•WC » '& ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY Washington, D. C. CLASS (M I?. b I book^O ? I ^ Di»c^°e° LOUISVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY FORM 29 20M 29 N 07 Sil jPOLYTffA SUl™ 'KENTUCK - \ r-ffj-/.J&!>7/..m Sim. INDEX-CATALOGUE THE LIBRARY SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UNTTED STATES AUtMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. SE003STID SERIES. Vol. I. A—AZZIJRRI. WASHINGTON: GOVEllNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 189G. Arch. X3? Se-c. 2. \19L c. I War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, Washington, 2>. C, June 10, 1896. General George M. Sternberg, Sunjeon-(ieneral, U. S. Army. General: I have the honor to present herewith the first volume of the second series of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This volume includes 6,346 author-titles, representing 6,127 volumes and 6,327 pamphlets. It also contains 7,884 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets and 30,384 titles of articles in periodicals. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, D. L. HUNTINGTON, Deputy Suryeon-General, and Lieut. Col. U. S. Army. in / I FIRST ADDITION ALPHABETICAL LIST ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES MEDICAL PERIODICALS. PUBLISHED I>T THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME IiVDEX-CATALOftUE. For explanations, see the Alphabetical List of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. XVI, 1. s. A. Abeja med., Habana. Aerztl. Sachverat.-Ztg., Berl. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago. Alumni Rep., Fhila. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago. Abeja (La) nie'dica. Publicaciou mensual ilustrada de medicina, cirnjia y ciencias auxiliares. Habana. v. 1-3, 1892-4; nos. 1-6, v. 4, January to June, 1895. fol. Academia de higiene de Cataluna. [See Bol. Acad, de big. de Catalufia, Barcel.] Academia meVlico-honieop^tica de Barcelona. [See Rev. bonieop., Barcel.] Acade"mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. [See M6m. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux. Also: Me"in. couron. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux.] Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina. [See Settimaua med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze. ] Aerztliche Sacbverstiiudigen-Zeituug. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1895-6. ibl. Alkaloidal (The) Clinic. Chicago, v. 1-3, 1894-6. 8°. Allgemeiner deutscher Biiderverband. [See Monatschr. f. prakt. Balneol., Miinclien.] Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. [See Alumni Rep., Phila.] Alumni Report. Published by the Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. Nos. 1-^3, 1864-5 to 1895-6. 8". American Electro-Therapeutic Association. [See Tr. Am. Elec- trotber. Ass.] American (The) Journal of Sociology. Chicago, v. 1, 1895-6. 8-. 1 [2] Am. M. Rev., N. Y Am. M. Temper. Quart., Battle Creek. Am. Midwife, St. Louis. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par, Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma. Ann. di med. nav., Roma. Annuaire de la Haute-Marne, Chaumont. Annual Eclect. M. & S., Chi- cago. Apothecary, Chicago. Arch. biol. nauk . . . , S.-Peterb. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel. Arch, de gynec. et de tocol., Par. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli. Arch. lat. de rinol., laringol. [etc.], Barcel. Arch. med. de Toulouse. Arch, di ostet. e gineo, Napoli. Arch, de pharmacod., Gand et Par. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk, Leipz. Arch. d. psicopat. sess., Roma. Arch. d. sc. med. . . . de Buca- rest, Par. Arch. f. Verdauungskr , Berl. Atti d. Cong. d. Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig., Palermo. Americau Medical Review. A monthly review of current medi- cal literature. New York. v. 1-2 1895-6. 8°. American Medical Temperance Association. [See Am M Temper. Quart., Battle Creek. Also: Bull. Am. M. Temper.' Ass., Battle Creek.] American Medical Temperance Quarterly. Organ of the Amer- ican Medical Temperance Association. Battle Creek Mich. v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8°. [Continued as: Bull. Am. M. Temper. Ass ' Battle Creek.] American Microscopical Society Tr. Am. Micr. Soc] American (The) Midwife. St. Louis. [See Proc. Am. Micr. Soc. Also : fol. 1-2, 1895-6. Annales de chirurgie et d'orthope"die. Paris, v. 9 (anne"e 10), 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par.] Annali d' igiene sperimentale. Roma. N. s., v. 5-6, 1895-6. 8°. [Continuation, in 1895, of: Ann. d. 1st. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma.] Annali di medicina navale. Roma. v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. Annuaire du D6partement de la Haute-Marne, pour Fan 1811, viie de l'empire de Napoleon. Chaumont. 1 v., 1811. 8°. [P., v. 1817.] Annual of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. A yearly record of the observation, investigation, and experience of the eclectic physi- cians of America, as reported in their papers presented at the annual meetings of the State societies, with a condensed re- port of the proceedings of those societies. Chicago, v. 1-5, 1890-4. 8°. Apothecary (The), published quarterly by the School of Pharmacy ■ of Northwestern University, Chicago. Chicago, v. 1-5, 1891-6. 8^. Archiv biologicheskikh nauk izdavayemiy Imperatorskim Institu- tom eksperimentalnoi meditsiui v S.-Peterburge. [Archives of biological sciences, issued by the Imperial Institute of Experi- mental Medicine in St. Petersburg.] S.-Peterburg. Part 1, v. 4, 1895. 4°. Archivos de ginecopatia, obstetricia y pediatria. Periddico quincenal ilustrado. Barcelona, v. 7-9, 1894-6. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in 1894, of: Arch, de ginec. y pediat., Barcel.] Archives de gyn6cologie et de tocologie. Paris, v. 23, 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par.] Archivio internaziouale di medicina e chirurgia. Napoli. v. 12, 1896. 8C. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Arch, internaz. d. spec. med.-chir., Napoli.] Archivos latinos (antes internacionales) de rinologia, lariugolo- gia, otologia y de las eufermedades de las primeras vias respi- ratorias y digestivas. Peri6dico mensual redactado en espanol, trance's 6 italiano. Barcelona, v. 6-7, 1895-6. 8°. Archives meVlicales de Toulouse. Toulouse, v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. [Succeeded: Midi niecl., Toulouse.] Archivio di ostetricia e ginecologia. Napoli. v. 1-3,1894-6. 8°. Archives de pharmacodynamic Gand [et] Paris, v. 1-2, 1894-6. Archiv der praktischen Arzneykunst fur Aerzte, Wundiirzte und Apotheker. Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1785-7. 8°. Archivio delle psicopatie sessuali. Rivista quindicinale di psico- logia, psicopatologia umana e comparata di medicina legale e di psichiatria forensc Roma-Napoli. v. 1, 1896. 8J. Archives des sciences mexiicales. Organe de l'Institut d'anatomie et de chirurgie et de l'Institut de pathologie et de bacterioloeie de Bucarest. Paris, v. 1, 1896. 8°. Archiv fur Verdauungs-Krankheiten init Einschluss der Stoff- wechselpathologie und der Diatetik. Berlin, v. 1, 1895-6. Atti del iv. Congresso della Federazione delle societa italiane d igiene tenuto in Palermo dal 16 al 21 maggio 1892. [Bear from: Boll. d. Soc. d' ig. di Palermo, vi, fasc. 5-7.] Palermo! 1 v., 1893. 8°. [Continuation of: Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' it/ Atti. ] g' [3] Atti d. Soc. piemont. d' ig. , To- Atti dell i Societa P> emontese d' igi one. Torino. v. 1, 1895. 8:. rino. Augenheilanst. in Basel. Jah- Augenheilanstalt in Basel Jahresberichte. v 9-12, 1872-5 ; v. resb. 15-18, 1878-81; V, 21-26, 1884-9; v. 31, 1894. Basel 1873-95. B. Banner Gold, Chicago. Beitr. z. Augenh. Pestschr. R. Forster . . ., Wiesb. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek, Pestschr. . .. Aug. Martin, Berl. Beitr. z. Lehre v. Stoffwechsel [etc.], Berl. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem. Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Amtsthatigk. . . . d. k. k. Reichshaupt- . . . , Wien. Bibliot. f. Laeger, Kdbenh. Bol. Acad, de hig. de Cataluna, Barcel. Bol. d. Dispens. y Hosp. de Ni- nos pobres de Barcel. Bol. farm., Barcel. Boll, clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano. Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Ge- nova. Boll. d. Policlin., Torino. Buffalo M. J. Bull. Am. M. Temper. Ass., Bat- tle Creek. Bull. med. de Bordeaux, Bull, de med. et pharm. dosimet., Par. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'hyg. pub. de Bordeaux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par. Bull. off. Soc. franc, d'electro- ther., Par. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille. Banner (The) of Gold. Chicago, 111. v. 1-9, 1892-6. fol. Beitriige zur Angenheilkunde. Festschrift znr Feier des siebzig- sten Geburtstags Herrn . . . R. Forster in Breslau gewidmet von Eduard Asmus [et a/.]. Wiesbaden. 1 v., 1895. 8°. [Ergan- zungsbeft to: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895, xxxi.] Beitriige zur Geburtshulfe und Gynaekologie. Festschrift gewid- met August Martin zur Feier seines 25jiihrigen Doctorjubilaum am 15. Juli 1895. Berlin. 1 v., 1695'. 8°. [Supplement to: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl.] Beitriige zur Lehre voin Stoffwechsel des gesunden nnd krankcn Menschen. Berlin. Hefte 2-3, 1894-5. 8=. Revue scientifique et pratique. Gand- 8C. [Continuation, July 11, 1895, of: Belgique (La) nie"dicale. Haarlem, v. 2, 1895. Flandre mea., Gand.] Bericht des Wiener Stadtphysikates iiber seine Amtsthiitigkeit und iiber die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse der k. k. Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien in den Jahren 1871-1893. Wien. v. 1-23, 1872-96. 8°. Bibliotek for Laeger. Udgivet af Direktionen for det classenske Litteraturselskab. K0benhavn. 7. R., v. 1-7, 1890-6. 8°. [Continuation, in 1890, of: Biblioth. f. Lajger, Kj0benh.] Boletin de la Academia de higiene de Cataluiia. Barcelona. Xos. 1-2, v. 4, 1896. «-. Boletin del Dispensario y Hospital de Ninos pobres de Barcelona. Revista quincenal de conocimieutos y practicas higi6nicas. Barcelona, v. 5-6, 1895-6. fol. Boletin farmace"utico. (5rgano oficial de la Sociedad farmace'u- tica e*pafiola. Barcelona, v. 1-6,1882-8; v. 13-14,1895-6. 8°. Bollettino clinico-scientifico della Poliambulanza di Milano. Milano. v. 9, 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano.} Bollettino dei musei di zoologia e anatomia comparata della r. Universita di Genova. Genova. Nos. 27-39, 1894-5. 8C. [Continuation, in 1895, of: Mus. di zool. d. r. Univ. di Genova.] Bollettino del Policlinico generale di Torino. Torino, v. 1, 1896. 8°. Buffalo Medical Journal. Buffalo, v. 35-36, 1895-6. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in no. 1, Aug., 1895, v. 35, of: Buffalo M. & S. J.] Bulletin of the American Medical Temperance Association. Bat- tle Creek, Mich. v. 3, 1895-6. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. M. Temper. Quart., Battle Creek.] Bulletin mddical de Bordeaux. v. 5-14, 1837-47. 8°. [Very incomplete; v. 5-7, 1837-40, title: Bulletin medical du miai.] Bulletin de me'decine et de pharmacie dosime'triques burggrae- vienncs. Paris. May, 1895, to March, 1896. 8U. Bulletin meuical du midi. [Was title of v. 5-7 of: Bull. m6d. de Bordeaux.] Bulletins et m^moires de la Socie"t6 d'hygiene publique de Bor- deaux fondee en 1881. Bordeaux, v. 1-2, 1892-4. 83. Bulletins et menioires de la Soci6t6 de me'decine et de chirurgie pratiques de Paris. Ancienue Socie'te' de me'decine pratique, fonde'e en 1808. Paris. 1892-4. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. Soc. de ineu. prat, de Par.] Bulletin officiel de la Society fran^aise d'61ectroth6rapie. Paris. v. 2-3, 1894-5. 8". Bulletins de la Soci^t^ des sciences m^dicales de Lille. 1886; 188s: 1h,92; 1-9:!. Lille. 1887-94. 8^. [4] Centralbl. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Bresl. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz. Chironian, N. Y. Cleveland J. M. Clin, dermopat. e sifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Genova. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma. Clin, de la Fac. de med. de Tou- louse. Clin. Recorder, N. Y. Clinique, Montreal. Colorado M. J., Denver. Cong, franc, de med. Cong, internat. de bains de mer . . . C.-r., Par. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de de- mog. C.-r. et mem., Budapest. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neu- rol. de Prance . . . Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par. Contrib. Zool. Lab. Univ. Penn., Phila. c. Centralblatt fur Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Breslau. v. 1, 1896. 8°. Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektions- krankheiten. Jena. 1. Abt., v. 19, 1896; 2. Abt., v. 2, 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena.] Centralblatt fur Kinderheilkunde. Eine Monatsschrift fur prak- tische Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1, 1896. 8°. Chironian (The). Published semi-monthly by the students of the N. Y. Homoeopathic Medical College. New York. v. 1-12,1884-5 to 1895-6. roy. 8°. Cleveland Journal of Medicine. The official journal of the Cleve- land Medical Society. Cleveland, v. 1, 1896. 8°. Cleveland Medical Society. [See Cleveland J. M.] Clinica dermopatica e sifilopatica della r. Universita di Genova. Roberto Campana, Direttore. Fasc. 1, 3, 11, 12,1883,1885,1892. Genova. 1884-92. 8°. Clinica dermosifilopatica della ra. Universita di Roma. Roberto Campana, Direttore. Roma. 3 fasc, 1894-6. 8°. Cliniques de la Facult6 de me'decine de Toulouse. Toulouse. 1896. 8°. [Supplement to: Arch, mea. de Toulouse.] Clinical (The) Recorder. New York. No. 1, v. l,Feb., 1896. 8°. Clinique (La). Revue de me'decine, chirurgie, gyne"cologie, oph- talmologie, laryngologie, otologie, rhinologie et pharmacie. Montreal, v. 2, 1895-6. 8 . Colorado (The) Medical Journal. Denver, Colorado, v. 2, 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Colorado Climat., Denver.] Congres francaisde me'decine. Paris; Lyon. 1. session. 1894. 8°. Congres international de bains de mer et d'hydroth6rapie marine. Comptes-reudus et m6moires, 1894. Paris. 1 v., 1895. 8°. Congres international d'hygiene et de de"mographie. Comptes- rendus et ine"moires. 1894. Nemzetkozi 6s demografiai Con- gressus. Tudomfinyos munkalat. Budapest. 1895. 8~. Congres des mMecins alienistes et neurologistes de France et des pays de langue francaise. Proces-verbaux, menioires et discus- sions. 5e session a Clermont-Ferrand, 1894. Paris. 1 v., 1895. 8°. Congresso della Federazione delle societa italiane d' igiene. [See Atti d. Cong. d. Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig., Palermo.] Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. No. 2, v. 1, 1895. 8°. Corps de sant6 de la reserve et de l'arme'e territoriale. ticien, Par.] [See Pra- D. Dental J., Ann Arbor. Dental & Oral Sc. Mag., N. Y. Dental Tribune, Chicago. Dental (The) Journal. Published under the auspices of the Den- tal Society of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor Mich v. 1-5, 1892-6. 8°. Dental (The) and Oral Science Magazine. Devoted to profes- sional interests and the Transactions of the New York Odonto- logical Society. New York. v. 1, 1878. 8°. Dental Society of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor.] Dental (The) Tribune. to Aug. 5, 1893. 8°. Chicago. Nos. 1-34, v. Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Dermat. Soc. Gr. Brit. . . ., Lond.] Dispensario y Hospital de Ninos pobres de Barcelona d. Dispens. y Hosp. de Nifios pobres de Barcel.] [See Dental J., 1, Dec. 17, 1892, [See Tr. [See Bol. [5] Dosimet. M. Rev., N. Y. Dosimetria, Barcel. Drugs & med. N. Am., Cincin. Dosimetric (The) Medical Review. A journal of alkaloidal thera- peutics. New York. v. 1-10, 1887-96. 83. Dosimetria (La). Revista mensual de medicina practica. Bar- celona, v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. Drugs and medicines of North America. A publication devoted to the historical and scientific discussion of the botany, phar- macy, chemistry, and therapeutics of the medicinal plants of North America, their constituents, products, and sophistications. Cincinnati, v. 1-2, 1884-7. 4°. E. Eureka Springs Month. M. J. Examinat. med., Par. Eureka Springs (The) Monthly Medical Journal. Eureka Springs, Ark. v. 1-2, 1893-6. 8°. Examinateur (L') nie'dical. Paris, v. 1-3, June 27, 1841, to June 15, 1843. 4°. F. Festskr.. . . Prof. Heibergs [etc.], Kristiania. Flandre med., Gand. Forh. i. d. kong. med. Selsk. i Kjpbenh. Forh___de 6te norske laegem^de . . . , Kristiania. Faculte de me'decine de Toulouse. [See Clin, de la Fac. de me"d. de Toulouse.] Federazione delle societa italiane d' igiene. [See Atti d. Cong. d. Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig., Palermo.] Festskrift i Anleduing af Professor, Doctor ruedicinae Hjalmar Heibergs 25 Aars Jubiheum soni Professor ved Kristiania Uni- versitet fra forhenvasrende og nuvserende Assistenter 24de Mai 1895. Kristiania. 1 v., 1895. 8°. Flandre (La) me'dicale. Revue scientifique et pratique. Gand. v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8'-. [Continued in no. 27, ann6e 2, July 11,1895, as: Belgique m6d., Gand.] Forster (R.) [See Beitr. z. Augenh. Festschr. . . . R. Forster . . ., Wiesb.] Forhandlinger i det kongelige mediciuske Selskab i Kj0benhavn. Kj0benhavn. 18(57-8 to 1869-70. 8°. Forhandlinger og foredrag paa det 6te norske laegem0de i Bergen 26de, 27de og 2vlu august 1895. Kristiania. 1 v., 1896. 8:. [Supplement to: Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laagefor., Kristiania, 1896, xvi.] ft. Gac. med. de Caracas. Gazz. d. manic, di Macerata. Gen. Pract., St. Louis. Gesundh.-Bl., Leipz. Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet., Torino. Gyak. orvos, Budapest. Gynecologie, Par. Gaceta m6dica de Caracas. Publicaciou quincenal. Organo de la Sociedad de meuicos y cirujanos de Caracas. Caracas: (Ve- nezuela). No. ii, Sept. 15, v. 3, 1895. fol. Gazzetta del manicomio di Macerata. Macerata. v. 3-6, 1893-6. fol. General (The) Practitioner. Medical and surgical monthly. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. Genootschap ter beoefening van de heilgymnastiek in Nederland. [See Maaudschr. gew. a. de heilgymu., Arnhem.] Gesundheits-Blatter. Organ fur Gesundheitspflege und Natur- heilkunde. Leipzig, v. 3-7, 1892-6. roy. 8°. Giornale della reale Society nazionale veterinaria. Torino, v. 45, 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Gior. di med. vet., Torino.] Grant College Medical Society, Bombay. [See Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc. Bombay.] Gvakorlo (A) orvos. Magyarorszag osszes orvosainak tulajdona't kepezo kozpouti kozlony. [The practicing physician; being the special organ of the physicians of all Hungary. ] Budapest. v. 1-6, 1890-5. fol. Gynecologie (La), (ancienuement Nouvelles Archives d'obste'tri- qne et de gyn6cologie). Paris, v. 1, 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: N. Arch, d'obst. et de gyn^c, Par. See, also, Ob- ste"trique, Par.] [6] H. Hahneman. Advoc, Chicago. Hahneman. Inst., Phila. Health Mag., Wash. Health Messeng., Lond. Homoeop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y. Hop. d'enf. S-te Olga a Mosc. C.-r. Hahnemanuian (The) Advocate. Chicago, v. 34-35, 1895-6. 8°. [Continuation, Nov. 1, 1895, of: Med. Advance] Hahnemanuian Institute. Philadelphia, v. 2-3, 1894-6. 8°. [Continuation, in November, 1894, of: Institute, Phila.] Health (The) Magazine for every family. Washington, Balti- more, New York. v. 3. 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in January, 1896, of: Pop. Health Mag., Wash. &. Bait.] Health (The) Messenger 1891-6. 8-. Food and cookery. London, v. 1-8, [See Festskr. . . . Prof. Heibergs [etc.], New York. Heilterg (Hjalmar) Kristiauia.] Homoeopathic (The) Eve, Ear and Throat Journal v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. Hopital (L') d'enfauts S-te Olga a Moscou. Description de l'ho- pital et comptes-rendus de son activity pendant 1887-93. Mos- cou. 1 v., 1894. 8°. Hopital Saint-Louis. [See Mus. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutau. et syph., Par.] Illinois M. J., De Kalb. Independ. med., Par. Indian Lancet, Calcutta. Institute, Phila. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Mel- bourne. Internat. phot. Monatschr. f. Med. [etc.], Leipz. Iowa M. J., Des Moines. Illinois (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. De Kalb, 111. v. 1, 1895-6." 8°. Imperatorskiy Institnt experimentaluoi meditsini v S.-Peter- burge. [See Arch. biol. nauk . . . , S.-Peterb.] Imperatorskiy Yuryevskiy Universitet. [See Uchen. zapiski imp. Yuryev. Univ.] Imperatorskoye Kavkazskoye meditsinskoye Obshestvo. [See [in 1. s., 1895, xvi] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis.] Inde"pendance (L') me'dicale. Paris, v. 1-2, 1895-6. fol. Indian (The) Lancet. (Late: The Medical Reporter.) The organ of the Medical Association of India. A fortnightly journal of medicine, surgery, public health, aud of general medical intel- ligence. Calcutta, v. 6-7, 1895-6. 4°. [Continuation, in no. 9 (Nov. 1), v. 6, 1895, of: Med. Reporter, Calcutta.] Institut d'anatomie et de chirurgie de Bucarest. [Sec Arch. d. sc. me"d. . . . de Bucarest, Par.] Institut de pathologie et de bact^riologie de Bucarest. [See Arch. d. sc. med. . . . de Bucarest, Par.] Institute (The). Philadelphia, v. 1, 1893-4. 8°. [Continued, in November, 1894, as: Hahneman. Inst., Phila.] Intercolonial Medical Journal of Australasia. Melbourne, v. 1 1896. 8-. [Formed by union of: Austral. M. J., Melbourne' with: Intercolon. Q. J. M. A: S., Melbourne.] Internationale photographische Mouatsschrift fiir Medizin und Naturwissenschaften. Leipzig, v. 3, 1896. 8°. [Continua- tion, in 1896, of: Internat. med.-phot. Monatschr., Leipz.] Iowa Medical Journal. The official organ of the Iowa State Med- ical Society. Des Moines, v. 1, 1895-6; no. 1, v. 2, Aoril 1896. 8C. ' > f > Iowa State Medical Society. [See Iowa M. J., Des Moines.] Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della r. Universita di Padova. [See Rendic. clin. statist, d. 1st. ostet.-ginec. d. Univ. diPadova.] J. J. Exper. M., N. Y. J. Eye, Ear & Throat Dis., Bait. Journal (The) of Experimental Medicine. New York. v. 1 1896, Journal of Eye, Ear and Throat Diseases, published quarterly by the surgical staff of the Presbyterian Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. Baltimore, Md. v. 1, 1896. 8° m J. Pract. M., N. Y. J. de la sante, Par. J. Soc. contre l'abus du tabac, Par. J. Soc. med.-chir. canad.-franc. de la Nouv.-Angl., Lowell. Journal of Practical Medicine. New York. v. 5-6. 1894-6. 8°. [Continuation, in no. 9, April, 1895. of: Food, N. Y.] Journal de la sante'. "Sante publiqne" et "Me'decine illustre'e" reunis. Paris, v. 6-13. 1889-96. 8°. Journal de la Socidte" contre l'abus du tabac Paris, v. 1-20, 1877-96. 8°. [Title of v. 1 and nos. 1-2, v. 2, is: Bulletin de la Socie'te' contre l'abns du tabac] Journal (Le) de la Socie'te me'dico-chirurgicale canadienne-fian- caise de la Nonvelle-Angleterre. Revue mensuelle de me'decine, de chirurgie, d'hygiene et des sciences accessoires. Le sen! organe officiel de medecine public en langue francaise aux Etats-Uuis, ]>araissant le 25 de chaque mois. Lowell, Mass. No. 2, v. 1, Feb., 1891. 8C. K. Kenner's J. Health, Louisville. Klin. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol., Jena. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. [See Med.-statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl.] Kenner's Journal of Health. Louisville, Ky. v. 1, 1895-6. 8°. Kharkovskoye meditsinskoye Obshestvo. [ See Protok. zasaid. Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. Also [in 1. s., 1895, xvi]: Trudi Kharkovsk. med. Obsh.] Klinische Vortriige aus dem Gebiete der Otologie und Pharyngo- Rhinologie. Jena. v. 1, 1895. 8°. Kolner Biirgerhospital. [See Mitt. a. d. Kolner Biirgerhosp., Koln u. Leipz.] Kougelige medicinske Selskab i Kj0benhavu. [Sec Forh. i. d. kong. med. Selsk. i Kj0beuh.] L. Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb. Lancet, N. Y. Langsdale's Lancet, Kansas City. Laitopis russkoi chirurgii. [Annals of Russian surgery.] S.- Peterburg. v. 1, 1-96. 83. Lancet (The), with which is incorporated the Archives of Gyne- cology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics. New York. v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8-. Langsdale's Lancet. A monthly medical magazine. Kansas City, Mo. v. 1. 1896. 8°. Luzerne County Medical Society. [See Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre.] JI. Maandbl.v. ziekenverpleg., Amst. Maandschr. gew. a. de heilgymn., Arnhem. Mai. predom. n. paesi caldi e temperati, Roma. Med. Council, Phila. Maandblad voor ziekenverplegiug. Amsterdam, v. 1-6, 1890-5. 4 ■■-. Maandschrift gewijd aan de heilgymnastiek. Orgaan van bet Genootschap ter beoefening van de heilgymnastiek in Neder- land. Arnhem. v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8°. Malattie predominanti nei paesi caldi e temperati. Snpplemento mensile agli Annali di medicina navale. Roma. Fasc 1-8, 1895. 8°. Manicomio di Macerata. [See Gazz. d. manic di Macerata.] Martin (August). [.See Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Festschr. . . . Aug. Martin, Berl.] Medical Association of Central New York. [See Tr. M. Ass. Ceutr. N. Y.] Medical Association of India. [See Indian Lancet, Calcutta.] Medical (The) Council. A monthly journal for the physician and surgeon, devoting special attention to obstetrics, diseases of women, diseases of children, and stirpiculture. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1896. 8°. [8] Med. Era, Chicago. Med. internat., Par. Med. mil. espan., Madrid. Med. & Surg. Rep. Child. Hosp., Bost. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y. Med.-statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsnd- htsamte, Berl. Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de iielg., Brux. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux. Microg. prepar., Par. Missouri Sanitarian, St. Louis. Mitt. a. d. Kolner Biirgerhosp., Koln u. Leipz. Medical Era. Chicago, v. 12, 1896. 8P. [Continuation, in 1K>6, of: Med. Current, Chicago. ] Medical Faculty University of Toronto. [See Post-Grad. lect. Univ. Toronto.] Meuecine (La) internationale. Journal mensuel. Revue analy- tique nie'dicale et pharmaceutique. Paris, v. 3, 1895. 8 ■'. Medicina (La) militar espauola. Publicaciou mensual. Madrid. No. 12, v. 2, March, 1896. 8°. Medical and Surgical Report of the Children's Hospital, 1869-95. Boston. 1 v., 1895. 8°. Medical and Surgical Report of the Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York. New York. v. 1, 1896. 8C. Medizinal-statistische Mittheiluugen aus dem kaiserlichen Ge- sundheitsanite. (Beihefte zu den Veroffentlichungen des kai- serlichen Gesundheitsamtes.) Berlin, v. 3, 1896. 8°. M6moires de TAcad^mie roy ale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. v. 51-53, 1893-4. 4°. Memoires couronnes et autres me"moires publics par l'Acade'mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. v. 47; v. 50-52, 1892-3 to 1895. 8°. Micrograpbe (Le) pre"parateur. Journal de microscopie generale et de technique micrographique. Paris, v. 1-4, 1893-6. 8°. Midwive's Institute and Trained Nurses' Club. [See Nursing Notes, Loud.] Missouri (The) Sanitarian, devoted to public health, domestic hygiene, and veterinary sanitation. Published monthly by the State Board of Health of Missouri. St. Louis, v. 1, Nov., 1894, to Oct., 1895; no. 1, v. 2, Nov., 1895. 8°. Mitteilungen aus dem Kolner Burgerhospital, hrsg. vom Oberarzt Prof. Dr. Bardenheuer. Koln und Leipzig. Hefte 1-4, 1886-7. Mod. M. Sc., N Y. Monatschr. Miinchen. f. prakt. Balneol., Modern Medical Science. New York. v. 8, 1896. 8°. [Contin- uation, in no. 8, v. 8, Feb., 1896, of: San. Era, N. Y.] Mouatsschrift fiir praktische Balneologie. OffiZielles Organ des allgemeiuen deutschen Baderverbandes. Miinchen. v. 2, 1896. 8°. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz. Mouatsschrift fiir Unfallheilkunde mit besouderer Beriicksichti- guug der Mecbanotherapie und der Begutachtung Unfallver- letzter. Leipzig, v. 3, 1896. 8°. Mus. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. Ico- nog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par. Musee (Le) de l'Hopital Saint-Louis. Iconographie des maladies ciitane'es et syphilitiques, avec texte explicatif. Paris. Fasc 1-6, 1895. fol. Musei di zoologia e auatomia comparata della r. Universita di Genova. [See Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova.] I*. N. Am. M. Rev., Kansas City. N. rac. d' opusc. sclent, e filol., Venezia. Northwest. Sanitarian, Kenosha. New York Homoeopathic Medical College (Students). [See Chi- ronian, N. Y.] New York Odontological Society. [See Dental & Oral Sc. Ma"- N. Y.] °' New York State Medical Association. [See Tr. N. York M. Ass.] Norske ke«ein0de. [See Forh. . . . d. 6te norske laegem0de . . . Kristiania.] .North American (The) Medical Review. Successor to The Mis- souri Valley Medical Journal. A monthly medical magazine Kansas City, Mo. v. 2-4, 1894-6. 8°. Nuova raccolta d' opuscoli scientifici e filologici. Venezia. 42 v. 1755-87. 16°. [See, also, Rac. d' opusc scient. e filol., Vene- zia, in 1. s., l.-<95. xvi, List of Abbreviations.] Northwestern (The) Sanitarian. A monthly journal devoted to sanitary science and preventive medicine for the people. Keno- sha, Wisconsin, v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. [9] Nuevos remedios, Madrid. Nursing Notes, Lond. Nursing World, Providence. Northwestern University, Chicago (School of Pharmacy). [See Apothecary, Chicago.] Nuevos (Los) remedios. Peri6dico quincenal de terapeutica, qui- mica niedica, hidrologia y farmacologia. Madrid, v. 1-8. 1888- 95. 8^. Nursing Notes. A practical journal for nurses. Being the jour- nal of the Workhouse Infirmary and Nursing Association and The Midwives' Institnte and Trained Nurses' Club. Loudon. No. 100, v. 9, April, 1896. roy. 8°. Nursing (The) World. A monthly magazine devoted to the theory and practice of modern nursing. Providence, R. I. v. 1-3, 1-94-6. sP. o. Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb. Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-Peterb. Obstetrique, Par. Oesterr.-ungar. Badeztg., Wien. Osp. S. Antonio Abate in Fiviz- zano. Resoc. clin. d. sez. chir., Pontremoli. Otchet. . . Dietsk. boln. Sv. Olgi v Mosk. Obozren'ie psichiatrii, nevrologii i eksperimentalnoi psichologii. Yezhemiesyachuiy zhurnal posvyashtshenniy psichiatrii, nevro- logii, nevropatologii, elektroterapii, chirurgii nervuoi sistemi, hipnotiztnu, psichologii i ugolovuoi antropologii. [Review of psychiatrics, neurology, and experimental psychology. Monthly journal dedicated to psychiatrics, neurology, neuropathology, electro-therapy, surgery of the nervous system, hypnotism, psy- chology, and criminal anthropology.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1896. 8°. Obshestvenno-sanitarnoye obozrenie; zhurnal po obshchestvennoi ineditsiue i higiene. [Public health review; journal of public medicine and hygiene.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1896. 4°. Obshestvo Kievskikh vrachei. [See Trudi Obsh. Kievsk. vrach.] Obshestvo Minskikh vrachei. [See Protok. . . . Obsh. Minsk. vrach.] Obshestvo nevropatologov i psichiatrov pri Moskovskom Univer- sitete. [See Trudi Obsh. nevropat. i psichiat., Mosk.] Obshestvo Omskikh vrachei. [See Protok. Obsh. Omsk, vrach.] Obshestvo psichiatrov v S.-Peterburge. [See Protok. zasaid. Obsh. psichiat. v. S.-Peterb.] Obshestvo Pskovskikh vrachei. [See Protok. Obsh. Pskov. vracli. ] Obstetrique (L'). Grossesse, accouchement, suites de couches, hvgiene et alimentation du nouveau-ne'. Paris, v. 1, 1896. 8*. [Continuation, in 1896, of: N. Arch, d'obst. et de gyne'c., Par. See. also, Gynecologic, Par.] Oesterreichisch-uugarische Badezeitung. Organ fur Balneologie, Klimatologie und Hygiene. Wien. v. 1-24, 1887-95. fol. Omskovc meditsinskoye Obshestvo. [See Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh.] Orleans Parish Medical Society. [See Proc Orleans Parish M. Soc, N. Orb] Ospedale S. Antonio Abate in Fivizzano. Resoconto clinico della sezioue chirurgica dal 1° Giugno 91 a tutto il 93 del Direttore Dr. Pozza Pietro. Pontremoli. 1 v., 1894. 8°. Otchet o dieyatelnosti sostoyashtshei pod visoehaishem yeya Ini- peratorskago Velichestva Gosudarini Imperatritsi Maru Feodo- rovni pokrovitelstvom Dietskoi bolnitsi Sv. Oln'i v Moskve za 1894 god. [Report of the St. Olga Children's Hospital of Mos- cow, which is under the protection of Her Imperial Highness Empress Maria-Feodorovna.] Moskva. 1 v., 1895. 8°. P. Peoria M. J. Peoria M. Rec. Pan-Americau Medical Congress. [See Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong.] Peoria Medical Journal. A practitioners' monthly. Peoria, 111. v. 1, 1896. 8°. Peoria (The) Medical Record. Peoria, 111. v. 1, 1896. 8°. [10] Post-Grad. lect. Univ. Toronto. Praticien, Par. Pratique jour., Lille. Princeton Contrib. Psychol., Princeton. Proc. Am. Micr. Soc. Proc. 2. Confer. Health Off. in Mich., Lansing. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc, N. Orl. Proc. State San. Convent., Sac- ramento. Protok. . . . Obsh. Minsk, vrach. Protok. Obsh. Omsk, vrach. Protok. Obsh. Pskov, vrach. Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh. Protok. Russk. chir. Obsh. Piro- gova, S.-Peterb. Protok. zasaid. Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. psichiat. v S.-Peterb. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (Alumni Association). [See Alumni Rep., Phila.] Poliamhulanza di Milano. [See Boll, clin.-scieut. d. Poliambul. di Milano.] Policliuico generate di Torino. [See Boll. d. Policlin., Torino.] Post-Graduate course of lectures. Medical Faculty, University of Toronto. Delivered Dec. 17, 18, 19, 1890. Toronto. 1 v.', 1891. roy. 8°. Praticien (Le) et le meMecin de reserve. Organe du corps de saute" de la reserve et de l'armee territoriale. Paris, v. 19, 1896. 4-. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Praticien, Par.] Pratique (La) journaliere. Revue mensuelle de clinique et de tlierapeutique. Lille, v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. Princeton Contributions to Psychology. Reprinted from The Psychological Review. Princeton, N. J. Nos. 1-3, v. 1,1895-6. Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. 15 -17. an- nual meetings, 1892-4. V. p. 1892-3 to 1894-5. 8-. [For former meetings, see, Proc. Am. Soc Micr. [in 1. s., 1895, xvi]. For continuation, see, Tr. Am. Micr. Soc] Proceedings and addresses of the second annual Conference of the Health Officers in Michigan, held at the State Laboratory of Hygiene, State University, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 14 and 15, 1894, under the auspices of the State Board of Health. Lansing. 1 v., 1894. 8°. [Supplement to: Rep. Bd. Health Mich.] Proceedings of the Orleans Parish Medical Society, 1894. New Orleans, v. 2, 1895. 8°. Proceedings of the third annual State Sanitary Convention, held under the auspices of the California State Board of Health in the Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Sacramento. 1 v., 1895. 8G. Protokoli godichnago i ocherednikh zasaidaniy Obshestva Minskikh vrachei za 1893-4 g. [Proceedings of the annual and stated meetings of the Society of Minsk Physicians for 1893-4.] Minsk. 1 v., 1894. 8°. Protokoli Obshestva Omskikh vrachei. [Proceedings of the So- ciety of Omsk Physicians.] Omsk. v. 1-3, 1883-4 to 1^85-6. 8°. [Continued as: Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh.] [Proceedings of the , 18-^8, to March 15, Protokoli Obshestva Pskovskikh vrachei. Society of Pskov Physicians.] Sept. 1." 18-9. Pskov. 1888-9. 16°. Protokoli Omskago meditsinskago Obshestva. [Proceedings of the Omsk Medical Society.] v. 4-10, 1886-7 to 1892-3. Omsk. 1886-93. 80. [Continuation of: Protok. Obsh. Omsk, vrach.] Protokoli Russkago chirurgicheskago Obshestva Pirogova. [Pro- ceedings of the Russian Surgical Society of Pirogoff.] S.-Pe- terburg. 1694-5. roy. 8°. Protokol[i] zasaidani[y] Kharkovskagomeditsinskago Obshestva. [Proceedings of the meetings of the Kharkov Medical Society.] Nos. 1-3, 5-18, 33. (32. ?) year, 1893. Kharkov. 1 v., 1893. 8°. Protokoli zasaidaniy Obshestva psichiatrov v S.-Peterburge. 1893. [Proceedings of the meetings of the Society of Psy- chiatrists in St. Petersburg.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v., 1895. 8C. Q. Quart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis. Quarterly Atlas of Dermatology. An illustrated quarterly jour- nal of skin and venereal diseases. St. Louis, v. 1-3, 1893-6. 8-. R. R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb. R. Accademia dei fisiocritici in Siena. adunanze. Siena. 1895. 8C. Processi verbali delle [11] Rendic. din. statist, d. 1st. ostet.- ginec. d. r. Univ. di Padova. Rev. franc, de med. et de Phar- macol., Nice. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par. Rev. homeop. Barcel. Rev. homceop. beige, Brux. Rev. d. mal. cancer., Par. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon. Rev. med.-quir., Quito. Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par. Rev. de psychiat., Par. Rev. trimest. microg., Madrid. Riv. ital. di patol. gen. e anat. patol., Torino. Riv. di ostet. [etc.], Torino. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze. Romania med., Bucuresci. Rothe Kreuz, Berl. Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb. Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb. Reale Societa naziouale veterinaria. [See Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet., Torino.] R[eale] Universita di Genova. [See Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova. Also: Clin, dermopat. e sifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Ge- uova.] R[eale] Universita di Padova (Istituto ostetrico-giuecologico della). [See Rendic. clin. statist, d. 1st. ostet.-ginec. d. r. Univ. di Padova.] R[eale] Universita di Roma. [See Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma.] Rendicoiito clinico statistico dell' Istituto ostetrico-giuecologico della r. Universita di Padova, 1893. Padova. 1 v., 1894. 8~. Revue fraucaise de m6deeine et de pharmacologic Nice. v. 1-7, 1889-95. roy. 8°. Revue hebdomadaire de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Paris, v. 16, 1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par.] Revista homeop^tica. Organo oficial de la Academia meYlico- homeopatica de Barcelona. Barcelona, v. 6, 1895. 8°. Revue bomceopatbique beige, publie'e par M. le Dr. Martiny, faisaut suite an Journal du dispensaire Hahnemann du docteur Mourenians. Bruxelles. v. 1-22, 1&74-96. 8°. Revue des maladies canc6renses, clinique, exp6rimeutale et biblio- graphique. Paris, v. 1, 1895-6. 8°. Revue meVlicale de la Franche-Coiute\ Publication mensuelle de la Socie'te' de me'decine de Besancon et de la Franche-Comte'. Besancon. v. "l-2, 1892-3. 8°. Revista medico-qniriirgica. Organo de la Sociedad m&lica de los hospitales. Quito, v. 1, 1896. sm. fol. Revue pratique des travaux de me'decine. "L'Abeille meaicale." Paris, v. 53, 1896. 4°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Abeille me'd., Par.] Revue de psychiatrie, de neurologic et d'hypnologie. Recueil des travaux publics en France et a l'etranger. Paris. N. s., b~96. 8°. [Continuatiou (?), in 1896, of: Ann. de psychiat. et d'hyp- nol., Par.] Revista trimestral micrografica. Madrid. No. 1, v. 1, March, 1896. 8-. Rivista italiana di patologia generalo e anatomia patologica. Torino, v. 1, 1896. 8°. Rivista di ostetricia, ginecologia e pediatria. Torino, v. 1, 189. 8-. Transactions of the New York State Medical Association, v. 1-12, 1884-95. New York, 1885-96. 8°. Transactions of the first Pan-American Medical Congress, held in the City of Washington, D. C, U. S. A., September 5, 6. 7, and 8, A. D. 1893. Washington. 2 v., 1895. 8-\ Tribuna (La) medica. Giornale di medicina pratica. Milano. v. 1-2, 1895-6. fol. Tribuna medica. Revista quinzenal de medicina e cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, J 895. 8°. Trudi Obshestva K'ievskikh vrachei, s prilozheni'em protokolov December 12, ls94, to March 4, 1895. [Works of the Society of Kiev Physicians, with the addition of the Proceedings.] Kiev. v. 1, 1895. 8°. Trudi Obshestva nevropatologov i psichiatrov pri Moskovskom Universitete. [Works of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the University of Moscow.] 1893-4. Moskva. 1 v., 1894. 8°. U. Uchen. zapiski imp. Yuryev. Univ. Ungar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. u. Wien. Ucheniya zapiski imperatorskago Yuryevskago Universiteta. Acta et commentationes imp. universitatis Jurievensis (olim Dorpatensis). Yuryev. v. 1-3, 1893-5. 8°. Ungarische Beitriige zur Augenheilkunde. Unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen hrsg. von Wilhelm Schulek. Leipzig u. Wien. v. 1, 1895. 8°. United States Department of Agriculture. [See Yearbook U. S. Dep. Agric, Wash.] [14] Univ. M. J., Phila. Univ. Med., Galveston. Univ. Toronto Quart. Universal (The) Medical Journal (formerly The Satellite). A monthly magazine of the progress of every branch of medicine in all parts of the world. Philadelphia, v. 1-4, 1893-6. 8°, University (The) Medical. A monthly magazine published by the Students'Council of the Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Texas. Galveston, v. 1, 1895-6. 8°. University of Michigan (Dental Society). Arbor. ] University of Pennsylvania (Zoological Laboratory). trib. Zool. Lab. Univ. Penn., Phila.] University of Toronto (Medical Faculty). Univ. Toronto.] University (The) of Toronto Quarterly. 8°. [See Dental J., Ann [See Con- [See Post-Grad. lect. Toronto, v. 1, 1895-6. V. Vestnik med., Kharkov. Vet. Mag., Phila. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond. Vopr. filos. i psichol., Mosk. Vestnik meditsini. [Courier of medicine.] Kharkov, v. 1, 189h". 4C. Veterinary (The) Magazine. A journal for the practitioner, and for the advancement of comparative medicine. Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1894-6. f°. Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly. Richmond, Va. v. 1,1896. 8°. [Continuation, April, 1896, of: Virginia M. Month., Richmond.] Voprosi filosofii i psichologii. [Questions of philosophy and psy- chology.] Moskva, v. 1-7, 1890-6. 8°. w. Wiener Stadtphysikat. [See Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Amtsthiitigk. . . . d. k. k. Reichshaupt- . . . , Wien.] Workhouse Infirmary Nursing Association. Lond.] [See Nursing Notes, Y. Yearbook U. S. Dep. Agric, Wash. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. Washington. 1 v., 1895. 8°. 1894. z. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M. Ztschr. f. sociale Med., Leipz. Zahnarztliches Wochenblatt. Korrespondenz- und Anzeigeblatt fiir das gesammte Gebiet der Zahnheilkuude. Hamburg, v 8-9, 1894-6. fol. Zeitschrift fiir augewandte Mikroskopie. Leipzig, v. 1 1895-6 8°. ' Zeitschrift fiir Hypnotismus.Psychotherapie sowie andere psycho- physiologische und psychopathologische Forschungen. Leip- zig, v. 4, 1896. 8J. [Continuation, iu 1896, of: Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Berl.] Zeitschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Frankfurt a. M. v. 5, 1896 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Ztschr. f. iirztl. Landnravis" Frankf. a. M.] l ' Zeitschrift fiir sociale Mediciu. Organ zur Vertretung und For- derung der Gesammt-Interessen des arztlichen Standes Lem- zig. v. 1, 1895-6. S^. l Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. [See Contrib. Zool. Lab. Univ. Penn., Phila.] CATALOGUE. A. AARGAIL A. . . . Mr. Broussais r6fut6 par lui-nienie, on lettre adresse"e a M. le docteur Broussais, pro- fesseur au Val-de-Grace, a Paris, par le docteur A. . . . viii, 283 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, Be'chet jeune [and others], 1822. ------. The same. Conversation de trois m6de- cins sur la doctrine physiologique, adressee a Mr Broussais, sous forme de lettre, par le docteur A. . . . viii, 283 pp., 2 1. 8 . Paris, Bechel jeune, 1825. A * * * (A.) Itiu6raire topographique et histo- rique des Hautes-Pyrene'es, servant de guide aux etablissemens tbermaux de Cauteretz, Saint- Sauveur, Bareges, Bagneres, Capvern et Cadeac, ainsi qu'aux Eaux-chaudes, Eaux-bonues et de Bagneres-de-Luchon, avee l'analysede ces sources et un precis de leurs proprie"tes. 3. ed. ix, 11- 228 pp.. 1 map. 8°. Paris, Didier, 1833. [P., v. 1*08.] [A. (V.)] Rimedii contro il cholera. Ricordi ad uso del popolo. 25 pp. 12°. Bergamo, Pagnon- celli, 1867. A. (G. H.). See [in 1. s. | Stahl (Georg Ernst). Ausfiihiliche Ab- haudluug [etc.]. 16°. Leipzig, 1724. A. (J.) The lues venerea, rationally handled, in its original cause, with its cure. 1 p. 1., 47 pp. 12 . London, T. Bickerton, [n. d.]. [P., v. 2009.] A. . . .(J.). See JEjaijjei-rfe* [Alardus Mauritius]. Aphorismes con- cernans la peste. In: Tkaite de la peate. 12°. Geneve, 1721, ii, 531-55U. [A. (J.)] Dr. [William] Gregory on animal mag- netism. 32 pp. 12°. [Cupar-Fife, D. Page, 1>52?] Repr. from: Fifeshire Journal. A. (L.) Compeudio de historia de las ciencias ni6- dicas; extractado de las obras de Renonard, Her- nandez Morejon, Hoefer y Cap, para la asigna- tura del doctorado en medicina y farmacia. 171 pp. 8°. Madrid, M. Tello, 1874. A. (P.-P.) Discours philosophique sur la sympa- thie. In: Pieces interessantes sur la m£decine et la physique [etcl. 12°. Paris, 1782, 317-348. A.(R.;. See [in 1. a.]: Spreiigcl (Kurt Polykarp Joacbim). Statu della medicina [etc.]. 12°. Venezia, 1810. A. E. C. Mixture. See Anaesthetics {Mixture of). Aachen. See, also, Cholera {Asiatic, History etc., of), by localities; Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of); Hospitals {Military); Hospitals {Ophthalmic, etc.), by localities; Syphilis {Treatment of) by natural waters; Verein der Aerzte des Begierungs- bezirks Aachen. Daxtz (G. C.) * Der Kohlenkalk in der Unige- bung von Aachen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1894. Cutting from: Ztschr. d. deutscb. geolog. Gesellach., 18U3, 504-638, 1 1. Gebm-t*- und Slcrblichlteils-Verhallnisse der Stadt Aachen ini Jahro 1882. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gaudhtsamtes, Berl., 1883, vii, 173. 1 Aachen als Kurort. Bearbeitet von Alexander, Beissel, Brandis, Goldstein, Mayer, Rademaker, Schumacher, Thissen; unter Redaktion von J. Beissel. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Stadtverwal- tuug. viii, 3iS8 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Aachen, C. Mayer, 1889. Aalbersberg (H. C. F. L.). See Chevalier (Michel). Over de gezondheidamaat- regelen [etc.]. 8°. Haarlem, 187U. Aalborg. Heibcrg (E. T.) Beretning om Aalborg Amts og Bya Sygehus i 1883. TJgesk. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1884, 4. R., ix, 148-150. Aall (L.). See Ilcili^enllial (F.) Den mekaniske Gymnastik [etc.]. 12°. 'Kristiania, 1885. van Aalst (Janus Outmau). *De xo^'/^oi^m. 31 pp., 4 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans, 1758. [P., v. 999.] Aanleiding' om de thans woedende pest-ziekten te leereu kennen en geneezen; te Weenen in 1738 uitgegeeven op bevel der raaden door zyne keizer- lyke en catholyke majesteit aaugestelt, tot ver- hoedinge van dit besmettelyk kwaat; uit het Hoogduits vertaalt. 71 pp. 12°. La Haye, H. Scheurleer, 1739. Dutch and French text. Second title-page: Traite ponr connoitre et gu6rir la peste qui regne actuellement; publi6 a Vienne en 1738, [etc.]. Bound with: Kirkpatiuck (J.) Naaukeuiig verhaal van het succes [etc.]. 12°. Amst, 1739. AaiiYvijziiig tot behoud der gezondheid, en voorbehoeding der besmetting, bij de verder doordringende cholera-epidemic Uit het Hoog- duitsch, naar de nieuwe vermeerderde uitgave. iv, 6-28 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. van Kesteren, 1831. [P., v. 1211.] Aaiiw ijzillg ter bewaring van de gezondheid, en ter voorbehoeding van de aansteking van den Asiatischen braakloop of cholera. 16 pp. 12°. Gravenhage, ter algemeene Landsdrukkerij, 1831. [P., v. 1209; 1211.] A a ran. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Hospi- tals (Description, etc., of), by localities. Aargau. See Aarau; Baden, Switzerland; Fever (Ty- phus, History, etc., of), by localities. Aargau (Canton of). Der Polizeidirecktor des Kautons Aargau an die sannntlichen Staats- und Gemeindsbehorden des Kautons und an das aar- gauischeVolk. [In Betreff der Cholera.] Aarau, den 26. Aug. 1854. 3 pp. 8°. [Aarau, 1854.] ------. Kreisschreiben des Regierungs-Rathes des Kautons Aargau, betreffend die Schutzmass- regelu gegeu die Cholera; an die Bezirks- und Ge- meindsbehorden. Vom 5. Aug. 1867. 10 pp. 8W. [Aarau, 1867.] ------. Hausordnung fiir die Irrenanstalt zu Ko- nigsfelden, nebst den Instruktionen fiir die An- gestellten. Vom 4. Herbstmonat 1872. 25 pp. 8°. [Aarau, 1872.] AARGAU. 2 ABATTOIRS. Aargau (Canton of)—continued. -----. Reglemeut der kantonalen Heil- und Pflege-Austalt zu Konigsfelden. Vom 4. Herbst- monat 1872. 32 pp. «-. [Aarau, 1872.] -----. Jabresberichte iiber das argauische Kan- tous-Spi Nil zu Konigsfelden. Erstattet von Edin. Schaufelbiiel, Director, fiir die Jahre 1873-5. 8°. '[Aarau] u. Brugg, 1874-6. See, also: Reglkment fiir die Badarmen-Anstalteu des Kautons Aargau. Vom 1. Heumonat 1878. 8°. [Aarau, 1878.] Aarvrangeii. Glur (J.) Mediciuische Topographie des Amtsbezirks Aarwangen im Oberaargau. Kan- tons Bern. 8°. Bern, 1853. Abadie (B[ernard]) [1818- ]. Rapport sur les e"pizooties qui out r6gn6 dans le d^partemeut de la Loire-Iufeiienre pendant l'annee 1884, a M. le preTet. 11pp. 8°. [Nantes, imp. de Mine. Vve. C. Mellinet, 1884.] -----. Rapport sur les 6tablisseinents insalnbres de la prairie an Due 40 pp. 8°. Nantes, Mme. I've. C. Mellinet, 1886. Abadie (J.-B.) [1849- ]. *Essaisur quelques accidents de la premiere dentition. [Paris.] 54 pp. 4J. Le Mans, 1885, No. 195. Abadie (Jean) [1862- • ]. * Contribution a 1'elude des h6morrhagies cousecutives a l'extrac- tion de la cataracte. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Li/on, A. Bey, 1892, No. 723. -----. The same. 46 pp., 1 1. 8C. Lyon, Pitrat aine, A. Bey successeur, 1892. Abadie ([Jeau-Marie-]Charles) [1842- ]. Le- cons de clinique ophthalmologique, recueillies par Parenteau. 1 p. 1., 280 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1881. -----. Microbes et diatheses. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye :ison of Abas-Tuinan.] J bid., 1879, no. 30, pt. 1, 1-21.—IHrochkovsIci (I. I.) O vlijanii prebivanija v Abas-Tumane nekotorich bolnich na ich ob- inen vetshestve. [Influence of a sojourn at Abas-Tuman on the metamorphosis of tissue in some diseases.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsb., Tiflis, 1882, xix, 277; 403. Abate (Carmelo). Sull' igiene. vii, 71 pp. 12°. Boma, F. Setth, 1886. -----. L' elettricita e la paralisi dei inuscoli crico- aritenoidei posteriori. 12 pp. 8J. Catania, tipog. di G. Pastore, 1886. -----. La pulmonite all' apice. 2. ed. 52 pp. 12c. Catania, tipog. di G. Pastore, 1886. -----. La tisi laringea tubercolare, preceduta da notizie e considerazioni pratiche sul tubercolo. 115 pp. 12°. Catania, tipog. di G. Pastore, 1888. Abate (Epaminonda) [ -1893]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 902. Abate (Felice). Proposta di una necessaria n- forma del sistema cloacale pel piii pronto ed eth- ence boniheamento della cittA di Napoli. 7 pp. 8 . Napoli, tipog. del f'aglio, 1884. Abattoirs and slaughterhouses. See, also, Baths (Animal); Meats. Arguments before the joint committee on mercantile affairs, upon petition for an act to in- corporate the Massachusetts Abattoir Company, April 25, 1872. 8°. Boston, 1872. Auckland (Province of). Rules and regula- tions for the management, of public slaughter houses, fol. [Auckland, 1859.] Cutting from: Auckland Pro v. Gov. Gaz., 1859, viii, no. 3. Bergamo. Regolamento1 per il macello pub- blico di Bergamo. 8°. Bergamo, 1886. Berlin. Polizei-Verordnungen und Anord- nungen des Magistrats fiir den stadtischen Cen- tral- Viehhof. 16°. Berlin, 1881. -----. Regulativ fiir die Untersuchung des in das offentliche Schlachthaus der Stadt Berlin auf dem Central-Vieh- und Schlachthof gelan- genden Schlachtviehs. 16°. Berlin, 1883. Boston. Board of Health. Regulations for the sanitary government of the abattoir. Adopted Feb. 21, 1877. 8°. Boston, 1886. Brighton (The) abattoir owned by the Butch- ers' Slaughtering and Melting Association. 8°. Boston, 1878. Text in English and French. Codogno. Regolamento intorno per 1' eserci- zio del macello pubblico. 8°. [Codogno, 1885.] Goldie (G.) Report upon the slaughter- houses in Scotland and England, visited by dep- utation of the markets committee, 1879*. 8°. Leeds, 1879. Great Britain. Local Gov't Board. Model by-laws issued by the ... for the use of sanitary authorities. No. VI. Slaughter-houses. 8'-. London, 1877. Hamont. Abattoirs de la ville de Paris, leur organisation, fraudes, abus dans le commerce de la viande, dangers qui en r<5sultent pour la saut6 publique; necessity d'une organisation meilleure. 8°. Paris, 1847. Killing made easy. Rock Island's new abat- toir started in business. Cutting from: Bock Island Union, Nov. 5, 1885. Letter from a committee of citizens to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on the proposed Schuylkill drove-yard and abattoir. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1874. London. Strand District. Special report of the medical officer of health to the Strand dis- trict, on slaughter-houses, by C. Evans. 8°. [London, 1857.] Lucignano. Regolamento per il pubblico ammazzatoio. 8°. Siena, 1886. Neuchatel. Reglemeut sur les abattoirs. 8° [Neuchdtel, 1871.] New York (City). Health Department. Re- port of the sanitary committee of the board of health on the concentration and regulation of the business of slaughtering animals in the city of New York. Juue, 1874. 8°. New York [1874]. Petition des Magistrats zu Berlin, betreffend die Gesetzes-Vorlage zur Abiiuderuug und Er- gauzung des Gesetzes vom 18. Miirz 1868, betref- fend die Errichtnug offentlicher, ausschliesslich zu benutzeuder Schlachthauser (Nr. 265 der Drucksachen). 4°. [Berlin, 1880.] Rauch (J. H.) Letter to a committee of citi- zens on the proposed Schuylkill drove-yard and ABATTOIRS. 3 ABATTOIRS. Abattoir* and slaughter-houses. abattoir. With medical opiuious on the subject. 8C. Philadelphia, 1874. Also, in: Sanitarian, !N. Y., 1874-5, ii, 557-564. Rock Island. An ordinance to establish a city abattoir and providing for the management and use thereof. 8\ [Bock Island, 1885.] Ruggiero (M.) Intorno ai macelli pnbblici e a nn diseo-no di macello per la citta di Napoli. 4-. Napoli, 1838. Schwartz (O.) Ban, Einrichtung und Betrieb von offentlichen Schlachthofen. 8?. Berlin, 1894. Schwarznecker. Anleitung zur Begutach- tung der Schlachtthiere und des Fleisches. Ziim Gebrauch fiir Militarverwaltungsbeanite und Fleischbeschauer zusaniniengestellt. 12°. Ber- lin, 1894. Seine (Departenient de la). Prefecture de po- lice. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite. Rapport sur la disinfection des de"chets de bou- cberie. M. Ed. Nocard, rapporteur. 4°. Paris, 1892. -----. Rapport sur la suppression des tueries particulieres. M. Ed. Nocard, rapporteur. 4°. Paris, 1893. Sellers et al. vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Complainants' affidavits on motion for injunction to restrain erectiou of slaughter- house. In the court of common pleas of Phila- delphia County, of December term, 1874. No. 3. b°. [Philadelphia, 1874.] -----. [Exhibits of defendants.] 8~. [Phila- delphia, 1^74.] -----. Opening argument of Win. Henry Rawle, esq., on motion for injunction to restrain slaughter-house. 8°. Philadelphia, 1875. Simpson (W. J. R.) Report on the slaughter- houses of Aberdeen. 