins bei Kinderu. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1896, xiv, 470-475.— I.oo* (J.) Ueber die Veran- deiungeu der niorphologischeu Bestandtheile des Blutes I bei verschiedeuen Krankheiten der Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1894-5, n. F., xxxix, 331-358.—Tlilcti- ciu. Psihologia etiologica si simpt-unatologia psihosolor infantile. Progresul nied. ronian, Bucuresei, 1882, iv, 19; 27; 33: 42; 51; 57. — IVcumanii (H ) Ueber die Bezie- hungen der Krankheiten des Kindesalters zu den Zahn- kraukbeiten. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1897, No. 172 (Innere Med., No. 53, 855-901). Also [Abstr.]: Ver- handl (1- Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Natiuf. u. Aerzte 1896, Wiesb., 1897, xiii, 181-183.—Seif- frrl (M.) Zur Aetiologie tier acuten Verdauungsstoruu- gen der SiiugliuL'e. lahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1891, n. F., xxxii, 302-410.- Wcvestrc. Des conditions tie propaga- tion des maladies contaLiieuses del'enfance. Progres med., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 205; 230 -Smith (J. L.) The times and modes of the introduction of the exotic diseases of children into America. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii, 276-284.—To what extent is interrupted primary dentition an etiological factor in the diseases incident thereto, more especially pnlmonary, digestive, and intes- tinal disorders. Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Con;;., Chicago, 1894, i, 125-129.—Verricr. Influence de l'ac- coucliement sur les maladies nerveuses que presents ulte- rieurement l'enfant, et en particulier sur la maladie do Little ou sur des 6tats analogues. Gaz. d. bop.. Par., 1897, lxx. 1082. Also fAI.str.]: Presse med. beige. Brux.. 1897, xlix, 306.—Vialle (E.) La constitution medicale actuelle dans les maladies de l'enfance. Actualite med., Par., 1892, iv, 81-83. Children (Diseases of, Complications and sequela? of). Pihan-Dufeillay(D.-0.) Etude sur la mort suhite dans l'enfance causee par les troubles du systeme nerveux. 8-. Paris, 1861. Abcrcrombie (J.) A note on facial irritability in tetany and laryngismus stridulus. Arch. Pediat., N. V., 1896, xiii, 831.—(armichacl (J.) Some of the sequela- of acute infectious diseases in children. Edinb. AI. .1.. 1881-2, xxvii, 605-613. — Gnaita (R.) Di una non rara cansa di morte imprevista nei bambini. Atti d. Cong. pediat. ital. 1890, Napoli, 1891. 139-145.— Holme* (B.) Secondary mixed infection in some of the acute infecti- ons diseases of children. X. Am. Practitiouer, Chicago, 1889,i, 75; 121. Also, Reprint. — ITIcCurdy ( S. LeR.) Perverted manifestations in diseases of children. Cleve- land _M. Gaz., 1894-5, x, 405-415. [Discussion ], 437. — iTlaliuowaky (A.) Sur l'infection mixte chez les en- fants. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, ediat., 175-179.—IVIya (G.) Le reazioni eccessive del- asse cerebro spinale in alcune forme infettive dell' iufan- zia. Clin, mod., Firenze, 181:5, i, 91 - 95. — Hellas (J.) Des etats vesaniques consecutifs aux maladies int'ectieuses chez l'enfant. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii, 797 - 802. — Snowball (YV.) Anomalous cases in children's practice. Aus ral AI. J., Melbonrne, 1883, n. s., v, 193; 294; 482.—Welt (Sara). A contribution on the occurrence of mental disturbances following acute diseases in childhood. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 298-301. Also, Reprint. Children (Diseases of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). Dklabost (E.) "Les souffles eardio-pulmo- naires chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1895.' Delpech [A.-L.-D. ] Premiers symptomes des maladies contagieuses, qui peuvent atteindre lis jeunes enfants. Instruction demandde par M. le prefet de la Seine au conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite". 12". Paris, 1880. Filatoff (N. [F.]) Sem'iotika i d'iagnostika dletskikh bolleznei; s prilozheniiem terapevti- cheskavo ukazatelya. [Symptomatology and diagnosis of diseases of children; with a thera- peutic index as appendix. ] 8°. Moskva, 1890. ,"----• The same. [2. ed. ] 8'-. Moskva, 1891. ~---• The same. [ 4. ed. ] 8°. Moskva, Children (Diseases of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). -----. The same. Semiotik und Diaguostik der Kinderkrankheiten. Nach der 2. rnssischen Aufl. ubersetzt von A. Hippius. 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. Laffagk (H.) * Essai sur les variations de poids dans l'enfance, envisages specialement daus les maladies f"6briles. 4°. Lyon, 1886. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1886. Lobisch (J. E.) Allgemeine Anleitung zum Kinder-Kratikenexanien. S . Wien, 1832. Pauvekt (J.-F.) * Contribution it l'etude de la thermonietrie daus la pathologie infantile. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888. Eeitz ( V. ) * Znachenie termornetrii v dlet- skikh bolleznyakh. [Value of thermometry in discuses of children.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1863. Saura (R.) Scmejologia e diagnosi delle ma- lattie dell' iufanzia e fanciullezza ad uso degli .studeuti ed medici pratici. 12°. Napoli, 18*8. Smith (E.) Clinical studies of diseases in children. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1887. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. Stonsl (A.) Semiotik und Untersuehung de.s Kindes fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1875. -----. Thesame. Semioticaed esame clinico dei bambini infermi ad uso dei medici pratici e studeuti in medicina. Prima versione italiana del dottor P. Masucei, rivista ed auuotata dal prof. Luigi Somma. 8P. Napoli, 1881. Yakubovich (V. F.) Rukovodstvo k diag- nostikie dietskikb bolleznei i sposobam izsliedo- vaniya dietei. [Manual of diagnosis of diseases of children and method of examination.] 8G. S.-Peterburg, 1890. Ausset. Generalites sur la pathologie et la cliuique infantiles, et leur maniere d'etre tonte speciale; notions g6nerales de semeiologie infantile. Nord med., Lille, 1896, ii, 187: 1897, iii, 2.— Biaiiclii (A.) Sullo npplica- zioni dell' ascoltazione stetoscopica comparata e delia per- cussione in pediatria. Atti d. Conir. pediat. ital. 1890, Napoli, 1891, 151-153. —Bullai-.l (W. N.) The signifi- cance of paroxysmal riiimin; v. 4 (2. epoca), Jan. to June, 1*88. fol. Madrid. Kelley (S. W.) Clinic for disases of chil- dren, Hurlbut Dispensary, Western Reserve University, June 14, 1891." *■-. [Cleveland, 0., 1S91.] Lee (R. J.) Lectures delivered at tbe Hospi- tal for Sick Children, Great Orniond street, 1S83-4. 12°. London, [1885]. See, also, infra. ------. The same. 2. ed., revised and en- larged. 8°. London, 1*85. ------. Three lectures delivered at the Hospi- tal for Sick Children, Great Ormond street, 18S(i. Lectures I and II. On the transmission of syphi- lis with cases arranged to illustrate the relations between the various symptoms of hereditary syphilis in children and the parental history. Lecture III. On the earliest record of whooping- cough. 12°. London, 1886. Legendre ( F. L. ) Klinische und aiiato- misch-pathologische Untersticliungen iiber die wichligstcn Krankheiten des kindlichen Alters. Deutsch von M. W. Oppermann. 8°. Berlin, 1S47. Losohner [J. W.] Epidemiologische uud klinische Studien aus dem Gebiete der Paedia- trik. s\ Prag, 1868. von Mezler vox Andelbekg (F. J.) Samm- lung auserlesener Abhaudlnngen iiber Kiuder- Kraukheiten. Aus den besten medicinisch- chirnrgisclicti Zcitschrifteu und andern Wcikcu der neueren Zeit zusammengestellt. 6 v. in 3. 8°. Prag, 1S34-7. [Mikeur.] Dissertation sur quelques mala- dies des enfans. 12 ■". Montpellier, 1791. MOUSSOUS (A.) Recueil de lecons cliuiques sur les maladies de l'enfance. roy. 8°. I'aris, 1893. Ollivier (A.) Lecons cliniques sur les mala- dies des enfants. roy. ho. Paris, 1-89. CHILDREN. 433 CHILDREN. Children (Diseases of Essays, observa- tions, and nports on). I'aediathisciie Arbeiten. Festschrift Herrn Eduard Henoch zum 70steu Geburtstage gewid- met von deutschen und auslandischen Fachge- nossen, hrsg. unter Redaction von Adolf Bagin- sky. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1890. Recueil d'observations de la clinique des maladies de l'enfance, 1893. 8C. Paris, 1895. Revilliod (E.) * Notes cliniques sur quel- ques maladies des enfants. 4°. Paris, 1886. Roger (H.) Recherches cliniques sur les maladies de l'enfance. v. 1. s°. Paris, 1872. Schcepff (A.) Jahres-Beitrag zur prakti- schen Medizin und Chirurgie in Kinderkrank- heiten vom Pesther Kiuderspitale. Enthalteud: Allgemeine piidiatrische Gruudziige, eiue geuaue Darstellung und Behandlung der akuten Fieber, Eutzunduugen, Tuberkelsuckt, Skrofelkrank- heit u. s. w.; mit Arzneivorschriften und pa- thologischen Sektionen, chirurgischen Opera- tioneu, mit vollstiindigen Abhandlungen iiber die Myo-Tenotomieen an krummen Gliedern und die Operation des Schielens. 8". Pesth, 1841. Sevestre [A.] Etudes de clinique infantile. Syphilis he're'ditaire precoce ; laryngite syphili- tique ; broncho-pneumonie par infection iutesti- nale; prophylaxie de la rougeole et de la dipk- therie a l'Hospice des enfants assistes. 8°. Paris, 1889. -----. The same. Etudes de clinique in- fantile. (Hospice des enfants assisted, 1885-9.) 2. fasc. 8°. Paris, 1890. Simon (J. ) Conferences therapeutiques et cliniques sur les maladies des enfants. 2. 6d. 8C. Paris, 1882. See, also, infra. -----. The same. v. 2. 8°. Paris, 1884. Somma (L.) Clinica pediatrica dell' Ospizio dell' Anuunziata di Napoli. Sommario del 1° trimestre (aprile, maggio e giugno 1874). 8°. Napoli, 1875. -----. The same. .Sommario statistico di dne corsi scolastici (anni 1875 e 1876). 8--. Na- poli, 1877. Steffen (A.) Ueber eiuige wichtige Krank- heiten des kindlichen Alters. Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen aus dem Stettiner Kinder- | spital. 8°. Tubingen, 1895. Stceber (V.) La clinique des maladies des enfants de la Faculte" de Strasbourg pendant les trois annees scolaires 1837-40. 8°. Strasbourg, 1841. Storch(J.) Theoretische und practische Ab- handlung von Kinder-Kranckheiten, darinnen die Theorie auf richtige Griinde gebauet, die Praxis nach denenselbeu eingerichtet, und die mit vieler Erfahrung bestarckte Curen, durch Gottliche Gnade, gliicklich gefuhret worden. 12°. Eisenach, 1750. Tedeschi (V.) Commentari di pratica pe- diatrica. i., ii., iii., iv., v. 8°. Trieste, 1889. Topai (F.) Pediatria chirurgica. Diciotto anni nell' Ospedale Bambino Gesil in Roma. 8°. Bona, 1890. Tordeus (E.) Tableau des consultations dou- nees a l'Hospice des enfants assisted pendant l'annec 1879. 4°. [Bruxelles, 1880.] Valleix (F.-L.-J.) Clinique des maladies des enfants uouveau-ne's. 8 \ Paris, 1838. -----. The same. Klinik der Kinderkrank- heiten. Deutsch bearbeitet von Dr. H. Bress- ler. 8'-. Berlin, 1839. Abelin (H. A.) Meddelanden frau pediatriska kli- nikeii vid Allmanna Barnhuset i Stockholm. Nord. rned. Ark , Stockholm, 1870, ii, nos. 1, 9: 1876. viii, no.' 16: 1870. *. no. 1: 1882, xiv, no. 12. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. f. 28 Children (Diseases of Essays, observa- tions, and reports on). Kinderh., Stuttg., 1880-81, ii, 303: 1882-3, iv, 1. — Albert. Bericht iiber die Verhaudlungen der padiatrischen Section der 54. Versamiuluug deutscher Aerzte uud Xaturforscher in Salzburg vom 18. bis 24. September 1881. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 285; 389.—Baumel (L.)- La ch- nique des maladies des enfants k l'Hopital-Geueral de Montpellier du 1" novembro 1*89 au 15 juin 1892. N. Mont- pel. med., 1802, i, 489; 509.—Bell (W. li.) A brief report of the cases treated in the fourteen beds in the Royal Hospi- tal for Sick Children, under the care of Dr. Burn Murdoch, for six months from Nov. 3, 1891, to April 30, 1895. Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 132-136. -----. A brief resume of the cases treated in Mr. Joseph Bell's ward in the Royal Hospi- tal for Sick Children, Plewlands. Edinburgh, from Nov. 3, 1894, to April 23, 1895. Ibid., 234-237. — Bci-eiiil (M.) & Preisich ( K. ) Szemelvenyek a budapesti Stefania- szegenygyerrnekkdrhaz casuist! kitjahtil. [Gleanings from the records of the Stefania Hospital for Indigent Children. J Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 432; 447; 471; 495. Also, transl.: Ungar. nied. Presse, Budapest, 1897, ii, 1117; 1141; 1169.—Berg (T.) Bericht uber die Krankenpflege jnnger Kinder in meiner Abtheilung des allgemeinen Waisen- hauses zu Stockholm in den Jahreu 1842-3. J. f. Kinderkr.. Berl., 1844, iii, 321; 405: 1845, iv, 1. — Berggriin (E.) Jahresbericht iiber die im Jahre 1893 auf Professor Monti's Kinderspitals-Abtheilung der Allgem. Poliklinik in Wien aufgenommenen Kranken. Arch. f. Kiuderh., Stuttg., 1893-4, xvii, 161-221. — Biaiiclii (A.) Osservazioni di clinica medica dell' infanzia. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1889, lxiv, 350; 449.—Bird (G.) Berichtiiber Fiille von Kinder- krankheiten, die in den Jahren 1843 uud 1844 iu Guy's Hospital in London behandelt worden, mit Bemerkungen. J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1845, iv, 411-431. — Bogoslovski (A. I.) Zabollevayemost Shkolnikov v Y.alte, v svyazi s flzicheskim ikh razvitiem. [Diseases of school children in Yalta, in connection with their physical development. ] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1895, xxv, 2. sect., 192-240: xxvi, 2. sect, 31; 190; 314.—Bosc (F.-J.) Le service de la Clinique infantile [Montpellier] pendant les mois de novembre et decembrc J895. [Rap.) N. Montpel. med., 1896, v, 532; 550. — Calatraveno. Notas clinicas acerca de las enfermedades de los niiios. Rev. de enferm. de la inf., Barcel., 1890, i, 57-59.—2: 1888, xxx, 337.—lleniiig(C) Beob- CHILDKEN. 434 0U1LDHKX. Children (Diseases of, Essays, observa- tions, and reports on). aclituii(ren aus der Kinderpolikliuik zu Leipzig. Jahrb. t. Kinderh., Wien. 1858-9, ii, 198: 1859-60, iii, 45.—Herz. Die Section fiir Kinderkrankheiten auf dem Internatio- nalen medicin. Congresse in London 1881. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 29; 125—Hulshoff (S. K.) Internation-rlal geneeskundig Congres te Kopenhagen. iSectie psediatrie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 185-191.— Israel (E.) Psediatriske Meddelel- ser fra Kjoheiihnvns Poliklinik. T"ge k. f. Lieger. Kje- benh., 1S8.», 4. R., xiii, 27;!; 321; 341. —Kestner (G.) Statistik sammthcher wahrend der Jahre 187D-82 iu der medicinischeii Kinderklinik zu Strassburg i. E. behandel- ten Krankheitsfiille. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1883, n. F., xx. 83-02.—Klein & Schwecliten. Statistischer Bericht iiber die iu der Poliklinik fiir Kinderkrankheiten wahrend der letzten zehn Jahre behandelten Krankheits- falle. Charite-Ann. 1881, Berl., 1883, viii, 572-591.— Hiiopfelmacher (W.) Untersiichungeu iiber das Fett im Sauglingsalter und iiber das Fettsclerem. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1897, xlv, 177-203.—lice (R.J.) Clinical lectures on diseases of children. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1884,n.s., xxxviii, 173; 195; 213: 203; 285: 303; 350; 391; 413; 454; 501; 541. See, also, supra. —liexi (M. R.) Osservazioni cliniche e studj intorno a malattie dei bambini. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1881, xlviii, 3; 113: 1882, xlix, 3; 225; 359. — I.impert. TJeber Appetitlosigkeit bei Kin- deru, deren TJrsache, Folgen uud Bekampfung. Bayer. arztl. Cor.-Bl., Miinchen, 1898, i, 73-75. — Lorey (C. ) Therapentische Mittheihmgen aus dem Dr. Chrisl'schen Kinderspitale zu Frankfurt a. M. Ceutr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1879, ii, 243-245.—Liuce (H.) Ein Beitrag zu deu primaren combinirten Systemerkrankungen im Kindesal- ter. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Xervenh., Leipz., 18k7, xii, 68-97, 1 p).—Magnifier (G. L.) Some practical observations made at the department for tho diseases of children at the Central Dispensary, Washington, D. C. Virginia M. Mouth, Richmond,'1880-81, vii," 349-350. Also, Reprint.— TlimilCN of the first annual meeting of the American Pe- diatric Society, held at Washington, D. C, September 20, and Baltimore, Md., September 21, 1889. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889, vi, 753-757.—IVicolaysen (L.) Meddelelser fra Rigshospitalets psediatriske Afdeliug; Beretning om Afdelingens Virksomhed 1893-5. [Contributions from the State Hospital (pa-diatrical section); account of the sec- tion's work for lr93-5.] Norsk Mag. f. Loegevidensk., Kris- tiania, 1896, 4. R., xi, 1218-1224.— Oildo (C.) La consulta- tion medicale au Dispensaire des Enfants maladesdo Mar- seille [dul 1" oetohro 1893 [an] l"oetohro 1894. Marseille med., 1895, xxxii, .r>4S-567.—I*onticaccia (M.) Appunti di pratica pedi.itrica. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1896, xxiv, 560-571. —Porter (P. R.) Reportof two thou- sand cases of disease in children treated at the Deniilt Dis- pensary, New York. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1878, xi, 278; 544. Also. Iteprint. — Poll (R.) Die ambulatorische Kinder- klinik zu Halle a. S.iale; epikritisch-statistischer Bericht. Arch f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1880-81, ii, 156-166.—Rahn- Esclier (J. K.) Beitrage zur Pathologic des kindlichen Alters. Schweiz. Ztschr.'f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Ziirich, 1834, i, 69-83.—Rehn (II.) Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der Section liii Kinderlieilkunde auf der Xaturforscher- uud Aerzte-Versammluug in Eisenach; September 1882 Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1882, n. F., xix, 189-201.—Riga (A.) Di una malattia della prima infanzia probabilmeute non trattata dai patologici. Movimento, Napoli, 1881, 2. s., iii, 22-29—Bober (F. A.) Von einigen bisher wenig be- selu iebenen, oft todtlicheu Kinderkrankheiten. Museum d. Heilk., Ziirich, 1797, iv, 285-304.—Rotch (T. M.) Re- port on diseases of children. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, exvii, 551-555.—Russoff (A. A.) K statistikle zabolie- vaniva dietel po vozrastatn. [Statistics of diseases of children in relation to age.] Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach., St. Petersh., 1887, ii, 11-54. Also: Russk. med., St. Pe- tersb., 1887, xii, 257; 274; 288. Also, Reprint.—Simon (J.) Conferenze terapeutiche e cliniche sulle malattie dei bambini; tradotto e corredate di note ed aggiuntedal dott. Norberto Perotti. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1883, xiii, 25; 33; 41; 51; 57; 65; 73; 81; 89; 97; 105; 113; 121; 137; 145; 161; 181; 197. See, also, supra.—Simon (P.) Annales de la clinique des maladies de l'enfance (1890 a. 1892). Rev. med. de l'est, Nancv, 1893, xxv, 169; 201; 270; 306; 325.— Soltniann. Erfahrungen aus dem kaiserlichen Kinder- heim zu (iiahschen-Breslau. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1886, viii, 49-54.—No in in :i (G.) Clinica pediatrica dell' Ospizio dell' Annunziata di Napoli; rendiconto statistico degl' in- fermi curati in clinica nell' anno scolastico 1883-4 (1° di- cembre 1883 a 30 giugnol884). Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1884, ii, 280-284. —Stain iu (C.) Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Kinderheilkimde im Jahre 1895. Aerztl. Prakt., Dresd., 1897, x, 69-80.— Tourtunl (CH.) Allge- meine Ansichten und Bemerkungen iiber Krankheiten der Kinder und ihre Behandlung. Analekt. ii. Kinderkr., Stuttg.. 1834, i, 3-43.—Widerhofcr. Bericht iiber Prof. Mayr's Klinik fiir Kinderheilkimde im St. Annonspitale zu Wien. Somniersemester (Mai inch Juli) 1859. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1859-60, iii, 255-288. Children {Diseases of, Periodical and transactions of societies relating to). American Pediatric Society. The constitu- tion and by-laws, with tlie officers and members for 18-W-D. H-. Philadelphia, l-8s. -----. Transactions. I.-VIII., 1HS9_% s [Philadelphia], W.10-96. Also, in: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1889-96, vi-xiv, passim. Babyhood. Devoted exclusively to the care of infants and young children, and the general interests of the nursery, v. 1-13, 18H4-97. -. Neu- York. Boletin del Dispeusario y Hospital dc ninos pobres de Barcelona. Revista quincenal. lied.: Juan Roca. v. 5-7, 1H9.V-7. fol. Barcelona. Current. Centralblatt fiir Kinderlieilkunde. Hrsg. von Eugen Graetzer. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, ls;ic,- *. 8°. Leipzig. Current. Childhood. A monthly magazine for parents of all that concerns the welfare of tbe child. Edited by G. W. Winterburn and Florence Hull. v. 1-3, Dec, 1892, to Feb., 1*94. S~\ New York. Congres p6riodique de gynecologie, d'obsle- trique et de paediatrie. lre session, Bordeaux, aout 1895. Memoires et discussions, s . Paris, 1896. Congreso higi6nico-pedag6gieo. Meinorias del primer . . . reunio en la cindad de Mexico el afro de 1882. 8°. Mexico, 1883. Congresso pediatrico italiano. Atti del. . . tenuto in Roma nei giorui 16-19 ottobre 1890. Pubblicazione fatta per mandato del congresso, dal segretario Luigi Concetti. 8°. Napoli, 1891. Dietskaya nieditsina. Zhurual posvya- shtshenniy vnutrennim bolleznyam, khirurgii, ortopedii i higiene dietskavo vozrastu. [Med- icine of children. Journal dedicated to internal diseases ... of child age.] v. 1-2, 1896-7. " \ Moskva. JiIesellschaft fur Kinderheilkuude. Ver- handlungen. 1., 1883; 3., 1885; 4., 1886; 6.-13., 18d8-96. Versamniluugen der ... in der pa- diatri chen Section auf den Versannuluugeti deutscher Naturforscker und Aerzte. 8°. [v. p.], 1H84-97. Gesunde Kinder. Mouatsblatter fiir natur- gemasse Kiuderptiege in Gesuudheit und Krank- heit. Hrsg. von H. Moser. v. 1-2, 1892-4. 8°. Magdeb ura. Gesunde Kinder. Red.: Dr. H. Moeser. [Fortnightly.] v. 1-2, 1896-7. 8°. Hamm i. W. Current. Journal de clinique et de therapeutique infantiles. R6d. en chef: Dr. G. Variot. [Weekly.] v. 1-5, 1893-7. 8°. Paris. Current. Kinder-Arzt (Der). Zeitschrift fur Kin- derheilkuude. Hrsg. von Dr. Sounenberger. [Monthly.] v. 1-8, 1890-97. 8°. Berlin «. Neuivied. Current. Medecine (La) infantile. RMacteur eu chef: Jules Com by. [ Monthly.] v. 1-4, 1894-7. 8-. Paris. Current. NederlandsCHE Vereeniging voor Paedia- trie. Voordrachten . . . 1.-2. jaargang. HJ. Utrecht, 1893. Obshtshestvo Dietskikh Vrachei v S.-Peter- burge. Trndi I-X, 18H5-96. [Society of Pe- diatricians .. . Memoirs.] *'. S.-Peterburg, 1887-96. Obshtshestvo Dietskikh Vrachet sostoya- shtshiy pri Imperatorskom Moskovskoin Uni- versitetle. Trudi. . . s prilozheu'iem protokolov CHILDREN. 435 CHILDREN. Chi hi re n (Diseases of, Periodicals and transactions of societies relating to). zasicdaniy obshtshestva. I. & II., 1892-3 A. Ipi9;5_4. [Society of Pediatricians at the Impe- rial Moscow University. Memoirs . . . with sup- plements of the proceedings of tbe society.] 6°. Moskva, 1*92-4. Pediatrics. A semi-monthly journal devoted to the disenses of infants and children. Edited | bv Dillon Brown and George Carpenter, v. 1-4, l>9ti-7. 8~\ New York ('■ London. Current. Pratique (La) de la mddecine infantile Sons la direction du docteur E. Eerier. [Month- ly.] v. 1, Eeb. to April, 1897. 8 . Paris. Revista de enfernn dudes de la infaucia, pnblicada por D. Jaime Guerra y Estapd. v. 1, 1890. 8-\ Barcelona, 1890. Societa filojatrica in Firenze. Statuto so- cial- approvato nell' adunanza del 22 dicemhre 1-8. 8J. Firenze, [18-9]. I Children (Diseases of, Text-books and manuals of). American (An) text-book of the diseases of children, including special chapters on essential surgical subjects: diseases of the eye, ear, nose, aud throat; diseases of the skin; and on the diet, bygiene, and general management of children, by American teachers. Edited by Louis Starr, assisted by Thompson S. Westcott. 8~. Phila- delphia, 1894. Armstrong ( G.) An account of the diseases most incident to children. To which is added an essay on nursing, with a particular view to iufauts brought up by band. Also, a short account of the Dispensary for the Infant Poor. A new ed., with many additional notes, by A. P. Buchan. 8°. London, 1808. Artz (De) der inoeders; in aangenaanie spec- tatoriaale vertoogen, op eene klaare eu eeuvou- dige wyzo leereude, wat meu nioet doen om het j <,restel van jonge kiuderen voor te bereiden tot j een gezoud, lang, en gelukkig leeven. 8°. te Amsterdam, 1771. Ashby (H.) & Wright (G. A.) Tbe diseases of children, medical and surgical. 8:. London, 18-y. ----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8-. London, 1892. ----. The same. 3. ed. 12c. London, New York § Bombay, 1-96. Baginsky (A.) Lehrbuch der Kinderkrank- lieiten. Fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 8°. Brauiischtceig, 18.-3. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8->. Braun- schweig, 1887. -----. The same. 3. vielfach vermehrte und verbesserte Aufl. 8"-'. Berlin, 1889. -----. The same. 4. vielfach vermehrte und verbesserte Aufl. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1892. -----. The same. 5. Anfl. 8°. Berlin, l*9ij. -----. The same. Rukovodstvo dietskikh bolleznei. Dlla vrachei i studentov. Perevod s Xiemetskavo H. A. Tolskavo. 8~;. S.-Peter- burg, 18"3. -----■• The same. Traite" des maladies des infants. Trad, sur la 4. dd. alleuiande par Louis Guinon et L. Romme. 2 v. 8-. Paris, 189<>. _Barrier (F.-M.) Traite" pratique des mala- dies de l'enfance fornix sur de nombreuses obser- vations cliniques. 2. dd. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1845. -----. The same. 3. dd. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1861. -----. The same. Tratado practico de las enfermedades de los ninos, escrito en francos, llihireII (Diseases of, Text-books and manuals of). arreglado ii Ins lecciones del Dr. Antonio May- ner, por Luis Ouis y Garrigolas, y Jos6 Oriol Ferreras. 12°. Barcelona, 1843. Berton ([E.-]A.[-J.]) Traite des maladies des enfants, on recherches sur les principales affections du jeune Age (depuis l'6poque de la premiere dentition jusqu'a celle dc la pnberte); ouvrage faisant suite a celtii du docteur Billard, fondd sur les nombreuses observations physiolo- giques, cliniques et auatouiiques sur l'exameu et la discussion des opinions de la plupart des auteurs qui ontdcrit sur cette partie de la mdde- cine, tels que Rosen, Underwood, Guerseut, Bil- iar*!, Denis do Commercv, etc., avec des notes de M. le docteur Baron. 86. Paris, 1837. Biagint(A.) II fanciullo. Manuale di pedia- tria ad ui.o degli studenti e medici pratici. Parte prima: Malattie infettive. 8°. Toiino, 1897. Bressler (II.) Die Kinderkrankheiten nach Andral, Baron [et al.] bearbeitet. 8°. Berlin, 1842. Cadet de Gassicourt ([C.-J.-]E.) Traitd cliuique des maladies de l'enfance; lecons pro- fes.seVs a l'Hopital Sainte-Eugdnie. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1880-84. Caplron (J.) Traitd des maladies des enfans, jusqu'a la pubertd. 3. dd., snivi des recherches pratiques sur les tumeurs sanguines de la vulve et du vagin, par L.-C Deneux. 8-. Bruxelles, 1835. -----. The same. Abbandlung iiber die Kraukheiten der Kinder, von der Geburt bis zum Eintritt der Pubertal. Nach der zweiten Aufl. des frauzosiseheu Originals, mit einer Vorrede begleitet, von F. A. Benj. Puchelt. 8°. Leip- zig, 1821. Carmichael (J.) Diseases in children. A manual for students and practitioners. 12°. Edinburgh f London, 1892. -----. Tbe same. 12°. New York, 1892. Chambon de Montaux (N.) Des maladies des enfans. 2 v. 8-. Paris, an VII [1799]. Charon (E.) Contribution a la pathologie de l'enfance. 8°. Bruxelles, 1876. -----. The same. 2. dd. 8-. Bruxelles, 1881. Churchill (F.) On the diseases of infants and children. 8D. Philadelphia, 1850. Combes-Brassard (J.-M.) Nouveau traitd des maladies des enfans. 8°. Paris, 1837. Comby (J.) Traitd des maladies de l'enfance. 12°. Paris, [1892]. -----. The same. 2. dd. 12 . Paris, 1895. Condie (D. F.) A practical treatise on the diseases of children. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*44. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Cooke (J.) A plain account of the diseases incident to children; with an easy method of curing them; designed for the use of families. 8°. London, 1769. -----. The same. Maladies des enfans. Trad, de l'auglois. 16°. Yverdon, 1770. Copasso (F.) Delle malattie dei bambini e loro cura. Trattato di pediatria e terapeutica infantile ad uso dei medici e degli studenti. 8°. Torino, Napoli, Boma, Milano, 1892. Criado y Aguilar (F.) Tratado de las en- fermedades de los ninos. 2 v. 8°. Zaragoza, 1884. Cyclopaedia of the diseases of children, med- ical aud surgical. The articles written espe- cially for the work by American, British, and CHILDREN. 436 CHILDREN. Children (Diseases of, Textbooks and manuals of). Canadian authors; edited by John M. Keating. 4 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1890-91. Descroizilles (A.) Traitd dldmeutaire de pathologie ct de cliuique infantiles. 2. dd. 12°. Paris, li*91. D'Espine (A.) &, Picot (C.) Manuel pratique des maladies de l'enfance. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1884. -----. The same. 4. dd. 12°. Paris, 1889. Devvees (W. P.) A treatise on the physical and niedical treatment of children. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1826. —>—. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1829. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1836. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1826. D'Huc. Le mddecin des enfants, guide pra- tique, contenant la description des maladies de l'enfance depuis la naissance jusqu'a la pubertd, avecle traitement qui leur est applicable; suivi d'un formulaire pratique. 16°. Paris, 1854. Diseases of infants and children, with their homoeopathic treatment. Edited by T. C. Dun- can. Pts. 1 & 2. 8°. Chicago, 1878. Donkin (H. B.) Tbe diseases of childhood (medical). 8°. London, 1893. Duchesne-Duparc (L.-V. ) Traitd complet des gourmes chez les enfants, rdunissant la de- scription et le traitement des druptions chroni- ques du premier age, ties affections scrofuleuses et des alterations syphilitiques origiuelles; ou- vrage suivi d'un formulaire spdcial et prdeddd: 1°, d'une notice biographique sur Alibert; 2" de considdrations sur l'existeuce des principes virulents et sur la ndcessitd d'une nouvelle me- thode de traitement. 2. dd., revue et corrigde. 8°. Paris, 1844. Eberle (J.) A treatise on the diseases and physical education of children. 8C. Cincinnati, 1833. -----. The same. 4. ed., with notes, aud large additions by Thomas D. Mitchell. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. Edmonds (\V. D.) A treatise ou diseases pe- culiar to infants aud children. 8°. New York ,,- London, 1881. Ellis (E.) A practical manual of the diseases of children, with a formularv. 5. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1886. -----. Tbe same. 4. ed., revised and en- larged. 8°. New York, 1882. -----. The same. Terapiya dietskikh bo- lieznei. (Dr. E. Ellis: Manuel pratique des ma- ladies de l'enfance, traduit d'apres la 5. dditiou auglaiseparL. Waquet.) 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1890. Englische (Der) Kintlerarzt nach den Grund- siitzeu der Herreu Moss und Uuderwood. 8°. Lei/izig, 1786. Evanson (R. T.) *.V Mainsell.(H.) A prac- tical treatise on the management and diseases of children. 12°. Dublin, 1836. -----------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Dub- lin, 1838. -----------. The same. 4. ed., reArised and enlarged. 8°. Dublin, 1842. -----------. Tbe same. Handbuch fiir die Erkenntniss und Heilung der Kinderkrankhei- ten. Nach dem Euglischen, frei uud mit steter Beriieksicbtiguug der neuesten Erfabrungeu deutscher und franzosischer Aerzte bearbeitet von Ludwig Friinkel. 8°. Berlin, 1838. Filatoff (N.) Lektsii ob ostrlkh infektsion- nlkh bolleznyakh u dietel. [Lectures on acute infectious diseases of children. ] 2 pts. 8°. [Moskva, 1885-7.] Children (Diseases of, Text-books and manuals of). -----• The same. [2. ed. ] 8 . Moskva, -----. The same. Vorlcsungen iiber acute Infectionskrankheiieu im Kindesalter. Atito- risicrte, vom Verlasser erganzte deutsche Aus- gabe nach der zweiten russischen Aufla^e uber- setzt von L. Polonsky. 8°. Wien ufLchria 189[5-]7. l u' -----. Kratkiy uchebnik dietskikh bolleznei dlya studentov posliednikh seunstrov. [Short text-hook of diseases of children for students of last scssioi.s.] 8°. Moskva, 1893. Fleisch (C. B.) Handbuch uber die Krauk- heiten der Kinder und iiber die medicinisch-phy- sische Erziehung derselben bis zu den Jalmu der Mannbarkeit. Zunachst fiir angehende Heil- kiinstler. 5 pts. in 4 v. 8J. Leipzig, 1803-12 Franco (D.) Manuale clinico con forniolario e repertorio alfabetico per le malattie dei bam- bini secondo i piu. recenti autori tli Francia, Ger- mania e specialmeute d' Italia ad uso dei medici generici. 12°. Napoli, 1891. Geriiardt (C.) Lehrbuch der Kinderkrank- heiten. Neu bearbeitet vou O. Seifert. 5. Aufl v. 1. 8°. Tubingen, 1897. Girtanner (C.) Trattato delle malattie dei bambini e della loro educazione fisica. Trad. dal tedesco coll' aggiunta di un articolo sull' iu nesto della vaccina. 2 v. 8°. Venezia, 1803. Go (B.) Ho seki zen sho. [A manual of diseases of children.] 2 v. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Golis (L.A.) Praktische Abhandlungen iiber die vorziiglicheren Krankheiteu des kind- lichen Alters. 2 v. 12°. Wien, 1815-18. ----- The same. 2. vermehrte Aufl. 1'2U. Wien, 1820-24. Golay (E.) Guide des meres dans les mala- dies des enfants. 12°. Geneve, Paris, 1892. Goodhart (J. F.) The studeut's guide to diseases of children. 12°. London, 1885. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1**H. -----. Tbe same. The diseases of children. 3. ed. 16°. London, 1888. -----. The same. 4. ed. 16°. London, 1891. -----. The same. 5. ed. 16°. London, 1894. -----. Tbe same. A guide to the diseases of children. Revised and edited by Louis Starr. With formulae. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. -----. The same. 2. Am., from the 3. En- glish ed., with numerous formula? aud illustra- tions. 12°. Philadelphia, 1889. -----. The same. Traitd pratique des mala- dies des enfants. Trad, sur la 4. dd. an92. Mitsciiein. Der Kinder-Arzt oder fasslichen Uuterricht iiber die Erkennung, Verbiitung und Heilung der Kinderkrankheiten. Ein unent- behrliches Hilfs- nnd Lesebucb fiir gebildete Eltern. Nach Capiiron, Feiler, Girtanner, Gor- lis, Heuke, Hufeland, Jabn, Jorg Meissner, Me- lin, Rosenstein, Wendt und Andern. 18U. Nord- hausen, 1845. Pasqcali (A.) Trattato clinico e pratico delle malattie dell' infanzia e della fanciullezza. 4 v. 8°. Casale, 1.-73-6. Perier(E. ) Consultations sur les maladies de l'enfance. 16°. Paris, 1895. Plange (E.) Memoranda der Kinderkrank- heiten. 16°. Weimar, 1846. PovtoritelnIy kurs dietskikh bolleznei. Sostavlen primienitelno k programmie ispita- niya na zvau'ie liekarya v meditsinskoi kom- missii. (Po rukovodstvam Baginskavo, He- noch'a i drug.) [Review course of diseases of children, compiled applicable to the programme of examinations for the degree of physician be- fore the medical commission. (After tbe manu- als of Baginsky, Henoch, et al.).] 12°. Kiev, 1891. Powell (W. M.) Essentials of the diseases of children, arranged iu the form of questions antl answers prepared especially for students of medicine. 12°. Philadelphia, 1890. Powell (W. B.) & Newton (R. S.) The ec- lectic practice of medicine. (Diseases of chil- dren.) 8°. Cincinnati, 1858. -----. The same. An eclectic treatise on the diseases of children. 8°. New York, 1867. Read ( H. N.) & Walker (J.) Tabulated notes on children and some of their diseases, for the use of students. 8°. Brooklyn, 1878. Reits (V. [N.]) Lektsii po patologii i terapii dieiskavo vozrasta. [Lectures on the path- ology and therapy of children.] w:>. S.-Peter- burg, 1895. Rhodes (C. A.) Diseases of children. A manual for students and practitioners. 12°. Philadelphia, [1892]. Rilliet (F.) & Barthez (E.) Traitd clinique et pratique des maladies des enfants. 3. dd., eutierement refondne et considdrablement aug- inentde par E. Barthez et A. Sanue. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1884-91. ------------. The same. Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. Deutsch von G. Krupp. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1844. ------------. The same. 2. Aufl. Aus dem Frauzosiseheu iibertra<>en und mit Zusiitzen verseben von E. R. Hagen. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1855-6. Rosen von Rosenstein (N.) Underriittelse om barns sjukdomar och deras bote-medel. 3. upl. 8°. Stockholm, 1771. -----. The same. 4. upl. jemte ett bihang. 12°. Stockholm, 1828. -----. The same. Anweisung zur Kennt- niss und Cur der Kinderkrankheiten ; aus dem Schwedischeu ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen erliiutert von J. A. Murray. 12°. Gotha u. Got- tingen, 1766. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 12°. Gottingen it. Gotha, 1768. Children (Diseases of, Text-books and manuals of). -----. The same. Nebst Lebonsbeschrei- bung (les Hrn. Yorfassers. 3. vermehrte und ver- besserte Aufl. 12u. Cot tin gen u. Gotha, 1771. -----. The same. Neuestc Aufl. lvi'-'. Wien 1787. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. 12 •. Giitliniien 1798. ' ' -----■. The same. The diseases of children, and their remedies. Transl. into English by Andrew Sparrman. 8f. London, 1776. -----. Tbe same. Trattato delle malattie dei bambini. Trasportato dal tedesco con al- cune note da Giovanni Battista Palletta. 12°. Milano, 1780. -----. The same. 12°. Bassano, 1783. S (J.) Uaiduv roof/para, or children's diseases, both outward and inward, from the time of their birth to fourteen years of age; with their natures, causes, signs, presages and cures; in three books: 1., of external diseases; 2., of uni- versal diseases; 3., of inward diseases; also the resolutions of many profitable questions concern- ing children, and of nurses, and of nursing children. 16°. London, 1664. Sciinitzer (A.) A: Wolff (B.) Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. Nach Mittheilungeii bewiibrter Aerzte hrsg. von ... 2 v. 8°. Leip- zig, 1843. Schwechten ( E.) Die Kinderkrankheiten. Ein kurzes Lehrbuch fiir Studiererde mid Aerzte. 16°. Leipzig, 1894. Seitz ( C. ) Grundriss der Kinderheilkimde fiir praktische Aerzte und Studirende. 8°. Ber- lin, 1894. Semrle ([C. E.] A.) The diseases of children. A handbook for practitioners and students. 8°. New York Freeis de posologie infantile. 10°. Paris, 1*95. Pkrnet (J.) * De la balndation tiede dans quelques maladies aigues de l'enfaiicc. 1 . Lyon. 1*96. von Rosen (Ki-thiukah Pflege des kranken Kiudes. 12°. Wien, 1882. Riddock (E. H.) The diseases of infants and children and their homoeopathic and general treatment. 5. ed., revised and enlarged. 8 . London, 1886. Rummel (R. [A.]) Die Kraukheiten der Pe- rioden des kindlichen Lebensalters, Verbiitung und Behandlung derselben. Zum klinischen Gebrauche bearbeitet. 8°. Nen-Buppin, 1866. Rvnebkrg (L.) *0m behandlingen af inre barnsjukdornar. Studier vid stora barnhuset i Srecklolnt. 8C. Helsingfors, 1866. Sahtorius (E.) *Antipyrin iu der Kinder- praxis. 8°. Erlangen, 18S.5. Seifert (O.) Recepttaschenbucb fiir Kinder- Krankheiten. 12?. Wiesbaden, 1891. -----. The same. 2. uuveriinderte Aufl. 16°. Wiesbaden, 1*91. Shabanova (Anna N. ) K borbie s khroui- cheskimi nedugami dietel. [On the struggle with chronic ailments of children.] 16°. [St. Petersburg, 1897.] Siegel ( J. V. H.) * De cura neonatorum medica. 4-. Gotting a?-, [1782]. Also, transl. in: Weiz ( F. A.) Neue Ansz. [etc.J. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1783, xviii, 1-44. Silbekmann ( 0. ) Kecept-Taschenbuch fiir Kiniler-Krankheitcn. sm. 8°. Breslau, 18*4. -----. Tbe same. 2. Aufl. 16°. Breslau, 18-9. Strobelberger (J. S.) Brevissima mann- ductio ad curandos pueriles affectus ad praxin medicam accedentibns maxime nsni futura, et fidelissime communicata. 12 . Norimberga>, 1625. -----. The same. 12 . Lipsice, 1629. Ten(T.) Kiukisho nibo. [The therapeutics of diseases of children.] oblong 12°. [». p., n. d.] de Tolosa Latotjr (M.) Medicina d higiene de los ninos. 12°. Madrid, 1893. Touhtual (C. F.) Praktische Beitrage zur Therapie der Kinderkrankheiten. 2 v. 12°. Miinster, 1829-37. Tro'itski (I. V.) Dozirovka lekarstvennikh sredstv v dietskom vozrastie. [Doses of medi- cines during childhood.] 2 pts. 8U. Kiev, 1692-3. Repr. from: TJiiiv. Izviestiya, Kiev, 1892. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. ital. tli petliat., Napoli, 1893, xi, 1; 57. de Valcourt [E.-J.-T.] Les bains de mer en biver a Cannes pour les enfants. Le Congres de Copenhague. Les insanitds des quarantaines. 12-. Paris, 1885. Veillard (A.) Formulaire clinique ct thdra- peutique pour les maladies des enfants. 12°. Paris, 1887. Wenzel(C) Recepttaschenbucb fur das Ge- biet der Kinderkrankheiten. Nach den einzel- neu Kr-inkheitsformen, und insbesondere nach deu Heilanzei^en, nach dem jedesmaligen Stande utid den Stadien der Krankheiten u. s. w. geord- ne* und mit Aninerkungen versehen. 2 v. in 1. 12:. Erlangen, l~29-30. West (C.) How to nurse sick children ; in- tended especially as a help to the nurses at the Hospital for Sick Children (for the benefit of which institution it is published), but contain- ing directions which may be found of service to all who have the charge of the young. 3. ed. 16c. London, 1-64. children (Diseases of, Treatment of). -----. The same. 12 . New York, 1855. Wood (Catherine J.) A handbook for the nursing of sick children, with a few hints on their management. 16°. London, Paris, New York f Melbourne, 1889. de Abreu (B.) Indicacoes geraes da belladona na thcrapeutica int'aiitil. Brazil-med., Rio tie Jan., 1891. 13- 15.— Ai-aoz Alfaro (G.) Los trastornos gastrointesti- nales de. los ninos; su tratamiento en el consultorio del Hospital Sun Koque. An. tl. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1894, xvii, 161-169.—Arcliauibault. Finploi des veaicatoires chez les enfants. Progres nied., Par., 1882. x. 395; 415.— Irmaiiigaud. L'eertvre des hospices maritimes et les nouvelles fondations d'Arcachon et de Banyuls-sur-Mcr pour les enfants debiles, lymphati qucs et scrofuleux. Assoc. franc, pour ravnnce. tl. sc. C.-r., Par., 1887, xvi, pt, 2, 854-858. [Discussion], pt. 1, 330-332. — Ashby. On the use of antipyretics in the treatment of children. Verhandl. tl. x. internat. med. Cong., Berl., 1891, ii, 6. Abth., 1-7. — Baginsky (A.) Sc Droiikc. Beitrage zur Ernahriing kranlo r Kinder der vorgeschritteneren Altersstut'en. Arb. a. d. k.- u. k.- Friedrich-Kinderkrankeiih. in Berl., Stuttg., 1893. ii. 244- 328. Also: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1893^1. 388-472.— Baginsky (A.) Children (Diseases of, Treatment of). Wien. 1859-60, iii, 179-189.—da Paz (C.) Emprego das pivpaiacoes opiadas no tratamento das molestias dascrien- Cns. (Iaz. med. brazil., Rio de Jan.. 1882, i, 26; 63; 131.— peilei'sen (T. C.) Tlie basis of on<-twentieth ; a simple method of dose determination for children. X. York M. J., 1898. lxvii, 114 118— Peuzoldt ct Sartorins (E.) Antipyrin in der Kinderpraxis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884. xxi. 461. Als<>.- Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-mod. Soc. zu Erlang., J8.-3-4, 16. lift., 127. —l»ernles'(A.) Considera- t-iones generates acerca de la terapeutica en la infancia. Actus . . . Cong, ginec. espah.. Madrid, 1888, i, 46U-469.— Folitzer (L. ~S1.) Exspeetatives und actives Heilver- fahreu im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien. 1866, viii. 27: on. —Pott (P.) Ueber den therapoutisclien Werth deiCoca-I'iaparateim Kindesalter. Ibid., 1886, n. F., xxiv, 73-77.—Poll (1!.) .V Thomas. TJeber den Werth der Autipyrese hei den Iiifectionskrankheiten. Verhandl. d. Versainnil. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Natuif. u. Aerzte 1888, Dresd., 1889, vi, 59- 72. — Reilter (C.) Ueber die Ver wend ung von ''Mattoni's Mon-Kxtracten " (Moorlaugo und Moorsalzi in der Kinderpraxis. Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 205-207.—Rev (J. G.) Erfahrungen iiber die Anwendung des Tannalbin in der Kinderpraxis. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1897, xxiii, 46-48.—Ttonth (C. H. F.) On the nature and treatment of some inflammatory affections in children and their seipielie; acliuical lecture delivered at.the Samaritan Free Hospital, June, 1861. Med. Circ. Lond., 1862, xx, 329; 346. Also, Reprint.—Kagretli ((.'.) La cura idro- elettriea in alcune malattie dell infanzia. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1893, xix, 401-41U — Nehcpclcrn. Sur le traite nii'Dt des maladies ehroniiiues de 1 enfance dans les ho- pitaux luaritimes. Cong, period, internat. tl. sc. med. C.-r. 1884. Copenh., 1886. iii. sect, de pediat., 50-62.— Sclion - lindnicwski. TJeber den therapeutisehen Wei tli des X'osophens und seiner Salze Antinosin und Eudoxiu in der Kinderlieilkunde. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 1416-1420.—Seibert (A.) The use of alco- hol in the treatment of the diseases of children. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 189(1, vii, 941-944. [Discussion], 946-950. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat Soc. ls'.ili. [Phila.], 1891, ii, 148-151. ----. The use of alcohol in sick children. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1895, xii, 332-339.—Sejonrnet. De l'inrhiencede l'allaiteinent naturel dans le tiaitemeut ties maladies des enfants en has :i^e. Bull. gen. dethetap. [etc], Par., 1885, cix, 22-40.—Semehenko (D. (i.) Kokain v dietskoi praktikie. Vrach. St. Petersb., 1885. vi, 103.—!*evc8trc. Prophylaxie des maladies contagieuses de l'enfance. Pro- gres nied., Par., 1889. 2. s., x, 565: 1890, 2. ».. xi, 2—Simon (J.) Therapeutique infantile. Progres med.. Par., 1879- 81, vii-ix. passim. -----. De l'emploi de l'alcool chez les enfants. Ibid., 1881, ix, 747; 765; 785. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Si Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xlv, 561- 566. ----. Le fer cbez les enfants. Progres nied., Par., 1883, xi, 255; 283. -----. Du traitement hydro-mineral et des hains de mer chez les enfants. [Rap.] Cong, inter- nat. d'hydrol. et tie climatol. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890, ii, 138- 159.—Smith (I. L.) Hindrances to the successful treat- ment of the diseases of infancy and childhood. Tr. N. York M. Ass.. 1896. xiii, 94-99. — Starr (L. ) Massage in paediatrics. Ann. Gynaec A: Paediat., Phila., 1889-90, iii, 665: 1890-91. iv, 47.—Sullivan (D. E.) The preven- tion of infantile diseases. Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1896, ix, 596-599.—Szego (K.) Agyermekgvogyaszat halad&sa. [The progress of infantile therapy-.] ' Gvogyaszat. Buda- pest, 1896, xxxvi, 294: 318; 330: 354: 36(i;-39o'.—Thierce- lin (E.) Traitement des in led ions de l'enfant par lexpo- Bition kfair. Bev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1897, lxiv, 838-840. — de Tolosa I.atonr « M. i Determinacion de los peligros de alguuas medicacioues activas en los nilio.s. Actas . . . Cong, ginec espafi., Madrid, 1888, i, 474-478.— Tremols (J. A.) La medicacion vomitiva en el trata- miento de las enfermedades de, los ninos. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana. 1887. xiii. 73-77. -----. Modo de adminis- trar laquinina & los niiios. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1896, xi, 53.—Troitzk j (J. W.) Aeusserlicher (iatralep- tischer) Weg des Einfiihrens von Chinin in der Kinder- praxis. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1892-3, xv, 91-101.— Van Bann ( W. W.) The treatment of endocardial complications in the diseases of children. Hahneman. Month., Phila.. 1890, xxv, 541-545. Also, Reprint.—Vidal Solarcs (F.) Aplicaciones del suero flsiologieo equino en el tratamiento de algunas enfermedades de la infancia. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1897, x, 617-629. Also: Ciencia mod., Madrid, 1897, iv, 472-474.— Watson (W. P.) The thciapeuties of high temperatures in young children. Arch. Pediat.. Phila., 1885, ii, 539-552. Also, Reprint — iVciws i[.) Die Anwendung und der Heilwert des Na- trium 8alicyliciim gegen einige fieberhafte Erkrankungen des Kindesalters. Pest. med. chir. Presse, Budapest, 1880, xvi. 165; 185. - Wile (W. (.'.) Sulphoual in the diseases of children. X. Eng. M. Month.. Danbury, Conn., 1889-90, ix, 444. - Winters (J. E. ) The use of alcohol in the treatment of the diseases of children. Tr. Am. Pediat. ooc. 1891), [Phila.], 1891. ii, 152-158— Wolleinii.-inii (A. »•) Prophylaxis in infectious diseases of children. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxiv, 257-263.—Wjinan Children (Diseases of Treatment of). (H.C.) Diastasie food in the treatment of chronic diseases and deformities of the. boues of children. Cincin. M News, 1889, xxii, 361-364. Also, Reprint. — Yaknborich (V! F.) O vliyanii antipirina na temperaturii i metaiiioifoz dietel likhoradyashtshikh i zdorovikh. [On the effect of antipyrin on the temperature and metamorphosis of fever- ish and healthy children.] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.- Peterb. (1884-5), 1886, Hi, pt. 2, 233-237. Also [with addi- tions] : Russk. med., St. Petersb.,1885. x,399; 419; 431. Also, transl.: Jahrb. f.Kinderh., Leipz., 1885, n.F., xxiii,373-387. Children (Education and training of). Baldwin (J.-M.) Le ddveloppeinent mental chez lYnfant ct dans la race. Traduit do l'an- glais par M. Nourrv, cf precede" d'une preface de M. Leon Marillier.* 8J. Paris, 1897. Ballantyne (J. \V.) The dawn of the intel- lect in the young child. 16°. Edinburgh, 1890. Blanc (A.-L.) * Considdrations me'dico-phi- losophiqnes sur quelques points de l'6ducation des enfants. 4°. Montpellier, 1*69. Ciiavakse (P. H.) The mental culture and training of children. 1'2C. Philadelphia, [1880]. Dklasiauve. Nature et degre" de l'enseigne- nient qu'il convicnt de donner dans les 6coles priniaires. Is . Paris, 1^ID. Fkrraud (L.-J.-B.) * Contribution a l'6tude de certains dtats pathologiques ayant uue influ- ence sur le developpement intellectuel des en- fants en cours d'education. 4°. Bordeaux, 18l02. FowtEit (L. X.) How to train up a child. 12°. [London, 1864.] Gkinevski(A.) K voprosu o fizicheskom vos- pitanii dietei. [On the pliysical education of children.] 8°. Odessa, 1892. Herzog ( H. ) & Schiller ( K. ) Das Kind. Anleitungen zur rationellen physischen Erzie- hungsweise und Winke zur Entfaltung des See- lenlebeus der Kinder. Fiir Mutter und ihre erziehenden Stellvertreterinnen. 8'-\ Pest, Wien .)'' Leipzig, 1*68. Huartes (J.) Examen de ingeuios para las ciencias en el qual el lector hallara la inanera de su ingenio, para escoger la ciencia en (pie ruas ha de aprovechar, y la difereucia de habilidades que ay en los hombres, y el genero de letras, y artes que a cada uno responde en paiticttlar. Agora nnevaniente emendado por elmismo antor, y afiadidas niuclias cosas curiosas, v provechosas. 8C. Madrid, 166*. -----. The same. Examen de ingeuios: or the tryal of wits. Discovering the great differ- ence of wits among men, and what sort of learn- ing suits best with each genius. Made English from the best edition by [Edwd.] Bellamy. 8'-]. London, 16,98. Lesshaft ( P. ) De l'cducation de l'enfant dans la famille ct de sa signification. 8\ Paris, 1894. [Trans, from the Russian.] Madden (T. M.) On child-culture; mental, moral, and physical. 2. ed. 1(>°. Dublin, l**b. Moore (Kathleen C.) The mental develop- ment of a child. *c. New York f London, 189<>. Suppl. to: Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Loud., 1896. Odille (C.-P.-C.) * Essai sur l'education des enfans. 4°. Strasbourg, 1830. PEREZ (B.) La psychologic dc l'enfant. L'en- fant de trois a sept ans. 8 . Paris, 18*6. [Pereilyeff (M.)] Chto tako.ve tlicti, trud- ulya v vospitatelnom otnoshenii '. [ What is meant by children difficult to educate?] 12c. [n. p., n. d.] SiKORSKl (I. A.) Vospitani'e v vozrastie pcr- vavo dielstva. [Education in early childhood.] 12°. S. Peteiburg, [1884]. Sommer (J. (I.) Kurtze Anleitung zurchrist- licben Kinder-Zncht, in gewisse Regulen gefas- set. 16°. Jena, 1G76. CHILDREN. 444 CHILDREN. Children (Education and training of). Tranensis (P.) Libellus de ingentiis puero- rum et adolescentum moribus . . . feliciter inci- pit. 4 ■■. [Farrariw, 1496.] United Industrial Schools of Edinburgh. An- nual report of the committee and report of pro- ceedings at general meeting of subscribers. 2., 1849. .^. Edinburgh, 1850. Rcrillon (E.) De la suggestion et de ses applications a la pedagogic. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1887, xvi, pt. 2, 1010-1020. [ Discussion 1, pt. 1, 377- 380.—Blocimaainl. Verhandeling over tie vraage: Hoe moet men het verstaud, eu het hart van een kind bestieren, om het, ten eenigen tyde, een nuttig en gelukkig meusch te doen worden? Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Hollaud.Maat- sch., d. Weeteiisch. te Haarlem. 1767, ix, pt. 2, 1-120.— Chatelain (H. A.) Antwoord op de vraag, voorgesteld door de Hollandscbe Maatschappy der Weetenschappen, te Haarlem: Hoe moet men het verstand, en het hart van een kind bestieren, om het, ten eenigen tyde, een nuttig en gelukkig mensch te doen worden? Ibid., 1-304.—Eb- bingham* (H.) Ueber eine neue Methode zur Priifung geistiger Fahigkeiten und ihre Anwendung bei Scbulkin- dern. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896-7,xiii, 401-459. Also, transl.: Rev. scient., Par., 1897, 4. s., viii, 424-430.—Ebcr (H.) Zur Kritik tier Kinderpsychologie, mit Rucksicht auf neuere Arbeiten. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1896, xii, 587-628.—Formey (S.) Ver- handeling over de zedelyke opvoeding der kinderen. Ver- handel. uitgeg. tl. tie Holland. Maatsch. tl. Weeteusch. te Haarlem, 1767, ix, pt. 1, 1-548.—Franz (S. I.) & Hous- ton (H. E.) The accuracy of observation and of recol- lection in school children. 'Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1896, iii, 531-535.—Hulshoflf (A.) Verhandeling over de zedelyke opvoeding, aan de Holl. Maatsch. der Weetensch.; ter beantwoording der vraag: Hoe moet men het verstand en het hai t van een kind bestuuren, om het, te eeniger tyd, een gelukkig en nuttig mensch te doen worden? Ver- handel. uitgeg. tl. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weeteusch. te Haarlem, 1767, ix, pt. 2, 1-120.—Jenkins (W. G.) The psychology ol' childhood. Am. Anu. Deaf, Wash., 1895, xl, 249-256.—Leash n ft (P. F.) O nakazanivakh v semye i ikh vliyanii na razville tipa rebyonka. [On punishments in the family and their influence on the development of the type of the child.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v S.-Pe- terb., 1883-4, li, no. 1. 47-56.—I^cwis (Harriet M.) Child study. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1895-6, 412-422.— I.iegcn (Over het) bij kinderen. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, f883, xxxvii, nos. 15-17.—Lombroso (P.) Die Launeu der Kinder. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg., 1895, xx, 290-295.— lTIarion (H.) Les mouvements de l'enfant au premier- Age; premiers progres de la volonte. Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xlv, 769-777.—Mikhailoff (I.) O fizicheskom vo- spitanii dietel do rozhdeniya i nkhodle za novorozhden- nini. [Physical educatiou of children from birth and the care for the new born.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Viatki. 1890-91,no.l,4-14.—lTIunz(H.) Lalogiquedel'en- fant. [Transl.] Rev. pliil.. Par., 1896, xiii, 46-54— Obici (G.) Piccolo anime. Roll. tl. manic, prov. tli Ferrara, 1896, xxiii, no. 5-6, 1-7.—Oriclgn (P.) Ueber Kinderpsycholo- gie. Bl. f. Taubst.-Bild.,Berl.,1898, xi, 24-26.—Oltuwzcw- ski. Die geistige und sprachliche Entwickelung des Kin- des. Med.-pada^og.Monatschr., Perl., 1896,197; 257. Also, Reprint. — Oppenheiin (N\) Notes on the psychology of children. Babyhood, N. V., 1897, xiii, 96-98.— Orloir ( D.) Ob uchastii zemstva v vospitanii dietel. [On the part of the zemstvo in the education of children.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1881, vi, 2229-2232.—van der Palm (K.) Verhandeling over devra«g: Hoe moet men het ver- standt, en bet hart van een kindt bestieren, om het, teeeni- ger tydt. een gelukkig en nuttig nienst-h te doen worden ? Verhandel. uitgeg. d. tie Holland. ?d aatseh. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1767, ix, pt. 2, 1-194.—Freyer. La p-ychologie de, l'eufant. Rev. scient., Par.; 1896, 4. s., vi* 616-622. -----. Farbenunterscbeidung und Abstraction in der ersten Kindheit. Ztschr. f. Psychol, n. Physiol, d. Sinnes- org., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1897, xiv, 321-328.—Reponse k la la question propos6e par la Societ6 de, Haarlem: Comment ou doit gouveiner l'espiit et le coeur d'un enfant, pour le faire parvenir uu jour k l'etat (l'homme heureux et utile? Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1767, ix, pt. 1, 1-548.—Schneck (J.) Some common errors in the physical training, education, and dress of gills Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1892, xiii, 422-449.—Scripture (E. W.) Untersuchungen iiber die geistige Kntwickehing der Schu kinder. Zt-chr. f. Psy- chol, u. Physiol, d. .Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1896, x, 161-182— Shaw (E. K.) Tbe employment of tbe motor activities in teaching. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1896-7, 1, 56-67 —Nozinwhey (T. S.) Mental aspects of infantile unfohlineut. Mul. Sz Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 309-313. -----. Physical aspects of infantile iinfoldment. Ibid., 256-260.—Voorhees iG. V.) The training of chil- dren. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit. 1892, xvi, 173-177.— W. (H. C.) Notes on child psychology. Am. Naturalist. Children (Education and training of). Phila., lr-97, xxxi. 455-460.—Witmcr (L.) Prnrt'ical work in psychology. Pediatrics, N. Y. &. Loud., 1896, ii, 462-471. Children (Employment of). GlLLKT. Qnelques reflexions sur I'cinploi des enfans dans les fabriiiues et sur les moyens d'en pr6venir les abus. 8''. Paris, 1837. -----. The same, H. Paris, IH.40. Great Britain. Parliament. Commission on the employment of children, young persons, ami women in agriculture. Reports of the commis- sioners (I.-III.), with appendices, fol. London 1868-10. -----. Children's employment commission (1862). Fifth report of the commissioners, with appendix, fol. London, 1866. -----. Shop hours regulation. A hill in- tituled An act to limit the hours of labour of children and young persons in shops, fol. [Lon- dou, 1886.] Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Shop hours regulations. A hill [as amended by the select committee] to limit Ihe hours of labour of children and young persons in shops, fol. [London, 1^(>.] Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. A bill [as amended on report] intituled An mt to limit tbe hours of labor for children and young persons in shops. 19th June, 188(>. fol, [London, 1886.] Italy. Ministero di agricoltura, industria e commercio. Divisioiie indusirie e commerci. An- nali dell' industria e del commercio lrirt4. Dis- posizioni sul lavoro dei fanciulli. Relazione e progetto di legge presentati al Senate del mi- nistro di agricultura, industria e commercio (Berti) nella tornata del 31 gennaio 1*84. *J. Boma, 1884. Roth (M.) On the causes of the great mortal- ity of children in manufacturing towns, and on the means of diminishing them. *.°. London, 1867. United States. Congress. Joint resolution providing for an investigation relative to the work and wages of women aud children. C>3. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 04. Dec. 6, 1893. Introd. by Mr. McGaun. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1893.] -----. The same. Reported Feb. *, 1894. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] '-----. The same. In S. Read twice and re- ferred, July 6,1894. roy. 8l . [ Washington, 1894.] Wolowski [L.-F.-M.-R.] Le travail des en- fants dans les manufactures. 8°. Ports, 1868. liepr.from: Bull. Soc. de protection des apprentis ct des enfants des manufactures. Bremontl (F.) Le travail des enfants en Suede. J. d'hyg.. Par.. 1884, ix, 241. — d'Eichthnl (E.) Les loia sur'le travail des enfants dans les manufactures. Kev. tl. deux iiiondes, Par., 1872, c, 415-438. Also, Kepi-nit.- [ France. 1 Loi sur le travail des enfants, (les nllea mineures et des femmes dans les etablisseinents industri- es tlu 2 noveinbre 1892. Veroffentl. (1. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Ber., 1893, xvii, 473-476. — van Hontcn (S.) TJeber gesetzlicho Maassregeln gegen vorzeitige Kinderarheit. Protection de l'enfance contre le travail premature. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. med. C. r. 1879, Amst., 1880, vi, 102-112.—Jacobi (A.) American child-labour laws. Tr. vii. Intern.t. Cong. Hyg. & Demog., Lond., 1892, iv, 57-66. — Kiittnitz [et al.]. Die Ueberbiirduug tier Ar- beiterinnen und Kinder in Fabriken; auf Gruud ihrer der hygienischen Section der 58. Versammlung deutscher Na- tuiforscher und Aerzte in Strassburg erstatteten Bencbte. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. (isudhtspflg., Brnschwg., 188b, xviii. 115-141. — Molinier. Travail ties enfants dans l'industrie a Toulouse. Kev. med. tie Toulouse, 1*8", xxi, 449-155.—IVanta* (H.l Dispositions prises thins hs (til- fereni s pays de 1'Europe pour protegor la sante des enfants travailhint cans l'industrie. Bull.So■•. de med.pub., Par-, 1880, iii. 280-295. Also .- Kev. d'livg , Par., 1*80, h. 6n8-(>^. Also, Keprint.—Pouchet (G.i Emploi des enfants au bronznge des elironiolithogriiphies. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 18*7, Par., 1888, xvn, 210- CHILDREN. 445 CHILDREN, Children (Employment of). •)U — Begulaeao do trabalho dos menores na indus- tria- projecto de'lei apresentado & camara dos senbores Hemitalos em 11 de julho de 1885. J. Soc. d. sc. med. deLisb., 1885, xlix, 264: 369. —Roberts (0. ) The phy- sical requirements of factory children. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1876, xxxix, 681-733.—von Schciickencloiir (E.) Was wollen die Hestrebungeii fiir Knaben-JJandarbeit I Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1891, x. 129-135.— Trabalho (O) dos menores na industria. Gaz. metl. de Lisb 18-1,5. s.,i, 165; 177; 189; 291; 213; 225: 237: 1882, 5 s ii, 36; 49; 61; 91 ; 97.—Tremenheere (S.) The ex- tension of the factory acts: I. Factory schools, and edu- cation under the print-works' act. II. The children's cm- nlovment commission. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1865, Lond., 1866, 291-301. [Discussion], 362-368.—MiI- §on (J-l The extension of the- factory acts to other industrial occupations. Ibid., 302-308. [DiscussionJ, 362-368. Children (Growth and development of)- See, also, Children (Education, etc., of); Chil- dren (Nutrition of). Gardner (A. K.) Our children; their physi- cal and mental development. 6C. Hartford, Conn., 1872. Grats'Ianoff (N. A.) * Materiali dlya izuche- niyafizicheskavo razvitiya dletskavo i yuuoshes- kavo vozrastov v zavisimosti ot naslledstven- nosti i uspieshnosti v shkolnikli zanyatiyakh. Po nahlyudeuiyaui, sdielanniin v g. Arzaniasfe, Nizhegorodskoi gubernii. [Data for the study of the physical development in childhood and youth, as depending upon heredity and success in school work. After observations made in Arzamas, government of Nizhnee- Novgorod. ] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1.889. Hinds (CH.) Child growth. 8°. [ Wash- ington], 18c6. Lange (V.) Om en .hyppig forekoniruende Aarsag til B0rns langsornnie og mangelfulde aandelige Udvikling. [On a frequent cause of slow and defective development of children.] 8°. Kftbenhavn, 1892. Levrat (F.-M.-P.) alne". De l'iufluence de l'allaitement maternel et de l'e'ducation en com- muu snr le d6veloppeinent dea faculte"s physi- ques, morales et intellectuelles de l'enfant. 8°. Lyon, 1843. Malllng- Hansen (R. ) Ueber Periodicitat im Gewicht der Kinder, an taglicheuWagungen. Fragment I. 8". Kopenhagen, 1883. Martel (M.-A.-C.-P.) * Etude des influences exercecs sur le developpement de l'enfant par les maladies infect ieuses de la mere pendant la grossesse. 8-'. Paris, 1*96. Potel (M.) *De l'accroissenient en poids des enfants nes avant terme. 4°. Paris, 1895. Simonovitch (J.) Sravuenie periodov indi- vidualnavo razvitiya rebyonka s epokhami che- loviechestva. [Comparison of periods of indi- vidual development of the child with the epochs of human development.] b°. S.-Peterburg, 1*84. Bieilert (P.) Zur Beurtheilnng der Wagungsresul- tatebci Siiu^lingen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1882, n. V., xix, 2,5-291. — Boas (F.) The growth of children. Science. N. Y., 1892. xix. 256: 281: xx, 351. -----. On Dr. William Townsend Poiter's investigation of the growth of the school children at St. Louis. Ibid., N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1895, n. s.. i, 225-230. Also, transl.: Cor.-151. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., .Miinchen, 1895, xxvi, 41- 46- ----. The growth of first-born children. Science. N. Y & Lancaster, Pa., 1895, n. s., i, 402-404. -----. The growth of children. Ibid., 1897, n. s., v, 570-573. Also, Re- print. — Bowditch (H. P.) The growth of children, studied by Galton's met hod of percentile grades. Kep. Bd. Health Mass.. Post., 1891, xxii, 479-522. Also [ Abstr. ]: Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong., Berl., 1891, ii, 2. Abth., 8—British Medical Association ; report of com- mittee on the mental and physical conditions of chil- dren. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 213.—Carlier (G.) hecherchesanthropometriques snr lacroissance: influence (le l'livgiene et des exerciees physiques. (10.497 observa- tions, pesees, mensurations du "perimetre thoraciquo et •le la taille faites dans Its eeoles d'enfants de troupe de Montreuil et de Saiut-Hippolvte en 1886-87-88-89 et 90.) Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1S89-93, 2. s., rv, 265-346, 11 Children (Grotvth and development of). tab.—Carstiidt ( F.) Ueber das Waehstum der Kna- ben vom 6. his aim 16. Lcbi-.nsjab.re. Ztschr. f. Scbul- gsndhtspflir., Hamb., 1888, i. 65-69.—4'lou»lon (T. S.) The growth and development of a child in body and mind. I'alinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1884. 4. s., 21- 48.— Dana (C. L.) On the growth of the infant. Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. N. V. Post Grad. M. School & Hosp., JST. Y,, 1886-7, ii, 27-29. — Holmes (I?.) A study of child growth ; being a review of the woik of Dr. William Townsend Por- ter, of St. Louis. N. York M. J., 1894, lx. 417-423.—Kos- mowKlii ( W. ) Ueber Gewicht und Wuchs der Kinder der Arnicu in Waiscbau. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1894 xxxix, 70-76. — Lam- (W. A.) Some of the laws which influence tho growth of the child. Tr. vii. Internal Ccui" Hyg. & Demog. 1891,Lond., 1892,iv, 103-109.— .Hacrionalti (A.) Public school children : measurements now being made to determine their phvsical condition. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1893, 355-357. — PTIatvcycvn (VIera G.) Fizicheskoye ra/.vitie dietel Petersburgkikh gorodskikh shkol. [I'lnsical development of the children of the St. Petersburg public schools.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 918; 941.— VI iii hull off (I.) K voprosu o fizi- cheskom razvitii dietel. [On the pliysical development of children.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Viatki, 1888-9, no. 1, 2-10.—Monti. Uebersichtliche Zusammeiistellung der Wachsthumsverhaltnisse der Kinder. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1888-9, x, 401-429.—rVesteroff(W.) Ueber die physische Entwickelung der Sclinlkinder und die kor- perlichenUebungeiiin denSchulen. Ztschr. f. Schulgsud- htspflg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, ix, 129-139. — Peckham (G.W.) The growth of children. Rep. Bd. Health Wiscon- sin 1881, Madison. 1882, vi, pt. 2, 28-73, 12 diag. Also, Re- print.—Pinard (A.) A propos du developpement do l'en- fant. Rev. scient, Par., 1896, 4. s., v, 109-111.—Porter (W. T.) On the application to individual school children of the mean values derived from anthropological measure- ments hy the generalizing method. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1892-3, n. s., iii, 576-587. Also: Bull, de l'lnst, internat. de statist., Rome, 1895, viii, 279-281. -----. The growth of St. Louis children. Tr. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, 1893- 4, vi. 263-380, 46 ch. -----. The physical basis of precocity and dulness. Ibid., 160-181, 2 tab. —«----. The relation's between the growth of children and their deviation from the pliysical type of their sex and age. Ibid., 243-250, 1 tab. -----. Untersuchungen der Schulkinder in Bezug auf tlie physischeu Gruudlagen ihrer geistlichen Entwicke- lung. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1893, 337-355. -----. The growth of St. Louis children. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1894-5, n. s., iv, 28-34. -----. The use of authropometrical measurements in schools. Educat. Rev., X. Y., 1896, xi, 126-133. — Rojo Pricto (C.) Paralelos entre los niiios de las altas esferas sociales y los niiios pobres. Bol. tl. Dispens. y Hosp. de Niiios probres de Barcel., 1895. v, 440; 465. — Sack (N.) Ueber die kiirperliche Entwicklung tier Knaben in den Mittel- schulen Moskaus. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtsptlg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1893, vi, 649-663.—Schmid - lTIonnard. Ueber den Einfluss der Jahreszeit und der Scb ule auf das Wachs- tlium der Kinder. Verhaudl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1834, Wiesb.. 1^95, \i. 25ti.—Smith (Charlotte). Mental evolution and pliysical development; a plea for more recreation and systematized exercise in girls' schools. Med. Mag., Lond., 1892-3, i, 929-943.—Siiioronintscff (A. I.) K voprosu o fizicheskom razvitii shkolnikli dietel. (Sur le (level ppe- nieut physique des enfants frequent ant les eeoles.) Zapi.sk i Uralsk.'med. Obsh. vg. Ekatei■inburge. Perm, 1894, iii, pt. 2, 31-68, 7 diag. — Stephenwon (W.I On the rate of growth in children. Tr. ix. Internat. M. Gong., Wash.. 1887, iii. 446-452. -Tc/ysilioff (N ) Fizicheskoye raz- vitie uchenikov zemskikli shkol Yelisavetgradskavo uye- zda. [Physical development of the public school pupils of Yclisavetgrad County. | Vestnik obsh.. hig. sudeb. i pr.ikt. med., St. Petersb.. 1896, xxix, 2. sect., 121-138.— TowiiNenri ( C. YV. ) S.....e statistics on weight of infants, sex and fetal heart-rate. Posfon M. 9.—I.rnle (CA.) Seaside, hospitals for sick children. Tr. N.York' M. Ass. 188S, Concord, N. IL, IKS'.i, v, 474-1*6.— Mar- jolin. Note sur les ameliorations a introdiiire duns lea hopit nix d'enfants. Bull. Acad, de nied., Pur., 1882 '' s xi, 969-991.—lUnsatti (C.) Les creches. Inst, san oil Italic, Milan, 1885, 215-220.—IVapias (H.) L'hygiene des creches. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1891, xiii, 907-953. ' Also, Ke- print. -----. Nouvelle note sur l'hygiene des creches. Ibid., 1895, xvii, 965-985.—Neumann (II.) Einriclitmig der Poliklinik. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttir.. 1897, xxxiv, 1-8.—rVigg (Marianne). Ueber die Notliwendigkcit der Reconvaiescentenhiiuser fiir Kinder. Tr. vii. Internat Cong. Hyg. & Demog , Lond., 1892, iv. 186-191.—Ord (\v! W.) The utility, peculiarities, and special needs of hos- pitals for children. Hosp., dispens, & nursing. Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.l 1893, Bait. Sz Lond., 1894, 363-372— Pa- gliani (L.) Un nuovo banco per gli asili d' infanzia. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1881, iii, 865-874,-B'ip. pingskbld (J.) Annu nUgol om barnas\ler. [ (J m 1 - ques mots de supplement a la discussion des asiles d'al- laitement.] Finska liik.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1881, xxiii, 408; 412. — BaiichliiMM (('.) Sur l'iniportiuicc de la policlinique peUiatriquo (dispensaire pour enfants malades) pour la propagation des notions d'hygiene parmi le people. Cong, pel iod. internat. tl. sc. med. C-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iii, Sect, de pediat., 3-12.—U Helm a mi (J.) Ueber Anstalten uod Einrichtungen zur Pflege uu- bemittelter scrofiiloserund sehwiichlicher Kinder, iusbe- sondere iiber Seehospize, Soolbaderheilstatteii, landl che Sauatorien, Reconvalesceuzhiiuser und Feriencolonien. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. Gsudhtspfli.. Brnschwg., 1880, xii, 697-742. Also, transl: Rev. tie med., I'ar., 1884, iv, 572-001. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber die Ki sultate tier Kinder- heilstatten in Soolbiidern. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 572; 589.—Vallin (E.) De l'isolement et de la desinfection dans les hopitaux d'enfants. Bev. d'hyg., Par., 1889, xi, 193-203 —Variot (G.) Apercu his- torique de 1'hospitalisation infantile en Angletcrrc; lea r6formes de l'hospitalisation infantile k Paris. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1897, v, 501-505.—Yei pileguiitf (Zur) von Kindern in Kinderpflegeanstahcn ( H'aisrnhsiu- sem etc.). Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1888-9, x. 161-211.— Vcrrier (E.) La medecine et la chirurgie dans les ho- pitaux; de la reforme des hopitaux d'enfants; necessite de la creiitiond'un dispensaire pour les enfants. Medecin prat, Par., 1882, iii, 229-237.—Voitnricz. La contagion daus les hopitaux d'enfants. J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1*8!), i, 562-567. — Woronichin (N\) Eine Notiz zur Gc- schichto der Kinderheilanstalten. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1886, n. F., xxv, 126-128. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. See, also, Blind, Deaf-mutes, Asylums, etc., for; Foundlings, etc ; Hospitals (Orthopaedic); Idiots (Asylums for); Tuberculosis (Hospitals for); Rickets (Hospitals, etc., for). ABERDEEN. Aberdeen Hospital for Sick Children. Con- stitution and rules. 8°. Aberdeen, 1S77. -----. Annual reports of the directors to the subscribers. 1.-17., 1877-93. 8-'. Aberdeen, 1878-94. ALBA. Ospizio delle povere figlie della citta di Alha. Regolamento di auiruiuistrazione e servizio in- ferno del pio istituto denominate) Ospizio delle povere figlie eretto in Alba. 8C. Alba, 1891. ----—. Statuto organico. *■ . Alba, 1891. Eicoveko dei poveri giovani abbandonati eretto iu Alba. Regolamento di amministra- zione e servizio interuo del pio istituto denomi- nate ... 8°. Alba, 1891. -----. Statuto organico. 8j. Alba, 1891. CHILDREN. 447 CHILDREN, Child!'***1 (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. ALBANY. Asyum for Orphan and Destitute Children, All>a»v, N. Y. Annual report of the managers to thc'society. 3., 1832. >°. Albany, 1833. Child's Hospital, Albany. Annual reports of the managers to the subscribers and the public. 1.-6., 1875-6 to 1880-81; 9., 188:5-4. 16°. Albany, 18715-'-."). ALESSANDRIA. Ospedaletto infantile di Alessandria. Sta- tuto organico. 12°. Alessandria, 1892. AMSTERDAM. Kindek-Ziekexiu'Is te Aiustertlain. Jaar- verslagen. 1.-32., 1865-96. 8:. Amsterdam, 1866-97. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See, in this list, Budapest; Prague; Vienna. BALDWINSVILLE. Hospital Cottages for Children, at Baldwins- ville, Muss. [Circular of the board of trustees, announcing itsopening and objects.] *-. [Wor- cester, 18821] -----. Annual reports of the trustees and superintendent to the corporation. 4.-15., l*.-5-G toly96-7. 8°. Fitchhurg4-Baldiciusrille, 1886-97. -----. Report of the supcrintendeut to the trustees, Oct. '24. 1888. Cutting from: Fitchburg Sentinel, Nov. 16, 1888. -----. Aii appeal [of the committee to the public for pecuniary aid]. 8~. [Boston, n. d.] BALTIMORE. Baltimore Orphan Asylum. Aunual reports of the board of managers to the subscribers. 7*.. 1*75-6; 80., 1*78-9; 82.. 18-0-81. 8-. Balti- more, 1870-81. Heiskew Orphau Asylum of Baltimore. Pro- ceedings of the annual meetings [being the an- nual reports]. 8., 1879--0; 11.-13., 1-82-3 to 18-1-5: 15.-17., 1886-7 to 18-8-9. *'->. Balti- more, 1—0--9. Thomas Wilsox Sanitarium for Children of Baltimore City. [ Circular announcing the opening of the sanitarium on Juue 16, 1884, and request to gentlemen to make the cliarity known to those for whose benefit it is designed.] June 10, 1—4.] 4°. [Baltimore, 1884.] ----. The same. Juue 14, 1—4. 4°. [Baltimore, 18-4.] -----. Annual reports of the trustees and physician in charge. 5.-13., 1884-92. 8. Bal- timore, 1885-93. -----. Advice for the care of infants during the hot season. 12c. [Baltimore, 1*93.] -----. General rules for nurses. Hanging card. [Baltimore, n. d.] -----. Rules, fol. card. [Baltimore, n. d.] -----. Rules for cottagers. Hanging card. [Baltimore, n. d.] -----. Rules for employees. Hanging card. [Baltimore, n. d.] -----. ^Yho can be received and how to ob- tain tickets. Hanging card. [Baltimore, n. d.] Woman's and Child's Hospital and Dispensary of the Woman's Medical College of Baltimore. Annual reports of the medical officers. 1., 1882; L, 1^3. 8J. Baltimore, le83-4. BARCELONA. Mora no (M.) Dispeusario y hospital de ninos pobrea 555^-63'0na- AlCh'- y pediat., Barcel., 1894, vii. BASEL. Fahm (J.) * Hausinfectionen im Kinder- spitale zu Basel. 8°. Stans, 1887. hi I (Ire 11 (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. BASEL—continued. Kinderspital in Basel. Jahresberiehte. 1.- 34., l-<)2-9li. Erstattet von E. Hagenbach- Burckhardt und Assistenzarzte. 8°. Basel, 1864-97. ------. Berichte und Rcchnuug des Kinder- spit als iu Basel von den Jahren 1875-96. 4°. [Basel, 1876-97.] ------. Das Kinderspital in Basel 18(52-93. Bericht iiber den Gang der Anstalt stir der Griindung, erstattet von Dr. Ed. Hagenbach- Burckhardt, Oberarzt. 8°. Basel, 1894. BECKENHAM. Saint Agatha's Home for Invalid Children, Beckenham. Annual report of the committee for the year 1883. 8°. [St. Dunstan's Hill, E. C, 18*4.] * ------. Prospectus, rules, and regulations. 8~. London, 1*83. BELGIUM. Sec, in this list, Liege. BERLIN. Kaiseu und Kr.iserin Friedrich-Kinder-Kran- kenhatts in Berlin. Berichte. 2., 1891-2; 4., 1894. 8. Bet Un, 1893-5. BaiiiiiNky (A.) Das Kaiser-und Kaisei in Friedrich- Krankenhaus in Berlin. Atti d. xi Cong. nied. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, pediat., 67-9!). — Rousnou (S.) lie qua- rantaine-.itdeeling van het Kaiser und Kaiseriu Friedrich Kinderkrankenhaus te Berlijn. Med. Weekhl.. Amst., 1895-6, ii, 538. — Miiiiyliinjwu'.yle und Saiiiilingskran- kenhauser in Berlin. Berl. Aerzte-Coi resje. 1807, ii, 81.— Schmieden Sz Speer. Das Kaiser-und Kaisei in-Fried- rich - Kinderkraiikenhaus iu Berlin. Arch. f. Kinderh.- Stuttg-, 1891, xiii, 251-269. Also: Arb. a. tl. K.- u. K., Friedrich-Kiuderkrankenh. in Berl., Stuttg,, 1891, 11-29. BERN. Jennersches Kinderspital in Bern. Medici- uische Berichte. Veroffentlicht von dem Arzt des Spitales. Jlittheilungen aus dem Gebicte der Kiuderheilkunde. 5.-7., 1867-9; 12., 1874; 13., 1875; 15.-18.. 1877-80; 20.-29., 1882-94. 8°. Bern, 18(58-95. BIRKENHEAD. Birkenhead Day Nursery. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1., 1877-8; 2., 1878-9; 6.-9., 1882-3 to 1885-0. 12°. Birken- head 4' Liverpool, 1878-80. Wirral Hospital and Dispensary for Sick Children, Birkenhead. Annual reports of the committee to the governors aud subscribers. 1., 1869-70; 2., 1870; 4.-14., 1*72-82; 16.-18., 1884-6. 12°. Birkenhead, 1870-87. ------. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] 8°. [Birkenhead, 1810.] ------. Rules and bye-laws. 12°. Birken- head, 1877. ------. The same. 8~. Birkenhead, 1*83. ------. [Appeal of the committee to the in- habitants of the hundred of Wirral, to enable them to erect a suitable building.] 4°. [Bir- kenhead, 1881.] ------. [Circular of the trustees on the lay- ing of corner stone, with a list of contributions to the new building fund.] 4°. [Birkenhead, 1882 ] ------. [Notice of the opening of the new building, with programme of the bazaar in aid of the building fund.] 4°. [Birkenhead, 1883.] ------. Rules for visitors to the children. 8°. [Birkenhead, n. d.] Itii lit-iilx-jitl (The) and Wirral Children's Hospital. Midland M. Misc., Leicester, 1884, iii, 136-138. BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham and Midland Free Hospital for Sick Children. Annual reports of the commit- CHILDREN. 448 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. BIRMINGHAM—continued. tee of management to the governors and sub- scribers. 1.-9., 1861-9; 11.-24., 1871-84; 26.- 36., 1886-96. 12° & 8°. Birmingham, 18(53-97. BORDEAUX. Segay (J.) Hospice des enfants, des vieillards et des incurables. Service chirurgical. Rap- port . . . pendant l'annee 1866. 4°. Bordeaux, 1807. Kinj; (G.) The Bordeaux Hospital for Children. N. Orl. M.'\- S. J., 1897-8, 1, 368-371, BOSTON. Baldwin Place Home for Little Wanderers, Boston. Annual reports of the board of man- agers aud superintendent. 7.-17., 1871-2 to 1881-2; 19., 1883-4; 23., 1887-8. 8C. Boston, 1872-88. ------. Litlle Wanderers' Advocate. No. 1, v. 16, 1880. 8 3. Boston, 1880. Boston Asylum and Farm School for Indigent Boys, Thompson's Island. Alphabetical list of boys admitted from June, 1835, to January, 1883. 8°. Boston, 1883. ------. A brief account of the origiu and ob- jects of the institution, act of incorporation, by- laws, rules aud regulations. 8°. Boston, 1883. ------. Annual reports of the board of man- agers to the corporation. 54., 1888; 5(5.-58., 1890-92; 61., 1895; 62., 1896. 8°. Boston, 1889- 97. Boston Floating Hospital. [Circular of the board of managers, announcing the arrange- ments for the summer of 1897.] 8°. [Boston, 1897.] ------. [Ticket for admission, containing rules to be observed during the trip.] 16°. [Boston, 1897.] Children's Hospital, Boston. Anuual reports of the board of managers to the corporation. 1.-29., 1869-97. 8°. Boston, 1870-98. -----. Sale in aid of the Children's Hospital. 8°. [Boston, 1873.] Children's Island Sanitarium, Salem Har- bor, Mass. Anuual reports of the officers to the corporation. l.-ll., 1886-96. 24°. Boston, 18-7-97. Church Home for Orphan aud Destitute Chil- dren in South Boston. Annual reports of the board of managers to the society. 24.-27., 1880- 81 to 18815-4; 30.-32., 18*6-7 to 1888-9. 8°. Boston, 1881-9. Gwynne Temporary Home for Children, Bos- ton. Annual reports of the board of managers to its friends aud the public. 1., 1847; 5., 1851; 7.-40., 1853-92; 48., 1894; 49., 1895. 12°. Bos- ton, 1848-96. Massachusetts Infaut Asylum, Boston. An- nual reports of the directors and officers to the corporation. 1.-23., 1867-8 to l>-8!»-90; 25-29 1891-2 to 1895-6. 8°. Boston, 1868-96. New England Hospital for Women and Chil- dren, Boston. Annual reports of the officers to the society and subscribers. 1.-35., 1802-3 to 1896-7. 8°. Boston, 186:5-97. Sarah Fuller Home for Little Children who can not hear. Annual report of the executive committee to the corporation at the annual meeting. 3., 1890-91. 8°. Boston, 1891. Vakiegated leaves. A book of prose and verse written iu aid of the Children's Hospital, by friends of the institution. 16°. Boston, 1873. West-End Nursery aud Infants' Hospital, Boston. Aunual reports of the officers to the corporation. 1.-15., 1881-97. 24° & 8-. Bos- ton, 1884-98. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. BRESLAU. Wiliielm-Augusta-Hospital in Breslau. Statistische Kranken berichte der stationiireii Klinik nnd Poliklinik des Wilhelm-Augusta- Hospitals in Breslau. 37.-44., 1874-81; 46-49 188:1-6. 4 & 8". [Breslau, 1875-87.] Moltmann (0.) Has kaiserliehe Kinderheim in Bres- lau. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1883, v, 101-106. -----. Aus der Klinik und Poliklinik des Wilhelm-Augnnta-Kinder- Hospitals in Breslau. Ibid., 1884, vi, 45; 62; 79. BRIGHTON. Brighton and Hove Lying-in Institution, Hospital and Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children, Brighton. Annual re- ports of the committee to the governors and and subscribers. 45.-48., 1875-8; 50.-5:5 18^0- 83; 65., 1895. 8°. Brighton, 1876-96. Saint John's Convalescent Home for Chil- dren, Kemptown, Brighton. Annual report of the general superintendent to the subscribers. 10., 1884-5. 4\ [Brighton, 1885.] BRISTOL. Bristol Hospital for Sick Childreu and Wo- men. Annual reports of tlie committee to the subscribers. 1.-30., 1866-95. *'-\ Bristol, 1867-96. Convalescent Sea-side Branch of the Bristol Hospital for Sick Children, Weston-super-Mare. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 1., 1894; 2., 1895. 8C. [Bristol, 1895-6.] New Orphan Houses (for 2,050 children) on Ashley Down, Bristol. Brief narrative of facts relative to the . . . aud the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad. By George Miiller. (Being the reports of the institution. 23., 1861-2; 24., 1862-3; 36.- 45., 1874-5 to 1883-4. 8°. London, 1862-84. BROADSTAIRS. Yarrow Home for Convalescent Children, Broadstairs. Rules for admission, fol. [Lon- don, 1895.] ------. The Yarrow Home, Broadstairs, for convalescent children. [Notice of the opening.] 4°. [London, 1895.] Repr. from: Daily Chron., Aug. 1, 1895. BROOKLYN. Brooklyn Nursery. Annual reports of the officers at the anniversary meetings. 1., 1871-2; 3.-9., 187:5-4 to 1879-80. 8°. Brooklyn, 1872-80. BUDAPEST. Pester Armenkinderspital-Verein. Jahrbu- cher fiir 1801-:}; 1881-3; 1891; 189:5. 8-&40. Budapest, 1862-94. IS 6 It a i (,T.) Orvosi jelentes a Stefnnia pesti Hzegeny- gyerinekkorhtiy. 1895-6 ilik evi miickodeserol. [Medical report ou the work for I sii."i of the Stefauia Hospital at Pest for indigent children. | Orvosi hetil.. Hudapest, 1896, xl, 304: 1897. xii, 327.—Briick (M.) Gyermekbetegek am- bulatoriuiiiii. [Ainbulatoriuni for sick children.] G}6- gyaszat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 435; 44S: 476; 486; 498. BUENOS AYRES. flat lt<-in (G.) A new hospital for children at BueDOfl Ayres. Pediatrics. N. Y., 1896, ii, 271-277. BURSTEAD. Cottage Convalescent Home for Children, at Burstead, Essex. Aunual reports of the com- mittee of management to the subscribers. 13- 15., 1H82-3 to 1884-5; 17., 1886-7. 16°. London, 1883-7. CALIFORNIA. See, in this list, San Francisco. CALW. Kindkr-Kettungs-Anstalt zu Stanimhcira bei Calw. Ott'entlicher Bericht. 46., 1872-3. 12''. Tubingen, 1873 CHILDREN. 449 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. CAMBRIDGE. Cottage Home for Little Orphan Girls, Cam- bridge, Eng. [Circular of the committee stat- ing the need of such a home.] 12°. [Cambridge, 18T1?] ______. Anuual report of the committee to the subscribers. 13., 1883. 12°. Cambridge, 1884. CANADA. See, in this list, Toronto. CHARLESTOWN. Infant School and Children's Home, Charles- town, Mass. Constitution and by-laws. 16°. Boston, 1870. -----. Aunual reports of the secretary and treasurer to the association. 4., 1872-3; 5., 187:5-4; 8., 1876-7; 10., 1878-9. 8-. Charles- tonn, 1873-9. CHICAGO. Chicago Hospital for Women and Children. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the public. 8.-13.. 1872-3 to 1877-8: 17., 1881-2; 19.-28., 1883-4 to 1892-3. 8-. Chi- cago, 1873-93. For continuation, see infra.- Maky Thompson Hospital of Chicago, for Women and Children. Mary Thompson Hospital of Chicago, for Women and Children. Report of the board of managers and officers to the public, for the years 1893-4 to 1895-6 (being the 29. to 31. annual reports). 8 . Chicago, 1896. Maurice Porter Memorial Hospital for Children, Chicago. Annual report of the offi- cers, for the year 1-91. 16°. Chicago, 1892. CHRISTIANIA. Faye (F. C.) Bornehospitalet i Christiania i Aarene 1855-7. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1858, 2. K., xii. 187; 273. Also, Reprint. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati Orphan Asylum. Aunual reports of the managers to the subscribers and the pub- lic. 1., 1833-4; 2., 1834-5; 10., 1842-3; 14.-17., 1846-7 to 1849-50: 19., 1851-2; 24., 1856-7; 26- 32., 1858-9 to 18U4-5; 35.-44., 1867-8 to 1876-7; 46., 1878-9; 47., 1879-80. 8-. Cincinnati, 1834- 80. -----. Au act to incorporate and establish the... [Passed Jau. 25, 1833.] 8-. [Cincin- nati, 1854?] Home for Sick Children, Cincinnati. Medical and statistical report. 1., 1883-4 to 1886-7. 8°. Cincinnati, 1887. Children's (The) Hospital, "Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. San. Engin., X. T., 1887, xvi, 39. CLEVELAND. Orphan Asylum, District Nos. 2, 6, and 7, I. 0. B. B., located at Cleveland, Ohio. Annual reports of the board of trustees and directors. 12., 1879-80; 13., 1880-81; 17.-23., 1884-5 to 1890-91. 8C. Cleveland, 1880-91. COATHAM. See, in this list, Redcar. COLBERG. Christliches Kurhospital und Kinderheil- statte ''Siloah" im See-und Soolbade Colberg. Bericht iiber die Vervvaltung fiir das Jahr 1888. *c. Colberg, 1889. -----. Prospekt fiir die Saison 1889. Siloah Christliches Kurhospital nebst Kinderheilstatte im See-und Soolbade Colberg. 8°. Colberg,1889. COLUMBUS. Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers, l.-ll., 1870 to 1879-80. 8-\ Columbus, 1871-80. 29 'llildreil (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. CONNECTICUT. 'Wright (T. G.) A proposed home for incurable chil- dren. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1896, 219-228. COPENHAGEN. Hornemann ([C. J.] E.) Kjobeuhavns nye B0riiehospital. 8C. [n. p., 1877.] Repr. from: Illustr. Tidende, Nr. 928. Briiimiche (A.) Beretningar fra Bornehospitalet: 18C2-9. [Keport of children's hospital.] Bildioth. t. Lse per, Kjobenh., 1863-70, 5. s., xv-xx, passim.—Hftrvtmrii. Blegdamshospitalet i 1870-83. [Hospitals for children.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1881, 2. K., viii, 801; 821; 841: W ix, 605; 621: 1X83. x, 409; 437: 1884, xi, 561. CRACOW. Sanct Lidwig Kinderspital in Krakau. Jah- resberichte. 9.-19., 1881-91; 21., 1893. 8=>. Krakau, 1882-94. Towarzystwo opieki szpitalnej dla dzieci w Krakowie. Sprawozdanie komitetu . . . [Re- ports of the committee of the Association for the Protection of Children in Cracow.] 1.-15., 1872-87; 21.. 1893. 8°. Krakow, 1874-94. Jnkubowaki (M. L.) Szpital Sgo Ludwika ii. Kra- kowie. Dwuty godnik med. pub., Krakow., 1877, i, 128; 144; 169. CREMONA. Istituto dei bambini lattanti e slattati in Cremona. Resoconto morale 1891. Esercizio 17. roy. 8°. Cremona, 1893. Ospedale dei bambini in Cremona. Rendi- conti-morale-econoinico-sauitari. 6.-9., 1886-9. fol. Cremona, 1886-90. Celli (F.) Rendiconto clinico statistico dell' Ospedale dei bambini in Cremona (anni 1887-9). Bull. med. ci-emo- nese, Cremona, 1888, viii, 17: 1889, ix, 90: 1890, x, 133. -----. Relazione sanitaria dell' Ospedale dei bambini in Cremona per 1' anno 1892. Ibid., 1893, xiii, 94-93. CROYDON. Children's Convalescent Home, South Croy- don. Annual report of the superintendent to the subscribers. 3., 1882-3. 12°. [Croydon, 1883.] DENMARK. See, in this list, Copenhagen. DERBY. Derbyshire Hospital for Sick Children, Derby. Annual reports of the board of manage- ment to the subscribers. 1.-6., 1877-8 to 1882-3; 8.-12., 18-vl-5 to 1888-9; 14.-18., 1890-91 to 1894-5. 12°. London 4- Derby, 1878-95. DETROIT. Children's Free Hospital Association, De- troit. Annual reports of the officers to tho asso- ciation. 1.-9., 1887-95. 12°. Detroit, 1888-96. ------. Souveuir. oblong 16°. Detroit, 1890. DICKLEBURGH (NORFOLK). Certified Homes for Orphan or Destitute Girls, Dickleburgh, Norfolk. Annual report for the year 1884. 24°. Diss. [1885]. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Chidren's Hospital of the District of Colum- bia. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to the public. 1.-26., 1871-96. 8C. Washington, 1872-97. ------. Charter and by-laws. 8°. Washing- ton, 1879. ------. Report of special committee, defining duties of house physician aud matron, and es- tablishing a system of weekly inspections. Ap- proved bv hoard of hospital administration. 8°. Washington, 1882. ------. Charter, certificate of incorporation, by-laws, rules, and list of incorporators. 8°. Washington, 1885. ------. The report of the special committee of the board of directors of the Children's Hos- pital, District of Columbia, with respect to the CllILDKEX. 450 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—continued. annual meeting of Dec. 1, 1884, and matters connected therewith. 8Q. Washington, [18e5]. Industrial Home School of the District of Columbia. Memorial of the managers of the ... in regard to the care and control of infant wards of the school, and legal guardianship of the same. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. Misc. Doc. No. 54. Feb. 14, 1884. 8°. [Washington, 1884.] Totten ( E.) Opinion, in relation to the election of directors of the Children's Hospital, D. C, and correspondence relating thereto. 8°. Washington, 1885. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the relief of Saint Vincent's Orphan Asylum, in the District of Columbia. 50. Cong. 1. sess. S. 1092. Dec. 22, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Gor- man, roy. 8-. [Washington, 1887.] Washington City Orphan Asylum. Anuual reports of the managers. 6^., 1882; 76., 1890. 8°. Washington, 1883-91. Adams (S.S.) The Children's Hospital of the District of Columbia. Helping Hands, Huntingdon, Pa., 1884 iii, 103-109.—Logan (Mrs. J. A.) The Children's Hospital of the District of Columbia. Nat. Hosp. Sz San. Rec., Detroit. 1897, i, no. 3, 9.—Keport of the Children's Hos- pital, Washington, 1879-80; 1883-4. Rep. Com. D5st. Cohmib., Wash., 1880. 183-185: 1884, 107-109.—Report of the German Orphan Asylum, District of Columbia, 1883-4. Ibid., 1884, 141-143. DRESDEN. Kinderheilanstalt zu Dresden. Jahresbe- richte. 1.-7., 1834-5 to 1840-41. 12°. [Dresden, 1835-41.] -----. Das neue Kinderhospital. Festschrift veroffentlicht bei Gelegenheit der Eroffuungs- feier Anfang Mai 1878. roy. 8°. Dresden, 1878. -----. Festschrift zur fiinfzigjahrigen Jubel- feicr der . . . am 1. September 1884, veroffent- licht von ihrem Verwaltungsrathe. roy. 8°. Dresden, 1*84. DOMBRESSON. Orphelinat Borel, Dombresson. Rapport sur la marcbe de 1' . . . pendant 1'annee 1882. 8-. Ceruier, 1883. DUBLIN. Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin. Annual report of the governors to the subscrib- ers, for the year 1870. 12°. Dublin, 1871. EDINBURGH. Brown (AV.) The Orphan Hospital, Edin- burgh. An address to the children from the surgeon. 12°. [Edinburgh, 1876.] Edinburgh Infant-School Society. Triennial report of the directors to the subscribers. 5., 1841-2 to 1843-4. 8°. Edinburgh, 1844. Edinburgh Merchant Company. The rules and constitutions for governing and managing the Maiden Hospital, rounded by the Company of Merchants and Mary Erskine, in anno 1695. Allowed and confirmed by act of Parliament of Her Majesty, Queen Anne, dated 25th March, 1707. Amended and approved . . . Feb. 9, 1708. Ratified by the lord provost . . . upon the 19th March the said year. With an alphabetical list of the donators and benefactors to the said hos- pital, precediug the first of September, 1708. 12°. Edinburgh, 1708. -----. Excerpts from annual report with reference to hospitals and schools. 4°. [Edin- burgh, 1877 ?] Orphan Hospital and AVorkhouse, at Edin- burgh. Statutes of the corporation of the . . . To which is prefixed an account of the hospital from its establishment in 1733. 12°. Edinburgh, 1777. 'hi Id re il (Hospitals and asylums for) by localities. EDINBURGH—continued. Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Children. Constitution aud rules of the . . . 12°. [Edin- burgh], 1859. -----. The same. 12°. [Edinburgh], 1870. -----. The Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Children. [Notice of its establishment and of the great need of such an institution in Edin- burgh.] 12°. Edinburgh, 1859. Repr. from: The Witness, May 18,1859. -----. Aunual reports of the directors to the contributors. 2.-24., 1860-82. 12°. Edinburah 1861-83. Wilson (C.) On the expediency of founding an hospital for the diseases of children in Edit" burgh, with notes on continental children's hos- pitals. 8°. Edinburgh, 1859. Cariiiicliael (J.) The Edinburgh Royal Hospital for Sick Children. Edinb. Hosp. Rep.. Edinb. & Lond., 1896 iv. 1-10. Aho: Arch. Pediat, N. Y., 1897, xiv, 270-279.— Plan of an hospital for the ■■laintenance and education of exposed and deserted children, Edinburgh. Scots Mag., Edinb., 17(i2, xxiv, 361-364. ENGLAND. See. in this list, Beckenham; Birkenhead; Birmingham; Brighton; Bristol; Broad- stairs ; Burstead; Cambridge; Croydon; Derby ; Dickleburgh; Hoylake; Hull; Isle of Thanet; Kidderminster: Limpsfield; Liv- erpool; London; Manchester; Newbury; New Brighton; Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Nor- wich; Nottingham; Redcar; Richmond; St. Leonard - on - Sea; Sheffield; Solihull; Southsea ; Stratford - on - Avon; Waltham- stow. FINLAND. See, in this list, Helsingfors. FLORENCE. Franceschi ( C. ) Relazione presentata al consiglio d' amministrazione del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova e stabilimeuti riuniti, come risposta alia memoria del Dott. Carlo (iiarre "Di alcuui inconvenieuti che si verificano neirli spedali dei bambini" da esso letta alia Societa fiorentiua d' igiene la sera del 13 marzo p. p. 8-\ Firenze, 1890. R. spedale degli innocenti di Firenze. Reso- conto sanitario-statistico. Estratto dal rendi- mento di conti dell' anno 1893. 8°. Firenze, 1895. Andrcucci (O.) Di uno spedale infantile in Firenze e di uno ospizio per la cura e scuola dei rachitici. Im- parziale, Firenze, 1883, xxiii, 45-56. -----. Nuove osserva- zioni sui progetti dello Spedale infantile e della fancinl- lezza in Firenze, e dell' Ospizio per la cura e per la scnola dei rachitici e delli scrofolosi, con proposte di pratica at- tuazione. Ibid., 120; 157. FRANCE. See, also, in this list, Bordeaux; Grenoble; Havre; Montpellier; Paris; Rethel. Bourdier (J.-A.) * Etude sur la creation d'une colonie maritime d'enfants malades a Ar- cachon. 4°. Bordeaux, 1881. Devoir (Uu) social. Un sanatorium cantonal pour les enfants debiles, lymphatiqnes, scrofu- leux, tuberculeux ou moralement abandonues 8°. Lyon, 1890. Lardier & Fleury (P.) Les (i cches dans le8 Vosges et l'assistanee des nouvelles accouchee8 dans les centres ouvriers . . . avec une lettre pr6- face de Theophile Roussel. 10J. Spinal, 1893 Napias ( H. ) Reglementation des creches publiques et privees. Rapport. 8°. [Melun, 1891!.] Aiaoultl. Rapport sur un projet d'hopital maritime pour les maladies chroniques de l'enfance dans le de- partement du Nord. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1880, xix, CHILDREN. 451 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. FRANCE—continued. 399; 4">i.-----■• Construction ]iiz. Wyka. Fiihr. Arch.l. Kin- derh., Stuttg., >8:;-4, v. 4M>: 1884-5, vi, 414. — D*< inn y< i. Die Kinder-Ueilanstalt im Soolbade Rothcnlehle bei Osna- briick iu den Jahren 1883 uud 18X4. Deutsche nied. Wchn- schr., Berl., 18x.->, xi, 557-550.—Liorcnl, <2crber [et al.]. Bericht iiber die Seehospize ties Vereins fiir Kinderheil- statten an den deutsclien Seekiisten fiir die Jahre 1880. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1888-9, x, 238-203. — itleltcn- hcitiM-i- ( C.) Die Kinderheilstatten an den deutsclien Seekiisten und ihre Verweudbarkeit fiir die ccinstitutionell erkraukten Kinder des Binnenlandes. Centralb!. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg. Bonn, 1887, vi, 289-303.—Neue I Das) Kinder- Heilbad in Stadtsulza. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thii- ringen, Weimar, 1890, xix, 71-80, 1 plan —Salomon ( M.) Einige Worte iiber Kinderheilstatten an den dentschen Seekiisten. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1895, xvii, 292- 296. GLASGOW. Finlaysoii (J.) Glasgow Hospital for Sick Children. Glasgow M. J., 1888, [4.] s., xxx, 6-13. GRENOBLE. fialloi* (E.) La Nursery mnnicipale de Grenoble. J. Soc. ile nied. et pharm. de 1'Isere, Grenoble, 1887-8, xii, 225; 252. Continued in: Dauphiu6 med., Grenoble, 1889, xiii, 4; 31. GROSS-MttRITZ. Metteniieimkr(C) Das SeebadGross-Miiritz an der Ostsee, und das Friedrich-Franz-Hospiz (Kinderasyl ) daselbst. In Verbindung mit Olierforstmeister Garthe nnd Dr. med. Wagner beschrieben. 8°. Bostock, 1885. IHettenheimcr. Das Friedrich-Franz-Hospiz in Gross-Miiritz im Jahre 1883. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1883-4, v, 511-515___Wagner. Friedrich-Franz-Hospiz, zu Gross-Muritz. Ibid., 1884-5, vi, 457-463. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. HAGUE. van Woly (D. L.) Kinderziekenhuis te 's Graven- hage. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1887, xii, no. 28: 1891, lxv, no. 11; no. 12. HAVRE. Dispensaire pour enfants malades, Havre. Rapports preseut6s aux souscripteurs. Par le Doct. Gibert. 1., 1875-6; 3., 1877-8. 8°. Havre, 1876-8. HEIDELBERG. von Duscli (T.) Bericht iiber die Luisenheilanstalt fiir kranke Kinder in Heidelberg. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1888, n. F., xxviii, 437-443. HELSINGFORS. PippiiiifNltoIri (J.) Bedogorelse for nya Barusbords- husets i Ilelsingl'ois forsta verksaraetsSr, 1879. [Account of first year's activity of the Hospital for Children in Hel- singfors.] Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1880, 17-29. HOYLAKE. Children's Convalescent Home, Hoylake. Annual reports of the committee to the subscrib- ers. 1., 1881-2; 3.-5., 1884-6. 12°. Liverpool $• Birkenhead, 1881-7. -----. [Appeal for funds, and rules.] 8°. [Hoylake, 1883.] HULL. Hull Seamen's aud General Orphan Asylum. Annual report of the committee to the subscrib- ers. 1., 1886-7. 8 . Hull, 1867. ILLINOIS. See, in this list, Chicago. INDIANA. See, iu this list, Indianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS. Indiana Soldiers' and Seamen's Orphans' Home. Annual report of the board of trustees. 11., 1877-8. 8-. Indianapolis, 1878. IRELAND. See, in this list, Dublin. ISLE OF THANET. Saint Peter's Orphan and Convalescent Homes, Isle of Thauet. Annual reports of the committee for the years 1880-81 to 1883-4. 16°. London, 18*1-4. ITALY. See, also, in this list, Alba; Alessandria; Cre- mona; Florence; Genoa; Loano; Mantua; Milan; Naples; Palermo; Pavia; Rome; Sansepolcro; Turin; Udine; Vicenza. Italy. Ministerio di agricoltura, industria e commercio. IHrezione generale della st'itistica. Statistic* dei brefotrofi. Anni 1893 e 1894. roy. 83. Bovia, 1-9"). Mandelli (A.) La spedalita infantile in Italia. 8°. Milano, 1897. Blani (P.) Della riforma materiale dei brefotrofi, quale unico mezzo profilattieo contro il mughetto ende- mico. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli. 1891, ix, 1-12. — Va- riot (G.) Histoire de I'hospitalisation infantile en'Italic. Kev. scient., Par., 1891, xlvii, 656-658. -----. Les hopi- taux d'enfants en Italic Gaz. med. de Par., 1891, 7. s., viii, 205; 217; 229 : 241 ; 2;-)3; 265. KIDDERMINSTER. Kidderminster Infirmary and Children's Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 53.-64., 1873-84; 66.-76., 1886- 96. 8°. Kidderminster, 1874-97. LAUSANNE. Hospice de l'enfance a Lausanne. Rapports du comite" sur l'exercice. l8rU; 1881; 1**3. 8°. Lausanne, 1881-4. LEIPSIC. Kinderheilanstalt zu Leipzig. Berichte der . . . uud der damit verbundenen Frauenstation. CHILDREN. 45; Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. LEIPSIC—continued. Erstattet von C. Henuig und A. Langbein. 12.- 13., 1879-81; 18., 1889-91. 4°. Leipzig, 1880-92. Poliklinik fiir Kinder zu Leipzig vou Dr. C. Hennig, Dirigenteu der Anstalt. Jahresberichte. 1., 1855-6; 2., 1*56-7. 4°. Leipzig, 1856-7. Heubnei- (O.) Das neue Kinderkrankenhaus zu Leipzig. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893, xxxvi, 1-18. LIMPSFIELD. Limpsfikld Convalescent Home for Women and Children, near Caterham. [Notice of its establishment, with rules for the inmates. June, 1874.] 8°. [n. p., 1874.] -----. Annual reports of the managers to the subscribers. 1.-10., 1874-83. 8°. [n. p., 1875-84.] -----. The story of the Limpsfield Conva- lescent Home. 12°. Hammersmith, [1878]. LIEGE. Karbit-i- (A.) Une creche modele k Liege. Mouve- ment hyg., Brux., 1892, viii, 386-406, 3 pl. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool Asylum for Orphan Boys. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers, for the years 18(18-70. 8°. Liverpool, 1869-71. Liverpool Female Orphan Asylum. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers, for the years 1868-70. 8°. Liverpool, 1869-71. Liverpool Iufant Orphan Asylum. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 10.-12., 1868-70. 8°. Liverpool, 1869-71. Liverpool Infirmary for Children. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 16., 1867; 18., 1869; 24.-45., 1875-96. 8°. Liv- erpool, 1868-97. Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Institution. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 1.-2., 1869-70 8°. Liverpool, 1870- 71. Visit (A) to the Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Institution. 8°. Liverpool, 1886. Repr. from: Liverpool (The) Albion. LOANO. Berri ti (G.) Ospizio marino Piemontese. Relazioni sanitarie ed amministrative del comi- tato ceutrale direttivo all' Assemblea generale. 7.. 1877; 10., 1880; 14., 1884. 8°. Torino, J. 87*-84. Altschul. Das piemontesische Seehospital in Loano. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1879-80, n. F., xiv, 373.—Ber- rati (G.) Ospizio marino Piemontese. Relazioni sanita- rie ed administrative, 1876-9. Indipendente, Torino, 1877, xxviii, 193; 209: 1878, xxix, 331: 1879, xxx, 353: 1880, xxxi, 385. Also [Abstr.]: Art med., Brux., 1879, xv, 165. LONDON. Alexandra Orphanage for Infants, London. Annual reports of the committee to the govern- ors and subscribers. 2., 1866-7; 4., 1868-9; 5., 1869-70. 12°. London, 1867-70. Belgrave Hospital for Children, Loudon, S. W. Anuual reports of the committee to the - subscribers. 13., 1879; 17., 1883; 19., 1885. 12°. London, 1880-86. -----. Statement of receipts and expendi- ture for the years 1884-5. fol. & 12°. London, 1885-6. British Orphan Asylum, Mackenzie Park, Slough, Bucks. Annual reports of the directors to the governors and subscribers. 37., 1863; 40., 1*66; 43., 1869; 44., 1870. 12°. London, 1864-71. -----. [Account of, appeal for increased support, aud prospectus.] 12°. [London, 1869.] Cheyne Hospital for Sick and Incurable Children, Chelsea, S. W. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors CH1LDKEN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. LONDON—continued. and subscribers. 4.-21., 1*78-9 to 1895-6 go London, 1879-96. Children's Convalescent Home, Broad Wa- ter, near Worthing. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1., 1882-3- 2 1883-4. 12°. London, 1883-4. Children's Establishment, Limehouse. An- nual report of the superintendent to the hoard of guardians of the Stepney Union. 24 1863 fol. London, 1864. Children's Home aud Orphanage, Lower Edmontou, N. Annual reportof the committee, for the year 1883-4. 8°. [London, 1884.] -----. [Circular letter soliciting contribu- tions.] 8C. [London, 1891.] Child's Hill Provident Dispensary, London, N. W. Annual reports of the committee to the members and subscribers. 12.-14., 1883-5. 12°. London, 1884-6. Dickens ( C. ) Speech as chairman at the dinner ou behalf of the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren. 16°. London, 1874. East London Hospital for Children and Dis- pensary for Women, Shad well. Annual reports of the board of mauagement to the governors and subscribers. 2., 1868-9; 7., 1873-4; 12 1878-9; 15.-18., 1881-2 to 1884-5; 20., 1886-7; 27.-29., 1893-5. 8°. London, 1869-96. -----. Rules for head nurses. June 14,1881. fol. [London, 1881.] -----. [Blank forms used at the hospital.] v. s. [London, n. d.] -----. Time table for nurses and probation- ers. 4°. [London, n. d.] Evelina Hospital for Sick Children, London, S. E. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the governors aud subscribers. 10., 1879; 14.-16., 1883-5; 18.-23., 1887-92. 8°. London, 1880-93. -----. [Circular of the committee, solicit- ing additional subscriptions. July, 1894.] 4°. [London, 1894.] Gibert (J.) The history and results of a dis- pensary for sick children threatened with chronic disease. 8°. London, 1884. Gordon (W. J.) What has Barnardo done? An everyday question answered by . . . 24°. London, [1894]. Home and Infirmary for Sick Children, and South London Dispensary for Women, Lower Sydenham, S. E. Aunual reports of the com- mittee to the subscribers. 9.-21., 1880-92; 23.- 25., 1894-6. 12°. London, 1881-97. Home for Little Boys, near Farmingham, Kent. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 5.-7., 1868-70. 12°. London, 1869-71. Hospital and Home for Incurable Children, Loudon, W. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 4., 1873; 7.- 11., 1881-5: 21., 1895; 22., 1896. 8Z. London, 1879-97. -----. Statement of general income and ex- penditure for the year 1884. MS. 4°. [Lon- don, 1885.] Hospital for Sick Children, London. Annual reports of the committee of management to the subscribers. 1.-30., 1852-81; 32., 1883; 33., 1884; 35., 1886; 36., 1887. 12°. London, 1853-88. -----. Pharmacopoeia of the . . . 24°. Lon- don, 1880. -----. Proceedings at the anniversary festi- val. 29., 1881. 4°. [London, 1881.] Repr. from: London Mirror. CHILDREN. 453 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. LONDON—continued. _----. [Appeal for funds to complete the south wing.] 8-'. London, 1883. -----. Statements of income and expendi- ture for the years 1882-7. MS. fol. &8C. Lon- don, 1883-8. * -----. Regulations for pupil uurses. 8°. [London, 1*83 f] -----. The wants,aud works of the hospi- tal. 32-. [Loudon, 1895.] Infant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead. Annual reportof the committee to the subscribers. 41., 1867-8. sJ. London, 1868. K. (H.) The Children's Home [and Orphan- age]. The storv of the home. fol. [London, 1*91.] Kingsdowx Orphan Homes, and Home for Afflicted Orphans, Hollo way, London. [Annual reports to the public] Bv Phoebe Ginever. 7.-9., 1880-^1 to 1882-3. 24°. London, 1881-3. London Orphau Asylum. Anuual reports of the managers to the subscribers. 54., 18(56; 55., 1867; 57., 1*69; 58., 1*70. 12°. London. 1867-71. National Industrial Home for Crippled Boys, and Refuge, Kensiugton, London, W. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 5.-18., 1-70-83. 12°. London, 1*71-84. North Eastern Hospital for Children, Shore- ditch, N. E. Bye laws. 12°. London, 1874. -----. Aunual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 11.-17., 1878-84; 19.-21., 1886-8: 23.-29., 1890-96. 12~. London, 1879-97. -----. Tabular statements of receipts and expenditure for the vears 1883-5. sm. 4°. [Lon- don, 1886.] -----. [ An appeal of the committee for donations aud anuual subscriptions.] sm. 4°. [London, n. d.] North West London Free Dispensary for Sick Cbildreu, W. Report of the committee for the years 1874-6. 8°. London, 1877. Orphan Working School, Haverstock Hill, N. W. Annual report of tho committee to the governors. 110., 1867. 12-. London, 1868. -----. General bye laws of the corporation. Rules and regulations. 12°. London, 1871. Paddington Green Children's Hospital. An- nual reports of the commit tee to the subscribers. 2.-4., 18*3-5; 6., 1887; 9.-15., 1890-96. 16°. [London, 1**4-97.] Paget (J.) Speech of, on behalf of the Hos- pital for Sick Children, April 8, 1880. 16°. [London, 1880.] Pimlico and. Westminster Institute for Dis- eases of Women and Children, London. [Notice of the establishment, and appeal to the public for aid in its behalf, with a letter from Dr. G. de Gorrequer Griffith, showing the importance and necessitv of the institution in this locality.] 4°. London', 1866. Repr. from: Lond. Mirror, June 30, 1866. Portobello Road Provident Dispensary for Women and Children, London, W. Annual re- ports of the committee of management to the members, for the years 1883-5. 4°. [London, 1884-6.] Princess Frederica's Convalescent Home for Married Women after Childbirth (with their infants), Hampton-Court. Aunual reports of the committee of management to the subscrib- ers. 3., 1883; 4., 1884; 7., 18*7. 16J. [London, 1884-8.] Royal Albert Orphan Asylum, near Bagshot. Rules and regulations of the . . . instituted I Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. LONDON—continued. 1864, for the rescue and Christian education of thoroughly destitute children; with a list of the goveruors aud subscribers. 12°. London 1866. -----. Aunual report of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 4., 1868. 12°. London, 1*69. Royal Asylum of St. Anne's Society, Streat- ham Hill, Surrey, and Aldersgate, London, E. C. Annual reports of the council to the governors and subscribers. 166., 1867; 167., 1868. 8~>. London, 1868-9. Royal Caledonian Asylum, Holloway, Lou- don. Annual report of the directors to the cor- poration. (53., 1878. 12°. London, 1879. Royal Hospital for Children and Women, London, S. E. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers for the years, 1842-3: 1*43-4; 1879; 1881-5; 1887. 12 J. Lon- don, 1*44-88. -----. Cash statements for the years 1884-6. 8°. [London, 1*85-7. ] Royal Hospital for Children and Women, Waterloo Bridge Road, London, S. E. [An ap- peal for aid to continue the work of the hospital. ] 4-. [London, 1892.] -----. [ olauk forms in use at the hospital.] 4°. [London, n. d.] Sailors' Orphan Girls' School and Home, Hampstead, N. W. Anuual report of the com- mittee of management t) the governors and subscribers. 3*., 1866-7. 12°. [London, 1*67.] Saint Giles and Saint George, Bloouisbury, Refuges for Homeless and Destitute Children, and Ragged and Industrial Schools. Annual report of the committee of management to the subscribers. 19., 1863-4. 8°. London, 1864. Saint John's Foundation School, Leather- head, London, E. C. Aunual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 18., 1*69; 19., 1870. 8°. London, 1870-71. Saint Mathew's Home for Female Orphans, Londou, W. Annual report of the committee to the governors aud subscribers. 32., 1861. 12°. London, 1862. Samaritan Free Hospital for Women and Cbildreu, London, W. Annual reports of the committee to the governors aud subscribers. 13., 1859; 16., 1862; 17., 1863; 21., 1867; 25., 1871; 31.-39., 1877-85; 41., 1887; 43., 1889. 12J & 8°. London, 1860-90. -----. Abstract of receipts and expenditure for the year 1885. 8°. [London, 1886.] School of Industry for Female Orphans, London. Annual reports of the committee of governors. 55., 1840-41; 57., 1842-3. 8°. Lon- don, 1841-3. Stretton (H.) "No room for Dolly" [in the Hospital for Sick Children]. 16°. Toronto, [n.d.]. Repr. from: Alone in London. Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea, S. W. Annual reports of the committee to the govern- ors and subscribers. 1.-19., 1867-85; 21., 1887. 12° & 8°. London, 1868-88. -----. Pharmacopoeia of the . . . With an appendix ou "How to manage infants". Com- piled by the drug committee. 24°. London, 1884. -----. Statement of receipts and expendi- ture for the year 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] Visit (A) to a children's hospital. [Royal Hospital for Children and Women.] 12°. [Lon- don, 1882?] CHILDREN. 454 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. LONDON—continued. Visit (A) to the North-Eastern Hospital for Children, Goldsmiths' Row, Hackney Road, E. 4°. [London, 71. d.] West (C.) A letter to Lord Aberdare, chair- man of the managing committee of the Hospital for Sick Children. 8°. London, 18*7. Hospital (Tbe) for Sick Children, Great Orniond- street; new Jubilee wins;. Builder, Lond., 1890, lviii, 80, lpl. MADRID. Hospital del Nino Jesus. Hosp. de niiios, Madrid, 1885, ii, 13-16. MANCHESTER. Clinical Hospital for Women and Children, Park Place, Manchester. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 1.-3., 1856 to 1857-*; 6.-16., 1861- 71; 18.-41., 1873-96. 8°. Manchester, 1856-97. -----. Rules, revised to February, 1881. 8°. Manchester, 1881. Manchester Children's Hospital, Peudlebury. Dispensary: Gartside street, Manchester. An- nual reports of the board of governors to the subscribers. 43.-47., 1871-5; 50.-68., 1878-96. 8°. Manchester, 1872-97. -----. Abstracts of some of the medical and surgical cases treated at the General Hospital for Sick Children, Peudlebury, Manchester, dur- ing the years 1881-5 (1.-5.). 8U. London, 1882-6. Manchester Southern Hospital for Diseases of Women and for Children, Chorlton-ou-Med- lock. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. And of the Manchester Maternity Hospital in connection,therewith. 8.-10., 1873- 4 to 1875-6 ; 12.-16., 1877-8 to 1881-2; 25.-30., 1890-91 to 1*95-6. 8°. Manchester, 1874-96. General (The) Hospital for Sick Children, Pendlebury, Manchester. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1885, iv, 294-297. MANTUA. Osi'k.dale-Dispensario dei bambini della citta e provincia di Mantova. A beneficenza dell' erigendo . . . Ricordi e considerazioni del dottor Lodi Giovanni, medico-igienista. fol. Mantova, 1891. MARYLAND. See, in this list, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS. See, in this list, B aid wins ville; Boston; Charlestown; Worcester. MICHIGAN. See, in this list, Detroit. MILAN. Orfanotrofio maschile di Milano. Rendi- conto igienico-sanitario dell' . . . nel trieuuio 1886-*, per la cura del medico locale Dott. E. Nardi. 8°. Milano, 18*9. Pia Istituzione per la cura climatica gratuita a fanciulli gracili, allium delle scuole elementart comunalidiMilauo. Statuto. 12°. [Milano,1882.] -----. Rendiconti. 1.-5., 1881-5: 7., 1887; 8., 1888. 8''-'-. Milano, 1882-9. -----. Stazione climatica in Gromo. oblong 16°. Milano, [1890?]. Pio Istituto ipocofocomio italiano, "Tomaso Peudola", Milano. Programma-regolamento del . . . per la cura medica e per 1' educazione dei bambini e fanciulli sordi, semi-sordi, afasici e balbuzieuti. 12°. Milano, 1889. Pio Istituto di maternita e dei ricoveri pei bambini lattanti e slattate in Milano. Rela- zione ed atti per il Dott. Giovanni Vergani. 36.-39., 1*8.-)-*; 41., 1890; 42., 1891. roy. o°. Milano, 1886-92. Children (Hospitals and asylums for) by localities. MI LAN —continued. Sovrano militare ordine di Malta, per fan- ciulli. Regolamento dell' Ospedale del . s Milano, 1886. 4*ra«ai. Provenienza e stato dei bambini mmidati al brefotroflo di Milmio nel 1° tri inestre 1897. Sahite'pubb Perugia, 1897, x, 257-lilj4.—76.] 4°. [Philadelphia, 1876.] -----. Annual reports of the board of mana- gers to the contributors. 1.-4., 1876-80; 9.-15., 1885-91; 17., 1893. 8-. Philadelphia, 1878- 94. Sanitary Association of Philadelphia. An- nual reports of the managers and officers. 3.- 18., 1879-94. 8°. Philadelphia, 1880-95. -----. Eeport of the managers of the Sani- tarium for Sick Children, 1877. Point Airy. 8°. [Philadelphia, n. d.] Fac-simile of the first annual report. A tit ■ n won (W. B.) Report of an inspection of the Soldiers' Orphan Institute at the Northern Home for Chil- dren, Philadelphia. Rep. Bd. Health [etc. | Peun. 1886, Harrisburjr, 1887, ii, 167-170.—Morion (T. «.) Address [the Walter Garrett Memorial]. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 865-868. POLAND. See, in this list, Cracow; Warsaw. PRAGUE. Kaiser Franz Josef-Kinder-Spilal in Prag. Jahresberichte iiber die Wirksamkeit. 14.-17.; 1855-8; 19.-40., 1860-81. 4C. Prag, 1856-8-.'. Ero*s (G.) Jegyzetek a pragai lelenczhaz k6rodaian. [Observations on the hospital of the Prague Foundling Asylum.) Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1884, xxviii, 1072; 1098. PROVIDENCE. Providence Nursery, R. I. Annual report of the managers to the public. 7., 1877. 16°. Providence, 1878. REDCAR. Home of the Good Samaritan. Convalescent Home for Men, Women, and Children, Coatham, Redcar. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 19.-22., 1879-82; 24.-35., 1884- 95. 8°. Leeds, 1880-96. RETHEL. Drapier (P.) La Creche Hippolyte Noiret. 8°. Paris, 1893. Creche Hippolvte Noiret a Rethel. Regle- ment general. 12. [Bethel, 1*951 \ I>rapier. Rapport sur lefonctionneinentdelaCrtche Hippolyte Noiret, pendant l'aiinec 18911 Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1894. xviii, 65-71. — Drouineau (O.) La Creche Hippolyte Noiret a Rethel. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1894, xvi, 41-51. RHODE ISLAND. See, in this, list, Providence. CHILDREN. 457 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. RHYL. Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital and Convalescent Home, Rhyl, North Wales. An- nual report of tlie committee for the year 1884. fol. [Bhyh 1885.] _____. [Circular stating objects and condi- tion of the institution.] fol. [Rhyl, 1885.] RICHMOND, Surrey. National Orphan Home, Ham - Common, Richmond, Surrey. Annual report of the com- mittee to the subscribers. 22., 1870-71. 8°. London, 1?71. ROCHESTER. Rochester Orphan Asylum. Annual reports of the board of managers to the association. 47.-50., 1884-5 to 1886-7. 8°. Bochester, 1885-7. ROME. Opera pia degli ospizi marini pei fanciulli poveri, rachitici e scrofolosi della citta e provin- cia di Roma. Relazioni tavole statistiche e resoconto amministrativo. 1.-16., 1867-85; 21., 1890; 22., 1891. 8°. Boma, 1870-92. RUSSIA. See, also, in this list, Moscow; St. Peters- burg. Russia. Polozhenie o dietskikh priyutakh 27 Dek. 1839 goda viedomstva uchrezhdeuiy Im- peratitsl Marii; dopolnenuoye po 1 sent. 1884 g. novlnii uzakoncniyami i izmieueuiyanii; svodoni vsiekh vishedshtkh so vreineui otkritiya priyu- tov (1840 g.), nigdie yeshtsho nepecbatavshikk- sya razyasueuiy, tsirkulyarov ; prilozheuiein ustavov: stchotnavo, emeritelnol kassi; form: otchotov, smietnlkh rospisaniy, nagradnlkh spis- kov i proch. sostavil P. Gorbunoff. [Code of laws, Dec. 27, 1839, concerning asylums for chil- dren of the department of institutions of the Empress Maria; completed to Sept. 1, 1884, by new laws aud changes; digest of all explana- tions, circulars, not yet printed, that have been issued since the opening of the asylums; supple- ment of orders, forms [etc.]. Compiled by P. Gorbunoff.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 18*4. -----. The same. [2. ed.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1**8. ITIedin (O.) Tva ryska barnsjukhus. [Two new hos- pitals for children (in Russia!.] Hygiea. Stockholm, 1883, xlv, 313-336— Ponomnreff (M.) Das KrapotkinKin- (lerspital in Charkow wahrend des Jahres 1888. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1889-90. xi, 256-267.—Predtecheiitlii (V.) Opit ustioistva tryokh Helnikh dietskikh priyutov (yaslel) Permskim gubernskim zemstvom. | Construc- tion of three summer infant asylums hy the government zemstvoof Perm.] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-Peterb.; 1897. ii, 80-84.—Vablokoflf (X. V.) Uslovi'a prizrlenla dietel v nashikh vospitatelnikh domakh. [Conditions of care of children in our asylums.| Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 13, 44-51. ST. LEONARD'S-ON-SEA. Convalescent Home for Poor Children, St. Leonard's-on-Sea. Annual reports of the com- mittee of management to the subscribers. 10.- 18., 1879-87. 12°. London, 1880-88. ST. LOUIS. Saint Louis Children's Hospital. Aunual reports of the officers to the board of managers, for the years 1885-6; 1889-90; 1891-2 to 1893. 6-. St. Louis, 1886-94. ST. PETERSBURG. DIktskaya bolnitsa Printsa Plotra Oldenburg- Bkavo. Meditsinskiy otchot . . . za 1894 g. [Children's hospital of Prince Peter Oldenburg- ski. Medical report for 1-94.1 8". S.-Peterburg, 1896. Elisavetinskaya Klinicheskaya Bolnitza dlya malolietnikk dietei. Ocherk patidesiatili- iiildreil (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. ST. PETERSBURG—continued. etnei dieyatelnosti . . . 1844-94. [Sketch of the work of 50 years of the Elizabeth Clinical Hos- pital for Young Children.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1894. H6pital cliuique Elisabeth k St.-Pelersbonrg. Notice sur l'Hopital clinique Elisabeth a St.- Petersboiug. Fondd en 1844 et plac6 sous le patronage tie S. A. I. Madame la Grande-Du- chesse Catherine de Russie. 8°. St.-Pe'ters- bourg, 1*16). Hopital d'enfants du Prince Pierre D'Oldeu- bourg a St.-Petersbourg. Pr6face de la premiere livraison des Conscils aux meres public's (en russe) par 1' . . . [Dr. Ch. Rauchfuss, direc- tenr.] 4C. [S.-Peterburg, 1*82.] Imperatorskiy S.-Peterbttrgskiy Vospitatel- niv Dom. Mcditsinskiye otchotl . . . za 1868, 1872-7; 1879-83 gg. [Imperial St. Petersburg Foundling Hospital. Medical reports of tbe . . . for the years 1868, 1872-7, 1879-83.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1870-85. Oraniknbaumskiy priyut dlya vyzdoravliva- yushtshikh dietei. Otchot za 1872-1883 gg., sos- tavlenniy A. I. Schmitts. [Oranienbaum Asy- lum for Convalescent Children. Report for the years 1872-83.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1884. -----. The same. Oranienbaumer Asyl fiir convalescents Kinder, St. Petersburg. Bericht iiber die Jahre 1872 bis 1883, von Arnold Scbtnitz. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1*84. IIoci-ncIic Ihiiiiiii (E.) Das Ammen-und Kinderasyl des Grafen A. G. Kuscheletf-Besborodko zu St. Peters- burg, nebst allgenieiiicn Bemerkungen iiber das Ammen- wesen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893, xxxv, 123-145.— Ocherk ustioistva detskoi bolnitsii Printsa Piotra Olden- burgskavo. [Sketch of the construction of the children's hospital of . . .] Metl. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869, ix, 359- 361. SAN FRANCISCO. Hospital for Children and Training School for Nurses, San Francisco. Annual reports of the officers to the association. 1.-10., 1886-95. 8°. San Erancisco, 1888-96. -----. Rules for nurses. 18°. [San Fran- cisco, 1889?] -----. Objects of tbe hospital. sm. 4°. [San Francisco, n. d.] SANSEPOLCRO. Orfanotrofio maschile Bigi in Sansepolcro. Statuto organico riformato al seguito della sua fusione coll' Orfanotrofio Frauceschi-Marini. 8°. Sansepolcro, 18*9. Orfanotrofio maschile Francescbi-Matini in Sansepolcro. Statuto organico. 8°. Sansepol- cro, 1883. SCOTLAND. See, in this list, Aberdeen; Edinburgh; Glas- gow. SHEFFIELD. Sheffelo Children's Hospital, Western Bank. Annual reports of the committee. 1.-8., 1876- 83. 4° & 8°. Sheffield, 1877-84. SOLIHULL. Children's Convalescent Home, Solihull. Report of the committee to ihe subscriber.s, for the years 1880-82. *°. [Coventry, 1883.] SOUTH CAROLINA. Thornwell Orphanage. Annual reports of the board of visitors of the . . . An institution for the maintenance and education of orphan children. 1.-5. (1875-6 to 1879-eO). 12 & 8°. Clinton, 1876-80. CHILDREN. 458 CHILDREN. Chi]aire 11 (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. SOUTHSEA. Home for .Sick Children, Ryde A7iew, South- sea. Annual reports of the secretary to the sub- scribers. 4.-10., 1881-7. 12°. Souihsea, 1882-8. SPAIN. See, in this list, Barcelona; Madrid. STETTIN. Kinderheil- und Diacoiiissen-Anstalt zu Stet- tin. Jabresbericbte. 20.-36., 1870-86. 12°. Stettin, 1871-87. STOCKHOLM. Berg (F. T.) Arsberattelse ofver spiida barnenshelso- ocb sjukvard pa Stockholms Allraanna Barnhusaren 1843, 1844, 1815. [Annual reports on the wards for young chil- dren iu health and disease in Stockholm, connected with the General Asylum for Foundlings.] Svens. Lak-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1844, iv, 185: 1840, v, 5, 6 tab.— Carlson (H. J.) Redogiirelse fiir sjukvarden a Sahl- grenska sjukhusets Barnbords-afdelning 185G. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1857, xix, 559-5G6. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. NrnsixG Home for Convalescent Women and Sick Children, Stratford-upon-Avon. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers. 2.-4., 1873-5; 9., 1880; 11., 18-2 ; 12., 1883. 8° & 12Q. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1874-G4. STUTTGART. " Olgaiikilanstalt " fiir kranke Kinder, Lehr- linge und jungendliche Arbeiter in Stuttgart. Rechciisehafts- Bericht. 46., 1888. s~. Stutt- gart, 1**9. TnfVI (().) \- 14■■ hn (G.) Der Neubau des Kinder- spitals -'OUiiht-ilaiistalt " in Stuttgart. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiiritcmb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1882, Iii, 266-289, 1 plan. SWEDEN. See, iu this list, Stockholm. SWITZERLAND. See, in this list, Basel; Bern; Dombresson; Geneva ; Lausanne; Zurich. TORONTO. Hospital for Sick Childien, Toronto. Annual reports of the officers to the subscribers. 1., 1875-6: 3.-6., 1878-81; 8.-15., 1883 to 1889-90; 18., 1892-3; 19., 1893-4. 12- & 8°. Toronto, 1876-94. ------. Lakeside Home for Little Children. The convalescent branch of the Hospital for Sick Children on the Island, opposite Toronto. [An account of its origin.] 8-'. Toronto, 1*86. ------. Christmas in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. A letter to the well children of Canada, who helped to make Christmas a happy time for their little sick friends. [By L. McMaster, president of the hospital.] lb°. 2b- ronto, 188'. ------. The Hospital for Sick Children, To- ronto. The Lakeside Home for Little Children. The convalescent branch of the Hospital, on Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island. History of these institutions. 8-. Toronto, 1891. Victoria Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Ca- nad. Pract., Toronto, 1893, xviii, 575-581. TROY. Troy Orphan Asylum. Annual reports of the board of trustees. 48.-51., 1881-4. 8-. Troy, 1882-5. TURIN. Ospedale oftalmico ed infantile di Torino. Rendiconto per 1' esenizio degli anni 1875, 1876 e W7. 8-. Torino, 187*. Ospedaletto iufantile Regina Margherita in Torino. Resoconto clinico trienniale della se- zione chirurgica. Per gli anni 1^91-3. Dott. Anuibale Xota. 8~. Torino, 1894. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. UDINE. F. (S.) 11 nuovo asilo infantile volpe in TJdine. Inge- gner. san., Torino, 1S!)4, v, 41, 1 pl. UNITED STATES. See, also, in this list, Connecticut; District of Columbia; Pennsylvania; South Carolina. United States. Congress. House of liepre- sentatires. A bill granting forty acres off the Fort Douglas Military Reservation, on which to establish an orphans' home. 53. Coti". 2 sess H. R. 5407. Jan. 23. 1894. Introd. by^Mr. Raw- lins, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] Rogers* (Mary L.) Children's hospitals in America. Hosp. dispens. & nursing. Internat. Cong. Char. Tete 1 1893, Bait. & Lond., 1894, 373-379. "J VICENZA. Ospizio degli infauti abbamlonati della pro- vincia di Vicenza. Cenni storici e resoconto morale, ecouomico e linanziario degli anni 1889 e 1890. fol. Vicenza, 1891. VIENNA. Carolinen-Kinderspital in Wien. Jabres- bericbte. 1.-8., 1880-87; 10., 1889; 13., 1892. 8°. [Wien, 1881-93.] Kronprinz Rudolf-Kinderspital zu Wien. Jabresbericbte. 1.-5., 1875-6 to 1880. 8°. Wien 1877-81. St. Annen-Kinderspital zu Wieu. Jahres- berichte des ersten allgemeinen St. Annen-Kiu- derspitals, fiir die Jahre 1855; 1865-8; 1871-"); 1878--0. 4°. Wien, 1856-81. S[anc]t Josef unentgeltliches Kinderspital in Wien. Jahrcsberichte . . . und des damit verbundenen Dr. Biehler'scben Kinderwiirterin- nen Bildungs Institutes. 31., 1872; 42.-48., 1883-9. 4° & 8°. Wien, [1873-90]. Aci-ztliche Berichte des St. Josef-lCinderspitales auf der Wieden, 1858-90. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wiedeii 1858-90, Wien, 1860-92, passim. — Eiiint-iliiiii^ des Caroline Kiedl'schen Kinderspitals. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll.. 1879, v. :r_'4-327. — .Inhi-t sIm-i ithle dea Caroliuen-Kinderspitals fiir die Jahre 1880-'.!.") (1.-17.). Ibid., 1881-97, vii-xxiii, passim. WALES. See, in this list, Rhyl. WALTHAMSTOW. Leyton aud Walthamstow Hospital Home for Children, Walthamstow. Annual reports of the committee of management. 1.-10., 18/8-87. 8°. Walthamstow, 1879-88. WARSAW. PoziiniiNki (A.) I. sprawozdanie z oddzialu chirnr- gicznego szpitala dla dzieci Bersonow i Baumanow. [First report from the surgical section of the Berson and Bau- man Hospital for Children.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1888, xvi, 557; 573. WILDBAD. Kinder-Heilanstalt zu Wildbad. Rechen- schafts-lh-richt iiber den ersten Summer der . . . Ausgegeben vom Verein fur die Kintlct-Heilan- stalt zu Ludwigsburg und Wildbad im Friibjahr 1855. UK [ Wildbad, 1856.] WISCONSIN. See, in this list, Milwaukee. WORCESTER. Children's Friend Society Orphan Home, Worcester, Mass. Annual reports of the officers. 24., 187'2-:S; 41, 1889-9(1; 42., 1890-91; 44., 1892-3; 47., 1895-6. 12°. Worcester, 1873-96. WURTZBURG. Scifci-t (O.) Bericht iiber tlie Kinderabtheilung des Juliusspitales zu Wiirzburg aus den Jahren 187'2-80. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1881, xvii, 337-408, 2 tab. YORK. Children's Home of the Borough and County of York, Pa. Annual reports of the managers to chtldkex. 459 CHILDREN. Children (Hospitals and asylums for), by localities. YORK—continued. the contributors and friends. 11.-16., 1875-6 to 1880-81. 8°. York, 1876-81. ZOPPOT. Abegg. Die Kinderheilstatte in Zoppot. 8 . Danzitj, 1887. ZURICH. Kinderspital (Elenoren-Stiftung) in Hot- tinmen bei Ziirich. Berichte. 1., 1868-73; 4.-9., 1876-^1; 13., 1885. 8J. Zurich. 1873-86. _____. Reglement fiir die Verwaltung. 8°. [Zurich, 1874.] Children (Hygieue and management of). Sec, also, Children (Education, etc., of); Chil- dren (Employment of); Children (Growth, etc., of); Children (Nutrition of); Infants (Hygiene, etc., of). Abelin (H. [A.]) Xeuwoja ja osoituksia pienteti lasten hoidosta antanut. [Directions antl advice for the care of youug children.] 16°. Helsingisxd. 1879. Acadkmie de me"decine. Rapports annuels de la commission permanente de l'hygiene dc l'en- fance par hs rapporteurs, et presentes a M. le ministre de l'interieur pour les aunees 1872-89. Nos. 1-22. 8\ Paris, 1873-89. -----. Recueil de memoires publics par la conmiissiou permanente de l'hygiene de l'enfance sous les auspices du ministre de l'int6rieur. 8°. Paris, 1875. Adler (C. W.) Zum Wohle der Jugend. roy. 8J. Wien, 1888. de Almeida (F. J.) Tratado da educacao fysica dos meniuos, para uso da nacao portu- gueza, publicado por ordem da Academia real das scicucias. 8:. Lisboa, 1791. Amesblry (S. C.) Manual ou the treatment of children in India, from birth up to 15 years of age. 2. ed. 8:. Calcutta, 1886. Barbosa (A. A. S.) Hygiene da primeira in- fancia. 8Z. Bio de Janeiro, 1883. Barrett (H.) The management of infancy and childhood, in health and disease. 8C. Lon- don, [n. d.]. Beck(B. W.) Cnnina, eine neue practische Erziehlehre, mit steter Hinsicht auf die phy- sischc Entwicklung der Kinder, nebst einem Anhange iiber Ehengliick, den Verhaltnisscn der Zeit angemessen. 12-. Berlin, 1830. Beckh (J. A.) Ueber pbysische Erziehung der Kinder in den ersten Jabren mit Hinsicht auf deren geistige Ausbilduug. Eltern und Er- zielicrn zur Beherziguug vorgelegt. 8"-. Niirn- berg 1808. Beclard(J.[-A. ]) * Hygiene de la premiere enfance. 4°. Paris, 1852. Beltrame(W) Prole ed habitudini. Diva- gazioni igieuicbe. 16°. Casale, 1885. Bertrand (R. ) * Puericnltme pratique. Quelques reflexions sur l'e'levage des petits enfants a la campagne. 8°. Paris, 1897. Birch (E. A.) The management and medical treatment of children in India. 2. ed., being the 8. ed. of Goodcve's "Hints on the manage- ment of children in India". *-. Calcutta, 1886. Blache (R.), Ladreit de Lacharniere & Meniere (iVAngers). Hvgiene de la premiere enfance. 12°. Paris, 1879. ----;--------------. The same. Igiene ed educazione della prima infanzia. Versione di A. Donarelli. *-. Iloma, 1879. Bourgeois (A.) Manuel d'hygiene et d'6du- cation de la premiere enfance. 16°. Paris, 1883. l ' llildreil (Hygiene and management of). -----. The same. Manual Or higiene y e'du- cacion dc la primera infancia. Trad, por Gon- zalez Alvarez. 8°. Madrid, 1885. BiiiVKK (E. W.) Wie bebtttct man Leben und Gesuudheit seiner Kinder? 8°. Wien if Leipzig, 1892. See, also, infra. ------. The same. Hoe beboedt men bet levcu en Oc gezoudheid zijner kinderen? In het Nederlandsch ovcrgcbracbt door C. L. van der Burg. 8. Leiden, [1892]. Cadogan (W.) An essay upon nursing and the management of children from their birth to three years of age, in a letter to one of the gov- ernors of the Foundling Hospital. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1750. Calatraveno ( F. ) Ensayos medico-litera- rios. Rccuerdos de la vida escolar: coiucideu- cias. Los ninos en los hospitales. Los exa^ne- nes. La clinica social. Las mujeres en las academias. Division topogriifica del cucrpo humano y sus aplicacioncs. 16°. Madrid, 1884. Chicago. Department of Health. Hot weather care of infants and young children. Circular. June, 1895. 16°. [Chicago, 1895.] Combe (A.) Treatise on the physiological and moral management of infancy. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1840. ------. The same. With notes and a supple- mentary chapter bv J. Bell. 6. ed. 8C. New York, 1853. Conraux (J.) * Essai sur r&lncation physi- que pendant la premiere enfance. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1813. Coriveaud (A.) La saute" de nos enfants. 12-. Paris, 1890. Daignan ( G. ) Gesundbeitslehre in Bezie- huug auf das kindliche und mannbare Alter. Ein Beytrag zur medizinischen Erziehungs- kunde. Aus dem Franzosischen. 2 pts. 12°. Leipzig, 1788. Uefkrt (L.) L'enfant ct l'adolescent dans la societe" moderne. Avec une lettre-pr6face de M. Theophile Ronssel. .12°. Paris, [1897]. Delacoux (A.) Education sanitaire des en- fans. 8°. Paris, 1827. Desessartz (J.-C.) Traits de l'dducation corporelle des enfans en bas-age, ou reflexions pratiques sur les moyens de procurer une ineil- leure constitution aux citoyens. 2. e"d., aug- mentee d'un avertisseinent et d'uu supplement. 8-'. Paris, an VII [1199]. Deux memoires: le premier, sur la conserva- tion des enfans, ct une destination avautageuse des enfans trouves; le second, sur les biens de l'bopital S. Jacques, leur eJat act.uel, ct leur veritable destination. 16°. [Paris], 1756. Droixhe. Des pratiques vicieuscs et preju- ge"s populaires inherents a l'hygiene et aux mala- dies des enfants en bas-age dans le pays wallou. 8-. Huy, 1877. VON Drscn (T.) Ueber Kinderlieilkunde und deren Uuterricht auf Uuiversitaten. 4U. Heidel- berg, 1879. Duviard (A.) *Notes sur l'hygiene respira- toire et cutanee de la deuxieme enfance dans les villes. 8C. Paris, 1KI7. Fiedeldij (C. E.) De zorg voor het kind iu bet eerste levensjaar. 8°. Haarlem, [1896]. Fonssagrives (J.-B.) Lectins d'hygiene in- fantile. 8. Paris, 18*2. de Fourcroy [A.-F.] Les enfans elcvcs dans l'ordre dc la nature, ou abre'ge" de l'histoiie na- turelle des enfans du premier age. A I'usage des pcres et nicies de famille. 16-. Paris, 1775. Fuentes ( M. A. ) Higiene de la infancia. 18°. Callao, 1859. CHILDREN. 460 CHILDREN. Clia3dren (Hygiene and management of.). Furst (L. ) Das Kind und seine Ptiege im gesunden uud kranken Zustande. 2. Aufl. 12c. Leipzig, 1877. -----. The same. 4. umgearbeitete und be- reicherte Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1891. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 12c. Leipzig, 1897. da Gama Cerquiera (N. B.) * Hygiene da primera infancia. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1883. Garbini (A.) Educazione fisica del bambino: ginuastica igienica, ginnastica medica, ginuas- tica dei sensi. 12°. Verona, 1889. Gesta y Leceta (M.) La educacion de la infancia en sus relacioues con la higiene. 8°. Madrid, 1881. Glasgow. Hints about the management of children. By the committee of health of Glas- gow. 8J. [Glasgow, n. d.] Goodeve (H. H.) Hints for the general man- agement of children in India, in the absence of professional advice. 2. ed. 16°. Calcutta, 1844. -----. The same. 3. ed. 16°. London, 1852. See, also, supra, Birch. Grimard ( E. ) L'eufant. Son passe", son avenir. 12°. Paris, [1889, vel subseq.]. Guille.meau (J.) The nursing of children, wherein is set downe the ordering and govern- ment of them from their birth. Together with the nieaues to helpe them and free them from all such diseases as may happen unto them. Writ- ten in French, sm. 4°. London, 1612. -----. The same. sm. 4°. London, 1635. Ishida (T.) Sioni naniku kiuso. [Golden rules for delicate children.] 8°. Kioto, 1813. Japanese text. Iwata (B.) Shoni keniku sbyo. [How to bring np children hygienically.] 12°. Tokio, 1886. Jakubowski (M. L.) Wskazowki z'ywienia i pielegnowania dzieci w pierwszym roku zycia. [Hints on nutrition and nursiug of children in first year of life. ] 12°. Krakow, 1890. Karakassi (G.) *Die Erziehnng der Kinder. 8C. Wien, 1847. Klemm(C) Die Schonbeitspflege im Wuchse des Kindes. Der Richtgiirtel als Erziehungs- Requisit fur Schule uud Haus zur Verhiituug vou Misswuchs und Kurzsicbtigkeit. 8°. Biga, 1892. Kneipp (S.) Soins a donner aux enfants dans Fe"tat de sante" et dans l'etat de maladie, ou conseils sur l'hygiene et la medecine de l'en- fance. Seule traduction frangaise autorisee par Tauteur. 12°. Paris, 1892. -----. The same. De verzorging van het kind in gezonde en zieke dagen ; raadgevingen vrij vertaald uit het Duitsch door eeuen dauk- baren kurgast. 12°. 's Gravenhage, 1892. -----. The same. The care of children in sickness and in health. 8v. London, 1897. Knight (J.) The improvement of tbe health of children and adults by natural means. In- cluding a history of food aud a consideration of its substantial qualities. 2. ed. 8C. Neiv York, 1875. de Kozamerus (J. M.) Informatio de secura infantum valetudine tuenda in natura et hujus libertate fuudata accurate per naturae explica- tionein, diaiteticum regimen, abusuum abroga- tionem, domestical medicandi methodi institu- tionem [etc.]. 12°. Vratislarias, 1717. Lanaud (C.-L.) *Essai philosophique sur l'hygiene des enfans. 4°. Strasbourg, 1825. Laurent (A.) De certaines pratiques qui portent atteinte a la sante" des enfants dn pre- mier age. Des immersions dans les sources d'ean froide. Memoire precede" de la conference faite Children (Hygiene and management of'), lors de rinaugnration de la Societe" prntectrice tie l'enfance de Roncn des societes |>iotcctricea de l'enfance; de leur but et de leurs movent) d'action. 8 -'. Paris, 1891. Legendre(P.) Hygiene de l'enfance. Ch,,jx des uourrices, leur hygiene alitnentaiic ct leitrs maladies an point de vne du lait. s />/,,.,-, 1889. ' "' LESSHAFT (P.) Rukovodstvo po tizichcskonui obrazovaniyu dielel shkolnavo vozrasta. [Man. ual for physical education of children diuimr school age.] Pt. 1. 8°. S.-Petirburg,l***. " Letort (A.) * Les troubles de la marche chez l'enfant. 4°. Paris, 1891. [Letter on the feeding, clothing, and general management of children.] 8-. [London, n.d.] Lombard (H.-C.) Quelques rdflexioiis'sur l'eclucntiou physique des eifants en Suisse et sur l'utilite ties statistiqucs mortuaires a recension d'un memoire du Dr. W. Fair sur la mortality des enfants dans les principaux ctats curopoeiis 4J. [Geneve, 1866.] Lonsdale (M.) The care and nursiug of chil- dren in health and in sickness. 12°. London 1885. Love (I. N.) Children's rights. 24°. Louis- ville, [1893]. Ludwig (OG.) *[Pr.] de contentione stu- diorum in puerili ietate cavenda. 4°. Lipsiw, 1767. Lvoff (I. M.) Znachenie igr v dlclle fizi- cheskavo vospitaniya dietei. [Importance of games in the physical education of children.] 8°. Kazan, 1892. Madden (T. M.) On child-culture; mental, moral, and physical. 2. ed. 16°. Dublin, l88.">. -----. The same., 3. ed. 12°. Dublin, 1**6. Marechal-Chmielewski (A.) Des tneil- leurs movens re conserver ou re"tablir la sante* des enfants. 12°. Paris, 1890. Massachusetts. State Board of Health. A circular to local boards of health. The care of young children. June, 1879. 8°. [ Boston, 1879.] Massimiliano (A.) Attenti ai bimbi! Dis- corso sull' educazione fisica dei fanciulli. 8J. Torino, [1884]. Metlingek (B.) Ein Regiment der jungeu Kinder. [Ad Jiuem:] [Gedruckt uud volendet von jobi Bander zu Augspurg. An Sanct Augus- teins Tag als man zalt nach Christie geburt tausent vierhundert und in dem Ixxiiii jar.] fol. [Augspurg, 1474.] -----. Tbe same. Ein Regiment der jun- geu Kinder, wie man sy halten und crziechen sol vou irer Gepurt biss sy zu iron Tagen koin- nien. sin. 4°. Augspurg, 1500. Mhan-su-faer. Die Nothwendigkeit nnil die Moglicbkeit einer kriiftigeren Zusammenwir- kung der Volker auf tlem Gcbiete der Kiinlcr- Erziehung, speciell des Yolksschulwcscns; cin Blick in die Volksschnlgesctzgebnng des 19ten Jnhrhunderts. 8°. Koln f Leipzig, 1**2. Migliori (U.) Igiene populate. I fancinlh dai dm- ai dodici anni. 8J. Firenze, 1891. Money (A.) The health of children. 12-\ London, 1***. Monti (.A.) Kinderheilkimde in Eiuzeldar- stellungen. Vortriigc gehalten au der allge- nieinen Poliklinik. lift. 1 & 2. 8°. Tien «. Leipzig, 1897. Mosso (A.) L' educazione fisica della gio- ventii. 12°. Milano, 1894. Mcller (G. ) Die scblechte Haltuug der Kinder und deren Verhiituug. *\ Berlin, 1893. Nktherlands. Tweedc versing ami dim g«'- neeskundigen raad van Noord-Holland, hetrel- CHILDREN- 461 OHILDKEN. fhildreii (Hygiene and management of'). fende het bewaaischoolwesen in die provincie. ho [Amsterdam, 1*82.] NunN (T. W.) Growing children aud awk- ward walking. 12°. London, 1894. Observations upon the proper nursiug ot children. 8". London, 1761. Ohio. State Board of Health. No. 18. The care and management of infants aud young children. Suggestions. 8°. [Columbu-s, 1886'!] Palmberg (A.) Exposition d'hygiene de l'enfance, Paris, 1887. Grand Ducbe de Fin- landc Ville de Wiborg. Catalogue special. Queiqttes notices snr l'hygiene de l'enfance. llr. Wiborg, 1887. PaOLETTI (G.) I nostri bambini. Conte- renze. 8°. Perugia, b-91. Paoum (E. P.) L' allevamento umano. Ma- nuale per gli educatori della prima infanzia. Educazione fisica. 12°. Torino, 1887. Pariyski (N. V.) Zadachi higienicheskavo vospitaniya dietei. [Problems of hygienic edu- cation of children.] 8C. Simferopol, 1889. Pereira (S. M.) Cartiila de higiene para disnimuir la mortalidad en los ninos. 8°. Me- xico, 18^8. Perez (B.) The first three years of child- hood. Edited aud translated by Alice M. Chris- tie, with an introduction by James Sully. 8C. London, 1*85. ----. The sante. 8C. Chicago, 1*85. Pkeiffer (E.) Ueber Pflegekintier und Siiug- lingskrippeu. Ein Wort an die Woblthatig- keits- uud insbesoudere die Frauenvereine. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1884. Pfeiffer (L.) Regeln fiir die Wocheustube nnd Kinderpflege. 2. Aufl. 2 Theile. 16:. Weimar, 18*4. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12°. Weimar, 1889. Pictorius (G.) Villinganus. De iustituendis pueris. Quibus praeceptoribus committenda sit ingetmornni puerorum iudoles, quibnsve artibus institueuda, ut recte cum pro corporis iuforme- tuihabittt, turn etiam ad mentis veram tradnca- tarcondecentiam, isagoge. Cum brevi admodum mathesi, qua ratione vel labefactans, vel deper- dita restauretur fidelissima niusarum genitrix memoria. Annexo dramate satis jucundo de Bene quodam turpi amore impedito, et bouesta uxore desolato. 18°. Basilew, [1564]. Pokrovski (E. A.) Fizicheskoye vospitan'ie dietei u raznikh narodov, prciniushtshestoenuo Rossii. Materiali dlya mediko-antropologiches- kavo izsliedovaniya. [ Physical education of children among various nations, especially Rus- sia. Data for medico-anthropological research.] fol. Moskva, 1884. ----. Pervonachalnoye fizicheskoye vos- pitaui'e dietei. (Popnlyarnoye rukovodstvo dlya materei.) [The primary physical education of cbildreu. (Popular manual for mothers.)] 8°. Moskva, 1888. -----. Ob ukhodie za malimi diet mi. [On the care of little children.] 16-. Moskva, 1889. -----. Russkiya dietskiya podvizbnlya igri, [Games of Russian children.] 8°. Moskva, 1892. Portenschlag-Ledermayer (J.) *De edu- catione physica infantum. 4°. Vindobon(e,116b. Rad for allmogcn i afseende a de spada bar- nensuppfodande i NorraFinland. [Advice to the people in respect to bringing up young children in North Finland.] 12°. Helsingfors, 1844. Recupito(L) Della educazione fisica, morale ed intellettuale del fanciullo. 8°. Trani, 1886. Children (Hygiene and management of). RlRBlNG (S.) Vara barns; fostrau och vaxd. [Our cbildreu, nursing and care.] 8°. Stock- holm, 1892. Suppl. to: Helsoviinnen, Gotehorg, 1892, vii. Ritter VON RlTTERSHAiN (G.) Die Gesund- heitspflege des jiingcrcn Kindes. 8°. Prag,1818. Rodgers (M. M. ) Physical education and medical management of children. 16°. Boches- ter, 1848. Rotch (T. M.) Pediatrics, the hygienic and medical treatment of children. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1*96. Rougemont (J. C. ) Etwas iiber Kleider- tracht, in wie feme sie eiuen nachtlieiligen Eintlttss auf die Gesuudheit hat. Nebst einigen auatomisclien uud chirurgischen Beobachtun- gen. 4°. [Bonn, 1784.] Rouvier (J.) Hygiene de la premiere en- fance. 8-. Paris, 1889. Sacomre [J.-F.] Traite" d'eolucation physique des enfans, precede" destructions snr les con- vulsions, et des moyens d'en preserver les per- sonnes des deux sexes. 8°. Paris, 1806. Salvadori (G. B.) Considerazioni e consigli sull'allevamento del bambino. 12°. Salb, 1890. Sanitary (The) care and treatment of chil- dren and their diseases; beiug a series of five essays by Drs. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Sam- uel C. Busey, A. Jacobi, J. Forsyth Meigs, and J. Lewis Smith. 8°. Boston, 1881. Schoondermark (J.) jr. Het badeo der kin- deren. 16°. 's Hertogenbosch, [1885]. Scovil (Elisabeth R.) The care of children. Revised ed. 16°. Philadelphia, 1895. Shew (J.) Children, their hydropathic man- agement in health and disease. 12°. New York, 1852. Sireni (Vittorina). Lezioncine d' igiene pei fanciulli. 8°. Padova, 1884. -----. Thesame. 2. ed., corretta ed aumen- tata. 12°. Padova, 1886. Smiles (S.) Physical education; or the nur- ture and management of children, founded on the study of their nature and constitution. 12c. Edinburgh, 1838. Snitkin (M. N.) Ukhod za zdorovimi i bol- nimi dietmi. 2. izd. ispravlenuuoye i dopolnen- noye statyeyu: vospitan'ie i nachaluoye obuche- n'ie. [The care of healthy and sick children. 2. ed., improved and supplemented with an es- say: Education and primary instruction.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Societe francaise d'hygiene. Hygieue et Education de la premiere enfance. 5.6d. 8°. Paris, 1882. -----. The same. 6. M. 8°. Paris, 1882. -----. Hygiene et education physique de la deuxieme enfance (periode de 2 a 6 ans). 8°. Paris, 1882. -----. The same. 2. erl. 8°. Paris, 1886. -----. The same. Igiene ed educazione fisica della seconda infanzia (2-6 anui). Tra- duzione del Dr. Clodoveo d' Agostini, con una appendice: Le riflessioui del bambino di Ales- sandro Dumas. 16°. Udiue, 1883. -----. Thesame. Helsovard och fysisk upp- fostran for barn intill sex ars alder af Frauska Sallskapet for Helsovard i Paris. Bemyndigad ofversattning lampad efter svenska forhallan- den. 12°. Stockholm, 1885. -----. Hygiene et Education physique de la deuxieme enfance (periode de 6 a, 12 ans). 8 . Paris, 1886. Also, transl. in: Kiv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1886, vi, 73; 105. CHILDREN. 4G2 CHILI )RKX, Children (Hygiene and management of). Starr ( L. ) Hygiene of the nursery. 8°. Philadtlpbia, 1*8*. -----. Tbe same. Including the general regimen and feeding of infants and children, and the domestic management of the ordinary emergencies of earlv life. 2. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1889. 3. ed. 1* 1891. Tbe same. The same. 4. ed. 12° Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1894. von Swiecicki ( H.) * Historisch-kritische Beleuchtung der Pflege der Kinder bei deu Grie- chen. 8,J. Breslau, [1877]. Taussig (S.) Eruahrnng und Pflege der Kin- der bis zum Ende der zweiten Lebensjahres sowie die Verhiituug seiner Erkraukung. 16°. Wien Sf Leipzig, [1897]. de Tolosa Latour (M.) La protecciou me- dica al nino desvalido. 8°. Madrid, 1881. ------. Tbe same. [Nueva tirada.] 8°. Madrid, 1881. -----. El nino, apuntes cientificos. [4. ti- rada.] 16°. Madrid, 1883. Uffelmann (J.) Handbuch der privaten und offentlichen Hygiene des Kiudes zum Gebrauche fiir Studirende, Aerzte, Sanitatsbeainte und Pii- dagogen. 8°. Leipzig, 1881. -----. The same. Traite" pratique d'hygiene de l'enfance. A I'usage des ef ndiants, des metle- cius, des conscils d'hygiene et desetablisseincnts d'instruction publique. Traduction par G. Boeh- ler. 8°. Paris, 1889. ---. The same. Manual of the domestic For the use of students, officials, teachers, and Harriet Ransom Mili- 8°. hygiene of the child. physicians, sanitary mothers. Transl. by nowski. Edited by Mary Putnam Jacobi. New York f London, 1891. Verdier-Heurtin (J.-F.) Discours et essai apboristique sur l'allaitenient et l'6ducation physique des enfans. 8°. Paris, 1804. Verrier (E.) De la deuxieme enfance; hy- giene; education. 8°. Paris, 1886. Virginio (M.) Fisiologia della iufanzia e fanciullezza. Introduzione alio studio della pediatria. 8C. Genova, 1*86. Vore B0rns Fremtid. Gode Raad for omhyg- gelige Foraeldre. Efter "Parental command- ments". 2. ed., ved en gamniel Liege. [The future of children. Good advice.] 24°. R}0- benhavn, 1888. Vuillermoz (E.) * Des colonies scolaires de vacanceset particulierenient de celles organisecs par la municipality lyounaise en 1895 et 1896 daus leurs rapports avec l'hygiene de l'enfance. 8°. Lyon, 1.891. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Wawrinsky (R.) Om barnavarden och siir- skildt fosterbarnsvardeu i iildre och nyare tid. [Tbe care of children, especially the care of foster cbildreu, in former aud modern times.] 8°. Stockholm, 1896. Wistrand (A. H.) Helsowardsliira, med siir- skild hiinsyu till nyfodda och spiida barn. Enligt updrag af K. Siui(lhets-Collegiuin. [HjT- gienic rules, with special regard to infants and children.] 8-. Stockholm, 1871. Wolff (W. S.) * De pnerili ad medicinam relata institutione. 8°. Beiolini, [1839]. Wurzer (F.) Versuch iiber die physische Erziehung der Kinder. 12°. Bonn, 1796. Yakubovich (V. F.) O pyanstve dyetey i o vlianii vina na dyetskiy organism. [On drunk- Children (Hygiene aud management of), enness in children, and on the influence of wine upon the organism, in children.] k. *.-/»„.. burg, 1894. Zuckert (J. F.) Von der diiitctischcu Erzie- hung der eutwohnten nnd erwaclisenen Kinder bis in ibr mannbarcs Alter. 'J. Aufl. K-'. Jier. Un, 1771. Adler (P.) The influence of manual trainhi" on obar acter. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char., Bost., 1888 "'T''-"*! _ Agrnmoiite (A.) Physical versus mental overstrain ing in children. Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1896, xi, 139-143 - Auvaid ,fc Pingat. Considerations sur l'livu-n,- i,, fantile ancienuc et moderne. Sciences biol. -i fa tin ,h. XIX* siecle, Par., 1893, 01-80. Also.- Arch, de tocol !•■, 1889 xvi 892-936.-BaKin.ky (A.) Hygiene des Kinde-i in der allgememen dentschen Ausstelluug auf dem (;e biete tier Hygiene und tics Rett.ungswosciis in Berlin Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1882-3, iv, 458-465.-Ballon^ tync (J. W.) Coninion errors in the roaring of children" Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1890-91, xi, 83-104 Also, Reprint.— Ballcxst-rd. Veiliandeliiig over de n> tuurkundige opvoeding der kinderen, van de geboorte tot den huwbaren tyd, welke hier hepaald void tot 15ol'18 jaaren. [With French translation.] A'erhande]. nit'ci- tl. de Holland Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, ]':£' vii, pt. 2, 79-356.—Ban unci. Ia gros ventre chez l'en- fant. Rev. d'hyg. therap , I'ar., 1895, vii. 343-34!l.-Be. com-. La protection de fcnlance. Bull, nied iln noid Lille, 1887, xxvi, 362-367.— It<-lt< «*y (G.) Hie lledcu- tung ties Badens der Kinder aus livgiiuischeiii mill tbera peutischem Standpunkte. Ungar. med. Presse. liiiila- pest, 1897, ii, 670; 694; 718: 742; 766; 78s- 81''- 8:i7- 862- 885; 910.— Berend (H. W.) lleilgymnastik im zaites- ten Kindesalter. X. Jahrb. f. d. Tiiriikiinst, Dresd. 1866, xii, 78-82.—Bicdci-I. Di.- Untersucliung der Kin- der. Heilkunde, "Wien [etc.], Is90, i, 161-166. — Itoywn (T. H.) Thoughts on the hygiene of infants and \oimg children. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xlv, 3!iu- 398. — Itriickc ( E. ) Wie behiitet man Lebcn und Cesundheit seiner Kinder ? Internat. klin. Riinilsclian Wien, 1892, vi, 217; 265; 30.-.; 3S7. See, also, supra— (Jalati-avciio (F.) jCmil es la alimentation menos no- civa en la primeia infancia eu defecto dela hictanciu ma- tenia 6 niercenaria? Actus . . . Cong, ginec. espafi., Ma- drid, 1888, i, 416; 427. -----. La education fisica en lain fancia. Ciencia mod., Madrid, 1897, iv, 438-440 —<'iiiii- pcr (P.) Verhandeling over hot lustier van kinderrii, [With Latin version in text.] Verhandel. uitgeg. tl. dc Holland. Maatsch. tl. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 170:!, vii, pt. 2, 357-464.— (ai-bonell y Noir* (F.) Influencia delirio sobre la salud de los ninos. Arch, dc pint-cop., Barcel., 1895, viii, 613-616.—(Jhamiing (\V.) Pliysical education of children. Am. J. Insan., Utica, X. Y., 1891-2, xlviii, 303-320.—C'liaipcntit-i-. Suriesiiienioirea et travaux adi-esses a la coniinission permanente de l'liy- gifene de l'enfance. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de nied., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxii, 415: 1896. xxxvi, 649. -----. Sur les memoires et ouvrages envo\ es eu 1897 a la coniinission per- manente de l'hvgiene de l'enfance. [Rap.] Ibid., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 505.-576. — C'lu-adlc (\V. B.) Health in infancy and childhood. In: Book of health [Morris 1, 8°, Lond., 1881. 631-676.—t olhin (J.) Pienteli lasten ruokkiinisesta pohjois-Kaijahissa. [The bringing up of little children in North Carelia.| Suomen tervevdenh.- h-liti, Helsingissa, 18s9, i, 49- 54. — Uorrt-a tie Aze- vctlo (L.) Concorrera. o modo por que s-aodirigidas nitre nos a educacao e instruco.ao da moeiilade, para o hencflco desenvolvimento physico emoral de homen! Ann. lirasil. de med., Rio tie Jan., 1871-2, xxiii 416-440.-C'zciiiy (A.) Ueber hygienische Einrichtungen uud piopliylm tische Vorkehriingen in Kiuderspitalern und Findehinslalteli. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 205-207. —I>H1hi (M.) El aire. Bol. d. Dispens. v Hosp. de Ninos poureR (le Barcel., 1895, v, 508. -----.'Mcdios preventives. I Intl., 492.—Desguin (V.) Assistance! des orpbelins considered an point de vuede leur hygiene physique et moiale. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog., Lond., 1892, iv, 175-186.—Digglc (J. A.) ' Over-pressure in children (aim- ing brain mischief. Hosp. Gaz., Lund., 1892. xx, 374.— Oobroslavin (A.) Dietskaja. [The nursery | Zdo- rovje. St. Petersb., 1883, x, no. 34. 2-6.— Doi-nbliilli ii.) Solien die Schuleu ihre Tui iistuuden /.wischen den ancle ren Unterrichtsstunden aufnebi-n .' .lalnb. f. Kinileili, Leipz., 18%. n. F.. xliii, 203-2U7. —»i-oi.\li«'. ll.\gieiieilc l'enfance. [Extr.J J. d'accouch., Liege, imi. i, 123; 1311 143; 152; 164; 170: 184: 191; 203; 210; 222; 230: 1881, ii, 3: 11; 22.- 31.—l>rnry (H. C.) The medical fm ot children. Dublin J. M. Sc , 1894, xcvii, 12-25.—Edi*' f W.) Hints for travelling, in the cist; of chihlieii. h'it- M. J., Lond., issi, ii. 149— Fai-ic* iii.) The physical and hygienic care ol children. -I. Am. M. Ass., (.'hicago, 1897, xxix, 844.—Finlajwon (J ) On the c;'ie of infants and voting children according to the Bible and Talmud. Med* Mag., Lond., 1893-4. ii. 231-2.il—Fodor (K.) A vivas mint testedzti sport, kiilonbs tekiutettel a gyerme- CHILDREN. 463 CHILDREN. Children (Hygiene and management of). kekre. [Fencing as a gymnastic sport especially with children-] Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 6, 4-9.—For what physical con- ditions shall children be excluded from school gymnastics; Report of committee of New York Physical Education Society. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Bost.', 1897, ii, 30-33 — poi-i-liliciuirr (l'\) "Infancy, or the management of children; a didactic poem in six books; the fourth edition, bv Hugh Downman, M. D., Edinburgh, 1788." [President's address before Am. Pediatric Soc ] Arch. Pediat, N. V.. 1895. xii. 401-412—Galassi (L.) Alcune avvertenzo sulla igiene dellafanciullezza. Arch, tli med., chir. ed ig., Koinari869, i, 160-174.—Gal lego tic la Serna (J.) De ratione alendi infantes et pueros, ct eoruudem sanitate tuenila. Inhis: Opera physica [etc.]. fol., Lugduni, 1634, 241-324— Garrett-Anderson (Elizabeth). How can children in a city be kept healthy.' In: Sanitary (The) care and treatment of children [etc.], 8°, Host., 1881, 1-27.— Grancher. De la marche cbez les enfants et des causes nni peuvent la retarder ou l'empecher. Rev. mens. d. mal. de fenf.. Par., 1888, vi, 289- 97.—Grassl i\V.) Feber die Nothweudigkeit tier Einrichtung von Kinder-Coupes bei deu Eisenbahnen. Mitth. tl. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., "Wien. 1885. xi, 133-136—Greenlcy (T. B.) Hy- giene of infancy and child'-ood. Am. Pract. & Xews, Louisville, 1888,' n. s.. v, 385-392.—Griffith (J. P. C.) Remarks on the hygiene of children; feeding, shoes, measurement of length. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, vii, 449-455. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1895. 3. s., xvii. 8-17.—Guida IT.) Del vestiineiito e dei mezzi esterni di protezioue tit 1 bambino neiprinii mesi della vita. Pe- diatria, Napoli, 1894, ii, 32l-SL'3.—Gutzmaun (H.) Zur Hygiene der Sprache des Kindes. Tr. vii, Internat. Conn. Hyg- & Demog., Lond., 1892, iv, 241-246.— Harrison (G. B.) Th,e injurious influence of lowering temperature and night air upon sleeping children. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1890, xxiii, 610-614. [Discussion! 647-649. Also: Tr. "Wash. Ohst. & Gvnec. Soc. 1889-90, [X. Y.], 1892, iii, 41-47. — Hciiuig ((.'.) Stadtluft uud Kinderwohl. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1885, n. F., xxiii, 367-372.— Hei-Nom (Jane L.) The prevention of disease and mor- tality in infancv and childhood. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1895-6, ii, 407-412. —Hogner (R.) Akta bamen for kyssar! [Watch the children as to kissing.J Helsovau- nen, Goteborg, 18*0. i, 218-222.—Johannessen (A.) Oiu Behandlingen af atrofiske Born i Couveuse. [Treat- mint of atrophic children bv the couveuse.] Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk., Kristiania, 1896, 4. R.. xi. 289-297.— Johnson (L.) Hvgiene of infancv. Ilonueop. J. Obst., N. Y„ 1896, xviii, 170-173. —Kendall ( T. M.) Some points with regard to the livrrieno of children. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 18s:>-6, v. 1 '6- 12o. — Kir (Alice J. S. ) How to make children healthy and hippy. Health Lect., Edinb., 1889. 9. s., 25-35. — itiudcrspel. In: Vriend (De) van armen en rijken, [Amst.. 1865?]. 1-4.— Knli- ■cher (M.) Die Behandlung der Kinder und der •! ugend auf den priroitiven Kulturstufen. Ztschr. f. Ethnoh, Berl., 1883, xv, 191-203.— Lagrange »i (T. M.) On some points concerning the hygiene ol . lancy and childhood. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 189,i. n. s'., lxi, 621 — (J-J4. — ITIadeuf. Conscils d'hygiene aux meres do famille; le ooueherde l'enfant. Nature, Par, 1896, xxiv, pt. 2, 109. — .Vlalinowski. Kapiele i ich zas'iosowanie nmiejelne u noworodk6w i dzieci. [ Baths and their application in the new born and in children.1 Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1885, i, 9-15. — Jlaraglio (A.) Igiene del- 1 infanzia e della giovinezza in rapporto all' istruzione ed ai regolamenti scolastici. Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig. Atti, Brescia, 188* i, 12-70. — Meigs (J. F.) Observa- tions upon the sanitary care and treatment of children and their diseases; in answer to certain questions pro- pounded by the trustees of the Thomas Wilson Sanita- rium for Children, of Baltimore Citv. In: Sanitary (The) care and treatment of children [etc.], 8°, Bost'., 1881, 206-238.—Mishinia (X.) Renteu no nokai ni kotomo teisho seshi noru rikai ikaga. [Question of children's Children (Hygiene and management of). open-air exercise in hot season ] Chiugai Iii Shinpo Tokio, 1894, no. 343, 7. — .Tlonflier. La protection dii premier age au siecle dernier, lnion metl. du nord-est Reims, 1897, xxi, 107. —Murphy (C. E.) How shall we care tor the infants and cbildreu during the summer mouths? Atlanta Clinic, 1896, v, no. 5, 5-8. — IY. (A L) El sneflo tie los ninos. Bol. d. Dispens. y Hosp. de Ninos pobres dc Barcel., 1896, vi. 25.— Yen man u ( H.) Was geschieht iu Berlin fiir kranke uud hiltlose Sauglinge? Verhandl. d. deutsch. (iesellsch. f. (ill-. Gsndhtspflg. zu Berl., 1891, 08-83—IVicdei-laiidc. Gesetzentwurf gegen Ucberarheituug und Verwahrlosung jugendlicher Perso- nen. Arch. f. sozialo (iesetzgeb. u. Satist., Tiibing., 1888, i, 155— Noodzaltelijliheid (De) van het wasschen tier kinderen. In: Vriend ( De) van armen en rijken, [Amst. 1865?]. 1-12.-I»ain«- (J. F. V.) The hygiene of children in relation to their diseases and excessive mortality N Orl. M. &.S. J., 1886-7, n.s., xiv, 649-604.—Pa rkeri F. E.) Systematic physical training. Am. Phys. Educat. Kev., Bost., 1897, ii. 12-18. — I'ct'lihiiiu (Grace). Infancy iii the city. Pop. So. Month., N. V , ISS5-6. xxviii, 683-689.— lMiilippoll (A.) Einige Nolizeu iiber das Kinder- costi'un. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1895, xix, 220-223.— Pini (G.) Les villas ties eeoles. lust. san. en Italic, Milan, 1*85, 501-505. — I'omm.-igeol. Les services de protection des enfants du 1" age dans les Vosges. Bull. med.d. Vosges, Epinal, 1895-0 x. no. 39, 14-17.—Preston ( S. P.) The hygiene of infancy. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 022-627. —Reed (B.) The tepid bath as a sedative in voung children. Med. Rec.. X. V., 1890, xxxviii, 378. — Rene (J. A.) Hygiene of child- hood; clothing. Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1897, xii. 77-79.— Rcuss (L.) Do l'hygiene dansroiiseigneiiient secondaire au point de vuo du corps et de 1'. sprit do l'enfant. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xviii, 435; 505. — Richardson (B.W.) The seed-tinio of health. San. Pee., Lond.. 1881- 2, n. s , iii, 265-269.—Rorcr (Sarah T.) Care of children. Ann. (lynicc. & Piediat., Best., 1890-7, 182 - 187. — Roth (E.) Der Entwurf eines biirgerlieheu Gesetzbuchs fiir das Deutsche Reicli nach seinen fiir den Arzt wichtigsten Bestimmungen besprochen. Vrtlj.schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1888. n. F., xlix, 222-231.—Sihorski (I. A.) Zadachi higieni vospitaniya v vozrasti pervavo dietstva. [Prob- lems of the hygiene of education during childhood.] Vest- nik klin. i sodehnoi psicbiat. i nevro-patol., St. Petersb., 1883, i, no. 2, 59-128. —Smith (X.) The physical culture of youth. Clin. J., Loud., 1894-5. >\ 288-291. — Wonnen- berger. Ueber Hausgymiiastik bei Kindern. Kinder- Arzf, Leipz., 1895, vi, 177-180.—Special (J.) Hygiene of childhood; exercise. Pediatrics, X. Y. \. Lond., 1896, ii, 562-566.— Squire (W.) The nursery. In: Our homes. [S. F. Murphy.], 8°, Loud., 1883, 841-868. — Wlraus (I.) Regime alimentaire dans les eeoles normales primnires. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 231-235.— Taylor (H. L.) American childhood from a medical standpoint. Pop. Sc. Month., N. V., 1892, xii, 721-732. Also, Reprint.— Telford.Wmilli ( T.) Tho scientilie study of tbe men- tal ami physical conditions of childhood. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Loud.'; 1897, iii, 317-321.—Tissie (P.) Les attitudes vicieuses chez Its enfants. Rev. scient., Par., 1896, 4. s., v, 271-275.—dc Tolosa l.atoui' (M.) Preceptos a que debe ajiistarse la educacidn fisica do los ninos en las grandes poblaciones tie Espafia. Actas . . . Cong, ginec. espaii., Madrid, 1888, i, 375-380. -----. Igiene del lavoro nella seconda infanzia. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1889, ix, 62-69.—Trattcnimcuti d' igiene pedagogica. Med. commuuale, Seregno, 181)::. i, 42; 120; 153; 167: 181: 1864, ii, 3; 58; 75; 103; 134; 149; 179; 242; 273: 1865, iii, 33; 123; 145. — U Helm ami (J.) Ueber die in fremder Pflege untergebrachten Kinder vom Standpunkte der offentlichen Gesuiidheitsptlege. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1883, xv, 1-36.— V. Kdiien- ci6n fisica. Hoi. d. Dispens. y Hosp. de Ninos pobres de Barcel., 1896, vi, 287. — Vidal So I a re* ( F. ) Tratteni- menti famigliari sopra 1' igiene della prima infanzia. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piaeen/.a, 1883. iii, 276; 299; 329; 371: 1884, iv, 15; 43; 82; 108.—Vireniiis (A. S.) Tielesnoyo vospitan'ie v poru do shkolnavo vozrasta. | Physical edu- cation before the school age.] Obsh.-san. obozr.. S.- Peterb., 1896. i, 4; 24. — Waller (Jessie 0.) Mental and physical training of children. Nineteenth Cent., X. V., 1889, xxvi, 059-667.— Warner (F.) Infancy, childhood, and school life; the scientitic observation and study of children in schools and the classes into which they may be grouped. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., Iii, 277-279. -----. Delicate children and their management. Inlornat. Clin , Phila., 1894, 4. s., iii, 68 - 76. — Walsuji (H.) & Kuroiwa (F.) Untersuehung der Sell- und Hor- organe der Sclinlkinder in Nihigata. " [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1896, x, Hft. 17, 33- 45. — Wewer. Pflege, Eruahiuiig und Erziehung des Kindes vom neuesten wissenschaftlichen Standpunkte aus. Kinder-Arzt, Berl., 1891, ii, 17; 39: 53; 69. — Wie lange diirfen unsere Kinder schlafen? Gesunde Kinder, Hammi. W., 1897, ii, 169; 177— Wolffbcrg (S.) Grund- lagen lhr die diatetische Erziehung. Deutsche Rundsch., Berl., 1884, xi, 202-215. CHILDREN. 464 CHILDREN. Children (Hygiene aud management of, Popular treatises on). Art (The) of nursiug: or the method of bring- ing up youug children according to the rules of physick, for the preservation of health, and pro- longing life. 2. ed., to which is prefixed, au arcutio, with its dimensions, used abroad to pre- vent the overlaying of children. 1*2°. London, 1733. Aunt Peggy. Hints to mothers on the proper management of children in infancy, childhood, youth, and womanhood. With an appendix, containing the rules for the general management of infants, recommended by the Obstetrical So- ciety of Londou. 16°. London, 1871. Bachklet (H.) Couseils aux meres de fa- mille sur la maniere de nourrir leurs enfants et de se nourrir elles-memes. 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1887. -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1894. Bain (D.) The hope of the world—mothers. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1856.] Bali.in (Ada S.) Children's dress. 8°. Lon- don, 1884. Bazzani (S.) Compendio d' igiene infantile, Guida per la famiglia e per la scuola, intorno 1' allevamento, la educazione, e 1' istruzione de' fanciulli secondo i precetti igienici. 12°. Pis- toia, 1-M>. Beerel(M.) Erziehungsuormen. Ein Hand- buch fiir Eltern und Erzieher. 12°. Breslau, 1883. Bell (R.) Our children, how to keep them well and treat them when they are ill; a guide to mothers. 12°. Glasgow, 1887. Bixf.t (E.) Hygiene de la jeune mere et du nouveau-ne\ 16°. Paris, 1894. -----. La mddecine maternelle. Soins a donner aux enfants malades et pharmacie de famille. 12°. Paris, 1897. Bohm (F.) Das Kind im ersten Lebensjahre, dessen Pflege und Kraukheiten. Ein Leitfaden fur Mii Iter. 3. Aufl. 8°. Schweinfurt, 1885. Bowdich (Mrs. [E. W.]) Confidential chats with mothers ou the healthy rearing of children. 16°. London, 1890. Bradford (R.) & Bradford (H. O.) The mother's medical guide; containing a descrip- tion of the diseases incident to children; with the mode of treatment, as far as can be pursued with safety, independently of a professional at- tendant. With notes and amendments by Je- rome V. C. Smith. 32°. Boston, 1833. Braidwood (P. M.) The mother's help aud guide to the domestic management of her chil- dren. 12°. London, 1894. Brydoff (G. S.) Det friska och det sjuka barnet. Rad till modrar. 1. Det friska barnet. [The healthy and the sick child.] 8°. Wisby, 1861. Bull (T.) The maternal management of chil- dren in health and disease. Thoroughly revised by Robert W. Parker. 8°. London, 1877. Carbone (F.) II codice della giovane madre. 8°. Milano, 1886. Chavasse (P. H.) Advice to a mother on the management of her children, and on the treat- ment on the moment of some of their more press- ing illnesses and accidents. 9. ed. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1868. -----. New ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1894. Cipani (G. B.) Massimo d'igiene dei figliuoli del popolo. 12°. Milano, 1884. Combk (A.) The mother's guide for the care of her children, or the management of infancy. Intended for the use of parents. Revised and edited by Sir James Clark. 8°. New York, [1852]. Children (Hygiene and management of Popular treatises on). Copasso (F.) Per le inadri di famiglia ; come si debba nutrire il bambino sano, anirualato e convalescente. 12°. Torino, 1891. Corral y Maira (M.) Higiene de la infan- cia : apuntes, iustrucciones y consejos populnrcH fisiol6gico-higie"nicos & las madres de fatnilia 2. s. 12°. Madrid, 1890. Cruard (T.) Hygiene de l'enfance; couseils aux meres sur la maniere d'61ever leurs enfants- surnienage scolaire et ses consequences p>-! Part's, 1*87. Degoix. Cate'chisme maternal, avec uue preface de M. E. Monin. 16°. Paris, [1894]. Dorger(R.) Die Wartung nnd Pflege kleiuer Kinder. Aerztliche Rathschliige fiir Mutter insbesondere fiir Frauen ans dem Volk. Nebst einem Anbange iiber Kinderkrankheiten. 8°. Hamburg $• Leipzig, [n. d.]. Donne (A.) Ueber die physische Erziehung der Kinder in der ersten Lebensperiode. Fiir Mutter nnd Aerzte. Aus dem Franzi'isisclien, mit Anmerknngen uud einem Anbange. Beitrag zur mikroskopischen Uutersuchung der Franen- milch, von Alexander Friedleben. Bevorwortet von Salomo Friedrich Stiebel. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1843. Eixis (E.) What every mother should know. 12°. Philadelphia, [1880]. Few (A) hints to mothers on the training of their young children. A fragment from the German. 12°. London, 1857. Few (A) suggestions to mothers on the man- agement of their children. By a mother. 12°. London, 1884. Fonssagrives (J.-B.) Livret maternel pour prendre des notes sur la saute' des enfants (sexe masculin). 8°. Paris, 1869. -----. The same. Dagboek voor moeders tot het houden van aauteekeningen betreffendu de gezoudheid der kinderen. Vrij bewerkt naar Dr. S. Sr. Coronel. (Manuelijk geslacht.) 1'2 . Schiedam, \n. d.]. Fowler (0. S.) Die Mutterschaft, oder das Tragen und Stillen der Kinder, mit Bemer- kungen iiber wcihliche Erziehung} und Schon- heit und einem Anhang, iiber die Erziehung der Kinder im Allgemeinen. 8°. Berlin, 1874. G6tz (J. M.) Die Pflege und Behandlung des gesunden und kranken Kindes wahrend der ersten Lebensperioden. Belehrungen fiir Miit- ter. 2. Aufl. 12°. Wien, 1851. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. Neu bearbeitet von Dr. Franz Liharzik. 12c. Wien, 1876. Gold. Unser Kind in gesunden und kranken Tageu. Ein Katechismus der Kindespflege fur alle Eltern. 16°. Mulheim a. d. Buhr, [n. d.]. Guidi (G.) Igiene del bambino. Guida alle inadri per ben allevare i loro figli. 12°. Milano, [n. d.]. Hale (Amie M.) The management of chil- dren in sickness and in health. A book lor mothers. 2. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1881. Harland (M.) Common sense in the nursery, includiug the hygiene of children, cooking for children, clothing for children, and the general management of children in health and sickness. 16°. "Glasgow, 1886. Hartelius (T. J.) Home gymnastics for the preservation and restoration of health in chil- dren and young and old people of both sexes. With a short method of acquiring the art of. swimming. Transl. and adapted from the Swed- ish original by special permission of the author by C Lofving. 12°. Philadelphia, 188:'.. Helmricii (V.) Mutter and Kind ; leichtver- stliiidliche Anweisung, wie ein Kind leibhch CHILDREN. 465 CHILDREN. Children (Hygiene and management of Popular treatises on). uud geistig recht erzogen, gesnnd erhalteu und heziehentlich gesund gemacht werden kann und soil; ein Hulfsbuch fiir Mutter, namentlich fiir die Mutter auf dem Laude, denen es haufig an schnellcr jirztlicher Hiilfe gebricht, sowie fur Briiute, und alle diejenigen Frauen, welche mehr oder weniger Miitterstelle zu vertreten, haben, also fiir Erzieherinnen, Lehrerinnen, Kinder- (rartnerinnen, Leiterinnen von Kinderbewahr- und Kinderpflege-Austalten, etc. 12°. Weimar, 18ease [etc.]. sm. 8 . Glasgow. 1825. Kissam(R. S.) The nurse's manual and young mother's guide; containing advice on the man- agement of infants and conduct to be observed bv the mother before and after child-birth. 16°. Bartford, 1834. Klencke ([P. F.J H.) Gezondheidsleer voor jon^ens eu meisjes in eu buiten de school. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door D. Lubacb. 83. Kampen, 1872. -----. Das kranke Kind. Populaire Be- lehrung in der richtigen und friihzeitigen Er- kennung kindlicher Krankheitsanlagen und Er- kraukungen und in der zweckmassigen haus- lichen Behandlung derselben bis zur Hiilfe des Arzte>. Ein Buch fiir gebildete Eltern. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1881. Krcg. Die Kinder-Erziehung fiir das erste Lehensjahr. Fiir Miitter und solche, die es werden wollen, zugleich ein Rathgeber in der Wochenstube. 2. Aufl. der Grnndzuge einer rationellen Kinderdiatetik. 1(K Leipzig, 1884. Laura (S.) Madre igiene della giovine fami- glia. 2. ed. 12". Torino, 1884. -----. La protezione della vita dei bambini, j Alle madri italiane. 8°. Torino, 1889. Leroy (A.) Hygea als Mutter, oder die Knnst j das Leben der Kinder zu erhalten, und sic ge- sund zu erziehen. Aus dem Franzosischen uber- setzt mit Anmerkungen von Ch. Friedrich Hirsch. 12°. Bayreuth, 1805. Lissauer. Regeln und Belehrnngen fiir junge Miitter. If,\ Berlin $ Leipzig, 1891. I-omas (W.) Children's lives and bow to pro- tect them. Counsel to parents on the rearing of 30 Children (Hygiene and management of, Popular treatises on). children, the prevention of disease, and the prompt treatment of children's maladies. A new manual for young wives. 12°. London [1884]. McNair (A. H.) Suggestions to parents and others, on the physical and medical treatment of children; also, diseases of females; together with a practical account of all the diseases to which the human body is liable, and more par- ticularly of diseases of the spine, consumption of the lungs, dyspepsv, and nervous affections. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1841. Masini (A.) Guida delle madri per 1' igiene ed educazione dell' infanzia. La prima aliinen- tazione del bambino. Parte 1. 8C. Genova, 1884. Metropolitan Working Classes' Association for Improving the Public Health. 5. The rear- ing and training of children. 8°. London, 1847. Meyer (B.) The child physically and men- tally. Advice of a mother according to the teaching and experience of hygienic science. Guide for mothers and educators. Transl. by Friederike Salomon; revised by A. R. Aldrich. 12■--. New York, London, [1893]. Millet (Cora), n4e Robinet. Conseils aux jeunes femmes sur l'6ducation de la premiere enfance. 16°. Paris, [1855]. Milne ( A. ) How to nurse a child, or the management of children, and their diseases. 12°. Edinburgh, 1881). Niemeyek ( P. ) Aerztlicher Ratgeber fur Miitter. Zwanzig Briefe iiber die Pflege des Kindes von der Geburt bis zur Reife. 8C. Stutt- gart, 1885. Nurse's (The) manual and mother's medical adviser; a guide to the inexperienced. By a. practising physician. 8-". Philadelphia, 1*45. O'Neill ( H. C. ) & Barnett (E. A.) New life; its genesis aud culture. A book for young mothers. 12°. London, 1890. Perier (E.) La seconde enfance; guide hy- gie"nique des meres et des personnes appel^es a dinger 1'education de la jeunesse. 12°. Paris, 1888. ------. L'art de soigner les enfants malades ; guide hygienique des meres. 12°. Paris, 1891. Picard (E.) Conseils aux meres de families, ou qnelques considerations pratiques sur la mor- tality des nouveau-ne's et des jeunes enfants. 8'-. Saint-Nicolas f Nancy, 1874. Piderit ( K. ) Das Buch fiir junge Miitter und Irene Witt terinnen. Vorschriften iiber Hal- tung und Pflege der Kinder in den ersten l.c- bensjabreu. 4. Aufl. Neubearlx-itet und hrsg. von F. E. Clasen. 16°. Bielefeld f Leipzig, 188.-). PlRINGER (J. [F.]) Die Pflege del Ncuge- boruen uud kleinen Kinder. Dargestellt zum Gebrauehe fur junge Mutter. *°. Graz, 1871. Richmond (I. L.) Children, their home train- ing; how to nurse them in sickness and to keep them in health; how to feed a family, etc. A book for mothers, with a preface by Sarah Tyt- ler. 16°. London, [1890]. Rougeot (P.) Manuel des meres et des nour- rices, ou l'art d'elever les enfants en has age. Alimentation, soins hygieniques, sevrage, mdde- cine usnelle. 2. €d. 8°. Paris, 1888. Sacchi(P.) Alle spose italiane; igiene popo- lare dell'infanzia. 12. Parma, 1880. Selle ( A.-E. ) Le guide maternel ou l'hy- giene de la premiere enfance. 16°. Paris, 1887. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1895. Smith (H.) The female monitor, consisting of a series of letters to married women on nurs- CHILDREN. 466 CHILDREN. Children (Hygieue and management of Popular treatises on). ing and the management of children. With oc- casional notes and a compendium of the diseases of infants, by Johu Vaughau. 16°. Wilming- ton, 1801. Sozinskey (T. S.) Tbe care and culture of cbildreu. A practical treatise for the use of parents. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. Strive (C. A.) A familiar treatise on the physical education of children duriug the early period of their lives. Being a compendium ad- dressed to all mothers who are seriously con- cerned for the welfare of their offspring. Transl. from the German. To which are pre- fixed three introductory lectures on the same siibj-ct, by A. F. M Wiilich. 8^. London, 1801. Siggestions to mothers ou the management of their children, hy a mother; revised ihroix'h- out by a nhysician." 2. ed, lv!0. London, 1889. Tucker (Genevieve). Mother, baby, and nurs- ery. A manual for mothers. 12°. Boston, 1896. Vidal Solares (F.) Consejos familiares sobre la hiuiene tie la primera iufancia. 3. ed. 8°. Barcelona, 1884. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Barcelona, 1885. Vriend (De) van armen en rijken. Hoe men kleine kinderen lnhaudelen moet. 8°. Amster- dam. [1862]. Zhuk (V. N.) Ditya. Dnevnik materi; al- bum dlya zapisi nablyudeniy nad lisicheskim razvitiem rebyonka perviye tri goda zhizni. [The child. Day-book for the mother; album for inscribing observations on the physical de- velopment of tbe child during the. first three years of life.] oblong 89. S.-Peterburg, 181)2. -----. Mat i ditya; bigiena v obshtshedo- stnpnom izlozbenii. [Mother and infant; hy- giene popularly presented.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. ------. Rebyonok; obshtshedostupnaya hi- g'iena. [The child; its hygiene accessible to all ] 8°. Odessa. 1891. Children (Illegitimate). Sec Children {Defective, etc.). Children (Legislation relating to). See Children (Protection of). Children (Measurements of). See Anthropometry in children; Children (Growth, etc., of). Children (Mortality and statistics of). Ser. aho, Infants (Mortality of). Abelix (H.) Om dodligiieten bland spiida barn och uagra af orsakerna dertill. [Mortality among young children and some causes there- for.] 8°. S'ockholm, 1862. Backmax (H.) Pieuten lasten elanto ja hoito. [Vital statistics; mortality of children.] 12° Helsingissd, 1884. Chkysson (E.) La mortality des enfants le- gitimes et naturels. 8°. [Nancy, 1883.] Repr. from : J. Soc. de statist, ile I'ar!, 1883, xxiv. Delabarre (A.) De la mortalit6 des enfants en bas age a l'e'poque de la dentition. Guide maternel. *°. Paris, lH:i.r>. Hellstenius (J.) Barnadodligheten i Ves- ternorrlauds och Jemtlands Ian. Eet foredrag hallet till fonnan for eugeuiahemmet. [Mor- tality of children in . . .] 8°. Stockholm, 1884. Israels (A. H.) De sterfte der kinderen in de drie eerste jaren des levens te Amsterdam iu de jaren 18.r>0-59. roy. 8°. [n. p., 1862.] Kuborn (H.) Des causes de la mortalite" compared de la premiere enfance dans les prin- cipalis cliiuats de l'Europe. 8°. Paris, 181.8. Children (Mortality and statistics of). Lichtexstakdt (J. R.) Ueber die lisacben der gr.isson sterblichkeit der Kinder des ersten Lebensjahres, und iiber die diesem Uebel entge- genzustellenden Maassregeln. 8°. St. I'eters- bnrg, 1831. AriiMtein. Ueher die Gesuudheitsverhaltnisso des Kreises Ratibor mit besondeier Riicksicht auf Kinder- sterblichkeit, Pocken, Diphtheric, Typhcu und Tubercu- lose. Vrtl.jsrhr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1889. u. P., 1. Suppl • hft., 1(16-171.— ICt Tallinnn. Ueher Kindersteibliehkeit und Rinderernahrung. Aerztl. Int. - 111., Miiiirhcn 1877 xxiv, 361-304. Also, Keprint.—Riddle (15.) Child mor- tality in England. Lancet, Lond., 18114, ii, 1449: 18!i:> i 61 — Rockh (11.) Tabellen betreffend den Einfluss der Er. niihrnngsweise auf die Kinderstei bliehkeit. Bull, de l'lnst. internat. tie statist., Rome. 1887, ii, livr. 2, 14-21.— Dupin (('.) Memoire sur la mortalite dans les chin,"pie- mieres annees do la vie. Ouipt. rend. Acad d »<' Par., is.-.l, xxxii, 121-126.—Ero*« (.).) Die VerliiiltnisHe tier Mortalitat innerhalb der ersten vier Lobenswochen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 251: 275.— Fnrr (AV.) Mortality of children in tho prineip ,| states of Europe. J. Statist. Soc, Loud., 1806, xxix ]-:;'>. — vou Fii-rlia (A.) Die Zeit der Geburten und die Sterhlich ke.it der Kinder wahrend des ersten Lcbensjnhies nach den ini preussischen Staate wahrend der Jahre 187") bis 188.'! gesammehen Beobachtungen. Ztschr. d. k. pieass. statist. Hureau's, Berl, 1885. xxv, 93-142— (SeiNHler (A.) Feber Kindersterblichkeit und chclicho Fi uchtbsu keit im Sachsischen Bcrgmannstande. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz, 1885. n. P., xxiii, 388-401.—Orimshaw (T. AV.) Child mortality in Dublin. Dublin J. M. Se. , 1889, Ivxxviii, 1-19.—Humphrey** (N. A.) Child mortality in Engliind] Lancet. Lond., 1891, i, 120.—Husson (A.) Discours sur la mortalite des jeunes enfants. Bull Acad, de med.. Par. 1806-7, xxxii, 163-175. A Iso, Reprint.—Ixel (S.) A kis- ketlek feltiino haland6sa >ai-61. [Unusual mortality of cliil- dren ] Orvosi betil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 642-046. Also, transl..- Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18 3, xix, 052.— Kcmpe (P.) Om orsakerna till deu stora barnailod- liuliiten i Vesternoorland. [Causes of the peat moittilityoi children in Vesternoorland.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1885,xlvii, 528-532.—ICcrese. Ueber Kindersterblichkeit und Milch- versorgung in Ziirich und Ausgenicinden. Cor.-Ill. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1887, xvii, 710; 752. — Kiii-oni (J.) Die Kindersterblichkeit in Budapest •wahrend der Jahre 1870-1881. In his: Die Sterblichkeit der Stadt Budapest [etc.], roy. 8°, Berl., 1885, 257-314. Also, Repiint. ----. Einfluss ties Alters tier Eltern auf tlie Vitalilat ihrer Kin- der. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. St, Demog., Lond., 18(12, x, 262-293.— lmng(L.) A gverniekhalalozas. [Mortality of childien.] AMhunorvos, Budapest, 1885, 73-76.-.11 fi- ner!. Die klinischen I.ildor der die Kindersterblichkeit des Hochsonimers beherrsclienden Krankheitsmrnien. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1888, xxvii, 2.-0-283. — Pugrl (C. E.) An objectionable feature of some burial i-ocietiea in their relation to infant life insurance. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog., Lond., 1892, iv, 07-71.—Pfeif- fcr(L. ) Die Kindersterblichkeit. In: Gerhardt (('. J Haudb. d. Kinderkrankh , Tiibing., 1877, i, 529-596 Aho, transl : Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 106: 187; 221; 245 ; 269; 328, 1 pl.: 1882, xvii, 43. — RahlH. Leber die Ursachen tier bohen Kindersterblichkeit in Bcilin und anderen deutsclien Stadten. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Heil., 1890, xi. 853-856. —Red wood'(T. H.) On some of the factors influencing the high mortality of infants andyoiuii: children in mining and Other populous districts. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 68.— Russow (A.) Zur Statistik der Kiuder-Morbiditat nach den Altersperioden. Jnhih. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1887-8, n. F., xxvii, 284; 341. —Nnij- ders (C. J.) De l'iufluence que les caisses d'ai-suram >■*, dit.es soeiet6s d'enterrement, exercent sur la mortalite dea enfants en bas-4ge. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. 1884, La Haye, 1*85, ii, 273-298.— Soi-cnsen (T.i 1'leje- hern i Provinsbyer og paa I.andet. [Foster children in provincial cities and in the country.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjobenh., 1884, 4. R., ix, 434-441. -----. Noglo IVnisrk- ni'ngerom Bernededeligheih n i Danmark. [Molality of children in Denmark.] Ibid., 1885, xii, 181; 201. ---- Fejlkilder ved Beregning af Dedeligheden hos utegte Fodie. [Causes of error in calculating mortality of ille- gitimate children.] Hosp. Tid., Kjobenh., 1889, 3. It., vn, 629-642.-----. B-irnededelkheden paa.Landet i detteAar- hundrede. [Mortality of children in our country in thin century. (Denmark.)] Ugesk f. I.aeger, Kjtfbeuli., 1890, 4. R., xxii, 557: 581. — Sokoloff (N. D.) K voprosu o pricbinakh i nsloviyakh dletsko'i sniertnosti. [On the causes aud condition's of the mortality of children.]^ Trudi vtor. syezda russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1887, i, hig., 76-81 - CHooss (M..) Allgemeine Angaben iiber Alter, Hernial und Sterblichkeit sverhaltuisse der Spitalpfleglinge in den Jabren 1891-4. Med. Ber. ii. d. Thatigk. tl. Jennerscn. Kindersp. in Bern (1891-4), 1895, xxix, 29-34.—Tello(W.) Causas de la morbilidad y de la mortalidad de la prune™ infancia en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. An. d. Circ.niea. argent., Buenos Aires, 1886, ix, 73-81. — Weriner (M.J CHILDREN. 467 CHILDREN. Children (Mortality and statistics of). ZuiFra"o iiber tlie Kindersterblichkeit in Ungarn. Wien. med. Presse, 1881. xxii, 571; 005: G72; 699; 894.—Wolff- berg. Kindersterbhchkeit und arztliohe Hilfe, sowie zur Siatistih der Todesiirsacheii. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhts- pflg., Bonn, 1890, xv, 102-120. Children (Xulrition of). See, aho, Infants (Nutrition of). Heli.ot (A.) * Etude cliuique sur les dangers do la Miraliineutation chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1*93. Also [Abstr.], in: Poiton med., Poitiers, 1893, viii, 196; 217. Dukks (C.) The essentials of school diet, or the diet suitable for the growth and develop- ment, of youth. 12°. London, 1*91. Dutton (T. ) The rearing and feeding of children. (A practical mother's guide.) 1(5°. London, 1895. Farmakovski ( V. ) Slikoluaya dietetika; svod piakticheskikh sviedieuiy i pravil, otno- syashtsliiUhsa k okhraneu'iu zdorovya dietei, posieshtshayuslitshikh shkolu; izlozhil po tlok- turu Herinanu Klencke. [School dietetics; code of prncticnl inforinaiion and rules, referriug to the preservation of health among school chil- dren; expounded after H. Klencke.] [7. ed.] 8°. Odessa, L-8(J. -----. Thesame. [8. ed.] 8°. Odessa, 1*95. Furst [L. ] Kritische Betrachtunyen iiher den Niihrwerth der sogenamiteti Kintlermehle. 12J. | Hamburg, 1-81, vel subseq.] Gerber (X.) Quelques mots sur l'alimenta- tiou et les aliments des enfants, produits pre"- pare's jmr . . . 8-. Berne, 187G. Gkeam (G. T.) Remarks on the diet of chil- dren, antl on the distiuctious between the diges- tive powers of the infant and the adult. 8'--. London, 1847. Hkhbst (0.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis noruia- ler Nahrungsniengen bei Kindern. 8\ Berlin, 1897. Hogax (L. E.) How to feed children. A manual for mothers, nurses, and physicians. 12°. Philadelphia, 1896. Lixdexmkykk. Wieernahren wir unsre Kin- der kriiftig, gemmd und billig? Praktische An- leitung zur Ernahrung des Kindes iu gesunden und kranken Tagen, nach dem neuesten .Stand derErnahruugs-Wisseiiseuaften und praktischeu Eriahrnngen. *°. Stuttgart, 1-84. Mauth.ver ( L. W. ) Kintler-Diatetik. eine Anleitung zur uaturgemas^en Pflege und Erzie- hung des Kindes als Leitfaden zu Vorlesungen gemeinfasslich dargestellt. 8°. Wien, lKjii. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1857. -----. The same. Di£tetique des enfants. Instruction sur la maniere naturelle de feoigner et delever les enfants. 2. 6d. Trad, de l'ulle- uianii par Edouard Delauuey. 8°. Vienne, 1856. Millox ( R. ) Des manifestations cuianees dues aux \ices de la nutrition chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1893. Morgan (J. C.) Diet of infants and young childreu. 8°. Philadelphia, 1^73. -----. The same. 2. ed. 24°. Philadel- phia, 1882. Ney (F.) Die Kuhmilch in der Kinderstube. Ein Buch aus der Praxis gewidmet den dentschen Frauen. 8°. Miinchen, 1881. Opel (H. O.) Nabrzwiehack in seiner Bedeu- tnng als Diiiteticuni fiir Kiuder. Aerztliche Be- ohachtungeu und Versuche. 8-. Leipzig, 1884. Perier (E.) Hygiene alirnentaire ties enfants durant la sant6, les maladies et la convalescence. 12°. Paris, 1895. Richards (Ellen H.) The food of school children and young students. 12c. [n. p.], Children (Nutrition of). • Soldin. * Ueher die Diatetik des kindlichen Alters. 8°. Ben,, IKA. Suthkuland(A.) Little stomachs. 8°. Mel- bourne, lertl. Timpe (T.) Ein Beitrag zur kiinstlichen Er- nahrung der Kiuder. 8°. Magdeburg, [la«4, vel subseq.]. Alimentation rationnelle du nourrisson et de l'en- fant. Chron. med., Par., 1896, ii, 204-207. — B.aginsky (A.) & CJiittmami (8.) KindernahruugMuiticl. Ber. ii. d. allg. deutsche Au.-.st. u. d. Geb. d. Hyg u. d. Ket- tungsw. 1882-3, Bresl.. 1SS5, i, 235-257. — Baron (C.) TJeber Legutiiiii'iseii-Praparate uud ihre Verwendung im Kindesalter. Ally: metl. Centr-Ztg., Berl., 1895, lxiv, 1117; 1133.—Bnrtley (E. II.) Remarks on some errors of diet during childhood, with especi il reference to the excessive use of confectionery. Bnioklvn M. J., 1889, iii, 14-23.— Rernhcim (H.) Ueber Stiiikereactionen in Kinder- mehl n. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1886. xxxiii, 543.— Bertillon (J.) De rinflnenco do l'aliiuentation des ieuiies enfants, sur leur moi-t-ilite a Berlin. Itcv. d'hyg.. Par, 1889, xi, 429-435. — Billitz (E.) La cioeeolata al latte; nuovo mezzo nutritivo pei fanciulli. Gazz. med. tli Torino, 1896, xlvii. 101-106. —Blauberg (M.) Beitrage zur Keuntniss der cheniischeu Zusainniensetzung einiger Kindei nahrungsmittel, nebst kurzen Angahen iiber die chemischen Uutersuchnngsmethoden derselben und den gegenwiii tigen Stand der Frage der kiinstlichen Kinder- Eruabrung. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1896, xxvii, 119-175.—Camerer ( W. ) Versuche iiber den StofF- wechsel von Kindern bei ausschliesslicher Milchnah- rung. Zt chr. f. Bi d., Miinchen, 1882, xviii, 488-495- ---—. TJeber das Nahrungsbediirfniss von Kindern ver- schiedenen Alters. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1889-90, n. F.. xxx. 309-381. Also: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Kiuderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1889, Dresd.. 1890, vii, 11C-128. Also: Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. iirzll. Ver., Stuttg., 1889, lix. 233—Camnianii (D. M.) Milk diet in childhood. N. York M. J., 1884. xxxix, 347-349. — Christopher (W. S.) Starvation neuroses. Arcb. P. that., N. Y., 1892, ix. 561-570. —Collie (J.J.) Dietetic experiment at the ltandall Island Hospital l'or Children, New York. Ann. Gynsec. & Paediat.. Bost., 1895-G, ix, 475.—Drews (It.) Ueber Kufeke's Kinder- mehl. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1897, xviii, 209; 233.—Durante (D.) Importauza th 11' analisi del latte nella practica dell' aliineiitazione infantile. Pediatria, Napoli, 1893, i, 225-231.—Eisenberj;' (J.) Ueber keim- freie Kuhmilch und deren Verweudung zur Kindereriiak- runir. AVien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 216; 238.—Eschc- rich. Beitrag zur Analyse der Kindermehle von Graf Torring. Arch. f. Kiuderh., Stuttg.. 1889, xi, 48-50.— Potior (J.) Az egyetemi ifjusHg 61etrendjeidl. [Gen- eral dietetics for voung people.) Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1886, xxx, 1093-1100.—Friedingcr. Ueber Kindernahr- mittel. Wieu. med. Wchnschr.". 1891, xii, 1S12-1H4.— Galalti (D.) Versuche iiber ein neues Kindernahrmehl. Arch. f. Kiuderh., Stntti:., 1892-3, xv, 345-350. — von <*eiiser ( !.) Ueber Kinder-Nahrmiltel und deren prak- tischeu Wenh. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 817- 821. — dilotoflf ( E. D.) O kormlenii dietei v techenle pervavo goda zbizni. [On the feeding of children dur- ing their first year.] Med. besieda, Vorone.j, 1887, i, no. 1, 16: n>. 2, 8; J5L—Gumplowicz (L.) Zur Statistik der Kinderernabrung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xiv, 581.—Hart (B. F.) The proper lood of infancy and childhood, aud needful sanitary environments. Times Sc Keg., Phila., 18?9, xx, 291-295.—Hawse (Sophie). Unter- suchungen iiber die Ernahrung von Kindern im Alter von 2 bis 11 Jabren. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 181-2, xviii, 553-611.—Hernandez Briz (B.) El problema do la ali- mentacidn del niiio. Rev. de terap. y farm., Madrid, 1889- 90, iii, 179-182. — Herzos (J.) Leber Kinderniilchan- stalten und kiinstliche Kinderei niiln nng. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steicrmark 1882, Graz, 1883, xix, 27-50.—Holt (L. E.) The feeding of older infants and young children. Babyhood, N. Y., 1886-7, iii, 122-128. Also, Reprint.— Jacobi (A.) Die Pfl ge und Ernahrung des Kindes. Handb. d. Kinderkr. (Gerbardt), Tiibing., 1877, i, 303-436. Also, Reprint—Kjellberg (A.) Om dieten for spada bam. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1874, 2. s., v, pt, 2, 57-86. Also, Reprint.— Klautsch (A.) Einige Mittheihuigen iiber die Verwendbarkeit von H. O. Opel's Nahrzwiehack als Nehenkost fiir Sauglingo und an Rachi- tis leidende Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1896, n. F., xliii, 190-202. — Klemmer (R.) Fortschrilt in der Kindernahrung. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz. f. Deutschl., Hamb., 1888, No. 48, 1. Also, Reprint.—Kormaiiii (E.) Wei- tere Erfahrungen iiber die Ernahrung von Kindern nach dem Sau dingsalter mit J. P. Liebe's loslicher Legu- miuose. J. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1880-81, xvi, 457-469. -----. Mittheilnngeu iiber einige Erfahrungen mi' neue- ren Nahrungsniitteln fiir gesunde und kranke Kinder, resp. Erwachsene. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1884, n. F., iv, 65; 138; 193. — Kraus ( E.) Ueber die Anwendung der CHILDREN. 468 (JlllLDKlOa. Children (Sufrition of). diatetischeii Mo.-qiiera-Praparate bei Kindern. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii, 37-39.— Krobn. Versuch iiber die Verwendbarkeit einiger Kindernahrungsmittcl. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 3,8-384.—von l.iebig (H.) Ueber den heutigen Stand tier Ernah- rungst'rage ties Kiudes vom Standpuukt der wissenschaft- lichen IMiysiolngiti. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, x. 628; 647. -----. Theorie uud Praxis in dtr Kin- deivriiiihrung, insbesondero iiber den Liebig'schen Sup- penextrai t. Miinchen. nied.Wchnschr., 1889. xxxvi, 880.— itlachell (H. T.) Diet of children from time of weaning till end of second or third year. Canad. Pract.. Toronto, 1892 xvii 243-248.—Macphail (A.) The artificial feed- ing of children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1766-1768.— JTlaltechnie (H. P.) .Problems in feeding school chil- dren. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1898, xxx, 56. — iTIoore (T.) Dietetics in rel tion to infants and young children. Hahneinan. Month., Phila,. 1877-8, xiii, 257-269. Also, Re- print.—Morissct. Do l'iufluence de I'alimentation au lait de chevre sur la sante des jeunes enfants. Cong in- ternat, d'hvg. ct de demog. C. r. 1889, I'ar., 1890, 145- 150. — Closer ( P.) Die Gartner'sche Fettmih-h. (Ein Beitrag zur Sauglingseriiahrung.) Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz, 1896, n. F., xliii, 161-189. —ITIiillei- (W.) Zur Kenntniss des Verhaltens von Milch und Casein zur Salz- saure. Ibid., 1892, xxxiv, 439-458. — ."Neumann (H.) Ueber erschwerte Nahruugsaufiiahme bei kleinej; Kin- dern. Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 1893, vii, 220-226.—O. (O.) Ravinnosta. [Nutrition.] Suomen terveydenh.lehli, Helsingissa, 1889, i, 83-85.—Obrcgon (M. F.) Alimeuta- cidn tie los niiios desdo un dia liasta tins afios de edatl. Cron. med., Lima, 1895, xii. 367-371.— Ohlscn. Die Zu- saniiiiensetzung und der diiitetische Werth der Schlempe- milch. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1892, n. F., xxxiv, 5-17.— Pfeiffer (E.) Beitrage zur Physiologie tier Muttermilch und ihren Be/.iehnngeii zur KiiKb-iemahrung. Ibid., 1883, xx, 359-402.—Plant (H. C.) Einfluss der Besch alien licit von Milch und Wobnung auf das Gedeihen tier Ziehkinder in Leipzig. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectiouskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xv, 308-332. —Prevost ( P.-E.) De I'alimentation desent'ants. Clinique. Montreal, 1895-6, ii, 43-47. —van Puteren (M. D.) Znachecie i sposobi iskusstvennavo vskarinlivaniva dietel. [Value and methods of artificial fet-din" of children.] J. Russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdravija, St. Petersb., 1892, ii, 429-448. — It em sen (C.) The use of water iu the dietarv of young children. N. York M. J.. 1883, xxxviii, 347. —Bhcincr (G.) Die diii- tetische Behandlung der Verdauungsstorungen tier klei- nen Kinder. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1890, iv, 161-165.— Botch (T. M.) The value of milk laboratories for the ad- vancement of our knowledge of artificial feeding. Arch. Pediat, N. Y., 1893, x, 97-111. Also, Reprint—Bnbner (M.) Milchiiahrung beim Erwachsenen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz.,1898, n. F., xviii, 56-76. —Schranb. Ueber Kindermilch. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndht-.pl]'.:. in Magdeb., 1896, Hft. xxii-xxiii, 35-46.— Schroder ( W.) Ueber die Ernahrung S-lojabriger Kinder. Arch. f. Hyg.. Miincheu u. Leipz., 1886. iv, 39- 67.—Smith (J. L.) The alimentation of young childn n. Arch. Pediat, X. Y., 1894, xi, 401; 506— Specialbericht der Discussion iiber tlie Ernahrungsfraiie auf der 54. Ver- sammlung deutscher Xaturforscher und Aerzte in Salz- burg (1881) in der padiatrischen Se< tion. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh., Leipz., 1882, xviii, 15-51.—I Hclmanii (J.) Ueber die jiingsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Kindernah- rungsfrage. und iiber dtn gegenwartigen Stand derselben. Deutsch* Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884. v, 9; 21. —linger (L.) Ueber Kiiidererniihrung und Diiitelik. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 601 ; 644; 925; 969; 1099; 1137; 1181. Also, Re- print.— Vanderbcck (C. C.) A curious diet in Texas. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li, 569.—'Walker (J.) The digestion and dilution of cow's milk, in the artificial feeding of cbildreu. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brook- lyn, 1877. ii, 1-14. Also. Keprint. —Wawrinsky (K. A.) Hum kunna stadernas invanare 1'cii siikra sig om god m.jiilk Ut de spada barnen 1 | How may tho city people procure good milk for little children?] Helsovannen. Goteborg, 1886, i, 20-20.—Waxham (F. E ) The feeding of infants and children in disease. Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii, 627-630.—Westcott (T. S.) A"simple method tif calcu- lating the proportions of cream aud whole milk required to make any percentage formula for home modification. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1898, xv, 21-28. [Discussion], 51-53. Children (Protection of). See, also, Children (Charitable care of); Chil- dren (Cruelty to)', Children (Employment of). Aix (Departement de F). Assistance publique. Enfants assistes et protection du premier age. Kapports aunuel.s pre'sente's h, M. le prefet de l'Ain pur il. Roller, inspectenr departeiueutal, pendant Tannee 1888-9. 8-. Bourg, 1889. AiiXoiT (J.) The investigation into the con- dition of the children in the Cork workhouse. Children (Protection of). with an analysis of the evidence. h°. ,'oiA- Bournkt (A.) La loi Ronssel dans le canton d'Amplepuis. Dix ans d'inspection medicale. 8°. Lyon, 1>'.M. Calvados (Departement dn). Comity depar- teniental de protection des enfants du premier age. Proces-verbaux des stances pour les -in- nees 1881-4. 4°. Caen, 1881-4. -----. Protection de l'enfance. (Loi du 23 decembre 1874.) Distribution solennelle des re- compenses a 1'Hotel-de-Ville de Caen, dinianche 9 juillet 188-2, sous la prdsidence de M. le Dr. Theophilo Ronssel, s6natenr. 8°. Caen, \**2. Cokivkaud (A.) Revision de la loi Rousw ] (loi dn "24 decembre 1>74). 8°. Blaye, 1-81. Cork. Annual report of tho boarding-out committee of the Cork board of guardians on the management of the orphan and deserted children who are boarded out in the rural divis- ions of the union. 24., 188r>-(i. 12°. Cork, 1886. Coudeheau (C.-A.) Projet d'une fondation municipale pour l'elevage normal do la premiere enfance. Moyens pratiques de prdvenir la mor- talite" excessive des nourrissons. Avec plans et devis par J.-B. Schacre. 8°. Paris, 1875. Com d'appel de Douai. Audience solennclle de rentr6e du 16 octobre 1890. La protection de l'enfance par le le"gislateur. Discoursderentre'e prononce' par M. Lanio, substitut du procnreur general. 8°. Douai, 1890. Courtault (A.) *R6fornies et ameliorations proposees pour la protection medico-legale des enfants du premier age. (Contribution a la re- vision de la loi Ronssel.) 4°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. De la protection des en- fants du premier age. S\ Paris, 1894. Doubs (Departement du). Protection des en- fants du premier Age. Enfants assistes. Enfants maltraite's ou moraleiueut abandonues. Rapport de M. Ad. Parizot. Annee 1890-91. 8°. Besan- con, 1891. France. Projet de loi snr le service des en- fants assistes. No. 27. Senat. Session 1892. Anuexe au proees-verbal de la seance dc fevricr 1892. 4°. Paris, le92. France. Ministre deVinterieur. Enfants assis- tes. Enquete g6uerale ouverte eu 1^60 daus les 86 (leparteinents de l'Empire. Rapport de la com- mission institute le 10 octobre 18(51, par arrete du Ministre de 1'interieur. 4°. Paris, 1862. -----. Rapport concernant l'application de la loi du 2:5 decembre 1874 [sur la mortalite des enfants]. Preseute k M. le Ministre de 1'in- terieur au nom du comite par l'un des vice-pre- sidents, M. Theopbile Roussel, senateur. 8°. Paris, 1880. Repr. from: J. off., Par., 18 avril 1880. Gard (Departement du). Protection des en- fants du premier age. Exercice 1888. Rapport de l'inspecteur departemental. 8-. Nintes, 1*89. Groton, Massachusetts. By-laws of the town of Groton [relatiug to streets, truant children, and cure of neglected children]. Presented to the superior court held at Lowell, March 13,1882, for approval. 8°. [Groton, 1*82.] Horsley (J. W.) Advance Australia! Wake up, England. In reference to the work of the State children's relief department, fol. [Syd- ney, 188;.] La Flize. Enfants assistes. Rapport sur la marche du service pendant l'annee 188!' et le 1" semestre 1890. 8°. yaney, 1890. -----. Protection des enfants du ler age. 8. Nanci/. 1890. Letchwokth (W. P. ) Letter regarding as- semblv bill No. 121,entitled "An act to incorpo- CHILDREN. 469 CHILDREN. Children (Protection of). rate the Home for Destitute Children of Suffolk County", addressed to the judiciary committee of the assembly bv Commissioner Letchworth, Jan. 13, 1-8:?. 12\ [Albany, 1-83.] Limouzin Lamothe (E.) Guide du medecin inspecfeur de la premiere enfance; explication dc la loi du 21? decembre 1874, son niecanisme, les bons effets qu'on en a obtenus et ceux qu'on est en droit d'en atteudre encore. 12°. Paris, 18.-6. Liverpool Society for tho Prevention of Cru- elty to Children. Annual report of the commit- tee. 12., 1894. 8°. [Liverpool, 1*95.] London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Annual reports of the committee to the society. 1.-4., 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8°. London. 1885-8. Marjolin (R.) Quelques reflexions a propos de la nouvelle loi relative au travail des enfants dans les manufactures. 8°. [Paris, 1873.] -----. Etude sur l'etat actuel de la protec- tiou de l'enfance. 8 \ Paris, 1891. Repr. from: Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc. mor. et polit. Massachusetts. An act for the better pro- tection of children. Approved May 2ti, 1882. 8°. [Boston, 1882.] -----. An act for the better protection of infants. April 3. 1882. 8\ [Boston, 1882.] Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Boston. Constitution. 8-\ Boston, [1878]. -----. Revised manual of the . . . Laws of Massachusetts concerning children. 16°. Bos- ton, 1882. -----. New manual of the . . . Digest of the laws of Massachusetts concerning children. 1884. 10°. Boston, [1884]. -----. Annual reports of the officers to the society. 3., 1883; 4., 1884; 7., 1887; 8., 1888; 11, 1891; 12., 1892. 8°. Boston, 1884-93. -----. Amended manual of laws of Massa- chusetts concerning children. With a list of institutions, forms of comrdaint, etc., 1890. 1G°. Boston, 1890. Milan (Province of). Regolamento per la applicazione del concorso provinciate nella spesa di allattamento di bambini legtttimi di madri povere fisicamente impotenti ad allattare. 8°. [Milano, 186*.] -----. Diaria per 1' anno 1870 per i bambini legittiuii di madri povere fiscamente impotenti ad allatare, che vengono iuviati all' Ospizio pro- vinc. degli esposti iu Milano. fol. Milano, 1869. Moutier (L.-A.) * Contribution a l'histoire de la protection de l'enfance a Rome. 4°. Pa- ris, 1884. Netherlands. Rapport der commissie belast met het onderzoek naar deu toestand der kin- deren iu fubrieken arlieidende. Uitgegeven op last van den minister van Binneuslandische zaken. 1.-5. Aflev. in 1 v. 4°. 's Gravenhane, 1869-72. Neuchatel (Canton of). Etat civil. Ins- tructions pour les soins a dormer aux enfants dans la premieie annee. 16°. [Neuchdtel], 1n*3. -----. Modifications au reglement concer- nant les maladies eoutagieuses de l'enfance. (Du 27 mai 1890.) 10°. [Neuchdtel, 1890.] Necmanx (H.) Oeffentlicher Kinderschutz. 8°. Jena. 1895. New South Wales. State Children's Belief Department. Annual reports of the president to the colonial secretary. 2.-6., 1882-3 to 1886-7. fol. Sydney, 188:5-7. New York Academy of Medicine. Proposed act for the better preservation of health of chil- dren in institutions, introduie 1 into the legis- C" Iii I fire ■■ (Protection of). lature of the State of New York, Feb. 4, 1886 together with a statement in regard to the prevalence of ophthalmia in such institutions. Prepared by a committee appointed by the . 8-\ ,Ynr York, 1886. New York Society for the Prevention of Cru- elty to Children. Annual reports of the board of directors to the society. 1., l»75-6; 8., 1882. 8°. yew York, 1876-83. Pennsylvania Society lo Protect Children from Cruelty, Philadelphia. Aunual teports of the managers to the members and subscribers. 1.-4., 1877-80; 6.-14., 1882-90; 16.-18., 1892-4. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878-95. Proposed (The ) State Children's Bureau. Why it should bo established. Argument by Hon. George S. Hale aud other statements. 12°. Boston, 1895. Rh6ne (Departement du). Service de la pro- tection des enfants du premier age. Rapport do l'iuspeeteur. Annee 1889. b°. Lyon, 1890. Savoie (Departement de la). Enfants as- sistes. Rapport de l'inspecteur d6partemental [Eugene Audoin], 1888. 8°. Chambcry, 1889. -----. Service de la protection des enfants du premier Age. Rapport de l'inspecteur de- partemental [Eugene Audoin] sur l'ensembledu service. Annee 1888. 8°. Chambcry, 1889. Seine (Departement de la). Administration generale de Vassistance publique a Paris. Rap- port a Monsieur le prefet de la Seine sur le service des enfants maltraites ou moralernent abaudonnes pendant l'annee 1890 et propositions pour le budget de 1892. 4°. Montevrain, 1891. -----. Service des enfants assistes de la Seine. Gestiou de 1890 et propositions pour le budget de 1892. Rapport presente par le di- recteurde l'administration de l'assistanee publi- que a Monsieur le preset de la Seine. [With appendix.] 4°. Montevrain, 1891. Thulie [J.-B.-H.] Rapport. . . au nom de la 3e commission sur le service des enfants assistes. 4°. [Paris, 1883.] -----. Rapport . . . au nom de la 3e coin- mission snr le service des enfants moralernent abandonues 4°. [Paris, 1883.] -----. Les enfants assistes de la Seine. 4°. Paris, 18-7. de Tolosa Latour(M.) Organizaciondelos hospitales de ninos. Discurso pronunciado en el Congreso internacional para la proteccion de la infancia. 12°. Madrid, 1883. Unitkd States. Congress. An act to incor- porate a society for the protection of children in the District of Columbia. 46. Cong., 3. sess. H. R, 4005. In S. Feb. 15, 1881. roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1881.] -----. An act for the protection of children in the District of Columbia. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 729. In H. R. May 12, 1884. Rep. with amendments June 30, 1884. roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1884.] -----. An act to provide for the care of de- pendent children in the District of Columbia, and to create a board of children's guardians. 52. Cong., 1. sess. II. R. 5446. In S. June 15, 1892. Reported by Mr. Perkins, June 27, 1892. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1892.] United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatives. A bill to provide for the care of de- pendent children in the District of Columbia, and to create a board of children's guardians. 52. Cong., 1. sess. Ii. R. 544(5. Feb. 5,1892. In- trod. by Mr. Hemphill. Committed April 1,1892. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] '-----. Care of dependent children in the District of Columbia. Report [to accompany CHILDREN. 471 Children (Protection of). H. U. 5446. to provide for the care of dependent children in the District of Columbia, and to cre- ate a board of children's guardians]. 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. Rep. No. 945. Subm. by Mr. Mere- dith, April 1, 1892. 8°. [ Washington, 1892.] -----. Prevention of cruelty to children or animals in tlie District of Columbia. Report [to accompany S. 1714. to prevent cruelty to chil- dien or animals in the District of Columbia]. 52. Cong., 1. i-ess. H. R. Rep. No. 1215. Subm. bv Mr. Cogswell, April 27, 1892. 8-. [Washing- ton, i892.] -----. A bill lo authorize the adoption of children in.the District of Columbia. 53. Cong., 2. sess H. R. 5711. Feb. 9. 1894. Introd. by Mr. S| ringer, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] -----. " A bill to amend an fict entitled "An act to provide for the care tif dependent children in the District of Columbia, and to create a board of chi'dreu's guardians", approved July 26, 1892. 54. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 6939. March 6. 1*96. Introd. by Mr. Babcock. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1896.] -----. A bill to amend the laws of the Dis- trict Columbia as to married women, and to make parents the natnral guardians of their minor children. 54. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 8006. April 6, 1896. Introd. by Mr. Reyburu. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 189(5.] -----. A bill to amend the laws of the Dis- trict of Columbia as to married women, to make parents the natural guardians of their miuor children. 54. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 8500. April 27, 1896. Introd. by Mr. Curtis. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] United Statks. Congress. Senate. A bill for the protection of children in the District of Columbia. -18. Cong., 1. sess. S. 729. Dec. 18, 1883. Introd. by Mr. Hoar. Rep. by Mr. Rid- dleberger, Jan. 31, 1884. roy. 8°. [Washing- ton, 1884.] -----. The same. Report. [To accompany bill S. 729.] 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. Rep. No. 94. Subm. by Mr. Riddleberger, Jan. 31, 1884. 8 . [ Washington, 18.-4.] -----. The same. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Bayard to the bill (S. 729). 48. Cong., 1. sess. Feb. 4,1884. roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1884.] -----. A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to protect children in the District of Colum- bia". 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2810. July 6. 1886. Introd. by Mr. Ingalls. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1886.] -----. A bill for the further protection of children in the District, of Columbia. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2811. July 6,1886. Introd. by Mr. Ingalls. roy. 8^. [Washington, 1886.] -----. A bill to prevent cruelty to children in the District of Columbia. 51. Cong., 1. sess S. 2476. Feb. 4, 1890. Introd. by Mr. Ingalls. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1890.] -----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Ingalls, May 16,1890. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1890.] -----. A bill to prevent cruelty to children in the District of Columbia. 52. Cong., 1. sess. 1714. Jan. 19, 1-92. Introd. by Mr. McMillan. roy. 8'J. [Washington, 1892.] -----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Vance, March 11, 1892. roy. b°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill to provide for the care of de- pendent children in the District of Oolumbia, and to create a board of children's guardians. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S.2031. Feb. 3, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Dawes, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] CHILDREN. Children (Protection of). -----. Report. [To accompany H. R r>44ti entitled "An act to provide for tho care of de- pendent children in the District of Columbia and to create a board of children's guardians"'.! 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. Hep. No. 842. .June 27 1892. Subm. by Mr. Perkins. 8°. [Washinn- ton, 1892.] J ----—. A bill to amend the laws of the Dis- trict of Columbia as to married women, to make parents the natural guardians of their minor children. 54. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1659. Jan ">l 189<;. Introd. by Mr. McMillan. Rep. hy Mr' Faulkner, May 4, 1896. roy. 8°. [Washington 1*96.] J ' -=-----. The same. Report. [To accompany S. 1659.] 54. Cong., 1. sess. S. Rep. N„. 836. Subm. by Mr. Faulkner, May 4, 1896 8° [Washington, 1896.] -----. A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the care of the dependent chil- dren in the District of Columbia, and to create a board of children's guardians", approved July 26. 1892. 54. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2426. March 9, 1896. Introd. by Mr. McMillan, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] -----. The same. Report. [To accompany S. 2426.] 54. Cong., 1 sess. S. Rep. No. 658. Subm. by Mr. Gallinger, April 10, 1896. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] -----. A bill to provide for tho compulsory support of children by parents in the District of Columbia. 55. Cong., 1. sess. >S. 1079. March 23, 1897. Introd. by Mr. McMillan, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] Windermere and Troutbeck Boarding-out Committee. Report on boarding-out [of chil- dren]. 8., 1888. roy. 8°. [London, 18-9.] Aufi-t-itcr (It.) Kinderhorte in Osterreich. Ztscbr. f. Schulgsudhtspflg., Hanih. u. Leipz., 1890, ix, 79-84.— Brcour, Eapport au prefet du Word, sur Triplication de la loi de protection du premier &ge,(lans la ■x ilb- tie Lille. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1884. xlv, 305-373. -----. Application tie la loi du docteur Koussel (Inns la ville dc Lille. Bull. nied. du nord, Lille, 1886, xxv, 483-493.—Bczj. Kesum6 tics moyens de prophylaxie infantile moderne employes par l'assistanee publique. Bull. Soc. de nieil.de Toulouse, 1891, i, 204-214.—Blarhe (K.) La protection de l'enfance dans lo departement de la Seine; resultats ohtenus par Papplicatiou do la loi Ronssel. Union mfid., Par., 1-87, 3. s., xliii. 5G9: 1888, xh", 73: 1889, xlvii, 229: 1890, 1, 241: 1891, Iii, 256: 1893, lvi, 391; 4U3: 1894, lviii. 306; B22;333. AUo [Abstr.]: Med. inf..Par., 1895,ii,5.'.7-567.- Bronardel (P.) La protection de l'enfance et la loi du 23 decembre 1874. Anu. d'hyg., I'ar., 1885. 3. 8., xiii, 106- 112.—dc JSusschcrc (A.) Quelques mots il propos da proiet de loi sur la protection tie lYnfante. Ai n. Soc. de inetV.leg.de Belg., Cliarleioi, 1893-4, v, l.'5-146.—Conart-N (l'assistanee publique, troisieme question: Des modes de placement des enfants qui sent k la charge des adminis- trations publiques et des moyens pris ou a prenthe pour assurer leur mise en valeur physique, intellectuelle ou morale; rapporteur: M. llollet. [Rev.] Rev. sun. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1889, vi, 172-176.—Coriveaud (A.) La loi Roussel: etude sur le r.ipport presents a M. le ministre de l'interieur pour l'annee 1881. J. d'hyg., Par., 1882, vii, 111-115. ----- La loi Koussel et la mortalite iDfantile. J. de med. do Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 468-472. -----. La protection des enfants du premier Ago dans le departement de la Gironde. Ibid., 509.-----Protec- tion des enfants du premier age; etude de statistique me- dicale £ propos du rapport de M. le Dr. Mazade. Ibid., 1884-5, xiv, 551-553. ------. Rapport sur les modifications k apporter au service de la protection des enlants du pre- mier age. lb-74.) Bull. Acad, de metl., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 467-475.— JAEcdecin (Le) inspecteur des enfants du premier Hire n'est pas un propose de lone- tioun*ire, mais un veritable fonctionnane; arret tie la courde cassation. Gaz.d. hop., Tar., 1889, lxii, 49.—IVaht. Das Haltekinderwesen; seine geschichtliche Entwicke- lung in Preussen und sein dermaliger Stand im Regie- rungsbezirk Koninsberir. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl., Berl., 1886, n. F., xlv, 318-337.— Pamard. Sur les re- formes a app irter &-la loi Ronssel (23 decembre 1874) con- cernant la protection des enfants tin premier a,ge. Cong. internat. d'livg. et de demog. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890, 118- 144— ron Pettcnkofer (M..) Zur Statistik tier Kost- oder Halte-Kiuder. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1883-4, i, 49-62.—Roche (P.) Protection des enfants du premier ane; tableau comparatif du prix des visites medi- cales. Bull. med. d. Vosges, fipinal, 1896, x, no. 49, 18- 21.— Ronssel (T.) L'enfant pauvre. Tr. vii Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog., Loud., 1892, iv. 196-202.—Rouvier (J.) Necessite dun complement & la loi de protection de l'enfance. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1889, xvi, 654-659.— Solbrig. Ueber das Kost- und Haltekinderwesen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verhaltuisse iu der Stadt Liegnitz. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1896, 3. P., xii, 382-431.—Surveillance (La) des enfants en bas aire et les medecins inspecteurs. Par un medeein in-»pectenr (ancien regime). J. de roe-d. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 87-90 —Vero id n ii lis des Medicinalamtes uer Stadt Liibeck vom 5. Juli 1884. betr. das Halten von sogenannteri Pflese- und Kostkindern. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1886, xviii, 163.— Vidal (E.) Resultats de la loi Roussel dans le departe- m^ntdu Var; statistiqnes des deces des enfants du pre- mier et du deuxieme itges (periode deceimale de 1*81 it 1893). Progres m6d.. Par.. 1*91, 2. s., xx, 73-76.— Wal- lichw. Ueber Vereine. zum Schutze der Haltekinder, in- sonderheit den zu Altona und Of tensen. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1883, xv, 401-412. Children (State care of). Sec Children (Protection of). Children (Stillborn). See Infant (New-born, Asphyxia of); Regis- tration. Children (Surgery of). Charon (E.) A- Gevaeut (G.) Chirurgie in- fantile. Cliuiques ct observations. s«. Bru- xelles, lH'.H. Guk.hsant (P. M.) Notizen iiber chirurgische Piidiatrik. Mit Bewilligung des Herrn Verfas- sers aus dem Franzosisciien iiiierfragen von H. Rehn. 4. Lfg. 8°. Erlangen, 1*65-9. Holmes (T.) The surgical treatment of the diseases of infancy and childhood. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1H69. Kahewski (V.) Die chirurgiselien Krank- heiten des Kintlcsalters. H°. Stuttgart, 1894. Owen (E.) The surgical diseases of children. 12°. Londou, \**5. —. The same. 3. ed. *°. London, Pa- ris. Melbourne, 1>97. -----. The same. -----. The sann 1'2°. Philadelphia, [1.-6.7]. Traite pratique de chi- rurgie infantile. Trad, sur la 2. 66. et consid6- rablemeut augments par O. Laurent, rov. 8°. Paris, 1891. Phocas (G.) Clinique chirurgicale des en- fants de l'Hopital Saint-8auvenr (amide scolaire 1891-2). Compte - rendu et lecons cliuiques. 12°. Parts, 18. Power (D. A.) The surgical diseases of chil- dren and their tieatment by modern methods. 12°. London, 1895. -----. The same. ltF. Philadelphia, 1895. Eibeira Y Sans (J.) Estudios de cirurgia infantil. 8°. Madrid, 1*87. DE Saint-Germain (L. A.) Chirurgie des en- fants. Lecons cliuiques professees a l'Hopital des enfauts-malades, recueilh s et publieVs par Pierre-J. Mercier. 8°. Paris. 1*84. Itittncr ( W. ) Casui.sti.~cho Mittheilunircn. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 3:>4; 3C8. — Bortk (IS.) Ob- servations on surgcrv in children. St. Louis M. i S. J.. 1882. xiii, 616-026. Also. Reprint. ----. Short, notes on the surgical diseases of children. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889, vi, 569-577. Aho. Reprint.—Charon. Derantisep- sie dans la chirurgie infantile. Pivsse med. beige, Brux., 1889, xii, 145; 153.'-----. Observations relatives a la pe- dia'riechirurgicale. Ann. Soc. In lgede-clnr., Brux., 18!Ki—4, i, 157-163.—Ohnroii & (Jcvadl. Service des enfants: Observations de chirurgie infantile. J. de nied., chir et Pharmacol., Brux., 1889, lxxxvii, 740-747. — Chipault (A.) Notes sur la chirurgie du systeme nerveux chez l'en- fant. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii. 551- 560.—Chipault (A.) & Daleino (E.) Notes sui l'ana- tomie chirurgicale de l'cufant. Rev. d'orthop.. Par.. 1895. vi, 121; 206. — 4 iiiliN (B. F.) Sursiic.al practice, anion;; children. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1897, xii, 595-600. — Dun- ham (T.) Suriucal notes from the babies' wards I'ost- Graduate Hospital, New York Citv. Report I. Ibid., 1894, ix, 32-37, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — Foislcr. Die Chi- rurgie und die pathologische Anatomic in den Kinderspi- talern. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1882, u. P., xviii. 265- 269.—GerMimy (R.) Uetailbericht iiber die im Carolinen- Kindeispitale stationar behandelten chirui nisclicn Fiille. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1881, vii, 324 ; 340.—Hof- mold. Bericht der chirurgiselien Abtheilung des Leo- polds! adter Kinderspitals in Wieu von Anfaug ties Jahres 1877 bis Ende 1880. Arch. f. Kiuderh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 75; 167.—Johnson (A. A. W.) Lectures on the surgery of childhood, delivered at the Hospital for Sick Cbildreu. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1860, i, 1; 41 ; 61. Also, Reprint.- Lane (W. A.) Some experiences in the surgical out- patient room of a children's hospital. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, x, 341 ; 366. Also: Clin. J., Lond.. 1896-7, viii, 151-157.—Lie Bell- (J.) Avantages de l'emploi des caus- tiques lorsque cela est possible dans les operations sui' les jeunes enfants; ablation d'un ponce surnunieraire a I'aide de la pa.tc de Vienne. Bull. Soc. de nied. de la Sarthe 1881, Le Mans, 1882, 17-20. — lQ. Nottingham, 1882-4. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. [Consti- tution and by-laws.] 1856. 12 pp. 12°. [Phila- delphia, 1856.] Bound with: Annual reports 1855-6 to 1875. -----. [Appeal for contributions to the building fund.] 1 1. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1862.] Bound with: Annual reports, 1855-6 to 1875. -----. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. 26.-41., 1881-96. 8C. Philadelphia, 1882-97. Children's Hospital, Sheffield. See Sheffield Children's Hospital, Western Bank [j« 1. s.]. Children's Island Sanitarium, Salem Harbor, Mass. Annual reports of the officers to the cor- poration, l.-l I., 1886-96. 24°. Boston, 1887-97. Opened July 10, 1886, under the title of: Lowell Island Sanitarium. The present title was adopted in 1887. Children's Mission to the Children of the Des- titute, Boston. Annual reports of the execu- tive committee to the corporation. 33.-37., 1881-2 to 1885-6; 39.-48., 1887-8 to 1896-7. 12°. Boston, 1882-97. -----. The Children's Mission; what it is, and what it does. 15pp.; 7 pp. 12°. Boston, [1890]. Children's Sea Shore House, Atlantic City. [Circular of the managers, announcing perma- nent organization and soliciting contributions towards building.] 2 1. 4°. [Philadelphia, 1873.] -----. Annual reports of the executive commit- tee andphysician-in-charge to the contributors. 1.-12., 1872-83; 15., 1886; 17.-19., 1888-90; 21.- 24., 1892-5. 8-. Philadelphia, 1873-96. . [Circular.] To all who come in contact with poor sick children. 1 1. 8°. [Philadel- phia? n. d.] Child* (G[eorge] B[orlase]) [1816-88J. On the improvement aud preservation of the female figure; with a new mode of treatment of lateral curvature of the spine, xi (21.), 188 pp., 6 pl. 12°. London, Harvei) ft Barton, 1840. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1138. Also .- Lancet, Loud., 1888, ii, 1048. Cllilds (Henry H[alsey]) [1783-1868]. Eulogy <>n the death of John Doane Wells. 14 pp. 8°. Pitisfield. P. Allen ft Son, [1830]. Childs (J. Arthur). Editor of: Atlanta (The) Clinic, 1894. Child* (William Riddle) [1838-88]. I*aim- (H. D.) [Biography.] Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop., Phila., 188!), 180-182. Child's health primer for primary classes, with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, aud narcotics upon the human system. Frontisp., viii, 9-124 pp. 12°. New York, A. S. Barnes ft Co., 1885. Child's Hill Provident Dispensary, London. Annual report of the committee to the members and subscribers. 12.-14., 1883-5. 12°. London, 1884-6. Established 1872. ------. Balance sheet for the year 1817. 2 sheets, MS. 12°. [Londou, 1888.] Child's Hospital, Albany. Annual reports of the managers to the subscribers and the public. 1.-6., 1875-6 to 1880-81; 9., 1883-4. 16°. Albany, 1876-85. Opened March 26, 1875. Chili. Memoria que el ministro de estado eu el departamento del interior presenta al Congreso nacional de 1868-70. 3 v. 8°. Santiago de Chile, 1868-70. ------. Memoria que el ministro de estado en el departamento de justicia, culto e* instruccion publica presenta al Congreso nacional de 1868- 70. 3 v. 8°. Santiago de Chile, 1868-70. ------. Memoria que el ministro de estado en el departamento de marina presenta al Congreso nacional de 1869; 1870. 2 v. 35, 229 pp., I map, 3 plans, 10 tab.; 28, 358 pp., 5 maps, 16 tab. 8°. Santiago de Chile, Imp. nacional, 1869-70. Memoria que el ministro de estado en el departamento de guerra, presenta al Congreso nacional de 1869; 1870. 2 v. 48, 176 pp., 18 1., 1 ch., 12 tab.; 47, 187, 31, 34 pp., 4 plans, 26 tab. 8°. Santiago de Chile, Imp. nacional, 1869-70. Catalogo oficial de la esposicion nacional de agricultura, inaugurada solemnemento en Santiago el 5 de mayo de 1869. xxvii, 211 pp. 8C. Valparaiso, B. S. Tornero, 1869. Siuopsis estadlstiea i jeografica de Chile. 32 pp.; 36 pp. 8°. Santiago de Chile, Imp. nacio- nal, 1882-3. Chili. See, also, Army (Chilian)', Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities', Sau Jose de Maipo; Santiago; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries', Statistics (Vi- tal), by localities; Vaccination (History, etc., of), by countries. Darapsky (L.) Las aguas minerales de Chile. 8G. Valparaiso, 1890. M. (B. V.) Chile. [Boundaries, topography, climate, hot springs, population, public health, etc.] 8°. Philadelphia, [1882, vel subseq ]. Maktin (C.) Die Kraukheiten im siidlichen Chile. 8=>. Berlin, 1885. O'Brien (G.) On certain climatic phenomena of the northern coast of the Republic of Chili. S'J. London, 1892. Itepr.from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Lond., 1891-2, cix, pt.3. Anguita y Striven (V.) Las aguas minerales de Chile. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1893, xvi, 91-97.- Asta- Buruaga (L.) A short sketch of the Chilian hospitals. Hosp , dispens. & nursing. Internat. Conn- Char, [etc.] 1893. Bait. & Lond., 1894, 381-390.— GroNgi (J.)_ Contri- buci6n al estudio de la geografia medica de Chile. Bol. tie med., Saut, tie Chile, 1888, iv, 56 -66.—lTIoliiiiiic (L.) Estudio sobre orgauizaciou de una estadlstiea, medica en Chile. Rev. uu'-d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1886-7, xv. 458- 472.—ill ui-i I lot A.) Medicos residentes en Chile. Ibid., 18*1-2, x, 250-256.—16cu«» ( L.) L'hvuiene an Chili. Aim. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiv. 294-319.-Solis Va- rcla (L. A.) Algunas medidns del c.r&neo v de la tiara toinadas en Chilenos. Actes Soc. scient. du Chili. San- tiago, 1894, iv, 125: 137, 2ph—Valcriano Pimriitel (J.) Apuntes para la jeografia medica de Chile; la pampa del Taniarugal. Rev. mod. de Chile, Saut. de Chile, 1884-5, xiii, 285-294. CHILIANI. 474 CHINA. Chiliani (Baltbasar). " De epilepsia. 15 1. mil 4 . Jenie, typ. S. Krebsii, [1064]. Chill. Broilnax (B. H.) Congestive chills: some thoughts. St. Louis M. Era. 1896-7, vi, 394 - 397. — tiranmvt (J.) Frisson. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. nied., Par.. 18M), 4. s., vi, 82-116. Cllillicotllt*. Revised ordinances of the city of Chillicothe, Mo., to which are prefixed the amended charter and a list of the city officers, with rules and order of business of tlie city council. Compiled, revised, and published by authority of the city council. 133 pp. 8°. Chillicnthe. Mo., B. W. Beynolds, 187*. ------. The same. 163 pp. 8°. Chillicothe, Mo., B. W. Beynolds ft Co., 1881. 4 him;rra. Voir (P. J.) On the sensory and ampullary canals of Chimsera. Anat. Anz., Jena. 1896, xii, 172-182.— tla/.zn (F.) & Pcrnjjin (A.) Sulla glandola digitifornu- (Ley- dig) nella Chim sera tnonstrosa Linn. Mus. tli zool. d. r. Univ. di C.-nova, 1M14, no. 25, 1-10, 2 pl. ClliinaJli (Otto). *TTntersuchungen iiber Bau und Auordnung der Milchroliren unter beson- derer Beriicksichtiguug der Guttapercha und Kautschuk liefermlen Pflanzen. [Bern.] 47 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Cassel, G. Gotthelft, 1895. Cliimaphila. Abet (F.-J.) * Le Chiniaphila umbellata (herbe a pisser); son action diuretique. 4°. Paris, 1.^-89. Also [Abstr.], in: Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. dn lab. de therap., Par., 1889, 192-194. Also (Abstr.J, in: Hull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1889, cxvii, 64-70. Cllilllie de gout et de l'odorat, [etc.]. .Sec [Poncelet (P.)]. Cllilllie inorganique et organitiue [etc.]. See Worthington (Lewis Nicholas) [in 1. s.]. Chiminelli (Luigi) [1816- ]. Sopra alcuui casi di scirro e cancro alia niatnmella e sopra 1' origine, forma, natura, e terapia del cancro specialinente a quest' organo; con particolare riguardo al valore ed ai processi di autoplastics iinpiegati nella cura radicale di e«so. Osserva- zioni teorico-piatiche. 189 pp. 8 . Venezia, E. Andreola, 1846. Repr. from: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, ------. Sull' importauza della idrologia medica specialinente mineiale in Italia. 32 pp. 8-. lioma, Gotta e Comp., 1874. Hepr. from: Ann. di med. pubb., Roma, 1874, ix. ------. The same. 2. ed. 33 pp. .*->. Bassano, stab. tip. Sante Pozzato. 1874. ------. Annuario-iuantiale delle acque miuerali dei bagui ed ospizi marini, dell' idroterapia e della climatologia in Italia. Anno pri mo, 1876-8. lix, 479 pp., 1 1. 21c. Verona, Padora ft Lipsia, Drucker ft Tcdesehi, 1K78. ------. Conclusioni degli ultimi studi intorno la vera importauza ed utilita della Istituzione degli ospizi marini in Italia. 15 pp. 8 . Firenze, Tip. cooperatira, 1884. ------. Gite e peregrinazioni alle principali sta- zioni mediche italiane idrologiche e climatiche ossia il niese di maggio e 1' apertura della nuova stagione delle cure minerali, marittime, idro- terapiche e climatiche in Italia; la cura della ti>i nelle alte regioni. xii, 130 pp. 8°. Bas- sano-Boma, 18-14. ------. II passato e 1' avvenire dell' idrologia medica in Italia. 70 pp. 8\ Firenze, Tip. cooperatira, 1"S">. ------. Recoaro colle sue sorgenti minerali visto e studiato a volo d' uccello. 5. ed. 32 pp. 16-. Firenze. Tip. cooperatira, \***. ------. The sat'tie. 32 pp. lnv. Bassano. 1*93. Sec, also, Fari-ali (G.) &, Chiminelli (L.) Annu ario. 16°. Firenze, 1886. Chimney*. set Heating; Ventilation. Cllillllie>'-»Wt't'|>er (Cancer of). | See Cancer (Epithelial); Scrotum (Cancer of). i Chimpanzee. Sec Apes. Chin. See, also. Sycosis. Bkllf.main (A.) *Les fistnles du menton 4°. Pads, 1-92. Angiom ties Kinns; 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. .1. chir Alith.d Spit, zu Basel (1880). 1K81. 28. — Kiitlncr (C. t; j Wahrnelnnuni von Knochenauswachs an -2. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Hong Kong (restriction upon the Chinese). Return to au address of the H. of Commons, 26 July, 1*81, for "Copy of extracts of any despatches from the governor of Hong Kong in W7 and in 1^*1. respecting restrictions laid upon the Chinese merchants with a view of reserving the central portion of the town of Victoria for English and foreign firms"; "And, of copy or extracts of despatches respecting the attempts made to drive out the Chinese by regulations as to Chi- nese graves, sanitation, and the compulsory publication of Chinese partnerships". fol. [London, 1881.] CHINA. 475 CHINA. Chin"* Iciu ku (Okamoto). Universal botany of Corean, Chinese, and Japanese plants. 1693. 9 pts. 8°. Chinese text. Invalidity (The) of the "Queue ordinance" of the city and county of Sau Francisco. Opinion of the circuit court of the United States for the District of California, iu Ho Ah Kon- vs. Matthew Nunan, delivered July 7th, 1879. Printed from a revised copy. 8°. San Francisco, 1879. Kikchere (A. ) La Chine illustree de plu- sieurs monuments taut sacres que profanes et de quautit.6 de recherches tie la nature et dc l'art. A quoy on a adjouste de nouveau les questions curienses que le . . . Grand Due de Toscane a fait depuis pen au P. Jean Gruhere touchant ce grand empire. Avec un dictionaire chiuois et fraucois, lequel est ties-rare, et qui n'a pas en- core parti au jour. Traduit par F.-S. Daquie. fol. Amsterdam, 1670. Sax Fuaxcisco. Chinatown. Startling report of the hideous and disgusting features of China- town, hy the special committee of the board of supervisors. 4°. San Francisco, 1885. Stout (A. B.) Chinese immigration and the physiological causes of the decay of a nation. 8°.' San Francisco, 1862. Andrews (J. A.) Medical impressions of China. Med. Kec, N. V., 1882, xxii, 52.—Anteuorid (G.) Mn- krobiotik in China. Hvgieia, Stuttg., 1895, ix, 4; 89.— Bai-et (L.) Un hivernage dans la Chine du nord (1890- 1891): notes de geographic et d'etlinographie medicales. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1*92, lviii, 241: 1142; 401.— Kenetlikt (M.) Drei Chinesen Gchirne Med. Jahrb., Wien 1SS7. n. F., ii, 121-133 —Bond (C. H.) Observa- tions on a Chinese brain. Brain. Lond., 1893, xvi, 37-49 — Borja (C.) La inmigr-iciou China es un mal necesario ileevitar. Gac. med., Lima, 1877, hi, 114: 137.—Chevril- lou (A.) De l'eiat mental du chinois vivant en Ameri- tpie. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1894, n. s., iv, l!2K-233.—Cnliii ( S.) Chinese ilrusr stores in America. Am. J. Pharm.. Phila.. 1887, lix, 593-598. Also. Reprint.— De Groot (J. J. M.) The wedding garments of a Chi- nese woman. Internat. Arch. f. Eilinol., Leiden, 1891. iv, 182-1*4, 1 pl.— Oercum (F. X.) A description of two Chinese brains. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 11-89, n. »., xiv 421-433.—Douglas (R. K.) The social and religious ideas of the Chinese, as illustrated in the ideographic characters of the language. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1892-3, xxii, 159-173. — Dudgeon (J.) The diseases of China; their causes, conditions, aud prevalence, contrasted with those of Europe. Glasgow M. J., 1877, [4. ».], ix, 174; 303. Also, Reprint— Dumoatier (G.) Le Nam- giao de Hanoi. Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 18*7. vi, 181-184. ----. Notes etbnologiques et historiques sur les Giao- Chi. Anthropologic, Par., 1890, i, 651-655.—Eyster (Nel- lie B.) The Chinese in San Francisco. Dietet Sc H\g. Gaz., N. Y., 1897, xiii, 472-479. — Fielde (Adele M.) Colorsense and color-blindness among the Chinese, based on an examination of twelve hundred persons. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1889, lx, 651-653.— Ton der Ooltz. Zauberci und Hexenkiinste, Spiiitis- inus und Shaiuanisnius in China. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokohama, 1893. vi, 1-36, 13 pl. — Gregory (J. J.) Some facts re- garding Chinese medical practice, -wiih a brief history of their method. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliv, 165-168.— dc Harlez (C.) Shen-Sien-Shfi. Le livre des esprits et des iiiiiuortels; essai de mythologie chinoise d'apres les testes originaux. M6m. Acad. roy. d sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux., 1893, li, no. 4, 1-492. ----'-. Ta Ts'ing tsi li. La religion et les ceremonies imp6riales de la Chine moderne d'apres le ceremonial et les decretsoffieiels. Ibid., 1894, Iii, no. 2, 1-556, 1 pl.—Hatch (J. L.) Specimens of Chinese brain. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila , 1889-91, xv. 252-261, 2 pl. ----. Some studies upon the. Chinese brain. Internat. Monatschr. f. Auat. u. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1891, viii, 101-110, lpl Also, Rrpiiut.—Hughe* (W. K.) The feet of Chi- nese ladies. Intercolon. Q. J. M. & S.. Melbourne, 1894, i, 237-242. 1 pl.—Kerr (J. G.) Native and foreign medi- cine in China. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. 8., xxxi, 660- 666.—iUaiiNon (P.) The president's address. [The dis- eases of China.) Tr. HoDgkong M. Soc, 1889, i, 1-25.— Martin (E.) Laverite, snr la grande muraillede laChine. Anthropologic Par., 1891, ii, 438-444 — Tlnligiion (J. J.) Stigmates congenitaux et trausitoires che/. les Chinois. B'dl Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, 4. s., vii. 524-528.— Mcjen (F.J. F.) Bemerkungen iiber die klimatischen China. Verhaltnisse des siidlichen China's. Nova acta phys.- med Acail. nat. curios., Vratisl. et Bonnie, 1835, xvii, pt.2, 857-9U8.—Parker (A. J.) & .Hills (C. K.) Preliminary study of a Chinese brain. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1886, n. s., xi, 550-553, 1 pl. — Pethellaz. Commission mixte d'abornenieut ties frontieres Siuo-Anuaniites; rap- port medical sur la c.uiipagne 1890-91. Arch, tie iu6d. nav., Par., 1892, lvii, 215-236. — Keiuondino (P.O.) Why should Chinese m-dicine find favor in tho United States? South. Calif. Pract., Los Angele-t, 1895, x, 207-222. — 8a- donl. Contribution k la gGographie m6dicale de l'lndo- Clune: laRiviere-Noire et lo poste do Lai-Chan. Arch.de med. nav., Par., 1890, liii, 81-110. — N< Insider ( F. ) La Chine. Rev. mens, de PlSeolo d'anthrop. de I'ar., 1892, ii, 177-190.—Wimon (G. 15.) Expose chronologique des prin- cipales decouvertes, d'apres les anciens livres chinois. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1885, 2. a., viii, 620-638.—Simond. Notes (l'histoire naturelle et medicale recueillies k Loug- Tcheou (Chine) pendant les annees 1892, 1893 et 1894. Arch, de me I. nav., Par., 1895, lxiv, 24; 104.—Smith ( H. R.) Medical matters in north China. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 136. — Stephenson ( F. B.) Let- ter from China. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxix, 311.— Nttiart (T. P. A.) Notes from the dissection of a ('hiiia- m n J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1884-5, xix, 227.—Tem- ple (R.) Population statistics of China. J. Statist. Soc, Loud., 1885, xlviii, 1-20. — Verrier. De la conservation des oeiifi en Chin". P.ull. Soc. d'amhrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s, i 447-451. — "Visitor." Medicine in China. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 216-219. — Zaborowslii. Les sauvages de l'Indo-Chine: caracteres et origines. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1895, 4. s., vi, 198-212. Chilln. Inspector General of Customs. Imperial maritime customs. 1. Statistical series:. No. 2. Customs Gazette (quarterly). Nos. 53, 55-113, Jan., 1882, to March, 1897. 4°. Shanghai, 1832-97. -----. 1. Statistical series: Nos. 4, and 3-4. Re- turns of trade and trade reports. 17.-;]f, 1881- 96. 4-. Shanghai, 1882-97. Each return iu two parts. -----. II. Special series: No. 2. Medical reports (half-yearly). Nos. 1-51, March 31, 1871, to March 31, 1 9G. 4°. Shanghai, 1871-96. Nos. 1-3 read: Customs Gazette. Nos. 4-13 read; Med- ical reports. Nos. 1-42 bound in 5 v. -----. II. Special series: No. 4. Opium. 80 pp. 4°. Shanghai, 1881. -----. II. Special series: No. 6. Chinese music. By J. A. Van Aalst. iv, 84 pp., 3 pl. 4C. Shanghai, 188-4. II. Special series: No. 8. List of medi eines exported from Hankow and the other Yangtze ports; compiled by R. Braun. Aud tariff of approximate values, etc., exported from Hankow, xiii, 82 pp. 4°. Shanghai, 1888. II. Special series: No. 13. Opium: His- torical note, or the poppy in China. 50, xxvii pp. 4°. Shanghai, 1*89. English and Chinese text. III. Miscellaneous series: No. 6. List of the Chinese lighthouses, light-vessels, buoys, and .beacons for 18S3-97. (Corrected to 1. December 1896.) 11.-25. issue. 4°. Shanghai, 1882-97. ----. III. Miscellaneous scries: No. 11. Special catalogue of the Chinese collection of exhibits for the International Fisheries Exhibition, Lon- don, 1883. ix, 75,10 pp. 4°. Sham/hai, 1883. III. Miscellaneous series: No. 17. List of Chinese medicines, x, 493 pp. 4°. Shanghai, 1889. IV. Service series: No. 1. 9., 1883. (Cor- rected to 1. July, 1«83.) Published for the use of the customs service. 131 pp. 8°. Shanghai, 1883. China (The) Medical Missionary Journal. Edited by J. G. Kerr [et al.]. [Quarterly.] v. 1-11, March, 1887-97. 8°. Shanghai. Current. China morada. Arata (P. N.) & €anzoneri (F.) Sulla corteccia th china morada ( Pogonopus fobrifugus Benth - Hook ). [From: Gazz. chim. ital., 1888.] Orosi, Firenze, 1889, xn, 37-48. UHLNAMINK. 476 CIIINOLINE. 1'h ina mine. ten Bosch Az (C.) *De physiologische wor- king; van chinamiue. 8°. Utrecht, 1**0. Also, in: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1878-80, 3. R., v, 248-292, 1 diag. Chinaplitliol. Kiegler (E.) Chinaphthol, ein neues Antipyreticum und Aiitisepticuni. Wieu. med. Bl., 1896, xix, 739. China-ware (Makers of). See Porcelain-workers. (JUiinazoliii. BrscH (M.) * Synthese von Chiuazoliuderi- vaten. 8°. Erlangen, 1890. Hofman (H.) * Ueher tlie Wirknngen des Phenyl- und Tolyl - Dihydrochinazolins. 8°. Erlangen, 1*90. Koch (F.) * Ueber Chinazolin- und Iudazol- Uerivate. 8°. Miinchen, 1,-91. Khomschroedek (f H. A. ] G.) * Synthetische Versuche in der Chinazolinreihe und Beitrage zur Kenntnis des p-Oxy-m-Dibrombeuzaldehyds. 8-. Erlangen, 1896. Kruckeberg ( W. ) * Synthese von Chiua- zolinderivaten. [ Erlangen. ] 8°. Miinchen, 1891. Kuttner (S.) * Ueber Chinazolin- uud Inda- zolsynthesen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Heidelberg, 1891. Neuburger (A.) * Ueber ni-Amidophenyl- dihyilrochiuazolin. 8°. Erlangen, 1890. Stolberg (C.) * Synthese von Chinazolin- und Iudazoltlerivaten. 8-\ Erlangen, 1891. Vaxvolxem (P. G. L.) * Ueber Isomeriever- haltnisse iu der Chinazoliureihe. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1H95. Wolff (C.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chi- nazoline. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Chinchilla (Anastasio) [1801- ]. Vade mecum hisiorico y bibliogr^fico, de la anatomia, fisiologia, higiene, terapeutica y materia medica, cirugia, medicina, medicina legale y obstetricia, formado con presencia de las tablas siuopticas de los doctores Clio til ant, Kurt Sprengel, Black, Victor Broussais, Montffalcon, Dezembiers y otros historiadores. 173 pp. 4°. Valencia, J. M. Cervera, 1844. -----. Compendio de cirujia redactado con pre- sencia de los principales autores que sobre ella han escrtto hasta el preseute alio. 2 v. vii, 351 pp.; 334 pp. 8°. Madrid, I. Boix, 1846. -----. Triunfo de la medicina espafiola, 6 sea descubrimiento de la circulacion de la saugre en el hombre, por los me'dicos espanoles. 126 pp., 3 1. 8°. Sevilla, E. de Bojas, 1861. Chinchole rElie) [1863- ]. *£tudesurla quinol^ine et ses tle>iv£s, la kairine et la thai- line, xi, 12-85 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1H90, No. 479. Cilinese Hospital at Shanghai. Animal reports of the committee and the medical officer to the subscribers. 23., 1869; 28., 1874. 22 pp.; 18pp. 12° & 8,J. Shanghai, 1870-75. Reports for 1869 antl 1874, under the care of Dr. James Johnston. Chinese (The) opium smoker. Twelve illustra- tions showing the ruin which our opium trade with China is bringing upon that country. Re- produced from the Chinese. 151. 8°. London, S. W. Partridge ft Co., [n. d.]. Chinese (The) Repository. No. 3, v. 17, March, 181^. - . Canton. Cllllliat (Maurice) [1*53- ]. * Essai sur l'emploi des emissions sanguines et des re"vnlsifs dans les maladies du coeur. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 49. Cliin-Kiang. Lynch (J. A.) Keport on the health of Chiukiaiu; China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai (1888) 1890 xxxvi, 3: (1890), 1891, xl, 1-3: (1891). 1894, xii, 9- Wliii,' (R. G.) Report on the health of Chinkiaug. Ibid., 1 *,->:,- 0, xxxi, 7-10: 1887, xxxiii, 26: (1X8N), 1MI0, xxxv, 18.' Cllilllli (Luca). Appunti di anatoinin topogra- lica per uso degli studenti e dei medici, redatti s die lezioni del corso prhato del Prof. Luca Chinni dal Dott. Lambcrto Medori. 300 pp. 16°. Napoli, T. de Angelis, 1895. Cliilioidilie and ehinidine. See, also, Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). B. (P. A.) Sul citrate tli chinoitlina del Julius Jobsf. di Stuttgart, 8-'. Milano, 1870. Diruf (O.) U istorische Untersuchungen iiber das Chiuoidin in chemischer, pharmaceutisclier und therapeutischer Beziehung, nebst Beobach- tungen iiber seine AVirksamkeit in Krankheiten uud Versuchen iiber (lessen Verhalten znin thie- rischen Organismus in toxicologischer Hinsicht. 8C. Erlangen, 1H51. Hartge (A.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chini(lin-(Couchinin-) Resorption, nebst Beriick- sichtigung seines forensiBch-chemischen Nach- weises. 8°. Dorpat, 1884. Bnfalini (G.) Sull' uso terapeutico della rhinodina. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. so. nied. n. r. Arcad. d. flsincrit di Siena, 1888, vi, 210-233.—eiiirone (V.) & Ciirci (A.) Ricerche sperimentali sull' azione biologiea della chinoidhia. Riv. ital. "di terap ed is., l'iai euza, 1881, i, 3-25.—Iln- gens. Die Verwendbarke.it des Chinoideum citricum im Vergleich mit anderen Fiebermitteln. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1882, v, 242-271— Klamann. l)as Cliinui- diniim tannicuni und .seine Bedeutuni; in der Praxis. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1881, 1, 361. -----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber diisChiuoidiiiiini tannicum. Deutsche Med. Ztg, Berl., 1882, iii, 211.—de Vrij. IS'ieuw febrifu- gnin, de boras chinoidinicus. Geneesk. Courant. Tiel, 18«2, xxxvi, no. 8. Cliiiioline [and derivatives]. See, also, Kairin. Berndt (L.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss tier Chinolinsulfosauren. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Bodenhacsen (O.) * Versuche iiber die Wir- knngen des Chinolins am Krankenbett. Eiu Beitrag zu der Frage der therapeutischen Ver- wendbarkeit des Chinolins. 8\ Erlangen, 18*2. Chinchole (E\) * Etude sur la quinol&ne ct ses de>ive\s la kairine et la thalline. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1890. Conradt (P.) "Ueber Gesetziniissigkeiten bei Oxydatiouen zweier neuen Chinolintlerivatc, [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1894. Daniel (J.) Oxydal ions-Versuche in der Chiuolinreihe. [Bern.] 8J. Miinchen, 1896. Evans (T. B.) Ueber einige Halogenderivate des Chinolins. 8°. Erlangen, 1886. Jacohsohn (M.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss tier antibakteritischen Eigenscliaftcn ties Chinolins im Vergleich zur Wirkung einiger Antiseptika und tiase. [Erlangen.] 8\ Wiirzburg, 1890. Ku6likowski (S.) * Ueber das Verhalten der Orthooxyehinoliucarbonsauro und deren Dcri- vate im Organismus. s\ Bern, 1^88. Lehnkeuisg (P.) *Ueber eiu j3 Lacton der Chiuolinreihe. [Erlangen.] 8-. Aachen, 1888. Miller (C.) 'Versuche iiber die physiologi- schen Wirknngen tics Toluchinoxalius uud des Chinolins. 8°. Erlangen, 18*5. Ohlek (L) * Ueber Benz p-Py-a/3-Tniuethyl- chinolin. 8°. Erlangen, 1893. Panajotow (G.) * Ueber Ortho-para-Dime- thylcliinaldin, dessen Umwandlungen, nnd uber Ortlio-paia-Dimethylcliinolin-a-Acrylsaure. [Kr- langen.j 8-\ Miinchen, 1886. Reiieu (L.[C. A.]) "Ueber Aethyl-Derivate des Chinolins. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der L'hinolinbaseii. *u. Kiel, 1^7. CHINOLINE. 477 CHIPAULT. ChiHol',,e [and derivatives]. RlEGER (0.) * Versuche iiber tlie physiologi- I schen Wirknngen des Chinolins. 8°. Erlangen, 1888. Schmidt (A.) * Ueher das Verhalten einiger Cliinolinderivate im Thierkorper mit Riicksicht auf die Bildung vou Kyuurensiiure. 8°. Konigs- berg in Pr., 1884. Schramm (C.) * Synthetische Untersnchun- gen in der Chiuolinreihe. 8°. Kiel, 1887. Wittigschlager (G. ) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der physiologischen Wirknngen des Chinolins. ft0. Erlangen, 1890. Ziegler (J. ) * Ueber moleculare Unlage- rnngen in der Chinolin-Reihe. 8°. Erlangen, 1888. Ben-ns (C.) The phvslolosrical action of chinoline tartrate. [Abstr.J Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 433-446. — Binch (A.) , 1881, 2. s., xiv. 401-49."). — Knplte. Studien iiber Cliinolin. Allg. med. Ccntr.-Ztn.. Berl., 1882, li, 85-87.— Nnhmmacher. Ueher d<-n therapeutischen Werth derCliiiiolinpraparate. Wien. med. Bl., 1882, v, 641; 677; 710.—Pellacani (P.) Coutribu/.ioni alia farmacologia del gruppo della chinolina. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1885-6, ix, 1-32.— Rosenthal (J.) Feber die Wirkung des Chinolins. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1887. xiii. 206-218. Also: Beitr. z. path. Anat, exper. Path, [etc.], Leipz., 1887.206-218. -----. Ueber die faul- nisiwidrige Wirkung des Chinolins. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med Soc. zu Erlang.. Miinchen, 1889-90, Hft. 21, 72.— Sakolorslii (K. K.) O chinolin 'le i yevo flziologiches- kom dii-istvii. Vrach, St. Petersb., 18S2. iii, 336-341.— Sclirfl (.J.) .iuu. Das Chinolin als Autisepticum in der Zahnheilkunde. Deutsche, Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh.. Leipz., 1882, xxii, 278_'J88 Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1882, xxvii, 200; 217.— Ntocltni.-iii (R. ) The physiological | action of quinoliue. isoquiuolino an«l some of their dei iva- tives._ J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1893. xv, 245-iMx. — Nu- (leikiii. Vinnoivameimokisliv chinolin, vi-vo tiziolo- pcheskoye dieistvle i terapevticheskoye upotrehleuie. [Tartrate of chinolin, its physiological action and thera- peutic use. | Vrach, St. Petersb., 18^2, iii, 475; 492.— Unruh. Ueber Chinolin. Jahresb. (1. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- n. Heilk. in Dr. sd., 1882-,!, 93-103. — William* ( C. G.) Researches on chinoline and its homologues. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1855-6, xxi, 377-401. Ciiinomide. Fischer ( H.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ciiinomide und Induline. 8°. Erlangen, 1894. Chinone. Coiin (S.) * Ueber das Verhalten des Chinon ini tierischen Organismus. 8 . Konigsberg i. /V., [1*9.3]. * y Hkthekington (A. E.) "Ueber Chiuonani- lide. 8°. Erlangen, 1891. Chi none. Lkickstki; (J.) *Ueber die Einwirkuug von O-Nitranilin und M-Nitroparatoluidin auf Chi- none. 8°. Erlangen, 1890. Theodor (R.) 'Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chinone. S . Konigsberg i. Pr., 1880. Cliinosol. Konio (W.) * Beitrag zur therapeutischen Verwendung des Cliinosol. 8°. Berlin, 1897. A hi IV hi (F.) & Vahle ( P.) Die Bedeutung des Chinosols als Autisepticum. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz 1896, xx, 235-237.—ItetldieH (A.) & Tincher (W.) Chi- nosolals Antisepticiiin und Heilmitiel (Antipyreticum) Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, lxv, 750; 717.—Be- Htolie (l<\) Ueber das Cliinosol. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1897, iii, 65; 111—Oiovnuini (S.) Ueber das Desinfeetionsverinogen des Chinosols. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 585.—Witte (E.) Zur Frage des Chinosols. Centralbl. f. (Jyniik , Leipz., 1896, xx, 233-235. Chinotoxine. Hoppe-Seylcr (G.) Ueher die Wirkung des Chino- toxios (Uichinolvlindimethylsulfat) auf deu Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887-8, xxiv, 241-246. Cliinsky (G[regoire]) [1863- ]. * Recherches experimentales comparatives sur la mort des animaux a sang froid provoquee par l'iuhalation des vapeurs de chlorofortue et d'ether. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 19. Chiocconi (Giovanni Battista). Ospizio ma- rino di Pisa a Boccadarno. Notizie e quadri statistici [dal 14 gingno 1876 al 13 giugno 1890]. 32 pp. 8°. Pisa, T. Nistri ft C, 1891. Chioggia. Condizioni ( Delle) sanitarie di Chioggia dopo la imuiissione dei finmi nella sua laguna. Rapporto al comitato veneziano dell' Associa- zione medica italiana ed alia Associazione ve- neta di utilita pubblica. 8°. Venezia, 1873. Chiolini (Aloysius). *De morbillis. 31 pp. 8-". Ticini Beg'ti, Fusi ft soc, 1841. Chioiiaiithiis. Chionia from Chionanthus virginica, Linn. 8°. [St. Louis, n. d.] Ely (J. D.) Chionanthus virginica. Toledo M. pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, ]*94. ------. Chirurgie operatoire du systeme nerveux. Avec une preT ice tie M. Terrier. 2 v. Tome I. Chirurgie cranio-cerebralc Tome II. Chirurgie de la moelle et des nerfs. xx, 744 pp.; 71)9 pp. 8°. Paris, Rueff ft Cie., 1*94-5. ------ Le trai cment du mal de Pott. 35 pp. 8 . Paris, Masson ;{, jaiu vero recognita, descripta, figiirisque. ligno iucisis aucta. l()e'. Hamburgi, 1682. Science (La) curieu.se, ou traite" de la chyro- mauce, recueilly des plus graves autlieurs'qui ont traite" de cette matiere, et plus exactemeut recherche" qu'il n'a esie" cv-devaut par aucim autre 2. e"d. 4°. Paris, 1667. ('liii'oiii;inti»chc Observation. Samml. v. Nat - u Med.- . . . Gesch. 1721, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1723, xvii, TA-li Chiron (Jean-Fiancois-Marie) [I8.")(i- ]. *Du la position e"levee du bassin en chirurgie ahdo- minale. 84 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 107. Cllirone (Viuceuzo). Mecanisme de ruction de la quinine sur la circulation; recherches experi- mentales ex6cutees au Museum tl'histoire natu- relle. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1*7f). ------. Manuale di materia medica e terapeutica 2. ed. vi (1 1.), 773 pp., 11. 8°. Napoli, V. Pasquale, 1880. ------. The same. 3. ed. 3 p. ]., 700 pp. roy. 8J. Napoli, V. Pasquale, [1887]. Cliiroiliail (The). Published semi-monthly hy the students of the New Ytirk Homoeopathic Medical College, Eugene H. Porter, editor. v. 1-12, Oct. 22, 1884, to June 21, 1896. roy. 8°. Sew York. Chiroptera. See, also. Bats. Allen (H.) On tbe embryos of bats. Contrib. Zool. Lab. Univ. Penu., Phila., 1895, i, no. 2, 3-42,4 pl.—Cooper ( VV.) [Researches ou the Cheiroptera of the United States. | Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist , N. Y., 1*37-4K, iv, 53- 74.—Crety (C.) Contribuzione alia couoseenza dell' ova- rio dei Uhirotteri. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1893, iii, 221-239, 1 pl.— Dodmoii (G. E.)' On the phalanx missing from certain digits iu the maims of Chiroptera. J. Anat. & Physiol., Loutl., 1881-2, xvi, 200.—Duval (M.) fitudes sur l'eiiibryolngie des Cliei- ropteres. J. de l'anat. et pbysiol. [t-ti-. |. Par., 1WI5, xxxi, 93; 427, 1 id.: 1896, xxxii, 105-104.-Kobin (II. A.I Sur la morphologie des euvelnppes he tales ties Oliireplt-rrs. Compt.-rend. Acad.d.sc.,Par., 1881, xcii, 1354-1357. ----. Sur les enveloppes lcetales des Chiropteies de la famille des Phyllostomides. Ibid., 1882, xcv, 1377-1779. —Kolli- nnt (H.) & Troncssnrt. Sur la reproduction ties (Jhi- ropte>-es. Compt. rend Soc. de biol.. Par.. l»-95, 10. s., ii, 53—Van Bcim-iIcii (li.) & .Inlin (C.) Recherches sur la structure de l'ovaire, l'ovulatiou la lecondation it lea premieres phases du developpement chez les Cheiroptera. (Communication pr61iminaire.) Bull. Acad. roy. tl. sc. tie Belg., Hrux., 1880, 2. s., xlix, 028-655. Chirurgia (La) t:ompleta [etc.]. &?ePlanque (Francois). Chirurgicheskaya Laitopis. [Surgical an- nals. Bi-monthly journal, edited by N. V. Skh- fosovki and P. L Diakonoff.] v. l-f>, 1891-5. roy. 8°. Moskva. Cllimrgicheskii Vestnik. Yezhemiesyachniy journal, pod redaktsiyei N. A. Velyaininova. [Surgical Courier. Monthly journal.] v. 1-10, 1885-94. 8J. St. Petersburg. "Want number for January, 1887. Chirurgie et barberie en Brefcagne avant la re- volution. See de Closmadeuc (G.[-A.-T.]). Chirurgie complette [etc.]. See Plauque (Francois). Chirurgie (La) contemporaine des organes gem to- urinaires. J.-M. Lavaux, r6&. en chef. Nov., 1891. 8-. Paris. CHIRUEGIE. 479 CHISOLM. Cllirursjie des organes genito-nrinaires de l'lio.iune et de la femme, par G. Bouilly. IS. Du- play, L. Picqne, Ed Schwartz, P. Segond, L. Poissnn, A. Pousson, R. Hairisson. 896 pp. roy. 8-". Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ft fils, 1***. Reprint of v. 7 of: Encyclopedic internationale de chi- rurgie. Clliriirgieu (Le) convert!. 19 pp. 24°. La Ha ne, 1748. Chirurgische Beitrage aus dem Erzherzogin Soidiien-Spiial in Wien. Hrsg. von V. von Hacker. 120 pp., 1 1. 8\ Wien, A. Holder, 189.'. Cliil'Ul'giSChe Bibliotbek von August. Gottlieb Kichter. Allgemeines Register for 12 v. 2 v. 8°. Gbltingen, 1794-6. Chirurgische Hand-Bihliothek. Eine ausor- lesene Siniinlung tier besten nettern chirmgi- schen Schriften des Anslandes. v. 2, 3, 7-9, 11 (pts. 1, 3), 14 (pt. 1), 15. 12°. Weimar, Landed-Industrie- Compi., 1821-37. CONTENTS. II. Bell (Charles). Al hantllungen iiber die Krankhei- ten tier Hannohre, der Harnblase der Voi steherdi iise und des Miistdarms. 1821. III. Henneu (-lolin). Grundsatze der Militar-Chirur- gic, mit Iii obachtungen iiber die Anordimng mid Policey dcr Hospiiiiler, 25. VIII. 2. Abth. Shaw (J.) Fernere Bemerkungen iiber die Seiienkriinimiing (Its Liickgrats, und die Behandlung coniracter Glieder, etc. 182(5. IX. Delpech. Clinische ( hirurgie 1826. XI. 1. '1 heil. "Wardrop (J.) TJebi r die Anenrismen und eine neue Methode sie zn tin ilen. 1829. XIV, 1. Theil. Syme (J.I Abbandlung iiber die Aus- scliiu-iilung krankhaft. r Gelenke. 1832. XV. 1. Theil. Brodie (B. C.) Vorlesungen iiber die Euuikheiten tier Harnweikzenge.—2. Theil. Aniussat. Vorlesungen iiber die Hariiveihaltungeii in Folge von Haruiolirenverengerungeu und iiber tlie Kraukheiten der Prostata. 183 <. XVI. Cooper ( B. B. ) Chirurgische Versuche uber Knoc henbriiehe, Gelenkkrankheiten und Verieukungeu, und iiber B uichwuiiden. 1837. Chirurgische Klinik von Prof. Dr. Kocher zu Heni. 8oininerseniester, 1891. Hrsg. vou Otto Lanz und Fritz de Quervain. 194 pp. 8*. Jena, G. Fischer, l*'Jl. Chirurgische Poliklinik des Herrn Dr.Theodor Kolliker Bericht iiber die . . . Bearbeitet von M. Berginanu. 2.-4., 188:5-4 to 1888-9. 8°. Leip- zig, l*8ti-90. Cllirili'tfisctie (Die) Praxis der bewabrtesten Wnntlarzie unserer Zeit, systematisch darge- stellt. Nach von Amnion, Ascheison, [et al.]. 3 v. in 4. 8°. Berlin, Voss, 18.0-42. Additional title-page reads: Practisches Ilandbnch der clinischi-n Chirurgie, nach den neuesten Mitlln ilungen siuzge.zeichneter Wundarzte aller Lander svsieinatjsch bearbeitet. —;—. The same. Praktisch handbook der kli nische heelkunde in barm geheelen omvang; slelseltnatig bewerkt volgens de nieuwste mede- deelincren der voornaamste heelkuudiyen van alle landen. Naar het Hoogduitsch omgewerkt en vernieerderd door F W. Krieger en M. Polauo. Deel I. 8°. Gorinchem, 1815-50. Chirurgische Universitatsklinik in Inns- bruck. Jahresbericht der . . . von Ed. Albert. Fur das Jahr 1874-5. 84 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Inns- oruck, Wagner, 1876. .J^Pr- from •' Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, Chirurgischer Almanach, von Fr. Ernst Baum- garteu. v. 1-11, 14, 18:18-48, 1851. 12°. Osterode, 18'.18-40 ; Osterode u. Goslar, 1841-51. In 1846 C. A. Wehei became editor. Cliirurgisch-mediciiiische Akademie und die Thierarzneischnle zu Dresden. Nachricht iiber die Wirksamkeit der . . . wahrend des its!en Jahrzehnds nach ihrer Erweiteruug von D. Burkhard "Wilhelm Seiler. 14 pp. 4°. Dres- den, Gartner, 1828. Chirurgiska hiindelser, inlemnade af falt- skiirerne i riket til Chirurgiska Societeten. [. . . cases, presented by military surgeons of the empire to the Chirurgical Society.] 5 1., 256 pp., 2 1. 12°. Stockholm, Kongl. Truckeriet, 1769. Chiryen" (S[ergei| I[vanovich]) [1850- ]. Fi/.iologiya chelovitku. [Human physiology."! Pt. 1. 191 pp. 8°. Kicr,l888. Cllisliollll (Alexander Bain). *De imperio, quo teres, aqiue, attji e loca valetudineni liunianam regunt. 2 p. 1., 50 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Clarke etsocii, 1*28. [P., v. 1*71.] Cllisliollll (Colin) [1755-1825]. A manual of the climate and diseases of tropical countries, in which a practical view of the statistical pathol- ogy and of the history and treatment of the dis- eases of those countries is attempted to be given, calculated chiefly as a guide to the young med- ical practitioner on his first resorting to those countries, ii, 2. v, 236 pp., 1 tab. 8°. London, Burgess ft Hill, bw22. Bound with: Jackson (R.) A sketch (analytical) of the history and cure of contagious fever. 8°. London, 1819. Chisholiu (James). See I'ollock (J. E.) Sc Chisholm (J.) Medical handbook of life assurance, [etc.J. 8°. London, 1889. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1895. Chisilis (Angustinus). De respiratione ; aecedit matheinatica exercitatio tie calculo infinitesi- mali. 55 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Senis, Puzzini,1788. Chislehurst, Sidcup, and Cray Valley Cottage Hospital, St. Paul's Cray. Annual reports of the council to the subscribers. 1.-4., 1883-4 to 1886-7. 8°. St. Mary Cray, 1884-7. Opened Feb. 21, 1S84. Chisloup (Annand) [1861- ]. *De la pa- ralysie cardio-pulinonaire daus la diphtb6rie. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 138. ClllSOlm (Francis M.). Co-Editor of: Journal of Eye, Ear, and Throat Dis- eases, Baltimore, 189U. Cllisollll (Julian J.) [1830- ]. A manual of military surgery for the use of surgeons in the Confederate army; with an appendix of the rules and regulations of the medical department of tlie Confederate army, xi, 447 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Bichmtind, Va., West ft Johnston, 1861. Title-page of first and subsequent editions reads: J. Julian Chisolm. ------. The same 2. ed. xii, 514 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Bichmond, la., West ft Johnston, 1862. ------. Intra-ocular enchondroma of twenty-two years'growth removed at the Baltimore Eye and Ear Infirmary. With a description of the micro- scopic condition of the tumor, by H. Knapp. 16 pp.,2pl. 8°. [Netv York, 1873.] [P., v. 1441.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1873, iii. ------. Making of both lids to the left eye from contiguous skin. A keloid growth of twenty- seven years, involving the entire lower lid and two-thirds of the upper lid, including the skin of the left side of the nose. Growth removed and deformity corrected by a blepharo-plastic operation, manufacturing the two lids from con- tiguous skin surfaces 9 pp., 1 phot. 8°. [Bal- timore, 1873.] [P., v. 1441.] Repr. from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1873. CHISOLM. 480 CHITON. Chisoliu (Julian J.)—continued. ------. Misapplication of remedies in the treat- ment of eve diseases. 8 pp. 8-. Louisville, Ky . Med. J.print, 1873. Repr. from: Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xv. ------ Ophthalmic and aural surgery reports. 22 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1873. Repr.from: Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xv. -----. A few well established facts in connection with squint. 15 pp. 8J. Baltimore, 1879. Repr. from: Tr. M. Sc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait,, 1879. -----. Myopia (commonly called near-sighted- ness) in its various phases. 32 pp. 8°. [Balti- more, 1 **0. ] Rerised repr. from: Virginia M.Month .Richmond, 1880- sl. vii. Spasm of (he intra-ocular eye muscles; a frequent cause of annoying and serious eye de- fects. 10 pp. 8°. Baltimore, lltomas fy Evans, 1881. Repr. from: Independ. Pract., Bait., 1881, ii. Sympathetic ophthalmia. Two cases under peculiar citcumstances. Sequel of surgi- cal operations, pp. 265-268. S'J. [New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1881.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth., N. T., 1881, x. B\tensive ravages from lupus, with sub- sequent cicatrization, leaving but one small hole in the face, which represents both mouth and nose, and with ctunplete closure of the anterior nasal orifices. pp. 234-238. 8°. [New York, 1882.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth., N. V., 1882, xi. Report on ophthalmology, made to the Medical aud Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, at the eighty-fourth session, April, 1882. 15 pp. 8\ [Baltimore, 1882.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Sc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1882. -----. Rupture of the eyeball in its posterior hemisphere from a blow in the face. pp. 44-48. 8°. [New York, 18-2.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth., X. Y.. 1882, xi. -----. Two cases of malignant tumor of the sphenoidal cavities implicating vision, pp. 52- 57. 8°. [New York, 1882.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1882, xi. -----. Bromide of ethyl, the most perfect anaes- thetic for short, painful surgical operations. 8 pp. 8°. [Baltimore], 1*83. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix. -----. Address ou ophthalmology. 19 pp. 12°. Chicago. A. G. Newell, 18*4. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, ls84, ii. -----. Removal of a piece of iron from the vit- reous chamber by means of the magnetic needle. 8 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 18*4. Repr. from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland., Bait., 1884. -----. A glioma of the right eye spreading by metastasis through nianv periosteal centres. pp. 47-52. 8°. [New York, 1884.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth., X. T., 1884, xiii. The after-treatment of cataract cases, to the exclusion of compresses, bandages, dark rooms, and restraint. 21 pp. 12°. Chicago, Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix. -----. Report of the section on ophthalmology, otology, and laryngology. A simple and valu- able optometer. 13 pp. 8°. [Baltimore, 1887.] Repr. from: Tr. M. &Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1887. -----. Rest for painful eyes; is this advice always good? 23 pp. 12-'. Baltimore, 1887. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xv. -----. Cataract extractions, with only the eye operated upon closed by adhesive strips; the Chisoliu (Julian J.)—continued. other eye left open for the guidance of the pa- tient. 11 pp. 12 . Chicago, 1**8. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi. ------. Chloroform, the best of anaesthetics. 2ti pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1***. ------. Tho great value of a 0.25 I), cylinder in the relief of head-ache antl eye pains. 12 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1***. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi. ------. A very valuable lesson for those who use aniesthetics. 15 pp. 8°. [Baltimore, Cuqqen- heimer, Weil ft Co., 1888.] Repr. from: Med. Rec., IT. Y., 1SS8, xxxiii. ------. Persistent headaches, and how to cure them. 12 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Guggenheimer Weil ft Co., 1890. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Chisoliu (Robert). *On the hydrocephalus in- ternus, or internal dropsy of the brain. 2 p. ]., 18 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Ormrod ft Conrad, 1796. Cllistovich (Flodor Iakovlovich) [187U- ]. *0 patologo-anatomicheskikh iznileneniyakli golovnovo mozga pri aziatskoi cholcr'Ie. [On pathologo-anatoniical changes of the brain in Asiatic cholera.] 67 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. > . S.-I'e- terburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 189,"i. ChistOVicll (Iakov [AleksTeyevick]) [18-Jii-sf, ]. Istoriya pervikh meditsinskikh schkol v Rossii. [History of the first medical schools of Russia.] v, 662, ccclxx pp. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, I. Tret, 1*83. For Biography, see Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1885, v, 551-556. Also: Vrach, St. Petersb., 18S5. vi. 723. Cllistovich (Sergei [Iakovlyovich]) [18i;;- ]. *K morfologii krovi pri khronicheskikli osteonuelitakh. [ On the morphology of tlie blood in chronic osteomyelitis.] 60 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 1*91. Chistyakoff(M[ikhail] A[ndreyevich]) [ls.->r>- ]. "Koudiloniatoznly period sifilisa; pro- dolzhitolnost yevo techeniya i zaraziteluost poz- dnlkh proyavleniy. [Condylomatons period of syphilis; length of its course, aud contagious- ness of its late stages.] iii, 122 pp., 1 1. 8-. S.-Peterburg, I. A. Froloff, 1*91. c. -----. Thesame. iii, 185 (1 1.), 118 pp., 11. 8. S.-Petirburg, I. A. Froloff, 1-94. Clliswick* Annual report of the medical offi cer of health to the Chiswick improvement, com- missioners, for the year 1880. [By Fred. C. Dodsworth.] 2 1. fol. [Turnham Green, 1881.] Chiswick. See. also, Statistics (Vital), by localities. Hetiiekington (J.) On the sewage flow of Chiswick. 8 -'. London, 18**. Repr. from : I'roc. Inst. CivilEngin. Lond., 1887-8, xciv, pt. 4. Chitin. StXDVlK (E. E.) *Om chitin. 8°. Helsing- fors, 1**2. ltt-i'tlu lot (M.) Snr la transformation en sucre tie la chitine et tie la tunicine, principes immediats contenus dans les tissus ties animaux invertebres. Anu.decbim. et phys.. Par., 1858. 3. s., lvi, 149-156. Also, iteprmt.- Chitin, the simplest nitrogenised orgauo-nlastic amy- lonide. ( Summary antl additions. ) Ann..Chem. Med., Lond., 1879. i, 129-142— Krawkow (X. P.l T>l"-r ver- schiedenartiire Chitine. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miiiirlien n. Leipz., 1892-3. n. F., xi, 177-198. 1 pl— KriiUrnberg (C F W. ) Die angebliche I.ii-OichU.'ii tie- • Muds. Ibid., Miinchen, 1886, n. F., iv. 180-48S.-Sundwik (t. E.) Zur Constitution des Chitins. Ztschr. f. phjsioi. Chem., Strassb., 1881, v, 381-391. Chiton. It in ii tit IE. i Ueber das N.-rv.-nsyMciu vou Llntuu (Acantho.'hitesi fascicular!*. Melanges '''"'.Acad. imp. d sc de St.-Peter.sl>.. 1869, vii, :J5-40. 1 pl.-Haller (ii.) CHITON. 481 CHIZH. Chiton. Die Oi"anisation der Chitonen der Adria. Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. (lT Univ. Wien, 1881-2. iv, 323-39t>, 8 pl.: 1883-4, v, 29-60, 3 pl.—iTI«'U-alf (M. M.) Contributions to the em- brvolo"V of Chiton. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait,, 1891-3, v, 249-207, 2 pl.—itloseley (H. N.) On the presence of eyes and other sense organs ou the shells of the Chitonidte. [Abstr.] Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1884, Salem 1885, xxxiii, 535-537. Also: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc 1884, Lond., 1885, liv, 780-782.—Sampson (Lilian V.) Die Muskulatnr von Chiton. Jenaische Ztschr. f Na- turw Jena, 1893-4, n.F., xxi, 460-468. Also, transl. [with additions]: J. Morphol. Bost., 1895, xi, 595-628, 3 pl.— Sedgwick (A.) On certain points in the anatomy of Chiton In.- Stud. Morphol. Lab. TJniv. Cambridge, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1882, pt. 2, 99-105. Chitosan. Arulii (T.) TJeber das Chitosan. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1894-5, xx, 498-510. Chitpore. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Chittagong. Bedford (J. R.) On the vital and medical statistics of Chittagong. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1852, xv, 117-154. Chittenden (C. S.) [1825-89]. Co-Editor of: Dominion Dental Journal, Toronto, 1889 For Biography and Portrait, see Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1889, i, 97, port. (W. J. B.). Chittenden (R[ussell] H[enry]) [1856- ]. Observations on the digestive ferments. 15 pp. 8-\ Philadelphia, 1*89. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv. -----. The same. 34 pp. 6°. [Philadelphia, 1889.] ----. The influence of alcohol ou proteid me- tabolism, pp. 220-2:52. 8°. [Cambridge, 1891.] Repr. from: J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1891, xii. Papoid-digestion. 36 pp. 8;. [Netv Haven, 1892.] Repr. from: Tr. Connect. Acad. Arts & Sc., N. Haven, 1892-5. ix. ----. Thesame. [Abstract.] 46 pp., 11. 8°. Xew York, Johnson ft Johnson, [1892]. ----. The same. [Abstract.] 241. 8°. New York, Johnson