8°. Aberdeen, 1883. Sovremennoye sostoyani'e skotoboinavodiela v Evropeiskoi Rossii. [Present state of affairs regarding the killing of cattle in European Rus- sia ] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Spezia. Regolamento sui macelli pubblice della citta di Spezia. 8°. Spezia, 1886. Stout (A. B.) Report on abattoirs and public baths. 8°. Sacramento, Cal., 1879. Tackels (C.-.T.) Salubrite" publique. Des abattoirs et des halles. Des marches compare's a ceux de Paris et de Londres . . . La glace artificielle pure et transparent^ commemoyende conserver la viande et les denr6es. 8°. Bru- xelles, 18.-0. :' United States. Congress. House of Bepre- seniatives. A bill to incorporate the National Sanitary Abattoir Company of the District of Columbia. 44. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 419. Jan. 5, 1876. In trod, by Mr. O'Brien, roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1876.] -----. A bill to incorporate the District of Columbia Stock-Yard, Abattoir, and Rendering Company. 46. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 5288. March 22, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Talbott. roy. f,-. [Washington, 1880.] -----. A bill to provide for the care and in- spection of all animals to be slaughtered for food purposes in the District of Columbia, and to in- corporate the Washington Stock-Yard, Abattoir, and Rendering Company. 47. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 5634. April 3,1882. Introd. by Mr. Hoge. roy. 8J. [Washington, 1882.] -----. The same. Proposed amendments to the bill (H. R. 5634). 47. Cong., 1. sess. May 3, 1832. Submitted by Mr. Neal. roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1882.] 'United States. Congress. Senate. S. 1728. The same. April 17, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Ferry. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1882.] Abattoirs and slaughter-houses. Victoria. An act to amend the laws relating to abattoirs and the slaughtering of cattle. No. ccclvi. [29 Dec, 1869.] 4°. [Melbourne, 1869.] -----. An act to amend an act intituled "An act to amend the laws relating to abattoirs and the slaughtering of cattle". No. ccclxv. [2 June, 1H70.] 4°. [Melbourne, 1870.] Abattoir* publics. Rap. gen. trav. Cons, d'hvg. pub. de la Seine 1887-9, Par., 1894, 431-456. — Almquist (E.) Om fordelarne at" offentliga slagthus och de viekor, som, dar sadant finnes, bora fastas vid inforande af kbtt fran andra hall. [Advantages of public slaughter-houses, and on the conditions for admitting cattle from other places.] Ilelsovannen, Stockholm, 1890, v. 310; 327. — Angcll (G. T.) Unwholesome meat, and bow to prevent it. Sani- tarian, N. Y.. 1874-5, ii, 265-270. — Benischok (J.) Die rati on el le Anlage von Schlachtbausern fiir Stiidte mit 5,000 bis 30,000 Einwohnern. Prag. med. \Vchnschr., 1887, xii, 288-291. — Rvrgqvist (,T.) Det offentliga slagthuset i Leipzig. [The public slaughter-house in Leipsic.J Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 595-605.—Itlutli. Die Anlage von Schlachtbausern und die aus dercn Benutzung sich erge- benden Erfahrnngen. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1880, ix, 116-122. — Botlichcr et al Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des an Infectionskrankheiten leidenden Schlachtviehes. Deutscher Ver. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg. Ber. 1890, Brnschwg., 1891, xvi, 95-127. —Bow- ditch (H. S.) [et al] The law concerning slaughter- houses and noxious and offensive trades. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1878, x, pp. vi-xix. — t'aiitalnpi (A.) L' ammazzatoio ed il mercato del bestiame a Roma pro- getto dell' Architetto Cav. Gioacbino Ersoch. Ingegner. san.,Torino,1892,iii,l; 20,2pl.—Dembo(I. A.) Anatomo- phiziol. osnovy razlich. sposobov uboja skota. [Anatomo- physiological reasons for the different methods of slaugh- tering cattle.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (1892), 1893, x, 67-105. -----. Ueber den pbysiologischen Werth der verschiedenen Schlachtmethoden. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1894, 209-220.—Dcvron (G.) Abattoirs. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1880, Bost., 1881, vi, 217-230.1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Dieulafoy. Snr un ouvrage de M. le Dr Dem bo . . . relatif & l'etude comparee des diverses m6thodes d'abatage des animaux de boueheiie. [Kap.] Bnll. Acad, de med., Par., 1894,3. s., xxxii, 165-172.—Dis- cussioti (A) on the regulation of the slaughter of animals for human food. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 513-515.— Discussion iiber den Platz des offentlichen Schlacht- hauses in Magdeburg. Verb.audi. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb., 1884, xii, 30-45. — Discussion iiber die Magdeburger Schlachthausfrage. Ibid., 1885, xiv, 35-42, 1 map.—Du JVIesnil (O.) La suppression des tueries particulieres. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, 419^33. Alio: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1891, xiii, 346-358.— Dunckcr (H. C. J.) DaropfKochversuche mit dem Rohrbeckschen Desinfektor anf dem Berliner Central- Schlachthofe. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1891-2, ii, 21-24.—E del in an u. Ein neuer Schussapparat fiir die Schlachtung von Grossvieh. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Kailsruhe, 1894, ii, 101-105. — Ekluntl (F.) Boucherie municipale a. Stockholm. J. d'hyg., Par., 1885, x, 93. — am Emlc (P.) Weseu und Wirkungen des Schlachthauszwanges, besonders im BereichederKurorte. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1895, xlvi, 46- 66.—Ei-lass konigl. saebsischen Ministeriums des Innern vom 9. Juni 1885, betr. Grundziige fiir die medicinalpolizei- liche Beurtheilung gewerblicher Aulagen von Schlach- tereien und Ziegeleien. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg., 1886, xviii, 165.—Fa ber. Der neue Schlacht- und Viehhof in Karlsruhe. Thierarztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe, 1887, xxii, 81-84. — Fischer. Salubrite des abattoirs par la coagulation du sang ; utilisation agricoleet hygienique. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. Compt.- rend. 1889, Par., 1890, 791-793.—Franklin (G. S.) Abat- toirs. Columbus M. J., 1883-4, ii, 447-450.—Gobbin. Ue- ber offentliche Schlachtbiiuser und die Einfiihrung des allgemeineu Schlachtzwanges sowie der obligatorischen Fleischschau mit besonderer Beriicksichtisrung der Ent- schadigungspflicht der gemeinden den Schliichtern gegen- iiber. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. Ber. 1875, Brnschwg., 1876, iii, 85-96.—JScBtel. Die Schlachthauser in Elsass-Lothringen. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1889, xiii, 136-145. — CJotz. Metzgergewerbe, Schlacht- haus, Fleischbescliau u. A. Topog. d. Stadt Strassb., [etc.], 1889, 155-162, 1 plan.—Oraiilham (R. B.) Abat- toirs. Rep. Cong. San. Inst. Gr. I'.iit., Loud., 1880, ii, 121- 123.—Hacldamler. Public .slaughter-house at Osna- briick. [ Transl. from: Ztschr. <1. Architekten u. Inge nieur-Ver., Hannover, 1889, 25.] Engin. & Build. Rec., X. Y.. 1889-90, xxi, 20— Hagcninim. Die Errichtungvon Kiihlraumen iiberhaupt und als uothwendige Anlage in Schlachthofen. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1891, x, 359-366.— Hauaburg. Der Central-Vieh- und Schlachthof. Anst. d. Stadt Berl. f. d. off. Gsndhtspflg., etc., 1886, 272-292. — llellct. Sur la suppression des tueries particulieres. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1891, xiii, 154-177. ABATTOIRS. Abattoirs and slaughter-houses. -----. Nonvelle note sur les tueries particulieres; neces- site de modifier la legislation artuelle. Ibid., 1893 xv 302-319. [Discussion], 321-323.—Hertwig. DerOentral- Schlachthof zu Berlin und der Betrieb auf demselben. Deutsche Vrtl.ischr. f. off. Gsndhtsprls., Brnschwg., 1887, xix, 390-410. — II insa vison (D. T. R.) Los mataderos en la capital. An. d. Dep. nac. de big., Buenos Aires, 1895, v, 529-531.—Strype (\V. G.) On a new process for treating and drying blood, so as to fit it for use as manure without creating a nuisance. Tr. San.Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1884-5,vi, 339-344.—Tandberg (J.) Kontrol med slagtekvseg, slagterierogkjod. [Inspec- tion of cattle to be killed, abattoirs, and meat.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania & Kjebenh., 1891, xi, 527- 543.—Trasbot. Les abattoirs particuliers dans la banli- euede Paris. Ann. d'hyg., Par.,1883,3. s.,ix, 497-503.-----. Note sur les abattoirs particuliers de la banlieue de Paris. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 400-409.—Ueber die Verwend- barkeit des an Infectionskrankheiten leidenden Schlacht- viehes. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg., 1891, xxiii, 95-129.—UldalI (J.) BermindreByer etablere offentlige Slagtehuse? [Should small cities es- tablish public slaughter-houses?] Ugesk. f. Lajger, K)0- benh., 1890, 4. R., xxii, 265-279.—Villain (L.) Produits accessoires de la boucherie de provenance des abattoirs de Paris. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 1232.— Villaret. Eine Bemerkung iiber dieEinwirkung des Arbeitsbetiiebes auf dem Berliner Viehhofe in gesundheitlicher Hinsicht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv, 120. Also, Re- print. Abaz (Nikolas). Krasnyi krest v tylu dieistvu- jousbei armii v 1877-1*78 g. Otcbet glavnou- poluomocbennago Obsbestva popecbenija o rane- nicb i bolnycb voinacb. [Tbe Red Cross in tbe rear of tbe active army in tbe years 1877-8. Report of tbe cbief officers of tbe Association.] 2v. 1 p. 1., ii, 387,15, 15, 8, 8, 5, 9,11 pp., 21., 3 pi., 3 diag.; 1 p. 1., 422 pp., 1 1., 20 pi., 1 tab. -\ St. Petersburg, Boss. Obsh. Krast. Kresta, 1880-82. Abba. [Francesco]. Almanacco igienieo-saui- tario e guida dei medici-chirurgbi, degli specia- list!, delle farmacie, delle levatrici, degli ospe- dali e degli altri istitute di beneficenza della citta di Torino. Anno 1, 1894. 108 pp. 12°. Torino, tipog. eredi Botta di Bruneri e Crosa, 1894. AbbaJ (Le"on). * fitude sur le caf6. 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. 362. ficole sup6rieure de pharmacie. Abbamoilte (Mario Emilio). See Schrdn (Ottone). Lezioni di anatomia patologica. 8°. Napoli, 1892-3. 8 Abbatius (Baldus Angelus). De admirabili vi- pera; natura, et de mirificis ejusdem facultatibus liber. 15 p. 1., 151 pp. sm. 4°. Urbini, apud B. Bagusium, 1589. Abbazia. Glax (J.) Aerztlicbe Mittheilungen aus Ab- bazia. 2. Hft. Abbazia als Terrain-Curort mit eiuer Karte uud erlauterndem Texte von Conrad Rubbia. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1894. ABBAZIA. 5 ABBOTT. Abbaxia. Rabl(J.) Curort Abbazia. 8°. Wien, 1886. Szwnjccr (J.) Abbazia jako stacya klimatyczna i ka,pielo\vo-morska. [Abbazia as a climatic station and sea bath.] Medycyna,Warszawa, 1888, xvi, 454; 471; 487; 499. Abbe (Cleveland) [1838- ]. Treatise on me- teorological apparatus and metbods. 392 pp., 36 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Printing Of., 1888. Part 2 of annual report of Chief Signal Officer for the year 1886-7. Abbe (E.) Die optiscbeu Hulfsniittel derMikro- skopie. 38 pp. 8C. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1878. Repr. from: Ber. ii. d. wissensch. Apparate auf d. Londoner internat. Ausstellung, 1876. ------. Ueber mikrometriscbe Messuug mittelst optiscber Bilder. 10 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1878. Repr.from: Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. it. Xaturw., 1878. ------. Ueber Stephenson's System der homoge- nen Immersion bei Mikroskop-Objektiven. 15pp. 8r. [Jena, E. Frommann, 1879.] Repr. from .• Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Xaturw., 1879. ------. Beschreibnng eiues neuen stereoskopi- seben Oculars, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber die Bedingnugen mikro-stereoskopiscber Beobachtung. 28 pp. 8-\ [Jena, 1880.] ------. [Die neuen Mikroskopobjective.] 11. 8°. [Jena, Frommann, 18813.] ------. Ueber Verbesserung des Mikroskops mit Hilfe neuer Arten optischen Glases. 24 pp. 8-. [Jena, Frommann, 18^6.] Repr.from: Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Xaturw., 1886. See, also, Fripp (H. E.) On Professor Abbe's method of testing the optical quality of microscope objectives. S=\ [Bristol, 1876.] Abbe (Robert). On Dupuytren's finger-contrac- tion, its nervous origin. 25 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton $ Co., 1884. Repr. from: X. York il. J., 1884, xxxix. ------. Intestinal anastomosis. 18 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, W. J. Doman, 1889. Repr.from: Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1889, x. -----. Tbe surgical treatment of inveterate tic douloureux. 8 pp. 12°. New York, 1889. Repr.from: X. York M. J., 18<«9. 1. -----. Spinal surgery; a report of eight cases. 31 pp. 8°. New York, Trow, 1890. Repr.from: Med. Rec, X. V., 1890, xxxviii. -----. A case of hemiplegic epilepsy, probably diabetic, simulating cerebral abscess. 6pp. 12°. [New York, 1890.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1890, Iii. ------. Paranepbric cysts. 11 pp. 12°. [New York, 1890.1 Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1890, Iii. ------. Cases of gall-bladder surgery. 10 pp. 12-. [New York, 1892.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1892, lv. ------. Intestinal anastomosis and suturing. 23 pp. 12°. New York, Trow Directory, Printing <,• Bookbinding Co., 1892. Repr.from: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1892, xii. ------. A new and safe method of cutting ceso- pbageal strictures. 8 pp. 16-. New York, Troiv's Co., 1893. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii. ------. The surgery of gall-stone obstruction. 16 pp. 16°. New York, Trow Co., 1893. Repr.from: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xiii. -----. The surgery of tbe band, being the Car- penter lectureship address before tbe New York Academy of Medicine, November20,1893. 24 pp. 8-5. [New York, 1893.] -----. The .same. 27 pp. 12°. [New York, 1894.] Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1894, lix. Abbe (Robert)—continued. -----. Sarcoma of the kidnev; itsoperative treat- ment. 12 pp., 3 pi. 8°. '[Philadelphia, 1894.] Repr. from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix. Abbeville. See, also, Small-pox (History, etc.,of), by coun- tries. Boullon (J.-B.) * Histoire des maladies ob- serv6es a Abbeville, departemeut de la Somme, pendant les annees 8, 9, 10 et 11 de la R6publi- que francaise, [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1803. Abbilduiig'eil des Tliriinenscblauclies und einer merkwiirdigen Metamorphose der Regen- bogenhaut. Zu dem kliniscben Unterrichte in der Augenheilkunde von Professor [Joh. Nepo- muk] Fischer. 7 pi. 8°. [Prag, 1832.] Abbot (Abiel) [1770-1828]. An address, deliv- ered before the Massachusetts Society for Sup- pressing Intemperance, at their anniversary meeting June 2, 1815, on the objects of their in- stitution. 24 pp. 12-. Cambridge, Hilliard $• Mttcalf, 1^15. Abbot (George) [1562-1633]. The case of im- potency, as debated in England, in that remark- able tryal, 1613, between Robert, Earl of Essex, and tbe Lady Frances Howard, who, after eight years marriage, commenc'd a suit against him for impotencv. 2 v. [v. 1, 3. ed.] 3 p. 1., 192 pp., 2 p. 1./298 pp. 16°. London, E. Curll, 1715-19. Additional title of v. 2: I. The tryal of Mervin, Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, for sodomy and a rape, anno 1631. II. The proceedings upon the bill of divorce be- •tween his grace Henry, Duke of Xorfolke, and the Lady Mary Mordant, before the House of Lords, anno 1699. Abbot (Samuel L.) Cases of pericarditis, treated with salicylate of sodium. 16 pp. 12°. [Boston, 1886. ] Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv. See, also, Conference sanitaire internationale de Con- stantinople, i eport to the international sanitary confer- ence, of a commission from that body, [etc.]. 8°.' Boston, 1867. Abbott (Alexander C.) Further studies upon the relation of the pseudo-diphtheritic bacillus to the diphtheritic bacillus. 7 1. 8°. [Balti- more, 1891.] Repr.from: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1891, ii. -----. The principles of bacteriology: a practi- cal manual for students and physicians. A'iii, 13-263 pp. 8:. Philadelphia, Lea Bros. <)' Co., 1892. -----. The same. 2. ed. xi, 471 pp. 8-. Phila- delphia, Lea Bros, if' Co., 1894. ------. Tbe etiology of membranous rhinitis (rhinitis fibrinosa). 15 pp. 12-. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros, j- Co., 1893.] Repr.from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1893, lxii. -----. Considerations concerning Asiatic cholera. 14 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1893. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii. -----. The results of the inoculations of milch cows with cultures of the bacillus diphtheriie. 21pp., 2 pi. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr. from : Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1893, viii. -----. A review of some of the disputed points in connection with diphtheria and conditions with which it has been confounded. 16 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros. <)'■ Co., U94. Repr.from : Med. News, Phila.. 1894, lxv. See, also, Killings (Jno. S.) &. Abbott (A. C.) A syllabus of the lectures on hygiene, [etc.]. 8°. Philadel- phia. 1892. — Studies in diphtheria, [etc.]. 8°. Baltimore, 1893.—Welch (William Henry) 1I3. 72 pp. 8 \ [Boston, l8«J4.] Repr.from: Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., xxvi. Abbott (\V. ( i Editor of: Albaloidnl (The) Clinic, Chicago, 1894-5. Abbottabacl. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Abbotts (William) [1831- ]. Tbe sea-bath- ing guide; containing articles on sea-bathing, etc.; with descriptions of tbe sea-bathing resorts in England and Wales, vi, 7-71 pp., 4 pi. 8°. London, Beaumont .f- Co., [1877]. ------. Tbe same. 12. ed. 40 pp. 8°. London, Eyre Bros., [1879]. ------. Impediments of speech; stammering, stuttering, lisping, etc. Their causes and cure. 12. ed. vii, 8-65 pp. 12°. London, Beaumont . Worm (J. G.) *De abscessu omeuti feliciter curato. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leip- zig u. Budissin, 1774, ii, 310-312. Abeille. Du phlegmon retro-p6riton6al, sou histoire, gou traitement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 161; 175. Also, in his: Sepulcretum, 8°, Par., 1853, 91-106. -----. Phlegmon retro-peritoneal de la fosse iliaque droite; termi- naison par resolution. Ibid., 218. Also, in his: Sepulcr6- tum, 8°, Par., 1853, 107-109.— Abgesacktes peritouiiales Exsudat; Durchbruch nach aussen; Heiluug. Ber. d. k.k. Krankenh. Wieden 1864, Wien, 1865, 175. —Abscess [of abdomen]. [4 cases.] St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 196.—Albert. Abscessus frigidus in regione epichondrica sinistra. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heil- anst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1887, Wien, 1888, 34. — Anderson. Pericecal abscess. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1886-7, 28-30.—Andrews (E.) The great abscesses situated behind the abdominal cavity. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893, ii, 143-146. — Archambnult (R.) Abces de la paroi abdominale. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1883. i, 274-278.—Archer (R. S.) A ease of epigastric abscess. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xl, 75-77.—Aseesso acuto profondo delle pareti addo- minali; puntura ed aspirazione con 1' apparecchio Potain; guarigione. Clin. chir. (Mazzoui), Roma, 1884, viii-x, 10.— Aschenborn (O.) Abscess in der Bauchhohle. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 173. — Baboo Chuuder Ghose. Internal abscess opening into the bowels. In- dian Lancet, Lahore, 1860, ii, 323. — Baird (J. B.) Case of abscess of the abdominal walls which ruptured sud- denly and discharged through the umbilicus. Atlanta M. Reg.', 1881-2, n. s., i, 662.—Bell (J.) Notes of a case of abscess in abdominal cavity. Ediub. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 319-321.—Beruheim (II.) . n. s.. iv, 60-63. Also, Reprint— Malin* obi- ling. Fall von einer Leiter, Rippenbriiche. Zerreissuug des Darrues und des Mesenteriums, Zermalmung des Pan- creas, Quetschuug des Magens, Peritonitis. Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 1181. — rVorgrcn. Ruptur i Bugvseggen med Udtrsedelseaf Tarmslynger; Helbredelse. [Rupture of abdominal wall, with prolapsus of intestinal loops; re- covery.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1891, 4. R., vi, 587-589. — Pinnock (R. D.) Rupture of tinea alba in a male from over-exertion. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 106. —Babagliati (A.) On umbili- cal rupture without hernia in women. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 346-348.—Bcbonl (J.) Contusion de l'abdonien; ruptures du duodenum et de l'intestin grele. Marseille med., 1891, xxviii, 551 ; 587. — Bichardierc (H.) Note sur un fait de p6ritonite suraigue causee par une chute sur le ventre sans lesion de la paroi abdominale ni des visceres abdominaux. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1888, 3. s., xix, 441-444. Also: Soc. de med. 16g. de France. Bull., Par., 1889, x, 165-168.—Bontier (A.) De la rupture des voies biliaires consecutive aux contusions abdominales. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1892, n. s., xviii, 773- 783. — Kou.v (J.) Rupture des voies biliaires consecu- tive k une contusion grave de l'abdomen. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 827. Also: Marseille m6d., 1895, xxxii, 481-485. — ^aldana (J.-E.) Mort subite a la suite d'une contusion abdominale grave, sans lesion exterieure. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 113. — Sourdillc. Contusion de l'abdomen par roue de voiture; rupture du rein droit et perforation du duodenum ; mort par hemor- rhagic intestinale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 704-706. — Stoss in den Unterleib; vollstandige Zerreis- suug einer Darmschlinge ohne Veranderungen an den Hautdecken; Oberschenkelbruch. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht, Berl., 1891, 142-144.—Svijajcninoff(G.) K vopr. ob ushibach jivota. [On contusious of the abdo- men.] Mejdunar. Klin., St. Petersb., 1889,viii, no.4,1-12.— Thomas (J. P.) [A case of spontaneous rupture of the abdominal wall into the cavity, produced by tympanitic distention of intestines.] Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1879, xxviii, 220.—Tillaux. Des contusions de l'abdonien. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix. 1145.—Van- trin. Considerations sur la contusion abdominale avec 16sion des visceres. M6ru. Soc. de m6d. de Naucy, 1893-4, pt. 2, 117-127. Also: Rev. m6d.de Test, Nancy, 1894, xxvi, 97-107. -----. Traitement de la contusion abdominale. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Nancy, 1893-4, pt. 2, 128-139. Also: Rev. med. de 1'est, Nancy, 1894, xxvi, 129-140.—Kuccaro (G.) Per la proguosi e la cura delle contusioni addoininali gravi. Puglia med., Bari, 1895, iii, 193-197. Abdomen (Diseases of). See, also, Abdomen (Surgery of); Digestive organs; Intestines, Peritoneum, Diseases of; Portal vein (Inflammation of); and under viscera. Abekcrombie (J.) Pathological and practical researclies on diseases of the stomach, the intes- tinal canal, the liver, and other viscera of the abdomen. 8°. Edinburgh, 1828. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1830. -----. The same. 3. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. 8D. Philadelphia, 1838. Blandin (D. F.) * Diverse in abdomen liqui- dorum effusioues. 4°. Parisiis, 1827. Brandt (T.) Gymnastiken sitsorn botemedel mot qviuliga underlifssjukdoiiiar jemte strodda anteckningar i allnnln sjukgymnastik. [Gym- nastics in diseases of the abdomen, and remarks on its use in therapeutics.] 8°. Stockholm, 1884. De-Giovaxni (A.) Casi rari di malattie dell' addome. r>°. Padova, 1882. Also, in: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1882, xxv, 111; 143; 183; 207: 1883, xxvi, 17, 65, 82: 1884, xxvii, 377 ; 385; 393, 2 pi. Abdomen (Diseases of). [Deidier (A.)] De niorbis internis abdomi- nis. 12-. [Monspelii, 1710.] Eulexburg- (M. ) Die Heilung der chroni- schen Unterleibsbesehwerden durch schwedisohe Heilgyninastik auf Wissenschaft und Erfahruug begriindet. 8"*-'. Berlin, 1850. Fexwick (S.) Clinical lectures on some ob- scure diseases of the abdomen, delivered at the London Hospital. 12°. London, 188:». GOSSMANN ([R.] O.) * Ueber die Aetiologie und Symptomatologie der entziiiidlichen Pro- zesse an tier vordern Unterbauchgegend. b°. Halle a. S., 1895. Henoch (E.) Klinik der Unteileibs-Krank- heiteu. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, 1852-8. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 18(i3. Kampf (J.) Verhandeling over eene nieuwe wijze, om de hardnekkigste ziekteu, die haare zitplaats iu den onderbuikhebbeu, voornaanilijk de hypochondrie, zeker en in den grond te gene- zen. Geschiktvoorgeneesheeren en lijders. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door Willem Jan de Koning. 8°. Utrecht, 1787. Pemberton (C. R.) A practical treatise on various diseases of the abdominal viscera. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1807. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Worces- ter, 1815. -----. The same. With notes by John Hayes. 8°. Bichmond, 1830. -----. The same. Praktische Abhandltmg iiber verschiedene Kraukheiten des Unterleibes. Nach der dritten Ausgabe aus dem Euglischen ubersetzt von Dr. Gerhard von dem Busch. Mit eiuer Vorrede und Anmerkungen hrsg. von Dr. J. A. Albers. 8°. Bremen, 1817. -----. The same. Nach der vierten vom Verfasser durchgeseheneu und verbesserten Aus- gabe deutsch bearbeitet und mit erlauternden Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. C. A. M. Bresler. 8°. Bonn, 1836. Roxcati ( F. ) Indirizzo alia diagnosi delle malattie del petto, del ventre e del sistema ner- voso. roy. 8-. Bologna, 1865. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1870. -----. The same. 4. ed., emendata e con aggiuute. 8°. Napoli, 18-<1. Strahl (M.) Meine neuesteu Erfahrungen im Gebiete der Unterleibskrankheiten, durch eine Reihe lehrreicher Kraukheitsfalle erliiutert fiir gebildeteNichtiirzte. i). Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1K30. Zakharine (G.-A.) Lecons cliniques sur les maladies abdominales etsur l'emploi interne des eaux inincSrales. Avec une introduction par H. Huchard. Trad, de la 2. 6d. russ'e par le Dr. Oelsnitz. 8°. Paris, M)3. Anders (J. M.) Abdominal enlargements. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, 82- *!).— Apolant. Demon- stration eines Falles vonabnormer Erweiterung der Vener der Baiiehhaut Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 32S. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1885-6), 1Ss7, xvii, 79.— It a I loch (E. A.) Preeision iu the diagnosis of intra-abdouiinaldisease. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 516-519—Kawevi (V.) Contributo alio studio della iper- termia locale in alcune malattie dell' addome. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 146; 154; 162. — RlacUwooil (W. R. D.) Electricity in abdominal disorders. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 229; 291. — Bonetti (E ) Os.ier- vazioni oliniche ed anatoiuiche sulla scrofolosi addoruinale a contribuzione della niortblogia clinica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 540.—Brixlonc (J. S.) Affections of the abdominal lymphatic glands. In: Dis. of Iutest. and Periton., 8°, New York, 1879, 223.—toco (D.) Casu- istica delle malattie addominali. Morgagni, Napoli, 1879, xxi, 288; 845. — Corrado Bcrnabei. Di un caso di malattia addominale; studio diagnostico. Imparziale, Pi- renze, 1880, xx, 289; 311; 347; 434; 460.—Dollinger (G.) A hastuberculosisnak operati6tol meggydjyult ritka esete. [Rare case of abdominal tuberculosis cured by operation.] Orvosi hetilszemle, Budapest, 1894, ix, 549. Also, transl. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 469.—Fabre (A.) Les surprises du praticien dans les affections ab. ABDOMEN. 12 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Diseases of'). dominates. In his: Fragments de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1881. 141-157.—Oriffln (VV.) On the diagnosis of abdom- inal inflammations. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1841, xix, 179-191.— Ilcksclicr. Geschichte einer vieljahrigen Unterleibs- kiankheit. Rnss. Samml. f. Naturw. u. Beilk., Riga u. Leipz., 1816, i, 567-592. —Heyer (P. A.) Kalomel i gor- jauija vanny pri lech, vospal. zabroush. kletchatki. [Cal- omel and warm baths in the treatment of inflammation of abdominal tissues.) Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kaluj. vrach., Kaluja, 1889, xxvii, 53-73.— Hochenegg (J.) Ein Fall von abdomiualer Actinoraykose. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 1436. -----. Actinomycosis abdominis. Jahresb. d. erst, chir. Klin. d. Prof. Albert in Wien (1887), 1889, 79-84. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 614-618.— Horn. Erweiterung des Magen und Desorganisation anderer Unterleihseingeweide. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Bran- denburg 1838, Berl., 1842, 83-85. — Jacquemard ( C. ) De la mort subite dans le cours des affections abdominales. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1890, ix, 201-210. — iTIinot ( F.) Cases of abdominal disease, with obscure diagnosis. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii. 636-639. [Discussion], 646.— :viori*on (B. G.) & Willoughby (E. F.) A report of cases of abdominal diseases (not genito - urinary ). Practitioner, Lond., 1881, xxvii, 406-439. — Recti (R. H.) A contribution to the study of some of the diseases pecu- uliar to the right iliac fossa. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1892, xlvii, 191-217.—Kobcrts (F. T.) Clinical lectures on diseases of the abdomen. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 31: ii, 1; 515; 622; 647; 729: 1882, i, 27; 85; 191; 245; 349; 519; 629: ii, 89. — Kuilneflf. Einige Bemer- kungen beziiglich der morphologischen Verhaltnisse bei Amyloidentartung der Bauchorgane. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 76-79. Also, Reprint. — Smith (A. A.) Three cases of abdominal disease of unusual difficulty of diagnosis; autopsies. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 12-20.—Smith (W. G.) Case of sudden intense pain in abdomen of a yvoman, attended with collapse, fol- lowed by recovery. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4, Dubl., 1884, ii, 278-282.—Steven (J. L.) Two cases of abdom- inal intumescence in children, presenting features usually regarded as characteristic of tabes mesenterica; recovery in one. Glasgow M. J., 1888, xxx, 265-272. — Tait (L.) On the occurrence of pleural effusion iu association with disease of the abdomen. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1892, lxxv, 109-118. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. -; Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1892. -----. The same. Traite" du diagnostic des maladies des organes thoraciqnes et abdominaux, comprenant la description des m<5thode.s cliniques d'exploration applicables a. ces organes, suivi Abdomen (Exploration of). d'uu appendice sur la laryngoscopies. Trad, sur la 2. <5d. par F. L. Hahne. 12-. Paris, 1877. -----. The same. A handbook of physical diagnosis, comprising the throat, thorax, and abdomen. [Transl. from tbe '.?. German ed., by Alex. Napier.] 8°. London, 1879. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1880. Lyncker (O.) *Die manuale Rectal-Palpa- tion der Becken- und Unterleibsorgane. [Wurtz- burg.] 8°. [Neusladta. d. H.], 1873. Schneider (V.) * Ueber peritoncale Reibe- geriiusche. [Heidelberg.] 8U. Berlin, 1888. Schoepplenberg (G.) * Zur Elektrodiagnos- tik der Bauchniuskulatur. 8°. Jena, 1893. Siedentopf (E.) * Ueber die Perkussion des Abdomens. 8°. Bonn, 1890. Spier (M.) * Ueber peritoneale Reibege- rtiusche. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Terfloth (G.) * Ueber Vorkommeu und Be- deutung von peritonealeni Reiben. [Greifs- wakl.] 8°. Stralsund, [18(58]. Allbutt (T. C.) On the physical examination of the abdomen. Student's J. & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1879, vii, 247; 259; 275; 283. — Andry (J.) Note sur les souffles veineux continus de la region susombilicale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1892), 1893, xxxii, 52-64. — Bel ardi (A.) Contributo alia semeiotica dei rumori cardiaci ascoltabili sull' area semilunare di Traube nelle malattie dell' ipocondrio siuistro. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1888, vi, 255-260.—Bendersky (J.) Eine neue Modiflkation in der Verwendung der physikalischen Methoden zur Unter- suchung der iuneren Organe, insbesondeie des Ma<:ens und der Dariue. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 1560-1564.— C. (A.) Delimitation plessimetrique des reius et des re- gions circonvoisines. Synthase med., Par., 1879-80, i, 112, 1 pi.—von Chlapowslti. Ueber die Pal]iation des Ab- domens im Wasserbade. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.,1891, xxxvi, 289.—Fcdcrici (C.) Nuovi segni ricavati dall' ascolta- zione del ventre. Segno, Firenze, 1889-90, i, 2-11.—CJar- ciadicgo (S.) A sure si^n for the diagnosis of small ef- fusions in the peritoneal cavity. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 106.—Giovanaidi (A.) Contribuzione alia semei- ottica dei soffi arteriosi addominali. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, i, 11-28.—Ill (E. J.) Exploration of the abdominal and pelvic contents under anaesthesia. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 483-488.—Kelly (\V. J.) The folly of positive diagnosis in abdominal disease. Colum- bus' M. J., 1895, xiv, 149-152.—King (N.) Physicai vizs- g&latok a dobos es nem-dobos kontanlsi hangrol. [Physi- cal experiments on tympanitic and non-tynipanitic percus- sion sounds.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1874, xviii, 513; 528; 553; 573; 593. — Lyncher. Ueber die manuale Rectal- Palpation der Ilecken- uud Unterleibsorgane. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1892, viii. 8-15.—illathien (A.) Sur un precede particulier de palpation de la region epigastrique et du bord inferieur du foie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 179.—Monari (A.) Contributo alio studio dei soffi addominali. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894, liii, 431; 442.—d'Orxomiens (T. E. d'O.) Cas d'exploration manuelle de l'abdomen par lerec- tum. Abeille med., Montreal, 1879, i, 206. — Bovighi (A.) Contribuzione alio studio dei sorti arteriosi addomi- nali. Riv. clin., Milano, 1889, xxviii, 466-473. J.Zso:Ras- segnadi sc. med., Modena, 1889, iv, 361-371. -----. A pro- positi dei soffi arteriosi addominali. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1890, vi, 1292.—S0ren«en (S. T.) Om Bestemmelsen af Ventriklens Gra±nser. [ Exploration of abdomen. ] Hosp.-Tid.. Kjebeuh., 1879, 2. R., vi, 790; 809; 829.—Wi- derhofcr. Semiotik des Unterleibes. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh., Wien, 1866, viii, Hft. 4, 183 - 198. — Zagari ( G. ) Esame obbiettivo del fegato nel yentre ascitico o tumido per altra cagione. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1895, xvii, 148-152. Abdomen (Fissure of). See Abdomen (Abnormities of). Abdomen (Foreign bodies in). See, also, Abdominal section ; Appendix vermiformis (Diseases of, etc.); Bladder, Intes- tines, Peritoneum, Stomach, Uterus, Foreign bodies iu. Pieconka (R.) * Ueber freie Korper in der Bauchhohle unter Anfiigung eiues derarti<{en in der Konigsberger Frauenklinik operirten Falles. 8\ Eonigsberg i. Pr., 1893. Crawford (J. L.) Foreign body in peritoneal cavity Med. ic Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888,'lix, 742.—Folier (C. ABDOMEN. 13 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Foreign bodies in). A.) Caso singolare di un corpo estraneo peuetrato nel ventre. Raecoglitore mod., Forli, 1888, 5. 8., v, 557-562.— Kempcrdick (W.) Laparotomie wegen einer in die weiblichenGenitalien eingefuhrten Giinsefeder. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 49-54. — I.ee (H.) For- eign body in the abdominal parietes. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Loud., 1879, ix, 248. — Litviuoff (N. I.) K ka/.uistike inoroduikb tlel polosti bryushini. [Foreign bodies in tbe abdominal cavity. | Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1886-7, iv, 109-112.— Tlolony (J.) Removal of a steel pitchfork-prong, twelve inches in length, from the abdominal cavity of a man ; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., If84, i, 994.—Rouse (E. R.) Foreign body in the abdo- men; perforation of the abdominal wall; necropsy. Lan- cet, Loud., 1893, ii, 632-634.—Thiery (P.) Corps etranger de la cavite peritoneale; extirpation : guerison. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 780.—Wylie ( W. G.) Case of removal of a glass rod, six and one-half inches in length, from the peritoneal cavity of a woman. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1892, xii, 513. Abdomen (Hemorrhage in). Debrigode (E.) * Etude sur un cas d'epan- chemeut sanguin traumatique de l'abdomen. Y. Paris, 18Hi. C'hanieiiiesse (A.) & Griffon (Y.) Hemorrhagic peripancreatique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 578- 5ftj.—Fitz (R. H.) Intra-peritoueal haemorrhage. Tr. M. &. Chir. Fac Maryland, Bait., 1893, 83-95.—Kiistner (O.) Zur Frage der Behandlun- bedeutender intraabdominal Blutungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv, 333-335. Aho. Reprint.—jVIeLeod (J.) A case of retro- peritoneal luemorrhage. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1889-90, ii, 65.—Ro«enwn«»er (M.) What are the indi- cations for abdominal section inintia-pelvic haemorrhage? Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1893, vi, 163-181. Also, Reprint.—Veit (J.) Ueber intraperitoneale Bluter- giisse. Samml. klin. Yortr , n. F.. Leipz., 1891, No. 15 [Chir.. No. 5, 109-122J.—Xalni (F. W.) Ueber drei Falle von Blutungen in die Bursa oraentalisund ihre Umscebung. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1891, exxiv, 238-259. Abdomen (Malformation of). Sec Abdomen (Abnormities of). Abdomen (Milly fluid in). See, also, Lymphatics (Diseases of). Murphy (P. J.) Chylous ascites. 8°. Wash- ington, D. C, [l-~7]. Rabinovicz (J.) * Ueber Ascites chylosus und adiposus. 8°. Freiburg i. />'., 1887. Bargebuhr (A.) Ueber Ascites chylosus and cbyli- formis. Deutsclies Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892-3, li, 161-192. — Bianclti (A.) Le asciti lattiginose (ascite chiliformi ed asciti chilose) nei seeoli passati e nel secola nostro. Sperimentale, Firenze, 18,-0, lvii, 71: 174.—Casi- raghi (L.) Un caso di ascite ehilosa. Boll. d. Soc. med. prov. di Bergamo, 1894, v, 5.—Duller (G. F.) On a milky fluid from a case of ascites. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl!, 1886, iv, 297-302. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 71. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1886, 3.s.. lxxxi, 177.—Edward* (A. R.) Chylous and adipose ascites; aelinical. historical, and experimental study. Chicago M. Recorder. 1*95, viii, 259-274.—Haga (E.) Jibosei fukushu no sitsuken. [On adipMM- ascites. 1 Chiugai Jji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, uo. 324, 13-18 — Haswcll (J. F.) A case of chylous ascites; and a case of mucous cyst of the spleen. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 18-9, ix, 65-70—lifektoen] (L.) Chylous ascites; death. Med. & Surg. Rep. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1890, 115-118.—IIir*eliler (A.) A chylosus hasvizkdr egy ese- terol. [Careof chylous ascites.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1889, xxxiii, 424; 451. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 1225-1229.—Hydropi- *ie (Sur une) laiteuse. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. |de Paris] 1700, Amst, 1706. Mem., 15-18. Also: Rec.fe mem., Dijon, 1754. i, 491. — I.etullc ( M.) Note sur un'^cas d'e.panche- ment chylifomie du peritoine chez un enfant de huit aus cardiaque asystolique: les epanchements chylif'oimen des sereuses. Rev. de med., Par., 1884, iv, 722-730.—ITIartin (S.) A case of chylous ascites and chylous hydrothorax, due to thrombosis and contraction of veins at the root of the neck on the left side. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 93-99. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 875.—I\cw- comb (J. E.) A case of milk-like effusion into the peri- toneal cavity. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 183.— Nickersou (F.) A case of chylous deposit in the abdo- men. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc , Bost, 1884, xiii, 279-287. Also [Abstr.l: Boston M. & S. J., 1*84, cxi, 152-154—Pounds (T. H.) A case of milky ascitic fluid. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1892, ii, 629. — Reichcnbach ( H. ) Zur Casuistik des chyldsen Ascites. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1891, cxxi'ii, 183-186. — Reinond & Rispal. Note sur un cas d'a.scite chyleuse. Midi med., Tou- louse, 1892, i, 366-368. — Renvera. Ueber Ascites chylosus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 320-322. Abdomen (Milky fluid in). Also: Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl., 1891, ii, 91- 97.—Schley (J. M.) Report of autopsy in a case of as- cites chylosus. N. York M. Times, 1883-4, xi, 298.—Sc- Cretan (L.) Un cas d'epanchement chylifomie du p6ri toine. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1887. vii, 633-642.—Sinidt (n.) Ueber eiuen Fall von chyldsen Ascites. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1880, ii, 199-204.— Smith (F. J.) A case of chylous ascites. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 100-103.—Stern (J.) Chemische Un- tersuchung einer chyldsen Ascitesfliissigkeit. Arch, f path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1880, lxxxi, 384— Terrillon. Sur un cas d'ascite chyleuse. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chu. de Par., 1888, n. 8., xiv, 626-632. [Discussion], 641-045.— Vali (E.) A chylosus ascites egy esete. Gy6gy£szat, Budapest, 1891, xxxi, 531. Aho, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 1212. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii. 13. — Verdelli (C.) Sulle asciti chiliformi. Morgagui, Milano. 1894, xxxvi, 57-78 - AVciw* (J.) Beitrag zur Kasuistik des Ascites chyloMis. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1894, xv, 665-669.—Zne- cagni (A.) Relazione di un ascite latticinosa. In: Rac. di opusc. med.-prat, 8°, Firenzi, 1773, i, 279-310. Abdomen (Paracentesis of). See, also, Ascites (Treatment of); Ovary (Tu- mors of, Cystic, Treatment of); Paracentesis. Kaltschmikd (C. F.) [Pr. ] de necessaria post paracentesin abdominis deligatioue. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstaud. Ausz. [etc.J. 12°. Lei})- zig u. Budissin, 1774 ii, 313. Butz (R. V.) O prokole jivota in loco electionis Monro. [On point of puncture in paracentesis of abdominal cavity. . . .] Chir. Vestnik, St Petersb., 1892, viii, 1157-1166.— Ca*ati (C.) Cento undici paracentesi in un caso di epa- tite interstiziale complicato a nefrite parenchiiuatosa e diabete mellito. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1893, 5. s., xvi, 161-177.—Coni. Paracentesis abdominal seguida de he- morragia. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1884-5, xxi, 366. — Courtney ( W. M.) Paracentesis abdominis for dropsy, the result of splenic enlargement and chronic peri- tonitis, following on ague. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 16. — Drlavan. Distention of the tunica vaginalis from paracentesis abdominis. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxii, 525. — Ewald (C. A.) Ueber friihzeitige I'uuction bei Ascites. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 241-244.—Gra- ciette. Considerations cliniques sur la paracentese ab- dominale chez 1'enfant. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1883, xii, 249-266.— Gucriii (A.) Aphasie a. la suite d'une para- centese abdominale. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 473. — Hashimoto ( T.) [On paracentesis abdominis.] IjiShinbun, Tokio, Feb., 1880.—Ilaumont (D.) Observa- tion sur une paracenthe.se qui a ete pratiqu6e 143 fois, dans l'espace de trois ans. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1761, xiv, 435-440. — Ilcarnden ( W. F.) Paracentesis abdominis. Lancet, Lond., 1891. ii, 809 — Hcnckch (J. F.) Anmerckung von einer Paracentesi abdominis, da nach dem Tode alle Intestina, Omentum, etc.. durch die Faulting verniehtet gefuuden worden. In his: N. med. u. chir. Anmerck., 12°, Berl., 1769, i, 26-31.— Hunt ( W. ) Paracentesis abdominis; malignant growth in the abdo men, with ascites. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila.. 1880. 334.— Hyde (F.) Tapping the abdomen. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Syracuse, 1880, 181-192.—Kicn. Quelques particular^ es, plus on moins importantes, qui peuvent accompagner ou suivre l'operation de la paracentese abdominale. Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb. (1881-2). 1883, xix, pt, 2, 52-57.— ITIcRae (J.) Swathing the abdomen firmly with ban- dages spread with adhesive plaster, recommended after tapping in cases of ascites. India Reg. M. Sc;., Calcutta, 1848, i, 497.—.lloutciro (J. F.) Ascite com seis annos de duracao, curada radicalmente depois da paracentese. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1847. 2. s.. i, 245-249. -Tr/.f- Dicky (li.) O mozliwosci skaleczenia tetnicy uadbrzusz- n6j dolnej (arteria epigastrica inf.) przy iiarac'entezie janiy br'zusznej. [Abdominal paracentesis, with care to avoid wounding the inferior epigastric artery.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1890, xxix, 453; 471; 485. Also, transl.: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xii, 850-865. Abdomen (Pulsation in). See, also, Aneurism (Aortic, Abdominal). Malet (H.) * Contribution a l'6tude des abces pulsatiles de la region pr6cordiale. 4-. Paris, 1^87. Williams (J.) Abdominal pulsation, simu- lating aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Read before the Medical Society of Victoria, on Oct. 6, 1880. 8°. [n. p., 18-0 f] Boursicr & Franeoi*-Franck. Sur quelques si- gnes differentiels des tumours pulsatiles de l'abdomen. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., iv, 336.— Cormiers. [Abdominal pulsation, with disease of ab- ABDOMEN. 14 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Pulsation in). dominal aorta.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 398.— l.eudrick (C.) Epigastric pulsation. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1*41, xix, 62.—.TIeCord (A. II.) Paroxysmal idiopathic abdominal pulsation. Daniel's Texas M.'J.. Austin, 1887- 8, iii, 519. — Park (R.) On pulsation of the abdominal aorta, as sometimes mistaken for aneurism. Chicago M. Rev., 18p2, v, 133. —Waugh ( W. F.) Cases of abdomi- nal pulsation. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 942-944. — Williams (J.) Abdominal pulsation, simulating aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, 1880, n. s„ ii, 437-448. Also, Reprint. — Wiltshire (A.) On abdominal pulsation. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv, 309-312. Abdomen (Puncture of). See Abdomen (Paracentesis of). Abdomen (Rheumatism of). See Intestines, Viscera, Bheumatism of. Abdomen (Surgery of). See, also, Abdomen (Abnormities of); Abdo- men (Foreign bodies in); Abdomen (Paracente- sis of); Abdomen ( Tumors of, Treatment of) ; Abdomen ( Wounds and injuries of, Treatment of); Abdominal section ; Appendicitis; Bladder (Surgery of); Cholecystotomy; Intestines, Kidney, Liver, Surgery of; Pregnancy (Extra- uterine); Spleen, Stomach, Surgery of; Tables, etc. (Surgical); Ureter (Exploration, etc., of); Ureter ( Wounds, etc., of); Uterus (Surgery of). Albert (E.) Die chirurgischen Kraukbeiten des Bauches, des Mastdarmes und der Scrotal- hohle. 8°. Wien, 1879. v. 3 of his Lehrbuch der Chirurgie und Operationslehre. 8°. Wien, 1877-9. Altabas Arrieta (J.) Cirugia abdominal; tumores del ovario; la ovariotonifa en Barce- lona; con un ap6ndice sobre la laparotomia por traumatismos y un prdlogo por S. Ramon y Caial. 8U. Madrid, 1890. Bardenheuer (F.) * Experimentelle Beitriige zur Abdoniiualchirurgie. [Bonn.] 8°. Deutz, 1.-88. Elliot (J. W.) Papers on abdominal surgery. [1-3.] sm. 4°. Boston, 1889. Hoffmann (J. A.) * De morbis nonnullis per umbilici aperturam sanandis. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, [1798]. Johnson (J. T.) Introductory address . . . on the recent advances of abdomiual surgery. 8°. [Washington, 1887.] Maclean ( D. ) An abstract of a clinical lecture on abdominal surgery. 8°. [Lansing, 18-4.] Keith (S.) & Keith (G. E.) Text book of abdominal surgery. A clinical manual for prac- titioners and students. 8°. Edinburgh <$• Lon- don, 1894. ----- -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia [London], 1894. Lo Savio (V.) Chirnrgia addominale. Dia- gnosi e cura della ostacolata canalizzazione dell' intestiuo (miserere), per medici pratici e studeuti. 8°. Napoli, 1894. Mears (J. E.) Surgery of the abdomen. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*88. Salomoni (A.) Chirurgia viscerale. 8°. Mi- lano, [1-8*]. Smith (J. G.) Abdominal surgery. 8°. Lon- don «.)'• Bristol, 1887. —---. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1888. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1889. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8°. London,[1891]. -----. Thesame. 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 18-9. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1K>1. The same. Chirurgie abdominale; ouvrage traduit sur la 4niu edition avec l'autori- Abdomen (Surgery of). sation de l'auteur, par le' Dr. Paul Vallin, pre"- cerle" d'une preface du Dr. H. Ducet. 8°. Pa- ris, 1894. Weiss ( T. ) Quelques cas de chirurgie ab- dominale. 8°. Nancy, [1884]. Wyman (H. C.) Abdominal surgery. 12°. Detroit, 1888. See, also, infra. Abdominal surgery, or the operative measures ren- dered necessary by disease or injury affecting the abdomi- nal cavity. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1886, 80- 94. — Baku (S.) A hasiireg sebeszetenek je'len alliisa. [Present status of surgery of abdominal cavity.] Gvd- gyaszat, Budapest, 1888, xxviii, 75-77.—Baldy (J. M.) ' A plea for prompt interference in abdominal disease*. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, Ix, 700-705. Also. Reprint.— Barrow (D.) How the refinements of abdominal surgery have influenced general surgery. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. benh. med. Selsk. Forh., 1889, 112-117.-3risk (J. C.) Abdominal surgery. Boston m! & S. J., 1881, civ, 355.—van Itei-Mon. Over buik opera- ties. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst 1892 2 R xxviii, pt 1, 473-478.-King (W. H., Electro-abdomi- nal puncture. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y Rochester 1888 xxiii, 259-264. - Link ( J. E.) Report of cases in evidence of advanced theory of surgical impunity of the peritoneal viscera. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1893 xxi 270-374. -Mauley ( T. H. ) The eurgery of the abdomen, with some of its responsibilities. J. Am M Ass Chicago, 1890, xv, 701; 734. — illarcy (H.'o i Abdominal surgery. [Edit.] Ann. Anat. & Surg. Brook- lyn, 1881, iv, 37-45. ———. Recent advances in abdominal surgery. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 6-10—lTIear* (J E ) The progress and limitations of operations upon tbe ab- dominal cavity. Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii 399-404 — Meredith (W. A.) An address on the present position of abdominal surgery. Tr. M. Soc. Loud., 1890, xiii, 398- ABDOMEN. 15 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Surgery of). 453. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 896-900. [Discus- sion], 955-959. Aho: Lancet. Lond., 1890, i, 835-841. [Dis- cussion], 858; 904.—Mikulicz (J.) Przyczynki do chi- rurgii jam v brzusznei. [Contributions to the surgery of abdomen.]' Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1886, xxv, 1; 17; 47;'03; 7S; 127.- Mounter (L.) Note, k propos de deux observa- tions, pour montrer l'ituportanee, au point de vue de l'in- tervention chirnrgicale, des lesions viscerales. Gaz. med. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 472-475.—Montgomery (E. E.) Re- lation of the family physician to abdominal sursrcrv. Times & Reg., X. Y. & Phila., 1891, xxii, 253-260— Moret. As- cite d'origine traumatique; lavage du peritoine; guerison. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1892, xvi, 377-379.— Morgan (J. H.) Abdominal surgery in children. Ulust. M. News. Lond., 1889, iv, 53-56.—Morrin (II.) Injuries and diseases of the abdomen. Internat. Encycl. Surg. [Ashhurstl. N. Y.,1885, v, 85:1-1113.—Noble (O. P.) Ab- dominal surgery at the Kensington Hospital for AVomen. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila', 1891, xii, 140-155. Aho, Reprint. — .\ii*«>bniiiu. DieKrankheiten desUnterleibs. Handb. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Erlana., 1882? iii, 2. Abth., A. Abschn. vii, 165-212. — Oboleuski (I. N. ) Ovnu- trihryushiunikh srashtsheniakh, ikh patogeneze i diagnos- tike. [On intraabdominal adhesions, their pathogenesis and diagnosis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliii, 835-842.— O-Callagliau. Remarks on the present position of ab- dominal surgery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 451. — Oxtrom (H. I.) Remarks on abdominal sur- gery, suggested by the clinic of Mr. Lawson Tait. Ho- mceop. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1890, xii, 29-35.—von Ott (D.) Einiue technisehe Modiflcationen der Tamponade der Baucliliiihle. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 625- 631.—Prnroxr (C. B.) Report of four cases whichillus- trate the value of bacteriology in abdominal surgery. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s* xi, 155.—Price (J.) A consideration of some of the recent work in abdominal surgery. Buffalo M. &. S. J., 1888-9, xviii, 229-234. Also, Reprint. -----. The past, present, and future of abdomi- nal and pelvic surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 109-111. -----. A retrospect of abdominal surgery. Med. News. Phila., 1890, 646-649. Also, Reprint — Ba- zumovMki (V. I.) Nov uspiechi chir. pri boljezniach brouschnych organ. [Modern progress in surgery of ab- dominal organs.] Dnevnik obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan. univ., 1893, i, 77-97.—Becd (R. H.) Some new operations in abdominal surgery, illustrated with a number of speci- mens. Columbus M. J., 1887-8. vi. 293-303. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. Reg.. Phila.. 18X8, iii, 32,- 53. —Beeves (H. A.) Lectures on abdominal surgery. Med. Press & Cite, Lond., 1891, n. s., li, 631: Iii, 1. — Richardson (M. II.) Acute abdominal symptoms demanding immediate operative interference. Boston M. .cli (E. H.) Zur Casuistik der praperi- tonealen Lipome. Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 785- 787.—Klein (G.) Praparate von secundarem Adenom des Peritoneums. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 189(1, 104.—Kumar (K. P.) [Intraperitoneal ha;matocele; operation.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892. xxvii, 25. — l.aue (W. A.; A case of extensive naevus of the peritoneum. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xxvi, 5.— JLecompt (O ) Note sur une tumeur d'aspect fibro- cartilagineux trouvee libre dans la cavite du peiitoine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, v, 157-100.— fivas (J- W'.) On certain abdominal tumours. Si. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1880, xvi, 251-265.— l,ock- nood (C.B.) The diagnosis of retro-peritoneal sarcoma, with cases. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1300.— l.oppc. Tu- mour dc l'abdomen. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1883. Ivii, 530- 534. Also: Proares med., Par., 1883, xi, 615.—I.utz (F. J.) A contribution to the literature of the rarer forms of abdominal tumors. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1887. Also, Reprint. — Ijuzzatto (B.) Fibro-mixorna delle glandule retro-peritoneali. Ga/.z. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1878, xxi, 1; 9.—I^yons (R. D.) Fibro-cystic tumours iu the abdomen. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 1868, 365.—lWeGraw (T. A.) A retro-peritoneal tumor. Med. Age, Detroit, 1887, v, 505—iTIc^'abb (C. P.) Solid retroperitoneal growths in children. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 372-374.—ifliiiler. Myxosarcoma peri- toinei mit chroniseher Peritonitis: ascites; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenaust. Rudolph-Stiftuug in Wien (188(1), 1887, 290.—ile iTladrazo (E. 1).) Lipoma voliuuinoso subperi- toneal. Iudcpend. med., Barcel., 1887-8, xix, 81-84.— ITIaleolm. Rare form of abdominal tumour. Tr. Bel- fast Clin. & Path. Soc, 1854, 35.—ITIareoui (A.) Estn- pazione di un voluminoso linfosaroonia prevertebrale cmi asportazione di un tratto della vena cava ascendente. Clin, chir., Milano, 1893, i, 529-545, 2 pi.—;Hurene»i ((;.) Voluminoso sarcoma delle ghiandole retro-poiitoneali e del rene destro in un banibiuo; ablazioue del tumore e del rene; guariaione. Policlin., Roma. 1893-4, i, 327-329.— lTlatsumoto (B.) Kotai naru fukuko soso no itji kausha no sitsukeu. [Clinical note on a case of unusually large abdominal tumor.] Jundeudo Ijikenku Kwai Hoko Tokio, 1893, no. 146, l;i-22.—lVIoi-icke (R.) Fibroma retroperitoneale. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1882, vii, 423-429 Tlonteio (L. M.) Tumor fibroso (fibroma) de enuruies diiuensiones, desarrollado en la cavi- dad del vientre. Union med., Caracas, 1881. i, 113-115.— IVIoriarty (M. D.) Some cases of alidominal tumour. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 254-257.— Vlot i i» (R. T.) A rare abdominal tumor. Internat. J. Surg. N Y 1890, iii, 100-102.-.Hudd (II. H.) A retro-peritoneal tatty tumor. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1889, xx, 4.— Ogle (J. W.) Instances of some of the rarer varieties of morbid growths, swellings, etc connected with the organs contained within the abdominal cavity. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1867, ii, 345-375.—Ol'ivcira Feijao. Uoenca gelatiuosa do ventre (B6an); myxoma. Med. coutemp., Lisb., 1883, i, 275; 289: 306; 312^ — Owen (I.) Case of abdominal tumour. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1887, x, 197-199.—Nnunoni (A.) Tumore di tutto ii contmente del basso ventre coll' aggiunta d' un altro tumore di nualita particolare. In his: Mem. . . . casi rari di chir., 4°, Firenze, 1770, 5-8. -----. Tumore di tutto ABDOMEN. 17 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of). Vaddominecompostonellasuamaggiorparted'olio. Ibid., 8-12. -----. Tumore di base grande, e dura nato nella parte pid interna del coutinente del basso ventre. Ibid., 17. -----. Tumore duro dell' ipogastrio, giudicato della specie de' follicolati, quaudo egli era un ammasso d' orine tratteuufo nella vesica. Ibid., 19-21. -----. Tumore duro nato tra il peritoneo, e i muscoli flessori del femore. Ibid., 30 - 41. — Narath (A.) Ueber retroperi- toneals Lymphcysten. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1895, xxiv, pt. 2, 396-426, 1 pi. — Nichol- son (W. P.) Case of abdominal tumor, with autopsy. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1886, xvi, 6-11. —Perthes (G.) Ueber verkalkte Endotheliome im Uuterhautbiudeire- webe. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1894, xii, 589-617, 4 pi.—Phelps (C.) A case of intra-abdominal sarcoma. N. York M. J., 1894, liv, 172. [Discussion], 184. Also, Re- print.—Porro (E.) Tumore fibro-mio-sarcomatoso pre- peritoneale, della regione epicolica iliaca destra; euuclea- zione; ablazione di largo lembo di peritoneo; guarigione. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1881, 8. s., iii, 501-503.— Prailicr [et al. ] Observation de tumeur abdominale. Soc. d. sc m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1804, xviii, 5-7.— Prewitt. Cartilagiiiousabdominal tumor. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1885, xlviii, 416. —Price (M.) Interesting cases of abdominal tumors. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, 312-323.—Prochaska (G.) De alio interno ab- dominis praeter naturam tumore, feliciter spatio trium mensium curate. In his: Adnot. acad., 8°, Pras;e. 1781, ii, 63-70. — B»ujo. Fibroplastic sous peritoneale! Mem. et bull. Soc. rusala Lakaref. Forh., 1894-5, xxx, 130-135.— Mncdonald (G. C ) Hydatid cyst; operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 972. — ITIcBonald ( T. L.) A tumor with saprophytic fermentation ; [abdominal sec- tion], Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1891, xxvi, 756-758.— Mcintosh (W. P.) Laparotomy and removal of cystic tumor (cysto-adenoma) of peritoneum ; formation of artifi- 1 cial anus; subsequent laparotomy and resection of colon; closure of artificial anus; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 545-550. Also, Reprint. — ITIcLcau. En- cysted dropsy of the peritonaeum with papilloma. N. York J. Gynsec. & Obst., 1891-2, i, 121.—ITIaly (0.) Be- merkungen iiber die Behandlungder Physconien. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1845, 516-519. —Marcy (H. 0.) Some special reasons why the laparotomist should consider the medico-legal aspects of abdominal surgery. J. Am M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 174-177. ---—. The surgical treatment of non-pedunculated abdominal tumors. Ibid., 072-075. Also, Reprint.—IHaydl (C.) Zur Casuistik der Complicationenbei Operatiouenvon Bauchtumoren. Wien. med. Bl., 1882, v, 1222-1225.—Mcincrt. Bericht iiber 25 im Jahre 1888 operirte abdominale Tuinoren. Kor.-Bl. d. arztl. Kreis u Bezirks-Ver.hu Kbnigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1889, xlvii, 123-126. Also. Reprint. — Menzies (J.) [Case of abdominal tumour; operation: recovery.] Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 348.—Mcrigot de Treigny.' Kyste keinatiquo de 1 abdomen, situe entie le pancreas et l'estomac; laparo- tomie; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1885, lx, 421-429.— Montgomery (E. E.) Rernovalof uterine tumors through the abdomen. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago,1894, xxiii,177-181.— Morctti. Cisti dell' omento in ragazza d' anni 3, felice- mente esportata dal Chirurgo Primario Cav. Yeeelli, nell' Ospitalo Civile di Venezia. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Ve- nezia, 1891, xv, 519-524.—Mueller (A.) A case of echi- nococcus cyst of the omentum cured by radical operation. Australas/M. Gaz., Sydney, 1831-2, xi, 95-97.—Miiller (E.) En Tarmtumor. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1894, 4. R., ii, 450-453.—Myutcr (H.) Sarcoma of abdominal cavity cured by toxins of erysipelas. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 107.—rYicolayscii (J.) Tumor cysticus abdomi- nis; Laparotomi; Exstirpation. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevi- densk., Christiania, 1885,3. R., xv, 257-200.—Ogston. A case of retro-peritoneal lipoma. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 425.—Okada (S.) Kafuku taiju tekisitsuo yoi narasi- muru Reuerdinshi no soji. [Reverdin's apparatus to fa- cilitate extirpation of abdominal tumors.] Ogata Bioyen Tjikwai, Tokio, 1893, no. 52, 32-38. — Orrillard (A.) & Durante (G.) Tumeurs abdominales multiples; fibro- niyomes ut6rins en voie de transformation sarcomateuse; sarcome sous-peritoueal occupant toute l'excavatiou pel- vienne; laparotomie; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 217-221.—Packard (J. H.) Tumor probably of uterine origin, attached to the small intestine; removed by laparotomy. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1889, lx, 22.—Pnmcijer (J. K.) Exstirpatie van een retroperi- tonaoaal sarcom, gevolgd door genezing. Geneosk. Cou- rant, Tiel, 1890, no. 31.—Parkcs. Laparotomy for ab- dominal tumors. N. York M. J., 1884, xl, 706.—Parvin (T.) Removal of a cystic tumor of the broad ligament and cholecystotomy. Indiana M. J., India-nap., lc92-3, xi, 33-35.—Pcan. Du traitement par suppuration des tu- meurs liquides de l'abdomen et du bassin. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 257-259. Also, in his: Lecons de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1888, 204-209.—Petit (P.) Note sur un kyste fietal (tubo-abdoiuinal) extrait par une laparotomie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 673-675.—Peyrot. Voluminous lipome de l'abdomen euleve par la laparoto- mie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 383.—Phelps (C.) A case of intra-abdominal sarcoma. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 172— Pillict (A.) Tumeur ab- dominale; laparotomie; teratome de la region lombaire, en avant de la colonne vertebrale. Boll. Soc, anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 875-881.—Potocki (J.) Kystes hyda- tiques de l'abdonien et du bassin; laparotomie: gu6rison rapide. Ibid., 1887, lxii, 536-540.—Price (J. M.) Inter- esting cases of abdominal tumors. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, ii, 312-323. Also: Med. &. Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1891, lxv, 930-934. [Discussion], 935-94').— Price (M.) Sarcoma of bladder, bowels, and omentum; exploratory operation; absolutely no hope for him; com- plete recovery. I'roc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, Abdomen (Tumors of, Treatment of). 127.—Basch. Case of large chylous cyst of the mesen- tery. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii," 101-103.—Bced (C. R.) The early removal of abdominal cystic tumors. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 374-377.—Bicard. Vo- lumineuse tumeur conjonctive de l'6piploon gastro-hepa- tique; extirpation de la tumeur et de la vesicule biliaire, comprise dans sou epaisseur; guerison. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par., 1893, vii, 523-525. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 409.—Richardson (M. H.) An abdominal tumor. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxxi, 629.— Boberts (J. B.) Sarcoma arising near the kidney; at- tempted extirpation. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. a., i, 203-206.—Bobinson (F. B.) Reasons for removing ab- dominal tumors. N. York M. J., 1893. lviii, 64; 141; 175. Also [Abstr. 1: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1893, xvii, 272- 274.—Bobinson (W.) Multiple multilocular cysts of the mesentery. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 219.— Rose (E.) Ueber die Exstirpation gutartiger Bauchgewachse (die Laparcktomie). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883-4, xix, 24-50. Also, Reprint.- Boss (J. B.) Proba- tory laparotomy: fallacy of preliminary puncture. Aus- tra'las. M. Gaz.', Sydney,'l889-90, ix, 248.—Rowan. Two cases of abdominal section for hydatids. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 308-313.—Schopf (F.) Cys- toma mesenteriale; Laparotomie; Heiluug. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893, i, 827.—Schultze (B. S.) Reverdin's Vorrichtuug zur Erleichterung der Exstirpation grosser Unterleibstumoren. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 105-108. Aho: Wien. med. Bl., 1893, xvi, 148. Aho, transl.: Chiugai Iji Shimpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 317, 9-12— Slawjansky (K.) Ein Fall von Echinococcen der Bauchhohle, geheilt durch Laparo-Echi- nococcotomie. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1880, iv, 465- 409.—Smolensk! (I. F.) Laparothomias tselyu udaleni'a echinokokhov iz bryushnoi polosti (laparo echinococco- thomia), proizvedyonnaya A. Y. Krassovskim. J. akush. i jeusk. boliez., St, Petersb., 1887, i, 197-202.—Stokes (Sir W.) A case of abdominal tumour; operation; ne- cropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 698. — Storchi ( F. ) Cisti multiple di echinococco del peritoneo; laparotomia; guarigione. In his: Dodici mesi di chir. n. osp. Costan- zo Mazzoni, 8°, Modena, 1889-90, 4!»-53.—Stratcr. Bei- trag zur operativen Behandlung der Mesentei ialcysten. Fiiufz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ver. d. Aerzte d. Rgrngsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 426-429.__ Ktudsgaard (C.) Bemaerkninger om Dannelsen af peritonseale Tilhaeftninger ved Kunst, [ Treatment of tumors of peritonaeum.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1879, 2. R. vi, 481-492.—Sutton (R. S.) Laparotomy for a large mesenteric cyst. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1880-7, i, 293-295.__ Sutugin (V. Y.) Fspiechi operat. liechenija papillom broushiny. [Successful operative treatment of papilloma of peritonaeum.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St, Petersb., 1890, i, 505; 545. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gynak.] Leipz., 1890, xiv, 409-416.— Svoiisson (I ) Forsok att exstirpera en tumor, som simulerade riirlig njure; helsa. [Attempt to extirpate a tumor, simulating movable kidney; cure.] Arsberatt, f. Sabbatsbergs Sjukh. i Stockholm 1881, 170-184. —Terrier. Kyste hydatiquo du grand epiploon; peritonite concomitante. Bull .). Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1879, Par., 1880. 103. —Biggs (II. M.) Lympho-sarcoma of the retro peritoneal glands, mesentery and intestine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 153.—Biondi (A.) Un caso di adeno-sarcoma retroperitoneale. Ann. din. d. osp. in- cur., Napoli, 1876, n. s.. i. 170-177. -----. Adeno-sarcoma retro-peritoneale con diffusione alle ghiandole mesente- riche; catarro intestinale consecutivo; diabete insipido; sifilide costituzionale tardiva. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1887, iv, 145-150. —Boccalari (A.) Sul cosi detto cancro en- doteliale del peritoneo; storia clinica ed anatomica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. rued., Napoli, 1881, n. s., iii. 1248-1255,1 pi.—Bosartigc Neubildungen des Bauchfells und der retroperitonaealen Driisen. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1861), 1862, 102.—de Bois.(D.) Ge- val van sarcoom der mesenterial lymphklierenr Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Leiden, 1891, xv, 229-232.—Bo- nuzzi (P.) Un caso di cancro eudoteliale primitiyo del peritoneo. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1885. ii, 371- 377.—Braun (H.) Exstirpation eines malignen Netztu- mors. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 791.— Bristowe (J. S.) Carcinoma of the peritoneum. In: Dis. In test. & Periton., 8°, N. Y., 1879, 219-222. —Buch- anan (A. B.) Case of malignant tibro-cellular tumour involving the ileum. Glasgow M. J., 1864-5. [2. s.], xii, 52-58, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Burton (J. E ) Malignant disease of the anterior abdominal wall. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 302.—Castex. Sarcoma- tose peritoneale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 7- 10.—Chassag'nc (A.) Tumeur myxo-sarcomateuse de de l'abdomen (poids: 8 kil. 120; d6velbppement rapide : 32 jours). Gaz. med. de Par., 1886, 7. s., iii, 217; 231.—de Coquet. Cancer gen6ralis6 du peritoine. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 18»7-8, xvii, 470.—Colling (B. E.) Abdomi- nal cancer, supposed by the patieut to be pregnancy in third to fourth month, accompanied by apoplexy of tho medulla oblongata: death in twenty-four hours after apo- plectic attack. Boston M. & S. J., 1866-7, lxxv, 187. Also: Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v, 235.— Devlin. Retro-peritoneal sarcoma, Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 245.—H>illel. Carcinoma in abdotuine. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1882, Wien, 1883, 160-162.—DrvMdalc (T. M.) Colloid cancer of the abdo- men. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 162-165.— Ehrmann (J.) [Un cas de de-generescence squirrheuse de la sereuso.J Gaz med. del'Algerie, Alger, I860, v, 129.— Elliott ((}. F.) Sarcomatous growth in the abdomen, in- volving the right kidney. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 423.— Fngclmann. Ein Fall von melanotischem retroperito- neafom Druscncan inom. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi. 425. — Faucon (A.) Tumeurcollohledel'ab- domen; ponction exploratrice suivie de mort, il la suite de la sortie prematuree de l'operee. J. d. sc, med. de Lille, 1881, iii, 177-182. — Ferguson ( F. ) Colloid carcinoma of the peritoneum. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 477.— Freeborn (G.C.) Carcinoma of the cervix uteri, fibroma of the uterus, and occlusion of the left ureter by a carci- nomatous mass. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1889),'l890,15.— Fremont. Cancer primitifdu peritoine. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1882, lvii, 289-293. — CSnlnbiu (A. L.) Retro- peritoneal cyst associated with solid malignant (?) intra- cystic growth. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1886), 1887, xxviii, 179. —(Gaudier (H.) Carcinome volumineux de la peau de la parol antoro-laterale droite de l'abdomen. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 565-572. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. etsyph., Par., 1892, iv, 108-113.—Gueriti. Sarcome fas- ciculi de l'6piploon gastro-coliquo avec envahissement du pylore; dilatation de la crossedel'aorte ; fragments metal- liquea dans le tissu cellulaire eutourant le tronc brachio- cephalique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 171-173.— Ilauderson (H. E ) Clinical history of a case of ab- dominal cancer. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1891-2, vii, 315-321.— Hart (C. A.) A case of abdominal colloid cancer. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown (Conn.), 1881-2, i. 8—Ilayden. Cancerous tumour in the abdomen ; perforation of the ileon. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 171-173.— Head. Malignant tumour in the abdomen. Ibid., 250.— lleiui. Sarcom der Retroperitoneal-Driisen. Internat. kliu. Rundschau, Wien, 1892, vi, 1464-1467. — Heine- ui a n n. Retro-peritoneal sarcoma. Med. Rec, N. Y., ABDOMEN. 22 ABDOMEX. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cancerous and malignant). 1881. xix, 19 —Homen (E. A.) Ett fallaf primar diffust utbredd nybildning i peritoneum. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Hefsingfors, 1881, xxiii, 400-407. —Hunter (J. B.) Sarcoma of theabdomiual wall and peritouaum. N. York M. J.. 1885. xiii, 108.—Hutchinson (.1. H.) Cancer of the peritoneum. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1875-6), 1877, vi, 20-24.—Jaeeoud (S.) Sur deux cas de cancer abdomi- nal. In his: Leg. de clin. med. 1886-7. 8°. Par. 1888, 252- 265. Also, transl: Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1888, lix, 513-517.—.1 acubasch. Maligner Unterleibstnmor. Charity-Ann. 1878, Berl.. 1,-80. v. 481-488.— Johnson (IM Retro-peritoneal sarcoma. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1888-9. xl. 295.—Kelsch «fc Wannebroucq. Note sur deux cas de sarcome du peritoine et du tissu cellulaire retro-peri- toneal. Progres med.. Par., 18.-1, ix. 729-731.— Keresz- tszeghy ( G.) Ueber retroperitoneale Sarkoiue. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1892. xii i::9- 151. — KidanolT ( V.) Lymphosarcoma durum diffusum ex omentovulnereaffectoprodiens. Objazat. pat.-anat. izlied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ.. 1892. 259-2tie.— King (S. T.) Cancer of the peritoneum. Med. Rec. N.Y., 1885. xxvii, 539. — Kobler(G.) Ueber typische* Fieber bei malignen NeMiildungen des Unterleibes; eine klinisch- literarische Studie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1.-92, v, 335; 352. — Krug ( F. ) Sarcomatous abdominal tumor. N. York M. J.,'1891, liii, 436.— Blister (E.) Sarcom des perirenalen Bindegewebes r. Metastasen am Schadel und den Rippen ; ungeheilt. In his: Ein chir. Trienn. 1876-8, 8°. Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 170. — I.nache ( S. ) Primsert Retroperitonealsarkom. Norsk Mag.f. I.ai'gevidensk.Ckris- tiania. 1885. 3. R., xv. 28.— ff.allemaut i.O.) Observation de cancer primitif du peritoine. Rev. med. de 1 est, Nancy, 1883, xv, 493-496.— Littre (A.) Observation sur une hvdropisie particuliere. [Encysted ascites ] Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1703, Amst.. 1707, Mem., 111-117. Also: Rec. de mem., Dijon, 1754. ii, 54-56. — I.oebel ft"- niann (E.) Ueber subphrenischen Echinococcus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 224- 226.—Jones (F. F.) Case of suppurating hydatid of ab- domen : free incision; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 1041.—Killiau (G.) Eine grosse, retroperitoneale Cyste mit chylusartigem Inhalt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 407-411 —Klcinwiichtcr (L.) Ein Beitrag zu den in der I'eritonealhdhle vorkommenden Blutcysten. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xii, 377-380. —Kiiiuniel (H.) Bei- triige zu den Cysteu des Mesocolons. Pestschr. z. Feier . . . Fr. von Esniarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 419-427.—Lan- dau (L.) Zur operativen Behandlung der Eehinoeoccen in der Bauchhohle. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 93; 108.—de Lnutonr. Hydatid c\ st bursting through tbe internal inguinal ring. X. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1893, vi, 37-39. — Lcgg (\V.) Abdominal tumour of obscure na- ture; hydatid fluid evacuated on tapping. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 252.— Leprevost (F.) Des kystes huileux de l'abdomen. Rev. med. franc, etetrang., Par., 1884, i, 222; 336.— Iiobher. Frhcr den subphrenischen Echinococcus. Deutsche med. Wcbns. lit.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv,353-355. Also: Verhandl. d. med. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890,118-129.—Eiiigeol. Kystes hydatiques de l'abdomen. M6m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1882), 1883, 452-455. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 241. -----. Observation de kystes hydatiques multiples de l'abdomen. J.de med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 231.— Iviissann (F.) Cut a radicale di idrocisti uuiloculare ad- dominale colla sempliee puntura e sifone permanente. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, letl. ed arti, 1882-3, 6. s., i, 145- 156.—ITIcCasey (J. II.) Cyst of peritoneum, resulting from impacted gall stones: autopsy. Kansas M. J., To- peka, 1892, iv, 447-451.- ?lncdoiiald (J. D.) Case of abdominal tumour. Ce\lon M. J., Colombo, 1887-8. i, 73.— iTlcLcod. Abdominal hsematoma. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta. 1892. xxvii, 22 — .Tlagniisson (G.) Xogle Be- nuerkninger i Auleduingaf 7 Tilfselde af Underlivsekino- kokker, opererede efter Volkmann's Methode. [Some ob- servations concerning 7 cases of echinococci of the abdo- men, operated for by Volkmann's method.] Hosp.-Tid., ABDOMEN. 24 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic and hy- datid). Kjebenh., 1895, 4. R., iii, 229-247. — Itlanlcy ( T. H.) Serous cysts and cystic formations, abdoniino-pelvic. Tr. X. York M. Ass., 1890, vii, 432-463.—iMariani (J. M.) Quistes kidatidicos abdominales. Rev. de med. y cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1888, xxii, 57; 121; 236. Aho, in his: Re- tazos clin., 8°. Madrid, 1890, 5-35.—Markhnm (N. C.) Rupture of hydatid tumor into the peritoneal cavity, with recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 248.— Martin (G. H.) A case of cystic tumor of the peri- toneum. X. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1882, xvii, 229-231.— IVIaryashes (S. E.) Sluchay echinokokka okolo puzir- noy kletehatki. (Un cas des kystes hydatiques de la cavit6 prev6sicale.) Yuzbno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1892, i, 42-44 —Matlaltowski (W.) Ueber den Xetz-Echino- coccus vom chirurgischen Standpunkte. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xiii, 380-425.—Meigs (J. F.) Cystic tumor [in the right hypochondrium]. Med. Gaz., X. Y., 1882, ix, 402-404.—Meisenbnch. Subperitoneal hsema- toma. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1886, 1, 55-60.—Meliclt (W. B.) Abdominal cyst; pain simulating sciatic neuralgia. Albany M. Ann., 1886, vii, 306-308.—Mery (H.) Kyste sanguin de 1'hypocondre droit, cons6cutif k un trauma- tisme. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1885, lx, 39-43. Also: Pro- gres med., Par., 1885, 2. a., ii. 238. Aho, transl: Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1885, ii, 324—Metcalfe (J. T.) Hydatids of the abdomen openinc: into the lungs. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. 1879, iii, 1-4.—Mitra (X. C.) A rare case of hy- datid tumour [in abdomen]. Indian M.-Ohir. Rev., Bom- bay, 1894, ii, 733-735.—Molliere (D.) Kyste hydatique de l'abdomeu. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 1179.—Mo- nod. Kystes lndatiques multiples de l'6piploon et du petit bassin. Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 452-454.—Moore (W.) Three cases of abdominal hydatids treated by Bond's method. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1894, n. s., xvi, 439-442.— Morand. Observations Bur des sacs rnembi aneux pleins d'hydatides sans nombre, attaches k plusieurs visceres du bas ventre, et decouverts par l'ouverture d'un cadavre. Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc. [de Paris] 1722, Amst., 1727, Mem., 215-224, 2 pi.—Morini (V.) Contributo alia cura delle cisti d' echinococco della cavity addominale. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1888-9, ix, 43-61.—Moritz (E.) Eine abscedirende ha- morrhagische Cyste der Bauchhohle von zweifelhafter Her- kunft. St Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i, 37-40.— Moses (G.) Abdominal cyst. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri, 1878, i, 203-205.—Obalinski (A.) Ueberserose retroperitoneale Cysten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 719-721.—de Oliveira (M. J.) Kistosebaceo; operacao; abertura do peritoneo; curativode Lister; cura em 12 (lias. Ann. Brazil, de med., Rio de Jan., 1882-3, xxxiv, 268-273.— Oliver (T.) Clinical notes on a case of sanguineous cyst of the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 632.—Ord (W. M.) Sc Sewell (C. B.) An account of a large dermoid cyst found in the abdomen of a man. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1879-80, lxiii, 1-9. Also [Abstr. 1 : Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1875-80, viii, 431. Also [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 697. Also [Abstr.J: Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 653. Also [Abstr. |: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, 541.—Osawa (T.) Jofukubu hirio roso no stri- ken. [An unusual ease of cystic tumor of abdomen; re- moval and recovery.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1886, no. 146, 27-29.—Palmer. Case of peritoneal cyst. Obst. Gaz., Ciucin., 1880-81, iii, 344-347. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Cinciu., 1879-85, ii, 74-76.—Parrish (J. S.) A suppos- d abdominal tumor, with sloughintr of the cyst. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1884, xxx, 84-86.—Peuualo (P.) Essudato gelatinoso e cisti dermoide del peritoneo. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1894, xxi, 502-505.—Poirier (P.) Kystes hydatiques dans le fascia sons-p6ritoueal de laparoi abdominale aut6rieure. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 139. Also: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 719. — Potniu. Un cas d'h6inatome p6riton6al. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par, 1892, vi, 369.—Przewoski (E.) Trzy przypadki torbieli surowiczych zaotrzewniowych (cys- tae serosa? retroperitoneales, praevertebrales). Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1889, 2. s., ix, 820-827.—Katiiiiolf (V. A.) K voprosu o prolskhozhdenii mnozhestvennavoechinokokka bryushnol polosti. [On the origin of multipleechinococcus of the abdominal cavity.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1894, x, 917-931. Aho : Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 1037- 1041.—Raymond (P.) Kystes hydatiques multiples du p6ritoine et du foie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 406- 408.—Reboul (J.) & Vaquez (H.) Kyste hydatique k manifestations abdominales et pulmonaires offrant tons les symptomes cliniques d'uue angiocholite suppurco; mort par ouverture dans les brunches et vomique. Ibid.. 1888, lxiii, 618-626. — Rendu. Kyste hematique developp6 au voisinage de lestomac et coramuniquant avec une cavite creuse,e dans l'anneau du pylore; com- pression de l'estomac et des voies biliaires; ponctions aspiratrices successives; p6ritonite ultime consecutive k une tentative de drainage du kyste. Ibid., 1880, lv, 120-130. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 748-751.— Ris (F.) Ein Fall von Cvste des grossen Xetzes. Beitr. z.klin. Chir., Tubing., 1893, x, 423-432.—Rissler. Casus Abdomen (Tumors of Cystic and hy- datid). af hydrops saccatus. Ars-Beratt. om Svenska Lak.-Siitlsk. Arb., Stockholm, 1840, 93-96. — Robson (A. W. M.) Suc- cessful removal of an abdominal c vst of extraordinary size. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 213.—Ross (J. B.) Treatment of abdominal hydatids. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1890, n. 8., xii, 296-298.—Sasse (H. F. A.) Waarneming eener hy- drops cysticus. .uEsculaap, Amst., 1836, ii, 209-221.—Saw- kins (F. J. T.) Case of abdominal hydatid, presumably starting in omentum and occupying the whole of the ante- rior portion of the abdominal cavity. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii. 7. — Schlegteiidal (B.) Die Linde- mann'sche einzeitige Operation d< r Eehinoeoccen der Baiiehorsane. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886, xxxiii, 202- 219.—Schmidt (0.) Ein Fall von Echinococcus im Me- senterium des Dickdarms. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 291.—Schoniverth (A.) Ue- ber einen seltenen Fall von retroperitonealer Cvste. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 28-30.-Sehiissler (F.) Das neue Billroth'sche Verfahren zur Behandlung intra- peritonealer Eehinoeoccen. Beitr. z. Chir. Festschr. . . . Theodor Billroth. . . . Stuttg., 1892, 542-551. —Sinclair. Abdominal sanguineous cyst; aspiration; recovery; re- marks. Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 614.—Stamm ( M. j Re- port of a case of a large abdominal echinococcus cyst. Med. Xews, Phila., 1893, lxii, 365-369. Also, Reprint.— Stonham (C.) Cyst of the peritoneum. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1887-8, xxxix, 149,1 pi— Surmay. Enorme kyste hydatique abdominal, probablement du foie, simulant un kyste de l'ovaire ; ponction et Evacuation au moyen d'un tres gros trocart; gu6risou. Bull. m6d. de l'Aisne 1882-3. St.-Quentin, 1887, 62-75.—Sutton (J. B.) Report on Mr'. Greig Smith's specimen of abdominal cvst, adherenttothe omentum. Brit. Gyuaec. J., Lond., 1887-8, iii, 362-366. -----. Multiple hydatids of the omentum and the pelvic peritoneum; laparotomy; recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. 8., lv. 456.—Tait (L.) Two cases of hyda- tids of the peritoneum successfully treated by abdominal section. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1882, xi, 193-196.—Terrier. Tumeur kystique renfermant du sang en partie eoagul6, pediculis6e sur l'intestin grele et adh6reute au mesentere et k l'6piplnon. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, xvi, 383-387.—Thornton (K.) Encysted dropsy of the peritoneum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882. i, 120. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1882, i, 107.— Tillnux. Tumeur kystique de la cavit6 abdominale, d6veloppee tr&s-probablement dans une ancienne poche- d'h6raatocele peri-ut6riue. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1887, xxvii, 82-85.—Tipyakoff (V. V.) K kazuistike echinococcovikh zabollevaniy: razsieyanniy ecbinococc brlushuoi polosti i echinococc pechini. [Wan- dering echinococcus of the abdominal cavity and echino- coccus of the liver.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii, 875.— Tozzctti (G. T.) Relazione d' un enorme tumore vessi- colare del'peritoneo. In: Rac. di opusc. med.-prat., 8°, Firenze, 1775, iii, 124-138.—Trcuberg (J.) Echinococcus der vorderen Bauchwand. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 308.—Velten. Sackgeschwulst in der Bauchhohle einer 53jiihrigen Frau. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1836, Koblenz, 1839, 93-95. —Viti ( A. ) Considerazioui sulla genesi di un singolare tumore eistico del peritoneo. Riforma med , Napoli, 1889, v, 1106-1108.— Watts (R.) Cyst of the mesocolon. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1879, xii, 333-336. Also : Tr. X.York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 455-458 —Wesihoir (A.) Ueber multiple Eehino- eoccen in der Bauchhohle. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 916.— Whittier (E. N.) Cyst of unknown origin occupying the greater part of the ab- dominal cavitv; one and a half years' duration. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cix, 5(7—Winn nils (M.) Ueber einen Fall von Gascysten in der Darmwand und in peritonili- schen Pseudomembranen. Beitr. z. path. Anat. n. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1895, xvii, 38-64, 1 pi— Witzel (O.) Echino- coccus des grossen Netzes; Laparotomie; Einnahnng und Eroffuung des Sackes; Heilnng; allgemeines iiber Tumo- ren des Netzes, besonders iiber die Echinokokken dessel- ben. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1884 xxi, 141-159.— Yassinski (P.) Predbryushinniy echinokokk (echino- coccus prajperitonealis) siiuulirovavshiy kistuvalchuika. [. . . simulating an ovarial cvst.] Russk. Med., St. Pe- tersb., 1886, iv, 754-757. AbdODlien (Tumors of, Parietal). Brohmanx (F.) *Zur Casuistik der Batich- wandtumoren. [Erlangen.] bQ. Berlin [1,-871 Damalix (A.) * Etude sur les fibroin, .s de la paroi abdominale aut^rieure. 4°. Paris, 18Hti. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1886. Daxnhaueh (F.) * Ueber Bauchdeckendes- moide. SJ. Bonn, 1892. Dakbky (P.) A most singular case of thick- ening of the integuments on the abdomen dedicated to John Abernethy. 8°. Droglieda ABDOMEN. 25 ABDOMKN". Abdomen (Tumors of, Parietal). Diegxer (H.) * Ein Beitrag zur Kenutnis der Geschwiilste der Bauchmuskelu. 8>°. Kbniqs- berg i. Pr., 1895. Frank (F.) * Beitrag zur Kenutnis der typi- scheu Bauchdecken-Fibrome. 8-. Greifswald. 1^87. J Freudexsteix (K.) * Ueber Geschwiilste der Bauehdecken. [Marburg.] 8°. Cas.sel, 18915. Graetzeu (S.) * Die bindegewebigeu Neubil- dungen der Bauchwand. (Ein Fall vou doppel- seitigem Fibroid iu den Bauehdecken.) 8°. Breslau, 1,-79. Graf (J.) * Ueber Geschwiilste, speciell iiber ein Myxoin der vorderen Bauchwand. [Wurtz- burg.] 8-. Niirnberg, 1888. Haquix (J.) *Du traitement des fibromes de la paroi abdominale. 4-. Paris, 1888. Heerdixg (J. W.) * Ueber die Fibromo der Bauehdecken. 8 -'. Heidelberg, 1887. KCstxeh ( W.) * Ueber Bauchdeckenfibronie. [Jena.] s-. Halle a. S., 1891. Labbe (L.) & Remy (C.) Traite" des fibromes de la paroi abdominale. -°. Paris, 18-H. Laxge(R.) * Ueber Bauchdeckenfibronie. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Lequette (L.-J.-B.) * Contribution h l'6tude des fibromes pseudo-p6dicule\s de la paroi abdomi- nale anterieure. [Lille.] 4°. Lierin, 1894. Loisxel ( P.) * Etude sur le fibrome de la paroi abdominale anterieure. 4°. Paris, 1888. Pellowski (J.) *Znr Casuistik der Bauch- decken-Geschwiilsto. hd. Greifswald, 1889. Perxhorst (F. J. ) * Ueber desmo'ido Ge- schwiilste der Bauehdecken. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Ruxck (A.) * Beitrag zur Histologic der Bauchdeckenfibronie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Schum (O.) * Zur Casuistik der Bauchdecken- tumoren. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Miinchen, 1891. Staxulla (R.) * Ueber Bauchdeckenfibronie. 8°. Greifswald, 189:1. "Westpiial (M.) * Ueber Bauchdeckenfibronie. 8-. Greifswald, 1892. Allen. Fibroid tumour of the abdominal wall. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. a., ii, 449.—Bard (L.) Fi- brome apon6vrotique intra-pari6tal de la paroi abdominale ant6rieure. Mem. Soc. d. ac. med. de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, pt. 2, 172-176.— Bauer (L.) & Bos'se. Sarcoma of the abdominal wall; removed bv excision. St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1880-81, vii, 107.— Billroth. Sarcom der Baueh- decken. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.- Ileilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1884, Wien, 1885, 36-38.—Bloxam (J. A.) Sarcoma over left pubis; removal on four consecutive occasions. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s , xliii, 617.—Kodenstein (O.) Ueber Desmoide der Bauchwand. Miinchen. ined. "Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 4-6. Also: Mitth. a. d. chir.-- orthop. Privatklin. . . . Hoffa zu Wiirzb., Miinchen, 1894, 43-51.— Boguc (It. G.) Fibroid in abdominal wall. Chi- cago M. J. & Exam., 1883, xlvi, 470.-, Briddon (C. K.) Fibroma (?) of the abdominal wall. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 410.—Brun. Fibrosarcomo de la paroi abdominale. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1886, xxvi. 367-374.—Bruntxcl (R.) Zur Casuistik der bindegewebigeu Neubihlungen der Bauehdecken. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1884, x, 228. — Budd (S. W ) The tolerance of the peritoneal Cavity to injury iflustrated by the removal of a fibroma of the abdominal wall. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894- 5, xxi, 810-813. — Bur ford (G.) Note on abdominal pa- pillomata. Month. Homoeop. Rev., Lond., 1895, xxxix, 510- 513. — Carreiro ( B. T. ) Um caso de tumor da paiede abdominal. Correio med. de Lis!)., 1888, xvii, 182-184.— Ceci (A.) Lipoma nel counettivo sottocutaneo della re- gione aotto-otnbellicalo; operazione, estirpazione del tu- more; guarigione. Gior. di clin. e temp. Messina, 1883, ii, 447-453.—Chenantais. Fibro-sareome de la paroi abdo- minale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Xantes 1882, Par., 1884, vi, 51. Also: J.de med. de 1 ouest, Xantes, 1883, xvii, 410—Chre- tien ( H. ) Fibrome de la paroi abdominale; laparoto- mie; guerison; exauien histologique. Poitou med., Poi- tiers, 1894, viii, 145-149.- Claude & Tuffler. Fibro- sarcomo (?) de la paroi abdominale; structure complexe de ces neoplasmcs. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 59-62.— Coignet (L. > lSnorme fibrome de la paroi abdominale droite (poids 3 kilog. 80); ablation; guerison. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1893. ii. 573-578.—Consbrueh. Exstirpa- tion einer grossen Speckgeschwulst aus den Bauehdecken. Prov. San. Ber. d. k. Med.Coll. v.Westfalen 1843, Miinster, Abdomen (Tumors of, Parietal). 1845, 129. —Cousins (J. W.) Abdominal sarcoma infil- trating the abdominal wall. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1189.— Dnndridgc (N. P.) Report of a case in which a myxolipoma weighing eighty pounds was removed from the abdominal wall. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883. xxiii, 60-63.— De Filippi (F) Un caso di fibroma delle pareti addo- minali. Clin, chir., Milano, 1894, ii, '.'74-277. —Be Benzi (E.) Tumore della parete addominale; eechimoma (re- gione epigastrica). Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Xapoli, 1883, iv, 49. — OcscroizilLcs. Tumeur phlegmoneuse de la paroi abdominale Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1892, x, 524- 530. — Doraii (A.) Case of fibro-sarcoma or desmoid growth of the abdominal wall. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiv, 337-345. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.|: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 8(15. Also [Abstr. ] : Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 829.—Doussaiut (II.) Lipome ossifie ; noyaux tubercu- leux autour du noyau d'ossification ; de l'opportunite des op6rations chirurgicales dans la tuberculoso. Poitou m6d., Poitiers, 1887, ii, 51-59. — Ducliaussoy. Fibro-myome de la paroi abdominale. Bull. Soc. do med. prat, de Par. (1885), 1886, 99-10i. — Ebuer (L.) Grosses Fibroin der Bauehdecken; Exstirpation mitEroffnungder Bauchhohle; Ileiluns. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1880, xvii, 528-530.— Flischcr. Exstirpation eines Tumors aus den Baueh- decken mittelst Laparotomie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 175-177. — Fagnart. Quelques mots k propos d'uno serie de myxomes recidiv6s, d6velop- p6s dans les muscies des parois abdominales, et op6r6s par M. le prof. Deroubaix. Presse med. beige Brux.. 1889, xii, 161 - 163. — Fieux. Fibrome de la paroi abdominale. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, ix, 289.—Fleming; (W.J.) Case of cystic tumour of the abdominal wall. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 99. — Fiirst ( L.) Zur Casuistik der Bauchdecken-Tumoren. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1888, xiv, 413-421, 1 pi.—Gal- lozzi (C.) Contributo alio studio dei tumori sotto-peri- toneali delle pareti addominali. Resoc. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Xapoli (1889), 1890, xliii, 114-120. Also [Abstr.]: Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1889, i, 39.—«;au- di as ( A. ) Tumeur fibreuso de la paroi abdominale an- terieure ; extirpation ; peritonite consecutive ; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 648-651. Aho: Progres med. Par., 1882, x, 464.— Goodcil (W.) Carcinoma of the ab- dominal walls. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlix, 512. — Gould. Abdominal tumour (fibrosis of gastric wall). Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 166.— Greco (D.) Storia clinica di un sarcoma sotto-tegumen- tale dell' addome con punto di partenza dalla fascia tras- versale. Scuola med. napol., 1882, v, 505-512: 1883, vi, 9; 66. — Griffith (J. D.) A peculiar lipomatous tumor [of abdominal wall] removed. Kansas City M. Rec, 1886, iii, 81. — Gross. Les tumeurs de la paroi abdominale ante- rieure autres que les fibromes ; uncas deteratome. Assoc. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par., 1893, vii, 666-689. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1893, xxv, 690 ; 721; 753: 1894, xxvi, 14.—Hanks (H. T.) Fibrous tumor arising from the abdominal muscles. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 126-128. Aho [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1879, xxx, 527. -----. Recurrent fibroid tumorof theabdominal walls. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 101. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, 1881-5, iii, 147.—Hers (J. F. P.) Een fibrom van den ' buikwand. Nederl. Tijdsehr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884 2. R., xx, 998. — Ilerzog (W.) Ueber Fibrome der Baueh- decken ; vier Falle aus dor Volkniann'sehen Klinik. Fest- schr. d. arztl. Ver. Miinchen z. Feier, etc., 1883, 277-289.— Heurtaux. Fpitheliome cylindrique de la pavoi ab- dominale. J. dem6d. del'ouesf, Nantes, 1888, 3. s., ii, 131.— Hiuklc (F.) Myxomatous tumor of the abdominal wall. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 322. — lloiunus (J.) Removal of a large fibroma from the right trausversalia fascia and peritoneum bv laparotomy; recovery. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 156.— Iffyues (G. F.) Removal of soft fibrous tumor from the abdominal parietes, with re- marks on the manner of procedure. Tr. M. Soc Arkan- sas, Little Rock, 1888, 81. —Ill (E. J.) Desmoid (fibroid) tumor of the abdominal walls. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gy- nec, Phila., 1888, i, 188-203, 4 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Tumors of the abdominal walls. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1892, Phila., 1893, v, 219-254. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1892, xxvi, 613- 671. — Jaiuieson. Man of 28 before and after removal of fibro-lipoma of ab- dominal wall. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shang- hai, 1885-6, no. 31, 35, 1 pi. — Joiion. Fihro-sarcome de la paroi abdominale. Bull. Soc anat. de Nantes 1883, Par., 1885, vii, 13. Also: J. do med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1884, 2. s., viii, 123. — Kiruiissou. Volumineux fibrome cal- cific- de la paroi abdominale ant6rieuro chez un jeune homme; extirpation avec ouverture du perPoine; gueri- son. Bull* et m6m. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 442-444. — Knox. Tumour removed from the abdominal wall of a lady aged 55. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc, 1884-6, ii, 37-39. — Kolaczek (J.) Torbielo-wlokniak sciany brzuaznej; laparotomia z potnvslnym skutkiem. [Fibro-cyatoma of abdomiual parietes; laparotomy.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1882, 2. s., ii, 4-8. — I„e Bee. Fibro-sar- come de la paroi abdominale sous-peritoneale; ablation; guerison. Gaz.hebd. d. sc. nied.deMontpel., 1888, x, 211.— AB DOMEX. 26 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Parietal). I.edru. Fibrome de la paroi abdominale; laparotomie; guerison. Cong, franc.de chir. Proc.-verb, etc., Par.,1891, v, 600-603.—I.eplal. Fibro-sareome volumineux de la pa- roi abdominale; ablation; diffieultes de l'hemostase dues a la r6traction profoude d'arteies musculaires : adherenee de la tumeur au peritoine: hernorrhagies seeoudaires; mort. J. d. sc. med. do Lille, 1887, ix, 7-10.—ITIaefar- lane(J.) Tumours confined to the abdominal parietis. In his: Clin. Rep. Surg. Pract. Glasg. Roy. Infirm.. 8-. Glasg., 1832, 58-72.—-TIalherbe (A.) Mvxo-sarcome de la paroi abdominale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1888. Par., 1890, j xii, 115.—-Tlanton (W. P.) [Fibroid tumor of abdominal wall.] J. Gynec, Toledo, 1891, i, 75.— Uanzoni (G.) Sarcoma delle pareti addominali; laparotomia; morte. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894, liii, 374.—.Vlarchaiiil (A.) Fibrome volumineux de la paroi abdominale. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 18S8. xiv. li.'iS-Giil.—Mathe- ossian. Kystes hydatiques de la paroi abdominale; ope- ration ; guerison. Gaz. me.d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1887-8. xxx, 56-59.—ITIermet (P.) Fibrome pedieule et non encapsule de la paroi abdominale. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 363-368.—Meyer (P.) Hasmatom des Rec- tus abdominis. Charit6-Ann., Berl.,1890, xv, 592-594.—JIo j (G.) Duo casi di tumori delle pareti del ventre di cui uno i interessava il cieeo ed il connettivo pericecale : guarigione. j Osservatore. Torino, 1888. xxxix, 49-52. — .'lollieic (I).) Sur un cas de fibrome apon6vrotique des parois abdomi- nales sans adherence au squelette. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. ]8t-fj. lix, 394; 411.—IHol litre (H.) Note sur un cas de ne vralgie lombo-abdominale guerie par l'extirpatiou dun lipome de la paroi laterale droite de l'abdomen. J. de med. de Lyon, 1868. x, 494-497.—IVIontcils. Fibro-sareome sous-perito- neal de la paroi abdominale insere au voisinage de l'om- | bilic. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1887. xiii, 108- 110.— ITIorelli (P.) Mixosarcoma telangectode delle pa- I ret; addominali, recidivo per la quarta volta. Morgagni. Napoli, 1879, xxi, 2-0-284.—von tlosetiy-»looi hot. Sarcoma in parietibus abdominis: wiederholn- R<-i idiven und Extirpatinnen. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden. 1,-78. Wien, 1879, 175-179. Aho: Med. chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1880, xv, 365. -----. Incystirtes Epithelialcarcinoin der Bauehdecken; Exstirpation; Ileilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1879, Wien, 1880. 175— .Miiller (E.) Deux kystes k e,ehinocoques sous-apouevrotiques extit pes a- la meme femme; guerison. Gaz. med. de Strasb.. 1886. 4. s., xv, 115-117.—>ancrede. A tumor composed of miliary tubercles of the subcutaneous adipose tissue con- nected with one of the anterior cutaneous branches of the lumbar nerves. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 243-245.—Panizo y .tluiioz (M.) Fibroma intersticial de las paredes abdominales; extirpacidn; curacion. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1894, xxiii, 261-265. Also, transl.: Ras- segna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1895, iv, 202-260.—Park (R.) Tumor of tho abdominal wall. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 407.—Patoureau. Fibronieavecpoints myxo- mateux de la paroi anterieure de l'abdomen. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1882, Par., 1884. vi, 33. Also: J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1883, xvii, 317.—Paulicky (A.) Ca- vernosa Blutgefassgeschwulst in der linken obern Bauch- wand. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1882, xi, 280. Also, in his: Ueber congeu. Missbild., 8°, Berl., 1882, 58.— Pendulous lipomaof the abdomen containing a sarcoma. Rep. '•Helmuth House", N. Y.. 1888-9, iii, 26.—Polail- Ion. Kyste hydatique de la paroi abdominale; ponction ; suppuration de la poche; guerison. Union med., Par , 1884, 3. s., xxxvii, 300.— Keel us (P.) Fibrome de la paroi abdo- minale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1895. n. s., xxi, 278. [DiscussionJ, 278; 281—Reed (('. A. L.) Fibroidtu- mors of the abdominal wall. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst.&Gynec, Phila., 1888, i, 226-240.— Kiboli (T.) Storia di un scirro estirpato in uua giovaue sposadi 24 auni, sviluppatosi sotto le pareti addominali. C.ior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di To- rino, 1848, 2. s., iii, 299-310.—Rieketts (B. M.) Small, round, and spindled-celled sarcoma [upou the abdomen]. J. Cutan. Sc Gemto-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1894, xii, 161-163.— Ricdinger. Sarcom der Bauchilecke in der Mitte des Abdomens. Chir. Klin, im k. Juliushosp. zu Wiirzb., 1879, 71, 1 pi.—vou Rokitansky (K.) Exstirpation eines Fibroms der vorderen Bauchwand. Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi 105; 140.—Rosi.....leyer (L.) Die'Neu- bilduugen der Bauehdecken. Wien. med. Bl., 18-2. v, 899; 933- 966; 995; louj. —Rosenthal (R.) Grosses Fibroin der Bauehdecken. Chaiite-Ann. 1882. Berl., 1884. ix, 363- 365.—Sanger (M.) Ueber desmoide Geschwiilste der Bauchwand und deren Operation mit Resection des Peri- toneum parietale. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1881. xxiv, 1- 37. Also, Reprint.—Schauta (F.) Zur Casuistik der Desmoide der Bauehdecken. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii, 253.—de Sell wcinitz (G. E.) Echinococcus tu- mor in the abdominal walls. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9). 1891, xiv, 262.—Seijond (P.) Fibro-sareome de la paroi antero-laterale de l'abdomen. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1888. lxi, 734-736. Also: Semaine med., Par.. 18-8. viii. 457.—Sims. A rare case of multiple neuromata [of the abdominal wall], following removal of the ovaries for epilepsy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 277; 1271. Aho [Abstr. |: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 329.—Stroppa (L.) Tumore fibroso nel tessuto Abdomen (Tumors of, Parietal). cellulare deile pareti addominali. simnlante un tumore del fondo dell' utero. Gior. di anat. e fisiol., Milano, IHj, iv, 225-232—Tan* in i tl.) Estirpazione di voluminoso fibro- sarcoma della parete addominale con apertura ampia del peritoneo; guarigioue. R.issegnadisc med., Modena, 1891, vi, 253-2.". Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, li, 290.— Teinoiu. Tumeur fibre use de la paroi abdominale chez l'enfant. (Resume.) Assoc franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc , Par., 1893, vii, 538 — Tei i illon. Fibro sarcome volumineux de la paroi abdominale, proeminant beaucoup du cote du bassin; ablation, sans ouverture du peritoine, malgre une dissection difficile; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc."de chir. de Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 922-924. -----. Traite- ment des fibromes de la paroi abdominale. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1886, ex, 249-261.-----. Fibromes de la paroi abdominale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 188n, i, 385: 544,—Thiriar. Fibro-myxome de la paroi abdominale avec entreprise du peritoine parietal; adherences avec le foie et le grand epiploon; section de ces brides, hemor- rhagic hepatique; "guerison. Presse med. beige, Brux., 189(X xiii, 193-198.—Thompson (W. M.) Fibroid cyst of the inferior aponeurosis of the right rectus abdominalis muscle. Clinique, Chicago, 1894, xv. 253.—Tillaux. Lipomes de la paroi abdominale. Semaine med.. Par., 1887, vii, 241. Aho, transl.: Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor. Mich.. 1887. ix, 456-459.—Treves. Removal of the rectus abdominis for sarcoma. Lancet. Loud., 1889, i, 681. — Tumeur situee dans le tissu cellulaite interpose entre les feuillets aponevrotiques des muscles trausverses, grand et petit oblique de l'abdomen. I'u'eis d. trav. Soc. med. de Dijon (1834-7). 1842. 83-86.— L'leerirendes Sar- com der Bauchwand (Recidiv), 1 Fall. Jahresb. u. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, m Basel (1886), 1887, 65.-Verneuil. Tu- meur fibreuse de la paroi abdominale. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1882, liii, 204-206. ----- Fibrome malin de la paroi abdominale. Semaine med.. Par., 1883, iii, 317 : 1,-84, iv, 102.—Wallace (J.) Fibro-aarcoma of the sheath of the recti abdominis muscles; removal of growth, muscles, and sheath, with subjacent peritoneum; recovery under antiseptic treatment. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 1882, ii,253— 256.— Wcinlechiier. Medullarcarcinom an der Bauch- wand. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1869-75, Wien, 1876, 142. -----. [Ein in der Bauchmuscu- latur gelegenca und mit dem Peritonaum verwachsenes Fibroin exstirpirt. 1 Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien il882>, 1?83, 241. -----. Exstirpation eines fiir einen Ovarientumor gehaltenen Cystofibroins der vor- deren Bauchwand. Wien. med. BL. 18-3. vi. 4-8. —--- Fibrom der Bauchdeeke. Aerztl Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1884, Wien, 18-5. 38-40.—Weir (R. F.) A huge fibroma of the abdominal wall simulating an ova- rian tumor; laparotomy; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 703— "eygand (J.~G.) Bericht und Gut- achten von einem iiusserlichen Tumor abdominis. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1724, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1725, xxvii. 305-311.—Wheeler (W. I ) Removal of large sar- comatous tumour occupying the hypogastric and part of the epigastric regions of the abdominal parietes. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1885, iii. 277-280. — Williams (C.) Case of fibrous tumor of the abdominal wall. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 29. AbdoQiieoi (Tumors of Phantom). See Abdomen (Tumors of, Diagnosis of); Preg- nancy (Imaginary, etc.). Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Abdomen (Contusions, etc.. of); Abdominal section; Anus ( Prater natural); Colon (Wounds, etc., of); Garfield (./. A.); Impalement; Pelvis (Wounds, etc., of^: Peri- tonitis ( Traumatic ); Pregnancy ( Wounds, etc., during); and under names of viscera, as Bladder, Diaphragm, Uterus (Wounds, etc., of), c.c Barremk ( L.-J. ) * Considerations sur les plaies peu^trantes de l'abdomen par instru- ment piquant ou trauchant. 