    7(J. Kleine (F. K.) * Ueher die Beeiunussuug der Stoffweehselwirktiugen ties Chloralhydrata durch kohleusaures Natrium. 8°. Halle a s 1895. Landgraff (F.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis tier Wirkung des Acetvlchloralcyanhydrin. *s> Kiel, 1896. Liebreich(0.) L'hydrate de chloral. Trad. de l'allemand sur la -4. ed. par Is. Lcvaillaut 8°. Paris, 1-70. Lissonde (L.) Du chloral hydrate; elude chimique, physiologique et therapeutique. 8° Paris. 1874. Reymann (W.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Chloralhvdrocyanid. - . Kiel 1^95. Roedelius (B.) * Ueber die Wirkungsweiso des Chlorals, ties trichloressigsauren Natrons, des Orthoameisensaurc-Aethers und des Aetliyl- pheuvlketons. I Erlangen.] 8°. Dresden, [lHrJlf]. Roussel (M.-J.-B.-J.) *■ Le chloral et ses de- rives. 4°. Coulommiers, 1892. .Schubert (P.) * Ueber die Eiuwirkung von Chloral auf Aldehydcollidin. 8J. Breslau, [1893]. Schulz (L.) * Ueber die Wirkungcn des wasserfreien Chlorals nach Application auf die unverletzte iiussere Haut und die Allgemeiii- wirktiug starker Hautreize. [Marburg.] 8°. Leipzig. 1882. Also, in: Arcb. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz. 18H2-3, xvi, 305-321. 8pedeu(H.) *De l'hydrate de chloral, f. Montpellier, 18*1. Thayer (B. B.) Thayer's elixir of chloral hydrate; remarks upon and details of cases treated with chloral hydrate. *'-. San Fran- Cisco, [1870(f)]. Tiesexhacsex (H), Baron. * Beitrag zum Nachweise des Chloralhydrats ini Thierktirper. 8°. Dorpat, 1-85. Zuber (H.-J.-C.) * Du chloral; recherches cliniques et experimentales. 4C. Strasbourg, 1*10. Ambrozioni (P.) Stndi pratici sail' azione del; 1' idrato di cloralio. Kendic. statist, san. d. osp. civ. (li Sampierdarena 1874-8, Genova, 1880, 213-232. Bnlbinno (L.) & Tartuferi (F.) Snl c oromeri-urato di cwaiiia ed alcune esperienze sul suo potere aulisettico. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 18s7, 4. s., v. 157-171 —Bonalti (B.) Nuova applicazioue terapeutica dell' idratodi cloralio. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano. 1882, xix. 273-275 — Boucliut. Note sur 1'hydrate tb- chloral. [Almtr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1809, lxix, 966-969.- Broilnax (P. H.) Chloral hydrate; some of its uses. Richmond J. Pract., 1891, viii,'160-163. Also: Internat. M. Ma;;.. Phila., 1894-5, iii, 427-429.—Hrown-Nfqunrd. Production tl'hyperesthesio sous l'inlhience d'une applica- tion tie chloral auhydre dans le conduit auditif extirnu chez des mammiferes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1883,-7. s., iv, 91.—Cavazzani (A.) Azione del cloralio sui reui. Kilorma med.. Xapoli, 1891, vii, pt. 3, :tl4-.'il«. Also, Reprint—Ccrna (l>.) A contribution to the study of the actions of chloral on the ciifiliation. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2. iv, 114-126, 1 chart.—Chenllinm (W.) Hydrate of chloral as a cause of inflainniaiioii ol the eyes', with cases. Alabama M. Sc S. J., Birniiiip- ham,'1887, ii, 31. — Ciattaglia (C.) 11 cloralio sotto il rapporto cconomico ed inienico negli ospedali. Arch. di med. chir. ed i«., Roma, 1873, ix, 180-185.—Colla- uiore (G. A.) Some uses of chloral hydrate. Detroit Lancet, 1881-2, u. s.. v, 1.—Cotton iS.i Action des me- taux sur l'hydrate de chloral. Mem. et compt -rend. S»c- d. sc. med. de Lyon (1884), 1885, xxiv, pt. 2.130-133. .uso: Lyon med., 1884, xlvii, 280-283. -----. Action des oxy CHLOKAL. ChBornfi [and derivatives], daiitssur l'hydrate de chloral. Lyon med. 1885, 1, 13-16.— train; (W. j On the external uses of the hydrate of chlo- ral. Etlinb. M. J.. 1875-G, xxi. 711-715. Also, Reprint,— Demarqnay. Sur l'aetiou physiologique dn chloral. Compt. rend. Acad. t!. sc. Par.. 1869, lxi*. 010-042. -----. Deuxieme note sur le chloral: experiences relatives h l'hoiuiiie. Ibid., 700-702. — Oil iilntoy (Cl Sc liiixliii- bcr. Experiences nouvelles sur le chloral hydrate. Ibid., 75'> -Drasrhc (A.) " Ueber die Wirkung des Chloralhy- dra'les. Inhis: Ges. Abhandl., 8°. Wien", 1893, 240-275.— Fimui (A.) & Favrat (A.) Influence du chloral sur lu digestion stomacale. Arch ital. de biol.. Turin, 1884-5, vj 412-418.—Free (A. C.) Heroic dose of chloral. Times jj'Kpj., Phila.. 1889, xx, 078.— Frietlel. Reponse aux remarques de M. Troost il propos do l'hydrate de chloral. Compt.rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1885, c.891.—4*raudi** (V.) Azione dell' idratodicloi alio sopra i reni. Ci v. d. r. Accad. dimed. di Torino, 1889, 3. s., xxxvii, 374-38.1.—(aiinzburg (K.) Rechtfertigung des Gebrauchs des Chloralhydrats, begriindet auf eine moditicirte Auwenduugsweise und be- schriinkte Dosirung desselben. Allg. med. Cenlr.-Ztg., Berl, 188I, lv, 549.—Ilai-ilcaslli- (J.) The value of chlo- ral hydrate. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1889, lx. 737.— Harris (J. E.) Therapeutic uses of hvdiaie ot chloral. St. Louis M. &.S. J., 1882, xliii, 248-252.'—Hledboui (K.) Forsok metl. kioralhydrat. Upsala Univ. Ai->sUr. Med., 1896, 7u-78.— Ht-iricr (A.) Ueher Chloralglucose nndihio Wirkung. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx. 475.—Hushes (C. H.) Note on chloral hydrate as a vesicant. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 445. -----. The constitutional and local nse and the intravenous infection of chloral hydrate. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1887. Iii, 140-145.—Jousset (M.) Patko- geuesie du chloral. Art med.. Par., 1S97. Ixxxiv, 280: 343; 435: lxxxv, 114-127. — Kane (H. II.) Chloral hydrate. Jlcd. Rec, X. T., 1880, xviii, 702-705: 1881. xix, 4: 32; 60; 284; 310: 460: 482. -----. Chloral hydrate. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81. xi. 225-231. -----. Chloral hydrate. Paci- fic M. A- S. J . San Fran., 1880-81, xxiii, 385-398. -----. Chloral hydrate. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 18 1, xiii, 35; 242. -----. Chloral hvdrate. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1881. xliv, 537-539.—Kiiy (E.) Chloralfor- mamid, ein neues Schlafmittel. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 345-348.—ICobert. Ueher die Ersatzmittel des Cliloralhydrates. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 537. — Kubn*oflf (P.) O skorosti vsasivaniya i vi- (liclcniya khloral-hidrata yestestvennimi putyami orga- nizma. [On tho rapidity of absorption and elimination of chloral hydrate bv the natural paths of the organism.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1882, vii, 3G34-3639. — Kiilz (E.) Ueber die Sebicksalc des Cliloralhydrates und Buty- cliloralhydiatcs (Crotonchloralhydratesj im Thierkorper. Arch. f.d. ges; Physiol., Bonn, 1882, xxviii, 506-537. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1881, xix, 337-339.—I.abbe (E.) A critical review of chloral. Gail- lard's M. J., X. Y., 1883. xxxvi. 121-138.—Lahousse (E.) Influence de l'hydrate de butylchloral sur la pression san- guine. Arch, de pharmacod.. Gaud et Par., 1894-5, i. 209- 245.—liicbreich (0.) Action du chloral snr l'economie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1869, lxix, 4Mi-48!i.—Tlai- ret& Box. Note sur Paction comparative du chloral et delachloralamide; action the; apeutique do lachloralaiuide. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s , ii, 381-383.— Marltoc (G. F. H.) On the incompatibility of chloral hydrate in the presence of potassium bromide and alcohol. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1885, cxiii. 82.—von IVIering. Ueber das Verhalten des Chloralhydrats und Biitvchloialhvdrat.s imOrganismus. Ztschr. t. phy-iol. uhem.. Strassb.. 1882. vi. 480-494. — ."Vi co I as (J.) ^v Kaoult-DcalongchampM (L.) Xote sur le pouvoir antiseptique de la chloroline. Province med., Lyon, 1895, ix. 289-292.----------. Deu- xieme note sur la chloroline; sa valeur antiseptique k l'egarddu charbon; sa toxicite. Ibid., 421-423. — Papil- la ud (L.-H.-A.) Sur quelques indications du chloral et du hromure de potassium. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. «• sc. C.-r. 1875. Par., 1876, iv, 1065-1071. — Pareni (C.) Nuove ricerche e studi sul cloralio canforato dei valenti chimici Prof. Cazenheuve e Imbert. Indipendente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii. 102-106.— I»«i*«r (J.) Ueh r den Einfluss ties Amylenhydiats und des Chloralhydrats auf die Stickstoff-Ausscheidung beim Menschen. Fortschr. a. Med., Berl., 1893. xi, 1-6. — IVi*onnc (J.) Sur la transformation de l'hydrate dc chloral en t hloroforme dan . 1 economic animale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1s09. lxix, 979-983. — Bandaccio (L.) Sull' uso del cloralio come rimedio topico. Spallanzani, Modena, 1875, xiii, 9- !'• Aho, Reprint.—Ricbet (C.) De linfluenee du chlo- ral sur les actions chimiques respiratoires chez le chien. Arch, de physiol. norm et path , Par., 1890, 5. s., ii, 221- ™h—Bohrer. Versuche iiber die antiseptische Wirkung aes Chloralcyanbydrins nnd des Chloralhydrats. Cen- tralhl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii, 43-49— K«sanoff(A ) Oproduktakh uplotiieniyakhloralhidrata snaftolami. [On the products of condensation of hvdrate ot chloral with the napbthols.] J. russk. fiz.chim. Obsh., M. Petersb., 1891, xxiii, 217-222—Saelan (T.) Om chloral- Dydratetoch uagradess biverkningar. [Hvdratcof chloral and its effects.] Finska lak.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 483 CHLOKAL. Chloral! [and derivatives]. 1870, xviii, 13-18. — Scbmitt. Les camphres et leurs combinaisons avec le chloral; le menthylate tie chloral. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9.8., ii, 678-683.—See (G.) Des chlorals. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 537-542. -----. Les chloral-antipyrines. Ibid., 973-977. — Wlup- erd (G. R.) A caseof excessive pruritus cured by chloral hydrate. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1875, 351.— Shumora (Ekaterina O.) O vliyanii khloral-hidrata na krovyauoye davlenlo. [On the effect of chloral hydrate upon blood pressure. 1 Kjened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb. 1881, i, 297; 317; 339— Spender (J. K.) Hydrate of chlo- ral; a therapeutic study. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1889, vii, 1- 20.—Sutherland. Some cases of chloral hydrate in the diseases of children. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, 3. s., xiii,' 528-532.—Tappeincr (II.) TJeber das Verhalten einisrer Condeusatioiispiodiicte des Chlorals mitKetouen ini Thier- korper. Arch. f. exper. Path. n. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1893-4, xxxiii, 364-372. — I U*t ber (E.) Chloraleyauhy- drin. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1888, 3. R., xxvi, 713-719.— Vazquez ile Velawt-o (A.) El cloral mirado especial- meute como agento terapeutico. Gac. nied., Lima, 1876, ii, 5-8. — Vi-nanzio (F.) IV11 idrato di cloralio e delle sue indicazioni. Condotta nied.-chir. ital., Treviglio, 1883, i, 32-35. — Vitnli (1>.) & Tornaui (A.) Contributo alio studio cbimico tossicoloirico del clorale idrato. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza. 1884, vi, 268; 300; 328. — Warner (E.) Chloral hydrate as an antiseptic. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 177— Will iv.no (F.-J.) Sur les proprietes physiologiques et therapeutiques du chloral. Bull. Acad. roy. de nied. ile Belg.. Brux., 1870, 3. s., iv, 152-183. Also, Reprint—Willouifbby (E. F.) Suggestions ou the an- tagonistic action of cocaine and chloral. Lancet, Loud., 1891, i, 365.—Wood bill I (J. B.) How I have used chlo- ral hydrate in my practice. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Bur- lington, 1893, 185-197. — Vvon. Du chloral et de ses derives au point tie vue chimique, therapeutique et phar- maceutique. Arch, de n-urol., Par., 1889, xviii, 261-268. Chloral (Toxicology of). See, also, Chloralose (Toxicology of); Chloral- habit ; Chloral-rash. Long. Eiupoisoinicuieut par l'hydrate de chloral suivi de mort; autopsie. >j0. [Lau- sanne, l-i75.] Booth (J. M.) Caso of chloral poisoning treated by the administration of belladonna. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 468. — C'asali (A.) II cloralio nelle ricerche chiinico- to-=sico!ogiche. Bull. d. sc. me.d. di Bologna, 1883, 0. s., xii, 34-39.—Chipinan (C. J. II.) Recovery from a large dose of morphia and chloral hydrat. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1881-J. x, 1G4-166. — Colenso (R. J.) Acase of poisoning by one ounce of chloral hydrate; recovery. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1895, xxviii, 36-42! Also [Abstr.] : Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1034. — CJouilert (F. E.) A case of opium and chloral poisoning. Med. Rec, N. T., 1895, xlviii, 23. — Da Costa ( J. M. ) Clinical lecture on chloral-poisoning, acute and chronic. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 421-424. —Dougall (J.) A chemical anti- dote for chloral poisoning. Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliii, 95-97.— Dull'ey (G. F.) Poisoning bv chloral hydrate. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiii, 302-307. — Fo'rilycc (J. A.) Death from chloral, administered during an at- tack of delirium tremens. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1883, viii, 94—Fon-inail (II. F.) Stomach from a case of chloral poisoning. Pioc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1890, xi, 210.— Foy ill.) Poisoning by butyl chloral and gel- semin. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loiid., 1886, n. s., xii, 493.— Geill (C.) Ein seltener Fall \ on- chronisciier Chloral- veigiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1897, 3. F., xiv, 274-286. — 4»rahamcr (J.) Der Misshrauch des Chloralhydrats in Be/.ug auf forense Zurechnungstfahig- keit. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1887, xxxviii, 28-43.—<»ri.«iwolil i It. M.) Recovery after tak- ingand retaining two hundred and eighty grains of chloral and two grains of morphia. Independ. Pract., N. Y., 1882, iii, 84-8H.— Jamison (D.) Chronic chloral poison- ing. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv. 131. — Jen- ninsN. Case of chloral poisoning. N. Zealand M. J., Dunodin, 1890-91, iv, 337-339. — Labonlc (J.-V.) _ Note sur les dangers do Padniiiiistration du chloral. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc, Par., 1869, lxix, 987.—l>mllo« (J. R.) Death after administration of chloral in labor: firm con- traction of the uterus. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888 lviii, 596 — lflncdonald ( R. G. ) Poisoning by chloral (360 grains). N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1893, vi, 28-31.—Mackintosh ( J. S. ) Poisoning from chloral- hydrate. Proc. South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Adelaide, 1883, 29. —IWa«li«an (M.J.) Recovery from an ounce dose of chloral hydrate. Chicago M. Rev., 1881, iv, 447.—ITIechnn (A.) Case of chloral poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii. 820. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 748—iTJoorc (J. T.) Strychnia as an antidote in chloral poisoning. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xii, 566.—Pluminer (S.) A caseof poisoning by chloral hydrate; death. Lan- cet, Lond., 1894, i, 21. — Pblmlaiiicr (J. B. ) A case of poisoning from thirty grains of chloral hydrate. Proc. CHLORAL. 484 CHLORALAMID. C 11 10 ra I (To.r icology of). Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1884-5. vii, 119. Also: Mary- land M. J. Bait., 1881-5, xii, 273. —Reynolds (E.) The MancheMrr minder": homicidal chloral poisoning, with its medico h-gal relation v Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 235- 237 — Ketnoltl* (I P. i Au overdose of chloral. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., I-v-4. c\, 151. — Ricbaril»on ( B. W.) Acute poisoning bv chloral hydrate. A^-h-piad, Lond.. 1890. vif 240-243.—Rossi (P.)' Avvelenamento per forte dose di cloralio; gnaiiginne. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1883, iv. 6J2. — Suell (E.) Case of recovery after swallowing 4 thud ounces (—320 graiusi of svrup. choral, hyd. (B. P.). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892. ii, sl2.—Npringthorpe. A case of recovery after taking an ounce of chloral. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1887, n. s.. ix, 499-501.—Stone (B. W.) Chloral poisoning treated by strychnia. Louisville M. Xews, ls83. xv, 179-181. —Van Ocyzcl (J. L.) Poison- in" by camphor and chloral. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. AI. Ass . Madras. 1891-3, iv. 195-199.—Vital! (D.) & Tornani (A.) Contributo alio studio chimico tossico- logieo del cloralio idrato. Ann. di chim. med.-farm.. Mi- lano. 1885, 4. s.. i, 177-182. — Vulpian. Mir les phCuo- meues inoi lodes qui se man i (extent chez les lapins, suuslin- tlueiice de liniroductiou du chloral hydrate dans l'oreille. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., Iss3, xcvi, 304-306. —Wad- dell i-I. C.) Poisoning bv fifty grains of chloral hvdrate. Prov. M J. Leicester, 1887. vi, 402. — Welch (J. L.) Case of chloral poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 769. Chloral as anesthetic. Ore (P.-C.) Etudes cliuiques sur l'anestb6- sie chirurgicale par la iu6thode des injections de chloral dans les veiues. 8-. Paris, H7.">. Bonrn. Notes on chloral chloroform as an anasstbetic. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, 1885, n. 8., vii, 212-214.— Be- ■it-tit- & Van Wetter. Nouveaux cas d'anesth6sie par injection intraveineuso de chloral, et presentation d'un appareil pour traiter, dans ties atmospheres couflnees et et artificielles les moignons des membies amputes. Bull. Acad. roy. de med., de Belg., Brux., 1876, x,5J4-614, 1 pl — Dudoii. Squirrhe du sein gauche; amputation; anes- thesie par injection intra-veineuse tie chloral; phlebite suppur6o; mort. Mem. et bull. Soc denied, et chir. de Bordeaux, 1875-6, 197b-20Gb, 1 diag. — Dlorstmann (F.) Informe sobre una memoria relativa & la cloralizacion en la extraccion de las cataratas y a nucvos procedimientos operatorios. An. r. Acad, de cien. uii-il. . . .dela Habana, 1880-81, xvii, 2U9-217.—I.anelongue. [Deux injections intra-veineuses de chloral.) Mem. et bull. Soc. tie metl. et chir.de Bordeaux, 1875,188h-195b. — .Haximorilch (J.) i Note sur Paction de l'hydrate de chloral iujecte dans l'ar- tere carotide. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1888, 8. s., v, 561.—Rcdier (J.) De l'emploi du chloral comnie anes- tbesique. J. (1. sc med. do Lille, 1878-9, i, 73-81. Also, Reprint.— Walton (A.) Aiiestlie-de chirurgicale par le chloral, appliquec a l'operation et au pansement du bec- de-lievre. Ann. Soe. de nied. de Gand, 1878, lvi, 89-93. Also, Reprint. Chloral in gynecology and obstetrics. Peykonxkt (P.) "DolViuploi du chloral en clinique obstetricale. 4 . Montpellier, l».-3. Brown ( M. L.) The gyniecic and obstetiic uses of chloral hydrate. Boston M'. Sc S. J., 1881, cv, 11-14.— Kane (II. 11. I Chloral hydrate: its uses iu obstetric practice; in labor, for after-pains, in abortion, eclampsia, tor nausea aud vomiting. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1881, xiv, 261-296.—Whitney (Mary). Chloral hydrate in parturi- j tion. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1880-81, xxiii, 398. CliloraEamid. Chlokalamid SciiKiiixt;, hypnotic discovered bv Dr. J. von Meriug, of Strassburg. 2. ed. 8>-, New York, 1890. -----. The same. 3. ed. -J. New York, 1b90. ! -----. The same. 4. ed. o . New York, 1892. KoHN (H. N.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Ohio- j ralamids auf die Kohlensaure-Ausscheidung ties Tierkorpcrs. (Xach Versuchcii am Kaniucheu.) I 8°. Erlangen. [1890]. I Lettow (W.) " IVber Chloralainid als Hyp- uoticum. s°. Greifstvald, 1889. Malakhovski (A. [I. F. E.]) * Materiali dlya farmakologuii chloralamid'a (chloralainid, cbloralforiiiamid). Experimentalnoye izslyedo- van'ie. [Pharmacology of . . . Experimental investigation] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1890. Raxsohoff (A.) Chloralainid als Hypnoti- cum bei Geiatcskranken. 8°. Marburg, 1896. ChloraEaiiiiri. Strauss (A. [A.]) * Ueber das Hypnuticum Chloralainid. [Bonn.] »-. Barmen, 1890. Wefei:s(0.) * Ueber Chloralainid. rJena 1 8°. Berlin, 1^91. "J Also, in Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat, etc., Berl., 1890-91 xlvii, 53-67. ' Willbaoii ( J. ) * Beobachtungen iiher die Wirkung des Chloralaniids hei wicderholtor Darreichung auf die innercn Organe. [Bonn.] Cerdingen, 1890. Alt (K.) Chloralamid, ein neues Schlafinittel. licrl klin. Wchnschr., 18s9, xxvi, 794-796.- Boned'.-J.)' Effcta physiologiques et therapeutiques de la chhual.tniide (com- paraisou avec le chloral et le sulfonal). Montpel m«l 1890. 2. s., XV. 534; 565: 1S9I. 'J. s., xvi, 31; 81: VJ.2- 165 'i pl., 2 tab.—Browning (C. C.) Some of the rises ui chloralainid. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, l^it, xxiii 632- 634.—t'h a pin (W. I'..) Xole on ehloi alamide. X. York M. J.. 1800. Iii, 155.— Cboay. Xote sur la cbloralannde Bull. Soc de med. prat, ile Par . lss'.l, 866-868.— Collin* (I.) [Chloralamid.| The treatment of insomnia. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis..N.Y.. 1892. n.s., xvii, 535-541. Also. Re. print.—Cope (G. P.) Chloralamide as a hypnotic for the insane. Dublin J. M. Sc, 18911, lxxxix, 121-128.—Egbert (J. II.) Iud cations for tbe administration of chloralaiiinl. Notes on new remedies, N. Y., 1893-4, vi, 1.—Foy (G.| On chloralamide, the new hypnotic. Med. Press «v Circ., Loud.. 18s9. u. s., xlviii, 571. — Friiw (A.) Om Kloral- amid. IIosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., ]>91, 3. 11, i\. 277-287.— Genersich (G.) Adatok a chloralamid altato hat&sA- boz. |Contributions to the hypnotical action of chloral- amid. ) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 189U, xxxiv, 159; 172. Also, transl. [Abstr ]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 412. — (iordon (J.i A contribution to the study of chloralamide. Brit M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1000- 1003.— Hagriuaiiii (•!.) Sc MtraiihM. I'eliei- Chlorala- mid. Berl. kliu.'Wchnschr., 18s9. xxvi, 7.11-734.— linden &; Iliifler. Leber die schlafmacbende Wirkung des Chloralaniids. Munclieb. med. Wchnschr., 1889. xxxvi, 513-510— Halasz i().i Feber die Wirkung des Chloral- amid uud (lessen Werth als Schlafinittel. Wien. nu-d. Wchnschr.. 1889, xxxix. 1405; 1442. — Kinnier (I), i.) Chloralamid as a hypnotic in the tieatment of mental dis- eases. Med. Itcc.X. Y.j 1891), xxxviii,41.—ILackcrNtrrn (M II.) A large dose of chloralainid. Med. Xews, I'bila., 1893, lxiii, 616. — l.anjjifnanl (A.) Die Wirkung dea Chloralamid auf KavUI mf und Athmung. Th rap. Mo- natsh., Berl., 1890,iv 38-41— Lauphcar d.i Chloral- amid [in surgery]. Notes on new remedies. X. Y. 1890-91, iii, 158. Also, iteprint. — .tlairct Sc Bono. Note but Taction physiologique de la chloralamide. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s.,ii, 342; 3(1 -.tlaNhin (A. I.) Chloralamid v psikhieheskikh 1 ncrvnikh bolle- znyakh. [. . . in psychical and nervous di.-eases.] Arch. psicbiat. [etc]. Kharkov, 1890. xv, no. 1. 40-60. —Man. chot (('.) Ueber Melhturie nach Chlorahiuiid. A roll, t. path. An.it. [etc.], Bell., 1894. ( xxxvi, 368-398.—^lnrnu- don .-9, iii, 565-568. — Faterson (D. U) Chloralamide. Lancet. Lond.. 1889, ii. .-19. —Feiper (E.I Chloralamid, tin neues Schlafinittel Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., lt-89, xv, 644-646. Also.- Ztschr. f. Therap. in Einbzhu^. tl. Elect.- u. llvdroi Inrap., Wit-n, 1889. vii, 121-123. Also: Vet bandl. d. nnd. V. i zu Creifs- wald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890, IKS -lsv — Ficeiiiino iF.) Il chloralamide. Ann. di nevrol., Torino, 1892, O.t-04.— Kit- bow (S.) Ueber Chloralainiu, eiu neues Ilypiiolii-tuii Centralbl. f. Nerveiib... Leipz.. 1889, xii, 4.77. — Beicb- ■naan (E.) Ueber Chloralainid, ein neues Schlafinittel. lleiu-elie med. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 18s!». xv. 624-020. — KoMenthal (M 1 Chiotalamid als 11\ pnoticum. Med. Monatschr , X. Y., 1890, ii, 139-141. — Hrh a tier (K i Ue- ber die bypnotische Wirkmur des CliloraliinniN Cen- tralbl. f. Xervenh.. Leipz., 1-89. xii, 674 678-Wtrahnn (S. A. K.) Chloialamide as a hypnotic, with special ief- erence to its action in the insane. Lauct t. Loud., 1>U0, i, 3;!9_:i41.—Sympson (E. M.) Clinical notes on chloial- amide. Practitioner. Lond.. 1891, xlvii, 274-278.—roiil- ■■■in (II.) On chloralamide Johns Hopkins Hosp Hull.. Bait.. 1889-9D. i, 32.— White (W. H.) Chloralamide as a hypnotic. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, ii. lrV-'fi. Also: Mutv laud M. J.. Halt. 188'.i-9(i xxii, 245-247.-Whiimore'" • V.) Chloralamid. Xotes on new remedies, V Y. ^-W- 91, iii, 35-37. Also: South. Calif. Pratt.. Los An^-le-, 1890, v, 252-257.—Wood ill. C.) Sc Cernn iD.) rli.\-i«>- logical studv of chloralainid. Xotes on new 'f l"','116*' 1891-2. iv, i-6. Also. Reprint. — Wooil ( J. ) Chloral- amide; its action based on a study of 280 cases- BrooK- lyn M. J., 1892, vi, 221-223. CHLOKALAMID-SCHERING. 485 CHLOEINE. Chloralainid -Scliering. Hypnotic. Dis- covered hy Dr. J. vou Mering. 2. ed. 32 pp. sj-\ New York, Lehn ft Fink, 1890. _____, The same. 3. revised ed. 47 pp. 8°. Xew York, Lehn ft Fink, 1890. ____.. The same. 4. revised ed. (>4 pp. ft'°. New York, Lehn ft Fink, 1892. Chloral-habit. ITaxkse (ti.) Cloralismo. 8°. Napoli, 1890. Wolff (0.1 "Ueher fettige Entartung der Organe uuch liingerein (jebrauch von Chloral- livdraf. ft0. Bonn, I>91. Ballet (G.) Du delirum tremens chloraliqne. Bull. etmein. Soc metl. d. hop. de Par., 1893, 3. s., x. 614-618.— Kirn. I'eber Chloral-Pny-chosen. Berl. klin. AVchn- schr., 1883. xx. 721-723. Also.- A rati. Ber. ii. tl. Versamml. (leutsch. Xaturf. u. Aer/.te 1883. Freibui i: i B., 1884, lvi, 259-261. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1884. xix, 138- 140.—itlattison (J. B.) Chloralism. Notes on new reme- dies. X. V.. 1891-2, iv, 27. Also. Reprint.—Oilbert (F N.) A chloral habitue. Peoria M. Month., ls86-7, vii, 428.— Kehni. Chronisciier Chlorahnissbrauch. Arch. f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1886, xvii. 36-62. — Rosenthal (M.) Zur liehantlluiiii des Morphinismus nnd Cliloralisinus. Wien. med. Presse. 1889. xxx, 1441-1444. — 1 lauow»bi (J.) Trzvnastoletnie codzienne uzywanie chloralu. [Daily use of chloral during thirteen years.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1884, xxiii, 396. Chloralose. Goldexberg (A.) "Du chloralose, sou action physiologique et therapeutique. 4-. Paris, 1-93. Cappelletti (L.) SulT azione fisiologicae terapeutica del cloralosio. Mem. Acad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 18'.i3, lxvi, fasc. 4, 19-34. Also: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- lajma. 1894, 7. s., v, 73; 139; 168. — Cascella (F.) Sc Sa- poriti (F.) II cloralosio uegli alienati. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapi li, 1894, n. s., xvi, 121-141—Chambard (E.) Essai sur l'aciion physiologique et therapeutique tlu chloralose. Kev. de med., Par.. 1894, xiv. .".06 ; 513.— C'honppe. Proprietes physiologiques et therapeuti- ques tlu chloralose. Bull, nied., Par., 1894, viii, 85-89.— D'Ainore (L.) Sopra un nuovo ipnotico, il cloralosio. Atti (1. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Xapoli, 1893, xlvii, 158- 170.—Emploi (De 1') tberapeutique du chloralose. J. do nied. et chir. prat.. Par., 1894, lxv, 593-600. — Fere (C.) Dn chloralose chez les epileptiques, les hystei i<|ties et les chn eiques. In : Ricb(t (C I Pbysiol. Trav. du lab.. 8°, I'ar, I8H5, iii, 101-107.—Ferrannini (A.) & Cawarctti (V.) Sul nuovo ipnotico: il cloralosio. Riforma med. Xapoli, 1893, ix, pt. 3, 39/: 409. Also: Terap. clin., Pisa] 1893, ii, 3n5-419.—Fleming iC.) Chloralose. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1894, liii, 8-13.—«t»an« ,S L.) Chloralose; with a reportof two cases of untoward effects. Am Ther- apist, X. T., 1896-7, v, 243-245. — Ciiovanelli (G.) Ap- plicazioni cliniche del cloralosio. (razz. med. di Pavia 1893, ii, 247-254. — Ilanriot (M.) Sc Bit-bet (C.) De Tac- tion physiologique du chloralose. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, pt. 2, 1-7. Alio, ia: Richet (C.) Physiol. Trav. du lab.,8°,Par., 1895. iii.77-91.------------. D'une substance derivee dn chloral ou chloralose, et de ses effets physiologiques et tlu'-i ap.--utiques. Compt. rend Acad. d. sc, Par., L-9'!. cxvi, 63-65. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1893, 8. s., ii. 39.------------. Effets psvehiques du chloralose sur les animaux. Compt. rend. Soc., x, 312.—Herxen (V.) Intoxi- cation par le chloralose. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv, 341.— Cam; (G. H.) A case of poison- ing by chloralose. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1893, ii, 233.— Rendu (A.) Des accidents produits par le chloralose. Bull, ei mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 222- 224.—Williams (P. W.) On chloralose poisoning. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1894, Iii, 98-100. Chloral-rash. Bouju (A.) * Des eruptions cutane'es multi- fornies provoquees par l'udtninistration tie l'hy- drate de chloral. 4°. I'aris, 1889. Chapox ( J. ) * Contribution k l'6tnde des Eruptions cliloraliques. 4°. Paris. 1894. Friis (A.) Xogle Tilfadde af Kloralexantem. IIosp.. Tid., Kjobenh., 1890, 3. IL, viii, 493-502.—Weill (C.) Ue- ber das Chloralexanthem. Dermat Ztschr., Berl., 1897, iv, 431-443. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Uircsk. f. Laeu'er. Kjo- benh.. 1896. 5. R., iii, 481; 505: 1897, 5. R, iv, 313-316.— iVIiilillcton ( G. S. ) A case of cbloVal rash simulating measles. Glasgow M. J.. 1891, xxvi, 266-268. — rye- Smith. Acute universal desquamative dermatitis fol- lowing the administration of chloralamide. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 546. Chloride of zinc; its economic aud sanitary relations; with testimonials to its preventing decay, rot, mildew, and combustion in wood, canvas, cordage, cotton, wooleu, etc., and its deodorizing and purifying foul holds, cellars, hospital wards, sick chambers, sinks, cesspools, vaults, cabinet aud chamber vessels. 70 pp. e-\ Boston, White ft Potter, 1850. Chloriflene. Soulier (II.) Du chloride-no (bichlorure d'ethylidene) comnie aneslhesiqiie chirurgical (hvpuo-anesthesique). Cong. franc, do med. 1895, Par., 1896, i'i, 1050-1056. Chlorine [and derivatives]. See, also, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, [etc.], Chloride of. Aschoff (C.) * Ueber die Bedeutung tics Chlors in der Pflanze. [Erlangen.] 8'"'. Ber- lin, 1889. Berezkin (P. K.) *Topogralicheskoye ras- prcdieienie chlor'a v normalnoni zhivotnom or- ganizino. [Topographical distribution of chlo- rine in the normal animal organism.] b°. S.- Peterburg, 1894. Chassevant. *Sur quelques nouve.iux chlo- rines doubles. 4°. Paris, 1892. Coze (J.-B.-IJ.) * Recherches snr le chlore et l'acide liydro-clilorique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*11. Fincha'm (F.) A compendium of the medici- nal properties of the chlorides of lime and soda, and their uses in destroying noxious effluvia and preserving health on board ships and in warm climates. 8°. London, 182*. FoSSATI (G.) * Osservuzioiii sulla natura degli acidi uiuriatico e muriatico ossigenato. 4°. Genova, 1812. Hertz (A.) * Das Cliloroxalathylin, toxisch und iiluirinakodynamisch untersneht. 8°. Bonn, 1*15. CHLORINE. 486 CHLOKODYKE. Chlorine [and. derivatives]. Hidde (G.) *Xeue Synthese der Imidchlo- ride, [Bern.] 8-. Berlin. 1896. Kuhlmaxn (F.) fils. Double decomposition par voie de volatilisation. Premiere partie. Ac- tion des oxydes sur les chlorures. ftJ. [Lille, 1*65.] Labarraque (A.-G.) De l'emploi des chlo- rures d'oxide de sodium et de chaux. 8°. [Paris, 1--J5?] -----. The same. Over het gebruik van de chlorure de sonde eu chlorure de chaux, ver- taald en met aaumerkiugen betreffende de be- reiding, zamenstelling, eigenschappen en het gebruik dozer zouten, toegelicht door A. H. van der Boon Mcsch. 8°. Leyden, 1821. -----. The same. The use of the chlorate of soda and the chlorate of lime. Transl. by J. Scott. 8°: London, 1826. -----. Thesame. Instructions and observa- tions concerning the use of the chlorides of soda and lime. Transl. by J. Porter. 8°. New Ha- ven, 1829. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New Haven, 1840. -----. The same. Modo de emplear el clo- ruro de oxido de sodio, como preservativo de las enfermedades epiddmicas 6 contagiosas cuales son el cholera-morons, la peste, la fiebre ama- rilla, etc. (vcunito negro). 8°. Mexico, 1833. -----. Method of using the chlorides of soda, either for dressing ill-conditioned sores, or as a means for purifying unhealthy places, and of disinfecting animal substances. Transl. by J. Porter. 8°. New Haven, 1830. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Northampton, lft:'»3. Lindner ([L.]M. [F.]) * Ueber die Einwir- kung von Chlor auf Dimethylkohlensaureester und Untersuehung von vier Chlorsubstitutions- producten desselben. [Erlangen.] 8°. Heidel- berg, 1891. Mareska (D. B. J.) * De chloritum sive chlo- ruretorum oxydorum usu prophylactico et me- dico. 4°. Gandavi, [1829]. Schaumaxx (K.) * Ueber den Einfluss des chlorkaliunis, chlornafcriums und des chlorru- bidiums auf die Stickstoffausscheidung beim Mensclien. 8°. Halle a. S., 1893. Speranski (F. V.) *0 vliyanii chlor'a na ghilostnikh bakteriy myasnavo nastoya i rast- vora kuriuavo blelka. [Action of chlorine on putrefactive bacteria in meat infusion aud albu- minoid solutions.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1882. Velpry (C.) * Etude de la chlorom^trie pr6- c6d6e de qnelques notions sur le blanchiment. 4°. Paris, 1871. Vetcherkevitch (L.) *0 naibolieye udob- nlkh sposobakh doblvaniya chlor'a dlya dezin- fektsii. [On the most convenient methotls of obtaining chlorine for disinfection.] 8°. S.-L3e- terburg, 188*. Vihzhikovski (I. V.) *0 raspredielenii chlor'a v krovi i orgauakh. pri patologiclieskikh protsessakh v zhivotnom organismie. [On the distribution of chlorine in the blood and organs in pathological processes of the animal organ- ism.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Wertii (M.) * Ueber p- Chloranilin. [Er- langen.] 8°. Mindeni. W., 1890. A vtandiloff (M.) O dezinfektsii zhilikh pomeshtshe- niy chlor'om. [On the disinfection of dwellings with chlo- rine.] Trudi Russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdraviya, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 97-136.—Roinet & Bel's. Recherches experimentales sur les chloramiiies. Marseille med., 1894, xxxi, 491-497.—[ Knrilach.] Naohtbeilige Einwirkung des Chlorgases. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1838, Berl., 1842, 135.—Cahn (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der "Wirkung der chlorsaureu Salze.' Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Chlorine [and derivatives]. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1K87. xxiv, 180-187.—Filhol. Note sur un nouveau procede pour separer le chlore du brome et de Tiode. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1873, vi,i 193-195__ OnnreNebi (I.) & Daccomo (G.) Sui cloronitro e bromouitroehinoiii. Ann. di chim. med.-farm. Milano 1885. 4. s., i, 62-74.-Kast (A.) Ueber die Schicksale einiger organischen Chlorverbiuduugen im Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1886-7, xi, 277-285.— Klein. Un tbe use of chlorine as an air-disinfectant Kep. Mod. Off. Local Gov. ltd. 1883, Loud., 1884, xiii, 130- 132. — liachowirz (15.) O dV.ialaniu chlorokdw rndui kwasowych na sole nieorganiczue. [Action of chlorides combined with acids on inorganic salt.) Kozpr. . . . wydz. mateniat.-przyr. Akad. LTmiej. w Krakow., 1886, xiii, 309- 320.—ITIcNherry (R.) Notes on chlorine and its combi- nations. Mod. News, Phila,. 1884, xlv, 342-345.—rVeneki I M.) Sc Mchouuiow- Siiiianowmky ( E. 0.) Studien iiber das Chlor und die Halogene im Thierkorper. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1894, xxxiv, 313- 333.—North (N. L.) The therapy of the chlorides; anti- sepsis a prominent and important factor in their medici- nal action. Tr. N. xork M. Ass. (18s:>), 1886, ii, 342-353.— O'PVeil (1). J.) Chlorine and chrome compounds. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1895-6, xvi, 81-89. — Passerini (A.) Ancora del chlorphenol (nuova combinazione assai vola- tile di cloro e fenolo). Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1892, xiii, 73.— Pelleticr (J.) De Taction que le chlore exerce sur les bases salifiable^ organiqnes. .I.do pharm., Par., 1838, xxiv, 153-166. Also, Reprint.—Richet (C.) fltude sur Taction physiologique compar6e d<-s chlorures alkalins, Arch de physiol. norm, et path , Par., 1882, 2. s., x, 145; 360.—Riess (L.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Wirkuug der Chlorsauren Salze auf den thierischen Organismus. Centralbl. f. Pbysiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1887-8. i, 213-220.— Ringer (S.) Concerning the action of chloride of so- dium, chloride of ammonium, chloride of potassium, bro- mide of sodium, bromide of ammonium, bromide of potas- sium on the ventricle of the frog's heart. Practitioner, Lond., 1882, xxviii, 1-14. — Schulz (H.) Die Zerlegimg der Chloride (lurch Kohlensiiure. A rch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881-2, xxvii, 451-484. — Weiland. Das Chlor- wasser iu der Gebnrtshiilfe. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1896, 1, 153-156.—Winter (J-) Du role dea chlorures et des plasmas daus Torsraiiisrae. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 692-695. Chlorine and derivatives (Toxicology of). Sec, also, Potassium (Chloride of, Toxicology of). van Gorkom (H. C. M.) *De door chloor- znnre zouten teweeggebrachte vergiftigingsver- schijseleu. [Amsterdam.] 8C. Heusden, 1886. vox Zelasinski (F. W. A.) *Zur Kenntniss der Vergiftung durch chlorsaure Salze. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1891. Lenhartz (H.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Vergiftung durch chlorsaure Salze. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. klin. Med., Leipz., 1887 156-175.—von Limbeck (B.) Ueber die Art tier Ciftwirkung der chlorsauren Salze. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1889, xxvi, 39-60.—illarchmul. Erklarung zur Frage der Vergiftung durch chlorsaure Salze. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 959. Also. Keprint.- Stokvis (B. J.) Di* Ursacbe der giftigen Wirkuug der chlorsauren Salze. Arcb. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1886, xxi, 169-218. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Versl. ... d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1886, 3. R., ii, 231-234. Also, Keprint,—Nury-Bienz. Todt- liche Chlorgasvergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1888, n. F., xlix, 345-349.—Treitel (L.) Asthma bronchiale nach Einathmung von Chlor. Therap. Mo- natsh., Berl., 1891, v, 243. Chloro-anaemia. See Chlorosis. Chlorobrom. Rale (W. F.) Chlorobrom in seasickness. Lancet, Lond. 1895, i, 90.—Keay (J.) Chlorobrom in mental dis- eases. Ibid., 1893, i, 587. Chlorodyne. Browne (J. C.) On the efficacy of chloro- dyne in consumption, as introduced by . . . 12J. [London, 1855, vel subsee^.] -----. The same. Traduccao de certificados medicos sobre a efficacia de chlorodyne do dou- tor . . . 8°. Porto, 1806. Docnon. Guide pratique pour le traitement par la chlorodyne de la diarrhe"e de Cochinchine et des affections parasitaires du tube digestif. 6°. Toulon, 1877. CHL0110DY3E. 487 CHLOROFORM. Chlorodyne. DickiiiMou. A case of poisoning by chlorodyne; re- covcrv: remarks. [4 ounces] Lancet, Lond., 1890. ii, G70.—I't'iffliton (A. W.) A case of multiple poisoning. X. Eiu. >L Mouth., Newtown, Couu., 1882-3, ii, 270-272.— Mackenzie (S. C.I Notes on four cases of poisoning by chlorodyne, treated at the Medical College Hospital. Cal- cutta, during 1867. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1868. iii, 129— Jl as sie (T.) A caseof recovery twelve hours after having taken one ounce of chlorodyne. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii. 1456.—Murphy (J.) Shoi t notes of two cases of chlorodyne poisoning. Rep. Proc. Xorthurub. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1877-8, 74. Chloroform. See, also, Anaesthetics; Chloral; Chloro- form (Hyderabad Commission on); Chorea (Treat- ment of); Ether. Akxott (J.) On the expediency of institut- ing an academy of medicine in England; illus- trated by the prevailing opinions aud practices respecting the use of chloroform in operations. H0. London, 1857. Berexd ( X. ) Zur Chloroform - Casuistik. Geonluete Zusainmenstellung der aus zuvcrliissi- geu in- und auslandischen Quellen gesatumelten Todesfiille nach dem anasthetischeu Gebrauche des Chloroforms. 8\ Hannover, 1850. Berg ( G. H. ) *De ckloroformo quiedam. [Heidelherg.] ?-'. Francofurti ad M., 1848. Boxaiuti(F.) Osservazioni subbiettive sul- 1' aucstesia da cloroformio. 8J. [Siena], 1895. Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di' Siena 1897, 4. s., vii, 113-120. C'o.mar (L. F. ) *Sttr le chloroforme. 4°. Paris, 1*56. Delcomixete (C.-J.) * Du chloroforme. 4. Strasbourg, lH4->. Dubs (R. S.) *Der Einfluss des Chloroforms auf die kiinstliche Pepsinverdannuor. d: Ber- lin. []*93]. Hi.ixsberg (F.) * Ueber die Einwirkung der Chloroforinnarkose auf den Kohlehvdratliestand des tierischen Organismus. 8?/ Wiirzburg Hengstebeck (T. ) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Chloroform-Narkoseu. [Erlau«-en "1 8Z Wiirzburg, 1892. ° 'J Hohenemsek ( O. ) Xarkosen mit Chloro- lonminn medicinale Pictet. >-. Miinchen, 1892. Kiexxin-gers (X.) * Ueber den Werth der Lliion.forinnarkose. 8-. Miinchen, 1881. Lacassagxe (A.) * Effets psvchologiques du chloroforme. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Lctze (K.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Chloro- iorm-Narkose auf die metischliche Xiere. 8° Hiirzburg, 1*90. Marcet. Xote snr Paction du chloroforme sur la sensitive (Mimosa pudica). eP. [Genere] XiebEKGall (E.) * Ueber den Einfluss lan- RPrer Lhlorof'ormnnrcose auf Blut und Harn o". Basel, 1*91. Arv?x ^l-ssbaum (J. X. E.) Ueber Ckloroform- Wirkung. *'-. Breslau, 18*4. d„ uiIS (?-> *fitu(1> "Contribution a l'dtude de Pac- tion du chloroforme. 4°. Paris, 18^3. Chloroform. Schellmann (W. [H. E.]) * Beitrage zu der Frage nach tier Einwirkung der Chloroforinnar- kose auf die Organe ties Menschen. [Berlin 1 8°. Miinchen, 1893. ' Sergieveff (M. P.) Fiziologicheskoye i lie- karstvennoye znachenie chlorofortn'a; eksperi- mentalnoye izsliedovan'ie. [Physiological and medicinal value of chloroform"; experimental investigation.] 8°. Kazan, 1895. Sokoloff (I. S. ) *K voprosu o vliyanii kkloroformirovaniya na poyavlen'ie btelka v mochTe. [On the effect of chloroformization upon the presence of albumin in the urine.] 8° S.-Peterburg, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Sokolovski (G. G.) M-Teinometricheskiya i morfologicheskiya izmieneniya krovi pod vliya- n'iem chlorofonn'ennikh inhalyatsiy. [Hiemo- metrical and morphological alterations of the blood under the influence of chloroform inhala- tions.] 8-;. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Stadxitski (V. G.) *K voprosu o vliyanii chloroforui'a na otpravleniya zheludka u zdoro- vikh lyudei. [On the influence of chloroform upon the functions of the stomach in healthy men.] 8 -. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Vidal (E.-E.) * Influence de Panesthe'sie chloroformique sur les phe'notnenes chimiques de l'organisme. (Recherches experimentales.) 8°. Paris, 1897. Wehruxg (E.) "Beitrag zur Statistik iiber Chloroform-Xarkosen. 8C. Erlangen, 1*92. Yvoxxeau (A.) De l'emploi du chloroforme et de ses difT6rente8 applications. 8°. Paris, 1853. Ajello (A.) Sulle alterazione organiche dipendenti dalla narcosi cloroformica. Clin, chir., Milano, 1895, iii, 158-178: 1896, iv, 329-374. — Alcssanriri (R.) Degli effetti del cloroformio still' organismo ed in paiticolare sui reni. Policlin., Roma, 1893-4, i, 269-272. Also: Attid. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc.], 573-577.—Amuasat. Note concernant les effets de l'in- halation du chloroforme sur les animaux et sur l'homrae. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1847, xxv, 804- 806.—Attbill (L.) Fortv years' experience in the use of chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 110. — Babacci (F.) & Bebi (G.) Osservazioni cliniche e studio speri- mentale sull' azione dell' etere e del cloroformio sui reni. Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii, sez. chir., 206-225.—Bauriena. De l'emploi du chloroforme dans la chirurgie militaire. [ Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad.d.sc,Par., 1855. xii, 1070.— Brhal (A.) & Francois. Essai du chloroforme. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1897, 6. s., v, 417-427. — Bene- diccnli (A.) Influenza esercitata dalla depressione at- mosferica sulla eliminazione del cloroformio pei polmoni. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1895. 3. s., xliii, 378- 387, 1 pl. Also, transl..- Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1895-6, xxiv, 369-377, 1 pl. — Berber (P.) De l'observation du reflexe palpebral daus i'anesthesie chlorotbrmique. Compt. rend. Acnd. tl. sc, Par., 18*1, xciii, 971-973. Also: France med., I'ar., 1881, ii, 834-836. — Bert (P.) Sur la non-accumulation du chloroforme duns l'organisme apres I'anesthesie complete. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., I'ar., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 454-450. — Bertel* (A.) Feber den Einfluss des Chloroforms auf die Pepsinverdanung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1892.cxxx,497-511.—Blanche*. Experiences faites sur ties animaux, dans le but d'etudier les ell'ets et le mode d'action da chloroforme ; nouvelle ap- plicalion de ce medicament h, la pratique chirurgicale. [ Abstr.J Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1847, xxv, 969.— Boi-iNofF (P.) Vliyame chlorot'orm'irovauiya na mor- fblogiyu krovi i dleyatolnost lelkotsitov. [ Effect of i.'hl.iroforui on morphology of the blood and on the action of leucocytes. | Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 4; 25; 42. — Brown (R.) Observations en the action of chloroform on t lu- functions of the human brain and spinal cord as witnessed in extensive injuries of the cranium and brain. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1894, 3. s., x, 793-801. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. South. Surg. Sc Gynec. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1895, vii, 112-137. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. T., 1894, xlvi, 791. — Brnnton (T. L.) Feber Chloro- formanasthesie (rait Demonstrationen). Verhandl. d.x. in- ternat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 4. Abth., 86-91.-----. Remarks on the action of chloroform. Brit. M., J., Lond., 1893, i, 506-509.— Buxton (D. W.) A note concerning the action of cloroform. Dental Rec, Loud., 1890, x, 505; 539. Also: Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1890-91, 3. s., xxiv, 369; CHLOROFORM. 488 CHLOROFORM. Chloroform. 385. ------. The eniplovineiit of chloroform for dental op- erations. Brir. .). Dent. Sc. Lond.. 1897. xl. 901; 1009.- CaiiMiset. A propos de l'anesihesie par le chloroforme. Hull. Soc. ih- med. de Par. ilS7."o, l»7ii. x, 83-Sii — 4'anlii (G. L.) Sull* azione dell' cloroformio per ott nucleic od abolire la sensibilita. Gior. d. r. Accad. ined.-chir. di Torino. 1848. 2. s., i, 76-81,1 1.—Carle (A.I i 'Imoo (J.) Feber (las Verhalten des Pdiitkreisiaufes im Gehirnc wahrend der Chloroformnarkoso. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1885, xxxv, 1009; 1005; 1086; 1110.— Carpenter (J. T.I Chloroform uniesthesia. Fniv. M. Mag., I'bila., 1889-90. ii. 457-403— Cecclierelli 'A.i I cauibiameuti di tempera- tura durante l.i narc. si clorot'ormica. Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii, sez. chir., 401-411. ------. Ancora poche parole sui cam- bianienti di tcmperatiua durante la narcosi cloroformica. Ibid . ls:n>, iii, sez. cbir.,45. —Chisolm (J. J.) Chloroform the lie>t ana-sibetic. Process, Louisville. 1887-8, ii, 409- 4J:>.—Cooke (J. 15. i Tin- use of chloroform as an anes- thetic. Mel. Xews. Phila.. ].-'.i:;. lxii. 374-376. Also, Re. print. — I'ordrro ' M i N'uevos hecbosrelativos ilia anes- tesia rdpida por medio 7. cxxv. 973-!i75. — Dubois (It.) Note sur les modi tic i ions des milieux refrinnents de l'oeil et sur la se- cretion lactee dans les ancsthesies a Limine duree par le chloroforuic. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1884, 8. s., i, 45 — Kinblcy (E. II.) The iiuestion in Seine's teaching in chloroform ana-stbesia. Inti-rcolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, Is'.iu, i, (00-004.—li vans (T. R.) Cbloroform. South. M. Kec. Atlanta, ls!)0, \x\i. 111. ------. A brief study of chloroform anaesthesia lo r lation to seasons and carbon dioxide. Med. Ihe. X. V.. 18)7, li, >7!(-Ex- pcrinients with chloroform made by Surgeon-Major Lawrie, Surgeon Arthur Charaarette, Mr. William May- berry, ami Sir. Knightlev Owen Burne. Lancet, Lond., 1890,' i, 13.-8 - Fai-rinston (J. M. ) Chloroform ; its more general use advocated and defended. X. York M. J., 1887, xlv, 92-95 —Flciniasf (C.) On the application of ana-sthetic remt-dit - lo surgical purposes. Dublin M. Press. 1S51, xxv. 1(1 His AUn. Reprint.— Fokltci- (A. P.) Feber deu Eintluss des Chloroforms auf die Proto- plasinawirkungeu. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1888, xxvi, 417. ------. Dc werkiiii van chloroform op protoplasma Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Am-t., 18!U. 2. P., xxvii, Ili.s-17."). Also, transl.: Portst-hr. d. Med., Berl., Is9l, ix, 93-99. — I ranciM (C. 11.) Reminis- cences about chloroform. Mid. Times Sc Gaz., LontL. 1883, ii, 36—von Fricrilandcr (F. R.) Ueber die Beeinflus- sung der Xienul unction durch die ( hloroformiiarkose. Vrtljschr. f gi riehti. Med.. LVil., Jn.)4, 3. F, viii, Suppl.- Hft., 94-125—Fnbiiii ( S.) Passaggio del cloroformio per le urine. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1881, 3. 8.. xxix. 220-230. Also, transl.: Untersiicli. z. Xatml. d. Mensch. u. d. Thicre, Giessen, 1882-8. xiii, 5-8. — Fur. naii. Alteration momentauee de la couleur du sang che/. un intlividu souinis a une operal ion chirurgicale api es inhalation tlu chloroforme. [Abstr.] Compt. rend Acad. d.sc. Par.. 1848, xxvi. Iu5— (JaNltcll (W. H.) \- Whore (L. K.) The proof that chloroform has no direct action on tbe heart. Laucet, Lond., 1893, i, 380.—Oaynor (J. J.) Chloroform as an ana-sthetic; its physiological action aud therapeutic vuIuh. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1883 4, xvi, 65-70.—Ocrtly. Considerations sur les effets de l'inhala- tion du chlorofoi me. j Abstr | Compt. rend. Acid. d. sc. Par., 1847. xxv. ni.j.—(.iflbril (II) On chloroform nar- cosis. Omaha Clinic. 18: 2-3, v, 359-365.—Ciill(R.) Notes on chloroform-ana-th,-ia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond 1894. xxx, 17-25.—discvins. reberChloroforninaiko.se. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. .Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892, xviu, 611— dlorclMlti (R ().) k. tiziologii i farmakologii pies- sornavo i depn-ssornavo apnarata krovbobrusktshenha ; 0 de]>ressornoui svoistvie khloioforma. [On the physiology and pharniacolojy of the pressor aud depressor apparatus of the circulation of the blood, on the depiessinsi quality of chloroform.] Trudi Obsh. russk. viach. v S.-Peterb! 1890-7. 003-608.—«reliant & <)niii<|ii.-> nel. Dosage du chloroforme dans le sanir d'un animal anesthesie. Compt. rend. Acatl.d. sc.. Par . 1883. xcvii. 753-755. .11™.- France nied.. Par.. L-.-3. ii, 519. Also: J.de therap, Par., 1883 x. 841-843. Also: Tribune med.. Par., 18s:), xv. 584.— <»ro*<». De la chloroforniisat'on. Rev. med. de Test Nancy 1885. xvii, 105; 225.—CJrnbe (W.) Zur Lehre von dei Chloroform-Xarko.-e. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., ls'3-8. lvi. 178-I8c. . ) The action ami .. chloroform. J. Am. M. A-s.. Chicago, 1893, xxi. 57:i-.,77 ------ -----. A study of the influence of chloroform upon the respiration and circulation. 'I hi nip. Gnz . He- troit. 1893. 3. s., ix, 072-08H, 21 leaves, with t lacings. j(,„ Reprint. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila.. 1893. 3. s., xv, 137-177. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii.'fl!l(C 999. — Hofmeier M.) Feber den Einfluss dei Chloro- forninarkose ant den Motl'wi-ch.-el der ersten Lebeustage Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 18s:t, xx, 230. — IIikInoii (A. T.ji Items in an experience of over forty \eais with chloro- form as an anesthetic. Occidental1 M. Times. Sacra- mento, 1890, x. 205-207. [Discussion). 233-239.—Iluntly (TV.) The chloroform iiuestion. Glasgow M. J.. Ic91, xxxv, 345-355. — Hutton ( T. J. i Chloroform as an ana-sthetic .7. Am. M. Ass., l'1-..a.o. 18,-0, vn. 348.— Jaclt«oii (C.-T.) De l'acliou du cal inl'oi niesia le sanjj. [Abstr.| Compt. rend. Acad. (1. sc. l'ai . l-fit;. \lii in,_ Haul i A.) Ai JIcMtcr(lI.i Feber Siotl\veeli^e!M,ii ,,nK,.n nach liiu^cr ilauernder ('hlorolbriiinarke-e. /t-chr f klin. Med., Beil., 1890-91, xviii, Ui9-47'.i. —Kirlt . IL, ILv periments and clinical observations on I be action of clilnro- form. Lancet. Loud., 1893, ii, 429.—Konwer. Over deu invloed van chloroforninarcise op tie uicreu. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1891, 2. R., xxx, 89-93.— I.ailinen (T ) Pikkusen lisaa tiitkimuksiiukloroforiiiin vaikutuksesta virtsaa erottaviin el i mi in. [On the i-ftVct of chloroform, from the mine of different creatuies.| Diio- deciiu, Helsinki, 1897, xiii, 7-15.— IjangloiN (P.I Les effets tardit's du chloroforme sur les (-changes or^auiipies. Presse med., Par., 1897. ii, p. lxxxv. — l.a*ey;ne ;C.) & Kc^naiild (J.) Le chloroforme et son emploi tlu'-rapeit- tiipie. eu dehors de 1 inhalation. Arch, jteii de mtil IVr„ 1882, 7. s.. ix, 129: 270. Also, in: Lasi-jiui-(Ci fitiules med.. 8", Par., 1—4, ii, 1142-1176. — Lnwrir (E.) The proof that cliloroloi in has no direct action ou the heart. Lancet, Lond., 1893. i, 289-292. ------. Experiment on the effect ot chlorofoi ni on the blood-pressure. Ibid, ii, 24. ------. Addrc-s on cbloroform. Ibid., 482-4,-4. - I.e. Boyy laxNit i.I.) X'otas sobre el empleo th Ichloioioriiio. Abe.ja med., Habana. 1894, iii, 30; 38; 119; 130.— Lock- hart U.S.) Some observations on chloroform as an ana-s- thetic. Times & Reg.. Phila. & Bost., 1897. xxxiii. 41- 44. — liiitlicr ( E. ) Feber Chloroformiiachwii kuncen. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr.. 1893, xl, 7. -----. Feber Chlo- roform, seine Wirkuug und Folsren. Klin. Zeit- u. Strtit- fia^en. Wien. 1893, vii. 277-328.- I^nzznti (V.) Acetonu- ria da cloroformio. Comment, clin. d. mal. cutan. c pen.- s.. ii 271-273. — tlc< allom (H. A.) ion. Med. Xews. Phila . 1,-92. xii. 337- .-.HcKwui (l'.i Chlorofoi in narco- R.'lioi'ter. Phila. ISOO, Kxv, 129-135, X. Jersey, Newark, 1890, 225-239.- .Tlcltac (J.) On the use of chlorofoim. India Kef.'. M. Sc. Calcutta, 1848. i, 499.— Tlac william (J. A.) On the influence of chlorofoi m in causuie. dilatation of the heart. Med. Chron., Manchester, 18110-91 xiii 352-355.— Tlalenynk iV.) K iicheniyu o cbloioforni'Ic; kvo- prosu o piodoUhitelnosti prebivaniya chloiot'orni'a v orsanizmle ]io>lie chloroformirovauiya. [On the study of chloroform; how lone will it remain in the orpuiiisni after anicstheti/Tim with it?) Russk. chir. arch.. S.-Pe- terb.. 1^95. i, 205: 294; 40(); 073, 1 pi. -----. K ncloiiivn o chloroformle; klinicheskiya uablyudeniya i >w;'^* vauiya uad \ivedeiiiein khloridov i tlrugikh mineraluikh vesl'itshestv pud vhvaiiieni chlorofoi mirovaniya. [Study of chloroform: clinical observations and investigations of the elimination of chlorides and other mineral sub- stauces under tbe, influence of chloroform. | Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb.. 1890. i, 347-371. — .Hiwa (1) Feber die Cbloroformiiarcosc. [Japaneso text.) Zhchr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1897, xi, Hft. 7. l-2s.- -Mod- linalii (P.) Ki opr. o chioroform. narko/.e. Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1891, xxx\i'. .".22-527.—Jlorley (('. S.) A note on chloroform. X. York M. J., 1-92. lvi, tisO. - .Hounier. Inhalation du chloroforme. [Abstr ] Compt. lend. Acad. d.sc, Par., 1855, xl. 530-532 ->aclioa 11' I Ilaiiibeliincic nach Chloroforinii.uk,.- n. Arch. f. kliu. t. hie. P.erl..lB»S, li. G46-G82.—l»ci-ln»io iG , Osservazioni-sojua 1 into'Hj' cloroformio come mezzo ane-tesiaute. Cior. d r. At't'an. med.-chir. di Torino. 1849. 2. s.. vi. 341-317. - IMerponi (J. II.) Some practical remarks on fhloroltiruii/ati""- X. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1892-3, n. s.. xx. 842-849.-Pirelli (O.) L' albuminuria da clorouarcosi. Arch, di ostet. « Cinec, Napoli, 1806, iii, 241-'J0n. _ I'ohl (J.) Ueber Aufnahme und Vertheilung des Chloiofoi in urin., Mei a. 1894, 2 Chlore for n inhabit 342. Al- Reprint sis. Med Sc Sui", Aim; Tr. M. Sue. i- im thierischen Organi* CHLOROFORM. 489 CHLOROFORM. Chloroform. mus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz., 1891, xxviii, 239-255.— Pringle (G. L. K.) A plea for chloro- form. ' Practitioner, Lond.. 1897, lix, 604-609.— Pi-ocbnov (J.) Zur I,'rasie tier Cbloroforninarkose. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1892, xix, 345-347.—Randall (E.) & tenia (D ) A contribution to ihe stud v of the act ion of chloroform. Med. Xews, Phila.. 1894, lxv; 199-206. Also: Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1894, xxvi, 201-216, 4 tliag.—Beynier (P.) De la chloroformisation. Bull, et mem. Soc. tie chir. dePar., 1889. n. s.. xv, 618-625. ------. Recherches sur les effets et les accidents (hi chloroforme. Tribune med., Par.. 1896, 2.8, xxviii. 947-949.—Kindskopf. Klinische Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss der Cbloroforninarkose auf die menschliche Xiere. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl.. 1893, xix, 959-962. — Rosenbnch (O.) Ueber Chloroform - Inhalation als sedatives Mittel bei Lungen- und Herzkranken. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1889, iii, 2. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien 1889 xxiv, 147. — Rontier (A.) De I'anesthesie par le chloroforme. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 668-670.—Rus- sell (RH.) The adversary of the chloroforniist. Inter- colon. M.J. Australas.. Melliourne. 1896, i, 617-660. [Dis- cussion], 675.—Salkowski (E.) Zur Kentuiss der Wir- knngen tics chloroforms. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1889!"cxv. 339-345. —Scbacht (C.) Ueber Chloroform. Aich.il. Pharm.. Perl., Is89. 3. K.. xxvii, 865-808.—Selltip- pert ( M.l Chloroform. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. N. Oil., 1885, vi', 102-109. — Setlillot. Observation relative a, [inhalation du chloroforme. [Abstr.] Compt. rentl. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1847, xxv, 801. — Scdillot (C.) De la superiorite du chloroforme comnie agent anesthesique. Ibid.. 1806, lxii, 211-214.—Sciulras (L.) Dos palabras sobre anestesia por el chlorolormo. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1887, x. 201-209—ScrpoMsian (S.) Le chloroforme dans I'anesthesie chirurgicale. Rev. med.-pharm.. Constant., 1889, ii, 2; 23; 44; 57: 72.—Mcvcri (A.) A: Conci (C.) Eli- minazione del cloroformio dall' organismo vivente. Boll. d. Soc. trai cult. d. sc metl. in Siena, 18;-0, iv, 132-138.—Shore (L.E.) Remarks on the effect of chloroform on the re- spiratory centre, the vasomotor centre, and the heart. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1089. — Simionescu ( F.) Nota asupra chloroformului Radian cu 60 observation!. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1894, xiv, 133-138 — Simpson (J. Y.) Ansesthetic and other therapeutical effects of the inhala- tion of chloroform. Month. J. M. Sc. Lond. & Edinb., 1847-8, viii. 415-417. Also, Reprint.— Siioni (L.) & Alessandri ( R.) Contributo statistico alle alterazioni renali p st-cloroformiche. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1894, xx, 73-77. —Smith (J. T.) What shall we do with chloro- form! South. Clinic, Richmond, 18.-3. vi, 101-108-Smith (Q. C.) Chloroform anaesthesia. South. Pract., Nashville, 1894, xvi, 228-236. AUo: Tr. Texas M. Ass.. Galveston, 1894, xxvi, 217-226. — Starinitski (V.G.) K voprosu o vliyanii chloroform'a na otpravleniya zheludka u zdoro- vikh lyudei. [On the influence of chloroform upon the functions of the stomach iu healthy men] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1894, xv, 1179.—Stcpp. Ueber inneiliche Anwen- dung des Chloroforms. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 128-130.—Strader (H. W.) The use of chlorofoi in in anaesthesia. Occitlental M. Times, Sacra in tn to, 1894, viii, 4-7-492. — Strcng (W.) Zur Cbloroformwirkiing. Ztschr. f.prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1896, v. 607. — Swa- sey(E.P.) Chloroform. Proc Connect. M. Soc, Bridge- port, 1892,793-802.—Tnnsini (I.) Sulla narcosi col cloro- formio._ Riforma med., Xapoli, 1889, v, 1694; 1700. —Te- dest-hi (A.) Ricerche anatomiche e sperimentali sugli effetti del cloroformio. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1897, iii, 286; 295; 302; 312.—Terrier. Note sur la presence tie l'albumine dans les urines emises avant et apres l'administration du chloroforme. Lull, et mem. Soc de chir. tie Par., 1884. n. s., x. 929-932. — Triplet! (J. S.) On chloroformization. Knnsas City M. Rec, 1897, xiv, 39-44.—Turner (A. J.) Recent resean h on chloroform ana-sthesia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii. 391-398. -Va I des (M.) Im- pressiones de uno cloroformizado. [Abstr.J Pol. Acad. de hig. de Catalufia, Parcel., 1896, iv, 40 — Velpeau. Opinion . . . sur l'emploi du chloroforme. Compt. rend. Acad.d.ac. Par., 1847, xxv, 890-892.— Vidal (K.) Action des inhalations chloroformiqiies sur j'eliiniiiation de l'a zote par h-s urines. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1896, 10.s., iii, 474-476 ------. Variations de la toxicite urinaire sons Tinfluence des inhalations chloroformiqiies. Ibid, 1058-10GO. ------. Influence des inhibitions chloioformi- qui-S; sur la resistance de l'or^ani-iuo aux infections. Ibid., iv, 1067. —ile Vilar Foul uberta (M.) Contri- hucion ai estudio de el cloroformo en la anestesia quiriir- gica. Rev. de cien. med., Parcel.. 1881. vii. 105-112 —Voi- »>n ( A.) De I'aide que le chloroforme apporte ii la pro- duction du sommeil hvpnotique. Cong. aim. de med. ment. C.-r. 1890, Par., lf-91. i. 159- Wachholz (L.) Spostrzeze- nia nad narkoza. eldoroformowa; na podstnwie 4057 pr/.y- padk6w. [Observations of 4.057 cases of chloroform narco- sis.] Przegl. lak., Krakow, 1891, xxx, .395; 411; 426. Also, transl.: Arch. f. klin. Cbir., Berh, 1892, xliii, 450-475.— Weld (G. \\r.) Cbloroform and the fifth pair of nerves. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1885. xxvii, 620-022. — Wcrthciin. tnloroform-Narkose gelegentlich operativer Eingriffe bei Chloroform. intectiosen Krankheiten der Gesehlechtstheile zur Re<*el erhoben. Ber. d k. k. Krankenanst,. Rudolpli-Stiftiiii<>rin Wien (1881), 1882, 264. Also: Med. .Jahrb., Wien, 1882 11.—Witseel (O. ) Ueber die Narkose mit che'misch reinem Chloroform. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. Roma, 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc.], 540. — Wood (H. C j Chloroform anaesthesia. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila.. 1893 3 s xv, 198-217. ' ' Chloroform (Accidents from). See, also, Chloroform (Heath from); Chloro- form (Hyderabad Commission on); Chloroform ( Toxicology of); Chloroform applied to children; Chloroform in obstetrics. Fottel (A. t * Comment les inhalations chlo- roformiqiies peuvent - dies etre dangereusos? 4°. Strasbourg, 1*6*. Junkers (W.) * lYhor fettige Entartung in Folge von Chloroforni-Iuhalationen. H°. Bonn, 1*83. Lichter (V.) * Beitrag zur Statistik tier Chloroform-Xarcosen. [Erlangen. J 8 ■■'. Ber- lin, [1894]. lii'DOLPH (G.) *Die Zersetzung vou Chloro- formdampfeu durch (Lislicht. 8°. Wiirzbiirg, 1891. Stommkl (P.) *Zur Lehre vou der fettigen Entartung nach Cliloroformeinathtnuiigeii. [Bonn. ] 8°. Siegbttrg, 1,-^9. A bei He (J.) Des accidents causes par le chloroforme; de l'electiieite. (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 481; 019. Als<>. in his: Sepulcretuui. 8°, Par., 1853, 70-75. — Acci- dent* (Les) de la chloroformisation et les moyens de les conjurer; reponse a ines collegia's de la Presse medicale. Tribune med., Par., 1891, 2. s., xxiv, 401-404. — Ax ford (W. L.) Case of failure of respiration (luring anaesthesia from chloroform. Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1882, iv, 122.—Ballard (Ti.) A caseof cardiac syncope tinder cbloroform; reeovcrv. Lancet. Loud, 1894, ii, 1214. — Barling (G.) Threatened death from chloro- form. Hrit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 770 — Barrett (J. W.) A case of syncope during chloroform administration. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1891,n.s., xiii,4.----. Acase of respiratory failure during chloroform administration. Ibid . 5-7.—Blocq (P.) Accidents determines par une injection chlorofoi nuque sous-muqiieuse. Progres nied., Par.. 1884, xii, 903.—Boehr (E.) Ueber einen Pall von Invaliditat infolge einer Cliloroformnarko.se. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1897, xxvi, 49-04. — Bouchard (C.) l5tude experimental!' sur la mort qui suecedc a l'in- jection sous-cutauee de chloroforme sur les animaux et sur i'albuniinurie chloroforniique; suivie de reflexions par Laborde. Tribune nied., Par., 1884, xvi, 208-210. — Brandcnbcrg. Ueber Chloroforinzersetzung bei of- feuein Gaslicbt. Cor. PL f. schweiz. Aerzte, liasel. 1897 xxvii, 087-689. — Brittain (B. F. ) Cbloroform narcosis. Texas M & S. Rec , Galveston, 1881, i. 324. — Bryce (C. A.) Accidents in administering chloroform. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1891, xiv, 197-199. — Biidinger (K.) Ueber Lahmungen nach Chloroformiiarkosen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894. xlvii, 121-145.—Bin-foot (W. D.) Two cases of cloroform narcosis. South Clinic, Rich- mond, 1883, vi, 83. — C.'ai-Mtairs (J. L.) Respiratory o'>- '. struction due to eloie/ated uvula iu chloroform adminis- tration. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1897, ii, 1499.—t'awc of chioro- form poisoning. X. Oil. M. tS.J, 1886-7, n. s.. xiv, 217.— <'a«««se. Note an sujet des paralysies post-chloroform i- ques. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1897, 4. s., xi, 147-155. Also: Aim. Soc bel-e de chir., Brux., 1890-7, iv. 290-297. — < halite (E. L.) Persistent sneezing under chloroform anaesthesia. Indian M. Gaz , Calcutta. 1894, xxix, 133.—Chloroform fatalities. Med. 'limes A Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, xxiii, 048. — C'ottam (G. (!) Cucullar spasm an occasional reflex complication of chloroform ana-stbesia. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894, v, 347-350.— Crutch licit! (K. L.) Some peculiar efl'ects of chloro- form; with pre fat or v remarks. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1897, lvii, 344-348.—B-aMtrc. Les accidents du chloro- form ; leur theorie; leur remede. Semaine med., Par., 1889, ix, 317-319.—Death under chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. ii. 1028. — Dnbnc. Incident chloroforniique surveim pendant une operation do lithotritie. France med.. Par.. 1896, xliii, 211.—Kdmnnds (J.) Sc (iiayford (C.) Sneezing while under chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii. 1540. — Ercrxbunrli (O.j Ueber den nachthi-i- liiion Einfluss des Leuclilgases bei gleichzidtiger An- wendung des Chloroforiiis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889. xxxvi, 212. Fa neon (V.) Sur un cas de svneope respiratoire et cardiaque pendant le sommeil chlorofornii- que. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1891, i 457-402. — Fischer (G.) Erstickung (lurch Kautabak wahivml tier Chioro- foruinarkose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, xv, CHLOROFORM. 490 CHLOROFORM. Chloroform (Accidentsfrom). 188-19U. — Fraenkel [K.) Ueber Chloroform-Jfachwir- kun- beim Menschen. Arch, f path. Anat. [etc.], Perl., 1892. cxxix, 254-284, I pi.— Fi-ancoiw-Franck (C.-A I Elude sur les principaux accidenis de la chlorofarmisa- tion al'etat normal et daus queli|iios conditions patholo- giiliies. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1890, 2. s , xxiii. 042; 697.—Gumiioiiprrz. Accidents de la chloroformisa- tion. .1. d. sc nied. de Lille. 18115. i, 409-420.—Gnext (J. W. ) Chloroform poisoning. Am. Therapist. X. V., 1896-7. v, 193-202. — Ila-jcn - Torn (O.) Die Chloro- form narkose und der Chloiofoi-mtotl. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 189u. n F.. vii. 109-112. — Ilais; (A.) A con- tribution to the pathology of chloroform syncope. Lancet, Lond., 1895. i, 481.—Hare (II. A.) The'vaso-motor influ- ence of chloroform, and its relation to chloroform acci- dents. Med. Xews, X. V.. 1897, lxx, 311-313 —Hehir (P.) A chloroform accident: a commentary on the theory of heart failure. Indian M. Itec, Calcutta. 1895. viii. 427- 429 — II dm nth (W.T.) Operations under chloro- form bv gas-light [a peculiar and unique occurrence) Rep. "Hclmutli House", X. Y., 18»8-9, iii, 9-11.— Hill (L.) The causation of chloroform syncope. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1897J, 957-962. Also [Abstr.] ; Med. Stand- ard, Chicago. 1897. xix. 231. — von Hoehsletter (A.) Chloroforinasphvxie seltener Art Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1891. iv. 169.—Holland (CT.) Case of persistent chloroform intoxication with curious nervous symptoms. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1891. n. s.. Hi. 57.—jansucn (II. A.) Chloroform en kunstlicht. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch. [etc.). Leiden. 1893. xvii, 557-560.— J one* (W.) A lecture on the pathology of the obstruction of tbe circula- tion of tbe blood in the lungs, and of the failure of the heart's action which are liable to occur during the admin- istration of chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 403-405.— tie Jongc (G. W. K.) Over geprotrabeerde chloroforiu- werking. Geneesk. Tijdschi'. v. Nederl. Indie. Batav., 1890, xxx, 179-193.—Here* (R. L.) Alarming chloroform narcosis. Med. Rec, X. V.. 1882, xxii, 064. — Kirk (R.) Apnrea during the administration of chloroform. Med. Press \- Cue., Lond., 1891, n.s., Hi, 54. — daborde. Sur le one inisme de la mort ou des accidents qui succedent a l'injeetion sous-cutanee du chloroforme ; h propos d'uno note de M. Bouchard sur le memo sujet. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1884. 8. s., i, pt. 2, 271-278— l,aborilr (J.-V.) Sur faction physiologique des anesthesiques en general et du chloroforme en particulier; tnecanisme des accidents et indication rationnelle des moyens de les prevenir. Bull. Acad, tie med.. Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiii, 552 ; 584; 611: 1891, 3. s., xxv. 812: 842. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1890, xxii, 301: 387; 407; 422: 1891. xxiii, 373; 388; 406: 420. Alxn, Reprint. -----. Communication sur le mecanisiue physiologique ties accidents primitifs (syncope cardiaque et respiratoire) de la chlorofoi misat ion demoutrG par une nouvelle experience. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 46-50.—Lawrie (E.) Cases of normal chloroform anaesthesia, with a note of an accident from abnormal anaesthesia. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1892, i, 11. -----. Notes on an accident under chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 796.—I.ediard (II. A.) Chloroform fright in a case of anchylosis of elbow joint. Ibid., 1882, ii, 529.—I.cc (C. G.) Chloroform administration in tbe pres- ence of coal gas. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1895, xv, 412- 415.—liUiidjfi-cii. Coxitis + intoxicatio e cbloroformio. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1880. xlviii, 777. — Mackenrodt. Chloroforinasphvxie uud Luftembolie. Monatschr f. Un- fallheilk., Leipz'., 1890, iii, 391-393. .Tlackncss (G. O. C.) A case in which a convulsion oecurred in a healthy woman during the administration of chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1423.— flai-lin (C, Un the dangers aud disadvantages ot administering cbloroform in the pres- ence of a naked flame. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1892, xxxii, 83-87— Jliller (J. S.) Chloroform narcosis in the pres- ence of gaslight as a cause of catarrhal pneumonia (.'). Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1889. x, 247-251.— Ho- liner (F.) Un fracaso del cloroformo ; alguuas conside- raciones sobre la persistencia del rctlejisnio local de la lesion bipogastrica, en una eiiferma anestesiada con el cloroformo. Pi omeso ginec, Valencia, 1884. i. 113-119.— Noii'iin (C.) fit tide medico-legale de l'empoisonneiiient et des aeei ents dus au chloroforme. Ann. Soc tie med. leg. de Belg.. Cbarb-ioi. 1896-7, viii, 163-184. — .Tlorel- Lavallcc (A.) Purpura chlorofortnique. Ann de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1884, 2. s., v, 78- 80 — .Tloly. Accident chloroforniique (l'origine nevropatlnque. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1896, xxxv, 610.—."Vemlorfer (j.) Zur Cblo- roformnarkose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1882-3 xviii, 305-392, 2 pl.-Nt-wuiaii (I).) A: Bam»ay iW.i A note oudecompositinnof chloroform and sickness. Lan- cet, Lond., 1897, ii, 21(1. — OehlkerM iF.) Liu Fall von Katalepsie in d<-r Chloroformnarkose. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1889, xxvi. 1131. — Ohdedar (M. N.) Case of sus- pended animation from chloroform. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1882, xvii, IOC—Onitmis. Des accidents causes par le chloroforme. France med. Par., I«s2. i. 555. Also: Bull. Soc clin. tie Par. (Is82j, I8>3. vi. 121-124. — Pater- moii (I). R.) On a danger attendiug the administration of chloroform by gaslight. Practitioner, Lond., 1889, xiii, Chloroform (Accidents from). 418-420. _ I'inkhoi (II.) Ongevalien iu chloroformiinr. cose ; eenige pre pen uit de Engelsclie casuistiek van l*»o 95. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. (ieneesk.. Amst.. lhflii •> p xxxii, d. 2, 813-837. — Bice (Iv i Case of ch'loroVonn'syn- cope. Lancet, Lond., Is91. ii, 604.—Richardson \SirB W.) Chloroform fatalities. Hospital, Lond. 1895 xviii' 179; 249. 371 441-Ripoll. Accident imprcvu p^utlai.t la chloroformisation. Rev. med. de Toulouse I.sk? ,vi li:l ■>„■----»~___/ 'l> \r , i, ., . '' '■ x*l| 'O. (le Toulouse, 1.SK7 ..< 101. - Robertson (T. M.) Death under chloroform Brit. -M. -L, Lond.. 1888, ii, 1071.-Romano (T.| Wcf deiitele ce nisotese cbloroforinisarea. Inst, do «],j, a.. cure-ci, 1892. ii, 107-18L—Mabbntani (L.) SulP:ir°ieMo del cuore a princpio della cloroformizzazione. Policlin Roma, 1893-4. i, 177 179 *c Inn id I (S.) Leber di,. V,.r'. atideruugen del Ganglien des Herzcns nach dei Chioro- form narkose. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1897, 534. sin,.,. son (D) Caseof paralysis of respiration under ■ |, ].,,, ,~ form. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1893 ;, M , dras, 1895, v, 134-137.—Stobwasttcr. Ueber Zcrset/.uni' des verdunsteten Chloroforms in der Leuchtflamme Berk klin. Wchnschr.. 1889. xxvi, 7G(>—Svetlin (W.) Psycho- ' sen nach Oliloioforni-Missliraur.h. Wien. med Presse 1882, xxiii, Usl: 1517. —Taylor (J. M.) Almost another death from chloroform. Mississippi Valley M. Month Memphis. 1883. iii, 12. — Thicm (C.) Sc I i»< h< i (P.) rdier tiitliche Xachwirkung ties Chloroforms Deutsche Me i.-Ztg.. Berl.. 1889.x, 1111-1114—Vniilrin. lies nara. lysies chloroformiqiies. Soc. de med. de Nancv. C -r 1894-5, 33-40. — Veiiieuil. Des accidents de la chlon> formisation. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1890, 2. s.. wiv 21-35. | Discussion]. 52-01.— Werner, Uiiangcnrhinu Erlebnisse beim Cbloroformiren. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh.. Winnenden, 1885, xxxvi, 101-121— Wilnon (P. C.) The dangers of chloroform anesthesia; how to avoid and overcome them. Am. Pract. Sc Xews, Louisville, 1895, xx, 209-217. Also : Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1895] n.s., iv, 209-219—Zatvnrnitski(A.P.) Sluchai chioro- forni'navo sbock'a s blagopriyatnim iskhodom. [Caso of . . . with fortunate results.] Protok. i trudi Obsh. Arch- angel, vrach. (1890), 1891, ii, 70-77. — Zwcifel. Ueher Lungenontzundiing nach Laparotomien in Folge von Zer- setzung des Chloroforms im Gaslicbt. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1889, xxvi, 317-320. Chloroform ( Accidents from, Treat- ment of). See, also. Chloroform (Toxicology of). UoMitKito ( S. ) * Ueher die Bel.chungsver- suche beim Chlorofornitode. H5. Leipzig, 1894. Lallkmand (L.) Recherches experimentales sur les inoyeus a employer contre les accidens de"teriniu6s ]>ar les inhalations tie chloroforme. Rapport lu h la Societe tuddicale d'6ruulation de Paris, le i:{ Janvier 1855. 8°. Paris, 1855. Aby (P. S.) The rectal speculum as the antidote for chloroform narcosis. St. Louis Homceop. & Clin. Re- porter, 1890, ii, 23.—Atherton (A. B.) Case of chloroform poisoning. [Tracheotomy; recovery.) Canada Lancet, Toronto, 188(1-81, xiii. 301.'— Blank* (J. H.),,jr. Chloro- form narcosis: should it be treated by the application of electricity to the pneumogastric? Med. Kec, N.Y.,1894, xlv, 415.—BobrotT (A. A.i Chto dlclat pri upadkle die- yatelnosti serdtsa vo vremya chloroform'irovaniyii (pri chloroform'nom syncope) ? [What is to bo done for car- diac depression during chloroform ana-sthesia.'] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1891, i, 288-299. Also. tran»l.: Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 2065-2071—Bossowxlti (A.) Przypadek groznej asflksyi wsr6d narkozy chlorotormwej z pomyslneiii zakoiiczeniem. [Severe asphyxia following; chloroform ana-sthesia with successful result.] Przegl. lek., Krakow. 1885, xxiv, 025-027.—Brnatz (K.) Leber die Wiederbelebungsversuche bei Cblorofornitod, inshe- sondere iiber die dabei angi-wt-ndete Elektriritiil. St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr.. 18M. n. V., i, 299; 305; 317. Also: Wieu.med.BL, 11-84, vii. 907: luot: 1030- Brock (W.K.) Recovery from apparent death under chloroform. Lancet, Lond.. 1881, i, 770. — Bin rail (F. A.) Nitrite of anijl as an antidote to chloroform. N. York M. J., 1870, xxiv, 407-481. Also, Reprint. -----. Amyl nitrite as an antidote to chloroform. Metl. Kec. N.Y.. 1*91, lviii 399.-- l'a»lclain. Chloroforme et ttacbi-otonne. Bull.men. du nord, Lille, 1895. xxxiv, 361; 402: 451; 473; 499: 524.— Cerne. Accidents pendant une chloroformisation avec association du chloral et de la morphine; effets tie la cafeine. Bull Soc. de med. de Bouen (1*80), 1890, 2. «., in, 40-43.—Cloqnet (J.) Rapport sur un memoire dc M. A. Fabre sur l'emploi de Tether comme antidote dn chloro- forme. ('ompt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856, xliii. 353-.:•*.- 4 rntchneld (E. L.) A narrow escape from «leathJ™!- nig chloroform narcosis. Mar\hmd M. J-, Bait., 1»-H>-'. xxxvi, loo. [I)i>.ussion], 114.-l>uke (A.) The value of stretching the sphincter ani in chloroform collapse, Med. Times Sc Uosp. Gaz., Lond., 1893, xsi, 201.-Evcnk- CHLOROFORM. 491 CHLOROFORM. Clilorolbrill (Accidents from, Treat- ment of). hofT (I.S.) O vliyanii strikhnina na khlorofornmiy kol- laps [On the influence of strychnine upon chloroform collapse.] Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1896, xvii. 5-7.— Fabre (A.) Memoire sur l'emploi de Vet her comnie antidote du chloroforme. [ Abstr. ] Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc. Par., 1S.")0. xliii, 193-190.— Fancon (A.) Accidents dus a I'anes- thesie piir le chloroforme; trois cas de syncope chloro- forniique combat tus avec succes. J. d. sc. metl. de Lille, 1883, v.601 ; 081.—Garland (A. I.) Chloroform syncope treated by reversion. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, i, 797.— Carina ii (J. B.) Stoppage of respiration during chloro- form administration treated by tracheotomy. Ibid., 1896, jj ]6',!8.—ISombcrjB (Sophie). feber die'Belebungsver- siiche beim Chlorofornitode. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894. xxxix, 474-499.—Green (W. E.) The value of stretching the sphincter ani in chloroform collapse. Med. Century. Chicago, 1894. ii, 124. -----. Sphincteral dilatation as resuscitant in chloroform and ether narcosis and asphyxia neonatorum. Ibid., 1890. iv, 413-415.— Hobday (F.) Notes on the use of hydrocyanic acid as an antidote to chloroform, and vice versa. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1890, ix. 101-112. -----. The use of hydrocyanic acid as an antidote to chloroform. Lancet. Lond., 1898. i, 27. — Jakwch (R.) Ueber moto- rische Keizerscheinungen in tiefer Cbloroforninarkose. Wien. med. Wchnschr;, 1889. xxxix, 360 ; 391.—Kirk (R.) Inversion in chloroform accidents. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896.11398.—Krentzmnnii (H.) Die Verwendung von Sauerstoff bei der ii halation von Chloroform. N. Yorker nied Presse, 1887. iv, 81-91.-----. Sauerstoff bei der Chloroformnarko-e. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xiv, 641-043. — L.eedham-Green (C. A.) A method of re- storing persons apparently dead from chloroform. Bir- mrmih. M. Kev., 1895, xxxvii. 84-87.—Ccwiii. Note sur l'emploi du vinaigre contre les voniissenieuts consecutifs a la chloroformisation. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1894-5, ii, 312-319. Aho: Rev. tie chir.. Par., 1895, xv, 786- 789. — Maass. Die Methode der Wiederbelebung bei Herztod nach Chloroformeinathiiiung. Berl. klin Wchn- schr., 1892, xxix. 265-208.— .VIaclcinian (A.) Report of some cases of stoppage of respiration during chloroform anaesthesia treated by tracheotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896. ii, 1500. —Mamiiien (E.) Nitrite of amyl in chloro- form poisoning. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 483.— Mnnkovski (A. F.) Ob ozhivlyaynshtshem dieistvii vitvazhki iz nadpochechnikov pri obmiranii vo vremya khloroforninavo narkoza. [L'extrait des capsules sur- renales, comme moyen de raraener k la vie les chloro- formisGs en etat de mort apparente. Extr.,213.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb.. 1897, iv, 179- 202. — .Uaxwcll (J. (.'.) Notes of a case of threatened fatal result from chloroform anassthesia. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 143(i.—IWiles (F. T.) Resuscitation in threatened death from chloroform. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 6G3.—JTIorris (W. A.) Treatment of chloroform poison- ing by suspension; a cure. Indian M.J., Allahabad, 1884, iii 643. — .Hurray (R. M.) The cessation of respiration under chlorofonu, and its restoration by a new method. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1884-5, n.s., iv, 107-137, 5 diag. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 48; 147: 228, 5 diag.— Niedermeier (M.) Eine geluhgene Wiederbelebung bei Chloroforinasphvxie. Wien. med. Presse. 1889, x,xx, 1767.—Oninui* i.) Un nouveau mode d'anestbesio; de la chloroformisation 4 doses faibles et continues. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 593; 621. Also, Reprint, — Bcat*on (G. T.) On the administration of cbloioform. Glasgow M. J., 1885, xxiii, 1-5.—B«-ll (K.) Chloroform administration. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1897, i, 1384.—Bert'iiaci-Ftiautl. Note sur le cornet a chloroforme en usage dans la marine. Bull. Acad, dc med., Par.. 1891. .'!. a., xxvi, 595-001.—Bert (P.) Sur la methode d'eiuploi du chloroforme dite dosinietiKiue, de M. le Dr. Peviaud (do Libounie). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883. 7. »., iv, 640-049. -----. Sur une autre methode (I'anesthesie chloroforniique. Ibid., 1884, 7. s., v, 9-11.—dn ISoiN-Reymond (11.) 1st unreincs Chloro- form schiidlich? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 1225- 1227. — Koiicoiir (E.-P.) Du chloroforme et de son ad- ministration. France med, Par., 1887. ii, 1713; 1725; 1738—Brandt. Zur Einleitung der Chloroform narkose. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1891, xviii, 905-908.—Bi-cincr (C. G.) Ettiisen kloroformnarkoser verkstiillda eltei (len s. k. methode a doses faibles et continues. [Observations sur la methode a doses faibles et continues faites pendant niille narcoses de chloroforme. lies., p. lix.] Finska liik.- sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors. 1893. xxxv, 743-759.—Buxton (D. W.) On the administration of chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1260-1202.—Carter (R. W.) The adminis- tration of chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 1321.— Clarke (K. R.) Chloroform i.....-guide diseases of the heart. Aled. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlv, 457. —Cleaver ( W. CHLOROFORM. 492 CHI iOKO FORM. I'll I orofl'o 1*111 (Adtninistratio-i of). J.) Chloroform administration. Sheffield M. J.. 1892-3, i, 1(13-110.— Conte* (W. M.) On the safe administration of chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 188.', ii, 1070.—Court (A.) The administration of chloroform. Ibid., 1892, i, 192.— Cnrrie (A. S.) The use of morphia hypodermicalh as adjuvant to chloroform. Ibid.. 1882, i. 1031. — Destefa- nis (G.) Suimiscngli anestetici tl' aria e di cloroformio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1882, 3. s., xxx, 563- 565.— Onhoiw (R.) De Linfluenee de l'alcool sur faction physiulogii[iio du chloroforine. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1883, lvi', li)43. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1883, xi, 951 — Duke (A.) On position during chloroform narcosis. Med. Press \ Circ., Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 579.—I>yee (R.) On tbe importance of the pulse in relation to chloroform. Med. Times & Ga/.. Lond., 1857. i, 509-511. Also, Reprint.—Ktlanjjcr ( L. i Some practical points on tbe administration of chloroform. Med. Rec. X. T., 1897, Iii, 552-554.—Evans (T. li ) Carbonic acid an index of danger in giving chloroform, and how to lessen the dan- ger. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xviii, 668.—Ferniini (G.) DeMacloronarcosi: tecnica e rapporti colla responsa- bilita medica. Boll. clin.-scient. tl. Poliumbul. di Milano, 1890. i\, 12-32. — Ponlan. I'll cornet a chloroforme, me- talliqiie, sterilisable. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1895, lxiv, 230-232.— Conlerlono (A. G. R.) Note on tho dosage of chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 803.—ISay (K.) Sur l'essai et le mode de conservation du chloroforme anestlie- sique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1889. \i, 219.— Gill (R ) On the mechanical factor in chloroform-aiues- thesia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1895, xxxi. 155-108.— Giordano (D.) Delia cloronarcosi preecdiua da un' in- iezione di morfina. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1885, 3. s., xxxiii, 552-575 — Gladstone (II.) The admin- istration of chlorofoi in. Lancet, Lond.. 1895, ii, 1188.— GoMMelin. De la technique des inhalations de chloro- forine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1882. 2. s., xi, 175. [Discussion), 192; 242; 273; 316; 358; 376; 411. Also [Abstr.]: Therap. contemp., Par., 1882, ii, 101-169 — Graiiily (L. B.) Tho action and administration of chlo- roform. Alabama M. & S. Ago, Anniston, 1895-6. viii, 383-390. Also: J. Pract. M., N. Y., 1895-6, vi, 435-441. Also: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 18!l:',-7, n. s., xiii. 223-232.— Grehant Sc 4£uiiiiquaud (K.) Procede (I'anesthesie chloroforniique. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 44u.—Guclliot (O.) Lo reflexo cremasterien coinnie indicat;-ur do I'anesthesie. chloroforniique. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1890, xiv, 378.—Guyon. Tech- nique do l'administration du chloroforine. Repert. de therap.. Par., 1897. xiv, 48-5*',.—Sleaat-aclloiip. ^nr I'ad- niinistration du chloi ol'ornui et des anestbesiques par pro- jection. [Abstr. | Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1857, xlv, 161-103. — HeiiMiicr. Ueber eine Methode der drtlicheu Anwendung des Chloroforms. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix. 639.—HSU Sc Barnard (II. L.) Chloroform antl the heart. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1897 ii, 1490-1498.—Hudson (A. T.) Safety in the use of chlo- roform. Med. Rec., N. Y, 1893, xliii, 42.—lEeslach (E. B.) On the employment of chloroform in dental surgery, its mode of exhibition, etc. Month. J. M. Sc, Loin! A- Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 105-171. Also, Reprint.—JeflTca-y (A.) Some minor points to be observed inudministerin"- chloro- form. Med. Rec, ST. T., 1894, xlvi, 110 —Kallenbeijj (K.) Eu ny mask for kloroformering. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1887, xlix. 201-205. — Kappcler (O.) Ueber die Metboden der Chloroformirnng, insbesondere tiber die Chloroformirung mit messbaren Chlorofornilufimischun- geu. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1890 xix. pt. 2. 79-103. Also: Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1890' xl, 844-808. -Haiizcnski (A.) Przyrzad do chioro- formovania ]irzv operacyach w jamie ustiiej. [Apparatus for chimofoi icing in operations in the buceul cavity] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1890, xvii, 1061-1004. — Keill'er (W.) Chloroform administration. Texas M. J., Austin, 1894-5, x, 00-09.—Kennedy (II.) On tho question of ad- ministering chloroform when fatty disease of the heart exists. Med. Press Jc Circ, Lond., 1870, n. s., ix, 183-185. Also, Reprint. —Kirk (It.) On auscultation of the heart during chlor. form narcosis. Brit. M. J., Lond;, 1890, 1704- 1706.—I. ans loi s (P.) -V *Iaiii-an«e (G.) Etude expe- nmeniale ile 1'nctiou de la sparteine et de l'oxvsparteine dans 1 anesi hesie chloroforniique. Arch, dophv'siol. norm et path.. Par.. 1895, 5. s., vii, 692-700. — I.anz (O.) Beiiierhuntr zu der Mittheilung von Dr. Otto ZncLui-I audi " Ueber eine Modifikation des Chloroformirens" in No. 43 tl. BL Centralbl. f. Cbir., Leipz.. 1891, xviii. 909-973 — I.awnc (E.) Chloroform and the heart. Med. Mews Phila.. 1893. lxii, 53. -----. A case of ehloioforniisation Lancet, LontL, 1894, i. 1243. -----. Chloroform and the heart. Brit M. J., Lond., 1807. ii, 131.—L,c Roy dc .flerieourl. Enquele sur l'emploi du cornet a chloro- forme de la marine Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1891, lvi 5-7 —l.cvcnberg (A. P.) K voprosu o vliyanii konval- lamarina na chloroform'niy narkoz. [On the influence of convallamarin upon chloroform anastlnsia.] Vestnik med., Kharkov, 1896, i, 333; 353.—licvy (C.) Technique de l'adiuiuistration tlu chloroforme. [From: Rev de polyiech. med.] J. de med. de Par., 1897, 2. s., xi 481 • Cllllorofoi'lll (Administration of). 5H; 518; flB0.-I.iwin (A) Una semplic, mo.lificazione alle comune masehera per la cloronarcosi. (ia/./. <1 n,„ Milano, 1896, xvii, 443-l45.-I,ouj;e ( P.) ('lil,,r,d'o,'„Z' tion et injections hypodenniipics de cognac. C,-u ,| hop., Par., 1894, lxvii. !i_>7. — Tlt-Callum (HA) Villi.' ronn m inhalation. Med. News Phila.. 1892, lxi :i:i7-3i"_ .•|o(C.) Gl'iiiconvoniontidell' usoib-1 cloioformio er„7„|j di ovviarli. Osservatore. Torino. I.-8J. xviii, 761 • 771. 71m. 809. —INcilson (H.J.) On the oI.mi vation of the pupil'is a gnideiu the administration ol'chloiol'orm. J. Anat A I'hv siol.. Lond..1887-8, xxii, 154-171.1 ehait. Also I Abstr I- Biit M.J., Lond., 1887, ii, 231 -\evc (A., Someditticult'cn'sca of chloroforni administration. Lancet. Lond.. lsn.i i U47 Alsoj Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 35. —I\orlliroii (H. L.) Chloroform and id oxygen. X. Am. J. Hoimeon 73H-74(i.-l»aBai (A.) A hint lo N. Y., 1896. 3. s., xi, chloroforinists. Lancet, Lond.. 1881, i, ]015. — menter (J.) Chlorofoini; its method of administration" its dangers and their treatment. Buffalo M. J., lfc95-()' xxxv, 095-709.—Peraire (M.) Uu mode d'adi'iiinixtra' tion tlu chloroforme & doses faibles ct continues. Kev do chir., Par., 1889, ix, 3D4-4(Ki.—I»eyrand. Brcherrhe.i cliniques sur l'adniinistrai ion du cliloroforme. Mem Bt bull. Soc. de med. ct chir. de Bordeaux (1883), 1884, 290-304 [Discussion], 306-314.—Phocas. De la mcillcuro'tnnnidre d'admiuistrer le chloroforme. Xord med., Lille, 1890 jj 49-52.—Quivognc (<;.) 1),, 1 t chloroformisation, ses in' convenients, ses dangers; met bodes de le^ prevenir. Aim. Soc. denied, d'An vi is, 1880, xlvii, 117; 249. Also, Keprim! Also, transl.: Mejdmiar. Klin., St. Petersb.. 1887, vi, no. ti 1-50— Kcgnauld (J.) Observations- snr le cliloro'fbrnii'i destine it I'anesthesie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1882 2. s., xi, 108-118. — Rciim (L.-M.) Quelques mois sur l'administration du chloroforme a propos des discussions recentes. J. de therap., Par., 1882, ix, 297-301. ____. Quelques considerations sur la chloroformisation, la t£to pendante. Ibid., 09J-697.—Rocchi (F.S.i Cloroforiuiz- zazione econoinica. Bull. d. Soe. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1894, xiii, fasc. 2. 87-94.—Kosenfcld (M.) Ueher die Chloroformuarkose bei bestinnnteiu Cobalt der Inspi- rationsluft an Cbloroformdampfen. Arcb. f. exner. Lath. 11. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1895-6, xxxvii, 52-59.— BCydj gicr (L.) Wie soil man chloroformiren? Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F.. Leipz., 1893, No. 69 (Chir., No 17, 391-tiHi.—San- los Fernandez (J.) La anestesia por el eliloroforino en los individuos afeetados del cora/.on. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract,., Madrid, 1883, xiii. 385-388.—Schnll (J. Hi) Oxygenated chloroform. X. York M. Times, 1896, xxiv, 103.—Schmid (H.) Nachtrag zu der Xarkose mit dem Salicvlid-Chloroform Anschiitz. Miinchen. nied. Wchn- schr.; 1894, xii. 778-780.—Solovcichik (O.) Obzor 1.000 narkotiz-itsiy khirurgicheskikh bolnikh rhlorol'onn'0111 pri ponioshtshi snaryada Junker'a. [Review of a thou- sand cases of chloroform anaesthesia in surgical patients, by uso of Junker's appaiatus. I Laitop. russU. chir., Sl-Peterb., 1897, ii, 127-148,1 pl. Alsn.tra si: Medycyna, Warszawa, 1807, xxv, 738 : 700.—Mnallilla (P.) Azione del cloroformio sulla pupilhi; couiribulo alia fisiologia dei dilatatoripupilluri. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1893, i, 358-308. —Stackler. Xote sur l'emploi do l'air legerr- ment chloroforme. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1890, cxviii, 225.—Staeckcr. Ueber tlie dosimetrisi he Me- thode der Chloroform -Narkose. Deutsche mil. -iir/.tl. Ztschr., Berl., 1895, xxiv, 193-204.—Huhbolin. (hh.ro formnoye usipl, ni'e po Pirogovu i deuionstratsiya novavo apparata dlya chloroformirovaniya. [Chloroform ansBstlrc- sia after Pirogotf, and desci iption of a new apparatus for.] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S -Peterb., 1894-5, lxi, 77-82.- Miillivan (T. J.) Observations on 1he adminisl ration of chloroform. Read before the State Medical Society, June 9. 1880. Physician &. Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1880. viii, 393-398. Also, R print, Also: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1886, 207-214— Systematic (The) and precise administra- tion of chloroforni. .Med. Times Sc Hosp. Gaz., Lend., 1895, xxiii, 008-010.—Vachetta (A.) Alkohol-Clilom- formnarcose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 11.- Ver- ucnil. Liponie du bras chez uuecardiaquc; chloiolonni sat ion. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 435.—\ ineini (L.) Sull' uso dell' atropina nella cloroformizzazionc Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1889, x, 378.—Vulpius (\V.) On chloroform narcosis, and a new apparatus for its safe administration. X. York M. J., 1894, lx, 455-458 —Wallace (1).)^ The administration of chloroform. Edinb. IIosp. Rep., Edinb. Sc Lond., 1896, iv, 459-475.— Wci*s (T.) Do hi t-hloto- fertilisation, la tete pendante par la methode de Itosc. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Xancy (1881-2), 1883, 102-114. Also: Rov. med. de Lest, Nancy, 1882, xiv. 393; 433. Also, in his: Mem. sur quelques cas de chir., 8°, Xancy, 1883. 32- 53.—Weslphal (C.) Ueber die Piipillenplianoon-11 in der Chloroformuarkose. Arch. f. path. Anat. [ctc.|. Bed., 1803, xxvii, 409-412. .1/*'.. iu his: Ges. Abhamll., h3, Berl.. '8!)2. ii, 98-102.— While (J.I The administration of chloroforni clinically eon-ddi-red. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894. i, 410.—IVrafler (K. K.) On the administration of chloroform. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1894, iv, 2*3 — Zuckerkaudt (O.' Ueber eine Modifikation des Chlo- roformirens. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1891, xviii, 833. CHLOROFORM. 493 CHLOROFORM. Chloroform ( Chemistry, pharmacy, and history of). Besxou (L.) Considerations pharmacologi- ques sur le chloroforine, lues a la Societe ties sciences uaturelles tie Cherbourg, tlans su seance dc juillet 1853. 8J. Cherbourg, 1853. Jiemont (L.) * Contribution a l'etude chirni- que du chloroforine, action dcs.snlfures de potas- sium et de sodium. 4°. Paris 1^1- Ecole de pharmacie. Gordon (II. L) sir Jatncs Young Simpson and chloroform (1-11-70). 12°. Londou, 1897. Gi'THRiE (0.) Memoirs of Dr. Samuel Guth- rie and the history of the discovery of chloro- form. S~. Chicago, 1*82. Raboukdix. Mdmoire sur l'emploi dn chloro- forine: 1° pour la preparation de l'atropine; 2" pour estimer jiroinptenient lu qualiteet la valeur conitnereiale des eeorces de quinquina; 3° pour conuaitre la quantite d'iode contenue daus les substances organiques. 8°. Orleans, [n. d.]. Repr. from: Mean, tl. Soc. sc, etc., d'Orleans. Robert (J.) *Le chloroforme au point de vue pharinaceutique. 4C. Montpellier, 1889. Simpson (J. Y.) Notice of a new amesthetic agent, as a substitute for sulphuric ether iu sur- gery and inidewil'ery, communicated to the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, at their meeting on 10th November, 1847. 8-\ Edinburgh, 1847. -----. Account of a new anaesthetic agent, as a substitute for sulphuric ether iu surgery and midwifery. -J. Edinburgh, 1^49. Waldie (D.) Chloroform, the new agent for producing insensibility to pain by inhalation. c°. [Liverpool. 1-47.] Wilson (G.) On some phenomena of capil- lary attraction observed with chloroform, bisul- phuretof carbon, and other liquids. ,-*-. [n.p., n. e Reenter. Quelques re- inaiqiics relatives au nouveau chloroformePictct. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1892, xliv. 77-79.—BiNciiM«iou sur les alterations du chloroforme. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par. 1*81, n.s.. vii, 902-9.2.—Fowler (<>. R.) N"te upon Professor An-cliiitz's purified chloroform (salicylide clilo- rofoiin). X. York M. J., 1894, lix, 784. — Heyfelder. Experiences avec Tether chlorhydrique chlore faites a la clinique d'Eilaicien. Rev. med.-chir.de Par., 1851, x, 348-3.50. —Jarvis (H. F.) 'Ihe infancy of chloroform Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1894, vi. 225-233. — Jobert, de Lamballe. Emploi de Tiiihalation du chloroforme pour produire Tinseusibihte cbc/. divers iudividus sounds a des operations chirurgieales. [AbMr.] Compt. rend. Acad.d. »c. Par., 1847, xxv, 800-808. — Leonle Sc Poprncn (D.) Cate-va cuviute asupra puritfttei clorofoimului intrebuin- |at in anestezia generals. Sp'itahil, Bucuresci, 1891, xi, 558-503.— Love (W.) Some new lests for the detection of decomposition products in chloroform. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 189.— IjUca. —Mchaller (L.) Zur Aiiweiidung des Cliloioloim's als Priiparat von bohem Chlorirehalte. All;;. Wien. med. Ztg., 1883. xxviii, 214.—Schmidt (0) Feber tlie Wandlungen in der Dar- stellung, Iveini'iiuiir und Priifung des Chloioforms. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirtteiub. iir/.tl. Ver.. Stuttg.. 1894, lxiv. 113; 123; 132.—Nchniitt (E.) Le chloroforme destine a Tanes- Ihesie. J. (1. sc. med. (le Lille, 1883, v, 201-213. Also: Report, de pharm., Par., 1883, n. s., xi, 193; 241.—Semi- eeiifenarv ot the introduction of chloroform ns an anies- ihetic. Brit. M. .[., Lond., 1897, ii, 1585.—Nquibb (E. R.) Chloroform in 1893. Ephem. Mat, Med., Brooklyn, 1893-4, iv, 1428-1440.—II nil a (P. G.) Die Anwendung des Chlo- roform wnssers zur I.dsung von Medikaiuenten. .Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat... Hamb. u. Leipz... 1888, vii, 406-408. Also, Reprint, — Witzel ( O.) Das aus Salicylid-Cbloroform gi-woniiene Chloroforni - Anschiitz. Centralbl. f. Cbir., Leip/.., 1891!. xx, 1151-1153. Chloroform (Death from). See, also, Anaesthetics ( Accidents from ) ; Chloroform ( Jurisprudence of); Chloroform applied to children. Bebkxd (N.) Zur Chloroform-Casuistik. Ge- ordnete Zusaniineiistellung der aus zuverliissi- gen in-und ausliindischen Qnellen gesitnimelten Todesfiille nach dem anasthetischen Gebrauche des Chloroforms. K;. Hannover, 1850. Diktuich (C. E.) * Ueher den Tod durch Chloroforni. 8C. Leipzig, 1867. Gadixg (J.) * Ueber die Ursachen und Lei- chenerscheinungeti des Cbloroformtodes. 12c. Berlin. 1879. Gombkbg (Sophie). * Ueber die Belebungs- versucht; beim Chlorofornitode. [Bern.] 8G. Leipzig, 1894. Heixtz (A. J. W.) * Der protrahirte Chloro- fornitod; klinische, pathologisch - anatomiscbe und experimentelle Beobachtungen. [Freiburg i. B.] 8-'. Boiterdam, 1896. King- (K.) Case of death occurring forty hours after the administration of chloroform; with remarks on the causes of death from the use of anaesthetic agents. 8 . [n.p., n.d.] Saxtkssox (C.) Ett full af dod efter chloro- form, jemte tifversigt af alia hittils kiinda, likartade olycksfall. [Case with a review of all known cases of similar occurrence.] 8°. Stock- holm, 18.")(). Schmey ( F. ) * Ueber den Chloroformtod und die Wirkung des Chloroforms auf das Herz. 8°. Berlin, 18H.">. A. (F.) Death by chloroform. Dakota M. Brief, Mitchell, 1886-7, i, 13.—Accident mortel di- I'anesthesie chloroforniique. Med. contemp.. Par., 1X91, xxxii, 235- 237. —Althorp (C. F. M.) Death of a child timing the administration of chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1425.—Another death from chloroform. [Edit,] J.Am. M Ass Chicago. 1887, viii, 212. Another death from chloroform. [Edit.] Memphis M. Month., 1888. viii, 341- 344.—Another death under chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1882 i 304—Another death under chloroform at the Melbourne Hospital. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii 20. — AtliiuMon (J. M.) Death during chloroform inhalation. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 1054.—Barrett (J. XV.) Deaths from chloroform in Melbourne and suburbs. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1893, n. s.. xv, 380—Ba*tianelli (R.) Sulla morte tardiva per cloroformio. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di R»ma (1889-90), 1891, 325-357, 1 pl.— Bayer (K.) Zwei Falle von sojreuanntein Cblorotornitod. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1885, x, 357; 305.—Bell (J.) Case of death from chloroform. Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxni, 891-893.—Bell (W. B.) Sc Ksiwterbroolt (C. C.) Death under chloroform. Edinb. M. J„ 1894 5, xl, 6:<6 —Bert (P ) Sur la moit par Taction des melanges d'air et de vapeurs de chloroforme Compt, rend. Soc. de biol., I ar., 1883, 7. 8., v, 241. — Bo broil (A. A.) Sluchai smerti ot chloroform'a. [Death from . . . ] Med. Obozr., Mosk., CHLOROFORM. 494 CHLOROFORM. Chloroform (Death from). 1*87. xxviii, 1087-1092.—Kocharoff (P. V.) Prichini cliloi'olorin'ni,l smerti ; kritieheskiy obzar ucheniya o chloroform'uol smerti i izslledovanh- iznileneniy, viziv.iye- mikh chloroform'oin v serdtslc. [Causes of death from I chloroform : critical review of the theory concerning it, i and investigation of the alterations in the heart caused bv chloroform.] Chir. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1892, viii, 8-P 982; 1009; 1179; 1359. —Bouchard (C.) Etude experi- nientale sur la mort qui suecede k 1 injection sous-cutanee de chloroforine sur les animaux et sur Talbiiminurie chlo- roforniique. Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 1884. 2. s., xxi, 104.-- Briquet. Un castle mort par le chloroforme cbez un en- fant de six mois; insucces de la .methode Laborde, Lyon med., 1891, Ixxvi, 425.—Bruaiton (T. L.) Remarks on death during chloroform aua-sthesia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, Hi88. Also, transl.: Wien. nied. III.. 1891. xiv, 816.—Itiiruic (W. G.) The "death under chloroforni" at Peudlebury. Lancet, Loud.. 1882, i, 213.—Bym (J. F.) Fatal chloroforni narcosis administered in the operation of teeth extraction. Nashville J. M. & S.. 1882-3, n. s., xxx, 193-201.—C'asalc (Ti Contributo alio studio dell' azione eonsecutiva 11101 tale del cloroformio. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 1. 411-414.—Case (A) of fatal chloro- form narcosis. [Edit. ] Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1884, xlix, 303-365. — Clin in be in (E. W.) Death under chlo- roform ; inquest. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1893, v, 185. —Chloroform; a case of fatal Iright. Brit. M. J., Loud., 189X i, 81. — Chloroform deaths in labor. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1891-2. x. 177. — Chloroform fatalitv at a dental college. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii. 322.— Clark (J. G.) A death from chloroform; impossibility of inducing artificial respiration on account of rigid thorax and adherent abdominal visccta. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1895. vi, 89-91.-Clowe* (X.) [Death under chloroform.] Lancet, Lond.. 1892. i, 1323 — Contew (L. 11.) A case of death occurring during the inhalation of cbloroform ; post-mortem examination revealing a com- plete rupture of the spleen. Maryland if. J.. Bait., 18.-2- 3, ix, 2011-202.—Collier (IT.) A death under chloroform. Brit. M. .1., Loud., 1»90, ii, 1006. — Collinson (F. W.) Death under chloroform. Ibid.. 188s. ii, 27.—Curtis (h.) Death under chloroform. Lancet. Loud., 1890. i, 1149 — Oavics (P. E.) A fatal case of chloroforni ainesthesia. Ibid., 1894, ii, 797.—Death under chloroform. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 18-2-::, ii, 125.— Death under chloro- form at liuldin. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, xxiii, 649 — DeatliN from chloroform. Lancet. Lond., 1885, i, 1045: 1889. ii. 12i::: 1890. ii. 4-19; 1113: 1891, ii, 327; 432: 1891, li, 1359: 1895, i, 301; 703: ii. 1054: 1890, i, 434.— Deaths under chloiolbrm. Med. Pi ess Sc Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiii. 124.—Deaths under chlorof inn. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 18.-2, ii, 1269: 18-3 ii. 78: 1885. ii, 1075: 1880, i, 32; 055: 1887, i, 224: ii, 13!): 1,-89. ii, llo8: 1890, i, 29: 1891, i. 1191 189:t, ii, 33; 1119: 1895, i 544: ii. 90; 152; 390; 498; 720; 7s5; 912; 993; 1058: 1189.—Dodd (T. A.) Death followimithnadininistratioinif cliloroloi m. Lancet, Lond , 1891, i, 1311.—Dyakonotr (P. I.) Materiali k viyasne- niyu klinicheskoi karlini chloroform'nol smerti. [Data on the explanation of the clinical picture of death fioin chloro- form. | Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1890, ix, 505-315. Also. Reprint.—Filippi (A.i Casodisuicidioperrespira- zionedi vapori di cloroformio. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1882. xlix, 593-006. — Flynn ( E.) Death under chloroform. Brit. M. J., Loud., Is82, ii, 999— Fontana (J.) Cu caso de muerte producido por el cloroformo: ataques & la moral medica. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1886-7, xxiii, 198.— Fraenkel (E.) Ueber anatoniische Veraiideruugeii durch Chlorofoi muachwirkuiig beim Menschen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1892, cxxvii, 381-390, 1 pl—Fry (J. F.) Death from chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1880. i. 516. —Further deaths uiuli r chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1892, i, 24u.—ftaviller (A. C.) The cause of sud- den death dining the first sta-e of chloroform inhalation. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1880-81, xiii, 231. — dill (J. B.) Deaths under chloroform. Lancet. Lond.. 1882, ii. 158.— ft inu (C.) Three cases of death during chloroform anes- thesia. Med. Century, Chicago. 1807. v, 199.—ftosselin (L.) Recherches sur les causes ile la mort subite par Tin- fluence du chloroforme. Arch. gen. tie med.. Pur.. 1818. 4. s.. xviii, 385-404. Also, Reprint. — «oulder (F. S.) \ Cuderhill (A. S.) Death under chloroform. Brit. M. J.. Lend.. 1891, i, 461.—ftreen (E. C.) Death during the administration of cbloroform : necropsy. Ibid., 1884, ii, 1192.—ftrey (T. C.) Death during the administration of chloroforni. Ibid , 1891, i. 1333. — li ross (C.) A case iu which death inclined diiringadtiiinistration of chloroform. Ibid., 1888, ii, 719.—ftuclliot. Mort sous le chloroforme. Union med. du nord-est. Reims. 1893, xvii, 285.—ftuerin (A.) De la mort par arret du cteur pendant Tadmiuistra tion du chloroforine. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb [etc.] 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 25-30.— Ilachciibeig (G. P.) On the cause of death under chloroform. Pacific M &S ,T.. San Fran., 1881-2 xxiv, 250-252. — Hall (J. S.) [A case of death under chloroform.] Brit M. J., Lond.. 1897, ii, 1591. —Hardinge. Death from chloroform. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 48 i, 317. — Hardmnn (W.) Deaths under chloroform; chloroform administration aud 'lilorofbrill (Death Jn.nn. asphvxia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i Iu7.— linn iiiuion (J. T.) Keport of two deaths fnmi partial cliloiot'oim nn a;sthesia; with remarks. Daniel's Texas M. J Austin 1889-90. v. 248-251. - llavne» (P.) Death under rl.ioto form. Lancet, Lond. Is82. i. 378.— Hill (W. J.) Ivuh under chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 875.____ A case of death under chloroform. Ibid , 1895, j. .1)0 _! Hilsman (P. L.) Case of death following the inhalation of chloroforni. Med. Xews. Phila. 1884. \l\ : 40 -Holm (I. Cl Et Tilfielde af Kloroformood. Tidsskr. f. pruM Med., Kristiania, 1880, vi. s.5-87. ■—Horubogen (A H. ) Three deaths from chloroloi in narcosis. X. i\M Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 403. — Qinbriaeo ( P.) Sopra un caso di morte nel prime pt-riodo della cloroformizzi. zioue. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [ etc. 1, Roma, 1891 xxxix. 31-54.—Jenkiiix (M. J.) Death from chloroform! Columbus M. J.. 18s:i, i, 531-538. — Kenuard ((.'. P.j [Death from chloroform.] Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Heme- rara. 1892, 34. -Kingdon (E. C. l Death under cliloro- form. Lancet, Lund.. 1891. ii, 09.—Kin loch. On a sup. posed death by chloroform. Boston M. At S. J.. 18KJ cvii 166. Also: Med. Xews. Phila.. 1882, xii. 145. Also"'Mn\ Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 105. Also: North Car. M. J., Wit mington, 1882. x, 93-97.— Kirk (K i Death from clilorn- form. Brit. M. .!., Lond, 18!i:i i, s2". — Know lea ( F.) Two ca.ses of chloroform narcosis, with necropsies. Lan- cet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1207. — Koch ( W. ) In Sachcn dea Chloroformtodes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. 1K9U xvi, 289-294.—Kohler (R.) ( hloroformtod. Ch'aiite- Ann. 1879, Berl., 1881, vi, 488 —Kotzuiuth (J.) Tod in der Chlorofornniarkose. Wien. med. Presse, iss:, xxiv 1478.—Kumar (A.) Tod in tier Naroose. Wien. med' li]., 188:!. vi, 1317-1319.—von Kundrnt ill.i Zur Kennt- nis des Chlorofoi nitodes. Wit-n. Klin. Wrlinschr., 1895, viii. 1: 20; 44; 01 — Kuykeudnll ( W i Death fnini chloroform an;e-thesia. Mil. Scnihu-i, IViiland. Ore?., 1895, iii. 21. — Lane ((,'. A i I lie nu cliiinism of death from chloroform. Lancet, Lond.. 1897, ii. 1277. — Ie*hel (T. E.) Sluchai smerti ot chloroform'a. [Cas >'ol' death from .. .] Yrach, St. Petersb., 1884. v, 780.— [>isti'i (G.) Storia di un caso di niorte awenuta per T uso del cloroformio nella clinica chirurgica di Pisa. \Proin: Ga/.z. nied. ital. feder. tosc] Raccoglitore rued. di Fano, 1854, 2. s., x, 33-35. — Oniinus. Des accidents causes par le chloroforme. France med . Par., 18,-2. i, 555. Also: Bull. Soc. clin.de Par. (1882). 1883,vi, 121-124. — ©ster- tag (R-) Die todtliche Nacbwirkuiig des Chloroforms. Arch.f.path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1889, cxviii, 250-319. Also, Keprint.—Pnrkes (C. T.) Death during chloroform ad- ministration. J. Am. M. Ass..Chicago, 1891,xvi,232 -Pus- sow. Ein FaT von chrouiscber Mittelobreiteruiig, Glio- sarkom der Vieihiigel: Tod in der Chloroforninarkose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr..Leipz.u.Berl., 1895.xxi,733-735.— Patrick (R.) Death under chloroform. Lancet, Loud., 1888. ii.791.—Phillips (R. O.) Death followingadminis- trationof chloroform. N. Am. J. Homreop., N.T..1891.3. s., vi,164-107.—Pluanner (S. AV.) Sc Kobiuson (R.) Case of death under chloroform. Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 897.— Pons (Iv) Ricerca tli cloroformio in tin caso di morte avvennta durante T inalazione. Sperimentale,- Firenze, 1885, lv, 166-168.—Powers (J. "W.i Report of a death from chloroform. 1 r. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1892, 87- 89— Price(G.) Death from chloroform. Indian M.Gaz., Calcutta. 1891, xxvi. 76— Randall (E, R.) Death from chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond.. Is92. i. 502- Reeve (J. 1 Heath from chloroform. N. York M J., 18.12, lvi. 52.— Keeve (J. C.) Death from chloroforni during labor. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1881-2, i, 217. -----. Report of a death from chloroform. N. York M. J., 1892. lv, 635.— Reid (T. AV.) [Death from chloroform.] Lancet, Lond., 1882. ii, 80.—Richardson (B. AV.) On death bv cbloio- fonu. Asclepiad, Loud.. 1890, vii, 1-20. -----. On the cause and prevention of death from chloroform. Ibid., 1892, ix, 1; 113; 225: ::::7—Robert. Rapport sur un cas de mort par lo chlorofoi nn. J d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1852-3, xx, 576; 605. — Robertson. A death occurring during the administration of chloroform. Tr. South In- dian Branch Brit. M. Ass.. Madras, 1891-3. iv, 192-195.— Robci-fsoii (T. M.) Death under chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 188.-. ii, 1071. — Rowland (E. D.) A case of chloroform poisoning. Biit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1890, 103-ln-.—Rowland (F. .AI.) Death i.nde.r chloro- form. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1802. ii, 1188.—Rucker (H. N.) Death from chloroform. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 7:!-7f>.—S. i L. D.) Died in the chair while chloro- form was administered to permit tooth extraction. Do- minion Deut. J., Toronto, 1897, ix, 360-362. — Sc hi o- michcr ( A. ) Zur Kenntnis des Chloroformtodes. Mitth. d. Vor. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1-90, xxxiii. 65; 96; 113.—Schmid (H.) Tod in der Chloroforninar- kose. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. Srztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv, 83-85.—Schooler (L.) Death from chloroform; report of a case. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1897, ii, 338.—Sewill (H.) Death under chloroform'at a dentist's rooms. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 889.—Sexton (L.) Report of a fatal case of chloroform narcosis. Charity Hospital. New Orleans. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1883-4, n.'s , xi, 850- 855.—Sharp (G.) Sc Hoseason (J.H.) Note on a speci- men of chloroform after the inhalation of which death oc- curred. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 1263.—Shearar (F.) Death of a child under tbe use of chloroforni. Ibid.. 1882, il, 994.—Sibson (F.) On death from chloroform. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848. 11. s., vii, lu8-ill. Also, in his: Collect. Works. 83, Lond., 1881. iv. 387-395.—Simpson (J. Y.) Remarks on the alleged fatal case of chlorofoi in inhalation. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, 175. Also, Reprint.- Smith (A. H.) Death under chloroform. Brit. M. J.. Loud . 189n. ii789.— Smith (Q. C.) Death under chloroform. Texas Cour.- Rec. Med., Dallas, 1890-91, viii, 223.—Smith (R. C. M. C.) Death under chloroform. Lancet. Lond . 1892, i, 1158.— Tan Someren (G. A.) The cause of death under chloro- form. Ibid., 1893, ii, 113.—Soiiiiciibui-g. Untersuchun- gen iiber Chloroformtod. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, Iii, 291.—Stead (D.) Death under chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 178.— •Stevenson (W. F.) Note ou a case of death from chlo- roform. Lancet. Lond., 1896, ii, 881.—Stokes (AV. G. G.) Death under chloroform. Brit. M..L, Lond., 1891, i, 1017.— StrasMiii.-iim ( F.) Die todtliche Nachwirkung des Chlo- roforms. Arch f. path. Anat. [etc.J, Berl., 1889, cxv, 1- 13.—Stratton (R. T.) Was death caused by fear or chlo- roform? Occidental M. Times. Sacramento, 1895, ix, 8- 13.—Stru we. Frsachen und Verbiitung des Chloroform- Todes. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1884, xiii, 529- 5o6.-Tate (W. W. H ) The late death under chloroform at University College Hospital. Lancet, Lond.. 1892. i, 223.—Teicheliiiann (E.) Notes of a case of death fol- hJWing the administration of chloroforni. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1*95. xiv. 59-61.—Thiein (C.) & Fischer (P) Feber todtliche Nachwirkung ties Chloroforms. Dentsche. Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1889. x. -1111-1114. Also, transl: Pacific Rec. M. Sc S., San Finn., 1889-90, iv, 206; ] Chloroform (Death from). 229.—Thomas (F. AV.) Death during the first stage of chloroform-narcosis. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 353.— Three deaths under chloroforni Brit. M. J., Loud., 1894, i, 761.—Tourdes, Rigaud ,V t'aillaud. Mort par le chloroforine; accusation d'homicide par imprudence; ac- qiiitteinent. | La mort. do M""' Simon.1 J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par.. 1851-2, xix, 258-20H.—Ungar (E.) Ueber todtliche Nachwirkung der Chlorofoi ininhaFtioiien. Vitljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl.. 1887, 11. F., xlvii. 98- 125— Van Znnt (C B.) Death from chloroform during aiuesthesia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, 11. s., xxx, 406.— Verneuil. Uu cas de mort par le chloroforine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 131— Vinogradov (K. N.) Ob izmienenii nervnikh uzlov serdsta pri otravlenii chloro- foriiTom. [On tbe alterations in the nerve bundles of the heart from poisoning by. . . | Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884 v 629; 052; 009; 682. —Wallers (J. H.) Death under chlo- roform. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1135.—Wardill (G. J.) Death under chloroform at a dentist's rooms. Ibid.,HY.l.— Wcrtcnbnker (C. P.) Chloroforni narcosis; death. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Alar. Ho.-p., AVasb., 1889-90, xviii, 159 — Wightuntu (II.T.) Death under chloroform. Brit. M. J , Loud., 1891, i, 800. See, also supra, Smith (Q.C.).— Wilkinson (J. H.) Death under chloroform. Lancet, Lond., J893, i, 411.—Wilson (A.) The mechanism of death under cbloroform. Ibid.. 1894. ii, 1148-1150. -----. Tbe mechanism of death from chloroform. Ibid., 1897, ii, 656-658.—Wishard (AV. N.) A death from chloroforni. Cincin. Lancet Clinic, 1892, 11. s., xxviii, 177-179—Wolff- berg. Ein Fall von Tod in der Chloroforin-Narkose. Aerztl. Sacbverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, i, 253-257. — Wood (H. C.) Sc Hare (TL A.) The cause of death from chlo- roform. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 190-197. Also, Ke- print.—Wood (T. J.) Death from cbloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 711. -----. Deaths under chloroform. Ibid., 1894, i, 649. Chloroform (History of). t See Chloroform (Chemistry, etc., of), Chloroform (Hyderabad Commission on). Foy (G.) The Hyderabad Chloroform C0111- ruissou. A review. 8°. Dublin, 1892. Report of the Hyderabad Chloroform Com- mission, with a preface by iSir Asman Jah. roy. 8°. Bombay, 1891. Abstract of the Hyderabad Chloroform Commission's report. Indian M. Gaz., Culcutta, 1889, xxiv, 321-326.— Action (The) of chloroform in the production of anaes- thesia, as demonstrated by the Second Hyderabad Commis- sion. Notes on the report of the Second Hyderabad Chloro- form Commission. [Edit.] Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 449-403.—Kriinton ( T. L.) Some considerations on the chloroform question,suggested by tbe reports of the Hyder- abad and the "Lancet " commissions. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii,20; 84; 143 — Chloroforni (The) investigations in Hy- derabad. Ibid., 1894, i, 565.— Gaskell (YV. H.) & Shore (L. E.) A report on the physiological action of chloro- form, with a criticism of the second Hyderabad Cbloro- form Commission. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 105; 164; 222. — llehir (P.) The Hyderabad Chloroform Commis- sion. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1891, xiv, 170-179. ———. The two Hyderabad chloroform commissions. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 341; 377: v, 3; 37; 78. Also: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1893, xviii, 22; 73. Aho [ Abstr. ]: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1893, xxviii, 101; 139; 181.—Hy- derabad Chloroforni Commission. Report of the second. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 149; 1309: [ App. A], 421-429: [App. B], 1140-1142: [ App. C], 486-510. Also [Abstr.]: Indian M.Gaz., Calcutta, i890, xxv, 33: 05; 100.— Kirk (R.) The Hyderabad Commission and death from chloroform. Med. Press A Circ. Lond., 1891, 11. s.. Iii, 69.— liawrie (E.) The Hyderabad Chloroform Commission. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 952. -----. Tbe Hyderabad Chloro- form Commission. Ibid., 1890, i, 1389-1393. -----. Clin- ical lecture on the Hyderabad Chloroform Commission and Professor AVood's address on anaesthesia at Berlin Ibid., ii, 1143-1145. -----. The Hyderabad Cbloroform Commis- sion. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1890-91. xiii, 276-279, 2 diag. -----. The Hyderabad Chloroform Coniinission. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 591. -----. The Hyderabad Chloroforni Com- mission and Dr. Arthur Cushny's article on chloroform and ether. Ibid., ii, 173. -----. Professor Macwilliam and the Hyderabad Chloroform Commission. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1891, xiv, 95-102, 1 pl. -----. The Hyderabad Chloroform Commission. Lancet, Lond , 1893, i, 744.-----. Upon the results of the Hyderabad Chloroform Commis- sion. Proc. Rov. M. Sc Chir! Soc. Lond., 1893-4, vi, 133-156. Also.- Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 23-27.-----. Demonstra- tion of tbe Hyderabad method of chloroform administra- tion at the London Hospital. May 25th, 1894. Lancet. LontL, 1894, i, 1395. — Lawrie (E.) Sc Smith (Q. C.) Demon- stration of tho Hyderabad method of chloroform admin- istration at the London Hospital, May 25th, 1894. South. UULOltOFORM. 496 CnLOROFORM. Clilorolbrill (Hyderabad Commission on). Pract., Nashville. 1894, xvi, 307-315. — iVIeKendrick (J. G.), Coats (J.) Sc Newman (D.) Remarks on the report of the Second Hyderabad Chloroform Commission. Brit. M. J., 1 ontl., 1890, i, 1345-1349.—IVaidu (M. G.) The administration of chloroforni in Hyderabad. Lancet, Lond., 189::, ii. 305.—Reeve (J. C.) Chloroform and the Hyderabad Commission. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 38l-::,-0. Also, Reprint. —Sheppard (C. E.) The Hy- derabad chloroform Commission. Lancet, Lond., 1890. i, 568 — Nil l< (J. V. AV.) Hyderabad (The) Chloroform Com- mission Ibid., 433 —Ward (A. H.) The Hyderabad Chloroforni Commission: the danger signal of the chloro- formist. Ibid., 1894, ii, 192.— Wilson (A.) Notes on the repoit of the Second Hyderabad Chloroform Commis- sion. Med. Chron., Manchester. 1890-91, xii, 1-13. Chloroform (Inhalers, etc.. for). See Chloroform (Administration of). ChBorofOD'QU (Jurisprudence of). Sec, aho, Chloroform (Death from); Chlo- roform (Toxicology of); Chloroform - habit; Rape. BoitXTBAK.CEi: (J.) Ueber die strafrechtliche Yeiaiitwortliclikeit des Artztcs bei Anweuduug ties Chloroforms uud anderer Inhalations-Anas- thctica. rv-\ Berlin, 1*!92. Action arising out of a death from chloroforni. Brit. M. ,]., Lond., 1873, ii, 92. 123— Angiolani ( S. ) Del chloroforme nella putrefazione. Orosi. Eirenzo, 1891, xiv, 73-80. — Boreheim (L. E.) Chloroform narcosis dm ing sleep. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 23. — Riydou (J.) Chloroform during sleep. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1894, ii, 531.— Delphey (E. V.) A case of anaesthesia, with death, and attempted extortion successfully resisted. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1894, xi, 05-77. —«ii'diicr (J. H.) Chloroform narcosis during sleep. Med. Kec. N. Y.. 1883, xxiii, 457: xxiv, 454. Also [Abstr.], transl. .- .1. de nied., cbir. et pharmacol., Brux.. 1885, lxxx, 84-87. — Ilaldei-mnu (D.) Chloroforni narcosis during sleep. Med Rec, N. Y.. 1883, xxiii, 594.—Harwootl <\V. E ) Sc Kiehardsou (AV. M.) A death fiom chloroform, with suit for damages. Chicago M. Rec, 1890, x,-35-37. — Blurd (A. W.) Suc- cessful case of chloroform narcosis (hiring sleep. Med. Kec, N. Y., 188:!. xxiv. 013. Also: (Jailbird's M. J., N. Y., 1884, xxxvii, 285. — Kelly (L. A.) Chlorolorming the sleeping. Med..Rec, N. Y.. 1890, xxxvii, 352.—I.ussaua (F.) In causa di niorte per cloroformio; perizia ed osser- vazioni medico-Iegali intorno agli auestotici. Gazz. med. iial , prov. veiiele, Padova, 1881, xxiv. 1; 9; 17; 25.— lYIausficld (AV. A.) Chloroform narcosis during sleep. "Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1885, vii, 403. —Moreau ( C.) Etude medico-legale de l'empoisonuement etdes accidents dus au chloroforme. J. de med. de Par., 1897, 2. s.. ix, 405-407. Also: Kev. de nied. leg., Par., 1897, iv, 221-227.— ITlm-ticr by chloroform. [Edit.J Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 42.— TI in-ill (S.) Cliloroform narcosis during sleep. Ibid., 1883, xxiii, 503. —Nelson (E. M.) Chloro- form narcosis during sleep. Ibid., 595.—I'arliam (F. W.) Successful anaisthetization by cbloioform timing sleep for the aspiration of a pleural effusion. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1887-8, n. s., xv, 209-271. —Quimby (J. N.) On the criminal use of chloroform. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi, 519-521. Also, Reprint. — Severi (A.) Per- sistenza del cloroformio nei visceri dopo la morte. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova (1887), 1888, 219-221. ------. Dimostrazione del cloroformio nei visceri in via di putre- fazione; ricerchc chimico-legali nell' avvelenamento per inalazione dei vapori di cloroformio. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1888-9, xiv, pt. 2, 49-78. Chloroform (Methods and precautions in inhalation of). See Chloroform (Administration of). Chloroform (Therapeutic use of) [other than as anasthetic], Lemoine (D.) "Contribution a l'e'tude de l'emploi tlu chloroforme administrd a l'interieur dans les diverses maladies. 4°. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1695. Baihore (H. B.) A clinical note on chloroform water. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1889, xxxvi. Oil. — Bonuard. Contri- bution k l'etude de faction antiseptiijuc du chloroforme sur les micro-organismes do la carie dentaire. Odontolo- gie, Par., 1894, 2. s., i, 705-710.—Brodnax (B. H.) Chlo- roform: some of its uses. Cincin. M. J.. 1894, ix, 625- 627. —De Bcurmann. Indications pratiques siir Its usages therapeittiques de l'eau chloroformee. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Par., 1883, cv, 97-104. — Debout d'En- trees. Du choix du chloroforcio pour les injections sous- Cllloroform (Therapeutic use of) [other than as anasthctic], cutanees. I bid., 1882. cii, 20. Also: Rev. de med. y cirue pract., Madrid, 1882. x, 159.-»esprez. Application cfij chloroforme aux affections epidetiiiques ct contagieusi-s ct en particnli r an cholera. Cong, internat. d'hyg et iIa demog. ('. r. 1889, Par., 1890, 004-007. ------. De i'applica. tion du i hlotonne aux affections epideiuiqucs ct conta" gieuses, et en particulier a liuflurtiza. Union med. Par 1891, 3. s., li, 880. ------. Du chloroforine it de ses aViplica*. tions aux maladies epidemiques et contagieuscs. ct en particulier a la tuherculose. Ibid.. 1892, 3. s., liij g^. 833.- F«y ((J.) Chloroform as a lia-iuostat'ic. Mo,| Press \ Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lv, 355. — t^nillot. In. jectious chloroformiqiies .sous-inuqueuses. I'ri)"ies nu'il Par.. 1883. xi, 220. — Henrotay (J.) De la valour nnti- septique du chloroforine ct de l'eau chloroformee. Ann Soc. denied. d'Auveis, 189::, lv, 117. — Hermans (J.-F.j Sur faction toxique ct antiseptique du chlorofoi me ct do Tether. Ann. Soc. tie nied. tie (land. 1892. lxxi, 0:i-68 Also, Reprint.—Ito (H.) Sc Kiuchi (S ) Tchcrdcu in- nercn Gebrauch von Chloroform. [Japanese text 1 Ztschr. d. med. Ge-ellsch. zu Tokyo. 1894, viii, Hit. \j \. 7.—Kellie (J.) Kemarks on the external use ol chloro- form. Med. Rep. [etc.J. Madras, 1855,147-155.— I,ii»« «ue (Cl Sc Kcsjiiauld (J.) Le chloroforme et son eihplui therap, ntiqiie. en dehors de rinhalation. Arch, gen ,|, med.. I'ar., 1882, i, 129; 276.— I.cvrilh (S.) Has Chloro- form als Antisepticum. AVien. med. Wchnschr., 1891 xliv, 1115-1118. —Meyer (L.) Brngen af Kloroform veil Fodselen blot som sniertestillende Middel. [Us > of clilo- roform in children as an anodvne.J Liblioth. f. Licit Kjobenh., 1893, 7. It., iv, 350-375. —Oehme (F. (I.) "(Jii the use of chloroforni. Med. World. Phila., 1897, xv, 4.",8- 402. —Pasehhis (IL) Sc Wagner (J.) Ueher die (lurch Chloroform auf kataplioiischi in Wcgc y.u cueu- geude Iiaiitanasthesie (Adanikiowicz). Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leip/,., 1880, v, 413-410. — Salhowski (E.) Ue- ber die antiseptische Wirkung des ( hlorofortnwassers. Deutsche med. Wchnschr , Berl., 1888, xiv, 309-311. Alto, Reprint.—Seott ( D.) The internal use of chloroform. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1880, 3 s., ii, 20-22. — Tdtli (I,.) Kiserletek a cbloroformnak bor oik fecskendos6vel. [Ex- periments with subcutaneous injections of chloroform.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 901; 940; 975; 1036. Also [Abstr.l, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 897-899. — Turchetli ( O.) Sulle virtu prodi- giose del cloroformio applicato endcrmicaiuente. liacco- glitorenied., Fano, 1850, 2. s., i, 321-331. Chloroform (Toxicology of). See, also, Chloroform (Accidents from); Chlo- roform (Death from). Trial (The) of Adelaide Bartlett for murder, held at the central criminal court from Monday, April 12, to Saturday, April 17, ls~li. Complete aud revised report, edited hy Edward Ileal,with a preface by Edward Clarke. 8°. London, 1*8(\. Alderson (K. H.) Attempted suicide by chloroform. Med. Tress Sc Circ. Lond.. 1891, n s., li, 373. Also: Pror. M..I., Leicester, 1891, x, 195. — Aran. Kinpoisouuuiuent par le ch oroforme. Union med., Par., 1852. vi. 2:17. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop.de Par. (1849-52), 1801, i, 299-305.- Armstrong (XV. B ) Case of chloroform poisoning; re covcry. Brit M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, M5.—Bartlett (The) ca-ie.' Ibid., 18sG, i, 780-789.—du Bois-Rrcymond (K.) Remarks on the toxic action of impure ch oroforni. Ibid., 1892, i. 209-214.—Bridjjmau (II. E.) Death from swal- lowing, chloroform. Lancet. Lond., 1897, ii, 384. — Dotlo (G.) liicerche niedico-legali nell' avveleniiincnto pei clilo- roformio. Gior. di med. leg., Laneiano, 1894, i, 180-191.— Eiseit (T.) Vergiftung mit Chloroform. Aerztl. her.d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1880), 1882.(41-44. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 299 — Eliot (L) Case of poisoning resulting from chloroform taken in- ternally: recovery; supplemented with a table of reported cases. ' Med Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 29-30. Also, he print. — Finck. Line Cbloroformvergiftung. Aer/tl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1889, xliii, 41-45.—Fox (B- R.) A case of suicide; death caused by swallowing ni* drachms of chloroform. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1889, 123-125.—Friedman (J.) Three cases of poisoning bv taking chloroform internally. St. Louis Cour. Metl., 1883. x, 228— Frontier. Ein Fall von Chloroform vergif- tung beim Pfertle, geheilt (lurch Skopolamin. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tbierh., Stuttg., 1897, viii, 481-484. — HirMh (R.) Ein Fall von Chloroformiutoxication (lurch inner- lich genommenes Chloroforni. Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Ben-, 1894 xxiv, 191-201. — Hoffmann (R.) A case of chloro- form poisoning. Marvland M. J., Bait. 1888. xix, 132. ------. Fall von Clihiroforniven'iftiing per os. X. Yorker med. Presse. 1888. v. 209. Also: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1888, lvii, 665.—Kiley (•!. H.) A caseof chloroform poison;iig N. Yo-k M. J. 18%. x'iv. 151-150. — Ijnmni (A.) Fall af akut intoxikatiou i foljd af invartes tagen CHLOROFOKM. 497 CHLOROFORM. Chloroform (Toxicology of). Moroform. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1862, xxiv, 45-52. Also, Reprint. — LiHtta (J. M.) Poisoning hy chloroforni in- ternally administered. Med. Rec, N. T., 1885, xxviii, 375_jfieach (A.) The case of Edwin Bartlett; mercu- rialisru • deaih from liquid chloroform ; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 968; 1017. — McArdle (T. E.) Poisoning from chloroform taken internally. Arch. Pediat., Jersey Citv, 1884, i, 108. — Marfan (A.-B.) Empoisonnement par ingestion de 60 grammes de chloroforme; gastro- enterite ulc6reuse; symptomes d'ictere grave; guerison. Mercredi med., Par., 1892, iii, 593.—Martin (W.) A case of chloroform poisoning; recovery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880. ii, 16. — Mirat (S. B.) Sc Bellogin Aguasal (A.) Toxicologia del cloroformo; exposicion de algunos datos practices que deben tenerse en cuenta en las investiga- ciones quimico-legales de este anest6sico. Corresp. med.. Madrid, 1879, xiv, 92; 102; 118; 124; 133; 140. Also: Farm, espan , Madrid, 1879, xi, 257; 273. A Iso [Review by A. Rodriguez] : G6nio rn6d.-quir., Madrid, 1879, xxv, 222.—Niemann (E.) Acute Chloroformvergiftuug durch Trinken des Chloroforms. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, II.—Oliver (J.) A caseof chloroform poisoning; upwards of three ounces swallowed ; coma lasting seven hours; recovery. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1882, i, 775. — Pow- ell I A.) Poisoning by chloroform : recovery after seven- teen hours' unconsciousness. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 398.— Reid (S. T.) A case of cliloroform poisoning in which nearly half a grain of strvchnine was injected; recovery. Brit. M. J„ Lond., 1897. ii, 1498.—Smith (W. A. de W.) Chloroform-poisoning. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 688.— §outhmayd (Le R.) Recovery after swallowing two oancesof chloroform. PaciflcM. Rec, Portland,Oreg., 1893, i,175—Thomayer(J.) TJeherVergiftung mit Chloroform. Wien.med. Wchnschr., 1882,xxxii, 1161-1163.—Vitali (D.) Nnovo metodo di ricerca del cloroforme nei casi di vene- flcio. Gior. di farm, [etch Torino, 1881, xxx, 529-536. Also: Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1881-2, iii, 173-180.— Waterslon (J.) Sc Robinson (XV.) Poisoning hy swallowing three ounces of chloroform ; recovery after unconsciousness lasting twelve hours. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1898,i, 144.—Westmoreland (R. XV.) A case of chloro- form poisoning treated by hypodermic injections of whisky and strychnine ; recovery. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1880-81, xviii, 641-643. — Zambclli (L.) Osservazioni sopra un nnovo metodo di ricerca del cloroformio nei casi di veneflcio. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1881-2, 5. s., viii, 1209-1212. Chloroform as antiseptic. See Chloroform (Therapeutic use of). Chloroform applied to children. Bauin (C.) Warning against chloroforni inhalation in children. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 195. -Car. inichael (J.) Chloroform anaesthesia in children. Arch. Pediat.. Is'. Y., 1895, xii, 692. — Desehamps (J.) De l'emploi du chloroforme chez l'enfant. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege. 1885, xxiv, 313-315—Outhrie (L. G.). On some fatal after-effects of chloroforni on children. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 193; 257. -----. Chloroform nar- cosis in children. Clin. J.. Lond., 1896-7, ix, 337; 360; 376; 390; 401. — Ijery. Technique de l'administration du chloroforme chez les enfants. M6d. inf.. Par., 1897, 301- 305.—Picque. Sur la presence d'un thymus volumi- neux chez uu enfant mort dix minutes apres la flu de la chloroformisation, par le professeur Bayer. [Rap.] Bull. et mem. Soc.'de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 312-317.— Sherman (H. M.) Sc Oibney (V. P.) Report of two cases of death in young children during the administration of chloroform. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 289. Chloroform in obstetrics. See, also, Chloroform (Death from). Fa yans (M.) *Quatenus chloroformium iu par- turientihusadhibcreliccat. 8°. Wratislav'ue,,1858. Lusk (W. T.) On the necessity of caution in the use of chloroform during labor. *''. [Neiv York, n. d.] Mercier (A.) M6moire sur l'emploi du chlo- roforme daus l'accouchement. 16°. Nouvelle- Orleans, 1877. Merriman (S. W. J.) Arguments against the indiscriminate use of chloroform in midwifery. 8°. London, 1848. Mizekski (A.) *De chloroformii usu inter partiun. 8-. Berolini, [1861]. Murphy (E. W.) Chloroform; its properties and safety in childbirth. 12°. London, 1855. Skinner (T.) Chloroform, as an anoesthetic in natural labour, defended. 8°. London, [ 18591. Anderson (E.H.) Chloroform in parturition. Mem- nisM. Month., 1893, xiii, 449-454. — Arkhangelaki (P. ■ ) Sniazivaniya zhivota kbloroforiiiiiof mazyu, kak zami- ena kliliuoformirovaniya vo vremya rodov. [Painting the I Chloroform in obstetrics. abdomen with chloroforni ointment instead of inhaling chloroiorm during labor.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 358-361. — Baillyi De l'emploi du chloroforme daus les accoucbements naturels. J de metl. de Par., 1889, xvi, 437-440. — Baldwin (J. F.)' A plea for the more frequent use of chloroform in obstetrics Columbus M. J., 1890-91, ix, 49-55. — Barker (T. R.) Hoes organic disease of the heart preclude the use of chlo- roform iu parturition? Proc. Phila. C». M. Soc. Phila 1892, xiii, 207-212. Also: Am. Lancet. Detroit, 1892 n s ' xvi, 209-211. Also: Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1891-2, xxxi, 649- 653. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvi, 811- 813. Also: North Car. M. J.. Wilmington, 1892, xxix 313-318. Also: Times Sc Reg., N. Y. Sc Phila., 1892 xxiv' 500-502. — Beatty (T. E.) Chloroform in p;utiirition'. Dublin M. Press, 1854. xvii, 355-364. Also, Reprint.— Brown ( B.) The therapeutic action of chloroform in parturition. Ann. (iviiaec. Sc Paediat., Bost., 1894-5, viii, 008-610. — Km tli ti ( 1'.) Le chloroforme en obstctrique! Bull. nied.. Par., 1S8K ii, 1187-1191. Also: Clinique, Brux , 1888, ii, 07s os,. Als„, inhis: Lee. de clin. obst., 8°, Par.] 1889, 07-80. -BiiUoyeni-Ui (F. Y.) K voprosu o vliyanii chloroforin'irovauiya na techeni'o normalnikh rodov. ' [On the influence of administration of chloroform on the course of normal labor. | Shorn, rabot akush. i zhensk. holez. . . . Slayjanski r<-tc], St. Peterb., 1894, i, 381-396. Also, Re- print. — Byei'M (J. XV.) Does cbloroform promote post- partum haemorrhage* Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 165. — Carafi. Pes accidents du chloroforme chez les femmes en travail. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1882. ix. 193-197.—Claiborne (J. H.) Use of chloroform in labor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 401-400—Cocchi (<;.) La chloroformizzaziono in caso di rivolgimento podalico dopo 1' uscita delle acque. Arcb. dPmed., cbir. ed ig. Roma, 1870, iii. 106-109.—Dontreraw (A.) Aphcacion del cloroformo durante el trabajo del parto. Porvenir, Me- xico, 1870, ii, 196-205.—Crosis (E.) Chloroform in labor as a cause of uterine diseases. Arkansas M. Month., Little Rock, 18*0-81, i, :!05.— D.ivi* (E. P.) Chloroform in ob- stetrics. Boston M. A- S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 193-196. [Dis- cussion], 205-211. — Dixon (A.) Chloroform in labor. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890, i, 7-12. — English (W. T.) Effects of chloroforni upon the child administered during parturition. Pittsburgh M. J., 1882, ii, 329-332. — Fre- ilericq (S.) Du chloroforme dans les accoucbements, son influence sur le fiefus. Ann. Soc. de ined. de Gand. 1887, lxvi, 127-130.—von Ilnartuiau (C. F. G.) Nagra iakt- tagelser om chlorofurmcus bruk i barnfdrlossningskons- ten. [Use of chloroform in obstetrics.] Fiuskaliik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1849-50, iv, 11-32.—Heyerdahl (V.) Om chloroform ogdens brugved fedselshjaelpen. [Chloro- form iu obstetrics.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk.. Chris- tiania, 1859, 2. R., xiii, 105-168. Also, Reprint.—Hutching (A.) Fatal arrest of the digestive process from chloroform, following a difficult labor. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1883-4, viii, 131-135.—Legronx (A.) De l'em- ploi du chloroforme dans les accouchemeuts naturels. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1878, xv, 161-164. Also, Re- print. — ITIaeari ( F.) Cloroformio nei parti e rivol- gimento monopodo. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 89-91.--Maraden (J. H.) Chloroform in labor; under what circumstances and how to be used. Tr. Ho- moeop. M. Soc. Penn., Pittsburgh, 1882, xviii, 84-95. Also: Homceop. J. Obst,, N. T., 1882-3, iv. 289-299. —MeNhei- nier (C. T.) Chloroform vs. parturition. Med. A Surn. Reporter, Phila., 1886, lv, 011-614.—IVlinn (J. A.) Chloio- form in veterinary practice. Vet. J. Sc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1894, xxxix, 1.—Olpherts (J. W.) Prolonged use of chloroform in instrumental labour. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 367. — Owen (J. L. ) Why chloroform is not contra-indicated in labor with co-existing cardiac disease. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1881-2, ix, 831-835. — I'orah. De la chloroformisation dans le cours de l'accoucliement normal. Bull. etm6m. Soc.obst. et gynec. de Par., 1890, 31-43. Also: Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. feinmes, Par., 1890, xii, 334-345. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1890, vi, 76; 120.— Bickets(E.) Chloroform in labor. VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 1030-1041. Also, Reprint—Kuli- hoii ( E. T.) The use of chloroform in labour. Tr.,N. York M. Ass., 1891, viii, 28-32. Also: Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila,, 1891, lxv, 851.—Snow (J.) On the admin- istration of chloroform during parturition. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 500-502. Also, Reprint. — Npruguc (W. B.) A plea for chloroform in labor. Am. Lancet. Detroit, 1894, n. si, xviii, 41-45. — Straaamanu (P.) Die Chloroform- narkose der Frau. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1894, xxix, 171-198.—Thompson (G. E.) Two obstetric cases in which chloroform had no effect. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 098.—Tubby (A. H.) The comparative safety of chloroform in obstetric practice. Brit. M. J., Lond'., 1892, i, 214. — Way (J. 11.) A plea for the more general use of chloroform in non-operative cases of labor. North|Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1891, xxviii, 126-137.— Williams (P. C.) Chloroform in obstetrics. Maryland M. J.. Bait, 1888, xix, 105-109.— Worcester (A.) The superiority of chloroform as an anesthetic in midwifery practice. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 196-198. [Dis- cussion], 205-2011. CHLOROFORM. 498 CHLOROSIS. Cliloroform during sleep. Sec Chloroform (Jurisprudence of). Chloroform-habit. Bert (P.) Intoxication chronique par le chloroforme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 571-574.— Browning (A. G.) Anewhabit. [Chloroform.] Med. Rec. N. Y."; 1885. xxvii, 452-454.—Chloroform (The) habit as described bv one of its victims. Detroit Lancet, 1884-5, n. s., viii, 251-254.—Clark (J. E.) The cliloroform habit Ibid., 1884-5, n. s.,viii, 254-256.—Crothers (T. D.) Chloroform inebriety; a medico-legal study. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1895, xiv, 432-435. —Dubois (R.) Observations pour servir a l'histoire de l'intoxication chronique par le chloroforme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii. 430-432.—Kornfeld (S.) & Bikeles (G.) Ein Fall von Chloroformismus. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, vi, 64.—Rehm (P.) Chloroformsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 317-321. Chloroma. HoniNG (C.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Chloronis. [Tiibingen.] 8°. Braunschweig, 1891. Also, in: Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst, zu Tiibing., Brnschwg., 1891, i, 180-193. Ayrea (S. C.) A case of chloroma. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 986-988.—Chiari (H.) Zur Kennt- niss des Chloroma. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1883, iv, 177- 186 1 pl.—Bock (G.) Chloroma and its relation to leu- kaemia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi, 152-185,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—trade (F. G.) Bidrag til kundskaben om klorom. (Chlorosarcom, cancer vert, metastaserende pe- riostealt sarkoni.) Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1884, xvi, no. 19, 1-24. — Korner (0.) A case of chloroma of both temporal bones, of both lateral sinuses, and of both orbits, simulating an otitic phlebitis of the cavernous sinus; the literature on the chloroma of tho temporal bone and of th ear. Arch.Otol., N.T., 1897, xxvi, 289-293.— Lang (G.) Monographic du chloroma. Arch, g6n.de m6d.. Par., 1893, ii, 555: 1894, i, 63; 186; 313.—JPaviot Sc Fayolle. TJn nouveau cas depretendu cancer vert d'Aran. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 139-141. Also [Abstr.1: Lyon med., 1897, lxxxiv, 594-596.—Pariot & Oalloia. Essai sur la vraie nature du cancer vert. Province m6d., Lyon, 1896, x, 570. -----. Dela v6ritable nature du chloroma. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s, iii, 919-921. Also: Lyon med., 1896, Lxxxiii, 488-490. Also: M6m. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 176-178. — von Recklinghausen. TJeber Chlorome. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885, lviii, 421. Chlorophyll. Belzuxg (E.-F.) * La chlorophylle et ses fonctions. 4°. Paris, 1889. Chautard (J.) Quelques mots sur les rates de la chlorophylle et leurs applications en phy- siologie, en toxicologie et en pharmacie, suivis d'un programme de manipulations sur les bandes spectrales d'absorption. 8°. Nancy, 1873. Hoveler ([J.] W.) * Ueber dieVerwerthung ties Humus bei der Ernahrung der chlorophyll- fiihrendenPflanzen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 181)2. Repr. from .- Jahrb. f. wissensch. Botan., Berl., xxiv. Bellucci (G.) Sulla formazione dell' amido ne' grani di clorofilla. Ann. d.TJniv. libera di Perugia. Fac. di med. echir., 1885-6, i, 146-162.—Borodin (J.) TJeber krys- tallinische Nebenpigmente des Chlorophylls. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d.sc. de St-Petersb., 1880-83, xi, 485-518.— Bouvier (E.-L.) La chlorophylle animale et les phe- nomenes tie symbiose entre les aigues vertes unicellulairea etles animaux. Bull. Soc. philornat de Par., 1892-3, 8. s., v, 72-149.—Bower (F. O.) On recent researches into the origin and morphology of chlorophyll corpuscles and allied bodies. Quart J. Mier. Sc, L'ond., 1884. n. s., xxiv, 237- 254,1 pl.—Brandt (K.) Ueber die morpbologischeund physiologische Bedeutung des Chlorophylls bei Thieren. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1882. 125-151, 1 pl— Chrapo- . witzki. TJeber die Synthese der Eiweissstoffe in chloro- phyllhaltigen Pflanzen; vorlaufige Mittheilung. Me- langes biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St-Petersb., 1884-8, xii, 709-712.—Cornu (M.) Prolongation de l'activite vege- tative des cellules chlorophylliennes sous l'influence d'un parasite. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1881, xciii, 1162- 1164.—Costa (T.) Attivita chimica de clorofilla. Mem. Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1894, lxviii, fasc. 3, 155-163. Also [Resume]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1894, xxi, 441-444.-Coata (T.) & TOassalongo (C.) Azione decomponente della clorofilla nelle piante acqua- tiche. Mem. Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara. 1893 lxvi, fasc. 3,11-16, 1 pl.—Engelmaan (T. W.) Chloro- Chlorophyll. phylle animale. Arch. n6erl. tl. sc. exactes [etc.] Harlem 1883, xviii, 280-299. -----. Ueber thierisches Chlorophyll Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxii, 80-96. ,l/i0i Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. HooireHrh 1883, 3. R., viii, 147-169. -----. Die Krscheinnnmweile der Sauerstoffausscheidungcliromoph) 11 ha I tiger Zellen im Licht bei Anwendung der Bacterieninct hode. Arch f d ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lvii, 375-386. 1 pl.-Fninin'tzin (A.) Die anorganischen Salze als ausgezeichnetcs llii'lfs. mittel zum Studiuni tier Entwickelung nicdcicr chioro- phyllhaltiger Organismen. Mehmges biol. Acad imp il sc. de St-Petersb., 1871, viii, 220-2x1, ,'t pl— limit, «ttM und mit Anmerkungen begleitet vou L>r. itvtu. Herrm. Gross. 8°. Leipzig, 1841. # Essai sur la chlorose. Giscaro (P.-A.) Montpellier, 1848. Gloseck (A.) 1841. 4°. De chlorosi. 8°. Kiliat, CHLOROSIS. 499 CHLOROSIS. Chlorosis. Gmaidler (C. ) *De chlorosi. 8°. T indo- bonw, 1766. Gosseux ( P.) * Contribution a l'6tude tie l'6tiolo"ie ct du traitement de la chlorose. -\ S.-Peterburg, 1*68. Lacroniqle (J.-S.) * Essai sur la chlorose, ou pales couleurs. 4. Strasbourg, 1*30. [Lettsom (J. C.)] Hints respecting the chlo- rosis of boardiug schools. tK London, 1795. Luzet (C.) La chlorose. 12c. Paris, 1892. Marquard (L. J. F.) *De febre amatoria. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1706. Migliavacca ( A. ) * Delia clorosi. *°. Pavia, [1842]. Peters ([G.] H.) Die Blutarmut und Bleich- sucht. 2. Aufl. 16°. Leipzig, 1885. Pfaff (E. R.) Blutarmuth und Bleichsucht. Eine Anleitung zu deren Erkennung und Hei- lung fur Gebildete aller Stande. 12°. Leipzig, 1870. Quaraxte (L.) * Essai sur la chlorose, ou les pales couleurs. 8°. Montpellier, 1856. Rappaz (V.) *De la chlorose. 8'-'. Berne, 1868. Richter (H. E. ) Blutarmuth und Bleich- sucht. Die verbreitetsteu Krankheiten nnserer Zeit, besonders unter der Jugend. 2. Aufl. 8J. Leipzig, 1854. Scheffel ( M. ) *Disp. virgiuem chlorosi lahorantem exhibens. 4J. Alldorffi, [1684]. Schmidt (H.) *De chlorosi. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Schucking (A.) Das Wesen der Bleichsucht. Bc. Pyrmont, 1888. Silberzweig (I.) * De chlorosi. 8°. Yra- tislariie, [1857]. Solari (E. E.) La clorosi e la sua terapia. Tesi di laurea. 18'J4. 8°. Genova, 1894. Speranza (C.) Della clorosi. 8°. [Milano, 1828.] Stania (V. N.) * Disp. exhibens casum labo- rantis chlorosi, sive virgineo morbo. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1652. S\vanstr5m (J. T. ) *Nagra anmarkningar om hleksot. [Remarks ou chlorosis. ] 8°. Hel- singfors, [1846]. Tabrum (G.) #De chlorosi. 8C. Edinburgh, 1826. Valentiner (T.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Chlorose. 8°. Kiel, 1849. ------. Die Bleichsucht und ihre Heilung. 8°. Kiel, IK',1. Vignes (P.-A.) * Quelques mots sur la chlo- rose. 4 . Montpellier, 1837. Chlorosis. Weissk (Der) Fluss und die Bleichsucht, oder griindliclie Anwcisung, die Eutstehung dieser Krankheiten zu verhiitcn und dieselben durch einfache und bewahrte Mittel zu heilen. 8°. Gotha, 1827. 1 Woerden (A. A.) * De chlorosi, sive morbo virgineo. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1790. Zakhzewski (.1.) * Essai sur la chlorose. 4°. Montpellier, ls:>7. Bi-eqiu-rel \- Bodier. Dela chlorose etdel'anfimie. Me-m. d. concours . . . Acad. roy. de m6d. tie Belg., Buix., 1817, i, 1-58, 2 lab.— Bemirt-iitr (M.) De la clorosis de los ninos. Kev. dr enferm. de ninos, Madrid, 1883, i, 130- 138.—Bcmnbei (C.) Clorosi. Lavori d. Ist. di clin. nied. d. r. Univ. di Pisa, 1888, 43-48— Biernaeki (E.) Ueber den Krankheitsbegriff tier Chlorose. Wien. nied. "Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 326; 3S4 ; 436; 479. — Blackley (J. G.) Post-graduate lecture on chlorosis. Month. Ho- nio-op. Bev., Lond., 1897, xii, 395-402—Bol It in (S. P.) Okbloro/.ie. [Ou chlorosis.] Inhis: Klin, lcklsii 1883-4, 8°. S.-Peterb., 1885, i, 38-47. Also: Ibid., 2. ed., S.-Peterb., 1888. i, 59-69. Also. K.jciicd. kliu. gaz., St. Peters!)., 1884, iv,65-74.—Bramwoil (IS.) Ch'orosis; its pathology and treatment. Stud. clin. med., Edinb., 1889-90, i, 59-62.— BriggN (A. B.) Chlorosis, with report of two cases. Atlantic M. Weekly. Providence, 1890, vi, 293-297.—Burl (S. S.) Chlorosis. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1897, xii, 439- 442. — C'apitan. La chlorose thyroidieime. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 1073. Cazenave (J.-J.) ittude retrospective sur la chloiose. Mem. et boll. Soc. de med. et chir. tie Bordeaux, 1873, 172-181.— C'harrin. La chlorose. Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 1896, xliii, 1-3.—Choriioff (Y. E.) Klinicheskiya nablyudc- niya nad khlorozoni u dietei; niekotoriye ctiologicheskle momenti khloroza; Heebenie yevo. [La chlorose chez les enfants; certaines douneesetiologiquesde la chlorose ; son traitement. Extr., 313-316] Russk. Arch, patol., klin. med. ibakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1897, iii, 22; 177; 297.—Clark (Sir A.) Observations on the anaemia or chlorosis of girls, occurring more commonly between the advent of menstru- ation and the consummation of womanhood. Med. Press &Circ, Lond., 1887, n.s.. xliv,535-538. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1003-1005. Also: Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xi, 55- 66.— De Benzi (K.) In caso di clorosi. Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1884, i, 113-115.—Elliott (C. C.) Case of chlo- rosis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond.. 1893, n. s.. vii, 141-163.— Fabre (A.) La chlorose. Union med. de la Provence, Marseille, 1867, 180; 200.—Fc«lt li (F.) Anemia e clorosi. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., ililano, 1882, cclix, 298-307.— Fernandez lie Velasco. Patogeniay tratamiento de la clorosis. An de obst., giuep. y pediat., Madrid, 1882, 2.6p., ii, 79-84. — Fiitlerer (G.) Scrofulosis, chlorosis, and tuber- culosis and their treatment. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 944-949— Uagnoni (E.) Trotnbosi delle venefemo- rali, iliacbe o della cava inferiore e consecutive embolic pol- monari in un caso di clorosi, con ipoplasia dell' aorta. Ri- forma mod.. Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 4, 472; 484; 495.—Gib- son IC.) Chlorosis. Rep. Proc. Northumb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1876-7, 182-184.—Gilbert (A.) Uescauses etdu traiteinent dela chlorose. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 455-457.—Gluziiieki. 0 bleduizy (chlorosis) ijej leczenia. [. . . aud its treatment.] Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1892, xxxi, 254; 2(17; 282; 299.— Hanoi (V.) Considerations generates sur la chlorose. Presse med.. Par., 1894, 1-3.—Hardy. Etude clinique de la cbbiro.se. Semaine med., Par., 1*82. ii. 201. -----. De la chlorose. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 41; 65; 99; 121.—Han-(II. A.) Anemia aud chlorosis. Langsdale'a Lancet, Kansas City, 1897, ii, 99-102.—Henry (F. P.) Remarks on chlorosis and its treatment. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, vii, 830-837. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Ken- tucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1895, n. *.. iv, 71 83 — Ilollis (W. A.) Ou chloremia antl its treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1239-1241.—Hola (S.) livakuhetsu hyo kansha no sitsuken. [Chlorosis and its treatment.] Jim- dendo Ijikeuku Kwai Hoko, Tokio. 1893, no. 161, 34-40.— Jaecoiiri. Quelques reflexions a propos de deux cas de chlorose. Semaine med., Par.,1888,viii,305.—Kahane(M.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Chlorose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 495; 508.-----. TJeber Chlorose. Centralbl. f. d. ges.Therap.,Wien, 1894, xii, 513; 577. ---;—. Ueber Chlorose. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1898, xxxm, 49_51.—Klein (L.) Das Wesen und die Behandlung tier Chlorose. Wien.metl.Presse, 1895, xxxvi, 1740; 1785; 1868; 1903: 1896, xxxvii, 385; 417— Kolbl (F.) Der derzeitige Standpunkt in tier Diagnose nnd Therapie der Chlorose. Wieu. klin. Rundschau, 1897, xi, 801-803.—Kragclund. Klorotiske Tilstande. [Cblorotic conditions.] Ugesk. t. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1897, 5. R., iv, 316-320.—I.aache (S.) Klorose. Ibid., 1883, vii, 4. R., 445-450.—L.eopardi (G.) Clorosi. In his: Studj ed oss. int. ai mal. nella Clin. med. di Firenze, 1875, i, 239-262.—I,nnd (A.) Klorosen, dana Vasen och Arsager. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1875, vii, no. 1, 1-52. Also, Reprint.—Mackenzie (S.) A OHLOKOSIS. 500 OHLOHOsia. Chlorosis. lecture on chlorosis. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, iii, 161; 177.— rVolcn (W.) Over chlorose. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1893, 4. R., xxix, pt. 1,487-495.—von rVoor- den (C.) Altes und Neues iiber Pathologie und Therapie der Chlorose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895. xxxii, 181; 214. Also: Beitr. z. Lehre v. Stoffwechsel [etc.], Berl., 1895, 3. Hft., 76-93. -----. Die Bleichsucht. Spec. Path. u. Therap. . . . Nothnagel, Wien, 1897, viii, 2. Th., pp. iii-viii, 1-209.__rVothnagel. Ueber Chloiose. Wien. med. Presse, 1891, xxxii, 1033; 1973.—Parsons (J. I.) Clinical lecture on chlorosis and its treatment. Med. Press Sc Circ,Lond., 1887,n. s., xliv, 462-461.—Feinndo(J.deD.) Un caso notable de j clorosis febril.' Gac. ni6d. de Gra- nada, 1892, xi, 1-5— Pen-one (L. M.) Nuove ricerche sulla clorosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v. 265; 273; 281. Also: Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1886, v, 156-166. -----. La clorosi. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1889, xi, 482; 558.—Pfannenstill (S. A.) Klorosen och (less behandling. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 286-302.—Po- tain. De la chlorose. Union med., Par., 1890, 3. s., 1, 901; 937.—Bit-tier (H.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber das tar- dive Auftreten der Chlorose. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 225.—Romberg (E.) Bemerkungen iiber Chlo- rose und ihre Behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1897, xxxiv, 533; 558; 585.—Boscnbacli (O.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Chlorose (esseutiellen Ananiie). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 279-281. -Sa- binin (A.) 0 khlorosie. Otchet o zasaid. lecheh. russk. vrach. v Voroneje (1885), 1886, 1-11.—Simon (C. E.) A study of thirty-one cases of chlorosis, with special refer- ence to tbe etiology and the dietetic treatment of the dis- ease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1897, n. s., cxiii, 399-423.— Solomon (L. L.) Chlorosis; its etiology, diagnosis, aud treatment, based upon constipation as a'causative factor in tbe production of the morbid condition. Am. Thera- pist, N. Y., 1897-8, vi, 101-106.—Stieda (H.) Chlorose und Entwickelungsstorungen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1895, xxxii, 60-97. — Stockman (R.) Observations on the causes and treatment of chlorosis. Brit. M. .1., Lend., 1895, ii, 1473-1476. Also: Dietet. Sc live. Gaz., N. Y., If96, xii, 86-93. -----. A summary of sixty-three cases of chlorosis. Edinb. M. J., 1895, i, 413- 417.—Taylor (S.) Post-graduate lecture on chlorosis. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1894, n. a., lviii, 635-637.— Tscliernofl" (W.) Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Chlo- rose bei Kindern, einige iitiologische Motnente tier Chlorose und deren Behandlung. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1897, n. F., xlv, 393-415: xlvi, 153-174.—Tyson (J.) A clinical lecture ou chlorosis. TJniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 420- 426. Also, Reprint.—Warfringe(F. W.) Nagraordom kloros. [Some words on chlorosis.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi, 553-577.—Wewcr. Ueber Chlorose und deren Behandlung. Deutsche Metl.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xviii, 213- 221.—Wilhcluii (A.) Ueber Bleichsucht. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1889, x, 817.—Williams (XV.) Chlo- rosis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 29-37. Also, Re- print.— Win-in. Einige Bemerkungen zur Pathologie und Therapie der Chlorose. Monatschr. f. prakt. Was- serh., Miinchen, 1896, iii, 1-9.—Zander. Zur Lehre von Aetiologie, Pathogenic und Therapie der Chlorose. Arch. f. path. Anat, [etc.], Berl., 1881, lxxxiv, 177-182. Chlorosis (Causes and pathology of). Fedei.i (C.) Lezioni sulla teoria della clorosi. 189(5. 8°. Pisa 1896. Jolly ( J.-11.-P.) * Influence de la scrofulo- tuberculost) sur le developpement de la chlorose. 4°. Paris, lrtK). Matcher (A.) * Ueber Anzahl der roten Blutkorperchcti bei Chlorose. 8°. Bonn, 1HH9. Millek (E. E.) * K patologii i terapii blieduoi nleniochi (chlorosis). 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Also [Abstr.], in: Trudi Ohsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Pe- terb., 1894-5, lxi, 62-70, Eetheks (T.) * Beitrage zur Pathologie der Chlorose (Ausscheidung der Aethersclrwefel- siiuren ; Diuresc). 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Sauton ( V. -N.) * Considerations sur les causes et la nature de la chlorose. 4°. Paris 1850. Seelig ([G.] P.) * Ueber Blutuntersuchung- en und die Aetiologie der Chlorose. 8°. Ber- lin, 1896. AN via. Contributo alia patogenesi delle clorosi. La- vori d. Cong, di nied. int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 96-102. Also-- Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 66-68.—Andrei De la pathogGnie tie la chlorose. Rev. p'-n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1887, i, 514-516.—Baibntti (O.) Bestim- muugen des Haemoglobins in der Chlorose mit dem Fleisohl'schen Haemometer. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1887, xxv, 641-643. -Bencziir ( D ) A Chlorosis (Causes and pathology of). gyomorba bevitt haemoglobin befolyiisa chlnrotikiisok verecek haemoglobin tartalniara. [The influence 0f ba-nioglobin tarried into the stomach on the amount of ha-oioglobin in tbe blood of chlorotics.] Orvosi lic^til Budapest, 1884, xxviii, 1359; 1412. Also, transl. . I't-M. n.eil"' chir. I'resse, Budapest, 1885, xxi, 117-120.—Itililcr ie'i Ueber this Verhalten ties Blutdruckes bei Ckloinli-cheii und iiber die bei dcnselben vorkoinmenden Storuiu'eu am Herzen. Deutsches Arch. f. kliu'. Med., Leipz., infii-4 Hi 281-299.—Charrin. Les causes csscntielles dc hi ,.'n]0'. rose. [Bap.J Gynecologia, Par., 1897, ii, 412-414.—Conti (A.) & Vitali (!'.) Sui procossi di putrcfazionc intesti- nale nella clorosi. Ann. di clnin. o di farm., Bologna, 1M)4 n. s., xix. 321-330.—Desfonlaines. Cbloro-aiienni ile.' veloppee sous 1'influence de privations; gufrison. P<\\o med. et pharm. de l'ouest, Itcnnes, 1881, i, 102.—ile ■)„. ■niuieis (N.) Aetiologie i ml Pathogenese der Chlorose und die Hamatotherapie. Wien. nied. Wchnschr 18'I7 xlvii, 1797-1800. — Dowd (C. N.) The condition of the blood in chlorosis; notes on the course and secondary symptoms of chlorosis. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1890, n. s xcix, 549-567. Also, Repiint. — Ducloa. De l'origine intestinale de la chlorose. Rev. gen. de clin. et dc therap Par., 1887, i, 561-563. — Eaton (Cora S.) Chlorosis and preputial adhesions. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xix 124-126.—Fore hhei mer (P.) The intestinal origin of chlorosis. Tr. Ass. Am. rhvsicians, Phila., 11-93 viii 91- 100. Also: Am. J. M. Sc., I'bila., B-93, n. s., cvi', 8-13.- Gilbert. Des causes csscntielles de la chlorose. Presse med., Par., 1897, ii, 96-98. Also, transl.: Fiauenarzt.Berl., 1897, xii, 487 ; 539. — Ooloubininc. De l'etiologie de la chlorose d'aprtis des observations cliniques. GyiaS- cologie, Par., 1897, ii, 414.—Jones (E. L.) Preliminary report on tbe causes of chlorosis. Rep. Scient. Grants Com Brit. M. Ass. 1891-3, Lond., 1894. ii, Ur-95. Also: Brit.M! J., Lond., 1893, ii, 670-672.—Kelvlier (Ji. I.) K voprosu ob azotistom obmleuie pri bllcdnol nleniochi. [On nitroge- nous metabolism in chlorosis.] Vrach, St. Pttersh, 18il0, xi, 1040-104H.—Lara ( G.) Sui rapporti tra lo stato emo'- globinico del sangue, la secrezione cloroidrica dello sto- maco e la escrezione, per le urine, della urea e dti cloinri, nella clorosi. Gazz. nied. di Torino, 1894, xlv, 421; 441; 461. —Limbeck ( R.) Notiz betreffs des Blutbefiuides' bei Chlorose. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xvi, 115.— liipmnn - Wiilf ( L.) TJeber Eiweiss/.i rsetziing lei Chlorose. Beitr. z. Lehre v. Stoffwechsel [etc.|, Hi rl., 1892, 1. Hft., 24-46.—Li nzet (C.) Theories act utiles snr la na- ture de la chlorose. Arch. gen. de nied., Par., 1893, i, 717— 727. — Meinert. Zur Aetiologie tier (Morose. Ver- handl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deulsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1893, Wiesb., 1894. x, 43-85.13 p). A ho, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Wthnscbr., lX'.ti, xliii, 1663. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Mod. Med. iii:i\v*ki (A.) Blednlca z przebiegieni goraczkowym. [Chlorosis and febrile exacerbations.] Gaz. lek.. War- szawa, 1*92. 2. s., xii, 68-72.—Richardson (A. J.) On bruit de (liable in chlorosis. Lancet, Lond.. 1891, i, 1426.— Setti (G.) Contributo alio studio del ricambio materiale della clorosi: ricerche urolojiiche. Biv. veneta disc, med., Venezia, 1895, xxiii, 3-38.—Mhnte. On sonorous "bruit" of tbe arteries in chlorosis. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1841, ii, 204. Also, transl.: Examinat. med., Par., 1841, 31. Chlorosis (Treatment of). Antiq (H.) * Du traitement de la chlorose par les lavements de sang d6fibrine\ 4°. Lyon, 1889. -----. Thesame. 8°. Pans, 1889. Argangeli (U.) La clorosi. Forme cliniche ; ematologia; patogenesi; cura. 8°. Roma, 1895. Ascher (S.) Chlorosis treated with Glide's pepto-niangan. 8°. New York, [n. d.]. Bleksot (Om), mediciusk af handling. 12°. Upsala, 1^44. Bollettino (L.) Sulla influenza della luce nella clorosi. 8°. Leceo, 1**9. Dvukrayeff (A.) *K voprosu o liechenii khlorotichnikh defibriiiirovannoyu krovyu. [Treatment of chlorosis by defibrinated blood.] 8°. S.-l'eierburg, 1888. Also, in: Arch. klin. [etc.], St. Petersb., 1888, xii, 187- 306. Also, in: Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1888, viii, 365; 389; 421; 449. Gottschalk (A.) Bemerkungen zur Behand- lung der Bleichsucht, Blasenlahmung und des nervosen lliiftweh. 8°. Koln, 1841. Lewisson (M.) * De ferri in chlorosi effectu. 8>;. Berolini, [1862]. Mory (£.) * Les traitements de la chlorose. 4°. Paris, 1893. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, lKKi. Ramshorn (J. ) Neues und untriigliches Heilmittel gegen die Bleichsucht. Nach viel- jahrigereigenerErfahrung. 8°. Heilbronn, 1848. Rochier ( J. B.) * Quaestio medica eaque thcra]icntica: An chlorosi aquae Sancti Lattren- tii balncoruni tlicti? sm. 4°. Monspelii, 1714. Rosexbach ( O.) Die Entstehnng uud die hygienische Behandlung der Bleichsucht. 12°. Leipzig, [189.")]. Schmidt (P. [A. E.]) * Giebt die Behandlung tier Chlorose mit Aderlass und Sekwitzkur bes- sere Resultate als die Eisenthcrapie? [Kiel.] 8 . Hamburg, 18^6. Scholz (F.) Die Behandlung der Bleichsucht mit Schwitzbiitlern ttnd Aderlassen; eine thera- peutische Stutlie. 8°. Leipzig, [1890]. Traugott (N. [I.]) * Klinicheskia nabliu- denia nad liecheniem bliednoi nemochi gory- achimi vozdushnimi vannami. [Clinical obser- vations upon the treatment of chlorosis with hot-air baths.] t°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Wilhelmi (A.) Bleichsucht und Aderlass. Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen. 8°. Giistroiv, 1890. Adolphi (H.) Ein Fall von mechanischer Behandlung chlorotiscber Amenorrhoe. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1891, n. F., viii, 271. — Barbaeci (O.) L' emoglobina nella clorosi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1887, lx, 162; 246.— Barbier (H.) Revue sur les traitements de la chloro- an6niie, specialement de celle dite chlorose. Bull. gen. de therap. fete]. Par., 1897. exxxii, 123; 170; 217. —Beer- wald (K.) Zur Hygh-ino der Bhichsucht. Hygieia, Stuttg., 1«97, x, 356-359. — Keut-delti (G.) Taniiato di ferro nel trattamento curativo della clorosi. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1846, xvii, 209-215. — JSlavia. Tratamiento de la clorosis por el estucamiento de sulfate tie hierro en otoiio. Eestaurador farm., Barcel., 1895, 1 150-155. —IJlondel (A.) Chlorose et albuminate de fer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 364. — Blondcl ( R.) Essai d'une theorie nou- velle tie la chlorose; emploi thdrapeutique du thymus dans cette affection. Rev. de therap. med.-chir. Par 1897, lxiv, 259-266. — Bridgford (E. McD.) Chlorosis'; how shah it he treated? Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890 i' 320-322.— Briigelmann (AV.) Beitrage zur Behaiid- Clllorosi* (Treatment of). lung der Chlorose (mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Heilfaktoreii des Inselbndes). Deutsche Metl.-Ztg., Berl 1886. vii, 831-833.— Itnliilini (O.) 11 ferro e la clorosi] Settiniana med. d. Sperinientale, Firenze, 1896, 1, 25-27.— Burq. Note sur tinr application nouvelle des roetatix & l'etude et au traitement dc la chlorose. Gnz. metl. de Par., 1852, 3. s., vii, 450: 477; 626. Also, Reprint,—Car* i-alii (C.) Delle iualazioni d' ossigeno nelhi clorosi. lias- segna di sc. nied., Modena, 1896, xi, 13-21.- ('orish (J, £,.) Oxvgen in the treatment of chlorosis. N. York M J 1897, lxv, 208-212.—Oavid (M.) Ueber eini»e mit Kury- thiol bebandelte Fiille von Chlorose. Deutsche lli-ci. Ztg., Berl., 1896, xvii, 739.— l>e Kenzi (E.) Cura della clorosi grave mediante 1' arsenieo. Riv. clin. e terap Napoli, 1888, x, 617-020. — Bieballa (G.) Adatok a sdpadtsdg sjogyitasahoz, Kiilbntis tekintettel a fernim protoxalatunira. [Contribution to cure of chlorosis, with special regard to ferritin protoxalatum.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1893, xxxvii, 547; 560; 574. Also, transl. [Abstr.]'; Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 121-124.— Dun iu (T.) Kilka uwag o leczeniu blednicy (chlorosis). [On tbe treatment of . . .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1896, 2 s., xvi, 1129; 1159.—Byes (A.) Heilung der Bleichsucht oder sogenaunten Blutarniuth dutch kleine Aderlasse. Med. Rev. f. Balneoh, Wien, 1890, i, 45; 54.—Emploi des peptones dans la chlorose. France med., Par., 1881, xxviii, 759.—Faye (F. C.) Anvendelse af smaa Aareladninger i Forbindelse med en nasrende let Di.-et soni onistenmiende Midler for at stotte Ernaeringen. [Moderate venesection in connection with nourishing light diet as derivative remedy to support nutrition. (In a case of chlorosis.)] Norsk'Masr. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1887,4. R., ii, 821- 825.—Fedeli (C.) Ricerche sull' azione terapeutica dell' ovarina in rapporto ad una nuova teoria della clorosi. Ri- forma metl., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 4, 218; 232.—Fernet. Considerations sur le traitement de la chlorose. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Soc. de th6rap.....Par., 1897, ii, 140-149.—Fleury (L.) De l'emploi des douches froides excitantes contre le temperament lymphatique, la chlorose et l'an6mie. Compt. lend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1850, xxxi, 705-707. — a Foil sec a (11.) De febre alba in virgine cu- randa. In his: Consult, med., fol., Venetiis, 1619, 30-32.— Forbes (C.) Case of chlorosis treated by red marrow tabloids. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1308. —Forch- heimer (F.) On the treatment of chlorosis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s.,ix, 731-735. —Franz. Ein Fall schwerer Chlorose durch die, Oertel-Cur geheilt. Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect.- u. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1886, iv, 101-103. —Gioflrcdi (C.) Sulla cura elettrica della clorosi. Therap. clin., Napoli, 1894, iii, 227-237.- Gioffredi (C.) & Itlarainaldi (L.) Studii sperimetali e clinici sull' anticloros. Gior. internaz. d. se. med., Na- poli, 1897, n. s., xix, 261; 289.—Hayem (G.) Remarques sur le traitement de la chlorose, k propos do la recente discussion sur l'emploi thdrapeutique tlu fer aa trei- zteme Congres allemand tie m6decine interne. Bull, et mem. Soc. uted. tl. bop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 337-341. Also, transl.: Allg. AVien. med. Ztg., 1895, xl, 223; 235. -----. Traitement tie la chlorose. Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, 713. — Hcerlein ( W.) Ueber die Wirkung der Sauguinalpillen hei Chlorose und versehietlenartigen Anamien. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 380-382.- von Ilosslin (H.) TJeber Hiimatin uud Eisenausschei- dung bei Chlorose. Miinchen. med. AVchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 248-251—Hii 11 in a n n. Zar Theiapio der Chlo- rose. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1887, ii, 281-291. — Israel. Welches Eiseupraparat soil man bei Cholorose auwendeu! Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1897, xi, 21. —Keller (H.) I)u traitement de l'anemie (chlorose) par les bains salins de haute mineralisation (7-13% de sel) et de leur influence sur la nutrition. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. mid., Par., 1896, 2. s., i, 205-217, 1 tab., 3 ch. — Klejn (S.I Kilka uwag o leczeniu blednicy. [A few remarks on the treat- ment of chlorosis.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1896, xxiv, 510; 532; 560. Also, transl: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1897, xi, 193-201.—Blots (E. D.) Report of cases of chlo- rosis and anaemia treated with nucleoalbumins and bone marrow, with photomicrographs of the blood before and after treatment; also hints on the use of Fleischl's "haemo- globinometer". N. York M. J., 1897, lxvi, 590-593.- Krnte. Ueber den Gebrauch der Nordseebader bei der Chlorose. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Ber]., 1892, xiii, 263-265.- Lamari (A.) Effetti curativi del ferro ridotto dal- 1' idrogeno nella clorosi; contribuzione alio studio terapeu- tico di questa aflezione. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1894, xy, 937-940.—Latham (P. W.) On the treatment of anieiuia or chlorosis. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lix, 347-357.— ■iesuik (M.) Znaczenie i rola przetwordw zelazaw bled- nicy (chlorosis). [Importance and role of preparations ol iron in chlorosis.J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1885, 2. s., v, 658- 662.—Liegeois (C.) Fer et chlorose; remarques pratiques sur le choix etlemode (l'administration des meilleures pre- parations ferrugineuses. Kev. m6d. do Test, Nancy, 1891, xxiii, 545; 580.—iTlader (J.) Chlorose; rasche Wirkung der Pilulas Blaudii; Heilung. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftunirin Wieu (1886), 1887,279.-----Chloro- sis ; der rasche Effect der Getranksbeschrankung uud tter CHLOROSIS. 503 CHOCOLATE. Chlorosis (Treatment of). Blaud'schen Pillen durch foitgesetzte Haeniinbestimmun- «en ft.ntrolirt. Heilung. Ibid. (1887), 1888, 273. -----. Zwei Fiille von Chlorosis; experiment elle Vergleicbuna derArsen- und Eiseiitberapie Jahrb. d. Wien. k k. Kran- kenanst. 1.^94. Wien u. Leipz .1896, iii. 828 - Halt u>». Ue- ber tlie Beluiiidluni: tier Bleichsucht. Deutsche .\,'cd. Ztu. Berl..1890, \i, 425-431. —Marguerite-l>elacliarlomiy (P.) K>-sai de la classification des diverses thhn oses ft leurs remedes. Assnc. franc pour ravance. d. sc. C.-r. 1S10. Par., 1891, xix, pt. 2, S7I-873. —Memlelxohn (AI.) Ueher die Kiankenptlege tier Bleirhsiichtigeu. Ztschr. f. Krankeuiifl.. Berl., 1895, xvii, 405 : 456. A Iso, Reprint.— ]TI0ller (J. S.) Om Klorose og Jaernterapi. [Chlorosis and the iron therapy.] Utresk f. La-ger, Kjobenh., 1897. 5. R.. iv, 169; 193.—iVIoiijara* (J. E ) The necessity of establishing sanitariums for treating young ladies afflicted with chlorosis: they would be the best prophylactic means against tuberculosis iu particular, and constitu- tional diseases in general. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1S90, xxi, 277-279. — von Noorden (C.) The dietetic treatment of chlorosis based on i issue metabolism. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1S94-5, iii, 253-258—>olhnngel (H.) A clinical lecture on tbe treatment of chlorosis. [Transl. | Med. Press Sc Circ, LontL, 1887, n. s., xliv, 415- 417.—Papillaud (I. i Du traitement de la chlorose et de l'anemie. Union med. de la Provence, Marseille. 1866, 249-255.- Pick (A.) Zur Therapie der Chlorose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1891. iv. 939-941. — Potain. Du traite- ment de la chlorose. Gaz. tl. hop. de Toulouse, 1891, v, 97- 99. Also : Nice med., 1890-91, xv, 89-94. — Bingier (G.) Zur Behandlung der Bleichsucht. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Berl.. 1894. ii, 317; 351; 391.— Rubinstein (F.) Ueber die Ursacbe der Heilwirkung des Aderlasses bei Chlorose. Wien. med. Presse. 1893, xxxiv, 1336; 1379.— Schmidt (P.) Werden hei der Behandlung der Chlorose durch die neuerdings empfohlenen Mittel: Aderlass und Schwitzcur, hessere Resultate erzielt als durch Eisen I Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii. 632; 656.— Schu- bert. Die Behandlung tier Bleichsucht mit Aderlitssen und Sc hwitzbiideru. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 784-788. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen tiber den Aderlass, insbesondere bei Bleichsucht und Blutarmuth. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, lxi, 525; 549. -----. Werden bei der Behandlung tier Chlorose durch die neuerdings empfohlenen Mittel: Aderlass und Schwitzcur hessere Resultate erzielt als durch Eisen ? Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel von Dr. Schmidt-Hamburg in No. 27 und 28.1896, der Miinch. med. Wochenschrift. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr.. 1*96. xliii, 1071. — Schulz (H.) Zur Behandlung der Chlorose mit Schwefel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 295-298.—Schulz (H.) & Striibing (P.) Die Be- handlung der Chlorosis mit Schwefel. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 18*7, xiii, 24-27. — Seminola (M.) & Gioflredi. La cura elettrica della clorosi. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma. 1894, iii, farmaeol., 136-139. Aho: Prosresso med., Napoli. 1894, viii, 246-262.—Spill- uiann (P.) Sc Ftienne (G.) Essai de traitement de la chlorose par l'ovarine et le sue ovarien. Rev. med. tie l'est, Nancy, ls96. xxviii, 671-677. Also: Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes. Par., 1897, xix. 142-148. Also, transl: Therap. Wchnschr.. Wien. 1896. iii, 1245-1247.—Steven (J. L.) Caseof typical chlorosis in a girl aged 14, with rapid recovers- and disappearance of blood murmurs nnder Blaud's pills. Glasgow M. J., 1888, xxx, 277.— Stockman (R ) The trcatmentof chlorosis by iron and some other drugs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 881 ; 942.— TheodoseflKM. G.) O chlorose i egolechen. [. . . and its treatment] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1892, iv, 639-641.— Towiitiend (C. W.) Chlorosis, with special reference to its treatment bv intestinal antiseptics. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxiv, 528. [Discussion], 538-540.—Trastour (E.) De l'utilite de la solution iod6e-iodut6e dans la chlo- rose et. en particulier. dans la chlorose m^norrhagique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1881, ci, 408. — Warf- vingcil. W.) Om kloros och jarnbehandling. [Iron treatment in chlorosis.] Forhandl. v. nord. Kong. f. inv. med., Stockholm, 1896, i, 63. [Discussion], 65. -----. Ttterligare om kloros och jernbehandling. [Something more on chlorosis and iron therapy.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1897, lix, 489-519.—White (W. H.) Observations on the treatment of chlorosis bv hydrochloric acid. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 1*91, Lond., 1892, 3. s., xxxiii, 1-17. Chlorosis in the male. Chlorose chez un jeune garcon. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 188:>, lviii, 785—Ointrac (H.) Chlorose chez un homuie, traittse avec succes par le fer et les denii-hains sulfureux. J-demed. de Bordeaux. 1856, 2. s., i, 317-325. Also, Re- print—.tlartin (C. F.i A note on chlorosis in the male. Brit M..).. Lond., 1894, ii, 123.-Sano (K.) [On a form of chlorosis among farmers apparently due to intoxication by nightsoil and known among the people as "faecal " poi- soning.] Tokei M. J., Tokio, 1884, no. 345, Nov. 8. Chmelnicku (Hermann). * Ueber Diuretin. [Wurtzburg.] 35 pp. *°. Leipzig, Plagicitz, E. Stephan, 1891. ChnielBitzky (Gregor). * Ueber vaginale Ex- stirpation der Fibroinvonie des Uterus ->7 nn 8°. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1893. ' Clio (Kogiyokn). Cho shi itsu. [Clio's com- plete system of medicine.] 29 v. iu 47. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Clioate (Clara E.) Mental healing. 21 pp. 8°. Boston, H. H. Carter f Karrick, 1886. -----. True Christianity; the basis of healing with mind. 27 pp. 12°. Boston, H. H. Carter $• Karrick, 1886. -----. Tbe unfolding; or mind understood tbe healing power. 21 pp. 8J. Boston, H. H. Car- ter f Co., 1886. Date ou cover: 1885. Clioate (Joseph H.). Sec State Charities Aid Association, no. 25 [in 1. s.l. 8^. Xew York, 1881. Clioay (E.) * Recherches anatomiques et phy- siologiques sur les dryadeVs. 128 pp., 4 1. 4 pl. 4C. Paris, 1888. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris. Cliobaut (Alfred). * De la tarsectomie ante- rieure, totale et partielle, dans les cas patholo- giques. 136 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Lyon, 1889, No.458. -----. Tbe same. Contribution a la chirurgie du pied. 136 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here etfils, 18*9. 4 liot'lioil - Latouclie ( Frederic-Ferdinand) [1-58- J. '" Etude critique sur les ruptures du pe"rin£e et leur traitement. (Suture imme- diate.) 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 106. Chocolate. See, also, Cacao; Coffee; Tea. Boutigny (P.-H.) Chocolat anti-asth6nique ferrugineux. 8°. Paris, [1847]. Brillat-Savarin. *Du chocolat. 8°. Pa- ris, [n. d.]. Chocolate; its character, history, and treat- ment. 12°. Paris, [n. d.]. Colmenerus de Ledesma ( A.) Chocolata Inda, opusculum de qualitate et natura cboco- latse, Hispanico antehac idiomate editum ; nunc vero curante MarcoAurelio Severino in Latinum translatum. 24°. Norimbergce, 1644. -----. The same. Du chocolate. Discours curieux, divise" en quatre parties. Traduit d'es- pagnol en francois sur l'impression faite a Ma- drid l'an 1631 et esclaircy de quelques annota- tions, par Rene" Moreau. Plus est adjouste" un dialogue touchant le niesme chocolate. [Par Barth elemy Maria don.] sm. 4°. Paris, 1643. Debay (A.) Les influences du chocolat, du the" et du caf6 sur l'ecouomie humaine. Leur analyse chimique, leurs falsifications, leur role important daus I'alimentation ; ouvrage faisaut suite a l'hygiene alimentaire. 8°. Paris, I8'i4. KtjHNE (J. G.) Vollstiindige Nachricht von der Chocolate worinnen von derselben Ursprung, Nahmens-Benennung, herzlichen Ingredient ion, preissbarem Nutzen und Gcbrauch, griindlich und umstandiglich gehaudelt wird. 12c. Xiirn- berg, 1717. DE Leon Pinelo (A.) Question moral si cl chocolate quebranta el ayuno eclesiastico. Tra- tase de otras bebidas y confeccioucs que se tisau en varias provincias. 12°. Madrid, 1636. Natural (The) history of chocolate, being a distinct and particular account of the cocao- tree, its growth and culture, and tbe prepara- tion, excellent properties, and medicinal vertues of its fruit, wherein tbe errors of those who have wrote upon this subject are discovered, the best way of making chocolate is explained, and sev- eral uncommon medicines drawn from it, are communicated. Being published with the par- ticular approbation of Mous. Andy. Transl. from CHOCOLATE. 504 CHOLKCYSTENTEROSTOAIY. Chocolate. the last edition of the French by a physician. 12°. London, 1724. A n fox wo (('.) Di una falsiflcaziono del cioccolato. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1886, viii, 440-442. Also, Reprint.—Bendix (B.) TJeber Ausnutzung und Ver- wendbarkeit der Chokoladenfette beim Kinde. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl., 1895, ix, 345-355.—Bontekoe (C.) Een kort tractaat, van dc kragten en 't gebruyk van de choco- late. In his: Tractaat van bet excellenste kmyd thee [etc.], 12°, Gravenh., 1679, 279-320.—Czingelly. A cso- kohide. [Chocolate.1 Gvogvszereszi hetil.. Budapest, 1895, xxxiv, 356; 372; 390: 405. — Gay (F.) Sur un pro- cede dc preparation extciuporanee des pastilles de choco- lats medicainenteiix. X. Montpel. med., 1893, ii, 377-380.— Liegler ( L.) Verbessertes Verfabren der Theobromin- bestimmung in Cacao und Cbokolade. Jahresb. d. chem. Centralstelle f. off. Gsntlhtspflg. in Dresd., 1882, x-xi, 33-43. _ Olivetti (B.) Sul valore nutritivo della ciocco- lata al latte (locate Triulzi). Gazz. med. di Torino, 1896, xlvii, 481; 501.—Vives (I.) Del arroz, pastas, garbanzos y chocolates, consideratlos como elementos del regimen alimenticio de los enferraos militares. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1882, viii,151; 176. Chocolate; its character, history, and treat- ment. 35 pp. 12°. Paris, Benou $■ Maulde, [n. d.]. Chocquet (Emile-Louis-Joseph ) [1869- ]. * De 1'intervention chirurgicale dans certaines varietes d'arthrite seche. 69 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Lille, 1896, 4. a., No. 129. Chocreaux ( Georges - Ame~de"e ) [ 1868 - ]. * Emploi du chloralose en alienation nientale. 72 pp. 4°. Lille, 1894, 4. s., No. 35. Chodecki (Ladislaus) [1855- ]. * Ueber die Hodgkiusche Krankheit (Auseniia lymphatica, Pseudo-leucaemia, malignes Lymphom). 27 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, [1880]. Chodorowski (Aristide) [1854- ]. * Con- tribution a l'dtude des nodosit^s rhumatismales 6ph^meres. 40 pp. 4C. Paris, 1882, No. 11. Chodzko (Stanislas). Engrais atniospherique. Memoire sur la production de l'engrais atnios- pherique et la disinfection des habitations, Igouts, rivieres, cours d'eau, etc. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Cosse f J. Dumaine, 185^. Choffe [Alexandre]. Les causeries du docteur sur les hernies et les maladies chroniques. 5. 6(1. 276 pp., 1 1., port. 12°. Paris, E. Dentu, [1886]. Chorion (Benoit) [1870- ]. *Des adhe- rences de l'appendice vermiculaire avec les or- ganes avoisinants dans les operations intra- abtlominales. 57 pp. 4J. Lyon, 1894, No. 914, -----. The same. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Bev, 1894. *' Choice (A) manuall, or rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery [etc.]. See J. (YV.) [in 1. s.]. 4. ed. 24°. London, 1654. Choice and profitable secrets, both physical and chirurgical; formerly concealed by the deceased Dutchess of Lenox, aud now published for the use and benefit of such as live far from physi- cians aud chirurgious; being approved of by eminent doctors, and published by their charita- ble advice for the publique good. Whereunto is annexed a discovery of the natures aud prop- erties of all such herbs which are most com- monly known, and grow in country gardens. 3 p. 1., 317 pp.; 94 pp., 12 1., port. 16-. London, ptd. for W. Masters, 1658. Imperfect, Wants pp. 209-212. Of the discovery of the natures . . . herbs there is only 1 1. Choiseau (fimile) [1852- ]. *De la gene- ralisation des lymphade'nomes dans le tissu ccl- lulaire sous-cutuue'. 44 pp. 4°. Paris 1881 No. 276. du Clioisel (Claude). Nouvelle methode sure, courte et facile pour le traitement des personnel attaquees de la rage, xvi, 23 pp. 12°. Paris H.-L. Guerin f L.-F. Delatour, 1756. Choisnet (Gaston) [1H07- ]. Pathogenic et traitement des abces periurethraux de la rpVjon perineale. 88 pp. 4 . Paris, 1893, No. 35."C Choisy (Gilbert) [ -18611. Caffe. N6crologie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1861 xxviii, 195. Choked disc. See Nerve (Optic, Pathology of'); Papillitis. riioksy (N. H.). Editor of: Indian (The) Medico-Chirureical Review Bombay, 1893. Cholsemin. See Blood (Bile in). Cholagogues. Wyetii (J.) The two new cholagogues Euonymus atropurpureus (wahoo) and Iris ver- sicolor (blue flag). 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Kilbourne (H. S.) Recent rest-arches on the action . of cholagogues. Buffalo M. Sc S. J.. 1880-81, xx, 433-440.- Konkle (YV. B.) Our indigenous cholagogues. Coll & Cliu. Rec, Phila., 1894, xv, 1-4.—Paschkis (H.) Debet Cholagoga. Med. Jahrb., "Wien, 1884, 159-172.—Sladel. maim (E. ) Cholagoga. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., l."il(j xxxiii, 181; 212. |DiscussionJ, 210-218. Also: Verhandl' d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1890), 1897, xxvii, pt. 2. 46-65 [Discussion], pt. 1, 72-78.—Thomas (G. G.) Hepatic stimulants and cholagogues. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car. [Wil- mington], 1887, 107-120. Cholecystduodeiiostomy. See Cholecystenterostomy. Cholecystectomy. See Gall-bladder (Excision of). Cholecystenterostomy. Delagenieue (Y.-H.) * De la choiecystente'- rostomie, ou abouchement de la vesicule biliaire dans l'intestin. 4°. Paris, 1890. ------. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Paturet (E.-J.) *De la choiecystent6rosto- mie eu general et de quelques points en particu- lier. 4°. Paris, 1893. ------. The same. 8C. Paris, 1893. Abbe (R.) Cholecystenterostomy by Murphy's hut- ton; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 283.—Boer (B. F.) Piimary cholecystenterostomy by means of tlie Murphy anastomosis button, with a report of two success- ful cases, from one of which was obtained more than live hundred gall-stones. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-0, viii, 242-250.—Barrows (C. C.) Cholocyslenterostomy with the Murphy button. X York M. J., 1894, lix, 503.—Bin- nie (J. F.) Report of a case of cholecystostoniy, with subsequent cholecysteuterostnmy for biliary obstruction in a patient eijthty years of age. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiv. 638. — Blagoveshchensk! ( N. A.) K *-opr. o cholecystoenterostomii. Cbir. Vestnik, St. I'etersb.. 1890, vi, 229-247. Also: Soobsh.i protok. S.-Peterb. med.Obsh., 1890, viii, 101-112—Blattmanu (A.) Zur Cholecyst- Euterostomie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1890, xx, 169-173 —Braun - Fernwald. Laparotomie wegen Echinococcns des Douglas und der Gallenblase, Einnahen der Cystenwand in die Bauchwand. Aerztl. Ber. tl. Priv.- Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1886. YVien, 18X7, 27-30.—Brid- tion (C. K.) Choledolithectoruy, supplemented by chole- cystenterostomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 285- 287. — Broca (A.) Cbolecystenterostoniie. Gaz hebd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 738-741.- till a put. Sat une observation de M. Pierre Delbet intitulen: Un casde cholecysto-enterostomie; r6sultats eloignes. [Rap.J Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1896, u. s., xxii, 90-100.— (JhavaMse (T. F.) A clinical lecture on a successful case of cholecx stocolotomy. Lancet, Loud., 1W)2, i, 568- 570. Als<>, transl: Riforma med.. Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 1, 774. — Belbel (P.) Ictere. coliqucM hepatiques snbhi trantes cholecystoduo-denostomie; guerison. Gaz. behil. de med., Par. 1896, xliii, 673.- Diilier (A.) Analyseile la bile recueillie an cours d'une cholecy.sttiiternstoinie. J. d. sc. metl. de Lille, 1894, ii, 8 -11. - Uujnrdin- Beiiumelz. R6sultats post-op6ratoires de la cholficys- tostomie et de la cholecystenterostomie. Bull, med., I'ar., 1894, viii, 725-727. Also: Gaz. d. lion.. Par., 1894, lxvii, 905-907. — l>unn (J. H.) Cholecystenterostomy with Murphv 's button. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s.. i, 219- 223. —Oawton (J. McF. ) Duodeno - cholecystostoniy. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1885, xxviii, 53. ----. Duiideiiochole- cvstostomv; erroneous views of it corrected. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, liii, 281-285. -----. Expen- CHOLECYSTENTEROSTOMY. 505 CHOLERA. Cholecysteiiterostoiiiy. mental duodeno-cholecystotomy. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1885-6, n. 8., ii, 395; 533. -----. On the practicability of es- tablishing an artiticial fistulous opening in the human sub- ject between the gall-bladder and the duodenum. [Read in section of surgery, British Medical Association, Aug.,1886.1 Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 267-270. Also, transl.: J. de med. de Par., 1886, xi, 484; 514; 644. Ilelferieh. Ein Fall von Cholecystenterostomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1892, xviii, 157.—Heydenreich. [ Viseeres d'un hoiiinie chez qui on a pratique une cholecystenterostomie.] Soc. de med. do Xancy. C.-r. . . . Mem., 1895-6, pp. lxviii-lxx.— Jones (G. W.) Cholecystotomy followed by cholecyst- enterostomy. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, cxxviii, 289. — Knppeler ( 0.) Die eiuzeitige cbolecvstenterostomie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1887, xvii, 513-524. _____XiH'lunals die eiuzeitige ('holeevstenterostomie. Ibid., 1XX9, xix, 97-105. -Laiiiboltc (li.) Un cas tie cholecystenterostomie. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1892, xliv, 205-209.—iVIichaud. Sur une observation de chole- cystenterostomie, deposce par M. Ricard. [Rap.] Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 572-581.— ITIoflat (H.) A case of cholecystenterostomy with the aid of the Murphy button; recovery. Med. Rec, M. Y., 1894, xlvi, 339.—ITlonari (IT.) Contributo sperimentale alia colecistenterostomia. Arcb. ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Roma, 1894, ix, 160. — ITIiinter (IT.) Cholei ysto- duodenostomi med Murphys Anastomose-Knap. Hosp.- Tid., K] benh., 1894, 4. R., ii, 745-748. Also, tiansl: Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1893-4, xxxiii, 718-723. —Murphy (J. B.) Operative surgery of the gall tracts, with original report of twenty successful cholecystenterostomies by means of the anastomosis button. Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vi, 159; 232. Also: Med. Rec, N". Y., 1894, xlv, 35; 68.-----Cholecystenterostomy. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1895, iv, Cbirufg. [etc.J, 129-142.—Peck (F. H.) Cholecystenterostomy for malignant disease, with unexpected restoration of function. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1S97, li, 531. — Keel us (P.) Sur une observation d'enterostomie biliaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 755; 767; 819. -----. Des a vantages de l'enterostomie hiliaire dans le cancer de la tete du pancr6as avec obstruction du canal choiedoque. Semaine med., Par., 1893, xiii, 569.—Ricard. Note sur un cas de choiecysto-enterostomie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1 js*.)4, lxvii, 798.— Richelot (L.-G.) Sur un cas de cholecystenteros- tomie. Consr. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1892, vi, 174-176.—Ricketta (B. M.) Specimens demon- strating the operation of gastro-cholecystotomy, end-to- end anastomosis of gut, and the connecting of the gall bladder with the alimentary tract; as performed with the Mnrphy button, and by the Maunsell operation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 302-304. —Robson (A. W. M.) A ease of cholecystenterostomv. Med.-Cbir. Tr., Loud., 1889-90, Ixxiii, 61-68. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1889, ii, 1218. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 1116. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. -95, xxi, 581-584. Also, Reprint. —Swain ("W. P.) A case of cholecystenterostomy with tin- use of Murphy's button. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 743. — Terrier ( F.) Remarques cliniques sur uu cas d'obstruction du canal choiedoque avec dilatation de la vesicule biliaire; laparotomie ; ponc- tion de la v6sicule; chol6cvstent6rostomie; guerison. Rev. de chir., Par., 1889, ix, 973-981. -----. Remarques snr deux cas, Tun de chol6ovsto-duodenostomie, l'autre de cholecystogastrostomie. Ibid., 1896, xvi, 169-185. — Til- lanx. Cholecystenterostomie. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir.de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, 290-294.—Tuffier. A propos de la discussion sur la cholecystenterostomie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 613-620.—Weir |R. F.) Cholecystenterostomy by Murphy's button. Med. Rec, N. Y..'l893. xliv. 801-804.—William* (C. L.) A case of dropsy of the yall bladder; cholecystenteros- tomv; death, tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1895, vi, 154-156. 1 pl. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*96, i. 211.— von Winiwarter ( A.) Un c;is de chole- cystenterostomie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1891, xxx. 277-282. [Discussion], 386; 434.—Winnetl. Cho- lecystduodenostomy. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto, 1896, iii, Cholecystotomy. See Gall-bladder (Surgery of). Choledocholifliotomy. See Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of, Operative). Choledochotonty. See Bile-ducts (Surgery of). Cholelithotoiiiy. See Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of, Operative). Cholelithotrity. See, Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of, Operative). Cholera [Asiatic], See, also, Cholera nostras. Abercrombie (J.) Suggestions submitted to the medical practitioners of Edinburgh ou the characters and treatment of the malignant chol- era; published for the benefit of the board of health. 3. ed. 8C. Edinburgh, 1832. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. -----. The same. 9. ed. 8°. Edinburc/h, 1832. Academia real das scieucias de Lisboa. En- saio acerca do que ha de mais esseucial sobre a cholera-niorbns epidemica, redigido pela coui- inissao medica da . . . [Os inembros da couimis- sao: Joaquini Xavier da Silva, Ignacio Antonio da Fonseca Benevides, Wenceslao Anselmo Soares, Francisco Elias Rodriques da Silveira.] 8°. Lisboa, 1833. Academie royale de rne'decine. Rapport de F . . . sur le chobSra-morbus. 8°. Paris, 1831. -----. Rapport et instruction pratique sta- le chobSra-morbus, re"dig6s et publics d'apres la demande du gouvernement. 8°. Paris, 1832. Accademia medico - chirurgica in Perugia. Relazione intorno alia etiologia, profilassi e cura del colera asiatico, esposta dalla commissione appositamente eletta dall' . . . [Dott. Bonucci Francesco relatore.] 8°. Perugia, 1855. Accokdi (G.) Studii sul morbo colera. Fa- scicolo primo e secondo. 8°. Verona, 1865. Afanasyefp (M. I.) Bakteriologia aziatskoi choler'l. S pribavlen'iem patologii i terapii aziatskoi cholerl prof. Maragliano. 8°. S.-Pc- terburg, 1887. See, also, infra, Maragliano. Allexich (G.) Sul colera asiatico. 8-. Crema, 18*4. Alvarenga (P. F. da C.) Estudo sobre algu- mas das priucipaes questoes da cholera epide- mica. 8°. Lisboa, 1^.">1. Arduini (P.) * De natura cholera morbi. 8°. Patarii, 1831. Arnaud (A.) Du chol6ra, sa cause, son re- mede. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Asiatische (Die) Cholera. 1(5°. [n.p., n.d.] AUDHon (V.) Etudes sur le cholera indien. 12°. Paris, 1881. Auxilia (G.) Monografia sul colera-morbo, sua storia, progressi, natura, e trattamento. 8°. Palermo, 1^37. Auzoux (L.) Du cholera morbus, son siege, sa nature et son traitement. 8°. Paris, 1832. Bard (J.-B.-J.) * Sur lo chobSra morbus. 8°. Strasbourg, an IX [1801J. Bardet (A.) pere. Notice sur le cholera- morbus, contenant la description de la maladie, les moyens hygieniques qu'il convient de lui opposer, Vindication tics premiers secours a thin- ner avant Fnrriveo du nie'deciti; suivis de quel- ques reflexions sur les moyens cttratifs. 12°. Benin y, 1*32. Barka Istvax. Epekorsag (cholera, morbus). H~. Pesten, 1831. CHOLERA. 506 CHOLURa. Cholera. Barth (E. [A. M.]) Die Cholera mit Beriick- sichtigung der speciellen Pathologic uud Thera- pie, nebst einem Anhatige, enthaltend die auf die Cholera heziiglicho Gesetzebung und saui- tiitspolizeilichen Vor.schriften fiir Aerzte uud Beaiute. 8-\ Breslau, 1*93. Bartholow (R.) Observations, pathological and experimental, on cholera; being a report to the board of health (Cincinnati), with an ad- dendum. 8°. Cincinnati, 1866. -----. Korera shin ron. [A new treatise on cholera. Transl. from his: Practice of medicine, by M. Toyabe.] 8°. Tokio, 1886. Bartlett (E. A.) Cholera; its history, cause, and prevention. 18°. Albany, X. Y., 1885. Bashkevich (I. M.) Novly vzgliad na cho- ler7!!; pro'iskhozhdeni'e; razvit'ie; rasprostrane- nie; mierl predokhranitelnlya i liechen'ie yeya. [New views of cholera; origin; development; prevalence; treatment.] 8°. Moskva, 18K>. Bai er (J. H. J.) *De cholera. 4°. Altorfii, 1751. [Beaugeard (F.-O.)] Notes sur le cholera 6pide*iiiiqne. 8°. [Port-Louis, 1862.] Becker (F. W.) Letters on the cholera iu Prussia. 8°. London, 1832. Bell (C. W.) Two lectures on cholera and intermittent fever. 16°. London, 1849. Bellew (H. W.) A short practical treatise on the nature, causes, and treatment of cholera, as a supplement to the history of cholera in India from 1862 to 1881. 8°. London, 1887. ISkxsox (J. A.) Asiatic cholera; its genesis, etiological factors, clinical history, pathology, and treatment. 8°. Chicauo, 1893. Berruti (S. J. M.) & Trompeo. Rapporto della regia commissione medica piemontese sul cholera morbus. 8°. Torino, 1832. Bertucci (F. ) II colera. Riflessioui. 8°. Palermo, 1867. Bijdrage over de bestnettelijkkeid van den Aziatischen braakloop; uit het Hoogduitsch, door P. J. van Kraneudouk. 8C. Te Delft, 1832. Blktry(D.) Description abrdgee du cholera, de ses symptomes, et des divers traitemens em- ployes jusqu'a ce jour. 12°. Belfort, 1832. Blizard (Sir W.) An address to the chair- man and members of the house committee of tbe London Hospital, on the subject of cholera. 8-. Loudon, 1831. Boni (E.) II colera nella scienza e nella societa. hJ. Tolentino, 1888. Bonixi(G.) * Del cholera morbus. 8°. Bre- scia, \*56. Booxacker (J.J.) * Diss. . . . exhibens quasdani ohservationes de cholera asiatica. f \ Lugd. Bat., 1833. Bosi(L.) Sul cholera morbus. 16°. Firenze 1866. Boutet de Saulnay. Le cholera; origine, causes, traitement; moyens de s'en preserver d'apres les indications de l'Acadernie de m6de- cine et les prescriptions du conseil sup6rieur d'hygiene de Paris. 12°. Paris, 1892. Brauxlich (F. G.) Cholera asiatica, deren Wesen und Behandlung. 12°. Freyberg, 1831. van der Breggen(F.) Voorredo en eijvoeg- sels tot het tweede stuk van de bijdragen tot bevordering van de kennis aangaande den aart, de verschijnselen, de voorkoming en de behau- deling van de Asiatische het westelijk gedeelte van Europa ingedrongen cholera. fJ. [Amster- dam, 1831.] Bremer (L.) Typhoid fever in the light of modern research. Facts and doubts about chol- era. 8°. St, Louis, 1892. Cholera. DE Brito ((J. C. X.) Algumas coiisiileiacoes sobre physiologia, ]>atliologica e ]>atliogenia 4-f>, and in ltflM-H- with a full description of the causes, nature, ami character of the disease; its means of propaga- tion, whether by the atmosphere or by contagion- its premonitory and distinctive symptoms; the best known means of preventing-its attack, both iu communities and individuals; and the most effectual remedies for it according to the cele- brated physicians who have treated it; together with simple and plain directions for the care of those who from any cause cannot obtain medical aid. 8~. Hartford, Chicago, 1866. Broussais (F.-J.-A'.) Premiere lecon sur le cholera, fol. [Paris, 1832.] Gutting from: Supplement au Courrier francais 1832 no. 113. -----. Twee geueeskundige lessen over den Aziatischen braakloop, of cholera-morhus, open- baar gehoudeu te Parijs, in het hospitaal, ge- naamd Val-ile-Grace, op den 18. en 19. April f-:!2, door den G. W. Tops. Uit het Frausch vertaald en met een enkel woord vermeerderd door G. YV. Tops. 8°. Breda, 1832. Brunetti (L.) Fatti, cousiderazioui, conclu- sion! sul colera. 8°. Padova, 1**5. Bidd (G.) Den elakartode eller Asiatiska cholerau. Ofversiittuing af H. A. Abelin. 12°. Stockholm. 1848. Buenrostro (F.) Tratado del colera. 16°. Cartagena, 18,54. Caggiati (L. ) Lezione sul colera. Parma, 1*56. Calaciura (G.) Monografia sul colera. - . Palermo, 1884. Canada. Hoe men in Canada over dc cholera deukt. Naar het Engelsch door Philodernus. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1866. -----. Memoire sur le cholera. [Adopte" pur une commission de sant^ couvoque'e au siege du gouvernement, mars 1866.] 12J. Ottttwu, 1866. C'axtaxi (A.) II colera. Lettera. .*>-. Mi- lano, 1-84. Canuti (C.) Sul cholera asiatico. .-"-. Bo- logna, l!-s6o. Cappello (A.) Informazioni relative al cho- lera indiano. 8C. Roma, 1855. Repr. from.- Gior. Arcadico, exxxvi. Carault ( E. ) Quelques vnes gerierales sur le cholera-morbus. communiquees a la Societe libre d'e"mulation de Rouen dans la s6ance du ler decembre 1831. 12°. Rouen, 18\\3. Cardile-Ciofalo (G.) Considerazioni sulla genesi del cholera e sui mezzi prohlattici per combatterne la dift'usioue. 8°. Palermo, 1^4._ Carleton (Mrs.) Enquiry into Ihe nature of the choleraic influence, its origin and its course, to which is added a collection of the most effec- tual remedies for the cholera, adopted iu various countries and a plan of treatment by the author. 12°. London, 1866. Carlisle (A.) Lecture on cholera, and other pestilential diseases; delivered at the London Mechanic's Institution. 8°. London, 1832. Cattaneo (A.) La colera indica considerata in rapporto alia medicina ed alia societa, e saggi di alcune moderne dottrine nlosofico-me- diche. 8G. Alessandria, 1838. CH0LEEA. 507 CHOLERA. Cholera. Cattolica (F. L.) Memoria sul cholera mor- bus asiatico. 8°. Palermo, 1884. Chaiabinskt. Ueber die Cholera asiatica vom praktischen Standpunkte. Aus dem Pol- uischen ubersetzt von Dr. von Krzywieki. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1*92. Chapman (J.) The non contagiousness, cau- sation, and scientific treatment of cholera. 8°. London, 1*84. Ciittinofrom : Westminst.Rev., Lond., 1884,n.s.,cxxxii, 472-533. Cherkpxin (N. P.) Besieda vracha o cho- ler'ie. [Discourse of a physician on cholera.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Chevallier (T. W.) On asiatic cholera. 2. ed. 8'-\ London, 1831. de Chiara (V.) Osservazioni sperimentali snl colera asiatico e suo metodo di cura. 8°. Lecce, 1*81. Cholera. 8°. [n.p., 1849?] Cholera. 8°. [te Groningen, n.d.] Cholera (The) Bulletin. Conducted by an association of physicians. Three times a week. Nos. 2-3, 5-6, 9-12, 14-17, 20-21, 23-24. v. 1, July 9 to'Aug. 31, 1832. 83. Xew York, [1832]. Cholera (A') mint jarvany Iudiabau es most European azaz: Mikep' eredett e' mostani jarvany? Hogyau terjedett ? Mi jelekbol isuier- heto a' betegseg mi mddou ttivoztathato, es gyogyithato ? [The cholera epidemic in India aud now in Europe, that is to say: How has the present epidemic arisen? How is it dissemi- nated? By what signs may the disease be kuown, in what manner removed aud cured?] 8°. Pesten, 1831. Cholera ( Die ) morbus, beruhigendere Dar- stellung derselben fiir die geangstigten Gemii- ther; nebst Vorsichtsmaassregeln zu ihrer Ver- hiituug und Anweisung zu ihrer Behandlung. Popular bearbeitet von einem praktischen Arzte. *°. Crefeld, 1831. Cholera (Die) morbus, eine allgemein fasslich uud helehrende Abhandlung iiber das Entstehen uud die Verbreitung derselben, deren Symptome, wie auch Vorbauungsmaasregeln, um sich beim Ausbruche der Krankheit gegeu dieselbe zu schiitzen. Nebst eiuem Anbange, worin die wunderwirkende Heilart des Dr. Leo zu War- schau, das einzig sichere Hiilfsmittel, angefiihrt ist. 2. Aufl. 8°. Breslau, 1831. Cholera (The) and science. 8°. Xew York, 1884. Repr. from: Science, Cambridge, 1884. Cholera-morbus (Du) et de son traitement. Broadside, [n.p., n. d.] Christie (A. T.) A treatise on the epidemic cholera; containing its history, symptoms, au- topsy, etiology, causes, and treatment. 8°. London, 1^33. Cipolina (C.) Molta luce sul cholera mor- bus. n\ Genora, 1874. Clement (A.) II cholera, la sua origine, il suo sviluppo, e le sue escursioni. Teorie basate sopra osservazioni meteorologiche, accompagnate del mezzo di distruggerlo radicalmeute metodo igienico da operarsi onde preservarseue. 8°. Napoli, 1865. Coghlan (J.) Practical observations on the history, nature, aud treatment of cholera as- phyxia. *°. Dublin, 1853. Colom(J.-B.) *Sur le chol6ra-morbus. 4°. Montpellier, an VI [1798]. Content (A.) Dell' essenzae del metodo cura- tivo del cholera morbus asiatico. 8°. Milano, 1838. -----. Del segno priucipale per il quale si cognosce tosto il cholera morbus asiatico e del Cholera. suo metodo curativo e preservativo appoggiato all' ossido e fiori di zinco, istrnzione popolare. 8°. Chiari, 1867. Cornoldi (G. M.) Del colera e dei suoirimedi; lettera, 8. ed. 8<\ Venezia, 1884. Ckicca ( A.) A propos du cholera. 8°. Smyrne, 1865. -----. The same. 2. eel. 8C. Smyrne, 1865. -----. Apres le chol6ra. 8°. Smyrne, 1865. -----. Thesame. 8°. Smyrne, [1865?]. DA Cl'NHA VlANNA (F. J.) & BARBOSA (A. M.) Ensaio sobre a cholera epidemica. 8°. Lisboa,1854. Cunningham (D. D.) A report on cholera. fol. [Calcutta, 1871?] Daigakkio. Koretratu ron. [Treatise on cholera.] *°. [Tokio, 1871.] De Haynait (L.) Le cholera-morbus, causes de cette maladie. moyens de se preserver, de se gudrir a pen tie frais par un traitement nniforme, de pr6venir les suites facheuses lorsqu'on a e"te" saisi de cetie maladie, et de l'extirper des 6tats de FEurope. Re'dige' d'apres la doctrine approu- veV par l'AcathSuiie de m6decine de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1831. De Lairentiis ( F.) Considerazioni sul cholera morbo. 8°. Xapoli, 1852. De Man (J.-W.-E.) & Lassaloy. Le cholera morbus, avec un availt-propos du docteur Las- salvy. 8°. Amersfort, 1850 Demarchi (G.) & Berruti. Cenni sul colera asiatico tliretti all' illustrissima civica amminis- trazione d' Asti. 12°. Torino, [1835]. D'Espine (M. ) Aurons-nous le cholera? Troisieme examen de cette question. 16°. Ge- neve, [1854]. Desruelles (H.-M.-J.) Precis physiologique du cholera-morbus. 8°. IJaris, 1831. Di Benedetti ( O.) Intorno al cholera asia- tico. *c. Palermo, 1884. Dietz (G.) II cholera in principal reguardo alia sua diagnosi, patogenia e cura. 8°. Roma, 1835. Ditlevsen (J. G.) Om den indiske ( asia- tiske) Kolera med sserligt Hensyn til dens For- li old ber i Laudet. 8°. Kj$benhavu, 1884. Documentos relativos a molestia cbamada cholera es[>asmodica da India, que rein a agora na Europa impresses por ordem tlo conselho pri- vado de S. M. Britanica. Traduzidos em caste- lhano, em Londres; e augmentados com notas, e hum appendice, pelo doutor Matheus Seoane; e transladados em portugal por Jose" Roman Ro- drigucsNilo. 8°. Lisboa, 1832. Dorzat (J.) *Sur le cholera-morbus. 4^. Strasbourg, 1830. Doyen (E.) * Recherches anatomiqttes et ex- perimentales sur le chol6ra 6pidemique. 4°. Paris, 18H5. Duboc (J.-A.) Recherches sur le cholera, ses causes, ses effets, et les moyens curatifs et pre"- servatils de s'en garautir individuellement. *'-. Paris, [1833]. Duhot (F. L.) De cholera. 4°. Gandoi, [1821]. Dunham (C.) Cholera. 8 . New York, 1866. Dupuytren. Lettre et lecon de . . . sur le siege, la nature et le traitement du cholera-mor- bus. Recueillies et publiees par A. Paillard et Marx. 8°. Paris, 1832. Duringe. Observations et notes sur le cho- lera-morbus oriental. 8°. Paris, 1831. Duse (A. ) Sul cholera-morbus risposta alle considerazioni del Dott. Giacomo Foscariui. 8°. Chioqqia, 1869. Emiliani ( L.) Sul cholera morbus e sulle epidemie ingere. Osservazioni. 8J. Modena, 1831. CHOLERA. 508 CHOLERA. Cholera. Enquiry (An) into the disease called cholera morbus, shewing its nature, aud suggesting the means of cure. 8°. London, 1833. van Essciien (P.-J.) Du cholera-morbus asiatique. 8 -. Bruxelles, 1833. Eyfren (V.) * Quelques mots sur le cholera. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Fauvel (A.) Memoire sur le cholera dans l'Inde, daus la Mer Rouge et en Europe; acqui- sitions nouvelles concernant l'etiologie et la pro- phylaxie de cette maladie depuis les conferences de Constantinople et tie Vienne. 8°. Paris, 1883. Also [Abstr.J, in: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1883, xcvi. 1020-1623. Fawcett (J.) * Tentatnentuin medicum inau- gurale de choleras morbi qualis praesertim in orientis Iudia erat, causa proxima atque patho- logia inquisitionem compleetens. 8C. Edin- burgi, 1822. Fayrer (Sir J.) The natural history and epidemiology of cholera, being the annual ora- tion of the Medical Society of London, May 7, 188«. hc. London, 1888. Also [Abstr.], in: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1888, n. a., xlv, 477-483. Ferguson (G. B.) On the history, nature, and prevention of cholera. 16°. Cheltenham, [1884]. Ferguson (W.) Letters upon cholera mor- bus, with observations upon contagion, quaran- tine, and disinfecting fumigations. 8°. London, 1832. Ferran (J.) & Pauli (J.) El colera morbo asiatico. Breves consideraciones sobre la etio- logia y profilaxis de esta enfermedad. 8°. Se- villa, 1886. Ferrarese (L.) Sul morbo colera asiatico; riflessioni teoriche e pratiche. 8°. Napoli, 1837. Festler (F. S.) Sull' azione dinamica della causa, e sulla natura, forma diversa e terapia del cholera-morbus asiatico; pensamenti . . . in- seriti nei eomentarii di medicina del Dott. G. F. Spongia. Fascicolo di gennaio 1836. 8°. Pa- dova, 1836. Fickius (J. J.) *De cholera illegitima. 4°. Jence, 1721. Fogli relativa alia malattia denominatia nel- 1' India cholera-spasmodica e che attualmente prevale nel nord dell' Europa, stampati per ordine dei Lord dell' onorevolissimo consiglio intimo di sua maesta; con nu' appendice coute- nente la teoria della malattia medesima di G. Tberiano. 8~. Corfu, 1831. Foley (A.-fi.) Le cholera chez les autres et cbez nous. Nouvelle etude geographique et biologique, medicale et bygienique, sociologique et morale. *-\ Paris, 1870. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1*85. Foscarixi (G. ) Sul cholera-morbus. 8°. Padova, 1868. G . . ., de Xiort. Quelques lignes sur le cho- lera-morbus, ses symptomes, ses causes, son traitement, et les moyens de s'en preserver. Edition revue et augmentee. 8°. Xiort, 1831. Galli (T.) II colera. 8°. Mantova, 1884. Galliard (L.) Le cholera. 12°. Paris, 1894 [189.1]. Ganz (G.) Studj medici sul cholera-morbus. 8-. Verona, 1*36. Garcia de Jt ax Perez (J.) * These pour le doctorat en medecine. [Du cholera morbus 1 4°. Berne, 1849. J Gastaldo Fontabella (J.) El cdlera morbo asiaHco. Estudio hecho a" la cabecera del en- fermo eu las epidemias de los aQos 1854 (en Va- lencia) y 1865 (en Madrid y el Real Sitio de San Fernando). 8°. Madrid, 1884. Cholera. (Jekonimi (F. G.) L' ontologismo medico ca- gione precipua del caos in che le raeuti sano intorno il cholera-morbus pestilenziale. Dis- curso accademico. 8°. Cremona, 1835. Giacomint (G.) Sulla condizione esseuziale del cholera morbus idea. 8°. Padova, 1836. Giacomo (B.) Memorie pratiche sul cholera asiatico riassunte dalle osservazioni fatte nelle tre epidemie 1855, 1873, 1886. 8~. Padova 18* i. Giannelli (G. L.) Intorno al cholera mor- bus; ragionamento. 8°. Lucca, 1KH. Gime (J.-C. ) "Observations pratiques snr le coiera-morbus opidemique. 4°. Strasbourg 1832. Giraud DE Valbonne (A.) Precis historique et guerison du cholera 6pidemique, son origine sa niarche, ses progres. Moyens curatifs, sim- ples, reels, eprouves, mis a la porte*e tie tout le lnoude. 16°. Paris, 1855. Gomez (C.) Estudios sobre el colera asiatico referenies a" su etiologia, naturale/.a, dcsatrollo epidemico y tratamiento: la glucosis y los aceitea esenciales, remedioa imprescindibles. 4°. Trini- dad, 1886. Gosse. Dissertazione sul cholera morbus . . , tratto dalla Biblioteca universale delle .scienze, lettere ed arti, Ginevra, mese di febbraio 1831. 8C. Venezia, 1831. Graux. Memoire sur le cholera-morbus, adresse a Messieurs les membres coniposaut le conseil superieur de sante, pres le ministere de l'interieur, a Bruxelles. 8°. Paris, 1832. Gravier (P.-F.-V.) *Sur le choiera-niorbiis de l'Inde. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Greenhow (T. M.) Cholera: its non-conta- gious nature, and the best means of arresting its progress shortly examined, in a letter ad- dressed to the right worshipful the mayor of Newcastle. 8°. Xewcastle, 1831. -----. Cholera from the East. A letter ad- dressed to James Hudgson. 8°. Xeuwastle-on- Tyne, 1852. Groh (C. F.) Einige Worte iiber die gas- trisch - nervose Epidemie des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, vulgo Cholera morbus, als Vor- laufer einer ausfubrlicheren Schrift tiber den- selben Gegenstaud. 8°. Freyberg, 1831. von Haartman (C.) Tankar am choleraii. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1832. Halford (H.), Blaue (G.) [el al.]. Cholera morbus; its causes, prevention, and cure; with disquisitions on the contagious or non-conta- gious nature of this dreadful malady, together with ample directions regarding it, by the Col- lege of Physicians and board of health. 12°. London, 1831. Hancock (T.) The laws aud progress of the epidemic cholera, illustrated by facts aud obser- vations. 8°. London, 1832. Harvey (T.) Asiatic cholera; its cause aud cure discovered and demonstrated. 12c. Lon- don, 1853. Havelburg (W.) O cholera-morbus. Do veneno e tratamento do cholera-morbus, segnndo os trabalbos e um discurso do Professor Arualdo Cantani em Napolcs na lix reuniao dos natura- listas e medicos allemaes em Berlim. 8C. San- tos, 1887. Hawthorne (G. S.) The true pathological nature of cholera, and an infallible method ot treating it, in a series of letters. 3. ed. 8 . London, 1849. -----. The same. The prevention and treat- ment of epidemic cholera, and its true patholog- ical nature, in a series of letters. 8°. Cleve- land. \*\9. CHOLERA. 509 CHOLERA. Cholera. Hkarne (E.) Thoughts on cholera. 8°. London, 1853. Helmbach (O.) Die Cholera, ihr Auftreten, ihre Ursachen und die gegen sie nothwendigen Schutzmassregelu. 8°. Brandenburg a. H., 1887. Hknrio.ues (A.) The probable cause, nature, and mode of treatment of the prevailing disease termed cholera morbus. 8C. London, 1832. Heyder (S. A.) *Diss. iuaug. med. exhibens choleram. 4-. Wittenberga>, [1699]. Honigberger (J. M.) Cholera, its cause and infallible cure, and on epidemics in general. Second pamphlet. 8°. Calcutta, 1858. -----. The same. 8°. Calcutta, 1861. -----. The same. Le cholera; traitement et guerison. 8°. Paris, 1859. Hoyer (H.) Das x, y und z der asiatiscben Cholera. Ein Beitrag zur Losung der Cholera- frage. Otfener Brief an alle praktischen Aerzte. 8C. Cassel, 1893. Huber (C. U. J.) Over de besmettelijkheid en de behaudeling der cholera asiatica. 8°. Groningen, 1850. i Huguet. Le cholera, ses causes, sa nature, | sou analogic avec les fievres eruptives et ty- pholdes. L'art de s'en preserver et de s'en guerir en quelques heures. 8-. Paris, 18s4. Hwasser (I.) * Om cholera-farsoten. 1.-6. delen. Upsala, 1836-7. Informazione sull' orientale colera presa dall' Accademia d' agricoltura, commercio ed arti di Verona; letta da nn sozio nella tornata del 3 ottobre 1831. 8-. Verona, 1831. Lnglis (J.) * De cholera Indise epidemica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1827. Ishiguro ( T. ) Rorera ron. [On cholera.] 12°. Tokio, 1879. Italy. Ministere des affaires etrangeres. Con- ference sanitaire internationale de Venise, 16 f6vrier, 19 mars 1897. Proces-verbaux. rov. 8°. Rome, 1897. Jaehnichex. Quelques reflexions sur le cho- lera-iuorbus. *-. Moscou, 1831. Jahn (F.) Darstellung der Erscheinungen und der asiatischeu Cholera. Auf Befehl der Herzogl. 8. M. Laudesregierung fiir die Land- arzte des Herzogthums Meiningen. 8°. Hild- burghausen, 1831. . Jexken (F.) Korte beschouwing der oorza- ken en het wezen der cholera asiatica, benevens eene eenvoudige behandeliugswize dier ziekte; zijnde eeu uittreksel uit twee Hoogduitsche ver- hanheliugen. Uit het Engelsch vertaald en vermeerderd met een bekuopt verslag, wegens het nut der aanwending van bloedige koppen tegen die ziekte, door ... 8°. Zierikzee, 1832. de Jescs Febles (M.) Cartilla vulgar para conocer y curar la cholera-morbus; con lo que sea esperimeutado los niejores resultados. 8°. Mexico, 1833. In-. Medicina. Vdrias recetas. MS. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.) Jorg (J. C. G.) Vier Hauptfragen iiber das Wesen und die Behandlung der ostindischen Cholera fleissigen Beobachtern dieser Krankheit zum Beantworteu. 8 . Leipzig, 1832. Johnston (G. G.) De cholera indica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1822. de .Tonnes (M.) Rapport au conseil supe- rieur de sante sur le cholera-morbus pestilentiel, les caracteres et phenomenes pathologiqnes de cette maladie, les moyens curatifs et hygieniques qu'on lui oppose, sa mortalite, son mode de pro- pagation et ses irruptions dans l'lndoustan, l'Asie orientale, l'Archipel indien, l'Arabie, la Syrie, la Perse, l'Empire Russe et la Pologne. 8°. Paris, 1831. Cholera. Ji'BlN (11.) Considerations sur le cholera. 1849-54. 8°. Xiort, [1854]. van Keeren (J.) *De cholera. 4°. Luqd. Bat., 1658. J Keraudren (P.-F.) Memoire sur le cholera- morbus de l'Inde. 8 . Paris, 1831. Kostler (A. L.^l Sulla diagnosi e cura del cholera morbus cpidemico, cenni pratici. Trad. dal tedesco. sm. 8°. Como, 1831. K—OFF (V. A.) Aziatskaya cholera, yeya proiskhozhdenie, sushtshnost; mierl prcdokhra- neniya ot neya; pripadki i raspoznavanie cho- leri i kratkoge nastavlenie o pervowachulnoi po- moshtshi v choler'ie. [Asiatic cholera, its ori- gin, nature; means of prevention; attacks and diagnosis of it, with some hints on first help in the disease.] 12°. Kiev, 1886. Korte beschrijving van den thans heerschen- den asiatiscben braakloop of cholera en deszelfs geueziug. 12°. Grarenhage, 1831. Kuhne (L.) Cholera, Brecbdurchfall uud ahnliche Krankheiten, deren Entstebung, arz- neilose Behandlung und Heilung. 16°. Leip- zig, 1894. Kurzes Repetitorium der epidemischen Krankheiten, als Vademecum fiir Aerzte und Studirende. I. Cholera (Cholera asiatica, Cho- lera nostras, Cholera infantum). Gearbeitet nach Cantani, Drasche, [et al.]. 12°. Leipzig u. Wien, [1892]. Braitensteiu's Eepetitorien, Nr. 31. La Loggia (G.) Sul colera asiatico. Lettere dirette al Prof. F. Pacini di Firenze sulla sua memoria, sulla causa specifica del colera asiatico, il suo processo patologico, e la indicazione cura- tiva che ne risulta. 16°. Palermo, 1866. Land6. Considerazioni mediche sopra i mezzi conservatori la salute nei quattro periodi della vita, e breve ceuno sopra i mezzi preservatori del cholera morbus. 8°. Genova, 1837. -----. Du cholera-morbus et de sa methode curative. 12°. [Genes, 1832.] Laxzillo (V.) 11 colera e 1' economia dina- mica della vita umana. 2. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1884. Larche (F.) * Contribution a l'etude du cho- lera. 4°. Paris, 1895. Larrey (D.-J.) Copie d'un memoire k\\v le cholera-morbus, envoye a Saint-Petersboiirg en Janvier 1831, pour le concours relatif a cette maladie epidemique. 8°. Paris, 1831. Ledeboer (A. M.) Brief betreffende de cho- lera. 8°. Rotterdam, [1831]. \ Lesage(A.) Le cholera, 12°. Paris, [1*94]\ Levisecr (C. [J.]) Praktische Mittheilungen zur Diagnose, Prognose u. Cur der epidemischen Cholera, nach eigeuen Beobachtungen. s°. Brombcrg a. Leipzig, 1832. VON Lieisei{MEI.ster(K.) Cholera asiatica et nostras. 8°. Wien, 1896. Lindgren (J. G.) Versuch einer Nosologic der Cholera orientalis. 8°. Kasan, 1848. Liscovius (A.) Die Cholera. 8°. Berlin, [1867]. Little (P. C.) Cholera; some remarks upon its nature aud pathology, with a report of twenty cases, out of a large number successfully treated under a certain system during the late epidemic. 8°. London, 1867. Livon(C) Recherches sur le cholera. 8°. Marseille, 1884. Lombardo ( L.) II cholera, origine; sviluppo e rimedii. 16°. Genova, 1884. L6PEZ ARROJO (L.) Cdlera morbo. Estudio de dicba enfermedad. 16°. Madrid, 1894. Luzzati (J.) Lettere tergestine sul cholera. 8 . Trieste, 1856. CHOLERA. 510 CHOLERA. Cholera. Alabit (J.) Du cholera morbus asiatique ou spasmodiqne; rapport lu a l'intendance sanitaire du departement de la Gironde, daus sa seance du 24 avril 1832. 8°. Bordeaux, 1832. McConnell (J. B.) Cholera; its nature, symptoms, history, cause, and prevention with an outline review of the germ theory of disease; one of the Sommerville course of lectures (ex- tended) provided for by the Natural History Society of Montreal. 8°. Montreal, 1885. Macloughlin(D.) Cholera. Copy of a letter to the editor of the "Standard". 8°. London, 1H66. AIa.ter (A.) Lettera del Dott. Coster . . . sulla natura del cholera morbus e sulla possibilita di prevenire lo sviluppo della malattia suddetta. 8°. Padova, 1831. Mancuso (A.) Snl cholera-morbus. 8°. Pa- lermo, 18*4. AIaragliano ( E.) Patologiya i terapiya aziatskoi choler'l. Perevod s italyanskavo. S pribuvleniem bakteriologii aziatskoi choler'l prof. M. I. Afanasyeva. [Pathology and treat- ment of Asiatic cholera. Transl. from the Ital- ian. With supplement of Prof. Afanasyeff's "Bacteriology of Asiatic Cholera."] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1887. See, also, supra, Afanasyeff. Marangoni (G.) Note sui fenomeni e sulla cura del colera asiatico. 2. ed. 8°. Vicenza, 18*7. Marchetti (N.) Del colera asiatico, etiolo- gia, patogenesi, igiene e cura. 8°. Bari, 1873. Marston (C. H.) Cholera; its causes, pre- vention, and treatment. 12°. Devizes, 1*66. Merletta (V. F. ) Cenno sopra un nuovo rimedio da servire come mezzo igienico, come profilattico o preservativo e forse come curativo contro il cholera-morbus. 8°. Catania, 1866. -----. Appendice al cenno nuovo rimedio contro il cholera-morbus. 8°. Catania, 1866. Meyer (J. A.) *De cholera asiatica. 8°. Berolini, 1838. Mezzabotta (E.) La verita sul cholera; la storia; i coplevoli, le rivelazioni; le conse- guenze, i rimedii necessarii. 8°. Roma, 1883. Miller (J.) Korerabio ron. [A treatise on cholera. Transl. by Yokoi Shinzo.] 12°. To- kio, 1*78. Japanese text. Minutilla (S.) Sulla etiologia patogenesi e terapia del colera. 8 . Palermo, 1884. Monod (F.-C.-C.-G.) Conseils au sujet du cholera suivi du: Cholera, sa nature et sa veri- table cause, moyens de le prevenir et de le gue- rir par Tissot. 18°. Berne, 1854. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. 24°. Paris, 1865. Montesanto ( G. ) Articolo estratto dalla Gazzetta privilegiata di Venezia 29 settembre 1831, N. 210. Al . . . Dott. Steer. [On cholera morbus.] so. [Padova. 1831.] Moscatelli (C.) Sul colera indiano; rifles- sioni pratiche. 8°. Napoli, 1837. Mouton (A.) * Essai sur le cholera-morbus. 4°. Strasbourg, 1826. Munoz de Luna (R. T.) El cdlera-morbo asiatico considerado bajo el punto de vista qui- mico. 8°. Madrid, 1«65. Murray (J.) Observations on the pathology and treatment of cholera, the result of forty years' experience. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1884. N. (J.) Einige neue Beobachtungen iiber das Wesen der Cholera morbus aus der Erfah- rung geschdpft in besonderer Beziehung auf die Haare als Leiter des Contagiums, fiir Aerzte uud Nicbtarzte. 12°. Wien, 1831. Cholera. Namias (G.) Storirtr naturale del colfera; let- tera fatta all' Ospedale civile di Venezia. 18° Firenze, 1*67. La scienza del popolo, 2. s., ix. Navarini (A.) Ricerchc, meditazioni c con- clusioni sul colcra-morbus. 8°. Bassano, 1886 Negri (('.) Letter to D. Barry, AI. ix/mem- ber of the central board of health, in London etc., on the character and treatment of cholera' 8°. [London, 1831.] Netter (A.) Vues nouvelles sur le cholera (cause, nature et traitement), avec uue dttule sur les injections faites dans les veines. no. Paris, 1874. Nicati (W.) & Rietsch (M.) Recherches sur le cholera, 8°. Paris, 1886. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. sc. industrielle tie Marseille. Nieuwenhuis (C. 1.) Eenige wenken over de pathogenic, pathologie, therapie en aetiologie der aziatische cholera. 8°. Amsterdam, 1*3'.]. Ncnes - Vais. Studi clinici sul cholera roy. 8°. Titnisi, 1885. Official reports and analysis of other recent publications on cholera. b°. Edinburgh, 1*32. Cholera suppl. to Edinh. M. & S. J., 1832, xxxvii. Oliveti (F.) Brevi cenni snl colera asiatico e nuovo mezzo curativo. 12°. Xapoli, 1**1. Ottaviani ( V. ) Sui timori che il cholera morbus desta in Europa non che sulla causa effettrice sul metodo curativo e preservativo di questa malatia, con aggiunta dell' articolo in- serito nella Biblioteca italiana, fascicolo di novembre 1830. 12°. Milano, 1831. Ouchterloney (J.) & Setterblad (A. E.) Antcckningar ofver den epidemiska asiatiska choleraii. 8°. Stockholm, 1832. [P. . . . (I.)] Mnienie o choler'uot epideniii. [Opinion concerning the epidemic of cholera.] 8°. Kostroma, 18e9. Pacini (F.) La reale Accademia dei Lincei ed il colera asiatico nel concorso al premio reale del 1879 per le scienze biologiche. 2. ed., con molte aggiunte. 8'-'. Firenze, 18s3. Palmer (A. B.) 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Nach den neuesten Erfahrungen der russisclieu Aerzte bearbeitet vou eiuem praktischen Arzte. 5. Aufl. 8 . Breslau, 1831. [-----.] Nachtrag zum Rathgeber fiir alle, welche siche gegen tlie Cholera morbus schiitzen wollen. 8°. Breslau, 1831. Schulze (F. Ct.) Iileen iiber die asiatische Cholera. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Erkeuntuiss und Heilung fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte und gebildete Leser. 8°. Leipzig, 1.-31. Schumacher (W.) Verstiindlichste und be- wahrteste Belehrungen iiber die mit Gefahr bedrohende, pestartige Krankheit Cholera mor- bus. Mit einem Rezepte versehen, welches das sicherste Schutzmittel wider die Cholera lehrt, und alle hieriiber schon erschienene und viel- leicht noch erscheiuende Biichleiu iibertrifft uud iiberfliissig macht. Nach den Hauptresultaten arztlicher, in Iudien, Persien, Russland, und Polen gemacbten Erfahrungen sorgftiltig zusam- mengestellt. 1. Theil. 4. Aufl. 8°. Danzig; 1831. Scotti (G. B.) Nozioni sul colera, con idee e convinzioni. 8°. Milano, 1884. Searle (C.) Cholera, its nature, cause, treat- ment, and prevention, clearly aud concisely ex- plained; with an appendix, containing practical remarks on fever and dysentery, with which cholera is intimately connected and frequently combined; being the substance of reports made to the late Government of Poland. 2. ed. 8°. London,. 1831. -----. The same. Ueber die Natur, die Ur- sachen und die Behandlung der Cholera. Ans dem Englischen. Hrsg. und mit einer Vorrede begleitet von C. F. von Graefe. 12°. Berlin, 1831. Skngexsse (J.-S.) * Sur le cholera-morbus. 4°. Paris, | 1803]. -----. The same. [With additions.] 8°. Paris, an XII [1803]. Seux (V.) [pere]. Le cholera a propos du livre de AI. le Dr. Fauvel. *°. Marseille, 1869. Siedenburg (A. B.) Heilverfauren bei der Cholera morbus, nebst krankengescbichtlichen Belegen. 8°. Hamburg, [1831]. Smith (A.) The cholera spastnodica, as ob- served iu Paris iu 1«32; comprising its symp- toms, pathology, and treatment; illustrated by cases. 8°. 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Cholera, its Protean as- pects and its management. 2 v. 16°. Detroit, Mich., 1893. Streicher (P. E.) Die Entlarvnng der orien- talischeu Cholera. Ein auf Theorie und Erfab- rung gegriindete Systematik. 8°. Magdeburg, 1832. Stiucker (S.) Studien zur Cholerafrage. 8C. Leipzig cy Wien, 1*93. 8zuhany. Eine Skizze der indischen Cholera morbus, zur Beurtheilung der Natur der Krank- heit, und Wtirdigung der anempfohlenen Heil- methoden, fiir Aerzte und Sauitiits-Beamte. 12°. Pesth, 1831. Takahashi (M.) Korera ron. [A treatise on cholera.] 8°. Osaka, 1877. Japanese text. Tommasini ( G. ) Sul cholera-morbus ; no- zioni storiche e terapeutiche ed istruzioni sani- tario. 4. ed. 8°. Parma, 1833. -----. Tbe same. 5. ed. 8°. Bologna, 1833. [Torino.] Rapporto della commissione me- dica di Torino sul colera asiatico. 8°. [Torino, 1835.] Trattato medico sopra il cholera morbus, con alcune aggiunteprecauziouali onde allontanarlo e sul metodo di cura [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1831. 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Doch door de Provinciate commissie van geneesknndi" on. derzoek en toevoorzigt verboden; door J. u, Moquettejr. SJ. Rotterdam if- Leyden, 1833. Wolowskj. Documens sur lc chol6ra-inoilms communiques a la Revue medicale. 12°. Pa- ris, 1832. -----. Thesame. Relatorio sobre a eholein- morbus. 16L. Porto, 1833. -----. Cholera-morbus. Instruction. 4. [Paris, n. d.] VON Ziemssen (H.) Cholera bioron. [On cholera. Transl. by Dr. J. Hori.J 12°. Tokio 1889. Zoppe ( F.) Anerbieten eines Wettstreites von 100 bis 200 Dukaten. Die beste Heilungs- weise der Cholera morbus, so wie die Art diesem Uebel zuvorzukommeu, ttuf practischein Wege zu erproben von . . . welcher Gelegenheit Latte, diese Krankheit von ihrem ersten Entsteben an der bessarabischen Grenze, bei ihrem Fortschrei- ten und iu ihrem ganzen Verlaufe his Leinberg zu beobachten. 8°. Leinberg, 1831. Abadie (C.) Considerations sur le cholera nostras ct le cholera indien. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1892), 1WI3, xxvii, 94-96.—Abbott (A. C.) Considerations concern- ing Asiatic cholera. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 022- |626. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1H9S-4, Phila., 1895, x, 81-91. — Atlriani (P.) Do cholera. Ne- derl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1886, x, l:;k-3U3.— Aird ( C. K. ) Cholerafrageu. Vrtlischi. f. nvrichtl, Med., Berl., 1887, n. F., xlvi, 328-358. — AIbrcclit «;.) Zur Cholerafrage. Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1*9:!, x\ii, 193 ; 209.—Albrecht (H.) Du cholera. Bull. Soc. (1. sc. nat. de Neuch4tel, 1886, xv, 99-115.—Alix. A propos du chol6ra. Rev. tn6d. de Toulouse, 1884, xviii, 497-510.— A Urn tic (J. G.) Documentos sohre el colera. An. d. Dep. nac. do hig., Buenos Aires, 1895, v, .145; 41"). — Ar- nould (J.) Les eiiseigneiuents du cholera. Kev. d'lijg., Par., 1893, xv, 14; 97.—Arwstcgui (G.) Consideraciones sobre el c61era. Kev. de cien. med., Habana, 1892, vii, 217-225.—Audeniuo (A.) Sul cholera. Arch. clin.ital., Roma, 1884, xiv, 305; 313; 321; 329. — Axtcll ( E. It.) Cholera. Denver M. Times, 1892-3, xii, 401-408. Also, lie- print.— Bailey ( "W.) The all-aborbing question til cholera. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1885, xxxii, 77-83.— Baislrocclai (E.) Sul colera. (razz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 075-677. — Baker (J. E.) Report on cholera. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, C29-634. [DiscussionJ, 047- Battalia. Parole dette in occasione della discussione sul cholera-morbus, susseguite dalla relnzioiie tli sei casi praticiosservati uellavigente epidemia. Gior. d.r. Accad. nied.-chir. di Torino, 1854, 2. s., xxi, 385-112.—Boycr (S.) Om koleran. Forh. allm. svens. liik.-motet, 18S5. (Jiite- borg, 1886, i, 98-111.—Bcatsoii (W. B.) An address on cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 481-484.—Bell (T.S.) Cholera; its habits aud peculiarities. Louisville Al. News, 1883, xvi, 97-101.— Berctta (A.) & Tliuohi (G.) Auuo- tazioni cliniche e terapeuticho sul cholera. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1884, 8. s., vi, 499; 5„9: 1885, 8. s., vii, 15; 25.—Biedert. Der neueste Stand der Cholerafrage; eine TJebersicht. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Bt-rl., 1885, ii, 889; 901. Also, Reprint.-----. Dio Cholera; der kriti- scben Uebersiohten dritte Reihe. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1888, ix, 701; 713; 725; 747.—Biermer. Ueher (lie Entstehung, Verbreitung und Alwelir der asialisdieu Cholera. Jahresb. d. schles. Ges llsch. f. vatt-rl. Kult. 1884, Bresl., 1885, lxii. 184-202. Also: Breslau. ar/.tl. Ztschr., 1885, vii, 77; 101. — Biermer [et al. \. tho- leradiscussion. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. 1. voter. Kult., Bresl., 1887, lxiv, 52-07. Also: Breslau. arztI. Ztschr., 1887, ix, 98; 113. — Blanc (H.) Malarious chol- era. Lancet, Loud., 1883, ii, 228; 2.1.—Bonier (P.) I»e Cholera. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Jierl., 1884, x. pas- sim.—Ranavia. (E.) Contributions to the cholera litera- ture. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1867, ii, 3; 33, 69; 90; 141; 192. — Bottaiii (A.) Rinessioni sopra il colera asiatico. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1836, iv, 371- 379. Also, Reprint—Boulengier. A propos du cliniera; resume et critique de la communication faite par M ie Prof. Ronnnelaere a l'Acadernie royale de m6decine dH.ci- gique le 26 noveinbre 1892. Presse pied, beige, Brux . !>••[- xliv 389-394. — Bourgogne fils. Examen critique uu CHOLERA. 513 CHOLERA. Cholera. rapport de M. le docteur Herard a propos de l'identite du cholera asiatique avec certaines fidvres palud6ennes per- nieieuses et dc Taction th6rapeutique du tannate tie qui- nine. Concours du prix Barhier, 1871. J. denied., chir. et Pharmacol.. Brux.. 1872-4, lv-lix, passim. Also. Re- Di'int — Braniwcll (B.) Asiatic cholera. Inhis: Atlas of Clin. Med., fol., Edinh.. 1892-3. ii. 71-90.—Bi-istowc (J. S.i Tho cholera. Lancet, Lond.. 1884, ii, 213.— Bi-oiinmc (A.) Le9ons sur le cholera, faites ii hi Facultt'- de inedecino de Montpellier. X. Montpel. med. Suppl.. 1893, ii. 752- 801. Also. Reprint. — Briickmaini ( F. E. ) Die vom Misshranch des Caffe-Getranks und Bouteillgen-Biers entstandeneCholera. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch., Bresl., Sommer-Quartal. 1726,251. — Brnniier (C. II.) Cholcia-Aphorismen. Brag. iced. Wchn.-chr., 1893, xviii, 594-596.—Brunton (T. L.) Sc Pye-Smith (P. H.) Re- searches relating to the pathology and treatment of cholera.' Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxiii. 353; 412: 1885, xxxiv, 96; 196; 265; 350; 418. — Buchanan (A.) Observations on malignant cholera, intended to illustrate the natural course of the disease, tho natural processes by which a spontane- ous recovery is effected, and the mode of treatment best adapted to second the curative efforts of nature. Glasgow M. J., 1833, n. s., i, 113-130. Also. Kepi int.—Buchanan (G.) Memorandum concerning cholera. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. (1882-3), 1883, n. s. ii, Cl'-lOl. Also: Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1883, ii, 3.—By run (J. M.) Cholera. Syst. Pract. M. (Loomis), N. T. Sc I'bila., 1897, i, 301-337.— Canitz (H.) Die Cholera. Ztschr. tl. deutsch. Ver. f. volksverst. Gsndhtspflg. ii. f. Naturheilk., Berl., 1884. xii, 104-108.—Carletti (V.) Brevi considerazioni sul cholera orientale. Gior. d. r. Accatl. med.-chir. di Torino, 1855, 2. s., xxiii, 124: 145. — C'nron. Lo cholera. Bull. Soc. de nied. prat, de Par., 1866, 43 - 47. (atlnni (G. ) Stutlj sul colera. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1880. vii, 611.— Chalubiuski ( T.) O cholerze. Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1885, 2. s.. v, 463; 495. — Charcot (J.-M.) Rapport sur diverses communications relatives au cholera. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc , Par., 1884, xcix, 224. Also, in his: (Eu- vres compl., 8°, Par., 1889, viii. 165-167. — Chevers (N.) Cholera asiatica maligna. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, ii, 208; 232; 260; 342- 369; 481. Also, Reprint.—Choksy (S. H.) Cholera; its pathologv and treatment. Indian M.-Chir.Rev., Bombay, 1893, i, 1-6.—Cholera. Leistung. u. Fortschr. d. Med. in Deutschl., Berl., 1833, i. 161: 1834, ii, 217. — Cholera. Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1847, ii: 1848, iv: 1849-50, v-viii, passim. — Cholera. Arch. belies de metl. mil., Brux., 1855, xvi, 125: 230.—Cholera (The). Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii.pamwi. —Cholera. [Edit.] N.Orl. M. & S. J., 1866-7,xix,544-558.—Cholera. Ugesk. f. Larger, Kjobenh., 1867,iv,passim.—Cholera. Gazz.med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1872. xv. 331; 339; 355; 363; 374.— Cholera. Rep.San. Com.North-West, Prov. 1876, Alla- habad, 1877, ix,20-23,1 map.—Cholera (Die). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 376: 401; 419: 460; 493; 515; 531; 548; 564; 581; 596; 633; 04S: 605. — Cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 790: 898; 954: 1013: 1006; 1123; 1294; 1350; 1460; 1525. — Cholera (The). Brit, M. J., Lond., 1892, ii. 811; 864.—Cholera (Die). Oesterr. San.- Wes., Wien, 1892, iv, 347-354. — Cholera. Rep. San. Com. Bengal, Calcutta, 1892-3, xxv, 15-24. 1 ch.. 2 maps.— Cholera. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1893. 34- 42. — Cholera (Die). Wien. med., BL, 1893, xvi, 447.— Cholera (Die). Oesterr. San.-Wesen, "Wien, 1894, vi, 309-314.—Cholera discussion. N.Orl.M. & S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 178-186. —Cholera (On). [Review.] Brit& For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1849, iii. 1-30: 1869, xliii, 405- 425 — Cholera-Debatte. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.- Coll., 1886, xii, 203; 214; 218; 230; 246; 254; 264: 1887, xiii, 2; 10; 22; 37; 46; 62; 92— Cholcrafrage (Zur). Wien. med. Bl., 1894, xvii, 479; 496.— Choleran (Om). Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank. 1852-3, Stockholm, 1854, 203-221. — Choleras ( 11epi ). larpiKrj Me'Aurtra, AflijKu, 1854-5, ii, 192-200. — Choleras (Ilepi). Me'Aio-o-a tux 'Afyviv, 1865,ii, 282; 337: 422; 481— Chuckerbutty (S. G.) Cholera, its symptoms, clinical history, pathol- ogv, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prophylaxis. Indian Ann. M. Sc. Calcutta, 1867, xi, no. 22, 61-236. Also, Keprint.— du Claux (V.) Le cholera; documents et faits. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x. 385-395.—Colera (Del). Gac. med., Madrid, 1849, v, passim. — Colera (Del). Salute, Genova, 1867, iii, 19; 33; 49; 65; 81.— Colera (II); rassegna di libri e di fatti. Gior. d. Soc. "al. dig., Milano, 1885, vii, 184; 649; 816; 967, 1 diag.— Colera-morbo (El). Bol.de med.. cirug. y farm., Ma- drid, 1847, 3. 8., ii, 387; 412. — Cornellge (L.) De re cliolGrica. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1890, xiii, 417-421.— Confcrenza e discussione snl colera, tenute in Berlino il 26 ed il 29 luglio 1884, nell' Ufflcio in periale di sanita. Liv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1884. i, 220; 329, 1 pl.— Cornish (W. R.) Inaugural address on cholera, and on the scientific medical, and sanitary work of England in India. Brit, M. J.. Lond., 1884, i. 845-849. -----. An ad- dress ou cholera enquirv. Indian M. Gaz. Calcutta. 1. '.xx' ]69-172. Also: Tr. South Indian Branch Lrit M Ass. 1884-6, Madras, 1887, i, no. 4, 1-14. — Corradi l-A) Lzioogia e profilassi del colera. Gior. d. Soc. ital. 33 Cholera. d' ig., Milano, 1885, vii, 369-457. — Coutinho (J. F. A.) Cholera morbus, parecer sobre os quesitos propostos pelo Dr. Lacerda em sessile do 30 novembro de 1886. Ann. Acad, de med. do Rio-de Jan., 1886-7, 6. s., ii, 343-371.—! Curiau (W.) Cholera; a practical i tiidy as well as a personal experience. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1887, vi, 496; 549: 1888, \ ii, 5. Aho Reprint. — Dndiraian (M G j Cholera. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 61.—Day < W. C.) Asiatic cholera. Si. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 301-306. — Debojjorio-.Tlakricvich. K voprosu o raspros- Iranenii i liechenii aziyatskoi choler'i. [ Propagation and treatment of Asiatic cholera.] Russk. Med.. St. Pe- tersb., 1893, xviii, 35 ; 51.—De-Giovanni (A.) Pe sieri intorno al cholera indiano. Gazz. nied. ital., prov. veneto Padova, 1884, xxvii, 317-323. — Bel Monte (M.) Sui colera tifo. (V. La Medicina, no. 47 e 48, 1865.) hi his: Scritti varj, etc., 8°, Xapoli, 1874, 3-19. — Dcnaarchi (G.) Rifiessioni intorno alio considerazioni sulla conta- giosity del colera-niorbus asiatico procedure da una critica linaiisi dello duo memorie del Sig. Bo. Le quarantene c il colera-morhus di Prospero Pirondi. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino. i8.">7, 2. s., xxviii, 3; 65; 129. Also, Reprint.—Deinich (V. F.) O i ho er'ie. Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1893, iii, 281-291. — Denny (C. F.) A fvw re- marks on summer complaints and cholera. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1884-5, iv, 400-402. —De Renzi (E.) Sul colera. Riv. clin. e terap., Xapoli, 1884, vi, 449-453.— Die- tamen de la seccion dc medicina sobre una obra acerca del colera, An.r. Acad, denied., Madrid,1895 xv, 329-343.— Discussion on cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 364- 371.— Biscussion a, propos de la communication relative au cholera, faite par M. le Ministro de 1'inte.rieur et de l'instruction publique. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1884, 3. s., xviii, 775; 804.—Diskussiou om koleran. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1884, 265-289. — Douitz (W.) Bemerkungen zur Cholera- frage. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1880, i, 405-420.-----. Zur Cholcrafragc. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 197- 199.—Drnzylowsky. Pathogenese und rationelle The- rapie der Cholera, Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1889, lviii, 2258; 2290.—Dzaerzawski (B.) [et ol). Cholera, jej dawniejsze epidemije u nas, przyczyny, objawy, zapobie- ganie i leczenie. [Cholera, its foimer epidemics witli us, causes, symptoms, prophylaxis, and treatment.] Kron. Lek., Warszawa, 1892, xiii, 483-552.—Eichhorst. Pa- thologie und Therapie der Cholera, Wien. med. Presse, 1884,xxv,917; 949; 987; 1021; 1045.—Emmerich. Ueber Cholera, Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1885, xxxii, 235-237.— Enquete sur le cholera; questionnaire adress6 aux medecins, redige par une commission de 1'Acade.niie de medecine composee de MM. ISesnier, Brouardcl [et al.]. Responses de la Societ6 de medecine, chirurgie et pharma- cie de Toulouse. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1885, xvii, 27; 35.— Erisman (F. F.) K voprosu obopasnosti, pred- stavlynyemoi choler'oi dlya meditsinskavo personala. [On the dangers of cholera for the medical personnel.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 897-899.—Espina y Capo (A.) Consideraciones generates acerct del colera. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract,, Madrid, 1884-6, xv-xix, passim. Also, Reprint. — Fiiikclnburj;. Cholera. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndbtsptlg., Bonn. 1892, xi, 435: 1893, xii, 10; 110; 171; 245; 330; 400; 456: 1894. xiii. 55; 134; 196; 267; 352; 418; 460: 1895, xiv, 42; 121; 215.—Flicss (W.) Der gegen- wartige Stand der Lehre von der Cholera. Deutsche Rundschau, Berl., 1884, x, 399-418.—Francesehi (G.) Del colera donde nasca e come si propagbi e quindi della maniera di curarlo negl' individui e di preservarne le popo- lazioni. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1855, 2. s., xii, 85; 125.—Frank (G.) Ueber Cholera, Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1897, vi, 121; 190.—de Freitas (C.) Natureza do cholera-morbus. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da F'ac. de metl. do Riode Jan., 1884-5. i, 67-101, 1 pl.—Freymuth. Ueher die Cholera. Schrit't. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Danzig, 1880. n. ¥., vi, 243-266.—Frieilrieh (E.) Zur Losung der Cliolerafrage. Ilvgieia, Stuttg., 1895, ix, 8-19.— Friselti (G.), Boiigionmii (G.) & Talletti (L.) Risposta ai quesiti sul cholera formolati dal dott. Bonino. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di To- rino, 1855, 2. s., xxiii, 81- 123. — Gaertncr (F.) Asiatic cholera; its cause and its prevention. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, i, 1286-1288, 1 pl.—Gaffky. Die Cholera. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1893, xii, 39-82.— Gamberini (P.) Intorno al colera asiatico. Raccogli- tore med., Forli, 1849, xxiv, 305-310.—Garcia de Castro (J. M.) Algo m&s sobre el colera. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1885, vi, 141; 162; 198; 241; 297.—Giani (P.) Sul colera epidemico e sulla febbre gialla, Atti Accad. fis.-med.- statist. di Milano, 1872, xxviii, 95-106—Giordano (D.) Contributo alio studio sperimentale del colera. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. s , xxxiv, 621-628. Also, Reprint.—Glasner (A.) Bemerkungen zur Pathologie und Therapie der Cholera. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wieu, 1884, xix, 399; 410.—Gonzalez (Z. B.) Cuatro ^ alabras acerca del contagio. infeccion v tratamiento del c61era morbo. Cron. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1854. ii, 525; 566: 685 — Gordon (C A.) Certain considerations regarding cholera and fever. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. (1880-81), 1882, iv, CHOLERA. 514 CHOLERA. Cholera. pt 4, 514-546.- Grant-Bey (J. A. S.) Remarks on cholera from a practical point of view. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 258-262. Also: Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886. iv. Sect, de med. pub. et d'hv*- 102-108. -----. Cholera. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Syra- cuse, 1886, 206-275. Also: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 235- 238.—Green (A.) Asiatic cholera, its etiology and treat- ment. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1885, xlviii, 283-294. Also, Reprint.—Greenley (T. B.) Cholera; its etiology, origin, and mode of propagation. Louisville M. News, 1885, xx, 81_84.—Grubcr (M.) Neuere Forschungen iiber Cholera asiatica. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1892, xviii, 234: 254; 265: 275. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1892. xv, 683: 697; 712. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii. 1657; 1703. Also: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1892, vi. 1705-1708.—Guillen (J.) Unas consideraciones sobre el c61era. Siglo rued., Madrid, 1890, xxxvii, 424.—Gulliver (G.) On the etiology and pathology of cholera. Tr. Epi- demiol. Soc. Lond..'1883-4. u. s., iii, 65-75. — Hamilton (J. B.) Cholera; its endemic area and epidemic progres- sion, with remarks on its clinical aspects and treatment. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.. 1885, iii, 29-48, 1 map. 1 pl.— Hampe. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Cholera- Frage. Monatsbl.f. dff.Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1894,xvii, 89-105, 1 diag Harkiu (A.) The pathology aud treat ment of cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 270. -----. On the nature and treatment of sporadic and epidemic cholera. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s., lxxix, 531-545. Also, Reprint. Ateo[Abstr.): Med.Bull., Phila., 1885, vii, 175-177.—Har- vey (11.) Animal radiation. Rough notes on no. 1 of Dr. Bonavia's "Contributions to the choleraliterature". In- dian M. Gac, Calcutta, 1867, ii, 30-33.—II ate hett (R.J. H.) Epidemic cholera. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1884, vii, 7- 14.—Hennessey (J. B.N.) Note on cholera. Edinb. M. J., 1890-91, xxxvi, 237-244. — Hirsch. Colera indiano. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1884,vi, 372-387.-----. Ein Wort zur Cholerafrage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 106.— Hoi lister (J. H.) Cholera. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 561 571.—Homau (G.) On some points in regard to outbreaks of Asiatic cholera. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1883, xlv, 72-83. Also, Reprint.—Howe (A.H.) On epi- demic cholera. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii, 320.— Humbert (F.) Asiatic cholera; some account of its his- tory, nature, and treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 225-230.—Johnson (G.) On the tetiology, pa- thology, and treatment of cholera. Proc. Roy. M. &Chir. Soc. Lond., 1882-5, n. s., i, 308-404. [Discussion], 407-420. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, i, 654-656. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 428-430. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 563; 615. -----. A last word on cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1629.— Jones (J.) Asiatic cholera and cholera morbus, with practical observations on the treatment of the latter disease Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix. 537- 546. — Itnppcr (F.) Ueber die Cholera in atiologischer. prophylakiischer uud therapeutischerBeziehung ; mit Be- riicksiehtigungderiieuereiiFoischungsergebnisse. Wien. Klinik, 1886, xii, 113-144. Also, transl: Clin, di Vienna, Napoli, 1886, iii, 179-213. — Kai-ika (A.) A choh-ra- betgseg lenyegeroL [Essentials an to cholera.] Gyogya- szat, Budapest, 1886, xxvi, 513; 537. — Kemp (G. T.) Cholera; its etiology and treatment; with especial refer- ence to the light thrown on this subject by the recent epi- demics. Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 418; 457; 536; 622.— Klebs (E.) Ueber Cholera asiatica. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, 569, 6i>7. —von Klodriomow- ski(A.) EinigoWorteiiberCholera. Wien. nied. Presse, 1884, xxv, 934. — Kober (li. M.) The etiology, distribu- tion and prevention of laud and ship cholera. Proc. State San. Convent. Sacramento, 1893, 32-38. Also, Reprint. Aho: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 133- 148. — Koch ( R. ) Vorlesungen iiber Cholera. Wien. med. 111.. 1-9!. xvi, 327; 353; 366; 378. -----. Confereuz zur Erorteruiig tier Clioleratrago. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 477; 493. Also: Fortscbr. d. Med., Berl., 1884, ii, Bed., 121; 141. Also, transl: Rev. de cien. med. tie Barcel., 1>84. x, 500; 587; 623; 662. Also, transl: Inde- pend. med., Barcel., 18M-5. xvi, 25; 39; 51 ; 65; 76. Also, transl. [Ab~ti.]: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1884, 8. s., vi. 393: 417: 465. ----. Further researches on cholera! [Transl.| Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 6; 62. — Krokic- wiez(A.) O obeeneni stanowisku cholerv azyatyekiej w nance ze wzgledu na jej etyologia. i szerzeniesie. [Present condition of Asiatic cholera, with special regard to its etiology and propagation.] Pizegl. lek.. Krak6w, 1893, xxxii, 41 : 53 : 67. — K iit-siii-i-. Om den asiatiska chole'- lans uppiriidande och weaker. Ref. af D. M. C. Pontin. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov. Stockholm, 1883, viii, 265-272. - Kunilslii (V. V.i Aziatskaya cholera. Protok. Obsh. vrach. Volhynskoi gnber., Zidtomeer, 1886, i, 37-72.— Situ h in ami. Was haben wir aus dem Verlauf der letz- teu Choleraepidemieeu gelernt? Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1894, xv, 13-15.—I.auaras (K.) XoAepa ao-ian/ci)'. raA7]i/6s, 'Afloat. Is87, xvii, 529; 545.—Lauglebert (A.) Ducholera. France med., Par., 1884, ii, 1468-1471.—I.eale (C. A.) Asiatic cholera. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. a., cv, 659-668.— Iiefcbvre. Communication verbale rela- C hoi era. tive an cholera asiatiuue. Bull. Acad. roy. de m*d Belg . Brux., 1882. 3 -.. xvi, 867-875. Also. Reprint 1,,. Boy tie ITIcricourt. Rapport sommaire sur les uu-,',. de eorrespondance relatives an cholera, transinisei, commission ties epidemics. Bull. Acad tie nied |»-„'"' 1884. 2. s., xiii, 1277-1453 -Levisoii i K.i Nyere Cholem' undersogelser. Bildioth. I'. Lagvi, Kjobenh'., lwx r If' xviii, 559-615.— Little i P. C.i Th. etiologv i.inl' treiit ment of cholera. Med. Press & ('he, Lond'., is*:, „ , xl,486.— Iii von <(' i [rial.]. Recherches sur ],. oholeiii' Rapport lu au nom de la commission. Marseille mt-if 1884. xxi,577; 617— l.oeiventhal (W.) Kxpeiimtutello Chol.-rastudien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, I,ci|i/„ p^i xv. 496; 520.— Lopez Alouso (.1.1 Etiologia "(■ pro; filaxis del colera morbo asiatico. I'm n n med. castelliino Salamanca, 1884, i, 193-211. liiicaN-ChnmcrioiiiiuT,. (J.) Le chol6ra; proplivlaxie; traiti-niunt. J ile mr,l ,( chir. prat., Par., 1*81. lv, 337-341. — Lnt yltieu j(z ( n i O cholerze. Gaz. lek., Wais/.awa. 1885. 2. s v, 84.">-8.',7_ McColiom (J. H.) Observations on cholera iWm, M. Sc S. J.. 1892, cxxvii, 2-i4-280. ?lacvall ,(;. x , Further remarks on cholera. Tr. M. Jfc I'liys. Sue lioinlnv (1886), 1887, n. s., No. ix, 82-85.— flat ii.-imain if'., '.\ lecture on Asiatic cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., i*s4 i 5(1" 504. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond., 1.-84. i, 463. ___!_'. nil. servations on Asiatic cholera, Cong, internat, d'hyr ii de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1*90, ii, 335-337. — tic Reddie (G. D.) Some remarks on the discussion ou cholera at the April meeting of the Branch. Iinlian M J., Allahabad, 1884, iii, 293-296. — IVIaragliano (E.i Sulla patologia e sulla terapia del cholera. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1884, 2. s., xviii, 313. Also: Gior. interna/.. d. sc. med., Napoli. 1884, n. s., vi. 875-877. Alsn, transl. .- Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii. Hi) I - 804. -----. Sulla patologia e terapia del cholera asiatico. Morgagni, Napoli, 1886, xxviii, 1; 81; 199; 241: 368: ::!i:i See, also, supra— .Vli-njot (A.) De cholera. In hit: Vt- brium malig. hist, [etc.], 4^. Par. 1662, 217-228. i|«il«i (L.) O cholerze. Przelozyl i sin -m il A . S/.wajkait. Cza sopisino, Lwdw, 1886, xv, 109-113. — iVIoliiicr 11-) Etio logia. patogenia y terapeutica del coleia Negiin i-l cstadn actual de la ciencia. Cron. med., Valencia, l-'.ui. xiii. 385; 417: 449: 481; 577; 609. Also: Correo metl. castellano, Salamanca. 1890, vii, 401; 417: 433; 449; 466; 481;.'.00; 513; 529; 545; 561. — tloorc i W. T.) The universalitv of cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 225.—IVIurphy (P J i On tho cholera epidemica. Liverpool M. Gaz.. Loud.. 1833, i, 513-518. — Ncncki (M.) Kilka slow w kwertyi etyjologii. profilaktyki i leczeuia choleiy. [On etiology, prophylaxis, and treatment of cholera.] Gaz. lek., War szawa, 189)!, xiii, 31-34.—IVctlcr. Apropos du clioleia Bull, et mem. Soc, med. d. hop. de Par., 1892,3. 8., ix. 5711- 576.—IVcuestc Cholera-Nachrichten. Oesterr. San.-W • - Wien. 1892, iv, Suppl. to No. 43. 1 -3. — Nicaise (£./ Etude surle cholera. Gaz. med. de Par., 1808, 3. s., xxiii, 62; 92; 118; 161. Also, Reprint.—Nixon (C.J ) Cholera Europaea. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1877-80, u. s., viii. l.'iti- 161. — rVothnagel (H.) Feber Cholera. Allg. Win. med. Ztg., 1884," xxix, 334. Also: Wien. med. 111., In-4 vii. 906-910.—fVoticias del c61era. Siglo nied., Madrid. 1882, xxix, S84.—rVunes-Vais (G. A.) Ancora sul coleia. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1889, lxiii. 505-508.- Olinet. He cherches sur la nature et le traitement tin clioleriiinoiliim Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1849, xxviii, 442. — ©»er (L.) Ueber neuere Erfahriitigeu in der Pathologie und Therapie der Cholera. Mitth. tl. Wien. med. Doct. (nil- 1886, xii, 218; 230. Also: "Wien. med. BL, 1886, ix, 1343; 1375; 1411. Also.in. Vortrage uber Cholera asiatica [etc.], 8°, Wien, 1887, 18-42.—Owler (W.) Notes on the diagnosis and treatment of cholera. Med. News, Phila., 1892, hi. 290 — Ovilo iF.) Kl coleia Gac. de sanid. mil., Madtitl, 1883, \\, 169-178. — I»eacan (L.) El c6lera v su tratn- miento. Rev. m6d.-(iuir., Buenos Aires. 18MJ-7, xxiii, 294- 300 —I»ear»e (W. H.) Cholera considered in the light of past expel ience at home and in India. Med. Piess .t Circ., Lond., 1894, u. a., lviii, 110. — Pcclikranc (8.) 0 etyologii 1 leczeniu cholery. [Etiology and treatment tif cholera.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 1237; 1264; 1294; 1326. — Pepper (W.) Asiatic or epitlen ic cholera Internat. Clin.. Phila.. 1893, 3. s„ ii, 1 -7. - Pcreira i.U. S.) Algunas reflexi ues y rccopilaciou tie opinioue-* »&*< el colera morbo. Gac. med., Me.jico, 1885. xx. 423: U>. 449; 471: 1886, xxi, 12; 34; 53; 7v Perez VnldenlKI C61era morbo asidtico. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp . Mmm", 1890, ii, 385-418.- Peronnc. Physiologie patholoS"!"' et traitementdu cholera. Bull. Soc. de nied. prat, tie 1 ;' 1887, 133-138 — Peter. Pathogenic, etiologie et traite- ment du cholera. Bull. Acad, de med . Par., 1885, 2. *■■ xiv, 1199; 1226. — Petrolic (L. M.) Sul colera, »"nt0 "' una conferenza. Gazz. med. tli Roma, 1885. xi 481-4JI- -----. Studio sperimentale sul colera. Gazz. «'• 816- 861; 904; 992; 1042; 1086. Also: Pop. Sc. Montu.. N. Y., 1884-5, xxvi, 503; 621; 750; 1885, xxvii, 25. ■----• CHOLEEA. 515 CHOLERA. Cholera. Zum "cenwiirtigen Stand der Cholerafrage. Arch. f. HV" Miinchen u. Leipz., 1886. iv, 249; 397: v, 353: 1887, vi 1- 129: 303; 373: v"' b - I"- ^ko, Reprint. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 29; 89. — Piorry [P.A.] Discussion sur le cholera. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par.. 1874, 2. s., iii, 632-638. Also. Keprint.—Pi y Nuncr. El colera; su oiigen. propagacioii y medios de evitarla; valor tie las hioc.ulacioiies preventivas. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1890, xiii. 355-358.—Poncel. Memoire sur le cholera. Marseille m6(L. 1884. xxi, 520-532. -----. Recherches sur le cholera; th-uxieine rapport. Ibitl., 1885, xxii, 24; 65.—Propos (A) tlu cholera; discussion au sujet de la nomination dune commission permanente des epidemics. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1884, 4. s., i, 243.—Prus (J.) Krotki rys obecuego staim iiauki a przyrodziei leczeniu choleiy. (The pros nt stand- point of science on nature and treatment of cholera.] Przegl. lek.. Krak6%v, 1887, xxvi, 192; 229. — Question (La) du cholera au Congres international d'hygiene de La Have. J- Soc. de med. et pharm. de la llaiito-Viemie. Limoges, 1884. viii. 145-150. —Kaimbert. Sur le cholera. [KapT] Bull. Soc. rov. d. sc. nied. et nat. de Brux.. 1866, 40-43— Keilly (F. W.) The cholera scare. Chi- cago M. J. & Exam.. 18s::. xlvii, 477 -480. — Kciisn (L?-M.) Quelques notes a propos du cholera. J. de therap., Par.. 1883. x. 575-582. — Kho ( F. ) Colera asiatico. Mal. predom. n. paesi caldi e temperati, Eoma, 1895. 83 - 156. — Rigiion (E.) Parole lette in occasione della discussione sul cholera. Gior. d. r. Accatl. med.-chir. di Torino. 1854, 2. s., xxi, 44-49. — Ro- dolfi(K) Intorno al cholera. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Mi- lano, 1865, 5. s., iv. 297-299. Also, Keprint.—Roilriguez Mendez. Colera morbo. Gac. med. catal., Barcel.. 1882, ii, 537; 571: 602; 633: 668 699; 736: 757. Also [Abstr]: Rev. de med. > cirug. pract.. Madrid, 18-3. xiii, 109; 199; 307.—Bosers iH. It.) A few original thoughts on chol- era. Tr. M Soc. N. Y.. Syracuse, 1882. 290-296—Roig y Bofill (E.) El colera. Kev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1884-5. x-xi passim. -----. El colera. Ibid.. 1890, xvi, 355; 417. — Roininelaere. Du cholera. Bull. Acad. roy.denied, de Belg., Brux., 1892, 4. s , vi, 900-967, 2 diag.— Ross (G.J.) Nott son cholera. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 171.—Roth (T.) TJeber die Cholera, deren Entstehnng und Behandlung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., j Berl, 1884, n. F., xl. 111-122. —Kuiupf. Die Cholera. Verhaudl. d. Cong. f. innere Med.. Wiesb.. 1893, xii. 13-39 [Discussion], 55-82.—Ruscoui. Colera. Gaz/.. d. osp.. Milano, 1884. v. 441: 457: 473; 481: 497: 513: 521: 537; 553; 561:577; 585— Sabinin (A.) Aziatskava (indiyskaya) cholera. Med. besieda, Voronej. 18'.i0. iv, 161: 200. Also: Ibid., 1892, vi, 297-31,.—Saenz Vanez (B.) Cousideia- ciones sobre la naturahva del colera y su tratamiento. Arch, de la Soc. estutl. clin. tie la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 392-406.—Sanderson (J. B.) Cholera; its causes and prevention. Contemp. Rev., Lond.. 1885, 171-187.—Nan- soui (A. E.) Notes on the pathology and treatment of cbo'era. Practitioner, Lond., 1892, xlix, 271; 321.—Kan- lero (T.) El colera, su naturahza. su profllaxisysu tera- peutica. Kev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1885, xvii, 57; 169.—Sargent (J. F.) Facts about cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1885. ii. 57-59.—Saunders (W. E.) On cholera. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887. xxii, 360: 1888, xxiii, 40; 103; 136; 17u. — Schillet ( H. ) Eenige waarnemingen omtrent de cholera orientalis. Verhandel. v. b. Batav. Genootsch. v. Kunst. en "Wetensch., 1832, xiii. 115-182, 3 pl.—Schmidt (H.i Zum gegenwartigen Stand der Cholerafrage. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1887, cexvi. 185- 209. ----. Feber Cholera. Ibid., 1895, ccxlv. 89; 193.— Scarle. On cholera: reclamation. Lond. M. & S. J., 1831, vi, 150-163.—Sella (A.) Alcuni cenni sul cholera- morbus. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. tli Torino, 1854, 2. s, xx, 468-508: xxi, 3-27. -----. Sul cholera-morbus; due parole di risposta al sig. dottore colle.giato E. Rignon ed al sig. dottore Gaetano Strambio. Ibid., 129-142. -----. Sul cholera-morbus; risposta ad obbie- zioni mosse dal sig. dott. cav. Battalia. Ibid., 413-435. — da Silva Jones (G. M.) TJma volta pelo capitulo do cholera. Correio med. de Lisb., 1890, xix, 121-132. — Simpson (W. J.) A resume of some of the more im- portant facts relating to Indian cholera. Indian M Gaz., Calcutta, 1893, xxviii, 129; 177; 364: 1894, xxix, 161. 3 pl — Biredey (A.). .Tlathieu Sc Bourcv. Discussion sur le cholera. Bull, et mean. S-c. metl. d. hop. de Par. 1892, 3- s., ix, 749-762. — Spence (T.) An essav on cholera morbus. Loud. M. & S. J., 1832. viii, 59-69.—Stand (Der) flerCholerafrage auf Grand der beiden Choleracouferenzen 1884 nnd 1885. Aerztl. Vereinsbl f DeutschL, Leipz., 1886, «", 87; 156; 208; 241; 287.— Strieker (S.) Bemerkun- Ren zu den Cholera-Experimenten. Wien. klin. VVchn- sehr., 1893, vi, 704— Sudd nth (W. X.) Cholera asiatica. ^nila. M. Times, 1885-6. xvi, 6-9.—Suite de la discussion sur les communications relatives an cholera. Bull. Acad. r<>y de med. de Belg., Brux., 1893. 4. »., vii, 669-690. — T,°i> Sjdoiv (F. E.) Om den indNka kolcran. Eira, botc-horg, 1885, ix, 107-126. — Tasliiro II.) [The diagno- J'jl.^d treatment of cholera vera.] Iji Shirihiin. Tokio, ««5, no. 164, July 25. -----. |Ou malignant cholera.] Cholera. Ibitl, 1886. no. 202, Aug. 15.—Thayer (W. H.) Report on cholera. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 634-637. [Discus- sion]. 647— Tipjalioir. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Cholera bei Frauen. Centralbl. f. (iyniik.. Leiji/... 1892. xvi, 781. Also: Wien. nied. BL, 1892, xv, 717. —Tizzoni (G.)A- I'nttani ((1.) Uiitcrsuchuugen iiber Cholera. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissonsch., Berl., 1886, xxiv, 769- 771. -----. Recherches sur lo chole-ra asiatique. Beitr. z. path. Anat. it. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1888, iii, 189-237.— Triberti (A.) Sulla malattia del cholera. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1832. lxii. 353-367. Also, Reprint.— Tsitrin (M.) O glavnioishikh pripadkakh a?.i'atskoi choler'l v nz'iologo-patologichcsknni otnosheuii i o sov- reiiieiiiioni sposobic ye.va liecheniya. [On the chief physiological and pathological symptoms of Asiatic chol- era and itsniodern treatment ] Zemsk. vrach, Poltava, 1893, vi, 472; 485.—Turner (T. J.) Memoranda on cholera. Tr. Internat. M.Cong, Wash., 1887, iv, 616-618.—Utilization (The) of condemned criminals for choleia experiments. Indian M. daz.. Calcutta. 1885. xx, 285. — Van tCrincu- «;«-m [et al.]. Discussion sur les communications relatives au cholera. Bull. Acad rov. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1893, 4. s., vii, 429; 542-. 609; 7ns.— Vermel (S. S ) Simp- tomatologiva i terapiya a/iatskoi ,-holer'i. Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1892, iv. 461; 476. — Vi-i-ziloflT (N M.) K vo- prosu ob cpidcmiologii aziatskoi choler'i. |()n e|iideiuic Asiatic cholera.] Uolnitsch. ga/.. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1894, v, 697; 721; 744 — Via.id - Orand - Tlaiais. Causerio sur le cholera. J. de med. de l'onest, Nantes, 1884. xviii, 229-248— Vidal y Tcruel (L.) Apunles sobre el colera. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1890, xiii, 185-190. —Villar. Influencia del clima de las alturas en el colera morbus asiatico. Bol. Acad, de med. de Lima, 1886-7. ii. 194-198. Also, transl : Med. Herald, Louisville, 1887-8, ix, 57-61. —Vincenzi (L.) Ricerche speiinientali sul colera (Massaua). Arch, per lo sc. med., Torino e Palermo, 1892, xvi, 327-339. -----. Nuove ri- cerche speri.....ntali sul coleia. Ibid., 1893, xvii, 137-150. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. ti. Berl., 1893, xix. 418 —Walker (G. S.) Epidemic cholera. West. Homa-op. Olis., St. Louis. 1866, iii, 64-71. Also. Reprint.— Weber (L.) Pathologic und Therapie der Cholera asia- tica. X. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1892. iv, 422-427. — Wemlt (E. C.) Recent researches in choleia. [Abstr.] Med Bee, N. Y.. 1885, xxvii, 225-230. -----. The. symp- tomatology, course duration mortality, complications and sequelae of cholera. In: Treatise (A) on Asiatic chol- era 8°, N. Y., 1885. 219-264. — WerniUe (E.) Ueber die Choleia. Vom Fels z. Meer, Stuttg., 1892-3, 330-333.— Wil*on (K. II.) Asiatic cholera. Brooklyn M.J., 1893, vii. 133-140. — Wise (S. B.) Practical conclusions on cholera. Cleveland M. Gaz.. 1892-3, viii, 277-288.— Worms. Cholera. Hull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1867), 1868, iii. 31-42. — VantU-ll (L. P.) The origin and treat- ment of epidemic cholera. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1871, iv, 209-225. Also, Reprint. — Varoshevslti (S.) Cho- lerophobia. Meditsina, St. Petersb., i89J, iv, 497. -----. Opit klinicheskavo i statisticbeskavo izsliedovauiya azi- yatskoi choler'i. [Clinical and statistical research of Asiatic cholera.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1892. xvii, 611; 643; 659. — Kucchi (C.) II colera. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1883, v, 596; 831; 939. Also, Reprint. Cholera (Bacteria of). See, also, Bacteria ( effects of various substances on); Bacteria (Sjiirillum [etc.] of); Cholera (Diagnosis of, iiaclerioseopie); Cholera (Toxines of); Cholera and water supjily. Akexs (C. F. J.) * Ueber tins Verhalten der Choler.'ispirillen im Wsi-scr hei An wcseulieit faulnisfahiger Stoffe und holierer Tempcratur (:57). 8°. Erlangen, 1^95. Bkeganze (N.) Sul colera a.siatico c sulla teoria tlei microhi o microrganisnji (bacilli, bac- teri). 8°. Milano, \*85. Cameron (C.) The cholera microbe ami how to meet it. ~'-. London, 1884. Cantacuzene (J.) * Recherches sur le mode tie destruction du vibrion cholerique dans l'or- ganisme; contribution a l'6tit(le du probleme de Pimmiinit6. 4°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. *■-. Paris, 1894. Canzoneri (F.) Sulla diif'usione del bacillo- virgola nel suolo e nell' aria. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Drasciie ( A. ) Ueher den gegenwiirtigen Stand tier bacillaren Cholerafrage und iiber (liesbeztigliche Selbstinfektionsversuche. ^ . Wien, 1*94. CLIOLERA. 516 CHOLERA, Cholera (Bacteria of). Dchourcau. Lc perouospora Ferrani, agent infectienx du chol6ra ot la vaccination chole- rique. H -'. Toulouse, 1885. Erhardt(W.) II parassita del cholera e la difl'usione epidemica del morbo. Nuova edi- zione. Le esperienze anteriori concordate con la recente scoperta. della causa del morbo, con appendice di consigli pratici in tempo di cho- lera. r>°. Roma, \**4. Goeschel (C. [H.]) * Ueber einen im Lahu- wasser o-t'fiuuleuen dem Cholerabacillus ahn- lichen Vibrio. 8°. Marburg, 1895. Hegt (J. N.) * lets over den vibrio Koch. 8°. Ctrecht, 1-94. vox Kisslixg (R.) Petteukofer'sche Cholera- Experiment. 8°. Linz, 1893. Klein (E.) The bacteria, in Asiatic cholera. 8. London f New York, 18^9. Langguth (F.) * Ueber das chemische Ver- halten des Magensaftes ini Anfaug der Verdau- iing nnd seine Einwirkung auf Cholerabacillen. [Erlangen.] 8U. Giessen, 1894. Lesh (F. A.) Slieduyet-li stchitat zapyato- vidnuyu batsillu Koch'a nesomuiennoi prichinol choler'i ? [Must we consider the comma bacillus of Koch as the undoubted cause of cholera?] 8°. Kiev, L-9:!. Repr. from: Univ. izvest., 1893. Mandelstamm (P.) *0 choler'ie i o zhisne- sposobnosti choler'navo vibriona v vodie. [On cholera and on the viability of the cholera vibrio in water.] 8°. Yuryev, 1^94. Mashevski (N. M.) *K ucheniyu o virnlent- uosti choler'navo vibriona pri smieshannikh knlturakh. [On the virulence of the vibrio of cholera in mixed cultures.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1H9.">. Also, in: Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1895-6, iv, 143-190. Also, transl. in: Arch, de sc. biol., St.-P6tersb., 1895-6. iv, 145-196. Nachtsheim (H.) * Zur Kenntniss der Biolo- gie tier Cholerabacterien. [Bonn.] 8°. Sieg- bu-rg, 1888. Nijland (A. H.) * Ueber das Abtodten von Cholerabacillen iu Wasser. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Miinchen, 1893. Pacini (F.) Nuove osservazioni microsco- piche sul colera; memorie inedite raccolte e pubblicate per cura del dottor Au rel io Bianchi. 8°. [Bologna, 18*4.] Also [Rev'.J, in: Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 706. Royal College of Physiciaus of London. Report on the nature and import of certain microscopic bodies found in the intestinal dis- charges of cholera; presented to the cholera coinniitttce of the . . ., by their sub-committee, on the 17th October, 1649. 8°. London, 1H49. 8aya-Merlino. ? ? ? Pnnti interrogativi sul tenia delle virgole choleriche, con precetti igie- nico-curativi. 8°. Messina, 1887. Sondermaxn (R.) * Untersuchungen zur Bio- logie der Cholerabakterien. 8°. Bonn, 1893. Spinola (F.) Sul germe colcrico e sul modo come preservarne 1' Italia. 12-. Napoli, 1881. Sproxck (C.-H.-H.) Etude sur les vibrious choleiiques isolcs des dejections et rencotitr6s dans les eaux eu Hollaude pendant les epide- mics tie 1892 et 1*93. 8°. Amsterdam, 1894. Tamiurini (A.) Del colera i microbi o ba- cilli sono consegueuza od effetto della morte dei colerosi ma giammai causa. 8°. Bologna, 1*84. Tomassi-Crtdeli. Note historique sur la decouverte du bacille du cholera. Extrait des comptes reudus de la 8me session du Congres periodique international des sciences m6dicales. Copeuhague, 1884. 8-. [Copenhagen, 1884.] Cholera (Bacteria of). Trkille (M.-M.-A.) ''Critique historique de la theorie microbienne du cholera. [Bordeaux 1 4°. Tarbes, 1886. J -----. The same. 8 Paris, \**6. Recherches sur le mj. Rajiport preseute k Van Ermkngem (E.) crobe du cholera asiatiqu M. le ministre de rintericur, le 3 novcinbre 1884 8°. Paris, Bruxelles, 1HS.">. Venturoli (M.) II bacillo-virjrola, di Koche la microscopia. *c. [Bologna, Ls<4.] Vlayeff (G. M.) * Kharakteristika patogen. navo choler'navo vibriona. [Characteristics of the pathogenic cholera vibrio.] 8:. S.-Peter- burg, 1893. [Wall (A. J.)] Robert Koch's Konima-Bacil- lus ist nicht Ursache der Cholera. Unhcil eines ostindischen Arztes iiber die Ursachen (Aetiolo- gie) der Cholera. Uebersetzt mit Bewillicrnn.r des Verfassers und mit eineni Vorworte vcisehen von J. A. Gliiser. 8°. Hamburg, 1894. Abbott (A. ('.) A review of some of the more impor- tant peculiarities of the spirillum (comma-bacillus) of Asiatic choleia Med. Xews, Phila., 1892. lxi, 505-511.- Abel (R.) & t'lmiNMcn (R.i Untersurhiinsreu iiber die Letieusdaiier der Choleravibrionen in Fakidien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. n. Parasitenk., Jena, 1*115 xvii 77- 118.—Abel ( It.) & Dijit-i- ( A.) Das Iliibiicri-i mIbC'iiI tiirinediuiii fiir Choleravibrionen. Ztschr. f. Hvji. u Infec- tionskrankh., Leipz,., 1895, xix, 61-74. Also: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1895. xvii, H.">-87.—Admi. raal (D. J.) Nadere proefnemingen omtreut (le inwei'- king van verhittiug op het loven van eholera-bacterien. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 189.'t, 2. K.. xxix, pt. 2, 325-.'i28'.— Ali-Cohen ( C. H.) Zur Bedeutiine lies sogenaunten Cholerarothes. Fortschr. d. Mod., Berl., 1887, v, 537-540. -----. De cheinotaxis nls liiilnmiililel hi.j bet opsporen van den choleraspiril. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Arast., 1893, 2. R., xxix, pt. 1, .")7-(i2.—Ainico- Roxas (S.) Azione delle varie temperature sullo svi- luppo e sulla virulenza del bacillo del colera. UfBciale sau., Napoli, 1894, vii, 497-50(5.—Arens. Ueber den Nach- weis sparlich vorhandener Cholerabacillen. Sitzunjjsh. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1893, 5-7.—Annan- gue (J.) & Carreras-Sola (L. V.) Nota acerca el resultado del examen dc las deposicioncs tie la en- ferma de la calle tie la Cera, numero 14. Rev. de cien. nied., Barcel., 1884, x, 044-650. - Aiifrecht. TJeber den Einfluss stark salzhaltigeu Elbwassers auf die Entwicko- lung von Cholerabacillen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Para- sitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii, 353-356.—Babes. Bacille en vii- gule du cholera. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1X84, lix, B2II- 626. Also: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 10119. Alto, transl: Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 844. -----. Koch choler&ra vonatkozd tam'ihiian>ainak Mb- kerol. [Scientific value of Koch's cholera bacillus.| Or vosi hetil., Budapest, 1884. xxviii. 953-962. -----. Lntci siichungen iiber Koch's Koinniabacilhis A roll. f. path. Anat. ['etcl. Berl.. 1885. xcix, 148-163.—ISanenao (F.) Ueber das Verhalten der Cholerabacillen in roller Milch. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen ii. Leipz.. 1?'.I5. xxiii, 170-183. Also, transl: Xedeil. Tijdscbr. v. Ileueesk., Amst., W!5, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 1, 1023-1H33. — Beek ( R. J. ) Cd*'' <"« von den Professoren Dr. Emmerich und Dr. Jiro Tstilml gegebeue Erkliirung der Cholera asiatica als dutch die Cbolerabacilleu erzeugte Xiti itvergiftiinir. Med. Coi. Bl. d. wiirttemb. ar/.tl. Ver.. Stutig., 1893, lxiii, 28,'t: 28!i.- Bertlez (J.) Does Koch's comnia-bacillus prodiife n peculiar poison? Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1885, ii, 8fi2.-Be- riclit. betreffend Versuche iiber das Verhalten tier tho- h-ra - Villi ionen (Koinnia-Bacillen) im Caviar. Oesterr. San.-Wei., Wien, 1892, iv, 439; 448 — Biedcrt (P.) "«> Reinkultiiren im Reichs-Gesundheitsanit und der t'lioleta- bacillus Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 18M4, ii, 609: 623. Also, Keprint.-BisS" n.-™lnit.* c.be.7. l'homiiie et lea Effets produits chez l'homiiie et lea on stomacaleet l'injectiou hyp""^ microbes du liquide diarrli6iq""' iiolera. Compt. rentl. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, c, animaux par l'ingcstion stomacaleet 1 injection MJP™' niiqne de cultures des microbes du hq'jjde diarrlifeique^u CHOLERA. 517 CHOLEEA. Cholera (Bacteria of). UM.— Bonier (P.) Der Kommabacillus in den politi- sc'lie'n Zeitiinge'n. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x 650.----• lvomiuiibacillus der Cholera asiatica und kriimiiier Bacillus von Finckler-Prior. Ibid., 1885, xi, 25.— Bomford il-.t'lit>w»ky (U.| Sc Vlaljntiii (E.) Ueber dio bakterienfeindliclien Kigeiischaften de.s Cholerabacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteiiol u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii, 780-785.—Cade (F. G.) Kominabaciller- nes Betydning for Kolera. Norsk Mag. f. Liegcvideusk., Christiania. 1.-84, xiv. 740-743. — Oamalcia (N.) Sur la vaccination choleriqiie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par 1889, 9. s., i, 694-697. -----. Sur Paction diarrheiq'ue ties cultures du ohohha. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, ex, 667-670. -----. O zhizni choler'uikh batsill v vodie pod vlivaiii'em sukhosti i vlazhuosti. [Ou the life of cholera bacilli in water, under the influence of dryness and moisture.1 Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1893, xviii, 227-229. Also, transl: Deutsche, med. Wchnschr.. Leipz u. BeiL, 1893, xix. 1350-1353.—Oareia Sola (E.) La cm-stion bactcricida y cl bacilo colerigeno. Rev. de nied. y cirug. priict., Madrid, 1884. xv, 337-349. _____. Obser- vaciones sobre el virgula en la provincia tie Valencia. Ibid., 1885, xvi. 617 (.25 Also: Gac. m6d. tie Granada. 18*5, iv. 353-362. — Oai-Nhiiiwki (V. S.) Sposopui-li choh-r'niye spirilli perezimovat? [Are the cholera spirilli capable of wintering?] Arch. lab. obsh. patol. p. Imp. Varshav. Univ., 1893, i, 95-120.—Oehcimrath Dr. Koch iiber die Cholerabacillen. Allg. Wien. med. Zt"., 1884 Cholera (Bacteria of). xxix, 378; 391 cholera dans le 402. — de Ginxn ( V.) Le bacille dn Ann. de microg., Par., 1889-90, ii 22*. 251— Oimeuo (A.i Nota sobre el peronospora barrino. nis de Ferrdti ('■ Bacillus virirula" de Koch). Cr6n. med Valencia. 1881-5, viii, 229-233 Also: Clinica, Ziuairou' 1885, ix, 60-03. — O irode U. 1 Action du bacille - virgule sur le foie et le pancreas. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol Par 1892, 9. s.. iv. pt. 2, 299-302-Oironc (A.) I) {:,mm^ bacillo nella epidemia di Aversa. (Anno 1893.) Cirillo Aversa. 1894, ii. nos. 9 - 10, 3-14. - Golorkofff I), f j O pioniknovenii choler'uikh vibrionov v kiiriniwi vjiltnii [On the penetration of lien's eggs bv cholera vibrio j Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896. xvii, 183. — Oonion (C. A. Certain views regarding 1 ho bacillus of cholera compared with each other. Med. Press Sc Circ., Lond., 1884, n.s. xxxviii, 127.—OoryniiHki d!. I ) O vliyanii klyiikveii' uavo soka na choler'niiyu zaps atiiyu. [ Adieu of juile of .juniper berries on the cholera bacillus.] Vracli St Petersb., 1894, xv, 170— Oonio ( B.) Zersetzungen zmker- haltigen Nahrmateriales durch den Vibrio cholera! asia- tica; Koch. Arch. f. Hvg., Munchen 11. Leipz., 1K94 xxii 1-27.—Oolschlich (E.) .V Wcigang (J.) Ueher die Beziehungen zwischen Virulenz uud Individiienzald einer Choleracullur. Ztschr. f. Ilyg. u. Iiifectionskiankh Leipz., 1895, xx, 376-396. — Oraclls ( M. P. ) Con el fin de conocer los fendnit-nos que iiroduco en el hombre la in. gestidn en su estomago del liquido diarreico de los coleri- cos. Cr6n. m6d., Valencia, 1884-5, viii, 684-691.____. M6s noticias sobre los efectos producidos en el honilm- y los animales por la ingestion estoraacal y la inyeccion nino- dermica de los cultivos tie microbios del liquido diarreicn del colera morbo asi&tieo. Ibid., 1885-6, ix, 20; 41.— Ornssi (B.) Contribuzione alio studio del luicillo-virgola. Gazz. d. osp , Milano, 1894. v, 610; 618.— Orimbert (L.) Le bacille virgule dans ses rapports avec, le cholera asia- tique. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1894, 5. s., xxx, 3K8- 396.—Orixoni (G.) Sulle propriety bioiogiche di alcuui vibrioni colengeni isolati nell' ultima epidemia. Arcb. per le sc. nied., Torino e Palermo, 1893, xvii, 241-251.— Oruber (M.) Ueber die als " Konimabacillen " bezcich. ueteu Vibrionou von Koch und Finkler-Prior. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 261; 297 -----. Ueher den augenblicklichen Stand der Bakteriologie der Cholern. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 277; 310.— tJiill- maim (P.) & Neumann (II.) Zur Lebcnsdauer der Cholerabacillen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 801.- Ouyon (A.-F.) Influence de la dessiccation sur le ba- cille du cholera. Arch, de nied. exper. ct d'anat. path., Par.. 1892, iv, 92-103.—dc Hnan (.1.) & Billy**! (A. C.) Het coaguleeren van melk tloor cholera-bactei ii;n. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, 11. R., x\x, pt. 1, 213- 216. — Ilafner (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Cholerabacillen- frage. Wien. med. Presse. 1893. xxxiv. 1253: 1296.— Hammerl (H.) Ueber die in roheu Eiem durch daa Wachsthum von Choleravibrionen bervorgerufenen Ver- anderungen. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894. xviii, 153-166.—Hart (B. F.) Are Koch's bacilli the cause of cholera? St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887. xviii, 295-303.—Ilellin (D.) Das Verhalten der Cholerabacillen in aeroben uud anaeroben Cultureu. Arch. f. Hvg., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1894; xxi, 308-316. -IIein-il»i 1 A. A.) Ob otkritii i vozzrleniyakh Koch'a na cholcr'ii. [On Koch's discovery and views about cholera ] Vow-nno- san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1885, v, 92; 102.-----. K voprosa ob vadovitosti Koch'ovikh znpyntikh i o lechenii choleri po Cantani. [On the toxicity of Koch's comma bacilli and on the treatment of cholera bv the method of. . .] Ibid., 1886. vi, 572; 590. -Ilcricoiirt (J.) Sur la nature in- differente ties bacille* combos ou bacilles-virgules (comma- bacillus), et sur la presence de leurs geriucs dans latinos- pliferc. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, c, 1027-1029.- Ilci-on (G. A.) The cholera bacillus of Koch. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health, Lond., 1885-6, 17-32. — Hesse (VV.) Ue- ber die Beziehungen zwischen Kuhmilch und Cholera- bacilleu. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipi., 1894, xvii, 238-271. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d. xi Cong- im"- internaz.. Roma. 1895, vi, igiene, 6-9. Also [AliHtr.]: Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- 11. Heilk. in Dresd., Wl-M, 53 — Hlava (J.i Bakleriologicke nalezy v pripadeclM choleiy poih-zrelych. ( Quebiues r clinches gomes' th- cas suspects de cholera.> Shorn, lc 1893, iv, 4911-498, 2 pl. - rail't Hofl (II. J.) Spinlui" Maasei, eine neue cbolera-iihnlicbe Art. Cent 1 ■'",,i- *■ Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jenu, 1897, xxi, 797.-Hol»Hi F.) Om koleraspirillen og dens lorhold til asiati.sk Kuier*. [On the cholera vibriones and their relation to Asi-uic cholera.] Tidskr. f. d. norske La-gefor., Ki istianw. 1»». xv, 139; 161.-von llovorka 1O.1 Sc M'mUler (M Eiu neues Uiiteiseheidungsme.kmal zwischen (hm l-'><» his cholerw asiati.ie Koch, und dem von Finkler una Prior entdeckten Bacillus. Allg. Wien. med. Mg. ""' xxxiv, 257 259.-Iiiieppc (F.) Ueber die Danerlorinen der sogenannten Konimabacillen. Foitschr. iciicvich (L.) O vliyanii visikhaniyn i temperaturi na zhizuesposobnost zapyatovidnot palochki Koch'a, [Ef- fect of dryness and temperature on the vitality of Koch'a comma bacillus.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 145. — liivio (V.) Ricerche sperimentali col bacillo virgola del Koch. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886-7, xiii, 438- 460.—liOewenthal (W.) Sur la virulence des cultures du bacille choleriqiie et Paction que le salol exerce sur cette virulence. [Abstr.] Compl rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cviii, 192— l.nconi ( E. ) II microbo dopo il colera. Arch. clin. ital.. Roma, 1885, 3. s., i, 185; 193. — liitnkcwicz (M.) Eine Farbenreaktion auf die salpetrige Saure der Kulturen tier Cholerabacillen und einiger anden-r Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., -Jena, 1894, xvi, 945-949. Also, transl: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 9. — IiUstig (A.) Studi batterologici sul colera. Gior. d. r. Accad. di CHOLERA. 520 CHOLERA, Cholera (Bacteria of). med. di Torino, 1887, 3. s.. xxxv, 142-145. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. d. med. W isseiisch.. Berl.. 1887, xxv, 289; liui;. ------. Biicti-riidogischc Studien iiber Cholera asi- atica. Ztschr. f. H.\g., Leipz., 1887, iii, 146-177. ------. Mikioskopischo Untersuchuiig von CholeraexUreinonteii, welche 33 Jahre lung in l'aciin'scher Fliissigkeit aufbe- wahrt worden waren : historische Merkwiirdigkeit. Cen- tralbl. f. Bikteiiol u. PiiiMsiteiik., Jena, 1894, xvi, 326- 328.— I.ii»tig (A.) Sc De <»iaxn (V.) Ueber das Vor koiiuiit'ii von fcint-ii S])irillen iu tlen Aiisleorungen von Cliolerakrankeu. 11 id., xv, 721. — I.ynbiiiNki (I.) O roslle choler'nikh batsillov bez dostupa kisloroda i o znachenii nnaerobioza v patologii choler'i. [On the growth of cholera bacilli without access of oxygen and on the importance of aiiaerobiosis in tho pathology of cholera.] Med. Obozr., Mosk. l>-93, xxxix, 1076-1087. - IrlanvMCii (A.) Beitrage zur Differenzirung einiger dem Vibrio tier asiatiscben Cholera verwandter Vibiionen uud kurze Angaben iiber eiweissf'reie Xahrbodcn von allge- meiner Aiiwcirloai keit Arb. a. d. k. Gsiidbtsanite, Berl., 1894, ix. loi - -KM. — Tic Council (J. B.) Cholera aud tbe column bacillus. Canada M. Kec, Montreal, 1884-5. xiii, 217 -222 — iTlaeleod (N.) Dr. Klein's posi- tion with rcgaid to the comma bacillus and his replies to criticism answered. Lancet, Lond.. 1889, ii. Iu82.—.Tlajj- gi(L.) A proposito dei protisti cholerigeni. Ga/.z. mod ital. lomb., Milano. 1885. K. s , \ii, 82; 102. Also, Keprint. ------. Intoino alle riceicbe di Pacini, risguardanti i protisti chid- rigoiii. BTieati (W.I Ac Kit l*ch (M j Sur rinoculation du bacillo virgule du cholera. Semaine med.. Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 370. Also: Fiance me,I.. Par., 1884, ii, 1341- 1313. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wt-hii- schr., Berl.. 1884, x, 634.-------------. La vitality du mi- crobe du cholera. Rev. scient.. Par., 1884. xxxiv, 658 660. ---;--------T%La vit;dite du microbe du cholera. Ibid.. 188.), xxxv. 277.-------------. Caracteres morphologiques dillereiitiels ties colonies jeunes de bacilles-virgules en semis, dans la gelatine nutritive. Compt. rend. Acad d sc. Par 1885, c. 2511-253------------. Experiences sur la vitalile du bacille virgule ehole-i igece. Le\ d'hyg Par 1.8s5 vii, 353--378. _----------. Recherches sui' le cholera; le bacille en virgule dans rorgnnisnio, sa culture ses produits de fermentation et leur action sur les ani'- niaux. Arcb d- phvsiol. muni, et path.. Par.. 1885 3 s vi. 72-100, 2 pl Mjland (A. II.» I eher das Aht'odtci, von Cholerabacillen in Wasser. Aieh. f. H\" Miim-hcii u Leipz., 1895. xviii. 335-372 - Obwrvation faite a 1 hopnal tie Maltepe sur la vitalite des microbes <-hole- nqties t-t sur la possibilite det. indie le foyer choleriqiie lermo (G.; bacillo del colera. Roma, 1893, n. d. Cholera (Bacteria of). des le commend ment en prenant les niesuios ciier<>innM necessaires. Ca/. d. bop. civ. el mil. de 1 Eiiipu„"( „™ man. Constant., 1887, i. uu. 6 Ol III. Der t holeravil ■!" HeilkiindcWien, [etc ], 1896, i. 1-8, 1 ]>l.-I>aKlinili , r ' tiiiialiw A iHayyiora (A.) Contribuzione a- li Mua\ sperimentah sul bacillo colei igeno del Koch. (,j,„ ,| " Accad. di nied. di Torino, ji-Wi, 3. s., xxxiv, 479-i!ij - pn" Azione della loco solare sulla viin)eitzHt(t>] Ann. tl. 1st. d' iir. spci. d. 1'iiv di 463-475. -Wso.-Utti,ialeSai,...\;lp(,Hl 1893, vi, 207-215.-«^altiiir«ki .W.j Wibrynn Mi.,™"' kowa i iiodporuiauic zwierzat ]iizeciwko lib run Rzczriiion kauii baktci.vi choleiy i odwrolnic. | Vibrio Mctclinikiiyi and the resistunce io it of animals inoculated with hac teria of cholera, ami invorseh . 1 (Iaz. It k., Waiv/nn, 1893, 2. a., xiii, 988: 1024. - Pn«qnnlc , A. ) Ukeiehe batti riologiche sul colera a Massaua e considerazioni wie. niche. Gior. med. tl. r. eseicito (etc.], Koma, 189] xxxit 10u9-103i.—Pcrcira dn tenia (L.) & I^epierre |C ) Contribuica • para o estudo luutei i bakteriologii choler'i. [New data on the bacteriology of cholera.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 105; 136.—Vincenzi (L.) Ricercbasperimentali col bacillo virgola del Koch. Bull. tl. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1887-8, ix, 315-328.—Visokovich (V. K.) Bakte- riologicheskiya nablyudeniya vo vremya choler'i v Khar- kovie, v epidemiyu 1892g. [Bacteriological observations during the cholera epidemic of 1892 in Kharkov.J Trudi Kharkovsk. mr-d. Obsh. (1893), 1894, ii, 231-265. Also: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 325; 424; 458; 482.—Voges (0 ) Ueber das AVacbstuni tier Cholerabacillen auf Kar- toffeln. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii, 543-550. —Waters (G.) The comma-shaped bacillua a zvniogenic. not pathogenic, entity. Med. Times & Gaz., LontL, 1884, ii, 644.—Wcibel (E.) Untersuchungen iiber die Infectiositat des Choleravibrio und iiber sein Verhalt- niss zum Vibrio Metsohnikowii. Arcb. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1894, xxi, 22-51— Weigiiiaiin (H.) Sc Zirn (G.) Ueber das Verhalten der Cholerabakterien iu Milch und Molkereiprodukten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Para- sitenk., Jeua, 1894, xv, 286-302.—Weiss. Ueber das Ver- halten tier Cholera-Erreger bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 492-499. — Wcisscr. Ueber die Emmerich'scben soge- nanntenXeapk-r Cholerabacterien. Ztschr.f. Hyg., Leipz., 1886, i, 315-362.— Wcisscr & Frank (G.) Mikroskopi- sche Untersuchungen des Darmirihaltes von an Cholera asiatica verstorbenen Indiern. Ibid., 379-393.—Wclc- ■ii in sky (F.) Die Ursachen des Leuchtens bei Cholera- vibrionen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 263.—Wer- nicke. Bemerkungen iiber das Verhalten tier Komma- bacillen der Cholera asiatica in Beriihruug mit Tabaks- blattern und Cigarren. Hvg. Rundschau, Berl., 1892, ii, 917-923.—Weshrook (F. F.) The relative toxicity of aerobic and anaerobic cultures of the vibrio of Asiatic cholera. J. Path. Sc Bacteriol., Edinb. Sc Lond., 1896-7, iv, 1-7. Also, transl: Hvg. Rundschau, Berl., 1896, vi, 241-247. — William (X.) Versuche iiber die Verbrei- tung tier Cholerabacillen durch Lufbstrdinc. Ztschr. f. Hvg. n. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xv, 166-178.— Wilm. Ueber die Einwanderung von Choleravibrionen ins Hiihnerei. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1894, iv, 1009-1012. ------. Ueber die Einwanderung von Choleravibrionen ins Hiihnerei. . Arch. f. Hyg.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1895, xxiii, 145-169.—Wiltschur (A. J.) Neuere Data zur Bakteriologie der Cholera. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena. 1894, xvi, 158-174. — Ziislcin (T.) Studi batteriologici sulla ultima epidemia di colera asia; tico a Genova. Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. tli Genova (1886-7), 1888, 1-3. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1887, iii, 356. ------. Sulle trasformazioni del bacillo-vir- gola di Koch. Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Genova (1886-7), 1888, 28-36. ------. Biologia del bacillo virgola iu rapporto con le vario fasi dello epidemie cole- riche c con le varie forme cliniche del morbo. Mem. (1. r. Accad. med. di Genova (1887), 1888, 1-10. Also: Riforma med.. Napoli. 1887, iii, 410; 416. ------. Nuove ricerche sul bacillo virgola. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova (1887), 1888. 180-188. Also: Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Geneva (1886-7), 1888, 5-14.-------Was wiichst aus alten Cholerakiilturen; Deutsche Med. -Zig., Berl, 1887, viii 577-579. Also: X. Yorker med. Presse, 1881, iv, 56- 62.------. Beitrag zur chemischen Reaktion der Kulturen CHULKKA. 522 CHOLERA. Cholera (Bacteria of). des Cholerabacillus. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 809. -----. Ricerche batteriologiche sul cholera. Atti xii Cong. d. Ass. nied. ital., Pavia. 1888. i. 243-247. -----. Sulle varieta del bacillo " virgola" di Koch. Riv. clin., Milano, 1888, xxvii, 379-411. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl, 1888, ix. 759; 791. — Zciithbfer. Ueber das Ver- halten der Clioleraciiliuren in Hiihiiereiern. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xvi, 362-367.—Zia bey. Xote sur un vibrion choleriqiie anotinal. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1896, x, 92. -----. Examen bacterio- logique d'anciennes dejections chol6riques. Ibid., 334- 336.—Zinno (A.) Sul colera iu Napoli del 1893; ricerche batteriologiche Riforma med.. Xapoli, 1894, x, pt. 2, 43; 55. — Zorkcndorfcr (C.) Eiii neuer im Stuble eines choler.iverdachtigeu Falles gefundeuer Vibrio. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893. xviii, 519; 534. Cholera (Cases and statistics of). See, also, Cholera (Complications, etc., of); Cholera (History, etc., of); Cholera (History, etc., of), by localities; Cholera (Treatment of)- Doyer (D.) '•" 8c]item casus morbi choleric asiatica} cunt cpicrisi annexa. [Leyden.] 8°. Amstelodami, 1851. Gbillo (F.) Sul colera asiatico e relazione di un caso particolare. 8°. Avellino, 1885. Jousseau.me (F.) Du chole"ra; traitement nouveau; gii6risoii. 12°. Baris, 1*84. McGregor (K.) The substauce of two clin- ical lectures delivered upon the cases of cholera treated in the Royal Infirmary of Glasgow dur- ing the late epidemic. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Cholera (Cases ami statistics of). Sciikffkr (H.) *l)is.s. exhihen's cholerani huniidam siccam cxcipicntcin cujus curatiouein in viro . . . cxponet. sm. 4C. Jmn; 17(14. Vitoxe ( V. ) Sullo statu sanitario delle orfane del colera del 1*84 ricoverate nel r. ]{\. tiro del ss°. Ecce Homo. Relazione al sopra- intendente Barone Camillo Tosti. S'\ Xapoli 1886. ' Antigucdad (F.) Observnciones acerca de dos en- fermos de colera morbo. Union de 1. cien. med., Carta- gena, 1885, v, 279-28". — Buchanan (J.) Case of cholera. Glasgow M. Exam.. 1832. ii, 23. — 4'apdevila (R. K.j Observnciones de algunos casos de colera morbo asiatico terminaihis felizmento despues de haberse desenvuello el periodo iilirido. Cron. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1855, iii, 7;:i5._ Clayley (H.) Caseof cholera. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1867, ii. 73—Chiaradia (E.) Storia di un ca-odi cho- lera. Morgagni, Xapoli, 1884, xxvi, 814-818.—C'orlieu (A.) La mort de Charb s X; son autopsie. Fraiicome.il Par., 1890, xxxvii, 753; 785; 891.—Curtis (J.) Observa- tions on cholera. Lond. M. Sc S. J.. 1831, vii 230-232.— Drozda (J. V.) Vier Falle vou Cholera asiatica. Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvi, 1121; 1167.—Wuke (E. T.) A case of supposed Asiatic cholera. Mary land M. J., Halt., 1894, xxxi, 478.—E|ii«e Qiioi ei5?jo-eis irepi xoAepas. TaA))- vbs, 'A0r)iai, l>-82, viii, 381. — Evrrs (J. C. G.) Beteekenis van den leeftijd voor de c.holera-sterfte. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884, xx, 1089-1094.—Fair (\V.) Influence of elevation on the fatality of cholera. J. Sta- tist. Soc, Lond., 1852, xv, 155-183.—Fruitnight (J. H.) Clinical observations ou two recent cases of cholera asia- tica. Med. Rec, Is. Y., 1892, xiii, 531-533.—* iirbringer (P.) Todtlicher choleraverdachtigcr Fall ini Kranken- hause Friedrichsbaiu. Wien. med. BL, 1892, xv, 551-553.— Clerloczy (S.) Meine an Cholerakranken geu.achten Erfahrungen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 1168-1170.—Oirode (J.) Examen de soixante-dix- huit cas eholeriques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, pt. 2, 295-297.—Glnis. Cas de cholera isole et mort el. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 194.—Golilen- bcrg (S. M.) °. Padova, 1836. Repr. from: Comment, di med. (G. F. Spongia), 1836. Baggio(G.) II cholera e contagioso o no? Ai miei client! dopo 1' ultima epidemia aprile- ottobre 1»(>. S-. Treriso, 1887. Behrend (F. J.) De reis der cholera morbus uit Aziti naar Europa, als ecu overtuigend be- Avijs van derzelver besinettelijkheid aangeno- meu, eu de voorbehoetlmitldelen. door tie regeriug aangewend, tot stuiting van den verderen voortgang dozer vreesselijke kwaal, gebillijkt. Uit het Hoogduitsch. s-. Amsterdam, 1831. Beleuchtuxg ties Seudschreibens, die Cho- lera betreffend, des Dr. Rust au Alexander von Humboldt. In Uebereinstiinintmg mit mehreren praktischen Aertzteu Berlin's hrsg. von August Vctter. 8-. Berlin, 1832. -----. The same. Toelichting van den brief over den besmettelijken aard der Azia- tische cholera aan Baron Alexander von Hum- boldt. In overeenstemming met verscheidene genccsbeeren van Berliju uitgegeven door Dr. August Vetter. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door D. J. A. Arutzenius. -:. Amsterdam, 1832. Boston. A communication from the city physician ou Asiatic cholera. Is it a contagious disease? [By William Read.] City Doc. Xo. 21, 1*66. 8>. [Boston, 1866.] Buyce(C) Strictures ou various opinions respecting the remote cause of cholera, sug- gested by the phenomena observed during the prevalence of the disease in Glasgow and sub- urbs. >-\ Glasgow, 1832. Burckhardt (W.) Die Verbreituug der Cho- lcraseuche und ihre Ursachen. 8-. Leipzig, [«. . Also, transl. in: J. tie med., Par., 1883, v, 225-233. Also, Eepiint. Cholera (Lc) n'est transmissible, ni conta- gieux; etude critiqin- et pratique, par tin ratio- nalisfe. 8'. Paiis. 1-85. Cicoccari (C.) Sulla patologenesi del cho- lerti-morbus asiatico. 12°. Palermo, 1865. Cloez (D.) * Considerations sur l'etiologie du cholera, envisaged dans ses rapports, avec la prophylaxie des campagnes. 4C. Paris, 1885. Co.mmuxicability (On the) of cholera by hu- man intercourse. * . [n.p., 1883, rel subseq.] Conference sanitaire internationale de Con- stantinople. Rapport sur les questions du pro- gramme relatives a l'origine, a Pendemicite, a la Cholera (Causes and contagion of). transmissibilite et a la propagation du cholera. Mai l-(i(i. 4°. Constantinople, 1*66. Controversy (A) on cholera between F. Contillo Yargas-Machuca and Joseph Baggetto. Transl. from the Spanish by Joseph George Baggetto. 8°. London, 18*6. Cornish (YV. R.) The origin and diffusion of cholera, 8-\ [Londou, 1*92.] Cutting front,.- Xew Review, Lond., 1892, vii, 158-166. Ccgino (A.) Annotazioni critiche sulla in- dole contagiosa del colera asiatico. 8°. Padova, 1853. [Cunningham (J.) Al- Scriven (J. B.)] The propagation of cholera by human intercourse. 8°. London, [n. d.]. Repr. from: Labore Sc Civil Mil. Gaz., 1879. Dallmer. Die Cboleraepidemie. Disserta- tion unter besonderer Verwerthung tier vom . . . Dr. Koch gemachten Entdeckungen am Stamm- orte dieser Krankheit und snecieller Benii- tzung der vom . . . Dr. von Pettenkofer vertif- entlicliten Elaborate iiber das gleiche Thema. 12°. Miinchen, 18*4. De Niet ( D. ) *Beschouwingeu aangaande de oorzaken van de Aziatische cholera en hare verspreiding. [Utrecht.] 8°. Yeenendaal, 1893. Dietz (G.) II cholera e uu morbo epidemico o contagioso? Annessovi alcune rinVssioni ge- nerali sul cholera ed uu prospctto del decorso delle epidemie negl' anni 1^31 e 1832, tanto in Vienna quanto nella bassa Austria; con special rignardo non che ai differenti rapporti degli ammalati, guariti e morti, anche all' eta, sesso, al carattere, alle cause eccitanti ecc. 8°. Bo- ma, 1835. Enquiry (An) into the remote cause of chol- era, «-. Edinburgh, 1832. Faucon (F.-H.) *R6nexions critiques sur le cholera-morbus et sp6cialeinent sur son mode de propagation. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*32. Federigo (G. ) II contagio del cholera- morbus prov at o dalla ragione e dai fatti. 2. ed. 8°. Padova, 1*36. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Padova, 1836. Fiocca (T.) Schizzi medici snl cholera con la esposizione di una nuova dottrina intorno alia genesi, ed all' esplicamento del morbo. 8°. Napoli, 185*. FlI'GGE (C.) Die Verbreittingsweise und Abwehr der Cholera. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. G^edeken (C. G.) Unders0gel8er om den asia- tiske Koleras Aarsagsforhold. 4°. KjQbenhavn, 1892. Gamalieya (N.) Etiologiya choler'i s totchki zrieniya eksperimentalnoi patologii. [Etiology of cholera from the point of view of experimental pathology.] 8 . S.-Peterburg, 1-93. Gandolfi ( G. ) Intorno ad una causa del cholera e del relativo rimedio. *°. Bologna, 1855. Gaspare (F.) II contagio del cholera-morbus provato dalla ragione e dai fatti. 2. ed. 8°. Padova, 1*36. Geuomini (F.) Dell' odierno quesito so il cholera-morbus jiestilenziale e epidemico, o con- taoioso, non che della causa impediente a tanti medici 1' accettazione del relativo vero; lezione xii della Medicina misontologica. 8°. Milano, 1-50. [Giorni(G.B.)] Saggio di una nuova ipotesi sul colera, - . Firenze, 1884. Grady (W. G.) Causes of cholera; its treat- ment and cure. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1871. Great Buitain. Secretary of State for India. Papeis on tbe subject of the Bengal cyclone and storm-wave of the 31st October-lst November, CHOLERA. 524 CHOLERA. Cholera (Causes and contagion of). 1*76, and the subsequent cholera epidemic, fol. London, 1877. ------. The etiology of cholera. Transac- tions of a committee convened in 1885 by the secretary of state for India iu couucil. fol. [London, 1-85.] Signature no. 11365. ------. The same. fol. [London, 1885.] Signature no. oY9()31 antl 11365. Also [Abstr.], in; Quart. J. Mier. Sc., Lond., 1885-6, n. s., xxvi, 363-316. Grimelli (G.) Sull' opinione tossicologica circa la correnti; peste cholerica, Lettera critica al Dott. G. Franchini. S-. [Modena, n. d.] Repr. from: Panaro Gazz. di Modena, no. 214. Hahnemann (8.) Aufruf au denkende Men- schenfreunde iiber die Ansteckungsart der asia- tiscben Cholera. 8 . Leipzig, 1831. See, also, infra, Schmit (A.). Halmagrand. Le cholera est-il contagieux? 8°. Orleans, 1866. Hearne (E.) Cholera non-contagious, and the absurdity of quarantine restrictions demon- strated. -°. Southampton, 1866. Hoxert (E.) Die Cholera und ihre Ursache. 2. Aufl. 8J. Iserlohn, 1**5. Hoogstrelangruke bewijs gronden dat de cholora morbus door de Jozu'iten in Europa gebragt is, door hen geleid, en tot hunne oog- merken aangewend wordt. Uit den Hoog- duitsch. *P. Amsterdam, 1832. Horn (H.) Ueber die Ursache und Entste- hnng der individuellen Disposition zur Cholera mit eiuem auf magnetische und clektrische Verhaltnisse gestiitzten Nachweis derselben. 8°. Miinchen, [n. d.]. How is the cholera propagated ? The ques- tion considered aud some facts stated. By an American physician. 8°. London, 1831. Klein (E.) &. Gibbes (H.) An inquiry into the etiology of Asiatic cholera, fol. [London, 18-5.] Signature no. 16927. -------------. The same. fol. [London, 188:,.] Signature no. oY9031. Also [Rev.], in: Brit. M. J., LontL, 1885, ii, 986. Also [Rev.], in: Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 1617. Knuppel. Izsliedovauiya anglo-ost-indskikh vrachel po etiologii choleri s lt?83 goda. [Re- searches of English East-Indian physicians into the etiology of cholera since 1883.] 8°. [Sara- tov, 1HD-2.] * See, also, infra, L. [Review of two dissertations:] 1°. Prova medico-legale della contagiosity del cholera doiniuante, e dati per regolarne 1' estirpazione, cenni offerti da L. Brera. Venezia, 1836. 2°. Intorno alle antiche dottrine italiane sulla con- tagione, e ai fatti che le diniostrano vere; me- morie 8torico-critiche di G. Montesanto, Padova, 1836. S':5. [ Venezia, 1*36.] [Leonardi (P.)] Cenni sulle sostanze anti- settiche e su di una teoria del colera. 8°. [ Venezia, 1884.] Levestamm (A.) Die Cholera oriental is als enzootischer Vergiftungs-Prozess. 8°. Kiel 1*31. M. (B.) Intorno alia natura del miasma cho- leroso asiatico; congetture di . . . trasmesse alia Societa medico - chirurgica di Berlino. 8 Lucca, 1832. Maceoughlin (D.) [Effect of diarrhtea in cholera seasons.] 8-\ [/;. p., n. d.] Moeller (A.) Le cholera d'apres les decou- vertes modcrnes. 8C. Bruxelles, 1*85. Cholera (Causes and contagion of). Namias (G.) \ Berti (A.) Sulla contagiosifa del cholera. ^ . Venezia, 1*66. Nardo (G. D.) Qnali sieno i fatti principali che coudurrebbero a su]ipore esse re. una niuce- diuea venetica la causa efficienle del cholera- asiatico; ricerchc; cou note illustrative. ,*-\ Venezia, 1*65. Netter (A.) Deuxieme memoire sur la con- tagion du cholera, s-. Strasbourg, [u. d.]. DE Niet (D.) * Beschouwingeii aangaande de oorzaken van tie usiatischc choleia en hare ver- spreiding. 8W. Veenendaal, 1-93. Nolte (E.) Die grosstui nnd merkwiirdigi'n kosniisch-tellurischen Erscheinungen im Luft- kreise unserer Ertle in Folge zwanzigjahriger Beobacbtungen auch in Beziehung zu tier ini Laufe der neuern Zeit horrschenden orienta- lischcn Cholera. 8-. Hannover, 1*M. Norchi (P.) II colera asiatico seconda la dot- trina del Prof. Filippo Pacini. Commenti del . . . s°. Boina, 1-Hj. Omura (T.) Bansa shiusetsu. [The modern doctrine of cholera,] 8°. Ana, 1860. <)YlLO(F.) Hygiene internationale. De l'in- fluenct; des pelerinages marticaius a la Mccqtte sur la propagation du cholera. Notes et appre- ciations soumises au quatrieine Congres intcrua- tional d'hygiene a Geneve. rtc. Madrid, 1**2. Peters (J. C. ) Cholera and its oriental sources. 8°. [New York, 1*6*.] Cutting from : The Galaxy, X. Y., 1868, 361-372. von Pettenkofer (M.) Outbreak of cholera among convicts. An etiological study of the in- fluence of dwelling, food, drinking-water, occu- pation, age, state of health, and intercourse upon the course of cholera in a community living; in precisely tin; same circumstances. Transl. from the report of the cholera commission for the (icr- niau Empire. 4°. London, 1*76. Phillips (B.) Epidemia, contagion, and in- fection, with their remedies : au essay; to which is tidded an enquiry into the, nature of the mode by which cholera is propagated. 8°. London, 1832. Pigeon (C.) Nouvelle 6tiologie des epideinies de cholera; cause originelle, moyens de s'eu pre- server. 8°. Fourchainbault, L-^9. Pirondi (P.) Considerazioni sulla contagio- sita del cholera-morbus asiatico, precedute da una critica analisi delle due memorie del Si- gnor Bo: Le quarauteue e il cholera-iiiorbiis. 8°. Marsiglia, 1856. Also [Rev.], in: Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1857,2.8., XV, 66; "115; 145; 193. Rechtsamer (M. [A.]) Materiali k voprosa ob etiologii choler'i. [Data on the questiou of etiology of cholera.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1*95. Also [Abstr.], in: Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1895, vii, 598-601. Reyes (S.) Teoria della importazione della cholera studiata in Palermo. 4°. [Palermo, 1874, rel subseq.] Rousseau. Lettres sur la contagion du cho- lera-morbus indien. 8°. Epernay, 1866. Rozat (J.-G.) Le cholera epideniique est-il contagieux? Deductions pratiques. Contro- verse. 8°. Paris, 1883. Rust (J. N.) Brief over den besmettelijkeu aard der aziatische cholera aan . . . Alexander vou Humboldt. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door G. Vrolik. 8°. Amsterdam, 1-32. Schmit (A.) Auhangzu Samuel Hahnemann's Aufruf an denkende Menschenfreuntle iiber die Ansteckungsart tier asiatiscben Cholera. 8\ Leipzig, 1831. Sktt'e (L.) Opiuione sulla causa del cholera- morbus. Memoria . . . letta nella seduta 23 CHOLERA. 525 CHOLERA. ClioSera (Causes and contagion af). ociuiaio 1852 della R. Accademin medico-chi- inrgica di Torino, cin- ora viene daU'autore pub- blicata, insieme ad una lettera del Dott. Astolfi di Padova, in riscontro ad alcune ricerche del Sctte relative alia malattia stessa. 8°. Venezia, 1854. SiEGENCEEK (M.) Eenige berigten omtrent vrocger in ous yaderland geheerscht hebbende hesmetti-lijke ziekten, tot geruststellitig en be- nioediging in de tegenwoordige dagen, bijeenge- bragt. 8C. Leiden, 1-32. Stanski (P.-G.) Lecbol6raest-il contagieux ? 8C. Paris, 1*66. -----. De la contagion dans les 6pide'niies. Analyse dn raoport de la coniinission de l'Aca- deiuie imperiiile de mddecine sui' les e~pi(le~mies de cholera-morbus ties annees 1^54 et 1^55, Barth, rapporteur, et de celui do. la conference sanitaire internationale de 1*66, Fauvel, rappor- teur. r*c. Paris. 1*70. Sturm (C.) 1st die Cholera austeckend? 8C. Berlin, 18*4. von Szapary (F.) Flugschrift eines Oekono- tuen iiber einige htichst bedeutende Ursachen der seit niehrereu Jabren unter unsern Augen so sichtbar zunehmenden Krankheiten, vorziiglich tier Fieber uud der so gefurehteten Cholera, sanimt Angebnng der gewiss woblthiitig dage- gen wirkenden Mitteln. 8-. Pesth, 1831. Tholozan (J. D.) De la genese du cholera dans l'Inde et de son mode d'origine. 8°. Pa- ris, 1875. Tognola (A.) Genesi, natura e modo di propagazioue del colera asiatico. Disquisizioni teorico-pratiche. Operetta divisa in tre parti. Parte 1. Genesi del cholera. -:. Pctria, 1*6*. Vigil y Mora (D. F.) Memoria sobre el des- cubrimiento de la causa del cdlera-morbo asia- tico. 12:. Madrid, 1855. Villain (B.) Recherche sur l'origine du cholera-morbus, snr les moyens de s'en preserver et de le traiter. 4C. [Paris, 1-31.] Waaknf.mingkn en aanmerkingen, betrerteiide besmettelijkheitl tier cholera, en de maatregelen om deze ziekte in hare verspreiding te stuitcn. Uit het Hoogdnitsel'. [In part by A. F. Wasser- fuhr.] -'-'. Amsterdam, 1-32. Wakeiteld (W.) "Recherches sur la nature et la propagation du cholera asiatique. 4J. Paris, l>-82. White (T.) The true cause of the cholera explained, with appropriate directions relative to diet, treatment, and disinfectants; also, the cause of the potato-rot explained, with direc- tions how to prevent it. *z. Cincinnati, 1850. Willi; (V.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Bqdens auf die Verbreituug der indischen Cholera. *°. Miinchen, 1-75. Willieme [F.-J.] Sur les causes du cholera. 8C. Bruxelles, 1-72. Yema (S.) Issiu korera ion. [Most recent doctrines on cholera.] 12°. Tokio, \**2. Adrian! (P.) Mekka en de cboiera. Xederl. mil. geneesk. Arcb. [etc.], Leiden, 1896. xx, 1-39—A lix (P.) Contribution k la geographic medicale: Djeddah; peleri- naiies; cholera. [Rap. Abstr.J Arcb. do nied. nav., Par., 1S94, lxii, 321-344.—Amal (C.) Du role do l'atmosphere et de l'etat hvgioinetriqne en paniculier comnie facteur etiologique tics epidemics dc cboiera. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 354—AniouM (J ) Les th6ories de la propagation du cboiera. Rev. d'iiyg.. Par., 1893. xv, 696- 723.—d'Avril (A.) Lc pelt-linage dc la Mecque. Rev. d. deux montles, Par., 1K67, lxxi. 450-480.— RabcN (V.) Tanulnianyok a cbolerdrdl. |Origin of cboiera.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1884. xxviii, 1335-1337. — Bachin«ki (V. F.) Ob otnosbenii mnlvarii k choleric. [Relation of ma- laria tocbolera.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. Is92. xiii, 1240-1242.— Bnnka ((j.) Observation on epidemics of cholera in India, with special reference to their immediate connection with pilgrimages. Glasgow M. J., 16 Ayoslino (F.) La inet.orologia nello studio del colera. Resoc. Accad. nied.- chir. di Xapoli, 1885, xxxix, 84-100, 5 tab, 8 diag.— Be- caiNiic (E.) La theorie telluriquc tie la dissemination du cholera et son application aux villes de Lyon. Versailles et Paris en particulier. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1885, 2. s., xliv, 63-79. Also, Reprint.—De Chmimoiit. Pcttenkofer's views on tbe parasitic theory of tho causation of choleraic disease. San. Rec. Lond., 1882-3, n. s., iv, 243-249.— De- iiiiiiclii. Rith ssioni intorno alle considerazioni sulla contagiosity del ooloraniorbus asiatico, precedute da una critica analisi delle due memorie del Sig. Bo: Le quaran- tine, e il c«lera-morbus, di Prospero Pirondi. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1S57, 2. s., xxviii, 3; 65; 129.— Di Vesica (A.) Delle nuove vedute di Emmerich e Tsiiboi circa la ]>atogenesi del colera: studii sui cholerosi di Livorno (1893). Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. tl. Univ. di Roma, 1894, n. s., iv, 145-169. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d. xi Cong. metl. internaz., Roma, 1895,vi,igiene 71. — Drasche (A.) Ueber dio Verbreitung tier Cholera durch leb- lose Triiger. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 1241; 1273. Also, inhis: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 436- 445.—Due he. fitude sur faction du cholera selon les zones geologiqnes du sol. Union m6d., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 661-663. — Ducor. Remarques sur l'etiologie du cholera en 1892. Bull, et in6m. Soc. de med. et chir. prat. tie Par. (1892 ), 1893, 386-399. — Dncroy je me. Influ- ence dos localit6s et de certaines dispositions atmos- pheriques pour l'aptitude au chol6ra. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1834-5, ii, 315.—Dunbar ( W. P.) Aetio- logie tier Cboiera II. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1896, Wiesb., 1897, 365-396. — Dnliieiix- Bey. De l'origine du cbol6ra epidemique a Damiette, Toulon et Marseille. Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. mod. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv. Sect, do nred. pub. et d'livg., 46-56. -----. Sur la probabilite do l'origino locale du cholera epidemique eu Fl^vpte. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1884-6, ii, 108- 110. — Ecltci-bom. Striden ang&ende koleran inellau R. Virchow och "SI. v. Petten- kofer. Eira, Goteborg, 1884, viii. 830-837.—Emmerich (R.) Uober die Cholera in Neapel uud dieiiiCh'oleraleichoii tiutl Cholerakraiiken gefundenen Pilze. Deutsche rued. Wchnschr.,Berl.,1884,x,813-815. See, also, infra, Fliiggc- Kutiiielc sur la veritable origine tlu cholera epidemique, transmissible. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1883-4. i. 186; 191 : 1884-6, ii, 1: 9; 40.—Estcves (J. A.) El colera y im.-stra constitiicion geologiea. An d. Circ. med. argent.. Buenos Aires, 1883-4, viii. 728- 740. — Fabcr (Iv.) Koleraens JEtioloni. Hosp.-'fid.. Kjobenh., 1893,4. U., i, 290; 311.— Fsil>rej;as Sola (L.) Consideraciones sobro la etiologia del colera. (lac. mod catal., Barcel., 1885, viii. 545-551. AUo: Rev. de med. y cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1886, xviii, 16-24.—Fatal (A) case of laboratory cholera. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 497. — Fanvel. Du cholera a Toulon. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii, 813- 816. [Discussion], 837; 871; 908; 960; 991; 1035; 1093; 1108; 1113; 1157; 1204; 1243; 1290; 1351: 1384; 1460; 1573; 1663; 1705.—Fernet. Sur les memoires pr6sentes pour le prix de l'Acadernie en 1897. [Du rapport 6tiologique entre le cholera nostras et le cholera dit indien.) [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxvii, 761-768.— Ferrer (>I.) Influencia de las tempestades en el desa- rrollo del colera. Clin, navarra, Pamx>loua, 1886. iii, no. 35; no.36.—FinltelBtciu (A.) Gdie gnlezditsya cboler'naya zaraza osobenno v Intlii ? lokalisti i eontagionisti. [Where is the cholera infection found in India.' localists aud oon- tagionists.] Yiizno-russk. med. gaz. Odessa, 1893, ii. 665 : 681—Filz (R. II.) The recent investigations concerning the a-tiology of cholera. Boston M. JcS. J., 1885, cxii, 169- 196. [Discussion], 179.—Filz-Gei-altl (C. K.I The'etiol- ogy of cholera. Lancet, Lond.. Is93. i. 296. —Fliigsjc (C.) Dr. Emmerich's Untersuchmigcii iiber die Pilze der Cho- lera. Deutsche med. Wchiisehi.. Heil., 1885, xi, 17-20. -See, also, supra, Buchner. — Fraenkel (C.) ISciner- kungen zur Cholerafrage. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1894 iv, 577-587. — Franceschi'( G.) Del colera asiatico, secondo i principj della restaurazione ippocratica in Italia. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1848, xxii, 177; 209. _____. In- torno alia miasmizzazione colerica, in risposta al Prof. P. Betti. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1856, 2. s.. xiii, 42; 97! -----. Risposta al Prof. Pietro Betti. Ibid., xiv, 145-1 165.—Fraaklaiul (E.) Hagar's well, Mecca. Lancet Lond., 18S3. ii, 25(1. — oiniM (V.) El ed I era morbo con! siderado como un cfecto del paludismo. Cron. m6(l Va- lencia, 1887-8, xi, 33; (i.5.—fios*e (I,. G.) Sc VoIiiiiii'(K) Generalrappoit iiber die zur Erforsi-bung der Choleia uu. ternommene Reise. Bull. d. <-id^c-nds. San.-Kom., Liizern 1833, No. 13, 303-644. 1 tab.—<ehwg„ 1884 xvi, 493-515. Also [Abstr.]: Mitth. d. Ver. tl. Aerzte iu Xied.-Ocst., Wien, 1883, ix, 258: 1884, x, 53; 71; 86. Also [ Abstr. J: Wien. nied. Wchnschr.. lss:i, xxxiii, 1248; 1548: 1884, xxxiv, 132: 443. Also [Abstr.]: Wieu. nied. Bl.. I8s3. vi, 1245: 1884. vii, 146; 235: 360. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: roAijvbs, AOfjiuc, 1883, x, 255; 271. Also. transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Times & (Iaz. Loud.. 18s:i.ii, 447. Also, transl [Abstr.1: Indian M. (Iaz. Calcutta, 1884, xix. 147. Also, transl. [Ahstr.l : Lancet, Loud., 1884, i, 360. Also [Rev.); Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxiii, 72-77. Also [B*-\■} ■ Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, isst, xix, 141-145.— Kowa9*lti ill.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Prophylaxe der asialiM-hen Cholera: mit besondererBeriicksichtignng der Koch'schen Kounnabacillen auf Grund eigeuer Unter- snchungen. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1885. xi, 156; 173: 177: 190 — Krokirwitz (A.I Zur Aetiologie der Choleia asiatica. Oesterr. Sao.-Wt-s.. Wien, ls97, ix, 109-112.— Kiichenmeister 11\) Haft et die Ansteckungs- fahigkeit bei der Cholerawasche mir an der feucbteii (Koch) oder auch an der trockt-iien Wasche? (Auf Erfah- rung gestiitzte Auuahnie der arztlichen Praxi-.I Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 18s4, liii, 1145; 1157.— l.anglet (J. B.) Tbe predisposing causes < f cholera. Mi-d. Press & Circ., Loud., 1883. n. s., xxxvi. 100.— Ealimer (T. S I On the origin and diffusion of cholera. Tr. M. A- Cbir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1885. 5--T8. Also. Reprint. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885 xiii 46-48 -----. Tho geo- graphical distribution of chob-ta epidemics. Mai viand M. J., Bait., 1892-3, xxviii. 45-54.— Eaw»on (R.) Notes on the transmission of cholera from one country to another. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. A: Demog , Lond., 1892. 1,43-4*. Also, Reprint—Eazai-u- (A.) Eiu Pall von Cholera asiatica durch Laboratoriii'is-Infection. Boil klin. Wchnschr., 1893. xxx, 1211 .—!>«- Bon («.) Sur la gen^se du chol6ra tlans l'Inde. et Paction des ptomaines volatiles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par.. 1885 ci, 613- 616.—lifhniJiiiii (K. B.) Die Cholera uud die modernen Choleratheorien. Biol. Centralbl.. Ei aug.. lss5-6, v, 513; 545.— Eequime (J.-E.) De latrausniissiliiliteduchol6ra. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1872. 3. s. vi, 618-646. Also, Reprint— l.ewi« (T. R.) Sc (uiiiiing- hamlD. I).) Cholera in relation to certain physical phe- nomena. Inhis: Phvsiol & Path. Reseaiehes, s°. Loud., 1888, 205-319— Lew las (J.) Xote ou the influence of railways in the dissemination of cholera. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, viii, 579-5H.—Lirbrcich -c-en Koch. Wien. med. Bl., 1893, xvi. 356-358—van I,aei- (E. M.) I Snr la gen&se du chol6ra. Cong, internat. de med. d. colo- nies 1883, Amst., 1884, 294-304— £.inet (P.) Le magne- tisine terrestre, considt-r6 comnie cause du cholera; th6o- rie de Brack. Science librc, Par.. 1886-7. i, no. 10. 8; no. 11, 8—de I,nna (R ) Le cholera au point de vue chimique. Gaz. m6d. tie Par., 18-3 6. s., v, 454. — Me- Clcllan (E ) A review of the latest work of Max von Pettenkofer. "An outbreak of choleia among convicts". Richmond Sc Louisville M. J.. Louisville. 1877. xxiv, 69- 110. Also, Repiiut.— tlaela«an iT I i The patho- genesis of cholera Lancet LoDtl.. Is93. i, 1305-1309. Also, Reprint —ITIacleotl (N ) \ tlillc* (W.J.) Ab stract of the results of an inquiry into tin- causation of Asiatic cholera. Proc. Rov. Soc. Edinb. i 1888-9). 1890, xvi, 18-35. Also: Rep. Pali. Roy. Coll. I'h\s Edinb.. 1889, i, 161-178. Also: Lancet. Lond.. 1889, i 116. 468. Also : Pub. Health. Lond., 1888-9, 322-334 —.TI a he (J.I Me- moire sidiesse a M. le ministre du commerce sur line mis- sion medicale en l!gyptH ayant pour principal objet la re- cherche- ih- l'origine du cholera en 1*83. Rec. d trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 18s3. Par., 1884, xiii, 236-281. Also,' Reprint — tlai-wton (J. A.) The alleged cause of cholera, hum < t. Lond., 18s4. ii, 567.— ri:irtiii Ayiixo (A.) El cob ia es infeccioso. contagioso 6 nuasmatico-contagio-o? Rev. tie metl. y cirug. pr&ct.. Madrid, 1.-86. xviii. 449-460.— Marline* Rebollo (A.) Influencia ih la doctriua parasitaria en el estiuio de la causa, piotil.txis v tratamiento del coleia morbo asidtico. Gac. med do Granada, 1891, x. 422: 445; 477; 517; 559; 604; 612; 076; 709: 741; 773. — .tleeean (The) pilgrimage and the prevention of cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1895, i, 610-612.— Tlt-lMchnikotr (M.; The bearing of experi- mental facts on the epidemiology of cholera. Pub. Health, Lond., 1894-5, vii. 15-17. — .Vloore (.sir W. J.) The cause of cholera. Indian M. Gaz Calcutta, 18*5. xx. 270-273. ----. The Indian pilgrim traffic. Lancet, Lond.. I£-31. ii. 803. -----. Is cholera conveyed from India to Europe? Cholera (Causes and contagion of). San. Pee, Lond., 1891-2, n. s., xiii, 3s9.—IVloCtini (P.) Nuovi fatti tli prova sulla contagiosity del cholera morbus. Gior. d. r Accad. uu d.-chir. di Torino, li-51. 2. s., xi, 70- 73.—.Tlonlvie It n fin till in Ahmad. 'Ihe Mecca pd- grims. lti ii. M. .!. Lund.. Is'.il. i, 1133-1135.—iHulaler (G. J.) I'.t-snu tttli.iklu id dor cholera. Kederl. Lauci t, C.iavonh., IM8-9, 2. s.. iv,278: 1849-50, 2. s., v. 100. Also, Re])i-int — .Murray (I.) (.hi the intlueiice of fairs, floods, taniine, and season, on iho development and dissemination of cholera. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. hond. (Is75-sl), 1882, iv, 504-513,4 tab. —>'c-a;ri (A. V.) .v Ciissont' (G.) Contribu- zione alio studio ,!, 11a genesi emododi diffusione del colera. Sperimeiitale, l-ireuzo. 1885, lv, 40-45.—>eneki(M.) Note sur l'etiologie du cholera. Arch. d.sc. biol.. St.-Petersb., 1894. iii, 257-259 — Nogncrol (A.) Elcdhra morbo asiatico es epidemico siempie; Se ]>ropagapor contagio '. Tieneel doble cardcterdo ser contaijnso y epidemico? Cron. de I. hosp., Madiid, 1854, ii, 075: 1855.'iii, is—>ole on the u c- teorological phenomena accompanying an outbreak of cholera in Agra. By the sanilary commissiouci. North Westt in Provinces and Oudh. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 76.-Ojjala (K.) Pettenkofershi no cholera bvosetsu. (Prof. Petti-nUoti-r on cholera.) Cbiuuiii Iji S'lnupo, Tokio, 1893. im 37, .18; no. 308. 40; no. 309, 31; no. 310, 37. —Paulinni (L.) II coler-a in rupi orto alio condizioni orogratiche ed idiograliehe. Atti C'oog. gfu. tl. Ass. med. ital. Is85, Perugia, 1SS6, xi, 415-419. Also. Gior. d. So-, ital. d" ig.. Milano, 1886, viii, 21s-J25. — I'aoletti (G.) La piitogt-iii'si del colera. Gior. med. tl. r. i-scrt ito [etc.], Roma, 188.,, xxxiii, 855; 986: 1113 Also, Reprint. Also: Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1885, x\. 321; 329; 33.7; 361; 385: 394: 409. Also [Abstr.]: Atti ('ong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. I8s,>. Perugia, 1886. xi, 153-165.—Panqnnlis (G.) Sc Opoeher (G.) L' acido nitroso conic veleuo tlel colera c il suo antidoto. Atti r. Ist. vt-tieto di sc. lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1893-4, 7. s., y, 95-116. —Pearse (W. II.) A note on cholera aud epidemics hypothetic-ally viewed in relation to evolution and continuitv. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.. 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 483-486.—Pellariii (C.) Sur le mode de propagation et la prophylaxie tin cholera epide- mique; examen tics rapports respectifs kla. solution do cette question. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C. r. 1874. Par., 1875, iii, 797-808.—Peregriiincion y el colera en Hed.jaz; ineticacia de las cuarcntenas en el Mar rojo por G. Gabuz/.i, dclegado de Espaia en el consejo internacio- nal de salud Coustantinopla. 1883. [Rev.] Gac. m6d. de Sevilla, 1883, v, 35-38. Peter. Sur l'etiologie et la pathog6uie du cholera. Bull. Acad, tie med , Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 527-544.—Peters (J. C.) On the conveyance of cholera from India through Persia, Armenia, and Geor- gia, to Russia and the rest of Europe. Chicago M. Exam., 1868, ix, 513-526.—Petersen (J.) Ilvilkeii Betydning knytter tier sig til Bctegnclsen Miasma og miasmatisk sieiligt med Ilensyn til Kolera? [What signification have the terms miasma and miasmatic in connection with cholera?] 1'uesk. f. Laeger. Kjobenh., 1893, 4. II.. xxvii, 99-111. — Pcltenkofer on Virchow's cholera theories. [Edit] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1>84. xix, 203-268.— PfeitreriA.i Hie Choleral'alle in Fin then und Gonsen- lieim und die loolistischo Ilypoihoc. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 916.—Pfci«er (R.) Studien zur Cboleraiitiologie. Ztschr. f. Hvg u. Infections- krankh., Leipz., 1894,xvi,268-286.—Pinkerton ( A.W. P.) The spread of cholera by personal communication, as seen iu the Crimean campaign. Edinb. M. J., 1857-8. iii. 867- 877. Also, Reprint.—Pii-ontli (P.) La contagiosity del cholera. Ga/.z. mod. ital. lomb , Milano, 1865. 5. s. iv. 446- 449. Also. Reprint— Polvak (M.) Zur Aetiologie, der Cholera. Wien. mod. Wchnschr.. Iss4, xxxiv. 1317-1320.— PoiltoponloN (I.) Ai peiircpai £7ri Trjs x°^*Pa-'! epyaoiai. Ta\T)v'ot;, 'Aflijvat. 1893. xxiii, 510; 530: 546: 563: 589; 606; 613; 635; 650; litis : 077; 701; 711: 747.—Prinjjle. The seasons and silo of Hindu pilgrimages in Bengal and their bearing on epidemic choleia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii. 307-309.—Proewchel. Etiologie du cholera. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par. 1869, lxix, 181. — Pron*t (A.) Du role d u pt-h-rinage de la Mecque sur la pro] in gill ion du cholera en Europe et en particulier tie lepiilcmio cho I6riquede 1881. Cong, internat. d'livg. ft tie demog. C. r. 1882, Geneve. 1883, i, 2,'>7-269. Also: Rov. d'iiyg., Par., 1882, iv, 752-756. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse. 1882, xxiii, 1206. Also, transl. [Absrr.j: Deutsche Vrtl.jschr. f. tiff. Gsndhtsptlg.. Brnschwg.. 1883, xv, 234- 237. ----- Le pelerinage dc la Mecque et la propagation des epidemics. Rev. tl. deux mondes, Par.. 189.5 exxix, 368-393.-----. Lis pehrinages bindousei lc cholera dans l'Inde. [Absir ) Rev. scient., Par.. 181)6,4.s., v, 161-167.— Rapehev»Ui 11. V. i O liovTelshikb izslledovaniyakh etiologii it/.tat-koi iliolcr'i [On the latest researches of I he etiohmv of Asiatic cholera.J Mejdunar. Klin., St Pe- tersb.. I--;, iv. 441-404. -----. Ob etiologii aziatsKoi cho- ler'i poizslb dovaniyam prclniiisbtshestveniio poslieduel epidemii yeya v Isjiauii. [On Hie etiology of Asiatic chol- era after investigations, chiefly of the last i-niih-mie iu Spain.I Vrach. St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 69: 94.— Kimkina (Maii'a A.) Po povodu spora o zarazilelnosti choler'i i Petteiikofer-Eiumerich'ovskavo opita. [(hi the dispute of CHOLERA. 528 CHOLKTU. ClioOera (Causes and contagion of). thecontagiousnessof cholera aud as tothe Pettenkofei-Em- merichexperinients.] Ibid.. 18!)3. xiv, 243 : 271 — Reineke (J. .J.) Eiu I all von tddtlicher Laboratoi iinnscliolera. Deutsche med. Wchnschr . Leipz. u. BeiL. 1894, xx, 795- 797. Al-o. Reprint —Kenon L.) Du lapport 6tiologi- que entre le cholera nostras i-t le cholera indien. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1897, ii. 27-45. —Report (A) on the investigations made into the cause of epidemic cholera iu Japan, by the committee of central sanitary board. [Transl. from ihe Japanese.) Sei-i-Kwai M. J.. Tokyo, 1891, x, 2'-28. ISieharil. Rapport de la n.i.s-.i- n eu- voyee par Portico sanitaire imperial d'Alh niague eu ftgypte Pt dans l'Inde, en 18s3, pour y etuditr l'etiologie du cho- lera; examen do ce document Rec. d. tiav. CVmite con- sult, d'hyg pub. de France 1888, Par., 1889, xviii, 354 373.— Kit-ax (L.) Du cholera au point de vue tie la contagion. (iaz. med. de Lyon, 1867, xix, 281; 301; 315; 327. Also, Reprint - Koberls i A. E.) A discussion on cholera; its epidemic progression and causation. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutti, 1893, xxviii. 36-40. — Ron* i.I. C.) An examination of some of the theories com-crning the propagation of chol- ei-ii. and of us treatment Edinb. Clin! Sc Path. J.. 1883-4, i, 596; 609.—Bossbach iM. J.) Ueber dio 1'ebertrag- barkeit ties Cholerakeimcs von einem Menschen auf den anderen. iiber die Contagiosity desselben und die Haftung desselben nil den Darnientleerungen. Mittb. tl. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1886, xii. 305-307.—Roux Influence do la s6cbcres.se ct de l'hiiinidite atiuospli6riques snr la mortalit6 choleriqiie dans l'Inde Semaine ni6d., Par., 1884. 2. .-.. iv, 370.—Bozanoft (P. G.) Roi vietrov v Tiisprostranenii choler'nikh ]iandemiy. [The role of winds in the distribution of clioYra pandeniics.l Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk.. 1893. xxxii, pt. 2. 1-25. Also: Russk. Med. St. Petersb., 1893. xviii, 149: 165; 179. -----. Choleia boliezn mlazinalichcskava. |. . . a miasmatic dis- ease.] Russk. Med.. St. Petersb., 1894. xix, 89; 121; 172; 186; 305: 321 ; 481 : 493; 521; 537.—Riiinpf (T.) Die Ae- tiologie der iiidiscben Cholera. Samml. klin. Vortr.. n. E., Leipz.. 1894, No. 109-110 (Innere Med., No. 33, 117-170).— N. Fungi and cholera. Lancet. Lond., 1884,ii,395.— Sajre (R. II i "Cholera is always stopped by cold weather and an epidemic here now would be impossible." Tbe Med ical Record, p. 598. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1887, xxxii, 039.— Neriven (3.B.) The propagation of cholera. Proc. W. Lond. Med. Cbir. Soc, Lond.. 1884, i, 44-47.—Mhafluek (G. B.) .Etiology aud propagation of cholera. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1884. ( xi, 457 460.—Nhrinipton (C.) Le cholera: ost-il, oui ou non, une maladie eontagieuse? Gaz. nied. de Par., 1866. 3. s., xxi, 150-152. Also, Reprint. — Simpson (W. J.) Cholera and its fostering conditions within the endemic area. Glasgow M J., 1888, [4.] s., xxx, 232-246. -----. The cuiscs of cholera in Calcutta. [Extr. from a report on the health of the town of Calcutta] Prac- titioner, Lond . 1888. xii, 145-154.—Skvortsoff (I.) Us- loviya proiskhozhdenha choler'uikh epideniiy i nilcii borbi s nimi. [Conditions of origin of cholera epidemics and measures of combatting them.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1893. xviii, 795-799.—Smith (A.) Paper-rugs and cholera infection. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 637.— Mmilh (H. H.) On the non contagiousness of cholera asiatica. Tr. M. Soc Penn., Phila., 1885, xvii, 152-164.— Npalazzi (A.) La teoria di Max von Pettenkofer sul rhob-r:ie le epidemie del 1873 e del lv84 in Napoli. Mor- gagni. Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 137; 434: 1886, xxviii 44.— Mlein il A.) K ucheniyu ob etiologii asiatskol < hohii. [Contribution to the study of Asiatic choleia.) Vii/hno- russk. med. gaz.Odessa, 189,3, ii. 171; 18s. — Ntekonli.N (C.) Sur le pclerinage de la Mecque et les epiileruies du cholera du Hedjaz. Cong. d. med. gives 1 ss-j <;,,„. stant.. 1881, i, 46-72. —ttundberg (J. C.) The home of cholera and cholera at home. Pacific M. J., Sun Fran. 1891, xxxiv, 586-593. — Thar. Versuch einer Aetiologie der Cholera, nebst Ideen iiber einige verwandte Gegen- stande. Lit. Ann. d. ges. Heilk. Berl., 1832, xxiii, 113-146. Also, Reprint. — Tholozan (J.-D.) Lieux (l'origine ou d'6mergence des gi amies epid6mies cboleriques et parti- culierement de la pand6inie de 1846-49. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1892. cxv, 455-459. Also, Reprint. Also .- Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1892, lxv, 1230. — TIioiiihoii (R. D.) Chemical researches on the nature uud cause of cholera. Med.-Cbir. Tr.. Lond.. 1850. xxxiii, 07-98. Also, Reprint.— Thorne (R, T.) Cholera causation and prevention at home and at Hamburg. Lancet. Loud.. 1893, ii, 50.— Tiwns- (C.) Contribution a l'etude de la contagiou du cholera, relative a l'6pidemie observ6e en 1884 k l'asile des Petites Sreurs des Pauvres de l'avenue de Breteuil. Ann. in6d.-chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1887, iii, 225-236.— Tizzoni (G.) & Cnltani (Giuseppina). Ricerche speri men tali sulla genera li/.zaziono dell' iufezioue colerica. Mem. r. Accad. tl. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1887-8, 4. 8., viii, 121-123. Also: Riforma med.. Napoli, 1887. iii, 369. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. tl. <■ ed. Wissensch.. Berl.. 1887, xxvi 481-484.----------. Versuche iiber die Cholera-Auste'- ckuug uud -Vergiftung. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch Berl. 1887, xxv, 529-532. —Townsend ( S. C.) Note on the variations in the incidence of cholera on the population of towns and villages. Indian M. Gaz., Cholera (Causes and contagion of). Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 57; 86. -----. Can cholera be gener- ated de novo J Ibid., 265-272. — dc L'ribarri > Albn (M.) Colera la verdadera causa de 61. a si como di (wlM las deni.ls epidemias y su remedio infalible. Sentido ca tol.. Barcel., 1884, \ i, 621-626 —Van de Velde ((;..<_') Les peh-rinage-i de la Mecipm. Ann.Soc.de med. tl'An vers, ls92. liv, 99-110.— Villnr (L.) Influencia del The ctiolinyof cholera. In: Ti eat iso i A^ i on Asiatic choleia, 8°, V'V 188.5, 119-215.—WilmniiM. Ueher Contiigiositiit (hi ('hoi bra. Miinchen nied. Wchnschr , 1893, xl, 7.—Wolffhii. gel (((,) Zur experinientelltu Bearbeitung der Choleia- infectionsfrage. Arcb. f. exper. Path u. Pharmakol Leipz., 1873, i, 404-419— /nwaliiNi (II.) Cholera biokeii oyobi yefuho ronsu. (The cause of i-boh-ra ;uid inethiid of prevention.] Shiritsu Eiseikwni WaUavama, Shikwai Zashi, 1892. no. 1, 9-13. — %ienel» (M. K'.) Etiologiva choler'i. Viacb, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 326; 361; "389. Also, Reprint. Cholera (Complications and sequela' of), Abuamovitscii (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de la broncho-pneuniouie choleriqiie. 4°. Paris, 1*92. Dubueuilh (YY.-A.) * De hi broncho-nueu- monie choltSrique. 4 . Paris,1*85. Ficnicia (S.) Dissertazione sul tifo colerico. 8°. Xapoli, l"s>r>. Heiuxkk (J. O. L.) * reher die unvollstiin- ilioe, Rc-iktion nach dem Cholcraanfitlle. ■» . Leipzig, 1867. Kirk (J. li.) Practical observations on chol- era asphyxia, communicated in a report to the Greenock board of health, as the result of a mission to the infected districts. With an ap- pendix. 8°. New York 2. Kohn (C. [H. M. ]) * Ueber Urethralstric- turen nach Cholera. 8°. Kiel, \895. Schkxkf.l(R.) * Ueber die tynhoitle Reaction nach dem Choleraanfalle. *' . Leipzig. [If*/]. Tarral. * De l'tjiytbenie scarlatinifornic ct rube'oli forme tlaus le cholera. 4°. Paris, 1886. Aguilar Blaneh. £1 colera morbo, y la queratitia neuro-paralitica. Cr6u. nied., Valencia, 1885-6, ix, 101- 109. — Aufi-eeht. Die Choleranepbritis. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1892, xiii, 953-957.-----. Eine weitere Bomerkung zur Cholerauepkritis. Ibitl, 1893 xiv, 153- 156.—Ball (li.) De la folic consecutive au cholera. En- c6puale. Par., 1885, v, 30-41.—BcrteN iA.i 1'cbi-r Cho- lera mit besonderer Beriicksicbtigung tier M-cundaren Krankheitsprocesse. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1895, n. F., xii, 101-166—Bolkin (S. S.) O gastroenteritakh vo vreinya choler'i. | Gastroenteritis during cholera (pi- demics.]' Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 18C3-4, lx, no. 4, 30: uo. 5, 6. — Bulovski I A. I.) Slticlial byperosmiic poslie choler'navo zabollevamva. [. . .after cboiera. ] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mo«k.. 1*95, xxxiv, 92-95.- I'ai-rieii. De la crise urinaire dans le choleia. N. Montpel. med., 1893, ii, 788; 825, 5 ch. on 2 leaven.- C'hizh (V.) It kazuistikie psikhozov poslie choler'i. | Psychosis after cholera.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., P93, v, 591 — Coonry (J. E.) On a case of malignant chol- era. Lancet, Lond., 18*2, ii, 137. — C'o«le (M.) Be Ian- gine choleriqiie. Rev. de m6(L. Par., 1889, ix, 863- 875. — Delaine. Purpura observ6 dans le cboiera cpi(Unii(|ue qui r6gna a. Lochcs (Aube). dans les mois d'aottt et de Beptembre 1854. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 18,"6, xxm, 297— Deinwler. A propos th- l'iclcre ct des alterations des voies biliaires dans le chol6ra. Bull, et ini'-ni. _8uc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 679- 681. — Dither. Deux cas d'erythfeme rub6oliforme tlans le coins du cho- lera. Hull. Soc. de med. de Rouen (1892), 1893. 2. h . vi, 149.— ENpagne (A.) Relation d'un en* do cholera pr*; ced6 d'une iiidigestion, et complique d'tiu«oup k la it-teet d'une douleiir lonibaire k causo rest6e inconnm- (>:c/.. hebtl. d. sc. nied. de Montpel., 1884, vi, 481 -4*4 -EkM'H (O. K.) Xieskolko sluchavev choler'nikh eiitein. nablyii- ihivshikhsya v epidemiyu 1893 g. [Sou e cases of cholera erythema 'during the epidemic of 1893.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1894. xii, 838-8t2.-«alliard (L.) Ulcerations multiples de l'estomac chez un cholerique. Bull, et mem. CHOLERA. 529 CHOLERA. Cholera (Complications and sequelw of). Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 809-813. -----. Cholera et fievre typhoide. Ibid., 1893, 3. s., x, 15-31. Also, Reprint. -----. Pneuinouie et broncho-pnenmonie choleriques. Gaz. hebd. tie ni6d.. Par., 1893, xl, 173-178. _____La suppuration et les gangrenes dans le cholera. Arch. gen. de iu6d.. Par., 1893, i, 513-532.----Cholera et alcoolisme. Ibid., ii, 391 - 420. — Garliiiski ( W. ) Przyczynek do etyjologii powstawania o-wrzodzeii rogowki ■w przebiegu chole'ry. [Contribution to etiology of ulcer- ations of cornea in course of cholera.] Kron. lek., War- szawa, 1894, xv, 355-365. — Gillet (H. ) Anasarque et nolvurie simple a la fin du cholera. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par.. 1893, iii, 9-28. — Givode (J.) Cholera et fifevre tvphoide. Compt. iend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s.,v, 570- 57_>._Greidenberg (B. S.) Osti iy psikhos poslie choler'i. f Acute psvchosis after cholera.] Protok. zasaid. i trudi Obsh. Simpheropolsk. vrach. (1891-2). 1893, iv, 83-90. Also : Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 90-92.—GrigoryelT(D. V.) Cholera asiatica, oslozhuivshayasya colitis diphtheritica, kak osnovnaya prichina nagnoyeniya pecheni (hepatitis suppurativa) s tromhozom vorotnoi veni. [. . . compli- cated with ... as a cause of abscess of liver, with throm- bosis of the portal vein.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1896, vii, 368-370.— Hericourt (J.) Le cholera att6nu6. Rev. de ni6d., Par., 1885, v, 859-864.— Johnson (G.) The cause of the impeded pulmonary circulation in the collapse stage of cholera. Lancet, Loud., 1885, ii, 224.— Kast (A.) & Rumpel (T.) Cholera asiatica; stiirmi- scher innerhalb -weniger Stunden verlaufener Fall. In their- Path. anat. Tafeln . . . Hamb. Staatskrankh., fob. Waudsbek-Hamh., 1893, 4. Hft., lpl. (F.viii). Also, transl. in their: Illust. Path. Anat., fol., Lond., 1893, F. pl. viii, with text.----------. Darmdiphtherie nach Cholera. In their: Path.-anat. Tafeln . . . Hamb. Staatskrankenh., fob, Wandsbek-Hamb., 1893. 4. Hft., 1 pl. (F. xi). Also, transl. in their: Illust. Path. Anat., fob, Lond., 1893, F. pl. xi, with text.----------. Cholera-Exantheni. In their: Path.-anat. Tafeln . . . Hamb. Staatskrankenh., Wands- I bek-Hamb., 1893, 5. Hft., 1 pl. (H. i). Also, transl. in their: Illust. Path. Anat., fob, Lond., 1893. H. 1 pl, with text.— Lesage & Macaiguc. Des complications de la con- valescence du cholera. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1895, i, 42; 193; 427. — J.evehatkin (V. I.) Psikhoz poslie choler'i. [Psychosis after cholera. ] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1895, iii, no. 2, 33-46. — deyden (E.) Ueber die Choleraniere. Deutsche, med. Wchnschr., Berl. u. Leipz., 1892, xviii, 1150. [Discussionl, 1893, xix, 603; 652. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1892-3, xii, 166- 171. [Discussion], 188; 203.-----. Zur Nierenaffection bei der asiatischen Cholera. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1893, xxii, 1-22, 1 pl. Also: Wien. med. Bl.. 1893. xvi, 145; 157; 171. -----. Noch ein "Wort zur Cholera-Ne- phritis. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1893, xxii, 633-636. AUo: Wien. med. Bl., 1893, xvi, 375.— lie j marie ( H.) Cholera avec suppurations multiples. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiv, 329-331.— I,itten (M.) Beitrag zu der Lehre von der Choleraniere. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1893, xxii, 182-190. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 589-591. — llnrli- ham (H. C.) Winter cholera. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Du- buque, 1886-9, vii. 96-100. — Martin-Durr. Un cas de gangrene externe consecutive au cholera. Progres med., Par., 1893, 2. s., xviii, 2. -----. La gangrene complication du cholera. Rev. de med., Par., 1893, xiii, 614-634. — de Molenes (P.) Cholera; psorent6rie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lvii, 417-420. Also: Progres m6(L, Par., 1883. xi, 390.—Montefuaco (A.) L' itterizia nel cholera. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1888, n. s.,x, 260-264.— Moi-el-Lavallee. I5ryth6me polymorphe dans la pe- riode r6actionnelle du cholera. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1884, 2. s., v, 621-624.—Pant (H. D.) Is paralysis a sequel of cholera? Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 11.— Parmentier. [CEddme de la glotte d6velopp6 snr une malade atte.inte du cholera asiatique: tracheotomie; au- topsie] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 210-213.— Pcchki-anc ( S. ) Dwie szczegdlue postacie zaburzeii nerwowychpocholerzeazvatyekiej. [Two peculiar forms of nervous affections in Asiatic cholera. ] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1894, xiv, 1039-1046.—Pei-etz (K.I.) Kvoprosu o smleshannol infektsii pri choleric. [ On mixed infection in cholera.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb., 1895, vi, 484-489. — Pernice (B.) & Scagliosi (G.) Contributo alio studio ed alia patogenia delle alterazioni renali nel colera asiatico. Atti d. xi Cong, med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, med. int., 330. — Queyrat (L.) & Broca (A.) Note sur l'erytheme du cholera. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1887, vii, 625-639.—Beiche (F.) Symmetrische periphere Gan- griin im Verlauf einer Cholera gravis. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2, 136-139.—Richardson (G. H.) A case of inflamma- tion of long bones as a sequel of cholera. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1897, vi, 755.—Rosenberg (J.) Przypadek szczegolnego zaburzenia nerwowego, powstalego po cho- lerze azatyckiej. [Unusualnervous tronbles in the course of a case of Asiatic cholera.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 9.—Rumpf. Die sekundaren Krankheitsprocesse der Cholera. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2, 34 Cholera (Complications and sequelw of). Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt, 2, 65-82. -Nanlangelo- Spoto (F.) Le modificazioni mentali indotto dal colera nelle varie forme psichopatiche. Pisani, Palermo, 1894, xv, 171-207. Also, Reprint, — target (J. iM.) Un caso de c61era indiano complicado con escarlatinu; curacion. Rev. de nied. y cirug. priiet., Madrid, 1891, xxviii, 337- 342. — Nchniilz(X. A.) Sluchai oslozhnenia choler'l (re- t.iidiv) lufishechnhni kontrakturami. | Cholera (in relapse) complicated by muscular contraction.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 690-696, 1 diag.—Seglaw. Un cas de folie post choleri- qiie a forme de confusion mentale primitive. Ann. m6tb- psych., Par., 1893, 7. s., xvii, 376-405. —Single ( C. G. ) Winter cholera. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1888, xvii, 618-622. — Spolo ( F. S. ) Le modificazioni mentali in- dotte dal colera nelle varie forme psicopatiche. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med in Palermo (1894), 1895, 202-223.— Thore. Rostjole et parotides snppurees cons6cutives au choleia. Bull. Soc. do med. prat, dc Par., 1856, li- lt.— Vandervelde. Des 16sions des reins dans lc cho- lera. J. de med., chit. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1893, 241-249.— ViiNilyeflT(V.L) Sluchai psikhosa poslie choler'i. [Psy- chosis after cholera.] Nevrol. Vestnik. Kazan, 1893, i, no. 1, 15-26. — Violin (I. A.) Dva slucbaya oslozhneniya choler'i kontrakturami vo vremya vizdoravlivaniya. [Two cases of cholera complicated by convulsions during con- valescence.! Kjened. .jour. "Prakt. Med.", St. Petersb., 1896, iii, 561. — Watsuzi (H.) Ueber einen Kranken mit Ankylostomum duodeualo und Distoma hepatis, der Cho- lera asiatica iiberstanden hat. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1896, x, Hft. 1, 16-18.— Wiersina (E.) Over tetanic en svmptomatische tetanie bij cholera. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1893, 2.'R . xxx, pt. 1, 2-13. — Zeleueff (I. F.) K kazuistikie critem pri choler'ie. [Cholera erythema. ] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1893, xl, 1105-1110.—Zinn'o (A.) II rene colerico. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1894-5, v, 185- 221, 1 pl. Cholera (JHagnosis and semeiology of). See, also, Cholera (Diagnosis of, Bacterioscopic). Brosch (C. W.) Die opidemisehe Cholera ihrem Weseu nach betrachtet. Ein Beitrag zur Diagnostik derselben. s3. Prag, 1832. Daugnac (C.-J.-D.-F.) Considerations ana- tomico-physiologiques relatives au phenomena vocal, dit voix soufhee daus la periode algide du chole'ra asiatiqno. 8°. Montpellier, 1836. Repr. from: Bull. Cercle rn6d. tie Montpellier. Fatichi (G.) La proguosi e la dolorabilita nel colera. 8-\ Firenze-Boma, 1887. Gemeinnutzigk Pararell- uud Differeuz-Tabel - len oder Gegeneinanderhaltitng auderer Krank- heitsformen mit der Cholera morbus, um durch derentabellarisch dargestellten Unterschied die Erkeuntniss derselben zu erleichtern, ihrer Ver- wechslung und den darans entstehenden Miss- griffeu vorzubeugeu. Vom Verfasser der Volks- sohrift: Verwahrungsmittel vor, und Verfah- rungsweise bey dem Befallen der Cholera mor- bus. 8°. Wien, 1832. Gripat (H.) Contribution a l'6tu(le de la ther- mometric dans le cholera. (£pid6mie observed a Paris en 1873.) 8°. Angers,1*76. Macloughlin (D. ) On the premonitory symptoms of cholera, in a letter to the editor of the Association Medical .Journal. 8 . London, b<>:>. -----. Did the General Board of Health make any scientific researches at the bedside lo ascer- tain the connection which exists between epi- demic diarrhoea and epidemic cholera; and were they the first to point, out that cholera is invari- ably preceded by a diarrbo-a for a few hours, or for a few days, or for a few weeks, antl that it is, consequently, in the power of human foresight to ward off an attack of cholera f A letter ad- dressed to John .Simon. 8°. London, 1856. Agnoli (G. B.) Cenni clinici sulle successioni del cholera. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1887, 6. s., xix, 303- 336, 6 ch. — B. Sc I.abat ( L.) Parallele du cholera- morbus sporadique et du cholera asiatique. Ann. de la m6d. physiol., Par., 1833, xxiv, 427; 744. Also, Reprint.— Baliiio y Ii demii 1893 g. [Report of the bacteriological examination! of the cholera evacuations during the Kiev cboiera epi- demic of 1893.1 Yuzbno-rnssk. med. ,'taz., Odessa. 1894. iii, 197-200. — Bujwid (O.) O oddzialywaniu cliemiezuton pratk6w cholery; spos6b oddzielania i rozpoznawania pratkdw cholery bez pomocyplytek i niikroskopu. [Chem- ical reaction of cboiera bacteria; method of diagnosticat- ing cholera bacteria without either plates or micros' ope ] Przgl. lek., Krak6w, 1888, xxvii, 465.—de la Ooix (N J.) Die bacteriologische Diagnose der Cholera. St. Petersli. med. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 341; 349.—Oebry. -pro- pos de la s6rodiagnose de la fidvre typhoide et du rlioK-ra. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1896. 4. a., viii, 2«9-302.-Dele- pine (S.) Ou the value of the bacteriological diagnosis of Asiatic cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 120-122.- Delepine (S.) & Richmond (J.) Some remarks on the bacteriological diagnosis of cholera. (Jong, internat. d'hyg. et tie d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, 2* ►- 303.----------. Variability of the comma bacillim and the bacteriological diagnosis.'f cholera; based on the 8t°dX of some cases which occurred in Msnchester at tbe end ot the summer 1893. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & LontL, 1894-5, iii, 184-201, 2 pi.—Dialroptoff (P.) Bacteriologie CHOLERA. 531 CHOLERA. Cholera (Diagnosis of, Bacterioscopic). du cholera. Coin:, iuternat, d'h\ n. et dedemog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 358-360. - Differential (The) diagnosis of cholera: by a bacteriologist. Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 1079.—Di Vesica (A ) Sulla bout a del metodo Schottelius per la diagnosi batt eriosc ©pica del colera asia- tico. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1886, n. s.,viii, 311- 316, 1 pl. Also: Comnmnicaz. batteriol. 1886, Napoli, 1887, i, 1-8,1 pl.—Dunbar. Zum St anile tier bacteriologischen Choleradiagnose unter besonderer Beriicksichtignng tier Pfeiffer'scheu specifischen Cbolerareactiou. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1895,xxi, 137-140. (Discus- sion], Yer.-Beil., 125-127. ------. Zur Differentialdiagnose zwischen den Choleravibrionen und anderen deuselben nahestebcuden Vibiionen. Zt-cbr. f. Hvg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz., 1895-6, xxi, 295-3G2.— Duuliaiii (E K.) The bacteriological examination of the recent cases of epi- demic cholera in the citv of New York. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 72-80.— Fijkmau (C.) Cholera asiatica ; baeterioscopischo diagnosis. Geneesk. Tijd- schr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1889, xxix, 88-101, 2 pl.— Eisner (M.) Die Plattendiagnose des Cholerabacillus. Cong, internat. d'livg. et tie demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 304." Also: Hyg. Rnmlschau, Berl., 1894, iv, 296. -----. Untersuchungen zur Plattendiagnose des Choleravibrio. Arch. f. Hvg., Muncheii u. Leipz., 1894, xxi, 123-141, 3 pl. —Engcls (W.) TJeber die Verwend- barkeit des Chrysoidins bei der Choleradiagnose. Central- bl. f. Bakteriol. fete.J, 1. Abt., Jena, 1897,- xxi, 81-86.— Fischer (B.) TJeber einijre hemeikenswerthe Befunde bei der Untersuehung choleraverdiichtigen Materials. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 541 ; 575; 598: 627. ------. Weitere Beobachtnngen bei derTJn- tersuchung cholerwerdachthren Materials. Ibid., 1894, xx, 542: 565: 579.—F ley ill li I h Sc Fickfctt. Nochmals znr Diagnose der Cholera mitt els A earplatt en. Ibid., 1893, xix, 1389.— |i:i. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen ti. Leipz., 1881, ii, .'15-45.—Rnp- chevshi (I. F.) O dezinfektsii pri cbolcr'Ie. [On ilisin fection in cholera.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1890, clxviii, 3. sect., 53-74. Also, Keprint— Ray iiioiiiI (J. H.) Sulphur fumigation in cholera. N. York M.J.,18!)2,lvi,351- 354. Also, Reprint.—Roiiimclaere. Disinfection ties niatieres ehoKiriqiics par l'ebullition. J. de metl., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1892, 725— Sakhar©fl"(N A.) Dezin- fektsiyapassazhirovna Zakavkazskoi zbelleznol dorogiev nastoyashtshuvii epidemiyu choler'i. [ Disinfection of passengers on the Trans-Caucasian railroad during tbe present epidemic of cholera.] Protok. zasaid. Ksivkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix, 279-31)8, 1 pl—Nautili. Apparat zur Sterilisiraiug der Auswurfstoffe (Fiicalien, etc.) tier Cholerakranken. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18!2, xxix, 952. — Seibert (A.) Disinfection during cholera in Berlin and Hamburg. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1892), 1893, 2. s., ix, 314-328. Also: N. York M.J, 1892 lvi 645-648. Also, transl: X. Yorker iinil. Monatschr., 1892, iv, 460-468. — Tooyania (S.) fclTlnl- suo ( S.) Kolerahyotoku no sunbuki sotoku sitsukou Tokio Kenbikyoyen in okete. [Experiment of disinfect- ing cholera discharges by a spray, at the Tokio Micro- scopical Society] J'.'NihonbashiKu San. Ass., Tokio, 1893, no. 9, 3-7.—IJbeda (J.) El c61era y los desinfectanto. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract.., Madrid, 1884, xv, 159-107- Van Erniei'igem (E.) Sur la disinfection ties excre- ments chomriques et le moyen de se preserver dn cholera. [Transl. by E. van Millingen.] Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stant., 1886-7, xxix, 146-151.—Vasilyeff (N. P.) Obez- zarazhivanie choler'nikh izverzheniy v bolnitsakh.] Dis- infection of cholera evacutions in hospitals.] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb. (1881-5), 1886, Iii, 235-239. AUo, transl: Ztschr. f. Hvg., Leipz., 1887, iii, 237-241.- Viel- guth ( F.) Vorscblag zur Clioleradcsintection. Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 437; 455,-Yvt-rl (A.) De l'emploi du bichlorure tie mcrcure comnie moyen the- rapeutique et prophvlactique contre le cholera asiatique. Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 695. Cholera (Disposal of dead in). Ash mead (A. S.) Cremation of cholera corpses. Science, N. T., 1892, xx, 132.-Asthnller gy of); Cholera (Toxines of); Cholera aud water supply. Cholera (History and statistics of). See, also, Cholera (Cases, etc., of); Cholera (Histom, etc., of), by localities; Cholera (Poems, etc., relating to); Cholera (Popular manuals, etc.) ; Cholera (Prevention of, Public measure* /0ra Backer (F.) Le cholera en 1890. Marche tie i'6pidemie: le cholera est- il coutagieuxi suiets predisposes; peut-on l^vitcr? pent-on le Kn6rir. ? par quels moyens ? Etudes nouvelle VF. Paris, 1890. , Bell (J.) & Coxdik|(D. F.) Colleccao C3 nach Egypten und Indien entsandten Kommission, unter mitwir- kung von Dr. Robert Koch, bearbeitet von Georg Gafl'ky. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Gianelli (G. L.) Reminiscenze di fatti e di principj medico-politici sul cholera-morbus. 8°. Padova, 1858. van deu Hoeven (C. P.) Historische lessen over de cholera. 8°. Leiden, 1832. Jankoxich (A.J Die epidemische Cholera in deu Jahren 1^17-32, ihr Wesen, Ursache und rationelle Behandlung. 8->. Ofen, [1832]. Kennedy (J.) The history of the contagious cholera: with remarks on its character and treatment in England. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1832. Lavagxa (F.) giun. Saggio di osservazioni per scrvire alia storia del colera asiatico, seguite da nuova teorica sulla causa di questa malattia. 8C. Genova, 1835. Macnamara (N. C.) Asiatic cholera. His- tory up to Jnly 15, 1892; causes aud treatment. 8C. London d°- New York, 1*:92. Macpherson (J.) Annals of cholera from the earliest periods to the year 1817. 8°. London, 1884. Mahe. Mdmoire sur la marche et l'exten- sion du cholera asiatique des Indcs orientales vers l'occident depuis les dix demieres anne"es (1875-84) et sur quelques consequences qui en resultent. 8°. Constantinople, 1885. Palasciano. Rapporto sul colera del 1854, fatto all' Accademia medico-chirurgica di Na- poli, nella seduta del 30 settembre. 8°. Napoli, 1854. Pellegrini (F.) Comentarii sul colera morbo gangeo. v. 2. 8°. Na/utli, 1K17. vox Pettenkofer (M.j Der epideiuiolo- gische Theil des Berichtes iiber die Thiitigkeit 533 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of). der zur Erforschung der Cholera im Jahre 1883 nach Aegyptcn und Indien entsandten dentschen Commission. 8°. Miinchen f Leipzig, 1888. Renneut (E.[F. H.] ) * Ein Beitrag zur Epi- demiologic der usiatischen Cholera. 8°. Halle a. S., 1895. Resoconto e relazione medica della commis- sione di soccotso del Seat iere di Pre dal 27 luglio al 30 settembre 1S54. 8°. Genova, 1854. Thoinot (L.-H. ) Histoire de l'epideuiie choleriqiie de 1884 ; origine, marche, 6tiologie generale. 8°. Paris, 1886. Verhollot (M.-P.) Du cholera-morbus en 1845, 1846 et 1847; avec une carte indiquant sa marche pendant ces trois annees. 8°. Cons- tantinople, 1^48. Weyland (M.-G. ) Trait6 sur le cholera asiatique offrant l'histoire de cette maladie, ainsi que les moyeus de s'en preserver et de s'eu gudrir. 8J. Paris, 1831. Wierrer (C. M.) * Itinerariuni der iudischen Cholera-Epidemie in chronologischen Tabellen von ihrem Ausbruche iu Indien im Jahre 1817 bis zu ihrem jiingsten Auftreten innerhalb der Griiuzeu unseres Vaterlantles. 8°. Wiirzbura, 1837. Zucchi (C.) II colera; schizzo storico e pro- filattico. 12°. Milano, 1884. Aerztlicher Verein zu Munchen. Verhandlungen uber Cholera im . . . 1884-5. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1885, xxxii, 23,- 223; 235. Also, Reprint. — Aetiolo- gist-he und prophylactische Erfahrungen iiber die Choleraepidernieen in Europa wahrend der letzten drei bis vier Jahre. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1888, xx, 391-398. — Aii. Epidemies de cholera asiatique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8. a., i, 569.— Baker (J. E.) & Thayer (W. H.) Report on cholera. N. York M. J.. 1885, xii, 625-637. Also, Reprint.—Bm-jj- fraeve Sc Goyard. Le cholera. M6d. dosim6t., ar., 1884, ii, no. 18, 1 pl. — Charcot. Rapport sur di- verses communications relatives au cholera. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1884, xcix, 224. — Chicotius (J.) De cholera morbo, epistola ad Pamphilum medicum. In his: Posteriores cogitationes fete], 12°, Par., 1069, 229- 242. — Cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1892. ii, 680-684.— Cholera (Tho). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 054-660.— Cholera (The) conference at Berlin. Metl. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 221; 243. — Cholera; progress of the epidemic; Dr. Koch's investigations. San. News, Chicago, 1884, iv, 83, port:—Christie (J.) On cholera epidemics; their etiology, modes of diffusion, and preventive meas- ures ; with special reference to quarantine. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1883^1, v, 99-108. — Cosson (E.) Snr l'6pid6mie chol6rique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcix, 11-13. — Cowley (L. M.) El colera de 1884. Cr6n. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1884, x, 339 ; 406; 451.—D. (C.-L.) Le cholera de 1884 et les instructions sanitaires de M. Koch. Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s , xxxviii, 100-104.— Delacoux (A.) Observations medieo-historiqiies sur le cholera asiatique. J. d. conn, roetl. prut., Par., 1857-8, xxv, 197; 211; 225. — Dickson (E.-D.) Le chorera- morbus de 1881. [Transl. by Stt'-eotilis.] J. d'hyg., Par., 1881, vi, 601-603.— Discussion sur I'gpidgmie dc cholera. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii. 901-1027.—Dor- land (E. T.) Personal experience with the cholera epi- demic of 1852-3. Buffalo M. & S. J.. 1884-5, xxiv, 155- 164. — Di-asthe (A.) Ueber den getieiiwarti'jen Stand und Gang tier Cholera. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv, 833; 878; 902; 958; 986; 1010; 1170. -----. Der Gang der diesjahrigen Cholera (1892). Prair. med. Wchn- schr., 1892, xvii, 563. Also, in his: (Jes. Abhandl.. 8°, Wien, 1893, 680-685. -----. Sclihissbetraehttiugen zu dem gegenwartigen Gange und Stande der Cholera (1892). Wien.med.Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 1625: 1C69. Also.in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893. 668-679. Also: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1892, xviii, 240 ; 262 ; 271.—Episc- 1110i eiSrjo-eis wepi xokepas. raKr/pos, 'Afloat, 1882, viii. 300- 303.— Fauvel (A.) Mdmoire sur le cholera dans l'Inde, dans la mer Rouge et en Europe; acquisitions nouvelles concernant l'etiologie et la prophylaxie de cette maladie depuis les conl'6rences de Constantinople ct do Vienne. Rec d. trav. Comite consult, d'hvjr- pub. de France, Par., 1883, xiii, 1-43. Also, Reprint,—Oarnicr (F.) Un petit appendice k l'histoire du cholera de 1884. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.]. Par., 1884, cvii, 419. — Cordon (C. A.) Notes on tho history of epidemics of cholera, Med Press & Circ., Lond., 1883, n. s.. xxxvi, 43; 63. — Harlshorne (H.) Cholera and its rei-rations. Med. News. Phila,, 18'i2, lxi. 29V297. Also. Reprint. — Hegerstedt (A.) Sc I.ingen (L. K.) Cholera 1893 g. Bolnitsch. gaz. Bot- CHOLERA. 534 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of). kinn, St. Petersb., 1894, v, 151; 182.—Hehir (P.) A his- torical note on cholera. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1892. iii 239. — History of cholera. Lond. M. & S. J., 183l| vii 455-4^6. — Ilisiory of the cholera epidemic of 1893. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1893, Wash., 1894, i 260-292. — Joltrain (A.) L'epidemie choleriqiie de 1884. J. d'hyg., Pur., 1885, x, 342; 353. — KrocIter. Das Cholerajahr 1892. Deutsche Rundschau, Berl., 1893, xix, 82-97.— L,a*cgnc (C.) iStude cliniqne sur l'6pi- d6n'iie actuelle de cholera asiatique. Arch. g6n. de ni6d., Par., 1865. ii, 513-531 Also, in his: l5tudes, med.. 8°, Par., 1884,' ii, 702-721. — Ijcale (C. A.) A study of Asiatic cholera during tbe epidemic of 1866. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 1; 91; 211. —Ijefeforre (F.) L'Europe va-t-elle subir une nouvelle invasion du cboiera? Lev. med., Lou- vaiu, 1882, i, 493-502. — I.ie Roy tie ITIci-icoiiit. Rap- port sommaire sur les nombreuses pieces relatives au cho- lera, au nom de la commission des 6oid6mies. Bull. Acad. dem6d., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii, 1085-1093.—lTIaragliano (E.) Rivista storica della attuale epidemia colerica. Sa- lute: Italia med., Genova, 1884, 2. s., xviii, 322.—March (The) of cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 136.—Mnr- rotte [et al.]. Discussion sur l'epid6mie dc cholera en 1892. Bull. Acad, de med., I'ar., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 569- 582.—Martin-Dnrr. Les postes sanitaires de la fron- ttere pendant l'6pidemie chol6rique de 1892. Progres m6d., Par., 1893, 2. a., xviii, 17- 19.—lTIanrel (A.) Con- siderations sur l'6pid6mie choleriqiie de 1885. Marseille ni6d., 1885, xxii, 577-589.—Memorandum on the threat- ened approach of cholera, July, 1883. By the King and Queen's College of Phvsicians in Ireland. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1883, 3. s.!! Ixxvi, 165-168.—Moniiiciicu (J.) Cartas sobre el c61era. Rev. de med. v cirug. prilct., Madrid, 1883. xiii. 160; 346.—IVIoore (J. W.) The march of chol- era in 1892, with hints on treatment. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1892, xciv, 210-216. — Ohrtmann. Historischer Riiok- blick auf die Cholera im Jahre 1831. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., 1894, 927; 941. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. in- nere Med. zn Berl., 1891-5, xiv, 182-192.—Pearce (W. H.) Older inquiries into cholera. Med. Press Sc Circ. Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 177.—l»etcrs (J. C.) General history of the disease and Ihe principal epidemics up to 1885. In: Treatise (A) on Asiatic Cholera, 8°, N. T., 1885, 1-68, 3 maps.—von Pettenkofer (M.) On the probability of an invasion of cholera in Europe. San Rec, Loud., 1883- 4, n. s., v, 47-51. — Progress of the cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 624-629.—Proust (A.) Chol6ra de 1890: I. Mesures de proplivlaxie prescrites contre le cholera d'Espasne en 1890; II. Le cholera de M6sopotamie, de Perse et de Syrie en 1889 et 1890. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1891, Melun, 1892. xxi, 570- 597. -----. Debut et marche, de l'6pide.mie choKhique. Bull, med., Par., 1892, vi, 1077.—Radclifle (J. N.) Re- port on the recent epidemic of cholera (1865-6). Tr. Epi- demiol. Soc. Lond.. 1»69, iii, pt. 1, 232-245. ----. On cer- tain appearances of cholera in the countries King between Europe ami India since the year 1874. ibid. (1880-81), 1882, iv, pt. 4, 487-503.—Rapport sur des communications re- centes relatives a l'6pid6mi« actuelle de cholera. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcix, 175. — Report of the commission appointed to investigate the cholera epidemic and the danger of transmission of contagious diseases from foreign countries, 1893. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1893, Wash., 1895, ii, 175-381, 1 ch., 2 maps.— Reprints from reports of the medical department, con- cerning cholera, for the years 1865-6 and 1873. Rep. Med. Off. Loeal Gov. Bd. 1884, Lond., 1885, 138-165.—Rivista storica della attuale epidemia cholerica. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1884, xviii, 233; 257.—Rochard (J.) La conference de Venise et le cholera de 1892. Rev. d. deux mondes. Par., 1892. cxiii. 168-199.—Rodriguez Men- der. Colera morbo. Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel. 1882 ii 419; 482; 514; 537: 571; 002; 633; 668; 699; 736: 757: 1883' vi,23;53; 122: 184; 253; 412: 442; 478; 505; 539; 572; 736! 1884, vii, 19.— Rogers (II. R.) Cholera: its disastrous past and its more hopeful future. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. 1884, iii, 434-4:i<;. — Rubio (E. B.) Cronica del colera. Rev.de cien. m6d., Barcel., 1885, xi, 637-642.__ Saba <1 ini. Un dernier mot sur le cholera-morbus de 1881-2. J. d'hyg.. Par., 1882, vii, 109. — Scmmola (M.) Nuove ricerche terapeutiche sul cholera asiatico (1884). Med. contemp., Napoli. 1884, i, 601-605.— Soyka. Die Cholera im Jahre 1885. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1885, x, 397.-Sperling (P.) Die Cholera seit dem Spatherbst 1895. Deutsche nied. "Wchnschr., Leipz. ii. Berl., 1896, xxii, 505. — Stecoulis. Die jiingsten Ausbriiche tier Pest uud der Cholera. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi 1181-1183. -----. Sur le cholera morbus de 1881-2. j' d'hyg., Par., I882,vii, 109-111.—Tholozan (J.-D.) Lieux d'origine ou d'emergence des gmndes 6pid6mies chol6- riqnes et particiiliferement de la pandfemie de 1846-49. Compt, rend. Acad d. sc. Par., 1892, cxv, 455-459.—Ver- rollot (M. P.) On the progress of the Asiatic cholera during the years 1844-5-6-7-8 [report]; with remarks by S. H. Dickson. N. York J. M., 1849, n. s., ii, 9-20,1 map — Warlomont. Le cholera. Presse med. beige, Brux., Cholera (History and statistics of). 1884, xxxvi, 257; 265. — Williams ( D. ) The route of Asiatic cholera in 1892. Tr. San. Inst. 189" I ond 18l» xiii, 136-141. Also .- Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii. 621. "' ™' Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1892, vi, 541-545 _ Vvil lough by (E. F.) Retrospect of the successive eiiidcmj,.] of cholera in Europe and America, from 1830 to imio Tr Epidemiol. Soc. l.ond., 1890-91, n. a., x, 56-71— Wiiixack (H.) Zur Epidemiologic der asiatiscben Cholera Jlun cheu. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 942. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. ADEN. Cholera (The) epidemic at Aden. Proc. N.-W. Prov & Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 1883, ii, 24-27 — Lewis (T. R.) A memorandum on the cholera outbreak of 1881 at Aden. Rep. San. Com. India 1881, Calcutta 1882 xviii, 171. Also, in his.- Physiol. Sc Path. Researches 8<>' Lond., 1888, 321-328. AFRICA. See, also, in this list, Algeria; Egypt; Mo- rocco ; Tunis. Christik ( J.) Cholera epidemics in East Africa. An account of the several diffusions of the disease in that country from 1821 till 1872 with an outline of the geography, ethnology] and trade connections of the regions through which the epidemics passed. 8°. London 1876. Trcille (A.) Le cholera africain de 1893. Atti d. xi Cong. med. interna?,., Roma, 1895, vi, igiene, 32-34. ALAIS. ITIosny (E.) Chol6ra; 6pid6mie a Alais e( aux envi- rons en 1893. [Rap.] Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. tie France 1894, Melun, 1895, xxiv, 181-220, 1 diag., 1 ch., 2 maps. ALBANY. Albany. Board of Health. Keport of the medical staff [being a summary of deaths from epidemic cholera during the month of July, 1832]. fol. [Albany, 1832.] ALESSANDRIA. Cortese (F.) Del cholera che domino nel presidio di Alessandria. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1850, 2. s., vii, 291: viii, 59.— Ferrer©. Alcune considerazioni sul preteso cholera d'Alessandria. Ibid., vii, 51-58.— I.ampugnani (A.) Risposta all' articido; Alcune os- servazioni sul preteso cholera d' Alessandria. Ibid., viii, 499-507. ALGERIA. Gros (C.) Compte rendu du service medical de l'anibulance 6tablie au Hamma (pres d'Alger) pendant l'6pide"mie choleriqiie de 1866. *-c. Alger, 1867. Alix. A propos de Batna pi'6serv6 du cholera. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1884, xviii, 561-569. — Autlouard. Quelques documents sur les p6r6grinations du cliol6ra en Alg6rie (extrait par l'auteur). Compt. rend. Acad d.8C, Par., 1848, xxvii, 233.—Barthelemy. Rapport sur l'epi- demie choKirique qui a r6gn6 dans la division de Constan- tino en 1893. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 441-585.—Cholera in Algeria. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1337.—Epidemic eholerique de 1884 en France et en Alg6rie; statistique des d6c6s occasionn6s par cetto epide- mie du 20 juin 1884 au 10 Janvier 1885. Rec. d. trav. Co- mity consult, d'hvg. pub. de France 1884, Par., 1885, xiv, 245-316, 2 diag.—Prengrneber. Rapport sur une Epi- demic de chol6ra asiatique, dans le douar ties Beu|hel" Hassen (commune mixte de Pal est ro), en novenibre 1885. Alger m6d., 1886, xiv, 161-174.—Riembaul! (A.) Not* k propos d'un travail de de M. le docteur Relioullcaii sur le cholera qui a r6gn6, pendant l'annee 1867, dans la pro- vince de Constantino. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.-Etienne et de la Loire, St.-£tienne. 1872, iv, 94-96.-Vincenl. L'epidemie de cholera a Alger en 1866. Rev. d'hyg. I ar., 1884, vi, 657-663. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. m6d. de 1 Algene, Alger, 1885, xxx, 110-112. ALLAHABAD. Cholera at Allahabad in August, 1883. Proc. >.-W. Prov. & Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 18W. it 338-342 -Oenkin (C. W. S.) Cholera at the Allahabad fair in 1882, and its dissemination through the surrounmng districts bv pilgrims. Proc. Allahabad M. Soc, 1«*-J; 139-145. AUo: Proc. N.-W. Prov. & Oudh Branch Brit M. Ass., Allahabad, 1882, i, 185-189. [Discussion], 23i-7/iiias tt)s d<7(aTiK7Js \oX(pa^ ev TJj Epv#p£ &a.\diro-r). Ilpa/cr. SvvoSov 'JZXKrjviov iaTpuiv, 'A#ij- vriaiv, 1883, 178-196. ASKHABAD. I*olyakoiF(P. A.) Choler'nayaepidemiyal892 goda v jr. Askhabadle. [Epidemicof cholera in the city of Askha- had in the year 1892.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxvii, 1. sect., 43; 148, 3 maps. — RozaiiofT (P. Gr.) Vzriv choleri v g. Askhabade 23-vo iulla 1892 g. i obya- snenie etovo yavlenla. [The outbreak of cholera in Askha- bad July 23d, 1892, and its explanation.] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1895, xvi, 1035-1037. ASSAM. De Renzy (A. C. C.) Cholera among the Assam tea coolies. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 823.—Statement illus- trating the distribution, etc.. of cholera in the Province of Assam during the year 1892. Rep. Prov. Assam 1892, Shillong, 1893, 53. ASTRAKHAN. Ariistamofi' (M. I.) Cholera v Astrakhanskoi guber- nii v 1892 godu. [. . . in the government of Astrakhan in . . .] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Piro- gova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 657- 672. — Seidlitz. ' Bericht iiber die orientalische Brechruhr, welche in Astrachan vom 9-21ten September bis zum 7-19ten October des Jahres 1823 herrschte. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1825, iii, 26-104, ltab AUGSBURG. Fikentscher (L.) Die Cholera asiatica zu Augsburg 1873-4 vorn sanitatspolizeilichen Standpunkte aus geschildert. 8°. Augsburg, 1875. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See, also, in this list, Budapest; Prague; Triest; Vienna. Bohata (A.) Die Cholera des Jahres 188ti in Jstrien und Gorz-Gradisca. 4°. Triest, 1888. Bosnia. Die Cholera in Bosnien ini Jahre 1893. Hrsg. voui Bosuischen Bureau des ge- nieinsamen Reichs-Finanzministeriums. roy. 8°. Wien, 1895. Boucek (B.) Die Cholera im Podebrader Be- zirke. Eine epidemiologische Studie. Aus dem Bohmisclien ubersetzt von K. Maade. 8°. Munchen u. Leipzig, 1894. Estratti di relazioni ed osservazioni che hanno compilato e trasmesso i medici spediti dalle provincie venete per conosccic 1' anda- mento e la cura del cholera-morbus doniinante nella Gallizia, nella Ungheria, nella Moravia ed in Vienna. 4°. Venezia, 1831. Hirsch (J.) * Ueber Cholera mit besonderer Beriicksicbtigung des Cholera typhoids, Beob- CHOLERA. 536 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. AUSTRO-HUNGARY—continued. achtungen aus der jiingsteti Epidemie Sieben- biirgens votn Jahre 187:>. H°. Berlin, 1875. Lexhossek (M.) Considerazioni sulla ma- niera di curare il cboiera orientale e le varie malattie epidemiche attualmente imperversanti nel regno di Ungheria fondate sulle recenti os- servazioni. 8°. Padova, 1831. Pataki (D.) A' cholera Kolo'svartt. [. . . in Klausenburg.] 8°. [Kolo'svartt, 1832.] Schnitzer (A.) Die Cboiera contagiosa be- obacbtet auf einer in Folge hbheren Auftrages in Galizien wiihrend der Monate Mai, Juni und Juli, und ini Beuthner Kreise in Oberschlesien im August gemachten Reise. 8°. Breslau, 1831. Steer (M. F.) Cenni intorno la natura del morbo che infieri nell' Ungheria nell' anno 1831 sotto il nome di colera asiatico. 8°. Padova, 1832. Babes (V.) Die Cholera-Epidemie 1886 in TJngarn. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb.. Wien, 1887, vi. Hit. 18. 77-122, 4 diag. [Discussion], 201-236.— Cholera in the Danube. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 648.— Cholera (Die) in Galizien im Herbste und Winter ]89.">-96. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1896, viii, 48- 581, ch.—Cholera (Die) in den im Reichsrathe vertre- tenen Kd igreichen nnd Landern. Ibid., 1893, v, Suppl. to No. 3, 1-21, 1 ch. Also, Reprint. — Cholera (Die) in Oesterreich-TJngarn. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1893, v, 329; 385. — Drasche (A.) Der gegenwartige Stand der Cholera mit Kiicksicht auf den bevorstehenden Krieg (1867). Wien. med. Wchnschr , 1867, xvii, 561-565. Also, inhis: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 191-197.—Farkas (E.) The late visitation of cholera in Hungarv. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 515.- Gruber (M.) Die* Cholera in Oesterreich in den Jabren 1885-6. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, Hft. 18, 123-198, 1 diag. [Discussion], 201-236.—Heda (A.) Die Cholera zu Drje- thoma. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Pest, 1851-2, ii, 203. — Kaudelka (J. M.) Die Cholera im Ober-Neu- traer Eomitate im Jahre 1851. Ibid.. 250; 257. — Klu- czcnko (B.) Sc Kamen (L.) Die Cholera in der Buko- wina im Jahre 1893. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xvi. 482-504, 2 pl.—Kovacs (A.) A cholera Brassdban. Gydgyaszat, Budapest, 1894, xxxvi, 51-53. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: l'est. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894 xxx, 217.—Krziseh (J. F.) Bemerkungen fiber die Choleraepidemie zu Holitsch im Ober-Neutraer Komitate. Ztschr. f. Nat- u. Heilk. in Ungarn. Test, 1851-2, ii, 137- 141.—Molnar (I.) TSrtenehni adatok az 1831 ik evi felso magyarorszagi cholera p6rlazadasi-61. [Historical sketch of the cholera in Hungary in 1831, and the peasants' revolt.] Allainorvos, Budapest'. 1884, 73-77.— Pettenkofer (M.) Die Cholera und dio Bodenbeschaffenheit in der k. k. 6s- terreichischen Provinz Krain: mit besonderer Riicksicht anf die Ansrabpii hieriiber in Dr. Drasche's monograph- ischer Arbeit: "Die epidemische Cboiera ". Aerztl. Int. - Bl., Miinchen. 1861, viii, 89; 103: 113. Also, Reprint— I»etz (L.) Die Raaber Cholera-Epidemie im Jahre 1886. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii. 411; 521— Szalarili (M.) Cholerajarvdnvok Magyarorszagon. [Epidemic cholera in Hungary.] Ktizeg. e's Tdrveuy. Orvos., Buda- pest, 1884, 99-104. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 1049. AVIGNON. Batlle (£.) * Etude de l'e"pide"niie dc cholera de 1884 observed a l'hdpital d'Avignon. 4^. Montpellier, 1884. AYR. Wood (J. R.) Account of the epidemic cholera as it appeared in Ayr during the autumn of 1832. Glasgow M J., 1833, u. s., i, 49-53. I BAGDAD. tlaci-idy-paeha(C) Le cholera a Bagdad. Gaz d hop. de l'empire ottoman, Constant., 1888-9, ii, no. 38 2-5 1 tab. BAKU. Denisenko (G. S.) Otchot po choler'nomu | lazaretu pri Bakinskoi Gorodskoi Mikhailovskol bolnitsie. [Report of the cholera lazaretto of the Mikhailoff City Hospital of Baku ] y Baku, 1893. Krasnikoff (S. M.) Epideniiya choler'i v Baku v 1892 g. [Epidemic of cholera in Haku in 1892.] Med. pri- bav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1893, [i], 177-191 Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. BARCELONA. Bertran Kubio (E.) Crbnica del c61era. Rev de cien. nii'-d., Barcel., 1885, xi, 441; 507.— Jnques (E ) Sc Nin (J. a.) El colera-morbo asiatico eu harcelona dn "j rante el auo dc 1885. Independ. med., Barcel., 1885-6 xvii 133; 147. ' X¥l1' BARNAUL. IVedzvetski (A. N.) Kratkiy ocherk choler'nol eni demii v liarnaullc 1892 goda. [Short sketch of the cholera epidemic in Barnaul in 1892.] Protok. Omsk, nied f)l>»). 1892-3, x, 133-147. ' 8U" BATAVIA. Godefroy (J.) Cholera-verslag vau het Militaii- Hos pitaal te Ha'a via. 10 Aug. 1888-5 Jan. 1889. (iencesk Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1889. xxix. 171-208. BATOOM. Kuzyatin (O.) Ocherk choleruol epidemii 1892g.vj{ Batumle (Kut. gub.). [Sketch of the cholera epidemic ni Batum, Government of Kutaiss.J Yuzhuo-russk med gaz., Odessa, 1893, ii, 452; 464. BAVARIA. Gietl (11) Die Beobachtungen und Kran- kengeschichten. 8' . Miinchen, 1832. BELFAST. Thompson (T.) Practical remarks on the epidemic cholera which at present prevails in Belfast and its vicinity. 8°. Belfast, 1832. BELGIUM. See, also, in this list, Antwerp; Brussels; Moris. Devaux (A.) Note relative a l'epid&uie de cholera de 1893 en Belgique et aux mesures prises par le gouvernement- contre la maladie. 8°. Bruxelles, 1893. Also [Abstr.], in: Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1894, xlvi, 17-19. Larondelle [N.-J.] Rapport sur l'epideniie de chol6ra qui a r^gne" a Vervieis ct les environs en I860. 8°. Bruxelles, 1867. Suerman (A. C. G.) *Spec. hist.-nied. de choleras asiatica; itinere per Belgium septentrio- nale, anno 1832-4. 8°. Traj. ad llhenum, 1835. Van Mons (C.-J.) & Marcy(P.-A.) Rapport sur le cholera-morbus adresse" au conseil supe'- rieur de sante de la Belgique. 8°. lirurel'es 4" Paris, 183-2. Bcco (E.) Rapport preseute a la Societe nit-ilico-clii- rnrgicale tie Li6ge sur la communication concernant l'epi- demie tie chidera tie 1892. Ann. Soe. ile med. leg. de llelg., Charleroi, 1892-3, iv, 237-244.—Cholera (The) in lSelgiiim. Lancet, Lond.. 1892, ii, 684; 737; 1407.—Kuborn (H.) Rapport sur lea conditions d'extension epidemique dn cho lera; origine, marche, caract6re* et prophylaxie, dc l'e.pi(16- mio choleriqiie en Belgique de 1892 k l*-94. Cong, internal. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1H9H, viii. pt. 2, 312-323.—iVIalvoz (E.) EiKjuete bacl6riolngiqiie sur les cas choleriques a (irivegnee etil Liege. Ann. Soc. in6d- chir. de Liege. 1*92. xxxi. 409-419.— Kaiuiberl (L.A.) Relation de repuiemie ile cholera qui a r6gu6 tlans le bourg de Conie en 1865. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brnx., 1866, xliii, 3-12. Also, Reprint. BELOOCHISTAN. Bauerjee (R. P.) Note on the cholera epidemic in Thalehotiali district, Beluchistan. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1885, xx, 346. BENGAL. Jameson (J.) Report on the epidemic cholera morbus un it visited the territories subject to the Presidency of Bengal, in the years 1817, 1818, and 1819. Drawn up by order of the Government, under the superintendence of the medical hoard. 8 . Calcutta, 1820. ------. The same. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt und mit erkliirenden und l.criclitigcti- den Aiimerkungeii versehen von Ferdinand Friedrich Reu-s. 8 . Stuttgart f Tubingen, 183:2. Lfkek (C. .1.) Versuch einer Darstellung der Cholera morbus im Allgenieiucu, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf ihre im Jahre 1817 aus Ben ga leu CHOLEKA. 537 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by j Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. localities. BENGAL—continued. hervorgegangene epideniische Form, nnd die Entstehung, Verbrcituug, Erkenntniss nnd Hei- luu«r derselben, wobei auch die ihrem weiteren Vordringen cutgegen zu Btellenden sanitats- holizeilicheu iSicherungsmittel berueksichtigt sind. 8°. Pesth, 1831. -j----- The same. 2. Anil. 8^. Pesth, 1832. Cholera in Bengal in 1883. [Edit.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 330-332.—Crawford (D. G.) Notes on an outbreak of cholera in Satan jail. Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 432; Sin — Roux (F.) Le cholera au Bengale; comment il se developpe, comment les Anglais le combat- tent: l'epidemie actuelle. J. d'hyg., Par., 1884, ix, 599; 611.—Vos (J. R.) Begin, voortgang, toevallen en gene- zing der cholera morbus, zoo als zij zich, sedert het jaar 1817, in Bengalen vertoonde. Verhandel. v. b. Batav. Ge- nootsch. v. Kunst. en Wetensch., 1825, x, 147-190. BERGAMO. Crosio (L.) II cholera [da Treviglio (Bergamo)]; note e documenti. Arch cliu. ital., Roma, 1884, xiv. 273 ; 281.—Schetelig. Bericht iiber eine kleine Cboleraepide- mie in der Provinz Bergamo. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1887. viii, 25.—TernI(C.) Le epidemie di colera nella pro- vincia di Bergamo. Atti tl. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Koma. 1895, vi, igiene, 35-37.—Terui (C.) Sc Oalli (M.) Die Choleraepidemieen in der Proviuz Bergamo. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1896, xxii, 209-227, 3ch. BERLIN. Hirsch (A.) Die Cholera-Epidemie des Jalires 1866 in Berlin, vom statistischen Stand- punkte geschildert. ~:. Berlin, [1866]. Horn. [ Asiatische Cholera in Berlin.] 8 . [Berlin, lfc31.] Verordnung iiber das Verfabren bei der Anniiheruug uud dem Ausbruche der Cholera in Berlin. 8Z. [Berlin, 1831.] Balster. Bericht iiber die diesjahrigen Cholerafalle ini Kraukenhause Friedrichshain. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 913. — Fiirbriiiger (P.) Todtlicher "choleraverdachtiger" Fall im Kraukenhause Friedrichshain. Ibid., 1892, xviii, 768. -----. Diesjahri- gen Cholerafallo im stadlischen Kraukenhause am Fried- richshain. Ibid., 1894, xx. 28.—CJuttuianu (P.) Bericht iiber die gegenwartigen Choleia-Erkraukungen in Berlin. Beth klin. Wchnschr., 1892. xxix, 933-93.5. Also: Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (11-92). 1893. xxiii, pt. 2, 174- 181. -----. Die diesjahrigen Choleraerkrankungen in Ber- lin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892, xviii, 927-931. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1892-3, xii, 128-139. [Discussion], 156: 188; 203. -----. Ueher die ersten diesjabtigen Choleia-Erkrankungen in Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892. xxix, 911. Also: Wien. metl. Bl., 1892, xv, 568. — Ohrtmaim. Histo- rischer Riickblick auf die Cholera in Berlin im Jahre I 1831. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 926; 941. — Ken vers. Die Choleraerkraiikunsren im sta- dtischenKrankenhauseMoahit. Ibid., 52-54— Wernich (A.) Der Kampf gegen die Cholera in Berlin. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1892, 3. F., iv, Snppl.-Hft., 160-171 : 1893, 3. F., v, 187-205. BESSARABIA (Government of). Katstuelaon (B.) Choler'naya epidcmiya v s. Danu- tsenakh, Bessarabskoi gubernii. [Cholera epidemic in Danutseni.] Meditsina, St, Petersb., 1894, vi, 596-598. BILBAO. Kcherarria y Gonzalez (A.) Apuntes para el estudio del colera morbo asiatico; epidemia del Bilbao en el afio de 1893. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1894, viii, 233; 249:265:281; 297; 313; 329. BLASZEK. LukaMzewiez (S.) Sc Zucker (M.) Sprawozdanie z przebiegu cholery w Blaszkach. [ Keport on course of cholera in Blaszek!] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 1373-1376. BOGOTA. I-evi. Sur la pretendue apparition du cholera a Bo- gota. Compt. nnd. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1851, xxxii, 190. BOLOGNA. Brloxoli (G.j L' epidema di chi.lera-morbus nel commune di Bologna 1'anno 1*86. roy. 8". Bologna, 18^7. Cholera (Ii) morbus nella citta di Bologna 1'anno 1855; relazione della depntazione coiuu- BOLOGNA—continued. mile di sanita, preceduta da notizie storice in- torno le pestileuze nel Bolognese. roy. 8°. Bologna, 1857. Brugnoli (G.) Delle epidemie di cholera-morbus che hanno dominato nella citta e provincia di Bologna. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 18SU-8, 4. s., viii, 233- 243. Also, Keprint. — Vci-arriiui (F.) Breve ceinio in- torno 1' inva.-ionc del cholera-morbus nella citta e pro- vincia tli Bologna nell' anno 1855, seguito da un riassunto delle cose pin notabili state avvertite relativamente al cholera da parecchi medici d' Italia. Bull. d. sc. metl. di Bologna, 1857, 4. s„ vi, 31; 107. Also, Reprint. BOMBAY. I.ale (Ihe) outbreak of cholera at the J. J. Hospital; reply to the memorial of the Bombay Medical Union. In- dian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1895, iii, 49-52.—Outbreak (The) of cholera at the J. J. Hospital. Ibid., 1894, ii, 567-571. BORDEAUX. Gintrac (H.) Relation de l'epidemie chole"- rique qui a re"gn6 dans l'arrondissement tie Bor- deaux pendant l'annee 1854. 8°. Bordeaux, 1855. Levieux (C.) Etude relative a quelques manifestations choleriques qui se sont produites dans la ville de Bordeaux pendant le mois tie septembre 18-5. 12°. Bordeaux, 1888. Repr. from: Rec. d. actes du conseil ceDtr. d'hyg. pub. . . . de la Gironde, 1885. Cholera-morbus (Du) asiatique a Bordeaux. No. tice tl. trav. Soc. roy. de Bordeaux, 1832, 90-111.—l.ayet. Contribution k la doctrine tlu "pseudo-cholera" euro- p6en; l'epidemie do la cite Laius observee a Bordeaux en septembre 1885. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, ii, 193- 198.—I.evieux. Une 6pid6mie de cholera a Bordeaux. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 165-168.—Question du chol6ra (annee 1884) extraite ties proems-verhaux ties s6ances des 25 iuin et 7 juillet. Trav. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Gironde 1884, Bordeaux, 1885, xxvi, 271-284.—Ron- dot (35.) Note sur les trois epidemies tie cho!6ra qui se sont d6velopp6es a Bordeaux en 1832. 1849 et 1854. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, ii, 133-135.—Sol les. Le cholera a Bordeaux. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 117-119. BOSNIA. See, in this list, Austro-Hungary. BOSTON. Boston. Report on cholera. City Doc. No. 39. Nov. 2, 1848. 8°. [Boston, 1848.] BRAZIL. Azevedo Sodre. A epidemia de cholera-morbus de 1894-5. Brazil med.. Rio de Jan., 1895, 139; 148; 156; 161; 169; 178; 187; 193; 200; 209; 217; 225; 234; 282. — Con- tribuicao para o estudo dos casos tie cholera-morbus occorridos na capital do Estado de S. Paulo no corrente anno. (Jaz. med. da Bahia, 1893-4, 4. s., iv. 244-247.— Cordeiro (F. J. B.) The cholera epidemic of l)-62 in Baturite. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 302.—Epidemia de cholera morbus na cidade de S. Paulo (Brazil) em 1893. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1894, lviii, 399-403. — Noeiro Ctiiarany. Esbotjo bistorico das epidemias de cbolcra- morbus, que reinaram no Brazil desde 1855 at6 1867. Ann. Acad, de med do Rio de Jan., 1889-90, 6. s., v, 109-131. BRESCIA. Balardini (L.) Invasione del cholera-morbus nella provincia di Brescia nell' anno 1849 e fatti occorsi cornpro- vanti seiopre pih la sua indole contagiosa. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1851, exxxvii, 529-545. Also. Reprint. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1851, 2. s., xi, 73-82. Also, Reprint. BRESLAU. Kayser (R.) Zur Gesehichte der Cboiera speciell der Cboleraepidemieu in Breslau. 8°. Breslau, 1884. Kim hwald (A.) Der erste Cholerafall in Breslau im Jahre 1886. Breslau. arztl. Ztschr., 1886, viii, 269. Also: Deutsche metl. Wchnsehr., Berl., 1886, xii, 847.—«.!ralzer. Ueber tlie Breslauer Cholera-Epidemie des Jahres 1873. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vatetl. Kult. 1874, Bresl., 1875, Hi, 191. BREST. Caradec (T.) Le cholera a Brest. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 1041. Also: J. de ni6d. de Par., 1885. ix, 583- ,".86. CHOLERA. 538 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. BRISTOL. Bum) (W.) Cholera and disinfection. Asiatic cholera in Bristol in 1866. 8°. Bristol, 1871. -----. The same. Dr aziatische cboiera te Bristol in l*(i(>; een voorbecbl hoe de cholera zelfs in groote steden kan geweerd worden. Vertaald door H. van Cappelle. 8°. 's Graven- hage, 1873. BRITTANY. Pompidor (P.) * Relation d'une e"pidernie de cholera eu Bretagne en 1892. 4C. Paris, 1893. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1893. Charrin. Reflexions a propos du chol6rade l'ile d'Yen et de Bretagne (1885-6); nettete de la contagion et de l'ira- portation; role de l'eau; constitution m6dicale. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 23-28. —Thoinot (L.) & Pompidor. Le cholera de 1892 en Bretagne. Ibid., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 408-429.—Viaud-CJrand-lTIarais. Simple note snr l'epidemie choleriqiie de Bretagne, de la fin d'octobre 1885 aux premiers jours de mars 1886. J. de m6d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1886, xx, 25-28. BRUNSWICK. Reck. Die Gesundheitsverhiiltnisse der Stadt Braunschweig in den Jabren 1864-73 und die Verbreitung der Cholera daselbst in den Jahren 1850 und 18">r>. 4°. Braunschweig, [n. d.]. BRUSSELS. De Reebter. Le cholera dans les faubourgs de Bru- xelles. Presse m6d. belg., Brux., 1892,xliv,341.—Destree (E.) De la situation de Bruxelles vis-^-vis dn cholera. Ibid., 1884, xxxvi, 249-251. BUCHAREST. Felix. Dcspre epidemia de cholera din acest an. Spitalul. Bucuresci. 1893, xiii, 479-483. , BUDAPEST. Bisch (P.) Leclioieraa Budapest. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 1194-1197.—Frank (O.) A cboiera Budapesteii. Kbzeg. es T6rv6ny. Orvos., Budapest, 1886, 81-90.—Otvow (J.) Az 1892-3 6vi sz6kes fovvarosi cboiera oka. [The cause of cholera in the capital in the years 1892-3.] Or- vosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 26; 38; 51. — Weiaz (E.) Die Cholera in Budapest; in den Baracken. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 1064-1066. BUENOS AYRES. Alleade (J. G.) \et al). Documentos sobre el c6lera. An. d. Dep. nac. de big., Buenos Aires, 1895, v, 315; 415; 481; 513 ; 601.—Arce Penalra (A.) Epidemia tie c61era eu la provincia de Buenos Aires diciembre 26 de 1894 hasta abril 27 tie 1895; informe del consejo tie higiene tie La Plata, Ibid., 305-314. — C'abezon (J. M.) El cc-lera en Buenos Aires; notas sobre la epidemia reinante. Rev. argent, de cien. m6d.. Buenos Aires. 1887, iv, 12-18.— lTIelendez (L.) El c61era eu el Hospicio de las Mercedes. Rev. ined.-q.uir.. Buenos Aires, 1886-7, xxiii, 276-279.— Otero (l<\) Resunien tie los enfermos de c61era atendidos en el hospital flotante Doctor Rodolfo del Yiso en los pri- meros meses de 1895. An. d. Dep. riac. de big., Buenos Aires, 1895, v, 522-528. — Penna (J.) A epidemia chole- rica de Buenos-Ayres, 1886-7. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1887, i, 153; 164. — Plan sanitario observado por la asis- tencia piibhca eu la ultima epidemia de c61era. Semana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1895, ii, 222.—Susini (T.) Apuntes para la historia de la epidemia actual. Rev. med.-quir. Buenos Aires, 1886-7, xxiii, 247-252. BURGEL. Fraenkel (C.) Bericht iiber das Auftreten der Cho- lera in dem Dorfe Biirgeln bei Marburg im Jahre 1894 Arb. a. tl. k. Gsndbtsamte, Berl., 1895. xii, 262-267.—von Heuttinger. Verlauf tier Cholera in Biirgel. Berl. klin Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 265. BUKOWINA. See, in this lis*, Austro-Hungary. CADIZ. Aleina (B.) El cdlera en Cadiz. Crdn. espec. m6d - quir., Cadiz, 1885, ii, 253; 285. CALCUTTA. Chatterjee (M. N.) Cholera as to its nature and varieties, ami tberapeusis, from special observations in the wards of the Mayo Native Hospital, Calcutta Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1897, xiii, 435 - 438. — De Renzy (A. C. C.) The extinction of cholera epidem- ics in Fort, William. Lancet. Lond.. 1884, ii, 1043: 1885 i, 225.—Haan (P.) Le cholera a Calcutta eu 1894 et ia vaccination antichoierique. Arch. g6n. de med. Par 1897 Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. CALCUTTA—continued. ii, 202-225.— Tlni-Mton (J. A.) The extiuction of cholera epidemics in Fort William. Lancet. Lond.. 1885, j, 38 _ Simpson ( W. J.) The progress and distribution of chol- era mortality in Calcutta. Indiau M. Gaz.. Calcutta 18X7 xxii, 257; 28!), 4pl..l ch. ' ' CAMBODIA. Angier. Notes medicales snr l'6pid6mie de cholera qui a regne an Cambodge en 1895. Arch, de nied nav Par., 1896, lxv, 450: lxvi, 32. CANADA. See, also, in this list, Quebec. Men (Hoe) in Canada over tie cholera denkt, Naar het Engelsch door Philodenius. 8 '. '« <;ra. venhage, 1866. Workman (J.) Reminiscences of Asiatic cholera in Canada. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1883^1, xvi, 33-39. CARTAGENA. Almaziin (It.) El c6lera en Cartagena en 1XK">. Bol., de med. nav., Madrid, 1886, ix, 91; 113. — .VIin<*■■<>/ T Mayo (J.) Memoria referente al c61era morbo asiatico en Cartagena en el alio 1865. Union de 1. cien. med Car- tagena, 1884, iv, 293; 307. CASHMERE. Harvey (R.) A brief sketch of the epidemic of cholera in Srinagar, Kashmir, Miiy-June, 1892. Brit. M. J., Lond 1892, ii, 345-347. Also, Reprint. — IHitra ( A.) Cholera and Kashmir. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 75.— f¥evc(A.) The Kashmir cholera epidemic of 1888. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 289-292. CAUCASUS. Ehitsoff (A. D.) Istoriya choler'nikh epidc- niiy v Zakavkazyi. [History of cholera epidem- ics in Transcaucasia. ] I5'2C. Tiflis, 1*92. Fiukelatein (I. N.) Choler'naya epidemiya 1892 g. na Kavkazie, v bakteriologicheskoui otnoslienii. [Epi- demic of cboiera in the Caucasus from a bacteriological point of view.l Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1892, xiii, 1002.— Mark (S. A.) Cholera v selenii Kaakhka Zakaspiyskol oblasti; epidemioloqlcheskiy ocherk; k istorii choler'nol pandemii 1892 g. [Cholera in the village of Kaakhka in the Caucasus; epidemiological sketch; on the history of the cholera pandemic of 1892.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1894, clxxix, 3. sect, 1-47, 1 pl. CETTE. Ducloux (P.) Rapport sur l'epidemie de cholera a Cette, service du Lazaret (aoht et septembre 1881). Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1884, vi, 522. CHICAGO. Cholera in Chicago (in 1832, 1848, and 1866). San. News, Chicago, 1885, vi, 34; 42; 59; 66; 89; 96; 104; 112; 128; 137; 153; 160. CHILI. Matto (D.) El ctilero en Chile. Cutting from: "El Comercio", Lima, Jan. 10, 1888. Valenzuela (E. S.) *l)as Auftreten der Cholera in Chile ini Jahre 18*6. Hc. Berlin, [18*9]. Colera (El) en Chile. Monitor m6d., Lima, 1887-8,209- 212.—Oiizman (R.) El colera en Aconcagua. Kev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1886-7, xv, 315-323. •----. Epidemia del colera en el pais; infomies tie los medicos de lazaretos sobre el tratamiento del colera. i&iei., 341; 443.— iTIatto(D.) El colera en Chile ; informesoticiales. Cron. ni6d., Lima, 1888, v, 5; 68; 81; 121; 243. Also: Monitor m6d., Lima, 1887-8, iii, 236; 257; 266; 290; 313.—iTIma B. (D.) Epidemia del c61era en el pais. Estudio cientinro de esta epidemia en el departamento tie Santiago, lief. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1886-7, xv. 481 ; 529,-Vo. lakowsky (H.) Die Cholera in Chile. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 277.—Trumbull (J.) 'Ihe cholera in Chili. Med. Rec, N. T., 1888, xxxiii, 712-714.- Ulloa (J. C.) El c61era del Plata. Monitor m6d.. Lima, 1886-7, ii, 209; 225; 241; 257; 293; 321; 375: 1887-8, iii, 20; 60; 69; 102: 121. -----. Reaparicidn del c61era eu Chile. Ibid., 1887-8, iii, 169 ; 183; 343. CHINA. See, also, in this list, Formosa; Tonkin. Alilridge (E. A.) Asiatic cholera in Hoihow. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep.. Shanghai, 1882, no. 22, 7-9. AUo [Abstr.J: Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, IS.-t'raw- ford (M. H.) Reportof an epidemic of cholera in Shang- hai. China. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navv, Wash., 1897, 248.— Din hon-DoiiN (H.) Relation d'une epidemiedecholera eu Chine en l'ann6e 1887. Gaz. hebd.de m6d., Par., 1890, CHOLERA. 539 OHOLEltA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. CHINA—continued. 2. s., xxvii, 270.--Nolln.iid (E.) l5pid6tuie de cholera aux casernesdelacitadelle d'Hanoi (avril-mai 1888) et fumiga- tions sulfureuses. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1890, liii, 241- 264. CHIVASSO. ITIarehiaiiili (G.) H cholera orientale in Chivasso nell' autuuno tlel 18f>4 ; cenni seguiti da un breve rendiconto dell' operate nell' ospedale succursale ivi stabilito per la dominaute epidemia. Gior. d. r. Accad. nied.-chir. di To- rino, 1854, 2. s., xxi, 469: 1855, 2. s., xxii, 3.—Pavesio (L.) Cenni relativi al cholera asiatico in Chivasso nei mesi di agosto, settembre, ottobre e novembre 1854. Ibid., 1855, 2. s., xxiv, 3-18. CIVITA VECCHIA. Belli (S.) Snl di colera Civitavecchia, e sulle quaran- tene. Raccoglitore nied. di Fano, 1854, 2. s.,x, 363; 415; 454; 481: 1855, 2 s., xi, 28; 49. COCHIN CHINA. Cochin China. Relation de l'^pideinie dc chol6ra de 1882, par le docteur Chastang, mdde- cin en chef. 8~\ Saigon, 1*82. Deschamps (A.) 'Contribution a l'etude du cholera enddmique eu Cochinchine. 4°. Pa- ris, 18*4. Mayollk (V.) * Reflexions sur une e"pide"niie de cholera en Cochin-Chiue en 1882. 4°. Pa- ris, 1*83. COLOGNE. Lent. Bericht iiber die zweite Cholera-Epi- tletnie des Jahres 1867 in Koln. 8°. Koln, 1868. COMO. Scotti (G.) Sul cholera che 1' anno 1867 in- vase la citta e provincia di Como. >°. Como, 1*68. Tassaxi (A.) Invasione del colera nella pro- vincia, di Como durante il 18."),"), e modo di sua iliffusioue. sm. 8°. Como, 1856. Repr. from: Riv. comense, 1856. -----. Invasione e modo di diffusione del colera asiatico nella provincia di Como, durante il 1867. *~. Coma, 1868. Repr.from: Manuale prov., 1868. CONCORDIA Parish. Fox (D. R.) Asiatic cholera as it occurred in my prac- tice in Concordia Parish in 1849. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1887- 8, ii. s., xv, 1-8. Also: Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Oil., 1887, 124-130. CONSELVE. Schiesakus (J.; * De cholera morbo, anno 1836 Consylvis sseviente perbrevis notitia. 8°. Patavii. IS)?. CONSTANTINE. See, in this list, Algeria. CONSTANTINOPLE. Clianlemesae (A.) Epidemie chol6rique a Constan- tinople en )89;i. [Rap.] Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France 1893. Melun, 1894, xxiii, 236-248. Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. (1. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi,49-59. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Practitioner, Loud., 1894, liii, 67-80.—Emmerich. Le cholera a Constantinople. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constant., 1895-6, xxxviii, 65-69.— Kraut* (0.) Die Cholera in Constantinopcl. Allg. Wien. med. Zt,r., 189,1, xl, 71; 83— Matthioliii*. Die Cholera- epidemic in Constantinopel im Jahre 1893-4. Arch.f. Hyg., Miinelien ii. Leipz., 1895, xxiii, 371-394, 2 diag.—iTIavro- yeni pacha. Histoire des epi(16mies de cholera a Con- stantinople depuis l'ann6e 1831 jusqu'a nos jours. Gaz. d. hop. de I'einpiro ottoman. Constant., 1887-8, i, no. 7, i; no. 8, ).—rVicolle. Lechol6ra a Constantinople depuis 1893. Ann. de. l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1896, x, 86-91. COPENHAGEN. Biermer. Evaluation af kolerasmittede Huse, Er- faringer fra Koleracpidemien i Kiobenhavn 1857. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1884, 4. R., x, 98-108. CORDOVA. Ansel Onuna (P.) El colera en Cdrdoba. Andalucia med., Cordoba, 1885, x, 193-197. — Roorda Smit (J. A.) De cholera in Cordoba. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, 2. R., xxiii, 2. d., 664-678,1 pl. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. CRACOW. BRODOWICZ (G.) Lettera sul cholera asia- tico quale regno recentemeute in Craeovia, a Gio. Ma. Zecchinelli. 8°. Padova, 1831. CREMONA. Robolotti (F.) Del morbo-cholera che ha dominato in Cremona negli anni 1836, 1854 e 1855; memorie statistico-cliniche. 8'\ Cre- mona, 1855. Ccrioli (G.) Della fenomenologia cholero-contagioso in propositi) nel cholera comparso in Cremona nel 1854. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1854, 4. s., iv, 81; 186; 265. Also, Reprint.—Monteverdi (A.) Le epidemie chole- rose iu Cremona; cenni storico-statistici. Bull. d. Comit. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1884, iv, 144-163. CRONSTADT. BosolyultoflT (N. F.) O sluchayakh zabolievani'a asi'atskoi cholcro i Kronstadte v svyazi s ikh etiologiyei. [On {lie eases of Asiatic cholera in Cronstadt in connec- tion with their etiology.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Peter*b., 1896, pt. 2, 122-129.—Volosliiu (AD.) Nle- kotoriya patologo-anatomicheskiia dauniya cholernoi epi- demii v Kronstadte 1894 g. [Some pathologo-anatomical data concerning the cholera epidemic in Cronstadt of 1894.] Ibid., 1895, [pt. 2], 307; 36■!.— Vorobyell (N. A.) Niekotoriya etlologicheskia dauniya cholernoi epidemii 1894 goda v Kronstadte. [Some etiological data of the cholera epidemic of 1894 in Cronstadt] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt, 1894-5, xxxiii, 45—IT. CUNEO. illarehisio (B.) L' epidemia choleriforme nelle re- clute tli terza categoria a Cuneo. Gazz. tl. clin., Torino, 1886, xxiii, 394; 409: xxiv, 11. — Pagliaui (L.) Su di un focolaio epidemico di colera in una caserma di Cuneo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. s., xxxiv, 408- 479. Also: Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii, 563-569.— Pai-ola (G.) II cholera nel comune di Cuneo ncl- 1' anno 1-84. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1885, xxxvi, 347; 374. Also, Reprint. DAMIETTA. diafFcy-JBcy (A.) & Ferrari (S.) Le cholera de Damiette en 1883; origine et developpement.' Rapport, adresse au conseil sanitaire maritime et qiiarantenaire d'Ugypto. j. d'hyg., Par., 1883, viii, 443-446. AU„ .- (iaz. hebd'. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1883, v, 487-490. Simpson (W.J. I Some notes on the cholera at Damietta in 1883. Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxii, 312; 385. DANTZIC. Bancssel ( E.) Erinnerungsbuch fiir Alle, welche im Jahre 1*31 die Gefahr der Cholera- Epidemie in Danzig mit einander getbeilt ha- ben. 12°. Danzig, 1*32. Dorne (F.) Ein Beitrag zur Gesehichte tier Cholera- Contagionisten. 8°. Altenburg, 1832. SiNOtiowrrz (H. S.) Dc cholera epidemica, mdcccxxxi anno Dantisci et Berolini obser- vafa, tractatus pathologico-therapeuticus. 8°. Gedani, 1831. DELFT. Wookd (Een) aan het publiek ten op/igte van bet uitbreken der cholera asiatica te Delft, op den 24 Julij 1832. 8°. Delft, 1832. DENMARK. See, also, in this list, Copenhagen. Petersen (J.) Koleraepidenuerne metl sasr- ligt hensyn lil Danmark. Medicinsk histo- riske foreliesninger. sm. 8 . Kjobenharn, 1*92. Horn email ■■ (K.) Erindringcr fra den sjasllandske Epidomi i 1831. Ilyg. Medd., Kjobenh., 1884, ii, 175-203. DIEPPE. ■.allt-maul (H.) Rapport g6n6ral sur le cholera _a Dieppe et son arrondissement (contribution pour servir a l'histoire du cholera qui a s6vi eu France pendant l'atin6e 1892). Dep. de la rieine-Inf. Cons, centr. d'hyg. Tete.J. Tim v. 1892. Koiien, 18!i:t, 205-259 1 ch. -----. Cho- lera a- Dieppe. [Rap.] Ibid. (1893), 1894, 239-250.— Villaret. Quel(|ues reflexions sur le cholera-morbus observe a Dieppe. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1834-5, ii, 70-72. DORPAT. Dehio (K.) Debet- den gegenwartigen Stand der Cholerafrage, erlautert an den Epidemien von Dorpat uud Reval aus dem Jahr 1871. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., CHOLERA. 540 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. DORPAT—continued. 18i)2 n. F., ix, 399^04, 2 ch. AUo: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1893, xxviii, 63; 78; 109; 120.—Kieseritzky (W.) Die Cholera-Epidemie von 1893 in Dorpat (Jurjew). St. Petersb. med. AVchnschr., 1894, n. F., xi, 138-141.—Kor- ber ( B.) Die Choleraepidemie in Dorpat im llerbst 1893. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1895, xix, 161- 224—Wanacli. Die gegenwartige Choleraepidemie zu Dorpat (Jmjew). St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1893, n. F.. x. 396-399. DUNABURG. Ewertz (J.U.) TJeber die Cholera in Diinaburg. J. d.Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xvi, 309-314. AUo, Reprint. EGYPT. See, also, in this list, Damietta. Aubeht-Roche (L.) Rapport sur le cholera daus l'isthnie de Suez en juin et juillet 1865. 8°. Paris, 1865. i>k Beauregard (R.) Notice historinue et statistique sur l'e5pide5tnie du cholera en Egypte en 1865. 8°. Marseille, 1*78. de Castro (S. V.) Cholera in Egitto nel 1883, sua origine e niisure igieniche e quaran- tenarie. 8°. Milano, 1884. Dutrieux-Bey. Le chol6ra dans la Basse- Egypte en 1883; relation d'une exploration me'di- cale dans le delta du Nil pendant l'6pide"mie choltSrique. 8 . L}aris, 18*4. AUo [Abstr.], in: J.d'hyg., Par., 1884, ix, 327; 338 ; 351; 364. DuVivier(E.) Egypte t-t cholera. 8°. Pa- ris, 1866. Egypt. Rapport de la commission extraordi- naire d'hygiene d'Alexauilrie sur ses travaux pendant l'6pid6mie choleriqiie de 1883. 8°. Le Caire, 1884. Egypt. Ministry of Interior. Sanitary Depart- ment. Report of the epidemic of cholera in Egypt during the years 1895 and 1896. roy. 8°. Cairo, 1897. Great Britain. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Correspondence respecting the cholera epidemic in Egvpt, 1883. Commercial No. 34 (1883). fol. London, 1883. -----. Further correspondence respecting the cholera epidemic in Egypt, 1883. Commer- cial No. 39 (1883). In continuation of "Com- mercial No. 34 (le83)". fol. London, 1883. -----. Further reports respecting the chol- era epidemic iu Egypt and tbe proceedings of the German scientific commission. Commercial No. 22(18H4;. fol. London, 1884. von Pettenkofer (M.) Der epidemiolo- gische Theil des Berichtes uber die Thiitigkeit der zur Erforschung der Cholera im Jahre 1883 nach Aegypten und Indien entsandten dentschen Coniinission besprocben von ... 8°. Miinchen 4- Leipzig, 1888. At land (T.) Criticisms on Sir W. Guver Hunter's views with regard to the outbreak of choleia in Egypt Med. Times .t Gaz., Lond., 1884, i. 318.—Albenois. Le cholera en Egypte et a la Mecque. Marseille med., 1883, xx, 748-751— Allasia. Invasione del colera-n.orbns in Egitto, noil' anno 1848. Gior. d. r. Accad. med -chir di Torino, 1849, 2. s., iv, 33-45. — Barrecheguren. In- vestigaciones anatomicas y experimentales sobre el colera observado en Egipto en 1883. Gac. m6d. de Granada, 1884' h, 9-18. — BoeiiD (H.) Le choldra d'Egvpto; mission tie M. le docteur Dutrieux, medecin des hopitaux a Ale- xandre. Art metl., Brux., 1883-4, 321; 337; 353.—Bn- clianan (G.) Outbreak of cholera iu Egypt. Lancet Lond., 1883, ii, 14.— Cholera. Vrach. Vaidom. St Pe- tersb., 1883, viii, 4143-4146.—Cholera iu Egypt. Brit M J., Lond., 1883, ii, 30; 85; 134; 179; 348; 391- 541- 547' 840; 884; 1210; 1258; 1317: 1884, i, 275; 285.—Cholera (The) mErypt. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 1139: ii,214- 390- 482; 523.—Cholera in Egypt. Brit. M. J., Lond 1896' i, 106; 1343; 1413; 1514; 1574: ii, 41; 51; 95: 157- "08- 302- 411; 516; 683; 7.-0; 879; 1054; i:::i:;.-Cholera in E on.'. sultatakh komandirovki v Egipet na choler'nuvu eDi demiyu 1883 i 1884 g. Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S .p0 terb. (1883-4), 1885, li, pt. 2, 275-297.—Eliologie IV) du cholera, et, en particulier, de l'6pitl6mie actuelle en E"yute (Discussion.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1883, 2. »., xii 957-971. — Fauvel. Sur le chohsra eu Egypte ct ii lit, Mecque. Ibid.. 1341-1349. Also: Union iu6rt., I'ar. im 3^ s., xxxvi, 947-950. ------. L'6pidemie de cholera en Egypte; son origine, les chances que l'Europo a d'en etre preserv6e. Bull. Acad, de m6d.; Pur., 1883 2 s xii 917-933. Also: Anu. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 127-134' Also: J. de th6rap., Par., 1883, x. 561-569._____Kan' p>>rt sur l'epidemie do chol6ra qui r6gne en figypto ilepuia le 21 juin, jour de son apparition a Damiette, ,jusi]u'uu30 juin, et sur les mesures prises contre sa propagation en dehors de l'Egypte. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1883 xiii, 145-166. — 54.—Kaufmann (P.) Die Cholera in Aegypten. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 15; 30.—Kirker (G.) Visitof tbe Egyptian cholera epidemic in 188! to I'ortSuid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 854-857.— Kroriizanowski (K.) Cholera w Egipcie r. 1883. Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1884, xxiii, 324; 341; 358.—iHacDonaltl (T. R.) Expe- riences in Egypt. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, li>83, xviii, 301-308.—.Ylackie (J.) Report of consul at Alexandria to the foreign office. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 134- 136. — .VI11 nt lie ( G.) Frauska clioleraconiiiiissionen i Egvpteii. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1884, ix, 145- 153.—.Hurray (J.) On the outbreak of cholera inEgypt. Med. Times-& Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 209. ------. Kemarka on Sir W. G. Hunter's report ou cholera in Egypt. Ibid., 281.—Ocherk choler'noi epidemii v Egyptle v 1883 g. Vestnik sudeb. med. [etcl, St. Petersb., 1x83, iii, 7. sect., 1-14, 1 tab.—Official (Tlie) reports on the cholera epi- demic in Egypt, 1S83. Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxii, 225-240.—Prompt. Le cholera en Ugypte. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1896, xx, 217.—Komti-Bey (G.) Sul- 1' ultima invasione colerica 111 Egitto. Atti r. 1st. d' incorag. a. se. nat. . . . di Xapoli, 1884, 3. s., iii, no. 1, 1-8.— Snnd- with ( F. M. ) Cholera in Egvpt. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog., Lond., 1892, i, 346-378. Also, Re- print. Also fAbstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 002; 650. Also, Reprint.—Soimino (P.) Considerations on cholera in Egypt in relation to some alterations of the. intestines. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 169.—Strait*. Le cholera del883 eu iSgypte; rapport. G;iz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel, 1883, v, 577-579. Also : Rev. scient., Par., 1883, 3. «., vi, 644-647. Also: Union in6d., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxvi, 9!!3- 927. AUo: Semaine metl., Par., 1881!. 2. s., iii, 335.- Straus, Roux, >oenrd f>, xvi, 1001- 1005. AUo, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 138- 145. -----. I'oher den gegenwartigen Stand der dies- jahrigen Cholera-Epidemie. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 1011; 1028. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl.. 8°, Wien, 1893, 198; 205. — (^alanin (M.I.) Choler'naya epidemiya v Vevropic 1884-8 gg. [Cholera epidemic in Europe.] Vestnik sudeb. med. [etc.], St. Petersb., 1884, iii-iv, 7. sect.: 1885, i-iv, 7. sect.: 1886. i-iv, 7. sect.: 1887, i-iv, 7. sect.: 1888, iii, 7. sect.— Malic. Coup d'tcil sur r6pid6mie actuelle de cholera en Europe. Ann. d'livg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xvi, 395-420. Also: Gaz. med. d'Orieut, Constant., 1886-7, xxix, 81; 97; 113; 161. -----. Le cho- IGra en Europe de 1884 a 1887. Rev. med.-pharm.. Con- stant., 1888, i, 4-6. -----. Le cholera en Turquie, en Perse, en Caucasie, en Europe, depuis le mois de novenibrc an 10 decembre 1892. Ibid., 1892, v, 161. — Shibutani ( S.) Itsen hatbaku kujiininen Kurapa ni okeru cholera in kaiisurii zapho. [Report on the cboiera epidemic in Eu- rope during 1892.] Shimane Shikwai Zashi, 1893, no. 43, 17-24. —Thome (R. T.) Summary account of the preva- lence of cholera in Europe during 1880 ; 1887. Re)). Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd.1880, Lond.. 1887, xvi, 101: (1887), 1888, xvii. 175. -----. Cholera in Europe in 1892, and English cholera administration. Practitioner, Lond., 1894, liii, 304; 379. EXETER. Siiapter (T. ) Sanitary measures and their results ; being a sequel to " The history of chol- era in Exeter in 1832", to which is now added a short account of its occurrence in 1849. 3. ed. 8°. Exeter, 1866. CHOLERA. 542 CHOLERA. Cliolera (History and statistics of), by localities. FERRARA. Ferraiia (Province of). Relazione sul cho- lera morbus che domino nella citta e provincia di Ferrara nel 1849. fol. Ferrara, 1-51. -----. Relazione storica del cholera morbus nella Provincia Ferrarese 1' anno 1855. fol. Ferrara. Kw. FINISTERE. Moxod (H.) Le cholera. (Histoire d'une epidemic: Finistcre, 18-5-6.) 8°. Paris, 1892. Boiirtloii. Notes sur l'epidemie de cholera aux iles Molene t-t Trildeii. Arch, tie med. nav., Par., 1894, lxi, 66-OU. — t'liarriu. Epidemie choleriqiie de 1885-6 dans les de|i;irtenn-iits du Finistdre et de la Vendee. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult tl'hvsr. nub. de France 1886, Par., 18*7, xvi, 550-557.— TIarliu-Hurr (V.) Le cholera des iles Molene et Trielen (Finistcre) en 1893. Ann d'hyg., Par., 1894, 3. s. xxxii, 49-64.—Proust (A.) Epid6uiie do cholera dans le. Finistcre. Hull. Acad, de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xv 199-21H. Also: Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult. d'hyg- pub. dc France 1886, Par,, 1887, xvi, 68-85, FINLAND. S>e, aho, in this list, Helsingfors. Hetii-itMi (A. A.) Choler'niva epidemii v Finlyandii. Voyenno-san dielo, St. Petersb., 1885. v, 404; 414; 430; 453; 465; 478.-----. Vivod iz choler'nikh epidemiy, s 1831 po 1873 g. sviilepstvovavshikh v Finlyandii. Ibid., 1886. vi, 91: 103. Also, transl.: Finska lak.-sallsk. hundl , Helsing- fors, 18^6-7, xxviii, Suppl., 14-38. -----. Kolera epide- mierna i Finland. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1886-7, xxviii. Suppl., 3-13. FORMOSA. Bahier. * Formose et les Pescadores. Le cliole'ra pendant l'occnpation de ces deux lies, 1884-5. 4°. Paris, 1*88. FORT WILLIAM. See, in this list, Calcutta. FRANCE. See, also, in this list, Alais; Ardeche; Aries; Avignon; Bordeaux; Brest; Brittany; Cette; Dieppe ; Finistere ; Havre; Lille; Lyons; Marseilles; Montpellier; Nantes; Nice ; Nimes; Paris; Reims; Rouen; Toulon; Toulouse; Treport; Troyes; Vaucluse; Yport. de Beaulietj (C.) Le cholera en France en 1884. Remedes pre>entifs, surnaturels et natu- rels. 18°. Paris, 1884. Besuchet (J.-C.) Le cholera, sa marche, ses progres, sou traitement appuye sur des faits nonibreux observes en France et en Belgique, pendant l'epidemie de 1832. 8°. Paris, 1837. Caffarelli (G.) Sul cholera di Fraucia. 8°. Torino, [1833]. liepr.from: Ann. di med., 1833. Cassoute (E. ) Epidemies choleriques de Marseille et de Berreme, 1892-3. Lo r61e de l'eau dans la transmission du cholera. 8°. Paris, 1894. Chalut (L.-P.) Note sur l'6pidemie de cho- lera-morbus, qui a regn6 dans les communes de Saint-Maur-les-Fosses et Joinville- le - Pont (Seine). 8 '. Sevres, 1833. Colson (A.) Lc cholera en 1854 daus l'arron- dissemeut de Commercy. 8~/. Commercy, 1855. Delpech de Frayssinet. Memoire sur le cholera morbus, pour servir a l'histoire de l'in- vasion de cette maladie sur le territoire fraucais. 8°. Lyon, 1833. Dubousquet-Laborderie. Etude sur l'6pi- demie cholerique de la commune de Saint-Ouen- sur-Seine du 30 avril au 25 octobre 1892. 8°. Paris, 1893. Euvrard (A.-P.-M.) *Du cholera morbus epidemique observe a Paris et dans le departe- ment de I'Oise en 1849, a Gray et aux environs (Haute-Saone), a Montbeiiard et aux environs (Donbs) en 1854. 4C. Strasbourg, 1860. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. FRANCE—continued. France. Defartemcnt de Vagriculture. Doou- ments statistiques et administratifs concernant l'epidemie de cholera de 18r>4 comparee aux precodentos epiddniies choleriques qui out s6vi en France, fol. Paris, 1862. -----. Medailles decernees a l'oecasion de l'epidemie choleriqiie de 1866. 4°. Paris, 1867. Fraxce. Departement de Vinterienr. Direction de l'assistanee et de l'hygiene publiques. Bureau de l'hygiene publique. Recueil des travaux du Comite consultatif d'hygiene publique de France et des actes officiels de l'administration sani- taire. Annexe au tome xxii. Le cholera en 189.;. Preface, par le Dr. Brouardel. Rapport general, par Henri Monod. Rapport des in6de- cins deiegues, par les Drs. Brouardel, Proust Netter, [et al.]. 8°. Melun, 1894. Gibier (P.) Etude sur le cholera d'apres un rapport presente a M. le ministre de l'intdrieur sur l'epidemie de 1884 dans Tarrondisseinent de Brignoles. 8-. Paris, 1884. Hergt (C.) Gesehichte der heitlen Cholera- Epidemicn des siifllichen Frankreichs in den Jahreu 18.34 und 1835. 12°. Coblenz, 1*38. Larrey [D.-J.] le barou. No 1 ice sur l'epide- mie du choiera-niorbus indien, qui a regne dans les ports meridiouaux do la Mediterranee et dans toute la Provence, pendant les mois de juillet et d'aout 1835. 8°. Paris, 1*35. Lassis. Motifs de la proposition de l'auteur, d'aller a ses frais et sous les auspices de l'Acade- rnie des sciences sur l'un des principalis points du theatre de l'epidemie dite cholera-morbus; nouveaux resultats avantageux obtenus par l'application des principes de ce medecin a Paris et dans plusieurs departements. 12°. Paris, 1832. Lauvergne. Cholera-morbus en Provence, suivi de la biographie du docteur Fleury. 8°. Toulon, 1836. Lereboullet (D.-A.) Considerations prati- ques sur le cholera-morbus, observe a Paris et dans le departement de la Meuse pendant l'annee 1832. 4°. Strasbourg, 1832. Lesage (A.) Conseil central d'hygiene pu- blique et de salubrite des Pyrenees-Orientales. VIII. Etude sur l'epidemie choleriqiie de Millet la valiee de la Tet. Rapport adresse a M. le president du conseil ministre de l'iiiterieur. Mission sanitaire de 1893. 8'. Perpignan, 1894. Livon(C) Cholera de 1884. 8°. Marseille, '1884. Mabit (J.) Du cholera morbus asiatique ou spasmodique; rapport. 8°. Bordeaux, 1832. Michel (H.) Une epidemie de cholera dans les Basses-Alpes. 8°. Annecy, 18*5. Mordagxe (H.) * Relation de deux epide- mics de cholera observees en 1885 a Lacassaigne et a Courtauly (Aude). 4°. Paris, 1885. Noel (J.) * Le cholera a la Maison d6parte- menrale de Nanterre. 4°. Paris, 1893. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1893. Paillard (H.) Histoire statistique. du cho- lera-morbus qui a regne eu France en 1832. Sui- vie de reflexions sur les causes et la propagation de cette epidemie, de 40 tableaux contenant des resultats obtenus par chacun de m6decins de l'Hdtel-Dieu et le chitfre des malades et niorts en France, classes par jour et par arrondisse- meut. 8°. Paris, 1832. Robbe (A.) Du cholera epidemique de 18bo-o. Essai sur les formes cliuiques et les indications therapeutiquea. Suivi d'un memoire sur la na- CHOLBEA. 543 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. FRANCE—continued. ture et le traitement du cliolera*morbus par J. Bnuley. 8-\ Paris, 1871. Alison. Relation d'une epidemic tie cholera, ohserv6e dans la commune de Mervilhr, en 1873. Kev. metl. de l'est, Nancy, 1874, i, 3S4 : 421 ; 450, I diag.—Ariioultl (J.) Le cholera*en 1890. Rev. san. de la Province. Bordeaux, 1890, vii, 133-135.—Bernard (P.) Le cholera a Arpavon (Drome), aofit et scpteiiihre 1884. Tribune ru6d., Par., 188"), xvii, 40; 66. — Boehefontaiue. Note suil'epide- niie de cholera tie 1854 a Beaucoui t. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i. pt. 2. 487. — Bourguel (E.) Cho- lera. Cliapitre ler: Debut: duree; marche do l'epideniie dans l'arrondissoiuent d'Aix; nombro ties communes at- teiutes: statistique des cas ettles d6c6s. Dep. tl. Bouches- dii-Rlioue. Cons. tlTi.v.-- Compt.-rend. d. trav. 1859-75, Marseille. 1870, ix, 130-135. ------. Le cholera dans l'ar- ronilisseineut d'Aix. en 1884 et 1885. Marseille metl., 1886, xxiii, 3; 05.—Bourrsis. Considerations etiologiques sur l'cpiilemie i'n cliolera do Pompignan (septenihre-octobre 1884). Gaz. liehd. d. sc. med. tie Montpel., 1884, vi, 500- 568.— Brouardel. J5pidemie du cholera k Toulon et k Marseille. Aun.d'Ii,\g., Par., 1884, 3. s.. xii, 134-148. Also, Keprint. — Cassoule (15.) Sc Dujai-iIiii-Bcuuiitt-tz. Maladies t'-pitlt'-initnies: cholera a Parrcino I Hassos-Alpe.-I en septembre 1893. [Rap.] Rec. d. trav. Comite conMill. d'hyg. pub. tie France 1893, Melun, i804, xxiii, 220-228, 1 map.—Catrin. Le cholera en 1893. Med. mod., Par., 1896. vii, 619; 029; 673. — Charrin. Le cholera a lile d'Yeu en 1880. Rev. d'hyg., Tar., 1886, viii, 1011-1013.— Cholera in France. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 736; 702; 899; 955; 1014; 1124; 1180: 1294; 1351; 1525: 1893, i. 48; 379: 430; 401; 607; 745; 810; 879; 947; 1031; 1083; 121G; 1277: ii, 105; 153.!; 1591.—Cholera (Le) dans la Seine- Inferienre. Normandie nied., Rouen, 1892, vii, 384-487.— Colin (L ) Discussion sur l'epidemie de cholera: 1°. Le cliolera a Auhervilliers. 2°. Influence de l'eau tie hoisson. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1884, 2. s., xii, 1G63-1C70. Also, Reprint. -----. Discussion sur l'epidemie de cholera a Toulon et a Marseille. 1°. Rapport entre le cholera nos- tras et l'epidemie de Toulon. 2n. Role de l'huiuidite at- mosph6rique et de l'eau de boisson dans la propagation da cholera. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., li-84. 2. s., xii, D25-936. Also, Reprint. — C'ouineiat (F.) Observation d'nn cas de cholera survenu dans le po>to sanitaire de Peillou, pies Urdos, le 27 juillet 1885. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 329.—Discussion sur l'epideniie de cholera tie 1892. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par. (1892), 1893, 322 ; 331; 349 ; 402; 407.— Discussion sur l'epidemie dn cholera a Toulon et a Marseille. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par.. 1*84, 2. s., xiii, 871; 908; 960; 991; 1035; 1093; 1113: 1157; 1243; 1290; 1351; 1384; 1400; 1573; 1663. — Blithe (15.) Coup d'ceil rftrospectif sur le chol6ra dans letiepartemi nt de 1 Yoime. Bnll. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 18-4, Auxerre. 188"'. xxv. 17-35. [Discussion], pt.2, pp.xxviii-xxxv.—Biajni'din-Bcnii- mclz. Sur quelques cas tie cholera qui se sont produits dans le departement de la Seine et en particulier dans les communes d'Auhervilliers et tie Saint-Ouen. Bull. Acad. denied., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii, 1573-1590. Also:, Hull. pen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1884, cvii, 402-413. — Epidemic chol6riqne de 1885-6 en France et eu Algeria. Statistique des iieces occasionn6s par cette epidemie du 25 juin 1885au 20 avril 188i;, dresse par les soins de la police sanitaire et industrielle d'apres les rcnseimiemens founds par les prefectures. Rec. tl. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1885, Par., IssG, xv, 513-563. Also, Reprint.— Gastou (P.) Sc I.e Boy des Barres (A.) Le cholera a Saint-Denis en 1892; iole des differents agents infec- tieux et des conditions hygieniques dans l'invasion, la marche et la propagation du chol6ra. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1893, i, 129-144—CJeorgantas. XoAe'pa r, ev TaAAi'a. ToAtji/os,'Aflijeai., 1884, xii, 25; 42; 73.—Ooifz. Chol6ra asiatiquo; departement du Nord. Rap. trav. Cons, centr. de sahib, du dep. du Nord, Lille, 1893, No. li, 367-376.— Guerin (J.) Le cholera de 1884; Toulon et Marseille. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 675; 683.—Howard (15. 1).) Impressions of the cholera and its treatment (luring tho re- cent epidemic in France. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 93.— Hulliu (P.) Cholera asiatique observe en France; voyage a Paris en 1832, et mission officielle dans l'Auho en 1854. In his: A16m. de m6d. et de chir., Par., 1862, 350-386.—Jaugey. L'epidemie de chol6ra a Gueures en 1892. Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1892, vii, 397-399.— Laboulbcne (A.) Note sur l'importation et la propa- gation du cholera, 1884, dans lo canton d'Aspet (Haute- Garonne). Bull. Acad, denied., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 399- 405.—liangin. Sur le cholera a Puits-de-Bon et a No- yers. Bull. «oc. m6d. de l'Yonne 1885, Auxerre, 1886, xxvi, 60-62. — Lasegue (C.) Etude clinique sur l'6pidemie actuelle de cholera asiatiquo. Arch. g6n. de in6d., Par., 1865, 6. s., vi, 513-531.—Libbertz. Die Choleraepide- mie in Toulon und Marseille im Sommer 1884. Deutsche vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1884, xvi, 561- Cliolera (History and statistics of), by localities. FRANCE—continued. 567. — Mini). Rapport sur l'6pid6mie de chol6ra en France pendant l'annee 1884. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1129-1171. [Tableau synoptique des obser- vations], 1140 [1-63]. Also, Reprint.—»1 ice (L.) [Expose somruaire des principaux faits observes dans l'arrondisse- ment de Bayonne pendant l'6pideinie cholei icpie de 1855.] J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1855, xiii, 641-657. A Uo, Reprint.— iTIignot. Le cholera dans le centre de la France. As- soc, frani;. pour lavance. tl. sc. C. r. 1876, Par., 1877, v 703-710. ------. Note sur le cliolera de 1884. Soc. d. sc. in6d. de Gauuat. C. r., Par., 1885, xxxix, 143-146. ------. Note sur uue epidemie de cholerine et quelques cas de cliolera nostras. Hull. Acad, do med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 441-447.— Monod (II.-C.) L'epid6niio de cholera mi Guilvinec, en 1885. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1886, viii, 189- 251.—FTIoreau (C.) Etude sur l'eclosion ties 6pid6mies actuelles de cholera, d'apr&s certaines observations faites a Ch.irleroy. Bull. Acad, roy.de med. de Belg., Brux., 1893. 4. s., vii, 800-878.— Vliiudy (J.) Kurzer Bericht iiber dio Cholera in Toulon und Marseille. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 18S4, xxxiv, 1034; 105*. —KVIIurin (C.) Notecom- piementaire et rectificative a de prec6dentes communi- cations sur l'epidemie do cholera de Givet, en 1849. [Abstr. | Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1851, xxxii, 8(15. — Perier. Sur le cholera du Pas-de-Calais. [Abstr.] Ibid.. 1849, xxviii, 90.—de Pietra-Santa (P.) Epide- mie choleriqiie do 1805 Ibitl, 1806, lxii, 1279-1282. -----. Le cholera tie 1890. J. d'livg., Par., 1890, xv, 325.—Proust (A.) De l'epidemie clioh'-riqno do 1884 daus quelques tle- partements. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 83; 100. -----. Le cholera en 1892. Ibid., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 141- 161.—Proust (A.) & Ballet (G.) L'6pid6niie cholerique dc-1884-6 en France. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb.. Wien, 1887, vi, lift. 18, 1-33. [Discussion], 201-236.— Proust (A), IVetter Sc Thoinot. Lo cholera dans le departement tie Seiue-et-Oise en 1892. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1893, xv, 577-619.—Beport of tho Lancet special sanitary commission on the effects of tho cholera panic at Hy6res, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, and Men tone. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 84-86.—Beport of the Lancet special sanitary commis- sion on Marseilles and Toulon. Ibid., i, 1142; 1179.— Bouquettc (J.) Observations sur une epidemic de cho- lera. Therap. contemp., Par., 1885, v, 152-154. — Sims- Pirondi. Petite" enqueto relative an cholera dans un canton du Var. Bull. Acad, do m6d., Par., 1884. 2. s., xiii, 1425-1432. Also: Marseille med., 1884, xxi, 072-077.—dc Villiers. Resume d'une enquete faite sur l'epideniie de choleia en 1884 dans les provinces tin sud-est de la France et sur le r6seau des chemins de fer de Paris a Lyon et a la M6diterranep. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii, 1384-1425. ------. Quelques renseignements sur l'epidemie cholerique de 1885 dans le Midi. Ibid., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1081-1083. GALICIA. See, in this list, Austro-Hungary. GATESHEAD. Clephan (J.) The three warnings: or facts and figures of the cholera epidemics of Gates- head. 8~. Gateshead, London, 1854. GENEVA. D'Espixf. (M.) Anrons-nous le chol6ra a Ge- neve? Parallele entre les deux invasions du cholera en Europe, et inductions tir6es en i'aveur de I'influenco pr6servatrice des Alpes snr la Suisse et les contr6es environnantes. 8°. Ge- neve, [1849]. -----. Notice statistique sur la premiere iu- vasion du cliolera dans le canton tie Geneve. 16u. Geneve, [1855]. Rilliet (F.) Le cholera a Geneve pendant les mois do septembre et d'octobre 1H55. *°. [Paris, 1K36.] GENOA. Beretta (P.) Eeudiconto sulle cure de' cho- lerosi fatte nello spedale detto del Papa. 12°. Genova, 1835. Bo (C. A.) Relazione del cholera-morbus os- servato negli spedali civili di Pammatone e degli incurabili e mantecatti di Genova. 8U. Genova, 1835. Brutti (F. V.) Alcune liuee medico-critiche istoriche sul cholera di Genova cou talnne norme preservative e curative. 8°. Cremona, 1835. CHOLERA. 544 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. GENOA—continued. Candkdda (G. L.) Relazione sul cliolera asiatico che invase la citta di Genova nei nit-si d' agosto, settembre e ottobre. 16°. Genova, 1835. Copello (G.) Sul cholera morbus di Genova; alcune rinessioni. 12°. Genova, 1836. Repr. from: Rep. med. chir., 1836. Du Jardin (G.) Storia della epidemia di co- lera patita iu Genova nell' auuo 1866. 8°. Ge- nova, 1*67. Genoa. II colera iu Genova nel 1884. Rela- zione dell' ufficio d' igiene. 4C. Genova, 1885. GOGGl(L.) Prinio rapporto sui cholerosi dello spedale teinporam-o di S. Fruttuoso. 12°. Ge- nova, l"vi5. Ghanara (R.) Invasione del colera asiatico iu Genova e sue propagazione nell' auuo 1854, con osservazioni clinico-statistiche riguardanti gli spedali civili di Painmatone dei crouici, e mentecatti, raccolte in nn rapporto scritto (Y in- carico della direzione permaueute. Coll' aggi- unta in fine delle tavole statistiche nosologiche che comprentloiio i trienni ed il semestre aute- riori al l^>-"> e 1854, dei dottori L. Viviani, G. B. Pisauo e Bellagatnba. ^ . Genova, 1854. Pezzali (K.) & Vivaldi (G.) II colera nel mese di novembre 1*86. Relazione: Ospedale del Bisagno. 4°. Genova, 18^6. Soleri (G.) Sull' invasione del cholera morbus. Lettere mediche. 12°. Genova, 1836. Balestreri (F. M.) Osservazioni sullo stato sanitario in Genova nei mesi successivi al cholera, e sull' indole e cura di questo. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino. 1855, 2. s., xxiii, 273-321.—Freschi (F.) Osservnzione tli confronto Ira le due epidemic di cholera-morhus in Genova negli anni 1854 e 1855. Ibid., 1856, 2. s., xxv, 129; 185.— Klebs (K.) Coher Cholera asiatica; nach Epohachtun- gen in Genua. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1884, xiv, 569; 607. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Mejdunar Klin., St. Petersh., 1885, iv, 227-246.— Pogliaui (A.) Lettera sul cholera-morbo di Genova. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1854, 2. s., xxi, 85-97.—Zaslein (T.) Ueher die Choleraepidemie des Jahres 1886 in Genua. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 261. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Altona; Augsburg; Ba- varia; Berlin; Breslau; Brunswick; Bur- gel; Cologne; Dantzic; Hamburg; Konigs- berg; Lemberg; Magdeburg; Munich; Po- sen; Prussia; Schleswig - Holstein; Reuss ; Silesia; Strassburg; Thuringia; Tilsit. Hakchewitz. Auszug aus einem Berichte des . . . iiber die Cholera zu Elbing. Zunachst zur Beberzigung der Orts-Kanitats-Conimissioneu, ini Auftrage der kon. Regierung zu Koln hrsg. vou . . . D. K. Th. Merrem. 8°. KblnamBhein, 1831. Germany. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. Amt- liche Denkscln-ift iiber die Choleraepidemie 1892 fol. Berlin, 1892. -----. Arbeiten : 10. Baud. Die Cholera im Deutsclien Reiche im Herbst 1892 und Winter 1892-3. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1894-6. Heim (G. [H.]) *Die Beobachtungen wah- rend der Cholera-Epidemie 1884-7 in ihren Be- ziehungen zur Prophylaxe. 8°. Bonn, 1890. Zeroxi (H.) Das Auftreten der Cholera iu den Proviuzen Posen uud Preussen im Jahre 187:!. Eine Besprechung des Reisebericbts des Dr. A. Hirscb iiber diese Epidemie. 8°. Mann- heim, 1874. B. Die Cholera-Epidemie von Finthen und Gonsen- heim mit Bezug auf dio contajjiose und localistische Theo- rie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 858.—Barry (F. W.) Report on cholera iu Germany during the winter of 1892-3. Rep. Med. Oil'. Local Gov. Bd., Lond., 1893-4, 425-436, 2 maps.— Fronth. Die Cholera im Gebiete der Netze, "Warthe und Oder im Jahre 1894. Arh. a. d. k. Iiolcrn (History and statistics of), by localities. GERMANY—continued. Gsndhtsamte, Perl.. 1895, xii, 173-217, 1 ch. — Maflliy, Die, Cholera in Gorisenueim und Finthen im Herbst 1>W Arb. a. d. k Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1887, ii, 39-66, 1 map, i tab. — Hclbig (C. F.) Die Cholernforschung walut-iiil der letzten Epidemie. For'sehr. d. tiff Gsndhtspthr Frankf. a. M., 1894, iii, 169: 2,i3; 230. — Koch ( K.) i)^ Cholera in Deiitschland wahrend des Winters 1892 his IM Ztschr. f. Ilyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xv, H9-i 165. Also, transl: Lancet, Loud.. 1893. ii. 828'; 891. — Kohlatock. Dio Cholera im Stromgebieto tier Elbe (ausschliesslich Hamburg uud Altona). Arb. a. tl. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1894, xi, 72-97, 1 ch. -----. Die (jho- lera im Stromgebiete der Elbe im Jahre 1894. Ibid., 1K)5 xii. 258-201. — Krebs ( W. ) Gesundheitsveilialtiiisge deutscher Stailte und dio Clio]cra-E])ideniieii in Ilanihtu^ Altona uud Nietleben 1892-3 vom Standpunkte derBoden- hygiene. Atti d. xii Cong. med. internaz., 1'oina, 1885. vi, igiene, 41.—Kiibler. Das Auftreten tier Cholera iui Deutsclien Reiche wahrend ties Jahres 1891. Arb. a.d.k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1895, xii, pp. i-\ix, 1 ch. ----. I)er Verlauf der Cholera in Deiitschland wiihrt-nd der Jahre 1893 und 1894. Deutsche lnil.-iirztl. Ztschr.. lierl., 1895, xxiv. 417-431.—Kuhu (J.) Sc tie l.augciilingcii (0.) Rapport medical sur l'6pid6mie do cholera qui a regnO a Reichshoffen et dans les environs, en 1855. Ga/. nicil. de Strash., 1857, xvii, 154-166. Also, Reprint.— flit-hurl (J.) Verschiedenheit ties Krankheitsvei-laufes der Clnilcru in den verschiedenenEpidemien. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1892, xiii, 1047. A Iso, Reprint. — I'aswotv. Dio Cholera im Rheinstroingebiete. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsanite. Berl. 1894, xi, 6: 1895, xii, 268. — Pfeiffcr (A.) Das erste Erscheiuen der asiatischen Cholera auf deutschem Bodon nach Entdeckung ties Konimahat-il'im. Deutsche rued. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 845-847. — Vfviffer (It.) Die Cholera im Oderstromgebieto. Arb. a. d. k. Gsntlhlsamte, Berl., 1894, xi, 98-132, 6 ch., 1 diag. — Putlon. Die Cho- lera, im Kreise Niederung. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1857, xxvi, 137-139. —Russell (W.) Some practical results of the investigation of cholera in Germany. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1892-3, n.s., xii, 1-11. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1892-3, xxxviii, 521-525. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond.. 1M)L'. ii, 1268. — Uebersicht iiber die Erkrankungen und Tndca- falle an Cholera im Deutsclien Reiche ( bis einschlictglicli 14. Oktober 1892). Verofl'eutl. tl. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Bed., 1892, xvi, 807-809. — Voges (O.) Das Auftreten tier Cho- lera im Deutschen Reiche wahrend des Jahres 1893 nnd 1894; zusammenfasseudes Rel'erat nller diesc-t Tliemabe- haudeluden Arbeiten nach den Beriehten ans den Ar- beiten des kaiserl. Gesundheitsamtes. Centralhl. f. Bak- teriol. u. Parasitenk., 1. Abt., Jena, 1895, xviii, 618; 675.— Wolff (H.) Die Choleraepidemie auf der Elhinsel Wil- beliusbnrg. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1061.— Wutzdorff. Das Auftreten der Cholera ini Deutsclien Reiche wahrend des Jahres 1893. Arb. a. tl. k. Gsnd- htsamte, Berl., 1894, xi, 1-205, 11 ch., 1 diag, GIBRALTAR. Cholera at Gibraltar in 1885. Brit. M. ,1.. Lond., 1886,i, 752.—Cholera (Die) in Gibraltar. Miinchen. metl. Wchuschr., 1886, xxxiii, 27-29. GLASGOW. Adams (A. M.) Report upon cholera as it appeared in the seventeenth district of the city parish of Glasgow, during the months of November, December, January, February, and March, 1848-9. Ediub. M. & S. J., 1849, lxxii, 283-314. Also, Reprint. GOTHENBURG. Caulsox (H. I.) lakttagelser oiu choleraii under epidemieu i Goteborg l8."0 och sjukvardeii a cholera-sjukhuset vid breda viigen saint asig- ter om sjukdomens natur. 12°. Goteborg, 18.4. Jacobsen (J. G.) *De cholera asiatica et praesertim de epidemia Gotliobnrgensi adnota- tiones nonnullai. 8°. Ujist.ilir, [183*]. Ahlberg (N. L. ) Rapport om choleran i Gtithehorg. Svens. Dak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockli-dm, 1837, i, 1-62. GREAT BRITAIN. See, also, in this list, England; Gibraltar; India; Ireland; Jersey (Island of); Malacca; Malta; Mauritius; Penang; Scotland. Great Britain. Privy Council and Load :5. Fricke (J. C. G.) Gescbichtliche Darstel- lung des Ausbrucb.es der asiatiscben Cboiera in Hamburg. Xach Acten und amtlichen Unter- siichungeu. 8-. Hamburg, 1831. Also [Rev.], in: Med.-chir.'Ztg., Innsbruck, 1832, i, 417-448. Germany. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. Ar- beiten. 10. Baud. Heft 1. Die Cholera in Hamburg. Im Auftrage der Reicbs-Cholera- Conunission und unter Mitwirkung der Herren Schmalfuss, G. Koch, Maes, Deueke, F. Andreas Mever und Dunbar bearbeitet von Georg Gati'ky. roy. 8-. Berlin, 1894. Hamburg. Statistik der Cholera-Erkrankun- gm wahrend des Jahres 1*73. Anlage. Bericht des Medicinal-Inspectorate fiir das Jahr 1873. 8;. Hamburg, 1874. Hceppe (F.) & Hueppe(E.) Die Cholera- Epidemie in Hamburg 18!hi. Beobachtungen und Versuche iiber Ursachen, Bekampfung und Behandlung der asiatiscben Cholera. 8°. Ber- lin, 1*93. Reincke (J. J.) Die Cholera in Hamburg und ihre Beziehungen zum Wasser. roy. 8°. Hamburg, 1h<)4. Repr. from.- Jahrb. d. Hamb. wissensch. Anst., xi. Ceconi (A.) Note ed impressioni sulla recente epide- mia colerica in Amburgo. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1892-3, 7. 8., iv, 503-546.—Cliolera (The) of 1*92 in Hamburg. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 373-375.—Dcnckc (T.) Nachtragliches zur Hamburger Cholera-Epidemic von 1892. Miinchen. metl. "Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 957-961 .— Fraenkel (K.) Die Cholera in Hamburg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 818. -----. Die Cholera in Hamburg. (Bemerkungen zu dem Referat von Herrn Rubier.) Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xii. 623-625.—Graphic representation of tho statistics of the late cholera epidemic in the city of Ham- ming, Germany. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 475 — Hueppe (F.) Die Cholera-Epidemie in Hamburg in 1892; Beobachtnngen und Versuche iiber Ursachen, Bekamp- tung uud Behandlung der asiatiscben Cholera. Berl. klin. 35 Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. HAMBURG—continued. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 81; 108; 134; 159.— Kiirhnt-r (M.) Von Pettenkofer: Ueber Cholera mit Bcriicksichtigiing derjiingstfii Choleraepidemie in Hamburg. [Uev.J Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xii, 828-836.— Krebs (W.) Wnsserversorgiing mid Bodenreinheit im Verhaltnis ihros Kinflusses auf tlie HambnrgischeCholera- Fpideinie 1892. I iesiindh.-Iiigenieur, Munchen, 1893, xvi 537-546.—Kiihlt-i-. Fraenkel (K.): Dio Cholera in Ham- burg. [ Rev.) Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xii, 468-472.-----. Erwiderimjr anf: Die Cholera in Hamburg. (Benierkungeu zu dem Ret'emt von Herrn Kiibler) von Dr. Eng. Fraenkel. Ibid., 721.— Okatu (K.) Hamburg kolera sitsuji kenkaku itjiki. [Observations on cholera in Hamburg.] Tokyo med. Wchnschr., 1892, no. 703,19-22.—O'Siillivnn (I).R.) Tho Hamburg cholera epidemic; a retrospect of personal ob- servation. Med. Press A- Circ Lond., 1892, n.s., liv, 605- 607.—von Pcltcnkoft-r. 1'cber Cholera, mit Benick- sichtijrniig tier ,iiinj;stigen Cholera-Epidemic in Hamburg. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr.. 1892, xxxix, 807-817. [Dis- cussion]. 826-828. Also. Keprint. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl , Wien, 1892, xxvii, 673; 685; 697; 713. AUo: Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 725-736. Alsn: Sitzungsb. d. a'rztl. Ver. Miinchen (1892), 1893, ii, 107-148. AUo, transl: Lancet Lond., 1892, ii, 1182-1185. -----. M. Kirchner: Ueber Cholera mit Ber'ucksichtignng der jiingsten Choleraepi- demie in Hamburg. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol.u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xii, 898-904. -----. Ueber die Cholera von 1892 in Hamburg und iiber Schutzmaassregeln. Arch. f. Hyg., Miiuchen u. Leipz., 1893, xviii, 94-132,1 diag. Also, Reprint. -----. Choloraexplosion und Wasservcrsorgung von Ham- burg. Mi'mcht n. nied. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 1073.— Itntjcu (E.) Bericht iiber (lioCholeraerkraukungonimMarieukran- kenhause in Hamburg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Le'pz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 10-12.—Reiche (F.) The cholera in Hamburg in 1892. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 109-120. AUo [Abstr.]: Sanitarian, N. T., 1893, xxx, 493- 506.— Reincke. Die Cliolera in Eamburg. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 910; 935. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 571. -----. Die Cholera in Hamburg. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamto, Berl., 1894, xi, 39-71, 2 ch.— Riiger (C.) Beobachtnngen und Untersuchungen -wah- rend der Choleraepidemie in Hamburg 1892. Reichs- Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1893. xviii, 193; 206; 215; 225; 245. AUo [Abstr.]: Gesuudheit, Frankf. a. M., 1893, xviii, 209; 225.— Rumpel (T.) Bacteriologische und klinische Befunde bei th-r Cholera-Nachepidemie in Hamburg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 160-162. -----. Die Hamburger Choleraerkrankungen im Sommer 1893. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1894, xxxi, 729; 756; 780.—Rumpf. Die Cholera iu den Hainburgischen Krankenanstalten. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2, 35-49, 1 diag., 1 tab. —Visit (A) to Hamburg. (By our special correspondent.) Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 46; 457.—Wcyl (T.) Ueher den Sterblich- keitsantheil tier Hamburger Brauer an der Cholera-Epi- demie von 1892. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 904. AUo, Reprint.—Wolfer (F.) Zur Cholera-Epidemie in Hamburg. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Hamb., 1892. vii, 317; 325. Also: Berl. klin. W.chnschr., 1892, xxix, 1062-1064. -----. Unter weichen Bedingungen tritt die Cholera in epidemischer Verbreitung auf? Sclilusstolgeriingen aus einem Riickblicke auf Hamburgs friihere Ciioleraepidemien. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Hamb., 1894, ix, 217; 219; 221.------. Kritische Bemerkungen zu dem Berichte des Prof. Gaffky iiber Hamburgs Cholera- Epidemie im Jahre 1892. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 584; 608. HAVRE. Boutin (A.) * Traitement du cholera au nou- vel H6pital du Havre (epidebiie de lH'.ri). 4°. Paris, 1893. Beaiii-t-giird. Note sur lYrpid6mie chole-rique du Havre en 1873. l>6p. do la Seine-Inf. Cons, centr. d'hyg. [etc.] 1873, Koncn, 1874, 203-226.—Cholera (The) centres of Havre; typhoid fever and subsoil drainage; sewers asa cause of disease; cholera and typhoid maps. Lancet, Lond., 1892,ii, 1124-1128.—Gibert'. Le chobiraau Havre; comment une grande ville se d6fend. Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1892, vii, 393-397, 1 diag. -----. L'epideniie de chol6ra au Havre en 1892. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. 8., xxviii, 487-496. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. See, in this list, Honolulu. HEDJAS. [ Ai-tloiiin. J Cholera im Hed.jas. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1882, vi, 22. — C'ntclan. Cholera au Hetljaz en 1890; piophylaxie sanitaire dans la mer Rouge; protection dc l'FJgypte et.de l'Europe; role des services sanitaires egyptiens et sp6cialeuient du conseil de CJIOLKLJA. 546 OHOLKRA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. HEDJAS—continued. sante international d'Alexandrie. Rec, th trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1891, Melun, 1892, xxi, 830- £42 _____- Rapport sur le cholera au Hedjaz, en 1890. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1893, lix, 36-56.—Gnbnzzi (G.) La peregrinacion y el colera en Hedjaz; inefieacia de las cuarentenas en el mar Rojo. Monitor de la salud., Barcel., 1883, iv. 45; 57; 69.— Kulp (O.) Die Cholera im Hedjas. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1882, vi, 63.— Malic (J.) Considerations sommaires sur le cholera du Hedjaz et tlu vilayet d'Alep en 1891. Rev. m6d.-pharm., Constant., 1891. iv, 137. — Rowwi (E.) II Hedjaz, il pelle- grinaggio e il cholera. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d: ig., Milano, 1882, iv, 549-578. HELSINGFORS. Nylaiitlcr (W.) Anteckningar om choleran i Helsing- fors aren 1848 och 1819. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Hel- singfors, 1819-50, iv, 199-223. —Qrist (C.) Om koleran i Helsingfors 1871 och om foregaeude koleraepidemier i Finland. Ibid., 1872, xiv, Hft. 2, 17-96, 3 tab. -----. Sta- tistiska anteckningar of ver en mindre kolera-epidemi i Helsingfors sommaren 1872. Ibid., 1873, xv, 30-50, 1 tab. Also, Reprint. HONOLULU. Hawaii. Board of Health. Special report of the board of health upon the cholera epidemic in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, in August and September, 1895. 8°. Honolulu, 1896. HULL. Cholera at Hull. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 889: 1894, ii, 1500. — Cooper (H.) On the cholera mortality in Hull during the epidemic of 1849. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1853, xvi, 347-351.—Curtin (W. H.) On cholera in Hull, 1893, from an inspector's point of view. [Abstr.] J. San.Inst., Lond., 1894-5, xv, 559-563. — Mason (J. W. ) Notes on cholera, and its management in Hull. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix, 25-32. hurdwAr. Cholera about Hurdwar, in 1879. Indian M. J., Cal- cutta, 1886, v, 325; 449. — Herbert (H.) The natural liistorv of Hardwar fair cholera outbreaks. Indian M. Gaz.,'Calcutta, 1895, xxx, 298-300. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 201. ILLINOIS. See, in this list, Chicago. INDIA. See, also, in this list, Allahabad; Assam; Beloochistan; Bengal; Bombay; Calcutta; Cashmere; Hurdwar ; Lahore ; Lucknow ; Nepal. Balfour (E.) The localities in India, exempt from cliolera. 8-. Madras, 1856. Bellew (H. W.) Tbe history of cholera iu India from 1862 to 1881, being a descriptive and statistical account of the disease as derived from the published official reports of the several pro- vincial governments during that period and mainly iu illustration of the relation betweeu cholera activity and climatic conditions, to- gether with original observations on the causes and nature of cholera. 8°. London, 1885. Carter (G. B.) *De cholera indica, vel spas- modica quaj in India orientali per populos gras- satur. 8°. Glasguai, 1822. Central Provinces. Report on the cholera epidemic of 1868. B,y Dr. S. C. Townsend, sanitary commissioner, Central Provinces and Berars. fol. [Nagpore, 1870.] Chinslie (W.) Observations on the cholera morbus of India. 8C. London, 1825. Good (J. M.) Die ostindische Cholera. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt und mit einigen Zu- siitzen versehen von F. G. Gmelin. 8°. Tubin- gen, 1831. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8-. Tubingen, 1832. India. The second and third sections of the report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the cholera epidemic of 1861 in northern India; with an account of the epidemic by the president of the commission. 8°. Calcutta, 1864. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. INDIA—continued. Report on tin cholera epidemic of 1867 in northern India. [By G. B. Malleson sanitary commissioner with government of hi' dia.] fol. Calcutta, 1869. Jessop (C. M.) Asiatic cholera, being a re- port on an outbreak of epidemic cliolera in 187D at a camp near Murree in India. 8J. London 1883. Kellie (J.) *Diss. compleetens panca de morbo epidemico, qui, nomine cholera spas- modica, per Indiam Orientalem nuper grassatna est. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Murray (J.) Report on the attack of epi- demic cboiera in Agra and central India, dtiriti)> the years 1851; 1862. [With appendix.1 ,» [Agra, 1861-3.] North - Western Provinces. Reports on cholera, in the Meerut, Rohilcund, aud Ajinere divisions, in the year 1856. *-. Agra, 1857. -----. Report on the epidemic cholera which appeared in the Agra Central Prison in July 1861. By R. Playfair. fol. [Allahabad, Mil.] -----. [Letter, with enclosure, from the magistrate of Ghazeepore, reporting a serious outbreak of cholera iu tbe town of Stihutwar, in the Bulliah subdivision. From commissioner, Benares division, to secretary to government.] fol. [Allahabad, 1869.] -----. Outbreak of cholera iu the village of Akhoree, in the Mirzapore district. From com- missioner, Benares division, to secretary to gov- ernment, fol. [Allahabad, 1869.] Semmelink (J.) Geschiedenis der cholera in Oost-Indie voor 1817. *c. Utrecht, 1**5. Also [Rev.], in: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 541-549. -----. The same. Histoire du cliolera aux Indes orientales avant 1817. 8°. Utrecht, 18-'). Banks (C.) Observations on epidemics of cholera in India, with special reference to their immediate connection with pilgrimages. Glasgow M. J., ]*!).">, xliv, 437: li-Ufi, xlv, 198-213.—van der Burs; (C. L.) Cholera asiatica, In his: De geneesh. in Nederl.-Indie,\s Gravenh., 1887, ii, 165-274. — Cookson (H. ) Cholera in India. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 181.—Cranford (D. G.) Notes on au out- hreak of cholera in the town of Barisal in December, 1888. IudiauM. Gaz., Calcuttn, 1889, xxiv, 136-142. ----. Notes on an epidemic of cholera in Purnia district, Februarv- June, 1891. Ibid., 1892, xxvii, 33; 102; 132. map.—Cim- ingham (J. M.) Cholera. Rep. Sau. Com. India lnno, Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 109; 120.—Be Bonzy (A. C. C.) On the sanitary conditions under -which cholera prevails in Northern Iiidia, Tr. San. Inst, Gr. Brit., Loud., 1884-5, vi, 137-146.—Donaldson (J.) Remarks on some account of the cholera epidemic of 1861, as it appeared at Vizagapatam, Madras Presidency, East Indies, and upon the treatment which proved successful. Ediub. M. J., 1803-4, ix, 507-523. Also, Reprint.—CJonsalvcz (F.J.) A brief account of the epidemic of cholera which prevailed at the station of Mettupalaiyam from 11th January, 1883, to 18th March, 1883. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 181-1 R.i.-Gordon (C. A.) Personal experiences of cholera in India. 184J-i». Cong, internat. d'livg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, liudancst, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 323-329.—Hankin (E. H.) Observation* on cholera in India. M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1895, xxx »;!-»'• Also: Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, v, 327-332.-Hchir (P.) Cholera report of Chudderghat for the year 1HJ1. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893,, v, 104; 145; 2Ki-Bt;i" bert(H.) Note on cholera in tho Berar Province. Indian M. Gaz., [Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 245. -----. Notes on the meteorology of cholera iu Madras Presidency. Iota., in, 1 ch. -----. Some of the natural conditions affecting cholera spread in India. Indian Lancet, Calcutta. 18!)/, ix, 328-330.—Jack (S. M.) Note on cholera in the .) Cholera in the Purtabgurh district. Proc. Allahabad M. Soc, 1882, i, 147 - 150. — Tin lie. Me- moire sur la marche et lextension du cholera asiatique des lodes - Orientales vers l'Oecident depuis les dix der- nieres ann6es (1875-84) et sur quelques consequences qui en rfisultent. Gac. med. d'Orieut, Constant., 1884-5, xxvii. 121; 153; 109.—IHap illustrating the mortality from cholera in tho Punjab during the year 1892. Rep. San. Admin. Punjab 1892, Lahore, 1893, following p. 14.— Tlor- Inlilv from cholera in Berar during the year 1892. San Kep. Hyderabad (1892), 1893, 14-20, 1 map. —Olechno- wicz. Notatki z podr6zy po Indvjach Wschodnich za 1880-81 r. Gaz. lek., AVarszawa, 1880, 2. s., vi, 263; 2Kt. Peler. Le cholera indien. Semaine med., Par., 1892, xii, 289-291. —von Pettenkofer (M.) Die Cholera in Indien. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1885-6, iii, 129- 146. AUo: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1885, xxxii, 223- 228. — Preliminary report of tho India Cholera Com- mission. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, i, 43. Also [Abstr.]: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx. 20.—Pringle (R.) Asiatic cholera and some of the lessons learnt iu its home in India during thirty years service. Tr. Nut. Ass. Pro- mot. Social Se. 1884, Lond., 1885, 519-521.—Kit-e (W.R.) Cholera among pilgrims at Jubbulpore. Proc N.-W. Prov. &Oudh Branch licit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 1882, i, 183-185. ----. Cholera in the Punjab. Rep. San. Com. India 1892, Calcutta. 1894,141.—Roche (J.) Notesandreminiscences of a cholera epidemic at Kotree aud Hvderabad. Sciude, India. Lancet, Lond., 1883. ii. 139.—Sutherland (R.I On the epidemic of cholera in the Punjaub, the North- west and Central Provinces. Ben-al, 1867. [Abstr] Tr. Epidemiol. Soc, Lond., 18G9, iii, pt. 1, 246-249.—Tholo- zaii (J.-D.) Lo cholera daus l'Inde, ses degrt'-s, ses va- rietes, au point de vue de l'epid6miologie gt-ia-iale. Bull. Acad, de iu6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1101-1117.—Viantl- Grand-IVIaraiN. Analyse d'un travail du p6re Del- pech, sur une epidemie de cholera, ayant eu lieu a Vada- kenkoulam (Madnre), en decembre 1877. J. de ui6d. do l'onest, Nantes, 1886, xx, 29-34.—Welch (F. H.) The surroundings of enteric fever and cholera in India. Metl. Mag., Lond., 1896, v, 17; 144.—Weston (W.) Report ou the outbreak of cholera in the remount depot at Bahoo- gur in 1887. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 301. IRELAND. See, also, in this list, Belfast; Sligo. Corrigan (D.) The cboiera map of Ireland, with observations. 12°. Dublin, 1866. ISTHMUS OF SUEZ. See, in this list, Egypt. ITALY. See, also, in this list, Alessandria ; Ancona; Bergamo; Bologna; Brescia; Chivasso; Civita Vecchia ; Como; Conselve ; Cremona ; Cuneo ; Ferrara ; Genoa ; Leghorn; Ligu- ria; Messina; Milan; Naples; Padua; Palermo; Parma; Rome ; San Remo; Sas- sari; Sicily; Spezia; Trevsio; Turin; Udine; Venice; Vicenza. Ademollo (A.) Appuuti sul colera iu Ma- remma nell' anno 1855 e relative considerazioni. 8°. Grosseto, 1884. Repr. from.- Periodico 1' Omhrone. d' Aquino (E.) Intorno al colera di Potenza, in agosto e settembre 1854. 8°. Potenza, 1854. Bartoli (E.) Relazione sull' epidemia cole- rica della citta e comune di Fivizzano nell' anno 1884. 8°. Firenze, 1885. Belli (S.) Storia dell' invasione e dei pro- gressi del colera in Italia. 8°. [Perugia, 1839.] Repr. from: Gior. d. sc.-lett. di Perugia, 1839. Berrutti (S. J. M.) & Trompeo. Rapporto della regia commissione medica piemontese sul cholera morbus. 8C. Torino, 1832. Brutti (F.) Risultato medico del cholera- morbus di Soncino, con osservazione teorico- pratiche. 8°. Cremona, 1836. Bucco (D.) La colera; monografia in occa- sione dello sviluppo di tale epidemia in Ponza, patria dell'autore, in agosto 1854. 8. Napoli, 18,";.r). Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. ITALY—continued. C. (N.) Nuovi fatti a conferma del contagio choleroso, ossia scliizzo della cholera asiatica che domino in una vallata della Prov. di Novi nella state del 1836. Lettera del Dr. N. C. al- 1' egregio suo amico Dr. R. Solari. 8°. Genova 1837. Cahhara (S.) Sul cholera morbus che in Loano e nei suoi dintorni fu visto nell' agosto e settembre 1837. Lettere al dottore Francesco Lavagna giuniore. 8°. Genova, 1838. [Cesari (G.)] II colera nella borgata di S. Damaso in villa Collegara e in villa S. Donnino della Nizzola (estate 1886). 2. ed. 8°. Modena, 188(5. De Angelis (D.) Sul colera della provincia di Capitanata. del 1865. 8°. [Napoti, 1865, vel subseq.] Repr. from.- Filiatre-sebezio, fasc. 429. De Lillo (L.) II cholera-morbus ritornaso in Italia nel 1865; storia, contagio, anatomia pa- tologica, profilassi e cura. 8°. Messina, 1865. Dk Zf.rhi (R.) Colera del 1884. Croce bianca e croce rossa. . . . Cou prefazioue di R. Parisi o con 1' elenco dei volontari. 8°. Napoli, 1884. Elena (C.) Relazione della commissione in- torno ai referti medici sul colera indico che regnava nella Liguria ed in alcune altro pro- vincie degli Stall Sardi nel 1854. fol. Genova, 1855. Ferrario (G.) Cenni storico-.statistici sul pestilenziale cholera-morbus asiatico negli anni 1836, 1849, e 1854 iu Milano e nelle provincie Lombarde. sm. 8°. Milano, 1855. Repr. from: Gazz. uffic. di Milano, 1855. -----. . Cenni storici e statistica del pesti- lenziale cholera-morbus asiatico in Lombardia ed in altre regioni per 1' anno 1855. sm. 8°. [Milano, 1856.] Repr. from .- Gazz. uffic. di Milano, 1856. Franceschklli (G.) Relazione sulla mani- festazione e diffnsione del colera nella provincia di Massa nell' auuo 1884 e dati statistici. 8°. Massa, 1885. Ghiraldi (L.) Pochi cenni snl colera indico penetruto in Recco il 23 agosto 1835. 12°. Ge- nova, 1836. Grabnek-Maraschin (G.) Relazione storico- statistica del cholera asiatico che regno nel Vi- ccntitio negli anni 1835-6. 8°. 1'icenza, 1846. Italy. Statistica del regno d' Italia. Sanita pubblica. II cholera morbus nel 1866 e 1867. 4°. Firenze, 1870. Italy. Ministero dell' interno. II colera in Italia negli anni 1884 e 1885. Relazione del deputato Giovanni Battista Morana, segretario generale del ministero dell' interno, a Cav. Agostino Depretis, prcsidente del consiglio dei ministri o ministro dell'interno. roy. 8°. Boma, 1885. Italy. Ministero dell' interno. Direzione della sanita pubblica. Consiglio superiore di sanita. Ciica i fatti principali riguardanti 1' igiene e la sanita pubblica nel regno nel secondo semestre dell' anno 1893. Epidemia colerica all' estero e nel regno. Relazione del direttore L. Pagliaui. fol. Boma, 1^94. La Rotonda (F.) II colera del 1886 in Trini- tapoli e quello a bordo del "Plata" piroscafo della Compagnia di navigazione italiana nella rada di Buenos-Ayres, gennaio 1-87. Studio clinico sulla etiologia e patogenesi del colera. 12°. Napoli, 1887. Maurizio (A.) Storia del cholera-morbus in Varazze 1' anno 1857. 12°. Genova, 1857. CHOLERA. 548 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. ITALY—continued. Meli (D.) 11 cholera asiatico iu Italia. Seguito all' opera che ba per titolo: Risulta- menti degli studii fatti a Parigi sul cholera- morbus, ristanipata iu Firenze 1' anno 1835. 8°. Pesaro, [1835]. Mussa (F. E.) Ragguaglio sul cholera asia- tico in Racconigi ai cittadiiii Astesi offerto dal loro eompatriota. 16°. Asti, 1835. Olivotto (R.) II colera a Marano Lacuuare; cause della sua invasione e spese che ne deriva- rono. Provvedimenti urgenti ed indispensabili a rmsanieare il paese. 4°. [ Udino, 1887.] Palasciano. Consulto snl colera del 1854. 8°. Napoli, 1854. Perone (A.) Repertorio generale storico analitico terapeutico del colera e delle piit note- voli cose, che intorno a questo morbo si esposero da che Ippocrate visse all' anno 1836. 8°. Na- poli, 1836. PiCCHiO (S.) Relazione sul cholera in Bas- signaua. 12°. Alessandria, 1867. Piei:axtoni ( G.) Delia colera ricorsa in Pescara nel settembre del 1865. Relazione. 8°. Chieti, 1865. Pisano (G. B.) & Du Jardin (G.) Specchio sinottico desunto dai referti medici sul cholera indiano che regnava nella Liguria ed in alcune altre provincie degli Stati Sardi nel 1854. fol. Genova, 1855. POGGI (G.) II colera indico nel comune di Voghera nell' anno 1884. 8°. Voghera, 18*4. Rotondo (D.) Osservazioni clinico-mediche sul colera morbo. 8°. Napoli, 1837. Schivardi (P.) Glj studj degli Italiani sul cholera nel 1865-6: rassegna critica. 8°. Mi- lano, 1867. Sirignano (F.) Relazione igieuico-sauitaria circa 1' epidemia colerica del 1884 nella sezione Pendino. 8°. Napoli, 1885. Speranza(C) Sul cholera di Cassio ; lettera al Salvatore de Renzi. 8°. Parma, 1836. Zurlett (F.) Relazione dell' epidemia cole- rosa in Caraglio 1884. 8°. Cuneo, 1885. Agostini (A.) Sul colera di Verano. Raccoglitore med. tli Fano, 1855, 2. s., xi, 70-82.—Amadeo j. Ibid., 1855, 2. s., xii, 445-450.—ITIartelii (A.) II cholera in Castclnuovo di Carfagnana. Gazz. nied. di Roma, 1885, xi, 49-54. — iTIartin (A.-J.) Epidemics choleriques de 1884 et 1885 en Italie; mesures adruinistratives qui y ont 6t6 motivees par ces cpid6inies. Rec. d. trav. Coniit6 consult, d'hyg. puh. de France 1886, Par., 1887, xvi, 408- 434.—IHci-lini (C.) Relazione sul cholera-morbus avve- nuto in Voljiiuno nel 1854. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1856, 2. a., xxv, 24-32.— lUorfino (G.) 11 colera a Francavilla di Sicilia. Raecoglitare med., Forli, 1888, 5. s., vi, 532-536.—IVeri (G.) II colera a S. Miniato nel- 1' estate del 1855. Raccoglitore metl. tli Fano, 1856, 2.8., xiv, 110-131. Also, Reprint.—Olivi (D.) Prospetto sta- tistico dei colerosi curati ut-U' interno del comune di Montesanto dalla mota di settembre a tutto novembie 1854. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1855, 2. s., xi, 97-117.— Pace (G.) Sc Cevolani (P.) Sul colera osservato nel Lazzaretto di Cento, 1' anno 1855. Ibid., xii, 424-444.— Pagamici (A.) Del cliolera asiatico che ha grassato ne' suborghi di Marerata della meta di agosto lino a tutto il mese di ottobro 1837. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1838, i,74-8(i.— Pagliani (L.) Rapport sur l'^pideinie cholerique tie 1893 en Italic. Atti d. xi Cong. metl. internaz., Roma, 1895, vi, igiene, 42-69. — Pagliani (P.) L' epidemia di colera sviluppatasi in Terra di Lavoro nei iuesi di agosto, settembre, ottobre e novembro 1893. Cirillo, Aversa. 1804, ii, no. 1, 1-6.—Pasquale (A.) Studii sul colera del 18911 nel secondo dipartiniento marittimo. Atti d. xi Cong, med. internaz., Roma, 1895, vi, chir. e med. mil., 30.— Pogliani (A.) Relazione sul cholera di San Gemiario. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino. 1855, 2. s., xxii, 171; 201: xxiii, 3; 177; 209.—Ponza (G. L.) Del cholera in Lombardia. Ibid., 1850, 2. s., ix, 339; 387.—Kascri (E.) Notizie statistiche sull' epidemia di colera in Italia nel- 1' anno 1893. Riv. d' ig. o san. pubb., Roma. 1895, vi, 305- 310.— liipa (L.) El colera morbo en Italia en los afios 1855 y 1867. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1881, v, 225; 241; 257; 271; 287; 746; 762.—Scrafini (A.) Sul colera del 1837 in Agnono; ricerca epidemiologic.*!-. Ufflciale san., Napoli, 1896, ix, 485; 541, 1 plan. — Steer (M. F.) Cenni intorno lo stato altuale dell epidemia tclluiica dominanto (detta cholerica) riguardo all' Italia e soprattutto alle pro- vincie Venete. Ann. univ. di med., Milauo, 1832, lxiii,225- 242. Also, Reprint —Strambio. Cronaca del cholera indiano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1886, 8. 8., viii, 251; 271.—Zampa (R.) Storia del colera del 1884 in Italia per servire di preparazione alia nostra polizia sani- taria delle epidemie. Gazz, di med. pubb., apoli,J8fo, xvi, 97; 129; 169; 209; 233. AUo, Reprint.—Zucchi (U II colera in Italia neS 1884. Gior. d. Soc.ital.d'ig.,Milano, 1884, vi, 507-523. JAPAN. See, also, in this list, Tokio; Yokohama. Hubbard (R. B.) [An account of the cholera epidemic in Japan. By . . . United States min- ister at Tokio.] MS. fol. [Tokio, 18*6.] Japan. Home Department. [Appendix to the record of an epidemic of cholera in 1*82.] 8 . Tokio, [1883?]. Japanese text. , -----. [A brief review of tbe operations ot the homo department in connection with the CHOL K R A. 549 C HOLEKA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. JAPAN—continued. cholera epidemic of the 18th, 19th, and 33d years of the Mciji (1885-6-90).] 8°. [Tokio, 1880-91. ] Japanese text. Japan. Home Department. Central Sanitary Bureau. Reports of the director of the central sanitary bureau to the minister of the homo department on choleraic diseases in Japan, for the years 1*77; 1*79. 8°. [Tokio, 1878-80.] -J---. The same. Japanese text. 8°. To- kio, 1878-80. -----• [Supplement to the report of tho di- rector of the sanitary bureau to the minister of the home department on choleraic diseases in Japan, for the year 1^79. Containing reports from the several prefectures.] 8°. [Tokio, I860.] Japanese text. -----. Tables showing the daily number of cases and deaths of cholera in different locali- ties*, for the years 188(5; 1890. fol. [Tokio, 1^7-91.] Arnold (W. F.) On the cholera epidemic in Moji, Ja- pan, in the twenty-eighth yearof Meiji. Anu. Hyg., Phila., 1896, xi, 585-592. Also, Reprint. -----. Preliminary re- port upon cholera in Japan. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Xavy, Wash., 1896, 239-244.—Kitasato (S.) Die Cholera in Ja- pan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Perl., 18--7, xiii, 921. AUo, Reprint.—Iiegoucst. Rapport sur les epidemies de cholera au Japon. Rec. tl. trav. Comite consult. d'Byg. puh. de France 1881, Par., 1883, xi, 199-209.—lUeiji iunen iko kolera kan.-ha uo soke. [Total numher of cliolera patients in Japau during tho period of 1877 to 1891.] J.Xi- honhashi Ku San. Ass., Tokio, 1893, no. 9, 17.—Mori R.) Beriheri und Cholera ini Japan. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii, 1134. AUo, Reprint.— Ogata (S.) [ Pettenkofer's theory of cholera.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1886, no. 154, 1-8; no. 155, 10-14; no. 156, 11-14; no. 157, 10-19; no. 159. 5-9; no. 160. 7-13: no. 161, 12-29.-Ohikata (R.) & Sngai (T.) Ueber Cholera in Osaka 189.3. [Japanese text.]" Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo. 1897, xi, Hft. 17, 1-17. JAVA. miiller (M. J. E.) Kort verslag aangaande tie cholera- morhus op Java. Verhandel. v. h. Bataav. Genootsch. v. Kunst, en Wetensch., 1832, xiii, 2 p. 1., 1-111.—Strata (0. H.) Rapport omtrent de van af 17 Juni tot medio De- cember 1888 in het militair hospital te Soerahai.ja waar- genomen gevallen van cholera asiatica. Geneesk. Tijd- schr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1889. 2. R., xxix, 1-53, 2 pl. JERSEY (Island of). Cholera Hospital. St. Hiler's, Jersey. [Ca9es.] Loud. M. & S. J., 1833. ii, 345-350. KALUGA (Government of). Yergolski (V.) O choler'noi epidemii v seltsle Pod- borkakh, Peremishlskavo uyezda, Kaluzhskol gubernii v 1893 godu. [The cholera epidemic in the village Podborki, couutv Pereniishl, Government Kaluga, in 1893.] Shorn. protok. Ohsh. Kaluzh. vrach. 1893, Kaluga, 1894, 45-50, 1 plan. KARS (Territory of). Grerhikhin (A. A.) Kholera v Karskol oldasti v 1892 godu. [Cholera iu Kars territory during .. .] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1896, no. 59, 43-60.— Larin (E. A.) Me- diko-topograficheskiy ocherk Karsskoi oldasti; epidemiya aziatskoi choler'i v 1*92 g. [Medico-topographical sketch of the territory of Kara; epidemic of Asiatic cholera iu 1892.J Voyerino-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxvii, 3. sect, 145-209, 1 map. KAZAN (Government of). Shtshepotyeff (X. K.) Materiali dlya epi- deniiologii choler'l. Vlp. I. Choler'nlya epide- mii v Kazanskoi gubernii v period 1847-71 gg. [Data for the epidemiology of cholera. Pt. 1. Cholera epidemics in Kazan Government during • • •] *°. Kazan, 1890. BoriNolT (L. I.) Sc Vmikotr (X. X.) Xablyudeniya nail clioler'niini liohiinu v Adinir.illelskoi Gorodskol bol- nitsie i Bakaldinskoni bamkic v 1892 g. [Observations on the cholera patients in tbe Admiraln City Hospital and the Bakatdin barracks in 1892.J Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1893, 33-52.—Oodneflf (I. V.) O cnoler'Ie i \-e3a epidemivakh v Eazani. Dnevnik Kazan. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Univ., 1885, ix, 88; 97; 113; 129.— Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. KAZAN (Government of)—continued. KnrbntoflT (D. A.) Sluchai choler'i v chetiryokh sele- niyakh Ka/.anskavo uyezda v epidemiyu 1892 g. [Cases of cholera in four settlements of Kazan County during the epidemic of 1892.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan univ., 1893, i, 58-75.—Mhidlov*ki (K. I.) Krat- kiy ocherk choler'nikh epidciniv v ( liistopolskom (Ka- zansk. gub.) uyezdie. [Short sketch of cholera epidemic in Chistopol County, Government tif Kazan.] Vestnik sudeb.-med. [etc.], St. Petersb , 1887, iii, 3. sect., 1-45, 1 map. Also, Reprint.—SlitshepotyeflT (N. K.) Choler'- naya epidemiyu v Kazanskoi gubernii v 1892 godu. [Chol- era epidemic in the Kazan Government in 1892!] Dnevnik. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1897, 10-21.—Stoli- pinwki (V. A.) O choler'noi epidemii v g. Kaz.ani v 1892 g. po daunini vremennol zemskoi bolnitsi v Pletenyakh. [Cholera epidemic in Kazan in 1892. from data of the tern- porarv hospital of the zemstvo in Pleteni.] Ibid., 1893, 1- 33.-NukluireH"(A. A.) Cholera 1892 g. v 1-m meditsin- koni uchastklo Kazanskavo uyezda i nlekotoriya sravni- telniya dauniya epidemii 1892 g. s epidemiyeyu 1871 g. v Ka/.auskom uy eztlle. [. .. of 1892 in thu first medical ward of Kazan County, and comparison of the data of the epi- demic of 1892 with that of 1871 in Kazau County.] Ibid., 119-138. 5 plans. KENTUCKY. See, in this list, Lexington. KERTCH. AvcrkieflT (S. X.) Xebolshaya epidemiya indiyskol choler'i v Kercheiiskom garnisonie v 1892 g. [The small epidemic of Indian cholera among the garrison of Kertch in 1892.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxvi, 1. sect., 341-384.' KHARKOV (Government of). Fesenko (A.) Choler'naya epidemiya v slobodakk Xovol i Starol Vodolagakh, Valkovskavo uyezda, Khar- kov, g. Epidemiol. Listok, St. Petersb.. 1871, no.8, 1-7.— Visokovich (V. K.) O prichinakh slabavo razvitiya choler'i v g. Kharkovie v posliednyuyu epidemiyu 1892-93 goda. [On the causes of the mild development of the last cholera epidemic in Kharkov.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 626- 629. KHERSON (Government of). [Popper (M.)] Otchot po choler/nomu otdie- leniyu Khersonskoi gubernskoi zemskoi bolnitsi za 189:2 g. [Report of the cboiera ward of the hospital of tbe Kherson Government zemstvo for 1892.] 8°. [Kherson, 1893.] Qoshkevich (M. I.) K istorii epidemiy aziatskoi choler'i v g. Khersonlft. "Vestnik. sudeb. metl. [etc J. St. Petersb., 1888, iii, 7. sect., 47-68: iv, 7. sect., 1-30.—Kher- soiimkoye gubernskoye sovleshtshanie zeinskikh vrachel i ]>redstavitelel uyezdnikk uprav po voprosu o choler'ie (12-18 marta 1893 goda). [Conference of the physicians of the zemstvo and representatives of the counties of Kher- son Government on the cholera question, March 12-18.] Zemsk. vrach. Poltava, 1893, vi, 229; 249; 209; 290.—Shoir (I. F.) K epidemii choler'i v g. Khersonle v 1892 g. [Epi- demic of cholera iu the city of Kherson in 1892.] Protok. Obsh. Khersousk. vrach. 1892-3, 1894, xxii, 23-29, KIEV. lYIakovetski (T. E.) Choler'naya epidemiya v vol- skakh Kievskavo okruga v 1872 godu. Priloj. k protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach. 1884-5, Kiev, 1886, 1-17.— ltoger (II.) Rapport sur uu memoire de M. de Hiibbe- net, intitule : Recherches sur l'tjpitWniiede choleia observ6e en 1848al'h6pitaldeKiew(Russie). Bull. Soc. ined.d. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1863, ii, 137-140. KONIGSBERG. Dijlk (F. P.) Scbeiknndig onderzoek der uit- werpselen uit het darmkanaal en van het bloed van choleralijders, benevens eeuige meteorolo- gische verschijnseleu gedurende de cholera-epi- demic te Konigsberg waargenomen. Vertaald door B. Eickma. 8°. Rotterdam, 1832. Schieffekdeckkk (W. ) Die Choleraepide- mien in Konigsberg. Bericht im Auftragc des Vereins fiir wisseuschaftliche Heilkunde bear- beitet und hrsg. 8'J. Konigsberg, 1868. KOORSK (Governnunt of). Bozliini>lti.Bozhko (G. G~.) Otchot o choler'noi epidemii na st. Kursk v 1893 g. [Report of the cholera epidemic of Kursk in 1893.) Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. viach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 034-640.— l*aMhkoJF(K.) Epidemiya choler'i v derevuie. |Chol- CHOLEKA. 550 CHOLERA. Cliolera (History and statistics of), by localities. KOORSK (Government of)—continued. era epidemic in a village.J Zemsk. vrach, Poltava, 1893, vii 54-57-__Popoff (K.) Ocherk choler'noi epidemii 1892 goda v gorodle Kurskle i sauitarniva mieropriyatiya v nyom v nastoyashtsheui 1883 godu. [Sketch of the cholera epidemic of 1892 in Kursk, and the sauitary measures there iu 1893.] Trudi Kharkovsk. med. Obsh., 1893, i, 52-86. KOOTAIS (Government of). Vnwlitili (A. 0.) Vieroyatniya prichini slabavo raz vitiya choler'noi epidemii 1892 g. v Kutaisskoi gub. [Prob- able causes of the slow development of cholera epidemic of 1892 in Kootais Government.] Protok. zasaid. Kav- kazsk. med. Obsh , Tiflis, 1893-4, xxx, 160-174. KOSTROMA (Government of). ■ linwki (P. A.) Cholera v Kostromskol gub. v 1894 godu. [Cholera in Kostroma Government in 1894.] Vest- nik. obsh. hig.. sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1894, xxiv, 2. sect., 114-148. LAHORE. Dickson (W. P.) Report on an outbreak of cholera in the Lahore Central Jail in August, 1881. IndianM. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 204-208. -----. Note on au outbreak of cholera which took place outside the district iail, La- hore, on the 10th, 11th, and 12th Sept., 1897. Indian M. J., Lahore, 1887, vii, 274-279. -----. Report on the outbreak of cholera in the Lahore Central Jail in Aug., Sept., and Oct., 1887. Ibid., 325, 3 diag.: 1888, viii, 1, 3 pl. LEGHORN. Cholera at Leghorn. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 764; 1023.—Terni (C.) Sc Pellegrini (P.) Bakteriologische Untt-raiichiingen iiber tlie Choleraepidemie in Livorno in den Monaten September und October 1893. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 65-82. LEMBERG. Bekres (J.) Praktische Erfahrungen iiber die Natnr der Cholera in Lemberg und Behaud- lungsart derselben. 8°. Lemberg, 1831. Repr. from: Mnemosyne, Lemberg. __ LEVANT. Kpidenaic cholerique de 1885-6 en France et en Al- g6rie ,■ statistique des d6c6s occasionn6s par cette epide- mic, du 25 join 1885 au 20 avril 1880, tlressee par les soius du bureau de la police sanitaire et iudustrielle, d'apres les renseignements founds par les prefectures. Rec. tl. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1885. Par., 1886, xv, 513-503. Also, Reprint.— Vlahc. Le cholera en Sicile, dans le sud de l'ltalie et a Malte. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1887-8, xxx, 85-88. — SiriiM-Pirondi. Du chol6ra sur les cotes de la M6diterran6e. Marseille med., 1884. xxi, 449-458. AUo, transl': TaAiji-by, 'A^i/at, 1884, xii, 75-78. LEXINGTON. Drake (IS. P.) Cholera in Lexington, Ky. Tr. Ken- tucky M. Soc. 1852, Louisville, 1853, ii, 321-328. LEYDEN. Geschiederhaal van de choleraepidemie te Leiden, in 1*32, door C. Pruys van der Hoeven, C. W. H. van Kaathoven en G. Salomon. 8°. Leiden, 1-33. Schmidt (F. J. J.) Uittreksel bevattende de belangrijkste in het Cholerahospitaal te Leijdeu gedane waarnemingen gedurende November en December 1848 en Januarij 1849. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] LIGURIA. De Vita (A.) Dissertazione teorico-pratica sulla colera asiatica occorsa nltiniamente nella Lignria e sul contngio del medesima. 8°. Ge- nova, 1 *")."). Fantoxetti (G.) Del cholera vagante nella Lignria, colF indicazione del miglior metodo di cura e di preservameuto. Cenni. 8°. Milano 1835. LILLE. Anion I tl (J.) Quelques traits de l'histoire du cholera a Lille de 1832 a 1-liii. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1884 xxiii, 349-883.—Wimrebert (L.) Le cholera, ses ra- vages a Lille eu 1849 et 1866; circonstauces qui ont paru favoriuer son developpement; principaux traitements"em- ployes; deductions prophylactiques. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1884, vi, 513; 553. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. LISBON. d'Abkanches Bizzako (C. J.) Estiulo pri- meiro que sobre a doenca (cholera-niorbus) tri- splanchnasthenia tern feito recenteineute no Hospital real de S. Jos6. 8 '. Lisboa, 1S12. Nilo (J. R. R.) Noticia sobre a colera-inorbo epidemia actualmente reinante em Lisboa, ineios preservatives e curatives d'ella; offerecida aos sens concidadaos. 8°. Lisbon, 1*33. ISenlo de Souza ( M.) A epidemia extravagante Rev. de nied. e cirurg., Lisb., 1894, i, 354; 307: ii, i; 85! 101.—Bombarila (M.) [et al}. Relatorio aci rea dii cpi' demia actualmente reinante em Lisbon. J. Soc. d. «c med. de Lisb., 1894, lviii, 87-99.—tin I'amni-a Pt-Ntmin (L.) A epidemia de Lisboa. Med. contemp.. Lisb., 1*94 xii, 295-298. -----. Relatorios das investigacoes haclcrio- logicas da actual epidemia de Lisboa. J. Soc. <| sc med de Lisb.. 1894, lviii, 100-109. — tla C'ainni-si l'< *timn (L.) Sc Kettcnconrt (A.) ISakteriohigische I'lilcrsu. chiingen iiber die Lissaboner Epidemie von 1894. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. n. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xvi, 401-412,1 pl.—C'liaiileiiicsse (A.) Cholera; 6pid6inie observed a Lisbonne (Portugal) en avril 1894. [Rap.] Reed. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1894, Melun 1895, xxiv, 221-227. Also: Cong, internat. d'hyg. ct de d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 307-309. Also: Semaine m6tl., Par., 1894, xiv, 271. Also, transl ■ Med. Week, Par., 1894, ii, 289. Also, transl. {A list r. ]: ,1. Suo. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1894, lviii, 381-383.—Hurry L'abrnl. Epidemia rt-inante. Rev. de med. e cirurg., .Lisb., 1894, i, 333-354. — tie Fournes. L'6pideniic chdcricnir di- Lisbonne, avril, mai, juin 1894. J. d'hyg., I'ar.. 1896, xjri, 42-44.—Gayo. I'apport snr l'epideniie cholerique de de Lisbonne (aviil, mai, juin 1894). Tribune med., I'ar, 1895, 2. s., xxvii, 413; 453; 470; 496; 517; 557.—Iiiqnt-iilo sobre a epidemia reinante em Lisboa em abrit ilo li-91. Correio med. de Lisb., 1895, xxiv, 81-86. — Jorge, lit.) A epidemia do Lisboa; impressoes d'uma missao sani- taria. Rev. de med. e cirurg., Lisb., 1894, i, 266; 298; 399: ii, 59; 136.—dc JLencastrc (A.) A epidemia de Lisbon; cliolera grave e cholera benigna. Ibid., ii, 29-42.— iVIontaldo (F.) Memoria acerca de la epidemia que actualmente reiua en Lisboa. J. Soc.d. sc. med. do Lisb., 1894, lviii, 110-121. Also: Corresp. in6d., Madrid, 1894, xxix, 121-124. Also: Ci 611. med., Valencia, 1894, xvii, 295- ;ioo.—Jlotla (E. A.) Sobre a epidemia reinante. bev. de med. e, cirurg., Lisb., 1894, i, 257; 381. — Pereirn tin ConI.iiL.) &Jjcpierrc (C.) Contribuicao para otstudo bacteriologico do bacillo do Lisboa. Coimbra nied., 1894, xiv, 197-203. Also: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1894, xxvi, 31-38.— Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Centralhl. f. Bakteriol. 11. Para- sitenk., Jena, 1895, xvii, 187-190.—Pinto C'oclho. A epidemia actual em Lisboa. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1891, xii, 190-196.—Porto (N.) A epidemia actual de Lisbon comparada com a dos annos do 1854 r- 1855. J. Soc. d. sc. med.de Lisb., 1894, lviii, 148-109. — Koiiiko dos casus graves e decontagioda actual epidemia do Lisboa; apura- dos nas respostas & circular quo a Sot it -(lade das sciencias medicas dirigiu a todos os medicos do paiz. Ibid.,HI; 367. — Rocha (A.) O panico cbolcrifornie de Lisboa; hh pecas convincentes. Coimbra med., 1894, xiv. 145; 105; 181: 204; 213: 234; 353; 361: 1895, xv, 5; 24.—Kodrignr* tie <»u«mao (F. A.) O cholera om Lisbon no anno tie 1855. Ibid.. 1884. iv, 276-279.—dott Sanloit Figucirrtlo (A.) O cholera nas povoacoes dos arredores dc Li-boa resume dos eh-meiitos colhMos no inqueiitomandadofazcr por ordeni da delegacao de saude da capital. J. Sec. d. sc. med. de Lisb.. 1894, lviii, 121-148.—fiilva Carvallio. A epidemia actual em Lisboa. Med. contemp., Lisb.. 1894, xii, 161; 169; 190; 205; 213; 221.—de Sbiikii .Marini" (J. T.) A choleriua de Lisboa. Rev. de med. e cniirg., Lisb., 1894, i, 225-238. Also, transl: Cong, internat, il hye. et de d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 305-309. LIVERPOOL. Himt- (T. W.) Remarks on a case of cholera at Liver- pool. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 730-732.-8q"ire* (W. "\V.) On cliolera epidemica, as it appeared in Liverpool, Liverpool M. Gaz., Lond., 1833, i, 168; 262; 465. LODZ. . Kundo 1H.) 0 epidemii cholery azyatyckiej w Louzi w r 1894 [On the epidemic of Asiatic cholera in 18J4 in Lodz.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1896, xxiv, 130-132. LONDON. Ciioleka (The) in Berwick street. By the senior curate of St. Luke's, Berwick street. «'"■ London, 1K)4. ... Great Britain. General Board of Beam. Report on the outbreak of cholera in the sub- districts of Berwick street, Golden Square, aud CHOLERA. 551 CHOLEEA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. LONDON—continued. St. Anne's; by D. Fraser, T. Hughes, antl J. M. Ludlow. 8-\" London, 1855. Hodgkin (T.) Hints relating to the cholera iu London; addressed to the public in general, but especially to those who possess influence in their parishes and districts, and a letter to a member of the board of health. 8"-. London, 1832. London (Port of). Choleraepidemie. Keport to the court of common council, from the port of London sanitary committee. Presented 3rd November, 1892. fol. [London, 1892.] London. Saint James, Westminster. Report on the cholera outbreak in the parish of St. James, "Westminster, during the autumn of 1854. Presented to the vestry by the cholera inquiry committee, July, 1855. rtc. London, 1855. Barclay (A. W.) Probable cholera centres in Lon- don. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 283.—Bcjjhie (J. W.) Short account of the cases treated in the Choleia Hospital, Sur- geon Square, during the late epidemic. In: Select, from the works of [etc.], 8:. Lond.. 1882, 65-82.—Denham (W. H.) Introduction of cholera to London. Lancet. Loud., 1883, ii, 211.—l.cthcby (H.) A report on the cholera epi- demic of 1.SCG, in the city of London, to the commissioners of sewers of the city of London. Rept. Sau. Cond. Lond. (1866-71. 1868, 12-43.—Report of the Lancet Special Sani- tary Coniinission on probable cholera centres iu Loudon. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 187: 29.-).—Whitehead (H.) Re- marks on the outbreak of cholera in Broad street, Golden Square, London, in 1854. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1869, iii, pt. 1, 99-104. LOUISIANA. See, in this list, Concordia Parish ; New Orleans. LUBLIN. Cholera v Lyublinie v 1892 g. i mierl dlya borbi s ueyu; nablyudeniya i vpechatlieniya Lyublinskavo obivatelya. [Cholera iu Lublin in 1892 aud the means of combating it; observa- tions and impressions of a Lubliu inhabitant.] 16°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Bujwid (0.) Dalszy cia.g wiadomosci o epidemii cho- lery w Lubelskiem. [Further observations made during the cholera epidemic in Lublin.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s.,xii, 741b-743. — liiikjnnow (S. M.) Sc Knuin (J.) Einige "Worte iiber die Choleraepidemie im Gouver- nement Lublin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1076- 1078. LUCKNOW. Thompson (H. N.) Report of the cholera camp at Kokrail, Lucknow, from 31st Julv to 27th August, 1894. Army M. Dep. Eep. 1895, Lond., 1896, xxxvii, 350-358. LYONS. Vinay ( C.) Le cholera et l'immunite dela ville de Lyon. Lyon med., 1883, xliii, 469; 542: xliv, 61. MAESTRICHT. J. De cholera-epidemie te Maastricht. Geneesk. Cou- rant, Tiel, 1894, xlviii, no.33.—van Kleef (L. T.) Eenige losse opmerkingen naar aanleiding van de cholera-epidemie te Maastricht in het jaar 1894. .Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 1, 1213-1226. MADRID. Infohme presentado al Excmo. Sr. gobernador civil de Madrid, presidente de la junta provin- cial de beneficeucia, por la corporacion faculta- tiva del Hospital general de esta eorte, acerca tie los primeros cases de colera morbo observa- dos en el rnismo establecimiento. 8°. Madrid, 1<)4. C'uadro estadistico de las invasiones y fallecimientos ocurridon a consecuencia del colera epid6mico desde el 16 al 30 th- junio de 1885. [From: Gac. de Madrid.] Siglo med., Madrid, 18*:>. xxxii, 437-441. MAGDEBURG. I.ocfllcr. Die Cholerafrage auf der xix. Versaminlnng des Dentschen Vereins fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege in Magdeburg am 21. September 1894. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xvi, 1046-1054. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. MALACCA. It rec hi-u In- (Die) in Malacka im Jahre 1819. Hamb. Mag. d. ausl. Lit. tl. ges. Heilk. [etc.], 1832, xxiii, 170-177.— Stevens (H. V.) Der Cbolera-Zauber bei den Tfimia auf der Halbinsel Malaka. Globus,Brnschwg., 1896 lxix 117- 137. MALTA. Pis.vni (S. L.) Faulty hygiene in connection with the mortality from cholera morbus at Malta during the epidemics of 1837 and 1H50. 40. [Paris, 1874.] Bruce (D.) On the epidemic of cholera in Malta dur- ing 1887. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, n. s., viii, 1- 19.—Welch (F. H.) Cholera epidemics in Malta. Brit M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1063. MARSEILLES. Costk ( M.) Etude clinique sur le cholera au Pharo pendant l'epidemie de 18*5. 8°. Pa- ris, 1*86. Fkaissk, Ramadier & Hovrou. Du cholera- morbus de Marseille. 8°. Paris, 1835. Gnt.vUD ( F.) *Le chohSra a l'hopital du Pharo pendant l'e'pidfbnie de 1884 a Marseille. 4C. Marseille, 18S5. Meli C H.) Dn cholera asiatique dans la ville de Marseille en 1849. 8°. Marseille, 1850. Sue (G.-A.-T.) Relation de l'epidemie de chol6ra-niorbus qui a r6gn6 a Marseille pen- dant l'hiver do 1834 a 1835. 8°. Marseille, 1835. Albeuois (C.) Le cholera a Marseille. Marseille med., 1884, xxi, 698, 1 diag.—Brouardcl. Communica- tion sur l'apparition d'une nouvelle 6pid6mie cholerique a Marseille, les conditions sanitaires de la ville et les me- sures proposers pour y rem&lier. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1050-1063. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1885, 3. s., xiv, 226-233. -----. Rapport sur la r6appari- tion de l'epid6mie chohjrique a Marseille au mois tie juillet 1885, et sur les travaux d'assainissement a executer dans cette ville (mission de MM. les docteurs Brouardel et Proust). Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1885, Par., 1886, xv, 191-196.— Cholera at Mar- seilles. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 338.—Cholera de 1854. Arrondissement de Marseille. D6p. d. Bouches-du-Rhone. Cons, d'hyg. Compt.-rend. 1853-5, Marseille, 1885, 191- 239.—Cousin (G.) Rapport et considerations cliniques sur 74 cas de cholera. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ni6d. de Montpel., 1885, vii, 111; 121; 133.— Didiot. R6ponse a la note do M. Grimaud, intitulee: Sur les cas de cholera qui se seraient produits a Marseille avant l'arriv6e des pterins de la Mecque en 1865. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.Par., 1866, lxiii, 774.—Fallot, Cawsoutc Sc Bouis- son. L'epidemie cholerique de la fontaiue St.-Martin. Marseille med., 1894, xxxi, 553-571, 1 plan, 1 diag. — Cri- ■1111 ml (G.) Du cholera en figypte dans ses rapports avec l'6pid6mie de Marseille, en 1865. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1866, lxii, 938-942. -----. Propagation du cholera dans la ville de Marseille, apr^s l'arriv6e des pelerins arabes, en juiu 1868. Ibid., 1021-1023*. -----. Sur lea cas de cholera qui se seraient produits a Mar- seille avant l'arrivtie ties polcrina de la Mecque en 1865. Ibid., lxiii, 640-642. — iVIcucricr. Epidemic de cho- lera de 1865, les raedecins devant le conseil municipal de Marseille. Union iu6d. de la Provence, Marseille, 1864, 169; 193. -----. Sur la nouvelle epidemic do chol6ra de 1866, a Marseille. Ibid., 1866, 202-207. — de NiiIIcn (E.) Note sur la derniere epidemie cholerique de Marseille. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1837, v, 547.—Taxis (A.) Sc Charcyre (J.) M. Koch a Marseille. Marseille med., 1884, xxi, 388-404. MASSACHUSETTS. See in this list, Boston. MAURITIUS. Mokeau de Jonnes (A.) Notice sur la mala- die pestilentielle, imported aux lies de France et de Bourbon, et d6siguee sous lo nom de cho- lera-niorbus de l'Inde. 8°. Paris, 1821. MECCA. Elliscicli. Quelques mots sur l'6pid6mie de cholera a la Mecque. (Traduit du russe.) Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1883, xl, 216-223. Also: France rued., Par., 1883, ii, 421-426.—Faiivel. Communications relatives au cholera a la Mecque en 1882. Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1883, xii, 158-171. — .tinfitie (J.) Cholera at Mecca and quarantine in Egypt. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii. 222; 1054.—Vallin (E.) Le peleriuage de la Mecque et le cholera. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1882, iv, 865-870. CHOLERA. 552 CHOLERA, Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. MESOPOTAMIA. Cholern (Le) en M6sopotamie. Rev. mtkl.-pharm., Constant.. 1889. ii. 117: 137; 153; 169, 1 map.— Proust (A.) Le cholera de Mesopotamie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par 1889, 2. »., xxii. 362-367. Also: Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1889, Par., 1890, xix, 503-507. MESSINA. Caglia-Ferro (A.) Saggio dato in una con- ferenza sulla nionografia (bd colera 1887 in Mes- sina. ^~. Messina. 18^*. Catai.ano (G.) Sul cholera asiatico in Mes- sina ricorso in agosto 1854 e metodo preserva- tivo. 8-'. Messina, 1854. Italy. Ministero dell' interno. Direzione della sanita pubblica. Xote sulla epidemia colerica del 1887 nella citta di Messina pel Dott. Pietro Canaiis. fol. Boma, 1889. Messina. Resoconto delle cucine economiche in Messina durante 1' epidemia colerica del 1887. [Curio Saramv, relatore.] 4°. Messina, 1888. Androuico (C.) 11 cholera del 1887 a Messina. Os- servatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii. 804; 824. —Canaiis (P.) Note sulla epidemia colerica del 1887 nella citta tli Mes- sina. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Roma, 1890-91, i, 113; 145; 1 map. — Ziino (G.) Dei condotti immondi tli Messina studiati in rapporto alia epidemia tli cholera morbus. Morgagni, Xapoli, 1883, xxv, 790-804. MEXICO. Se*; also, in this list, Tehuantepec ; Yucatan. Itniuircz de Arellano. Le cholera pent so de- velopper dans un pays sans importation actuelle ; histoire d'une epide-niio observ6e au Mexique, en appui de cette opinion. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong., Berl., 1891, v, 15. Abth., 168-173. MICHIGAN. It a Ut-1- (II. B.) A case of suspected cholera in Pin- conniiui'. Mich. Phvsician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1886, viii. 107-169. — Cholera; methods for its preven- tion, ami reports of alleged sporadic cases in Michigan in 1892. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1892-3, Lansing, 1895, xxi, 291-296. MIKHAILOV. Solovyeff (A.) Epidemiya choler'i v g. Mikhallovle, Ryazanskoi gub. s 12vo po 29 avgusta 1871vo g. Arch. sudebuoi med., St. Petersb., 1871, iv, 6. sect., 4-14. MILAN. Lichtexthai, (P.) Ragguaglio storico tera- peutico del coh-ra-morbo sino alia meta d' otto- bre 1831. Secondo fouti autentici ed atti go- vernativi. 12°. Milano, 1831. Milax. 11 cholera-morbus in Milano nell' au- uo 1854 ; relazione della commissione sanita- ria nmuicipale. fol. Milano, 1855. ---—. II colera in Milano nell' anno 18<>7. Relazione della commissione straordinaria di sanita. 4J. Milano, 18fK Milax (Province of). Anuotazioni statistiche sul cholera della provincia di Milano nell' epi- demia del 18(37. Presentate al consiglio sanita- rio provinciale nella seduta del 5 maggio lo68. [A. Trezzi, relatore.] s°. Milano, 1868. Fcrrario (G.) Dei casi del contagioso-epidemico cholera-morbus asiatico, stati notiflcati nella citta e pro- vincia di Milano, durante le quattro importazioni d' t-ssa pestileuza avvenute negli anni 1836,1849, 1854, 1855. Atti Accad. fls.-med.-statist. di Milano, 1855-6, xi, 66- 448. ——. Sulle ore in cui avvennero le morti del contagioso cholera asiatico iu Milano. durante 1' epidemia avutasi nell estate ed autunno 1855. Ibid., 1856-7, xii 402-406. MISSISSIPPI. See, in this list, Vicksburg. MISSOURI. See, in this list, St. Louis. MOHEELEV (Government of). Brnzhnikoir (II. P.) Choler'naya epidemiya v Ro- gatcnevskom u.vezdle Mohilevskoi gubernii. 'l Cholera epidemic in the county of Rogatchev. iu the government of Moheelev.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh (1894) 1895, xii, 204-210. ' Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. MONS. Williemc. Quelques faits et considerations relatifa a l'epideniie tie cholera, qui a regue.il Mons, du 13 juin gn 15 octobre I860. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. deBelg Hrm 1870, 3 s., iv, 523-560. Also, Reprint. MONTPELLIER. Chatiuiere (H.) Note sur quelques cas de ehohSra observes au coins de l'epidemie de 18!i:i a Montpellier X Moutpel. med , 1893, ii, 645-000.—Jlairel & Komi-.' U> lation d'une epidemie de chtilera. Ibid., Suppl is>n ;;' 883-972, 2 \ embre, dicembre 1835 e gennajo 1S36. Gior. per serr. ai progr. d. patol., Yenezia, 1835, i'ii, 222: 1836, iv, 14C. Also. Reprint. PALERMO. Corrado (T.) II cholera di Palermo nel i860. 4°. Paler mo, 1867. Croce Bianca di Soccorso, Palermo. Epide- mia colerica del 1885. Gestione del comitato permanente. [Saverio Fera, relatore.] roy. 8°. Palermo, 1886. Ferrigno (G.) II colera in Palermo nel 1-85. Discorso. 4°. Palermo, 1*86. Furitaxo (G.) Relazione sul colera di Pa- lermo nel 1*67. 8-. Palermo, 1867. Palermo. Epidemia del 18X">. Comitato di assistenza pubblica del mandainento Castellam- mare. Kelazione al sindaco della citta di Pa- lermo. Giacomo Pagano, relatore. roy. 8°. Palermo, 18*6. -----. Mandainento Palazzo Reale. Rela- zione dei lavori del coniitato di pubblica assis- tenza durante 1' epidemia settembre-novembre 1*85. [Per Biagio La Manna.] fol. Palermo, 18*6. -----. Mandaniento Monte Pieta di Palermo. (Epidemia cholerica del 1*-?). Relazione del comitato di assistenza. Giuseppe Falcone, rela- tore. 8X Palermo, 18*8. Alvaro(G.) La medicina preventiva; contributo alio studio della epidemia cholerica di Palermo nell' anno 18s5 Boll.d. Soc. d'ig.di Palermo, 1887, ii, 20-65. Also: Gior. med. d. r. esei tito [etc.], Roma, 1887, xxxv,398; 546 ; 054. — Itnch- ner (H.) Ueber die Cholera-TJutersuchungeu in Palermo. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1885, xxxii, 751; 776. —Buch- ner (H.) Sc £ininerich (R.) Die Cboiera iu Palermo. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. PALERMO—continued. Ibid., 635-637— Cipriano (L.) Resoconto clinico o tera- peutico del lazzaretto niilitare nell' epidemia colerica h85 in Palermo, con esposizione storica snminaria dei nialnti colerosi ricoverati. Cior. med. il. r. esercito It-It- I 1U»im 1886, xxxiv. 1172; l.'UO; 1459.-»e Mimont (I.) Altie ricerche sul colera (epidemia iii Palermo del 1885). Com. municaz. batteriol. 1886, Napoli. 1ss7, i, 63-108, 1 pl. Also- Cior internaz. d. sc. metl., Xapoli. 1886, n. s„ viii,'693-(i''7 1 pl.—Emmerich (11.) I'eberdie Cholera-l'ntersinhiHl' gen in Palermo. Aerztl. Int.-HI., Miiuchen. 1885, xxxii 774. -----, Die Cboiera in Palermo. Miiiichen. med Wchnschr., 1886. xxxiii, 40-49. — liepiili-t/' liioli (ti.i Resoconto sul choleia di Palermo. Morgagni, Naiiol'j 1885, xxvii, 648-651.— I.ipari (G.) Rendiconto ib-i cole'. rosi ricevuti nell' ospedale. della Sesta Casa durante I epi. demia del 1887 in Palermo (statistica ed osservazioni tli. niche). Roll. d. Soc. d' ig. di Palermo, 188s, iii, 177-20!).— Pern ice (B.) Sc I. i pari (G.) Contributo sperimentale del cholera asiatico. Epidemia di Palermo del 1887. Ibid. 17-67, 1 pl. AUo: Morgagni, Napoli, 1888, xxx, 341-374, i pl. Also: Pisaui, Palermo, 1888, ix, 1-53, 1 pl. PARIS. d'Assise Socza Vaz (F.) Relacao historica, statistica e medica da cholera-morbus em Paris, precedida da topographia desta capital. 8°. Paris, 1X5:5. Bakhaco (L.) Cenni sul cholera-uiorbus epi- demico osservato in Parigi 1' anno 1832. 8°. Napoli, 1X54. Bochasseau (E.) "Traitement du cholera a l'hopital de la Charite' pendant l'epideniie de IHS4. 4°. Paris, 1886. Ducitos, (tiraud, Martin & Roux (P.-M.) Relation medicale de la commission envoyce a Paris par 1'intendance sanitaire et par la Cham- bre de commerce de Marseille pour observer le le chol6ra-morbtis. h°. Alarseille, 1832. Duflocq (P.) * Relation de l'epideniie cho- lerique observed a l'hopital Saint-Antoine eu novembre et decembre 18^4. [Paris.] 8°. Le Mans, 18h:>. Geky pere. Statistique annotee des deces cho- leriques du qu artier de la Folie-Mericonrt (xie arrondissement) pendant les deux anuses li-6f)et 180(5. *-. [Paris, 1867.] Lombard (H.-C.) Quelques mots sur la con- tagion du cholera, a l'occasion du memoire des docteurs Trompeo et de Rolandis, sur l'epideniie de Paris. 8°. [Paris, 1832, vel subseq.] Meli (D.) Risultainenti degli studj fatti a Parigi sul cholera-morbus per ordine di 8. S. Papa Gregorio XVI, 1832. Pt. 1. 2. ed. 8'-". Firenze, 1835. Metral (A.) Description naturelle, morale et politique du chole'ra-morbus a Paris. 8°. Paris, 1833. Moreau (F.-M.) Histoire statistique du clio- le'ra asiatique de 1849, dans le 5e arrondissement municipal de Paris. 8-'. Paris, 1850. Nanu (J.-G.) * Notes sur le cholera de 1892 observe' a l'hopital Necker. 4°. Paris, 1893. Paris. Compte-rendu de la seance solcnnclle tenue le 28 mars 1X>3, pour la distribution des me'dailles destinies a recompenser les services rendus aux choleriques, dans le 12e arrondisse- ment de la ville de Paris. 8°: Paris, 1833. Paris. Administration generate de Vassistunce publique a Paris. Rapport sur les Epidemies choleriques de 1X32 et de 1*49, dans les Stabhsse- ments dependant de l'administration generale de l'assistanee publique de la ville de Paris. 4°. Paris, 1850. Phevost (L.-C.) Notice et observations sur le tableau graphique et les e'tats qui l'aeeonina- giient, concernant les ravages occasional parle chol6ra-morbu.s, dans le huitieme arrondissement de Paris, pendant la dnree de cette epidemie en 1832. 4°. [Paris, 1833.] CHOLERA. 555 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. PARIS—continued. Seine (Departement do la). Direction des affaires municipales. Tableaux statistiques de l'epideniie cholerique a Paris pendant les mois de septembre, octobre, novembre et decembre 18i)5. 4°. Paris, ls7->. Seine (Departement de la). Conseil dliugiene publique et de salubrite'. L'epidemie cholerique de 1892 dans le departement de la Seine. 4 . Pan's, 1893. Seine (Dcpartenient de la). Prefecture de po- lice. Commission d'hygiene publique et de salubrite de Varrondissement tic Saint-Denis. Rapport sur l'epide'iiiie cholerique a Saint-Denis en 1892. A. Lc Roy des Burros, rapporteur. 4-'. Paris, 1893. Also'[Rev.], in: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 293. TlJOI.LIET ( L.-F. ), POLINIERE «V P.OTTEX. Rapport sur le chole'ra-morbus de Paris, pre- seute a M, le mai re et au conseil municipal de Lyon. 8-. Lyon, 1-32. Trompeo (B.) & De Rolandis. Memoria sul colera-morbus tli Parigi. 8\ Torino, 1X32. Repr. from: Rep. med.-chir del Piemonte, no. 30. Bnrbier (H.) Le cliolera parisien et suburhain de 1892, marche et etiologic. Gaz. med. de Par., 1892. 8. s., i, 469-47'-'. — Barie (E.) Le cliolera a l'hopital Tenon eu 1891'. Hull, et mem. Soc. metl. (1. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 801-809.—Barth. Histoire medicale du cholera-uior- bus Epidemique observe a l'hospice de la Salpetriere pen- | dant les mois de mars et avril 1849. Arch. gen. de nied., Par., 1849, 4. s., xxi, 1-43. Also, Reprint.—Bean^i-antl (E.) Considerations sur Tepidi-mie do cholera qui regne aetiielleineut a Paris. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., I'ar., 1848-!', xvi, 205-270. -----. Apercu statistique sur la mortalite cholerique dans le 10" airondissement de Paris pendant Its mois d'octobre, uovemhre et decembre 18li.">. Ibitl. 18(!ii, xxxiii, 241-250.—Blodsctl (A. X.) Letter from Paris; the cholera epidemic, boston M. Sc S. J., 18.^4, cxi, 620- 022. — Boiiehardat. Les cinq epidemies tie cholera a Paris. Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxii, 129; l7o. — Braxweur (J.) L>- cholera ou diarrhee choleriforine ii Paris et dans la banlieue; recherches bacteriologiques et traitement. Gaz. mod. tie Lie-e, 1891-2, iv, 517-519.—Caffe (P.) Con- siderations sur l'histoire medicale et statistique du cho- lera-iiiorbiis de Paris. J. univ. et hebd. tie med. ct cbir. prat., Par., i:;.T2, vii, 157; 205; 317. AUo, Reprint.—Cho- lera (Le) a Paris, en 1832. 1849, 1853-4 et 1865. Rev. d. cours scient. [etc.], Par., 1865-0, iii, 15.—Cholera (The) in Paris. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 101: 280; 340; 390; 459; 792: 852. —». (C.-L.) L'epidemie cholerique tie 1880. Union med.. Par., 1880, 3. s., xiii. 175.— Dr I pencil. Le cholera a Lariboisi^ro en 1892. Bull, et no in. Soc. med. d. L6p.de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 707-775. — Dioeiinwion sur l'epidemie cholerique qui a atteint la ville tie Paris pen- dant le mois de novembre 1884. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1884, 2. s„ xiii, 1705-1728.—»u :VIe«nil (O.) L'6pidemie tie tliarrhei- ohoh-riforme devant lo conseil municipal do Pariset devant lo Pailenient. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 52U-5:;].—Dnpny (L.-E.) Lo cliolera nostras a l'hopital de Saint-Denis. Progres med.. Par., 1892, 2. s., xvi, 22. -----. Conti ibution a l'etude etiolouique tlu cho- lera de 1892 dans la banlieue parisieniic. Ibid.. 1J-94, 2. s., xix, 113; 131; 145. Also, Reprint.—Eight (The) cholera epidemics of Paris. Lancet, Lond.. 1893. i, 947-949.— Eloy (C.) L'epid6mie cholerique de 18M: les premiers cas de cholera a Paii-. Union metl.. Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 418-420. —Epitletiiie (L') cholerique; l'eau de Seine et le "tout a l'egout '. Tribune nied., Par., 1892, 2. s.. xxv, 545-51S.—<>alliaiil (L.) Les formes cliuiques du cholera pernicieux dans l'epideniie juxta-parisieinie et parisit-nnti de 1892. Bull, et mem. Soc. mod. d. bop. de I'ar., 1892, 3.s., ix, 710-735. Also, Reprint.—Ciuerin (J.) Le cholera do Paris en 1*84. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1885 2. s . xiv, 1016-1038.—IB mixer (,'.) Le cboiera daus la banlieue de Paris en 1892 et li doctrine hvdriqne. Metl. mod., Par., 1894, v, 721; 737; 753. Also, Reprint.—Jowiaw (A.) Relation de dix-huit cas do cholera observes a l'ho- pital Iieaujon duraut les mois d'aout et septembre 1892; resume clinique et anatomo-patbologique; recherches bacteriologiques; traitement par l'acide thymique. Med. moil , Par., 1893, iv, 710__Langier (M.) ' Sur lc cholera, a Sainte-Pelagic en 1884. Cong, internat, d'livg. et tb: de- mog. Compt.-rend. 1889, Par., 1890, 091-001.— Lrrmnjiz (M.) Notes sur l'epideniie de cholera observce a l'hopital Bichat en 18X4. Progres med., Par.. 1885, 2. s„ i, 99; 144.— Lemlet (T. -E . ) F>ude sur l'6pidemio (b- cholera ob- servee, a )'H6tel-Di"u de Paris en 1849. Inhis.- fifudes do path, et de din. rued., 8-, Par., 1890, i, 1-491.—.U'CJregor Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. PARIS—continued. (J.) The epidemic of cholera in Paris. Glasgow M. J. 1892, xxxviii, 401 -420. — iVIelatlier. Lettre a'M. le pre- fet relative, a, l'epideniie cholerique do Paris. Trav. Cons. d'hyg. pub. de la Gironde 1884, Bordeaux, 1*85, xxvi, 285- 300. — .Vlignol. Deuxifeine note sur une epid6mie tie cho- lerine et quelques cas de cholera nostras. Bull. Acad de med.. Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 459 - 401. — Neller, Thoinot & l*i-ouwt. Le cholera do la banlieue pa- risienno, de Pariset du d6partenient do Seine - et - Oise en 1892, avec indication des mesures a employer pour em- pecher. au printemps procbain, le retour do l'epidemie cholerique. Hull. Acad, domed., Par.. 1893, 3. s., xxix, 205-275. — Itivii'ir ( E.) Etude statistique sur lo cho- lera dans les hopitaux civils do, Paris, depuis le debut de repidemie .jusqu'a ce jour. (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 1081; 1114: 1885, lviii, 82. — Wot law (J.) & Patay. Le cholera k l'hopital Cochin (service de M. Diijardin- Beaumetz); quelques modes ih- traitement, Hull. ger). de therap. | etc. |. Par., 1892, exxiii, 529-544.—Thoinot (L.) \: Bnhief (H.) Le cliolera de 1892 dans le departement de la Seine i Paris et banlieue). Ann. d'livg.. Par., 1894, 3.8., xxxi, 124-100. — TomkiiiN (PL) Some brief notes on the late outbreak of cholera in Paris. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 511.—Van Ei-incngem (E.) L'epidemie de la banlieue pnrisienno. Mouvtinent hyg., Brux., 1892, viii, 294-303.— Wahn. Remarques sur le cbol6ra 6pid6niique qui a s6vi a Paris eu 1849. J. tl. coun. m6d. prat., Par., 1848-9, 442-445. PARMA. [Caggiati (L.)] II colera di Parma nell' au- tuuno del 1884. Lettera al prefctto della pro- vincia, presidents del consiglio sauitario. 12°. Parma, 1884. PENANG. Smith (F.) Cholera in Penang (not water-borne); notes on media of infection, period of incubation, results of quarantining, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 305. PENNSYLVANIA. See, in this list, Philadelphia. PERSIA. Allm (J.) Eine Quarantiinereise und dio Cholera 1889 in Persien. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 181-180. -----. Persien als Choleraland. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1893, vi, 785-804.—v. C. De cholera te Ramadan, in Per- zie, in 1S72. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1873, ix, 1. aid., 181-1S9. Also, Reprint.—CanipoNainpiero. On the recent outbreak of cholera in Persia. Tr. Epi- demiol. Soc Lond., 1893-4, xiii, 154-159.—1TI a he (J.) Lo cholera en Perse, dans la Russie meridioualc et eu Tur- quie. Rev. med. pharm., Constant.. ,1892, v, 129-131.— iVIo rtl tin a ■■ ii. Statistique de l'6pidemie ctiol6rique en Perse en 1889 et 1892. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1892- 3, xxxv, 297-300. PHILADELPHIA. .Tinnn f(J. W.) Report on cholera as it occurred in the Philadelphia Hospital in the year 1860. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii, -18-53. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Boblkdo Y (jiox/.Ai.i:z (P.) El colera en Fili- pinas. Memoria solirc la epidemia que se pade- cit5 en Vigan, capital de la provincia do ]locos (Sur), desdo cl 8 de noviembre de 188i hasta el 19 de febrero de 1883. 8°. Madrid, \8*3. Can-cras-Arajjo. El colera morho en Filipinus y en el mar Iio.jo. Rev. de cien. med., Marcel., 1882, viii, 511- 51.). — Fi-ant-ia y Ponee tie I,ton (IJ.) Notes sur l'epideniie de cboiera en 18S2a Man i lie e t sur d'au tres points de l'Aroliipel des Philippines. Cong, internat. d'livg. et de demog. C. r., La Haye, 1884, i, 289-291.—iVIonserrnt (IJ.) Contribuci6n al estudio del colera en Filipinas: epi- demia dc 1888-9 y 1889-90. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1890, xiii, 19; 38; 75; 107. PODOLIA (Government of). Alcli.wicyt'VKlii (A. V ) Cholernlya epidemii v Po- dolskoi nub. [Cholera epidemics in tho government of Podolia.j Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv,897; 924: 959; 982 ; 1004: 1030.—»l aifcels (L. I.) Kholer'naya epidemiya v Maltskom uyezdie, Podolskoi gubernii, v 1892 godui sposobi borbi s nevu. [Choleraepidemic.in Baltski County, government of Podolia, in 1892, and the struggle with it, | Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 477-484.—Mtei'ii (I. A.) Choler'naya epidemiya v m. Bogopolle (Podolskoi gub., Baltskavo' uvezda) v 1893 g. Yuzlino-russk. nied. gaz., Odessa, 1894, iii, 181; 200; 215; 230, 1 plan. CHOLERA. 556 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. POLAND. See also, in this list, Cracow; Warsaw. Kiijivitl (O.) Ueber die Entstehung und Verbreitung der Choleraepidemie in-Russiscb-Polen. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xiv, Ztschr. f 203-206 Hy^ u. IntectionsiviauK-u., ±,<;iy*., . ,xii,123-17'-M eh.—.Hiillei-. KutstehuagM- gesehichte der Cliolera in llavelbt-rgim October 1893. hell. klin. Wchnscbr., 1893, xxx. 114r>.— a>hila|>i>. Die Cholera- epidemie zu Zerpenscbleuse im tierhsi is!):;. Ztschr. 1. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1894, vii, 77-81.—Roth. Der Verlauf der Cholera im Regierungsbezirk Koslin im Zeitraimi vod 1831 bis 1892, auf Grand anitlichen Materials bearbeitet. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz.., 189!, xv, 38- 56.—SchruflT. Choleraerkrankungen in der Stadt Neuss im Jahre ls93. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte. Berl., 1894, vii, 181-188.—Nehulae (B.) Sc Freyer (M.) Die Cholera- epidemie in Stettin und dem Kreise Randow im Herbst 1893. I bid., 1893, vi, 521-527, QUEBEC. Quebec. Keport of the central board of health [ou the present epidemic of cholera in Quebec], iu return to the annexed address of the legislative assembly, 1854. 8°. Quebec, 1855. RAMLEH. Fox (T. W.) Report on cholera at Ramleh. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1884, xxiv, 292-297. REIMS. I.anglet. Le cholera a Reims en 1832, 1*49 et 1S.>4. Uniou med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1884, viii, 249- 257, 3 maps. REUSS. Fran/.. Entstehung und Verlauf einer Cholera-Epide- mie in Hirschberg a. S. im Jahre 1800; nach anitlichen Berichten ziisanimengestellt uud mit einer Cebersichts- karte erlautert. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuiiugeu, Weimar, 1893, xxii, 398-404,1 ch. CHOLERA. 557 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. RIGA. Hcci-wnsjcii (R.) Die Cholera in Riga 1892. Ztschr. f. Hyg- u. lufectiouskraukh., Leipz., 1893, xv, 11-16, 1 diasr". 1 map. ROME. Biaxi (P.) Cenni snl colera scoppiato in Ro- inagncse ncli' anno 1867. 12°. Bobbio, 1869. Cappello (A.) Dilucidazioui istoriche sopra il cholera tli Roma del 1837. 8C. Boma, 1847. Toscani (D.) Relazione sul cholera asiatico in Roina nell'anno 1867. roy. 8°. Boma, 1867. Bocei (B.) Colera iu Roma e provincia nel 1893. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1895, vi, igiene, 37.— Celli (A.) & Snntori (F. S.) 11 colera tli Roma nel 1893 in con f run to cou le precedent i epidemie; ricerche sta- tistiche e batteriologiche. Ann. d. 1st. tl' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma, 1894, n. s., iv, 233-201.—Flaeitli (P.) I colerosi accolti a S. Sabina nel lazzaretto comuuale. Bull. a. Coin. spec, d' ig. d. inunicip. di Roma, 1884, v, 311-326.— Vespa (B.) Una grave epidemia di colera nel 1893. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1894, xx, 189-196. ROSTOV-ON-THE-DON. Nh lixher bait off (A. S. ) Cholera v g. Rostovle-na Douu. [Cholera in cit v of Rostov-on-the-Dou.l Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 181)2, iii, 729-731. ROTHERHAM. Thomson (T.) Report to the local govern- ment board on cholera in the borough of Rother- hani. March 19, 1894. fol. London, 1*91. Robinson (A.) Tbe recent outbreak of cholera at Rotherham. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1893-4, ii, 126-131, lpl. ROTTERDAM. [Mulder (G. J.) & tax der Paxt (D. F.)] Dc cholera in Rotterdam. 4 pts. 8-\ Rotterdam, 1832. Cholera at Rotterdam. Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 647; 1-27. ROUEN. Dewhaycs. Le cholera k Rouen et dans la Seine-Infe- rieure en is92. Bull. Soc. de nied. de Rouen (1892), 1893, 2. s., vi, 13s-149. AUo: Xormandie med., Rouen, 1K92, vii, 492-499.—Olivier (P.) Xote sur l'epidemie cholerique de 1873 a l'Hospice-G6u6ral. Xornianilie nied., Rouen, 1892, vii, 335-338.—Yingtrinier. Du cholera de 1849 dans l'arrondissemeut de Rouen, et des Epidemics qui y ont r6gn6 depuis 1814. Rap. sren. trav. Cons, ceutr. d'hyg. pub. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen, 1850, 37-97, ROUMANIA. See. also, in this list, Bucharest. Babes. Xote sur la defense de la Roumanie contre le cholera eu 1892. Bull. Acad, de metl., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, lftS; 257: 300. — I^atlinpis Sc Tatu«CNCii ( D. ) Xote asupra casui ilor de cholera tratate in baracele din Gahiti. Spitahd, Bucuresci, 1S93. xiii, 439-447.— Tlani- catide (M.) Epidemia de cholera. Ibid., 1892, xii, 449- 450.—Tabloul sinoptic al mersului epidemiei de cholera in Rouinania de la inceput (7 Iulie ?) pina la 16 (28) August. Ibid., 1893, xiii, 354-357. RUSSIA. See, also, in this list, Archangel (Gorernmenl of); Askhabad; Astrakhan; Baku; Barnaul; Batoom : Bessarabia (Government of); Bla- szek; Caucasus; Cronstadt; Dorpat; Diina- burg; Bupatoria ; Finland; Giodno (Govern- ment of); Kaluga (Government of); Kars (Terri- tory of); Kazan (Government of); Kertch; Kharkov(Governmentof); Kherson(Gorernment of); Kiev; Koorsk (Government of); Kootais (Government of); Kostroma (Government of); Lodz; Lublin; Mikhailov; Moheelev(GWer»- nientof); Moscow ; Nasielsk ; Nikolayev ; Nizhnee-Novgorod ; Odessa; Omsk ; Oren- boorg (Government of); Orlov (Government of); Podolia (Government of'); Poltava (Gorernment of); Riga; Rostov-on-the-Don; Saint Peters- burg ; Samara; Saratov ( Gorernment of); Simbirsk; Smolensk (Government of); Stavro- pol (Gorernment of); Tambov (Government of); Taurida (Government of); Tiflis; Tiraspol; Tula (Government of); Tver (Gorernment of); Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. RUSSIA—continued. Viatka (Government of); Vladimir (Gorernment of); Vladivostok; Voronezh (Gorernment of); Yaroslavl; Yekaterinburg. Arkhangelsk^ (N.) * Teoria Pettenkofera v primenenii yeya v ostrovu Kotlinn. [Petlenko- fer's theory [of cholera] in its application to the island of Ratlin.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1881. Bertenson (I. V.) Ob aziatskoi cholerie i rasprostranenii yeya po imperii. [Asiatic chol- era and its spread iu the Empire.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 18*5. Bot.ooowsKi (Sophie). * Stir le cholera asia- tique dc 18H2-3 en Russie et sur les mesures ad- miuistratives prises par le gonveruement contre cette opideuiie. 4°. Paris, 1894. ------. The same. 8-. Paris, 1894. Clemow (F.) Tho cholera epidemic of 1892 in the Russiau Empire. With notes upon treat- ment and methods of disinfection in cholera, and a short account of the conference held in St. Petersburgh in December, 1892. 8°. St. Pelers- burgh, London f New York, 1893. Also [Abstr.], in: Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 513; 581; 644- 787; 1053. Great Britaix. Privy Council Office. Official reports made to Government by Drs. Russell and Barry, ou the disease called cholera spasmodica, as observed by them during their mission to Russia in 1831. With an appendix and other papers, extracts of letters, reports and commu- nications received from the Continent relative to the disease. 8°. London, 1*32. Hertsenstein ( G. M. ) Obshtshiya osnovi borbl s epidemiyei choler'l v Rossii. [General principles of the struggle with the cholera epi- demic iu Russia.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1**5. Karta Ycvropeiskoi Rossii. S pokazani'oni kolichestva sniertnlkh sluchaycv ot choler'l v techeuii iunia i iulia 1892 g. po gubciniyam. Sostavlena po sviedieniyam Pravitclstvennavo Vestnika. [Map of European Russia. With in- dication of number of deaths from cliolera dur- ing June and July, 1892, by governments. Com- piled from data of the . . .] fol. S.-Pelerburg, [1892]. Lukomski (V.) Niekotorlye vlvodl iz nablyu- deniy za epidemiyu choler'l v 1892 i 1893 gg. [Some deductions drawn from observations ou . . .] 8\ Omsk, 1893. Repr, from : Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1893-4. Matskevich (V. G.) Rirgizskiya stepi Tttr- galskoi oblasti v choler'nnyu epidemiyu 1892 goda. [The Rirgbeez steppes in the Turgai ter- ritory during the cholera epidemic of 1*92.] *°. ^S.-Peterburg, 1893. Moreai; de Joxxes (A.) Rapport au conseil superieur de sant6 sur l'irruption tlu cholera pestilentiel en Russie, pendant V6t6 et l'automne tie 1830. 12°. Paris. 1830. llepr.from: Rev. Encych, Dec, 1830. Nikolski (D. P.) Obozileni'e knizbek o cho- ler'ie vlshedskikh v 1*92 godu. [Review of pam- phlets on cholera published in 1892.] 12°. S.- Peterburg, 1893. Repr. from: Selski Vestnik, 1892. Pavlovskaya (Mine. L.) Choler'niye godi v Rossii; istoricheskiy ocherk. [Cholera years in Russia; historical sketch.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. PodvJsotski ( V. V. ) K voprosu o borbie s cbolci'oi. [On tbe struggle with cholera.] 12°. Moskra, 1892. Repr. from: Ki'evlyauin,no. 231. UIIOLKIJA. 558 OHOLKIU. V ho I era (History and statistics of), by localities. RUSSIA—continued. Sweoekus (G.) Cholera morbus. Uppkomst, harjniugar, kurinethod och preservativ, eftcr Bkril'ter uty,itiia i Tyskland och Moskwa ar 1831. 8-. Stockholm, 1831. Ai ltli:iii^< l"lti ( G. ) Bolshaya choler'naya epide- miya 1X52-5 i;u . yeya proiskhozhilenie i znacheni'e. [The great cholera epidemic ot 1X52-">: its origin aud meaning 1 Arcb. sudelinoi med.. St. I'etersb.. 1x71, iv, (i. sect,. 14^10, 4 maps. — Bobriiwlti iK. I.) I'rotivokholerniya miero- priyatiya i choler'naya epidemiya 1893 goda. [The meas- ure's taken against choleia and the cholera-epidemic of 1893.] Ejened. jour. "1'rakt. med.". St. I'etersb., 1895, ii, 33-38. — ISolUin (S.) Predvaritclnoje soobsbtshenie po povodu nastov.ishtsbel epidemii choler'i. [ Preliminary communication on the present epidemic of cholera.) Epi- demiol. Littok, St. I'etersb., 1871. no. 3, suppl., 1-14; no. i. i __ISi-ilIi:inlotr (A. N.) jS'iekotoriya nablyudeniya nad choler'oi. iSome. observations on cholera.] Protok. i soobs.h.Obsh. vrach. Novgorod, guber. (1891-2), 1893, pt. 2, 44-5S.— Ki-imner (G. G.) Sc %a*aiiiandiro\ annikhdlya prekrashtsheniya choler'i v 1871 g. [Extracts from reports of medical officers on . . .] Epidemiol. Listok, St. Petersb., 1871, no. 10, 5- 24; no. 11, 12 23. — Karchaijiii ( L. G.) Po povodu choler'noi e]>ideiiiii v Rossii v 1892 g. [On the cholera epidemic in Russia iu the, year 1892.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 795.—Lasegue (C.) Dela marche du cholera dans la Russie mei-idionale. Arch. gen. de med., I'ar., 1848, xviii, 114-119. Also, in bis: Etudes med., 8°, Par., 1884, ii, 094-701.—I,cnlovNlt. Petersb., 1893, xiv. ll'.'S; 659.—tlholer'naya epidemiya i umenslien'ie obshtsl el smertnosti v Petei burgie v 1x70 g. Kpidemiol. Listt.U, St. Petersb., 1871, no. 0, 1-8.—fit-mow (F.) (holern mill disinfection in St. Petersburg. Lancet, Loud., 1892. ii, 1158.—Clcinow IF.) & Minlcy (P.) A study of cholera in St. Petersburg. Med. Mag., 1......1., 1892, i, 471-48.'!.- C'oiif«'i-«'n«'«- (The) on cholera in St. Petersburg. 1.(ni- cer. Lond.. 1893. i. 52; 100; 389; 740— Epirirmiya cho- ler'i v Peterburuie v 1870-71 gg. Epidemiol. I.isiok. St. Petersb, 1871, no. 2, 17-22; no. 3, 19-25.—Iwanowkky (X.) Le cholera de 1892-4 a St.-Petersbourg. Coup, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de d6niog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2. 391-390. — Knplynuski (V. M.) K voprosu o prichinakh t hastikh vspikhivaniy choler'nikh epidemiy v S.-Peterburgie. [On the causes of the frequent breaking out of cboiera epidemics in St. Petersburg] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1895. vii, 614-017.—Knot h (V. A.) Otchot o choler'nikh i cboler'oviilnikhzabohe.vaniyakh, polzovaii- nikh v Mariinskol bolnitsie dlya blednikh v 1894 gtnlii. [Keport.of the cholera and choleraic diseases treated in ihe Maria Hospital for Ihe Poor in 1894.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Hot- kina. St. I'etersb., 1895. vi, 241: 269; 295; 324; SGI; 378.- IVablviitlcniy (T/,)nailcliolcrVi v S -IYterburglr. [Horo observations on cholera in St. Petersburg.] Ibid., 18(12, iii, 945-962.—>'iBiol*ki (I). P) Choler'naya t-pidciiiiya v Schlusselberiskom prigorodnom uchastkle Peterburga v 1893-4 g. [Cholera epidemic in the Schliisselburg suburb of St. Petersburg in 1893-4.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Pcttrh. med. Obsh. (1894). 1895, xii, 97-143. Also: Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1S94, xxvii. 2. sn-t.. 57; 167.—Sokolofl"(N.I.) Po povodu choler'noi tpithinii 1892 g., po nablyudonivam goiodskoi Barachnol v pamyat S. P. Botkina. bolnitsi v S.-Peterbur»Ie. [On tbe cliolera eiiidemic of 1892, after observations from the City Barrack Hospital in St. Petersburg.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb., 1893, iv, 1 : 33. SALAMANCA. Solano (L.) El ctilera de 1885 en Salamanca. Corrco ni6d. castellano, Salamanca, 1885, ii, 720-730. SAMARA. Orloir ( V. 11. ) Dauniya o chode cholernoi epid. i o merach protiv neya v g. Samare. [Data on the course ot the epidemic cholera and on the means to check the same in the citv of Samara.1 Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1894, i, 21-37. SAN REMO. Amohetti (A.) II cholera nella citta di S. Remo 1' anno 18:57. Canto. 8 . Genova, ]*''>8 CHOLEKA. 559 CHOLEKA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. SANTA LUCIA. Gnyon. Xote sur le cholera de la Soufridre, petite population de Sainte-Lucie, l'une des Antilles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., I'ar., 1866, lxii, 1364-1366. SARATOV (Government of). HUBER. Rettung vou der Cholera. Tagc- buch aus Saratow vom lOtcn bis 31sten August 1830. 1-2°. Dessau, 1831. -----. The same. Auszug aus dem Tagc- buche eines Gejstlichen wahrend der Cholera- krankheit zu Saratow ini sudostlichen europai- scheu Russlande. 12°. Barmen, 1831. -----. The same. Tagebuch eines Geistli- cheu wiikreud der Cholera-Pest zu Saratow an der Wolga, vom 6. bis 31. August 1830. Ein Beherziguugsscbrift fiir Jederinanu iu jetziger Zeit. 8C. Erlangen, 1831. Repr. from: Xeueste Nachr., 1831. Sauatov. Sbornik otchotov vrachel i stu- dentov, rabotavshikh po cholernoi epidemii ise*4hona (M.) II cholera in Sessari nel 1855. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1855, 2. s., xxiv, 201-239. SCHEVENINGEN. Krul (K.) De cholera te Scheveningen in 1832. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1892, xxviii, pt. 2, 655- 667. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. Bockendahl. Die Cholera im Jahre 1892 in derPro- vinz Schleswig-Holstein. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1893, n. i\, i, 60 ; 65. SCOTLAND. See, also, in this list, Ayr; Glasgow. Armstrong (H. K.) & Edgar (S.) Observa- tions on malignant cholera, drawn from cases of the disease as it occurred at Prestonpans, Cock- enzie, Porseton, etc. 8°. Edinburgh, 1*32. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. SCOTLAND—continued. Craigik (D.) Account of the epidemic chol- era of Xcwbiirn iu January and February, 1832. 8^. [Edinburgh, 1832. ] Eckpord (J.) Facts and observations regard- ing the disease called epidemie cliolera, as it re- cently appeared in Prestonpans and its vicinity. ' 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. LoRiMKit(R.)&P>ri;TON(J.) Observations on the history and treatment of cholera asphyxia, as it has appeared at Haddington, showing that it is not necessarily infectious; and including an account of the use of galvanism in the stage ot collapse. With an appendix of cases. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1832. Marshall (J.) Observations on cholera, as it appeared at Port Glasgow during the months of July and August, 1831, illustrated by numer- ous cases. 8 . Edinburgh, 1*31. Narrative [of tbe appearance of cholera at Kirkintilloch.] 8°. [n. p., n. d.] SERVIA. Parzhnitski (I.) Cholera i sostoyanie sanitarnoi chasti v Serbii, v 1866 g. Arch, sudebuoi med., St. Pe- tersb., 1871, ii, 6. sect,, 1-16. SIAM. Aiit'li't-tt-ii (Das) tier Cholera in Siam im Jahre 1881. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes. Berl., 1882, vi, 102. — Kasch (C.) Cholera asiatica iu Siam. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1894, xv, 131. SICILY. Boxadonxa (F. P.) Relazione medica stil- 1' epidemia del cholera scoppiato in Siculiana, letta alia commissione muuicipale di sanita. 8C. Girgenti, 18G7. Carusi (G. M.) Lettera teoretico-pratica sul colera del 1834 comparato al colera odierno e ad altri morbi infettivi. 6. ed., cou uote. 8°. Salerno, 1-84. Repr. from: Frusta, 1884. Relazione dei lavori del comitato d' assis- tenza e beneficenza durante 1' epidemia 1883 iu Misilmeri. 8°. Palermo, 1*86. .VI a lie. La derniere epid6niiede cholera en Sieile, daus l'ltalie loeritlionale et a Malte. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient. Con- stant., 1887-8, xxx, 167-173. SILESIA. Fliigge (C.) Die Cholera-Epidemie in Schlesein 1894. Arb. a. d.k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1895, xii, 218-257.— HnxthaiiMrn [et al]. Asiatische Cholera. Gen.-San.- Ber. v. Scblesien 1831, Bresl., 1833.196-231.—Bolh (E.) Die Cholera im Keuierungsbezirke Oppeln 1892-94. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1895, xxvii, 569- 598.' SIMBIRSK. KarmnziiiMlti (V. P.) Cholera v Simbirsklev 1892 g. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. v g. Simbirskie. (1893), 1891. 82-100.—rVebolynboflTlV. P.) Nablyudeniyaiz poyezdki nau epidemiyu choler'i v g. Simbirsk v 1892 godu. [Obser- vations froui the expedition as to the, cholera epidemic in the city of Simbirsk in 1892.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ.. 1*94. 139-172. — St'i'sieyeff (L. A.) Ocherk iz nablyudeniy nad tecbenieni choler'noi epidemii 1892 g. v g. Simbirskie'. [Sketch of the observations on tbe course of the cholera epidemic at citv of Simbirsk in 1892.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. v g. Simbirskie, (1890-92), 1893, 93-106. — Vorobycfl"(A. V.) Iz nablyudeniy nad epide- ruiyel aziatskoi choler'i 1892 g. v Nagatkinskoin uchastkie, Siiiibirskavo uyezda. [ From observations on the epidemic of Asiatic cholera of 1892 in the Nagatkin ward of Sim- birsk County] Ibid., 1894, 58-76. SLIGO. Irwin (H.) A record of cliolera Asiatica, as it occurred in Sligo during the months of August and September, 1832. 8°. Sligo, 1832. C'liMt-H of Asiatic cholera at Sligo. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 569. SMOLENSK (Gorernment of). Zhbankoff (D. N.) Choler'niya epidemii v Smolenskoi gubernii 1831-72 gg. [Cholera epi- CHOLEKA. 560 CHOLERA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. SMOLENSK (Government o/)—continued. dcniics in government of Smolensk in the years 1-31-72.] "V. Smolensk, 1893. SOUTH AMERICA. See, also, in this list, Argentine Republic; Bogota: Brazil; Chili. WychofffA. H.) Cholera in South America. Med. & Surg. Reporter., Phila., lvii, 377-380. SPAIN. See, a'-so, in this list, Aranjuez; Barcelona; Bilbao; Cadiz; Cartagena; Cordova; Mad- rid : Philippine Islands ; Port Mahon; Sala- manca; Teneriffe; Valencia. Foxtabeli.a (J. (i.) El c61era morbo asiatico: estudio heclio d la cabecera del enfermo en las epideniias de los aiios 1834 (en Valencia) y 1833 (en Madrid y el real sitio de San Fernando). 8°. Madrid,'1884. Hal'skr (P.) Estudios epiuemiol6gicos rela- tivos a la etiologia y protilnxis del colera basa- dos en nniiierosas estadisticas, hechos y obser- vaciones ncogidos duraute la epidemia colerica de 1884-5 en Espana . . . Precedidos de nn prefacio por . . . Max. de Pettenkofer. 3 v. 8°. Atlas fol. Madrid, 1888. Ovilo Y Canalks (F.) Orlgen del colera y causas de su desarrollo en Europa en 1884. Apuntes histoticos seguidos dc uu cuadro grafico dc las defnnciones atribuidas al colera en la ciudad tie Tolon. 8C. Madrid, 1885. Spa ix. Ministerio de la gobernacion. Seccion de sanidad negociado de estadlstiea. Resumen general de las in vasioncs y defunciones por causa de cdlcia occuridas en Espana durante el aiio de 1883. fol. Madrid, 1886. _____. Direccion general de beneficencia y sanidad, negociado dc estadlstiea sauitario-de- mogratica. Apendice general al tomo vi. Co- lera morbo asiatico en Espana duraute el ano de 1883. 4C. Madrid, 1887. Spanien und die Cholera-Epidemie des Jahres 1883. 8J. Berlin, \*86. Trigueros y Somoza (J.) Memoria histo- rico-clinica del c61era morbo asiatico de Espana eu 18-4. 8°. Madrid, 1885. Vkrdiekre (P.) *Le cholera en Espagne en 188.3. 4°. Paris, 18*8. Ambros (M.) Epidemia de cdlera-morbo-asiatico, en Isabela de liasilan, ano de 1H82. Confer, cieut. d.-Cuerpo de sanid. de la Armadi, San Fernando, 1882-5, i, 241-284.— Ai-nau (J. K.) El colera en Olbu. Asociaci6n, Teruel, 1885, iii, no. 05, 5. — Atienza (D. R.) Apuntes para la estadlstiea del colera en Guadahjara. Cr6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1856, iv, 140-153. — Basaa (J. A.) Notas sobre la epidemia colerica en Cavite y pueblo do San Roque. Bol. de med. nav., Sau Fernando, 1883, vi, 73-79.—Calvet y Nnra (I.) El colera en el manicomio de San Uaudilio de Llobregat. Gac. metl. ratal.. Barcel.. 1885, viii. 617- 6'_'6. — Calvet [y] IVava (I.I & Ba»«ol« Prim (A.) Inforines relatives ll un caso de cnferniedad eoleriforine. ocurritlo en Tarra-a, V medidas hinh'-niras (pie deben adoptarse en dicha pobhu ion. Ibitl, 18S8. xi, 228-232.— Cauipa. El cdlera morbo eu Espana. Cr6n. med., Valencia, 1884-5, viii, 7-14. — Cebcira Bry (J.) Datos estadisticus relativos a la epidemia de colera en Espafia en 1885. Gac. med. catah, Hart el.. 1888, xi, 195; 235.— Cholera (Tbe) iu Spain. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1885. i, 1170 ; 1201; 1308: ii, 33; 77; 114; 1G4; 311; 358; 412; 463; 564; 753; 800. —Cholera (The) in Spain; with special refer- euce to the site, surroundings, and drainage of some of its principal cities. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 544.—Corircaud (A.) PequeBa epidemia de c61era nostras en Blaye (Gi- ronda). Monitor, de la salud. Barcel., 1884, v. 234-236.— Cuesta (J.) El c61era en Valencia; el coleia en -Ma- drid. Corresp. med., Madrid. 1885, xx, 161.—1>uval (E.) Nouvelle epid6mie cholerique en Espagne. Med. con- temp., Par.. 1890, xxxi, 205-211. — Fajarne» (E.) El colera en Espana. Rev. halear de cien. med.. Palma de Mallorca, 1890, vi, 581; 613; 645. — Fra ile de la Rosa (N.I Sucinta resena in6ilita de la epidemia de colera morbo que la villa de Valdemoro sufrid desde 3 de jiilio a 4 de octnbre del aiio de 1855. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1882, xxix,231; 248; 281.—Oiiiicno(A.) El c61eraen Beniopa. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. SPAIN—continued. Cr6n. metl., Valencia. 1884-5, viii, 133-139.—Ilaiiner (P ) L't-pid6raie cholerique de 1884 et 1885 en Espagne. Inter- nal. Cong. f. Ilvu. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi Hft u 35-76. [Discussion], 201-236. -----. Apercu histtuitm,', du cholera en Espagne pendant l'annge 1890. M6d. nit'tl Par., 1891, ii. 677-082. Also: Kev. scient.. Par.. h'j\ xlviii, 495-497. — Hernandez Briz ( li. ) Klcolt'ia morbo asiatico en la villa tie Cliinchon. Si^lo mfcl., Ma- drid, 1885, xxxii. 594-596.—litt ml a (N.) Memoria sobre la epidemhi colerica de 1885 en las tropas del tlistritn de Navarra. Clin, navarra, Pamplona. 1880. iii, nos. 29; 30.— L.orenle (J.) Memoria sobre la nsistenria facultaiiva prestada eu el pnerto, pueblo y lazareto de Mariveles, con ocasion de la epidemia colerica de 1882. Confer, tient. il. Cuerpo de sanid. de la Armada, San Fernando, 18S''-T j 403-435.—Mngallon (M. F.) Contribut-irin a la histuriii de la ultim i epidemia del colera morbo asiatico. Annria- ci6n, Teruel, 1886, iv, nos. 76; 77— Haza (M. A.) ,Si,n 1884 tendria el colera su origen en el Rio Nagima, dc la villa de Monteanudo? Genio med.-quir., Madrid, lPHi xxxii, 410-412. — Tit rcatlal iVInrtfn (J.) Datos esta- disticos relativos a hi e]>idemia do colera eu Espafia en 1885. Gac. med. catnl., Parcel., 1886, ix, 17; 46; 77- 113- 147; 177; 207; 230; 272; 300; 337; 306; 400; 430;496:526| 558; 588; 756. —IVIontardit. La epidemia rolSrica de 1885 eu Ahnudevar(IIuesca). [Rev.] Rev. do cien. 11161!., Barcel., 1880. xii, 237. — llimuz (A.) Colera morbo epi- demico ; asiatico 6 espafml.' Correo m6d. castellano, Sala- manca, 1890, vii, 305. — N. (A.) Colera-morbo epidemico. Boll. Inst. med. valenc., Valencia, 1885, v, 345— rYegrrie y Garcia (B.) El c61era en Madrigueras. Siglo nifed., Madrid. 1880, xxxiii, 24; 41.—P. (N.) Consul eriiciones y iuieio etiolosico sobre la ultima invasion del c6lera nimlio asiatico en el pueblo de Jadraquc Ibid.. 1887, xxxiv, 102; 117.—Perez Oareia (J.) El colera en Tarifa. ("win. espec. med.-qnir.. Cadiz, 1886, iii, 135-147.—Poat (A.) De cholera epidemie in Spanje in het ^jaar 1885. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arcb. [etc/], Utrecht, 1886, x, 335-337— Prieto. El ctilera en Espana. Si-glo m6d., Madrid, 189(1, xxxvii, 406; 421: 438.—P count. Le cholera en Espagne. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1891, lxiv, 546. SPEZIA. Pierotti (F.) Relazione del colera a Spezia red att a per incarico avutone dalla ginnta inu- nicipale dal dott. . . . 1884. 8°. Spezia, 1884. Spezia. Uu anno dopo 1' epidemia cholerica 1884. La giunta comuuale di Spe/.ia ai stioi concittadini. roy. 8°. Spezia, 18*5. Carazzi (D.) Gli studi sul cholera alia Spezia. Gazz, nied. ital , prov. venete, Padova, 1884, xwii, 420-422. — Colera a Spezia; sua origine, cause di diffusione, prov- vedimenti necessari a prendersi. Pro Spedia. Spezia. 18.-4, i, 28-48.—Fiorani (F.) Colera di Spezia. Gior. di med. rail., Roma, 1885, xxxiii, 230-242.—«ioclli. Stndi sul colera. fatti nell' Ospedale di marina di Spezia durante 1'epidemia colerica del 1884. Ibid.. 18-25.—Old villi (S.i Storia delle epidemie di colera avvenute nel commit- di Spezia durante gli anni 1884-6. Anu. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1887, eclxxxi, 337-383. STAVROPOL (Government of). ObraztsoflT (N. V.) Vspishka asiats'kol choler'i 1893 g. v Novogrigoryevskom uyezdle Stavropolskol gubernii; obyasneniie yeya vozniknoveuiva. [Outbreak of Asiatic cholera during 1893 in Novogrigoryev County, Stavropol Government; explanation of its origin.] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1895, xxxiv, 25-55, 1 map. STOCKHOLM. Cederschjold, Kllmin [et al.]. ISeriittelser om den epidemiska choleraii i Stockholm ar 1834. Svens. lak.- Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1837, i, 210-332. STRASSBURG. Strohl (E.) Le cholfera a Strasbourg, dans les eg- d6mies de 1849, 1854 et 1855. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., IMS, 4. s.. xiv, 37; 49; 63. SUNDERLAND. Parsons (G.) Observations on cholera, made durinc a visit to Sunderland, undertaken by direction of the Birmingham Town Infirmary board of health, in the months of November and December, 1*31. 8C. Birmingham, ld.J"~. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. Hamilton (F. H.) The Asiatic cholera, a? it ap- peared at Suspension Bridge Niagara County. .N. *., ln July. 1854, and its lessons; what we know ot '^ll0^'a' Tr.' N.York Acad. M.. 1886 v, 21-43 AUo: ***}*% N.Y.. 1884, xxvi, 556-558. Alto: N.York M.J..18M.»_ 533-540. AUo [Abstr. 1: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 5M 558. CHOLEKA. 561 CHOLEKA. Cliolera (History and statistics of), by C localities. SWEDEN. See. also, in this list, Gothenburg; Stock- holm; Upsala. Gammelin (O. N.) Om cholera morbus; efter svenska och ntlandska forfattares skrifter saint et>na iakltagelser. [ . . . from Swedish and for- eign publications and personal observations. ] 12°. Cpsala, 1849. Wetterbergh (C. A.) Om behandlingen af den Asiatiska choleran inom dals-qvarteret i Norrkoping. 24°. [Norrkiiping, 1853.] Bnpporter till Kongl. Sundhets-Collegiuiii dfyer den %r 1834 i riket gangse epidemiska choleraii, afgifne af lakare i landsorten. [Reports to Royal Board of Health on the epidemic cholera prevailing in the empire in the year 1834. submitted hy the physicians in different places.] Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1837, i, 1-332. SWITZERLAND. See, in this list, Geneva. SYRIA. Mannsseh Sey (B.J.) Asiatic cholera in Syria. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 92. — von Petten- kofer (M.) Die Cholera 1875 in Syrien und die Cholera- prophvlaxe in Europa. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1876, xii, 102-128. AUo, Reprint.—Wortabet (J.) Cholera in northern Syria. Lancet, Loud.. 1891, 1, 78; 1036. TAMBOV (Government of). Shtshepotyeff (N. K.) Choler'niya epidemii v Tam- bovskol gubernii v 1847, 1848, 1853 i 1871 gg. [ Cholera epidemics in the government of Tambov during the years 1847, 1848, 1853 aud 1871.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1892, xv, 2. sect., 63-94.—Skvort- goff (I. A.) 0 choler'noi epidemii v 1892 g. v Kirsanov- skom uyeztlle. [ On the cholera epidemic in 1892 in Kirsanov County.] Protok. Tambov, med. Obsh., 1892, 229-236. TANGIER. Ovilo (F.) El colera en Tanger. [Abstr.] Higiene pop., Madrid, 1896, i, 6; 27. TAURIDA (Gorernment of). Zelenkevich. Epidemiya choler'i v gorodle Alesh- kakh i Dnieprovskom uyezdle Tavricheskol gubernii, s 14 iun. po 19 okt. 1866 g. Arch, sudebnoi metl., St. Pe- tersb., 1870, iv, 6. sect., 1-8. TEHUANTEPEC. Fauvel (A.) Rapport au snjet tie l'epidemie de cho- lera qui a r6gu6 dans ITstbme de Tehuantepec, sitn6 dans la region sud du Mexique. Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult. d'hyg. pnb. de France. Par.. 1883, xiii, 114-117. — Lan- guer (R. W.) The cholera in Tehuantepec. Sanitarian, N.T., 1883, n. s., i, 183.—Sutter (J. A.) Cholera in Te. huanteptc. [Extr.] San. Engin., N. "£., 1882-3, vii, 393. TENERIFFE. C'ruttwell (H. A.) The cholera outbreak in Teneriffe. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 112; 231. TENNESSEE. Lindsley (J. B.) Cholera in Tennessee, 1883. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga, 18*8,112-118. Also: South. Pract., Nashville, 1888, x, 193-200. THURINGIA. PfeWer (L.l Der hisherige Verlauf tier Cholera in Thiiringen und dessen Abhangigkeit von klimatischen nnd ortlichen Verhaltuissen. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringeu, Weimar, 1884, xiii, 321-341. TIFLIS. Alexleyeff (A. V.) Otchot o holnikh s asiatskoyu choleroyu vTiflisskom voyennon hospitalie; s 20. iyun.-8. sent. 1892 g. [ Report on the Asiatic choleraepidemie in the Tiflis Military Hospital.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1894, no. 55, 58-124. — II a u del in (E. P.) Sc Bechtsamer (M. A.) Nieskolko slov o choler'noi epidemii 1892 g. v Tiflisle, prei- musbtshestvenno po dannim Mikbailovskol bolnitsi. [Some remarks on epidemic cholera in Tiflis in the year 1892, especially in the Mikbailov Hospital.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix, 198-205. TILSIT. WoliTberg. Die Cholera in Tilsit 1893. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1894, xiii, 1-15. TIRASPOL. Schreibcr (S. E.) Cholera v Tiraspolle v 1892 g. Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1894, iii, 399-402. 36 Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. TOKIO. Ottawa (K.) Tokio no cholera. [.... in Tokio.] Dai- nippon Shiritsu Eiseikwai Geppo, Tokio, 1893, no. 105, 85- 105. TONKIN. Boinet (E.) De l'acces pernicieux choleriforme au Tonkin. Rev. de med., Par., 1890, x, 832-838.—Dcmmler (A.) De rend6mo-6pid6niie cholerique an Tonkin, 6tudiee au point de vue du mode|de contagion et des mesures pro- phylactiques. J6id.,1891,xi, 257-271.—de Scliuttelaere. Le cholera an Tonkin en 1887. Arch, tie m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiv, 465-498. TOULON. Dominique (A.) Le cliole'ra a Toulon. Etude historique, statistique et comparative des epi- demics de 1835, 1849, 1854, 1865 et 1884. 8°. Toulon, 1*85. Gendron (F.) Notes et observations sur l'epi- dejnie cholerique a Toulon en 1884. 8°. Paris, 1885. Lecocq (G.) Le cholera a Toulon en 1884. Notes d'un etudiant. 8°. [Parts], 1884. Eandon (M.) * Etude sur le cliole'ra de 1884, observe" a l'Hopital principal de la marine de Toulon du 13 juin au 13 juillet. 4°. Lyon, 1884. Reynaud. Me'moire sur le chole'ra-morbus asiatique qui a r^gne' a Toulon pendant l'anue'e 1835. 8°. Paris, 1838. St. Hubert-Dumas (R. ) * Notes sur deux epidemies de cliole'ra (1884 et 1885) observees a Toulon dans les h6pitaux de la marine. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. B. (P.) Courbe de la mortalite cholerique a Toulon pendant l'epidemie de cholera de 1884. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1884, 3. s., xii, 461-464.—Brouardel. fipithmiie chole- rique en France en 1884; apparition du cholera, en juin 1884, a Toulon (Var); mission de MM. Brouardel et Proust. [Rap.] Pec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. puh.de Krancel884, Par., 1885, xiv, 195-213.—Discussion snr l'6pid6mie tlu chol6ra a Toulon. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii, 837-857. — Estor Sc Lannegrace. Rapport sur la d616gation des medecins et des 6tudiants de Montpellier pendant l'6pid6mie cholerique tie Toulon, Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1884, vi, 517-519. Also: Montpel. nied., 1884, 2. s., iii, 277-284. — Fan vel. Du chol6ra a Toulon. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii, 813-816. — Proust (A.) Le cholera dc Toulon. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1884, vi, 545-549. —Straus Sc Itoux. Expose iles recherches sur le cholera a Toulon. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 527-530. AUo: Tri- bune med., Par., 1884, xvi, 386-389. Also: Uniou med., Par., 1884, 3. »., xxxviii, 229-232. TOULOUSE. Jou^la. Rapport a la commission administrative des hospices sur le service des choleriques. trait6s au Lazaret en 1885. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1886, xx, 232-247. -----Sur le cholera qui a r6gu6 a Toulouse en 1884 et 1885. Ibid., 1887, xxi, 209-216. TREPORT. Lemairc. Le chol6ra do 1892 au Tr6port. Gaz. in6d. de Pieardie, Amiens, 1893, xi, 404; 420; 436. Also [Rap. deDeshayes]: Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Rouen (1893), 1894, 2. s., vii, 31-33. TREVISO. Moxterumk i (D.) Invasione cholerica 1886 nella provincia di Treviso. Studio statistico- ecouomico. roy. *'-. Treviso, 1888. TRIEST. Goracuchi (G. A.) Studi sul cholera asiatico con ispeciale riguardo all' epidemia che regnb in Trieste 1'anno 1849. Agginntavi un'appen- dice in lingua italiana, tedesca, fraucese ed inglcse, indicante il metodo per preservarsi e curarsi da se nella phualita deicasi, iu man- canza di medico. 8\ Trieste, 1850. de Oinxa (V.) & Lustig (A.) TJeber die vier Cho- lerafiille in Triest. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi, 341; 383; 423. CHOLEKA. 562 CHOLERA, Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. TROY. Troy. Annual report of the health officer to the hoard of health, for the year 1854-5. 8J. Albany, )*">">. TROYES. Blamphjnon (J.-N.-A.) Me'moire sur le cho- le'ra-morbus e'pide'ruique de Troyes en 1832. 8---. [Troyes, 18351] TULA (Government of). Dubenski (S. 1.) O choler'noi epidemii v Novosilskom uyzedee, Tulkskoi gubernii za 1893 g. [The cholera epi- demic in the county of Novosilsk, government of Tula, 1893.] Trudi V svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Piroiiova. S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 640-656, 5 pl., 1 map.— Smi- tlovitli (V. I.) Choler'niya epidemii v g. Tulle, a 1866-76 g. [Cholera epidemics in the citv of Tula from 1866 to 1876.] Ott het o diejatel. Obsh. Tulsk. vrach., Tula, 1892- 3, xxxi, 54-65. TUNIS. Cour let A; Delaborde. L'epid6mie chol6rique du Djerid (sud Tunisien) en 1893. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1895, xxv, 15-34.—Ninit-w-Vni* (G. A.) Brevi note sul cholera che invase di reccnte la Goletta e Tunisi e contributo clinico sulla abolizioue dellasecrezione biliare in tale affezioue. Sperimentale, Eirenze, 1885, lvi, 606-611. AUo, Reprint. TURIN. Berruti (S. J. M.) Sul colera-morbo iu To- riuo. Risposta ai quesiti proposti dalla Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna, con lettera circo- larc, dei 2G settembre 1835. 8°. Tor.no, 1835. Peyrani 7. 8°. Upsala, 1858. UTRECHT. Suerman (B. F.) [De Asiatische cholera in Utrecht en Amersfoort.] 8°. [ Utrecht, 1854.] Utrecht. Verslag betreffendo de cholera- epidemie in den zonier van het jaar 1*66, door burgemeester en wethouders van Utrecht aan- boden aan den Gcmente-Raad. [Met hijlage.] 8°. Utrecht, [1867]. VALENCIA. Valencia. El c61era en Valencia en 1885, Memoria de los trabajos realizados durante la epidemia preseutada por la alcaldia al exemo. ayiintainiento eu uombre de la junta municipal de sanidad. 8°. Valencia, 1**6. Camlela. El c61era en la provincia de Valeiim; apuntes para la historia de la epidemia. Cr6n. ni6d., Va- lencia, 1890, xiii, 353; 521. — t'olvee. Le cholera dan* la province de Valence. M6d. mod., Par.,1889-90, i, 705; 918.- llholera (The) in Valencia. Laucet, Lond., 1885, i, 1151.— Fajarnee* y Tur (E.) El colera en Valencia. Es- tudio. Mexico, 1890, iii, 97-101. Also: Rev. halear de cien. nied., Palma de Mallorca, 1890, vi, 359-376.— Ferrim y Clua (J.) A cholera efn Valencia e o systenia de propliy laxia anti-cholerica. Rev. dc estudos livros, Lisboa. 1>* 157-216.—Cinreia. Objeciones y reparos a la mnmora acerca del colera-morbo, padecido en Valencia el ano 1H85, presentada a hi. alcaldia en uombre de la junta municipal de sanidad en 1886. Cr6n. mGd., Valencia, 1885-6. ix, 748- 758. — Roririgo (J.) CtSlera - morbo eo Valencia. Bol. Inst. ni6d. valenc, Valencia, 1855, v, 137-140. VAUCLUSE. Pamard. Epidemie de cholera de 1854. Trav. du Cons, d'hyg. pub. de Vauclnse 1849-58, Avijrnon, 1859.154- 171. ----'-. Rapport adress6 le 24 septembre 1849. a 1 Aca- d6mie imperiale de medecine, snr l'epid6mie dn cholera de 1849, et communique au conseil d'hygiene d« Vauchise. Ibid., 147-153. -----. Tableaux relatifs aux 6pid6iiiien de cholera qui ont r6gn6 dans le departement de Vaiiclnse, en 1835, 1849 et 1854. Ibid., 158-171. — Yraren. Epidemie de chol6ra-morbu8, dans le departement de Vauchise, eo 1835, 1849 et 1854. Ibid., 144. CHOLEEA. 563 CHOLEKA. Cholera (History and statistics of), by localities. VENICE. Berti (A. ) Sulle relazioni del cholera in Venezia colle viccndc meteorologiche e col calen- dario religioso e civile. H:. Venezia, 1*59. Colera ( Sul ) di Venezia nell' anno 18~>5. Cenni della giuuta centrah; di sanita. 8°. Ve- nezia, 1856. Desiderio (A.) Intorno al colera dominante; lettera al Giacomandrea Giacomiui. 8°. Ve- nezia, [1836]. ' Dl'ODO (G.) Prospetti dimostranti 1' anda- liiento diviso per decadi di tutto le 9 epidemie cholcrichc avutesi in Venezia c fra di esse con- frontate negli anni 1-:S.">, "36, ':?7, '49, '.VI, '55, '56, 'liii. '67, '73, pubblicati dalla giunta municipale, compilati e documentati dal medico muni- cipale. 4°. Venezia, 1^74. Ferro (A.) Le febbri intermittenti ed il cholera-morbus domiuate iu Venezia e nel suo estttario nella state e nell' autunno degli anni 1818-9. 8°. Bologna, 1849. Marcolini (F. M.) Intorno al cholera cianico di Venezia nell' anno indceev; annotazioni. - . Milano, 1*36. Venice. II cholera a Venezia nel triennio 1884 — 6. Relazione della giunta municipale. [ Girolamo Orefflce, relatore. ] 8°. Venezia, 18-6. Asmoii [etal.]. Intornoalla prima invasione del cholera- morbus in Venezia. Ann. univ. di med., Milano. (iiogno, 1836, lxxviii, 417: lxxix, 78. Also, Reprint. — Cholera (R) a Venezia nel trienuio 1884-6. Riv. veneta di se. mod., Venezia, 1886, v, 421-464.—I>notlo ((1.) Andamentogene- rate e di confronto delle otto epidemie coleriche avutesi a Venezia negli anni 1f>35, 1KS6. 1.-37, 1-49, 1854, 1855, 1866, 1,-67, dimostrato per decadi. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1868, 3. s., viii, 453-485. Also, Reprint. -----. Prospetti statistici risguardanti il colera a Venezia nel 1867. Gior. veneto di sc. meth, Venezia, 1868, 3. s., viii, 70-82. AUo, Reprint.—Namias ( G. ) Intorno alio malattie che dominarono in Venezia nel primo quadrimes- tre del 1836; ossia memoria seconda sul colera. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1830, v, 153-155. Also, Reprint. VIATKA (Government of). Ioi-ttnii«l7. —PrnszjiisUi (J.) Cholera. Gaz. lek., War- szawa. 1892, 2. s., xii, 702; 723; 749; 772; 796; 819; 878; *99; 920; 969; 991; 1010; 1057; 1084; 1100; 1175; 1193.—Wwiateclti (W.) Kilka sldw o przehiegu epide- mii choleiy azyatyckiej w r. biezacym w Warszawie i po- bliskicb jej okolicach. [Some remarks on the course of epidemic Asiatic cholera during the present year in War- saw and its nearby environs.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1894, xv, 293-297.—.""izvcajcci- (J.) Pierwszy przypadek cholery azyjatyckiej \v Warszawie. [First case of Asiatic cholera in Warsaw.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1892, xx, 657; 676.-----. Przypadek cholery azyatyckiej zawleczony do Warszawy z g. Podolskiej. [Case of Asiatic cholera brought to Warsaw from the city of Podolsk.] Ibid., 1893, xxi, 644-647. YAROSLAVL. Smirnoff (A. I.) Mediko-topograiicheskoyo opisanie Varoslavskoy gubernii v svyazi s otcho- tom o choler'uoy epidemii 1*92 goda. [Medico- topographical description of the government of Yaroslavl, iu connection with the report of the cholera epidemic of 1892.] 8°. Yaroslavl, 1*93. YEKATERINBURG. SmororiiiiiMfff (A. I.) K voprosu o choler'noi epi- demii na yngii Yekaterinburgskavo uyezda v 1892 g. R6s. Sur l'6pid6mie tie, cholera dans le sud du district d'lSkathei'inehonrg en 1892. Zapiski Uralsk, med. Obsh. v g. Ekaterinburge, 1893, iii, 33-38, 1 diag. YOKOHAMA. ITIiirailsi (S.) [The Asiatic cholera at Yokohama.] Saitake Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1896-7, no. II, 1. YPORT. Further note on tbe choleraepidemie, 1884; the out- break at Yport. Practitioner, Lond., 1885, xxxiv, 156- 160. — 4>iberl. Le cholera a Yport. Rev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiv, 724-726. AUo, transl: Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 83. YUCATAN. Yucatan. Dictamen de la junta general de sanidad del estado de Yucatan sobre la epidemia cholera morbo que se imprime de orden del gobieruo del mismo estado. sm. 4°. Campeche, 1832. CBOLEEA. 564 CHOLERA. Cholera (Hospitals for). Alessandria. Relazione sull' ospedale pei cholerosi in Alessandria presentata dal medico- direttore A. Fassa all' illustrissimo siudaco ed agli onor1' assessori della giunta municipale nell' anno 1881. roy. 8. Alessandria, 1884. Great Britain. Local Government Board. The diseases prevention (metropolitan) act, Aug. 25, 1883. Hospital accommodation for cholera patients, 1883. fol. [London, 1883.] Great Britain. Parliament. Cholera hos- pitals (Ireland). A bill [as amended on third reading] intituled an Act to enable sauitary au- thorities in Ireland to take possession of land for the erection of temporary hospitals. (Brought from the Commons 21st July, 1884.) fol. Lon- don, 1884. -----. The same. fol. London, 1884. Great Britain. Parliament. Souse of Com- mons. Cholera hospitals (Ireland). A bill to enable the sanitary authorities iu Ireland to take possession of land for the erection of tem- porary hospitals, fol. London, 1885. Hospital de cholericos de N. S. da conceicao em Coimbra. Relatorio da direccao do . . . Pelos directores Jose' Ferreira de Macedo Pinto e Antonio Augusto da Costa Simoes. 8°. Coim- bra, 1856. London. Cholera Hospital, London. Rules aud regulations, broadside. [London, 1848.] Piana (G. P.) & Ballotta (G.) II cholera e la tenda ospedaliera del sistema di costruzione Toilet di Parigi. 8°. Bologna, 1884. Relazione medica dell' ospedale temporario pe' cholerosi di Carignano nell' anno 1855. 8°. Genova, [1855]. de Sequeira Pinto (D. A. C.) Relatorio diri- gido ao goveruo de sua magestade pelo conse- lheiro . . . acerca da organisacao e servico dos hospitaes provisorios de cholera ultimamente estabelecidos na capital. 8°. Lisboa, 1857. Turchi (M.) Relazione sulla casa di salute de' convalescenti colerici in S° Teresa agli stu- dii. Sulla necessita e modo agevole di conver- tire la casa di salute de' convalescenti colerici in Sa Teresa in casa permanente di convalescenza per ogni genere di malattia et su due gravioppo- sizioni confutate. 8°. [Napoli, 1866.] Ac I and (T. D.) Sketches of an Egyptian cholera hos- pital ; a personal narrative. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1883, Lond., 1884, n.s., xiii, 257-276, 1 diag. — Besnier (E.), iVInrtincan & Oerin-Roze. A propos du cho- lera; hygiene hospitaliere. Bull, et me-m. Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par., 1884, 4. s., i, 259-262.—Bonkowaki Pacha, Report of the subcom mission relative to the organization of the lazarettos of Camaran, Abou-Saad, Vasti and Abou- Ali in the Red Sea. Dietet. Sc Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1895 xi 329-333.—Caro (O.), JTIonlefusco (A.) & Bifulco (F.j Resoconto terapeutico dell' ospedale cholerico della Conoc- chia. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 157-169.—Cholera hospitals in Bombay. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 355.—Clio- to the neighbouring population? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885 i, 444.—Corradini (P.) II cholera ed i lazzaretti p'rovvi- sori. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1893. iv, 124-128, 2 pl.— Gimbcrt. Etude des lazarets du Pian de Latte et de Nice pendant l'6pidemie du cholera de 1884. Nice-m6d 1885-6, x, 177-188.-K.ainpolT (N. A.) Sanitarniy otchot o Semipalatinskoi cholernoi bolnitse za vremya yeva su- shtshestvovani'a s 14-vo avg. po 18-e okt. 1892 g. [Report of the Semipalatinsk cholera hospital for the time of its existence.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1892-3, x, 227-242 1 tab.—Karlinski (J.) Sous le pavilion jaune ! Obser- vations sanitaires faites pendant un voyage en Arahie et dans I'Asie Mineure. Anu. d'hyg., Par., 1894, 3. s xxxii 5; 106.—Olivar (M.) Sc Ferrer (I.) Informe referente al establecimiento de un hospital de colericos Clinica Zaragoza, 1884, viii, 315; 324. —Paraday Saiitin (J j Hospitales para colericos en Madrid. Diario m6d -farm Madrid, 1884, i, nos. 161, 162.—Pope's (The) model cboi- era hospital in Rome. Lancet, Lond., 1886, il, 596 —Pro- pos (A) du cholera; hygiene hospitaliere. Bull, et mem Soe. rn6d. d. hop. de Par., 1884, 3. a., i, 290-292.—Stclton- € ho J era (Hospitals for). lit (C.) Le lazaret tie Caniarau "Mer Rouge" et lo chn lera asiatique. Tr. vii. Internal. Cong. Hve ,v ll«n,„„ Lond., 1892, i, 56-60.- Vcrzcichnis* der JEiseS, stationen, in weichen eholei■akranlte Reisende tier SniiX pflege und Behandlung iiberaebeu werden konnen Oem..™ San.-Wes., Wien, 1894; vi, Beil. 14, 23-49. ' ucslcrr' Cholera (Immunity from). Blacklock (A.) Do small-pox and cow-pox afford any protection from Asiatic cholera? With some observations. 24°. Dumfries, [18661 Grineisen ( A.) * K voprosu oh iminunizi! ruyusbtshikh i liechashtshikh svolstvakh mo- loka vaktsinirovanuoi protiv choleri korovi. [On the immunizing and healing qualities of tbe milk of a cow vaccinated against cliolera 1 8- S.-Peterburg, 1894. GtiMPEL (C. G.) Ueber die natiirliche Immu- nitiit gegeu Cholera. Verhiitung (dieser, sowie ahnlicher Krankheiten durch einfache physio- logische Mittel. 8°. Munchen, 1894. -----. The same. On the natural immunity agaiust cholera aud the prevention of this and other allied diseases by simple physiological means. 8°. London, 1894. OleInikoff (G. P.) *Ob lskusstvennom im- munitetie k choler'nomu vibrionu. [On artificial immunity to the vibrio of cholera.] 8C. S.-Pe- terburg, 1894. Popoff (N. A.) * 0 peredache cholernavo ini- muuiteta molokom vaktsinirovanuoi korovi. [On the transmission of immunity from cholera By the milk from a vaccinated cow.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1893. Bonhoir. Untersuchungen iiber intraperitoneal Cboleraiufection und Choleraimmunitat. Arch. f. Hvg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1894, xxii, 28-90, 2 tab. Also: Hyg] Rundschau, Berl., 1894, ix, 961-964. — Itnrq (V.) Causes- d'immunites du cholera. J. tl. conn. metl. prat., Par., 1866, xxxiii, 292-294.— Calinette (A.) Recherches expert mentales sur le cholera asiatique indo-chinois et snr rim- munisation chimique des animaux contre cette maladie. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par.. 1893, lix, 216; 257.—Fermi (C.) Ueber die Ursachen, welche die Bestiindigkeit der lima intestinalis in Bezug auf die Immunitiic gegeu Cbnlc-ra feststellen. Centralbl.f. Bakteriol. n.Parasitenk., 1. .Mil., Jena, 1895, xviii, 705-714. Also, transl..- Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii, sez. med., 1-8. — Fermi (C.) & Salto (A.) Ueber die Immunitat gegen Cholera. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc. 1, 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xix, 525-536. Also, transl..- Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1896, 4. s., xxiii 1-14. — 4wi-nbei- ( M.) Ueber active und passive Iiinuu- nitiit gegeu Cholera und Typhus, sowie iiber die baeterio- logiscbe Diagnose der Cholera und ties Typhus. Wien. klin.Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 183-186.— IsayerffV.I.) Obira- muhitetie protiv choler'i. [On immunity to cholera.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1894, [i], 229; 293,1 chart. Also, transl..- Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xvi, 287-328.—Kanthack (A. A.) & We§- brook (F. F.) Report ou immunity against cholera; an expbiimental inquiry into the bearing on immunity of in- tracellular and metabolic bacterial poisons. Rep. Scient. Grants Com. Brit. M. Ass. 1891-3, Lond., 1894, ii, 164-171. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 510-513.—Kctclier (N. I.) O peredacbie novospriimchivosti k choler'Ie mo- lokom vaktsinirovannlkh koz. [Transfer of immunity to cholera by milk of immunized cows. ] Bolnitsch. uM- Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv, 553; 584; 614; 637; 6(11.---- Ob iskusstvennoi nevospriimchivosti k choler'Ie. [On artificial immunity to cholera. ] Ibid., 1894, v, 25; 59; 79.— Klenipcrer (G-.) Zur Kenntniss der natiirlichen Im- munitat gegen asiatische Cholera. Deutsche med. "Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894. xx, 435-437. [Discussion], Ver.-Beil., 25. Also : Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zn Berl., 1894-5, xiv, 8-18. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med.Wchn- sehr., 1894, xliv, 1469. -----. Untersuchungen iiber In- fection und Immunitiit hei tier asiatiscben Choleia, Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1894, xxv, 449-581, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — ITIechnikoiT (I. I.) Nevospriimchivost l vospriimchivost k cholere. |Immunity to and receptivity of cholera.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., M. Petersb., 1894, xxiv, sect. 4, 118-145. Als,,. transl.: Wieu. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1451-14.".—FfciMVr (R.) Wei- tere Untersuchungen iiber das Wesen der Choleraimmu- nitat und iiber speciflsch baktericide Processe. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 1-16-- Pfeiffer (R.) & Iseaeff. Ueber die specifische Ue- deutung der Choleraimmunitat. Ibid., xvii, 355-400. — Pfciffer (R.) Sc Kolle (W.) Weitere Untersuchuiijjen 65 CHOLERA. CHOLERA. Cholera (Immunity from). iiber die spezifisehe Immunitatsreaktion der Choleravi- brionen im Tierkdrper und Keagensglase. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx. 129-147.— Pfeiller (R.) & .Marx. Untersuchungen iiber die Bihlun^sstiitte derCholcraantikdrper. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl.. 1898, xxiv, 47. — Pfeiffer (R.) & Proskaucr IB.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der spezifisch wirksamen Korper im Blutserum vou cboleraimmuuen Tieren. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt,, Jena, 1896, xix, 191- 199. __ Pfeiffer (R.) Sc Wnssermnnn (A.) Un- teisuchnngeii iiber das Wesen tier Choleraimnmiiitiit. Ztschr. f. Hyg. n. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xiv, 46- 63.— Popoff (X. A.) O liechenii choler'i, vizvanuol u iuorskikh svinok, sivorotkol moloka vaktsinirovanuoi korovi i o dlelstvii pishtshevaritelnikh hrodil na inirnu- niziriiynshtsheye nacbalo etoi sivorotki. [On the treat- ment of cholera induced in guinea pigs by milk serum of an inoculated cow, and on the action of digestive fer- ments upon the immunizing principle of this serum.J Vrach, St. retersb., 1893, xiv, 1021; 1059. — Pulido y Fernandez (A.) Discurso sobre la inmunidad en el c61era. An. r. Acad, tie rued., Madrid, 1885-6, vi, 457- 496. Also: Siglo nit-d., Madrid. 1886, xxxiii, 386; 418; 435; 450. Also: Correo med. castellano, Salamanca, 1886, iii, 326; 341; 336; 374: 435; 451. — Sata (A.) Kolerani tai- snru intai menyeki siken. [Experiments in producing immunity for cholera.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu To- kyo. 1893, vii, no. 22, 38-44. — Savchenko (I. G.) Dobavlenie k statye: "Opit iniinuuizatsii chelovleka k choler'Ie." [Supplement to article: Experiment of im- munization of man to cholera.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv. 599-601.—Savchenko (I. G.) Sc Zabolotniy (D. K.) Opit iniinuuizatsii chelovleka protiv choler'i. [Ex- periment of immunization of man against cholera. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 572-575. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St, Petersb., 1893, xxxii, 338. — Sobernheim. Untersuchungen iiber die specifische Bedeutung der Choleraimmunitat. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1895, xx, 438^188.-----. Die Inimunisirung gegen den Vibrio der Cholera asiatica; zusaninienfassendes Referat. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1897, vii, 161; 235; 300; 344. — Taurelli Salimbeni (A.) Recherches sur l'immunite dans le cholera; pre- mier mdmoire sur l'agglutination. Ann. tie l'lnst. Pas- teur, Par.. 1897, xi, 277-286. — Voges (O.) Die Cholera- immunitat. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xix, 325; 395; 444. — Wasserniaun (A.) Un- tersnchungen iiber Immunitat gegen Cholera asiatica. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh.. Leipz., 1893, xiv, 35-45. Cholera (Immunity from) through occu- pations. See, also. Cholera (Treatment of) tcith copper. Burq (V.) Cholera, De l'immunite' acquise par les ouvriers en cuivre par rapport au cho- lera; enquetes faites a ce sujet en France et en Italic. Preservation et traitement par les armatures et les sels de cuivre; observations et experiences depuis 1849. 8:. Paris. 1867. Escalliek. Preservation du cholera asia- tique. De la vertu pre'servatrice dn cuivre, a propos du memoire de Burq. 2. 6d. 8°. Pa- ris, 1^54. Bert (P.) Sur l'immunite pour le cholera des ouvriers qui travaillent le mereure. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. 8., iv, 519. — Broca (A.) Sur la pr6teudue preservation des ouvriers en cuivre dans l'6pid6mie cho- lerique de 1884. Gaz. hebd. de rued., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 33-36.—Burq (V.) Documents compleuieutaires concer- nant la preservation cuprique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 812-814. -----. Ciseleurs en cuivre et horlogers; note rectiticative sur les preteudus dangers qu'offre la profes- sion deciseleur en cuivre, et sur lea nombreux cas de cho- lera qu'auraient offerts les horlogers cuivreux dans les fobriques du Doubs en 1654. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884,8. s..i,pt. 2,431-436.—Moricourt. Note sur la preservation des ouvriers en cuivre pendant l'6pid6mie cho- lerique de 1884; un mot sur la pr6tenilue immunit6 ties vi- uaiigeursetdes^goutiers. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 1131. Cholera (Legislation relating to). Sec Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). Cholera (Pathology of). See, also, Cholera (Bacteria of); Cholera; (Blood in); Cholera (Diagnosis, etc., of); Chol- era (Toxines of); Cholera (Urine in); Cholera in animals. Bruxetta (G. B.) Analisi chimica sui fluidi emeto-alvini emessi dai colerosi, suoi edotti e sue Cholera (Pathology of). indiutive couseguenze patologiche, colero-flebite che ptio chimarsi questa malattia e sua cura rationale. 8°. Pisa, 1B40. Cadet (S.) Intorno alcune forme di orgauici vedute in una membrana indocolerica qui in Roma nell' anno 18r>4. 4°. [Boma, 1868.] -----. The same. Secouda communica- zione. 4°. Boma, [n. d.]. Chapman (J.) Le chol6ra: Maladie du sys- teme nerveux. [With:] Exameus critiques de l'ouvrago du Dr. Chapman: Diarrhoea and chol- era, [etc.], 2. ed., 8°, Loudon, 1866. 8°. Paris, 1883. Chistovioh (F. I.) *0 patologo - anatomi- cheskikh izmieiieulyakk golovnovo mozga pri aziatskoi choler'Ie. [On the pathologo-aiiatom- ical changes in the brain in Asiatic cholera.] 6°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Also [Abstr.], in.- Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 612. Also, transl. in: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1896, cxliv, Suppl., 40-72, .1 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1895, n. F., xii, 273. Cockle (J.) Thoughts on#the present theo- ries of the algide stage of cholera. 8°. Lon- don, 1866. Endues (C.) Aphoristische Bemerkungen zur Pathologie der asiatiscben Brechruhr. 16°. Ulm, 1837. Giacomini (G.) Sulla condizione esseuziale del cholera-morbus. 2. ed. 8°. Padova, 1836. Hawthorne (G. S.) The true pathological nature of cboiera, and an infallible method of treating it, in a series of letters. 2. ed., en- larged. b°. London, 1848. Ierusalimski ( M. I. ) * K patologicheskoi anatomii potovikh zhelyoz pri aziatskoi cho- ler'Ie. [On the pathological anatomy of the sweat glands in Asiatic cholera.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1894. Also [Abstr.], in: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 69. Lizars (J.) Substance of the investigations regarding cholera asphyxia; with cases and dis- sections, communicated by Professor Delpech, and Dr. Coste, of Montpellier, and Dr. Loweu- hayn, of Moscow, during their residence in this country. To which are added, observations on the disease in Edinburgh and the neighbouring districts, with numerous cases and dissections. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, [1848]. Masselot (F.) Recherches anatomo-patholo- giques sur le eholera-niorbiis observe dans le service de cliuique me'dicale de L6vy. 8°. Pa- ris, [1849]. Pacini (F.) Del processo morboso del colera asiatico, del suo stadio di morte appareiite e della legge matematica da cui h regolato. 2. ed. 8°. Firenze, 1880. AUo, transl. in: Marseille med., 1880, xvii, 722: 1881, xviii, 12; 90; 165; 277; 476; 550; 593; 667; 720. -----. Nuove osservazioni microscopiche sul colera; memorie inedite raccolte e pubblicate per cura del dottor A. Bianchi. 8°. Bologna, 1885. Papileon (P.-H.) * Etude des lesions histo- logiqucs du foie et du rein daus le chol6ra. (£pid6mie de Beaujon, 1892.) 4C. Paris, 1893. Popoff (N. M.) Patologo-anatomicheskiya iz- mieneuiya tseutralnol nervnoi sistemi pri asiats- koT choler'Ie. [Pathologo - anatomical changes iu the central nervous svstem in Asiatic cholera.] 8°. Varshava, 1893. Rensi (G.) & Rensi (G.) Sulla condizione patologica del cholera morbus. 8°. Verona, 1856. CHOLEKA. 566 CHOLERA, Cliolera (Pathology of). Rumpel (T. ) Die Cholera asiatica nach frischen Prtiparaten mit bcigegebeneu mikro- sko])iscbeii Abbildungt^n und mit erlatitcrndem anatouiisch-klinischem Text. fol. Wandsbek- IJambttrg, [189:!]. Repr. from: Kast Sc Rumpel. Path.-anat. Tafeln . . . Hamb. Staatskrankenh., Hamb., 1893, with Buenos Aires added as place of publication. Scholl (H. YV. M.) * Chemisch-biologische Untersuchuugeu iiber toxische Eiweisskorper der Cholera und anderer Fiiuluissprozesse. 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. Silvestri ( C. ) Sul colera; osservazioni di medicina pratica e studii di anatomia patologica fatti nell' ospedale di Parma, 1' anno 1849. 8°. Parma, 1850. SteInhausen (J. M.) Analecta ad palholo- giam choleras Indicze. 4°. Bonna', 1831. Stomma (F. [K.]) *0 patologo - anatomi- cbeskikhizmieueniyakh v serdechnikh nervnikh uzlakh i plexus Solaris pri choler'ic. [Ou tbe pathologo-anatomical changes in the cardiac nerve ganglia and the solar plexus in cholera.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Tuvim (R. I.) * K voprosu ob izinieueniyakh spinnavo niozga i spiuno-mozgovlkh uzlov pri aziatskoi choleric. [On the changes in the B])inal cord and ccrebro-spiual bundles in Asi- atic cholera.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Amlral. Note sur la nature tlu liquide s6cr6te par la membrane muqueuse des intestins tlans le cholera. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1847, xxv, 229-232.—Kallmann (E. ) Zur Frajio der Aethersehwofelsaureausscheidung bei Cholerakrauken. Ztschr. f. pbysiol. Chem., Stiassb., 1892-3, xvii, 511.— Bccqiiciil (A.) Note sur quelques analyses du sang, des voniissements et des evacuations alvines ties choleriques. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 423. AUo: Bull. Soc. mGd. (1. hop. de Par. (1849-52), 1861, i, 17- 21.—Killings (F. S.) Some observations with reference to choleroi I alvino discharges. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 25K.—Klagovirshtshenski (N. A.) O vliyanii rozlii- stavo z-abolievaniya na techenle i iskbod aziatskoi choleri (kliniko-bakterioiogicheskiy etyud). [On the influence of erysipelas ou the course and termination of Asiatic cboiera (clinical and bacteriological study).] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii, 193-205.—Rotlit-foiitaicit-. Experiences pour servir a l'etude des proprietes physiologiques des dejections alvines de la dysenterie tlu cholera. Arch, de physiol. norm. et path., Par.,' 1886, 3. s., vii, 1-32.—Rose (F.-J.) Des pro- pri6t6s cholerigfenes ties liumeurs de malades atteints de cholera asiatiquo (contribution a l'etude de l'intoxication chol6rique). Aun. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1895, ix, 507- 516.—Rotliin (S. S.) K patologii choler'i. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 1001-1008.—Bouchard (C.) Observations cliniques ct recherches exx>erimentales sur le cholfera. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r. 1885, Par., 1886, xiv, pt. 2, 555-501. —Rurgnicres. Note sur l'6tat d'alcalinite de quelques liquides du corps humain dans le eholera-iuorbus. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1848, xxvii, 343-345. — Caro (L.) J. G. Saw- tschenko: Zur pathologischen Histologie der Cholera. [Rev.] Allg. metl. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1893, lxii, 1189-1191.— Oanforth (I. N.) Tho lesions of cholera; a report founded on two cases. Rep. Bd. Health Chicago (1871-3), 1874, 30-44. 1 pl. Also. Reprint. — Decroix (E.) Analo- gies entre le chol6ra et la peste bovine. Bull, et m6m. Soc. centr. do m6d. vet.. Par., 1870, 3. s., v, 224-237. Also Re- print. — Renys (J.) & Slnyts (C.) Dn mfecanisme des symptomes gastro-iutestinaux dans le cholera asiatique. Cellule, Lierre Sc Lonvain, 1894, x, 65-83.—Drpraz (C.) Sopra flue casi di colera seguiii da autossia, e da osserva- zioni teorico-pratiche sulla natura del morbo. e. sulla sua cura pin razionale. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino 1854, 2. s., xxi, 193-227.—Rey eke (G.) Ueber Leichenbe- lunde bei tier Cholera, insbesondero an den Beckenorganen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 159.— Royc-n (E.) Recherches anatomiques et experimentales sur le cholera epid6mique. Arch, de physiol. norm et path., Par., 18S5. 3. s., vi, 179-236, 3 pl.—Royere. Etudes sur la composition de l'air expir6 pai lis choleriques Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1849, xxviii, 636-638.— Rrasehe (A.) Ueber die Muskel-Contractionen an Cho- leraleichen. Allg. "Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi, 349; 357; 365. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl.. 8°, "Wien, 1893, 172-185. _____. Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten des Korpergewichtes bei der Cboiera. Allg. Wieu. med. Ztg., 1867, xii, 367 ■ 379 ■ 387. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien 1893 221- 239. — Fraenkel ( E.) Ueber Choleraleichenbefunde. lliolera (Pathology of). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., I.eipx u. Berl.. 1893, xix 157-159. — Fraenkel (E ) \-. *i Illinois tl* (M.)' jjiit Histologie der (Jholerauiere. Centralhl. I' klin. Med Leipz.. 18112. xiii. 1065-1067. — Fi-at-nkt-1 iK.). Niinmoiitla (M.) Sc Reycke (G.l Cliolera-Leiehenbefunde Jiihn, d. Hanili Staatskrankenanst. U-91-2. Hamb. u. Leiin 1894, iii. pt 2,153-178—Gairdner (W. T.I On thepatho' logical anatomv ol cholera. Month. J. M. Sc, Etlinb 1849, ix, 901-908. AUo, Reprint.—GrigoryelT (I). V.) K voprosu o patologo-anatoinioheskikh izsnleneniyakb orga- nov pri choler'Ie. [On the pathologo-anatomical ehniipi s of the organs iu cholera] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina St Petersb., 1894, v, 177; 215; 255; 282; 309; 344; 364; 388; 422— Gnyon. Quelques observations tendaut a 6tahlii■ l'iclt-n- tit6 du cholera avec des 6pizootiescoucomitantes. (oinpt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1866, lxii, 23-29.—Blngen-Tom (O.) O dieistvii cbolernavo yada na organizm chelovleka, na osnovanii klinicheskavo nablyudeniya i patologo-uniito- micheskoi kartini. [On the action of the poison of cholera upon the human organism, on the basis of clinical obser- vations aud pathologo-anatomical picture.] Soobsh. i pro- tok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (1892), 1893, x, 23-38.—Hnnol (V.) Sc Gilbert (A.) Note sur les alterations histologi- ques du foie dans le cholera a la periode algide. Arcli. i»h» (M.) [Report of an autopsy of a case of malignant chol- era. 1 Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1886, no. 414. 312-319- Oyarznn Navarro (A.) I. forme sobre contnbncion al estudio de la anatomia patoldjica del c61era afiatico. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1886-7, xv, 361-385.- CHOLEKA. 567 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Pathology of). Paternd (E.) Relazione sommaria intorno alle ricerche scientiticbe snl colera compiute nel laboratorio di chimica della re^ia Fniversita di Palermo, durante 1' ultima epide- mia. Ann. di chim. c di farm.. Alilano, 18H>, 4. s., iii, 80- s3— Pernice (B.) \ Nea;;lio*i (G.) Contributo alio studio ed alia patogenia delle alterazioni renali nel colera asiatico. Riforma nnd., Xapoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 194: 2i 7.— Picot. Des ltsions anatoniioues du cholera. Gaz. hebd. d. SC. med. de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 393; 404; 426; 438.— l>opo(T ( N. M.) Pathologisch-anatoniische Verande- rungen ties Centraliiorvensyscenis bei der asiatischen Cholera. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.), Berl, 1894, exxwi, 42-68, 1 pl.—Popper (J.) A cholerardl, kiildnos tekin- tettel a korboncztani vizsnalatra. [Cholera, with special regard to its patholo£ry.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1867, xi, 129; 145; 171; 1S5.—Poucel. Recherches sui la physio- logie pathologique du cholera. Marseille med., 1885, xxii, 156-177. — Poneliet ( G.) Sur les modifications qui se produisent dans la composition chimique tie ceitaines hu- meurs sous l'influence tlu chol6ra epidemique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, c, 220-222.—Report of the committee, consisting of Dr. Pye-Smith, Dr. Brunton (sec- retary), antl Mr. "West, appointed for the purpose of in- vestigating the nature of intestinal secretion. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Lond., 1874, 54: 1875, 339: 1876, 308. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxiii, 421: 1885, xxxiv, 96: 114. — Ribbert. Einige neuere Mittbeilungen iiber die pathologische Anatomie tier Cholera. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl. 1886, xii, 167. — Romanoff < F. I.) K patologicbeskol liistologiipecheni pri choler'Ie. [Patho- logical histolonv of liver in cholera.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 930.—Roy ((_\ §.), Brown (J. G.) &. Sher- rington (C. S.) Preliminary leport on the pathology of cholera asiatica (as observed in Spain, 1885). Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1886, xii, 173-181—Rinnpf Sc Fraenkel (E.) KlinischeiindpatholoKisch-f-natomiscbe Beitrage zur Choleraniere. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1893, Hi, 21-46, 1 pl.—Naumi I (S.) Ueber die Choleraintoxi- i atiou. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 576-580.—Sav- chenko 11 G.) K patologicheskol histolosii choler'i. Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1893, xiv, 569; 603. See, also, supra, Caro. — Schuster. TJeber die Choleraniere. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 643. — Sedg- wick (AV.) The chemical pathology of respiration in cholera. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1886, lxix, 385-405. AUo [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Cbir. Soc. Loud., 1885-6.n. s, . ii, 101-103. AUo [Abstr.]: Brit.M. J.,Lond., 1886,i,740. -----. Cholera and chemistry; or the influence of cliemistry on medical science, as illustrated bv cholera. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 18,-9, i, 172-174. — Sherrington (C. S.) Note on the anatomy of Asiatic cholera as exemplified in cases occurring in Italy in 18>G. Proc. Roy. Soc Lond., 1887, xiii, 474-477. — Simmonds. Cho'leraleichenbe- fnnde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 1173: 1199. AUo: "Wien. mid. Bl., 1893, xvi, 105; 121— Stiller (B.) A 16p viszonya a cholerahoz. [The re- lation of the spleen to cholera.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1893. xxxvii, 65-67. AUo, transl: Ungar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1893, ii, 98-103. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx. 181-184. — StraiiN (I.) Lemons sur l'anatomie pathologique du cholera. Pro- gres m6d., Par., 1884, xii, 981; 1025: 1885, 2. s., i. 19; 125; 267. Also, transl.: Rev. asturiana de cien. m6d., Oviedo,_ 1885. ii, 159; 181; 209; 219; 242; 254; 265.— Mzwajcer (J.) Przyczynek do anatomii patologicznej tyfiisu wysypkowego i cholery. [Contribution to patho- logical anatomy of exaothematic typhus antl cholera.] Medycyna, "Warszawa, 1893, xxi, 277-284. Also, transl: Prag. med. "Wchnschr., 1-95. xx, 213; 225. — von Terray (P.), Vast (B.) &Gara(G:j Stoffwecbselunteisuc Imogen bei Cholerakraiiken. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr.. 1893. xxx. 276.-309; 360. AUc [Abstr. J: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1833, xxix. 3:5-318.—Thomas. Refutation de I'opinion des medecins qui soutiennent que la puissance ahsorbaute de la peau et ties njiiquenses est 6teinte dans la p6riode algitle du cholera asiatique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xii, 145-117. — Tyson (J.) The morbid anatomy and diagnosis of cholera. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii, 344-348. —Uyemura (S) [Experiments for discovery of microbic geims in 22 cases of Asiatic cholera.] Tokyo-med. Wchnschr., 1896, no. 935, 8^1.(1—Van der Strieht. Modifications anatomiques et lesions anatomo-pathologiques du rein dans le cholera asiatique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s.. v, iiiO-'.ifi. -----. Identite des lesions r£nales dans lc cho- lera nostras ct dans lo cholera asiatique. Flandre med., Gand, 1894, i, 113-119. -----. L6sions anatomo-patholo- giques de la rate tlans le cholera asiatique et dans le cho- lera nostras. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1897, 4. s., xi, 39-49, 1 pl.— Vanderveld:-. Deux mots apropos du rein dans lecbol6ra experimental. J. dem6d., pjjir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1893, 473. —Wendt (E. C.) Ihe morbid anatoinv and pathological histology of chol- era. In: Treatise (A) on Asiatic cholera. 8°. N. Y., 267- ~l'J-- -fcalvaniituki (A. P.) K patolocii i patogenezu ''holer j. (Un the pathology and pathogenesis of cholera.] Protok. 1 trudi Obsh. Archangel, vrach., 1895, i, 63-81. 'Iiolei'.'l (Poems and cnriosities relatina to). Amy (J.-C.) Pocme sur le cholera-morons, ses progres, depuis les Imlcs jusqu'a Paris, an tort ile son intciisitc. *L. Paris, 1H3-J. DE Anino ( P.) Suite a la brochure, Le Gatt, lilante d'Arahic, specifiquc contre la peste-cho- 16ra. Phis do paroles, mais des actes coutre les lle'aiix indiens. Lc Sadowa liygienique et hunianitairc, [etc.]. 8°. Constantinople, 1868. Arznkivkbordnung gegeu tlie orientalische Cholera, angegclieii von einer Somnainbiile im niagnetischcn Schlafe; mit Vorbenierkniigeii be- gleitet, und herausgegeben von ihrem Arzte. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1KM. Bangssel (C.) Der Schuhniaehcr llaamauu iu llcubude und seine Wiindcrtropfcn wider die Cholera. Nachrichtcn fiir Jederniann und eiu Gcsnch an die Herren Aerzte in Danzig. 3 Hftc 2. Anfl. 8°. Danzig, 1831. Di Biase (G.) I vantaggi prodotti dal morbo colera e colcrina. Dialogo curioso e dilettevole fra D. Chisciottc della Mangia e ser Cecco Pa- chcsicco. 16°. Napoli, 1836. Cholera-morbus (II); commedia iu un atto. Traduzione dal tedesco. 12°. Modena, 1831. Cholerische (Die) Aster. Eine humoris- tischc Herbstbluine in ungebundenen Striiu- schen fiir Jeilennain. Der zwanglosen Hefte : Erstcs. 8°. Darmstadt, 1832. Daimer (G. F.) Ist die Cholera morbus eiu Straffgericht Gottes? Sendschreibeu an Herrn Plarrer Kindlerzu Niirnberg. 8°. Leipzig, 1832. Galaverna ( D.) Saturnein ovvero scene sul cholera del l*">r>, poemetto in vernacolo parmi- giano. 16°. Parma, 1857. Hochstwichtige Aufschliisse, class die Cho- lera morbus von den Jesuiten nach Europa ge- bracht, von ihnen geleitet und zu ihren Zwecken benutzt wird. Ans dem ganzen Gauge der Krankheit, wie er mit den wichtigsten politi- schen Ereignissen im genauen Zusammeiihange stent, und aus mehreren auderen auffallenden Griinden auf das Ueberzeugendstc dargethan und im Numen der leidenden Menschheit alien europaiscken Polizeibehorden driugendst ans Herz gelegt. 8°. Leipzig, 1832. Malerba (R.) La causa del colera poetica- mente riveleta. 8°. Boma, 1875. van Opdorp (J. H.) Onderzoekiugen over den aziatischen braakloop, bij eeuen persoon, die zich in den hoogsten graad der clairvoyance van het magnetisch somnambnlismus bevond. *■"■. Breda, 1832. Scott (J. W.) The cholera, God's scourge for the chastisement of the nations; a discourse delivered on the occasion of a fast observed in reference to the approach of the epidemic, Ox- ford, Ohio, August 1(5, 1*33. 8°. Oxford, 183 -. "Sexsuw Communis" [pseudon. ]. The chol- era, no judgment! The efficacy, philosophy, and practical tendency of the prayer by i lie Arch- bishop of Canterbury, ordered to be used during the prevalence of cholera, examined iu a letter addressed to the Eight Hon. the Earl of Carlisle. 8°. London, [1849]. Sturm (C.) Der sicherste Schutz vor Cliolera nnd die Absurditiit des Cholerapilzes. 12 . Berlin, 1884. Tejada y Espania (F.) Romance sobre el colera. 16. [Madrid, 1884.] Thomson (J.) A philosophical theory of an empiric proved practically; compared with doubtful science and known quackery as prac- ticed by the regular physicians during the prevalence of the cholera in this city. To which is added the opinions of the committees CHOLERA. 568 CHOLERA. Cholera (Poems and curiosities relating to). appointed by the assembly of this State in 1828, '29, and '30 to examine the author's practice. Also the opinions of several regular physicians in relation to the Thomsoniau system and the effects of the author's cholera medicine through- out the United States. 8J. Albany, 1833. Wie Dr. Schwarz ganz anders als Dr. Weiss von der Desinfection geredet hat und was ein gewisser Doctor Faust dazu meinte. Eine hygienische Humoreske. 12°. Augsburg, 1884, '-----. Thesame. 2. Anfl. 8°. Augsburg, 1884. Barthelcmr. Le Cholera-Morbus; petit poe>me de . . . public dans son journal intitule: La N6m6sis. Gaz. med. de I'm., 1831, ii. 303-307. Also, Reprint— dhine.xi- sche* (Kim Heilmittel gegen Cliolera betreffend. Cor.- Bl. d. iirztl. Ivreis- u.Bezirks-Ver. im Konigr. Sach., Leipz., 1894, lvi, 109. — Ilankin (E. H.) Bhowani, the cholera- goddess. Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 1896, xl, 543-558. Also: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1896, xxxvii, 410-426. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). See, also, Cholera (Prevention of, Public meas- ures for). [A. (F.)] Rimedii contro il cholera. Ricordi ad uso del popolo. 12°. Bergamo, 1867. Aanwijzing ter bewaring van de gezondheid, en ter voorbehoediug vau de aansteking van den Asiatiscben braakloop of cholera. 12°. Gravenhage, 1831. Axwijzing tot behoud der gezondheid, en voorbehoeding der besmetting, bij de vcrder doordringende cholera-epidemie. Uit het Hoog- duitsch, naar de nieuwe vermeerderde uitgave. 8°. Amsterdam, 1831. Acad1?:mie de mddecine. Instruction popu- laire sur les precautions a prendre contre le chole'ra-morbus, sur les premiers sigues de la maladie, et les premiers soins a douner aux per- sonnes qui en sout atteintes. 8°. Paris, 1849. Algemeen nuttige toelichtino; en raadgeving betreffende de cholera. 12°. Nijmegen, 1832. Anweisuxg zur Erhaltung tier Gesuudheit und Verhiituug der Ansteckuug bei etwa eintre- tender Cholera-Epidemie. Neue revidirte Ausg. f^°. Berlin, 1831. von Arztheim (V.) Beytriige zur Erkennt- niss des Wesens nnd tier Heilmethode der gegeu- wiirtig epidemisch herrschenden Brecbruhr und der Schutzmittel dagegen. Den Aerzteu zum Nachdeuken, dem Publikum zum Troste. 8°. Troppan, 1831. Atjstro-Hungary. K. k. Ministerium des In- ner n. Geiiieinverstaudliche Belehrnug iiberCho- leraundCliolcia-Massiiahmen. 16°. Wien, 1892. Avviso al popolo iutorno al cholera-morbus. 8~. Venezia, 1835. Bacchi (A.) II cholera. Ai medici ed al pub- blico. 16°. Bologna, 1884. Baumuartner (K. H.) Anleitung fiir Nicht- arzte zur Behandlung der Cholera, eine Darstel- lung eiuer neuen und eiufachen Heilmethode dieser Krankheit. 8°. Freiburg, 1832. Bayes (W.) Plain directions for the treat- ment of cholera and epidemic diarrhoea, and for their prevention. 3. ed. 8°. London, 18,84. -----. The same. Enlarged and improved ed. 8°. New York, 1866. Belluomini (F.) Sui mezzi preservativi e curativi del colera morbus avvertimente al po- polo. 2. cd. 12°. Firenze, 18.").") Benedettelli ( F. ) Suggerimenti igienici per tenersi loutaui dal cholera. 8°. Macerata, 1886. Benevknto (A. ) Cousigli ad uu amico sulla profilassi e cura del colera asiatico. 8°. Napoli 1894. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). Berezhonavo i Bog berezhot. (Nastavlyenie dlya selskavo lyuda o predokhranenii ot choler'i sostavleuo opituim i svyedushtshim avtoroiu' blizko znayushtshim dercvenskuyu zhizn, i odo- breno Meditsiuskim Sovyctom Ministorstva Vim- trenuikh Dyel.) [God helps those who help themselves. (Instructions for country people how to guard themselves against cholera ; writ- ten by one experienced and well informed, well acquainted with country life, and approved by the sanitary council of the ministry of the in- terior.)] 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1892.] Repr. from .- Pravit. vestuik, 1892. Betti (P.) Cenni sul modo di preservarsi dal cholera e per amministrare i primi e piu pronti soccorsi a chi ne cadesse malato. 16°. Firenze 1835. j Bianchi (A.) Istrnzione ad uso del popolo circa il regime di vita onde preservarsi dal colcta- morbo, i soccorsi da prestarsi a coloro che ne venissero attaccati ed il modo di assistcrli, com- pilata dietro la scorta delle migliori opere su di questo argomento. 8°. Milano e Venezia, 1835. BIelits-Heiman (S.) Chto takoye cholera, kak ot neya uberechsya i chiem yeyo llcchat. [What is cholera, how to guard one's self against it, and how it is treated.] 12°. Moskva, 1892. Bijdrage tot de meer algetneeue en uoodzake- lijke keunis der cholera, derzelver voorbehoeding en geneeswijze. 8°. Iiotterdam, 1831. Binder ( C. ) Die persoulichen und allge- meinen Schutzmassregeln gegen die Cliolera. 8°. Hermannstadt, 1884. [Bischoff (I. R.)] Kurze Belehrung iiber die Kennzeichen und Verhiitung der Cholera. Nebst Angabe der Behandlungsart bis zur An- kunft des Arztes; vou eiuem praktischen Arzte in Wien. 8°. Wien, 1831. Bleeker ( P. ) De cholera. Wenken voor alien. 2. druk. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1866. -----. The same. 5. druk. 8°. 's (Iraven- hage, 18(56. hage, 1866. hage, 1*66. The same. 7. druk, 's Graven- The same. 8. druk. 8°. 's Graren- The same. 9. druk. '» Graven- hage, 1*66. Blessich (T.) & Gallinaro. II colera; stu- dii e proposte a forma di dialogo in relazione all' igiene che interessa le famiglie, i comuni, le provincie e il governo. 8°. Napoli, 1888. Bolla (A.) Sul cholera-morbus asiatico. In- segnamento popolare, con nuovo metodo ed is- truzione per la cura e preservazione dal mici- diale morbo. 8°. Torino, [1854?]. Bologna (Province of). Popolare istruzione intorno al colera. 8C. Bologna, 1835. Bonjean (J.) Le cholera et les affections nerveuses de l'estomac et des iutestins. Instruc- tions populaires. 12°. Chambery, 1890. Borchardt (I. S.) Der erste Schritt der Selbstrettung aus der Gefahr der Cholera und die Nanien der drei Arten derselben, basirt auf die Grundlehren der Therapeuten der Acssiicr, nebst Weg zur Hemmung der Cholera-Sterhe- falle. 80. Berlin, [1848]. Bousquet [J.-B.-E.] Lettre d'un m6decin a uu magistral, sur le cholera-morbus. Conscils aux gens du monde. 8°. Paris, 1831. Bowex (J. G.) Cholera; its preventive and curative treatment, simplified for domestic use. 4°. [New Orleans], 1*85. van der Breggen (F.) Wenken voor het uiet-geuecskuudig pnbliek, met opzigt tot de CHOLERA. 569 CHOLERA. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). cholera. Beuevens eene aanwijzing, wat het- zelve tot onderhouding der gezondheit, en tot voorkomiug dezer ziekte (wanneer zij zich ver- toonen inogt) kan in het werk stellen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1831. Bruno (G.) II colera alia portata di tutti e suo metodo curativo. 2. ed. 8G. Napoli, 1855. Bulatoef (P. N.) Kak uberechsya ot cho- ler'i ? [ How to guard one's self against cholera. ] 16°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Bureaud - Riofrey (A.-M.) Conseils aux gens du moude. Du cholera, des moyeus pre"ser- vutifs et curatifs. Nouv. 6d., annotee par H. Bureaud-Riofrey fils. 12c. Paris, 1865. [Calderini (C. A.)] Precetti salutari onde essere preservati dal cholera-morbus, esposti colla scorta delle opere di Scot, Kloster, Bischof, Magendie, Sophianopoulo, Keraudreu, Trompeo e De-Rolandis, Tommasini, Broussais, Rnsca, Ber- res, Weiland, ecc.; dei rapporti delle commis- sione mediche di Loinbardia, di Venezia, di Francia, di Piemonte, mandate ne' paesi affetti del cholera; dalle varie istruzioni ecc, ed adat- tavi alia maniera di vivere de' Veneti. 8°. Verona, 1^35. California. State Board of Health. Prevent- able diseases circulars. Facts for the people concerning cholera. 8°. Sacramento, 1885. -----. Circular No. 4. Preventive disease series. Restriction and prevention of cholera. 8°. [Sacramento, 1894.] -----. Cholera tract No. 1. 8°. [Sacra- mento, n. d. ] Call y Morros (J.) No temais al colera : estudio me'dico-social. 16°. Madrid, 1890. da Camara Sinvae (J. G. L.) Guia para direccao de todos; mas principalmente dos habi- tantes das aldeias, no tratamento caseiro da cholera-morbo epidemica, em quanto nao chega facultative 8°. Porto, 1848. Cantani(A.) Istruzioni popolari concernenti il cholera asiatico. 2. ed. 12°. Napoli, 1884. Caputi (G.) Istruzioni popolari sul cholera. 16°. Napoli, 1884. Caracciolo (G.) Sul colera morbus. Let- ture popolari. 8°. Messina, 1872. de Carvalho (J. L.) Algumas nocoes in- struct! vas sobre a higiene individual com res- peito aos futuros ameacos do colera-morbo. 8C. Lisboa, 1848. Casilli (N. D.) Istruzioni sommarie sul co- lera asiatico dirette ai suoi alunni. 2. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1865. Chabassu [A. A.] Traitement rationuel et curatif du cholera dans l'immense majority des cas. 8°. Paris, 1882. Cherepnin (N. P.) Besieda vracha o cho- ler'Ie. [A physician's talk on cholera.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1892. Cholera. Advice to patients and families in relation to the roles to be observed during the prevalence of cholera, with short directions for the treatment of the precursory symptoms and early stages of the disease, before the arrival of a homoeopathic physician, fol. [Philadelphia, n. d.] Cholera (II). Brevi osservazioni populari e consigli. 32°. Modena, 1884. Cholera (De) geene besmettelijke ziekte. Een bemoedigend volkswoord. 8°. Niimeaen, 1831. Cholera. Wie schtitzt man sich davor? Wie bekampft man sie? Die von Einzelnen zu be- achteuden Gesundheitsvorschriften. sm. 4°. Bern, [n. d.]. Iholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). Cholera morbus. Friendly and serious hints to the poor on the expected approach of the plague, called the cholera morbus, to this coun- try. 8G. [Derby, n. d.] Choleralarm (Der) in Europa 1884. Ein Wort an Jederinanu aus Wissenschaft und Er- fahrung. Historisch-hygieinische Studie iiber die Cliolera, ihre 7erhiitung und Heilung. Un- ter kritischer Wiirdignng der neuesten Untersu- chungen von Koch, Pettenkofer, Wigand u. A.,von einem erfahreneu Arzte. 12°. Hannover, 1884. Cioccari (C.) Tra le minaccie del colera; quattro parole a tempo dirette a tutti che inten- dono preservarseue, con comnienti al regolamento igienico per la citta di Napoli pubblicato ai primi di luglio 1873. 8°. Najwli, 1873. Codorniu (M.) Aviso preventivo contra el c61era epidemico, 6 sea consejos ii los pueblos y £ los me'dicos para evitar los estragos de esta enfermedad, dedicado ii los profesores de medi- cina de Madrid. 8°. Madrid, 1849. Cohnstein (AV.) Trost und Beruhigungs- griinde fiir die durch das Herannahen der Cho- lera aufgeschreckten Gemiither, nebst Angabe aller gegen diese Krankheit bisher empfohlenen Schutzmittel. 8°. Glogau $• Lissa, 1831. Concato (L.) Sul cholera; parole al popolo. 8°. Bologna, 1865. Consigli al popolo per preservarsi dal colera. 2. ed. 8°. Firenze, 1886. Cortezo (C. M.) Estudio acerca del c61era morbo asiatico, seguido de algunas instrucciones familiares relativas a", su preservacion. 8°. Ma- drid, 1884. Cosimo ( E. ) Cura preservativa facile ed economica contro il colera. Poche parole. 8°. Firenze, 1884. Courhaut (J.-F.) Cholera morbus. Objec- tions importantes pour l'humanite' et la science me'dicale contre les indications pr^servatrices et curatives inscrites dans les journanx, prescrites dans les ouvrages et publiees par ordre du gou- vernement. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Crimotel. Instructions sur le traitement preventif et curatif du cholera mises a la portee de tout le monde. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. -----. Traitement du cholera et moyens de s'en pr6server mis a la portee de tout le monde. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Dallmer. Schutz gegen die Choleraepide- mie. 8°. Miinchen, 1884. De Gi6rgi ( C.) Memoranda auticholerica. Consigli al popolo leccese contro 1' invasione del colera. 2. ed. 8°. Lecce, 1881. Departement de la Seine. Commission cen- trale de salubrity. Instruction popnlaire sur les priucipaux moyens a employer pour se garantir du chole'ra-morbus, et sur la conduite a tenir lorsque cette [maladie] se declare. 8°. [Paris, 1831(1).] Dietz (G.) I mezzi pihofneaci e sicuri a pre- servarsi e curarsi dal cholera. Memoria adat- ta alia intelligenza comune. 8°. Boma, 18:17. Dixon (S.) The cholera, and how to cure it. 12°. London, [1847]. Dujac (X.) Instruction sanitaire contre les ravages du cliole'ra asiatique, et sur l'utilit6 des chlorures disinfectants pour en arreter ou prd- venir l'extension. 8°. Toulouse, 1832. Eichwald (E. E.) Chto dielat v ozhidanii choler'l i pri pervom yeya poyavlenii ? [What shall we do in expectation of cholera and at its appearance?] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1886. Also, in: Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, iv, 29-33. P^nnemoser (J.) Was ist die Cholera und wie kaun man sich vor ihr am sichersten ver- CHOLEKA. 570 CHOLERA. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). wahren ? Xclist Angabe der bewiihrtesteii Hei- lung derselben. 8-. Pottsrille, Pa., 1**9. Escobedo (C. P.) Metodo clam y seucillo para la precaiicion y curacion de la epidemia del cholera-morbus, arreglado :i las circunstan- cias del pais. 8°. Mexico, 1833. Falger (F.) Die sichere Verhiituug der Cholera-Ansteekung. Eine popnlare Belehrung iiber zuverliissige neue Desinfections-Vei'fakreu. 8°. Miinster, 1865. VON Favrat (F.) Die Cholera. Heilung der- selben outer Anwendung von einfacheu Volks- heilmitteln. Ein Noth- und Hulfsbuch fiir Je- derinanu. Nach Erfahrungen und Studien. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1884. Fayrer (J.) On the origin, habits, and diffu- sion of cholera, and what may be done to pre- vent or arrest its progress, and to mitigate its ravages. A lecture addressed to the Young Men's Christian Association, at Exeter Hall, 2d March, 1886. 8°. London, 1886. Fexnings (J.) The new and only successful treatment of cholera, with hints to medical men, and instructions to every family. 8 \ London, [1-4-]. Fenoglio (G. C.) Avviso al popolo sul nn- glior modo di curare il cholera morbus, con alcune savie avvertenze per preservarscne rica- vato dull' esperienza dc' pin gran medici di Russia, Vienna, e Galizia, ecc. 8--. Torino, 1835. Fekrakio (G.) Avvertimento al popolo sui mezzi sicuri di distruggere i contagi; nozioni o eura tlel cholera-morbus e metodo di vita per possibilinente preservarsene. 8°. Milano, 1831. -----. Istruzione al popolo per curarsi dal cholera asiatico. 2. ed. 8. [Milano, 1854.] Fekheira (J.) Instruccoes populares acerca da cholera morbo, on conselhos ao povo, sobre o que deve fiizer, para se defender desta epidemia ; e quando algnem for accommettido della, como se deve tratar, ate que chegue facultivo. 16°. Porto, 1*4*. -----. The same. 2. ed. 16°. Porto, 1848. Finkklstein (L. O.) MTerl lichnoi be/.opas- nosti pri choler'Ie. [Measures for personal safety in cholera.] 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Fitzgerald (A.) A few valuable hints for the prevention of cliolera, founded ou personal experience, with celebrated Indian prescription by which many thousands of lives have been saved. 8°. London, 1**1. Five minutes common sense about the Asiatic cholera ; or short and plain rules for the preven- tion, management, and treatment of the early symptoms of that disease. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1848. da Fonseca Bexevides (I. A.) Manual de instruccoes preservatives c enrativas da cholera- morbus epidemica, espasniodica, asiatica, pesti- lencial, etc.; para uso de todas as autboridades de qualquer classe, dos facultativos em geral, e do povo em particular; em que se ensiinio os meios de evitar esta epidemia, e de subministrar os primeiros soccorros medicos; cstrahido e re- digido dos documentos offieiaes publieados pelos governos russiano, prussiano, austriaco, fran- cez e iuglez, e de muitas ohras sobre a ch61era- morbus, e adaptado do nossas localidades. 12°. Lisbon, 1*32. Fossati (A.) Mezzi a preservarsi con facilita dal cholera e da malattie congeneri. proposti e spiegati al popolo. 12J. Ivrea, 1854. Frank (X.) Alle vorzt'iglichst tiffentlich ge- prieseneu Mittel gegen die Cholera, gesammelt und herausgegeben zum Gebrauch fiir Jeder- mann. 8J. Leipzig, 1831. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). Galaxiv 6l>. Tamil text. Griesinger (W.), vox Pettenkofer (M.) & Wundeklicii (C. A.) Cholcra-Kcgiilativ. Den Sanitatsbehorden, den Aerzteii und den Puhli- ktnu. vorgelegt. 8°. Miinchen, lr66. -----■ ----- -----. Cholera - liiaatregelcn aan de regeringen, th; geneeskiiudigeu en het volk. In bet Nederduitsch overgebracht door W. C. Gori. 8-. Utrecht, )*66. [Grimelli.] Avvertimento popolare intorno al cbolera-morbiis. 16°. Modena, 1855. Guilbert (A.-M.-D.) Moyens prcservatifs contre le cholera-morbus, suivis d'une methode simple pour soigner le cholerique en attendant le ni6deciii, pretties d'une definition de cette maladie 6claire'e par les observations incteoro- logiques faites a Paris en 183-,>, et contituiees par celles de 1849. 8~. Paris, 1*19. -----. The same. 2. 6(1. 8~. Paris, 1854. [Guisax & Pehret.] Instruction populaire sur le chol6ra asiatique. Imprime aux fra is <1« gouveruemeiit. 2. dd. 8°. Lausanne, 1831. Hartmann (C.) In dieses Hans komiiit kcitie Cholera! Schutz gegen die Cholera. Auf viel- jahrige erprobte Erfahrungen gestiitz und mit Benutzung der neuesten Forsnchungen bearbei- tet. 16°. Wien. 1*19. Hensciien (S. E.) Koleran, skildrad for lard och oliinl. [Cholera, described for the learned and the layman.] 12. Stockholm. [1894]. Hkrtzenstein (G. M.) Chto takoye cholera i kak predokhranit sebya at neya? S. prilozlic- uiem nastavleuiy Meditsiusk. Sovieta i dr. [What is cholera, and how to guard one's selt against it ? To which are added the instructions of the medical council, etc.] 16c. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Hofmann (J. A. ) Uuterricht fur alle lhe- jenigeu, welche sich der Abwartuug und Pflege CHOLEKA. 571 CHOLERA. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). Cholerakranker unterziehen, oder dieselben be- au fsichtigen wollen, fiir Wiirter, Aerzte, Land- liml Statltbcwohntr. 12°. Leipzig, 1832. Hohnbaum (C.) Hausmittcl zur Veihiitung uud Behandlung tier Cholera, Ini Auftrag des Vcrwaltnngs-Senats der H. S. Meiningischen Landes-Regiernng zum Druck befordert. 8°. Bildburghansen. 1*31. Holmstex(V) Cholera; predokhranitelnlya niierl protiv choler'i domakh i v semyakli. S predisloviem N. F. Zdekauera. [Cholera; pre- ventive measures in houses aud families. With preface by N. F. Zdekauer.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1890. HOW to escape the cholera. Precautions against cholera. 18°. London, [1884]. "Huuert (V.) Aziatskaya cholera, yeya proi- Bkhozhdenie, prizuaki, oklirana ot neya ob- shtsliestvennaya i lichnaya, tlomashneye lyeche- nie i ohezzarazhivanie. Sostavil po poruchen'iu Kazanskoi Gubernskoi Zemskoi Upravi. [Asiat ic cholera, its origin, symptoms, public and private prophylactic measures against it, domestic treat- ment, and disinfection. Prepared by order of the zemstvo of Kazan Government.] 8-. Kazan, 1893. IaTRIKA TTapayyD.para kv ttatpu ^oMpag. 8^. •Aftijeai, 1892. Transl. from : " Reichsauzeiger ". Instruction populaire sur les precautions ii prendre contre le cholera-morbus sur les pre- miers signes de la maladie et les premiers soins a doniier aux personnes qui en sont atteintes. *■-. Paris, 1869. Instructions relatives au chole'ra-morbus. -i-. [Paris, h. d.] Instructions sanitaires sur les moyens pre"- servatifs du cholera-morbus. ReMigees par le comit6 cousultatif d'hygiene publique de France, le conseil d'hygiene publique et de sa- lubrite' de la Seine, et l'Acadernie de meMecine. 8-'. Paris, 1884. Intorno al cholera-morbus, prima istruzione popolare del supremo magistrato di salute. 8°. Napoli, 1-49. Istruzione popolare. Mezzi per preservarsi dal colera. 83. [n.p., n. d.] Istruzione popolari di preservazione dal colera disensse ed approvato dal comitato me- dico napolitauo nella tornata del 14 agosto 1865. 8'J. Napoli, 1865. Istruzione popolare sui principali mezzi da impiegarsi per guarentirsi dal cholera-morbus e sulle regole da seguirsi-allorche qucsto morbo si manifesta. 16°. -Genova, 1832. Istruzioni per gl' infermieri e per gli altri individui che si debbono prestare. all' assistenza dei;li anmialati di cholera. *°. Venezia, 1855. Istruzioni sul modo di contenersi per pre- servarsi dal cholera asiatico. fol. [n.p., n.d.] Jenken (F.) Treatment of the cholera in its first stages in cases where medical advice can not immediately be procured. 18 . [London, 1832.] Katai (G.) Was miissen wir thun um die Calamitat der Cliolera zu mildern ? - . Pest, 1866. Kiehl (W. F. P.) Aanwijzing om aan cholera- zieken eenedadelijke en doelmatige hulp te ver- leenen. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1831. Klett ( G.) Fassliche Bclchrung fiber die epidemische ostindische Brecbruhr oder Cho- lera, fur Nichtiirzte. 16°. Ileilbronu, 1831. Kort underriittel.se for allniiiiiheten om cliole- ran, dess tdrckommande, igenkannande och be- handling, till dess liikare-hjelp kan crlnillas. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). [JSliort advice to mankind on cholera, its pre- vention, symptoms, and treatment until arrival of physician.] 12u. Helsingfors, 1848. Kreid.mann. Ursache, Vorbeugung uud Be- kampfung der Cholera. Fiir das gebildete Pu- bliknm bearbeitet. 8°. Hamburg, 1893. Kreysig (F. L.) Versuch einer leichtfass- lichen nnd ausfiihrlichen Belehrung iiber die rechten Mittel, durch welche ein Jeder die Cho- lera von sich moistens abweuden, oder auch grosstentheils sdbst beileu konne, fiir den Bur- ger und Landniann, zunachst fur nieine lichen Landsleute. 8°. Dresden, 1831. La Loggia (G.) Catechismo o istruzioni po- polari snl colera morbus. 8 . Firenze, 1867. de Lima Leitao (A.-J.) Breve aviso ao povo a'cerca do tratamento da doeuca epidemico que gras-a na Europa com o nonie de colera-niorbus asiatico. 8 . Lisboa, 1833. Longo (P.) Conferenze popolari sul colera dedicate a lutti coloro che nel 1885 i colerosi sici- liani soccorsero. 12°. Mortara, 1886. Loweniiardt ( S. E. ) Anweisung zur Ver- hiituug der asiatiscben Cholera, nebst Verhal- tungsregeln bei deren Ausbruch bis zur Ankttnft des Arztes. 8°. Prenzlau, 1831. [Lukyanovski (E. G.)] Sanitarniya besiedi s obrazovannlm chitatelem. Besieda pervaya: cholera. Opit pryamavo otvieta na vopros: chto dielayctsya s cbeloviekom, kogda o:i zabo- lievayet clioler'oi, gdle gniezditsya v nioni eta boliezn. [Sanitary talks with the educated reader. First talk: Cholera, Attempt at a di- rect answer on the question: What takes place in a man when he is suffering from cholera; where does this disease find refuge in him"?] '*'->. Moskva, 1*85. -------. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Moskva, 1893. M'Cormac (H.) Directions for the manage- ment of cholera in the absence of medical ad- vice. 12 '■-. Belfast, 1848. ______. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Belfast, 1849. Mantegazza (P.) Codice igienico popolare contro il cobra, con not.e scientiliche. 24°, Firenze, 1884. Martini & Berruti. Instruzioni sanifarie sul cholera-morbus. 18°. Firenze, 1835. Massimi (V.) 11 medico di se stesso nella cura del colera. 16°. Livomo, 1884. Mastrigli (L.) II cholera non desolerebbe 1' Italia se gl' Italiani conlidassero in loro stessi. 8°. Roma, 1884. [Matt6li (A.)] Cenni curati vi did cboiera per servir tli norma agli assistenti. Principes curatifs du cholera pour servir de regie- aux in- firmiers. 8°. [Foligno, 18-4.] Mauleox. Instrucciones sobre cl c61era morbo asiatico. *r. [Madrid, n. d.] Medicixtsciie Bticke von Aerzteu welche sich fiir infallible Heiren iiber Leben und Tod halten in der Cholera gescbossen. 4°. Bocksdorf u. Schnssbach, [1832?]. Mexico. Medidas preservativas del c61era asiatico que se ban de poner en priitica en la Repiiblica Mexicana. 12°. [Mexico, 1887.] Milan. Istruzione popolare sul colera dettati dalla commissione municipale straordinaria di sanita di Milano. 16°. Milano, 1886, Mises. De cholera verdedigd. Naar bet Hoo»duitsch. 8°. Amsterdam, 1833. Molesciiott (J.) Rath und Trost fiir Cholera- zeiten. Insl.esondere den Hausviitern gewidmet. 12°. Giessen, 1866. CHOLEKA, 572 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). -----. The same. Consigli e conforti nei tempi di colera diretti alle singole persone ed in ispecic ai padri di famiglia. 3. ed. 12°. Torino. 1**1. Molleson (I. I.) Derebenskiya besiedy o cholero. [ Rural conversations ou cholera. ] 12°. Saratoff, 1892. Montefusco (A.) Consigli pratici contro il cholera. 8°. Napoli, 1885. Monti (G.) Istruzioni contro il colera. 12°. [Fermo, 1884.] de la Mora (A. G.) Breve resrimen de las principales ideas hoy predominantes sobre el cdlera asiatico; causas de su desarrollo y medidas higienicas, profilacticas y terapeiiticas para evi- tar su propagacion, o guia de las familias ante la invasion del c61era [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1*84. Morelli (L.) Istruzioni al popolo sul modo di vivere e diportarsi ih caso d' invasione colerica; sperimenti e studi. 8°. Calianissetta, 1884. Morovaya boliezn cholera i kak uberechsya ot neya. Nastavlenie dlya prostavo naroda. [The plague of cholera and how to guard oneself against it. Instruction for the common people.] 8°. Kazan. 1885. Mougeot de l'Aube. Nouvelles instructions pour se preserver du cholera. 12°. Paris, 1883. Muller (S.) ZeitgemasseMittheilnngeu be- ziiglich der Cholera-Epidemie in tleuen nebst belehrenden und beruhigenden Erorterungen folgende, die hohe Regierung, die Gemeinden und jeden Einzelnen sehr nab beriihrenden Fra- gen beantwortet werden, als: 1. Ob die Cholera ansteckend sei ? 2. Ob und wie man deu Aus- bruch und die Verbreitung dieser furchtbaren Epidemie verhutenkonne? 3. Ob die bisherigen Massregeln, als: Contumaz-Hiiuser, Grenz-Cor- dons, etc., zweckmassig seien? In popularem Style auch fiir Laien geschrieben. 8°. Pest, 1872. Murrf:ll (W.) First aid in cholera. Hang- ing card. London, [1893]. Nagel (C. F.) Nachricht an das Publikum iiber die zweckmassigsten Verhaltuugsmaassre- gelu bei einer etwanigeu Erscheiuung der mor- geulaudischen Brecbruhr (Cholera morbus). Auf Befehl des Herrn Geheime-Conferenzraths und Oberprasidenten Grafen von Bliicher-Altona cntworfeu. 2. uuveranderter Abdruck. 8°. Altona, 1831. Namias (G.) & Tommasi-Crudeli.(C.) Cosa si pub fare in tempo di colera? Tre conferenze. 8°. Milano, 1884. Nastavlenie o mierakk lichnavo predokhra- neniya ot choler'i. [Instructions about per- sonal prophylactic measures against cholera.] 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1892.] Repr. from: Pravit. vestnik, 1892. National Health Society. How to prevent and oppose the cholera. Plain instructions for heads of families and others, issued by the . . . 12°. [London, 1*84.] Ne tak strashna cholera, kak mnog'ie dumayut. [Cholera is not as dreadful as many people think.] 12°. Kazan, 1-92. Xew York. State Board of Health. Memo- randum concerning cholera. 8°. [Albany, 1884. J Nikolski (D. P. ) Nastavleniya dlya pre- dokhraneuiya ot choler'l i prinyatiya mier v sluchaye zabolievaniya. [Instructions how to prevent cholera and what measures to take iu case of sickness. ] 16°. S.-Peterbrirg, 1892. Nivinski (E. I.) Vrach, publika, pechat, cholera. [The physician, public, press, cholera.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1885. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relatiug to). Xoctoni.s, preceptos y medios que deben co- nocer las familias para prevenir el desarrollo del cdlera morbo asiaiico y combatir sus priincios sintomas eu el caso aiin no probable de que iuvada nuestro territorio. Aprobadas por la Junta municipal de sanidad de Madrid en scsion de 1° de agosto de 1884, y publicadas por acuerdo del excmo. aytmtamiento de 6 del citado nies 16°. Madrid, 18*4. d'Oliveira Gueifao (A.) Avisos intercssan- tes para preservar da doenca epidemica cholera- morbus indiana e de outras mais que possam gracar neste reino, como j£ gracou e para cada um se acautelar, e poder livrar d'aquelles, que empiricamente matam dcseiando curar, para ganhar s6mente. 8°. Lisboa, 1848. Ollenroth (J. C. F.) Instruktion zur Er- kenntniss, zur Vorbeugung des Ausbruchs uud zur Heilung der asiatiscben Cholera, wenn ein Arzt entweder gar nicht, oder nicht schnell geuug zu erlangen sein sollte. Zeitgeiniisse Aensserungen fiir meine Mitbiirger. 5. Aufl. 8°. Bromberg, 1847. Orsi (G.) Preserviamoci dal colera. Ani- nioninienti. 12°. Ancoua, 18^4. Ovilo Y Canales (F.) Instrucciones popu- lares contra el colera morbo asiatico. 8°. Ma- drid, 1884. Ozeroff [S. G.] Nastavleniya: 1) K upotre- bleniyu obezvrezhivayushtshikh (obezzarazhi- vaynshtshikh, dezinfektsionnlkh) srcdstv pri poyavlenii cholerl i drugikh zaraznikh bolleznei i soviet! po ukhodu za bolnimi; sostavleno . . . 2) Popechitelyain pri poyavlenii choler'l, sostav- leno [M. S.] Uvarovlm. Odobreni iv syezdotn zemskikh vrachel Tulskoi gubernii. [Instruc- tions: 1. On the use of disinfectants at the appearance of cholera and other infective dis- eases, and advice on attendance of the sick; compiled by . . . 2. To supervisors on the ap- pearance of cholera, compiled by Uvaroff. Ap- proved by tbe fourth congress of the physicians of the Tula government zemstvo.] 8°. Tula, 1885. Paris. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salu- brite. Instruction sur les precautious a pren- dre concernant le choleia, Approuve le 27 juil- let 18-3. fol. [Paris, 1883.] Pepper (W.) Precautions suggested in the event of the existence of cholera as an epidemic. 12°. Philadelphia, 1885. Peres (J.) Breves consideracoes e conselhos praticos sobre a cholera-morbo asiatica, Aonde se expoe nao s6 os preceitos que devem guiar o facultativo no tratamento da cholera-morbo epidemica, senao tambem as precancoes, (pie cada iudividuo deve tomar para nao ser atacado, della; e o que deve fazer, seudo atacado, at6 que cheque o facultativo. 16'-. Porto, 1848. Perlis (V.) Chto takoye cholera, i kak obe- regat subya ot neya. [What is cholera, aud how to guard one's self against it.] 12°. Kiev, 1885. Pfeufer ( K. ) Zum Schutze wider die Cho- lera. 8~. Heidelberg, 1849. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8C. Heidelberg, 1854. -----. Thesame. Conseils pour se preserver du choleia. Trad, de rallemand par le dr. F.-J. Herrgott. 8-. [■«. p.], 1849. _____. The same. Wenken omtrent de te volo-en levenswijze bij bet heerschen der cho- lera! Voor onzeu landaard bewerkt, en met aanteekeningen voorzien door A. M. Ballot. 2. druk. 8°. Botterdam, 1853. CHOLEKA. 573 CHOLEEA. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). _____The same. Avvertimento per pre- servarsi dal cholera. Trad, dal dott. Erhardt. 8-. Firenze, 1854. _____. The same. 3. druk. 8°. Botterdam, 1853. Philippson (P.) Anweisung zur Erkennt- niss. Verhiituug und thiitigen Hiilfsleistung in Betretf der asiatiscben Cholera fiir Prediger, Schullehrer, Anitleute und Dorf-Vorsteher. 8°. Magdeburg, 1831. Philo-Medicus [speudon.]. A non-medical es- say on spasmodic cholera, 12c. London, 1851. de-Pietra-Leone (E.) Trattato pratico sul cholera, lavoro utile a tutti. 12°. Palermo, 1870. Pistelh (E.) Di alcuni mezzi da adoprarsi per evitare il colera. Parole al popolo. 12°. Camajore, 1884. Pitet (P.) Notice sur les premiers soins a donner aux malades atteints du cliole'ra epide"- niique. 8C. Paris, 1871. Pittaluga(E.) II colera. Consigli agli ope- raj. 8-'. [Genova, 1887 ?] Podrecca (G. L.) Avvertimenti per preser- varsi dal colera. 8-. Padova, 1865. Primavera (G.) Origine e profilassi domes- tical del colera asiatico, eposte in forma popolare. 8°. Napoli, 1885. Raadgevlngen aan de ingezetenen van Suri- name, omtrent hunnen leefregel en de hulpmid- delen bij het ontstaan der cholera. Uitgegeven met voorkennis van de commissie van geneesk. onderzoek en toevoorzigt. 8°. Paramaribo, 1857. Raadgevingen aan iedereen betrekkelijke de cholera. Uitgegeven door den geneeskuudigen raad voor Overijssel en Drenthe. 8°. Ztcolle, 1871. Ramello. Colera. Cio che devono le auto- rita comunali, cio che deve fare l'individuo per prevenirlo e combatterlo. Cenni pratici. 8C. Torino, 1884. -----. La protezione di se stesso contro il colera. Cenni popolari senza note scientifiche e senz' ombra di pretensioue. 8°. Torino, 1884. Rapchevski (I. F.) Ob aziyatskoi choler'Ie. Dvie nauchno-populyarniya lektsii. [On Asi- atic cholera. Two popular scientific lectures.] 8:. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Easkina (Maria A.) Kak predokhranit sebya ot zabolievaniya choler'oyu. [How to guard one's self against cholera.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Real sociedade humanitaria. Cholera-mor- bus. fol. [Porto, 1834.] Regolamento per l'espurgo delle case de' co- lerici e mezzi di precauzione per coloro che co' medesimi hanno contatto. 8°. Napoli, 1836. de Rina[l]dis (B.) Consigli al popolo per preservarsi e curars i dal colera asiatico col me- todo omiopatico. 8°. Napoli, 1873. Roberts (0. O.) A few plain practical hints on cholera; its causes, prevention, and treat- ment, 12°. London, 1848. Rome. Istruzioni pratiche del consiglio su- periore di sanita snl colera. 8°. Bavenna, 1886. Romerio (B. L.) Idee snl cholera morbus, sue cause e sintomi, metodo di cura, e mezzi di preservazionc snggerite dalla pratica ed espe- rienza dei piu celebri medici e messi in iscritto per norma del pubblico. 8°. Napoli, 1884. Rusca (E.) Istruzione intorno al regime di vita onde preservarsi dall' epidemia emeto-ca- tartica. 12°. Milano, 1832. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). Saint Petersburg. City Sanitary Commis- sion. Predokhranitelniya mieri ot choler'l. Iz- danie .. . dlyaobivatelel g. S.-Peterburga, [Pro- phylactic measures against cholera. Issued for residents of St. Petersburg.] *°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. -----. Tho same. Schutzmassregeln gegen die Cholera; fiir die Bewohuer von St. Peters- burg hrsg. 16°. St. Petersburg, 1892. Sarazin (J.) Le cholera pestilentiel, ou re- ponse a une lettre d'uu cur6 de campagne sur ces questions: Le cholera russe est-il une espece nouvelle? Est-il contagieux ou epidemique? Comment doit-il etre traite'? Peut-on s'en garantir? 8C. Paris, 1831. Schafer (H.) Bijdrage ter behandeling der cholera. Benevens "een woord aan mijne lieve medeburgers, over de besmettelijkheid der cho- lera en de beste wijze om dezelve te verhoeden van C. W. Hufeland. 16°, Nijmegen, 1831. -----. The same. 2. druk. 16°. Nijmegen, 1831. Schmit (A.) Heilung der asiatiscben Cholera und Schiitzung vor derselben. ' 8°. Leipzig, 1831. Seiler (B. W.) Belehrung iiber die asiatische Cholera fur Nicbtiirzte; auf allerhochsten Befehl in dem Konigreicbe Sachsen bekannt gemacht. 2. Anfl. 8°. Dresden, 1831. Seine (Departement de la). Prefecture de po- lice. Instruction populaire sur les principaux moyens a employer pour se garantir du chole'ra- morbus, et sur la couduite a tenir lorsque cette maladie se declare. 6°. [Paris, 1831.] -----. The same. 8°.' Neuchdtel, 1832. -----. Instruction sur les precautions a prendre concernant le choleia. Approuv6 le 27 juillet 1883. fol. [Paris, 1883.] -----. Instructions relatives au chole'ra- morbus. [Signe", Pariset, Desgenettes, Leroux, Juge, Chevalier, Legrand, Marc. Le prefet de police, sign6, Gisquet.] 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Serturner (F.) Blicke in die verhiingniss- volle Gegeuwart und Zukunft, oder Beruhigung und Rath fur Alle, welche die Gefahrer und Unfalle fuichten, die durch die mannigfachen Krankheiten unserer Zeit iiber das Kindes- und Maunesalter vehiingt werden. 8°. Gb'ttingen, 1831. -----. Dringende Aufforderung an das deut- sche Vaterlaud, in Beziehung der orientalischen Brecbruhr; oder: Zugabe zur 2ten Auflage der "Blicke iu die verhangnissvolle Gegeuwart und Zukunft, etc". 8°. Gdttingen, 1831. -----. Weitere Entwickelung der neuen zuversichtlichen Scbutzmethodc gegen die Cho- lera und der Ansicht iiber ihren hbchstwahr- scheinlichen Ursprung; als ein Nachtrag zu dem Aufrufe an das deutsche Vaterland. 8°. Gottingen, 1831. Seuchen (Die), insbesoudere die Cholera, de- ren entstehung und Heilung. Von eineni Natur- arzte und Vegetarianer. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1860. Seume. Cholera-Merkbiichlein fiir Jeder- mann. Praktische Winke zur Erkennung, Vor- beugung und Behandlung (Selbsthilfe) der Cho- lera. Nebst Anhang: Cholera-Apotheke uud Anweisung zur Desinfection. Auf Grund um- fassender Erfahrung in den Cholerajahren 1865 und 1866. 8°. Glauchau, 1884. Shew (J.) Die Cholera, ihre Ursachen, Vor- beugung und Heilung. Beweise fur die Anwirk- samkeit der Arzneibehandlung und fiir den Vor- zug der Wasserkur. S°. Berlin, 1875. CHOLEKA. 574 OHOLKKA. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to). Siiidlovski (K. I.) O torn, kak predokhra- uit sebya i drugikh ot zabolievaniya choler'oT. Nastavlenie dlya vslekh gramotulkh lyudei. [How to guard one's self and others from chol- era. Instructions for all who can read and write.] 8-. Tiraspol, 1*92. Si< HEiiSYEN (Die) Vorbauungsmittel gegen die Bicch-Ruhr (Cholera). Ein Hiilfsbiichlein fiir Jedermann, vou eineni praktischen Aerzte Zum Besten der Armen. 8\ Elberfeld, [1831], Siebenhaar (F. J.) Die ostindische t;holera, ihre Verhiituug und erste Behandlung. Ein Sendsehreibeu an seinen Yatcr, Samuel Friedrich Siebenhaar. 8°. Leipzig, 1831. Sim (T.) Cholera; how to avoid it, and how to treat it, iu the absence of a competent physi- cian. 8°. Charleston, 1866. Skvortsoff (I.) Besiedi o cholerie. [Talks on cholera.] 16°. Klmrkoff, 1*93. Smidovicii (V. I.) V viirlu choler'l. (K svle- dieniyu obi-azovannlkh lyudei.) [In view of cholera. (To the notice of educated people.)] 8°. Tula, 1*92. Snv.vtkoff (A. A.) O choler'Ie i kak ot neya uberechsva. [On cholera, and bow to avoid it.] 12°. Volonda, 189:5. Sociedade das sciencias medicas de Lisboa, Instruccoes de prophylaxia individual contro o cholera asiatico. Julho de 1884. 8°. Lisboa, 1884. Sot ietA fioientinad' igiene. Istruzioni popo- lari sul modo di preservarsi dal colera, 12°. Firenze, 1884. Sonden (C. U.) Rati mot kolera, enligt egeu och andras erfarenhet. 4. uppl. [Advice in cholera, from personal and the experience of others.] 12°. Stockholm, 1848. Si'iEss [J. A. B.] Schtitz- und Trutzmittel gegen die asiatische Cholera: oder Anweisung, wie man alle Furcht vor dieser Seuche ver- scheuchen, nnd sich vor der letztern verwahren und sich sicher und schnell heilen kann. 8°. Leipzig, I830. Ste'cher ( F. ) Zum Schutze des Eiuzelnen' vor der Cholera. 8°. Miinchen, 1884. Stilling (B.) Was soil man thun um sich ge.iien die Cholera zu schiitzen? Einige Worte an seine Mitbiirger. 8°. Cassel, 1850. Sti.mme aus Danzig uber die Cholera. Zur Beruhigung Aller, die sie fiirchten. 8°. Danzig, 1831. Suerman (B. F.) Raadgevingeu aau mijne medeburgers, bij het naderen der cholera. 4. druck. 8-. Utrecht, 1832. —. The same. 6. druk. 8 . Utrecht, 1832. 1832. The same. 7. druk. 8°. Utrecht, Sundelin (K.) Was ist vor Ankunft eines Arztes bei eiuem Anfall tier Cholera zu thun ? Oder: Hulfsmittel sowohl gegeu tlie Vorboten als gegen einen Anfall dieser Krankheit, die Je.lerniaun und in jedem Augenblick zu Gebote stelien. 8-. Berlin, 1831. Siner (E.) Instrucciones prorihieticas com- pendial las que trasmite & sus client es y aminos para el caso de una invasion colerica en esta cone 16-'. Madrid, 18*4. Scperchi (V.) Istruzione popolare per com- battere il colera. 8C. Boma, 1884. Taylor (B. D.) Some facts to be known and precautious to be taken during a cholera epi- demic. 