4°. Montpellier, Bertram (H.) * Bericht liber die yvahrend der letzteu 10 Jahre iu den allgemeinen Kran- kenhausern zu Hamburg behaudelten penetri- render Bauchschuaswunden. rWurtzbnro- 1 8C Jena, 1-93. »-J • Carpextier (G.) * Quelques considerations sur les plaies peue"trantes de l'abdomen, avec issue de l'6piploon. 4°. Paris, 1*70. Clarus (J. C. A.) De omenti laceratioue et niesentern chordapso commentatio prior -i? Lipsia;, [183(1]. " ' ABDOMEN. 27 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). -----. The same. Coninieiitatio posterior. Adsumpto ad respondendum socio Henrico Fer- dinaudo Ehrenberg. sc. Lipsice, [ls:>:3], Delitala (B.) Considcrazioni di medicina legale. Replica all aw. Giuseppe Pinna. dJ. Saasari, 18-7. [Dicksox (8.)] Wbat killed Mr. Drnmmond, the lead or the lancet? 8-°. London, lr-43. GiRARDix (F.-N.) *Sur les indications et le traitement des plaies pe"ne"trantes de l'abdomen, faites par des instrumens tranchans. 4C. Stras- bourg, 1829. Harvey (G.) Casus inedieo-chiriirgicus: or, a most memorable ease of a nobleman deceased; wherein is shewed, his lordship's wound, the various diseases survening, how bis pbysicians and surgeons treated him, how treated by the autbor, after my lord was given over by all his physicians, with all their opinions and remedies; moreover, the art of curing the most dangerous of wounds by the first intention, and tbe de- scription of the remedies. "Written and pub- lished by His Majesties command. The 2. ed. 16c. London, 1(>8.">. Hexko (A.) "" Zur Lehre von den perforiren- den Bauchscbussen. s-. Dorpat, 1879. Jaehx (H.) *Die kriegschirurgische Bedeu- tuug der Bauchverletzungen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 1>94. Kleixe(H. [H. YV~.]) * Beitrag zur Behaud- luuii der Schussverletzungen des Abdomens. 8°. Halle a. S.. 1891. Koster (E. [F. K. ]) * Ueber Stichverlet- zungen des Unterleibs. 8°. Berlin, 1^9^>. Lcigi (C.) Contributo alle ferite abdominali d'arnia da fuoco. --. Palermo, 1--4. vox Ntssbaum (J. X.) Die Yerletzungen des Unterleibes. 8-. Stuttgart. 1^80. In: Deutsche Chir., Lfg. No. 44. Robert (C.) 'Ueber Sc bussverletzungen des Abdomens. 8°. Berlin, [188-]. Schlag (O.) *Zur Behaudlmigpenetrirender Schusswunden des Baucbes. e:. Greifswald, 18-fi. Slbizius (M.) Examiuis vulnerum partium dissimilarium pars iii, coutinens eventum vulne- rum partium abdominis. Respondente Jobanne Wilbelmo Hochstat. 4°. Argentorati, 1<>57. Soler y Garde (F.) Oportuuidad y forma de la iutervencion quirurgica como medio de trata- miento de las heridas de vientre por pequenos projectiles de guerra. 8-. Madrid, 1-9:!. Thirox* (C.) * Plaies penetrantes dans la cavite peritoneale avec ou sans issue de l'epi- ploon. 4C. Paris, 1^-0. Valextix (J.-C.-J.-B.) * Considerations sur les plaies penetrantes simples de l'abdomen, et sur l'abus de la gastroraphie dans leur traite- ment. 4-. Strasbourg, 1-15. Verbrugghkx (J. F.) 'Diss. med. inang. de vulneribus abdominis penetrantibus. [Ghent.] 4°. Bruxellis, [182i\]. Verweij (T.) *Experimeuteele bijdrage tot de behaudeling van intraperitoneale wonden. 83. Utrecht* 1802. Vialle-Poxty (A.) *Essai sur les plaies pe- netrantes du bas-ventre, avec lesion des visceres coutenns dans cette cavite. 4~. Strasbourg, 1816. Zcccarelli (A.) Ferita d' anna da punta penetraute nelle cavifca dell' addome e del torace traversando le pareti dello stomaco seguita da pletnite traumatica laterale sinistra mortale. 8°. [Boma, 1890.] Abbrnzzesf (V.) Contribuzione alio studio delle ferite toracoaddominali con lesioue dello stomaco ed ernia epiploica. Puglia med., Ban, 1894, ii, 275-280.—Aber- Abdoilieil (Wounds and injuries of). until> (C. A.) Gun-shot wound of abdomen, with trau- matic lernia of appendix .v. nniioiiiiis Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1891, lxx, 149-152. — Ahei iii.in (J.) Vulnus contus. perforans abdominis; prolapsus intest. tenui partis: pneu- monia acuta bilateral; diiil f'vra dygn efter valdet. [. . . death four da\s after ai•eident.] Hygiea, Stockholm. 1893, lv. 475-487.—Alexejcll". Yuluer. iucis. abdominis et pro- lapsus omeuti. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v. 95.— Allen. Gunshot wound of abdomen. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885. n. s., vii, 397.—Almenara Kutler (F.) Herida penetraute del vientre con fraetura de la novena costilla, por disparo de una escopeta eargada con muni- cioues : peritonitis: bronconoumimiu conseeutivas: cura- cion. ('ion. med., Lima, 1884, i. 211-213.—Andrews (E.) Two penetrating shot-wounds of the abdomen ; recovery without operation. Weekly M. Rev.. Chicago, 1*84, x, 441. -----. Penetrating gunshot wound of the abdomen, with a report of four cases. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1887, lv. 125-127. —Andrew* (F. T.) Gunshot wound of the abdomen, with perforation of the intestines. Ibid., 127.— Anlonino (S.) Ferita d' arnia da ta^lio e da punta penetraute nella caviti addominale con uscita e lesioue degli intestini. Mor-ragni. Milano, 1891, xxxiii, 123-128 — Arcelaschi (G.) Cinque casi di ferite penetranti nell' addome. Ibid., 1892, xxxiv. 308-320—A rmendariz (B.J Herida penetraute, producida al uivel de la octava y nona costilhis del lado izquierdo, con salida total del estomago y gran parte delomento: reduccion de las visceras y cura- cion de la herida. Telemafo med., Rarcel., 1M9-50, iii, 339; 353. Aho: Abeja rued., Barcel.. 1852, 2. s.. vi. 301- 31^.—Astvatsaturoff (A. P.) Yestsbe odiu sluchai izlechenija vipadenija salnika rezektsiei. [ Another case of resection of prolapsed omentum. I Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1.-85-6. xxii, 26-38. —d'Au- ria(Y.i Ferita lacero-contusa dell' addome con fuori- uscita dell' intestino colon. Clinica, Napoli, ]87t;, iii, 16- 18.—Babe (J. M.) Informe sobre herida penetraute de vientre en D. A . . . P . . . Trab. Com. d. med. leg. 6 hig. pub. de la Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1874, ii, 418-422.—Ballauce (C. A.) A case of perforating wound of the abdomen with prolapse of the omentum and emphy- sema of the abdominal wall. Sr. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1885, Loud.. 1886, xv, 201-J05.—Bauerjce (N. R.) Cases of penetrating wounds of the abdomen caused by the horns of bullocks: recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 75.—Barabo. Ein Fall von penetrirender Bauchwunde mit Netzvoi fall. Aerztl. Int.-Bl. Miinchen, 1881, xxviii, 567.—Barber (A. W.) Perforating gunshot wound of the abdomen, with wound of the intestine. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 346. —Barker. Stab in the abdomen with a carving-knife; examination of stom- ach, colon, and omentum ; viscera replaced; suture: un- interrupted recovery. Lancet, Lond.. 1886, i, 347.—Bar- ron1 (D.) Gunshot wounds of the abdomen; with cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 203-206. Aho, Re- print.— Basil (S. L.) Case of omental protrusion. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 145.—Beall (E. J.) Transverse cut of the abdomen with cavity opened. 1'r. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1885, xvii, 211-2)3.—Beaupoil. Eventration euoruie; dechirure de l'epiplooii; issues des intest in s ; suture: guerison. Bull. Soc.demed.prat.de Par., 1879-80. 37-40.— Bee. Plaie de l'abdomen; hernie de 1'appendice ilu ca-ciim: guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1889, lxii. 8ti9.—Be ItleiiinheflT (D.) Two cases of penetrating (horn and scythe) wounds of the abdomenwith protrusion of viscera. Giuliani's M. J., N. Y., 1888. xlvi, 356.—Bena- vidc* (J. B. R.) Herida penetrante de vientre con lesion de los intestinos delgados y de las arterias obturatriz y ciatiea, producida por el disparo de una pistola, seguida de hemorragia interna v de la niuerte del enferrao ii las 39 boras. Cidn. de l.'hosp, Madrid, 1855, iii, 106-110.— Bennett (E. H.) Fatal incised wound of the abdomen. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5. n. s.. vi. 45-47. — Bennett (M. L.) Multiple gunshot wound of the abdomen, with recovery. N. York M. J., 1895. lxi, 81.—Bcnoit (C. P.) Perforation de l'abdomen pur l'epee-baiounette du fusil modele l88(i: mierison sans accident. Arch.de m6d. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1893, xxi, 210-212. —Berger (P.) Sur le traitement des plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen, et plus particulierement des blessures de l'intestin par projectiles de petit calibre (balles de revolver). Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv. 93-100. -----. Rapport sur une observation de plaie non pen6ti ante de l'abdomen par balle de revolver, communiques par M. le Dr. Paul Michaux. Ibid.. 236-241. -----. Conduite ii suivre dans les plaies penetrantes de rabdomen. Ibid.. 1895, n. s.. xxi, 82; 94.— Bergstrand (A.) Gustaf III:s hlessyr och dessbehand- ling, betraktad Iran den inoderna kirnrgiens staudpunkt. Eira, Stockholm. 1892. xvi. 259-269.— Bernays (A.V.) Co- lotomy by gunshot wound : ficcal fistula; recovery. Lan- cet, Lond.. 1889, ii, 1000.—Berna v* (II. L.) [Pistol shot in abdomen.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 891: 1880. i, 53.— Binnie (J. F.) Peculiar course taken by a pistol bullet through the abdomen. Am Surg. & Gynaec, Kansas City, 1892-3. iii, 186-188. — Blaek (J. F.) Case of gunshot wound of abdomen. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1895, vii, 5.—Blackburn (J. F.) Gunshot wound of the ab- ABDOMEN. ' 28 ABDOMEN- Abdomen ( Wounds and injuries of). domen perforating the intestine. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii, 131-134.— Blinii (Odelia): Recovery from agun- shof wound in the abdomen. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xiv, 220-222.—Boadan. Rupture du foie et de la rate causee par un traumatisme sur le ventre sans lesions apparentes de la paroi abdominale. Ann d'hyg., Par.. 1888, a. s.. xx. 26— Bonandi (S.) Sul trattamento delle ferite addominali con protrusiouo d'omenlo. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto. Loreto, 1888-9, ii, 749-754.— von Bonadoa-ir (II.) Fyra lallaf penetrerandeskottsar i buken jam to nagra synpunkter vid fraga om behandling af dcssa'att'ektioner. [Treatment of penetiating gunshot wounds of abdomen. Four cases.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors. 1891, xxxiii, 157-177 —Boone (II.W.) A case of penetrating stab wound of the abdomen, with protrusion and wounds of the intestine. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 3-5.—Bories (E.) Gunshot wound of abdomen. Polyclinic. Phila., 1883. i, 58.—Borlee (J.) Large plaie p6n*etrante de l'abdonien; hemic et lesion grave de l'intestiu grele; hemorrhagic abondante; issue des matieres fecales; accidents eonsecntifs; guerison. Bull. Acad. roy. denied. deBelg., Brux.. 1879, 3. s., xiii, 752-757.—Bottez. Plaie penetraute de l'abdomen ; guerison rapide sans accident. Bull. Soe. de med. et nat. de Jassy, 1890-91, iv, 99-104 — Boughman (G. W.) Report of an abdominal wound. Med. Bull., Phila., 1882, iv, 44. — Bonnichoii. Plaie penetraute de l'abdonien; issusde deux arises intestinales, dont l'lino percee d'outre en outre; deux sutures de G61y; guerison. Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 519.— Boiin- quet (H.) Contusion de la region de l'aine gauche: rup- ture trauniatique de l'intestin ; mort. Rev. g£n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1894. viii, 553-555. —Boyd (G.) Caesarian section extraordinary; [wound of abdomen]. Kansas M. Index, Fort Scott, 1881, ii, 15.—Bozzini (G.) Pud uu trauma violento inferto all'addome produrro una eniorra- gia cerebrale '. Gior. internaz d. sc. med., Xapoli, 1892, n, s., xiv, 60.—Briddon (C. K.) Case of penetrating wound of the abdomen. Med. Rec, X. T., 1883, xxiv, 394.— Brings (C. E.) A case of pistol shot wound in the abdo- men." St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, vi, 215-219. — Brokaw (A. V. S.) A unique case of stab wound of thorax and ab- domen: recovery. Ibid.. 1890, n. s., iii, 257-263. Also [Abstr.J: Leonard's Illust. M. J., Detroit, 1892. xiii, 7. Aho, Reprint—Brown (B.) Personal experience in the treatment of stab wounds of the intestines and perito- neum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 908. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii. 777.—Brown (G. S.) A ease of penetrating gunshot wound of abdomen ; no viscera in- jured; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 180.— Browne (J.) Two cases of penetrating wound of the ab- domen and one of penetrating wound of bladder. Lancet, Lond.. 1883, ii, 458.—Brnela. Plaiespenetrantesde l'abdo- nien interessant l'estomac et le rein gauche; guerison. Alger med., 1879, vii, 364-367.— Bryant. Puncture, pene- trating; wound of abdomen; protrusion of omentum ; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 488. — Buchanan ( G. ) Penetrating gunshot wound of the abdomen; excision of the bullet, from the erector spina? muscle; recovery. Brit. M J., Lond., 1883, i. 609-611. —Bnrinan (C. C.) ' Case of abdominal wound, with protrusion and wound of small in- testine,the result of a stab; recovery. Edinb M.J., 1884-5, xxx, 125-137.—Burrill (H. L.) Wound of abdominal pa- rietes; protrusion of omentum; Lister dressing; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1880, ciii, 323. -----. Wound of abdomen; protrusion of intestine; intestine replaced; recovery. Ibid., 323. — Cailletean (E.) Plaie penetraute do l'abdonien ; hernie d'une grande portion de l'estomac, du grand Epi- ploon et de l'intestin grele; perforation du grand Epiploon etde l'estomac; mierison. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1885-6, iv, 152.—Calc (G. W.) Gunshot wound of the liver and kid- ney. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1890. iii, 174— Campbell (A. S.) Gunshot wound of the abdomen: fecal fistula; spontaneous closure; recovery; with icmarksoii theaction of quinine. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1881, xxxii, 117-130. Aho, Reprint.—Carreia© (M. R.) Herida pene- traute del abdomen ; enracion il los veintiseis dias. Siglo med., Madrid, 1865, xii, 196. Aho. transl.: Ztschr. t. ge- richtl. Med., Wien, 1865, i, 47. — Carson ( N. B. ) In- juries of the abdomen and their proper treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 577-583. — Carter ( E. G. ) Notes of a case of traumatic effusion into the peri- toneal cavity; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 1029.— Carter (H. R.) Stab-wound followed by artificial anus; operation; recovery. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar.-Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1882, 137-139.— Curlier ( L.-V. ) Des plaies du has-ventre. In his: Precis d'obs. de chir., 8°, Lyon, 1802, 37-41. — Cartledge (A. M. ) Penetrating knife wound of the abdominal cvity. Am. Pract. Sc News, Louisville, 1890, n. s., x, 12. (Discussion], 15.—Cery (G.) Plaie du poumon, du diaphragme, du peritoine et du rein par arnica feu ; guerison. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1891, xv, 41-44—Chand (R.) Penetrating wound of ah domen; hernia of intestines; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 388.—Clin put. Traitement des plaies penetrantes de l'abdonien. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1895, ii, 129-142.—Charvot. iStude clinique sur les coups de feu p6netrants de l'abdomen. Rev. de chir., Par., 1889, ix, Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). 433-452.—Chassaignac (C.) Gunshot wound of abdo- men and chest, with"extensive subcutaneous emphysema. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1880-7, n. s.. xiv, 213-215. -Chauvel (J.) Rapport [sur un article iiitituh'cj Note sur deux ob- servations de plaies par coup de feu de l'abdonien, par Se- vastopoulo Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1887, xiii, 273-281.-----. Des plaies de l'abdonien pendant l'expedi- tion du Tonkin, par Nimier. [Rap. de . . .J Ibid., 281- 288. _____. De la couduite k suivre daus les blessures par coup de feu des cavites viscerales. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, iii, 55-71.-----. Observations de plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen, par M. Guerf. [Rap. tie. . .] Bull, et 1116m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 468-470.—Cheval (A.) Grave traumatisme du ventre; mort rapide: autopsie; ruptures multiples du peri- toine; lesions part idles du colon ascendant. Bull. Soc. anat.clin. do Lille, 1890, v, 146-148. — Chixlett (II. R.) Penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1895, xxx, 166-170.—Chretien (H.) Note sur quelques lesions consecutive* a un grand traumatisme de la region abdominale. Gaz. inGd. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 51-53.— Chnrton. Splenic leukaemia following a blow on the abdomen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii. HOC. — Clark (J. E.) Punctured wound of the abdomen. Michigan M. News, Detroit. 1882. v, 154.—Clarke (J. P.) Notes of a case of abdominal wound. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 486. — Coehran ( T. J.) Rapid recovery from severe abdominal injury. Louisville M. Month., 1894-5, i, 230.—Coley (W. B.) Treatment of penetrating shot-wounds of the abdomen. Boston M. & S. J., 1888, cxix, 373-380.—Col Ian (J.) Eft uytt fall af genom ett penetreraude buksar framfallen processus vei iniforinis in- testini cceci. [Penetrating wound of abdomen with pi olap- sus of intestine.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl.. Helsingfors. 1882, xxiv, 341-344.—Colwon (E.) Penetrating wound of abdomen, with wound of diaphragm and protrusion of intes- tineand omentum : recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1887. ii, 914.— Compton (T. W.) Penetrating incised wound of the abdomen and colon. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 363-366.—Cooley (J. S.) Report of a case of seveie ab- dominal injury terminating in recovery. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.. Phila.,' 1893. 384-387.—Cramer (G.) Traumatischer Bauehbruch. Friedreidi's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1888, xxxix, 357-381.—Crawford (D. G.) Wound of ab- domen, with protrusion of intestine: death. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887. xxii, 77. -----. Wound of abdomen, with protrusion of intestine; recovery. Ibid , 77.— Crocker (E.) Deep wound in the side, with rapid recov- ery. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, 1879, i, 343.—Cullen (P.) Case of serious laceration of abdominal viscera with- out external sisrns. Proc. N.-W. Prov. A: Oudh Branch Brit, M. Ass., Allahabad, 1883, ii, 262.—Cunningham (R. M.) Gun-shot wound of abdomen; expectant treat- ment; peritonitis; death. Tr. South. Surg Sc G\nec. Ass. 1888. Birmingh., Ala., 1880, i, 107-109. — Cun- ningham (S.) A case of gunshot wound of the abdo- men. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin. 1890-91, vi, 110.— Bailey (L. J.) A wound of the abdomen involving the umbilicus, followed by haematuria. N. York M. J., 1884, xl, 261.—Bale (R.) Severe wound of abdomen, with pro- trusion of the bladder and intestines; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1879. ii, 200.—Ballon (H. C.) Gunshot wounds of abdomen involving the liver; localized peritonitis, pleu- litis pyothorax, fecal fistula; recovery. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xviii, 400. -----. Gunshot wound of kidney, liver, and lung; non-interference: recovery. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890, i, 364. -----. Some cases of penetrating stab and gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas Citv, 1891, 129-134. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiv, 469-474.— Daniel (C. F.) You einer simpleu Bauchwunde eines Schiifers, die mit einem Messer gestoehen worden, und wegen nicht zeitig genug gesuchter Hiilfe am 4teu Tage tddtlich wunic. In his: Samml. med. Gutacht. [etc.J, 8°, Leipz., 1770, 86-89.— Bavidxoii (J.) Case ot lacerated wound of the abdomi- nal parietes, with protrusion of uninjured intestines. Tr. M. & I'hys. Soe. Bombay (1885), 1886, n. a., viii, 80-82.— Ba view-Col Icy (J. X. C.) Slough of part of abdomi- nal muscle and its aponeurosis, following punctured wound. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1886, xxxvii. 500. -----. Penetrating wound of abdomen, with hernial protrusion of the bowel. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1367.— Davila Boza (It.) Herida peuetrante del abd6men. Rev med rle Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1882-3, xi, 74-77.— Bay (R. II.) Incised wounds of the abdomen. Proc. Louisiana M Ass.. N. Oil,, 1880. iii, 78-81.—[Beaver (J. B. ) The indications for and the nature of treatment in severe ab- dominal injuries and intra-abdominal hemorrhage, unac- companied by external evidence of violence. Med. News Phila., 1895, lxvi. 173-177. Also, Reprint,—Becaux (C.) Coup de feu de labdoiuen sans lesions intest males Arch depied.ctpharm.mil., Par.,i*894,xxiii,403-405 —Bemoiinl Deux plaies de l'hypocondre droit par balles de revolver- blessure du rein etdufoie; peritonite; suppuration medi- ocre et cicatrisation rapide des plaies. Mem. et bull Soc de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1879, 423-426.—Benny (f F.) Abdominal wound, with omental protrusion. North- ABDOMEN. 29 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). west. Lancet, St. Paul, 1884-5, iv, 181. — Besguin. Cas de plaie penetraute de l'abdomen par arrne a feu avec frac- ture de 1 os llhique. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1877, xxvi, 67-71.—Be Tntham (II.) Wound of abdominal pa- rietes, with protrusion of uninjured intestine. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, i, 811.—Biekmnn (F. F.) A caso of injury of the ilium and adjacent abdominal muscles; induration, escape of intestinal matter; recovery without fistula. Kansas M. Index, Fort Scott, 1881, ii, 15.— Bietamen do la comision de medicina legal en causa por herida pone- trante de vientre, seguida de peritonitis y muerte. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid. 1881, iii, 45-48.—Bonnelly (T.) Penetrating wound of the abdomen. Tr. Roy. Acad. M Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 182-187. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1888,3. s.,lxxxvi, 102-106. [Discussion], 159—Bougla*. Penetrating wound of abdomen, with protrusion of stom- ach and intestines; reduction of hernia after enlargement ofwound; death. Lancet,Lond., 1885, i, 1083.—Bowiies. Penetrating wound of abdomen, with protrusion of intes- tines and omentum. Ibid., 1881, ii, 504.—Bnlaney (W. T.) Lung-colon gunshot wound. Med. Standard, Chi- cago, 1892, xii, 71.—Biincan (B. A.) Severe wound of abdomen, involving stomach and liver; recovery. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson. 1884, xvii, 162.—Dunn (T. D.) Four cases of abdominal injury. (Service of D. II. Agnew arfll J. Ashhurst, jr.) Med. News, Phila., 1,-82, xii, 318.—Bupree (J. W.) Report of the recovery of four cases of penetrating wounds of the abdomen, complicated with lesion of its viscera; remarks pertinent thereto. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Oil., 1887, 109-117. -----. Gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Ibid., 1888. 178-1,-8. Aho: N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1888-9, n. s., xvi, 16-25.—Egan (P. R.) Suicidal gunshot wound of the abdomen; fa-cal fistula; complete recovery without operation. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, cxxx, 587-789.—Elliot (A. G.) [et al.] Stab wounds of the peritonaeum. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s.. i, 27 - 29. — Englisch. In selbstmoiderischer Absicht beigebraehte penetrirende Stichwunden des Unterleibes, welche in die Lebersubstanz dringen; Tod in Folge von Lungentuberculose. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftungiu Wien (1878), 1879, 348.— E*tor (E.) Desplaies penetrantes de l'intestin grele; plaies par balles de revol- ver du calibre de cinq millimetres. (\.w.. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1891, xiii, 289. —Evsieenk© (S. S.) Ognes- trelnija rani broushnoi i tazovoi polostei. [Gunshot wounds of peritoneum and pelvic cavitv. I Arch. vet. nauk., St. Petersb., 1884, xiv.pt, 3, 27; 65— Fantino (G.) Le ferite penetranti dell'addome; osservazioni cliniche e sperimentali. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1892, xliii, 183-188.— Fantozzi (F. L.) Caso di ferita penetraute dell' ad- dome. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto, 1888-9, ii, 790-799. Also: Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1889, 5. s., viii, 249-262.—Farganel. Observation de pla;e pejietrante de l'abdoinen pai balle de revolver; autopsie: perforation de l'intestin grele et du rein. Lyon m6d., 1888, lvii. 200- 213 — Faii'iaud (A.) Plaies des parois abdominales avec issue de 17-piploon, des iutestins et du mesentere. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne, Limoges, 1890, xiv, 129-135.—Vnyrrr (J.) Fatal penetrating wouuds of the abdomen and thorax, inflicted by an assassin. In his: Clin. & Path. Obs. in India, 8."->. Lond., 1873 572-575.-----. Penetrating wound of the abdominal cavity, with protru- sion; recovery. Ibid., 576.—Fenger (C.) Report of a case of penetrating wound of the abdomen and Hinall in- testine. Chicago M. Rev., 1882, v, 11-14.— Ferreri (G.) Anuria consecutiva a trauma addominale. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, liii, 146-154. — Finlay. Wound of abdomen and small intestine. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 925-927.— Fischer (C.) Penetrirende. Stichwunde des Unterleibes mit Darmvorfall. Ztschr. f. \Y undarzte u. Geburtsh., Win- nenden, 1879, xxx, 105. -----. Stichwunde des Batichos mit Vorfall einer Diinndarmschlinge: Genesung. Ibid., Hegnach, 1887, xxxviii, 116.—Flenry. Plaie do, l'abdo- men produite par une balle de revolver. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 259.—a Fonseca (R.) Pro vuluere abdominis cum lsesionejecoris. In Ids: Consult. m6d., fol.-, Yenetiis, 1622, ii, 24.—Frank (J.) Ha-iirbehatold szuras vekony- bel-iszainmnl, a kiiszamosodott belkacsnak negyszeres sertese, belvarrat alkalmazdsa, gydgyul&s. [ Abdominal stab with protrusion of bowel; fourfold lesion of intesti- nal loop; intestinal suture; recovery.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 818-820. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 739.—Frat- tina (B.) Contributo alia cura delle malattie e ferite del cavo addominale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887, vi, 229-248. — Frey. Zwei tddtliche Unterleibsver- letzungen; mangelhaftesKuustverfahrenwegen Scheinre- duction des Darmvorfalls; therapeuti.sche und forensische Epikri-.-. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1868, iv, 1; 9 — Fnrginelc (N.) Contributo clinico e statistica sulle ferite penetranti dell' addome. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 1, 315-317. — Gal (M.) Em Fall von Verlet- zung des Bauches mit Vorfall der Eingewdde. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 679. — Gardiner (J. II.) Gun- shot wound of abdomen. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1881, vi, 378. — Gelle. Plaie pen6trante de l'abdomen avec issue de I'epiploou; resection de la portion herniee; su- Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). ture de la plaie ; guerison. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 677. — Gil de IVava (J.) Herida penetraute del abdomen por arnia de fuego, con perfora- cion dolestoniuiro; curacion. Med. castellan a, Val lad., 1886, i, 92-99.— GirdlcHtonc. . Gunshot, wound of arm and ab- domen. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, 11. s., vii, 508 — Godfrey (J. 10.) Notes on a case of incised wound of the abdominal wall opening into the abdominal cavity. Brit, Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1891, 114. — God lee (R. J.) Some cases of abdominal cysts following injui v. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887. xx, 219-225. Also \ Abstr.] : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1099 — Godwin (C. H. Y.) On tho treatment of injuries of the abdominal viscera. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 1153.—Gorham (J. .1.) Bullet wound of abdomen, with extensive hainorrhane from left kidney ; recovery. Ibid., 1881, ii, 1050. Aiao.- (Jailbird's M. J., N. Y., 1882, xxxiii. 122-124. — Gorhan. Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Darniverletzungen; penetrirende Bauch- wunde, vollstandige Durchtrennung des Ileiims mit Pro- lapsus beinahe siimmtlicher Gedarmo und zwei penetri- rende Brustwunden. [From: Aerztl. Ber. d. stadt. off. Krankenh. in Modling, iii.] Med.-Chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1886, xxi, 410 ; 422; 434.—Grange (J. W.) Penetrating wound of abdomen with protrusion of intestine ; absence of shock. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 857.—GreciiHhicIds (W.) Case of accidental gunshot in abdomen. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1889, xiii, 200-210. — Griffith (J. D.) Gunshot wouuds of the abdomen. Tr. Ass. Mil. Surg. Nat. Guard U. S. 1893, St. Louis, 1894, iii, 135-144, 1 pi. Also: Kansas City M. Index, 1894, xv, 47-54. — Griin- hanm (A.) Dwa przypadki ran, dra//.acych do jamceala ; wyzdrowienie. [Two cases of wound penetrating the ab- dominal cavity; recovery.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1885, 2. s., v, 217-220. — Griinwnld (G.) Zu den Yerletzungen des Peritoneums beim 1'ferde. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1882, vii, 87-89. -----. Rami postrzalowa brzucha. [Gunshot wound of abdomen.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1887, xv, 677-682. — Guermonprez (F.) Plaie p6netrante de l'abdomen avec hemic de l'epiploon. J.d. sc. med. de Lille, 1884, vi, 691-696. Also: Paris med., 1884, ix, 481-483. —Guinard (A.) Plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen par coups de couteau. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1890, 2. s.,xxvii, 507-509.—Guinea (A. J.) Un caso practico de herida penetraute de bajo vientre, por arnia de fuego, con lesion de vicera. Bol. de med. nav., San Fer- nando, 1878, i, 153-161.—Gupta (J.) Two successful cases of lacerated wounds of the abdomen. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1889, xxiv, 366.— Gupta (K. P.) Penetrating wound of abdomen and chest grazing on the pericardium and wounding the rightlung; recovery. Ibid., 1892, xxvii, 8.—Guljahr. Ein Fall von schwerer Verletzung des Unterleibes (lurch Lanzenstich mitAusgang in Heilung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1895, xxiv, 19-21.— Halasz (B.) Az alhasi s6rtesekrol. [On wounds of the abdomen.] Gydgydszat, Budapest, 1885, xxv, 17; 38.— Halsted (A. E.) Penetrating gunshot and stab wounds of the abdomen. Chicago M. Rec, 1891, ii, 331-336. [Dis- cussion], 173-175. — Hamilton (S. M.) Penetrating wounds of the abdominal cavity. J. Am. M. Ass , Chi- cago, 1886, vi, 88-91.—Harper (J. R.) A case of injury to the abdomen and left lung; frequent aspirations, with subsequent recovery; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 872.—Harris (\\r. J.) Large incised wound, and escape of intestines on the floor; replacement, suture, and recov- ery. Virginia M. Month , Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 120.— Hartley (F.) Wound of the abdomen. N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 580. — Hartmnnn (II.) Contribution k l'etude du traitement des plaies recentes de l'abdomen avec hernie de I'epiploou. Rev. de chir., Par., 1886, vi, 389- 399.—Hanek ( E. F.) Incised, penetrating wound of abdomen. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, v, 45-47.—Haw- kins (A. C. ) A case of penetrating wound of the ab- dominal cavity, wilh protrusion of intestines and omen- tum. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1895, vii, 235. —Hed- dens (J. W.) Treatment of penetrating gunshot wounds of the abdominal cavit\, with report of two cases. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1886, 43 - 45. — Heiurich ( W. ) Penetrirende Bauchwundc; Vorfall des Netzes; Wegnahme des vorgefallenen Stuck Netzes durch das Messer; Heilung. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1852, ix, 289-291.—Holmes. Penetrating wound of the parietes of abdomen. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 246.—Hutchinson (J.) Bullet wounds of the abdo- men. [Two cases] Arch. Surg., Lond., 1890-91, ii, 12-14.— Imbcrt & ITIagnol. Plaie penetraute de l'abdomen par coups de couteau, pas de perforations intestinales; mort par hemorrhagic do l'epigastriqne. N. Montpel. m6d., 1892, i, 751-756.—Infixed wound of abdomen. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xiii, 496.—Indutki (P. V.) Sluch. skvoz. rany jivota s vypad. hischek. [Case of penetrating wounds of abdomen, with prolapse of intestines. | Vrach, St.Petersb., 1888, ix,244.—Injuries toabdomen. [Cases.] North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1886, Lond., 1887, 103.—Jncobsen (J. L.) Herida penetraute de vientre; curacion. Rev. de cien. m6d., Habana, 1887, no. 11, 3.— James (E. M.) Case of punctured wound of the abdoinr nal wall, with protrusion of omentum; opening enlarged ABDOMEN. 30 ABDOMEN. AbdoaueBi (Wounds and injuries of). and omentum returned; recovery. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1883, n. s., v, 295.—James (P.) Penetrating gun- shot wound of abdomen; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 220.—Jameson (G. ) Penetrating wound of abdomen with protrusion of viscera. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii. 37. —Janes ( H.) Non-fatal penetrating gunshot wounds of the abdomen treated with- out laparotomy. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 187-193.—Jenkins (A. R.) Case of recovery from stab- wound of abdomen, with wound of colic artery, and large, Ion" continued, and filth infected bowel-protrusion. Aim. Sun:., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 324-326. — Kaarsberg (H. S.) En kurios Laparotomi. [Ripping up abdomen by an ox.l Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1893, 4. R., i, 1101-1104.—Kadc (E.) Bauch-Messei'stichwunde. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 50—Kalian (A. J.) Pronikajuschija rani jivota s vipadeniein salnika. [Penetrating wound of abdomen; protrusion of epiploon.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1882, xxi, 553-555. -----. Vulnus perforans abdominis cum pro- lapsu omenti et vulnus csesnm scroti. Ibid., 572. -----. Vulnus punctum in spatio intercostale ix sinistra perfo- rans cavum abdominis cum prolapsu omente. Ibid., 590. -----. Villous perforans cavum abdominis cum prolapsu omenti. Ibid., 605; 622. -----. Vulnus perforans abdo- minis cum prolapsu omenti. Ibid., 650; 685.— Kar- poflf (V. P.) Sluchal pronikayushtshei rani zhivota s vipa- deniein bolshavo salnika, okonchivshiysa bez vsyakikh oslozhneniy v korotkoye vremya vizdorovleni'em. [Pene- trating wound of the abdomen with protrusion of great omentum, ending in a short time in recovery without complications.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiii, 1. sect., 394-396.—Keith. Case of wound of the abdomen. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1869, u. s., ix (app.), pp. xxxvii-xl. — Kelsall (II.) Bayonet wound of the abdomen, with wound of unprotruded viscera. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1878, Lond., 1880, xx, 273.—Kcnyeres (B.'l A haslov6sek casuistikaj&hoz. [Case of gunshot wound of abdomen. ] Honvedorvos, Budapest, 1891, iv, 25-27. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Bndapest, 1891, xxvii, 537-539. — Kirmisson [et al.]. Suite de la discussion sur les indications de l'intervention chirurgicale dans les contusions de l'abdomen. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 257-262.—Kleebcrg. Vul- nus sclopetar. perforans abdominis. Tidskr. i mil. Hel- bov., Stockholm, 1893, xviii, 284-290. — Klciuberg (A.) Ein Fall von peuetrirender Abdomiualverletzuug mit Darmprolaps; Ausgang iu Heilung; Casnistisches aus der Landpraxis. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1895, vii, 387. Aho: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1895, n. F., xii. 221.— Kohlcr (R. ) Bauchverletzungeu; 3 Falle. Charite- Anii. 1878, Berl., 1880, v, 592. —Kiirte (W.) Die kriegs- chirurgische Bedeutung und Beliandlung der Baucb- scbiisse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii. 72-76.— Kremlew. Gliickliche Heilung eiuer peuetrirenden Bauchwunde mit vorgefalleuem Netz. Med. Ztg. Russ- lands St. Petersb., 1851, viii, 150.—Krouauer (J.) Ge- schichte einer Bauchwunde. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich, 1792, i, 144-148. — Kumar (A.) Mehrfache Schnsswunden in der Magengrube; Durchldcherung des liuken Leber- lappens, des Herzbeutels und der liuken Niere; Heilung der Wunden in den heiden unteren Organen ; Tod in Folge der Verletzung der Niere durch Septicamie Um 12. Tage. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1874), 1875,471-473. -----. Bauchverletzung mit einem gliilienden Eisenstabe. Wien. med. Bl., 1888, xi, 103.— Kumar ( S. B.) Case of penetrating wound of the ab- domen. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 180. — I,a- frenais ( C. A. ) Caso of abdominal wound with pro- trusion of omentum and intestine. Ibid., 1883, xviii, 293. Aho: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1883, iv, 242-246.— I,al (M.) Penetrating wound of the abdomen, hernia of the intes- tines; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 322.— JLandi (A. F.) Storia concernente 1' ingresso di un pezzo di palo nel ventre. Attid. Accad. d. sc. di Siena. 1763, ii, 203- 200.—Lnnphcnr (E.) Treatment of penetrating wouuds of the abdomen. Kansas City M. Index, 1891, xii, 207-213.— I^assallc. Plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen par coup de couteau; issue des anses intestiuales perforees en trois endroits; suture des plaies; gu6rison. N. Montpel. med., 1892, i, 26-28.— I. a vista (It.) Observaciones quo com- prueban la ventaja de sustituir la pr&ctica seguida en- tre nosotros para la curacion de las heridas penetrantes de vientre complicadas de hernia por la reducci6n epi- ploica del epiplon sano, recogidas por el Dr. R. Egea y Galindo; y consideraciones que justilican la modiflcacidn propuesta, redactadas por . . . Gac. med., Mexico, 1890, xxv. 201-212.—I,ega re (T.) Perforating gunshot wound of the abdomen; recovery. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1888, 143-145.—liindenbaiim (V. F.) K kazuistikie pronikajoutshich ran jivota i grudi. (Pene- trating wounds of abdomen and breast.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv, 740; 755.—liinoli (O.) Ferita di col- tello all' addome con fuoriuscita e lesiono dell' intestine e del mesenteric Sperimentale, Firenze, 1895, xlix, 190- 194.— I,iltre. Observations sur des playes de ventre. nist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1705, Amst, 1707, Mem., 40-47.— Lone (G. N.) Penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). Med. Standard. Chicago, 1890, viii, 3; 73; 104.—liii he. Znr Beliandlung durchbohrender Bauchwunden. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1892, xxi, 145; 204; 253.—I^yaU- hovetski (M. I.) K kazuistike raueniy bryushnoi sti- enki. [Woumls of the abdominal wall. J Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1888-9, vi, 213-221.—Lyndon (G. E.) Case of penetrating wound of the abdomen, with wound of the bowel and extensive protrusion. Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1S89, n. s., xlvii, 304. — Me Gee (J. P.) [et al.\ Penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Memphis M. Month., 1888, viii, 401; 449. Also, Reprint (in part).— Mackny (G.) Spear wound iu the abdomen. Edinb. M. J., 1884-5, xxx, 301-305. -HIiLcan. A case of a wound of the abdomen. Proc. Hyderabad M. i Phys. Soc, Secunderabad, 1853, i, 122 - 125. — McI,eod (K.) Case of gunshot wound of the abdomen. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii, 43.— McMillan (H.) Severe ab- dominal wound, with recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 651.—M'Millnn (J. C.) Severe abdominal wound and recovery. Tr. South Car. M. Ass.. Charleston, 1884, 119. — Madelung. Ueber eine typische Form von Pfah- lungsverletzung des Unterleibs. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1890. xvi, 4.—.Hair. Penetrirende Bauch- wunde mit Vorfall des Darnies; verfehlte oder vergeb- liche Reposition 1 Shok ? mittelbare oder unmittelbare Todesursache; angeschuldigte Kunsthilfe. •Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1885, xxxvi, 285; 352.— Mallius (A. S. ) Gunshot wound of the abdomen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 714—Manara (O.) Sulla cura delle ferite penetranti nel cavo addominale. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1893, xix, 298: 319.—Mauley (T. H.) Report of a case of gunshot wound of the abdomen, with perforation of the large intestine. Tr. Internat, M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 536-541.—Marchei (R.) Due casi fortn- nati di ferita penetraute dell' addome. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1894, 5. s., xviii, 293-299.—Marchcttis (P.) Ynl- nus abdominis penetrans, cum prolapsu omenti, quod sectum, licet non oranino corruptum nee tamen obligatum, ex magna vi sanguinis in inguen ejusdem partis decuiuben- tis, abscessum in eo excitavit, qui sectus, educto mnlto pure, remediis aecommodatis perfecte sanatus. In his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1729, 71. Also, trantl. in his: Rec. dobs, rares, etc., 8°, Par., 1858, 117.—Mar- gulies ( W.) Stab wound of the abdomen and small in- testine: hernia and partial strangulation of the cut in- testine through the abdominal wall; suturing of the gnt , and abdominal wall; recovery. N. York M. J., 1891, liv. 243.—IU ar koe (F. H.) A series of penetrating abdominal wounds. Ibid., 1892, lvi, 673-677.— Marks (H.) Opera- tions on gunshot wounds of abdomen. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1895, xii, 14; 41.—Martin (S.) Plaie penetrante de l'abdomen par l'6pee-baIounette du fusil Lebel, modele 1886; guerison sans accident. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 134-138.—Martin y Ayuso (A.) Herida penetrante del vientre causada por asta de bney; contusion de una asa intestinal y eventration de gran niimero de ellas; flemon subperitoneal; erisipela ambn- latoria; mujer embarazada de seis meses; curaci6n sin perturbation del embarazo. Clin, navarra, Pamplona, 1888, v, no. 7—Mai'zniio (F.) Di una ferita addomi- nale profondameute penetraute in cavity senza offesa degli organi sottostanti. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1887, iv, 220-226.—Matthias (P.) Heilung einer peuetrirenden Bauchwunde mit Vorfall eines Darmtheils beim Pferde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1890, vi, 137.— Maxwell (T. O.) A women gored by a bull. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1889-90, v, 142.—Mears (J. E.) Case of gunshot wound of the abdomen, perforating the ascending colon. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1877-9, 3. s.,iv, 9-11. Also, Reprint— Mejasson (H.) Plaie penetrante de l'abdomen par instrument tranchant; hernie de l'intes- tin grele: plaie de l'intestin; enterorrhaphie et sntnre abdominale; guerison rapide par premiere intention. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.,. Par., 1889, xiii, 290-294.— Mestre (A.) Informe relativo k una herida penetrante de vientre, seguida de peritonitis. Trab- Com. de med. leg. e hig. piib. de la r. Acad, de cieu. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873, i, 138— Meunier. Plaie penetrante de l'abdomen par arme a feu ; balle restee ; guerison. Paris med., 1881, vi, 73.—Meyer (E. J.) Clinical report of penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Proc. Ass Mil Surg. U. S., Wash., 1894, iv, 218-223.— Mcvcrowitz (T.j Zwei gliicklieh geheilte Falle von penctrirenden Bauch- wunden mit Vorfall des Netzes. Deutsche Zlsehr. f. Chir Leipz.. 1880-81, xiv, 372-374. Also, transl.: Internat j' M. & S.. N. Y., 1881, i, 281.—Michael. Gun shot wound in tbe abdomen : recovery. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4 x. 267—Miles (A. B.) Penetratiug wounds of the ab^ domen: cases. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 317- 320.—Missinen. Observation d'une plaie penetrante de labdoiuen, compliquee de blessures de l'intestin grele- phlegmon de la fosse iliaque : guerison. Bull. Soc. de med' deGaud, 1881, xlviii, 407-412.—Molnar (J.) Gyomorea belverzes mintkovetkeznienve. [Intestinal hemorrhage as sequela to wound. 1 Allamorvos, Budapest, 1880, 136. Also, transl : Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest 1881 xvii, 57. —Moodalinr (A. N. K.) Penetrating wound ABDOMEN. 31 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). of the abdomen with protrusion of the omentum ; re- covery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, v, 255. — Moore (A.) Pistol-shot wound of abdomen. Memphis M. Month., 1895. xv, 490-492.—Moore (E. M.). jr. Report of a case of pistol shot wound of the abdomen. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1889, iv, 181 - 184. — Moore ( T. J.) Treatment of gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Tr. In- ternat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887. ii, 194-199. Aho: Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1887-8, xiv, 760-771.— Mo- rachevski (M. M.) Sluchai pronitsajoutshei rani jivota; vipadenie chasti salnika; vizdorovlenie. [Penetrating wound of abdomen; portion of omentum removed ; re- covery.] Med. pribav. k niorsk. sborniku. St. Petersb., 1884, i, 34. — Morini ( D.) Per una ferita del ventre ; lettera al prof. Cav. Luigi Casati. Raccoglitoro med., Forli, 1890, 5. s., x, 409-414. —Morris. Bullet wound of abdomen, little and ring ringers of left hand; post-mor- tem. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 360.— Morrison (W. ) Pistol-shot wound of abdomen; trau- matic peritonitis; death. China. Imp.Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai. Is84. xxvii, 25.—Morton (T. S. K.) Rupt- ure of the mesentery. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii, 511.—vou Mosetig-Moorhof. Penetrirende Bauchwunde mit Vorfall des Darmes ; Heilung perprimam. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1880. xv, 280— Muduliar (V. C. R.) Penetrating wound of the abdomen in a child ; protrusion of the nut: recovery. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1893. v. 43.— Mullens (S. J.) Abdominal wound ; prolapse of stomach, colon, and omentum; recovery with artificial anus. 7/<<cwmareh < B. J.) Lance wound of the abdomen; stiangulated hernia : operation; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney. 1880-7. vi, 294-290.—>ikolski (D.) Kolo- taja rana jivota svipaleniem salnika. [Wound of abdomen with protrusion of omentum.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Pe- tersb., 1882. vii, 2965-2967. -----. K statist, pronik. rane jivota. [Statistics of penetrating wounds of abdomen.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb, 1885, iii, 640. — Ninni ( G. ) Contributo clinico all' azione della bile normale sul peritoneo. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892,viii, pt. 2, 388-393.— Nunez ( T.) Algunas consideraciones sobre las heridas penetrantes de vientre. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1878, xiii, 423-429. -----. Un caso de herida penetrante de vientre, conlesidudelintestiuo: heniorragia consecutiva; curaci6n dentrodelos quince dias. Gac. med., Mexico, 1892, xxviii, 241-251.—von iVussbauin (J.N.) Bauchverletzungen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884. i, 577 : ii, 1; 13. A ho. Re- print. -----. Die Verletzungen des Unterleibes. Handb. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Erlang., I860, iii, 2. Abth., A, Abschn. vii, No. 1. 165-212. — Oiiibredanne (L.) Plaie pene- trante de l'abdomen; 14 perforations intestinalcs par un seul projectile de petit calibre. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, Ixx, 485. — Orccl. Plaie penetraute de l'abdomen. Province med., Lyon. 1889, iv, 19. — Packard (J. H.) Symptoms indicating injury of the abdominal organs; recovery under medical treatment. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1887, cxvti, 445.— Pages. Plaie penetrante de I'abdo- . men, heruie de lY-piploon. resection; guerison. Mem. et bull. Soc.med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1871, 30—Paine ( R. K.) On protrusion of omentum from small wound of abdomen. Med. Counselor, Chicago, 1881-2, v, 54-56.— I*anton (A. C.) A case of perforating gunshot wound of the abdomen. Proc. Oregon M. Soc. 1890, Portland, 1891, xvii. 84-86. — Parametritis angeblich iu Folge von Misshandlting: Zusammenhang nicht nachweisbar. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891, 145-148.— Parelius (H. C.) Vulnus dilaceratum et perforans ab- dominis: prolapsus intestini; dilaceratio peritonei et me- senterii. Norsk Mag. f. L.Tgovidensk., Christiania, 1888, i. 11.. iii, 1001-1003. —Parker (R.) Buffer accident lay- ing open left groin, iliac fossa, and peritoneum. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1881, i, 186. —Parkes (C. T.) Experiments on gunshot wonnds of the abdominal cavity. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, ii, 600-608. -----. A review of some facts connected with gunshot wounds of the abdomen, and practical deductions therefrom. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 423-435. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 369-389. Aho, Reprint.— Partsch. Drei Falle pene- trirender Bauchwunden. Breslati. aerztl. Ztschr., 1882, iv, 253-256.—Pascoc (J. N.) Recovery from peritoneal per- foration. Chicago M. Rev., 1881, iii, 158. — Patterson. Wound of abdominal wall; protrusion of bowels; recovery. Abdomen ( Wounds and injuries of). Glasgow M. J., 1882, xvii, 380-382. —Peek ham (C. T.) Gunshot wound of abdomen. North Car. M. J.. Wilming- ton, 1888, xxi, 00. — Peuetrntiug wound of abdomen (stab). Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1888, 394-397. — Penetrirende Bauchwunde: 1 Fall, Tod. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1879), 1880, 38.— Penna (J.) Herida penetrante del abdomen (por daga). An. Asoc. Circ. mod. argent., Buenos Aires, 1877-8, i. 331- 333.—Pereira Guimarfic* (J.) Ferula do ventre, por bala de revolver, com penetracao do corpo extranho na ca- vidadeabdominal: peritonito consecutiva; exptilsaoespon- tanea do project il, pelo anus, cinco dias depois; cura. Pro- trrcsso med., Riode Jan., 1878-80, iii, 593-601. Aho: Ann. Brazil, de med.. Rio de Jan., 1883-4, xxxv, 181-188,-Per- forierende Stichwunde mit Diinndarmvorfall, 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1892), 1894, 59.— Peritonitis traumatica, bedingt durch Quctschung und Ruptur des Darmes und in Folge (lessen stattgefundenen Luft- und Kothausti itt in die Bauchhohle. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1858. Wien, 1860, 68. —Peters (C. F.) Wound of the abdominal parietes, causing hernia of the small intestines ; recovery. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1876, n. s., xii, 208.—Petrucci. Eventration transverse de 27 centimetres chez un hypocondriaqiie; suicide; gue- rison. Bull. Soc. do med. d Angers, 1883, n. s., xi, 153- 157.—Philpot (W. H.) Report of two cases of surgery; wound penetrating cavity of abdomen with visceral pro- trusion, and wound of duodenum. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1881, xxxii, 113-115.—Pickett (M.) Pistol-shot wound of the abdomen; recovery. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 247-249. Also, Reprint, —Poro- schiu (N.N.) K kazuist. ognestrel. povrej. btoush. vnutrennostei. [Cases of gunshot wounds penetrating ab- dominal cavity. | PamyatN. I. Studenskago. Shorn, statei . . ., Kazan, 1892, 107-116. —Porter (A.) Case of pene- trating wound of the abdomen and of the protruded vis- cera. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1871, iv, 93.—Postemp- ski (P.) Studi clinici e sperimentali sopra le ferite di al- cuni visceri addominali e specialmente sulla loro terapia. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1885, xi, 195; 217; 241; 289; 317; 385; 492; 505; 529; 553.—Poulet. Peritonite suraigue rapide- ment mortelle k la suite d'un coup de feu k l'epigastre et k l'hypocondre gauche; penetration, isolee parlecartement du coup, de 21 grains de plomb no. 5; cause prochaine de la peritonite d'emontree par l'autopsie. Bull. med. d. Vosges, Epinal, 1892-3, vii, no. 27, 60-65.—Power (D'A.) Repair after rupture of the spleen and kidney. In his: A case of non-alcoholic [etc.J, 8°, [Lond., 1890], 3-6.—Pozza (P.) [Ferita penetranto para-ombellicalo; prolasso del tenue, ferite multiple, intestinali, enterorafle; guarigioue.] Osp. S. Antonio Abate in Fivizzano. Resoc. clin. d. sez. chir. 1891-3, Pontremoli, 1894, 28. —Prall (C. B.) Case of penetrating wound of abdomen, with protrusion of intestine and complete separation of three pieces, by a suicide. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1420. — Prengrucber (A.) Plaie p6n6trante de l'abdomen; heruie du petit epiploon; ligature et sphacele de la partio herni6e; gueri- son. Alger med., 1880, viii, 170-172.—Prunicres. Cas d'enibrochement par un pal traversant rabdoinen de part en part. Assoc, franc pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1882, Par., 1883, xi, 818-823— Pryaiiishuikoflf. Sluchai riezanoi rani zheludka. [Knife wound of the abdomen.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 258-200—Pi-zyborowski (A.) O rauach postrzalowych brzucha drazacych z poda- niem 2-ch. wlasnych przypadkow operowanych. [On gun- shot wounds of the abdomen, presenting two cases oper- ated by himself.) Medycyna, Warszawa, 1893, xxi, 559; 579; 601; 622— Purseli (j.) Sc Beshler (H.C.) A case of complete transfixion (ramrod and bullet through abdo- men), followed by recovery. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xiv, 193 — ltadziszewski (S.) Rana klota Bciauki brzusznej. zadaua nozem, wypadniecie trzewidw, wyzdrowienie. [Wound of abdominal wall by a knife; prolapsus of intestines; recovery.] Medycyna,Warszawa, 1889, xvii, 337.— ISafter (J. A.) A remarkable gunshot wound ofthe abdomen, with recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 04—Kayiiiondaud (G.) Coups sur la paroi abdominale; perforation intestinale; pfirilonite suraigue. J. Soc. do med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1881, viii, 21-24. — Keboul. Note sur trois cas de plaies penetrantes de rabdoinen. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. dePar., 1895, n. s., xxi, 112- 117. — Keelus (r.) Sur les plaies de l'abdomen par coup do feu. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 132-143. -----. Plaies peu6- trautes de l'abdomen traitccs par l'abstention. Ibid., 1891, n. s., xvii, 536-541. -----. Sur un cas do contusion abdo- minale avec perforation intestinale consecutive; mort par peritonite. Union med., Par., 1894, 3. s., lviii, 675-679. -----. Traitement des plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen. In his: Clin. chir. de la Pitie, 8°, Par., 1894, 285-300.-Ke- cullez. Tlaie penetrante de l'abdomen, par une balle de revolver, projectile perdu; guerison. Gaz. med. de l'Al- gerie, Alger, 1885, xxx, 10-12. — Rcdtenbaeher ( L.) Vulnus lacero-contusum abdominis perforans; prolapsus intestini ilei. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1872, Wien, 1874, 100-102. — Itclim. Ueber Stichverletzungen des Bauches; aua der gerichtsarztlichen Praxis. Fried- ABDOMEN. 32 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirub., 1892, xliii, 47-56.— Rcpetto (N. D.) Dos casos; de herida penetrante del abdomen, complicada con herida del estdmago. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1893, xvi, 125-129. -----. El dolor de hombros en las heridas penetrantes del abdd- men. Ibid.. 1894, xvii, 14-20. — Key (II.) Plaie pene- trante de l'abdomen par arme a feu. Courtier med., Par., 1893, xliii, 319: 327.