4°. [n.p.,18,93.] ve hire 1empini(G.) Sul colera e sul modo di pre- lirlo. Conferenza d' igiene e medicina dooo- 12-. Breno, 1884. Cholera (Popular manuals and instruc- tions relating to}. Tofi'oli(L.) Conforli ai paurosi del coleia induino ed avvertimenii al popolo. *<->. Padova 18,).). ' ------. Un' altra patola tli confoito al ] aurosi del colera indiano e mezzi chimici outlc impedira una maggior diffusione del morbo. 8°. Padova 1H.i;>. Tommasi (G. C.) & Tommasi-Crideli lei Norme per preservarsi dal cholera morbus in caso di sviluppo. 8°. Milano, 1865. Tonini (F.) Istruzione contro il cholera-mor- bus e sul modo di assistere i relativi nialati- 2. ed., coll' aggiunta di un articolo sopra il do- vere di far constatate scientificanicntc otnii caso di morti. 12°. Como, 1849. Torresini (M.) Modo di preservarsi e di eu- rarsi dal morbo asiatico indicaio nel st-gueiite dialogo cholera e popolo. 8°. Venezia, lPlio. Trompeo (B.) Avvertimenti per preservarsi dal colera, raccolti edesposti. 8°. Torino, 1*19 Underrattelse for allniiinheten, om kolera- sjukdomeus kannetecken, om skyddsmeilcl mot densanima for friske, saint om de liikemeilcl som bora anviindas for sjuke, intill dess lakare hinner ankomma eller tla lakare ei finnes att tillga; meddelad af Svenska Lakate'-Sallskapet, [Advice for mankind on the cholera, preven- tive means for the healthy, and such remedies for the sick as may be used until arrival of a physician.] 12°. Stockholm, 1848. V[illerme (L.-R.) Sur les meilleurs moyens de se preserver du cholera-morbus et sui- les premiers secours a administrer contre cette ma- ladie en attendant 1'arrivee du medecin. 8 . [Paris, 1833?] Valcarcel Vargas (L.) El cdlera morbo asiatico. Ensayo de un estudio medico sobre esta enfermedad, escepcion hechade la analoniia patol6gica. Al alcance de todas las clases de la sociedad. 16°. Carrion de los Condes, 18,-4. del Villar (P.) Consejos al pueblo tnexi- cano sobre los niedios mas sencillos y facilcs de preenver y curar el ch61era-inorbiis epidemico, .puesto del modo mas acomodado 6, sus usos y cost timbres. 12c. Mexico, 1833. VIsokovich (V.) V ozhidauii choler'l. [Awaiting cholera.] [2. ed.] 12°. Kharkov, 1892. VIsotski (N. F.) Cholera i sposobl horbl a neyu. [Cholera, and the means to combat it.] 12°. [Kazan, 1892.] Vogel (J.) Die Cholera und die Mittel sie zu bekiimpfen. Ein Rath- und Hiilfshuch fiir Jedermann wie fiir Gemeindeverwaltungcu, Sanitiitsbehorden, etc. 8°. Berlin, [«. d.]. Voorzorg ( Uit). [ Bij bet ontstaan tier ziekte.] broadside, [n.p., n.d.] Vocght (W.) A chapter on cliolera for lay readers. History, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of the disease. 12°. Philadelphia f London, 1893. Wapen ( Te ). De cholera komt . . . door prophylacticus ( voorbehoeder ). 3. ed. 8 . Leiden, 1892. Weinert (P. J.) Art und Weise sich vor der indischen Cliolera zu schiitzen. Nach eigencn, im Jahre 1818 gemachten Erfahrunggen. 8°. Bastalt, 1849 _ [Westerouen van Meeteren (G. N.)] Ken woord aan het publiek ten opzigte van het uit- breken der cholera asiatica te Delft, op den '21 July 1832. 8°. Delft, 1832. Wetterbergh (C. A.) Den asiatiska kole- ran; en folkskrift. 12°. Linkbping, 1868. Winterlich (J.) Gesundheitskunde. Der mit kohlensaure impragnirte Wein unter dem CHOLERA. 575 CHOLERA. Cholera (Popular manuals aud instruc- tions relating to). Nanien des Inlander Champagners bekannt, als Priiservativ- und lleilmittel der Cholera . . . Dr. Widnniann empfohlenen, versiissten Salz- neisies (Spiritus salis dulcis) als Priiservativ oven die moiderische Cholera. 8°. Schemnitz, 1831. WolfaRT (K. C.) Hiilis-Tafeln wider die mdische Seuche als Resultat eigner praktischer Eilahrungen. 12°. Berlin, 1832. Working (The) man's companion. The physician: I. The choleia. 16. London, 1832. Zihk (V. N.) Chto takoye cholera i kak ot neya iiberechsya, Populyarniy ocherk. [What is cholera, and how to guard one's self against it. Popular sketch.] 16-. S.-Peterburg, 1892. -----. The same. Das Wesen der Cliolera und ihre Bckiimpfung. (Uebersetzung ansdetn Ru.-sischcn von Dr. Kemper.) 24°. St. Peters- bur 4 por la junta superior facultativa del cuerpo de sanidad militai. Gac. desnuiil. mil-, Madrid, lssli, ix, 384-388.— InMiiKtioii popular, que comprende las principales prcciuii-iiint-^ lii- •rienicas que deben guardarse en tiempcs de colera, los medios de desinfeccion y los cuidados que ban de pres- tarse a. los acometidos de la enfermedad lutsta la lle- gatla del medico; redactada por la comision de efeme- rides, epidemias y contagios. An. r. Acad, de med., Ma- drid, 1885, vi, 103-174. — fnstruccion popular relativa a los pn-ceptos que dcben oliservarse en epocas de epidemia culeiica. Kev. Soc. espfin. de his., Madrid. 1884, ii, 367- 374 — Instruccionrs de profllaxia individual contra el c61era asiatico; aprobadas por la Sociedad tie ciencias medicas de Lisboa, eu las sesiones tie 26 y -X de Julio de 1884. (Traducido del portuguC-s por M. Rocha.) Voz de Hipocrates. Mexico, 1885, iii, 12; 34.—■■■Nti-iif't-ot-* de prophylaxia contra o cholera asiatico. J. Soc. tl. sc. med. tin Lisb., 1884 xlviii, 165-181. — Instructor* de prophy- laxia contra o cholera asiatico. publit adas' pi lo ministerio do Reino. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1S90, viii, 250; 260.— Schaeffer (E. M.) AVhat the poor man can do to es- cape cliolera—and the doctor. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 168-171.—Shakespeare (E. O.) Preventive measures for the individual during times of actual and threatened prevalence of cholera. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila.. 1892, xiii. 235-238. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 316-322. Also, Keprint. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc,Phila., 1892, xiji,318-330. Also: Univ. M. Mag..Phila., 1892-3,v.71-80.— Miiiitniii (A. P.) Oh osohennol vazhnosti ukhoda za P'dost.vu rtaizubaniivcholer'noyevremya. [On the special care of buccal cavitv and teeth in time of cl oleia ] Zu- bovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1892, xiv, 283-289. Also, Reprint.—«le Souza ITIartins (J. T.) Projecto tie ins- truccoes de prophylaxia individual, contra o cholera asia- tico, elabonulo por mua commissao. Saude pub., Porto, 1884, i,291; 319; 324—Vallin. Instruction populaire sur les precautions d'hygiene. privee et les mesures d'hygiene publique a prendre en i as d'epidemie de cholera. Bull. Soc. de med. pub. 1883, Par., 1884, vi, 269-277. AUo.- Kev. dhyg., Par., 1883, v, 581-589. Cho|era (Prevention of). See, also, Cholera (Disinfection in); Cholera (Disposal of dead in); Cholera (Immunity from); Cholera (Popular manuals, etc. ); Cholera (Pre- vention of, Public measures for); Cholera (Pre- '-cniivc inoculation against); Cholera (Treatment <'J); Cholera and water supply. Afaxasyeff (M. I.) Po povodu aziatskoy cholerl, yeya preduprezhdeniya i lyecheniya. [On Asiatic cholera, its prevention and treat- ment.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Cholera (Prevention of). Aird (C. K.) Die Cholera 1886 und die nach 55j;ilirigen Erfahrungen gegen dieselben ange- wandten Schutzmittel. ( Cholera - Chronik. ) roy. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Alcune norme per il conoscimento e la cura del cholera epidemico ad uso de' niedici niilitari pubblicate dall' i. r. Accademia inedieo-ehirnr- gica Giuseppina. Traduzione. 12°. Venezia, 1832. Anvisning till igenkiinnande af sjukdomen cholera ^cholera morbus) jenite nppgift a for- varings- och botemedlen for denna farsot; eller nagra snu'irre Ryska skrifter i detta iiinne. Of- versalte af Carl Fredrik Gulling. [Instructions as to the nature of cholera-morbus, with advices on preservative aud curative remedies in this plague, or some minor publication on this ques- tion by fhe government.] 16°. Helsingfors, 1831. Aitdouin Beg [et al.]. Des mesures prophy- lactiques et tie l'organisation du service d'assis- tance publique en temps d'epidemie cholerique. Rapport de la commission elue par le corps m6dical d'Alexandrie, 10 juillet 1883. 8°. Alexandrie, F... 1883. Arnold (11. A.) Cholera; how shall we, es- cape it? s°. Sc ran ton, 1893. Azevedo (L. d'A. ) A cholera - morbus, sua prophylaxia e tratamento. 8°. Coimbra, 18*4. Bas'(W.) Un mot sur le choldra. ses preser- vatil's et son traitement. 2. 6d. 12°. Suint- Quentin, 1883. Bell (Sir C.) Observations and suggestions in regard to cholera asphyxia, addressed to the Central Board of Health, London. 8C. London, 1 181H. Beltkame (V. ) Colera ed igiene. 24°. Casale Monf, lc8l. Berkutti (S. J. M.) & Tkompeo. Istruzione sul cliolera morbo. 8°. Torino, 1831. Bizzarri (A.) Sul cholera e sui modi di coin- batterlo. 8 '">. Firenze, 1884. Blasius (E. H.) Die Cboiera. Ihr Wesen, ihre Entstehung nnd Yerbreitung, sowie prak- tische Winke zu ihrer Verhiitun<_r. Anf Grund der neuesten Forseliungen in genieiiiverstiind- licher Form. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1881. Bluemberg (V. M.) K voprosu o vozmozh- nosti radikalnavo iskoreueniya choler'l v teorii i o sposoltakh vipolneniya etoi zadachi na prak- tikie. [Possibility of radical extermination of cholera in theory, and on the means to accom- plish this problem in practice.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1890. Bom.iean (J.) Le cholera, moyens de le pre- venir, de le combattre a lempset d'en restreindre l'Stendue. 2. 6d. 16°. Paris, 1867. Brkfeld (F. A. II.) Die endliche Austilgnng der asiatiscben Cholera. 8°. Breslau, 1854. Brookes (J.) Thoughts on the hest means of lessening the destructive progress of cholera; in a letter addressed to the Right Honorable Vis- count Melbourne. 8°. London, 1831. Budd (W.) Memoranda on Asiatic cholera, its mode of spreading, and its prevention. 8°. Bristol, 1865. Calafato ( G.) Ricordi igienici per preser- varsi dal colera, compilati dal . . . 12°. Paler- mo, 1887. Cayol. Instruction pratique sur le regime et le traitement du cholera-morbus epideuiique au printemps de 1832. 3. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1832. Cholera (Die). Ihre Verhiitung und Hei- lung. Von einem erfahrenen Arzte. 12°. Han- nover, 1885. Cholera (The) and its prevention. 4°. Lon- don, 1883. CHOLERA. 576 CnOLERA. Cholera (Prevention of). City of York. Report of Mr. S. W. Nor^h, medical officer of health, ou precautions to be observed against cholera, fol. York, 1883. Colkha sufftimigi, quarautene, uiiasmi, con- tagi, disinfettanti medicameuti e metodi usati e raccouiandati nel colera; collezione di scritti recentissiini dei professori Guido Baccelli, Ar- ualdo Cantani, Pietro Leonardi, Mariano Sem- mola, C. Tommasi-Crudeli e pei dottori Lelli, Marino, Gianfelici e Regnoli. 16°. Boma, 1884. Com ha (D.) Ancora sulla profilassi c terapia del cholera. 8°. Genova, [1888]. Corriez. Le cholera, sa guerison par ses antidotes naturels. Moyen de le prdvenir et de se guenr soi-meme. Pr^ee'de' d'un apercu sur la maniere dont l'61ectricit6 organique concourt au niaintieu, a l'entretien de la vie et de la sant6, suivi de quelques considerations sur la vraie cause et la cause probable des fievres intermit- tentes. 12c. Amiens, [n.d.]. Coster. Lettera al direttore della rivista britannica sulla natura del cholera morbus e sulla possibility di prevenire lo sviluppo della malattia suddetta. 8°. [Padova, 1831.] da Ccniia Vianna (F. J.) & Barboza (A. M.) Instruccoes contra a cholera-morbus epidemica. 8 . Lisboa, 1854. Daremberg ( G.) Le cholera, ses causes, moyens de s'en preserver. 12 \ Paris, 1892. De Ciiai'jioxt (F.) Prevention of cholera. 8°. London, 1884. De Joxg (S.) Le cholera dans son rapport avec l'hvgiene. 8°. Paris, 1867. De Medici ( T.) Contro il colera. 8°. Bo- logna, 1884. Demicheli (B.) Cause del cholera; mezzi di preservarseue, purificazione dei cibi e le bevande ed alimentazione salubre e normale. Susseguito da una dotta dissertazione del G. M. Molfino sul barometro e lo stato dell' atmosfera. 8°. Ge- nova, 1*66. De Socio (C.) II colera e la sua profilassi. 8°. Campobasso, 1884. Dogel (I. M.) Vozmozhnost preduprezhde- niya i lecheniya choler'l. [The possibility of prevention and cure of cholera.] 12°. Kazan, 1893. Duboue (H.) Traitement prophylactique et curatif du chol6ra asiatique. 8°. Paris, 1885. Epps (J.) Suggestions for the treatment and the prevention of Asiatic cholera. 8°. London, 1*48. Erisman (F. F.) Cboiera; epideniiologiya i profilaktika s obshtshestvenno-sanitarnoi tochki zrieniya. [. . . from a public sauitary point of view.] 8°. Moskva, 1893. Eymael (A.) Simple apercu sur l'e'pide'mie chol6rique et les epidemies en g6n6ral. Recom- mandations hygieniques pour les pieVenir et les combattre. Publie" eu 1866. (2. 6d. de 1884.) 8C. Liege, 1884. Fayrer (.Sir J.) On the origin, habits, and diffusion of cholera, and what may be done to prevent or arrest its progress and to mitigate its ravages. 8°. London, 1886. Fidler (L.) O nnerakh borbl protiv choler'1 i protiv drugikh zaraznikh holieznei. [On the measures of struggle, with cholera antl other contagious diseases.] 8:. Vierniy, 1894. Fischer (K. H.) Die Saprophyten, unsere natiirlichen, bis her noch nicht gewurdigten Heifer gegen die Cholera. Ein Beitrag zur Losung der Cholerafrage. 8°. Dresden, 1893. France. Ministere du, commerce. Comite' con- sultatif d'hygiene publique de France. Instruction concernant les precautions a prendre en temps de cholera. R^digee par une commission com- Cholera (Prevention of). pos^e tie MM. Brouardel, Fan vel, Gallanl. Le- gouest, C. Nicolas, Pasteur, Peter, Vallin ct Proust, rapporteur. 1 . [Paris, 1884.] Giordano (M.) Cura fermenticida e preset-- vativa del colera asiatico. 12°. Bologna, M;r> Glaser (J. A.) Die Ueberhebung des Ilt-rrii Robert Koch und die Erfolglosigkeit s-einer Massregeln gegeu Cholera. (2. durch eineu An- hang vermehrte Auiiage der " Kritischen Bemer- kungen" zu Robert Koch's Aufsatz in der Zeit- schrift fiir Hygiene, xv.) 8°. Hamburg, MM. Grana (G.) Osservazioni sulla natura dei colera asiatica, sua profilassi, modo di preservar- sene. 12c. Boma, 1885. Graxdiiomme (W.) Die Cholera im Anschluss an eigene Beobachtungen auf Grund der neuesten Forschungen, mit der Instruktion fiir Sanitiits- behorden, betreffend deren Funktionen, sowie die Vornahme der Desinfection aus dem Ministe- rial-Erlass vom 14. Juli 1884. 12°. Wiesbaden 1884. Griffa. Prospetto d' istruzione sanitaria nel- 1' invasione del colera. 12°. Genova, 1835. Grigoryeff (N. I.) Mier! dlya horbl s cho- ler'oyu. [Measures for encountering cholera.1 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. [Grimelli (G.)] Lettere fisiche, fisiologiche, mediche, con una iudicazioue risguardante il metodo preservativo della corrente pestileuza cholerica. 16°. Modena, 1855. [Grotius.] La ve'rite' sur le cliolera. Pre- cautions a prendre pour e'viter sureinent le fleau, et moyens radicaux pour le gu6rir; par uu an- cien me'deciu de marine. 8°. Bruxelles, 1**1. Hahnemann (S.) Zekerste geneeswijze en uitroeijing der Asiatische cholera. 8°. [Cbthen, 1831.] Hartz. Vortrag iiber Cholera uud die Schutz- massregeln gegen dieselbe, gehalten im Theater- saale in Landau. 8 . Landau, 1884. Hordas y Valbuena ( B.) Metodo curativo de la cdlera espasmddica, y medios de preser- varse de ella. 8°. Londres, 1833. Horsell (W.) Der einzig sichere Schutz ge- gen Cholera und die einzige Kurniethode. *'-. Berlin, 1870. Ilinski (P.) V vidu choler'i: kak borolis u nas s choler'oyu v proshlom godu i chemn ml nauchilis? [In view of cholera: how we com- bated cholera last year, and what have we learned?] ^-. S.-Peterburg, 1893. JORG (E.) Die ganzliche Unterdriickung der Cholera deu europaiscken Staatsregierungeii als ausfuhrbar dargethan und eine sichere Heilme- thode dieser Seuche Aerzten und gebildeteu Laien anempfohlen. 8°. Leipzig, 1855. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. Korolchuk (A. I.) Osnovulye dlya niedit- siui bio-khimicheskie zakonl. S prilozheniein: Prakticheskie vivodl dlya uspieshnoi borbl s choler'oi. [Principal bio-chemical laws for medicine. With a supplement: Practical con- clusions for the successful struggle with chol- era.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Kraxnhals (H.) Ueber die Cholera. Ver- breitungsweise und Schntzmassregeln nach dem gegenwartigen Stantle unserer Kenutnisse iiber das Wesen der Krankheit. 12°. Iliga, \89>. Kratjs (M.) Die Cholera. Abwehr uud Schutz gegen dieselbe. Erste Hilfe, etc. ~ Wien, 18*4. Kremyanski (I. S.) Nauchnlya i prakticlres- kiya trebovaniya ot otchota i syezda vracliel protiv choler'noi epidemii; material dlya opre- dieleniya viernieishikh mier i sredstv borhi « epidemiyami aziatskoi cholert. [Scientific and CHOLERA. 577 CHOLERA. Cholera (Prevention of). practical demands reported by the congress of physicians against the cholera epidemic; data to determine the surest measures of strug- gle with epidemic of Asiatic cholera.] roy. 8 . Kharkov, 1893. Kuchenmeister (G. H. F.) Ueber die Verhii- tunc uud erste Behandlung der ansteckenden Cholera. 8J. Berlin, 1884. _____The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Leach (R. B.) Aseptic prophylaxis of Asiatic cholera; arsenization. 8°. Paris, Texas, [1895]. Levy (A.) Voorbehoedmiddelen tegen cho- lera. Vrij naar het Hoogduitsch door een medi- cas. 8'-\ Haarlem, [«. d.]. Liox(M.) Cholera; otchevo ona proiskkodit, kak rasprostranyayetsya i kak borotsya s neyu. [Cholera; its origin, projiagation, aud how to couteud with it.] 8°. Moskva, 1892. Manuel complet pre'servatif et curatif du cholera-morbus; reMige' par plusieurs medecins, d'apres la doctrine adopted par l'Acadernie de medecine de Paris. 12°. La Haye, 1832. Martarello (P.) Ai regnanti cristiani in Europa! e ben piii che a tutti, alia regina Vitto- ria, sovrana delle Indie, ove perenue avvampa il colera. 4°. Alessandria d' Egitto, 1881. -----. Appello alia filantropia, coscienza e sapienza dei siguori consoli in Alessandria per otteuere la profilassi del colera e della peste in Egitto, contro codesto metto consiglio inter- nazionale sanitario - niaritimo - quarantenario. 4°. Alessandria d'Egitto, 1881. -----. Delia estinzione in perpetuo alio Indie della olo-flebite con contagio (colera). Dei iuezzi da inipiegarsi nel lazzaretto e fuori a Diebel-Tor per prevenirse il contagio in Egitto; e per estinguerlo subito se qua si sviluppasse, per evitare le stragi e non vada ad apportarle in Europa. 4°. Alessandria (Egitto), 1881. -----. Non piu colera, non piu peste! Inti- mazione in nome di Dio, dei popoli e della sci- enza ai regnanti in Europa. 4°. Alessandria d'Egitto, 1881. Matarrese (L.) Metodica sposizione della fenomeuologia, dei preservativi e della cura del cholera-morbo. 4°. Napoli, 1836. Medical Society of the County of Kings. Cholera; measures for its prevention, manage- ment, and treatment. S'\ Brooklyn, N. Y., 1*92. Medical Society of South Carolina. City council, July 17, 1832. [Report of the com- mittee of the Medical Society of South Carolina, on the most efficient means to preserve the health of the city, and to prevent the spread of cholera should it break out. Thomas Hunt, chairman.] 8°. Charleston, 1832. Metodo che si propone come il meglioro per la preservazione del cholera morbus. 8°. Par- ma, 1867. Meucci (A.) Del cholera asiatico, della sua profilassi e terapia. Memoria inedita del . . . Bcritta nell' anno 1832, e puhblicata a cura di Tommaso Bracaloni. 8°. Firenze, 1893. Mireur (H.) Etude historique et pratique sur la prophylaxie et le traitement du cholera, base"e sur les observations fournies par l'epide- niie de Marseille (1884). 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1884. Muramatsu ( S.) Yojo kunmo. [Hygiene in time of cholera. ] 12°. Tokio, 1880. Japanese text. Mure (B.) & Gatti (P.) II cholera-morbus vinto colla scienza. 2. ed., con appendice. 8°. Genova, [1854]. 37 Cholera (Prevention of). [Nelson (W.)] Practical views on cholera, 'and on the sauitary, preventive, and curative measures to be adopted in the event of a visita- tion of the epidemic; with an appendix. - 8°. Montreal, 1854. Neuber (A. W.) Zur Abweuduug der mor- genlandischen Brecbruhr, Cholera morbus ori- eu talis. 8°. Hamburg, 1831. Pavay-Vajna (G.) Die Cholera mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf die Vorsichtsmassregeln, die Desinfection und Pressburg's allgemeine Ge- sundheitaverhaltnisse. 8°. Pressburg, 1884. Poggi (G.) Del metodo di cura del Dott. Tunisi per impedire lo sviluppo del colera. 16°. Voghera, 1886. Poggioli (D.) Del metodo preservativo e curativo del cholera asiatico, opuscolo. 8°. Boma, 18*4. Poznanski (F.) Epideinicheskaya cholera; yeya preduprezhdenie l lechenie. [Epidemic cholera; its prevention and treatment.] [4.ed.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1885. Preservatifs (Des) a mettre eu usage contre le cholera-morbus epidemique et de son traite- ment curatif. 16°. Perpignan, [n. d.]. Provvedimenti sanitarj e norme igieniche contro il colfera epidemico. 8°. Milano, 1884. Qvist (C.) Koleran, dess igenkannande och skyddsmedlen mot densamma. [ Cholera, its character and prophylactic measures in the same.] 8°. Helsingfors, 1872. Radulovich (V.-I.) O mierakh predosto- rozhnosti ot choler'l i pervoi pomoshtshi pri zabolievauii yeyu. [Measures of precaution against cholera and first help at its invasion.] 12°. Oriol, 1892. Ramsey (F. A.) Letter addressed to the mayor and aldermen of the city of Knoxville. [On cholera.] 8°. Knoxville, 1854. Ray (D. N.) Cholera aud its preventive and curative treatment. With an introduction by T. F. Allen. 8°. New York, 1884. Raymond (J. H.) Report on the prevention of cholera, to the conference of state and muni- cipal boards of health, at Washington, D. C, Dec. 10, 1884. 8°. [». p., 1884.] Reale Societa italiana cl' igiene. Intorno alia eziologia e alia profilassi del colera. Relazioni, discussioni e voti della . . . 8°. Milano, 1885. Regolamento sul colera, preseutato ai col- legi di sanita, ai medici ed al pubblico dai Prof. W. Griesinger, Massimiliano Pettenkofer, C. A. Wunderlich. Trad, dal tedesco in italianoda E. Gustavo Ohlsen. 8°. Napoli, 1866. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1866. Riedel (O.) Die Cholera. Entstehung, We- sen und Verhiituug derselben. 8 \ Berlin, 1887. Rudoff (M. I.) Aziatskaya cboiera; pred- uprezhdenie i liechenie yeya s tochki zrieniya sovremeunavo ucheniya o nei. [Asiatic cholera; prevention and treatment from present stand- point.] 8°. Novocherkask, \886. Sachs (J. J.) Allgemeine Lehren vou den epidemischen und ansteckenden Krankheiten, insbesonders der Cholera, und deu zu ilmrr Hem- mung oder Minderuug geeigneten Maassregelu. 8°. Berlin, 1831. Schieferdecker (C. C.) Nature, prevention, and cure of cholera. 8°. Neiv York, 1866. Schlimmer(J.-L.) Du presage et de l'avorte- ment de Piinminence cholerique. 8°. Botter- dam, 1874. Schutz vor der Cholera, ihre Gesehichte, ihr Wesen, ihre Erkennung und die Massregeln zu ihrer Bekampfung. Von einem practischen Arzte. 12°. Chemnitz, 1884. CHOLERA. 578 CHOLKKA. Cholera (Prevention of). Sedgwick CSV. T.) Modern scientific views of the cause and prevention of Asiatic cholera. 8°. [n. p., 1892.] Cutting from : Technol. Quarterly, 18112, 205-212. Seewis (P. F. S.) 11 certo e 1' incerto intorno la natura, i preservativi e i rimedii del colera. 8 . Prato, 1884. Sollex Pest, Cholera, oder andere Krankheits- Erscheinungen uus Furcht uud Schrecken ein- fibssen oder nicht? Oder die Cholera und ihr Wesen, nebst: Angaben zu ihrer Verhiituug nnd Leseitigung, und einigen andern wichtigen Mittheilnngeu. Gesanimeltes, besouders nach anitlich bestiitigten Erfahrungen und Berichten, 8°. Tubingen, 1884. Sormani (G.) Profilassi municipale ed indi- viduale del cholera. 12°. Milano, 1884. 8°. New York, 1866. Squibb (E. R.) Advice upon epidemic cholera. 8-. New York, 1866. Sturm (C.) Der sicherste Schutz vor Cholera uud die Absurditat des Cholerapilzes, Vortrag. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Suerman (B. F.) [Maatregeleu tegeu de cho- lera.] 8°. [Utrecht, 1859.] ' Tedesciii ( D. L. ) Sulla lue asiatica, facili mezzi di picservazione e sno metodo curativo. 8 '. Palermo, 18*6. Telschow (R.) Zur Entstehuug der Cholera und ein Rat zur Verhutung derselben. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Tilesh.'s (W. G. ) Over de cholera en de krachtdadigste middelen daartegen, benevens eene manier om de ziekte door eene groote aflei- ding in haren aanvaug te veruietigen. Uit het Hoogduitsch door J. G. Hodenpijl. Met zijue inzigten omtrent de ontwikkeling, aard eu tta- tuur van deze ziekte, zoo verre die ter genezing betrekkiug hebben, vermeerderd. 1. stukje. 8°. Pot ter dam, 1831. Tommasi-Crudeli (C.) Che cosa si pub fare iu tempo di colera? 8°. Arezzo, 18*4. Tommasini (G.) Sul cholera-morbus; nozioni storiche e terapeutiche ed istruzioni sanitarie. 4. ed. 8°. Parma, 1833. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Parma, 1833. Tusox (J. E.) Observations on the efficacy of burning sulphur fires in epidemics of cholera, with addenda regarding disease germs. 5. ed. 8:. London, 18^4. Urbaschek (F.) Ueber die Verhiituug und Behandlung der Cholera asiatica. 8 . Wien, 18S7. Valexza (G. ) La completa scienza del colera, ossia trattato completo di questo morbo coi metodi preservativi e cnrativi, utilissimo ai medici, agli scienziati ed ai popolani. 12°. Palermo, 1893. Venables (R.) The nature and treatment of the epidemic or Asiatic cholera; with simple directions for the suppression and prevention of the disease. 4. ed. 16°. London, 1848. Vergne ( J.-D.) Quelques conseils pour se preserver du cholera, moyens simples et faciles de le combattre. 1°. Le cholera n'arrive jamais brusquement, 2°. On peut prevenir son invasion ; 3°. Le cholera, meme le plus grave, peut ceder a une medication bien appropriee; 4°. Cette epi- demie n'est pas eontagieuse; 5°. Les seules mesures preventives efficaces sont celles qui ont pour objet de combattre et d'arreter les symp- tdmes precurseurs. 8C. Paris, 1854. Verordnung iiber das Verfahren bei der AnnJiherung und dem Ausbruche der Cholera in Berlin. 8°. [Berlin, 1831.] Verus (C.) Ere vore Foranstaltuinger mod Cholera betryggende? Et Par Ord til Overve- Cholera (Prevention of). jelse for Alle. [Are our measures against cholera deceptive? A word for reflexion for all 1 px Kjbenhavn, 1892. 'J ' Villard (F.) De qnelques mesures prophy- lactiques prises pendant l'epidemie de cholera t'ln 1892. 8-. Paris, 1893. Vion-Pigalle (Aline.) De la peur du cholera et tie l'influence pernicieuse que ce sentiment exerce snr la sante. 8 . Paris, ltX>5. VoGEL (J.) Die Cholera und die Mittel sie zu bekampfen. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Voorbehoeding en bchandeling der cholera, Door een geneeskundige. Uit het Hoogduitsch 8°. Hertogenbosch, 1873. Voorberight. [Hygiene and prevention of cholera.] 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Waarxemingentcii aaninerkingen, betrctleude de besmettelijkheid der cholera,en de inaatie.—<»oi-ini (C.) Sulla possibility tli una purificazione rapida dell' acqua per rispetto al colera, uiediaute i piu. connini correttivi; ricerche sperimentali. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1893, xv, 3t9-397.—GramBey (J. A. S.) The prophylaxis and therapeutics of cholera. Med. Bull., Phila., 1885, vii. 182-18!.—«rubcr (A.) Die Cliolera und die dagegen ergriffeuen Massregeln. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 271; 287. —Hamilton (,J. B.) The prevention of the spread of cholera. In: Treatise (A) on Asiatic, cholera, 8°, X. Y., 1885, 339-357.—Hnnltin (E. II.) A simple method of checking cholera in Indian villages. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 205-207. —Harris (E.) Practical conclusions concerning cholera; evidence respectiug causes and preventive measures. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kep. 1873, X. Y., 1875, i, 343-358. Also. Re- print.— Hart (K.) The coining cholera. New Rev., Loud., 1893. viii, 290-305.—Ilchir (P.) Cholera; its pre- vention and treatment. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1892, iii, 2-4.—Ilcim (G.) Die Beobachtungen wahrend der Cholera-Epidemie 1884-1887 in ihreu Beziehungen zur Prophylaxe. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1891, x, 27; 93. — Hcnschcn (S. E.) Hum skola vi rusta oss mot koleran? [How ought, we to prepare against cholera?] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1893, xxviii, 279-302. — Heron (G. A.) Address on cholera from an urban point of view. Lancet Lond., 1893, i, 1246-1248.—Hibberd (J. F.) The necessity for prevention against cholera. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 532-535.—Hirsch (A.) Ueher Schutz- maassregeln gegen die Cholera. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1290. —Hueppe (F.) Was hat der Arzt bei Drohen und Herrsehen der Cholera zu thun? Ibid., 1890, xxvii, 726-731. Also: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 413; 428: 438. Also, transl. | Abstr.]: Boll. tl. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1890, i, 503.—Hughes (C. H.) Tho rela- tion of the nervous system to cholera and its prophylaxis and neurotherapy. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884. x, 397-401. —Hunt (E. M.) Local antl national preventive measures ajainst cholera. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc., Phila., 1884-5, vii, 312-327.—Jaworski (W.) Zestawie- nie szczegolow6j profilaktyki i terapii cholery. [Equal importance of special prophylaxis and treatment of chol- era.] Przegl. lek., Krakow,'1892, xxxi, 393; 405. — [Ka- layama (H.)] [The isolation of cholera patients.] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1882, no. 235, 0-13. — von Kerschciisteincr &. Oalflty. Die Maassregeln zur Bekampfung der Cholera. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. oft". Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1895, xxvii, 139-166. — Kins- man (D. X.) Etiology antl prophylaxis of cholera asia- tica. Sanitarian, X.Y., 1886, xvi, 525-538. AUo: Ohio San. Ass., X. Y., 1886, iii, 93-106.—Laab (A.) Ein Wort zur rationellen Prophylaxis und Therapie der Cholera. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 548; 578.—Latapic. Contagion et prophylaxie du cholera. Ga/,. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 929.—Law (J.) Cholera; some suggestions for local and personal prophylaxis. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1893, xliv, 39-43.— Leach (R. B.) Aseptic prophylaxis of Asiatic cliolera ; arseuization. St. Louis M. Era,* 1895-6, no. 2, 1-7.— Lee (E.) Prevention and treatment of cholera. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893, ii, 20-24. AUo, Reprint. -----. The preven- tion of Asiatic cholera. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 445-450. -----. The prevention of Asiatic cholera. Mag. Med., Atlanta, 1897. ii, 20-23. — licfebvre. Du cholera; etiologie et prophylaxie. Discours prononre & l'Acad6mie royale de m6decino de Belgique. Rapport de la commission charg6e d'etndier la question de la prophy- laxie du cholera. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. deBelg., Brux., 1873, 3. s., vii, 25-43. Also, Reprint.-----. Du cholera. origine; propagation; movens preservatifa. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1893, 3. s., viii, 855-894. Also, Reprint.— Leiblinger (H) Ueber neue prophy- laktische uud therapeutische Massnahmen gegen tlie Cholera asiatica. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 1753: 1893, xliii, Oil—tie Leucastre (A.) Prophylaxia interna contra o cholera. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1886, iv, 233; 249.— Leonhardt (J. S.) Asiatic cholera; remarks ou prophylaxis and treatment. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1893, n. s., xvii, 361-363.—Ijimpens. Le traitement et la pro- phylaxie tin cholera. Arch. metl. beiges, Brux., 1893. 4. s., i, 289-299.—Lofstrom (T.) Mietterita eraitten koleera- toimenpiteitten johtlosta. [On some measures taken with regard to cliolera.] Duodecim, Helsinki. 1892, viii, 187- 192.—Lopez Ferreyra (F.) Profilaxis de colera morbo epidemico. Rev. de, terap. y farm., Madrid, 1891-2, v, 85; 108; 127; 151; 178; 191. Also, Reprint.—Lucchetti (F.) Dello zolfo como preservativo del colera. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1855, 2. s., xii, 296-299. —OT. A. Profilaxis del c61era-morbo. Rev. Soc. espaB. de hig., Madrid, 1883- CHOLERA. 580 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Prevention of). 4, i, 97-109. — McC'lellan (E.) Cholera hygiene. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1874, ix, 65; 129. Also, Reprint. -----. Cholera hygiene as applied to military life In: Treatise (A) on Asiatic cholera, 8°, X. Y., 1885, 361-366. — ITIc- Intire (C.) The prevention of an epidemic of cholera. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1892-3, iv, 148-170.— Macslre y Solano (D.) Observaciones sobre el c61era y reglas higienicas en el caso de su invasion. Bol. de hig., San Fernando, 1883-5, ii, 2.15; 271.—Massregeln gegen Cholera, etc. Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1892, xvi, 893; 931. — Uleiidoza (A.) Higiotecnia del cdlera. Rev. clin. del. hosp., Madrid, 1890, ii, 131; 155.—Mitro- polski (I. A.) Instruktsiya ua sluchai poyavleniya aziatskoi choler'i, dlya voisk raiona 35 piekhotnol divizii. [Instruction to tho troops of tho 35th division of infantry in case of appearance of Asiatic cholera.] Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 465; 477. —Murray (J.) On removal in epidemic cholera. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. (1875-80), 1880, iv, 354-361,3 tab.—TVesti (L.) &, Zannetti (R.) Sulla profilassi del colera. Boll. d. Soc. fiorent. d'ig., Firenze, 1885, i, 129-139. — IVothnagel (H.) & Kahler (O.) Anleitung zur Behandlung der Cholera. Oesterr. San.-Wes.. Wien, 1892, iv, BeiL, 63-67. Also: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 839-813. — Ol vera (C. I.) Cuatro palabras sobre el c61era o sea metodo pre- servative y curativo de esta enfermedad. 1849. Voz de Hip6crates, M6xico, 1883, i, 76; 86; 92; 102.—Paine (H. J.) Cholera and other zymotic diseases in their relation- ship to sanitation principallv illustrated. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 381-386.—Pardo. Chotera; prophylaxie. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constant., 1884, xxvii, 58-64.—Pearse (W. H.) The hypodermic injection of quinine as a pro- phylactic against cholera. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 191.—Pellizzari (G.) Un preservativo contro gli assalimenti cholerici sarebbe assolutamente impossibile? Brescia, 1837. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1838, i, 329; 353 ; 377.— See, also, infra, Sorgoni. — von Pettenkofer ( M. ) Maassregeln gegen die Cholera, hier die sanitiiren Verhiilt- nisse der Irrenanstalten, Sieehenhanser, Arbeitshauser, Gefangen- und Strafanstalten ; Gutachten des k. Oberme- dicinal-Ausschusses. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 181-184. — Precautions against cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1461. — Precautions agaii;st cholera. Ibid., 1893, i, 266-268. —Precautions against the infec- tion of cholera. Rep. Local. Gov. Bd. 1883-4, Lond., 1884, xiii, 64-C6.—Precautions against cholera. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1885, Wash., 1886, 113-174. — Pringle (R.) Asiatic cholera; its prevention and treatment. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 377-381.—Profilaktikie (K) i lieche- niyn choler'i. [Prophylaxis and treatment of cholera.] Viach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 4175-4182.—Pro- filaxia sanitaria del cdlera. Cron. ui6d., Lima, 1888, v, 41-49.—Profylaktiske Foranstaltninger mod Udhre- dingen af den asiatisko Kolera. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjo- benh., 1884, 4. R., x, 41-47. — Prophylaktischc Mass- regeln gegeniiber der Cholera. Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Amtsthatigk. . . . d. k. k. Reiehshaupt- . . . 1891- 3, Wien, 1896, xxi-xxiii, 888-999. — Prophylaxis der cholera. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1883, xxxvii, no. 37.— Proust (A.) Sur la situation sanitaire actuelle relative- ment au cholera. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1882, 2. s., xi, 1141-1147. Also: Therap. contemp., Par., 1882, ii, 079-683.— Bauch (J. H.) Practical recommendations for the ex- clusion and prevention of Asiatic cholera. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 524-530. — Beclam. Vorsichts- maassregeln gegen Cholera in grossern und kleinern Ge- meiudeu. Gesundheit, Fraukf. a. M., 1K83, viii, 209-214.— Regulation* as to cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 77. — Reilly (F. W.) Sulphuric acid as a prophylactic against cholera. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1892, xii, 98.— Reis* (H.) Prinzipieu tier Cholera-Prophylaxe. Wien. med. Presse, 188G, xxvii, 979; 1014; 1046;' 1079; 1107.— Benaut [et al.]. Instruction medicale sur le cholera, par la Societ6 nationale de m6decine de Lyon. Lyon med., 1884, xlvi, 501; 535; 591: xlvii, 5; 45.—Kevelaky. Mesures sanitaires contre le cholera; k M. le redacteur en chef de la Gaz. hebdomadaire. Ta\r)ub<;, 'A0fiva.i, 1894, xxiv, 105-110.—Robin (35.) Sur l'art de prevenir le cho- lera. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1884, xxix, 50-53.— Boose (R.) The propagation and prevention of cholera. Xew Rev., Lond., 1893, viii, 504-516. — S. Eine noth- wendige Massregel beim Ausbruche der Cholera. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1256. — Sachsc (P.) Zur Pro- phylaxe der Cholera vom Standpunkte des praktischen Arztes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1887, xiii, 1112. Also, Reprint. — Sanderson (J. B.) Cholera; its cause and prevention. Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond 1884-6, xi, 288-303. - * an ter© (T.) El cdlera, su natu- raleza, su profihixis y su terapeutica. Voz med., Almeria, 1884-5, i, 619-626.—Sceliguiaiiin (G.) Some suggestions prompted by the possibility of an epidemic of cholera in Xew York during the coming summer, based upon per- sonal experience in Hamburg. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliii, 68.—Seitz (F.) Verhiituug der Cholera. Deutsche Rev., Berl.. 1883, viii, 221-230. — Stimuli i (E.) Om itgiirder till forekommande af koleraus spridning. Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 009-623. — Shepard (C. H.) Cholera (Prevention of). Heat a preventive of cholera. J. Am. M. Ass f'liiP,„„ 1893, xxi. 695-698 - Shidlovski (S. V.) Ml,:,! obem razhivaniya na sluchai poyavleniya choler'i. I Measm™. of disinfection m case of appearance of cliolera i V.■■ I St. Petersb.. 1885, vi. 302. - Skvortsoir (1.) «, "',( uprezhdenii i leehenii choler'i. [On the prophylaxis «n i treatment of cholera.] Yuzhno-russk. med. mu Oil*!., 1892, i, 102-105. - Smith (A.) Are we prepaivd to rest< a cholera epidemic? Xew Rev., Lond., 1893, ix 3 V! lei _ Smolensk! (P.O.) O nileropiyatiyakh v ozhid-mii i pri poyavlenii aslatskoi choler'i. [Measures to be taken m anticipation and on appearance of Asiatic cholera] ^.-..-SorgoiiiiA) irbus del Dott, Pelli*. 30, Zdoroyje, St. Petersb., 1883, x, no. Sulla memoria intorno il cholera i zari. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1838, ii, 174. _____. Sulle dif ferenze essenziali, cho esistono tra i morbi miasmatici eij i morbi contagiosi; che potranno servir di risposta al lint Pellizzari snl suo preservativo contro il cliolera -mortem' Ibid., 1839, iii, 33-38.—de Sousa Martins (J. T.) pl0' pbylaxiaindividual contraocholera. Med. contemD I iah 1884, ii, 23t-239.-Sternbcrg (G. M.) The destruction"if cholera germs In: Treatise (A) on Asiatic cholera 83 N. Y., 1885, 325-335. -----. How can we prevent cholera' Med.-Leg. J., X. Y., 1893-4, xi, 1-8. Also, Reprint- Stewart (D. D.) Suggestions as to the prophylaxis anil treatment of cholera. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892. lxi 326- 328. AUo, Reprint. -----. The prevention and treatment of cholera by the uaphthols, aud bacteriological report hv George M. Sternberg. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1893 n s cv, 388-393. Also, Reprint. — Terzi (G.) Di 'alcune pratiche raccomaudate come utili nei luoghi infestati dalla colera. Ippocratico, Fano, 1866,3.8., ix, 97-104. Also Re- print. — Threatened (The) visitation of cholera Brit M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 690. — Torralbas (J. I.) Informe relativo &, las medidas profilacticas contra el c61era asid- tico, por una comision ad hoc de la Academia de ciencias de la Habana. Au. r. Acad, de eieu. med. . . . de la Ha- bana, 1884-5, xxi, 185-196. — Torres Castella (M.) El c6Iera; origen y naturaleza de esta enfermedad y medios de evitarla. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1890, xiii, 449-452.— Trolard. Des mesures pr6ventives contre lo cholera Alger med., 1885, xiii, 353-369: 1886, xiv, 14-31. (iiiiann (A. F.) Doklad kommissii po obsuzhdeniyu mier protiv choler'i, proyektirovannikh syezdora vrachel Pskovskol gubernii. [Report of the commission for the examination of the measures against cholera, proposed by the congress of physicians of Pskov Government. ] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1885-6, xxii, 130-136.— *nn. derbeck (C. C.) The hygiene of cholera. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 6. — Vas (F. R.) Debe aconsejarse el aislamiento do los colericos y la incomunicacion conipleta de los pueblos contagiados? Cron. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1854, ii, 555-566. — Verriest. Prophylaxie du ehotera. Rev. m6d., Louvain. 1884, iii, 241-253. — Vigilant (V.j Prophylaxie du chol6ra. Gaz. in6d. d'Orient, Constant., 1884-5, xxvii, 124-131.— Vigouroux (R.) De l'ekctri- cit6 statique comme agent preventif du cholera. Pro- gres m6d., Par., 1884, xii, 577. — Weiss (H.) Chotera- schutz und Oholerabehandlung. Wien. med. Bl., 1881,vii, 1126-1128. — Wernich (A.) Ueber systematise-he Ar- beitstheilung beim Bekiimpfen der Cholera. Hyg. Riiiid- schau, Berl., 1893, iii, 145-157.— Vabu (J.) Kolera yebo sojetsubo. [Methods of prevention of cholera. | Tokyo med. Wchnschr., 1892, Xo. 763, 22-24.—Y vert (A.) R'iui nouveau mode de traitement curatif et propliylaciiqr.n (hi cholera asiatique; du bichlorure do mercurc, consider^ comme vaccin chimique antichoterique. Caz. hebd. do med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 694; 710; 726.— Znmpa (II.) Giornalisti politici e scienziati nell' argomento del colera e della riforma sanitaria. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1884, 4. s., xxii, 417; 449. Cliolera (Prevention of Public measures for) [including quarantine]. See, also, Cholera ( Hospitals for ); Cholera (Popularmanuals, etc.); Cholera on ships; Chol- era among troops.. Aargau (Canton of). Kreisschreiheu des Re- gierunrrs-Rathes des Kantons Aargau, hetreffend die Schutzinassregelii gegen die Cholera; indie Bezirks- und Getneiudshehorden. Vom 5. Aug. 1867. 8°. [Aarau, 1867.] Accademia delle scienze mediche. Rapporto della commissione deputata dall' . . . per istu- diare e proporre i mezzi reputati atti adiuipcilire la diffusione del cliolera asiatico, letto uella tor- nata accademica estraordiuaria tenutasi il dl 12 lnglio 18~5. Sebastiano Reyes, relatore. 8s. Palermo, 1865. Allatini (M.) Delle misure sauitarie iu Sa- louicco contro il cholera-morbus del 186)5, opus- colo. 8°. Pisa, 1866. CHOLEKA. 581 CHOLERA. Cholera (Prevention of Public measures M). Asiatische ( Ueber die ) Cholera. Aus den Protoeolleu der Rigaer Aerzte. [Hannover deu llten October 1831. Konigliche Iniinediut-Com- niissiim gegen die Cholera. ] 4°. Hannover, 1831. Belgium. Ministere de Vinterieuret de V instruc- tion publique. Cliole'ra. Mesures preventives. Circulaire aux gouverneurs. 8-'. [Bruxelles, l?ti6.] Belgium. Ministre de Vagriculture, de l'indus- trie et des travaux publics. Administration du service de sante, de l'hygiene publique et de la voirie coinmunale. Arretes, circulaires et instructions concernant lc cholera ( 1893 ). 8°. Bruxelles, 1>93. Benemerita Associazione Eeononiiu, e Provi- denza Xa|ioletaua. Cholera. Uniberto San Fe- lice Schilizzi. Rapporto sull' operato della . . . del corpo sanitario c comitato tli salute. 4°. Napoli, 1885. Bigklow (P.) How to make a city cholera proof. 8°. New York, 1893. Cutting from: Cosmopolitan, X. Y., 1893, xv, 497-501. Bo (A.) Le quarantene ed. il cholera-morbus. Parte seconda: Sui coutagi e la nou contagio- sity del cholera-morbus. 8°. Genova, [n. d.]. Boston. Communication from the consulting physicians, and other papers relative to the Asi- atic cliolera, 1865. City Doc. No. 95. 8°. [Boston, 1865.] Bhuxetti (L.) Ministero della pubblica is- truzione. Prowedimenti coutro il colera del 1885 in Sicilia. 83. Boma, 1886. Repr. from: Bull. uff. d' istruz. pubbl., 1886. California. State Board of Health. Circular Xo. 4. Preventive disease series. Restrictiou and prevention of cholera. 8°. [Sacramento, 1894.] Canada. Memorandum on cholera adopted by a medical conference, held in the bureau of agriculture in March, 1866. Printed by author- ity. 12c. [Ottawa], 18*6. Cappello (A.) [Lettera pubblicata nel Fili- atre sebezio di Napoli, aprile 1836.] 8°. Boma, 1836. Repr. from: Gior. arcad. di sc, lett. ed arti, Roma, 1836, lxvi. Caklsex (J.) Den asiatiske Kolera. El al- menfattelig Fremstilling med oplysende Tekst- billeder og et Tilkeg indeholdende Uddrag af de i Danmark gasldende Love og Bestemmelser vedr0- rende asiatisk Kolera. [Asiatic cholera. A com- prehensive presentatiou with illustrative text- pictures aud an appendix containing au abstract of the first Danish laws and regulations in regard to Asiatic cholera.] 12°. Kj^benhavn, 1894. de Caudemberg (G.) Cliole'ra; moyen d'en arreter la propagation et d'en preserver les cit^s et les individus sans apporter aucune entrave aux relations internationales; avec une pr6face par Carles de Caudemberg. n°. Paris, 1884. Central Provinces. Memorandum on the precautions to be takeu against cholera. [By S. C. Townsend, sanitary commissioner, Central Provinces and Berars.] fol. [Nagpore, 1869.] Chancellor (C. AV.) Observations on chol- era and quarantine. A national quarantine im- plies natioual seclusion. 8°. [Baltimore, 1892. ] Cholera (The) and the exportation of rags. Action of New York and Boston authorities. 1 galley sheet. From: Liverpool J. of Commerce, June 30, 1885. Crawford (A.) Metropolitan sanitary com- mission. Observations on the Asiatic cholera, during a residence in St. Petersburg in 1848, and on its prevention and cure; with au account of Cliolera (Prevention of Public measures M). the sanitary regulatious proposed to be adopted against the spreading of the disease in this country. 8°. London, 1848. Cremona. Rapporto sulle rnisure preventive e preservative del cholera asiatico nella provin- cia cremonese, proposte, discusse ed approvate dal comitato medico cremonese nella seduta straordinaria del 20 aprile 1»67. 8°. Cremona, [1*67]. Cuxingiiam (J. M.) Cholera: What can the state do to prevent it? 8°. Calcutta, 1884. -----. The same. Die Cholera, was kaun der Staat thun, sie zu verhiiten? Mit einem Vorwart von Dr. Max von Pettenkofer. 8~. Braunschweig, 1885. Denksciirift liber die gegen die Cliolera in Preussen 1892 getroffenen Massnahmen. h"-'. [Berlin, 1892.] Edinburgh (The) Board of Health. Instruc- tions by . . . for the prevention and mitigation of cholera. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1848.] Faivel (A. ) Rapport sur les mesures a prendre en Orieut pour pre'venir de nouvelles invasions du cholera en Europe. Aodtl866. 4°. Constantinople, 1866. Fort Edward, N. Y. Regulations adopted and published by the board of health of the town of Fort Edward, on the 25th and 26th days of June, 1832, pursuant to the require- ments of an act entitled "An act for the preser- vation of the public health". [Precautions against cholera.] 8°. [ Fort Edward, 1832.] Fotjrnol (L.) Le cholera et la fievre ty- phoide; moyens politiques de s'en preserver. 12°. Paris, 1883. Fratini (F.) II nostro piano di difesa contro il colera cou speciale riguardo alia pxovincia del Frinli. 12°. Udine, 1892. Genoa. Prowedimenti adottati dal munici- pio per impedire lo sviluppo e la diffusions del colera in Genova. Relazione del medico diret- tore dell' ufficio d' igiene al siudaco 1893. [E. Pezzali, medico direttore.] fol. Genova, 1893. Genoa (Province of). Sui prowedimenti adottati dalla R. prefettura di Genova per pre- venire lo sviluppo e la diffusione del cholera. Relazione del medico provinciale Prof. P. Ca- naiis al consiglio provinciale sunitario. 8°. Genova, 1893. Gerhard (S \Y.) Eenige mededeelingen om- trent de werkzaamheden der commissie voor cholera-zieken te Groningen, in het jaar 1859. 8°. [Groningen, 1859.] Gomez ( B. A.) Relatorio sobre os trabalhos da Conferencia sanitaria internacional reuuida em Constantinopola em 1866. 4°. Lisboa, 1867. Government regulations for the prevention of cholera. 16°. Edinburgh, 1848. Grandi (E.) Prowedimenti pressi per la minacciata invasioue colerica nell' anno 1884. Relazione al consiglio degli instituti ospitalieri di Milano. 8°. Milano, 1885. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Chojcra regulations. Port of London. To the port sauitary authority of the port of London; to all officers of the customs; to the medical of- ficer of health of the said port of Loudon; to . all masters of ships, and to all others whom it may concern. [Order of the Local Government Board, rescinding order bearing date the 17th day of July, 1873, as to certain rules and regu- lations, and substituting other rules and regul- ations. July 12, 1883.] fol. [London, 1*83.] -----. Cholera regulations. (Egyptian rags.) Port of London. 15797. Aug. 1, 1883. fol. [London, 1883.] CHOLERA. 582 CHOLERA. Cliolera (Prevention of Public measures for). -----. Cholera regulations. (Egyptian rags.) General. 15798. Aug. 1, 1883. fol. [London, 1883.] -----. Cholera regulations. ( Rags from Marseilles or Toulon.) General. 17.")4(i. July 2-2, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] -----. Cholera regulations from 17547. (Rags Marseilles or Toulon.) Port of Loudon. 22 July, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] ---—. Cholera regulatious. (Rags.) Gen- eral. 17550. Julv 23, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] —. Cholera regulatious. 17625. Aug. 8, 1884. (Rags.) Gen- fol. [London, oral. 1884. ] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from France.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 17744. Sept. 5, 1884. fol. [London, 1*84. fol 1884.] ------.. Cholera regulations. Italy.) General. 17745. Sept. (Rags from 6, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] ------. Cholera regulatious. (Rags from Italy.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral'. 17834. Sept. 20, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from France.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 17835. Sept. 30, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] Spain.) [Loudon, Cholera regulatious General. 17833. Sept 1*84.] Cholera regulations. rags.) Revoking order. General. 13, 18^4. fol. [London, 1884.] -----. Cholera regulations. rags.) Revoking order. Port 17879. (Rags 30, 1884. from fol. (Egyptian 17878. Oct. ( Egyptian of Loudon. Oct. 13, 1884. fol. [London, 1884. ) -----. Cholera regulations. (Rags from France) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 17951. Oct. 28, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Italy.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral". 17952. Oct. 28, 1884. fol. [London, 18*4.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from France.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 18194. Dec. 23, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Italy.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 18195. Dec. 23, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] ------. Factories and workshops. Hints as to the prevention of cholera. (Prepared for the use of the factory department.) Oct., 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Spain.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 19885. Feb. 22, 1885. fol. [London, 1885.] ------. Cholera Spain.) General. [London, 1885.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Spain.) Extending date. General. 19471. Nov. 2, 1885. fol. [London, 1885.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Spain.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 19674. Dec. 23, 1885. fol. [London, 1885.] ------. Cholera survey of England and Wales. 1885-6. Report of port sanitary (or regulations. (Rags 18959. Juue 23, 1885. from fol. Cholera (Prevention of Public measures for). riparian) inspection. [Blank forms for nse.l fol. [London, 1885-6.] ------. Inland cholera survey of England and Wales. 1885-6. Report of special inspec- tion. [Blank forms for use.] fol. [London 18£-D—1). J ------. Sauitary survey of England. Chol- era, 1885-6. Memorandum by medical officer. Precis of report, sm. 4°. [London, 1885-6.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Spain.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 20112. April 22, 1886. fol. [London from fol. from Gen- [Lon- 1886.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags Italy.) General. 20418. July 3, 1886. [London, 1886.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags Spain.) Extending date of prohibition. eral. 20614. Aug. 26, 1**6. 2 pp. fol. don, 1886.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Austria-Hungary.) General. 20816. Oct. 20 1886. fol. [London, 1886.] ------. Cholera regulations. (Rags from Italy.) Extending date of prohibition. Gen- eral. 20817. Oct. 20, 1886. fol. A London, 1J86.] Great Britain. Local G-orernment Board. Medical Department. Precautions against the infection of cholera. July 21, 1885. fol. [Lon- don, 1885.] Great Britain. Parliament. Cholera, etc., protection. A bill intituled An act to make bet- ter provision against cholera and other danger- ous epidemic diseases. (Brought from the Com- mons 7th Aug., 1884.) fol. London, 1884. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Public health (cholera prevention). A bill to remove doubts as to the power of the Local Government Board to make regulations respecting cholera. Prepared and brought iu by Mr. Ritchie aud Mr. Long. 12 Aug., 18*9. fol. [London, 1889.] Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Public health (cholera prevention). A bill inti- tuled An act to remove doubts as to the power of the Local Government Board to make regula- tions respecting cholera. Brought from the Commons 26 Aug., 1889. fol. [London, 1*89.] Great Britain. Privy Council Office. Coun- cil Chamber, Whitehall. July 21, 1866. [Order containing directions and regulations in case of cholera in the metropolis.] fol. [Loudon, 1883.] Great Britain. Secretary of State for India. East India (cholera), Madras. Return to an ad- dress of the House of Commons, dated 25 July, 1884, for "Copy of correspondence between the secretary to the government of India, home de- partment (sauitary), and the chief secretary to the government of Madras, relative to a report on cholera by Deputy Surg. Gen. Furnell, saui- tary commissioner for Madras, fol. London, 1884. HiEFFNER (A.) Lexikon ofver nu gallande forfattningar M. M. rorande kolera. [Lexicon of the prevailing laws ou cholera. M. M.] 12u. Goteborg, [1894]. Hanover. Ueber die asiatische Cholera. Aus den Protocollen der Rigaer Aerzte. [Han- nover, den 14ten October 1831. Konigliche Immediat-Commission gegen die Cholera.] 4 . Hannover, 1831. Hesse (Grand Duchy of). Gesetzlicbe Vor- schriften die Vorkehruug gegen die ansteckende Brecbruhr (Choleframorbus) betreffend. Zusam- CHOLEKA. 583 CHOLERA. Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). jnei)»estellt im September 1832. 8\ Cassel, [1832]. Hospital real da miserieordia. Conselbos no novo contra a cholera-morbus, npprovados pelos facultativos do Hospital real da miserieordia, e inandados publicar pela mesa da sauta casa da miserieordia d'esta cidade do Porto, para sereni distribuidos gratuitanicnte, lis classes necessita- das. 8°. Porto, 1855. Iowa State Board of Health. Prevention and restriction of cholera. Issued Aug., 1884. 8 ;. [Des Moines, 1881.] Istruzione ad uso delle autorita sanitario o del persouale uddetto gli stabilimenti di contu- macia. onde preservaro i contini degl' ii. R. R. Stati Austriaci dalla irruzioue del cholera mor- bus epidemico che regna nell' inipero delle Rus- sie, ed impedirne la propagazione nel nou im- possibile caso cho potesse peuetravi; diramata dall' ccc.mo magistrato de' couservatori gen.11 di sanita iu Piemonte alle r. giunte provinciali. 8°. Alessandria, 1831. Japan. A brief review of the operations of the home department in connection with the cholera epidemic of the 18th year of Meiji (1885). 8-. [Tokio, 1886.] Japan. Home Department. Notification of the sanitary bureau. Suggestions as to hygiene, etc., to be followed during epidemics of cholera. No. 5. August 24, 1877. 4C. [Tokio, 1877.] -----. Notification of the sanitary bureau. Report of Dr. Baelz, professor of medicine in the medical department, University of Tokio, on Asiatic cholera; also, summary of treatment. No. 6. September 23, 1877. sm. 4C. [Tokio, 1817.] -----. Notification of the sanitary bureau. Prevention of cholera. No. 11. June 28, 1879. sm. 4°. [Tokio, 1879.] -----. Notification of the sanitary bureau. Alterations in notification No. 11, respecting dis- infection iu cholera. No. 13. March 19, 1880. sm. 4°. [Tokio, 18*0.~\ -----. A brief review of the operations of the home department, in connection with the cholera epidemic of the years 1885; 18^6; 1890. *°. [Tokio, 1886-91.] Kazan. Government Zemstvo. Choler'naya epi- demiya i nnerl borbl s neyu v Kazanskoi gu- bernii. Sostavil po porucheniyu Gub. Zemskoi Upravi Vladislav Hubert. 8°. Kazan, 1892. Laws (The) of cholera. Reprinted (by per- mission) from "The Times", with an introduc- tion and supplementary matter. 16°. London, [1853]. Legrand (H.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la prophylaxie sanitaire maritime moderne du cholera. 4'-. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Lipski ( A. A. ) Obshtshestvennaya vza'imo- pomoshtsh v borbie s choler'oyu. [ Mutual help of the body politic in tbe struggle with cholera.] 8J. S.-Peterburg, 1893. London. Prevention of cliolera. [Observa- tions on the "Memorandum of a plan of united action in the case of au epidemic of cholera", recently issued in the name of the Metropolitan Association of Medical Officers of Health. Sub- mitted to that body by a professional confrere.] Bc. [London, 1866.'] London (Port of) Sanitary Committee. Re- port of medical officer of health in re cholera regulations, fol. London, 1883. -----. Cholera precautions for 1893. Con- ference of port medical officers of health, to be Cholera (Prevention of Public measures for). held at the Mansion House under the presidency of the Lord Mayor of London, on I7lh day of December, 18'.)2. fol. [Loudon, 1892.] Madras Presidency. Report of cholera com- mittee, ordered under G. O. No. 216, of 27th February, 1867; to report upon tbe arrange- ments which should be made to give practi- cal effect in the Madras Presidency to the rec- ommendations and suggestions of "the Interna- tional Sauitary Conference, fol. Madras, 1868. Maine. State Board of Health. Form 21. Practical facts about cholera. 8°. [Augusta, n. d.] Massachusetts. Stale Board of Health. Practical suggestions relative to cholera. A circular. September, 1892. 4°. [Boston, 1892.] Massachusetts State Board of Health, Lun- acy and Charity. Suggestions relative to epi- demic cholera. July, 1884. 4°. [Boston, 18^4.] Mauiio ( M. ) Vcgliamo! . . . considerazioni intoino alia profilassi e cura del coleia vero in ispeciule rapporto alia citta di Barletta. 8°. Trani, 1S<»3. Mayer (M.) Ist die Cholera cpidemisch oder contagios? Ist die Quarantaine ein hinlaug- licher Schutz? Zwei Fragen voin Standpunkte der Erfahrung aus beantwortet. 8°. Berlin, 1831. Mecklenhukg. Was vermag die Sanitats- Polizei gegen die Cholera? Nach eigenen Er- fahrungen beanwortet. 8C. Berlin, 1*94. Mehsehurg. Anorduuugen, die im IV-treff der herannahenden Cboiera morbus zu liefol- geu sind. [Signed:] Die zu Verhiituug der Cholera niedergesetzte Kreis-Cominission des Merseburger Vereines. fol. [Merseburg, 1831.] Mesures hygieniqttes proposees par le con- seil m6dical civil i\ l'effet de preserver la capi- tale et les provinces de FEmpire tie l'dpideiiiie cholerique qui regne en Egypte sanctionne'es par trade" imperial. 8U. Constantinople, [1883]. Metropolitan (Association of) Medical Offi- cers of Health. Meutoraudum of a plan of united action in tbe case of an epidemic of chol- era; to be communicated to vestries and dis- trict boards. 8C. London, [n. d.]. Michigan. State Board of Health. No. 75. Prevention aud restriction of cholera. Issued July, 1884. 8°. [Lansing, 1884.] -----. No. 92. Prevention and restriction of cliolera. Revised Aug., 1885. 8°. [ Lan- sing, 1885.] Mieri protiv choler'l v Germanii. [Nastavle- nie o sposobakh predokbraneniya ot zaryazhe- uiya choler'oyu. Pravila ob upotrebleuii dezin- fektsioznlkh sredstv sostavlennlya v Mosk vie gorodskim obshtsbestvennlni upravlenieiu i uachalnikom upravleniyu.] [Measures against cholera in Germany. Instruction in the prophy- lactic methods against cholera infection. Rules for the use of disinfectants adopted in Moscow by the city administration and the chief of the medical bureau.] 8°. [St. Peters- burg, 1892.] Mosso (A.) Le precauzioni contro il colera e le quarantene. 8-. Roma, 1884. Repr. from: Nuova antologia, Roma, 1884, 2. s., xlvii. Muhlig. Conference sanitaire internationale. Appendice au rapport de la commission des mesures hygieiiiques. La desinfection appli- quee au cholera. Travail revu et approuve" par la commission, fol. [n. p., 1866?] Netherlands. Staatsblad van het konink- rijk der Nederlauden. No. 137. Beslnit van den 30sten Augustus 1893, tot vaststelliiig van CHOLEKA. 584 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). buitengewoue niaatregeln tot afwending der Aziatische cholera eu tot weriug barer uitbrei- ding en gevolgeu. 8°. [Hague, lc93.] Neuchatel (Cantou of). Rapport de la com- mission de sant6 au conseil d'etat, sur les me- sures a prendre en cas d'invasion du cholera Epidemique dans le canton de Neuchatel. 8°. [Neuchdtel, 1854.] -----. Instructions sur les precautious a prendre avant et pendant l'epiddruie du cholera. Publie par la direction de l'interieur. 16°. [Neuchdtel, 1867.] Newton, Mass. Board of Health. Cholera. [Suggestions for the prevention and restric- tion of the disease.] 4°. [Newton, 1890.] New York State. Assembly. Report of the committee on so much of tbe governor's mes- sage as relates to the public health and the Asiatic cholera. Sen. No. 15. June 22, 1832. 8°. [Albany, 1832.] Ontario. Provincial Board of Health. Regu- latious, as adopted, to be submitted by . . . for approval by the lieutenant-governor, in council on the outbreak of cholera. 4°. [Toronto, 1884.] Orsi (G.) La colera e gli isolamenti; pro- posta al consiglio provinciale di sanita di Ancoua. 8°. Ancona, 1865. Padua. Tabella prima medica per le de- nuncie di malattia reale o sospetta di cboiera. broadside. [Padova, n. d.] Palermo. Istruzioni sulle precauzioni a prendere in caso di cholera. Aprile 1886. 8°. Palermo, 1886. Palermo (Province of). Sulla profilassi del colera. Relazione alia depntazione provinciale di Palermo, dei Prof. Mariano Pantaleo, Fran- cesco Randacio, Giovanni Argento, relatore, ap- provata dal consiglio sanitario nella seduta straordinaria del 6 gennaro 1886. fol. Palermo, 1886. Papillon (F.) De Indiscbe cholera uit het oogpuut van geneeskundige aardrijkskunde en internationale gezondheidsleer, uit het Fransch door Dr. F. Hessel. 8°. Groningen, 1873. Pasquali (V.) Conferenza pubblica sul cho- lera tenuta il dl 13 luglio 1884 alia Societa ope- raia di Tor ton a. 8°. Tortona, 1884. Pennsylvania. State Board of Health. Cir- cular No. 7. Precautions against cholera. 4°. [Philadelphia, 1885.] Pezzoni (A.) L'inefficacite' des quarantaines contre le cholera-morbus asiatique. 8°. Paris, 1854. Proposta di regolamento pei casi di epidemia di cholera morbus. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] Proust (A.) La defense de FEurope contre le cholera. 8°. Paris, 1892. Rapporto sulle misure preventive e preserva- tive del cholera asiatico nella provincia cre- monese, proposte, discusse ed approvate dal comitato medico cremonese nella sedula stra- ordinaria del 20 aprile 1867. 8°. Cremona [1867]. Raymond (J. H.) Report on the prevention of cliolera, to the Conference of State and Muni- cipal Boards of Health, at Washington, D. C. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1884. Real Sociedade humanitaria. Instruccoes preventivas acerca da cboiera morbus, mandadas publicar pela . . . 12°. Porto, 1855. Regolamento sul colera. Presentato ai col- legia di sanita, ai medici ed al pubblico dai Prof, W. Griesinger, Massimilliano Pettenkofer, C. A. Wunderlich. Tradotto del tedesco in italiamo Cholera (Prevention of Public measures for). da E. Gustavo Ohlsen. 2. ed. s°. Xapoli 1866. Sin Rhode Island. State Board of Health. gestions relating to Asiatic cboiera. I"Circular 28.] 8°. [Proridenee, 1884.] Rollet (J.) Conseil d'hygiene publiq tie et de salubrite" du de'partement du Rh6ne. Rapport snr les mesures sanitaires applicables a Lyon en prevision du cholera. 8°. Lyon, 1*83. Also, in: Lyon med., 1884, xlvi, 305-318. Russia. Pravitelstvcnniya, rasporyazheniya po prednprezhdeuiyu i preslecheniyu choler'!. [Government orders for the prevention and abor- tion of the outbreak of cholera.] 8°. [St Pe tersburg, 1892.] Repr. from : Pravit. vestnik, 1892. Russia. Ministry of ihe Interior. \. Nasta- vlenie dlya proizvodstva dezinfektsii ... % Mlerl ograzhdeniya ot zanosa epidemii choler'l i yeya rasprostraneniya v guhernskikh i uyezd- uikh gorodakb, vvodimlya po osobomu "dlya kazhdoy nnestnosti utverzhdeniyu g. Ministra Vuutrennikh Diel. [Measures to guard against the introduction of cholera aud its spreading in government and county seats, adopted in accord- ance with orders from the minister of ihe inte- rior, and made special for each locality.] 8° [St. Petersburg, 1892.] Repr. from: Pravit vestnik, 1892. Russia. Ministry of War. Svod prikazov, tsirkulyarov i postanovleniy, obyavlenulkh po Voyennomu Viedomstvu, o mierakh po okhra- neniyu voisk ot choler'l, sostavlennly po ras- poryazheniyu Glavnavo Voyenno-Meditsinskavo Inspektora; so vklyucheniem ustanovlennlkh na etot predmet pravil, po drugim viedomstvain, v otnosheuii grazbdanskavo naseleniya, voilnlkh i zbeliezno-dorozhnlkh putei. Sostavil po of- fitsialnlm svledieuiyam A. Katalimoff. Izdanie Glavnavo Voyenno-Meditsinskavo Upravlleniya. [Digest of orders, circulars, aud rulings made by the department of war, concerning measures to guard the troops from cholera, [etc.]. Com- piled from official data by A. Katalimoff. Issued by the chief army medical bureau.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1-92. Sachs (A.) Betracbtungen fiber die unter dem 31. Januar 1832 erlassene Instruction durch welche das in Betreff'der asiatiscben Cholera im preussischi n Staate zu beobachtende Verfabren festgesetzt wird. Fur Aerzte und Verwaltungs- Beamle. Erster Nachtrag zum Tagcbuche iiber das Verhalten der hosartigen Cholera in Berlin, 4°. Berlin, 1832. Saint Petersburg. County Zemstvo. Pro- tivocholerniya mieropriyatiya i choler'naya epi- demiya 1892 g. Otcuotl vrachei S.-Peterburg- skavo Uyezdnavo Zemstva. [Measures against cholera and the cholera epidemic of 1892. Re- ports of the physicians of.. .] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Sammlung der von den Regierungen der dentschen Bundesstaateii ergangenen Verord nungen und Instructionen wegen V>rhiitung uud Behandlung der asiatischen Brechruhr (Cholera morbus'!. Hft. 1-9, Aug. 1831 -Marz 1832. 4°. Frankf uit am Main, 1831-2. Saxony. Verhaltungsmassregelu beim Her- annahen nnd beim Auftreten der Cholera, fol. Dresden, [n. d.]. Seine ( De'partement de la). Prefecture de police. Rapport a Messieurs les ministres de l'interieur et dn commerce sur les mesures prises contre l'e'pide'mie cholerique de 1884, a Paris et dans le departement de la Seine. 4°. Paris, 1885. CHOLEKA. 585 CHOLERA. Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). Seine (Departement de la). Prefecture de police. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite. Modifications a apporter aux instructions sur les mesures a prendre en cas d'epideinie cholerique. M. Dnjardin-Beaumetz, rapporteur. 4°. Paris, 1-90. Simon (F. A.) juu. Oefteutliche uud person- liche Vorsichtsniaasregeln gegen die ostindische Brecbruhr oder Cboiera morbus, ihre unwider- sprechliche und alleiiiige Verbreitung durch Menschenverkebr sowol in Asien als in Europa, und die dringende Nothweudigkeit der streng- sten Quarantaine gegeu die aus damit ange- steckten oder kiirzlich augesteckt gewesenen Stiidteu nnd Gegendeu kommenden Personen, gegriindet auf eudliche, naturgeiniisse Schlich- tuug des Streites fiber Kontagiositiit uud Nicbt- kontagiositat derselben. 16c. Hamburg, 1831. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 16°. Hamburg, 1831. Tennessee. State Board of Health. Memo- randum addressed to tbe local authorities of ihe cities, towns, aud villages of Tennessee. Pre- cautious against the infection of cholera. 8°. I [Nashville, 1884.] Towarzystwo Lekarske Warszawske. Uch- wala . . . dotycza,ca zapobiegania rozwojowi epi- demii cholery i srodkow pomocy publicznej w razie wybuchu cholery. [Resolutions of the Warsaw Medical Association in relation to pre- venting an outbreak of an epidemic of cboiera, and public aid in case of its outbreak.] 8°. [Warsaw, 1884.] Troy. Board of Health. [CoUection of bulle- tins and reports of tbe board of health, from June 26 to Sept. 8, 1832, during tbe epidemic of Asiatic cholera.] 16 reports. v. s. [Troy, 1832.] Turin. Raccolta dei principali prowedi- menti dati dalla commissione sanitaria di To- rino col coucorso della civica amministrazione e dell' uffizio del vicariato in occasione del cholera asiatico nianifestatosi in questa citta sul princi- pio delF autunno 1835. 8Z. Torino, [1835]. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- senlatives. Cholera morbus. Report of the Committee on Foreigu Affairs, to whom has been referred a memorial of tbe board of health of the city of New York, on the subject of the disease known as Indian or Asiatic cholera. (With accompanying documents.) 22. Cong., 1. sess. Rep. No. 226. By Mr. Archer. Jan. 20, l 1832. Read and concurred in by the House, I Feb. 1, 1832. 8 . [Washington, 1832.] United States. Department of State. Letter from the President of ibe United States, trans- mitting a communication from the Secretary of State, in relation to a rev>ort upon the subject of cholera. 51. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Ex. Doc. Xo.121. Dec. 18, 1890. *°. [Washington, 1890.] United Statics. Treasury Department. Cir- cular. Consular certificates of disinfection re- quired with all importations of rags from foreign ports; absolute prohibition of rags from districts known to be infected with cholera. Aug. 19, 1892. Department No. 143, Marine Hospital Service. 4°. Washington, 1892. -----. Circular. Vigilance against cholera. Aug. 30, 1892. Department No. 148, Division of Customs. 4'-. [Washington, 1892.] -----. Letter from the Secretary of tbe Treasury in response to a resolution of the Sen- ate of the 12th instant, transmitting a communi- cation of tbe port physician of Philadelphia rel- ative to the danger from the introduction of cholera through immigration. [By E. O. Shake- Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). speare.l 52. Coug., 2. sess. S. Ex. Doc. No. 13. Dec. 14, 1892. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] United States. Treasury Department. U.S. Marine-Hospital Service. Circular. Amending Department Circular No. 112, July 8, 1*92, rela- tive to disinfection. Sept. 7, 1892*. Department No. 158. 4°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. Circular. Personal effects and bag- gage of immigrant's from all European and Asiatic ports to be disinfected at ports of de- parture. Aug. 24, 1892. Department No. 147. 4°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. Circular. Quarantine restrictions upon immigration to aid in tbe prevention of the introduction of cholera into the United States. Sept. 1, 1892. Department No. 150. 4°. [ Washington, 1892.] Utrecht. Publicatie. Burgemeester, wet- bonderen en raden der stad Utrecht. [On cholera.] 8°. [te Utrecht, 1832.] -----. Verdeeling der stad Utrecht in dis- tricted Aanwyzing van geneeskunstoefenaren in de onderscbeideue wykeu en iustructieu voor dezelveu als anderzins in zake der cholera. 8°. [Utrecht, 1832.] Venice. Istruzioni approvate dalF Eccelso. i. r. governo con decreto N. 110 del gioruo 8 ottobre 1835 per prowedimenti sanitarij nel caso dello sviluppo nella regia citta di Venezia del cholera asiatico. fol. [ Venezia, 1835.] Vereeniging tot Verbetering der Volksge- zondheid. Verslagen van de Vereeniging tot Verbetering der Volksgezondheid, opgericht te Utrecht gedurende de cbolera-epidemie in 1866. 8°. Utrecht, 1881. Verhandlungen der Cholera-Conferenz in Weimar am 28. und 29. April 1867; nach den steuographischeu Aufzeichnungen redigirt Arou Dr. Thomas. Mit einem Vorworte von Max von Pettenkofer. 8°. Miinchen, 1867. Verslag van de werkzaambeden der commis- sie voor cbolerazieken te Groningen in het jaar 1855, medegedeeld door haren voorzitter W. Gerkards. 8°. [Groningen, 1855.] Vienne (Prefecture de la). Instruction du metlecin des 6pide"mies concernant les mesures a prendre du cbol6ra. 8°. Poitiers, [n. d.]. Villard (F.) * De quelques mesures prophy- lactiques prises pendant l'e'pide'niie de cholera de 1892. 4°. Paris, 1893. Villarroel Y Garcia (A.) Cousejos medios preservativos y tratamiento contra el cdlera morbo. 18°. Madrid, 1884. Vladimiroff (A. A.) Rukovodstvo k obuche- niyu sanitarov-tlezinfektorov dlya borbl s cho- ler'oyu. [Handbook of instructions for sanitary and disinfecting officers for the struggle with cholera.] 16 . S.-Peterburg, 1893. von Wknzl (J. B.) Bericht an seine Majestiit den Kdnig von Bayern iiber die allgemeineu Sanitats-Massregeln, welche in Bayern zur Ver- hiituug des Einhruchs uud der Fortpfianzung der asiatiscben Brecbruhr zu treffen t-oyn diirf- ten, mit Zusatzeu. 8"'. Miinchen, 1831. Wiener freiwillige Rettungs-Gesellschaft. Die Aufgaben der Sanitats-Behdrden uud der gemeiniiutzigen Vereine bei Cboleragefahr. 87. Wien, 1*84. Wisconsin. State Board of Health. Preven- tion of cholera. Circular issued July 31, 1884. 8°. [Madison, 1884.] -----. Defence against cholera and other preventable diseases. *.'J. Madison, 18*5. Aclcs officiels et documents concernaut les mesures sanitaires nppliquees en France en vue de l'epidemie cho- lerique d'Espasne de juin a decembre 1890. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1890, Melun, 1891, CHO LEE A. 586 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). xx. C80-712. — Actos del gobierno sobre el c61era morbo; ministerio de la jroberuacion del reino: tliieccion tie sani- dad: circulares. Restaurador farm., Madrid. 18411, v, 38; 93; 101; 111. — Adriani (I'.) De, cholera. 1. Han- ver- spreiding en hare bestrijding. 2. Welke maatregelen kan dr staat iitunen om de choleia te voorkomen en te bestrij- den.' Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1880, x, 53-79. — Albancsc (E.) Cholera, aud the, duties of gov- ernments and countries during epidemics. N. York M. J., 1887, xlv, 49-56. — Austria. Die Cholera-Instruction. Wien.med. Bl., 188(1, ix, 1004; 1038; 10G9. Also: Wien.med. Presse, 188G, xxvii, 1145; 1172; 1203; 1239. — Baiter (H. B.) Preparation in Michigan against cholera; statement of the status of the public health work in Michigan. De- troit Lancet, 1884-5, viii, 298-302. AUo, Reprint. —Bal- lard & Blaxall. On the results of the sanitary survey made in anticipation of cholera. 1886. Rep. Med. Otf. Lo- cal Gov. Bd. 1886, Lond., 1887,109-268,1 map, 1 pl., lplan.— Bnrbit-i- (H.) Le cholera; mesures de pr6cautions au poiut de vue international. Gaz. med. de Par., 1890, 7. s., vii, 430.—Barry (F. W.) Memorandum on the progress of the sanitary survey made in 1894. in anticipation of chol- era. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1894-5. Lond., 1896, xxiv, 262- 266. — Bavaria. Erlass konigl. bayerischen Miuiste- riums des Innern vom 11. Juli 1884, betr. Maassregeln zur Abwehr der Ch.olerage.fahr. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.. Brnschwg., 1884, xvi, 637.—Benzengr (V. N.) O inierakh protiv razvitiya choler'noi epidemii v Paris'ie v 1884 g. [On tho measures against the develop- ment of the epidemicof cholera in Paris during 1884.] Trudi Obsh. russ. vrach. v Mosk. (1885), 1886, 182-199.—Bcrruti (S.) Relazione sulla memoria del professore Angelo Bo, intitolata: Le quarantene ed il cholera-morbus. Gior. tl. r. Accatl. med. chir. di Torino, 1855, 2. s., xxii, 65-145. AUo, Reprint. —Blasius (R.) Was ist in Braunschweig zur Assanirung der Stadt uud zum Schutze gegen die Cho- lera im Sommer 1884 geschehen nnd was blcibt una noch zu thun ubrig? Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1884, vii, 177-203. —Bliicmbcrs (P. M.) K voprosu o preduprezhdenii zanosa choler'i iz Indii v Yevropu cherez sulkhoputiiuyu granitsu. [On preventing the introduction of cholera from India to Europe through tho land bounda- ries] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1889- 90, xxvi, 269-279. — B[orner] (P.) Die Vorlage des Ma- gistrats, betreffend die zur Abwendung der Cholera zu organisireuden Massregeln in tier Stadtverordneten-Ver- samnilung zu Berlin. Deutsches Wchnbl. f. Gsndhtspflg. u. Rettungsw., Berl., 1883-4, i, 285. -----. Die Conferen- zen ini kaiserlich dentschen Gesundheitsamte zur Erorte- rung der Cholerafrage. Deutscho med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 533. — Borne ( F. P. ) Conclusiones teenicas aprohadas por el Congreso sanitario americano de Lima. [Cholera.] Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1887-8, xvi, 489-508. — Brooks (S. D.) Cholera and quarantine. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893, 273-284. — Brouardcl (P.) Sur le systeme sanitaire adopte par la Conference de Ve- nise pour enipecher le cholera tie p6n6trer eu Europe par l'isthuie de. Suez. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1892, cxiv, 1458-1402. Also, Reprint. Also: Anu. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 50-55. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8. s., i, 422-424. -----. La defense contro le cholera ; va- leur comparee du systfeme quarantenaire ancien et du sys- teme adopte k la Conference deDrestle pour la d6fense ties divers pays contre le cholera. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1893, 3.S., xxx, 385-408—Biidde (V.) Foranstaltniiiger mod Kole- raens Ovcitorselse til Europa gjenuem Suez-Kanalen. Ugesk. f. Lager, Kjobenh., 1892, 4. R., xxvi, 111; 135. -----. Profylaktiske Foranstaltniiiger mod Koleraens Indforelse i Riget. [Prophylactic measures against chol- era in Denmark. Ibid., 311-323. — Burrall ( F. A.) Are we likely to have any more epidemics of Asiatic cholera in New Y/ork.' Med. Rec., N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 83-85.—Ccmborain K«paua (E.) Dictamen emitido por la coniision especial nombrada por la excelentisima diputacion provincial de Madrid en sesion extraordina- ria de 28 do Julio ultimo para proponer la adopciou de medidas sanitarias & fin de precaver 6 amiuorar los efec- tos tie una invasion col6rica. Rev. So-. espaii. de hie. Madrid, 1884, ii, 392-399. — C!harrin (A.) Les mesures prises contre le cboiera, k Cerbere, et a la partie orientale de la froniiere d'Espagne. Anu. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiv, 193-198.—Cholera conference'at Berlin. Laucet, Loud., 1SS5, i, 911; 961. — Cholera (The) conference at Berlin. Metl. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 221; 243; 292.— Cholera; mesures de surveillance k recommander aux frontieres th-terre; surveillance du batelage. Bull. sp6c. du serv. de saute et de l'hyg. pub., Brux., 1893, 104-116.__ Cholera order of September 6, 1892. Rep. Local Gov Bd. 1892-3, Lond., 1894, xxii, 333-335. — Cholera aud quarantine. [Copy of a decree issued by orderof the Queen regent of Spain in 1834.J Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 88.__ Cholera regulations. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1883-4, Lond., 1.-84, xiii, 58-63. AUo: Local Gov. Chron., Lond., 1883^ xvii, 570-573. — Cholera regulations; Egyptian rags. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1883-4, Lond., 1884, xiii, 81-84.— Cholera Prevention of, Public measures Cholera (Die aus Anlass der) seitens tier k. k St-utlcd terei als Verwalterin der Wiener l<. k. Kraiikriuumfi.ltrn in den Jahren 1892-3 getrotl'eneu Massnalin..... mid Voi kelirungen. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. KrankenaiiHt (lMtti' 1894. ii, 1-43 -Christie (,l.) Cholera epidemics tiu-i. etiology, modes ot diffusion, and preventive measures with special reference to quarantine. San. Jour (Hubs' 1883-4, n. s., vii, 233-242. Also: San. News, Chicago 1884 iv, 95-97. -----. National antl local precautions a-ninoi cholera. San. Jour., Glasg.. 18S4-5, n. s., viii. :'53-?i7i) _ ChriNtison (R.) Account of the arrangements innde bv the Edinburgh board of health preparatory to the arrival of cholera iu that city. Edinb. M. & S. J,, iwj xxxvii suppl., pp. ccliv-cclxxxviii. Also. Reprint. — < iicnlm sobre organization de las juntas do sanidad, en el r,,sil tie invatlir & la Espana el coleia asidtico. Tclt'grl.'fu med., Barcel., 184n, iii, 60-01 — Colera-morbo asiatico- euarenteiias; esposicion tlii-igida por la Academia de un-! dicina y cirugia de las Islas Bab-ares, ii S. M. la Ueiua. Abeja med., Barcel., 1819, 2. s., iii, 239. — < oiilt-i-enz zur Erorteruug der Cholerafrage. Verhandclt herlin im Reichsgesiindheitsamt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 1S84 xxi 477; 493; 509. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., lei*! ii' 123; 145; 157. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., bVrl.| 1884, x, 499; 519.—Conferenz zur Erorteruug der Clio! lerafrage. ( Zweites Jahr.) Aerztl. Tnt.-Bl., Miinchen, 1885, xxxii, 511; 599. Also, Reprint. — Coni (E. R.) Ei c61era y las cuarentenas. Rev. nieil.-quir., Iiuenos Aires 1884-5, xxi, 168-170.—Corbally (T. P.) Maiiagemeiit of cholera in Europe. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1884, xiii, 498-502. — Cnrtisa (B.J.) Cholera and Chicago sanitation. St Louis M. & S. J., 1885, xlix, 146-150.—». (0. L.) La pro- phylaxie administrative du choleraparisien , ul884. Union med., Par., 1885, 3. s., xl, 63-66.—Decrt-t de modification du regime sanitaire concernant le cboiera. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1866, xxxiii, 305.— Deutsches Keith; Massnahmen gegen tlie Cholera; RundsehreibendesUeiclis- kanzlers (Reichsamt ties Iunern) vom 27. Juni 1893, an samnitlicheBuntlesregieruugen. Rechtspreeliungu. Med.- Gesetzgeb., Berl., 1893, 113-132. — Du lUesnil (O.) La lutte contre le choltia k Paris, en France et a letiaiigci. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 335; 412.— I>nij;iii (S. H.) What is being done in Boston to prevent the in- troduction and spread of cholera. Boston M. it S.J., 1892, cxxvii, 308. — Fngclsted (S.) Om nogle svage Pnukter i vort sanitaire Forsvar mod en Koleraepidemi, nied siei- ligt HensyntilKjobenhavn. Hyg. Medd., Kjobenh., 1884, ii, 305-348.— Erlass ktinigl. bayerischen Ministeriunis des Innern vom 6. August 1883, betrefT.-ntl Maassregeln gegen dio Verbreitung tier asiatischen Cholera. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1884, xvi, 140- 144.—E rlass ktinigl. preussischen Ministeriunis der geist- lichen. IJiitenichts- nnd Medicinalangelcgenheiten vom 19. Juli 1883, betreffend prophvlactischo Maassregeln gegen tlie Cholera. Ibid., 1883, xv,777. — Farkas (J.) A cho- lera ellen val6 vetlekezes Magyarorszagon. [ The true means of defence against cholera in Hungary.] Gy6gy&- Bzat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 432-434.—Fauvcl. Rapport sur le service sanitaire hulgare a propos tie 1'intiilent relatif aux pelerins revenant de Mecque. Ree. d. trav. Comite- consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1883, xii, 26- 30. -----. Rapport sur une communication sanitaire du gouvernement anglais faite au conseil international de sant6 do Constantinople au sujet du cholera dans l'Inde. Ioid.,-84-38.—Fazio (E.) I prowedimenti sanitarii pel colera; le quaranteue ed i cordoui sanitarii; acqua pota- bile. Riv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1887, vii, 381-391.— ForclObig Lov augaende yderligere Foranstahiiinger mod asiatisk Koleras; indforelse ad Svtvejcu. Ugenls. t. Linger, Kjobenh., 1884, 4. R., x, 273-275.—Fraenkel it:.) Das Verhalten der argentinischen Regierung in der Cho- lerafrage. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1894, iv, 817-821- Gairdncr (W. T.) On certain arrangements made in tho citv of Glasgow, 1866, with a view to the prevention of epidemic cholera. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1891, vi, 56-74. AUo, Reprint, — General cholera order of August 28th, 1890. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. lid. 1890, Loud., 1891. xx, 203-207.—Gibbons (Ih), sr. Chol- era and quarantines. PacificM. & S. J., SauFran., 18X.I-4, xxvi, 97-102.—Goyne. Rapport sur les mesures preven- tives en prevision d'une epidemie choltiique. Trav. Cons. d'hyg. pub. de la Giroude 1883, Bordeaux, 1884, xxv, 297- 304.—Greene Pasha. Sanitary administration in Egypt, considered with reference to cholera. Prov. M. J., Lei- cester, 1892, xi,421; 470: 525; 590; 647— Gnttsladt (A.) Die Verhandlungen iiber Cholerairuarantane iu Antwerpen vom 26. bis 30. August 18*5. Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bureau's, Bed., 1886, xxvi, 31-41.—Hart (E.) ihe pow- ers and duties of individuals and communities for the pre- vention of cholera and diarrhoea. Brit. M. J., Lontl., if*, ii, 181. AUo: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x, 244-241. - Ileyse. Feber die sanitiiren Maasnahmen Hamburgs in der Cholera-Epidemie von 1892. Deutsche md.-antl. Ztschr., Berl., 1893, xxii, 241-264.—Hibberd (J. F) IJ* necessity for the prevention of cholera. Rep. Ld. Beann CHOLERA. 587 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). Indiana 1892-3, Indianap., 1894, xn, 45-52.—limit (K. M.) Local and national preventive measures against cholera. Med. & Sing. Reporter, Phila., 18s.".. liii, 1-5.— Inipeia- toi-skoyc Ivavkazskoye Meditsiuskoye Obshtshestvo. Doklail koinnnssii po razrabot kie voprosa o proektiruyenioin Imperatorskim Kavkazskim Meditsinskim Obshtshestvoni svezdle Kavkazskikh vrachel diva obsuzhdeniya i vi- rabotki inter horbi s choler'noi epidemiyel. [Report of the commission on the projected congress of physicians of the Caucasus to devise measures for the struggle with the cholera epidemic.] Protok. zasaid. Ka\kazsk. rued. Obsh, Tiflis, 1892-3. xxix, 351 - 364. — ■ ii«ti-uc- ciones que deber&n observar los gefes politicos y al cables en la adoption tie las dispositions guberna- tivas necesarias para conteuer 6 minorar los efectos del cdlera morbo as'alico. Eco tie la meth, Madrid, 1848- 9 i 301; 311; 319; 327. Also: Restaurador farm., Ma- drid, 1849, v, 93; 101; 111. AUo: Telegrafo med., Bar- cel., 1819, iii, 118-128. .IZ.so.- Cron. tie 1. hosp., Madrid, 1854, ii, 152; 178— Instruction* sur les mesures k pren- dre en temps .de cholera adoptees par le comite con- sultatif d'hygifeue de Frauee. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1881, vi, 564-567.—International (The) sanitary con- ferences of Venice and Paris. Practitioner, Lond.'. 1892, xlix, 464-480. Also [Abstr.]: Sanitarian. X. Y., 1893, xxx, 56-63.—Internationale Massnahiueu im Allgenieinen nnd Massregeln heziiglicb tier Reisenden und Waaren. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wieu, 1893, v, 18H-100. AUo. transl.: Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 429-437.—Iirrxluit'i' (E.) Cholera, sanitation, quarantine, and a national heilth organization. Post-Graduato, X. T., 1891-2, vii, 467-179.—ICetscher (X.) De limniuuile contro le cho- lera conferee par le lait. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv. 8:;2. —Kirtikar (K. R.) Is cholera quarantine scientifically sanctioued I Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 539-545.— Koch (R.) Der Siteus des . . . an den Maatssecretar ties Innern erstat-teto Bericht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 18-3, ix. G15—(!17. — Kiiniyi-t'icli Preussen; Massregeln gegen die Cholera; Verb >t di i Ein- und Durchfuhr von gehrauchten Kleidern, Leib- und Bettwascho u. s. w. ans Kassland. Reehtsprechung u. Med.-Gesetzgeb., Berl., 1892. 103. — I.ee (B.) The ability of the state to prevent an epidemic of cholera. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc., Thila., Ic92, xiii, 338-343. Also.- Med. Xews, Phila,, 1892. lxi, 322- 325. AUo, Reprint.— l.ejjrand ( M.-A.) Hygiene inter- nalionale ties mesures sanitaires preserites a l'egard des navires indemnes en temps d'epidemie cholerique. Anu. d'hyg., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxi, 401-418. — Lewis < T. R.), Ewart (J.) sii v 1883-5 gg. [Preventive measures against cholera, proposed in Russia in 1883-5.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb., 1891. ix, 2. sect., 36-4G.—liOwnds (T. M.) Is quarantine useful against cholera? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 918. -----. Cholera and quarantine. Ibid., 1066-1068. — I,vort" (I. M.) Do- klad konimisii, izbrannol Obshtshestvoni vrachel v za- siedanii 20 inn. dlya svoyevremennoi virabotki i pri- nyatiya mier protiv zaneseniya i rasprostraneniya choler'i v Kazani. [Report of the commission . . . for the adop- tion of measures against the introduction and diffusion of cholera in Kazan.] Dnevnik Kazan. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Univ., 18,85, ix, 1-12.—51»Vail (J. C.) Cholera pro- cautions in Scotland. Edinb. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix, 595- 602. AUo: San. Jour., Glasg., 1893-4, n. s., xvii. 301-368.— Maragliano (E.) La pubblica profilassi del colera in rapporto alia sua etiologia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, V45; 753; 761; 817; 825. -----. Sulla misura di pubblica preservazione contro il cholera, e specialinente sulle qua- rantene raarittime e terrestri. Salute: Italia rued., Ge- nova 1884, 2. s., xviii, 385-392. — Vlaiitiiiit- quarantine and Ijirlian cholera. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1891, xxvi, 372-374. — .Ylassnahmuiiiit'ii tier egyptischen Regie- rung gegen die Cliolera ini Jahre 1890. Oesterr. San.- Wes.. Wien, 1891, iii. 257-260.— Vlassiiahmcn gegen (he Cliolera. Veroffeutl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Beil., 1892, xvi, 607-613. — JUedidas de prevencao e de compate contra o cholera-morbus, adoptadas pela Sociedade das sciencias medicas em 1886. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1890, vui, 266; 277. — Tit lit har IL.) Was kanu der Staat gegen die Einsehleppuug dei Cholera thuu? Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1886, xxi, 469; 481; 493; 506; 541: 577; 589: 1887, xxii, 2; 14— Vlerzhcycvski (V. O.) Proyt-kt organizatsii sanitarov dlya borbi s choler'oi i deshovikh dezinli-ktsionnikh kamer. [Project of sanitary organiza- tion for the struggle, with cholera, and cheapness of disin- fecting chambers.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. 'ned., St. Petersb., 1892, xvi, 7. sect., 39-50. — ITIesures preventives de police sanitaire en cas de cholera, formu- | Cholera (Prevention of Public measures for). lees par la Societ6 de medicine publique de Paris. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1883-4, ii, 141-143. — .Vlcsiircs en Tur- quie contre le cliolera. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1884, xxvii, 49-58.—.Vlinden. Erlass konigl. Regierung zu Minden vom 25. Juli 1884, betreffeud Cboleraiiiaassre- geln ini Regierungsbezirk Mindeu. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1885, xvii, 176-181.— IVIonod (H.) Les mesures administratives prises en Frauee coutro le cholera en 1892. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, 585-600. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1893, xv, 968-983.—Moore (W. J.) Cholera and quarau- tine. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 77.—Nash (G. W.) Letter from Hamburg. What is being done to protect the city aud its commerce agaiust cholera. Boston M. &, S. J., 1893. exxix. 78.—."Vetter. Les mesures prises contre le cholera, a Ilendaye et a la partie occidentalo tie la fron- tiere d'Espagne.' Ann. d'hyg., Par., 189(1, 3. s., xxiv, 198- 203.—New (The) International Cholera Convention. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 933; 975. — IVilsson (E. ) Ett ord till kolerarustnings-fragan. [A lew words on the ques- tion of preparing for cholera. | Helsovannen, Stock- holm, 1893, viii, 111-117. — OflVutliifc (Den) Sundheds- pleje og Fareu for en Kolera Invasion. Ugesk. f. Lse- ger, Kjdbeuh., 1885, 4. II.. xii, 005: 1880, 4. R., xiv, 133- 147. — O'Gormnn (P. W.) Cholera and quarantine. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1895, iii, 263-271. Also: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, viii, 167-171. — Orsi (G) Relazione al vi Congresso medico di Bologna della commissione preposta alia profilassi del colera in Italia. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital., Bologna,1874, vi, 343-351.— Pagliani. Report of the commission relative to the Red Sea and to the general prophylaxis of the pilgrimage. [Transl.1 Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1895, xi, 196; 265.— Fallen (M. A.) Cholera as regards quarantine, and its prevention, pathology, and treatment. Med. Rec, N. V., 1885, xxvii, 253-257.—Fa redes (F. A.) El c61era; medi- das preservativas adoptadas en Espana contra la invasion del colera-morbo asiatico. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1883, ix, 212; 449.—Parliam (F.W.) The state of prep- aration of Xew Orl'ans against an invasion of cboiera. Med. News, Phila.,1893, lxiii, 22.— vou Pettenkofer (M.) Die Cholera-Prophylaxis in Miinchen, von Dr. Frank, bc- sprochen von . . . Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxii, 370-378. Also, Reprint.— Pczzali (E.) II colera o le autorita inglesi. Rivista, Genova, 1883, ii, 289-299.—dc Pietra Santa (P.) Des visites medicales preventives contre le cholera-morbus. Du General Board of Health et du Register General. Rev. m6d., Par., 1853, ii, 449-456. AUo, Reprint. — Pogla.dy Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Warszawskiegowsprawieurzadzenia rewirowsanitarnych na wypadek wybuchu cholery w Warszawie przedstawi- one J. AV. Prezydentowi in. Warszawy. [Opinion of the Warsaw Medical Association of the sanitary arrangements made in case of an outbreak of cholera i i Warsaw, sub- mitted to his excellency the president of Warsaw.] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warsza'w., lf-85, lxxxi, 109-138.—Post. De cboieracongressen. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, fete], Utrecht., 1885, ix, 302-316.—Precautions against the infection of cholera, hep. Local Gov. Bd. 1892-3, Lond., 1894, xxii, 326-328.—Preliminary reportof the second series of sessions of the German cholera conference. Med. Xews, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 606; 634. — Prins ( G. ) Het geneeskundig staatstoezicht tot wering tier cholera. Ne- derl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Leiden, 1893, xvii, 620- 626.—Proccs-ve rbaiix unalytiqucs des deux r6unions generates du corps medical d'Alger, tenues les 18 et 19 juillet 1884, on prevision d'une epidemic cholerique. Al- ger m6d., 1884, xii, 225-231. — Pi-ojekt pi zepis6w, maja,- cych na celu ograniczenie cholery, w ra/ie wybuchu ta- kowej w Warszawie. [Project of measures to be adopted to limit the spread of cholera in case of its outbreak in Warsaw.] [Edit.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s., iv, 519-528. — Pronst (A.) Mesures de prophylaxie pres- crites eu 1899 contre lo cholera d'Espagne. Bull. Acad. de metl., Par., 1891, 3. s.. xxv, 762-772. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1891, xiii, 385-392. — Provvedimeiili preventivi sul colera. Bull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. d. nmnicip. di Roma, 1884, v, 145-151.—Prussia. Erlass konigl. preussischeu Ministeriunis der geistlichen, Unterrichts- uud Medici- nalangelegenheiten vom 14. Juli 1884, betreffend Maass- regeln zur Abwehr der Choleiagefahr. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. tiff. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1884, xvi, 631-637. -----. Erlass ktinigl. preussisehen Kriegsniinisteriums vom 26. August 1884, betreffend Choleraniaassregeln in tier Armee. Ibid., 1885. xvii, 173. -----. Erlass konigl. preussisehen Kriegsniinisteriums vom 12. September 1884, betreffend Choleraniaassregeln in der Armee. Ibid., 174- 176.—Quarantaines (Des) au point de vue tlu cholera. Cong, period, internat. d. seined. C.-r., 3. sess.. 1873, 64- 89. AUo : Rov. metl., Lonvain, 1884, iii, 205-279.—Ranch (J. H.) Coast defences against Asiatic cholera; report of an inspection of the quarantines maintained upon the Atlantic anil Gulf coasts from the St. Lawrence to the Rio Grande. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord, X. H., 1886, xi, 125-153. AUo, Reprint. AUo: Rep. Bd. CHOLERA. 588 CHOLERA. Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures for). Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886 viii, 19-57. ----- Practical recommendations for the exclusion and preven- tion of Asiatic cholera in North America. Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1884, Springfield, 1885, vn, 83-95. Also, Keprint. Alio- Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li. 573; 609. _____ Cholera and quarantine. Am. Pub Health Ass. Rep 1887, Concord, 1888, xiii, 242-253.-Reglement ap- plicable aux provenances des ports arabiques de la mer Rou [Leiter from Madrid on cboiera. | Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1885, xxiv, 422. — Cabello y Frances (P.) La colerizacion preventiva. Bol. du med. nav.. Madrid. 1885, viii, 210; 247; 268: 292: 1886. ix. jl; 69.—Calatraveiio. Los trabajos del Dr. Ferran. Genio nied.-quir.. Madrid, 1885, xxxi, 293-298.—Calcutta. Cholera in Calcutta in 1894. and anti-choleraic inoculation. Rep. Health Off. Calcutta (1894), 1895, 13-34, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — Cameron (C. ) Anti-cholera inoculation. Nineteenth Cent., Loud., 1885, 338-352—t'linuveaii (A.) L'inoculation preventive du cholera. Rev. scient.. Par., 1885, xxxvi, 353-360. -----. La vaccination autichol6- riqne; les experiences tlu docteur Ferran. Monit. scient., Par, 1885,3. s., xv, 1011-1017.—Coincide (L.) El Sefior Ferran en Alcira, y sn metodo protihictien contra el co- lera. Sisrlo med., Madrid, 1885, xxxii, 340; 355. — C'or- chailo iM. R.) El doctor Ferraii y el profesor Chau- veau. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1886, x. 133; 145; 157.— Crombie (A.) Hatfkine's anti-choleiaic inoculation. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, v, 173-175.—Cio us. Dis- curso pronunciado eu el Instituto medico-valenciano en contra de la inoculacion Ferran. Encicl. med.-farm., Par- cel., 1885, ix, 353; 401; 425; 439; 449.—Ballau (A. McC.) A day with Professor Haffkine. [Cboiera inoculations.] Indian M. Rec., Calcutta, 1895, viii, 295.—DavidNon (A.) Results of Hatfkine's anticholera inoculations in India. Janus, Amst., 1896-7, i, 325.—Del^ado (C.) Investiga- ciones del Dr. Ferr&n sobre el colera. An r. Acad, tie cien. m6tl.. . . de la Habana, 1885-6, xxii, 39-78.—Dernier 6pi- sodo des inoculations da docteur Ferran: gangrene des bras; neuf amputations. [Transl. from: Diario, Tarra- gona.] Union med., Par., 1885. 3. s.. xl, 553.—I> Mitotic. Des inoculations soi-disant choleriques comme traitement preventif dn cholera. Bull. gen. do therap., [etc.]. Par., 1885, cix, 8-22. AUo, Reprint.—Duhourcau. A pero- nospora Ferrani e a vacciuacao cholerica. Coimbra med., 1885, v, 180; 200; 215; 230, 1 pl. AUo, transl: Riv. ital. di terap. ed isr , Piacenza, 1885, v, 187; 238; 256; 288, 1 pl.—Fetloroff (S.) Kvoprosu oh iskusstvennom im- munitetie pri aziatskoi choleric [On artificial immu- nity from Asiatic cholera. 1 Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxviii, 523-538.—Ferraii (J.) Xota sobre la profilaxis del c61era por medio de inyecciones hipodermicas tie cul- tivo puro del bacilo virgula. Siglo metl., Madrid, 1-885, xxxii, 480. -----. Kota sobre una vacuna quimica contra el colera asiatico. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1885, xi, 515-517. -----. A propos de la communication deM. Haff- kine, sur le cholera asiatique. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 771-773.— Ferran'* (Dr.) ympning mot kolera. Eira, Goteborg, ls85, ix, 390-393.—O. Alg'o sobre la vacunacion anticolerica del Dr. Ferran. Anda- lucia nied., Cordoba, 1885, x, 169-176. —Galcotli (G.) Ueber den heutigen Stund der Frage iiber die Inmiunitat und Bakteriotherapie gegen dio asiatische Cholera. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1895, vi, 472-503.— Gauialek'a (X.) Sur la vaccination pr6ventive du cholera asiatique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 432-435. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xx, 306-309. Also.- Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 889. AUo : J. tie pharm. et cliim., Par., 1888 5. s.. xviii, 211-245. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 18**, xiii. 2::5-237. Also, transl.: Wien. med. 111., 1888, xi, l')9x._CJamjuli (J. N.) The Haffkim- inoculation. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, v, 7-9.—Garcia Mola (E.) El c61era en Valencia y la va- cunacitin anticolerica. Gac. me.d. de Granada, 1885. iv. 417; 149; 481.-«hose (P. B.) The fallacies of the Haffkine anti-cholera inoculation system. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vii, 261-2fi3.—Giineuo (A.) La vacunacion contra '•I cdlera. Cron. med., Valencia, 1*84-5, viii, 261-267.— H.i.AI.O.) Inoculations against cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 1266.—HaifUitic (YV.-M.) Inoculation do vac- cms anticholeriques k 1'homme. (Suite aux communica- tions sur le cholera asiatique chez le cohaye, et sur lc cho- lera asiatique chez le lapin et chez le pigeon.) Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1892, 9. s., iv, 740. Also:-Hull. med.. Par., 1892, vii, 1113.------. Vaccination against Asiatic cholera. Fortnightly Rev., Loud. & N. T., 1893, Jni. 316-329. Also: Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1893, xxviii, Ji-101. -----. Alectureonanticholeraicinoculation. Brit. X- J.,Lond., 1893, i, 278-280. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 31G-3I8. -----. Anti-choleraic inoculations iu India. In- dian M Gaz.,Calcutta, 1895, xxx, 35-41. [Discussion], 70-74. Also [Abstr.J: Med.Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, v, 55-60. AUo [Abstr.]: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 239-244. -----. A lecture on vaccination against cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1541-1544. A Uo, Reprint. Also: Lancet, , -wind,, 1895, ii, 1555. Also.- Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, ksi 81-S6. AUo: Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, vii, 168- Cliolera (Preventiveinoculation aqainst). 173. Also, transl.: Wien. med. III.. 1895, xviii Vm-S^ — Haffkine (W.M.), llnnkiii (K. n.) & Owen (CH ) Technique of Halffkine's anti-cholera, iuoculations.' In- dian M Ga/., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 201-206. Also Re print.—Haukiu (E. II.) Remarks ou Haflkine's iueth"d of protective inoculation against cholera. Brit. M J Lond., 1892, ii, 569-571.—Hare (E. C.) Technique of Haffkine's anti-cholera inoculations. Indian M Gaz Calcutta, 1896, xxxi, 193-200. -----. Technique of Hatf- kine's method of preparing fixed cholera vaccine. Ibid 402-407. — Ilehir (P.) The history of parasitism and of prophylactic inoculations in cholera. Indian M Rec Calcutta, 1895,ix,211-215.—Hoiiim Parellnda (J.) Valor de las inoculacioiies anticolericas del Dr. Ferraii. Encicl med.-farm., Parcel., 1885, x,485; 497; 509; 521.—I iieuliii" (Do) tegen de choleia. Geneesk.Courant, Tiel, 1885 xxxi" no. 27.—I»tayeff(V.I.) Predokhrauitelniya privivki pro'. tiv choler'i. [Prophylactic inoculation against cholera ] Med. pribav. k morsk. sbornikii, St. Petersb.. If92, [ii], 164-166.—Jiiueuo. La inoculacion profilactica del c6- lera. Encicl. nied.-farm., Parcel., 1885, ix, 289-291 —vou Kittaling (R.) Ueber das Pettenkof'or'sche Cholera- exjieriinent. Oesterr. iir/.tl. Vereinsztg., "Wien, 1893 xvii 76-83.—Klein (E.) Tho anti-cholera vaccination- an experimental critique. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1892-3 xliv 220-220. AUo: P.rit. M. J., Loud., 1893, i, 632-634. —___! Die Antiohoh-ra-Vaci inaciou. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, .1893, xiii, 426-432.—Klemperer (G.) Untersuchungen iiber kiinstlichen Iinpfschutz- gegen Cho- leraintoxication. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 189L', 'xxix 789- 793. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. do nied'.,'Par.,'1892, 2. s., xxix, 399. Also, transl.: Chicago M. Recorder, 1892 iii, 637-646. -----. Untersuehungeniiber Schutzimpfung ties Menschen gegen asiatische Cholera. Berl. klin. AVchn^ sehr., 1892, xxix, 969-972. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1892 xv 616-619. Also [Rev.]: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892J lxi, 1561-1563. -----. Weitere Untersuchungen'fiber Schutzimpfung des Menschen gegen asiatische Cholera. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1205-1270.—Kolle (W.) Zur aktiven Immunisierung des Menschen gegeu Cholera. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xix, 97- 104.-----. Die aktiveImmunisierung tier Menschen ge.-iNxt lini. Un novello tentativo tli vaeema/.iono anti- colerica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 673: 681— IMilo- re* (I. G.) Ai veiurcpal epevvai ini 1% jrpb? ttjv x°^Pa" avotrias tu v^uimv. Ta\r)i'b<;,{SAOrjvai, 1892, xxii, 561-565.__ Powell (A.) Results of M. Haffkine's anti choleraic inoculations in Cachar. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta 1895 xxx, 253: 1896, xxxi, 185; 226. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet' Lond., 1896, ii, 171-173. —Profllaxis del c61era. Memoria que presenta al ministro do la gobernacion la comision oficial nombrada para estudiar la profilaxis del colera morbo asiatico, segiin el procediiniento del Dr. Ferran. Rev. tie med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1885, xvii, 138; 200; 252; 359; 413; 469; 530. AUo [Abstr.].- ludepend. med., Parcel., 1884-5, xvi, 407; 418; 433.—Pulido (A.) Tras do la inoculaci6n colerigena (impresiones tie un viaje a Va- lencia). Siglo med., Madrid, 1885, xxxii, 273-278. Also: Independ. m6d., Barcel., 1884-5, xvi. 270-279. _____. Esta- tlisticas Ferranianas. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1885, xxxii, 591; 609. -----. Fundamentosy practica tie la iiioculaci6n pre- ventiva del c61era. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid. 1885-6, vi, 128-131. — Kapclievxki (I. F.) O sposoble i resulta- takh Ferran'ovskoi predokhranitelnol privivki Aziyatskol choler'i. [On the method and results of Ferrari's protec- CHOLEKA. 590 CUOLKKA. Cholera (Preventive inoculation against). tive inoculation of Asiatic cholera.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 249; 272: 285.—Relatorio da commissao portu- gueza sobre os trabalbos de Ferran. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb.. 1885, xlix. 3-20.—Kemezotr (F.N.) Kvoprosu o predokhranitelnikh protivocholernikh privivkakb po spo- sobu V. A. Khavkina. [On prophylactic anti-cholera in- oculations according to the method of. . .] Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1893, xxxix, 487-493. — Rodriguez Mendez. Micro-orgaiiismo colerigeno do Ferran. Cr6n. nied., Va- lencia. 11-84-5, viii, 491; 526.-----Sobro las inoculacioues preventivas del colera. Gac nied. catal., Parcel., 1890, xiii, 399-402. Also: Correo med. castellano. Salamanca, 1890, vii, 311-315. -----. IiioeukiehSn anticolerica. Gac. nied. catal., Barcel., 1892, xv, 529-531. Also: Cron. med., Valencia, 1892, xv, 521-526. — Romaiiclli ( L. ) Anti- choleraic inoculation. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 686. — Kiiuiiiio (G.) Relazione sulle vaccinazioni anticoleriche del Dott. Ferran. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1885, ii, 525-532. Also. Reprint. AUo [Abstr. 1: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885. n. s., vii, 852. —Sanders (R. C.) Criticism on the cholera inoculation at Calcutta and Serampur. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1896, xxxi, 358-363.—Santero y ITIartincz (E.) La vacunacion del colera. Gac. m6d. catal, Barcel., 1888, xi, 520.—Serenana (P.) La vacuna del colera morbo asiatico; nuevos experimentos. Inde- pend. med., Barcel., 1884-5, xvi, 193-195.—Simpson ("W. J.) Memorandum on cholera and Professor Haffkine's anti-cboleraic vaccination. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894. xxix, 235-238. AUo, Reprint. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1894, liii, 59-66. -----. Anti-choleraic inoculation in Calcutta. San. Rec, Lond., 1895-6, n. s., xvii, 523-525. Also: J. State M., Lond., 1896, iv, 32-35. -----. Two years of anti-choleraic iuoculations; being a report submitted to the chairman of tho Calcutta corporation on July 1st, 1890. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1896, xxxi, 275-279. Also, Reprint [withadditions], -----. Reply to Brigade-Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel Sanders' impeachment of the anti-cho- leraic statistics in Calcutta and Serampur. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, viii, 338-345. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1896, xxxi, 363-369.—Tircn (O.) Om Ferrans kole- raynipningur. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1885, xxi, 44-50.— Inclination (La) del colera morbo asidtico, segiin los Dies. Kenan y Gamalela. Rev. decien. med., Barcel., 1888, xiv, 058-664.—Van Eimengcii (E.) Rapport sur les essais d'inoculation antichol6riqne du Dr. Ferran, presents a M. lo Ministre de l'int6rieur et de l'instruction publique le 5 iuillet 1885. Bull. Soc. beige de mier., Brux., lssl-5, xi, 210-239. Also: Union med., Par., 1885, 3. s., xl. 236; 246; 254. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Perl., 1885, xi, 499. AUo, Reprint.—dc "Variguy (II.) La vaccination anti-choKJrique en Espagne. Rev. scient., Par., 1885, xxxv, 783-787.—Vaughan (J. C.) Anti-choleraic inoculations iu tbe Manbhoom district. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1897, xxxii, 114-119.—"Vazquez y Oareia (X.) La inoculacion anti-colerica; r6plica al informe presentado por el Dr. R. Tufion de Lara al exemo. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Rev. med. do Sevilla, 1885, vii,' 171; 201; 225; 257.—Walking (R.-L.) l£tat des globules du sang chez un homnie qui a et6 sonmis a la vaecinatiou cholerique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1892, 5. s., iv, 728, 1 pl.—Woodhead (C S.) Some notes on Haffkine's pro- tective inoculation against cholera. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893 i.76-95. — Wright (A. E.) & Bruce (D.) On Haff- kine's method of vaccination against Asiatic cholera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i,227-231.—Vavein (G.I.) Iz nablyu- deniy nad zhivotnimi i lyudmi. kotorim dielalis pretlo- khranitelniyaprotivu'choiei nivaprivivki. [Observations on animals and men upon -whom anti-cholera protective inoculations wore made.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii 1000-1003. —Zaslein (T.) Sulla vaccinazione del cho- lera. Riv. Clin., Milano, 1890, xxix, 43-52. CIioIera (Quarantine against). See Cholera (Prevention of, Public measures M). Cholera (Toxines of). (I.) El principio activo del coma-bacilo como causa de muerte y de la mmunithid. Rev.de cien. med. Bnrcel 1886. xii. 40-43. .!/,«,. Gac. med. catal., Barcel.,' 18*0 ix 33-3o.—Unnmleia (X.) Recherches cxperimentales'siir les poisons tlu cholera. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat path., Par., 1892, iv, 173-194.-de Giaxa (V.) & l.lmi ( P.) Recherches sur la virulence, sur le contenu en azote et sur le pouvoir immunisaut reciproque du bacille du cholera suivant sa prov. nance. Ann. de microe Pir 1893, v, 353-370,-Oruber (M.) Weitere Alittheihingen fiber vermeintliche und wirkliche Cholerngifte Wien klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 085; 706. AUo [Abstr.l- Inter nat, klin. Rundschau, Wieu, 1892, vi, 1989-1991.-Ilngrii. Tom (0.) O dleistvii choler'navo yada na orgiuiizm chelovleka, na osnovanii klinicheskavo nablyiideiiivn i patologo-anatomicheskol kartini. [On the action nf tin- cholera poison upon the human organism, on the basis nl clinical observation and the pathologo-anatomical picture Soobsh. i protok. S -Peterb. med. Obsh. (1892), 1893, 23-38 - Hueppe (F.) TJeber die Giftigkeit tier Cholerabacte- rien und die Behandlung der Cholera. Deutsche mod Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 665-669. — Metchnikoflf (E.), Roux (E.) & Taurelli-Saliinbeni. Toxine et autitoxine cholerique. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1896, x, 257-282. See, also, supra.—OuehiiiNky. Recherches snr la nature ties poisons de la diphterie et du cholera. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1893, v, 293- 308.—Pfeiffer (R.) Untersuchungen fiber das Cholera- gift. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1891-2, xi, 393-412. ____, Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die speciflsehen Antikorper der Cholera. Ztschr. f.Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz 1895, xx, 198-219, 1 diag. —Random. Choleragift uud Choleraantitoxin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Lei]>/„ a. Berl., 1895, xxi, 457-459. — Report on the antagonism between the venom of the cholera and poison of the chol- era spirillum. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 13-27. —Richard* (V.) Some notes on the poison contained in choleraic alvine dis- charges. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix,92-94. ----. Supplementary notes on the specific poison contained in choleraic alvine discharges. Ibid., 137. — Sclioll (H.) TJeber Choleragift. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 545- 547. Also [Abstr.]: Internat. klin. Runilnehau, Wien, 1890, iv, 1726-1729. -----. Untersuchungen fiber Cholera- toxine. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 933.—8lujt« (C.) Etude sur les propri6t6s du poison du cholera asia- tique. Cellule, Lierre &. Louvain, 1894, x, 185-218. —Wo- bernheim (G.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Choleragift und Choleraschutz. Ztschr. f. Hvg. ii. In- fectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xiv, 485-511.—Thiersch (C ) Sur les principes toxiques qui peuvent exister dans les dejections des choleriques. [Extr. d'une lettre adressee a M. Chevreul.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 18C6, lxiii, 992.—Ushinski ( N.) K voprosu o khiiniihcskol prirodie yadov diphterita i choler'i. [On the chemical na- ture of the poisons of diphtheria and cholera. ] liolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv. 427; 452; 485. —Wen- brook (F. F.) Contribution a l'6tude des toxines du cholera. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 318-337. Cholera (Treatment of). See, also, Cholera (Cases, etc., of); Cholera (Hospitals for); Cholera (Popular manuals, etc.); Cholera (Prevention of); Cholera (Preventive inoculation of). Abercrombie (J.) Suggestions submitted to the medical practitioners of Edinburgh on the characters and treatment of the malignant chol- era. 3. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. -----. The same. (J. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. Allan (D.) Notes on the treatment of spas- modic cholera, as successfully employed in many instances that occurred in India and China. 8°. [Edinburgh], 1832. Ayre (J.) A letter to the president and fel- lows of the Royal College of Physicians in rela- tion to the evidence cited in their late report on the treatment of epidemic cholera. *°. Ion- don, 1884. Baerken (J. F.) Ueber die asiatische Cho- lera und ihre rationelle Behandlung. 8°. Haag, 189-2. Bazhenoff (V. S.) O choler'Ie i yeya lyeche- nii povarennoyu solyu i parami. [Cholera and its treatment with common salt and steam.] 8°. [2. ed.] S.-Peterburg, 1892. Cholera (Toxines of). Metchxikoff (E.), Roux (E.) &. Taprklli- Salimbeni. The toxine and autitoxine in chol- era. Transl. for the Indian Medical Record bv J. M. S. 8°. Calcutta, 1896. Suppl. to: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x. .See, also, infra. Oliveui (Y.) Sulle pretests ptomaine del colera. 4°. [Palermo, 1-8 >.] Repr. from: Gior. di sc. nat. ed econouiiche. Cantani (A.) Giftigkeit der Cholerabacillen. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Perl., 1880, xii, 789-793.—Cat- tani (G.) Aleuue ricerche sulla tenacita del virus cole- rico. Atti xii Cong. d. Ass. med. ital., Pavia 1888 i. 247 — Couruiont (J.) & Do yon (M.) Contribution a I etude ties effets de la toxiue cholerique. Arch, de phv- siol. norm, et path., Par., 1896,5. s., viii, 785-790. Also: Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1896, x, 507-510.—Ferran (J.) & Pauli CHOLERA. 591 CHOLEBA. Cholera (Treatment of). Beets (M. >»'. ) Eenvontlige geneeskutidige verwarniingstoestel, door verbrauding van wijn- geest, of zoogenaamdeu voorloop. 8°. [Haar- lem, 1832.] Bkleiiring iiber die orientalische Cholera fiir Wundarzte nnd nicht approbirte Kandida- ten tier Medizin, welche sich auf besondere Er- lanhniss der kon. hochlobl. Regiernng mit der Behandluug dieser Krankheit bescliiiftigen. 8°. Kiiln am Bhein, 1831. Bell(J.) The colchicum remedy for epidemic cholera, with directions for use; with an apol- ogy, defence, and exposition of the treat men t, description of the symptoms of the Asiatic dis- ease, and of some other diseases for which this medicine has been used by mistake; with addi- tional prescriptions, more enlarged directions, and notes explanatory of some technical terms, so successfully administered in Gateshead and its vicinity, since February last. 12°. Newcas- tle-upon-Tyne^ 1849. Belluomixi (G.) Relazione di un'opuscolo pubblicato . . . col titolo di: Metodo pronto e sicuro di curare il cholera asiatico. 8°. Pistt. 1^3'J. Bert (P.) Le cholera. Lettres an Tagblatt de Vienne. 12°. Port's, 1884. BiGG (G. [K.] S.) The practical treatment of cholera. 12°. London, [1892]. Boexs (H.) Proposition d'une enquete me'di- cale sur le traitement du cliole'ra 6pide~inique. 8~. [Bruxelles, 1866.] [Bottai (I.)] La cura del cholera asiatico. 8:. Poggibonsi-Siena, 1884. vox Brecxixg (G.) Der asiatischen Brecb- ruhr, Erkeuntniss und Heilart. 8 . Wien, 1837. -----. The same. Heilart der asiatiscben Brecbruhr. Nach vielfaltigen Erfahrungen. 2. Aufl. ~°. Wien, 1848. Bpbola (G.) Alcune rinessioni intorno alia cura del colera. Lettera del Uott. . . . ai col- leghi medici. 8-. Este, 1886. Caxtaxi (A.) La cura del cholera mediaute 1' ipoderuioclisi e F euteroclisi. 3. ed., notevel- niente accresciuta sulla seconda del luglio 1884. 8°. Napoli, 1884. -----. Thesame. Zur Behandlung des Cho- lera-Anfalles. Aus dem Italienischen von Dr. Frankel. 8-. Leipzig, 1884. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. -----. The same. 3. Anfl. nach der dritten venuekrten und gleichzeitig erscheineuden Aufl. des italien. Originales von Dr. Fraenkel. 8°. Leipzig, 1885. Cardoso (J. A. L.) O cholera, prophilaxia e tratamento dosimetrico. 12°. Porto, 1890. Casper (J. L.) Die Behandlung der asiati- scben Cholera durch Anweudung der Kalte; physiologisch begriindet, und nach Erfabruugeu am Kraukenbette dargestellt. 8°. Berlin,1832. -----. The same. De behandeling der azia- tische cholera, door het an wen den van koud water, op physiologische gronden uangeprezen. Uit het Hoogduitsch door J. G. Rosenstein. 8°. Rotterdam, 1832. Cexxi di cura endermica specialinente diretti al sovveuimento de' casi morbosi urgeuti e del morbo cholera. 8°. Modena, 1835. Cera (V. L.) Metodo curativo razionale per la colera sviluppatasi in Napoli dtillo scorcio di luglio 1854. 8°. Napoli, 1854. Chabassu [A.-A.] Traitement rationnel et curatif du cliole'ra dans l'immense majorit6 des cas. 8o. Paris, 1882. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1884. Cliolera (Treatment of). Chapman (J.) Cholera curable; a demon- stration of tbe causes, non-contagiousness, and successful treatment of the disease. 8°. Lon- don, 1885. Cholerakiche, oder zweckmiissige Ausvvabl von Speisen, Getriiuken und notbigsten Haus- mittel, sanimtdereu Zubereitung, zur Verhiitung der Seuche fiir Gesunde, zur Heilung fiir Gene- seue, unter Anleitung, Priifnug und Ueberein- stiniiiiung des konigl. bayr. Polizeiarztes, Hru. Dr. Sanger, und anderer kompetenter Aerzte. Hrsg. von der Verfasserin des Weileriscben Augs- burgischen Kochbuches, achten ii. This. 1829. 8°. Munchen, 1831. Cojircci (E.) La cura specifica del cholera; storia dell' etiope minerale. 2. ed. *c. Sanse- polero, 1*85. Contini (ti.) Notizie e memorie sulla colera orientale e sull' uso del calomelano nella cura di essa. 8". Napoli, 1866. Cornish (K. 11.) Cholera treatment and cure; with remarks on tbe daugers of premature in- terment, and suggestions tor cheap aud healthy cremation. A letter to Lord Carlingford, K. P. 8C. London,1884. Costa (E.) Un cenno sul trattamento del cholera-morbus, decembre 1835. 12°. Genova, 18:55. Cremoxsi (G.) Note genericbe sulle malattie d' infezione. Cura specifica del colera. 8°. Boma, 1884. Cura specifica del colera, ovvero modo sicu- rissimo per vincere il male snl nascere. 12°. Palermo, 188?. D. (A.) Gu6rison certaine du chole"ra en quelques heures meme dans les cas d6sespe>e's, et aussi des fievres graves, des congestions, de l'apoplexie et de la rage. Rapport a l'Acadeuiie des sciences. 8°. Fecamp, 1885. Dally (N.) Prophylaxie et curation du cbo- 16ra par le mouvement. 8°. Paris, 1855. -----. The same. 2. 66., augmeute'e des ob- servations de M. L.-J. Melicber. 8°. Paris,1856. Declus. Traitement du cliolera ; nouvelle methode et deux nouveaux moyens de trailer la cholerine et le cliole'ra. 4°. [Paris, 1873.] Des Guidi (8.), le comte. Traitement mutuel du cbol6ra asiatique. Moyen facile de s'en preserver et de traiter le cholera sporadique, la cholerine et les suites de ces maladies. 5. 66., augmented de quelques details sur les succes obtenus a Toulon et a Marseille. 8°. Lyon, 1835. -----. Thesame. Cura scambievole del cho- lera asiatico; mezzo facile per preservarsene e di curare il cholera sporadico, la cholerina e le con- seguenze di qneste malattie. 5. ed., riveduta, corretta, ed aumentata di alcuui dettagli su i felici risultatio ttenuti aTolone e Marsiglia. 8°. Lione, 1836. Drysdale (C.) On cholera; its nature and treatment; being the debate in tbe Harveiau Medical Society of London. Edited by . . . 8°. London, 1*66. Dtjpre (V.) Brevi considerazioni sulla cura del cholera. 8°. Genova, 1886. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Genova, 1890. Dupuy. Traitement du cholera. 8°. Paris, 1865. Dyes (A.) Die ratiouelle Heilung der Cho- lera. 8°. Hildesheim, 1867. Emiliani (L.) Indagiui a stabilire quale possa essere il miglior metodo di cura pel cholera- morbus A' oggi giorno dirette a' giovani medici italiani. roy. 8°. Bologna, 1837. Extracts. [On the treatment of cholera, from various sources.] 8°. [London, n. d.] CHOLEKA. 592 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Treatment of). Favell (C. F.) A treatise on the nature, causes, and treatment of spasmodic cholera. 8°. London, 1832. Feit (Madame A.) Traitement de la penode algide du cholera a l'hopital Sts. Pierre et Paul de°St.-P6tersbourg pendaut rdpid6mie de 1892. 8°. Paris, 1895. Fraisse (C.) & Francois (F.) Repertoire complet et analyse des diverses ine"thodes de traitement appliqu6es au chole'ra-morbus en France et dans les pays strangers; avec uue description des symptomes, de la marche, des diverses formes de la maladie et des 16sious cadaveriques qu'elle laisse apres elle. 8°. Paris, 1832. [Gosse & Volmar.] De behandeling van den Aziatischen braakloop in den ziekenbuizen te Berlijn. (Uit een berigt van den Aziatischen braaklooop naar Berlijn gezondeue Zwitsersche geneesh. Gosse en Volmar, gedagteekend). Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. 8°. Nijmegen, 1832. Groneman (J.) Da3 Kreolin in der Cbolera- tberapie. 8\ Ainsterdam-Semarang, 1894. -----. Thesame. 8°. Berlin, Neuicied, 1894. von Guttceit (H. L.) Bijdrage totde juiste kennis voorbehoeding eu behandeling der cho- lera in 1847-8. Naar het Hoogduitsch. 8°. Amsterdam, 1848. Hamlin (C.) Cholera and its treatment. 18°. Boston, [1866]. Haxcock (J.) Observations on the origin and treatment of cboiera and other pestilential diseases, and on the gaseous oxide of nitrogen as a remedy in such diseases; as also in cases of asphyxia from suffocation and drowning, and against the effects of narcotic poisons. 8°. London, 1831. Hayem (G.) Traitement du cholera. 12°. Paris, 1885. Heixdl ( A. ) Chlor gegen Cholera. 8°. Augsburg, 1849. Herberger, sen. Ueber die Cholera nnd iiber die Vortrefflichkeit der Hautmittel iiber- haupt, insbesoudere der Essigwaschungen bei der Beliandliing vieler innern Krankheiten, etc. 2. Aufl. 8°. Ulm, 1832. Hubner (W.) Die Cholera beilbar! Wesen und Heilung der Cholera nach anatomisch- physiologischen Grundsiitzen bearbeitet. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. Hutchixsox (J.) Observations on some of tbe most important points connected with the consideration and treatment of cboiera asphyxia. *°. Calcutta, 1832. India. Report on tbe treatment, of epidemic cholera, by Johu Murray, inspector-general of hospitals, Bengal medical department, from in- formation collected by the governments of Ben- gal, Madras, Bombay, Punjab, Oudh, and Central India, by order of the government of India. Calcutta, 1st Juue, 1869. fol. Calcutta, 1869 Also [Rev.], in: Brit. & For.M.-Cliir. Rev., Lond., 1870, xlvi, 170: 1871, xlvii, 223. AUo, transl. [Abstr.] in: Berl. klin. Wohuschr., 1870, vii, 26. AUo, transl. [Abstr.] in: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1869, xv, 715: 735- 754; 775. Istruzioni per gl' infermieri e per gli altri individui che si debbono prestare all' assistenza degli ammalati di cholera. 8°. Venezia, 1835. Istruzioni per infermieri ed altri individui che si dedicano all' assistenza degli ammalati di cholera. 4°. Venezia, 1832. Jaconelli (E.) Dopo il cboiera. Un pro- cesso all' etiope minerale. 8°. Boma, 1884. Janssen (J. H.) Kort verslag eener op eigene onderwinding berusteude behandeling der cho- lera. 8°. Utrecht, 1832. Cholera (Treatment of). Katayama (K.) Korera yaku hoshu. [Col- lection of prescriptions for cliolera 1 12° Tokio. 1882. Japanese text. Kiehl (W. V. P.) Over legersteden en damp- toestellen ten behoeve van choleraziekeu. Ten vervolge eu ter nadere opheldering van de aan- wijzing om aan cboiera-zieken eene dadelijke en doelmatige hulp te verleenen. 8'-. 's Graven- hage, 1831. Kokabiewicz. Notice sur le cholera-iiiorbn.s, et les diff6rens modes de traitement essayes dans le royaume do Pologne. 8C. Slrasboura 1832. Kronser (V. N.) Onderzoek aangaande de cholera, eu de merkwaardigste uitkoinsten vau de beste en doelmatigste wijzen van beliaude- ling volgens het nieuwste standpuut der ge- needcundige wetenschap. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door P. Mazirel. 8'-. Amsterdam, 1818. Krueger-Hansen (B. C.) Curbilder, mit Bezug auf Cboiera. 8°. Bostock u. Giistrow, 1831. -----. The same. Zu den Curbilden mit Bezug auf Cholera. Erster und zweiter Nach- trag. 8°. Bostock it. Giistrow, 1831. Lasserre. M6moire sur l'emploi de l'eau chaude contre le chole~ra. 8°. Paris, 18C0. Leach (R. B.) Arsenization method of treat- ing cboiera. Memorial of. . ., of Minneapolis, Miun., praying that a test be made ot tlie arsenization method of treating the disease of cholera. 52. Cong., 2. sess. S. Doc. No. HI. Presented by Mr. Davis, Feb. 2, 1898. 8J. [Washington, 1898.] Le Clerc (F.) De la m6dication curative du chol6ra asiatique. 3. 6d. 8°. Tours, 1859. VON Lenhossek (M.) Bemerkungeu iiher die Behandlung der orient alischen Brecbruhr (Cho- lera orientalis) und einiger anderer gegenwiirtig im Konigreicbe Ungarn herrscbenden epidemi- schen Krankheiten. 12°. Innsbruck, [1831]. Leo (L.) Ideen und Erfahrungeu iiber die Natur unci Behandlung der asiatischen Brech- ruhr mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Anwen- dung des Wismutbs gegen dieselbe. 8°. War- schau, 1832. Leonardi (P.) Cenni sopra 1' azione degli antisettici teoria del colere e metodo per com- batterlo. 8°. Venezia, 1886. Repr. from: Ateueo, Veneto, 1886. Le Vlskur (C. [J.]) Voiiiiuligc Nachricht von des Herrn Dr. . . . gliicklicher Methodo gegen die Cholera. Angebangt ein Gutachten des Dr. Housselle iiber die Hausersperre. 8°. Kiel, 1831. Lion (M.) Spravochnaya knisra dlya vrachcT. Vip. 3. Kak liechili choler'u v 1892-3 g. [Book of reference for physicians. Pt. 3. How chol- era was treated during 1892-3.] 8-. Moskva, 1894. Liquor preservativo e curativo da cholera morbus epidemica. 8°. [Lisbca, 1857.] Luxel(B.) Guide pratique d'hygiene et de me'decine nsuelle compb£t6 par le traitemeut du cholera epideinique. sm. 8°. Paris, 18!>4. Marano (T.) Nuovo trattato del colera asiatico. 8°. Benevento, 1886. Marsdex (W.) Symptoms and treatnieutof malignant diarrhoea, better known by the name of Asiatic cholera, as treated in the Royal Free Hospital, during the years 1832, 1833, 1834, 1*1*, and 1854. 4. ed., edited by Alex. Marsden. 12 , London, 1871. van Meerdervoort (P.) Korauri sisiu. [Method of treating cholera. Transl. by K. Ogata.] .8°. [Nagasaki, 1857.] CHOLEKA. 593 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Treatment of). de Mkkgeliza (M.) El colera asiatico. Me- todo practico para su tratamiento. 12°. Ma- drid, 1884. Merino (R. R.) La electricidad y el colera. i-K Madrid, [18*4]. Namias (G.) &■ Ziliotto (P.) Intorno alia cura del colera. 8 . Venezia, 1855. Nettek (A.) Du traitement du cholera par l'adininistratiou, coup sur coup, d'6uormes quan- tites de boisous aqueuses (20 litres et plus dans les 24 heures). 8-2. Paris, 1862. Neuber (A. W.) Zur Heilung der niorgen- landischen Brecbruhr, Cholera morbus orien- tal! s. 8°. Hamburg, 1831. New (C. B.) Cholera. Observations on the management of cholera on plantations, aud method of treating tbe disease. 8°. Bodney, Miss., [1850]. Xy wisa om deu fruktanswarda Ryska pesten, beuamud cholera morbus. 8-. Stockholm, 1831. Oertel (E.-F.-C.) L'eau fraicbe, spe"citique infaillible coutre le cholera propose par ... 8-\ Paris, 1831. Oliveti (T.) Delia morte apparente nei cho- lerosi, del modo di farli risorgere e della sola cura giovevole. 8C. Napoli, 1886. Orellano (J. M.) & Baeza y Gozalbes (B.) La helenina en la profilaxis y tratamiento del colera epide~mico. 8~. Valencia, 1885. P. (G. D.) II cholera asiatico, cenni c rimedi. 8C. Boma, 1885. Paxchexko (V. K.) Chto dlelat pri cho- ler'Ie? 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Uit The Times, March 1, 1831. Overgeno- men uit de recensent ook der recensenten xxve deel, no. 4. 8C. Alkmaar, 1832. -----. The satue. Waarbig gevoegd een met vrucbt te Rotterdam en elders aangewend geneesmiddel. 8. druk. 8°. Alkmaar, 1832. Robotti (G. B.) II cholera in Solero nell' anno 1886. Metodo di cura del cholera seguita dal Dott. Robotti G. B. nella grave epidemia del- 1' anno 1886. Relazione fatta dietro invito dell' autorita prefettizia. 12°. Alessandria, 18-7. Rodriguez Merino (R.) La electricidad y elc^lera. *P. Madrid, [1884, vel subseq.]. Rlbini (R. ) Statistica dei colerici curati colla sola canfora in Najioli nel real Albergo de' poveri, nel 3° reggimento svizzero e pri vat,1- mente iu citta, negli anni 1854,1855,1865. 3. ed. 8Z. Napoli, 1866. 38 Cholera (Treatment of). [Saccardo (P.)] Un rimedio sovrauo contro il cholera. 8°. Venezia, 1**6. Repr. from: La Dit'esa, 1886, no. 128, and from: La Ve- nezia, 1886, no. 158. Sato (T.) Korera rioho shin 1011. 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Beskrifniug pa ett enkelt och hittills med storsta fordel nyttjadt Batt att behandla asiatiska choleran; ofversatt af 0. A. C. 8°. Stockholm, 1834. -----. The same. Observations sur le traitement du cliole'ra, me"thode qui a obtenu des succes 6clataus eu Angleterre, en Russie, daus les Indes orientales et occidentals et en Afrique. Trad, de l'anglais par F. Nicholls. 12°. Toulouse, 1835. Strahl (M. H.) Ueber die specifische Be- handlung der Cholera. Eine auf die Natur der Krankheit gegriindete iu der Erfahruug sich vorziiglich bestiitigende Heilmethode. 12°. Berlin, 1831. TlLESlUS von T[ilenau] (W. G.) lets over de cholera eu eenige artsenijeu, die eene lieil- zame werkiug tegen dezelve oefenen. Lit het Hoogduitsch door B. Meijlink. 8°. Derenter, 1831. Tunisi (C.) Cura specifica del cholera, ossia comeogni attacco di cholera si possa restringere entro i confini di una semplice indisposizione intestinale prontamente guaribile. [Pt. la.] 5. ed. 8°. Vicenza, 1884. CHOLERA. 594 CHOLKIU. Cholera (Treatment of). -----. The same. Parte 1°. 10. ed. 8° Vicenza. 18*6 The same. Parte IIa. II laudano avanti la scicuza, ossia come non solo i fatti ma anche la scienza riaffermi che il laudano nieto- dicaniente animiuistrate e il vero specitico del cholera. 8°. Vicenza, 1885. -----. The same. Parte III". I trionfi del laudano, ossia risultati otteuuti nella Spagua col tratamiento—Tunisi. 8C. Vicenza, 18*6. -----. Divergeuze di giudizj in una ques- tione medica moudiale. 8°. Vicenza, 1*86. Twining (W.) A practical accouut of the epidemic cholera, and of the treatment requisite in the various modifications of that disease. 8°. London, 1833. Ulf.cia y Cardona (J.) Trataniiento del c61era inorbo-asiiitico. Exposicion de los princi- pales me'todos y formulas empleados contra esta terrible enfermedad por reputados profesores uacioualcs y extranjeros, y con un prdlogo de Autonio Espiua y Capo. Contieue 97 me'todos V mjis de 300 formulas. 2. ed. 8°. Madrid, 1885. Vassal (P.-G.) 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Das weingeistige Dainpf-Bad ganz besonders in Beziehung auf die Cholera dem Stiidter uud Landmaun empfohlen. 8°. Ber- lin, 1831. Wilkinson (J.) Outlines for a proper theory and cure of cholera, founded on kuown facts, and observation of the usual habitudes of the alimentary canal and the action of remedies upon it; on the constant sympathy of the heart with the sick stomach, and ou the origin and distribution of the nerves of ihe alimentary canal and parts adjoining; in the form of au academical examination. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832 Wixternitz (W.) Zur Pathologie uud Hy- drotherapie der Cboiera. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr. L. Schweinburg [et al.]. 8C. Lein- zig 4- Wien, 1887. 1 Wranckex (J.) Novo tratamento da cholera asiatica por meiodo acido hydrochlorico diluido. Trad, em portuguez por Lazaro Joaquim de Sousa Pereira, 8°. Lisboa, 1856. Zakharyix (G.A.) O choler'Ie, v osobeunosti ob yeya liechenii. [Ou cholera, particularly of its treatment.] 8°. Moskva, 1893. von Ziemssex ( H. ) Klinische Vortrage. Vortrag III. 1. Abth. 1. Ueber die Cholera und ihre Behandlung. 8;. Leipzig, 1887. Abbott ( F. ), jr. The treatment of Asiatic cholera- based ou observations made at Swinburne Island tlurine September aud October, 1892. Med. Eec N Y 1893 xliii, 363.—Ageron. Ueber die Behandlung der Cholera in Cholera (Treatment of). der Praxis. Munchen. med. AVchnschr., 1893 xl 66-68 Amlt 1*011 (W. J.) On the use of nitro-suiphiiiic mi,] in cholera aud tharrlitea. Assoc. M. J., Loud., 1853 964 AUo, tn lux.- Continued fever |etc],8: Lond 1854 *>9 V— Angyan (I?.) A cholera -yo-yitiisdrol. i'lmitment'of cholera.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886. xxx 1"",3. won Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, nied.-cliir. Presse Bud'aiiest 188,, xxm, 44. ——. Die gegen die asiatische Cliilera versuehten Heilmethoden wahrend der Epidemii. ini Jahrn 1892. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, isg.'l xxix llu=L 1168. — Arslan (E.) L'electricite tlaus In diarrliee ,-, t cholera, Progres rued.. Par., 1893. 2. s.. xvii.67.—Ailiin eon (I.E.) The therapeutics of Asiatic cholera \t].lllt" M. & S. J.. 1892-3, n.s., ix, 7HH-715. Also: NashVi l' r M. & S., 1893, lxxiv, 56-63. - Bnri-km (J. P.) ' Over de aziatische cholera en hare rationeele behaiidlhio' Ge ueesk. Courant, Tiel, 1892, xlvi, no. 42.— Ban'(K J [The treatment of cholera.] Tokei Ijishinshi Tokin 1882, no. 232, Sept. 9. - Bant i jee ( B. N. ) FeS of cholera patieuts. Indian M. (iaz., Calcutta 1883 xviii" 106. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc., 1883, iv, 201-207 — Barlt-tta (G.) Sulla terapia del colera. Iu, i, 292; 341— Bartholow (R.) The treatment of cholera. Med. News, Phila,, 1893, lxii, 113-117.—Kenu- regard. Recherches sur la nature et le traitement du cholera epidemique. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad, d 8C Par., 1849, xxviii, 781.—Roiiainy, Des frictions mercu- rielles a hautes doses a experimenter dans le traitement du cholera. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Par., 1884, cvii, 232.— Bottari (A.) Alcune proposte sulla cura del colera asia- tico. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1884, 4. s., xxii, 217-226.— Boyaux. Note sur le traitement du cholera. Gaz d hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 675.—Brown (E. H.) The treatment of cholera with oil of eucalyptus. Indian M. Gaz. Cal- cutta, 1889, xxiv, 355.—Brown (P. R.) The therapoutica of Asiatic cholera. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 326-330.- Briiclmer (C.) Behandlung der Cholera. Memorabi- lien, Heilbr., 1885, n. F., v, 472. — Brunton (T. L.) On the employment of nitrite of amyl in the collapse of chol- era. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 42-45. A Uo, Keprint.____. On the use of atropine in cholera. Med. Chir. Tr., Lond 1892-3, Ixxvi, 357-373. AUo [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M & Chir. Soc, Lond., 1892-3, v, 122-125. — Bnrkart (A.) & ron Jobst (J.) Comunicazione intoino all' uso della co- toina contro il cholera asiatico. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1883, i, 289.—Burke (J. R.) Some suggestions oil the treatment of cholera. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1892, n. s.. liv, 237-241. — Buxbamn (B.) Historisches iiber die "Wasserhehandlung der Cholera. Bl. f. klin. Hytho therap., Wien, 1892, ii, 133-138. — Ciimlitlo IIoto«. Tratamiento actual del c61era. Cron. m6d.-quir. de la H;i baua,1885, xi, 273; 311.— ('aiitniii(A) Sulla cura del cho lera. Salute: Italiamed., Genova, 1884,2. s., xviii, 241; 249. -----. DieBehandlungderCholera. Allg.AVien. med. Zlj;., 1886, xxxi, 587; 599. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1888. xi, 806-810. -----. Die Verhiitung und Behandlung der asiati- scben Cholera. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb , 1888, vii, 166-194. Also, transl.: Gior. internaz. d.sc.nied., Napoli, 1888, n. a., x, 377-596. -----. Cholerahehaiidlung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii, 271-274. ----. Cholera- behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix. 913-924. AUo: Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 597; 614; 632.—t'niHnni (A.) &. Be Simone (F.) L' acido tannico contro 1' avve- lenamento ptomainico del cholera. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1888, n. s., x, 257-259. — Canadesiii (J. R.) Alguuas consideraciones sobre et tratamiento del c61era-niorbo asiatico. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1884, viii, 484-486. [Discussion], 499; 517; 551; 567; 582; 598; 617; 631; 645; 663; 695; 710: 725; 743. — Cayley. Notes on cases of cholera treated with sul- phurous acid. Indiau M. Gaz., Calcutta, 188:!, xviii, 84. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc., 1883, iv, 198-200.-Chain- binnki. Leczenie w cholerze. [Treatment in .. .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s.. iv. 594-599. — t'hapmnn. Cas de cholera trait6s, principalement par le sac a glace spinal, dans le service de M. Peter. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1884. 2. s., xxi, 821-823.—Chan vin (G.) Du traite- ment du cholera asiatique. Rev. de med., Par., 1896, xvi, 529-541. — Clienery (E.) The sulphuric acid treatment of cholera and other choleraic diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 405. — Clt-meim ( T.) Epikritiscker Nachtrag einiger uoch weuiger bekannten Heilmittel ee- gen Cholera, uehst eiuer metallo-therapeutischeii Empft-b- lung der Kupferplatte bei Cholera-Epiileiuien. Allg. metl. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1893, lxii, 277; 289.—Con«r<-so medico regional navarro, celebrado eu Tafalla, eD lo* dias 22, 23 y 24 de marzo 1886, para trutar del c61era epidemico. Clin. navarra, Pamplona, 1886, iii, nos. 12; 13; 14; 17: 32; 33: 34. _ Coi-iM-jo ( A. ) Trataniiento del colera indiano. Rev. nied. de Chile, Sant.de Chile. 1886-7, xv, 266-275.- Cornil. Sur la therapeutique du cholera, k propos ties experiences de ai . Loewenthal. Bull. Acad, tie med.. I'ar, 1889. 2. s., xxi, 157-161. —Corson (H.) Notes on tie treatment of cholera during the epidemic of 1832. l'lnla. M. Times. 1883-4, xiv. 889-897. AUo, Reprint.—Contrlti (P.) Contribute alia cura del colera. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1884, 6 »., xiv, 73-83. AUo, Reprint. -Com CHOLERA. 595 CHOLERA. Cholera (Treatment of). (E. J-) Remarks on cholera, more especially in reference to the treatment proper for its different stages. N. Orl. M. & S. J-, 1849-50, vi. 476-492. Also, Reprint—Cuneo (B.) Sur le traitement tin cholera dans les hopitaux de la marine k Toulon. Bull. gen. tie therap. [etc.]. Par., 1884, rvii, 56-61. -----■ Note sur le traitement du cholera k Toulon. Gaz. hebtl. tie med., Par., 1884, 2. s.. xxi, 642- U44._Currie (J.) A case of cholera successfully treated by corrosive sublimate. Liverpool M. Gaz., Lond., 1833, j 410. — ©alias (A. McC.) Some observations on the treatment of cholera. Iudiau M. Rec.. Calcutta. 1894. vii, 959—Dnrenibcrg (G.) Therapeutique de cholera. Med. mod., Par., 1892, iii, 517-520. — Benza (P.-F.) Xote snr les valeurs de l'elcetri ite et de l'ozone observees k Moncalieri dans le temps du cholera. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se.. Par-, 1808, lxvi, 105-108.— Deroy (H.) De la non- absorption ties medicaments dans le choleia ; reclamation de priorite pour la constutation tie ce fait. Ibid., 1855, xl, 1225.__Desprez. Du traitement rntioimel de la periode ai"iie du cholera asiatique et de ses lesultufs dans l'epide- mre de Damns en I875.et dans l'epideniie de l'Inde franchise, 1876-77- Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Par., 1881, ei, 384-390. AUo, transl.: Clinica, Zaragoza, 1882, vi, 343: 319. -----. Du traitement rationnel de la periode aigue du cliolera asiatique et tie ses resultats dans les epidemies (1° de Da- mas en 1875; 2° de l'Inde francaise en 1876: 3U de la Cochinchine en 1882). Union m6d., Par., 1884. 3. s., xxxviii, 241; 265; 289. AUo, Reprint. -----. Traitement du cholera par le chloroforme compose-. Fnion nied., Par., 1882, 3. s., liv, 409-413. —Deriibliith ( F.) Zur Behandlung tier Cholera Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 4r>.">-4.->7. — SDronet (A.) Cas de cholera algide; invasion apres sept jours de diarrliee; traitement pa°r lo collodion apres cinq hem es d'invasion : arret imni6- iliat tlu cholera apres le badigeou applique et guerison en 6 heures J. Quinzaine nied.. Par., 1884. iii. 679. Also: Art rued., Brux., 1884-5, xx, 221-225— Bisbini (A.) In- torno alia cura dei cholerosi uello stato algido-eianotico. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1849, 2. s.. ii. 369-371. Also, Reprint. — Ouboue. Etude de therapeutique generate k propos des indications a suivie dans la prophylaxie et le traitement tlu cholera asu.tiqnc. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1884, cvii. 337-349 .-----. Resume theoi ique et pratique des indications a, suivre tlans le traitement pre- ventif et curatif du cholera asiatique. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par.. 1888. 2. s., xx, 916-978.— Dncamp, Jaus- sand 6c IVIaguol. Le hain chaud daus le cholera. N. Montpel. med., 1803, ii. 1005; 1025, 1 diag.—B-uciins (J. L.) Xuevo tratamiento del c61era morbo asiatico por la eterizacion intestinal. C1611. med.-quir. de la Habana, 188"). xi, 510; 559. — Bujardin-Beaunietz. Ellebore blanc contre le cholera. Bull. geu. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1894, exxvi, 138-141.—Duke (J.) The treatment of cboiera by strychnine. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892. xxvii. 298.' Also: Laucet, Lond.,il893, i, 244.—Du Mcs- nil. Ueber die Behandlung tier Cholera ini Altonaer Kraukenhause. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 722-724. — Ehrlich. Przyczynek do leczenia cholery. [Treatment of cholera.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1892, xx, 673-676.—Eloy (C.) Les trail ements du cholera. Union nied., Par., 1885, 3. s., xxxix, 30; 87: 254; 449.—Fedcrit (S.) Ueber das Wesen des Cholera-Processes uud (lessen Behandlung. Wien. med. Presse, 1896, xxxvii, 825-832.— Fetloroif (S.) Zur Therapie tier Cholera asiatica. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xiii. 393-401.— Fergus (A.) Preveutahility of cholera, with remarks on Dr. Johnson's theorv of the disease. Glasgow M. J.. 1866-7, [4.] s., i, 193-203. Also, Reprint.— I inlay (C.) Tratamiento del colera. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. th; la Eabana (1890-92), 1895, v, 321 -352.— Florence. Un tratamiento unevo del colera. [ Transl. ] Dosimetria, Barcel., 1895, i, 67; 109; 148: 1896, ii, 11. — Fokkcr (A. P.) Choleratherapie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1885, xxi, 336-339.—Franceschi (C.) Dei re- snltati ottennti nella cura dei colerosi nell' ospedale del Corpus Domini in Fano, dal 16 giugno a tutto il settembre 1855. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1855, 2. s., xii, 247-295.— Francis (C. R.) Acetic acid treatment of cliolera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 303. -----. Tonics and calomel in cholera. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896,11. s., lxii, 311.— Free (J. E.) Treatment of cholera. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1887, lvi. 103. — Fullcrton (E. B.) Is there a better icinedv in cholera? Tr. Ohio M. Soc, To- ledo, 1891, xlix, 223-241. Also: N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 200-205.— Galliard (L.) Traitement du cholera. Gaz. 'hhop., Par., 1893, lxvi. 221 -230. — Gclabert y V. (A.) Nuevo tratamiento del edleru. Independ. med., Parcel., 1883-4, xv, 385-387.—Giacicb. Die Anwendung des Sal- nnaksunddesSchwelelathers bei der Cholera. Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 865-867. Also, transl.: Kiv. veneta disc, med., Venezia, 1886, v, 484-486.—(»iam. pietro (IL) Le teorieparassitarie e loro valore nella cura del colera asiatico. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Napoli, 18-4. n.s., vi, 879-918.—Giordano (D.) Contributo alio studio sperimentale e terapia del colera. Gior. d.r. Accad. aimed, di Torino, 1886,3. s., xxxiv, 621; 679.—Glasner( A.) Kor-es gyogytani tanulmanyacholerar61. [Therapeutical Cholera (Treatment of). studies on cholera.] Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1885, xxv, 65; 81; 97.—Godoy (J.) Nuevo tratamiento contra el c61era morbo. Bol. de med. y cirug., Madrid, 1885, iii, 299-303.— Gordon (C. A.) Notes on cholera and its treatment. Med. Press it Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 83. _____. Note on the earliest recorded treatment of cholera iii India. Ibid., 1890, xlix, 111. — Granizo Ramirez (F.) El eter y la eterizacion intestinal eu el tratamiento del colera morbo asidtico. Gac med. de Granada, 1885 v, 490: 513. — Grassct (J.) Traitement du cholera] Montpel. med., 1884, 2. s., iii, 37-51. AUo : Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1884, vi, 356-360.—Groneuian (J.) Behandeling van cholera door creoline. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav.. 1889, xxix. 316-332.— Gubler (A.) Traitement du cholera. Mem. de the- rap. appliq. 1866, Par.. 1867, vi, 41-69.—Gin-in (E.) Spo- soh vsestoronnyavo liecheniya asi'atskol i tuzemnoi cho- ler'i dezinfektsiyei i detoksikatsiyel. [Method of all- round treatment of cholera hy disinfection and tletoxi- cation.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1895, vi, 423-427.—Gutt (H.) Neuere Heilmittel gegen Cholera. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 866. —Ilnckiii (A.) Le choleia est une 116- vrose; consequencesthei-iipeiitiqucs. Bull, gen.detherap. [etc.l, Par., 1890, cxix, 289-297. — Hare (H. A.) The treat- incut of cholera. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc , Phila., 1892 xiii 350-371. Also: N. York M. J., 1892, lvi 477-480.—Harbin (A.) On the nat lire and treatment of sporadic and epidemie cholera. Dublin J. M.Se.,1885,lxxix.531-546. A iso. Reprint. -----. The vagus treatment of cholera, as exemplified in returns from the cholera hospitals of Malta, during the epidemic of 1887. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1890, Ixxxix, 226-240. AUo, Re-print.—Hayem (G.) Dn traitement du cholera. Bull, geii.de therap. [etc.]. Par., 1884, cvii,459-472. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiv, 65: 185. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1884, xvi, 364; 376; 389. -----. Lo traitement des choleriques k l'hopital Saint-Antoine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 686-691. -----. Traitement du cholera. Anu. de med. scient. et prat., Par.. 1892, ii, 369-373. —Henderson (T. J.) Heroic doses of calomel in the treatment of cholera. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 123. — HetDsler. Meine Erfahrungen iiber die Anste- ckungsweiso und Behandlung der asiatiscben Cholera. Ztschr. d. Berl. Ver. hoinbop. Aerzte, 1883-5, iv, 200-207.— Herard. Du sulfate de strychnine dans le traitement du cholera. Union med., Par., 1854, viii, 418. Also: Bull. Soc med. tl. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1862, ii, 298-303.— Hewelke (0.) Przeglad krytyczny niektorych metod leczenia cholery. [Critical review of some methods of treatment of cholera.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 757b-764'\—Heysc. Mittheilungeu zur Cholerathera- pie. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1892-3, xii, 144-155. [Discussion], 188; 203. AUo [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1893, xxx, 20. —Hickman (A.) Treatment of cholera with sulphurous acid. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 321.—Hinscbfeld (F.) Eine Bemerkung zur Anwendung innerer Mittel bei Cliolera. Berl. klin "Wchnschr., 1892; xxix, 973. —BBuberwald. Zur Behandlung der Cholera. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1893, n. F., xxxv. 245-249. -----. Behandlung tier Cholera und der choleraahnlichen Diarihbe. Kinderarzt, Leipz., 1893, iv, 97-100.—Ilkevicb (K. I.) Sposoh predokhrani- teluoi privivki protiv choler'i i nieskolko slov po povodu liecheniya krovyanoyu sivoiotkoyu i liecheniya choler'- nikh bolnikh razvodkami choler'nikh zapyatikh nabullome iz vilochkovol zhelyozi. [Method of preventive inocula- tion against cholera, and some remarks concerning the blood-serum treatment and treatment by cultures of chol- era spirilli upon thymus gland.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 785; 814; 858;'889.—Inglis (D.) The treatnieutof cholera asiatica. Med. A'sc, Detroit, 1885, iii. 2(i.">-2(i7.— lofc (L. B.) K voprosu o liechenii choler'i. [On the treat- ment of cholera.] Saratov, sau. obzor, 1893, iii, 60-66.— Jaworski (W.) Zestawienie syezegolowej profilaktyki i terapii cholery. [Detailed directions as to prophylaxis antl treatment of cholera.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1892, xxxi, 393; 405; 421.—Johnson (SirC,.) The pathology aud treatment of epidemic cholera. In his: Med. Lect & Es- says, 8°, Loud., 1887, 70-182. -----. The therapeutics of cholera. Lancet, Loud., 1892, ii, 930.—J unod (T.) Do l'emploi de la methodehemospasiquedans le traitement du cholera epidemique. Rev. nied. franc, etetrang., Par., 1849, ii, 393-414. Also, Reprint.—Kaehenovski (L.) K lie- cheniyu choler'i. [Treatment of cholera.] Feldseher, St. Petersb., 1894, iv. 637-645.—Kadler (L.) Cholerai mako- wiec; fragment terapeutyczny. | Cholera and opium.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1893, xxxii, 506-508.—Kashiinura (S.) [The ice-bap: treatment of cholera. J Iji Shiiibun, Tokio, 1880, no. 184. Also, transl.: Wien. nied. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 1324-1326.-Itiiineur (B. O.) Cholera and its treatmeu thy Dr. John Chapman's met hod, and twelve cases, with some answers to the microbe theory of the disease, with a full report of the discussion. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxii, 276-278. Also, Reprint.—Kitasato (S.) [Com- munication on the treatment of Asiatic cholera.] Tokyo- med. "Wchnschr., 1896, no. 928,1-4; no. 929. 4-9; no. 930, 6- 10; no. 931, 7-11; no. 934, 12-15 ; no. 936, 4-6; no. 937, 13- 16; no. 938, 10-14; no. 939, 12-17.—ron Kobylccki. Ein CHOLERA. 596 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Treatment of'). Beitrag zur Behandlung des Ileus und der Cholera. Deut- sche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, xxiii, 54-68.—Kobos. De la pathologic et, du traitement du cholera par la co- caine. Union med., Par., 1892. 3. s., liv, 592.—Kuborn (H.) Quelques observations sur le cholera au point do vue de son traitement comme tel et dans la periode dite ty- pholde. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg.. Brux.. 1866, 2. s., ix, 922-951. Also, IU print Kuziuan (J.) Ueber Wesen und Behandlung der Cholera. Wien. med. BL, 1885, viii, 1436: 1471.—I^agann ill.) Contribuzione alia patologia e terapia del colera morbus; cura speciale del f anuria. Med. contemp.. Xapoli, 1885, ii, 297-309. — Lall (S.) Cholera and its treatment. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cuta, 1888, xxiii, 207.—Langlebert (A.) Du traitement du cholera asiatique. France med., Par., 1883, ii, 137.— ffinrligue (II.-L.) Des injections sous-cutanees d'ether dans le t-raitetnent (In cholera. Arch, de med. et pharm mil., Par., 1885. vi. 133-147— Lathrop (W. H.) Treat- ment of Asiatic cliolera. Detroit Lancet, 1884-5, n. s., viii, 156.—I.atorre e Izquiea-do (J.) Terap6utica general del c61era. Rev. halear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1890. vi, 488: 517; 615; 647; 677: 1891, vii, 48; 109; 139; 262.—Lifeao] (13.) Contribuicao para o tratamento do cho- lera. Dosimetria, Porto, 1894, y, 331; 356.-I.ee (E.) Practical experiments in the treatment of cholera in St. Petersburg. Russia, and Hamburg, Germany, in the epi- demic of 1*92. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1892, xiii, 693-696. AUo, Reprint. Also: Tr. X. York Acad. M. (1892), 1893, 2. s., ix, 299-314. -----. Treatnieutof Asiatic cliolera. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv. 960-963. A Uo, Reprint. AUo: Am. -J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1895-6, 3. s., xxix, 250-258. AUo [Abstr.l: Coll. o>vull (C.) On new departures in the therapeu- tics of cholera, with a sketch of a visit to Toulon and Mar- sei.hs dining the epidemic Tr. M. & Phys. Soc Bombay, 1885, n.s., Xo.vii, 4-14.—M'Farland (F.E.) Remarks on a few plans of treatment of Asiatic cholera, especially with reference to permanganate of potassium. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1884, lxxviii, 115-121). — Maestre. Metodo para el trataniiento del colera. Andalucia med., Cordoba, 1885, x, 177-1-1.—Magunrapc (A.) Dell' uso del freddo e di alcuni rimedii nel colera asiatico. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Xapoli, 1886, iii. 681-095.—Maj (I.) L' es- tratto etereo tli felce maschio nella cura del cholera. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1884, 8. s., vi, 478-480.—Mara- gliano (E.) Sulla terapia e sulla patologia del colera. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 691.—.Marfan (A.) Trai- tement du cholera daus les diverses epidemies qui ont envahi la France. Gaz. d. hop., I'ar.. 1892, lxv, 1146-1149.— Marold. "Welche Indicationen ergeben sich aus tier neuen Choleralehre fiir die Choleratherapie? Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, lv, 1517-1520. Also [Resume]: Mitth. tl. Ver. d. Aerzte in Xied.-Oest., Wien, 1886 xii 320-324. —Marshall (J. R.) The treatment of cholera! Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 348-358.—illayer. Xote sur le traitement du cholera. Ann. Soc. de nied. d'An vers 1885, xlvi, 202-206.— Mierzyiiski ( Z. ) 0 leczeniu cholery. [Treatment of . . .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892 2. s., xii, 909-911.—Mijnlieff (A.) lets over cholera en hare behandeling. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1893, xlvii no 6: 7: 8. — llilmniui (M. S.) DIelstvIe drukhloristoi vtuti. na zarazhennikh choler'oyu sobak. [Action of bi- chloride of mercury on dogs infected by cholera. I Medi- tsina, St. Petersb., 1893, v, 399.—Miranda (J. B.) Algu- nas observaciones sobre el tratamiento del colera i uso del Cholera (Treatment of). calomelano. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile 1887 « xvi, 26s-273. —M ilra (A.) Treatment of cholera- the re' suits ot the epidemic in Kashmir. Med. Rec, Calcutta 1890, i, 103-105. -----. Recent cholera therapeutics In' diau M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 351; 382. -----. The 'treat mentjofcholera. Ibid., 1895, ix, 37-39. AUo: M,,l p,, porter, Calcutta, 1895, v. 397-399. .Uso- Indian M Chir Rev., Bombay, 1895, iii, 405-409.- .Tloliner (F.) Xotiw cliuicas sobre el lavado de la sangie en el trataniiento del colera. _ Progresso metl.-farm., Madrid,11890-91, iii, 1.4 _ MonsiorskiiZ ) O stosowaniu pizmaw cholerze] fAD- plication of musk in cliolera.] (iaz. lek.. Warszawii 189*) 2. s., xiii, 1315-1317.—Montane (L.) Trataniiento dei c61era morbo asiatico. Arch.de la Soe. est ml clin de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v 302-391.-M<......fusto (A) Contributo alia cura del cholera. Riv. ital. di terap ed ie Piacenza, 1888, viii, 6-11. —Mori (B.) (Tlie cold water treatment of cholera.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1886 no 204.—Muiioz (A.) Otro tratamiento del coleia epiiht! mico. Med. contemp., Madrid, 1884. i. 422-427.—Murray (J.) Remarks on the treatment of cholera epidemics in India. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1884. ii, 250.—,\«i... ■er (A.) Iodoform und Cholerabehandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1892, xviii, 905. Also, Reprint.— IVcttcr (A.) Le traitement du cholera. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1883, 6. s., v, 388.-----. Effets pernicieux de I'opiora administr6, dans le cholera, contre la diarrliee initiale. Rev. med. de Test, Xancy, 1884, xvi, 518-523. ____. De- couverte bibliographique concernant lo traitement du cho- 16ia de uotre temps par la methode de Sydenham. Ibid., 676-682. -----. Remarques sur le dernier rapport de M. Le Rov do Mtiricourt, touchantle traitement tlu cholera Ibid., 1885, xvii, 104-121. — IVeufcld (J.) Pyoktaniiia w cholerize azyatyckiej. Gaz lek., Warszawa, 1894,2. s., xiv, 1180:1206. Also, transl.: Miinchen. med. Wchnsehr., 1894 xii. 1033-1037. — Nicholson (F. C.) Tho treatment of cholera in India. Practitioner, Lond., 1893, li. 170-181.— PVin y Caballero (F.) Ensayo teorico de uu tratamiento sintomatico del colera morbo. Cron. mcd.-quir. de la Ha- bana, 1885, xi, 299-303.—Nolhnagel (II.) Ac Kahler(O) Anleitung zur Hehandluug der Cholera. Oesterr. San.- Wes., Wien, 1892, iv, BeiL, 63-67. AUo. Reprint. AUo: Wieu. med. BL, 1892, xv, 502-500.—O'CJonnell (I). V.) The treatment of cholera by blistering over the vagus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 685.—Ogata (I.) [The treat- ment of cholera.] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1886, no. 431.— Oliveti (T.) Breve nota intorno alia cura e alio stadio di morte apparente nel cholera asiatico. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1885, 4. s., xxiv, 198-207.—Ortega (M.) Cua- tro palabras sobre el uso del mastrauzo como unode tantoa medios terap6uticos en el trataniiento del c61era. Cr6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1855, iii, 485-488. — Oser (L.) Feber neuere Erfahrungen in der Pathologie und Therapie der Cholera, Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1886, xii, 218; 230. Also [Abstr.]: Mitth.d. Ver. d. AerzteinNied.-Oest., Wien, 1886, xii, 318-320. -----. Die Behandlung tier Cho- lera. Wien. med., BL, 1892, xv, 533-536.—van O ver beck dc Mcijer (G.) Een en ander over het inwentlig gebruik van creolino ter genezing van aziatische cholera. NVilerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1892, xxviii, pt. 2, 682-692.— Palm (T. A.) Xi trite of amyl in cholera. Brit. M. .1., L0111L, 1887. ii, 992. — Paiiicr. La strychnine contre le cholera. [From: Vigie algerienne.] J. denied, ct pharm. del'Algerie, Alger, 1884, ix, 128.—Pauly. Ilurevril etdu r6tablissement de l'hematose par des proc6d6s inccaniqiies au d6but tie la p6riode asphyxiquc et cyanique (hi cholera. Assoc, franc, pour l'avanee. tl. sc. C.-r., Par., I88K, xvii, pt. 2, 473-482.— Pavlovski (A. D.) Popitki sovremon- 110I nauki v terapii choler'i, v svyazi s uvelichenlem zna- niyo sushtshuosti i prichinakh choler'navo protsessa. [The efforts of modern science in the treatment of cholera, in connection with the enlarged knowledge of the essence and cause of cholera.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Pe- tersb., 1893, iv, 297; 357.—Peeholier (G.) Sur l'emploi des remedes violents daus le traitement du chol6ra. Gaz. hebtl. d. sc med. de Montpel., 1884, vi, 386-388. — Pelto- siawski (L.) W kwestyi stosowania pyoktaniuy przy leczeniu cholery azyatyckiej. [Application of pyoctauin in treatment of Asiatic cholera] Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1894, 2. s.. xiv, 1394-1402.— Petersen (0.) Literarisclie Studien iiber Behandlung der Cholera, sowie iiber die Desinfectionsmaassregeln bei Choleracpidemicn. St. Pe- tersb. med. "Wchnschr., 1885, 11. F., ii, 177; 186. P«''ri. Demonstration eines Cholera -Easterns. Preuss. Med.- Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl., 1893, x, 113-116.-Pcli'one (L. M.) Terapia specifica del colera usata in Xapoli in oltre300 casi; suacaraprofilattica; igieneinternazionale; igiene e disinfezione locale. Spallanzani, Modena, 188p, 2. s., xiv, 53-61.—Pfeiffer (A.) Feber den Verlaui uud die Erforschung der Cholera indica im Jahre 1886. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 31. -----. Die Verhii- tung und Behandlung der asiatiscben Cholera. Verhanai. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1888, vii, H3-106.-Plan- chon. Sur des medicaments chinois reputes utiles contre le cholera. [Rep] Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1894, i. »•. xxxi. 498-502.— Pohl (H.) Eine kritische Uebersicht del in Form von Recepten empfohlenen Mittel gogen Lnoiera CHOLERA. 597 CHOLEEA. Cholera (Treatment of). mit Hinweis auf ihre Anwendung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892. lxi, 1873; 1925; 1945; 1969; 1993. AUo, Re- print. — Purits (K. X.) Iz nablyudeniy nad llecheui'em choler'nikh bolnikh v Rozbtlestveuskoni Barachnoni Laza- retle. [From observations ou the treatment of cholera pa- tients iu the hospital . . .] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 1079; 1112: 1134; 1167.—Rapport van de commissie voor de choleratherapie. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Ainsr., 1886, 2 R., xxii, 2. aid.. 84 : 1887, 2. R., xxiii, 2. afd., 123. lpl. AUo, Reprint. — Rnwlins (A.) On the treatment of cholera. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Loud., 1884, ii, 69.— Richardson (I!. W.) Tbe treatment of cholera, sani- tary, dietetic, curative. Asclepiad, Lond., 1885, ii. 8-32.— Rit'ltlin lE.) Sur le triiitement du cholera. Gaz. metl. de Far. 1884. 7. s., i. 559; 568 : 581. — Rizzi (A.) Rassegna degli ultinii e pih important! studj sulla cura del colera. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., parte riv., Milano, 1884, cclxx, 465-498. — Rodrigo Gonzalez (J.) Tratamiento del colera morbo. Rev. de med. v cirug. pract.. Ma- drid. 1885, xvii, 343-348. —Rogers ( H. R.) Cholera; its nature and its cure. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 496. AUo, Reprint. — Rojic ( F.) Beitiage zur Therapie tier Cboiera. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1886. xxi, 505. — Rombouts (A. H.) Over tie be- handeling tier cholera-lijders to "Willem I. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Xederl. Indie, Batav.. 1889, xxix, 212.— I Roscuzwcig. Zur Cholerubehnudlung. Deut.-chc med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1884, x, 568. —Ross (li. C.) Xot.es ou cholera treatment. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1890, xxv, 107.—Rozhauski (V. M.) Gorvachiya vanni i rus- skava banva pri lieeheuii asiyatskol choler'i. [Hot baths and the Russian bath iu treatment of Asiatic cholera.] Vrach,St. Petersb ,1894, xv, 813-817. — Riiinmo. Sulla cura del colera; rivista critica dei principal! lavori pub- blicati e degli agenti terapici piu accreditati. Med. con- temp., Napoli, 1884, i, 473; 543. — Runipf. Die Bebaud- luug der Cholera im neuen Allgenieinen Kraukenhause zu Hamburg. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1892, xviii, 877-879. AUo: "Wieu. med. BL. 1892, xv, 629- 632.— Saenz Vnucnz (B.) Consideraciones sobre la Daturaleza del colera y su trataniiento. Progreso med., Habana, 1892, iv, 311-318.—Sanders. Experiments with strophanthus in cholera cases at the Mayo Hospital. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 311. — Sanjurjo (M.) Observaciones sobre los efectos terapeuticos de la menta rotundifolia eu el trataniiento del colera morbo epidemico. Cr6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1855, iii. 517-521.— Schaffer (L.) Vergleichende Betrachtungen uber ver- schiedene Cholera-Therapie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1884, xxix, 413. — Schijfsuia (R.) Over de behandeling der cholera-liiders te Semarang. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1889, xxix, 209-211. — Scudder (H. M.) The treatment of Asiatic cholera as in vogue of recent years in Southern India. Mississippi Valley M. Mouth., Memphis, 1884. iv, 455-461. AUo [Abstr. 1: J.Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1884, iii. 299-303. Also [Abstr.]: X. York M. J., 1884, xl, 327-329. AUo [Abstr.]: Med. Rec., X. Y., 1884, xxvi. 255. — Schulz (H.) Zur Therapie tier Cholera Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1892, xviii, 815.—Sec. Traitement du cholera par le sulfate de Btrychnine. Fnion m6d., Par., 1854, viii, 402. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1863, ii, 294-297. — Seitz. Ueher die Therapie der Cholera. Aerztl. Int.- BL, Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 529: 541. — Scki (T.) [The treatment of cholera.] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1886. no. 444. — Senimola (M.) Nouvelles recherches th6ra- peutiques snr le cholera asiatique (1884). Bull.g6u.de therap. [etc.], Par.. 1884, cvii, 4»1 -488. — Senise (T.) Sulla terapia del colera. Riv. clin. e terap., Xapoli, 1885, | vii, 475-486. — Serrano Welles iE) Breves considera- ciones sobre el c61era y su terapeutica. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1885, vii, 65; 96; 129; 161; 193: 240. — Sen-en. Xote sur la therapeutique du cliolera. Compt. rem I. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1849, xxviii, 453-466.—Sliklyarevski (A. S.) K voprosu o liechenii choler'i v algidnomperiodle. [Un the treatment of cholera in the algid stage.] Yuzhnorussk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1893, ii, 199; 218— Shoemaker (I). K.) Cholera treated successfully' with calomel. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 267-269.—Si I va. (li.) & Tassinari (V.) Osservazioni sperimentali sulla terapia del cboiera asiatico. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1886, xxiv, 225; 250; 266.—Simon (M. F.) A note on the treatment of cholera. Lancet, Lond., 1893. ii, 688. — Smnkovski (A. V.) Ob algidnol choler'Ie i veva liechenii. [Algid cliolera and its treat- ment. ] Me.litsina, St. Petersb., 1894, vi, 158-162.— Sinolicheff' (P. F.) K voprosu o liechenii bolnikh aziatskoi choler'ol; nauebniya i prakticheskiya osnovi borhi s bolieznyu. [ On treatment of Asiatic cholera patients; scientific and practical principles of the struggle with the disease.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. ^92. xvii, 372-378.— Sokoloff(M.) O liechenii choler'i. [On the treatnieutof cholera.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1886-7, iv, 128-137.—Soniienberger. Ueber intestinale Desin- fection (Antisepsis) und deren Anwendung hei der Cho- lera asiatica. Allg.med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, lxi, 1457- 1459.—Spring (A.) Xote sur le traitement du cholera asiatique. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1848-9, Cholera (Treatment of). viii, 300-307. Also, Reprint. — Stewart (D. D.) Hydro- naphtol iu the prophylaxis and treatment of cholera; re- port of experiments. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lxi, 371. AUo, Reprint. -----. The prevention and treatment of cholera by the naphthols; and bacteriological report hy G. M. Sternberg. Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1893, n. s, cv, 388-393.— von StoflTclla. Ueber moderne Cho'lera- Therapie. Intermit, klin. Uuiidschau. Wien, 1892, vi, 1577- 1583. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1892. xxvii, 557- 560.—Stroue (F.) Die Cholerathc rapie auf In-wcen. Wien. med. Presse, 1892. xxxiii, 1621-1624.—Sulemani (S.J.) Xew remedy for cholera. Lancet. Lond., 1885, i, 659.—Srietukbin id6mique. Instruction popnluire pottvant servir de guide en I'absence du mfideciu. Ke"inipression faite d'apres la 9. 6d., suivie de uotes relatives a la derniere 6pid6inie. 1*2°. Geneve, 1K">4. -----. The same. 8°. Marseille, 1855. CHOLEKA. 598 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Treatment of, Homaopathic). Cholera. The hoiiKcopathic medical socie- ties of the counties of Xew York, Kiugs, and Westchester publish the following statement for the guidance of the public during an epi- demic of cholera. >-. [New York, 1866.] fCoGO (P.)] Tua guarigione per lettere fatta dall' omeopatia, con una csposizionc dei mezzi igienico-terapeutici per preservarsi dal colera o scacciarlo appena insorto prima dell' intcrvciito del medico. 8-. Padova, [1865, vel subseq.]. Dekiker (V.) Homeopaticheskoye liecheiue choler'i; kratkoye rukovodstvo dlya vrachel i ucvrachci. [3. ed.] 8-\ S.-Peterburg, 1876. Einfache Schutz- uud Heilmittel wider die Cholera, nach liomoopathischen Gruudsat/.cn. Nebst einem Vcrzcichniss der erlaubten und unerlaubteu Speisen uud Getriinke vor und wiihrend dem Dascyu dieser Krankheit. 8°. Dresden, 1*31. FIodoeovski (N. F.) O samopomoshtshi v choler'Ie. Doklad Kievskomu obshtshestvu po- sliedovatelei liomi-opatii. [On self-help in chol- era. Report to the Homoeopathic Society of Kiev.] 8-\ A'lVr, 1-93. Flasschoen. Traitement homceopathique du cholera et de la cholerine et des moyens de prd- venir les attcintes de ces maladies. Instruction populaire servant de guide en I'absence du nie~- decin. 8°. Prnxelles, 1871. CJatchell (C.) The treatment of cholera as practiced by the leading honneopathic physi- cians of the world. 8C. Chicago, 1885. Hahnemann (S. C. F.) Scndschreiben iiber die Heilung der Cholera und die Sicherung vor Aiistccknng am Krankenbette. Nebst einem erliiiiteriKicn Xachtragc des Verfassers, und bestiitigenden Mittkeilungen des Herausgebers. H-. Berlin, 1831. -----. Zekerste genccswijze en uitroeijing der Asiatische cholera. 8^. [n. p., 1831.] [Hartuxg.] Honioopathische Heiluug der Cholera. Mittheiluiigen eines praktischen Arztes in Italien. Hrsg. von Fr. Enimrich. 8°. Leipzig, 1837. ,Iaiir (G. H. C.) Tratamiento homeopardco curativo y preservativo del colera; obra ritil £ todas las familias . . . pnesto en espanol bajo la direeciou del Dr. Juan Sanllerii. 8°. Madrid, 1853. Joslix (B. F.) The homoeopathic treatment of epidemic cholera. Therapeutics and reper- tory. With uotes and additions bv P. P. Wells. 12°*. [Philadelphia], 1885. Kidd (J.) Directions for the homoeopathic treatment of cliolera. 12°. London, 1866. Liedijeck (P. J.) & Xoreus (F. T.) Korfc anvisniug till nagra homoopathiska liikemedels anvaiidaude mot koleran. [Short introductiou to the use of some homoeopathic remedies in cholera ] 8°. Stockholm, 1851. Lippe (A.) Cholera; its treatment by homoe- opathy. 32-. Philadelphia, 1~-n>. Lirzzi (I.) Osservazioni sul colera morbus indiano, fatte iu Roma nell' estate dell' auuo 1837; preeeilnte dalla storia dell' invasione e da alcune rilh-ssioni sull'iudole e sulla natura del detto morbo. 8-. Boma, [l-3'J?]. Mabtt (J.) £tude sur le chol6ra asiatique ou spasmodiqne et sur les traitements qui lui out ete" opposes, specialement par la doctrine homoeopatliiipie. 8°. Bordeaux, 1835. Martins e Coxsagkada (J. V.) A cholera- morbus tratado homoeopathicaniente. 8'-. Bio de Janeiro, 1849. Martiny. Le cholera et son traitement ho- mceopathique. r . Bruxelles, 1884. Cholera (Treatment of Homaopathic). Modo (Del) di prevenire e curare il cholera epidemico secondo i principii dell' omeopatia 8~. [Torino, 1854.] vox Mordwixoff. Ein Word iiber Honioo- pathie, nebst eiuem Briefe und Ver/.eichnius iiber die im Gouvernement Saratotf in Rnsslaud bei Cholerakrankeu mit dem gluckliehsten Er- folge angewandten honioopathisehen Heilmittel, Ins Deutsche ubersetzt vou J. Ekkeustein. 8J. Dresden, 1832. [Moreli.o (P.)] Note sull' omeopatia in oc- casioue del colera. 12°. [Firenze, 1851.] Orth (F.-J.) Traitement hvgienique, pre"- servatif et curatif du cholera asiatique, d'apres les meilleurs ouvrages komebpathiqucs; de'die' aux uiedecins et au public. Revu par le Dr. Gras. sm. 8-. Paris, 18*5. Pearce (C. J.) Diarrhoea and cholera; their homoeopathic treatment and prevention briefly described. 8°. Northampton, 1853. Qnx (F. F.) Om cholerans homoopathiska behandling. Oefversattning af P. J. Liedheck. 12J. Stockholm, 1834. Rapou (C.) Seul traitement pr^servatif et curatif du cholera asiatique dont l'experience a constats l'efficacite", d'apres les process honie"o- pathiqnes. 8C. Paris, 1835. Regola della medicina onieopatica, per pre- servarsi dal cholera asiatica e per fame la cura. Estrata da un' opera inedita. 8°. Torino, 1*65. Reutscii [8.] Die ho ratio pathische Behand- lung der Cholera asiatica. 8J. Potsdam, 181*. Roth (J. J.) Den homoopathiska liikckon- stens anwiindniiig eniot asiatiska choleraii. 8 , Upsala, 1834. Roux. L'honioeopathie appliqu6e au traite- ment du cholera-morbus 6pid6niique. Observa- tions recueillies en ls54 et en 1855, avec uu appeudice snr la question des doses infinitesi- males. 8C. Paris, Montpellier, 1857. Rubini (R.) Statistica omiopatica dei cole- rici curati colla sola canfora negli anni 1854, 1855. 8°. Napoli, 1865. -----. The same. 2. ed. Napoli, 1865. [ de Saldanha ( Marechal Duque). ] Duas palavras sobre honioeopathia como preservativo e curativo do cholera-morbus. 8 . Lisboa, l*6b. Sanktpeterisurgskoye Obshtshestvo Pos- liedovatelei Homeopatii. [St. Petersburg Soci- ety of the Followers of Homoeopathy.J Pt. 2. Cholera; preduprezhdenie i liecheni'e yeya lio- meopaticheskimi sredstvami; kratkoye i/.lozhe- nie siishtshnosti, prichin i sposobov liecheniya etoi boliezni. [. . . its prevention and treat- ment by homoeopathic remedies; short expose" of the essence, causes, and methods of treatment of this disease.] 12°. S.-Petersburg, 1884. ScmiiD (G.) Das Weseutliche uud Wicli- tigste von der homoopatischen Behandlung der Cholera. Fiir Aerzte. 8C. Wieu, 1849, Tafel (A. J.) Cholera. Its treatment hy homoeopathy, with the necessary medicines. 32~. [Philadelphia, n. d.] Traitement honieopathiqne du cholera-mor- bus d'apres plusieurs m6decins tin Xord [par H.-C. Gueyratd]. 8\ Lyon, 1832. Tripi ( B.) Statistica dei militari attacati dal cholera in Palermo nell' anno 1854 c trattati omiopaticameute. 8°. Palermo. 1854. VOORHOEVE (X. A. J.) De cholera eu hare homoeopatische behandeling, beschreven en toei-elicht. 18'. Zwolle, 1893. tV %.mlrom pere. Le cholera et l'bomoeopatbie. Mar- soilb- med., 1884, xxi, 459-405.-Atzeroill. Allopathie untl Homoopathie in tier Clioh-rabehimilhiuK. Arcli. I. Houibopathie, Dresd., 1893, ii, 65; 97. AUo, liepnnt. CHOLEEA. 599 CHOLEEA. 1884. Cholera (Treaiment of) hy abdominal section. Meyorovich (J. I.) K voprosu liechenii asiyatskoi rliolt-r'i juityomchrevoslecheniya. [Treatment of A.sin tie Jioleiu bv abdominal section,) Vrach, St. I'etersb., 181)3, xiv, 330-333.—von Winiwarter (A.) Du traitement chirurgical du cboiera. Ann. Soe. med.-chir. de Liege, 1892, xxxi, 361-366. Cholera (Treatment of) by aqueous or saline injections [into veins, serous cavi- ties, cellular tissue, bladder, or rectum], Sie, also, Cholera (Treatment of) by hypodermic methods. Beiixard (J.) * Expedition du Tonkin. Des injectious intra-veiueuses dans le traitement du eollapsus algide et asphyxique du cholera. 4°. Paris, 1^86. Cantaxi (A.) L' enteroclisi tannica calda come cura abortiva del cholera e T ipodermoclisi al principio dello stadio algida del cholera. Eelazioue e lettera popolare. s-\ Najwli, 1884. -----. La cura del cholera mediante 1' ipo- dermoclisi e Y euteroclisi. 3. ed. 8C. Naj)oli, The same. Die Ergebnisse der Clio- lera-Behaudlung mittelst Hypoderinoclyse und Enteroclyse wahrend tier Epidemie von 1884 in Italien. Deutsch von Dr. M. O. Fraenkel. 8C. Leipzig, 1*86. Gallardo (P.) Tratamiento dei colera grave por las inyecciones intr.-ivenosas, subcutaneas y rectalcs de suero artificial. 8C. Toledo, lr-90. Girdwood (G. F.) On venous saline injec- tions in Asiatic cholera. 8C. London, 1866. Hagex-Torx (I. F.) *Ynutrivennlya vliva- niya pri choler'ie; k voprosu o patologii cho- ler'l. [Intravenous injections in cholera; on the question of the pathology of cholera.] 8~. S.-Peterburg, l-'X.. Also, in: Med. pribav. k morsk. sbornikn, St. Petersb 1895.309; 373: [2.pt], 1; 73; 141: 209, 4 diag., 5 tab. Kellie (J.) The saline treatment of cholera, - . Bristol, 1864. Keppler (F.) Die Erfolge meiuer Behand- lung des asphyktischen Choleraanfalles mit coiitinuirlicheu subcutaneu Infnsioueu alko- holischer Kochsalzlosung. 8C. Miinchen, 1886. Macdowall (C.) A short note on peritoneo- clysis, hyiiodermoclysis, and vesicodysis. 8°. London, [1886]. Samuel (8.) Die subkutane Infusion als Be- handlungsmethode der Cholera. 8~. Stuttgart, 1-83. J ' Aguirre (F.) Iuforme sobre inyecciones intraveno- us. B-v. med. de Chile, Saut. do Chile, 1880-7, xv, 380- 403.—Aiisyaii (B.) A ttimeges belbeont6sek es a hora- latti lnfusio erteke a cholera nvbgvtaualwin. [The value ot hypodermic injections in cholera antl affections of in- testines in place of administration into stomach.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1**7. xxxi, 757-764. AUo. transl. [Ab- str.] : Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 049- Ba2.—Brrciiger-Feraud_._ Atteinte de cholera; cya- iiose, idgidite, injection de 1/i5 grammes d'eau salee tlans les veines, grande amelioration; rechute; injection h\po- (leiinique de 40 grammes d'ether; chartreuse k hautes (loses:_ guerison. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1885, xliii, t'T-10"'—"ns('' Du traftcineut des formes graves du cliolera, en particulier par la saismee suivie de transfusion. bemaiiie med., Par., 1893, xiii, 441-144. A Uo, transl..- Med. Week, Par., 1893, i, 473-47*.—Boiiveret i L.) Injections intra-veineuses d'eau salfee daus le tndternent du cholera. Mou rued., 1884. xlvii, 307; 350: 375. — Cantani ( A.) La cura del cliolera colle grandi iujezioni sottocutauee «i acqua alcaliua salata. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Aapoli 18*4, n. s., vi, 1-8. -----. Die gerbsaure warme Jiiiteroklysie hei der Behandlung der Cholera. Ceu- tralbl. f. A. nied. Wissensch., Berl., 1884. xxii, 71.9-771. — • 1'' enteroclisti tannica come cura abortiva del colera Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 698-700. -----. ttisultati della cura del cholera colla ipodermoclisi ed euteroclisi nell' epidemia tli Napoli del ls>'4. Morgagni. -napoli, 1885, xxvii, 313-383. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: r-ancet, Lond., 18«5, ii, 589; 037. -----. L' acido lanuico per euteroclisi conti o il cholera. Gior. internaz. d. sc. Cliolera (Treatment of') hy aefueous or .saline injections [into veins, serous cavi- ties, cellular tissue, bladder, or rectum,]. nied., Napoli, 1886, n. s.. viii, 681-G86. Also: Communi- raz. batteriol. 1886, Napoli, 1887, i, 31-38.-f avagniss (V.) L' ipodermoclisi nell' epidemia di colera asiali•■o.iel 1886 a Venezia. Ann. univ. (limed, e chir., Milano, 1880, eclxxvii 337-381. — Cholera-Debattc (Eine); Demonstration eines Apparates zur Kochsalz-Infusion hehufs Behandlung der Cholera. Wien. nied. BL, ]8s'4, vii, 938-941.—C'olln- moi-e (G. A.) Treaiment of cholera hy tie- restoration of fluids. Tr. Ohio M. Soc.. Cincin.. 1893, 270-272.—fox (It. 11.) Tbe treatment of cholera by intravenous saline injections. Chiua M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1897, xi, H'9- 127.—de f yon. Note sur les injections intra veineuses d'eau oxygenee pendant la periode Algide tin cholera. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1884, 2. s.. xiii, 987.—Dalantl (.1.) A clinica] study of eleven cases of Asiatic cholera treated by hvpodermoclysis and enteroclysis. TJuiv. M. Mag Phila., 1892-3, v, 221-238. AUo. Reprint. Also: Tr.Coll! Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 199-213. -----. The treat- ment of cholera by hypodermoclysis and enteroclysis. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi, 37-45. Also'. Re- print. Also: Tr. Am. Climat, Ass. 1893-4, Phila., 1895, x, 92-101. — IK-hio (K.) Versuche mit intravenoseu Infu- sionen pbvsiologiscber Kochsalzlosungen bei Cholera asiatica. St. I'etersb. mod. Wchnschr., 1893, n. F., x, 427- 430.— I>i-ji«.tli<- (A.) Leber die Anwendung subcutaner Injectioueu bei der Cholera. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 1083. AUo, inhis: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 146- 149. -----. Ueber die Wirksamkeit subcutaner Injec- tionen von Arzneimitteln bei der Cholera. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 1193; 1209; 1225; 1244; 1260; 1276; 1289. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien. 1893, 150- 171.—Eckstein. Zur Behandlung des Stadium asphyc- ticum dor Cholera mittels Ilypodermokivse. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 407.—Fcilchciifcld (L.) Experi- mentelle r.eobachtungen iiber subeutane Infusion. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl., 1880, cvi, 479-489.—Galliard (L.) Deia transfusion intra-veineuse de s6rum artitieiel chez les choleriques. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1892, 2.s., xxix, 482-484. Also, Reprint. -----. Des reactions ther- miques eonsecutives aux transfusions intraveinenses du serum artitieiel dans le cholera. [Rev.] Bull. Acad, de m6(L, Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxvi, 381.—von Generisch (A.) Die Ausspiilnng des Verdauungscanales (l)iaklysmos); Beitrag zur Cholera-Therapie. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 1517-1520. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 926. —Giordano (D.) Saggio sulla cura del colera colle lavatura gastro-intestinale antisettica. Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1886, ii, 1146; 1152. Also, Re- print. — Godefroy (J.) Observations snr le traite- ment dn cholera par des injections intra-veiueuses d'ean salee k 5%. Rov. de med.. Par., 1885, v, 1033-1045.— Granata (M.) Enteroclisis e hipodermoclisis en el tratamiento del colera asiatico. Gac. m6d. catal., Parcel., 1885, viii, 577; 609. — von Hacker (V.) TJeber die sub- kutane und intravenoseSalzwasserinfusion und ihre Tech- nik; mit besonderer Beriicksiclitigung ihrer Anwendung bei tier Cboiera. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wieu, 1892, vi, 2025; 2066; 2118. Also, transl..- Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lv, 581-583. — Blnyti- (G.) Die Infu- sionstherapie tier Cholera behandelt nach 907 Fallen aus dem Alten Allgemeinen Kraiikenhanse zu Hamburg. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2, Hamb. ii. Leipz.. 1894, iii, pt. 2, 111-135. Also, Keprint. — Hamil- ton (J. B.) Treatment of cholera by vesical injections. Lancet, LontL, 1883, ii. 971.—J riming* (C. E.) The in- travenous injection of saline fluids for cliolera. Ibid., 125. — Knrrzrw«ki (A.) O wlewaniach roczynu soli pizy cholerze. (Injection of solution of sail in cholera J Medycyna, Warszawa, 1892, xx, 705; 723.—Kooyker (H. A.) Eenige opinerkiugen naar aanleiding van sonimige gevallen van cholera asiatica (hypodermoeutero- en phle- boclyse), waargenomen in decholera-barak te Groningen in 1892! Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geinesk., Amst., 1894, n. R., xxx, pt. 2, 419-470.—kroiirt'ker (TL) TJeber Kochsalzwasser- Tnf'usiou. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 507.— linlnt-r (R.) Die subeutane uiid iutravenose Infusion bei tier Cliolerabehandhmg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1892, xviii, 794.—Lai-in (E. A.) Vnutriven- niya vlivaniya flziologicheskavo rastvora povarennoi soli pri liechenii asiatskoi choler'i. [Intravenous injections of physiological salt solution in tbe treatment of Asiatic cholera. ] Voyenno-ined. J., St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxv, 1. sect., 228-263. — Latta (T.) A lull account of the operation of injecting the veins with aqueous and saline liquids for the cure of malignant cholera in tbe most hopeless cases. Lancet, Lond.. 1831-2, ii, 274-281. AUo, Reprint. — l.e Roy tit- ITIerit-oiirl. Rapport sur la communication du Dr. Rouvier, concernant les injections intra veineuses de s6rum artitieiel dans le traitement de la periode asphyxique du cholera. Bull.Acad.de med., Par., 1885, 2. 8.,'xiv. 1421-1431. — l.nton (A.) Sur le traitement du cholera au moyen tie Tin joe tion sous-cutanee des sels ueutres. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1884, CHOLERA. 600 CHOLEKA. Cholera (Treatment of) by aqueous or saline injections [into veins, serous cavi- ties, cellular tissue, bladder, or rectum}. cvii. 124-126.—Macdowall (C.) Intraperitoneal injec- tions in cholera. Lancet, Loud., 1*K5. ii, 658.—.Michael (J.) Behaudluna: der Cliolera mit subcutaueu Infusionen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Beil.. 18*3. ix, 563. -----. Zur Behandlung der Cholera mit subcutauen Infusionen. Ibid., 734. -----. Cholerabehandlung und Iufusions- therapie. Ibid., 1892, xviii, 1025-1028. AUo, Reprint. -----. Die Erfolge tier subcutanen uud tier intraveuosen Kochsalzinfiision in der Behamlliiiiu' der asiatiscben Cholera. Festschr. z. Feier tl. Mijiihr. Stit'tungsf. d. arztl. Ver. zu Hamb., Leipz., 1890, 02-08.—Nelson (M. I.) Las inyecciones intraveuosas en el periodo asf'ictico del co- leia. Rev. argent, de cien. m6d.. Buenos Aires, 1887, iv, 291. — Nicolas-Dm-anty. Note sur les injections intra-veiueuses daus le traitement du cholera. Bull. g6n. tie th6rap. | etc. 1. Par., 1884, cvii, 247-261. — ©sei- (L ) Notiz zur subcutanen Infusion boi Cholera. Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi, 1341-1343. — Perez Valdes ( 11. ) De las inyecciones intraveuosas de suero artificial en el tratimiiento del colera. Bol. de med. y cirug., Ma- drid, 1885, iii, 385-405. Also: Independ. nied., Barcel., 1885-6, xvii, 189-196. — Perli ( B.) L' enteroclisi nella cura del cholera. Arch. cliu. ital., Roma, 1884, xiv, 377- 381. Also: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli, 1884, n. s., vi, 793-799.—Pigeand. Twee gevallen van cholera door enteroklyse behandeld. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 18S9, xxviii, 512-515.—Powell (A.) Intra- peritoneal injection in cholera. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 168. — Reale (E.) Intorno all' ipodermoclisi nel colera; considerazioni su quattro osservazioni t-li- niche. Morgagni, Napoli, 1884, xxvi, 809-814.—Kiva (A.) La ipodermoclisi. le iniezioni pleurali (pleuroclisi) e le iniezioni peritoneali (laparoclisi) contro il colera. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 667; 074; 633.—Kondot (E\) Les injections intra-veiueuses d'eau sa!6e dans le cholera. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. tie Bordeaux, 1884, iv, 382-386. — Koussel (J.) Intravenose Eingiessungen. (Ein Beitrag zur Cholera-Behaiidhmg.) Allg. Wien. med. Ztg , 1885, xxx, 94. — Rouvier. Des injections intraveineuses de serum artitieiel dans le traitement de la periode asphy- xique du cholera. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1885, cix, 385; 447. Also, Reprint.—Samuel (S.) Die subeu- tane Infusion als Behaudlungsmethode tier Cholera. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 667. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 434-430.-----. Siibku- taue oder intravenose Infusion als Behaudlunssniethode der Cholera. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 637; 652. -----. Die Resultate tier subcutanen Infusicu als Be- haudlungsmethode der Cholera. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 41; 63— Sckildkrct. O choler'Ie i hypodermoclys'akh pri nel. Kussk. Med., St. Petersb., 1892, xvii, 677: 1893, xviii, 3.—Sick (('.) Die Behandlung der Cholera mit intravenbser Kochsalzinfiision. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-L'. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2. 06-110. — Skorichcnko-Ambodik (tl. G.) Llecbenlo indiyskol choler'i vlivaniyaiui vodi i ulu- bukimi pronrivanuyami. [Treatment of Indian cholera by injections of water and dee]) flushings.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 903; 932.—Smith (O. IL) The treat- ment of cholera bv rectal injection. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1892, xiii, 380— Nmui-rn (P.) L'enteroclisi o 1' ipoder- moclisi nella cura del colera. Gazz. di med. pubb., Na- poli, 1885, xvi, 65-83.—Todd (S. S.) Treatment of Asiatic choleia by iutra-areolar injection of large volumes of -warm saline solutions, and an abundant use of hot acidu- lated water, to the exclusion of all other drinks. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 523-526. Also: Kansas City M. Rec, 1893, x, 14-20. — Truscvicli (I. I.) [Trussed- witsch, in German transl.]. K liecheniyu choleri; rast- vor nashatirnavo spirta, vvedlonniy v kroveobrashtshe- nie choler'nikh vzamien rastvora povarennoi soli. [On the treatment of cholera; solution of ammonia introduced into the circulation of cholera patients instead of salt solution.] Russk. med., St. Petersb., 1885, x. 157. Also, Reprint. -----. Losungeu von Nitroglycerin und Am- mouiak als Stimulantieu der Bliitcirculation Cholera- kranken. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1892, n. F., ix, 341 .— Viionc (V.) L' enteroclisi tannica calda ed i clisteri di acido tannico nella cura del cholera. Morgagui, Na- poli, 1885, xxvii, 43-46. — Watts (H. J. M.) Intravenous saline injection iu cholera. St. Barth. Hosp. .1., Lond., 1893-4, i, 38.—Weiser (M. E.) Die Kochsalz-Sauerstoff- Methode der Cholerabehandlung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1884, xxix, 354. — Weiss (H.) Zur Bebaudluug mittelst Enteroklyse; eine kritische Studie zur Choleratherapie. Internat. klin. Rundschau. Wieu, 1892, vi, 1341-1344. Cholera (Treatment of) icith copper. See, also, Cholera (Immunity from) through occupations. Huko (V.) Du cuivre contre le cholera ct la fievre typhoule. Pi6servatiou et traiteuieut. Cholera (Treatment of) tcith copper. Aiili-epti(|ite.s ct maladies iutectieiises. 8- Paris, 1SH4. Walker (A. deN.) The prophylactic power of copper in epidemic cholera. V . London 1*83. Rocliefoutaine. Note complementaire ',- la Habana, 1884. x, 355-360.—jpou. raArjfbt, '\6r)vat., 1886, xv, 168; 184. —Rodrigo (Jonzalcz (J.) Las inyec- ciones hipodermicas tie opio para combatir el colera morbo asidtico. Correo med. castellano, Salaiuauca, 1885, ii, 485-490. Cholera (Treatment of) tcith oxygen and ozone. Bektixi (P.) Delia coutagio.sitii del cholera o dell' ozouo come rimedio curativo. -*0. Lucca, 1856. Harcourt (R.) Oxygen in cholera cursorily con- sidered. Med. Rec., N." V., 1893, xliv, 26fi.-lx7.t-d. Emploi de l'ozone dans le cholera. Gaz. hebd. de mud., Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 691. — Larri ve. Du traite-iiieiit tlu cholera par l'eau oxygenee consideree connne agent re- constituant (eau-oxygene) et comme parasiticide. J. dc med. de Par., 1884, vii, 254-257. Also: Hull. Soc. tie rueil.- prat. de Par. (1884), 1885. 143 -145. — O n i in us. Ozone ct cholera. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par . 18*4. 2. s., xxi, 563; 578.—dc Smyttere. Sur l'inspiration de 1 oxveene comme moyen de combattre le cboiera. [Abstr.] Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1848, xxvii, 393. Cliolera (Treatment of) tcith quinine. Godefroy (J.) * De vochtabsorptie nit den darm ua verhoogiug van bet ciua-gehalte van CHOLEKA. 601 CHOLERA. Cholera (Treatment of) with quinine. het bloeil, in verband met de behaudeling vau cliolera. 8C. Amsterdam, 18*7. Fnllerton (E. B.) Quinine in cholera. Metl. Rec, \ Y., 1892. xiii, 399; 676: xliii, 521. Also. Reprint.— Ilthir (P> Quiuiue iu cholera. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1895, ix, 115.— McReddie ( G. D.) The hypoder- mic injection of quinine in cholera. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta,'^-, xvii, 223.—Prussak (K.) Dlelstvie khinina protiv choler'i. [Actiou of quiuiue aoaiust. . .] Epide- miol. Listok, St. Petersb., 1871, no. 4, 2-5. Cholera (Treatment of) with salol. Wolkowicz (M.) O liechebnikh svoistvakh salola pri cboler'uoni ponosie. [Ou tbe curative action of salol iu choleraic diarrhoea.] 8-'. Var shava, 1894. See, aUo, infra. trirode (J.) A propos du salol dans lecboKira. Compt. reud. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1893, 9. s., v. 568-570.—Griiiberg (I.) Salol pri choler'Ie. Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1895, vii. 103.—Hehir (P.) Salol in cholera. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, xxv, 135. -----. Salol in cholera. Indian M Kec. Calcutta, 1892, iii, 2S3-286. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1892, xlix, 329 -333. — JIaci-ae ( K. ) The treat- ment of cliolera bv salol. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890 xxv, 289. — Nicholson (F. C.) Treatment of cholera with salol. Ibid., 1889, xxiv. 264-267.—Steven- sou (J.) The salol treatment of cholera. Ibid., 1890, xxv 142-144.—Walsh (J. H. T.) The salol treaiment of cholera. Ibid., x, 202-204.— WoJkowicz (M.) O wartosci leczniczej salolu w biegunce cholerycznej. [Ou tbe curative actiou of salol in choleraic diarrhoea. | Gaz. lek., 'Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 934-939. AUo, Reprint, [See, also, supra.] Cholera (Treatment of) by serum. FcdoroflT ( S.) Zur Blutserumtherapie tier Cholera asiatica. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xv, 423-433.—Freyniuth. Drei Cholerafalle, behandelt mit menschliehem Heilserum. Deutsche nied. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., Ic9l, xx, 829.—Haraguchi (K.) & Oshinia (M.) [A case of cholera treated with Prof. Kitasato's serum.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1896, xvii, no. 398,17-19.—Lazarnt (A.) Ueher antitoxisehe Wirk- samkeit des Blutserums Cholera-Geheilter. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1071; HlO.-lVnkagawa (A.) Professor Kitasato's anti-cholera serum. Biit. M.J.,Lond., 1896, ii, 121. AUo, transl. : Rev. de med. y ciruir. prdct., Madrid, 1896, xxxix, 140.—>'aknmura (S.) [Ten cases of cholera treated by serum therapy.] Tokyo-Iji Shin- ski, 1897, no. 990,8-12.—Park (W. H.) The existence of specific curative suhstauces in the blood-serum of typhoid and cliolera convalescents. Med. News, X. T., 1896, lxviii, 356— Pavlovski (A.) &, Kuchstab (L.) Ob im muni- zatsii i liechenii krovyanoyu sivoiotkoyu zhivotnikh protiv infektsii choler'nim yadom. [On immunization and treat- ment by blood serum of animals against infection hy the cholera poison.] Russk. med., St. Petersb., 1893. xviii, 115; 131; 279"; 395. Also, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1893, xix, 516; 640; 739. Cholera (Urine in). Begbic (J. W.) Observations on the urine in cholera. Month. J. M. Sc, Ediuh., 1849, ix, 1207-1213. Also: Re- print.— Drasche (A.) Ueber den Harustoff-Beschlagder Haut und Scbleimhaute im Cholera-Typhoide. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wieu, 1856, xii, 161-180. In his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 37-53.—Gubler. Coloration bleue des urines chez les choleriques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1854. 2. s., i.103.—Hoppc-Seyler (G.) Ueber die Veranderungen des Urins bei Cholera- kranken mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Aether- schwefelsaureausscheidung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1069. Cholera (Vaccination for). See Cholera (Preventive inoculation against). Cholera. 16 pp. 8-. [n. p., 184'J?] [P., v. 182.] Cholera. 4 pp. 8°. [te Groningen, JVedw. M. van Heijningen Bosch en Zoon, n.d.] [P., v. 185, 1*7.] Cholera. Advice to patieuts aud families iu relation to tbe rules to be observed during tbe prevalence of cboiera, with short directions for the treatment of tbe precursory symptoms, aud early stages of the disease, before the arrival of a homoeopathic physician. 1 sheet, fol. [Philadelphia, n. d.] Cholera (II). Brevi osservazioni populari c consigli. 31pp. 32'. Modena, tipog. delV Imm. Concezione, 1884. Cliolera. Gesehichte und Epidemiologic der Cholera. Dr. J. Fayrer, London. Die Cholera in Indien. Dr. Erni - Greiffenberg, Batavia. Quarantiinen. Dr. Schuster, Miinchen. Stu- dien iiber die Aetiologie der cboiera. Dr. C. Cramer, Ziirich. Mit eineni Vorworte von Dr. Max von Pettenkofer. viii, 125 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Miinchen, M. Bieger, 1*89. Cholera. The homoeopathic medical societies of the counties of Xew York, Kings, and West- chester publish the following statement for the guidance of the public during an epidemic of cliolera. 3 pp. 8°. [New York, 186(5.] Cliolera. Wie schiitzt man sich davor? Wie bekiimpft man sie? Die von Einzelnen zu beachtenden Gesuudheitsvorschriften. 12 pp. sui. 4°. Bern, K. J. Wyss, [n. d.]. German, French, aud Italian text. Cliolera in animals. Perelman (S. L.) # K voprosu o dleistvii cho- ler'uavo yada na sobak. [ Action of cboiera poisou on dogs. ] 8 . S.-Peterburg, 1894. Snellen (H.) A Miller (H. G.) Kan de cho- lera op dieren worden overgebracht? Eeuige experimeuteu tijdeus de cholera-epidemie van 1866. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Alplut. Dr. Vinceut Richards' experimeuts on pigs with cholera stools. Indian II. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 149.— t'ourmout (J.), Doyou & Paviot. N6vrites peripheriques chez le lapiu par intoxication chol6rique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 603.— Cunningham (D. D.) Ou the effects sometimes follow- ing injection of choleraic comma-bacilli into the subcu- taneous tissues in guinea-pigs. In: Scient. Mem., pt. 2, 1886, 4°, Calcutta, 1887,1-14, 1 pl.-Gamaleia (N.) Sur la reproduction du cholera chez les lapius. Verhaudl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl, 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 33-36. -----. Du cholera chez les chiens. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s.,iv, 739.—Gilbert (A.) & Doininici (S. A.) Angiocholite et cholecystite chol6riques experi- mentales. Ibid., 1894, 10. s., i, pt. J, 11-15. — Gordon (C. A.) Notes on cboiera in relation to animals. Med. Press & Circ, LontL, 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 215-217.— Gruber (M.) & Wiener (E.) Ueher die iutraperito- neale Choleraiufectiou der Meersehweiue. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1892, xv, 211-313. A Iso [Abstr.]: W'ien. klin.Wchnschr., 1892, v,543-545. —Iflaffkinc (W.-M.) Lo cholera asiatique chez le cobaye. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 635-637. —Jlaiiimerl ( H. ) Thieriufektiousversucbe mit Cholerakultureu verschiedener Herkunft uud das Verhalteu derselben im Blutserum normaler Meersehweiucben und in dem des Menschen.. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1893, iii, 573- 587. — Hueppc ( F.) Ueber Thierversiiehe hei Cho- lera asiatica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 396.— Kolle. Beitrage zu den experimentellen Cbolerastudien an Meerschweinchen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xvi, 329-361. — Lindsay ( W. L.) Experi- ments on the communicability of cholera to the lower animals. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1854, ixxxi, 275; 630. Also, Reprint. -----. Suggestious for observations on the influ- ence of cholera antl other epidemic poisons on the lower animals. Ediub. M. J., 1857-8, iii, 33-45. Also, Reprint.— Pfeiffer (R.) &, Not lit. Ueher das Verhalten der Cho- leravibrionen im Taubenkbrper. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1889. vii, 259-268*.—Ran be ( H. ) Cholera -Infections- Versuche an weisseu Miiuseu. Aerztl. Iut.-BL, ^Iiinchen, 1874, xxi, 131-135. Also, Reprint.—.Richards (V.) Some experiments with cholera ([ejections on tbe lower animals. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 86. — Rindflcisch (W.) Die Pathogenitiit der Chuleravibriouen fiir Tauben. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1895-6, xxi, 247-258. — Nabolotny (D.) Infektions- und Imniuuisie- riingsversuche am Ziesel (Spermophilus guttatus) gegen tlen Choleravibrio; vorlautige Mitteiluug. Centralhl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, IW)4, xv, 150-157.—Stilus (H.) Ueber das Verhalten der Cholerav brionen im Tau- bonkorpei uud ihre Beziehungen zum Vibrio Metschnikovi. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1893, xix, 333-346.— Sobernheini (li.; Zur intrapeiitonealen Choleraiufec- tiou der Meerschweinchen. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1893, iii, 997-1000.—Stohviw (U.J.) Infectie-proeveu bijdiereu met cholera exen menten. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 18116, ii, 2. afd., 281-304. AUo, Reprint. — Van 12 r men gem (L.) Note sur l'inoculation des produits de culture du bacille-virgule aux cobayes. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg.. Brux., 1884, 3. s., xviii, 1221-1242.— Vincenzi (L.) Leber iutraperitoneale Einspritzungen von Koch'schen Kominabacilleu bei Meerschweinchen. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii. 351; 573.— Vojje* tl).) Ueber die intiaperitoueale Choleraiufection tier Alecischweincheu. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz., 1894, xvii, 195; 474. CHOLERA. 602 CHOLERA. Cholera (Tlie) in Berwick street. By the senior curate of St. Luke's. 17 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Lon- don, Hope d Co.. 1854. Cholera (Die) mit dem besten Erfolg hekiimpft (lurch die homoopathische Curart. Xach Aus- ziigen aus deu Scluiften von Ilot'ratli Hahnc- nianii, den Leibiirzten Anton Schmidt und Hofrath Biycl, tlen Doctoren Forster Quiu, Joh. Adolph Schubert, Joh. Jos. Roth, xii, 83 pp. K\ Bremen, A. D. Geisler, 1835. [P., v. 1450.] Cholera (The) Bulletin. Conducted by an as- sociation of physicians. Published 3 times each week. Nos. 2-3, 5-0, 9-12, 14-17, 20-21, 23-24. v. 1, July 9 to August 31, 1832. 8°. New York, Stoeldard. Cholera in children. Sec. also, Cholera nostras (Treatment of). OiisinsHESTVo pothuiiya poinoshtshi bolnim dietyain v g. Kievie. Predokhranitelnlya niieri i pervaya poinoshtsh pri asiatskoiclioleiie dietel. Sostavili vrachi obsbtshestva. [Precautionary measures and first aid to children affected with cholera. Compiled by physicians of the Society for the Assistance of Sick Children in Kiev.] 12°. Kiev, [1S92], Zhukovski ( V. P.) Preduprezlideuie i lye- chenie choler'l u dietey. [Prevention and treat- ment of cholera m children.] 8,J. S.-Peterburg, 189,'. Itagintiky (A.) Die Behandlung der Cliolera beiKin- ibrn. Internal, klin. Rundschau, Wieu, 1892, vi, 1829- 1831.—EiseiiNehilz (J.) Ueber epidemische Cholera im Kindesalter. Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix, 1503; 1540; 1573. AUo, in: Vortrage iiber Choleia asiatica [etc.J, 8°, Wien, 1887, 76-93.—llappc (O.) Die Cholera tier Kinder in der Hamburger Epidemie vom Jahre 1892. Verhiindl. tl. Ver- samml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1893, Wiesb., 1894, x, 1-11. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 891; 936.—Hernandez Briz. La epidemia de colera asiatico en los ninos. Arch, de med. y cirug. de 1. niuos. Madrid, 1885, i, 140-112— Kirillin (A.) Sluchai asiatskol choler'i u dietei, nablyut'iavshiyesya v dletskoi bolnitsie Sv. Vladimira. [Asiatic, cholera in chil- dren, observed in the Children's Hospital of St. Vladimir.] Trudi Obsh. diebsk. vrach . Mosk.. 1892-3, i, 158-164. Also: Med. Obozr.. Mosk.. 1892, xxxviii. 1046-1052.—Koch ( C. ) Ueber Choleraexantbein bei Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kiuderh., Leipz., 1893-4, n. F.. xxxvii, 72-75. — Vm-iol (G.) Observations sur les troubles circulatoires dans le cholera asiatinue chez les eiifauts. Hull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. bop. de Par., 1892. 3. s., ix, 823-831. AUo: Gaz. med. de Par., 1893, 8. s., ii, 16; 25. Cholera disinfection ; what to use and how to do it. 22 pp. 24°. San Francisco, 1*84. Cholera (The) and tbe exportatou of rags. Action of Xew York and Boston authorities. (From our Loudon reporter.) 1 galley sheet. [Liverpool, 1885.] Iiepr.from : Liverpool Jour. Commerce, June 30, 1885. Cholera (The) Gazette. [Edited bv Isaac Hays.] [Weekly.] Xos. 1-16, v. 1, Julv 11 to Nov. 21, 1832. 8°. Philadelphia. Ended. Cholera (De) geene besmettelijke ziekte. See Lorinser (Carl Ignatz) [in 1. s.j. Cholera (Die) in Hamburg in ihren Ursachen und Wirknngen. Eiue okonoinisck-niedi- zinische I'ntersuchung. 2 p. J., 92 pp., 1 map; 77 pp., 11.; 4 p. 1.. 36, xv, 34 pp. 4\ Ham- burg, Aclien-Gesellsch., 1-93-5. 1. Theil. Von L. vou Halle und G. Koch. 2. Theil. Verlauf uud Bekampfung der Epidemic von Friedrich Wolter. 1. Abth. Ein Riickbhck auf Hamburg truhere Cholera-Epidemien. 2. Abth. Die Epidemie des Jahres 1892. 3. Theil. Die Xothstaiidspflege. Der Einfluss der Choleia auf Grossindustrie. Gewerbe, Handel und Schif- fahrt. von E. Munstei berg, D. Steinert uud H. Beurath. Cholera Hospital, London. Eules and regula- tions. Broadside, 10 by 18 inches. [London 1*48.] [P., v. 1292.] Cholera infantum. Sec, also, Diarrhoea in children. Boston. Hoard of Health. Cholera iufan. tiini and diarrhoea are caused by bad milk s- [Boston, 1,-93,] ' * ' . Tbe same. 11 < diarrea sono causate dal [Boston, 1893. ] . The same. 1" ] >lera infantile e la latte cattivo. 8° {Hebrew text.] [Boston, 1*93.] Dotezac (E.-L.-E.) * Essai sur l'emploi ,le.s injections sous-cutanees de serum artitieiel daus le traitement des "-astro-ententes cholenfortue.s des nourrissons. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897. Eschkiuch (T.) *Die niarantische Siuus- throiiibo.se bei Cholera iufautum. [ Wnrtzbure 1 8°. Leipzig, 1882. °'J AUo. m.- Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1882-3 n F xii 261-274. "' ' Lesage (A.-A.) * Etude clinique stir lo cho- lera infantile. 4°. Paris, 1889. -----. The same. *°. Paris, 1*89. Seini-: (Departement tie la). Prefecture de po- lice. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite. Rapport sur uue dpidemie de cholera infantile pendant Y6t6 de 1887. A. Ollivier, rapporteur. 4-. Paris, 1**8. Adams (S. S.) Cholera infantum. Arch. Pediat. Phila,, 1887, iv, 396-404—Baginsky (A.) Ueber Cho- lera infantum. Berl. klin.Wchiisehr., 1889, xxvi, 996; 1020; 1063. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. ined. Gesellsch. (1889)' 1890, xx, pt. 2, 133-153. AUo [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl.| 1889, xii, 761. -----. Ueber Cliolera infantum. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 11-90-91, xii, 1-54. 4 pl.—Baii-il (J. B.) Cholera infantum. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1887, u. s., iv,271- 282.—Bfzy, Un cas de paralysie k la suite du cholera infantile. Bull, et mem. So -. med*. d. hop. de Par., 1893,3. s , x, 173-178.—Brown (M. L.) Cholera infantum. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 567. — CarNtcns (J. H.) Re- marks ou cholera infantum. Arch. Pediat, Phila., 1885, ii, 533-539.—Chmellicek (J. F.) Some new features in the aetiology and treatment of cholera infantum: [due to fliesl. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 124-126.-€holt-i-ii in- fantum. [Discussion.] Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 124-127.—Cholera infantum. [Discussion.] Tr. M, See. Virg.. 12. sess., Richmond, 1881, iii, 337-313. — C'hii- Iioiiic (J. H.) Cholera infantum. Cailhwd's M. L, X. Y., 1889, xlix, 109-119.—Cozzolino (O.) Contributo alia dottriua dell' etiologia del cholera infantile. Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii, sez. ined., 434-445.—Craig (J.) Remarks on cholera infantum. Arch. Pediat., Jersey City, 1884. i, 134-136— D<--LHe«-*liazo (J. B.) Chol- era infantum. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, li-!»li- 7, 1, 219-222.—Edward* (J. C.) [Cholera infantuni.) Weekly M. Rev., St, Louis, 1891, xxiii, 481-48:).-F.lli* (\V. P.) Cholera infantum. Med. Progress, Louisville, 3893, ix. 1185-1190.—English (D. E.) Cholera infantum and diarrhoea. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1888, xxxiv, IS5.-Ep- Nloin (A.) Ueber das Weseu und die Bibaudbing der Cholera infantum. Paediat. Arb., Berl., 1890, 330-370.- Ei-it-liNrii(H) Cholera iufautum. Med.-chir. Cor.-Bl.f. Dt'iitsch-Ain. Aerzte, Buffalo, 1883, i, No. 9, 4-9— Flcurj- Dclai-ochc. L'atrepsie (siniptomes et uaiteiiieiit); diar- rh6e cliol6rifornie des enfants, diarrhfo verte, li'-nterie. •I. dc clin. etde therap. inf., Par., 1895. iii, 1031.—Forcji- ht-iiiit-i- (F.) Cholera infantum as a mycosis. Cincin Lancet, & Clinic, 1-82, n. s.,viii, 427.—<*ilb<-i-l (li. h) Causes of cliolera infantum. Louisville M. XVus, 1882, xiv, 91.—IlmiM r (W. F.) On cliolera infaiilmni. Louis- ville M. Xews, 1882, xiv, 5.—Ilai-ltiii (A.i Cholera infini- tum a neurosis. Times ,t Re-.. X. Y. i. Phila., 1890, xxi, 73-75.—Hcrr (F. C.) Tlie essential nature aud scientific therapeutics of cliolera infantuni. Therap. Ga/,., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 590-594.—Illowny (H) Cholera infantum (entente cholei iformei. X. York M. J.. 1894, lx, 301-305.- liflfi-aiid (II.) fitudo d'un cas do cholera nostraschezim enfant de six aus. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf, Par., 1*88, vi, I88-5D3. — Lt-sagr. Xote sur lo cholt-ra inf mlile tlu noiiveau-n6. Assoc, iiauc. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1890, Par., 1891, xix.pt. 2. 796-799.—lit'Al-dle ( T. E.) Chol- era infantum. Maryland M. J., halt.. 18.M-.Vxi, 301-30o.- .llt-Xair (R.) Cholera infantum. Physician &, Sing.. Anu Arbor, Mich.. 1889. xi, 445-447.—.»l a Han (A.-ii.) La liastro-enterite choleriforinc des nonrrissons; son traite- ment. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de pa-dint.. Par.. 1896, ix, .14/- 366. — .HasiascI (J.) Memoire sur la cholerine (les enfants. Lull. Soc. de ni6d. de Poitiers. 1853, xxi, 1L- 121. Also: J. d. com,. m6d. prat., Par., 1852-3, X*. 693-695. — Masncll it:-. T.) The influence of climate CHOLERA. 603 CHOLERA. (iiolera infantum. in the production of cholera infantum. Tr. ix. Intei- »at M t'oiu:., Wash.. 1887. iv, 534-541. -----. Etiology of choleia infantum. Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, Mii 1°7 - 1"9. — .Tleincrl. Ut-ber Cholera infantum testi'va." Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 189,, v, 520; 567; 623. Also Reprint.— Mettler (L. II.) Notes upon cholera in- fautiira. Phila. M. Times. 1887-8. xviii. 745-849.— Miller (T C) A contribution to tbe etiology, pathology, and therapeutics of cholera infantum. Am. J. Obst., N. y 1879, xii, 236-251. Also, Reprint, -----. Cholera in- fantum and tho weather. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1888. xxxiv. 59-61. —Bice (G. 11) Cholera infantum. Metl. Rev., St Louis 1896, xxxiv, 326. —Rixa (A.) Cholera in fan turn. J- Pract. M., X. Y., 1895-0, vi, 471-473.—Mcibci-I lA) Cliolera infantuni and the weather. Med. Rec, X. Y..1888. xxxiii, 317-320. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J, 1888. cxviii, 274-276. -----. Concerning cholera infan- tum aud the weather. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1888. xxxiv, 153.— Sexton ( L.) Etiology, pathology, antl treatiueut of chol- era' infantum. Med.'Reg.. Phila., 1888. iii, 458-460.— Smith (E. A.) Symptomatology and pathology of chol- era iufautum. Buffalo M. £ S. J., 1889-90, xxix, 106-110.— Smith (T. C.) Cholera infantum. Detroit Lancet, 1885-6, n. s., ix, 97-102.—Sciow (I. M.) Etiology aud moitality of cholera infantum. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1889-90, xxix, 99-1(10.— Soiinoiiborgcr. Einige Bemerkungen zur Aetiologie und Therapie der acuten Verdauungsstdrungen ini Kindesalter. insbesondere der Cholera infantuni. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1892, xxvii, 83— Stauffrr (W II.) Acute milk infection (cholera infantum). West. M.J, Fort Scott. 1894, v, 148-151.—Stover (R. B.) Chol- era infantum. Virginia M. Mouth.. Richmond, 1882-3. ix, 265-278. Also, transl.: An. de obst.,-giuep. v pediat.. Ma- drid, 1882, 2. ep., ii, 331; 350.—Todd (L. B.) A report on cholera infantum. Am.Pract. .Sc X'ews, Louisville, 1893, xv,497-503. —Vanghau (V. 0.) The nature and treat- ment of cholera infantum. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1887, 86-9G.—Watson ( W. P.) Cholera infantum. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1885, ii, 449-467. AUo. Reprint.—Wells ■ (\V\ 8.) Cholera iufautum; summer diarrhoea of infants. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxiii, 213-216.—Wes- singer (J. A.) The aetiology aud treatment of cliolera iufautum. Am. Lancet. Detroit, 1887. xi. 363-365. Also: Progress, Louisville, 1887-8, ii, 204-206.—William* (D.) A note on the circumstances under which warm weather determines the prevalence of cholera infantum. Occiden- tal M. Times, Sacramento, 1889, iii, 523-530. Cholera infantum (Treatment of). Baih:(C.) Anweisung zur Heilung tier Cho- lera uud Sommer-Durchfalle (Cholerine), Chole- ra infantum (summer complaint); eine geuaue Darstellung ties Wesens, Yerlaufs und der Be- handliing dieser gefiihrliclien Krankheit, uebst den znverlassigsteu Schutzruitteln dagegen. 8°. j New York, 18G6. Cholera iufautum, eutero-colitis aud their alkaloidal therapeutics. 8°. [Chicago, 1894.] Repr. from: Alkaloid. Yacghax (Y. C.) The prevention of cholera iufautum and kindred diseases, and of poison- ing by cheese, milk, etc. Abstract of a paper on the cliemistry of tyrotoxicon, its action upon lower auinials, and its relation to the summer diarrhoeas of infancy. Xo. 123. 8~. [Lansing, 1>;7.] Arhlnn (E.i Traitement electrique tie la diarrh6e et (hi cliolera chez les enfants. Compt. rend. Soc. tie hioh, Par., 1892, 9. 8., iv 968.—Kench (W. P.) Some remarks regarding the treatment of cboiera infantum. N. York M. J.. 1888, xlviii, 18(1. — Blccli (G.) Ratioual therapeu- tics of cholera iufautum. lhi-1., 1895. lxi, 271.—Rookci- (W. D.) [H al.). Treatment ot 'cholera infantum. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li. 97.—Brou;'iitoii (L. G.) The eti- ology of cholera infantum and its treatment by zinc and sodium sulpho-carhohite. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1890, 3. s., vi, 741-744.—{'hassaigiiac (C.) Tbe belladonna treat- ment of cholera infantuni. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 598-fi01. —»nyton (W. A.) Tieatment of cholera infantuni and marasmus. Med. Gaz., X. Y., 1883, x, 38s.— D««iif-i(M.E.) Cholera infantum and its proper treut- "nnt. Med. Summary. Phila., >97-8. xix. 115. — Fischer (L) The treatment of summer complaint, or gastro- enteritis catarrhalis acuta, including cliolera infantum in children. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1895. xlviii, 43-46. — Free IS. M.) Morphia in cliolera infantum. Am. J. Oost., X. Y.. 1885, xviii, 750-754. Also: Tr. M. Soc. | Pcmi., Phila.. 1885, xvii, 171-174.—Fritts (J. R.) Treat- i ment of cholera infantum. Kansas City M. Iudex, 1890, xi, 244. — Gachkovslti. Kumis i cholera iufautum. | vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb.. 1881, vi. 2635-2637.—Gross (M.) Die Behandlung der Cholera infantum. Therap. J ChoBera infantum (Treatment of). Monatsh., Berl.. 1893, vii, 226-228. — Jacobi (A.) [et al.]. Tieatment of cboiera infantum in the New York hospitals. Med. Xews, Phila., 1887. li. 38; 70.— Lake (I>. II.) Arseuite of copper in cboiera infantum. Coll. &. Clin. Kec, Phila., 1890, xi, 198. — Tit \:iir ( R.) The treat nieni of cholera iufautum. Physician & Surg., Detroit Sc Ann Arbor. 1895, xvii, 372.—iviciiiert. Vor- schlage zur Prophylaxis und Therapie tier Cboiera infan- tiim- Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien 1890. iv, 1605- 1607. Also: Wien. metl.Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 14.7-1460.— .TIooi-c (•!. S.) The treatiueut of cholera infantum. Pa- cific M. Rec, Portland, (hog., 1893, i, 238-241. —Para (J.) Cinq cas d'enteiite cholerifornie trait6s, avec succes par la di^to hvdriq to et lo lait sterilise. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1894, xii, 479-484.— Feck (O. W.) A few points in the management of cholera infantum. Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1892, vi', 424.— Btciny (S. ) Chol6rine ties ieuncs enfants; un modo de traitement. Kev. m6d. do l'est, Xancy, 1893, xxv, 225-234. Also: Ga/,. hebd. denied., Par.. 1893, xl, 234-236.—Bthciner (G.) P.eitriige zur Be- handlung der Cholera infantuni. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, i-8. —Ryan (W. 15.) On the treatment of cholera infantum. Am. Pract.. Louisville, 1885, xxxi, 265-269. AUo: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1885-6, v, 79-82. Nchncck (J.) Cholera infantum; its treatment inmalarial localities. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 924. — Scibcrt (A.) Zur liiechanisclicn Behandluii!! der Kiudercholera. Med. Monatschr., N. Y., 1889. i, 357. —Scpticn (M.) Cholera infantum; its treatment. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix. 39-43. — Taylor (J. J.) Treat- ment of summer diarrhteas of children and of cholera in- fantum. Med. Couucil.Phila ,1897,ii,204-207.—Vaujjlian (V. C.) Tho nature and treatment of cholera infantum. Med. Xews. Phila., 1887, 1, 673-676. Also: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1887, xi, 86-96. Also: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus 1887, 137-146.—Viceaitc (M.) Injections d'eau sal6e k doses 61evees duns lo cholera infantile. J. de med. et chir. prat,, Par., 1896, lxvii, 94C-943.—Watson (W. J.) Treatment of cliolera infantum. Codex med., Phila., 1894- 5, i, 319-321. - Whcatoii ( S. W.) The treatment of in- fantile diarrhoea and so-called English cholera. Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 367. CHloBeril infantum, eutero-colitis and their al- kaloidal therapeutics. 1 1. 8C. [Chicago, 1*14.] Repr. from: The Alkaloid. Cholera in insane. Belletrud (M.) *De l'6pid6mie cholerique de 18*4 chez les lemnies a l'asile des alie5n6s de Marseille. 4C. Montpellier, 1884. ■tcadlcs (H. S.) Notes of the two suspicious cases of cholera at the Coton-Hill Asylum. Lancet. Lond., 1893, ii, 1058. — Brouardel (P.) & Thoinot. Epidemie de cholera a l'asile des alienes de Bonueval (Eure-et-Loire). Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1893, 3. s., xxix, 209-224. Also [Sum- mary by Brouardel I : Bull. Acad, do med., I'ar., 1893, 3. 8., xxix, 173-182.—t'atcDiusct. Des modifications observeos daus I'etat mental de certains alienes atteints de cholera. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1892,7. s., xvi, 367-386.— Fit-lily:. Die Cholera iu der Provinzial-Irreuanstalt zu Nietleben bei Halle a. S. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 91-93. Also: Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Perl, 1893, vi, 57-60. Also: Sitzungsb. d Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1892-3, Miin- chen, 1894, iii, 28-36. — Giacclii (O.) La seconda inva- sione colerica uel manicomio di Racconigi. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii.721-729.—Hei lliuaiui. Epikritisehe Kiickbiicke auf die Cholera-Epidemic in tier Provinzial- Irreuanstalt Nietleben hoi Halle a. S. 1893. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1893, xl, 359; 382. — IVenbersjci- (T.) Die Cholera-Epidemic in der Irrciuiiistalt Friedrichsberg. Jahrb. (1. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2, 193-204. — Ronjjc. (C.) Le cholera ile 1884 a l'asile des alienes de Limoux (Aude); statistique; etiologii-; proplivlaxie. Marseille mod., 1885, xxii, 325; 395.— Ven Ira. (I).) II colera negli alienati. Manicomio mod., Xapoli, 1894, x, 331-359. — Woillcz. Memoire sur rgpideinio de ehohjra qui s'est declareo dans l'asile d'alien6s de Clermont (Disc) en 1849. Ann. med. psych., Par., 1849, 2. s., iii, 26; 204. Also, Reprint.—Zuccarelli (A.) L' uso interno del solfo nella profilassi del cobra per gli alienati. Morgagni, Xapoli, 1886, xxviii, 603-606. Cli. Cholera (The), no judgment! See " Sensus Communis" [pseudon.] [in 1. s.]. Cholera nostras. See, also, Cholera [Asiatic]. Druzylowski (L.) Pathog6nie du cholera morbus. 8°. Paris, 1891. Fixella (M. A. ) Osservazioni teorico-pra- tiche sul cholera sporadico per servire alia teoria e alia cura del cholera orientale. 8°. Saluzzo 1831. Hombukg (M.) *Zur Statistik der Cholera nostras. 8°. Kiel, 1885. Lyiiyt tieto kansalle kolera-taudista, sen es- tiinii.se.sta, tuntemisesta ja wastustamisesta sii- heu sunkka ettii liiiikiiriu apua woidaan saada. [Short notice on the cholera morbus, its incon- venience aud character, and prophylactic treat- ment by proper remedies.} 8-. Helsingissa, 18.48. • J ' Cholera nostras. Tokhi (L.) Monografia sul colera niorhug Osservazioni sulla causa e non contagiosity i malattia. 8°. Piacenza, 1886. Arnaud (0.) & ■.afeiiillc. De l'unite du cbol6ra nostras et du cholera indien. Limousin m6d. Limoo-H 1897, xxi, 181-187.-A usin (E.) Calentura peniiciosa coleriionue. Kev. denied, v cirug. priict,, Madrid lr84 xv 438. — Bajenov (E. I.) "K kazuistike cholera-iiuxtn.,' E.iened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv, 497; 516- 5*5 _! IJclio (J. T.) De cholera bumida. In: Brcndel (J (; i Opusc. ninth, et med. |etc], 43, Gottingae. 1769, ii 135 146.—IScinliard. TJntei-siiclumgen der Niere bei Clio lera nostras. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Lei])/., u. Berl 1894, xx. '206. Also: Yerbandl. d. Ter. f. innere Med iii Berl., 1893-4, xiii, 251-260.-Camescasse (J.) A ,„„,.«" du cliolera nostras. Ann. de med. scient. et piat Par 1892, ii, 241-243. — Carp. Eine Epidemie von Cholera nostras. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Leipz. 11. Berl. 1*93 xix, 34. — Carriere (G.j Sur un cas de cholera nostras' Cong. fraDC. de m6d. 1895, Tar.. 1896, ii, !)77-<^7.__1'hal- fanl (C. D.) Cboiera nostras. Peoria M. J., 1896, j. 47u- 472. — Coriveaud (A.) Elude sur une petite en'itlemie de cliolera nostras, observee k Plage pendant les mois de juillet et aoftt 1884. J. de med.de Bordeaux, 1884-5 xiv 72-74. — Deny* (J.) & Van den Bcrgh (C.) Snr le m£caiiisme des symptomes gastro intestinaux dans le cho- 16ra nostras. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Bel" Unix 1893. 4. s.. vii, 201-222. [Itap. dc Rommclaeiel, "150-153.- Dulacsltn (G.) Choleia nostras. Gy6gy:iszat, Bnda- post, 1887, xxvii, 560. — Dnpny (L.-E. ) Le cholera nostras a. l'hopital de Saint-Denis. Progres in6d. Par 1892, 2. s., xvi, 89-91. — Elderdirr (It. B.) An unusual case of cholera-morbus. Tr. il. Soe. Penu., Phila., 18e2 xiv, 291-29.1. —Espagne (A.) Quatre cas do cholera nos- tras observes en indict. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nied. de Mont- pel., 1886, viii, 373-376.—Fonnejjra (L.) Sobre ei coleia nostras, ltev. metl., Bogota, 18*5-6, x, 145-154.—Frank (G.) TJeber Cholera nostras. Ztschr. f. Ilyg., Leipz.. I8s8, iv, 207.—Gilbera (A.) & Lion iG.) Note sur deux caa de cholera nostras. France nied.. Par., 1887, ii. 1749-1752. Also: Bull. Soe. cliu. de Par. (1887), 188s, xi, 119-123. Also: Courrier med., Par., 1888,- xxxviii, 2. — Oillai- (F. j Eigenthiimliche Symptome bei Cholera nostras (Chole- rine). Med.-chir.' Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 525.- Gonti'rniaini, Eine Epidemic von Cholera nostras iu Folge des Genusses iauchehaltigen Wassers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii. 732. — Oiittiuann (P.) Todt- licher Ablauf eines Falles von Cboiera nostras. Ibid., 1892, xxix, 1020. —Houston (H. G.) A case of spot adit: cholera. Atlantic J. M., Richmond. 18*4-5, ii, 1-3.— Hucppc (F.) Zur Aetiologie der Choleiine. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 591. — Ivanovski (I. F.) Epi- demiya tboleriioi diarrei na poehvie atmosfericheskikh kolelianiy i kolebaniya vod. [Epidemic of choleraic diar- rhoea depending upon fluctuations of atmosphere and water supply.] Toyenuo- metl. J., St. Petersb., 1804, elxxxi, 1. sect., 349-366, 5 tab.— Johnston (W. W.) Cholera morbus. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 18K5, ii, 719-725.—Kartulis. Zur Aetiologie der Cholera nos- tras, bezw. der Cholera ahnliehen Erkrankiingen. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1889, vi, 62-64. — King (P.) A case of choleia nostras. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1424. — Korrn (A.) Sonimerdiarre- og cliolera nostras i Kjebenbavn og Kristiauia i sidste tiaar. [Summer diarrhea and cholera nostras in Copenhagen and Kristiania iu the last ten years] Tidskr. f. d. uorske Laegefor., Kristiania. Ie97, xvii, 351; 437.—K10I (I.) Ob epieemii Tevropt-Iskol cho- ler'i v gorodle Moghilevie llotoin 1890 go. [On the epi- demic of European cboiera in the citv of Moghilev during tbe summer of 1890.] Protok. Obsh. Moghilev. vrach., Moghilev, 1890-91, pt. 2, 32-37.—Kevin (A. M.) K. etiol choleras nostras. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv, 473; 510. — JLolamcrcr (C.) Einigcs iiber dio Garneelencholera, Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1X88, xxv, 211; 236.— Paul (E.) TJeber Entstehung der "Cholera nos- tras" und iiber Gesundheitsoflego in Aegvpteu. Gesuud- heit, Frankf. a. M., 1883, viii", 225-227. — Pcrsidslti (A.) Epidemiya cholera nostras v gub. g. Moghilevie Ib-toni 1890 g. '[. . . in the capital city of Moghilev during tlio summer of 1890.J Protok. Obsh. Moghilev. vrach., Moghi- lev. 1890-91, pt. 2, 22-27 —Ronxeau. Cholerine grave; mort subite le 4e iour de la convalescence. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1883-4, ii, i74.—Rumpel (T.) Die eiuheiniisclien Brechdurchfalle in Hamburg von 1893-5. Jahrb. tl. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1893-4, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, iv, pt. «, 202-259— Kaiiit-Philippc. Note sur un cas recent de choleia nostras term hie par la mort. Mem. et bull. Soc denied. etchir.de Bordeaux. 1878, 362-308.—Mcliacllcr. Mittheilungen iiber eine Brechruhrepideinie in di-r kn nigh Wiirttemherg. Pfleganstalt Zwiefalten. Allg. Zt- schr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1855, xii, 349-373. - Style (K. G.) A case of English cholera. Lancet. Loud., 1M(, ii, 538— Wverchkotr (V. T.) Tri sluch. cliolera nostras. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronsiadte. 1^9.17- 23.—Talamon (C.) Cholera nostras. Med. mod., Par., CHOLEKA. 605 CHOLERA. Cholera nostras. ,co> iii ;;s3-386. — Tikliomirotl'(V. V.) Cholera nos- tras Otchot o diejatel. Obsh. Tulsk. vrach., Tula, 1893-4, " jj >,-) — Tripp (F. S.) A case of sporadic cboiera. Louisville M. News. 1884, xviii. 403. Cholera nostras (Bacteria of). Bonier (P.) Die bisherige Tliiitigkeit der Herren Finkler und Prior zur Aetiologie der Cboiera uud ihre Vnt-'c'iiiin"' wider R. Koch in tier Kolnischen Zeitung. Beiitselie med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1884. x, 770-77:; —differ IP ) & Gonjfet (A.) Un uouveau cas de cholera nostras pai'iibisant dii au bacterium coli. Med. mod., Par., 1892, iii, 445-447-— Dalleinagne. Deux cas de cholera nostras; infection par le coli-biicille. J de med., chir. et Pharma- col., Unix., 1892, 665-667. — Finkler (D.) TJeber den Bacillus der Cliolera nostras nnd seiue Cultur. Tagebl. d. Yersaniml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, lvii. oi6-')'»0 Also: Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1884, xxix, 460; 474. "Us" Breslau. arztl. Ztschr., 1884, vi, 233; 245. Also: Deutsche med. Wchuschr , Berl., 1884, x. 632-634. Also: Mitth tl. Ver. d. Aerzte iu Xied.-Oest., Wien, 18S4, x, 257- 266 AUo: Prag. metl. Wchuschr., 1884. ix, 397; 404. AUo: Wieu. med. BL, 1884. vii, 1215-1224. Also [Abstr.]: Wieu. metl. Presse, 1884, xxv. 1241. ------. Ueher das Vorkom- men von Kommabacillen bei Cboiera nostras. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Strassb., 1885, lviii, 438-440. — Finkler (D.) \- Prior (J.) Erwiderung zu den Benierkungen Koch's iiber den Bacillus der Cholera nostras. Breslau. arztl. Ztschr.. 1884. vi, 269-272. ----- _____Pntersuclinugen iiber Cholera nostras. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Berl., 1884. x, 579-582.- Gilbert (A.) & Oirotlc (J.) Contribution a l'etude clinique et bacterio- lo"iiiue dn cholera nostras. Bull, et mem. Soe. tn£d. d. bop. de'Par.. 1891, 3. s.. viii. 51-64. AUo : Bull. med.. Par., 1891. v. 119-121.—Grassberger. Befund massenhafter feiner Sniiillen in den Barmeutleerungen einer an Cholera nos- tras riKiaukten Person. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894. vii, 943-945. — Hobbs (J.) Cholera nostras colibacillaire mortel chez une nourrice. < \>mpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1897, 10. s.. iv, 993.—Hneppe i.E.) Cholerabacillen und Cholera nostras. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1884, x,643.—Koch (It.) Bemerkungen zu den Vcrsuchen vou Prof. Finkler und Privatdocent in Bonn iiber Ziichtuug und Wesen des Bacillus tier Cholera nostras. Breslau. arztl. Ztschr., 1884, vi, 253-256. -----. Ueber die Cholera- bakterieu. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 725- 728. AUo: Semaine m6d., Par.. 18.-4. iv. 441-443. — IjC- initrc (G.) Cholera nostras et bacille du colon. J. d. sc. med. do Lille, 1893. ii, 017; 651; 673— Me Wccney (E.J. I Note on the bacteriology of cholera nostras. Brit M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 630. — Meyboefer. Section eines Falles von Cholera nostras; keine Kommabacillen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1S85, xi, 798. — Potlien. Drei Fiille von Cholera nostras; bakteriologische Studie. Zt- schr. f. Hyg. ii. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1890, xxii, 140- 170.—Prior (J.) Demonstration der Bacilleu tier Cholera nostras und seine Cultur. Tagehl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, lvii, 220-223. Also: Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1884. ix. 406; 423. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1884, vii, 1259-1261. — Romiuelacre. Cholera nostras k spirilles de F>nkler et a colibacilles; algidity; reaction typhique; pleuresie consecutive : synechie pleu- rals generalisee: reveil de tuherculose ancienne; mort snbite par (edeme pnhnouaire aigu: autopsie. Clinique. Brux.,1897, xi, 777; 797.—Schiavnzzi (B.) Esperinicnti microfitici sopra un caso letale tli cholera nostras Boll. d. Soc. ital. tl. mier., Acireale, ls89. i, 45-50, 1 pl.—Van Er- inengem. Sur les inicroorganisnies trouves cbez les malades atteints de cholera sporadique par MM. Finkler et Prior. Bull. Soc. beige de mier., Brux., 1884-5, xi, 50-62. Cholera nostras (Treatment of). Senesi (X.) II cholera-morbus e la sua cura razionale. 8°. Torino, 1883. Trompeo[B.] Istruzioni pratiche ad oggetto di antivenire e di curare il cholera-morbus; cou 1' aggiunta di nuove osservazioni dettate dal F. Gera. 12°. Venezia, 1835. Blatin. M6moire sur le traitement du cholera-niorhus. Compt. reud. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1849, xxviii, 420. — von Bloedau. Veratrin gegen Cholera nostras. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1884. liii. 1361— t'allan (J.) A case of collapse from cholera morbus restored bv intravenous in- jection of saliue solution. X. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1895-6, n. s., xxiii, 391.— C'artleilge (A. M.) Treatment of sporadic cholera. Louisville M. News. 1883, xvi, 33-36. — Creapi (M.) Mezzi terapeutici per la profilassi e cura del cholera morbus, dalla considerazione che il microbio cholerigeno sia un organismo vegetale. Gazz med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1885, 8. s., vii, 35-38.—Duggan (J.) On cholera morbus; its prevention and treatment. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 18*5, n. g., xxxix, 327.—Fiedler (K.) Ueber tlie Behand- lung tier Cholera nostras (Erwachaener) mit Zufulir grosser Mengen Wassers. Therap. Monatsh., Berl, 1891, v, 630- 832. AUo, in: Meinert. Ueber Cholera infantum aestiva, Cholera nostras (Treatment of). 40, Berl., [1891], 2 1.—French (J. M.) The treatment of sporadic cholera. Med. Rec, N". V., 1883, xxiv. 7.—.Vlem- miiiifi-i- 1 W. M. ) The treatment of cholera morbus. Med. News. IMiila., 1893. lxiii. 391. — Koclrigo Ooiiza- IcziJ.) Tratamiento del colera morbo. Bev. tie med. y cirug. pract.. Madrid. 1885, xvii, 225-240. — Sehnlz (II!) Ueber die Behandlung der Cliolera nostras mit Veratrin. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 99.—Stewart (.I.E.) New treatment of cholera niorbus. North. Lancet, Plattshurgh, N. T., 1851, iii, 294. — Weber (C.) Bestiiti- guug der trefflicben Wirkung des Creosots beim Brech- durchfiill. Allg. med. Centr. Ztg., Berl., 1852, xxi, 637- 639.—Weber (E.) Zur Veratrinbehandlung der Cholera nostras. Ibid., 1884, liii, 1141-1143. — Williams (If.) Tbe subcutaneous injection of saline fluid in collapse from cboiera morbus. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 340. Cholera in preanancy or puerperal state. IIkmy (R. A.) * De cholera asiatica, ejusque in gravidas et ftvtuni liumanutn efficacitie. 8 . Berolini, [1S.,0]. Abnlarir.c (I>.) K voprosu o vliyanii zabollevania choleroyu mi techenie berenieiinosti. [On tbe influence of cholera upon tbe course of pregnancy.] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kieve, 1894, vii', 111-124. [Discus- siouj, 24-26.—Caiidcla (M.) El colera eu las embaraza- das. Clin, navarra, Pamplona, 1885, ii, no. 26. Also: Pro- greso ginec..Valencia, 1884-6, i, 482-486.—Cases of parturi- tion after cholera. Liverpool M. Gaz., Lond., 1833, i, 120- 122. — Oalliard (L.) Chol6ra et grossesse. Gaz. hebd. de med . Par., 1892, 2. s., xxix, 470-473. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de irvnec, Par.. 1893, xx, 38-40. -----. Cholera et lactation. Gaz. hebd. do m6d., Par., 1892, 2. s.. xxix, 541-519. AlS'i: Arcb.de tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1893. xx, 161-174—li hiutM'h (A.) Ueher den Verlauf der Cholera in der Schwangerschaft uud den Einfluss tlerselben auf die Schwangerschaft uud die Geburt. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 851-853.— Kofiimmi (J.) Acht Falle \<>n mit Cholera complieirter Schwangerschaft. St. Petersb med. Wrchnschr., 1893, n. F., x, 364. — Itova- levMlti (F. J.) Cholera u beremeunikh. [. . . in preg- nancy. ] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 713; 747.— Qneirel. Du cholera chez les femmes grosses. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1877, ii, no. 4, 1-14 [correct pagination would he pp. 157-170]. Also, transl.: An. de obst., ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid, 1887, vii, 196: 225. Also [Rap. de Charpentier]: Bull. Acad, de m6d. Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 259-271. Also: N. Arch, d'obst. et de gyn6c, Par., 1887, ii, no. 4, 15-26 [correct pagination would be pp. 171- 182].—Schiitz (A.) Ueber den Einfluss tier Cholera auf Menstruation, Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt.2, 83-95. — Smith (G. S.) Case of chol- era in a puerperal woman; recovery under the use of bromide of potassium. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1868-9), 1870, i, 63-65.—Tizzoni (G.) . Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1897, 244- 247.—Cnneo. Del trataniiento del colera en los hospi- tales tie Ia armada en Tolon. Corresp. nied., Madrid, 1884, xix, 307; 322. —Fauvcl. Rapport au sujet ties reclama- tions contre les mesures prises dans ces derniers temps eu £g,\ pte k l'egarddes paqucbots provenant tiesIudes. Rec tl. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1883, xii, 1-9.—Hartslioi-nc (if.) Cholera on vessels at sea. Metl. Xews, Phila., 1884, xlv, 363.—Kinj oun (J. J.) Re- port of inspection and disinfect ion of vessels in Xew York Harbor [during the prevalence of cholera in September and October. 1892]. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1891-2, Wash., 1S93, 96-100.-Lnwsoa (R.) Remarks on outbreaks of cholera in ships carrying coolies from Cal- cutta, and in other ships with troops; shewing the period of these occurrences, antl the ships' positions at thu time. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, n. s., iv, 102-115. -----. Cholera in ships at sea, and its connection with manifes- tations of the same disease ou land. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, i, 1023.—^lei-Io. Su quattro epidemic coleriche av- venute a bordo tli altrettanti piroscafi italiaui nell' estate 1893. Atti tl. xi Cong. med. interna/.., Roma, 1895, vi, igiene, 38-41.—rV'eisbatiei-. Zur Frage der Cholera auf Schiffen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 646.— Outbreak (The) of cliolera ou board tbe "Nubia". Lan- cet, Lond., 1897, i, 268.—Outbreak (Tbe) of cholera in the transport Nubia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 166.— Pfulil. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Choleraepidemieeu auf Schiffen. Ztschr. f. Ilyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 209-234.—Por'teuyeti (J. A.) De cliolera op de vloot en op de traiispm-tscbepeu voor Atjeh in 1873. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Leiden, 1897, xxi, 249- 258.—Price (A. F.) Cholera on board the U. S. S. O-si- pee. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1886, 117-120.—Re- glement fiir tlie Behandlung von Seescbiffeu ini Falle der Cliolera. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1893, v, 371-373.— Simpson (W.J.) Reportof a localised outbreak of chol- era due appareutly to contaminated water aud milk [on board the ship Ardenclutha]. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 141-146. Also: Sun. Jour., Glasg., 1887-8, n. s., xi, 129-139.—!Xhaw(F. C.) Cholera on board ship. Laueet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1164.—Smart (Sir AV.) On Asiatic cholera in our fleets and ships. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Loud. (1885-6), 1887, n. s., v, 65-103. Cholera among troops. Argentine Republic. Ministerio de guerre- y marina. Scrviciodesanidad. Ejercito argentino. Cuerpo de sanidad militar. Consideraciones so- bre el colera en los ej6rcitos, su produccion, pro- pagacion, morbi]idad, mortalidad, profilaxia y tratamiento. Compiladas por orden de la ius- peccion geueral de sanidad por el cirujano dc ejercito, Dr. Jose" Ma Cabezon. tP. Buenos Aires, 1895. India. Measures for the prevention of chol- era among European troops in northern India. 8°. [Calcutta], 1864. Kloos (J. P.) *De cholera onder het garni- zoen te Utrecht. 8C. Amsterdam, 1*66. Leitfaden zur Erkenntni.ss und Behandlung der epidcmiscnen Brechruhr; zum Gebrauche fiir Militiir-Aerzte hrsg. von der k. k. medici- niscli-clnrurgischen Josephs - Akademie. 8° Wien, 1831. Russia. Ministry of War. Otchot o choler- uoi epidemii 1892 g. v voiskakh i naselenii ohlastci, podviedomstveuuikn Voyenuomu Mi- nisteistvu. [Report of the cholera epidemic iu 1892 in the army and inhabitants of provinces under the direction of the Ministry of War 1 8° S.-Peterburg, 1893. 606 CHOLKIU. Cholera among troops. ------■• Otchot o clioleruol cpidetnii 18".);} j 1894 gg. v voiskakh i naselenii tihlasiel, podvle. domstveiinikh Voycniiomn Ministeislvu. [ RP. port of the cholera epidemic of l-'.i:! and 1^14 among the troops and population of the prov- inces under the direction of tlie .Ministry of War.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1*95. Schumburg. Die Cholera ■rkianhuiifr,.,, j„ der Armee 18112-3 und die gegen die Aiislireituug und zttr Verhiitung tier Cholera in der Annee getrotfencn Massiiahincii. 8°. Berlin, 1><|.J. Auiat. L'epidemie de cholera tlans l'armee de Tsui* en 18S4. (Ja/.. med. dc Par., 1885, 7. s.. ii, 223. — Cliolern- erkiaiikiiiii,'Cii (Die) in der Armee im Jahre ]«)4 mid" die gegen die Ausbreitung und zur Vei-hutuim der Clin- lera in der Armee getroffenen Massnahmen; beiirbciiet in der Mcdi/iualubtlu-ihing ties koniglich pivussischen Kriegsministeriums. Arb. a. tl. k. (isndhtsainte I>•-■-] 1895, xii, 277-2X4.—Colin (L.) L'epidemie de choleia (le l'arui6e de Paris en 1884. Arch, de mod. ct pbarin. mil Par., 1885, v, 285-305.—I>ia*t Bit- (A.I Die Cliolera und der Krieg. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 651: 1870 xx, 932: 1885, xxxv, 557. AUo. inhis: Ces. Ahhnndl 8° Wien, 1893, 132: 276: 46'J. — Ilankin (E. H.) An out- break of cholera in an officers' mess, l'.rit il. J., Lond. 1896, ii, 1817-1819. — 1 ii^Croitciou para los taierpim do tropa y los hospitales militarcs eu prevision dc una epide- mia del colera. Cron. de 1. lo-p., Madrid. 1854. ii, 24; 88; 147.—Japan. Ministry of War. Anna Medical Bureau. Hohe tai nijuui rentai cholera bio kiji. [Rip>rt ou tlie opidemic of cholera among the soldiers of tho 22d red- ment of infantry.] Itikukun Kunik. Kai Zatji.. Tokio 1891, no. 40, 1-19, 1 map, 1 diag.—Iiurilyntiioff (D. V.) Kratkia svlcdieiii.il o zabolievanii aziatskoi clioleioyu vo- i'nskikh cbinov Kikolayevskavo garnizona. [Uriel" iioiice of the Asiatic cholera outbreak in th.- garrison of Xiko- layev.] Protok. Obsh. vrach. v <;. Nikolavcve (1.-92), 1HC, 57-60.—ITIc€Iel Ian (E.) A history of epidemic cholera, as it alfected tbe army of the United States. In: Treat isn (A) on Asiatic cholera, 8°, X. Y., 18«5. 71-116.—NiInnoii (E.) Arui6erna och kolerafarsoteu. [Thearniy and cliolera epidemics.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1894, xix, 215-226. -----. Armeerua och koleran. [Armies aud cholera.] Ibid., 1896, xxi, 1-24— Ovilo (F.) Higit-ne militar; prccaueioucs que ii juicio del (|ue suseribe podrian adoptarse en el ejercito en el caso de una invasion rolericn. Gac. tie sanid. mil., Madrid, 1883, ix, 372-:i83. — Pini ((',.] II coldra, le tende e le baracche ospitaliere. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milauo, 1884, vi, 698-702.—Sforza (C.) & Ba- roliio (F.) II colera nel militare negli anni 1884-5. liinr. med. tl. r. esercito [etc.J, ltoma. 1886, xxxiv, 513-526.— Tsitrin. Po povodu gospodstva cholerini vo vremja la- gernich sborov uasohich voisk. [Cause of prevailing cholerine in camp.] Vrach. Yaidom., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 40:il-4o:i3.—VicrynzliMhi (D. I.) Cholerniye bol- niye v Nikola vevskoru voycnnoiu hospitale v epidenriu posllednikh godov i noveisheye uchenle ob etol boliezni. [Cholera patients in the Nikoiayev military hospital ibir- ing the epidemic of late years, and the latest teaching con- cerning this disease.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiv, 3. sect., 54-90, 1 l". Cholera und Typhus in Miiucheu. 5ecK6niger (M). CJiolera in the United States in 1873. [Printed for the use of the American Puhlic Health Asso- ciation at its conference in New York, Nov. 11, 1873.] 7 pp. *-. [New York, 1*73.] Cliolera (Del) vagante nella Lignria coll' indi- cazione del miglior metodo di cura e di prcset- vamento. viii, 100 pp. 8-. Milano, P. A. Molina, 1835. Cholera and water supply. Cassoutl (E.) 'Du role de l'eau dans li transmission du cholera, fipideniie de Marseille et de Barreme, 1892-3. 4. Paris, 1894. Fuijxki.l (M. C.) Cholera aud water in India. 8°. London, 1887. See, also, infra. Leoki (O.) L' acqua e il cholera. Fatti, note e consigli utili per 1' igieuc 8-. Boma, 188*. Marey. Les eaux contamin6es et le cholera. 8C. Paris, 1*81. Mekveilleux(J.-L.) * Des limites a assiguer au r61e de l'eau dans la propagation du cholera. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. CHOLEEA. 607 CHOLEIJALARM. Cholera and water supply. Nethhklaxds. Rapport aan deu Koning van de coinmissie tot ouderzoek van drinkwater in verhand met de verspreiding van cholera en tot aanwijzing der middelen ter voorziening in zni- ver drinkwater. 2. druk. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1869. Thoinot (L.-H.) * Les eaux potables et le chol6ra dc 1884. 4°. Paris, 1886. Afanasyeff (M. I.) & Sell ill tz unbar. Untersuchungen iiber choleraabnliche Wasserbacterien. Deutsche med "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 799. ----. Versuche zum Nachweiss von Choleravibrionen in Flusswasser. Arh. a. tl. k. G-ndhtsamte, Berl., 1894, ix, 379-400, 1 map. — Evans. Cholera and water filtration. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, viii, 415-418. — Finkel- steiu (J. M.) Choler'ovidniya hakterii v rlccbnol vodie. [Choleroid bacteria in river water.] Vrach. St. I'etersb., 1893, xiv, 629.—Forster (,T.) Ueher das Todten von Cho- lerabacillen im Wasser. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1893, iii, 720-724. — Furnell (M. C.) Cholera and water-supply. Indian M. J., Calcutta, 1886. v, 387-398. Also: Indian Si. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 103-110. -----. Cholera and the I water-supply of Madras. Lancet. Lond., 1886, ii, 556.— Greenley (T. B.) Is water the only or main source from which we derive the cause of cholera.' Med. Progress. Louisville, 1894, x, 162-167.—CJuarch. Ueber einen Fall von Cholerainfektion durch Trinkwasser in Montevideo. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1889, lxi, 278. — Oiinthcr (C.) Robert Koch iiber Wasserfiltration und Cholera. [Rev.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 577-580. -----. Ue- ber die Untersuehung des Stralauer Rohwassers auf Cho- lera- und Typhusbacterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1894, xxi, 96-99.—Hankin (E. H.) Hagar's well at Mecca. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1412. -----. L'ac- tion bactericide des eaux de la Jumna et du Gange sur le microbe du chol6ra. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1896, x, 511-523—Hart (E.) Waterborne cholera. Dublin J. M. Sc.. 1893, xevi, 138; 230; 312; 421. AUo: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 1-23. — Hauser (P.) L'origine hvdrique du cholera. (Lettre ouverte k M. le Dr. A. Netter.) Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 169; 177; 185.— Higgin (G.) Cholera in its relation to water-supply. Nature, Loud., 1886, xxxiv, 149-153. Also: Van No- strand's Engin. Mag., N. V., 1886, xxxv, 141-148.— Homan (G.) A contribution to tbe study of water- borne cholera. X. York M J., 1895, lxi, 398-402. Also, Reprint. — Koch ( R.) Wasserfiltration und Cliolera. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz.. 1893, xiv, 393- 426. AUo. transl.: Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1892-3, Lond., 1894, xxii, 439-462. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Semaine med., Par.. 1893, xiii, 305-309. — Letluc (8.) De riufluence de la pluie sur la propagation du cholera. Cong, internat. Cholera and water supply. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, pt. 2, 384. 1 diag.— IjC Fort (L.) Transmission tlu cholera par les eaux potables. Gaz. hebd. de iu6d., Pi»r.. 1866, 2. s., iii, 513-517. AUo, in his: CEuvres, 8°, Par., 1895, i, 881-8H7 — I.op (P.-A.) Du role de l'eau de puits dans le genfese du choleia k Marseille pendant Tannee 1894. Ann. d'hyg., I'ar.. 1897, 3. s., xxxvii, 454-460. — iTIarey. Les eaux eontaniiutjes et le chol6ra. Bull. Acad, de mod., Par., 1884 2.S., xiii, 1460-1488. Also: Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcix, 667-683. — lVIatlark (W. II.) What can the plumber do to prevent cholera.' Proc. Nat, Ass. Master Plumbers, Ciucin., 1885, 165-168. — Mcmloza (A.) Mit- teilung iiber das Vorkonuncn ties Kommabacillus in den Gewiissern. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiv, 093-695.— IMitra (II. B. A.) Cliolera and water- supply. Iudiau M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 107.—IVetter (A.) Origine hydropic du cholera. Semaine med., Par, 1896, xvi, 1-8.—rVielsen (II. A.) OniKoleraens Forhold til Tysklands Floder og de i disse fundne Spiriller. 1'geskr. f.'Lieuer. K.iobeub., 1897, 5. R., iv, 265; 294. — von l»el- leiikofi'i- (M.) Ce qu'il fant peuser de la th6orie de la transmission du cliolera par les eaux potables. Rev. san. de Uordeaux, 1884-5, ii, 17. -----. Die Trinkwassertheorie und dieCholoia-Immunitat ties Ports William in Calcutta. Arch. f. Hyg., Miiucheu u. Leipz., 1885, iii, 147-182. -----. Choieraexplosioneu und Trinkwasser. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 221; 248. Also, Reprint. Also: Sitzungsb. d. iirztl. Ver. Munchen (1894), 1895, iv, 1-24.— Philip (A.) Cliolera; its connection with contaminated water supplies. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 112-115. — Poniltlo (S.) Ueber eine die Nachweisuug vou Choleravibrionen im Wasser erleichternde Uuter- suchungsmethode. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 256.— Rechtsamer (M. A.) Zapyatovidniya hakterii v vodle rieki Kuri. [Comma bacteria in the river Kura.] Protok. zasnid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1894-5, xxxi, 129- 140. -----. Tipicheskia choler'niya zapyatiya v vodle rieki Kuri. [Typical cholera bacilli in the water of the river Kura.] Ibid., 357-375. — US it-hard. La propaga- tion du cholera par l'eau. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 641- 045. — Seibert (A.) Central sand filtration; the only feasible method of protecting our water supply from in- fection bv cboiera germs. N. York Polyclin., 1893, i, 104- 107. — Shtshepotyeff (N. K.) Rasprostrauyayetsya-li choler'naya zaraza posredststvom pityevoi vodi? [Is cholera propagated through drinking water? ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 669-671. — Sirena ( S.) Sulla re- sistenza vitale del bacilla virgola di Koch nelle acque. Atti d. r. Accad. tl. sc. med. in Palermo (1889), 1890, 36- 53.—Spronck (CH. H.) Over cholera-bacillen, onlangs in Nederland uit rivier-. vaart-, gracht- en slootwater gekweekt. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1893, xxix, pt. 2, 653-668.—Stutzer (A.) & Bun i (R.) Ueber die Dauer der Lebeusfahigkeit und die Metboden des Nachweises vou Cholerabakterien im Kanal-, Fluss- und Trinkwasser. Festschr. d. med.-rhein. Ver. f. tiff. Gsnd- htspflg., Bonn, 1893,155-164.—Tumas (L. I.) K etiologii aziatskoi choleri; o znachenii pityevoi vodi. [Etiology of Asiatic cholera; on the influence of drinking water.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1888, 138-152. -r Vishegorodski ( S. V.) O cholero-podobnikh palocb- kakh v vodle Vvedenskavo kanala. [On cholera-like bacilli in the waters of the Vvedenski canal.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 1023: 1086; 1117. — Wernicke (E.) Ueber die Persistenz der Choleravibiioneu im Wasser. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1895, v, 736-741. Cliolera-Conferenz iu Weimar. Verhand- luugen der . . . am 28. und 29. April 1867. Nach den stenograph ischen Anfzeichnungen redigirt von Dr. Thomas. Mit einem Vor wort e von Max von Pettenkofer. viii, 92 pp., 1 1., 2 plans. 8°. Miinchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1867. Clioleraepideniieen (De) in Nederland met uitzondering van de provincieti Noordbrabant en Limbnrg van 1832-1867. 1 map, 40 bv 48 inches, [n. p., 1867?] Cliolerak.ilche, oder zweckmiissige Auswahl von Speiscn, Getranken und nothigsten Hatis- niitteln, sammt deren Zubereitung, zur Verhii- tung der Seuche fiir Gesunde, zur Heilung fiir Kranke und zur Stiirkung fiir Geuesene, unter Anleitung, Priifnug und Uebereinstimmung des konigl. bayr. Polizeiarztes, Dr. Seuger, uud anderer kompetcnter Aerzte, hrsg. von der Ver- fasserin des Weilerischeu Angsbnrgisclien Koch- bnches, lien ten ii. This. 1829. viii, 100 pp. *'-■'. Miinchen, 1831, CilOleralarni (Der) in Europa 1834. Ein Wort an JediTiminn nus Wisscnscliuft und Erfahrmio. Historisch-hygieiuische Studie iiber die Cholera, CHOLBIJALARM. 608 CHOMEL. CilOleralarni (Der) in Europa 1884—cont'd. ihre Verhiitung und Heilung. Unter kritischer Wiirdigung der neuesten Untersuchungen von Koch, Pettenkofer, Wigand u. A., von einem erfahrenen Arzte. viii, 168 pp. 12°. Hanno- ver, Schmorl f vonSerf eld, 1*84. -----. The same. Die Cholera. Ihre Verhii- tung und Heilung. Von eiuem erfahrenen Arzte. 2. Anfl. viii, 168 pp. 12°. Hannover, Schmorl f von Seefeld, 18*5. Cholera-inaati;e«:eleii voorgesteld door W. Griesinger, Max v. Pettenkofer eu C. A. Wnnde- lich, aan de regeringen, de gcneeskitndigen en het volk. In het Nederduitsch overgebracht door Mai inns AV. C. Gori. 35 pp. 8°. Utrecht :>6-r>58. -----. Beitriigo zur Keiintiibw des Cholesterins. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb. 1*00 91, xv, 37: 1891-2, xvi, 143. See, also, supra. — Ntliul/(. (E.) Ueber die Farbenreaetion iles Tsoeholesterins mit Essigsaiire-Anhvdtid und Schwefelsiiure. Ztschr f phv- siol. Chem., Strassb., 1889-90, xiv, 522. — Wt-yl (T.) Ue- ber tlie Beziehungen des Cbolesteai ins zu den Tcrpeiien und Campherarten. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1886, 182- 184. AUo, Reprint. Cliolewa (Erasmus Rudolph) [1845- ]. * (>, ber Exostosen. 29 pp. 8°. Halle, W. Pliitz [1H59]. -----. ITeber die Sondirbarkeit tier Stirnholilen 8 pp. 8-. Berlin W., 1892. Repr. from: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1892, xxvi, Clioiin. Weiss (J.) * Ueber Clioiin uud vcrwaudte Verhinduugen. [Erlangen.] 8J. Halle a. S. 1887. Schulzc (E.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Ckoliii in Keimpflanzen. Ztschr. f. pbysiol. Chem., Strassb., 18*0-7, xi, 365-372. Cliollct ( Francois-Louis-Alfred) [1860- ]. * Do la pseudo-paralysie de Parrot. 82 pp., 3pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 21. Chollet (M.) [1840- ]. *De la tuherculose au cours de la fievre typhoide. 30 pp., 11. 4-. Paris. 1883. Cholley (Paul). Editor of: Echo medical et pharmaceutique de l'Ouest, Eennes 1881-2. Cliollot-CourviHe (Christian-Fr6d6ric). * De l'ufcilite- des evauuans, et surtout du v6sicatoire appliqu^ sur la tete, dans le cas de commotion du cerveau a la suite de Paction des corps cou- tondans. Ip. 1., 16 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an XII [1805], No. 121. Cliolllieley (Henry James). Outlines of a course of lectures on the practice of medicine, delivered iu the medical school of Guy's Hospital. viii, 206 pp., interleaved with manuscript notes. 8°. Londou, J. M'Creery, 1820. Cliolinelev (William) [1823-96]. Obituary. "Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1824. Cliolmogoroff (S[emyou Semyonovich ] ) [1856- ]. Die vaginale Totalexstirpation des Uterus. In.- Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1894, Xo. 108 (Gynakol., Xo. 42, 229-248). -----. Die Einfiihruug von physiologischerKoch- salzlosung in den Organismus bei grossen Blut- verlusteu wahrend und nach der Gehttrt. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. P., Leipz., 1896, Xo. 161 (Gynakol., Xo. 58, 629-656). Cholmsky (A[leksiei Vasilyevich]) [1811-76]. * De pollieis luxatione dorsali in articulo meta- carpo-phalangiali. vi, 47 pp., 1 1. 8°. Peiro- poli, ti/p. J. Trey, 1852. Cholovski (Mikhail [Konstantinovich]) [1855- ]. * Materiali k voprosu o kozlmo-lyoklioch- nlkh potervakh u ostrolikhoradyashtshikli hol- nlkh i u tiekh zhe lits v period vlzdorovleniya. [Data on the question of losses by skin and lungs iu those suffering from acute fevers, and in the same persons during convalescence.] 32 pp., 11., 13 tab. 8°. S.-Peterburg, A. Muchnik, 1891. Cholovski ( V[asiliy] F[iodorovich] ) [1851- ]. * Beriberi ; patologo-anatoniicheskoye 1 klinicheskoye izsliedovan'ie. 102 pp., 1 1., 1 pl- *o. S.-Peterburg, 1886. Chomel (Amabilis). * An vitse exercitium a iibrarnm sensibilitate? Praises: Petrns Ludo- vieus Maria Maloet. 4 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1752.] CHOMEL. 609 CHORDA. CIlOHiel (Amabilis)—continued. ______"An odoramenta salubria? Pneses: Ca- rolusPayen. 4 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. rid. Quil- lau, 1753. J _ . ______*An suns in ictero veme sectioni locus ! Pneses: Jacobus Gourlez de la Motte. 4 pp. 4-. [Parisiis, tip. rid. Quillau, 1754.] See, also. I>espalnreanx (G. D.) *Qua3stio medica. An apeculiari uteri structura [etc.]. 4°. Parisiis, 1754. Cliomel (A[uguste]-F[rancois]) [1788-1858], Elements de pathologie generale. 3. 6d., eonsi- derablement augmented, viii, 636 pp. 12°. Bruxelles, J.-B. Tircher, 1841. _____. The same. Elements of general pathol- ogy. 3. ed. Transl. from the French, by F. E. Oliver aud W. W. Morlaud. xix, 458 pp. 8°. Boston, W. D. Ticknor 4 Co., 1848. See, also, Alonso y Rodriguez (J.) Compendio ile terapeutica general [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1871. — Du- canip (T.) Reflexions critiques sur uu ecrit. 12°. Pa- ris, 182d. —Roche (L.-C.) [in 1. s.]. Refutation ties ob- jections [etc.]. 8°. Paris. 1821. — Tavernier (A.) [in 1. s.]. Supplement au nouveau dictionuaire [etc.J. 8°. Paris, 1832. For Portrait, see Corlien (A.) Centenaire Fac. do med. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. CllOinel (C.) Histoire du corps des vele"rinaires uiilitaires en France, viii, 340 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin et Houzeau, 1888. Chomel (J[eau]-B[aptiste]) [1671-1748]. Ahreg6 de l'histoire des plantes usuelles dans lequel on douue leurs noms diffe'rens tant fran- cois que latins; la maniere de s'en servir, la dose et les principales compositions de pharmacie, dans lesquelles elles sont employees. 4. e"d. 3 v. 16°. Paris, J. Clouzier, 1730. See, also, Dcidier i A.) [in 1. s.]. [Phvsiolosia tribus etc.] 12°. [Monspelii, 1708.]—Le Tellier (X.) *An sale coudita lithiasi ? sm. 4°. [Parisiis, 1704.] [CilOlliel (Jeau-Baptiste-Louis)] [ -1765]- Essai historique sur la mddeciue eu France. 28 pp. 12~. Paris, chez Lottin Vain4, 1762. See, also, Rerchcr (P. i * An praegnanti superveniente uteri haeotorrhagia, [etc.l In: SigwarT (G. F.) Qua-s- tiones med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 17S9, ii, 113-121.—Ber- thold (G.) * An in aetate media rariori indulgendum ciho ? 4°. [Parisiis. 1757.]—t.e Camus (A.) [in l.s.]. An hygiene mediciuae pars utilissinia, desertissima? 4°. \ParisiU, 1743.]—M . . . Lettre a M. Chomel, [etc.]. 16°. [Paris, 1756.] CSioinel (Noel). Huishoudelyk woordeboek, vervattende vele middelen om zyn goed te ver- uieerdereti en zyne gezondheid te behoudeu, met verscheiden wisse en beproefdo middelen yroor een »root getalvan ziekten, en schoonegeheimen om tot een hoogen en gelukkigen ouderdom te gerakeii, [etc.]. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 1496 pp., 80 pl. 4-. Leyden, S. Luchtmans; Amsterdam, Uytwerf, 1743. Chomeilko ( Alezander [ Moisieyevich ] ) [1810-48]. *De morbis intestini recti. 1 p. 1., 87 pp., 21. 8-. Petropoli, C. Eray, 1*3^. (hornet ([Joseph-Antoine-]H[ector]) [1808- ]. Sant<5 des feinmes. vii, 263 pp. 8°. Po-ris, Le Doyen, 1-36. Choinpret (Joseph) [18(39- ]. * Essai sur les gingivites infectieuses. 90 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 506. -----. The same. 90 pp. *'J. Paris, Soc. d'e'd. scient., 1895. Chomse (O.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Lepra in den Ostseeprovinzen Russlands, speciell Kurlands. vi, 121 pp., 1 pl. 8J. Mitau, V. Pelsko, 1887. Chomsky (Moses) [1869- ]. * Feber die ISeileutuug des Asparagins fiir die thierische Ern-iliriing. 29 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1895. C ho ti (li'in. See, also, Cartilage. Schwartz (M. I.) *0 choudrine. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1 **:',. 39 €liondro-iuy\oma. See Myxoma. Chomiaiix-Dubissoii [Louis-Auguste-Teli*- phore]. v Contribution a l'dtude de Falcnolisnie en Normandie. 4(1 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1*96, No. 368. CllOllt (Alfred) [1863- ]. *Du lupus tuber- culeux; nouveau mode de traitement. 1 p. 1., 74 pp. 4°. Nana/, 1892, No. 338. Chop (Fritz) [1873- ]. * Placenta priBvia. Statistik und Therapie an der Hand von 159 Fallen. 84 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1*97. Chopstl'd (Emmanuel) [1863- ]. * Contri- bution a l'e'tude de la nephrite gravidique. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 131. -----. The same. 51 pp. 8 . Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1889. Cliopart [Francois] [1743-95]. Traite: des maladies des voies urinaiies. Nouvelle ed., revue, corrig6e, augmeut6e de notes et d'un md- moire sur les pierres de la vessie et sur la litho- tomie; par E.-H. Felix -Pascal. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 502 pp.; 448 pp. 8°. Paris, Bemont et fils, 1821. -----. The same 2 v. vi (I 1.), 502 pp.; 448 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1830. ------. The same. Avec des notes et des addi- tions par P.-8. Segalas. In: Encycl. d. sc. metl., Par., 1841, 3. div., iii, 1-494. See, also, Ficssenger (C.) La thdrapeutique tie Fran- cois Chopart, 1743-95. In his: Th6rap. d. vieux maitres, Par., 1897, 284-289. ------ it Desatllt [Pierre-Joseph]. Anleitung zur Kenntniss aller chirnrgischeu Kraukheiten und der dabey erforderlichen Operationen. Aus dem Franzdsischen. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 384 (1 1.), 532 pp. 8°. Frankfurt f Leipzig, 1784. Chopin (Mile. George) [1857- ]. * (Elimina- tion des medicaments.) Elimination de l'acide salicylique suivant les divers 6tatsdes reins; ses transformations dans l'6conomie, son action sur les principanx elements de l'urine. 76 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 113. Choppill (Leon). * Marche de la pneumonic caseeuse chez l'enfant. 39 pp. 4°. Pan's, 189(1, No. 357. Ciioppin (Paul) [1867- ]. *De la perfora- tion dans l'ulcere latent de restomac. 110 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 490. -----. Thesame. 113 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1^96. Choqiiet. Hygiene professionuelle. L'ouvrier in6gissici. 28 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye f Ii. lecrosnier, 1882. ------. La photomicrograpkie histologique et bacteriologiqne. vii, 149 pp., 1 1., 7 pl. 8 . Paris, C. Mendel, 1897. Choquet (J.) De l'asepsie du materiel ope- ratoire en chirurgie dentaire. 12 pp. 8 . Chdteaurous, A. Mgjeste. f L. Bouchardenti, 1895. Repr. from: Odoutoiojjie, Par., 1895, xv. ------. Trait6 technique des preparation* 'nicni- scopiiiues k I'usage du dentiste. ll. — KlantMch. Ueber die Chorda und die Chordaselc-iden der A mphibien. Verhandl. d. anat. Ge- CHORDA. 610 CHOKKA. Chorda dorsalis. sellsch., Jena, 1897, 82-91.— Kolliker (A.) Ueber die Chordahohle uud die Bildung derChnrda beim Kaninchen. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-nied. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1883, 2-9. AUo, Reprint.—Kollmaiiii (J.i Die Entwii kelung tier Chorda dorsalis bei dem Menschen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1890. v, 308 321. — I*eb©ucq ( H.) Recherches sur le mode de disparition de la conic dorsale chez les vert6brea superieurs. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1880, i, 718-736, 1 pl.— Iiieberkiihn (N.) Ueber die Chorda bei Saugethieren. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcldngsgeseh., Leipz., 1882. 399: 18-14, 435, 1 pl.—fjowe (L.) Zur Kenntniss der Sauge- thieichorda. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1879. xvi, 597- 612. 1 pl. — 1'iToff ( B.) Sravnitelno-auatoniicheskoye izsl'iedovanle chord'i i obolochki cbord'i u rib. [Com- parative anatomy of the chorda and its sheath in fishes.] Bull. Soc. imp. "tl. nat. de Moscou, 1887, n. s., i, 227-342, 3 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr. j: Vergleichend anat. [etc.]. Ibid., 442-482.—itloreaii (('.) Recherches sur la struc- ture tie la conle dorsale tie l'amphioxus. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Hei-.. Brux., 1875, xxxix, 312-331, 1 pl. [Rap. de Van Benedcii ]. 251-257. Also, in: University de Liege. Recher. lab. d'cmbryo^. jetc.], H-. Bruxelles, 1876, i, 1-22, 1 pl. Also. Reprint.—-Tliillcr (H.) Ueber das Vorkom- men von Resten der Chorda dorsalis bei Menschen nach der Geburt und iiber dio Verbaltuiss zu den Gallertge- schwiilste am Clivus. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Ziirich, 1858, 3. R., ii, 202-229. AUo, Reprint.—Rabl-Biickhard (H.) Zur Albrecht-Kolliker'schen St reitfrage iiber die vordere Endigung der Chorda dorsalis. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1886, i, 200-203. — Kathrauer (J.) Feber die erste Anlage der Chorda dorsalis. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wisseusch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1876, Ixxiii, 159-166, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— KetziiiH (G.) Einige Beitrage zur Histologie und Histochemie der Chorda dorsalis. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgi-sch., Leipz., 1881, v, 89-110, 2 pl.—Schmidt (V.) Das Sohwauzende der Chorda dorsalis bei den Wirbeltieren. Anat, Hefte, Wiesb., 1892-3, ii. 335-388, 3 pl.— Selcnka (E.) Die Gaumentascbe dor Wirbeltiere. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1888, vii, 679-683.—Studnicka (F. K.) Ueber des Vorhandeiisein von intercellularen Verbiudungen ira Chordagewebe. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1897, xx, 286; 289. Chorda tympani. Bai-burini (T.) So di alcune sperienze sul nervo fac- ciale sull' intermediario di Wrisberg e sulla corda del timpano, del Prof. Claudio Bernard. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1858, xii, 32-38.—Bigclow (H. R.) Anatomy and physiology of the chorda tympani nerve. Brain, Loud., 1880-81, hi, 43-47. — Calori (L.) Sulla corda del timpano. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna (1852), 1853, iv, 429-476. Also, Reprint.—«ley (E.) Note sur Taction gnstative de la corde du tynipau et sur l'ori- gine r6elle de ce nerf. Compt. reud. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886. 8. s., iii, 61— Hrnocque (A.) La corde du tympan nerf nioteur. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 34.__ Wolf (O.) On the function of the chorda tynipani. Arch. Otol., N. T., 1880, ix, 293-299. Chorea. See, also, Athetosis; Ataxy (Locomotor, Com- plications, etc., of). Bkhnt (J.) Abbandlung iiber den Veitstauz. Deutsch bearbeitete, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage tk-r Monographia Choreic Sti. Viti . . . von J. A. Sohler. 8°. Wien, 1826. Boutkillk (E.-M.) Trait<§ de la choree, ou tlanse de St.-Guy. 8°. Paris, 1810. Bulmkrincq "(M. W.) * De chorea Sti. Viti. 1"2°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1829. Denzler (H.) * Beitrage zur Lehre von der Chorea. [Zurich.] 8~. Gutenberg, 1895. Deutsch (A.) * Ueber Chorea. 8°. Berlin [1-81]. Giuffre (L.) Sulla corea del Sydenham, note cliniche ed esposizione d' una nuova teoria 8°. Palermo, 1886. Greiff ( K. ) * Ueber Chorea minor. 8° Halle a. S., 1884. Kockers (J.) *De chorea St. Viti, von St Veits Tantz. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Bhenum, Langer (H. H.) * De ballismo. 8°. Viennce 1838. ' Meerstadt (J. W. G.) *Bijdrage tot de ca- Btiistiek der chorea minor. 8°. Leiden 1882 Meisxer ([P. ] H.) * De chorea St. Viti. '8° Berolini, 1865. Miklis (H.) *De chorea St. Viti. sm. 8°. Berolini, 1^41. Chorea. Mueller (C. F. G.) * De chorea Sancti Viti 8°. J en a;, 1839. Neuville (V.) * Dissertation sur la choree ou danse de Sanit-Guy. 4 . Strasbourg l+>f Oguse (J.) * Etude clinique du cn-nr diiris'in choree. 8°. Paris, L-!»?. Osler (W.) On chorea and choreiform after tions. 8°. Philadelphia, 1^94. Pataud (G.) * Essai sur la danse de Saint Guy. 4°. Paris, 1803. Patella ( V.) Contribuzione anatoiiio-i.ato. logica e clinica alio studio della corea niiiiotv fol. Padova, 1888. Pfefferkokx (J. W.) *De ballismo. s , Tindobonce, 1*33. Riedlix (F. ) * Beitrage zur Lehre von der Chorea. 8°. Gbttingen, 1891. Saric (T. ) * Nature et traitement ile la choree. [Paris.] 4U. Chdteauroux, 1*85. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, \8*5. Schilling (O.) * Ueber Chorea. 8°. Greifs- De chorea St. Viti. 8<- ivald, 1886 Stanjeck (P.) Vralislavict', 1864. Stephani (P.) * Beitrag zur Lehre der Cho- rea. 8C. Freiburg i. B., 1K15. Wagner (J. G.) * Pathologisch-theranenti. sche Iuaugural-Abliandluug iiber den Vcitstanz 12°. Wiirzburg, 1817. Zimmermanx (A.) * Beitrage zur Kentnisa der Chorea minor. [Ziirich.] 8°. Mdnnedorf 1891. Aldricli (C. J.) Chorea. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1895-6 xi, 309-315.—Barber (C. F.) Chorea as a fatal disease' Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix, 102-105. — Batcman (W. ¥.) Chorea. Tr. Indiana AI. Soc, Indianap , 1888, xxxix, 56- 61. — It tin tiny. Chorea. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiii, 255. — Bcrggriin (E.) Chorea. Arch. f. Kinderh.! Stuttg., 1895-6, xix, 375-377. — Bishop (F. B.) Cliotea. Ann. Gvnec. & Pediat., Bost., 1897-8, xi, 228-233. Also- Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii, 94-97. —Blan- chard (F. K.) Chorea. Tr. Mich. M. Soc., Grand hapiiis, 1896, xx, 367-370. —Bouvier. De la choree ou danse dc Saint-Guy. Nomenclature, uosologie, cbor6e du moyen Aye. Bull. Acad, do iu6d., Par., 1858-9, xxiv, 1213; 1272. AUo, Reprint. —Cary (C.) Chorea. Med. Xews, I'bila., 1895, lxvii, 293. —Caton (R.) The pathology and treat- ment of chorea. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1886, vi, 140-154.— Chapin (H. D.) Points of interest in chorea. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 648-651. — < lit ron (P.) Patho- g6uie et traitement do la choree (b- Sydenham. J. tie nied. de. Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 184; 198; 231.' Also, transl.: Allg Wbn. med. Ztg., 1896, xii, 393; 405; 417; 429: 441.- Corea (ltd Sydenham. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii,' 153-155.—Dale (W.) Some remarks on chorea. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 868; 981; 1035. — Dcthlcf»cn. Chorea. Med. Aarsskr., Kjobenh., 1893. vii, 47-76.— Oonkin (H.) On the Collective Investigation Committee's memoran- dum on chorea. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882. i. 515.---- A commentary on one hundred and five eases of chorea. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1885, i, 83-103.- Drench. Pathog6nie et traitement de la chor6e. Kev. gtiu. 'le clin. et de the.rap.. Par., 1897, xi, 419-423— Duckworth (Sir D.) An address on chorea. Brit. M. J., Lond., U^.\ i, 5. -----. Chorea. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, i. 213- £24. —Eskridge (J. T.) Chorea. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 732-739. — Ewrii (J. F.) On chorea. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 62-64.— Facklam (F. C.) Beitrage zur Lehre vom Weseu tier HuntiuKtousehen Chorea. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1897, xxx, 137-204, 1 pl. — Ferran (J. E.) Consideraciones sobre el corei de Sydenham. Arch, de la Policliu., Ha- bana, 1896, iv, 149-152. — Folet (H.) Choree vulgairt-et choree rhythmique. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1872, 2. »., xii, 85-104.—Free (S. M.) Chorea; etiology, pathology, and treatment. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 497-501. —French (J. A.) St. Vitus' dance; chorea minor. West. M. & S. Reporter, St. Joseph, Mo., 1890, ii, 1-6. —Fry (F. R.) The etiology and treat. ment of chorea; a short review of some oi the current literature. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xvi, 108-117.- Giuflrc (L.) Sulla corea del Sydenham. Boll. u. Circ. med. di Palermo, Palermo, 1886, i, 51-57.---- Patogenesi e cura della corea. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1894, ii. 385-394.-Olasgow (R. B.) Chorea. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1882, xlvi, 648-651.- CJowers ([W.l R.) Sulla corea. Med. contemp.. Napoli. 1885. ii, 627 - 630. — Ooyder ( U.) Clinical address on chorea. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. »., xl, 4i»; CHOREA. 611 CHOKEA. Chorea. 505.—Groedel. Erfahrungen heziiglich Aetiologie und Therapie der Chorea. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 683; 735. — Hatch ( H.) Chorea. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago 1896, xxvii, 837-840.—Henoch (E.) Ueber Chorea. Berl.' kliu. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 801-804. Also: Wien. med Bl., 1883, vi, 1503-1505. Also: Verhaudl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. ( 1883-4 ), 1885, xv, pt. 2, 32-43. [ Discus- sion], pt. 1, 30-37. AUo, transl..- Arch, di patol. inf., Na- poli. 188"), ih, 100-103. — Jt-iikiu* ( T. W. ) On chorea. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 438.—Jollioy (A.) De la nature et du traitemeut tie la choree. I*i ogres metl., Par., 1885, 2 s i, 437; 480. — Joncw (G. W. ) Chorea. J. Am. M. Ass.', Chicago, 1888. xi, 325-330. — Knnlich ( J.) Zur Lehre von tier Chorea minor. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, 277; 287.—Kingsley (J. P.) Chorea. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885. xiii, 509.— Koch (P.) Zur Lehre von der Chorea minor. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886-7, xl, 544-573. — von KrafTt-Fbing. Ueber Cho- rea. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 189<, xhi, 25;~37; 47.—I.an- nois. Classification des chorees arythmiques. Cong. franc, de med. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 45o-45ii. Also: Kev. neurol., Par., 1895, iii, 66-70. — I,ash ( II. M.) Chorea ; pathology aud treatment. Fort Wayne M. Mai:., 1895, iii, 4-7. — Liasegnc ( C.) Dela choree. In his: Etudes nied., 8°, Par..~1884, ii, 95-101. — I.ewiu (L.) Veitstanz. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1896-7, xxi. 354-357. — Lloyd (J. H.) Chorea; chorea of pregnancy: chorea and mental disease; adult chorea; Dubhii's chorea. Internal. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 593-601.—Mackenzie (S.) Memo- randum on chorea. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1>82, i. 478. Also, Reprint. — Mahomed (F. A.) On the Collective Inves- tigation Committee's .memorandum ou chorea. Brit.M. J., Lond., l*-82. i, 553.—Marinos. Ilepi xopei'as (Kara. tous 'Ay-yAovs iaTpovs). FaAjjioi, 'Aflrji/ai, 1890. XX, 573- 577.—Martin (B.) Les chorees. Union med., Par.. 1892, 3. s., liv, 25; 73; 85.—Meigs (A.V.) Clinical lecture on chorea; with remarks ou infant-feeding. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 661-663.—Mitchell (S. W.) & Bhein (J. H. W.) A clinical re-exaniinatiou of the motor symptoms of chorea. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1897, 3. s., xix, 168- 177. Also: Phila. M. J.. 1898, i, 153-156. — Nnnvrerck (C.) Ueber Chorea. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Phvsiol.. Jena, 1886, i, 407-418.—Ria(G.) Chorea. In his: .\icuue lez. di cliu. med., 8°, Napoli, 1884,111-150. — Buijs (J. A.) Chorea minor. Metl. Weekbl.. Amst., 1894, i, 313. — Nclinltze. Ueber Chorea, Poly- und Monoclonie. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1897, xxix. 1006-1008. — Simon (J.) Nature et traitement de la chor6e. Bull, med., Par., 1891, v, 577- 579.—Singer (J. A.) Chorea. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc., Wilkesbarre. 1896. 148-153. — Sinkler ( W. ) Chorea. Svst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1886, v, 439-456.—Stock- ton ( C. G.) Chorea. Internat. Cliu., Phila, 1894, 4. s., iii, 59-64. — Sturges (0.) Tbe Collective Investigation Committee's memorandum on chorea. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, i, 595. -----. The kindred of chorea. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1891, n. a., cii, 578-587. -----. A lecture ou the prognosis and tho treatment of chorea. Clin J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 193-197. — Tait (L.) Ou chorea. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1868, xlv, 203-215. Also, Reprint.—Taylor (E. C.) Chorea. Physician k Surg., Detroit it Ann Arbor, 1893, xv, 54.—Tompkins (E. L.) Chorea. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1897, xxxv, 335-34". [Discussion], 411.—Van Bibber (J.) Chorea. Med. Xews, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 267.—Van- heuverswyn. De la nature de la choree arythmiqiie; rapport sur un m6moire de M. Duchateau. Bull. Soc. anat.-elin. de Lille, 1893, viii, 230-237. Also: J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1893, i, 313-320.—Wardell (J.R.) Chorea. In his: Coutrib. Path. & Pract. Med., 8"-<. Loud., 1885, 661- 066.—Warner (F.) The nature and treatment ot chorea in its various types. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. a., i, 208-215. - Weirick ( C. A.) Chorea. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1896-7, v, 354-358.— Wing (E.) Case of atypical chorea. Chicago M. Recorder, 1898, xiv, 70-73. Chorea (Cases and statistics of). Biuxbaum ( M. ) * Ueber die Chorea tier Erwachsenen. 8°. Berlin, [1886]. Flasch(J.) * Chorea adultorum. 8C. Wiiiz- burg, [8*1. Pigelet (C.) *De quelques cas de danse de Saiut-Guy et tie leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1886. Uupprecht (G.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Chorea minor. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1881. SchOnthal ( N. ) * Chorea adultorum. 8°. Wiirzburg, l*.nl. Vassitch (M.-V.) Etudes sur les chorees des adultes. _ 4°. Paris, 1883. BHngier (J. T.) A case of acute general chorea. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, Ix, 491.—Bury (H. T.) Analysis ot as eases of chorea discharged during 1885. Abstr. M. Sc o. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1885, Peudlebury, Man- chester, 1886. v, 1_'2-I31. — < aporali (It.) Due casi tli corea volgare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1890, xvii, 306.— Chorea (Cases and statistics of). Chancy (W. C.) Analysis of 44 cases of chorea dis- charged during 1882. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1882, Pendlebuiy, Manchester, 1883, ii, 83- 92.—Collins (J.) Au analysis of one hundred and twenty- five cases of chorea. I'ost-Graduate, X. Y., 1893, viii, 338- 343. AUo, Reprint. — De-Giovanni (G.) Storia di una scelotirbe. Raccoglitore, Pane, 1845, xv, 389-395.—Bickey (\V. A.) Chorea, with a case. Med. Compeud, Toledo, 1889, v, no. 3, 1-3. — Duckworth (Sir D.) A clinical lecture on t wo cases of chorea. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, iii, 305-308.—Fasola (K.) Spasmo muscolarediti'uso. Ann! di ostet., Firenze, 1888, x, 408-414.—Fcdeli (F.) Quattro casi di corea. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1882, cclix, 328-333. — Ft-iis (A.) Om Chorea bos Voksne. Hosp.-Tid , Kjobenh., 1892, 3. R.,x, 661; 681.—Fry (F. R.) A brief analysis of new eases of chorea. Weekly M. Rev. St. Louis, 1889, xix, 645-648.— (Gilbert (J. L.) Four cases of chorea. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1886, vi, 111-115.— Ooodall (E. W.) An analysis of tbe cases of chorea which have occurred in the hospital during eleven consecu- tive years. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890, 3. s., xxxii, 35- 43. — llndden ( W. B.) Case of chorea, liraiu, Loud., 1884-5, vii, 250-253.-----. Clinical observations on chorea. St. Thomas's Itosp. Rep. 1884, Lond., 1886, n. s.. xiv, 133- 144. — Henoch (E.) Chorea. Charite-Ann. 1882, Berl., 1884, ix, 608-612. —■Icrringhani (W. P.) Eighty cases of chorea; antecedents, family history, state of tbe heart, and subsequent history. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889, lxxii, 117-143. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, i, 75. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 77. Also [Ab- str.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, 3. s., i, 45.—Ilen-maim ( H. W.) Statistics of fifty cases of chorea. St. Louis Polyclin., 1889-90, i, 249-255.—Lax (J.) Ein Fall von Chorea. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1881, xvi. 520.—Leger. Un cas de choree molle. Gaz.ni6d.de Pieardie, Amiens, 1886, iv, 116-118.—lidand (G.E.) Six cases of chorea. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1892, xii, 481-495.— Leudet (T.-E\) Memoire sur les chorGes sans complica- tions terniinees par la mort. In his: Etudes de path, et de cliu. med., 8°, Par., 1891, ii, 475-482. — l.evieil de la Mnrsonnierc. Observation de choree. Bull. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1839, iii, 12-18. — Luzzato (M.) Su di un caso speciale di corea mhiore. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 692-694.—Mackenzie (S ) Reports of the Col- lective Investigation Committee; chorea. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, i, 425-436. Also: Collect. Invest. Rec, Lond., 1887, iii, 45-56.—Marzocchi (S.) Intorno a un caso di corea molle. Boll. d. Soc. med. prov. di Bergamo, 1894, v, 21- 25.—Matzuoga (lv.) Mutlobyo no siken. [Cliuical obser- vations on chorea. | Ogata Bioyenljikwai Ho, Tokio, 1892, no. 49, 165-171.—Menger (R.) A case of chorea. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1884-5, ii, 645-649.—Merk. Beobachtung eines gliicklich geheilteu St. Veittauzes. Museum d. Heilk .Ziirich, 1797, iv, 198-202.—Money (A.) Some statistics of chorea. Brain, Lond., 1882-3, v, 511-520.— Napier (A.) Cases of chorea in young women. Glas- gow M. J., 1897, xlvii, 126-133. Also: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soe. Glasg., 1895-7, i, 235-243. — Osier (W.) On the general etiology and symptoms of chorea, hased on the records of 410 cases at the Infirmary for Xervous Diseases, Philadel- phia. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 437; 465.—Paudines ( E. ) Alio 7reptnTio(T€(; pu0/uiK7)S ^opeias. TaAijj'Os, 'Aflijpcu., 1*94, xxiv, 409-412.—Pcrigord. Deux cas do ehorec. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. tie la Haute-Yietine, Limoges, 1890, xiv, 1-3. — I'ritchard (W. B.) Sydenham's chorea; au analytical study of 125 cases. Med. Xews, X. T., 1896, lxix, 228-230. — Bockwell (A.'D.) Notes ou the nature and treatment of chorea based ou seventy five, cases iu private practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 1092-1096. AUo: Med. Rec, X. T., 1895, xlvir, 148-151. — Semple (C. E. A.) Two cases of chorea. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv, 337.—Tabulation of re- turns of cases of chorea. Collect. Invest. Kec. Loud., 1887, iii, 5-43. — Totherick (J. T.) Severe general chorea. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1891, i, 8o2.—Trapenard ((J.) Cas do cbor6e grave. Socd.sc nied. deGaunat. C. r., Par., 1881, 1881, xxxv, 87.—Warner (K.) Cases of chorea illustrat- ing some points iu the clinical history and alliances of this morbid condition, with indications of the brain areas most commonly affected; remarks. Lancet, Loud., 1883, i, 273.— Watt (R.) Cases of periodical jactitation, or chorea. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lend., 1814, v, 1-28. AUo, Reprint.— Wilson (A.) Analysis of 50 cases of ch rea discharged during 1884. Abstr. 'M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Chil- dren, Peudlebury 1884, Manchester, 1885, iv, tflO-lll.— Witmer (A. F.) Acute chorea in a woman aged thirty- eight J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. T., 1897, xxiv, 638.— Zappoli (A.) Ballo di S. Vito generale ridotto a guari- gione; storia corredata da alcune osservazioui. Racco- glitore, Fano, 1848, xxi,E193-207. Chorea (Causes of). See, also, Chorea ( Post-paralytic); Chorea (Bheumatic, etc.). Bublitz (E.) * Ueber die Beschadigungeu bei schwerer Chorea uud die Ursachen ihrea CHOREA. 612 (HOKE A. Chorea (Causes of). Zustandekommens; mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung klinischer Fiille. 8°. Greifswald, 1885. Dpciiateau (I.) * Essai tie pathog6nie de la choree de Sydenham. 4°. Paris, 1893. Kaiser (M.) Aetiologie und Pathogenese der Chorea minor. 8°. Breslau, ls?2. Legay (J.-F.-M.) * Contribution a l'etiologie de la choree. Statistique du service dc clinique des maladies de l'enfance. 8°. Paris, 1p(J7. Metelkixa (X.) *Zur Aetiologie und Symp- tomatologie der Chorea minor. 8°. Bern, 189(5. Pianese (G.) La natura infettiva della corea del Sydenham. Kicerche anatomicbe, speri- mentali e cliniche. fol. Napoli, 1893. Pinera Y Siles (B.) Description historica de una nueva especie de corea, 6 baile de Sau Vito, originada de la picadnra de un insecto, que los fendmenos segnidos £ ella se ha creido ser la tarantula; enfermedad de que ha adolecido y curado 6, beneficio de la miisica Ambrosio Sil- van; nairacion de los sfntomas con que se ha prcscntado, y exposicion fiel y circunstauciada del plan curativo que se ha practicado. In- forme dado & la real junta de hospitales. 8°. Madrid, 1787. Riehl (O.) * Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Cho- rea. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Sacji'ict (D.) * Contribution a l'etiologie de la choree. Choree consecutive aux maladies infectieuses. 4°. Paris, 1885. Steinkopff ([R.] E.) * Ueber die Aetiologie der Chorea minor. 8°. Halle a. S., 1890. Triboulet (H.) *Du role possible de l'infec- tion en choree; essai de pathogenie. 4°. Paris, ls93. Also [Abstr.], in: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1893, xi, 202-221. Wiszwianski ( A.) * Beitrage zu der Lehre von der Athetose mit besonderer Berucksichti- gung ihres Verhaltnisses zu der Chorea und andern ephhemiple»-ischeu Bewegungsstorungeu. H°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Zillmer (M.) * Ueber die Aetiologie der Cho- rea minor. 8°. Greifswald, 1886. Bitldlt-(J. C.) Is fright au essential pathogenic ele- ment in chorea? Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li 225-227.—Boeck (C.) & Bull (E.) Report on the inves- tigations concerniug some points in the etiology of chorea. Internat. M. Cong. Rep. Collect. Invest. Com. Norweg. M. Ass., Christiania, 1887, 30-40. — Brissaud (E.) La choree variable des deg6ner6s. Rev. neurol., Par., 1896, iv, 417-431. — Brown (C. H.) A contribution to the etiology of chorea. J. Nerv. & Meut. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xx, 513-527.—Brush (A. C.) The etiology of chorea] Med. Rec., X. Y., 1895, xlvii, 463-466.—Cesa'ris-Reinel (A.) Un caso di corea infettiva. Gazz. med. di Torino 1897, xlviii, 581; 601.—Cheney (P. E.) Errors of refrac- tion and insufficiencies of the ocular muscles as causes of chorea, with cases. Boston M. & S. J., 189D, exxii, 176-182. AUo, Reprint.— Clans (A.) Pathogenese der Chorea gesiieuhituria. Med. Wot-kbl., Amst., 1894-5, i, 500-502.— 4 ollcvillc. Syndrome de Friedreich et do Morvau de- vant la chor6e. Gaz. hebd. de meth, Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 474. — Conihy (J.) Note sur l'etiologie de la choree! Bull. Soe. clin. de Par., 1888, 18-20. Also: France med. Par., 1888, i. 169-171. ------. Note sur l'etiologie et la na- ture tie la choree de Sydenham. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl hop. de Par., 1891, 3.s., viii, 261-272. — Ditna (C. L.) On the microbic origin of chorea; report of a case with au- topsy. Am. J. M. Se , Phila., 1894, n.s., cvii, 31-38 1 pl AUo, Reprint.—Day (H.) Chorea Ironi spinal irritation. Li his-.- Clin. Hist., 8°, Loud., 1866. 101-115.—Debray ( k ) Etiologie de la choree. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol. Brux.. 1889, lxxxvii, 105-111. - Brt-witt (F. D.) Chorea and over-work at school. Med.Times & Gaz., Loud 1884 11.6,8-iWii.—EwelliT.) Chorea ex helmiuthiasi. Aerztl! lier. d. k. k. allg. (vraukenh. zu Prag (1880). 1882, 51-53.— Eskridge (.1. T.i Chorea in relation to climate, espe- cially the climate of Colorado. Climalologist I'bila 1891 i 53-64. Also.Reprint. _ Fcrrarini (C.) Contributo alio studio sull etiologia della corea di Sydenham (corea post-influenza). Sperimentale. Coniunieaz. e riv Fi- renze, 1892. 231-241.-Fletcher (H. M.) On the aetiology oi chorea. St.B-trth. Hosp. Hep. 1896, Loud., 1897 xxxii 383-39i. —Grab-man (S.) Sluchai Vit ovol plvaski vizvaunol ghstaun. | Case of St. Vims's dance caused by woruis.l Feldscher, SI. Petersb., 1896, vi,426. — Grande Clio re a (Causes of) (E. ) Contributo clinico alia patogenesi infettiva tiVlln corea volgare. (iazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv 41U-J-)i Grcidcnberg (I!. S.) Hcmichorea vsllod za noraVh,. niem moluiy.-i; i/.llechenie galvaiiizatsiyel. [Hcn'iclioi'n caused by lightning Petersb., 1882, iii, 1 I b> galvaiii/.al,.,.,.]- V,:M'b. St" 111.—(o ' ru 448. — HaiiHhaltcr (P.) Choree de .Sydenham"!-! "in- fection. Rev. med. de Test, Nancv, 1894, xxvi, 233-'>4| .Tacobi (A.) Partial, antl sometimes general" eliot-ZZ minor from nasopharyngeal reflex. Am. ,1. 11 Se Phila 1886, n. s., xci, 517-522. ------. Reflex chorea. m(\ u'f N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 565. Also: Tr. N York Arid \i" (1890), 1891, 2. s., vii, 245-247. ------. Theihveise oder ail™ meiue Chorea minor durch Nasonrarhi nreflex P-ietlnr Arb., Berl., 1890, 475-484.—Jenkins (T. W.i" Two cases of chorea dependent upon the presence of intestinal worms Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 667. — .loilye 11'. W.) Sewer gnu as a cause of chorea. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896. i •'69 — Kaiilliiiami (E. J.) A case of chorea witli peculiar nervous antecedents. Med. Age, Detroit, 1886, iv 35 _ Kdi-nt-r (0.) Kann dio Schule fiir das hauligcAnitrcten der Chorea minor wahrend des schulpflichtigen Altera mit verantwortlich gemachtwerden? Deutsche Yitljschr f. off.Usndtspflg..Brnschwg., 1889,xxi,415-423. — I,tonnid C. H.) Adherent praeputium clitoridis as a cause of clion-i Arcb. Pediat., Phila., 1890, vii, 293-296. — Lci-onx i('i La chor6e tie Sydenham, son 6tiologie, sa nature, d'apres les faits ohserv^s au dispensaire Furtado-Heiue. Kev mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii, 250-266. Also, Re' print. ------. Pathog6nie de la choree de Suh-niiaiii Presse med., Par., 1896, 141-143. — l.eube (W.'o.) Bei- trage zur Pathogenese uud Symptoniatologie tier Chorea und zur Beurtheilung des Verhaltnisses dersell»n zur Athetose. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1879-80 xxv,242-258. Also, Reprint.—JLittcn (M.) Beitragezui Aetiologie der Chorea. Charit6-Ann. 1884, Berl. 1886, xi, 265-313.—Marfan. Etiologie et pathogenic de la chorf-u commune; ses rapports avec les maladies du cceur; son traitement. Semaine m6d., Par., 1897, xvii, 153-155, Alio transl.: Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 352-355. AUo, transl.': Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1897, xxxii, 261 ; 273. Also [Abstr.]: Rov. prat. d. trav. de in6d., Par., 1897, liv, 169.— lMassalongo (R.) Contribution k la pathogenese. dc la choice molle. Rev.neurol., Par., 1893, i, 316-348.—tIomi- (W.) Alcoholic chorea. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1807, li. L'li?.— Pianesc (G.) Etiologia e patogenesi della corea vol- gare. Lavori tl. Cong, di med. int, Aii la no. 1891. iv, 331- 337. ------. Ricerche batteriologiche, spermicidal! istolo- giche e terapeutiche sulla corea volgare. Ibid., 328-330.— Rachford (B. K.) The etiologv of chorea. Med. Xeww Phila., 1893, lxii, 429-433. Also, Reprint, — Kit lit. i i('. M.) Chorea and its possible cause. San Francisco West. Lancet, 1883, xii, 531-534. — Rothschild. Chorea minor nach Scharlacb; klinischer Beitrag zurlienesederChorca minor. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1893-4, xvi, 83-87 — Sanders. Case of syphilitic chorea, in which the cura- tive effects of chloride of gold were disphned in a strik- ing manner. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 155.— Santini (G.) Sulla patogenesi della corea. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1883, ix, 449-462. AUo, transl: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1884, v, 472-488.—Ncnn- diani (L.) Su uu caso di corea di duhbia patogenesi. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1889, iv, 53-J6. — Wthioc- niami. Ein Fall von Chorea, welche durch Nin-liali- H1U112 cboreatischer Bewegungen von einer audercu la tientiu acquirirt wurde. Deutsche med. Wrlinsclir., Leipz. u. Berl., 1888, xiv, 662-664. Also : Verhandl. d. metl. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890, 28-32. — Ni■■■-;;<-» (0.) On the modes of origin of chorea in relation le ilie question of its pathology and treatment, Tr. Inlei nat. M. Cong, 7. sess., Lond., 1881, iv. 105-110. ------. Schuol work and discipline as a factor in chorea. Lancet, Loud., 1**5, i, 9. ------. School-made chorea: a retrospect of the pa9t year. Ibid.. 1887, i, 112-114.— Totvimrnil ((.'. W.) Tlio etiology of chorea ; a study of all the cases of this diseaso iu the out-patient department from 1883 to 1891. Med. & Surg. Rep. Child. Hosp., Bost., 1869-95, 93-104.—Tribou- let. Note sur l'infection secondaire microbienne k sta- phyloeoques dans la choree. Rev. d. mal. de 1'eiil'., Par-, 1891, ix, 562-568. Also, Reprint,— Vishnevslti (F. D.) Krugliya glisti, kak prichiua stolbnyaka maloi plyuski Sv. Vitta i probodeniya kishok. [Rouud worms as a cause of tetanus iu chorea minor, as well as of perforation of in- testines.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884. v, 4*1. — Wood (II. C.) On chorea, viewed from the standpoint of compara- tive pathology, with an entirely novel theory as the cause of the muscular tremor and incoordination, to a new ther- apeutics. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 196-198. Chorea (Complications and setptehv of). S,e, also, Chorea (Laryngeal); Chorea (Bheit malic, etc.); Chorea (Unilateral, etc): Chorea and insanity; Chorea in pregnancy, etc Fakbkr (T.) * reber atypische Forinei i.njl (oinpliciitionen der Chorea. 8-. Berlin, 1—>■ CHOREA. 613 CHOREA. Chorea (Complications and sequelce of). Guillemet (E.) *De la mort daus la choree de Sydenham. 4°. Paris, 1893. Ollive (G.) *Des paralysies chez les chore"- iqucs. 4°. Paris, 1883. Patry (G.) *Ue la choree variable ou poly morplic. 8C. Pan's, 1807. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 1105-1108. Peiskr (S.) * Ueber Liiliniungen nach Cho- rea minor. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1*84. Pekissox (M.-J.-B.-G.) 'Contribution a Y6- tiule tics ]>aralysies et ties amyotrophies dans la choree de Sydenham. 4°. Bordeaux, 1891. Stehx ( J. ) * Ueber Chorea minor bei Er- wachseueu mit letalem Ausgaug. 8\ Strass- burg. 1894. Koth. Histoire de la musculation irresistible ou dc la choree anormale. 8 . Paris, 1850. Sttrges (0.) Chorea and whooping-cough. 16u. London, 1877. Affleck (J. O) Acute fatal chorea; a short clinical study. Ediub. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i. 390-399.—Altitun* (J.) Chorea complicated with epilepsy; with some re- marks on the abuse of physicians' prescriptions. Tr. Clin. Soc.Lond., 1878, xi, 62-70. AUo, Keprint.—Ashby (H.) A case of severe chorea attended by paresis and loss of speech for 81 days, antl complicated with peri-endocarditis and a great development of fibrous nodules; tleath after 8J months' illness. Metl. Chron., Manchester, 1890, xii, 99-103.— Ball ( M. D.) A case of paralytic chorea. Phda. M. J.. ls98, i, 299.—de Beauvais. Sur un cas tie choree moi telle. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1874), 1875, ix, 201-213.—Bouchard (C.) Observations sur l'albumi- nurie choreique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 499.—Brown (H. H.) A case of severe chorea, terminating fatally from acute paralylic distension of the stomach. Lancet, Loud., 1890. i, 848.—Burr (C. W.) A case of chorea with acute delirium, occurring in the course of scarlatinal Bright's disease. Arch. Pediat.. N. T., 1898, xv, 29-32. [Discussion], 50.—Cadet de Gassieourt. Be la choree paralytique. J. de m6d. tie Par., 1888, xv, 461-467. -----. Choree paralytique. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'euf., Par., 1889, vii, 433-447.—Canfield (R. M.) & Putnam (J. J.) Acase of acute heuiiplegic chorea; with autopsy and remarks. Boston M. &S. J.. 1884, cxi. 220- 223. AUo. Reprint.—Chambard (E.) Macroeuc6pha- lieavee choree; choree intense; troubles trophiques; ph6no- menes adynamiqnes; autopsie. Encephale, Par., 1882, ii, 278-282.—Coen Porto (A.) TJn caso di corea con paresi della braccia ed afasia. Riv. veneta disc. med.. Venezia, 1895, xxiii, 189-193—Cook & Beale (C.) Case of rap- idly fatal chorea; death iu 130 hours. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. i, 795.—Dauchez. Des paralysies chez, les chor6- iques. P;iris med., 1884, ix, 109-111. — Be Giovanni (A.) Sulla corea gesticolatoria. Arch. ital. tli clin. med., Milano, 1895. xxxiv, 165-177.—Descroizilles. Sur un cas de chor6e paralytique. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de the- rap., Par., 1891, v, 81-83.—Ferrand (J.) Chor6e respi- ratoire k forme apneique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 483-485.—Filatow ( X.) Ueher Chorea paralytica. Arrh. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1894-5, xviii, 432-438.—Fry (F. B.) A case of chorea attended with multiple neuritis. Tr. il. Ass. Missouri, Excelsior Springs, 1890, xxxiii, 215- 221. Also: J. Nerv. &, Ment. Dis., N. T., 1890, xvii, 389- 394. -----. A second case of multiple neuritis attending chorea. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Jefferson City, 1893, 264- 270. AUo: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1893, xxvii, 401-403.— Fry (F. R.) & Bli»* (M. A.) Fatal chorea, with report of case. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1896, x, 472-476. Also [Abstr.]: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xxiii, 305-307.—Gumpertz ( K. ) TJeber Chorea paralytica. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1896,dxv, 85-87.—Hawkins IF.) Chorea and epilepsy. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 16.— Himmelsbach (G. A.)' An aggravated case of chorea. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lx, 296.—Inglis (D.) Notes of an anomalous form of chorea. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1885-6, xviii, 9.— Joll'roy (A.) Chor6e rby thm6e cons6cu tive k une choree de Sydenham. Bull, et 1116m. Soc. m6d. d. nop. de Par., 1891, 3. a., viii, 143-146.—Jones (C. H.) A case in which chorea and albuminuria were associated. Virginia M. Month. .Richmond, 1882-3, ix, 575-577.—Lara- mee. Chor6e; hemorrhagic cerebrale. Union in6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1885, xiv, 52-54.—ff>imasset. Choree grave; necrose du maxillaire inf6rieur. Union m6d. du nord-est, Reims, 1897, xxi, 167-169.—Lloyd (J. H.) A case of choreic nervous disease, with rotation of the body and cataleptoid symptoms. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii'. 631- 633. — Lyman (H. M.) Chorea; paralysis of anterior tibial nerve. Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889. lxi, 477-481.—Hinder II.) Chorea minor, triinstige Wirkung Jon SeVeck; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst, Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 18-6, 347. Also : Med.-chir. Chorea (Complications and sequekv of). Ceutialbl.,Wien, 1886, xii, 352. -----. Seit 3 Jalneu beste- hende Chorea; Tod in Folgo von Pneumouie Ber.d.k.k. Kraukenaust. Rudolph -Stiftiing in Wien (1888), 1889, 342. -----. Chorea minor ; hochgradige Abnahme jeder'wiu- kiirlichen Bewegiingstahigkeit; Ileilung. Ibid. (1890) 1891, 294— lliiixiur (K.) Ein let baler Fall von Chorea minor. Med.chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii, 316.__ lTIerlier. Choree de Sydenham ; donleurs articulaires et endocardite; ('110100 1110116. J. de clin. et tie therap. inf. Par., 1897, v, 1002. — lUilligan ( K. T. ) Fatal chorea. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix. 628. AUo: Med. Repr. Loud., 1896, vii, 103.—ITIitchcll (S. W.) & Burr (C. W.) Unusual cases of chorea, possibly involving the spinal cord. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis.. X.Y.. 1890, xvii, 427-431. [Discussion], 488 - 490. — iTIitchiiiMon. Two cases of acute chorea terminating fatally. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 935.—iflonro (T. K.) Chorea'with Raynaud's disease; local asphyxia of the extremities with multiple superficial ulcerations of the feet. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlvii, 92.— ITIorvaii. Do la choree fibrillaire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1890, 2. s, xxvii, 173: 186; 200. — Priestly (J.) Chorea in relation to scarlet fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 805.—Quintan. Case of acute chorea; death. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 445.—Bailtou (T. C.) On paral- ysis following chorea. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1886-7, v, 195-199.—Banner (A. L.) Chronic chorea of thirty- one years' duration, affecting the head, face, and all the extremities. N. York M. J\, 1888, xlvii, 5, 1 pl.— Ray. uiond (F. ) Chor6e molle avec atropine musculaire. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 422-435. -----. Chor6e molle paralytique. Bull. m6d., Par., 1896,x, 1203. — Kouiaio (V.) A proposito di uu caso di corea gesticolatoria. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 929-931.~- Bondot (15.) Les paralysies tie la choree. Gazz. hebd. tl. sc.ni6d.deBordeaux, 1889,x, 185; 219. AUo, Reprint.-----. Les amyotrophies daus les paralysies de la choice. Gaz. hebd. d.sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 215-218.—Budisch (J.) Fatal cases of chorea. N.York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 362.—Santa Maria y Bustamante(M.) Delacorea beriberiea. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1891, xiv, 331-333.— Sell rotter. Zwei Falle von Chorea minor, tier eine mit rascber Heilung, der andere mit todtlichem Ausgaug. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 353-355. — .Schult7.cn. Ueher eiuen eigenthiimlichen Fall von Chorea minor und Herpes arsenicalis mit BetheiliguugdesKehlkopfes, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Herpes laryngis. Charitfi- Ann., Berl., 1895, xx, 228-236.—Schwai-z (A.) Uta.nzo chorednak egy hal&los kimenctelii esete. [A case of imi- tative chorea terminating in death.] Gydgy&szat, Buda- pest, 1887, xxvii, 321-323" AUo, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 589-593.— Segu in (E. C.) Case of abnormal chorea with coprolalia. J. Xcrv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1887, xiv, 363. Also [Abstr.] : Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 116. — Souza-I.cilt & Cher. buliez (E.) Notes pour servir il l'etude de la paraplegic des membres pelvieus, survenant k litre de manifestation rare dans le cours de la petite choree ou maladie tie Syden- ham; agitation maniaque avec tendances proenrsives. Progres m6d., Par., 1889, 2. a., ix, 351-353. —Trastour. Chor6e anormale J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1882. xvi, 88.—Trowbridge (ft. R.) Relations between chorea and epilepsy. Alienist &. Neurol., St. Louis, 1892, xiii, 45- 63.—Van Bibber (J.) Some anomalous and complicated examples of chorea. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 515- 517. Chorea (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See, also, Chorea and insanity. Gowehs (W. R.) On some points in the clin- ical history of chorea. 8°. London, 1878. Schmitt (F.) * Beitrag zur Symtomatologie tier Chorea. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. Wessel (O.) * Choreatische Zucknngen oder Chorea? 8°. Jena, 1887. Augustin (I.) Pseudo-choree ritmicS,. (Spasm, rit- mit G. See.) Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1891, xi, 571-575.—Fede (F.) Rapporto sulla comiiiunicazione del Dott. Fornario intorno ai movimenti coreici ed alle forme di corea minor. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1890, ii, 3.—For- nario (G.) Sui movimenti coreici o le forme di corea minor. Psichiatria, Napoli, 1889, vii, 195, 3 pl.: 1890, viii, 1—Gairdner (W. T.) A peculiar neurosis allied to chorea. Glasgow M. J., 1888. [4.] s., xxix, 521-523.—Gray (L. C.) Clinical aspects of chorea. Internat, Clin., Phila., 1892, iv, 249-258.— Guinou (G.) Diagnostic des chorees. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 949-953. — Hare ( H. A.) Some clinical observations in regard to mono-choreas asso- ciated with increased temperature of the part affected. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxii, 317.— Iloeh. A case of pseudo-chorea. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1891, ii, 65.—ITIaric (P.) Note sur I'existeuce de l'ovaric dans la choree d ■ Sydenham. Progres med., I'ar., 1886, 2. s., iii, 39.—iTIoser (W.) The diagnosis of chorea in adults. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1897, hi, 738.—Perret (S.) Symptomes et diagnostic de la chor6e. In his: Clin. rued, de l'Hotel- CHOREA. 614 CHOREA. Chorea (Diagnosis and semeiology of). Dieu de Lyon, 8°, Par, 1887, 371-391. — Ba mow (J.) Breve estudio sobre una forma de falsa corea designada con el uombre de ' (-spasmus i itmicos ". Gac. med., Me- xico, 1888, xxiii, 97-104.-B he in (J. H. W.) Tremor and tremor-like movements in corea. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1897, xviii, 496-501, 1 pl.—Stepanofl". K simpto- inatologii cborel. Bolnitsch. gaz. llotkina, St. Petersb., 1891. ii, 107-112. Also: Shorn, trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Mariinsk. bohiiizy d. b., 1892, i, 298-305.-*lraton (C. K.) The pre, horeic stages of chorea. Brit. M J-. Lond., l88o, ii, 437.— Warner iF.) Analogy between the movements of plauts and the muscular movements of children, ('ailed chorea. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 263. Also, Reprint.— Wood ( H. C. ) The choreic movement. .T. Nerv. & Ment. Dis , X. Y., 1893, xx, 241-251. AUo, Reprint, Chorea (Pathology of). See, also, Chorea (Rheumatic, etc); Chorea (Unilateral, etc.). Foucheband (A.) 'Contribution a l'e'tude tie la physiologie pathologique tie la choree. 4°. Lyon, 1883. Gallinek (S.) * Beitriige zur Pathologie der Chorea. 8C. Berlin, [1889]. Schneider (H.) * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis iiber den Si,tz der Chorea minor. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1*9'.\. Anton (ft.) Ueber die Betheiligung der basalen Ge- hirnganghen bei Bewegungsstorungen und inshesondere bei tier Chorea; mit Demonstrationen von Gehirnschnit- t'en; vorlaufige Mittheilung. Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 859-861. — Babeau (J.) L'urine dans la chores. Bull. m6d., Par., 1897, xi, 538.—Berkley (H. J.) A con- tribution to the pathology of chorea; chorea of seven years' duration; autopsy; lesion of brain, cord, and heart; mi- croscopic investigation. Med. News, Ph la., 1883, xliii, 200-204.—Bouduraiit (E. D.) A case of chronic adult chorea, with pathological changes similar to those of gen- eral paresis. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis. 1896, xvii, 247- 256. Also: J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xxiii, 680- 687.—Broadbcnt (YV~. II.) Remarks on the pathology of chorea. Brit. M. J.. Lond., I860, i, 345; 369. Also, Reprint.— Burr (C. W.) The blood in chorea. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, ix, 188-195. —Ccni (C.) Contribuzione ana- tonio patologica alio studio della corea del Sydenham. Gior. interna/,, tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s , xvi, 321- 329. — Collins (J.) The pathology and morbid anatomy of Huntington's chorea, with remarks on the development and treatment of the disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 657-059. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxii, 31. — Dana (C. L.) A contribution to the patho- logical anatom v of chorea, with the report of a case. Brain, Lond., 1890, xiii, 71-82, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1889,1, 437-439. Also [Abstr. | : Alienist &. Neurol., St. Louis, 1890. xi. 415-417. -----. The pathology of heredi- tary chorea; report of a case with autopsy; record of anomalies in a degenerate brain. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1895. xxii, 565-583. — Flechsig (P.) Demonstra- tion von Praparaten aus dem Gehirne Cboreatiseher. Ver- hiuidl. d. C->ng. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1888. vii, 452.— Fraenkel (A.) Gehirnbefund in eiuem Falle von Cho- rea posthemiplegic:!,. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1891-2, xi, 225-227.— O-arrod (A. E.) Tbe pathol- ogy of chorea; asuggestion. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1051.— Guinon. Observation de choree mortelle, avec autopsie. Bull. Soc. clin. tie Par., 1885, ix, 192-203. Also: France m6d., Par., 1886, i, 73; 86 —Hanford (H.) Chorea, with an account of the microscopic appearances in two fatal cases. Brain, Lond., 1889, xii, 129-142.—Krocmer. Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Chorea. Arch: f. Psy- chiat., Beil, 1891, xxiii, 538-557.— Kronthal(P.) & Ka- lischcr (S.) Ein Fall von progressive!- Chorea (heredi- taria, Huntington) mit pathologischem Befnnde. Neurol. Centralbl.,' Leipz., 1892, xi, 593; 631.-----------. Wei- terer Beitrag zur Lehre von der pathologisch-auatoiuischen Grundlage der chrouischen progressiven Chorea (heredi- taria). Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl.. 1895, exxxix, 303-318. — Laufcnaiicr. Ueber fiinf Fiille von Chorea gravis, mit Demonstration von patho-histologischeu Pra- paraten. Pest. med. chir. Presse, Budapest; 1890, xxvi, 392— I.odor (C. H.) Clinical studies of the blood in cho rea. Chicago M.Recorder,1897,xiii,423-427.—lVIaclagan (T.J.) The pathology of chorea. Lancet, Loud., 1889. ii, 1145.—Massaloiiifo (It.) Ballismo cronico ; contributo alia patologia delle coree. Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii, sez. med.,481-487. — Tlou*sous(A.) Iujectiousintra-veineuses d'urincs tie choreiques. Bull. Soc. d aunt, et physiol. de Bordeaux. 1892, xiii, 23.—IVaunyn (B.) Ein Fall von Chorea St. Viti mit Pilzldldungeu inder Pia mater. Mitth. a.-tl. med. Klin, zu Konigsb., Leipz., 1888, 296-299. — ©p. pen hei in (H.) & Hoppc (H. H.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Chorea chronica progressiva hereditaria. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl. 1893, xxv, 617-636, 1 pl. — Pier- ret. Anatomie pathologique de la choree. Mem. ct Chorea (Pathology of). compt.-rend. Soc. il. sc. mcl.de Lyon (1883), 1884, xxiii i,t 2, 6.-64 Butlliii (A.) Sulle alterazioni del sisicina ulr. voso in un caso di corea. Riforma med., Napoli. lSi-p, v 1167. -----. Sulle alterazioni del sistema nervoso jn',ni caso di corea niinore non oreditaria iu un adulto. ]!n]| ,| sc. nied. di Bologna, 1890, 7. s., i, 745-767. —Turner (F 0 I Ou certain lesions of the pyramidal cells iu the cortex of the brain in fatal eases of chorea. Abstr. Tr. Hunter Snr Loud., 1890-91, 93-101.-----. Sections from the Rolnuuic region of tho brain from five cases of death with clinrea showing lesions of some of tho large pyramidal cells of the cortex. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 8-14, 1 ]., l p]._ WelcuiiiiMuy (F.) Ueber Veiandei ungen im nt'rvosen Centralorgane bei einem Falle von Chorea. I'm", im-il Wchuschr., 1891, xvi, 435-437. —Wollenberg ilf) znr pathologischen Anatomie der Chorea minor. Aich'f Psychiat, Berl., 1891, xxiii, 167-200, 1 pl.—Wood dl.C.j The basal pathology of chorea. Tr. Coll. Phys 1'liila 1884-6, 3. s., viii, 157-165. Also: Boston M. \ S. J., 1885 cxii, 522-524. AUo : Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885, xiii, 61- 63. -----. Chorea ; a study in clinical pathology. Therap Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 289-299. AUo, Reprint. Chorea (Treatment of). See, also, Chorea (Rheumatic, etc.). Bonxans [M.] fitude sur la choree aux baina d'Ussat, Ariege. 8°. Pamiers, 1869. Changeux (A.) * Traitement dc la choree. De l'hydroth6rapie en particulier. 4°. Paris, 1895. Croxer(W.) * Beitrag zur Beluiuilluiig der Chorea inshesondere mit Schlafinittcln. H Berlin, [1890]. St.-Gekmaix (V.-G.-E.-R.) * Contribution au traitement dela choree parle hroino-valcrianate de zinc. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894. AUbutt (C), Eddison & Churton. Cases of cho rea; violent movements, treatment with huge doses of succus conii. Laueet, Lond., 1883, i, 905.—Amnileo (G.) Un caso di chorea condotta a guarigione uiediaute il cloro- formio. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, ls.'Sl l\ s., xxxv, 129-143.—Bardsley (J. L.) Comparative view of the remedies of chorea. In his: Hosp. Facts &• Obs., 8°, Lond., 1830, 150-167.—Barrs (A. G.) A clinical lecture ou the treatment of certain cases of chorea by hypnotics. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1181-1183.—Bartsch (E.j Veils- tanz durch hypnotische Siiggcstionstherapie gehcilt. N. Heilkunst, Berl., 1896, viii, 130.—Bashctt (B.) Gust- of chorea treated by chloral hydrate. Lancet, Lend., 1892,i, 796.—Bastian (H. C.) Clinical lecture on acase of pro- tracted and severe chorea treated by prolonged sleep. Ibid., 1889, ii, 55-57.—Bcnedctti (G.) L' orticazione nel tratta- mento della chorea. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1884, xiv, 49- 51. — Bernheim. Trois cas tie guerison de troubles cho- r6iques ties mouvements de l'6criture obtenue par sugges- tion hypnotique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s , i,'89-92.—Bostock (J.) Acute chorea, tie.it. il with continuous inhalation of chloroform. Liverpool M.-Cliir. J., 1885, v, 175-181. AUo [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*8,',, i, 77.—Bourneville. Observation dechoreo traitee par le bromure de camphre; specimens do l'ficrituro d'un cliorti- que. Recherches clin. et th6rap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1885, Par., 1886, vi, 49-53.—Bruni , lv, 577-583. Also. Reprint—Da Costa (J. M.) A very severe case of chorea successfully treated with hyoscr amine. Phila. M. Times. 18-5-6, xvi. 312-314-Decief (T I La cimnastica como tratamiento en el corea. i>e\. • b- med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1887, xxi, 169-175.I>( T- dier (It.) Traitement dela chor6o et (!e l'nicontiwiice CHOREA. 615 CHOREA. Chorea (Treatment of). nocturne d'urine par des injections de sue testiculaire. Lyon nied., 11-93, lxxii, 548-554.—Bolejju. Mechanisehe Behandlung der Chorea. Schmidt's Jahrb., Lei])/... 1891. ccxxxii, 259.—Borland (W. A. N.) & Potts (C. S.) Tim treatment of chorea by large doses of quinine. Univ. M. Mi'e Phila., 1892-3'v, 8.8-836. Also, Reprint. AUo: J Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 919-921.— Breseh. De la choree et do son traitement par le salicylate do sonde. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1890, cxviii, 337-345. — Drnmmond ( D. D.) Chorea treated by subcutaneous injection of curara. Rep. Proc. Xorth- iunb. & Durham M. Soc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1877-8, 150._ Bnjardin - Beauinetz. Examen critique tlu traitement des chorees. Bull. g6n. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1894, exxvi, 193-203.—Engelhard. Heilung ties Veitz- Tan'zes durch tlie Baidrianwurzel. Museum d. Heilk., Ziirich, 1797, iv, 108.—Espinet (E.) Utilidad de las (hichas en el tratamiento tie la corea. Encicl. m6tl.-farm., Barcel., 1883, vii, 398; 414.—Faria (R.) Caso de core-a cnrado'por la estricnina, Rev. m^d.quir., Maraeaiho, 1883-4, i, no. 3, 10.—Fazio (F.) Due casi di corea curati col ha'gno fredtlo. Gior. di neuropatol., Napoli, 1882-3, i, 149-155. Also: Salute: Italia metl., Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 91-93.—Finny (J. M.) Cases of chorea in relation to treatment. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiii, 30-42, Also, Keprint. —Fiodoroff (M. I.) Llechenle khorei mas- sage'ra. [Treatment of chorea hy massage.] Obozr. psi- chiat, nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb.,'1897, ii, 241-247—Fox (EL.) The nature and treatment of chorea. Bristol M.- Chir. J., 1884, ii, 73-98.—Free (S. M.) Treatment of cho- rea. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv, 382 — Friihwald (F ) Zur Behandlung tier Chorea minor. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh.. Leipz., 1886, n. F., xxiv. 43-46.—Fry (F. R.) & Bliss (M. A.) Quinine in the treatment of chorea. Med. lie v., St. Louis, 1894, xxx, 401 - 404. — C-airliner (*\V. T.) Remarks on the treatment of severe chorea by prolonged sleep, and especially hy chloral hydrate in re- peated doses. Lancet. Loud., 1889, ii, 205-208.— Gerl a eh (F.) Zur Therapie der Chorea minor. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.l, Berl., 1889-90, xlvi, 625-633.—Gomez dc la JIata (F.) La corea y su tratamiento. Arch, de med. y cirug. de 1. niiios, Madrid, 1888, iv, 17; 33; 49; 65; 97; 113.— Gonzalez Castro (J.) Dos casos de corea tra- tado por sugestion hipnotica; curaci6n. Regeneracidn med., Salamanca, 1895, i. 201-203. AUo: Gac. med. tl. Norte, Bilbao, 18C5, i, 147. — Goodhart (J. F.) Case of acute chorea treated by massage; recovery; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 231.—Goodhart (J. F.) & Phillips (J.) The treatment of acute chorea hy massage, and the free administration of nourishment. Ibid., 1882, ii, 181-183.— Grancher. De la cbor6o simple et de son traitement. Inil6pend. med., Par., Is96, ii, 177. — Guzzoni degli Ancaraui (A.) L'idroterapia nella chorea minor. Riv. cliu. di Bologna, 1882, 3. s., ii, 157-162.—Hatch (T. L.) The treatment of chorea. Med. &. Surg. Reporter, N. Y., 1895, lxxiii, 261.—d'Heilly. Traitement de la choree. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1890, iv, 418: 429.— Buglics (C. H.) Practical note on the management of chorea. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, ix, 168. [Discus- sion], 178.—Hutchinson (R.) Case of severe chorea successfully treated with enormous doses of carbonate of iron. Lancet, Lond., 1832-3, ii, 752. — Jeffries (J. A.) Sulphonal in chorea. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 275- 277. AUo, Reprint.—Joire. Chor6e gu6rie exclusive- ment par l'emploi de l'hydroth6rapie froide. Bull. m6d. du nord. Lille, 1894, xxxiii, 50-56.—Juinoii. Sur le traitement tie la choree. M6d. mod., Par., 1*92, iii, 123- 127. — Kempf (E. J.) Sulphate of zinc in chorea. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xii, 261. — Knapp (P. C. ) The treatment of chorea, witii especial reference to the use of quinine. Boston M & S. J., 1895, exxxii, 204- 2uii. — Lannois. Traitement de la choice et de l'epi- lepsie par ties produits microbiens. Lyon m6d., 1892, lxxi, 267-269. Also: M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de L.\on (1892), 1893, xxxii, pt. 2, 146-148.—i.e Gendre (P.) La nature et les traitements dd la choree. Rev. prat. d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'enf., Par., 1890, iii, 146-160. — liloyd (J. II.) The treatment of severe cases of chorea with rest and isolation. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. 8., ii, 44-52.— Loreland (B. C.) Note on a case of chorea treated by quinine. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi, 605.— HI'Kenzie (B. E.) & Galloway (H. P. H.) Chorea; treatment by training. Canada J. M. & S., Toronto, 1897, i, 99-101.— >IcIVutt ( "W. F.) Chorea-treatment of, hy salicylate, of soda. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1896, xxxix, 1 —Malherbe. De l'utilite du tartre stibie a dose vomi- tive dans certains cas de choree. J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1880, xiv. 169-175. Also, in his: ittudes clin., 8°, Nantes, 1883, fast. 2. 71-77 — Marshall (J. G.) Chorea Plated with hydrobromic acid. Biit. M. J., Loud., 1885, '■ •!"•—Mills (('. K.) Note on the successful treatment, chiefly with conium, of a severe case of chorea. Poly- clin., Phila, 1884-5, ii, 169. — llomorro. Sur l'emploi dc 1'asaprol dans le traitement de hi choice de Sydenham. Rev. mens. (I. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1895, xiii, 238-212. -----. Bh 1'analgerie dans le traitement de la choree de Syden- ham. J. de clin. et do therap. iuf., Par., 1896, iv, 967-970.— Chorea (Treatment of). .Tlosier (F.) Chloral hei Chorea, Ztschr. f. klin. Med Berl., 1882-3, v, 614-617. Also, transl.: South. Clinic' Richmond, 1883, vi, 264-266. — Olliver (A.) Traitement de la choree; indications generates, (iaz. tl. hop. de Tou- louse, 188a, iii, 209; 217; 227. AUo: Bull. gen. tie th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1889, cxvi, 481-491. —Pari (11.) Corea gua- rita coli la ginnastica durante alcune sedute d' ipnotizza- zione. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1886, lviii, 77-83.—Pcreira Guiiiinracs (J. H.) Do tratamento da chorea pelas pulverisacoes ethenas. Unifio meth, Rio de Jan., 1884, iv, 317-323 [337-343]. — Pick (K.) Unsere Behandlungs- nietbode dor Chorea (Veitstanz). Bl. f. klin. Hydrothe- rapy Wien, 1893, iii, 59-61. —Banney (A. L.) The eye- treatment of chorea; a critical review of certain factors that may lead to spasmodic diseases, and the treatment of such conditions without drugs. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlv, 551; 582. — Biess ( L. ) TJeber die Behandlung von Chorea und anderen hvperkinctischen Krankheiten mit Physostigmin. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 392-396. Also, transl.: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liesre, 1887, xxvi, 231-234. Also, transl.: Med. contemp., Napoli, 1887, iv, 447-449. — Bobert (B.) Trataniiento de la corea. Rev. metl. do Sevilla. 1802, xviii, 325-329.—Bo^er (H.) Obser- vations de chor6s traitCe par l'6m6tiquo a, haute dose. Union med., Par., 1858, xii, 302; 305; 309. Also: Bull. Soc. med. tl. bop. de Par. (1858-61), 1861, iv, 40-55.— Mhnrples (C. AV.) Possible effect of nitroglycerine on chorea .1. Nerv. ar l'arsenic a hantes doses. 4°. Paris, 1895. AUo [Abstr.], in: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 864-866. Ada ins (J. A.) Neuritis supervening during the treat- ment of chorea hy arsenic. Laueet, Lond., 1894, i, 332.— Albarel (P.) Choree de Sydenham avec paralysies; traitement par l'acide arsenienx; guerison. J. de clin. et de the-rap. inf., Par., 1897, v, 803-805. —Aran. Choree grave guerie par l'aeide ars6nieux. Union ni6tl., Par., 1859. 2. s., ii, 18-21. AUo: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop.de Par. (1858-61), 1861, iv, 259-263.—Bokai (J.), jun. Chorea mi- nor, arsen-kezel6s, herpes zoster. Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 521-525. Also, iransl.: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1884, n. F., xxi, 411-416. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883, xix, 609-611.— Cheadle (W. B.) The influence of treatment on chorea, with special relation to the full use of arsenic and its re- sults. Pr ictitioner, Lond., 1886, xxxvi, 81-92. — t'omby (J.) Traitement tie la chor6e tie Sydenham par l'arsenic M6d. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 529. — Hollander (A.) Zur Arsenbehandlung der Chorea. Centralbl. f. d. ges. The- rap., Wien, 1886, iv, 385-387. — ITIariani (J. M.) Trata- miento del corea por el&cido arsenioso. Rev.d.med.y cirug. pr^ct., Madrid, 1887, xx, 517-522. AUo, in his: Retazos clin., 8°, Madrid, 1890, 208-213. — JTlinot (F.) Case of chorea treated by arsenic. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1882, cvi, 319.—O verend (W.) On the value of arsenic and hella- donna in the treatment of chorea. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 248. — Bousscl. Du traitement de la chor6e par la liqueur do Fowler a haute dose. Loire m6d., St.-l£tienue, 1891, x. 305-319.—Sawyer (J.) Large doses of arsenic in chorea. Brit.M.J..Lond.. 1882,ii,I240. -----. Further note on the use of arsenic in chorea. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1888, xxiii, 1.—Smith (F. J.) On the hypodermic use of ar- senic in chorea. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Loud., 1^94-5, 100-104. — Waxhaui (F. E.) Arsenic hypodermieally in the treatment of chorea of children, with report of a case. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1896, ii, 103. Chorea (Treatment of) by electricity. Bnraduc. Chor6e trait6e par l'aimantation. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par. (1882), 1883, 51-54.—Bouzol. Note sur deux c .s do choree trait6s par raimant. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. do Lyon (1880), 1881, xx, pt. 2, 34-39.—Brower (D. R.) Some observations on the use of static electricity in the treatment of chorea minor. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass.. [Chicago], 1894,358-361. Also: N. Am. Pract, Chicago, 1895, vii, 61-63. — Bana (C. L.) Galvanization of the hrain, and its value in tho treat- ment of chorea. Med. News, Phila., 1883. xliii, 535-539.— Gautier (G.) Traitement et gu6rison d'un cas do chor6e par l'application des courants continus. Bull. Soc. tie m6d. prat, de Par., 1889, 816-819. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1890, vi, 47-49.—dc iTI an (M. J.) Bericht aangaande een chorea St. Viti, of St. Vitus dans, door de electriciteit geneezen. Verhandl. uit"eg. d. tie Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1770, xii, pt. 2, 91-104.— Rcgnicr (L.-R.) Cas do choree tie Sydenham rapidement guerie par les bains electrostatiqio s. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1895, xxix, 380-382. — B©ckwell (A. D.) On tho treat- ment of paralysis agitans and chorea by central galvaniza- tion and general faradization. N. Emi. M. Month., New- town, 1881-2, i, 6-8. Chorea (Treatment of) with exalgin. Anderson (M'C.) Chorea treated with exalgin. Glas- gow M. J., 1893, xl, 109. — Bana ( C. L.) Treatment of chorea by exalgine. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1892 xix, 525-527. —Hu.lah.off (S. K.) Exalgine bij chorea minor. Nederl. Vereen. v. Paediat, Voortlr., Utrecht 1895, iv, 53-58.—Joris (A.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Chorea mit Exalgin. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 1748. — ■iowcnthal (H.) Behandlung der Chorea St! Viti mit Exalgin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 95.— JTIetteuheiincr (C.) Exalgin im Veitstanz. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1893-4, xvii. 417-419. — lTIoncorvo. Sur un cas de choree trait6 par l'exalgine et suivi de gue- rison. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc], Par, 1890, cxix, 433- 438. -----. Sur le traitement de la chor6e par l'exaleine. Ibid., 1892, exxii, 437-447. Chorea in animals. Albrecht ( M.) Ueber Veitstanz heim Rinde Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1892-3, xix, 405- 425.— Champetier. Sur la choree des ieunes chiens Rec. de in6d. vet. Par., 1893, 7. s., x, 289-292. — Madden (W. B.) The pathology of caume chorea. Tr. Path Soc Lond.. 1882-3, xxxiv, 308.—Horsley (V.) Canine chorea' Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 54-56.—Quincke (H.) Ueher sogenannte "Chorea" heim Hund. Arch. f. evper. Path u. Pharmakol.. Leipz., 1885, xix, 370-372. — Triboulet (H.) Production experinientale d'une maladie k mouve- ments choreiformes chez le chien. Rev. meus tl noil de l'enf., Par., 1892, x, 219-221. -----. La chnee du chien ct nvcy voearl- Chorea in animals. l'infection choreiquo chez le chien. In: Richet (C ) Phi- siol. Trav. tlu lab., X>, Tar., 1895, iii, 175-202.— V (W.) ChoreaSancti Viti bij vaikens. Tijdschr v senijk. en veeteelt, Amst., 1886, xiii, 181-184. Chorea in children. See, also, Paralysis (Infantile). Bonnaud (P.) * Contribution a l'dtude tie la choree infantile d'apres '2:55 observations recuel- lies a la Clinique des maladies des enfants 4 Lyon, 1890. Pompe (L. T.) De chorea inprimis minoii. 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 18i">7. Ser it (F.) * Ueber Chorea minor, mit Zu- gruudelegnng (lreier selbst beobachtetcr Fiille aus der Poliklinik fiir Kinderkrankheiten iu Miinchen. 12°. Miinchen, 1875. SxriiiiES (O.) On chorea aud other allied movement disorders of early lile. 12-. London 1881. Rauincl (L.) La chor6e chez l'enfant. Union m6il Par., 1891, 3. s., Hi, 25-30.-BecUer (,T.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Chorea im Kindesalter. Arch. f. Kinderh Stuttg., 1886-7, viii, 428-443. — Burr (C. W.) The treat ment of the acute chorea of childhood. Phila. Polyclin. 1895, iv, 313.—Cook (G. W.) The relation of chorea anti rheumatism in children. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1895, xxxi 510-512. Also: Tr. Wash. Obst. . Lehmaxx ( F. ) *Casuistische Beitriige zur Kenntniss der im Yerlanfe y-on Chorea auftre- tetiden Pay chosen. 8~\ Berlin, [1.-8V]. Rousseau (E.-O.-A.) * Nature des psychoses choreiques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896. Ball (B.) Be la folie chore-ique. France me-d., Par., 1886, i, 325-331.—Berkley (IL J.) A case of chorea iu- saniens, with a contribution to the germ theory of chorea. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1890-91, ii, 317-338.-----. A case of chorea minor occurring during au attack of maniacal excitement in an adult. Johns Hopkius Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1895,vi, 44 —Bernstein (A. N.) Psikhickes- kiya proyavleniya maloi khorel. [Psychical phenomena in'chorea minor.] Arch, psicbiat. [etc.], Varshava, 1896, xxvii, no. 1, 1-15. AUo, transl.: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. jetc.j. Berl., 1896-7, liii,538-553.—t'oneu (T. P.) Maniacal chorea in a male adolescent. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1897, xliii, 321-324.—Diller (T.) Chorea in the adult a- seen among the insane. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1890, n. s., xcix, 329-349. Also, Reprint.—Donkin (H. B.) & Ilebb (K. G.) A ease of chorea: death with symptoms of acute mania. Med.Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1884, ii, 743-745.—CJay (W.) Chorea insauieus. Brain, Lond., 1889, xii, 151-156.— Gee (S.) Chorea iusaniens. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1886, xxii, 89-93. — fiovsieyeff (A. A.) K vo- prosu ob otnoshenii khorel k psikhozam i organicheskim zabollevaniyam mozga. [ On the relation of chorea to psychoses and organic diseases of the brain. ] Arch. psichiat. [etc.], Kharkov, 1887, ix, no. 2,1-15.—Harrigau (C.P.) Folie musculaire, with report of a case. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890, xxi. 321. — Kuauer. Drei ca- suistische Beitrage /ur Lehre von den Psychosen mit Chorea. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1897, i. 339-347. —Koralerski (P. I.) Khoreya i khorelcbeskoye suniashestvie. [Chorea and choreic insanity. ] Arch. psicbiat. [etc.], Kharkov, 1889, xiv, uo. 3. 1-42. Also, Re- print.— Kurella (II.) Impulsiver Diebstahl einer Cho- reatischen. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl.. 1894, li, 770-780.—Mob ills (P. J.) TJeber Seelenstdrungen bei Chorea. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 925; 943. AUo, ia his: Neurol. Beitr., 8°, Leipz., 1894, Hft. 2, 123- 138.—Powell (E.) Two fatal cases of acute chorea, with insanity. Brain. Lond., 18.-9. xii, 157-160. Also: Brit.M. J.. Lond.. 1889, i, 21.—Regis (E.) Xote sur un cas de folie ehoreique. J. de metl. de Bordeaux, 18*9-90, xix, 579—">81. — Rossi (K.i Melanconia e corea. Sperimen- tale, Firenze ls>;i. lxiii, 337-358 —Schuchardt. Chorea und I'sychose. All-. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1887, xliii, 337-372. — Wejjlas (J.) Quelques considera- tions sur lt-tat mental dans les chorties. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Be!g.,Cand ei Leipz., 1888, no. 51, 342-354. Also, tram!.: Med. Age. Detroit, 1889, vii, 313-316. — Stedman (H. R.) Xotes on a case of acute chorea in an adult, associated with profound mental disturbance. Boston M. &. S.J., 1883, cviii, 76-79.—Wiglesworlh (J.) | Two cases of insanity associated with chorea. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1882-3, n. s*, xxviii, 56-61. — Ziuu (K.) Bezie- hungen derChorea zu Geistesstorung. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1896, xxviii, 411-431. Chorea major. See Chorea (Hysterical). Chorea in negroes. Are wry (W. F.) Chronic progressive chorea (hered- itary chorea; Hnutiugtou's chorea); report of an interest- ing ease in a negro. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1895, vii, 318- 323.— Tliillieioii (.T. J.) Chorea in a negro boy. Med. Age, Detroit, 1887, v. 242. —Rov I P. S.) A case <'>f chorea in a negro. Med. Rec, X. V.. 18:i2, xiii, 215. — Miukler (W.) Chorea in the negro. Med. Xews, Phila., 1882, xii, 406. Chorea in old age. Friedrich (J. j *Eiu Fall vou chronisciier Chorea im hoheren Lehensalter. *°. Bonn, [i-yo]. Nicolas (E.) *De la choree vulgaire chez le vicillard. 4°. Nancy, 1883. Sii.ex (P.) * Ueber Chorea adultorum uud Tremor senilis. ~ . Breslau, [18**]. Anders (J. M.) A case of senile chorea. Proc. Phila. U. M. Soc, Phila., 1889, x, 86-89. Also: J.Am. M. Ass., Chicngo, 1889. xii, 688-690. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888-9, xx, 467-469. AUo: Med. Bull., Phila., 1889, xi, 182. Chorea in old age. AUo: Polyclinic, Phila'., 1888-9, vi, 296-298. — Ferguson (J.) Hemichorea in an aged person. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 92.—Ferrier. A case of senile chorea; mania; recov- ery Ibid., 1891, i, 1379. — Fry ( F. K. ) Chorea in the aged. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas City, 1891. 149-154. Also: J. Nerv. .v. Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1891, xviii, 590-G00.— Herz (M.) Eiu Fall vou Chorea senilis. Wien. metl. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 361-363.—de Nasca (G.) Su di un caso di corfea essenziale in donna di 79 anni. Resoc. Ac- cad. med.-chir. di Xapoli, 1885. xxxix, 187-189. Also, in his: Coll. de . . . opusc. scient.-lued., 8°, Xapoli, 1887, 129- 133.'— \ixon (C.J.) Senile chorea. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1889, vii, 58-62. Also: Dubliii J. M. Sc, 1889, lxxxvii, 372-375. — Remak ( E. ) Hemichorea senilis. Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1S93. xii, 538-542.— Riesmau ( D.) Chorea in the aged, with report of a case of the disease in a nian aired seventy-five years. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1897, cxiv, 180-190.—Sa'iinil by (It.) On chorea in the aged. Lancet, Lond., 1884 ii, 94S. — Molliei- (P.) Hemichoree chez un vieillard; absence de lesions a l'autopsie. Bull. Soc. auat. tie Par., 1888, lxiii, 592. — Sucliling. Senile chorea in a woman aged 53. Birmingh. M. Lev., 1892, xxxi, 209-211.—Tissier (P.) Choree cbez une femme de 79 ans; mort; ramollissement cortical. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 85-92. Chorea in pregnancy and puerperal state. Arai (K.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chorea gravidarum. 8C. Erlangen, 1895. Foxtkxeau (H.) * Contribution & l'dtude de la choree gravidique. 4J. Paris, 1893. Gayiiakd (H.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la choree tics fcniines enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1884. Groeschxer (H.) * Beitrag zur Chorea gra- vidarum. 8°. Greifswald, 1881. Hekve (P.) *De la chor6e pendant la gros- sesse. 4°. Le Mans, 1884. Hocquet (M.-E.) * Des rapports de la choree gravidique avec l'hyste'rie. 4°. Paris, 18-8. Kroner (M. [L.j\) * Ueber Chorea gravida- rum. 8-. Berlin, 1896. Riche (R.) *De la chor6e gravidique. 4°. Paris, 1891. Ruhemann(W.) * Ueber Chorea gravidarum. 8°. Berlin, 1*89. Rrouardel. Primipare; chor6e apparaissant des lo (16but de la grossesse; traitement arsenical; guerison; choice ant6rieure. Paris metl., 1884, ix, 354. — Rue (V.) De la chor6e gravidique. Presse in6d., Par., 1894, 279. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii. 47-53 — Buist (R. C.) Chorea gravidarum; a statistical review of published cases. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1894-5, xx, 134- 153, 1 tab. on 2 1. — Cameron (J. C.) Hemichorea in pregnancy caused hy acute retroflexion of the gravid ute- rus. Montreal M. J., 1891-2, xx, 499-501. -----. Acaseiu which chorea occurred iu two subsequent pregnancies; spontaneous delivery at term; recovery. Ibid., 1895-6, xxiv, 491. — Catterson (T. L.) Case of chorea iu preg nancy. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1896, iv, 8.— Charles (X.) De la chor6e pendant la grossesse; deux cas cbez (bs primipares. suivis de mort. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1886, vii, 181.—Churtou (T.) Three cases of cho- rea occurring dining pregnancy. Prov. il. .T., Leicester, 1886, v, 290. — Collier ("W.) ' Chorea complicated with pregnancy; immediate relief following the production of abortion. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1897, xhi, 243. — Crouch (M. J.) Chorea; with report of case c implicating preg- nancy. Am. Pract. Sc Xews, Louisville, 1895. xix. 91-93.— Dakin i \V. R.) Seven cases of pregnancy complicated by chorea. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lix, 571-584. —Davis (T. (}.) A case of chorea during pregnancy. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 431.—Dc CJiovanni (A.) Sulla corea gesticolatoria o del Sydenham. Clin. mod.. Firenze, 1896, ii. 29-33.—Didier. Ilemieboree ties dernieis jours de la grossesse; accouchement laborious ; guerison. Bull. Soc. auat.-clin. tie Lille, 1892, vii, 80-84.—Dodge (C. L.) Cho- rea of pregnancy and of the aged. Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, liii, 98. — Dufonrnier. De la choree gravidique. Bull, nied., Par., 1894, viii, 1031-1033. — Kherson (J. H.) Een geval van chorea gravidarum. Nederl. Tijdsebr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1894, v, 215-227.— Fesleu- berg. Ein Eall vou schwerer Chorea wiihrend der Schwangerschaft mit rc.bergang in Manio; Heilung durch kiinstliche Fehlgeburt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 196. — Flynn (M.) Ilemi-chorea iu pregnancy; with uotes on two cases. Meil.Ti neaic Hosp. Caz., Loiid., 1896, xxiv, 465. — Ilanilfielil-Jones f the pregnant uterus in chorea. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1891), 1892. xxxiii, 486. Also: Brit. M. .1.. Loud., 1891 ii 1261. — Hubert ( E.) Choree des femmes eu- CHOREA. 618 CHOREA. Chorea in pregnancy and puerperal state. ceintes. Rev. med.,'Lonvain, 1890, ix. 529-534. —Kemper (Cr.W.H.) A caseof cliorea gravidarum. Med. Rec, X.\ . 1887, xxxi, 608.— 1>.-inlos (E.) Ein Fall von Chorea und Hypeiemesis wall rend der Schwangerschaft. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 308. AU<*: Pest, med.-chir. Pi esse. Budapest, 1895. xxxi, Mi5-867.—.UrCanu (K.J.) Chorea gravida! um. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lund. d8Uli. 1892, xxxiii, 413; 466— Marshall (Clara). A report of two cases of cliorea occurring during pregnancy. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 204. — llarx ( S. ) Chorea et epilepsia gravidarum; a clinical stud v. Am. J. Obst, N". Y".w 1892, xxv, 642-651. — ITliles ( G. \V. ) Chorea in pregnancy. Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii,500.—iTIuleur. Choree; gros- sesse; mort au quatri6me mois. Paris med., 1884, ix, 354.— Tinn4. 12°. Pavia, lHr>r>. Bezy. Fn cas de maladie de Bergeron. Bull. Soc. do m6d. de Toulouse, 1892, ii, 60-71.—Bonveret(L) &Cur- tillet(L) ITn cas de myoclonic (chore* electrique de Ber- geron) ; amelioration rapide par rantipvrine. Lvon med., 1890, lxv, 213-222. — van iler IS tut-hi van Lichtcm- bergh. Een geval vau chorea eleetrica. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1*83, vii, 765.— Duprat (A.) Chor6e 61ectrique. Ann. mod.-chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1886, ii, 102-105. — Eshncr (A. A.) A case of elec- trical chorea. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1896, n. s., xxi, 485. Also: Metl. Rec. N. Y., 1896, 1, 50. — <*iroln. Della corea elettrica osservata in Pavia da A. Piguacca ; suuto con rinessioni. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di To- rino, 1856, 2. s., xxvii, 481-501. — Oroeco (P.) Studii e considerazioni sulla corea elettrica o malattia del Dubiui. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1884, ct-lxix, 429-460.— AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Lond. M. Rec, 1885, xiii, 316.— Hare (II. A.) A case of electric cliorea or habit spasm, and one of aphasia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. s., i, 186-192.—.Vlassalongo (R.) Corea elettrica o mioclonia elettroide di origine gastrica. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 471-475. —.Pott. Fall von Chorea eleetrica. Miiucheu. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 174; 176. AUo: Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Hallo a. S. 1890-91, Miin- chen, 1892, i, 72-76.— Wee (G.) De la choree electrique. Semaine m6d., Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 89. — Tordeus (E.) De l'electrolepsie ou chor6e 61ectrique. J. tie ra6d., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1883, Ixxvi, 209-223. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1883, i, 176-178. Cliorea (Epidemic). Aem.mer (V.) *Eiue ttckulepideuiie von Tre- mor hystericus (sogenannte Chorea-Epidemie). 8C. Basel, 1893. Hecker(J. F. C.) Die Tanzwuth, eine Volks- kraukheit im Mittelalter. Nach den Quellen fiir Aerzte nnd gebildete Nichtiirzte bearbeitet. 8-. Berlin, 1832. Cliorea (Epidemic). ------. Thesame. De danswoetle, cene volkv ziekte der lnidtlelccuwcn in de N't-derlamlcn, Duitschlautl en Italic, volgcns het Moogduifscli van . . . doorG. J. Pool. 8°. Amsterdam, IS',;'. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834. xii, 312-392. ------. The same. Memoire stir la clinrce cpideiiiiqiiH tin moyen age. Trad, tie l'iilleinaiul par Ferdinand Dubois. 8°. [Paris, Hiil.J ------. Thesame. Tho dancing mania of tlie middle ages. Transl. by 1$. G. Babington. n New York, 1885. Skoldbkug (S. E.) Om Chorean iuoin JJin- ktipiugs liin och det deraf uppkomina religiiisa svarmeriet. [Chorea in the district of Jiiiiktip- iug, and religions fanaticism resulting from it ] 12°. Jonkoping, 1813. Choreoinania. Gaz. med. da Bahin, 1882-3. 2. s., vii, 445-453.— Gemma (A. M.) Delia coreomania dei metlio-evo e coufronto di essa cou una dan/.imania ron-ntr avvenuta nellaproviuciadi I'rcscia. (jazz. d. osp., Milano 1887, viii, 417; 425; 433.—Liaquer (L.) Ueber eine Cho- rea-Epidemie. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Leipz.. 1888, xiv, 1045. — fjeuch. Eine sogenannte Cliorea Kpidemie in der Sehule. Cor.-P.1. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basil, W%, xxvi, 465-476, 1 suppl. 1.—Manzalora (M.) La mania saltatoria nel medio evo. Osservatore med., Palermo. 1882, 3. s., xii, 97; 195.— Stephanos (C.) Sur l'existenee ac- tuelle tie la choreomanie 6pidemiquo du moyen Age. As- soc, franc, pour l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r. 1883, Par., 1884, xii, 814.—Slooss (M.) Eiue sogenannte Veitstanz-Epidemie (Hysterie). Med. Ber. ii. d. Thatigk. d. Jenner'seh. Kin- dersp. iu Bern (1891-4), 1895, xxix, 34-42.— Wirlimniiii (R.) Eine sogenannte Veitstanzepideraie in WililluiU. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1890, xvi, 632 ; 05!). Chorea (Habit). See, also, Chorea (Laryngeal). Dercum (F. X. ) Adult cliorea. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, iii, 292-297, 4 pl.—Fort (S. J.) A case of habit spasm. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii, 96-98.- Osler ( W.) On the form of convulsive tic associated with coprolalia [etc.]. Med. News. Phila., 1890, lvii, 6(5- 647. AUo, Reprint. -----. On the classification of the tics or habit movement. Tr. Am. Petliat. Soc, N. Y., 1896, viii, 215-219.—lie !Ht liwt inilz (G. E.) Some cases of habit chorea, and their treatment. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888, xix, 83-87. Also: Polyclin., Philn., 1887-8, v, 358-361.— Winkler (W.) Habit chorea. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, I'bila., 1896, xi, 149-160. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1897, n. s., cxiii, 559-566. Chorea (Hereditary). See, also, Chorea (Pathology of). Blankknstkin (M.) * Ueber Cliorea chronica progressiva (adultoruni). [ Wurtzburg. ] *"-'. Berlin, 1*93. Esskk (W. [J. L. C.]) * Ueber Huntington'- sche Chorea. H~. Berlin, [1891]. Grimm (E.) * Neue Fiille von Chorea heredi- taria chronica darnnter einer mit Sektiousbe- fund. .>°. Bonn, 1896. Hukt (E.) *De la choree chronique. 4°. Paris, l*-9. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 18**-9. Jaudel (E.) * Contribution a l'histoire de la choree chronique. 4-. Nancy, 1^94. Juvaux (A.) ' 'Contribution a l'Stude de la chor6e chronique lie>e\litaire. 4°. Paris, JriW. Lenoir ( G.) * Etude sur la choree here"di- taire. 4C. Lyon, 1888. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1**8. Mayer (J.) * Ueber Chorea chronica heredi- taria (Huntiugton'sche Chorea). [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Buhl, 1897. Rau (J.) * Ein Fall von congenitaler Cliorea. 8U. Berlin, [1887]. Vigxaiu Dupuy de St.-Florent (A.) m choree congenitale. 4°. Paris, 189f>. -----. Thesame. -. Paris, 1890. Arostegui (G.) Dela c6reacr6nica progresiva (ting. metl. region, tie Cuba. Habana, 1890, 537-544j-Ballel (W La choree congenitale. Bull, med., Par.. 1896. x, ^3-226.- Kaylac. Observation de choree chroui(]iie avec nMnw simdahe. Hull. Socle ...ed. de Toulouse, 1891, .. 149-59- IticrnacLi (E.) Pls^awicu lUiedziezna przewlekia. CHOREA. Chorea (Hereditary). (Chorea Huntingtonii; chorea hereditaria adultorum; cho- rea hereditaria chronica; chorea chronica progressiva; chorea chronica.) Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1890, xi, 103-127. AUo transl: Klin, sbornik. hosp. terap klin. imp. Var- scliav.TJniv., 1890, ii, 341-373. Also.tr-iitsl [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 485-489—Biomli (A.) Con- tribntoallostudiodellacoreacrouica progressiva. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1897, xiv, 385-416.—Bower (J. L.) Notes on some cases of chorea antl tremor. 1. Nerv. & Ment. Bis.. N. Y., 1890, xvii. 131-142.—Brush (A. C.) Hunt- ington's chorea. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 305.—Butler (\V M.) Huntington's chorea, with reportof two additional eases. N. Am. J. Homoeop., X. T., 1894, 3. s., ix, 139-143.— I'nrtlarelli. Corea cronica. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1896, xiii. 54-59.—Carriere. Sur uu cas do choree h6r6ditaire d'Huntiiigtun; toxieite urinaire dans cette maladie. J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1897. xxvii, 291.—t'asazza (A.) Un caso di corea di Huntington. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 1-4.—Caviglia (P.) Contribuzione alio studio clinico della corea ereditaria. Riv. din., Milano, 1890, xxix, 287-298. —ChailflTard (A.) Choree recidivante et de- venue chronique avec transmission par h6redit6 similaire. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. tl. hop. do Par., 1895, 3. s.,xii, 312- 317.—Cirincione (G.) & Mirto (G.) Corea cronica progressiva e corea di Huntington. Psichiatria, Napoli, 1889, vii, 343: 1890, viii, 18.—Clarke (M. J.) Ou Hunting- ton's chorea. Brain, Loud., 1897, xx, 22-34, 3 pl.—Costa (J. R.) Sobre uu caso di corea de Huntington. Bev. Soe. med. Argent., Buenos Aires. 1894, iii, ^166-171. Also [Abstr.]: Semaua m6d., Buenos Aires, 1894, i, 150.—('onto (M.) Bachoreade Huntington. Brazil-metL, Riode Jan., 1891,341-344.— Oilier (T.) Some observations on tho he- reditary form of chorea, with the report of a case. Am. J. M. Sc,"Phila., 18*9, n. «.. xcviii, 585-593. AUo, Reprint.— Dos Santos (M.) Um caso de chorda chronica. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1891-2, 4. s., 49-56.—Breves (A.) Ueber Chorea chronica progressiva. [Rev. by M. Binsch.] Neu- rol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1892, xi, 79.—Uunn (J . I Congeni- tal chorea; two cases. Virginia M. Month., Richmoud. 1892-3,xix, 825-835. AUo, Reprint. — E wall! (0. A.) Zwei Falle choreatischer Zwangsbewegnngen mit ansgespro- chener Hereditat. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883-4, vii, Supplhft., 51-57. —Ganghofncr ( F. ) Ueber Chorea chronica. Prag. med. Wchuschr., 1895, xx, 101; 115.— Gray (L. C.) A case of Huntingtou's chorea, also one of congenital Huntington's chorea (the tirst on record). N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 159.—Greppin (L.) Ueber einen Fall Huntington'scber Chorea. Arch. f. Psvcbiat., Berl., 1892, xxiv, 155-190, 1 pl.— Hay (C. M.) Hereditary chorea, with a contribution of eight additioual cases ot the dis- ease. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 463-472. Also, Reprint. -----. Hereditary chorea, with the report of a case complicated by exophthalmic goitre. Am. Lancet, Betroit, 1891, n.s.. xv, 284-287.— Hoffmann (J.) Ueber Chorea chronica progressiva (Huntington sche Chorea, Chorea hereditariai. Arch, f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1888, cxi,513-548.—Huber (A.) ChoreahereditariaderEi-waeh- senen (Huntiugtou'sche Chorea.) Ibid., 1887, cviii, 267- > Huntington (G.) [Hereditary chorea ] Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1872, xxvi, 32u. — Johnston (G. F.) A case of congenital chorea. Tr. M. Soc. Lond.. 1894-5, xviii, 383. -----. Ou so-called congenital chorea. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., ex, 377-389 —.lolly (F.) Ueber Chorea hereditaria. Neurol. Centralbl. Leip/.. 1891, x, 321-326.—Kast. Ein Fall von Chorea chronica, progressiva (Huntington). Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi. "Ver.-Beih, 186—King (C.) Hereditary cliorea. X. York M. J., 1885, \li, 468-470. ----. Another case of hereditary chorea. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 674-677. —---. A third case of hereditarv chorea. Med. News. Phila., 1889, lv. 39-41— Klippel Sc Bucellicr (F.) l.'n cas de choree bertditaire de l'adnlte (maladie de Huntington). Enc6- phale, Par.. 1888, viii, 716-723.—Koiuilofl (A. A.) Cho- rea chronica hereditaria. Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psicbiat. inevropatol.. St. Petersb., 1888-9, vi, no. 2, .>-.".0._l.aii- nois(M.) Choice heieditaire. Kev. de med., Par.. 1**8, viii, 645-681.— I^niiuois (M.) & Chapuis. Nouveau cas dechor£eh6r6ditaire. Mcm.etcompt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1892), ls9:;. xxxii. 150-162. Also: Lyon metl., 1893, lxxii, 1-14. — tlat tlonjjall (A. R.) Chrouic chorea of foil\ -one years'dura tion. nerve stretching for relief of pain. Lancet, Lond , 18x5, i, 742.— tl'I.earn (J. C.) A case of chorea of fifteen years' standing in a mau aged fifty-six. Ibid., 337.—.Tlen'zies (W. F.) Cases of hereditary cho- rea ( Huntington s disease). J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1892, xxxviii, 560: 1893, xxxix, 50, 1 ch., lpl. — dn Ilesnil •le Rochemont. Ueber die sog. Huntington'scbe Cho- rea; Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1895-0, n. F., iv, 28; 36. — .llirto (G.) Sulla corea cronica pro- gressiva; nuovo contributo clinico. Riforma! med., Na- poli, 1891, vii, pt. 3, 289-294. — Worst Hi (E.) Corea tar- diva. recidivante e suoi rapporti con la forma cronica di Huntington. Clin. mod.. Firenze, 1896, ii, 107-109.— Olgski (I. M.) K ucheniyu o pripadkakh Huntington'- ovol Vittovol plya.ski. [On attacks of Huntington's St. Vihrs's dance, j Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 858-860.— 619 CHOREA. Cliorea (Hereditary). Oppenheini. Eine seltene Motilitatsneurose (Chorea hereditaria?). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 309.— Osier (W.) Hereditarv chorea. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.. Bah.., 1889-90, i, 110. -----. Remarks on the varie- ties of chronic chorea, antl a report upon two families of the hereditarv form, with one autopsy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xx, 97-111. Also, Reprint.-----. Case of hereditary chorea. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1894, v, 119.—Perctti (J.) Ueber hereditaro chorcatische Bewegnngssttiriingen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 19K>, xxii, 824; 858. — Phelps ( R. M.) A new consideration of hereditary chorea. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. N. V., 1892 xix, 765-776. Also, Reprint. — Piechiui (L.) Sc Conti (A.) Contributo alio studio della corea cronica en-ditaiia degli atlulti. Gazz. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1895, xv, 96; 115; 155. — Pieraeeiui (G.) Sulla sintomatologia deila corea doll' Huntington; caso clinico o considera- zioni. Segno, Fireuze, 1889-90, i, 257-277. —Preston (G. J.) Congenital chorea; with report, of a case. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 350. — Bedlenbaeher ( L.) Chorea (Huntington); gebessert eutlassen. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1897, iv, pt. 2, 74. — Remnk ( E.) Zur Chorea hereditaria. Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1891, x, 326; 361. —Reynolds (E. S.) Hereditary or Huntington's chorea. Med. Chron., Man- chester, 1892, xvi, 21-28.— Rieder. Chorea minor con- genita bei Idiotismus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 603. — Ruflini (A.) Sopra una nuova forma di atrofia muscolare neuropatica riscontrata in un caso di corea cronica progressiva, con considerazioni cli- niche ed auatonio-patologiche intorno al caso stesso. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1892, 7. s., iii, 245-266, 1 pl.— Russell (J. W. ) Two cases of hereditary chorea, occurring in twins. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1894, xxxv, 31- 33.— Schilling. Chorea chronica progressiva, Hun- tington'scbe Cliorea. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, xvi, 559. — Schlesingcr (H.) Ueber einige seltenero Formen der Chorea; Chorea chronica hereditaria. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xx, 127-136. -----. Ueber einige seltenere Alien der Chorea; ii, Chorea chronica congenita. Ibid., 506-513. — Schmidt (A.) Zwei Fiille vou Chore;'. chronica progressiva. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892, xviii, 585-587. — Scppilli (G.) Corea ereditaria (corea tl' Huntiugton; corea cronica progres- siva). Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Ernilia, 1887-8, xiii, 453-459.—Sinlder (W.) Two additional cases of hered- itary chorea. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. N. Y., 1889. xvi, 69- 91. AUo, Reprint. -----. Hereditary chorea, with rt port of three additional cases, and details of an autopsy in a case. Tr. M. Soc Virg., Richmond, 1891, 210-212. Alco: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 281-285. Also, Reprint. — Stephens (L. C.) Hereditary chorea. Report of seven cases. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1892, 101-106.— Suckling (C.W. ) Hereditary chorea ( HiuitingtcuVi chorea). Birmingh. M. Rev., is89, xxvi, 162. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1039.—T.-imbroni & Finzi. Un caso di corea dell' Huntington. Boll. d. manic prov. di Ferrara, 1897, xxv, 1-4. — Tillani (G.) Contributo alio studio della corea cronica progressiva. Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 1, 795; 808; 818; 832. — Wilson (J. C.) Note on a case of chronic progressive chorea. J. Nerv. & Ment. Di3., N. Y., 1896, xxiii, 108- 111. [Discus- sion], 131. — Zacher. Ueber einen Fall von hereditiirer Chorea der Erwachsenen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1888. vii, 34-37. Chorea (Hysterical). See, also, Chorea (Epidemic). Dettling (G.-E.) fDe hi (horde arytlnniqiie hysteiique. 4°. Lyon, 1892. -----. The sume. 8°. Paris, 1892. Hokciiolle. * Contribution a l'^tutle de la chor6e rhythnice. 4°. Paris, 18**. Jasix.ski (P.) * Ueber Chorea major. 8°. Wiirzburg, 18*4. Kessel (F.) * Ueber Cliorea nia^iia (major) sive Gerinanorum. *':. Uerdingen, l*l99. Toche (P.) * Hysteric et eliorde de Syden- ham. 4°. Paris, 1891. Albert (E.) Contribution a l'6tude de la chor6e hyste- rique sur un cas de chor6e hysterique arythmique ayant succed6 il uu rhumatisme articulaire. Gaz. tl. hop., Bar., 1895, lxviii, 262-261.—Anche (B.) De la choree hyste- rique arythmique. Progres m6d.. Par, 1891, 2. s., xiv, 435-437.—Auchc (B.) & Carriere (G.) De l'beroicho- ree arythmique hysterique. Arch. clin. tie Bordeaux, 1895, iv, 74-86.— Bekhteretr (V. M.) [ Bechterew (W. M.) in German transl.]. Tyazhkaya plyaska (chorea gravis). Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1896, iv, no. 3, 39-78. Also, transl: Therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1896, iii, 1073; 1097.—Boinet (E.) Tremblemeut, tic, choree rythmee et syndrome fruste tie Parkinson (hi nature hysterique. Pro- gres med., Par., 1891, 2. s, xiv, 21: 61.—Charcot. Treni- blements, mouvements choreifonnes et choree rbythmeo. CHOKE A. 620 CHORKa. Chorea (Hysterical). Ibid.. 1885, 2. s., i, 223; 249. —De Rilis (M.) Pseudo- corea isterica di origine iraitativa. Ann. clin. d. osp. in- cur.. Napoli. 1887. xii, 369-381.—Doiialli ( J. ) Ueber Chorea hysterica. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1897, xxxiii, 393-395. — I.agrange (E.) Un cas de choree hys- terique (gueri par la solanmc). Poitou m6d., Poitiers, 1895, ix, 197-199.—Lareran. Au sujet de la choice hys- terique. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1891, 3. s., viii, 285-290.—Mackenzie (H. W. G.) A case of hysterical chorea of tour years' duration which was com- plicated with mitral stenosis: treatment by blistering; rapid antl permanent cure. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1891, n. s., Iii, 651.—.Tinthicn (A.) Un cas de choree hysteiique suns stigmates hysteriques. Gaz. d.bop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 887. —.Mitchell (S. W.) Choreoid movements in an adult male, probably of hysterical origin ; relation- ship to habit-chorea. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 231- 2:i5. — iMorirourt. Chor6e hysterique; crises caracte- ris6es par l'hypochoiidrie suivie bientot d'un hesoin hup6- rieux de marcher, tie crier, de chanter; guerison par le cuivre intus et extra. France m6d., Par., 1889, i, 469- 472. — Perret. Chor6e et hysterie. Province ni6d., Lyon, 1891, v, 427; 441.—Roque. Choree rythni6e de nature hysterique. Lyon med., 1892, lxx, 398.—Wee (G.) Des pseiido-chor6es rhythmiques; spasmes toniques et ties. Semaine ni6d.. Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 113.—Scelig- uiiillcr. Ueber Chorea magna und ihre Behandlung. Tagebl. tl. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Salzh., 1881, liv, pt. 2, 189-191. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 584.—Seglas (J.) Choice de Sydenham et choree rythmique chez une hysterique. Bull, et, m6m. Soc. med. d. bop. de Par., 1891, 3'. s., viii, 164.—Smith (P. B.) Hysterical cliorea. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 11. Chorea (Laryngeal). Rlachez. La choree du larynx. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 692-694. Also [Ahstr.]: Bull. Acad, de ra6d. de Par., 1883, 2. s., xii, 1224— Ilolileu (E.) A con- tribution to the study of cliorea laryngis. Tr. Am. Laryn- gol. Ass., N. Y., 1884, vi, 128-133.—Knight (F. I.) Cho- rea laryngis. Arch. Laryngol.. N. Y., 1883, iv, 180-186.— Lac ile Rosredou. Choree laryugienue trait6e avec succes par le valerianate acide d'atropine. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1857, xxx, 215.—Licdbetter (S. L.) Report of a case of laryngeal chorea. Alabama M. & S. J., Birmingh., 1886, i, 387-391.—Leflerts. Chorea of the laryngeal muscles (chorea laryngenlis). St. Louis M. & S. J., 1880, xxxviii, 92-102. AUo, Keprint.—Major (G. W.) Clinical notes on chorea laryngis; with case record. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1885-6, xiv, 337-340.—Masucci (P.) Due casi di corea della laringe. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1885-6, v, 135-140.—Nicoll (J. H.) Laryngeal chorea. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 576-578. Chorea (Localized). Sec Chorea ( Unilateral and localized). Chorea (Post-paralytic). See, also, Athetosis. Firgau (F.) * Ein Fall von Hemichorea post- paralytica mit eigenthiimlicheu Mitbewegun- gen. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Gruxewald (H.) *Eiu Fall vou Hemichorea posthemiplegica. [Bonn.] h°. Osnabriick, 1890. Fournier (H.) * Contribution a l'e'tude ties mouvements chorelques prse- et post-hdmiple"- giqnes, he'uiichore'e, he'miathe'tose. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1884. Eoebner (A. ) *Ein Fall von Chorea post- hemiplegica. H°. Wiirzburg, 1889. C'iittle (C. H.) On a case of posthemiplegic cliorea. Sheffield M. J., 1892-3, i. 198-202.— Dauehez ( H. ) & Boilinicr. Heinichoreepost-heiniplegiqiie droite; bemi- choree gauche survenue seconilaireinent siuiulant la scle- rose en plaques, symptomatique de foyers hemorragiques multiples siegeant dans le tiers postei'ieur des deux cap- sules internes chez une ath6roinateuso. Bull Soc. auat. tie Par., 1883. lvii 522-525. Al-o: Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 573.—De Renzi (E.) Emicoreapostcmiplegica. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1894, xvi, 115— Ilirschler (A.) Hemichorea posthemiplegica esete. Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest 1884, xxviii. 981-987.— Lewis (W. B.) Posthemi- plegic, hemi-chorea associated with insanitv. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxx, 256-261, 1 pl.— Liuzzi (V.) Un caso di emicorea postemiplegica. Raccoglitore metl. Forli, 1891, 5. s., xii, 33-38.—IMoore (J. S.) Post-bemi- plegic chorea, aud cerebral automatism. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri, 1878, i, 213-218.—Potter ( I'. ) Post- hemiplegic hemichorea with hemianaesthesia. Med Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1883, i, 166. Also: Proc W. Lond. Med.-Chir. Soc. Lond., 1884, i, 27.—Railton ee. Med. mod-, CHOREA. 621 CHOREA. Chorea (Rheumatic, cardiac, and em- bolic). Par., 1891, ii, 725.—©burton (T.) Rheumatic chorea treated by salicylate of soda and conium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 377. -----. The rheumatic causation of chorea. Ibid., 1896, ii, 715— ©iagliiiski (K.) Wkwestyi stosunku reumatyzmu stawowego i plasawicy. [On the relations of articular rheumatism and chorea.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1897, 2. s., xvii, 895— Contributions to the studv of chorea, with special lefereuce to its connection with heart disease and rheumatism. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, cxxv. 669-675.—Cooke (H. P.) Tbe relation of cho- rea to rheumatism. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1892, 146-153.—Crandall <,F. M.) The relation of rheumatism and chorea. Arch. Pediat,, X. Y., 1893, x, 9-15. Also, Re- print. AUo: Tr Am. Pediat. Soc. 18«2, [N. Y.], 1893. iv, 225-231.—Ba vis (J. S.) A caseof chorea, associated with mitral insufficiencv, successfully treated witli digitalis. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1892, xxii, 584-589.—Dickinson (W. H.) On chorea, with reference to its supposed origin in embolism. Lancet, Loud., 1886, i, 10-12.—Donald (W. M.) The relation het ween chorea and rheumatism. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Anu Arbor, 1892, xiv, 535- 538.—Duckworth (Sir D.) La natura reumatica della corea. Atti tl. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, med. int., 354-360. Also, transl..- Wien. med. Bl.. 1894, xvii, 192; 208.—Duroziez (P.) Choree; diagnostic des lesions tlu coeur. Bull. Soc tie m6d. tie Par. (1892). 1893, xxvii, 53-59. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1892, 3. s., liv, 711; 724.----. Choree et maladies tlu ccenr. Bull. Soc. de med.de Par. (1892), 1893, xxvii, 119-138—Ende (Sir P.) A case of chorea, followed by erythema and acute rheuma- tism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 700-702.—Finlayson (J.) On obscure febrile attacks in tbe course it chorea, referable to endocarditis. Arch. Pediat.. Phila., 1890, vii, 497-502.—Foerster (F.) A caseof hemichorea rheuma- tica, N. York M.J. ,1888, xlvii, 145.—Gallard (T.) Ac- tion du broniure de potassium dans le traitemeut d'un cas de choree rhumatisinale grave. In his: Lecons de clin. med., 8°, Par.. 1872, 33-39.—Garrod (A. E.) On the re- lation of chorea to rheumatism, with observations of eighty cases of chorea. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889, lxxii, 145- 163. [Discussion], Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1888- 90, i. 48-58.—Groedel. TJeber Chorea, inshesondere ihre Beziehung zu Herzaffektionen nnd ihre Behandlung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1891, xii, 457. Also, transl: Gazz. d. osp., Xapoli. 1891, xii, 468-470. —Grosse (J.) Chorea Erwachsener mit Endocarditis recui'ens. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1889, xxvi, 739; 7 58. — Guck (A. J.) Chorea rheumatica: report of two typical cases. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., X. Y., 1896, x, 572. — Hegjge (B.) Ueber den Zusamnieuhaug zwischen Chorea minor mit der Polyarthritis rheumatica acuta und (lev Endokarditis. Wien. med. Bl., 1888. xi. 1293; 1331. — Hci-riugham (W. P.) Chor, a as a cause rather than a result of endo- carditis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1888, xxiv, 55- 64.—Kraus. Cliorea, Insufficieiiz tier Mitralis; Heilung durch Gymnastrk und Riickenkiihluug. Bl. t. klin. Hy- drotherapy Wien, 1893, iii, 61. — Krauss ( F. ) Chorea and rheumatism. Med. Xews. X. Y., 1896, lxix, 99.—E.a- brie. Observation de choree rbiimatisniale trait6e et guerie par le tartre stibi6 a haute dose Union med.. Par., 1861,2. s., x, 248-252. AUo: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1861-5), 1865, v, 13-18 — Lautcrbach (M.| Chorea im Anschluss an acuten Gelenksrheuniatismus. Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvi, 1293.— I.,ei-c2.—CJalabin (A. L.) Eiliro-sariomaof chorion. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1885), 1886, xxvii, 107.1 pl._ C^ottsehiitk. Ueber das Sarcoma Chorion. ' Ve'ruanill d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leinz., 1893. v, 400-411.— Griffith (W. S. A.) Hyperplasia of chorion stems with partial cystic degeneration (mvxoma tibrosum of Vir- chow■'.). Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1888), 1889, xxx M'-84 - Herman (G. E.) Atrophy of chorion. Ibid. (1885) 1886, xxvii, 195—lloulgrave (A.) Vesicular degenera- tion ot the chorion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, -15s _ Kempf (E. J.) Hydatiform degeneration of the villi of the chorion; a case, with remarks. Am. Pr;ict. & Xew* Louisville, !896.xxii.281-284. - Kennedy (Catherine M.) a Kennedy (C.F.J.) Cystic degeneration of l he chorionic villi. Cuiv. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi, 677-681. —Knelt- llitz ( A. ) Ueber chorio-deciduale 'i'linioren uiiilignen Charakters. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl 1893, xix, 497-501.—Parish (W. H.) Cystic decent-ration' of the chorion villi. Ann. Gymec. & Piediat, Phila., P-8H- 90, iii, 469-471. —Phillips (.1.) Cystic disease (hydati- form defeneration) of tbe chorion. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1890), 1891, xxxii, 65.—Poole. Two specimens of cystic degeneration of the chorionic villi. Proc. Dubl. Obst Soc 1880-81. xliii, 166-170. —Salter. Cystic degeneration of the chorion; inyxsema (Virchovv). Brit. Gvnsec. J., LontL, 1886-7, ii, 282-284. — Streett (D.) Hyoatiform tlecener*- tiou of chorion. South. Clinic, Richmond. 189(1, xiii. 71.— Weber (S. Li Remarks on the differential diagnosis nnd treatment of cystic degeneration of the chorion. Am. J. Obst., N. Y. 1892, xxvi, 23-35. — Wendel. Ein Fall von diffusem Myxoma des Chorion. Erauenarzt, Berl., 1887, ii, 478.—Zwisohn (L. W.) A ease of cystic degeneration of tbe chorion. Med. Rec, N. V., 1894,'xlvi, 730. Cliorley Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers for the years 1874- 6; 1878-83. fol. Chorley, 1875-84. Established July 1, 1828. Cliorllou. Annual report upon the sanitary condition of the Chorlton rural sanitary district, by the medical officer of health, for the year W I. By Thos. C. Railton. IG pp. 12°. Manchester, Johnson . F.) A ease of metastatic carcinoma of the choroid. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Hartford. 189 i, v, pt, 3, 654-657. Also [Abstr.]; Boston M. Sc*. J., 1890, exxiii, 489. Choroid (Coloboma of). See Choroid (Abnormities of). Choroid (Detachment of). Waltkr ( E. ) * Ueber Ahlosung der Cbo- rioidea von tier Sclera. 8°. Wiirzhnrg, \*83. Bietti (A.) Sulla distribuzioue e terminazione delle fibre nervose uella coroidea. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1895, xxiv, 233-239. Also [Abstr.]: Rendic tl. Cong. tl. Ass. oftal. ital. 1895, Pavia, 1896, xiv, 258. — Dor ( L. i Contri- bution a l'6tude du dccollcnient spontane do la choroide. Arch, d'opht.. Par., 1896, xvi, 735-740. —Elwcluiis; (A.) Chorioidalablosuug. Arch. f. Augenh.. Wiesb., 1*91-2, xxiii,67-78,lpl. Also.transl. [ Abstr.|: Arch.Ophth..X. Y., 1892, xxi, 272-276.—Fuch» iminer ( V. ) Beitrage zur patholo'MsVheii Anatomie der Cborioidea. Arch. f. Au- genh Wiesb., 1884-5, xiv, 43-54. 2 pl. Also. transl.: Arcb. Ophth., N. Y.. 1885. xiv, 60-71, 2 pl— Uuclos (J.) Un cas de rupture double circulaire suivant le meridien hori- zontal de la choroide, avec doeollenient retinien. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1897, cxviii, 427-429.— Fano. Quelle est la r6gion du corps le plus favorable pour pratiquer une emis- sion sanguine, dans le but; tie deuorger les vaisseaux tie la chorolde? J.d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1885-6, vii, 51-53.— Fbrwter. Ueber eine bisher noch wenig untersuchte Er- kraiikiiii"- der Choroidea, Jahresb. d. sehles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl., 1858, xxxvi, 158- 160. — Julcr (H.) Peculiar changes in the central region of the choroid (?) of the right eye; more advanced chauges in tho same region of the left'eve, with white exudation and haemorrhages. Tr. Ophth. Soc. IJ. Kingdom, Lond., 1893-4, xiv, 97. Choroid (Lnjiammation of). See Choroiditis. Choroid (Ossification of). Dianoux. Ossification de la choroide. Bull. Soc. anat, de Nantes 1880, Par., 1881, iv, 95. -----. Ossification de la choroide et des proems ciliaires. Ibid., 104. Also: J. de, med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1881, xv, 311. — Drake- Burknian (E. F.) Case of ossification of the choroid. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8, Madras, 1888, ii, 520-524, 1 pl. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, i, 585 ----- 'two eases of ossification of the choroid; sym- pathetic inflammation of the opposite eye, Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1889 Madras, 1890, iii, 5-7.— Elu-hartlt. Ossification de la chorolde, et d6collement "en parapluic'' tie la rfetine ayant provoque une ophthalmic s\ tnpathique. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par.. 1890, lxv, 25.— ■-'onI;tn (J.) Ossification de la chorolde; examen de trois bulbes oculaires atteiuts de cette ossification. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1883, 3. s., v, 205-211, 2 pl—Frost ("W. A.) Ossification of choroid, causing repeated attacks of sym- pathetic irritation. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Loud., 1883-4, iv, 171.—Hoenc (J.) Recherches uueroseopiques sur les ossifications choroi'diennes. Bee. d'opbth, I'ar., 1882, 3. s., iv, 708-718. - Ichiro ( A. ) [A case of cho- roidal ossification.J Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1884. no. 310.—I.atjinct'. Ossification de la choroide. Bull. Sue. auat. de Nantes 1*S8, Par., 1890, xii, 17. — Vlci^han ( T. S.) A ca^B of ossification of the choroid, 'fr. Olasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 120.—Reid (T.) Ossification of the choroid. Glasgow M. J., 1888. xxix, 248-J5U. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Cliu. Soc (1886-91), 1892, iii, 96.—Ruiz (P.) Ossification totale do la cho- roide; glaucoine sympathique dans un ceil primitivement op6r6 de cataracte; rupture spontanee de la cicatrice; Enucleation tie l'tBilsympathisant: euerison. Kec.d'ophth., Par., 1889, 3. s., xi, 29-32.— Ware (L.) Ossification of the choroid. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vi, 39.— M'ilsoii. Ossification of the choroid. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 256. — Wood (T. H.) Ossi- fication of choroid. Arcb. Ophth., N. Y., 1890, xix, 388. Also: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1891, i, 24. Choroid (Rupture of). See Choroid ( Wounds and injuries of). Choroid (Syphilis of). Mills (J. J.) Choroiditis disseminata syphilitica, with secondary atrophy of the retina and optic' nerve. Mary- laud M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi, 383. — Monprofit. Sur un cas de choroidite maculaire d'oi igine syphilitique. Arch. d'opbt., Par., 1885, iv, 138-142.—."Vettleship (E.) On the pathological changes in syphilitic choroiditis and retinitis. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1H80, xi, 1-17, 4 pl. -----. Long contiiiuanceof micropsiaafter syphilitic choroiditis. IbidZ 62.—R|Obcii«; (P. F.) Choroiditis doble especifica 6 iritis eu .1 ojo izquierdo, curada con el restableeiiniento casi completo de la vision en un ojo y total en el otro. Rev. med.-qiiir , Buenos Aires, 1882-3, xix. 52. — School (J.) Einige Worte iiber Chorioiditis specifica uud tuber- culosa. Ceutralbl. f. prakt. Augeuh., Leipz., 1888, xii 321-339. Choroid (Tuberculosis of). Bui'CKXKK (A.) *Doppelscitige disseininiite Tnbereulose der Choroidea mit gleichzcitigei Papillo-Retinitis, nach klinischer und putlio- logisch-anatoniischer Ih-obachtnng. [(iuttiu- gen.] 8°. Berlin, [18*1?]. Neskowic (B.) * Ueber Aderhauttiihcrkeln bei Meningitis tuberculosa. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1**1. Bnrraquer (J. A.) Caso notable de eoroiditis tuber culosa observado en la clinica del Dr. Galezowski. Bol. d. Ateneo de alumnos intern, de la Fac. de med. de Barcel 1882, i, 117-119. AUo, transl: Rec. d'ophth., Put., m?] 3. s., iv, 475-477.— Rock (E.) Ueber die miliaie Tuber'. culose der Uvea. Arcb. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl. 1883, xci, 434-442. — Brailev . Y., 1892, xxi, 70-90.-JntU CHOROID. 625 CHOROID. Choroid (Tumors). «on (F ) Intraocular enchondroma springing from the choroid. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, ix, 793-796.— Langc (0.) Choroidaltumor oder Choroidalablosung ? Beitr z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . . ., Brnschwg., 1897, 92-102, I pl.—Lawford (J. B.) New tissue formation on inner surface of choroid. Tr. Ophth. Soe. U. Kingdom 1887-8, Lond., 1888, viii, 178, lpl.—lTIillcs (W. J.) Nseuvus of the right temporal and orbital region; npevus of the cho- roid and detachment of the retina in the right eye. Ibid., lf.fcr.-4 iv, 168-171.—,TIilval«t!»y. On choroidal tumors. Arch.'Ophth., X. Y., 1895, xxiv, 450-454, 2 pl.—Pucch. Atl6uonio de la choroide. Bull. Soe. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1886, vii, 145. — Naltiui ( G.) Neoplasia coroideale. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1887, ii, 118- 121.__Schiess-GemusciiN. Caverndses Angiom der Cborioidea. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz.. 1888, xxxiv, 3. Abth., 240-247, 1 pl-—Tailor (U.) Angioma caveruoso della coroide. Lavori d. cliu. ocul. d. r. Univ. di Napoli, 1891- 3, iii. 174-180, 2 pl. AUo [Abstr.]: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1894, xxiii, 51-58, 2pl.— Vossiu* (A.) Ein Fall von Tumor chorioidea?. welcher unter dem Bilde einer plastischen Iri- docvklitis zur Erblindung gefiihrt hatte. Arch. f. Ophth., Beii., 1885, xxxi, 2. Abth., 147-160, lpl. Choroid (Tumors of, Sarcomatous). Gunther (M. [K.]) * Ueber einen Fall von Angiosarkom der Choiroidea. s-\ Berlin, [1892]. AUo, in: Arch, f Augenh., Wiesb., 1892, xxv, 136-151. Hofschlaeger (T. J. R.) * Zwei bemerkeus- werte Fiille von Metastasenbildung bei Ader- hautsarcom. 8C. Greifswald,'1896. Maschke (M.) *Ein Beitraj; zur Lehre der Aderhautsarkome. t?r. Konigsberg, 1*87. Mayer (A.) * Beitrage zur Prognose des Aderhautsarkoms. 6°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Ottjiek (E. ) *Zwei Fiille von Aderhaut- Sarkom. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Dessau, 1889. Tracixski ( H. ) Beitriige zur Lehre vom Aderhautsarkom. ■--'. Berlin, [18*2], Alba Carreras (J.) Sarcoma celular de lacordides. Eev. argent, de cien. m6d., Buenos Aires, 1884-5, ii, 46- 51.—Aruiaijjnae. Sarcome de la chorolde. Mem. et bull. Soc. de in6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1891), 1892, 342.— Banister (J. M.) Melanotic sarcoma of the choroid. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix. 478-480 —Basso (D.) Con- tributo alio studio del sarcoma coroideale. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1893, xxii, 319-331. 4 pl.—Berson (A. H.) Sar- comaof the chorioidea. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1889, vii, 315-317.—Bock (E.) Ueber einen sarcomartigen Biliverdin enthaltendeu Tumor tier Chorioidea. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1883, xci, 442-447, 1 pl.—Bryant (D. C.) Two cases of melano-sareoma of choroid. Omaha Clinic, 1891-2, iv, 52-54. —Buller ( F.) Sarcoma of choroid. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1895, Hartford, 1896, vii, 374-382. — Burchardt (M. ) Netzhautablosung und akutes Glaukom in Folge von Aderhaut - Sarkoni eines stark kurzsichtigen Auges. Charit6-Ann., Berl., 1894, xix, 245.—Caroeras y Araco. Sarcoma fuso y globo celular en la coraides del ojo derecho operado sin repro- duccion. Gac. rued, de Cataluna, Barcel., 1878, i, 207-213.— Coupland. Melanotic sarcoma, primarily of choroid; secondary deposits in liver and left clavicle. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 86.—Cowell (G.) & Juler (H.) Sarcoma of choroid. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1883-4, iv, 55.—Dehenne (A.) F,tude sur le sar- come de la choroide. Bull. Soc. tie metl. tie Par. (1886), 1887,xxi, 17-26. AUo: Union med., Par., 1886. 3.s., xii, 265; 277. ----. Deuxieme note sur le sarcome de la choroide. Bull. Soc. de med. tie Par. (1886). 1887, xxi, 230-234. AUo -. Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s , xliii, 1-6—Dianoux. Sar- come fuso-cellulaire fascicule de la chorolde. J. de m6d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1886, xx, 305.—Ducamp (A.) Un cas de sarcome ossifiaut de ia choroide. Montpel. m6d., 1889, 2. s., xii, 533-541.—Butilieu 1 (G.) Leucosarcome de la choroide. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1892, xxxi, 8- 17.— Fieuzal. Sarcome de la choroide. Bull. clin. nat. opht. de l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts. Par., 1888, vi, 37; 40.— Fiske (G. F.) Sarcoma of the choroid, a series of cases. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 845.—Fonlan (J.) Lenco-sarcome tie la choroide; examen auatomique. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1889, 3. s., xi, 388-394.—Voucher (A. A.) MGlano-sarcome de la choro'ide. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1884, xiii, 18-21.—Fox (L. W.) Sarcoma of cho- roid; enucleation of eyeball. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 115.—Galignani (A.) Melanosarcoma acuto della coroide. Boll, d' ocul., Firenze. 1892, xiv, no. 22, 2.— Gayet. Sarcome blanc do la choroide. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1891). 1892, xxxi, pt. 2, 3.— Gillet de Grnndmont, Sarcome de la chorolde; ossi- fication totale de la choroide. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1887, 3. 8., ix, 220-222. — Griffith (A. H.) The prognosis of choroidal sarcoma. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1891, x, 353- 40 Choroid (Tumors of, Sarcomatous). 363. — Griffith (J.) Choroidal sarcoma in infancy. Ibid., 1895, xiv, 286-296.—Gross in aim (K.) Cavernous sarcoma of the choroid. Ibid., 18,s8, vii. 229-232.—G i-ucn- ing (E.) A case of sarcoma of the choroid, with remarks ou the early diagnosis of intraocular sarcoma. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1891-3, vi, pt. 3, 503-505. 1 pl. -----. A contribution to the pathology of sarcoma of the choroid. N. York K.ve a. Ear Infirm. Rep., 1894, ii. 44-48.—Hart- ridge (O.j Sarcoma of the choroid. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, viii, 115.—Blirschbcrg (J.) Zur Pro- gnose des Aderhautsarcoins. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1882, xc, 1-25.—Holmes (E. L ) The prognosis of choroidal sarcoma and life insurance. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1884, xlviii, 505-507.—Horsey (A. ,T.) Sarcoma of choroid. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1895, iv, 324.— Hotz (F. C.) Recovery from sympathetic ophthalmia induced by a sarcoma of the choroid. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 268-270. — iNM'ltnlz (L.) A ehorioi- dealis sarcomak diagnosisardl cgy cset kapcsan. Szeme- szet, Budapest, 1886, 4-12.—Jntzow (R.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der retrobulbaren Propagation (les Chorioideal- sarcoms uud zur Frage des Faserverlaufs im Sehnerveu- gebiete. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1885, xxxi, 2. Abth., 205- 276, 3 pl.—Kainocki (AV.) Gruczolak naczynidwki zblakanv (adenoma choroideie aberratnin). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1885, 2. s., v, 545-549, 1 pl.—Kipp (C. J.) Two cases of sarcoma of the choroid, presenting unusual clin- ical features. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1881, iii, 258- 262. -----. Sarcoma of the choroid, with interesting clin- ical features. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 106.—Knapp (H.) A case of sarcoma of the choroid, removed at an early stage. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1879, ii, 560. -----. Melanosarcoma of tbe choroid. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 75.—Lagrange (F.) Du leuco-sareome de la chorolde. Arch, d'opht.,'Par., 1891, xi, 509: 1892, xii, 1, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Buil. et m6m. Soc.de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 338.—Lang (W.) Sarcoma of choroid. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1893-4, xiv, 97.—Latteux & Despagnet (F.) Observation avec examen histologique, •) Caseof disseminated choroiditis. Tr. Oplith. Sec U. King- dom. Lond., 1888-9, ix, 125, 11., 1 pl.—Hota (F. C) A case of choroiditis following tvphoid fever. Am. J. Ophth., nt. Louis, 1885, ii, 222-224.—Hutchinson (J.) An address CHOROIDITIS. 627 OHOSSAT. Choroiditis. on choroiditis disseminata. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 95_97._____Choroiditis with extensive atrophy and changes hke those of retinitis pigmentosa; no special cause assignable. Arch. Surg., Loud., 1889, i, 39.-----. Cases of choroiditis (description of plate). Illust. M. Xews Loud., 1889. ii, 121, 1 pl. -----. Some exceptional forms of choroiditis. Laueet, Lond., 1889, i, 276-278. _____A peculiar form of choroiditis iu connection with senility. Arcb. Surg., Loud., 1891-2, iii, 76. -----. Punctate choroiditis in both eyes; changes very mi- nute; no history of syphilis to he obtained beyond that of a whitlow which had possibly been a chancre. Ibid., 77_jnler (II.) Extensive central choroiditis in ahyper- metrope; history of syphilis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. TJ. King- dom Lond., 1881-2, ii, 61. -----. Guttate choroiditis. Ibid., 1892-3, xiii, 143, 1 1.. 1 pl.—iTIniiolcscu (N. I Aniridie appareute consecutive k l'intlamiiiat ion de la cho- roide. Arch, d'opht,, Par., 1885, v, 449-451.—?I ittendorf C\V V) Two cases of metastatic choroiditis. Metl. Rec.. K. Y., 1892, xiii, 245-248— IVettleship (E.) Central gut tate choroiditis without defect of sight; premature pres- byopia. Tr. Ophth. Soc. lT. Kingdom, Loud., 1883-4. iv, 164, 1 pl. —Ottava (I.) A chorioidea £s a retrobulb&ris szovetek metastaticus gyuladasa. Szemeszet, Budapest. 1880, 12-14.—Paulsen (O.) Ueber die Entstehung ties Staphyloma posticum chorioideae. Arch. f. Ophth.. Berl., 1882, xxviii, 1. Abth., 225-244. —Porlmaii (Adeline E.) Idiopathic choroiditis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 891.—Rumpoldi (R.) Un caso notevoledi sclero- coroidite anteriore. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, ]i»83, xii, 416- 422._____Ulteriori notizie e considerazioni intorno a un caso uarrato di selero-coroidite anteriore. Ibid., 1887, xvi, 59-62. —Randolph (R. L.) Two eases of very pro- nounced disseminate choroiditis with preservation of nor- mal acuteness of vision. Arch. Ophth., X. T., 1889. xviii, 438-442. AUo, transl: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii. 316-318. —Reid (E. M.) A case of metastatic cho- roiditis. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1881-2, viii, 540. — von Reuss. Chorioiditis in regione maculae lnteae oculi si- nistri ex myopia altiss. grad. Aerztl. Ber.d.Friv.-Heilanst. A. Dr. A. Eder 1886, Wien, 1887, 156.—Rindflcisch (G.) Experimentelle Untersuchuiigen iiber tlie bei der eitrigen Chorioiditis auftretende Herabsetzung des intraocularen Druckes. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1892, xxxviii, 2. Abth., 221-251.—Risley (S. IX) Cyst of the right optic disk, choroiditis, macular hemorrhage. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1897. Hartford, 189J, vii, 606, 1 pl. — Kockwood (W. G.) Notes of a case of'disseminated choroiditis giving rise to impaired vision. Ceylon M. J., Colombo, ^87-8. i. 118. — Schmeichler (L.) Ueber Pyiiniie mit Chorioiditis me- tastatica. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895. xlv. 1465; 1514.— Sous (G.) Choroidite et lesion denlaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 521. — Sulphen (T. T.) A case of (lotiblepurulentchoroiditisresulting from meningitis. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1889, exxi, 161. AUo: Med. Xews. Phila., 1889, lv, 131. AUo: Med. Rec, X. T., 1889, xxxvi. 133.— Talko (I.) Sluchai ogranichennavo vospaleniya khoroi- 6ei (choroiditis exsudativa circumscripta). Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1870, no. 9, pt. 4, 45-50.—Tansley (J. O.) A case of acute localized choroiditis. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 65-69.—Terry (M. O.) A case of retinal hi mor- rhagein right, and patches of lymph in left, eye, due to choroiditis; vision quite restored. X. Am. J. Homteop., N. T., 1889, 3. s., iv. 27. — Veillon (A.) & Mornx ( V. ) Choroidite suppurative a streptocoques survenue spon- tan6ment au cours d'une septicemie m6dicale avec art brite 8uppnr6e. Ann. d'ocul.. Par., 1894, cxi, 341-347.— Vigues (L.) De la valeur comparative du traitement iotle dans les choroidites. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc- d'opht., Par.. 1896, xiv, 121-125.—Wagciiniaun. Demonstration von Pra- paraten zu einem Fall doppelscitiger metastatischer Cho- rioiditis. Ber.ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1887, xix, 201.—Woods (II.j. jr. Acute non-syphilitic choroiditis in young adults. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 889-891. Choroido-iritis. See Irido-choroiditis. Choroido-retinitis. Brailey (W. A.) Successively occurring isolated spots of choroido-retinitis in the vellow-spot region. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 1886-7, Louth, 1887, vii, 177-183.— t'anipart. Chorio-r6tinite sp6cifique avec hemorrhagie dans le corps vitro, et decollenient partiel de l'hyaloi'de; ceil droit. Bull. clin. nat. opht. tie l'hosp. d. (Quinze- Vingts, Par., 1885, iii, 57. — Caspar. Ein Fall von Cho- rioretinitis striata. Festschr. z. Feier ... II. von. Helm- holtz, Hamb. n. Leipz.. 1891, 4, 1 pl. —Daricr (A.) De la chorio-r. 4C. Paris. Imp. royale, 1843. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. tl. sc. tl. savaus etrang., Par., 1843, viii. CI I OSS AT. 628 CHKESTIAX. Chossat (Theodore), fitude sur les conditions putboge'iiiques des cedemes. 132 pp., 1 1. roy. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere J-fils, 1874. Cliofcau (l'aul-Alphonse-Hugues) [1866- ]. "Des cloisonnements du vagin (l'origine con- genitale. s7 pp. 4°. Lille, 1894, 4. s., No. 45. Cliotier (fimile) [1856- ]. 'Quelques con- siderations sur l'arthrite blennorrhagique. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 18^1, No. 283. Clioiin (Leopoid-Louis-U6sir6-Joseph) [1855- ]. *Du cancer de l'uterus et particuliere- nient de l'anatomie pathologique et des compli- cations de cette affection. 76 pp. 4C. Lille, I. Panel, 1881, 2. s., No. 8. Cliotinsky (Alexander). * Ueber Cystenniere. 34 pp. 8~. Pern, B.F. Haller, 1882. < holovitsky (Stephan [Fomich]) [1794-1885J. Pajdo-gymeco-iatrices synoptica expositio, evo- lutioni et revolutioui vit* superstructa. 1 p. 1., iv, 90 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Petropoli, M. G. Iver- sen, 1823. Chotzen (Martin) [1858- ]. * Resultate von 33 Operationen des Genu valgum nach Ogston. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, Grass, Barth u. Co., [\8*4]. ------. Atlas der Syphilis und syphilisahnlichen Hautkrankheiten fiir Studirende und Aerzte. Hft. 1-5. vii, 65-)-pp., 30 pl. 4°. Hamburg it. Leipzig, L. Foss, 1897. ChofM't (E.). See Kai'beret, Burlnreaux Sc Chouct. fitude statistique etclinique [etc.]. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1879. ----------------. lies conditions typhoi'genes [etc.J. 8°. Paris, 1879. Clioilflfe (Jean-Baptistc-P.) *Des accidens ct des maladies qui surviennent a la cessation de la menstruation. 1 p. 1., 56 pp. 8C. Paris, Croullebois, Gabon, an X [1802]. [P., v. 1684.] Choultry (Saleh) [1845- ]. *De la trachdo- tomie et tie la laryngotomie inter-cricothyroi- dienne au moyen des instruments incandescents. 103 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 258. Clioulaiit (Joh. Ludwig) [1791-1861]. Decas pclvium spiuarumque deformatarum quam ad- jectis nonnullis annotationibus descriptam ex- hibet. 36 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lipsice, C. Cnobloch, 1-18. ------. The same. Decas secunda. vi, 41 pp. 4°. Lipsice, C. Cnobloch, 1820. ------. De locis Pompejanis ad rem medicam facientibus. 19 pp., 1 map. 4°. Lipsice, L. Toss, 1823. ------. Lehrbuch der spcciellen Pathologie und Therapie ties Menschen. Ein Grtuidriss der praktischen Medicin fiir akademische Vorlesun- gen. xxxx, 754 pp., 1 ]. 8°. Leipzig, L. Foss, 1*'M. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xxx, 798 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Foss, 1834. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. xxxx, 781 pp., 1 1. 8 ;. Leipzig, L. Foss, 1*38. ■-----. The same. 4. Aufl., von Hermann Eber- hard Richter. ix, 1110 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Foss, 1845-7. ------. The same. 5. nochmals neubearbeitete Aufl. von Hermann Eberhard Richter. 2 v.,with continuous pagination, xii (11.), 1253 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Foss, 1853. ------. The same. Choulaut-Richter's Handboek der bijzondere ziekteknnde eu genezingsleer van den mensch. In het Nederduitsck overgebra"t door Dr. L. Aii Cohen. 2. veol verrneerderde eu verbeterde druk, naar de zesde, nogmaals om- gewerkte Hoogduitsche uitgaaf. 2 v. xii, 553 pp.: iv, 542 pp., 1 1. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1858-60. ------. Die Heilung der Scrofula durch Konigs- hand. 17 pp. 4C. Dresden, 1833. Clioulaiit (Joh. Ludwig)—continued. ------. Anleitung znr arztlichen Keceptirkuimt 2. Aufl. xv, 135 pp. H . Leipzig, L. l,m't 1834. ------. Ueber die willkuhrliehe Bewegumr des Menschen. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, L. ^Foss 1835. ------. Anleitung zur arztlichen Praxis, xiv 244 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1836. ------. Historisch-literarisches Jahrbueh fur die deutsche Medicin. 1.-3. Jahrgang. 12c Lein zig, L. Foss, 1838-40. 1 ------. AdditamentaadLud. Choulanti hihliotlte- catti medico-historicam. Specimen secundum edidit Julius Roseubauni. xi, 166 pp. go' Halts Sax., apud C. A. Schivetschke et filium 1847. ' ------. Die Anfange wissenschaftlicher Naturge- schichte und natnrhistorischer Abbildung im christlichen Abendlande. In: Hochverdienten (Ihrem) Colleeen fete 1 40 Dresden, 1856, 1-46. See, also. iEgidius Corboliensu (P.) Carmina medica, 8°. Lipsia, 1826.—Angeli (L.) Der junge Arzt [etc.j. 12°. Leipzig, 1823. -----. Thesame. Dejongearts [etc.]. 8°. Gorinchem, 1827.—Hater (^milius.) Macer Flori- dus de viribus herbaruni [etc.]. 8°. Lipsia, 183'' — Quillet (0.) [ini. s.]. Calvidii leti, [etc.]. 18°. Lipsice, 1836. — Stahl (G. E.) [in 1. s.J. Theoria medica [etc.l. 8°. Lipsice, 1831-3. Clioulette (S[6bastien]) [1803- ]. Observa- tions pratiques de chimie, de pharmacie et de merlecine legale. 1. fasc. 143 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1860. Clioumara. See Ciobley [in 1. a.]. Essais analytiques sur le liquide Iactiforme [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1856. Clioupin (Francois) [1869- ]. *Etutle cli- nique de l'anthracose des houilleurs de Saint- Etienue. [Lyons.] I p. l.t 94 pp., 1 1. 4-\ Saint-lZtienne, 1893, No. 821. Cliove (Alfred-Charles-Aristide) [1863- ]. * Le b&timeut-atelier "l'Adour" en station a Haiphong (Tonkin); recherches d'hygiene na- vale. 56 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886, No. 53, Cliovet (Abraham) [1704-99]. A syllabus or index of all the parts that enter the composition of the human body, in twelve lectures. For the use of those that go through courses of anat- omy. 26 pp. 4°. London, 1732. For Biography, see Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1887, Centen- nial vol., 44-49 (\V. S. W. Ruschen'berger). CllOWdlioory (Kali Prosanno ). Manual of anatomy, descriptive aud surgical, in Bengali. ii, 24, 882, 12 pp., 4 1., 6 tab. 8°. Calcutta, P. X. Shaw, 1880. Sansciit text. Clioyail (Eugene) [1870- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'inomlation sanguine peritoneale par rupture grossesse tubaire. 110 pp. S°. Paris, 1896, No. 117. Chpoliaiiski (J.) [1860- ]. * Des analogies entre la folie a deux et la suicide a deux. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 336. Chrastiiia (Joh. Alexander) [1810-87]. [ Obituary. ] Mitth. (1. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1887, xiii, 251-254. Clireiiliau (Miss [M. A.]) The scientific phys- ical training of girls. 24 pp. 8°. London, W. Cloioes cf- Sons, 1884. International Health Exhibition, London, Lectures. ------. The physical culture of women. 52 pp. 16°. London, S. Low, 1888. Chrestiau (Guillanme). See Hippocrates. De la nature tie l'enfant au ven- tre tie la mere [etc.]. 16°. Reims, 1553. ----• Lure d'Hippocrates de la geniture. 24°. Paris. lr.f.ii.-Sylv"" (J.) [in 1. s.]. Livre de la generation de 1 houune. lo • Paris, 1559. CHKESTIKN. 629 CHKIST. Chrestien (A[ndr6]-T[h6rese-Fulcraud]) [1802- 73]. * De la percussion et de l'anscultation daus les maladies chirnrgicales. xii, 13-167 pp. 8°. Paris, Cosson, 1842. [P., v. 1674.] Coucours. ,____. * Determiner Faction des medicaments administres a haute dose, et les cas dans lesquels ils doivent etre preterms, xi, 14-94 pp. 4°. Montpellier, Bicard freres, 1848. Concours. .____. * De l'immunite et de la susceptibility morbides, au poiut de vue de la cliuique medi- cale. 121 pp. 8 '. Montpellier, Bicard freres, 1852. Concours. ____. * De l'influence des travaux et des decou- vertes anatomiques depuis Vesale, sur les pro- gres de la pathologie chirurgicale. xii, 13-55 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Bicard freres, 1853. Concours. .----. Cours de chimie medicale et de pharma- cie. Discours d'onverture. 60 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, Bicard freres, 1856. ----. Que doit etre l'eiiseignemeut de la phy- siologie dans une faculte de medecine? 35 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Bicard freres, 1859. Clll'estien (Henry) [1863- ]. * De la dacro- cystite chronique et de son traitement. 60 pp. 4J. Paris, 1894, No. 339. Chrestien (Jean-Andre") [1758-1840]. Opuscule sur l'inoculation de la petite verole, avec quel- ques reflexions sur celle de la racciue; suivi d'observatious pratiques sur la methode par ab- sorption, viii, 240 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Benaud, an IX [1801]. ----. Dc la methode iatroliptice, ou observa- tions pratiques sur l'administration des remedes a l'exterieur, daus le traitemeut de maladies in- ternes, viii, 358 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, Eenaud, an XII [1804]. ----. Osservazioni sopra un nuovo rimedio nella cura delle malattie veneree e liufatiche. Traduzione di Giuseppe Chiappari. xvi, 182 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Maspero, 1811. -----. Lettre a M. Magendie, snr les prepara- tions d'or, et les differentes manieres de les ad- miuistrer. vi, 79 pp. 8°. Paris, Aucher-Eloy, 1*28. Imperfect; pp. 3-8 wanting. ----. Quelques faits iuteressans, relatifs a l'em- ploi therapeutique des preparations auriferes. 72 pp. b°. Montpellier, Picot, 1835. See, also, Niel (J.-G.) [in 1. a.]. Eechercbes sur les preparations d'or. 8°. ParU, 1821. ■---- & Legrand. (A.) Observations sur les effets d'uu linimeut spiritueux daus le traite- ment de la choree ou dause de Saint-Guy. 12 pp. 8:. Paris, De Ducessois, 1841. [P., v. 1*33.] Repr. from: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.J, Par., 1841,xxi. ChrestomailOS (Anast. K. ) 'Odnybc etc rgv irpoxupov anoAvpavoiv (desinfection) iv Kaipu eirtfyjuiov. 21 pp., 1 1. 12°. 'kdrjvat., tvtt. A. KopoytXa, 1881. Chretien (Edouard) [1868- ]. * Essai cli- uique et experimental sur la fievre des tubercu- leux (toxicite des crachats; toxicite des urines). 94 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 214. -----. The same. 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1896. Chretien (F.-J.-L.) * Essai sur les hemorragies actives, cousiderees chez l'enfant, l'adulte et le vieillard. 58 pp. 8°. Paris, Fillier, an XI [1803]. [P., V.1684.J Chretien (H.) Nuovi elementi di medicina operatoria. Prima traduzione italiana autoriz- zatadall' autore, con note c figure uggiunte del Dott. Donato Greco, con addizioni dai piu recenti lavori dei professori Martiuo Barba, Auiello Chretien (H.)—continued. D'Ambrosio, con un' appendice all' articolo delle suture intestinali rieavata dal commentario sulle soluzioni dell' intestine e sul loro governo dei professori Tommaso Virnicchi e Lnigi Amabile col processo di enterorafia del Prof. Ferdinando Palasciano. xx, 599 pp. 8°. Xapoli, S. M. Passaro, 1882-3. Chretien (Heuri) [1859- ]. *De la thyroi- (lectoinie. 145 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 327. Chretien (L.-P.-F.-A.-Virgile). "Apercu snr les bases ties indications. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 4 '. Stras- bourg, 1818, No. 555. Chretien (Mario-Alfred-Joseph) [1873- ]. *Sur les alterations de la muqueuse gastrique et les modifications du chimisme sous l'influence de l'ingestion prolongee d'alcool. 102 pp., 3 pl. 8 . Lille, 1897, 5. s., No. 45. Chretien (P.-Henri). * Du diagnostic de la gestation chez les gran des femellcs domestiques. 35 pp. 8°. Montauban, J. Fidallet, 1877? [P., v. 1413.] Ecole v6t6rinaire de Toulouse. Chrisaorio (Lorenzo). See di Vigo (J.) [in 1. s.]. Pratica universale in ciru- gia [etc.]. sm. 4°. in Vinetia, 1549. Christ. Richter (G. G.) De niorte Servatoris in cruce succincta comuientatio. Goltingw, 1757. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. et Lips., 1780, iii, 313-366. Wedelius (G. W.). [Pr. ] de agouia Christi. 4°. Jence, 1704. [Christ (Dr.)] Gesehichte der Eutbinduug tier Madame N. 8 pp. 4~. [Frankfurt a. M., P. F. Sauerlander, 1824.] Christ (Adolf) & Bischoff (G.) Gutachten betreffend obligatorische Krankeuversicheruug. Im Auftrag des Staatscollegiums erstattet, Ende 1873. Mit eiuem Auhang, enthaltend die fiir das Verstandniss dieser Arbeit wichtigeru Acten- stiicke uud einige Nachtrtige. iv, 183 pp., 2 tab. 8C. Basel, Schweighauser, 1874. B. Schwabe, publisher. Christ (Alfred). *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der nueleiiren Ophthalmoplegic [Basel.] 18 pp. 8IJ. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1890. Christ (Carl Ludwig) L1869- ]. *Stndieu iiber die Durchliissigkeit der bekannteren Mem- brancn. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, F. Junge, 1*96. Christ ( Fritz ). * Das Verhalten der Utcrus- sehleimhaut wiihreud der Menstruation. 34 pp. 8°. Giessen, C. ron Miinchow, 1S92. c. Christ (Hermann). * Ueber den Einfluss der ^Iuskelarbeit auf die Herzthiitigkeit. [Basel.] 43 pp. 8J. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1894. Christ (P. F. Joseph). * Feber die Wirknngen alkalischer uud saurer Flussigkeiton in der Blutbahu. 26 pp. 8. Wiirzburg, F. Fromme, l-""J-4. Christ Church Hospital, Philadelphia. Ex- tracts from the will, aud codicil thereto, of the founder, Dr. John Kearsley; with the acts of assembly having relation to the institution; together with the by-laws of the board of man- agers, and the rules and regulations for the government of the house. Sept. 9, 1850. 24 pp. 8'-. Philadelphia, Collins, 1850. -----. Proceedings on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the new hospital in Belmont, Philadelphia, including the addresses of the Rev. Alonzo Potter and Rev. Benjamin Dorr. 23 pp. *J. Philadelphia, E. C. f J. Biddlc, 1856. -----. Report of the. managers of the ... on I the completion of the new building at Belmont, CHRIST. 630 CHRISTIAN!. Christ Church Hospital, Philadelphia—cont'd. presented at the joint meeting of the vestries of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church, held on the second Monday after Easter, 1*62. 10 pp. 8-'. Philadelphia, Collins, 1*61. Annual reports of the hoard of man- agers to the corporation, for the years 1883-4; \885-6 to 1895-6. 8-. Philadelphia, 1884-96. Founded under the will of John Kearsley, M. D., 1772. Endowed by Joseph Dobbius, 1804. Christ an (Thomas). Observationum medica- ruin, liber i. 80 pp. Fiemue Austria', sumt. L. J. Kahwoda, 1773. Christel (Karl [Ludwig]) [1865- ], * Beob- aclituugen an Zangengeburten der ktiniglichen Universitats-Frauen-Klinik und -Poliklinik zu Berlin. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1891]. Christell (Gotlofredus). * De partu gemellorum coalitorutn. Argentorati, 1751. In ■ Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. leivz., 1780, xi, 174-201. Christeller (A.) Rapport sur la saison d'etede l'annee 1863 aux bains de Heustrich (au pied du Niesen). 30 pp. 8J. Berne, Biederf Simmen,1*64. -----. The same. Aunee 1874. 16 pp., 1 tab. 1-2°. [Berne, H. Kdrber, 1874.] Christeller (Paul) [1858- ]. * Ueber Blut- (Irucknicssiingen am Menschen unter patholo- gischen Verhaltiiissen. 45 pp. 4~. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1880. Christen (Carolus). * Diss, sistens de lama oh- servationes nonnullas anatomicas. 22 pp. 8°. Tubingce, typ. Hopferi de-L'Orme, [1827]. [P., v. 1534.] Christen (fidouard) [1863- ]. * Considera- tions sur le rhtimatisnio bleunorrhagique et de son traitement par l'arthrotomie. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 115. Christen (Pierre-Eugene). * Etude sur les 0.6- placenients herniaires des kystes paraovariques. 54 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 296. Christen (Theodor). * Untersuchungen iiber die Dauer des Sterilisationsprocesses im ge- spaunten Dainpfe bei gegebeueu fixen Tempera- turen. 47 pp. 8°. [Bern], 1895. ------. The same. 48 pp. 8°. Basel u. Leipzig, 1895. Forms Hft. 2, 3. P., of: Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. tl. Schweiz. Christenn (Joannes Casparus). * De nova lithotomia Guerini. 31 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Erlangce, Kunstmann, [1804]. Christensen (A.) Ueher die quantitative Bo- stininiuug des Chinins als Herapathit. 11 pp. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1881.] Repr. from: Pharm. Ztschr. f. Kussland, St. Petersh., 1881, xx. ------ & itEysfsje (J.) Om vajrdien af de kli- niske iiieto;ler til bestemmelse af seggehvide- miengdeii i urin med sierligt hensyu til Esbach's og Christensen's. Med en efterskrift at A. Leh- maim. [Value of clinical methods of determin- ing quantity of albumen in the urine, with special reference to the methods of . . .] 37 pp. 8-\ Kjobenharn, F. Tryde, 18**. Repr. from: Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1888, 3. R., viii. Christensen (Mathias). * De exploratione veneficii chemica arsenico facti particula prior. Respondeute Theodore Fred. Guil. Bricka. 99 pp., 2 pl. 8C. I lamia', ex, off. Trieri, 1836. Christern (Adolf). vZur Kasuistik der Me- ningocele spuria traumatica. [Freiburg i. B.] 24 pp. 8->. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1892. Christern (W[ilhelin]). Der Process der meiischlichen Zeugung. Eiue physiologisch- kritische Untersuehung. 2. erweiterte und verbesserte Aufl. xiv, 65 pp. 12°. Altona, Verlags-Burtau, 1863. ChriStescu (Nicholas) [1856- ]. "Coiitrilni- tion a l'etude therapeutique du lupus vulgairo de la face. 70 pp., 1 1. 4 . Paris, 1^87" No 213. Christia. Christy (J.) & Co. Christia; a perfect sub- stitute for oiled silk, gutta pcrcha, and india- rubber sheets. 8~. [Londou, 1888.] Christiaens ( Felix-Adolphe-JoBeph ) [ 1H72- ]. * Occlusion intestinale au cours des pe- ri ton ites tuberculeuses. 54 pp. 8\ Lille, ls'Jti 5 s., No. 9. Christian (H. B. H. Princess). See von Esmarch (F.) First aid to the injured. 12°. London, 1K82. -----. The same [in 1. s.]. Early aid in injuries [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. Christian (E[dmund] A.) A case of general paralysis apparently of traumatic origin. 5 up. 8°. [ Utica, X. Y., 1888.] Repr. from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. T., 1887-8, xliv. Christian (H[ilary] M.) Posterior urethritis, acute and chronic. 5 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. Repr. from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila, 1894, xv. ------. The treatment of gonorrhoea by irriga- tion of the urethra. 7 pp. 12°. Detroit, ti. S, Davis, 1894. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1894, xviii. Christian (Jules), fipilepsie; folie epileptiqne, 164 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1890. Also forms fasc. 1, v. 10, of: M6m. couron. Acad, rov, de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1890. Christian (The) Physician and Anthropological Magazine. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, Sept., 1835, to Aug., 1837: 8~. London. Christian science. See Faith - cure. Christian Science. Ida 8. Nichols, editor and publisher. [Monthly.] Nos. .-'-12, v. 1; Nos. 1-n, v. 2, April, 1889, to Feb., 1890. oblong sm. \\ Chicago. Christian science and the Bible [etc.]. See Phare Pleigh [pseudon.]. Christiaui (Arthur) [1843-87]. Ueher das Verhalten von Phenol, Indol und Benzol im Thierkorper. pp. 273-287. 8°. [Strassburg, 1878.] Repr. from.- Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1878-9,ii. ------. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Physiologie des Kaninchenhirnes und seiner Nerven. 10 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Fogt. 1881. Repr. from: Monatsh. d. k. Akad. tl. Wissensch. zu Berl., 1881. ------. Zur Physiologie des Gehirns. 6 pp. 8°. Leipzig. Metzq'er f Wit tig, 1884. Repr. from.-. Verhaudl. tl. physiol. Gesellsch. zu Berl., 1883-4. ------. Zur Kenntuiss der Functionen ties dross- hirus beim Kaniuchen. 6 pp. 8-. [ Berlin, 1884.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. tl. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissen- sch. zu Berl., 1884, xxviii. ------. Zur Physiologie des Gehirnes. viii (1 l.)f 175 pp. s\ Berlin, 0. Enslin, l*8p. For Biography, see Deutsche nied. Wcbnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1113-1115 (J. Gad). AUo, Reprint. Christian! (Carl) [1867- ]. * Ein Fall von moral insanity. 1 p. 1., 31 pp., 2 1. »-. ko- nigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1893. Christiaui (Ferdinand). * Fin Fall von perios- talem Sarkom des Femur mit einer Metastase an einer Klappe der Vena fetnoralis. il ll>- 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Boegler, 1889. Christiaui (Gottlieb Ludwig). Iiistitutiones physiologia-, cum pnemissa introiluctione in iini- versam medicinam, prielcctionibus academicia accommodate. 4 p. 1., 350 pp., 4 1., 6 pl. 5-. Lipsiw, ex off. Gleditschiana, 1752. CHRISTIANIA. 631 CHRISTISON. Christiania. Beretning om folkennengden og stiudhedstilstanden i Christiania i aaret 1883. Fdgiven efter foranstaltning af Sundheds-Kom- missionen i Christiania. xxxiv pp., 35 1., 1 diag. 8-\ Christiania, C. Schibsted, 1884. Christiania. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Beports, etc., of); Education (Medical, etc., by locali- ties; Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of); Small-pox (His- tory, etc., of), by countr-ies; Statistics (Fital), by localities; Universities. Faye (F. C.) Ftidselsstiftelsen i Christiania i aarene 1853 og I.-54. 8°. [Christiania, u. d.] ijarseii (C. F.) Frerustilling af Sygdouisforholdene i Kristiania decenuiet 1860-69. Kurd. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1*70, ii, no. 18, 1-15. Also, Keprint. Christiansen (R.) [184:2- ]. *Dequelqne8 considerations etiologiques, cliuiques et the"ra~ peutiques snr les syphilides ulcereuses. 71 pp. 4-=. Paris, 1884, No. 25. Christianson (J-C) Deu nyttiga ort-hoken, eller kortfattlig wiigledniug till kunskapen om wertriket i allmiinhet och isynnerhet till igen- kiinuaudet af de fornamsta hos osz forekom- uiaude, i ekouomien och husmedicinen aiiwiiud- bara, wilda och odlade orter, buskar och triid, jemte anwisuing att insamla och forwara s. k. apothekswerter. [A useful dictionary, or brief guide to knowledge of words used for domestic purposes, household mediciue, etc. ] 52 pp., 11. 12°. Stockholm, J. if A. Biis, 1856. Christia nstadt. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Christiauns (Joh.) & Schreiber (Joh. Wolff- gangus). Exercitationem physico-medicam de consensu partium corporis humani ad circula- tionem accommodatam . . . publicae eruditiorum censurre sistuut. 23 1. 4-. Coburgi,J.C. Miinch, 165*. Christie (Alexander Turnbull). A treatise on the epidemic cholera; containing its history, symptoms, autopsy, etiology, causes, and treat- ment. 116 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, J. 0n the habitual'use of opium. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1850.] For Biography, see Life (The) of Sir Robert Christison [ml. s.]. 2y. 8°. Edinburgh, 1885-6. AUo: Brit. M. J JSnRR9 T 'r' vV 2\,' Al?,V: Edinb- M-J- 1881-2. xxviii ^~^VL;P"FJ- AUo: JI>"J-r"'il. Stockholm, 1882, xliv 141-143. Also: Lancet, Lond.. Ii.s2,i 207-209. Also: Med News, Phila., 1882, xl, 199. Also: Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 882, n. s., xxxiii, 109. Also: Med. Times & Gaz. Lond., 1882, l, 181. ' See, also: Report of proceedings at the public dinner in honour of . . . 8G. Edinburgh, 1872. ---- & Coilldet ( Charles AV. ) An experi- mental inquiry on poisoning by oxalic acid 51 lip. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1823.] [P., v. 1617 1 Repr. from.- Ediub. M. & S. J., 1823, xix. ----A: Synie (James). Statement, with con- currence of other members of the medical fac- ulty, as to the suppression of the chair of general pathology [in the University of Edin- burgh]; addressed to the Lord Provost of Etlin- Christisoii (Sir li.) & Symo (J.)-continned burgh. 21pp. «-. Edinburgh, T. Allan, 1X[{ [P., v. 919; 1566.] " —;—A: Turner (Edward). On the con„inU- tion of oil and coal gas burners, and the circutn- stances that intiueuco the light emitted by the gases during their combustion; with some ob- servations on their relative illuminating power and on the different modes of ascertaining it' 39 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh. 1*25.] [P., v. 1617 1 Repr. from.- Edinb. Phil. J., 1825, xiii. 'J Christliches Kurhospital uud Kiuderheilstatte "Siloah" im See- und Soolbade Colberg. Be- richt iiber die Verwaltung fiir das Jahr 1*** 20 pp., 1 1. 8-. Colberg, It. Knobloch, 1**9. ------. Prospekt fiir die Saison 1889. Siloah 2 1. 8°. Colberg, B. Knobloch, 1889. Christlieb (Otto). * Ueber Stomatitis uud Vulvitis aphthosa, 34 pp. 8°. Wurzburq, Kohl if Hecker, 1895. y> Christlieb (Theodore). The Indo-British opi- um trade and its effect; a recess study. Au- thorised translation from the German by David B. doom, vii, 102 pp. 12°. London, J. Xisbet ip Co., 1879. Christiiiaim (Ferdinand). * Funchal auf Ma- deira uud sein Clima. [Strasburg.] 16 pp., 1 1.., 6 tab., 4 diag. 4-. Altona, Hammerioh «f Lesser, 1889. de Christmas - Dirckinck - Holmfeld (John) [I860- ]. Recherches experimentales sur la suppuration. 41 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris. 1888, No. 82. See, also, Torup (S.) &. CHiristiiiaa-DircWinck. Ilolmfclri (J.) [in 1. s.J. Hvorledes skatfes god, da, typ. Berlingianis, [1780]. Christophorus de Honestis. See Mesne Dnmasceiiiis (J.) [in 1. s.J. Mesue cum additionihus [etc.]. fol. [Venetiis, 1489-91.] -----. Opera. t'ol. Lugduni. 1525. -----. The same [in 1. s.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1581. ------. Thesame. fol. Venetiis, 1023. Christot (Felix) [1842-72]. Caffe (P.-L.-B.) Necrologie. J. d. conn. ni6d. prat., Par., 1872, xxxix, 63. Christoyanaki (X.) [1860- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'heinato-salpingite. 54 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 22S Christ's Hospital, Loudon. Names of the govern- ors of... 20 pp. 8°. London, A. Bivington, 1837. -----. See, also: Hetherixgton's Charity to the Blind. 4°. London, 1*85. Insanitary (The) condition of Christ's Hospital. Lan- cet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1339. Christy (M). See iVIedical, geographical, and agricultural reports [etc.] [in 1. s.J. 8°. London, 1816. Christy (T. C[halmers]). Ulceration of the nasal sieptum. 12 pp. 12°. Xew York, 1897. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. Christy (Thomas). New commercial plants and drugs. Nos. 1-11. 8°. London, 1884-9. No. 4 is 2. ed. Nos. 1-7 in 1 v. . See. also, liconard (C. H.) & Christy (T.) Diction- ary of materia medica [etc.J. 12°. London, 1892. Christy [Thomas] & Co. Xew and rare drugs; being a concise reference to the uses, doses, and preparations of over 300 of the latest introduc- tions. 8. ed. 32 pp. 8-. London, 1889. -----. Thesame. 10. ed. 48pp. 8°. London, 1889. Chrobak (Rudolf) [1840- ]. Ueber weib- liche Sterilitiit und deren Behandlung. 34 pp. 8°. Wien, Urban-Schuarzenberg, 1876. Repr. from: "Wien. med. I'resse, 1876, xvii. ■-----. Uutersuchung der weihlichen Genitalien und allgemeine gyniikologische Therapie. xxvi, 278 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1885. Li'g. 54 of: Deutsche Chirurgie. ------. The same. Gynecological diagnosis and general gynecological therapeusis. In: Cycl. Obst. & Gynec, X. T., 1887, v, 1-224. ------. Ueber die vagiuale Euukleation der Ute- rustnyome. In-. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1892, No. 43 (Gy- nak., Xo. 17, 369-434). See, also, DeutMche Gesellschaft fur Gynakologie. Festschrift [etc.]. «'-'. Wien, 1894. ----& von Kosthom (A.) Die Erkrankun- gen der weihlichen Ccschbclitsorgaue. 1-199 pp. 8'-. Wien, A. Holder, 1-96. Forms 1. Hlfte., 1. Theil, v. 20, of: Spec. Path. u. Therap. &9. Wien, 1896. Chroniates. Lapkaik ( YV. ) * Ueher die Absorptiousspec- tra einiger Chromverhindungeu. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Schmid (W.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chromate des Blei, Zink, Cadmium und Wis- niuth. [Erlangen.] 8°. ■ Stuttgart, [1891, rel subseq.]. Delpeeh ( A.) & llillairct. Memoire sur les acci- dents auxquels sont sotnuis les ouvriers employes il la fabrication ties chroniates. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 18(59, 2. s., xxxi, 5: 1876, 2. s., xlv, 5; 193. Also, Keprint. — Folk ( F.) TJeber eine Chrom-Vergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1885, n. F., xiii, 290. — Pander (H.) Ueber tlie Wirkuugen des Chronis. Arb. tl. pharmakol. Inst, zu Dorpat, Stuttg., 1888, ii, 1-55. — Thomson ( T.) On some of the compounds of chromium. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1827, 159-230. AUo, Reprint. — Wutzdoi-flT. Die in Chromatfabrikeu beohuchteten Gesundheitsschadigun- gen und die zur Verliiituuir derselben erforderliclieu Mass- uahmen. Arb. a. d. k. Gandhtsamte, Berl., 1896-7, xiii, 328-335, 1 pl. Clu*oiiiatolv»i*. Van Gehuchten (A.) Chromatolyse centrale et chromatolyse peripherique. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1897, v, 25i-259. Cliroiuatophore. Bredow (H.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chrornatophoreu. [Erlangen. ] 8°. Berlin, 1890. Eigenmann (C. H.) On the genesis of the chroma- tophores in fishes. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1891, xxv, 112- 118, 4 pl. — Phisalix (C.) Sur la nature dn mouvement des chroinatopbores des cephalopodes, causes et m6ca- uisme do ce mouvement. Assoc. fran§. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1893, Par., 1894, xxii, pt. 2, 652-654. Chroiiiatopliotonieter. See Color (Perception of, Measurements, etc., of). Chromatopsia. See, also, Color (Perception of, Disordered). Chatix (J.) Contributions experimentales a l'dtude tie la chromatopsie chez les batraciens, les crustac^s et les insectes. 8°. Paris, 18*1. Mayerhauscn (G.) Studieu iiber die Chromatoki- nopsien. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1884-5, xiv, 31-42, 1 pl.— JVoyes (H. D.) Two cases of henii-chromatopsia. Arch. Ophth., N. T., 1882, xi, 210-221. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1883-4, xiii, 123-132.—Per- rond. De Thyperchromatopsio; observations et refle- xions. Mem. Soc. d. sc. rn6d. de Lyon, 1863, ii, 37-41.— Nwnnzy (IT. R.) Case of hemiaehromatopsia. Tr. Ophth. Soe. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1882-3, iii, 185-189. Chromidrosis. Andonard (A.) Sueur et serosit6 bleues a, deux pig- ments. J. de metl. tie l'ouest, Nantes, 1879, xiii, 281.— Andre. TJn oris de chromhydrose rose. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r., Pai-., 1887, xvi, pt. 2, 759-761.— Babe* in (V.) Ueher die Bakterien ties roten Schweis- ses. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1882, xx, 146- 148— Balzcr (F.) &. Bnrlhclcmy (T.) Contribution k l'etude ties sueurs colorocs. Ann. de tlcrmut. et syph., Par., 1884, 2. s., v, 317-322.—Ut-liit ■-. Rapport sur l'etat d'une nialade adress6o a. la societe comme atteinte de chromidrose. au nom d'uuo commission speciale. Uuion med., Par., 1861, 2. s., xi, 82; 102. Also: bull. Soe. med. cl. Imp. tie Par. (1861-5), 1865, v, 74-95. —ISillard ( C.) M6moire sur un cas particulier tie cyaiiopathio cutanee ou coloration hleuo de hi peau, causee par uue alteration de la transpiration. Arch. g6n. tie m6d., Par., 1831, xxvi, 453- 463. — Rouc-hiat. Chromhydrose; rein flottant; hysterie; n6vraluies teniporales; gastrorrh6e. Paris med.. 1884, ix, 97. — ilhabfoert ( L. ) Trois cas de chromidrose jaune chez trois membres d'une memo famille (neurasthenic, hysteric). T5cho mod., Toulouse, 1896, 2. s., x, 493-498.— Decbambre (A.) Observation do chromidrose. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1884, 2. 8., xiii, 463-471. Also: Gaz. hebd. dem6d., Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 239-242. — I>nfly (F.) A case of chroinidrosis. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1883, xii. 260. — Dnmai, Observation do chromidrose. Gaz. hebd. de mod., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 215. — Fereol. Observation de chromidrose ou chromocrinie. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1071-1075. — Fox (T. C.) On two cases of chromidrosis in which a blue-black pig- ment exuded from the skin of the circum-orbital legions. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1881. xiv. 211-221, 1 pl. —de Fro- ■■■entel (E.) Observation d'un nouveau cas tie chromi- drose; causes; traitement; guerison. Assoc, franc, pi UC l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1885, Par., 1886, xiv, pt. 2, 630-633.— UHKOMIDROSIS. 634 CHRZKSOIXSKI. Clirosiii«lro*iis. I^e Koy de Mericonrt. Chromidrose rose. Hull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1884, 2. 8.. xiii, 425-428. -----. Me- moire sur la chromhidrose ou chromocrinie eutan6e; suivi de l'etude microscopique et chimique de la substance colo- raute de la chromhidrose, par le Dr. C. Robiu. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1893, 1, 5; 110: 267. Also, Reprint.— lionubois. Un cas de chromhydrose simulee. Bull. Soc 'le med. de l'Touiio 1889, Auxerre, 1890, xxx. 76-86.— VlilM-lli ( V.) Uu caso di cianidrosi. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. tl. sc. med. in Siena, 1885, iii, 280-284.—Prince (M.) The bacterium of "red sweat". Boston M. &. S. J., 1882, cvii, 580. — Report of the committee upon a case of doubtful c.hiomidrosis. shown to the Clinical Society by Dr. Colcott Fox. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1882, xv, 255-261.— Smith i J. T.) A suspected case of chromidrosis. Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii, 402-404. —Spillmnini. Observation do chromidrose. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Xancy (1880-81), 1882, p. xlv.—Veilliard. Observation de chromidrose. Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s., xi, 59-63. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop.de Par. (1861-5), 1865, v, 61-66. Clu'ouiogeii. Fialn (B.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Beziehungen des Iudigcarmins zu den Oruaiicliromoiienen. Wien. med. Bl., 1895, xviii, 55; 72 ; 90.—Meherk (C.) Die rhrotiiojrenetischen Prozesse im Organismus. Aerztl. Prakt,, Hamb., 1894, vii, 321-329. Chromoeiioscope. ■ ■rise (R.) Ueber das Chromoenoskop von Chanel. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1891, vii, 475-478. Clirosiioscope. Mairr (L. E.) The chromoscope ; a new instrument d> signed for a readv test of color perception. Physician \ Surg., Detroit &. Ann Arbor, 1890, xviii, 398. Clirosiaiitograph. FIcihcIiI von IVInrxow ( E.) Das Chronautogra- phium. Arch. f. Phvsiol.. Leipz... 1883, 131-133. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 83, Leipz., 18113, 498-500. Chronique (La) mddicale. Revue hi-mensu- elle de mddecine scientifique, litteraire et anecdo- tique. Dr. Cabauis, r6d. en chef, v. 1-5, Dee. 1"), 1894, to Feb. 15, 1898. 8°. Paris. Current, v. 1 complete iu 1 number; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1895. Chroiioscope. Winner (L.) The ehronoscopic measurement of sim- ple read ions on all classes of persons. Proc. Am. Psy- chol. Ass. 1892-3, N. Y., [1894], 6. ChroBiosphygmoiiietei*. Wootlworth (O. H. ) Chronosphygmometer. No. 596:9J; Dec. 28, 1897. Cliroiio-Thermalist(The); or, People's Med- ical Enquirer. [Monthly.] v. 1--2, March, 1850, to Dec, 1851. 8°. London. v. 1 complete in 10 nos., March to Dec, 1850; v. 2 com- menced Jan., 1851. Title-page of v.l: Forbidden (The; Book, with new fallacies of the facult v:. being the Chrono Thermalist: or, People's Medical Enquirer for 1850. Title- I ~r-mi 11 page of v. 2: Chroiio-TlicrmnliMt. The Forbidden 1A ' Book, with fallacies of the facultv; being the People's ' *",,~-—"*-~- Medical Enquirer for 1851. ClU'OUCt (Adrianus Peleryn). See Dnret (L.) Interpretationes et enarrationes retc.J. fol. Lugd. Bat, 1737. L C'lirouet (Warnerus). Diss, med.-phys. de triuni oculi humorum aliarumquo ejus par- tiutu origine, natura, et formatione mechanice explicata. Ed. secunda, cui accednnt solutiones apologeticic, ad objectiones et difficultates cla- rissimi proi'essoris Nuck. 32 pp. Hi-. Leodii G. H. Street, 1691. See, also, dc Hecrs (H.) Spadacrene [etc.J. l*>o jja Haye, 17ii9. Clirysamlcr (Rudolph). *Ein Fall von Car- cinom am Anfange des Oesophagus. 47 pp 3 pl., 1 1. 8°. Jena, G. Xeuenhahn, 1896. ChrywaniBiii. Auclekt (II.) *Le dinitrate do chrysaniline. Etude physiologique et therapeutique. 4° Paris, 1*"*. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull.gen.de therap. [etc.]. Par., 1888, Hop. Cochin. Compt. no- m cxiv, 513-516. Also [Abstr. rend. d. trav. du lab. de therap., Par., 1889, 175-1777 Chrysanthemum. Kniirijec (R. P.) Chrysanthemum Roxburghii, De.sv SplifBriinthus indicus, Linn.; Splueranthus filobosus I)« ('.; Siihteranthus mollis. Uoxb.; called: mfintli. inurnndi te.jballi. Med. Reporter. Calcutta, 1893, ii, 37-39. — ?|nI rino-Zut t> (F.) Sur lu chrysanthemine. Arch, ital de biol., Turin, 1895-6, xxiii, 343-350. Clirysapllis (X.) *De la curabilit6 de la re- troversion ut6rine par la reduction et. la cou- tentiou niveau iqne saus op6ration sanglaute 15 pp. 4-. Paris, 1891, No. 197. Chrysarobin. See, also, Acid (Chrysophanic); Psoriasis (Treatment of). Godart (E.) *De la chrysarobine, ou acitle chrysophanique du commerce. Contribution a sou 6tudc clinique et physiologique. 4 . Pa- ris, 1**6. Campana (R.) La crisarobina sopra alcuui fermenti o sopra alcuui schizomiceti patogeni. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1890, vi, 693. — Chriwty (T.) Goa powder (Andira araroha). In his: New Commerc. Plants & Drugs, Lond., 1884, no. G, 78-82.—Cottle (\V.) Chrysophanic acid. St! George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8. Lond., 1879, ix, 745-751.— Fox (G. IL) An improved plan of using chrysoplianic acid externally. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 289. — Glaislcr (J.) Notes of a case in which chrysophanic acid was administered internally bv accident. Glasgow M. J., 1881, xvi, 278-285.—von Ilcbra (V.) Chrysarohiu (falschlich Chrvsophausaure). Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. all". Krankenh. zu Wien (1878), 1879, 290-292. Also: Wieii. med. Presso, 1879, xx, 1368-1370. — von Iit-iiM»ler (E.) Untersuehung der chrysophaiisaureartijreii Substau/. der Sennesbliitter und der Frangulinsauro, nebst Veif;leiiliiiiig derselben mit tier Chrvsophausaure des Ehabarbers. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1878, xvii, 257; 289; 321; 353. Also, Reprint. — I.icbei-mniiu. TJeber therapeutische Ersatzmittel des Chrysarobin vom che- mischen Standpunkte aus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv,'282-284. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1888), 1889, xix, 75-83. — Mitsui (S.) [On chrysophanic acid.J [Japanese text.] Tokei Zasshi, Osaca, 1879, no. 30, 10-13. — Miiller. Untersuchungen iiber toxische Wirkung des Chrysarobins. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 1058. — Rice ( C.) Cause of the deterioration of commercial chrysarobin. Am. Druggist, N. Y., 1886, xv, 121-123. — Scarenzio (A.) Delia azione iriitante del- 1' acido crisofanico e del modo onde prevenirne la diffusione alle parti sane. Gior. ital. tl. mal. ven., Milano, 1879, xiv, 263-274. — Shorer (C. C.) Note on the use ot ehryso- phanic acid. Med. Bull., Phila., 1880. ii, 6. — Smith (A.- L.) L'acide chrysophanique. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1880, ix, 97-102. — Villeneiivc (G.) Action a distance exercee par l'acide chrysophanique, en applica- tions externes localises, dans le traitement du psoriasis. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1893, n. s., vii, 404. Clirysippiis. See UIiiiiin (M. A.) [ia 1. s.J. Physiologia barbas hu- manie [ete.J. fol. Bononios, 1602. hrysospatlies (Joh. G.) Zur Statistik und Kenntuiss des Carcinoma mamma} utriusqne. 8~. Freiburg i. B., H. Epstein, 1895. Chrysospleiiium. See Saxifrage. Clirystie (Walter). See System (A) of practical therapeutics, [etc.J [in 1. s.J. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891-2. dc Clirzanowska (Laura). *Du pneumotho- rax chez l'enfant. 140 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 388. voiiChvzaiiowski'(Alfons)[1859- ]. "Ue- ber die Hernia properitonealis unter Mittheilung eines durch Radicaloperation geheilten Fades. 3(1 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Greifsuald, J. Abel, 1*84. vonClirzanowski(Josef) L18R9- ]. "Ue- ber das Empyem des Antrum Highmori. 28 pp., 2 1. 8-. Konigsberg, M. Liedtke, l^yr.. CHirzelitzer (Wilhelm). * Beitrag zur Lcliro des "Ileus". 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, J. Scelmeyr, 1892. < In/.cst iuski (Rudolf) [18:,.'i- ]. •Einbe- merkeuswerther Fall von Tetanus traumatica nach Acquisition eiuer Risswunde in der rechten I'lanta pedis. 33 pp. -c. Greifswald, J. Abel, . 1**6. CIIUARD. 635 CHUECH. Cliu«|Ua SY? Regitnnlt [in 1. s.J. Rapport sur un appareil [etc.]. -i°- [Paris, 1843.J Clllickerbutly (S[oorjee Kumar] Goodeve ) r -1874]. Abstract of an account of some cases of typhus fever in the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. 11pp. 8°. [Calcutta, 1864.] [P., v. 1025.] ,_____, Cholera; its symptoms, clinical history, pathology, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prophylaxis. 178 pp. 8-. Calcutta, B. C. Le- paqe f Co., 18li7. Repr. from: Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1867, xi. _____., A clinical retrospect of hospital experi- ence of civil medical cases, s? pp., 1 tab. 8-'. Calcutta, B. C. Lepage 79. -----. Thesame. Izd. 4. s predisloviem A. Lip- skavo. [4. ed., with preface by A. Lipski.] 76, iii pp. 8-. S.-Petirbnrg, 1>97. -----. Sposobl izsliedovaniya obshtshikh i vnu- trennikh bolleznei. [Methods of investigating general aud internal diseases.] [2. ed.] iii, 363 pp., 3 1. 8-'. S.-Peterburg, A. Pozharova, 1887. -----. The same. [3. ed.] 1 p. 1., 331 pp., 2 1. 8:. S.-Peterburg, A. F. Pozharova, 1^94. -----. Osnovi borbi s lyokhochnoi chakhotkoi. [Principles of struggle with pulmonary phthi- sis.] 27 pp. 8-. S.-Peterburg, P. 0. Yablonski, 1891. Repr. from: Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1891, ix. -----. Lektsii po obshtshei terapii. [Lectures on general therapeutics.] Pts. 1-3. iii, v (1 1.), iii, 242 pp., port. 8:. S.-Peterburg, A. V. Po- zharova, 1^93-6. -----. The same. 1. & 2. pts. [2. ed.] viii, 89 pp. *'--. S.-Peterburg, G. P. Pozharova, 1895. ■-----. Chto takoye homeopat'ia i sushtshestvu- yet li ona? [What is-homceopathy, and does it exist?] 12 pp. 8'-. S.-Peterburg', I. Trei, 1895. Repr. from: Vrach, St. I'etersb., 1895, xvi. For Biography, see Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Tetersb., 1896, vii, 105-108. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 815. Also: Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1896. viii, 115. Also: Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1895-6, [no. 5], 17-22 (L. V. Popoff). Also : Vuzhno- russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1896, v, 96 (K. Purits). Cliiidcn (Christiauns Fridericus) [1686-1747]. Methodus nova pneservandi et curandi atrophi- atn seu maciern infantum et per consequens mor- buin sic dictum Anglicum, quam multiplici experientia confiniiatam publicis usibus com- mendat. 24 pp 4°. Lipsice, E. H. Campen, 1726. Chiidcil (Job. Valcntinns) [1724- ]. *>Spee. med. vindicias quasrlam schediasmatis parentis sui de methodo praiservandi et curandi atro- phiatu infantiun exhibet. 28 pp., 3 1. 8'-'. Got- tingce, lit. J. C. L. Schuizii, [1746]. Chiidcil (Wilhelmus Ludovieus) [1733-1811]. * De signis ftetus viviet mortui. 1 p. 1., 35 pp., 2 1. 4. Gottingo3, E. Luzac, [1756]. Cllllftart. Des affections rhumatismales du tissu cellulaire sous-cutau6. 196 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, /*'. Alcan, 1886. Cllllftart (Charles-Louis-Joseph) [1870- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des mammites chez les enfants. 44 pp. 4°. Lille, 1894, 4. s., No. 36. Cllllftart (Jules-CtSsar-Auguste) [1861- ]. * De riieniostase dans l'hysterectomie vaginale. 40 pp. 4°. Lille, 1895, No. 94. Clllliton (F^douard-Charles). *Du delire rai- sonnant de depossession au point de vue clini- que et medico-legal. 96 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, P. Cassignol, 1897, No. 95. ChllO Ijishnho. [Central weekly medical hulle- tins.] Nos. 53-70, Dec, 31, 1892, to April, 1893. fol. Tokio. Japanese text. Chukchi. Dull (W. H.) On the so-called Chukchi and Namollo people of eastern Siberia. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1881, xv, 857-868. Clilllovski (I[van Aleksaudrovich]) [1849- ]. K niekhanizmu poraneniya metatelnlmi snaryadami. (Podrobniy referat rukopisi pokoi- navo vracha Z. I. Novodvorskavo.) [On the mechanism of wounds by projectiles. (Detailed review of the late Z. L Novodvorski's manu- script.)] 38 pp. 8°. [Omsk, 1887.] Cllll 11 (Carl) [1852- ]. Katechismus der Mi- kroskopie. viii, 138 pp. 16°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1*85. Cliunder Sen (Boyle). See Sen (Boyle Chun- der.) Chungking. UlcCartney (J. H.) Report on the health of Chung- king for the half-year ended 31st March. 1894. China. Imp. Cnstoms. Med.Hep. 1894, Shanghai, 1895, xlvii-xlviii, 3-6.----- Report on tke health of Chungking for tho half-year ended 30th September, 1894. Ibid., 23-25. -----. Report on the health of Chungking for the half-year ended 31st March, 1896. Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1895-6, uo. 51, 68-70. < Initio (Phil.Henr.). See Waldsclimidt (J.J.) [ini. h.]. Monita medica circa opii [etcJ. sm. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1679. Cliuquet (A.) [1853- ]. Notes sur les e"tudes medicales en Italie. 54 pp. 8°. Grasse, E. Im- bert f Cie., 1886. Cliuquet (Prosper) [1858- ]. * Etude sur le cathet6risme retrograde. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 18e8, No. 256. Church (Archibald). The nervous features and sequences of la grippe. 11 pp. 8°. [Chicago, 1891.] Repr. from: Chicago M. Rec, 1891, i. -----. Athetosis, with clinical cases. 13 pp. 8°. [Milwaukee, 1892.] Repr. from: Rev. Insan. & Nerv. Dis., Milwaukee, 1891-2, ii. ------. The vertigo of arterio-sclerosis. 6 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1892. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx. ------. The hemiplegic state antl its treatment. 7 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1897. Repr. from: Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xii. Also, Editor of: Chicago (The) Medical Recorder, 1891. -----& Eisendrath (D. W.) A contribution to spinal-cord surgery. 18 pp. 8°. [Philadel- phia, Lea Bros. $ Co., 1K>2.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1892, n. s., cm. -----& ftessert (William). Acromegaly, with the clinical report of a case. 14 pp. 12°. New York, Trow, lf-93. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii. CHUliCH. 636 CIIURU11ILL. 4 11IIIt'll (Benjamin S.) Notes and suggestions on the Croton water works, and supply for the future. 30 pp. 8-. Xew York, 1876. Repr. from: Tr.Am. Soe. Civil Engin., >'. Y., 1876, v. Church (James). Important information to the afflicted with rheumatisms, coughs, and colds . . . and most disorders incident to human na- ture; addressed to them by ... 31 pp. 16°. New York, G. if B. Waite, 1800. [P., v. 1433.] Church (James R.). See Harrison (G. B.) A case of opium-poisoning [etc.]. 12°. Philadelphia, 1895. Church (W[illiam] S[elby]). An examination of nearly seven hundred eases of acute rheuma- tism, chiefly with a view to determining the frequency of cardiac affections, and especially pericarditis, at the present time. pp. 269-287. 8°. London, [1887]. Repr.from: St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, xxiii. -----. On tho prevalence of diphtheria and throat-disease within the hospital during the year 1890. pp. 261-279, 1 tab. 8°. London, [1891]. Repr. from : St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii. See, also, Saint Bartholomew's Hospital, London fin l.s.J. Reports. A general index [etc.J. 8°. London, 1885. Church Charity Foundation of Long Island, Brooklyn. Annual reports of the boartl of man- agers to the subscribers. 2., 1*53; 6., 1857; 11., 1*62; 13.,-1864; 14., 1*65; 16., 1867; 18.-28., 1869-79. 12° & 8°. Brooklyn, 1*54-80. Founded and incorporated 1851. -----. The Church Charity Foundation of Brooklyn, N. Y. [Charter and by-laws.] 38pp. 8°. Cambridge, Biverside Press, 1868. -----. Charter and by-laws of the hoard of managers and rules and regulations for the government of the associates. 20 pp. *'-. Brooklyn, Orphan's Press, 1*76. Church Extension Association, London. Our work at home and abroad, v. 5, 1882, No. 1; v. 6, 1883; v. 7, 1884, Nos. 1-9. sm. 4°. London, 18*2-4. Contains notices, accounts, and reports of convalescent homes, nurses, cripples, and sick children. -----. Echoes from "Our Work". A record of work of the ... N. s., No. 1. Jan. 3, 1885. 12 pp. 4°. [London, Cassell f Co., 1885.] Church of the Holy Trinity, New York City. Annual reports of Christian work, to the con- gregation. 8.-14., 1873-9. 8°. New York, 1874-80. Report for 1873-9 bound in 1 v. Organized Jan. 19,1867, as: Pastoral Aid Society of the Church of the Holv Trinity. In 1876. title changed as above. An orphanage, dispensary, and infirmary, the Dorcas Society, Industrial Sewing So- ciety, the Mothers' Aid Society, and many others are sup- ported by this organization. Church Home and Infirmary of the City of Baltimore. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the contributors. 6.-13., 1*62-3 to 1869-70; 15.-38., 1871-2 to 1895-6. 12° & 8°. Baltimore, 1863-96. Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Chil- dren, in South Boston. Annual reports of the board of managers to the society. 25.-27., 1881- 2 to 18-3-4; 30.-32., 18p6-7 to 1*88-9. 8°. Bos- ton, 1*82-9. Church and Hospital for British Emigrants, arriving at the port and city of New York. Appeal in behalf of the proposed ... 16 pp. *°. [Comhill, Darling d' Son, 1848.] Church Mission to Deaf-Mutes, New York City. Annual reports of the trustees to the society including the Gallaudet Home for Deaf-Mutes. nearPoughkeepsie. 1.-17., 1*72-3 to 1 ***-'.)• 19 1890-91; 20., 1*91-2. *°. 'New York, 1*73-93. ' Incorporated Oct.. 1872. The Gallaudet Home for Deaf- Mutes. near Poughkeepsie, was opened June 17, 1886, under the auspices of the society. Churchill (Fleetwood), sr. [l*(H-7<*]. Syllabus of a course of lectures on the theory and prac- tice of midwifery, and on diseases of women and children, delivered iu the medieo-chirurgical school. 34 pp., 11. *\ Dublin, M. Keene Jl-Son 1834. [P., v. 123*.] ------. Notes on some of the disorders of men- struation. 16 pp. * . Edinburgh, [1*361. rp v. 1819.] L *' Repr. from: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1836, xlv. ------. Outlines of the principal diseases of fe- males; chiefly for the use of students, viii, 4(y pp. 8°. Dublin, 21. Keene . chukchill. 637 CHYLE. Churchill (Frederick)—continued. _____. Causation and treatment of congenital club-foot. 8 pp. *^. London, J. f A. Churchill, 1*87. Churchill (J- & A.) [Catalogue A.] Cata- logue of publications in medicine and the vari- olis branches of natural science. 64 pp. 8°. London, [1888]. Churchill (J[ohn] Francis). De la causo im- mediate et du traitement speeifique do la phthi- sic pulmonaire et des maladies tuberculeuses. xix 255 pp. 8 \ Paris, F. Masson, 185*. _____. The same. Treatise on the immediate cause and the specific treatment of pulmonary phthisis and tubercular diseases. -Transl. from the French by a physician. 3. Am. ed. 144 pp. 8°. Xew York, J. Winchester, 1860. _____. Trattamento delle malattie del petto col mezzo degT iposfosfiti. Yersione dal francese con autorizzazione dell' autore del dottor Grc- o-orio Fedeli. 49 pp. 8°. Fano, G. Lana, 1868. Repr. from: Ippocratieo, Fano, I86S, 3. s., xiii. _____. Report of Dr. John Francis Churchill's Free Stoechiological Dispensary, London, for consumption and diseases of the lungs, wind- pipe, nose, aud throat, with an appendix on croup, diphtheria, and hay-fever. 24 pp. 8°. London, 1886. Opened Dec, 1885. -----. A letter to the registrar-general on tho increase of cancer in England and its cause. 63 pp. 12-. ondon, D. Stott, [1888]. -----. Letters to a patient on consumption and its cure by the hypophosphites. v, 2*0 pp. 8C. London, I). Stott, 1888. -----. The stoechiological cure of consumption and diseases of the respiratory organs. From letters to a patient. 3. ed. xxxviii pp. 8°. London, D. Stott, 1*93. Churches. See Burial; Cadaver (Care, etc., of); Venti- lation of churches. Churfurstlich - pfalzische Medizinalord- nung fiir die Herzogthiimer Jiilich und Berg. pp. 26-109. 8C. [Leipzig, 1785.] Cutting from: Arch. d. nied. Pol., Leipz., 1785, iii. Ciiur-fiirstlicheii (Des) Sanitiits-Collegii zu Dresden. Vorschlage zur Cur-Art in Blattern. 14 pp. 4J. Dresden, Walther, 1772. ChuriloflT (Ivan Aleksandrovich) [1864- ]. * Sekretorniye yadi v otnoshenii zheludochnavo soka; experimeutalnoye izsliedovan'ie. [Secre- tory poisous iu relation to gastric juice ; experi- mental research.] 84 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. Golike, 1*94. Churton (Henry) [1813-97]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1880. Chute de la merlecine et chirurgie; ou le monde reventi daus son premier age. Traduit du chinois par le Bonze Luc-Esiab. 4 1. am. 8°. a Emeluogna [Angonlemef], la pr4sente annfe .000000000 [between 1795 and 1*05?]. Chuyeff (Nikolai Aleksandrovich) [1855- ]. *K voprosu oh izmienenii kozhi pri nalozhenii na neyo posmertno petli. [On the changes in the skin after putting a noose on it post mortem.] 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. I. Schmidt, 1894. Chuyevski (I[vau] A[fanasyevich]) [ 1858- ]. O razdrazhenii dvigatelnlkh nervov kolebaniyami galvauicheskavo toka, [On the excitation of motor nerves hy the fluctuations of the galvanic current.] 109 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Kharkov, A. Darre, 1*92. -----. Konspekt fiziologii chelovleka. [Con- spectus of human physiology.] 148, ii pp., 1 1. 8°. Kharkov, P. A. Breitigam, 1895. Chuyevski (I[van] A[fanasyevich])—cont'd. ------. The same. [2. ed.] iv, 1«8 pp. 8°. Kharkov, P. A. Breitigam, 1897. Chvo*tek (Franz) [1835-84]. |.\tkrolo«.] Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1513. Also: Wien. nied. Wchuschr., 1884, xxxiv, 1412. ChVOStck (F[ranz]). Ueber das Wesen der paroxysnialen Hiinioglobinurie. 105 pp. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1894. Chworosfausky (Pauline). * Ueber das Vor- konunen von Knorpel in Geschwiilsten. 37 pp. 8^. Ziirich, E. Meyer, 1895. c. Chyflremin. Cavazzani (E.) Contributo alio studio delle altera- zioni tlell' organismo nella chilemia. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano,"1893, xxxii, 482-492. Also, Reprint. — Stc- fani (A.) Chilemia in un caue; comunicazione. Atti. r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1892-3, 7. 8., iv, 411. Also, Reprint. Chyle. See, also, Absorbents, etc. Arf.xs (J. A.) Dissertatio physica de chyli- ficatione. 4°. Jence, [1698]. Blasits (G. L.) A: Sknguerdius (W. A.) Ex- ercitationum medicaruni de humoribus prima, de chylo. 4°. Amstelodami, 1661. Bokbon (M.) De chyli natura, generatione, rnotu progressive, et nsibus. Inhis: Flumen vitale [etc.]. sm. 4°. Caesar-Augusta, 1736, 1-81. BttEXDKL (J. G.) Chyli ad sanguinem pu- blico privatoque potissimum commeatu per venas mesaraicas non improhabli. 4°. Gottingce, [1738]. Also, in his: Opusc. math, et med. [etc.]. 4°. Gottin- gas, 1769, i, 86-107. Colombier (J.) * An prius lactescat chylus, quam in omnes corporis humores abeat? Prteses L. C. Guilbert. 4-. [Paris, 1767.] De Bils (L.) Epistolica dissertatio qua verus hepatis circa chylum, et pariter ductus chiliferi hactenus dicti usus, docetur. 4°. Boterodami, 1659. Deisixcics (A.) Exercitatio de chylificatione ac chyli rnotu. In his: Exercit.phys.-anat. [etc.]. 16°. ,1660, 1-60. ------. II. De chyli a fsecibus alvinis secre- tione; et in vasa masarai'ca propulsione. In his: Sylva-caedua cadens [etc.J. 16°. Groningat, 1664, 113-199. ------. III. De chyli mutatione iu san- guinem ac circnlari sanguinis rnotu. In his: Sylva-caedua cadens [etc.J. 16°. Groningoe, 1661, 200-272. a Diepiioct ( R. ) *De chylificatione kesa. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1668. Duveuxoi (J. G.) Descriptio vasprnm chyli- ferorum. 4U. [St. Petersburg, 1726.J Cutttng from: Comment, et acta Acad, scient. imp. Pe- tropolitanie, 1726, i, 252-283, 2 pl. Eschenbach (C. G.) "Epistola gratttlatoria de glandularum niesaraicariini iu chylum ac- tione. In: Weiz(F. A.) Neue Ausz., [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1779, ix, 22-24. Evertze (P.) * Memoria demoustrationis organi chylificationis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1706. ------. The same. Ed. altera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1708. Fickius (J. J.) "De chylo. 4°. Lipsim, [1686]. Gmelin (J. G. ) * Glandularum mesenterii actio in chylum retardativa. 4°. Tubingce, [1725]. Gurischius (M.) Tractatus historico-medicus de chilo humano, sive succo homiuis nutritivo, quo appetitus nimii et voracitatis, rerum hand esculentaruui coucupiscentiae, nausea? et Luedise CIIYLK. 638 CHVZKK. C'hvle. dinturnae, cnltivororum, vitrivororum, veneui- vororuni ct pyrophagorum exempla recensentur, farrago rem in pneternaturaliiim in ventriculo et intestinis latitantium ant vomitu rejcctaruni suppeditatnr, honierthc resolutio chymica, cum usu medico et magico ostenditur, annexis quies- tionihus et indice locupletissimo. 4°. Lipsiie, I7:s<>. Klaunig (A.) Exercitationum physiologi- carum quarta, de chyli ab alvinis fiecibus secre- tione. 4°. [«. p., n. d.] Klpg (D. G.) * Dc tluxu chyli in fluore muliebri, gonorrhoea, cicliaca urinis, lacteis et lactis abnndantia thematis novi summaria et theses. 4°. Altdorfi, [1675]. de Mandeville (B.) *De chylosi vitiata. 4°. Lugd. Hat., 1691. Nitschke (E.) Exercitationum physiologica- rum tertia, de chylificatione. 4°. [Lipsice, 166*.] Pauli (C. G.) Au chyli separatio per tubos capillares explicari queat ? In: Ludwig (C. G.) Decas quaest. med. 4°. Lipsim, 1740, 29-32. Pecquet (J.) Experimenta nova anatomica, quibus incognitum hacteuus chyli receptaculum, et ab eo, per thoraceni, in ramos usque sub- clavios, vasa lactea deteguntur, item dissertatio anatomica de chyli motu ; resiiiratioue, ac trans- colatorio jecinoris usu. Accedunt clarissiniorum virornm epistolaB tres adauctorem. 12°. [Lutc- litt: Parisiorum, 1651.] Percival (T. ) Au inquiry into the reseni- hlauce between the chyle aud milk. Inhis: Essays med. 2. ed. 8°. Lond., 1112, 249-262. de Rabours (G.) * An tritus chylosim juvet? 4°. Parisiis, 1737. Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] exhibens brevein de voce Koiliaa disquisitionem. 4 . Gottingce, 1741. Also, inhis: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. et Lips., 1780, iii, 58-62. [S. ( S.)] Discours sceptique snr le passage du chyle et sur le mouvement du coeur. Oil sont touchees quelques difficulte's sur les opinions des veiues lactees, et de la circulation du sang. 32°. Leyde, 1648. Sallin (C.) *An chylus et succus uutritius, simili perficiantur mechanismo? 4°. Parisiis, 1760. Sch.effer (J. C.) *De chylificatione integra et laesa hujusque reparatioue. 4°. Erfordiw, [1728]. Spiess (J. H.) * Chylum secundum et prseter naturam spectatum disputatione medica . . . submittit. 4°. Erfurti, 1694. Wolff (J.) Exercitationum physiologicarum quinta, de chyli motu. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Ba§sius (H.) An chyli quaedam per vasa mesaraica feratnr portio ? Inhis: Obs. auat., 8°, Halse Magdeb., 1731, 248-264.—Bouisson(F.) Etude sur le chyle. Gaz.mSd. dePar., 1844,2. s., xii, 409; 425; 489; 521; 585; 649. A Uo, Re- print.— Ceconi (A.) Sui versamenti chilosi e chiliformi. Morgagni, Milano, 1897, xxxix, 69-106.—Colin. De l'ori- gine du sucre du chyle. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1858, xlvi, 1264-1267.—Desoubry ((J.) & Par- cher (C.) De la presenc ■ de microbes daus le chyle nor- mal che/. le chien. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. Par. 1895 10. s., ii, 101-104. —von Frcy ( M.) Die Emulsion ties Jett.es nn Chylus. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1881, 382- 3K6.—lupine (R.) Sur la presence normale, dans le chyle, d'un ferment destructeur du sucre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, ex, 742-745.—Ranvicr (L.) Des chyhftres du rat et de l'absorption intestinale. Ibid., 1894, cxviii, 621-626. — Manit ««on (C. G.) Om inflytan- det af narinssvatskans sammansattning p& grodhjartats arbete. [Influence of composition of chyle on action of the heart of the fro-j.l Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1893-4, xxix, 485-490— Schafer (E. A.) On the origin of the proteids ot the chyle and the transference of food mate- rials from the intestine into the lacti-als. Proc. Roy. Soc Lond., 1S84-5, xxxviii, 87-92— Wt i-tlit-Miit-i- (E.) Fait relatif a l'absorption par les chyli tores. Arch, de physiol norm, et path., Par., 1893, 5. s..' v, 751-759. Chylocele. .Vla.vtiii ( \V. M.) Chylocele of the tunica vu"iua]i8 testis, with a case. Ann. Anat. Sc Suri;., Brooklyn >,' V 1883, vii, 223-241. Also, Reprint. Chylothoi'ax. See Duct (Thoracic, Wounds of), Chyluria. C'liabrir (C.) & Diasaril. Lo role probable du foie dans hi genese des chyhnies et des lipuries expcriineu- tales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. nenito-iirin.. Par., 1S9,'|, xi 412-415.—Cohen (S. S.) Case of ch.vluria, with exiiibi! tion of patient and s|ieei.....us. Ciiir.in. Lancet-C.inic 1889, u. s., xxii, 597.— I»:iy«tll (H. J.) A ease ot chy^ luria. Brit. M. J., Lond., is9i;, ii, 1706.—tiotx*' (L) i/je Chylurie, ihre Ursachen und ihr Zustaiidekoinineii. Os. klin. Arb., Jena, 1890, 463-515. — ? pp., 6 pl. fol. Bo- logna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1-77. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. tl. sc. d. Ist. tli Bologna, 1877, 3. s., viii. _____. Sopra all' ossilicazioue dell' intern amor vitreo dell' occhio umano e sopra uu' altra nota- bile alterazione che alcuna volta in quello si asserva. 18 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1879. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. tl. sc. d. Ist. di Bologua, 1879, 3. s., x. _____. Lezioni di notomia minuta generale e degli organi dei sensi dettate nella regia univer- sita di Bologna. 298 pp.. 1 1. 8C. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1890-95. Ciacconius Toletanus (Petrus). See Chacon (Pedro). Ciaceri (Giuseppe). Un caso clinco. 24 pp. 8C. Modica, T. Avolio, 1888. -----. Appunti clinici-terapeutici sulla flogosi del pulmone e massime della pleura iv, 5-17 pp. 8°. Modica, tip. Archimede, 1>91. See, aUo, IVapolino (V.) Sc Ciaceri (G.) Resoconto amministrativo-sanitario. fol. Modica, 1890. ----- & UTapolillO ( V. ) Resoconto sanitario dello Ospedale degli onesti ed Albergo dei poveri, compilato per cura dei ... 13 pp., 2 tab. fol. Modica, T. Avolio, 1888. Cianclii (Francesco). Editor of: Scienza (La) dentaria, Firenze. 1889. Cianclii (Xiccolo). Veterinaria legale. Saggio teorico pratico dei vizi redibitori nella contrat- tazione degli animali secondo la vigente legisla- zione. xv, 354 p^p. 12°. Siena, E. Torrini, 18*7. Cianci (Francesco Saverio). feBai-barotlafG.) Aldottore... S-. Napoli, 1883. Cianciosi (Angelo). Studi anatomici applicati alia storia delle ernie e relative deduzioni cli- niche. 81 pp. 8-. Bologna, Gamberini e Par- meggiani, 1876. Repr. from.- Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1850, xxii. Cianflone ( Francesco ). Memoria intorno ad un fatto di legatura dell' arteria ipogastrica per aneurisma nella natica. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Xapoli, T. Cottrau, 1857. Repr. from: Morgagni, Napoli, 1857, i. Ciani (Rodolfo). Tesi di laurea. Della terapia incruenta nella tubercolosi chirurgica ed in par- ticolare della iperemia da stasi venosa. 152 pp., 1 tab. 8 \ Bocca, S. Casciano, stab. tip. Cappelli, 1896. Ciarlataiiismo (II) smascherato, ossia la me- dicina apprezzata al giusto suo valore, opera composta per respingere le iugiurie e le calunnie che sono state o potrebbero esser dirette contro la medicina curativa del chirurgo Le Roy da un amico della verita, e dell' umanita. 2. ed. . ora per la prima volta tradotta in italiano. viii, 145 pp. 8°. Bologna, frat. Masi, 1825. Cibert (Maurice) [1871- ]. * Des paralysies radiculaires obstetricales du plexus brachial. [Lyons.] 99 pp. 8j. Boanne, M. Souchier, 1897, No. 130. Cicatrice**. See, also, Burns ( Complications, etc., of) ; Syphilides. Aim': (.].) * Etude sur la compression des cordons nerveux ties membres par du tissu fi- breux cicatriciel. 8°. Paris, 1896. Lafosse (F.-G.-L.) Histoire tie la cicatrisa- tion, de ses modes de formation, et des consid6- ralions pathologiques et tlierapeutiques qui en decoulent. 4°. Montpellier f Paris, 1836. Tektrais (F.) * Coup d'ti'il snr les cicatrices des parties molles. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Wii'.siolek (J. E.) *De cicatricutn forma in sujierficis externa cutis corporis humani. 8°. Fratislavice, [1855]. Appareil protecteur des cicatrices. J. tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1870, 3. s., xii, 420. Also, Reprint.— Ballance (A.) The genesis of scar tissue. Verhaudl. tl. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 196-200. — Cicatrice* noires chez les blancs dans cer- taines contrees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1860, 1, 1079—Coi-nil Sc Carnot. Cicatrisation et reconstitu- tion integrate des eavites et conduits muqueux apreis une large ouverture. Bull. Acad, de med., I'ar., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 699-705.—Du Castel. Les cicatrices. Tribune m6d., Par., 1896, 2. s., xxviii, 587-589. — Fevrier (J.) Exemple de cicatrisation ceutrale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1881, v. 177-179. AUo: J. de med.de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 7s.—<»au-82, iii, 141-147. Also: J.de nie-d.de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 106-lox. — I,uts (F. J. ) [Degeneration of a scar into an ulcer and finally into a-well-marked epitheli- oma: amputation of leg. ] St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 118-12(1. _ !VIarcii»e (J.) Oberflachliches Hautcarcinom der vord'-ren Seite des rechten Oberschenkels bei eiuem 23- jahrigen Madehen, in ulcerirten Verbrennunjrsiiarben ent- standen; Amputation des Oberschenkels; Heilung. Zt- schr. f. Wuutlarzte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 188(1, xxxi, 261-269. — Ninni (G.) Epitelioma da cicatrice. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli. 1892-3, iii, 139-141.— Piccoli (E.) Sopra due casi di epitelioma delle cicatrici. Morgagni, Milano, 1894, xxxvi, 521-51K. — Poland (J. ) Extensive ejutheliomatous growth arising in old ulcerated and cicatricial tissue. Abstr. Tr. Hunteriau Soc., Lond., 1892-3, 40-42.—Reboul (J.) Epithelioma du talon deve- lopp6 snr une cicatrice de plaie contuse. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 872-874. Ciccolilii (Sophia A.), marquise. Deep breath- ing, as a means of promoting the art of song, and of caring weaknesses and affections of the throat and lungs, especially consumption. Transl. from the German by Edgar S. Werner. ^ pp. 12°. Xew York, M. L. Holbrook &- Co., [1^4]. • L'inspiration profonde active incoimue '» physiologie. 67 pp., 1 1. *'J. Paris, G. Mas- son, 1890. ~~ • The same. De krachtige dicpe adeniha- ling onbekend in de physiologic; naar het Fra nach. 07 pp. 8°. '« Gravenhage, H. L. Smits, 1*92. 41 Ciccone (Antonio). Qucstioni di medicina fo- rense secondo lo spirito del codiee delle leggi del regno delle due Sicilie. 2 v. xxiii, 46(5 pp.; 531 pp. 81'. Xapoli, Filiatre-Sebezio, 1H47. Ciccone (Viuceuzo). II vade-mecum del pner- perio. MS pp. 120. Xapoli, D. Cesareo, 1896. ------. Sinossi ostetrica. Compendio di ostetri- cia ad uso speciale degli .studenti e delle leva- trici. xvi, 183 pp. 12°. Napoli, D. Cesareo, 1897. See, also, Ulaglieri (C.) \- C'ieeone (V.) Vade-me- cum di igiene [etc.]. 12°. Napoli, 1890. Cicero. See Albinuw (B. S.) The anatomy of painting, fol. London, 1769. — Ulniua (M. A.) [in 1. s.J. Physiologia barbae human as [etc.]. fol. Bononice, 1602. Cicero. Bkrgkkus (J. S.) * (Jiceronem medicum, re- spondente Benjam. Gotlib. Garmanno. 4'-. Fitembergw, [1712]. Meniere (P.) Cic^ron m6decin. Etude m<-- dico-littcraire. 8°. Paris, 1862. Cicliocki (Casimirus [Simplicius]) [1819- ]. * De historia et natura plica; Polonicse. 30 pp., 1 1. 8 '. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1845]. Ciciimati (Viuceuzo). Del reumatismo. Etio- logia e patogenesi. 1 p. 1., 38 pp. s°. Xapoli, 1*89. Cicog'na (Alessandro). Memoria sui vantaggi ilell' olio di ricino. 16 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Marelli, 1789. Ciconj (Giovanni Domenico). * Intorno ad al- cune malattie derivate agli uoniini dall' abuso del viver sociale. 22 pp. 8°. Padova, 18-25. Cicorani (Giovanni). Tratato teorico-pratico di medicina sociale. Pubblicazione che dctci- minala soluzione pacitica della questions sociale 324 pp., 3 tab. 12°. Milano, G. Ambrosoli, 18*1. Cicuta virosa [and C. maculata]. VAX Hyfte (P. B.) # De cicuta virosa. 8 . Lugd. Bat., 1846. Postik (E.) * Materiali k toksikologii cicuta; virosa- i etiologii toksicheskavo vospaleniya zhe- ludka i kishek (loninshnikli zhivotnikh. [Data on the toxicology of cicuta virosa, and etiology of toxic inflammation of the stomach and intes- tines of domestic animals.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1883. Schwexcke (M. W.) Abhandlnng vou dem grossen Wasserschierling, desselben Kcnnzeiclicn und Wirknngen. Ans dem Hollandischen Iibcr- setzt von Anton Statins Miiller. 8-. Miinsttrf Leipzig, 1776. Wepff.ii ( J. J. ) Historia cicutie aquatica1,, qua non solum planta; liujtis venenata'- stnictura naturalis, vires et opt;ratione.s deleteria; in hoini- nibns ac brtitis adcurate describunttir, scitei|ite cxplicantur: sed et alioruni quainpluriiiioriini venenoruni, imprimis cicuta; terrestris, napelli, cocciilarnni, nucis vomica;, liellebori albi, jalap- pae, corona} iniperialis, solani vulgaris ac furiosi, hyoscyami, ainygdalarum ainarariini, aiitimonii denique, arsenici, anripigmenti, et mercurii, qualitates funesta;, instittitis experimetitis col- lectisque obscrvationibus det(;guntur, aperinn- tnr, tandenique methodus il lis medendi brevis additur; adjeche sunt ad calcctn dissertationes de thee llclvetico accymbalaria. CurauteTheo- doro Zuingero. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1733. Dix. Vergiftung durch Cicuta virosa. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1837, Berl., 1840, 120.—Folk (J. W.) Poisoning bv cicula maculata. Tr. South Gir. M. Ass., Charleston, 1882, xxxii,69.—Heinsius. Ver<;iftuim'durch Cicuta virosa San.-Ber. d. Prov. Braiidenbm s 1839, Berl., 1843, 133.—Held (G.) (et al}. Von der Cicuta. nqiiatica, und denen ausGeniessung derselben crfolgten jahc n Todes- fallen. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1722. Leipz. n. Budissiu, 1723, xix, 28.r>-294.—iTIoNHberjf (V.) Forgittiung med sprainrrot (Cicuta virosa). Eira, Stockholm, J889, xii' 435.—Pohl (J.) Zur Kenntniss des giftigeu "Bestand- CICUTA. 642 CILIARY. Ck'Sflfla virosa [and C. maculata]. theils tier Oenmithe crocata uud der Cicuta virosa. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1894, xxxiv, 259- 267. —Poisoning bv wild parsnip. Tr. Minnesota M. Sue St. Paul, 1 ST 1, .VI. —Report "f committee on anal- ysis'of plant Mippoicd to be Ihe wild parsnip. Ibid., 53- '-,-> _ ttchmiiauii. Vergiftniur (lurch Cicuta virosii. Sau Ber. d. Prov. Brandeiibuig 1836, Berl., 1839, 144-146. Cid (Francisco Xavier). Tarantismo obscrvado en Espafia, cou que se prueba el de la Pnlla, dudado do alguuos, y tratado de otros tie fabu- loso; y memorias para escribir la historia del insecto llamado tarantula, efectos de su veneno en el cnerpo humano, y curacion por la mrh-ica, cou el modo de obrar de esta, y su aplicacion como remedio (\> varias enfermedades. 324 pp., 2 1. [music]. 8-. Madrid, Gonzalez, 1787. Cider and perry. Aury (P.) *Le cidre et le poire" en saute" et eu maladie. 4°. Paris, 1JD4. Dubi-euii. ifc Gikakdix (J.) Chimie agricole. Amelioration ties cidres. Copie d'nne lettre adressoe a M. le preTet de la Seine-Iuf6rieure. 8- -. Iioiien, 1840. Feron (A.) *Du cidre, de sa preparation et de sa conservation; de ses falsifications ct du moyen de les reconnaitre. 4°. Paris, lS5f>. Gikakdix ( J. ) Observations sur le poirier saugier et sur les produits, suivies de quelques considerations gen era les snr la fabrication des cidres. 8°. Bouen, ISM. Pauot (L.) *l)u cidre, de son analyse, de sa preparation, de sa conservation et des falsifica- tions qu'on lui fait snbir. 4°. Paris, 1*61. Bordas (F.) .v Joulin. Sur le developpement du eolib.icille daus les cidres. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1898.10.s., v, 157-159.—Eiiiforey (G.) A comparison of English and Ameiican cider, with suggestions for est.i- liiatiii;: the amount of added water. Analyst, Loud., 1891, xvi, 41-45. Cienci.l (La) nie"dico-escolastica. Redactor: J. Coll y Astrell. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-11, v. 1, April 10, 18*<), to Dec., 1889. '8 '. Barcelona. Ciencia. (La) moderna. Revista illnstrada de medicina, higiene, ciencias auxiliares y conoci- niicntos utiles. Director: Juan Cruz y Vazquez. [Senii-nionthly.J v. 4, 181)7. 4°. Madrid. C ieufiiegON. See, also, Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Mint-wio l.aypera. Reflexiones acerca de la esta- distica de Cienfuegos en el quinquenio de 1880 & 1884. Cron med.-quir. de la Habana, 1885, xi, 123-132, 2 tab. CieilfllCgOS (Maximo) [185'2- ]. * Ueber (iie senilen Veranderungen des menschlichen Auges. '2(J pp., 1 1. 6°. Berlin, G. Schade, | 1-80]. Cieutat (Jean-Pierre) [1K">7- ]. *De la su- ture scleroticale. 47 pp. 41-. Bordeaux, 1885, 7. s., No. 10. Cicala (Joannes) [1623- ]. Patin d'.) LBiograpli.v.J In his: Lyceum pataviu. 4°. Putarii. 1682, 58-61, 1 pl. Cigalilli (Paolo) [1.728-98]. In aphorismornm Hippoeratis libruni primum et secundum lec- tiones. Quibus accesserunt tabula tic plenitu- dine, tractatus de diel.us decretoriis; consulta- tio de victus ratione pro prajservatione oculi ab obscuritate. 16 p. 1., 314 pp. fol. Novocomi, ex off. X. Ctiprtini, 165-.?. Cigarettes. Tlnlliiill i.J. C.) The cigarette habit. N. Vork M J.. 1S95. lxii, 6Si;-688—itlnrrell (W.) Preliminary report on the presence of arsenic in cigarettes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*91), ii. 96. ------. On arsenic in cigarettes. Med! Brief, St. Louis, lh90. xxiv, 1473 —Severnon (Selena)! Effects of cigarette smoke upon children ami \outh. Pa- cific Kec. M. Sc S., San Fran., 1896-7, xi. 113.—Sohon (1' ) Cigarettes; effects compared. Virginia il. Semi-Month 1897-8, ii 612-614. [Discussion], 619 Cigarettes (Medicated). Arpenaiii (G.) Sull' uso dei ciiraretti mediciiti ]•', culapio uapol., Xapoli, 1846, xxiv, 241; 305; 373; ?£,. " CigliailO (Tommaso). II metodo speriiueutalc e le dosi minime. 32 pp. *■. Xapoli, Laneiano e Pinto, 18<).">. -----. La critica nella terapia, ovvero il curare ragionevole. 40 pp., 11. s". Xapoli, slab. Upon. Saiigiovanni, 1896. Cigna (Joannes Franciscus) [17:14-90]. Theses anatomica' singillatim editaj in usum disjm. tationum acadeniicartuii in regio Tanriiiciisi Archigymuasio. [Theses l-r>7.] sin. 4a. [Tu- rin, n. d.] Ci^noliiii (Joannes Baptista). *Quasuam tie crotonis tilii oleo, medicis usibus. 28 pp. 8°. Putarii, typ. seminarii, 1837. Cilento (Lnigi). See t'txai-t-o ((1. R.) Osservazioni pratiche sulla lito. tomia. 8°. Napoli. 1835. Cilia and ciliary motion. Buchnkk (H. J.) * Eene methode tot het registreeivn der trilhaarbeweging. 8°. Utrecht [187?.] Kamper ([C] R.) * Ueber die diagnostische Bedeutung des fibrilliiren Zitterns. 8°. Berlin, [1*90]. Ludloff (K.) * Untersnchuugeu iiber deu Gulvanotropismus. 8°. Bonn, 1895. Perty (M.) Die Bewegung (lurch schwingenile niikroskopische Organe ini Thier- und Pflanzeii- reiche. Nebst Erorterungen iiber Sporo/.oidien, Infusorien, Bacillarieen, und iiber die Elenientar- struktur der Halcyouella fltiviatilis var. Nyin- phiese. 4°. 7. t vphiqii" ot du b. coli. Ann. de l'lnst Pasteur, Par.. 1893, vii, 5.")4-.".6L—Pouchet (G.) Nouvelles observations sur les cilio-fla utiles. Assoc. franc, pour lnvance. d. sc. C.-r. 1883. Par., 1884, xii, 559-562. — ISonyt-t ( C.) Lea cils vibratiles (t le nam- vement ciliaire. Rev. scient, I'ar., 1881, xxxiii, 3.8-332.— Sharper (W.) Account of the discovery by Ptirkinjo and Valentin of ciliary motions iu reptiles and wurin- blooded animals, with remarks and additional experiments. Edinb. X. Phil. J" ,l835,xix,114-12K. Also, Reprint.----- Cilia. Cycl. Anat. &. Physiol. (Todd), Lond., 1835-6. l, 606-638. ' AUo, Reprint. —Verworn (M.) Studien zur Physiologie der Flitntnerbewegunj:. Arch. f. d. K«s- Physiol., Bonn, 1890-91, xlviii, 149-180. Ciliary body. Agabaijoff (A. [G.] j O nervnlkh oktuicliaiu- vakh v tsiliarnom tielie u mlekopitayushtshikh i chelovleka. [On the nerve endings in the ciliary bodies of mammals and men.] v. Ka- zan, 1893. Also, transl [Abstr.] in: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, vm, 555-561. Alt (A.) On E. Treacher Collins' so-called glands (if the ciliary body. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1896, xiii, 3-1L*pl-- von Amnion (F. A.) Beitrage zur Anatomie I livsw- logie und Pathologie des Orbiculus ciharis in ^1|IISI''"' und Thierauizen. Ztschr. f. d. Ouhlh.. Dresd., 18-*-. »■ IJ*- 2"2 1 pl. —Antonelli ( A.) C .ntributo alio studio nei CILIARY. 643 CINCHONA. Ciliary body. sienificato morfologico e della struttura del ganglio ciliare. 1st. di clin. ocul. tl. r. Univ. di Napoli, 1889-90, 177-210, 1 _1 .LuraiH'j (W. A.) On some points in the anatomy of the ciliary body. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882. ii, 577.— Bu- chanan(L.) The iilands of the ciliary bod v. ,1. Anat, & Physiol.. Lond., 1890-7, xxxi, 262-267. 1 pl. — Collins (E T.) liu> glands of the ciliary body; a reply to some recent criticisms concerning them. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1896 xv 67-75, lpl.—Dessaner. Zur Zouuhifrage. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1883, xxi, 89-99.—4>Sriflitli (J.) Criticism concerning recent views as to the secre- tory function of the ciliary body. Ophth. Rev., Lond.. 1894, xiii 247-258. AUo: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1894-5, iv. 201-212 —Hunt (1).) Theory of the action of the ciliary muscle. X York M. J., 1879, xxix, 523-527.— Tlelkich. Zur Kenntnis ties Cdiarktirpers und dec Iris bei Vii^eln. Anat. Auz., .Jena. 1894. x, 28-35-—Schiiter. On the ac- tion of the ciliary muscle. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., ]89i. p. xxiii. — Sicjjrist (A.) IOxperimeutelle Cntersu- clmi'igen iiber den Yorbreitnngsbezirk und iiber die >ldg- lichkeit gegenseitiuer Vicariirung tier Ciliararterien heim Kaninehen. Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. tl. Schweiz, j Basel u. Leipz., 1895, 3. R., 572-582, 1 pl. ------. Ciliar- fortsatze ini Pupilhugebiete. Arcb. f. Augeuh., Wiesb., 1896, xxxiii. 109-111. 1 pl. —Wallace (J.) The ciliary body and the caual of Sehlennn. Mier. Bull., I'bila., 1897, xiv," .4. 1 p'. Ciliary body (Diseases and tumors of). See, also, Cyclitis. Claeys (G.) Tumeur intra-oculaire melaiio-sarcorae primitif dn corps ciliaire. An;1. Soc. de med. de Gand, 189'' lxxi 69-77. — Fieuzal. Sarcome du corps ciliaire. Bull et mem. Soc. franc- d'opht.. Par., 1886, iv, 290-292. ______Le leucosarcome du corps ciliaire; son etiologie, son developpement et sa structure. Ann. tlu lab. de l'liosp. nat. d. Quinze-Vingts, I'ar., 1888. i, 57-77, 4 pl.— Grossniann (L.) Sarcom des Corpus ciliaiv. Pest. nied -chir. 1'ivsm, Budapest, 1884, xx, 25-28. Also, transl.: Arch, d'opht., Par., 1883. iii, 132-135. — IIaensell (P.) Sarcome du corps ciliaire. Lull. clin. uat. opht. de l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts, Par., 1886, iv, t;4-«9.—Hock (J.) Staphyloma ciliare ; Iridectomia: Drainane : Besserung. Wieu." med. BL, 1883. vi, 379.—Hosch (F.) Ein Fall von Gumma des Ciliarktirpers. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1881. v, 3U5-3G7.—I.a;jiaiijjt' -<;. fol. [Calcutta, 1*75-6.] Beraudi ( L. ) ('oniiiicntario sulla china china. *c. Milano, \831 vox Bergex (H.) Versuch einer Monogra- phic tier China. 4°. Hamburg, 1826. Behiot nopens den stand der kina-knltuur op Java, over het vierdc kwartaal 1869. broadside fol. Bataviu, [1869]. -----. The same. Over het tweede kwar- taal 1870. broadside fol. [Balar-ia, 1879.] Berot (A.) * Kssui meclical snr le quinquina et le sulfate de quinine. 4-. Strasbourg, 1S33. Bixz (C). Cliinarinden, Cliinin. *,J. Wien u. Leipzig, 1880. Repr. from-: Real-Encycl. d. ges. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1880, iii. Blondeau (P.-P.-H.) * Etudes sur les ex- traits de quinquina. 4U. Paris, 1849. Briquet (P.) Traite" therapeutique du quin- quina et de ses preparations. 8 -'. Paris, 1*53. -----. The same. 2. 6tl. 8-. Paris, 1*55. Broeker (J.) Decoct, cort. Cliinae fusci, regii en rubri, uit een cliemiach en therapeutiscli oogpuut besehouwd. 8°. [Utrecht, 1875.] CINCHONA. 644 CINCHONA. Cinchona. Burt (W. II.) Cinchona officinalis and its alkaloid, the sulphate of quinine. 8°. St. Louis, 1*71. Camatte (G.) * Sur le quinquina, et son em- ploi dans les fievres intermittentes. 4°. Stras- bourg, IrtlO. Charroppin (P.) * Etude sur le quinquina cuprea. 4°. Paris, 18*3. Chiffletifs (J. J.) Pnlvis febrifngus orbis Anicricani. 16J. [Anvers], 1653. Cogrossi (C. F.) Della natura, effetti ed uso della corteccia del Peril b sia china china; con- siderazioni fisico-uiecaniclie c mediche; estese in una lettera famigliare, con alcune non ineno utili, che curiose osservazioni e sperienze con- cernenti alle febbri e febbrifughi. sm. 4°. in Crema, 1711. ------. Giunta al trattato della china-china, o sia nuove problematiche rinessioni intorno la natura delle febbri dette periodiche, e loro feb- brifughi. Dissertazione epistolare. sm. 4°. Crema, 1716. -----. Nuova giuuta al trattato della china - china, sin. 4°. Crema, 1718. Colombier (J.) * An ut in febribus intermit- tentibus, ita in plerisqne morbis periodicis salu- bris kina3 kime usus? Prgeses C. A. Lezurier. 4L. [Paris, 1768.] Cothenius. Chemische Uutersuchung der rotlien Chinarinde, wie auch derjenigen, welche bisher im Gebrauch gewesen, nebst beygefiig- ten vergleicheuden Anmerkungen und ange- hiingter kurzen Gesehichte tier Chinarinde iiber- hatipt. Vorgelesen in der konigl. Akademie der Wissenscbaften zu Berlin den 4ten Julius 1783, iibersezt von Johaun Theodor Pyl. 12c. Berlin u. Stralsund, 1783. -----. The same. Scheiknndig onderzoek van de roode bast van kiua. Zoo ook van die welke voor deeze in gebruik geweest is, met by- gevoegde vergelykende aaumerkingen eu korte hi.storie van de bast van kiua. Overgezet door J. T. Pyle. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door J. A. Saxe. 8°. Amsterdam, 1784. Delondre (A.) & Bouchard at (A.) Qui- nologie. Des quinquinas et des questions qui, dans l'6tat present de la science et du commerce, s'y rattacheut avec le plus d'actualite\ 4°. Paris, 1854. Description (A) of the genus Cinchona, com- prehending the various species of vegetables from which the Peruvian and other barks of a similar quality are taken. Illustrated by fig- ures of all the species hitherto discovered, to which is prefixed Professor Vahl's dissertation on this ground, read before the Society of Natu- ral History at Copenhagen. Also a description accompanied by figures of a new genus named Hysenauche; or, hyaena poison. 4°. London, 17D7. Dethardixg ( G. C. ) [ Pr. de discrimiue chime chinas.] sm. 4°. Bostochii, [1737]. Duvernev ( E. M. ) An largiorum semper cxigit kinakina cibum ? Prses. Joannes Clau- dius Adrianus Helvetius. 4'. [Parisiis, 1717.] Fluckiger (F. A.) The cinchona barks, phar- macognostically considered. Transl. from the original text, with some additional notes by Frederick B. Power. 8°. London, 1**4. Garrigcks ( D.) * Refine de quinquina de Montpellier. 4°. Montpellier, 1884. van Gorkom (K. W.) Bijdrage tot de ken- nis der kinakultuur op Java. 8°. Batavia 1*68. -----. A handbook of cinchona culture. Transl. by Benjamin Daydon Jackson, roy. 8°. Amsterdam f London, 1883. Cinchona. Gkavenh iits-r (J. A. C ) *De cinchona- Cor ticibns. 4 . Gottingiv, [1791]. In: Collect, diss. med. iu Acad. Gotting., 1792, i, pt. ;j Great Britain. Secretary of State for India East India (cinchona cultivation). Return to an address of the House of Commons dated ;] May, 1870, for "Copy of all correspondence be- tween the secretary of state for India anil the governor-general, and the governors of Ma- dras and Bombay, relating to the cultivation of cinchona plants, from April, 1866, to Anril 1870". fol. [London, 1870.] ' -----. East India (cinchona cultivation). Return to an address of the House of Coni- mons, dated 8 July, 1875, for copies of the cin- chona correspondence (in continuation of re- turn of 1870) from August, 1870, to July, 1*75 21 March, 1876. fol. [London, 1876.J Greve (R.) "Die falschen Chinarinden der Sammltiug des Dorpater pharmaceutischen In- stitutes. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. Hannes (J.) *De usu et abusu chinse-chime. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Bhenum, [1729]. Harvey (G.) The conclave of physicians, in two parts, detecting their intrigues, frauds, and plots against their patients, and their destroy- ing the faculty of physick; also a peculiar dis- cussion of the Jesuits bark: the history there- of, with its true use and abuse. 18°. London, 1686. Herbelin (M.) Essai des quinquinas. 8°. [Nantes, 1867-76?] Hkulot (E\) * Etude sur cinchona succiru- bra des Indes anglaises. 4°. Paris, 1873. Hooker ( W. D.) * Inaugural dissertation upon the cinchonas; their history, uses, aud ef- fects. 8C. Glasgow, 1839. Junghuhn (F. ) Jaarlijksch berigt over 1860 aangaande den toestaud des kinakultuur op Java. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----& DE Vrij (J. E.) De kinakultuur op Java, op bet einde van het jaar 1859. 8°. Ba- tavia, 1860. ------------. The same. An account of the quinquina plantations in th'e island of Java, Transl. from the Dutch by W. T. Fraser. *J. Madras, 1861. Karsten (H.) Die medicinischeu Chinarin- den Neu-Grauada's. 8°. Berlin, 1858. King ( G. ) A manual of cinchona cultiva- tion of India, fol. Calcutta, 1876. Kofoed (H.) A'. F1. "Diss, continens histo- riaui naturalem corticis Peruviani. [Leyden.] 8°. Amstelodami, 1845. Kronecker (C. E.) *De usu corticis Peru- viani chirurgico. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1766]. AUo, in: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etch 12° Budissin, 1769, i, 73-96. Kintze ( O.) Cinchona. Arteu, llybriihn und Cultur der Chininbaunie. Monogtaphi- sclie Studie nach eigenen Beobachtungen in deu Anpflanzungen auf Java und im Himalaya, *c. Leipzig, 187*. de La Fontaine. Poenie du quinquina, et antres ouvrages en vers. 16°. Paris, 16*2. Lariviere (F. ) *Des quinquinas sous lc rapport de l'histoire naturelle et de leurs ap- plications en pharmacie. 4°. Paris, 1*47. Lawson (G.) Ou the occurrence of "cin- chonaceous glands" in Galiaceae, and on the relations of that order to Ciuchonacete. * [London, 1854.] Repr. from: Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Lond., 1854,2.8., xiv. Lotti (I.) Saggio istorico ragionato della chinachina. sm. 4°. [Fenezia], 1791. CINCHONA. 645 CINCHONA. Cinchona. Li'iscirs (J. M. van S. ) *Diss. . . . agens de stadio corticein peruvianum adhibendi, iu morbis acutis vero ac genuiuo; quonsque hoc, e qualitatibus chemicis hujus remedii, et natura horuin morborum, et ex observationibus sutn- nioruiu iu arte virornui dijudicari possit. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1*15. MclvoR (W. G.) Notes on the propagation and cultivation of the medicinal cinchonas or Peruvian bark trees. By William Graham Mc- Ivor. 8-". Madras, 186:5. Madras Presidency. Extracts from the re- port on the government cinchona plantations and botanical gardens on the Ncil»herries for 1*63-4; 1864-5. 8°. [Madras, 1*64-5.] -----. [Report on the cinchona plantations of the Nilgiris, to the secretary to government, revenue department. By Dr. H. Trimen.J fol. [Madras, 1883.] MaNCEL (L.) *De cortice peruviano, et prae- scribendi methodo. 4°. Argentorati, 1809. Markham (C. R.) Peruvian bark; a popular account of the introduction of cinchona cultiva- tion into British India, 1860-80, with maps and illustrations. 8°. London, 1*80. Ma err (F.) De cortice peruviano. In: Sandifort. Thesaurus diss, [etc.] 4°. Rotero- dami. 1768, i, 175-203. AUo [Abstr.J, in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz.. 1774. ii, 21-37. Moexs (J. C. B.) De kiuacultur iu Azie, 1854 t-m. 1882. 4°. Batavia, 1882. Mollek (J. F.) * De vera peruviani corticis vi specifica. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1768]. Monteverdi (A.) Dimostrazione di una nlu ova iniportantissima virtu, medicamentosa dela- china e dei suoi preparati. 8°. Cremona, 1870. Neurohr (J. M.) * De corticis peruviani remediis succedaneis, ac de prievalente ejus hu- justpie iu febribus intermittentibus usu. 4°. Aruentorati, 1*13. Notice sur les propri6te"s du quina Laroche. (Extrait complet des trois sortes tie quinqui. nas.) Elixir vineux re"constituant et f6brique- 18°. Paris, [n.d.]. Orrillahd (V.-A.) * fitudes sur les prepara- tions galeniques de quinquina. 4°. Paris, 18(>l. Parfexow (I.) * Chemisch-pharmacoguos- tisclie Untersuehung der braunen amerika- nischen Chiuarinden, aus der Sammlung des Phannaceiitischen Institutes der Universitat Dorpat. * . Dorpat, 1885. Planchox ( G.) * Des quinquinas. [Paris.] 4°. Montpellier, 1864. -----. The same. 8°. Paris; Montpellier, 1864. Relph (J.) An inquiry into the medical effi- cacy of a new species of Peruvian bark, lately imported into this country under the name of yellow bark; including practical observations respecting the choice of bark in general. 8°. London, 1794. vox Rimscha ( R. ) * Chemische Untersu- ehung einer falschen Chinarinde aus Brasilieu. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. Ruiz(H.) Von dem officinellen Fieberrinden- bauin und den audern Arten desselben, die neuerlich . . . entdeckte und beschrieb znerst aus dem Spanischen ins Italienische, und aus diesem ins Deutsche ubersetzt. 8°. Gbttingen, 17i»4. Sanchez Cabezudo y Heras(F.) *De las quinas v su composiciou ininediata. 8°. Ma- drid, 1882. Sander (G. C. H.) Die Wandflechte, ein Arz- ueymittel welches die peruvianische Rinde nicht nur entbehrlich maeht, sondern sie auch an gleicbartigeu Heilkraften iibertrifft. Als solches Cinchona. ciitdeckt, crprobt, untersucht, beschriebeu und dem k. k. Dircctorium der medicinischen Facul- tiit zu AVien im Jahre 1809, zur Coucurrenz uberreicbt. 4°. Sondcrshausen, 1815. Saunders (W.) Observations on the superior efficacy of the red Peruvian bark in the cure of agues and other fevers; interspersed with occa- sional remarks on the treatment of other dis- eases by the same remedy. 2. ed., with consid- erable additions. 12°. London, 1782. Skekte(T.) Experiments and observations ou quilled and red Peruvian bark; among which are included some remarkable effects arising from the action of common bark and magnesia upon each other. With remarks on the nature aud mode of treatment of fevers, putrid sore- throat, rheumatism, scrophula, and other dis- eases, in order to ascertain the cases in which bark may be administered, either'alone or com- bined with other remedies, to the best advan- tage. To which is added an appendix on the cinchona caribbaea. 8°. London, 1786. Societe tie pharmacie de Paris. Rapport sur les quinquinas employ6es en pharmacie, discute" et adapte" par la commission des remedes nou- veaux. 8°. Paris, 1880. Stoeder (W.) Bereidiug en onderzoek van extractum china? liquidum. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1889.] Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Pharm. Sturm (R.) Febrifugi peruviani vindiciarum pars prior [et altera], pulveris hiatoriam com- pleetens ejusque vires et proprietaries jtixta sen- sum dogmaticorum exhibens. 2 pts. l'l-'. Del- phis, 1659. Tegut (E.) Le mirabili virtu della kinakina, con la maniera di servirsene in qualunque sorte di febbre e complessione; con nn aggiunta di uu nuovo metodo dell' osservazione del Signor Ba- roue di Wensvieten e del Cavalier Eislingen, per servirsi di questo rimedio senza premier lo per bocca, il tutto illustrato cou esatezza. 16°. Venezia, 1785. Vastapani (P. J.) De china china in syno- chis putribus aniraadversiones. 8°. Taurini, 1779. Verver (B.) * Commentatio chemico-phar- maceutica continens diversorum chime corti- cum et extractorum analyses. *°. Groningce, 1842. de Vrij (J. E.) De kinakultuur op Java en in Britsch-Iudie. 8°. [ Gravenhage, 1*64.] -----. The same. On the cultivation of quinine in Java and British India. 8°. London, 1865. -----. Extractum Cinchona? liquidum, Ph. Britt. 8°. [Den Haag, 1886.] Wilbuschewicz (E.) * Histiologische und chemische Untersuchungen der gelben und rothen aiiiericanischen und einiger cultivirter Java-Chiuarinden der Sammlung des Dorpa- ter phannaceiitischen Institutes. 8°. Dorpat, 1889. Zendrixi (B.) Trattato della chinachina. 8°. Fmeziti, 1715. Zunen (T. D. V.) De in deu handed voorko- mende kiuabasten pharmacologisch behundeld <;n toegepast op de soorten, welke in do Pluir ua- copoea belgica vermeld zijn. 8°. Botlcrdam, 1835. -----. De kinabasten van het Rijks Her- barium te Leiden in 1856, vergeleken met exemplaren van Delondre en anderen. sm. 4°. [n. p., u. d.] -----. Chinse vene et pseudo-china? Her- barii regii Lugdunensis. De kiua-hasten van CINCHONA. 646 CINCHONA. Cinchona. het Kijks- Herbarium te Leiden in 1860. 4°. 's Gravenhttqc. 1866. Albert■■■■■« (H. F.) De cortice peruviano cominenta- tiones quiedain ab Academico alio expositse. Bononiensi M- ,i art Inst, comment., Bononise, 1731, i, 405-417.— AnliiH-crolica (De) peruviani corticis vi. Ibid., 1745, ii pt 1 190-211. — Assays of cinchona. Ephem. Mat. Med Brooklyn, 18812, i. 7(3: 105—Itnchclcr (O. R.) Tho tree that bears quinine. Pop. Sc. Month., N.Y., 1882, xxi, 100-104. — Br 11 (W. H.) The physiological and thera- peutic effects of cinchona aud its preparations. Alabama M. &. S. Aiii'. Annistou, 1894-5, vii, 512-518. — Blanco (F. K.) Cinchonas; temor de que desaparezcan ; su acli- matacion por varias naeiones; convenieneia do quo Espana las acliraate y eultive en sus posesioues inter- tropicales Actus Cong, region, de cien. mud. 1879, Cadiz, 1882 350-359. — Bordallo I'inheiro (M.) A cultura daschinchonas em Cado Verde. J. Soe. d. se. mod. de Lisb., ISH'I xlviii 05-77.—Boiique (E.) Lettera al Romolo Grit- fini circa V opera del Dott. Angelo Monteverdi; diniostra- zione di una nuova iniportantissima virtir medicamentosa della chinae de'suoi preparati. Ann. univ. di med..Milano, 1872 cexxi 623-030. Also, Reprint,—B re tot (11.) Recher- ches pour sei vir a l'etude pharmat'ologiqiie du quinquina. Soc. tl. se. med. doGaunat. C. r. 1883-4, Par.. 1884, xxxviii, 13S-142.—C'liaras. Neii'^ Zuhereitung der China Chimi, und Beschreibunii ihrt-s Gobrauches in luehern. K. Akad. d Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1092, Bresl., 1749, i. 25- 31.—China (Von tier) ; Historic. Ibid., 1713. Bresl., 1753, iv 231-233. — Cinchona cultivation in Iudia. Brit. M. J.,' Lond., 1890, ii, 1250. — Cogrowsi (C. G ) Lettera re- sponsiva al Giuseppe Giacintb Mosca intorno agli effetti della china-china, giuntovi due altro lettere del medesimo sopra un testo del Boerave. 7/i.- Rac. tl' opuse. scieut. e fllol., 16°, Venezia, 1733, viii, 331-303.—Cortice (De) pe- ruviano, et remediis aliis. Uononieusi an. et art. Inst. comment., Bononise, 1731, i, 163-171. — O-iogo (A. C.) I'arecer sobre a memo! in do F. M. do ilello Oliveira, iuti- tulada: Estudo sobre a quina calissaya acclimada em Theresopolis. An. ISnzil. do med., Rio do Jan., 1883-4, xxxv. 427-434.—"B-iicho (T.S.)& Davidson (G.) Medi- cal history of the cortex ruber, or red bark; communicated to Johu Morgan. M. D., professor of tho theory and prac- tice of phvsic, at Philadelphia, and F. R. S., London, etc. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., Phila., 1786, ii, 289-293.—Durand. Analyse des ecorces de quinquina. Arch, de med. nav., Par.,'1895. lxiii, 309. — Field ( H. M. ) Cinchona; its action and applications (neutral bromide of quinia and tlie hypodermic method). Tr. Vermont M. Soe. 1878, St. Albans, 1879, 73-108. Also, Reprint. — Fristcdt (R. F.) (Review] of Howard's illustration of tho Xueva qui- nologia of Pavon, 1862-4. Fpsala Liikarcf. Forh., 1865-6, i 94-97. Also. Reprint. -----. Ko't utkast till cinchona- odlingens historia. fpsala I.akaref. Forh., 180G-7, ii, 452 ; 597. Also, Keprint.—<3aleatiuw (G.) De cortice peru- viano. Bononiensi sc. ct art. Inst, comment., Bononise, 1707.v, pt. 2, 210-225.—Cray (F.) Les quinquinas cultives. C-.w.. hebd. d. se. m6d. de Montpel., 1891, xiii, 421-425.— Ilot-h (F.) Kinabark og Kinin. Tidsskr. f. prakt. Meil , Kristiania, 1886, vi, 110-121. — Iriatc y Hcrino- silla ( M.) Kstudio coin])arative de las quin is aclimata- il.is en Cordoba con las extranjeras do la misma espeeie. Nlonog. inexicauas do mat. in6d., Mexico, 1891, ii, 3-14.— Orvina; (J.) Note on the cultivation of cinchona in India, and on tho mixed cinchona alkaloids recently intro- duc.'d into India as a chop substitute for quinine. Med. Tunes Sc Gaz., Loud., 1882, i, 276. —King (G.) Descrip- tion of two now species of cinchona. Scient. mem. med. off. India, Calcutta, 1894. viii. 59-01. 2 pl. ---—. The government cinchona enterprise hi Sikkim. Indian M. Kec. Calcutta. 1895, ix, 382-385. l.amic. Quinquinas cultives et quinquinas sain ages. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1890, xxiv, 75; 86; 99; 122. —de iTlello c Oliveira (F. M.) Estu In sobre a quina c diss lya acclimada em There- sopolis. An. Brazil, de med.. Rio de Jan., 1883-4, xxxv, 389-426.— Hocn* (J. C. B.) Verslag der gouvernenieuts- kina-ouderneming of Java over het jaar 1880. Natuurk. Ti.jlsclir. v. Xederl. Indie, Batav., 1882, xii, 130-143.— Pctroni (A.) Esposizione ed interprctaziono dei pih recent! esperimenti fisiologici e clinici intorno alia chinina e ad alcuui suo sali. Raccoglitore med., Forh, 1874, xxxvii, 521-553.— Bampon ( K. ) (juin.ia tie los Estados Fnidosde Colombii. Gac. med., Bogota, 1866-7, ii, 17. — Rogers i.I. G.) Some peculiar effects of cineho- nia. Alienist A Neurol., St. Louis. 1882, iii, 445-447.— van Romunde (R.) Verslag over de gouvernements- kina-oiiderneming over het jaar 1883-91. Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. X.-derl. Indie, Batav., 1885-93, xliv-liii] passim. — Rnsbj (H. H.) Lecture on cinchona. Pitts- burgh M. Rev.. 1888. ii. 49-54.—Maunders (G.) Lettera sopra un nuovo estratto di chin.i che si prepara nel- 1' A merica meridionale. Ann. di chim., Pavia, 1791, ii, 312- 310 — Soubeiran (J.-L.) & Delondre (A.) De Intro- duction et do l'acclimatation des cinchonas tlans les Indes neeilaudaises et dans les Indes britauniques. Bull. Soc. imp. zool. d'accliniat., Par., 1868, 2. s., v, 52; 121; 237- Cinchona. 314; 381.— Tiihomirow (W. A.) Dio Cinrhonenniltirr und die (Jew-inniing der Chinarinde auf Java und Ceylon Pharm. Ztschr. f. Itnssland. St. I'etersb., 1894, xxxiii] passim. — Twchdi-liiri-. Fntersnchuiig iiber' die l',(.' standtheile der brasilianischeu Chinarindo. Arch 0. prakt. Heilk., l'.resl., 1799- 1800, i, 337-345. — U*u ( I ej corticis peruviani. Uononieusi sc. et art. Insi. comment. Bouoniie, 1707, v, pt. 1, 70-76. — Valentini ( M. ]>,.) Be china chiusB. In his: Polychrcst i exotica [ etc. | 4.e Franciif. ad Moenuin, 1700, 45-70. — f)- Tomaselli (S.) La iiitossirazione chinica e 1' infezione malarica, illustrata da molti casi clinici; contribuzione nil' esistenza della febbre per la chinina. Attid. Accad. Gioeiiia di sc. nat. in Catania. 1877, 3. s., xi, 109-22O — Willenise (J.) Waarneeniing van een mania, door het gebruik der koortsbast geneezen. Verhandel uitueg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1773, xiv, pt. 2, 3-27. Cinchona (Alkaloids of). Ste,also, Cinchonamine; Cinchonidine; Cin- chonine: Quinine. BlondeaU(P.-P.-H.) * Etudessur lesextraits de quinquina. 4°. Paris, 1849. van der Burg (E. A.) Scheikundige niede- deelingcn betreft'enile kina-alkalo'iden en stik- stofhepaling. f-\ Botterdam, 1865. -----. Hagcr's Methode der quantitativcii Bestiiiunmig von China-Alkalo'iden. H\ [Leeu- warden, 1870.] ------. Opsporing van vreemtle kina-alcaloi- den in den sulfas chinini van den handel. S\ [Leiden, 1879-1 Cochet (C.) * Syntheses de pliannacie et de chimie. Alcaloides des quinquinas. Prodnitdes en horbiaceV*. 4°. Paris, 1868. Dibbits (J. E.) De wet van Berthollet, ge- toctst aan tie draaiiug van het polarisatievlak bij ciuchoninc-zonten. Na zijn overlijden uitgege- ven door Dr. H. C. Dibbits. 8-\ Haarlem,1*73. GriCHARD (P.) * Histoire chimique des alca- loides des quinquinas. 4°. Paris, 1867. Hkxxixg (G. F.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis tier Chinaalkaloide. [ Erlangen. ] 8°. Berlin, [1*93*]. Lkger (E.) Les alcaloides des quinquinas, avec une preface de M. E. Jungrleisch. sc. Paris, 1*96. Qiinquinia. A natural combination of the alkaloids of cinchona bark manufactured by the Charles T. White Co. 12°. [New York, 1879.] -----. Thesame. H-'. Philadelphia, 1*82. Roqi.'ES (F.) * Recherches sur la ciiielioni- cinc. 4-. Paris, 1*96. Stratingh ( G. A. ) *De ciuchonino, chinino eoruniqiie salibus, inpriniis sulphate chinini, pharmacentica ac therapeutica ratione conside- ratis. 8°. Grouingcv, [18^]. Swaving (A. J.) * Kritische Studien iiber die Methotlen der Bestimmung des Alkaloidgehaltes der Chiuarinden. 8Z. Erlangen, \885. Tresling (J. B.) *De noiinullis vegetabi- lium priucipiis alcaloideis aut snbstantiis ante- febrilibus, inpriniis cum alcaloideis corticis pe- ruviani comparatis. * . Groningie, [1*28]. deVrij(J. E.) Kinologische studien. No. X. Over de namen der kina-alcalo'iilen. 8°. [Gra- venhage, 1871.] Revr.from: N. Tijdschr. v. tl. pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1871. -----. The same. No. XI. Over de quanti- tative bepaling der gezamenlijke alcaloiden in kinabasten, alsmede van ieder derzelven in het bijzonder. [No. XII. Over de zoogenaamde Cin- chona Hasskarliana (Miq.). No. XIII. Over de aanwendiugvan den polaristrobometer van Wild bij het scheikundig onderzoek van kinabasten. No. XIV. Overdeeerste in den handel gebrachle kinabasten van Java. No. XV. Over de berei- dingvan kinidine uit de kinoidine van den hau- "el.j *~. [Den Haag, 1*71.] Repr. from.- N. Tijdschr. v. tl. pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1871. -----•. The same. No. XXXII. Over quine- tmn en de beoortleeling zijuer deugdzaamheitl. [No. XXXIII. Mijn Iaatste woord over de zooge- naamde C. Hasskarliana.] *■". [ Den Haag, 187K] Repr. from: Tijdschr. v. Pharm., 187s. tinchoiia (Alkaloids of). -----. The same. No. 'XXXVIII. Over de beste methode ter quantitatieve be[ialing der gcsanienlijkc kiiia-alealoiden. >' . [Den Haao ISM.] Repr. from: Tijdschr. v. Pharm., 1882. -----. Thesame. No. XXXIX. Kigenschap- pen en berciding van cliinetuni. [ No. XL. Quan- titatieve bepaling der cinchouidinc in den .sul- phas cliinini deshandcls.] 8°. [Den Haag,1885.] -----. Thesame. No XLI. In welken vortn nioeten de fabriek-basten uit de kinaplantsoeneii naar Europa verzontlen worden ? [No. XLII. Zijn tie gewoonlijk voorkonienile kina-alcaloiden in den Uinabast aan verandering onderhevig? No. XLIII. Uittrekking der alcaloiden nit den kinabast door verdunde zuren.] s°. [Den Haag, 1*85.] -----. The same. No. XLIV. Ascbgehalte van succirubra-bast. [No. XLV. Extractum c.inchoiiie liquiduin.] s'■. [Den Haag, 1**5.] -----. The same. Nt). XLIX. Over het cin- chona-febrifuge (Qiiinetitin) vanBengalcii. [No. L. Mijn Iaatste woord over Cinchona Pahndiaiia. No. LI. Wenschelijkheid de bereiding van Clii- netuni op Java.] 8". [Den Haag, 1886.] -----. The same. No. LIII. Nauwkeurige quantitatieve bepaling. zoowe] van het werke- lijk aanwezige ebiiiinum piirinu, als van het gelijktijdig aanwezige cinchotiidinnni in den sulphas chinini des handels. s°. [Den Haag, 1886. ] -----. Eenvoudige bepaling van het aha loi - gehalte van het extractum cinchona? liquidum (de Vrij). 8°. [Gravenhage, 1^S7.] Repr. from: N. Tijdschr. v. d. pharm. in Nederl., Gra- ven h., 1887. Whiffen (T.) Alkaloids of East India, red bark (Cinchona succirubra), average molecular rotation [a] j = — :WG (De Viy). 8°. London, 1*7:>. Wood (C. H.) Description of the process at present used for manufacturing "cinchona fe- brifuge" at the Sikkim plantations, fol. [Cal- cutta, 1876.] Bochefontaine. Action de la cinchonidine ct de la cinchoiiine sur la circulation des mammiferes superieurs, au moment oh ces alcaloides prodnisent leurs effets con- vulsivants. Coni|)t. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1884. 8. s.. i. pt. 2, 425-428. — Herapath ( W. B. ) "Researches on the cinchona alkaloids." Proc. lioy. Soc. Lond., 1857-9, ix, 5-22. AUo, Reprint. — Howard ( T).) & llotl^- kin t J. ) On a new alkaloid from cinchona l>ark. .1. Chem. Soc. Loud., 1882, xii, 66-68.—Jmitffleisch (K.) & |j«"-j;«'i" (E.) Sur la cinchonibine. Compt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 1410-1413. — Kernel- (G.) Feber die Priifungdes kiinfliclien schwefelsaiiren Chininsanf frenido Chinaalkaloide. Arch. tl. Pharm.. Halle. 1880, 3. R., xvi, 186: xvii. 438. ----- Zur Gesehichte des Chinidins und Cinchtinidins nnd Noruiirtmg der Nomeiiclatur die- ser Chinaalkaloide durch den chinologischen Congress in Amsterdam (13 April 1877). Ibid.. 259-273. Also, Reprint. — Ijnborile. L'oxperiiiientation nppliquee a l'dtude des succedant'-s en therapeutique; la ijuitiine et la cinchonine. Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv. 675-679. -----. Les alcaloides du quinquina; la chin- chonidine et son action physiologique; d'apres JIM G. See et Bochefontaine. Tribune med., Par., 1883, xvi, 259- 262.—liftUli.) Note-on the alkaloids of cinchona. Tr. AI. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1880. xiii, pt. 1,156-100. Also, Reprint.— vim Ij«'«-r«iim ( P. ) Itiuologische Studien. Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1890, xlix. 199: 1891, 1, 38: 525.—Na ii Icmmoii (C.G.) Ueber die Wirkung einiger China-Alkah.Ide auf das isolirte Fioschherz uud auf tleu Blutdruck des Kauinchens (Anhang). Arch. f. ex|ier. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1893, xxxii, 321-371. — Schi- moyama (T.) TJeber die quantitative Bestininnimr der Chinaalkaloide. Arch. tl. Pharm., Halle. 1884, 3. R.. xxii, 695: 1883, 3. It., xxiii, 81.—Simon (J.) Etude experinien- tale des quatre principaux alcaloides du quint]iiina: qui- nine, quinidine, cinchonine et cinchonidine; action de la cinchonamine et de la cinchonine extraites du Remijia purdiana; classification physiologique; adulterations de la quiuiue revelees par l'expei indentation ; deductions prati qucs. Tribune med., Par., 1884. xvi, 52; 64; 87: 113; 151; 1S4 — * waving (A. J.) A Ilil«cr (A.) Das Verhalten CINCHONA. 648 CINCINNATI. Cinchona (Alkaloids of). derChiuabasen gegen Xylol und das Mayer sche Reagens. Mitth. a. tl. pharm. Inst, u. Lah. f. ang. Chem. d. Univ. Krhingen, Miinchen, 1889, 2. lift., 282. — Tanrei (('.) Etude sur les extraits de quinquina. Bull. gen. de llierap. [etc.]. Par., 1883, cv. 65-73.- Valle(A.) Dei sali di cinco- nina e ciueouidina quali succedauei a quelli di chinina. Arch. clin. ital.. Roma, 1882, xii, 161-163.—«le Vrij (J. E.) Ueber die beste Methode zur quantitative!! Bestimmung derGesammt-AlkaloideindenCliinarinden. [Transl.from: Tijdschr. v. Pharm., 1882.] Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Sc'haffhausen, 1882, xx, 77-80. See. also, supra.— Wasden (E ) Hypodermatic exhibition of the cinchona alkaloids. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1884-5, ii, 653-658. Cin cho ii a mine. Arnaud & Charrin. Sulfate de cinchonamine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 671.— ITIarcacci (A.) Sull' azione fisiologiea della cincona- mina. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1887, iv, 337; 393. AUo, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1888, x, 208-236.—See (G.) & Bochefontaine. Action physiologique du sul- fate de cinchonaniiue. France metl., Par., 1885, i, 235-237. -----------. Action du sulfate tie cinchonamine sur la circulation et les secretions. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, c, 644-646. AUo: France med., Par., 1885, i, 378-380. Cinclioiiibiiie. St-e Cinchona (Alkaloids of). Cinchonicine. See Cinchona (Alkaloids of). Cinchonidine. Douvkklei.'R (G.) * Recherches experimen- tales sur Paction physiologique du sulfate de cinchonidine. 4°. Paris, 1883. Use ( On the ) of sulfate of cinchonitlia in parts of the States of Illinois, Indiana, Mis- souri, Kentucky, and in the Mississippi Valley, in 1875. From medical journals, societies, and individual physicians. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. -----. The same. [With additions.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1*76. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877. de Vrij (J. E.) Kinologische Studien. No. XLVI. Over het cinchonidine-gehalte van den sulphas chinini des handels. 8°. [Den Haag, iss;,.] -----. The same. No. LVI. Verbetering niijner chromaatproef voor kinine-onderzoek. [No. LVII. Bepaling der jniste hoeveelheid cin- choiiidine in het kininesulfaat ties handels.] 8-'. [Gravenhage, 1887.] Repr. from: X. Tijdschr. v. tl. Pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1887. Albcrloni (P.) Cinconidiua. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1881, xlviii, 337-356.—Boiitliartlal. Note sur le. sulfate de cinchonidine (Pasteur); sulfate de quinidino des fabri- cants allemiinils. Hull. gen. de therap. fete]. Par.. 1877, xcii, 301-308.—dc Brim (H.) Nouvelle etude sur Taction therapeutique du sulfate de cinchonidine. Rev. de m6d. Par., 1890, x, 689-757.—tlhirone (V.) Intorno alia sede di azioue della einconidina. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1889, x, 351. Also: Terap. mod . Xapoli. 1889. iii, 282-285.—Chit- leiitlca (It. H. ) \ Whitt Iioiinc (H. H. ) Influence of cinchonidine sul|>h;ite on metabolism. Tr. Connect. Acad. Arts A- Sc, X. Haven, ISSfi, vii. 166-178. Also: Stud. hub. Physiol. Chem. 1884-5, N. Haveu., 1885, 158- 170. —Henry (W. O.) Is sulphate of cinchouidia oxy- tocic? St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1883, xlv, 412. - I,e Jnge de Segrai* (E.) Etude sur la chinchonidine et ses sels comme siiccedanes de la quinine. Areh. "en de med Par., 1886, ii. 420; 693.—Love (A.) Sulphate of cinchoui- dia and sulphate of quinine. Atlanta M. Sc S. J. 1877-8 xv, 65-71.— VlcCall (R. H.) Salicvlate of ciucliouidinel Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 442-4)4.—itlarty (J.) Con- tribution a l'etude tlu sulfate de (inclionidine envisage au point de vue physiologique et therapeutique. Bullpen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1884, cvi, 355; 394; 445.— Pas- teur. Note au sujet d'uue communication recente de M. Weddell, concernant l'avantage qu'il y aurait a remplacer la quinine par Li cinchonidine. Compt. rend. Acad Par 1877, lxxxiv, 5,7.—See (G) Sc Bochefontaine. Re- cherches experimentales sur les effets physiologiques de la cinchonidine. Ibid.. is*:i. xevi, 1081-1084! AUo: France med., Par., 1883, i, 527-529-Sholl (E. H.) Cinchonitlia as an antipyretic. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882 xlvii, 192.—de Vrij (J. E.) Sulfas cinchonidini. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1891, 2. R., xxvii, pt. 2 119 CiI1CllOlli(lilie (Toxirologt) of). Thielick (P.) "Beitrage zum' gerichtlich- chemischen Nachwoise ties Cirjchonidin w Dorpat, 1*84. Bochefontaine. Etude experimental Isur le non. voir toxique et les effets phvsiologiques du sulfate do cin- chonidine. J. d. conn. med. prat,, I'ar., 1883, 3. s v 305- 1884, 3. s , vi. 180; 188 -Pepper (W.I A note upon an anomalous caseof cinchouidia poisoning Univ. M. Man Phila., 1895-6, viii, 757. —Winters (J. E.) A case of poi' soniug by sulphate of cinchonidine. N. York M. J., 1884 xxxix, 117. Cinchoiiine. Cixchonia alkaloid aud mixture. Its use in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida. 12 [Philadelphia, 18*\).] Deimeux (E.-C.) *Dn pouvoir rotatoirc des sels form6s par la quinine et la cinchonine avec quelques acides de la serie grasse. 4C. Lille 1893. Paliard ( V.) * Recherches therapeutique* sur la cinchonine. 8°. Saint-Etieitne, IH75. Rosenstein (W. ) * Beitrag der Kenntnis* des Ciuchonins. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Jungfleisch ( E.) & lieger (E.) Recherches sur les isomerics optiques de la cinchonine. J. de phatin. et cliim.. Par., 1888, 5. s., xvii, 177; 241. — lHarcu* & OSchsucr de (Joninck. Note sur un nouveau corps; la 0-collidiua. deriv6 do la cinchonine et sur son act ion physiologique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 241-243.—CEchsner fie Cloninck & Pinet. Xnti sur Taction du chlorhydrate tie la /3-lutidine de la cincho- nine. Ibid., 1883,7. s., v, 20.----------. Action physio- logique tie la vapeur des /3-lutidine de la cinchonine et do laDiuciue. Ibid., 21.----------. I Action des vapeura de la 0-lutidine dei-ivee de la cinchonine et de la brucine. II. Actiou physiologique de l'a et de la (3-collidine d6riv6es de la brucine. Ibid., 171-173.—Tosi (A.) TJrato di cin- conia C40H^Ni>O'!f2IIO+C1,,H'>O»; formole famiacentiche perl' amministrazione del medesiuio. Gior. di farm, [etc.], Torino, 1862, xi, 243 - 246. AUo, Reprint. -Yvon. Snr l'emploi d'iodosulfate de cinchonine comme snce6dan6 tit- l'iodoforme. Bull. gen. de th6rap. [etc.l, Par., 1890, cxix, 202. Cinchonine (Toxicology of). IJangloia (P.) Sur la toxicity des isomeres tie la cin- chonine. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 829-831. -----. iStude sur la toxicit6 des isomeres do la cinchonine dans la s6rio animale. Arch, de physiol. norm. et path., Par., 1893, 5. a., v, 377-386 Also,in: Richet (C.) Phvsiol. Trav. tin lab., 8°, Par., 1895, iii, 53-65. Cinchonism. See Cinchona (Accidents, etc., from). Cinciano. TargioniTozzetti(A.) Delle acque minerali acidule tli Cinciauo e loro analisi chimica. 8°. Firenze, 1845. Cincinnati. Report of special committee on Commercial Hospital. [On the petition of stu- dents in Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, asking the privilege to attend hospital practice in the hospital.] Jan. 2, 1861. 30 pp. 8°. Cincinnali, Gazette Co., 1861. -----. Reports of the special committee of the city council of Cincinnati, and the city civil engineer on plans and surveys, for re sewering the entire city. 48 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, John- son, Stephens pp., 1 map, 6 plans. 8°. Cincin nati. Times Print. Off., 1865. [Also, iu: P., v. 2134; 2135.] CINCINNATI. 649 CINCINNATI. ( IIK IIIII.Ul. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of)', Dentistry: Education (Medical),etc., Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), Police (Reports, etc.. of), Sewage (Disposal of), by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics( Fital), by localities. Hunt (J. H.) A svnopsis of the Cincinnati fauna. J. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1882, v, 185-194.—James (J. F.) The geology and topography of Cincinnati. Pt. 2. To- pography. Ibid., 1886-7, ix, 136-141. Also, Reprint.— ofiver (I. C.) [Some sauitary defects of Cincinnati.] Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv, 711-718.—Mtau- lon (B.) Mortality statistics of Cincinnati, for the vear 1887. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio 1886-7, Columhus, 1888, ii, 327-332. Cincinnati. Cincinnati Hospital. Annual re- ports of the board of trustees ami superintend- ent to the mayor of Cincinnati. 8.-3(5., 1868-9 to 1*96. 8°. Cincinnati, 1869-97. -----. Laws, rules, regulations, and by-laws for the government of the . . . and Rohs Hill Branch Hospital of the City of Cincinnati. '21 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1869. Bound with.- Reports, 1876-84. -----. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] v. s. [Cincinnati, n. d.] Bound with.- Reports, 1876-84. -----. Four photographic plans, sm. 4C. [tiu- cinnati.n. d] Cincinnati. Cincinnati House of Refuge. An- nual reports of the directors and officers to the general assembly, the city council, and contribu- tors. 1.-30., 1850-51 to 1879-80. 8-\ Cincinnati, l8,->l-80. Authorized to he established hy act of the general assem- bly, March 12, 1845. and amended by acts passed Feb. 8, 1847, and April 25, 1850. Cincinnati. Commercial Hospital of Cincinnati. Annual reports of the hoard of trustees and superiutendeul to the mayor aud city council, for the years 1853-4 to 1860-61. Also [after reorganization], 1., 1861-2; 2., 1862-3; 5.-7., 1865-6 to 1867-8. 8°. Cincinnati, 1854-68. The original title of this hospital was the " Commercial Hospital aud Lunatic Asylum of Ohio, at Cincinnati", established hy act of the ueneral assembly, Jan. 22, 1821. By act of March 20, 1853, it was placed under the control of the directors of the City Infirmary. By act of March 11,1861, the hospital was reorganized and the title changed to "Commercial Hospital of Cincinnati". The reports for 1853-4 to 1860-61 were made to the directors of the City Infirmary, aud were included in their reports The first and second reports after reorganization in 1861 wore also published with the reports of tbe iutirmary. The third and fourth reports, 1863-4 antl 1864-5, wen- iiot published. For reports prior to 1853-4, see Ohio. Commercial Hos- pital and Lunatic Asylum, at Cincinnati. By act of legis- lnture, April 3, 1868, the title was changed to "Cincinnati Hospital", which see, for continuation. Cincinnati. Department of Health. Annual reports to the board of administration. 1.-30., 1867-96. 8°. Cincinnati, 1868-97. -----. Mortality statistics, with an abstract of meteorological observations. ( Weekly. ) Oct. 1-22; Nov. 12, 1881, to Jan. 28, 1882; March 4 to April 29,1882; Jan. 6,13, 27; Feb. 10-24; March 10-24; April 14,21; May 5-19; June 9, 30; July 14 to Aug. 11; Sept. 8-29; Oct. 27; Nov. 3-24, 1883; Jan. 5 to March 15; April 5 to May 1, 1884. 4°. Cincinnati, 1881-4. These weeklies ended May 1, 1884. For continuation, see the following (Monthly). ' -----. Mortality statistics, with an abstract of meteorological ohscrvations. (Monthly.) June, 1884, to Dec, 1885; Feb., March, Aug. to Oct., 1886; Jan., June, July, Sept., 1887, to Oct., 1889; Dec, 1889, to Aug., 1894; Oct., Ic94; Jan. to March, 1h«j:,. 4f Cincinnati, 1884-95. ■-----. Report on small-pox. A. J. Miles, health officer. Mav *, 1882. 15 pp. 8-. Cincinnati, R. Clarke f Co., 1882. Cincinnati. Engineer Department. Annual re- ports of the board of udmiuistratiou, engineer department. 35.-40., 1891-6. 8°. Cincinnati, 1892-7. Cincinnati. Xon-Partisan Board of Police Com- missioners. Annual reports of the . . . and police department. 1.-6., 1886-91. 8°. Cincinnati, 1887-92. First report for 9 months, ending Dec. 31, 1886. Cincinnati. Public Library of Cincinnati. An- nual reports of the librarian and treasurer lo the board of managers. 13.-29., 1879-W0 to 1895-6. 8°. Cincinnati, 1880-96. ------. Bulletins of books in the various depart- ments of literature and science added during the years 1879-83 (Nos. 11-66); 1885-97 (Nos. 75- 134). 4°. Cincinnati, 1880-97. Cincinnati, fnirersity of Cincinnati. By-laws for the rey libit ion of the board of directors. 39 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Bloch if Co., 1871. ------. Exercises connected with the thirteenth annual commencement. 40 pp. 8U. [Cincin- nati, 1891.] ------. Annual report of the directors to the board of legislation of Cincinnati. 21., 1891. 45 pp. 8\ Cincinnati, Commercial Gaz., 1892. ------. Catalogue for the academic year 1892-3. 77 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, by the University, 1893. Cincinnati. Water Department. Annual re- ports to the board of public works. 21.-26., 1860-fi5; 42., 1881; 51.-53., 1890-92. 8°. Cin- cinnati, 1861-93. ------. Opinion of A. F. Perry, esq., on the powers aud duties of the board of trustees of the water works of the city of Cincinnati, in assessing water rents and creating an interest fund. 14 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Gaz. Print. Establishment, 1864. ------. Cincinnati water works. Contract and specifications for furnishing cast-iron water pipes and special castings. 8 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati], House of Befuge, Print, 1877. ------. Cincinnati water works. Report of the board of experts on the test trial of the Warden compound pumping engine at the Hunt street station, to the hoard of commissioners. 125 pp., 11., 2 pl. 8°. Cincinnati, [F. O. Carnahan f Co.], 1879. ------. Special report on the extension and en- largement of the Cincinnati water works, by T. R. Scowden, C. E. Published by an order of the trustees of water works, Jan. 1, 1872. 19 pp., 1 map. 8\ Cincinnati, Bloch $■ Co., 1872. [Also, in: P., v. 213>; 2134; 2135.] Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1865- 6 to 18H1-2 (15.-31.); 1884-5 to 1892-3 (34.- 42.); 1894-5 to 1897-8 (44.-47.). 8°. Cincinnati, 1865-97. Alphabetical list of alumni, in announcement for 1891-2. ------. Spring session of 1881. 1 1: 8°. [Cin- cinnati, 1881.] ------. Archives of the ... v. 1. 72 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1893. Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati. An- nual announcements for the sessions 1877-8 to 1891-2 (7.-21.). 8\ Cincinnati, 1-77-91. List of matriculants and graduates from 18 6-7 to 1890- 91. in announcements for subsequent years. Cincinnati (The) Dental Lamp. Edited by J. M. Brown. [Quarterly.] Nos. 3-4, v. 1,1859- 61). 8°. Cincinnati. Cincinnati Ice Machine Co. Sole makers oi the De Coppet absorption machine for making [ artificial ice, and refrigeration. Successors (in refrigerating machinery) to the Blymyer Manu- facturing Co. 18 pp. 8C. Cincinnati, Sullivan Print. Works, 1887. CINCINNATI. 650 C10CCARI. Cincinnati Journal of Homteopathy. B. Ehr- mann, A. Miller, and G. W. Bigler, editors. [Monthly.] v. 1. March, 1851, to Feb., 1852. 1 v. 192 pp. 8J. Cincinnati. Want pp. 159-1C0, 169-176, v. 1. Cincinnati (The) Lancet and Clinic. N. s., v. (i-15, 1881-5. 8-'. Cincinnati. Continued under title: Cincinnati (The) Lancet- Clinic. Cincinnati (The) Lancet-Cliuic, a weekly jour- nal of medicine and surgery. Edited by J. C. Culbertson. N. s., v. 16-40, 1886-98. 8°. Cin- cinnati. Current, v. 1-15under title : Cincinnati (The) Lan- cet and Clinic. Cincinnati (The) Medical aud Dental Journal- Medical department edited hy A. B. Thrasher; dental department edited by Frank W. Sage. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, Oct., 1885, to Dec, 1887. 8°. Cincinnati, Ohio. In Jan., 1*88, continued under title: Cincinnati (Tbe) Medical Journal. Cincinnati (The) Medical Gazette and Recor- der. A journal of medical reform. Edited by William H. Cook. [Monthly.] v. 44-45,1880- 81. 8 . Cincinnati. Formed by consolidation of: Physio-Medical (The) Recorder (v. 43) with: Cincinnati (The) Medical Gazette (v.3, which is not in this Library). Suspended from Jan. to June, 1881. In March, 1883, continued as: Cincinnati (The) Medical Recorder. Cincinnati Medical Journal. Published by the Alumni Association of the Cincinnati Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery. C. A. Lee Reed, editor. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-10, v. 1. Feb. to Dec, 18-5; nos. 1-4, 6, 8, 11, v. 2, 1886-7. 8°. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati (The) Medical Journal. Edited by A. B. Thrasher. [Monthly.] v. 3-11, 1888-96. 8-. Cincinnati. Ended. Continuation of: Cincinnati (The) Medical antl Dental Journal. Cincinnati (The) Medical News. v. 11-20, l8s-2-(||. 8-'. Cincinnati. Ended. In August, 1883: Clinical (The) Brief and Sanitary News merged in this journal. Cincinnati (The) Medical Recorder. A jour- nal of sanative medicine. Edited by Win. H. Cook. [Semi-monthly.] v. 51, March to Dec, 1883; no. 1, v. 52, Jan. 1. 1884. 8°. Cincinnati, Ohio. Title in 1880-81 was: Cincinnati (The) Medical Ga- zette and Recorder. In July, 1884, continued as: Health- !»i. Chattanooga, Dear dor ff Paper i' ,-,°-4:!- -----' °ne hundred anil ntty circumcisions, anu tho lessons they teach Ibid 1892, n. s., xxviii, 359-362. [Dis.-uwdonl. 364-366. AUo Reprint. -----. Circumcision; the last fifty of a series of two hundred circumcisions. X. Vork M J 1x94 lix, 431. AUo. Reprint. — Ko»n ( J. W. ) A now de- parture iu circumcision. Meil. Rec, XT. V., 1885, xxviii :{63. -----. An easy and readv method of circumcision' Ibid., 1895, xlviii, 323.—Bouxejm (A.) Circoncisinn chez un sujet non diabetique; accidents graves k la suite. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1884-5. iii, 118-120. Also- J. m6d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1885, xix, 139- 149.—8lone ( T. R.) Circumcision. Marylaud M. J., Bait., 1895-6 xxxiv, 145-154. [Discussion], 155. -----. Suggestion in the operation of circumcisiou. Ibid., 202. — Wilcox (S. F.) Circumcision. X. Am. J. Homoeop., N. Y., 1888 3] s., iii, 585-589.—Williams (A. U.) Circumcisiou. Med Standard, Chicago, 1889, vi, 138. Circumcision (Ritual). Ascher (A.) The Jewish rite of circumci- sion, with the prayers and laws appertaining thereto. Transl. into English with an intro- ductory essay. 8°. London, 1-73. Castrlain (F) La circoucisiou est-elh- utile! 8°. Paris, .882. Jaffk (J. ) Die rituelle Circumcision im Lichte tier antiseptischen Chirurgie mit Bcriick- sichtigung der religiosen Vorschriften. 8 . Leipzig, 1886. Joly ( J. - B.) Histoire de la circoncision. Etude critique du manuel operatoire des Mu- sulmans et des Israelites. 4°. Paris, 1895. Makchant (L.) * De la circoucisiou an point de vue historique, hygie'mque et chirurgicnle. 8°. Montpellier, 1855. Kemondino (P. C.) History of circumcision from the earliest times to the present. Moral and physical reasons for its performance, with a history of eunuchism, hermapbrodisui, etc., aud of the different operations practiced upon the prepuce. 12°. Philadelphia f London, 1^91. Vaniek (P.-P.) Cause morale tie la circou- cisiou des Israelites, institution preventive de l'onanisme des enfants et des principales causes d'e"puisemcnt. Rehabilitation ct reforme. s-. Paris, 1847. Angel Canipon. De la circuncision y de sus indica- ciones sauitarias. An. Soc espnii. tie hydrol. m6d., Ma- drid, 1883, v, 73; 97.—Arnold (A. B.) Circumcision. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 173-179. AUo, Reprint.— Awcher- Hon (P.) TJeber angeborenen Mangel der Vorhaut bei beschnittenen Volkeru. Verhandl. tl. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., Berl., 1888, 126-130.—Bloch (A.-M.) Note sur l'6tat du prepuce k la lmissance chez les enfants juifs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 495— Brown (S. G. A.) The Mosaic rite of circumcision; a plea for its performance during childhood. J. Orific. Surg , Chicago, 1896-7, v, 299-301— Buechlcr (J. L. A.) Circumcision. West. M. Sc S. Reporter, St. Joseph, Mo., 1896, viii, 64- 66. — Davenport (J.) De la circoucisiou; traduit de l'anglais par le Dr. X. J. de nied , chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., lr-81. lxxiii, 409-421. — Fatal (A) circumcision. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1898, 11. s., lxv, 147.-Folher- inghaui (J. T.) Theriteof circumcisiou as practiced ny the Hebrews of to-day. Canada Lancet, Toronto. U93-4, xxvi.202.—Freund 7. Cistcrnc (Joseph) [1863- ]. * Des derma- toses .simulc'es. 71 pp. 4 . Paris, 1887, No. 280. Cisterns. Uajia (J--P.) De I'utilite" des citerncs dans les etablisseiuents militaires ou civils et les mai- sons particulieres. 8°. Paris, 1856. -----. The same. 2. ed. *\ Paris, 1K>^. Stout (A. B.) Hygiene; water-tanks on the tops of Ihe houses. 8J. [San Francisco, n. d.] <«iim:iiiil de Caux (G.) Xote snr les citernes do Venise. [Abstr.J Compt, rentl. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1860, li, 123-125.—.Murray (J. J.) The danger of ill-con- structed and neglected cisterns. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 811. Also. Keprint. — Winslow (A.) On the use of rain- water and the construction of cisterns. Rep. N. Car. Bd. Health, Raleigh, 1887, 81-83. CistllM canadensis. IIering (C.) Cistus canadensis; its patho- genesis. 8'\ Philadelphia, 1866. Citerna. Ycrtliiii-lli (E.) Ragguaglio topograflco statistico di Citerna, e ile morbi incorsivi nel biennio 1852-3. Racco- glitore med. di Fano, 1855, 2.s., xi, 145; 241; 337; 385. Citernc (P.) [ 18.">7- ] *Des abces froids des partus du thorax. 68 pp. Y. I'aris, 1881, Nn. 146. CitesiilS [Citois] (Franciscus) [1572-1652]. Opuscula medica. 7 p. 1., 302 pp., 1 1. 4°. Parisiis, apud S. Cramoisy, 1639. Cities. Ste, also, Conflagrations; Hygiene (Muni- cipal); Parks. Blasius (W. ) Iu which direction should cities in our latitude extend in order to secure to their populations pure air and thereby health ? SJ. [Philadelphia, 18-1.] Bosc (E.) Ae~rage et assainissement des grandes villes. 8C. Paris, 1876. Repr. from: Encycl. d'architecture. Coptaret (C.-L.) Hygiene et salubrite des villes. Eaux de sources et assainissement. 8°. Routine, 1884. Deroubaix. Del'avenir ties villes en general, et de Bruxelles en particulier, sous le rapport dc l'assainissement. 8°. Bruxelles, 1*66. Drake (D.) An oration on the intemperance of cities; including remarks on gambling, idle- ness, fashiou, and Sabbath - breaking. .*-'. Philadelphia, 1831. Galtox (D.) On the influences which prin- cipally affect the purity of air in towns. 12". London, 1^85. Herschell (G.) Health troubles of city life. 12-". Bristol, London, 1889. Heyman (E.) I. Om luften i vara bostiider. [The air in our cities.] 8°. Stockholm, 1881. Isayeff (A. A.) Bolslrie goroda i ikh vliya- nie na obshtshestvennuyu zhizn. [Large cities, "and their influence on public life.] 12- Yaro- slavl, 18-7. Jones (J.) Spontaneous combustion. *-. New Orleans, [1874]. Kebbell (W.) Popular lectures on the pre- vailing diseases of towns; their effects, causes, and the means of prevention. 12°. Briqhton 1818. Le Eoy (R.) Anernie des grandes villes et des gens du monde (cachexie urbaine). 8 Paris, 1-69. Cities. Parodi(E. E.) Salus publica. Meinoria tec- nica sul risanameuto delle abitazioni e delle citta. 8'. Stimpicrditreiiti, 1**6). von R6zsahk<;yi (A.) Hygienische (irund- siitze bei der Reconstruction von Sladteu niit besonderer Riicksicht auf Szcgedin. K Berlin Y*4. Sdcieta italiana pel risanameuto delle citta ed opere nffine. roy. K\ Bologna, 18.-8. Toclox. Arrete dc police concernant lu pru- pret6, lti salubrity de la ville ct de ses faubourgs la liberte de la circulation, l'^tablissenieut des fosses d'aisance a domicile, ct le service des vi- danges. 4°. Toulon, 1H74. United States. Conqress. Joint resolution providing for an investigation relative to tlie "slums of cities". 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. Res. Hi. Feb. 15, ls92. Introd. by Mr. Kyle. roy. h . [Washington, 1*92.] -----. The same. . . . and rep. by him March 2, 1892. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1*92.] United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. Investigation of the slums of cities. Report [to accompany H. Pes. 104]. 52. Cong., 1. s-ss. Rep. No. 625. March 10, lr<92. Rep by Mr. Bunting. 8°. [Washington, 1*92.] Anders (J. M.) The ventilation of cities, or tho ?ani- tarv value of interior open spaces. Med. &Surg. Reporter Phila., 1889, lx, 731-734— Amonltl (J.) Vilhs. Dirt! encycl. d. sc. nied., Par., 1889, 5. s.. iii, 475-G24.—Beloch (J.)' DieEutwieklungderGrossstiidtein Europa. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1890, viii, pt. 7, 55-62.— Boiiluoiw ( H. P.) Tlie scaven gering antl cleansing of towns. Sun. Engin., Lond., 1880, n. s., i, 319; 355: 1881, n. s., ii, 26. -----. The removal of snow. [ From his Wook entitled: "Dirty dust-bins and sloppy streets".] Ibid., 1881-2, vi, 190-193.—Bour- guignon (II. - M.) Quelques reflexion sur la malaiia lirbana, ou sur les troubles foiictionnels jirodnits par le sejour prolonge dans h-s grandes villes. I'nion metl., Par.,' 18G1, 2. s., x, 481-490. Also: France med., I'ar., 1861, viii, 437: 454; 4G8.—Cainarho (A.) Streets .'mil squares in towns. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kep. 189'j. Con- cord, 1893, xviii, 225-235.—Chiapponi (-N.) Sull' elinii- nazione e sull' utilizzamento delle spazzature nolle grawli cittii. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. tl' ig., Milano, 1897, xix, 10; 45; 79; 97, lpl.—Chicnc(J.) Civic sanitation; with remarks on a city ambulance. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1884, 4. s., 1-20.—Clark ( L. J.) City sanitation and sew- age disposal. Proc. Canad. Inst. 1888-9, Toronto. 1800, 3.8., vii, 232-244.—Colt-man (■!. S.) Civic cleanliness. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1891), xxiv, 3-.0.— CN-lore (X.) Assni- nissement ties grandes villes par fair de l-i. campagne. Rev. san. tie Bordeaux, 1884-5, ii, 2-4—BSowtl (('. N.) A study of the hygienic condition of our streets. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 700-703.—Diiraml-Claye (A.) Les travaux d'assainissement de Dan/.ig. Berlin, Breslan. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1881, iii, 9; 93. AUo, Reprint—Ilofniamt. TJeber die Stadtoreinigieisisfrnge in Chemnitz. Vrtl.jsclir. f. geiichtl. Med., Berl., 1888. u. F., xlix, 153-1GG. AUo, . transl. .- Ann. d'hyg..Pai'.,1888,3. s.,xx,332-347.—Jacque- •nin. Plantations des gi ancles villes. Compt. rend. Acad. d.sc, Par., 1837,v, 764. — ITIamlell© (G.) AvSirosi bev&u- dorl^s6san6pessegKociologiaii'elepiilese. | Urban aggloni- erations aud the sociological convalescence of the popu- lation.] Cong.internat. d'h\ g.etdedemog. C. r. 1894, Bu- dapest.1896.viii.pt.7,5:i-55—itleyer(F\ A.) [etal.]. Baiun- pflaiizungeniindCarteiianlageii in den Stiidten. Deutscher Ver. I'. off.Gsndlilspflg. Ber. I89(i,l!rnsrhwg.,1891,xvi,179- 191— ©ImwteillF. h.) Trees in streets and in parks. San- itarian, X. \'., 1882, x, 513-518—Proust. Ue l'afsainii-sc- nient iles ports. Cong, intc i nat. tl hyg. et de demog. C.r. 1889, Par., 1890, 795-825.—Kit lilt r (E.) Strassenhygiene d. i. Strassen-Pflasteniug , Keini-ung und -Bcspreiiguug, sowie Beseitigung tier festen Abiiille. Handb. tl. Ilyg., Jeua, 1894, ii, 2. Abth., 149-232.—Street widths and air- spaces. San. Engin., N. Y., 1883-4, ix, 548—Nliibbcii (J.) Practical and aesthetic principles for the laving out of cities. [Trausl. hy YV\ H. Searles.] Tr. Am. Soc. Civil Engin., N. Y., 1893, xxix, 718-730—Svyatlovski (V. \ .) Ozdorovlenie gorodov. |Municipal hygiene.] Zemsk. vrach, Poltava, 1893, vi, 648-154. -----. Ob asseni/.atsu elektrichestvom (po sposobu Hermite'a). [Purifleation by electricity by the method of . . .] Ibid., 680-084.— pp.? o maps. 8^. Chicago, G. E. Haz- litt, 1*85. ----. Report of the committee on theatres and public buildings, on heating and ventilation of the public school buildings of Chicago. Oct., 188,"). 36 pp. 8°. Chicago, G. K. Hazlitt 4- Co., 1885. ----. Report of the committee on drainage and Witter supply to the executive committee of the Citizens' Association, and by it adopted and ordered printed, May 25, 1887. As to the nec- essary legislation and the condition of the Chi- cago drainage bills before the legislature. 12 pp!, 1 ch. 8°. Chicago, G. K. Hazlitt f Co., 1887. ----. Report of the committee on theatres and public halls to the executive committee of the Citizens' Association of Chicago. Adopted and ordered printed, Oct., 1887. 14 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, G. K. Hazlitt f Co., 1887. ----. The hikes and gulf waterway. A brief, with illustration and notes, published by the . . . Prepared under the direction of committee on main drainage. By L. E. Cooley. Jan., 1888. *3 pp. 16°. Chicago, Chicago Legal News Co., 1*8*. ----. Report of smoke committee to the exec- utive committee. May, 1889. 37 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, G. E. Marshall f Co., 1889. ----. Report ou the north-west water tunnel. 27 pp. 8\ [Chicago], 1897. ----. Digest of the civil service law decision, aud statement of the origin of the litigation. 15 pp. 8-. [Chicago], 1898. ----. [Circular of tho . . . iu reference to the ordinance against fast driving.] 1 sheet. 4L. [Chicago, n. d.] ----. Report of committee of the Citizens' Association of Chicago, ou police. Galley sheet. [Chieaqo, n. d.] Bound with: Reports, 1874-5 to 1882-3. Citizens' Association of New York. Report of the executive council to the honorary council of the Citizens' Association of New York, for the months of June, July, and August, 1866. 64 pp. 8°. New York, published bg the, Citizens' Associa- tion, 1866. -----. Report of the council of hygiene and public health of the . . . upon the sanitary con- dition of the city. Published, with an intro- ductory statement, by order of the council of the Citizens'Association. 2. ed. cxliii, 360 pp., 4 pl., 2 maps, 1 ch., 2 plans. 8°. New York, D. Appleton f (^o., 1866. -----. Report upon the condition, etc., of the institutions under the charge of the commis- sioners of public charities antl correct-ion; with suggestions in relation to organizing a bureau of labor statistics and employment, and depots in the West for the distribution of labor. 27 pp. 8°. New York, by the Citizens' Association of New York, 1868. -----. Address to the public. History of its work. The department of docks. The depart- ment of health. The fire department. Inter- esting information for merchants antl taxpayers. 34 pp. 8'-'. [Xew York], published by the asso- ciation. 1871. See, also. Public (The* health. The basis of sanitary reform. 8°. New York, 1866. CITIZENS'. 656 CIUCCI. Citizens' Committee of One Hundred of the District of Columbia. District of Columbia. One commissioner, in lieu of three, recommended. A council of fifteen citizens, to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, pro- posed. The council to submit estimates to Con- gress for street and other improvements, and to enact minor municipal ordinances. Memorial of citizens. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 126. Presented by Mr. Hawley. June 11, 1888. 18 pp. 8°. [Washington, 188*.] Citizens' Hospital, 0. A. R. Encampment. .Sept.. 1-92. Phot. Citizens' Law and Order League of Massachu- setts. Proceedings of the annual meeting. 6., L--8. iis pp. 12°. Boston, Stanley 3S. ° Citriillin. Ban■■■ (H.) Ist Citrullin ein Abfiihrruittel fiir uusere Hausthiere? Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl 1893, xix, 414-433.—Mtockwell (G, A.) Citrullin suppos- itories. Med. Age, Detroit, 1893, xi, 322. Citrus. See, also, Acid (Citric). Hauler (A.) * Ueber das Bergapten. > Biel, 1-81. Gallesio(G.) Traits du citrus. >-. Paris 1811. Grvhk (II.) Analysis mali citrei compendiosa ad botanices, philosophic* juxta ac medic®, cynosuram redacta. 12°. Hnfniee, 1668. C'adrac Sc Tlt-iinier. Contribution a 1'etudo des proprietes physiologiques de l'essence de citron. J. de nied. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 18110, 3. s., xv, 176-190. — Ju- ilieis (A.) Snr la conservation du sue de citrons Rec do in.'-m. denied. . . .mil.. Par., 1H80, 3. s.. xxxvi, 88-91.— Rut- (C.) The commercial products of the citrus familv V-w Kn.iedies.N.Y., 1878,vii, 231; 262; 292. .-Uso, Reprint. City and County Hospital of the City and County of San Francisco. ,SVe San Francisco. City aud County Hospital of the City and County of Scut Francisco. City Dispensary, Loudon, E. C. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscrib- er.s. 79., 1867; 81., 18,09; 83.-89., 1871-7- 91 1879; 93.-101., lssl-9; 103.-106., 1891-4. 12° & fol. London, 1868-9. Instituted Jan. \, 1789, for the purpose of administering advice aud medicine gratuitously to the sick poor. City of Dublin Hospital. Annual reports of the directors to the governors and subscribers 48 - 52., 1879-S5: r>4.-fi9., 1885-90; 61.-65. 18<(>-J; 8°. Dublin, 1880-97. City and Guilds of London Institute for the \,\ vancement of Technical Education. Progi;ii,mio of technical examinations for the session* ..f 1^87-8; 1889-90; 18911-91. 12' A s . London 1-87-90. ' City Hospital of the City of Worcester. Ntr Wor- cester. City Hospital of the City of Worcester City Hospital of Quincy, Mass. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation 1.-7., 1890-96. 8\ Boston, 1-91-7. Chartered March 13, 1889, and opened June 17,1890. Tim trustees organized a training school for nurses in elm...... ti»n with the hospital. City Hospital and the Woman's Hospital Associa- tion of Wheeling. Reports of the . . . from the date of organization [May, 1890] to Feb. 9, ls;i;, 44 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Wheeling, W. Fa. Print Co 1895. *' There is a training school for nurses connected with tlm hospital. City Library Association of the City of Spring- field, Mass. Annual reports of the 'directors at the annual meetings. 21., 18*81-2; 23. l~,-;i-4- 31.-36., 1891-2 to 1896-7. 8 . Springfield, l**2-\6. City of London and East London Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 29.-4b' W8-95; 48., 1897. 8° & 4°. [London, 1*79-9*.] City of Loudon and East London Dispensary. Rules of the ... 8 pp. \->\ [London, Water- ton iy Sons, u. d.] City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park, E. Anuual reports of the com- mittee to the governors antl subscribers. IH.. 1863; 18.. 1865; 32., 1879; 34., 1*81; 36.-3*., 1883-5; 40.-43., 1887-90; 45.-49., 1892-6. *^, fol., & 12c. London, 1864-97. ------. Festival diuner in aid of the funds of the institution, to be held June 5, 1894. Appeal. 2 I. 4°. [London, 1894.] City of London Lying-in Hospital, City Road, E. Annual reports of the commit tee of manage- ment to the governors aud subscribers. 122.- 125., 1872-5; 127., 1877; 129.-146., 1879-96. ■- . London, 1873-97. ------. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] fol. [London, n. d.] CONTENTS. In-patient's letter of recommendation to the commit tee of governors. Out-patient's letter of recommendation. Letter of recommendation for married women only. ------. [Collection of rules, duties, etc., of em- ployees.] 8° & fol. [London, n. d.] CONTENTS. Duties of cook; of day nurses; of housemaid; of house- keeper: of night nurses; of scrubber. Bye-laws for pupil mid wives and pupil nurses. Rules for pupils. Out-patients' department. Rules to be observed by patients and midwives. City mission directory of the benevolent, chari- table, and humane institutions of Philadelphia. See Philadelphia Protestant Episcopal City Mission. 16°. [Philadelphia, 1880.) City Orthopaedic Hospital, London, E. C. Ap- pendix to the first annual report. 3 1. [London, 1-52?] [P., v. 970.] ------. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 9., 1859; 29., H79; 33.-35., l88;{-5; 37., 1887; 43., 1893; 44. 1894. 8°. London, 1^60-95. ------. Financial statements for the years 1**1; 1885. 4° & fol. [London, 1885-6.] City (The) Record. Official journal. [Daily.] v. 11, 1883. fol. New York. Cilicci (Antonio Filippo). Filo d' Arianiia, overo fedelissima scorta alii esereeuti di chi- rurgia, per uscire del laberinto delle relazioni e CIUCCI. 657 CLACIUS. Cilicci (Antouio Filippo)—continued. rieoguizioni di varii morbi e inorti. Con un capitolo addiettivo della quiddity, della peste, e la dichiarazione del sito delle parti, e alcune fiirure anatomicbe; al quale si aggiunge un breve trattato della circulazioue del sangue, e dato in luce altra volta dall' istess' autore. Con due copiosi indici, il primo delle rnaterie, e il secondo delle parti del corpo. 216 pp., 31 1., 10 pl. 16°. Macerata, G. Piccini, 1681. _____. The same. Con aggionta in questa nova edizione di alcuni capitoli del medemo autore. 312 lip., 10 pl. 18°. Macerata, G. Sassi, 1703. Ciiidad-Bolivar-medico. Periddico me- dico-quiruroico. Redactores: Eduardo Oxford [et al.]. [Monthly.] Nos. 3-4, 6-7, Aug., 1888, to March 31, 1889. 8-\ Ciudad-Bolivar. Ciiire (Joan) [1840-91]. IVecrolog. Bull. Soe. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1891-2, v, 33-36. Citlti (Giulio). Spedale di S. M. della Miseri- eordia in Poppi. Resoconto dei malati accolti nella sezione chirurgica dal settembre 1884 a tutto dicernbre 1888. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 8°. Poppi, tip. Fignali, 1889. ----. Storia di un caso di spina bifida guarita con 1' escisione del sacco. 8 pp. 8°. [Firenze, tipog. Cenniniana, 1890.] Repr.from: Sperimentale, Firenze, 1890, lxvi. -----. Spedale Serristori in Figline Valdarno. Resoconto statistico degli ammalati accolti dal 1° giiijjno 1891 al 31 dicernbre 1892. 59 pp., 2 1. fol. Firenze, A. Meozzi, 1893. Civet. Morand. Neue Beobachtungen vom Sacke, und wohlriechenden Wesen in der Zibethkatze; imgleicben von der Aehnlichkeit zwischen tier seidenhafteu Materie, die er euthalt, und den Haaren. die man zuweilen in den itinera Theilen des menschlicheu Korpers findet. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in I'ar. . . . Abhandl. 1728, Bresl., 1755, vii, 206-215, 2 pl.—Wolilriecheiiden (Von dem) Sacke der Zibethkatze; Historic. Ibid., 203-205. Civiale (J[ean]) [1792-1867]. Lettre a M. le redacteur des Archives ge"nerales de ni6decine. 7 pp. 8'-. [Paris, 1826.] Repr. from: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1826, 4. s., x. ----. De la lithotritie, ou broiement de la pierre dans la vessie. lx, 254 pp., 5 1., 5 pl. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1827. ----. The same. 1 p. 1., xxxix, 184 pp., 2 1., 3 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, Pence freres, 1827. Bound with: Massart (A.) Chirurgie conservatrice des membres [etc.]. 8°. [Nantes], 1853. ----. Mdmoire sur l'anatomie pathologique des r6trecissemens de l'uretre. 74 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Benouard, 1842. ■----. Handbuch der Lithotritie. Aus dem Franzosischen von Dr. G. Krupp. 1 p. 1., 416 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, C. E. Kollmann, 1847. ----. Traite pratique sur les maladies des or- ganes ge"nito-urinaires. 2e partie. Maladies du col de la vessie et de la prostate. 2. *'•>, Chicago, J. J. Spalding 4' Co., 1*76. Repr. from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1876, i. Clark (Talliaferro). Acute anterior poliomyeli- tis. 9 pp. 8°. New York, 1*96. Repr. from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1896, xiii. Clark (Thomas). Observations on the nature aud cure of fevers, and of diseasesof the West aud East Indies, and of America; with an ac- count of dissections performed in these climates, and general remarks on diseases of the army. xvi, 257 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell <}'■ Bradfu'te, 1801. [P., v. 1160.] Clark (Thomas) [1801-67]. A chemical exami- nation of Singleton's golden ointment, with an improved formula for preparing the red precipi- tate ointment. 8 pp. 8°. [Glasgow, E.Khullf Son, 1830.] [P., v. 1026.] Repr. from : Glasgow M. J., 1830, iii. ------. On the pharmaceutical preparation of the precipitated carbonate of iron. 3 pp. 8°. [Glasgow, 1830.] [P., v. 1026.] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1830, iii. Clark (Tracy Earl). * Comparative anatomy of the insula, pp. 59-110, 5 pl. *J. Granville, Ohio, 1896. Repr. from: J. Comp. Neurol., Granville, 1896, vi. Clark (Uriah). Lectures ou city life and char- acter; increase of crime; with a review of "Lectures to young ladies, on subjects of prac- tical importance", by Rev. Daniel C. Eddy. 2 p. 1., 64 pp. 12°. Lowell, Merrill f Hey wood, 1849. Clark (W.). See Calcutta. Letter from the municipal commis- sioners letch 8°. Calcutta, [1856]. —Report by the Messrs. Rendel [etc.]. 8°. [Calcutta, 1859.] Clark (W. W.). See Cincinnati Sulpho-Saline Springs letch 8°. Cincinnati, 1880.-----.Thesame. 8°. Cincmnah,[n.d.]. Clark (William) [1698-1780]. * A medical dis- sertation concerning the effects of the pa&sious on human bodies; first published in Latin . . . and now published in English, with a preface, the aphorisms of Sanctorius to which it refers, and some notes illustrating the subject. 03 pp. 8°. London, W. Frederick, 1752. Clark (William) [1788-1869]. Analysis of a course of lectures on the anatomy aud physiol- ogy of the humau body, iv (2 1.), 104 pp. 8 . Cambridge, 1822. ______ Catalogue of tbe osteological portions ot specimens contained in the anatomical museum of the University of Cambridge, vm, 132 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1*62. Clark (William Nelson) [1807-88]. Newton (C. B.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1889, 250-252. Clark (W[illiam] P.) The I»diiil Wj^Jge. with brief explanatory notes of the gestme taught deaf-mutes in our institutions fo their instruction, and a description of some of the pe- culiar laws, customs, myths, superstitions ways of living, code of peace and war signals ot our aboriniiPes. 443 pp., 1 map- *-• nxUdelfi*, L. B. Hamersly # Co., 1885. CLABK. 663 OLAEKE. Clark University in the city of Worcester, Mass. Opcniug exercises. Oct. 2, 1889. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 16° [ Worcester, 1889. ] ____1. Register for the years 1889-90 to 1896-7, i and official announcements for the years 1889-90 to 1897-8 (1.-9.). 12c A 8°. Worcester, 1889-97. Third, 1891-2, is 8°. _____Annual reports of the president to the board of trustees. 1.-3., 1889-90 to 1892-3. S>-\ Worcester, 1890-93. ____. Topical syllabi for child study. Series for academic years 1894-5 to 1896-7. 8C. [Wor- cester, 1894-7.] ____. Summer school. Announcements for the sessions of 1*95-7 (3.-5.). Including psychol- ogy, biology, pedagogy, aud anthropology. 12°. [Worcester, 1895-7.] Clarke (Albert). St. Albans and vicinity as a summer resort. 40 pp., 3 pl. 8°. St. Albans, Messenger Job Print. House, 1872. Clarke (Alexandre-S.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la laparo-elytrotoinie. 106 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 4°. Nancy, 1887, No. 248. .----. The same. 106 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8C. Paris, Berger-Lee rault -. Northampton, Gazette Printing Co., 1893. Clarkson (Arthur). A text-book of histology, descriptive aud practical, fortheu.se of students. xx, 554 pp., c8 pl. 8-. Bristol, J. Wright 4" Co.; London, Simpkin [and others], 1896. -----. Thesame. xx,554pp., 8c pl. 8-. Phila- delphia, W. B. Saunders, 1896. Clarot (Gaston) [1862- ]. * Contribution k l'etude de la colotomie iliaque. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 193. ■----. The same. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1890. Clams (Hermannus Mauritius) [1813- ]. * Ectopia? cordis doctrina obscrvationibus illus- trata. 60 pp. 4°. Lipsics, typ. Staritzii, 1839. Clarus (Joannes Christiauns Augustus) [1774- 1854]. *De zoochemise notione etusu, prasmissa potiorum de natura materia? opiniouum expo- sitioue. 32 pp. 4°. Lipsitv, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1801. [P., v. 1606.] -----. Der Krampf in pathologischer und the- rapeutischer Hinsicht systematisch erlautert. 1. Theil. viii, 421 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Flei- scher, 1822. -----■ [Pr.] Adversaria clinica. 1. Medendi ratio iu febribus nervosis. [Cum vita candidati Hermanni Manritii Clarus.] 15 pp. 4°. [Lip- sice, typ. Staritzii, 1839.] -----& E lire il be r^ (Henricus Ferdinandus). *De omeuto lacerato et mesenterii chordapso commentatio posterior. 56 pp. 8°. Lipsiie, A. Frohberger, 1833. Clary (Adolphe-Joseph). *Des proprietes phy- siques, chimiques et toxiques de Parseuic et Clary (Adolphe-Joseph)—continued. des moyens de le reconnaitre daus un cas d'em- poisonnemeut. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, Poussielgue, 1840. [P., v. 1696; 1713; 1836.] ficole de pharmacie. Clary (L.-Raphael). * Rupture des varices pro- fundi's dn niembre inferieur. (Coup de fouet.) 65 pp.. 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 117. Clasen (K). See A rziicivcrortlimiijft'ii [etc. |. 16°. Frankfurt a. M, 1893. Clasen ( Ferdinand Hubert ) [ 1870 - ]. "Ueber diuMuskel und Nerven des proximalen Abscliiiittes der vorderen Extreniitat der Katze. 35 pp. 8 \ Bonn, E. Heydorn, 1894. -----. Tbe same. pp. 179 - 211, 4 pl. 4 . Halle, 1895. Forms no. 4 of: Nova acta d. k. Leop. Carol, deutsch. Akad. tl. Naturf., lxiv. Clasen (Frauz). *Ein Fall von Pneumoperi- cardium, nebst eiuem Beitrag zur Pathogenese der Pericarditis. 31 pp. 8°. Giessen, is<>5. Clasen (Friedericus Ernestus). *De gastro- malacia infantum. 16 pp. 8°. Eilice, C. F. Mohr, 1*46. ------. Die Haut und das Haar. Ihre Pflege und ihre kosmetischen Erkrankungen. iv, 366 pp. 8C. Stuttgart, D. Gundert, 1886. ------. Thesame. 2. Aufl., vermehrt durch einen Abscbuitt iiber die Pflege der Ziihue, von Willi. Sachs, viii, 388 pp. 8 . Stuttgart, D. Gundert, 1887. ------. Die Gesichtshaare und der Bartwuchs der Frauen und ihre Heilung. 41 pp. 16°. Frankfurt a. M., J. Alt, [1-93, rel subseq.]. See, also, Pidci-it (K.) [in 1. s.]. Das Buch fiir junge Mutter [etc.]. 16°. Bielefeld di Leipzig, 1885. Clasen (Laurentius) [1843- ]. *De rhacbi- tide et osteomalacia. 1 p. 1., 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bounce, P. Neusser, 1866. Clasmatocytes. See Cellular tissue. Clason (Edward) [1829- ]. Om mennis- kobjeruans vindlar och faror. [Convolutions of brain.] £5 pp., 2 pl. 8-. Upsala, Edquist 4' Bergluud, 1868. In: Upsala Univ. Arsskr. Med., 1868. ------. Om mediciuska undervisniugsfragan. [Medical education.] 48 pp. 8 . Upsala, E. Berling, 1872. Repr from: Upsala Lakaref. Forli., 1871-2, vii. ------. Reseberattelse. 110 pp. 8°. Upsala, E. Edquist, 1873. Repr. from: Upsala Univ. Arsskr. Med., 1873. For Biography, see Halsovannen, Stockholm, 1897, xii, 321-323. Class (Joh. Gotlofredus). *De salutari et noxio dinreticoruni niedicanieutoruin usu. 2(i pp., 1 1. 4 . Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, 1749. Classen (Alexander) [1843- ]. See Sonncnachcin (F. L.) [in 1. s.]. Hantlhuch der gericlitliclieu Cliemie. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1881. Classen (G[eorg] August) [1835- ]. Das Auge und seine Krankheiten. Fiir Gebildete aller Stiiude daigeslellt. 1 p. 1., 89 pp. 12°. Hamburg, J. J. Richter, 1874. Classen (Joannes Matthias). *De structura hepatis et morbo icterico. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, J. S. Straube, 1756. Classen (Job. [Friedrich Gerhard]) [1859- ]. *Zur Statistik und Aetiologie der Nenralgie. 22 pp , 1 1. 8°. Eiel, Schmidt 4' Klaunig, 1886. Classen ([Julius] Wilhelm) [1861- ]. *Zur Casuistik tier Kroiifexstirpation. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Driesner, [18*5]. Classen (Karl [August]) [18B3- ]. * Ueber einen Fall vou primiirer Tuberkulose der Ins uud des Ciliarkorpers. [Freiburg i. B.] 46 pp., CLASSEN. 666 CLATJDINTJS, Classen (Karl [August])—continued. 1 1. .8". Hamburg, Verlagsanst. u. Druckerei A.-G., 18*9. Classification of the materia medica. A re- view. 16 pp. 8C. Dublin, Hodges <)■ Smith, 185(1. [P., v. 152(1.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850, ix. Classified examination questions, or written qm stions given at the primary exaniination for the membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, classified under the following heads: Upper limb, lower limb, triangles of the neck and submaxillary region, other parts of the head and neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis; physi- ology. 18(19 to 1879. 46 pp. 16°. [London], 1879. Clater (Francis) [1756-1823]. Le ve"terinaire domestique, ou l'art de guerir soi-meme ses che- vaux. Trad, de l'anglais sur la 21. e"d., par P.-L. Preset, xvii, 452 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, Anselin 4' Pochard, 1822. ------. Le chasseur-inedecin, on trait6 complet snr les maladies du chien. Trad, tie l'anglais sur la 25. etl., par D. O. R. 142 pp. 24 . Bruxelles, A. Wahlen, 1834. Claude* Rapport sur la consummation de l'al- cool. Discours prononce" dans la seance [du sen at] tlu 24 juin 1887. 67 pp. 16°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1889. Claude (A.) Premieres notions d'honueopathie a I'usage des families. 4. ed. vi, 202 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-II. Bailliere f fils, 1*91. See, also, i:*|»:t ntl (A.) Essai d'une constitution sei- entifique tie la matiere me-dicale [etc.J. 8°. Paris, 1879. Claude (Abel). * Quelques considerations sur le iraitemeut de l'anevrysine poplite' spontan6. 1 p. 1., 47 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867, 2. s., No. 993. Claude (F.) Communication sur la rage faite a la Societe d'agriculture d'Alger dans sa seance du 21 juin 1884. 27 pp. 8°. Alger, P. Fontana 4- Cie., 1885. Claude (Ferdinand) [1859- ]. * Etude sur la syphilis du sein. 71 pp. 4 . Paris, 1886, No. 276. ' Claude (Henri-Charles-Jules) [1869- ]. 'Essai sur les lesions du foie et des reins (16- terminees par certaines toxines. Etude de pa- thologie exp6riinentale et d'histologie patholo- gique. 245 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 28(1. ------. The same. viii, 245 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Paris. G. Carre' 4- C. Naud, 1*97. Claude (Julien) [18fi3- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis du systeme nerveux. Troubles de la sensibility Endarterite cere"- brale. 164 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 4r-\ Nancy, 1888,1. s., No. 273. Claude (P.-V.) "Dissertation sur 1'nsage des bams, consider©" sous le rapport de Fhyoieue. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI Yis031 No. 53. J' Claudel (Fernand- Louis -Philippe). * Traite- ment chirurgical du prolapsus rectal cbez l'en- fant, 1 p. 1., 66 pp. 8 \ Nana/, 1-97, No. 20 Claudel (Oco.ges) [18(14- ']. * Considera- tions sur les beinipl6»ies alterues. 58 on 11 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 329. PP'' —----.Thesame. 56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, 1894. Clauder (Christian Ernest) [1(194- ]. Qor- gouea metamorphosis, sive mirahilis calculi hu- mani historia, cum judicio ejusdem et figura lapidis. Excutitur in prtefatione nova, de"me- thodo subvenieiidi submersis laryinrotomia hy- pothesis. 5 p. 1., 32 pp., 1 pl. sm. 4C. Cheni- nitu, apud C. Stoesselium f fllium, 1728. r 4lso in: P., v. 1913.] " " L" ' Clauder (Gabriel) [1633-91]. -De philtris 111. 8IH.4". Lipsia-, J. Wittigau, [1661] ------. Dissertatio de tinclnra universali (vuliro lapis philosophoruni dicta) in qua I. quia u.pC sit; 2. quod detur in reruin mit lira ; an Cliristi ano cousultnm sit immediate in banc •iiqiurere; 4. e qua materia; et 5. qnoniodo pneparetnr ner rationes, et variorum ex])erientiain perspicue proponitnr; aliaque curiosa et ntilia, huie aua loga, adnectuntur natura? curiosoriun sui. 4°. Ad nonnan. Academic p. 1., 272 pp., p„> 1 Altenburgi, apud G. Bichterum, 1078. Claudianus (Claudius). Carmiua de foutibus Aponi. ln:_ Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. yene- Claudilli (Julius Cicsar). jun. , /?e« «!lnu«linn» (J. C.) Empyrica rationalis Mr I fol. Bonoi.tn; 1053. ' '' Claildinus (Franciscus). Sc« Clniitlinii, (J. C.) Empyrica rationalis fete 1 fol. Bono nice, MiXi. ''' Claudinus I Claudiui, Chiodiui | (Julius Cicsar) [ -1618]. De ingressu ad intimitis libri duo; in quibus medici onuic, ex tempore mediciiiain facturi, munus, sive per se curct, sive cum aliis de enrando cunsnltet, accuralissime tanquam in tabula, delineatuin continetur; ac- ccssit appendix tie remediis generosiorilms. Adjecta item est coronidis loco quasstio phi- losophico-inediea de sede principum faculta- tuin. 8 p. 1., 529 (24 I.), 36 pp. lfio. Basil nv, J. J. Gentuh, 1017. Tractatus dc crisibus et diebus criticis; in quo cum de ca-teris omnibus, qua? ad horum pertinent cognitionem, turn de causis pnreipue, accurate jnxta ct ordine disseritur. 104 pp., 10 1., 1 tab. 12°. Basilew, J. J. Genuthius, 1620. Responsionuin et consultationuin niedi- cinalium tomus unicus. Nunc accurate recog nitus, et ab omnibus erroribus ca qua fieri potuit diligentia repurgatus. In duas scctiones parti- tus, in quaruni prima responsiones; in altera consnltationes compreliendnntur. Additur bie- vis exercitatio de ultimo corporis alimento cum aliquot digressuinculis, auctore Florio Bernardo. 15 p. ]., 602, 19 pp. 4°. Venetiis, apudBertaims, 1646. Empyrica rationalis libris vi absoluta, et in duo volumina divisa, iu quorum alio universi corporis humani affectus, penes totum, et partes; in altero vero penes specieni, individuum, atque Estates, causas manifestas reconditasque; sive practicis omnibus noti, ant prolapsi, sive novi ct peregrini, rationabiliter et absolutissime curan- tur. Per olini Franciscum auctoris filium . . . parata, nunc primum a Julio Ca\saie C'laudiuo juniore . . . publicum ntilitati commissa. Cui ut faciliori negotio niedicinam facientcs, qnicquid in opere continetur, inveniant, pra'lcr annota- tioues in niargine. geininus acccssit index Jo. Caroli Matthesilani. 2 v. 9 p. ]., 958 pp., 2 pl.; 5 p. ]., 399 pp., 59 1., 1 pl. fol. Bononiie, ex typ. J. Montii, 1653. -----. Paradoxa medica, sive tractatus novi, singulares, absoluti de natura et usu thermarum, ligni gnaiaci, sassafras, salsieparill.T, chime radi- cis, vini medicati, chalybis, stillicidioruni, halnei aqiue dulcis tepidi, medicainentoruin ex viperis, lactis et seri, aliorumque usu ct frequentiuui ct recouditorum, in yrariis, imo pene omnibus cor- poris humani morbis adhibendo: per divcisas morborum, sive facti species, instar consilionuu meilicinaliuni conscripti, et editi. 3 p. 1., 3(18 pp. ; 284 pp. 4C. Francofurti, C. Gerlach "• Bruxelles, F. Haye:, 1895. Forms part of v. 14 of: Mem. couron. et autres uiem. Acad. roy. de m6d. tie Bel<;. _____. The same. 271 pp., 3 pl. 8-\ Bruxelles, H. Lamcrtin; Paris. G. Carre. 1896. Clans (Beruhardus llendricus). *De partu dif- licili. s pp-» 4 h ^ ■ Harderorici, J. Moojen, 1750.' ClailS (C[arl Frederick Wilhelm]) [1835- ]. Geiierationswechsel und Parthenogenesis im Thicrreich. Ein bei Gelegenheit tier Habilita- tion gehaltener Vortrag. 24 pp. 8°. Marburg, X G. Elwert. 1-5-. [P., v. 1894.] -----. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 3. Aud. xi, X28 pp. 8J. Marburg u. Leipzig, N. G. Elwert, 18-5. .-----. Beuierkuugeu iiber marine Ostracoden aus den Familien der Cypridineu und Halocyprideu. In: Arb. a. tl. zool. Inst. tl. "Tniv. "Wieu, 1888. viii, 149- 154. -----. Ueber den Organismus der Nebalitlcn und die systeuiatische Stellung der Leptostrakeu. In: Arb. a. tl. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wieu, 1888, viii, 1- 14S. 15 pl. -----. Ueber die Entwickelung des Scyphostoma von Cotylorhiza, Aurelia uud Cbrysaora, sowie iiber die .systeuiatische Stellung der Scyphome- duseu. In: Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Tniv. Wien, 1890-91, ix, 85- 128, 3 pl. •-----. Die Gattuugen und Arten der mediter- ranen und atlantischen Halocypriden, nebst Beuierkungen iiber die Organisation derselben. 7a: Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wieu, 1890, ix, 1-34. -----. Eingeweidewiirmer des Menschen. 32 pp., 5 pp. 8-. Witn, Leipzig, M. Merlin, 1894. Repr. front: iiibliolh. tl. ges. med. Wissensch. Forms no. 2 of: Samml. med. Abhandl. f. prakt. Aerzte. See, also. ZoologiNfhca Institut der Universitat Wien nnd zooloiasclie Station in Triest [in 1. s.]. Arbeiteu. 8°. IFi'en, ls84. Clans (Georg Wilhelm) [1859- ]. * Ueber das maligne Lyniphom (sog. Pseudoleukaiuie) mit besonderer Beriic.ksichtigung auf die Koni- bination mit Tuberkulose. 38 pp., 1 1. 8-. Marburg, G. Schirlirg, 1888. C. Claus (Hans) [1873- ]. * Ichthyosis con- genita. 34 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8C. Berlin, G. Schade, 18H7. Claus (Job. Mattlneus). * Spec. med. sistens aphorismos nonnullos Hippoeratis et theses medicas. 6 pp., 1 I. 4'-. Harderorici, J. Moojen, 1764. [P., v. 1932.] Clausen (Carlo). Catalogo delle opere di medi- cina e scienze affini vendibili nelle librerie inter- national! . . . 136 pp. 83. Torino f Palermo, \*9\. Clausen (Otto [Friedrich Joh.]) [1860- ]. * Ein Fall von sympatbischer Ophthalmie trotz Resection (les Opticus. 20 pp., 2 1. 8 . Kiel, Schmidt 4' Klaunig, 18e6. Clausius (Georgius Gotlofredus). * Commenta- tio sistens casuin rarissimuin mogostociae pel- viiiie additis observationibus de discrimine inter pelvim e rhachitide et polvim ex osteomalacia adultoruni dei'orniein. iv, 30 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Francof. ad. M., typ. Andrea}, 1834. Clausius (R[iidolpb Julius Emmanuel]) [1822- ]. Ueber die Eiiergievorriithe der Natur, und ihre Verwerthung zum Nutzen der Menseh- beit. 26 pp. sc. Bonn, M. Cohen Y Sohn, 1885. laiISS (Emil). * Ueber Schwangerschaft koui- pliziert mit Cervixcarcinom. 29 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1890. latlSS (Hermann). * Ueber die Tuherculose des Penis. 29 pp., 1 1. 8". Freiburg in Batten, H. M. Poppen if Sohn, 1889. ClailSS (Job.) * Baeteriologiscbe Untersuchun- gen tier Milcb im Winter 1888-9 in Wiirzburg, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Milchsiiurts bildenden Bacterien. 38 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1889. ClailSS (Ludwig) [1870- ]. *Ein Fall von Sireiienbildung. 17 pp., 3 1., 2 pl. 8\ Eiiniqs- berg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1896. ClailSS (W[ illielin]). Das Wasserwerk der Stadt Braunschweig; nebst Angaben iiber Bau, B - trieb und die verschiedeuen Methoden von Was- serleitungeu fur Stiitlte, etc. 116 col., 4 pl.. 1 plan. 4. Hannover, Schmorl

    . Kiel, Schmidt f Klaunig, 1883. Claiisthal. Sec Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Scarla- tina (Epidemics of), Statistics ( Vital), by locali- ties. Claustrophobia. See Clithrophobia. Claux (Kayinuudus). * Ideas generales circa exanthemata sive acuta sive chronica, et in par- ticular^ de scabie et berpetibus. [Montpellier.] 30 pp. 8°. Arenione, J. S. Tour nel, 1788. [P., v. 1090.] ClaiiZlire (Michel-Adrien) [1817-08]. C'all'c (P.-L.-B.) Xecrolojiio. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., lsiis, xxxv, 12(i; 142. Clavaud-Ribonrgcon (Louis) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude clinique de 1'liydropisio de l'amnios dans les grossesses gdmellaires. 82 pp., 11. 1J. Paris, 1896, No. 472. -----. The same. 80 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1*96. Claveau (O.) Dc la parole comme objet et coinine moyen d'enseigneinent dans les institu- tions de soiirds-muets. Rapport a M. le Ministre de Finteneur. ix, 157 pp. 8°. Paris, Imp. na- tionale, 1881. Clavel, le chanoino [1807-57]. Le mddecin du corps et de Fame, fid. revue, corrigee et con- siderableinenl augmentee par l'auteur. 2 v. 476 pp.; 480 pp. 12°. Paris, L. Vires, 1854. For Biography, see .T. tl. coun. metl. prat., Par., 1856-7, xxiv, 280 (P.-L.-B. Carle)- CLAVEL. 668 CLAVICLE. Clavel [Adolphe] [1815- ]. Les races hu- maines et leur part dans la civilisation, viii, 9-431 pp. 8°. Paris, Poulet-Malassis f deBroise, 1*60. ------. Les Marquisiens. 182 pp. 8 . Paris, 0. Doin, 1885. Clavel (Paul-Marie) [1858- ]. * Des indica- tions des lavages ute'rins preveutifs et curatifs eontinus ou intermittents. 50 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1886, No. 62. Clavelier. See .Inhob ( C.) Atlas du systeme nerveux [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1897. Clavelen (Jules) [1856- ]. *De la tubercu- lose des ganglions lymphatiques chez l'adulte. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 434. Clavenna (Jacobus Antonius). Clavis Cla- vennas aperiens natura? thesaurum ejusque gem- inas depromens: vires scilicet plantarnm, in generali earundem historia ex Dalecampio po- tissimum sumpta a Gulielmo Rovillio Lugduni semel edita, sparsim deseriptas. Nuuc collectas, et omnibus, ac singulis morbis ordine alpha- betico attributas. Adeo fideliter, et accurate, nt eis tuto, etiam siue ipsa historia, qnilibet uti possit. Cum indicibus 1. plantarnm, et ex illis quamplurimaruin multiplici nomine [etc.], 3 p. 1., 1062 pp., 108 1., port. fol. Tarnisii, extyp. II. Bighettini, 1648. Claverie (Clement-Marie-Albert) [l*r>9- ]. * Etude sur les tumeurs malignes primitives des fosses nasales. 61 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886, No. 74. Claverie (Ernest-Claude) [1854- ]. * Con- tribution a l'e'tude de la rougeole survenant dans la grossiisse et dans l'etat puerperal. 52 pp. 4°."" Bordeaux, 1885, No. 11. Claverie (Henry-Beauville). See Beauville- Claverie [in 1. s.]. Claverie (Paul) [1858- ]. *Meningites cereliro-spinales observers a Rochefort pendant l'hiver 1885-6. 48 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886, No. 30. Claverie (S[imn]) [1863- ]. "Sur l'ac- coucheinent artitieiel immetliat par les voies naturelles (accouchement force'); post mortem. 99 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 299. Clayey (Eugene) [1870- ]. "Recherches cliniques sur les groupes musculaires paralyses dans l'hemiplegie d'origine ce~rdbrale. 125 pp. 8°. Paris, 18,97, No. 540. Claviceps. Stefniiucci Ala (G.) Claviceps purpurea. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana tl. osp. di Ronia, 1888-9, ix, 21-28. Clavicle. Ocgenbaur (C.) Clavicula nnd Cleithrum. Mor- phol. Jiilnb., Leipz., 1895, xxiii, 1-20.—Liesfore (X.) Note sur rexistenee d'un vestige de clavicule chez les paehy- dei-mes, les ruminants et les solipfedesdoniestiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, lu. s., iii, 477.— Poirier (P.) La clavicule et ses articulations; bourses sereuses des liga- ments costo-claviculaire, trap6zoideetconoide. J.de l'anat. etphysiol. [etc.], Par.. 1890, xxvi,81-103.—Retzius(A. A.) Om nyckelbens-musklernaoch sfirskildt om forekomniaiide af en musculns supraclavienlaris. [Ou muscles of the clavicle, with the formation of ... ] Hvgiea, Stockholm, 185IJ, xviii, 649-652. Also, Keprint,—Wihcza (IL) Ueber tin trausitorisches Rudiment eiuer kubchernen Clavicula lxi Embryonen eines Ungulaten. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz. 1890, xvi,'617-651, lpl. ' Clavicle (Abnormities of). van hen Bussche (L. H. D.) * Ueber einen Fall von beiderseitigen, ganzlichen Mangel des Corpus und der Pars acromialis clavicular. [Freiburg i. B.] 8;. Amsterdam, 1890. Bennett (E. H.) Congenital malformation of the clavicle |ttc.]. Proc.Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3% 1874, n. s., v. 252, lpl. -----. Congenital mnlformation of the clavicle. Ibid.. 187:5-5. n. s., vi, 224-226. 1 pl— r.nzzoni degli A u- carnni (A.) Una rarissima anomalia delle clavicule. Boll, scieut., Pavia, 1887, ix, 72-81. -----. Un caso raris- i la vide (Abnormities of). simo di anomalia tlelle clavicole. ' Atti xii. Cong d Ash med. ital.. Pavia, 1888, i, 278. — Mpriitir (W. G )' I),. formity of sternal ends of both clavicles. Tr. Path So,-' Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 227— Todd. A bs.-ncool' clavicles' St. Louis Cour. Med., 1888, xix. 37:).—Waltihani i \V j'j Abnormality of clavicles. Proc. M. Soe. Loud. 1888-9 xii, 277. Clavicle (Cancer of). See Clavicle (Tumors of). Clavicle (Diseases of). See, also, Clavicle (Excision of); Clavicle (Syphilis of); Clavicle (Tuberculosis of). Gkeeske (W. [A. A.]) * Ein Fall von Total- necrose der Clavicula mit Eiicksicht auf die Aetiologie und das functionelle Endresiiltiit 8°. Greifswald, 1896. Mesna'hd (P.-A.) * Des exostoses du creux sus-claviculaire. 4-'. Paris, 1884. Braquehaye (J.) Do l'osteoinvelitodo la clavicule Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1895, xiii, 101-105.—Kennedy (H.) Deatli and expulsion of the clavicle. I'roc. I'mh Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 341. — HoiIki. Ostitis claviculie. In his: Chir. Khn.7.11 Bern, Jena, 1891,46.— Sabatier (A.) Euclavement des sequestres et ostites clavicula nes. Con;:, franc, de chir. Prov.-verb, [etc.l 1889 Par., 1890. iv, 726-729.—Walerhonse (H. F.) Gumma- tous periostitis of clavicle. Clin. J., Loud,, 1897-8, xi, 245. Clavicle (Dislocation of). See, also, Clavicle (Fracture of, Complications, etc., of). FLORENCY (li.-L.-M.) * Etude sur la luxation sus-acromiale de la clavicule. 4°. Lille, 1*85. Gluck (P.) *Zur Kasuistik tier Scliliissel- beinverrenkungen. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Quadflieg (J.) * Ueber die Luxation des sternalen Entles der Clavicula nach A'oi'ii mit spezieller Berilcksicktiguiio; tier Aetiologio der- selben. 8°. Erlangen, [18-90]. Remomi (L.) * Contribution a l'dtude des luxations sterno-claviculaires. 8~. Paris, 1*97. Schalck (E.) * Feber Luxation des Schliis- selbeins. 8 . Wiirzburg, 1-82. Thamin (P.-A.-M.-A.) * Contribution a l'e- tude des luxations de la clavicule. 4 . Bor- deaux, 1887. Areilza. Las artrodesis en las luxaciones pre-ester- nales. Kev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1897, xxiii, 7-18.— Armstrong (S. T.) Two cases of upward dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 22. — Bauer (E.) Luxatio extremitatis acro- mialis claviculae. Zt>chr. f. Wundarzte. u. Geburtsh., Winneiideii, 1876, xxvii, 242-244.—Bell (G.) Forward dislocation in the sterno-clavicular joint. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1897-8, xvi, 245. — Bennett (L\ H.) Disloca- tion of the sterual extremity of the clavicle, with fractures of the costal cartilages; double vertical fracture of the pelvis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. a., ix, 60-68. -----. Dislocation of tho sternal end of the clavicle back- wards. Tr Boy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1897. xv, 380- 385, 2 pl. —Blodgett (A. N.) Dislocation of the sternal end of tho clavicle, with dislocation of the first and second costal cartilages. X. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 34.— Boudaille (TL) Fn cas de luxation do l'extrtniitfi externe do la clavicule, varieto sus-acromiale complete, suite du passage de la roue d'un chariot. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1894, iii, 573-577. — Can-aher (J. V.) Dislo- cation of both clavicles at tho sternal end. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond. 1890-91, xviii, 183-185. — Carter (E. C.) Dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle, without rupture of tlie costoclavicular lisranient. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1886, xxx, 403. — t'lcmciit* (B. A.) Case of disloca- tion of the sternal end of the clavicle. X. York M. J., 1883, xxwiii, 318.—(Jlippingdalc (S. D.) Spontaneous dislocation of clavicle. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xvi, 247.—t'rompton (D.) Case of dislocation of tho sternal extremity of tlie. clavicle backwards. Guy's Hosp. Rep, Lond., 1887, 3. s., xxix, i.53. — Davis (G. G.) A case of dislocation of acromial end of the clavicle directly buck- wards. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, v, 410-414. —I>c franceschi (P.) Ueber die supraacroraialo Luxation der Clavicula. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix. 575- 580.—DohlhoflT. Luxatio clavicube. Ausz. a. d. Med.- Ber. d. k. preuss. Med.-Coll. d. Prov. Sachsen 1833, Mast- deb.. [1834], 93. —Doughty ( W. II.) Dislocations, up- wards and backwaros, of the scapular end of the clavicle. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicasro, 1891, xvii, 21G-218.—Ducket (C. A.) Aute-sternal dislocation of the clavicle. Lancet, 69 CLAVICLE. CLAVICLE. Clavicle (Dislocation of). Lond., 1888, ii, 667. —Fames (AV. J.) Dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1893, ii, 67.— Eaton (F. B.) Dislocation of acromial end of clavicle downward and backward. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 731. — Edwards (N. F.) A case of dislocation of the outer end of the clavicle under the acromion process. Lancet, Loud., 1897. i. 311.—Fabre (P.) ('as de luxation en avant et en haut do 1'extre-niite interne de la claviculo droite; rfiduction. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. C. r. 1883-4, Par., 1884, xxxviii, 126-128. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 375.— Finlay (II.) Caseof dislo- cation of the sternal end of the clavicle. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1885-6, v, 275. — Fischer. Luxation des Sternal-Kndes der Clavicula uach vorne. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzto u. Gohurtsh., "Winnenden, 1880, xxxi. 320.— Fischer (G.) Complicirte Luxation des Akroniialendes des Schliisselbeins nach ohen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1890-91, xxxi, 434. — Oibb ("W. F.) A case of simultaneous dislocation of both ends of the clavicle with fracture of the scapula. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18!1(i, ii. 848. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 379. — CSiovanardi (A.) Lussaziono sopiasternalc della clavicola. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1888, iii, 10.—(Jravcrry (E.) De iiuelques luxations non traumatizes dc la clavicule. In his: * Quel- ques cas de chir. prat., 4°, Par., 1887, no. 140, 55-84.— Hofuiokl. Yerrenkung des akromialen Endes der rechten Clavicula uber dem Akromion nach riickwarts; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in AVien (1884), 1885, 316. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., AVien, 1886, xxi, 315. — Holland (J. AV.) Dislocation of the clavicle. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1897, iii, 4-6.— Hotchkiss (L. AV.) Double dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle. Ann. Surg., Phila., 189G, xxiii. 600.— Hulhe. Case of simultaneous dislocation of both ends of the clavicle; cure. Lancet, Loud., 1885, ii, 245.—Hunt (AV. R.) Report of a case of double dislocation of clavi- cles at sternal ends. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1895-6, vi, 553. Also: Hot Springs M. J., 1896, v, 225.— Kornfeld (H.) Luxation des inneren Endes der Clavi- cula nach voni. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 92.—Kozlovski (B. S.) Dva sliichaya grudinnavo vivikha klyuchitsi. [Two cases of sternal dislocatiou of the clavicle.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 569-575.— Krecke. Zur Kaht hei tier Luxatio clavieulie supra- acroinialis. Miiucheu. nied. AVchnschr., 1807, xliv, 1441- 1443.—loreta (TJ. ) Lussazione simultauea delle flue cstremit^ della clavicola destra. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1896, xii, pt. 3, 531-534. Also: Terap. clin., Napoli, 1896, v, 399-402.—Liiicas (R. C.) A case of simultaneous dis- location of both ends of the clavicle, with remarks on ten previously reported cases. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1889, 3. s., xxxi, 445-4i;o. 1 pl.—Macgregor (A.) A case of dislocation of tlie clavicle backwards and inwards, at its acromial end. Med. Times «Sc Gaz., Loud., ]8«f>, i. 8. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iii, 215.—Mauley (T. H.) Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle, with report of four cases. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, vii, 899-908. AUo: Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1896, vi, 593: vii, 33. — Margarit (F.) Caso de luxacidn do las dos extremidades de la clavicula dereclia. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1893, xvi, 753.—.llarta (G. B.) La lussa- zione anteriore dell' estreruitA, sternalo della clavicola. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1882, 8. a., iv, 223; 233.— Mas (S.) Luxacidn pre-esternal incompleta de la clavi- cula izquierda. Gac. nied. catal., Barcel., 1888, xi, 417.— Newman (A. J.) Dislocation of hoth ends of right clavicle with double fracture of left. Lancet, Lond.. 1885, ii, 524.—Oliveira Feijao. Deslocacao da extremidade externa de clavicula. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1887, v, 327- 331. — Panoflf ( A. S.) Sluchai vivikha akromialnavo kontsa klyuchitsi kzadi. [Case of dislocation of acromial end of clavicle backwards.] Vrach. zapiski, Mosk., 1896, iii, 75-79.—Pcrcira Guimaracs (J.) Luxacao total da clavicula esquerda completa, retro-esternal e supra- acromial; luxacao completa, para traz, da phalangeta do pollex esquerdo. Gaz. metl. brazil., Rio de Jan., 1882, i, 72; 90.— Pilcher (L. S.) Dislocatiou of tho acromial end of the clavicle. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 419.—Poland (J. H.) Dislocation of tho sternal end of the clavicle, backwards and upwards. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 104.— Prewitt (T. F.) Complete backward dislocation of tho Hternal end of the right clavicle. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii, 18. — Roberts ( AV. O.) Dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle. Internat. J. Surg., N. T., 1897, x, 340.—Schockcel. Luxation de l'extreiiiit6 externe de la clavicule gauche de la forme sus-acromiale. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1887, 3. s., xxxii, 102.—Smith (R. XV.) Congenital luxation of the clavicle. Proc. Path. Soc. Dub!., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 218-220. 1 pl. -----. Supra-sternal luxation of the clavicle. Ibid. (1871-3), 1874, n. »., v, 98- h)3, 2 pl. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1872, liv, 450-455. Also, Reprint. — Sternberg (J.) Habituelle beiderseitige Luxation der Clavicula. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 1030-1032.—Stetter. Zur Aetiologie der Luxationeu ties sternalen Endes des Schliisselbeins. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xii, 49-54.—Stokes (XV.) Partial displace- ment of the sternal end of each clavicle. Proc. Path. Soc. Clavicle (Dislocation of). Dubl., 1847-52, 273. — Thomas. Absiigung des Sternal- Endes ties Schliisselbeiues. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med - Coll. v. Poininern 1835, Stettin, 1836, 77. — Zhdanoflf ( A.D. ) Vivikh grudinnavo kontsa klyuchitsi vperyod (luxatio claviculae prfesternalis). Ejeneil. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1883, iii, 203-206. Clavicle (Dislocation of, Treatment of'). Chapuis (E.-A.-G.) *l)u traitement de la luxation sus-acromiale de la clavicule par la suture osseuse. 4 \ Bordeaux, 1894. Lafox (G.) *])cs luxations sus-acromialcs do la clavicule; traitement par la suture nitStal- lique. 4°. Paris, 18110. Scholz (C. E. K.) *Zur Therapie der supra- acroinialcn Luxation der Clavicula (specielle percutane Nalit nach Banni). 8". Greifswald, 18*9. Aitken (D. W.) A method of treating dislocations and fractures of the clavicle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 189-2, i, 810.—Albers. Die Naht bei Luxation ini Akromiocla- viculariielenk. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1894, xx, 969.—Cabell (J. L.) Proper mode of reducing partial forward dislocation of the sterno-clavicular joints. Med. Xews, Phila., 1883, xliii, 335. — Hamilton (II.) Treatment of dislocation of tho clavicle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii. 75.—lKofiiiami (G.) Merkwiirdige Aus- heilung einer acrominalen Schliisselbeinluxation. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1894, xxxix, 515.—Itrccke. Knochen- naht hei acromialer Luxation tier Clavicula. Miinchen. med. AVchnschr., 1896, xliii, 509. AUo: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1896), 1897, vi, 22.—lie Fort. Luxation sterno-claviculaire; gii6rison par nu mode particulier do contention. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 309.—licgrain (C.) D'un cas de luxation do la claviculo en avant; de- scription do l'appareil employ^ pour le maintien do la re- duction. Ibid., 1891, lxiv, ]161-1103.—Marshall (T. R.) Marshall's apparatus for dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle. Med. Rec., X. V., 1898, liii. 143.—Morris (R. T.) The dowel-pin in dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle. In his: Lect. on appendicitis. 8°, N. V., 1895, 139-141.—Paei (A.) La sutura metalliea nella lus- sazione sopra-acrouiiale della clavicola. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1889, lxiv, 600-605.—Poirier (P.) & Kieffel (H.) Mecanisme des luxations siis-acromiales do la clavi- cule; leur traitement par la suture osseuse. Arch.g6n.de m6d., Par., 1891, i, 396-422.—Powers (C. A.) A report of a case of supra-acromial dislocation of tho clavicle in which an exceptionally good result was obtained by a sim- ple method of treatment. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 37- 39.—Stiles (C. L.) A device for retainiug dislocations of tho clavicle, at its distal end. Tr. M. Soc. Si. V., Syracuse, 1881, 217.—Thomas (XV. F.) Case of compound disloca- tion of sternal end of left clavicle; removal of clavicle; recovery. Iudian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1893, xxviii, 51.— Townscuil (F.) Dislocation of tho claviclo successfully treated by alcohol injections. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 528.—Tracy (E. A.) An apparatus designed for the treatment of dislocation (upward) of the acromial end of the clavicle. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxviii, 186. Also: J. Mech. Surg., Bost., 1896, i, no. 3,3-5, 1 pl. Clavicle (Excision of). See, also, Clavicle (Tumors of, Treatment of, Operative). Bkumm (W.) * Ueber totale Exstirpation der Clavicula mit darauf folgender Regeneration derselben in Form und Lage. 8C. Berlin, [1882]. NORKU8 (G.) * Ueber die Totalexstirinition des Schliisselbeins. 8°. Tubingen, 18<)4. Zabel (R. [C. A.]) *Zur Casuistik der To- talexstirpation der Clavicula. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Battle (AV. H.) Result of partial removal of tho loft clavicle for necrosis. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xv, 466.— Bird (F. D.) Excision oi'the clavicle. Australas. M. Gaz.,. Sydney, 1896, xv, 477.—Borghi (K.) Estirpazione totale della clavicola. Rasscgnadi seined., Modena, 1891, vi, 483- 485.—Bull. Removal of nearly tbe entire clavicle; repro- duction of bone. N. York M. j., 1888. xlvii, 77.—Burk- art (J. L.) Removal of the right clavicle, manubrium, and gladiolus. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1892, xvi, 217- 220.—Wcsprcs. Extirpation totale tie la clavicule. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. a., xv, 143-146.— Dubrueil (A.) Extirpation do la clavicule gauche en totalit6. (iaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1890, xii, 553.—Folker (W. H.) Resection of clavicle for faulty union. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 299.—II as I am. Re- moval of clavicle. Lancet, Lond., 1893. i, 930.—McG'reary (C.) Exsection of the clavicle. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. 1852, Louisville, 1853, ii, 276.—Madelung. Die tempo- CLAVICLE. 670 CLAA^ICLE. CUavicIe (Excision of). rare Resektion der Clavicula. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tii- bing., 1895, xiv, 229-234,1 pl. Mnri ay (F. AV.) Removal of entire clavicle for osteonn .-litis ; complete regeneration of the bone. Ann. Surg.. I'bila.. 18116, xliv. 49.-rVorku* (G.) TJeber die Totalexstirpation des Schlusselbeins. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1894, xi, 728-748.—Petersen (F.) Leber Total-Exstirpation des Schliisselbeines bei in- feetioser Osteomvclitis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1885, xxxii, 348-351— Polaillou. Oste-o-sarcome de la clavi- cule; resection des trois quarts oxtornes tie eet oo; gueri- son avec conservation do lous les mouvements du bras. Gaz. med. do Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 100—Rigaud (P.) De- generescenco foiunieuse sanguine de rextremite- interne do la clavicule fauehe (resection). Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1850, x, 103-106. AUo, Reprint.—Sbcares (G. F.) Ex- tirpation of the clavicle. Clinique, Chicago, 1892, xiii, 326- 329.—Sturm. Eine fast allgemeino Knochenkaries hei einem Math hen, bei welchem das eine ebenfalls kariose Schliisselbeii) ausareseliworeii und von der Natur wieder erst-tzt worden. Mem.d. Heilk., Staatsarzneiw. u. Thierb., Ziillichau, 1813, i, 8-14,1 pl.—Vaughan (G. T.) Excision of tho riL'ht clavicle for osteosarcoma. Med. News, N. Y., 181I8, lxxii, 41.—Wycth (J. A.) Necrosis of tho clavicle from injury; sub-periosteal removal of a portion of tho bone in its entire length; recovery with a useful arm and a reproduction of tho whole clavicle. Tr. jST. York Path. Soc. (1881), 1882, iv, 274-277. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 661. -----. Removal of the entire clavicle, with complete reproduction of the bone and restoration of function. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 271. ClavacDe (Fracture of). Sec, also, Clavicle (Syphilis of). Bouchard (P.-H.) * Essai sur la fracture de la clavicule. 4°. Strasbourg, 1813. Duplantieh (J.-P.) * Essai sur la fracture de la clavicule. 4°. Strasbourg, 1815. Cresset (J.-B.-X.) * Essai sur la fracture de la clavicule. 4°. Strasbourg, 1828. Landry (F.-D.) * Dissertation sur les frac- tures de la clavicule. 4°. Strasbourg, 1816. Bennett (E. H.) The mechanism of fractures of the clavicle Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, i, 293-303. -----. Spontaneous fractures of the clavicle. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894-5, xiii. 330-332.—Cassidy (J. J.) A peculiar fiv.cturo of the clavicle. Canad. M. Rev., To- ronto, 1895, i, 10.—Cathcart (C. W.) On the mechanism of the falling of tho shoulder following fracture of the shaft of tho clavicle. Edinb. Clin. & Path. J., 1883-4, i, 958- 900.—t'lsittoii (II. IL) Fracture of clavicle by muscular action. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1881, Lond., 1882, u. s., xi, 45-47. — Davat. Considerations physiologiques et pratiques snr les fractures do la clavicule; memoire dans lequcl on 6tudie lo m6canisme du (16placement des frag- mens ou Ton en reconnait les veritables causes, et ou. l'on in- dique des moyens pour y'romedier. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 498; 505. Also, Reprint.—Decamps (H.) Frac- turo incomplete de la clavicule par contraction musculaire chez un liommo de 57 ans. Gaz. med. do Pieardie, Amiens, 1884, ii, 152.— Deslandes & Mejasson. Deux obser- vations de fracture de l'extremite interne tie la clavicule. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxvii, 672- 678.—U5csnos (E.) Fracture do l'extremite interne do la clavicule. France med., Par., 1881, ii, 902-904 AUo: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1881), 1882, v, 255-257. — Bjemil Pacha. Fracture de la clavicule a. deplacement con- siderable; suture osseuse; guerison. Gaz. med. d'O- rient, Constant., 1897-8, xl, 27-29. —Durante. Caso di frattura della clavicola per aziono muscolare. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1882, viii, 152-157. — Fischer. Meine Erfahrungen iiber Clavicular-Fraeturen. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1890, xii, 129-133.— Fiske (J. P.) "Spontaneous" fracture of the clavicle. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 103. — Franklin ( M. M.) Double fracture of the clavicle from direct violence. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1807, xxv, 716-719.—Humphreys. Com- pound fracture of the clavicle. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, i, 987—Johnston (J. H.) A caso of fracture of the clavicle in two places hy indirect violence. Quart. M. J. Sheffield, 1897-8, vi, 55.—McK.ee (A. B.) Fracture of clavicle due to muscular action. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1890, iv, 131. —Mason ( C. F.) Fracture of the clavicle hy muscular strain. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army Wash., 1897, 120. - Moore (E. M.) Fractured clavicle! Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 1-3.—Packard (J. H.) On some points in the mechanism of fractures of the clavicle Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 12.— Park ( R.) Fracture of acromial end of clavicle. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lxviii, 83. -----. Fractured clavicle. Med. News' N. Y., 1896, lxviii, 522. — Picquc (L.) Reflexions sur deux cas de fracture de la clavicule. Gaz. me-d. de Par., 1884, 7. s.. i, 397-399. AUo: Courrier med., Par., 1884' xxxiv, 398-400.—Boberts (J. B.) Fracture of the clav- icle. Phila. Polyclin., 1896, v, 181-183.—Bosolino (F. F.) CBavicDe (Fracture of). Frattura della clavicola destra. Inhis: Casuist ehir 8° Palermo, 1886. 13— Bupp (A.) Remarks on fracture of tlie sternal end of ihe clavicle due to muscular act inn Med. Rec, N. Y, 18!U, xl, 651.-Sayre (L. A.) Fnwtura of the clavicle in its outer third. Med. & Sur" Reixut, v Phila., 1883, xlviii. 66-68. Also: N. Eng. M. Mwith. Xew town, 1882-3, ii, L>78. Also, Reprint.—Scalzi (F.) Vrat tura composta della clavicola per eolpo iudiretto In /,{*• Note clin.. 8°, Roma, 1878, 9-11. —Scrre (Si. U.) 1),. la fracture de l'oxtr6mite interne th; la cluvici'lc: observa- tions et reflexions. (In/., hebd. d. se. nied. de Montud 1883, v, 217; 230.—Servais. Fracture double de la clavi'. cule. Arch. med. beiges, Ihux., 1880, 3. s., xxix. 2''4 _ Simpson (J. B.) Fracture, of the clavicle due tii flic're coil of a ride. Edinb. M. J., 1890-91, xxxvi. 1137.—Muolin (A.E.) Fracture of the clavicle. Med. & Surg. Bepcuh-r Phila., 1887, lvii, 796. — Smiiiaj. Fracture de la clavi' cule par contraction lnuseulairo et abaisseincnt brusque de l'6paule. Bull, et m6m. Soc. do chir. do I'ar., 1800 n. s., xvi, 381-383.—Trenb (II.) Zeldznam lnechanisine van fractura claviculte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk Amst., 1884, xx, 384.—Willis (G. ().) On a ca e of sini'. pie fracture of the sternal end of tho clavicle internal to the rhomboid ligament. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 937.— Winslow (R.) Fracture of clavicle without deformity or inability to use the arm. Maryland M..I., Bait., 1882-3 ix, 526-528.— Wyman (H. C.) ' Fracture of the'sternal end of the clavicle. Med. News, Phila., 1885. xlvii, 510. CflavacBe (Fracture of, Complications and sequelce of). See, also, Clavicle (Dislocation of). Baket (J.) * Contribution a l'dtude tics le- sions dn plexus brachial dans lea fractures fer- me~es de la clavicule. 4°. Paris, M).">, Busson (£.) * Des 16sions du plexus brachial dans les fractures fermees de la clavicule (dtntle clinique et tlieTiipentique). 4°. Paris, 18M. Ciiampomier. * Contribution a l'etudo des lesions des troncs veineux de la base du cou dans les fractures dc la clavicule. 4°. Paris, 18-12. Lannes (R.) *Des fractures multiples dc la clavicule. 4°. Paris, 1885. Begouin. Lesions tlu plexus brachial eonsecutives ft une fracture de la clavicule. [Abstr.] J. de ni6tl. de Bordeaux, 1897, xxvii, 397— Beuttner (0.) Ist Fraktur des Schliisselbeins Contraindication, ein tief asphyctisch goborenes Kind zu schwingen ? Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1894, xxiv, 366-309.—Blum. Fracture tie la cla- viculo ; cal vieieux ayant determine do la nevrite du plexus brachial; osteotomio; guerison. Arch, g6u.de med., Par., 1888, i. 742-745.—Bogcr (XV. II.) Simultaneous fracture of both clavicles. Lancet, Lond., 189(1, ii, 175.—Burr (G.) Simultaneous fracture of both clavicles. Med. Rec., K. Y., 1882, xxi, 500.—Cathcart ( C. TV.) Tho mechanism of tho downward displacement of tho clavicle following fracture of its shaft. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 416.— Chavier. lies troubles nerveux consecutifs aux frac- tures de la clavicule par cause indirecte. Gaz. med. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 402.—Chipault (A.) Les lesions dn plexus brachial d :ns les fractures feriu6es do la davit ulo ot leur traitement chirurgical; six observations inediti-s. Tribune m6d., Par., 1895, 2. s., xxvii, 852; 873.—De Will (W. H.) Fracture of and union of clavicle without • In: knowedge of patient or friends. Cincin. Laueet traites parle massage. J. de med. ct cbir. prat., Bar., 1890, lxvii. 609-622. Also: Bull. Soe. de med. d'Anvers, 1896, lviii, J73-187.— Davis ((!. (i.) The treatment of fractures of the clavicle. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1889, 3. »., xi, 199-207. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 44-48. — Dawson ( W. W.) Treatnieutof fracture of clavicle with wire sutures (Lan- geubeck). Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 543.—Demon*. Traitement par la suture de certaines fractures de la clavi- cule. Assoc, franc, de eliir. Broc.-verb, [etc.]. Par., 1895, ix. 620-623. — Duchatcau (I.) Un nouvel appareil pour les fractures de la clavicule. Bull. Soe. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1892, vii, 371-377, 1 pl.—Falchi Arimontli (F.) Cura delle fratture elavicolari. Spallanzani, Modena, 1885, 2. s., xiv, 367-3(i9.—Ft'ij;uiioii (F. U.) The treatment of fract- ure of the clavicle; report, of a case of complicated up- ward dislocation of the clavicle. PittsburghM. Rev., 1896, x. 243. — Fevrier (0.) Traitement des fractures de la clavicule a grand deplacement par la suture osseuse im- mediate. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1896, x, 711-724.—Field (J. T.) Bandage for fractured clavicle. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1893-4, xi, 185- 187. — Flajaui (J.) Ueber eine uoue Methode, den Bruch des Schliisselbeiues zu heilen. In his: Prakt. Beobacht. [etc.], 8°, Niirnb., 1799, 129-150. — Foote (E. M.) Simple fracture of the clavicle treated by immediate suture. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 865.—Frattura della clavicola sinistra; fasciatura di Yelpeau; guarigioue. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1884, viii-x, 240.—Oraff(H.) Moore's Lagenbandage for fractura clavicula). Norsk Mag. f. Licgevidensk., Christiania, 1888, 4. R., iii, 843-846.— Guillou (F.-G.) Note sur un nouvel appareil pour la fracture tie hi clavicule. Compt. rentl. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1847, xxv, 362. -----. Appareil pour le traitement des fractures de la clavicule. In his: Contrib. k la chir. tl. voies urin. [etc.], 8°, Par., 1879, 149- 152. — Hale (L.) Fracture of the clavicle, treated with the ''back sling". Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1882, 188-192. Also: Med. Ann., Albany, 1882, iii, 209-213.—Harris (M. L.) A new dressing for fracture of the clavicle. Chicago M. Re- corder, 1896. xi, 147-151. — Hassler. Contribution au traitement des fractures tie la clavicule. Mem. et.compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc metl. de Lyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, 272-289. AUo: Lyon med., 1896, Ixxxi, 37; 80. — Hawcs (J.) A new appliance for fractured clavicle. J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 741-743.—Hyatt (H. O.) An efficieut and comfortable dressing for fractured clavicle. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1894, xxxiii, 145.— Kane (E. O'N.) A new apparatus for fracture of tbe clavicle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*90. xxvii, 596.—Kinuaman ( A. S. ) Treatment of fracture of the clavicle. Metl. Bee, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 214. — Krynski (L.) Nowy sposob opatry- wania zlamaii obojcz.\ ka. [ New method of bandag- ing fractures of the clavicle. ] Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1895, xxxiv, 169-.172. — it. (H.) Yingt cas de fracture de la claviculo traites par le massage. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1896, xvii, 322. — Landrrer (A.) Extensions- verband bei Schliisselbeiubruchen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1888, xxviii, 603.—Lnngenlmt'li. Die Be- handlung del' Schliisselheinfractur mit tier Silhcrdraht- naht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 63. — lice (H.) On a new apparatus for fractured clavicle. In his: Path. &Surg. Obs., etc., 8°, Lond., 1854,41-44.—Le- vis (R.J.) The treatment of fracture of tbe clavicle. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii, 87.—Liicas-Chaiupioii- niere. Traitement ties fractures de clavicule par le massage sans immobilisation. Bull. Acad, do m6d., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxvii, 385-387. Also: Gaz. med. tie Li6ge, 1896-7, ix, 324.—Massage (Le) des fractures de la clavi- cule. Concours m6d., Par., 1896, xviii, 423-426.—lTIilten (A. P.) Clavicle splint. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 358. — ITIooie (K. M.) Treatment of tho clavicle when fractured or dislocated. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1888-9, xxviii, 363-369.—Morgan (J.C.) A Dew apparatus forfiactiire of the clavicle. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 302.—Morris (R. T.) The dowel-pin in fracture of the clavicle. In It is: Lect. on appendicitis, 8°, N. Y., 1895, 142— Ncwlon (R. C.) Treatment of fracture of the clavicle without appa- ratus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 230.— IVinni (G.) Su- CLAVICLE. 672 CLAVICLE. Clavicle (Fracture of, Treatment of). tura metallic;! nellafratturadella clavicola. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1892, n. s., xiv, 333-337. —O'Connor (M. R.) New treatmeut for fractured clavicle. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, i, 406. — O'Conor (J.) Displacement of the scapula from the clavicle; [operative treatment]. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 543.— Farcja (J.) Tratamiento de la fractura de la clavicula; eleccidn de procedimiento para retTucirla y tie ap6sito para contenei la. Gac. ni Frattura spontanea della clavicola sinistra da sifihde(osteo-mielite gommosa?). Gazz med ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 329-344 —Oil lette. Necrose syphilitique de la clavicule droite avec osteite fongueuse concomitante; trajets fistuleux inulti Pies; resection sous-periostee des trois-quart sextemes de la clavicule; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir dePar 1886, n. s., xii 89-93._Potherat. N6crose syphilitique de la clavicule. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi 29-31 Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iii, 178. ' Clavicle (Tuberculosis of). Petitpierre (M.) D'une forme par.t,culiere tuberculeuse d'ost6ites diaphvsaircs chroniques de la clavicule. 4°. Lyon, lstHI. Coley (W. B.) Tubercular osteitis of the clavicle aim ulating malignant disease; operation; recoverv N Vnrt M J., 1891 liv 230. _ Cangolphe (M.) OstVute'tuWr culeuse dela clavicule; resection des deux tiers externe* de eet os; resultats fonctioniiels. Mem. et compt-rend' Soc, d. sc. med. do Lyon (1890), 1891, xxx, pt, 2 203-'>05 - Tuherculose Ostitis der 1. Clavicula; 1 Fall.' Jahresb u. tl. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1884), 1885, 51, Clavicle (Tumors of). See, also, Clavicle (Excision of). Hiller (E.) Ueber ein Sarcom der Clavi- cula. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Barton (J. K.) Medullary cancer of clavicle with secondary dissemination. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. 187.1-5 n. s., vi, 115-117.—Bock (A. F.) Large round-ceiled sar- coma of tbe left clavicle. St, Louis M & S. J., 1894, lxvi 347.—Courtiu (J.) Osteo-sareoniode la clavicule "iiuube developpe pendant la vie intrauterine. (Ja/.. lielnfd sc med. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 304-:;o<;. — 4»i»li. Speci- men of sarcoma of the clavicle. Tr. IJlas" Bath &. f'lin Soc, 1893-5, v, 243-246. AUo: Glasgow M. J., 1895, xlivj 301-303. — Husband (J.) Large tumour growing from the clavicle, Etlinb. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 908, 1 pl _ Jones (H. MacN.) Sarcoma of clavicle. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1880-81, xxxii, 242.—Koeher. Tumor clavi- culas. In his: Chir. Klin, zu Bern, 8J. Jena, 1891, 72-75.— IiCgueu (F.) Sarcome dela clavicule. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1895, lxx, 556-558.— Liuui (J. B.) A now growth, apparently springing from the periosteum of the right clavicle, and extending into the triangles of the neck [etc.]. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii, 287. — Rel current sarcoma of clavicle. North. Bond, or T'niv Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1888, Lond., 1889, 91.—Bouse. Sarcoma of clavicle. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1886-7, xxxviii, 2?7. — Sansom (C. L.) A case of mixed sarcoma, originating in the periosteum of the clavicle, attended with pyrexia; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 563. —dc Schwcinilz (G. E.) Sarcoma of the clavicle. Tr. Bath. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii. 13. AUo: Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 366. AUo: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iii, 270. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxii, 200 —Sue ha id (E.) &. lie Clcrc ( R. ) Epithelioma kystique do la clavicule. Rev. de chir., Par., 1883, iii, 618-623. — Thorburii (J.) Sarcoma of the clavicle. Canad. Pract.. Toronto, \%s\ viii, 294-296. Clavicle (Tumors of, Treatment of, Oper- ative). Eitter (J.) * Ueber die durch Tumoren he- dingto Resection der Clavicula. 8'-\ Ziirich- Aussersihl, 1885. Ashhurst (J.), jr. Osteo-chondroma of clavicle; ex- cision of clavicle; recoverv. Univ. M. Mag.,Phila., 1893- 4, vi, 609. Also [Abstr.J :Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1894, 3. s., xvi, 99.—Barling (G.) Fibro-sarconia of left clavicle at sternal end; excision; death from suppuration spread- ing down the anterior mediastinum; Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 598.—Caddy (A.) Notes on a case of excision of the inner two-thirds of the right clavicle for sarcoma. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1891-2, xi. 400-403. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii, 266-268. AUo: Med. Rec, N. T., 1892, xiii, 586. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1892, xxxv, 521-526. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 456—Oranata (C.) Estirpazione totale della clavi- cola per mixo-sarcoma mielogeno. Gazz. d. osp., Milauo, 1889, x, 306.—Heath. A case of removal of the clavicle for recurrent sarcoma. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 721.—Jet- sett (F. B.) Excision of the entire clavicle on the right side for large sub-periosteal sarcoma. Ibid., 1889, i, 1077; 1128.—l.egucu (F.) Des sarcomes primitifs de la clavi- cule ; do l'extirpation tie la clavicule. Arch. d. sc. mii. .. . de Bncarest, Par., 1896, i, 68; 184.— Polaillon. Osteo- sarcome de I'extr6mit6 externe de la clavicule; resection des trois quarts externes de eet os; gu6rison avec conser- vation de tous les mouvements du bras. Bull, et ro6m. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 204-206. — Porclier (F. P.) Post-mortem dissection of tbe region of the clav- icle, this hone having heen removed for osteo-sarcoma by Dr. Y. Mott, of New York, in 1828, when the subject was in his 19th year and 54 years before his death. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, clxix, 146-148.—Beverdin (A.) Tumeur sarcomateuse interessant le plexus brachial; ablation par resection teniporaire de la clavicule. Rev. m6d. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1888, viii, 689-691.— Bouse. A case of sarcoma of the clavicle; removal of the tuiuonr; death from septicemia. Lancet, Lond., 1889. i, 575. — Sloan (J.) Excision of the entire clavicle for central carcinoma. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s., xciii, 485.- Sutton (J.B.) Removal of the acromial half of the right clavicle for myeloid tumour. Med. Press &, Circ, Lond., CLAVICLE. 673 OLEATOE MOOR. Clavicle (Tumors of, Treatment of, Oper- ative). 1890, n. s., 1, 385. AUo.- Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xxiv, 12-14.—Verstraete. Sarcome sons periostique de la cla- vicule droite; resection totale; guerison, avec recouvre- nientde la piesque totalite des mouvements. J. d. sc. med de Lille, 1897, i, 446-450. Also [Abstr.l: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1897, 10. s., i, 238. — Wheeler ( W. I.) 1. Com- plete excision of the clavicle for tumour (osteo-sarcoma). 2 Partial excision of the same for necrosis. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland Dubl., 1885, iii, 172-176, 1 pl. Also. Reprint. AUo: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s., lxxix, 369-372, 1 pl. Clavicular region. Carcinom der r. Supraclavicnlargegend. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel 1886, Basel, 1897, 31.— Rotter (J.) Die Stichverletzungen der Schliisselbeinge- fasse Samml. klin. Yortr., n. F., Leipz., 1893, No. 72 (Chir., No. 18, 405-436). Clavier (Lucien) [1873- ]. *Pe"ritonite tu- berculeuse; diagnostic; modes de traitement; resultats 61oign6s. 97 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 395. Clavier (Pierre). * Des incisions exploratrices considered comme premier temps des amputa- tions. 79 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1885, No. 286. Clavillart (Laurentius). * De ira noxa atque ejus ntilitate. 2 p. 1., 14 pp. 8°. Monspellii, A. Bochard, 1744. Clavularia. von Koch (G.) Anatomie der Clavularia prolifera n. sp nebst einigen vergleichenden Bemerkungen. Mor- phol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1881, vii, 467-487. 2 pl. Claw*. Boas (J. E. Y.) Zur Morphologie der "Wirbelthier- kralle. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz.. 1894, xxi, 281-311, 2 pl.— Giippert ( E.) Zur Pbylogenese der Wirbelthierkralle. Ibid., 1896, xxv, 1-30, 1 pl.— Jacqnarl ( H.) M6canisme de la r6traction des ongles des felis et des crochets de liu- guatules trouves dans les poumons des serpents. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.l, Par., 1866, iii, 383-402, 2 pl. Clay. Spielniaun (J. R.) & Mo§eder (J. F.) 'Examen de compositione et usu argillae. In: Wittwer. Delect.diss. med. [etc.], 8°, Norirnb., 1779, iii, 66-117. Clay (Charles) [1801-93]. Practical observa- tions on tbe use of inspissated ox-gall in the treatment of various diseases, particularly those in connection with derangements of the diges- tive function, etc. 15 pp. 8°. London, S. Tay- lor, 1846. Repr. from: Med. Times, Lond., 1845, xiii. -----. Observations on the term of utero-gesta- tion, with a view of correcting the opinions generally entertained in respect to protracted gestation, etc. 24 pp. 8°. London, H. Benshaw, 1855. -----. Report on tbe progress of midwifery. pp. 347-351. 8°. Birmingham, 1857. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Midland Q. J. M. Sc. Birmingh., 1857. See, also, C'rantz (H. J. N.) [in 1. s.]. Dissertation on rupture of tbe uterus. 8°. Manchester, 1848. — Hippo- crates. The obstetric aphorisms [etc.]. 8°. (n.p.,n.d.\ For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 712. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 845. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1885, iv, 369, port. Clay ( Edmund -R.) L'alternative. Contribu- tion a la psycbologie. Trad, de l'anglais par A. Burdeau. xx, 650 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1886. Clay (George). Professional circular to friends and patrons. 6 pp. 8°. New York, Winser 4' Strong, 1853. Clay (John) [1821-94]. General and medical education. 28 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1861. [Also, in: P., v. 1194.] -----. On the treatment of cancer. 35 pp. * . London, J. 4~ A. Churchill, 1882. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 52. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1650. Clay (R. tie Musjrrave). See Duboue (H.) A sketch of medical climatology [etc.]. Ijo. pau, 1882. 43 Clay (William Frencb). Food as connected with public health. 16 pp. 8°. Sidney, J. Sands, [1878]. ' Health Soc. N. S. Wales, no. 6. Claye (J.-P.) Observations sur le pouls, et m6thode facile d'en reconnaitre les differentes especes, savoir: le pouls capital, nasal, pectoral, stomacal, intestinal, celui des regies, de la grossesse, meme des le commencement, etc. 107 pp. 1-2°. Paris, Migneret, 1809. Claypole (Agnes Mary). Tbe enteron of tbe Cayuga Lake lamprey. Prize paper in animal histology, pp. 125-164. 8°. Buffalo, 1894. Repr. from: Proc Am. Soc Mier. 1894, Ithaca, N. Y., 1895, xvi. Claypole (Edith J.) An investigation of the blood of Necturus antl Cryptobrancbus (Nectu- rus maculatus and Cryptobranchus Alleghaui- ensis). pp. 39-76, 6 pl. 8°. Washington, Judd Sf Detweiler, 1893. Repr. from. Proc Am. Soc. Mier. 1893, "Wash., 1894, xv. ------. Notes on comparative histology of blood and muscle. 22 pp. 8■-». Buffalo, 1896. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Mier. Soc, Buffalo, 1896. Clayton. Black (J. N.) Sanitary survey of Clayton. Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii, 273-277. Clayton (Job.) [1686-1773]. See Orouovius (J. F.) Flora Virginica. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1762. Clayton ( Sir Oscar Moore Passey ) [1816-92]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 255; 302. AUo .- Lancet, Lond , 1892, i, 285. Clayton Hospital and Wakefield General Dis- pensary, Wakefield. Annual reports of the com- mittee to the subscribers. 88.-96., 1874-5 to 1882-3; 100., 1886-7; 102., 1888-9. 8°. Wake- field, 1875-89. Founded in 1854, hy Thos. Clayton, and incorporated with the Wakefield General Dispensary, which was estab- lished in 1787. ------. Rules aud regulations for tbe govern- ment of the ... 23 pp. H \ Wakefield, T. Tiplady, 1880. Clayton- West. See Fever ('Typhoid, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Cleanliness. See, also, Baths. Brill (A.) * Diss, sistens corporis humani, vestimeutorum, conelaviumque iubabitandoruni, immunditieyi, bomini noxiam. 4°. Groninga>, 1764. Lrx<; (X.) De munditiei affectatie inconi- modis. 4°. Lipsice, 1747. Metropolitan Working Classes' Association. On household cleanliness. 8°. London, 1847. Vacher (V.) Health and cleanliness. An address to tin; working men and women of Bir- kenhead. 8°. Birkenhead, [1881]. Zengerle (J. N.) #De ininiuntlitue sequelis. 8°. Tubingce, 1832. RauHomc (A.) Cleanliness. Health Lect., Lond., 1880-81, iv, 1-14. Cleary'S Medical Journal Directory, including all tbe purely medical journals in the United States, Canada, and Australia, and the principal ones in England, Mexico, Cuba, Central and South America, and Japan. ■ Dated March, 1887. broadside. New York. CleatOl* Moor. Annual reports on the public health of Cleator Moor, by Jobn Eaton, medical officer of Jjealth to the urban sauitary authority. 1.-15., 1873-89. 4°. Cleator Moor 4-Whitehaven, 1876-90. First report for 33 moutlis, April, 1873, to Dec 31, 1875. CLEATOR MOOR. 674 CLELAND. Cleator Moor—continued. -----. Special report on the graveyard accom- modation of tbe district. By Johu Eaton, medi- cal officer of health. 3 pp., 4 tab. 4°. White- haren, "Gazette" office, [1881]. Bound with : Annual reports on the public health. -----. How to prevent and stamp out infectious or catching diseases, such as smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typbus, typhoid, or drain fever, and relapsing fever. By order, Jobn Eaton, medical officer of health, broad- side. 11 by 16inches. [Cleator Moor, n. d.] Bound with: Annual reports on the public health. Cleaveland (C. H.) Pronouncing medical lexicon, containing the correct pronunciation and definition of most of tbe terms used by speakers and writers on medicine and tbe col- lateral sciences. With addenda, viii, 9-302 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4~ Blakislon, 1865. -----. Thesame. With addenda containing ab- breviations used in prescriptions, and list of poisons and their antidotes. 