—Reynicr (P.) A Kiehet (C.) Ex- periences relatives au choc peritoneal. Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 1220-1223—Riboli (T.) Di una ferita d' arme da fuoco al disopra della ci esta dell' ileo con perforazione del colon discendente, e percid artiflciale in- terpolatamente aperto e chiuso pel corso di un 115 giorni, indi guarigioue completa. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Toriuo, 1849, 2. s., iv, 357-360.—Ricard. De la conduite k tenir dans les cas de plaies de rabdoinen par coups de couteau. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 510.—Richter (E. E.) Von einem Stich mit dem Degen, so nicht weit vom Orificio ventriculi sinistro hinein, durch Fundum ventriculi, oder Grund des Magens, das Mesenterium (Ge- kriisse) in das Intestinum Ileum (Krumm-Dann) in Meso- colon (das Gekrdss-llautlein der dicken Darme) und zu- htzt in das Intestinum rectum (Mast-Darin) gangen. In Jiis: Digesta med, 4°, Leipz., 1731, 179-233.—Ricken- bach (II. I>.) Stab wound of abdomen and intestine. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1889, iii, 237.—Kiemslagh. Plaie penetrante de l'abdomen avec issue de l'estomac et de l'in- testin ; guerison. Arch. m6d. beiges. Brux., 1881, 3. s., xx, 305-314.—Robinson (A. H.) Cases of penetrating gun- shot wound of the abdomen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 951.—Rockwell (F. W.) Gunshot wound of the abdo- men. Tr. Brooklyn Path. Soc. 1885-6, N. Y , 1887, 69-71. Also: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 620.—Ross (A.) Spear wound in theabdomeu, and subsequentrecovery of patient. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1332.—Rotteuberg (J.) Hasseh piszkos bicskdval ejtve; gy6gyulas. [Infected wound in the abdomen; recovery.] Orvosi lietil., Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 500. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1-92, xxviii, 1149.—Rowland (E. D.) Two cases of abdominal wounds. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., De- merara, 1891, 108-113.—Royero (F.) Herida penetiante de vientre con salida del punal por el lado opuesto, proci- dentia de algunas asas intestinales en la abertura de en- trada, cicatrization completa k los 26 dias, sin que. se mani- festara complication algiina, ni aiin la obligada peritonitis. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1882, viii, 258-260. Also, transl: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvii, 511.— Saguet. Plaie perforante de l'abdonien par balle de petit calibre; guerison. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1894, xviii, 280-282.—St.-Genuain (J.-H.-L.) Cas extraordi- naire d'abce,s traumatique de l'abdomen. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1886. xv, 148. — Saviard (B.) D'un coup d'6pee p6netrant dans le bas-yTentre. In his: N. Rec. d. observ. chir., 16°, Par., 1702, 102-104. Also, transl. inhis: Obs. in Surg., 8°, Lond., 1710, 47.—Schachncr (A.) Gun- shot wounds of the abdomen. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 401-448. Aho, Reprint.—Schaittcr (I.) Przypadek usilowanego morderstwa i samobdjstwo pryez przceieoie powlok brzusznych. [Attempt at murder and suicide by cutting the abdominal integument,] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1884, xxiii, 493-495. — Schapps (J. C. ) Penetrating wounds of the Abdomen. [Five cases.] Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1881, iv, 87.—Schncck (J.) On the treatment of injuries of the abdomen not requiring surgical operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 178-182.— Schramm (H.) Zwei Falle von peuetrirenden Ranch- wunden. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 1992-1995.— Schultze (R.) Ciisuistischer Beitrag zu den Verletzimgeu des Magens und der Leber. Fiiufz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Festschr___d. Ver. d. Aerzle d. Rurngsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 448.—Schwartz (E.) De, la reaction du peri- toine dans les traumatismes de rabdoinen. Rev. g6n. de clin. etdetherap.. Par., 1887, i, 101; 117.—Seligcr (P.) Die nicht peuetrirenden Bauchschussverletzungen vom ge- richtsarztlichen Standpuukte. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 199; 212. Also, Reprint.—Sen (K. N.) Penetrating wound of the abdomen with hernia of the intestines. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 85. — Sewaki. Tokyo Hospital; injuries of theabdomeu ; recoveries. Sei-iKwai M. J.. Tokyo 1891, x, 194; 212. — Sexsmilh ( W. T. ) Knife-wound of the abdomen with unusual symptoms. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1885, xxxi, 77.—Scydel (C.) Zur Casuistik der Uuterleihs-Verletzuiigeii. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1885, n. F., xliii, 208-273.—Shah (T. M.) Penetrating wound of the ablonien ; recovery. IndianM. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 363 — Shepherd (F. J.) A case of penetrating wound of the abdomen, with protrusion of the omentum. Montreal M. J., 1888-9, xvii, 264. -----. A case of goring by an ox, with wound of bowel. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1894-5, xxiii, 81,—Siller (J.) Casus singularis vulnerati abdominis. Acta med. et phil. Hafn., 1680, v, 18-21. — Sims (J. M. ) Remarks on the treat- ment of gunshot wounds of the abdomen in relation to modern peritoneal surgerv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 925; 971: 1882, i, 184; 222;' 260; 302. Aho [Abstr.]: Gail- lard's M. J., N. Y., 1882, xiiiv, 318-336. —Singer (M.) Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). Two unusual and fatal cases of abdominal injury. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 439. —Singh (P.) Unreduced hernia of omentum following penetrating valvular wound of abdomen; remarkable natural recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, v, 350. —Sipovitch (J.) Sluchai ranenla zhivota s vipadeniein kishek. [Wound of the abdomen, with extrusion of intestines.] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1895, v, 270. — Shilling ( W. Q. ) Abdominal section by cow-horn. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 88.— Smith ( H. II.) What is the proper treatment of pene- trating wounds of the abdomen? J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 593-597.—Snowball (W.) Partial evisceration through falling on broken glass. Intercolon. Q. J. M. & S., Melbourne, 1894-5, i, 366. — SolovclchikoU (S. M.) Dva sluch. prouik. ran jivota s vypaden vnutreu. [Two cases of gunshot wounds penetrating abdomen.] Protok. i trudi russk. chir. Obsh. Pirogova, St. Petersb., 1890, vii, 37-40.—Staudcnmayer (A.) Penetrirende Bauchwunde mit Netzvorfall. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Win- nendeu, 1876, xxvii. 220-222.—Stephens (S. G.) Thoughts on wounds of the abdomen. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 101.__Stern ( R. ) Durch welche Mittel kann man das Entsteheu von pseudomeinbranosen Verwachsungen bei intraperitonealen Wunden vcrbindern ? [ Heidelberg.] Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1888-9, iv, 653-672. Also, Re- print.—Stewart (1). E. ) Notes of a case of suicide; wound in the abdominal walls. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 112. — Stiller!. Beschreibung einer gliick- lich geheilten, gefahrlichen Verwundung des Unterlei- bes, mit Vorfall des Darmkanals, (lurch drey Messer- stiche, znPfaffendorf bey Liegnitz. Mem. d. Heilk., Staats- arzneiw. u. Thierh., Ziillichau, 1818, ii, 157-159.—Stir- ling ( R. A. ) Penetrating gunshot wound of abdo- men; secondary hemorrhage by bowel; recovery. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884, n. s., vi, 221-2^3. — Stojka (S.) A hasfal siilyos s6riilesenek egy ritka esete gydgyu- lassal. [Rare case of cured complicated wouud of abdo- men.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1890, xxxiv, 247. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 557. —Stoker (T.) Extensive rupture of the liver and one kidney, followed by attempts at repair, showing the possibility of recovery in such a case. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1877-80, n. s., viii, 139-142. — Stucky (J. A.) Two rare cases of abdominal injuri-. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 561. Aho, Reprint. — Suijling (J. P.) Pene- treerende buikwond met uitzakking der ingewanden. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc.. Leiden, 1890, xiv, 158.— Sviyazheninoflf (G. A.) Ognestrielniya ranenla hi lush- noi polosti; pryamiya i promezhutochuiya. [Gunshot wounds of the abdominal cavity, direct and indirect.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1895. vi, 585; 609:638.— Szumnn (L ) Ciecie scian brzusznych w celu chirurg. wyleczenia zamknieoia swiatla kiszki; wyzdr. [Injury of abdomen; recovery.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 209-217. — T'ainassia (A.) Contribuzione alio studio medico-forense dei trauini sull' addome; nota di pratica fo- reuse. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1884, x, pt. 2, 121-129.—Tansini (I.) Laparotomia violenta ; gastrora- fla; guarigioue. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 722.—Tassi (E.) Delle ferite penetranti nelle cavitil del basso ventre con sintomi di lesioui interne viscerali. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Napoli, 1883-4, i, 328-333.—Tateo (L.) Contribuzione al tiattamento delle ferite addominali con fuoriuscita dell' epiploon. Progresso med., Napoli, 1887, i, 578-581. — Taylor ( H. M. ) Remarks on pistol-shot wound of the abdomen. Practice, Richmond, 1895, ix, 248- 254. — Tcllez (P. F. ) Herida penetrante de vientre, in- teresando en inucha estension el colon desceudente; sutura y reduction de este; curacion completa a los veinte y tres dias. Eco de la med., Madrid, 1848-9, i, 338-340.—Thiery (P.) Plaie p6uetraute de la poitrine et de l'abdonien ; bles- sured'uue intercostale; h6iiio-pueuino-thorax; mort. Gaz. med. de Par., 1887, 7. s., iv, 365- 367. — Thorpe ( V. G.) Case of gunshot wouud of thigh and abdomen ; four aper- tures; death. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 1118-1120.— Till- in anna (H.) Experimeutelle und anatomische Untersu- chungen iiber Wunden der Leber und Niere; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der antiseptischen Wundheilnng. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1879, lxxviii, 437-474. A ho, Re- print.— Tillotson (G. K.) Wound of abdomen by a bull; large portion of the bowels and omentum had escaped through the rent. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1883, vii, 181. — Tovar (E.) Herida por arnia blanca, penetrante de vientre; cinco suturas intestinales; curacion completa a los 28 dias. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1884, xix, 165.—Tra- penard. Observation de plaie penetrante de rabdoinen. Soc. d. sc m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1862, xvi, 92-96.— Trelat. Plaie p6n6traiite de rabdoinen par coup de re- volver; lesion de l'intestin grele. Semaine m6d., Par., 1886, vi, 530-532. — Tullicr (T.) & Ricard (A.) Plaie pen6- trante de la poitrine et de l'abdonien; mort par etrangle- ment du k un diverticulc de l'intestin grele. Progres med. Par., 1881, ix, 1050. — Turazza ( G. ) Contributo alio studio delle ferite penetranti dell' addome. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 4, 7-10. Also: Terap. clin. Na- poli, 1895, iv, 463-466.—Turtou (F. A.) Case of sword- ABDOMEN. 33 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). bayonet wound of the abdomen, with protrusion, of the omentum; punctured wound of the abdomen penetrating the stomach; wound of the chest, with protrusion and strangulation of a portion of the lung, besides other in- juries. ArmyM. Dep. Rep. 1877, Lond., 1879, xix, 239-241.— I'stnriz (J.) Herida penetrante de vientre en la region inguinal izquierda; demon profundo abdominal: curacion. An. de ciruj., Madrid, 1884, iii, 206-209.—Vance (Ap. M.) [Case of gunshot wound of abdomen.] Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 18? 8, xviii, 543. —Vaslin. Blessure profonde de labdoiuen. Bull. Soc. denied, d'Angers, 1885, u. s., xiii, 11- 21. Ah": Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1885, Par., 1880, i, 265-275. -----. Coups de feu des cavites visce- rales. Cong, franc de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, iii, 97-103.—Velitchkiu. Vesma ried. sluch. ognestriel. poranen. brouschnoi stienki, mochev. nuzyr. i prjamoi kischki s ischod. v vyzdorovlenie. IVery rare case of gunshot wound of abdominal wall, urinary bladder, and rectum terminating favorably.] Russk. Med., St. Pe- tersb., 1890, xv, 39.—Venkataswami (J.) Abdominal wound; intestinal and omental hernia. Iudian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 81.— Venn-nil. Plaie de la region epigastrique par balle de revolver; symptfimes primitifs legers ; expectation; repos, diete,- opium cesse an bout de trois jours; guerison sans accidents. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1891, v, 365. — Vcrziloll (N. M.) K kazuistike travmaticheskikh povrezhdeniy zhivota; razrio 12-perstnoI kishki. [On traumatic injuries ofthe abdomen; rupture of duodenum.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii, 1087-1089. — Vignerou. Plaie pene- trante de labdoiuen ; heruie do l'estoniae et de l'epiploon ; resection de l'epiploon; reunion. Bull.etm6m.Soc.de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s., xiv, 355. — Villanueva (F.) Naturaleza y tratamiento de los principales accidentes de las heridas del peritoneo. Gac. de 1. hosp., Valencia, 1882, i, 270; 301; 324; 346; 371. — Villeneuve. Plaie pene- trant*? de l'abdomen. Marseille med., 1890, xxvii, 450- 452. -----. Plaie de l'abdomen par instrument tranchant. Ibid., 452.—Voss. Zur Casuistik der Unterleibsverlet- zungen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr.. 1889, n. F., vi, 87; 95. — Waring (H. J.) &. Eccles (W. McA.) Case of double punctured wound of small intestine, complicated with acute inflammation of the parotid and submaxillary glands: recovery. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 177.—Warren (J. II.) On the toleration of the peritoneum to resist in juries. Med. A; Surg. Reporter, Phila , 1879, xii, 512-514.—Wassilieff(M. A.) O lechen. traumat. povrejden. jivota. (Res. Sur le traitement des lesions traumatiques du ventre.) Trudi russk. med. Obsh. p. imp. Varshav. Univ., 1891, iii, no. 1, 12. Also, transl: Rev. de chir., Par., 1891, xi, 1006-1012. — Watson ( J.) Penetrating wound of abdomen, with protrusion of the gall-bladder, omentum, and small intestine. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai. 1879-80, No. xix, 2.— Weeks (S. H.) Penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1888, ix. pt. 3,446-455.— Weinlechner. Stichwunde in den Unterleib mit Vor- fall einer Diinndarmpartie, welche hledarch zieiulich stark eingeklemmt war ; Reposition nach Erweiterungsschnit- ten; Verzogerung der Heilung durch Phlegmone ; Entlas- sung mit einem Bruchhaude. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1882>, 1883, 208— Whcaton (C.A.) Gunshot wounds of the, abdomen. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1889, ix, 57-60 — White (G. A.) A case of gunshot wound of the abdomen, with probable intestinal perfora- tion ; expectant treatment: recovery. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1890, iv, 630-040. — White [ R. P. ] Gunshot wound. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1K05-K. n.s.,iii, 369-371.— Whitton (T. B.) Shock following abdominal injury. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1891-2, xi, 276. — Wigniore (F. II.) A case of1 incised and penetrating wound of abdomen, with partial division of small intes- tine ; puncture of sigmoid flexure in one and of mesentery in five places; copious lncinoi i liage ; collapse; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 507. — Wi 11*011 (II.) Wound of abdomen, with perforation and protrusion of intestine; re- covery. Ibid., 18«1. i, 1024. — Wilson (C. M.) Three cases of penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Med. Bull., Phila., 1881. vi, 152.—Winslow (R.) Report of six cases of penetrating gunshot wouuds of the abdomen, with re- marks upon the same. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac Maryland, Bait., 1885, 207-215.-----. Treatment of penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Ibid., 1886, 98-106.—Wood (YV. A.) Two cases of penetrating wound of the abdomen. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1886, viii, 267.—Wright (A.) Gunshot wound of abdomen. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1884, ix, 36.—Wright (T. R.) Punctured wound of the abdomen and colon. Boston M. & S. J., 1879, ci, 615-617.— /iinmcr (E.) Beitrag zur Beliandlung der Schussver- h tzungen des Unterleibs. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., viii, 3. Hft., 639-653. Aho, Reprint.—Zoegc-.M untcul- fel (W.) Zur Diagnose und Behandlung perforirender Verletzungen des Abdomens. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1892, n. F., ix, 491-496. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 201-205. — Zueearelli (A.) Ferita d' arma da punta penetrante nelle cavita dell' addome e del torace traversando le pareti dello atomaco, seguita da 3 Abdomen ( Wounds and injuries of). pleurite traumatica laterale sinistra mortale. Anomalo, Napoli, 1893, v, 83-90. — Zwicltc. Baueh-Schussverlet- zuug durch zwei Mitrailleusen-Kugelu aus dem deutsch- franzosischen Kriege. Deutsche iuil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1883, xii. 405-407. Abdomen (Wounds of Treatment of) by abdominal section. Adlkr (E.) *De la laparotomie exploratrice d'nrgence pour les traumatismes tie l'abdomen; plaies pe^tie'traiitcs, contusions abdomiuales graves. 4°. Paris, 1892. -----. The same. a°. Paris, 1892. Bahxaba (G.) Due laparotomie per ferite penetranti. 8°. Brindisi, 1893. Cordier (P.) "Contribution a l'6tude des plaies peudtrantes de l'abdomen etde leur traite- ment (spe"cialement des plaies par amies a feu). 4-. Paris, 1888. Duroselle (C.) * La laparotomie hative dans les plaies p6n6trantes de l'abdomen par armes a feu de petit calibre. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Erdmaxx (C.) * Die Laparotomie bei peue- trirenden Bauch wunden. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Hamilton (J. B.) Penetratiug pistol-shot wound of abdomen; laparotomy; suture of in- testines; pelvic hematoma; recovery. 8°. [Washington, D. C, 1885.] Aho, in: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 202-204. Praust (M.) * Ueber Laparotomie und Darm- naht bei Schuss- u. Stichverletzungen. 8°. Kiel, 1890. Abbe (R.) Laparotomy for gunshot wounds. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 524; 554. Aho [Abstr.]: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1886, iv, 475-478. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 528.—Aforil(P. F.) Caso notable; herida penetrante del abd6men con hernia de todo el paquete intestinal y seccion trasversal casi completa del colon; operacion; ano preternatural consecutive; curacion. G6nio med.-quir., Madrid, 1887, xxxiii, 663-665.—Adams (J. C.) Laparot- omy for gun-shot wounds. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1884-5, iv, 412— Ahem (J.) Plaie penetrante de l'abdo- men par arme a feu ; laparotomie; dix overtures dans l'in- testin suturees; guerison. Union med. du Canada, Mon- treal, 1892, n. s., vi. 281.—Amat (C.) Essai critique et clinique sur le traitement des 16sions traumatiques de l'ab- domen par projectiles de petit calibre. Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8. s.,i, 121; 145; 157; 169; 181; 195.—Andrews (E.) Sc Andreyv.x (E. W.) Laparotomy for gunshot wound of theabdomen. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 177.—Anet y rtlallol (A.) Herida por arma de fuego, penetrante de abdomen; laparotomia seguida de reseccion intestinal. Enciclopedia, Barcel., 1892, v, 41-57. — Annandale (T.) Case of bullet wound (penetrating) of the abdomen, with numerous perforations of the intestines, treated by abdomi- nal section. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 740. — Armstrong (S. T.) Report of seven cases of penetrating wounds of the abdomen; laparotomy in two cases. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1885-6, 131-138—Barker (A. E. J.) Notes on two cases of laparotomy for penetrat- ing gunshot wound of the abdomen ; recovery in one; with remarks on recent statistics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 571-575.—Barling (G.) Intra- and subperitoneal haemor- rhage following injury at football; abdominal section; re- covery. Ibid., 1892, ii, 995.— IS arrow (D.) Four cases of gunshot wound of the abdomen treated by laparotomy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 833-838.—Barton (J. M.) Two penetrating stab wouuds, one puncturing the liver and one the trans verso colon ; laparotomy; recovery. Phila. M. Times, 18H7-8, xviii, 428. Aho : J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 548.—vou Beck (S. B.) Stichverletzung der Leber und des Mageus vier Stunden post trauma Lapa- rotomie, Leber-und Magennaht; Heilung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 759.—Bell (C. E.) La- parotomy for bullet-wound of abdomen perforating intes- tines; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 589.—Bcrger (P.) Sur le traitement chirurgical des plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen. Bull, et 1116m. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1888, xiv, 281-295. [Discussion], 300; 324; 334; 355. -----. Sur le traitement des plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen par la laparotomie. Ibid., 1889, xv, 744-747.-----. Plaie peu6- trante de l'abdomen par balle de revolver; blessure de l'intestin grele et du caecum; laparotomie, suture de l'in- testin; guerison. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc. verb, [etc.], Par., 1891, v, 359-365. Aho [Abstr.]: Rev. de chir., Par., 1891, xi, 402.—Bernays (A. C.) Chips from a surgeon's workshop; five consecutive cases of gunshot wounds of the abdominal viscera treated by abdominal section; two deaths, three recoveries. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1890, lviii, 329-355, 1 pi. Aho, Reprint. Also; Lancet, Load., 1890, ABDOMEN. Abdomen {Wounds of, Treatment of) hy abdominal section. ii, 556-558. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 708-711.— BoilHu (A.) Contusion de l'abdomen; septicemic intestiuo-peritoueale; indications operatoires. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par., 1893, vii, 323- 330. — Borsuk ( M. V.) Sluchai odnovremennswo pou- rezhdeni'a priamoi kishki, mochevovo puziria i S romani, vizvavshavo obshtsheye vospalenle brinshini; chrevosle- chenie, tshtshatslnya ochistka briushnoi pelosti; vizdero- vlenie. [Case of simultaneous injury of rectum, bladder, and sigmoid flexure, causing general peritonitis; abdomi- nal section, careful cleaning of abdominal cavity: recov- ery.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895. v, 367-378.—Brady (C. M.) Abdominal section with cuterorrhaphy for gunshot wounds of the intestines, as performed at the Charity Hos- pital, New Orleans. La. Internat. J. Surg., N. T., 1893, vi, 219-222.— Brazil (W. H.) Case of gunshot wound of abdomen; operation; recovery. Med. Chron., Manches- ter, 1892-3, xvii, 311-313.—Briddou (C.K.) Complicated penetrating wound of thorax and abdominal cavities; laparotomy; recovery. N York M. J., 1890, li, 557.— BriggM (C. S.) Laparotomy in visceral gunshot and stab wounds. Tr. M. Soc. Tenu., Chattanooga, 1889, 89-104. Also: Nashville J. M. & S., 1889, 2. s., xliii, 177-189.— Brooks (J. G.) Laparotomy for penetrating wound of the abdomen. Med. Herald,'Louisville, 1886-7, viii, 134- 137. —Bryant (J. D.) The indications for laparotomy in penetrating shot and stab wounds of the abdomen. Gail- lard's M. J., N. Y., 18m;, xii, .134-138. -----. What is the the proper treatment for penetrating wounds of the abdo- men? Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 200-207.— Bull (W. T.) A case of gunshot wound of the intes- tines treated successfully by laparotomy with suture of the intestines. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 184-187. Aho [Abstr.] : Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, i, 479-481. -----. A second case of recovery from perforating gunshot wound of the abdomen through laparotomy. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1886, iv, 408-474. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 524-528. -----. Gunshot wound of abdomen; perforation of liver, with progressive haemorrhage; lapa- rotomy; operation interrupted by death of the patient. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1880, iv, 478. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1880, xlix, 524— Burrcll (H. L.) A considera- tion of the use of gases iu penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxxi, 77-80.—Cabot (A. T.) Two cases of laparotomy for penetrating wounds of the abdomen, with remarks, ibid., 81-83. Also, in his: Pap. upon Abdom. Surg., 12°, Bost., 1891, 11-17.—Car- ina It (\Y. H.) Five gunshot wounds of the intestine and mesentery; laparotomy; sutures; recovery. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1894-5, i, 100-102. — Chaput. Double plaie penetrante de l'abdomen par instrument piquant; double perforation du csecum; issue des matieres et des gaz dans le p6ritoine; laparotomie precoce;'fgu6rison, par M. Ro- chard. Rapport de .. . Bull. ctm6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 64-78.—Clark (I. E.) Report of a case of incised wound of abdomen; removal of one-third of greater omentum; recovery. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galves- ton, 1893, xxv, 279.—Coley (W. B.) The treatment of penetrating gunshot wounds of the abdomen, with an analysis of one hundred and sixty-five cases treated by laparotomy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., ci, 243- 257. -----. Pistol-shot wound of the abdomen; laparot- omy (for haemorrhage); death. N. York M. J-., 1891, liii, 476.—Cordier (A. H.) Senn's hydrogen gas test; diag- nosis and treatment of injuries to the hollow viscera of the abdominal cavity; Senn's infallible hydrogen gas test as a diagnostic agent. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1890, ii, 577-584.—Cortclla (L.) Ferita penetrante nell' ad- dome con fuoruscita dell' inte3tino; laparotomia; guari- gione. Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1891, xii, 753.— Walton (H. C.) Is Senn's gas test infallible and always devoid, of danger? Two cases of shot wounds; conclusions. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1889, n. s., viii, 229-232. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 665-668. -----. Rupt- ure of liver and kidney; excessive haemorrhage; laparot- omy; recovery. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890, xxii, 261. Also, Reprint. -----. Cases of penetrating stab wounds of the abdomen; laparotomy; results. J. Am.. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 708-710. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 459. -----. Rupt- ure of liver and spleen; laparotomy; recovery. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1892, iii, 64-66. -----. Some cases of laparotomy for stab wounds of the gall bladder, liver, and stomach. ' Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1892, 189-193. [Discussion], 286-289. Aho: Am. Surg. & Gyneec, Kan- sas City, 1892-3, iii, 133-135.—Dandridge (N. P.) Lapa- rdtomy for penetrating stab wound of the abdomen. Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvi, 163-167. [Discussion], 177-179.—Darile (E.) Contusion de l'abdomen (coup de pied de cheval); peritonite traumatique; laparotomie tardive; mort 12 heures apres l'operation. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1805, xxv, 305-311.—Delatour (H. B.) A case of penetrating stab wound of the abdomen; laparotomy ; recovery. Brooklyn M. J., 1891, v, 394-402.— Dennis (F. S.) Laparotomy in the treatment of pene- ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds of, Treatment of) hy abdominal section. tratinsr wounds and visceral injuries of the abdomen. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 225; 253. Also, Reprint- Dickinson (D.) The propriety of operative interfer- ence in gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxviii, 345.—Di Fede (R.) Un caso di ferita delle pareti addominali con protrusione dello stomaco; laparotomia; guarigioue. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1890, xxxviii, 129-132.—[Discussion on the] indications for laparotomy in penetrating stab and shot wounds of the abdomen. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1880, cxiv, 12-14.__Dorange. Contusion de l'abdomen (accident d'6quitation); laparotomie; mort. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 223-227.—Douglas (R.) Gunshot wound of the abdomen; laparotomy; death. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 631.—Dubruc.il. De la laparo- tomie dans les cas de plaie p6netrante de l'abdomen. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1885, vii, 601.—Du- bujadoux (P.) Coup de feu de l'abdomen; laparotomie; mort. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1895, xxvi, 138- 141.__Duncan (J. K. L.) Penetrating gunshot wound of abdomen, injuring left kidney; no operation of the bowels for sixteen days; recovery. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc, Lincoln, 1885, 99-101.—Dunn (J. H.) Penetrating wounds of the abdomen, with special reference to gunshot wounds of the intestine. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1889, ix, 85-92.—Edwards (A. li.) Case of rupture of the upper duodenum; clinical diagnosis lying between contusion and visceral rupture; localization at operation difficult on account of gas escaping into tbe lesser peri- toneal cavity. Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vii, 203-205.— Fwin (C. E.) [Gunshot wound of abdomen; laparot- omy; recovery.) Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas City, 1891, 137-130. — Fabiana (G.) Brevi considerazioni sulla necessity della laparotomia nelle ferite penetranti dell' addome. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 64-69.— Fantozzi (F. L.) Laparotomia per traumatismo addo- minale. Monitore med. marchigiano, Loreto, 1889-90, iii, fasc. 10, 52-56.—Fevrier (C.) Sc Adam (A.) De la laparotomie pr6coce dans les contusions de l'abdomen avec 16sion de l'intestin. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1895, iv, 191; 236. Also: Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 247-276.—von Flanierdinghe. Revolverschuss in den Magen und Darin; Laparotomie; Heilung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 867. -----. Revolverschuss in die Leber; La- parotomie; Heilung. Ibid., 867. -----. Stichwunde in den Bauch; Vorfall des Netzes; Laparotomie; Reposi- tion; Heilung. Ibid., 867. — Fox (J. M.) Two cases of abdominal section for traumatism, and two cases of stab-wound of the abdomen with protrusion of omen- tum. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 567 - 570. — Gaugi- tano (C.) Due laparotomie per traumi non frequenti. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 4, 355; 363. — CJas- ton (J. McF.) Laparotomy, with suture of intesti- nal canal. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1855, xv, 1-5. -----. Laparotomy for pistol-shot of abdomen. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, liv, 739-742.—Obillini (C.) La- parotomia per ferita penetrante. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1891, 7. s., ii, 362-308.—Girdles tone (T. M.) A case of rupture of the intestine from violence; gastrot- omy ; resection of ruptured iutestine ; death. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v, 100-103. -----. Penetrat- ing wound of the abdomen ; protrusion of intestines; op- eration; recovery. Ibid., 1887, n. s., ix, 315-317.—Good- fellow (G. E.) Cases of gunshot wound ofthe abdomen treated by operation. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1889, iv, 209-217.—Gorgas (W. C.) Nine cases of wounds of the abdomen. Proc. Florida M. Ass., Jacksonville, 1891, 56-62.—Gullotta (F.) Tredici laparotomie, per ferite da punta e taglio penetranti. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1895, xi, pt. 2, 171; 184; 195.—Harrington (F. B.) Two cases of penetrating wound of the abdomen ; treat- ment by laparotomy. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxxi, 83.— Hektoen (L.) A case of gunshot wound of abdomen; inflation of air and exploratory incisions with negative result; recovery. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 85.— Hickey (Rachel). Gunshot wound of abdomen. Ibid., 235-238.—Ilillmnntcl (J. L.) Two cases of gunshot wound of the abdomen in which the hydrogen-gas test was applied. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago,1888, xi, 83-85.;- Houzel (G.) Plaie p6n6trante du ventre par balle de pistolet Flobert de 6 millimetres; laparotomie tardive; mort. Union med., Par., 1892, 3. s., liv, 844-846.,—Hunt- ington (T. W.) A case of laparotomy for knife wound of the abdomen with protrusion of the bowel. Sacra- mento M. Times, 1888, ii, 452-455.— Izard (H.) Lapa- rotomy for gun-shot wound of abdomen. Tr. Missis- sippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1891,109-111.—Jalaguior. Con- tusion de l'abdomen; perforation intestinale; laparotomie precoce: suture; guerison, par M. P. Michaux. Rappoit de . . . Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, xix, 247- 254.—Jelks (J. T.) Report of a case of gunshot wound of liver and stomach; laparotomy; recovery. J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 164-166. Aho, Reprint Aho LAbstr.j: Hot Springs M. J., 1892, i, 175.—Jones (R.) ABDOMEN. 35 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds of, Treatment of) hy abdominal section. Penetrating wound of abdomen, involving pleural cavity ; laparotomy; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1894, i, 1132.— Keen (W. W.) Pistol-shot wound of the abdomen, in- volving the liver, stomach, superior mesenteric artery and vein, small intestine, and kidney; laparotomy; nephrec- tomy; death onthe fifteenth day; autopsy. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1887, v, 193-225. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1887,1,533-538. [Discussion], 582-584. A ho [Abstr.]: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 634. Also, Reprint.—. Keeuc (R. W.) Expectant treatment versus laparotomy for gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxviii, 69.—Kerr (J.) Laparotomy in shot wounds of the abdomen. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 929-942.—Kinloch (R. A.) Artificial anus from gunshot wound, operated on by free abdominal section. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., liv, 105-109. -----. Gun- shot wound of abdomen treated by opening cavity and suturing intestines. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1882, x, 1-5. -----. Pistol-shot wound of abdomen treated by laparotomy and suturing the intestines. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1887, v, 183-192. [Discussion], 207-225. Also : Med. News. Phila., 1887, li. 66-69. [Discussion], 1, 582- 584. Aho [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 508. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 618. Aho [Abstr.]: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 633. — Kirmis- son (E.) De la laparotomie dans les plaies p6n6trantes de l'abdomen par amies a feu. Bull. me.d.v Par.. 1888, ii. 923-925. Aho: Clinique, Brux., 1888, ii, 723-730.—Klef- berg (F. A.) Yuln. sclop. perf. abdom. c. perforat. ven- triculi, hepatis, moesocol. et ren. sin.; laparotomie. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1894, xix, 79-88.—Kochler (A.) Penetrirende Bauchwunde durch Stich mit einem Taschenmesser; Gefahr (innerer) Verblutung; Laparoto- mie circa eine Stunde nach der Verletzung; Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 1199. — Kollock (C.) Abdominal section for traumatism; intestines sutured; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 480-482.— l.aiu- botte (A.) Sc Herman (F.) Plaie de l'abdomen par arme k feu; perforation du foie, de l'estomac et de l'aorte; migration dn projectile jusque dans l'iliaque primitive; laparotomie; autopsie. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1895, lvii, 15-20, 1 pi.—tie Conte (R. G.) Abdominal section for traumatism. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894-5, xxxii, 97-100.— Ce Conte (R. G.) [et al.] Three cases of ab- dominal section for gunshot wounds. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 79-83.—JLie Dentu. Plaie penetrante de rab- doinen par balle de revolver (calibre de 11 mm.); perfo- rations intestinales multiples n^cessitant la resection de deux anses; plaie de la vessie, suture; mort le 5ejour; autopsie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, xviii, 814-817. -----. De la laparotomie dans les plaies penetrantes de l'abdomen. France m6d., Par., 1892, xxxix, 801-803.—Lippincott (F. B.) The conservative treat- ment of gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 808-815.— Lloyd (J.) Gunshot wound of abdomen; abdominal section, wounded intestine sutured to surface; death from shock. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 560.—tutz (F. J.) Laparotomy for penetrating gunshot wound of the abdomen. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1886, xiv, 514.—McKurncy. Contusion of the abdomen, with excessive haemorrhage; laparotomy; re- covery. N. York rM. J., 1889, xlix, 106.—MacCormac (SirW.) The annual oration, on the abdominal section for the treatment of intra-peritoneal injuries, delivered be- fore the Medical Society of London, May 2,1887. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 975; 1031. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 915-919. Also, transl.: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1888, No. 316 (Chir., No. 99, 3025-3056, 8 1.).— M'Graw (T.A.) Some points inlaparotoinvfor visceral injuries. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1887, lv, 5-21. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 233-241.—McGuire (II.) Operative interference in gunshot wounds of the perito- neum. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 397-404". Also, Reprint.—Mackie (W.) Gunshotwoundoftheahdomen; perforation diagnosticated by rectal insufflation of hydro- gen gas; laparotomy; death from septic peritonitis. Med. News, Phila., 1888, l'ii, 628.—Marganti n Sc Messcrcr. Contusion de l'abdomen (coup de pied de cheval; chute de voiture); peritonite tardive; mort. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1895, xxv, 303-305.—Marks (II.) Pene- trating gunshot woundsof the abdomen. Tr. M. Ass. Mis- souri, Jefferson City, 1893, 324-336. -----. Penetrating stab wound of abdomen; exploratory laparotomy; recovery. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1894, xi, 103.—Marshall (J. C.) A case of successful laparotomy for gunshot wound of intes- tine. Nashville J. M. & S., 1893, lxxiii, 116.— Martino (B.) La laparotomia nelle ferite penetranti dell' addome e la peritonito post-operativa. Progresso med., Napoli, 1892, vi, 49-59.—Matlakowski (W.) Piec przypadkdwwyci- e.cia kiszki z natychmiastowem doraznem zeszyciem jej (enterectomia et enterorrhaphia). [Five cases of exci- sion of intestine on account of perforation of small intes- tine.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s., xiii, 1343-1352.— Mayo (W.'J.) Gunshotwoundoftheahdomen; perfora- tion of the intestines and kidney; operation and recovery. I Abdomen ( Wounds of, Treatment of) by abdominal section. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 51.—Meisenbach (A. II.) A rectal plug for Senn's method of insufflation of hydrogen gas. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 908.— Mercer (A.) A report of four cases of injury to the ab- dominal viscera; four laparotomies; two recoveries. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 487-489.—Mcsini (M.) Due casi di laparotomia con gastrorafia per ferite d' arma da taglio penetranti in cavita e porforanti lo stomaco. Sperimen- tale. Conmnicaz. e riv., Firenze, 1892, 386-394— Mi les (A. B.) Report of a case of gunshot wound of the abdo- men ; with three mesenteric and sixteen intestinal wounds; laparotomy; recovery. Tr. South. Surg, & Gynec. Ass. 1890, [Phila.], 1891, iii, 436-438. Also: Med.News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 680. Aho: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1890-91, n. s., xviii, 661-664.—Monks (G. H.) A case of stab wound of the abdomen, with wound of the intestine; protrusion of the intestine through the wound; operation; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 87.—Moore (T. J.) Treatment of penetrating gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 194-199.—Mor- ton (T. S. K.) Abdominal section for traumatism. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1887, 11-33. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi, 313; 333. Also [Abstr.]: Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 272-275. -----. Abdominal section for traumatism, with tables of two hundred and thirty-four cases. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 1-16. Also, Reprint. Aho: Med.News, Phila., 1887,1, 215-218. Aho: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 260-204. Aho: Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1887, n. s., xviii, 233-238.—IVancrede (C. B.) Should laparotomy be done for penetrating gunshot wounds of the abdomen involving the viscera? Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1887, v, 155-181. [Discussion], 207-225. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, v, 465-490.—IVcwton (R. C.) A case of penetrating gunshot'woundof the abdo- men successfully treated hy laparotomy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 508.—rVicbergall. Ein Fall wiederholter Laparotomie. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1892, xxi, 341-354.—rViinicr (H.) Sur la sem6iologieetle traitement des coups de feu de l'abdomen par petits projectiles. Arch. gen. demed., Par., 1888, i, 207; 341.—Ninni (G.) Venti- quattro laparotomie per ferite penetranti. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1895, n. s., xvii, 342; 374; 413.— O'Brien (J.) Penetrating gunshot wound of the abdo- men; laparotomy. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii, 9-11.—Owen (E.) Injury to abdomen; acute peritoni- tis; abdominal section; death; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 663.—Packard (J. H.) A case of pistolshot wound of the abdomen, in which laparotomy was resorted to. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 339-341.-----. Notes of a successful case of laparotomy for injury by a circular saw. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888-9, xx, 185. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1889, x, 6. Also: Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1889, lx, 20-22.—Paradis. Du mode d'in- tervention dans les plaies de l'abdomen par arrachement. Clinique, Brux., 1891, v, 385-387.—Parhain (F. W.) Two laparotomies for gunshot wounds of abdomen. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv, 508-512.—Park (R.) A case of laparotomy and intestinal suture for gunshot wound of the abdomen; death from acute pericarditis. Med. News, Phila,, 1888, liii, 116.—Parkes (C. T.) Operative inter- ference in penetrating gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Ibid., 1884, xliv, 563-572. -----. A review of some facts connected with gunshot wounds of the abdomen, and practical deductions therefrom. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 369-389.—Passarelli (G.) Laparotomia per ferita addominale penetrante con estesa lesione dell' epiploon di incipiento peritonite settica; escisione dilarga falda dizirbo; guarigione. N. scuola med. napol., 1894, xi, 52-57.—Pinkcrton (S. H.) Pistol wound of the ab- domen ; lumbar abscess ; lumbar incision ; recovery. In his: Synops. Clin. Surg., 12°, Salt Lake City, 1893', 48.— , Popescu (D.) Un caz curios de plagS, penetrants abdo- 'menulul prin instrument intepiitor; heruie strangulate a epiploouulul; laparotomie; rezectia epiploonului; viude- care; reflexiunl asupra anatomicl si fiziologiei patologice a pl&gilor penetrante ale abdomenului. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1894, xiv, 265-271.—Postempski (P.) Contributoalle la- parotomie eseguito per traumi addominali. Bull. d. r. Ac- cad. med. di Roma, 1888-9, xv, 186-190. -----. Laparotomia diagnostica e curativa nei traumi dell' addome. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1889, Napoli, 1890, vi, 96-104. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1889, xxx, 878.-----. La laparotomie diagnostique et curative dans les plaies de l'abdomen. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 189. -----. Conclusioni tratte da 58 laparotomie eseguite per ferite dell' addome. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1891, Napoli, 1892, viii, 50-65. Also, Reprint. — Pozzi ( S.) Plaies multiples de l'in- testin et de l'uterus gravide par balle de revolver; procl- dence du cordon dans le ventre de la m6re; laparotomie; gu6rison, par le Dr. Albarran. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 243 - 251. — Priddy (A. S.) Pistol-shot wound ofthe abdomen; laparotomy and suture of the wounded intestines. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 649-651. -----. A case of knife wouud ABDOMINAL. ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wottnds of, Treatment of) by abdominal section. of the abdomen; laparotomy by enlarging the abdomi- nal wound; suturing the wounded intestines; death on the third day. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1891, iv, 5. -----. Two cases of gunshot wounds of abdomen and intestines; treated by laparotomy. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1891-2, xviii, 764-767. — Ramsay (A. C. L.) Laparotomy for gunshot wounds of the abdomen, with report of a recent successful case. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiv, ;289-291. —Richardson ( T. G.) Gunshot wound of the abdomen; exploratory laparotomy and suture of wounded bowel; death. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 867-870.—Rivet (F.) Plaie penetrante de l'abdomen par coup de revolver d'ordonnance; laparo- tomie; mort tardive. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 118-122.—Roberts (J. B.) Laparotomy and suture of the intestine, for penetrating wound of the abdo- men. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii, 93-95. -----. Lapa- rotomy for stab-wounds of the abdomen. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 693.—Rodman (W. L.) [Laparotomy for shot wound of the abdomen.] Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1888, n. s., v, 197.—Ruhrah (J.) A case of gunshot wound of the abdomen followed by purulent peritonitis; operation and recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 741.— Saunders (D. D. ), jr. Gunshot wound of abdomen; laparotomy. Memphis M. Month., 1894, xiv, 259-264.— Schachner (A.) On penetrating gunshot wounds of the abdomen; an experimental study and clinical review. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 401 - 448. Aho, Reprint. — Schenck (W. L.) A case illustrating the efficiency of Dr. Senn's hydrogen-gas test f jr perforation of the alimentary canal. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 521.—Sell iimpert (T. E.) Explora- tory cceliotomy; bullet extracted two years after wound was inflicted. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xxii, 489- 491.—Scott (M. T.) Laparotomy for gunshot wound of intestine; four perforations by large bullet; various com- plications; complete recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxviii, 516. Also, Reprint.—Seudder (C. L.) Three cases of laparotomy for penetrating wounds of the abdo- men, with a report of 56 cases of perforating abdominal wounds other than gunshot wounds. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 85. [Discussion], 88-90.—Senn (N.) Rec- tal insufflation of hydrogen gas an infallible test in the diagnosis of visceral injury of the gastro-intestinal canal in penetrating wounds of the abdomen. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 767: 807. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 569-571. -----. Two cases of gunshot wound of the abdomen, illustrating the use of rectal insuf- flation with hydrogen gas as a diagnostic measure. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 528-530. -----. Gunshot wounds of the stomach and intestines. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 131-158.—Sey- mour (W. W.) A case of pistol-shot wound of the ab- domen; abdominal section, resection of the colon, aud suture of the small intestine; autopsy. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 209.—Sherry (H.) Case of penetrating gunshot wound of the abdomen, with wound of intestine and fascal extravasation; laparotomy; intestinal suture; recovery. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1888, viii, 257-260.— Shrady (G. F.) Gunshot wound of the abdomen; ques- tion of abdominal section. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 248-253. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 611-613.— S ic u r. De l'intervention chirurgicale dans les contusions graves de rabdoinen. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1893, i, 533; 697: ii, 43-70.—Simmons (W. H.) Gunshot wound of abdomen. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 491. —Sims (J. M.) Remarks on the treatment of gun-shot wounds of the abdomen in relation to modern peritoneal surgery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, ii, 925; 971. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1882, ix, 21-35. — Skclly (J.I.) Lapa- rotomy for perforating pistol-shot wound of the abdomen ; recovery. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 49-51.—Snyder (A. R.) A case of penetrating stab wound of the abdo- men; laparotomy; recovery. Kansas CityM. Index, 1891, xii, 397-399.—Sodo (G.) Sei casi di ferite penetranti dell' addome trattati con la laparotomia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 4, 819-821. — Sonnenburg. Krankenvor- stellung: Schussverletzung der Bauchhohle; Operation; Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 796-798.— Sorrcntino (F.) Cinque casi di laparotomia per lesioni violente. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 2, 234-236. -----. Altri undici casi di laparotomia per ferite pene- tranti. Ibid., 1894, x, pt. 1,783; 795.—Spediacci (A.) Nota clinica su di una laparotomia per ferita d' arma da fu- oco. Boll. d. clin.,Milano, 1895, xii, 158-164.— Spohu (A. E.) Gunshot wound of theabdomeu. Med. & Surg., Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxiii, 556-559. — Stewart (J. O.) A bullet which had passed through the abdominal wall discharged per anum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 608.—Stiinson (L. A.) On gunshot wounds of the abdomen, with especial reference to wounds of the intestines. N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 449; 483. Also, Reprint.-----. Stab wound of the abdomen, with multiple wounds of the intestine; opera- tion ; recovery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 89.—Stor- chi (F.) Peritonite settica per ferita penetrante; laparoto- Abdomen ( Wounds of, Treatment of) by abdominal section. mia e lavaggio. In his: Dodici mesi di chir. n. osp. Cos- tanzo Mazzoni, 8°, Modena, 1889-90, 81-83.—Study (J. X.) Operation for gunshot wound of the abdomen. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 67.—Tuchard (E.) Do la laparotomie immediate dans les plaies pen6trantes de l'abdomen par coup de feu. Courrier m6d., Par., 1889, xxxix, 127; 135.— Taylor (W. E.) Penetrating wound of tho abdomen, with wound of the intestines, fecal extravasation, suppura- tive peritonitis; cceliotomy, suture of the intestines; re- covery. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 660.—Ter- rier. Sur trois observations de plaies penetrantes de l'ab- domen. Bull. etm6m.Soc.de chir. dePar.,1891,xvii,313-325. -----. Plaie p6n6trante de l'abdomen par coup de couteau; laparotomie exploratrice; gu6rison rapide. Ibid.,530-532.— Thayer (F. C.) A case of penetrating wound ofthe ab- domen and large intestine; abdominal section; suture of the intestine; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 588.—Thomson (A.) Surgical interference in traumatic rupture of the abdominal viscera. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895,iii,583-591.—Thornbury (F. J.) Penetrating wound of abdomen; laparotomy; resection of fractured rib; re- covery. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1893, iv, 5. — Tiffany (L. McL.) Gunshot wound of the spleen and kidney; abdomi- nal section; hemostasis by deep suture; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 546. — Trelat. Plaies abdomi- nales pararmesa,feu: indicationsop6ratoires. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 383.—Turri (E.) Laparotomia nelle ferite penetranti dell' addome. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1887, 5. s., iii, 233-235. — Vinogradoff (A. T.) Originahila pokazanla k laparotomia. [Peculiar indications for . . . (in last month of pregnancy after delivery).] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1888, vi, 332.—Vishnevski (M. P.) Vulnus sclopetarium abdominis penetrans; laparotomia. Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1890, vi, 170.—Whiltakcr (A. S.) Gunshot wound of the abdomen; abdomiual section and suturing wounds of intestines; successful. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1890, xx, 366.—Wiggin (F. H.) A case of contusion and rupture of the ileum with peritonitis, with- out external wound, successfully treated by cceliotomy and primary enterectomy, followed by circular enterorrhaphy Maunsell's method. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 68-70. Aho, Reprint.—Williams (J. H.) The propriety of interfer- ence in gunshot wounds of the abdomen. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car. 1890, Wilmington, 1891, 93-96. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1890, xxvi, 474-477. Aho: South. Clinic, Richmond, 1890, xiii, 359-363. — Winslow (R.) Case of gunshot wounds of the small intestines; laparotomy; re- covery. Bull. M. Soc. Woman's M. Coll. Bait., 1894-5, i, 7. — Wintcrinute (J. S.) Laparotomy for gun-shot wound; amputation of twenty-six inches of the ileum; death. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1890, iv, 474.— Worthington (R. H.) Laparotomy in gunshot and other penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1886,152-161.—Wright (A.) Perforating bullet wound of abdomen; notes of the case of Inspector Simmons, Essex County Constabulary. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 248.—Zarraga (F.) Herida penetrante de vientre; salida de una asa intestinal; resecci6n do 96 centimetres de intestiuo delgado; curaci6n. Gac. med., Mexico, 1892, xxviii, 440.—Ziegler (P.) Schwere Bauchschussverlet- zung; Laparotomie; Heilung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 775. — Zimmer (E.) Zur Behandlung der Schussverletzungen des Unterleibs. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1891-2, viii, 639-653. Aho [Abstr.]: Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1892, ii, 177-179.—Zoia (N.) Sulla convenienza o meno dell' intervento chirurgico nelle ferite penetranti dell' addome. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Na- poU, 1890, n.s., xii, 134-136. Abdomen (Pendulous). See Abdomen (Enlargement, etc., of). Abdominal drainage. See Abdominal section (Methods, etc., of). Abdominal section. See, also, Abdomen (Abscess, etc., of); Abdo- men (Foreign bodies in); Abdomen (Surgery of); Abdomen (Tumors of, Treatment of); Abdomen (Wounds, etc., of); Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of) ; Ascites (Treatment of); Bladder (Surgery of); Broad ligament (Tumors of); Caesarean section; Colotomy; Enterot- omy; Fallopian tube (Tumors of); Gastroenter- otomy; Gastrotomy; Intestines (Obstruction of, Treatment of) by abdominaj section; Intes- tines ( Wounds, etc., of); Labor (Conlp'licated, etc.) from rupture of uterus— Operatibns; Lithotomy (Suprapubic); Liver (Surgeryvf); Mesentery (Tumors of) ; Ovariotomy ; Pancreas ( Sur- gery of ); Pelvis (Abscess of, Treatment of ), Peri- ABDOMINAL. 37 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal section. tonitis (Treatment of), Perityphlitis (Surgical treatment of), Pregnancy (Extra-uterine, Treat- ment of), by abdominal section; Spleen (Surgery of); Uterus (.Excision of); Uterus (Excision of appendages of); Uterus (Pregnant, Excision of); Uterus (Retroversion, etc., of); Uterus (Bupture of, Treatment of); Uterus (Tumors of, Treatment of) by abdominal section. Discursos leidos en la real Academia de modi- ciua para la recopci6n piiblica del acade'mico clecto Don Jose Kibera y Sans el dia 11 de febre- ro de 1894. Reflexiones acerca de la laparoto- mia. roy. 8-\ Madrid, 189-1. Fleurot (E.) *De la laparotomie dans ses diverses indications, et nne nonvelle application. [Xancy.'] 4~. Eemiremont, 1882. Gratiex (1\[-E.-E.]) *De rinflnence cura- tive de la laparotomie. 4°. Paris, 1891. Harris (R. P.) Cceliotomy: this and not laparotomy is the proper Greek synonym of ab- dominal section, laparotomy being an incision oi the flank only. 8°. Philadelphia, 1890. Kashkaroff (I.) Kliniclieski'a besiedi o chre- vosechemakhpri boleznyakh zbenskikbpolovikb organov. Posob'ie dlya prakt icbeskikb vracbey pri diagnostike bryusbnikh zabolevaniy i pri- proizvodstve cbrevoescbeniy. [Clinical dis- courses on abdominal section in diseases of female genital organs. Assistance to practitioners in diagnosticating abdominal diseases and perform- ing abdominal section.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Wathes ("W. H.) Abdominal and pelvic sur- gery. 8°. [n. p., 1891.] Ashby (T. A.) The value of laparotomy in the diag- nosis and treatment of minor forms of intra-abdominal and intra-pelvic diseases. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1889, xiv, 332-356. Also, Reprint. — Banks (W. M.) Lapa- rotomy in general surgery. Practitioner, Loud., 1893, 1, 113; 161.—Barker (A. E.) Remarks on the limits of drainase in suppurative conditions of the abdominal cav- ity. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1895, i, 1139-1141.—Barrow (D.) How the refinements of abdominal surgery have influenced general surgery. Tr. Am. Obst. & Gynecol., Phila., 1889, ii. 92-99. Also, Reprint. — Bertazzoli (A.) Laparoto- mie per indicazione ostetrica. Ann. diostet., Milano. 1891, xiii, 430-432. — Billroth. Laparotomie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1882. xxvii, 522. — Binnie (J. F.) A plea for early operation when certain intra-abdominal diseases are suspected but not known to exist. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 683-686.—Brochin. Rapport sur les observations d'op6rations de gastrotoniics praliquees par M. Fort, k Rio-Janeiro. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par. (1882), 1883, 109-116. — Byerx. Abdominal sectiou. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1101. — t'alvo. I)i-< urso sobre la laparotomia. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid. 1883-4, v, 536-539.—Chro- bak (R.) Ueber liidieatioiien zur Laparotomie. "Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 81-86. — toe (H. C.) Contra indications to laparotomy, and the desirability of recog- nizing them. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 513-518.—tie-pi (G.) Laparotomia. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1886, xii, 345.— Creus. Discurso acerca de la laparotomia. An. r. Acad. de med., Madrid, 1883-4, v, 539-548.—Beg ivc (A.) Dela laparotomie et des principales operations pratiquees sub- s6quemnient sur les organes abdominaux chez les ani- maux domestiques. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 3. s., xii, 771-800. Alsn. Reprint. — OiwciiN- siou on abdominal section. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soe. Edinb., 1885-6, n. s., v, 83-117. — Discn**ion on abdominal sur- gery. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1894, 70-155.—Discus- sion iiber Laparotomieen. Verhandl. d. dcutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii, 126-129. — Eastman (J.) Abdominal surgery and its evolution and involution. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 261-264. Also, Reprint.— Eisner (H. L.) Clinical report, showing the tolerance of the peritoneum and nature's kindness to the surgeon. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895. 91-100. Aho: Am.Gymec. &Obst.J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 290: 332. —CUei-suny (R.) Ueber die Indicationen zur Laparotomie wegen acuter Processe. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1888, xiv, 214-222. [Dis- cussion], 235-240. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 1649; 1693. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl.,Wien, 1889, xxiv, 3; 14; 26. Aho [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1888, xi, 1421- 1426. — Harris ( R. P.) "Cceliotomy", versus "lapa- rotomy", as a surgical term. N. York J. Gyn«c. & Obst., 1892, ii, 1060. Aho. transl.: Centralbl. f. Gvnak.. Leipz., 1892, xvi, 877-880. —Henrj (W. O.) Indications for lapa- rotomy. Am. Gviiiec. Ac Obst. J., N. Y., Ic95, vii. 12-18 — Holmes (T.) Hunleriau lectures on the experience of Abdominal section. St. George's Hospital in laparotomy, exclusive of gyna- cological operations, from 1888 to 1894. inclusive. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1; 67 ; 125.—Hooper (J. W. D.) Notes on some cases of cceliotomy in diseases of women. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1895, n. s., xvii, 106-109. —In ve- rardi (G.) Laparotomie. Rendic. clin. statist, d. Ist.ostct.- ginec. d. Univ. di Padova (1893), 1894, 67-71. — 1 ii-h (J. C.) Laparotomy for pus in the abdominal cavity, and for peritonitis. Boston M. ilwcii (J. R.) Indications and contraiudica- tions for laparotomy. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 38-42.— von rVnssbnum. Ueber Enterotomie, Gastrotomie und Leberdrainage. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 18*0, xxvii, 1-7.—Oldright (VV.) Two obscure cases in abdominal surgery. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1894, xix, 178-181.— Ought the obstetric physicians at general hospitals to pei form abdominal section? Brit. Gynsec. J., Lond., 1893-4, ix, 451-454.—Palmer (C. D.) Abdominal section; its value and range of application, as a means of exploration and treatment. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1884, N. Y., 1885, ix, 118-139. Aho: Cincin. Lancet & Clinic. 1885. xiv, 744- 751. — I'rice (J.) Abdominal section. Polyclinic, Phila., l*K0-7, iv, 325. -----. Philosophy of pelvic and abdominal surgery. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, xxxiv, 741-745.— Bibei-a y Mans (J.) Contribucidn al estudio de las la- parotomias Rev. de med. y cirug. prlict., Madrid, 1894, xxxv, 337-35U.—Biehnrdson (M.H.) Acute abdominal symptoms demanding immediate operative interference. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxviii, 59. Aho, Reprint.— Boehester (T. M.) The abuse of the abdominal section. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1880-81, v, 52-57.— von Rokitansky (K.) Beobachtungen fiber Laparoto- mie. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 789; 825; 858; 888; 924; 954.— Ross (J. F. W.) The omentum and the role it plays in operative work upon the abdomen. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 762-779. -----. Influences affecting the results in abdominal operations. Ann. Gynajc. Sc Pse- diat., Phila., 1893-4, vii, 313-325.—Rage (P.) Die Prog- nose der Laparotomieen. Berl. Klinik, 1890, xxx, 1-13.— Byau (J. P.) Abdominal section. Austral. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1887, vii, 63.—Sato (T.) Fukubeku setsukai sitsu iii zukete. [On laparotomy.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 315, 1-4— Savage (T.) The Ingleby lect- ures. Lectures 1 and 2. On some of the applications of abdominal section. Birmingli. M. Rev., 1882, xi, 12; 49; 110. — Nchwartz (N. F.) Intrapelvic injury corrected by laparotomy. Med. &, Surg. Reporter, Phila.', 1889, lx, 479- ABDOMINAL. 38 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal section. 481. —Senn (N.) Abdominal surgery on the battle-field. St. Louis Clinique, 1894, vii, 237-251. Aho, Reprint.— Mexton (J. C.) On some emergencies demanding ab- dominal section. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1890, 45-60. Ah" : Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1890-91, ix, 1-4.— Sizer (X. B.) The place of abdominal section in surgery. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1880-81, v, 57-64.— Mlnvvan«ki (K. F.) Laparotomia conservativa. Ja- kush.'i im-k. boliez., St. Petersb.. 1892, vi, 189-203.— .1 ho. transl ! A bstr. ]: Daniel's TexasM. J., Austin, 1891-2, vii, 385-389. — Smith (A. ('.) Clinical deductions from recent abdominal sections. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1895, iii. 169-175. — Smith (A. L.) Des principaux 616- ments de succes en cceliotomie. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1894, n. s., viii, 113; 175. — Stone (I. S.) The field and limitation of laparotomy. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1888, Birminsrham, Ala., 1889, i, 283-292. Also : Gaillard s M. J., N. Y., 1889, xlviii, 122-129. -----. The significance of pyrexia in surgical cases; with special refeience to the temperature curve before and after lap- arotomy. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1893, iii, 129-133. Also, Reprint. -----. Some results of ether anaesthesia in ab- dominal operations, with special reference to its action upon the kidneys. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gvnec. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii,' 294-296. — Sutton (R. S.) 'Cceliotomy versus laparotomy as a surgical term. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 822. -----. Laparotomy fur pelvic diseases: why continue it? I bid., 549.— Tail(L.) Indications for ab- dominal section and the details of its performance. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1890, n.s., xlix, 369-372. Also: Med. Rec.. N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 485-488. — Tnn»ini (I.) Dell' attivita del cuore in relazione coil' apertura delle cavity splaneniche. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1888, Txlviii], 325.—Terrier. [Gastrotomie suivie de guerison.] Bull. etniem. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1879, v,564-570. [Discussion], 631; 66": 688. — Trent (I. N.) Personal observations in abdominal surgery. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1893-4, ii, 91- 98. — Tnretla (A.) Contributo di chirurgia addomi- nale. Policlin., Roma, 1893-4, 525: 571.—Vander Veer ( A.) Abdominal section. Albany M. Ann., 1880, vii, 257-269. -----. Observations upon abdominal surgery, in relation to the general practitioner. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1894, lviii, 205-218. — Wade (W. F.) A note on j abdominalsections. Lancet, Lond., 1886. i, 343.—'Watson ( F. S.) The diagnosis and surgical treatment of cases of embolism and thrombosis of the mesenteric blood-vessels, with reports of cases. Boston M. Sc S.J., 1894, exxxi, 552- 557.— Weiss. La laparotomie. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Nancy (1889-90), 1891, 66-77. Ahu: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1890, xxii, 481-493. —Werth (R.) Ueber den Ein- tlussvon Operationen, im Besonderen der Laparotomie, auf das Yerhalten der Eigenwarme. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884, xxiii, 430-442. Aho, Reprint. Abdominal section (Accidents, compli- cations; and sequelce of). Sec, also. Insanity ( Causes of, Traumatic); Ovariotomy (Sequela;, etc., of). Abbe (R.) Intestinal anastomosis. 8-. Phil- adelphia, 1889. Itepr. from: Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1889. Bextejac (H.-H.-J. ) *De quelques pheno- ntenes nervenx observes ;\ la suite des operations pratiquees sur l'abdomen. 4°. Paris, 1888. i Chognox(B.) *De"sadh<5rencesdel'appendice vermiculaire avec les orgaues avoisinants dans les operations hitra-abdoniinales. 4°. Lyon, 1894. ' Foillard (M.) *Des adherences dans l'ex- tirpation des tumeurs abdominales; resection et enterorraphie dans les adkerences intestinales. 4-. Lyon, 1>93. Gikaud (G.) Des blessures de la vessie chez la femme dans les ablations de tumeurs abdomi- nales. ,--'. Lyon, 1887. Kelterborx (F. G.) * Experimentelle Unter- suckungen iiber die Consequenzen operativer Eingrifte in den Peritonealraum mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Entstebungsbedingungen von Adbiisiouen und dereu Folgezustiiude. 8°. Dor pat, l-'JO. Also [Abstr.], in: Centralbl. f. Gynak.,Leipz., 1890,xiv, 913-916. KotakevsivI (N.) *Materialy k voprosu ob ucbode za zbenschinoi posle tshrevosletsheniya po povodu zabolevanii nintki i eya pridatkov. [Contribution to question of final result to women after laparotomy in diseases of tbe uterus and its annexes,] c'°. Moskva, 1^91. Abfloniiiial section (Accidents, compli cations, and sequela? of). Kuiixe (F. H.) * Ueber die Hiiufigkeit von Baucbbriicben nach Cceliotoinien. tr-. Mar- burg, 1893. deLostalot-Bachoue(P.) De quelques com- plications inflammatoires cons6cutivesaux lapa- rotomies et de leur traitement. Traitement des adkerences pelviennes par les eaux ehlorure'es- sodiques fortes. ?-. Paris, 1890. Overthux (A.) * Hernia veutralis nach La- parotomie. 8~. Bonn, 1894. Wertheimer (P.) * Essaisur les herniescon- se"cutives anx orje'rations de laparotomie. 4;. Paris, 1888. Adenot. Contribution k 1'e.tude des occlusions intesti- nales apr6s les laparotomies. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1895, xiii, 125-129.—A in aim (J.) Todesfalle nach Lapa- rotomien. K.TTniv.-Frauenkliii. in Miinchen 1884-90. Ber. . . ., Leipz., 1892, 277-284. —Ashton ( W. E.) The pa- thology of intestinal obstructions following abdominal and pelvic operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 47-51. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 113-118. Aho, Reprint. -----. Ventral hernia following abdomi- nal operations. Med. Bull., Phila., 1893, xv, 452-455. Aho, Reprint. -----. The symptoms and diagnosis of intestiual obstruction following intra-peritoneal opera- tions. Med. Bull., Phila., 1894, xvi, 1-4. — Baldy (J. M.) Complications following abdominal section. Ann. Gymec, Bost, 1888-9, ii, 329-334. Also: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lx. 420-423. Also: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1888-9, xxviii, 597-603. -----. Complications follow- ing abdominal section. Ann. Gynsec. Sc Paediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 467-469. -----. Phlegmasia alba dolens compli- cating laparotomy. N. York J. Gymec. & Obst., 1894, iv, 267-269. Also, Reprint.—Balleray (G. H.) Erysipelas as a complication in abdominal surgery. Tr. M. Soe. X. Jersey, Newark, 1894, 111-121. — Bandrimoiit. Hydro- salpyux double chez une ataxioue: laparotomie; retard dans la reunion. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1895, xxv, 370. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, ix, 277.—It a nine. Perforation de l'artere epigastrique dans une ponction ab- dominale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 308.—Bcatrs (EL), jr. Abdominal fistula; after laparotomv. [Abstr. from: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc] Med. Standard. Chicago, 1889, vi, 70.— Bid well (L. A.) The treatment of patients after abdominal operations. Hospital, Loud.. 1895-6, xix, 7; 27.—Boise (E.) Intestinal paralysis following lapa- rotomy. N. York J. Gvnsec. & Obst, 1893, iii, 118-124. Aho: J. M. Sc, Fort Wayne, 1893, xiii, 63-70. -----. The after-treatment of cceliotoiuy cases with special reference to shock and septic peritonitis. Ann. Gynajc. & Pasdiat., Phila., 1893-4, vii, 1-8. -----. Suppression of urine afrer abdominal section. Ibid., 1894-5, viii, 153-159.— Bovee (J. W.) The effects of pressure from large abdominal tu- mors as a cause of death after their removal. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 101-106.—Bozeman (X. G.) Recto-abdominal fistula following laparotomy, treated satisfactorily by improved double-current irrigation. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1891, xl, 203.—Brewis (N. T.) On parotitis following operations on the abdoinino-pelvic organs. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1892-3, xviii. 275-277. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix, 423-426.—BuckiiMMter (A. H.) Hem- orrhage after abdominal section; its place in statistics. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.. Albany, 1894, 94-100. Aho: Ann. Gy- nsec & Paediat.., Phila.. 1893-4, vii, 441-446.—Bn in in |E.) Ueber Llarmverschliessungen nach Laparotomies Sit- zungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1888.41-50. Aho: Miinchen. med. 'Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 267-269. -----. Ueber die Heilungsvorgiinge nach dem Bauch- schuitt bei bacillarer Bauchfelltuberkulose. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1893, 7-10.—By ford (H. T.) Three peritoneal sections performed upon the same patient within nine months; vaginal section, ventral sec- tion, and inguinal section. 2T. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 1-3. Also, Reprint. Aho: West. M. Reporter, Chi- cago, 1890, xii, 33. -----. Difficult abdominal sections. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., i, 286-292. — Cath- cart (C. W.) Note on the quenching of thirst after abdominal operations. Edinb. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix, 250- 252. — Chambers (P. F.) Septic peritonitis follow- ing laparotomy. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 173-175 — Chandler (N. F.) Report of two pregnancies following a laparotomy. Boston M. ^v S. J., 1894, exxx, 93—Cluinii (W. P.) Laparotomy with incision into the bladder. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii, 251.—Cleveland (C.)' Rupture of intestine during laparotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 732-734.—Coe (II. C.) Secondary laparotomv for the relief of persistent pain due to intesti- nal adhesions. Am. Gvmec. & Paediat., Phila., li«89-9o, iii, 332. ■----. Renal insutticieucv after gynecological opera- tions. N. York Polyclin., 1893, ii, 71-73.—Condainiii (R.) De la cure radicale de 1 eventration post-operatoire avec adherence intestinale. Province med., Lyon, 1895, ABDOMINAL. 39 ABDOMINAL. Abfloniiiial section (Accidents, compli- cations, and sequelce of). ix, 277.—Cooper (C. E.) Treatment of surgical shock after laparotomies. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 134-137.—Cordier (A. H.) After-careof a laparotomizcd patient. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1895, xxxii, 275.—Culleii (T.S.) Postoperative septic peritonitis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait,, 1894-5, iv, [Gynec. no. 3, 61-69]. — Cur- rier (A. F.) The causes and treatment of sinuses re- sulting from abdominal section. Ann. Gynaec A. l'adiat, Phila., 1891-2, v, 577-582. Aho, Reprint.—Dal ton (H. C.) Three laparotomies on one patient; recovery. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Excelsior Springs, 1890, xxxiii, 192- 196. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xii, 246-249.—»e- lorme. Appendiee spontaneiuent expuls6 d'une plaie de laparotomie pour peritonite suppurce. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 801.—von Dembowski (T.) Ueber die Ursachen der peritonealen Adhasionen nach chirurgischen Eingriffen mit Riicksicht auf die Frage des Ileus nach Laparotomieen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 18,*8, xxxvii, 745-765, 1 pi.—Dudley (A. P.) A si- nus extending up from the lower angle of the abdominal incision after laparotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 312-314. -----. General emphysema following laparotomv. N. York J. Gymec &. Obst., 1892, ii, 443-446—Buiiiiiiig (L. H.) Ventral hernia following laparotomy. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1892, Phila., 1893, v, 485-495. Also: Ain. J. Obst., Nf. Y., 1893, xxvii, 47-57. -----. Remarks ou some of the complications encountered at the time of ab- dominal section or subsequently. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1892-3, xi, 225-230. -----. Intestinal obstruction follow- ing abdominal section. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 619- 621.—Edebohls (G. M.) The prevention of hernia after incision of the abdominal walls. X. York J. Gynaic & Obst., 1893, iii, 24-29. Also, Reprint.—EI iscticr (G.) Negy hasmetszfes egyazon egyeuen. [Laparotomy per- formed four times on the same person. | Orvosi heti szmele, Budapest, 1894,ix, 553-555. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, l,s9J, xxx, 1104.—Em- met (B.) Injured ureters in abdominal surgery: their care, with report of a case of anastomo-is and recovery. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1895, xxxi, 449-bl —Elheridgc (J. H.) Report of death from laparotomy on the twentv-fifth day. N. York J. Gynaec. Sc Obst., 1,-94, v, 170-178.—Fnu- eon (V.) De l'occiusion intestinale secondaire et du pur- gatif post-op^ratoire. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1892, i, 433- 441.—Ferguson (F. C.) A case of obstruction of the bowel four days after abdomiual section; secondary opera- tion; recovery; remarks on peritoneal adhesions. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 512-514. A ho : Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1894-5, xiii, 396-400.—Fleming (C. K.) The management of patients after cceliotomy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 331.—Frank (L.) A unique case of intestinal fistula followiug celiotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 74. Also, Reprint.—French (G. F.) [Tubercular peritonitis complicating abdominal sections.] Tr. Minn. M. Soc, St. Paul, 1884, 115. Aho: Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1883-4, iii, 245.—von Frey (R.) Zur Yerhiitung von Darmadhasioueu nach Laparotomies Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 615— Gilliam (I). T.) The operative treatment of ventral hernia resulting from abdominal section. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 182. Also, Reprint.—Gofle (J. R.) Reopening the abdomen for acute septic peritonitis following cceliotomy, with re- port of a successful case. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc., Phila., 1892, xvii, 372-375—4 g. po 18.'April 1^92 g. Sostavil V. X. Orlov. S. predisloviein i pod redaktsi yey . . . [Two hundred laparot- omies, performed from Oct. 31, 1884, to April 18, 1^0-2. Collected by V. X. Orloff. With preface and edited by . . . j 8 . S.-Peterburg, 1893. Moreau (C.) Hopital de Cliarleroi, service de chirurgie. Deux laparotomies fompliqueVs. 8-. [n.p., 1891.] Noble (C. P.) Certain problems in abdomi- nal surgery, based on one hundred cteliotomies done at the Kensington Hospital for Women. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr.from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1893. Opie (T.) Thirty-two unselected abdominal sections. Read before the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association November, 1891. 8~. [n.p.], 1891. Paladini (C.) Contributo alia pratica della chirurgia addominali; casi operati nell' anno 1889. roy. 8-. Firenze, l*-90. Tait (L.) An account of seventy-six con- secutive cases of abdominal section. 8C. Bir- mingham, [1880]. Tricomi (E.) Prima serie di laparotomie. 8~. Feltre, 1892. ' Adam (G. R.) Ten consecutive successful laparot- omies. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1891, n. s., xiii, 531- 536.—Ahlfeld (F.) Bericht iiber zehn Laparotomien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1880, vi. 4; 15; 25. Aho, Reprint.—Albert (E.) Einige Laparotomien. In his: Beitr. z. oper. Chir., 8°, Wien u. Leipz., 1880, 68-78.— Analysis (An) of the thirteen hundred and twenty-two recent, unselected American laparotomies. Pittsburgh M. Rev., ]>8!t. iii, 265-272. [See, aho, supra.] — Annan* dale (T.) Note of a case in which long-standing gastric symptoms were completely relieved by abdominal section and the raising up of depressed ensiform and costal carti- lages. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., lf-8-!i xii, 155-152. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1389, i, 360.—AI thill (L.) Caso in which I laparotomy was performed. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.,1890, viii. 318-321. Aho: Med. Press & Cite, Lond., 1890. u. a., \li\. 523. Aho: Obst. Gaz., Cincin.. 1800, xiii, 419-123.—Andry (C.) Note.-, sur une se.rie de vingt-cinq bti tions peritoiit'-alea. Ann. de gvnec. et d'obst., Par., 1890, xxxiv, 352-357. Aho, K. print. —Baldy (J. M.) Twenty consecutive rases of abdominal section, with one death. Med. News, Phila., 18*9, liv, 597-601. A ho, Re- print.— Balls-IIcndley (W.) Seven cases of laparot- omy. Austral. M. Oaz., Melbourne, 1886, n. 8., viii, 534- 552, 1 pi., 4 diag. Also, Reprint. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1*87, ii, 1008; 1056. -----. A second series of seven cases of laparotomy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1**8, n. s., x, 541-550.—Bmitock (G. G.) One hundred consecutive cases of abdominal section. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 518; 5b-—Karnes (F.) Fifty consecutive abdominal sec- tions. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 401.—Barrena (A.) La ciru.jia abdominal en Cuba; estadistica y resulta- dos. Cong. med. region, de Cuba, Habana, 1890, 517-527.— Barrow (D.) Cases in abdominal surgery. Am. Pract. &. News, Louisville, 1"93. xvi, 15-23. Also.' Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1893, n. s., il, 175-188.—llatehelor i F. (.'.) Two cases of abdominal section. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 50-54. -----. Fifty case.-, of ab- dominal section. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 649-663. -----. Notes on a series of luO cases of abdominal surgery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 256-261. —■---. A year's work in abdominal surgery. N. Zealand Al. J., Duuedin, 1890-91, iv, 311-322, 1 tab.—Battle (W. H.) Two cases of ab- dominal section for tumours which presented unusual characters. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, u. 8., lv, Abdominal section (Cases and statis- tics of). 479-481— Relilovski (K. A.) K kazuistike chrevo.se- cheniy. [Cases of laparotomy.] J. akush. i jensk- boliez., St, Petersb., 1892, vi, 1170-1197. —Hell (11.) Five consecutive cases of abdominal section. Med. Press -232—Mudd (II. H.) Report of cases of abdominal sec- tion. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1891, ii, 349-356.—Mmide (P. F.) A year's work in laparotomy. (Forty-five operations.) Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 15; 136, 4 p'l. -----. Clinical contributions to abdominal snrgei v. Ibid., 1894, xxix, 593- 607.—Murphy (P.J.) Laparotomies [seven cases]. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1889, xii, 407-413—.\airne (S.) Three un- usual cases of abdominal section in private practice under the care of H. W. White. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 128.— IVegretto(A.) Sette laparotomie. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, 914-918.-I\egri (P.) Ciuquauta lapaiotornie per indicazioni osn trico-ginecologicbc Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1892, xvi, 21-27. -----. Iulorno a cinquanta laparotomie per indicazioni ginecologico-ostetriche. Ibid. 1894 xx, 338-34.-.—IVevins (J. It.) The Liverpool Hos- pital for Women ; report of the inquiry committee ap- pointed by the Liverpool Medical Institution. Lancet Loud., 1*86. ii, 1147-1149 - Mcoladoiii (C.) Bericht iiber 50 wegen Tumoren am weiblieheii Genitalo ausge- fiirht- Laparotomien. Wien. med. Presse. 1887, xxviii 333; 373; 441; 476; 513; 546; 618; 656. —rvilos (H. D.j Notes on some recent eases of celiotomy. Denver M Times, 1*93-4. xiii, 263-276.—IVoble (C. P.') Ten cases of abdominal section. Ann. Gymec & Paediat., Phila 1^9 90, iii, 346-352. A'so: Proc'Phila. Obst. Soc, lMW."l9_25. -----. Abdominal surgery at the Kensington Hospital for ABDOMINAL. 45 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal tics of). section (Cases and statis- Women. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, 140- 157. Aho: Med. Age, Detroit, 1891, ix, 321-327. -----. A year's work in abdominal surgery at the Kensington Hospital for Women. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1891-2, v, 225-237. Aho, Reprint. -----. Certain problems in abdominal surgery, based on one hundred celiotomies. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxvii, 625-649. -----. Report of two years' work in abdominal surgery at the Kensing- ton Hospital for Women. Philadelphia; [cases of abdomi- nal section]. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893. ii, 985-1002. A ho, Repriut. Also: Ann. Gvnaec. & Paediat., Phila. 1893-4, vii, 124-138.—IVogiiera'(0. A.) & Giirll (J. A.) Comuuicacion sobre tres laparotomias praticadas con exito. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1889-90, xiii, 769; 820: 1890-91 xiv, 56; 84— lYolchini (D. P.) Kliuicheskie sluchai potrebovavshie laparotomiam externam. [Clinical cases necessitating. . .] Trudi akusk.-ginek. Obsh. v Mosk., 1887, i, 46-62.—Oakes (W. K.) A statistical report of cases of abdominal section. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1892-4, xi, 539-549.—Obaliiiski (A.) Eine unwillkiirliche La- parotomie; Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 650.—O'Callaghan (R.) Notes on some cases of ab- dominal section. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 263-266.—Ogata (S.) Ogata Byoyen ui okeru fuku setsukaisitsu no seijoku. [Results of laparotomies per- formed in the Ogata Hospital.] Ogata Byoyen Ijikwai, Tokio, 1893, no. 53, 22-37. Also: Tokyo med." Wchnschr., 1893, No. 800, 3-8.—Olshauscn (R.) Die Laparotomien der Universitats-Fraueukliuik in Berlin wahrend der 3 Jahre 1. Mai 1887-1890. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg.. 1890, xx, 219-235.—Onoufriiefl" (V. M.j Sto chrevosiecheniy proi'zvedyonnikk v Ekaterinburgskom Rodilnom Dome v 1881 g. po 1893 god (dvienadsat Het). Apercu sommaire de 100 laparotomies pratiquees k la Mai- sou d'accouchenient d'Ekath6rinebourg en 12 ans (1881- 1893). Zapiski Uralsk, med. Obsh. v g. Ekaterinburge, Perm, 1894, iii, pt. 2, 87-89. 1 tab.—Opie (T.) Thirty-two unselected abdominal sections. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec Ass. 1891, Phila.. 1892, iv, 94-126. Aho: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1891, liii, 513-530. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 1441-1459. Aho: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1891-2, n. s., viii, 577-601. Also: Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1891-2, v, 206-221 Aho: Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1892, n. s., xi, 3-15. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xviii, 67-74. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1892, x, 296-303.—OrIoff(W. N.) Kurzer Bericht fiber 200 Laparotomien. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 111-117.—Ott (D.) Krathii obzor 204 chrevosechenii. [Short synopsis of 204 laparoto- mies.] Shorn, rabot. akush. i zhensk. bolez. . . . Slayjan- ski, [etc.], St. Petersb., 1894, ii, 3-45.—Owens (E. M.) Three cases of abdominal section. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 107-110.—Packard (H.) Abdominal surgery: a tabulated report of fifty cases. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1888, xxiii, 407-418, 4 pi. -----. A review of abdominal surgery, with a report of one hundred and twelve cases. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost.. 1890, xxv, 62-75. Aho, Reprint.—Packard (J. H.) Six cases of laparotomy. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1889-90, xxix, 613-618.—Palmer (H.) Seventeen recent consecutive cases of abdominal sec- tion. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1890, xxiv, 173-180.— Parkes ( C. T ) Report of clinical laparot- omies during eighteen months at Rush Medical Col- lege. Obst. Gaz.; Cincin., 1*90, xiii, 394-418. Also: Am, J. M. Sc, Phila., 1890, n. s., c, 257-268. Also: Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 854-876. — Pean. Gastroto- mie. [Cases.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1879, 2. s., viii, 1194-1197. -----. Des gastrotomies pratiqu6es, par la voie abdominale et par la voie vaginale, pour l'ablatioii des tu- meurs de l'ovaire, du ligament large, du m6sentere, du bassin, du peritoine, du rein, du foie, de l'intestin et de l'ut6rus, depuis le ler janviev jusqu'au 31 d6cembre 1886. In his: Lepons de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1888, 1307- 1394.—Penrose (C. B.) Abdominal sections. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1890, n. s., ix, 163-165. — Perez (M. A.) Contribuci6n al estudio de la cirugia abdominal en Colombia. Rev. m6d.-quir. araer., N. Y.. 1893-4, ii, 65; 91.—Peterson (R.) A review of twenty-five consecutive cases of abdominal section. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1892, xvi'. 364-384, 1 tab. Aho, Reprint. Aho: Am. Gy- nec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 415-430.—Petit (P.) Rapport sur un m6moire du Dr. Fraisse: TJne premiere s6rie de 30 la- parotomies. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1892, 148-150. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1892, 2. s., iv, 329.—Pianori. Nove laparotomie. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 177-179.—Pinos (M.) Laparotomia por tumor intra-abdominal de diagnostico dudoso; curaci6n. Regidn m6d.-farm. vasco-navarra, Pamplona, 1895, iv, 138-140.—Poggi (A.) Ultima serie di laparotomie. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1890, 5. s., ix, 413; 469. — Po- micr (A. ) Observations de sept laparotomies dont cinq ovariotomies, pratiqn6es il l'bopital de Pau, dans le courant de l'ann6e 1891-2. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gy- nec, Par., 1892, vii, 576-584.—Pond (E. M.) Report of two cases of abdominal section. I. Tubal pregnancy. II. Fibroid tumor. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1891, Phila., Abdominal section (Cases and statis- tics of). 1892, iv, 303. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 686.—Po- tienko (V. V.) Sem tschrevosiechenii. [Seven laparoto- mies.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1894, viii, 780-800.—Poullet. [Cinq laparotomies.] Lyon med.j 1891, lxvi, 501. — Pozzi (S.) Operations gynecblogiques; laparotomies. Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir! do Par., 1892, xviii, 307-310.—Pozzi (S.), de Lastalot-Itaehoiic Sc Raudron. Reniarques cliuiques et op6ratoires sur une s6rie do trente laparotomies. Ann. de gyn6c et d'obst., Par., 1890, xxxiii, 251; 353; 426. Aho, Reprint. — Price (J.) A consideration of Dr. Goodell's statistics of ab- dominal section. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 660-662. -----. Statistics of abdominal section. Ibid., 825-828. -----. A report of ten cases of abdominal section. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 266-269. -----. An analysis of one hundred consecutive abdominal sections; report of some interesting cases. Ann. Gymec, Bost., 1887-8, i, 498-506. -----. Sixty-five consecutive abdominal sec- tions. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1888, ii, 250; 259. -----. Two cases of abdominal section. Practice, Richmond, 1889, iii, 194-197. -----. An analysis of fifteen months' ab- dominal work in the Gynecean Hospital, Philadelphia. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila,, 1889, 3. s., xi, 255-264. -----. Ab- dominal sections. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1890, n. s., ix, 6-9. -----. A largo group of mixed specimens, illustrating the principal complications and varieties of pelvic and abdominal surgery. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gy- nec, Phila., 1890, iii, 215-220, 3 pi. -----. A review of a series of fifty abdominal sections. Ann. Gynaec. & Pae- diat., Phila., 1890-91, iv, 667-671. -----. Report of a group of interesting cases of abdominal surgery. Ibid., 1893-4, vii, 139-144.—Price (M.) Emergency cases in abdominal surgery. Ibid., 1892-3, vi, 36-41. — Kabagliati (A.) Clinical paper on some cases involving laparotomy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 23-25.—Racovi- ceann-Pitesti. Observa^iuni asupra cinci laparatoniii. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1893, xiii, 526-538. — Reed (R. H.) Some new operations in abdominal surgery, illustrated with a number of specimens. Columbus M. J., 1887-8, vi. 293-303.—Rein (G. E.) Obzor 310 chrevosecheniy. [Re- view of 310 cases of laparotomy.] Protok. zasaid. akush.- ginec. Obsh. v Kieve (1891), 1892, v, 137-167.—Ren ton (J. C.) Notes of two cases of abdominal section illustrat- ing points of interest. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1143.— Ribera y Sanz (J.) Observaciones de laparotomia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1892, xxxix, 514; 530; 549. Also: In- depend. m6d., Barcel., 1891-2, xxiii, 555; 579.—Richard- son (M. H.) A series of intra-abdominal operations. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1887, cxvii, 225-228. —Riedinger. Bericht fiber die in der Briinner Gebaranstalt vom "Juli 1883 his Ende December 1886 ausgefiihrten Laparotomien. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1887, viii, 67-117, 1 pi.—Rish- miller (J. H.) A series of interesting cases in the serv- ice of Dr. Horace Tracv Hanks at the Woman's Hospital. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1894, v, 112; 240.—Roberts (J. B.) Lessons taught by three fatal abdominal opera- tions. Univ. M. Mag., Phila, 1890-91, iii, 153-159.— Robinson (F. B.) Ten consecutive successful cases of laparotomy. Milwaukee M. J., 1893, i, 48-50. -----. Cri- tique of macroscopic examination of specimens removed in thirty-two consecutive laparotomies. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 41; 71. Also, Reprint.—Robsou (A. W. M.) Consecutive series of cases of abdominal section. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1213. -----. Three cases of ab- dominal section for unusual conditions: (1) Tuberculous disease of the liver; (2) complete volvulus and strangula- tion of the great omentum ; and (3) traumatic haemorrhage without external wound. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 155.— Rogers (W. B.) A report of twenty-two abdominal sec- tions in general surgery. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 90-96.— Roiniti (G.) Casnistica di laparotomie. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1891, xiii, 800-807. — Roncnglia (G.) Di una serie di 57 laparotomie. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1895, x, 179-194. — Rosen wasser ( M. ) A year's work in pelvic surgery. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1889- 90, v, 483-498.— Ross (J. F. W.) Cases requiring ab- dominal operations in the service of Dr. ... at the To- ronto General Hospital during the summer of 1891. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxv, 189-207.—Roux. Reniarques sur 14 gastro-ent6rostomies, 2 pyloro-plasties, sur 1 gas- trectomie pour ulcere et 5 gastrectomies pour cancer. Assoc. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par, 1893, vii, 394- 403. — ICuggi (G.) Osservazioni intorno ad alcuni casi important! di laparotomia e statistica relativa a 100 casi. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Napoli, 1888, v, 250-285. -----. Qnadri statistici relativi alia seconda centuria delle laparotomie, preceduti da alcune annotazioni sopra i casi pih importanti. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1890, 5. s., ix, 7; 66; 98; 136; 166; 268; 294; 332. -----. Terza cen- turia di laparotomie. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. ii, 75. -----. Quarta centuria di laparotomie eseguite. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiii, 541-550.—Range (M.) Einhundertzwanzig Laparotomien aus der Gottinger Frauenklinik. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl., 1893, vii. 587- 593.— Run)an (J. P.) Report of eleven cases of lapa- ABDOMINAL. 46 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal section (Cases and statis- tics of). rotomy. J. M. Soc Arkansas, Little Rock, 1893-4. iv. 101- 107. — Ryan (('. S.) Two cases of multiple hydatids of the abdomen. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1895, n. s.. xvii, 344-354.—Kvdygier. Dziesiec przypadkrjw laparotomii. [Ten cases of laparotomy.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1881, xx, 401 • 427 —Sajjgi n• ' F.-1 Una terza centuria di laparoto- mie. Raecoglitore m.-d.. Forli. 1891, 5. s.. xi. 330-333.— Saunders (li.; Some cases of abdominal section. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med.. Dallas, 1891-2, ix, 167-176.—Savage (T.I A series of abdominal sections, performed during 1882. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i. 710-712. -----. On one hundred and four abdominal sections performed during 1884. I bid., 1*85, i, 217. — Schachuer (A.) Three illustrative cases of abdominal section. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894. xxix, 369-378. Also, Reprint—Schultzc (B. S.) Bericht fiber die in den Jahren 18*4-86 von mir ausgefiihrten Laparoto- mieen. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iir/tl. Ver. v. Thiiringen. Weimar, 1887, xvi, 89-109. Also. lb-mint, Aho [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1887, x, 624-626.—Schwartz. Kyste hydatique de la region retrovesical; retentiond'urineet obstruction intestinale; laparotomie suivie de la suture-du kyste a la paroi abdominale, par le Dr. Vincent. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Tar., 1892. n. s.. xviii, 831-834.— Ncudder (C. L.) Cases of abdominal surgery occurring in the practice of Dr. J. Collins Warren at tho Massachu- setts General Hospital during the winter of 1893. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894. exxx. 1: 29. — Semi (N. ) Abdominal surgery on the battlefield. I'roc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Wash., 1894, iv, 1-21. — Scrcbrovski i I. M.) Chetire chrevosechenia pioi/vedvonnla pri razlichnikh zaboleva- niakh vnutrennikli zlieii-kikh polovikh otganov. [Four laparotomies performed in various diseases ofthe internal female sexual organs.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxvii, 831-*40. — Shield (A. M.) Two snecessful cases of lapa- rotomy, one fur diffuse septic peritonitisof four days'dura- tion, and the other for ruptured hydatid cvst. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii. 789.—Shoemaker (G. E.) Celiotomy under unusual conditions; with a report of ten cases. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 326-330. Also, Reprint.— Smith (A. J.) Report on the abdominal sections per- formed in the gynecological wards of St. Vincent's Hospi- tal, Dublin. Tr. Row Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl., 1893, xi, 277-286. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1*93. xcv, 107-113. Aho: Lancet. Lond., 1893, i, 294.—Smith (A. L.) Four success- ful cases of laparotomy. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1889- 00, xviii, 169-175. -----. Five laparotomies, with four re- coveries and one death. Montreal M. J.. 1*91-2.xx,917-924. -----. Three cases of abdominal section. Ibid., 1892-3, xxi, 60-68. -----. Three cases of cceliotomy; an ovarian cyst; a tubal pregnancy; and a hiematoma of the ovary. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1894-5. xxiii, 25-27. Aho: Montreal M. J.. 1894-5, xxiii, 429-432. — Smith (E. W.) Seven cases of laparotomy, without irrigation or drainage, and recovery. St. Louis Med. Era, 1893-4, ii, 499-502. Aho: Med. Age, Detroit, 1894, xii, 326-328.— SmyIy (W. J.) Report of 112 abdominal sections performed in the Rotunda Hospital. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1893, xi, 294-311. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1893, xcv. 281- 292. Also \Abstr.Jj Med. Press : Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 553-557. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Wien. med. BL. 1888, xi, 1553-1556.—Tausini (I. i Sopra due laparotomie. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1889, x, 354-356. —---. Contributo di chirurgia addominale per 1' anno scolastico 1890-91. Rasse- gna di sc. med., Modena, 1891,vi,193: 240— Tappey (E. T.) Three recent laparotomies. J. Gynec, Toledo, 1891, i, 165-167. — Tassi ( E.) Alcune laparotomie per processi morbosi nel cavo addominale. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1889-90, xvi, 225-240.—Tauffcr (V.) Nemely has- daganatok seh6szi kezel6s6nek javalatairol 6s joslataril, 285 eset alapjan. [Indications and prognosis of surgical treatment of some abdominal tumors based upon 285 cases. (laparotomy).] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 1525; 1561. Aho, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18*8, xxiv, 1141; 1165; 1189.—Taylor (A. M.) Some cases of laparotomy. Occidental M.Times, Sacramento, 1894,viii, 18- 23.—Taylor (J. W.) On a series of twenty-four consecu- tive abdomiual sections. Birmingh. M. Rev.,1887, xxi, 241- 255, 1 tab. -----. Series of eighty-four cases of abdominal section in women. Lancet, Lond.,1890, i,696-698.—Taylor (W. E.) [Abdominal section and enterotomv for impacted gall stone.l Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran.,'1884-5, xxvii, 104-106.—Terrier (F.) Sc Hartuianu (H.) Remarques cliniques. anatomiques et op6ratoires k propos de 59 cas consexutifs de laparotomie pour lesions suppure.es p6ri- uterines; suites immediates et 61oign6es de l'opferation. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1893, xxxix. 417-458.— Thomas (T. G.) Laparotomy performed for the re- moval of a large quantity of menstrual blood from one horn of a bicornate uterus. Illust. M. Sc S. J., N. Y., 1882, i, 19-22. Also, Reprint.—Thornton (J. K.) One hundred and seventy-two antiseptic abdominal sections, with remarks on the causes of death in the fatal cases. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1880-81, lxiv, 139-165. Aho [Abstr.]: Proc Roy. M. i Chir. Soc. Lond., 1880-82, ix, 18-20.— Todd ill. J. McC.) Abdominal abscess; laparotomy; re- covery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 779.—Torngren (A.) En serie af femtio buksnitts-operationei. [Series of 50 laparotomies.] Finska liik.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1*91, xxxiii, 4.57-501.— Truesdale i<.'. ) Dr. Miller's laparotomy record. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y.. Ic89, xxii, 1045- HJ47. — Truman. Cases of abdominal section. Lancet. Lond.. 18,»7, i, 1134.—Tnrretta (A.) Storia di cinque laparotomie. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1890. ii, 204; 287. -----. Di alcune laparotomie. Riforma med., Napoli 1892. viii, pt, 1, 723; 736; 745.—Tynhko (I.) Dvienadsat ABDOMINAL. 47 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal section (Cases and statis- tics of). chrevosiecheniy. [Twelve laparotomies.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez.,'St. Petersb., 1892, vi, 776; 856.—Van der Veer (A.) Ten abdominal sections. Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix, 269. -----. Tho history of abdominal section in Albany, N. Y., with a report of seventy five cases. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., .Syracuse, 1888, 163-215. Also, Reprint. Also: Ann. Snrg., St. Louis, 1888, vii, 336-366. -----. Report in abdominal surgery, being an analysis of one hundred and forty-five cases not previously reported, done upon the ovaries and uterine appendages, with special remarks as to preparation of patient, place of operation, use of drain- age, treatment and results. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 304-337. Aho: Ann. Gymec. Sc Paediat., Phila., 1894-5, viii, 1-32.—Van Email (J. H.) Fourteen years' work iu abdominal surgery, with report of forty cases. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1895, n. s., xiv, 261- 271.' .[Discussion], 304-307.—Van Lrmirp (W. B.) Cases of abdominal surgery. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1890, xxv, 641-651. Aho, Reprint.—Wagner (P.) Vier Operationen mit Eroffnung des Bauchfelles bei Kindern. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1884. xxx, 504-522, 1 pi.—Waitc (Lucy). Five cases of laparotomy, with niacroscopical examination of specimens. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 5(i9-52n.—Walker (T. J.) Cases of abdominal surgery. Brit, M. J., Loud., 1884, i, 263-265.—Wallace. Cases of abdominal section : convalescent; remarks. Lan- cet, Lond., 1885, i, 1035.—Ward (M. B.) A brief review of my abdomiual and pelvic work in 1891. Denver M. Times, 1891-2, xi, 423-429.—"Warren (J. C.) Clinical ex- perience in abdominal surgers' at the Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital. Boston M. &S.'J., 1895,cxxxiii,488; 507; 536; 557; 582.—Warren (J. C.)& Richardson (M.H.) Ab- dominal surgery at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Jftid.,1888, cxix,472-475.—Wassilictr(M. A.) Kkazuist. chir. jivota. (Res. Quelques cas d'operations sur les or- ganesdu ventre.) Trudi russk. med. Obsh.p.imp.Varshav. Univ., 1892, iii.pt. 2, 50-67.—Watheu (W. H.) Report on abdominal and pelvic surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, l*92,xviii,693; 745. Afco.Repriut.—Watkin*(R.P.) Four cases of cceliotomy from a series of twenty-five, with a sketch ofthe aftei tre.icment. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1895, xlvii, 331-333.—Wells i W.B.j Laparotomy in male. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1889, 199-201.—Werder (X. O.) Report of four cases of laparotomy; two cases of intra- ligamentous cyst, one dermoid cyst and one removal of appendages, two of the cases requiring hysterectomy. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1890, iv, 114-116. Also: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1890-9), u. s., vii, 142-146. Also: Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1*90, n. s., xiv, 206-208. -----. Report of five laparotomies. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1890, lix, 205-208. Aho: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1890-91, n. s., vii, 456-459. -----. Report of fifty consecutive abdominal sections. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phi'la., 1892, xxiii, 111-126. Also: Pitts- burgh M. Rev., 1892, vi, 229-240. -----. A report of the abdominal sections in the gynecological department of Mercy Hospital, from July 1st to October 1st, 1894. Pitts- burgh M. Rev., 1894, viii, 353-361.—Werner (Marie). Twenty consecutive abdominal sections, with aftereffects. Rep. Proc Alumme Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1890, xv, 61-72.—West (G. R.) Report of ten cases of laparotomy. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1891, xxi, 591-595.— Weydlich. Drei private Laparotomien. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 356-359.—White (J. W.) Abdomi- nal section. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 483.— Wiggin (F. H.) Two cases of laparotomy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 251.—Wilcox (DeW. G.) Twenty con- secutive abdominal sections. N. Am. J. Homoeop., N. Y., 1X91, 3. s.,vi, 37-45.—Wilson (A. C.) Report of six casesof abdominal section. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 903- 905.—von Winiwarter. Presentation de cas de lapa- rotomie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. deLi6ge, 1886, xxv, 255-258.— Winslow (R. i Some recent cases of abdominal surgery. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii, 121; 147. — Wood- bury (F.) Cases of exploratory laparotomy followed by appropriate remedial operation: Case 1, perityphlitic ab- scess; amputation of the vermiform appendix; recovery. Case 2, rupture of cyst in tubal pregnancy, internal haem- orrhage; death. Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii, 593-595.— Wright (A. L.) Observations in abdominal surgery. Omaha Clinic, 1893-4, vi, 329-331.—Wydcr (T.) Bericht fiber 32 Laparotomien in der kantonalen Frauenklinik in Ziiiich wahrend der Zeit vom 1. October 1890 bis 1. Msirz 1891. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1891, xxi, 617-626.— Wylie (W. G.) Six cases of laparotomy; intestinal ob- struction, perityphlitis, and tubercular peritonitis, with re- marks. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxx, 553-556. -----. Ob- servations on abdominal surgery, based upon a report of fifty-seven laparotomies performed within a year. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1886, N. Y., 1887, xi, 503-512. -----. Re- port of one hundred and twenty-five laparotomies, with observations on the use of hot water within the peritoneal cavity during and after laparotomy to prevent shock; treatment of septic peritonitis and intestinal obstruction by the use of purgatives, etc. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Syra- cuse, 1887, 428-446. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, Abdominal section (Cases and statis- tics of). 313-319. -----. A year's work in abdominal surgery, with a report of eighty laparotomies done in 1887. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse,'1888, 242-259. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 345-350. Also, Reprint. — Wyman ( n. C. ) A few fatal abdominal sections. Med. Age, Detroit, 1886, iv, 296.—Kagorski (K.) Dwie laparotomje wykonane: I" przy urazowem przedziurawieniu jelita bez jednoczes- nego uszkodzenia sciany brzusznej. 11° przy objawach za- palenia otrzewnej i niedroznosci jelit. [I. For penetrating wound of intestine. II. For perityphlitis and obstruction of intestine. ] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1886, xiv, 711; 716; 733; 749. — /ailiiinun. Bauchschnitt. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1833, Koblenz, 1836, 181. Also [Abstr.]: J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1838, xvii, 94.—Zayaitski (S. S.) Kratkiy otchot o 40 laparotomiakh. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxvii, 287-293. -----. Vosemnadsat nadvlagalisht- nikh laparo-histerektomiy po Schroder'u, proizvedyon- nikh s 1883 po 1888 g. [Eighteen supravaginal laparo-hys- terectomies, by Schroder s method, performed from 1883 to 1888.] Ibid., 1888, xxx, 1007-1022. Aho [Abstr.]: Trudi akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Mosk., 1888, ii, *7-93. — Zie- lewicz (J.) Ein chronischer Abscess der Bauchhohle; Laparotomie; Heilung. Berl. klin. Wehnschr., 1888, xxv 295. Abdominal section (Exploratory). Cakilian (V.) *De I'iiicision exploratrice dans les tumeurs abdomiuales. 4°. Paris, 1885. Hagemeyer (G.) * Ueber probatoriscbe Eroff- nung der Bauciiboble. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Kriebitz (J.) * Zur Kasuistik der explora- torischen Laparotomieen. 8°. Berlin, [1889]. von Sturler (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Probe-Laparotomie. 8°. Bern, ls91. Ashton (W. E.) The exploratory abdominal incision. Internat, Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i, 265-271.—Baldy (J. M.) Exploratory laparotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 456-460. — Itardenheucr. Ueber den extraperito- nealen Explorativschnitt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 255. -----. Ueber den extraperitonealen Explorativschnitt. Tagehl. d. Versaninil. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1889, lxi, 147-150. — Brown (W. S.) Exploratory abdominal incision. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1890, n. s., ix, 296-298.— t'heyne (W.) An exploratory laparotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 14.—C'rofford (T. J.) Laparotomy as a diagnostic and prognostic measure. J.Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1892-3, iii, 29-J-296. Aho: Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 724-727.—dishing (C.) Abdominal section for diagnos- tic purposes. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gynec. 1892, Phila., 1893, v, 479-484. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 415- 417.—Exploratory laparotomies performed between Jan- uary 1, 1894, and October 1, 1894. Westminster Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1895, ix, 77-86.—Exploratory laparotomy. [16 cases.] Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1892, Lond., 1894, 144- 157.— Fowler ( G. R.) Explorative laparotomy. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 3-6. Aho, Reprint.—Frank (L.) Exploratory incision in abdominal and pelvic disease. Am. Med.-'Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1894, vii, 1486-1488.— von Oubaroir ( A. ) Ueber extraperitoneale Explorativ- schuitte in der Linea alba. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xiv, 865.—Iladra (B. E.) Abdominal neurosis and ex- ploratory laparotomy in the male, with cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 63.—Ilirons (J. G.) The therapeutic value of exploratory laparotomy, with the report of three cases. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1891, xxiv, 564-567. [Discussion], 603-608. —IIoma ns (J.) Exploratory abdominal incisions. Boston M. &.S. J., 1885,cxii, 25-27. Jnniicsou (R. A.) A case of exploratory laparotomy; with a question in surgical ethics. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1887, i, 568.— Johnston (C.) Diagnostitial laparotomy. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1886, iv, 15-52.—Eiuguiti (K.) La laparotomia precoce per la diagnosi e cura delle lesioni traumaticho degli organi ad- dominali senza soluzione di coutinuitA delle pareti. Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 2, 494-498. Also: Terap. clin., Napoli, 1895, iv, 230-234.—Ludlain (R.) [Explora- tive laparotomy.] Clinique, Chicago, 1887, viii, 166-169. -----. The exploratory incision in gastric and abdominal cancer. Ibid., 1893, xiv, 97. — iVIcKrchnic ( R. E.) Laparotomy in a case of mistaken diagnosis. Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii, 347-349. —Macphattcr (N.) Early exploratory incision in abdominal surgery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 236-238. — ITIarcy (H. O.) Explora- tory laparotomy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 115, Also, Reprint. — ITIastin (W. M.) A case of abdominal section; a contribution to the subject of exploratory lapa- rotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 287. —itlo ( G.) Laparotomia esplorativa per tumore addominale di dia- gnosi dubbia, con esito mortale. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1886, xxiv, 97; 120. — Montgomery (E. E.) Explora- tory laparotomy; cellulitis. Phila. M. Times, 1888-9, xix, 406. — lTIullen (J. J. ) Exploratory incision for supposed renal calculus. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1895, ix, ABDOMINAL. 48 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal section (Exploratory). 135. — Kenton (J. C.) Patient from a case in which exploratory incision was performed for abdominal tumour a year ago; disappearance of the tumour. Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliii, 300. — Riehelot ( L.-G. ) De la lapa- rotomie exploratrice. t'nion med., Par., 1891, 3. s., li, 865: Iii, 133; 162. Also [Abstr.J: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1891, n. s., xvii. 541-547. — Ricketts (E. ) Early exploratory incision as an aid to the diagnosis of some surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity. Tr. M. Soc. VirgT, Richmond, 1890, 179-183.—Ryder (V.) Lapa- rotomia exploratoria. Gynak. og obst. Medd..K,J0beiih., 1891, viii, 264-26!). — Shepherd (F. J.) The curative effect of exploratory laparotomy. Montreal M. J., 1893-4, xxii, 641-646. — NiieguireII". Sur 1 incision exploratrice des parois abdominales. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1888, xv, 686; 727.—Sutton (R. S.) Exploratory incision as a dernier resort for diagnostic purposes. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 37.—Thiery (P.) Deux cas d'echec de la lapa- rotomie exploratrice; difficult6 extreme de la recherche de la 16sion dans certains cas. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 508-512.—Thomas (T. G.) Laparotomy as a diagnostic resource. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 646-651. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1886, cxv, 549-552.— Tiliiiann. Zur Frage der Laparotomia exploratoria. Deutsche und. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 822- 826.—Villar (F.) Six cas de laparotomie exploratrice. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1894, iii, 459-473. Aho: (iaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1894, xv, 171. — Walker (A. H.) A plea on behalf of early exploratory incision in abdominal surgery. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1889, xiv, 25- 28. — Wallace. Localised peritonitis simulating a par- ovarian cyst; exploratory abdominal section; drainage; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 1028. — Ward (M. B.) Should exploratory incisions be resorted to as a means of diagnosis in obscure diseases of the abdominal cavity? Am. Gymec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 434-438. Aho: West. M. J., Fort Scott, 1895, vi, 23-25.—Wyeth (J. A.) Exploratory laparotomy ; sarcomaof iliac fossa; recovery. [Two cases'.] N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 597. Abdominal section (Jurisprudence of). Davis (T. D. S.) Medico-legal aspect of intestinal sur- gery. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, iv, 149-164.—Etheridgc (J. H.) Medico-legal relations of laparotomies. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 404- 407.—<» roner (F. J.) A new phase of celiotomy. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y. 1895, viii, 1299-1301. — ITIanlon (W. P.) Experiences in abdominal surgery on the in- sane. Tr Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1892, Phila., 1893, v, 311-319.—Potter (W. W.) What is the present medico- legal status of the abdominal surgeon ? Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890 xxiii, 689-698. Aho, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 13-17. — Vandcrvccr ( A.) The medico-legal aspect of abdominal section. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 41-44. Aho: Times Sc Reg., N. Y. & Phila., 1890, xxi, 3-5.—'Wile (W. C.) The medico- legal aspect of exploratory laparotomy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 44-46. Abdominal section (Methods and after- treatment of). Bardenheuek. Die Draiuirung der Pe'rito- uealhohle. Chirurgiscbe Studien, nebst einem Bericbt iiber sieben Xierenextirpationeu. 8°. Stuttgart, 1881. See, aho, infra, Bardenheuer. Chiron (J.-F.-M.) *De la position 61eve"e du bassin en chirurgie abdominale. 4°. Paris, 1894. Delbet (P.), de Graxdmaison (F.) & Bres- set (M.) De Faction des antiseptiques sur le p6ritoine; rccbercbes exp6rinientales. 8°. Pa- ris, 1891. Dipont (E.) *De la suture des parois de l'abdomen apres les laparotomies. 4°. Paris, 1893. Hollstein (A.) * Ueber das Wiederaufplat- zen der Bauchwunde nach Laparotomieen. 8°. Marburg, 1886. LpWEXiiARDT (F.) * Versuche iiber das Schicksal nud die Wirkungswei.se elastischer Ligaturen in der Bauchhohle. [Halle-Witten- berg.] 8°. [Strassbnrg, 1884.] Lubarsch (0.) MVelche Beriicksichtiguug vcrlangen die Verdaumigs- nud Harnorgane La- purotoinistcii iu der Xachbehaudlung? 8°. Slrassburg, 1884. Munch (E.) * Ueber die Bauchnaht. [ Wurtz- burg.] 8°. Bamberg, 1-84. Abdominal section (Methods and after- treatment of). Mugxai (A.) Cousiderazioni sull' asepsi iu tre operazioni addominali; amputazione sopra- vagiuale dell' utero; ovariotomia-isterectomia vagiuale. 8°. Iioma, 1892. Poggi (. A.) Delia fascia di tela nell' < stra- zione dei tumori solidi del veutre efficacemeute usata. Eelazioue Rodolfo Berti. 8°. Bologna, 1890. Ruggi (G.) Confereuze teorico-pratiche di chirurgia. Delia medicatura col sublimato nelle laparotomie. 8°. Bologna, 1868. Salio (M.) Due laparotomie senza antisepsi. 8°. Alessandria, 1891. Schmitz (M.) *Zur Technik der Laparoto- mie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Ythier (C.) * Du lavage dn peritoine dans la laparotomie. 4°. Paris, 1888. Abel. Zur Technik der Laparotomie. Arch. f. Gy- naek., Berl., 1893-4, xiv, 557-563.—Adam (G. R.) The closure of the abdominal incision in laparotomy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1894, n. s., xvi, 385-392.—Allen (D. P.) Drainage in abdominal surgery. Med. Rec,IN. Y., 1891, xl, 267-270. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 691.— Andriescii (G. D.) Suturauterului; studiu experimen- tal. Inst, dechir., Bucuresci, 1892, ii, 253-294.—Angel Osuna (P.) jEs util la pulverizacion fenicada en las laparotomias? Andalucia m6d., Cordoba, 1882, vii, 267- 277.—Ashby (T. A.) Drainage after laparotomy. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1890, xv, 167-187.—Ashton (W. E.) The technique of pelvic surgery. Med.News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 658-661. -----. Pads of absorbent gauze as a substitute, for fiat sponges iu abdominal surgery. Ibid., 1892, lx, 214. -----. The preparatory technique of abdom- inal and pelvic operations. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii. 127-131. -----. An outline of the technique of abdominal and pelvic operations as performed in the Medico-Chirur- gical Hospital of Philadelphia. Med. Bull., Phila., 1893, xv, 11-16, 7 pi. Aho, Reprint.—Baker (O.) A note on the use of perchloride of mercury gauze as a substitute for sponges in abdominal surgery. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1889, xxiv, 135.—Baku (A.) A. hasfali varrato- kr61. ( On suturing the abdominal incision. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 1155-1161. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883, x, 801-807. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883, xix, 1040-1042.—Balily (J. M.) Practical antisepsis in ab- dominal surgery. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 81. — Bar- denlieuer. tJeher die Drainage der Peritonealhohle. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1881, xviii, 465-472. [See, also, supra.] — Ban in (F.) How to avoid adhesions in ab- dominal sections. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 242.— Beely (F.) Eine einfache Leibbinde fiir Lapa- rotomirte. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 818 - 820. — Bcrnays ( A. C.) Some points in the tech- nique of complicated laparotomies, and remarks on the causes of the gradually increasing success of the results obtained. Weekly M.' Rev., St. Louis, 1891, xxiii, 421- 423. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1891, lx, 205-271.—Bi- naud (J.-W.) Kystes hydatiques de la r6gion rctro-ve- sicale et de l'6piploon ; laparotomie; marsupialisation et drainage de la poche kystique r6tro-v6sicale; guerison. Arch, clin.de Bordeaux, 1893, ii, 602-606.— Boise (E.) Opium and catharsis after abdominal section. N/York J. Gymec & Obst., 1894, iv, 257-266. Also, Reprint. -----. The cause of the thirst following abdominal sections. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gvnec. 1894, Phila., 1X95, vii, 297-303. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx, 484-489.—Boldt (H. J.) Pelvic elevation in abdominal surgery, with a new transportable table for obtaining this posture. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 580-582.—Breltauer (J.) The question of early catharsis after cu'liotomy. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1894, iv, 138-146. Also, Reprint,—Bro- kaiv (A. V. L.) Some practical points in the technique of abdominal and pelvic surgery. Kansas City M. Index, 1891, xii, 81-86. Also: St, Louis Cour. Med., 1891, iv. 102- 109. Also, Reprint. — Broome (G. W.) Some fresh points in the technique of cceliotomy; extra-peritoneal abdominal hysterectomy, and ideal niyomectomv. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894, v, 156-161. Also: Med."Rev., St. Louis. 1*94. xxix, 261-265.—Bruno (G.) K vopr. o dre- nir. hrushnoi polosti. [On drainage of abdominal cavity.] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kieve, 18*8, ii, 121- 140, 1 pi.—Brunlzel. Ueber die Erfolge der Antisepsis auf dem Gebiete der Laparotomien. Bicslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1880, ii, 85; 97. Also, Reprint. — Cant (W.J.) On some points in connection with the after-treatment of abdominal section. Sheffield M. J., DS92-3, i, 303-305.— Car*tens (J. H.) Laparotomies with and without drain- age. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1890-91, i. 72-78. _____. The incision in abdominal surgery; methods and results. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gynec. 1K94, Phila., 1895, vii, 59-72. ABDOMINAL. 49 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal section (Methods and after- treatment of). Also: Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1894, xxx, 503-510.—Case. On the tolerance of morphia in cases of abdominal section. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1889-90, v, 209-215. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 537.—del Castillo de Pifieyro (E.) Antisepsia en la cavidad peritoneal. Adas . . . Cong, ginec. espah., Madrid, 1888, i. 288-J94—Cathcart (C. W.) Note on the quenching of thirst after abdominal operations. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1892-3, n. s , xii, 262-264.—Chase (W. B.) Prepa- ration of the patient for cceliotomy. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895, 85-101. -----. Some reflections on conditions and methods favoring success in abdominal surgery. Am. J.Obst.,N.Y.,1895, xxxii, 747-753—Cicero (R. E.) . Bre- ves consideraciones sobre cl lavado del peritoneo de-spues de las laparotomias. Estudio, Mexico, 1890, iii, 24; 36: 52; 65: 86.—Cleveland (0.) Laparotomy in Trendelenburg's posture, with exhibition of a new operating-table. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1891, xvi, 329-337.— Coe (H. C.) Trendelenburg's posture in creliotomy; a caution. N. York Polyclin., 1893, ii, 65-67. -----. Note on the use of peroxide of hydrogen within the abdominal cavity. Ibid., 1894, iv, 145.—Coudamin (R.) Avantages et inconv6- nients du drainage ;i la Mikulicz" dans les interventions abdominales; moyens de remedier a ces derniers. Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1893, vii, 613: 1894, viii, 25-28. -----. Delaperitonisationdes p6dictiles intra abdominaux. Lvon med., 1894, lxxv, 567-570. Aho: Arch, de tocol. et'de gynec, Par., 1894, xxi, 447-449— Cordier (A. H.) Peri- toneal irrigation and drainage. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 37-41. Aho: Am. Gynec J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 627- 634. -----. Rapid operative procedure as a means of re- ducing the mortality in abdominal and pelvic surgery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lxviii, 677-681.— Cripps (H.) The incision in abdominal section. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1892, xxviii, 17-23.—Croom (J. H.) On some points in the technique of laparotomy. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1889-90, n. s., ix, 52-64. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv, 1012-1021.—Cumniiugs (J.) An original method of disposing of the ligatures after laparotomies in the pelvic region, effecting perfect drain- age; with report of cases. Tr. TexasM. Ass., Galveston, 1894 xxvi. 332-337.—Currier (A. F.) The management of theomentum in abdominal operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 17-19.—Cushing (E. W.) Drainage after abdominal section. Ann. Gynaec. Sc Pasdiat., Phila., 1800-91, iv, 69-75. -----. Abdominal drainage. Ann. Gynaec & Paediat,, Phila., 1893-4, vii, 686-694. Also: Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 205-208. [Discussion], 215- 217.—Czempin (A.) Laparotomien mit nnd ohne Drai- nage. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. 11 Gynaek. Festschr. . . . Aug. Martin, Berl., 1895,17-48.—DeGrazia. L' amputazione del canale vertebrale per eseguiro il taglio posteriore della eavita. addominale (celiectomia posteriore secondo il prof. Rose). Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 3, 433-437.— Delagenierc (H.) Du plan inclinedauscertaines lapa- rotomies; hnit cas. Progres m6d., Par., 1891, 2. s., xiii, 206; 225. A ho. Reprint. -----. Duplan inclin6a45°: ses avantages en chirurgie abdominale; 6tude fond6e sur 102 op6rations. Assoc, franc- de chir. Proc. verb., etc., Par., 1893, vii, 439-450.—Delbet (P.) Recherches experimen- tales sur le lavage du peritoine. Ann. de gyn6c et d'obst., Par., 1889 xxxii, 165-197. A ho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxi, 869-871. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 635. -----. Exp6- rienccs et reflexions sur le drainage du p6ritoinc. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1890, xxxiii, 93; 188.—Meletrez. Quelques particularit6s observ6es dans des laparotomies. Bnll. et mem. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1890, lxxxii, 1146-1149.—von B-ittel (L.) jun. Zur Casuistik der La- parotomien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 609-613.— Ooderiein. Die moderne Technik bei Laparotomieen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 495- 497.—Doran (A.) On the feeding of patients after ab- dominal section. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, iii, 346-349.— Diihrssen (A.) Ueber eine neue Methode der Laparo- tomie (vaginale Coeliotomie). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 673; 695. [Discussion], 700. Also, Reprint. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (181)4), 1895, xxv, pt. 2, 115-134. [Discussion], pt. 1, 146-151.—Wurand (II. S.) The prevention of hernia after laparotomy, with exhi- bition of a device for relieving the strain upon the abdo- men. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895, 75-80, 1 pi. Also: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 282; 239. Also, Reprint.—Engstrdm (O.) Laparotomie-forberedelser och resultat. [ Improved laparotomv and results. | Gynaek. oz obst. Medd., Kjobenh., 1893, x, 17-31.—Etheridge (J. H.) The technique and after-management of laparotomies. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago. 1892, xlii, 196-219. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii, 271-286. Also, Reprint.— Exhibition of ligatures removed after abdominal sec- tion. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1889-90, iii, 342- 346. — Fabre. Ferfectionnement apport6 au pansement r'e Mikulicz. Mem. et compt. - rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt, 2, 148. — Fearnley ( W.) Laparotomy by compound incision. Brit. M. J., Lond., Vbdominal section (Methods and after- treatment of). 1894, i, 1241.—Fcnger (C.) & Holmes (B.) Antisepsis in abdominal operations ; synopsis of a series of bacterio- logical studies. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 444; 470. Also: Chicago M.J. & Exam., 1887, lv, 1-4. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887, xvii, 2()1 -203. — Feu wick (K.N.) The technique of abdominal sections. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., i, 277 - 282, 2 pi. — Flatau ( S.) Zur extramedianen Schnittfiihrung bei Laparotomien. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 278. — French (P.) Practical points in abdominal drainage. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri,Columbia, 1895,157-168. Also:Med.Rev.,St.Louis, 1895, xxxi, 461-463. — Fritsch (H.) Die Resultate der aseptischen Laparotomien. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 515-519. Also, Reprint. —.—. Vor der Opera- tion. Med. - chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 298 ; 315.— Fry(R. W.) Abdomiual drainage. Practice, Richmond, 1888, ii, 121-124.—Fiirst ( L. ) Verhesserte Kranken- schwebe zur Erleichteruug des Verbandwechsels und der Nachhehandlung nach Laparotomieen. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1886, vii, 1067-1069. Also [Abstr.J : Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1866, ccxi, Hft. 1, 94-96.—William (D. T.) Flushing and drainageinabdominalsurgery. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1893, iii, 525-529.—Gilmer (W. B.) Drainage in pelvic surgery; the use of the syphon pump in con- junction with capillarity. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1894, n. s., xviii, 286-288.—Gluck. Ueber resorbirbareantiseptische Tamponade. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 791. — Goodell ( W.) Suggestions for abdominal oper- ationsaudaftercare. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, Ixiv, 408-410.—Graves (S. C.) Anew method of pedicle- ligation in abdomiual surgery. Med. News, Phila., 1895, Ixvi, 40-42. A ho, Reprint.—Gross (O. B.) Some cases illustrating points in abdominal surgery. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1890, iii, 278-282.—Grundzaeh (I.) O bez- wladzenie zoladka i kiszek (gastroplegia v. gastroentero- plegia) zwlaszcza po laparotomii. (De la gastroplegie et gastroent6ropl6gie particuliferement aprfes les laparoto- mies.) Medycyna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 169 ; 189.—G11 ba- re If (A. P.) Laparotomia externa s anatom. storony. [Extra-peritoneal laparotomy from its anatomical side.] Trudi akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Mosk., 1887, i, 41-46. -----. O drenazhe bryushnoi polosti. [On drainage of the ab- dominal cavity.] J. akush. i ]ensk. bollez., St. Petersb., 1895, ix, 217-237. Aho, transl.: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1895, xlix, 242-261.—Hadra (B. E.) Open treatment of the abdominal cavity. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1889, [Phila.], 1890, ii, 192-202. Also: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1889, xlix, 551 - 560. — Haggard ( W. D. ), jr. The technique of abdominal section as observed in the practice of L. S. McMurtry, M. D., of Louisville. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1892, iii, 203-205. — Hall (R. B.) What cases should he drained after abdominal section ? Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1891, 204-212. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl,708.— Hallowell(W. E.) The prevention of infection of the peritoneum. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 341 -345. — Hanks (H. T.) Rules to be followed In the effort to prevent mural abscesses, abdominal sinuses, and ventral hernia after laparotomy. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1891, xrvi, 218-229. Aho, Reprint. -----. Counter- drainage after cceliotomy. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1893, viii, 125-134. Also, Reprint.—Harris (T. A.) Some ab- dominal surgery; continuous drainage. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1890, 737-742. — Hawkins - Ambler (G. A.) What makes for success in abdominal surgery* Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1892-3, viii, 297-311. — Haynes (F. L.) Are ligature-fistulae after celiotomies avoidable » Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 488. — Henry (W. O.) In- dications for laparotomy. Am. Gynasc. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vii, 12-18. A ho, Reprint.—Hughes (D.) Drainage in abdominal surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 41.—Hmuiston (W. IT.) Amethodof preventing thirst following: celiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 89.— Jaboulay. L'exposition ad'exterieur d'organesmalades ou op6r6s (l'exhyst6ropexie, etc.). Lvon m6d., 1894, lxxv, 192-195. Aho: Arch.detocol.etdegyiiec,Par., 1894,xxi,381- 384. -----. Proc6d6 pour pratiquer la gastrostomie et la cystostomie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xii, 89.—Keh- rer (F. A.) Kapillardrainage der Bauchhohle. Centrabl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1882, vi, 33-38. Aho, Reprint. -----. Nachhehandlung der Laparotomie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1891, xl, 312. — Keith (S.) & Keith (G. E.) The management of the intestine after abdominal section. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1894, iv, 546-552. Also, Reprint.— Kellogg (J. H.) An improved instrument for draining tho abdominal cavity after lavage in abdominal section. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 276.—Kelly (H. A.) The ideal dressing for the abdominal wound. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 1439-1441. Aho, Reprint. -----. Elec- tric illumination of the field in abdominal surgery. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx, 348-353. — Korteweg (J. A.) Drainage bij intra-abdominale opera ties. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, xvii, 865-867.—Kiimmell (H.) Zur Technik der Laparotomieen. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 511-514. — Eande (S.) Ueber Drai- nage der Bauchhohle bei Laparotomien. Arch. f. Gynaek., 4 ABDOMINAL. 50 ABDOMINAL. Abdominal section (Methods and after- treatment of). Berl., 1889, xxxvi, 460-501.—Lnroymnr. Delarennion immediate secondaire par des tils d atti nte, do l'ouverture du drainage abdominal, apres une. laparotomie. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1894. xxi, 344.—Liee (J. M.) De- ductions from forty-seven laparotomies; performed be- tween October 4th, 1889, and October 7th, 1890. N. A m. J. Homo-op., N. Y., 1891, 3. s., vi, 377-383.—Leopold (G.) Ueber Beckenhochlagerung bei Laparotomien. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 745-748.—Long (J. W.) The technique of abdominal and pelvic surgery. Am. Gynaec. c Jong (J. T. W.) Abdominal bandage. No. 511336; Dec. 26, 1893.—De Lashmutt (Ella F.) Abdominal supporter. No. 512814; Jan. 16, 1894. —Diel (J.) Abdominal sup- porter. No. 244561; July 19, 1881.—Drewry (S. A.) Abdominal supporter. No. 239943; April 12,1881. -----. Abdomiual supporter. No. 363812; May 31, 1887.— Emery (Harriet G.) Improvement in abdominal corsets. No. 161018; March 23, 1875.—Farriugton (C. K.) Ab- dominal supporter. No. 365805; July 5, 1887.—Ferris (I. M.) Abdominal supporter. No. 407341; July 23, 1889.—Fox (I. W.) Sc Fox (Alice). Abdominal sup- porter. No. 342294; May 18, 1886. — Gnlny (A.) Ab- dominal supporter. No. 284831; Sept. 11, 1883—«liu- ning (E. C.) Abdominal supporter. No. 251431 ; Dec. 27, 1881— Oolding (Bertha F.) Abdominal supporter. No. 522366; July 3, 1894.—Gray (H. N.) Abdominal supporter. No. 395050; Dec. 25, 1888.—Gurley (J. W.) Improvement in abdominal supporters. No. 141137; July ABDOMINAL. 5:2 ABEL. Abdominal supporters [Patent specifi- cations for]. 22, 1873.—Hall (T. S.) Abdominal brace and supporter. No. 425784; April 15, 1890 Ilanclietle (N. J.) Ab- dominal supporter. No. 183923; Oct. 21, 1876.—Harding (Eliza J.) Improvement in abdominal supporters. No. 140778; July 15, 1873.—Heath (Mary). Abdominal band- age. No. 514930; Feb. 20, 1891.—Holton (E. M.) Ab- dominal supporters. No. 184153; Nov. 7, 1876.— Kirk (A. T.) Improvement in abdominal supporters. No. 127352: May 28, 1872—liarned (Mary S.) Improvement in abdominal supporters. No. 147275; Feb. 10, 1874 — fjinquist iM. T.) Abdominal supporter. No. 238794; March 15, 1881.—ITIarvin (J. A.) Abdominal supporter. No. 497803; May 23, 1893.—Merrill (Mary M.) Improve- ment iu abdominal supporters. No. 140585; July 8,1873.— ICced (Ii. T.) Abdominal supporter. No. 185782; Dec. 2H. 1876.—Richardson (S. A.) Abdominal supporter. No. 241883: May 24, 1881.—Rogers (Hannah E.) Ab- dominal supporter. No. 433370; July 29, 1890.—St. John (B.) Abdominal supporter. No. 396962; Jan. 29, 1889.— Sale (F. H.) Abdominal supporter. No. 177569; May 16, 1870.—Mchulz (H. A.) Combined truss and sup- porter. No. 332443; Dec 15, 1885.—Smith (C.) Ab- dominal supporter. No. 176895; May 2, 1870.—Stein- metz (Frances). Abdominal supporter. No. 464738; Dee. 8, 1891. — Suplee (Hannah G.) Abdominal sup- porter. No. 500356; June 27, 1893.—Teufcl (W.) Ab- dominal support. No. 344065; June 22, 1886. -----. Ab- dominal bandage. No. 347532; Aug. 17, 1886.—Tigner (J. A.) Combined truss and abdominal support. No. 346244; July 27, 1886.—Traver (H. A.) Abdominal sup- porter. No. 291551; Jan. 8, 1884.—Van Vlcek (E. E.) Combined abdominal and breast supporters. No. 185595; Dec. 19, 1876.—Watle (A. II.) Abdominal supporter. No. 517941; April 10,1894.—Werum (M. M ) Sc We rum (J. H.) Abdominal supporter. No. 323003; July 28,1885.— Wilson (M. A.) Abdominal supporter. No. 177085; May 9, 1876.—Woods (Margaret A.) Abdominal supporter. No. 522394; July 3, 1894.—Worden (C. A.) Abdominal supporter. No. 283734; Aug. 21, 1883.— Zachos (J. C.) Improvement in abdominal and spinal supporters. No. 129202; July 16, 1872. .; -_. [Abdominal tumor.] ["The tumour when re- moved weighed 37 lbs. 10 oz."J 1 pi. [«. p., n. d. ] "Etch'd by J. C. Canton, anatomical draughtsman." This is a folio plate, apparently published for sale sepa- rately. There is no description other than as above. Abdtil-Achiiiidow. *Commentar znm soge- nanuten Liber fundamentormn pharmacologic des Abu Mansur Muwaffnk-Ben-Ali-el Hirowi. 156 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Dorpat, Schnalcenburg, 1892. A bee (Ernst). #Eiu Fall vou Aueurysiua der Aorta abdominalis. 12 pp., 1 1. 8U. Marburg, J. A. Koch, [1876]. Abeel (David G.) *On dysentery. 32 pp. 8°. Xew York, T. $ J. Swords, 1794. Abegg ([Georgius Fridericus] Henricus) [1826- ]. *De capacitate arteriarnm et venarum pulmonalium. 35 pp. 8°. Vratislaviai, typ. Gras- 8ii, Barlhii et socii, [1848]. -----. Bericht iiber die k'onigl. Hebammen-Lehr- Anstalt zu Danzig von 1819 bis 1868. 39 pp. 8°. Danzig, A. W. Kafemann, 1869. -----. Beitrage zur Geburtshtilfe und Gynako- logie. Dritter Bericht iiber die Hebammen-Lehr- anstalt zu Danzig (1873-1880). 1 p. 1., 73 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Danzig, A. Scheinert, 1882. -----. Die Kinderheilstiitte in Zoppot. 15 pp., 1 pi., 2 plans. 8°. Danzig, T. Bertling, 188,1. Abeg'g' (Heinrich Burkhard). *Zur Kenntniss der Addison'scken Krankheit. 43 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, H. Laupp,jr., 1889. Abeille ( Alba," ) [1856- ]. * Etude sur le cancer primitif du rein. 97 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 188W, No. 204. Abeille (Edgard). *Del'oste'o-pe'rio8titehe'mor- rh:igi. [Jena, H. Vohle, 1893.] Repr.from: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 18*3. xiv. See, also, Bernheim (Hugo). Taschenbuch fiir den bakteriologischen Praktikanten, [etc.]. 3. Aufl. 16°. Wiirzburg, 1894. Abel (V. I.) Kuyalnitzki ( Andreyevski ) linan. xvi, 194 pp., 4 pi., 2 plans. 12°. Odessa, A. Schultze, 1^92. Abel (W. Jenkinson). School hygiene, including simple directions respecting ventilation, eye- sight, infections diseases, and first aid in in- juries for schools and families, viii, 53 pp. 12°. London, Longmans, Green §• Co., 1890. Abel Jeandet (J--P.) Biographic de M. Bous- suct Francois, extraite de l'Almanach de Saonc- et-Loire de 1852, page 88. 4 pp. 8°. Macon, Mile. Grosset, [1852]. Only 50 copies printed. Abelanet (Henry) [1853- ]. *Essai sur les abces sous-periostique.s aigus developpes pen- dant la croissance. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 410. Abele (Ludwig). * Zur Methode der Flammen- tachographie. 39 pp., 2 pi. 8D. Freiburg i. B., F. Wagner. H92. Abeleven (Arnoldus Sanderus Leonardus Gui- lielmus Gerardus). * De cholelithis. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 8 . Lugd. Bat., J. Hazenberg, C.fil., [Iti48]. Abelill (Hjalmar August) [1817-93]. Om dtid- ligheten bland spiida barn och nagra af orsakerna dertill. [On mortality amoug young children, and some causes therefor.] 42 pp. b°. Stock- holm, F. Westrell, 1862. -----. Om varden af barn under de forsta lef- nadsaren. [On the care of children in the first year of life.] 79 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Klemming, 1871. -----. Thesame. Lasten hoidostaensimmaisina eliuvuosiua. Suomennos. [Transl. into Fin- nish.] 1 p. 1., 89 pp. 8°. Helsingissd, K. E. Holmin, 1875. -----. Neuwoja ja osoituksia pienten lasten hoi- dosta. [Directions and advice for the care of young children.] 21 pp. 16°. Helsingissd, 1879. See, aho, Build (George). Den elakartade eller Asia- tiska cholerau. 12°. Stockholm, 1S48. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 817. Also: Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1891!, xxxv, 827- 829. Aho : Hygiea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 529-540. Abell (Eichardus). *De hygeia. 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1822. [P., v. 1908.] Abella (Fermin). Manual administrativo de sanidad maritima y terrestre. 1 p. 1., 468, 6 pp. 8°. Madrid, oficina tipog. [C. Bailly-Bail- liere], 1868. -----. The same. Manual administrativo de sanidad terrestre y maritima arreglado a" todas las disposiciones rigentes que se ban dictado sobre los diversos puntos, servicios y detalles que comprende este ramo, desde la ley de sani- dad de 28 de noviembre de 1855 hasta setiembre de 1879; dispuesto para el uso de los aynnta- mientos, juntas de sanidad, profesores facultati- vos, directores de sanidad maritima, empleados de puertos y lazaretos, etc. 2. ed. 732 pp. 8°. Madrid, [imp. E. de la Piva], 1879. Abella (Manuel Eodriguez). Manual pr^ctico de electroterapia. x, 11-270 pp. 12°. Bar- celona, Espasa y Ca., [1895]. Abeliliaiiii (M.) * Ueber die Ausnutzung der Nahruugsstoffe nach Pankreasexstirpation mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Lehre von der Fettresorptiou. 79 pp. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattie- sen, 1890. Abelons (J.-Emile). Eecherches sur les mi- crobes de l'estomac a l'etat normal et leur ac- tion sur les substances alinieutaires. viii, 9-163 pp., 15 pi. 8°. Montpellier, C. Coulet; Paris, Lecrosnier 4' Babe, 1889. Abels (Jacob) [1865- ]. * Ueber angeborene Missbildungen der Hand. 29 pp., 1 1. 8-. Bonn, J. Bach Wive., 1889. Abelsdorff (Georg). * Beitrag zu den Storun- gen der Nachgeburtsperiode. 63 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, Goedecke u. Gallinek, [1891]. Abend (Ludwig). *Die Beliandlung der Syphi- lis durch subcutane Injectionen von Hydrargy- rum oxydulatum nigrum. 32 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, H. Sturtz, 1887. Abendberg. Alpine (The) retreat of the Abendberg in Switzerland. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] GrGGENBtlHL (J.) L'Abeudberg, etablisse- ment pour la guerison et l'education des enfants cretins h Interlachen, canton de Berne. Premier rapport. Trad, de l'allemand sur le manuscrit inedit de Fauteur par le dr. Berchtold-Beaupre. 8C. Fribourg en Suisse, 1844. -----. Briefe fiber den Abendberg und die Heilanstalt fiir Crelinismus. 8:'. Zurich, 1846. Also [Rev.], in: Arch. d. sc. phys. et nat., Geneve. Also, Reprint. ABENDBERG. 54 ABEKCHOMBIE. Abendberg. Notice of Dr. Guggenbuhl's hospital for infant cretins. 8°. [Edinburgh, n. d.] Repr. from: Chambers' Edinb. J. Scoutettex (li.-H.-J.) Une visite a 1'Abend- berg. 2. ed. 8C. Berne, 1856. ------. The same. Nouv. ed. 8°. Berne, I860. Repr.from: Metz litteraire. Fttueonneau-DufrrNne. Le docteur Guggenbuhl et rAbeudberg. Union med.. Par., 1862, 2. s., xiv, 65-71. Aho, Reprint.—Guggenbuhl. Bericht fiber die Creti- nenanstalt auf drm Abendberg. Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. (u-scllsch. 1844, Chur, 1845, xxix, 113-120. Abendberg: (Der) wie er ist. Eine aktenmiis- sige Beleuchtnng der bisherigen Wirksamkeit des Dr. Guggenbuhl. 23 pp. 12°. Bern, [J. Gassmann, Sohn], 1858. Repr.from: "Bund", No. 166-169. Abeildroth (Eobert Theodor) [1841- ]. *Einiges iiber Krebs des Kehlkopfes. 1 p. 1., 16 pp., 2 pi. 8-. Leipzig, C. G. Xaumann, [18(56]. Abeiiezra (Abraham). See Abraham Aben Ezra. Aber. Tumeurs et cancers. Expose analytiqne de l'etat actuel de la science sur cette matiere. Traitement nouveau sans operation par exfolia- tion chimique. Observations de guerisons. 6. ed. 105 pp. 16°. Paris, P. Dupont, 18,-5. -----. Methode et traitement du docteur . . . [tumeurs et cancers]. 16 pp. 16°. Paris, [P. Dietsh J- Cie., n. d.]. Advertising. Abererombie (Alex.) * Thesis on tubercular leprosy, or the elephantiasis Grtecorum; with some general observations of that disease as it prevails at the Cape of Good Hope; submitted to the Medical Faculty of the Senatus academi- cus of the University of Edinburgh. 32 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan $• Stewart, 1861. [P., v. 10-25.] Abererombie (John)1 [1781-1844]. A proba- tionary chirurgical essay, on paralysis of the lower extremities from diseased spine. 36 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, A. Xeill j- Co., 1804. [Also, in: P., v. 1U62.] -----. Observations on diseases of the spinal marrow. 27 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, G. Ramsay 4' Co.. 1817.] [P., v. 1182.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1818, xiv. ------. Observations ou chronic inflammation of the braiu and its membranes. 434 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1818.] [P.. v. 1171.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1818, xiv. ------. Eesearches on the pathology of the brain. Part II. On apoplexy. 71 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, G. Ramsay cf- Co., 18*18.] [P., v. 1171.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1818, xiv. ------. Thesame. Part III. Ou the organic dis- eases of the brain. 33 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh], G. Ramsay <$■ Co., [1819]. Repr.from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1819, xv. ------. Ueber die Krankheiten des Gehirns und des Eiiekeumarks. Aus dem Englischen iiber- setzt von Fr. de Blois. Mit einem Anhange iiber Geschwiilste im Gehirn, vou Friedr. Nasse. 1 p. 1., 304, 95 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Weber, 1821. Transl., with additions, of the four preceding reprints. ------. Observations on certain dropsical affections which are successfully treated by blood-letting. 16 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, [1818]. [P., v. 1182.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1818, xiv. ------. Eesearches on the pathology of the intes- tinal canal. Parti. On the derangement of the peristaltic motion of the intestinal canal. 27 pp. 8 . [Edinburgh], G. Ramsay «f- Co., [1-20]. Repr.from: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1820, xvi. Abererombie (John)1—continued. -----. Thesame. Part II. On the inflammatory affections. 26 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh], G. Ramsay $ Co., [1820]. Repr. from : Edinb. M. & S. J., 1820, xvi. ------. The same. Part III. On the diseases of the mucous membrane. 28 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh], G. Ramsay $ Co., [1820]. Repr.from: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1820, xvi. .------. Outline of an inquiry on the pathology of consumptive diseases. Part I and II. 36, 31 pp. 8C. [Edinburgh], 1821-2. [Part I, also in : P., v. 1830.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1821-2, xvii-xviii. ------. Contributions to the pathology of the heart. 67 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1823.] [P., v. 1214.] Repr. from: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1824, i. ------. Pathological and practical researches on diseases of the stomach, the intestinal canal, the liver, and other viscera of the abdomen. 2. ed. xxiv, 424 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Waugh $• Innes, 1830. ------. The same, xxix, 25-416 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Carey methodus. 6 p. 1., 79 pp., 4 1. 16°. Londini, S. Smith, 1684. ------. The same. De Spaanse pok-meester, be- schryvende den oorsprong, oorsaak en regte ge- nesing der pokken, als mede der zaad-druppers, chankers, klapooren, invallen der neuse, pynen en kalk der beenderen. In't Engels beschreven door ... en om sijn deftigheid vertaalt en ver- meerdert door Jan Babtista Lusart. Front., 6 p. 1., 400 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Amsterdam, J. ten Hoorn, 1691. ------. Nova medicinse turn practical, turn specu- lative clavis; sive ars explorandi medicas plan- taruiu, ac corporum quornmcumque facultates ex solo sapore. 5 p. 1., 36 pp. 12°. Londini, S. Smith, 16-5. Bound with his: De variatione, ac varietate pulsus oh- servationes. 123. Londini, 1685. -----. De variatione, ae varietate pulsus obser- vation's. Accessit ejusdem authoris nova medi- cinal turn speculative, turn practical clavis. Sive ars explorandi medicas plantarum, ac corporum quoruincumque facultates ex solo sapore. 5 p. 1., 54 pp.; 5 p. 1., 36 pp. 16°. Londini, S. Smith, 1685. Sound with his: Tuta, ac efficax lnis venerea?, [etc.J. 16°. Londini, 1684. Nova medicinaa . . . clavis has separate title-page. Abereromby (Ealph) [1842- ]. Principles of forecasting by means of weather charts. Is- sued by the authority of the meteorological council. Official Xo. 60. viii, 123 pp., 1 ch. 8°. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1885. [Also, in: P., v. 2027.] Aberdare (Lord). See Bruce (Henry Austin) [Lord Aberdare]. Aberdeen. Eeports by the medical officer of health, and sanitary inspector. [Monthly.] Aug., 1-81, to April, 1882; June, Aug., Itf82, to Mav, 1883; Jan., 18-7, to March, 1891; Jan., 1892, to Dec, 1894. 8° & sm. 4G. [Aberdeen, 1881-95.] Aug., 1881, to May. 1883, Try W. J. Simpson; Jan. to Dec. 1887, by T. Thomson; Jan. to March, by J. M. Booth; April, 1888, to Dec, 1894. by M. Hay. -----. Torry Village. Correspondence with board of supervision [on the subject ofthe sani- tary condition of the village of Torry]. Coun- cil meeting, May 15, 1882. 4 1. 8". [Aberdeen, 18-2.] -----. Eeports by Thomas Jamieson, city analyst, as to certain spring wells in Aberdeen and vicin- ity. 15 pp. 8°. Aberdeen, Leslie i:il<-n (J.) On the sanitary condition of the poor of Aberdeen. San. Inquiry:—England, Lond., 1842, 286- 303. Aberdeen Dispensary Vaccine and Lying-in Institution. Annual reports of the committee of management to the subscribers, for the years 1842-45: 1849; 1850; 1853; 1855-64; 1867-91. 4°, fol., A 8°. Aberdeen, 1843-92. Instituted in 1823. Prior to 1863 called Aberdeen Gen- eral Dispensary. ------. Eulesof the . . . Revised May, 1882. 11pp. 8°. Aberdeen, Aberdeen Journal, 1882. Aberdeen District Nursing Association. An- nual reports of the committee to the members ofthe association. 1., 1892; 2., 1893. 11, 12 pp., 2 1. 8°. [Aberdeen, 1893-4.] Affiliated with Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses, Scottish Branch. Aberdeen Hospital for the Eelief of Persons Labouring under Incurable Disease. Constitu- tion aud rules. 20 pp. 12°. Aberdeen, D. Chal- mers if Co., 1858. ABERDEEN. 56 ABERNETHY. Aberdeen Hospital [etc.]—continued. -----. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the subscribers. 9., 1866; 15., 1872; 16., 1873; 18., 1875; 20.-30., 1877-87; 33., 1890; 34., 1891; 36., 1893. 4° &-8°. Aberdeen, 1867-94. Fifteenth, 16., 18., 20.-24. are 4°. No reports issued for 1888 or 1889. Aberdeen Hospital for Sick Children. Consti- tution and rules. 13 pp. 8°. Aberdeen, Milne cy Hutchinson, 1877. -----. Annual reports of the directors to the subscribers. 1.-17., 1877-93. 8°. Aberdeen, 1878-94. Aberdeen (The) Lancet. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, April, June, November, 1831. 8°. Aberdeen. Aberdeen Medical Society. An account of the . . . containing the laws, regulations, etc. Also, a catalogue of the library, xx, 40 pp. 8°. Ab- erdeen, Burnett J- Rettie, 1796. [P., v. 1163.] Aberdeen (The) Medical Student. [Fort- nightly. ] Nos. 4-20, Dec. 20, 1872, to Aug. 1, 1873. 4°. Aberdeen. Want nos. 1-3, 6, 18, 19. Aberdeen Ophthalmic Institution. Annual re- ports of the secretary to the subscribers, for the years 1868-9; 1870-71 to 1872-3; 1874-5; 1876-7; 1877-8. 4°. Aberdeen, 1869-78. Aberdeen Royal Asylum. See Royal Lunatic Asylum of Aberdeen. Aberdeen Eoyal Infirmary. See Royal Infirm- ary of Aberdeen. Aberdeen (The) Sanitary Reformer and Family Guide to Health. Edited by Alexander Monro. v. 1-2, 1861-2. 8°. Aberdeen. A continuation of: Aberdeen (The) Water-Cure Jour- nal and Family Guide to Health. Aberdeen University. Calendars for the years 1864-5 to 1866-7; 1868-9 to 1894-5. 12'-. Aber- deen, 1864-94. Founded 1494. Aberdeen (The) Water-Cure Journal and Fam- ily Guide to Health. Edited by Alexander Monro. v. 1-2, 1859-60. 8°. London f Aberdeen. Continued as: Aberdeen Sanitary Reformer and Guide to Health. Aberdein (Robert). A case of Cesarean sec- tion, and one of extra-uterine gestation. 8 pp. 12°. [Xew York, 1885.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1885, xiii. A berg (Ernst). Om kroniska brostsjukdomars, . sarskildt lungsots, behandling med utvartes bruk af vatten af lag temperatur. [On the treatment of diseases of the chest, particularly phthisis pulmonalis, with external use of water of a low temperature.] 36 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Central-Try ekeriet, 1-80. -----. The same. De la curability de la phtisie pulmonaire et de quelques autres maladies chro- niques de la poitrine par l'eau d'une basse tem- perature. Conference faite a la section de rne*- decine et de chirurgie du xiie Congres des natu- ralistes scandinaves, a Stockholm, 1880, suivie de quelques observations faites douze ans plus tard sur les cas reTe're's. 63 pp. 8°. Buenos- Aires, J. Escary, 1890. -----. Causas, naturaleza y tratamiento de la scoliosis 6 sea curvatura lateral de la columna vertebral, xi (1 1.), 163 pp., 1 pi., 23 diag. 8°. Buenos Aires, imprenta de Pablo e Coni 4 hiios, 1887. See, aho, Huss (Magnus). Statistics and treatment of typhus and typhoid fever, [etc.]. 8°. Stockholm, 1855. Aberiei (Pietro). See Pasquali (Pietro). Sul giudicio dei medici, [etc.]. roy. 8°. Parma, 1827. \l>< iim Ihiail Society (The). Proceediii{r» of the Abernethiau Society for winter se.s-.ions li7n-71 to 1892-3. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871-94, vii-xxx, passim. Abernetliv (Augustus Hugqins) [1838- 84]. Mnnson (B. W.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1885, 216. Abernethy (John) [1764-1831]. An address to the audience at the conclusion of the first anatomical lecture delivered in a medical school which was built, and afterwards enlarged, by order of the governors of one of the hospitals in Londou [by John Abernethy]. 15 pp. 8°. [London, J. McCreery, 1791?] -----. Surgical observations on the constitu- tional origin and treatment of local diseases; and on aneurisms. x, 292 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1809. -----. The same. 4. ed. xii, 315 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1817. -----. The same. 5. ed. xii, 340 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1820. -----. The same. 11. ed. xii, 346 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1829. Also, in: Massachusetts Medical Society. Library of practical medicine, v. 2. 8°. Boston, 1832, ii, 123-263. -----. Surgical observations on diseases resem- bling syphilis, and on diseases of the urethra. 234 pp. 8°. London, Longman [ and others ], 1810. -----. An enquiry into the probability and ra- tionality of Mr. Hunter's theory of life; being the subject of the first two anatomical lectures delivered before the Eoyal College of Surgeons of London. 95 pp. 8C. London, Longman [and others], 1814. [P., v. 1526; 1571.] Another copy bound with: Newton (J. F.) The return to nature, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1814. Also, in his: Introductory lectures . . . delivered ... in 1814 and 1815. 8°. London, 1815. -----. The same. A new ed. 79 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1818. Also, in his: Introductory lectures . . . delivered ... in 1814 and 1815. New ed. 8°. London, 1819. —----. An address delivered to the president and governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, upon his election to the office of surgeon to that insti- tution, after having been an assistant surgeon during a period of twenty-eight years. 23 pp. 8°. [London, J. McCreery, 1815?] -----. Introductory lectures exhibiting some of Mr. Hunter's opinions respecting life and dis- eases, delivered before the Eoyal College of Sur- geons in 1814 and 1815. 2 p. 1., 79 (1 1.), 97-136 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1815. -----. The same. 4 p. 1., 136 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst fy Co., 1815. -----. The same. New ed. 4 p. 1., 79 (1 1.), 97-136 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1819. -----. The same. New ed. 4 p. 1., 79 (1 1.), 97-136 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1823. In his: Physiological lectures addressed to the College of Surgeons. 8°. London, 1825. -----. The same. Part of the introductory lect- ure for the year 1815, exhibiting ... 95-136 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1815. In his: Introductory lectures . . . delivered ... in 1814 and 1815. 8°. London, 1815. -----. The same. 95-136 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1819. In his: Physiological lectures addressed to the College of Surgeons. 8°. London, 1825. -----. The same. 97-136 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1819. In his: Introductory lectures . . . delivered... in 1814 and 1815. New ed. 8°. London, 1819. -----. The surgical works of . . . 3 v. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1817. -----. The same. From the 6. Lond. ed. Em- bracing reflections on Gall and Spurzheim's sys- ABERNETHY. 57 ABINGDON. Abernethy (John)—continued, tern of physiognomy and phrenology. 2 v. iv (1 1.), 414^ 19.">, 40, 80, 32.144 pp. 8°. Hartford, 0. D. Cooke.f Co., 1825. -----. Physiological lectures, exhibiting a gen- eral view of Mr. Hunter's physiology and of his researches iu comparative anatomy. 2 p. 1., 352 pp. sJ. London, Longman [and others], 1817. Another copy bound with his: Introductory lectures . . . delivered ... in 1814 and 1815. 8°. London, 1815. -----. The same. . 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 352 pp. 8C. London, Longman [and others], 1822. Bound with his: Physiological lectures addressed to the College of Surgeons. 8°. London, 1825. [-----.] The Huuteriau oration for the year 1819. 68 pp. 8-. London, A. JR. Sjwttiswoode, [1819]. Bound with his: Physiological lectures. 8°. London, 1825. -----. Surgical observations on injuries of the head and on miscellaneous subjects. 3. ed. 267 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1821. -----. Eeflectious on Gall and Spurzheim's sys- tem of physiognomy and phrenology. Addressed to the court of assistants of the Eoyal College of Surgeons, in London, in June, 1821. 1 p. 1., 75 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1821. Bound with his: Introductory lectures . . . delivered . . . in 1814 and 1815. New ed. 8°. London, 1819. ■-----. The same. 67 pp. 8G. London, A. $ R- Spottiswoode, [1821]. Bound with his: Physiological lectures. 8°. London, 1825. -----. Physiological lectures addressed to the College of Surgeons. 2 p. 1., 136 (11.), 352 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1825. -----. Lectures on anatomy, surgery, and pa- thology, including observations on the nature and treatment of local diseases. 3. orig. ed. 580 pp. 8J. London, H. Renshaw, 1835. See. aho, IVIacilwain (G.) Clinical observations on the constitutional origin of the various forms of porrigo, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1833. -----. Memoirs of John Aber- nethy. with a view of his lectures, writings, and charac- ter. 2 v. 8°. London, 1853-4. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1853. — ITIayo (Charles). Successful case of lithotomy presented through Mr. Abernethy. 8°. Lon- don, 1820. — »\v (The) London surgical pocket-book, [etc.]. 12°. London, 1833. For Biography, see Asclepiad. Lond., 1894-5, xi, 276-308, port (Sir B. W. Richardson).— Pettigrew. Med. port. gallery. 4°. London, [1840], ii, no. 1, 12, port. Also: St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond.. 1894-5, ii, 113, port. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Lihr.).—Par- InmltT.) Collection, v. 1. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Aberro*cope. Tschcrning. L'aberroscope. Arch, d'opht., Par., 18U3, xiii, 615-623. Abesser (Bemhard Christian Franz) [1859- ]. * Ueber Auftreten zweier primarer Carcinome. 31 pp. 8". Berlin, G. Klemm, [1886]. Abet (F.-J.) [1860- ]. * Le Chimaphila um- bcllata (herbe a pisser); son action diure"tique. 4^ pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 278. Abfertiglliig und Warnung vor einem gewissen Kriiger-Hanseu [etc.]. See Scheue-Niemand. Abhandlung von dem Einflusse der Musik in die Gesundheit der Menschen. 6 p. 1., 50 pp. 12 ^ Leipzig, J. G. Biischel, 1770. Boundwith: Hirrchel (L. E.) GedankendieHeilungs- art der fallenden Sucht betreffend, [etc.]. 12°. Berlin, 1770. Abhandl ling iiber die Geburtshiilfe. Aus dem Chinesischen. Hrsg. von Heinrich -von Martins, viii, 71pp. 8°. Freiberg, Craz u. Ger- lach, 1820. Abhandliing von den Zehrwiirmern der Kin- der. 1 ]».]., 5-2 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. F.Bbhme, 1792. Abhandlinig von der Euhr, nebst Anweisung, wie man sich selbst in Ermanglung eines Arztes in dieser Krankheit verhililich seyn konne. Auf hochateu BefehlSr. Hochfiirstlichen Gnaden Abhauditing von der Euhr, [etc.]—continued. zu Bamberg und Wirzburg bekannt gemacht. 9 1. 16c. Wirzburg, F. S. Sartorius, [n. d.]. Abhaildlllllgeil und Berichte des konigl. zoo- logischen undanthropologisch-etlinographischen Museums zu Dresden. Hrsg. mit Unterstiitzuug der Generaldirection der koniglichen Sammlun- gen fur Kunst und Wissenschaft von Dr. A. B. Meyer. 1886-7; 1891-2; 1892-3. 3 v. fol. Berlin, R. Iriedldnder n. Sohn, 1887-94. AbhandlIIngen der kais. konigl. medicinisch- chirurgisclien .Josephs-Academic zu Wien. v. 2. 6 p. 1., 335 pp. 4°. Wien, A. Camesina, 1801. Abhaiidllliigen der niafhematisch-x>hysischen Classe der konigl. bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschafteu. 6. Folge, 9-12, 1877-8 to 1883- 4; 7. Folge, 1-4, 1885-6 to 1890-91. 4°. Prag, 1878-91. Abhandlling'Cli der mathematisch-naturwis- senschaftlicheu Classe der konigl. siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschafteu. No. 2, v. 14. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Abhandlimgeii undmonatlicheMittheilungen aus dem Gesamintgebiete der Naturwissenschaf- teu. Title-page of v. 8, 1890-91, of: Helios, Berlin. Abhaildlmigeii der naturforschendeu Gesell- schaft zu Halle. Originalaufsiitze aus dem Ge- biete der gesammten Naturwisseuschaften. v. 15-17 ; Hft, 1, v. 18. 8°. Halle, 1878-92. Abhaiidlmigen und Notizen iiber E. A. Groux's Fissura sterni congenita von den be- riihmtesten Aerzten Europa's. 56 pp. 8°. Ham- burg, J. E. M. Kohler, [1857]. [P., v. 1485.] Abliandlungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliindische Kultur. Abtheilung fiir Naturwissenschaften und Medicin. 1861; 1862. 8~. Breslau, 1861-2. Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliindische Kultur. Philosophisch-his- torische Abtheilung. 1861; 1862; 1864; 1866. 8°. Breslau, 1861-6. Abhandlungen aus derzahnarztlichen Praxis. I. Galippe—Paris. Die infectiose arthro-dentiire Gingivitis. II. Andrieu—Paris. Monographic des sechsjiihrigen Zahnes. III. Magi tot—Paris. Die Cyst en des Oberkiefers in ihreu Beziehuugen zum Sinus. Autorisierte Uebersetzungen aus dem Franzosischen. 