16. ed. vi, 7-302 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4' Blakislon, 1875. Cleaveland (D[aniel] A.) A notable defect in medical education. 9 pp. 8°. [Hartford], 1880. Repr. from: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1880, n. s., ii. Cleaveland (Parker). Results of meteorolog- ical observations made at Brunswick, Maine, between 1>07 and 1859. Reduced and discussed at the expense of tbe Smithsonian Institution, by Charles A. Sebott. v, 53 pp. 4°. Washing- ton, 1870. Smitlison. Coutrib. Knowl., "Wash., 1870, xvi. Cleaver (Hiram Thomas) [1822-88]. Scrogys (J. A.) Memoir. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Cedar Rapids, 1890, viii, 286-288. Cleaver (William JacTcson) [1848-95]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 847. Cleaves (Margaret A.) Electric light as a diag- nostic and therapeutic agent. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 1894. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi. See, also, Prevention (The) of insanity [etc.J (in 1. s.]. 8°. Boston, 1882. ClebSCll (E.) * Ueber Herzerkrankungen bei Diphtheric 18 pp. 8°. Gbttingen, IF. F. East- ner, 1887. C. Clod at do la Vigerie (L.-M.-A.) "Indica- tions et contre-indications de la tracheotomie dans le cas de croup, ix, 12-51 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Christ in 4' Cie., 1862, No. 37. Cleenianil (Gustavus Fridericus,). * Diss, sis- teus dysuriaB pathologiani et tberapiam. 27 pp. 4°. Erfordiee, typ. Heringii, 1742. Clecniann (Richard A[lsop]) [1840- ]. Memoir of William Darrach. 8 pp. 8°. Phila- delpbia, Allen, Lane 4~ Scott, 1881. Cleghorn (George) [1716-89]. Observations on the epidemical diseases in Minorca. From the year 1744 to 1749. To which is prefixed a short account of the climate, productions, in- habitants, and endemial distempers of that island, xix, 288 pp. 8°. London, D. Wilson, 1751. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. xix, 288 pp. 8°. Lon- don. D. Wilson, 1762. -----. The same. Beobachtungen iiber die epi- demischen Krankheiten, die vom Jahr 1744 bis 1749 in Minorca geherrschet. Nebst einer Ein- leitung, welche eine kurze Nachricht von dem Clima, den Landesproducten, den Einwohnern, und von den auf der Insel herrscbenden ende- miscben Krankheiten entha.lt. Aus dem Eng- lischen ubersetzt vou Job. Christian Gottlieb Ackermann. 282 pp. 12°. Gotha, C. W. Ettin- ger, 1776. ClegllOl'll (Hugh [Francis Clarke]) [1820-95]. Note on the iEgle marmelos. 3 pp., 1 pl. 8U [Calcutta, 1855.] [P., v. 1033.] Repr. from: Indian Ann. M. Sc , Calcutta, 1855, ii. For Biography and Portrait, see Med. Reporter Cal- cutta, 1895, vi, 108-110, port. (B. 1). Basu). Cleglioril (Robert). *" De somno. 1 p. ]., fil pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour <)'• Smellie, 17h;j [P., v. 1163.] -----. A biographical account of Mr. 'William Hamilton, late professor of anatomy and bulimy in the University of Glasgow. '29 pp. 4'J [Edinburgh, 1798.] [P., v. 1570 ] Repr. from: Tr. Roy. Soc Edinb., 17911-8, iv. Cleisa (Augnstin) [1850- ]. * Recherches des lois qui president a la creation des sexes. *\ pp 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 257. -----. The same. 81 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Rougier, 1889. -----. Lois de la creation des sexes. Des mo- yens de s'assurer une progehiture male. 163 pp. 24°. Paris, 1895. Cleland (Gulielmus). * De variolaruni insitione. 1 p. 1., 4"> pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Murrati, 1776. [P., v. 1474; 1927.] Cleland (Henry Wilson). On the history and properties, chemical aud medical, of tobacco; a probationary essay presented to the Faculty of Pbysicans and Surgeons of Glasgow. (!H pp., 1 i., 1 pl. 4°. Glasgow, Maclure f Macdon- ald, 1840. Cleland (James) [1770-1840]. Annals of Glas- gow, comprising an account of the public build- ings, charities, and tbe rise and progress of the city, xvi, 467 pp. 8°. Glasgoic, J. Hedderwick, 1816. Cleland (John). Tbe mechanism of the gnber- naciilum testis, with an introductory sketch of the development of the testes, and an appentlix on the purpose of their descent from the abdo- men. Prize thesis. 40 pp., 3 pl. H-. Edin- burgh, Maclachlan 4~ Stewart, 1856. [P., v. 1018.1 -----. Ou tbe use of saccbarated lime in medi- cine. 3 pp. 8°. [ Edinburgh, Murray f Gihb, 1859.] [P., v. 1497.] Repr.from: Ediub. M. J., 1859-60, v. -----. Description of two pathological prepa- rations, exhibiting rupture of the uterus from malignant disease, and peculiar disease of the ovaries with peritoneo-reetal fistula. 7 pp. 8-. Edinburgh, Murray 4~ Gibb, I860. [P., v. 14D7.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1860-61, vi. -----. Description of two tumours adherent to the deep surface of the dura-mater. V2 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Glasgoiv, W. Mackenzie, 1864.] [P., v. 1497.] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1863-4, xi. -----. Animal physiology; the structure and functions of tbe human body. 325 pp. 12°. London 4' Glasgoiv, W. Collins, Sons f Co., 1*71. -----. Evolution, expression, and sensation, cell life and pathology, xvi, 158 pp. 12°. Glas- gow, J. Macklehose, 1881. -----. Experiment on brute animals. 15 pp. 8°. London, J. W. Kolckmann, 1883. -----. A directory for the dissection of the human body. 3. ed., thoroughly revised by Johu Yule Mackay. viii, 191 pp. 16°. London, • Smith, Elder 4- Co., 1888. See, also, Memoirs and memoranda in anatoin> ;- • London dk Edinburgh, 1889.—Morton (J.) [w» 1 • *. I• '!''' treatment of spina bifida. 8°. London, 188/. — <»""'" (J.) [tn 1. s.]. Lehrbuch der Anatomie [ete. J. 8. **r langen, 1870-72. -----& Itlackay (John Yule). Human anat- omy, general and descriptive, for the use ot students, xx, 833 pp. 8°. New York, Macmil- lan Co., 1896. CLEMATIS. 675 CLEMENT. Clematis. Stokck (A.) Libellus, quo demonstrator: herbaiu, veteribus dictam flatnmulam Jovis, posse tuto et magna cum utilitate exhiberi icgiotantibus. 8 -'. f'ienntv, 1769. Clemen (Julius). * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Schiidclt'ibeikulose. 56 pp. 8°. Gbttingen, Viclerich, 1892. t\ [Cleineiiceau.] Rapport du Conseil general d'uvgieue ot de salubrite de la Gironde sur les procexles de mineralisation ties niatieres ani- niales de la Conipagnie generale maritime. [Avec] note de M. Barbel sur lis memes precedes. 12 pp. 4°. Paris. P. Dupont, 1850. [P., v. 1723: 1725.] Clemeneeaii (Gieorgo-Bcnjainin]) [1840- ]. De hi generation des elements anatoniiqncs. Precedee d'une introduction par M. Ch. Robin. xxxii, 28li pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1867. For' Biography, see Kianchon ( H. ) Nos grands medecins. 8-. Paris, 1891. 85-92. Cleilieiicean (Paul-Benjamin). * Proposi- tions sur In bronchi te et la pneumonic. 20 pp. 4s. Paris, 1*35, Xo. 73. Clemenceau de la Loquerie [Georges- • Henry] [W>0- ]. La pelade. Etude recoiu- pensee par FAcadeinie de medecine (concours de 1890). 54 pp. 8\ Nantes, T. Yeloppe; Pa- ris, J.-11. Bailliere jfils, 1*91. -----. De la leucoplasie bnccale. Etude cou- ronn6e par l'Acadernie de medecino (concours de 1892: prix Daudet). 64 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1893. Clemens (A[loysius]) [1792-1-09]. Allge- meine Betrachtungen iiber die klimatiseheu Einflusse und Versuch einer allgemeineu, Cha- rakteristik der Gebirgsgegendeu uud ihrer Be- wolmer. 2 p. 1., ii (11.), 140 pp.. I 1. 12J. Frankfurt a. M., Hermann, 1820. Forms v. 1 of his: Anthropoiogische Fragmente. Clemens ([Friedrich Karl] Paul ). * Leber die Anwendung der Tarnier'schen Achsenzug- zange. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Eaemmerer 4' Co.. 1891. Clemens (Golttlieb Theodor). * D<- innamina- tione doloris experta. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1774, i, 87-91. Clemens (H.) * Leber Brucheiukleinmung im Foramen obturatoriuui. 32 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenltahn, 1*89. Clemens (Lambert) [1857- ]. * Leber Iritis gonorrhoica, sowie iiber den Zusanimenhang von Iritis nnd Keratitis mit Erkrankungen tier serosen Hidden. 32pp. *'. Berlin, M. Niethe, Y82. Clemens (Paul). *Die iiusseren Kiemeu der AVirheltiere. [ Freiburg. ] 107 pp. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1891. Clemens Alexaudri nus. See UIiiium (M. A.) [in 1. s.]. Physiologia barbie liu- man* [etc.J. fol. liononice. 1602. Clemens - Czibulka ( Conrad ). * Die Schiiltzc'schen Sehwingungen zur Wiederbele- bung tief scheintodt geborener Kinder. 32 pp. ft0. Jena, [B. Engau], 1886. Clement (A. W.). See Ooler (XV.) &. Clement (A. W.) [in 1. s.]. An investigation into the parasites [etc.]. 8°. Montreal, 188:i.-Welch (XV. H.) &. Clement (A. W.) [in 1. s.]. hemarks on hog cholera [etc]. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Clement (Alfred). * Le charbon ine'tastatique chez l'homme. [Bern.] 20 pp. 8\ Paris, G. Carre, 1896. Clement (Arbib). II cholera, la sua origine, il suo sviluppo e le sue escursioni. Teorie basate sopra osservazioni meteorologicho, accompa- gnate del mezzo di distruggerlo radicalmento; Clement (Arbib)—continued. metodo igienico da operarsi onde preservarsene. 21 pp. <^J. Napoli, 186)5. Clement (Charles). v Dissertation sur la cata- racte. 23 pp. 4C. Paris, 1818, No. 192. ------. Tables synoptiques et mneinoniques d'a- natomie humaine. broadside fol. Paris, Eber- hurt, 1832. Clement (Charles) [I860- ]. * Essai snr le triiitement du spina-bitida. 1 p. 1., 70, xxxix pp., 1 pl. 4 '. Xancy, 18*8, No. 274. Clement (Charles-Pierre-Honorat) [1855- ]. * Quelques considerations sur les arthrites eon- secutives aux affections osseuses inilanimatoires spontan6cs et traumatiques. 64 pp. 4 . Paris, A. Parent, 1882. Clement (Emmanuel - Francois ). "Zona ct pneumonic. 35 pp., 2 1. 8". Paris, 1897, No. 467. Clement (E[tienne]). Hygiene conjugate; guide des gens maries. 3. ed. 120 pp. 24 '. Paris, J. Taride, 1874. ------. Traitement de la variole par les bains froids. 40 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Lyon, Geneve, Bale, H. Georg, 1877. Repr. from: Lyou med., 1877, xxiv. -------. Guide de la femnie dans les maladies de son sexe, impuissance, stdrilite', fraudes, hy- giene, beaute. Traitement pre"ventif et curatif. 154 pp. 10°. Paris, lib. dn Louvre, 1883. -------. * De la medication purgative. 158 jip. 4°. Paris, 1*83. Concours. ------. De l'antipyrine dans le rhumatisme arti- culaire aigu avec complications diverses. 12 pp. 8C. Lyon, F. Plan, 1886. Repr. from: Lyou med., 1886, Iii. -------. Hygiene et bien-etre. Preceptcs pour vivre longtemps. Ltilit6 ties regimes aux cliffy- rents ages de la vie. 105 pp., I 1. 18°. Paris, J. Taride, 1886. -------. De la valeur clinique de l'antipyrine dans les maladies febriles. 23 pp. 8'\ Lyon, /•'. Plan, 1886. Repr. from: Lyon med., 1886, liii. -------. Lyon: ethnographic, demographic, sol to- pographie, climatologie. 175 pp., 11 pl. 8°. Lyon, H. Georg, 1889. -----. Des eaux de la ville de Lyon. 31 pp. 8:. Lyon, Mougin-Busand, 1890. Clement (Francois-Xavier). * Quelques consi- derations sur le cancroide ties cicatrices. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 186*, 3. s., No. 66. Clement (Georges) [1869- ]. * Etude cli- nique sur le rapport des affections des fosses na- sales avec les organes respiratoires inteiiouis. 106 pp. 4-. Paris, 1895, No. 244. Clement (H.-L.) * Etude sur la paraldehyde. xi, 13-49 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. 20. Clement (Jean) [1864- ]. "De l'emploi de la sonde a demeure apres I'lin'throtoiiiie interne. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 405. Clement (Jules). La saut6, ou la medecine populaire; traitement simple, facile et pen cofi- teux de toutes les maladies par les proprietes des plantes; prdcede' d'un traite d'hygiene po- pulaire, et suivi d'un dictionnaire des ternics de mddecine. 6. 6d. 290 pp., 1 1. 12. Paris, Bernardin-Bechet, [n. d.]. Clement (Marcel-Sosthene) [1862- ]. * Des rapports de la grossesse g&nellaire avec l'e'clamp- sie puerp6rale. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 490. Clement (Richard). Tho Clement patent im- proved artificial leg, adopted for the L. S. Army and Navy by the Surgeon-General, U. S. A. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, S. Loag, 186*. CLEMENT. 676 CLERC. Clement (S.-F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene militaire. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1813, No. 373. Clement (Vincent) [1871- ']. * Des accidents dus a l'emploi de l'antipyrine. Etude clinique. 102 pp. 8G. Paris, 1897,' No. 579. Clement (William James) [1801-70]. Observa- tions in surgery and pathology; illustrated by cases, antl hy the treatment of some of the most important surgical affections, viii, ii, 230 pp. 8°. London, Whittaker, Treacher 4~ Co., 1832. Clemente y Guerra (Luciano) [1850- ]. Elementos de fisiologia general. 214 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1*96. For Biography, see Ciencia mod., Madrid, 1897, iv, 485 (J. Cruz). Clementi ( B[artolo] ). Relazione della com- missione eletta dal consiglio provinciale degli studi e provedimenti sulla pellagra. 26 pp. 8°. Vicenza, Brunello e Pastorio, 1882. ------. II medico provinciale per la pellagra. Proposta al consiglio provinciale di Vicenza. 24 pp. 8°. I'icenza, G. Burato, 1884. ------. La pellagra nella provincia di Vicenza. Studie proposte della commissione eletta dal con- siglio provinciale. 23 pp. 8 . Vicenza, V. Gua- telli, 1896. Clementi (G. ) Importauza della emorragia nella resezione del fegato-cmostasi diretta. 17 pp. 8 3. Boma, I. Artero, 1891. ------. Notiziario per raccogliere esattamente le storie cliniche dei casi di tumori ovarici e di al- tri tumori degli organi addominale. 27 pp. 8 . Catania, G. Galdtola, 1891. -----. Legatura iininediata dei vasi nelle ferite del fegato. 9 pp. 8°. Roma, I. Artero, 1892. Clementius (Petrns). *De lencophlegmatia. 3 1. 4 . Lugd. Bat., typ. S. Matthice, 1658. [P., v. 1919.] Clements ( Bennett A. ) Memoir of Jonathan Letterman, M. D. 38 pp. 8\ Neiv York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1883. Repr. from: J.Mil. Serv. Inst. TJ. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1383, iv. ------. Preparation of military surgeons for field duties; apparatus required; ambulances; duties in the field. In: Internat. Encvcl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1886, vi, 1120-1145. See, also, Barker (B. F.) Vaginal hernia fetch 8°. [Xew York. 1876.] Clementz (Heinrich) [1859- ]. *Ueberdas Schleimgewebe iu Parotisgeschwiilsteu. 41 pp., 11. 8 >. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1882. Clemens. (Eduard). *Anatomische und kriti- sche lutersuchuiigen iiber die sog. weissen In- farcte der Placenta und iiber den sog. weissen Deciduaring. 156 pp., 2 1. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mat- tiesen, 1**9. Cie ill ill (CbristianusGustavus). * Iuquisitiones chemicie ac microscopical iu mulierum ac besti- aniin compluriuin lac. 44 pp. 8 . Gottiugte, off. Dieteriehiana, 1845. Clcmot [ Jean-Baptiste-Joachiui] [1776-1852]. Discours prononce lc 4 mai 1846, a l'ouverture du concours pour deux places de professeurs de me'decine navale vacantes l'une a Toulon, l'autre a Rochefort. 15 pp. 8°. Bochefort, Mercier . .S7. Petersburg, 1897. Ciendeniii ( William) [1829-85]. Obituary. Cinciu. M. News, 1885, n. s., xiv, 350-354 Clendinoii (A[Iexander]) [1841-91]. Articles ou artificial feeding of infants, nipple making etc., and on transfusion of blood and milk, hu! man aud other, and description of instrument* and apparatus of tho author; with directions for these and other uses. 1 p. ]., 17 pp. rt ye|(,, ark< L. J. Hardham, 1878. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Xewark, 1878. For Biography, see Tr. M. Soc. N.Jersey, Newark 188" 209 (D. A. Carrie). Clendinneil (William Ellis). Annual report of the medical officer of health for the boron eh of Stafford, containing the vital statistics li] 1883. 8 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Stafford, F. K. /w,/j" 1884. 1 Clendinning (John). The Crooniau lectures for 1838: Experiments and observations relating to the pathology and pathological relations of the heart. In: Dunglison's Am. M. Libr. 8°. Phita. 1*39 \\\. 192. ' ' ------. Report ou the experience of the St. Mary- leboue Infirmary, since 1827, with respect to admissions, duration of treatment, mortality, and other statistical results, according to age and sex. 20 pp. 8°. London, 1845. Repr. from: J. Statist. Soc. Loud., 1844, vii. Clendon (J. Cliitty). Observations on the ex- traction of teeth; being a practical inquiry into I the advantages aud safety attending the employ- ment of properly constructed forceps, and au exposition of the dangers to which the use of the key is liable. 2. ed. 104 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. 12°. London, S. Highley, 1844. ------. On some severe forms of disease arising from the retention of decayed teeth. 19 pp. 8°. London, T. Richards, 1858/ [P., v. 2032.] Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, i. Cleoburey (William). A review of the differ- ent operations performed on the eyes for the restoration of lost and the improvement of im- perfect vision, iu which tbe most judicious antl , successful methods of operating on these organs are described antl the general causes of failure faithfully delineated. Also a full account of tbe various structures and diseases of the eyes and their appendages, together with the necessary | mode of treatment; the whole being the result tif several years' extensive practice iu this im- portant department of surgery, viii, 288 pp., 1 1. 8°. Loudon, T. 4' G. Underwood, 1826. See, also, Orosvenor (J.) [in 1. s.]. A full account of the system of friction. 8°. Oxford, ls:'5. Cleopatra. VlAUD GRAND-Marms [A.] KTieoirdrpa Ma veurepa: Etude sur la mort de Cle"opatre. 8'. [Nantes, 1-87.] Cutting from: Ann. Soc. acad. de Nantes, 1887, 6. s., viii, 11-30. Cleplmn (James). The three warnings; or facts and figures of the cholera epidemics of Gateshead. 24 pp., 3 tab. *J. Gateshead, Lon- don, C. Mitchell, 1854. < lepsine. Whitman ((J. O.) The jjenudayers of Clepsine. Zool. An/.., Leipz., 1886, ix, 171-176. AUo, Reprint.----- A contributiou to the history of the germ-layers in Clep- sine. J. Morphol., Bost., 1887, i, 105-182, 3 pl. Also. Re- print. -----. Description of Clepsine plana. J. Morphol, Bust., 1891, iv, 407-418, 1 pl. Clerc (Adolphe) [1870- ]. *Sur la ui6thode ties injections intra - trache'ales. 50 pp. 4 . Lyon, 1896, No. 1170. Clerc (Alexis). Hygiene et medecine ties deux sexes. (ieueration. 449 pp. 8'-. Paris, J. Rouff4- Cie., 1884. ------. Tbe same. 1. et 2. livr. 16 pp. 8°. Paris. J. Bouff, [n. d.]. CLERC. 677 CLERMONT. le Clero (Bartholoniseus Tussanus). See Bacher [A. P. A.] * An legitime vulnerum sup- puration! [etc]. 4°. (Paris, 1772.] Clerc (C. A. B.) * Dissertatio de viarum urina- riarnm calculis. 1 p. l.,15pp. 4\ Argentorati, anno XIV [1805], No. 194. Clerc (Charles Gabriel). Die gefertigte vollkom- lueue Chirurgie, oder: Wund-Artzney-Kunst, nach Inuhalt ihrer Principioruin: Der Osteolo- o-ie Myologie, menschlichen Zutallen, mit Ap- plication aller Gebiiude nnd Zubereitungeu bey Biiicheu uud Yerrenckungen; auch aller chi- riirc. Lyon, 1897, No. 82. [Clerc (Nicolas Gabriel)] [1726-98]. Medicus veri ainator ad Apollineie artis alumnos. 5 p. 1., 244 up. 8°. [Typ. Universitates Ccesarece Mos- cnensis], 1764. -----. Histoire naturelle de l'homme couside~re" dans l'etat de maladie, ou la mddeciue rappell6e a sa premiere simplicity. 2 v. xx (21.), 346 pp.; 400 pp., 2 1. 16°. Paris, Lacombe, 1768. Clercx (Victor). * Dissertation sur I'eiupyeme. 1 p. 1., 11 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, an XI [1803], Xo. .-0. Clerget (T.) Analyse des substances sacchari- feres an moyen des proprietes optiques de leurs dissolutions. Evaluation du rendeuient indus- triel. 27 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. s~. [Paris, V. Masson, 1851, rel subset/.] [P., v. 1798.] -----. Nouvelles observations sur la saccbari- uie'trie optique a l'occasiou de la derniere note de M. Dubrunfaut. 3 pp. 8°. [Paris, imp. de Bachelier, 1851.] [P., v. 1798.] Repr. from: Compt. rend. Acad.d.sc, Par., 1851, xxxiii. -----. Saccharime'trie. Re"plique a la derniere repODse de M. Payen et observations relatives au memoire de M. Pe4igot, sur la composition des sucres bruts. 4 pp. 8°. [Paris, L. Marti- net, 1851.] [P., v. 1749; 1751; 1798.] -----. Instruction pratique sur l'emploi du sac- charimetre. 15 pp. 8;. [Paris, Imp. nationale, 1*52.] [P., v. 1798.] Clergue (Marc) [1869- ]. * Considerations sur la derniere epide"n]ie de fievre typhoide a l'hopital Bichat, et sur le traitement par les bains froids. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 370. Clergy Orphan Corporation. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers, for the years 1870; 1871. 36 pp; 64 pp. 8°. London, Gilbert 4" Rivington, 1871-2. [P., v. 973.] 9 Fonnded in 1749. Incorporated in 1809, as the gover- nors of the society for clothing, maintaining, and educat- ing poor orphans of clergymen of the Established Church, in that part of the United Kingdom called England, until of age to be put apprentice. Bovs' school at St. Thomas's Hill, Canterbury, and the girls' school at St. John's Wood. Admission by election in May and November. Clergymen. See, also, Quacks, etc. Heinioke (J. V. ) * De inystarum morbis pneservandis. 4J. Halve Magdeb., 1721. Clergymen. Medicina clerica; or hints to tbe clergy for the healthful and comfortable discharge of their ministerial duties. In a series of letters. 12°. London, 1821. Kitter (B.) Der Priester als Arzt am Kran- kenbette; cine systeuiatische Zusaninienstellung wisscnsehaftlicher Grundsut/.e nach denen die Krankheiten des Menschen, in Abweseuheit oder Ermangelung des Arztes, zu beurtheilen und behaudeln sind ; zur allgeineineu Belehrung f iir denk.'iide Loser aus alien Standen. 8°. Rotten- burg a. B., 1837. Arc ministers of religion rightly entitled lo the gra- tuitous services of the meilical profession? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 516.-Kowm'r (W. A.) Notes on the ob- servations of the Rev. J. Hodgson, on the mortality of the clergy of England and Wales, with remarks on the tables deduced therefrom* by Mr. S. Brown. J. Inst. Actuaries, Loud., 1873, xvii. 328-339.—Carr (A. G.) Must tho par- son pay? Med. Rec, N. V.. 18P4, xlv,042.—Duckworth (SirD.) On clerical breakdown. Lancet, Lond., 1895. i, 1057.—Oiiy (W. A.) On the duration of life among the clergy. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 18.V2, xiv, 289-297. — HIlist the parson pay? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlv, 49G: 742.— Stiissi (IT.) On tho mortality of ihe clergy. J. Inst. Actuaries, Lond., 1873-5, xviii, 313-354. — Wcstcrgnnrd (H.) Notes ou the mortality of tlie Danish clergv, from 1650 to 1878. Ibid., 1S81-2, ixiii, 29-39. -----. Om Dadc- ligheden blandt pensiouerede Prsester. Ugesk. f. Lasger, Kjobenh., 1887, 4. R., xv, 621-626. Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society. Prospectus. 32 pp. 8°. [London, 1882.] Clerical quackery; Taylor's specific liniment. 11 pp. 8°. Glasgow, W. Mackenzie, 1859. [P., v. 1520.1 Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1858-9, vi. Clericus (Daniel). See Le Clerc (Daniel). Clericiis (Joannes). See Leclerc (Jean). Clerk (Dugald). Ou the explosion of gaseous mixtures. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. Edited by James Forrest. 55 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, 1886. Repr. from: Minutes Proc. Inst. Civ. Engin., Lond., 1885-6, lxxxv, pt. 3. Clerke (Bev. Sir William [Henry]) [1751-1818]. Thoughts upon the means of preserving the health of the poor, by prevention and suppres- sion of epidemic fevers. Addressed to the in- habitants of the town of Manchester, and of the several populous trading towns surrounding aud connected with it. 27 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1790. [P., v. 1176.] Clermont [J.-L.-Numa] [1808-73]. Recueil d'observations physiologiques et cliniques snr les eaux minerales de Vals (Ardeche); suivi d'une note g6ologique et palebnlologique sur Vals et ses environs par Jourdan. 21)8 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4" fids, [1867, rel sub- seq.]. ------. Les eaux alcaliues gazeuses tie Vals (Ar- deche). Sources: Magdeleine, Pre"eieuse, Desiree Rigolctte, daus les malndies du foie et de la vessie. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere o'' fils, [n. d.]. lbpr. from his: Rec. d'obs. physiol. et clin. [etc]. 8°. Paris, [1867, vel subseq.]. ------. Eaux minerales de Vals (Ardeche). 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, [». d.]. ------:. Extracts gathered from physiological and clinical observations concerning the mineral waters of Vals (Ardeche). 5. ed. iii, 134 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if Sons, [n. d.]. ------. Du traitement des diverses formes de la dyspepsie par l'emploi des caux minerales alca- lines de Vals (Ardeche). 20 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if fils, [u. (/.]. Repr. from his: Rec. d'obs. physiol. et clin. [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1«67, vel subseq.]. For Biography, see J. d. conu. nied. prat., Par., 1873, xl, 255 (Caffe). CLERMONT-FERRAND. 678 CLEVELAND. Clermont-Ferrand. •Sec, also, Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities; Small- pox (Histori/, etc., of), by countries. Sy.mics (R. G.) On the geology and extinct volcanoes of Clermont-Ferrand. 8°. [Dublin 4' London, 1-71 !] Repr. from: J. Roy. Geolog. Soc Ireland, Dubl. & Lond., 1871, iii. Vigen.vud (E.) tV Girod (P.) Topographie liie'dicule tie la ville de Clermont-Ferrand ; cli- matologie; demographic; hygiene; nosographie. *°. Paris, 1*91. Clersclier (Claude). See Descartes (R.) De verhandeling van den mensch |etc.]. sm. 4°. Leiden, 1695. C'lertail ((Laude-Antoine) [1805-73]. t'nffe. Ntcrologie. J. tl. conn. rued, prat., Par., 1873, xl, 109-111. Clerval (Alfred). *Dusulfonal (revue ge'ne'rale ct observations cliuiques). 142 pp. 1 . Paris, 1890, No. 296. Clervoy (Charles) [1*05- ]. * Contribution a l'etude clinique des fractures des machoires. 49 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 542. Clery (Pierre-Alphonse-Cilbert). * Dissertation sur riiydrocele de la tunique vaginale du testi- cule. H pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1807, No. 242. Cless (Carolus). *De medicamentorum nier- ciirialium usu in cancro. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, 177(i, iv, 135-137. Cless (Ernst). * Ueber die diatetische Behand- lung tics Diabetes mellitus. [ Tubingen. ] 4:? pp. 8 . Berlin 4' Leipzig, G. Thiejne, 18*7. Repr. from: Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii. von Cless (G[eorg]) [1815-84]. Impfung uud Pocken in Wiirttemberg. Aus amtlicben Quel- len bcarheitet. vi, IliO pp. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Sehweizerbart, 1871. For Biography, see Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1884, liv, 155-159 (R. Elben). ----- & Schiibler (G.) Versuch eiuer medi- zinischen Topographic der kouiglichen Haupt- und Kesidenzstadt Stuttgart, vi, 190 pp., 13 tab. 8°. Stuttgart, J. D. Sattler, 1H15. Clessill (Oscar). * Ueber die giftige Wirkuug der Magnesium-Salze. 21 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, I Bonitas-Bauer, [1891]. Cletus (Aetius). See Vcrbezius (D.) [in 1. s. |. Pro Raymundi Miu- dereridisquisitione[etc.]. sm. 4°. Augustm Vindelicorum, 1620. Cleve (Joannes Diedericus Matthias). *Spec. acad. sistens ohservationes medico-chirurgicas de aberratione lactis. 2 p. 1., 49 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., P. Delfos, 1796. [P., v. 1480.] Cleveland. Report to the common council of the city of Cleveland, ou the subject of water works for supplying pure aud wholesome water to the inhabitants, accompanied with general ; plans for carrying the project into practice; together with a supplementary report suggestive | of a thorough system of sewerage, iu connection with water works. [By Theodore R. Scowden.] 24 pp. 12 . Cleveland, J. W. Grag <,- Co., 1853. -----. Report of Rudolph Hering, C. E., of Phil- adelphia, on a system of main sewerage, for the city of Cleveland, submitted to the city council, Juue 26, 1**2. 20 pp. 8°. Cleveland, Home Companion Publishing Co., 1882. -----. Annual reports of the departments of government of the citv of Clevelaud for the years 1883; 1*90-92. 4 v. 8°. Cleveland, 1884-93. Contain reports ot the department of public works, including water works, streets, engineer, antl parks- department of police, including health division ; depart- ment of charities and correction, including workhouse, iufiruiary, aud cemeteries. ' I Cleveland. See, also, Education ( Medical), etc., by locali- ties ; Children (Hospitals, etc., for); Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Police (Reports etc., of), Scarlatina (Lpidemics of), Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Gill (H. Z ) The influence of nicteorologieiil ehmu'ex on the prevalence and severity of diseases nt Cleveliind Ohio, in the v<-:ir 1886. Tr. xi. Iuternat. M. Cow? Wash ' 1887, v, 160-16.) -IIaii . Cleveland, 1876-90. -----. Statements of mortality, with an enumer- ation of the more prominent causes. (Weekly.) Feb. 8, 15, 1890; Dec. 27, 1*90, to March 14, 1891. 4°. Cleveland, 1890-91. Cleveland. Public Library. Aunual reports of the library board and librarian. 15., l*82-:i; 17., 1884-5; 20., 1**7-8; 21., 1888-9. 8J. Cleve- land, 1883-9. -----. Catalogue of books added to tbe circu- lating department during the years 1*82-3. Bul- letin No. 3. 60 pp. roy. *:. Cleveland, Home Publishing Co., 1884. Cleveland. Water Department. Annual re- ports of the water works trustees of the city of Cleveland. 14.-35., 1869-90. *. Cleveland, 1870-91. For reports subsequent to 1890, see, supra, Department of Public Works. Cleveland (A[rthur] H.) A new form of palate-hook. 1 1. 12^. Philadelphia, 1894. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv. -----. Carciuoma of the right maxillary an- trum. 3 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1*95. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. Cleveland (C. L.) Salient materia medica and therapeutics, viii, 9-171 pp. 12°. Philadel- phia, F. E. Boericke, 1888. Cleveland (Clement) [1843- ]. A case of interstitial pregnancy. 6 pp., 1 pl. 8-. New York, W. Wood 4-Co., 1878. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1878, xi. -----. Model of a gynecological examining table invented by Dr. Samuel W. Francis; with remarks. 11. 8. [New York, 187*.] Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y, 1878, xi. -----. Perineorrhaphy, a plea for immediate re- pair, with the description of a new method ot suturing. 11 pp. 12°. New York, Trow's Co., 1891. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix. -----. An operating table for general and gyna-cological surgery, adapted to give the CLEVELAND. 679 OLIET. Cleveland (Clement)—continued. Trendelenburg posture. 6 pp. 8°. New York, M.J. Booney, 1892. Repr. from: N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1892, ii. _____The treatment of pelvic abscess by vagi- nal puncture and drainage. 9 pp. 8°." Xretr York, 1894. Kept: from: N. York J. Gymec & Ohst., 1894, iv. For Biography, see N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1893, iii, 3t)7. port. Cleveland (Emeline H.) [1829-78]. Vale- dictory address to the graduating class of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania. 10 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Cressy et 1884, par M. Lespiault. 8°. Bordeaux, 1884-5. Graziano (V.) II clima e le razze umane. 8°. Palermo, 1899. Hakti'xg von Hartungen (C. H.) Hand- buch der kliniatischeu Heilkuude als Auleitung zur Wahl der Luftkurorte fur Xaturarzte und Anhiinger des Naturheilverfahrens. 12°. Ber- lin, 1892. Issel(A.) Istruzioni scientifiche pei viaggia- tori. Ministero di agricoltura, industria e com- mercio. 8°. Boma, 1881. Jeffreys (J.) A few remarks on climate and on the rational treatment of affections of the throat and lungs by means of atmospheres of soothing properties. With an explanation of the action aud use of respirators. 16°. London, 1849. Johnson (J.) Additions in the second edition of "The influence of climate", etc. 8:. [Lon- don, 1830.] Klein (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la climatothe"rapie eu France. 4C. Paris, 1890. Klein (L. G.) De aere, aquis et locis agri Erhacensis atque Breubergensis, largi Odeuwal- disB tractus, tentamen physico-medicum. Anteit pnefatio historica qusedam tradens. 12°. Fran- cofurti 4' Lipsiw, 1754. Ladendorf (A.) Das Hohenklima in meteo- rologischcr, physiologiscber und therapeutischer Beziehung. Erster Teil: Das solare Klima; das Hohenklima. 8°. Berlin, 1889. Lombard (H.-C.) Des climats de montagne considers au point de vue me"dical. 8°. Geneve, 1856. MChry (A.) Klimatologische Untersuchun- gen, oder Gruudziige der Klimatologie in ihrer Beziehung auf die Gesundheits-Verhaltnissc der Bevblkeruugen. Mit eiuer geographisch geordneten, die gesammte Erde umfassenden Samiulung klimatographischer Schilderungen. 8°. Leipzig *. Oppenheimer (Z.) Ueber den Einfluss des Klinias auf den Menschen. 8°. Berlin, 1867. Orenga y Marti (F.) * Influencia que tienen los climas en la salud publica v en la poblaciou. 8°. Madrid, 1861. Phillips (J.) Over de veranderingen iu het kliniaat des aardbols, door de geologie aan^c- wezeu. Vertaald door J. van der Hoeven. 8 . {n.p., 1857.] Repr. from: Allium d. Natur, 1857. Pignol (A. R.) Des rapports sur l'influence du climat et de l'habitation, sur les plantes et les auimaux en ge"ne>al. 8°. Lyou, [n.d.]. Pinkerton (A. W. P.) Introductory lecture on climate; delivered at the medical school, Surgeous' Hali, Edinburgh, May 28, 1857. 8 . j Edinburgh, 1857. Climate. Poore (G. V.) Cantor lectures on climate iu its relation to health; delivered before the So- ciety of Arts, 1885. 8°. London, 1885. See. also, infra. Ramsay (A.) A bibliography, guide, and in- dex to climate. 8°. London, 1884. Reimkr (H.) Handbuch der specielleu Kli- matotherapie und Balneotherapie, mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf Mittel-Europa zum (Je- brauch fiir Aerzte. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Remondlno (P. C.) Longevity and climate. Relations of climatic conditions to longevity, history, and religion; relations of climate to national antl personal habits; the climate of California and its effects in relation to longev- ity. 8°. San Francisco, 1890. Richter ^ J. B.) *De calore dierum canicu- lariuin. (Von der Hitze in Huudes-Tagen.) Neque sirini, neque solem omuino, ejus causam esse. 4C. Thorn, 1818. St'UERK(C.) Die Heilwirkung der Hohen-, See- und Waldluft. Eine klimatologische Skizze. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Shove (G. A.) Life under glass; containing suggestions toward the fonnatiou of artificial climates. 16°. Boston, 1874. Skvoroff (I.) Klimaticheskoye liechen'ie voobshtshe i nashi klimatoliechebniya miesta. I. Yuzhuiy bereg Krlma i Kavkazskoye chorno- morskoye poberezhye. [Climatic treatment in general and our climatic health resorts. I. The southern coast of the Crimea and Caucasian shore of the Black Sea.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Solly (S. E.) A handbook of medical clima- tology, embodying its principles and therapeu- tic application; with scientific data of tbe chief health resorts of the world. 8°. Philadelphia, 4- New York, 1897. Taylor (Sir A.) Mau. The general principles of medical climatology and their application to the climates of the southeast aud southwest of France. Transl. from the French, printed in the "Transactions of the Scientific Congress of France", 1873. 8°. London, 1875. United States. Department of Agrictdtnre. Weather Bureau. Circular No. 4. Sanitary cli- matology. Information relative to the investi- gation .of the influence of climate on health. 8°. [Washington, 1895.] Yiader (E.-D.-S.) *De l'influence des cli- mats sur l'homiiie. Y. Montpellier, 1814. VON Yivenot (R.) jun. Beitrage zur Kennt- uiss der kliniatischeu Evaporationskraft und deren Beziehung zu Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit, Luftstiomungen und Niederschlagen. 8C. Er- langen, 1866. Weber (H.) Des climats et des stations cli- inatiqucs. Traduit de l'angiais par Paul Rodet. 8°. Paris, 1891. Amt'N. Some remarks regarding climate. Dominion M. Mouth., Toronto, 1897. ix, 797-804. — Anders (J. M.) Temperature and atmospheric humidity antl their relaiiona to health and disease. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 127-135.—Audvoid (K. F.) Lidt mediciusk Klimato- logi, specielt hvad Pjeldklimatet augaar. [Minor medical climatology, especially with regxid to mountain climate.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevideusk., Christiania, 1891, 4. P., vi, 412-424.—AMNinmin (R.) Das Klima. llandh. d. Hvg., Jeua, 1894,i, 1. Aht., 247; 352.—Baart dc la Faille (J.) Sur I'influenco physiologique ft tlieiapeutique du climat. Cong, internat. domed, tl. colonics 18s:i, Amst., 1884, 289- 294.— Baudet. Het Congres voor Hydrologie en Clima- tolniue te Biarritz. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1880, xxii, 645-651. — van Bebber (W. J.) Die Klimate der Erde und ihr Einfluss auf den tieiischen. Glohus, Binschwg., 1890, lxix, 85; 109. —Bell (A. N.) The infln ence of an ocean atmosphere on a slaid population, with special reference to pulmonarv consumption. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass, Phila.. 1889, vi, 70-75. Also: Med. Xews. Phila., 1889, lv, 119-121 — Kerjjliau* (A.) Adaptation to climate Pop. Sc Month., is'. T., 1884, xxv, U90-:!99.— CLIMATE. 682 CLIMATE. Climate. ■; inzzi (F.) Influeuzadel clima sulla vita fisica e morale delle popolazioni. Arch. med. ital., Torino, 188:i. ii, 855; 973. — Bleyer i J. M. ) The influence of climate on temperament. Internat, M. Mag., Phila.. 1803. ii, 434- 143.- Roclimrr (G. R.) Novum contra Irigus hylx-ruum :irbores defeudeiidi admiliiculum. In: Weber ( G. H. ) Vullstiind. Ausz. a. n. Diss., [etc.l, «°, Bremen. 1775, i. 133- 13.").— Braimworlh (J. S.) Adaptability of climate tor cei tain persons. Keuner's J. Health, Louisville, 1895-6. i, :>;;.—van der Burjf (C. L.) Akklimatatie. Inhis: De genc-sh. in Nederl.-Indie, 's Graveuh., 1884, i. 2,3-349.— Cazenave tie la Roche. Principes de climatologie pratique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. do Montpel.. 1882, iv, 123- 126.—t'hiai*. La climatologie du littoral. Xice-mCd., 1888-9, xiii, 113-117. -----. Influence de la tension de la vapeur d'eau ct de fhumidite relative sur la marche tie la temperature atmospherique, un degre (le latitude etant donne, et de leur role dans la sp6cification ties climats. Cong, intei nai.d'hydiol.et de clitnatol. Compt.-rend. 1889, Par.T 1890, ii, 463.—Climatology as related to health and choice of locality, with accompiuiving tables. Rep. Bd. Health X. -Jersey, Mount Holly. 1881, v, 277-303. — C'rc- raux. Influence des changeinents de climat sur le pouls, la respiration ot la temperature de l'homme saiu. M6m. Soc. tie med. de Xancv (1880-81), 1882, pt. 2,129-131. Also: Rev. m6d. de l'est, Xancy, 1881, xiii, 090. — Dabney (C. W.), jr. Climate and health. Health Mag., Wash., 1897, v, 29-37. — Dally. Sur l'accliniatement. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. tie Par., 1880, 3. s., ix, 265; 448. — Dines (W. II.) Climate; a brief account of the various causes that pro- duce it, and its effect upon the average length of life. J. San. Inst, Lond., 1896-7, xvii, 257-272.—Donaldson (F.), jr. Further remarks on the circulator\ changes at high altitude. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., I'hila., 1888, v, 90-99.— Egger (F.) Beobachtuiurenan Menschen und Kauinchen iiber den Einfluss des Klimas von Arosa (Graubiindeu, 1890 in) auf tlas Blur. In: Miescher (F.) Histochein. u. physiol. Arb., 8°, Leipz., 1897, ii, 401-47s.—Einflnssie(Von dem) dei atraosphiirischen Luft auf den niensehlieheu Organismus; eiue medieinisch-geouTaphisoho Studio; aus deuhiiiterlassenenSchritteneiiies alten Ar/.tes, mitgetheilt von Betz. Deutsches Arch. f. (resell, d. Med. ii. metl. Geog., Leipz., 1882, v, 101; 108; 292; 385. — [Electrical conditions of thoatmosphere . . . and bodily health.] Lan- cet, Lond., 1895, ii, 741.— Velix (J.) De l'lmportunce de l'etude ties climats et ties milieux en mddecine pratique. Arch. g6u. d'hydrol. [etc.J. Par., 1897, viii, 361-375 —Fer- uaadez-Caro (A.) Urbanization; influencia biobigica tie los climas. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1887, x, 73-82.— (»iii-liier (G.) Contrazione dei vasi sanguigui sotto 1' in- ilnsso dell' alta temperatura. Gior. internaz. d. se. metl., Xapoli, 1*84, u 8., vi, 822-825.—Geddings (W. II.) Asep- tic chinning without altitude. Med. Kec, X. V., 1888, xxxiv, 726-730. Also, Keprint. — Gihon (A. L.) The domain of climatology and demography as tlependenciesof medicine. Tr. ix. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, v, 2-16. -----. The therapy of ocean climate. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889, vi', 50-69. Also: Med. Xews, Phila.. 1889. lv, 114-119.—Gordon (C. A.) Remarks ou climate in re- lation to organic nature. Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 311: 329.-—dimwitz ( E.) TJeber die Eiuwirkung ties Hohenklinias auf die Zusammensetzung des Blutes. Berl. klin. Wchuschr.. 1895, xxxii. 713; 740. AUo: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1895), 1890, xxvi, pt. 2, 207-225. [Discussion], pt. 1, 153-159.— Grcely (A. W.) Climatic conditions in relation to health. Metl. Rec. X. T., 1897, li, 829—Ilami <.!.> Ueber tlie Luftfeuchtig- keit als klimatischer Factor. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 351: 380. — Henrici (It.) Ueber Kiisten- und Hoheu-Kjima. Gesundlieit. Frankf. a. M., 1882, vii, 1; 18; 33. — Hirscli ( A.) Acclimatisation und Colonisation. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1886, 155-166.— Hooker (K. B.) Special American climates and the diseases they aid in curing. Tr. Am. Inst. Uoinoeop., X. Y., 1897, 630-649. —Howell (E. J.) Climatic hy- giene. Xat. Bd. Health Mag., X. Y., 1895, ix. 153; 293.— James (P.) Hydrology and climatology. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 613.— Keating (J. M.j Climate as one element of eure. Internat. M. Ma-- Phila 1893-4, ii, 1075-1078.—Mii liner (A.) Xeue Beitrkge zur Klimatologie und Klimatotherapic Gesuudheit, Frankf. a. M., 1897, xxii, 65; 80.—I.egoyt. Les influences clima- teriques. Rev. scieut., Par., Ij-82, xxix, 739-752.—I,e- moiue (G.) Programme dun enseignemeiit de la clima- tologie. [Rap. J Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890, ii, 464-460.—Lombard (H.-C.) In- fluences hygieniques, prophylacliquea et therapeutiques des altitutles. Coug. internat. d'hyg. et de d6uio" xxx, 175—.Tlagelswen (A.) KortsUeinatisk 1-1. iumi illii,*!; af Lut't Temperaturens Intlttydelse paa Ihulclii'liedeu [Schematized representation of inlluence ot temp~-r.itHic of air on mortality.] Norsk Mag. f. Lagevithnxk Clin, tiania, 1890, 4. K., v, 400-109.—Hcan* (A., ('|i„ialH' Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 18*3, 119-140.- .?!«•>.•«. Hvi Congres voor Hydrologie en climatologie to Biarritz. Ue. neesk. Courant, Tiel, 1887, xl. no. 1, 2; 3__.Mit-Henri' (K ) Bemerkiuigeu zur Physiologie des Hohenklinias Inhu- Histochein. u. physiol. Arb., Leipz., 8°, 1897, ii, flOJ-.Vh _1 Monteverdi (A.) Una pagina d' iuieno i-lhuiituitigfra e di cliinatoterapia. Bull. d. ('omit, med crenionese" 1'rr- moua, 1884, iv. 85-100.—IVeumayr (M.) The climatesof past ages. [Transl.] Xature, Lond., I89u. xiii, 148; 17;,_ .\cwton (11. C.) Some personal observations iq on ibu effects ot ciianges of climate upon men and animals In- ternat. M. Mag., Phila., 1897, vi, 413-421. Ms,,. Kt-iiiint. Also: Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1897, xii, 437; 507. —i\ieoln«(A j La notion de climat. J. d'hyg.. Par., 1896, xxi, (J01-U0O.- IVoyes (I. P.) False notions in regard to the weather Kansas City Rev., 1882-3, vi, 87-92. AUo, Reprint- Nn a n (K. J.) A contribution to tho study of the climatic antl other peculiarities of localities which determine ex. eruption from prevalence of endemic plagues. Tr ix. In. ternat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, v, 180-188.—O'llomicll (J. H.) Influences of climate. Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg, 1897, i, 39-41.—Otis (E. O.) The pay. chologieal factor in selecting a climate for invalids. 'I'r Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889, vi, 95-105. AUo, Reprint.— Parker (W. T.) The importance of the study of clima- tology iu connection with the science of medicine. Tr. ix. Internat. M.Cong., Wash.. 1887, v, 21-28.—de B'ictrn Santa. Climate and health. J. d'hyg., Par., IMm:. xxi, 241; 253.—Piatt (I. H.) Tlie probleni of iit-cliniatiz.inoii' Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 676-678.—Piatt (W. II. 1 Tin- influence of climate and seasou upon tho manifi station of normal and abnormal nervous at-iivity. Tr. Am. Climat Ass., Phila., 1889, vi, 76-87. .Uso: Med. Xews, Phila. 1889, lv, 140-149.—Poore (G. V.) Cantor lectures; cli- mate in its relation to health. J. Soc. Arts. Lond., 1881-5, xxxiii, 871; 887; 901; 913. Also [Abstr.J : Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 172-174. See, also, supra.—Stadau (li.) Etudes de climatologie; la lumitSre consideree comme element de climat. Rev. tl. deux mondes, Par., 1800, lxvi, 220-241.— Kaillai-tl. Climatologie comparee. [Extr.] Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r. 1874, Par., 1*75, iii. s77-884.— Kattray (A.) On some of the more important physiolog- iealchanges induced in the human economy by change uf climate, as 110111 temnerate to tropical, ami the reverse. Proc. Roy. Soc. I.ond , 1809-70, xviii, 513-528. —Roberts (C.) On medical climatology; a scheme fordetining local climates by combined meteorological aud phenoloyical observation. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1886-7, Loud., 1887. viii, 269-276.- Kobin (E\ ) Pourquoi les pays extiGniement chaiuU, comme les pays extremement froids, 1 xeiccnt une influ- ence analogue sur la sensibilite et protegent centre cer- taines maladies; consequences prophyL.t'tiqnes. Gaz. m6d. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1882, xxvii, 08-70.— Rodriguez Pinilla. Comentarios sobre el Congreso internacional de hidrologia, climatologia y geologia ile Clrrmont-r'cr- rand. An. Sue. espaii. do hidrol. med., Madrid, 1896, xii, 195; 219.—Roe (J.O.) Address. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1895, X. Y., 1890, xvii, 1-8.—Rolidcn (L.) Ueber tlie Vcrsehiedonheit organischer Wirkungen, (lewohnung und Anpaseung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1882. viii. 220; 230.—Robe (G. H.) The nieteoiological elements of climate, aud their effects upon the human organism. Tr. ix. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, v, 17-20.—Russell (F. A. R.) On the improvement of climate with slight ele- vation. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1^2-3, iv, 213-222.— Maiki (R.) America ni okete hirarekaru igaku hifuka- kukwai in zuketc. [On the coming international congress of medico-climatologieal societies at Chicago, 18H3.] Kok- ka Igaku Koniroku, Tokio, 1893, no. 8. 22-24.-Sanchei y ITIerino (R.) [De la influencia de los climas en la salud del hombre.] Mem. r. Acad, de med. de Madrid, 1875, iii, pt. 2, 1-17. — Manxman (C.) Rejseindtryk fra "aabue" Kursteder for brv»ts\ge. Biblioth. f. Larger, Kjobenh., 1892, 7. R., iii, 359-387. — Weh. Das Hoheu- klima und dessen therapeutischen Gebrauch. Gesund- lieit, Frankf. a. M., 1898, xxiii, 20-24.—Schaeflcr (U. C.) Climate antl health. Health Mag.. Wash.. 1896-7, iv, 239-246. — Niliaumaii (().) & RoNenqvint (Id Till fragan om hojdklimatets inverkau pa blodets saminan- sattning. [T'iie question of the eil'eci of altitude upon the composiiion of the blood.] Fin-la liik.-sallsk. hantll., Helsingfors, 1890. xxxviii, 340-352.—Scliwappath (A.) Die Folgeu undGefahreii der Eiitwaldung im geniassigteii Klima Europas und der Nut/.en der P-epflanzung ihr Du- neu. Deutsche Vrtl jst-hr. f. oil. (isndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1885, xvii, 228-234.—SieveUinsj (Sir K. H.) What shall we do iu our holidays? Med. Press & Circ. Lond.. I""'. n.s., xliii, 137-142—Smart (C.) The thermometer as a elimatological instrument. Tr. ix. Internat. M. Cong., CLIMATE. 683 CLIMATE. Wash., 1887, v, 172-178.—Smith (W. E.) Some of the re- lotions'of climate to health and disease. Med.Communi- cat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1890, xv. 111-137.—Solly ( S. E.) The principles of medical climatology. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 129-131. -----. On climatology. Mon- treal M. J., 1897-8, xxvi, 582-589.—Spataro (D.j Orien- tazione e larghezza delle, strade iu rapporto alia insolazione dei fabbricati. Ann. tl' ig. sper., Roma, 1897, n. s.. vii, 477- 508.—Suter (!•'.)&; Jaqnet (A.) Hohenklima und Blut- hiliiung. In: Sliescher (1 ■'.) llistochem. u. physiol. Arb., Leipz.,"8°, 1897, ii, 529-543.—Synionx (G.J.) Note on the establishment and first results ol simultaneous theinioine- tric and hygrometrie observations at heights of 4 and 170 feet, and of Siemens'electiieal thermometer at 260 feet above the ground. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1883, xxxv, 310- 319.—Taylor (C. F.) Climate and health. Tr. X.York \ead. SI. (18P4), 1895, 2. s., xi, 308-392. Also: Pop. Sc Month.. X. Y., 1895, xlvii, 313-326. Also. Reprint. — To- rres Vlatos (J.) Consideraciones sobre el clima y las perfrigeraciones. Cron. ni6d.-qnir. dela Habana, 1888, xiv. 145-151.—Treiubley (J. B.) Causes modifying the cli- mate on the Pacific coast of the United States and British Columbia. Tr.SI. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1884, 227-238.— Tripe (J. W.) The relations existing between man aud variations of atmospheric pressure, temperature, aud hu- midity as -nell as their influence on diseaso and death. Tr. Soc M. Off. Health, Lond., 1882-3. 7-28. —Van Bib- ber ( W. C.) Peninsular and sub-peninsular air and climates. J. Am. SI. Ass., Chicago. 1885 iv, 530-542. — Vernguth. Lo climat tie montagne et son action thera- peutique en etc et en hiver (apres un rapport fait a, la Soci6t6 medicale tie Cannes). Lyon m£d., 1888, lviii, 35- 43, — Wall in ■■ (S. S.) The influence of climate on the breathing-habit, with a comparison of American climatic resorts. Med. Xews. Phila., 1893, lxiii, 533-539. -----. The resources of climate in health and disease, with some remarks on special climates. Am. Therapist, X. Y., 1895-6, iv, 33; 61; 97; 125; 189; 221: 269; 293; 317: 1896-7. v. 1-5.— Ward (R. DeC i Climate antl man. Science. X. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1890. n. s.. iv, 749.-----. The teaching of climatology in medical schools. Boston SI. & S. J., 1897, exxxvi, 103-106.—Whittaker (J. T.) Conditions which tend lo render the atmosphere of a locality aseptic. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass.. Phila., 18>8. v. 100-108. — Williams (CT.) Chmate in relation to heaiih. J. San.Inst., Lond., 1894, xv. 216-230. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1357-1360.— Wilser (L.) Klima und Hautfarbe. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Miiucheu, 1894. xxv, 17-19.— Woeikof(A.) Klima und Volksdichtiukeit. Deutsche Kev.. Bresl. it Berl., 1893, xviii, 309-317. Climate and disease. See, also, Climates (Warm, Diseases of). Baker (H. B.) Diagrams illustrating a paper ou the systematic study of the causes of sick- ness aud deaths, read at the Sanitary Conven- tion at Battle Creek, Mich., March v'9, 1881. f°. [n.p.], 1881. -----. Diagrams to illustrate a paper on the relations of certain meteorological condi- tions to diseases of the lungs and air-passages. 8-. Lansing, fl~-?]. Chanderborde C H. ) * Contribution a la climatologie mddicale des climats temperes et des climats froitls au point tie vue de leur in- fluence pathoge"nique. 4°. Bordeaux, 1*84. Clark (J.) The influence of climate in the prevention and cure of chronic diseases, more particularly of the chest aud digestive organs; comprising an account of the principal places resorted to hy invalids in England, and the south of Europe, etc.; a comparative estimate of their respective merits in particular diseases, aud general directions for invalids while trav- elling or residing abroad. With an appendix containing a series of tables on climate. 8 -. London, 18*29. Climates (The) and baths of Great Britain, being the report of a committee of I lie Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. W. M. Ord, chairman; A. E. Garrod, secretary. «°. London f New York, 1895. D'Acdebkkt (C.) Expose" des temperatures, ou les influences de l'air sur Its maladies et la constitution de Phommo ct des animaux, el ses effets daus la vegetation, elephantine fol. Versailles, 17^9. Climate and disease. Gregory (J.) *De morbis cceli mutatione niedeudis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1774. Lejau (J.) #Sur l'intemperie humide, cause de plusieurs maladies dans le de'partement dTndre-et-Loire. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI [1803]. Muller (F. C.) Klima!olherapie, mit einem Anhang. Die Hilfsmittel der Balneotherapie. Ein kur/.cs Lehrbuch fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 16°. Leipzig, 1*94. Parkin (J.) Climate and phthisis; or the in- fluence of climate in the production and pre- vention of phthisis. London, 187;">. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. London, 18*2. Ransom (A.) A. Vernon (G. V.) On the in- fluence of atmospheric changes upon disease. 8C. Manchester, 1861. Repr. from: Mem. Lit. &. Phil. Soc, Manchester, ses- sion 1859-60. Raulin (J.) Des maladies oecasionnees par les promptos et frequentes variations dc l'air, considere" comme atmosphere terrestre; avec 1'explication niecaniqne de leurs principaux symptomes, et la mauiere de les guerir. 12°. Paris, 1752. Roberts (W. P.) The peculiar benefits of latitude and altitude on disease. Cutting from: Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, Aug. 27, 1891. Weber (H.) Klimatotherapic In: Handb. tl. allg. Therap. (Ziemsseu). S-. Leipzig, 1880, ii, 1. Th., 1-212. ------. The same. The treatment of disease by climate. Transl. from the German, bv H. Port. In: Handb. Gen. Therap. (Ziemssen). 8°. London, 188r>. iv, 1-239. -----. The same. Cliniatotherapie. Trad. tie l'allemand par les docteurs A. Doyen, P. Spillman. Ed. francaise, revue et augmented par l'auteur. 8°. Paris, 1886. AUo [Abstr.], in: J. d'hyg., Par., 1886, xi, 365 : 377; 441; 493; 545. Yotxtr (T.) Aii essay on the medical effects of climates. In his: An introdnct. to med. lit. [etc.J. 8°. London, 1823, 587-604. Abbe Hi.) Climate and diseases. Kep. Nat. Bd. Health 1880. Wash.. 1882, ii, 412-415.—Abbot (G. E.) Individu- ality the basis of rational climato-therapy. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889. vi, 2G9-273. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 67.—Olinc (I. M.) The climatic, causation of disease; with chart showing pathological distribution of climate in the Tinted States. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galves- ton, 1895, xxvii, 92-114, 1 ch. Also: Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1895, lxxii, 869-877. Also: Texas Sanita- rian, Austin, 1894-5, iv, 269-285.—I'ullimort' (1). II.) On climate in the treatment of diseases. Med. Press &. Circ, Lond.. 1889, n.s., xlviii. 28; 52; 76; 303; 330; 356.— ■><■■■- sou (0.) The chest diagnosis chart, and aid to climate selection. J.Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 189:!, xxi, 49-51. AUo, Reprint.— Dujardin-Bcaumctz. De la climatothe- rapie. Bull. gen. tie therap. [etc.J, Par., 1888, cxiv, 337- 353. Also, transl. [Abstr 1: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 433-441.- Ford (W. E.) Tho element of change, per se, in the climatic treatment of disease. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1892, Phila., 1893, ix, 89-96. AUo: Internat. M. Mag., Phila.. 1893-4, ii, 53-60. —Forry (S.i Statistical researches relative to the etiology of pulmonary and rheu- matic tlheases, illustrating the application ol the laws of climate to the science of medicine: bused on the records of the Medical Department and Adjutant -General's Office. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1841, n. s., i, i3-54. .1 Uo, Reprint — Forti (P.) Cenni snl trattamento cliniatico. Gior. med. d. r. escrcito [etc. ], Roma, 1880, xxxiv, 564; 671.—Gold- berg ( B.) Der Einfluss des Witterungsganges auf vor- herrschende, Krankheiten und Todesursachen. Ergn/.ngs- hft. z. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1885-9, ii, 317: 1891, iii, 101. (i. Mookk (VV.) The constitutional requirement for tropical climates. 12c. London, 1890. Ollivier (P.-E.) 'Observations faites en Algeiie, Chine et Cochinchine, ayant rapport k 1'acclimatenieut dans les pays chauds. 4 . Strasbourg, 1864. DE Pietka Santa (P.) The climate of Algiers in reference to the chronic affections of tbe chest; being a report of a medical mission to Algeria. 8°. London, l^(i-2. Stokvis (B. J.) Dc invloed van tropisclie gewesten op den mensch, in verband met koloui- satie en gezondheid. Drie voordrachteu geliou- den door . . . en uitgegeven door Dr. II. Zcehui- sen. 12°. Haarlem, 1894. Andvortl (K. F.) Madeira, Cairo; eu niedichisk kli- niatologisk. Studie. [Mad^re et le dure; etude elimatnln- gique. R6s., 452-454.] Norsk Mag. f. Ljegevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1893, 4. R., viii, 438-446.—Below (E.) Tiopeuliy- gienische Stationen am Aequatorialgiirtel. Fortsr.hr. tl. off. Gsndhtspflg., Frankf. a. M., 189G, v, 51-56.—van der Burg (C. L.) Ue geschiktheid van tropisclie hooglantlen tot vestiging van Europeauen. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch. [etc.J,'Leiden, 1891, xv, 376-388. AUo, transl.: Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. &. Demog., Loud., 1892, x, 170- 178.—©ulliuiorc (D. 11.) On tropical and subtropical climates and the acclimatisation of tho fair races in hot countries. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 436; 461. — Biiubler (0.) Ueber Acclimatisation der Europaer in Tropenlandern. Miiucheu. metl. Wclnischr.. 1894, xii. 726-729. -----. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der luediciniscben Tropenforscbung (Acclimatisation und Physiologie ties Tropenbewohners). Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 124; 139.—Burlington (T.) The doubtful efficacy of a hot, dry climate in disease. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1891,'Phila., 1892. viii. 234-237. AUo: Olimatologist, I'bila., 1892, ii. 265-268.—Bavy (J.) Ol the temperature of man within the tropics. Abstr. pa pern Roy. Soc. Lond. (1843-50), 1851, v, 946— Bnponl (A.) Contribution k l'etude hygienique et climatolo^ique do la ville d'Alger. Ann. de la Policlin. tie Pai., 1892, ii, 375-390. — Eijiciiinn (('.) Hint untersuchungen in den Tropeu. Arch. f. path Anat. [etc. |, Berl., 1896, exliii, 448-476. -----. Over tie respiratorische gaswis- seling tier tropenbewoners. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Aid. Natuurk.. Amst., 1897, 4. s., v, 118-122.— Eijkiiinmi & OroR. Etude comparee de la r6gnlatlou physique de la temperature chez l'Europ6en et le Malais habitant les tropiques. Arch, tie med. nav., Par. 1*96, lxv. 136-146.—Elliott (J. B.) Tho tropical diathesis. X. Orl. M. &, S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv. 340-347.—Extra (the) premium charged to tropical residents by life insurance companies. Brit. M. J., Lund.. 1«97. i, 1487. A Uo: Med. Exam., N. Y., 1897, vii, 2*:t. —FelUin (It. W.) Tropical highlands: their suitability for European settlement. Tr. vii. Internal. Cong. Hvg. &. Demog., Lond., 1*92. x, 155- 164. AUo: Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1891, x, 645-649. ----T- On the normal temperature of Europeans and negroes in Africa. Ediub. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 450.—Foley. Du mode vital de l'homine qui habite les pays tr6s chauds a climat constant, oh Pair est toujours suffisaninieiit huiiiide. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1881. 3. s., lv, 537 -547.- Francis (C. R.) On opium, narcotics, and alcohol in the tropics. Cong, iuteruat. d'hyg. et tie demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii.pt. 2,722 731. -----. Diminished re- spiratory function and fatty degeneration in tropical cli- mates. 'Med. Press &, Circ, Lond., 1896. n. s., lxi. 51-53.— •-ilea (G. M.) Tbe growth and development of Anglo- Indian children. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hvc & Demog.. Loud., 1892, x, 184-186. —CSIogner (M.) Feber ein« physiologische Abweichung bei dem unter den Trope" lebenden Europaer. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.l. Berl., 1889, exv, 345-348. -----. Ueber das specifische Oewiclit des Blutes ties in den Tropen lebenden Europiiers. Ibid,., CLIMATES. 685 CLIMATES. Climates (Warm). 1891, exxvi, 109-113.—Gros (H.) Modifications physiolo- giauesde l'europeen en pays chaud salubre. Arch, de nied. nav., Par.. 1892,lvii, 262-273.—Hn vel burg ( W.) Beitrag zur Tropenhygiene. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr , 1892, xxix, 36-341.—Hogg (F. R.) Children in hot climates. Med. Times &. Ga/?., Lond., 1881, ii, 624.—lulluenee (The) of the sanitarium in the exploration and colonization of tropi- cal countries. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 807.— Joiissct (A.) Les climats chauds dans leurs rapports avec les ages. J.tl.sc.nietl.de Lille, 1884,v, 393; 441. -----. Fonctions de la peau ct tlu rein dans les pays chauds. / bid., 633-648.—Koehs (W.) Ueber eine wichtige Yeiiinderung der Korperbeschaffenheit, welche der Mensch und die Siiu- cetiere der gemassigten Zonen im heissen Klima erleitlen. Biol. Centralhl., Erlang., 1890-91, x, 289-295. —Ii# (A.) On the mortality of assured lives in "West Africa. J. Inst. Act- uaries, Lond., 1896-8, xxxiii, 516-523. —I^ayet (A.) Les conditions g6u6rales tie salubrit6 et d'insalubrit6 tin sol intertropical. Rev. san. do Bordeaux, 1884-5, ii, 100-103.— Iiehniann (Y.) Die Phvsiologiedes Tropenbewohners. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 518-520. AUo: Verof- fentl. tl. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Vortr. (1893), 1894, 1-6. AUo, transl.: Med. Age, Detroit, 1893, xi, 465-468.— iTIai't'staiiy. Hematimetria normal do europeu nos paizes quentes. [Transl. hy B. de Abreu.] Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1889-90, 387: 1890-91, 3; 14; 20; 28; 43; 78.— ITIarkham (U.K.) On the suitability of mountainous regions, and of islands in the tropics for European settle-. ment. Tr. vii. Internal. Cong. Hyg. & Demog., Lond., 1892 x, 178-183.—ITIarston (J. A.) Tropical life and its sequela;. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i. 588; 639.—Martin (L.) Die schSdigenden Einfliisse des Tropenklimas, besonders auf den Korper ties Europaers. Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1890, xv, 177-180.—^laurel (E.) Du regime alimen- taire dans les pays chauds. Assoc, frautj. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1884, Par., 1885, xiii, pt.2, 616-629.—Mendel- *ohu(M.) ZurAcclimatisationindenTropen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1891, xxviii, 1138. Also, Reprint.—Moore (W.J.) The constitutional requirements for tropical cli- mates, with especial reference to temperaments. Tr. Epi- demiol. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, n. s., iv, 32-51. Also: Iudian M. Gaz., CBlcutta, 1885, xx, 103; 135. — Onimus. Des avantages et des inconv^nients du climat niediterran6eu. [Abstr.] Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1893, iv, 325; 385.—von Overbeek de Meijer. De la colonisation europ6enne dans les pays chauds. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1883, v, 801-810. AUo: Consi. internat. tie med. d. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 101-106.—Pauly. Du climat d'Oran et du littered algtirien. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1888. xvii, pt. 2, 436-445.—Fichu (F.) Feber einige Aufgaben tier medicinischen Forschung in den Tropen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 611-613.—Kasch (C.) Ueber den Einfluss des Tropenklimas auf das Nervensys- tem. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1898, liv, 745- 775.—Sainbon (L.) Remarks on the possibility of the acclimatisation of Europeans in tropical regions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i. 61-66.—Simonot. De I'acclimatement des races europeennes dans les pays chauds. Cong. ni6d. interDat. de Par.. 1868,628-634. Also: Rev. d. coins scient. [etc.], Par.. 1866-7, iv, 717-720. —Thevenet. Climatolo- gie de l'Algerie. Assoc, franc, pom l'avance. d. se. C.-r. 1896, Par., 1897, xxv, pt. 2, 226-237.—Trei lie (G.) De l'acclimatation des Europeens tlans les pa\ s chauds. In- ternat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wieu, 1887, vi, 9. Hft., 1-56. [Discussion], 71-77. -----. Des variations de composition tie 1'atraosphere des regions intertropicales, dans leurs rapports avec la pathologie g6u6rale de ces re- gions. Janus, Amst., 1897, ii, 233-247. Climates ( Warm, Diseases of). See, also, Anaemia (Tropical); Army (British Indian); Calenture; Climates (Warm. Hygiene of); Diseases (Endemic): Fever (Tropical); Fever (Yellow); India (Climate, etc, of); Liver (Diseases, Causes of); Medicine (Military); Medicine(Xaval); Ulcer (Endemic); and under names of countries. Axseslky(Sir J.) Researches into tbe causes, nature, and treatment of the more prevalent diseases of India, and of warm climates gen- erally. Illustrated with cases, postmortem ex- aminations, and numerous coloured engravings of morhid structures. 2 v. Y. London, 182*. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1841. -----. The same. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author, by T. J. Pettigrew. 3. ed. ^°. London, 187)5. Ballinoaix (Sir G.) Practical observations on fever, dysentery, and liver complaints, us they occur amongst the European troops in Climate* ( Warm, Diseases of). India; with introductory remarks on the disad- vantages of selecting hoys for Indian military service. 8°. Edinburgh, 1*1*. -----. The same. Illustrated by numerous tables and eases, to which is annexed an essay on syphilis. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, lSt>:?. Bkrenger-Feraud(L.-J.-B.) Traite clinique des maladies des Europeens aux Antilles (Mar- tinique). 2 v. w°. i'aris, lssl. Biccahd (F. L. C.) * De regionum tropica- rum morbis. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1834. DE Brun (H.) Maladies des pays chauds; maladies climateriqucs et infectieuses. 121-'. Paris, [189:1]. van DER BURG (C. L.) Behandeling in Eu- ropa van ziekeu, koniende uit het heete klimaat. t^'. Leiden, 1890. Clark (J.) Observations on the diseases in long voyages to hot countries, aud particularly on those which prevail in the East Indies. 8°. London, 1773. Torre (A.) Traits clinique des maladies des pays chauds. roy. 8°. Paris, 1887. [Dellox (C.)] Traite ties maladies particu- lieres aux pays orientaux et dans la route et dc leurs remfedes. Par M. C. D. E. M. '24c. Paris, 1685. Dickinson (J. C.) Tropical debility: a trea- tise on the causes and treatment of debility produced by prolonged residence in the tropics. 12°. London, 1874. Dutrievx (P.) * Apercu de la pathologie tics Europeans dans l'Afrique intertropicale, suivi de notes et d'observations de ge"ographie me'dicale. 4°. Pan's, 1*85. Dutroulau (A.-F.) Traits des maladies ties Europeens dans les pays chauds (regions tro- picales); climatologie, maladies endeiuiques. *°. Paris, 1861. Fayrer (J.) & Ewart (J.) Du traitement ties maladies tropicales dans les climats tem- peras. 8°. Londres, !8r-3. Fisch (R.) Tropisclie Krankheiten. Aulei- tung zu ihrer Verhiitung uud Behandlung spe- ziell fiir die Westkiiste von Afrika. Fiir Mis- sionare, Kanfleute und Beamte. 12°. Basel, 1891. Fontaxa (N.) Osservazioni intorno alle ma- lattie che attaccano gli Europei ne' climi caldi e nelle lunghe navigazioni fatte nel suo viaggio alle Iudie orientali dall' anno 1776 al 17H1. H' . Livorno, 1741. -----. The same. Des maladies qui atta- quent les Europeens dans les pays chauds ct dans les longues navigations. Trad, de l'ita- lien par M. Vcnissat; revu et public par P.-F. Keraudreii. 8°. Paris, 1818. DE (Jardanxe (J.-J.) Des maladies des Cre- oles eu Europe, avec la maniere do les tiaiter. et des observations sur celles des gens de mer, et sur quelques autres plus fre'quemment observdes dans les climats chauds. 8°. Perm, 1781. Heyma.\x(S.L.) Versuch einer patliologisch- therapentischen Darstellung der Krankheiten in den Tropenlandern. Hr. Wiirzburg, IH")"). Hi'UN (J. (J.) * Ohservationes nonuulhe me- dico-chiriugic;e in India orientali collects. 4°. Erlangoj, [1774 J. AUo [Abstr.], in: "Weber (G. H.) Vollstiind. Aus/,. a. n. Diss. [etc.]. 8°. Bremen, 1775, i, 145-154. Also | Abstr.], in: Weiz(F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig. 1777, vi, 57-59. TTutchixsox (J.) A translation into the Hin- doostanee language of a letter to the address of of John Adams, esquire, secretary Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta, on the fevers and alvine fluxes of the natives. 8C. Calcutta, 1*31. CLIMATES. 686 CLIMATES. Climate* (Warm, Diseases of). -----. The same. A translation into the Bengalee language of a letter to the address of John Adams, esquire, secretary Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta, on the fevers aud alvine llttxes of the natives. 8°. Calcutta. 1*31. Hygikxe aud diseases of warm climates. Edited hy Andrew Davidson, roy. 8°. Edin- burgh <\- London, 1893. KEfsi ii (A.) A: Kiexer (P.-L.) Traite des maladies ties pays chauds; region pretropicale. 8°. Paris, 1889." Laure (J.[-A.-E.-J. ] ) Considerations pra- tiques sur les maladies de la Guyane ct des pays marceageux sitn6s entre les tropiques. 8°. Paris. 1*59. Lixd (J.) An essay ou diseases incidental to Europeans in hot climates, with the method of preventing their fatal consequences. To which is added jiii appendix concerning intermittent fevers. To the whole is annexed a simple and easy *.\ ay to render salt water fresh, and to pre- vent a scarcity of provisions in long voyages at sea. s°. London, 1768. -----. Thesame 2. ed. 8°. London,1771. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1777. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1788. -----. The same (i. ed. 8°. London, 1808. -----. The same. Essai sur les maladies des Europeens dans les pays chauds, et les nioyi-ns d'en prevenir les suites; suivi d'un ap- pendice sur les fievres intermittentes, etc., d'un mernoire qui fait connoitre une methode pour dcssaler l'eau de mer, et prdvenir la disette des comestibles dans les navigations de long cours. Trad, de l'anglois sur la derniere i*crasia tropical. Gac ,]„ sanid. mil., Madrid, 1882, vm, 14; (is. _ It Hon ty . V paliidismiis, Bakteriologie und liassenresisten/ "" Aw!!!' f. Schifls- u. Tropon-Hyg., (Jassel, 1897. i, loi i,-, _ Biaiiclii (M.) Patologia climatica dei naesi ,i,i(ii Idrol. e climat,. Torino. 189.",, vi. Oil; 124. i Ini, der Kill's (C L ) De invloetl tier verplaatsing naar Kumna voor /.iekeu uit Nederlandsch-Iudie. Handel, t li Ne tlerl. Nat.-en Geneesk. Cong. 1887, Haarlem 1888 i 17rJ 189. — 4 :■ I me I lc (E.) La chaleur animale dans'nes nn ]>orts avec les maladies ties paws chauds. Arch de mi-d et pharm. mil., Par., 1890, xvi, 525-527.—t'lni-jic. N„te8 de pathologie exotique: paludismoet puerp. -i alite Arch de iu6d. nav., Par.. 1892, lvii. 127-131. — Daubler (K ) Die Aerzte in den Tropen. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.] 1896 i, 177-183. ------. Ueher die gegenwartige Stelluiiir tier Tropen pathologie. Arch. f. Sehirt's- u. Tropen. live fas sel, 1897, i, 295-309.—Duka (T.) An address on tropical medicine. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 561-561. Also- Comr internat. d'hyg. et tie d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest 1896 viii, pt. 2, 572-579. — Dutricux. Contrihuti n a l:etude des maladies et de 1 accliniateiiient des Europeens dans l'Afrique intertropicale. Bull. Sue. de med. prat, do Par (1880), 1881, 21-44—Eijkmnu (C.) Hlutuiiiersiielnui<'cii in den Tropen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], IVrl. lfui exxvi, 113-124. Also [ l£«-v. ]: Arch, tie med. nav.'I'ar 1894, lxii, 110-125. ------. Ueher den Eiweissheihirf der Tro- penbewohner, nehst Bemerkungen iiber den Einfluss ilea Tropenkhmaaufden GesaniintstoftwechseliiiiddieWariiie- production. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1893, cxxxi, 147-180. AUo [Kev.l: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1894, lxiii 110-125. ------. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des StonVcchsels der Tropenhewohner. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.). Berl. 1893, exxxiii, 105-147. AUo [Bev.]: Arch, de m6d. nnv' Par., 1894, lxii, 110-125. Also, transl: Geneesk. Tijdsclir! v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1891, xxxi, 416-478. — F. (D.L.) Trait6 des maladies particuli&rcs aux pays orientaux, et dans la route, et de leurs remedes. In: Luillier. Nouv. voyage aux Grandes Indes, 12°, Rotterd., 1726, 199- 236. — Fayrer (J.) & Ewarl (J.) Du traitement ties maladies tropicales dans les climats temperas. Areh. dc m6d. nav., Par., 1883, xl, 401-422. AUo, Keprint. Aim: Cong, intermit, de med. tl. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 323- 338.— Fclkin (R. W.) Introductory address to a course of lectures (in diseases ol the tropics and climatology. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 844; 930. —Forbes (C.) Hy- podermic medication in certain diseases of the tropic zone. Ibid., 1894-5, xl, 323-326.— Garcia Bisir. if.) Uoa horas en la "Numancia" y su enfernieria. Confer, cient. d. Guerpo de sanid. de la Armada, San Fernando, 1882-6, i, 295-338.— Crlogncr (M.) Beitrage zu den "Ahwei- chungen vom Physiologischen" bei den iu den Tropen lebenden Europaern. Arch. f. path. Auat. [etc.], ht-rl., 1890, cxix, 254-260, 1 pl. ------. Bhitiiiitersiichiinecii in den Tropen. Ibid., 1892, exxviii, 160: 1893, cx\xii, 314: 1895, exxxix, 97. —Hill (J.) The disorders of digestion incident to hot climates. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1896, xv, 62-66. — HiiilU-t. Maladies ties pays e'liamls. Nice-metl., 1878-9. iii, 61; 88.— Iofc ((',. I.) Likhorudki Sirii i Palestini. [The, fevers of Syria and Palestine. Protok. zasaid. i trudi. Obsh. Simphcropolsk. vrach. (1X91- 2), 1893, iv, 72-77. —SiC Roy tie Mcricourt (A.) & Corrc (A.) Du traitement des maladies exotiques et tropicales dans les climats moderes, et du traitement de la diarrht-e et do la dysenteric chronique ties pays chauds. Cong, internat. tie med. tl. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 338- 351.-------------. Du traitement des maladies tropicales dans les climats temperes. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1884, xii, 27-78, 1 pl.—Maimon (P.) On the necessity for spe- cial education in tropical medicine. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 842-815.—Maurel (E.) Hematimetrie normale et pa- thologique ties pays chauds. Arch, do med. nav.. I'ar., 1834, xiii, 341; 401: 1885, xliii, 26.—Montenegro lM V.) Las fiebres rods frecueutes de los climas calidos. G6nio m6tl ■ quir., Madrid, 1884, xxx, 394; 423; 454; 482: 497.-I\oll«r (J. L.) [Endemic prevalence of infectious disease in tho tropics.) Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1527. -----. Ou tho epidemic prevalence of infective diseases in the tropics. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1896-7, n. a., xvi, ]-14.-©tci" beck de Meyer. Ueber den Einfluss ties tropischen Mi- mas auf Eingowantlerte aus hohertui Breiten, iiber dasVer- halten derselben den in den Tropen herrsehenden Krank- heiten gegeniiber, und iiber die Mtiglichkeit tier Acclimati- sation von Europaern und Nord-Amerikauern in den Tro- pen. Verhandl. tl. x. internat. med. Cong., Berl., 1891, v, 16. Abth., 10-15.—Police ((j.) Considerations jr6n6iiile« sur la pathologie des regions equinoxiales tlu Nouveau Monde. [R6sum6.] Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. CLIMATES. 687 CLIMATES. Climates (Warm, Diseases of). (J-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886. ii, Sect, tie med.. 201. — Raseh (C ) Die Zukunft der Erforschung tier Tropeukrankhei- ten und del Tropeuhygiene in lieutschland Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1893, xiv. 225. — Kho (F.) Frequeuza e iindaniento di alcune malattie ordiuarie nei climi caldi. Mal. predom. n. paesi caldi e temperati, Koma, 1896, ii, (I-w-GjO. — Roewer. Beitrii^e iiber das Tropenfleber. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 18:10, xi, 751; 763. —Naiul-Vel (0) Les maladies des cit-oles dans les climats umpires. Gaz liebd. de med., Par., 1882, 2. a., xix, 291. —Santa floi'ia. Estudios tie patologia tropical; flebres perni- ciosas no hipertei inicas. Med. mil. espafi.. Madrid, 1897- 8 iv. 67 : 97.—Sichel (G.) Notes on a few minor tropical disorders. Iliiy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond.. 1897. xi, 495.— Mtolivi* (B.J.) Ueber vergleichende Eassenpatholo- cie uud die Widerstandsfahigkeit ties Europiiers in den Tropen. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong , Berl., 1891 i. 190-214. Also. Keprint. Also, transl .- Practi- tioner. Lond., 1891, xlvi, 223; 301: 385. Also. Keprint,— Tnquiii. Pathologie des pays chauds; une auto-obser- vation. Scalpel. Liege. 1897-8, 1. 2.—Wetln-rell (J. A.) | Impaired digestion of the tropics. Metl. Kepi'., Lond., 1894, v, 84. — Winder ( \V.) On Indian diseases ami remedies; with a return of sick treated at the Indian establishment, Great Manatoulin Island, Lake Huron, in 181 -2. Brit.-Am. J.. Montreal, 1845-6. i, 255-257. Climates (Warm, Hygiene of). See, also, Climates (irarm, Diseases of). Baker (T. E.) On the art of preserving health in India. .--. Calcutta, 1*29. Ci:li.e(E.) Hygiene pratique des pays chauds, on recherches snr les causes et le traitement des maladies de ces coutrees. 6~. Paris, 1818 -----. The same. Hygiene pratica dos pai- zes quentes ou indagacoes acerca this causas e tratamento das molestias destas regioes . . . Traduzido livreineute em portuguez por Domin- pis Jose Bernardino de Almeida, p1-'. Bio de Janeiro, 1-56. Cross (D. K.) Health in Africa; a medical handbook for European travellers and residents, embracing a study of malarial fever as it is found in British Central Africa; with an intro- duction by Sir Harry Johnston. 12°. London, 1-97. Daibleij (K. ) Die Grnndziige der Tropeu- hygiene. 8-. Miinchen, 1*95. Descotrtilz (E.) Guide sanitaire des voya- geursj aux colonies, ou conseils hygie"ni(jues eu favcur des Europeens destines a, passer aux lies; suivis d'une iisti- des nie'dicaineiis dont on doit liiuuir la pharmacie domestiqne a e"tablir sur chiique habitation. 8:. Paris, 1816. -----. The same. Xouv. e"d. 24°. Paris, 1830. Dikpkkink (H. H.) Voorlezing over de bewa- ring tier gezondheid, bijzonder in deze kolonie, gehotiden in de algein. vergadering van de Maat- sch. tot Nut van het Algemeen, Dept. Parama- ribo. *'. Hoom, 182". Dozv (J. P.) Gcneeskuudige gids voor Xctler- lantlscli Indie. 3. ed. 12°. Amsterdam, 1-92. Fayrer (Sir J.) On preservation of health in India. 24°. London, 1894. Graxt(C. S.) West Africa hygiene; or, hints on the preservation of health antl the treatment ol tropical diseases, more especially on the West Coast of Africa. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1884. -----. Thesame. II. ed. 12°. London, 1887. Hunt (8. L.) et Kenny (A. S.) On duty uuder a tropical sun. Being some practical sugges- tions for the maintenance of health and bodily comfort and the treatment of simple diseases; with remarks on clothing aud equipment for the guidance of travellers in tropical countries. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1883. Marit(J.-J.) Hygiene de l'Algene. Expose" des moyens de conserver la sante' et de se pre- server des maladies dans les pays chauds et specialement en Algerie. 8°. Paris, 18(12. Climate* ( Warm, Hygiene of). Martin (A.-K.-V.) Manuel d'hygiene, a I'u- sage ties Europeens qui vienneut s'etablir eu Algerie, et precautions qu'ils doivent prendre pour s'iicclimater a ce pays et y assurer leur sante. 8-\ Alger f Pari", 1847. Mongrand [E.] Guide medical de l'otricier d'infanterie de marine, dans les regions tropi- cales. lr! \ Paris, l->!>0. Nii.i.ey (M.) Hygiene des Europeens dans les pays ititertropicaux. I. G6ographie torritle. II. Action physiologique des climats intertropicaux. III. Leur action pathogeiiique. IV. Accliniate- iiient des Europeans dans les climats partiels. V. Regies d'hygiene et d'acclimatation. 12 \ Paris, , 1«H1. Parke ( T. H. ) Guide to health in Africa, with notes on the country and its inhabitants. With preface by H. M. Stanley. 12°. London, 1893. ROQUEMAURE ( G.-E.-J. ) * Hygiene alimen- taire aux pays chauds. S^. Bordeaux, lH. Saixt-Leon (A.) * Moyens de conserver la 3ant6 ties Europeens qui se destiuent a passer aux colonies, et observations snr la fievre jaune des Antilles. 4 \ Strasbourg, 1812. Saixt-Vel (O.) Hygiene des Europeens dans les climats tropicaux, des Creoles et des races color^es dans les pays tempe're's. 12°. Paris, 1^72. -----. The same. Higieue de los Europeos en los climas tropicales, de los criollos y razas de color eu los paises templados. Traducida al cas- tellano por T. Jauregui v J. Saenz Criado. 12 . Madrid, 1873. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12°. Madrid, 1*77. Su.vrez Capalleja (V.) La salud del euro- peo en America y Eilipinas y del repatriado y criollo en Europa segun el sistema Kneipp. 12°. Madrid, 1897. Thomson- (G. W.) The preservation of health in tropical climates. A lecture. 12°. Edin- burgh, 187S. Villedary. Guide sanitaire ties troupes et du colon aux colonies. Hygiene coloniale, pro- phylaxie et traitement ties principales maladies des pays chauds. 16°. Paris, 1*93. WiXTERBOTTOM ( T. M.) Medical directions for the use of navigators and settlers in hot climates. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1803. Kanerjee (Sir I). N.) Notes ou hygiene. Cong, in- ternat. tl'h vg. ct. dc demo-. C.-r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 745— 15i). — Daublcr (K.) TJeber franztisische und niederlandische Tropenhvgienc; vergleichende Charaete- ristik. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, lxiv, 1021; 1034; 1046; 1059; 1071. Also, Keprint. — Duka (T.) Hygiene der Tropenlander. Test, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 921; 945. — von Oiitzcii (A.) TJeber Ausriis tnng und Lebensweise auf tropischeii Expeditionen. "Wien. klin. Itundschau, 18:16, x, 756-758. — l.t-jfimt-. Hygiene dc I'Kmopci n au Tonkin. Paris, 1886. [Kev. by K. ltudbcrc..| Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1886, xi, 289-294. — .TIsini-«-I ( E. ) Contribution a riiygiene des pays chauds, habitation, vetements, habitudes colouiales. Assoc, franc, pour l'm-ance. d. se. C.-r. 1886, I'ar., 1887, xv, pt. 2, 1010-1020.— IVloorc (,S7/' VV.) Tropical dietetics. Med. Mag., Lond., 1894, iii, :i:S7-.!45. AUo: Cong, internat. d'hyg. et do demog. C.-r. Is94, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 60:1-607. — ITIiillei- (It.) Hygienische Zustiindo in den tropisehen deutsclien Schiit/.gebielen. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1896, xix, 178-183. —l»ron«l (A.) Prophylaxie sanitaire des maladies exotiques. | Bap. 1 France med., Par., 1884, ii, 1580-1586.—Schocn (K.) Er- gebnisse einer Fragebogenforschung auf tropenli.vgieni- schem Gebiete. Arb. a. tl. k. Gsntlhtsamte, Berl., ls96-7, xiii, 170-25,'i, 1 eh.—Mtokvis. La colonisation etl hygiene tropicale. Kev. scient.. Par.. 1896, 4. s., vi, :)26-:s:S5. Also, Reprint. — Itryiiiiutl (G.) Hygiene coloniale. Arch.de med. nav.. Par., 1890, liii, V>>, 212. — Kho (F.) Igiene e acclimatazione nei paesi caldi. Mal. predom. n. paesi caldi e temperati, Roma, 1896, ii, 685-757, 2 pl. Climates (The) and baths of Great Britain, be- ing the report of a committee of the Royal Medi- cal and Chirurgical Society of London. W. M. CLIMATES. 688 CLINICA. Climate* (The) and baths [etc.]—continued. Ord. chairman; A. E. (larrod, secretary, v. 1. The climates of the south of England, and the chief medical springs of Great Britain. Con- tributors: Robert Barnes, J. Mitchell Bruce [ct al.]. xvi, G40 pp.. 1 map, 1 pl. •-= • London 4- New York, Macmillan cf Co., 1895. Climatologist (The). Conducted by Wm. C. Chace. [Quarterly.] No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 188*. * '-'. Washington, I). C. Climatologist (The). A monthly journal of medicine, devoted to the relation of climate, mineral springs, diet, preventive medicine, race, occupation, life insurance, and sanitary science to disease. Edited bv John M. Keating [et al.]. [2 v. annually.] v.'l-2, August, 18<>1, to July, 1892. 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders. Ended. Climatology. See Climates. Climatology (Journals and transac- tions relating to). American Climates and Resorts. Illustrated. A. F. McKay, editor. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-4, 1893-4. 4-. Chicago. American Climatological Association. Con- stitution antl by-laws of the . . . 12°. [Wash- ington. I). C., 1884.] -----. Transactions, v. 1-11, 1884-95. 8 . [v. p.], 1*84-95. Annales d'hydrologie et do climatologie 1116- dicales. R6d. en chef: Dr. Catheliveau. [Month- ly.] v. 41-43, 1896-*. 8. Paris. Current, v. 1-40 under title: Annales dela Societe d'hydrologie medicale de Paris. Climatologist (The). Conducted by William V. Chace. [ Quarterly. ] No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1888. h . Washington, D. C. Climatologist (The). A monthly journal of medicine [etc.]. Edited by John M. Keating [etal. ]. v. 1-2, August, 1891, to July, 1892. 8°. Philadelphia. Ended. Colorado (The) Climatologist and Denver Medical News. Edited by Charles Manlv and J. N. Hall. [Monthly.] v. 1, Nov., 1894, to Oct., 1895. is'°. Denver. Ended. Congres international d'hydrologie et tie cli- matologie. Compte rendu de la premiere ses- sion. Biarritz, 1886. 8~\ Paris, 1887. Farrali (G.) & Chiminelli (L.) Annuario di climatologia e idrologia medica. Anno 1 1885. 16°. Firenze, 1886. .Scientific (The) roll and magazine of system- atized notes, conducted by Alexander Ramsay. Climate: basic condition. 7 Nos. 8-. London 1894-5. Societe des sciences physiques, naturelles et climatologiques d'Alger. Bulletin de la . . . Anue"es 1-14, 1864-77. 8°. Alger, 1864-77. -----. Compte-rendu des travaux de la 8 . Alger, 1875. United States. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Climate and health. A sum- mary of statistics. [Monthly.] Edited by W. F. R. Phillips, M. D. v. 1, Nos. 1-6, July to Dec, 1K15. v. 2, No*. 1-3, Jan. to March, 1896. 4G. Washington, 1-95-6. Rodriguez IMniilu. Comentarios sobre el Con- greso internacional de hidrologia, climatologia y geolo- gia tie Clermont-Ferrand. An. Soc. espafi. de hidrol med., Madrid, 1896, xii, 195; 219. C limatotherapy. See Climate and disease; Health resorts* Climbing*. Weber (H.) The hygienic and therapeutic aspect, „,• climbing. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1048-1050. Clill (Ernest-Marie). * De I'll vosoyainine [p., ris.] 37 pp. 4°. Corbeil, Crete1.,- f\h Uw [P., v. 1706; 1707; 1-45.] './<'». l5cole de pharmacie. Clinch (William). An historical essay on the rise ami progress of the small-pox. To" which is added a short appendix, to prove that inocuh tion is no security from the natural small-m.v 2. ed. 5 p. 1., 59, 20 pp. 12°. London, ,j R Warner, 1725. "A short appendix" [etc.] has separate title-nice ->i,.i pagination. f " ' ' See, also, Knfua Ephesius [in 1. s.]. De vesirr n- numque morbis [etc.]. 4°. Londini, 1726. de Cliiickostroill (Georgius Joachinius) See Caroc (L. G. A.) & tie Clinckoxlrom (G I i Diatriben academicam pro Ulpiauo fete I sm -U '(L.1 phiswaldios, 171)1. i !.... 4. ury. Clilie (Henry) [1750-1827]. See Th< I wall (J.) (in 1. b.]. A letter to Henry Ulinn [etc.]. 8°. London, 1810. •> Clinge Doorenbos (Jacobus Martinus). ,s>- Doorenbos. Clinica (La). Eco de la clase escolar in6(licu Director: Rafael G. G. Duarte. [3 times a month.] v. 1-2 (anos 1-3), Dec. 20,1885, to Sent 20, 1887. ft)]. & 8-. Granada. Want nos. 1-8. Clinica. (La). Periddico de medicina y eieueins anxiliares. Director: Jos6 Negio y (hircia. [Weekly.] 2. epoca, v. 1-3, June 5, 1*64 to Juue 19, 1866. 8°. Madrid. Clinica. Rivista medicala hi - inensuala suli directia D-lui Prof. Assaky. v. 1-3, Jau 15 1890, to April 15, 1892. 4°/ Bucuresci. Clinica (La). Semanario de niedicina, cirtigia y farniacia. Fnudador y propietario: Joaquin Gimeno. v. 1-9, Oct. 21,*1877, to Sept. 25, lss.">. fol. Zaragoza. Want no. 5, v. 1 (Nov. 18, 1877); no. 52, v. 2 (Oct. 13, 1878); also, v. 7, 1883, entire. v. 1 complete in II nos., Oct. to Dec. 1877; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1878. Clinica (La) chirurgica. Periodico niensile ili- retto dai professori E. Bottini e I. Tansini. v. 1-6, 1893-8. 8C. Milano, P. Vallardi. Current. Clinica chirurgica propedeutica tli Camerino. Diretta dal Prof. Annibale Salomoni. Reso- conto della . . . Anno 5,18!K)-91; anno 7, M»2-:i. 30 pp.; 49 pp. 8°. Camerino, tipoq. Savini, 1891-3. -----. [Document!. Serie II".] *l pp. - . Camerino, tipog. Savini, 1894. Clinica chirurgica di PaleniK . Tavole statis- tiche della . . . diretta tla K. Alhanese, tlul 1° marzo 1868 al 31 ottobre 1 *-'.». xiv pp., 1 1., 31 tab. 4°. Palermo, tip. rirz), 1892. Clinica chirurgica di Siena, diretta dal Prof. Dott. G. F. Novaro. Rendiconto dal gennaio al luglio 1886. Redatto dell' ainto Dott. Vittorio Kcmedi. 266 pp., 1 1. 8\ Siena, Ij. Lazzeri, 1.-87. Clinica dermosiiilopatica della R. Universita di Cagliari, diretta dal Dott. G. Mazza. Breve resoconto clinico degli interim curati nella cli- nica e dispeusario nel primo seinestre 1893 dai Dr. G. Maz/.a. :'>7 pp., 2 pl. 8 . Genova, A. Ci- minago, 1893. Clinic:!, dermopatica e sifilopatica ddla li- Universita di Geneva. 1883; 1885; 1-92. --. Genova, 1884-92. Clinica dermosiiilopatica della R. Universita di Roma. Anni 1894-8. S~. Boma, 1894-S Clinica (La) escolar. Organo del Centre me- dico de Zaragoza, £ cargo de su junta directiva. Periodico quincenal. Xos. 1-5, v. 1, Jan. to March 1, 1882. fol. Zaragoza. CLINICA. 689 CLINICAL. Clinica (La) tie Malaga. Revista de medicina v cirugia practicas. Organo oficial del Colegio ineclieo de Malaga. Redactores: Miguel Segura y Luna [et al,]. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, lt-80-83. > . Malaga. Clinica (La) medica italiana. (Continuazione dell' Archivio di clinica medica e Rivista cli- nica.) Periodico mensile diretto dal Prof. E. Maragliano. v. 37, 1898. 8°. Milano, F. Val- lardi. Current. Clinica medica di Siena. See Burresi (P.) [in 1. & 2. s.J. Clinica (La) moderna. Repertorio delle cli- niche italiane. Dott. R. Mucci, redattore-capo. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-4, 1895-8. 4°. Firenze. Current. After 1895 published in Pisa. In 1897 be- came weekly. Clinica navarra. Revista quincenal de medi- cina, cirujia, farmacia y ciencias auxiliares. Director: Manuel Jimeno Egnrvide. v. 1-6, 1884-9. sm. fol. Pamplona. Want nos. 2, 60; nos. 28, 30,34-36, v. 5. After 1884, three times a month. Clinica de los ninos pobres. Periddico meusual. Director: Jose" Manuel de los Rios. No. 51, Aug., 1893; No. 81, Feb., 1896. 8°. Caracas. Clinica (La) oculistica di Pavia, per gli anni scolastici 1882-3 e 1883-4. Resoconto del Dott. R. Rampoldi. 65 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Pavia, succes- sori Bezzoni, 1884. Repr. from: Ann. di ottal., Par., 1884, xiii. Clinica omeopatica, o consultazioni mediche gratuite non che gratuita somministrazione di rimedj a pro degli infermi poveri nei giorni di donienica, uiartedi e venerdl dal ruezzodi alle poiueridiane due nella Farmacia reale omeopa- tica, sita strada Gigante No. 21. 26 pp. 8°. Xapoli, F. Giliberti, 1864. [P., v. 1145.] Clinica (La) veterinaria. Rivista di medicina e chirurgia pratica degli animali doinestici, redatta dal Dott. N. Lanzillotti-Buonsanti. [Monthly.] v. 1-12, 1878-89. 8 . Milano. Want v. 5-6, 1882-3. Clinica (La) di Vienna. Monografie su tutto il campo della medicina practica, diretta dal dot- tor G. Schnitzler. Yerzione italiana tlel Dr. Vin- ceuzo Meyer. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, Jau., 1884, to Oct., 1887. 8'. Napoli, G. Jovene. Clinical (The) application of the Rontgcti rays. See Magie (W. ¥.), Keen (W. W.) tfc Davis (E. P.). Clinical (The) Brief aud Sanitary News. Ed- ited by C. A. L., and R. C. 8. Reed, Wm. Judkins and George B. Orr. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, Aug., 1882, to July, 1883. 8,J. Cincinnati. A continuation of: Sanitary (The) News. After July, 1883, merged in: Cincinnati (The) Medical News. Clinical charts of temperature, vital signs, and septenaries to register three weeks' observa- tions made with the fever and surface thermom- eter. Analytical records of excreta, ingesta, and physiological symptoms, corresponding day for day with the clinical charts, for hospital and private practice. 2 1. fol. [New York, 1872.] Clinical (The) Chronicle. An exponent of all that is progressive in nose, thioat, and ear work. Edited and published ter-annnally by Dr. Erie E. Sattler. v. 1-2, 1896-7. 12°. Cin- cinnati. Current. Clinical excerpts. 3 v. 8°. New York, Schieffe- lin f Co., 1895-7. Clinical gynaecology, medical and surgical, for students and practitioners, by eminent Amer- ican teachers. Edited by John M. Keating and Henry C. C'oe. xviii, 994 pp., 24 pl. 8°. Phil- adelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1895. 44 Clinical Hospital, Manchester. See Clinical Hospital for Women and Children, Park Place, Manchester. Clinical Hospital for Diseases of Children, Manchester. See Clinical Hospital for Women and Children, Park Place, Manchester. Clinical Hospital and Dispensary for Children, Manchester. See Clinical Hospital for Women and Children, Park Place, Manchester. Clinical Hospital for Women and Children, Park Place, Manchester. Aunual reports of the comnunittee of management to the governors and subscribers. 18.-41., 1873-96. 8C. Man- chester, 1874-97. Opened in February, 1856, under the title of: Clinical Hospital for Diseases of Children, Stevenson Square. In 1858, called Clinical Hospital, Manchester; in 1861. Clin- ical Hospital antl Dispensary for Children. The present title was adopted in 1882. Iu 1886 the old premises in Ste- venson Square were vacated and the present site occu- pied. First report for nine months, ending October 31,1856. The first three reports are wholly clinical, made by the medical officers. The first aud second reports are by August Schoepf Merei and James Whitehead; the third by J. Whitehead. -----. Rules, revised to February, 1881. 11 pp. 8°. Manchester, J. Heyivood, 1881. Clinical instruction and institutions. Annales de la Policlinique de Bordeaux. Fond6es et publieSes par MM. E.-J. Moure, A. Pousson, W. Dubreuilh. [Half-yearly.] v. 1-5, 1889-98. 8°. Bordeaux 4- Paris. Annales de la Policlinique de Paris. Publiees sous la direction de MM. G. Arthand et Ad. Oli- vier. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-8, July, 1890-98. 8°. Paris. Current. Assistance (L'). Bulletin officiel de la Poli- clinique de Paris. R6dacteur en chef: Dr. Lucien Butte. [Monthly.] v. 1-6, 1891-6. 8°. Paris. Ended. Boston Polyclinic. Clinical courses of med- ical instruction. Bulletins, etc. v. s. Boston, 1885-95. -----. Its facultv antl history. 8°. [Boston, 1886.] German Poliklinik of the City of New York. Anuual report of the board of trustees and offi- cers for the year 1892. 8°. Netv York, 1893. R. R. Spedale riuniti di S. Chiara in Pisa. Cliniche universitarie. Convenzione, regola- mento generale delle cliniche nei rapporti cou lo spedale, e disposizioni regolainentari degli ani- bnlatori medico, dermosililopatico, oftalmoia- trico, ed ostetrico ginecologico, 1882. 8°. Pisa, 1892. Davis (N. S.), jr. How to teach medicine. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1896, x, 439-442.—Jones (H. M.) The essentials of clinical teaching. Brit. M. J.. Lend., 1877, ii, 690-692.—Pointe. Considerations gencrales sur l'enseignernent clinique. (iaz. med. de Lyou, 1849, i, 266- 292. Clinical (The) Journal. A weekly record of clinical medicine and surgery, with their special branches. Edited by the proprietor, H. W. D. Cardew. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-11, November, 1^92-8. sra. 4°. London, E. Knight. Current. Clinical lectures on subjects connected with medicine aud surgery. By various German au- thors. 3. s. 1 p. 1., 397 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham Soc, 1894. Selections from the Sammlung klinischer Vortrage. Clinical (The) Xews. A national weekly jour- nal of clinical medicine, surgery, and gyne- cology. Edited aud published by Samuel M. Miller, v. 1-2, 1880-81. 8C. Philadelphia. Ended. Want no. 2, v. 1, Jan. 10,1880. Suspended after April 9, 1881, until Nov. 5, 1881. CLINICAL. 690 CLIPPINCER. Clinical Notes on the Local Treatment of Dis- ease; a record of practical therapeutics. Edited and published bv Charles L. Mitchell. [Quar- terly.] Nos. 1-2*. v. 1, Oct., 1885, to Jan., 1886. 8■-. Philadelphia. Clinical observations ou the action of sulfonal- Bayer. See Mabon (W.), Flint (W. II.) A: Car- penter (E. H.). Clinical observations on the use of quiuquiuia in malarious diseases. Reports and statistics from well-known hospitals and dispensaries. 16 pp. 12:. [New York, 1880.] Clinical pocket-book; an aid to the study of clinical medicine, for the use of students of the Manchester Royal Infirmary. 2p.l.. 29 pp.. 5 pl. 12°. London, Smith, Elder <}■ Co., 1-74. Clinical (The) Recorder,. A quarterly journal (•f practical medicine. William S. Gottheil, editor, v. 1, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 1896. 8°. Xew York. Clinical (The) Register. A monthly journal devoted to practical medicine and surgery, new -(reparations, etc. R. M. C. Hill, editor and publisher. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, Jan. to Aug., 1890. 8°. Knoxville, Tenn. Ended. Clinical Report Society of Guy's Hospital. Directions for case-taking. 6pp., 11. 8°. [Lon- don], 1K17. [P., v. 1358.] Established Jan.', 1886. Clinical (The) Reporter. A journal of homoeo- pathic medicine and surgery. Edited by the faculty ot rhe Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri. [Monthly.] v. 1-7, 1888-91. 8°. St. Louis. Merged in: Sniut Louis Journal of Homoeopathy. Clinical (The) Reporter. J. Martine Kershaw, editor. [Monthly.] v. 10-11, 1897-8. 8 . St. Louis. Current. Continuation of: Maint Louis Journal of Homoeopathy. Clinical reports on insanity by the medical staff of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane. 64 pp. 8\ Calonsville, Md., 1892. Hepr.from: Kep. Maryland Hosp. Insane, Bait., 1892-3, XIT. Clinical Research Association. Handbook of the . . . 42 pp. 16°. London, [1895]. Clinical (The) Review. [Homoeopathic] A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Charles L. Cleveland, editor. v. 1-2, Nov., 18-5, to Aug., 1887. 8°. Cleveland, Ohio. Xo. s. v. 2. last published. Clinical (The) Review. A journal of practical medicine and surgery. George Henry Cleveland, editor. [Monthly.] v. 7, Oct., 1897-8. 8°. Chicago. Current, v. 1-6 under title: Chicago (The) Clinical Review. Clinical Sketches Illustrative of Practical Med- icine and Surgery. Edited by Noble Smith. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-3 (Nos. 1-15), Jan., 1895, to March, 1896. 4J. London, Smith, Elder f Co. Ended. Clinical Society of London. Oeneral index to the first twelve volumes of the Transactions of the Clinical Society of Loudon, 1868-79. 1 p. 1., 115 pp. 8r. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 1880. ------. Transactions. v. 13-30, 1881-97. 8°. London, 1881-97. ------. Rules. Upp. 8^. London, J. E. Adlard, 1-83. ------. Report of a committee, nominated Nov. 10, 1882, to investigate spina bifida and its treatment by the injection of Dr. Morton's iodo- glyceriue solution. 82 pp., 8 pl. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 18^-5. Hepr.from: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xviii. Clinical Society of London—continued. ------. Report of a committee, nominated Dec 19,1883, to investigate (he subject of myxedema! 215 pp., 1 tab. 8 . London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1888. Suppl. to: Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1887-8. xxi. ------. Report of a committee Appointed to in- vestigate the periods of incubation and con- tagiousness of certain infectious diseases. %x 225 pp. K<\ Londou. Longmans, Green ,y Co' 1*92. ' " Suppl. to: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv. ------. An index to the transactions of the v. 1-30. vi, 206 pp. >y. London, Longmans Green 4' Co., 1898. Clinical Society of the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Quarterly Hullo- tin of the . . . No. 1, v. 1. los pp. s'. y(,w York, 1885. Clillico-Pathological Society of Washing- ton, D. C. Constitution and by-laws. - pn^ 2 1. S-. Washington, II. O. Polk'inhorn, 1896. Clinique (The). A monthly abstract of the clinics aud of the proceedings of the Clinical Society of the Hahnemann Hospital of Chicago. T. S. Hoyne, business manager, v. 1-19, ls-o^s, 8J. Chicago. Current. Clinique (La). Organe de l'homeopathie com- plexe. Directenr: P. Ponzio. [Semi-monthly.] v. 6-11, August, L-8!», to December, 1894. roy. 8°. Nice. Clinique (La). Organe ofliciel des hOpitaux de Bruxelles. Comite" de redaction: G. Dtipre \et al.]. [Weekly.] v. 1-12, 1887-98. *-. Bru- xelles. Current. Clinique (La). Revue de nie'decine, chirurgie, gynecologic-, ophthalmologic, laryngologie, oto- logic, rhinologie et pharmacie. Red.: F.-X.-L. de Martigny. [ Monthly. ] Nos. 1-0, v. 2, August, 1895, to January, 1896. s\ Montreal. Cliniqne electro-homeopathique. Conrrier tie la nouvelle thdrapeutique experinientale tin comte Cesar Mattei. Directenr: Commandeur Ghirelli. [Semi-monthly.] v. 2-6, March 1, 1885-9. roy. 8 . Nice. In August, 1889, continued under title: Cliniqne (ha). Organe tie l'honie-opathie coiuplexe. Clinique fra119ai.se (Hopital international), Ecole de pratique meclico-chirurgicale. Pro- gramme des cours. 42 pp. *-. Paris, 1891. Cliuique mddicale de la Charite". Lecons et mdmoires, par le professeur Potain, ct ses col- laborateurs Ch.-A. Francois-Franck, E. Suehanl, H. Vaquez et P.-J. Teissier, xv, 1056 pp. 8-\ Paris, G. Masson, 1894. Clinique (La) ophtalmologiquc. Journal nieu- snel de clinique et de therapeutique oculaires. Pnblie'e sous la direction tlu docteur R. Jocqs. v. 1-3, 1895-7. 4-. Paris. Clinton (De Witt). [Report to the joint com- mittees on fire and water on the best sources and means of transportation of an inexhaustible supply of pure aud wholesome water for the city of New York.] Board of Aldermen, Doc. No. 61. Nov. 10, 1832. 120 pp. 8-. [Xew York, 1832.] [P., v. 1225.] Clinton County, N. Y. Proceedings of the board of supervisors of . . . 1869. November and December sessions. 3s pp. 8°. Plaits- burgh, J. W. Tuttie, 1870. de Cliou (Gabri(d). * Du traitement de la ni- trite parenchymateuse chronique, et en parti- culier de l'ignipuncture. viii, 9-46 pp., 1 1. 4". Montpellier, 1885, No. 53. Clipping'er (Edward E.) Columbian history ot the Wisconsin School ifor the Deaf. 20 pp., lpl. 8-. [m. p., 1893.] CLISSON. 691 CLOACA. Clisson (Gabriel-Octave) [1856- ]. * Contri- bution a l'dtude des tumeurs a mydloplaxes. 69 pp., 1 1., 1 pl- 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 293. Clithrophobia. Alpago-lVovello (b.) Sopra uu caso di clitrofohia e tat'efohiaassoeiate. Kiv. veneta d. se. med.. Vene/.ia, 1894, xx, 445-419- Also [Abstr.]: Atti tl. xi Cons;, nied. inter- naz. Roma, 1895, iv, Psicbiat. [etc.], 135.—Campbell (H.) Claustrophobia, Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891!, ii, 403.—Pny- le-Blanc. Observations de claustrophohie. Poitou nied.. Poitiers, 1889. iii, 125-127. Clitoridectomy. See Clitoris (Excision of). Clitoris. Fcgger (A. G. F.) *De singulari clitoridis in siniiis generis Atelis magnitudine et confor- niatione. 4°. Berolini, 1835. Kravsk (W.) Ueber tlie Nervenendigung in tier Clitoris'. 12-. [Gottingen, 1*66. ] Beebc(H.E) The clitoris. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1897—8. yi, js-12.—Bernard)' (E. P.) One of the causes of anerotieisni in women. Proc. Phila. Co. Al. Soe.. Phila., 1894. xv, 420-43:2. -----. Keport of cases of anerotieisni in women. Med. Council, Phila., 1896, i, 51. — Eich- bauin. LTntersuchuugen iiber den Bau und dio Entwicke- lung der Clitoris tier weihlichen Hausthiere. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1880, xii, 1-29, 2 pl.— Grandiu (E. H.) The role of the clitoris in the produc- tion of neuroses. Pediatries, X. T. & Loud.. 1897, iii, 145- 14,*.—Morris (R. T.) Is evolution tiving to do away with the clitoris? Tr. Am. Ass. Ohst" & Gvnec. 1892, Phila., 1893, v, 288-302. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Ohst., X. T., 1892, xxvi, 847-858. Also, in his: Lett, on appendicitis, 8°, N. T., 1895, 126-131. AUo, transl. |Ab- str.J: Gaz. de gyn£c, Par., 1893, viii, 2-10.— Richard d'Aulnay (G.) Anomalies du prepuce clitoridien. J. d. sages-fenunes, Par., 1898, xxvi, 5. Clitoris (Adhesions of, Preputial). Se;, also, Clitoris (Excision of). Bacon (OS.) Adhesions of the female prepuce. Am. Gymec. 4. -----& Monti (A.) Sull' eziologia della peri- tonitepiicrperalc. la pp. 8°. Pavia, frat. Fusi, [1817]. Hepr. from: Atti d. xii. Cong, med., Pavia, 1887. a Clivolo (Barptolomaeo). #eeViotti a Clivolo [i«l. f.]. Cloaca. Heidenhain (M.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Topographie und Histologie der Kloake und ihrer driisigen Aduexa bei den einheiniischen Tritonen. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1890. JList (J. H.) Untersuchungen uber das Cloakenepithel der Plagiostomen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. tl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1886, xcii, 270-412, 8 pl.—Saint- Lioup (R.) Sur une disposition interm6diaire a celles qui out fait 6tablir un caractere anatomique diff6rentiel des plagiotre.mes et deshydrosauriens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. a., iv, 176-179.— Strahl (H.) Zur Bildung tier Cloake des Kaninchenembryo. Arch. f. Anat. u. Eutwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1886, 156-168, 1 pl. CLOCH. 692 CLOS. Clocll (Leonardo) & Faes (Antonio). Notizie e proposte intorno la straordinaria mal.itia della viveute Maria Domenica Lazzari, di Capriaua nel Trentino. 24 pp. 8°. Padova, F. A. Sicca, 1*45. [P., v. 1121.] Clochard (A.-B.-Alfred). * De la coxalgie chez les adolescents. 40 pp. 4C. Paris, 1859, Xo. 26:\. Clod-Hansen (Abr.) Mandog Kviude. [Man and woman.] '205, ii pp. l<5;. Kj0benhavn, F. Hegel 4- s0», 1 ■-!)">. Cloetta (A[mold]) [1*28- ]. Lehrbuch der Arzneimittellehre und Arzneiverordnungslehre. 2. Autl. xii, 379 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 4~ Tii- bingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1883. ------. The same. 4. umgearbeitote Aufl., hrsg. von Wilhelm Filehne. xii (1 p. 1.), 383 pp. roy. *'. Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr, 1887. ------. The same. 6., mit der 5. gleichlautende Aufl.., hrsg. von Wilhelm Filehue. xii, 364 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr, 1889. ------. The same. 7., unter Beriicksichtigung der dritten Ausgabe des Arzneibuchs fiir das Deutsche Reich, umgearbeitete Aufl., hrsg. von Wilhelm Filehue. xii, 358 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr, 1891. ------. The same. 8. verbesserte nnd vermehrte Aufl., hrsg. von Wilhelm Filehne. xii, 371 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 4- Leipzig, J. C. B. Mohr, 1893. ------. The same. 9. Aufl., unter Zugrundele- gung des Arzneibuchs fiir das Deutsche Reich (3. Ausgabe und Nachtrag 1895) sowie der Editio iii. der Pharmacopcea Helvetica, hrsg. von Wil- helm Filehne. xii, 356 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 4' Leipzig, J. C. B. Mohr, 1896. Clocz (Damase) [1853- ]. * Considerations sur l'etiologie du cholera, envisaged daus ses rapports avec la prophylaxie des campagnes. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 363. Cloez (Francois-Stanislas) [1817- ]. * Obser- vations et experiences sur l'oxydation des ma- tures grasses d'origine vegetale. 59 pp. 4C. Paris, 1866. [P., v. 1708; 1844.] Jicole de pharmacie. ------. * Recherches sur les ethers cyaniques et leurs isomeres. Propositions de physique. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866. [P., v. 1728.] Faculty des sciences. See, also, Bouquet [J.] & Clocz (F. S.) Memoire sur un nouveau genre de sels [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1846J. Clok (Henry). The diseases of sheep explained and described, with the proper remedies to pre- vent and cure the same. With an essay on cat- tle epidemics. 146 pp., 4 pl. 16°. Philadel- phia, Claxton, Bemsen 4- Haffelfinger, [1868]. Clopatt (Arthur). *£tudes sur 1'hysterie in- fantile. 1 p. 1., 147, xliv pp. 1. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell 4- Sons, 1888. c. Cloquet (Ernest) [1818-55]. Dkquevai-viller [J.-F.] Notice sur Ernest Cloquet. * >. Paris, V*56. Cloquet ([J.-]Hippolyte) [1787-1*40]. Memoire sur les ganglions nerveux des fosses nasales; sur leurs communications et sur leurs usages. 18 pp. 8C. Paris, Migneret, 1*1*. ------. Osphresiologie, ou traite des odeurs, du sens et des organes de l'olfaetion; avec l'his- toire detailiee des maladies du nez et des fosses nasales, et des operations qui leur convieunent. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., vi, 758 pp. 8'-. Paris, Me'quignon- Marvis, 1821. ------. Traite d'anatomie descriptive, redige d'a- pri-s Tordre adopte a la Faculte de medecine de Paris. 5 pts. in 5 v. [241 pl.]. 4°. Paris, For- tin, Masson et Cie., 1833-41. C loquet ([J.- ] Hippolyte)—continued. CONTENTS. Pt. 1, 2. ed. Ost6ologie et syndesmoloeie. 1841 Pt. 2. Myologie. 1833. Pt. 3. Nevrologie. 1833. Pt. i. Angeiologie. 1834. Pt. 5. Splanchnologie. 1835. ------. The same. A system of human anatomy. Transl. from the 4. ed. of the French . . . with notes aud a corrected nomenclature, hy Robert Knox, ix, 836 pp. 8 '. Edinburgh, Maclachlan 4- Stewart, 1*2*. ------. Thesame. A system of human anatomy; on the basis of the "Traite d'anatomie descrip- tive". By Robert Knox. 2. ed. viii, 864 pp. *-\ Edinburgh, Mitclnchlan Y Stewart, 1831. See. also, Rcauchene, Rullier, Cloquet [II.] & Rcclartl. M6moires [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1812.—C-ntlet de Vaux (A. A.) Neue Heilmelhode tier Gicht, [etc [ 12°. llmenau, 1826. - Tavernier (A.) [inL a.]. Sup' pletnentau nouveau dictionuaire [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1832__ Thomas (R.) [in 1. a.]. Nouveau trait6 [etc.]. 8° Paris, IMS. Cloquet (Jules[-Germain]) [1790-1**3]. De l'influence des efforts sur les'organes renfernies dans la cavite thoraeique. Ip. 1., 66pp. *<-. Paris, Me'quignon-Marvis, 1820. ------. Memoire sur les fractures par contre-coup de la machoire superieure. 24 pp. 12-. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1820. ------. Observation sur une hernie vulvaire, suivie de quelques reflexions sur la nature et le traitement tie cette maladie. 15 pp. 8-. Paris, Migneret, 1821. ------. Manuel d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain, representee en planches lithographi6t\s. 3 v. ii, 5-567, 536 pp., 341 pl. 4^. Paris, Bi- ehet jeune, 1*25. ------. The same. Manual of descriptive anat- omy of the human body. Transl. by John I). Goduian. [No. 1.] 14, 6 pp., 6 pl. 4 . Bos- ton, W. 4" !• Pendleton, 1*27. ------. Engravings of the muscles, carefully copied from the folio plates of. . . bv Edward Mitchell. 21 1., 20 pl. 4°. Edinburgh, Mac- lachlan 4- Stewart, 1832. ------. Surgical pathology. Transl. from the French by J. W. Garlick and W. C. Copper- thwaite. xvi, 223 pp., 24 pl. 12°. London, S. Highleg, 1832. ------. Anatomical description of the parts con- cerned in inguinal and femoral hernia. Transl. from tbe French . . . with lithographic plates from tho original etchings, and a few additional explanatory notes by Andrew Melville McWhin- nie. iv, 50 pp., 4 pl. rov. 8J. London, S. High- leg, 1835. ------. Memoire sur les concretions intestinales (enteroiithes, egagrophiles, etc.). 10 pp. ■"'■ Paris, E. Thunot et Cie., 1855. [P., v. 1644.] For Biography, see Bull, et m6m. Soc dc chir. de Par., 1883, 11. a., it. 188-190 (Guyou). Also: France metl.. Par., 1883, i, 277-2791 A. Corlieu). AUo: Gaz. med. de Par., 18M 6. s., v, 97: 157; 169 (A. Bureau). AUo: Kev. de chir., Par., 1883. iii, 240. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). AUo: Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac. tie m6tl. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. Clos (Dominique). Premiere lecon faite a la Fa- culte des sciences tie Toulouse le 25 mai 1~>.) pour l'ouverture du cours de botanique. 23 pp. *\ Toulouse, Bonnal 4- Gibrac, 1*53. [P., v. 1986.] ClOS (Elie). * Essai sur les paralysies dipbthe'- riques. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, my, 3. s., No. 67. ClOS (Emile) [1849- ]. "Do 1'invagination intestinale provoquee par les tumeurs de l'intes- tin et en particulier par le lipome de l'intestin. 84 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 279. CLOSE. 693 CLOTHING. Close (F[rancis]) [1797-1882]. Table-turning not diabolical. A tract for the times. 2. ed. 15 pp. £°- London, Hat chard, 18,>3. Closet (A) for ladies and gentlewomen, or the art of preserving, conserving, and candying. With the manner how to make divers kindes of sirups, and all kiude of banqueting stutl'es. Also divers soveraigne medicines and salves for suu- drv diseases. 95 1. 16°. London, J. Havilund, 1H32. ClositlS (Si<;isiiiundus). *De spiritu vini. 32 pp. sin. 4C. Jena', lit. C. Krebsii, [1697]. See.aUo, Sebiaius (M.) [inl.s.j. Disp. tie dentibus ii. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1644. ----- [inl.s.]. Galeni quin- que priores lihri [etc.] v. 16D. Argentorati, 1047. de ClOSinadeuc (A.-M.-Thomas). * De la va- leur pathologique des hallucinations daus les maladies mentales. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 7. de ClOSinadeuc (Gustave-A.-Thomas). * Re- cherches historiques sur les calculs des cauaux salivaires. 66 pp. 43. Paris, 1855, No. 177. ____. Chirurgie et barberie en Bretagne avant la Revolution. 64 pp. *\ [ramies, /.. Galles, 1869.] Closinann (Karl). * Die Kindstotuug histo- risch - dogmatisch dargestellt. [ Erlangen. ] 40 pp. *c. Miinchen, B. Heller, 1**9. Cl0SS[Clossius](C[arl]F[riedrich])[1768-97]. Auuierckungen iiber die Lehre von der Emptind- lichkeit und Reizbarkeit der Theile. vi, 72 pp. 6C. Tiibingen, J. F. Heerbrandt, 1795. ----. Ueber die Krankheiten der Knochen. 1 p. 1., 366 pp. 12c. Tiibingen, J. F. Heerbrandt, 1798. Closs (Joh. Fredericus) [1735-87]. Nova vario- lis medendi methodus. Cum specimine obser- vationum miscellarum, rem medicam lllustran- tiiun. 2 p. 1., 144 pp. 12-. Traj. ad Rhenum, B. de Megere, 1766. -----. The same. A new method of curing the small-pox; by which that disease, taken in the natural way, is rendered as void of danger as when received from inoculation. [ From the Latin by a physician.] iv, 63 pp. 8°. London, Hawes, Clark »V Collins, 1767. [P., v. Ir76. ] See, also, Macforide (D.) Introductio methodica in theoriam et praxin medicinse. 2 v. 8°. Lausannce, 1783. Closs (Oscar). * Ueber die thrombophlebitische Form des Pnerperalfiebers. 28 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Tiibingen, F. Pietzcker, 1895. Closset (Georgius Albert.) [1809- ]. *Qme- dain de pra±cipuis morbis qui post operationein cataracta! oriri possunt. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. Jordanianis, [1830]. [P., v. 1547.] Closson. See Unirersite de Liege (in 1. s.]. Annates de la cli- niiiue interne [etc.]. 8°. Liege, 1886. Clot-Bey [Autoiue-Bartbeiemy] [1796-1868]. Compte rendu des travaux de l'Ecole de mede- cine d'Abou-Zabel (Egypte), et de l'exameu gene- ral deseieves pour les 1., 2., 3., anuses de sa fon- dation 1243-5(1828-30); suivi dela description et du plan de l'hdpital. 31 pp., 1 pl.; 15, 32 pp. 12°. Marseille, Feissat ami et Demouchy, 1830. ----. The same. Compte rendu ties travaux de l'Ecole de medecine d'Abou-Zabel (Egypte) et de l'examen general des Aleves pour les 1., 2., 3., 4.et 5. aunees de sa fondatiou 1242-43 (1827-28), 1243-44 (1828-29), 1244-45 (1829-30), 1245-46 (1830-31), 1246-47 (1831-32); suivi de l'expose" de la conduite et des travaux de l'auteur lui- menie en Egypte, depuis 1240 k 1248 (begyre), 1825 a 1832, et de diverses pieces relatives h son voyage en France, xiii (1 1.), 265 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, Deville Cavellin, 1833. ----■ Histoire d'une tumeur eiephantiaque du scrotum, du poids de 110 livres, extirpee avec Clot-Bey [Antoine-Bartheiemy]—continued. succes, chez uu arabe de la Haute-Egypte. 26 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Marseille, 1830. -----. Observation d'une amputation daus l'ar- ticulation coxo-femorale pratiquee h l'hopital d'Abou-Zabel ( Egypte ) le 10 novembre 1828. 16 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Marseille, Feissat aine et De- mouchy, 1830. -----. De l'ophthalmie et de la vaccination; suivies d'une csquisse sur les maladies les plus graves de l'Egypte. v, vii, 8-54, i—vii, 9-32 pp., 1 pl. 80 Paris, V. Masson 4'.fils, [n. d.]. -----. Introduction de la vaccination en Egypte en 1827; organisation du service medico-liygid- nique des provinces en 1840; instruction et reglc- ments relatifs a ces deux services, viii, 19-32 pp., 1 pl. 8-\ Paris, V. Masson 4 fils, [n. d.]. Bound with his: De l'ophthalmie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. For Biography, see [ISiinut (G.) &, Saint-Ediue (B.) [pseud.]]. Biographie tie Al. Antoine Clot-Hey. 12°. Pa- ris. 1839. AUo: Lyon med., 1894, lxxv, 205; 241 (Lortet). Clothing'. See, also. Armies (Clothing, etc., of); Women (Diseases of, Causes of). Baldixi ( F. ) Degradazione della umana cagionata dall' abuso delle mode. 12°. [Na- poli], 1782. Ballin (A. S.) The science of dress in theory and practice. 12°. London, 1885. Balls-Headley (W.) Dress, with reference to heat; being a lecture written for and pub- lished by the Australian Health Society. 8°. Melbourne, 1876. Barnett (E. A.) Common-sense clothing. 8°. London, [1883]. Berg (H.) Vara underklader, ofversattning och bearbetniug af "Dr. Lahmanns Reform" jiimte ett bihang frau halsans synpunkt om mans- drakten med 10 teckningar. [Our underclothes, translation and adaptation of "Dr. Lahmann's Reform ", with a supplement from the standpoint of health, ou men's clothing.] 12°. Stockholm, [1896]. Chelius (O. H. F.) * Ueber Zerseteungeii in der Kleidung. 8°. Marburg, 1891. Clairiax (L.-J.) Recherches et considera- tions medicales sur les vetemens des homines, particulierement sur les culottes. 2. ed., aug- mentee de notes critiques, historiques, et ornee de gravures. 8C. Paris, an XI [1803]. Ciieutzing (C.) * Diss, de jocalibus, vom Weiber-Schmuck. 4°. Jence, 1686. Debrye (L.-M.) * Considerations medicales toucbant l'influence des habillemens sur l'6cono- mie vivaute. 4°. Montpellier, [an XII, 1804.] Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System Co. Illustrated catalogue and price list. 12. ed. * . New York, 1892. Dr. Lahmann's Reform. Eine Kritik der Dr. Gustav Jaeger'scben Wollbekleidungsleliie, SeelenlehreundHeiltheorie. 8Z. Stuttgart, 18*7. Exhibition (The) of tbe Rational Dress As- sociation, Prince's Hall, Piccadilly, W. Cata- logue of exhibits and list of exhibitors. 4°. London, [1883]. Flinn (E.) Our dress aud our food in relation to health. 16°. Dublin, 1886. Fratini (F.) L' igiene delle vestimenta. 12°. Milano, 1*83. Giobert (G. A.) Saggio sopra 1' arte di cavar le macchie. 12°. Bimino, 1792. Godwin (E. W.) Dress, and its relation to health. *J. London, 1884. Goizet(L.-H) Hygiene du vetement. Etude sur les moyens d'e>itor les maladies par le choix d'uu veteiueut hygieuique. 8°. Paris, 1876. CLOTHING. 694 CLOTH INC. Clothing. Uarderkold Fabric Co. Price list aud de- scriptive catalogue of the patented Harderfold hygienic underwear, wool, worsted, camels'hair, aud silk. *'-. Troy, [n. d.]. Ilyinski. * Materiali k voprosu ob izuclunii nsloviy i posliedstviy zagryazneniya blelya i platva. [Data on the study of the conditions and consequences of soiling underclothes and overgarments.] ^-. S.-Peterburg, 1**2. JageR;(<;.) Dio Normalklcidung als Gesuud- heitsschtitz. 8-\ Stuttgart, 1**0. -----. Ueber die Erfahrungen mit Woll- kleiduiin, und iiber Nationaltracht. *-. Stutt- gart, Y<>. —■-----. Selections from essays on health-cul- ture, aud the sanitary woolen system. Transl. from the German. 16'-. New York, 1**6. -----. Thesame. 16'. Xtw York, 1891. -----. Dr. Jaeger's essays on health-culture. Transl. and edited by Lewis R. S. Tomalin. 12°. London, 1**7. -----. Stoffwirkung in Lebewesen. Grund- gesetzliches fiir Lebeuslebre und Lebeuspraxis. 8C. Leipzig, 1*92. Lv.N'i ^.1.) The "Sanitas" health underwear. An article ou a hygienic novelty in undercloth- iug. 4 . [Stuttgart, 1894.] Lazarkff (V. [K.]) *K voprosu o vliyanii sherstyanavo blelya na kozbuo-lyokliochniya poteri i kozhnuyu temperaturii. [Ou the influ- ence of woolen underclothes upon the losses by skin antl lungs and on the skin temperature.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1888. Leroy (A.) Recherches sur les habilleniens des feinmes et ties enfans, ou examen de la maniere dont il taut vetir l'uu et l'autre sexe. 16^. Paris, 1772. Lt'ARi)(J.) A history of the dress of the Brit- ish soldier from the earliest period to the pres- ent time. 8-. London, 1852. McDowali. (C.) What to wear in India. An attempt to apply the philosophy of beat to clothing. * . Bombay, 1865. Menierk (P.) *Les vetementset les cosine"- tiqttes. 1 . Paris, 1*37. Morris (W.) Textile fabrics. *~. London, 1*84. Nikolski (A. D.) * Sravitelnaya sposobuost bakterialiuivo zagryazneniya razlicbulkh mate- rialov odyozhdi. [Relative likelihood of bac- terial soiling of various clothing materials.] *■-. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Also [Rev.], in: Centralhl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk. 1. Abt., Jena, 1895, xvii, 367. Nilsson (E.) Vara kliider. * . Stockholm, 1*86. Orloff ( V. D. ) Ocherk istorii i higieul zbeuskoi odyozhdi. [Sketch of tbe history and hygiene of female dress.] 12s Kazan, 1892. Paglia(E.) Igiene dei vestiti. 12°. Padova, 1873. Pailsen (0.) Die Jagersche Wollkleidung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Gesundheit. Etue gemeinverstaudlicbe Betracbtuug nach eigenen und freinden Untersuchungen. 8°. Hamburg, Phelps (E. S.) What to wear? 8°. Boston, Koth (B.i Dress. Its sanitary aspect 8 = London, 1880. Schlegelmilch (C. G.) * De vestitus vitiis morborum causis. 4°. Halve Magdeb., [1729]. Schloss (B. A.) * De valetudine hominis nudi et cotiperti. 4J. Gottingte, 1763. -----. The same. 8J. Botterdami, 1761. Clothing. Solovyoff(A. X.) O iiehij-ienicliiKisii K„vr,.. niennavo zhenskavo kostyuma. (S ucliastiein \'. A. S-voi.) [On the non hygienic character of modern female dress. (Assisted bv V \ S-vi il I 8°. Moskva, 1*89. ' ' 'J Tiegel(E.) Ibokurio sigen setzu. [Experi- ment on the comparative hygienic advantages of Japanese and foreign styles of clothing. Transl by K. Katay.ima. ] 12°. Tokio, 1*81. Treves (F.) The influence of clothimr 0n health. 12-. London, [1886]. ° United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill to prevent the manufacture and sale of clothing made in unhealthy places 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 7170. March 12, 1892 Introd. by Mr. Hoar. 8°. [ Washington, 1-92.] -----. A bill to prevent the manufacture of clothing in unhealthy places, and the sale of clothing so manufactured. 53. Cono-., 2 sess H. R. 6810. April 24, 1*94. Introd. by Mr. Page. roy. * . [ Washington, 1894. ] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to prevent the manufacture of clothing in un- healthy places, and the sale of clothing so manu- factured. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1705. Jan. 19, 1892. Iutrod. by Mr. Hoar. *\ [Washington. 1892.] ' Vaighan (W.) An essay, philosophical and medical, concerning modern clothing. <■>. London, 1792. Vieillard (P. M.) *An tuenthe .sanitati magis conducat longa et ampla vestis, quam brevis et angusta .' 1\ [Parisiis, 1767.] Wagnkr (F. A.) Bemerkungen iiber die nach- tlieiligen Einwirkungen und Folgen zu euger Kleider fiir Nichtiirzte. *c. Leipzig n. Soma, 1823. Wegelin(C T.) *Devestitu. 4 . [Basilew], 1750. Widerstijom (K.) Om den kvinnliga kliitle- driikten betraktad ur hiilsans synpunkt. [On women's dress from a hygieuic point of view.] 12°. Stockholm, [1893]. Wingfield (L. S.) The history of English dress. 8°. London, 1884. Wolf (S. J.) Beweiss dass cine leichte Klei- duug der Gesuudheit vortheilhaft sey. Mit niedicinisch-tlieoretisih- und praktischen Be- merkuiigeu. 12°. Halle, 1799. Abwehr (Zur) der Wechssler'schen Angriffe auf die Wollkleidung resp. Jager'sche Normalkleidung. Von einem Vegetarianer, etc. Naturarzt, Dresd., 1881, xx, C6: 82.—Almquist (E ) Om vara klader. [Our clothing.) In his.- Alhn. halsov.-lara, 8°, Stockholm, 1894-7, 724- 739.—Bancroft (F. J.) The hvfjiene of attire. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1879, 54-61.—Bardet. Valeur (l'absorption do la Handle au point tie vue de l'bygifene. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de m6d. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893,279- 281.— Knlt'M (Mary E.) The new movt'inent in dress re- form. Tr Colorado AI. Soc., Denver, 1894, 325-336.—Ben- dcrsky (J.) DieKleidung tier Frauen und die Lageihres Magens; tier Kleiduugs - Magenstreif als Hilfsmittel zur Bestimmung tier Lage des Magens. Ztschr. f. Krankeupfl., Berl., 1898, xx, 16-18. —Bcr« (H.) Den nuvarande maus- driikten frau hiilsans synpunkt. [Modern fashions of men's dress from a sanitary point of view.] Helsovannen, Stockholm, 1893, viii,23; 3L—Bergwnll (J.E.) Ett litet kapiteloinqviunodragten. | A chapteronwonien'sdiesMis.] Helsovannen, Goteborg, IM!, i, 11 13.—BoubiiotT (S.) Zur Frage von Verhalten gel'iii liter Zenge /.um Wasser und zur Luft. Arch. f. Hyg., Muni-Inn u. Leipz., 1883. i, 418- 442. -----. K voprosu o prokho/.lideiiii khiniicheski dielstvuyushtshavo lucha solntsa (hen/, tkani sluz- hashtshi'ya tllya odyozhdi chelovleka. [Ou the penetra- bility of the actinic ray of the sun through tissues used for clothing.] Shorn, nibot hvg. lab. Moskov.Uuiv., Mosk., 1888, ii, 81-102. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz.. 1890, x, 335-366.—Buchner (H.) Zur Hygiene tier Kleidung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1896, xliii, 611- 615. AUo: Sitzungsb. tl. arztl Ver. Munchen (1896), 1897, vi, 72-86.—CJarpenter (A.) The sanitarv aspect of dress. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Iii it . Lond.. 1882-3. iv, 97-102.—Car- raroli (A.) Vestiario ed igiene nella pelle. Ufficiale aim., Napoli, 1896, ix, 556-568.—Cherkass (A. A.) K CLOTHING. 695 CLOTH-WORKERS. Clothing. voprosu o zagryaznenii odyozhdi. [Contribution a l'etude des vetemeuis salis. R6s.. .] Truth russk. metl. Obsh. p. imp.Varshav. Univ., 1893, iv. pt. 1. 1-36. -----. Clothing and leinperature. Sanitarian, X. V., 1S!)7. xxxix, 435-13*.— Colin ill.-J.-A.) Amelioration mGcanitiue et physinlo- ■•iutit' de hi marche par hi ehaussnie a talons elustitiucs. ~Vi.ii. de med. et pharni. mil.. Par.. 1891. xvii, 32-30.— Collaii iJ.) Ihims ruumiin laiuniosta ja vaatetuksesta. [Warmth anil i lothing l'or the human bodv.j Snonien tervevdeiih. -leliti, Ilelsingissii, 1889, i, 19;' 35 — 4'oolt (A B) Men's underwear; a plea for comfortable cloth- i„e Vesica (A.) Di un nuovo metodo tl' esame del potere ter- niico delle stoft'e. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb , Roma, 1894. v, 241---"4. — Dickinson ( R. L.) Simple and practical methods in dress reform : with schedules of instructions to patients, and illustrations. Tr. Am (iynec. Soc., Phila., 1893 xviii. 411-433, 2 pl. —F. (A. P.) Rationed schoeiscl. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1886. xii. 461-464.— plane lie (Lai au point tie vue tie 1'hygieiie et de la th6- rapeutinue; la peat-tlanelle. Bull, et nieni. Soc. de therap., Par., 1896, 101 -1 (>«>. — <3eigel (K.) Warmeiegulation und Kleidnng. Areh. f. Hyg.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1884-5, ii. 318-334.—Grmli'i' id Wolle oder Leinen.' Hygieia, Stuttg., 1891, iv. 329: 305.—<*■■■■ Iher. Ueber die Ver- j wendung gebrauelitcr Wane und getragener Ivleidungs- Btiicke zur Ilerstelliiug vou LekUiduie:s^i iieiistanden. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, BeiL, 1891, v, 15. Abth., 159-163.—Hatldon (J.) Clothing antl, its re lation to health and disease. Health Lect. 1875-8, Lend., 1878, i, 165-188. -----. Clothing. Ibid., Lond., 1880-81, iv. 27-41— Hartman (J.) Ueber tlie Durchlassigkeit verschiedener Haiit-Bekleidunsrsstoffe fiir Winnie. Arch. f. Hy.. Miiuchen u. Leipz.. 1892. xiv, 380-408.—Hebcrt (T.)' The question of clothing. X. Orl. M. & S. J.. l*s4-5. n. 8., xii, 500-507.—Ilibberd (J. I'M Clothing iu its re- lations to hvgiene. Am. Pnh. Health Ass. Rep. 1889. Con- cord, 1890,'xv, 94-100. [Di-cussimil, 231. AUo: Sanita rian. X. Y..1890, xxiv, 139-147. — II inf eager (K.) Ueber Kleiderahlagen m Schulen. Ztschr. t\ Schulusiidbtspflg.. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, ix, 633-64!.—Hobein. Mikroor- ganismen inUnterkleidern. Ztschr. f. Hvg., Leipz., 1890- 91, ix.218-234.—Hofler (M.) DasKleid. Urquell, Leiden. 1897. n. F.. i, 129-134.—Holmes (B.) The unreasonable- ness of modern dress. X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1891, iii, I 166-176.—Hiieber. Vorscblage zur hygienisch-rationel- len feldmiissigen Bekleidung nnd Ausriistung. Deutsche j mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. Berl. 1885. xiv. 195-215.—Influence (The) of cycling on woman s dress. Pediatrics, X. Y. Ac Lond., 189t, iv, 78.—Jamieson (W. A.) Domestic econ- omy as regards clothiug and household arrangements. Edinb. Health Soc. Health. Lect., 1882-3. 3. s.. 77-100.— I Jcwsop (C. M.) Ancient dress compared with modern in relation to disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 614- 618 —Kellogg (J. H.) The influence of dress in pro- j ducing the physical decadence of American women. Nursing Rec, Lond., 1895, xv, 83; 103; 123; 143; 164; 185.— | Ker (Alice). Healtln clothing. Kdinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1888, viii, 42-54. — King (E. M.) Dress re- form. San. Kec., Lond.. 1881. n. s., ii 443. — Kleeding, Kleedingstoffenen gezoudlieid. In: Volksgezondheit, «"-■, [Amst.. 18621. 1-8.—Kleinwaehter. Ueber eine ge- sundheitssremasse Art, die Kleitler der Frauen zu tragen. Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1 .-94. Ureal., 1895, lxxii, 1 Abth., Hvg., Sect., 1-5-KrnlMliniri' (F.) Die Bekleidung. Haudb. tl. Hvg. Jena 1K94. i, 1. Abt., 357-414.— Kvd (H.) On the effects of clothing on cutan- eous exhalation. Lancet, Lond. 1852. ii, 263.— I.adit*' dresses. Boston M. & S. J., 1883. cix, 381. — I.inioth (K.) Xagra forsok ofver vattenets forhallandc i vara Kla- der. [Snr la manifere dont l'eau so comporte dans nos vetements. C. r. no. 22, 3 6. ] Xord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1881, xiii, no. 16, 1-28.—Lorenz. Ueber die Brauch- barkeit wasserdichter Stotfe zur Bekleidung mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Bekleidung des Soldaten. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1890, xxiv, 179; 185: 1891. xxv, 1; 11; 19; 29; 45; 78; 86; 95; 101; 107; 117; 125; 132— McArthiir (L. L.) Hvgienicclothing. Chic-agoM. J. wiehtige Kiironschaften un- serer Kleidungsstott'e. Arch. f. Hvg., Miiucheu u Leipz lf.92, xv, 29-60. -----. Vergleich ' des Warmestrahhiims- verintiieiis trockener Kleidungsstott'e. Ibid., 1892-3, xvi, 105-121.-----. Ahhiingigkcit des YVarinedurchgaiius durch trockeue Kleidungsstotl'e von der Dicketler Schicht Ibid.. 353-368. -----. Ueber den Werth untl die Beurthei lunu: einer rat iouellon Bekleidung. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. (iff. Csndhtsptig., BvTiseliwg., 1893, xxv, 471 -494.'-----. Das StrahlungsveriiKJgeii der Kleidungsstott'e nach sbsolu- tem Maasse. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz.. 1893, xvii, 1-16. -----. Die mikroskopische S.'ructur unserer Klei- dnng. Ibid., 1895, xxiii, 1-12, 2 pl. -----. Thermische Studien iiber tlie Bekleidung ties Menschen. Ibid.. 13-43. -----. Das Wai'iiieleitiiugHvermdgcu tier (rrundstoffe un- serer Kleidnng. Ibid., xxiv. 265- 315. -----. Luftbewe- gung und Warniedurchgang bei Kh idungsstoffen. Ibid., xxv, 1-28. -----. Einfluss der 1'euchtigkeit auf das Wariiieleitungsvcrnidgcn der Kleidungsstott'e. Ibid., 29- 69. -----. Die iiusseren Bedingungen tier Warnieabgabe von feuchten Kleidungsstoffen. Ibid.,70-\(M. -----. Ue- ber den Wiirmeschutz durch trockeue Kleiduugsstoffe nach Versuchen am meiisehlicheu Arme. Ibid., 252-285. -----. Einfluss ties Stiirkens von Baunvwollenstotf auf die Wariuedurcliliissigkeit. Ibid., 286-293. -----. Calorime- trische Versuche am menschlichen Arme bei nasser Klei- dnng. Ibid., 294-308. -----. Ueber die Permeabilitiit der Kleidungsstott'e. Ibid.. 1896, xxvii, 249-263. -----. Ex- perimentelle Untersuchuiiiicii iiber die modernen Beklei- tlungssysteiue. 1. Theil: Einpirische Reformsbestrebnn- gen. 2. Theil: Hygienische (Jesichtspunkte zur Beurthei- lung einer Kleidnng. Ibid., 1897, xxix. 269: xxxi. 142. -----. Zur Frage der sogenaunteu Untorkleiduiig. Hvg. Rundschau, Bed.. 1897, vii 329-334 —Rumpel. Ueber den Werth der Bekleidung und ihre Bolh- bei der VTar- meregulation. Arch. f. Hvg.. Miinchen u. Leipz.. 1889. ix, 51-97.—Rutherford (R. C.) Woollen or linen ! Sanita- rian. X. Y.. 1891, xxvi, 385: xxvii, 385. AUo, Reprint. -----. Hygienic clothing. X. York M. J., 1893, lviii. 628- 632.-Sehierbeek (X. P.) Eine Methode zur Bestim- mung der Ventilation durch eine Kleidung. Arch, f Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz.. 1892-3, xvi, 203-237.—.Schmiibnrg. Zur Methodik der Unteikleideruntersuchung. Iientsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, xxiii, 360; 417; 471: 1-95, xxiv, 267; 312; 384—Schuster (A.) Ueber das Verhal- ten tier trockenen Kleidungsstott'e gegenuberdeni Warme- durchgang. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., l.v?-8. viii, 1-77.—Seibel (H.) Ueber den Process tier Entwiirmung des menschlichen Korpers und die Einwirkung der Luft auf denselben je nach tier Bekleidungsart. J. f. Gsndhts- pflg., Wien, 1882, vi, 37; 49; 63: 1883, vii, 2; 14; 33.—So- loviefl". De l'influence du costume des femmes sur leur sant6. Cong, period, de gvn6c, tl'obst. et tie piediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 22-50.—Spencr. Die Vor- Bchlage zur Verbesserung der Fraueiikleidung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Kraukenpflege. Ztschr. f. Kranken- pfl , Berl., 1897, xix. 97-102. AUo: Allg. med. Centr. Ztii., Berl., 1897, lxvi, 1172.—Tigerstcdt (It.; Xyaro under sokningar om kladerna. [Kev.] [Xew researches on clothes.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1893. lv, 603-621.—Treves (F.) The influence of dress on health. In: Book of health [Morris), 8. Lond., 1883, 461-517.—Troupean. Etude des coiffures au point de vue tie la chaleur solaire. ,1. de med. et pharm. de 1"Algerie, 1881, vi, 153-157, 1 pl., 1 tab.— Vacher (F.) Tho dress of women and children. Health J. Main bestir, lc81 5. ii, 22-24. Also. Reprint. —Van Vor hi* i F. -I.) Raiment of women and children. Louis- viile M. Xews, ls84, xvii, 209-212.—Vaqneas (H.) Consi- derations sur lhygifene des vetement-, a propos tie travaux r6cents publies eu Allcmu^uo. I Rev. crit. J Rev. d'livg., Par., 1888, x, 890-912.- \Vidcr«troiii i K noline). Xa»ra ord om qvinuodragtens re for.....lande. [Ou relornis in dress of women.] Helsovannen, (tdleborg. 18Sli. i 442 445. -----. Hygieuiska dragter for qvinnor och barn. [Hy- gienic dress for women antl children. | Svens. I.iik. Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1887, 119-125. —Wood (('. A.i The wearing of veils, antl its effects upon the eyesight. Bo^tou M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 564.— Wm-Nier' (C.) Ueber ein Hygrometer in kleinem Formate zur Untersuchuiiir des kiinstlichen klima's des bekleitleten Korpers. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1887. iii, 466-468. Clothing' (Disinfection of). See Disinfection (Apparatus, etc., for); Disin- fection of clothing. Cloth-worker*. Sterling (S.) Warunki pracy zawodowej robotnikow fabryk sukna w ToniaszowieRaw'skim. [Condition of the laborers in the cloth manufactures of Tomaszow. ] Pam. Towarz. Lek.Warszaw.. 1894, xc, 706; 1024. Also, trainl.: Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb., l*-95, xxviii, 2. sect.. 254-292. CLOTTEN. 696 , CLITSOAKD. C'lofteii (Francis Egon). The necessity of a sanitary reform in infant rearing; why and how it should be effected. A most urgent appeal to the women of England. 45 pp. 8°. Liverpool, 188*. Clowes (Frank). A treatise on practical chemistry and qualitative iuorganic aualysia, adapted for use in the laboratories of colleges and schools. From the 4. English ed. xiii, 376 pp., lpl. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 4-'Co 1885. "' Clowes (W[illiam]) [1540T-1604]. An nuti- dotary of picked medicines, gathered by divers authors, whose names arc set to every receipt. In.- Guv de Chauliac. Guido's questions [etc.]. sm 40 London, 1579, 99-187. ------. A profitable and necessarie booke of ob- servations for all those that are burned with the flame of gun powder, etc, and also for cur- ing of wounds made with musket antl caliver shot, and other weapons of war commonly used at this day both by sea and land, as hereafter shall be declared: with an addition of most approved remedies, gathered for the good and comfort of many out of divers learned men, both old and new writers: last of all is ad- joined a short treatise for the cure of lues venerea by unctions and other approved waies of curing, heertofore by me collected: aud aug- mented in the yere of our Lord 1596. 1 p. 1., 229 pp., 11. sm. 4°. London, E. Bollisant, 1596. ------. Frutefull and approoved treatise for the artiticiali cure of that malady culled in Latin struma, and in English the evill, cured hy kinges and queenes of England. Very neces- sary for all young practizers of chyrurgery. 3 p. 1., 70 pp. sm. 4°. London, E. Allde, 1602. Club alpino italiano, sez. di Milano. Elenco di excursioni eseguibili dai bagui del Masino, agosto 1883. 10 pp. 24°. Como, A. Freibnrger 4- Co., 1885. Clubbe (J[ohn]). An essay on the virulent gonorrhoea; in which the different opinions re- specting the treatment of the disease are care- fully examined and a method of cure deduced from them, as founded on the principles of anatomy aud physiology, vii, 77 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Murray, 1786. fP., v. 1157.] Club-foot. See Foot (Deformities, etc., of). Cludius (Joh. Carl) [1866- ]. "Ueber die Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. 63 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, [1889]. ClugSton (Beatrice). Letter to the working classes in Glasgow and the west of Scotland, on the projected efforts to be made by the National Association for the Relief of Incur- ables. With an account of a visit in June, 1873, to the Royal Hospital for Incurables, Putney; British Home for Incurables, Clapham; Ward for Incurables, Westminster Hospital; Cottage Home for Consumptives, Ventnor, and Spur- geou's Orphanage, Stockwell. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Glasgow, Maclure 4' Macdonald, [1875]. Cluin (Franklin I).) Men and women; their structure and function, and how to supply their wants, direct their powers, avoid their afflic- tious, and sustain their lives. 400 pp. 8 . Boston, D. Lothrop 4- Co., [1K-2]. ------. Inebriety; its causes, its results, its rem- edy. 248 pp. * *-'. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott Co., 1*88. Clliness (W[illiam] Robert]) [1835- ]. An address delivered at the opening of the twenty- first aunual meeting of the Medical Society of the State of California, April, 1891. 11 pp., 2 tab. *°. Sacramento, 1891. Hepr.from: Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1891, v. Cluscard (Salvat.or). See de Nnnteul (L.) [in 1. s.]. An ad longaevrtateni laboris [etc ]. 4°. (Parisiis, 1717.] Clotzius (Joh. Anthonius). See Rolfinck (W.) [in 1. s.]. Gnerneri Eolflncii com- mentarius in Hippoeratis [etc.]. sm. 4°. Jenm, 1662. Clouard (Auguste) [1864-. ]. * Du traite- ment de la pleuresie franche aigue par la diete lactee. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 66. Clouet (J[ules-Pierre]) [1839- ]. Un cas curieux de formation de calculs biliaires. 8 pp. 12°. [Rouen, L. Deshays et Cie.], 1872. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d. amis d. sc. nat. de Rouen. 1872. —.----. Recherches sur l'intoxication saturnine locale. 19 pp. 8°. Bouen, L. Deshays, 1874. Hepr.from: Bull. Soc. industr. de Rouen, 1873. ------. Etudes sur ^alteration des substances ali- mentaires. 6 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Rouen, L. Deshays, 1875. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. industr. de Rouen, 1875. ------. De l'enipoisonnement du fcetus. 9 pp., 1 1. 12°. [Rouen, H. Boissel, n. d.] See, also, Bergeron (G.) & CJIoiict (J.-P.) Note sur l'innocuiteabsolue des melanges [etc.]. 8°. Rouen, 1876.— Bremond (F.) Hydrologie ni6dicale. 8°. Paris, 1878. Cloiiston (T[homas] S[mith]) [1840- ]. The minute anatomy and physiology of the nervous system in the lobster (Astacusmarinns). 35pp., 2pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill 4- Co., 1863. [P., v. 1622.1 Hepr.from: Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1863, xvii. ------. Two cases of rheumatic insanity. 15 pp. *\ Lewes, G. P. Bacon, [1870]. Repr. from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1870, lxxiv. ------. Puberty and adolescence medico-psycho- logically cousidered. 15 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 4- Boyd, 1886. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi. ------. Review of Dr. Kirkbride's work on the construction, etc., of insane hospitals, with a brief introduction. 12 pp. 8°. London, 1881. Hepr.from: J. Ment. Se., Lond., 1881-2, xxvii. ------. Female education from a medical point of view. Being two lectures delivered at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh, Novem- ber, 1882. 48 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Macniven Y Wallace, 1882. ------. Clinical lectures on mental diseases. xxviii, 631 pp., 8 pl. 8'-\ London, J. Y A. Churchill, 1883. ------. The same. 2. ed. xxxii, 643 pp., 1 pl. 12-. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1887. ------. The same. 3. ed. xii, 708 pp., 12 1., 13 pl. 12C. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1892. ------. Thesame. 4. ed. xii, 727 pp.. 14 1., 15 pl. 12-. London, J. f A. Churchill, 1*96. ------. The same. To which is added an ab- I stract of the statutes of the United States aud of the several States aud Territories relating to the custody of the insane, by Charles ¥, Fol- soin. xxiv, 33-550 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea's Son 4' Co., 18^4. See, also, Bucknill (J. C> & Clouston (T. S.) On asylums fortlrunkards [etc.]. 8°. Lewes, 1876.—Mkae{!).) [in 1. s.]. Tbe Morisouiau lectures on insanity for 1873. 8°. [London, 1873.] For Biography and Portrait, see Quaai cursores. 4°. Edinb., 1884, 277-281. Clover (Joseph Thomas) [1825-82]. Marshall (J. ) Obituary. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., I is*."), lxvi, 14-17.—Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1882, cvii. 399.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 656.— Obituary. Lancet. Lond., 1882, ii, 597. — Pioneers of anaesthesia. Practitioner, Lond., 1896, lvii, 416. Clovis (Jean-Henry) [1--Ci8- ]. "Quelques remarques sur l'eruption tie la variole. [Paris.] 46 pp. 4U. Miigenne, 188?, No. 158. I CLUSIUS. 697 COAL-TAR. Clusius (Carolns) [de L'£cluse (Charles)] [1526-1609]. Antidotarium, sive de exacta com- ponendorum miscendornmque medicamentorum ratione libri tres, omnibus pharniacopoeis louge utilissimi, ex Grsecorum, Arabum, et receutiornm medicorum scriptis maxima cura et diligentia collect!. Nunc vero primum ex Italico sernione Latini facti. 128 ff., 4 1. 12°. Antverpio?, C. Plantini, 1561. See, aUo, de In C'oste (C.) Traict6 des drogues [etc.]. 12°. Lyon, 1002. -----. The same. 16°. Lyon, 1619. — Dodonaeus (K.) Cruydt-boeck [etc.]. fol. Leyden, 1618. -----. The same. fol. Antwerpen, 1644.— IVIonnrdes (X.) De simplicihus inedicamentis [etc.], 12-. Antverpios, 1574. -----. The same. Simplicium medicanientorum [etc.]. 24°. Antverpiat, 1579. -----. Tlie same. Histoire des simples [etc.]. 12°. Lyon, 1602. .____. Ein nutzlich und lustig Gespriiche [etc.]. 4°. Leipzig, 1615. — ab Orta (G.) [to 1. s.]. Aromatum et simplicium aliquot [etc.l. 16°. Antverpice, 1567. -----. The same [in 1. s.]. 8°. Antverpice, 1574. -----. The same. Aromatum et simplicium. 3.ed. 16°. Antverpice, 1579. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). CllISS (Adolf). Die Reinzuchthefe und die An- wendung der Antiseptika, speciell der Fluorver- biuduugen, in der Brennerei. Eine kritische Studie im Anschluss an des Verfassers friiiiere Arbeit uber den Werth und die Wirkung von Antisepticis fiir Forderung und Sicherung der Gahrung. Habilitationsschrift. 38 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1893. Cllltterblick (Henry) [1767-1856]. An inquiry iuto the seat and nature of fever ; as deducible from the phenomena, causes, and consequences of the disease, the effects of remedies, and the appearances on dissection. In two parts. Part the first. Containing the general doctrine of fever, xx, 440 pp. 8°. London, T. Boosey, 1807. -----. An essay on pyrexia, or symptomatic fever, as illustrative of the nature of fever in general. In: Dunglison's Am. M. Libr. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838, 403 450. -----. A brief memoir of George Birkbeck, M. D. Read before the Medical Society of Lon- don, January 17, 1842. 16 pp. 8°. London, S. Highleg, 1842. [P., v. 1372.] For Biography, sec Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, 394. AUo : Med. Times Ac Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 505. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 490. AUo: Pettigrew. Med. port, gallery. 4°. London. [1840], ii, no. 0. 10 pp., port. Clutton (H. C.) A case of right subclavian aneurism of the third portion, cured by the ligation of the first portion and later of the axillary. 3 pp. 8Z. New Orleans, Graham 4' Son, 1898. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1898, 1. Clutton (H[enry] H[ugh]). Diseases of bones. In: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond., 1895, i, 873-922. Also, in: Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila.. 1895, i, 873-922. AUo, Co-Editor of: Saint Thomas's Hospital Re- ports, xv, 1885. Cluzatl (Francois-Lodo'is). *De la paralysie intestinale suite de l'e"trangleinent herniaire. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. CIymer(Meredith) [1817- ]. The legitimate ititltience of epilepsy upon criminal responsi- bility, pp. 444-466. 8°. New York, J. Ii. Mc- Divitt, 1874. Repr. from: Proc. Med.-Legal Soc. N. T. See, also, Carpenter (W. B.) Principles of human physiology [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1843. -----. The same [in 1. s.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847.—William* (C. J-B.) [in 1. s.]. Principles of medicine. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1844. -----[in 1. s.]. A practical treatise on tbe diseases of the respiratory organs. 8°. Philadelphia, For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Clysmic natural mineral spring water, from Clystuic Springs, Waukesha, Wis. 32 pp. 8°. [New York, 1H84.] Clysters. See Enemata. Cnicus benedietus. Schwandner (K.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bestandteile von Cnicus benedietus mit liauptsiichlicher Beriicksichtigung des darin euthaltenen bitter schmeckenden Korpers. [Erlangen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1894. Cnopf (Rudolf Th.) * Diazoreaktion und Lun- genplitliise. [Wurtzburg.] 2 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, J. L. Stich, 1887. Coagulation. See, also, Blood (Coagulation of); Necrosis (Coag illative). Arthus (M.) Coagulation des liquides orga- niques, sang, lyniphe, traussudats, lait. 12°. Paris, 1894. Benjamin (K.) Beitrage zur Lelire von der Labgo- rinnung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1896. cxiv, 30- 48. Also, Reprint.—Oeoflfroy (E. P.) * Qmestio medica, an omnis morbus a coagulatione? Inhis: Tract, de mat. med., 8°, Par., 1741, i, 107-122.—Halliburton (W. D.) & Pickering (J. W.) The intravascular coagulation produced bv svnthesised colloids. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1895-6, xviii, 285-305.—Kriiger (F.) Zur Frajie iiber die FaserstofFgerinnung im Allgemeiuen und die intravas- cnlare Gerinnung im Speciellen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1887, n. F., vi, 189-225. — I.atscUeii- berger (J.) Ueber die Wirkungsweise der Gerin- nungsfermente. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. "Wieu, 1890-91, iv, 3-10. AUo: Oesterr.'Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien, 1890, n. F., iv, 37-48.—Ltiicher (G.) Ueber Labwirkung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1897, 141-198.—Ringer (S.) & Sainsbury (H.) The influ- ence of certain salts upon the act of clotting. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1890, xi, 369-383.-----------. The action of salts upon heat coagulation. Ibid., 1891, xii, 170-183. Coal. See, also, Charcoal. Tichauer (H.) * Untersuchungen iiber Stick- stoffgehalt und Ammouiak-Ausbeute verschiede- ner Brennstoffe bei der trockneu Destination. [Carlsruhe.] 8°. Strassburg, 1892. de Villiers (J. F.) * An lithanthracia, vul- go hullse (houilles ou charbous de terre) pabu- lum igni prsebeant sanitati innoxium? 4°. [Parisiis, 1771.] Hevroth (A.) Untersuchungen iiber Presskohlen. Arb.a.d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1891, vii, 374-381. — Kol- le t (E.) Tatouages et cancroldes cutanea d'origine pro- fessionelle chez les ouvriers qui fabriquent les briquettes tie houille. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1890, 2.s., xxvii, 522.— Wistar (I. J.) Remarks on the quantity, rate of con- sumption, and probable duration of North American coal, and the consequence to air-breathing animals of its entire combustion. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1892, 82-97. Coale (William Edward). Hints on health; with familiar instructions for the treatment and preservation of the skin, hair, teeth, eyes, etc. iv, 5-207 pp. 16°. Boston, Phillips, Sampson 4" Co., 1852. -----. The same. 3. ed. viii, 210 pp. 12c. Boston, Ticknor 4" Fields, 1857. Coalition of the thermal and mineral waters of France against the sacred waters of Lourdes and la Salette. Transl. from the French, under the writer's authority, by John R. Beard. 39 pp. 12°. London, Smart 4- Allan, [1873, vel subseq.]. The Anti-Papal Library, No. ii. Coal-mines. See, also, Explosions; Gases (Irrespirable, etc.). Clowe* (F.) On dangerous constituents of colliery air. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1896-7, xviii, 461. Coal-tar. See, also, Acid (Carbolic); Aniline colors, etc.: Asphalt. Eitkl (H.) * Ueber hochsiedende Bestand- theile des Sfceiukohlentheeres und Chrysenderi- vate. 8°. Erlangen, 1883. COAL-TAR. 698 COBBE. Coal-tar. Helbing (H.) &. Passmore (F. W.) Je.ves" fluid: the standard coal-tar disinfectant. 12-. Loudon, 1894. Lemaire (J.) Du coaltar saponine", disinfec- tant eriergique, arretaut les fermentations. De ses applications & l'hygiene, a la therapeutique, a l'histoire naturelle. 8°. Paris. 1*66. Preparations de bitunie. Mastic mineral, brai gras, goudron, vernis, huile essentielle et graisse d'asphalte. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Calvert (J.-C.) Note sur l'emploi du coaltar en me- decine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1859, xlix. 262- 265.—Demeaux. Emulsion tie coaltar pour l'applica- tion a la niedecine ou a l'hygiene. [Abstr.] Ibid., 1860, li, 979— Douday (J.) Del coaltar saponificado en la terapeutica quirurgica. Gac. de 1. hosp. Valencia, 1883, ii, 193-196.—Iieiiiairc. Du coal-tar saponin6 et de son emploi. [Abstr] Compt. reud. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1860, 1, 1178-1180. — I.espiau (II.) Influence que peuvent avoir sur la sante publique les agglonier6s de houille pr6- par6s au moven du goudron mineral. Aim. d'hyg., Par., 1859, 2. s., xii, 288-319. AUo, Keprint.—.Tlu rphy (C. W.) The coaltar derivatives; their use and abuse. Med. & Sure:. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvii. 20:s. Also, Reprint.— (Echsner de Coiiiiicli .V. IMnet. Action physiologi- que de la lutidine tlu goudron de houille. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol.. Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 607: 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2. 64-66.— OleinikotT (G. P.) K voprosu o dezinfektsii dyokh- tyarniiui preparatami. [On disinfecting with coal-tar preparations.] Trudi V syezda Otish. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, ii, 410-416.—Pariael (L.) Derives tlu goudron de houille; etude chimique, m6- dicale et inclustrielle. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par.. 1860, ii, 153; 209; 306; 394; 441. AUo, Reprint.—Schot- telius (M.) Vergleichendo TTntersucbunsien iiber die desinficirende Wirkung einiger Theerproducte. Miin- chen. metl. 'Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 335; 357.—Trillat (A.) Antiseptiques et produits m6dicinaux (16riv6s du goudron de houille. Monit. scient., Par., 1892, 4. s., vi, 5; 166; 338. Coar(F.)- See ZehfiiNN (G.) [in 1. s.]. The pneumatic sewage! system. 8°. Cologne, 1869. Coar (Thomas). See Hippocrates. The aphorisms [etc.]. 4°. Lon- don, 1822. Coarctotome. Marqucz. Note sur un coarctotome. Gaz. m6d. de Strash, 1856, xvi, 121-128. Coates (Benjamin Horner) [1797-1*81]. Ou the (fleets of secluded and gloomy imprisonment on individuals of the African variety of mankind, in the production of disease. Read at the centennial anniversary of the American Philo- sophical Society, May 29th, 1843. pp. 87-99. 8°. Philadelphia, J. C. Clark, 1*4'3. [Also, in: P., v 233.] Cutting [cover with printed title], Coates (Elias Franldin) [1820-86]. Coates (F. A.) [Obituary.] Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1887, n. s.. iii, 184. Coates (John Martin) [lS,32-9o]. [Obituary.] Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 89-91 port. — [ Obituary. ] Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, vi, 77. port. Coates (Joseph). Sec Third report on the action of anaesthetics letc.l [in 1. s.]. 8°. London, 1879. Coates (Keynell) [1802-86]. Popular medicine or family adviser; consisting of outlines of anat- omy, physiology, and hygiene, with such hints on the practice of physic, surgery, and the dis- eases of women and children as may prove use- ful in families when regular physicians can not be procured; being a companion and guide for intelligent principals of manufactories, planta- tions, and boarding-schools, beads of families, masters of vessels, missionaries, or travellers '• and a useful sketch for young men about com- mencing the study of medicine. xx, 614 pp. H?. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea f Blanchard, 1*38. -----. Syllabus of a course of popular lectures on physiology, with an outline of the principles Coates (Reynell)—continued. which govern the gradual development of the faculties of miud and body. 23 pp. s. />/,,/„. del phi a, C. Sherman ty Co., 1840. See, ulsn. «Jo2. [P., v. 1905.] Cobb (Frederic (.'.) Empyema of the antrum of Higbmore. 19 pp. 16°. Boston, Damrell 4' Up- ham, 1896. Repr. from : Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxiv. Cobb (Gerard F.). See f.) ttelton (E.) &. Cobb (Gerard P.) [in 1. s.J. Pt. 2. Athletics. 8°. London, 1884. Cobb ( X. A. ) Wormy fowls. Department of Agriculture, Sydney, New South Wales. Mis- cellaneous publication, No. 123. 8 pp. *z. Sydney, lf\ A. Gulleck, 1*96. Cobb (Samuel C.) Dissenting opinion of ... a member of the board of directors for public in- stitutions, in compliance with an order of the city council, dated Julv 24, 1871. City Doc. No. 77. 10 pp. &-. [/ios'tow,'1871.] Cobb (W[illiam\ H. E.). Portrait in: North Car, M. J., Wilmington, 1893, xxxii, opposite p. 33. Also, in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Cobbe (Frances Power) [1828- ]. Friendless girls, aud how to help them; being an account of the preventive mission at Bristol. (From a paper read at the Social Science Congress in Dublin, 1861.) 11 pp. 12°. London, Emily Faithful 4- Co., [1861?]. [P., v. 965.] -----. Bernard's martyrs; a comment on Claude Bernard's Lecons de physiologie operatoire. Edited with a preface, by . . . xvii, 25 pp. 4-. Westminster, [1879]. ----. An address on vivisection. 4 pp. 8°. [ Westminster, l«si?] ----. Tender vivisection. To the editor of the Scotsman. 2 pp. ft0. [London, 1^81.] Repr. from: Scotsman, Jan. 13, 1881. (JOBBE. 699 COBLENZ. Cobbe (.Frances Power)—continued. _____, s^ir James Paget: On vivisection. A re- ply. 8 pp. 8°. London, [18821]. Repr. from: Fortnightly Rev., Lond., 1882, n. s., xxi. _____, Society for Protection of Animals from Vivisection. The Janus of scieuce. 8°. [Lon- don], 18*2. Repr. from: Contemp. Rev., Lond., 1882, xii. _____, The moral aspects of vivisection. 4. ed. •22 pp. 8°. London c(-Edinburgh, 1882. _____. The same. '24 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1876. _____. Comments ou the debate iu the House of Commons, April 4, 18S>, ou Mr. Keid's bill for the total prohibition of vivisection. 20 pp. 8;. [London, 1883.] .-----. Illustrations of vivisection; or experi- ments on living animals. From tbe works of physiologists, namely: Lecons de physiologie operatoire (operative physiology), by Claude Beruard. Lecons sur la chaleur animale, by Claude Bernard. La pression baroni6trique, by Paul Bert, Paris. 1-7S. As reproduced in "Ber- nard's Martyrs" and "Light iu dark places". 23 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, Am. Soc. Restrict. Vivi- section, 1887. • -----. Thesame. 23pp. 8 . Philadelphia, Am. Anti-Vivisection Soc, 1*88. -----. The modern rack, papers on vivisection. vi, 272 pp. 8 '. London, Swan, Sonnenschein 4' Co., 1*89. -----. Light in dark places. Third thousand. 31pp. 8C. London, Victoria Street Soc. .. ., [». d.]. -----. The same. Twenty - tifth to thirtieth thousand. 31 pp. 8\ London, Victoria Street Soc____, 1894. See, aUo, Bryan (Benjamin). The British vivisectors' directory fete.]. 12°. London; 1890. —Elliot (Miss) & t'obbe (MUs). Destitute incurables. 8°. London, (n. d.].—Vivisectors' (The) directory [in 1. s.J. 8°. Lon- don, 1884. ---- & Bryail (Benjamin). Vivisection in America. I. How it is taught. II. How it is practised. 32 pp. 8?. London, Swan, Sonnen- schein 4' Co., 1889. ----------. The same. 4. ed. 54 pp. 8°. London, Swan, Sonnenschein 4" Co., 1890. [----- & Rees (Ellen Elcum).] The British medical manifesto. 10 pp. 8'-. [n. p., 18*1, vel subseq.] [P., v. 2096.] Cobbold (Thomas Spencer) [1828-80]. Address, when elected senior president of the Royal Medical Society [of Edinburgh], November 28, 1851. 3 pp. 8 . [Edinburgh, 1851.] [P., v. 1991.] ' J ■-----• Address at the opeuing of the Royal Medical Society's new hall, No. 7, Melbourne Place, November 7,1852. 4 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4- Knox, [1-52]. [P., v. 1990.] Repr. from.- Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1852, xv. -----. Observations on entozoa, with notices of several new species, including an account of two experiments in regard to the breeding of Taenia serrata and T. cucuuierina. pp. 155-172, 3 nl. 4°. [London, 1858.] Cutting from: Linn. Soc. Tr., Lond., 1858, xxii. -----. On Sclerostoma syngamus, and the dis- ease which it occasions in birds. 8 pp. 8°. [London, 1861.] Repr. from: Linn. Soc. J. Proc. (Zool.), Lond., 1861, v. " . Further observations on entozoa, with experiments. [18G0. ]' pp. 349-358, 1 pl. 4°. [London, 1862.] Cutting from: Linn. Soc. Tr., Lond., 1862, xxiii. ■•. Remarks on all the human entozoa. 29 PP- 8C. [London, 1862.] [P., v. 2088.] Repr.from: Proc. Zool. Sc. Lond., 1862. Cobbold (Thomas Spencer)—continued. -----. On the present state of our knowledge respecting entozoa, which are either known or are presumed to be introduced into the human body by the consumption of animal food. 9 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1865. [P., v. 1197.] Repr. from: Bath & West of England Agric. J., xiii. ------. On animal individuality from an ento- zoological point of view. pp. 163-169. 8°. [London, 1865.] Cutting from: Linn. Soc. J. (Zool.), Lond., 1865, viii. ------. Remarks on the best methods of display- ing entozoa in museums, pp. 170-172. ft . [London, 1865.] Cutting from: Linn. Soc. J. (Zool.), Lond., 1865, viii. ------. Cantor lectures. Our food-producing ru- miuauts aud the parasites which reside in them. 23 pp. 8°. London, W. Trounce, 1871. Repr..front: J. Soc. Arts, Lond. ------. Science in relation to mental and moral culture. The president's address, delivered at the annual general meeting, July 24, 1880. 11 pp. 8°. [London, 1880.] Repr. from: J. Quekett Mier. Club, Loud., 1879-81, vi. ------. Tapeworms; their sources, varieties, and treatiueut. With one hundred aud eighty cases. 4. ed. 2 p. 1., 133 pp. 12°. London, Longmans [and others], 1883. ------. The parasites of meat and prepared flesh food. Two lectures, together with an appendix containing a descriptive catalogue of one hun- dred drawings of parasites exhibited in the south gallerv, Class VIII, No. 200. 51pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1881. Internat. Health Exh. Lect., no. 6. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 620. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 616. Also: Midland M. Misc.. Lei- cester, 1884, iii, 65-68, port. Cober (Tobias). De lacte et pultibus, quibus infantes passim sustentantur tractatus, in quo uuii salubris vel noxii sint aliinenti disquiritur. 46 1. 16°. Gorlicii, A. Fritsch, 1593. Coblliim (Franciscus). *De dyspepsia. 4 p. 1., 21 pp. 8G. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1820. Cobia.ll (Jos6). Pioyecto de reglameiito de pros- titucion, precedido de alguuas consideraciones sobre su necesidad, que presenta al honorable consejo provincial de Lima, en el alio de 1878. 54 pp., 9 1. 8°. Lima, F. Masias y Ho., 1879. Cobilovici (Alexandre) [I860- ]. * Contri- bution a l'e'tude des infections ombilicales chez le tiouveau-ue. 70 pp. 4. Paris, 1893, No. 29*. Cobleiitz. Wkgelku (J.) Versuch einer medicinischen Topographie von Kobleuz. Bei (Jelegenheit der Versamiuluug der Naturforschcr in Bonn, im Herbst 1835. 12°. Koblenz, 1835. Cobleiitz ( Regierungsbezirk ). General-Sani- tiits-Bericht, von Dr. von Massenbach. Regie- rungs- und Geheimer Medi/.inal-Kat. 3., 1889-91. 159 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Coblenz, von Kindt 4~ Mei- TtavdiLH 1H9«5 Cobleiitz (Virgil) [1861- ]. Handbook of pharmacy, embracing the theory and practice of pharmacy and the art of dispensing. Fm- students of pharmacy and medicine, practical pharmacists, antl physicians, xx, 480 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, P. Blalciston, Son 4' Co., 1894. -----. The same. 2. ed. xiv, 572 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, P. Blakisttm, Son 4' Co., 1895. ------. The newer remedies. A reference manual for physicians, pharmacists, and students. 2. ed. *2 pp. 12°. New York, D. 0. Hay nes 4~ Co., 1896. For Biography, see Pharm. Rec, N. Y., 1887, vii, 2, port. Cobleiaz ([Friedrich Carl] Hugo) [1-51- ]. * Das papilliire Kystom. 42 pp., 2 1. 8 . [Got- tingen. ] Halle a. S., Pldtz, 1881. COBUliU. 700 COCA. * UIMIIj;! Fi.okl (0.) Die Erkrankungs- uud Sterbhch- keits-Verhiiltnisse dei Stadt Coburg. Nach anitlichen Quellen bearbeitet von ... -'-. Coburg, 1**8. Coburg ( Hermann ) [ 1861- ]. * Zwei Falle von Resection des Sternums. 20pp. *\ Greifs- wald, F. W. Kunike, [1888]. Cobweb. See Fever (Malarial, Treatment of); Spider's iveb. Coca. See, also, Cocaine; Tropococaine; Vin Ma- riani. Aubky (G.) * Contribution a l'6tude de la coca du Perou et de la cocaine. 4°. Nancy, 1**5. Bain* (J.) De la coca du Perou et de ses pre- parations. Faits relatifs k son action physio- logique et therapeutique. 18°. Paris, 1875. Coca erythroxylon and its derivatives. A resuni6 of their history, botanical origin, pro- duction and cultivation, chemical composition, therapeutic application, physiological action, and medicinal preparations; embracing reports on their employment in general antl minor sur- gery, ophthalmology, otology, laryngology, gynaecology, geuito-uriuary, nasal, and dental surgery; in the treatment of the alcohol aud opium habits, in general medicine, etc. 8°. Detroit (? KOKait/T)s. TaArji'bs, 'Aflijcai, 1885, xiii, 325-328.— Hooley (T. U.) Some observations ou the use of the hydrochlorate of cocaine. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syra- cuse, 1885, 82-93.—I»oulsson (E.) Beitriige zur Kennt- niss der pharmakologisehen Grnppe des Cocains. Areh. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1890, xxvii, 301-313.— Rec I un (P.) Galacol et cocaine. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxv, 559-565.—Report of the commit- tee on matters of professional intciest in the State: 1, Cocaine. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1896, 253- 204. — Schwarzbach (B.) A few remarks on cocaine. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdney, 1885-6, v, 90-92. — See (G.) Cocaine. Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii. 465-468.—Stockman (R.) Report on the coca alkaloids. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 1043; 1108; 1158.—Tartufcri (F.) &, Ralbiano (L.) Sul cloromercurato di cocaina e del suo potere an- tisettico. Atti (1. Cong. d. Ass. metl. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 328-331. — Townsend (I.) Notes on au improved solution of cocaine. J. Ophth., Otol., & Laryngol.. N. Y., 1893, v, 152-154.—Unna (P. G.) Kokainsalz und Kokain- base. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat.. Hamb., 1898, xxvi, 239-241. Cocaine (Accidents from). See Cocaine (Toxicology of). Cocaine . ( Physiologic and therapeutic action of). See, also, Cocaine (Toxicology of); Cocaine as antrsthitie; Cocaine-habit. Alms (H.) * Die Wirkung des Cocains auf die peripherischen Nerven. [ Wurtzburg. ] 8°. Leipzig, 1886. AUo, in: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz. 1886, Suppl.-Bd., 293-310. Dalphin (H.) * Etude de Faction physiolo- gique de la cocaine, efc en particulier de son ac- tion snr l'appareil circulatoire. 4°. Lyon, 18*5. David (T.) Note sur l'emploi de la cocaine. 8°. Paris, 1*84. Duchesne (E.) * De la cocaine et de ses principales applications en therapeutique. 4C. Paris, 1887. Eon du Val (H.-M.-F. ) * Recherches sur Paction antitoxique du foie sur la cocaine; emploi de la cocaine a l'interieur. 4C. Paris, 1891. Falkson (G.) ,* Zur physiologischen Wirkung des Isatropylcoca'ins. 8°. Berlin, 1**9. Gohde ( R. ) *Beitr;ig zur Anwendung des Cocain in der innereu Medicin. 8°. Erlangen, 1885. Heynssen ( B. ) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Coeainchlorniethylat. 8 . Kiel, 1895. Keyssnkr (A. ) * Ueber die Wirkung des Cocainum muriaticum auf den tierischen Orga- nismus. [Erlangen.] 8°. Sonneberg, [1887]. Kruger (II.) * Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Wirkung des Cocain und seiner Ersatzniittel auf die Gefasse. 8°. Berlin, [1885]. Mosso (U.) Sull' azione fisiologica della co- caina. Ricerche fatte nel laboratorio di fisiolo- gia della R. Universita di Torino, fol. Boma, 1886. Repr. from: Atti tl. r. Accad. d. Lincei- Cl. di sc lis., matemat. e nat., Koma, 4. a., iii. Also, transl. in: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887, xxiii, 153-208. Also, transl. in: Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1887, viii, 323- 376. COCAINE. 70: Cocaine (Physiologic and therapeutic art ion of). Nikoi.ski ( M. ) * Material! dlya riesheuiya voprosa o vliyanii koka'ina na zhivotniy orga- nizm. [Data'to .solve the question of the influ- ence of cocaine upon the animal organism.] ^ • Sanktpeterbitrg, 1^72. Pkadal ( V.) * Contribution a l'dtude du chlorhydrate de cocaine an point de vue de ses actions physiologiques ct tlnSrapeutiques. 4°. Montpellier, 188"). Rigolet (A.) *Etndo experinientale snr les propriety iihysiologiques ct therapeutiques du chlorhydrate de cocaine. 4°. Paris, 18*5. Sciiwegmann (F.) Versuche znr Deutung der temperatnrsteigernden Wirkuug des Cocain's. 8'-. Halle a. S., 1897. Siimeleff (T.[V.]) *0 vliyanii koka'ina na vsasivanie iz konyunktivalnavo mieshka v pcrednyuyu kamcru glaza; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovan'ie. [On the influence of cocaine upon absorption from the conjunctival sac into the anterior chamber of the eye: experimental re- search.] 8\ S.-Peterburg, 1*92. Snkll (R. A. E.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung tics Cocains. 8°. Kiel, 1891. Tikkvich (E. [L.]) *0 vliyanii koka'ina na vsasivanie ; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovan'ie, [On the influence of cocaine upou absorption: experimental research.] 8 \ S.-Peterburg, I***. Adlcr (L. II.), jr. The .status of the uses of cocaine iu general medicine, as based upon the experience of Philadelphia physicians. Internat, M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, ii, 246: 305.— Adiicro |V.) Azione piu intensa della co- caina quando se ne ripete la somtuinistrazione a pochi gioirii di distanza. Atti tl. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1893, 4. s.. v, 351-375.—Albertoni (P.) Azione della co- caina sulla contrattilit& del protoplasma. Mem. r. Accad. tl. sc. d. Ist.di Bologna, 1889 [1890], 4. s., x, 607-616. Also: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano. 1890, 4. s., xii, 305-318. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1890-91, xlviii, 307-319. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1S91, xv, 1-13. — Ambler (C. P.) Cocaine; its uses and abuses. Cleveland M. (iaz., 1894-5. x, 54-62.—Anderson (L. (.'.) Observations on the use of cocaine. N. York M. J., 1891. liv, 370. -- A r loi in;. Note sur quelques points de faction physiologique de la cocaine. Compt. rentl. Soe. de biof, Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, pt. 2,15-22. Also: Lyon m6d., 1885. xlix, 79; 114. Also: J. tie med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1SS5, 3. s., x, 169-184. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. tie Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, 49-61.-----. Observa- tions au sujet de deux notes de M. Laffont sur faction phvsiologiquo de la cocaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 1-3.— Aachenbrnndt (T.) Die phy- siologische Wirkung und Bedeutung ties Cocain. muriat. auf den menschlichen Organismus. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1883, ix, 730-732. — Baldi (D.) Sul mecca- nismo di azione della cocaina e sulla eceitabilitil della mi- dulla spinale. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1888, 4. 8.', viii. 241-253. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1889, xi, 7u-sl. — Baratoux (J.) & iVIoui-c (E. - J.) De la "- cocaine. Bull, et m6m. Soe. franc, tl'otol. et laryngol., Par., 1884-5, ii, 55-66. Also: Kev. mens, de larvngol.' [etc.], Par., 1885, v, 110-119. Also, Reprint.—Banduy (J. K. ) Hydrochlorate of cocaine: physiological, pathological, and clinical notes, with special'reference to its use in melan- cholia; a preliminary studv. Coll. &. Clin. Kec., Phila. 1885, vi, 183-187. Also.- N. York M. J., 1S.S5, xiii, 339-343.— Bauer (L.) The physiological action of hydrochlorate of cocaine. Med. & Surg. Iteporter, Phila., 1885, liii, 365- 307— Bedeutung (Feber tlie) des Cocainum muriaticum fiir den menschlichen Organismus. Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi. 1545-1548. — Belmondo (E.) Sulle modificazioni del- f eecitabilita eorticale indotte dalla cocaina e sulla natura dei centri psico-motori. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1890, lxvi, 165- 180. — Berdach (J.) Beitrag zur Anwendung con- centrirter Cocainlosungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 178. — Berger (E.) Remarques sur Taction physio- logique de la cocaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par. 1893, 9. s., v, 63.—Bert (P.) Note sur faction de la co- caine sur la peau. Ibid., 1885, 8. s., ii, 31. — Berthold (E.) Zur physiologischen Wirkung des Cocains. Cen- tralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1885, xxiii, 146. _____. Ueber den Einfluss des Cocains auf den Blutdruck. Ibid., 435. -----. Weitere Mitteilung uber den Einfluss ties Co- cains auf den Blutdruck. Ibid., 625. Bcttelheim (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung des Cocainum muriaticum. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1437.— Bianchi (A.) La coca e la cocaina, loro azione fisiologica e terapeutica Sperimentale, Firenze, 1886,lvih,180; 502.—Biggs (II. W.j COCAINE. Cocaine (Physiologic and therapeutic action of). The physiological action of cocaine on the frog (piaua esenlenta). with special reference to its local action oil organs and tissues. .1. Comp. M. \- S., X. Y IKS") vi 128-142. AUo: .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*85, i'v, 57-62.- Bignoii (A.) Accidn fisiol6gica de la cocaina. Bol Acad, de med. de Lima, 1K85-6, i, 319-339. _____. Sobre la accion fisiologica de la cocaina. Ibid., 349-357.—Bom'. worth (F. II.) A new therapeutic uso for cocaim" Med. Kec., X. Y., 1884, xxvi. 533. -----. An additional note on the therapeutic action of cocaine. X. York M J., 18S(i. xliii, 322-324.—Broeekaert. Kffet vesicant ilu k uno application de cocaine sur la peau. Rev. internal de rhinol.. otol. et laryngol.. Par.. 18'.i7. vii, 2iiK._Hrowrr (D. R.) The effects of cocaine ou the central nervous sv» tern. Med. Age. Detroit. 1S80, iv. 27-32. AUo: J. Am. M Ass.. Chicago. 1886, vi, 59-62.—Bugnot. IiinocuitS dc'la cocaine en injections hypndermiqucs par la methode lie's doses tiactionnees. Norniandie med., Rouen, 18s7, iii,36!)- 372—Csisoli (E.) La cocaina come mezzo per far ces- sare la secrezione lattea. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1894, xv, 1186. — Castle (C. H.) Observations upon the hydro- chlorate of cocaine, with some special studies upon its effect on accommodation. Mod. News, Phila., 1884, xlv 622-625.—Candwell (E.) The physiological action of cuca and cucaine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1SS5, i. 17.—Clinpin (A.) Cocaine hallucination. Med. Rec, XT, 1887, xxxii, 570.—Charpentier (A.) Action locale dn chlorhydrate de cocaine sur les fonctions cerebralcs. Compt.rentl. Sue. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 758. -----. Qnelques ob- servations sur les effets physiologiques de la cocaine.. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Nancy. 1-84-5, p. xl. -----. Action du chlorhydrate de cocaine sur la fermentation nlrooliquc et sur la germination. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol.. Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 17-19. ------. Action do la cocaine et d'nntres alcaloides sur certains infusoires a chlorophylle. Ibid.. 183. ------. Snr faction physiologique dela cocaine. Rev. ni6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1885,' xvii, 37-15. — Chouppc. A propos de faction du foie sur la cocaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 03s. See, also, infra, Gley. — Comanos Bey. Die Wirkung grosser Dosen von Cocain auf das centrale Nervcnsvstein. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 631. — Corin'( O.) Recherches sur les proprietes physiologiques ct therapeutiques dea poisons de la serie de la cocaine. Therap. exp6r. Trav. du lab. do l'Tniv. de Liege, Par., 1894, i, 165-334. — Cornell (A. P.) Is cocaine aphrodisiac? Med. P.ricf, St. Louis, 1891, xix, 152. — Cotter ( It. 0. ) Some un- pleasant effects of cocaine. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1888- 9. n. s., v, 270-273.—Cunningham (G.) On the. phy- siological actiou of cocaine on the lower animals and man, and its use in dental aurgerv. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1887, n. s., xix, 1S4-216,1 ch., 1 tab. AUo: 3. Dent. Sc., Lond., 1887, xxx, 565; 614; 666, 1 tab. — Ua Costa (J. M.) Some observations on tho use of the hy- drochlorate of cocaine, especially its hypodermic use. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 651-654. AUo: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1886, 3. s.,viii, 39-48. -----. Observations on the diuretic influence of cocaine. Med. News. Phila., 1886, xlviii. 677. — Danilewsky (B.) TJeber die physiolojii- sehe Wirkung des Cocains auf wirbehose Thiere. Arch. f. d. ges. Pbysiol., Bonn, 1891-2, li, 446-454. - Del. bosc (E.) Etude experinientale et clinique sur la co- caine. In: Richet (C.) Physiol. Trav. du lab.. 8°, Par., 1893, ii, 529-564.—Dubois.' Action de la cocaine sur la germination. Compt. rend. Soc. de' biol., Par., 1885, 8. 8., ii, 40-42.—Dunn (T. D.) The hypodermic use of cocaine in migraine and bronchial asthma. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila.', 1888, xx, 235-241. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 516-518.—DurdtiA (G. N.) Zur physiolo- gischen Wirkung des Cocains. Deutsche nied. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1887, xiii. 172-174. — Ellenbogen (K. A.) Zamletka o vrednom vliyanii koka'ina na rogovitsu v nle- kotorikh slnchayakh. [On the injurious effect of cocaine upon the cornea in some cases.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1894-5, xxxiii, 92-98.—E vers- b ii Neb (O.) Einiee Bemerkungen iiber die physiologische Wirkung des Cocains. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1885, ix, 289-302. — Farber (J. H.) Cocaine; method of using. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. 8., xxxvii, 35.— Feinberg (J.) Zur Cocainwirkuug. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 52-54. -----. Weitere Mittheilun- gen zur physiologischen Cocamwirkung. Ibid., 1887, xxiv, 166-168.—Fenwick (E. II.) A novel extension ot the uses of cocaine. Proc. M. Soc. Louth, 1887-s. xi, 110- 115. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 871. -----:- [On the reflex inhibitory action of cocaine as a diagnostic lac- tor.) Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 71.—Fleischer (R.) TJeber die Einwirkunsr des Cocainum muriaticum aut da1; Ner- vensvstem und den thierischen Stoffwechsel. Beitr- z. nath: Anat., exper. Path, [etc.], Leipz., 1887, 82-90. AUo: Deutsches Arcb. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1887-8, xiii, 82-90— Freud (S.) TJeber die Allgemeinwirkung des Cocains. Ztschr. i. Therap., Wien, 1885, iii. 49-51. Also: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1885, xx, 374.—Geier (A.) Zur Wirkung des Cocainum muriaticum auf die Schleimbaat COCAINE. 703 COCAINE. Cocaine (Physiologic and therapeutic action of). desGaumeus, Rachens und Kehlkopfes. Berl.klin.Wchn- schr., 1884, xxi. 800-802 — Geley & Teissier. Action hvpotbermisante des badigeonnages de cocaine. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se. med. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2. 1"9- Also: Lyon nied.. 1894, lxxv, 54. —Gey I. Ueber scheiiibare Wirkung des Cocain. Arch. f. Gv- naek., Berl., 1887, xxxi, 380 - 384.—Gley (E.) Action du foie snr la cocaine. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par.. 1891, 9. s.. iii, 560-562. -----. propos de fac- tion du foie sui la cocaine; reponse a M. Chouppe. Ibid., 639._Goldschcidcr (A.) Die Wirknngen ties Kokaius unii andrer Aiuesthetiea auf die Siniiesiierveii der riant. Monatsh. f.prakt.Dermat., Hamb., 18s6,v. 49-67.—Goode (G H ) Observations on the action of cocaine. St. Louis Coiir. Med., 1885. xiii, 104-106.—Grimnldi |S.) La co- caina nelle urine. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena 1885, iii. 164-170.—Hall (R. J.) Hvdrochlorate of cocaine. X. York M. J., 1884, xl. 643. —Hare (H. A.) Cocaine and its influence ou bodily heat. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9. i, 357.—Hattya*y (L.) Kiserletek a tropa- cocainnal. [Experiments with . . . | Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1896, xl, 209. AUo. transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1896, xxxiii, 841.—Hay» if. W.) Cocaine: its physiological and toxicological actions. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic. 1894, n. s.. xxxii, 341-346. [Discussion], 351-357.— Heilboin (K ) Forsdk med chloretnm cocainicum. Sv. Med. Tax. [Experiment with . . .J Upsala Univ. Ars- skr. Med., 1896, 124-137.—Herzog(W.) Ueber die Wir- kung des Cocains auf die Haut. Munchen. nied. Wchn- schr., 1886. xxxiii, 222-225.—Hogc (M. D.), jr. Therapeu- tics of cocaine, with some personal experimental observa- tions. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii,301-311. [Discussion], 331-338. — Howe (L.) Effect of cocaine upon the healing of wonuds. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Syracuse, 1885, 228-234.—Isolation of the temperature sense by means of the muriate of cocaine. Med. Xews, Phila., 1885, xlvi. 623.—Jackson ( E. ) The influence of cocaine on the pupil and cornea. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1887, 3. s., ix, 165-173.—Joire (P.) De l'emploi de la cocaine pour supprimer la s6cr6tion lactee. Bull. med. du nord. Lille, 1894, xxxiii, 179-18J —Kiesovv (F.) Ueher die Wirkung des Cocain und der Gymnemasaure auf die Schleimhaut der Zunge und des Mundraums. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1893- 4. ix, 51H-527.—Kie*selbach. Ueber die Wirkung von Cocainum muriaticum auf das Ohr. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1889, xxiii, 194.— Bnapp (H.i Hydrochlorate of cocaine; experiments and application. Med. Rec, N. T., 1884. xxvi, 461-463.—Kochs (W.) Ueher die Wirkung lies Cocain auf freipriiparirte gemiscbte Xervenstriinge. Centralbl. f. klin. Med.. Leipz.. Is86. vii. 793 - 798. — Ki'oll. Ueber die Heilwirknngen des Cocain. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 716.—I.aborde. Xote pre- liminaire sur faction physiologique de la cocaine et de ses sels. Compt. rend. Soc."de biol.. Par.. 1884. 8, s., i, pt. 2, 631-638. Also: Tribune med., Par., 18-4, xvi. 567-572. ----. Etude experinientale de faction physiologique de la cocaine et de ses sels. Deuxieme note. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i. pt. 2, 747-755. Also: Tri bune med., Par., 1885, xvii, 3-8. -----. De faction phy- siologique de la cocaine amorphe et de la cocaine liquide (de Duquesnel) comparee a faction de la cocaine cristal- lisee. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 18.-5, 8. s., ii, 241.— I.aflout. Action de la cocalue sur les mouvements de l'estomac; caracteres de l'intoxication avec les sels de cocaine. Ibid.. 1887, 8. s., iv, 741-745.-----. Analyse de faction physiologique tie la cocaine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Pari, 1887, cv, 1278-1281. — Lange (V.) Xogle Bemxrkninger om Kokainets Anvendelse. Ugesk. f. Lager, Kjobenh., 1885, 4. R., xi, 221-225.—Canglois (P.) cutaneous dose of cocaine. Lancet, Lond.. 1889, i, 273 — Baden (G) Nogle Tilfaelde af akut Kokainforg'iftning efter Operation i Na?sekaviteten. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh 1889, 3. R., vii,477-481.-Baker (A. R) Cocaine poison- ing; report of case, with alarming symptoms. Am J Ophth., St. Louis, 1893, x, 342-319.—Ball (M.V.) Acute cocaine-poisoning. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc,. Phila 1805 xvi, 280-284. Also: N. York M. J.. 1895, lxii, 636. Also'- Richmoud J. Pract., 1895, ix, 383-3-*. Also: Nortli Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1895. xxxvi, 295-301). Also: Maryland M. J., Bait, 1895-6, xxxiv, 73-75.— Barrat (J. O. W.) (V cainepoisoniug. Brit. M..I., Lond., 1X96, i, 1032.— Bsiri-on (J. M. F.) Cocaine poisoning. Med. Brief, St. Louis ls!ii; xxiv. 1808.— von Beeker (F. J.) Om skadliga fiiljdcr observerade efter bruk af cocain. Finska lak.-iiiuk. hantlh, Helsingfors. 1886, xxvii. 326-335.— Berger. Un cas d'empoisonnementmortel par la cocaine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 1367. -----. Enipoisonnement inortel pro- duit par l'injection d'une solution de chlorhydrate tie co- caine dans la tunique vaginale, k la suite de la pouction d'une hydrocele. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 751: 3892, n.s.. xviii, 44.—Biguou. Des pro- pri6t6s toxiques de lacocaine. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1886, cxi, 121.—Blodgett (A. X.) An accident with cocaine. Boston M. .—Clialellier (H.) Empoisonnements par la cocaine. Ann.d. mal.de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., lsmi, xii, 1C9-17I.—Cliel- wooil (C. II.) " The toxic effect of cocaine hydrochlorate, with report of a case. Metl. Kec. X. Y.. 1889. xxxvi. 144_.- Cbobaut. Xote sur un cas tl'intoxication par la cocaine au cours dune operation d'hydrocele. Lyon nied.. 1892, lxx, 73-77.— Cobb (J. S.) A'case of cocaine poisoning. South. Clinic, Richmond. 1891. xiv, 7-9.—Conerlj (T.W.) Some unusual symptoms of cocaine poisoning. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1897, 59. —t'nr«enven (J. S.) A case of cocaine poisoning with fatal' i«sull. Quart. M. J., Sheffield. 1 .-05 6, iv, 152.—Curl ix i H. H.) The ilauetT from indiscriminate me of cocaine. J. Kespir. Org., N.Y.. 1889. i. 227-233—Da Co* in (J. C.) Four cases of co- caine delirium. J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1889. xvi, ls«-194. AUo: Metl News, Phila., 1889, liv, 3*7-389. -- Dandoi*. Les dangers tie la cocaine et. l'aneHtMsie dentaire. Bev. med.. Louvain. 1890. ix. 292-301.—Bnn- jjers (The) of cocaine. [Edit. 1 Weeklv M. Kev.. Chi- cago, 1885, xi, Suppl., 185-187.—Dejerine (J.) Sur un COCAIXE. 705 COCAINE. Cocaine (Toxicology of). cas d'empoisonnenient par injection sous-cutanee de co- caine, chez un cocainomane, termine par la guerison. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 772-774.— De*tree (E.) La cocaine, son action physiologique ; ses dinars- eiupoisonnenient par la cocaine. Presse med. beige. Brux.. 1888, xl, 305; 313.—Doane (O. D.) A case of cocaine poisoning. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., IS'Hi iv, 1-3.—Diifournier. Des dangers de la cocaine. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1889, ii, 432-449. —Earle (S. T.) Two cases of violent tetanic convulsive seizures resulting from the use of muriate of cocaine bvpodermically. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1886-7, xvi, 396. '-----. A case showing the toxic effects of cocaine. Ibid., 1890, xxiii, 139.—Eliot (J.) Coca; a case of poisoning hv cocaine. Virgiuia M. Month., Richmond, 1891-2, xviii, 947-951.— Fatal case of cocaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 292.—Ferreri (G.) Un caso di avvelenamento per co- caina. Bull. tl. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1*87, vii, 79_si,_Ficano (G.) Un caso di avvelenamento di co- caina in dose non tossica. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio. d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1896, xiv, 25-27. — Finlay (W.) A case of cocaiue poisoning. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1887-8, vii, 249.—Fox (C. J.) An interesting case of poisoning from au overdose of cocaine with an intent to commit suicide. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1896, xv, 197.—Fox (F.) Alarming symptoms produced by spraying the throat with cocaine. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 349.—Franzeii (M. O.) Intoxikationssymptoin af cocain efter injektion af icke fullt 4 cgm. hos en poli- klinik patient. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1*90, Hi, 486.— Era- ser (J.B.) Atropia iu cocaine poisoning. Canad. Pract., Tor,.nto, 1895, xx, 658.—Frouime (A.) Ueber Cocain und (lessen Missbrauch. Balneol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1891- 2, ii. 106: 113; 129. — Fiijioka (K.) [A case of death caused bv the injection of cocaine] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1897, no. 1001, 27.—Fullerton (A.) Toxic effects of co- caine and their treatment. Lancet, Lond.. 1*91, ii, 663.— Garcia (R. D.) Symptoms of cocaine pois uing from half a drachm (per rectum) of a three-percent, solutiou. X. York M. J., 1*90, Iii, 412. — Garland (O. H.) Fatal acute poisoning by cocaine. Lancet. Loud.. 1*95. ii, 1104.— Gliick (I.) The prevention of tbe toxic effect of cocaine. Med. Kec., N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 707. — «ooding (C. E ) Case of cocaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 18**. i. 394.— Grnsamann (K.) Zur Kasuistik der acuten Cocaiu- Vergiftung. Miiucheu. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 127.— Baenel (F.) Ein Fall von schwerer Cocainvergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., Is8s. xxv, 890-892.— Ilayncs (R. W.) The dangers of cocain. Metl. News. Phila., 1*94, lxv, 14. — Hei maim ( C. ) Ueber Cocain-Epilepsie. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 18*9, xv, 232. AUo, Reprint. —Hermann (P.) Ueber Intoxication durch Cocain. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885. xxii, 595. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 18*5. xi, 794. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. nied Gesellsch. (1884-5). 1**6, xvi, 233- 238.—Hobday (F.) The therapeutic uses and toxicolog- ical effects of cocaine iu the bors , dog, antl cat. J. Comp. Path. i. Theiap., Etlinb. & Loud., 1895. viii, 20-50, 1 ch.— Hiieber (T.) Eine interessante Cocain-Intoxikation. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1890, xix, 160-165.— lugrahaiu (C. W.) Cocaine-poisoning, with report of a case. Med. News, X'. Y., 1890, lxviii, 203.—.1 aval. Sur les dangers de l'emploi de la cocaine. Bull. Acad, de men., Par., 1886, 2. s., xv, 531. — Johnxlon (G. M.) A fatal caseof cocaine poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1162.—Kilham (C. S.) Case of cocaiue poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 17. -----. Poisoning by cocaine. Ibid., 75. — Knoche (J. P.) Toxic action of cocaine. Kansas City M. Rec, 1886, iii, 400-402. — Ii. (V.) Des dangers de la cocaine et de la part qu'il convieut tie faire a ce sujet aux predispositions n6vropathiques et hyste- riques. Tribune m6d., Par., 1887, xix, 568.—Laascr (M.) Ein Fall von Cocainvergiftung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, lxiv, 1083. — Labortle (J.-V.) De Faction toxique de la cocaine et de ses dangers dans certaines de ses applications pratiques les plus vulgaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8.8., iv, 560-562.—liafevrc (E. B.) A case of cocaine poisoning. Kansas M. J., To- peka, 1893, v, 357. — Iiarra y Cerezo. Dos casos de accidente por la cocaina. Rev. de terap. y farm., Madrid, 1889-90, iii, 133-136.—Iiegg (C.) Cocaine poisoning. Brit. M. J„ Lond., 1890, ii, 732.—Xjepiuc (It.) Des accidents aigus d'intoxication par la cocaiue. Semaine m6d., Par., 1889. ix, 169. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1889, 5. 8., x [3- 8., xij, 180; 189. — Long (W. H.) Case of fatal poi- soning by cocaine locally applied. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1886, n. s., x, 404.—Loreuz (A.) Drei Falle vou Cocain- mtoxikation. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1891, xv, 1033- 1035.— Mclntyrc (J. H.) Cocaine poisoning: recovery. ot. Louis M. & S. J., 1886, li, 16.— Mt Reynolds (J. 6.) Constitutional effects of cocaine follow in g its local use on the nasal mucous membrane. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1892-3. x, 252. — McShcrry (H. C.) Unusual symptoms following the local application of cocaine. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii, 401-403. AUo: Med. «eg-. Phila., 1888, iii, 416.— Magill (J.i Unusual caseof cncauie-poisoning. Brit.M.J.,Lond., 1887,i,617.- Maun- 45 Cocaine (Toxicology of). heim (P.) Ueber eiuen Pall vou Cooain-Intoxicathm. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 583-585. Also.- Ver- haudl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1885-6), 1887, xvii, pt. 2. 198- 204. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 489. — Mnttison (J. B. ) Cocaine toxemia. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1*87, xvi, 712-717. Also: Am. Pract. ifc News, Louisville, 1***. n. s , v, 10-15. Also: Quart. J. Iuebr., Hartford, 1888, x, 57-67. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 188*, 3. s., iv, 16-20. Also, transl.: Tribune nied., Par., 1888, xx, 3-7. -----. Cocaine poisoning. Med. Jc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxv, 645-650. Also, Reprint. -----. Cocain poisoning. Dubliu J. M. Sc., 1895, xcix, 116-119.—Maurel (E.) Recherches sur les causes de la mort par la cocaine. Bull. ueu. de therap. [etc.), Par., 1892, exxii, 201-204.—ITIayci li:i ■■*< u (G.) Eiu Fall von hochgradiger Cocain-Iutoxication nach Eintriiufehing in den Bindehautsack. Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 707.— Miller (I.) Cocaine poisoning. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 660.—Mitchell (S.) Coffee in cocaine-poisoning, iled. Rec., X. V., 1S90, xxxvii, 616. — Mjden (H.) Tre tilfselde kokainforg'iftning. [ Three cases of cocaine poisoning. ] Tidskr. f. tl. norske Lsegefor., Ivristiauia, 1897, xvii, 356- 359. — Moizard. Sur un cas d'intoxication par la co- caiue. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1888, vi, 481-488.— Montalti (A.) Un caso di avvelenainento acuto per idroclorato tli cocaina seguito da niorte. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1**8, lxii,294-303. — Mordaunt (F.) A case of cocaine poisoning. ,T. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1897, xviii, 41-43.—Mori! l"ne)chezundentistea la suite d'injections de cocaine. Odontologie, Par., 1890, x, 356-35*.—Mowat (D.) Toxic effects of cocaine. Lancet. Loud.. 188*, ii, 715.—Miiller (G. J. C.) Ueber Cocain-Vergiftungen. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 189G, ix. 609-624.—Myrtle (J. A.) Symptoms of poisoning from the use of hydrochlorate of cocaiue. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 774— \a*ou (E.N.) Case of cocaine poisoniug. Laueet, Loud., 1894, ii, 1151.— IVeilaon (T. R.) An instance of the toxic action of co- caiue. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 104. -----. An- other instance of the toxic action of cocaine. Ibid., 638.— Nichols (J. A.) Two cases of gangrene following the hypodermic use of cocaine. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 184. — Olivier. Un cas d'empoisonnement par la co- caine; accidents graves; guerison. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1890-91, i, 255-257. — Ottava (I.) Uszrevetelek a cocain k&ros hatasar61. [On the pernicious effect of co- caine.] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1887, 55. A Uo, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 594. — Palmer (H. B.) Notes of a case of cocaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 718. — Partos (A.) Ein Fall von acuter Cocainvergiftung. Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvi, 1906. Also, transl.: Gy6gydszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 5.— Pfister (E.) Ein Fall vou Vergiftung durch Injection von Cocaiulosung in die Urethra. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1896, xxxiii, 297.—Pitts (B.) Poisoning by cocaine administered subcutaueously. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1265.—Poisoning by cocaine. Med. Mag.,-Loud., 1895, iv, 711.—ProskuryakofffS. F.) Sluchai otravle- niya kokaiuom, okonchivshiysya vizdorovleniem blago- darya primieneniyu chloroformennavo narkoza. I Case of cocaine poisoning, cured by application of chloroforni an- aesthesia.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kron- stadte, 1893-4, xxxii, 99-102.—Kampoldi (R.) Uu caso di paralisi del muscolo frontale seguita a protratte instilla- zioni di cocaina e di duboisina nell' ocehio. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1886, xv, 571-573. — Randall ( B. A.) Cocaiue poisoning from intranasal application. Uuiv. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 413.—Rectus (P.) Sur une observation de mort subite cousecutive a une injection de cocaine dans l'uretre. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 276-278. — Rieei (A.) Eine Cocainvergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 894. AUo. Reprint. — Schadlc (J. E. ) Another of the "unusual symptoms following the local application of cocaine". Med. Reg., Phila., 1*88, iv, 124— Schilling (F.) Cocain- vergiftung und Gegengift. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1887, xxii, 486; 499. Also: Aerztl. Int.-BI., Munchen, 1885, xxxii, 793-795.—Schnydcr (H.) Ein Fall von Cocainver- giftung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1887, xvii, 161- 164. — Scott (R.) Notes on a case of cocaine poisoning. Australas. M.Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 94.—Simes (J. H. C.) The injection of a solution of cocaine into the urethra followed by death. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 70.— Spear (J. S.) A case of cocaine-poisoning simulating opium-poisoning. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 536.— Stein (J.) Ein Fall von Cocainvergiftung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889,. xiv, 373. — Stewart (J. C.) Another case of epileptiform convulsions following the use of co- caine as an urethral ausesthetic. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 182. — Stickler (J. W.) Beware of the free use of cocaine in hay fever. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 492.---—. Some original investigations, showing the antagonism be- tween morphine and cocaine. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1895, 97-119. AUo: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 433-437. — Suarez de Mendoza (F.)- Deux observa- tions d'accidents graves, siirvenus a la suite d'une instilla- tion de cocaine dans la caisse tympanique. Rev. de laryngol. Letc], Par.. If 89, ix, 406-411.-Suker (G. F.) A COCAINE. 706 COCAINE. Cocaine (Toxicology of). case of acute cocaine poisoning. (Tdiosvncracy.) Toledo M. \- S. Reporter, 1895, viii, 600.—!•> bllo-v (A.) Cocain- nierge/.es kiildntis esete. [A peculiar case of cocaine poi- soning] (lyogydszat, Budapest, 1897, xxxvii. 754.—Tee- ter (J. X.) A case of cocaine-poisoning. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895. 3. s., xi. 11. —Tiffany (F. B.) Damaging results from the use of cocaine. Denver M. Times, 1885-6, v. 237. Also: Kansas City M. Rec., 1886, iii 7. — Trie- bicky (11.) Przypadek zatrucia kokaina.. [Case of poi- soning bv cocaine.] Przegl. lek., Krakrjw, 1*91, xxx, 253. A Un. transl. .■ Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 1521-1523.— En kovslti (X. M.) Sluchai rlezkavo proyavleniya yado- vitikh svoistv kokaina, vvedyonnavo pod kozhu i ob amil- nitrilie, kakprotivoyadii kokaina. [Cleartoxic phenomena in a case of subcutaneous injection of cocaine, and on amyl- nirrite as its antidote.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 64.— Viau (G.) fitudecritique desintoxications par la cocaine. Odontologie, Par., 1893, xiii,97-103.—Vinogradoff(K. X.) Ostroye otravleni'e kokainom s snierteluim iskhodom. [Acute poisoning by cocaine, with fatal result.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1889, ix, 379-389.— Vitali (D.) Di aleuue reazioni della cocaina ed ecgonina e della loro ri- cerca cbimico-tossicologica. Mem. tl. r. Accad. d.sc.d. Ist. di Bologna, 1890. 5. s., i, 279-296, 1 pl. Also: Orosi. Firenze, 1891, xiv. 1-19. Also: Gior. di farm, [etc.], Torino, 1891, xl, 8; 97; 145.—Wagner (R.) Ueber einen Fall von Cocain- vergiftung. Centralbl. f. Xervenh., Leipz., 1887. x. 518.— Walker (E.J.) Poisoning by cocaine; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 281.—Way (J. H.) A case of poisoning by the hypodermatic use of cocaine muriate. Med. Mews, Phila.'. 1887, 1. 486. — Weinrich (M.) Ueber Cocain-In- toxication von den Harnwegen aus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 253-256.—Wolflcr (A.) Zur toxischen Wir- kung des Cocain. Wien. nied. Wchuschr., 1889, xxxix, 673-676. — Wood ( W. E. R.) An overdose of cocaine. Australas. M. Gaz., Syduey, 1885-6, v, 276. Cocaine as anasthetic. See, also. Anaesthetics (Methods, etc., of); Anaesthetics in obstetrics; Cocaine (Toxicol- ogy of); Cocaine as ancestheliv in major opera- tions; Dentistry (Ancesthetics in); Eye, Nose, Throat, Diseases of, Treatment of; Rectum, Urethra, Surgery of. Aubkr (J.) * La cocaine eu chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1892. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Barau (R.) * Des reprocb.es faits a la cocaine dans son emploi en chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1895. Bokofzek (S.) * Die Verwenduug des Co- caiu iu der Chirurgie. 8". Jena, 1888. Bouchahd (A.) Le chlorhydrate de cocaiue et les dentistes, suivi de nombreuses notes de soniniite's medicales. 8°. Lille, 1890. Cocaine hydrochlorate (muriate of cocaiue, or cocaine hydrochloride), the new local anaes- thetic. 8°. New York, 1885. Compain (P.) * Contribution a l'dtude des injections hypodermiques de chlorhydrate de cocaine. 4°. Paris, 1885. Costa (T.) Di uua nuova particolarita uella tecnica dell' anestesia locale cocainica'. 8°. Genova, 1896. Deleporte (P.) * Les moyens employe's pour obtenir I'anesthesie chirurgicale au moyen de la cocaine. 4~\ Paris, 1891. Dumont ( F. ) Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Cocain-Analgesie. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1890. Fillion (G.) * De la cocaine dans les iuter- ventions ehirurgicales. 4°. Paris, 1895. Hussla (B.) *Cocaiu und dessen Anwen- dung zum Auasthesireu der iiusseren Haut. 8Z Wiirzburg, 1890. Kcmjier (E.) De I'anesthesie locale par injection de cocaine, et du bon effet de la bande d'Esniarch. 8". Geneve, 1889. Also, in: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve 1890 x 354-367. ' ' Maurel (E.) Cocaine, ses proprietes toxi- ques (t therapeutiques. Apercu general sur I'anesthesie. 8°. Paris, 1895. Oudschans (S. E.) De gevoelverdoovende eigenschappeu van het cocaiue, bij tand- eu mond-operatien. 8J. Amsterdam, [1886?]. Cocaine as ana'sthetic. -----. The same. Les quality anesthe- siques dc la cocaine daus l'art dentaire h Paris, [1887]. Palombi ( E.) La cocaina c P anestesia locale cou una nota sul nuovo anestetico 1' eucaiua' 8°. Macerata, 1896. Preterre (A.) La cocaiue en chirurgie dentaire. Recherches experimentales snr l'iu- seusibilisatiou locale sans sommeil peudaut les operations dentaires par les iujectious ue co- caine ; 6tude basee sur 238 observations person- nelles. 8°. Paris, 1887. Reclus(P. ) La cocaine eu chirurgie px* Paris, [1895]. Reports of tbe application of hydrochlorate of cocaiue iu ophthalmology, otology, laryngol- ogy* gynecology, geuito- urinary, nasal, dental, aud general surgery. Compiled from medical literature. 8°. New York 4- Detroit, 1885. Sciaky (A.) *De la cocaine, envisagee par- ticulieremeut en ophtaluiologie. 4° Paris 1885. Tamboise (A.-L.) * De l'emploi de la cocaine dans la chirurgie des organes geuito-urinaires de l'homme. roy. 8°. Lille, 1896. Williams (H. W.) Cocaine in ophthalmic medicine and surgery; simple cataract extrac- tion; exenteration of the eyeball. 8°. Boston 18*7. Repr. from his: Diag. and Treatment Dis. Eye. 2. ed. Boston. Zussman (S.) *Die Anwendung des Cocaius als Auaestheticum. 8°. Strassburg, 1**8. Adlcr (L. H.), jr. The status of the hydrochlorate of cocaine in minor surgery, as based upon the experience of Philadelphia physicians. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1891, 3. s., vii, 518-533. AUo, Reprint. — Aducco (V.) Azione piu, intensa della cocaina quando se ue ripete la soman- nistrazione a breve distanza. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1893, 3. s., xii, 250-259. AUo, trand.: Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1893, xx, 32-43. — Agnew (C. B.) Cocaine hydrochlorate the new local ainesthetic. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1884, xxvi, 438. — AI be is. Ueber Cocain- wirknng bei Operationen uud Anwendung kraf tiger elrk- triscber Strome. Deutsche Med.-Zt-.'., Berl., 1889, x, 1145 - Albrccht ( H.) La cocaine; un nouvel auesthesiqiie. Bull. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Neuchatel, 1886, xv, 135-141.—All ( A. ) On the action of the local anesthetic muriate of co- caine. WeeklyM. Rev., Chicago, 1884, x, 445.—Altmnun (O. A.) Cocaine in minor surgery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiii, 145. — Anderson (P. L.) Iirproyed method of cocain anesthesia; a reply to a kindly criticism of the author's method of anesthesia, by J. F. Oaks. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 429. — Anrep ( V. K.) Kokain, kak sredstvo mlestno anesteziruyushtsheye. [Co- caine as a local anaesthetic.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 773.—Atkinson (J. M.) Cocaine; its uses, particularly in minor surgery. Tr. Hongkong M. Soc., 1889, i, 226- 232. — Raracz ( R. ) Spostzez'enia nad miejscowem znieczuleniem kokainq. [On the production of local anaesthesia by cocaine.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1888, xvi, 317; 333. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. med. AVchn- schr., 1888, xxxviii, 112; 1150.—Barrenechea (M. J.) Inyeccion de cocaina al nivel del cordon espermatico; j anestesia la cocaina aplicada solameute sobre la estremidad periferica de los nervios? Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile. 1886-7, xv, 25.—Barski (F. I.) O podkozbnikh vpriskivaniyakh solyauokislavo ko- kaina v khirurgicheskol praktikie s tslelyu mlestnol anestezii. [On the subcutaneous injectiou of hydro- chlorate of cocaine in surgical practice to produce looal anesthesia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 892-894.- Baner (E.) TJeber Cocain und dessen Anwendung in der Chirurgie. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., win- nenden, 1885, xxxvi, 201-212.—Beber (R. I.) Kokam, kak anaastheticum v oblasti malol khirurgh. (. . . in the1 do- main of minor surgerv.] Zapiski Ekatennosl. med. Obsh. (1891), 1892, 57-62. — Bcndcll (n.) The new anasthetic. Med. Ann., Albany, 18*4. v. 338-340.-Bcttninii (B.) Muriate of cocaine as a local anaesthetic. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 585-587. AUo, Reprint.-Bettninii (J.) A case illustrating the applicability of muriate1 01 cocaine in nasal surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. l»»*. iii, 598. Also, Reprint. - Bignon (A.) Sur les P™pne- tes anesthesiques de la cocaine. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1892, exxii, 170-172.-Bleich«teiner ( A. 1 Cocaine injections for the production of anesthesia ir. World's Columbian Dent. Cong., Chicago, 1894,1, 426-457.- COCAINE. 707 COCAINE. Cocaine as anwsthelic. Bompiaiii (A.) Contributo all' uso della cocaina in Lrinecologia. Bull. tl. Sue. Lancisiana cl. osp. ui Roma, 1886, vi, no. 4, 35-45.— Borgiotti (F.) Suit azione anes- tesica della cocaina nella stranguria spastica e nella emi- crania. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult, d. sc. med. in Siena, 1885, hi 85-93. — Bradford (H. W.) Rapid eocainization. Boston M. A: S. J.. 1884, cxi, 438-440. AUo, Reprint.— Brown-Sequard. Inhibition tie la seusibilite k la doiileur daus lo corps tout entier sous l'influence tie l'irri- tation de la nuiqueuse laryngeo par la cocaine. Compt. rentl. Soc. dc biol., Par., 1885. 8. s., ii, 167-170. — Bnrdel (E.) De hi cocaine, de son eniphii dans diverses affections et operations. Union med.. Par.. 1886. 3. s., xiii, 185-187.— Buscarlet ( F. ) De I'anesthesie a la cocaine en chirur- gie. Kev. med. tie la Suisse Rom.. Geneve. 1889, ix, 34- 38. — Bnssi (G.) La cocaina nella chirurgia. Cirillo, Aversa, 1896, iv, 27; 33. — Calhoun (A. W.) The new anasthetic : a short experience with hydrochlorate of co- caine as a local anaesthetic. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1884-5, n. s., i, 513-515.—de Capdeville. De la cocaine dans la therapeutique oculaire et auriculaire. Marseille med., 1885. xxii, 145; 193.— Carr ( W. P.) Local anaesthe- sia; rules for hypodermic use of cocaine. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 391-400. — Cnrreras- Arago. Modo sencillo tie evitar los principales iucon- venientes de la cocaina en las operaciones de cataratas. Rev.de cien. med., Barcel., 1886, xii, 357-359.—Ceei (A.) La cocaina nelle operazioni chirurgiche. Salute: Italia metl., Genova, 1885. xix, 65-71.—Charpentier (A.) Re- marques et experiences sur 1'aiiesthesie de la fermentation etde la germination par la cocaine, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885. 8. s.. ii, 83-85. — Chiari (O.) Casuisti- sches iiber die anastbesirende Wirkuug des Cocains. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1885, xxx, 26. Also, Reprint.—Chisolm (j. J.) Cocaine, the new local anaesthetic. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1884-5, xi. 489-502.—Chornoiiior- dik (L. S.) Solyanokisliy kokain v khirurgii. [Hydro- chlorate of cocaine in surgery.] Vrach, St. Petersb.,1887, viii, 10-12. — Claiborne (J. H.). jr. Cocaine hydrochlo- rate, the new local anaesthetic. N. York M. J." 1884, xl, 460. -----. More clinical facts regarding the hydrochlo- rate of cocaine. Ibid., 488.—Clarke (J. J.) A note on cocaine anaesthesia. Cliu. J., Lond., 1895-6. vii, 175.— Coiubc (A.) Deux cents operations tie petite chirurgie de la bonche, pratiquies k I'aide de la cocaine, en injec- tions; resultats, mode d'emploi. avantages sur le chloro- forme; conclusions. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. |etc], Par., 1891, v, 651-656. — Coouics (M. F.) Hydro- chlorate of cocaine; its physiological action and its value as a local anaesthetic. Metl. Herald, Louisville, 1884-5, vi, 505-508.—Corning (J. L.) On the prolongation of the anaesthetic effects of the hydrochlorate of cocaine when snbcutaneouslv injected; an experimental study. N.York M. J.. 1885, xiii, 317-319. Also, Reprint. — Croslon (J. F.) Hydrochlorate of cocaine snbcutaneouslv. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 573. — Cushny ( A. II. i" Cocaine. Ohio Bent. J., Toledo, 1894, xiv, 345-359.—Da Costa (J. M.) Some observations on the use of the hydrochlorate of cocaine, especially its hypodermic use. Tr. Coll. Pbvs. Phila., 1886, 3. s., viii,39-48.—Daniels (CM.) The use of cocain in minor amputations. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Rep. 1895, Chicago, 1896, 71-78. Also: J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 618-620.—Decker (J.) Beitrage fiber die anasthesirende Wirkung des Cocain. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1887. xxxiv, 749-753.—Delavan (D. B.) The use and abuse of cocain. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 452 —De-Marsi (A.) L' analgesia per co- caina nelle operazioni chirnrgiche. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1894), 1895, 56-58. Also: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1894, 7. 8., v, 319-353. — Discussion upon cocaine. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.. Lond.. 1887-8, n. s., xx, 4; 31"-31i, 1 tab.—[Discussion sur l'anes- th§gie par la cocaine.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. 8., xvii. 756: 761; 790: 1892, xviii, 44. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien. 1892, vi, 177-182.— Dodge (H.) Some of the uses of cocaine. Tr. X. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1893, 117-123.—Du Bois (H. A.) Cocaine in minor operations. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 573.—Dukeinan (W H.) Co- caine in urethral surgery. Ibid.. 1895, lxii, 369.—Dun- dore (C. A.) The rational use of cocain in surgery. Codex med., Phila., 1895-6. ii. 41-45. — Edmund* (W.) Experience in the use of cocaine. Lancel, Lond.. 1888. i, 14.—Ewlorc (A.) La cocaine: faits cliniques relatits il Taction auesthesiqiie locale de ce medicament; pterygion, corps etrangera de la cornee; epithelioma de la joue. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nied. tie Montpel., 1885, vii, 171-17.4. — Eversbusch (O.) Ueber die Anwendung und Wir- kung des Cocainum muriaticum als locales Aiuestheti- cnm. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1885, xxxii, 1; 14.— Feinberg. O dielstvii kokaina na koordinatorniye tsentri mozga. [ On the action of cocaine on the co- ordinating centres of the brain.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 438; 478. — von Fillenbaum. TJeber lokalo Cocalnanasthesie. Wieu. med. Wchnschr.. 1887, xxxvii, 326-328.—Fraenkel (A.) Cocainaniisthesic bei chirur- gischen Eingritfen. Ibid., 124-126. — Friinkel (B.) Cocaine as anwsthetic. Discussion iiber die Anwenduiig des Cocain. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1885, xxii. 77. Also, Reprint.—Friinkel (E.) Feber Cocain als Mittel von Localaniisthesie tier Schleim- hiiute. Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1884, Bresl., 1885, lxii, 142-148. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1884, vi, 289-291. —Francois-Frnnek (C.-A.) Ac- tion paralysaute locale tie la cocaiue sur les nerfs et les centres nerveux; applications a la technique experi- nientale. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1892,5. s., iv, 562-576.—Freeman (L.) Notes on the hypodermic use of the hydrochlorate of cocaine as a local anaesthetic. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1885, n. s., xv, 335-338. — Frcy (L.) TJeber die Cocai'nauiisthesie bei chirurgiselien Ein- griffen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 465-467. — Fronstein (M. A.) Cocainum muriaticum v gorlovol, ushnol i nosovol praktikie. [. . . in diseases of the throat, ear, and nose.] Russk. Med..St.Petersb., 1885, x, 115: 137.— Fux (F.) Feber Cocaiu-Aniistbesie. Mcmorabilien, Heilbr., 1886-7, n. F., vi, 513-517.—Oabi-yszcwski (A.) O wartoSci kokainy w chirnrgii. [Vulue of cocaine in surgery.] Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1894, xxxiii, 17:31;47; 63.— Geisslcr (A.) Feber Cocain als lokales Anasthetikum; neuere Untersuchungen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1885, cev, 89-101.—tie Gouvea (H.) A cocaina na cirurgia e tberapeutica ocular. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da Fac. de med. do Rio do Jan., 1885-6, ii, 203-228.—Grasset (J.) Sur Taction auesthesiqiie cutanee du chlorhydrate de cocaine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1884, xcix, 1122.— Gricchikhin (A. A.) Nleskolko slov o znachenii ko- kaina pri khirurgieheskikh operatsiyakh. [On tbe value of cocaine in surgical operations.] Protok. zasaid. kav- kazsk. mod. Obsh., Tiflis, 1886-7, xxxiii, 482-486.—Hall (G. P.) A report on forty operations under cocaine. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1885. xvii, 299-304. -----. Notes on cocaine operations. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1891, xxvi, 105.—Halleek (H. T.) Ou the use of cocaine in minor surgery. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 343.—Halsted ( W. S.) Practical comments on the use and abuse of cocaine; suggested by its invariably successful employ- ment in more than a thousand minor surgical operations. Ibid., 294. — Marries (A.) Cataphoric medication and cocaine as a local anaesthetic. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 809. — Hern (W.) Cocaine and its use as a local anaes- thetic in dental surgery. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit.. Lond., 1887, n. s., xix, 218-263.—Hillischcr (H. T.) Vorlaufige Mittheilnngeu iiber die Anwendung des Cocains in der Zahnheilkunde. Wien.med. Wchnschr.,1885, xxxv,39-41.— Hobbs (A. G.) The uses and abuses of cocaiue, with ref- erence to mucous membranes especially. South. M. Rec., Atlanta, 1892, xxii, 577-583. Also: Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvii, 639-642. Also: Ophth. Rec. Nashville, 1892-3, ii, 239-245. AUo .- J. Laryngol., Lond., 1892, vi, 511- 515.—Hoffmann (E.) Ueber Cocain zur Erzeugung lo- caler Anasthesie bei kleinereu chirurgischen Operationen. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 912. Also, transl.: N. York M. Month., 1886-7, i, 169-171. -----. Zur Cocainanasthesie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 497. — Holderness (W. B.) The use of cocaine as a local anaesthetic. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, ii, 413.—Blorovitz (M.) Das Cocaiu in der urologischen Praxis. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1889, vii, 641-652. —Hugen- schmidt. Des injections do tropacocalno comme aues- thesiqiie local. Semaine med., Par., 1893, xiii, p. xxii.— Huxley (F. E.) & Flliott (W. T.) The action of co- caine upon the dental tissues. Birmingh. M.Rev., 1885, xvii, 84-87.—Irani (A.) A cocain haszuAlatar61 garates g£'gcbeiitalmakn&l. [Cocaine an anaesthetic for larynx and pharynx] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1885, xxix, 58- 62.—Jackson (E.) The use of cocaine to produce anaes- thesia of the skin and tissues beneath it. Med. Kec, X. V., 1893, xliv, 203.—Kelly (H. A.) On tho aniesthetic use of the hydrochlorate of cocaine upon parts of the body other than the eye. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 713.— Kuapp (H.) On cocaine and its use in ophthalmic and general surgery. Arch. f. Ophth., N. Y., 1884, xiii, 402- 448. Also, Reprint. -----. Further observations on the use of cocaine. Med. Rec., N. V., 1884, xxvi, 656. — Honigslciu (L.) Ueber das Cocainum muriaticum iu seiner Anwendung in der Okulistik. Wien. nied. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1340 ; 1365. — Krogius (A.) Zur Frage von der Cocainanalgesie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 241-245. AUo: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wieu, 1894, xxix, 394. — Kiistncr. Anwendung des Cocains in der plastischen Gyniikologie. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1886, i, 348-350.—Kyle (D. B.) Phenate or carbolate of cocaine as a local anaesthetic. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s., ix, 18. Also, Reprint— I/nflout. Recherches sur Taction anesth6siante de la cocaine: antagonisiiie vasculaire de la cocaine et de la pilocarpine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. a., iv, 768-771. — Landau ( D.) Kokaina stosowana w dentystyce. [Cocaine applied in dentistry.1 Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1885, 2. 8., v, 82.—Landcrcr (A.) Lokale Anasthesie mit subkutanen Cocaininjektioneii. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xii, 841.—Landesbcrg (M.) Hydrochlorate of cocaine, the new local anaesthetic. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1884-5, vii, 201-212. — COCAIXE. 708 COCAINE. Cocaine as ancvsthetic. linpointe (A.) L'anestliesie locale par la cocaine (technique de M. Reclus). Presse med., Par., 1895, 273- 276.—I.ebiun (A.) De I'anesthesie dentaire locale par le chlorhydrate tie cocaine. Cliniqne, Brux., 1887, i, 541- 545— Iunipe.(A.) La cocaina como poderoso recurso en la cirugia "moderna. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1896, xxxviii, 608-616. — Levis (R. J.) Local ana-sthesia bvtbe hydrochlorate of cocaine. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 509. — l.ukashvvich (A. I.) 0 podkozhnikh vpriskivaniyakh kokaina. [On subcutane- ous injections of cocaine.l Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxv, 950-967. — .tl'Farlane (J. M.) Eucaine and cocaine compared. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1896-7, xxix, 411- 413. _ IHalic (G.) Des accidents locaux consecutifs & l'emploi de la phenylcocaine. Odontologie, Par., 1897, 2. 8., v, 13-22.—Man Icy (T. II.) Cocaine analgesia; its ex- tended application in general surgery, when hypodermi- cally employed. Boston M. & S. J., 1890, exxiii, 458-461. A Iso. Keprint. -----. Cocaine analgesia, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, of ulcers, fistube, and fissures iu the ano- rectal region. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1892, xx, 439-444. A Uo, Reprint. — Manz (O.) Ueber regionare Cocain- anasthesie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 189s, xxv, 177- Igi,—JIasiicci (P.) Contribuzione all' uso della cocaina come anestesico ed aualgesico. Arch. ital. di laringol, Napoli, ls84-5, iv, 155-163.—iHcicrhof (E.) Some clini- cal observations on muriate of cocaine. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xi, 513.— Jlercier (O.-F.) La cocaine en chirurgie. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1897, xxvi, 20-26.—Michael (J. E.) Muriate of cocaine in venereal surgery. .Maryland M. J . Bait., 1884-5, xii, 59.—Miller (R. S.) Another cocaine spray-producer. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 159. — .Tloore (\V.) The use of cocaine iu minor surgery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1*95, n. s., xvii, 433- 436. — Morajjn. Cocain als Loeal-Aniistheticum. In- ternat. deriuat. Cong. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. 1892, Wien u. Leipz., 1893, 763-766.—Moure (E.-J.i &. Itaratoux (J.) De l'emploi du chloi ohytlrate tie cocaine comme auesthe- siqiie de la muqueuse tin pharynx, du larynx, du nez, et dans le traitement des affections do cos organes et de l'oreille. Rev. mens, de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1884, iv, 407-413. AUo, Reprint.— tliijnai (A.) Anestesia locale a scopo chirurgico colle iujezioni ipodermicho di cocaina. Gazz. tl. osj).. Milano, 1880, vii, 275; 291. AUo: Riforma med., Napoli, 1887, iii, 374; 383. AUo: Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital.di chir. 1886, Roma, 1887. iii. 347-362.—.Tinriate (The) of cocaine, its use at thePresl>\ ferian Eve, Ear, and Throat Charity Hostal of Baltimore. 'Maryland M. J., Bait, 1884- 5, xii, 60-62.—Nijknmp. Solutio coeaini muriatici als anaestheticum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884, xx, 1139-1141.— Oalts (J. F.) Improved method of cocain anesthesia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 116.— Okada (W.) Cocain kiokuso mashiu no siken. [Ex- periment on the anaesthetic effect of cocain.] Ijishimpo, Tokio. 1893, no. 5, 130-142.—Oliver (C. A.) Hydrochlo- rate of cocaine; observations and conclusions from its use. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1884-5, xii, 135. — Orion" (A. V.) Nleskolko slov o miestnol auestezii solvanokislim kokainoni. [On local amesthesia by hydrochlorate of co- caine.] Vrach, St. I'etersb., 1887, viii, 300.—Otis (F. N.) The hydrochlorate of cocaine in genito-urinary procedures. N. York M. J.. 1884. xl, 635-637.—Paulin. ' Sur l'emploi de la cocaine dans les operations deutaiivs. Bull. Soc. med.-prat, tie Par. (1886). 1887. n. s., ii, 193-199.--Pernice (L.) Ueber Cocaiuauasthesie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1890. xvi, 287-289.—Pilcher (J. K.) Cocaine as an anasthetic; its status at the close of tho first year of its use. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 51-66.—Plicquc (A.-F.) Ancsthesie par la cocaine dans la pratique chirur- gicale. Ami. de metl. scient. et prat, Bar., 1891, i, 3-5.— Poinsot (P.) Un nouvel analgesique local: la pbenyl- cocalne. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1893, xix, 424—Poulsen (K.) Om subkutaneKokainind- sprejtniuger ved Smaaoperationer. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1886, 3. R., iv, 757—Purser (C.) Chloride of ethyl and cocaiue in minor surgery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney 1894, xiii, 180.—Raymond (E. H.) Hydrochlorate of co- caine as a local anesthetic in dental surgery. Tr. N. York Odont Soc. 1885, Phila., 1886, 5-14.—Keclus (P.) De I'an- esthesie locale par la cocaine. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc ■ verb, [etc.] 1889. Par., 1890, iv, 422-429. Also: Gaz. hebd. de mdd., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 146-148. AUo: Union med du Canada, Montreal, 1891,n.s., v, 5-11. -----. La cocaine en chirurgie courante. Rev. scient, Par., 1892, xlix, 394-398. -----. De Tanalgesie par la cocaine en chirurgie courante! Semaine niGd., Par., 1893,xiii.33. AUo, tranxl..- Metl. Week, Bar., 1893, i, 37-39. -----. Analgesic cocainique. In his'- Clin. chir. de la Pitie. s^, Bar., 1894,1-48.—Keclus (P.) & Wall (I.) La cocaine en chi i ui niecourante. Rev.dechir Par.. 1889, ix, 149-168.—Keeve I K. A.) The new local anaes- thetic, hvdrochlorateof cocaine; experiments with caffeine. Canad. Pract, Toronto,!884.ix, 365. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, issi-.i, xvii, 107-Richelot (L.-G.) Sur I'anes- thesie par la cocaine. Union med., Par., 1892, 3. a., liii, 545.—Bojas (I.) Estudio sobre el modo deatenuar, abolir y conibatir los efectos generales tie la cocaina y nianera de aplicarla en inyecciones submucosas. Cong. med. region. Cocaine as anaesthetic. de Cuba, Habana, 1890, 346; 349.-Rooxn (D. B. St J) The new local anaesthetic. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1884 xxvi 463. — Kosebrugh (A. M.) Cocaine as a local anlesthe' tic. Canada Lancet, Toronto. 1884-5, xvii. 104—Rosen. berg (P.) Cocain zur Herabsetzung der Narkotisirungi). gefahr. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir Leipz., 1895, xxiv, 37.—Rosenthal (M.) Kxprriineiitelle und klinische Beitrage zur Cocalnwirkung. Wien nied Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 155- 147.—Rossbach . H. R.) Cucaine in labour and gynaecological cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 927.—Dolirris. De l'analgesie th-8 voies g5.] Cocaine hydrochloride as the name of the salt formed by cocaine with hydrochloric acid, and a discussion of the nomenclature of alkaloidal salts iu general. 97 pp. 12. New York, Drug- gists7 Circular Press, 18*5. Repr. from: Weekly Drug News, N. V., 1884, ix. Cocaine-habit. Detlefsex (F.) * Zur Casuistik der halluci- natorischen Cocain - Paranoia. £-". Berlin, [1890]. Hammond (AV. A.) Coca; its preparations and their therapeutical qualities, with some remarks ou the so-called cocaiue habit. 4°. [New York, 1888 ?] Iiilow (AY.) * Ueber Morphio-Cocainisnius und halluciuatorische Cocain-Paranoia. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Krebs (E.) *Ein Fall von reinein Cocainis- nius. 8:'. Konigsberg, 1892. Ball ( B.) De la cocaino-morphinomanie. Ann.de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1891, n. s., 1-9.—Rosworth (F. H.) Is cocaine an enslaving ding? Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1895, xi, 136-140.—Braiueril (H. G.) Co- caine addiction. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1891, 193- 201. — Buccelli (N.) Cocainismo e delirio cocainico. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1894, xx,69-82.—Con- fessions (The) of a cocainist. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1897, xliii, Suppl., 17695. — fcrolhcrs (T. D. ) Some medico- legal questions concerning cocaine inebriety. Medicine, Detroit, 1896, ii, 297-302. — Duauy-Solei-. Dn cas tie cocainisme aigu. Rev. cbir. tl. mal. tl. voies urin., Par., 1892, iv, 4. — Frleniueyer (A.) Ueber Cocainsncht. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, vii, 483.—French (J. M.) A case of morphine-cocaine addiction, with abrupt self- stopping. Am. Therapist, N. Y., 1896-7, v, 257-260.— Freud (S.) Bemerkungen iiber Cocaiusucht und Cocaiu- furcbt, mit Beziehung auf einen Vortrag W. A. Ham- mond's. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 929-932.— (»astou. Cocainomanie et morphiuomanie; pseudo- syphilides tuberculo-crustacees. Mus. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1890, 155-158, 1 pl.— Gilbert (D. D.) The cocaine habit from snuff. Boston M. & S. J., 1898. exxxviii, 119.—Ilallopean. Sur une ob- servation de cocainisme chronique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, 728-736. -----. Sur une forme pro- long6e tie cocainisme aigu. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1891, exx, 481-493.— Hammond (\V. A.) Remarks on cocoaine and the so-called cocaine habit. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1886, n. s.. xi, 754-759. Also: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 637-639.—Hughes (C. H.) My first case of cocainophobia and coeaiicmania. What will be- come of it? Alienist & Neurol , St. Louis, 1888, ix, 237- 240. Also, Reprint.—Johnson (I. T.) Cocainism. X. York M. Reporter. Rochester, 1894-5, i, 6.—von Kindt. Ebing [II.1 Belastung: Cocainismus; zweifelhafte IJe- rufsfahigke't als Arzt. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1889, xl, 332-338- Also: Wien. med. 151., 1889, xii, 711.—fjoewenberg. Le cocainisme chronique d'origine nasale. Bull, med., Par., 1895, ix, 253.— I-,ufl'(A. P.) The cocaine habit. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 592.—JIngnnu & Naur v. Trois cas de cocainisme chronique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i. 60-63.—ITIaltisou (J. B.) < 'ocaino dosage and cocaine addiction. Peoria M. Month., 1886-7, vii, 532; 571. Also: Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 125-133. AUo: Chicago M. J. &. Exam., 1887, liv, 335-361. Also: Pacific M. &, S. J.. San Fran., 1887, xxx, 193-213. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1024-1021). Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Tribune nied., Par., 1888. xx, 3-7. Also, Reprint. -----. Cocainism. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1892, xiii, 474: 1893, xliii, 34. AUo, Reprint.—Morselli (E.) Nota sulla psicosi cocainica e sue varieta nosograflche. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 2,554: 566.— Norman (C.) A note on cocainism. ,7. Ment. Sc. Lond.. 1892, xxxviii, 195-199.—RfbakoflT ( F. E. ) Magnau'ovskiy shiiptom khronieheskavo kokainisma. [Magnan's symp- tom of chronic cocainism.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1896, xlv, COCAINE-HABIT. 710 COCCIDIA. Cocaiiic-liabit. Sll-S^ —Ring (F. W.) Cocaine and its fascinations, from "a personal experience. Metl. Rec., N. Y.. 1887, xxxn, 974_o76 _»alis. Monocular temporal hemianopsia troru acute cocainism. Ann. d'ocul., IS. Y., 1896 cxv, 2.:>-2i8.— Sallarri (A.) Cocaine et cocainisme. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1896, lxiii, 163-170.-Wnn Jlarlni (J.) Cocainismo agudo a manifestaciones prolongadas. < ron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1891. xvii, 237-241. AZso: Arch. de la Soc. estud. cliu. do la Habana (1890-92), 189."., y, 53- 57. — Saury. Observation de morphino - cocainisme. Cons. aim. de nied. ment, C.-r. 1890, Par., 1891. i. 94-99.- Seifcrt. Ueber Cocain und f'ocainisnius. Sitzungsb. tl. phvs.-med. (iesellsch. zu Wiirzb., Is80, 46-59.—Smilh (R. P.) Case of cocainism. J. Ment. Sc. Lond.. 189-, xxxviii. 408-410.-Sollier (P.) Un cas de niorphio- cocainomaniodatantde dixans; suppression immediate (le la cocaine: suppression en cinq jours de la morphine: gue- rison. Bull, et mtmi. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par.. 1p94. 3. s.. xi, 408-414— Spi-inglhorpc (J. W.) The confessions of a cocainist. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 189o, xiv, 3/0- 374 Also: Quart. .T. Tnebr., Hartford, 1897, xix, f*-01;— Waterhouse |E. R.) Cocaine debauchery. Eclect.il. J.. Cincin.. 1-90. lvi, 464.—Zangjjer (T.) The cocaine habit, tfrit. M. J.. Loud.. 1896, ii. 123. -----• Ein Fall von chronischem Cocainmissbrauch. Cor.-Bl. t. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1897. xxvii. 427-420.—Zeuner (P.) Cocaine habit. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 3o-4l. Cocard (Maurice) [l*f>9- ]. *Les traite- ments des kystes de l'ovaire pendant la gros- sesse et les suites de couches; leur valeur rela- tive. 101pp. 4;. Paris, 1896, Xo. 210. Coca y Cirera (Antonio). Prolegdmenos de clinica* nie"dica. Obra postuina, completada por los doctores Crous y Brugtiera Marti, ix, 11-332 pp. 8°. Barcelona, imp. Hispana, 1873. -----. Tratado tie terapeutica general. Tomo uuico. 3. ed. xii, 936 pp. 8-. Barcelona, imp- del Diario de Barcelona, 1873. Cocclli (Antonio) [1695-1758]. De usu artis anatomica3. 1 p. 1.. 48 pp. 4°. Florentine typ. A. M. Albizzinii, 17'36. ------. Elogio di Pietro Antonio Micheli. 1 p. 1., 39 pp. 4\ Firenze, G. G. Tartini e Santi Fran- chi, 1737. Bimnd with his: De usu artis anatomica?. 4°. Floren- tios. 1736. ------. Del vitto Pitagorico per uso della medi- cina. 72 pp. PJC. Venezia, S. Occhi, 1744. Also, in: Rac d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1744, xxxi, 1-71, 1 pl. ------. The same. Du regime de vivre pytha- goricien a I'usage de la m6decine. Trad, de l'italien. viii, 111 pp. 8°. Geneve, freres Cra- mer 4- C. Philibert, 1750. ------'. The same. Le regime pythagoricien. In: Pieces interessantes sur la m6decine et la phvsi- que [etc.J. 12°. Pans, 1782, 1-74. ------. Tho same. Die pythagoraische Lebens- weise. Ein Mittel zur Erhaltung der Gesuud- heit und zur Unterstiitzung der Heilkunde. 3-24 pp. 8^. Berlin, T. Grieben, 1870. Gesund., Wohlst. u. Gliick, Berl., 1870, iii, 16. Lfg., pt. 1. ------. Dissertazione sopra 1' uso esterno ap- prcsso gli antichi dell' acqua fredda sul corpo uniano. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1747, xxxvi, pp. i-xxxvi. —. Dei discorsi Toscani. Parte la e lla. Front., lxx (1 ].), -251 pp.; iv, 200 pp., 12°. Firenze, A. Bonducci, 1761-2. Disconrs snr l'histoire natnrelle. 2 v. 1 tab In: Pieces interessantes sur la m6decine et la phy- sique [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1782, 75-108. -----. Relazione medica. [Mole di cuore enor- niemente accresciuta con fortissima, ed univer- sal i adesione al pericardio, etc.] In: Rac. di opusc. med.-prat. 8°. 251-266. Firenze, 1782, vi, Cocclli (Antonio)—continued. ------. Consulti medici. 2 v. xxviii, 222 pp. 202 pp. fol. Bergamo, V. Antoine, 1791. ------. Discorso secondo non hnito sopra Ascle- piatle. In: PrccixoTTi (F.) Storia della medicina. 8^. Na- poli, 1860, i, 239-249. See, alsn, Pasta (Giuseppe) [in 1. s.]. La tolleranza filosoflca delle malattie [etc. |. 2. ed. 8°. Bergamo, 1788. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Venezia, 1795. For Biography, see Tozzetti (F.) Elogio di Antonio Cocchi Mugellano. In: Cocchi (A.) Dei discorsi Tos- cani [etc.|. 12°. Firenze, 1761, i, pp. ix-xlviii. See, also: c- -.] Lettre sur la mesure et le calcul des douleurs et des plaisirs. In: Pieces intlressantes sur la medecine et la phy- sique [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1782, 304-316. Ferrnrio (E.) Di Antonio Cocchi e della sua medi- cina. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1848, 2. s., i, 1; ]3; 25; 37. AUo, Reprint. Cocchi (Raimondo) [ -1775]. Lezioni fisico- jinatoiniche recitate pnbblicamente in Firenze nel teatro del regio spedale tli Santa Maria Nuova. Opera postuma. 1 p. 1., 119 pp. 4-. Livorno, T. Masie comp., 177"). Cocclli (Virgilio) [1692-1736]. II buon' uso dell' acqua fredda nelle malattie tanto interne, quanto esterne. lvi pp. sm. 4°. Perugia, Cos- tanlini, 1735. Coccllia (Antonio). La teoria ineccanica della patologia uteriua. 11 pp. 8°. Avellino, Tuli- miero e C, 1886. Coccliii (Antonio Ca-lestino) [1699-1747]. Epis- tolae pliy.sico-inedicse ad clarijsimos viros Lan- cisiuin et Morgagnum. Juxta editionem Romas editam et diligenter correctam. 2 p. 1., 66 pp., 1 1. 4-. veneunt Parisiis, Lugd. Bat. [etc.], 1732. Boundwith: BosCHETTI (B.) Dissertatio de salivations mercuriali [etc.]. 4°. Parisiis, Lugd.-Bat, 1732. An- other copy, bound with: Mazinus (J. B.) Mechanices morborum desumptie [etc.]. Ed. 2a. 4°. Offenbaei ad Mcenum, 1731. ------. Diss, physico-practica continens vindi- cias corticis Peruviani. viii, 9-63 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., C. de Pecker, 1750. [Also, in: P., v. 1856.] See, also, Sydenham (Thomas) [in 1. s.h Opera me- dica. fol. Venetiis, 1762. -----. The same [in 1. s.J. 2 v. 43. Neapoli, 1767. Coccia (L.) Sommario di materia medica e terapia. Con prefazione e note di Domenico Franca, x (1 1.), 328 pp. 8°. Napoli, D. Cesa- reo, 1891. Coccidia. Podwyssozki (W.) Zur Entwickelungsge- schictate des Coccidium oviforme als Zell- Schmarotzers. roy. 6°. Cassel, 1895. Clarke (J. J.) A phase of coccidium oviforme. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xlv, 242.----- A study of coc- citlia met with in mice. Quart. J. Mier. Sc., Lond., l»94-a, xxxvii, 277-284, 1 pl.—Felsenthal (S.) &. Slamni (0.) Die Veranderun'en in Leber uud Darm bei tier Coccidien- krankheit tier Kaninchen. Arcb. f. path. Anat, [etc.], Berl., 1893, exxxii, 36-49, 1 pl.—Freeman l R G.) Coc- cidium oviforme (psorospcrmhci. Proc. V York Tan. Soc. (1889), 1890, 93— L.abbe (A.) Sur les coccidies dea oiseaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvi, 1300- 1303.— Lavcran (A.) Sur une coccitlie du goujon. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv 92a-927.- I^eaer (L.) Coccidies nouvelles du tube digestit des Myrianodes. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc., Par.. 1897 cxxiv, 901-903. -----. Le cycle evolutif des coccidio* chez lea Arthropodes. Ibid., 966-969.----- Etude experinien- tale sur les coccidies. Ibid., cxxv, 329 - U'Fadycnn (J.) Some observations regarding the coccidium oviforme. J. Comp. Path. \ Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1894, vn, 131- 137 1 pl.-TIt Farlainl (J. H.) Coccidium oviforme. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila,, 1897-8, n. s., i, 12-19.-Ifletchiii- koflf (E ) Sur le stade tiagell6 des coccidies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, HB.-Pod* i- aotski (V. V.) Istoria razvitiya coccidu oviformis. [His- tory of the development of. . .] Trudi V syezda ObsH. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, n, *-*• Remy. Psorospermie hepatique du lapm. Bull. A eau. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1890, 4. s., iv, 384-388.- Schuberg. Ueber Coccidien des Mausedarmes. ^t- zungsb. tl. phvs.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wurzb., 1892 65-(2. ---—. Die encystirten Coccidien aus dem Kothe von Mus musculus eritinern sebr an Coccidium oviforme aus der Leber und C. perforans aus dem Danue von lie- C00CID1A. 711 COCCYX. Coccygodynia. Hale (E. M.) Diseases of the coccyx and coccyodynia. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. V.. 1888, x, 9-26.—Harriss (A. H.) Coccygodynia. Morth Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1893, xxxi, 261-263.—.lanvrin. Coccygodynia cured by removal of a part of the coccyx. Am. j. Obst., N. Y., 1882, xv (suppl., 265). Also: X. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 167. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 83.—1,nub (H.) Kasuitiske Bidrag til Kundskab om Koocygodyni. Gy- nak. og. obst. Medtl., Kjobenh., 1881,3. R.,iii,29-37.—liiicy. Coccvdvnia; excision of coccyx. Lancet, Loud., 1892, ii, 1046. —Maar (L.) Et Tilfielde af Coccygotlyni, helbredet ved Operation. Ifosn.-Tid., Kjobenh., lV82, 2. R,, ix, 284.— IVIoutgonicry (E. E.) Coccygodynia. Charlotte [N.C.] M. J., 1895,vii, 711.—xTiortou (A.E.) Coccyodynia, Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 126. —Peyer (A.) Zwei Fiille von Nenralgie des Steissbeius (Coecvgodvnie) bei Mannern. Centralbl. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., If88, ix', 657-662.—Phocas (G.) Contribution a, l'dtude de la coccygodynie. Arch. prov. tie chir., Par., 1892, i, 407-412.—Post (A.) A case of coccyodynia; removal of coccyx: recovery. Boston M. &. S. J.,'1890, exxiii, 300.—4ehae flTcr (().) Feber Sitz untl rrspriing des Kreu/.wehes und des ''A tterschmerzes" (Pseudocoecygo.l.vnie). Centralbl. f. Cyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi. 1249-1254.—Seel iumiil Icr (A.) Coccygodynie seit zwtilf Jahren bestehend, Liebeilt durch den faradischen Strom. In his: Xeuropathol. Beobacht., 8°, Halle, 1873, 25-27.—Nimpwou (I. Y.) On coccygodynia, and the dis- eases and deformities of the coccyx. In his: Works [Dis. of Women], 8°, Edinb., 1871, ii'i, 202-224.—Sutton (B.) Excision of the coccyx for coccygodynia. Med. Press & Circ., Loud., 1892, n.'s., liv, 607.—Sutton (R. S.) Anew and reliable remedy for coccygodynia and pruritus ani. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 563. — von Swiecicki. Zur operativen Behandlung tier coccygody- nie. Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 1136. Also, Repiint.— Tillaux. Coccyodynie; resection tlu coccyx. Prati- cien, Par., 1885, viii, 293-295.—Tilmann. Zwei Paile von Coccygodynie. Charit6-Ann., Berl., 1894, xix, 361.— Ward. ' Coccygodynia cured bv removal of the os coccy- gis. X. York M. J.,' 1882, xxxvi, 70.—Welch (G. T.) Ex- tirpation of the os coccygis for neuralgia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Xewark, 1886, 228.—Werner (Marie B.) A re- port of a case of coccygodynia with extirpation of the coc- cyx. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 287. Coccyx. See, also, Labor; Sacro-coccygeal region. Blum ( F. ) * Die Schwanzmuskulatur des Menschen. [ Freiburg i. B. ] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1894. Laxz ( E. ) * Ueber die Beweglichkeit des Steissbeines und ihre Beziehung zu der Geburt. 8\ Bern, 1878. Bianchi. Sulla interpretazionemorfologica della pri- ma vertebra coccigea nell' uomo. R. Accad. tl. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb., 1895, 9.—Fry (H. D.) The function of the coccyx in the mechanism of labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 1257-1265. AUo, Reprint.—Gruber (W.) Ein seltener Curvator coccygis accessorius beim Men- schen, homolog dem constanten Depressor caudse longus bei gewissen Saugethieren; vorher nicht gesehen. Arch. ,f. path. Anat. [etc]. Berl., 1887, cix, 1-4.—Jacobi (F. H.) Beitrag zur Anatomie der Steissbeinmusculatur des Men- schen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1888, 353-364. Coccidia. 1)Us tun. Zool. Jahresb. 1896, Berl., 1897 (Protoz.), 22-24.— Mimoiitl (l'.-L.) L'6votution des sporozoaires tin genre Coccidium. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur. Par., 1897, xi. 545- 581,2 pl-— *teiiihnus (J.) Karyophagiis Salaiuandrne; eine in den Darmepithelzellkerucu parasitiseh lebeiitle Coccidie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1889, cxv, 176-18"), 1 pl.—Thelolinu (P.) Sur quelques coccidies nouvelles, parasites des poissons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1892, cxiv, 136-138. Also: J. de l'anat. et phy- siol. [etc.], Par., 1892. xxviii, 151-162. 1 pl. -----. Nou- velles recherches sur les coccidies. Compt. lend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvii, 247-249. CoccillS (Eruestus Adolplms) [ ls-.jr>-90]. De apparatu optico atl interiores bnlbi oculi mor- bus tleinonstraudos constructo. [In memoriam EG. Bosei.] 23 pp. 4°. Lips'uv, A. Edelmann, [ISiW]. For Biography, see Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii, pt. 2, 73. Cocconato. statuto organico e regolamento interim dell' Ospedale Mandamentale 8erra, eretto nel comune di Cocconato." 22 pp. 8C. A*ti, G. Tinassa. 1899. Coccoz (Jean-Baptiste) [I860- ]. * Contri- bution a l'e'tude de la polynrie essentielle; de ses rapports avec la tubercnlose. .Vi pp. 4°. Lyon, 1894, Xo. 974. Cocculus -indicus. Steixer (F.) * Izsliedovanie kukolvana (fructus cocculi indici). 12°. St. Petersburg, 1877. Jacobi (Mary P.) Remarks on cocculus indicus., X. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 29-35. — Pelletier (J.) & Conerbc (J.) Nouvelle analyse de la coque du Levant. Ann. de chim. etphys., Par., 1833, liv, 178-207. Cocculus indicus (Toxicology of). Delia Siitltlti (G.) Denx cas d'empoisonnenient par la coqne du Levant. Gaz.-med. d'Orient, Constant., 1858- 9, ii, 186-188—Haynes (F. L.) Toxic effects of coccu- lus indicus on man; with a comparison between strych- nia- and cocculus-indicus-poisoning. Phila. M. Times, 1883-1. xiv. 748.— Tlenko (M. L. H. S.) Een geval van vergiftiiriiiL.' met kokkelskorrels. Metl. Weekbl., Amst., 1895-6. ii, ."."2.— Plugjje (P. C.) Onderzoekingen over de toxische wei king van het alcalolde van cocculus laurifo- lius DC. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1893, 2. R., xxix, pt. 1. 744-753. AUo, transl.: Arch. f. exper. Path. n. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1893, xxxii, 267-277. — Sozinskey (T. S.) Notes on flshberries (Cocculi indici), and a unique case of fatal poisoning therefrom. Med. Xews Phila., 1883, xliii, 485.—Swift (G. E.) Fatal poisoning by coccu- lus suberosus. X. York M. J., 1897, lxvi, 664. Coccygodynia. Kasack ([M.] R.) * Ueber Coccygodynie. 8°. Berlin, [1-93]. Kuczora (W.) "Ueber Coccygodynie und ihre Behandlungsweise. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Eohleder (W.) * Ueber Coccygodynie. 8-. Berlin, )896. vox Scaxzoxi [F. W.] Ueber Coccygody- nie. *-. Wiirzburg, 1-61. Atller (L. H.). jr. Excision of the coccyx for constant pain resulting from au ununited fracture. Metl. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 348. Also, Reprint.—Br.rwell (R.) Coccydvnia; differentiation of cases and of treatment. Med. "Week, Par., 1894. ii, 149.—Binzer ogJahn. Lidt ora Kokcygodyni 02 Exstirpation af Os coccygis. Gvnaek. ogobst. Medd., Kjobenh.. 1^2, iv, 1.-2. Hft., 52-61.—Bre- mer (L.) The knife for coccygodynia a failure. Med. Kec, X. Y., 1896, 1, 154.—Browne (B. B.) Excision of coccyx for coccyodynia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 4.'6. -----. Coccyx removed for coccyodynia. Ibid., 1885, xiii, 26.—Cooper (H. P.) Coccvgodyiiia. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1890-91. n. s., vii, 1-10.—Elliott (C. S.) Coc- ry- ulynia. Med. Arena, Kansas City, ls'.)5, iv, 257-262.— Faye (b\ C.) Coccyodynie bewirket ved Fractur af den neilerste Ende af Rumpbenet. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevi- 'h-nsk.. Christiania, 1861, xv, 137-146. Also, Reprint.— Fei-^nsou (A. H.) Coccyodynia. Canad. Pract., To- ronto, 1886. xi, 233-235.—Fletcher (\V. B.) Coccygody- nia. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1897-8. xvi, 301-304.— Gooilell MV.) Coccygodynia. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 756-7.-^. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1884, v, 187- 1^- -----. Coccyx removed for coccygodynia. Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 18X4. 1, 588.—Grate (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Coccygodynie. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1888, xv, 344-353.— Coccyx (Abnormities and diseases of). See, also, Coccyx (Excision of); Coccyx ('Tu- mors of); Tailed men. Oarrah (R. E.) A report of three cases of caries of the coccyx. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxviii, 36-38.— Dunn (L.A.) "Necrosis of the coccyx. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889, 3. s., xxxi, 191-196.—E vans (Z. H.) Necrosis of the coccyx with mental symptoms; cured by operation. Phila. M. Times, 1887-8, xviii, 351.—Fair (F. W.) Case of rigid coccyx. Guv's Hosp. Gaz., Loud., 1889, n. 8., iii, 173.— Fere (C.) Une anomalie du coccyx chez un epileptique. N. iconog. tie la Salpetriere, Par., 1892, v, 89-91, 1 phot.— Hale (E. M.) Diseases of the coccyx and coccygody- nia. Homoeop. J. Obst, N. Y., 1888, x, 9; 124; 197; 308. — L>e Bay. Cas de fistule coccygienne. Echo med., Toulouse, 1896, 2. s., x, 61. — lTIacdonald ( A. ) Backward projection of coccyx, with anchylosis of sacro- coccygeal joint. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 318-320.— Ulairielung (O.) Ueber die Foveola coccygea (Ecker). Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xii, 761-764.—Baymond (F.) SUr les affections de laqueue de cheval; a, propos de deux cas de ces affections. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1895, viii, 65-106, 1 pl. Coccyx (Dislocation and fracture of). See, also, Coccyx (Excision of).' Bailey (W. W.) Fracture of coccyx; an incorrect diagnosis. J. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1893-4. iv, COCCYX. 712 COCHiX-CIIIXA. Coccyx (Dislocation and fracture of). pis —(Seliruii^. lMslocation of coccyx. St. LouisCour. Med.. 1888, xx, 544-547. — Jackson (J. N.) Fracture of coccyx. Langsdale's Lancet, Kausas City, 1896, i, 299.— JoJIy (W. J.) Fracture of the coccyx and passage of the segment per annum. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 762. Coccyx (Excision of). See* also, Coccygodynia; Coccyx (Tumors of). Adit ■ (L. H.) Excision of the coccyx for constant pain resulting from an ununited fracture. Med. News, Phila., 1895 xlvii, 348. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 189o! xvi, 259-261. — Cottrell (S. P.) Garretsou's opera- tion for the removal of the coccyx without disturbance of the perineum. Indepeud. Pract., N. Y., 1883, iv, 8-10.— Dawson (B. F.) Coceygectomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 1189. Also: N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 360. AUo: Tr. N.York Obst. Soc. (1881-5). 1885,iii,210.—Earlcy (T. B.) Extirpation of the coccyx for the relief of an irre- ducible luxation. Med. Bull., Phila., 1893, xv, 138.—[Gar- retaon.] The surgical engine antl the coccyx. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 303.—Harrison (G. T.) Removal of the coccyx after injury. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 268. Also:' Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 159.— Hirst (B. C.) A coccyx excised for ununited fracture. Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1897, xxxv, 794. —Iinlach. Caries of the coccyx, removed. Brit. Gynaec. J., Loud., 1885, i, ;!19.__Lieli (E. N.) Excision of the coccyx for fracture and necrosis, with a report of four cases. Med. News, N. Y.. 1897, lxx. 382. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1897, 402-404.—illacdonald (A.) Coceygectomy. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. 1S84-5.x, 183. AUo : Etlinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 31s.—Otlell ( W.) A case of removal of the coccyx. Lan- cet, Lond., Is87, i, 1088.—Pine (Alcinda A.) Removal of the coccyx witli union by first intention. Northwest. Lancet, St, Paul, 1892, xii, 180-182. — Whitehead (W.) Excision of the coccyx. Laueet, Lond., 1886, ii, 112. Coccyx (Tumors of). See, also, Sacro-coccygeal region (Tumors of)- Coi'RAi'D (J.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des depressions, fistnles cong6nitales entailers et kystes dermoides de la region sacro-coccygienne. 4°. Paris, 1883. Bowlbv (A. A.) Three cases of coccygeal cysts. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1889-90, xii, 284-289. — Chcnautais. Tumeur de la region coccygienne (paroi d'une fistule). J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1883, xvii, 457. — €oe (H. W.) Dermoid cyst of coccyx. Pacific M. Rec, Portland. Oreg., 1893, i, 78,—"Davis (E. P.) Extirpation of the coccyx for congenital cyst. Ann. Gymec & Paediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 542. — Krows (IL) Adat a vilagrabozott farc.-iktAji daganatok ismeretehez. [Congenital tumors of os coc- cygis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, ls83, xxvii. 973-979. AUo, transl. : Test, nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883, xix, 1005.— Quillet. Kyste derinoide de la region ano-coccygienue. J. de med.de l'ouest, Nantes, 1882, xvi, 240.—Hcu'rtaux. Tumeur de la region cocevgienne recidivee; sarcome fuso- celhilaire fascicule. Ibid... 377. — Jewett (F. A.) An- gioma of the coccyx. N. York M. J., 1884. xxxix, 612.— Laugc (K.) Cysta derinoidalis reg. coccygis; exstirpa- tion; balsa. Eira, Stockholm, 1897, xxi, 352. — Lcrai. Tumeur enlevee dans la region ano-coccygienue dune petite fille de six mois. Gaz. ni6d. de Nantes, 1883-4, ii, 26. AUo: Bull. Soc. anat, de Nantes 1883, Par., 1885, vii, 100.— Leriche. Tumeur coccygienne complexe. Cong, franc. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc] 1886, Par., 1887, ii, 519-525. — Raingcard. Tumeur de la r6gion sacro-coccygienne; sarcome avec deg6neresceuce muqueuse. J. de med. de l'onest. Nantes, 1884, xviii, 281-284. — Schmidt (B.) & Schmidt (M.) Zwei Fiille von Geschwiilsten in der (legend des Schwanzbeines. Arb. a. d. chir. Univ.-Po- liklin. zu Leijiz., 1892, 2.Hft,, 15-22.—Thomas. Exstir- pation eines am Osse coccygis befindlicben Parasiten. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Pommern 1834, Stettin, 1835. 79-81. — Torngren (A.) Ett fall af kongenitalt coccyxkystom. Finska lak.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1890, xxxii, 388-394,1 pl.—Vincent (E.) Tumeurs de la region coccygieuue. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1889), 1890, xxix, pt. 2, 180-182. —Zcdler. Steatoma ossis coccygis. Gen.-San.-Ber. v. Schlesien f. d. Jahr 1832, Bresl., 1834, 334. Cocliard (Jean-Francois). *S6ries de proposi- tions sur la nature et le traitement des loupes, et sur les fractures eu general. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1*04], Xo. 159, v. E. Coclie (Charles). * De la retention d'urine par paralysie de la vessie au cours de l'urdthrite bleunorrhagique. (J5tude clinique et pathoge- nic! ue.) 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1897, Xo. 29. Coclie (Henri) [ 186*- ]. *Des incisions operatoiivs dans la region du genou. [I,y-. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1820. Cochran (John) [1730-1807]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Cochll (Franciscus Felicitas). *Au educendo calculo cieteris anteponeudus altus apparatus? Pryes. Philippus Davier de Breville. 4 pp. sui. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1734.] AUo. in: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannai, 1755, iv, 151-156. See, also, Bourru (Edmonde Claude). *Xuni chroni- cis. aquae minerales vulgo de Merlange? 4°. [Parisiis, 1765.]—Routigny Despreaux (Carolus Franciscus). *An in acutis aliquando cunctandum? In: Sigwakt (G. F.) Qusest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 33-38.— Thaui-aux (Joannes) [in 1. s.]. * An qui tumores deleri debent, ferro potius, quam cauterio potentiali, delendi? 4°. [ParUiis, 1776.] Cocillana. Egassc (£.) Le cocillana. Bull, g6n.de therap. [etc.], Par., 1890, cxviii, 493-501. — Mettlee (L. H.) Cocillana and its clinical uses. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 376-379. — Rushy (H. H), Cobleiitz (V.) & Wilcox (R. W.) A collective studv of cocillana. (Guarea-Sp.) Brooklyn M. J., 1893, vii. 385-405. AUo: Med. Age, Detroit, 1893, xi, 449-461.—Ryan (F. G.) Cocillana; the bark of an un- determined species of Guarea; natural order: Meliaceas; habitat: Bolivia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 76.— Schuchardt (B.) Cocillana. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl.Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1890, xix, 47-53. — Shoemaker (J. V.) Tbe therapeutical applications of cocillana. Med. Bull., Phila.. 1893, xv, 43-49. — Wilcox ( R. W.) Cocil- lana; a clinical study. N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 710-713. Cock (Edward) [1805-92]. Practical anatomy of the nerves and vessels supplying the head, neck, and chest; intended as a guide for the use of students in the dissection of those structures. xxxv, 242 pp. 16°. London, H. Jackson, 1H46. For Biography, see Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, xlix, pp. xciv-cxxiii (R. C. Lucas). Also: Laueet, Loud., 1892, ii, 1202. Cock (Gulielnius Henricus). *De purpura hae- morrhagica. 2 p. 1., 21 pp. 8U. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1822. Cock (Thomas F.) [ 1819-96]. A manual of ob- stetrics, vii, 9-250 pp. 8°. New York, S. S. o'' W. Wood, lKr>3. See, also, l*re»criber's (The) pharmacopceia. 16°. New York, 1853. For Biography, see Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 929. Cockblll'll (Archibald William). A probation- ary essay on hydrocele. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Univ. Press, 183*. [Also, in: P., v. 1214; 1274.] Cockblll'll (William) [1669-1739]. CEcoiiomia corporis animalis; juxta editionem Loudineu- sem, de auno 1695, recusa. 5 p. 1., 190 pp., 1 1. 16-. Augustce Vindelicorum, imp. Kroniger 4' luered. Gcebelii, 1696. Another copy, bound with: Lanzoni (J.) [in 1. s.]. Tractatus de halsamatione [etc.]. 16°. Genevee, [1696]. OOCKBTJEN. 714 CODI). Cockblll'll (William)—continued. -----. liedeuering eu aannierkingen omtrent de ziektens ter zee voorvallende; uit het Engelsch vertaald en met aanteekeningen voorzien door Govard Bitlloo. 3 p. 1., 478 pp., 8 1. 12-. Lei- den, J. Luchtman, 1701. ------. Yirulentie gonorrlneju syniptoinata, na- tura, causa et cnrationes. 10 p. 1., 175 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apud I. Severinum, 1716. ------. Thesame. The symptoms, nature, cause, and cure of a gonorrhoea. 4. ed. 17 p. 1., 332 pp., 2 pl., 2 1. 8:. London, G. Strahan, 1728. ------. Preparation anatomique des parties de l'homme servant a la g6neration, faite sur les de"couvertes les plus moderues. 1 1., 1 col. pl. fol. J. C. Le Blon inv., delin. el fecit, London, [1721?]. -----. The nature and cure of fluxes; to which is added the method of finding the doses of purging and vomiting medicines for every age and constitution of men; together with the doses of these medicines iu common use. 3. ed. vi, xiii (2 1.), 344 pp. J2-. London, J. Clarke, 1724. Cocke (James R.) Hypnotism : how it is done; its uses and dangers, v, 373 pp. 12°. Boston, Arena Publ. Co., 1894. Cocke (John H[artwell]) [1780-1866]. See Temperance essays [etc.]. 12°. Albany, 1865 Cocke (William I.) The theory aud practice, of medicine, viii, 7-366 pp. 8°. New York, Hol- man, Gray 4' C°"< 1853. Cockertnoiitll Royal District Council. An- nual reports of the medical officer of health, with vital statistics and work of the inspector for the years 1^82-85; 1887-97. By Johu Robertson. r-. London, J. Churchill if Sons, 1865. [P.. v. 2090.] ------. Thoughts on the present theories of the algitle stage of cholera. 24 pp. 8J. London, T. Bichards, 1866. ------. Notes on the surgical treatment of aortic aneurism; being in part a reprint of some papers in the Lancet ou the same subject, published in the years 1869 and 1872. 43 pp. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1877. Cockroach. See Blatta. Cocks (David Clavi:) [1851-90]. McLean' (M. j Iu memoriam. David Clark Cocks. M. D. obi. 16-. [New York (?), 1890.] Obituary. Med. Rec., N. T., 1890, xxxvii, 104. Cocks (W. P.) Pathological anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and their membranes; being a coudeused description of the morbid appear^ auces generally met with after death; with cases, xvi, 175 pp., 13 pl. 24°. London, S. Highley, 1.-31. ------. Illustrations of amputations. 21 1., 24 pl. 8J. London, Longman [and others], 1831. ------. Forms for facilitating the records of post mortem appearances. 8 pp. 8-. London, Long- man [and others], 1832. Cocks (XV. P.)—continued. -----. A concise treatise on operative surgery describing the methods adopted by the English' continental, and American surgeons; selected for the use of junior practitioners and students 2. ed. iv, 375 pp., 12 pl., 19 1. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1841. Cockson (W. C). See liebert (Hermann). A treatise on milk feto 1 12°. New York, 1887. L 'J' Codes (Barptolornseus) [1467-1504?]. Physi- ognomisB et ckiromautife compendium. 107 1. 16°. Argentorati, [J. AIbrecht], 1534. Bound with: Hippocrates. Hippoeratis aphorismi 16°. [Parisiis.'], 1527. See, also, Infiuita natura} secreta [etc.], fol. Pavice 1515. * ' Cocoa. See Cacao; Chocolate ; Theobromine. Cocoa, and chocolate; a short history of their production and use. With a full and particular account of their properties, and of the various methods of preparing them for food. Front., ix, 165 pp. 12°. Dorchester, Mass., W. Baker f Co., 1886. Cocoa-nut. Marshall (H.) Contribution to a natural and economical history of the cocoa-nut tree. 8-. Edinburgh, 1832. Moore (R. \V.) The relation of cocoanut oil to the various methods of butter analysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc, N. T.. 1885. vii, 188-193. Also: Analyst, Lond., 1885, x, 224-228.—Stevenson (J.) Young cocoa-nut. Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 094. Cocoa-nut -water. See Bacteriology (Culture methods, etc., of). Cocq (Valere). * De la symphyseotomie daus lea angusties pelviennes. Recherches experimen- tales; faits cliniques. 148 pp., 1 tab. e~. Bruxelles, H. Lamertin, 1894. Cocquelet (L6ou-Alexaudre-Joseph) [1863- ]. * Sur tin cas de complication d'un kyste du liga- ment large. 42 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 626. Cocquis (Petrus). * Disputatio continens se- lectiores quasdam positioues medicas. 5 1. 4~. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 16,8*. Cocula (J.-A.) Conseils pratiques sur la mdde- cine v6teriuaire. 99 pp. 12°. Cahors, F. Del- perier, 1888. Cocnlet (Albert) [1861- ]. * Coutributiou a i'etude du lupus ele"phautiasique. 57 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 275. Cocnlet (Gustave) [1855- ]. * Essai sur l'application de l'antipyrine au traitement de la phtisie pulmonaire. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 215. Cociis. Smith (J. H.) A case of poisoning by a cocus-wood flute. X. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1836, xxxi, 322-324. Coda (Alexander). * De graviditatc ejusque diabetica. 37 pp. 8°. Tindobonw, C. Ueberreu- ter, [1841]. Coda ( Emilio ). Compendio di idroterapia teoiico-pratica; ovvero guida all' uso curativo dell' acqua specialinente fredda, ed applicata nelle malattie croniche. 260 pp. 12°. Biella,' G. Amosso, 1892. Coda g a. , Blontlel (R.) Sur l'origine et la nature de 1 ecorce de Couessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1887, 2. s., xiv, 170-174. Cocld (Arthur F. G. ) Aunual report on the health aud sanitary condition of the urban sani- tary district of Bromley, for the year 18*9. 20 pp. 8-\ Bromley, E. Strong f Sons, 1890. CODDE. 715 CODEX. Coddc (Luigi). Osservazioni sull' opera del Si»nor Fleury intitolata: L' omiopatia adat- tata all' intelligenza di ogni classe tli persoue. OS pp. 8 . Mantova, F. Elmucci, 1840. [P., v. 1451.] r_____.] Igieue onuopatica. 2 1., 1 tab. 8°. [Mantova, L. Carunenti, 1-43.] [P., v. 1452.] Repr.from: Gazz. di Mantova, 1844, no. 1. ____., Sneuua omeopatica dedicata agli ama- tori illumiiiati della propria sauita e dei mi- llion mezzi di eouservaila. 36 pp. 12°. To- rino, G. Favale e Comp., 1KM. [P., v. 1453.] ._____The same. [ Anno II. ] 38 pp. 12°. Torino, Cugini Pomba, 1853. [P., v. 1456.] _____. Thesame. Per il 1855. Anno III. 51pp. 12°. Chievi, tipog. sociale, 1855. [P.. v. 1456.] _____. The same. Per il 1*56. Anno IV. 76 pp., 21. 12°. Genova, L. Lavagnino, [1856]. [P., v. 1456.] _____. Thesame. Peril 1859. Anno V. 109 pp., 21. 12°. Torino, G. Favale e Comp., 1859. [P., v. 1453.] _____, Saggio sulla teoria dell' azione delle mi- nhne dosi che si usano in omiopatia svolta pei- la prima volta. 21 pp. 12\ [Genova, 1856.] [P., v. 1456.] _____. Auuo omeopatico, o la medicina di fami- glia tratta dalla scieuza nuova dei simili. 1-n>7. 3. ed., cou aggiunte e seguita da un rapporto medico, e di una circolare ai medici allopatici. 40 pp., 2 1., I tab. 8-. Genova, G. Parodini, 1857. [P.. v. 1452.] .----. The same. 4. ed. 56 pp., 1 tab. 8J. Torino, V. Sieffenone, Camandona e C, 1857. [P., v. 1454.] Code des m6decius, chirurgieus et pharrnacieus, contenant les lois, d6crets et actes du gouverne- ment, relatifs a l'exercice de la ineYleeine, de la chirurgie et de la pharmacie, avec les exposes des motifs et rapports prouonces au Corps legis- latif, recueillis et mis en ordre par L. Kondon- iieau. viii, 26" pp. 16-. Paris, Bondonneau, 1809. Code des nie'decins, chirurgiens, pharinaciens, etc.; loi, reglemens, arreted et instructions con- cernant la medecine, la chirurgie, la pharmacie, etc.. dans le royaume des Pays-Bas; suivi du tarif des houoraires et vacations, et ties decrets, lois, ordonnauces concernant la ine'decine, la chi- rurgie, etc., en France. 78 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1830. [P., v. 1244.] Code, ou nouveau reglement sur les lieux de prostitutions dans la ville de Paris, xx, 191 pp. 12J. Londres, 1775. Code pharmaceutique. Traduction de l'ouvrage redig6 en latiu, sous le titre de Codex medica- mentaritis [etc.]. 1821 and 1826. See France. Code ties pharmaciens, contenant le texte de toutes les lois, ordonnances, eelits, reglements, d^ciets, qui iutdressent la profession pharma- ceutique. Avec un commentaire raisonn6 de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence, par Henri Pel- lauet. 396 pp. 12-. Paris, Durand, 1858. Code (A) of rules for the prevention of infec- tbus aud contagious diseases in schools. Being a series of resolutions passed by the Medical Officers of Schools Association. January 7,1885. " 2. ed. 31 pp. 8J. London, J. $• A. Churchill, P 1886. Codeine. See, also, Apocodeine. Heidingsfeld ("YV.) *Das Code'in als Narco- ticuui und Anastheticum. 8°. Strassburg, 1890. Schroeder (J. T.) # Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Codeinchlormethylat. 8°. Kiel, 1896. Codeine. Tauber (E.) * Ueber das Schicksal des Ko- deins ini thierischen Organismus. 8°. Strass- burg, 1892. Anderson (T.) On the constitution of codeine and its products of decomposition. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1849- 50. xx, 57-SJ.— tie Itciiniiaiui. Note sur ruction the- rapeutique du chlorhydrate de codeine. Bull, gen. de therap. [etc.], Tar.. 1884, cvi, 496-499.—Itiaith vi siite (J.) A'note on codeia. Lancet, Loud.. 1894, i, 331.— Briinton (T. L.) On the use of codeine to relieve pain in abdominal disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 1213.— Cohen (S. S ) Codeine sulphate. Med. Xews, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 98. — Fi-oliiiee. Untersuchungen iiher das Codelu und Apoeodei'n als Krsat/.mittel des Moiphiuins und Apomorpliius, nebst einigen Beitriinon zur Toxikolo- gie des Morphiums. Monatsh. f. prakt. 'tbierh., Stuttg., ls92-3, iv, 249-272.—Froiimiillci'. Das phosphorsanre Codein Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1883, n. F., iii, 275.— Ilay.x (T. W.) Codeiue as an anodyne. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic. 181)'.', n. s., xxix, (197-699. f Discussion |. 701.— Kci'st'h (S.) Eigenschaften und Wirkung des Codein. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1896, viii, 17-19— Koblcr (G.) Erfahrungen iiber den Werth ties Codei'ns als Narco- ticum. Wien. klin. Wchuschr., 1890, iii, 221-223.—f^oe- wenmeyer (M.) Ueber Codein. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.. Leipz., 1890, xvi, 429-431.—Prcininser (V.) Ei- nige Bemerkungen zur Anwendung des Codei'ns. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1893, vii, 498-500.—Rheincr (G.) Bei- trage zur Kenntniss des Codeins. Ibid., 1889, iii, 393; 456.—Scrgfleyeff (M. P.) Otnoshenie kodelna i niorfia k chistol siernoi kislotle. [Relation of codeine and mor- phia to pure sulphuric acid.] Vrach St. I'etersb., 1897, xviii, 3-5.—Tnnibach (R.) .fc Henke (F.) Testing codeine and its salts. Merck's Rep.. N. Y.. 1897, vi, 305.— Therapeutist-he Mitrlieilungen iiber Codein (Methyl- Morphiu). Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 295; 310. Codeine (Toxicology of). ^Ictlvei (IJ.) Heveny m6rgez6s codein-nal s nehiny esrev6tei a codein hasznalatardl. [Acute codeine poison- ing and some remarks on the use of codeine.] Gvogy&szat, Budapest, 1892, xxxii, 416-419. Also, transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 934-937. AUo, transl. : Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1892, vi, 1457-1402.— iTlettenheimer (C.) Codelnvergiftung mit gliicklichein Ausgang. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1891-2, n. ¥., xi, 136- 138—Spratling (W. P.) A case of poisoning from an overdose of codeine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 81.— Walsh (D.) Case of codeine poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 718. Codeliippi (Vittorio). Iu causa di omicidio prenieditato (paranoia quernlens). 24 pp. 8°. Firenze, G. Civelli, 1894. Codet (Joseph) [1805- ]. * Mort apparente du nouveau-ne"; de la ne'cessite de pratiquer l'aspiration avant de faire l'insufflation. 123 pp. 4C. Paris, 1893, No. 17. Codet (Jules-Jacques) [1856- ]. * Des prin- cipales erreurs dans le diaguostic des kystes hvdatiques de la face inferieure du foie. 115 pp. 46. Paris, 1881, No. 372. Codet de Boisse (Charles) [1854- ]. * Con- tribution a l'dtude des tumeurs de l'ombilic chez l'adulte. 40 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 311. Codex medicanientarius. 1639; lt'>4.">; 1818; 1819; 1826; 1806; 1*84. See France. Codex medicamentarius sive pharmacopcea Da- nica. See Denmark. Codex medicamentarius seu pharmacopcea His- pauica. See Spain. Codex niedicanientarins seu pharmacoptea Lusi- tauica. See Portugal. Codex medicamentarius sive pharmacopcea Sve- cica. See Sweden. Codex medicus Philadelphia*. A monthly jour- nal of medicine. Cuvier K. Marshall, editor and publisher, v. 1-4, October, 1894-8. 8C. Phila- delphia. Current. In v. 2 title became: Cortex medicus. Codex, pharmacopee frangaise [etc.], 1837. See Prance. CODFISH. 716 COD-LIVER. Codfish. Maukiac (E\) La question des morues rouges. Etude d'hygiene alinientaire. 83. Bordeaux, 1-86. In>iiiua (A.) Valore nutritivo del baccalS, (merluzzo o g. Mnrrhua salato e seccato) e sua importauza per 1' ali- menta/.ione popolare. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Pa- lermo (1895), 1896, 274-304. — I,e l> a liter. Etude de la morue rouge (bacteriologie. hvaiene. prophylaxie). Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, P,.r., 1891, v, 656-667. Codice farmaceutico militare. 2. ed. 8°. To- rino, 1851. See Italy. Codice farmaceutico, ossia farmacopea francese. See France. Codice farmaceutico per lo stato della serenis- sima republica di Venezia. 4Z. Padova, 1790. See Venice. Codice d' igieue. (Testo complete) xii pp. -°. Boma, tip. alle Terme Diocleziane, 1889. Boundwith: Boll. farm.. Roma, 1889, xxviii. Codice sanitario pei medicie chirurghi comuuali del regno Lombardo-Veueto. xvi, 440 pp. 8°. Venezia, G. Antonelli, 1858. Codina y Castellvi (Jose). La medicacion autit6rmica en los procesos febriles agudos. Memoria premiada por la real Academia de me- dicina de Barcelona. (Concurso de 189U a 1891.) ix, 11-214 pp. 8°. Madrid, [N. Moya], 1892. -----. El velocipedo. sns aplicacioues higi^nicas y terape~uticas. Precedele una introdiiccion al estudio de la kinesiternpia (curacion por el movimiento). viii, 9-207 pp., 2 1. 12J. Ma- drid, lib. de la viuda de Hevnando y Ca., 1893. -----. Concepto de la investigation experimen- tal en Espana. Discurso leido en la seccion inaugural del curso de 1893-4 de la seccion de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales del Ateneo tie Madrid. 63 pp. 12°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1-94. -----. Demostraci6u clinica del contagio en la tuberculosis. Memoria primer premiado dc la Academia medico-quirurgica espanola de Ma- drid, en el concurso de 1893-4. Precedida de un prologo del Rafael Rodrfqnez Mehdez. xii, 189 pp. 8°. Barcelona, Serra hermanos y Bussell, 1895. -----. *La polakibrequia. Nuevo tratamiento tie la fiebre tifoidea. 99 pp. 8°. Barcelona, Henrich y Ca., 1895. -----. Pulmonia grippal tratada por las inyec- ciones de suero artificial; polineuritis generali- zada; curacion. 22 pp. 8\ Madrid, 1897. Repr. from: Rev. de med. v cirug. pract., Madrid, 1897, xxi. See. aUo, Larraiieta (Pedro Janer). Las diversas lesiones couceptuadas [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1896. Codiuach [Eudaldo]. Codinach da aqui una mediciua nueva para curar la mania de los pu- blications, vendedores y compradores de medi- cinas llamadas especificas, 6 sea una gran leccion de medicina moral y de derecho medical [etc.]. 218 pp., 1 1. 16°. Barcelona, A. Berdeguer, 1854. Codivilla (Alessandro). *Sopra un caso di empyema necessitatis pulsans (operazione di Est- lander). 23 pp. roy. 8:. Bologna, Begin tipog., 18*6. -----. Sei mesi di chirurgia (dal gennaio al luglio 1891) nell' Ospedale di Castiglione Fio- rcntiuo. 53 pp., 1 1. 8C. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, le91. -----. Due anni di pratica chirurgica all' Ospe- dale di Castiglione Fiorentino. 112 pp. 8~. Bologna. Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1-94. -----. Rendiconto statistico della sezione chi- rurgica dell' Ospedale d' Imola. Auno 1895. 5 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Imola, I. Galeati e figlio, Codivilla (Alessandro)—continued. -----. Trenta uno casi di chirurgia cranica e cerebrale. 12 1. 8-. Imola, I. Galeati c tialia 1897. * ' -----. Tre casi di resezioue intracrauica del tri- gemino. Dal rendiconto statistico dell' anno 1897. 7 pp. 8C. Imola, I. Galeati efiglio, 1897. Cod-liver oil. See, also, Burns (Treatment of); Ray-liver oil, Arduin(A.) * Etude sur les principales huiles de poissous employees en pharmacie et sur l'huile de foie de morue en particulier. 4°. Montnel Her, 1882. * de Beaudeax (P.) *De l'huile de foie de morue. 4°. Montpellier, 1885. Bennett (J. H.) Treatise on the oleum jeco- ris aselli, or cod liver oil, as a therapeutic agent in certain forms of gout, rheumatism, and scrof- ula; with cases. 8J. London, 1841. Blair (J.) New comrjouud of cod liver oil and iron. 8°. Melbourne, 1874. Hepr.from: Argus, May4, 1874. Buyze (P. D.) *De usu olei jecoris aselli . medico, atque de venae sectionis in rahie mili- tate. 8J. Lugd. Bat., 1-24. De Jongh (L.J.) Antwoord op de heide stuk- keu van Prof. G. J. Mulder, getiteld: Scheikun- dig onderzochte levertraan, eu voorkomende in de scheikundig onderzoekiugeu der Utrecht- sche Hoogeschool. 4. deel. 6-. Gravenhaqe, 1848. -----. Tweede antwoord aan Prof. G. J. Mulder inzonderheid op zijne stukken, voor- komende iu No. 33, 34 en 35 der Geneeskuntlige courant gevolgd door een logisch hesluit in de zaak der levertraan, en door een enkel woord aan F. C. Douders. 8°. 's Gravenhage. 181*. -----. Un mot sur la cause de l'iuegalite si souvent observee daus Taction mddicale de l'huile de foie tie poisson et sur les moyens dela faire disparaltre ; suivi d'une notice raisonnee des maladies contre lesquelles l'huile de foie de poisson peut etre employee avec succes. 3. ed. 8-. La Laye, [1848]. Delattre ( C.) Recherches chimiques et medicales sur la preparation, la composition et les proprietes therapeutiques des huiles de foies de morue, de squale et de raie. Memoire pre- sents a 1'Academic imperiale de mddecine le 16 mars 1858. 8;. Dieppe, 1859. Despinoy &, Garki:au. Memoire sur les eaux et les extraits de foies de morues ct sur leurs propriety's medicinales. 4°. Lille, 18(35. Dickson. Memoria sugli olj di fegato di merluzzo medicinali. 8J. Napoli, 1863. Donovan (M.) Second communication on the preparation and mediciual properties of cod- liver oil. 8°. Dublin, 1845. Dusserd (F.) "Etude sur l'huile de foie de morue. 4°. Montpellier, 1*89. Eberle (G.) * Beitrage zur Kenutuis der Bestandteile der Thrane. I. Untersuehung des Thraus vom Gotteslachs (Lampris luna). II. Untersuehung der Oxydationsprodukte des Le- berthrans mit Saltpetersaure. [Bern.] *■■ Stuttgart, 18s Hertogenbo*eh. 1843. Lofoten (Tbe) Islands and their principal product, obl.ltl-. Detroit, 1897. Lombard. Rapport sur les effets physiolo- giques et therapeutiques de l'huile de foie de morue, preseute a la section de medecine de la Societe helvetique des sciences natnrelles. 8-'. Geneve, 1845. Moller (F. P.) Cod-liver oil and chemistry. 4~. London; Christiania, Norway: New York; Copenhagen, 1-95. M0LLER (P.) Dorschleberthran nnd seine Ztibereitung, nebst Angabe einer neuen Methode zur Gewinnimg des reinen Medicinthraus. 8". Christiania, 1-62. Morkhuol: the active principles of cod-liver oil; its composition, preparations, and thera- peutic action, lb-. Paris, [1-8*]. -----. The same. Morrhiiol (Das). Kliui- sche 8tudieu. (Aus dem Franzosischon uber- setzt.) 12°. Paris f Nancy, 1-89. -----. The same. Morrhuol (II). Studii clinici. 10:. Milano, 1-—. Koissf.l. Note sur l'huile de foie de morue. e~. Paris, 1879. Treatise (A) on wine of cod liver oil with peptonatc of iron, with clinical reports of its use in hospitals and iu private practice, lv!-. Detroit. [1-93]. Willmott (^ W. B. ) Glycerin and cod liver oil; their history, introduction, therapeutic value, and claims "upon professional and public attention. To which is added a chapter on physic-taking; or counsels for the sick. 16°. London, 1*61). Abeliiiaim (M.) Feber die Bedeutung des Leber- thians und tl s Lipanin. St. Petersb. nied. Wchnschr., 1HW. n.F.,vii, 350.—Abribat. Observations sur l'emploi de l'huile de foie de nioriie a l'interieur. Bull. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, lt-41, v. 24-27. — Baucher (F.-J.-A.) Des builes de foie de morue medicinales aux lies Saint- Pierre ct Micpiehtn. Arch. med. nav.. Par., !.-<-«, xxix, 129- 135. — Bemerltmigen iiber die antiskrophulose Wirkung des Moirhuol. des aktiven Orundprinzipes von Lebertlirau. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., l'-SS. xxxviii, 237.— Bouchez. Reflexions sur l'emploi de l'huile de foie de morue thins le traitement flu rhumatisme pelvien des femmes enceintes et du racbitisnie ties enfants. Arch. med. beiges. Brux., 1*43. x. 124-130.— Boiiillot (J.) De Taction diuretique et ureopoietique. des alcaloides de lhuilede foie de morue chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1892. cxv. 754-757. -----. Des alcaloides de l'huile de foie de morue. de leur origine et de burs effets therapeutiques. Ibid., 1*93. cxvi, 439-441.—Breccia (A.) Sull' oliodi fegato tli merluzzo come alimento di nsparmio e riordinante il trofismo. I:acco<_rlitore nied.. Forli. 1**3, 4.8., xx, 637-641.—C'aii»latt |(J.* Ueber die Hedwirkini- gen des Leberthrans. In his: Klin. Riickbl. u. Abhandl., 6"-, Erlang., 1851, ii, 141-147.—Carles. Sur l'huile defoiede morue. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1881), 18*2. 4.>-44".—Carles (P.) Sur l'huile (le foie de morue. J. tie med. de Bordeaux. 1881-2, xi, 130-132. —----. Dela presence du pho-phore et de liode dans les huiles de foie de morue. Ibid.. 100.—Cheron (P.) L'huile tie foie de morue et la digestion ties graisses; succe^lanes tie l'huile de foie de morue. Union med., Par.. 1889, 3. s., xlvii, 773- 779. — Cordier (A.) Un mot sur I'usage therapeutique de l'huile de foie de morue. Arch. metl. beige, Brux., 1848. xxvii. 208-222. — Ciirley (J. P.) Cod-liver oil, com- bined with tlie muriates of ammonium and sodium. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv. 407 -409. — Ccantier ( A.) & Cod-liver 0/7. ilItnir^nt'K (L.) Alcaloides volatils de l'huile de foie de morue: luitvlaniine, amylamine, hexvlamine, dihydroluti- diue. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 254-257. Also: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1888, 5. s., xviii, 387-391. -----------. Sur les alcaloides de l'huile de foie de morue. Compt. rentl. Acad. tl. sc, Par.. 1888, cvii, 110; 626. Also: J. tie pharm. et chim., Par.. 1888, 5. s., xviii, 289; 535. -----. Sur un corps, a la fois acide et base; coutenu dans les huiles de foie de morue: l'acide niorrhuique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 740-743. Also: J. de pharm. et chim., Par.. 1888, 5. s., xviii, 532-535.-----------. Sur les alcaloides de l'huile de foie de morue. Bull. Acad. de med.. Par., 1890, 2. s., xxiii, 172-204.—« ay (F.) Etude pratique sur les emulsions d'huile de foie tie morue. Re- pert. de pharm., Par., 1895, 3. s., vii, 211-246. Also: X. Montpel. med., 1895, iv, 630-636.—von Genscr (T.) Sac- chariuzusatz zu Lebertlirau. Wien. med. Wclinschr., 1803. xliii, 288. — Gouzee. Observations sur 1'emploi et les usages therapeutiques do l'huile de foie de ruie et de morue. Ann. Soc d. sc med. et nat. do Brux., 1838, 7-11.— Graham (11.) Cod-liver oil emulsion. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi. 283. Also, Keprint.—Hare (H. A.) The value of the bilo salts -when used in conjunction with in- unctions of cod liver oil. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 270.—How thev make "cod-oil" at Swampscott. [Edit.] Phila. M. Times. 1882-3. xiii, 159.—Jay (V. W.) Cod-liver oil a time-tested remedy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 636. — I.alternant (C.) Etudes sur les huiles de foie tie morue et sur lhuile de foie de squales de la rade d'Alser. Gaz. nnd. de 1'Algerie, Alger, 1862, vii, 122-125.— liCffmann (H.) St Beam (AY.) Analytic notes on com- mercial cod-liver oil emulsions. Med. News, Phila.,1892, lx, 577. AUo, Reprint.—I.oze. Emploi du sue pancreatique pour t'aeiliter l'absorption de l'huile de foie tie morue. [Ab-ti. ] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1851, xxxii. 475.— VIcArille (T. E.) Cod-liver oil; a food and a medicine. j. Cruet. M., X. T., 1895-6, vi, 270-282.—von iTIering (J.) Ein Ersatzmittel fur Leberthran. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888. ii, 49-53. -----. Lipanin und Lebertlirau. Ibid., 233- 037. —'illultler (G.J.) Scheikundig onderzochte lever- traan. Xederl. Lancet, 's Gravenh., 1847-8, 2. s., iii, 743-747. See, als«. supra, De Jongh. -----. Scheikundig onderzochte levertraan. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1848, nos. 33: 34; 35. —van IVubbel. Memoire sur les effets de l'huile' de foie de morue. Arch, de la med. beige. Brux., 1843 x, 120-123.—Patcin. Les huiles de foie de morue et la "tii6rapeutiquc Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1894 65; 81— Fattou (J. M.) Some clinical notes on the so-called alkaloids of cod-liver oil. Kansas City M. Index, 1895, xvi, 251-256. — Pemoline (J.) Recherches sur la presence tlu phosphore dans les huiles de foie de morue. In his: Recherches sur les huiles de foie [ etc ], 8°, Par., [n. d.l 14-16.__Piecardi. Osservazioni cliniche comprovanti 1' efficacia dell' olio di fegato tli merluzzo iu varie malattie. Gior. tl. r. Accad. med. chir. di Torino, 1848, 2. s., i, 3-16.— Pln<*"c (P.C.) Het onderzoek van levertraan. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1896, 2. R., xxxii, pt, 1, 513- 515 -Randolph (X. A.) & Koussel (A.E.) An exam- ination of the fasces of twentv persons receiving inunctions of cod-liver oil. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 239.—Raje. De l'huile de foie de raie ou de morue, dans les phlegmasies chroniques des poumons et de l'estoinac. Ann. Soc. tl. sc. nat de Bruges, 1840, i, 151-159. — Report on the use of ether with cod-liver oil. X. York M. J., 1878, xxviii, 76- 81. _ S:ilkotv«hi ( E.) Ueber die Wirkung des Leber- thrans und ein Ersatzmittel desselben. Therap. Monatsh., Berl. 1888, ii, 230-233. — Stfwart (F. E.) Some recent discoveries in regard to the mode of action and chemistry of cod liver oil. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 213- 218 —Thompson (T.) On the changes produced in the proportion of the red corpuscles of the blood hy the admin- istration of cod-liver oil. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1857-9, jx 474_J78.— Thomson (W. A.) The prophylactic use of'cod-liver oil. Med. Kec., X. Y., 1880, xviii, 74.—Wilcox (R W.) Cod liver oil: what is it? Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1894-5, xxxii, 1-4. Also, Reprint. — Vainnznki ( G.) [Cod-liver oil as a vehicle for certain other medicines.] Chiugai IjiJShinpo, Tokio, 1884, no. 96, 8-11. Codinan (Benjamin S.) & Sliurtleff (Aslia- hel M.) Illustrated catalogue of surgical in- struments [I860?]. 32 pp. 8°. Boston, Bipley f- Co., 36 pp. Supplementary dental catalogue. Boston, 1874. Surgical and dental instruments and kindred articles. 88 pp. roy. 8°. Boston, Illustrated catalogue of surgical 1875. instruments and appliances. 2 p. 1., 17-88 pp. 8°. Boston, T. W. Bipley, 1875. __________. The same. 128 pp. 8°. Boston, J. Wilson 4- Son, [1877], CODMAX 718 COE. Codinan (B. S.) & Sliurtleff (A. M.)—cont'd. ------------. The same, vi, 132 pp. 8-'. Bos- ton, [i-r-1- ------------. The same vi, 3-136 pp. 8C. Bos- ton, Mass., [1879]. ------------. Manufacturers and importers of surgical instruments and appliances, trusses, apparatus for deformities and deficiencies, elec- tromedical apparatus, elastic hose, [etc.]. 95- 133 pp. s-\ lloston, Band, Avery 4- Co., 1*79. ------------. The same. 24 pp. 8-. Boston, Stanley f Usher, [1883?]. -----------. Surgical instruments and appli- ances. 12 1. 8°. Boston, [1881, vel subseq.]. Codinan (John) [1-14- ]. An American transport in the Crimean war. Introduction by J [ohn ] C[od:unn] Ropes. Front., 198 pp. 12c. New Fork, Bounell, Silver f Co., 1896. Codinan (John A.). See Chamiing (Walter)2. The Codman will case. H°. [Vtica. X. T.,'1888.] Codill.iia (John T.) Foul breath. 14 pp. 8C. St. Louis, 1879. Repr. from: Missouri Dent. J., St. Louis, 1879, xi. ------. Inflamed and sensitive teeth. 7 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1885.] Hepr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1885, xxvii. ------. Enforced climate and diet as affecting the teeth. 10 pp. 8~. [New York, 1888.] Repr. from .- Internat. J., X. T. Sc Phila., 1889, x. ------. Retrospect aud prospect. Address de- livered before the American Academy of Dental .Science, at their twenty-second annual meeting, held in Boston, Nov. 13, 1>>'.). 10 pp. H-. Bos- ton, Fort Hill Embossing f Print. Co., 1890. Codogno* Regolamento di pubblica igiene. 24 pp. 8J. [Codogno, A. G. Cairo, 1884.] ------. Regolamento intorno per Y esercizio del macello pubblico. 14 pp. 8J. [Cordogno, A. G. Cairo, l8r,*>.] ------. Regolamento aniministrativo e sanitario del civico spedale di Codogno, approvato con nota 24 marzo 1-89, X. 5763 B, tlel consiglio sanitario e con decreto 12 aprile 1889, N. 2227 B, della depntazione provinciale di Milano. 35 pp. roy. 8-. [Codogno, A. G. Cairo, 1889.] Codornill (Manuel). Aviso picveiitivo contra el colera epidemico, 6 sea consejos & los pueblos y a los medicos para cvitar los estragos de esta enfermedad, dedicado & los profesores de medi- cina de Madrid, xiv (1 1.), hs pp. 8°. Madrid, A. Gomez Fnentenebro, 1849. Codoruiu [y ]\ieto] (Antonio) [1817- ] & de la Rubia (Jose" Maria). Compendio de la historia de la medicina por los licenciados en medicina y cirujia. 2 v. 1 p. 1., iv, 243 pp.; 272, xxii pp. 12°. Madrid. I. Boix, 1841. Codrington (R[obert] H[enry]). The Mela- ncsians. Studies in their anthropology and folk-lore. Front., xv, 419 pp., 1 map. 8-. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891. Codrington (Thomas). Report on the destruc- tion of town refuse. 4Hpp.,4pl. 8-. London, Eyre 4~ Spottiswoode, 18*8. Codronchins (Baptista). De Christiana ac tuta medendi ratione, libri duo varia doctrina referti. Opus piis medicis praecipue, itemqne aegrotis et ministris, atque etiam sacerdotibus ad confitendum admissis utilissimum. 11 p. 1 191 pp., 8 1. sm. 4°. Ferrarias, apud B. Mam- marellum, 1591. ------. De vitiis vocis, libri duo. In quibus non solum vocis defiuitio traditur et explicatur, set! illius differentiae, instriuneuta et causae aperiun- tur. Ultimo de vocis conservation, praeserva- tione, ac vitiorum ejus curatione tractatur. Opus ad utilitatem concionatorum praBcipue editum. Cui aecedit consilium de raucedine, ac Codronchins (Baptista)—continued. methodus testificandi, in quihusvis casihus me- dicis oblatis, post<|tiain foriniiLc qiucdam tenta- tiouum proponaiitur. Opusculum non n,(ido neotericis medicis, set! et jurispcritis ac indici bus utilissimum. 32-2 pp. P2-. Francofurti apud heredes A. Wecheli, C. Mathium et J. Au- brium, 1">97. Bound with his: De rahie [ etc. ]. 12°. Francofurti 1610. ' ------. De rabie, hydrophobia coiiiniiiuiter dicta libri duo. De sale absyuthii libellus. De iis' qui aqua imnierguntur/optisculuin; ct tie elle- boro commentarius. 471 pp. 12~. Francofurti imp. hceredum N. Basstei, 1610. ------. De morbis veneficis, ac veiienciis, libri quattuor, in quibus uou solum certis ratioiiibtrs veneficia dari demoustratur, sed coruni species caussae, signa, et effectus nova methodo aperi- untur. Postremo de eorum curatione ac pra>- servatione exacte tractatur, vcraqne nova, et experta remedia propouuntur. Quod opus alias editum nuperrime fnit, ab auctore einentlatutu, ac multis utilibusque rebus auctuin. 14 p. 1. 248 pp., 15 1. 16°. Mediolani, apud J. B. Bidel- lium, 1613. ------. De annis climactericis; necnon, de ratione vitandi eorum pericula, itemque de modis vitam producendi. 3 p. 1., 168 pp. 16°. Colonial, sumpt. M. Smitz, 1623. Bound ivith .- Fontanus (J.) De astrologia medica liher, [etc.]. 16°. Lugduni, 1620. ------. See, also: Filippi (A.) Esegesi medico legale [etc.], roy. 8C. Firenze, 1883. Coe (Anton). A new method of treating ptery- gium. 2 1. 12°. St. Louis, 1896. Hepr.from: Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1896, v. Coe (Arthur H.) A remarkable case of suppu- rative otitis, with hemiplegia. 6 pp. *P. Portland, Oregon, 1894. Repr. from: iled. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1894, ii. Coe (Henry C.) The exaggerated importance of minor pelvic inflammations. 22 pp. 8°. [New York, 18s6.] Repr. from: 8. York M. J., 1886, xliii. ------. Malarial manifestations due to trauma- tism. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1886. Repr. from: 8. York M. J., 1886, xliii. ------. Is disease of the uterine appendages as frequent as it hap been represented? 17 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4' Co., 1886. Repr. from: Am. J. Ohst, 8. Y., 1886, xix. ------. The clinical versus the microscopical evi- dences of malignant disease. 11 pp. 12°. [Neio York, 1887.] Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1887, xlv. ------. Post-graduate instruction in gynaecology, 12 pp. 8°. [New York, 1887.] Repr. from: 8. York M. J., 1887, xlv. ------. The use of the curette for the relief of hemorrhage due to uterine fibroids. 12 pp. 12". New York, Trow's Print. 4' Bookbinding Co., 1888. Repr. from: Med. Eec, X. Y., 1888, xxxiii. ------. The significance aud localization of pain in pelvic disease. 10 pp. 8C. New York, Jud- son Co., 1888,. Hepr.from: Gaillard's M. J., 8. Y., 1888, xlv. ------. The immediate application of forceps to the after-coming head in cases of version with partial dilatation of the cervix. 7 pp. 18°. New York, Trow's, 1889. Repr. from: Med. Eec, N. Y., 1889, xxxv. ------. The early recognition of caucer of the cervix uteri. 16 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1889, Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv. COE. 719 COLLE. Coe (Henry C.)—continued. -----. Acute localized vs. diffuse peritonitis in women from a clinical standpoint. 8 pp. 8°. New York, J. D. Emmet f A. H. Buckmaster, 1895. Repr. from: Am. Gyna-c. & Ohst. J., X. Y.. 1805. vi. See. also. Clinical gvnivcologv fete.]. 8". Philadelphia, 189">— Dudley (A. P. I & C'oe tli. C.) A ea-e of ovarian tu- mor [etc.J. sv'. \XetrTork: 1XS2.]—Friedlander (Carl). Tbe use of the microscope [etc.]. 83. New York, 1**5. Coe (Henry AV.). « Editor of: llnlitnl Sentinel, Portland, Oregon. 1893.— Pacific Medical Record, Portland, Oregon, 1893. Coellll (Alfred). *Electrolytische Untersu- chungen. [Erlangen.] 39 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf 4- Sohn, 1888. Ccelenterata. InaiizolIlN.) Ueher den Ban, die Wirkungstveise und die Entwickelung tier Xesselkapselu von Cnelentera- ten. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1895-6, xi, 551-556. — .Tlel-clmi- koflf. Ueher die Entwickelung einiger Coelenteraten. Melanges hiol. Acad. imp. tl. sc. de St.-Petersb.. 1870, vii, 351-:t58. — Schneider (K. C.) Einige bistologisebe Be- funde an Coelenteraten. Jeuaische Ztschr. f. Xaturw., Jena, 1892, n. F., xx, 379-41;'-', 7 pl. — I'mow (M) Eine neue Form von Svis*wasser-Colenteraten. Morpbol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1886-7, xii, 137-153, 2 pl. Coeler (August Friderich). * De usnea seu musco cranii umaui. 31 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Luzac, 1732. [P., v. 1919.] Coellio dos Santos (Jos6). *Dissertacao do diagnostico e tratameuto das paralysias peri- pliericas. 5 p. 1., 102 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bio de Ja- neiro, Laemmert 4' C, 1886. -----. Memoria sobre os prejuisos causados pe- las sepulturas dos cadaveres nos templos, e me- thodo de os prevenir. 35 pp. 12. Lisboa, J. M. Yelloso, 1800. [P., v. 1263.] Coellio de Seabra Silva Telles (Vicente). Memoria sobre a cultura do arros em Portugal, e su as conquistas. ii, 29 pp. 4C. Lisboa, J. M. Yelloso, 1800. [P., v. 1251.] Ceeliac axis. See Aneurisms of ceeliac axis; Artery (Ceeliac). Cceliac plexus. See, also, Solar plexus. Bonome (A.) Di alcune alterazioni del fegato in seguito all' estirpazione del ganglio celiaco. Riforma med.. Xapoli, 1892, viii. pt. 1, 433-437. AUo, transl.: Arcb. ital. de hiol., Turin, 1892, xvii, 274-283. — Lewin (G.) & Boer (O.) Quetscbung uud Ausrottung des Ganglion coeliacum; experimentellen Studie. Deutsche nied. "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894. xx, 217-221.— Lustig (A.) Sur les effets de l'extirpation du plexus coeliaque. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1889, xiii, 129-172. AUo, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 18S9, xii. 43-81. -----. Ulteriori ricerche sperimentali sulle funzioui del plesso ce- liaco. Arch per le sc. metl., Torino, 1890. xiv, 1-7. Also, transl.: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, vii, 433-438. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1889, xii, p. xlvii. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Physiol.. Leipz. u. Wien, 1889-90, iii, 277.—Oddi (P..) Suirli effetti dell' estirpazione del plesso celiaco. Speri- mentale. Mem. orig., Firenze, 1891, xlv, 475-483. — Pn- liala iF.-J.) Recherches physiologiques sur la fnuctiou du ganglion coeliaque. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1896, lxiv, 203: 211. — Peiper (E.) Experimentelle Studien iiber die Fol gen der Ausrottung des Plexus codiacus. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1890, xvii, 498-513. Also [Ab- str.]: "Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1890, xl, 13*0. — Soldaini (G.) Sulle funzioui del plesso celiaco. Arch. ital. di cliu. med., Milano, 1897, xxxvi. 124-164, 1 ch. — Trambnsti (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der glykogenen und hyaliuen Metamorphose in Folee von Exstirpation des Plexus coe- liacus. Centralis, f. alls:. Path. u. path. Auat,, Jena, 1892, iii, 657-665, 1 pl. — Viola (G.) Intorno alia pretesa acetonuria per u^portazioue del plesso celiaco. Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1891, iii, 241-279. -----. A proposito dell' acetonuria per asportazione del plesso celiaco. Ibid., 1892, iv, 44-53. Cceliectomy. See Abdominal section. Coe (Henry C.)—continued. .____. So-called "varicocele'' in the female. 11 pp. 8-. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1889. Repr. from: Aiu. J. Obst . X. T., i**!i, xxii. _____. Death from visceral affections after ovari- otomy. 24 pp. -• Philadelphia, W. J. Dor- nan, 18*9. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila.. 1889, xiv. ____. In memoriani, James Bradbridoe Hunter, M. D. 4 pp. &-\ [Philadelphia, 18-9.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soe., Phila., 1889, xiv. _____. A successful case of laparotomy and supra-vaginal amputation of the uterus for rupture. 7 pp., 1 tab. 12 . New York, Trow's, 18-9. Repr.from: Med. Rec, X. T., 1889, xxxvi. ____. Malignant disease of tlie corporeal endo- metrium. 24 pp. 12-\ New York. Trow's, 1890. Repr.from: Med. Rec, X. T.. l*9ii, xxxvii. _____. A second case of laparotomy for intes- tinal obstruction following vaginal hysterec- tomy. 5 pp. r-°. [New York, 1*99.] Repr. from: Am. J. Obst.. X. T.. 1890. xxiii. ____.. A unique case, of vesico-utero-vaginal fis- tula. 3 pp. 8-. [Philadelj)hia, 1*90.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Se.. Phila., 1890, n. s.. xcix. .----. The limits of vaginal hysterectomy for cancer of the uterus. 13 pp. S~. New York, 1-90. Repr.from: Am. J. Ohst., X. T.. 1890, xxiii. .----. Concealed accidental hemorrhage during labor. - pp. 8:. New York, W. Wood 4' Co., 1891. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst.. X. T.. 1*91. xxiv. ----. The malarial element in oophoralgia. 3 pp. 8-. [Philadelphia, 1-91.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Se.. Phila., 1891, n. s., ci. ----. The care of the bladder before and after labor. 11 pp. 8 . New York, W. Wood 4' Co., 1891. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., X. T., 1891, xxiv. ----. Elevation of temperature of obscure ori- gin dnring the puerperinui. 14 pp. >-. New York, W. Wood 4' Co.. 1*91. Repr. from: Am. J. Ohst.. X. T., 1891, xxiv. ----. Adenoma uteri. 8 pp. 6°. [Philadel- phia, 1*91.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1891, n. 8., cii. ----. Renal disease due to intra-pelvic obstruc- tion of the ureter. 7 pp. 8-. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Repr. from: Ann. Gynaec. &. Paediat., Phila., 1890-91, iv. -----. Accidental hemorrhage during the first stage of labor at full term. 18 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, W. J. Dornan, 1891. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1891, xvi. ■----. The elective Cesarean section; the most favorable time for operation. 8~. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1892. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst, X. T.. 1892, xxvi. -----. A contribution to the study of abdominal pregnancy. 11 pp. 12-. [Philadelphia, 1*92.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi. ----. The pathology of carcinoma; introducing a discussion on carcinoma before the Medical Society of the State of New York, February 3, 1893. 9 pp. 8". [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. X. T., Phila., 1893. -----. Cancer of the cervix uteri complicating pregnancy. 10 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1893.' Sepr. front: Am. J. Ohst.. X. Y., 1893, xxvii. ----. Internal migration of the ovum; with report of a case of repeated ectopic gestation possibly supporting the theory. 14 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood'4' Co.. 1893. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., X. T., 1893, xxvii. C celiotomy. See Abdominal section. Colle (Friedrich). * Beitrage zur Lehre vom primaren Oesophaguscarcinom. 59 pp. 8°. Gottingen, E. A. Huth, 1887. COELLEN. 720 COFFEE. von Cocllcil (Th.) Die Unhaltbarkeit des lmpfzwauges. Vortrag in der offentlichen Ver- sammlung ties Internationalen Inipfgegner-Con- gresses zu Coin am 11. October 1881. 20 pp. 8°. Coin, T. Quos, 1881. Ccelom. .See Embryology. Coeiutzopoulos (Georges). * Ueber Hamato- cele retronterina. 35 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Thein, 1884. Coeii (Edmondo) [1855-91]. Descrizione anato- mica di tin feto senza reni e senza utero, cou nitre anomalie. 33 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Milano, frat. Bechiedei, 1884. Hcjir. from: Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1884, eclxvii. ------. Beitriige zur normalen uud pathologi- schen Histologie tier Milchdriise. pp. 85-100, 1 pl. 8J. [Jena, H. Pohle, 1887.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from : Beitr. zur path. Auat. u. Physiol., Jena, 1887, ii. ------. Un caso di attorcigliamento dei cordoni onibellicali; couformazione d' un grosso nodo in fcti geinelli. 7 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini 4~ Parmeggiani, 18*7. Repr. from: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1887, 6. s., xix. For Biography, see Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg.Path., Jena, 1*91-2, xi, 320-322 (G. D'Ajutolo). Also: Bull.d.sc. metl. di Bologna, 1*91,7. s.. ii, 675-680 (L.Mazzotti). AUo: Gazz. metl. tl. Marche, Civitanova-Marche, 1891, i, 189 (A. Obici). Cocii (G.) Uno sguardo al regolamento sulla prostituzione del 1860. 18 pp. 8°. Livorno, A. Debatie, 1887. Coeii (Giuseppe) [1812-56]. See Bandclocque (Auguste C6sar). Trattato delle cinorragie interne dell' ntero [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1833.— Capiiron (Joseph). Corso teorico e pratico di ostetricia [etc.]. *D. Venezia, 1834.—Cooper (Sir Astley). Opere complete di chirurgia. roy. 8D. Venezia, 1838.—Dever. gie (Marie Guillaume Alphonse). Medicina legale [etc.]. 2 v. *D. Venezia, 1839-40. — Vclpean (Alfred Armand Louis Marie). Trattato complete di ostetricia [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1837. Coeii (Giuseppe) & L.evi (Guglielmo). La vagina considerata come via di assorbimento. 38 pp. *-. Milano, F. Yallardi, 1894. Forms no. 2, 7. s., of: Collez. ital. di lett. s. med., Mi- lano, 1894, 7. s., 39-76. Coeii (Rafael). Specielle Therapie des Stam- melns und der verwandten Sprachstorungen. 112 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 188.9. ------. Das Stotteriibel mit Beriicksichtigung tier streng individnalisirenden Behandlung nach deu neuesten praktisch-wissenschaftlichen Er- ruugeuschaften. 152 pp. 8:'. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1.-89. Coeiieu (Hermann) [1875- ]. * Ueber die Salze des menschlichen Blutserums. 27 pp., 2 1. 12°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1897]. Coenen (Jakob Antoon Laurens). * Over de autifermentatieve werking van calomel in het darmkanaal en het inwendig gebruik van cin- naber als geueesmiddel. 2 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Gebr. Schroder, 1887. Coert (J.). See Car* ten (Berend) & Coert (J.) La vaccination animale dans les Pays-Bas [etc.]. 8°. La Haye, 1879. Coert (Willein) [1854-90]. * Over den invloed van de houdiug van het lichaam op endocar- dial geruischen. 2 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1882. For Biography, see Psychiat. Bl., Amst., 1890, viii 204 (Tellegen). Cocsfeld (Henricus August. Ludovic.) [1833- ]. *De variis hydroceles operationibns. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesin- (jer, [1855]. ------. Ueber Pathologie und Therapie dea Keuchhusteus. 4 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Hepr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl. 1*88, xiv. Cocsfeld (Henricus August. Ludovic.)—cont'd. ------. Das Schwefelmoorbad Meinberg nnd seine itbrigen Heilmittel. Physiologisch - tlierapeu- tische Schilderting. 29 pp., 1 map. 12°. Det- mold, Hinrich, 1-89. Coesfeld (Hermann) [1864- ]. * Ueber Flim- merepitbelcysteti des Oesophagus. 16 pp. 21 8-. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1891. Coslin. See, also, Statistics (Vital), by localities. Pitsch (C. W.) Materialien zu einer medicinischen Topographie des Regierungs-Bezirks Ctislin. Gesammelt und zusaminengestellt im J. 1837. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk Berl., 1841, lviii, 191-264. Coeslill ( Regierungsbezirk ). Gcneralbericlit iiber das Sunitiits- uud Medizinal-VVcsen im Regierungsbezirk Coeslin. Erstattet von deui Regierungs- und Medizinal-Rath Dr. Wcruich. 5., 1886-8. iv, 176 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sprinqer, 1890. Coester. Der Hebammenfreund. Ein Ratge- ber fiir Hebamnieu iiber ihre Stellung im Staate, ihre Rechte und Pflichten, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Gesehichte des Hebammenwesens. 167 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Staude, 1*97. Coester (Carl"). * Ueber die anatomischen Cha- raktere der Mimoseeu. [Erlangen.] 177 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Miinchen, Y. Hofling, 1894. Coester ( Ernst ) [1870- ]. #Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Cyanamid. 24 pp. 8C. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1896. Coster (Georg) [1868- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Tuberkulose des Handgelenks, 59 pp., 2 1. 8°. Marburg, 1897. Coester (J. C.) The Alpine sanatorium, Davos- Platz [descriptive circulars], for the years 1882; 1884; 1885. 4°. [Geneva, 1883-6.] [------.] Davos-Platz, canton des Grisous, Switz- erland. Alpine resort in summer and winter, for tourists and health-seekers. With special reference to the Grand H6tel and Pension Bel- vedere. Front., 75 pp., 1 map. 12°. [Genera, F. Weber, 1892.] Coester (Otto) [1867- ]. * Ueber Perkus- siou der Ltingenspitzen. 43 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1890. Coet (Emile). Topographie m6dicale et statis- tique de la ville de Roye. 90 pp. 8°. Arras, Bousseau-Leroy, 1861. van Coetsem. See Van Coetsem. Cotting' (Franciscus Antonius). * De angina. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, J. Sas, [1705]. [P., v. 2121]. Coeur (Hippolyte) [1861- ]. * Contribution 5, l'6tude de l'cedeme rhumatismal aigu isole" ties manifestations articulaires. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 84. Coffee. See, also, Cacao; Caffeine; Chocolate; Tea. Abbal (L.) * Etude sur le cafe. 4C. Mont- pellier, 1885. Cadet-de-Vaux (A.-A.) Dissertation sur le cafe; son historique, ses proprietes et le pro- cede pour en obtenir la hoisson la plus agree- able, la plus salutaire et la plus economique. Suivie de son analyse, par Charles-Louis Cadet. 12°. Paris, 1806. Chevallier (A.) Du cafe, son historique, son usage, son utilite, ses alterations, ses succ4- danes et ses falsifications, comprenant les con- damnations prononcees contre les contrefac- teurs. 8°. Paris, 1862. Dausse alue. Manuel de l'amatenr du cafe, ou l'art de torrefier les cafes convenablement et toujours au meme degre, base sur l'analyse chi- mique comparee du cafe vert et du cafe torrene, et description de l'appareil le plus complet et le meilleur pour preparer le cafe en liqueur ton- COFFEE. 721 COFFEE. Coffee. jours limpide, contenant tous les principes aro- matiques et extractifs du cafe. 8°. Paris, 1846. Dcfock (P.-S.) Traitez nouveaux et curieux du cafe, du th6 et du chocolate. Ouvrage egaleinent necessaire aux medecius et k tons ceux qui aiinent leur saute. 3. ed. 24°. d la Haye, 1693. Galland [A.] De l'origine et du progres dn caf6. Extrait d'un manuscrit arabe de la bi- hliotheque du roi. 8°. Caen, Paris, 1699. Guillot(A.) Lecafe. 12°. Toulon, 1883. Kornauth ( C.) * Beitrage zur chemischen und mikroskopischen Untersuehung des Kaf- fee und der Kaffeesurrogate. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1890. Lagcerre (J.-N.) *Es8ai sur lc cafe. 4°. Paris, 1818. Lb Turcq des Rosiers. Le cafe: une revo- lution dans ses procedes de torrefaction. 8°. Paris, 1890. Mappus (M.) *De potu cafe. Respondente Daniele Weucker. 4°. Argentorati, 1693. Marchand ( N.-L. ) * Recherches organo- graphiques et organogeniques sur le Coffea ara- bica L. 4-. Paris, 1*64. Michaelis (A.) De koffie ( Coffea arabica) als genot- en geneesmiddel, naar hare bota- nische, chemische, dieetetiscbe en geueeskrach- tige eigenschappeu. Naar het Duitsch. 12-. Amsterdam, 1894. Miedax (C.) *Ducafe\ 4C. Paris, 1862. Munier (J. C.) * An OL'ini sexui, omni ;etati, omni temperamento, salubris caffe potus? Prse- ses L. H. Cosuier. In: Sigwakt (G. F.) Quaestiones med. Par. 4='. Tubinga>, 1789, i, 192-206. Nairoxcs Banesics ([A.] F.) De saluberri- ma polione cahue' seu cafe nuncupata discursus ... linguae Chaldaicae, seu Syriacae in almo urbis archigymnasio lectoris ad eminentiss. ac reveren- diss.priucipem Jo.Nicolaum. 16°. Boma, 1671. -----. The same. A discourse on coffee; its description and vertues. Written in Latin by . . . [Transl. by C. B.] 12°. London, 1710. [Nicol (R.)] A treatise on coffee; its prop- erties and the best mode of keeping and pre- paring it. 4. ed. 8C. London, 1832. Xovi tractatus de potu caphe; de Cbinensium the; et de cbocolata. 18-. Genevee, 1699. van der Trappen (J. E.) * De coffea. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1843. Welter (H.) Essai sur l'histoire du cafe. 12c. Paris, 1868. Wilhelm (F.) * Ist das Coffeon an der Kaffee- wirktingbeteiligt? 8-. Wiirzburg, 1895. Bontekoe (C) Een kort tractaat, van de kr^gten en 't goede gebruyk van de coffi. In his: Tractaat van het excellenste kruyd thee, [etc. ], 12°, Gravenh., 1679, 251- 278.—Cabanes. Une legende snr le cafe. J. de rn6d. de Par., 1892, 2. s., iv, 511. AUo, transl.: Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx, 13-17.-Goldi (li. A.) Relatorio sobre a molestia do cafeeiro na provincia do Rio de Janeiro. Arch.do mus. nac. do Rio de Jan., 1892, viii, 7-121, 4 pl., 1 map.—Graf (L.) Ueher den Zusammenbang von Cof- feuigehalt und Qualitat bei chinesischem Thee. Forsch.- Ber. ii.Lebensmittel, Miinchen, 1897, iv, 88.—Haiiauaelt (T. F.) Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fruclit untldes Samens von Coffea arabica, L. Ztschr. f. Nahrungsmit.- Ontersuch. u. Hyg., TVien, 1890, iv, 237; 257. — llennig (C.) Der Kaffee vom arztlichen Standpunkte. Meinora- bilien, Heilbr., 1882, n. F., ii, 217-221.-----. Weitere Belege fhr das Schadliche des orientalischen Kaffees he- treffs Geminder. Ibid., 1886, n. F., vi, 468.—de JiiKttien. Histoire du cafe. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1713, Par., 1716, Mem., 291, 1 pl. — Kaffe (Om), dess historia och anviind- ning. Helsovannen, Goteborg, 1887, ii, 157-163.— Karg. Ueber den Kaffee. Arch, gemeinniitz. phys. u. med. Kenntn.,Ziirich, 1788-9, ii,l; 584.—ltlazza (C.) Sull'esame batn-riologico della polvere che si trova negli spacci di caffe, con speciale rignardo al bacillo della tubercolosi. Riv. -J' jr., e 8an p„bb., Roma. 1897, viii, 8-20.—Merrill (E. A.) The world's coffee. Rep. Consuls C S. ou com- merce [etc.], Wash., 1883, no. 31, 125-147—Monari (A.) 46 Coffee. & Scoccianti (L.) La pyridine dans les produits de la torrefaction du cafe. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 4,211. Also: Arch ital. do biol., Turin, 1895, xxiii, 68-70. —Morpnrgo (G.j Notizie sulla colorazione artificiale del cail'e e sui mezzi per scoprirla. Orosi, Firenze, 1897, xx, 397-4U3.—Oppler. Der Kaffee als Autisepticum. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr Berl., 1885, xiv, 567-577.— Pnolucri (F.) Dell'infuso d'i caffe. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1882, 4. s., xviii, 531-541.— von Rauiner (E.) Ueher den Nachweis kiinstliclier Farbungen bei Rohkaffee. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel, Miinchen, 1896, iii, 333-338, 1 pl.—Reichert (E. T.) The empyreumaticoilof coffee, or caffeone. Med. News Phila 1890, lvi, 476-478.—Schultz-Schultzenstein (C.) Ver- suche iiber den Einfluss von Caffee- und Thee-Abkochun- gen auf kiinstliche "Verdauung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem. Strassb., 1893-4, xviii, 131. —Spaeth (E.)' Ueber das Kaffeefett. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel, Miinchen, 1895, ii, 223.—Stutzer (A.) Neues iiber tlie Zubereitung von Cacao und Kaffee, sowie iiber die Wirkung der daraus hergestellten Getranke in gesundheitlicher Beziehung. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1892, xi, 145-151.— Trillicli (H.) &Gockel(H.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Kaffees uud der Kaffeesurrogate. II. Die Methoden der Kaffeegerbsaurebestimmung. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1898, v, 101-106.—Wal- lace. On the decrease in use of coffee as a beverage. Analyst, Lond., 1884, ix, 42-44. AUo: Polyclinic, Phila.. 1883-4, i, 169. Coffee (Adulteration and substitutes for). See, also, Chicory. Fraudes (Les) du cafe" d6voil6es par uu ama- teur. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Gerster (C.) Kaffee und Kaffee-Surrogate in ihrer Bedeutung fur den praktischen Arzt. Eine hygienische Skizze. 8°. Berlin, [1894]. Girardin (J. ) Rapports addresses a M. Henry Barbet, maire de Rouen, sur un cafe" avarie" par l'eau de mer et sur une poudre des- tined a remplacer le cafe". 8J. Bouen, 1834. Graham (T.), Stenhouse & Campbell (D.) Chemical report on tbe mode of detecting vege- table substances mixed with coffee for the pur- pose of adulteration. 8°. London, [1852]. Gundrizer (R. F.) *0 surrogatie kofe, pri- gotovlyayemom iz siemyan sinyavo lyupiua (Lupinus angustifolius L.). [On a substitute for coffee, from the seeds of. . .] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1892. Mokix. Quelques reflexions sur un des moyens employe's pour determiner la presence du cafe" chicor6e dans le cafe" normal. " 12°. Bouen, 1863. Coriel (F.) Analyse d'uu cafe artificieltorr6fie. J.de pharm. et chim., Par-., 1897, 6. s., vi, 106-108.—Crombic (S.) Examination of ground coffee as found in shops. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1882, iv, 401.—Da- fert ( F. "W.) Las substancias minerales del cafeto. | Transl.J An. d. lust. nied. nac, Mexico, 1897, iii, 25: 41; 62; 78; 2 ch.—Deridrier (H. ) Sur un succedan6 du caf6. Arch. metl. beiges, Brux., 1896, 4. s., viii, 237-241.— Dnbriaay. Falsifications des cafes, procetuSs employes k eet effet; moyens de recoimaitre.et dereprimer lafraude. Rec. tl. trav. Comit6 consult, d'livg. pub. de France 1S88, Par., 1889, xviii, 19-33. —E«l»on "(C.) Report on colored imitation Java coffee. San. Engin., N. Y., 1883-4, ix, 614.— [Eatudio del cafeto.] An. d. Inst. nied. nac, Mexico, 1897, iii, 139-144.—Forney (C. B.) The new coffee aud chic- ory regulations. Analyst. Loud., 1882, vii, 159.—Fi'icke (E.) Neuere Katt'eeveiiiil.schuug. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1889, ii, 178.—J amine* (L.) Le cafe torrefie, eu grains, factice. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1890, xii, 1044-1050.— Kornauth (C.) Beitrage zur chemischen uud mikrosko- pischen Untersuehung ties Kaffee und der Kaffeesurrogate. Mitth. a. d. pharm. Inst. u. Lah. f. ang. Chem. tl. TJniv. Erlangen, Miinchen, 1890, 3. Hft., 1-56, Xi pl. —Kotxin (M. B.) Kofe i yevo surrogati. [Coffee and its substi- tutes.] Vestnikobsh. hig.,sudeb. iprakt. med., St. Petersb., 1894, xxiii, 2. sect., 36; 156; 226.—Lancet (The) special analytical sanitary commission on the composition and value of coffee extracts. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 43-45.— iTlmiita (V.) Apuntes acerca de las adulteracioues del caf6 y medios para reconocerlas. Gac de sanid. mil., Ma- drid, 1883, ix, 286; 394 — Mroccianti (L.) Caffe adulte- rate con sostanze nocive. Kiv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Koma, W.i'i, vi, 497-499—Sormani. Di una nuova falsificazione del call'o. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1882, iv, 401.— Trillicli (H.) & Gockel (H.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis ties Kaffees und der Kaffeesurrogate. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel, Miimjhen. 1897, iv, 78: 1898, v, 101.— Wieciiinann (F.) Coffee,and its adulterations. School of Mines Quart., N. Y., 1897-80, 18-15, . COFFEE. 722 COFFIN'S. Coffee (Physiologic; therapeutic, and toxic effects of). "see. also, Opium (Toxicology of) — Antidotes [etc. ]. Dalla IIoxa (G.) Dell' uso e dell' abuso del caffe, dissertazione storico-fisico-medica. 2. ed., con aggiunte, massime intorno la cioccolata ed il rosoli. 8~. Verona, 1760. Davier de Breville (J. P.) An a frequen- tiori potu cafe" vita brevior? Prses. Ludovieus Gavaut. 4°. [Parisiis, 1715.] (';rimmans (J. N.) *De coffee potus usu noxio. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1730]. Heeklkix (W.) *Das Coffein uud das Kaffee- destillat in ihrer Beziehung zum Stoffwechsel. 8». Bonn, 1892. Leconte (A.-H.) * Emploi du caf6 en thdra- peutique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Moseley (B.) Observations on the properties and effects of coffee. 8°. London, 1785. Offret. Observations sur Paction physio- logique du caf6, selon ses diverses torre"factions. 8-. Nantes, 1862. Petit (H.) De la prolongation de la vie hu- maine par le cafe\ M6moire pr6sent6 a I'Insti- tut de France (Acaddmie des sciences). 2. e"d. 6~. Paris, 1862. Prozorovski (I. D.) * Vliyan'ie kofe i nieko- torikh yevo surrogatov na bolieznetvorniye nizslae organizmi. [The effect of coffee and of some of its substitutes upon pathogenic organ- isms.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Also [Abstr.], in: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 510. Samuel (H.) * De usu et abusu potus coffee. 4°. Dnisbnrgi ad Bheiium, 1747. Trifet (H.-A.) Histoire et physiologie du cafe. De son action sur l'homme a l'6tat de sante et a l'6tat de maladie. 8°. Paris, l-*l(i. Barbier. Le caf6 comme d6sinfectant. J. de miobcy. Do faction du cafe sur la nutrition et sur la composition du sang. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 546-550. AUo: Compt. rentl. Acad. tl. sc., Par., 1884, xcix, Kl-87.—Dumont ( A. ) Experiences relatives & l'influence du cal'6 sur l'excretiou de l'ure-e urinaire. Rev. med.. Lonvain, 1888, vii, 257-260. — Wupiiy ( E. ) Des effets anaphrodi- siaques du cafe. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 361. — Fort (J.-A.) Des effets physiolo- giques du caf6; d'apres ties experiences faites suf l'au- teur. Bull. gen. de therap. fete], Par., 1883, civ, 550- 554. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1883, xevi, 793-796.— Fnbini (S.) & Ottolenghi. Influenza della eaffeina e del! infuso cafl'e sulla quantity giornaliera tli urea emessa dall' uomo colle urine. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. tli Torino. 1882, 3. s., xxx, 570-574.—C!ilies de la Tourette & Game. Sur l'intoxication chronique par le cafe. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 558-566.— Oriswold (E. H.) Coffee, its uses and medicinal qualities. South. Pract., Nashville, 1882, iv. 269.— Ouelliot (O.) Du cafeisme chronique. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1885, ix, 181; 221.__ Giiiinaraes (E. A. R.) Sur Taction phvsiologique du cafe. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 1372- 13/4. -----. De l'aetion du cafe sur la consomiuatio'n d'ali- nients azotes et hydrocarbones. Compt. rend Soc de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 590-592. -----. De I'usage et de Tabus du cafe. [Analysis hy Couty, of Rio de Jan. thesis.] Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1883, 3. s., i, 312- 319.-----. Sur Taction phvsiologique et hygi&iique du cafe. Ibid., 1884, 3. s., iv, 252-286. — Gui'niaraet* (E. A. R.) n, Coffignon (A.) Paris vivant. La corruption a Paris. Le demi-monde; les souteneurs- h police des niceurs; brasseries de femmes; lilies galantes; Saint-Lazare; le chantage, etc. 401 pp., 4 tab. 12°. Paris, a la Librairie illustrde [1888]. On cover: 7. 6d.; Ernest Kolb, editeur. -----. Paris vivant. L'enfant a Paris. La maternitd; les enfants assisted; les enfants malades; les infirmes; les sourds-muets; les aveugles; les moralernent abandoune's etc 440 pp. 12°. Paris, E. Kolb, [1889]. -----. Paris vivant. L'estomac de Paris. L'ali- mentatiou; les halles; les abattoirs; le paitr la viande; les boissons, etc. 333 pp., ll.;8pl.' 3 plans. 12°. Paris, a la Librairie iilustrSe. [1891?]. ' On cover: Librairie H. du Pare. Coffin (Albert) [1862- ]. * Etude sur les complications des fibro-myomes de l'uterus 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 142. 1 of fin (A[lbert] I[saiah]). Editor of: Coffin's Botanical Journal and Medical Re- former. [Monthly] v. 1-9, Jan., 1847, to Dec., 1859. 8°. Manchester, 1847-51; London, 1852-9. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Coffin (Amory) [1814- ]. Anniversary ora- tion delivered before the South CarolinaMedi- cal Association at the annual meeting in Charleston, held on 31st January, 1853. 15 pp. 8C. Charleston, S. C, Walker 4- James, 1853. Coffin (Ernest) [1860- ]. *Et,udc sur le rein des tuberculeux et sur la nephrite tuber- culeuse eu particulier. 92 pp., 11. 4C. Paris, lb90, No. 93. Coffin (Fred. F. B.). See Gregory (J. W.) & Coffin (Fred. F. B.) Final report on the midplains division of the artesian anil un- derflow investigation [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1892. Coffin (James H[enry]) [1^06-73]. P.sychro- metrical table, for determining the elastic force of aqueous vapor aud the relative humidity of the atmosphere from indications of the wet and dry bulb thermometer, Fahrenheit. 20pp. 8°. Washington, 1856. Smithson. Misc. Collect., Wash., 1860, i. [Coffin (John Gorham)] [1770-1829]. Remarks on the dangers aud duties of sepulture; or, security for the living, with respect and repose for the dead. 74 pp. 8°. Boston, Phelps 4 Farnham, 1823. [Also, in: P., v. 828.] Coffin (R[ichard] J[ames] Maitland). Obstet- ric hints for the use of midwives. 2. ed. 80 pp., 5 pl. 24°. London, Baillidre, Tindall 4 Cox; Leicester, Baiihby, Lawrence 4' Co., [1892]. Coffinieres. La meYlecine de la nature, ou essai sur quelques maladies curatives d'aiitres maladies, xvi, 209 pp. 8°. Paris, Croullebois et Delaunay, 1819. Coffin's Botanical Journal and Medical Re- former. Edited hy Albert I. Coffin. [Monthly.] v. 1-9, Jan., 1847, to Dec, 1859. 8°. Manchester, 1847-51; London, 1852-9. Want v. 3,1851-2. C0FF1IES. 723 COGEOSSI. Ooffres. Dn traitement ties fractures du meni- hrc iuferieur par l'appareil de M. Baudens. la pp. 8°. Paris, Hennuyer, 1853. Repr. from: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1853, xliv. Co-'an (Thomas)1 [ -1607]. The haven of health, chiefly made for the comfort of students, and consequently for all those that have a care of their health, ainplitietl upon five words of Hippocrates, written Epid. 6. labour, meate, iliiuke, sleepe, venue; hereunto is added a pres- ervation from the pestilence, with a short cen- sure of the late sicknesse at Oxford. 7 p. 1., 275 pp.. 6 1. ?-. London, B. Field, 1596. Cogail ^Thomas)2 [1736-1818]. *Deanimi patheuiatum vi et modo agendi in inducendis vel curandis morbis. 2 p. 1., 40 pp. 4-\ Lugd. Bat., T. Haak, 1767. See. aUo. Camper (Peter). The works of. . . A new ed. i°. Lvntl'ti, 1821. Co**evilia (Angelo). Saggio storico intorno alia autoplastica e narrazione compendiosa di due mirabili autoplastiche operazione eseguite dal Dr. . • • Compilata dal Dr. Gaspare Orioli. ^0 pp. 12-\ Corfu, tipog. del govevno, 1846. _____& Orioli (Francesco). Fatti relativi a mesnierisino e cure mesmeriche con una prefa- zioue storico-critiea. iii, 349 pp. 8J. Corfu, dalla tipog. del governo, 1>42. Coggesliall (H. J. ) Remarks ou food and drink adulteration, in the senate of Xew York, Wednesdav evening, April 8, 18?."). 18 pp. 8 \ [n.p., 1885.] Coggeshall (William Harvey) [1850- Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1885, xvi, 2,5(1—Obituary. "Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1885-6, xii 45-2-454. Coggi (Alessandro). I sacchetti calcari gan- gliouari e 1' acquedotto del vestibolo nelle rane. 16 pp., 1 pl. 4Z. Boma, 1890. Repr.from: Atti d. r. Accad. tl. Lincei. Cl. di sc. lis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1889-90, 4. s., vi. Coggiil (William Thomas). Etowah (The) County (Ala.) Medical Society vs. Dr. William Thomas Coggin, of Athens, Ga., who claims the honor of doing the first sym- physeotomy in this country: is denounced by the Etowah County (Ala.) Medical Society as an impostor and a fraud, r-. Anniston, 1894. CoggillS (Paschal H.) A singular case of mis- taken ideutitv. 11 pp. roy. 8-. [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr.from-. Proc. M. Jurisp. Soc. Phila. Coghill (John George Sinclair). Observations on strabismus, with the description of a new method of operating. 12 pp. 8°. Glasgow, W. Mackenzie, 18.r,9. [P., v. 1442.] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1859-60, vii. -----. The address in obstetric medicine deliv- ered at the forty-ninth annual meeting of the British MedicarAssociation, held at Ryde, Au- gust 9th, 10th, 11th, aud 12th, 1881. 35 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1*81.] For Biography, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1891, x, 577, port. CogJHan (J. E.). See Great Britain. Secretary for Scotland. Re- ports ... on the alleged pollution of the waters of Loch Loug and Loch Goil. fol. London, 1888. Coghlan (John). Practical observations on the history, nature, and treatment of cholera asphyxia. 25 pp. 8°. Dublin, Fannin Sf Co., 1853. Coghlan (John Cole). Man and the lower ani- mals. A sermon. 15 pp. 8°. London, Cooper Bros. 4' Atwood, 1878. Coghlan (Timothy Augustine). Discharge of streams in relation to rainfall. Xew South Wales. 21 pp., 1 pl. 8 . London, the Institution, 1884. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engin., Lond., lxxv, sess. 1883-4, lxxv, pt. 1. -------. A statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia, vi (1 1.), 315 pp., 1 map. 8°. Sydney. G. S. Chapman, 1891. Cognac. See Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), by localities. Cognacq (Maurice-Charles) [1870- ]. *De la scnsibilit6 colore>. 48 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1893, Xo. 3. Coyiiet (R.) [1S58- ]. *Consid6rations sur les hemorrhagica profuses et spontane"es du fond de l'ceil chez les adolescents. 34 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1886, Xo. 85. Cogiietti de III arti is (Leonardo). II ma- rinaio epilettico e la delinquenza militare. 149 pp., 3 1. 8°. Torino, frat. Bocca, 1896. [Cog© (Pietro).] Una guarigione per lettere fatta dall' omeopatia, con una esposizione dei mezzi igienico-terapeutici per preservarsi dal colera o scacciarlo appeua insorto prima dell' in- tervento del medico. 16 pp. 8°. Padova, A. Bianchi, [1865, vel subseq.]. CogTCl (Fernand). *L'hyst6roscopie. Sou in- strumentation. Son manuel operatoire. Ses resultats acquis. 70 pp. 8-'. Paris, 1896, Xo. b. Ogl'OSSi (Carlo Francesco) [1681-1740]. Delia natura, effetti ed uso della corteccia del Peril, o sia china china; considerazioni fisico-nieca- niche e mediche, estese in una lettera fami- gliare, con alcune non meuo utili, che curiose osservazioni, e sperienze concernenti alle feb- bri e febbrifughi. 112 pp. sm. 4°. Crema, M. Carcheno, 1711. -----. Giunta al trattato della china-china, o sia nuove problematicbe rinessioni intorno la natura delle febbri dette periodiche, e loro feb- brifughi. Dissertazione epistolare. 64 pp. sm. 4°. Crema, M. Carcheno, 1716. Round with his: Delia natura, effetti ed uso della cor- teccia del Peril, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Crema, 1711. -----. Nuova giunta al trattato della china- china. 35 pp. sm. 4°. Crema, M. Carcano. 1718. Bound with his: Delia natura, effetti ed uso della cor- teccia del Pei-h, [etc.]. sm.4°. Crema, 1711. -----. Due lettera responsive, 1' una indiritta al Sig. Girolamo Panizzola, 1' altra al Sig. Carlo Giannella, intorno alia pianta mimosa, ed a' primi inventori della circolazione del sangue. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1732, vi, 287-:s:34. -----. Lettera al Sig. Carlo Giannella intorno al male di punta, ed alle febbri periodiche. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1732, vii, 329-340. -----. Lettera responsiva al sig. Giuseppe Gia- cento Mosca intorno agli effetti della china- china, giuntovi due altre lettere del medesiuio sopra un testo del Boerave. In.- Rac d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1733, viii, 331-367. -----. Discorso in difesa d' un suo parere sopra un vescicante, da lui escluso nella malattia d' un cavaliere. In.- Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1735, xii, 257-288. ----. Medicinam neque adeo brevem esse, quem- admodum aiebat Tessalus, neque adeo longam, quemadmodum ex Hippocrate fert vulgario me- dicorum opinio, prselectio habita in solemni stu- diorum instauratione 7. idus novembris 1723. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Yenezia, 1736, xiii, 67-105. ----. Quesito medico-pratico se in una colica inflammatoria convenga V oglio di mandorle COG ROSSI. 724 COHAUSEX. Cogiossi (Carlo Francesco)—continued. dolci, c come debba praticarsi nelle urgenze del male. In.- Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1737, xiv, 249-265. ------. Lettera in risposta ad un quesito medico- pratico, se si possa, e si debba cavar saugue ad un tisico. In: Rac. tl' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1737, xiv, 267-'J8S. ------. Praefationes ii. quaruni prima est de di- visione morborum, altera de febribus non cu- randis. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1737, xv, 289-336. ------. De medicina sympathica prselectio. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1738, xvii, 429-451. ------. Oratio pro medicorum sapientia adversus fallaciam medicam, habita in Academia Pata- vina, iv. idus novembris 1728, cum novam exe- drani ascenderet. In.- Rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1738, xvii, 453-475. ------. Pro medicorum virtnte adversus fortu- nam medicam oratio, quam primani habuit post reditum in Patavino Athenaeo. In.- Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1739, xix, 457-486. [------.] Praxis medica non tam observatione, quam lectione ipsa perficitur, prselectio habita in Academia Pataviua xii kal. decembris 1729. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1739, xix, 487-504. ------. Risposta al Sig. Gian Domenico Santorini intorno all' istoria d' un feto estratto felicemente iutero dalle parti deretane da esso descritta, e stampata in Venezia appresso Giacomo Tom- masini 1' anno 1727. In.- Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1743, xxviii, 47-65. Cogrossi (Carlo Giacomo). Ragionamento anatoinico-chirurgico intorno alia struttura delle mammelle, loro sito, e mali particolari. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1732, vii, 311-328. Cogshall (Bela). Consumption; is it a conta- gious disease ? What can be done to prevent its ravages ? A paper read at the Sauitary Con- vention, at Battle Creek, Michigan, March 30, 1881. pp. 14-2-151. 8°. [Lansing, 1882.] Hepr.from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1880-81, Lansing, 1882,ix. ------. Is tubercular consumption a contagious and parasitic disease? 12 pp. 8°. [Boston, 18*2.] Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1882, Bost., 1*83, viii. - •- Cogswell (A. C). Co-Editor of: Dominion Dental Journal, Toronto, Cogswell (Charles). On the local action of poisons. 16 pp. 8°. London, Savill 4-Edwards, 1SV2. [P., v. 1044.] Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii. Cogswell (Edward R.) Report on the sanitary condition of Cambridge, pp. 329-374, 1 plan. 8-. Boston, Band, Avery ,y Co., 1878. Cutting [cover with priuted title] from.- Ren. Bd. Health Mass, 1877, Bost., 187b, ix. Cogswell (William). See Salem, Massachusetts. Account of the proceed- ings upon the transfer of the Salem water works 8° Salem, 1869. Cohabitation. See Coitus. Cohadon (Gabriel). 'Contribution a l'e'tude dc I'albtiminurie survenant dans le cours des accidents seeondaires de la syphilis. 84 pp 11 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 106. Cohanesco (Henri) [1-bl- ]. ' Srarlatine pharyngee; quelqnes-unes de ses infections np. condaircs aux organes voisins. 72 pp 40 Paris, 1*94, No. 49*. ------. Tbe same. 7-2 pp. 8°. Paris, (', st(-tn heil, 1894. Cohans (Heiurich [Josef]) [ls<58- ]. * Ueber gleichzeitiges Vorkommen von Difterie und Tuherculose. 23 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt f Klau- nig, 1896. CohailSCll (Henricus Josephus). Europe ar- cana medica, id est: collectanea pbysico-inedico- practica ex ephemeridum Germanise Nattme Curiosorum vastis voluminibus studiose iu com- pendium redacta. In quibus continetur omue id laconice contractum, quod praxin medicani con- cernens in Ephemeridum G. N. C. libris sparsiru legitur, h. e. omnia arcana, experimenta ct re- media polychresta ab experientissimis Europe medicis multo usu approbata et consignata 9 p. 1., 598 pp., 9 1. 1-2-'. Francof. $ Lipsice, ex off. Knoch-Eslingeriana, 1757. Cohausen (Joannes Henricus)1 [1665-1750], Teutaminum physico-medicoram curiosa decas de vita humana theoretice et practice per phar- maciam prolonganda. Ex veternm et receu- tiorum philosophorum ac chymiatroruni funda- mentis. Rarioribus et secretioribus inventis, ratiociniis, experimeutis, historice, ethice, me- dice, philosophice et chymice propositi! et omni- bus longaevitatiB candidatis consecrata. 13 p. 1., 187 pp. sm. 4°. Cosfeldice, sumpt. J. B. Steinii, 1699. ------. Raptus ecstatiens in Monteni Parnassuni, in eoque visas satyrorum lusus cum nasis toba- coprophoris. Sive satyricon novum physico- medico-morale iu modern 11111 tabaci sternutatorii abusum. 14 p. 1., 128 pp., 7 1. 16°. Amstelo- dami, G. Barents, 1726. There is also an engraved title-page. ------. Nen-angerichtete medicinische Thec-Ta- fel, auf welcher fiirtrefliche, so eiufaltig- als kiiustlich zusammen gesezte, theils aus einhei- misch, theils ausliindischen Kriiutern und Ge- wiichsen bestehende Krauter-Thee denen Lieli- habern der Gesuudheit und langen Lebens auf- getragen und priisentiret werden. Andere Aufl. . . . mit einer besondern Vorrede verseheu von Valentino Krautermanu. 6 p. 1., 670 pp., 17 1. 12°. Lemgo, Meyer, 1728. ------. Helniontins ecstaticus sive visa medicti- minuni potestas ab Helmontio soniuiante, re- visa ... Id est tractatus theoretico-practicus . . . continens dnas diatribas, quarum prima visionem ecstaticam Helmontii, hacteuns a ne- mine detectam, clarissime aperit; altera in prir- cipnas ejus sensationcs phj'sico-chymicas su- blimes novasque reflexiones, omnibus ad arcana adeptorum aspirantibns utiles atque necessarian, proponit, interspersis raris atque niagnis reuie- diis. Aecedit pro suppleinento sensationis ulti- mas Helniontiana': De hermetis aquiua forma pontica, qua? elenienta di.ssolvit: ncc uou Hel- montii liquore igui-aqueo alcahestino, solvente catholico, dissertatio pyrotechnica curiosa, notis ab autore illustrata. 14 p. 1., 333 pp., 7 1. V28. Amstelodami, S. Schoutcn, 1731. ------. Hermippus redivivus; or, the sage's tri- umph over old age and the grave. Wherein a method is laid down for prolonging the life aud vigour of man, including a commentary upon an antient inscription, in which this great se- cret is revealed. Supported by numerous au- thorities. The whole interspersed with a great variety of remarkable aud well attested rela- tions. 3. ed. viii, 248 pp. 8°. London, J. Nourse, 1771. COHAUSEN. 725 COHEN. Coliausen (Joannes Henricus)—continued. _____. The same. Herniipptis redivivus, on le trioiuphe du sage sur la vieillesse et le tombeau; contenant une methode pour prolonger la vie et la vignenr de rhomme. Trad, de l'anglois, d'a- pres le docteur Cohauseu, et la secondo ed. de Londr.s, par M. De la Place. 2 v. iu 1. xvi, 192 pp.; 194 pp., port, of De la Place. 8 . Bru- xelles; Paris, Maradan, 17*9. _____. Lumen novum phosphoris accensum, sive exercitatio physico-chymica, de causa ltuis in phosphoris tarn naturali bus quam artificialibus, exarata ad provocationem celeberrimse regia3 in Galliis Burdegalensium Academia?. 12 p. 1., 306 pp., 5 pl., 11 1. 16°. Amstelodami J. Oosterwyk, 1717. Also engraved title-page. See, aUo, Cohanseii (Salent. Ernest. Eug.) Exercita- tio eneomica [etc.]. 12°. Franco/, et Lipsioz, 1749. Coliausen (Joannes Henricus). * De modo, quo adstringentia in externa inflammatione ex- terne adhibita agunt. 37 pp. 12°. Duisburgi, slanno vid. Benthoniance, [1787]. Coliausen k Salentiuus Eruestus Eugeuius) [1703-79]. Periculum physico-medicum Creno- grapuhe Bertlicho-Birresborno-Trevirensis, das 1st: Kurtze der Natur nnd Artzeuey-Satzungen gemiisse Bescbreibuug und Untersuehung zwey- er im Ertzstifft Trier gelegenen Gesuudheits- Bruuuen, nemlieh des lau w armen Bertlicher Bads, und ties kalten Saurbrunuen zu Birres- boru in der Eiffell, wie selbige so wohl in krancklichen als Gesundheits-Stand mit Nutzen konuen und sullen gebrauchet werden, mit eini- gen Oliservationibus practicis. 23 p. 1., 160 pp. 12-. Franckf. a. M., J. B. Andrea, 1748. -----. Exercitatio eneomica, sive theses, de do- lorosa et gloriosa podagra, nee non antitheses, de vituperio et execrabilitate podagra?, cum per- petua exegesi, quibus subnectitur triumphus de podagra sa^pius debellata et feliciter deinceps uebellandn, cum reflexionibus epicriticis J[ohan- nis] H[enrici] C[ohausen], H. S. M. D. 3 p. 1., 180 pp. 12°. Francof. et Lipsice, 1749. [-----.] Medicinal-Vorschliige, wie die unter dem Horu-Viehe dertnahlen grassirende Seuche, welche in einer innerlichen Entzundnng, und darauf folgendeu heisen uud kalten Brand beste- het, konne praecaviret, und curiret werden. 8 pp. •!-. [Coblentz, P. Crabbens hinterlass. Wittib, 1763.] [P., v. 777.] -----. Medicinal-Rathschlag wie die jetzo gras- sirende weisse und rothe Ruhr theils zu genesen, theils zu pra±serviren, und in selbiger hochst nothige Verhaltungs-Ordnung. 5 1. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] [P., v. 777.] See, aUo, Hoffmann (Fridericus). Commentarius de differentia iuter ejus doctrinam [etc.]. 8°. Franco/, ad Mamum. 1746. Cohausz (Otto). * Neuere Methoden der Rhi- nojilastik. 37 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 18.-9. Cohen (Arthur). See Duff (Harry). Legal obligations in relation to the dwellings of the poor. 8°. London, 1884. Cohen (Charles Henri Aii). * De typhus-bacil. Een experyaienteel en kritisch onderzoek. 2 p. h, 123 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 188*. Cohen (Elias) [1863- ]. * Ueber Aetiologie nnd Pathogenese des Morbus Basedowii. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Cohen (Eugene) [1859- ]. * Orteil en inar- teau (nouveau traitement). 94 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 212. Cohen (Gustavus). Health and education; a lecture. 40 pp., 7 pl. (paged in text). 12c. London, G. Cohen; Manchester, J. Hey wood, 1883. Cohen (Gustavus)—continued, -----. The tree of life; its growth and decay; or, light and darkness. 51 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Lon- don, G. Cohen; Manchester, J. Heywood, 1*83. Noses. 52 pp., 10 pl. (paged in text). 12c. London, G. Cohen; Manchester, J. Heywood, 1883 The modern self-instructor in phrenology, physiology, and physiognomy; or, the people's hand-book of human nature; containing a view of the moral and theological bearing of the science of phrenology. 2. ed. xi, 271 pp. 12°. London, G. Cohen 4- Co., [1884]. Helps aud hints to sleep. 97 pp. 8°. London, G. Cohen 4- Co., [1885]. ------. Helps aud hints to mothers and young wives, viii, 108 (31.), 96 pp. 12°. London, G. Cohen, [1*87]. Cohen ( Hirsch Marcus). Die Myodyuamik des Herzens und der Blut-Geliisse. Vorlaufiger Be- richt. 51 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1859. [P., v. 1891.] Cohen (Jacob [da Silva] Solis) [1838- ]. Sore throat; two lectures delivered Sept. 24 and Oct. 1,1874, in Jefferson Medical College. 11 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. A. Moore, 1874. Repr./rom: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxxi. ------. Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, oesophagus, trachea, larynx and nares. 2. ed. xviii, 742 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1879. a. l. a. ------. The throat and the voice, vi, 7-159 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, 1880. Am. Health Primers, No. v. —. The throat and its diseases. [New York, 1880.] pp. 375-404. Cutting from: Wood's household practice of medicine, [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1880, ii. -----. Galvauocaustic method in nose, pharynx, and larynx. 6 pp. 8°. London, J. W. Kolck- mann, 1881. Repr./rom: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii. -----. Tuberculosis as manifested in the larynx. 20 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, 1883. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. s., clxix. -----. Does excision of the larynx tend to the prolongation of life? 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1883. Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1883, 3. s., vi. A case of thyrotomy for morbid growth, with subsequent development of epithelioma in the cutaneous cicatrix, but without involvement of the interior of the larynx. 5 pp. 8^. [Veto York, 1883.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N". T., 1883, v. On the elements of prognosis and of thera- peusis in tuberculosis of the larynx. 11pp. 16°. [Chicago, 1883.] Hepr.from.- J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i. Apsithyria. 4 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1883.] Repr. from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlix. A case of paralysis of the left vocal band in extreme abduction, following an incised wound in the neck. 4 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1884. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1884, xl. The use of compressed and rarelied air, as a substitute for change of climate, in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. 6 pp. 8°. New York, 1884. Hepr.from: N. York M. J., 1884, xl. -----. Injuries and diseases of the air-passages. In: Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst). 8°. New York, 1885, v, 625-792. -----. The same. Plaies et maladies des voies aeriennes. In: Encycl. internat de chir. (Ashurst). 8°. Paris, 1886, vi, 1-162. COHEN. 726 COHEN. Cohen (Jacob [da Silva] Solis)—continued. ______. Injuries and diseases of the (esophagus. In: Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst). 8°. Xew York. 1SKI1. vi. 1-43. ______. Three cases of pressure upon the recur- rent laryngeal nerve from different causes, with fixation of the left vocal band in phonatory position. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dor nan, 1*86. Hepr.from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1886, 3. s., viii. ------. The same. 11 pp. 8°. [Paris, P. Dupont, 1*86. ] Suppl. to: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1886, xii, no. 9. ------. Further history of the case of paralysis of the posterior crico-arytenoid muscles, presented at the first meeting of the association in 1879. With report of autopsy and exhibition of speci- men and microscopic preparations. 10 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Appleton c. [New York, 1889.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1889, xlix. ------. A case of sarcoma of the thyreoid glaud 6 pp. 8\ [New York, 1889.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1889, 1. ------. A very irregular foreign body in the ali- mentary tract safelv voided under the "potato" treatment. 11. 12°. (Philadelphia, 189].] Repr./rom: Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix. Cohen (Jacob [da Silva] Solis)—continued. ------. The symptoms and pathological chain-'es in the upper air passages in influenza. - up 12°. [New Vork, I). Appleton 4-Co., 1*92.1 Repr. /rom : N. York M. J., 1892, lv. ------. Multiple papillomata in a child; trache- otomy at lour years of age; retention of cannla thirteen years; evulsion of multiple laryngeal and pharyngeal neoplasms; closure of the tra- cheal fistule by a cutaneous flap; recurrent or repullulant growth at the anterior commissure of the glottis. 3 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1893.1 Repr./rom: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii. ------. Gnaiacol externally in tuberculosis. 3 up 8°. Philadelphia, 18<)4. Repr./rom: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv. AUo, Co-Editor o/: Archives of laryngology, Xew York, 1880-83.—Annales des maladies de l'oreille et dn larynx, Paris, 1884. Cohen (Marcel). * De la gastrostomie dans les retrecissements non cancereux de l'cesopha'-e. 143 pp., 4 1. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 16-2. Cohen (Max). * Ein Fall von priniarem Fibro- sarkoni der Pleura. 27 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, Bon itas- Bauer, 1895. Cohen (Otto) * Ueber die Gestalt der Orbita hei Knrzsichtigkeit. [Strasburg.J 2r>pp., lpl. 8\ Wiesbaden, L. Schellenberg, 1888. Cohen (Richard) [187-2- ]. * Ueber ver- scbleppte Querlageu. 29 pp., 1 1. - . Berlin, G. Schade, 1895. Cohen (S.) Veterinair-polizeiliche Memorabi- lien unci verschiedene Mittheilnngeu aus der thieriirztlichen Praxis. Erste Fortsetzuug. iv, 120 pp. 8°. Bostock, Stiller, 1863. Cohen (S.) * Einige Versuche iiber die Au»- iiiitzung verschiedeu sauren Brodes durch den menschlichen Organismus. 28 pp. 8°. ?r«i\j- burg, Etlinger, 1892. Cohen ( Solomon Solis ). Pneumato-therapv. A paper read before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, Dec. 8, 1886. 31 pp. 8-". De- troit, G. S. Davis, 1887. Repr. /rom: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 18x7. 3. s., iii. ------. Recent advances in the treatment of pul- monary consumption. A paper read before the Medical Society of the Stato of Pennsylvania nt Bedford Springs, Pa., June 30, 1887. 14 p|». 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. Repr./rom: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1887, xix. ------. A case of chyluria, with exhibition of patient aud specimens. 2 pp. 8-'-. [Philadel- phia, 1889.] A. L.A. ------. A design for an apparatus for pneumatic treatment in hospitals. 6 pp. 12c. [New York, 1889.] Repr./rom: N. York M. J., 1889, xlix. ------. Therapeutics of the gouty diathesis. 13 pp. 16°. [Philadelphia], 1889. Repr./rom: Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv. ------. Exhibition of an improved apparatus for the therapeutic use of compressed and rarefied air, with remarks ou the home-treatment of pulmonary affections. 1* pp. 12-. [Xew York, 1889.] Repr./rom: N. York M. J., 1889, 1. [------.] Clinical notes in respiratory therapeu- tics. 8°. Philadelphia, 1890. Repr./rom.- Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii. ------. Two cases illustrating the therapeutic uses of the nitrites. 7 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, 1890. Repr./rom: Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1890, i. ------. Some of the therapeutic relations of tbe nervous svstem. 19 pp. 12-. Detroit, G- *• Paris, 1.-91. Repr./rom: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1891, 3. 8., vn. CO LIEN. 727 OOHK Cohen (Solomon Solis)—continued. _____. Shall physicians become sales-agents for patent medicines? 8\ Philadelphia, 1892. Repr./rom: Proc. Phila, Co. M. Sue, Phila., 1892, xiii. _____. A case of akroniegaly. 7 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. . Berolini, [1847]. ----. Ueber Entwicklung und Fortpflaiiziing der Sphaeroplea aunulina. 17 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1855. [P., v. 1488.] Repr. from: Monatsber. tl. k. Akad. tl. Wissensch., Berl., 1855. ----. Empusa muscte und die Krankheit tier Stubenfliegen. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von 6e\\ durch parasitische Pilze charakterisirten Epi- demieen. 62 pp., 3 pl. 4C. [Breslau, Grass, Barth «,• Comp., 1855.] Repr. from: Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., xxv. ----. Licht und Leben. 32 pp. - . Berlin, C. G. Liideritz, 1869. Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr., Berl., 4. s., Hft. 80. ----. Die Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaft in den letzten fiinfundzwanzig Jabren. 2. Aufl. 36 pp. 8°. Breslau, J. U. Kern, 1872. ----. Caspar Schwenckfeld. 17 pp. 8°. Bres- lau, S. Sehottlaender, 18*9. Repr. from: Graetzer (J.) Lehensbilder hervorragen- der schlesischer Aerzte [etc.]. 8°. Breslau, 1889. cohn. 728 COHN. Cohn (H.) *Ueber Cacao als Nahrungsmittel. 30 pp. 8°. Strassburg. K. J. Triibner, 1894. Cohn (Harry) [1865- ' ]. * Ueber die Ursachen des bei Kropfoperationeu oder in unmittelbarer Folge derselben eintretenden Todes. 30 pp., 1 1. 8\ Berlin, G. Schade, [1^)0]. Cohn (Hermann). *Die Pharyngitis chronica, [Wurtzburg.] 39 pp. 8-. Berlin, L. Schuma- cher, 18-9. „ __ Cohn (Hermann Ludwig) [1838- ]. Messun- tren der Prominenz der Augen mittelst eines Seuen Instrumentes des Exophthalmometers. Voro-etragen in der ersten Sitzung des mterua- tionalen ophthalmologischen Congresses zu Paris am 12.August 1867. 15pp., lpl. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1868. , v _ , Repr. from: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1867. v. ______. Die Schulhauser auf der Pariser Welt- ausstellung ; vom hygieuischen Standpunkte beurtheilt. 14 pp. "8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1867. Repr. from: Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1867, iv. Ueber Xerosis conjunctiva?, vi, 43 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Breslau, H. Sulzbach, [1868]. Habilitationsschrift. Fragebogen gerichtet an alle Augenarzte mit der Bitte denselben, fiir das Kalenderjahr 1874 beantwortet, bis spatestens 1. April 1875 gefalligst zuriickzuseuden. 20 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Breslau, F. W. Jungfer, [1875]. [Also, in : P., v. 1441.] Die Arbeiten des Herrn Professor Holm- gren iiber Farbenblindheit und seine Kampfes- weise. Antwort. 32 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Breslau, E. Morgenstern, 1879. Sehstorungen bei Vergiftungen durch Wildpastete und Hecht. 16 pp. 8°. Wiesba- den, J. F. Bergmann, 1880. Hepr.from: Arch. f. Augenh., Berl., 1879-80, ix. -----. Die Hygiene des Auges in den Schuleu. 1 p. 1., vi (1 1.), 190 pp. 8-. Wien n. Leipzig, Urban 4' Schwarzenberg, 1883. -----. The same. The hygiene of the eye iu schools. An English transl., edited by \V. P. Turnbull. vi, 236, vii pp. 8°. London, Simp- kin, Marshall <*• Co., [1886]. -----. Ueber kiinstliche Beleuchtung. 21 pp. 8°. Braunschiveig, F. Vieweg 4" Sohn, 1883. Repr. from: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1883, xv. -----. Tageslicht-Messungeu in Schuleu. Vor- laufige Mittheilung. 12 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1884.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x. -----. Ueber den Beleuchtungswerth der Lam- penglocken. Untersuchungen. viii, 74 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1885. Tafel zur Priifung der Sehscbjirfe d Sclinlkinder, Soldaten und Bahnbeamten. Nach Snellen's Princip entworfen. 1 pl. 4 . Breslau, Priebatsch, [1886]. The same. 2."Aufl. 1 pl. 4°. Breslau, Priebatsch, [18*8]. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 11., 1 pl. 4°. Bres- lau, Priebatsch, [1891]. The same. 4. verbesserte Aufl. 1 1., 1 card test-types. 4°. Breslau, Priebatsch, [1892]. -----. The same. 5. Anfl. 7 pp., 2 cards test- types. 24c. Breslau, Priebatsch, [1898?]. -----. Mittheiluugen aus der Augen-Klinik. 1. Hft.: Statistik iiber 40,000 Augenkranke mil 70.174 Augenkrankheiten. 30 pp. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1887. Die Schularztdebatte auf dem interna- tionalen hygienischen Kougresse zu Wien pp. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, L. Yoss, 1888. ----. Ueber den Einfluss hygienischer Massre- geln auf die Schulmyopie. Bemerkungen zu Cohn (Hermann Ludwig)—continued. der vou Professor vou Hippel unter obigein Titel veroffentlichten Schrift. 48 pp., 11. s". Ham- burg u. Leipzig, L. Yoss, 1.-9(1. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspll., Hamb u Leipz., 1890, iii. ' ------. Lehrbuch der Hygiene des Auges. xxxii 855 pp., 1 col'd pl. (test-types). 8°. Wien u, Leipzig, Urban cy Schwarzenberg, l89[l-]2. ------. The occurrence of myopia among school children. Transl. from the German of Hermann Cohn's work on -'Hygiene of the eyes", by S. C. Avres and J. Remseti Bishop. 3(i pp. 8° [St. Louis, 1893.] Repr. from: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1893, x. ------. Was kann die Schule gegeu tlie Mastur- bation der Kinder thun? 40 pp. 8°. Berlin B. Schoetz, 1894. Transparente Seh-Proben. Echelle suelle transparente. Transparent test-types. Scala tipogr&fica ttaspatente. 2 1., 1 sheet test- types. 8°. Wieu, F. Deuticke, [1894]. ------. Ueber Verbreitung und Verhiitung der Augeneitermig der Neugeboreuen in Deutscli- land, Oesterreich-Ungarn, Holland und iu der Schweiz. Sainnielforschung im Auftrage der med. Abteilung der schles. Gesellschaft veran- staltet unl bearbeitet. 1 p. ]., Ill pp. 8°. Berlin, O. Cobleiitz, 1896. ------. Dreissig Jahre augeuiirztlicher uud aka- demischer Lebrthiitigkeit. Riickblicke. 67 pp. 12°. Breslau, E. Wohlfarth, 1897. ------. Diagnosen- u. Operations-Register. 21. fol. [Breslau, H. C. G. Maul, n. d.] See, aUo. Schubert (Paul). TJeber lnetische Augen- krankheiten. 8°. Berlin, 1881. Colin (Isidor) [1869- ]. * Ueber doppelte Atrio-Ventrikularostien. 21 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Konigsberg i. Pr., B. Sehenck, 1896. Cohn (Jacob) [1831- ]. *De scarlatina. 30 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, B. L. Bendix, [1857]. Cohn (Jacob). * Eiu Versuch iiber den Einthiss miissiger Korperbeweguug auf die Verdauiing. [Jena.] 14 pp. --. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1888. Cohn (Jacob). * Ueber Dermoidcysten an der grossen Fontanelle. 25 pp. 8-\ Erlangen, A. Vollrath, 1890. Cohn (Jonas [Ludovieus]) [1869- ]. * Bei- trage zur Physiologie des Collenchynis. 3 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Bomlraeger, 1892. Cohn (Julius) [1863- ]. * Der Uebergaug von Arzneimitteln vou der Mutter zur Fruclit. 39 pp., 1 1. 8 . Berlin, G. Schade, [18*7]. Cohn (Ludwig) [1873- ]. * Ueber die Myxo- sporidien von Esox lucius und Perca fluviatilis. 48 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Konigsberg, Hartung, 1895. Cohn (Martin) [1858- ]. *Die Wirkimgeu des Resorcin uud seine Anwendung in der Kin- derpraxis. [Berlin.] 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Stutt- gart, Gebr. Kroner, 1882. Cohn (Max) [1863- ]. * Ueber die Wirkung des Calomel bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung einiger substituirten Jodpriiparate. 30 pp., 1 1. 8\ Berlin, G. Schade, [1888]. Cohn (Max). * Ueber Ozaena. [Wurtzburg.J 44, iv pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Streisand, 1889. Cohn (Max). * Einige Versuche uber patholo- gische Gasbildung im Organismus. 32 pp., 1 1 *P. Berlin, J. Bosenthal, [1893]. Cohn (Maxi. *Casiiistische Beitrage zur Kennt- nis tier Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. [Erlangen.]' 30 pp. 8J. Berlin, M. Liebmaim, 1.-93. , Cohn (Max). *Pulsireuder Exopthalmos nacu Schnssverletzuug. 37 pp. 8°. Jena, B Lnyau, 1*96. COHN. 72y COLWSTEIN. Cohn (Max [Carl]) [1864- ]. * Kliniseh- experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die din- retische Wirkung ties Calomels. 30 pp., 11. 8 . Berlin, G. Schade, [18-7]. Colin (Michael). * Beitrag zur pathologist-hen Vnatoinie der guinniiisen Neubildungen. 40 pp. H Wiirzburg, F. Bohrl, 18*9. Colin (Michael [Joel]) [1849- ]. Hvorledes lean en stor By, der ligger ved Havet, bedst fjaTiie sine Affaldsstoffer? PrisbelOnuet besva- relse af deu tekniske forenings prisopgave for 18-0. [How can a great city lying by the sea best remove its refuse ? Reply rewarded with prize, to the prize offer for 18-6 of the Techni- cal Union.] 52 pp. 8°. Kjpbenhavn, W. Prior, 18*7. Cohn (Moritz). * Zur Anatomie der Epheliden, Lentigines undNtevi pigmentosi. [Wurtzburg.] 30 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. .--\ Hamburg, L. Voss, 1891. -----. Die Behandlung der Lungentuberkulose niittels Ichthyol. 15 pp. 8°. Leipzig,G. Thieme, 1896. Repr. from: Deutsche nied. "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 189ii. xxii. Cohn (Moritz). *Zur Frage der Melanose der Haut. 36 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1*93. Cohn (Nathan). "Ueber Herzfehlerzellen und ihre pathognostische Bedeutung. [Wurtzburg.] 20 pp. 8C. Trebnitz (Schlesien), Maretzke 4' Martin, 1890. Cohn (Paul). * Beitrag zur prognostischen uud therapeutischen Beurteilung der Perityphlitis mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Frage der Recidive. 47 pp. 8-. Breslau, 1896. Cohn (Robert David). * Ueber einen Fall von Teratoma cornea1 congenitum mit vorderen und hinterenSvneehien und Cataract. [Heidelberg.] 37 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Miinchen, M. Ernst, 1896. Cohn (Rudolf) [1-62- ]. * Ueber die Bedeu- tung des negativen Thoraxdruckes. 20 pp., 1 1. 8:. Konigsberg, Hartung, [1886]. Cohn (Sally) [1868- ]. * Ueber das Verhalten ties Chinons im tieriscben Organismus. 35 pp. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., Hartung, [1893]. Cohn (Salo). "Uterus und Auge. Eine Dar- stellung der Funktionen und Krankheiten des weihlichen Geschlechtsapparates in ihrem pa- thogenen Einfluss auf das Sehorgan. [Bern.] xxiii, 218 pp. *z. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1-90. -----. The same. Mit einem Vorwort von Ernst Pfluger. xxiii, 218 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1890. Cohn (Selmar) [1865- ]. * Beitrag zur Sta- tistik des ruuden Magengeschwiirs. 27 pp. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1-91. Cohn(Sigisnmndus) [1818- ]. *De medicina talumdica. 1 p. 1., 28 pp., 2 1. 8 . Vratislavke, L. Freund, [1846]. Colin (Theodor) [18(i7- ]. *Einunddreissig Falle von Myomektomie aus der gyniikologi- schen Klinik zu Konigsberg in der Zeit von 1887 bis April 1891. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8'\ Konigsberg, A. HausbranWs Nachfolger, 1891. Cohn (Theodor). * Ueber Iutercellularliicken und Kittsubstauz. [Wurtzburg.] 39 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1894. ------. Ueber epitheliale Schlussleisten an em- bryonalen und attsgebildeten Geweben. 30 pp., 1 pl. 8C. Wiirzburg, Slahel, 1897. Hepr.from: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu "Wiirzb., 1897, n. F., xxxi, 4. Hft. ' Cohn (Tobias) [1866- ]. * Histologisches uud Pliysiologisches iiber die grossen Gallon wege und die Leber. (Aus dem physiologischen Institut der Universitat Breslau.) 30 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8-. Breslau, L. Freund, 1892. Cohn (Victor) [1868- ]. *Zwei Falle von niultipler Sclerose, des ceutralen Nervensystems. 25 pp., I 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 189*0. Colin (Walter) [1870- ]. * Ueber Sarcome der Nasenscheidowand. 23 pp., 21. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1896. Cohnheim (Julius [Friedrich]) [1839-84]. * De pyogenesi in tunicis serosis. 40 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1861]. ------. Gesainmelte Abhandlungen. Hrsg. von E. Wagner, li, 707 pp., 8 pl., port. 8'. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1885. ------. Lectures ou general pathology. A hand- book for practitioners and students. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by Alexander B. McKee ; with memoir by the translator. Section I. The pathology of the circulation. xviii, 528 pp. 8°. London, 1889. ------. Tbe same. Section II. The pathology of nutrition. 529-821 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham Soc, 1889. ------. The same. Section III-VI. The pathol- ogy of digestion, respiration, urinary organs, aud animal heat, viii, 823-1434 pp. 8°. Lon- don, New Sydenham Soc, 1890. See, also, Cnllimore (D. H.) Consumption [etc.]. 8°. London, [1880]. For Biography, see Kiihnc (W.) Zur Erinnerung an Julius Cohn heim. In: Cohnheim (J.) Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Berl., 1885, pp. vii-li, port. See, also, Arch.f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1884, xviii, 3.-4. Hft., pp. i-x (E. Klehs). Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 564-566 (C. Weigert). AUo: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1884, vi, 277-281 (E.Ponflck). Also: Deutscho med.Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 577 ; 596 (Marchand). Also: Finska lak .-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1884, xxvi, 248-252 (E. A. Homen). Also: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 658-663 (C. Wallis). AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 391. ------ & Roy (Charles S.) Untersuchungen iiber die Circulation in den Nieren. 27 pp., 1 pl., 1 diag. 8°. Berlin, [G. Beimer], 1883. Hepr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1883, xcii. Cohnheim (Otto). #Ueber das Salzsaure-Bin- dungsvermogen der Albumosen und Peptone. [Heidelberg.] 35 pp. 8°. Miinchen, B. Olden- bourg, 1896. Cohnheim (Paul). *Stenose des Conus arte- riosus dexter durch Syphilom der Kammer- scheidewand; Compensation durch intratrabe- culare Canalisation der Muscularis. 33 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, J. Seelmeyr, 1891. Cohnstadt ( Ernst [ Ludwig ] ) [1864- ]. * Leber die osteoplastische Fussresection nach Mikulicz. 39 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1887. Cohnstein [Isidor] [1841-94], Grundriss der Gyniikologie. xii, 305 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1876. Author's name appears as J. Cohnstein; also, on the following work. ------. Grundriss der Geburtshiilfo fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 2. Aufl. xii, 331 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschivald, 1885. For Biography, see Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1894, exxxix, 574 (E. Gurlt). Cohnstein (J.) See Cohnstein (Isidor). Cohnstein (W.) Ueber die diuretische Wir- kung der Edelmetalle. 5 pp. 8°. [ Berlin, 1893.] Hepr.from: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1893, lxii. Cohnstein (Wilhelm). Trust- und Beruhi- gungsgriinde fiir die durch das Herannaheu der Cholera aufgeschreckten Gcniiither, nebst An- gabe aller gegen diese Krankheit bisher empfoh- lenen Schutzmittel. 47 pp. 12°. Glogau u. f.issu, Giinter, 1831. Cohnstein (Wilhelm) [1870- ]. *Ueber den Einfluss des Theobromins, Coffeins und einiger zu dieser Gruppe gehorigen Substanzen auf deu arteriellen Blutdruck. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. cohoes. 730 COITIAS. Cohoes. Annual department reports of the city of Cohoes, for the years 1879-Hi; 18>'l-2; 1894-5 to l-9(i-7. 8 . Cohoes. 18-0-97. Contains reports of the hoard of education, health offi- cer, police commissioners, and water commissioners. ------. By-laws adopted by the common council of the city of Cohoes. 23 pp. 8°. [Cohoes. n.d.] Coiffici- (du Pay ) (Henri) [ 1855- ]. Precis d'auscultatiou. 94 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- litre 4- tils, 1882. ------. The same. 2. e"d. 132 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4~ fils, 1890. The same. 3. 6d. 180 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1894. ----. The same. 4. e"d. 189 pp. Y Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1897 Mddeciue et therapeutique rationnelles. 1 ]). 1., 432 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4" fils, 1884. Coignet (L.-Ph.) [1866- ]. * De l'ure"thro- stomie p^rineale; creation m6thodique d'un me'at contre nature au pe"rine"e; operation du professeur A. Poncet. 70 pp. 4°. Lvon, 1893, No. 815. ------. The same. De 1'ur^throstomie p6riu6ale dans les retre"cissemeuts incurables; creation [etc.]. 70 pp. 8°. Lyon, Imp. nouvelle; Paris, G. Steinheil, [1893]. Coignet freres & Cie. M6moire sur les allu- niettes chimiques adresse" a la commission des prix Montyon pour les arts insalubres. (Acade- mic des sciences.) 39 pp. 4°. [Paris, G. Jons- set, Clet 4- Cie., 18.-.9.] [P., v. 1726.] Coillot (Paul) [1-5.")- ]. * Des lesions de l'in- t(-stiti et de l'estomac eonsecutives aux ldsions abdominales. 108 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 220. Coimbra. See Education (Medical), etc., by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Universities. Coimbra medica. Revista quinzenal de me- dicina e cirurgia. Director: Augusto Rocha. Editor: Jose Diogo Pires. v. 1-18, 1881-98. 8°. Coimbra. Current. Coindet [Charles W. ] Notice sur l'adminis- tration de l'iode par frictions et de l'application de ce medicament dans les scrophules et quel- ques maladies du systeme lymphatique. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1821.] [P., v. 1617.] Repr.from: Rev. ru6d. hist, et phil., Par., 1821, v. See. aUo. lhi-i>.ii*ou (SirRoberi) & Coindet (Charles W.) Au experimental inquiry on poisoniug by oxalic acid. 8°. \Editibnriih, ls'j:;.] Coindet (Jean-Charles) [1796-1876]. Memoire sur^ l'hygiene des condanine's detenus dans la prison p6nitentiaire de Geneve. (Lu a l'Acad6- mie ties sciences morales et politiques le 2 mars 1838.) 93 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Benouard, 1838. [P., v. 1037.] Repr. from: Aun. d'hyg., Par., 1838, xix. ------. Lettre au Dr. Lombard touchant l'influ- ence de Fivrognerie sur la production de l'alie'- nation mentale dans le canton de Geneve. 15 pp. 8°. Geneve, C. Gruaz, 1841. ------. Considerations sur l'hygiene scolaire a propos d'un ouvrage de M. le docteur Guillaume, de Neuchatel. 60 pp. 12°. Geneve, Bamboz A Schuchardt, 1865. Repr. from.- Journal de Geneve. Coindet (J[ean]-F[rancois]) [ 1774-1834 ]. Md- moire sur l'hydrencephale ou cephalite interne hydrene6phalique. ix (2 1. ), 283 pp. 8C. Pa- ris; Geneve, J.-J. Paschoud, 1817. Coindet (Le"on[-Alex.-Hipp. ]) [1828-71]. Le Mexique consider au point de vue me"dico-chi- rurgical. 3 v. 8°. Pans, V. Bozier, 1867-9. Coin*. Vincent (H.) Sur le role ties pieces de monnaie dans la transmission ties microbes infectieux. Cong, frauc rt« med. 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 788-790. Coipo. Ackehman (P.) Considerations anatomico- physiologiques et historiques sur le coipo dn Chili. 4°. Paris, 1844. Coirre (P.) Quel est l'acide du sue gastrique? Espouse h M. L. Dusart. 8 pp. 12°. Paris A. Pougin, 1874. [------.] Phosphate et chlorhydrophosphate de chaux. 16 pp. 12°. [Paris, A. Pougin, 187,") vel subseq.] A short treatise on phosphide of zinc. v. 7-15 pp. 12°. [London, J. Davis, n. d.] Coiseon (Rudolpho) [1867- ]. "Quelques considerations relatives aux regies pronostiques de l'albuminurie. 61 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897 No. 311. Coit (George W.). Portrait. [Off. Tr.J Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chi- cago, 1891, iv, facing p. 65. Coit (Henry L.) A plan to procure cow's milk designed for clinical purposes. Paper read be- fore the Practitioners' Club, Newark, N. J., Jan 1893. 12 pp. 8°. Newark, N J, L. J. Hard- ham, 1893. Coitier (Jacques) [1440-1506]. Glicreau (A.) Jacques Coitier, m6decin de Louis XI, roi de France. Union iu6d., Par., 1861, 2. s., xi, 449; 497J 544; 561. AUo, Reprint [with additions].—Withingtoii (E. T.) Jacques Coitier. physician and chancellor. Med Mag., Lond., 1896, v, 383-392. Coitus. See, also, Conception (Prevention of); Nose. Heywood (E. H.) Cupid's yokes; or the binding forces of conjugal life. An essay to consider some moral and physiological phases of love and marriage, wherein is asserted the nat- ural right and necessity of sexual self-govern- ment. Fiftieth thousand. 8°. Princeton, Mass.. [11. d.]. Luca (8. C. ) Physiologisch - mediciuische Untersuchungen iiber einige Gegenstiinde der Lehre vom Zeugungsgeschafte inshesondere des Mannes. 16°. Frankfurt a. M., 1813. Richakd (D.) Des rapports conjugaux; his- toire de la generation chez l'homine et chez la femnie. 4. Itl. 12°. Paris, 1*91. RlCHTEits (H. A.) *De morbis ex nimia ve- nere. 4°. Harderorici, 1766. Christian (H. M.) Hyperemia and hyperesthesia of the posterior urethra due to sexual excess. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, ix, 689-695.—Connor (J.J.) What a country doctor knows ahout marital excesses. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1883, x, 471-473. — Donne (L. G.) Excessive coitus as a cause of uterine disease. Arkansaw Doct., Harrishurg, 1881, i, no. 3. — Docs male copulation with- out emission injure female health? Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 240. — Fulenburg (A.) Ueber Coitus riser- vatus als Ursache sexualer Xeurastheuie bei' Miiuneru. Internat. Centralbl. f. d. Physiol, u. Path. d. Harn-u. Sex.- Org., Leipz., 1893, iv, 3-7.—Falcon Roldan (A.), Fer- nandez (I.) & Olivares (A.) Desde que edud es posi- hie wnatouiicameute Ja eopulacion en la mujer.' Uua re- forma ii los articulos 794 y 797 del codigo penal. Escuela de nied., Mexico, 1885-6, vii, 207; 221; 237; 251; 263; 278; 288; 297; 305.—Ficano (G.) Contributo alio studio del rapporto che esiste tra organi genitali ed olfatto. Uazz.d. osp., Milano, lss!>, x, 170.—Franklin (li.i Litter of ad- vice from ... to a young frieud. J. M. Sue. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1891-2, ii, 417-419.—Hanc (A.) Ueber Sto- rungen des Jijaculationsvorganges. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 339. — Lacaasagne. Un probleme d'anthropologie applique a la m6tlecine legale. [M6- thodes de coit.] Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lvon, 1883, ii, 168-171.—Iiataste (h.) Sur le bouchon vaginal des rongeurs. J. tie l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1883, xix, 114-171.—Mackenzie (J. N.j On the physiological aud pathological relations between the nose and the sexual apparatus of man. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1898, ix, COITUS. 731 COLADON. Coitus. 10-17. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 189", ii, 1562.— lTIantegazza (P.) Amplesso e sue forme. InhU: Gliiimorid. uomini, 12°, Milano, 1886. i,61-101. Also, transl: L'amour duns rhtinianite, 12°, Par.,1886, 51-82.— von ITIiklucho-Mnclny. Stellung des Paares beim Coitus und das Ausschhiiderii des Spernia's vom Weibe nach demselben. Wien. med. Bl., 1880, iii, 911—Paginn (Una) di patologia sessuale (le paralisi post-paroasistiche). Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii. 10(19— Phillips (G. M.) Sexual infelicity. Gen. Pract, St. Louis, 189li, ii, 155; 194. — Schleinmcr (A.) Das Zengungsvermogen bei beiden Gcsehleehtern. mit Bezug auf tten § 60 des biirgerl. Gesetzbuclies. Wien. metl. Presse, 1875, xvi, 353; 374; 435; 482; 537; 579. Also. Reprint. — Sclmrigiiis (M.) De coitu. In his: Spevmatologia [etc.], 4°, Frankf. a. M., 1720,222-316. -----. IV qurestionibus coitum speetauti- bus. Ibid., 551-561. —Taggart (H. B.) Appliance for assisting anatomical organs [for compression of doisal vein of penis in imperfect erection]. No. 594815. Nov.30, 1897. — Trattato della natura, e degli effetti di venerti. [Transl. from tlie English.] Rac. tli op. med. mod. ital., Bologna, 1829, viii, 327-332.—Violent spasmodic or grad- ual aspiratory movements of the uterus during the female orgasm, which?■ Peoria M. Month., 1884-5, v, 283-287. Coitus (Abnormal). See. also, Aspermatism: Bestiality; Con- ception (Prevention of); Sexual instinct (Per- version of); Sodomy; Urethra (Female, Dilata- tion of). JSerenczei (K. S.) Term6szet elleni fajtalansAg; vdd- lot gyenge-elmejiisege. [Accusation of indecent actiou ; imbecility. (Sodomy with sheep.)] Kozeg. es T6rv6ny. Orvos., Budapest. 1886, 61 - 64. — Borellus (P.) Coitus mirus [adhsBsio]. In hU: Hist, et obs. med.-rjhys , 12°, Parisiis, 1657, 129. — Lindner ( S. ) Der uuvollstiin- dige Beischlaf. Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 251-254.—Pannroln* (D.) Diniinutio visus a ve- nere, neque purgantibus curanda, neque exsiccautibus decoctis, sed uhstinentia venerea, cibisque optimi succi, qni semen generant. In his : Iatrologismorum, 4°, Romae, 1652, 201-203.—Paullini (C. F.) Cohaesio a coitu. In hU: Obs. med.-phys., 12-, Lips., 1706. 514. -----. Coitus cum sudore cruento. Ibid., 334. — Peycr (A.) Ansre- borner scheinbar ahsoluter Aspermatisnius, iibergefiihrt durch ortliche Behandlung in relativen Aspermatisnius; Befruelituug wahrend des letztern Zustandes. Internat. Centralbl. f. tl. Physiol, u. Path. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1889-90, i, 128-131. — Thomas. Per- sistent hymen; abnormal coitus. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxv, 526. AUo: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 58. — I'liconimon (An) form of vaginismus. [Edit.] Metl. Xews, Phila., 1884, xlv, 602.—X. A case of bestiality. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1893, xxvii, 309. Coitu* (Accidents in). Anderson (A.) Ruptur i bakre fornix vaginae i foljd af coitus. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1887, 152-154.—Arinstroug (S. T.) (Edema of the penis from abnormal coition. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Mem- phis, 1886, vi, 390.— Ascher (L.) Ein Fall vou hochgra- diger Blutung nach dem ersten Coitus. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xiv, 25. —Baldy (J. M.) Injuries due to coition. Ann. Gynaec. p. 1., 46 pp., 1 1. 12-'. London, D. Brown, ]'(;. -----. The same. 2. ed. 86 pp. 12°. London D. Brown, 1698. [P., v. 1901.] Forms pt. 2 of his: Four treatises of physick aud chi- rurgery, [etc.]. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1698. -----. Some farther considerations concerning alkaly aud acid, by way of appendix to a late essay, wherein the terms are made char, and the natures of them both more fully explained- together with an answer to the objections that have been raised against some things contained in the said essay. 5 p. 1., 100 pp. 12°. Lon- don, D. Broivn, 1696. Bound with his: A physico-medical essay, [etc 1 12° London, 1696. J ------. A treatise of the gout: wherein both its cause aud cure are demonstrably made appear. To which are added some medicinal observa- tions concerning the cure of fevers, etc., by the means of acids, xxxii, 143 pp. 12c. London D. Brown 4- B. Clavel, 1697. Forms pt. 3 of his: Four treatises of physick antl chi- rurgery. [etc.]. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1698. [AUo, in: P., v. 1901.] A relation of a very sudden aud extraor- dinary cure of a person bitteu by a viper, by the means of acids. Together with some remarks upon Dr. Tuthill's vindication of his objections agaiust the doctrine of acids. Wherein arc con- tained several things in order to the further clearing of said doctrine. 4 p. 1., 116 pp. 12°. London, D. Broivn 4' T. Leigh, 1698. -----. A physico medical essay, concerning alkaly and acid, so far as they have relation to the cause or cure of distempers; wherein is en- deavoured to be proved that acids are not (as is generally and erroneously supposed) the cause of all or most distempers, but that alkalies are. Together with an account of some distempers, and the medicines, with their preparations, proper to be used in the cure of them; as also a short digression, concerning specifick remedies. 12 p. 1., 147 pp. 12°. London, D. Browne, 1696. -----. The same. 2. ed. xxiii, 122 pp. 12°. London, D. Brown, 1698. [P., v. 1901.] Forms pt. 1 of his: Four treatises of physick and chi- rurgery, [etc.]. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1698. -----. A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical, all corrected and inlarg'd. 568 pp., 8 1. 8°. London, D. Brown, 1700. CONTEXTS. I. A new light of chirnrgery; or a discovery of a more safe and speedy way of curing wounds than heretofore usually practised, with several experiments. 4. ed. Lon- don, 1699. II. The new light of chirurgery vindicated from the un- just aspersions of several unknown calumniators, [etc.]. 3. ed. London, 1698. III. Aphysico medical essay concerning alkaly and acid, as they relate to the cause aud cure of the distempers; with aii account of some distempers, and tho medicines for the cure of them; also a short digression about specific remedies. 4. ed. London, 1699. IV. Further considerations concerning alkaly and acid, wherein the terms and nature of them are more fully ex- plained, [etc.]. 4. ed. London, 1699. V. A treatise of the gout, wherein both its cause and cure are demonstrated; with some mediciual observations concerning tbe cure of fevers [etc.) by the means of acids; with an account of experiments, and the medicines, with their preparations. 3. ed. London, 1699. VI. The doctrine of acids in the cure of diseases further asserted, in answer to Dr. Tuthill; wherein are some things relating to the history of blood, [etc.]. 2. ed. Lon- don, 1699. VII. A relation of a sudden and extraordinary cure of a person bitteu by a viper, by the means of acids, [etc.]. 2. ed. London, 1699. Each tract has separate title-page. COLBATOH. 733 OOLCHICTJM. Colbatcll (Sir John)—continued. _____. Thesame. 2. ed. 568 pp., 8 1. s . Lon- don, D. Brown, 1704. Each tract has separate title-page, with date 1704; the edition is not mentioned. ._____. A scheme for proper methods to be taken. should it please God to visit us with the plague. viii, 9-21 pp. 8C. London, J. Boberts, f A. Dodd, 1721. [P., v. 1363]. Colberg. See Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Beports, etc, of). Colberg (August) [1829-68], Zur Anatomie der Niere. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. 7 pp. 8 . [Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1863.] Repr. /rom: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1863. i. Colbuccolo. Marini (M.) Della parrocchia e villa di Col- buccolo nel territorio di Pausula, delle malattie che vi hanuo dominato dal 18:59 a tutto il 1854, del metodo curativo e dei mezzi atti aprevenirle. Memoria. 8°. Fano, 1^55. Colburil (C. F. J.) Popular dentis ry. Practi- cal knowledge of the teeth, that should be pos- sessed by everyone in order to preserve these organs from infancy to old age. 31 pp. 24°. Newark, 1*91. Colburil (Zerah) [1832-70]. Editor of: Engineering, London, 1866-70. Colby (Albert L.) Xo. 40. State board of health of New York. Bureau of chemical analysis to prevent adulteration of food and drugs. Cata- logue of the literature of the chemistry of food and drugs. Prepared for the use of the analysts and inspectors under the State board of health of New York. 12 pp. 8~. Albany, C. Fan Ben- thuijsen, 1881. Colby (Benjamin). A guide to health, being an exposition of the principles of the Thomsonian system of practice and the mode of application in the cure of every form of disease; embracing a concise view of the various theories of ancient and modern practice, xii, 13-181 pp., 11 pl. *:. Milford, N. H, J. Burns, 1*16. Colby (George W.) [1818-81]. Beede (J. W.) Obituary. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Port- land. 1881, vii, 385. Colby (Isaac). What is homceopathy? 24 pp. 1-2°. Boston, O. Clapp, 1846. Colby University, Waterville. Charter, with the acts and resolves relatiug thereto, and the by-laws of the trustees. 32 pp. 8°. Portland, S. Berry, 1-^75. -----. Second general catalogue of the officers and graduates, 1820-87. [Including the officers and graduates of the Clinical School of Medicine, at Woodstock, Vt., from 1830-32.] 88 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Waterville, for the Alumni, 1887. Chartered by the legislature of Massachusetts as the Maine Literary and Theological Institution, Feb. 27, 1813. Opened in July, 181?. Name changed to Waterville College Feb. 4. Ix2i. by act of legislature. From 1830-33 tbe. Clini- cal School of Medicine, at Woodstock, Vt., constituted the medical department. Adopted the present title Jau. 23, 1867. Colchester. (leas (C.) The main drainage works of Colchester. Proc. Ass. Muuicip. &, San. Engin., Lond., 1884-5, xi, 81-84. Colchicin. See, also, Colchicum (Toxicology of). GitANow (O. F.) * Zur Wirkung des Colchicin. 8°. Greifswald, 1887. Hertkl (J.) ■ * Versuche fiber die Darstellung des Colchicius uud fiber die Beziehungen des- Helben zum Colchicein und einigen anderen Zer- setzungsproducten. 8°. Dorpat, 1881. CoBchiciii. ShaItaxoff (N.) *0 dielstvii kolkhitsina na zhivotniy organizm. [Effect of colchicin on the animal organism.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg. 1869. Abadie (C.) Des propri6t6s therapeutiques de la col- chicine. Bull. Soe. tie in6d. de Par. (1889), 1890, xxiv, 102- 106. Also: Union med., Par., 1889, 3. s., xlviii, '_'poli, lss9, v. 1226. — Ansiaux (G ) la mort I par le refroidissenient; contribution a 1 e ude de la respi- ration et de la circulation. Bull. Acad. rov. tl. sc. de Belg., Brux.. 1889. 3. 8.. xvii. 555-602. —Bauinel (A.) Feber Erkiiltungen. Wien. nied. Presse, 1895, xxxvi, 1045; 1084.— Baker (H. B.) The causation of cold-weather diseases ; an attempt to explain the causation of inflammations of the air passages, and the seasonal susceptibility to certain communicable diseases which are shown to be most preva- lent iu cold weather. Kep. Bd. Health Mich. lSSfi-7, Lan- sing. 1888. xv, 197-211. Also, Repiint. — Bayer i lv Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung continuirliciiei Kiilte- applic.iti.in auf die tieferen (iewebe. Ztschr. f. Heilk.. Prag. 1882. iii, 399-424. — Bert (P. i Xote sur quelques phenomenes tlu refroidissenient. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s.,iv, 99. -----. Xote sur quelques phe- nomenes du refroidissement rapidc. Ibid., 1885. 8. s.. ii, ] 567-570. — Blmuenstok ( L.) Tod (lurch Erfiieren. ' Handb. d. gerichtl. Med., Tiibing., 1881. i, 779-792.— Biitqnet (P.) Du role du froid dans le developpement des augines. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1897.n.s., ii, 1012.— Catiano. Feber Erfriernn^en. Taueld. tl. Versamml. deutsch. Xatnrf. u. Aerzte, Salzb., 1881. liv, pt. 2, 154-157. AUo: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1882. xxviii, 278-290. — Ciieiiiioiiski (A.) O zu/iehieniu, jako przyczynie rhoroli. [Cold as a cause of disease] Gaz. lek., War- szaw.i, 189G. 2. s.. xvi, 310; 34".—Cold and mortalitv. Asclepiad. Lond., 1891, viii, 14-29.—Coleman (Mile. A.) & Poiupiliau (Mile. M.) Influence de la temperature snr la contraction musculaire des animaux a sang froid: grenouille, ecrevisse. Compt.rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 696-698. — Colin (G.) De faction des froids excessifs sur les animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1891, cxii, 397-399. — (only &. Gniuiaraes. De l'in- fluence du froid prolonge. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 480-485.—Davy (J.) On the congela- tion of animals. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Lond., 1866-7, xv, 250- 254.— D[ejacel (L.) Les accidents et les maladies causes par le froid. Scalpel. Liege. 1897-8.1, 102.—von Dieberg (C.) Bitr.iii zur Lehie vom Tode durch Erfriereu. Vrt(js«hr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl. 18-3. n F., xxxviii, 1- 15—Erfrieren ; Tod durch Herzlahmung (Shok) wahr- scheinlich herbeigefiihrt durch Liegenbleiben auf dem Eise, Dnrchrassung mit Eiswasser und der ferneren Ein- wirkung der Kalte. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891, 440-448—Fere (C.) Xote sur quelques effets dn froid sur l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 188H, 9. s., i, 472-475. -----. Xote sur le role pathogfene du froid; hemipiegie hysterique a frigore. Rev. de m6d , Par., 1897, xvii, 464-470.—de Gnwlel. Hypothermic ex- cessive & la snite d'une exposition prolong6e au froid liendant un acces d'ivresse; mort. France m6d., Par., 1>>2. i. 269. AUo: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 47. — Gergens (E.) Weiteres zum Wesen ties Erkaltungsvorganges. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 297; 309. — Grant (J. A.) The effects of cold. In: Internat. Encycl. Surg. (|Ashhnrst), X. Y., 1882, ii, 251-256. Also, transl. in: Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1883, ii, 747-752. — Griffith* (G. W. ) Report of a case in which the hair turned from white to black after exposure to severe cold. J. Cutan. &. Genito-Hrin. Dis., X. T., 1895, xiii, 376. — Halford (H.) On the effects of cold. In his: Essays and Ora- tions, 12°, Lond., 1842, 287-310. — llodara (M.) Bei- trag zur Pathologie tier Erfrierung. [Transl.] Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxii, 445-458.'_' pl. -----. Beitrag zur Histologie der Erfrierung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 341 - 343. -----. Contribution a la pathologie tie la congelation. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stant., 1897-8, xl, 23-27.—Hofmokl. Congelatio pedum; Tetanus; Enucleation nach Lisfrauc; Tod. Ber. cl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 295. AUo: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1885, xx, 184.—Kefer- stein. Der Erfrierungstod, unter Benntzung eigener Be- obachtungen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1893, lxii, 73; 86; 98; 110. AUo, Reprint. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1893, xvi, 71; 87; 103.-----. LeichenbefundbeiErfrierungstod. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1863, vi, 201-208.—Lacns. •ague. La mort par le froid. J. de med. de Par., 1896, Cold (Effects of). 2. s., viii, 10.". -107. Also: Presse med., Par., 1896, 69. Also: Rev. de med.leg., Par., 1896, iii, 65-70. Also transl.: Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1896, xii, 142-144.—Langd-haus. Fall von Erfrieren. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893. xxx, 898- 900.—Leduc (S.t De faction du froid sur l'organisme. Gaz. in6d. de Nantes, 1883-4, ii, 74.—I^elevre. (J.) Etudes sur la resistance de l'organisme au froid; action de l'eau froide sur la thermogenic. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 372-374. -----. Influence exercee par l'air froid sur les temperatures ceutrale et cutan6e ou re- sistance opposeo par l'organisme de l'homme aux atteintes longues et relativement douces du froid. Ibid., 604-606. -----. Lois gen6rales qui gouvernent le mecanisnie de la resistance automatique au froid dans l'organisme humain; pertes p6ripheriques; puissance thermogen6tique. Ibid., 641. -----. Xote sur les variations eprouvees par la tem- perature interne lorsque le corps est soumis a faction du froid. Ibid., 516-519. -----. Quantit6s de chaleurs per- dues par l'organisme dans un bain froid. Ibid., 450-452. -----. Experiences destin6es a, comparer, chez l'homme, les variations eprouvees sinmltanement par diverses regions de l'organisme, pendant faction et la reaction produites par l'eau froide. Ibid.. 1895,10.s.,ii,459-463. -----. Resis- tance de l'organisme humain aux r6frig6rations de tr6s tongue duree: trois hemes dans l'eau a 25 degr6s. Ibid., 1896, 10. s.. iii, 564-567. -----. Des troubleslnutritifs pro- duits par les refrigerations direetes; comparaison avec le vernissage de la peau. Ibid., 1897, 10. s., iv, 278. -----. De la topographic thermique tie l'liomme pendant faction dufroid. Ibid., 1898.10. s.,v,142-144.—Maikliam (H. C.) Victims of the recent blizzards in the Xoithwest as- phyxiated before freezing. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 218.—.Tlanrel. Contribution & l'etude de la resistance au froid dans les races. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de I'ar. 1884 3. s., vii, 748-75:;.—Miyashita (S.) & Shiiikiehi (K.J [On congelation.] Tokei M J., Tokio, 1884, nos.349; 350.— von >itM«,banm. Physiology of freezing. [ Transl. from: Die Gartenlauhe.] Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1887, xxxi, 681-687.—Ogaton (F.) Ein Todesfall durch Frost, bei dem die Erscheir.ungen nach dem Tode genau denjeni- gen glichen, die durch Ertriuken hervorgerufen werden. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl., Berl., 1882, n. F., xxxvii, 299- 301.—Pick (A.) Ueber psychische Storungen in Folge von Kalteeinwirkung. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 643.—Piclet (R.) Influencedurayonnement abasses tem- peratures sur les phenomenes de la digestion; frigothe- rapie. Compi. rend. Acad. tl. sc., Par., 1894, cxix, 1016- 1019. — Pollasson (M.) Xote sur certaines impressions subjectives douloureuses de froid; de la psvchralgie cru- rale. Lyon med., 1887, lvi, 35-39.—Quinqnaud (C.-E\) De l'actiondu froid sur l'organisme animal vivant. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 1542-1544. — Ransom ( W. H.) Abstract of an address on cold considered as a cause of disease. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 762.—Biehet (C.) & Rondeau ( P.) Des phenomenes de la mort par le froid chez les mammiferes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 931-934.—Biehet (C.) er mezzo di applicazioni refi igorauti in alcune affezioni dell' uretra, della prostata e del retto. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1896, 5. s., xxi, 52; 73, 1 pl.—Baruch (S.) The value of the cold bath in the treatment of asthenic diseases other than typhoid fever. Tr. Pan.-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wnsh., 1895, pt. 1, 392-394.— Bayer. Wirksamkeit tier gebraiichlichstenKalteniittel. Rov. f. Thierh., Wien, 1885. viii, 1; 17.—Roruttau (H.) Ueber die Wirkung tier Kalte auf die Nervenleitung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxv, 7-20, 1 diag.— Choanal. La fri£oth6rapie et ses applications therapeu- tiques. J. de ni6d. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 508-510. Also: Rev. d'hyg. tb6rap., Par., 1897, ix, 3-10.—Clark (F. Le G.) The therapeutic action of heat and cold. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1885, Lond., 1886, xv, 9-17.—Didama (H. D.) Methods of applying cold. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1887, Concord, X. H., 1888, iv, 150-155.—(Dr. Thornton's Appa- rat til at anbringe paa Hovedet for at nedssetto dettes Temperatur.) [A tubular helmet of india rubber, with current of ice water.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1879, vi, 2. R., 217— 1>iiiiiontpallier. Contribution a l'etude de la refrigeration du corps humain dans les maladies byper- thermiques et en particulier dans la fievre tvpliolde. Union metl., I'ar., 1883, 3. s., xxv, 1085; 1098. Also: Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s.. xx. 43; 147; 153. -----. De Taction tie la refrigeration m6thodique sur les congestions cerebralcs et sur la tifevre typho'ide. M6d. contemn., Par., 1883, xxiv, 247-252. -----' Contri- bution a l'etude de faction de la refrigeration methodique sur les congestions visc6rales. (2. note.) Union med.. Par. lt<83. 3. s., xxxvi, 209-214. Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s., xx, 89-95. -----. La re- frigeration methodique ne determine pas de congestions viseerales. (3. note.) Union med., Par., 1*Ki, 3. s., xxxvi, 651-653. AUo: Bull et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par. (1883)' 1884, 2. s., xx, 191-195.—FcodoMycfT (M.) Materiali k voprosu « kholodnikh obtiranivakh. [Data on cold fric- tions.] Toyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1885. cliii, 3. sect. 81-100.—Cray (M.) Eincacia delle applieazioni fredde' secondo il metodo del Prof. Tibone (intensa febhre da risipola traumatica; un nuovo segno dell' utilita del freddo sulla tebbre). Moderna metl., Torino, 1878-9, i, 107-110. -----. Elenco degli 88 casi pratici in cni si appli'carono le sottrazioul di calore con asciugamani fretldi umidi e nei quali si ebhe la guarigione fronta per febbri tifoidee per pneumoniti, ecc. Ibid., 1880-81, ii, 41-53.—derjreiis'lE ) Zur Frage von der Erkaltung als Kiankheitsur.sache Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, i, 77-79—dibier (P.) Sur un appareil destine k obtenir des temperatures basses Eouvant 6tre gradu6es k volonte. Compt. rend. Soc de iol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 409-413—Godefroy. Note sur les inconvenieuts de l'application de la glace sur le crane rase. J. d. se. rn6d. de Lille, 1880, iii, 547-549.- Grant (A. E.) On the use of the cold method of treatment in certain diseases, with three illustrative cases. Tr. South Cold ( Therapeutic use of). Indian Branch I'.rit. M. Ass., 'Madras, 1896, vii 4s -4 AUo: Indian Lancet, Calcutta. 1896. viii. 486; 532.— Hover (B. L.) Cold as a therapeutic iiyeiit. Tr. X. York M Ass. 1887, Concord, X. II., 18hX iv 320-330.— Iluu (][ i Reduction of temperature b\ cold baths. Med An,, Albany, 1883, iv, 121 - 130. -"Kiuuear ( B. 0. / Case, treated by ice to the spine; alter Dr. .lobn ciiaitruiii'ii method. Phila. M. Times, 1888-9. xix, 476-480.____ icl scientifically applied over the spine is agreeable, as well as beneficial to the patient. Med. Rec., X. Y., 18U2 xlij 127. -----. The application of heat and cold to tliespiiie as a therapeutic measure. Therap. Gaz., Detroit 1892 3. s., viii, 803-806.—(>atour (R.) Du mode d'action de la medication r6frigerante appliquee sur toute la surface du corps, et des conditions qui en rendent l'emploi inotlensif [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1846, xxiii, &9._! Lieiter (J.) Device for applving heat or cold to the bodr No. 341584; May 11, 1886.—Menard (A.) Dell' uso in- terno del gbiaccio nella cura di cei te forme niorbo.se. 1;;h coglitore, Fano. 1847, xx, 145-149. — Opencliowaki il'.i Sur faction localisee du froid, applique a la surface de In r6gion eorticale du cerveau. Compt. rend. Soe de "h,| Par., 1883, 7. s.. iv, 38-43.—Parker (T.) The ice-cap as a therapeutic measure. Virginia M. Month. Richmond 1886-7 xiii, 111-115.—Popoff (V. N.) Priemlenenie pro' tochnol vodi diva postoyannavo okhlazhdeuiya iii sogrle- vaniya. [Application of running water for constant cool- ing or heating.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 789-791.— Porter (W. T.) A demonstration of the effett of cold applied to the abdomen upon the circulation in the trachea, with remarks upon the use of cold in acute inflammation! St.LouisCour.Med.,1888,xx,414-419—Raynaud(XI.) La methode refrig6rante devant la pathologie generale. Union m6d., Par., 1877, xxiv, 3. s., 857; 869; 886. — Richard (G.) Production m6caniquc et utilisation du froid arti- ficiel. Ann. tlu Conserv. tl. arts et metiers, Par., 1889, 2. s., i, 133-200.—Seux fils. Quelques mots sur les etfu sions et lotions froides; leurs etfets physiologiques; leur emploi particulier dans les pvrexies. Union m6d. de la Provence, Marseille, 1865, 129; 161. —Silva (B.) Sul- 1' azione della vescica di ghiaccio applicata alia regione eardiaca. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 18K6, xxiv, 353-366.— Smith (R. M.) & Collins (W. H.) Heating or cooling pad. No. 301931; July 15, 1884. — Sprague (F. B.) A simple substitute for the Leiter coil. Bostou M. & S. J., 1893, exxix, 93. —Wiley (S. N.) Therapeutics of cold. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxii, 627-630. Cold feet. Canitz (H.) Chrouisch kalte Fiisse, ihre Wirkuugen, Ursachen, Verhiitung und naturge- masse Ueseitigutig. 8°. Berlin, 1888. ------. The same. Chronisch konde voeteu, huniien invloed, oorzaken, voorkoming en na- tuurlijkebestrijdiug, opgrond van waarneniingen gedurende 20 jaren. 1^ . Amsterdam. [1889]. Wallian (S. S.) Cold feet as a causative of catarrh, consumption, and other chronic diseases. Dietet 34.] h'epr. /rom: Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1834, xvii. -----. Cirrliopoda. 13 pp. H°. London, Mar- chant, 1836. [P., v. 1165.] Repr. /rom: Cycl. Anat, & Physiol. 8°. London, 1835-6, i. ------. Animal electricity. 18 pp. 8°. London, March-ant, 1^37. [P., v.'1165; 1555.] Repr. /rom: Cycl. Anat. & Physiol. 8°. London, 1836-9, ii. [Col tie Villars (filie)] [1675-1747]. Recueil alpluilietique de prognostics dangereux et mor- tals sur les diffexentes maladies de Thornine. Precede d'une explication des maladies et de quelques termes de medecine. Pour servir a Messieurs les rectems et autres ayant charge d'anies daus Pad ministration des sacremens. Par M. . . . 270 pp. 24°. Paris, J.-B. Coi- gnard 4' J- Boudet, 1736. _____.Thesame. 237 pp., 1 1. 24. Paris, J.- T. Herissant, 1755. [_____.] The same. Nouv. erl. 237 pp., 1 1. •24°. Pan's, J.-T. Herissant, 1759. -----. Cours de chirurgie dicte anx 6coles de meelecine de Paris. 6 v. 12°. Paris, J. Bollin, 1745-52. -----. Thesame. 5 v. 12°. Paris, J.-T. Heris- sant, L.-C. iVHoury, 1746-64. v. 2 terniine par M. Poissonnier. -----. Dictionnaire fraucois-latin ties termes de mddecine et de chirurgie, avec leur definition, leur division, et leur <5tymologie. Suite (v. 6) du cours de chirurgie. 2 p. 1., 472 pp. Paris, Le Mercier, Bollin, Herissant, 1753. See, aUo, Ulastns (Diamantes) [m l.s.]. *An sanita- tem inter et morbuni detur status niedius? 4°. ParisiU, 1742. Colditz (H). See Somuierfrischenbuch [till. s.]. 8°. Dresden. [1884]. Colds. See, also, Catarrh; Cough. Bacon (G. W.) Our colds; how caught, pre- vented or cured. Containing: Care of the skin. Necessity of cleanliness. Bathing a preventive of colds. Clothing in relation to colds. Nature of colds. How to catch a cold or how to avoid it. How to cure colds and coughs. 12-. Lon- don, [n. d.]. Bosworth (F. H.) Taking cold. 12°. De- troit, i-yi. Clarke (J. H.) Cold-catching, cold-prevent- ing, cold-curing. 16c. London, 188*. [Hayes (T.)] A serious and friendly address to the public, on the dangerous consequences of neglecting common coughs and colds so fre- quent iu this climate; containing a simple, effi- cacious, aud domestic method of cure, necessary for all families. *-. London, 1783. -----. The same. 2. ed., to which is now added successful directions to prevent aud cure consumptions. 8C. London, 17~5. -----. The same. 3. ed., to which are now added observations on tbe hooping cough and asthma. >v:. London, 1786. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8-. Dublin, 1786. -----. The same. 1. Am. from 4. Lond. ed. 12u. Boston, 1796. -----. The same. 8°. Walpole, 1808. Hayward (J. W.) Taking cold (the cause of half our diseases): its nature, causes, preven- tion, and cure; its frequency as a cause of other diseases, aud the diseases of which it is tbe cause. 8°. London, 1865. -----. The same. . . . with their diagnosis and treatment. 6. ed. 16°. London, 1877. -----. The same. 7. ed. 12°. London, 1887. Schnee (V. E.) Mekhanisbeskoye samolie- cheni'e nasmorka. [Mechanical treatment of one's own nasal catarrh.] 8°. Moskva, 1894. Affleck (J. 0.) A cold; what it means, and how it is to be avoided. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect,, 1881-2, 2.8., 177-208.-Allyn(H.B.) Treatment of common colds in children. Med. Xews, Phila.. 1891, lix, 235-237—Kon- worth (F. H.) A winter (old. Independ. Pract., N. V., 1882. iii, 561; 593—Bulk ley i L. D.) Bicarbonate of .soda in tbe treatment of a common cold. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 86.—Dreschfcld (J.) Colds and their conse- quences. Health Lect., Loud., 1881-2, v, 89-100.—E wing 47 -----. On a ease of catalepsv. 17 pp. H'-. Ed- inburgh, Neill 4' Co., 1854. [P., v. 9211; 1161).] Repr./rom: Edinb. M. \- S. J., 1854, lxxxi. Cold water, Michigan. Randall (C. D.) The present and future water-sup- ply of Coldwater. Proc. San. Convent. 1886, Lansing, 1887, 53-67. Cole (Abdiah). See dolden (A) practice of physick [etc.J. fol. Lon- don, 1662.—Riverius (Lazarus) [in 1. s.]. The practice of physick, [etc.]. fol. [London, 1655.] — Treatises (Two). The tirst of the venereal pocks [etc.]. fol. Lon- don, 1660. Cole (Arthur C). See Methods (The) of microscopical research, [etc.]. 8° London. 1*84. — Studies in microscopical science. v. 1-2. W>. London, 18*3-4. com:. 738 COLEMAN. Weather Bur. Bull. no. 6. Cole (Carter S.) A new method of reducing an- terior dislocations of the humerus. 8 pp. 12°. [Xew York, 1891.] Repr./rom: X. York M. J., 1891, liii. Cole (Charles Knox) [185:1- ]. ! |{io^r:i|.hv.] Internat. J. Surf;., N. Y., 1896, ix. 363. For l'n,t,,tit, see [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Kailway Surg., Chicago, 1891, if, facing p. 113. Cole (Frank N.) The diurnal variation of baro- metric pressure. 32 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Off., 1892. IT. S. IVpt. Agric. Cole (Hiram). Hixcr (H. H.) [Trial of Hiram Cole for the alleged murder of Mrs. Adelia Cole by poisoning with arsenic] Ohio M. A S. J., Columbus, 1858-9, xi, 273-300. Cole (Palmer Cl Tests for diabetes mellitus. K a I before the Northwestern Medical aud Sur- gical Societv of New York, June 20,1888. 8 pp. 12°. New York, Trow's, 1888. Repr./rom : Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv. Cole (S. W.) The American veterinarian, or dis- eases of domestic animals, showing the causes, symptoms, and remedies, aud rules for restoring and preserving health, by good management; with directions for training and breeding, xii, V.\-2** pp., 1 pl. 16°. Boston, J. P. Jewett $ Co., 1847. Cole (William) [1635-1716]. De secretioue ani- mali cogitata. 8 p. 1., 279 pp. 16°. Oxon., e theatro Shddoniano, 1674. Last page numbered 275. ------. The .same. 5 p. ]., 159 pp., 1 1. 16°. Ilaga'-Coinitum. A. Leers, 16bl. Hound with: Chauleton (G.) Exercitationes de ceco- nomia auiniali. Ed. novissima. 16°. Hagos-Oomiturn, 1681. ------. The same. 3 p. 1., 72 pp. 4°. Geneva-, Cramer : 388.— Fenton (IT.) Acase of colic from unusual cause. Laueet, Lontl., 1882. ii, 702.— Fessler ( T.) TJeber schwere Darmkoliken und die eventnelle Verwecbslimg derselben mit anderen Krank- heiten. Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, 58. — l.oos (J.) Ein Fall von Colica mucosa. Prag. med. Wcbu- sehr., 1889, xiv. 579.—Ijiirken (J.) Vei wathsungeu und Netzstriinge im Leihe als Uisache aiidaueinder, schwerer Koliken. Ges. Heitr. a.d.dek d. Cbir. u. Med. d prakt. Le- beus. Wiesb.. 1~93. 49-5.V — \olhnagel. TJeber Sebleim- kolik. Wien. med. Bl.. 18s:;, vi 1461-1465. — Oldernian (B.) De eolico et iliuco intestinoruni doloribus. In: Warenius (H.) Nosologia. »>-. Lips . 1605. 190-200.—Pal- lella (G.) Delia colica t'eeale. Inhis: Diss, di chir, 4°, Venezia. 1795. i, 45-7(1. — Torrinis (E\) De la colique. Clinique, Brux., 1889, iii, 715-719.—Wolff (L.) Om slem kolik, colica mucosa, enteritis membrauacea. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1891, xxvi, 131-152. — Zinnia (A.) Con- tribuzione alia cura delle colicbe ed enteralgie dei neonati. Areh. di patol. inf., Napoli, 1887, v, 23. Colic (Treatment of). See, also, Colic (Hepatic), Colic (Lead), Colic (Renal), Treatment of. Cornet (P.-A.) * De l'origine spasmodi- que des coliques et de leur traitement par les vaporisations reetales d'e"ther. 4°. Bordeaux, 1890. Garnier (Mine.), ne'e Savatier. Description ties plantes utiles au traitement des coliques. l(i°. Arignon, 1~40. Macnemaka (T. ) *Quaestio medica eaque therapeutica. An eolico dolori laudanum opia- ticum? sm. 4C. Monspelii, 1706. Cogi-ossi (C. F.) Questo medico-pratico se in una colica inUannuatoria convenga V oglio di mandorle dolci, e come debba praticarsi nelle urgenze tlel male. In: Kac. . J., 1894-5, n. s. xxii 9- 14— Farbringer (P.) ZurKeiintnissderPseudo'ralien- steine und sogeuaunten Leberkolik. Verhandl d Cono- f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi, 313-321. — Gabbi (U"j Dei ruiuori di soffio nella colica epatica; (caso clinico e considerazioui). Lavori d. Cong, tli ined. int. 1889 Milano 1890, n, 77-81.-CJerhardl ( C. ) Zur physikalischen Diagnostik tier Gahenstei-iknlik. Deutsche med. Wchn- schi;..Leipz.ii Berl., l893,xix.957.—Hnchard (IT.) Etude cliuique des diverses varietes tie colique hepatique Se- maine med., Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 153. — I,uxzaito (B ) Un caso tli soffio epatico; contributo alia diagnosi di colica epatica da litiasi biliare. Ui forma med, Napoli 1892 viii pt. 3 735-739.—Harin Pemjo (A.) El sistema ner'vioso en el c61ico hepatico. Rev. de din., terap. y farm. Ma- drid, 1894-5, viii, 161-163.—Schullz (V. G.) Sluchai Colic (Hepatic, Diagnosis and semcioloau of)- Iozhnlkh zhelchnikh kolik pri obstruktsii glavnavo zhelch- navo protoka; niekotoriya dunniya k farniakologii kalo- melya i oleum olivarum. [Case of pseudo biliary colic from obstruction of the chief bile duct; on the pharmacology of calomel and . . .] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1893 v 1941 199. 2 pl. ' ' Colic (Hepatic, Treatment of). See, also, Colic (Treatmentof, Operative); Gall- bladder (Surgery of). Durandk. Observations sur l'efficacite' du m61ange d'eiher snlfurique et d'lmile volatile de terrbenthiiie dans les coliques hepatiques, pro- duces par des pierres biliaires. 8°. Strasbourg 1790. "' Golovin (E. A.) Obzor glavnelshikh sposo- bov liecheniya zhelclinoi koliki. [Review of tbe principal methodsof treating bile colic] w° S.-Peterburg, 1894. Repr. from: Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1894, v. Senac (H.) Du traitement des coliques he- patiques, precede" de remarques sur les causes, les symptomes et la nature de cette affection 8°. Paris, 1870. Watin (P.) 'Traitement des coliques he- patiques par l'huile d'olive. 4°. Paris, 1895. Willemin (E.) Traitement des coliques he- patiques pur l'huile d'olive. 8-. Paris, MM. AUo [Abstr.J, in : Bull. g6n. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1891, CXX, 241 ; 308. Arnozan. Traitement de la colique hepatique par l'huile d'olive a haute dose. M6m. et bull. Soe. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1888), 1889, 696.— Barth. De la colique hepatique et de son traitement par l'huile d'olive h haute dose. Semaine m6d., Par., 1897, xvii. 441. Also, transl.: Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 589-591.—t'liojho (A.) W sprawie leczeuia kolki watrobowej. [On the treatment of hepatic colic] Medycyna, Warszawa. 1897, x\v, 441- 444. — C'olladon. Le meilleur traitement de la colique hepatique, d'apres des observations faites par un confrere sur lui-meme. Semaine m6(i.,Par.,1892,xii.p.cxxx— C'i'im- toffc (('. II.) A suggestion as to the treatment of hepatic colic. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890, xxi, 122.— Ootid (T. A.) Kotos of n case of hepatic colic, treated by olive oil. Rep. Proc. Xorthumh. & Durham M. Soc., Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1881-2,158. — Dnraad (M.) Traitementdelacohqne hepatique par l'ingestiou d'huile d'olive & hautesdoses. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 359. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. dem6d. et chir. tie Bordeaux, 1889,77-80. —HgiiNKe (E.) L'huile d'olive dans le traitement tie la colique he- patique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Par., 1892. exxii. 172-184.—Ferrand (E.) iJtudo exp6rinientaleet cliuique sur l'application dela glycerine au traitement des roliquea hepatiques. Bull, metl.",'Par., 1892, vi, 232-235.— It nth a (C.) De l'emploi de lairlyceriuedanslacoliquehepatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. tie therap., Par., 1896, 251 -256. — «rel- lely. Traitement des coliques hepatiques. [Extr.from his: Vichy et ses eaux minerales, 4. ed., I'ar., 1886. J Gaz. med. tie l'Algerie, Alger, 1886, xxxi, 98-101.—Gubb (A. S.) A case of hepatic colic cured by the ingestion of olive oil. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 865.—I.auaittedal. Le traite- ment des coliques hepatiques a, Royat. Rev. m6d. tl. soc. savantes, Par., 1894. xii, 167-174. — l.eiiioiiic (G.) Traite- ment de l'accfea douloureux de la colique h6patique. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 21 -32. —I.o !>*avio. Ap- plicazioue dell' anestesia chirurgica in un caso di colica epatica. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1884, xiv, 221-223. Also: Gior. internaz. tl. sc. nied., Napoli, 1884, n. s., vi, 398-400.— Macarthur (W. P.) The treatment of biliarv colic by olive oil. Edinb. M. J.,1895-6, xii, 803.—ITIcConrl (P.J.) Sweet oil in the treatment of biliarv colic. Med. Kec., N. V., 1891, xl, 630. — ITIolliere (II.i Du traitement ties formes graves de la colique hepatique par les grands Oains froids. Lvon med., 1892, lxxi, 433-442. 1 diag.- Plicqne (A.-*'.) Traitement d'un aceds aigu tie colique hepa'ique. Gaz. iu6d. de Par., 1894, 9. a., i, 243— Kodel (P.) Etude comparative du traitement des coliques hepatiques par lea eaux de Vichy et par celles tie Vittel. Rev. med. dc Test, Nancy, 1888, xx, 431-437.—Senac (H.) Du traitement des coliques hepatiques. [ Rap. de Marc Border6my. 1 Soc, d. sc. m6tl de Gannat. C. r., Par., 1885, xxxix. 99- 104. — Touatre (J.) Gu6rison ties coliques hepatiques pai 1 evacuation des calculs biliaires. Arch, roum.de m6d. et chir., Par., 1887. i, 99-101. AUo: Gaz. med. chir. de Toulouse, 1887. xix, 249.—Turn bill I (G. L.) Nitro-gly- cerine in -\ Plymouth, [1769]. Bakeh (U.) An essay concerning the cause of the endemial colic of Devonshire. 2. ed. 8°. londou, 1814. ti:r Hut ut.KN (J. C.) *De eolica(vulgo dicta) Piefaviensi pro nova et singulari specie non lia- benda. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1>4. C'ombali'SIER. Observations ct reflexions snr la colique tie Poiton ou des peintres; oil Ton examine et l'on tache d'eelaiicir l'liistoire, la theorie et le traitement de cette maladie. 1. pt. Contenant l'histoire et l'explieation d'une co- lique ni^tallique singuliere. 12c. Paris, 1761. Coyreau (R.) "Qua'stio metl. eaqut- thera- petitica, sub bac verborum sei ie an eolico dolori pictonum ae'ris et vini nmtatio? 4°. Monspelii, 1714. Examen d'un livre qui a pour titre: "P. Tron- chin. De colica pictonum." Par un mddecin de Paris. 12°. Geneve, 1758. Foe rage (J. P.) *De colica pictonum. 4°. Herbipoli, 1777. AUo. in: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. metl. 8°. Ticini, 1787, iii, 256-293. Fradin (S. M.) *De colica pictonum. 4°. Monspelii, 17*8. Gadkens (T. ) * Ueber die Bleikolik. s . Rostock, 1-50. Grashuis (J.) De colica pictonum tentamen. Aecedit de natura, sede et origine hydatidum disquisitio. 8-. Amstelodami, 1752. Hermaxd (T.-F.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'intoxication par le plomb, et particulieremeut du syndrome colique saturnine. 4°. Lille, 1894. Jacobi (L.-T.) * Essai sur la colique satur- nine vnlgairement appellee colique des peintres. 4°. Strasbourg, 1828. de Neckere (C. C.) *De colica pictonum. [Ghent.] 4°. Boularii, [1828]. Bowlan (M. M.) Case of lead colic. Lancet. Lond., 1891, i, 1039. —de Brambilla (J.-A.) Dissertation sur la colique saturnine. Actes Acad. c. r. Josephine med.- chir. de Vienne, Montpel., 1792, i, 102-224. — Chevallier (A.) Kecherches sur les causes de la maladie. dite colique de plomb, chez les ouvriers qui prGx>arent la ceruse. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1836, xv, 5-67. AUo, Keprint. — Combe- male & Siu-mont. De l'excretiou tie l'azote urinaire dans la colique saturnine. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol., Par.. 1890, 9. s., ii, 473-475. — Comby (J.) Coliques de plomb; encephalopathie saturnine; mort. France m6d., Par., 1882, ii, 313.—Elliotson. Clinical lecture on colic from lead. Lancet, Lond., 1830-31, i, 389-392. Also: "Lond. M. Gaz., 1830-31. vii. 346-349. - Faggc (C. H.) On a probable cause of lead colic. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1881, 2. s., xlvi, 219-224. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Koy..M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1881, ix, no. 2, 58. — Haime. Observations d'ent6ralgie saturnine. J. d.conn. nied. prat., Par., 1852-3, xx, 211.—Holland (J. W.) Lead-colic from an accident. Louisville M. News, 1882, xiii, 3. — Ilnxhnm. Opuscu- lum de morbo eolico Danmoniorum, eoque maxinie epide- mico ann. 1724. Inhis: Opera phvs.-med., 8°, Lips., 1764, iii, 54-85. AUo: Ibid., ed. nova, 8°, Lips., 1773, iii, 54-85. AUo, inhis: Opera, 12°, Lips., 1824, 556-580. Also, transl. inhis: Essai s. 1. diff. especes de fievre, 12°, Par., 1764,551- 610. AUo: Ibid., 12°, Par., 1768, 455-51C. A Uo: Ibid., 12°, Par., 1776, 551-610. AUo, in: Encvcl. d. sc. med., 41 v., 8&, Par., 1834-46, 7. div., liv], 462-475. — [ Ijnyrnl. ] Le spa>me du pylore dans l'intoxication saturnine.- [Abstr.J Clinique, Brux., 1897, xi, 305-307. — I.ober. Physiologic pathologique de la colique de plomb. Bull. in6d. du nord, Lille, 1885, xxiv, 172-181.—Mancini (F.) Sopra un caso di colica satuniina. Boll. tl. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto, 1887-8, i, 460-465. — Riegcl (I.; Zur Symptoma- tologie und Theorie tier Bleikolik. Deutsches A rch.f. klin. Men.. Leipz., 1878, xxi, 175-204.—fit bin a (C.) Ossorva- zione di enteralgia saturnina latente. Gior. tl. r. Accad. med.-chir. tli Torino, 1851, 2. s., xi, 575-580. — da Silva Lima (J. F.) Colica saturnina eonsecutiva ao abuso das injeceoes uretraes de acetato de chumbo. Gaz. metl. da Bahia, 1880-81, 2. s., v, 543-551.-Stewart (D. D.) Lead Colic (Lead, Complications and sequela0, of). Anders (J. M.) Lead-colic 'with marked anaemia; chronic lead-poisoning with arthralgic symptoms; ner- vons tin ms of lead-poisoning. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, ii, 71-79, 1 pl. — Itrnnellc (J.) De la glycosurie aii- liientaire daus la colique saturnine. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par.. 1894, ii, 688-703.—« nei etin fils. Colique de plomb; epilepsie. Hull. Soe. de med. d'Angers, 1885, n. s., xiii, 60- 62. — Nabalici-. Colique de plomb; symptomes c6re- braux graves; diagnostic obscur; varioloi'tle apr(Ss trois tentatives infructueuses de vaccine ; autopsie. Bull. Soc. m6d. prat, de Par., 1833, 18-34. Colic (Lead, Treatment of). Ducasse-David (J.) 'Contribution a l'6tude du traitement de la colique de plomb par Pex- trait de belladone et l'huile do croton tiglium. 4°. Bordeaux, 1882. Gaucii (F.) *Du traitement de la colique de plomb par la belladone. 4°. Lyon, 1881. ------. The same. b°. Paris, 1881. Cayol. Colique des peintres; o6cit6; symptomes t6- taniques; guerison par l'huile de croton tiglium et l'tipium. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1829-30, ii, 61. — Conabemale (F.) Contribution k l'etude du traitement tie la colique satur- nine par l'huile d'olive k haute dose. Bull. med. tlu nord, Lille, 1893, xxxii, 281-295. AUo: Gaz. med. tie Par., 1893, 8. s., ii, 447-451. — Copin. Colique de plomb chez un ieuae garcon ; guerison rapide. France med., I'ar., 1884, ii, 1661-1666.—Devic (E.) Sc Chatin. Traitement de la colique tie plomb par l'antipvrine. Province nied., Lyon, 1892, vi, 529-531.—Espagne (A.) TJn cas tie colique de plomb; therapeutique aniilytiqiie bas6e sur les indications, imitation inconsciente au traitement de la Charite ; uu mot sur les intoxications saturnines alimentaires. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1891, xiii, 469-473. — IHal- herbe. Traitement de la colique de plomb par la bella- done. J. tl. conn. m6d. prat.. Par., 1850-51, xviii. 259.— Oddo. Quelques modifications au traitement classique de hi colique de plomb. Marseille metl., 1892, xxix, j til — 167. [Discussion], 177.—Weill (E.) Du traitement de la colique saturnine par l'ingestion d'huile. Province med., Lyon, 1892, vi, 589; 601. Colic (Metallic). See, also, Colic (Lead). Beaupoil. De l'enteropathie metallique. Bull. Soc. de metl. de Poitiers, 1854, xxii, 182-186. Colic (Xervons). See Colic (Dry); Colic (Lead). Colic (Renal). See, also, Calculus (Benal); Colic (Hepatic). Gaillatd (E.) "Contribution a l'etude ties pseudo-coliqucs neplirctiqucH. 4°. Paris, lsilfi. Mahbotx. Traite tie la colique nopliretit|ne. \2\ Nancy, 1897. Allen (G.'W.) Cases of renal colic. Boston il. & S. J., 1891, exxiv, 627. AUo, Kepi int.—Bauer (L.) A di- agnostic puzzle. St. Louis M Sc S. ,1., 1886, li, 14-10 — Cabezon (J. M.) Observacion de un encode eolico ne- fritico, seguido tie espulsion ile calculo. Kev. lued.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1885-6, xxii, 377-379.—Dcxiion (E.) l'eux observations d'etraugleinent intestinal nerveux au coins de coliques ii6phretiques. Bull. Soc. ni6d. dc Par., 1887, xxii, 46-51 Also: Union med., Par.. 1887, 3. s., xhii. 535- 538.-«ibbon* (R. A.) Renal colic in infants. Med.- Chir. Tr., Loud., 1896, lxxix, 41-62. Also [Abstr.] : Lan- cet, Lond., 1896, i, 163. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Koy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1895-6, viii, 92-97. — Lopez Arrojo (L.) Caso curioso de eolico nefritico (notas cogidas al vuelo). Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1882, xxix, 220. — Marvin (J. B.) Renal colic, parasitic, and calculous; a criticism. South- West. M. Gaz., Louisville, 1887, i, 164-171. AUo, Reprint— Rendu. Colique n6phr6tique k symplomes insolites. Bull. Soc. clin.de Par., 1888, 15-18. AUo: France m6d., COLIC. 744 < 'OLLIX. Colic (Renal). Par.. 1888, i. 122-124. — Rosnr (J.-H.) Une cnse de colique nephretique. (1'n leuilleton emprunte au romau le ' termite", dans la Nouvelle Revue] Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 541-544.—Svlinell. Coliques nephretiques par kvsies hydatiques. Marseille med., 1891 -cxviii 129-131— Taylor (W. H.) Kidney coUc and renal cdcu'li. Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1885, xxxix, 625- 631. —Tewti (A.) La febbre urosettica nella colica nefri- tiea. Coinment. clin. d. mal. tl. org. gen.-urin., Pisa, 1884, i 161-179.__Tirard (X.) Some cases of renal colic. Lancet Lond. 1892, i, 16.—Tuffier. Clinical lecture on i,s,-udo-renal colic. Med. Week. Par., 1893, i, 593-595— Wallace i-T K ) Nephritic colic, agonising spasms,with fatal collapse. Med. Kec., Calcutta, 1890, i, 105. Colic (Renal, Treatment of). \ii«*illoux. L'huile d'olive dans le traitement des coiiquoi nephretiques. Bull. gen. de th6rap. |etc], Par., 1893 cxxv, 491-498.— Tlabbonx. Le traitement de la colique nephretique. Lyon med., 1897, Ixxxiv, 401; 442; 475— tlcKinlock (J.) Piperazine in nephritic colic. X. York M. J., 1894, lx. 207— Motiram (J.) A caseof renal eolic; passing of phosphatic sand and instantaneous relief, from excruciating pain, after morphia injection. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 252—Teixidor (J.) Contribucion al tratamiento del c61ico nefritico. Iude- pend. m6d., Barcel., 1881-2, xvii, 328.—Traitement (Du) des coliques nephretiques et de la goutte par les fleurs de ffeves. Bull. g6n. de th6rap. [etc.l, Bar., 1889, cxvi, 232. Colic (Spermatic). Guki-ix (A.-J.) *De la colique spermatique. 4:. Paris, 1*94. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1894. Gonat't (P.) Variete de colique spermatique. lScho metl., Toulouse, 1897, 2. s., xi, 474. AUo: Union med. du nord-est. Reims, 1897, xxi, 213.—Ouepin (A.) Signes et traitement de la colique spermatique. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1896, xxv, 145.—Leas (F. E.) Colica espermatica. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1896, i, 100-108. Colic (Uterine). See Colic ( Hepatic ); Prostitutes; Uterus (Spasm of). Colic in animals. Liaquerriere (A.) Des coliques chez le cheval, et de leur traitement principalement par l'electricit6. Presse vet., Par.. 1884, iv, 713: 1885, v, 30; 75; 211.—IVlieshkoft ( V. ) Sluchai izllechenla kolik u loshadi operationnim putyom. [Colic in ahorse cured by an operation.] Vest- nik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1895, vii, 540-544.—Stoveh (K.) Versuche mit subcutanen Injectionen des 1'iloear- pin-Eserin "Maas" bei der Kolik der Pferde. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierb., Wien, 1888, xii, 529-545. Colic from copper. See Colic (Metallic). Colic of Madrid. See Colic (Lead). Colic of Poitou. See Colic (Lead). Colignon (Charles) [1725-85]. See Short (A) account of tho late Dr. John Parsons, Dr. Richard Huek Saunders, Dr. Charles Colignon, aud Sir Alexander Dick fin 1. s.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1786. Colin (Albert). *De la myeose leptothrixique pharynge'e. 38 pp., 1 pl. 4^. Paris, 1893, No. 14'2. -----. The same. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1893. Colin (Anthoine). See de L.a Coale (Christophle). Traicte des drogues et medicameus qui naissent aux Indes [etc.]. 12° Li/o„ 1602. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 12°. Lyon, 1619.—>lo. iiarde.s (Xicolo). Histoire des simples niedieaiuens ap- petites des terres neuves [etc.]. 12°. Lyon, 1602. Colin (E.). .Sec Roman (Th.) Sc Coliii (E.) Bacteriologie des eaux minerales de Vichy, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1892. _____ -----. Les microbes des eaux minerales [etch 8=>. Paris 1893. Colin (G[abriel-Constaus]) [18*25- ]. Nou- veau coup d'teil sur les phenomenes de la gly- cogenic animale. 20 pp. 8D. Paris, Benou & Maulde, 1^04. Hepr.from: Pre. de metl. vet., Par., 1863, 4. s.. x. Colin (G[abriel-Constaus])—continued. -----. Nouvelles recherches experimentales sur Paction des niatieres putrides et sur la septice- mic. 74 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1873. Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de rn6d., Par., 1873, 2. s., ii. Colin (Henri) [1860- ]. * Essai sur l'etat mental des hysteriques. 276 pp., 8 pl. (in pagi- nation). 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 15. -----. The same. Preface de M. le professenr Charcot, xi, 252 pp., 2 1., 8 col. pl. 8°. Paris J. Bueff4' Cie., 1890. See, also, Charcot (Jean-Martin). Lecons du mardi a la Salpetriere. 4°. Paris, 1887-8. -----. The same 1 , 4°. Paris, 1889. Colin (Henri-Gabriel) [1867- ]. 'Traitement des cystites par les instillations de sublime. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 144. -----. The same. 74 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Sit-in- heil, 1894. Colin (Jean) [1870- ]. * Contribution a l'etude d'une forme speciale de vomissements nerveux. 40 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1896, No. 1186. Colin (Leon) [1830- ]. Observations de tu- meurs pblegmoneuses de la fosse iliaque droite. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Bozier, 1862. Repr. from: Rec. de mem. tie m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1861 3. s., vi. -----. De la nieiaucolie. Memoire couronne par l'Acadernie imperiale de medecine (prix Lelcvre 1863). vi, 318 pp. 12°. Paris, V. Bozier, 1866. -----. Des fievres intermittentes d'ete" observees a Koine. 30 pp. 8°. [Paris, F. Malteste f Cie., 1867. ] Hepr.from: Union med., Par., 1867, 3. s., iv. -----. De l'influence pathogeuique de l'encom- brement. 39 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1876. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg.,Par., 1876, 2. s., xlv. -----. De la fievre typho'ide dans 1'armee. L'ar- mee francaise constitue-t-elle un milieu typhoi- gene t 23 pp. 8C. Paris, J. -B. Bailliere 4~ fils, 1877. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878, 2. s., xlix. -----. La peste en Eussie. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere j-fils, 1879. Hepr.from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1879,3. s., i. -----. Traite des maladies epidemiques; origine, evolution, prophylaxie. xviii, 1032 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere $ fils, 1879. -----. Nouvelle etude sur la fievre typhoide dans l'annee ; periode trienuale 1877-9. 68 pp., 1 1. 8C. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere <,' fils, 1882. -----. Rapport general a M. le Ministre de l'agri- culture et du commerce sur Its epidemies pen- daut l'annee 1881, fait au nom de la commission des epidemics, et approuve par l'Acadernie dans sa seance publique du 7 aout 1883. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Masson, 1883. -----. Discussion sur l'epidemie de cholera a Toulon et a Marseille. 1". Rapport entre le cholera nostras et l'epideniie de Toulon. 2°. Role de l'humidite atiuospherique et de l'eau de boisson dans la propagation du cholera. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1884. Hepr.from: Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1884, 2. s., xiii. -----. Discussion sur l'epidemie tie cholera. 1°. Lc cholera a Auhervilliers. 2°. Influence de 1'eaiulehoiss.oii. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson,1884. Repr. from . Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1884, 2. 8., xiii. -----. Talis; sa topographie, son hygiene, ses maladies, ii, 532 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, 1885. -----. Conseil d'hygiene publique et tie salu- brite du departement de la Seine. Rapport sur les travaux des commissions d'hygiene du de- partement de la Seine et des communes de Saint Cloud, Sevres et Mention en 1889; 1890. 11 pp.; 264 pp. 4~\ Fan's, Chaix, 1891-2. See, aUo, Sciences (Les) biologiques k la fin du xix* siecle, [etc.l. roy. 8^. Paris, 1893. COLIN. 745 COLLECTANEA. Colin (Paul-Emile) [1867- ]. *De quelques cas d'anesthesie generalisee dans l'hysterie. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894. No. 189. Colin (.Rene) [1856- ]. * De la nature infec- tieuse du tetauos en general (etude historique). ■27b pp. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 246. Colitis. See Colon (Inflammation of). Coliva (Ermete). Lettiga antorespiratoria des- tinata piii specialmeute al soccoiso degli asfit- tici. 16 pp., 2 pl. 8-\ Firenze, Tipog. coopera- timt, 1894. Colizzi (Giuseppe). Trattato fisico-chimico del- 1' arte di analizzare le acque minerali, e d' imi- tarle. vii, 180 pp., 2 tab., 1 pl. 8°. Macerata, B. Capitani, 1^03. Coll (Alexandre). *£tude sur les peptones au point de vue chimique et pharmaceutique. 85 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1894, No. 549. fieole de pharmacie. Coll V Astrell (Joaquin). Editor of: Ciencia (La) medico-escolastica, Barcelona, 1889. Colla (Alessandro). Coinuuicazione ragionata di cognizioni topografico-niediche della citta e provincia di Ferrara. In risposta alle ricerche fatte intorno alle niedesinie dall' . . . Domenico Bruschi. 73 pp. 8-. Modena, A. .(• A. Capelli, 1856. ----. Esposizione ragiouata di osservazioni medico-pratiche intorno alia causa della reci- diva delle febbri iutermitteuti degli abitanti della citta e territorio di Ferrara ed al metodo di cura il piu opportuuo per prevenirla. 67 pp. 8°. Modena, A. 4- A. Capelli, 1856. Bound with the preceding. Collache (A.) [1857- ]. * Essai sur le traiteineut de la conjonctivite granuleuse chro- nique grave. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 251. Collation (J.-P.) Lettres k Madame de . . . sur la vacciue. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, Didot jeune, Gabon 4~ Comp., an IX [1800]. [P.,v. 1286; 1287. ] -----. The same. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, Galon 4- Cie., an IX [1801]. [P., v. 948.] -----. The same. Cartas a Madame de . . . so- bre a vaccina, escritas em francez no anuo de 1801. Trad, em vulgar. 32 pp. 16°. Lisboa, ma regia officina, 1803. Collation (Louis-Heuri) [1841-96]. * Quelques considerations sur le traitement ties maladies de I la peau. 60 pp. *-. Geneve, J.-G. Fick, 1870. For Biography, see Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1897, xvii, 57 (C. P.). Colladon (Theodoras ). Adversaria, seu com- mentarii medicinales critici, dialytioi, epanor- thotici, exegematici ac didactici, ubi varii et mul- tiplies ueotericorum, qui centum abhiuc anuis scripserunt, et medicinam fecerunt, errores ape- riuntnr, excutiuntnr, refelluntur, et ex familia medica eliminantur: ac pristina, genuinaque antiquorum doctrina, a zizaniis ac sordibus per- purgata, suo nitori ac puritati restituitur. 2 v. i" 1- 15 p. 1., 431 pp.: 7 p. 1., 414 pp. 12°. Colonial Allobrogum, J. Stoer, 1615. Collail (Alexander). *Jemforande anatomisk lieskrifrjing of ver muskelsystemet hos paddan (Bufo cinereus Schneid.). 75 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Helsingfors, J. ('. Frenckell 4- Son, L1847]. Collail (Valter). * Bidrag till kiinnedonien for- aiidringarue i lefvem vid svlilis. 1 p. 1., 118 P!'-, 3 pi. 8 . Helsingfors, 1895. Coliangettes (Pierre). * Contribution a l'etude de 1'albumiuurie dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 8a valeur au point de vue des indications therapeutiques. 54 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 350. Collapse. See, also, Shock. t'oc (H. C.) The danger of indiscriminate resort to hypodermatic stimulation in cases of collapse. N. York Polyclin., 1893, i, 20.— ■ >« <.iou« found in those dying in collapse. Bellevue & (bar. Hosp. Rep., N. Y., 1870,375.— lTInmfoi'd (J. G.) A few hints on the treatment of collapse. Boston M. Sc 8. J., 1891, cxxv, 11.— Smith (T. C.) Stimulant powers of atropia in collapse and con- ditions of nervous depression. Detroit Lancet, 1881-2, n. s., y, 2;!l--_>:t().—Ward (W.) Supplemental respiration superinduced in cholera mid post-partum hemorrhages, hy administration of suitable oxygen-yielding compounds, in solution, through the stomach, as a rational means of treat- ment. Tr. ix. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, iii, 108-119. Col lard (J.-B.) *De phthisi pulmonari propo- sitiones. 12 pp. 4°. Parisiis, ami. XII [18031 No. 65, v. C. Collardot (Ernest). *£tude sur les gommes. 43 pp. 4C. Montpellier, 1884, No. 341. fieole de pharmacie. Collas [Auguste-Marie-Alcibiade] [1845- ]. Rapport sur une variete commune dans l'Inde du genre Mylabris, dou£e de proprietes vesi- cantes. 9 pp. 8°. [Paris, P. Dupont, 1853.] Hepr.from: Rev. colou., Par., 1853, x. See, also, Corre (Armand-Marie). La maladie de Bal- lingall [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1883. Collas (Maurice) [1865- ]. *De l'occlusion intestinale consecutive aux operations de lapa- rotomie. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 267. Collatz (Oscar). * Zur Wiirdiguiig des Gabri- tsehewsky'schen Pneumatoskops. [Jena.] 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, T. Haberlandt, 1891. Colle (Fraucois-Urbain) [1857- ]. *Des com- plications oculaires dans l'erysipele de la face. 51 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887, No. 106. Colle (Gustave) [i860- ]. * Quelques con- siderations sur les fistules osseuses d'origine dentaire. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 340. Colle (Joannes) [1558-1631]. Medicina prac- tica, sive methodus cognoscendorum et curan- dorum omnium affectuum maliguorum et pes- tilentium. 2 v. in 1. 14 p. 1., 592 pp.; 4 p. 1., 304 pp. fol. Pisauri, sumpt. B. Meietti, 1617. -----. De cognitu difficilibus in praxi ex libello Hippoeratis de insomniis, et ex libris Avenzoaris per commentaria et sententias dilucidatas. 13 p. 1., 123 pp. 4°. Venetiis, apud E. Deuchinum, 1628. -----. De cognitu difficilibus in praxi ex libris Avenzoaris per sententias dilucidatas. 180 pp., 9 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud E. Deuchinum, 1628. Bound with the preceding. Colle (Pierre-Archange-Henri) [1868- ]. *Des perforations traumatiques de l'uterus en gyne- cologic. 92 pp. 4°. Lille, 1892, 4. s., No. 9. Collecca© de decretos, avisos, e outras ordena rcgias a favor da verdadeira, e unica agoa de Iuglaterra, da composicao do doutor Jacob tie Castro Sarmento, preparada por Jose Joaquiin de Castro na sua real fabrica em Lisboa. 43 1., 96 pp. fol. Lisboa, impressa regia, 1814. Collecca.© de opusculos sobre a vaccina feitos pelos stieios tla Academia real das scieucias que com poem a instituicao vaccina. Nos. i-ix. 128 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lisboa, typog. d. Academia, 1812-13. Two parts each with title-page, hut with continuous pagination. The first part contains nos. 1 and 2; the second nos. 3-9. Xo more published. Collectanea chymica; a collection of ten several treatises in chemistr,\, concerning the liquor alkahest, the mercury of philosophers, and other curiosities worthy the perusal. Writ- ten by Eir[enajus] Philaletha, Anonynius, Joh. Bapt. Van-llelmont, Dr. Fr. Antonie, Bernhard, Earl of Trevisan, Sir Geo. Ripley, Rog. Bacon, Geo. Starkey, Sir Hugh Piatt; and the Tomb of Seniiramis [by H. V. D.J. [Edited bv W. C. B.] 2 p. 1., UK? pp., 2 1.; 32 pp.; 16 pp. 16°. Lon- don, IV. Cooper, 1684. Each treatise has a separate title-page; date ou each 1683, except the last, which is 1084. UOLLEUTANKA. 746 COLLECTION. Collectanea chymica Leidensia Maetsiana et Maieoraviana, (dim publico et privatim in Academia Lugduno-Batava chymiain profiten- tium ac doceutinm. 1 p. 1., 22s pp., 5 1. 4°. [Lugd. Bat.], C. Boutesleyn, F. Haaring, 1696. Bound with: Le Moet (Jacob) [in 1. s.j. Chyuiise vera- nobilitas [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1696. Collectanea de diuturna graviditate. Ip. 1., 60, 32 pp. 24 \ Amstelodami, P. van den Iierge, 1(562. Bound with: I)E Back (J.) Dissertatio de corde. Ed. 4. L'4°. Roterodami, 1671. CONTENTS. 1. Albosius ( Joan.) Porteutosum lithopaedion, sive embrynm petiefaotum urbis Senonensis . . . Cui acccssit Simonio Provancherii, de eadem re opinio. pp. 1-52. [Separate title-page.] 'J. Ostentum seu historia mirabilis infantis iu ventre a morte matris reperti post annos sexdecim et amphus gravidilatis. Juxta exemplar editum Bruxellis. I Per Franciscum Bernardum Schuorf.] pp. 53-60. [Separate title-page 1 3. Arnohli Senguerdii: Discursus de ostento Dolano. 27 pp. [Separate title-page.J Collectio dissertationum medicarum in alma Uuiversitate Lovaniensi multorum annorum curriculo publice defeusaruni typis mandata. 4 v. 8J. Lovanii, F. Michel, 1795-6. Collectio Salernitana, ossia documenti inetliti, e trattati tli medicina appartenenti alia scuola medica Salernitana, raccolti ed illustrati da G. E. T. Henschel, C. Dareniberg, E. S. De Renzi; premessa la storia della. scuola, e pub- blicati a cura di Salvatore De Renzi. 5 v. -~\ Napoli, tipog. del Filiatre-Sebezio, 18.V2-9. Collection (A) of above three hundred re- ceipts in cookery, physick and surgery, for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, antl careful nurses, by several hands. 3. ed., to which is added a seeoud part, containing a great number of excellent receipts for preserv- ing and conserving of sweet-meats, etc. H:! (3 ].), 82 pp.,21. 8°. London, Mary Kettilby, 1721. The second part is 2. ed. -----. The same. 6. ed. viii, 9-272 pp. 8°. London, W. Parker, 1746. [Collection of articles relating to the micro- scope.] 25 1.,2pl. 16°. [Paris, 1668-78.] Cuttings from: J. d. scavans, Par., 1668-78. Collection of autograph letters by J. Y. Simp- son (29), Frank 11. Ramsbotbam (16), Robt. Lee (3), Robt. Greenhalgh (2), Jane Lindsay (1), and Francis Dawson (1), ou chloroforni, on placenta, and other obstetrical subjects. [Oct., 1814. to April, 1858.] [Collection of blank forms of passes, oaths, etc., used in inland quarantine in the yellow fever epidemic of 1878, in the United States.! v. s. [1878.] Collection de differentes pieces, concernant la chirurgie, l'anatomie et la medecine pratique, extraites principalemeut des ouvrages chan- gers. [Par Jeau-Frauyois Simon.] °v. 1. xii 192 pp. 16°. Paris, Le Breton, 1761. [P.,v. 1392.] Collection of the documents which appeared in the public papers in relation to Dr. [Thomas] Sew all's drawings on the human stomach etc 16 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1843?] Collection (A) of evidence showing the happy inllueiice of Dr. [William] Chambers's cele- brated medicine in the cure of habitual intem- perance, and its beneficial effects in invigorat- ing and restoring tbe, constitution. 36 pp. 12° New Fork, J. H. Hart if- A. M. Fanning, 1827. Title on cover: Dr. Chambers's celebrated 'remedv for intemperance. [Collection of letters and papers in reference to the X. E. Medical Institute of Boston. This institution professes to cure spermatorrhea 1 v. s. [1891-2.] J Collection (A) of matters pertaining to i|ie royal touch, mounted in a scrap book. 21 | fol. From the Hailstone library. CONTENTS. 1. A golden touch piece presented to one touched for the king's evil, an angel of James the Second. 2. A series of manuscript accounts and orders of th.. royal treasury for gold for making touch pieces, Ur>H-\~l2 3. Designs for touch pieces. 4. Manuscript list of perrons touched for tlin evil hv Charles II. Signed " X. Dtiresme, clerk of the closet" 5. The ceremonies for tho healing of them tliar, "bo diseased with the king's evil, used in the lime of Kinu Henry VII. 8 pp. «o. London, 16K6; reprinted, 17H9 6. A treatise of the king's evil. Cutting from the works of Richard Wiseman. 3 1. fol. 7. The office of consecrating cramp rines H nn so [n. p.], 1694. h IP- a • 8. Numbers 4126, 4127, 4128, 4172, and lis:, of tho Lou don Gazette, May-December, 1705, containing announce. ments of Her Majesty (Queen Anne) relative to touchim/ for the evil. 5 1. fol. h [Collection of medical recipes, in Latin and French.] MS. 701. sin. 1 . [n. p., n. d.] [Collection of newspaper articles on the Syracuse water question, including addresses, editorials, and letters in favor of the city con- structing and operating a system of water works to furnish the inhabitants with an ade- quate supply of water from Skaueateles Luke. Published iu the Daily Courier, Evening Her- ald, and the Syracuse Standard, from May 15 to June 3, 1889.] Newspaper clippings. Collection (A) of notices, reviews, etc., in relation to the Index-Catalogue of the Library of tbe Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D. C. 2 v. fol. 134 pp.: 312 pp. Washington, D. C, 1875-189+. Collection (A) of pamphlets, newspaper cut- tings, portraits, etc., relating to the Siamese twins. 1 v. 4°. [n. p., n. cl] Collection (A) of papers relative to the trans- actions of the town of Milton, in the State of Massachusetts, to promote a general inocula- tion of the cow pox, or kine pock, as a never failing preventive agaiust small pox infection. 48 pp. 81-'. Boston, J. Belcher, 18119. [Collection of portraits. Caricatures, medical and others.] 293 sheets, v. s. [v. d.] Collection of Portraits (Library). ABBREVIATIONS. autog.........autograph. biog.........biography. daguerr.........daguerroiype. del..........delineavit. des..........designed, designer. dess.........dessin6. engr..........engraved, -er, -ing. etch.........etching. exeud.........excudebat, excudit. fac-sim. autog......fac-simile autograph. fee..........fecit. gedr.........getlruckt. gr...........grav6, gravenr. imp..........imprint, imprinted. inc..........incitlit. insc.........inscription. lith..........lithograph, -er. inezz.........mezzotint. photog.........photograph, photogravure. pinx.........pinxit. ptd., ptr., ptrs......printed, printer, printers. pub.........published, publisher. rati..........radirt. sc..........sculpsit. Abbott (Robert Osborne). Crayon sketch.----- Photog— A ber net hy (John). Lith. pub. by Med.-Leg. Pub. Co.—Adams (Samuel). Photog.—Addon ( Nico- las Philibert). Photog. P. Petit, I'm.—Adkins ( I. L.) Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. — .Ewltulnp. Lith. L. Noel, lith. de Frey. — Agnew ([David] Hayes). Engr. S. Sartain, Phila.—Agnew (Samuel). Etch, by H. B. Hall. Morrisania, 1875.—Agrippa iHenricus Cornelius). En£r. F. C, Lips. sc.; G. M. Krausdel.— Albertnn .Tlngnu*. Engr. Insc. Albertus Bolstadius, cognoinento Magnus.— AlbinuH (Bernhard Siegfried). Engr. Car. de Moor COLLECTION. 747 COLLECTION. Collection of Portraits (Library)—continued. Car. til. pinx.; W. Holi sc. Fac-sim. autog., dated: k Levde oe 5 juillet 1726. Fisher, Son & Co., Lond. & Par., 1838.—Alcott (William Alexander). Engr. J. C. Buttre, expressly for Fireside Lectures.—Alibcrt (Jean-Louis). Photog. P. Petit, Par. —Allen (Harrison). Photog — Alle" (William Henry). Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co.. Phila.—American Public Health Association. Por- traits of the first ten presidents of the . . . 1872-83. Joseph M. Toner: Stephen Smith; Edwin M. Snow; J. L. Cabell: John H. Kauch; Elisha Harris; John S. Billings; Chas. B. White; R. C. Kedzie; Ezra M. Hunt. Photog. F. Gutekuust, Phila., 1*84. — Andrul (Gabriel). Lith. by Formeutin Sc Cie., Par. Maurin (less.; Rosseliu pub. Fac-sim. autog. -----. Photog. P. Petit, Par.— An- trum (J- L-) £<'<' South Carolina Med. Ass. (this Col- lection). —AntiselI (Thomas). Photog. See, also. Med- ical Facultv of Georgetown College (this Collection).— Archibald (0[scar] W.) See Portraits of eminent ! alienists and medical men (this Collection).—ArniMby (James H.) Engr. -----.Photog. Fac-sim. autog. lle- liotvpe Print. Co., Bost. — Asch ( Morris J.) Photog.— Atkinson (Thomas P.) Lith. Richios & Dunnavant, Richmond, Va.— Atlee ("Washington Lemuel). Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. Fac-siin. autog. — Attfield (John). Photog. Fac-sim. autog. Crosscup & West Eng. Co., Phila., 1886.—Audubon (John James). Pho- tog., from engr. by C. Turner, A. K. A. F. Cruickshank, esqre.. pinx. Fac-sim. autog.—Averrhoi'!). Engr. P. Fidanza del. & inc.-— Bnlinson (Henry T.) See Hoard (The) of Medical Examiners of Xorth Carolina (this Col- lection). — Bailey (E[lisha] J.) Photog. — Bailey (George). Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. — Baillie (Matthew). Photog., with biog.— Baker (Samuel). Engr. Painted by C. B.King; engr. by Wellniore. Fac- sim. autog. — Baldwin (Bernard). Photog. by J. Wood. ----. Barney Baldwin, the man with a broken neck. Pholog.—Bamberger (Edouard-Adrien) [182o- 1. Photog. P. Petit.—Barber (Alvin E.) Photog.— Barnes (Joseph K.) Photog. — Barron (John C.) Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co.. Phila. — Baxter (Jedediah Hyde). Photog. (in frame). — Beach (Samuel). Pho- tog—Beaumont (William). Copy of photog. from orig- inal photog. in the possession of Dr. William Osier.—Beck (Theotl[o]ric Romeyn). Engr. Fainted by R. W. Weir; engr. b^JL Prml'homme. J. Herrirfg [pub., X. T.l, 1834. Fac-sim. autog. — Reclar[d] [Pierre-Augnstin]. Lith. bvH.Gamier. Par., Blaisot.—Bee lard (.) ules-Auguste). Photog. T. Petit—Bell (Clark). See Eminent judicial and legal members [etc.] (this Collection). — Bennett (EzraP.) Photog.—Bennett (William Comstock). Pho- tog.—Bernard (Claude). Lith. hy Lafosse from photog. by Trinquart. Imp. Lemercier Sc Cie., Par., 1866. -----. I Photog. P. Petit. Par. — Bcruouilli (Joh.) Mezz. Haber pinx.; J. Jac. Haid sc. Angustae Vindelicorum.— Bert (Paul). Wood-cut.—von Bibra (Ernst). Engr. Stich v. Weger, Leipz. Dr. v. A. Alboth juu., Leipz. Fac-sim.autog.—Bichut (Marie-Fiancois-Xavier). Lith. ----. Photog.—Bigelow (Jacob). Photog. by Black.— Bill (CurtisHarvey). Photog.—Billings (John Shaw). Life-si/e oil painting hy Cecilia Beaux, of Philadelphia, inscribed: John S. Billings, M. D., V. S. A., in charge of Library, 1865-1895. Presented bv 260 physicians of Amer- ica and Great Britain. -----. Photog. of the preceding [5£ by 4 inches]. -----. Photog. (card size). See, also, American Public Health Association (this Collection).— Binkertl (A.D.) Engr. Galaxy Pub.Co.,Phila. Fac-sim. autog.—Biot(Jean-Baptiste). Lith- bv A.Lemoine. Imp. Lemercier & Cie., Par.—Blakeman (Rufus). Photog.— Blizard (.Sir William). Lith. Pub. by Med.-Leg. Pub. Co. — Blumenbach (Joh. Friedrich). Engr. -----. Lith. Fac-sim. autog. -----. Lith. Grimm del.; Wachs- mann sc. Zwickau, Gebr. Schumann.—Board (The) of medical examiners of Xorth Carolina, 1878-Ic,8t. P. F. Hines, pres.; T. I). Haigh; Geo. L. Kirby; Thomas F. Wood; Jo. Graham; Richd. H. Lewis; H. T. liahnson, Bee. & treas. Photog. F. Gutekuust, Phila. — Boer- haave(Hermann). Engr. Lond., R.Baldwiu, jr.—Bor- ne r. See Professoren (Die) tier med Fac. von Oesterr.- Ungarn, v (this Collection).— Bontecou (Reed Brock- way). Photog.—Bouchut (Eugene). Photog. P. Petit, Par. —Boaillaud (Jean-Baptiste). Lith. by P. Petit &Cie., Par., with biog. Fac-sim. autog. -----. Photog. P. Petit, Par.—Bradley (W. A.) Photog.—Braun (G.) See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, v (this Collection).—Brenenian (E. de W.) Photog.— Breas. See Professoren (Die) tier med. Fac. von Oestei r.- Ungarn, v (this Collection). — Brewster (C. S.) Lith. Imp. Lemercier a Paris, G. Grevetlon, 1847.— Bright (Richard). Lith. pub- by Med.-Leg. Pub. Co., X. T., lim- ited—Brooke (John). Photog.— Brooks (Henry J.) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this collection). — Bronssa is ( Francois-Joseph-Victor ). Pnotog. P. Petit, Par.—Brown (Justus M.) Photog — Browimon (William Green). Photog.—von Briicke (Ernst Wilhelm). Lith. Albert. J. F. Lehmauu iu Mun- chen. Fac-sim. autog.— Brunfclsiuw (Otbo). Engr. Sysangsc.. [1516].—Buchuer fcCie.',Par.,1866.—Clusius (Carolus). Engr. by N. deLaimessin. -----. Engr., with- out insc__Clymer (Meredith). Photog.— Cobb (Wil- liam H. H.) Photog. — Cobleiitz ( Virgil). Photog.— Coffin (Albert Isaiah). Lith. Villain. —Cooper tSir Astley Paston). Lith. bv A. Kneisel, Leipzig. Caeilie Brandt del., 1831. -----.* Lith. pub. by Med.-Leg. Pub. Co.—Cooper (George E.) Photog.— Cooper (Samuel). Lith. pub. by Med.-Leg. Pub. Co. — Cooper ( William White). Wood-cut, with biog., by W. Thomas sc. From a daguerr. by Mayall.—Cope (Edward Drinker). Wood- cut with biog. — Cordus (V.) Engr. — Cornarius (Janus). Eugr. J. J. Haiti excud., Aug. Vind.—Cornaz (Ch.-Aug.-l5tlouard) [1825- ]. Photog. Binder freres, Neuchatel (Suisse).—Coste (Jacques-Marie-Cyprien-Vic- tor). Lith. by Schultz from photog. by P. Petit. Imp. Lemercier Sc Cie., Par.—Costerius Hornanus (Petrns). Engr. J. E. fee, anno 1623.—Cones (E. C.) Photog.— Cowles (Edward). See Eminent judicial and legal members etc. (this Collection). — Coy (B. F.) Engr. Frauklin Engr. & Ptg. Co., N. V. Fac-sim. autog. — Crane (Chas. H.) Photog.—Craven (J. J.) Photog.— Credc (Carl Siegmund Franz). Photog. with biog.— Critehctt (Geo.)" Photog. by W. W. Hoyt, Sing Sing, X. Y. In frame.—Cruikshank (William Cumberland). Photog. with biog. — Cruveilhier (Jean). Lith. by Lasnier from photog. bv Trinquart. Imp. Lemercier Sc Cie., Par., 1865. — Culbcrtson (James C. ) Engr. Western Biogl. Pub. Co. Fac-sim. autyg.—Cullcn (AVil- ham). Photog. with biog.—Curtis (Edward). Photog.— Da Costa (Jacob M.) Photog. F. Cutekunst, Phila.— Dalton ( Edw. B. ) Photog. — Darwin (Erasmus). Photog. of bust.—Dashiell (Nicholas L.) Enur. Fac- sim. autog. — Davis ( Andrew P. ) Engr. Fac - sim. autog. — Day [Horace B.(?)] Photog. — Dennis (Ste- phen P.) Engr. Franklin Engr. & Ptg. Co., N. Y. Fac sim. autog.—Depaul. Lith. by Lafosse from phot, by Trinquart. Imp. Lemercier & Cie., Par., 1865.— Derby (George). Photog. Whipple, Bost. — a Devcntcr (Henricus). Engr. J. v. d. Wilt pinx.; P. Bouttats sc —Dickson (James H.) Engr.—Dickson (John). Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. Fac-sim. autog.— Diller (Theo!) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collection ). — Dionis (Pierre). Photog. P. Petit, Par. — Dodoiiaeii* ( Keiiihertus ). Engr.—Dolbcau (Henri-Ferdinand), l'liotog. P.Petit, Par. — Donders(Fraiis Cornelis). Me/./.. C. F. Watts pinx. — Dowlcr (Bennet). Pholog., 1860. — Drake (Daniel). Eugr. by C. A. Jewett Sc Co.: Applegate Sc Co., pub., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fac-sim. autog. — Drasche (A.) See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac von OesteiT.-l'iiuarn, iii ('this Collection). — Drowne (Solomon). Engr. [Painted hy] Eliza Hall Ward ; [engr. by] J. C. Buttre. Fac-sim. autog.-Driiiumond (David). Wood-cut with biog. Fac-sim. autog.—Dubois (H. A.) Photog. —Du- COLLECTION. 748 COLLECTION, Collection of Portraits (Library)—continued. bol* i Paul). Lith. by Gregoire Sc Deueux. Maurin dess Rosseliu pub. Fac-sim. autog. -----. Lith. from photog. Imp. Lemercier A Cie., Par. — Dumas (Jean- Baptiste). Eugr. E. Desmaison pinx.; S. Freeman sc. Glasgow. W. Mackenzie. -----. Lith. by Lafosse from photog. bv P. Petit. Imp. Lemercier Sc Cie., Par. -----. Wood-cut. Brotherhead sc. — Dunavant (H. C.) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Col- lection). — Dunglison (Richard James). See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collection).— Dunglison (llobley). Photog. F. Gutekuust. Phila. Fac-sim. autog.—Dnpuy treu (Guillaume). Wood-cut.— Eatle (Sir Peter). Wood-cut with biog. Fac-sim. autog.—Edgar (William F.) Photog.—Edwards (L. A.) Photog.—Ehrendorfer. See Professoren (Die) der med. Far. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, v (this Collection).— Eiselt (G.) See Professoren (Die) tier med. Fac. von Oesterr. - Ungarn, iii (this Collection). — Eliot (John- son). See Medical Faculty of Georgetown College (this Collection). —Elwell (John J.) See Emineut judicial and legal members [etc.] (this Collection).—Eminent judi- cial aud legal members of the Medico-Legal Society and of the International Medico-Legal Congress. Stanley Mat- thews, A. L. Palmer,-Calvin Pratt, Clark Bell, John F. Dil- lon, Elisha Carpenter, H. M. Somerville, John J. Elwell, A. L. Emery, J. C. Normile, David McAdam, Theodore H. Tvudale, John S. Butler, E. H. Ericson, Joseph Work- man, E. Cowles, Edw. B. Hines, O. R. Long, Dr. Schultz, and five others not known. Phototype.—Engel. See Profes- soren (Die) tier nied Fac. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, v (this Col. lection).—Entius (Georgius). Engr.—Ericson (E.H.) See Eminent judicial and legal members [etc.] (this Collec- tion).—Eskridge (J. T.) See Portraits of eminent alien- ists and medical men (this Collection).—von Es march (Friedrich). Wood-cut.— Evans (Warwick). See Medi- cal Faculty of Georgetown College (this Collection).— E wing (J. S.) Engr. G. Fairman del.; C. G. Childs sc— Eabricius ab Aquapendente ( Hieronymus). See Op- tions quatuor viris artis cbirurgicae [etc.] (this Col- lection).—Eabricius Hildanus (Guilielmus). Engr. -----. Eugr. See, also, Optimis quatuor viris artis chi- rurgieae [etc.] (this Collection).—Fischl (J.) See Profes- soren (Dio> tier med. Fac. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, iii (this Collection).—Eisher (George Jackson). Engr. by Sam- uel Sartain, Phila. Photog. by Sarony.—Fitch (Simon). See Portraits of eminent alienists anil medical men (this Collection).—Fletcher (W. B.) See Portraits of emi- nent alienists antl medical men (this Collection).—Flon- rens (Marie-Jean-Pierre). Lith. by Aug. Lemoine from photog. by Desideri. Imp. Lemercier, Par.—Fliickiger (Friedrich A.) Lith.—Foussagrives (Jeau-Baptiste). Photog. P. Petit, Par.—Forbes (Sir John). Lith. pub. bv Med.-Leg. Pub. Co.—Ford (Melbourne H.) Engr.— For wood (Jonathan L.) Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. Fac-sim. autog.—Forwood (William H.) Photog.— Fothergill (J. Milner). Lith.—Fousbee (William). Eugene [del.]. Lith. Ritchies tog._Harris. (Eli.ba. w American Public Health Association (this Colleciinnl — Hart (Ernest). Photog. Fac-sim. auto<*. - Hnii, home (Joseph). Engr. T. B. Welch. Phila (i„in « daguerr. by D.C. Collins i Co. — Harvey (William? Lith. by Hart. Sc Mapoiher. Louisville, Ky. . wU(, ' cut. — Havilaud ( W. II. ) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collection).—Harden it V.) Photog. H. Ulke, Wash., D. C-Hares ("a" I , Photog.—Head (John F.) Photos.—Heger (Antlionvi Photog. H. Manger, Phila.—Heiberg, Surg-Oenl y'or way. Photog. In frame.—von Heidler (Carl Joseph! Photog. Iu frame. — von Uelmholtz ( H. ) Photon' Fac-sim. autog.—Henderson (James). Lith. Kitchies Sc Dunnavant, Richmond, Va. Fac-sim. autog— llenner (Florence). Wood-cut—a Heppcn (Joannes Ca-inrusi [1600- ]. Eugr.-Hesiug(Anton C.) Photog.-H,.,. ing ( Washington). Photog. — Hester ( W. W. i See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical .....ii (thin Collection).—Heurnins (Job.) Engr.—Hill (Gei'slioiu H.) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collection).—Hill (Setli). Photog.—Hines (Edw B.) See Eminent judicial and legal members [etc ] (this Collection).—Hines (P. F.i See hoard (The) of Medical Examiners of North Carolina (this Collection). —Hippo. crates. Engr. J.Sehledorntlel. Lindner, Eddy &Olaits.s lith., N. Y. Med. Classics Pub. Co., N. Y. —Hirsch (August). Photog. Loescher Sc Petseh. Auto.raph.— Hirzel (Joh. Caspar). Mezz. d. E. Haid sc, I775._ Hoffmann (Georg Franz). Eugr. Schwenterley del. et sc, l Hitting., 1792. — Hoffmann (Job. Mnuricius)! Mezz. ('. Weigel exc, 171 Si.—Holmes (Oliver Wendell). Photog. by G.L. Noyes. Bovox Sc Co.. Salem, Mass. _____. Photog. from a daguerr. in possession of Dr. J. H. Chad- wick, circa 1847. ------. Photog. of tho portr., painted for the Harvard Medical School, 188:!, by Alexander.— Hooker ( Sir Joseph Dalton ). Engr. by C. IT. Jem* from a photog. Loudon, pub. bv Macmillan Collcctioii).—Moro- iiiis (Job. Baptista). Engr. B. Guilliband pinx.; J. G. Seillersc.—Moseley (N. R.) Photog.—Mower [Thomas G.) Crayon sketch. — Miiller ( C.) See Professoren (Die) der nied. Fac. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, iii (this Collec- tion).—Mulerius (Nicol.) Engr. S. a. L. sc.—Mundc (Paul F.) Photog. — von Muralt (Job.) Engr. IT. Meijer sc. -----. Engr. C. N. Scliurtz sc, Norinberg.— Muschinget* (Vincentius). Engr. S. C. M.'" sc. Pragje, 1631.—Naqucl (Alfred-Joseph) [1834- J. Pho- tog. P. Petit, Par.—Nash (David H.) Photog.—Nash ( William B.) Photog. — Nclaton ( Auguste ). Lith. by Lafosse from pliotog. by Caijat. Imp. Lemercier & Cie., Par., 1865. -----. Photog. P. Petit, Par. -----. Photog. C. Reutliuger, Par. — Nelson ( Th. ) Lith. Ritcbies & Dunnavant, Richmond, Va. Fac-sim. autog.— Newton. (J. R.) Engr. by A. H. Ritchie. Fac-sim. autog. — Noel ( L. ) Lith. hy J. Schubert, 1877. H. L. Leys, Brux. — Norris (Basil). Photog. Rice, Wash., D. C. -----. Photog. Card size. — Norris (W. F.) Photog. — Northrop (J. N.) Engr. II. W. Williams, New York. Fac-sim. autog.—Notbnagel (H.) See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac. von Oesterr-Ungarn, iii (this Collection).—Notson (William M.) Photog. J. Goldin&Co.,Wash., D. C.—Noyes (Daniel R.) Photog.— von Nussbaum (I.) Etch. Earl Jah.ncke rad. Miinchen, 1890.—Oberkainpf. Engr. J. M. Fontaine sc—O'Callaghan (Edmund B.) Wood-cut hy Bross.— Okcn. Engr. Carlsruhe. — Optimis quatuor viris artis chirnrgicae facile principibus votivam banc tabu] am consecrat eorum cultor nee parens nee infrequens A[n- toine] L[ouis]. Engr. Maillet del & sc, 1786. [Portr. of: Fabrice d Aquapendente -, Fahrice de Hilden (G.); Louis (Antoine); Pare (Ambroise); Severin (Marc-Aurele).— Orfila (Mateo-Joseph-Bonaventure). Photog. I'. Petit, Par.—Paaw (Petrus). Photog.—Page (Charles). Pho- tog.—Pajot (Charles). Photog. P. Petit, Par.—Pal- mer (Edward Rush). Photog., with biog.—Pancoast (Joseph). Engr. Medallion. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. Fac-sim. autog.—Pancoast (William H.) Engr. Gal- axy Pub. Co., Phila. Fac-sim. autog. — Paracelsus ( Theophrastus). Engr. — Pare (Ambroise). Engr. -----. Photog. P. Petit, Par. -----. Wood-cut. See, also, Optimis quatuor viris artis chirurgico [etc.] (this Collection).—Pareriski (St.) See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac von Oesterr-Ungarn, iii (this Collection).— Parmentier (Antoine-Augnstin). Engr. [by A. Dutil- loir?]. with biog.—Parrish (Edward). Engr. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. Fac-siin. autog.— Parvin (Theophilus). Photog. by F. Gutekunst, Phila. — Pasquali (Pietro). Engr. iielfini inc. Inipresso nella calcografia Fran- chetti.—Pasteur (Louis). Lith. Fac-sim.autog. ----- [in his laboratory]. Photog. from a painting. In frame. -----. Photogravure from photog. by G. L. Noyes. — Patin (Guy). Engr.—Patterson (Henry S.) Mezz. Daguerr. by Root, engr. by J. Sartain. Engr. expressly for the Nineteenth Century. -----. Mezz. Welch & Walter, Phila., from a daguerr. by M. P. Simons. Pub. by V. F. Harrison, Phila., 1846. Fac-sim. autog.—Patteson (William A.) Lith. Ritcbies & Dunnavant, Richmond, Va. Fac-sim. autog.—Pawlik. See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac von Oesterr.-rngarn, v (this Collection).— Peau. Le docteur Peau enseigne il l'hopital Saint-Louis sadecouverte du pincement de vaisseaux. Contains por- traits of: Mathieu, Brochin, Peau, Colin, Zacharin, Au- beau, Larive. In frame.—Pciiiberton (Oliver). Lith., with biog. Fac-sim. autog.—Penrose (Richard Alex- ander F.) Engr. II. B. Hall & Sons, New York. Fac- sim. autog.—Petit (Jean-Louis). Engr. Balechon sc.; Vige pinx. — Pctrequin (J.-E.) Photog. P. Petit, Par.—Petfina (T.) See Professoren (Die) denned. Fac. Oesterr.-Ungarn, iii (this Collection).—Petroff (Alex. Vasil.) Photog. from lith. by V. Klyuchnikoff, Kazan. Fac-sim. autog.—von Pettenkofer (Max). Photog. Albert [del.]. Fac-sim. autog. Munch., J.F. Lehmann.— Pettigrew (James Bell). Lith., with biog. Fac-sim. autog.—Physick (Edmund). Photog. Painted by C. W. Peale; phototype by F. Gutekunst. Fac-sim. autog.— Physick (Philip Syn'g). Engr. Inman, 1824. A. B. Durand sc. -----. Engr. [Initials "B. 0." at lower left- hand corner of portr. 1 -----. Lith. by J. B. Longacre; sketch by T. Sully.—Piorry (Pierre-Adolphe). Photog. P. Petit. — Pirogoff (Nikolai Ivanovieh). Eugr. O. COLLECTION. 750 COLLECTION. Collection of Portraits (Library)—continued. Koiistantinoff sc, 18X1. — Pisan (Octavius). Engr.— l»istorius (Joannes.. Engr.— Pittou de Tourne- fort (Joseph). Engr., with biog. Maulet del.; Pigeot sc.—Politzer (Adam). Photog. by J. Blecbinger. from photog. by vou Angerer. Druck von L. Pi«aui. Wieu.— Polli (Giovanni). Photog. by Ganzini, Milano. Fac- sim. autog.—Pooley (James Henry). Engr. C. Robson, pub Phila. Fac-sim.autog.—Pordagc(Joh.) Photog.— Portal (Antoine). Lith. Jul. P.oilly, 18'_>0. — Porter (George Loring). Photog.—Porter (J. II.) Pliotog.— Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men. W. B. Fletcher W. W. Hester, Simon Fitch, J. T. Eskridge, H. C. Dunavant, II. J. Brooks, L. A. Touriell.it. Isaac N. Quiniby, B. T. Sanborn, Geo. B. Miller, C. A. Lintlsley, E J. B. Messemer. Photog. -----.The some. Gershom H. Hill, Theo. Diller, Win. P. Sprat-ling, H. O. Jewett, (i. R. Trowbridge, W. H. Haviland, Middleton Michael, J. T. Steeves, S. V. Cleviuger. 1'. T. Fuller, 0. W. Archibald, R. J. Dunglison. Photog—Post (Wright). Wood-cut. J. W. Orr, New York, with biog.—Potter (Thomas G.! Photog. — Price (Ehas C.) Engr. Franklin Engr. & Ptg. Co.. New York. Fac-siin. autog.—Pringle (Sir John). Photog.—Professoren (Die) der medicinischen Facultiiten von Oesterreich-Ungaru. III. Iuternisteu. Erstes Blatt: A.Drasche, G. Eiselt, J. Fischl, V. Jawor- ski, F. von Kor£nyi, E. von Korczynsky, C. Miiller, H. Nothnagel, St. Parenski, T. Petfina, L. von Schrotter, J. Singer, S. Stern, B. Stiller, A. Walentovicz. Photog. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, Jan.—Professoren (Die) der medi/.inischen Facultiiten von Oesterreich-Dngarn. V. Gyniikologen. Lott, v. Rokitansky, Breus, Ehren- dorter, Braun, Jordan, Pawlik, Chrobak, Schauta, v. Rost- horn, Engel, Klotz, Mars, Tauffer, Schwing, v. Szab6, Bonier, K6zmarszky, Goth. Photog. von J. Lowy, Wien. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, June.—Pulte (Joseph H.) Wood-cut by H. M. Snyder.—Quiniby (Isaac N.) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical .men (this Collection). — Rabelais. Engr. — Radclifle (John). Photog. from wood-cut. Ptd. for Chas. Rivington. — Randolph (J F.) Photog. — Randolph (Jacob). Mezz. Engr. by T. B.Welch (Phila.), from a dagnerr. by M. P. Simons. Fac-sim. autog.—Ranch (John H.) See American Public Health Association (this Collection).— Reeves (James E.) Engr. Facsimile autog.— Rene (Gaspard-Augustin-limile). Photog. P. Petit, Par.— Revere (J.) Mezz. Painted by H. Bridport; engr. & ptd. by J. Sartain. Fac-sim. autog.—Reyburn (Rob- ert). Sec Medical Faculty of Georgetown College (this Collection). — Richet (Alfred-Didier-Dominique). Pho- tog. P. Petit, Par.— Ricord (Philippe). Lith. by La- fosse from photog. bv P. Petit. Imp. Lemercier & Cie, Par., 1865. -----. Photog. F. Mulnior, Par.—Rob- rrtson (Charles Archibald). Engr. Fac-sim. autog. Atlantic Pub. & Engr. Co., New York. — Robin (Charles). Lith. by Schultz from photog. by Trinquart. Imp. Lemercier & Cie., Par.— von Rokitansky. See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, v (Ibis Collection). — Rollet (Anton). Lith. Eques de Lampi pinx.; B. de Schrotter lith.—Rosenberg (I. or J.) Engr. — Rostan (Louis-Leon). Lith. by Gilbert from photog. by Trinquart. Imp. Lemercier Sc Cie., Par.— von Rosthorn. See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac. vou Oesterr. Ungarn, v (this Collection). — Roth (Wil- helm). Photog. Autograph. — Roux (Jules). Photog. P. Petit, Par. — Rulandus (Joh.) Engr. L. Kilian sc, 1623.— Rush (Benjamin). Engr. R. W. Dodsou, from a painting by T. Sully. Fac-sim. autog. -----. Engr. Painted by Sully; engr. by C. Gobrecht. — St. Martin (Alexis). Photog. [taken when 84 years of age]. —Salvianus (Hypol.) Engr. —Sanborn (B. T.) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collection).—Satterlec (R. S.) Photog. -----. Pliotog. Pub. by E. & H. T. Anthony, N. Y., from a negative hi Brady's Nat. Portr. Gallery. (Card-size.)—Sayre (Lewis A.) Engr. Atlantic Pub. Sc Engr. Co.; photog. by Kurtz, N. Y. Fac-sim. autog.—Schauta (F.) See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, v (this Collec- tion).—Scheuchzerus (Joh. Jacobus). Engr. I. B. Briihl sc, Lips, — vou Schrotter (L.) See Professoreu (Die) denned. Fac. von Oesterr.-Ungarn, iii (this Collec- tion).— Schultx. See Eminent, .judicial and legal mem- bers [etc. ] (this Collection).— Schulze (Joh. Henricus) | His?-1741]. Mezz. G. Spizel pinx.; J. Jac Haid sc— Nchwing. See Professoren Die) der med. Fac vou UtsteiT.-lugarn, v (this Collection). — Seinmes (Tho- mas). Engr. St. Meniin piux. & sc — Semi (Nicholas) Photog.—Severin (Marc-Aurele). See Optimis quatuor viris artis chirurgicse [etc.] (this Collection).—Shearer (Thomas). Eugr. Franklin Engr. Sc Ptg. Co., N. Y. Fac- sim. autog. — Shelton (G. A.) Photog.— Sherman (J. A.) Lith. Fac-sim. autog.—Sherwood (Justus). Photog.—Shimer (Henry). Engr. Fac-sim. autog.— von Siebold (Joh. Bartholomseus). Engr. G. Hosrnlein del., 1808; J. S. Walwert sc — Silliman (Benjamin) Engr. W. G. Jackman, D. Appleton, N. Y.— Simons ( Samuel). Photog. — Simpson ( Alexander Russell). Lith., with biog.—Simpson (James Youug). Photog. Collection of Portraits (Library)—continued P. Petit. -----. Photog.—Sims (James). M,,™ Hi / sc Pub. by II. Fisher, Caxton. Loud., March 1 1823 Sims (James Marion). Engr. by H. 15 Hall i'r p'~ sim. autog. —Singer (J.) See Prt.fesxoi. n '(DieI ,l£ metl. Fac von Oesterr.-Ungarn, iii i this Collet. „, Smith (H. E.) Photog. Brady, Wash., I; C _*1M tZ (Joseph Howe). Photog. Sc biog. — Miniih (St, ..i,,,, See American Public Health Association i (hi-, (',,11,, tion).—Snow (Edwin M.) See American Public Hrilth Association (this Collection).—South Carolina Mc<| ical Association. Officers l*9:i: Angruin (J. L) nieni dent; Wilcox (J.C), I. vice-president; China (A J) 2. vice-president, —Spencer (T. Rush). Photo" _' Sprague (L.) Photog. Ta\ lor & Brown, Phila.—N»rn|. ling (Wm. P.) See Portraits of eminent alienism mil medical men (this Collection >.—Sprengel (Kurt) Eiier Pfeifer del.; Bollinger sc, 1797.—Startin (James) Wood cut and biog. by W. Thomas.—Steeves (J. T.) See Por- traits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collec- tion).—Stern (S.) See Professoren (Die)dernied. Far,, von Oesteir.-Uugarn, iii (this Collection). — Sticglitz (Joh ) Engr. by J. F. Lambert, Darmstadt. Fac-snn. autog — Stiller (B.) See Professoren (Die) der med. Fac von Oesterr.-Ungarn, iii (this Collection).—Stoddard (W Walter). Lith. by Maclure, Macdonald & Macgregor LontL, from a photog. by Fisher, Clifton; with biog.— Stiickhardt (Julius Adolph). Woodcut with biog.— Stokes (W illiam). Lith. by Maclure Sc Macdonald, Lond. 1878. Fac-sim. autog. — Stone (Urinton). Photog.— Strew (William W.) Wood-cut. — van Mwieteii (Gerard). Lith. J. E. Mausfeld sc — Sydenham (Thomas). Engr. J. G. Seillcr sc. — Syine (James). Wood-cut. Brotherhead sc. Fac-sim. autog.—von Sznlto (Dionys). See Professoren (Die) der nied Fac. vou Oesterr.-Ungarn v (this Collection).—Tardieu (Augunte Ambroise). Lith. by C. Fuhre from photog. by P. Petit. Imp. Lemercier & Cie, Par.—Tauffer (W.) See I"ro- fessoren (Die) tier metl. Fac vou Oesterr.-Ungarn, v (thin Collection).—Taylor (Joh.) Engr. Chevalier Picho, Roma, pinx.; A. Bernhardt sc Francofurti, 1750.—Ten Rroeck (P. G. S.) Photog.—Thomas (A. K.) EDgr. Galaxy Pub. Co., Phila. Fac-sim. autog. — Thomni (William George). Eugr. Fac-sim. autog.—TliompNou (J. T.) See Medical faculty of Georgetown College (this Collection).—Thomson (W.) Photog.—Thorn (J. P.| Engr. FranklinEngr. & Ptg. Co., N. Y. Fac-sim. autog.— Thornton (Robert John). Engr. by Ridley from an original portrait in Gayons by Russell, R. A. Pub. by J. Asperne, July 1. 1803.—Throop (Benj. H.) Eugr. Fac- sim. autog.—Tiedemann (Friedrich). Lith. Kouxpinx.; lith. by B. Wittus. Ptd. by F. C. Vogel. — Tillaux (Paul). Photog. P. Petit.— Todd (W. S.) Photog.- Toland (H. H.) Engr. Fac-sim. autog. — Toner (Jo- seph Meredith). See American Public Health Association (this Collection).—Toschi ( Giacomo). Engr. IVlfiiil inc. Impresso nella calcografla Franchetti.—Tour lei lot (L. A.) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collection).—Townsend (Howard). Engr.— Triplet- (Charles S.) Photog.—Trousseau (Arinand). Lith. by Lafosse from photog. by P. Petit. Imp. Lemer- cier Sc Cie, Par., 1866. -----. Pliotog. P. Petit, Par- Trowbridge (G. R.) See Portraits of eminent alienists and medical men (this Collection). — Tnlp (Xicolaes). Engr. Rembrandt pinx.; J.Houbrakeusc. Amsterdam. - Turuer (William Mason). Photog. byGeo. Itau, Phila., May, 1875. — Unzcr (Joannes Augustus). Engr. J.J. Jachbeinpinx; O.Fritsch ac—Valentin (Louis). Mezz. Dess. etgr. par Quenedey (?), Pari8,1812.—Vander Poel ( S. D.) Lith. Heliotype Print. Co., Boston. Fac-sim. autog.— Van Wetter (Aug.) Lith. by F. Van Loo, Gand. Fac-sim. autog.—Velpeau (Alfred-Arninnd-Louis- Marie). Lith. by Lafosse from photog. by P. Petit. Imp. Lemercier & Cie, Par., 1865. -----. Lith. Uue lecon de Velpeau. Contains portraits of Charuay (1), Charnav (2), H. Liouville, Velpeau, Desfosses, Lundy, Armaml Svl- vestre, Roujat, Feyen-Perrin. Impr. Lemercier & Cie,., Par. R. Jourtlan, editeur. In frame.-----Lith. by Gr6goire \ -----. Lith. Ritcbies Sc Dunnavant, Richmond, Va. Fac-sim. autog.—Well* (Frank). Photog., with biog. COLLECTION. 751 COLLEGE. Collection of Portraits (Library)—continued. Fac-sim. autog.—Wells (Horace). Engr. by J. B. Hall from phot. Fac-sim. autog.-----. Wood-cut.— Wells {.sir Thomas Spencer). Lith., with biog. Fac-siin. autog.— Wenzel (Carl). Engr. F. \V. llerdt pinx., 1818; G. gretziiigsc,Berl.—Wenzell (William T.| Lith. 1887.— Werlhof ( Paulus Theophilns). Engr. L>. van der Smisseu pinx.; J. J. Haid sc —White. Crayon sketch.— White (Charles Belden). Pliotog. Sec. aiso. American Public Health Association (this Collection).—Wile (Wil- liam C.) Photog.—Willcox (J.C.) Sec South Carolina Medical Association (this Collection).—Williams (John W.) Photog. —Wilson (1>.) Pliotog. by Mnyall, Lon- don. —Wilson (Sir Erasmus). Lith. pub. by Med.-Leg. Pub. Co.—Wing (Joel A.) Lith. by Sarony, Major A- Knapp. X- V. Fac-sim. autog.— Winter burn (George W.) Plmtog. Photo-Gravure Co.. X. V. Fac-sim. au- tog.— Wirtus (Georgius). Wood-cut. — Wistar (Cas- par). Engr. W. G. Jackman, painting by S. P.. W'angh. Fac-sim. autog. -----. Engr. without insc—Wolfins (Hieronymus). Wood-cut (ou sheet with Wirt us ((ieor- gius)). _ Wolfius (Joannes). Engr.. 1597. —'Wood (GeorgeB.) Mezz. T.B. Welch, Phila.. fioin a daguerr. by McCIees&Germon. Fac-siin. autog. —Wood (HoratioC j Photog F. Gutekunst, Phila.. I8s9. Autograph.— Wood 'Junes Kushmore). Lith. The Giles Co. Lith., K. T.—Wood (Thomas F.) See Board (Tbe) of Medical Examiners of North Carolina (this Collection).—Wood. hull (Alfred Alexander). Photog.—Woodward (J. J.) Photog. Autograph. See. also. International Exhibition, 1876 [etc.l (this Collection). — Workman (Joseph). See Eminent judicial and legal members, etc. (this Collec- tion).—Worthiugton (Edward Dagge). Photog.. with biog.—Wright (J. J. I! ) Pliotog. Williams & Thom- son, Kansas City. Mo. — Wni'tz (Charles Adolph). Lith. by Schultz from photog. bv Pierson. Imp. Lemercier & Cie.. Par. -----. Photog. P. Petit, Par. — Wyuian (Jeffries). Photog. in frame. -----. Photog.—Yarrow (Henry Cre-cy). >Ve International Exhibition. l.-Tr, [etc.] (this Collection). — Young ( F. J.) Pliotog.—Young (Noble). .See Medical Faculty of Georgetown College (thisCollection).—von Zieuissen (Hugo). Engr.,with autog. Collection (A) of the published analyses of Avon Mineral Springs, with remarks on the use of the waters, public houses, bathing establish- ments, natural curiosities, etc. 30 pp. 8C. Canandaigua, L. LeG. Morse, 1833. [Collection of receipts.] 48 1. MS. 12c. [n. p., n. d.] Bound with: Formulae . . . Anno 1824. 24°. Dubli- nii, [n.d.]. Collection (A) of remarkable and interesting criminal trials, actions at law, etc. To which is prefixed au essay on reprieve and pardon and biographical sketches on John Ford Eldon and Mr. Mingay. By W. M. Medland and Charles Weobly. 2 v. xvi, 362 pp., port. : v, 440 pp. rJ0. London, J. Badcock, 1803-4. Collection of reports (condensed) and opinions of chemists in regard to the use of lead pipe for service pipe in the distribution of water for the supply of cities. [Bv James P. Kirkwood. ] 343 pp. -3. New York, Hosford .) An address on collective investigation of disease. Brit. M. .!., Lond., 1884. i, 4-Gultinnnii (S.) Bericht des Comite's zur Saiiniieltorschuiiii iiber Krank- heiten. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix. (198-701. -----. Erster Bericht zur Saininelforschun^; im Anftrage des vom Verein fiir innere Medicin gewiihlten Coniite's. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1884, viii, 556-591.—ITIereier (C.) Collective investigation in mental disease. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1895, xii, 449-460—Runeberg (J. W.) Internationell medicinsk samforskning och Kiulands del- tajrande i denna. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl , Helsingfors, 1884, xxvi, 371-381'. . Col ledge (Thomas R.) The Medical Missionary Society in China. [Objects and usefulness. Dec. 8, IKK] s pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1*38.] [Also, in: P., v. 221.] See. also, SnjjsjcNlioiis for tlie formation of a medical missionary society [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Canton, 1830. College (Le) et Academic royale de chirurgie. Stances par M. . . ., chirurgien. 10 pp. 12 . [Paris. 1775.] College for Blind Sons of Gentlemen, Worcester. Annual reports of the headmaster to the educa- tional council. 11.-16.. 1878-9 to 18KS-4; 18., 1.^85-6. 8C. Worcester, Deighton 4- Co., [1879-86]. College (Tbe) and Clinical Record. v. 3-19, 1882-98. !S°. Philadelphia. Current. After 1884, v. 5, Dr. Dunglison sole editor. College for Colored Medical Students in the South. [Resolutions adopted at it meeting of medical teachers antl practitioners, held at the Hall of the College of Physicians, of Philadel- phia, May 8, 1882, to piomote the thorough training of colored physicians, and recommend- ing the Meharry Medical Depart ment of the Cen- tral College of Tennessee to tbe profession and the public for encouragement and liberal sup- port,] 21. 12°. [I hiladelphia, 1882.] College of Dental Surgery, Ann Arbor. See University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. College of Dental Surgery. College of Dentistry of the University of Cali- fornia. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1882-4 (1.-3.) ; 1891 to 1897-8 (10.-16.). 8° & 12°. San Francisco, 1882-97. The fourteenth is 12°. List of students antl graduates for 1882, 1883, 1890 to 1896-7, in announcements for subse- quent years. List of graduates from 1882 to 1896-7, in an- nouncement for 1897-8. Organized iu 1882, under the title COLLEGE. 752 COLLEGE. College of Dentistry [etc.]—continued. of the Dental Department of the University of California. Adopted the present title in 1884 In 1892 the session changed from summer and fall to fall and winter. _____. Circular of information. [Addenda to the annual announcement for the session ot 1>93-4(12.).] 31pp. 8°. [San Francisco, 1893.] College for Medical Practitioners of Saint Louis, Mo. Preliminary notice of the . . . March 21, 1882. 1 sheet. 8-\ [St. Louis, 1882.] _____. Announcements for the sessions of 1882-3; 18^3-4. .-:. St. lonis, 1882-3. Inaugurated March 21, and incorporated April 11, 1882. Three announcements covering six sessions, commencing Nov. 6, 1S82, and ending April 15, 1884. The third session called annual announcement. Vrticles of agreement or constitution and College «f Physicians of Philadelphia—cont'd. -----. Thesame. As amended November 1, is,«w' Philadelphia, Collins, 18-2. the rules of the College for Medical Practitioners of Saint Louis, in the State of Missouri. [In- augurated March 21, 1880. Incorporated April 11,1882.] 19 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Med. J. Pub. Co., 1*82. College of Medicine of Syracuse University. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1881-2 to 1897-8 (10.-26.). 8C. Syracuse, 1881-97. List of students and graduates for 1880-81 to 1896-7, in announcements for subsequent years. Graduates from 1873 to 1894, in announcement for 1894-5. College of Medicine of the National Normal Iniversity of Lebanon, Ohio. Announcement for 1891-2. 12 pp. 83. [Lebanon, 1891.] College of Medicine and Surgery of the Univer- sity of Michigan. See University of Michigan. Medical Dcpartnteint. College of Medicine of the University of South- ern California, Los Angeles. Annual announce- ments for the sessions of 1885-6 (1.); 1892-3 (8.); 1893-4 (9.); 1896-7 (12.). 8° & 12°. Los Ange- les, 1-85-96. Established Nov.. 1884. College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital, Ne^ York Citv. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1879-80 to 1885-6 (1.-7.). sJ. New York, 1879-85. List of graduates from 1880 to 1884, in announcement for 1884-5. I irst to third announcements, in Reports N.Y. Oph- thalmic Hospital for the preceding years. The third an- nouncement of the college is the thirtieth annual course held at the hospital. College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Wash- ington, D. C. [Announcement of a course of clinical lectures in Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum. April to June, 1873.] 1 sheet. 4~. [ Washington, 1873.] College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. The charter and by-laws of the ... to which is added a list of the officers and members. 17 pp. 12 . New York, J. W. Harrison, le39. -----. Annual prospectuses for the sessions of 1868-9 to 1879-80 (39.-50.); 1881-2 to 1,-97-8 (52.- 68.). 8- & 12-. New York, 1 .-68-97. List of students and graduates for 1867-8 to 187S-9; 1880- 81 to 1896-7, in prospectuses for subsequent years. Gradu- ates' roll from 1KU to 1894, in prospectus for 1894-5. The same. And code of ethics of the . with the law regulating the practice of pharm- acy in said eity. 23 pp. 12°. New York, G. W. Averell, 1-75. Thesame. 40pp. 12°. New York, by the College, 1-79. -----. Charter, by-laws, and code of ethics. 19 pp. 12°. New York, C. F. Walter A- Co., 1885. -----. Catalogue of the library of" the . . . 1891. 1 p. 1., 86 pp. 8-. New York, 1891. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Char- ter, constitution and by-laws. 20 pp. 12 \ Philadelphia, W. Fry, 1*1*. -----. Thesame. 53 pp., 11. 12°. Philadelphia, T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, 1851. Hipp. ----. Medico-legal leport on the medical testi- mony of the Schoeppe murder trial; presented and unanimously adopted, Nov. 3,1869 pn 77' 91. 80. Philadelphia, M. Dahlem, \*69. ----. Transactions. 3. s. v. 6-19, 18«q _(); 8~. Philadelphia, 1883-97. ----. To the honorable the judges of the court of common pleas, No. 2, of Philadelphia C'ountv. March term, 1-84. No. 506. The petition of Wi'b liani Hunt M. I)., chairman, S. Weir Mitchell, M. D., and John M. Brinton, M. D., "commiltee of the Mutter Museum'' [of the College of Phy- sicians of Philadelphia, in relation to the dispo- sition of tbe fund left by Thomas D. Miitter for the support and increase of the museum], 15 pp, 8 . [Philadelphia, 1*84.] Catalogue of duplicates in the library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. For sale. 103 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. M. Christy's Sons, 1887. Centennial celebration. Catalogue of loan collection of portraits. 1887. 23 pp. rt [Philadelphia, 18*7.] Transactions. Centennial volume, vii 391 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1- ----. I. An address from a special committee of ... to the medical societies of the United States, concerning the dangers to which the country is exposed by the ineffectual methods of quarantine at its ports, and in regard to the necessity of national control of maritime quar- antine. II. Report of the committee of Ihe College of Physicians of Philadelphia, appointed to investigate the efficiency of our quarantine arrangements for the exclusion of cholera and other epidemic diseases. 45 pp. 8-. Philadel- phia, 1888. See, also: RUSCHENBERGER ( W. S. W. ) All account of the institution and progress of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, during a hundred years, from January, 1787. 8 s. Philadelphia, 1887. Da C'owtn (T. M. ) Annual address of the president. Tr.Coll. Phys. Phila.. 1896, xviii, pp. lix-lxvii.— .Mitchell (S. YV.) Centennial anniversary of the institution ol tin- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Commemorative address. [Delivered January il, 1887.] Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. 1887. 3. s.. ix, pp. ccc.wxvii-eceixvi.—Riischen- bri-ser (W. S. W.) An account of the institution ot the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, [head October ti, 1886.J Ibid., pp. xxiii-ccexxxvi. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Di- rectory for Nurses. An abstract of the first an- nual report of the committee on the Directory for Nurses. [1., 18-2, for 7 mouths.] 2 1. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1--2.] -----. Application for registration. 2 1. 8°. [Philadelphia, 18-2?] -----. Circular to nurses. April 'JO, 1-8'-'. 2 1. 8 . [Philadelphia, 1882.] -----. Circular to physicians. April 20, \-*2- 11. 8C. [Philadelphia, 18-2.] College of Physicians antl Surgeons, Baltimore. Anuual announcements for the sessions of >*7:!;"4 (2.); 1875-6 to 1897--^ (4.-26.). 4 \ 8 . & 1*- Baltimore, 1873-97. List of students and graduates for 1872-IS; 18,4-.) to 1^1- 7, in announcements for subsequent years. List »!_ gia. uates from 1871! to 1879, iu announcement tor Is,. -»» Organized and incorporated iu 1872. 1 he \\ asI. 11 u University School of Medicine was established 1 ls- By act of the legislature the two schools were consolidate' in 1878. Second announcement, 18o!-4, is a 4 . -----. Circular for the spring ses»i 11 of 1>--1 2 1. 8J. PaUimore, I. Friedenwald, 1-83. COLLEGE. 753 COLLEGE. delivered in the College of Physicians aud Surgeons of the University of the State of New York. 12 pp.- 8D. [New York], A. Ming, 1828. Imperfect. Communication from the regents of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Boston. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1880- 81 to 1894-5 (1.-15.). <-: & 12 . Boston, 18-0-94. List of students and graduates for 1880-81 to 1893-4, in announcements for subsequent years. No announcement issued for 1885-6, temporarily suspended during that year. Organized in 1880. for the co-education of the sexes. First to fourth are S-. For continuation, see, infra, Quarterly announcements. _____Quarterly announcements of the ... v. 15-17 spring session of 1895 to autumn session of 1897. 12-. Boston, 1895-7. Continuation of the aunual announcements. College of Physicians aud Surgeons, Buffalo [Homeopathic]. Annual announcement for the session of 1883 (3.). 8 pp. 8-. Buffalo, Haas & Klein, [1882?]. Organized in 1879. No session held in 1881-2. Ceased to exist after the third session. College of Physicians aud Surgeons of Chicago. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1882 - 3 to 1-95-6 (1.-14.); 1897-8 (16.). 8^ & 12°. Chicago, 18-2-97. List of students and graduates for 1882-3 to 1894-5; 1896- 7 in announcements for subsequent years. Announce- ment for 1892-3 contains the first decennial catalogue, 1881-91. Organized in 1882. In 1897 it became the Medi- cal Department of the University of Illinois. _____. Announcement of the spring session of lectures aud practitioners course for 1-83. 8 pp. 8:'. Chicago, A. G. Newell, 1883. -----. Non-resident course. Directions for stu- dents. 6 pp. 16°. [Chicago, 1891.] -----. The laboratories of the ... 8 pp. 12°. [Chicago, 1892.] -----. [Time card for the session of 1692-3.] 51. 16C. [Chicago, 1-92.] College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York. * Medical Department of Columbia University in the City of New York. Circular. [Issued Jan. 28. 1817.] 1 1. 4 ». [New York, 1817.] -----. [Notification of election as a fellow of the body.] 1 sheet. 4°. [New York, 1-1-. ] -----. Outline of the lectures and demon stmt ions of William James MacNevin, M. D., as professor of chemistry and materia medica. 7 pp. 8-. New York, G. Long, 1820. [P., v. 747.] -----. [Circular, issued Nov. 3, 1823.] 1 sheet. 12°. New York, 1^23. Outlines of the lectures on chemistry, College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York—continued. 1891-2 to 1897-8 (85.-81.). s*- A 4 . New York, 1836-97. The annual announcements for the years 1861-2 to 1890- 91 are in the annual catalogues for the preceding years. From 1891-2 to 1893-4. read: Circulars of information. Fifty-fifth, 1861-2, is 4°. ------. Catalogue of the alumni, officers, and fellows of the . . . from 1-07 to 1859. 66 pp. 8~. New York, Baker A'- Godwin, 1-59. ------. [Circular of the faculty, stilting the ad- vantages of special courses, and daily examina- tions thereon. Issued June, 1873.] 2 1. 4-. [New York, 187'.!.] ------. Syllabus of Cartwright lectures. 1886. Lecture II. Degeneration and regeneration. 21. 4°. [New York, 1**6.] ------. Addresses at the inauguration of the new college building, Sept. 29, l8)-i7: and of the Sloane Maternity Hospital and Yanderbilt Clinic, Dec. 29. 18-7. 56 pp. 8°. New York, by the College, 1*8*. ------. Studies from the department of pathol- ogy, v. 1-4; v. 5, pt. 1. For the collegiate years 1890-91 to 1896-7. 8-». New York, 1891-7." College of Physicians aud Surgeons of Iowa, at Des Moines. Sec Iowa College of Physicians and Surgeons, Des Moines. College of Physicians and Surgeons (Medical Department of Kansas City University) of Kan- sas City, Kansas. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1894-5 to 1896-7 (1.-3.). 8°. Kansas City, Mo., 1894-6. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Annual announcements for tbe sessions of 1874-5 (30.); 1875-6 (32.): 1876-7 (34.); 1877-8 (36.); 1-79-80 to 1-83-4 (38.-43.); 1890-91(50.): 1893-4 to 1896-7 (53.-56.). 8J. Keokuk, 1874-96. List of students and graduates for 1873-4 to 1876-7; 1878-9 to 1882-3; 1889-90; 1892-3 to 1895-6, in announce- ments for subsequent years. Alumni since the organiza- tion of the institution in 1849 to 1896, in announcement for 1896-7. University, transmitting the annual report of the . . . for the year 1828. 7 pp., 11. 8°. [Al- bany, 1829.] -----. Annual catalogues of the officers and students, and announcements for the sessions of 1828-9 (22.); 1837-8 (31.); 1839-40 (33.); 1842- 3 to 1884-5 (36.-78.); 18,86-7 to 1889-90 (80.-83.). 8-. New York, 1829-90. From 1842-3 to 1865-6, read: Annual catalogue. From 1866-7 to 1889-90. read: Annual catalogue aud announce- enient. On July 1, 1891, the College of Physicians and Surgeons became, by authority of the legislature, an in- tegral part of Columbia College, now (1898) Columbia University. ----. Memorial of the trustees of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York, remonstrating against the establishment of a second medical college in the city of New York. In Senate. March, 1830. No. 241. 6 pp. Bc. [New York, 1830.] ----. Annual announcements and circulars for the sessions of 1836-7 (30.); 1837-8(31.); 1842-3 (36.); 1845-6 to 1861-2 (39.-55.); 1866-7 (60.); 48 See, also: United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the relief of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Keokuk, Iowa, aud to compensate it for loss of college and hospital buildings hy fire while used by the United States during the rebellion. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2897. May 9, 18-8. Introd. hy Mr. Allison, roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1-88.] College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Council of the . . . Rules, regulations, etc., for the guidance of students in medicine. Aug., 1869. 12 pp. 8. Toronto, Globe Print. Co., 1869. ------. Announcements for the academic years 1870-71 to 1872-3 (2.-4.); 1875-6 (7.); 1890-91 (22.); 1892-3 (24.); 1893-4 (25.). 16- & 8°. Toronto, 1872-93. The Ontario Medical Register, printed and published under the direction of the coun- cil of the ... in accordance, with an act of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, xii Vic, Cap. cxiii, entitled An act respecting the profession of medi- cine and surgery. From May, 1866, to May, 1878. xxxii, 88 pp., 11. 8-. Toronto, [Monetary Times Office, 1878]. ----. The same. From May, 1866, to May, 1, 111 pp. 8°. Toronto, " Guardian " Office, From May, 1866, to June, 11. 8°. Toronto, [J. S. 1882. 1882. The same. lvii, 148 pp., 1887. Williams, 1887]. The same. In accordance with an act of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chap, 148, COLLEGE. 754 COLLEKZA. College of Physicians and Surgeons of On- tario—continued. entitled An act respecting the profession of medi- cine and surgery as amended by 54 V., C. 26, entitled An act to amend the Ontario medical act. From May, 1866, to June, 1892. lxi, 196 pp. 8\ Toronto, [J. S. Williams, 1892]. College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Quebec. The medical register of the ... 44 pp. 8°. Quebec, Levy 4' Bouchard, 1879. ------. Programme of preliminary examination. (For 1884, 1885, 1886.) 1 sheet, fol. [Quebec, 18*4.] College of Physicians and Surgeons. Rich- mond, Va. Announcement for the session of 189:5-4(1.). 23 pp. 8C. [Bichmond, 1893.] Organized and chartered in May, 1893. -----. Summer school of medicine. [Circular for 1894.] 21. 8:. [Bichmond, 1894.] A supplementary clinical and didactic course. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Saint Joseph, Mo. Annual aunouncemeuts for the sessions of 1879-80 to 1881-2 (1.-3.). 8-. St. Joseph, 1879-81. Ceased to exist in 1882, by uniting with the Saint Joseph Medical College, forming the Saint Joseph Medi- cal College, which see for continuation. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Saint Louis. See Saint Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons. College Saint-Laurent, pies de Montreal. Bulle- tins tie la bibliotheque et du musee dn . . . Nos. 8-10, 1891-2 to 1893-4. 8°. [Montreal, 1892-4.] College of Therapeutics. The Medical Depart- ment of the American University, Boston. Announcement for the session of 1883-4 (1.). 11. 4°. [.Boston, 1883.] Collegiate Department of the Chicago Dental Infirmary. See Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Dental Department of Lake Forest University. Collegii Medicorum Regis et Regime in Hi- bernia. See King and Queen's College of Physi- cians in Ireland. Collegio chimico farmaceutico romano. Ta- li ffa dei medicamenti compilata dal ... 30 pp. roy. 8°. Boma, tipog. Mugnoz, 1884. ------. Statuto e regolamento. 15 pp. 8°. [Roma, Mugnoz, 1887.] Collegio degl' ingegneri ed agronomi di Mes- sina. Risanameuto della citta di Messina. 107 pp. 12°. Messina, tipog. Filomena, 1886. Repr. from: Atti del Collegio. Collegium anatomicum . . . triuni virorum Ju- lii Jasolini Locri, Marci Aurelii Severini Thurii, Bartholoniaei Cabrolii Aquitaui . . . collect, et promot. Joanne Georgio Volcamero. 2 p. 1., 68 pp., 1 tab., 1 pl. 4°. Hanovice, C. Le Blon, 1654. Last page numbered 20. Bound with: Severinus (M. A.) De recondita ahsces- buuiu natura [etc.]. 4°. Francof. ad Mcenum, 1643. -----. The same. 68 pp., 1 tab., 1 pl. 4°. Francofurti, H. a Sande, 1668. Last page numbered 20. Boundwith: Sinibaldus (J. B.) Geneanthropehe [etc.]. 4°. Francofurti. [1669]. F Collegium Augustinianum zu Gaesdonck. Be- richt iiber das Schuljahr 1856-7, womit zu der am Donnerstag dem 27. August stattlindenden oiientlichen Prufung und Preisevertheilung ehr- erbietigst eiuladet der Rektor des Collegiums Dr. Perger. Voran geht eine Abhaudlun° des Herrn Neuhaus: Zur Theorie ties Sehens. 62 pi>. 8--. Clere, F. A. Knippung, [1857], Collegium fiir Lebensversicherungs-Wissen- schaft zu Berlin. Deutsche 8terbliehkeits-Ta- ieln aus den Erfahrungen von dreiuudzwauzig Collegium fiir Lcbcnsversioherungs- Wissen- schaft zu Berlin—continued. Lebeusversicherungs-Gesellscbaften. lxxi -iu pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Miller if Sohn, lss^. Collegium magnificoruni DD. medicorum Plal centiie. Statuta. 1 p. 1.. 40 pp. sin. 4-. Pla. centice, apud Vincentinn, 1569. With 36 pp. MS. notes aud additions. Collegium medicorum Bergomi. Pharmaco- pcea Collegii medicorum Bergomi, rationeni componendi niedicaiuenta nsitatiora complee- tens. Altera editio non solum pharmacopoeia sed etiam medicis, et philiatris, alijsque ex usu futura: cui, prseter alia plurima, ciiin emeudata turn addita, et prseter novum simplicium medi- cainentorum locnpletissimuni iudicem addituni et veterem coinpositornm auctuin, acccssit etiam ponderum ac mensnrariiin, ex vctciuni non so- lum Gnecorum et Romanornm, sed etiam Ara- bum, et Neotericorum traditioue, brevis, cxacta ct dilucida explicatio. De superiortim liceutiii! 15 p. 1., 450 col., pp. 453-468. fol. Bergomi, typ. Coniini Venturer, 1581. Collegium Romanian. Clemens, Papa, VIII, ad perpetuam rei me- moriam. [Contiruiatio privilegiorum per pra>- decessores concessa ad Collegium Romautiin.] 4°. [Bomw, n. d.] Clemens, Papa, X, ad perpetuam rei nieino- riam. [Coufirmatio privilegiorum per priede- cessores concessa ad Collegium Roinanum.] 1-. [Bomce, 1675.] Clementis, Papa>, VII, bulla de Protomedici et Collegii medicorum urbis jurisdictione, et facultatibus. 4°. Bomw, 1627. Guegorius, Papa, XIII, ad perpetuam rei memoriam. [ Coufirmatio privilegiorum per praedecessores concessa ad Collegium Roina- num.] 4°. [Bomce, 1675.] Julius, Papa, III. [Contiruiatio privilegio- rum per praedecessores concessa ad Collegium Rouianum.] 4°. [Bomce, 1674.] Motus proprius conlirmationis concordiie; inter collegium physicorum, et collegium aroma- tariorum urbis, et eorunideni collegioruni juris- dictionis. 4C. Bomce, 1675. Pius, Papa, IV; coufirmatio privilcgioriuu Collegii medicorum urbis. 4°. [Bonue, n. d.] Pius, Papa, V, ad perpetuam rei memoriam. [Coufirmatio privilegiorum per praedecessores concessa ad Collegium Roinanum.] 4~. [Roma;, 1675. ] Sixtus, Papa, YV, ad perpetuam rei menio- riaui. [Coufirmatio privilegiorum per praede- cessores concessa ad Collegium Roinanum.] 4 . [Bomce, it. d.] Statuta Collegii dd. alime urbis medicorum ex autiquis Romanoriuu pontificuni bullis cou- gesta, et hactenus per sedein apostolicain recog- nita, et innovata; mox ab Urbano Octavo con- firmata, eorumdemque statutoruin in apostolicis litteris iusertione corroborata; ilennun a Cle- niente X, firmius consolidata, et novis auctariis amplificata. 4°. Bomw, 1676. IVoiiiian et cognomina dd. Collegii Romani medico- rum, quorum memoria extat. In: Statuta Collegii dd. ahnai urbis [etc.], 4°, Roinae, 1676, 105-116. VUll Collen (Jacob). * De homicidio in ebric- tate comniisso. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. 4' J- Luchtmans 4' J- ^e Mair, 1777. [P., v. 1007.] Colleiichyiun. Oiliny (E.> Sur le collenebvine. Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes [etc.], Haarlem, 1S82. xvii, 432-459, 4 pl. Also: J. tie microg.. Par., 1883, vii, 309; 362; 427. Colleiiza (Pietro). Un caso tli ermafrodito vivente neutro-laterale. 23 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Na- poli, G. Nobile, 1853. [P., v. 1136.] COLLES. 755 COLLIER. CoHes (Abraham) [1773-1843]. Selections from the works of . . . consisting chiefly of his prac- tical observations on the venereal disease, antl on the use of mercury. Edited, with annota- tions, by Robert McDonnell, xvi, 431 pp., port. 8-. London, New Sydenham Soe., 1881. ___L_, The same. Praktische Beobachtungen iiber die venerische Krankheit und iiber den Gc- brauch des Quecksilbers. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt und mit kritiscben Anmerknngen be- gleitet vou Friedrich Alex. Simon, jun. xvi, 308 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Hoffmann u. Campe, 1839. For Biography, see Railway Surg., Chicago, 1897-8, iv, 154-156 (Edit.). Colles (Christopher J.) The treatment of chronic purulent otitis media hy excision of the carious ossicles aud removal of obstruc- tions iu the tympanic attic, with a report of three cases. 8pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1*91.] Eepr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n. s., ci. ____. The middle ear iu renal, malarial, syph- ilitic gouty, rheumatic, and dental diseases; with a consideration of objective noises in the ear. In: Syst. Dis. Ear, Xose Sc Throat (Burnett), Phila., 1893, i. 373-408. See, aUo, Sexton (Samuel). The ear and its diseases, [etc.]' 8°. Xew York, 1888. Colle*' laic. See Syphilis (Communication of) through fcetus or semen. Collet (Andre"). * Des tumeurs mixtes des glandes salivaires des levres. 63pp.,4pl. 4 . Paris, 1895, No. 277. Collet (Auguste). L'hygiene des yeux dans lecole ct daus la maison paternelle. L'opti- que oculistique. 26 pp. 12-. St.-Petersbourg, P. Sbikine, 1*93. Collet (Clara E.). See Labour and life of the people. 2 v. 8°. London, 1889-91. Collet (Constant) [1869- ]. *Acuite et chump visuels de l'ceil restant apres enuclea- tion tie l'autre. 56 pp. 4;. Lyon, 1-94, No. 996. Collet (Felix) [1857- ]. * Essai sur les kystes dn m^sentere. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 198. Collet (Fr6de'ric-Justin ) [1870- ]. *Les troubles auditifs du tabes et la reaction elec- trifjiie dn nerf auditif. 188 pp., 1 1. 4;. Lyon, 1894, No. 940. ----. Thesame. l88pp.,ll. *c. Lyon, A. Bey, 1-91. ----. Les troubles auditifs dans les maladies nerveuses. Extrait de deux mdmoires coin-Gu- ile's par l'Acadernie de m6decine. (Prix Mey- not 1896.) 182 pp. 12°. Paris, Masson f Cie., Gauthier-Villars f fils, [1897]. Collet (Harold). Water softening and purifi- cation. The softening and clarification of hard and dirty waters, iv, 168 pp. 12-. Lon- don, E. 4-F. N. Spon; New York, Spon 1870. Collier (George Frederick). A companion to the London Phamiacopiria, theoretical and practical, viii, 192 pp. *■'. Londou, 1839. See also, td*n« (Aurelius Cornelius). De re medica libri octo [etch 2. ed. 8°. Londini. 18:il-Koyal Col- le^e of Pliysiciaiis ol' London. The ibarniacopuua . . . 1809. 8°. 'London, 1821.-----A translation ot tbe new pbarniacopceia [etc.]. 8°. London. 181)7. COLLIER. 756 COLLIN. Collier (James). See Mpencer (Herbert) [in 1. s.]. Descriptive soci- ology [etc.]. Pt. 1. fol. New York, [1873]. Collier (John). Essays ou the progress of the vital principle from the vegetable to the animal kingdoms and the soul of man, introductory to contemplations on Deity. xii (2 1.), 376 pp. 8-. London, N Scarlett, 1800. Collier (Mark Purcell Mayo). On the physi- ology of the vascular system. 53 pp. 8°. Lon- don, H. K. Lewis, 1889. ------. An address on the present position of nasal surgery and the causation of deflections of the nasal septum. Delivered before the British Laryngological and Rhinological Association. 21 pp. 8°. London, F. A. Davis Comp., 1892. Collier (Nicholas Coustantine). Board of works of the Fulham district. Annual reports of the medical officer of health. 22.-26., 1877-81. 8°. Hammersmith, 1878-82. [------.] Special report on the hospital conta- gion question by the medical officer of health for the Fulham district. 6 pp. 8-. Hammersmith, C. Cordingley, 1881. [------.] Fulham district hoard of works. Re- port of the medical officer of health upon certain processes of manufacture carried on, in, and near the parish of Hammersmith. 7 pp. 8°. Ham- mersmith, C. Cordingley, [1881]. ------. Royal hospitals commission, House of Commons. Evidence of Nicholas Coustantine Collier, medical officer of health, district of Ful- ham. [ Relating to the small-pox hospital at Fulham as a centre of infection.] 26 pp. 8°. Hammersmith, C. Cordingley, 1882. Extract from the Blue Book. ■ Board of works for the Fulham dis- trict. Report of the medical officer of health upon outbreak of [typhus] fever at Nazareth House, Hammersmith, April 14,1883. 6 pp. 8°. [Loudon, 1883.] ------. London. Fulham district board of works. Quarterly reports of the medical officer of health for 1. qr. of l--\!; 4. of 1885 ; 4. of 1886. 8°. Hammersmith, 1883-7. ColligllOll (Charles) [1725-85]. Tyrocinium anatoiiiicuin; or an introduction to anatomy. 37 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Bentham, 1763. ------. An enquiry into the structure of the hu- man body relative to its supposed influeuce on the morals of maukind. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Bentham. 1764-5. ------. Moral and medical dialogues, ii, 116 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Archdeacon, 1769. [P., v. 2016.] Collimitius Tansteterus (Georgius). Artificium de applicatioue astrologhe ad medicinam, de- que convenientia earundem; cauones aliquot, et quaedam alia, 61 ff., 2 1. 12°. Argentorati, [apud G. Flrieherum], 1531. Another copy, bound with: Petrus de Abano. De veneuis [ete.]. 16°. Marpurgi, 1537. Collin [1853- ]. * Contribution h la geogra- phic m6dicale du Haut-Seu6gal. 70 pp., 1 man 4". Paris, 1883, No. 175. Collin. Instruments et appareils pour anthro- pologic ^ 8 pp. 12-'. Paris, [1888]. -----. Catalogue d'instrunients de chirurgie 234 pp. 8-\ Paris, 1890. ° -----. Fabrique d'iustrurnents de chiruro-ie Maison Charriere. Catalogue general. 251 pp' 8=. Paris. 1^94. See, aUo, C li arriere. Catalogue general illustre d'in- strumeuts de chirurgie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1885. Collill (Euoime). *De rhiiharbes. 124 pp 10 pl. 4C. Paris, C. Mare'chal, 1871. [P., v. 1708.] Ecole supdrieure de pharmacie. See, aUo, Planchon (G.) & Collin (E.) Les droeues simples d origine vegetale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, O. Doin le95-6. ' Collill (Eugene) [1861- ]. * Contribution k 1 etude tie la sclerodermic 85 pp 40 p ■ 1*86, No. 94. ' "' Collill (Eugene-Henri). * De la galvanocaustio 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1. 4-. Strasbourg, l>fi-<, 3, N" No. 73. Collin ([Francois-JEugene) [pere] [1825- ] Du rhumatisme cerebral chronique. 43 pp. « Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1801. Repr.from: Am. Soc. d'hydrol. med.dePar., 1860-01, vii. ------. Du diagnostic de la congestion pulmo- naire de nature arthritique et de son traitement [2. 60..] 32 pp. 8°. Paris, V. A. Delahaue ,f" Cie., 1877. J ' Repr. from: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1876, xxi. ------. The same. Du diagnostic tie la conges- tion pulmonaire de nature arthritique et de soil traitement par les eaux sulfureuses sodiques et arsenicales de Saint-Honore (Nievre). 3. ed. 66 pp., 1 1. 8C. Autun, Dejussieu pere fr fih 1878. ' ------. The same. 5. 6d. 82 pp., 11. 8°. Paris A. Parent, 1882. ------. De l'herpetisme et dn diagnostic de cette diathese par la percussion et l'auscultation. 44 pp. 8 . Paris, F. Leve, 1885. Repr. from: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1885, xxx. Collill (Gustave) [1860- ]. *De l'erysipele curateur et modificateur. 60 pp. 4C. Paris 1886, No. 16. Collill (Heiurich Joseph) [1731-84]. Heilkrafte des Wolverley, in Fiebern und anderu faulen Krankheiten. Aus dem Lateinischen seiner Wahruehmungen iiber hitzige und langwierige Kraukheiten ubersetzt, mit einer Vorrede, iiber die vorschiedeneu Tugenden dieses Gewiichses vermehrt, und durch neue Erfahrungen bestii- tiget, von Joh. Joseph Kausch. 5 p. 1., 380 pp., lpl. 8C. Bresslau, W. G. Kom, 1777. Collill (Henri) [1865- ]. * Etude sur l'ulccro simple du duodenum. 122 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 131. -----. The same. 122 pp., 3 1., 3 pl. 8°. Parts, G. Steinheil, 1-94. Collill (Henry) [1858- ]. * Etude me'dicale sur les eaux thermo-sulfureuses sodiques et arse- nicales de Saint-Honors-les-Bains (Nievre). 192 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 211. ------. Guide a, Saint-Houor6-les-Baiiis (Nievre). Front., 350 pp., 1 map. 12°. Paris, H. Lecene 4- H. Oudln, 1888. Collin (J.) * Essai pratique sur la bleuuorrha- gie et le chancre, prec6de" de quelques conside- rations generales de syphilographie d'apres les lecons cliniques du Dr. S. Pirondi. viii, 9-131 pp. 8'-. Montpellier, Boehni, 1858. Collill (J.-V. ) Bienfaits du soninambulisnie; ouvrage dedie" a Mine. Roger, aux amis de la verity et aux persounes amies d'elles-incines. vii, 8-179 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Kur/ehnann, lf68. Collin (J[oh.] G[abriel]) [1794-1879]. Af hand- ling oin barns sjukdemar. Dclen 1-3. 12J. Norrkdping, (island if Berling, 1841-6. See, also, Beck (Theod. Itomeyn). Handbok i medici- nal bijrfarenheten. 2 v. 12°. Norrkdping, 1834-6.— Richter (Augustus Gottlieb). Speciel therapi, [etc.], 8 v. 12°. Strengnds, Mariefred & Norrkdping, 1829-34. Collill (Louis-Arthur-Napoleon) [ ls66- ]• "Nouvelle theorie snr le mode de production de la contusion cerebrale. [Bordeaux.] 90 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Brest, 1890, No. 1. Collin (Lucien). Code-manuel des m&lecins et pharmaciens de reserve et de l'annee territo- riale. viii, 184 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1890. See, also. Petit (Arthur) & Collin (Lucien). Guide militaire ties etudiants [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1893. Collin (Matthams) [1739-1817]. *De miliaribus rectaque his medendi ratione. 85 pp. 8°. Men- nee, J. T. Trattner, 1763. COLLIN. 757 COLLINS. Colli» (Rudolf) [1873- ]. * Ueber einen Fill vou syphilitischer Spinalparalyse. 38 pp 11. 8\ Berlin, C. Vogt, [1896]. Collin (V.) Des diverses niethodes d'explora- tion tie la poitrine et de leur application au diagnostic de ses maladies. 116 pp. 8°. Paris, j J.-B. Bailliere, 1824. [P., v. 1833.] ____. Manual for the use of the stethoscope. A short treatise on the different methods of in- vestigating the diseases of the chest. [Transl. from the French hy W. N. Ryland, from the 3. Loud. ed.; with an explanatory introduction, by a fellow of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety, xv, 133 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 12°. Boston, B. Perkins 4' Co., 1829. Collin & Cie., fabricants d'instrunients de chi- rurgie. [Catalogue.] 158 pp. roy. 8°. Pan's, [E. Martinet], 1879. See, aUo, Charriere. Collineau [Alfred-Charles] [1832- ]. Hy- giene industrielle. Les niatieres colorantes in- saluhres; substitution a ces composes dange- rous de produits d'extraction vegetale et d'une parfaite innocuite. Memoire lu a la Society medico-pratique de Paris (seance du 24 Janvier 1-77). Suivi du'rapport de la commission. 16 pp. 8 . Paris, A. Delahaye 4' Cie., 1877. Repr. from: Union m6d., Par., 1877, 3. s.. xxiii. ----. La gymnastique: notions physiologiques et peclagogiques: applications hygie'niques et midicales. iv, 824 pp. 8°, Paris, J.-B. Bail- liere f fils, 1884. .----. L'hvgiene a l'Ecole; pedagogic scientifiqne. 314 pp. 1<;~. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1889. See, aUo. Bauchut i Louis-Joseph). Abces de la fosse iliaque [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1802. Collineau [Jean-Charles] [17-1-1860]. Rap- port fait a l'Acadernie iuiperiale de mddecine sur un memoire de M. le docteur de Pietra Santa. ayant pour litre: Influence de l'empoisounement j celhilaire de Mazas sur la saute des detenus. Lu en s6ance, le 17 avril 1-55. 31 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, F. Malteste 4' Cie., 1-55. [P., v. 1770.] Colliuet (L.-P.) De la petite verole par la methode naturelle, ou des moyens de rendre cette maladie plus souvent beuigne, et de s'en preserver sans le secours tie l'inoculation; avec un tableau aualytique oil l'on expose l'origine, la nature et les causes des differentes especes de petites veroles, leurs divisions en ordres et en genres, et leur traitement, base sur ces divisions. 122 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 12°. Paris, Caillot, an IX [1801]. Collinet (Lucien) [1859- ]. "Considerations sur la tuherculose des organes ge"nito-uriuaires chez l'homme. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 18^3, No. 206. Collinet (Marc). * Des modifications des or- ganes g6uitaux de la femme a l'epoi|iie de la menopause. *2 pp. 4:. Paris, 18-7, No. 201. Collinet (Marc-Pierre) [1836- ]. * Compli- cations renales dans les amygdalites aigues. 86 pp. 4-. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 60. Collinet (Paul). * Suppurations du cou, eonse- cutives aux affections de l'oreille moyenne de la mastoide et du rocher. 266 pp., 1 1. 8-. Paris, l-9r. No. 508. Collingridge (William). Half-yearly reports of the medical officer of health for the port of London, to the port sanitary committee. 13.- 38., July 1879, to June 30, 1892. fol. London, 1-80-92. -----. Port of London sanitary committee. Re- port, medical officer of health in re cholera regu- lations. Ordered by the counnitt.ee to be printed and circulated. July 21, 1-^3. 15 pp. fol. [London, C. Skipper # Fast, 1883.] ----. Sanitary work in the port of London. 1 galley sheet. * [ London, 1886 ?] Collillgs (Howard Paxton). Report of a case of reinfection of svphilis. 2 pp. 8 . New York, 1*96. Hepr.from: J. Cutan. *i. Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 189G, xiv. -----. An unusual case of appendicitis. 3 pp. 8\ Hot Springs, 1897. Repr. from: Hot Springs M. J., 1897, vi. Collillgs (S[amuel] P[osey]). Chronic seminal vesiculitis, with hemorrhage. 5 pp. 8°. [Cin- cinnati, 1895.] Hepr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxv. CollillgWOOd (Bev. C. S.) Some remarks ou a recent contribution to the literature of reg- ulated and supervised immorality. Being a paper read at a conference of opponents of the contagious diseases acts, held at York, on Thurs- dav. June 25lh, 1-74. 2. ed. 21pp. 12°. Sun- derland, J. G. Campbell .,■ Co., 1874. CollillgWOOd (Cuthbert) [1826- .]. The influence of the microscope upon the progres- sive advance of medicine. An address delivered at the opening of the se>sion 1-59-60 at the Liv- erpool Royal Infirmary School of Medicine. 20 pp. >c. Liverpool, H. Greenwood, 1859. CollillgWOOd (Francis). Report on the pro- tection of the city of Elmira, N. Y., against floods. 16 pp. 8C. New York, 1890. Collilli (Baldassar). &e Florence. Relazione delle febbri [etc.]. 8°. Fi- renze, 1767. (oil ill* {Clarlison T.) [1821-81]. Warner (L. F.) Xecrology. Tr. Am. M. Ass.,Pbila., 1 .-S2. xxxiii, 539. Collins (Edward Treacher). Researches into the anatomy and pathology of the eve. xiv, 140 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1896. Collins (Edward Wolfendeu). On accessory lobes of the human lungs, pp. 329-336, 1 pl. 4-. Dublin, M. H. Gill, 1874. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Tr. Roy. Irish Acad. (Science), Dubl., 1874, xxv. -----. On secondary haemorrhage, owing to ul- ceration of the popliteal artery by a sequestrum. 15 pp. -°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1*76. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1870, lxii. Collins (Ernest). The prevention and detec- tion of waste of water. With au abstract of the discussion of the paper. 62 pp. 8°. London, [ W. Clowes 4- Sons], 1894. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Engin., 1893-4, cxvii, pt. 3. Collins (F. Howard) The diminution of the jaw iu the civilized races, an effect of disuse. 16 pp. 8-. London 4' Edinburgh, Williams if' Norgate, 1891. Collins (George Lewis) [1820-77]. State con- trol of medical practice. An address delivered at the anuual meetiug of the Rhode Isluud Med- ical Society, June 9, 1889. 20 pp. 8. [Provi- dence, 1-90.'] Repr. from: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1889, Providence, 1890, iv. Collins (Isaac) & Powell (John S.) A list of some of the benevolent institutions of the city of Philadelphia, and their legal titles; together with form of devise and bequest to them. 30 pp. *J. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, 1-59. Collill* {Isaac G.) f 1S:5l'-S.)|. Helm (W. H.) Obituar\. Tr. M. So, . N. Y.. Svra- eiiBH, ls8ii, 626-630. Collins (James) [1831- ]. Memoir of Elisha Bacon Shapleigh, M. D., of Philadelphia. (Died December 10, 1892.) Read before the Northern Medical Association, April 2-. 1-93. 10 pp. 8-. [Philadelphia, Aril Co., 189'A.] ----- & Mills (Charles K.) Cases with hydro- phobic symptoms; with microscopical reports by Carl Sci'ler. 11 pp. 4°. [Philadelphia, 18-0.] Repr. from: Phila. M. Times. 1879-80, x COLLINS. 758 COLLIS. Collins (Joseph). Fracture of the base of the skull with the escape of the cerebrospinal fluid, followed by facial paralysis aud recovery. 7 pp. 8 . [New York, 1*92.] Hepr.from: J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1892, xix. ______. Chloralamid ; the treatment of insomnia. 8 pp'. 16°. [New York, 1892.] Hepr.from: J. Serv. & Ment. Dis., N. T., 1892, xix. ______ A contribution to the study of chronic myeiitis, based on a record of twenty cases. 6 pp. 8-\ [New York], 1892. Repr. from: Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1891-2, vn. ------. Acromegaly. 35 pp. 8°. [New York, Repr. from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1892, xix: 1893, xx. ----- Hteuiatomyelia and acute myelitis. 22 pp. 12°. New York, Trow, 1893. Repr. from: Med. Kec, N. Y., 1893, xliii. _____. A consideration of the paraesthesic neuro- sis. 16 pp. 16°. Boston, Damrell fUpham, 1893. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1893, cxxix. -----. An analysis of one hundred and twenty- five cases of chorea, 3 1. 8°. [Meriden, Conn., 189:;.] Repr. from: Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1893, vm. A contribution to the arrangement and functions of the cells of the cervical spinal cord. To which is appended a note on central changes secondary to long-continued disuse of an ex- tremity. 46 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Appleton 4 Co., 1*94.] Hepr.from: N. York M. J., 1894, lix. On some affections of the nervous system occurring in the early aud late stages of ac- quired syphilis. 33 pp. 8°. New York, 1895. Repr. from: J. Cutan. Sc Genito-TJrin. Dis., N. Y., 1895, xiii. The genesis and dissolution of the faculty of speech a clinical and psychological study of aphasia. 4:52 pp. c°. Netv York, The Macmil- lan Co., 1*98. The tropho-neuroses. In: Text-book Nerv. Dis. Am. authors (Dercum). Philadelphia. 1895, 880-912, lpl. ----. Spasmodic affections of the nervous system. In: Syst. Pract. Therap. (Hare), Phila., 1897, iv, 747-793. See, also, Jakob (Christfried). An atlas of the normal and pathological nervous systems [etc.]. 12°. New York, 1896. Collins ( M.) Die schmerzlose Entbindung. Verhaltungs- Massregeln zur Vermeidung der Schmerzeu und Gefahren der Niederkuuft. Mit einem Anhange: Ueber die Pflege der Kinder, von Clementine Lozier. Einzige autorisirte deutsche Ausg. 2 p. 1., 106 pp. 8°. Oppeln, F.rpctl. d. Wochenblatts, [1874]. [Collins (Mortimer)] [1827-76]. The secret of long life. 2 p. 1., 145 pp. 8°. London, H. S. King 4' Co., 1871. Collins (Robert) [1801-68]. To Professor Simp- son, of Edinburgh, in reply to his letter to Dr. Collins, on the "duration of labour as a cause of mortality and danger to mother aud infant". Second letter. 24 pp. 12J. Dublin, Hodqes ed. 8 pp. 8°. London, J. Caudwell, 1*66. ------. Bist du geimpft worden und weichen Schutz gewahrt das Impfen gegen die Blattern? 55 pp. 8°. Berlin, T. Grieben, 1809. Gesundh., Wolilst. u. Gliick, ii, 10. Lfs?. For Biography, see Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 18*4, n. s., xxxvii, 502. Collins (W[illiam] J[ob]). Specificity and evo- lution in disease. A paper read before the Aber- nethian Society, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Feb. 28, 1884. Ip. ]., 29 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1884. ------. The capsulo-pupillary membrane, with some varieties of its persistence. 6 pp. 8-\ London, Harrison 4" Sous, 1888. Repr. from: Roy. Loud. Ophth. Hosp. Kep., 1888-9, xii. The composition of the human lens iu health and in cataract, and its bearing upon operations for the latter. 11 pp. 8°. London, Illust. Med. News Co., 1889. Hepr.from.- Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889-90, v, Specificity and evolution in disease. A paper read at the conference of medical olliccr.s of health, in the Guildhall, Worcester, Septem- ber 26th, 1889, with the discussion thereon. 15 pp. 12°. London, W. H. f L. Collim/ridge, 1889. Hepr.from: Puh. Health, Lond., 1889-90, ii. Rationalism and free thought in medi- cine. Being an address delivered at a meeting of the Aberuethian Society, December 5th, 1889. 20 pp. 8C. London, Adlard f Son, 1890. Collins & Perkins. Catalogue of books; iu medicine, surgery, anatomy, physiology, the veterinary art, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, aud in other branches of natural history. 32 pp. 8°. [New York, 1809.] Bound with-! Med. Reposit, N. Y., 1809-10, i, 3. hexade. Colliia*onia. Shoemaker (J. V.) Collinsonia Canadensis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 712. AUo: Med. Reg., Plii.a., 1887, ii, 300-302. AUo : Tr. ix. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, iii, 70-79. Colli* (Maurice) [1791-1852]. [Biography.] Med. Hist. Meath Hosp., Dubl., 1888, 201-203.~ ColliS (Maurice Henry) [1824-69]. Practical observations on the treatment of organic strict- ure of the urethra by means of seaweed bou- gies. 8 pp. 8°. Aip; 1804. [P., v. 1025.] Repr. from: Dublin (j. J. M. Sc., 1864, xxxvii. ------. Contributions to operative surgery; op- erations about the face. pp. 2'.!-46, 1 pl. 83. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1*67. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1807, xliii. ------. A lecture given at the Meath Hospital, on the occasion of the opening of the .session, November 4th, 1807. 31 pp. 8'. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1867. LP-, v. 2088.] For Biography, see Med. Hist. Meath Hosp., Uuul., 1888, 211-215. COLLISCHONK 759 COLLONGUE9. ColHsollOllll (Haus [Hermann Konrad]) [1802- ]. * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Form- und LaoerungsStorungen dos Magens. 18 pp., 1 1., j 4 yd. 8\ Kiel. A. /'. Jensen, 1888. Collmuilll (.loannes Jacobus). 'Diss. . . . con- tinens varias hypotheses medicas. 30 pp., 1 1. sin. 4- • Erfordue, typ. J. C. Heringii, 173-J. Colimar (Charles). See Ott (Isaac) & Collnini- (Charles) [in 1. s.]. The thermogenetic apparatus [etc.]. 12-. [Detroit, 1887.] _________[in 1. s.]. The thermo-inhibitory apparatus. go. [Chicago, 18S7.] Collodion. Dkouet (A.) Du collodion ricine applique en badi,reon sur toute la surface du ventre con- sitlere comme agent de caloribeat ion generale et counne moyen hero'ique de traitement daus la cholerine, le cholera (Indien, sporadiqtie, infan- tile, herniaire, traumitique, stibie); i'hystorie; l'ep'ilepsie; la migraine: l'asphyxie: la fievre tvphoide; la variole (periode d'incubation do); l'erysipele: la colique tie plomb; la catalepsie, etc.; ces maladies devant etre rangees dans une une meme classe: celle des nevroses vaso-mo- trices centrales abdoininales paralytiques. 8°. Paris, 1809. Makcailhoc d'Aymeric (C.^ "Emploi du collodion en chirurgie. 4C. Strasbourg, 1867. Michait (P.) "Dn collodion en therapeu- tique. 4C. Paris, 1876. An dry (C.) Sur une chelolde consecutive h l'emploi dn collodion. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1897, iii, 223.— Biedert (P.) Der Collodiumwatteverband und seine Verwendung zu obertiachlichen uud fixirenden Yerbaudcii nnd zur Befestigung von Yei weilkathetern. Wien. med. Bl.. 1892, xv. 518-520.—t'oggin ( D.) Collodion in plastic operations. Boston M. pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpel- lier, 18<>. Xo. 359. Ecole supdrieure de pharmacie. Collomb [J.-B.]. see Burenii de bienfaisance du 6me arrondissement. Compte moral . . . de l'exercice 1854. 4°. Paris, 1855. Collomb (Jean-Marie). * Essai sur l'hygiene et la pathologie de l'Annain et du Tougkin. 64 pp. 4 . Lyon," 188:5, No. 170. CollOll (Joseph). * Resultats obtenus par dif- ferents antiseptiques dans differents genres de resection; 1^0 observations tiroes de la clinique chiruro icale de M. le professeur Kocher a Berne, 1^7-,>-H4. 119 pp. 8°. Berne, Steempfli, 1886. Colloilgues [L.] De la dynamoscopie dans rhemorrhagie cerebrale. "27 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Plon, 1859. -----. Le climat de Vichy, sous le rapport ther- moin6trique, hygi6nique et medical pendant la saison d'6t6 et la saison d'hiver; suivi d'un eu- seignement pratique stir les quantites d'eaux minerales qu'il convient de hoire pendant la saison de Vichy; leurs nieilleurs modes d'admi- nistration et le regime a suivre chez soi. 40 pp. 16°. Vichy, C. Bougarel, 1871. -----. Mannequin d'auscultation pour 1'instruc- tion des etudiants en medecine. 13 pp. 16°. Vichy, C. Bougarel, 1872. -----. De l'hygrodermometrie physiologique et cliuique daus ses rapports avec la richesse et la pauvrete du sang. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' fil8> 1876. -----. Diagnostic des paralysies par l'ausculta- tion des bruits et des sons percus au bout des doigts. 15 pp. 8°. Nice, A.-F.Malvano 4' Co., 1^77. -----. Le bioscope et l'hygrodermometrie dyna- mique, ou mesure des forces vitales organiques. Des inerveilleux effets de la grand-grille sur le retablissement de l'equilibre normal des forces vitales organiques pendant le traitement ther- mal de Vichy. 23 pp., 1 tah. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4" fils, 1878. -----. Specialite de consultations medicales par le bioscope d'apres la force vitale et le vitalisme des mains. 58 pp. 16°. Vichy, Wallon, [1881]. -----. Methode dermometrique pour demontrer mathematiquement que les eaux de Vichy hues aux sources de Vichy ont un pouvoir dynamique extraordiilairement portifiant, equilibrant, sti- mulant-digestif et tres rarement affaiblissant. 15 pp. 8C. Vichy, Wallon, 1882. -----. La science de la transpiration des mains chaudes. Le diabete a Vichy. 60 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1883. -----. Notice sur la science de la transpiration des mains chanties. 8 pp. 16°. Nice, V.-E. Gauthier f Co., 1883. -----. L'hygrodermometrie fixe le diagnostic general de la piethore, de l'anemie, de la force, de ia faiblesse et determine le mode d'action dynamique des eaux de Vichy. 20 pp. 8°. Nice, V.-E. Gauthier 4- Co., 18*4. -----. Le dermoscope, le malade et le medecin des eaux. Preuves mathematiques, indeniables, de la necessite indispensable de pratiquer la dermoscopie pendant le traitement thermal. 16 pp. 16°. Paris, [1885]. -----. Le dermoscope, la digestion, la nutrition, la tit-nutrition et les eaux de Vichy. 7 pp. 16°. Vichy, Wallon, 1885. -----. La vie de la peau. 86 pp. 16°. Vichy, Wallon, 1886. ------. Mesure du degre de reaction favorahle ou defavorable de la medication thermale de Vichy par la methode dennoscopique. [Also:] Doc- trine medicale de la vibration. Cause premiere de l'uuite de toutes les forces physiologiques. 56 pp. 8C. Vichy, P. Vexenat, 1890. COLLONGUES. 760 COLMAK. t ollonglics [L.]— continued. __---.. Lecon pratique tie dermoscopie faisant connaltrc les lois physiologiques et cliuiques de la nutrition e\]uilibree et deseqnilibree. 23 pp. 8~. Vichtt, P. Ve.renat. 1*90. Nouvelle methode clinique et therapeuti- que tin medecin specialiste pour les maladies de l'estomac, du foie, de la digestion et de la nutri- tion. Recherches sur l'unite du vitalisme avec l'ensemble tics courants nerveux. 29 pp. 24-. Casset pres Vichy, Arloing fr- Bouchet, 1895. ----. Special ire des maladies de l'estomac et du foie par la bioscopie. Nouvelle methode phvsiologique, clinique. therapeutique et wa- thematique. 34 pp., 2 tab. 12°. Cusset, J. Arloing erf« (Les) et les eaux de Vicby 1 etc.l [in 1. s.J. 16°. Paris, [n.d.]. Colloquia chirurgica [etc.]. See Handley (.James). Colloquium romano-Hippocraticum [etc.]. See Laiigwedel (Bernhard) [in 1. s.]. Collot (P.-C.) Notice sur l'etablissement ther- mal de Lamalou-l'Aucien (dit le Bas), Herault, declare d'utilite publique (decret du 10 aout 1884). 7. ed. 61 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils. 1886. Collyer (Herman [L.]) The treatment of a retro-displaced adherent uterus complicated bv pregnancy. 7 pp. 8-. New York, 1894. Hepr.from: N. York J. Gynajc. Sc Obst., 1894, v. Collyer (Robert H.) Manual of phrenology, or the physiology of the human braiu, embracing a full description of the phrenological organs, their exact location, and the peculiarities of character produced by their various degrees of development aud combination. 4. ed. 156, 4 pp., 1 pl. 16-. Cincinnati, N G. Burgess if Co., -----. Exalted states of the nervous system in explanation of the mysteries of modern spiri- tualism, dreams, trance, somnambulism, vital photography, faith, will, origin of life, anaes- thesia, aud nervous congestion. 3. ed. iv 144 pp. - . London, H. Benshaw, 1*73. See, also, Townshend (Rev. Chauucy Hare) \in 1 a 1 tacts in mesmerism [etc.]. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Boston, 1841. Collyria. Albini (G.) Considerazioni ed osservazioni pratiche sui eollirii. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1881 xxxviii, 141-155, 1 pl. Also: (iior. internaz. tl. seined ' Napoli, 18*5, n s., vii, 1-16 —Bcttremieiix (P.) rje'g collyres, leur mode d'aetiou. leurs indications et contre- indications: l'atropine et ses suceedan6s. J. d'ocul du nord de la France, Lille. 18-9-9U, i. 73: 1890-91, ii, js._ Carte. Du danger de quelques collyres mal formulas. ou mal prepares tlans les cas d'ulceratiou de la cor- nee. .1. d. conn. nied. prat.. I'ar., 1843-4, xi, 305-:i07._ Chapman (P. M.) Is distilled water in all cases the best vehicle for eye lotions? Practitioner, Lond., 1883 xxx, 354. — Chibret. Les colly ics permanent*, iinll. ef m6m. Sue. 1111115. d'opht.. Par., 1886. iv, 165-172.—Fin like (E.) t'utersiicliiiiie.t-11 iiber Infection uud Desinfection von Augenwassern. Arcb. f.Ophth.. Leipz., 1891, xxxvii 2. Abth.. 92-150. —Onaita & Pa^aini. Me'todi phi pratici per mantenere asettici i colliri. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1895. xxiv, suppl., 6. — llairion. De l'abus dea collyres irritants et des regies qui doiveut diriger leur emploi. J. tl. sc. m6d. de Lonvain, 1878, iii, 113-132.— Huidiez. Des dangers des collyres au sous-acetate de plomb. Bull. med. du nord de la France, Lille, 1868, 121-125. — Pngnini ( P.) Metodi piu pratici per niantfr nere asettici i eollirii. Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal ital 1895. Pavia, 1896, xiv, 17-34. Also | Abstr. ]: Ann. di ottal.' Pavia. 1895-6, xxiv, 6[428].— I'ergcn* 1 K ) De l'emploi de collyres useptiqnes. Ann. d'ocul . Par.. 1891, cvi, 417- 420—Holland ( E.) Collyres astringents et caustiques. Rec. d'ophth.. Par.. 1889. 3. s.. xi. 14a -149. — SnntOi Fernandez (J.) Infeccidn del ojo por los colirios. Cron. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1892, xviii, 221-226, 1 pl.— Sehiess. Feber Misshrauch und (lebrauch von Colly. lien. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1888, xviii, 177- ]80.—dc Mchweinitz ( G. E.) A case of persisting hemorrhage from the conjunctiva of a new-born infant, following the instillation of a solution of nitrate of silver! Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1891, xxxix, 456.— True (H.) Dea collyres en g6n6rai: usages, abus et inconvenient*. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1890. xii, 577-579.—de Wecker (L.) La suppression partielle de l'emploi ilea collyres. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., lrill, xii, '52-65. Column (Benjamin) [1673-1747]. A narrative of the method and success of inoculating the small pox in New England. With a reply to the objections made against it from principles of . conscience. In a letter from a minister at Bos- ton [W. Cooper]. To which is now prefixed au historical introduction, bv Daniel Neal. 48 pp. H\ London, F. Matthews^ 4-B. Ford, 1722. [P., v. 2159.] Colman (H. G.). See Roscoe (Henry E.) & Schorlemmer (C.) A treatise on chemistry. New ed. 8°. London & New York, 1889-95. Colman (Walter S.) Section cutting and stain- ing; a practical guide to the preparation of nor- mal aud morbid histological specimens, vi (11.), 107 pp. 12J. London, H. K. Lewis, 1*88. -----. The same. A practical introduction to histological methods for students antl practition- ers. 2. ed. viii, 160 pp. e°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1*96. Colman Hill Home Retreat, near Halesowen, Worcestershire. [Circular giving description of the institution.] 2 1. fol. [Bivminghamf, n. d.] Licensed under the act of 1879, for the exclusive recep- tion of ladies who have contracted habits of intemperance. -----. Regulations and orders for the domestic arrangements and the management and treat- ment of the inmates. 1 sheet, fol. [Birming- ham? n. d.] Col man t (Arnoux-Joseph) [1809-8.3]. Leniardelev. Necrologie. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1883, ii, 60. Colmailt (Joan. Georg). Heil- und Pflege-An- stalt fiir Nerven- uud Gemiithskranke von Dr. Colmant iu Bendorf bei Coblenz a. Rheiu. [2 circulars. Aug., Id75.] 8°. [Bendorff 187b.] Colmai*. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of); Scarla- tina (Epidemics of), by localities. COLMAKER. 761 COLOGNE. Colmarer Versorgungshaus. Berichte. 1.-6., 1885-6 to 1890-91. 8° & 12 . Colmar, 1886-91. Opened April 15, 1885. German antl French text. Col in em* r© (Joseph). Reprobacion del perni- cioso abuso de los polvos de la corteza de el qnaraugo, o china china, ilustrada con muchas eficaces razones y observaciones legales, que demuestran su mucha pernicie cierta y su inii- tilidad, dirigida tl su total exterminio, en quanto especial febrifugio. A tine se junta uu prove- chosissimo mauifiesto de las muchas virtudes de las salutiferas y sulphureas aguas de los baiios de Ledesma, adornado de innumerables observa- ciones y advertencias, para saber como, quando, y quienes pueden prosperaiuente usar de ellos. Explicanse los motives, que tiene, para su ex- terminio y reprobacion tie su abuso. 9 p. 1., 198 pp. 8°. Salamanca, E. A. Garcia, 1697. -----. Tratado maravilloso y utilissimo de las enfermedades que se curan con las salutiferas agnas de los bafios de la villa de Ledesma, con todas las observaciones que se requiereu para el uso de ellas. 3 p. 1., 80 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Sala- manca, F. A. Garcia, 1697. Bound -with the preceding. Colmenero dc Ledesma (Antonius). Du chocolate. Discours curieux, divise" eu quatre parties. Traduit d*espagnol en fraucois sur l'iihpressiou faite a Madrid Fan 1631, et esclaircy de quelques annotations par Rene Moreau. Plus est adjouste un dialogue touchaut le mesme cho- colate. [Par Barthelemy Marradon. ] 3 p. 1., 59 pp. sui. 4C. Paris, S. Cramoisy, 1643. -----. The same. Chocolata Inda. Opusculuni de qualitate et natura chocolat*. Hispauieo antehac idiomate editum: nunc vero curante Marco Aurelio Severino iu Latinum trauslatum. Front., 9 p. 1., 73 pp., 3 1. 24-. Norimbergw, typ. W. Endeii, 1644. Colmer (Joseph G.) The Dominion of Canada, as it will appear to the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 18-4. A paper read before the Society of Arts, Tuesday, January 29, 1884. 23 pp., 1 map. 8C. london, 1884. Coloboma. See, also, Choroid, Eye, Eyelids, Iris, Nerve (Optic), Abnormities of. Bock (E.) Die angeborenen Kolobome des Augapfels. Eine anatomische uud klinische Stu- die. 8Z, Wien, 1893. Mueller (J.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Colo- boma bulbi. 8°. Bonn, [1874]. Schr5der ( J. ) * Beitrag zur Casuistik ties Coloboma palbebrae congenitum. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1893. Wektheimber (T.) * Ueber die anatomi- schen Befunde bei Colobomhildung am Kanin- chenanoe. 8'-. Wiirzburg, 1*93. Bach (L.) Anatomischer ISeitrag zur Geneae der an- geborenen Colobome ties Bulbus. Arch. f. Augenh., ■Wiesb., 1895-6. xxxii, 277-287. 1 pl.—Bennmoiit (W.M.) Macular coloboma? Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kiugdom, Lond., 1890-91, xi, 221, 1 pl. - Ilcckmann (H.) Ein Fall von atypischen colobomatoseu Yeiandeiungen desAugengrun- des. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 72- 79. — Dor. Un cas de colobome maculaire des deux yeux chez un enfant microcepliale. Kev. gen. d'opbt., Par., 1888, vii, 312-314.—Dnjnrdin (A.) Coloboma maculaire. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1889, i, 145-151. — Diiiiii (J.) A case of binocular extrapapillary coloboma. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1890-7, i, 134-136. — Forlnnini (G.) Spaccatura della cornea e della scleroth a con proci- denza dell'hide, del corpo ciliare e delvitreo; escisione dell' hide; sutura: guarigione; iridcctoinia eonsecutiva. Boll, di ocul., Firenze. 1892, xiv. no. 8. 1. — Fonchard. Coloboma irido-choi oldien de l'ceil gauche et coloboma cho- roi'dien. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1897, i, 632.—i3iii»bcrjj. Ueberdieangeborenen Colobome des Ausapfels. Centralbl. f- prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1896. xx, 225: 262— l-oldzieher (W.) Coloboma circunipapiilare. Ibid.. 1893, xvii, 133- 135.—Ilirachberg(J.) Ein ungewohnlicher Fall von Co- Coloboma. lobonider Augenhiiute. Ibid., 1885, ix, 233-235.— Ittoll (A.) Zwei Fiille von Colohom. Ibid., 1896, xx, 331-333—itliiI- ler-K aim berg. Zur Casuistik der Opticus-Colobome. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1894, xxxii, 173-177.— Posey (\V. C.) The association of a partial coloboma of the macular region with a snpernumerai v tooth. Univ. M. Mag., l'hila.. 1894-5, vii, 78-81, 1 pl. — Van l>ny«e. Le colobome de l'teil et le kvste sereux congenital de l'orbite. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1881, 12. s., vi, 144-170. -----. Du co- lobome central ou maculaire. Aim. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1884, lxii, 11-32. -----. Un nouveau cas de "colobome" central on maculaire. Ibid., 1886, lxv. 280-291. -----. Con- tribution k l'etude des colobonies de l'ceil. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1896, xvi, 432-449.—Van I>ny«e Sc Rullen. Colo- bome double des paupieres, bride oeulo - palpebrale et anomalies iriennes du cote gauche: anomalie non d6crite du canal lacrymal et fente oblique incomplete de la face du nienie cote. Ibid.. 1897, xvii, 4-25. — Wiethe (T.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom Coloboma oculi. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 18S4, xxix, 365; 377.— Wood (D. J.) Coloboma of iris, choroid mid retina, and optic nerve, with (?) coloboma iu macular region. Tr. Ophth. Soc. LT. Kiugdom, Lond., 1891-2, xii, 1731 Colocasia (Toxicology of). Poisoning bv congivoy (Colocasia macrorhiza). Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., ^yduey, 1891-2, xi, 113. Colocynth. Fischer (J.) * Zur Wirkung der Coloquiu- then. 8 . Berlin, 18*9. Speidel (K. ) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Bitterstoffs von Citrullus eoldevnthis. [Er- langen.] 8. Stuttgart, [1894]. Cologuinte (La) (Cucumis colocynthis). Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1870-71, 5- 18. — Rolfe ( W. A. ) A case of colocynth poisoning. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892, exxvi, 494. Colocyiilliine. Johaxnsox (E.) *Forensisch-chemische Un- tersuclmnoen iiber das Colocynthin und Elate- rin. !S;. Dorpat, 1884. Ranm (II.) Ist Colocynthin ein Ahfiihrmittel fiir un- sere llausthiere > Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tbierh., Berl., 1894, xx. 10-22. Cologne. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of'), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), Hospitals (Military), Hospitals (Ophthal- mic, etc.), Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by local- ities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics (Vital), by localities. Bericht tier konigl. wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen vom 2. Mai 1877, betreffend: Abfiih- rnng der Excremente der Stadt Koln in den Kbein. Ver- handl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. zu Hannov , 1879, iii, 61-69.— Con I role der Lebensmittel in der Stadt Koln wahrend tier Jahre 1S79-81. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsnd- htspflg., Bonn, 1883, ii, 24-27.—Fraenkel (K.) Kliirnng tier Kanalwiisser tier Stadt Koln. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Miinchen, 1897, xx, 353-354. — [Kcclam.] Die Entwas- seriingsanlagen tier Stadt Koln. (iesuudheit, Frankf. a. ii., 1888, xiii, 321-323.—Sincero. La fognaturadiColonia. Ingegner. san. Torino. 1894, v, 121-123 —Stutzer (A.) Sc Kiinlilaiirh <().) Untersnehuugen iiber den Pakterien- gehnlt des Kheinwassers oberhalb nnd uuterhalb der Stadt Kiiln. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1894, xiii, 123: 165. Colojflie. Coiner stddtisches Biirger-Hospital. Jahres-Bericht iiber die chirurgische Thiitig- keit wahrend des Jahres l-7f>, von B. Barden- houer. 413, lxix pp., 1 1. 8°. Coin, J. Melling- hnus, l*76t. Cologne. Statistisches Bureau. Mittheilnngeu des statistischen Bureaus der Stadt Ktiln. 1. Hft. Inhalt: Die offene Armenpnege vvahrend der Jahre 1*84 und 188"). 56 pp. 4C. Kiiln, Du Mont-Schouberg. 18*7. Cologne ( h'i'oicrungs-Bezirk ). General-Be- richte iiber das oll'entliche Gesundheitswesen ties Regiernngs - Bozirks Ktiln. Von Regierungs- und Medizinalriitlic. 1.-8., 1880-94. 4 & sc. Koln, 1881-97. First to .seventh reports, bv Oskar Schwartz; eighth, by Dr. Meybofer. Fifth report for two'years: sixth to eighth for three years each. Eighth is 8°. COLOGNE. 762 COLOM13IEK. Cologne water. Kout ((i.) Traitement ties affectionslegeresdes voies respiratoires par les inspirations d'eau de Cologne. Mem. et compt, rend. Soe. d. sc. med.de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxm, pt. 2, 182-185. Colom (Jean-Baptiste). Snr le cholera-mor- bus. 22 pp. 4°. Montpellier, an VI [1798]. [P., v. 1437.] Colonib (Pierre) [1870- ]. * La fonction glycogenique du foie dans ses rapports avec les expertises in6dico-legales. 60 pp. 4°. Lyon, 189::, Xo. 876. Coloiiibaiii (Gioseppe). II tutto ristretto in poco b sia il tesoro aperto dove ogn' uno pud arrichirsi di virtu, salute e richezze, diviso in tre libri. Nel priino libro havera molto contento il lettore di vedere la buggia mascherata sir la piazza universal del moudo, che incoutrandosi nella verita, forina.no un virtuoso litigio e curi- oso coutrasto, degno d' esser letto; ma piu prot- fitevole a custodirlo nel cuore. Nel secondo si vedo 1' organizato microcosmo si dell' huomo, che della douua, cou tutto cio, ch' epilog'6 il grand artehce in quel picol inondo con la veduta del- 1' infante nell' utero materno, ed il modo della sua geuerazione. Nel terzo si vede una faragine di cose virtuose, che tocano quasi 1' universal di tutte quelle cose, ch' appartengpno a chi fa la professione di giovar a se stesso, ed ad altri con 1' arte medica, 5p. 1., 157 pp., 1 1., port. sm. 4°. Venezia, Milocco, 1724. Coloiiibara ([ Christoph ] Carl [ Georg Jo- hauu Baptist]) [1866- ]. * Ueber den ange- borenen muskularen Schiefhals. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., If91. Colombat (Marc), dit Colombat-de-I'I- svre [ 1717-18.31]. L'hysterotomie, ou l'ampn- tation du col de la matriee daus les affections cancdreuses, suivant un nouveau proceYle", avec la description de l'hyst6rotome et de plusieurs autres instruuiens nouveaux prcsentes a la Fa- culty de mddecine de Paris. 58 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, Mansutfils, 1828. [P., v. 1679.] -----. Du begaiement et de tons les autres vices de la parole, traite~s par de nouvelles niethodes, precede d'un rapport fait & l'Acadeniie de mdde- cine par MM. Itard, Marc, Esqnirol et Hervez de Chegoin, et suivi d'un grand uombre d'observa- tious authentiques. 2. e"d. viii, 258 pp., 2 pl. 8?. Paris, Man sui'fils, 1831. -----. Lettre justificative de J.-M. Colombat, de l'Isere, en reponse a nn article auonyme in- s6re dans la Gazette me'dicale de Paris, daus le nuni6ro du 3 juillet 18:50. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1831.] Bound with the preceding. -----. Tableau synoptique et statistique de toutes les especes de begaiement, et des moyens enratifs qui convieunent a chaque variety en particulier; suivi de l'articulation artificielle de toutes les lettres et de tous les sons qui arretent le plus souvent les begues. Ce tableau synop- tique doit etre joint au Traite" sur le begaiement euvoye' a I'Institut pour le concours pour le prix de Monthyon, annee 18:53. 32 pp. 4°. Paris chez l'auteur, 1833. -----. Traite des maladies et de l'hygiene des organes de la voix. 2. 6&. 400 pp., 2 pl. t>°. Paris, Mansut fils, 1*'38. The plates are wanting. -----. Me'moire sur l'origine psychologique et physiologique des sons article's, lu au Congres historique de 1838 et a la Societe' philotech- uique. 16 pp. 8. Paris, Labi, 1839. -----. Orthophonie, oder Physiologie uud Thera- pie des Stotterns und anderer Sprachgebrechen. Nach der zweiten Original-Ausg. und deren Er- gtinzungschrift bearbeitet vou H. E. Flies. *:, Colombat (Marc)—continued. pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Quedlinburg u. Leiozia G Basse, 1840. l J' ^ -----. Behandlung der Frauenkrankheibn. Mit Aiunerkungeu und Erliiuterungen deutsch bear- beitet nud bevorwortet von Siegmuml Franken- berg. xviii, 582 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Best, 1841. ' -----. The same. A treatise on the diseases and special hygiene of females. Transl. from the French, with additions, by Charles D. Meigs. 720 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea f Blanchard 1850. Colombe (Francois-Marie-Le'corche') [or Le- corche Colombe] [1789-1860]. *An in edncendo calculo apparatus lateralis cateris anteponendus? 18 pp. 4°. Parisiis, Feuquerau 1824. Concours. -----. *De ossium necrosi. 19 pp. 4°. Pa- risiis, C. Thuau, 1827. [P., v. 936.] Concours. -----. *Des avantages et des inconve'niens des differentes especes de sutures dans le traitement des affections chirurgicales. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Paris, Fain, 1835. Concours. Colombe (Gahriel) [1859- ]. * Etude sur la coca et les sels de cocaine. 63 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1885, No. 136. Colombe (Pierre-Jules) [1855- ]. *De l'aphasie. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 17. Colombel (Felix) [1860- ]. •tftnde expe- rimenta.lt.' et cliuique sur un nouveau pro- ce"d<5 d'anesth&sie mixte, atropine, morphine et chloroforme. 93 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1884, No. 220. [Colombi (R-)] Lo stabilimeuto idroterapeu- tico presso la villa Ciani sul Lago di Como, coll' aggiunta di una breve notizia delle di- verse malattie per le quali e indicata 1' idro- terapia. 7 pp. 8°. Milano, tipog. Guglielmini, 1856. [P., v. 1430.] Colombia. Bulletin of the Bureau of American Repub- lics. Washington, U. S. A. Colombia. Bulletin No. 33. January, 1892. 12°. [ Washington, 1892] Cnrrasqnilla Ii. (J. de D.) Datos para el estudio de la climatologia en Colombia. Rev. med., Bogota, 1886-8, xi, 929-984, 2 ch.—Posatla-Arango (A.) Essai etkno- graphique snr les aborigines de l'etat d'Antioquia, en Colombie. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1873-8, 2. s., i, 201-231, 2pl. Colombia. Minister to de Fomento. Boletin triinestral de la estadlstiea nacional de Co- lombia. 1893, No. 4. 92 pp. 8°. Bogold, Sam- per Math, 1893. Colombier [Jean] [1736-89]. Dissertatio nova de suffnsione seu cataracta; oculi ana- tome et mecanismo locnpletata. viii, 194 pp., 1 1. 16°. Amstelodami et Parisiis, P. F. Didot, 1765. -----. *An prius lactescat chylus, quam in omnes corporis humores abeat? Praeses Ludo- vieus Claudius Guilbert. 4 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1767.] -----. *Au nielancholicisperegriuatio? Prases Ludovieus Alexander Gervaise. 4 pp. 4°. [Pa- risiis, typ. Quillau, 1767.] -----. "*An ut in febribus interinittentibus, ita in plerisque morbis periodicis salubris kinse kinse usus? Praeses Cosma Augnstinus Lezu- rier. 7 pp. 4-. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau, 1768.] -----. *An pro multiplici cataracta} genere, multiplex evxeipntiict Prteses Franciscus Ludo- vieus Thomas d'Onglee. 8 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. Quillau,1768.] COLOMBIER. 763 COLON. Colombier [Jean]—continued. _____. Anatomia dell' occhio. In- Heistek (Launiiz). Trattato della cataratta [etc.]'. 43. Vene:ia. 178:!. 249-260. Ste. also, de Saint-Yves (Charles) [in 1. ti.utaio delle malattie degli occhj [etc.]. li ]. Nuovo Venezia, de la Colombiere (Re»ish x "De radice colomha. In: CABTHErsER t.T. F.) Diss. phys.-chym.-med. 12°. Francof. ad Yidr., 1774. 136-168. Blottiere (C.) Etude pharmacologique sur le Colombo (elixir toni-radical, au Colombo de Blottiere) et ses applications therapeutiques. 12-. Paris, 1872. van den Broecke (J. C.) * De usu radicis cohuubo. ?:. Lugd. Bat., 1822. [Pechey (G.)] Some observations made upon the Calumba wood, otherwise called Ca- hunbach, imported from the Indies; shewing its admirable virtues iu curing the gout, and easing all sorts of rhuinatical pains. "Written by a doctor of phy-i.-lc in the countrey to the president of the (-_'«>lieilge of Physicians in Lon- don, sm. 4-. London, lf>94. von Worerx-Wilde (A.) *Uutersnchuugen iiber die Wirksamkeit und Brauchbarkeit der Tinctura Colombo. >. Griefswahl. 1*91. Koccliiolu (E.) Ricerche chimicbe sulle radice di Colombo. Ann. di chim. e difarm.. Milano, ls90. 4. s., xii, 1.>8-1!K).—Mchulz (H.) Feber Wirkung und Brauchbar- keit tier Colombotinctur. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1892, vi, 62-66. Colombo (Angelo). Igiene dell' alinientazioue. 60 pp.. 11. 16-. Milano, G. Palma, 1-91. Colombo (Giuseppe). L' influenza. Confe- renza. 34 |.|i. 16". Milano, G. Civelli, 1890. See. also. Well* (Sir Thomas Spencer) [in 1. 9.1. _ An- notazioni intoinn ai casi di tumori [etc.]. 12°. Milano, l*v_\ ----- [in i. s. ]. Dei tumori ovarici [etc.J. 8°. Milano. 18s3. Colombo Medical School. See Ceylon Medi- cal College. Coloillbot (Pierre-Claude). Manuel d'higicne ct de medecine pratique des prisons, precede de la topographie de celles de Chaumont, depart- ment de la Haute-Marne. vi, 42 pp., 1 plan, 1 tab. 8:. Chaumont, Cousot ntveu. 1824. [P., v. 1643.] Coloiiier Codina (Gumersindo). Movimiento de hi poblacion de Barcelona en el veintenio de 1?61-1>80. Densidad por calles, casas y habi- taciones de la poblacion aveciudada en Barce- lona en 1-82. Se publica por acuerdo del exemo. Coloiiier Codina (Gumersindo)—continued. ayuutamieuto constitutional de la misma, de 13 de febrero de 18-3. ix, 11-37 pp., 59 tab. 8C. Barcelona, sucesoris de a. Bamirez y Ca., 1883. Colomesius (Paulus). See Vo»»inw (Isaac) [in 1. s.]. Observationum ad Pomp. Melani appendix, -i-. Londini, 1G8G. ColOllliatti (Vittorio Francesco) [1848-S!]. La tubercolosi nel nervo frenico sinistro. Stu- dio di istologia e fisiologia patologica. 22 pp., 11., lpl. ^ . Torino, V. Vercellino, 1875. Hepr.from: Gior. tl. r. Accatl. di med. di Torino, 1875, 3. s., xvii. ------. Sulla natura e struttura tlel lupo vol- gare. 36 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Milano, fratelli Be- chiedei, 1875. Repr. from: Anu. nuiv. tli med. e chir., Milano, 1875, cexxxiv. -------. Contribuzione alio studio delle articola- zioni. 19 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Torino, V. Vercellino, 1-Cti. Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Accad. tli metl. di Torino, 1876, xxxix. ------. La ditfusione del cancro lungo i nervi. 41 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8C. Torino, V. Vercellino, 1*76. Repr. from: Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1876, xxxix. ------. Frammenti di embriologia patologica. 39 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Torino, Celanza e Comp., 1880. Repr. from: Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1880 3. s.. xxvii. ------. Contribuzione alio studio dei tumori del- 1'utero. 23 pp., lpl. 8C. Torino. V. Bona, 1--1. Repr. from: Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1881-2, v. ------. Trattato di anatomia patologica della pelle. Opera postuma. viii, 190 pp. *°. To- rino, V. Bona, 1,^84. For Biography, see Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1883, iv, 127- 129 (C. E.). AUo: Osservatore, Torino, 1883, xix, 561-576. Colon. See, also, Caecum. Haller (A.) [Pr.] de valvula coli ohserva- tiones uberioros prseinittit. [Cum vita Henrici Godofredi Liechten.] 4°. Gottingw, [1742]. Jonxesco (T.) * Le colon pelvieu pendant la vie intra-uttirhie. 4-. Paris, 1892. Liebkrkuhx (J. X.) * De valvula coli et usu processus venuicularis. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 17-19. Also, inhis: Diss. quat. 4°. Londini, 1872, 1-15. Maurras (F.-J.-E.) *Le colon terminal et la fossette intersigmoide chez l'enfant. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1895. Miohell (J.) *De intestinis crassis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1759. Xitsche ( F. H. ) *De valvula coli. 4 . Lipsia: [1843]. vox Samson (C.) *Zur Kenntniss der Fle- xnra sigmoidea coli (S romanum). 8°. Dorpat, 1890. Atlolphns (C. M.) Dissertatio medica de colo, iutes- tino multoruni morborum nido eoque proximo prieserva- tionis curat ionistiui' siib.iecto. Inhis: Trias diss, med., 43 Lips., 1728. 9:i-12U. — (.'hnuvenn. Sur le moment de ro'cclusion el dc l'oiiverture des valvules sygmoldes. Atti d. xi Con";, med. internaz., Koma, 1894, ii, Fisiol., 9— Cook (G J ) Absorption of water bv the colon aud its therapeu- tic'us'es. Weekly M. he v.. St. Louis, 1888, xviii, 458-460.— Kr.'iiiM- (\V.) 'I'elier l.vmphgefiisse im Colon der Katze Xl-eln. t. rat. Med.. I.eip/.! u.Heidelb., 1803, 3. R., xviii, 161- 164 1 iii. — I'al/.ell i V.) Ueber die Ktitwicklung der Dickdarinsebleinibaui. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch Math. - naturw. Cl.. Wien, 1882. 3. Abth., lxxxvi, 145-172. 3 pl. Also, Keprint—Kobiiiaon (B.) Tbe transverse colon and its nieso colon in 140 autopsies. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1895, xxxii, 348-351. ------. Tho as- eendiii" colon iu one hundred antl thirty autopsies. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1896, iii, 52-68 ------. The sigmoid flexure antl its raeso -sigmoid. Ibid., 239; 3(10 -Ro"ic. fitude snr la fossette intersigmoide. Bull. Soc anat:clin. tie Lille, 1891. vi, 259-288. Also: J. tl. se. m6d. tie Lille, 1891, i, 409; 440; 4S1 ; 505; 582.-Voit. TJeber tlie Aufsaugung eiweissartiger Substanzen lmDick- darm. Sitzungsb. tl. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Mun- chen, 1868, ii, 501-508- COLON. 764 COLON. Colon {Abnormities of). Mkxde (P.) * Ein entwichclungsgeschicht- lich interessanter Tall von friihzeitiger Verwach- sung der Mesocola mit dem parietaleu Bauch- felle bei gleichzeitigem abnoruieu Verhalten des Netzes und der Leber. 8°. Breslau, 1*87. Toldt (C.) Bau uud Wachsthumsverande- runo-en der Gckrose des meuschlicheu Darnika- nales. 4°. Wien, 1879. Repr from: Deukschr. d.math.-naturw. Cl. tl. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., xii. AUo [Rev.], in: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1880, xviii, 81. Allen (P. W.) Malformation of the colon ; importance of post-mortem examinations. N. YorkM. Rev.. 1873, n.s., i, 220-222.—Anderson(W.) An undescribed variation in the course of the iliac portion of tbe sigmoid colon. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit, &. Ireland, Loud., 1897-8, xxxii. pp. ix-xii.— BorisoflT (A. V.) Sluchai iienormalnavo polozheniya po- perecbuol chasti obolocbnoi kishki. [Abnormal position of transverse colon.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1893, xl, 251-253.— Daimon (B. F.) Congenital imperforate colon. Am. J. Ohst., X. Y., 1872, v, 473.— Bayabhai (X.) Curious dis- placement of tho descending colon. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1893, iv, 286.—Feim( C. M.) Errors of diagnosis due to vagaries of the colon. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1894, 47-5L Also: Gaillard's M. J., N. T., 1895, lx, 377-381.— I'lciiimiiiii (Mrs.) Malposition of the colon. Proc. Anat. Soc. (Jr. Brit, Sc Ireland, Lond., 1890-7, pp. xxxii- xxxiv.—Fiittercr (G.) & lTIiddeldorpf (G.) Ein Fall vou grossem congenitalem Divertikel der Flex lira sigmoi- des. Arch. f. path. Anat, [etc.], Berl., 1886, cvi, 555-507, 1 pl—Hamilton. Multiple diverticula of the sigmoid flexure. 1'rnc X. York Path. Soc. (I8s8). 1889, 57. Also: Med. Kec, X'. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 721.—Holt (L. E.) Elonga- tion of the sigmoid flexure; recurring tympanites. N. YorkM. J., 1880, xliii, 225— Ilnltkrantz (J. W.) Fall af ventrikeidilatation och ileus beroende pa abnormt lage af colon trausversiini. [Dilatation of the stomach and ileus caused by abnormal position of transverse colon.] Forh. v. Svens. Lak. -Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm (1893), 1894, 22(1-22,"). — Ianardi (L.) Sopra un caso di cbinsura in- testinale dovuta ad una trasposizionedel colon ascendeute. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 577- 586.—Liockwood (0. B.) On abnormalities of the csecuiu aud colon with reference to development. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 574-577. AUo, Reprint -----. Abnor- mality of the colon a cause of unsuccessful colotomy. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1883, xix, 255-263. Also, inhis: On abnormality of the Cfficum and colon, Ediub., 8°, 1884, 17-27. -----. Abnormalitv of the colon. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1885-6. xxxvii, 250. * Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 779.— .Mauley (T. H.) The anatomical position of the caput coli; deviations from the normal tvpe. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1890-91, xxx. 577-582.—Melsome (W. S.) Vari- ation of the sigmoid flexure of the colon. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. Finland. I......1., 1893, p. xxx — TIiukUII (D. E.) Two cases in which sigmoid tlexuie occupied right iliac fossa. Dominion M. Mouth.. Toronto, 1895, v, 39.—Smith (F. P.) Case of congenital malformation of ihe large in- testines. Tr. M. Soc. King's Coll.. Lond., 1856-7. i. 216- 218.—Walley (T.) Malpositions of the colon and ccecum. J. Comp.M. Sc S., X'. Y. Sc Phila., 1888. ix, 113-120.—Wal- ther (C> Anomalie du gros intestin : developpement exa- g£re de la derniere portion de l'S iliaque. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 256-258.—Voting (11. B.) An abnor- mal disposition of tbe colon. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond. 1884-5, xix, 98-108. Colon (Cancer of). See, also, Bladder (Cancer of). Holtmanx (G.) * Multiple Polypeu des Colon mit Uallertkrebs. 8C. Kiel, 1-D6. Laxgerhaxs (R.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss ties primaren Coloncarciuoms. 8C. Berlin [181-3]. Roijekt (J.-M.) * Contribution a l'dtude du cancer de l'S iliaque. 4W. Paris, 1880. Ailam a Jiuqucn. Epithelioma du colon. Med mod.. Par., 1894. v, 115. — Angelesco. Retrecisseinent annulaire de 1 extremite inferieure du colon descendant (l'origine eaneereuse simulant nn retrecissement cicatri- ciel; os d'oiseau trouve au niveau du retrecissement Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii. 241. — AucMct (E. j Carciuome latent de l'S iliaque, meconnu pendant la vie Bull. med. du uord, Lille, 1890, xxxv. ln3-llo.—Barbatis (P.) Sur uu cas de cancer de l'angle .splenitpie du colon Indepeud. med., Par.. 1897, iii, 1-3. —Barling (G.) Ex- cision of carcinoma of the sigmoid flexure. Birmingh M Rev., 1898, xliii, 129-135.—Bernrd. Tumeur maligne du colon ascendant; anus contre nature il6o-coecal; suivie pendant cinq ans. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc med de Lyou (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt.2, 118—Bernard) (E. P.) Specimens from a case of obstinate constipation of eighty- Colon (Cancer of). seven days, caused by a cancerous stricture of the de Bcending colon. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1879-81), 1882 x 8(1-82.— Iltiiic A Bellier. Carcinome de IS iliaque' abces de la jiaioi abdominale; mort par peritoiiite. hull Soc. auat. de I'ar.. 1881. lvi. 470-472. Also: Progres mfol ' Par., issi;, x, 148— Boilmci. Beobaehtuug einer Tvni' panitis, von einer scirrhd-eii Veihartung des (irii'nni- darms. Museum d. Heilk.. Ziirich. 1792, i, 228-242 — Boiiley (K.) & -Vlart-iguey. Retrecissement tie l'S iliaque par un epitheliome k cellules cylindriques; anus artitieiel; mort par peritoiiite purulente; hyptrliophie considerable de la tunique inusculeuse de l'intestin Bull Soe. anat. de Par., 1881. 1, 85-91. Also: Progres med Par., 1881, ix, 582.—Bntrnillc (T.) & Bubrt nil (W.'j Epithelioma do la partie inferieure de l'S iliaque ayant donue lieu a quelques signes cliniques dune tumeur peri. uterine. Bull. Soc anat. do Par.. 1883, lviii, 8G-90. AUo: Progres med.. Par.. 1883, xi, 453. Also: Arch, de tocol. Par., 1883, x, 551 - 554. — dancer of the colon. Kep. Su- perv. Snrg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1883, 204.— Cancer of the colon; analytical summary of ten cases for the seven years 1882-88. Middlesex Hosp. Kep. 18e8, Lond. 1889,197-200.—Carcinom des ('olon descendens; 2 Falle! Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1891), 1892J 70. — Carcinom des Colon ascendens ; 1 Fall. Ibid' (1893), 1894, 60. — Ciechomski (A.) Pr/.ypadek raka pierwotuego poprzecznicy. [Primary cancer of trans- verse colon.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. a., xiii, 414; 447.—Courteen (R.) A case of gaseous 'distension of the abdomen produced hy malignant disease of the sig- moid flexure. Westminst. Hosp. Kep., Loud.. 1886, ii, 204- 208.—Crawford (A. C.) Scirrhous polypus of the de- scending colon. Hahneiuan. Month., Phila., 1897, xxxii, 337-343.—Ballon (X.) Case of chronic lateral invagina- tion of the colon, following on a malignant growth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i. 543. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 543.—Dickinson (W. H.) Cancer of the sigmoid flex- ure attended with a gaseous abdominal tumour. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 101-103. AUo [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1882, i, 735.—Dyson. Cancer of colon. Brit, M J., Lond., 1884, ii, 966. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 1005. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884. n.s., xxxviii,457.— Epithelioma of sygmoid flexure. [ Case. | North Loud, or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Kep. 1880, Lond., 1887, 56.— Eacher. Carcinoma della flessura sigmoidea. Resoc. san. d. Sped. civ. di Trieste (1889), 1890, xvii, 82-84.— Feuger (C.) Double carcinoma of the colon. Ohst. Gaz, Cincin., 1888, xi, 515. — Fiiilayson (J.) Micro- scopical sections of very minute pyieinic abscesses in tbe liver from a caso of carcinomatous ulceration of tlie colon. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc. (1880-91), 1892, iii. 145.- Frasei' (D.) Specimen of malignant stricture of trans- verse colon (middle portion). Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1893-5, v, 134.—4»arraril (A.) A case of carci- noma of the colon occurring in a child. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1890-7, v, 234-237.—Haslam. Malignant dis- ease of descending colon, with impaction of foreign body. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1154. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1061. —Haydcn (T.) Scirrho-contracted colon. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1808-71, n. s., iv, 59-61.—Bill (B. ) Epithelioma of the sigmoid flexure; suppura- tion aud perforation of abdominal wall; autopsy. Metl. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 796. — Hulke (J. W.) A case of cancer of the'aseeuding colon in which the super- vention of blockage of the sigmoid flexure masked for a time the presence of the original disorder. Clin, sketches, Lond., 1895, i, 67-70. — IInine. [Cancerous tumour of the bowel, iuvolving the sigmoid flexure of the colon.] Rep. Proc. Xorthuinb. Sc Durham M. Soc. Xewcastle-upon- Tyne, 1882-3, 26. — JoIi.iiiim **« n (A.) Keeidiverende caucer S romani; dobbeltsidig ovarial tumor; fibromata uteri. [Cancer reeidivant de IS du colon; tumeur oyari- eime hilat6rale ; fibromes de l'uterus. C.-r., no. 23.] Xord. nied. Ark., Stockholm, 1885, xvii, no. 20,1-7.—Kiemaim. Peritonitis diffusa; Carcinoma gelatiniforme coli asceu- dentis cum stenosi coli, dilatatione cteci et ilei; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst Kudolph-Stiftung in Wieu (1880), 1881, 311-313. -----. Carcinoma medullare flexurae sigmoideie; Tod. Ibid. (1882). 1883, 384.-----Carci- noma flexursB sigmoidea- sequeute peritouitide; Tod. Ibid. (1883), 1884, 280. — Kolatzek. Ein Adenoma car- eiuomatosum der Flexura iliaca. Chir. Klin, zu Bresl., Berl., 1875. 69-72. — Lauuay. Cancer du colon iliaque. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 347-349. — L,un«l (F. B.) Cancer of tlie sigmoid flexure; perforation of the can- cerous ulcer; autopsy. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 211. — Macaigno. Obstruction intestinale par epithe- lioma de la partie moyenne tlu colon descendant; guci isnn de l'obstruction : mort avec phenomenes d'epilepsi*- jnek- sonienne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 53.—.11 «•>"•• (W. F.) Malignant disease of intestine at sigmoid flex- ure; diagnosis bv physical examination impossible; post mortem. West Lancet, Sau Fran., Is8"-81, ix, 145-148.— IVIngram (S.) Carcinoma aciuosum colloides flexura coli sinistra'. Objazat. pat.-anat. izslied. stud.-med. imp. Charkov. Univ.. 1895, C0-70.—Mathews (J. M.) Malig- nant tumor of the sigmoid flexure. Am. Pract &. News, COLOH. 765 COLON. Colon (Cancer of). Louisville. 1893, xvi, 339-343. — .Michael. Epithelioma of colon. Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1881-2, viii, 349.— Moore (X.) New growth iu liver, secondary to carcinoma of descending colon. Brit. M. J., Lond.. ]S90. ii, 957. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1890, ii, 870. — Morri» ill.) Malignant disease of the colon simulating movable kidney. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1047.—Zinsser (J. H.) & Morton (T. S. K.) Case of carcinoma of descending colon : excision and anastomosis; recovery. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1895-6, viii, 758-702, 1 pl. AUo, Keprint. — ©*Icr. Cancer of ascending colon; extensive secondary growths in liver. Canada M. & S. J.. Montreal, 1882-3,'xi. 28. — Pieqnc. Cancer collo'i'de de l'S iliaque. Bull. Soc. anat. tie I'ar., 1883, lvii, 513.—Powell (W. W.) Carcinoma of the sig- moid flexure in a young woman. Westminst. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1890, vi, 94.— Pyc-Kiiiiilh (P. H.) Mucous casts of the large intestine, passed dining several months, in a case of cancer of the colon, with great hypertrophy of the bowel above the seat of stricture. Tr. Path. Soc Loud., 1895-0. xlvii. 52.— KccIiim (P.) Cancers de l'S iliaque et de l'extremite superieure du rectum. Semaine med.. Par., 1887. vii, 201. Also, in his: Clin. chir. tie 1'IitVtel-Ilicit, 8° Par., 1888, 303-315.—del Kio (R.) Cancer del colon. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant de Chile. 1882-3, xi, 258-261.— Ritchie (J.) Carcinoma of the splenic flexure of colon. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb.. 1894-5. n. s., xiv. 5U-5ti. AUo: Ediub. M. J., 1894-5, xl. 778-783.—Roncngliolo. Carci- noma localizzato alia S iliaca del colon ; stenosi intestinale eonsecutiva: meteorisino : colite difteriea ulcerosa; peri- tonite essudativa generale diffusa. Cron. tl. clin. med. di Genova. 1893-5, 279-282. — Sandbcrg K 1.) Fall af ring- forinig kriifta i S romanum med koprostas och dddlig utg&ng. [Ring-like cancer of sigmoid flexure terminating in death.] Hygiea, Stockholm.1888. 1. 289-284. — Wilcock (A. Q.) Epithelioma of ascending colon; entero-colitis; congenital duodenal septum, with internal diverticulum, i Tr. Path. Soc Loud., 1884-5, xxxvi, 2o7. — Sheer (J. D.) Report of case of malignant stricture of the descending colon. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1884, xlviii, 408.—Mtrrfm (H.) Et Tilfaelde af Tumor carcinomatosis flexurae sig- rooideae metl Invagination og Prolaps. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania. 1885, xv. 71-82. — Million (J. B.) Cancer of the colon and its treatment. Clin. J., Lond., 1894, iv, 255-258. _ Tiffany £ Moinwetz. Specimen of cancer of sigmoid flexure of colon. Maryland M. J., Bait. 1.-83-4, x,' 717. — Trclat. Cancer de l'S iliaque. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., l*-4. lvii. 537. — Vernenil (H.) Tumeur eaneereuse de IS iliaque. Clinique, Brux., ■ 1895. ix, 801-805. -----. Cancer de l'S iliaque. Ann.Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1896-7, iv, 193-190. — Wallis |C.) Metastaseraf maligna tunidrer till tarmarne. • In colon.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884. xlvi, 542-545. — Warfviiiifc (F. W.) Fall af cancer i flexnra sigmoidea. Fiiih. Svens. Lak.-Siillsk. Sainiuank.. Stockholm, 1885. 235-218.—Wer- ner. Kleines ringformiges Carcinom in der Flexura sig- moidea; Durchbruch durch die Fascia pelvis mit Bildung einer Kothfistel: grosser hiimorrliagiselur Infarct in der rechten. kleinerer in der linken Lunge. Ztschr. f. Wuud- arzte u. Geburtsh.. Ib-gnach, l-s7, xxxviii. 23-33.— Zielewicz (J.) Ein Fall von Carcinoma medullare ties Colon transversn.nl. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1888-9, xxxviii, 322. Colon (Cancer of Treatment of Opera- tire). Koehler (G.) '" Darmreseetion bei Carcinom des Dickdarms. 8Z. Breslau, [1-81]. AUo [Rev.], in: Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii. 58. Schelle (G. [A]) * Ueber Anns artificialis bei Carcinoma coli descendentis. ~3. Berlin, [l-'J], Abbe (R.) Carcinoma of colon; lateral button anas- tomosis; recovery: later resection with end-to-end but- ton anastomosis; death. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 71. -----. Resection of caput coli and ascending colon for cancer; ileocolic anastomosis by Murphy's button; death. Ibid., 72.—Allingham (H ) Cancer of colon removed in colotomv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893. i, 583.— Bloch (0.) Extraabdominal Resektion af hele Colon descendens og et Stykke af Colon transversuni for Can- cer. [Case of extra-abdominal excision of entire colon descendens and of parts of transverse colon for cancel] Hosp.-Tid.. Kjobenli.. 1894, 4. It., ii, 1053-1001.—Carci- noma coli descend.; Ileus; Laparatomie; Anus praeter- naturalis; Exitus lethalis. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greiswald (1888-9), 1890. 49. —Chevalier (E.) Cancer du colou ascendant; obstruction intestinale com- plete par un corps Stranger de l'intestin; ent6rotomie; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat de Par., 1887, lxii, 831-834.— Cleghorn. Surgical hi torv of the illness of the late Premier. [Obstruction of intestines; laparotomy : death ; malignant stricture of colon.1 XT. Zealand M. J., Dun- edin, 1893, vi, 199-203.—Cowell. Exploratory laparotomy Colon (Cancer of, Treatment of, Opera- tire). for malignant stricture of sigmoid flexure. "Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1895, ix, 78.—Demon*. Sur le traite- ment radical du cancer du colon. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. de chir. tie Par , 1894, n. s., xx, 649-654. —Eder (A.) Carci- noma des Colon ascendens [Billroth, operator |. Inhis: Aerztl. Ber. 1884. 8°, Wien, 1885, 41-45. — Fencer < C.) Double carcinoma of the colon. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1888, xi, 606.— Forster (J. C.) A case of colloid cancer of the colon; attempted colotomy; constipation eighty- eight days. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Loud., 1867, v, 319. — Frank* (IS..) Colectomy, or resection of the large intestine for malignant disease. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889, lxxii, 211 -232. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, 3. s., i, 73-79. AUo [Abstr.]; Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 473. AUo [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond., 1889, i, 426.—<»ro.«N (F. 11.) A case of scirrhus of the colon ; laparotomy. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 161- 163. — lln»lam ( W. F. ) Colotomy for chronic obstruc- tion; malignant growth in descending colon ; impaction of foreign body and ulceration of the intestines. Tr. M. Soc Lond., 1890, xiii, 86-89. —Hamilton (G. G.) Car- cinomatous stricture of transverse mesocolon ; successful end-to-end approximation by Murphy's one-and a-half inch button. Brit M. J., Lond., 1895, i* 411.—Hodsdon (J. W. B.) Notes of a case of successful excision of tho sigmoid flexure of the colou for carcinoma. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 510-520— llofmokl (J.) Darmreseetion wegen Adenocarcinoiu des Colon ascendens. Anz.d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1888, 57. -----. Ileus e carcinomate flexune sigmoidea?; Laparotomie mit Aulegung eines Anus praeternaturalis; Besseruug. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1890, iii, 867. — llomaiis ( J. ) Malignant stenosis of sig- moid flexure of colon, "with enormous collection of fruit- stones above stricture; relieved by colotomy. Anu. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 072-674. —Keen (W. W.) Case of cancer of the hepatic flexure of the colou producing intestinal obstruction; temporary relief by an artificial anus; later re-establishment of the continuity of the bowel by ileo-colostomy bv means of Murphy's button. Ann. Siirg., Phila, 1893, xvii, 052-006, 2 pl. AUo, Re- print.— Lange ( F.) Cancer of the sigmoid flexure; excision with colostomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 61-63. — I.ilicnlhal ( H. ) Carcinoma of transverse colon; excision: end-to-end anastomosis villi Murphy's button. Metl. Rec, N. T., 1894, xlvi, 763. -----. Resec- tion of colon for carcinoma without recurrence. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 001. — Littlcwood ( H.) A successful case of ileo-sigmoidostoiny (Semi's method) for intestinal obstruction due to malignant disease of the hepatic flexure of the colon; with some lemarks on intes- tinal anastomosis and a description of a modification of Semi's bone plates. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 804-866.-----. A case of malignant disease of the ascending colon pro- ducing intestinal obstruction; typhlotomy and subse- quent colectomy; bowel sutured by Halsted's method. Ibid., 1894, ii, 853. — Lowson (I).) Resection of the caecum, greater part of ascending colon aud Ave inches of ileum for malignant disease of ascending colon. Ibid., 1893, i. 649.—Mange* ( M. ) & I,ilicntlinl (H.) A stenosing carcinoma of the transverse colon; excision; Murphy-button anastomosis (end to end). N. York M. J., 1894. lx, 203-265. AUo, Reprint. — Mnw*er (J. H. ) Sc Morton (T. S. K.) Case of carcinoma of descending colon; excision and anastomosis; recovers. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 758-762, 1 pl. —Owen (E.) Obscure renal symptoms; cancer of ascending colon; resection; death; remarks. Lancet, Loud , 1895, i, 1054.— Penrose (C. B.) Report of a case of intestinal ob- struction from epithelioma of the descending colon; resec- tion of intestine; subsequent closure of artificial anus. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 671.—Pilchcr (L. S.) Use of potato bobbin to facilitate eriterorrhaphy; carcinoma of the splenic flexure of the colon. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxv, 485.— Price (A. D.) Left inguinal colotomy for cancer of the sigmoid flexure. Am. Pract Sc News, Louisville, 1896, xxi, 53.—Ricilcl (B.) Zur operativen Behandlung der Dirkdarincureiiuuuo. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, xii. 252; 274. —Rose ( W.) Eu- tereetoiny for carcinoma of the transverse colon by Maun- sell's method. Practitioner, Lond., 1895, lv, 130-135.— RoMenlhnl (J.) Rak okreiiiicy w.ste.pu.jaeej (carci- noma cob ascendentis); laparotomia; wyciecie kiszki (resectio); wyzdrowienie. [...recovery.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1892, xx, 721-723. — Sorgc (G.) Carcinoma della flessura sigmoide: resezione. Riforma metl., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt 2, 15; 27.—Stone (I. S.) Abdominal section ; exploratory. Gaillard's M. J., N. T., 1889, xlix, 439. Colon (Dilatation arid displacement of). Itcrti (G.) Contributo alia casuistica della dilaiazione congenita tlel colon. Pediatria, Firenze, 1895, iii, 136;' 101, 1 pl.—Cheadle (W. B.) Idiopathic dilatation of the colou. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 399.—Oencriiich (G.) A vastagbel velesziiletett tagulaaa ea tulteng6se. [Congeni- COLON. 766 COLON. Co 9 on (Diseases of). idiopathic dilatation of the sigmoid flexure St. Bart 1. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1895 xxxi, 57-02.Also [Abstr-]: Lan- cet Lond.. 1894. ii, 1281. AUo [Abstr.] : Bn M J. Lond., 1-!I4. ii, ]240.-BIirNch«prinig. Stubltraglieit Neug.borener in Folge von Dilution uml Hypertroph.e des Colons. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz Wt n. F., xxvi. l_7_II„w.len (R.) Case of marked distension ot the transverse and descending parts of the colon. J- Anat. Sc Phvsiol.. Lond., 1897-8, xxxii, O.-.o.-Jewell (J. S.) On overfilling and dilatation of the colon, an. some ot their local and remote effects, with particular reterence to some of their relations to disorder of the nervous system. Neurol. Kev., Chicago, 1886, i, 218-226.-K.ei.ncdr (H.) On some forms of dilatation of the colon, specially m ref- erence to the diagnosis of the affection. -Med. I ress Sc Circ. Lond.. 1883, n. ».. xxxvi, 14!i-l.VJ;-I.c*piiias*e (H -E.) Distension de l'S iliaque. Bull. Soc. tl anat. er nhvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1888, ix, 346-3ol. Also: J. de mefl. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii. 427-429.-Mo.icy (A.) -(, xlviii, 96.—Anderson (E.) Colitis in infancy ami child- hood. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv 610—Atkin- son (E.) An account of the last illness, death, ami post- mortem examination of William Hey. Quart M. J., Sheffield, 1890-7, v, 17-24— Bannaly ne (G. A.) I«e relationship between ulcerative colitis and granular km- nev disease. Edinb. M. J.. 1894 - 5, xl. 137 - 142. - Har- bicrc. Colite ulcerciise chronique; abces tlu ioie. Mill. Soc d'anat et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 188.,. vi, ■«>-■"•-; Rerryman ( W. E.) Case of perforation ot colon by dysenteric ulcer, followed by abdominal abscess ami^ab- scess of liver. Army M. Dep. Kep. 1888. Lond., 1890, xxx, 379-382.-Rlondcl (R.) De la colite niuco-inenibraneuse envisage dans ses rapports avec les affections gynecoio- giques; son traitement. Rev. de therap. ni6d.-clur.. Par., 1897, lxiv, 717-731.-Bonardi (K. ) . < olite ulceratva .....lo~a sinto- —Brad- setticemia da b. coli commune; anemia_ perniici matica. Morgagni, Milano, 1895, xxxvn, 37 COLON. COLON. Colon (Inflammation and ulceration of). ford (T. H.l* Mucous colitis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 188S. 3. s., x, 295-297. — Brnnon. De la colite muco. uiembraneiise. Normandie nied.. Uoucn. 1889, iv, 267- 272.—tale? III. A.) Case of simple ulcerative colitis, Med. Press Jt Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lv, 355. — Camp- bell (A.J.) Remarks ou colitis iu the adult. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 400.—Carpenter (J. Ox.) Ulceration of the sigmoid flexure: inversion of the trunk, electric and reflected light in diagnosis and treatment Am. Pract. &. News, Louisville. 18s(i. n. s., ii. 130-134.—Carter (11. V.) Croupous enteritis and colitis; autopsy. Tr. M. \ Phys. Soe. Bombay (1880), 1887, n. s., ix. 28-34, ] diag.—Chapin (H D) A case of pseudo-nienibianous colitis. Arch. Pediat, Jersey City, 1884, i, 447-449— Coat* (1.) Exten- sive ulceration and brittleuess of colou. following au over- dose of purgative medicine. Tr. Glasg. Path, vt Cliu. Soc. (1880-911, 1892, iii, 135. AUo: Glasgow M. J., 1888, xxx 485.—Coleman (F. J.) On simple ulcerative coli- tis.' Guy's Hosp. C.az., Lond., 1893, n. »., vii, 304-369.— Delatield (F.) The inflammations of the colon. Tr. Ass Am. Physicians, Phila., 1897, xii, 48-00. AUo: Am. J. M"Se., Phila., 1897, cxiv, 401-416. ——. Catarrhal colitis. Tri-State M. J. & Pract, St. Louis, 1898. v. 4— Discus- sion sur l'appendicite et la colite muco-iiienibraneuse. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1897, 3. s., xxxvii, 542-551.— Dyson (AV.) On some cases of ulcerative colitis. Med. Press ct Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liii, 152.—Earle (S. T.) A case of ulceration and subsequent perforation of the sig- moid flexure of the colon. Maryland M. J . Bait., 1885. xiii, 243.—Fotheri.ighain (J. T.j Mucous colitis. Canad. Pract,Toronto, 1893.xviii.497-500.—Foxwell (A.) Coli- tis. Birmingh.M.Rev., 1898, xliii. 15-33.—French (J. M.) The colitis of infants. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1>91. xvi, 84-86. AUo, Reprint—Galliard (L.) Erytheme iufec- tieux compliquant line colite mm -ino niembraneuse aigue; guerison. Bull, et m6m. Soc. nod. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s. xiv, 350-356. -----. Un cas de sigmoidite aigue. Ibid., 11-13. Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1897, lxx, 62.— Golding-Bird (C. H. ) Colitis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz.. Lond., 1898, xii, 85-90. — Goodhart (J. F.) A ease of ulceration with hypertrophy and dilatation of the colon; perforation and peritonitis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1880-81. xiv, 84-89. — Creanelle (W.J.) Report of two cases of colitis of curious origin. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1898, liii, 312.—Orocco. Colite e pericolite. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1890, ii, 154-158.—Henry (X. H.) Diph- theritic colitis occurring in the puerperal state. Med. Bee. X. T., 1884, xxv, 650.—Hiltebrandt (V. A.) Co- litis ulcerosa purnlenta. Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1896, 26-34. — Holt (L. E.) Bioncho-pneu- monia and pulmonary abscess complicating ulcerative colitis. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1888). 1889. H4-96.— Horaiid. Colite polvpeuse. Lyon med., 1897. lxxxvi, 400__Johnston (AY. W.) Case of chronic colitis; ulcer- ation; hepatic abscess; perforation of the colon; peri- tonitis: death. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1882-3, ix, 562.- de Jonte (M. G.) Colitis intensa; terminacion por la muerte; necroscopia. Eco de la med., Madrid, 1848-9, i, 500-502.— I,nine. Ileum ami colon from a case of acute infections colitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1893-5), 1890, xvii, 24. — Liazarus-Barlow (AV. S.) Case of ulcerative colitis. Tr.Path. Soc. Loud.. 1891-2, xliii, 72. — Lowen- stein. Ein Fall von Colitis membranacea. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 32. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1888-9, viii, 170-172.— Fiydslon (G. F.) A series oi interesting cases of inflammation about the caput coli. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 561-565. AUo [Abstr.]: AVest M. Reporter, Chicago, 1893, xv, 1; 145— Mae kern (G.) On a severe form of ulcerative colitis occurring m young children in the Argentine. Lancet, Lond., 1895. i, 1124- 1426.— McMurtry (L. S.) Inflammation in and about the head of the colon. Tr. South. Surg. Sc Gynec. Ass. 1890, Phila., 1891, iii, 85-109. AUo: Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1891, Iii, 17-25. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii. 32- 38. —Marsh ( H.) Acute localised inflammation of the ascending colon apparently following injury : laparotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 414. — Mathieu (A.) Traitement de la colite muco-membraueuse. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Soc. de therap.....Par., 1897, ii, 305-381.— Maxwell (W. S.) A case of pericolitis from perforation of the descending colon. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait, 1885, 247.—Mayor (A.) Un cas de sigmoidite. Rev. m6d. dela Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1897, xvii. 659-602.— Mendelson (W.) Mucous colitis, a functional neuro- sis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, li, 145-149. —Merigot dc Treigny. Dela colite chronique seche. Kev. geu.de clin. etde therap., Par., 1890, iv. 273-275— ."Vorthrup (AV. P.) Tubercular ulcer of colon; general tuberculosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 557.— Oliver (J.) Acute perfo- rating ulcer of the ascending ((don. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 424. -----. Simple perforating ulcer of sigmoid pro- ducing a unique pelvic swelling, and coexisting with al- veolar cancer of the body of the uterus. Ibid, 1891, ii, 121'. — Ormerod (J. A.) Ulcerative colitis with exten- sive perforation. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 109, 11., 1 pl. — Osier (AV.) Colitis; gangrenous infarct of lung ; Colon (Inflammation and ulceration of). pneumothorax. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 169.—Pal (J.) Primare subuiucose circumscripte Colitis. AVien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 413-417. — Palmer (H.) Mucous colitis. Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1897, viii, 385-389.—Porter (W. T.) Acute colitis; perforation of bowel; peritonitis: autopsy. St. Louis M & S. J., 1887, Iii, 80-82. — Prickett (M.) Ulcerative colitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 794.—Richardson (M. II.) A case of ulcerative perforation of the transverse colon; lapa- rotomy twelve hours later; death on the seventh day from septic peritonitis caused bv ftecal extravasation. Boston M. ^ S. J., 1888, cxix, 432-434.—Robinson (IL B.) Ul- cerative colitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond , 1890-91, xiii, 115.— Kosborg (C. F.) Colitis ulcorativa c. perityphlitide gan- grasnosa, peritonitidodiffusaet nieteorismo ; ddd. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1880. xlviii, G26-028. — Rntlini (A.) Di uu caso assai rare di colite iperplastica diffusa a tutto e tre le porzioni del colon. Bull. d. sc. nod. di Bologna. 1892, 7. s., iii, 147-156.—Savory Sc Parker (C. A.) Ulceration of the colon. St. Barth. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1887, xxiii, 213.— Nellew ( F. S. ) Croupous colitis. Proc. N.York Path. Soc. (1889). 1890, 6. AUo: Med. Kec, N. Y., 18s9, xxxv, 444.—Sharkcv (S.J.) Ulcerativecolitis. Tr Path. Soe. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 109-115.—Smith (G.) A case of fatal haemorrhage from a stercoral ulcer of the colou compli- cating relief of obstruction from cancer. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i 1644.—Targctt (J.H.) Ulcerativecolitis (human). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1894-5, xlvi, 04 —Teoli (R.) Stoiia di una colite passata ad estesa e funesta suppurazione con sortita di un lombrico. Raccoglitore, Fauo, 1838, i, 423- 4''8—Tooth (H. H.) Two cases of general ulcerative colitis. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1893-4. xlv, 66-72,1 1., 2 pl.— Tordeus (E ) Un cas de p6ricolite primitive. J. do nied., chir. etpharmacol., Brux., 1890, xc, 617-622.—Tnley (H. E.) A case of sigmoiditis. Matthews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1895. ii. 349.—Wendt. Tubercular ulcers con- fined to the colon in a case of phthisis. Med. Kec. N. Y., 1880, xvii, 729 — White (AV. H.) Ulcerative colitis. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1887-8. xxxix, 126-128. -----. On simple ulcerative colitis and other rare intestinal ulcers. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888. 3. s., xxx, 131-162. -----. Colitis. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 537. AUo [Abstr.]: Gazz. med. di Torino, 1895, xlvi, 825-827. -----. Non ulcerative colitis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, n. s.. ix, 1 : 21. Also: In- ternat Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., ii, 67-77.—Winslow (R.) A case of membranous colitis. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1886, xv, 361—Yeo (G. F.) Diphtheritic ulceration of the colon. Proc. Path. Soe. Dubl.. 1873 -5, n. s., vi, 70. Coflon (Obstruction and stricture of). See, also, Anus (Artificial); Colon (Cancer of). Hawkins (C. H.) Case of stricture of the colon, successfully treated by operation, with, au analysis of 44 cases of artificial anus. ^°. London, 1852. Eadecke (W.) * Ueber einen Fall vou Ab- knickung der Flexura sigmoidea ohne Volvulus. l-2°. Berlin, 1896. Vchsendrehnng der Flexura sigmoidea. Jahresb. ii. "d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald (1888-9), 1890, 56.— Adenot. Occlusion intestinale causee par une torsion de l'S iliaque. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2,66.—Atkins (11.) Stricture of colon. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. s., ix, 118-120. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiv, 150.—dc Barto- lome (M. M.) Stricture of sigmoid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885 ii, 873. -----. Stricture of the sigmoid flexure of the colon;'death. Ibid., 1886, i, 191).—R-arton. Obstruction of the colon. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s., lxxix, 249.— Bnssins (II.) Passio iliaca. ab enormi coli suscitata strictura. In his: Obs. anat, 8°, I lake Magdeb., 1731, 242- 248, 1 pl.—Bigelow (J.) Case of strangulated intestine from rotation of the sigmoid tlexure. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1843, xxviii 438-441.—Blanco (F. K.) Estrangulaeiou interior tie la S iliaca tlel colon. Genio nied.quir., Ma- drid, 1877, xxiii, 429. — Bnrckliardt (H.) Ein Fall von'Stenose des Dickdanns (Carcinom?). Ber. ii. d. Be- triebd. Ludwigs-Spit. Chariottenhille in Stuttg. (1885-7), 1889, [Chir. Abt-1, 74. - Busk (G.) Sc Hcivcli (P. G.) Internal strangulation of the sigmoid tlexure ot the colon, from the twisting of the gut on itself. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1840-8, i, 103. — Corn.I (V.) Observations d'ob- struction intestinale daus le colon ascendant. J. d. conn. m6d prat., Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 73; 81.—Crisp (K.) Fatal strangulation from the twisting of a portion ot the colon. Tr.Path. Soc LontL, 1871-2, xxiii, 112-114.—dishing (B.) A case of obstruction of the colon. Boston M. &.*. J., 1890 exxii, 371.—Da Oosta (J. M.) Fatal obstruction of tiie bowel, caused by stricture of the colon ; rupture of bowel aud discharge of fasces through the urethra; recto- vesical fistula; autopsy. Coll. Sc Clin. Rec, Phila., 1881, ii 259-261.—Deronbaix (L.) Ileus occupant la partie inferieure de l'S iliaque, et simulant une hernie inguinale etrau«-lee. Aun. de med. beige, Brux., 1835, ii, 12.-Dodd C( >LOX. 768 COLON. C oBobi (Obstruction and stricture of). (A.H.) Congenital contraction of the asceiKliii-and trans- verse colon. Lancet, Lond., 1892. i, 1299.— Boyle iJ.P.) Caseof stricture of sigmoid floxureof the colon. 1 r. Roy. Acad. M. li eland, Dubl., 1891-2, x. 81-84. Also | Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i. 717.—Bnnne (G. V.) Fatal obstruction of the bowels from contortion of the colon. Dublin Metl. Press, 1839, ii, 36.—Easton (J. A.) Case of obstruction of the bowels arising from a peculiar con- formation of the sigmoid flexure of the colon, and termi- nating fatally; with remarks. Month. J. M. Sc. Loud. Sc Edinb., 1850, xi, 494-500. AUo, Reprint.—Ecclcs (AV. Me A.) Caso of strangulation of a loop of small intestine in the fossa intei -igmoidea. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1.-95. xxxi. 177-181 —Eisenhart (H.) Kongenitalo iiber- miissi^e Entwicklung des S rowan um: Darmverschluss. Centralbl.f. innere Med., Leipz., 1894, xv, 1153-1156. AUo, Keprint,—Emerson (J. H.) Some effects of an over- loaded colon in the puerperal state. X. York M. J., 1882, xxv 30-38.—Favrer (J.) Stricture of the colon. Brit. M. j.. Lond., 18.-2. ii, 1133. — Folct (H.) Stenoses non cancereuses du colon descendant; patkog6nie de la lesion. ficho hied, du nord, Lille. 1897, i, 9-11.—Frerichs. Ileus in Folge Aehsendrehungder Flexura iliaca. [Case.] AVien. med. Wchnschr., 1854, iv, 05-67.—von Frey (R.) Ueber chronisehe Darmstenose infolge Abknickung tier Flexura sigmoidea, Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1886. xviii, 123- 130.—Gniincll (F. M.) Case of obstruction of the bow- els, from a twist of the intestine at the lower portion of the sigmoid flexure of the colon. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. s., 1, 410-412—Bodge (II. L.) Obstruction of the in- testines, duo to contraction caused by great accumulation of fat around the descending colon; peritonitis. Tr.Path. Soc. Phila., 1878, vii, 19.—Jabonlay. Heinie interne retro-p6riton6ale developp-". Berlin, 1^53. Gautier. Chroa-geuesie, ou g6neration des couleurs contre le systeme de Newton 2 v 16°. Paris, 1750-51. ' Hjertman ( C. R.) * Examen theorhe cele- berrimi a Goethe, de coloribus physiologicis Pars i. 4-. Aboce, [1819]. Schasler (M. ) Die Farbenwelt; ein neuer Versuch zur Erklarung der Entstehung mid der Natur der Farben, nebst einer praktischen An- leitung zur Auffindung gesetzmiissiger hannoni- scher Farbenverbiudungen. Abth. I. Die Far- ben in ihrer Beziehung zu einander und zuui Auge. 8C. Berlin. 1883. Abbott (A. II.) Color saturation. Pyschol. Rev. 1ST. Y. Sc Lond., 1898, v, 154. — Abney CW. deW.) Can- tor lectures: light and colour. J. Soc. Arts Lond 1888-9, xxxvii, 80; 90; 99; 113. — Ainich (W. R.) Light and color. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1885, n. s., xv, 61-64__ Brodhun (E.) DieGiiltigkeitdes Newtonsehen Karhen- mischungsgesetzes bei dem sog. griinbliuden Furbeusyg. tem. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg.. lhuiib. u. Leipz.. 1893, v, 323-334.—Einthoven. On the pro- duction of shadow and perspective effect by difference of colour. Brain, Lond., 1893, xvi, 191-202— liodghiiiaon (A.) Colour and its relation to the structure of coloured bodies; being an investigation into the physical cause of colour in natural and artificial bodies, and the nature of the structure producing it. Mem. Sc Proc. Manchester Lit. Sc Phil. Soc, 1889, 4. s., ii 193-212, 1 pl. — I.anbcn- der. Das blaue floretseidne Bandeheu als Heil- und Verhutungsmittel gegen chronisches Halsweh. Allg. med. Ann. [Med. Kor.-Bl. ], Altenb., 1803, xix, 12-15.— Mott (F. T.) Organic color. Science, N. Y., 1893, xxi, 323-325. —Ifliiller (J.) Fraginente zur Farbeulehre ins- hesondere zur Goethescheu Farbeulehre. Cictting from his: Zur verglech. Phvsiol. tl. Gesiehtsinnes. 8\ Leipz., 1826, 393-434.—Kclamier (K.) Mitka nakokohdat ovat maalla silmalla pidettilvat uusia asuinrakennuksia taloon perustettaessa. [flow objects are endowed by the eye with color by a new arrangement of its organization. Suomen terveydenk.-lebti, Helsingissil. 1890, ii. 17-20.— Stewart (J.J.) The causes of color. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1890, xiii, Suppl., 17338.—Tonn (E.) Ueber die Giiltigkeit von Newtons Farbenniischungsgesetz. Zt- schr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, vii, 279-304, 1 ding. —Wallace (J.) The phvsical and physiological basis of color. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, v'i, 504-510, 1 pl. AUo, Reprint. Color (Perception of). See, also, Chromoscope; Color (Berception of, Theories of); Retina. Abney (W. de W.) Colour vision, heinj? the Tyndall lectures delivered in 1894 at the Royal Institution. 8°. New York, 1895. Bexaky (N.-P.) Du sens cbromatique dana rautiquite" sur la base des deruieres decouvertes de la prehistoric, de l'etude des niouveinents e'erits des anciens et ties donuees de la gloseolo- gie. 12c. Paris, 1897. Chodix t A. ) Ueber die Abhiingigkeit der Farbenempfindungen vou der Lichtstarke. 8°. Jena, 1877. Jeffries ( B. J. ) Color-names, color-blind- uess, and tbe education of the color sense iu our schools. 8°. Boston, \8*2. Repr.from: Education, March, 1882. de Keersmaecker (A.) Le sens des couleura chez Homere. 8°. Bruxelles, 1883. Kramer (J.) * Untersuchungen uber die Ah- hiiugigkeit der Farbenemptiudiing von der Art und dem Grade der Beleiichtung 8J. Marburg, 18*2. Kunst (J. J.) * Beitriige zur Kenntnisi der Farbenzerstreiiung und ties osmotischen Druckes einiger brcchendeii Medien tics Auges. [Frei- burg i. B.] 8-. Leiden, 1-95. COLOR. 771 COLOR. Color (Perception of). Lehmann (A.) Furs-ernes elementoere JEste- tik. En objektiv-psykologisk Unders0gelse. t<:. Kjpbenhavn, 1884. Pabst (A.) * Feber die Bestininiung der Hel- liekeit farbiger Papiere durch interniittierende Ketzliaiitreiznng. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1*96. Samuii.off (E.) *K voprosu ob utomlvaye- iiiosti sicti liatoi obolochki razlichulmi tsvletami (kinsuini, zelyonini i sinini). [On the fatiguing effort of various colors (red, green, and blue) upon the retina.] 8-\ S.-Peterburg, 18s-. Szokalski (V.) Ueber die Eiupnndungen der Farhen in physiologischer und pathologischer Hinsicht. Eine tier Akademie der Wisseu- schaften zu Paris vorgelegte Abbandlung. Deutsche vom Verfasser selbst bearbeitete uud vermehrte Ausg. 12c. Giessen, 1842. See, aUo, infra. Treitel (T.) * Ueber das Verhalten der peri- phereu und centralen Farbenperception bei Atro- phia nervi optici. v0 Konigsberg in Pr., 1>7.">. Axeufeld (D.) Sulla visione dei colori tli contrasto. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. d! Roma, 1887-8. ix. 335-349. AUo, transl: Arch. ital. tie hiol., Turin, 1889, xi, 81-90.—Axon (\V. E. A.) The colour sense and colour names. Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester. 1881-2, xxi. 77-84.—Beau- mont (W. M.) Colour vision and accidents. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 1013.—Broeehi (A.) Sur le sens tie la conleur. Rev. scient., Par.. 1898, 4. s., ix, 2,0 — Bull (O.) Farvesaus. Xord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1883, xv, no. 24, 1-32. AUo, transl: Arch. f. Onhtb., Berl.. 1883, xxix, 3. Abth., 71-110. — Burrh (G.J.) An experiment in colour-sensation. Proc. Phvsiol. Soc. L80, ii, 767-769. Also, Keprint. ----. Over kleurstelsels. Onderzoek. gcd. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1881, 3. r., vi, 79-150. AUo, transl.- Arch. n£erl. d. sc. exactes [etc.]. Haarlem, 1881, xvi, 150-214. AUo: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1881. lxxxvi, 109; 197. AUo, transl: Arch.f. Ophth., Berl., 1881, xxvii, 155; 223. Also, transl [Abstr.l: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, i, 277-283. See. also, infra.- Giraud-Teulon. ----• Noch einmal die Farbensysteme. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl.. 1884, xxx, 1. Abth., 15-90. -----. Ueber Stereoskopie dutch Farbendifferenz. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch.. Stuttg., 1880, xviii, 2. Hft,, 82-92.—Dufonr. Sur la perception des couleurs. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, dopht., Par., 1892, x, 269-271.—Bujardin. Le clavecin oculaire. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1898, cxix. 25-29.— Eintlio- ven (W.) Sur les points cartliuaux- tie l'u-il pour les lu- raieres de couleur dififerente. Arch, neerl. tl. sc exactes Nc], Harlem, 1895-6, xxix. 346-351.—Emery (C.) La Perception endoptique de la couleur du fond tie l'ceil. [Transl. from.- Atti tl. r. Accad. tl. Lincei. 3. s., vi.] Arch. ital.de biol., Turin,1882, i, 225-227.—Enjjeliiiaim (TAV.) Color (Perception of). Farhe und Assimilation. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1882, 3. r., vii, 209-233.— Fich (A. E.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber Farbenempfiu- duug. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1886, xxxix, 18-20. -----. Studien iiber Lichl- und Farbeneinptinilung. Ibid., 1888, xhii. 441-501. I pl. — Fox (L. \V.) Sc Gould (G. M.) On heat, considered as the retinal intermediate of light and color sensation. Am. J. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1880. iii, 175-197. Also, Keprint, — Fridenbcij; (P.) Ueber tlie Wiihrnehniung der Farben. X. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1898, x, 113-130.—Caillet de Graudmont. De la vision des couleurs au point de vue de la mede- cine legale (couleurs subjective*). Soc. tie metl. leg. tie France. Bull., Par., 1881-2, vii. 151-154. AUo: Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1882, 3. s., viii, 70-73. — Giraud-Teulon. Sur les systemes chroinatiques de M. Dontlers ; analyse critique par Giraud-Teulon. Anu. d'ocul., Brux., 1882, lxxxvii, 5; 115. — Gladstone ("W. E.) Sur le sens de la couleur, et pnrticulierement sur la notion ties cou- leurs daus Homeie. Rev. internat. tl. sc. Par., 1878, i, 358; 405; 812: ii, 233.—Gorham (J.) On the blending of colours bv the sole agencv of the sensorium. Brain, Lond., 1881-2, iv, 467-472.—Gruber (E.) Experimentelle Untei'suehungen iiber die Helligkeit der Farben. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1893-4. ix, 429-440. — Gunii ( R. M.) On the nature of light-percipient organs and of light- and col- our-perception. Ophth. Hosp. Kep., Loud., J888, xii, 101- 132.—von Helmholtz (II. i Kiirzesto Linien ini Far- beusvsteiu. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, tl. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891-2, iii, 108-122.— Henry (C.) Ap- plications a la tnchymetrie et il l'ophtalniologie d'un mode de production, jusqu'ici inexplique.de la couleur. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1896, exxii, 406-408. — Hess (C.) Ueber den Farbeusinn bei indirectem Seben. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz.. 1880, xxxv, 4. Abth., 1-62. AUo [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Versamml. tl. ophth. Gesellsch., Rostock. 1889, xx. 24-35.—HiIbert (R-) Ueber tlie Erkennbarkeit tier Farben bei hetuhgesetzter Beleuchtuns. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1886, n. F., vi, 9-12. -----. Ueber das Irisieren sehr grob ornamentieiter Flacben bei gleichzeitigem Auf- treten von Siniiiltankontrast, Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phy- siol, d. Sinnesorg., Iliiinb. u. Leipz., 1896, x, 240-243.— Holmgren (F.) Ueber den Farbensiun. Cong, pe- riod, internat. d. sc. ni6d. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1880, i, Sect.de phvsiol.. 80-98. -----. Le sens des couleurs. Ibid., iii, Sect, d'ophth., 210-218. -----. Studien iiber die elementaren Farbenempfindungen. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1889, i, 152: 1891, iii, 253, 1 pl. -----. Om fargsinnet i vis-a delar af synfaltet. [The eye for colors in certain parts of the field of vision.] I'psala Liikaref. Forh., 1895-0, n. F., i. 485-488. — Isaachsen (D.) Znr Fnrbenlehre. Arcb. f. tl. sres. Physiol., Bonn, 1888, xliii, 289-294. — Kirschmanu (A.) Die Farbeneiiipfinduiig im intlirecteu Sehen. Phil. Stud.. Leipz., 1892-3. viii, 592- 614, 1 diag.—Knies (M.) Ueber Faibeueniptinilung und Faibensttirungen. Arch, f An . Halle a. S., 1*97. Liebueich ( K.) Turner and Mulready. On the effect of certain faults of vision ou paint- ing, with especial reference to their works. i-'. [w. p., W-J.] Bleynic (L.) IKJm^ralopie hant£e sur une ambliopie astheniqiie, avec coloration bleue de l'humeur aqueuse, suivie, de quelques considerations sur la theorie ties cou- leurs des coips. snr la physiologie de la retinc et sur le daltoiiisme. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute- Tienne. Limoges, 1877, ii 117-120.-Calb.iiiw (Mary W.) A statistical stud v of pseudo-chroniestheshi and of mental- forms. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, i«92 3. v, 439-404. 2 pl. — Chabnlier. De la pseiidochroinesthe.sie. A. de metl. tie Lyon, 1804. ii. 92-102. — Charpentier (A.) Phenomenes de coloration ap]>arente observes sous l'in- fluence d'exeitations luinineuses instantanees. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1891, 9. s.. iii, 590-599.—Daniloff (D.) K voprosu ob anomaliynkh tsvietooshtshushtshe- niva. [ On anomalies of color perception. ] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 18mi. cxxxviii, 3. sect,, 35; 145; 187, 1 pl.: cxxxix, 3. sect., 50; 81. — «ori (T. J. J.) Over de behandeling van gebrekeu in bet kleuroiiderscheidings- vermogen. Handel, d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. tl. Geneesk.. Amst., 1878. 130-138.— Ililbert ( R. I Zur Kenntniss tier pathologischen Farbenemptindungen. Me- morabilieu, Heilbr.. 1*>4, n. F., iv, 526-540. -----. Ueber Xauthopie. verursaeht durch Piki iiisaure. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augeuh., Leipz.. Iss5. ix. 70. -----. Die durch Einwirkung gewisser toxiseher Korper hervorgerufenen Riibjectiveu Farbeneinpfinduiigeu. Arch. f. Augeuh. Wiesb., 1894. xxix, 28-31. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Aieb, Ophth., N. V., 1897. xxvi, 252-251 — Ke.steveu (W. II.) A case of unilateral xanthopsis; or, perverted colour vision following .sunstroke, i'r. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1882. xv, 101-103. — Le Dautec. De la sensibility eoloree. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par.. 1*93. 9. s., v. 719-722. Also: Arch, de med. nav., Par. 1893, lx. 93-lul.—.Tlnc- Calluin (J.) Some cases of colored vision. Canad. J. M. i S., Toronto, 1898. iii. 121-12::.— tlayerhauweii (G.) Studies on chromatokinopsias. Arch. Ophth., N. Y. 1885 xiv, 81-90. 1 pl.— Uillihin (B. L.) Case of sudden loss of color perception. Columbus M. J., 1885-6, iv. 193-196.— Rampoldi (R.) Sopra due nuovi fenomeni subbipt- tivi della visione eolorata. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1883 xii, 545-54.S. — Keieh 1M.1 K patologii tsvletooshtshu- shtsheniya: leritrt.piy.i; vremeunaya Isvietonava slie- pota; ksantokianopivai. [On the path..logy of color perception; (ei ytlnnpia ; temporary color-'blindness- xanthokyanopy).] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1891. uo. 52 29- 51. AUo [Abstr.|: Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev. 1891 viii 113- 120. — Kobertsoa (A.) Epileutic aphasia and hemi- plegia; coloured vision syphilitic (!) origin. Brit, M. J Lond., 1*74. l, 515.— Kollett (A.) Versuche iiber sub- jective larben. Areh. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1891, xlix, 1-28— Win illi (A. C.) Ti-mporarv loss of color sense fol- lowing an injury of the eyes. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1*93, Wash.. 1894. i, 60. — Smith (HE) Peculiar perversion of the color perception. Med Rec VT., 1*9... xlvii, 289-291.-Somya. Zwei Falle von Grunsehen Ztschr. t. Psychol, u. Physiol, tl. Sinnesorg. Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1894. vii, 305-307. Color (Perception of Measurements of and tests for). Sec. aho. Color-blindness (Diagnosis of and tests for): Spectrum. LtiviBoxi) (J. \V.) Measurement of light and colour sensations. Xew method of investigating Color (Perception of Measurements of and tests for). the phenomena of light and colour by means of the selective absorption in coloured gliiss, graded into settles of equivalent colour value. >-" Lou don, [l^Dl?]. Macthner (L.) Farbeulehre. Der "Func- tionspriifung" erster Theil. 2. Aufl. s. ]ym. baden, 1-94. Kohrich (K.) * Messung der Schiirte des Far- bensinus an den Tafeln vou Dr. Ole Hull 8° Greifswald, 1886. Royal Society of Loudon. Report of the committee on color-vision. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her .Maj- esty, Juue, 1^9-2. 8°. London, 1892. Brotlhnn ( E.) Ueber die Emptindlichkeit des griin- hlinlen und des normalen Auges gegen Faiheniiudemng im Spektrum. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, ichols ( E. L.) On the sensitiveness of the eye to col- ors of a low degree of satin a tion. Am. J. Sc , N. Haveu, 1885, 3. s., xxx. 37-41. — Oliver iC. A.) Description of a color-eense measure. Arch. Ophth., X. Y.. 1881, x, 438. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1882-3, xii, 91. _____Preliminary paper on the determination of a stand- aid of color-sense for reflected color by daylight: with a "raphic description of the individual limits and average results of sixteen cases. Arch. Ophth.. X. Y., 1882, xi, G5-59. AUo, Reprint. -----. A description of some modi- fications in a color-sense measure. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soe.. Host., 1885, 110.—Ott (I.) Sc I'remlergnst (M. T.) The rapidity of perception of colored lights. .1. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis.. Chicago, 1880, vii, 258-201. AUo, Reprint.—Peirec (B. 6.), jr. On the sensitiveness of tlie eye to slight dif- ferences of color. Am. J. Se.. X. Haven, 1883. 3. s.. xxvi, 299-302.—Pretori (II.) & Sachs (M.) Messeude Unter- j suchungen ties farbigen Siniultancontrastes. Arch. f. d. I ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1895, K. 71-90. — Report of the com- mittee on colour-vision. Proc. Roy. Soe. Loud., 1892, li, 281-390, 2 col. pl.—Rheiubcrg (J.) Ueber ein nccs Verfabren auf optischem Wege Farben-Contraste zwischen eineni Objekt und dessen Uutergrund oder zwischen be- stininitenTheilen des Objekts selbst hervorznrufen. Arch. f.mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1897,1, 437-400, 2 pL— Roy (L.) Exa- men du sens tie la lumiere d'apres une methode hasee sur la d6pendanee du sens des couleurs vis a-vis le sens de la lumiere. (Methode du Dr. L. Wolffberg.) Rev. clin. d'ocul., Par., 1885, v, 113-120.—Maehs (M.) Eine Methode der objectiven Priifung ties Fai hi nsinns. A reh. f. Ophth.. Leipz.. 1893. xxxix. 108- 125.—Sejjgel (C.) Leber die Priifung des Licht- und quantitath en Farben- Binnes und ihre Yerwerthnng fur die Untersncbung des Sehverniogens der Rekruten. nebst Bemerkungen fiber die nachtheilige Einwirkung des myopisehen Pro- cesses auf das Sehvermogen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wie.-b., 1*87-8. xviii, 303-328, 2 pl. — Snellen (H.) La de- t. iiiiuiaiion qnantiiative tlu sens chromatique. Xederl. Tij.N.dir. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. R.. xxxiii, 2. d., 688- li9" Stilling (I.) Methotlen zur Priifung ties Farben- siunes. Ber. ii. tl. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Hei- delh., 1877, x. 168-174. -----. Einige Benif rkungen iiber Farbeiipiufuna. Centralbl. f. pi akt. Augenh..Leipz., 1882, vi, 35-41.— Wolffberg (L ) Ueber die Piiifung ties Lichtsinns: eine phvsiologisch-klinische Stadie. Arch. f. i Ophth., Berl.. 1885, xxxi, 1. Abth., 1-78. 3diag., 2pl. -----. I Ueher eine auf die Abhangigkeit des Farbensinnes vom Lichtsinne gegriiudete Methode der Lichtsinnprufung. Cong, period, internat. tl. sc. med. C -i. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iii. Sect, d'ophth. 26-32. 2 diag. -----. Eine einfache Methode, die quantitative Farbensinnpriifuug diagnostisch zu verwerthen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1880, xxiv, 359-375. -----. Der quantitative Farbensiun bei Unfall-Xervenkrankheiten. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1892, xi, 536-539. — Wood (C. A.) Color measurement, and iis application in medicine and the arts. Medicine, Detroit, 1896. ii, 190-199. Color (Perception of) in animals. Engelman (T. W.i Ueber Licht-und Farbenpercep- tion niederster Orgauismen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. pby- siol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1882, 3. R.. vii. 234-251.— Flinkcr(A.l Ueber den Farbensinn der Thiere. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 273-277.—Lubbock (J.) On the sense of colour among some of the lower animals. Nature, Lond., 18*1-2, xxv, 422-424. Color (Perception of) in children. Baldwin (J. M.) Sc Schnllenbcigt r (M.) Color perception of children. Am. J. Psychol.. Worcester, 1897-8. ix, 01.—Garbini (A.) Evoluzione del senso cro- matito nella infanzia (da esperienze fatte sopra 600 bambini negli anni 1891-3). Arch, per 1' antrop.. Firenze, 1894. xxiv, 71-98.—Lnckey (G. W. A.t Comparative observations on the indirect color range of children, adults, and adults trained in color. Am. J. Psvchol., Worcester. 1*93-5. vi, 4i-9-50I, 1 pl.—^Ingnnx (H.)' Hie Farbeiiempfiiidungdes Kindes. lieutsche Kev Berl.. 18*3,viii, 124-127.^-Hchal- lenberger (Margaret K.) Discussion; Professor Bald- win's method of studying tbe color-perception of children. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1896-7, viii, -560-570. Color (Perception of Theories of'). Chkvheul (E.) Complement d'etndes sur la vision des couleurs. 4G. Paris, 1*79. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. d. sc.del'lnst. de France, Par., 1879. xii. Donders (F. C.) Nog ecus: tie kleurstelsels, naar aanleiding van Hering's kritiek. Vtreeht, 18S1. ■A-Uo. in: Onderzoek. tred. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1883, 3. R.. viii, 1-126. Color (Perception of, Theories of). Hociiegger (P. R.) Die geschichtliche Ent- wickelung des Farbensinnes. *°, Innsbruck 1884. Kitad (D.) * Zur Farbeulehre. >°. Berlin 1878. Marty (A.) Die Frage nach der geschiclit- lichcn Entwickelung des Farbensinnes. f . Wien, 1H79. Angelucci. L' azione della luce e dei colori sull' epi- telio retinico. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1881, x, 518-528.__ Rerry (G. A.) Critical remarks on the theories of fun- damental colour sensations. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. 1800-91, xiii, 1-11.—Boll (F.) Tesi ed ipotesi sulla per' ce/.ione della luce e dei colori. Ann. di ottal.. Pavia, 1882, xi, 95-131.—IIono (G. B.) L'evoluzione storica del senso cromatico. Osservatore. Torino. 1884. xx. 529: 545:561; 577: 625; 641; 057; 073; 080; 706; 721.—Rorthen (L.) La perception visuel'e, specialement par rapport au sens des couleurs, expliqueepar mouvement moleculaire. Cong. period, intermit tl. se. med. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1880, iii, Sect, d'ophth., 133 - 149. — Burnett (S. M.) Are there separate centers for li:;lit. form, and color perception? Arch. Med., XT., 1884, xii, 97-113. A iso. Reprint, -----. Theories of colour-perception. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1884, n. s., Ixxxviii, 70-94. AUo, Reprint.—Csapodi (S.) Egy adat a szinliit&snak a targylatastdl valo fiiggetlens6g6hez. [Perception of color aud sight of the object independent faculties.] Szem6szet, Budapest, 18*3, 53.—Charpen- tier (A.) La perception ties couleurs et la perception des formes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883. xevi, 858- 80ii. -----. La perception des couleurs et la perception des differences de chute. Ibid., 1079-1081. Also: Encephale, I'ar.. 1883. iii. 576-578. -----. Theorie dela perception des couleurs Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1885. ci, 275- 277.—Chauveau (A.) Sur I'existeuce de centres ner- veux distincts pour la perception des couleurs fondanien- tales tlu spectre. Ibid., 1892, cxv, 908-914.—C'hirycf (S. I.) Nueva hipoLesis sobre lapercepcidn dc las eolores. Rev. metl. tie Sevilla, 1896, xxvii. 97 ; 134.—Dobrovolski (V. I.) O raznitsle v tsvietooshtshushtsheuii pri uslo- viyakh razdrazbeniya sletebatki na odnom yeya miestle i na mnogikh zaraz. [On the difference in color perception when the retina is excited in one place or in man v.] Vest- nik oftalmol., Kiev, 18*4. i, 236-240.—Donders (F. C.) Xew reserches on the systems of colour-sense. Onderzoek. ged. in b. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1882, 3. R., vii, 95-109. -----. Proeve eener genetische verklaring van den kleurzin. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1884, xx, 69; 89.—Fbbinghaus (H.) Theorie des Far- hensehens. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, tl. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1883, v, 145-238 AUo, Reprint.— Fick (A.) Zur Theorie des Farbensinnes bei indirektem Seheu. Arch. f. tl. -es. Physiol., Bonn, 1890, xlvii. 274-285. — Fleinchl vou iHarxow (E.I Leber die Theorien der Faibeiiwahrnehmung. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang.. |1881. i, 499-512. Also, in his : Ges. Abhandl., b°, Leipz.. 1893.,189- 2o3.— Fox (L W.) Sc Gould (G. M.) The human color- sense considered as the organic response to natural stimuli. Am. J. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1880, iii, 233-252. AUo, Reprint.—Giraud-Teulon. Physiologie ile la sensi- bility chroma!iqiio; de la theorie d'Young en pr6senee des nouvelles decouvertes en astronomic physique. Bui). Acad, de med.. Par.. 18*3. 2. s.. xii. 524-541. Also: Gaz. d'opbth.,Par..1883.V.113; 1-9.—G oiler (A.) Die Analyse tier Lichtwellen durch dus Augc. Eiu Beitrag zur Erklii- rung der Farbenempfiiiduiig. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., JH*S. 139-162, 1 pl. — Ileriiiy lE.) Ueber die Theorie des simiiltaiieu Contraste* von Ilelmholtz. Arch. f. tl. ge*. Physiol., Bonn. 1886-7, xl, 172: 1887, xii, 1; 358: 1888. xliii, 1. -----. Beleuchtiing eines A uglifies auf die Theorie der Gegeiifarben. Ibid., 1887, xii,29-46. -----. Ueber die von von Kries wider die Theorie tier Gegenfarhen erhobenen Einwande. Ibid., 1888.xiii.488: xliii, 264; 329. —Hilbert (R.) Die suli.jektiven l-arben und dio Hering'sche lar- bentheorie. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1885, 11. F., v. 65-72. -----. ZurKenntniss des siiccessivenKontrastes. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol.d.Sinnesorg., Ilamli.ii.Leipz.,1892,iv, 74-77. — Holmgren (F.) Biding till belysning nf fragan om fiirgsinnets historiska utveckling. Fpsala Liikaref. Forli., 1879-80, xv. 222-200. Also, Reprint.—Johau*»on (J. E.) Understikning af fiirgsinnet i blinda liiickens narmaste oingifuing. [Researches on color-sense in the blind spots nearest the circumference. ] Upsala Liikaref. Fork..1885,xix.491-493.3 tab.—Ii it »i liiu.inii (A.) Some (•fleets of contrast. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1891-2, iv. 542-557. — Ktiniu (A.) The modern development of Thomas Young's theorvof colour-vision. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv.Sc. 1886, Lond.. 1887, lvi. 431-439.—Kowter (W.) De klein theorie van II. Ebbinghaus en de dissoi iatietbeorie van Donders. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk-.. Amst.. 1890, 2. R., xxxii. pt. 1, 58-63. ---- . Kritik ties Aufsatzes von A. Schapringer : "Findetdie Perception tier verschiedeuen Farben nicht in einer und dei>elben Lage der Xetzhaut COLOli. 774 COLORADO. CoDor (Perception of Theories of). statt?" Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz.. 1897, xliii, 2. Abth., 250- "57 —von Krit- i J. i Entgegnung an Herrn E. Hering. Arch. f. tl. ges. Phvsiol.. Bonn, 1887, xii, 389-397.—Kiixter (FA Der Farbensiun ein hdchsi verteinerter Tempera tursinn. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. (ieselUch. I. Anthrop. [etc.], Miinchen, 1*84, xv, 4-6.— Ijiibboek (SI.i Ou the devel- opment of the color-sense. Fortnightly Rev.. Lond., 18*2, n. s., xxxi, 518-529. Also [ Abstr. | : Rep. P.rit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1881, Lond., 18*2, li, 713.—JIace (J.) & Nicali (\\ .) Contribution k l'etude du champ visuel des couleuis. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1880-81, i, "mi - 513. — i\icali (YV.) Theorie tie la couleur. Ibid., 1895, xv, 1-44.— Oliver (C. A.) A correlation theory of color-perception; a pre- liminary note. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 715. ---—. A correlation theory of color-perception. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 18*5 n. s., lxxxix, 98: 462.—Pnrinand (H.) Du contrastc chromatiquo : sa ruison physiologique ; sou si6ge cerebral. Compt, rend. Soc tie biol.. Par., 1882, 7. s.,iv, 503-570.—Pouchet (G.) La pr6tenduc evolution tin sens ties couleurs. Rev. scient.. Par., 1888, xiii, 464-467.— Preobrazhenski (I'.) Hipoteza tsvletovavo zrieniya. [Hypothesis of perception of colors] J. russk. fiz.- chim. Obsh., St. I'etersb.. 1889. xxi, Phys. pt., 1.sect.,249- L'59. —Pre>er (W.) Zur Gesehichte tier Dreifarbeulehre. Ztschr. t. Psvcluil. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Lei],/.. 1*90. xi. 4 I'-tuT — BCiitherford (W.) [Current theories ic "aiding our sense of coloni .] Nature, Lond., 1892, xlvi, 3-12-348. AUo: Kep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1892, Lond., 1893. 728-742 —Nt. Clair (G.) Spectrum colours and colour sensations; extension of the d vnamical theorv- Ophth. Rev., Loud.. 1884, iii, 97-101 — Mnmclxohii (J.) Zur Frage ties Farbeusinncentrums. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch , Berl., 1**1, xix, 850: 900. —Sc hue Her. Zur Frage vom Farbensiimcentruiii. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1**2, xxviii. 3. Abth.. 73-92. —Soury (J.) Nouvelles theo- ries scieutifiques du sens des couleurs. nering; Preyer; Charpentier. Rev. scient,, Par., 1882. xxx, 132-136.— Tsehiriew (S.) Nouvelle hypothese des sensations colorees. Areh. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1896, 5. 8.. viii. 975 9*0. Colorado. See, also, Colorado Springs; Statistics (T'i- tal), by localities; Universities. Andkhsox (H. P.) The essentia, aud con- ti lined fevers of Colorado. A paper rend before the Colorado State Medical Society. S-'. Colo- rado Springs, Colo., [n. d.]. Eiiricii (L. 11.) Health resorts for lung troubles. A letter containing personal experi- ences, ]uiblished in the New York Tribune of May 22, ls>7. 21-. Colorado Springs, 1--7. Kesoi'KCEs antl advantages of Colorado. Pre- pared and published by authority of the Terri- torial board of immigration. *->. Denver, Colo., 1-7:!. Solly ( S. K.) Colorado for invalids. <--. Cohn ado Springs, Colo.. 1HH(). United States. Department of Agriculture. Weatber Bureau. Climate and crop service of the weather bureau, Colorado section. Review (monthly). Dec, 1-92, to Jan., lH9ri; March, April, 1-9(1. 4 & fol. Denver, 1*93-6. -----. Annual summary. Colorado section of the climate and crop service of the weather bureau. For the years 1*9(1; IH<)7. *°. Denver 1-97-*. .----- Reports (monthly). Colorado sec tion of the climate and crop service of the weather bureau, v. 1; Nos. 1-10, v 2, May 18%, to April, 1-[K 4-. Denver, 1*96-*. AunYrNon (B. P.) Colorado as a health resoit Med Rec X. Y., 1*8*. xxxiii. 314.—Athin* (K. C.) Colorado as a he.ili h resort Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, exxiii. 390.— Kniley(\\.i Colorado as a health resort. \m Pract .V News. Louisville, 1890, xxi. SI-8.V —Baiter < II. B ) Re- lations ot certain inctcoroloincal conditions to diseases of the lungs and air-passages, in Col,,, a,1,, Tr Am Climat Ass. 1890, X. Y„ 1891. vii, 'Jlo. !■:;*. AUo: Sanitarian tf! 7&» «. i" XXV'' 3?Gn,;"H' AUo: Kt>P- «««■ Health Mich. 1890-91. Lansing, 1-94, xix, pp. rxxvii-cxlvii.—Itessey (J. M ) .•some impressions of Colorado as a health resort ,c. n \V £ ,"' U,eP°'.'tM'. WW, hi. 406-413. - Cinrhe (Stella AL i Colorado climate for consumptives. Woman's M J Toledo. 1804. ii. 103-100. - Oeni*on (C ) Report on the climate of Colorado and its relation to pulmonary tl A Uo. 1 Healtl Ir. Am. M. Ass, Phihi., 1876, xxvii, 454-475. •print. ----- Out-door life in Colorado. Public V \., 1*79-8(1, i, 65-69. -----. A plea for tree Colorado. culture on the plains of Colorado; the distribution of Colo rado forests and their influence on the climate. Tr Coin! ratio M. Soc. 1880-81, Denver, 1881. 120-127. ____. o* port of committee ou climatic charts. Ibid., 1884 100-106 8 maps.—Etlson (C. E.) The pulmonary invalid in Colo'- rado. Metl.Conimunicat. Mass. M. Soe.,Bost lh'lfi rvii 1. 91-100. Also: Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1890, xi, 020-026 -Vi. iE. T.) A winter in Colorado. N. York SI ,1 ln.iv] 120-122. AUo: Denver M.Times, 1884-5. iv. 08-71._f:,,|4. ridjjo (J. T.) Nervous and mental diseases observed in ((dorado. N.York M. J., 1890. hi, 457-403. Also Remiit Also: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1890, N. Y., 1891, vii, 103-18' -----. Nervo-vascular disturbances in unacclini'iited per- sons in Colorado. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1891, Phila 189'' viii, 98-1 o*. AUo: Climatologist, Phila., 1892 ii 66-76 AUo, Reprint. — FishiS. A.) Analysis of signal'service statistics with reference to Colorado climate. Tr Colo rado SI. Soc, Denver, 1883, 73-85. Also, Keprint, —-__ Colorado for invalids. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1884. xxv 313-320. -----. Professor Alfred L. Loomis on Colorado climate. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxvi, 526. ____ Colo. rado as a -winter sanitarium. Pop. Sc Month., X y 1885-6, xxviii, 663-679. -----. Conditions favorable to out-of-door life in Colorado. Boston SI. a.- S. J., ]887 cxvii 273-277. -----. The effect of the climate of Colorado upon phthisis puhuonalis, as shown by the analysis of one hun- dred recorded cases. Poston SI. Sc S. .1., 1**9, cx\i, 173- 177. Also, Reprint.—Fuller (F.) The therapeutic Value of the Colorado climate. Sled. Rec, X. V, 1883, xxiv, 444.—Hall (I. N.) How long shall phthisical patienta remain in Colorado? Colorado Climat., Denver, 1804-5 i, 27. — II si wen (J.) Malaria; its existence or non-existence in Colorado. Tr. Colorado M. Soc. 1880-81, Denver, 1881 76-83, 1 tab. — Jay ne (YV. A.) The climate of Coloiado und its effects. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass.. Phi'a., 1888 v 55- 68. AUo Med. News. Phila., 1888, liii. 520-525.—.TIoIMir- ron (E. M.i Coloiado climate. Eclect. M. J. Cincin 1892. Iii. 297-301).— Tlartimlalc (I. C.) Colorado plants! Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1879, xiii, 675-0.M.—JloorcdI. I!) Reasons for the relative immunity from pulmonary phthi- sis in Colorado, and its therapeutic, importance. X. York M. J., 1890, Iii. 314-316. —Munn (\V. P.) Tho Colorado climate for consumptives. Tr. SI. Soc. Penn., Phila. 1*04, xxv, 287-297. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1804, lxv. 171-175.- Powers(C.A.) Tho climate of Colorado. Metl. Iter.. N. Y., 1895. xlviii, 789. — Ruedi (C.) A comparison of the winter health resorts in the Alps with sonic places in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Tr. Am. Climat. Ans. 1893-4, Phila., 1895, x, 28-42.—Solly (S. E.) [The physi- cian in Colorado.] Tr. Colorado SI. Asa., Denver, 1888, 17-25. AUo, Reprint. — Thomas ( F. H. I Climate of Colorado. Tr. Pacific 'Ilomtcop. M. Soc. Calif, San Fran., 1874-0, i, 09-74— William* (C. T.) The high al- titudes of Colorado and their climates. Occidental SI. Times, Sacramento. 1893. vii. 127-131.—Mo rlt (H.) Does prolonged residence in Colorado make women nervous! Denver M. Times. 1893-4, xiii, 209-213. -----. High alti- tude iu health. Colorado ClimatoL, Denver, 1894-5, i, 67- 70. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1896, x. 44::-445. Colorado* Agricultural Department. The re- sources, wealth, and industrial development of Colorado. Published by the Agricultural l>c- partineut, Colorado exhibit, at the World'a Columbian Exposition, June 1, L-9:>. 196 pp. *\ [Chicago, G. M. Collier, 189:!.] Colorado. State Board of Charities and Correc- tions. Biennial report to the governor of tlie State. 1., 1891-2. 67 pp. >\ Denver, Smith- Brooks Co., 1-93. Colorado. Slate Board of Health. Circular No. 9. Consumption, and how to prevent its spread in Colorado. 8 pp. Hc. [Denver, 1891.] -----. Circular No. 10. Restriction antl preven- tion of diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, and smallpox in Colorado. - pp. 8°. [Denier, 1*94.] -----. Circular No. 11. The prevention of ty- phoid fever in Colorado. S pp. *■■. [Denver, 1-4)1.] Colorado. State Engineer. Biennial reports to the governor of the State, for the years \88-',-\; ltf-KWji). r* 132 pp., 1 diag.; 029 pp., 21 pl., H maps, 11 diag. >. Denver, lHrC>-91. Colorado. State Penitentiary of Colorado, Onion City. Biennial report of the commissioners, warden, chaplain, and physician, to the gov- ernor, for the years 1888-9 and 1^-9-90. HU pp. - . Denver, Collier Ar Cleaveland Lith. Co., 1«W- COLORADO. 775 OOLOE-BLINDNESS. Colorado. University of Coloiado, Boulder. Catalogues for the years 188)5-4 to 1887-8; 1889- 90 to 189-2-3; 1894-5 to 1896-7. 8°. Denver, 1-84-97. Incorporated in 1860, and opened Sept., 1877. ,____. Special bulletin of medical school and law school, for the year L-92-:!. 30 pp. 8°. (Denver, W. F. Bobinson f Co., lr>92.] __I__. Summer bulletin, 1893. 34 pp., 1 1. 12°. [Denver, 1893.] _____. Colorado School of Medicine, Denver. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1884-5 to 1^6-7(1.-3.); 1CSS-9 to 1.-1H5-7 (5.-13. ). 8- & 12°. Denver, 18*4-96. List of students and graduates for 1884-5; 1885-6; 1887-8 to 1895-6, in announcements for subsequent years. First announcement is in the catalogue of the university for 1^3-t. Iu 1894 the school removed from Boulder to Denver. Colorado (Territory of). Report of the board of immigration to the governor of Colorado Ter- ritory, for the two years ending Dec. 31. 1873. ;">:i pp. 8°. Denver. W. N. Dyers, 1^74. Colorado (The) Climatologist and Denver Med- ical News. A monthly magazine for the study of climatology aud the report of medical society news. Edited by Charles Manly and J. N. Hall. v. 1, November, 1894. to October, IK);"). 1 v. :}10pp. 8°. South Denver, Col. Ended. In 1896 followed by: Colorado (The) Medical Journal. Colorado (The) Gleuwood Springs, Colorado. In the heart of the Rocky Mountains. 8 1. 16°. Gleuwood Springs, [1-93]. Colorado Medical Journal. A monthly jour- nal of scientific and practical medicine. W. H. Warn, ctlitor and publisher. No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1882. 8°. Denver. Xo more published. Dr. Warn died in 1'eb., 1SS2. Colorado (The) Medical Journal. A scientific medical journal, published in the interest of the profession of the great West. Edwin R. Axtell, editor. [Monthly.] v. 2-4, L-90-8. 8C. Denver. Current, v. 1 under title: Colorado (The) Climatol- ogist and Denver Medical News. Colorado Medical Library Association. Med- ical journals at the Public Library. 8 pp. 16°. Denver, 1893. ----. Medical books in the public library of Denver, Colorado. 19 pp. 8°. [Denver, 1894.] ----. Catalogue of its library (in the Public Library, Denver). January, 1897. 32 pp. 8°. [Denver. 1897.] Colorado Meteorological Association. Colorado weather. Bulletin of the . . . No. 2*. July, 18**. 9 pp., 11. 4C. [Colorado Springs, 188*.] Colorado School of Medicine, Bouldtr. See Colorado. University of Colorado. Colorado Scientific Society. The artesian wells of Denver. A report by a special committee of the . . . June, 1884. 41 pp. 8°. Denver, News Printing Co.. 1-84. Colorado Springs. Monthly reports of the health department. Nov., Dec, 1897; Feb., 1898. 8°. Colorado Springs, 1897-8. Colorado Spring*. Medical facts concerning Colorado Springs. 12°. Colorado Springs, 1889. Eskridge (J. X. ) Some observations during two years' residence at Colorado Springs, Colorado. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1886, xv. 501-">07. Also: Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 103-108. — TBoore (H. B.) Colorado Springs; ein Zufluchtsort fiir Pbthisiker. Wien. klin. "Wchnschr., 1890, No. 51, iii, 995-997. Also, Reprint. — Solly (S. E.) An invalid's dav in Colorado Springs. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv, 173-184. Also, Keprint.-----In- valids suited for treatment at Colorado Springs. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass.. N. T.. 1888, v. 23-35. Also, Peprint.— Wngner ( C.) Colorado Springs and DavosPlatz, as winter health resorts, compared. Med. Kec, X. T., 1887, xxxii, 567-570. AUo, Reprint. Colorado State Medical Society. Transactions. l8H:i-D6. ;-. Denvev, 188:5-96. Color-blindness. Baker and Roberts (The) night code of marine signals. An improved system of making at night any or all of the signals of the inter- national or other codes, with rapidity and precision, by means of signal lights readily operated by a simple apparatus invented for the purpose; also a new alphabetical code designed and adapted for use in spelling out at night by sigual lights any words whatever, independently of the international or universal code, the same letters in each being indicated, however, by the same signals, the vowels omitted in the inter- national code being supplied in the alphabetical code. 8°. Providence, B. I., 1884. Bickerton (T. H.) Colour blindness and de- fective eyesight in officers and sailors of the mercantile marine. A criticism of the board of trade tests. 8^. Edinburgh, 1*99. Carter (R. B.) Cantor lectures on colour blindness. Delivered before the Society of Arts, May, 1881. 8°. londou, 1881. Cohn (H.) Die Arbeiten des Herrn Professor Holmgren iiber Farbenblindheit und seine Kanipfesweise. Antwort. 8°. Breslau, 1879. Colour blindness. 1 galley sheet. [Lirer- pool, 1888.] From: Liverpool J. Commerce, Nov. 17, 1888. Conference internationale concernant le service sanitaire des chemins de fer et de la navigation. Amsterdam, 20 et 21 septembre 1895. Comptes reudus des travaux de la con- ference. 8°. Harlem, 1895. Connecticut. State Board of Health. Visual power and color blindness. Act of legislature requiring examinations. Rules and require- ments of the State Board of Health. 12°. Hart- ford, 1880. Dal Pozzo di Mombello (E.) La discroma- topsia. Studi sulla visione dei colori. 12°. Foligno, 1888. Dekeersmacker (A.) Le daltonisme et les alterations du sens visnel en general chez les agents de l'administration des chemins de fer. 8°. Bruxelles, 1884. Favre (A.) Recherches cliniques sur le dal- tonisme: de la dyschromatopsie dans ses rap- ports avec l'etat niilitaire et la navigation. ec. Lyon, 1*76. -----. Du traitement du daltonisme dana les 6coles. 8°. Lyon, 1877. -----. R6sume' des mdmoires sur le dalto- nisme, pre"sent6s a l'Acad&nie des sciences. 8°. [Lyon, n. d.] Gelpke ( T. ) Ueber die Beziehungen der Farbenblindheit zum Eiseubahubetrieb. 12°. Karlsruhe, 1894. Great Britain. Board of Trade. Colour vision. Circular from the Board of Trade to the railway companies of the United Kingdom and correspondence relative thereto. March, 1694. fol. London, 1894. Gunther (S.) Ein Problem der physiologi- schen Physik in seinen Beziehungen zur Eth- nologie. 8J. [Leipzig, 1880.] Repr. from: KosmoSj 1880, iv, Hft. 8. Holmgren (F.) Die Farbenblindheit in ihren Beziehungen zu den Eisenbahnen und der Marine. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Laurent (A.) * Du daltonisrrfe; etiologie; frequence; dangers. 4°. Paris, 1883. Moeller (A.) Du daltonisme au point de vue thdrapeutique et pratique. Etude critique des niethodes d'exploration du sens chromatique, et rapport a M. le Ministre des travaux publics COLOR-BLINDNESS. 776 COLOR-LLIXDNESS. ColoB'-blisidiiess. sur la reforme ties employes des chemins dc fer atlccu's tic daltonisme en Suede, Norwegc et Danemark. 8\ liru.relles. 1879. Piekmarixi (G.) La visiouc dei colori e le sue alterazioni stutliatc in rapporto al servizio ferroviario. Memoria. >"'. 1 irenze, 1*86. Kay a (G.) Le anomalie tlel senso cromatico in relazione ad alcune questioni d'igiene sociale. roy. 8-. Sassari, l?s;5. Secoxdi (R.) Sul tlaltonismo. 8°. Milano, [189-2]. Forms no. 4,1. s., of: Conversaz.med. . . . Policlin. gen. di fori no, Milano. Stark (H.) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Farbenblindheit, 8-\ Freiburg i. B., 1897. Stilling (J.) Ueber das Sdien der Farben- blimlcn. 2. Aufl. 4J. Kassel u. Berlin, 1883. United States. Congress. Joint resolution relating to color-blindness aud visual acuteness in persons employed in the Navy and merchant marine. 40. Cong., 3. sess. H. Res. :>98. [Re- port No. I.")(i9, 46. Cong., 2. sess.] Feb. 14, 1881, rep. by Mr. Benjamin W. Harris. roy. 8°. [Washing I on. 18-1.] ------. The same. Forty-seventh Cong., 1. sess. H. Res. 24. Dec. 13, 1-81. Introd. by Mr. B. W. Harris, roy. 8 \ [ Washington, 1881.] Waldiiater (W.) *Untersncliuugen betref- fend die untere Reizschwelle Farbenblinder. 8-. Dorpat, 1**3. Wartmaxx (E.) Deuxieme mdmoire sur le daltonisme ou la dvschromatopsie. 4:. Geneve, 1849. VAN der "\Yeijdk(A. J.) * Methodisch onder- zoek tier kleurstelsels van kleurblinden. 8C. Utrecht, 1882. AUo, in: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab.tl. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 18*2. 3. K., Tii, 1-56, 1 pl., 1 diag. AUo, transl. [Abstr.| in: Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1882, xxviii, 2. Abth., 1-27. 1 pl. Abney (AV. de W.) Colour blindness. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1*91-2. xl, 676-683.—Alabama, An act for I he pro- tection of the traveling public against accidents caused by color blindness and defective vision. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery. 1887, 212. AUo.- Alabama M. & S. J., Bir- mingh.. 1887, ii, 354-356.—Albini. Sulla visione indiretta delle forme e dei colori. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1886, xv, 482-4rO. — liacon (W. T.) Colorblindness. Pep. Bd. Health Connect, Hartford, 1880, iii, 237-250.—Banniwter (H. M.) On some points iu regard to color blindness. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. T., 1881, n. s., vi, 49-53. Also, Reprint.— liarllctt (E. W.) Color blindness. Pep. Bd. Health Wisconsin 1881, Madison, 1882, vi, pt. 2, 16-27. Also: Tr. M. Sue. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1882, xvi, 29-39. -----. A further contribution on color-blindness. Ibid., ls>3. xvii, 86-90. — Bretz (F.) Zum Capitel tier Far- benblindlieit. Miinchen. med. Wchuschr., P95, xiii. 211.— Iticlicrlon ( T. II.) Colour-blindness. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1886, vi, 369-379. Also: Laueet. Lond., 1886, ii, 392-394.-----. Colour-blindness generally considered. Nature, Lond., 1891, xliv, 595-597. -----. On the associa- tion of shipping disasters with colour-blind and defective farsighted sailors. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, ii, 023-626. Also: Ophth. Rec., Nashville, 1892-3, ii, 209-219. _____. On the utter neglect of the eyesight question in Board of Trade inquiries into shipping disasters. Brit, M. J. Loud., 1895, ii, 959-961. Also: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1895, xii, 366-377. -----. Colour blindness and eyesight iu the mercantile marine; a criticism of the new rules of the Board of Trade. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1896. ii, 1299- 1303. — It ni-eli ( G. J.) Experiments on artificial tern porary colour bliuduess. Proc. Phvsiol. Soc, Loud., 1897-8 ]>. xiii. — Itui'iK'tt (S. M.) Color-blindness antl color- perception. Arch. Ophth.. X. Y., 1881, x, 1-7. Also ■ Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1882. xxi, 86-96. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1883-4, xiii, 241- 244. — Carpenter (Julia W.) Color blindness. Cin- cin. Lancet Sc Clinic. 1883, n. s., xi, 362-365. [Dis- cussion]. 372.— Carter ( R. B.) Colour-vision and col- our blindness. Nature, Loud., 1890, xiii, 55-61. AUo ■ Rep. Smitbson. Inst. ]8e9-90, Wash., 1891, 687-704. -----. Colour blindness. J. Rov. F. Service Inst Lond., 1892. xxxvi, 983-1005.—Cohn (H.) Feber hypno- tische Farbenblindheit und Accoiiiodaiionskranipt und iiber Mei boden. nur dasAuge zu hvpnotisireii. Jahresb. d. scjiles. Gesellsch. f. vaierl. Kult.'l88ii. Bresl.. 1881. lviii, 29-35. -----. Ueber das Yorschwinucii der Farbeublintl- Color-l>l indue**. heit beim Hrwaiincli eines Auges. Ibid.. 46-49. — Cor. rrc lion (Feber die) tier Karbi-nblindlicii. Un gar. rued. Presse, Budapest, 1897, ii, 854. — CiiIIm-i'Imoii (L. R. j Can wo prevent color-blindness by education of the color- sense in infancy? Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis 1897. xiv 362-369. — Cnllen (I'.) Remarks on colour blindness' Pro-. Allahabad M. Soe., 1882, i, 122-126.— Ue H< «|t il).j Legislation as regards color blindness. Cincin. Limuet i Clinic, 1884, n. s., xii, 416-418.— Dickcrson ( T. II.) Colour blindness; its present position in the mercantile marine service. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc., 1887, vii, 178-180.— Dor. Sur une forme partieulit-re d'aphasie pour hi la denomination des couleurs. Bull, et in6m. Soc. tin no d'opht., Par., 1887, v. 288-JIM,. Also.- Rev. gen. d'opbt Par., 1887, vi, 155-162. — Drrlici- 8. — Fnyrr IA.) Le pronostic du dalto- nisme. Arch, d'opht., Far., 1886,vi. 229-242. Also, Reprint. -----. Persistance do la guerison du daltonisme i ongenitai traite par l'exercice. Gaz. hebd. de m6d , Par., 188H. 2. s., xxv.598-600. A2»'0,Reprint. -----. Xotespathologiquesgiir hi fausse appreciation ties couleurs. Lvon ni6d. 1889 lxii. 217; 336; 376; 414: 443. — Finla, di.) La securite des vovaecm s et le daltonisme. Presse med.. Par., 1880- 81. i, 105;'125. — Ficlt (A.) Zur Theorie der Farbenbliud- licit. Arch. f. tl. ses. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiv. 313-320.- de Fonlcnay (O. E.) Om Kontrol med Fai veblindlicd. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1881, viii, 2. K., 721-731.— Fonelier ( A.-A.) De la excite lbs couleurs dans ses rapports avec les cbeniins de fer et la marine. Fnion nied. du Canada, Montreal, 1884, xiii, 49-52.—dalezowNki (X.) L'achro- matopsie ou dyschromatopsie. Cong. period, internat. d'ophth. Compt.-rend., Par., 1868, 164.-Heriiii; (E.) Ueber tlie Hypothesen zur Erkliiruug der peiiphenu Far- benblindheit. Arcb. f. Ophtii , Leipz., 1889, xxxv, 4. Abth., 63-83. -----. Ueber angebliche Blaublindheit der Zap- fen - Sehzellen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1895, lxi,106-112.—Ilerttchcl (Sir J. F. W.) Remarks on colour- blindness. Proc. Roy. Soe. Lond., 1859-60, x, 72-84.—Hil- bert (R.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Farbenblindheit. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883-4, xxxiii, 293-296. -----. Das verhalten der Farbenblinden gegeuiiber der auomalen Dispersion. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1885, xxiii, 233-238. —von Ilippel (A.) Ueber einseitige Farbenblindheit. Arch. f. Ophth.. Berl., 1881, xxvii, 3. Abth., 47-55.—Hogs (J.) Homer colonr-bliml. J. Sc, Lond., 1885. 3. s., vii, 313-318. — Holmgren i l'.l Om fiirgblindheten i dess fbrhallande til jeru vagal rati- ken och Sjovasendet. |Color-blindness in relation lo rail- roads and navigation.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh.. 1876-7, xii, 171; 267, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.----. Om de t'argade skuggorna och fargblindheten. [Color perception and color - blindness.] Upsala Lakaref. F'drh., 1877-8, xiii, 456-465. AUo, Reprint. -----. Cohn'scbo Sadie. Up- sala Lakaref. Ftirh., 1878-9, xiv, 537-598. Alsc, Re- print. -----. Huru do fiirgbliuda se fargerna. Forut- skickadt meddelande. [Comment les avowries pour lea couleurs voient les couleurs. C. r., pp. i-viii] F])sala La- karef. Forh., 1880-81. xvi, 69-75. AUo, Reprint-Jeffries (B. J.) The control of defective vision on land end sea. Am. l'ub. Health Ass. Rep. 1881, Bost., 1883, vii, 225-229. -----. Control of tbe dangers from defective vision. Harper's X. Month. Mag., N. Y., 1884, lxviii. 864-868.- Jnnqneru y Gomez ( P. ) Breves consideraciones acerca do cl daltonisme. In: Confer, cient. d. cuerpo de sanid. de la armada, 8;. San Fernando. 1882, i. 1-12 — Iiibbc(A. B.) Color-blindness. Rocky Mountain M. Times, Denver, 1882, i, 359-363. — KirMchmann (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Farbt'iiblindheit. Phil. Stud., Leipz.,1892, viii, 173: 406. —Konis (A.) Feber Farlien- seheu uud Farbenblindheit. Arch i. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1885, 160-164. — Krenchcl (Y.) Et Par'praktiske Be- nian'kninger om Farveblindbed. IIosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1882, 2. R., ix, 885-889. —von Kiics (J.) Feber die dichromatischen Farbensysteme (partielle Farbenblind- heit). Centralbl. f. Physiol.. Leipz. u. Wieu, 1896, x, 148-152. -----. Ueber die Fai benblindlieit der Netzhaut- pcripherie. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. ii. Phvsiol. il. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1897, xv, 247-279. —von Krii« (J.) & .>nsj«'I (W.) Ueber den Einfluss von Lichtstiirke uud Adaptation auf das Sehen des Dichromateu (Griinblindon). Ibitl, Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1896, xii, 1-38.— Cnylcyzc (P.) Daltonismo. Rev.argent.de oftal.pract., Iiuenos Aires, 1883-4. i, 89-93.— lTIackay (G.) A discussion ou a contribution to tho study of hemianopsia, with special reference to acquired colour-blindness, in the section of ophthalmology at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association held in Glasgow. August. 1888 Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1888, ii, 1033- 1037. -----. Colourblindness and defective sight in rela- tion to public duty. Ediub. Health Soc. Health Lect., COLOK-BLINDNESS. 777 COLOK-BLTNDNESS. Color-bliiidm***. 1890-91, xi, 59-81. —iTIagnus (H.) Beitrage zur Kennt- niss tier physiologischen Farbenblinilheit. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl.. 1878. xxiv, 4. Abth., 171-236. Also, lie- print. — .11 antimer ( L.) Ueber das Weseu und tlie Be- stiiiiniung tier Farbenblindheit. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wieu, 1881, xvi, 258; 270; 281: 294: 307; 316 — Mellberg (E.J) Iakttagelser rdrantle largblindhet. [Observatioirs sur la eeeite des couleurs. C. r., no. 31.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1882, xiv, no. 29, 4-8.—Meyer (A.) II daltouisnio. Arch, per F antrop., Firenze, 1880, x, 455- 458.—IVeloliczUa (E.) Untersuchuiigon iiber Farben- blindheit und Kur/.sichtigkeit. Graz. 1880-81. [Rev.] J. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1881, v, Xo. 12, 2-4. — rVic- nietschek (J.) Ueber Farbenblindheit und Farben- sehen. Vnljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1868, c, 224- 038. — Olilcmanii. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Lehre von der Farbenblindheit. Aerztl. Sacbverst.- Ztg., Herb, 1895, i, 87; 102. — Oliver (C. A.) Color- blindness. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 212; 282.— Oliver (S.) Another theory of defective colour-vision (colour-blindness"). Edinb. M. J., 1890-91, xxxvi, 325.— Pole (W.) On colonr-bliudness. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1856-7. viii, 172-177. ------. On the present state of knowl- edge aud opinion in regard to colour-blindness. Tr. Roy. Soc. Ediub., 1891-3, xxxvii, 441-479. 1 pl— l*nrdon (J.E.) The psychical import of variable achromatopsia; an origi- nal research. 'I'r. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1892, 383-394. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lviii, 200-205.—Rene (A.) De la cecite des couleurs. Gaz. d. hop., Bar., 1881, liv, 28: 37.—Report of the committee on colour-blindness. Tr. Ophth. Soe. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1880-81, i, 191-207. — von Reus* (A.) Ueber Farben- blindheit. Wien. Klinik, 1879. v. 65-100.—Rios V. (C.) De la, eromatopseiidosia, 6 ceguera de los colores. Rev. nied. de Chile, Saut.de Chile, 1888-9, xvii, 385-438, 2 pl.— Ruiz y San rom a n (E.) Estudios sobre el daltonismo aplicado ft la navegaeion. Bol. tie med. nav., San Fer- nando, 18el. iv, 213; 302: 1882, v, 12; 97: 175; 302. ------. El Daltonismo en sus relacioues con navegaeion. Ibid., Madrid, 1888, xi. 131; 186: 237: 265: 1889, xii. 29; 133; 190; 241; 276: 1890, xiii, 5.—Schuster (M.) Die Farbenblind- heit. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. siebenbiirg. Ver. f. Xa- tnrw. in llermanustadt, 1881, xxxi, 1-23. — Sergei. Untersuchungen auf Farbenblindheit uud Pupillendis- tanz. Festschr. d. arztl. Ver. Miinchen z. Feier [etc. ], 1883, 122-127.—Sinclair ( vv. W.) Colour vision and accidents. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 8 i!i—Stemen (C. B.) Color blind- ness. Proc. [Surg. Mic. Wabash, St. Louis ..t Pacific Railway] 1882-4. Fort Wavne. Intl., 1884. 62-66. AUo: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc. lt84-5, iv. 1-6.—Thomson (W.) Color blindness among railroad employes. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li. 182. Also: Pop. Sc Month.. X. Y., 1887, xxxi, 794-796. — Tomes l A.) Colour blindness. Proc. N.-W. Prov. Sc Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 1883, ii, 38.—von Yintschgau. Ueber Farbenblind- heit. Ber. tl. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck (1891-2), 1893, xx, pp. xxxii-xxxvii. — Visual power and colorblindness. Rep. Bd. Health Connect., Hartford. 1880. iii, 52-83.— Welsh (D. E.) Color blindness. Railway Surg.. Chi- cago. 1894. i, 8-11. -----. Color blindness. Ibid., 1896-7, iii, 175-179.—Wright (A. E.) Colour-blindness; its pa- tliologv and its possible practical remedy. Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 1892, xxxi, 648-660. Color-blindness (Gases and statistics of). See, also, Color-blindness (Diagnosis of and tests for). Color-blindness and defective sight among railroad employes. 8-. [Boston, 1880.] Hermann (G.) *Eiu Beitrag zur Casuistik der Farhcnblindheit. *-. Dorpat, 1882. Uhry (E.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Blau- gelbblindheit. [Strasburg.] 8-.' Saargemiind, 1894. Wilson (G.) Researches ou colour-blind- ness; with a supplement ou the dauger attend- iug the present system of railway and marine coloured signals. 8-. Edinburgh, 1855. Armstrong (S. T.) Colour-blindness in the mercan- tile marine of the United States. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 188.— Reauuioiit (W. M.) Cases illustrating the re- sults to tbe employes of imperfect vision testing on rail- ways. Lancet, Lond., 1895. i, 341.—Rickerton (T. H.) Caseof colour blindness. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1884, iv, 421-425. Also, Reprint. ------. Case of colour-blindness. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1885, v, 508-512. ------. Colour blindness; its present position iu the mercantile marine Bervice. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1887, ii, 498-500.-----. Sail- ors and their evesight, including colour-blindness. Ibid., 1888, ii, 1038-1041.—Blake (L. I.) Sc Franklin (\V. S.) In regard to color-blindness among Indians. Science, N. Y., 1893, xxi, 297.— Bono (G. B.) II daltonismo mi Color-blindness (Cases and statistics of)- delinquent!. Arch, tli psicbiat. [etc.], Torino, 1883, iv, 88-97.— Browne (E. A.) Painting by a colour-blind artist. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Louil., 1886, vi, 443.— Clark. Examination for color blindness among the em- ployes of the C , H. Sc D. R. 11. and its sub-divisions. Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886, n. s., xvii, 642.—Colour blind- ness and defective eyesight in the personnel of the mer- cantile marine. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1895, i, 1112.—Colour- blimliii'KN and defective (ar-sight among the seamen of (he mercantile marine* Nature. Loud., 1889, xl, 438.— Data ou tbe phenomena of colour-blindness; chiefly de- rived from foreign sources. Proc Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1892- 5, xx, 103-140.— Dor. Un cas de chromatotyphlose ou achromatopsie complete. Rev. gen. d'opht , Par., 1885, iv, 433-436. Also, transl.: Arch, ophth. de Lisb., 1885, vi, 97- 100.—Edridi;e-<»reeu (F. W.) Note on a case of asym- metrical colour-blindness. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n.s., xlviii, 53-55.—Kyesight (The) of seamen ; col- our blindness and defective sight iu the mercantile ma- rines. Brit. M. J., Lund.. 1897, i. 292; 343; 537.— Favrt (A.) Recherches cliniques sur le daltonisme: elements do statistique. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. tl. se. C. r. 1877, Par., 1878, vi, 870-876.—FieMe (Allele M.) Color-sense and color-blindness among the Chinese, based on an exam- ination of twelve hundred persons. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1890, iv, 61-63.—Harvey (G.) On an anoma, Ions case of vision with regard to colours. Tr. Roy. Soc- Edinb. (1824), 1826, x, 253-262.—Bering (E.) Untersu. chung eines total Farbenblinden. Arch. f. tl. ges. Phy- siol.. Bonn, 1891, xlix, 563-608.------. Ueber einen Fai- von Gelb-Blaubliudheit. 1 bid., 1894, lvii, 308-332.—lies* (C.) I'ntersuchung eines Falles von halbseitiger Farben- sinnstorung am linken Auge. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1890. xxxvi, 24-36.—Hogg (J.) Colour-blindness in the mercantile marine. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1885, i, 1151 — Holland (J. W.) Color blindness in railroad emplo\es. Rep. Bd. Health Kentucky 1880, Frankfort, 1881, iii, pp. lxi-lxiv. — Holmgren (F.) Om fargsinuet hos frani- niantle folk. Redoydresle for Dr. K. Rudbergs undersok- ningar under Fregatten Vauadis' verltlsomseglins. [Color sense in foreign nations. Dr. R.'s investigation in his circumnavigat ion in the frigate Vauadis. | Up.sala Lakaref. Forli., 1885-6, xxi, 83-96.—Jeffries (B. J.) Some medico- legal eases under State and national laws. Tr. Ani.Oph'h. Soc, Bost.. 1886, iv, pt. 2. 206-214. AUo, Reprint,—Kolbe (B.) Izsliedovan'ie tsvietovoi sllepoti v Rossii. [Investi- gation of color-blindness in Russia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, iii, 459; 526.—Kreyssig (F.) Genuine totale Far- benblindheit; ein Beitrag zur Casuistik derselben. Mitth. a. d. ophth. Klin, in Tiibiug., 1890, ii, 332-334.—I.aiitlolt. Achromatopsie totale. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1880-81, i. 114- 120.-----. Un nouveau cas d'achromatopsie totale. Ibid., 1891, xi, 202-206. AUo, Reprint,—IVlace & rVicati. Ex- plication du symptom ebemeralopie; (dahouismeacciilentel bleu; expos6 de M. Nicati). Rec. tl. actes tlu ComitG metl. il. Bouches-du-Rhone, Marseille, 1881-2, xx, 42-48.—Mc- Crillivray (A.) Reportof a caseof central colour defect; recent proposed tests for colour blindness. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 178. — iTIarcchal. Recherches ties dal- toniensdausle recrutement maritime. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1889, 3. s., xi, 33-39.—Minor (J. L.) A case of colour- blindness for green. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. s., lxxxv, 471.—IVoyes (H. D.) Two cases of heini-ac.hronia- topsia. Arcb. Ophth., N. T., 1882, xi, 210-221. AUo, Re- print.—I»eddie(W.) On acase of colour blindness, 'lr. Roy. Soc. Edinb.. 1896, xxxviii, 501-508, 1 pl.—Pfliiger (E.) Weitere Beobachtungen an Farbenblinden. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1881-2, xi, 1-14.— Fierd'houy. Une visite aux alien6s do la province a Mombello. Cong, pe- riod, internat. d'ophth. C.-r. 1880, Milan, 1881, vi, 162- 175.—Querenghi (F.) Due casi di acromatopsin totale. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1891-2, xx, 351-355. Also, transl: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1891, cvi, 333-338.—Roberts (C.) Re- port on tbe observations on eyesight and colour-blind- ness, made at Marlborough College, by T. A. Preston. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1881, Lond., 1882, li, 268-272.— Rockliffe (W. C.) Further cases illustrating the results to the employ6s of imperfect vision testing on railways and in the mercantile marine. Lancet, Lond., 1895. i 482 — ScJimitz (A.) Weitere 2633 Uiitersuchun ■: en auf Farben- blindheit. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz.. 1882, vi, 270-273.—Shu feld MR. W.I A caseof Daltonism allVcting one eye. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 319.—S[mith] (P.) Report of a committee on colour-vision appointed by the couni'.il of the Rov al Society. Report of tbe council of the British Medical Association on the control of railway servants'eyesight. [Rev.] Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1892, xi, 157-167.—Stevenson (F. B.) Color blindness in Asiatics. Mitth. tl. deutsch. (Jcsellsch.f. Nat,- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Tokio, 1894, vi, 54 Hit,. 190-194. AUo. Reprint— Thom- son (W.) A report of the examination of the employees of the Pennsylvania Railroad as to color sense, acuteness of vision, and hearing. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1884. Bo.-t., 1885, iii, pt. 5, 728.-----. A method for the practical ex- amination of railway employes as to color blindness, acute- COLOR-BLINDNESS. 778 COLOB-BLINDNESS. Color-blindness {Cases and statistics of). ness of vision and hearing, with the results obtained by it on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1884. Salem. 1885. xxxiii, 120-128. Also: Pop Sc. Month., N. Y., 1884-5. xxvi, 433-441. ------. Cases illustrative of different forms of color-blindness. J. Am. M. A*s., Chi- cago. 1896. xxvi. 259-262. Also, Reprint.—Velarili i E ) Ra]»porto dell' esame del senso cromatieo nel personale delle ferrovie meiidionali. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1883. xii, 297-304.—von Vintschgau (M.) Physiologische Ana- lyse eines ungewohnhchen Falles partieller Farbenblind- heit (Triehromasie des Spectruns). Arch. f. tl. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1891. xlviii, 431-528. ------. Physiologische Analyse eines ungewohnliclien'Fnlles partieller Faiben- blind'heit. Ibid., 1894, lvii. 191-307. — Warlomont & .llocllt r. Examen de la vision du pers nnel attache aux chemins de fer. Rapport adresse a M. le Ministre des tra- vaux, publics de Belgique, le 10 .juin 1880, au nom de la coniinission -dite du daltonisme". Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1«80. xhii. 105-128. AUo, Reprint.—Worms. Dn dal- tonisme chez les employes de chemins de fer. Union m6d., Par., 1886, 3. s., xii. 458-465. Color-blindness (Causes of). vox Hippel (A.) Ueber totale angeborene Farlicnblindheit. roy. 8°. Berlin. 1894. Repr. from: Festschr. d. Facultaten z. 'JOOjiihr. Jubelf. d. Universitat Halle. Abney (YV. lie W.) On the exaniination for colour of eases of tobacco scotoma, and of abnormal colour blind- ness. Proc. Boy. Soc. Lond., 1891, xlix, 491-508.—Bayer ( F. ) Feber erworbeno Farbenblindheit. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1882, vii, 33; 43.—Brill (N. E.) Color-blind- ness from a cerebral lesion. Chicago M. Rev., 1882, v, 162—Foil tan. Cu casde daltonisme triiuinatique. Roe. d'opbth., Par.. 1883. 3. s.. v, 705-710.—Galezowski (X.) [ .\chroniatopsio hysterique.] Inliis: fitude ophthahno scopiquc sur les alterations do nerf optique [etc.], 4°, Par., 1865. no, 239, III. — Holmes i E. L.) A ease of puerperal retinitis: blindness; color-blindness; recovery. Arch. Ophth., N. V.. 1881. x. 421. Also [Abstr.]: Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xliii. 606. — Kolbe ( B. ) Ein Fall von angeborener einseitiger Rothgi iinsohwache. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh.. Leipz.. 1882, vi, 291-296. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1895. lxvi, 95-97.—Roberts (C.) Colour- blindness as a racial character. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 124.—Thompson (J. H.) Tbe abuse of alcohol and to- bacco a cause of acquired color blindness. Kansas Citv M. Rec, 1890, vii, 299-305. AUo : J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg.. Fort Wayne, 1890-91, iii, 57-67. Also: Quart, J. Inebr., Hartford, 1891, xiii, 13-24. Color-blindness (Diagnosis of and tests for). See, also, Color (Perception of, Measurement of. etc.). Edkidge-Grekx (F. YV.) The detection of colour-blindness, from a practical point of view. *°. Loudon, 1889. Great Britain. Board of Trade. Marine Department. Colour tests. Reports by the as- sistant secretary of the murine department to the secretary of the Board of Trade upon the colour tests used in the examination of candi- dates for masters' and mates' certificates of com- petency, and others in the British mercantile marine. ( With appendices. ) For the years 1877-8 to 1**8-9. fol. London, lss5-9. Hkrzog(B.) * Ueber den praktischen Nutzen des Wolffherg'scheu Apparatcs zur dingnosti- scheii Yerwertung den quuntitativen Farben- sinnpriifen. S'. Konigsberg, 18*7. Jkxnixgs (J. E. ) Color vision and color blindness; a practical manual for railroad siu- gvons. 1 •.>-'. Philadelphia, 1*96. Oiii.emaxx (M. ) Die Farbenblindheit und ihre Diagnose. Zum Gebraiiche fiir Aerzte und Beholden. 12°. Braunschweig, 18-97. Peuuy-Costk (F. H.) An extraordinary case of colour blindness. ^. London, 1K»7. Repr. front: Univ. Mag. Sc Free Rev., Lond., 1897. Pflcgeu (11. F. YV.) Tafeln zur Bestimiiiumr der Farbenblindheit. S-. Bern, 18*0. Roberts (C.) The detection of colour-blind- ness and imperfect eyesight; with a table of oloured Berlin wools aud sheet of test-types. 2. ed. 8'-. London, 1884. Color-blindness (Diagnosis of and tests for). Stilling (J.) Pseiido-isochroinfitische. Tafeln fiir die Priifung des Farbensinnes. 3. Anfl. (der ganzoii Folge 9.). 4°. Leipzig, 1**9. Aaller (H.) Die Farhenstifi probe: eine neue Methode zur Untersiiehuug ajif Farhcnhlimlhi-it. Wien. klin Wchnschr., 1891, iv, lis,-38!). — Iti« Itci ton (T. II.) Colour blindness: a criticism of the I'.oaid ol Trade tests Brit M. J., Lond., 1890. i, 535-539.—liiuilcy (W. A.) On the tests of vision which should be applied lo sailors Ibid 1883, ii, 1008.—Kn.vton (A. St.-C.) Colour tests for rail' way servants. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1252. —C'lnrlt (j,.j Testing for colour-blindness. Nature, Loud.. 1890, xiii 147. — <.....etj (W. S.) Holmgren's and Thomson's worsteds in a new form. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc., Bost., 1886, iv, pt. 2, 201.— EOreen (F. \V.) Note on the detection of colour-blindness. Med. Press Sc Circ., Lond., 1889, n. s. xlviii, 407. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1036. _____'.', Two new tests for colour blindness. Brit. M. J., Lond.| 1890, i. 7.!.------. A review of the tests for colour blind- ness. / bid.. 1891, ii, 470. ------. The tests for colour-blind- ness. Med. Press Sc Circ., Loud., 1895, n. s., lx, 311; 334.— Gama fiobo. Methode suivie au laboratoire de il. le Prof. Donders pour deconvrir lac6cite des couleurs. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 513-520.—Gortz. Zur Prii. lung auf Farbenblindheit, speciell der Bahnbedieusteten. Munchen. nied. Wchuschr., 1897, xliv, 196.—<»ro8Siii9-(i0; 21., i.-t)0-t;i; 25., i-<;4-r>; 27.-35., 1866-7 to 1-74-5; 37., 1*76-7 ;38., 1*77-*: 40.-57., 1*79-60 to 1-96-7. 12:. New York, l>53-97. Organized 1839. Incorporated 1845 The words "antl Hospital" added to title in report for 1894-5. Color=viearing'. see Audition (Colored). Colorimeter and colorimetry. Beaumont (L.) * Dosage des substances colore'es j>ar les coloriiuetres. 4G. Montpellier, 1**9. Ml*llkr(A.) Dus Coinplenieutiir-Coloriineter. AuslTihrlichercs iiber Construction uud Anwen- dung desselben fiir Chemiker, Hiittenprohirer, Metallurgeu. Pharniiicciiten, Coloristen. 1'hysi- ker, Meteorologen u. s. w. 6°. Chemnitz, 1-54. h ------. Studien am Coniplernentiircoloriine- ter. -\ Eisleben, 1-55. Cutting from: Der Bergwerksfreund, Eisleben, 1855, xviii, loi: 117. Boliomley raiites artificielles. 16'-. Lyon, Parh, l-'j.i. Fabiutius (J.) * Examen theoriae celeber- rimi a Goethe de coioribus physiologieis. 4°. Abom, [1-19]. Grandhomme. Die Theerfarben-Fabriken der Actien-Gesellscbaft Farbwerke voriu. Mei- Color*. ster Lucius A- Briining zu Htichst a. M. in sani- tiirer uud socialer Beziehune. 6 . Heidelhera, 1*83. *' -----. The same. 3. Anil. roy.s . Frank- furt a. M.. 1-93. Haxkel ( E.) Laboratoriumsversuche iiber die Kliirung der Abfallwasser der Fiirbereien. Hygienische Studien. 8'-'. Glauchau, 16s4. Hetru. * De 1'actiou das substances colo- rantes sur les charbons. 4C. Paris, 1K17. vox Hoiixel (F.) Die Mikroskopie der tech- nisch verwendcten Faserstott'e. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch der Faserstotte, Gewebe und Papiere. s . Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1*87. Jonas (V.) * Pliotometrische Mestimmung tier Absorptionsspektra roter und blauer Bliiteu- farbstoffe. [Kiel.] 8°. Batibor, 18*7. Opoix. The'orie des couleurs et ties corps iu- flanimables, et dc leurs principes constituants: la lnniiere et le feu, basee sur les faits et sur les decouvertes moderues. 12°. Paris, 1808. Sc'Heffer. Sull' arte della tintura: coinen- tato dal signor Bergmann, colle osservazioni sulla tintura azzurra. del . . . Vogler, ed un' ap- pendice. 4J. Genova. 1790. Schroder (C. W. M ) * Entwickelung der Raupeiizeichuung und Abliiingigkeit der letz- teren von der Farbe der Unigebung. [Kiel.] 8C. B> riin, 1*91. Srt'iuR (A.) Zur Hypothese der Selistoffe und Gruntlfarben. s°. Leipzig u. Wien, 1*9*. Stokes (G. G.) Tbe absorption of light and the colours of natural bodies. 12°. Loudon, 1876. , • Zibell (J. D.) * Beitrag zur Keuntniss der beizenzielieuden Farbstoffe. -°. Bern, 1*92. Bottomley (J.) Ou a theorv of mixed colours. Proc. Lit. Sc Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1880-81, xx, 1-14.—Brews- ter (D.) On tbe colours of natural bodies. Tr. Rov. Soc. Edinb., 1832-3, xii, 538-545.—de Button. Dissertation sur les couleurs accidentelles. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Par.J 1743. Amst.. 1749. Mem., 203-219— Bun* (O.) Bei- trage zur Spectralanalyse einiger toxikologiscb und phar- makogiiostisch wichtiger Farbstoffe mit besonderer Be- riicksielitigung des Ultraviolett. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebens- mittel. Munchen. 1896, iii, 163: 197: 237. Also, Reprint.— Beeren. (Quelques apercus sur les meilleurs moyens in prendre pour dresser uue echelle chromatique. Rec. d'ophth., Par.. 1889. 3. s., xi, 585-597.—DopoflT. Du me- lange des couleurs materielles et de leurs coiitrastessimul- tan6s. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par.. 1891, 9. s., iii. 742- 746.—Gamier (L.) Fn colorant inoffensif pour vins et vinaigres. Mem. Soe. de nied. de Nancy (1885-6), 1887, 43- 46.—Geoflroy (J.) De la connaissance et de la denomi- nation des couleurs dans l'antiquite. Mem. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1875-82, 2. s., ii, 281-313.—«lan (P.) Ein Grundgesetz der Complemeutarfarben. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1886, xxxix, 53-61. — Gramlhoiiiiiie, Bericht iiber die Kraukeubeweguug auf den ' Knrbwer- ken " vorni. Meister, Lucius & Briining iu Hbebst a. M. pro 1880. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. tiff. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1881, x, 99-108.— Heine (I!.) Zur Kenntniss der Kermesbeeivn- und Kermcsschilillaiis-Fiirbstoffe. Arb. a. tl. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1894-5. xi. 513-523. — Knie*. Feber Gruntlfarben. Ber. ii. d. Versamml tl. ophth. (!e- scllsch., Stuttg., 1887, xix, 70-76. — Tlorlon (G. II.), jr. The primary colors. [Abstr.) Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Liverp., 1881-2, xxxvi, 249-255.—tickles (J.) Les cou- leurs dans lems rapports avec les liimieres artiticielles. Rev. tl. cours scient. [etc.J, Par., 1865-6, iii. 220-224. —I»e- triishev*l. a. d. k. Gsndbtsamte, Berl., 1894-5, xi, 507.— Rivera ('iV. H. R.) Thephotometrv of coloured paper. J.Physiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxii, 137-145.—Koln (G.) Nuovo metodo tl' analisi qualitativa delle materie coloranti orgauicbe (naturali ed artiticiali). Riv. d' ig. e sau. pubb., Roma, 1896, vii, 277-291, 1 tab.—Sell nn cit (E.) Remarks on the terms used to denote colour, and ou tho colours of faded leaves. Proc. Lit. A- Phd. Soc. Manchester. 1881-2, xxi, 43-56.— Treiehel (A). Farben im Volksmunde. Urquell, Leiden, 1897. n. F., i, 215-249.—linger (F.-YV. ) [Disque chroraharnionique.) Compt. rend. Acad. d. se., Par., 1855, xl, 239-242. C'OLOJJS. 780 COLORS. Colore (Animal). Sec, also, Cochineal: Pigment. Fremixeau (II. i * Nouvelles recherches sur hs causes qui de'teimineut la coloration des plumes. 1-. Paris, 186*. Ridgway (R.) A nomenclature of colors for naturalists, and compendium of useful knowl- edge for ornithologists. -. Boston, 1*86. Boron. A propos d'un article de Wilckens sur la trausmissibilit6 ties robes chevalines. Rec. de med. vet., | Par. 1889. 7. s. vi. 37-4o. Also, trattsl. : J. Comp. M. & S., Phila., 1889, x, 162-104.—Coriicvin (('.) Qnelques obser- vations pour servir au detcrniiuisme tie la coloration ties oiseaux et des niammiferes domest iqnes. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1895, 5. s.. vii, 1-11—Eimer. The distribution of colour in reptiles, birds, and mammals. [Transl. [Abstr.l from: Jahresb.tl.Ver. f.Xaturk.iu Wiirt- temb., xxxix. 56.] J. Sc.Lond., 1883, 3.s.,v, 633-036. — liOeb (J ) A contribution to the phvsiologv of coloration in ani- mals. J. Morphol., Bost., 1893. viii. 161-164.—I,oi*el (G.) La coloration des tissus che/ les animaux vivants. Compt. rend. Soc. de bio).. Par.. 1897. 1(1. s., iv, 624-626. — Mac tlmin (('. A.i Contributions to animal chromatology. Quart. J. Mier. Sc., Lond., 1889-90, xxx, 51-96, 1 pl.— tlar- chnl (I'.l La coloration des animaux. Rev. scient, Par., 1885, xxxvi, 12-18.—«le ITIerejItowski (C.) Sur la te- troneryt brine dans le regne animal et sur son role physio- i logique. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc., Par., 1881, xciii, 1029- 1032 —Poulton (E. B.) The uses of animal color. Pop. Sc. Month., NY., 1890-91. xxxvii, 533- .".38.— Rtodzevich ( V.V.) Noviv. dayushtshiy krasyashtsheyc veshtshestvo, saprotit. | A new saprophyte, which gives a coloring mat- ter ] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 436.—Snee (K.)fils. Considerations sur les eoloralions auimales. Aetes Soc. hei vet. d. sc. nat., Lausanne. 1843, xxviii, 148-171.— Me li wnl be ( G. ) Ueber den Farbenwecbsel winter- WeN-er Tliicro ; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Haai wechsel und zur Frage nach der Herkunft des naiitpigments. Moiphol Arb, Jena. 1892-3, ii. 483-606. 3 pl— Tliilcniu* (I i. i Der Fai benwechsel von Varauus gi isens. Fromastix aeanthiniirus und Agame inermis. Ibid., 1897, vii, 515- 545 2 pl.—Todd (J. E.) Directive coloration in animals. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1888. xxii. 201-207. Color* (Poisonous). See, also, Aniline colors, etc. (Toxicology of); Arsenic in coloring matters, etc.; Candles (Poi- sonous): Clothing; Confectionery (Adulter- ated, etc); Conjunctivitis (Causes of): Coral- line; Cosmetics (III effects of); Flowers (Arti- ficial); Paper (Poisonous); Toys. Caku (H.) Our domestic poisons; or the poi- sonous rfleets of certain dyes and colours used in domestic fabrics. 1'2-. London, 1*79. -----. Poison iu domestic fabrics iu relation to trade and art; being a sequel to the pam- phlet " Our domestic poisons from tbe sanitary point of view". l(i°. London, [1**6]. Chevallier (A.) Peinture au blanc de zinc et aux couleurs a base tie zinc. Rapport fait a la Societe d'enconragement pour l'industrie na- tionale, an nom du comite ties arts chimiques, sur la substitution tlu blanc de zinc ct des couleurs a ba*e du zinc au blanc de plomb, et aux couleurs a base de plomb et de cuivre, par M. Lcclaire. 4°. Paris, 1-19. Gallico (A.) Colori veleuosi e colori innocui 8°. Milano, 1--1. Latimork (S. A.) Arsenic in the arts as a cause of arsenical poisoning. 1 galley sheet. i-7i;. Cutting from: Rochester Daily Union Sc Advertiser May 17. 1876. Vihon (L.) "Contribution a l'e'tude physio- logique et toxicologique de quelques prepara- tions cbromees. 4°. Paris, 1885. YYeyl (T.) Die Theerfarben mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Schiidlicbkeit und Ge.setz»cl>nn»- bygienisch und forcnsisch-chemisch untersucht" Mit einer Vorrede von Prof. Sell. 1 I.f.r. ~ Berlin, 18*9. ---■—. The same. The coal-tar colors, with especial reference to their injurious qualities aud tbe restriction of tbeir use. A sanitary and Colors (Poisonous). medico-legal investigation, yvitb a preface hy Prof. Sell. Transl., yvitb permission of the author, by Henry Leffmauu. 12J. Philadelphia 1892. ' -----. (Jit'tige Farben. 8-. [Berlin, n.d.] Repr. from: Fai ben-Industrie, Berl., iv. Arloing (S.) & Cazeneuve (P.) Sur les effets physio logiipies de deux colorants rouges azolques tres employes pour colorei'lessubstancesalimentaires. Arch.de physiol norm, et path., Par., 18*7, 3. s., ix, 356-393. Also. Lyon ni6d., 1887, lv, 5-18. AUo: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc' >| se. m6d.de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii. 110-125. AUo (Abstr ]' J. de pharm. et chim.. Par., 1887. 5. s., xv, 609-611—Bar i- lett (II. C.) Poisonous and non-poisonous paints and wall- papers. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.. 1*78. xxvii, n.s.,369__ Bnzzoni (C.) Sullesostanze coloranti tossichendoperate nell' arte del verniciatore e relativa profilassi. Atti tl. ii unione tl' igienistiital. 1881, Milano, 1882. i, 250.—Blare*. De quelques effets nuisibles resultant de 1'ingestion de hois- sons colorees avec certaines matierescolorantesderiveesde la houille. Mem. etbull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1886, 125-129. Also: J.de med.de Bordeaux, 1385-6, xv, 401.—Carpenticr. Note sur la teinture des draps] Arch. nied. beiges, Brux.. 1883, 3. s., xxiii, 31-33.— Carry! De la toxicite de certains cotons teints eu jaune pur des colorants azoiques. Lyou med., 1888, lvii, 77-84.—Caze- ne live (P.) Les colorants de la houille au point de vue de l'hygiene. Bull. Acad, de metl. Par., 1886, 2. s , xv, 643-650. -----. Les couleurs de la houille et la revision des listes I6gales des colorants nuisibles et non nuisibles. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 18*7. 3.8., xviii, 5-8.—Clarke (\Y. M.) Ou arsenical disease, or the disorders produced by arseni- cal papers and colours. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i. C98- 701. Also. Reprint.—Finance. La presence du ploiub dans la peinture. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi. 175- 182.—Foster (YV.) Experiments on the contamination of atmospheric, air with the vapours arising from arsenical pigments. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1*79-81, v, 41-40.— de Foiirnt-M. Les colorants tie la houille an point de vno de l'hygiene. J. d'hyg., Par.. 18*0, xi, 233.—Gintl (W.) Ist die Verweniliiug vou Theerfarbstoffen zur Farlniug vou Xaliriiugs-und (reniissinitteln uiibedingtaus/.uschlic*- sen,oder welche derselben ktinnen zu dieser Vei weiidiuig als zulassig bezeichnet werdeiW Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb.. Wieu.l.-*7,vi,36.Hft.,77-82.—4*riimiiix. Coloration k I'aide de substances toxiques d'ohjets usuels: era\ous, porte-plnmrs, pains a cacheter, couleurs pour l'aquarelle ou la gouache. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France 1886, Par., 1887, xvi. 294-297.----. Pains do couleurs rent'ermant des substances toxiques; oxyde tie zinc. Ibid., 360-302. -----. Coloration des jouets d'enfants ;\ I'aide de substances veneiieu-os ; recla- mations contre les restrictions edictees dans l'int6ret de la sante- publique: nouveau projet de reglenientation. Rec. tl. trav. Comite consult d'hvir. pub. de France 1887, Par., 1888, xvii. 277-282 —Harrington ( C. ) A not well-recognized source of domestic poisoning; with cases. Med. Comniiinieat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost.. 1886, xiii, No. v, 599-608. AUo: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1880, cxv. 135-137.— Jhcoomoii. Zum Revisionsverfahren der Farbenhaml- lungeu. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1894. 3. F., vii, 162-173. — Khlopin (K.) Ob yatlovitiUh svolstvakh glinyanol posudi. |On the poisonous qualities of earthen- ware.) Vestnik sudeb. nied. (etc.). St. Petersb., 1**7. iv, 3. sect., 121-149.—I.npey rere. Examen des couleurs ties etoffes a I'usage . 18^.». "l'2~. London, 1*90. AUo. in: Woods M. Sc S. Mouog., X. Y., 1890, vii, 199- 222. See, also, infra. Clarot (G.) * Contribution k l'e'tude de la colotomie iliaque. 4-\ Paris, 1890. -----. The same. >~. Paris, 1*90. Palm (H. [J.]) *Eine Abhamllnno iiber die Ciilo-doinie, inshesondere iiber die Colostomie gluteal i-<. 6-. Bonn, 1*96. Tchaperoff (A.) * Application de la coloto- mie iliaque gauche an traitement des rectites chroniques gi-aves et ulcerations du rectum. 4C. Pat is. l>Uf>. Allingham (H. "VT.), jr. Inguinal colotomy; its ad- vantages over the lumbar operation, with special refereneo to a meihod for preventing faeces passing below the artifi- cial anus. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1887, ii. 874-878. -----. On the causes of failure to find the colon in lumbar colotomy. Proc. M. S..c. Loud.. 1688. xi. 243-251. AUo [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond.. Is88. i, 591. -----. Lumbar colotomy; the causes of failure in finding the colon, and how they niav be obviated. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1888. i, 894-896. -----". An important supplement to the operation of inguinal colotomy. Proc. M. Soc. Lond.. 1888-9. xii, 1 18-129. "Also: Brit. M. J.. Lond . 1889. i. 939-941—A riii-on (W. C.) Colotomy. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. <.v Durham SJ. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1**8-9. 14-17. Also: Biit. M. J., Lond., 18*9. i. 295.—Autliy (C.) Un nouveau procede de colostomie iliuque . colostomie transparietal!1. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1*92, i, 347-351.—Ball cw- Uiiin (L.) M< dificiition a l'operation de Littre (colosto- mie iliaque). Ann. Soc. beige tie chir., Brux., 1893-4, i, 22-28.— Dnmenil. De la colotomie dans le cancer du rectum. Cong, franc, decbir. Proc.-verb. (etc.] 1885, Par., 1886. i, 542-547.—Fold. Colotomio lombaire et ciccoto- mie dans les ulcerat ons dvsenlei iqnes du gros intesiin. Rev. tie chir.. Par.. 1885, v.".'i95. —«nnt (S. G.) Few re- marks relative to left inguinal colotomy. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Columbia, 1895, xxxviii, 230-235. Also: Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1895, vii. 031-633. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1895, viii, 583-585.—CJnston (J. McF.) Lett inguinal colotomv, with remarks on oilier operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 136-139. AUo: Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1890, li, 10."-]09. — Dillon (G. (I.i Lumbar colotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 1290.—Halsey (F. W.I Furt her observations on inguinal colotomv. >!. En;:. M. Gaz., Post., 1896, xxxi, 328-331.—Hamilton (W. li.) Alliimham's method of doing inguinal colotomy. Inter- nat, J. Surg., X. Y.. 1897, x, 101-103.—Heath (('.) Clini- cal lecture on colotomv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, j, 1177; 1242.—JaeUson (T. V.) Iliac or so-called inguinal colot- omy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 50.6.— Jennnel. De la colotomie iliaque en deux temps. Bull. et mem. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, 104-111. Also: Gaz. hebd. de men... Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 99-102. Also.- Rev. nied. de Toulouse, 1890, xxiv. 135: 145. -----. De la colostomie iliaque. d'apres le piocede d'Audry. Midi med.. Toulouse, 1893, ii, 580-582. Also: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1894, iii, 96-100.—Jones (R.) A modifica- tion of the operation of inguinal colotomy aud enterotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 117.—Kappeler (O.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Colotomie. Cor.-Bl. I. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1892, xxii. 2-16, 1 pl.—Kelsey (C. B.) An improve- ment in the technique of inguinal colotomy. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 398. -----. The indications for colotomie. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1892, 3. s., viii. 1-3. -----. Colot- omy. Therap. Gaz.. 1893, 3. s., ix, 293-296. Also, Reprint.— Kuie (A.) Zur Technik der Kolotomie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1885, xii, 433-3:6. -----. Zur Technik der Kolotomie; Vorschlag zur zweizeitigen Operation .mit querer Durchtrenniing des Darnies. Ibid., 1888. xv, 313.— lia Fei-te. Lumbar colotomy. Tr. Detroit M. Sc Libr. Ass., 1879. 4-8. — linfTan. Xotes on colotomy. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1872. liv, 270-270. A Uo. Reprint.—F/ange (F.) Inguinal colotomy. Ann. Surg.. St. Louis, 1887, v, 491- 493.—Lanphcar (E.) Some points in regard to colot- omv. Am. J. Suri;-. Sc Gymec, Kansas City, 1893-4. iv, 47-49.— I.nnciiwtciii (C) Zur Kolotomie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1888, xv, 4:9.— l,nnd (E.) On air-inflation of the bowel as a rule of practice iu the operation of left lumbar coloiomv. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 588.—lVlac- rcady (J.) An instrument for use after inguinal colot- omy. Tr. M. Soc. Lond.,_ 1893-4, xvii, 271-374, 2 pl.— Marshall (T. M.) Clinical lecture on colectomy. Lan- cet. Lond., 882, i, 721; 771. — Mathews (J. M.) When is colotomy justifiable? Tr. Internat. M. Cong., "Wash., 1887, i. 580-585. -----. The comparative merits of inguinal and lumbar colotomy. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., i892. i, 828-832. AUo: Am. Pract. & Xews, Louisville. 1892, n. s., xiv, 65-68. -----. One of the results of colotomy. Inter- nat, Clin., Phila., 1897. 6. s., iv, 206-213. — Maydl (K.) Zur Technik tier Kolotomie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1888, xv. 433-439.—Mills-Roberta (R. H.) A contribu- tion to inguinal colotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 385.— von Mosclig-Moorhof. Sur la technique de la colo- stomie. Rev. do gynec et de chir. abth, Par., 1897, i, 1051- 1057. -----. Colostomie mit querent Doppelwandver- schluss. Wien. nied. Presse, 189^, xxxix, 89-94. — FViii- jens(F\) Nouvelle modification a l'operation de Littre. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. 1893, lv, 157-167. — Paul (F. T.) A method of performing inguinal colotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii. 118.—Podrez (A.) Colotomia iliaca s polnol pererlezkol kishki i zashivanlem nizhnyavo otrlezka, po niodifikatsii Madelung'a. [ . . . with com- plete division of intestine and suture of lower segment as modified by. . .] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1886, ii, 349- 355.— Purcell (F. A.) A new method of performing iliac colotomy for malignant disease of the rectum. Illust. M. News, Lond.. 1889, v, 271.—Rectus. Valeur compara- tive tie l'anus iliaque et de l'anus lombaire tlans le cancer du rectum. Rev. tie chir., Par., 1885, v, 394. -----. Co- lotomie iliaque et colotomie lombaire. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 438-440.—Ricketts (B. M.) Colotomy and the Kraske operation. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894, n.s., xxxiii, 679-681. AUo, Reprint.—Robson (A. W. M.) A modi- fication of the operation of inguinal colotomy antl enter- ostomy. Brit. M. J., Lond . 1892. i, 65.—Spalding iH.E.) Suggestions concerning colotomy. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1898, xxxiii, 49-57. — Svenssoii (I.) Kolotomie. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. 1883. xv, no. 11,14-18.—Tessereau (A.) Rapport sur un m6moire de M. Aniussat. Bull. Soc. med.-prat, de Par., 1842, no. 35, 5-31.—Tiffany (L. (OLOrOMV 782 COLOTOMY. Colotomy. McL.j Left Tiimbar colotomy and the position of the descending .(don Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4. x, 209.—Trelnl. Sur le mauuel operatoire de la colotomie lombaire. Hull, et mem. Soc. de chir. tie Par.. 18M. n. s. vii, 894-899. [Discussion]. 931: 1882, viii, 2. -----. Co- lotomie lombaire et colotomie inguinale. Gaz. d. bop.. Par., ls*2, lv. 97-99. -----. Valeur de la colotomie lom- baire dans le cancer du reel inn. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir.de Par., ISs'j. n. s., \ iii. 4,;4. — von Vai mossy (S.I Colotomie. Wien. nied. Wchnschr.. 1889. xxx. 1191.— Vernenil. Colotomie par la methode de Littre; desctip- tiou dun nouveau pioeedG. Semaine med., Par., 1885, v, 99. -----. Colotomie inguinale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 189(1. n. s., xvi, 115-127.—Wettergren (Cl Colotomia luinbalis, sinistra euligt .Amussat Allinghani. Eira, Goteborg. Is88. xii. 201-204.- -Wheeler fW. I.) Co- lotomy. Brit. il. J.. Lond., 1895, ii, 1364. -----. Colotomy anil conditions requiring such operation. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1896, xiv, 133-149. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1896, ci. 1 -13. — Worlhiiijiton < R. H.) Colotomy. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1891, 71-77. CoBoioaiiy (Cases and statistics of). DiAitii (ht lumbar colotomy; recovery. Boston M & S. J. 1887 cxvi 16u. —Brewer (G. E.) Successful lumbar colotoniy with sphincter formation, in a case of congenital absence of leettim and anus. Med. Rec. X. V . b-88, xxxiv 643- 645.—Bryant. Rectovesical fistula due to malbniaiit dis-ase; colotomy (two stages); piu8 used. Lancet Lond 1887, i, 822.-Byrd (W. A.i Lumbo-eolotomy in the new- born for rehet ot imperforate rectum. St. Louis Cour. Med., 18M vi, 504-512. -----. Inguinal colotomy. Med Xews. Phila 188U. xlix, 148,-Carcinoni des Rectum; Colotomie. Jahresb. u. d chir. Klin. d. I'niv Greifswald (188K-9), 1890, 77-t'ai'ter (W., Case of artificial anus. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1*85, v, 480.—Comte (J .,, ) Fis- tule pyo-ur6ter.)-ctecale; ileo-colostomie. Ii, v med tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1889, ix, 580-595.- Cooper (A ) Three cases of inguinal colotomy. Brit. M.J Lond 1888 ii, 1108 _ Cookery (C. J.) A case of colotomv for epithe- lioma ot the rectum. Maryland M. J.. Bait 1881 •> viii f^1?' T-----Colotomy; case ibid., 494. - < ott a in (Ij.G.) A case of inguinal colotomv. St. Louis Cour Med.. 1894 xi. 61.—C'ripps (H.) Colotomv for malignant disease of the rectum, with coutiol over the artificial anus. Proc. M. Soe. Loud., 1887, x, 194-197 _____ Nine Colotomy (Cases and statistics of). cases of inguinal colotomy for malignant disease of the rec. tuin; recovery. Brit. M J.. Lond., 18-8, ii, 7ou-7ti2. ____ Inguinal versus lumbar colotomy : with a record of thirty- seven consecutive cases. Ibid. Ic89, i, 769-773 Also [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond.. 1889.1 S-«.l. AUo [Abstr.]- Med Press \- Circ, Lond., 1889, n.s., xlvii. 3*1. -----.\\ ,.aMe of tiecal extravasation into the peritoneal cavity: through washing of the peritoneum; recovery. Iii it. M. J.. Lond 1890,i,476. -----. Remarks on fibrous stricture of*the colon, with history of two cases diagnosed bv laparot- omy and treated by colotomv. Tr. M. Soc. Lond. 1891-'' xv,'20-25. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1891. ii. 1348.—Daviel Colley (X.) On three cases of colotomy with dela\ei| opening of the intestine. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud.. 1884-5 xviii 204-209. Also: Lancet, Lond.. 1885. i. 522. — Davis (J. D. S.) Ileo-colostomy in which Davis's catgut mats were used for approximation. X. York M J.. 1889. |, 'Jut; AUo: Virginia M. Month., Richmond. ls89-90. xvi. 454- 460. —Dixon (A.i Inguinal colotomv with the report of a casi'. Med. Xews, Phila., 1890. lvii. 529-534. AUo- Atlanta M. & S. J.. 1890-91, u. s., vii. 660-672. Also [Abstr ]'• Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890, xxii, 325.— Dobbin (W.i A case of lumbar colotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 982.— Boiviies i E.) Obstruction of the bowels caused by large worms; Amussat's operation; death. Ibid., Io80. if,893.— Dunn (J. H.) Inguinal colostomy for obstruction due to carcinoma of the rectum. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1895 4. s.. iv, 247-250, 1 pl. — Dyer (H. C) Colotomv suc- cessfully performed four days alter childbirth', and eighteen of total obstruction. Lancet. Lond., 1889, ii, 540.— Elirvntlorfer. Ileus; Colotomie; Tod. .Jahrb. <1. Wien k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893, i, 805__Elder (0.) Seven cases of colotomy. with remarks. Lancet, Lond.. 1883 i 770.—Ewald (Cl AchtundfiintzigColotomien beiCairi' noma recti. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 61; 88: 117; 143— Fevrier (Ci Laparotomies enterorrapbielaterale pour uu anus iliaque Etabli a la suite d'une occlusion intes- tinale ; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir de Par., 1893,n. s., xix, 745-751. —Franks (K. i A case of lumbar colotomy for stricture of the rectum. Med. Press Si Circ. Lond., Is82, n. s , xxxiii, 396-398 — Fnnkhouser (R.) Colot- oniy. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xvi. 196-J03.—Onstoii (J. McF.) Left inguinal colotomv for carcinoma of rec- tum. Atlanta M &. S. J., 1889-90. n. s., vi, 695-697.— Roothuaii (II. E.) Report of an operation of colotomy for imperforate anus, communicating with the genito-uri- nary tract. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iii, 169. — Coodsall (I). H ) A case of left inguinal colotoniy for intestinal obstruction; subsequent removal of band'causing the ob- struction ; closure of the colotomv opening three \ears after first operation. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xvii, 350. -----. Three cases of right iliac colotomy for intestinal obstruction. Rep St. Barth. Hosp. Rep'.. Lond., 1894, xxx, 215-221.—Could (P.) Colotomy. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, viii, 261.—Creen (W. O.) Colotoniy in the treat- ment of stricture of the rectum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1*95, 5. s., iii, 196-209.—Cross. De la colostomie iliaque dans lo cancer du rectum. Bull. med. tl. Vosges. Ramber- villers, 1893-4. viii, 18-42. — Cuinaril (A.i Cancer du rectum; colotomie iliaque; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1888. lxiii, 108-110. — Cwynne ( C. X. ) Case of lumbar colotoniy for obstruction of tho bowels due to malignant disease; death two and a half years after operation. Med. Press .v Circ, Lond., 1889, ii. s., xlviii, 603.— Hawkins-Ambler (G. A.) Colotomy at seventy- three j ears of age, patient surviving three years later. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 128.—llaynes (YV. H.) A case of left inguinal colotoniy for imperforate rectum; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila , 1884, n. s., lxxxviii, 174-179. Also, Reprint.—Hazzard (T. L.) Colotomy. with device for retaining heces. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1884, I, 164.—Holmes (B.) Right inguinal colotomy in a case of chronic colitis, with severe mental symptoms. Chicago Clin. Rev . ls92-3, i. 306-310.—Hume'(G. H.) Colotomy with delayed opening of the bowel. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 940— Ivcrscn (A.) Caucer recti: colotomia iliaca, Gynick. og obst. Medd.. Kjebeuh.. 1888, vii, 182-188.— Jcssett (B.) Inguinal colotomy. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890, xiii. 495.—Kelsey (C. B.) Stricture of the rectum; intestinal obstruction; inguinal colotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 437-440. Also, Reprint.' —Kiietrr (E.) Ileus durch Compression des Mastdarms; Colotomie; Tod an Septikiimie. In his: Kin chir. Trienu. 1876-8. 8->. Kas- sel ii. Berl., 1882, 237.—Lane (J. E.) Incontinence of faeces, following phageda-na, treated by inguinal colotomy ; relief. Lancet, Lond., 1>91, i, 486.—Lange < r'.) Colotoniy for ulceration of the rectum. Med. Xews, Phila.. 1883, xiii, 282. Also: Ann. Auat. & Surg. Brooklyn. X. Y., 1883, vii, 300-303. -----. Inguinal colotomy. X. York M. J.. 1887, xlv, 188.— Lehmann (S.) Ueber 45 Falle von Co lostomieanderC/'.eru.y'.si hen Klinik 1885-95. Beitr./.. klin. Chir., Tiibing. 1m97, 'xviii. 323-352.—Lock wood (C. B.) Abnormality of the colon ; a cause of unsuccessful colotomy. St. Barth. llosp. Rep., Loud.. 1883. xix, 255-203 -.lleCrea (B. H. E.) Inguinal colotomy for the relief of imperforate anus, the rectum being absent. Lancet. Lond 1893, ii, 804—MeLcod (K.) Lumbar colotomy. Indian M. Gaz., • COLOTOMY. Colotoniy (Cases and statistics of). Calcutta, 1888 xxiii. 238.-----. Lumbar colotomv. Ibid., 1890, xxv. 260.—.Hanson (P.) Case of intestinal oh- structiou; left lumbar colotomy ; recovery. Canada Lan- cet, Toronto, 1878-9, xi, 256-260. — .Vlnr»h (p.) Case of ireni nal colotomy for cancer of the rectum. Med. Press fc-Circ , Loud., 1889, n s., xlviii. 309.— .May (15.) Cases of colotomv for cancer of large intestine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882', i, 940.—IHeyer (W.) A successful case of cobicolostoniy. Mid. Kec. X Y.. 1888. xxxiv. 612-614. Alio: Post-Graduate, X. Y.. 1888-9, iv. 149-154. AUo [ Abstr. ]: X. York M. J.. 1888. xlviii. 584: 1889, 1, 612. — Miller (A. G.) [Iliac colotomy for malignant disease of the upper part of the rectum iu a patient aged 60; recov- ery] Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Ediub., 1892-3, u.'»., xii. 51-54.— Milles (W. J.) Cancer of tho rectum; iliac colotomy. China M. Miss J., Shanghai, 1893, vii, 225.—.Morton (li.) A case of laparocolotomy. Am. Pract. A. Xews, Louis- ville, 1888, u. s., vi, 289-291. -----. Laparo colotomy for rectal stricture, and ulceration; recovery: condition two years after ; present status of colotoniy. 'Ibid.. 1890, n. s.. x, 354.—.Mobsman iB. E.l Successful colotomv. Univ. M. Mag.. I'bila., 1894-5, vii, 940-942.— Mil mo (J. C.) Inguinal colotomv lor malignant adenoma of rectum, with autopsy. Boston M. A- S. J., 1893, exxviii. 468-470.— IVancrede (C. 11.) Case ol" lumbar colotomy. Med. Xews, Phila., 1887, li. 460.— »« march (B. J.) A case of obstruction of the bowels: operation of right lumbar colotomy; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1885-6, v, 122. — Packard (J. 11.) A case of imperforate rectum iu which lumbar colotomv was performed. Am. J.M. Sc. Phila.. 18,s4, n.s., lxxxviii. 4.ss-49U. ——. Three cases of left inguinal colotoniy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894, xxxi. 27-29. Also: Med. Xews.' Phila., 1894, lxiv, 442-444 Also: Kansas City M. Index, lr94, xv, 267.— Page. [Two eases of anterior colotomv.] Brit. M. I., Loud.. 1891, i, 17— Pennington (J. R.) Recent obser- vations in colotomy. with cases iu Loudon. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1893. xxi, 732-734. AUo, Reprint.—Pep- per (A. J.) Seven cases of lumbar colotomv. Lancet. Loud.. 1888, i, 772; 823.—Peters (G. A.) A case of left lumbar colotoniy in a patient suffering from cancer of the uterus and rectum. Canad. Pract.. Toronto. 1890, xv, 101.—Polaillon. Obstruction intestinale; anus artiti- eiel; mort. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, tie I'ar., 1889. 836.— Pollosson. Observation d'anus iliaque avec oblitera- tion du bout inferieur. Rev. de chir.. Par., Is8". v, 396- 398.—Pope (H. C.) A caseof Little's operation of ingui- nal colotomv for congenital deticiencv of rectum. Proc. W. Lond. Metl.-Chir. Soc, Lond., 1884. i, 08.—Price (M.) Report of two cases of left inguinal colotoniy for obstruc- tion of the bowel. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1891-2, v. 530-534.—Reeves (H. A.) Left inguinal colotomv iu rectal stiicture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882. i. 9"2. —Bick- etts (Ei Lumbar colotomy; report of a case of stricture 1 of the rectum. How shall we treat the subsequently pro- lapsed colon ? Cincin. Lancet Clinic, 1891, n.s.. xxvi. 292- 294.—Riesman (D.) A case of carcinoma of the rectum, with miliary carcinosis of the peritoneum. Proc Path. Soc. Phila..'1897-8. u. s.. i, 85-90.—Rigney ij.i Left in- guinal colotoniy foi stricture of i.c tu... Med. A: Surg.. Reporter, Phila'., 1890. lxxv, 355. —Roberts of B.i Xote of a successful case of lumbar colotomy for malignant dis- ease of the rectum. Proc. Phila*. Co.M. Soc. Phila., 1884-5. vii, 225-231. Also: Polyclinic, Phila . 1884-5. ii, 137-139.— Roberts (T. S.) A case of inguinal colostouij' of eighteen months' duration, illustrating the advantages of the ante- rior operation. Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul. 1892. xii, 23- 28—Robson (M.) Caseof colitis with ulceration treated by inguinal colotomy anil local treatment of the ulcerated surfaces, with subsequent closure of the artificial anus. Tr. Clin. Soc Loud., 1892-3, xxvi, 213-215.—Rose (W.) Inguinal colotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 651. AUo: Med. Press Sc Circ., Lond., 1890, n. s.. xlix. 246. -----. Case of \ esico vaginal and recto-vaginal fistulas; inguinal colotomy. Ibid., 577.-----. Cases of abdominal colot- omy. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i. 250.—Sands (II. B.) Lum- barcolotomv: operation, with clinical remarks. Med. Gaz., X*. Y., 1882, ix, 39. —af Ncliulten. Atresia ani congenita; perineal incision; colotoiui; tioil. Fiuskalak.- sallsk. hand].. Helsingfors, 1877, xix, 119-121. — Nheen (A.) Intestinal obstruction; puncture of the intestine; left lumbar colotomy; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. Is79, ii, 733.—Shepherd. Inguinal colotomy for old syphilitic stricture id'rectum ; Mavdl's operation modified by Keclus. Montreal M. J.. 1892-3, xxi. 441-443— Sliimwell (IJ T.) A case of inguinal colotomy. limes &. Reg.. X*. Y. & Phila., 1890, vii, 317.—Simpson (J. C.) Xotes of a case of pseudo-membranous colitis cured by right inguinal colotomy antl double oophorectomy. Me'd. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1896, n. 8., lxii, 103-105.—Simpson (T.) Notes on a case of colotomy. Brit. M. J , Lond.. 1885, i, 1039.— Smith (A. J.) Colectomy for adhesion of caecum to an old ovarian pedicle and tubercular appendix. Med. Press &Circ, Lond., 1894, n. 8., lvii, 81-83.—Smith (F. L.) A case of left lumbar colotomy, with recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cviii, 318. Also: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1884, n. s., iii, no. 1, 37-40.—Smith (S. A.) & COLQ17HOUX. Colotoniy (Cases and statistics of). Fox (G. M.) Colotomy for malignant disease performed in a cottage: recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 289 — Solovyoll'(X. M.) Colotomia intestini jejuni u loshadi. [. . . in a horse] Arch. vet. nauk. St. Petersb., 1885, xv 3. sect.. 84-86. — Silt-wait (II. YV. ) Ileo-colostomy aud ^cholecystotomy. Pittsburgh M. Rev.. 1890, iv, 73I79.— *Sluarl (F. H.) & Ricrwirth (J. C.) A case of imperfo- rateanus; inguinal colotomv. Med. News. N'. Y.. 1897. lxx, 143-145— Svensson (I.) Kolotouiier. Aisberiitt. f. Sab- batsbirgsSiukb. i Stockholm, 1881,104-124.-----. Coloto- mia iliaca. Ibid.. 104-110. — Thomson (J.) Laparo- colotomy. Intel-colon. Q. J. M. & S.. Melbourne, 1894-5, i, 375-379.—Thomson ( YV.) Twocasesofcolotomv in which there were abnormal conditions. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.. 1887, v, 171-177. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 129. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 465-471. Also [Abstr ]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1887. 11. s.. xliv, 79. — Tillany ( L. McL. ) Left lumbar colotomy am! the position ot the descending colon. Marxlmd M. .1., Bait., 1883-4, x, 209. .41st,, Reprint.— Van I,cuiicp (\V. B.) Rectal cancer; complete obstruction: inguinal colotomy. Tr. Homieop M. Soc. Penn. 1890. Phila., 1891, xxvi, 140.—Walker (H. O.) Colotomy. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1897-8, viii, 43-45. —Walton (P.) Leo- colostomie pour carcinome de la valvule ciecale. Ann. Soc de med. de Gand, 1893, lxxii, 433-440. — Warren (J. C.) Two cases of colotomy. Boston M. Sc S .).. 1883, cviii, 172.— Warren (J. C.)'Sc Richardson (M. II.) Inguinal colotomv Ibid.. 1888, cxix. 473.----------. Median colotoniy. Ibid.. 473. — Weinleehner (J.) Er- scbeinungen interner Incarceiation: Yermiilhung eines Neugebildes; Colotomia dextra: Tod am 4. Tage; cie Ob- duction ergab Carcinom in den Ovarien, am Peritonaeum; eines der letztereii constringirte den Duundarm 15 Cttn., unterhalb der Kothfistel auf Federkiehlicke. Aerztl. Ber. d U. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wieu (1881), 1882, 215 — White (B. YV.) A case of colotomv. Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter. I'hiia.. 1891, lxv. 415.—White (YV. IT.) & «old- inig-ltii'd (C. H.) A caseof membranous colitis treated bv right colotoniy, anil subsequent closure of the wound. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1835-6, xxix, 45-50. Also, Reprint. AUo [Abstr. 1: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895. ii. 1559. AUo [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond.. 1895, ii, 1578.—William* (W. D. C.) Xotes on acase of inguinal colotomy. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 3889-90, ix, 86-88. Coiotonny in children. Bacon (J. B. ) Inguinal colotomy in an infant. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louisville, 1897, iv, 329- 331. — Ryrd (YY. A.) Lumbo-colotoiny in the new-born for relief of imperforate rectum. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881. vi. 5U6-512. Also, Reprint.—Fowler (G. R.) Suc- cessful lumbar colotoniy in an infant of two months. Med. R.-c. X. Y., 1883. xxiii, 536. — Hei me ( T. A.) A successful case of inguinal colotomy for absence of rectum in a child five days old. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1890, i, 1297.— Peters (II.) Colotomie an einem Kinde wegen Atresia ani et recti. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1888, i, 13.—Todd (C. E.) A ease of inguinal colotomy in an infant for congenital absence of the lower portion of the big bowel. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1893, xii, 185.—Walker (G. L.) A case of inguinal co- lotomy (Little's operation) in a child two days old, in whom the.rectum was totally absent. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1895, vi, 323-326. Colour blindness. 1 galley sheet. [Liverpool, 18*8.] Liverpool J. Commerce, Nov. 17, 1888. ColOVitCll [K>'2- ]. * Etude cliuique snr la paralysie generale chez la femme. 120 pp. 1°. Paris, 18*2, No. 2*~>. Colozxi (Vincent-Aii(lr6), * Etude sur le lin. vi, ?-r>:5 pp. 4 . Montpellier, 18sf>, No. 366. ltcole superieure de pharmacie. Col pen ry liter. Kleinhnns iK.) Zur intrauterinen Anwendung des Kolpeurynters. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., ISerl., 1898, vii, 167-178. Colpi (Giovanni Battista). Azione fisiologica e terapeutica del massaggio. 106 pp., I 1. l'J°. Napoli, A. Bellisarioe G, 1889. Forms anno 2 of: Annunrio terapeutico della terapia moderna, Napoli. Colpohyperplasia cystica. See Vagina (Cystic hyperplasia of). Colpotomy. Nee Vagina (Surgery of). Colquhoun (Daniel). See Uleade (William). Manual for students [etc.] 5. ed. 12°. London, 1883. C0LQUI10U.N 784 COLUMBIA. Colquhoun (Joannes), .* De hydrocephaly iicuto. 1 p. 1., 11 pp. 8C. Glasguas, G. held # Soe.. ITllC. Coiqulioilil (John Campbell) [17*\>-18.>4J. s. e Ktpoil of the experiments on animal magnetism [etc.J. » . Edinburgh, 1*33. Colquhoun (William). The manufacture 'of briquette-fuel, with an abstract of the discus- sion upon the paper. 7:5 pp., lpl. *-'. London, W. Clowes <('■ Sons. 1894. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Engin., Lond., 1893-4. cxviii, pt. 4. Colsuian ([Emil] A[ugust]). Die iiberhaud- nel.....mlc Kurzsichtigkeit unter der tleutsclieu Jn.-ciid, deren Bedeutung, Ursachen, Verhiitung. 54 "pp. 8-. Barmen, D B. 4' T. G. Wiemaun, 1-77. -----. Ueher die Entfernung eines zusanimen- liangcndeu, moglichst grossen Stiiekes aus der vonleien Linscnkapsel bei der mit Iridectomie conibiiiirtcn Staaroperation. 10 pp. 8-. Wies- baden, L Scluilenberg, 1879. Colsoil (Atl.) Le cliole'ra en 1854 dans l'arron- dissoineut de Conunercy. 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Com- mcrci), (■'. Cabasse, 1855. C[olS(»n](Al.). See Sont (Ce) les scores des dames fete] [in 1. s.J. 8 . Paris, 188U. Colsoai [Auguste]. M6moire sur le regime des hospices tics enfiins trouves en France, et par- ticiilicninent a Beauvais, ct sur les ameliora- tions ilunt il paratt susceptible. 22 pp. 1-2J. Beauvais, A. Desjardins, 1*'VA. Col*«oll (E[agent*]). Memoire sur l'operation de l.-i liernie 6trangl£e sans otiverture du sac. 50 pp. 8- . Paris, P. Asselin, 1*63. [P., v. 1668.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. dc metl.. Par., 1863, i. Colson (Louis). * Contribution a l'dtude dela mnrclic dc la paralysie ge'ne'rale. 1 p. ]., 69 pp., 1 I. 4\ Xancy, 18*4, No. 188. Co I SO U (R.) L'e'nergie et ses transformations. Mec.inique; chaleur; lnniiere; chimie; electri- cite; magnetisine. xii, 2:56 pp. 12°. Paris, C. Carre, h-HL Colston (Samuel). A treatise on deafness, with remarks ou its nature and symptoms. 16 pp. 16-. London, [1857]. Colt (Edirin X.) [1811-93]. Obituary. Med. Rec, X. Y„ 1893, xliv, 401. Colt heart (P.) The quacks unmask'd; which detects, and sets in a true light, their pernicious and destructive practice; with some reasons why if ought to be entirely abolished. 28 pp. H-\ London, 1727. [P., v. 2009.] Coltllian (Robert), jr. The Chinese, their pres- ent ami future; medical, political, and social. viii, 212 pp., 15 pl. 8C. Philadelphia &■ London, F.A.Davis, 1891. Col ton. Hutchinson (G. L.) Colton as a health resort. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1887, ii, 41-46. Colton (Gardner Quincy )[ 1H14- ]. A true history of the discovery' of anaesthesia. A reply to Mrs. Elizabeth Whitman Morton. 14 pp. 12°. New York, A. G. Sherwood .,• Co., Iw96. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Colucci (Giuseppe). Delia endometrite. Studii fatti su casi clinici nel Sililicomio di Napoli, sala del Prof. G. Mayer. 1 p. 1., V>', pp.} y ]# y^ Xapoli, 1-^77. Repr. from: Morgagni, Napoli, 1877, xix. Colucci ( Vincenzo). Studi ed osservazioni sul- 1' anatomia patologica del fegato degli animali domcstict. Memoria I. Delhi struttura normale di alcune parti del fegato e delle alterazioni anatomo-istologiche di quest' organo nei buoi e nelle pecore per la malattia detta comunemeute Colucci (Vincenzo)—continued. cachessia ictero-verniinosa. 10 pp., 1 pl. \o% Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, \**2. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. se.d. Ist. di Bologna, 1882 4. s.. iii. -------. Sulla vera natura glandolare della por- zione inaterna tlella placenta nella donna c ueidi animali. 30 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmetigiani, 1886. Repr. from: Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Boloena. 1886, 4. s., vii. 6 ^ -------. Sopra un caso di parziale atrofia tlegc- nerativa del cuore da lesione nervosa. 25 pp. 2 pl. 4°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani 18*8. Repr. from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1888, 4. 8., ix. Colucci (Vittorio). * Chirurgia antica e chirur- gia moderna. 33 pp. 8°. Melfi, A. Ercolani f Comp., 1889. Coluinba (Gerardus). Disputationuin niedi- carum tie febris pestilentis coguitione et cura- tione, libri duo. Nunc primum ab innnmeiis mendis castigati, et characteruin diversitate oruatius in Germania editi. Acccssit tractatus singularis Nicolai Macclielli, de morbo gallico, ejusque curatione. 10 p. 1., 278 pp., 9 1. 12°. Francofurti, apud heredes B. Bead: G. Beatum et J. L. Biiscliium, 1601. The tractatus of Macchelli does not appear in this volume. Columbia, Mississippi. See Education (Medical), etc., by localities. Columbia, Pennsylvania. Craig ( A.) Biographical history of the medical pro- fession of Columbia, Pa. Quart. Tr. Lancaster City & Co. M. Soc, 1881-2, ii, 103-105. Columbia, South Carolina. See Education (Medical), etc., by localities. Columbia Dispensary, of the District of Col- umbia, in the city of Washington. [Appeal to. the public to extend its benefits and enlarge its benevolence.] 10 pp. 16-". Washington, Judd $• Detweiler, 1869 Under direction of Columbia Hospital for Women. Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum. Constitution, by-laws, and list of officers, 1871. 12 pp. 8°. Washington, Philp f Solomons, 1871. —■----. Charter and by-laws of the . . . 1876. 10 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Ptg. Office, 1876. -------. The same. 11 pp. 8C. Washington, Govt. Pig. Office, 1877. ------. The same. Approved Dec. 18, 1884. '24 pp. 12°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1884. ------. The same. Approved June 10, 1886. 25 pp. 12°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1886. — The same. Regulations and officers. 16 pp. 8°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1891. ----. The same. Charter, by-laws, regulatious and officers. 29 pp. 8°. Washington, 1892. ----. Report of the [work done during the year 1887-8, by W. P. Carr]. 22 pp. 8°. [ Washington, 1888.] Annual reports of the board of directors and the surgeou in charge to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. 8C. Washington 1882-97. See, also: Busey (S. C.) The Columbia Hospital and Lyiug-iu Asylum, a government institution. 8°. Louisville, Kg., 1877. _ Repr. from: Richmond Sc Louisville M. J., Louisville, Oct., 1877. n , [------.] The truth admitted. The Colum- bia Hospital for Women and Lyiug-iu Asylum. By a citizen of Washington, D. C. 8°. Louis- ville, Ky., 1878. COLUMBIA. 785 COLUMBIAN. Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Washington, D. C. Annual reports of the di- rectors and president to the Secretary of the Interior. 1.-40., 1857-8 to 1,-96-7. &-'. Wash- ington, 1858-97. From 1857 to 1865, blind pnpils were instructed also. They were transferred to the Maryland Institution for the Blind, at Baltimore, by authority conferred by act of Congress, approved Feb. 23, 1865. _____. Report of the . . . for the year 1 8K{, con- taining an itemized statemeut of all employe's, their salaries or wages, respectively, and also of all other expenses of said institution, by E. M. Gallaudet, president. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. Misc. Doc. No. 37. January 21. lSr*4. 3 pp. 8°. [Washington, 1884.] Columbia (The) natural lithia water. A su- perior curative agent and table water. 15 pp. 16° Washington, D. C, Beresford, [1891]. Columbia School of Midwifery. XT. Y. City. [Circular of information.] 2 1. 8°. [ New Fork, n. d.] Columbia University in the City of New York. Columbia College Library. Report of the librarian to the library committee, May 14, 1862. 23 pp. 8-\ New York, ptd. by authority of the trustees, 1862. ■-----. List of additions. 10., 11., Nov.. Dec, 1**9. 1--pp. :13 pp. 8°. [New York, 1889.] Columbia University in the City of New York. School of Mines. Titles of the more important books of reference relating to chemistry. Pre- pared for the use of the students of the School of Miucs of Columbia College, by C. F. Chan- dler and F. G. Weichmanu, 1881. 3 pp. 8J. [New York, 18*1.] -----. Sanitary engineering. A course of study recently established for the education of sani- tary engineers. 15 pp. 16°. [New York, Sani- tary Engineer Press, 1885.] Opened Oct. 5, 1885. -----. Xew York. Syllabus of the lectures and laboratory work in the course of microscopy and biology. 6 pp. 8°. Neic York, Trow's Printing Co., 1888. -----. Circulars of information. 1888-9 to 1890- 91. 8C. [New York. 1888-91.] Columbia University in the City of New York. School of Pure Science. Courses in mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, as- tronomy, palaeontology, geology, zoology, bot- any, physiology, anatomy, bacteriology leading to the degrees of master of arts and doctor of philosophy, 1*96-7. 1 p. 1., 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. [New York, 1896.] Columbia University in the City of New York. I'uiversity Faculty of Political Science. Courses in sociology. Announcement for 1894-5. 11 pp. 8\ [New'York, 1894.] Columbia University in the City of New York. Catalogues and registers of the officers and students [including the medical department] for the years 1^49-50 (96.); 1851-2 (98.); 1861-2 (H'*.); 1879--0 (126.); 1884-5 (131.); 1885-6 (132.); 1887-8 (134.); 1888-9 (135.); 1891-2 to 1897-8 (i:',8.-144.). rp. New York, 1850-98. The years 1879-80, 1884-5, 1885-6, 1887-8, l^.s-9, 1891-2, 1892-3, are called registers. -----. Catalogue of the governors, trustees, and officers, and of the alumni and other graduates of the . . . from 1754 to 1864. 112 pp. 8-. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1865. "-----• Annual reports of the president to the trustees for the years 1881-2; 1884-5; 1887-8; 1889-90 to 1896-7. 8°. New York, 1882-97. -----• Statutes of Columbia College and its associate schools, iv, 43, ivpp. 8°. New York, Ptd. for the college, 1882. 50 Columbia University [etc.]—continued. ------. Collegiate education of women. Circu- ' lar of information. 19 pp. 12' . New York, [ Maegowan f Slipper], 1883. ------. Report of the committee on the course and statutes, as to the proper distinctive titles of the several faculties and schools, and as to the regulation of the system of elective study in the undergraduate department, made to the trustees, May 5, 1884. 20 pp. 8°. New York, ptd. for the college, 1884. -----. Handbook of information as to the sev- eral schools and courses of instruction. 1885-6; 1689-90; 1890-91. 3 v. 12° & 8°. New York, 1885-91. The Handbook for the year 1885-6 is 12°. ------. Statutes enacted by tbe trustees. May 2, 1887. v, 19 pp. 8°. New York, the college, 1887. ------. Directory of officers and students for 1890-91. 56 pp.' 8°. New York, the college, 1891. ------. Revised statutes. July 1, 1892. 43 pp. 8°. New York, ptd. for the college, 1892. ------. University bulletins. Issued by author- ity. Nos. 1-19, July 1890, to March 1898. 8°. [New York, 1890-98.] Columbian Harmony Cemetery. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the protection of the rights of owners of lots in Columbian Harmony Cemetery, iu the District of Columbia. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 3583. April 19, 1890. Introd. by Mr. Wilson. 8C. [Washington, 1890.] Columbian Institute for the Preservation of Health and the Cure of Chronic Diseases. [Pros- pectus, with report of a reception by the trus- tees, officers, and medical board, held Nov. 30, 1881.] 35 pp. 12°. New York, Bussell Bros., 1882. ------. See, also: Hartt (H. A.) The Columbian Institute for the Preservatiou of Health and the Cure of Chronic Diseases, N. Y. City. 8°. New York, 1878. Columbian Kindergarten Association, Wash- ington, D. C. Petition of the . . . , praying for the passage of an item of $12,000 for the inau- guration of kindergartens as part of the pub- lic-school system of tbe District of Columbia, included by the committee on appropriations as an amendment to the District of Columbia appropriation bill. 55. Cong., 2. sess. .8. Doc. Xo. 177. March 7, 189*. Presented by Mr. Hoar. 2 pp. 8°. [ Washington, 1898.] Columbian (The) University. Addresses in memory of Prof. Edward T. Fristoe, LL. 1). December 16, 1892. 32 pp. 8-. Washington, the Alumni Ass., 1892. Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Catalogues of the officers aud students for the academic years 1867-8; 1871-2 to 1873-4 ; 1875-6; 1884-5 to 1896-7. 8- & 12°. Washington, 1868-97. -----. Annual aud historical catalogue of tbe officers and students [including a history of the college, together with lists of its incorporators and trustees and of the officers and graduates from A. D. 1821 to 1868]. 80 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, B. A. Waters, 1868. ------. Historical catalogue of the officers and graduates of the Columbian University, 1821-91. Compiled by H. L. Hodgkins, 1883. 214 pp., 2 pl., 5 port. 8°. Washington, B. S. Adams, 1891. ------. Circular of information, No. 8. Dec, 1891. 3 pp. 8C. [ Washington, 1891.] -------. Prospectus of summer courses, 1894. 8 pp. 8°. Washington, Judd j' Detweiler, 1894. COLUMBIAN. 786 COLVIK. Columbian University, Washington. Corco- ran Scientific School. Catalogues for the aca- demic years 1884-5; 1885-6. 14 pp.; 13 pp. *°. W a siting ton, Ii. II. Darby, 1885-6. Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Dental Department. Annual announcements aud catalogues for the sessions 18e8-9 to 1896-7 (2.-10.1. ^°. Washington, 18-8-96. Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Medical Department. Annual announcements ami catalogues for the sessions 1888-9 to 1897-8 (67.-76.). 8 & 12°. Washington, 1888-97. List of students and graduates for 1887-8 to 1896-7 in an- nouncements for subsequent years. Prior to 1894 the medical department was known as: National Medical College, Medical Department of the Columbian Univer- sity, winch see also in 1. s. -----. See, also : Godding (W. W.) & Cissel (W. W. L.) Ad- dresses delivered at the sixty-fourth annual com- mencement of the National Medical College (Med- ical Department of the Columbian University), Ma rcli 17, 1886. 8°. Washington, 1886. Columbian University, Washington, D. C. School of Graduate Studies. Catalogue for the academic year 1892-:?. xxiii, 16 pp. 12°. Washington, Judd f Delweiler, 1893. Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Veterinary School. Annual announcements for the sessions 1892-3 to 1897-8 (1.-6.). 8° & 12°. Washington, 1892-7. Organized in 1892, under the title: National Veterinary Cidlrjie of Washington, D.C. In 1896 it became: Veteri- nary Department of Columbian University, as above. Columbus, Georgia. Sec Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Columbus, Georgia. Board of Health. Re- ports of birflis and deaths. [Monthly.] Nov., 1890: Feb.. April, July to Sept., 1891; June, July, 1-92. 4 & 8°. Columbus, 1890-92. Columbus, Ohio. Aunual reports of the vari- ous departments of the city of Columbus, to- gether with a financial statement of receipts aud disbursements, for the years 1890-91; 1891-2. 8°. Columbus, 1891-2. Contain reports of the police department, board of health, water works, and sewers. Columbus, Ohio. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., fer); Hos- pitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), Education (Medical), etc.. Police (Ileports, etc., of), by localities. Waking (G. E.) The sewerage of Columbus, Ohio. Address and discussion following. 8C. Columbus, Ohio, 1890. Report of eity poor committee, Columbus, 1880-81. City of Columbus. Rep. various dep., 1881, 174-181. Columbus, Ohio. Board of Education. An- nual report for the year 1886-7. 182 pp. ; 104 pp. 8-. Columbus, lFeslbote Co., 1887. Columbus, Ohio. Board of Police Commis- sioners. Annual reports to the city council for the years 1888-9 ; 1890-91; 1891-2. 8°. Colum- bus, 18S9-92. Columbus, Ohio. City Civil Engineer. An- nual report to the city council for the year 1889-90. 25 pp. 8°. Columbus, Westbole Co., 1890. Columbus, Ohio. Water Works Department. Annual reports to the board of public works 5.-8., 1874-5 to W7-8; 10.-26., 1879-80 to 1896^ 8°. Columbus, 1875-97. Twenty-fourth report for twenty-one months endinc Dec. 31, 1894. ' fe Columbus, Texas. See Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Columbus (Christopher) [144^-15061. Fernandez de Vbnrra (A. M.) The medical his- tory of Christopher Columbus, and tho part taken by the medical profession in the discovery of America. TrPan Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash.. 1893, pt. 2, 2224-2235. Also- J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894. xxii, 647-054. AUo: Dub". lin J. M. Sc, 1894, xcviii, ltiti; 242. jFor Portrait, see Vol lection of Portr. Phys. & Men of Sc, 130. Columbus ( [Mattliams] Eealdus) [ 1494 o 1516-59?]. De re anatomica libri xv. 3 p. 1,' 495 pp. 12°. Parisiis, apud A. Wecheluni, 1572- -----. Tin; same. Hisce jam accessernnt Joan nis Posthii ohservationes anatomica'. 3 p. 1.' 519 lip., 12 1. *-'. Francofurdi, apud M. Lech- leruin, sunij>1. P. Fischer'), 159:1. -----. See, aho: Kobolotti (F.) M. Kealdo Colombo, anatomieo di Cremona, riveudieato nel suo diritto storico. Bull. <1. Corait. mi'il. cremonese, Cremona, 1882, ii, 121-136—Toll lin (H.) Ueber Colombo's Antheil an tier Entdeckiinj; des Blutlueislaufs. Areh. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl" 1883, xci, 39-66. — Vliieovit h tli.) Intorno agli ultimi due libri del trattato "De re anatomica", di R. Colombo. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1881-2, 5. s. viii 517; 597. Columbus (Michael). Set .Ucrtiiiialiw (Hieronymus). Liber responsoriim tete]. 12°. Basilew. 1688.—de Valrerde (Joan.) Ana- tome corporis humani [etc] [in 1. s.]. fol. Venetiis, 1589. Columbus and the Association of Military Sur- geons of the United States. A souvenir of the seventh annual meeting held at Columbus May 25-27,1897. 94 pp., port. 8°. Columbus, Ohio, Columbus Publishing Co., 1897. Columbus Asylum for the Insane. See Ohio. ('iilnmbus Asylum for the Iusane. Columbus Medical College. Annual announce- ments for the sessions of 1875-6 to 1878-9 (1.-4.); 1880-81 to 1891-2 (6.-17.). 8° & 12°. Columbus, 1875-91. List of students and graduates for 1875-6 to 1877-8; 1879-80 to 1890-91, in announcements for subsequent years. List of graduates from 1876 to 1890, in announcement for gj 1890-91. Ceased to exist in 1892 by merging with Starling Medical College. -----. See, also: Baldwin (J. F.) The Columbus Medical Col- lege imbroglio. A reply to certain widely-cir- culated mis-statements. To the medical pro- fession. [Exposure of granting cheap diplomas, hy one of the professors . . .] 8°. [Columbus, 1882.] Suppl. to: Columbus M. J., 1882, i. Hamilton (J. W.) The examinations of A. M. Dent, by the Columbia Medical College. A firm of congenial spirits in affectionate embrace. [Reply to charges made in J. Y. Baldwin's pamphlet. Sept. 5,1882.] 8°. [Columbus, 1882.] Columbus (The) Medical Journal. Editors: J. F. Baldwin [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-20, July, 1882-98. 8°. Columbus, Ohio. Current. Followed: Ohio (The) Medical Journal. Col ii tea. Campardon. Sur l'emploi enth6rapeutiquedebagiie- naudier (Colutea arborescens). Bull. g6n. de tb6rap. [etc.], Par., 1883, civ, 433-440. Colvill (William). On the circumstances under which germs or buds are produced in trees and woody shrubs. 5 pp. 8--. [Edinburgh, 1830.] [P., v. 1531.] Repr. from: Ediub. J. Nat. Sc Geogr. Sc, 1830, ii. Colvin (Verplauck) [1847- ]. Report on a topographical survey of the Adirondack Wilder- ness of New York. '43 pp., 1 pl., 2 maps. 8°. Albany, Argus Co., 1873. -----. Magnetic observations at and near Al- bany, N. Y., between the years 1686 aud 1892. Read before the Albany Institute, January 4, 1888; revised to December 1, 1892. 14 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1892.] 37 COMB AL AT. COLWEL. i;oiw*?>« *Ve Pechey (John) fin 1. s.]. Some observations made upon the root called nean, or uinsing. sm. 4°. London, [1680]. Colwyn Bay. Lord (!!. E.) The climate of Colwyn Bay, with some remarks on its uses in the treatment of disease. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1896, n. s., v, 241-257, 4 ch. AUo: Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1896-7, '251-266, 5 pl. Colyei* (Frederick). Treatise on water supply, drainage, and sanitary appliances of residence's; including lifting machinery, lighting and cook- iim apparatus, etc. viii, 92 pp. 12°. London, /:. f F. X. Spon, 1**9. Colyer (J[ames] F[rank]). See Suiale (Morton ) Sc Colyer (J. F.) Diseases and injuries of tbe teeth [etc.]. 8°. London, 1893. Colzi (Francesco). Coutributo tli chirurgia delle vie biliari. 24 pp. K°. Firenze, 1891. .-----. Contributo tli clinica operativa. vii, 26, 231, 152 pp. 4°. Firenze, Cennini, lf91. -----. Resoconto delle operazioni eseguite du- rante 1' anno scolastico 1.^91-2. 195 pp. 8°. Firenze, 1892. Coma. See. also. Apoplexy; Brain (Diseases, etc., of); Blight's disease. Diabetes, Complications, etc., of; Diabetes (Diagnosis, etc., of); Hysteria; Lethargy; Meningitis; Sleep (Disordered); Stupor; Uraemia. Bohne (J.) "Experimentelle Beitrage zur Ergriindung tier Pathogenese uramischer und cotnatoser Zustamie. [Berlin.] 8°. Gruben, 18!i7. Ji'xius (H.) Medici animadversa, ejusdem- qtte de coma coinmentarium, ab autore innume- ris in locis emeudata, et instgnibus supplementis locupletata. Aecedit appentlix, ad animadversa sua, nunc primum ex clariss. viii autographo in lnccm edita. Ex bibliotbeca (J. van Arckel. 12°. Boterodami, 1708. Adams (J. A.) A ca-o of coma; venesection; re- covery. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1893-4, ii, 340.—Chicoy- nean (F.) & Chaslelain (J.) An comati vigili emeti- cuin '. In: Quaestioues med., 4°, Monspelii, 1713, 20.— Cripps tC. C.) Coma, with special reference to certain cases and Their tnatiinnr. [Abstr] Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1*88. viii, 263-2so. - F«kridge (J. T.) Difficulties in determining the causes of coma. X. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 137; 173.— Harris ( M. L. ) The comatose state: its differential diagnosis. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1889, xi, 146-149. — IIiiuiphreys (F. It.) 'ihe treatiueut of c»nia in voung cbildn-n bvliypotlermic iniection. Lan- cet, Lond.. '1887. ii, 1109. — iturd (A. W.) Sudden coma. Med. Press West. X. York, Buffalo, 1887, ii, 352-359.— Jaccoud. Sur un cas de coma. Union nied., Par., ]MU. 3. s., Iii, 733-738. —Johnson (G.) Lecture on the pa- thology of coma and antesthesia. Med.Times&Gaz ,Lond.. 1869, i,"351. AUo. in his: Med. Lect. Sc Essays, 8°, Lond., 1887, 290-300. —King (A. 0.) A curious ca.se of coma without apparent cause. X. Orl. M. -2t;8.— Tl a* on (L. D.) Differential diagnosis of alcoholic coma from other forms of coma, with especial reference to the care of persons found by the police in a comatose or semi-comatose condition. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1894, xvi, 205-230. AUo, Reprint. — JIciizic.N (W. F.) A case of fatal coma of unexplained origin. Lam et, Lond., 1892, ii, 1219. — IVIereier ( C. ) Another note on coma. Med. Times Sc (iaz.. Lund., 1885, i, 411- 413. -----. Coma. Brain, Lond., 1880 - 7, ix, 469-487. — Robinson (\V. J.) Temperature in coma from an over- loaded siomai-h. X. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 230. — Sav- ory (W.S.I A note on coma. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 188"), i, 41. — Todd (K. B.) The Lumleian lectures for 1850, delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, Lou- don, on the pathology and treatment of delirium and coma. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1850, xlv, 703; 745; 719; 877; 921; 1031; 1077; 1097. AUo, Reprint. — Toogood (J.) On an un- usual comatose affection in children. In his: Remin. Med. Life, So. Taunton, 1853, 39-42. Comairas ( C. ) * Reflexions sur le systeme lymphatique. 7 pp. 4°. Montpellier, G. Izur $ A. Bicard, an VI [1798]. [P., v. 1437.] Comanche*. See Indians (North American). Comandoli (Ranieri). Storia della malattia per la quale morl il Prof. Andrea Vaccii Berlin- ghieri. 32 pp. 8°. Pisa, S. Nistri, 1826. See, also, Frank (Jean Petrus). Della maniera di curare le malattie umane. 12°. Pisa, 1815-19. Coma lid ie (A.) La Bauche (Savoie), sources I'errugincuses. 28 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere fjils, 1869. -----. La Motte (Isere). Eaux salines mixtes chloro-bromnrees. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here f fils, 1870. Coinanjilla. I.cal (M.) Ligero estudio de las aguas de Coinanjilla. Mem. Soc. cient. •'Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1887-8, i, 139-144. Comano. Ludwig (E.) & de Zeynek (R.) Analisi chi- mica della ternia di Comano ( Trentino), con prefazione del Dr. Andreis, medico dello stabili- mento. 12°. Trent o, 1896. See, also, infra. Luflwig (E.) Sc von Zeynek (R.) Chemische Unter- suehung der Thei me von Comano (Siidtirol). Wien. klin. Wchnsehr., 1896, ix, 435-437. See, also, supra. Coilianos-Pacliu (A. D.) L'etiologie, la pro- phylaxie et le traitement de l'hepatite aigue des pays chauds (mal de foie). 21 pp., 2 pl., 4 tab. r8c. Alexandre, I. Della Bocca, 1893. Comar (Gaston) [1867- ]. * Contribution a, l'dtude ties troubles urinaires dans le prolap- sus vagino-uterin. 60 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 399. Comar (Louis-Ferdinand). * Sur le chloroforme. c4 pp. 4°. Paris, E. Thunot # Cie., 1856. [P., v. 1701; 1723; 1840.] Ecole de pharmacie. Comasclii (Luigi). See Favre (A. P.) Sulle falsificazioni delle sostanze medicinali e de' mezzi di scoprirle. 8°. Milano, 1813. Coinafula. R in Leu berg ( C. F. W. ) Ueber die Farbstoffe von Cimuitula niediterrauea Lam. (Antedou rosaceus Fr6m.) In his: Vergleich.-phvsiol. Stud., 8°, Heidelb., 1882. 2. R., 3. Abth., 88-91. — Preyer (W.) Ueber die Bewegungen der Seesterne. Mitth. a. d. Zoolog. Station zu Xeapel, 1887, vii, 191-233, 1 pl.—Thomson (W.) On the embryo. geny of Antedon rosaceus, Linck (Comatula rosacea of Lamarck). Phil. Tr., Lond., 1865, civ, pt. 2, 513-544, 5 pl Comba (Carlo). Studio sulla broucopolmoiiite nell' eta infantile. Memoria premiata dall'Aca- demia medico-tisica fiorentina nel concurso Gal- Moo lH9f)-6. 137 pp., 1 1. 12°. Milano, Napoli, Boma, F. Vallardi, [1896?]. Comba (Domenico). Alcune considerazioni sulla patogenesi dell' atrofia muscolare progressiva. 20 pp. 8°. Genova, P. PellasfuL., 1886. -----. Ancora sulla profilassi e terapia del cho- lera. 2* pp. 8°. Genova, frat. Pagano, [188,*]. Combacll (Ludovieus). See Hetraju* (Henricus) [in 1. s.]. De phrenitide. In his: Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 23-41. Coinbal (P.-M. ) [1814-88]. * Des maladies spasmodiques; les comparer aux maladies avec lesquelles elles out le plus d'afhnites; etablir les bases de leur therapeutiip-ie. 76 pp. 8G. Mont- pellier, J. Martel uinc, 1849. Concours. For Biography, see Docteur (Le) Combal, professeur a la Faculte- de m6decine tie Montpellier. roy. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1888. Combalat (B.). See Pirondi (Sims) [in 1. s.J. Introduction & un conrs 61ementaire de clinique chirurgicale. 8°. Marseille, 1857. Combalat (Paul) [1870- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des dermatoses professiounelles. 104 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 269. -----. The same. 104 pp., 11. 8C. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1894. COMBALUSIBR. 788 COMBK. [Combalusier (Francois de Panle)] [1713-62]. Memoire au roy pour les conseillers et medecius de sa majeste/cbancelier doyen, et professeurs en lTniversite de medecine de Montpellier, et pour le corps ties docteurs en ladite Universite, contre les mat tres chirurgiens de la meme ville. 42pp. 4C. [Paris, (ftillau, 1749.] -----. Observations et reflexions sur la colique de Poitou ou des peintres; ou Ton examine et Ton tacbe d'edaircir l'histoire, la theorie et le traitement de cette maladie. 1. pt. Contenaut l'histoire et l'explication d'une colique metalli- que singuliere. xxxvi, 300 pp., 6 1. 12°. Paris, de Burt Vaine, 1761. Contbarieil ( Charles ) [ 1862- ]. * Etude sur la pathogenic de la retroversion de l'uterus ^ravide. 61 pp. 4C. Paris, 1885, No. 169. Combaiilt (Louis). * Des hemorrhagica de l'uterus pendant la grossesse et l'accouchement et apres l'accoucheineut. 1 P- l.» 29 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837, 2. s., No. 1. Combe (A.) Rapport medical presente a la commission des eeoles de Lausanne le 2 avril 1897. 103 pp., 2 1., 5 pl. 12c. Lausanne, V. Fatio, 1.897. Combe (Andrew) [1797-1847]. Observations on Dr. Barclav's objections to phrenology. 39 pp. *-. Edinburgh, P. Neal, 1823. [P., v. 1564.] Repr. from: Tr. Phrenol. Soc. -----. * De male hypochondriaci sede. 3 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Xeill, 1825. -----. Observations on mental derangement; being an application of the principles of phre- nology to the elucidation of the causes, symp- toms, nature, and treatment of insanity, xxxvi, 392 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Anderson, jr., 1831. -----. The same. Edited and abridged by Ar- thur Mitchell. xii, 114 pp. r^0. Edinburgh, Maclachlan 4' Stewart, 1**1. -----. The principles of physiology applied to the preservation of health, antl to the improve- ment of physical aud mental education. 5. ed. xii, 43-1 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan 4' Steivart, 1836. -----. The same. 6. ed. xvi, 438 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan cy Stewart, 1837. -----. The physiology of digestion considered with relation to the principles of dietetics. 2. ed. xxvii, 350 pp. 83. Edinburgh, Maclach- lan f Stewart, 1836. -----. The same. 10. ed., edited and adapted to the present state of physiological and chemical science, by James Coxe. xviii, 191 pp. .-"-\ Edinburoh, Maclachlan f Stewart, 1860. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. xvii, 328 pp. -°. Boston, Marsh. Capen f Lyon, 1836. -----. The same, ix, 11-310 pp. 12°. New York, Howe > Edinburgh, 1838. For Biography, see Brown (J.) Dr. Andrew Combe. Inhis. Hone subcesivae. 8°. Edinburgh. ls.is, 129-161.— Combe ((>.) The life antl rom'spon'ilt-nre of Andrew Combe. s\ Edinburgh, ]8.">0.----. 'Ihe same ]2° Philadelphia, 1850. Combe l.Emile) [18f,n- ]. *I>e la transmis- sion tie la tuberculosc par le lait: tic l'hygiene des vacheries. 56 pp. 4 . Pai -is, 1 ***, X<>. <)s. Combe (George) [1788-185s]. Elements of phrenology. 2. ed. xi, 240 pp., 2 pl. ,--\ Edinburgh, J. Anderson, jr., 1825. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. ix, 218 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Edinburgh, J. Anderson, jr., 1828. -----. The same. A system of phrenology, 4. ed. 2 v., paged consecutively, xvii, 935 pp. 3 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan [andothers],1836. -----. Letter from ... to Francis Jeffrey, in 1 answer to his criticism on phrenology, contained iu No. lxxxviii of tbe Edin burgh Eeview. 78 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Anderson, jr., 1826. [P v 1060.] -----. On human responsibility, as affected by phrenology. 29 pp. 8C. [n. p., 1826.] [P., v. 1060.] -----. Essay on the constitution of man, aud its relations to external objects, vi, 125 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Neill, 1827. [P., v. 1060.] -----. The same. 3. Am. ed. xii, 223 pp. 8C. Boston, Allen 4' Ticknor, 1834. -----. The same. 7. Am. ed. xx, 436 pp. bL. Boston, Marsh, Capen 4' Lyon; New York, D. Ap- pleton 4.">.—U*tioil (Spontaneous human). i, G45. —Stockwell (G. A.) Cataeaiisis ebriosus (spon- taneous combustion). Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889 3 s v 108-174. ' " ' Coillby (Jules) [185:1- ]. *De l'empyeiiie pulsatile, lp.l.,54pp. 4°. Paris, 1**1, No. 4i>*. -----. Le zona chez les enfants. 17 pp. so Havre, Female 4- Cie., [1889]. Repr. from: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf. Par, 1889, vii, -----. Le septieme excrcice du premier dispen- saire pour enfants de la Socie"t6 philantbropique 5 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [M)<)]. Repr. from: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf. Par, 1890, viii. -----. Curability de la psondo-paralysie syphi- litique des nouveau-ne's (maladie tic Parrot). i:i pp. 8C. Harre, Lemale <|- Cie., [1891], Hepr.from: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf. Par, 1891, ix. -----. Le hnitieme exercice du premier dispen- saire pour enfants de la Society pliilantbropique. 6 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1891]. -----. The diseases of development. In: "Wood's M. & S. Monog, N. T, 1891, xii, 237-258. Le rachitisme. 195 pp. 12u. Paris, Bueff 4- Cie., 1892. ----. Traite des maladies de l'enfance. 1 p. ] viii. f72 pp. 12°. Paris, Bueff 4' Cie., [1892], ----. The same. 2.6d. vii, 894 pp. 12°. Pa- ris, Bueff 4" Cie., 1-95. Les oreillons. 203 pp. 12c Paris, Bueff 4- Cie., [1893"|. Formulaire, therapeutique et prophylaxie des maladies des enfants. vii, 633 pp. 12 Paris, Bueff 4- Cie., 1894. The same. 2. e'd. vi (1 ].), 806 pp. 12°. Paris, Bueff 4* Cie., 1896. L'empyeme pulsatile, viii, 216 pp. 12°. Paris, Bueff f Cie., 1895. ----. Rachitis In: Twentieth Cent. Pract, N. T, 1896, vii, 527-561. Diseases of children. (Excluding infec- tious diseases and rachitis.) In: Twentieth Cent. Pract, N. Y, 1897, xii, 537-831. Mumps. In: Twentieth Cent. Pract, N. Y, 1898, xiii, 553-603. Also, Editor of: IVIedrcine (La) infantile, Paris, 1894. AUo, Co-Editor of: Archives de mSdecine des enfants, Paris, 1898. See, also, Traite des maladies de l'enfance. 2 v. roy. 8°. Paris, 1897. For Biography, see M6d. mod. Par, 1896, vii, suppl, 241. Come frere. See Baseilhac (Jean). Comedo. See, also, Acne. Cie»ar (J.) Comedones in children. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 1188.—Canty (H.E.) A bristly boy. Ibid., 1882, i, 12.—Crocker (H. R.) Comedones in children. Ibid., 1884, i, 704. -----. Symmetrically grouped comedones. Ibid., 1888, ii, 813.—von Diiring (E.) Ueber Doppel- komedo. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb, 188K, vii, 401-406.—Fox (T. C.) On a peculiar eruption of come- dones in children. Lancet, Lond, 1888, i, 6(55.—Hutchin- son (J.) A very peculiar form of clustered comedones; large groups placed symmetrically on the thighs. Arch. Surg, Lond, 1890-91, ii, 334-336.—Kofmann (S.) Ein Fall von seltener Localisation und Verbreitung von Coine- donen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph, Wien 11. Leipz, 1895, xxxii, 177.—IVIastboom (J. G. M.) Eene dermatonen- rose? Med. Weekbl, Amst, 1895-0, ii, 653,1 pl.—iTIori- Bon (R. B.) A new comedo extractor. Med. News, Phila, 1885, xlvii, 474—Ohmaiin-Diimesiiil (A. H.) An additional note on double comedo. .1. Cutan. Sc Ven. Dis, N. Y, 1886, iv, 193-195. -----. Double comedo; an anatomo-pathological study. Tr. ix. Internal. M. Conu Wash, 1887, iv, 23(1-240. AUo: St. Louis M. Sc S.J, 1WK liv, 73-79. -----. Double comedo. St. Louis M. Sc S. J, 1888, liv, 137-142. AUo, Reprint. Also, transl.: Monatsh. f. prakt, Dermat, Hamb, 1888, vii, 57-71, 2 pl. AUo, Re- print.—Shattock (S. G.) Bacteriological examinations of the contents of the distended hair-follicles in a case of (.') contagious comedo. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud, 1S92-3. xliv, 142-145. — Thin (G ) Grouped comedones. Lancet, Lond, 1888, ii. 712.—Unna (P. G.) Woraus besteht der Bchwarze Punkt tier Comedonen ! An-h. f. path. Anat. fete], Berl, 1880, lxxxii, 175-199. — Wethercll (J. A.) Symmetrically grouped comedones. Lancet, Load, 1889, i, 16?. COMEGYS. 791 COMINS. Comt'jrys (Cornelius George) [181(5-96]. Intro- ductory address. Session of 18(16-7. Medical College of Ohio. 21 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1*66. _____. A healthy brain is necessary to a free will. 1!' l»p. l'-°- Chicago, Office Am. M. Ass., 1892. Repr. from: A. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, lsii'J, xix. See. also. Addre**e» delivered [etc.l. 8-"1. [Cmci'ii- nati. 1S92.] — Charcot (Jean Martin). Lectures ou the pathological anatomy of the nervous .system. 8°. Cin- cinnati. 1S81. For Bio'iraphtt. see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 390. AUn: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, ,1896, 396. Comendador y Tcllez (Prime). Estudio boianico, medico, farniaeoiitico y eeon6niico de las solaniiceas, seguido tie una monografia de la belladona, 1 p. 1., 110 pp. 8°. Bejar, Telles y Coinpuiiia, 1*64. Comeuge (Luis). Curiosidades m6(licas pre- ccdidas de un discurso sobre el florecimiento de la medicina espanola en el siglo xvi y su poste- rior decadencia. 285 pp., 1 1., 3 1. manuscript. 8:. Madrid, tip. M. G. Herndndez, 1886. -----. La circulacion tie la sangre. 78 pp. 8°. Madrid, E. Teodoro, 1*87. -----. Clinica egregia; apuntes histdricos. Pr6- logode A. Pnlido. xxi (1 1.), 613 pp. 12°. Bar- celona, Henrich y Ca., 1895. Comeiitzius (Joh. Jacobus). See fcebifcius (Melchior), jr. [in 1. s.]. Galeni quinque £ primes libri tie simplicium [etc.J. II. 163. Argentorati, 1646. Conies (Christian) [1863- ]. *Beitriigo zu der lichandlung von Kindern mit Tuberculin. 3'2 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1891. c. Comet (Arnaitd Hyacinthe) [1742-1821]. N«crologie. Notice tl. trav. Soc. roy. de to6d. de Bordeaux, 1821, 32-35. Comet (Augnstin) [1860- ]. * Polypes mn- queux de 1'uterus. 70 pp.. 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1*89, No. 163. Comet (Charles-Jean-Baptiste) [1796-1*70]. Dictionnaire de chirurgie pratique, contenant: L'expose des progres de la chirurgie, des details sur les iustrumens et les autres moyens th6ra- peutiques qu'elle emploie, et la signification des termes usites dans cette partie tie l'art de guerir. Supplement a tons les traites de chirurgie, pu- bli6s jusqu'a ce jour. Articles extraits des meil- leursouvrages du meme genre et des principales monographies sp^ciales. A-Blennorrhagie. 72 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1829. -----. Diachirismos de medicaments simples pour le traitement des maladies. 2. 6d. 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1836. [P., v. 1810.] -----. Methode curative externe des douleurs rhuiuatisinales. goutteuses, nervenses; des ma- ladies lymphatiques, et des visce>algies, affec- tions nervenses ties visceres, confondues avec les phlegmtisies chroniques et 16sions organiques, telles que la gastrite, l'eute>ite, 1'hypocondrie, etc., diachirismos de medicameus simples. 9. £d. (2etirage), augmented d'uu grand uombre d'ob- servations de guerisous et de deVeloppements pratiques. 335 pp. 8°. Paris, chez lauteur, 1845. See, also, Brinnd (Joseph) Sc Bronnton (J.-X.) Manuel complet de m6decine 16gale [etc.]. Nouv. ed. 8°. Bruxelles, 1830. For Biography, see J. d. conn. m6d. prat. Par, 1870-71, xxxvii-xxxviii, 30 (Caffe). Coiney (Arthur Messinger). A dictionary of chemical solubilities: inorganic. xx, 515 pp. 8°. London

    0 pp., 5 1. H". [Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, ls74.] ------. Verslag van het bestuur van het . . . uitgebracht iu de algemeene vergadering van 4 Mai 1*81. 22 pp. 8°. Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, h*l. Comite medical desBouches-du-Rhone. Section scieutifique. Notice necrologique sur le Dr. Melier. Compte rendu dela stance du 23 no vein- bre 18(>(;. 30 pp. *°.% Marseille, J. Barile, 1867. Comite m6dical pour l'inoculation de la vaccine. Lettre ecrite aux maires ties donze arrondisse- mensde Paris. 7 pp. H-\ [Paris, an IX (1861).] [P., v. 1285; 1287.] Comite me'dical de l'inoculation de la vaccine, etabli a Paris. Instruction sur la vaccine. ^ pp. ,8 . [Paris, an IX (1801).] [P., v. 1287>; 12s7.] Comite du monument a Clever a la iu6ntoire de J.-M. Charcot. [Two circulars issued as supple- ments to Gaz. hebd., Feb. 17,1894.] 4°. [Paris, 1*91.] Comite de sante'. Rapport du comit6 tie saute, pour enfants pauvres places a la montagne peu- dant les vacances d'ell. Preseute aux souscrip- teurs del'oeuvre. [ParleDr. Guillaume, rappor- teur.] Premiere cainpagne 1880. 16 pp. yn. Neuchdtel, J. Attinger, 1*81. Comite de secours aux eufants scrofuleux et rachitiques d'Amplepuis. Les enfants scrofuleux et rachitiques d'Amplepuis transformes et re fa its par la mer an sanatorium Renee-Sabran aGiens, pies Hveres (Vat). 8 pp., 1 map., 1 pl. 4 \ Lyon, A. S'orck, 1-90. Comitesde patronage ties habitations ouvriiues. Liste des membres. Publicatiou speciale du inonvement hvgieniquo. 24 pp. 8-. Bruxelles, 1-9-). Bound with: Mouvement hygieuique, Brux., 1890, vi. COMITIBUS. 793 COMMISSION. de Comitibns (Ludovieus). Clara lidelisque j adinonitoria disceptatio practicse mauualis ex- peritnento veraciter comprobata. De duobus artis et natune miraculis: hoc est de liqnore Alchaest; nee non lapide philosophico, atque aniborum materia, operandi ratione, difhcultate, virions, ac inter se convenient ia. et discrimiue, de sale qnoqne tartari volatili, ete. In gratiam hernietica3 artis studiosorum conscripta. 8 p. 1., 116 pp. 21 . Francofurti, apud H. a Sonde, 1664. Also, engraved title-pago. Comma bacillus. See Cholera (Bacteria of). Coiniliaille(A.-A.) *lre these. Recherches sur la constitution chimique des substances albu- minoides. 2l these. Propositions de physique doniiees par la Faculty. [Marseilles.j <)2 pp. i-'. Paris, E. Martinet, 1866. Cominaille (Ant.) Des aqueducs des bains et des thermes daus l'antiquite' romaine (construc- tion et personnel). 32 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bail- Here, 1*63. Repr. from: Am. Soc. d'hydrol. m&l. de Par., 1862-3, ix. Coram and e til' (Ferdinand) [1868- ]. * Topographie des culs-de-sae vaginaux; etude d'anatomie chirurgicale et tie man nel operatoire. 73 pp., 11. 4°. Lyon, 1*94, Xo. 967. Coilllliaildetir (Joannes). *De Hippocrate vera} niediciute instauratore, opfitno naturae ob- servatore, rite colendo. 2 p. 1., 104 pp., 2 1. S-". Lugd. Bat., J. W. van Leeuwen, 1S>2. Co ill ma re (La) del Scipione Mercurio, Kinder- miitter [etc.]. See Mercurio (Geronimo Scipio) (in 1. s.]. Commelin (Caspar) [1667-1731]. Horti medici Anistehedameusis plantae rariores et exoticae ad vivutn aeri iucisae. 3 p. 1., 48 pp., 4* pl. 4°. lugd. Bat., J. du Vivie, 1715. [P., v. 1385.] Also engraved title-page. Coinmenge (J.-R.-V.-Oscar). Rapport sur le service medical des bureaux de bienfaisance et le service iueilical de nuit au nom de la commis- sion nominee par la Socie'te' mddicale des bureaux de bienfaisance dans sa seance du 14 octobre. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Leve, 1885. -----. La prostitution devant l'Acadernie de medecine de Belgique. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, As- selin 4' Houzeau, 1*88. -----. Recherches sur les maladies v6neriennes a Paris tlans leurs rapports avec la prostitution clandestine et la prostitution reglcmentaire de 1^78 a 1887. vi, 7-51 pp. *>'-. Paris, G. Masson, 1890. -----. Syphilis et prostitution chez les insou- mises mineures, 1878--7. 151 pp. *°. Paris, G. Masson, 1893. -----. Les maladies v^n^rieunes daus les armees anglaise, frangaise et russe; reglenientation et libeite de la prostitution. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1895. ■-----. Hygiene soci.ile. La prostitution clan- destine a Paris, xi, 567 pp. *°. Paris, C. Bein- wald, Schleicher freres, 1897. Comment on 6tudie la ine'decine a Paris. Histoire de Fiascaud (bien aim6), ex-e'tudiant, ex-noceur. viveur, polkeur, aujourd'hui pere de famille et propri^taire. 20 pp. fol. Paris, A. de Yres*c, [w. d.]. Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis e so- cietate Jesu in duos libros de generatione et corruptione, Aristotelis Stagiritse. Quibus, prae- rnissa gemina Graeci textus in Latinum trans- latione, illiusque diligenti explanatione dc ar- duis et obscuris quaestionibus, causas ortus et interitus rerum naturalium deinonstrantibiis, adinoduin erudite in utramqne partem tlis'-cri- Commeiitarii Collegii [etc.]—continued. tur. Superior! tempore in Germauia pnelo sup- positi, hoc vero instanti, denuo tertia vice in Italia impressi, summo studio emendati, et ab omnibus erroribus liberati. 19 p. 1., 760 pp. double column. 8°. Venetiis, A. Baba, 1616. Commentario clinico delle malattie cutanee e genito-urinarie, fondato e diretto dal Domenico Barbuzzi. Rcdattore: Pio Columbiui. [Month- ly.] v. 1-2, 1893-4. 8°. Siena. " Ended. Commentario clinico delle malattie degli or- gani genito-urinari. Periodico fondato e diretto dal D. Barduzzi, con la collaborazione tli illustri medici e chirurghi. [Bi-monthly.] v. I, 1884. 8°. Pisa. Commentario della Societa crittogamologica italiana. Nos. 1-6, 1861-3,1864-7. 2 v. 450 pp.; 515 pp., 1 ]., 8 pl. roy. 8°. Genova, co' tipi del B. I. de' sordo-inuti, 1861-7. Coinmeiitatio prima de medicis equestri digni- tate ornatis. Sec Moehsen (Job. Carol. Willi.). Commentationes variaa in memoriam acto- runi eel annoruni. Edulit Universitas Helsing- forsiensis. Festskrift frau Pathologisk-auato- miska Institntet. 294, li pp., 3 pl., 2 diag. 8°. Helsingfors, Centraltryckeri, 1890. Coiiuiic ntry. ■"afore (P.) De la constitution m6dicale de Coni- mentrv et tie ses environs. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Gannat. C. r., Par., 1887, xii, 87-90. Comments made by the Society Abolition Vivisection [sic], at the Birmingham Medical Institute, on "The influence of vivisection on human surgery"', 9th March, 1882. 2. ed. 12 pp. 8--. London, Pickering 4' Co. ; Birmingham, Cor- nish Bros., 18-2. Commercial Club of St. Louis. The sanitary condition of St. Louis, with special reference to Asiatic cliolera. Reports to the ... by James M. Leete, M. D., and Robert Moore, C. E. (mem- bers of the club). Jau. 10, 1885. 16 pp. 8°. St. Louis, lHrf). Commerell (Otto). * Beitrag zur Kenntnis ties Thiocumazons und iiber seine Umwandlung in Thiochinazoline sowie iiber Synthesen von Cumothiazouderivaten. 23 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1895. Coiiimei'»oii (Philibert) [1727-73]. Cap (P.-A.) Philibert Commerson, natura- liste, voyageur. Etude biographique, suivie d'un appendice. 8 . Paris, 1861. de Montessus (F.-B.) Martyrologe et bio- graphie de Commerson, m^decin-botaniste et naturaliste du roi, merlecin de Toulon-sur-Ar- roux ( Saone-et-Loire ) au xviiie Siecle. s^. Chdlon-siir-Saone, 1889. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. sc. nat. de Saoneet-Loire. oillllierstein (Johannes). * De epile|sia. (i I. 1-. Lugd. Bat., P. de Croi, 1645. [P., v. 1217.] Ollimesny. Extrait de deux lettres adres- sees a M. d'Arcet, relativement a l'appareil ex- tracteur de la gelatine des os, Etabli pour le soulagement des pauvres et des ouvriers sans travail. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris, Ererat, 1831.] [P., v. 1633.] Olllinieliau (Albert). * Beitrag zur Casu- istik der acuten infectiosen Osteonnelitis der Wirbels'iule. 39 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. Fronime, 1895. omiiiission centrale hommopathique. Me- moire a consulter pr6sent6 a. la cour imperiale de Poitiers, au sujet du proces intente ;t M. le docteur Moreau par MM. Sicaud et autres, pharmaciens a Angoulenie. 20 pp. 4U. [Paris, S. Bacon 4~ Cie., 1857.] [P., v. 1725.] COMMISSION. 794 COMMODES. Commission g6nerale des pharmaciens du d6partemeut de la Seine. Observations sur l'article 3 dn litre 1" du projet- de loi sur les brevets d'invention, pr6sente a la Chambre des Deputes. 10 pp. 8°. Paris, Fain f Thunot, 1844. [P., v. 1733.] Commission de lunatico iuquireudo; an in- quiry into tbe state of mind of W. F. Windham, esq.,'of Fellbrigg Hall, Norfolk, before Samuel Warren, esq., Q. C, and a special jury, upon the petition of General Windham, C. B., etc., the uncle of the alleged lunatic, aud other members of the family, at Her Majesty's court of ex- chequer, Westminster, commencing December 16, 1861. 202 pp. 8°. Loudon, W. Oliver, [n. d.]. Commission me'teorologique de la Gironde. See Gironde (Departement de la). Observations plu- viometriques et thermonietriques. 8°. Bordeaux, 1884-5. Commission penitcntiaire internationale. Bulletin. Nouvelle s6rie. 2. livraison, avril 1887. 239 pp. 8°. St.-Pester sbourg 4~ Neuchdtel, [1887]. Commission speciale sanitaire. Comite exe"- cutif permanent du 12 juillet au [6 aout] 1883. 102 (1 ].), vii, 142 pp., 5 1. 8°. Le Caire, J. Ser- riere, 18H3. Commissione permanente per gli studj e la cura dell' idrofobia nell' Ospedale maggiore di Milano. Rabbia cauina tentativo di cura colla elettricita. 27 pp. 8°. Milano, 1865. c. Commissione per lo studio e 1' applicazione del la sieroterapia nella difterite. Relazione all' onorevole consiglio degli istituti ospitalieri di Milano. 61 pp. 8°. Milano, L. F. Cogliati, 1895. Commissioners (The) of the Almshouse vs. Alexander Whistelo, a black man; being a re- markable case of bastardy, tried and adjudged by the mayor, recorder, and several aldermen of the city of New York under the act passed 6 March, 1801, for the relief of cities and towns from the maintenance of bastard children. 56 pp. 8°. New York, D. Longworth, 1808. [Also, in: P., v. 1231.] Commitment, detention, care, and treatment of the insane; being a report of the fourth sec- tion of the International Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893; edited by G. Alder Blumer and A. B. Rich- ardson. 2 p. 1., 193 pp. 8°. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins Press; London, Scientific Press, Ltd., 1894. Committee on inquiry into the physiological aspects of the drink question. Report of the . . . Submitted to the conference of Friday, May 12, 189:1. Signed by John S. Billings, F. A. Walker, and R. H. Chittenden. 1 1. 4°. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. Committee for Securing Open Spaces for Re- creation. See Manchester and Salford Sani- tary Association. Commodes. [Patent specifications.] Alrortl (H.J.) Commode. No. 56870; July 31, 1866.— Angell (E. R.) Closet for private purposes. No. 367495- Aug. 2, 1887.—Averell (J. D.) Commodes. No. 143488■ Oct. 7, 1873. —Backus (Q. S.) Cabinet commode. No' 308868; Dec. 9, 1884. — Baslcj (C. H.) Commode. No 47509; May 2, 1805.-Baker ( W. S. G.) Portable com- mode. No. 223574; Jan. 13, 1880. — Bardon (P.) Com- mode. No. 352388 ; Nov. 9, 1886. — Beale ( B. M. ) Commode-chair. No. 601312; March 29, 1898.__Beers (E. H.) Commode-pail. No. 325039; Aug. 25, 1885.—Bell (A.M.) Commode. No. 597381; Jan. 18, 1898 —Bell (J. A.) Conn.....le. No. 401629; April 16. 1889. _____ Commode. No. 423588; March 18, 1890. — Ben nor (J. j Commode. No. 253832; Feb. 21, 1882. -----. Commode No. 322891-. July 28, 1885. — Bom (G. C.) Foldino com- modi'. No. 234230; Nov. 9,1880.—Bo wen (I. W.) "Fold- ins; seat or commode. No. 439797 : Nov. 4,1890__BrieUer (W. H.) Chair-commodes. No. 187701; Feb. 27, 1877 _ Brown (A. J.) Commode. No. 80129; July 21, 1808.— lariico (T. W.) Vault or cell for outhouses. No. Commode*. [Patent specifications.} 434244 ; Aug. 12, 189().-Cartcr (D. A.) Child's n.irserv commode. No. 331866; Dec. 8, 1885. — t'aiier (H ) & August!!! (L.) Slop pail or commode. Xo. 392182-Nov 6 1888. — Clarke (E. L.) Commode. NO 574134- Dec 2o' 1896.—«lerl

    . Repr. from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1892), 1893, xxxiv. -----. Three cases of early tubal gestation suc- cessfully treated by abdominal section, two of the cases after, and one before, rupture of the tube. 16 pp. 8°. London, Adlard S- Son, 1892. Repr. from: St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1890, Lond. 1892, xx. -----. A note on the anatomy of the hymen, and ou that of the posterior commissure of the vulva. 7 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, Neill 4'- Co., 1893. Repr.from: J. Anat. & Physiol., Loud., 1892-3, xxvu. -----. The removal of the uterine appendages for uterine myoma; with an account of twenty eases. 46 pp. 8. Adlard 4 Son, 1894. Repr. from: St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1892-3, Lond 1894, xxii. CllllillgAVOi'tll (Charles J[ames])— continued. ------. Clinical illustrations of the tliseases of the Fallopian tubes and of tubal gestation. A series of drawings with descriptive text ami histories of the cases, x (I 1.), 75 pp., 14 pl. 8 . London, Rivington [and others], 1*95. ------. La vie et les travaux de Sir Thomas Spencer Wells, baronet. 13 pp. 8°. Paris, Masson et Cie., 1897. Uepr from : Uev. de gyn6c. et de chir. abd., Par., 1897, i. See. also. Six introductory lectures [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 12°. Manchester, 1884. Culpeper ( Nicholas ) [ 11516-54 ]. A physical! directory or a translation of the London dispen- satory, made by the Colledge of Physicians in London. Being that book by which all apothi- caries are strictly commanded to make all their physick, with many hundred additions which the reatler may find in every page marked with this letter A. Also thero is added the use of all the simples, beginning at the first page and end- ing at the 78. page. 8 p. 1., 345 pp., 14 1., port. 8°. London, P. Cole, 1649. ------. The same. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; or the Loudon dispensatory, further adorned hy the studies and collections of the fellows now living of the said colledg. Wherein you may find: I. The virtues, qualifies, and properties of every simple. II. The virtues and use of the compounds. III. Cautions in giving all medi- cines that are dangerous. IV. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this fourth impression in English, with their virtues. V. A key to Galen's method of physick, contain- ing thirty-three chapters. 5 p. 1., 1** pp., 1 ]. (paged 185-186), 1 1., pp. 301-325,71. fol. Lon- don, P. Cole, 1653. -----. The same. 6. ed. 12 p. 1., 377 pp., 16 1. 12c. London, P. Cole, 1659. The same. 11 p. 1., 269 pp., 18 1. 12°. London, A. S'J- Churchill, 1695. The same. 12 p. 1., 482 pp., 12 1. sm. 8C. London, A. S.- F. Churchil, 1702. A directory for mid wives; or, a guide for women, in theirconception, bearing, andsuckling their children. Containing: 1. The anatomie of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for womeu in concep- tion. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. 16 p. 1., 217 pp., 11 1., 2 pl. 16°. London, P. Cole, 1651. The same. Newly corrected from many gross errors. 2 pts. in I v. 3 p. 1., 161 pp., 7 1.; 6 p. 1., 254 pp., 1 1. 16°. London, G. Sawbridge, 1675-6. ----. The same. 2 pts. in 1 v. 3 p. 1., 161 pp., 7 1.; 7 p. 1., 254 pp. 16°. London, G. Sawbridge, 1681. The same. 3 p. 1., 374 pp., 1 pl. 16°. London, T. Norris, 1724. The English physician, or an astrologo- physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation. Being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, heing sick, for three pence charge, with such things ouely as grow in Eng- land, they being most fit for English bodies. 11 p. 1., 266 pp., 6 1., port. 24^. London, 167)2. Repudiated hy the author in later editions as incorrect and unauthorized. The same. The English physitian en- larged; with three hundred sixty and nine medicines made of English herbs that were not CULPEPER. 1073 CULPEPER. Culpeper (Nicholas)—continued. in any impression until this . . . Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz.: 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pnltisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at al times of tbe yeer. 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth iu England. 3. The time of gathering al herbs, both vulgarly and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keep- ing the herbs al the yeer. 5. The way of keep- ing their juyces ready for use at al times. 6. The way of making and keeping al kind of use- ful compounds made of herbs. 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mix- ture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. 11 p. 1., 398 pp., 7 1., port. 12°. London, P. Cole, 1656. -----. The same. 6 p. 1., 285 pp., 8 1. 16°. London, J. Streater, 1669. —----. The same. 5 1., 387 pp., 4 1. 16°. Lon- don, S. Bullard [and others], 1765. -----. The same. 5 p. 1., 348 pp. 12°. London, J. Bruce [and others], 1787. -----. The same, xii, 348 pp. 12°. London, printed for the booksellers, 1799. -----. The same. To which is added the family physician, and a present for the ladies, contain- ing the best remedies for every disease incident to the human body. By Dr. Parkins, xxii (1), 389 pp., 3 1., 8 pl. 12'°. London, B. Crosby Sr Co., 1810. -----. Thesame. 5 p. 1., 348 pp. 12°. London, J. Barker [and others], [n. d.]. -----. Thesame. Culpeper's family physician ; the English physician enlarged, containing 300 medicines made of American herbs. Being an astro - physical discourse [etc.]. Revised, cor- rected, and enlarged by James Scammon. 360 pp. 8°. Exeter, J. Scammon 1824. -----. Culpeper revived from the grave, to dis- cover the cheats of that grand impostor called aurum potabile. Wherein is declared the grand falsities thereof and abuses thereby. Published to undeceive the people, aud to stop tbe violent current of such a mischievous designe. 6 pp. sm. 4°. [London, 1655.] Bound with: Bathes for such as would shorten their journey to Bath. sin. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] -----. Culpeper's astrological judgment of dis- eases from the decumbiture of the sick much enlarged. 1. From Aveu Ezra by way of intro- duction. 2. From Noel Duret by way of direc- tion. Wherein is laid down the way and man- ner of finding out the cause, change, and eud of the disease. Also whether the sick be likely to live or die, and the time when recovery or death is to be expected. With the signs of life or death by the body of the sick party, according to the judgment of Hippocrates. Whereunto is added a table of logisticall logarithmes, to finde the exact time of the crisis. Hermes Trismegis- tus upon the first decumbiture of the sick; shew- ing the signs and conjectures of the disease, and of "life and death, by the good or evil position of the moon at the time of the patients lying down, or demanding the question; infallible signs to know of what complexion any person is what- soever; with a compendious treatise of urine. 10 p. 1., 174 pp., port. 16°. London, N. Brookes, 1655. This work was asserted by Culpeper's widow to be spurious. -----. Thesame. Culpeper's semeiotica uranica; or, an astrological judgement of diseases [etc.]. 3. ed. 6 p. 1., 224 pp., port. 16°. London, N. Brooke, 167)*. 08 Culpeper (Nicholas)—continued. -----. Aphorismes: exceeding requisite for such as intend the uoble (though too much abused) practice of physick. Containing the quality of medicines, pp. 39-48. 16°. London, N. Brooke, 1656. Bound with his: Culpeper's last legacy [etc.]. 16°. London, 1657. ----- Composita; or, a synopsis of the chiefest compositions in use now with Galeuists. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 16°. London, N. Brook, J656. Bound with hu: Culpeper's last legacy [etc.]. 16°. London, 1657. -----. Febrilia; or, a treatise of feavers in gen- eral]. 1 p. 1., 73 pp. 16°. London, N. Brooke, 1656. Bound with his: Culpeper's last legacy [etc.]. 16°. London, 1657. -----. Select aphorismes; concerning the opera- tion of medicines according to place in the body of fraile man. pp. 51-89. 16°. London, N. Brook, 1656. Bound with his: Culpeper's last legacy [etc.J. 16°. London, 1657. -----. Select medicinal aphorismes for most dis- eases our fraile natures are incident to whilst we are upon earth, pp. 93-144, 4 1. 16°. London, N. Brook, 1656. Bound with his: Culpeper's last legacy [etc.]. 16°. London, 1657. -----. Culpeper's last legacy; left and be- queathed to his dearest wife, for the publike good, being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admi- rable experiences in several sciences, more es- pecially in chyrurgery and physick, viz: com- pounding of mediciues, making of waters, syr- ups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pils, purges, aud trochischs. With two particular treatises, the one of feavers, the other of pesti- lence; as also other rare and choice aphorisms, fitted to the understanding of the meanest ca- pacities, never publisht before in any of his other works. 2 p. 1., 48 pp., port. 16°. Lon- don, N. Brooke, 1627. This work was asserted by Culpeper's widow to be spurious. -----. The same. The fourth impression; where- unto is addetl 200 choyce receipts, lately found, never published before iu any of his other works; with a compleat table. 3 p. 1., 276 pp., 5 1., port. 12°. London, T. Batcliffe, 1668. -----. Culpepers school of physick, or the ex- perimental practice of the whole art, wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures, such as diet set down as ought to be ob- served in sickness, or iu health . . . The narrative of the author's life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated, together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others. 27 p. 1., 461pp., 91., port. 12°. London, N. Brook, 1659. -----. The same. Wherein are contained: I. The English apothecary, or the excellent vir- tues of our English herbs; II. Chymical and physical aphorisms and admirable secrets ; III. The chirurgeou's guide, or the errors of unskill- ful practioners corrected; IV. The expert lapi- dary, or a treatise physical of the secret virtues of stones; V. Doctor Diet's directory, or the physician's vade mecum, being safe rules to pre- serve health in a methodical way; as also, the mystery of the skill of physick made easie; VI. Chymical institutions, describing nature's choicest secrets in experiencedchymical practice. A work very useful aud necessary for the right information of all in physick, chirurgery, and CULPEPER. 1074 CUMBERLAND. Hlpeper (Nicholas)—continued. chvmistr.v, etc. With an account of the author's life and the testimony of his wife, Mrs. Culpeper, and others. 3. ed., corrected. 22 p. 1., 313 pp., 6 1., port. 12 . London, B. Bently, 1896. Arts masterpiece, or the beautifying part of physick; whereby all defects of nature in both sexes are amended, age renewed, youth continued, and all imperfections fairly remedied. With many the most approved pliysical experi- ments, so fac discovered, that every man may he his own apothecary. 7 1., 140 pp., 1 1., port. 24 . London, X. Brook, 1660. This work was asserted by Culpeper's widow to be spurious. ----. Medicaments for the poor; or the physick for the common people. Containing excellent remedies for most common diseases incident to man's body ; made of such things as are common to be hail in almost every country in the world, antl are made with little art ami smal charge. Hereunto is added an excellent book, called: Health for the rich and poor by diet without physick. 2. ed. [1656]. 2 pts. in 1 v. 1 p. 1., 38* pp.; 7 p. 1., 41 ]ip. 12°. London, P. Cole, 1662. The page following 127 is numbered 228, and so on to the end. Last page should be 288. The same. First written in Latin by that famous and learned doctor, John Prevotius, philosopher and publick professor of physick iu Padua. Transl. into English, with additions. 3 p. 1., 135 pp. 12°. London, J. Streater, for G. Sawbridge, 1670. See, also, Compleat (The) midwife's practice enlarged [ete. |. 12°. London, 1698.—Golden (A) practice of phy- sick [etc.]. fol. London, 1662. — iTIarkaile (Matthew) | in 1. s.J. Monet-well [etc.]. 16°. Edinburgh, 1664.— PartliciiiM (Simeon). A new method of physick [etc.]. 24°. London. 1654. — Riolan (J.), Bis. A sure guide [etc. 1. fol. London. 1657. -----. The same [in l.s.]. roy. 8°. London. 1671. — Kivcriua (Lazarus) [in 1. s.]. The practice of physick [etc.]. fol. [London. 1685.] — Meiinert (Daniel) [in 1. s.]. Praciical physick [etc.]. ]()-. London, 1679.—Nibley (E.) English phvsiciau antl com].letc herbal [etc.J. v. 2. 4°. London [ 1802 ]. — Two treatises. The first of the venereal nocks [etc.). fol. London, 1660.—YfMliiiuiiM (J.) [in 1. s. ]. The anatomy of the body [etc.]. roy. 8°. London. 1653. -----. Thesame [in 1. «.]. fol. London, 1677. For Biography, see Peel ( S.) Nicholas Culpeper, sol- dier, physician, astrologer and politician. Nineteenth Century, Lond., 1898, xliii, 755-763. Cllltin (Paul-Lucien) [1H66- ]. * Du ptosis et principalement de son traitemeut. 1 p. 1., 68 pp. 1 . Xancy, 1^90, No. 309. Cult I'll (Ren6). *Du traitement de l'empyeme chronique par les operations thoraco-plastiques, et eu particulier du proce'de' nouveau de M. le Dr. Qnenu. 73 pp. 4C. Paris, 1892, No. 26. Culture-methods. See Bacteriology (Culture media, etc., in). Culver (C[harlesJ M[ortimerJ). Cephalalgia ocularia. 12 pp. *-. [St. Louis, 1889.] Repr. from: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1889, vi. -----. Notes on zootic cellulitis, or "pink-eye". 6 pp. *°. Albany, Burdick Sr Taylor, [1889]. Repr. from: Albany M. Ann., 1889, x. Ocular headache. 12 pp 8°. [St. Louis, 18*9.] Repr.from: Am. J.Ophth., St. Lonis, 1889, v. ----. "Pink-eye." 6 pp. 8°. Albany, Burdick Sr Taylor, 1889. Repr.from: Albany M. Ann Test-types. 9 pp. 1889, x. 8°. Albany, Burdick f Taylor, [18^9]. Repr. from: Albany M. Ann., 1889, x. ----. The correlation of cranial and oculo-bul- bar conformations, pp. 68-72. 8°. [New York, Knickerbocker Press, 1892.] Repr. from : Arch. Ophtli., N. T., 1892, xxi. See, also, Landolt (E ) The refraction and accommo- dation of the eye [etc.]. %'■>. Edinburgh, 1886. Culver (Everett M.) & Hay«lcn (James R.) A manual of venereal diseases; being an epit- ome of the most appiovetl treatment, viii, 13— 294 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros.

    * v Clllieo (Province of)—continued. ------. Regolamento per gli infermieri e le snore. 3-2 pp. 12°. Savigliano, tipog. Bveasa, 1*92. ------. Direzione del . . . Relazioni animali 1891-2 al 1895-6. [II direttore Oscar Giacchi.] roy. 8C. [Cuneo, 1H92-6.] di Cuneo (Diodato). Notizie fisico-storico- morali conducenti alia salvezza de' bambini nonnati, abortivi, e projetti, raccolte dal P. . . . 7 p. 1., 387 pp. 8 \ Venezia, N Pezzana, 1760. Cuneo (Gerolamo). Cenni statistici e carolo- gici sull' echinococco dell' uomo. 19 pp. 8°. [Pavia, succ, Bizzoni, lw91.] Repr. from: Studj Lab. di zool. d.Univ. di Genova, 1889-90. da 4 u nil a (Jos6 Gerson) [1844- ]. • Basil (B. D.) J. Gerson da Cunha. Med. Reporter Calcutta, 1895, v, 436, port. da Cunha Novaes (Manoel-Pereira). *De la constipation, de ses causes et de ses effets. 4* pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 38. da Cunha Pessoa (Joze" Martins). Analyze das agoas thermaes das Caldas da Raynha. 3 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Coimbra, offic. da Universi- dade, 1778. [P.. v. 1257.] da Cunha Viamia (Francisco Jose) & Bai'bosa (Antonio Maria). Ensaio sohre a cholera epidemica. xii, 200 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lis- boa, J. P. M. Lavado, 1854. [Also, in: P.. v 1250. ] -----------. Instruccoes contra a cholera-mor- bus epidemica. 1 p. l.,50pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1854 [P., v. 1262.] Name of second author is here spelled Barboza. da Cunha Vieira de Meirelles (Antonio). See de Meirelles [in 1. s.]. Cunier [Floreut] [1812-53]. Au redacteur du Journal des opbthalmistes. Premiere lettre d'un me'decin de l'arm6e. 7 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles, J. Tend Sr Cie., 1835. ------. Fragments de mddecine, de chirurgie et d'ophthalmologie. 82 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Gand, F. 4- E. Gyselynck, 1839. ------. Sur la myotomie appliqude au traitement du strabisme. x, 130 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, H. Cousin, 1840. ------. Lettres au professeur M. Serre, de Mont- pellier, sur l'emploi des verres de lunettes dans le traitement de quelques affections oculaires. 8 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1*42. ------. Institut opbthalmique de Bruxelles. Compte-rendu de la cliniqne ophthalmologique de M. le docteur . . ., pendant Pann6e 1844. (Par A. S. de Abreu.) 28 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1*45. -----. Recherches statistiques sur la nature et les causes des maladies oculaires observees eu Belgique, et en particulier dans la province du Brabant. Rapport adresse" a M. Liedts. viii, 332 pp., 3 1., 2 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, 1847. Mdmoire sur l'ophthalmie eontagieuse qui regne dans la classe pauvre et ouvriere. 52 pp. 8°. Bruxelles Sr Leipzig, C. Muquardt, 1849. For Biography, gee Cornaz (O.-A.-E.) Notice bio- graphique sur Floreut Cunier. 8°. Neuchdtel, 1854. Cuilinghaill (J[ames] M[cNabb]). A saui- tary primer for Indian schools. 35 pp. 16°. Calcutta, Home Dept. Press, 1879. ------. Cholera; what can the state do to pre- vent it? xi, 160 pp., 1 map. 8°. Calcutta, 1884. ------. The same. Die Cholera, was kann tier Staat thun, sie zu verhiitcn? Mit einem Vor- wort von Dr. Max vou Pettenkofer. xxi, 127 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieiveg u. Sohn, 1**5. [----- & Scriven (J. B.)] The propagation of cholera by human intercourse. 15 pp. 8C. London, H. Doughty, [n. d.]. Repr.from: Lahore Civil &. Mil. Gaz., 1879. CrNINGHAME. 1077 CUXO. Clininghame (Alexander). *De epilepsia. 21 pp. 4 . Lugd. Bat., J. $ H. lerbeek, 1725. [P., v. 1916.] Cuniot (Stephane) [1866- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la luxatiou du radius par Elonga- tion. 38 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 4°. Lyon, 1893, No. 827. C till it z (Henricb). Kurtzer und trewer Bericht von zweyen spiritualischen und hochbewerten newen Giffl Artzneyen, neinbliib: eineni astra- lisihen bezoartischen Gifft Extract, untl glei- ihem Gifft Sals. Wie solche, alss eine besondere Gab Gottes, uud hohes Geheimnis, bey diesen werenden starcken Gifft- und Haubt-Kranck- heiteu, zur Chur und Preservation mit Nutz sollen augeweudet werden. Bambt einem astra- liseben kurtzen Rahtscblag: wie Arme uud Reiche dieser Pestilentz 8euch durch Gottes Gnad, niitzlich begeguen sollen. 49 1. sm. 4°. [Lignitz, 1625.] Cunningham (D[aniel] J[ohn]). The dis- sector's guide: being a manual for the use of students. [ Part IL] Abdomen, v (11.), 329 pp., 1 pl. 12-1. Edinburgh, Maclachlan S' Stew- art, 1**0. ------. The same. [Part III. ] Head and neck. vi (1 p. 1.), 4*J pp., 2 pl. 8-:. Edinburgh, Mac- lachlan if Stewart, 18*7. Inaugural address delivered at the open- ing of the new anatomical theatre, Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, on November 2, 1885. 18 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1*85. The lumbar curve in man and the apes, with an account of the topographical anatomy of the chimpanzee, orang-utan, aud gibbon. 14* pp., 12 pl., 1 ch. 4-. Dublin, 1*86. ' Royal Irish Acad., Cunningham Mem., no. 2. Bologna: the part which it has played in the history of anatomy; its octo-centeuary celebration. A lecture. 22 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1**8. Repr.from: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1888, lxxxvi. A manual of practical anatomy. Part I, Upper limb, thorax, lower limb. 2. ed., by the author, assisted by H. St. John Brooks, viii, 464 pp. 12:. Edinburgh, Maclachlan Sr Stewart, 1*89. The same. Manual of practical anat- omv. 2 v. xvi (11.), 669 pp.; xvi (11.), 647 pp. 12°'. Edinburgh Sr London, Y. J. Pentland, 1893. CONTENTS. v. 1. Upper limb, lower limb, abdomen. v. 2. Thorax, head and neck. -----. The spinal curvature in au aboriginal Australian, pp. 487-504. 8°. London, 18K9. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xlv. _____. The spinal curvature in an aboriginal Australian. [Abstr.] pp. 301-303. 8°. [Lon- don, 1*~9.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xlv. On cerebral anatomy. 15 pp. 8U. Lon- don, Office Brit. M. Ass., [1890]. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1800, ii. _____. The fissure of Rolando. [Abstr.] 23 pp., lpl. 8. [London,-1890.] Repr.from: J. Anat. & Physiol., Loi.d., 1890, xxv. -. Report of the committee of investigation in the anatomical department of Trinity Col- lege, session 1888-89. 12 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1890. See aUo, Bennett (E. H.) Sc t'u mini sham (D. L) Tlu- sectional anatomy of congenital cieial henna. 4°. London, 1888. - Knrzes Repetitormm tier topographi- schen Anatomie [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig u. l\wn. [n. d.]. Cunningham (David Douglas) [184:?- ]. See L«5ri» & Cunningham (TL D.) [ml. s] A report of microscopical antl physical researches. [etc.J. ■ H- Calcutta, 1872. ----- [in 1. s.]. Tli.'same. 2. s. 8°. Cunningham (David Doujrlas)—continued. Calcutta, 1*74. ----- [in 1.8.]. The fungus diseases of India. 8°. Calcutta, 1875. ----- [in l.s.]. Tlie Oriental sore, as observed in India. 8°. Calcutta, 1877. ----- [in I. s.j. Leprosy in India. 8=. Calcutta. 1877. For Bioaraphv and Portrait, see Med. Reporter, Cal- cutta, 1894', iv, 297, port. (B. I). Basil). Cunningham (Francis Deane) [1836- sr>]. UI. (J. E.) Obituary. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1886, iv, p. xxii—Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 188;>, xvi, -js-J. Cunningham (George). Dentistry and its relation to the state; aud compulsory attention to the teeth of school children (the army and navy); by YV. McPherson Fisher, with a preface bv Sir John Tomes, vi, 74 pp. 8°. London, J. BaleS- Sons, 1887. Cunningham (H. S.) Lectures on the physi- ological laws of life, hygiene, and a general out- line of diseases peculiar to females, embracing a reviewal of the rights and wrongs of women, and a treatise on diseases in general, with ex- plicit, directions how to nurse, nourish, and ad- minister remedies to the sick, x, 425 pp., port. 8-'. Indianapolis, G. F. Borst, 1882. Cunningham (J[ames] L[angdon]) [1829- ]. A review of the so-called "Briggs ex- pulsion", in which the writer "hews to the line", regardless as to where the chips fall, "favors to none, justice to all", nothing ex- tenuating, naught set down in malice, only facts and circumstances considered, these carefully sifted and winnowed aud impartially weighed. 34 pp. rt-\ [n.p., 1894?] Cunningham (John Atkinson) [1803- 81]. , McC'aw (J. B.) Necrology. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1882, xxxiii, 543. Cunningham {John S.) [1833-93]. Whelan (R. E.) Obituary. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cin- cin., 1893, 384. Cunningham (R[ichard] H.) A case of acro- megaly in a dog. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1897. Repr. from: J. Comp.M. &Vet. Arch., N. T., 1897, xvii. ------. Aseptic formalin catgut. 4 pp. 8°. Bichmond, Va., 1898. Repr. from: Med. Reg., Richmond, 1897-8, i. ------. The cortical motor centres of the opos- sum, Didelphys virginiana. pp. 263-268. 8°. [Cambridge, 1898.) Cutting [cover with printed title] from: J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1898, xxii. ------. Experimental thyroidism. pp. 147-243, 4 pl. 8°. New York, 1898. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1898, iii. ------. The restoration of coordinated volitional movement after nerve "crossing", pp. 239-254. 8°. Boston, 1898. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Am. J. Phys- iol.. Bost., 1898, i. Cniiningham (Robert 0[liver]). Notes on the reptiles, amphibia, fishes, mollusca, and crustacea obtained during the voyage of H. M. S. Nassau in the years 1866-9. pp. 465-502, 2 pl. 4°. London, [1871]. Cutting from: Linnean Soc, Lond., 1870-71, xxvii. Cniiningham (Rnssell McW.) [1835- [Biography.] Alabama M. & S. Age, Anniston, 1893-4, vi, 636-638, port. CuilO (Friedrich). * Ueber Veriinderung von Myomen iu tier Schwangerschaft. 24 pp., 1 1. 8J. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1891. Cuuo (Joannes) [1838- ]. *De encephaloma- lacia ischtemica. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1-63]. crxow. 107S CUlLKfTS I)K LA CIIAMBKE. Cilliow iMfartin]). Ilandbiichlein der Sympa- t hie in 400 Artikeln. Nehst einer Abhandlung I iiber Svmpathie als Einleituno. 2. And. 116 pp. 21 . Stuttgart, J. Scheible, W>^. Cimiad (Christophorus). "Diss. nied. tie hy- tlrope uteri. Respondente.Iob. Fretlerito Starke. I lp. 1., 36 pp. 4C. Begiomonti, typ. Bensnerianis. 1701. AUo,in: Halleu. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce. 17">8. iv, 49J-.r)'_!3. Cllliradi (Augustus). *Disp. med. de usu et abusu inedicaiuentornin expectorantium. 20 pp. 4 . Erfordia?, typ. Groschianis, 1723. CllliradllS (Caspar) [1571-1633]. Prosopogra- phia> melica) millenarius. III. In quo virorum doctriua et virtute clarissimorum vita ac fama singulis ilistiehis utcunqite deliueantnr. Cum j elencho uoiuinuiu eorum in caliee adjecto. 7 p. 1., 162 pp., 10 1. 12°. Hanovia. sumpt. C. Eifridi, 1621. Clintil'a (Franciscus Joanes). *De virihus medicis nicotians? ejusque usu et abusu. 32 pp. h . Findobona', 1777. Clintz ( F. ) Die Wasserversorgung der Stadt Karlsbad. Mit (Jeuehmigung des Statltraths j Karlsbad nnd der Dentschen Wasserwerks-Ge- sellschaft. Mit einem Anhang, enthaltend die auf die Wasserversorgung beziiylichen Be- schliisse des Stadtverordneten-Collegiums, etc. 41 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Wien, B. Spies S' Co., 1*83. Repr. from: Wchnschr. d. oster. Ing.- u. Arch.-Ver., 1883. No. 20-21. Cnny (Florian). * Tabac et tabagisme. 61pp. J 4J. Paris, l8Ki, No. 334. Cuny ( Victor ). * Dissertation sur l'urticaire. I 1 p. 1., 20 pi>. 4°. Strasbourg, 1817, No. 519. C ii ii y ii£ ham ( William). Beverley (M.) Extracts from an address on Norwich medical worthies: William Cunyngham. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 129. Clinze ([Job. August Ludwig Julius] Urbau) [1.-60- ]. "Beitrag zur Lehre von der pro- gressiven Muskelatrophie. 32 pp., 11. 8C. Berlin, G. Schade, [ls-3]. Cuomo ( Vincenzo ). L' isola di Capri come stazione climatica. viii, 155 pp., 1 1., 3 tab., 1 map. - . Napoli, A. Fani, 1*94. Clip (Invalid's drinking). [Patent speci- fication.] McDonough (P. J.) A Shelly (T. E.) Invalid's drinking cup. No. 560916: May 26, 1896. Cupers (Marcellin) [1713-75]. Coste [ J.-F. ] Eloge de M. Cupers. 12°. Nanry, 1775. Cupillard (W.) [1*60- ]. * De l'oedeme en pathologie ge'ne'rale. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 165. Cnpor-Fif'e. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Cuppari (G.) On the practical results obtained from various water-raising machines in Hol- land. 27 pp. 8°. London, 1884. Repr.from.- Proc. Inst. Civil Eng., Lond., 1883-4, lxxv. Cupping. See, also, Bloodletting (Local). Ficinus (R.) Die Hiimospasie, Gesehichte, Beschreibung, Anwendung uud Wirknngen tier grossen Ventousen Junod's oder des Schropfstie- fels vom physiologischen und therapeutischen Standpuukte aus, nach eigeneu untl fremdeu Erfahrungen dargestellt. 8-. Leipzig, 1848. Hills (M.) A short treatise on the operation of cupping. 16°. London, 1832. -----. The same. 2. ed., enlarged. 16-. London, 1839. lipping. Knott (J. F.) The old Venetian "bleeding glass". 8 . Dublin. 1-89. Mapd.son (T.^ A treatise on the art of cup- ping, in which the history of that operation is traced, the various diseases in which it is use- ful indicated, and the most improved method of performing it descrihed. 16°. London, 1813. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12c. London, ls-21. Vkntolsks allemandes. 8-. [Paris, 1*35.] Repr.from: Ann. maritimes. 1835, i. Weiss (J.) Directions for using the im- proved cupping apparatus. Observations on cupping, etc. "■<-'. London, 1*29. Wittich (J. F.) *De ctictirhitalarum effecti- bus et usu. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1774. i, 92. Dumas. Ventouse mammaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1898. 119-126.—Forlanini (C.) La veutosa di Junotl. Policlinico. Torino, 1890, i. 10; 40; 74.—(Vioiitlret (L.-F.) Sur l'emploi ties veutmises dans les tie-vres d'acces, et sur les avantages qu'on trouveiait II fain- usage du meme moyen dans bien des cas ou l'on re- court tl ordinaire aux emissions sanguines. [ Ab.-tr. ] Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1851, xxxii, 183.—Junotl. Des avantages de la m6thode btjniospasiqne (emploi des grandes ventonses) substitute dans certains cas ft lemploi de medicaments 6nergiques. Ibid., 1849, xxviii, 6b".— Hoiiod. Adaptation nouvelle de la ventouse Junod a la thdrapeutique infantile. Mem. et hull. Soe. de mdd. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1>89. 113-117. — 11udaliar (V. A. B.) A rude way of cupping by Indians. Indian M. Rec., Cal- cutta, 1897.xii. 17.—White (G.) Cupping-glasses as diag- nostic and therapeutic means. Med. Rec. X. T., 1889, xxxv, 9'.'. Cupping* - glass. [Patent specifica- tions.] Allen (II. R.) Combined enpping device and vacuum- pump. Xo. 412446; Oct. 8, 1889 —Beviiijjton (J. H.) Cupping device. No. 576337; Feb. 2,1897.—flyers (C. L.) Cupping glass. Xo. 291388 : Jan. 1, 1884. Cupples (George) 11*15-95]. See Texas State Medical Association [in l.s.]. Annual report, [etc.]. 4°. [San Antonio. 1880.] For Biography, see Boston M. Sc S. -L, 1895, exxxii, 448. Cliprea and cuprein. Griuiaux (E.) & Laborde (J.-V.) Note prealable sur la cupr6ine et ses d6riv6s; chimie et phvsiologie. Compt. rend. Soc. tie hiol., Par.. 1892,9. s.. iv, G08-6i3. AUo: Tribune med.. Par.. 1892, 2. s.. xxv, 439-441.—Introduce tion (The) of the cultivation of cuprea bark trees into the Luited States. [Edit,] Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 5J. Cll4| (Antonin). * De l'iujectiou hypodermique. H4 pp.. 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1-70. Cuq (Francois-Marie-Paul). * De la rupture dea parois du cceur. 1 p. 1., 34 pp., 1 pl. 4^. Stras- bourg, 1*67, 2. s., Xo. 979. Cura (La) Koch nelle malattie tuhercolari. Relatione della commissione medica inviata a Berlino dagli Ospedali Cottolengo e S. Luigi e dalla Pia Societa Salesiana di Torino. ">"> pp. - . Torino, tipog. Salesiana, 1891. Cura specifica del coler.i, ovvero modo sicuris- siino per vincere il male sul nascere. [Rivista di un opuseolo del Dott. Tunisi.] 7 pp. 12°. Palermo, Bizzarrilli, 1887. Cnraooa. See, also, Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by localities. Voerflel (C.) Aanmerkingen over de in Curacao van tyd tot tvd in zwanggaande ziekten. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1758, iv, 331: 1761, vi, 408. Clira;US (Job. Ferdinandns). *Di- at risia in fe- i brihus. 40 pp. 4°. Halee Magdeb., C. Henckel, I [1707]. [P., v. 1391.] Curaeus de la Chambre (Marinus i. See Cureau de la Chambre. CTEANDIS. 1079 CUEBELO. Curandis (De) vulneribns sclojietoruin tracta tus singulares, Alphonsi Ferrii Neapolitani, Joh Fraucisci Rot;e Bononiensis, Leonardi Botalli Astensis. Additus est ejusdem Alphonsi Ferrii lihellus, de callo, sive tarnncula qua- cervici vesica* iuuascitur. 1 p. 1., 91 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Aiitvevpiiv, ex off. Arnold! Coninx, 15^:1. Cliranstalt Ragaz-Pfafers. Curative estah- lishment of Ragaz-Pfafers in Switzerland. [Announcement of the opening for the season of 18U9.] 8 pp. 8^. [St. Galien, 1*69.] Curailt (Hermann) [183.")- ]. "De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientiumet puerperarum. s°. Berolini, M. Driesner et soc, [18(il]. C ii rare. See, also, Arrow-poison; Diabetes (Experi- mental); Strychnine. Alche(A.) *Lecurare. 4-\ Montpellier. 1886. Braun (T. ) *Dis anierikanische Pfeilgift Curare als Heilmittel. (Nebst einem Auhang iiber das Coniin.) 8J. Bonn, 18*0. Dr Cazal (L.) *Du curare et de son emploi therapeutique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Fmmer (J. P.) * De A'eneuo americano. 8°. Tubingce, [1817]. Fixke (O.) Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Wir- kung des Urari und einiger anderer Gifte. 8°. [Leipzig], l-f>9. Repr.from: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. math.-phvs. Cl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Leipz., 1859, xi. Haber (E. ) *Quam vim veuenum curare exereeat in nervorum cerebro-spinalium sys- tema. 8\ Yratislavio?, [1^57]. Moroni (E.) Storia tlel curaro; studii critici ed esperimentali. 8. Milano, 1*67. Schomblrgk (R.) On the urari; the deadly arrow-poison of the Macusis, an Indian tribe in British Guiana. c°. Adelaide, 1-79. Weicker (H. E.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkung th s Curarin. 8:. Kiel, 1^91. Axenfeld (D.) Nota sul curaro. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886-7. xiii, 199-207. — Bidder (F.) Beob- achtungen an curarisirten Froschen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. -wissensch. Med., Leipz. 1868, 598-632. — Bochefontaine. Xote sur un curare curarisant et produisaut eu meme temps l'arret svstolique tlu coeur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884 8s., i,pt. 2, 76-79.— Boehm ( R. ) Chemische Studien iiber das Curare. Beitr. z. Phvsiol. Car. Ludwig z. s. 70. Geburtst. [etc.] Leipz., 1887,~173-192. -----. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Xervenendwirknug des Curarin. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1894, xxxv, 16-22. -----. Das siidamerikauische Pfeilgift Curare in chemiscber untl Sharmakologischer Beziehung; das Tubo-Curare. Ab- andl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch., Leipz., 1895, xxii, 199-238, 1 pl. See, also, infra, Santesson. -----. Ueber Curare untl Curarealkaloide. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1897, ccxxxv, 660-684. — Couty (L.) Sur Taction convulsivante du curare. Compt. rentl. Acad. d. sc. Par., 18*2, xcv, 734-737. AUo: France med., Par., 1882. ii, 630-632. -----. Le curare. Rev. scient., Par., 1882. xxx, 587: ^83. xxxi, 204; 464: xxxii, 330.— Couty iL.) Sc de l.aeertla. Sur les ph6noni6nes d'exci- tation musculaire de debut de la curarisation progressive. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s.,ii. 366-368.- Dastre. De Taction du curare. Ibid., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 293-295. — Feoktistow (A.) TJeber die abnorme Wirkung einiger Cuiaie-Sorten. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersh., 1891, xiii, 83-86.—Flourene. Rapport sur un m6moire de M. Alvaro Reynoso, intitule : Experiences pour servir k l'histoire de Tempoisonuerneut par le curare. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xl, 825-829.__Fnbini (S.) Influenza del curare sullo svi- luppo dell embrione di pulcino. Arcb. per le sc. med., Torino e Palermo, 1891, xv, 253. AUo, transl: Arch.ital. de biol., Turin, 1891, xv, 59. AUo, transl.: Untersucb. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1891, xiv, 518.— Gaglio (G.) Sull' influenza del fegato nella tolleranza dell organismo del curaro introdotto nelle vie digestive. Spenmentale. Firenze, 1883, Ii, 21-.9. AUo, transl..- Ln terrach. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. tl. Thiere. Giessen, 1882-8 xiii, 354-366. — Grehant & Quiiiqimud. Me- sure de la puissance musculaire dans Tempoisonnement par le cnrare. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii 242-245. — Ouimaraes (Jose Gnillermo) [1356- ]. * Die Verauderuugen des Gefasssystems bei Schwan- geren uud \Vticlinerinneu. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1879]. CTRBO. 1080 CURIENSE. Cnrbo *<»inuiedo (Juan). See Semmedo (Joao Curvo). C11 rea*. See Jatropha^ Cuivliod (Henri) [1820- ]. De l'alienation j menlale et des ^tablissements destines aux alienes dans la Grande-Bretagne. 124 pp., 2 tab. ■"'". Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1845. Clll'cliod (Jules). * Ein nach Trauina tlurch Exeision-Behandlung geheilter Fall von Spina bitida. 47 pp., 2 pl. 8 . Basel, E. Birkhduser, 1*96. Curoi (Antonio). Sulla pretesa azione ipercine- '-. titii generale tlel pioinbo. Ricerche sjierimen- tali. Hipp. 8°. Bologna, F. Vallardi, 1882. Repr.from: Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1882, iii. -----. Azioue di alcuni medicamenti sulla circo- lazione del sangue nel cervello. Ricerche speri- mentali. 20 pp. *-'. Firenze, tipog. Cenniniana, HHl. Repr. from: Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, liii. Ciii'culionidse. j Seidlitz (G.) * Monographie der Curculioui- I ilen-Gattung Peritelus Germ. 8°. Dorpat, 1866. \*66. C Ili'tlt (Friedrich) [1868- ]. * Ueher einen Full von Tuberculose der vorderen Harnrdhre. 14 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Kiel, P. Peters, 1894. Ciirdworth. See Aston Union. Cure (Albert). * Contribution a la photometric scolaire. 47 pp., 3 plans. 4°. Montpellier, 1887, No. 433. Ecole de pharmacie. -----. The same. 47 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sr fils, 1887. Cure (Leon) [1858- ]. *Des parotidites dims les maladies graves, dans les suites de couches en particulier. 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1«83, No. 224. Cure (A) for the, cholera. By a B. C. S. 16 pp. H'-. [Bombay, Mission Press, 1826.] Cure (The) of the miliary fever; to which is annex'd advice to the apothecaries. By a sub- ject to Mithridates, king of Pontus. xxii, 23-92 pp. 8°. London, C. Say, 1751. [P., v. 608.] Contains two treatises, "Of the miliary fever", by Sir David Hamilton and Sir Richard Blackmore. Cure ail (Adolphe-Louis) [1864- ]. * Des influences psychiques daus l'etiologie des 6tats morbides. 88 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1**9, No. 2;">. Cui-eau de la Chambre (Marin ) [ 1594- lt)69]. Novae methodi pro explanandis Hippo- crate et Aristotele specimen. 13 p. 1., 15*, 69 (3 1.), 43 pp., 1 1. 4°. Parisiis, P. Bocolet, 1655. -----. The same. 13 p. 1., 158 pp. P. Parisiis, P. Bocolet, 1655. [P., v. 1217.] Incomplete. -----. L'art de connoistre les homines. 4 p. 1., 278 pp.. 4 1. 16°. Amsterdam, J. It- Jeune, 1660. -----. See, also: C'hakdox (H.) Les debuts au Mans de Marin Cureau tie la Chambre, medecin de Louis XIII, de Louis XIV, et du chancelier Seguier, membre | tie l'Academie francaise; ses relations de famille et les heritiers de son nom dans le Maine jusqu'au commencement de ce siecle. 8G Le Mans, 1874. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. agric, sc. et arts de la Sarthe. Gurel (Ernest). * Du secret medical. 1 p. 1. 42 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867, 3. s., No. 45. Curet (Louis). *De I'ergot de aeigle au point tie vue de son emploi dans le traitement de la fievre typho'ide. 83 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1**3, No. 12. Curette [and citrettage\. See, also, Breast (lancer of, Treatment of, Operative); Uterus (Curettage of). Abbott (ti. E.) A combined curette antl double catheter. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 169.—Aiunnn. Leber das Curettement. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen (IUkV'.I), 1892, v, 452-461.—Bnrdenheuer (B.) Indicationen zur Anwendung ties scharfen Ltitt'els. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Thatigk. im Coiner stadt. Hiirger- Hosp. (1875), 1876, pp. i-lxxi. AUo, Reprint.—Barton (G. C.) The curette as a therapeutk agent in the treat- ment of diseases of 1 lie female pelvic organs. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 441-443.—Cecil (J. G.) The curette in obstetric and gvnecological practice. Tr. South. Surg. Sc Gynec. Ass.' 1892, Phila., 1S93, v, 423-42H.— 17 re n tlen berg. Die neue Kurette des Dr. St. Cyr in Chicago. Fraiienarzt, Berl., 1896, xi, 433-435-Jenizer. Lne nouvelle curette. Arch.de tocol.. Par., 1890. xvii. 129- 131. — Lagrange. Herse-curette pour granulations; presentation d'instrument. Mem.et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. do Bordeaux (1893), 1894. 3u8-:Uo. — I.ancial. Des avantages tlu curettage thing certaines suppurations, principalement tlans les adenites aigues et clironitpies. J. d. sc. m6d.de Lille. 1892, i. ,'137-34:1.— flnlintii (G. H.) A modification of Gottslein's curette. Med. News, Phila.. 1893, lxii, 382. AUo, Reprint.— VIlinger (C. E.) A modified Gottstein's curette. Med. Kec., X. Y., 1892, xiii, 291. — Unpin ( ().) Nouvelle, curette irrigiitrice. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Genfeve, 1891, xi, 758-761.— Saint Cyr (E. D.) Curette. No. 584407; June 15,1897.— Valla. Observations de malades traites par le idclage. Mem. Soc tl. sc. med. tie Lyon (1876), 1877, xvi, 111-123. CureilS (Joachimus) [1532-73]. llepl aiodgoeuc Kal a'totigrtov, Libellus physicus, continens doc- trinaiu tie natura, et differentiis colortitn, sono- ruiii, odorum, saporum, et qualitatum tangi- bilium, et recitans rationem, qua res eietlem a sensibus comprehend uu tur, et judicantiir. 19 p. 1., 319 pp., 6 1. 8°. Witebergce, P. Seitz, l.r>67. For Biography, see Henoinger (C. F.) Commentatiu de Joachimo Cureo, sunimo saecul. dec sext. medico, theologo, pbilosopho, historico. 4°. Marburgi, [1853]. See, also, Grnetzer (J.) Lebensbilder hervorrag. schles. Aerzte. 8°. Bresl., 1889, 23-25. C urge■■ veil (J[ohn] Brendou). The disinfec- tion of scarlet fever and other infectious diseases by antiseptic inunction. 25 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1891. -----. On the use of the oil of eucalyptus glo- bulus combined with other antiseptics in the treatment of scarlet fever aud all infectious diseases. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1891. Repr. from: Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, n.g., xi. See, also, Association for Promoting the Extension of the Contagious Diseases Acts. Results of the conta- gious tliseases acts. 8°, [n.p., 1873.] Curia. I.epierre (C.) Analyse chimica das aguas minero- medicinaes da Curia (con eel ho de Anatlia). Coimbra med., 1897, xvii, 377-380. Curie (Jules) [1869- ]. "Des synovites ten- dineuses chroniques tie la face dorsale du poi- gnet. 89 pp., 1 1. ,^. Paris, 1897, No. 189. Curie [Paul F.] Clinical lectures ou homoeop- athy, v. 1. 276 pp. *-\ [ London, Palmer S' Clayton, n. d.] Title-page wanting. Clirieuse, neue, seltene, leichte, wohlfeile, gewisse, bewahrte, niitzliche, ndthige, ergotz- liche untl verwunderungswiirdige Hauss-Apo- thec, wie man tlurch seine eigene bey sich habeude Mittel, als dem Blut, Urin, Hinter- und Ohren-Dreck, Speichel und andern natiirlichen geringeu Mittelu, seine Gesundheit erhalten, fast alle vor incurabel gebaltene Kranckheiteu Podagra, Chiragra, Pestilentz, Zahnwehe, Fieber, und dergleicheu mehr, heilen und sein Leben . . . Von einem Liebhaber der Medicin. 7 p. 1., 395 pp., 27 1. 12°. Franckfurth am Mayn, F. Knochen, 1700. Curieuses recherches sur les escholes en mdde- ciue, de Paris et de Montpelier [etc.]. See Riolan (Jean) fils [in 1. s.]. OURIN. 1081 CURNOW. Clll'ill (Charles). * Embolic de l'artere pulmo- naire. 1 p. l.,39pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*6)7), 2. s., No. 834. Curio (Jacobus) [1497-1592]. Hippoeratis Coi, de naturae, tetuprrum anni, et aeris irregularium coustitiitionuni propriis, homiuisque oinuiuiu a?tatum morbis, theoria, ita in enarratione tertiae aphorisinormu sectionis exposita, ut non solum rei medica?. sed et onmibus valetudinis ac vita? tuenda? studiosis magno usni, commotloque esse queat. 348 ff., 161. 16°. Francofurti ad Slcenum, apud G. Corvinum, S. Feyrabend, et hceredes Wi- gandi Galli, 1569. -----. Inscriptus Hermotimi nomine dialogus, in quo primum de umbratico illo niedicinse agitur genere, quod in scholis ad disputandiim, non ad inedenduiu. coinparatuiu videri potest. Deintle et de illo recens ex chymicis furnis nato eductoque altero. Ubi piaster rectam aniniorum institutionem, de aurifactrice chimia aliquid quoque attingitur, et de ipso naturae reruni iugeuiosissimo scrntatore Theophrasto Hohen- hemio lectori uarrantur cognitu qua?.dain uec iuutilia, nee injucuuda. Accessit et querela mediciuie dogmatical, couscripta a Petro Rei- dano. 3 p. 1., 1^7 pp., 2 1. 12-. Basilew, apud P. Pernam, 1570. Curio (Joannes) [ -1561]. See Salernniii (School of). Medicina Salernitana [etc.l. 32°. Genevo?. 1522 (and subsequent editions [in 1. &. 2. 8.]) — Saleruum (School of) [in 1. s.]. De conservanda bona valetudine [etc.J. 16°. Francofurti, [1.">4t] (and subsequent editions [in 1. & 2. s.]). Curiose (Der) Chymicns. See Curioser Bota- nicus [etc.]. Curiose (Die) Medicin, darinuen die Gesundheit des Leibes in sehr wahrscheinlichen Getlanckeu iu xii Reguln vorgestellet, und wie solche durch gar leichte Mittel zu unterhalten, gezeiget wird. 191 pp. 24-. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, J. G. Lipper, 16*8. -----. The same. Der 3. Druck. Nebst eineni Anhang. 117 pp. 16°. Luneburg, J. G. Lipper, 1705. Curiose (Der) Patiente [etc.]. See [Groschuff (I'riedrich)] [in 1. s.]. Curioser Botanicus, oder sonderbahres Krauter- Buch, darinnen der vomehntsten und in der Artznev-Kuust gebrancblichsten KriLuter und Gewjicnse, Abbildnng und Bescbreibuug, nach ihrem Gesehlecht, Nahmen, Gestalt, Ort, Zeit, Vennehrnng, Wartime. Theile, Natur, Zuberei- tung nnd Nutz, kiirtzlich vorgestellet werden. Saint einem dreyfachen Register, und ange- bangten besondern Tabell, die Zeit der Bliith, Fruchtbriuguug und Einsammlung der KriLuter, raouatlich anzeigende. 2 frontisp.. 48, *96 pp., 601. 12°. Dressden u. Leipzig,G. C. Hilscher, 1744. Opposite title-page, a second title-page, reading: Der curiose Chvmicus, oder curioses Laboratonum n>--er der Kranekeii zu beseheu, da von judic.ren, sich darinn pneserviren u.id zu^urjren 31pp. 10-. [Dresden], J. C. Mieth, 1706. [P., v. 17o4.] _____. The same. 31 pp. 12°. [ Dresden u. Leioziol G. C. Hihrher, 1743. Bound icith :Cvm66E* Botanicus [etc.]. 12°. Dressden u. Leipzi'j. 1741. Curioser Chirurgus, oder sonderbahrer Begriff tier YVund-Artzney und Practicirnng derselhen, alle 8thaden undGebreehen gliicklich zu heilen, nebst einer vortrefniclien Frantzosen-Cur, und Bericht vou Atlerlasseu, Schropffen und Abzie- hung des Blutes tlurch die Blut-Egelein. Mit Beyfiigiing eines Urin-Biichleins, wie die Was- ser der Krauckeu zu beseben, von den Kranck- heiteu zu judiciren, uud man sich prseserviren und curiren kan. 122 pp., 3 1. 16°. Dresden u. Leipzig, J. C. Mieth, 1706. [P., v. 1754.] -----. The same. 122 pp., 3 1. 12°. Dressden u. Leipzig, G. C. Hilscher, 1743. Bound icith: Curioser Botanicus, [etc.]. 12°. Dress- den u. Leipzig, 1744. Curioser Medicus uud Chirurgus, oder sonder- bare curiose Anleitung zur Medicin, nebst bewiilirteu Kecepten der Artzneyen zu alien Kranckheiten des menschlichen Leibes von Haupt an, bis auf die Fussohlen, solche damit gliicklich zu curiren. Wie auch curioser Begriff der Wund-Artzney und Practicirung derselben, [etc.]. 2 pts; 48,202 pp. 12°. Dresden, G.C. Hilscher, 1743. Boundwith: Curioser Botanicus, [etc]. 12°. Dress- den u. Leipzig, 1744. Curioses Laboratorium niedico-ehymicum, be- steheud iu unterschiedenen Medicaiuenteu, so wohl Simplicibns als Compositis, nehmlich: Saltzen, Oelen, Spiritibus, Extracten, Tincturen, [etc.]. 185 pp., 3 1. 16°. Dressden u. Leipzig, J. C. Mieth, 1706. [P., v. 1754.] -----. The same. 185 pp., 31. 12°. Dressden u. Leipzig, G. C. Hilscher, 1745. Bound tcith: Curioser Botanicus, [etc.]. 12°. Dress- den u. Leipzig, 1744. Curiosities (Medical). See Amulets; Medicine (Anecdotes, etc., of). Curlaiid. Paxtenius (C.) *De morbis Curonise ver- naculis. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1838. Curling (T[homas] B[lizard]) [1811-88]. Ob- servations on the diseases of the rectum, xi, 123 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1851. -----. The same. 2. ed. xi, 129 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill, 1855. -----. Case of traumatic aneurism of the oph- thalmic artery, consequent on injury of the head, cured by ligature of the common carotid artery. 6 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1854. [P.. v. 1442.] Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1854, xxxvii. ----- The same. 2. ed. xxiv, 519 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1856. ____. Observations on sterility in man, with cases. 16 pp. 8°. London, Sarill S.- Edwards, 1864. Repr. from: xxxiii. ----. The same. 3. ed. xx, 609 pp. don, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1866. Tbe same. Traits pratique des maladies Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1864, Lon- du testicule, du cordon spermatique et du scro- tum. Trad, de Pauglais sur la 2. e\l., avec des additions et ties notes par L. Gosselin. xii, 62v pp. 8°. Paris, Lobe, 1857. See also, dimming (William). On a luminous ap- pearauce of the human eye [etc.]. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1846.] For Biography, see Brit. M. J., LontL. 1888, i, 563. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 550. AUo: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889, lxxii, 2-5 (Sir E. H. Sieveking). Cui'iuau (Carl). See lii'verlin (Alfred). Svenska brunnar och had. c. ed. 12"-. Stockholm, 1892. CurilOW (John). Cardiac failure and dilatation of the. heart, 24 pp. 12°. London, [1894], Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i. CURORT. 1082 CURKIK.K. Curort (Der) Gleichenberg iu Steiermark. [Pros- }ieet.] 15 pp. 16 [Graz, J. A. Kienreich, 1853.] Clirradi (Giovanni). II latte e la tubercolosi. Diluciilazioni ed esperimenti. 16 pp. 8°. Fi- renze, Ciardelli, 1^97. Currau (Martin W.) Information for nurses in home and hosjiital. xvi, 333 pp. 8°. Chicago, C. H. Kerr Sr Co., 1893. ------. Sickness anthaccidents; modern methods of treatment; information for nurses in home aud hospital, xvi, 333 pp. 12°. Chicago,CH. Kerr Sr Co., 1894. Currau (William). Notes of a case of scle- riasis. 5 pp. * . [Edinburgh, Oliver Sr Boyd, 1871.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. J.. 1871-2, xvii. ------. Personal experience of death from aneu- rism and diseases of the heart in the service. A clinical note. 39 pp. *°. Edinburgh, Oliver S.- Boyd, 1*76. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1875-6, xxi. ------. Goitre in the Himalayas. 10 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1886. ------. The therapeutics of hydrophobia. 16 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall £r Cox, 1886. Repr. from: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1886, xii. ------. Cholera: a practical study as well as a personal experience. 31 pp. 12°. [London, 1***.] Repr. from: Prov. M. J., Lond., 1888, vii. Current medical opinion on the attitude of the New York State coniinission in lunacy. Dan- gers to State hospitals for the insane. 16 pp. h . [New York/ 1h94.] Currey (James Hamilton) [1832-871. Cordell (E. F.) Obituary. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. M.-iryliind. Halt., 1887, 56. Currie (Andrew Stark). See Bourneville (D. M.) & Br icon (P.) Manual of hypodermic medication. 12°. London, 1887. Currie (Frances M. E.). See Aitlnll (I.) The German nature cure [etc.]. 8°. London, 1897. Currie (Gulielmus). * De phthisi pulmonali. 30 pp. *\ Edinburgi, Balfour, Auld S-Smellie, 1770. Currie (James) [1756-1805]. Medical reports * on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever aud other diseases, whether applied to the surface of the body or used in- ternally. 3. ed., corrected and enlarged. 2 v. xx (2 1.), 379 pp.; vi, 630 pp., 37 1. 8°. London, T. Cadell; J. S- W, Davies, 1804. See, also, Gomez (Bernardino Antonio). Methodo de curar otypuojetc.]. 16°. Lisboa, 1806.—Jackson (Rob- ert). An outline of the history aud cure of fever [etc.]. 8°. Edinburgh. 1808.—Smith (James Carmichael). Ob- servations sur la fievre ties prisons [etc.l. 8°. Geneve, an IX (18'J1 v. St.). For Biography, see Currie (\V. W.) Memoir of the hie, writings, aud correspondence of James Currie. 2 v 8°. London, 1831. AUo: Med. Times Sc Gaz., LontL, 1885. ii, 511-514 (N. H.). Currie (James A[llan]) [1827-61]. Keport ou the vaccine operations in the Agra Division in in 1859-60. 11 pp. fol. Allahabad, J. P. Wal- ker, 1861. For Biography, see Edinb. M. J. 1861-2, vii, 405-408 (J. IL). Also. Keprint. Currie (William) [1754-18281. Riogrnphv. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1887, Centennial vol., 127. /In 1. s., v. 3, p. 563, a thesis, "De phthisi pulmonali" Edinb., 1770, by another William Currie, was ascribed by mistake to this writer. Currie (William Wallace). Memoir of the life, writings, aud correspondence of James Currie! 2v. xv, 524 pp.; xii, 503 pp. 8°. Loudon, Longman [and others], 1831. Currier (A. s.). See Palmer (H. F.). Currier (A. S.) Sc IIikImoii (E. P.i The orthopedic or artificial leg reporter [etc.]. 8°. Springfield, Mass., 185:2. Currier (Andrew F.) Eucalyptus globulus in gyiuecologica] practice, together with an account of several cases in which it was used. 4 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 18*2.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiv. ------. Gonorrhu-a in the female. 21 pp. 12-. New York, 18*5. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1885, xiii. ------. Local vs. general treatment in gynaecol- ogy- 14 PP- 8°. [New York, 1886.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii. ------. Some considerations concerning cancer of the uterus, especially its palliative treatment in its later stages. 17 pp. 8°. [New York, 1887.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1887, xlv. ------. Tlie disorders of menstruation. 26 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv. ------. Importance of oedema of the vaginal por- tion of the cervix uteri, as a symptom of chronic disease. 9 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1890. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1889, xiv. ------. A new operation for prolapsus of the an- terior vaginal wall. 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1890.] Repr.from: Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1889-90, iii. ------. Present status and tendency of gynaeco- logical therapeutics. 31 pp. 12°. Danbury, 1890. Repr.from: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, 1889-90, ix. ------. What are the rational limitations of intra- uterine therapeutics? 16 pp. 12°. [New York, 1890.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1890, li. ------. A study relative to the functions of the reproductive apparatus in American Indian women. 11 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1^91.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix. ------. A study relative to the functions of the reproductive apparatus in American Iudiau women. 33 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dor- nan, 1891. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1891, xvi. ! ------. Under what conditions can electricity be of posithe service to the gynaecologist? 20 pp. 16°. Danbury, Conn., 1891. Repr.from: N. Eug M. Month., Danbury, 1890-91, x. ------. The unrestricted evil of prostitution. 19 pp. 16°. New York, 1891. Repr.from: Philanthropist, May, 1891. ------. Amputation of the vagiual portion of the cervix uteri in cases of suspected carciuoma. 11 pp. 12°. [New York, 1892.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1892, lv. ------. The causes and treatment of sinuses re- sulting from abdominal section. 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr.from.- Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1891-2, v. ------. Certain forms of septicaemia resulting from abortion 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr. from: Ann. Gynaec. Sc Piediat., Phila., 1892-3,vi. ------. Constipation, especially in its relations to the diseases peculiar to women. 16 pp. 12°. New York, 1893. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1893, lvii. ------. Septicaemia and its treatment with oxy- gen. 11pp. K->. New York, W.Wood Sr Co., 1893. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxvii. ------. Birth, sex, pregnancy, and delivery. In: Syst. Legal M. (Hamilton & Godkin). 8°. New York, 1894, ii, 417-466. ------. Introduction to the debate on menstrua- tion before the Meilical Society of the State of CURRIER. 1083 CURTIX. Currier (Andrew F.)—continued. New York, at Albany, February 6, 1894, with remarks concerning normal menstruation. 11 pp. 12-. New York, 1-94. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1894, lix. -----. Puerperal septicaemia. Abdominal sec- tion followed by recoverv. Abscess iu right broad ligament. 3 pp. 8°. New York, 1895. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi. The position or posture of the, patient during parturition, with special reference to the merits of the Walcher position. 16 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1896. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1896, lxviii. ----. Supplementary report of a ease of puer- peral septicaemia of prolonged duration and with manifold complications. 5 pp., 1 ch. *°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii. ----. The menopause; a consideration of the phenomena which occur to women at the close of the child-bearing period, with incidental allusions to their relationship to menstruation. Also, a particular consideration of the prema- ture (especially the artificial menopause), xvi, 309 pp. 12. New York, D. Appleton Sr Comp., 1897. -----. Ventral hernia resulting after abdominal section and its treatment. 12 pp. >°. Boston, 1*97. Repr.from : Ann. Gynaec. Sc Paediat., Bost., 1896-7, x. ------ tV. Gerry (Elbridge T.) Corporal punish- ment for certain forms of crime. 17 pp. 12c. [New York, 1895.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1895, lxi. Currier (Charles G[ilman]). The efficacy of filters and other means employed to purify drink- ing-water. A bacteriological study. 42 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia], 1**9. Repr.from: Med. News. Phila., 1889, liv. ---•■—. Sflf-puririeation of flowing water, and the influence of polluted water in the causation of disease. (A biological studv.) 19 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1890.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1890, n. s., c. The art of preserving health: outlines of practical hygiene adapted to American con- ditions, v (1 1.), 468 pp. 8°. -Yea' York, E. B. Treat, 1-93. Curriers. See, aho, Anthrax in man. Dncheunt- (L.) & Jlichel (E.) Des megissiers; etude d'hygiene professionnelle. J. de med. de Par., 1883, v, 193-199. Curry (Gordon L.) American ipecac. 11 pp. 24c. [Louisville, 1*9-2.] Repr. from: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1892, xiii. Curry (J. L. M. ) Peabody Education Fund. A brief sketch of George Peabody, and a his- tory of the Peabody Education Fund through thirty vears. Front., x, 161 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson Sr Son, 1898. Curry (James). Observations on apparent death from drowning, hanging, suffocation by noxious vapors, fainting-fits, intoxication, lightning, ex- posure to cold, etc, and au account of the means to be employed for recovery; to which are added, the treatment proper in cases of poison; with cautions and suggestions respecting various cir- cumstances of sudden danger. 2. ed. x, 213 pp., 6 nl. 8\ London, E. Cox $ Son, 1815. See also, Babington (W.) & Curry (J.) Outlines of a course of lectures (etc.]. 8°. London. 1811. Curry (John) [ -1780]. An essay on ordinary fevers, and the methods to be used to prevent their becoming so grievous and mortal, as they are often found to lie. vii, 75 pp. 12°. London, J. Bobinson, 1743. Curry (John)—continued. -----. Some thoughts on the nature of fevers; on the causes of their becoming so frequently mortal, and on the means to prevent it. ii, 94 pp. - . London, J. Johnson, 1774. [P., v. 962.] The same. Reflexiones y avisos impor- tautes, para que qualquiera, por sf inisino, pueda con oee r la calentura, y precaver sus peligrosos progresos; traducidos al castellano con varias notas e ilustraeioues por el Dr. Joaquin Serrauo. 14^ pp. 12 . Madrid, B. Cano, 1786. CursclliuaJiil (Carl Theodor). *Statistische Beitrage zur Therapie des Tetanus. [Erlangen.] 27 pp. 8-'. Niirnberg, J. Grohrock, 18*9. Clirschm.imi [Heinrich] [1846- ]. Statis- tiscbes und Klinisches iiber den L'nterleibs- typhus in Hamburg. 12 pp. 8°. Leipzig S' Berlin, G. Thieme, 1888. Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1888, xiv. -----. Klinische Abbildungen. Sammlung von Darstellungen der Veranderung der ausseren Korperform bei inneren Kraukheiten. In Ver- biudnng mit \V. Schiiffner hrsg. 42 ]., 57 pl. fol. Berlin, J. Springer. 1894. See. also, Arbeilen aus tier medicinischen Klinik zu Leipzig. 8°. Leipzig 1893.—IVIittheilnngen iiber das neue allgemeine Krankenhaus zu Hamburg-Kppeudorf. 8°. Braunschweig, 1*89.—Wolff (¥.) Die moderne Be- handlung der Lungeuschwindsucht [etc.J. 8°. Wiesba- den, 1894. Ctirscliniami's spirals. See, also. Asthma; Sputa. Cierlach (V.) Proiskhozhdeule Ourschmann' ovskikh spiralei. | Origin of Curschniann's spirals. ] Zemsk. vrach, Poltava, 1894. vii. 1-5.—Ruge (H.) TJeber die Centralfadeu in den Ourschmann'schen Spiralen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1894, exxxvi, 336-345. Curshaiu (George). See Hutchinson (John). On the capacity of tbe lungs [etc.]. 83. [London, 1846.] Curt (Franz Josef) [1862- ]. *Die Eesection der Rippen. [ Bonn. ] 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Le- chenich, P. Schafer, 1887. Curtel (G). See Lang (Arnold). Traite. d'anatomie [etc]. 8°. Paris, 1891-'.'. (inlet. See Wauters (P[ierre]-E[nglehert]) [tn l.s.]. Trait6 du choix des exutoires. 8°. BruxelUs, an XII [1804]. Curtet ( Francois-Antoine ). * Dissertation sur la colique venteuse on flatulente. 1 p. 1., 8 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, an NIF [1805], No. 187. Curti (Antonio). Alcune riflessioni sulla vacci- nazione a proposito della statistica di 27 anni di pubbliche vaccinazioni praticate del comune di Cortile San Martino. 44 pp. 8°. Parma, P. Grazioli, 1882. Curtice (Cooper). The animal parasites of sheep. 222 pp., 37 pl. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1890. Clirtil ( E. ) [1858- ]. *Dn traitemeut chi- rurgical des calculs vesicaux chez la femme. 115 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 197. -----. The same. 115 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye et E. Lecrosnier, l-*l>. Title-page reads: Curtil-IJoyer. Clirtil let (Joseph) [1863- ]. *Du decolle- nient traumatique des Epiphyses. 107 pp. 4°- Lyon, 1-91, 1. s., No. 610. Curtillet (P.) De la maniere de disposer les habitations a I'usage des hommes et des animaux afin de les rendre parfaitement salubres, chaudes en hiver, fralches en 6te" et seches en toutes sai- sons. 2. eel. 32 pp. 8°. Marseille, J. Barille, 1*7&. Clll'tin (Roland G[ideon]) [1*39- ]. The in- fluence of sea air on syphilitic phthisis. 7 pp. *■-. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan. 1**7. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv. C UK TIN. 1084 OUKTIS. Clirtill (Roland G[ideon])—continued. -----. Rockv Mountain fever. 11 pp. 8 . [New York, 18*7.] Repr.from .- N. York M. J., 1887, xlv. ------. Climate as an etiological factor in Graves's disease. 7 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 18*9. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Climat. Soc, Phila.^ 1888, v. ------. The climatology of hemoptysis in chronic lung disease from au etiological and therapeutic standpoint. 13 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1*^9. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889, vi. ------. Is herpes zoster a cause of pleurisy and peritonitis? 6pp. 8°. New York, 1890. Repr. from : Sanitarian, N. T., 1890, xxv. ------. Brief suggestions as to the prevention, recognition, aud treatment of cholera. 12 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1*92.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi. ------. Clinical teaching and clinical teachers in the Philadelphia Hospital. 8 pp. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1893.] Repr. from: Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii. ------. Hemorrhagic typhoid fever; treatment and a review of the tabulation of seventeen cases. Clinical lecture delivered at the Phila- delphia Hospital, February 17, 1891. 7 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr.from : Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii. -----& Watson (Edward W.) Papers on the epidemic of influenza from 1889 to 1892: 1. Rela- tion between influenza and catarrhal fever. 2. Tbe epidemic as seen in Philadelphia from 1889 to 1891. 3. The treatment of influenza and its sequels?. 4. The heart as influenced by the epidemic; with other notes. 5. Notes on the outbreak of influenza and its treatment during the fall and early winter of 1891. 10, 18, 8, 6 pp., 8°; 5pp.. 12°. "Philadelphia, 1892. 1. & 2. repr. from: Climatologist, Phila., 1892-3, ii. 3. repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1892, n. s., ciii. 4. repr.from: Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1892, xiii. 5. repr.from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. 8., viii. -------------. Tbe action of influenza poisou on the heart, and a study of influenzal angina pec- toris. Read before the American Climatological Association, Richfield Springs, New York, June 24, 1892. 8 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott Co., 1893.] Repr.from: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, i. -------------. A brief study of some ancient epi- demics, and their relations to influenza; with notes on the epidemic of 1893-4, and recent meth- ods of treatment. 8 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1*94.] Repr. from: Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1894, xv. Curtis ( Alva ) [ 1797-1881 ]. A synopsis of lect- ures on medical science ; embracing the princi- ples of medicine, or physiology, pathology, and therapeutics, as discovered in nature; and the practice according to those principles, as applied by sirt. 6. ed. vi, 7-428 pp. 8°. New York, A. J. Graham, [1846, vel subseq.] ------. Allopathy aud physio-medication con- trasted. 7 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1867. -----. Lectures on midwifery and the diseases peculiar to women and children, delivered to the members of tbe Botanico-Medical School, at Co- lumbus, Ohio. pp. 5-398. 16°. [Columbus, 0., m. d.] Title-page wanting. See. also, Womana' rights [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Cin- ciitnnti, Ohio. [n. d.]. Curtis ( li. Farquhar). Enterostomy for acute intestinal obstruction. 12pp. 12°. New York, 1*88. Repr. from : Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv. Curtis (H. Farquhar)—continued. -----. The results of laparotomy for acute intes- tinal obstruction. 24 pp. 8°. [ Netv York, 18*8.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soe. X. V., Syracuse, 1888. ------. The treatment of arteriovenous aneu- rism, with two cases treated by extirpation. 17 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1*91.] Repr.front: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1891, n. s., ci. ------. Diseases of the peritoneum. In: Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y., 1896, viii, 392-498. ------. Diseases of tbe penis. In: AM. textbook gen.-urin. dis. [etc.] (Bangs & Hard- away). 8°. Phila., 1898, 46-83, 1 pl. See,also, Booth (J. A.) i Curtis (B. F.) Reportof a case of tumor of the left frontal lobe [etc.]. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1893.—ron Esniaixh ( Friedrich). The sur- geon's handbook fetc|. 8°. London, 1888.—Wharton (Henry R.) discrimination of tbe normal and abuornial sounds in tbe organ of hearing: with remarks on the diseases in which it is applicable. xii, 102 pp., 4 pl. 8-. London, J. Churchill, 1842. ------. Advice to the deaf; tbe present state of aural surgery; with new modes of curing vari- ous diseases of the ear, nervous deafness, tin- nitus auriuin, or noises in the head, aud tbe deaf and dumb, being the substance of a lecture delivered at the Royal Dispensary for Diseases of the Ear. ti. ed. x, 54 pp. * . London, Whit- taker S' Co., 1*46. See, aUo, IHauec. A view of the great sympathetic nerve, [etc.). 1 card, 7J by 10 inches. London, [n. d.]. Curtis (Joseph T[homas]) [1815- ]. The relations of homoeopathy to chemistry; au inau- gural address delivered before the Hahnemann Academy of Medicine, Jan. 14, 1852. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1852. ------ & Lillie (J.) Au epitome of homoeo- pathic practice; compiled chiefly from Jahr, Riickert, Beauvais, Boenninghausen, etc xxix, (1 1.), 153 pp. 12°. New York, 'W. Badde, 1843. Curtis (Josiah) [181(1-83]. Obituary. N. York M. J.. 1883, xxxviii, 184.—Toner iJ. U.) Necrology. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 223. Curtis (Moses Ashley) [1808-72]. See Wood (Thomas F[anning)) [in l.s.]. Sketch of the botanical work of the Rev. Moses A. Curtis. 8'-. Raleigh. 1885. For Ponrait,see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Curtis (Richard). Abbandlung von dem Bau und der Bildung der Zahne und auderer damit verbundenen Theile, nebst den verschiedenen Krankheiteu, denen sie unterworfeu sind, und einer Untersuehung, wie am zuverlassigsten bis zu eiuem bohen Alter konnen gesund erhalten werden. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt. 6 p. 1., 79 pp. 12°. Altenburg, Bichter, 1770. Curtis (Admiral Sir Roger) [1746-1816]. The means used to eradicate a malignant fever, which raged ou board his majesty's ship Brnus- wick, at Spithead, in tbe spring of the year 1791. With some short observations on the most probable means of preserving the health of a ship's company. 24 pp. 12°. [n. p., 1791.] Curtis (Roland) [1846-811. Starbird (I. W.) Biographical sketch. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1883, viii, pt. 1, 148. Curtis (T[bomas] B.) [1842-81], Du traitement ties r6trecissements de l'urethre par la dilatation progressive. Travail conronne par la commis- sion du prix Civiale pour l'anne'e 1*72. Ill pp., 2 tab. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere # file, 1873. [P., v. 2052.] ------. Recent progress in geuito - urinary sur- gery. 14 pp. 8°. Cambridge. 1*78. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xcix. ------. A new apparatus for fractures of the leg. 4 pp. 8°. Cambridge, 1*7*. Repr. from: Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1878, xcviii. ------. Infant mortality, vital statistics. pp. 269-34*. 8°. New York, W. Wood «|- Co., 1879. Cutting [cover -with printed title] from: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1879, xix. Curtiss (Romaine J.) Clinical cases of surgical diseases of women. 7 pp. *>-. [Philadelphia, 1*82.] Repr.from: Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi. ------. Nervous shock as a therapeutical agent. 13 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1**2. Repr.from: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1882, xiii. Curtius ( Boudewinus Douker). * Specimen acid, quo exponuntur methodi quibus aeris im- CURTIUS. 1086 CUSIIING. Clirtins (Boudewinus Donker)—continued. pulsus et venti velocitas tleterininantur. 3 p. 1.. 57 pp., 1 pl 4J. Lut/d. Bat., J. C. Cy freer, 1*26. [P., v. 2(>6l.] Curtius (Carolus Wernerus). *De monstro humano rum infante gemello. Lugd. Bat., 1762. In- Sandifort. Thesaurus diss. [etc.]. 4°. Rotero- dami. 17ii9. ii, 141-168. AUo. transl. [Abstr.] in: Weiz (V. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1775, iii, 57-82. Curtius (Casparus Ludovieus 1. *De expli- cando consensu partinin «j ixi nervis debetur. 2* pp. 4-. Hala; litt. Hendelittnis, [1770]. Curtius (Georg Gnstav). *Symptome uud Aetiologie der Wanderleber ini Anschluss an eineu solchen Fall. 44 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., ('. A. Kaemmerer S Co., 1*89. Curtius (Lodovico). L' idriasia quale cura magnetica; saggio tli una teoria. 24 pp. 8°. Milano, Barroni e Scotti, 1*7)5. [P., v. 1416.] Curtius (Mathams). See Corti (Matteo). Curtius (Theodor). * Diazoverbiudungen der l'ettreihe, eine neue Klasse von organischen Korpern, welche tlurch Einwirkung von salpefri- ger Satire auf Ainidoverbindungen entstelieu. [Erlangen.] 3 p. 1., 115 pp. 8°. Munchen, F. Straub, 1886. Curtiliail (Wilhelm). * Ueber Anilido- und Oxyacritline. [Erlangen.] 24 pp. 8°. Giessen, Cron Miinchow, 1891. Clirtiliuini (Joh. Jacobus). *In qua morbo- rum articulation is ac symphysis brevem aetiolo- giatn ac tliagnosin [etc.]. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Giessw, typ. Braunianis, [1797]. Curto (Antonio Duarte Ramada). See Ramada Curto [in 1. s.]. Cur-uud Wasserheilanstalt Dieteumiihle j zu Wiesbaden. Prospect. 4 pp. 4°. [Wies- baden, C. Bitter, 1875.] , -----. Prospect der . . . unter Leitung vou Dr. Mitre. 2 1. 4°. [ Wiesbaden, Petmecky, 1*861] -----. [Brief account of ... ] 40 pp., 2 1. 8°. Wiesbaden, C. Bitter, [n. d.]. Cur-Verein der Stadt Wiesbaden. Mortalitats- Statistik der Stadt Wiesbaden. Bearbeitet vom j arztlichen Verein daselbst. [ Fiir die Jahre | 1872-80.] 8 pp. 8°. [ Wiesbaden, Meyer Sr Zim- met, 1881.] Curvven (John) [1821- ]. A manual for attendants in hospitals for the insane. iv, 65 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, W. S. Martien, 1851. -----. The same. Handleiding voor oppassers in gasthuizeu voor krankziunigen. Voor Neder- laud gewijzigd door V. A. Hartsen. xi,89 pp. 18°. Utrecht, Kemink en zoon, 1862. -----. History of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, from 1*44 to 1884, inclusive; with a list of the different hospitals for the insane, and tbe names and dates of appointment antl resig- nation of the medical superintendent, compiled from the records of the association. 210 pp. 8C. Warren, Pa., E. Cowan us character of tuberculosis. 20 pp. 16°. Boston, Cupples, Upham S' Co., 18*5. A. L. A. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1885. cxiii. -----. The specific and infectious character of tuberculosis, with exhibition of the bacilli of tuberculosis, and those of malignant pustule (anthrax). Read before the section for clinical medicine, pathology, and hygiene of the Suffolk District Medical Society, Nov. 11, 1885. 20 pp. 12°. Boston, Cupples, Upham S' Co., 1885. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii. -----. On the examination of sputa for tubercle bacilli, with eases. 15 pp. 12°. Boston, Cup- ples, Upham cf- Co., 1*86. Repr. from: Huston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv. CUSEIlXG. 1087 CUTLER. Cushiu;; (E[ruest] W[atson])—continued. ------. History and value of antiseptics; together with remarks on antiseptic dressings. 211 pp. | 8°. Boston, Grosvenor if Richards, 18*6. ------. Relations of certain bacteria to puerperal inflammations. 22pp. 8;. [Philadelphia],18*6. Repr. from: Physicians' Mag.. Phila., 1886, i. ------. On erosions of the cervix uteri; their pa- thologv and treatment. 18 pp. *L. [Hart- ford. 1>*7.] Repr. from: Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1887. ------. 'Septic bacteria" and antiseptic dress- ings ... 24 pp. 8°. Boston. Grosvenor . " B hei neck, 1894. Custer (Gnstav ). Kindersterblichkeit und Scbutzpockeniinpfung. Ein Wort zur Zeit fiir die obligatorische Impfung. 42 pp. * . Zurich, Triib, 1**2. ------. Hygitiiiscli-philauthropische Reiseein- driicke aus Holland. 59 pp. 12°. Zurich, T. Schrbter, 1 *■-.">. ------. Fort mit den giftigen Phosphorziindholz- ihen! Populate Beleuchtung einer brennenden, gesundheitliehen und huinanitaren Tagesfrage, mit besonderer Beriicksiehtiguug der schweize- rischen Phospliorziindholzindustrie. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 8°. Ziirich u. Stuttgart, Schrbter u. Meyer, 1887. ------. Oeffentliche und private Gesundheits- pflege in populiiren Vortriigen und Anfsatzen. 1 p. 1., 318 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich if Stuttgart, 1*87. ------. Wie erha.lt man die Wohuung gesund? Einige Winke fiir tlie hiiusliche Gesundheits- pflege. 20 pp. 8-. Ziirich, Schrbter if Meyer, 1*-*. ------. Einige Anregungen zur Forderung der freiwilligen Krankeupflege. 2*pp. 8C. [Ziirich, 1890.] Repr.from: Ziircher Jahrb. f. Gemeinniitz., 1890. See, also, Ilngnenin (G. ) Impfen oder Nichtim- pfung? 83. Ziirich, 188i\ CllStcr (Julius). * Beitrag zur Iiitiltrationsanas- thesie. [Bern.] 24pp. 8°. Berneck, E. Mar- thaler, 1896. Custodial care of adult imbeciles. Papers aud discussion before the l*th session of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections, India- napolis, Mav 13-20, 1891. 9 1. 6~\ [it. p., 1*91.] Custom. See Habit. Cutbusll (Edward). Au address delivered be- fore the Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, at the city of Washington, on the 11th January, 1817. 29 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Gales if Seaton, 1817. [P., v. 2106.] Cutcliflfe (H. C.) A sanitary report on certain districts in the Meerut Division, vi, 49, lxxxvi pp., 1 map, 1 plan, 1 diag., 1 tab. fol. Allaha- bad, Gov. Press, 1*68. Cuticura. itlcCormick (J. H.) Dermatitis due to cuticura. J. Pract. M., X. Y., 1894-5, v, 527-531. Cutler (Condict W.) Medical student's essen- tials of physics. 12:5 pp. 32°. New York, J. H. VailS' Co., 1*84. ------. Student's essentials of chemistry, theo- retical and inorganic. 192 pp. 32°. New York, 1*85. Bound with the above. ------. Introductory lessons in organic chemis- try. 121pp. 32°.' New York, J. H. Vail S-Co., 1886. Bound toith his: Medical student's essentials [etc.] 32°. New York, 1884. ------. Manual of differential medical diagnosis. 3 p. 1., 161 pp. 12°. Neiv York Sr London, is.,N. Y., 1892, x. CUTLER. 1088 CITTKR. Cutler iCondict W.)—continued. ------. Practical lectures in dermatology, com- prising a course of fifteen lectures delivered at the University of Vermont, medical department, duriug the session of 1892 and 1893. viii. 2:s:! pp. 12°. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1*94. ------. Suggestions by a general practitioner for the symptomatic treatment of skin diseases. 19 pp. 12°. New York, 1*97. Repr. from : N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. ------. The treatment of typhoid fever. 12 pp. 16°. New York, 1?97. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. Cutler (Elbridge G[erry]). Iodoform poisoning- Read before the Boston Society for Medical Im- provement, May 10, 1886. 31 pp. 12°. Boston, Cupples, Upham S Go., 1*86. Repr.from: Hoston M. Sc S. J., 1886, cxv. ------. Some cases of dilated stomach. 15 pp. lb-. Boston, Damrell S' Upham, 1891. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1891, cxxv. Cutler (H.G.). Editor of: Hospital Life, Chicago, 1898. Cutter (Calvin). Anatomy aud physiology, de- signed for academies and families, viii, 9-342 pp., 1 pl. 6. ed. 12°. Boston, B. B Mussey S.- Co., 1847. ------. A treatise ou anatomy, physiology, and hygiene; designed for colleges, academies, and families. Revised ed. 466 pp., 1 1. 8°. Phil- adelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1852. Second book ou analytic anatomy, physi- ology and hygiene, human and comparative. For academies, grammar schools, and families. viii, 310 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott S- Co., 1872. See, aUo, Auatoiuy, physiology, [etc.]. 12°. Madras, 1857. Cutter (Carroll). A history of Western Reserve College, at Hudsou, Ohio, during its first half century, 1826-76. 88 pp., 1 plan, 1 tab. *°. Cleveland, Crocker, 1876. Cutter (Charles). The Hot Springs as they are. A history and guide. 99 pp. 8°. Little Bock, Ark., W. H. Windsor, 1874. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 109pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1875. ------. Guide to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. 94 pp. 12°. St. Louis, Slaivson Sr Co., 1882. Tbe same. 11. ed. 92 pp., 1 map. 12°. St. Louis, Slawson S' Co., 1885. -----. Thesame. 24. ed. 76 pp., 61. 12c. St. Louis, Slawson Print. Co., 1889. ------. The same. 34. ed. 442. thousand. 67 pp. 12°. St. Louis, Slawson Print. Co., 1893. AUo, Editor of: Hot Springs Illustrated Journal, 1890. Cutter (Ebenezer). See Life and letters of Samuel Fisk Green. 8°. \n. p.), 1891. Cutter (Ephraim). Veratrum viride as a phys- iological and therapeutical agent. 8 pp. 16°. [London, I860.] ------. Is flour our proper food? With some remarks upon the effect of animal food in con- sumption. 36 pp. *°. Concord, N. H., Bepub- lican Press Co., 1875. Repr. from: Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1875. ------. A contribution to the treatment of uter- ine versions and flexions. 2. ed. xii, 216 pp. 8C. Boston, J. Campbell, 1876. ------. Primer of the clinical microscope. Bos- ton Optical Works. 24 pp., 11. 8°. Boston, C. Studder, 1879. a. l. a. ------. Nervousness, divorce, food. 2 pp. roy. 8°. Detroit, \*80. Repr.from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1880, n. s., i. Cutter (Ephraim)—continued. -----. Food. Open letter to J. Marion Sims. 10 pp. * . [Nne York], 1**1. Repr. from: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1881, xxxi. -----. List of food stuffs examined. Prepared for the "Medical News". 4 pp. * . New York, [1*81]. A contribution to the treatment of uter- ine lesions, by iodoform, cotton, and mechanics. 8 pp. roy. 8°. Detroit, 1882. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1882, n. 8., iii. ----. Infants' and invalids' cereal foods under the microscope. 14 pp. 8°. New York, E. S. Gaillard, 1882. Repr.from: Am. M. "Weekly, N. Y., 1882, xiv. -----. The therapeutical drinking of hot water; its origin aud use. 9 pp. 12°. New York, W. A. Kellogg, 1883. -----. Uterine disease sometimes called con- sumption. 24 pp. 8°. [Atlanta, J. P. Harri- son if Co., 1**3.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1883. -----. A porcelain stem pessary. 8 pp. roy. 8C. Netv fork, H. A. Vonneid-Hutz, 1884. Diagnosis of consumption by means of the microscope, with reference to life insurance. 17 pp. 8°. New York, W. A. Kellogg, [1886]. Repr.from: Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1886-7, iv. -----. Baked beans; a serio-humorous medical paper. 20 pp. 8°. Albany, N. Y., Burdick Sr Taylor, 1887. Repr.from: Albany M. Ann., 1887, viii. ----. Contributions to gynecology. Fasc. I. The galvanic treatment of uterine fibroids. Full text of the first fifty cases, iv, 73 pp. 8'-. New York, W. A. Kellogg, 1887. -----. Diet in cancer. I. Full text of nine cases. II. Theoretical considerations. 33 pp. 8°. New York, W. A. Kellogg, 1887. Repr. front: Albany M. Ann., 1887, viii. -----. Feeding patients against the appetite. 44 pp. 12°. New York, W. A. Kellogg, 1887. Repr.from: Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i. Galvanism of uterine fibroids. 7 1. 8C. Philadelphia, W. F. Fell, lc87. Repr.from: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., "Wash., 1887, ii. Partial syllabic lists of the clinical morphologies of the blood, sputum, feces, skin, urine, vomitus, foods, including potable waters, ice and the air and tbe clothiug (after Sales- bury), xviii, 81 pp. 8°. New York, 1888. The contras and pros of tbe Cutter stem pessary, with a description of a new platina- plated' sound. 9 pp. 8°. Netv York, 1888. Repr.from: Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix. Food versus bacilli in consumption (opus 286). .An open letter from ... to his sou, Johu Ashburton Cutter, with answer. 22 pp., 1 1. *c Neio York, published by the author, 1888. Repr.from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1888-9, xv -. .Some contributions to laryngology. I Thyrotomy modified, 1866. II. Fibroid enlarge- ment of arytenoid cartilages. III. A new name for tbe ventricular bauds. 8 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1890. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv. The galvauo cautery, its use in removal of piles aud growths. 7 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1891. Repr.from: Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1891, xxiii. ----. The esoteric beauty and utility of the microscope. With index and bibliography. 1 p. 1., 43 pp., 8 1. 8°. New York, 1892. ----. The fatty and fibroid degenerations. Brighc's disease, apoplexy, fatty heart, puer- peral couvuisitons, cataract, locomotor ataxia. 21 pp. *°. Chicago, 1*92. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892. xviii. CUTTER. 1089 CUVIER. Cutter (Ephraim)—continued. ------. The American blood test for cattle tuber- culosis. 4 1. 8°. [New York], 1896. Repr.from: X. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, 1896, xv. ------. Tbe best waters to drink. 12 pp. 16°. New York. 1896. Repr.from: Metl. Bull.. Phila., 1895, xvii. ------. Fatty degeneration and its masquerades. 21 pp. 24-. New York, 1897. Repr. from: Metl. Age. Detroit, 1895. xv. ------. [Medical reprints.] The pre-apoplectic state, [etc.]. 18 pp., 15 1. 8J. New York, 1897. ------. The pre-asthmatic state. 7 pp. 24°. [New York, 1897.] Repr. from: Med. Age. Detroit, 1896, xiv. ystematic treatment of eyes; with de- scription of a new mode of examination. 8 pp. 24-. New York, [1*97]. Repr.from: Med. Ago. Detroit, 1896, xiv. Bound icith his: Fatty degenerations, [etc.]. 24°. Xew York. [1897]. ----. What makes the cures f 8 pp. 24°. [Xew Kentucky State Medical Society, held at Crab Orchard'Springs, July 11-13, 1**8. 3 pp. *°. [n.p., 1*88.] Clinical morphology versijs bacteriology, [-Yeir York, 1897.] Repr.from: Med. Age, Detroit. 1896. xiv. Bound icith his: The pre-asthmatic state. 24; IorJt, 1897.] ----- A. Cutter (Johu Ashbnrton). Yiuegar and vinegar yeasts. 4 pp. 12c. Philadelphia. Med. Press Co.. 18-9. Repr.from: Times & Reg., Phila., 1889-90, xx. ----- -----. Trophopathy in the fatty and fi- broid degenerations. 8 pp. *-. New York, 1890. Repr. from .- J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890, xiv. ------------. Feeding in the wastiug diseases. 20 pp. *-. [New York, 1*90.] Reprinted from various journals. ------ ------. Diet in tumor aud cancer, vi (11.), 23 pp. *-. New York, 1891. ------------. Fatty ills and their masquerades. xiv, 194 pp. 12-. ' -Yetc York, 1898. Cutter (George Rfogers]) [1840- ]. A dic- tionary of the German terms used in medicine. 304 pp. sm. 4C. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1-82. -----. Deutsch-japanisclies niedicinisches WT6r- terbuch. Deutsch ikaku ziten. [Transl.' by Rioven Shiugu, Shiokiehi Take", aud Sliioke' Shibata.] 1 p. 1., 244 pp. --'. Tokio, S. Take" Sr S. Shibata, 1886. See. aUo, Frev iHeinrich). Compendium of histology, [etc.i. 3. ed. iv. Xeto York. 1*76. -----• The micro- scope [etc.]. 2. ed. t:. Xew York. IspU. Cutter (John Ashburtou). Some facts regard- ing medical missions and the International Medical Missionary Society. 4 pp. 8°. [Al- bany, 1-*?. Repr.from: Albany M. Ann., 1887, viii. The thirty-third annual meeting of the with some therapeutic deductions. 2 1., 1 pl fol. [New York, 18*9.] -----. Doctors' offices in business buildings. 2 pp. *°. New York, 1*96. Repr.from: X. York M.J.. 1896, lxiii. See aUo, Cutter I Epbniim I. Food versus bacilli [etc]' 8° Xeir York, 18**.—Cutter (Ephraim) & flit- ter (j. A.) Vin< gar and vinegar yeasts. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1889.------------Trophopathy [etc.]. 8°. Netv York, 1890. Cutter (W P ). See Newbury (Spencer B.) Sc fuller |W The safety of commercial kerosene wis. 8 . [Baltimore, 1888.] [Cuttings from Xew York Herald containing an account of the illness of President Garfield in 1881.] 3v. 4°. [New York, 1*81.] G9 CllttS (Richard D.) Report on instruments of precision. (Vienna International Exhibition, 1*73.) 12 pp., 1 1. *-\ Washington, 1*75. CllttS (William Henry) [1*28-97]. Injurious effects of close coutinentent aud overwork. 11 pp. 8°. Melbourne, Walker, May S' Co., 1858. Austral. Health Soc Publications, no. 22. For Biography and Portrait, see Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne. 1897, ii, 561-563, port. Cuvier (F[rederic]-G[eorges-Constant-Fortime- Manell [1773-1*3-]. iS. 305. Cuyer ( Edouard). Anatomie artistique du corps humain. Planches par le Dr. Fau, texte avec figures par . . . vii, 208 pp.; 17 pi# go Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Srfils, 1886. -----. Atlas manuel d'anatomie e"le"mentaire de"- inontree a I'aide de plauches colonees, d6coup6s et superposees. vi (1 1.), 56 pp 27 pl 40 Paris, J.-B. Baillihe #fils, 1895. ----- A: Alix (Eugene). Le cheval, exterieur. regions, pied, proportions, aplombs, allures, Cuyer (Edouard)—continued. age, aptitudes, robes, tares, vices, vente et achat; examen critique des tenvres tl'art e"ques- tre, etc. Structure et fonctions, situation, rap- ports, structure anatomique et r61e physiologi- que de chaque organe, races, origine, divisions, caracteres, production et amelioration, xxiv, 703, 44 pp.. 2 1,24 pl. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Srfils, 1886. -----& KuliflT (G.-A.) Les organes genitaux de l'homme et de la femme, structure et fonc- tions. Formes exterieures, regions anatomi- ques, situation, rapports et usages, deinontres a I'aide de planches coloriees, decoupces et superposees et de 65 figures iutercalees tlans le texte. Dessins d'apres nature par Edouard Cuyer. Texte par G.-A. Kuhff. 2. ed. Com- plement du livre intitule: Le corps humain, par Ed. Cuyer et G.-A. Kuhff. 62 pp., 2 pl. 8-\ Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if- fils, [1879]. Bound with.- Cuyer (fid.) Sc Kuhff (G.-A.) Le corps hnmain. 8°. Paris, 1879. ------------. The same. 3. ed. 64 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sr fils, [n. d.]. Cuylits. See Societe de me-decine mentale de Belgique [ini. s.l. Congres de phr6niatrie [etc.]. Compte-rendu. 8°. Gand, 1886. Cliyper (Joannes Henricus). * De apoplexia. 7 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1699. Cuypers (Henricus). * De retroversione uteri gravidi. 1 p. 1., 25 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud C.vanHoogeveen, jv.,1777. [P.,v. 1474; 1926.] Cuzent (G[ilbert]). Eau thernio-niinerale de la Ravine-Chaude du Lamentiu (Guadeloupe). 35 pp., 11. 8°. Pointe-d-Pitve (Guadeloupe), imp. du Commercial, 1864. Cuzin (Lucien) [1864- ]. * Des resultats detiuitifs de la resection du coude daus les cas d'aukylose. 86 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1*90, No. 539. Cuzzi (Alessandro) [1849-95]. II cranioclaste del Biauu e la iucliuazione della base craniana nelle gravi viziature del bacino. 63 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1885. Forms no. 10, 3. s., of: Collez. ital. di lett. s. med. -----. Manuale di ostetricia ad uso delle leva- trici. viii, 352 pp. 8C. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1887]. -----. The same. 2. ed., rifatta ed accresciuta colle disposizioni risguardanti il nuovo regola- mento sanitario per le levatrici. xviii, 399 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1891]. -----. L' igiene della partoriente ed il nuovo regolamento per le levatrici. 73 pp. 12c. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1891]. -----. Guida della levatrice, compilata dal. . . colla revisione dei professori Tirone Domenico, Morrisani Ottavio. 161 pp. 24°. Torino, 1892. -----. Patogenesi e profilassi della febbre puer- perale. 47 pp. 8°. Milano, 1892. Forms no. 5, 6. s., of: Collez. ital. di lett. s. med. -----•. Trattato di ostetricia e giuecologia. Parte I. Anatomia, fisiologia e sviluppo degli organi genitali femminili. Fasc. 1-54. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1*92-8]. . Le condizioni dell' Istituto ostetrico ginecologico dell' Universita di Pavia dieci anni dopo la prelezione: II mio programma. 143 pp. 8°. Pavia, 1893. For Biography, see Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1895, Roma, 1896, ii, 17-81, port. (A. Gnzzoni degli Anca- rani). Also: Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1895, 131- 155 (E. Pestalozza). -----& Priuii (I.) Settantanove giorni della guardia ostetrica di Milano. 23 pp. 8°. Milano, tipog. D. Pozzi, 1887. Cwmbran, Wales. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by local- ities. CYAMINE. 1091 CYANOSIS. 1 yam i ne. Imbekt (H.) * Des cyamines et de quelques- uns de leurs derives metalliques. 4°. Mont- pelliei', 1893. ------. The same. 8°. Montpellier, 1893. Cyan a iii id. Coester (E.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkuug des Cyanamid. 8°. Kiel, 1896. Cyanein. Jourdain. Note snr les organes g6nitaux dc la Cya- ne* aurita (Cuv.). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1862, lv. 834.—Krn ken berg (C. F. W.) Ueber das Cyanein und das Asterocyanin. In his: Vergleich.-physiol. Stud., 8°, Heidelb., 1882, 2. R., 3. Abth., 62-71. Cyanides. Dkcrette (E.-M.) * Syntheses de pharmacie et de chimie. De quelques composes cyaniques. 4°. Paris, 1868. Drory (A. L.) * Ueber Ortho-Cyanbenzylse- lencyanid. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss organi- scher Selenverbinduugeu, nebst einem Anhauge iiber Condensatiousproducte dea o-Cyaubeuzal- chlorides. 8°. Berlin, 1*92. Levy (A. M.) * Ueber die bei der Reduction von Alkylencyaiiitlen entstehenden Basen und neue Verbiudungen tier Diamine. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, [1894]. Menpiondo (P.-A.) * Des cyaniques d'ori- gine vegetale au point de vue pharmaceutique. 4°. Montpellier, 188*. Moxthier ( J.-H. ) *Des cyanures doubles. 4°. Paris, 1847. Otto (R.) *Zur Gesehichte des Cyanur- chlorids. [Erlangen.] 8C. Berlin, 1888. Straus ( P. ) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kupfer- uud Mangancyauide. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1*94. Cyanogen {and compounds]. * -See, also, Acid (Hydrocyanic); Cyanides. Bergmann (E.) * Ueber die Bildung von Cyan aus Ammouiak. [Bern.] 8°. Munchen, 1895. Berlinerblau (J.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorcyan auf Ortho- und Paraamidophene- tole. 8°. 'Dresden, 1884. Deffienat (A.-J.) *Du cyanogene et de quelques-uns de ses composes. 4°. Paris, 1868. Meyer ("YV.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wir- kung des Bromcyan. 8°. Kiel, 1896. Moissan (H.) Serie du cyanogene. 8°. Paris, 1882. „,c . Loew (O.) & Tsukamoto (M.) Ueber die Giftwir- kung des Dicyans, verglichen mit derjenigen von Cyaii- tvasserstoff. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel, Munchen, 1893- 4 i 237-243.— Maiael (W.) Kritische Studien uber den Nachweis der Cyauverbindungen in forenseu Fallen. Ibid 1895, ii, 399-418. -Paschtlts ( W.) Versuche iiber die Uniwandlung der Cyanverbindungen un llner- korper Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1894, xxxiv ''81-288 —Sandra*. Note sur les alterations de la voix produites par les inhalations d'eau de laurier-ce- rise et le cvanure de potassium. Bull. Soc. de med. prat. de Par., 1892, 172. Cvanogen (Toxicology of). * See, also, Acid (Hydrocyanic, Toxicology of). Antal (J.) Experimented; Untersuchungen zur The- rapie der Cyauvergiftungen. Ungar. Arch. f. Med., Wksb., 1894, hi, 117-128.-Giacra (P.) Ive em cian.c,. Atti d. r. Accad. di med di Torino, 1884 v., fl-*™- Also: Ann. di chin., med. farnr, Mllan^Xf V„r 'T^era' 119 AUo Renrint. —von Koata (J.) Z,ur inera- P e der^CyanvTglftungen. Centralbl. f. ^^^l scb Berl 1894 xxxi, 289-291. — Mosa-Shvili (V. P.) O zna?henii azittno! soli zakisi ko»f ha, kak protivo^a nri otravleniy kh soyedineniyami tsiana. [On the value Ktrate of cobalt as an antidote in po-«on,ng byeom- pounds of cyanogen.] Vestnik med., Kharkov, 189/, ii, 50-52. Cyanopsia. See, also, Color (Perception of, Disordered). Burnett (S. M.) On some changes in visual sensa- tions after cataract extraction and especially blue vision (kyanopsia). Ophth. Rec., Chicago, 1898, vii, 17-21. Cyanosis. See, also, Arterial duct; Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of). d'Alton ( E.) *De cyanopathise specie ex invicem permutata arteriae pulmonalis atque aorta? origine. 4°. Bonna, 1824 Arxdt(R.) * Ueber den Zustand der Lunge bei der Blausucht. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1890. Bayer (J.) *Znr Casuistik tier Defecte im Septum ventricnloruin bei scheinbar weiter Lungenarterienbahn und compeusatorischer Hy- pertrophic der Lungenarterienaste. 8°. Gies- sen, 1897). Emhleton ( D.) A case of cyanosis. 8°. [n.p., 1*63 (?).] Foster (B. W.) On patency of the foramen ovale attended with cyanosis aud a faint mur- mur synchronous with the first sound of the heart, 8°. Dublin, 1863. de Hartmann (C.) *De cyanosi ejusque cura. 12°. [Vindobonce], 1818. Ingendahl ( W. ) * Ueber Persistenz des Ductus Botalli. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1881. Lundberg (D. V.) *Omblasot. [Cyanosis.] 8-. Upsala, [1841.] Mattiuzzi (F.) *De cyanosi. 8°. Patavii, 1836. Mouille (J. [-M.]) * Essai sur la pathogenie de la maladie bleue. 4°. Paris, 1896. Poths (H.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik der Eru- bolie bei offeuem Foramen ovale. 8°. Giessen, 1887. Richter (M. ) *De cyanosi cardiaca seu morbo ctcruleo. 8°. Mosquw, 1821. Stille (M.) *On cyanosis or morbus cseru- leus. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. Abercrombir. (J.) Congenital imperfection of sep- tum ventriculoium, with ante-mortem thrombosis of right ventricle and pulmonary artery (card specimen). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 73. —Allen. Patent fora- men ovale in adult. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v, 225. — Alvnrcnga. Pathogenie de la cyanose. (Traduction du Dr. L. Papillaud et Dr. E.-L. Bertherand.) Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1872, xii, 373; 440 ; 474. AUo, Reprint.—Augier. Retablissement du trou de Botal. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, ix, 228. — Bsird (L.) & Cui-tillct (J.) Contribution a l'etude de la physiologie patbologique de la maladie bleue; forme tardive de cette affection. Rev. de metl., Par., 1889, ix, 993-1017.—Barie (E.) Sur un cas de cyanose (maladie bleue) chez un ma- lade atteint d'inversiou visceralo. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 486-488.—Berks (A.) Ueber einen Fall vou Cyanosis congenita vereint mit Dextrocardie. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1897, ii, 589-592. — Bernabci (C.) Di un vizio congenito del cuore (apertura del setto interventricolare); osservazioni clinico-auatomica. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1881, n. s., iii, 123-136. —Bernheiin (IL) Sc Simon (P.) Cyanose congenitale; tuberculose pulmonaire; mort a I'&ge de 3 ans; communication interventriculaire; stenose de l'orificede l'artere pulmonaire. In their : Kec. de faits clin. 1883-6, Par., 8°, 1890,95-103.—B0«y .V. C'hamayou. Note sur un cas de maladie bleue avec autopsie. Arch. med. tie Toulouse, 1897, iii, 17-19. — Boquel. Cyanose; retreeisseraent de l'art ere pulmonaire; communication interventriculaire; persistance du trou de Botal; absence du canal arteriel. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 680-683. —Bouchnt. De la cyanose cardiaque. Pans m6d., 1883, viii, 73-77.—Bonrnerillc Sc il'Olier (H.) Note sur la maladie bleue ; temperature centrah'. Re- cherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1880, Par., 1881, i, 1-15.—Bonrsier. Cyanose de 1'adulte; perfora- tion'do la cloison interventriculaire. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. tie Bordeaux, 1873, 536-543.—Bo vairil (D.) Two cases of congenital cyanosis due to stenosis of the pulmonary oritice with au interventricular foramen. Arch. Pediat'., N. V., 1895, xii, 353-355. — Bucquoy. Communication entre les deux oreillettes par destruction partielle de la cloison destiucc h obturer le trou de Botal. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 698-703. AUo: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop de Par. (1880), 1881, 2. s., xvii, 228-233.—Bury (J. S.) A case of extreme cyan«sis in an CYANOSIS. 1092 CYANOSIS. Cyanosi*. adult, probably of congenital origin. Lancet, LontL, 1882, ii, 801.—Cnntelli. Un caso di malattia bleue osservata in nu coscritto della classe 1862. Gior. tli med. mil., Roma, 1883, xxxi, 209-216. 2 pl. — Charrin A: Le IN'oir. Des ph6nom6ues physiologiques et clinitiue.s dans un cas tie maladie bleue; communication inter-ventriculaire; ab- sence d'ai tire pulmonaire ; quatre arteres broncbiques. Arch, tie physiol. norm, et patb.. Par., 1891, 5. s.. iii, 206- 212.----------■ Maladie bleue ; communication inter- ventriculaire; absence d'art&rc pulmonaire; quatre arteres broiicliiqucs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1890, 9. s., ii. 59r.—Chatin A: Bret. Note sur uu cas tie ma- ladie bleue (forme tardive!. Province med., Lyou, 1895, ix, 244-248. — Corrignn (I). J.) Cyanosis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dnbl. (1852-8), 1858, 273-276.—Cntore Cntore (G. ) Sopra un caso di cianosi congenita. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1893, xi, 180; 218; 253. — De Do- minieis (N.) Sopra un caso di morbo azzurro. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1889, xi, 509-519. AUo: Boll. d. clin., Milano. 1890. vii, :;85-397. — Dnroziez (P.) Ma- ladie bleue (cyanose); bruits cvano-anemiques. Lnion med., Par., 1888, 3. s., xlvi, 301; 313. AUo: Lull Soc. de med. tie Par. (1888). 1889 xxiii, 89-99. -----. Des pou- mons dans la maladie bleue ou cyanose. Union nie.d., Par., 1891, 3. s.. li, 808-811. AUo: Bull. Soc. de metl. tie Par. (1891), 1892. xxvi, 35-39.—Eskridge (J. T.) Con- genital cyanosis. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii. 797-799. AUo: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1881-2, Phila,, 1882, iv,203- 206. — Fallot (A.) Contribution k l'anatomie patbologi- que de la maladie bleue (cyanose cardiaque). Marseille med , 1888, xxv, 77; 138; 207; 270; 341; 403. AUo, Reprint,— Ferrer ( L. ) Cianosis por anomalia cardio-vascular. Correo m6d. castellano, Salamanca. 1885, ii, 106-109.— Finzi (G.) Sovra un caso tli mal bleu. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1884, n. s., vi, 498-5O0.—Frenkf I (B.) Cyanose congenitale: retrecissement de l'art fere pulmo- naire; persistance du trou de Botal; communication inter- ventriculaire ; dilatation del'aorte; hypertrophiedu ventri- cule droit; persistance du caual arteriel. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1896, lxxi, 277-279. -----. Cyanose congenitale; retrecissement de l'artere pulmonaire ; persistance du trou de Botal; tuberculose pulmonaire. Ibid..306.—Garrod (A. H.) Note on the possible cause of death in a young seal. [From: Proc. Zool. SoC. Lond., 1877, 792.] Inhis.- Collect. Scient. Papers, 8°, Lond., 1881, 426.—«assendus Elegans de septo cordis pervio observatio. In : Pin.eus (Severinus). De integritatis [etc.J, 18°, Lugd. Bat., 1639, 270-272.—Gibson (G. A.) The condition of the blood in tlie cyanosis of congenital heart disease. Lancet, Lond., 1895,'i, 24. — <»ow*clt (VV. B.) Congenital heart disease; blue disease. Louisville M. Month., 1897-8, iv, 294.—lira- ziadei (IJ.) Sulla cianosi intensa, a proposito di un vizio del cuore sinistro. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii. 44; 51; 58; 67.—CJnyot (J.) Sur un cas de maladie bleue; com- munication interventriculaiie, persistance du tiou de Botal, r6tr6cissenieiit pulmonaiie. existence d'une volu- mineuse veiue pulmonaire supplemeutaire tribiitaire de 1'oreillette droite. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. tie Bordeaux, 1808, xix. 42. ----. Persistance du trou de Botal. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 92. — Ham-y. Cyanose; retrecisseinent de rinfundibiiluiu ile l'artere pulmonaire et liiiicclusion du septum interventriculaire; dilatation de la crosse aortique. Bull. Soc. auat. do Par., 1894, lxix, 72.— Hair (W. II.) A caseof patent foramen ovaie,"with an at tempt to explain the symptoms observed. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 664.—Mayeni (G.) De l'etat du sang dans la cyanose chronique. Bull, et ui6m. Soc. m6d. tl. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 33-36.—Hirst. A heart from a new- born infant, showing a very large and patulous foramen ovale. Polyclinic, I'hila., 1887-8, v, 252.—Hopkins (F. T.) Incomplete closure of the foramen ovale; patent ductus arteriosus. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, (1888), 1889, 40.— Jacobi (A.) Patent ventricular septum iu a man of twenty-nine years. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N T., 1895, vii, 161-165.—JaniiiHOii (S.) Case of congenital patency of the septum ventriculorum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi, 598.—King (A.) A ease of cyanosis, with ne- cropsy. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, ex xviii, 5.V2. — Kovacs (J.) Az oxygen belegzesek hatasa e\ unosisnal. [The effects of inhaling oxvgen in cyanosis.' (Jrvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896, xl, 270; 284. AUo. traitd. [ A b-ti .| : Fu- gar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1896,i, 11-14.—Latil ( V.) Cvanose chez uu enfant de six ans ; persistance probable dii trou de Botal. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1883, v. 261-267.— Latimer (W.C.) Congenital cyanosis, with report of Ihe oldest living case recorded. N. Am. J. Homu'op., N. Y., 1887, 3. s.. ii, 349-:;.">4.— Lemaistre (P.) Maladie bleue. Limousin m6d., Limoges, 1892, xvi, 87-90.—Lc- inoine. Ln cas de maladie bleue. Bull. me.d. du nord, Lille, 1895, xxxiv, 350-353.—Lexis (E.) Gesehichte eiues me.rk wiirdigen Falles vou Cyanosis, bcdingt tlurch I leffnnng beitler Veutrikel in die Aorta. Jahresb. tl. k. poliklin. Inst. tl. Fniv. zu Berl. (1830-34), 1835, xiv, 84-88,1 pl.—Lie- geois (C.) Deux cas de maladie bleue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 1077. — Lombard ini (A.) Sulla patoge- nesi della cianosi; notacritica. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884. liii, 401-407.—McK.ee (E. S.) Cougeuital cyanosis; post- Cyanosis. mortem. Cincin. M. & Dent. J., 1886-7, ii, 134.— 'liKrw, Fatal cvanosis in ahoy aged seven, with post-morteiu. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1*83-4, x, 135.—.Tlel.nnthlin (H. \V.) Reportof a case of congenital c\ miosis, with re- marks. Tr. Colorado M. Soe . Denver. 1894, 267-274. -----. Case of congenital cyanosis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1895, xiii, 487-490.—.Tl a gn ire ill.) Imperfect closure of the sep- tum vi'iitriculorum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 948.— ITIaric (P.) Sur un cas d'hyperglobulie chez un malatle atteiut. de cyanose tardive par malformation cardiaque congenitale. Bull, et mem. Soc. metl. tl. hflp. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 17-22—Meigs (J. F.) Caso of collapse of the lung and cyano.sis in a young infant, produced by vio- lent crying, in which the symptoms were such as to cause a suspicion of opium-poisoning; with remarks on the na- tureand treatment of temporary cyanosis from post-natal collapseof the lung. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1879, xii. 68-81. Also, Reprint,—Menetrier (P.) Cyanose congenitale; mort h, lage de 16 ans; r6tr6cissement tie 1'arte.re pulmo- naire, communication des deux ventricules et des deux oreillettes. Bull. Soc.anat.de Par., 1884, lix, 233-236. AUo: Progress m6d., Par., 1884. xii, 1077.—.Tlerentie. Cyanose congtiuitale avec retrecisseinent de lait ere pulmonaire chez un jeune tiomme de vmgtquatre ans. Bull. Soc. de metl. prat, de Par.. 1887, 47-50.—.Tie*lay (R.) Communi- cation inter\ eutiiculaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 98. — Meyer (H.) Ueber angeborne blasige Miss- bildung tier Lungen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Cyanose aus Lungeuleiden. Arch. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1859, xvi. 78-95, 1 pl. — Morison ( A.) The na- ture antl treatment of cyanosis. Practitioner, Lend., 1888, xl, 101; 179. — .Tlonisaet. Un cas tie maladie bleue (forme tardive)- Province nied., Lyon, 1890, iv, 566-568.—Nagcl ( O.) Cyanose ties Auges als Teil- erscheinung allgemeiner Cyanose durch angeborenen Herzfehler. Mitth. a, d. ophth. Kliu. in Tiibing., 1890, ii, 411-418. — Weusser (E.) Leber Cyanose. Wien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1893, vi. 467; 490; 510; 528; 549; 568; 588; 609.— Northmp (W. P.) Congenital pulmonary stenosis (co- nus arteriosus): incompleteness of septum veutriciilorum; cyanosis; abscess of brain; death at four and a half years (specimen shown). Arch. Pediat., N. Y, 1894, xi, 673-675. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1894, vi, 76-79.—Oul- mont. Peiforation de la cloison interventriculaire; cya- nose ties prononc6e dans les derniers temps de la vie. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1856-8), 1864, iii, 354-359.— Pambrnn. Persistance du trou de Botal avec agrau- dissement du di ante, tre interieurde l'anueau tie Vieusseus. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 11. — Pepper (W.) Congenital cyanosis. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i. 363-368.—Potters (\V.) Leber das Foramen ovale im Septum atriorum cordis bei Erwachse- nen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1862, Ixxvi. 126- 136.—Potain. A. propos tl'un cas tie cyanose. Union med., Par., 1891, 3. s., li, 413-417. -----. Communication interventriculaire parfaitemeut toleree, chez une femme de cinquante ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. tie Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii, 359. — Kamali -oi.— Brailey (\V. A.) A peculiar form ot eyclitis. with mi- croscopical specimens and drawings. Tr. Ophth. Soc. I Kiugdom, Lond.. U-81-2, ii, 64, 1 pl.------Cychtis, prob- ably of goutv origin. Ibid., 1889-90, x. 98-101..-- Bruiis (H. D.) Acuto circumscribed eyclitis VOrl. M..Ac h. J., 1886-7. n.s., xiv, 757-759. —Cornwell (IL G.) Puru- lent eyclitis from septic embolism of the eye, in a-case ot phlegmonous erysipelas. Med. Kec.. N. Y. 1882. xxu 180-182. — Ellelt (K. C.) Plastic cychtis, with localized exudation, occurring in early secondary syphilis, and re- scmbliuggummaof the ciliary body. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol., Cycl it i*. St. Louis. 1896, v, 232-234.—Kpidemia de ciclitis. Arch. de la Policlin., Habana, 1894, 297-306.—dalezowski. Intervention chirurgicale dans les eyclites circonscrites, suivies de staphylome. Bull, et mem. Soc. fran§. d'opht., Par., 1890, viii, 199-205.—■■acnsell (P.) Recherches sur la cyclite. Bull. cliu. nat. opht. de l'hosp. tl. Quinze- Vingts. Par., 1884, ii, 49-80.—l.cehner (C. S.) Ein Fall vou acuter einseitiger reiner Cyclitis. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg..'1897, xxxv,'159-164.—Ridley (N. C.) Serous eyclitis. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1895, xiv, 237-259.— Mii-nub (M.) Bijdrage tot de pathologische anatomie eu physiohuie tier cyclitis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Oencesk., Amst., 1889. 2. R., xxv, 2. tl., 806-813. ' AUo, Ivepi int. — VevelMki (F.) Tsiklit u obezyani poslie pri- vitavo vozvratuavo tifa. [Cyclitis in an ape after inocula- tion of relapsing fever. ] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1897, xiv, 51-53. AUo, transl. : Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 111. Cyclone*. Lott (M. K.) Some observations on the cyclones, and the treatment of injuries caused by them. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Fort Worth, 1884, xvi, 121-125. Cyclopaedia (The) of anatomy antl physiology. Edited by Robert B. Todd. 5 v. in 6. &°. London, Longman [and others], l*37)-7)9. Cyclopaedia of the diseases of children, medical tind surgical. The articles written especially for the work by American, British, and Canadian authors; edited by John M. Keating. 4 v. ^-. Philadelphia, J. 11. Lippincott Co., 1>(J0-91. Cyclopaedia (A) of drug pathogeuesy. Issued tinder the auspices of the British Homoeopathic Society and the American Institute of Homceop- athy; edited by Richard Hughes [aud] J. P. Dake. 4 v. 8°". London, 18*6-91. Cyclopaedia of obstetrics and gynecology. \2 v. 8-. New York, W. Wood A.- Co/, 1*87. CONTEXTS. Vol. I-IV. A practical treatise on obstetrics, by R. A. Charpentier. Transl. under the supervision of, and with notes and additions by, Egbert H. Grandin. Vol. 1. Anatomy of the internal and external genitals; menstruation and fecundation; normal pregnancy and labor. Vol. II. The pathology of pregnancy. Vol. III. The pathology of labor. The uses of ergot. Vol. IV. Obstetric operations. The pathology of the puerperium. Vol. V. Gynecological diagnosis, general gynecological tuerapeusis, by R. Chrobak. Electricity in gynecology and obstetrics, by Egbert H. Grandin. Vol. VI. A hand-book of general and operative gynecol- ogy, by A. Hegar and R. Kaltenbach. Edited by Egbert H. Grandin. Vol. I. Gynecological examinations, minor therapeutic manipulations, antl elementary operations, operations on the ovaries. Vol. VII. The same. Vol. II. Operationson the tubes, uterus, broad ligaments, round ligaments, and vagina. Operations in urinary fis- tuhe. Prolapse operations. Operationson the vulva and perineum. Vo). VIII. Diseases of the ovaries, by R. Olshausen. Vol. IX. Diseases of the female mammary glands, by Th. Billroth : and new growths of the uterus, by A. Gusse- row. Edited by Egbert H. Grandin. Vol. X. Diseases of the iemale urethra and bladder, by F. Winckel; aud tliseases of the vagina, by A. Breisky. Edited by Egbert IL Grandin. Vol. XI. Sterility; developmental anomalies of the ute- rus, by P. Miiller; and the menopause, by E. Bonier. Ed- ited by Egbert EL Grandin. Vol. XII. Diseases of the tubes, ligaments, pelvic peri- toneum, and pelvic cellular tissue; extra-uterine preg- nancy, by L. Baudl; antl tliseases of the external female genitals, lacerations of the perineum, bv P. Zweifel. Edited by Egbert H. Grandin. Cyclopaedia (The) of Practical Medicine; coni- prisiug treatises ou tin; nature and treatment of diseases, materia medica and therapeutics, med- ical jurisprudence, etc. Etlited by Jobn Forbes, Alexauder Tweedie. aud John Conolly. 4 v. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert S.- Piper, 1833. Cyclopaedias. Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. A new edition prepared by a corps of thirty-six edi- tors, assisted by eminent European and Ainer- CYCLOPAEDIAS. 1094 CYPRUS. Cyclopaedia*. ican .specialists, under the direction of Charles Kendall Adams. Illustrated with maps, plans, and engravings. 8 v. roy.*0. Nw York, 1895. Nei'.yngkoriixete volistiindige Haus- uud Land-Bibliothec, worinnen der Gruud utiver- fiilschter Wissenscbafl't zu fintlen ist, deren sich bey jetziger Zeit ein Hof-, Handels-, Hans-, Biirgers- uud Laud-Manu zu seiueui reichlichen Nittzen bedingen kau. In zwey Cabinet oder Theile abgetheilet. 2 v. fol. Niirnberg u. Franckfurt, 1719. Teuasi.ma ( R.) Wakan sansai tsu-kai. [Japanese and Chinese illustrated cyclopaedia of the three kingdoms of nature.] 80 v. 8°. Osaka, 1712. Japanese text. Cyclopaedia* (Medical). Set- Encyclopaedias. Cyclophoria. .Ve Eye (Muscles of). Cyclops. C'lniiM (C.) Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Organisa- tion und Entwicklung von Cyclops. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Cvciopiden. Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien, 1892-3, x, 283-356, 7 pl.-Hacker (V.) Die Keim- balm von Cyclops; neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Geschlechtszelleu-Sondernng. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1897, xlix, 35-91, 2 pl. CyclOsperm. Vlfiuiirr (A.) Les t6guments siminaux ties cyclo- sperni6es (1™ partie). Cellule, Lierre & Louvain, 1890, vi, 297-392, 1 L, 7 pl. Cyclostomafla. Ste. also, Ammoccetes. von Kri'FKF.R (C.) Ueber das Pankreas bei Animoccetes. 8°. Miinchen, 1893. Collinge (\V. E.) & Vincent (S.) On the so-called suprarenal bodies in Cyclostoma. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1896, xii, 232-241.— Fu-ttingei- (A.) Recherches sur la struc- ture de repiderme des cyclostomes et quelques mots sur les cellules olfactives de ces animaux. Bull. Acad. roy. de meil. ile Kelg.. Brux., 1*76, 2.s.. lxi, 599-679, 3 pl. AUo, Keprint.—Jncoby (M.) Die Hornzahne. der Cyclostomen nach Unttisuchuiigen an Myxiue glutiuosa, Petromyzon fluviatilis und marinus. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1H94, xliii, 117-148, 1 pl. — tttudnicka ( Y. K.) Ueber die Histologie und Histogenese des Knorpels der Cvclo- stomeu. Ibid., 1896-7, xlviii, 606-643, 2 pl.-----. Weitere Beiuerkiingen iiber das Knorpelgewebe der Cylostonien und seine Histogenese. Ibid., 1898, li, 452-460.—Thomp- son (d'A. W.) Note on the blood-corpuscles of the Cyclostomata. Anat. Ana., Jena, 1887, ii, 630-632. Cydippe. Wkight (T. S.) On the reproduction of Cy- dippe pomiformis. 8°. [Edinburgh, 187>6.] Repr. from.- Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc, Edinb., 1854-8, i. ------. Description of two tubicolar ani- mals; and on the existence of thread-cells ou the tentacles of Cydippe. *\ Edinburgh, 1856. Repr.from.- Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1856, n. b., iv. Cytfiireiis (Walter). *Studier ofver typhus bat eillen. 1 p. 1., 36 pp., 1 1., 3 pl., 1 diag. 4°. Helsingfors, 1 *89. CygfBieus (Job. Niitherus). See Pcuceriis (Caspar) & Cygneus (Joh. Natherus) | in La.]. De propositiouibus [pathologicisl. sm. 4°. Wltebergx, 1552. Cylindroma. See, also. Brain (Tumors of). von Bkkgjiaxx (A. [A.]) *Zur Cylindrom- frage. 8-. Dorpat, 1881. Kinkk (A.) *K ucbeuiyu o tsilindromle. [A study of cylindroma.] 8°. Sanktpeterhurg, 1867. Thierv (L.-A.-V.) 'Contribution a l'6tude du cylindrome. 4-\ Douai, 1888. Wilhelmy (A.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von den Lybndromen. [Freiburg i. Br.] 12°. Berlin, 1894. Auvoli (E.) Su la dottrina dei cilindromi. Incura- bih Napoli, 1894 ix, 6*: 150; 220; 265 -Cirincione (G.) Lontnuuzioue alio studio dei cilindromi. Gior. tl. Ass. Cylindroma. napol. tli med. e nat., Napoli. 1889-90, i. 329-380, 2 pl. — Durante Casodi cilindroma e pivsentazione dei pre- parati microscopici relativi Bull. d. r. Accad. nied. di Roma. 1KK.">. xi, 178-1*4. — Hnntlford. Cylindroma cur- cinomatodes. Brit. il. J.. Lund., 1K89. i, 776.—Liibai'Nch (O.) Ueber die Geschwulstbezeichnung "Cvliudroru''. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.), BeiL. 18!t(), exxii, 373.—»Inl- a»»ez (L.) Sur le "cylindroma" (6pith61iotue alv6olaire avec envahissement mvxomateux). Arch, tie physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1883, 3. s., i, 123; 186, 3 pl. AUo: ficole prat. d. hantes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1883, Far., 1884, viii, 1-100. 3 pl. — Tou*- saint (il.) Contribucion al estudio anatouio-patolugico del cilindroma. Gac. med., Mexico, 1894, xxxi, 430-441,2 pl. Cyloniaii plant. [Pechy (J.)] Some observations matle upon tbe Cylonian plant, shewing its admirable vir- tues against deafness. Written by a physitian to the Honourable Esq. Boyle, sm. 4°. Lon- don, 1695. Cymbuliopsis. Peck (J. I.) On the anatomy and histology of Cymbu- liopsis calceola. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait,, 1887-90, iv, 335-353, 4 pl. Also, Reprint. Cynanche. See Angina. Cynanche maligna. See Angina maligna (Epidemic, etc.). Cynara. I. ane (W. W.) Cynara scolymus, or garden artichoke. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s., v, 96. Cynocephalus. Fere (C.) Anomalie asym6trique chez deux cynoc6- phalcs haniadryas. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, lvii, 485. AUo: Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 532. Cynodin. Meiiimola. Della cinndina nuovo prodotto organico trovato nella gramigna officinale (Cynodon dactylon). In his: Opere min., Napoli, 1841, 29-52. Cynthia. Morse ( E. S. ) On the early stages of an ascidian ( Cynthia pyriforuiis Rathke). 8°. Boston, lr<71. Repr. from: Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xiv, 1871. Metcalf (M. M.) Tho neutral gland in Cynthia papu- losa. Anat. Anz., Jeua, 1897-8, xiv, 4C7-470. von Cyoil (E[lie]) [1843- ]. Ueber den Einfluss der hiuteren Nervenwurzeln des Rli- ckenmarkes auf die Erregbarkeit der vorderen. pp. 85-92. 8°. [Leipzig, 1865.] [P., v. 794; 1893.] Cutting from: Ber. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sachs. Ge- sellsch. d. Wissensch., 1865. -----. Principes d'61ectroth6rapie. viii, 277 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Srfils, 1873. -----. Gesammelte physiologische Arbeiteu. viii, 344 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 188*. Cyoil (Moses) [1840- ]. *De diabete mellito, ejusque nexu cum cerebri et nervorum affectioui- lius. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1864], Cy peril* pertennius. Banerjee (R. P.) Cyperns pertennius, Lin. j Cyperus rotundus, Lin.; called variously mothra, motha, mustaka, kurabindak, bradra, and nagarinoostaka. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1892, i, 229. Cyprian (Abraham) [circa 1655-1730]. Lettre . . . raportant l'histoire d'un foetus bumaiu de 21 mois, d6tache' des trompes de la matriee, saus que la mere en soit morte. 72 pp., 4 pl. 16°. Amsterdam, E. Boger, 1707. Bound ivith: Arnold (G.C.) Tractatus de partu se- rotina [etc.]. 16°. Lipsice, 1775. ------. The same. 72 pp., 4 pl. 16c. Amster- dam, P. Mortier, 1708, See, aUo, Ittlloste (Augustin). Le chirurgiend'hopi- tal [etc.J. 4. ed. 18°. Amsterdam, 1707. -----. The same. 5. ed. 16°. Amsterdam, 1708. CYPRUS. 1095 CYSTICERCUS. Cypris. Turner (C. H.) Morphology of the nervous system of Cypris. J. Comp. Neurol., Granville, Ohio, 1896, vi, 20- 44, 6 pl. Cyprus. Annual report of the sanitary commis- sioner, with the government of Cyprus, to the high commissioner, with appendices. 2., 1*81. 93 pp. 8°. [London, G. E. B. Eyre Sr W. Spottis- woode, 1883.] ------. Reports by her majesty's high commis- sioner [being the annual blue book, containiug reports of the chief medical officer, inspector of schools, inspector of prisons, etc.] for the years 18*1-5 to 1887-8. 8°. London, 1886-9. Cyprus. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Diaxgkouse (G.) Kpioetg kni rye Tvepl "Cy- prus fever" Tvpayfiareiac rov k. I. G. Karageor- giadou, narpov. 12°. Ev Neugooou Kvnpov, 1893. Barry. Health of Cyprus; report of commissioner for 1880. [Extr. J Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 82. Cypselus. Zehxter ( L. ) * Beitrage zur Entwicklung von Cypselus melba, nebst biologischen und osteologischen Details. [Bern.] 83. Berlin, 1890. Cyr (Jules) [ -1892]. De la mort subite ou tres-rapide dans le diabete. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1878. Repr.from: Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1877, 6. s., xxx: 1878, 7. s., i. ------. Etude critique sur quelques travaux t6- cents concernant l'anatomie pathologique du diabete. 19 pp. 8". Paris, G. Masson, 1880. Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1880, cxiv. ------. Impressions et aventnres d'un diabetique a travers la mddecine et les meclecins. 2. 6&. 3 p. 1., 288 pp. 8-. Paris, [A. Hennuyer], 1881. Rapport sur l'histoire mddicale de la guerre civile des Etats-Uuis. 8 pp. 83. Paris, F. Malteste Sr Cie., 1881. Repr. from: Union me.d., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx. -----. Traite" de l'affection calculeuse du foie. vi, 345 pp. 12°. Paris, V. Delahaye Sr Lecros- nier, 1884. Les eaux minerales de Vichy. Composi- tion chimique, actiou physiologique et thera- peutique. 1 p. 1., pp. 456-474. 6°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Srfils, 1885. Repr. from: X. diet, de nied. et chir. prat., Par. ------. Traite" pratique des maladies du foie. viii, 8*6 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Srfils, 1887. ------. Scenes de la vie me'dicale. viii, 292 pp., 1 1. 1-2°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Srfils, 1888. Cyrillus (Domenicus). -See Cirillo (Domenico). Cyrillus (Nicolaus). See Cirillo (Niccolo). Cyrillus (Salvator). See Jlerkonrios Mopaxos, [etc.]. 12°. Neapoli, 1812. Cyron (Franz). * Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Anasthesierungsfrage. [Wurtzburg. ] 33 pp. 8°. Hamburg, G. Ludeking, 1895. Cyrils [pseud.]. See Teed (C. R.). Cyrus (Carl [Wilhelm]) [1861- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre der Lymphosarcome. 23 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, lw88. Cystalgia. * See Bladder (Neuralgia of). Cysticercus. See, also, Hogs (Diseases of); Hydatids; Tae- nia; and under names of organs, as, Brain (Para- sites of). Baillet ( C.) Recherches sur un eystique polycephale du lapiu, et sur le ver qui requite de sa transformation dans l'intestin du chien. r'. Toulouse, 1863. Repr.from: Mem. Acad. d. sc. de Toulouse, 1863,6. s., i. Cysticercus. * Lommer (E.) * Cysticerkus im Muskel und Unterliaut-Zellgewebe. 8°. Jena, 1876.. Moxiez (R.-L.) * Essai mouographique sur les cysticerques. 4°. Lille, 1880. Raum (J.) * Beitrage zur Entwickelungsge- scbicbte der Cysticercen. 8°. Dorpat, 1883. Reinitz ( G. ) Mittheilungeu iiber einen bisher noch weuig bekannten Blasenwurm. 8°. Dorpat, 1885. Remmekt (A.) * Cysticercus cellulosae. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Vogel (L.) * Ueber Bau und Entwickelung des Cysticercus fasciolaris (Rudolphi). [Erlan- gen.]" 8°. Osterwieck, 1888. Also, in: Rundschau a. d. Geb. d. Thiermed. u. ver- gleich. Path., Osterwieck, 1888, iv, 41; 49; 57. Ampiignaui (C.) Cisticerchi multipli del cervello e dei mnsciili. Salute: Italia metl., Genova, 1882, 2. s., xvi, 385.—Bergoiizini (C.) Caso di cisticerchi multipli in una donna. Spallanzani, Modena, 1883, 2. s., xii, 316-320.— ISIancliard (R.) Le cysticercus cellulosae est la larve du taenia solium. Lyon med., 1888, lvii, 252. — Brnun (M.) Cysticercus tenuicollis Rud. und C. acauthotrias Weiul. lieim Menschen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Para- sitenks, Jena, 1894, xv, 409-413. -----. Ein proliferieren- der Cysticercus und die zugehdrige Tatiie. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.],!. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx, 580-588.—Crety (C.) Sopra alcuni cisticerchi di una foca (Monacbus albi- venter Gray). Boll, di Soc. di nat. in Napoli, 1890, iv, 106- 108.— Dc Amit'is (T.) Tre nuovi casi di cysticercus cellulosa; nella cute umana diagnosticati sui vivente. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 145-161.— Be Vincentiis. Sul cisticerco. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1886, xv, 477-479.—Enjjel (E.) Ein Fall von Cysticercus cellulosae beim Menschen als Beitrag zur Diagnostik des Cysticercus cerebri. Prag. med. "Wchnschr., 1888, xiii. 10- 12.—Feletti (R.) La cure de la cysticercose avec la fou- gfere male. Mercredi m6d., Par., 1864, v, 417.—Frenkel (H.) Sur le passage des microbes & travers la membrane propre des cysticerques. Compt.rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1894,10. s., i, 735-737.—Gavoy (E.) Non-identite tlu cysti- cerque ladrique et dn taenia solium. Lyon m6d., 1888, lvii, 115-118. AUo: J. Soc. de m6d. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne, Limoges, 1887, xi, 183-186. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1887), 1888, 533-539. AUo: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 129.—Gene. rali (G.) A proposito di un caso di cysticercus bovis. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1886, i, 218-221. AUo, Re- print.— Giamniattei (G.) Cisticerchi multipli del cer- vello, dei muscoli e del cuore. Morgagni, Napoli, 1888, xxx, 179-196. — Gratia. Contribution & l'6tude des te- nias de l'homme; cysticerques du cerveau chez nn enfant; leur identite avec les cysticerques ladrique de la viande de pore et avec le taenia solium. Ann. dem6d. v6t., Brux., 1888, xxxvii, 237-244.—Ilofmolt 1. Cysticercus in lingua; Heilung. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 106.—K.a- rewski (F.) TJeber solitare Cysticerken in tier Haut und in den Muskeln des Menschen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1887), 1888, xviii, pt. 2, 176-185.— Knox. Observations on the cysticercus cellulosae, inhabiting the human muscles. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1838, 185. — Ku- dryashoflf ( A. I.) Tsistotserki podkozhnol klietchatki. [Cystocerci of subcutaneous cellular tissue.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 940-942.—Knss (M. G.) Diagn6stico de la cisticercosis en la especie humana. [Transl.] Arcb. tie la Policlin., Habana, 1897, v, 51-58. — Laboulbene (A.) Observations sur les cysticerques du taenia sagi- nata ou inermis humain, dans les muscles du veau et du bceuf. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxiv, 7-9.— Lafitte. Cysticerque de la paume de la main. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1869, lxviii, 1167.—li an- ger ( L.) Cysticercus cellulosae. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, 482-484.—iTIonnier (L.) Cysticerque du front, simu- lant une loupe. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 558.— Ostertag (R.) Feber das Absterben der Cysticerken. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1889-90, i, 253-259.— Pcrrin. Delaladreriechezl'homme. Internat. dermat. Cong. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. 1892, Wien u. Leipz., 1893, 443- 453.—Bainey (G.) On the structure and development of the Cysticercus celluloses, as found in the pig. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. (1854-5), 1856, vii, 548-555. — Rathery. Observation de ladrerie chez l'homme. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1880), 1881, 2. s., xvii, 62-68.—Sodero (G.) Nuove ricerche sulla forma e struttura del cisticerco della cellulosa. Morgagni, Napoli, 1886, xxviii, 650-662.— Turnbull (C. S.) On cvsticercus cellulosae. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1879, xii, pt. 2, 674-681. Also, Reprint,— Villot (A.) Encore un mot sur la classification des cys- tiques. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1892, xv, 210-212. — Ztin- yanalii (V. K.) Sluchai mnozhestvennavo tsitsitserka kozhi i mishts. [Case of multiple cysticercus of the skin and muscles.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1897, ii, 3-10. CYSTIN. 1096 CYSTS. Cystin and cystinuria. * See, also, Calculus (Urinary); Calculus (Uri- nari/, Composition of). BRi-.NZiNiiER (K.) "Zur Kenntniss ties Cys- tin'* und Cystiiin's. [Erlangen.] —. Freiburg i. Br., 1.-91. AU". In: Ztschr. f. phy3iol. Chem., Strassb., 1891-2, xvi, 552-5S8. Goliimann (E. E.) * Experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre von der Cystiuurie uud der Schwefel- Ausscbeitluug im llarne. r:. Freiburg i. B., L-riT. Mestkr ( B. ) * Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Cvstinurie. [Freiburg i. B.] ■--. Strassburg, 18-0. Also, in: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1889-90, xiv, 109-150. Bniininnn iE.) Feber Cvstin und Cvsteln. Ztschr. f. physiol. rh.-rn., Strassb.. 1883-4, viii, 299-305.—Benle (L. S.) Cystine in the urine successfully treated by large doses of carbonate of ammonia. Lancet, Lond., 18.S4, ii, 363. — Benedict ( H. ) Beitrag zum Vorkommen des Cvslins im Hai n. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1897, xxxiii, 917.—Botllher (K.) Ptomalner i Uriuen under Cvslinuri. Noisk Mag. i Liegevidensk, Christiania. 1892, 4. R., vii, 1220-1224. — Bretet (H.) Observation sur uu cas tie cysliuurie. Soc. d. sc. ni6d. de Gannat. C. r. 1883-4. Par., 18*4. xxxvii-, 90-98. — Briegcr. Ueber | Cvstinurie. Wien. med. Wchuschr., 1889. xxxix, 975.— fhabric (C.) Sur la cystine. Ann. d. mal. tl. org. g6- nilourin., Par., 1895, xiii. 236: 317. -----. Contribution a l'etude ile la cystine. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 72.—Cutler lK.1 Cystin. Med. Bull., Phila.. 1890, xviii, 214.—Czapelt. Ein Fall von Cystiuu- rie. Prag. metl. Wcliusclu.. 188*. xiii. 544.—Delepinc (S.) On a fermentation causing the separation of c\stin. (Preliminary communication.) J. Anat. &. Physiol., Lond., 1889-90, xxiv, 346 31K. AUo .Reprint. AUo: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 18K9-UO. xlvii. 19*. — Utivar (J.) S. <»amgee (A.) Ou cystine. (O.H7N<^S) I'mc. Uoy. Soc. Edinb.. lbt>9- 71, vii, 201-205. —Kbxteiii (W.i Kin I'aar neue Fiille von Cystiuurie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1878, xxiii, 138-151.-----. Ein Fall von Cystinurie. Ibid., 1881-2, xxx, 594-602.—Fifield i W. C. B. ) Cystin in urine. Boston M. ,.v S. .1., 1884, c\i, 408 - Goliliuaiin (E.) Leber das Schicksal des Cysieins nnd iiber die Ent- j stellung der SehweteUanre im Thicrkiirprr. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5, ix, 260 272 — Hall (A.J.) A case of cystinuna. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1894-5, iii, 26- 29.—Kiilz(E.) Zur Kenntnis des Cyst ins. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1884, xx. 1-10. -----. Zur Kenntuiss des cys- I tins. Ibid.. Munch, n u. Li-ip/.. 1890, n. F., ix, 415-417 — l.eo (H.) Feber Cvstinurie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1889, xvi, 324-332--.tinder. Ein Fall von Cystiuurie; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (18M), 1882, 394.— tlatrai (G.) A cystinuriarol. Orvosi lie! il., Budapest, 1886, xxx, ii.">3: 681. AUo, transl.: Pest. nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii. 505-507. AUo [Abstr.]: Gydgyaszat, Budapest Isstj. xxvi, 344.— Ogdrn (J. B.) Remarks on Cystinuria; examination of the urine and calculus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 367-369. [Discussion], 37^.—Pfeiffer (E.) Vier Fiille von Cvstinurie bei vier Gesehwisteru. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh <1. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1894. v, 187-189. —-—. Line Cystiufamilie. Ibid., 1897, viii, 173-177.— Picehini (L.) 2.—Borelli. Observations pratiques k 1'appui de la m6tbode tics injections ioilees ie- p6t6es dans le traitement ties tumeurs enkystees. Ibid ,- 778.—jFenelon (J.) Apuntes sobre curacion de quistes. Gac. med., Mexico, 1890, xxv, 41-40. Cysts (Ben tiger ous). Harki:s (\Y.) * Feber Ziihne in Dermoid- eysten. [Ziirich.] ^ . Darmstadt. 18(J2. Albarran (J.) Kyste dentif&re; pathogenie tie ces kystes. Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1887. lxii, 497-503. AUo, Reprint. Also, transl.: Gac. mi-A. catal., Barcel., 1888, xi, 492-496. — Allen. Tooth from a dermoid cyst [of the abdomen]. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1*82. n. s., iv, ::.">l- 353.—Baker (A. W. W.) A case of ilentigerous cyst. Tr.Acad.M. Ireland,Dubl.,1886,iv,310-313. -----. Notes on the pathology of a deutigerous cyst. Verhaudl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 14. Abth., 103-105. AUo: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl..l890-91.ix,367-370, lpl. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1891, xoii.272-275.1 pl.—Ben- nett (S.) Deutigerous cyst with tooth in .situ. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., ls.93-4, xxvii,288. —Boyd (St. C.) Dermoid den- tigeroiiBcyst. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8 xxxiii, 471.— Bewjjiiin (L ) Kystes dentiferes du maxillaire. Ann. Soc. tie meil. d'Anvers, 1894, lvi, 198.— BitltiiiMOii ( R. L. ) Dermoid cyst containing superior maxilla with sixteen teeth. Brook- lyn M. J., 1893, vii, 5;tS-542.—Dndon. Kyste deiitifere ; osteome. Mem. et bull. Soc. de nied. et chir. de Bordeaux, CYSTS. 1097 CYSTS. Cysts (Bentigerous). Is75, 52-59. —Ilendriekx (F.) Quelques considerations sur les anomalies d^sigues sous lc nom de kystes dentaires. Aun.de med. vet., Brux.,1885.xxxiv,133-139.—Hern (W.l Case of multiple deutigerous cysts in a boy aged 9. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1894, n. s., xxv'i, 91-95. — Me- Donurll (M.J.) Large suppurating deutigerous cvst. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1891-2, xi, 240. — Voron, Cyste dentigere. Province'med., Lvon, 1897, xi, 39.— White (T. C.) Sc Sutton (J. B.) Observations ou the structure and development of ovarian teeth. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1890, n. s., xxii, 156-177. Cysts (Dermoid). * See, also, Bladder (Hair in); Cornea (Tumors of); Cysts (Deutigerous); Pelvis (Tumors of, Cystic); Ranula; Tumors (Cystic, etc.). Breul (F.) 'Contribution a l'etude des kystes dernioides de la region masto'idienne. 4-. Nancy, 1890. Diehler (E.) * Ueber verkalkte Dennoid- cysten. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1889. Hess ( W. ) Beitrag zur Casuistik tier Ge- schwiilste mit zeuguugsaulichem Inbalte. roy. 6°. Giessen, 1854. r>r Mesxil (T.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Dernioidtysten. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Abbe. Collapsing dermoid cyst. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1895, xxi, 593.—Vchard (C.) Sur l'origine sebacee du liquide lmileux contenu dans certains kvstes dernioides. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 717—Andre. Quel- ques cas de kytes dermoides rares. Rev. m6d. de Test, Xancy,1898,xxx.235-249.—A tlee(W.F.) A caseof dermoid or piliferous tumor, with cure by spontaneous opening into the intestine. Phila. AI. Times. 1884-5, xv. 675. Also: Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1885. viii, 225-227. —Baker (M.) Dermoid cysts; where they are found and what they con- tain, with a historv of one case, fAbdomen.] Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1^83-4. ii, 160-162. —Buchanan (G.) Dermoid cyst simulating ranula. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xvii, 212.—Butlcr-Siuythe (A. C.) Dermoid cyst con- taining pill-like bodies. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1895), 1896, xxxvii, 15. — Chevailereau (A.) Kyste dernioide a parois osseuses et a contenu picrreux. France med., Par., 1892, xxxix, 17. — Contreras U. ( M. ) Quisle der- nioideo. Rev. meil. de Chile. Sant. de Chile. 1886-7, xv. 414-418.—Davy (T. G.) Xotes on dermoid cvsts. X. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1888-9. ii. 20 - 22. — Del- bet (P.) Patbogtjnie des tumeurs het6rotopiques (kystes dermoides i. [Abstr.] Union nied.. Par., 1895. 3. s., lix, 325-331. — Eastman (J.) Case of dermoid cyst in a male. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892, xviii, 1056. AUo: Northwest. M. J.. Alinneap., 1892, xx, 58. — Estor (E.) Kyste dermolde a contenu huileux de la region auriculo-mastoldienne. X. Montpel. we.iL, 1892, i, 503-509. — Folet. Kyste dermolde ou folliculites pilo-sebacees agminees. Bull, rae.il. du nord. Lille, 1885, xxiv, 251-254.—Goldinann (E. E.) Eine olhaltige Der moidcyste mit Riesenzelleu. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890. vii. 555-612, 1 pl.—dirarei (S. C.) A rare dermoid. Med. Xews. Phila., 18H5. lxvi, 212.— Groduilzky (J.) Angeborene Dei moidcyste als Ur- sacbe einer Siipraorbitalneuialgie: Operatiou; Heilung. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Xederl. Indie. Batav., 1890, xxx, 554-558.— liartinanu (II.) Kystes dernioides k con- tenu huileux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 715- 717.—Helinuth (W. T.) Enormous dermoid cysts; tufts of hair, lime, teeth, and bones in the sac; death on the third day. Homoeop. J. Obst., X. V.. 1884-5. vi, 15-17.— Hildebrandt (G.) Leber secondare Implantation vou Haareu in Dermoidcysten. Beitr. z. path. Auat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, vii, 159-170, lpl. — IIiiiebaiitfli (T.D.) Testicular teeth, hair, and bone. Vet. Mag.. I'liila., 1894, i 4o3_407.—IIir«t (B.C.) Dermoid cysts aud pregnancy. Am. J. Obst.. X. V., 1895. xxxii, 224. Also, Reprint.— ■Ionian* (J.) Dermoid cvst. Boston M. A: S. J.. 1888. cxviii, 252.— Jatobi (Mary'P.) Two cases of aspiration of dermoid cysts followed by inflammation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, 'xvi, 1160-1170.' — Jardine. Locks of hair passed per anum, from a case in wbicb a dermoid cyst had ruptured into the bowel. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, 50.— JohiiMlonetA.'W.) Etiology of dermoids of the ovary and testicle. I'r. A m. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1893, xviii, 301-309.— JoluiMtone (J. A.) Dermoid cyst containing a heart. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892. n. s., xxix, 527 — Breta: ( R. ) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Dernioide. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893. vi, 861.—Kmniiier (E.) -Kyste dermolde, thyro-hyoidien, congenital. Kev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1893, xiii, 495-498. -I>c Fort (R.) Contribution a. l'etude des kystes dermoides traumati.iues. Rev. de chir.. Par., 1894, xiv, 1013-1036.— I.ieblein (V.) Chemische Untersuehung einer Dermoid- Cvste. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 189o, xxi, 28a- 287 — I,udvrig (E.) Ueber das Fett der Dermoid- es y*t* (Dermoid). cysteu der Ovarien. Ibid., 1897, xxiii, 38 —^IcFarland (J.) Dermoid tumors. Med. News, Phila., 1896. lxviii. 434-436. — ttl'CSraw (T. A.) A case of dermoitl cyst in a young child. Med Age, Detroit, 1887, v. 345 — ITIc- rVamara ( F. W.) Dermoid tumor of the fourth brou chial cleft. X. Am Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 199 — .Vlallierbe (A.) Cheveux et liquide retires d'un kyste dernioide tie 1 abdomen. J. de med. de l'ouest, Nautes, 1885, xix, 90.—.Vlangiu. Kvste dernioide et grossesse. Gynecologic Par., 1896, i, 221-229. — Vlarchand (F.) Beitriige zur Kenntuiss der Dermoid Geschwiilste. Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch f. Xat.- u. Heilk., Giessen, 1883, xxii, 325-338, 1 pl.-.IIn«sf. De l'origine des kystes der- moides : formation de certaines tumeurs par transplanta- tions orgauiques; applications therapeutiques. Bull.g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1885, cviii, 337-340. Also: Cong. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.|. Par.. 1886, i, 511-514. AUo: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 173. AUo: Alontpel. med.. 1885, 2. s., iv, 399-403. Also: Gaz. hebd. de ru6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii 372.—ITIatlakowski (W.) O szczegeduej kulkowej zawartosci torbieli skor- zastveh. [On the singular ball-like contents iu dermoid cyst's. 1 Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1891, 2. s., xi, 1001-1004.— JHitchell (J. H.) A few cases of dermoid cyst. Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix, 334.— Untitle (P. F.) Curious balls of sebaceous matter, found in a, dermoid cvst. Am J Obst , X. V., 1887, xx, 621-623. — IVicnine. Xote sur la patho- genie des kystes dernioides; observation de kyste der- molde huileux de la queue du sourcil. Rev. de cbir.. Par., 1883, iii, 806-810. AUo, Reprint. AUo [Abstr.]: Assoc. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1883. Par.. 1884, xii. 813.— Owen (E.) Dermoid cvsts. Tr. AI. Soc. Loud., 1890, xiii. 206-213.—Paul (F. T.) Dermoid tumour ot Ihe face carrying teeth. Ibid., 1893-4, xlv, 118-150. — Poulet. Des kystes dermoides acquis. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Pai-., 1886,n.s.,xii,460-467.—Beichard (V. M.) Xote on sebaceous cysts containing hairs. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 502.—Bibbert (H.) Experimentelle Erzeu- gung von Epithel- und Deruioidcysten. Deutsche. Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlvii, 575-579. —Biley (C. H.) Sup- purating dermoid cyst. Maryland AL J., Bait., 1887, xvii, 88.—Bollet (E.) De l'apparition tardive des kystes der- moides. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 629; 644.—Buotte (P.) Kyste dermoi'de du bregma. Arch. prov. de cbir., Par., 1890, v, 175-177.-Siegeu (C.) Xote sur deux tissus betcrotopiques (kystes dermoides). Ann. de med. v6t., Brux., 1885, xxxiv, 355-302.—Stelwagon (H. W.) A sebaceous cyst containing a coil of hair con- sisting of two hairs, each several inches in length. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 432. AUo, Reprint.—Sutton (J. B.) Alammas in dermoitl cysts. Lancet, Lond., 1888. i, 880. AUo: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 959. -----. Dermoids; or, tumours containing skin, hair, teeth. Illust. M. Xews, Lond., 1889, iii, 10. AUo, Reprint, — Taufcr (E.) Ueber die primar carcinomatdse Degeneration von Dermoidcys- ten. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, cxiii, 389- 406.—Taylor (H. M.) Dermoid tumors, with a report of a case. Richmond J. Pract., 1894, viii, 195-201, 1 pl.— Trzebicky (R.) Przyczynek do lokalizacyi skotzak6w (cyst dermoidalnych). Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1884, xxiii, 277; 291; 301; 319. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 393; 422. -----. Przyczynek do kaznistyki rzadszych umiejscowieii torbieli skdrzastych (cyst dermoidalnych). [Contribution to a series of c. ses of rare localizations of dermoid cysts.] Medycyna, War- szawa, 1897, xxv, 145; 168. AUo, transl.: Wien. med. AVchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 417-423.—Van Bavegem (P.-J.) Observation sur une masse considerable ile cheveux, pa- raissaut apparteiiir a un enfant retiree de l'abdomen d'une femme. Actes Soc. de ru6d., cbir. et pharm., Brux., 1797, i, pt. 2, 173-176.—Van l>uy*« (D.) Kyste dermoi'de (te- rato'ide) avec encephale et ceil rudimeutaires, expuls6 par le rectum pendant raccouchement. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. tie Belg., Brux., 1895, 4. &.. ix, 585-609. -----. L'ceil dans les tumeurs dernioides. Fhindro nied., Gand. 1895, ii, 449-459.—Verneuil (A.) Sc Clatlo. De la presence ties microbes dans les kystes dernioides congenitaux de la face. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Tar., 1888, cvii, 973. AUo: France m6d., Par., 1888, ii, 1817-1819.—Weil (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Localisation der Deruioidcysten. AVien. med. Bl., 1890, xiii, 163.^ While (W. H.) ' Dermoid tu- mour, probably growing from soft palate or base of skull. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1881, xxxii, 201-204, 1 1., 1 pl.—Wig- gin iF. H.) Dermoid cvst of the rinht superciliary re- gion. X. York Al. J., 1895, lxii, 53.— Wilms (M.) Ueber die Dermoidcysten und Teratome, mit besondeier Beriick- sichtigung tier Dermoide tier Ovarien. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med. lv. Festschr. . . . F. A. von Zenker [etc.], Leipz., 1895, 289-396, 3 pl. —Wright (G. A.) Xote on certain dermoid cysts. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 969.— Wyinau (IL C.) Account of a tumor containing hair, bones, teeth, etc., found in the abdomen of a man; with remarks on dermoid cysts. Aled. Age, Detroit, 1884, ii, 330-334. -----. Dermoid tumors. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvii, 437-439.—von Zeyiick (R.) Ueber das Fett der Dermoidcysten. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1897, xxiii, 40-54. CYTIIEIMD.E. 1098 CZEKMAK. Cytlieridae. K.vrr.MANX (A.) Beitrage znr Kenntniss der C'ytheritleu. [Bern.] -'. Genf, 18*6. CytiMis laburnum [and cytisin.] * Radziw'ILLOWICZ ( K. ) * Ueber Nachweis untl Wirkung ties Cytisius. 8-. Dorpat, 18*7. AUo, in: Arb. d. pharmakol. Inst, zu Dorpat, Stuttg., 1888. ii, 56-101. Spaxgi.nbekg (K.) * Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Wirknno des Cytisin. 8-\ Kiel, 1891. Bi-ngia i K.) Sul meccanismo tli azione della citisina nitrica. Riforma med., Napoli. 1890, vi, 1352: 1358.— Plugge iP.-C.) La cytisine eonsider6e comme medica- ment. EYbo med. du nord. Lille. 1897, i, 103-105 — Pre- vo*t (J.-L.) A; Billet (P.I Recberches experimentales, relatives k Taction physiologique ilu cytisus laburnum. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, cv, 46c>-490. AUo : Fiance nied., Par., l!-*7, ii. 1368-1370. Also: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 18*7, vii, 516; 553.-----------. Note relative a Taction pliysiologique du nitrate de cyti- sine. Rev. in6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1888, viii, 070-687. CytiMiK laburnum (Toxicology of). Artaud. Intoxication par une infusion de fleurs tie cvtise. Monde pharm., Par., 1897, xxviii, 66.—[van den Berg iJ. P.jj Over vergiftighig door Gouden Regen. Nedeil. mil. geneesk. Arcb. [etc.], Utrecht. 1878, 463-478. Also. Keprint.—Cornevin (C.) Memoire sur I'empoi- sonnement par quelques especes de cytise. J. de metl. veL et zootech., Lyon. It-s7, 3. s.. x'ii. 5; 61: 117; 176; 229.—Hackel (I.) Vefj;iftung durch Cvti-us laburnum (Lin. i. Pia-i nied Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 304.—Joll (B. B.) On poisoning bv laburnum seeds. Brit. M. J., Liiml., 1879. i, 7:'.7. — d'e la Iflolle (P. W.) Poisoning bv the cytisus laburnum. Laueet, Lond.. 1880, ii, 201. —Roberts (A. AI.) A case of laburnum poisoning. Ibid., 1877, ii, 341.— Kiiliiicioii (H.) Laburnum poisoning. Brit. AI. J., LontL, 18*:;, ii. 675.—S. (W. B.i Laburnum poisoning. Lancet. Loud , 1884, i. 147.—Saake (W.l Drei Fiille von Cytisiuvergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 19*5. xxi. 369-371. — Minclair ( A. J.) Caseof poisoning by Cytisus laburnum. Brit. AI. J.. Loud., 1883, ii, 728.—Homers (X. L. F.) Heath from laburnum poi- soning. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 1114.—Thistle (F. T.) Three cases of laburnum poisoning. Ibid., 479.—Vance (J.) Poisoning by laburnum seeds. Ibid., 1877, ii, 414. Cyfocliei*e*i». Sec Cell (Division, etc., of). Cyvoct ( A[nthelme-Fraucois]) [ -1868]. * Dissertation sur la scarlatiue qui a regne' epi- deuiiqueuient dans l'arrondissemeut de Belley, en 18L5 et 1814. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1817, No. 510. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par.. 1868. 374 (P.-L.-B. Caflfe). Czako (Kdlmdn) [1843-95]. [Biography.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 548. Czaplewski (Eugen ) [18G5- ]. * Uuter- suchuugeu uber die Immuuitat der Taubeu gegeu Milzbraud. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg, E. Bautenberg, 1889. ------. Die Untersuehung des Auswurfs auf Tu- berkelbacillen. vii, 124 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Jena. G. Fischer, 1891. Czappert (Leopoldus). * De ptyalismo. 3 p. 1., 17 pp. 8-. Vindobonce, F. Ullrich, 1*36. Czapski (Siegfried). Theorie der optischen Instruinente nach Abbe, viii, '2112 pp., 1 pl. 8° Breslau, E. Trewendt, M>3. ------. Ueber neue Arten von Fernrohren insbe- sondere fiir tlen Handgebrauch. 40 pp. 4-. Berlin, L. Simion, 1895. Repr. from.- Verhandl. d. Ver. z. Beford. d. Gewerb- fleisses. Sitzungsb., 1895, 39-76. Czarnowski (Xaver) [1848- ]. * Ein Bei- trag zur Lehre von deu motorischen Centren der Grosshirnrinde. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau O. Baabe. 1874. Czasopismo towarzystwa aptekarskiego. v 11-27, l>-2-98. 8°. Lwow (Lemberg). Current. File for 1898 is called v. 28. Czech (Berthold) [1855- ]. " Ueber heredi- tiiie v lainiliiiie ) progressive Muskelatrophie. •21 pp. ?-. Greif*wait, J. Abel. 1-81. Czech (Erich). * Ueber Kalkmetastasen. 47 pp. --. IViirAntrg, Stahel, 1895. CztM'ii ( Wenzel). Her Veterinar-IVormalien [etc.] [in 1. s.J. 16°. ir,>„. is9i. Czekalla ( Hugo [Maximilian]) [ 1^70- ]. * Ueber tlas Yerhaltuiss der Chorea zum Gelenk- rbeumatismus und zur Endocarditis. 25 pp. 8C. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1894. Czelakowsky. See Aerztliehe Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkungen der Iwoniezer Heilwasser [etc.]. roy. 8°. [ Wien, 1846.] Czemetsclika (Jobann). Ueber die Verweud- barkeir des (iuttlieb'schen Tannalbin als Darrn- adstrinoens in der Kinderpraxis. 8 pp. 8°. Prag, 1897. Repr.from: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xxii. Czeiiipin (Alexander) [1861- ]. *Die Theorieu iiber den Einfluss des Nervensystems auf tlie Entstehung der Hautkrunkheiten. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, F. W. Meyer. 1884. ------. Rinse des Cervix uteri, ihre Folgen und operative Behandlung. 154 pp. 8~. [Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1-86.] Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg.. 1886, xii. ------. Zur Behandlung des Abortus, fiir den praktischen Arzt. 40 pp. 12°. Berlin, Boas S' Hesse, 1894. ------. Die Techuik der Chloroformnarkose fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 3. Aufl. 37 pp., 1 pl. ^ . Berlin, G. Enslin, 1^97. Czeriliak (Job. [Nepomuk]) [1828-73]. *Bei- ti iioc zur mikroskopischen Auatomie der mensch- lichen Ziihiie. 31pp.,2pl. h-\ [Leipzig,]1*7>6. _ A translation of his Wurtzburg dissertation: Ohserva- tiones novte de structura dentium penitiori. 1850. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1850, ii. -----. Ueber die Samenfaden der Salamander und tier Tritonen. 6 pp. 8°. [Leipzig, 1850.] [P., v. 1894.] Repr.from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1850, ii. -----. Veriistelungen der Primitivfasern dea Nervus acusticus. pp. 105-109, 1 pl. 8°. [Leipzig, 1850.] [P., v. 1555; 1893.] Repr. from : Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1850, ii. -----. Physiologische Studien. Beitrage zur Physiologie des Gesichtssinnes. 1.-3. Abth. 47 pp., 3 pl.; 99 pp., 5 pl., 1 tab.; 40 pp., 1 pl. r^. [Wien, 1854-5.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1854, xii: 1855, xv; xvii. -----. Physiologische Untersuchungen mit Garcia's Kehlkopfspiegel. 30 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wien. 187)-. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CI., Wien, 1858, xxix. ------. Du laryngoscope et de son emploi en physiologie et en medecine. Ed. francaise, publico avec le concours de l'auteur. 112 pp., 2 pl. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sr fils, 1860. [P., v. 1661.] -----. Das Myochronoskop. 10 pp. &-". [Wien, 1861.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wieu, 1861, xliv. ------. Zur VerwertbungdesListon-Garcia'schen Prinzips. 10 pp. 8C. [Wien, A. Pichler's Witwe 4- Sohn, 1861.] A. L. A. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1861, xii. ------. Zur objectiven Erkljirung einiger soge- uanuteu subjectiven Gesicbtserscheinuugeu. 13 pp. >JC. [Giessen, 1862.] Repr. from: Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1862, viii. czkrmak. 1099 CZUBEEKA. Czermak (Job. [Nepomuk])—continued. -----. Nachweis der Erscbeinung der sogenaun- ten Pulsverspatuug beim Froscbe, und das Ver- fabren dieselbe wahrzunehmen. 4 pp. 8°. [Wien, 1865.] [P., v. 1891.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wieu, 1865, li. Ueber den Spiritus asper und lenis, und iiber die Flusterstinitne, nebst Bemerkungen zur pbonetiscben Transscription der Kehlkopf- laute. 19 pp. 8°. [ Wien, 1*66.] [P., v. 1893.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Mat.-naturw. CL, AVien, 1866, Iii. Populiire physiologische "Vortraj ge- halten im akademischeu Rosensaale zu Jena in deu Jahren 1867-9. x, 124 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. Wien, K. Czermak, 1869. Ueber das Herz und den Einfluss des Nerveusystems auf dasselbe. Vortrag. 31 pp. 8°. Leipzig, I. C. Hinrichs, 1871. ----. Ueber das Ohr und das Htireu. Vortrag. 46 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. G. Lilderitz, 1873. ----. Gesammeltc Scbriften. 2 v. iu 3. viii, iv, 876 pp., 1 1., 27 pl., 1 tab.; xlvi, 307 pp., 3pl.,port. roy.>-'. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1879. v. 1. Wisseuschaftliche Abhandlungen. v. 2. Populate Vortrage untl Aufsatze und biographi- sche Skizze vou Auton Springer. For Biography, see Springer (A.) Eine biographi- sche Skizze. In: Czermak (J. N.) Ges. Scbriften, 8°, Leipz., 1879, ii, pp. i-xlvi, port. See, also: Nature, Lond., 1874, ix, 64. Also: Kev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par., 1897, vii, p. xxv. Czermak (Joseph Julius) [1799-1851]. See Experiinentorum docimasiam pulmonum [etc.J. 4°. Vienna;, 1823-5. Czei'inak ("Wilhelni). Allgemeine Semiotik uud Diagnostik der ausseren Augenerkrankun- gen. iv (1 1.), 161pp. 8°. Wien, C. Ceroid's Sohn, 1889. -----. Tbe same. 2. durcbgesebene Aufl. iv (I 1.), 161 pp. 12°. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1890. -----. Die augenarztlichen Operationeu. 1.-12. Het'te. 812 pp. 8C. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1^93-8. -----. Die topograpbiscben Beziehungen der Augenbohle zu den umgebenden Hoblen uud Grubeu des Schadels. In halbschematischen Figuren nach Gefrierschnitten dargestellt. Text, 20 pp., 14 pl. 8°. Breslau, J. U. Kern (W. Miiller), 1895. Forms Hft. 9 of: Angenarztliche Unterrichtstafeln. Czerilicki (Auguste). *£tude cliuique sur la fievre tvphoi'de; sa marche, sa physiologie pathdlooique, ses indications therapeutiques. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867, 3. s., No. 43. Czeriiiewski (Eduard). *Der forensisch- cbemiscbe Nachweis der Quebracho- und Pe- reiroalcaloide in thierischen Fliissigkeiten uud Geweben, mit Beriicksichtigung ihrer Unter- scbeidung von den Strychuosalcaloiden. 66 pp., 1 1. 8Z. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1882. Czernowitz. See Sewage (Disposal of), etc.; Universities. Czernv (V[incenz]) [1842- ]. Mittheiluu- o-en aus der chirurgischen Casuistik und kleinere Mittheilungen. Widernaturlicher After mit Vorfall der Flexura sigmoidea. Heilung durch Ausschaltung des vorgefallenen Darmstuckes. 9 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Berlin, Trowitzsch Sr Sohn, 1*77.] Repr.from: Arch, f- klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi. _____# Ueber die Enukleation subperitonealer Fibromyome der Gebarmutter durch das Schei- dengewolbe; vaginale Myomotomie. 13 pp. 8. [Wien, 1881.] Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi. Czerny (V[incenz])—continued. -----. Beitrage zur Jodoformvergiftung, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Karbolmarasmus. 15 pp. 8°. [Wien, 1882.] Repr.from: Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1882, xxxii. Beitrage zur vaginalen Uterusexstirpa- tion. 24 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1882.] Repr. from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr , 1882, xix. ----. Demonstration eines geheilteu Biickgrat- schusses. 2 pp. 8°. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1886. ] Repr.from: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1886, xv. ----. Ueber die Entstehung der Tuberculose nach Hauttrausplantationen. 3 pp. 8°. [Ber- lin, L. Schumacher, 1886.] Repr.from: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1886, xv. ----. Ueber Epithelial carcinom der Mamma. 2 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, [1886]. Repr. from: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1886, xv. ----. Zur Prophylaxis des Hiingebauches der Frauen. 11. 8°. [Leipzig, 1886.] Repr.from: Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1886, x. -----. Ueber neuropathische Gelenkatfectionen. 14 pp. 8°. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1887. J Repr.from: Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1886-7, xxxiv. -----. Ueber Magen- und Darmresectionen. 5 pp. 8°. [Leipzig u. Berlin, J. Sitlenfeld, 1889.] Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv. -----. (Ueber Operabilitat von Gehirutumoren.) 3 pp. 8°. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1892.] Repr.from: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1892, xxi. Offenes Schreiben an Herrn Claudius H. Mastin, in Mobile, Ala., 1890, President der American Surgical Association, betreffend. den panamerikanischeu medicinischen Congress. 3 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1893.] Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix. Ueber die Methode des klinischen Unter- richts an der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik, nebst Bemerkungen zur neuen Priifungsordnung. 17 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1894. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx. von Czerwinski (B[ronislaw)] [1860- ]. * Bemerkuugen zu deu iu der Dorpater chirurgi- schen Universitats-Klinik beobachteten Bruch- einkleminuugen. 106 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1885. Czerwinski (Joh.) Compendium der Thermo- therapie (Wasserkur). 2 p. 1.,175 pp. 8°. Wien, K. Czermak, 1875. Czihak (J. Christ. Stanislaus). * De graviditate extra uterina; aecedit descriptio memoranda cujusdam graviditatis tubae dextrse. 1 p. 1., 20 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Htidelbergce, A. Osswald, 1824. Czikanek (Joseph Weucesclaus). * De actuosa hominis nascituri vita, seu eirculatione foetus ab hominis nati diversa. In: de Wasserberg. Opera min. med. [etc.]. 8°. Vindob., 1776, iv, 90-112. Czuberka (Karl). Chirurgisch-medicinisches Vademecum; Beschreibung der Technik aller ohne Assistenten ausfiibrbareu Uutersnchungs- metboden und Operationen, unter Rucksicht- nahme auf Chirurgie, Geburtshilfe, Obren- und Augenheilkunde, Padiatrik, Balneo- und Elek- tro-Therapie, Laryngoskopie, Thermometrie und Mikroskopie. 3 p. 1., 535 pp. 24°. Wien, C. Fromme, 1875. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. iv (2 1.), 592 pp. 16°. Wien, C. Fromme, 1881. See, also, Gonzalez de Segovia (Mario). Medica- mentos modernos. 12°. Madrid, 1887.—©esterreichi- scher Medicinal-Scheinatismus [etc.]. 18°. Wien, 1874. CZVVIKLITZER. 1100 CZYGAN. < zwiklitzer (Carl) [1871- ]. *Ueber den heutigen Stand der Resektion und Exstirpa- tion des Keblkopfes wegen maligner Tumoren. [Breslau.] 3 p. 1., 32 pp. 8-. Tiibingen, H Laupp, 1896. Czygan (Anton [Paul]) [1860- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre vou den Speichelsteinen. 30 pp., 1 1. 8'-1. Konigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1890. Czygan (Carl [Ernst Theodor]) [1869- ]. * Ueber Hauttransplantationeu nach Thiersch. Czygan (Carl [Ernst Theodor])—continued. 48 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1893. Czygan (Max [Alexander Otto]) [1868- ]. *Die Kinderverluste an der konigl. Frauenkli- nik zu.Kouigsberg i. Pr. in tlen Jabren 18^7-91. 29 pp.. 21. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1893. Czygan (Paul) [1863- ]. * Ueber die Ver- letzungen der Grossliirubemispharen. 34 pp., 11. 8C. Bonn, J. Bach Wive., 1888. END OF VOL. Ill, SECOND SERIES. MG 2n 1946 '■■■::'W;---:/::;:;i/^*#'.#j^ ■ (,';n".i • v ,• .v.!"!-Vfl :,.,;!:;;,r:,;];:||| .-.*-•: . f *«^*i* * - "^ 'j^^x«"!r i*~r? .* ~z*-r**r . . ,■ • .■■•••■•"•'> "i+'ViVv H>j»»f i Jetr''• .v . .--; . 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