30,35,27pp. 8°. Berlin; Xeuwied, Heuser, 1890. Abhenguefit. See Albengnefit. Abicht (A.) Institutiones therapise generalis quas scholarum causa couscripsit . . . viii, 260 pp. 8°. Vilnce, typ. J. Zawadzki, 1840. Abicht ( F. W. ) Das kalte Fieber ( Wcchsel- fieber) in seinen verschiedenen Fornien darge- stelltund mitdeutlicher und vollstiindiger Beleh- rung iiber seine Ursachen, Verhiitung, Folgen und Heilung, so wie mit einer Einleitung iiber die fieberhaften Krankheiten, deren Wesen und Beliandlung iiberhaupt verscheu. 131 pp. 16°. Xordhausen, E. F. FUrst, 1844. Abies. Dietrich (V.) * Etude compare sur l'acide abi6tique et l'acide pimarique. [Berne.] 8°. Deldmont, 1883. Abildgaard (Pedcr Christian) [1740- 1801]. Viborj; (E.) Nekrologie. Nyt Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kiebenh.,1815, ii, pp. i-xxvii, port. Abingdon. See Sewage (Disposal of), etc., in special localities. Abingdon rural sanitary district. See Berk- shire combined sanitary district. Abing'don urban sanitary district. See Berk- shire combined sanitary district. ABIXGTOX. 58 ABSOKMAL. Abillgtoil Abbey, Northampton. Eeports of cases of insanity treated at the . . . For the visiting justices of the county of Northampton. By Thomas Prichard. Nos. 2-5, 1853-61. 8-. Xorthampton, 1854-62. Xo. 2 begins: Statement of cases. Xo. 3 begins: Statis- tical report on cases, and for 5 years. Xo. 5 begins: Sta- tistical report on cases, and for 2 years. ------. See, also : Prichard (T.) Abington Abbey, Northamp- ton, an establishment for the treatment of in- sane persons. 8:>. [Xorthampton, n. d.] Abiogenetti*. See Generation (Spontaneous). Abl (Friedrich). Milch, Butter, Kase, Hiilsen- friichte, nebst einem Anhange iiber die Desinfec- tion. 53 pp. 8;. Berlin, T. Grieben, 1873. Gesnndh.. Wohlst. u. Gliick, Berl., 1873, v, Xo. 28. -J. Bonn, 1-95. Jester (K.) *Eine Frucht mit Hirnbruch, Bauchbruch und amniotischen Verwachsungen. 8°. Kbnigsberg, 1-92. Klatt (J.) ' Uebereinen Fall von Hemicepha- lus mit weiteren hochgradigen Missbildungen des Gesichts und inuerer Organe. Eiu Beitrag zur Lehre von den Missbildungen des Gesichts und inuere Organe. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Missbildungen vom Standpunkte der Ent- wicklungsgeschichte. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1892. Koch (H.) * Ueber die auf mechanischer Ur- sache beruhendeu contjeuitalen Deformitaten. [Bonn.] -". Koln, 1895. Kreutzmaxx ([H.] L.) * Ueber einen Fall vou Epignathus mit Missbildung des Herzens. 8°. Marburg, 1895. Krumrey (A. [F. K.]) *Ein Fall von En- cephalocele, Hiatus thoracis et abdominis late- ralis mit Ektopie der Eingeweide, und anderen Missbildungen in Folge von amniotischen Ver- wachsungen. 8-. Greifswald, 1893. Laxxeloxgue & Menard (V.) Affections couge'nitales. I. Teteetcou; maladies des bour- geons de l'embryon, des arcs branchiaux et de leurs fentes. 8°. Paris, 1891. Luther (O.) *Ursache und Entstehung von Missbildung. 8°. Halle, 1884. Melde (E. W. E. M.) *Auatomische Unter- suchung eines Kindes mit beiderseitigem Defekt der Tibia und Polydaetyle an Hiinden und Fiissen. 8-. Marburg, 1-92. Eexxer (C. [W. T.]) * Ueber einen Fall von Cyklopie, Polydactylie, Uterus bicornis duplex und Vagina septa. * 8°. Halle a. S., 1—9. Eudolphi (K. A.) Ueber das Fehlen einzelner Theile in sonst ausgebildeteu Organismen. 4°. [Berlin, 1.-26.] Cutting from,: Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. zu Berl., 1826 (Phys.), 83-91. Seiler (P.) *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Missbildungen, zugleich ein Fall von intrauteri- ner Vernarbung von Spaltbildungen. 83. Ber- lin, [18-2]. Simoxsox (E.) * Casuistische Beitriige zur Frage des Zusammentreffeus und des Zusammeu- hangesder Missbildungen des Auges mit anderen Missbildungen und Degeuerationszeicheu des Korpers. 8-. Berlin, [1-92]. Steger (J. J.) * De iuversa utriusque corpo- ris humani lateris strnctura. 8°. Tubingaz, [1816]. Valexti (G.) Intorno ad una anomalia iii sviluppo dell' uovo umauo. Nota. 8°. Perugia, 1892. A'olkexrath (M.) * Ueber die branchiogenen Missbildungen. [Bonn.] cc. Andernach. 18--. Wichert (A.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik des angeboreneu und erworbenen Eieseuwuchses mit Beriicksichtiguug eines Falles von Eiesenwuchs hallucis sinistri; hallux sinister euthiilt ferner als Abnormitiiteii eine iiberzahlige rudimentiire Phalanx, eine iiberziihlige Sehne und eiuen ABNORMAL. 59 ABNORMAL. Abnormal conditions and abnormities. iiberziihligen Nagel; hallux dexter besitzt eine mediale Verdickung mit einem iiberziihligen ru- dimentiiren Nagel. Beide Fiisse zeigen einen ge- ringen Grad von Varusstelluug. 8°. Greifswald, 1889. Alilfeld (F.) Angeborene Missbildungen und Er- krankungen. Inhis: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Marb. 1883-4, 8°, Leipz., 1885, ii, 198-202, 1 pi.: (1885-6), 1887, iii, 155-157, 1 pi.—Ash mend (G.) Arrest of development. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 221.—Ballan- tyne (J. W.) A female foetus with retroflexion of the vertebral column and spina bifida. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1892-3, xviii, 22(i.— Bergh (C. A.) Hernia funiculi umbi- licalis et complicationes (spina bifida, ccto}>ia vesica1, atresia ani, pes varus bilateral, etc.). Hvgica, Stockholm, 1895,lvii, pt. 1, 560-563.—Beriiacclii (L.) Sopra due casi di residui embrionali al collo. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, i, (19-84 —Ilia no hi (S.) Intorno alio auoma- lie di conformazione del corpo uniano. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1891, 4. s., iii, 89-97.—Bilhaut (M.) Malformations multiples chez un nouveau-n6; double pied- bot varus equin; amputation cong6nitale du petit doigt (main gauche); sillons k la premiere phalange de l'index, du ni6dius et de l'annulaire de la nienie main. Ann. d'or- thop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1895, viii, 289-'J90.—Billings ( F. S. ) A singular case of congenital misplacements in a dog. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 490. — Bischoff (T. L. W.) Eutwicklniigsgeschichte, mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Missbildungen. Handworterb. d. Physiol., Brnschwg., 1842, i, 860-928. [See, also, supra.]— Blanc (L.) Sur l'otoc6phalie et la cyclotie. J. de l'anat. et phvsiol. [etc.]. Par., 1895, xxxi, 187; 288.—Borelius (J.) !NS,gra medfodda bildningsfel, operativt bchandlade. [Congenital malformations treated by operation.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi, 116-147.—Bourncville Sc Baoult. Imh6cillit6; malformations coug6nitales des deux mains et du pied gauche; polvsarcie. Progres m£d., Par., 1887, 2. s., vi, 198-201. — Br'issaud (E.) Sc lVIeige (H.) Gi- gantisme et acromegalic. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 49-76.—Broca (A.) Encephaloclle parieto- occipitale et ectopie extra-thoracique du coBur, caus6es par lies adherences amniotiques. In his: Notes de chir., Par., 1892, 1-16.—Bronssolle (E.) Contribution k l'e- tude des brides coug6nitales. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii, 23; 161. Also, Reprint.—Briinaucr (A.) Ein Fall von Makrosomia. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 4-6.—Bryce (T. H.) Description of a foetus the subject of retro-flexion of the trunk, ectopia viscerum and spina bifida; with a discussion as to the cause of these as- sociated abnormalities. J. Anat. &Physiol., Loud., 1894-5, xxix, 552-568, 1 pi.-—Calori (L.) Sopra due casi di vari- ety numeriche delle vertebre accompagnati da varieta nu- meriche delle costole e da altre anoinalie. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1880-8, 4. s., viii, 177-193, 2 pi.— Capital! (L.) Trois cas d'arrets de developpement. Med. mod., Par., 1893, iv, 986-989.—I'astclain. Malfor- mation des organes g6nito-urinaires chez un nouveau-n6 presentant un bee de li6vre complique unilateral et une omphalocele. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1887, xxvi, 33-35.— Charriu Sc Gley. Difformites congenitales exp6rimen- tales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc . Par., 1895, cxxi, 664-666.— Chiari (H.) Congenitales Ankylo-et Synblepharonund congenitale Atresia laryngis bei einem Kinde mit mehr- fachen anderweitigen Bildungsanomalien. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1883, iv, 143-154, 1 pi. -----. Ueber eine neue Form von Dreithcilung der Irachea bei einem 16 Tage alten Knaben mit sonstigen Bildungs Anomalien, darunter auch Mangel der Milz und Verlagerung des Li- ganienturn hepatoduodenale. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xvi, 89-92.—Chirurgische Operationes an Atretis. Samml. v. Nat.-u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1717-18, Bresl., 1716-20, 701-703.—Christian (E. P.) Philosophy o/ causation of some congenital abnormalities of structure. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1889, n. 8., xiii, 41-45.—Clarke (J. J.) A litter of five kittens with congenital defects. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 233.—Collingwood (I).) Ou two cases of congenital deformity. Australas. M. Caz., Syd- ney, 1884-5, iv, 108-111.—Courtois-Snflit. Sur un cas d'arret de developpement (infanitilisme). Bev. de med., Par., 1890, x, 588-599.—D'Ambrosio (A.) Mani torte congenite da ambedue i lati; contemporanea esistenza di piedi torti congeniti bilaterali. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 1, 602.—von Bavidoff (M.) Die Urmundtheorie j Bemerkungen zu O. Hertwig's Untersuchungen: Urrnund und Spina bifida, eine vergleichend-morphologische, tera- tologische Studie an missgebildeten Froscheiern. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 397-404. —Dclagcnierc (P.) Deux cas d'anomalie et de malformation congenitales. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 799. — Demons. Difformit6s congenitales multi- ples. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir.de Bordeaux (1882 ), 1883, 402-464. — Benti Sc Bona. Di una con- comitante anomalia arteriosa o nervosa; nota anatomica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 362-364. — voii Don. holF ( E. ) Resume of the pathology and treatment of certain acquired deformities. Louisville M. News, 1881, Abaioriiial conditions and abnormities. xii, 171-174.—Dimavaiit (H. C.) A complicated caseof arrested development, Nashville J. M. & S., 1884, n. s., xxxiii, 153.—D wight (T.) Statistics of variations, with remarks on the use of this method in anthropology. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894, x, 209-215. Also, Reprint. -----. The significance of anomalies. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat. 1894, Wash., 1895, 22-26. — Edridge-Grecn (F. W.) Con- genital absence of kidney and Fallopian tube. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 410.—Flsacsser. Zwei seltene Falle von Missbildungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 189- 191.—Emory (C.) Zur Morphologic der cyklopischen Missbildungen; cine Hypothese betreffend den Schlund- ring der Wirbeltiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 52- 5".— Fore (C.) Anomalie asymetrique chez deux cynoc6- phalcs hainadryas. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lvii, 485. -----. Note sur les difformites congenitales des mem- bres inf6rieurs chez les oiseaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 309-311. -----. La famille te- ratoplasique. Rev. de chir., Par., 1895, xv, 692-701.— Foho■■ ho (A.) Sluchay obshtshavo nedorazvitiyavsevo organizma (microsomia). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, iii, 367.—Fischer (E.) Ueberdas Winden (Achsendrehung, Torsion) heim 'Wacbsthuni der Thiere. Centralbl. f. Chir, Leipz., 1886, xiii, 217-221.—Fischer (H.) Ein Fall von sogenaiinter Flughautbildung zwischen Ober- und Unter- schenkel. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 579-581.— Fusari (R.) Delle principali varieta- presentate dalle ossa del tronco e della testa esistenti nel museo anatomico della r. Universita. di Messina. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1889, i, 281-311, 2 pi. —----. Delle principali variety ed anomalie presentate dalle ossa della testae del tronco esis- tenti nel museo anatomico della Universita. di Ferrara. Princip. mem. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara, 1891, 49-75, 3 pi.—Gci-lach (O.) Ueber die Entstehungsweise der vorderen Verdoppelung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 103-114, 1 pi.—G hose (J. N.) Malposi- tion of organs in a human body. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1882, xvii, 13.—Giacomini (C.) Sur les auomalies de developpement de l'embryon humain, [Transl. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1895, xxx.] A rch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1895-6, xxiv, 56-77.—Gibert. Contribution k l'6tudo des malformations congenitales. Normandie med., Kouen, 1885-6, i, 33-36.—Giles (A. E.> Malformation of rectum and bladder, congenital absence of both kidneys and ureters, imperforate anus, absence of right hypogastric artery, and deformed feet, Tr. Obst, Soc. Loud. (1892), 1893. xxxiv, 129-132.—Giuliani (M.) Contributo alio studio della macrosomia. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1891-2, xviii, 465-484. Aho: Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1893, iii, 13-30.—Gkizes (B. A.) Ilepi cicjjs Tijs kucttcois. (Extrophie ou extrover- sion.) TaArji-bs, 'A^ijyai, 1885, xiii, 1; 22; 38. — Graham (W.) Congenital asymmetry. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 12.—Grassi (15.) Sc Pnrona (C.) Sovra un caso di ete- rogenesi osservata in natura. R. 1st. Lomb. d. sc. e left. Rendic, Milano, 1878, 2. s., xi, 237-245.—Guclini (A.) & Cinisclii (G.) Rene unicoed ectopico; ectopia ed atro- fiaovaricabilaterale; maucanzadiuteroedi vagina. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1887, eclxxix, 53-58.—Gucr- monprez. Ectrodactylie, ectropodie et autres diffor- mites chez un enfant do 10 mois. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1891, vi, 61-63.—Guttmann (P.) Ein Fall von augeborener partieller Bildungsanomalie im Gebiete der rechten obereu Korperhalfte. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 1011.—Ilamann (C. A.) Notes on some cases of congenital malfoimation of the face and ears. Univ. M. Mag., Phila,, 1893-4, vi, 759-762, 1 pi.— Hancock (J. L.) Anomalies in the limbs of aves. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 405-407. —Hare-lip, cleft palate, macrostoma, supernumerary auricles, coloboma iridis. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1883, Peiidlehury, Manchester, 1884, iii, 118.— Hart- ma nn (R.) Ueber Fettsteissbildung heim Menscheu und bei gewissen Siiugethieren, sowie iiber die Fettbuckel der Zebu und Kameele. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. An- throp., 1891, 470-474. -----. Zur Lehre und Casuistik der Missbildungen. Miinchen.med.Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 192- 194.—f lansliuller (P.) Un cas de retard de de.veloppe- ment. Rev. de med., Par., 1894, xiv, 616-019.—Hay (J. S.) Sonderbare Missbildung in einem Negersiamm Ekims an der Westkiiste Afrika's. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop.,1877, 219.—Hcndrix (H. F.) Arrest of develop- ment caused by intra-uterine pressure. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1884, xlvi, 178-181. Also, Reprint,—Herlwig(0.) Ur- rnund und Spina bifida; eine vcrglciehend -inorphologi- sche, teratologische Studie an missgebildeten Froscheiern. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1892, xxxix, 353-5U3, 5 pi. [See, also, supra,vonDavidoff.]—Hej feldor (O.) Uehereinige Falle von Bilduugshemmung. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., Bonnie, 1828-9, xiv, 883-902, 1 pi.—Hi- rigoyen (L.) Enfant offraut une gueule de loup. de la syndactylie et une malformation palp6brale. M6m. et hull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1886, 133.—Hor- toloup. Malformations cong6nitales; troubles tro- phiques de l'ainhum et des amputations congenitales. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de I'ar., 1887, xiii, 578-585.— Hmiauld. Recherches sur les causes de la structure ABNORMAL. 60 ABNORMAL. Abnormal conditions and abnormities. singnliere qu'on rencontre quelquefois dans diff6rentes parties du corps humain. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1740, Anist,, 1744, Mem., 525-543.—Hutchinson (J.) Con- genital defects and inherited proclivities. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1892-3, iv, 305-313.—Hypos (B. M.) Report of a case of maldevelopment of the ftetus. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1890, iii, 173-176.—Issauraot (A.) Difformit6s multiples chez un enfant. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1892, 4. s., iii, 60-62—Jacobi (A.) Congenital deformi- ties. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 161. -----. Hydrorhachis, club-feet, congenital luxatiou forwards and upwards of both femora. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1892, ix, 721-731. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1892, [N. Y.], 1893, iv, 98-108.—.Ioli- o, [1669]. Dethardixg (G. C.) *De foetus ininiaturia exclusione. Resp. Wilh. Fred. Zauder. 4J. Rostochii, [174H]. Deubel (J. B.) * De l'avortement spontanee. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834. Franz (R.) * Ueber Blutextravasate in Abor- tiveiern. 4°. Marburg, [1874]. GALENUS U.Epyaii7]vbc. Bifi/ua, nepl ettt&iutivuv ftpiyur, to, xapanrnpicovTa tu tov 'IwnonpaTOVc, wepl ir-iaavrjc, irepl baruv, role eiadyo/xevocc. Galeni Pergameni libri de septimestri partu. Brevis designatio dogmatum Hippocratis. De Ptissana. De ossibus. Integri et emendati, per Joannem Caium Britaiinum. 16°. Basilea?, [1558]. Gillotin(Fj.) * De l'avorteiuent. 4J. Paris, 1858. Gorvits (M.) * Opit uchenija o vikidishe. [Studies on abortion.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1865. Hale (E. M.) A systematic treatise ou abor- tion. 8°. Chicago, 1866. Hasenhorl (J. G.) * De abortu, ejusque prajservsitioue. In: de Wasserberg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Tin- dob., 1775, i, 106-140. Hilscher (S. P.) * Diss, exbibens tbeoriam abortus et partus prsecocis. 4°. Jena}, [172?]. Hippocrates. 'IitnonpaTovc. nepl aluvoc tov av- ■dpu~ov hn roil it£pl aapKuv: irepl knTafirjvov, nal irepl buTaprjvov. Hippocratis de hominis setate, ex ex- trenio fine libri de carnibus: De septimestri: item et de octimestri partu. Accessere proble- niata aliquot ab hac tractatione non ita aliena : Joanne Lalamantio, interprete et enarratore, 8J. [Heduce], 1571. Keller (C. ) *De abortu. 8°. Berolini, [1857]. L. (J. N.) Discursus medicus de abortu et medicamentisabortivi.s, item uterinispellentibus quo medicameutoruin uterinorum, et imprimis abortivorum vis et qualitas, item an talia den- tur? Qurepro talibus venditentur, etquiddeillis sentiendum sit, disquiritur; varii casus recen- seutur et explicantur atque aliae quaestiones ad banc materiam spectantes dilucidantur. Opus- culum omnibus medicinam exercentibus neces- sarium et utilissimum. 4-\ [ Ultzce, 1735.] Lechler (E.) * Pathologic und Therapie des Abortus. 8°. Berlin, [1883]. Le Maitre (J.-A.) *De partu praematuro. 4°. Parisiis, 1782. de Manas (G.-A.-M.-L.-V.) * Do l'avorteiuent spoutaue". 8°. Montpellier, 1839. Menzel (F. M.) * De abortus causis et signis. 4°. Wratislaviw, [1816]. Merle (L.) De l'avortement ge"mellaire. 8°. Paris, 1892. Mindner (D.) *De abortu. sm. 4°. Hal a', Magdeb., [1733]. -----. The same. De abortu, oder von der unzeitigen Geburt. 4°. Halw Magdeb., 1733. Paschken (D. H.) * De abortu, germ, von der friihzeitigen Gebuhrt. 8°. Regiomonti, [1730]. Pennacchi (J.) De abortu et embryotomia seu commeutarium in caput ii, sect, iii, const. Apostolica? sedis, Procurantes abortum effectu sequuto. 8°. Romas, 1884. Petiot (J.-V.-P.) "Dissertation sur l'avorte- ment. 4°. Strasbourg, 1815. Ploss (H. H.) Zur Geschichte, Verbreitung uud Methode der Frucht-Abtreibung. Cultur- geschichtlich-medicinische Skizze. 8°. Leipzig, 1883. Puaux (H. ) * De l'avortement consider^ sous le rapport de l'obst^trique et sous le rap- port me'dico-hSgal. 4°. Montpellier, 1835. Abortion. Redman (J.) * De abortu. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1748. Rentoul (R. R.) Tbe cause and treatment of abortion. With an introduction by Lawson Tait. 8°. Edinburgh n. d'Aiiriol. Un cas d'avortenient; quelques courtes considerations. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1880, xiv, 106- 115.—Ballantyne (J. W.) Abortion sac containing an embryo showing arrested development. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc,'l893-4, xix, 51.—Barker (T. It.) Abortion at five weeks, with subsequent examination of the embryo. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, 217-220. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1891, n. s., v, 33-38.—Bennett (It. S.) An interesting case of abortion. Kansas City M. Rec, 1884, i, 300.—Boyd (G.) A case of blighted ovum. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat, Phila., 1891-2, v, 165. —Bush (J. F.) Ruptureof the membranes; prolapse of the funis; miscar- riage. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 330.—Chalot. Ex- pulsion en masse de l'oeuf, au septi6me mois de la gros- sesse. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1882, iv, 279.— diaries (N.) Primipareau 7emois de la grossesse: ana- sarqueet albuminurie; regime lact6, revulsion intestinale, etc; travail pr6matur6, expulsion dun enfant vivant; suites heureuses pour la mere. J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1888, ix, 229.—diunikhin (P. N.) K statistike vikidishei i prezhdevremennikh rodov sredi narodonaselenia Rossii. [Statistics of abortions and premature births iu the Russian population.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pam- yat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 525-533.—Coo (M". F.) Report of a case of miscarriage at about third month. N. Am. Practitioner, Chicago, 1889, i, 69-71.—Coscntino (G.) Espulsione del sacco amniotico staccato dal corion. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1893, xv, 449-457, 2 pi.—dishing (W. R.) Case of premature birth; with the membranes intact. Tr. M. Soc. Yirg., Richmond, 1885, xvi, 254-256.— Fdis (A. W.) Incomplete abortion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1031.—Emmcrt (J. M.) The history of an abor- tion. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1895, n. s., xiv, 429-432.— Fallis (C. W.) Expulsion of the ovum entire, late in pregnancy. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890, xxi, 143.— Fasola. (E.) Otta'nta due ahorti nel triennio 1883-1885. Ann. di ostet, Milano, 1887, ix, 1; 103.—Fischer. Meine Erfahrungen iiber Friihgeburtsfalle. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1890, xii, 348: 1891, xiii, 55.— Fran- cox. Avortement. M6m. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1871), 1872, xi,pt. 2, 87-89.—Frcund. Ueber 2 Falle von Abort. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult 1879. Bresl., 1880, lvii, 87-90. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1880, ii, 6.—Garrigues (II. J.) Abortive ovum. N.YorkM. J., 1882, xxxv, 181. Aho: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 16. — Gcrbaud, Primipare; albuminurie ; ac- couchement pr6mature; enfant mort-n6. Montpel. med., 1883, 1, 316-319. -----. A vorteinent g6mellaire chez une primipare svphilitique; inegalit6 de grandeur des deux jumeaux. Ibid., 329.—Gilbert (A.) Fall eines in der28. oder 29. Schwangerschaftswoche geborenen und zu befrie- digender Entwickelung gelangten Kindes. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1889, xvi, 53-56, 1 diag.— Goenncr (A.) Ein Fall vou selbsteingelcitetem Abort. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 68— Gooch (P. C.) A case of premature labor; inertia of the uterus; liquor ergotinae. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 65-67.—Goullioud. Grossesse double dans un ut6rus double; avortements successifs. Lyon m6d., 1895, lxxix, 253-256.—Hawkes (E. G.) Report of a case of repeated abortions. Codex med., Phila., 1894-5, i, 359.—Heflfner (C. W.) Report of a miscarriage at five and one-half months; also falling of the cord at eight months. Med. Summary, Lancaster, 1889-90, xi, 125.—Kciffer. Avorte- ment k cinq mois; placenta praavia. Courrier m6d., Par., 1894, xliv, 89-91. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1894, xlvi, 81-83. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1894, xxi, 541-546.—Kurinioto (T.) A remarkable product of pregnancy. [ Transl. from the Japanese by June Kichi Kimura.] Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1886, viii, 22. — I^aroche (Mile.) Accouchement a sept mois, foetus mort-n6. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1886, xiv, 138.— lie Blond. Rapport sur un fait d'avortenient- ABORTION. 64 aBOKTIOK Abortion (Cases and statistics of). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1884, 3. a., xi, 520-524. — Lettre de l'auteur du Memoire k consulter sur plusieurs accouche- mens prematures, insert* dans le xxv"" vol. des Annates cliniques de Montpellier, p. 371, k M. Durand, medecin- consultant du roi des deux Siciles, etc. Ann. clin., Mont- pel., 1812, xxvii, 152-173. —liichterniann (M. M.) Predlej. poslieda u pervoroj.; prejdevrem. rody (7 m. i 10 dn.); blattop. ischod. [Placentapraevia iu primipara; pre- mature labor at 7 months and 10 days; good resultl Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1890, xxxiii, 379-381.—M'dain (J. F.) An anomaly in obstetrical practice. St. Louis Clin. Rev., 1880-81, iii, 433-435.—.TIaison (E.) (Euf abortif de trois mois sans dechirure des membranes. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1881-2, vii, 168-171.— .Vlardnel (P.) Note sur un cas d'avortenient avec de- livrance uaturelle retard6e. Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 2, 84-95.—IHoore (K. P.) An interesting case of abortion. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1884-5, n. s., i, 12-14. — Oliver (J.) Intra-uterine pregnancy; abortion about the sixth month. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1890. x, 320. —Olivier (A.) Avortement a trois mois et demi avec integrite des membranes. Soc. de m6d. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1881-2, vii, 165-167. Also: Ann. d'hytr., Par., 1882, 3. s., vii, 556-558. -----. Note sur un cas d'avortenient. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1890-91, i, 241-246.—Parish (W. H.) Delivery before the seventh month. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 44-48.— Pilgrim (C. W.) Abortion; with the histories of two cases, one preventable and one inevitable. Med. Chron., Bait. 1883-4, ii, 21-23.—Plympton (Clara C.) A pecu- liar case of abortion. Homoeop. J. Obst, N. Y., 1890, xii, 56.—Batlziszewski (S.) Poronienia. [Case of abor- tion.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1890. xviii, 514; 529.—Bed- den (J. W.) Report of a case of abortion. Kansas City M. Rec, 1884, i, 47.—Bobinson (B.) Report of an autopsy; death live weeks after an abortion. Charlotte IN. C] M. J., 1895, vii, 324-326.— Sherman (A. W.) Report of a case of abortion. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1886-7, ii, 78-80.—Mhrrdcr. Dva sluchaya prezh devremenuich rodov vslledstvie anoraalii obolochek yaltsa i poslieda. [Two cases of premature birth in consequence of anoma- lous decidua of ovum and placenta.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku. St. Petersb., 1865, v, 604-610.—Smyth (F. S.) Repeated miscarriages with discharges of uterine casts. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 845.—Staudeninaycr. Drei Falle von unvollkonnnenem Abortus. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1872-3, xxv, 111-114.— Stegmnier (L.) Seltene Art von Missgeburt. Ibid., W'innenden, 1870, xxvii, 227-230.—TanflTcr (J.) A siilyos lefolya.su aborlusoknak egy 6rdekesebb esete. [An inter- esting case of severe abortion.] Gy6gya-szat, Budapest, 1892, xxxiv, 610. Also, transl. [Abstr. 1: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893,xxix,150.—Taylor (W. H.) Abor- tion. Cincin. Lancet 8>. Zitzmann (AY.) * Ueber Blutungen nach dem Abortus. 8-. Tubingen, 1892. Alio way. Impending death from uterine hemorrhage following abortion at ninth week : curette and forceps used; recovery. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1880-7, xv, 540- 542.—A uboot. Avortement. expulsion tardive du pla- centa. Mem. Soc. d. sc. ined.de Lyon (1872). 1873. xii, pt. 2, 6-8. — Auvard. Mort subite de cause inconnue, s'etant produite quelques hemes apres un avortement de 2 mois i environ. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst et gynec. de Par., 1888, iv, 51-58. — ISailov (\V.) Abortion ; retained placenta. Med. Herald. Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 115-117.— Bai'iirh |S.) The inanagementof retained secundinesin abortion. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1879, xxix, 7-12.— It:iyIcitm :i (E.) Aborto al quinto mes del em- barazo con retencion do placenta (espulsion al 8" dia). An. d. Circ. med. ardent, Buenos Aires. 1883-4, vii, 913-915. — Iteck (T. S.) A case of puerperal fever or 1> ieiperal pya?niia after an abortion; with remarks. Tr. obst. Soc. Lond., 1808, ix, 275-292. Also, Reprint — ISIokIi (A. L.) Miscarriage of twins at the fifth month followed by a mixed infection, puerperal fever (septi- cemia lymphatica et veuosai. and malarial poisoning. Am. Surg. & Gyna-c, Kansas City, 1894-5. v. 223-227.—Bloeh (A.) Ceber die Beliandlung von Metrorrhagieii. bedingt durch Retention von Abortusresten. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1888, vi. 193-198.— Borsini (('.) L'emor- i ragia per aborto e lo zaffamento della vagina. Ouglielnio da Saliceto, Piaeenza. 1881-2, iii, 201-200.—lira una n (J. W.) The treatment of retained secundines after abor- tion. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, ex, 147-151.—von It rami (C.) Abortus mit Verbleihen der Placenta im Uterus; consecutive Blutungen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii. 534. — Brinton (W.) Abortion with retained placenta. Independ. Pract., X. T., 1881. ii. 731-742. — Browne (B. B.) A case' of protracted uterine hemor- rhage and septicemia caused by retention of portions of the placenta six weeks after a miscarriage. Maryland M. J., Bait., lss2-3. ix, 307. — Browiilee (II. F.) "Tetanus following a miscarriage. X. Eng. M. Month., Danburv, Conn.. 1891-2, xi, 59-61.—Bud in (P.) De la conduite'a tenir dans les cas de retention du placenta apres l'avorte- ment. Progres med.. Par.. 1886, 2. s.. iv, 1027-1029.— Barton (J. E. ) Retention of placenta for fourteen weeks after abortion. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.. 1882. n. s., xxiv, 174. — Caldwell (W. S.) The management of the afterbirth after abortion. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chi- cago, 1881, xxxi. 139-143.—Chnleix (M.) Curage digital de luterus dans un cas d'hSniorrhagie grave consecutive a un avortement de trois mois. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1891, xviii. 14-18. — Chamber* (P. F.) Abortion as a cause of disease of the pelvic organs. X. York J. Gyna?c. & Obst. 1894. iv. 52.5-529. Aho, Reprint. — Chnrlicr (Elisa). Avortement au 6e mois de la grossesse ; eclampsie: mort. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1881, ix, 235. — Cheat- ham (W. T.) Removal of the placenta after abortion; a placental scoop. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1884. xiv, 202-205. — Cirora (J.) Aborto; retencion durante dos nieses delicto muerto ; expulsion forzada; consideraciones. Cac. med. catal., Barcel.. 1883, vi, 310-314.—Clark (J. B.) Retention of placenta in abortion. Med. Age, Detroit. 1884. ii, 237.—Clay (C.) Abortion; adherent placenta; partly removed, pai tly left to nature. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 927.—Cordoll (E. F.) Case of adherent placenta after miscarriage : profuse hemorrhage: removal under chloro- form, by the . utire hand in the vagina. Med. (Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880. xiii. 42. — Conies (S. T.) A case of uterine abscess resulting limn induced abortion. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat. Phila.. 1891-2. v, 133 —Crisler (J. A.) j Retained placentas of abortion; report of three peculiar rases. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1892, 85-89.— Cross (E.) Report of a case of abortion complicated with a hydatiform mole. Arkansas M. Month., Little l!ock. 18e- handliing bei Feblgeburten. >-'. Wiirzburg, 1887. Fabricics (J. C.) *I)e veine scetione abor- tum pneservante. 4-. Halw Magdeb., [1727], Genksteix (E.) "Dn traitement des avorte- ments. 4°. Paris, 1^86, Hale (E. M.) An open letter to tbe medical profession, being a bistcry and defense of Dr. Hale's pamphlet, entitled, "On the homoeo- pathic treatment of abortion; its causes and con- sequences, with some suggestions and indica- tions for tbe use of the new remedies". Also an exposure of the animus of the attacks upon its author, by Dr. G. D. Beebe and others. To which is added the re-publicatiou of a fac-simile of tbe original pamphlet. 12-. Chicago, 1877. Matz (A. [E. K.]) * Zur Therapie des Abor- tus, w-. Berlin, [1880]. Moeskk (H.) * Zur Beliandlung der Feblge- burten. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1887. DE Paolis (L. ) Tratfameuto dell' aborto; con note cliniehe. S-. Ferrara, 1882. Prutz (F.) * Beitrag zur Beliandlung des Abortus. 8". Greifswald, [1H94]. Kaucii (J. E.) * Zur Therapie des Abortus. s . Basel, 1884. Rocii'HHLO (J.) * Traitement de la retention du placenta consecutive aux avortements par les injections uterines a 4r>o-r>0°. 4-. Lyon, 1891. Vibeiit (L.) * Contribution a l'e'tude du trai- tement de la retention du placenta dans l'avorte- ment. 8~. Paris, 1891. Alcalde Varcla (E.) Aborto terminado por la elec- tricidad. Siglo med., Madrid, 1883, xxx, 310— Alloway (T. J.) The immediate use of the uterine scoop or curette in the treatnient of abortions, versus waiting or the ex- pectant plan. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1883. xvi, 133-141.— Anseholos iJ. ().) Xcskolko zumiech. po povodu terap. vykid. tamjioiiadoi. [ Some remarks on treatment of abortion by tampon.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Pe- tersb., 1893, viii, 375-382.—A udcbert \- Chaleix. Com duite k teuir dans l'avortemeiit incomplet. Erauce med., Par., 1895. xiii, 5>'8.—Aiivanl. Cas d'avortenient oil le curage de l'uterus ctait seul susceptible do sauver la feniine. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii, 01.—Aurard & Touvouaint (L.) Do l'avortement foetal etde son traite- ment. Rev. obstet. et gynec, Tar., 1893, ix, 259-206.— Bailey (W.) Managemeutof sei undines after abortion. Louisville M. Xews, 1883, xvi, 145-147.—Ballard (E. K.) Two cases illustratiugtheininortanceof completely empty- ing the uterus immediately after miscarriage; operation for abdominal extra-uterine pregnancy and removal of li- broma of uterus. Med. Xews, Phila., 1894, lxv, 298-301.— Barnes (Ida C.) The treatment of abortion, with re- port of cases. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1895, n. s., xiv, 323-331. [Discussion], 370-372.—Barton (Amy S.) Ee- port of two cases of abortion, with special reference to the treatment of adherent secundines. Maryland M. J., Bait 1885-6, xiv, 43-46.—Baxter (A. J.) Miscarriages; hiuts as to their prevention; management when unavoidable. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1891, xii, 313-324.—Bennett (J. H.) The treatnient of abortion. Am. Pract. & Xews, Louisville, 1895, xx, 193-197. — Bibot. Coutribution a l'etude du traitement de l'avorteiuent embryonnaire. [From: Hull. Soc. beige de gynec. et d'obste't., 1893.] Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1894, xxi, 345-353.— Bil- ler (J. G.) The treatment of abortions, with reports of six cases. X. Am. Pract., Chicago. 1889, i, 275-279.— Bouificld (C. L.) The treatment of abortion. Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1892, xxv, 49-54.—von Bi-nun - Fern- nnhl (E.) Zur modenien Therapie des Abori us. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 483.—Brown (B.) Prac- tical experience in the treatment of accidental abortion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1891, xvi, 865-870.—Browne (I). G.) Abortion and its treatment bv viburnum pruui- folium. Australas. M. Gaz., S\dney, 1890-91, x, 138-140.— Byors(J. W.) The treatment of abortion. Dublin J. M. Sc, ls>7, 3. s.lxxxiv, 1-8.—Caldwell(W.S.) Tbe man- agement of tho after-birth in abortion. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1881, xii, 294-290.—Cameron (M.) Tho pathology of abortion in relation to treatment. P.rit. M. J., Lond.. 1888, l. 081-083.—Campbell (W. M.) Xote on the viburnum prunifolinm iu abortion. Ibid., 1886, i,391— Carpenter (A. P..) Tho management of incomplete abortion. Cleve- land M. Gaz., 1888-9, iv, 397-402.—Carson (A. T.) Some AborlioBl (Prevention and treatment of'). points in the treatnient of abortion. Canada Lancet, To- ronto, 1883-4, xvi, 131-133— Cazzani (L.) L' assa felida nella profilassi del parto abortive e prematura. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1881, iii, 577-593.—CooiI (J. G.) Manage- ment ofthe secundines iu abortion. Am. Pi act. Sc Xews, Louisville, 1889. n. s, vii, 97-99.—Charles ( X. ) De la delivrance dans l'avoitement. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1890, xi, 77; 89; 139; 150. — Chaznn ( S. J.) Yeshtsho kuchen. o terapii vykidysha. [Treatment of abortion.] J. akush. jensk. - boliez., St. Petersb.. 1887, i, 702-715. -----. Zur Behaiidlung der Fehlgeburt. Centralbl. f. gynak., Leipz., 1891, xv, 81-80.—Cheatham ( W. T. ) Removalof the placenta after abortion. Med. Hoc, X.Y., 1886, xxix, 8-10.—Cheney ("W. F.) The treatment of in- complete abortion. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1892, vi, 684-688.—Clark (C.J.) Remarks on the removal of the placenta in abortions; a new placenta hook. Gail- lard's M. J., N. Y., 1888, xiv, 532.—Co»«<-hall (W. II.) Value of viburnum prunifolium (black haw) in threatened abortion complicated with pneumonia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1885-0. xii, 208 - 271.— Coles ( W. ) The management of abortion. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1883, x, 109-119. Aho, Reprint..—Colviu (D.) In abortion, what of the placenta after the second stage? Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1890, vii, 422-431. — Consideraoionos generates sobro el aborto y su tratamiento sacadas do la pnictica rural. Med. rural, Madrid, 1884, iv. 33-37.— Coolt (G.W.) The treatment of abortion. Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1894, xxx, 229-233.—Cordes (A.) Un ulero-seda- tif; un utero-moteur. Ann. de gyn£c, Par., 1888, xxix, 265-284. — Coulter (J. II.) Prophylactic treatment of abortion. Peoria M. Month., 1886-7, vii, 105-108.—Crow (\V. A.) The treatment of abortion, and some of the com- plications incident thereto. Ann. Gynaec. Sc Paediat., Phila., 1891-2, v, 473-477. Aho: Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1892,_liv, 525-530. Also: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1892-3, n. s., ix, JiO-278.—Crowell (11. C.) Treatment of tho uterine cavity iu abortions. Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lviii, 400- 462. — Cushins (C.) On the management of abortion. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1874, 45-48. — Czobos (K.) Zur Bebandlung des Abortus. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., "Wien, 1884, ii, 529-532.— Bah I man n (V.) Zur Bebandlung der Fehlgeburten. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1880, i, 113-122.—Davis (E. P.) The treatment of incomplete abortion. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s., ix, 84-87.— Depaul. Deux cas de menaces do fausses couches ar- retees par la therapeuthiue. Gaz. obst., Par., 1880, ix, 241-243. Aho: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1880, viii, 89-91. -----. Avortement provoque, comment peut-on, dans une certaine mesure, prevenir cette operation.' J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1881, ix, 361.—Destivnl. De l'administra- tion du tannin, k hautes doses, comme moven de retarder l'avortement. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1882, xxvii, 27. — Dirmoser (E.) Zur Frage der Beliandlung des Abortus. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 1489; 1523.— Discussion on the treatment of abortion. Med. Xews, Phila., 1884, xiv, 034-030. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1885, xviii, 301-300.—Bixon (A.) The immediale removal of the secundines after abortion. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1884, xiv. 41-47.—Doleri* (J.-A.) Conduite a teuir dans l'avortement; curage et ecouvillonnage de luterus pour 1'extraction du plaeenla retenudans lamatrice. X. Arch. d'obst. et do gynec, Par., 1886, i, 284; 318. -----. A pro- pos du curage post-abortum. Ibid., 1892, vii, 453-461. — Diihrssen (A.) Ueber eine neue Mi thode der Beband- lung der unzeitigen Geburten. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1895, No. 131 (Gynak., Xo. 51, 477-488, 1 tab.).— Duff (J. M.) The treatment of abortion. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gynec. 1892, Phila., 1893, v, 496-501. — Edis (A. W.) On the management of incomplete abortion. Brit. M. J„ Lond., 1886, ii, 157-159. — Elcsteiu (E.) Zur Be- bandlung der Fehlgeburt. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 177; 186. Also, Reprint. —---. Zur Therapie des Abortus. Cong.period, iuternat. do gynec. et d'obst. C- r. 1892, Brux., 1894, i, 709-773.—Elder (G.) Tho immedi- ate removalof the ovum and secundines in abortion. Mid- land M. Misc., Leicester, 1.883, ii, 302. — Ershine (A.) The principles involved in management of abortion. Tr. M. Soc Tennessee, Xsishville, 1882,50-61. —Farr (U.H.) A contribution to the active management of abortion in the early months; with table of sixteen cases. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1883, xvi, 929-937. — Feiiiberg ( p,. I.) Alstiv. metod lecheu. vykidysha. prim, v tshast."prakt ike. [Treatment of abortion, especially in private practice.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1893, viii, 792-802.— Fischer (A. R.) Ostiaja lojka, pri nepol. vykidyshe. [Employment of the sharp spoon iu uncompleted abor- tion.] Ibid., 1887. i, 169-177.— Fischer (D.) Observa- tion von der Krafft des Castorei ad piacavenduui abor- tuiii. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1717-18 Bresl 1718-20, 1G08-1011. — Foster (A. II. ) Expectant treat! ment in some cases of abortion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1884, ii, 02. — Fonlcr III. X.) Managementof mis- carriage. Honneop. J. Obst., X. Y., 1879-80. i, 268-287. — Fry (II. D.) Electricity as a substitute for the curette iu the treatment of retained .secundines after abortion Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1888, xxi, 573-581. Also, Reprint.— ABORTION. 69 ABORTION. Abortion (Prevention and treatment of). von der Goltz. Zur Bebandlung des frischen Abor- tus. Med. Monatschr., X. Y., 1889; i, 305-308. — Oott- »rhalli. Fall von friihzeitigem tubarem Abortus; KSlio- tomie ; Heilung. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvnak., Stuttg., 1895. xxxii. 490-493.— Ornnniss (.I.H.) ' Treatment of the third stage of abortion. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bart- ford, 1881, n. s., ii, no. 2, 159-103. — Oriswold ( R. W.) The tampon in abortion. Louisville il. News, 1880, ix, 163 — CJrosvenor (L. C.) Rapid dilatation of the cer- vix in early miscarriages. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1895- 6, iv, 190-194.—Hamilton (A. A.) The use of the cu- rette in miscarriages, with case by J. A. G. Hamilton. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 6-9. — Ilnnion de Fresnay ( L. ) Avortement imminent, occasionn6 par de violents acces d'hysterie; excellents effets d'un traite- ment medical complexe. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1880. xlvii, 456. -----. Sur le traitement de l'avortement des premiers mois de la grossesse. Courrier med., Par., 1880. xxxvi, 183-185. Also [Abstr. ]: Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. feiumes, Par., 1886, viii, 157-160. -----. Traite- ment pr^ventif des avortements a repetition. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1890, Iii, 123-134. Also [Rap. de Sweits] : Bull. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1890, Iii, 116-119.— Harajewicz (W.) Przypadek poronienia przewlek- lego, leczomy nietodq, Apostoli'e.o. [ Chronic abortion, treated by Apostoli's method.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892. 2. s., xii, 402-405. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gvnak.. Leipz., 1892, xvi, 281-2.-4. —II arri* (('. H.) Special operation for abortion. X. York J. Gymec & Obst., 1892, ii. 842-845. -----. A new method for tie management of abortion. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1892-3, n. s.. ix. 135-139. -----Abortion in an hour. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1892, xiii, 339. Aho: St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1893, lxiv, 230-239. Also: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1893-4, n. s., x, 211-214.—Harrison (G. T.) The treatment of abortion. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. 18ehaudluiigder Xachgeburts- periode bei Abortus. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii, 537; 548; 561; 596. — Lutnud. A propos du traitement do la retention placcntaiie dans l'avortement des premiers mois de la grossesse. Bull, et mem. Soe. de med. ct chir. prat, de Par., 1894, 352-358. — Lvov (I. M.) Viburnum prunifolium pri ugroj. vikidime. [Viburnum prunifolium in threatened abortion.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1880, xxvi, 437-439.—Lycett (J. A.) The pathology and treatnient of abortion. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1887, xxii, 203; 252: 1888, xxiii, 15. — ITIaedonnld (A.) On the treatment of abor- tion. Edinb. M. J., lt-79-80, xxv, 670-686,1 pi. Aiso.Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1880, viii, 298-313.— MncEvitt (J. C.) Observations on the immediate treatment of non-prevent- able miscarriage. Brooklyn M. J., 1893, vii, 547-550.— McKee (E. S.) Repeated abortions successfully treated with potassium chlorate. (Mucin. Lancet & Clinic, 1885, n. s., xiv, 189-194.—McKecby (G. E.) The management of abortion. Omaha Clinic, 1892-3, v, 354-359. — Mc- Mechan (J. C.) Tho use of the curette in abortion. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1883, n. s., xi, 480. — Maguirc (J.W.) Management of abortion. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1892, iv, 475-479.—Mann (M. D.) The management of an abortion. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1882, xxii, 49-56.—Mar- tin (J. W.) [The treatment of lingering cases of abor- tion.] Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., li, 428-430.— Meoln (F.) L' antipirina come anti-abortivo indiretto. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1886, ii, 646 ; 652; 658: 664.— Metz- lar (C.) Bijdrage tot de actieve behandeling van den abortus. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haar- lem, 1891, iii. 274-282.— Miqucl (J.-F.l Vii mot sur les causes les plus frequentes de l'avortement et sur l'emploi des lavements opiaces et astringents dans la grossesse. In his: Tribut a la chir. prat., [etc.], 8°, Tours, 1870, 36- 41, 1 pi. — Misrachi ( M.) A propos du traitement de l'avortement par la quinine. Anu. de gynec, Par., 1888, xxx, 126-130. -----. Traitement de l'avortement incom- plet; expectation et intervention. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1888, xv, 484-493. -----. Un dernier mot sur le traitement de l'avortement incomplet. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1889, iv, 497-502. -----. Traitement prophylactique ou pr6ventif de l'avortement. [Abstr.] Ibid., 1894,ix.569: 1S95, x, 31.—Mitchell (A.) The management of abortion. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1887, 253-203.—Mitchell ;R. J.) Loomis' forceps for the removal of placenta alter abor- tion. Am.J.Obst.,X.Y.,1884,xvii,602-0ini.—Miyake(Y.) Fujin eiseiron taiitji kwai. Yusan no yeboho. [First lect- ure on hygiene for women. Prevention of abortion.) J.Xi- honhash'i Ku San. Ass., Tokio, 1893, no. 8, 31-36.—Miya- shirodl.) Shoki injin jusetsu ni zukete. [Prevention of the abortion habit.) Torin no Siwori, Fukuoka, 1893, v, no. 1. 0-10.—Moore (K. P.) What shall we do with the uterus alter abortions \ Atlanta M. & S. J., 1892-3, n. s., ix, 321-329. A h» .- Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 305-312— Morgulis (It. A.) K lechen. nepolnych vyki- dyscliei. | (»n treatnient of abortion.] J. akush. i jeiisk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1-92, vi, 921 -930. — Munde (P. F.) The immediate removal of the secundines after abor- tion. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 188.!, xvi, 142-154. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 351 - 353. -----. Der stuinpfe, nicht der scharfe Liitfel bei Abortus. ( Berii htigung.) Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 489. -----. Removal of placenta after abortion. Boston M. & S. J., 1883. cix, 165. Aho: Cinciu. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1883, n. s., xi, 199. [See, also, infra, Sweriugen (II. V.)]— Murrny (R. A.) The management of abortion. X. York M. J.. 1889, 1. 554-550.—Napier (A. D. L.) Vibur- num prunifolium in abortion. IJrit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 489. — IVegri (P. ) L' assai'etida nella interruzioue abi- tuale della gravidanza. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880. lviii, 171-175. -----. Ancora sull' uso dell' assafetida nella in- terruzioue abitualc della gravidanza. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1-87, vii, 230— Nicholson (B. H.) Rectal injection of saline solution in a case of severe lnemoi i hage during abortion. Lancet. Loud., 1893. ii, 130. — IN'iesely (CM.) The treatment of inevitable abortion. Lehigh Val- ley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1891-5, vi,37-43 — \ijhotI (G. C.J ABORTION. 70 ABORTION. Abortion (Prevention and treatment of'). I'.iidrage tot de actieve behandeling van den abortus. Ned.-ii! Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec. Haarlem. 18.-9. i lJn-132. Also: Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneosk.. Amst.. 1-8-. xxiv, 2. r., 2. d., 165-171. —Noble (C. P.) Remarks on the treatment of inevitable abortion. Codex Med., Phila., 1894, i, 10-14. Also, Reprint. -----. Remarks on the treatment of inevitable abortion. Pacific Rec. M. Sc S.. San Fran., 1895-6. x, 3. — Orellano ( M. ) Ligv- ' ras reflexiones ii proposito de un caso de aborto eticaz- mente combatido por el cornezuelo y el opio. Progreso ginec, Valencia, L-84, i. 241-247. — Oui ( M.) De l'inter- vention dans les cas d'avortenient lent. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1892, i, 435-444. —Paltauf (C. S.) Zur The- rapie und Prophvlaxe des habituellen Abortus. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1885. xxx 281: 293. —Parish (W. H.) The management of delivery prior to the seventh lunar month. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1888, ix, 188-192. Aho: X. YorkM. J.,1888, xlviii. 19-22. Aho: Med.Xews, Phila., 1-8-. liii, 50-53. — Parvin ( T. ) i Questions in the treat- ment of inevitable abortion. Med. chwarz j (E.) Zur Bebandlung der Fehlgeburten. Samml. klin. | Vortr., Leipz.. 1.-84. Xo. 241 [Gynak.. Xo. 06, 1715-1730].— Seargent ( A.; The management of abortion. Am. Pract. Jc Xews, Louisville, 1890. n. s.. x. 72.—Segnr (G. C.) , Case of threatened miscarriage; third time: delivered at terra under chloral. Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1-91. xxiv, 557- 564. — Seymour (YV. W.) The treatment of abortion. Am. Gynec-1., Toledo, 1892, ii, 293-296.—Shcrwin (O.W.) ' Management of abortion by the general ptactitioner. Med. Reg.. Phila., 1.-88. iv, 437-439. — Shorn (J.) Case j of premature labour occurring at the eighth mouth, arrested after the setting in of the second stage; and subsequent delivery at the full period of gestation. Ma- dras Month. J. M. Sc. It71, iii, 420.—Silberstein. Ge- gen den einseitigen Gebrauch der Kiirette bei unvollen- deteu Abortcn. Aerztl. Pract.. Hamb., 1891, iv. 761-766.— Simpson iA. R.i On the complete evacuation ofthe uterus uK,.r abortion. Edinb. M. J., -1875-6, xxi, 961-907. A!* ■. lb-pi int.— Skcel t R. E.) The use of the curette in abortion. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxxii, 207. Also. Re- print.—Southwick (G. R.) The treatment of abortion at the fourth or fifth month, with retained placenta. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1885. xviii, 932-938. Aho, transl.: An.de obst.. ginep. y pediat.. Madrid, 1880, 2. ep.. vi, 7-12.— Npoudly (H.) Ueber das active Einschreiteu bei Abor- tus. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak.. Stuttg.. 1883, ix, 91- 109. —Stahl (F. A.) Digital curetting of the puerperal uterus. Am. J. Obst.. X. Y., b-93 xxviii. 110-121. [Dis- cussion], 13S-142.— Stevens (E. B.) On the management of abortions. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 50-60. Also: Obst, Gaz., Cincin., 1880-61, iii, 5-9. -----. The management of abortions, especially with reference to the removalof the secundines. Tr. Obst. Soc Cincin., 1,-79- 85. ii, 280-294. Also: Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1883, vi, 5o;,_ 512— Slralz (C. H.) Die Therapie des Abortus. Ge- j neesk. Tiidschr. v. Xederl. Indie, Batav.. 18-9, xxix. 0.-2- 694 —.••trouso (F. M.) The treatment of non-preventa- ble abortion. Univ. M. Mag., Phila.. 1895-6, viii, 15- 19. — Siillivnu (J. L. ) Treatment of abortion, with cases. Boston M. & S. J., Ie85, cxiii, 222-224. —Swaney ' Abortion (Prevention and treatment of). i A. J.) Retained placenta in miscarriage; how shall we treat such eases? South. Pract., Nashville, 1891, xiii, 1 ?-7 - 192. — Sweriiisicu ( H. V.) Removal of placenta after abortion. [Reply to Dr. Munde.] Boston M. & S. J., 1883, eix, 230. At*;.- Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1883, n. s., xi, 199. -----. The treatment of retained placentaafter abortion. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1.--:;, xxxiii, 200-212.—Taunon (A.) Die Bebandlung des Abortes auf dem Lamb'. Ztschr. f. arztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M., 1892, i. 273-287.—Ter-Griaoriantz iG.K.i Bei- triige zur Abortbehandlung. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1891, xv, (-05-867.—Thomas iT. G.) The treatment of abortion. Ann. Gymec. Sc Psdiat.. Phila.. 18-9-'."), iii, 259-202. — TolochinolF. K terapii zudeijanija chastei poslieda poslie lodov i vikidicha. [Pivvi ntion of habitual abortion ] Sovrem.nieil.. Warszawa. 1-.9. xx, 359: 374; 389; 405; 421; 439: 470; 486; 502: 537; 553—Tower (C. C.) Anatomical evidences of abortion. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1879. ei, 332: 362; 402.—Turazza (G.) Asafietida gegen habituellen Abortrus. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz.. 1-92, xvi. 164.—Turner («.'. B.i Miscarriage prevented by viburuum. Louisville M. News, ]ss2, xiii, 124.—Va leu la (A.) Die Bauchpresse als einfachstes Mittd zur endgilti- gen spontanen Ausstossnng eines Abortiveics der ersten drei Monate. Memorabilien, Heilhr., 1869, n. F., ix. 196- 199. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 283.— Varnier ( H. ) De la delivrance dans l'avortement. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat.. Par., 1892. v, 353: lt-93. vi, 1: 33; 97. —Vecchi (G.) Profilassi e terapia dell" aborto. Indipendeiite. Torino. 1882, xxxiii, 433; 457. — Vobtz. Om Fjernelsen af (ivnlum eller Rester deraf ved Aborten. [Removal of ovum or residua of it in abortion.] Gvnsek. og obst. Medd.. Kjobenh., 1.--3. iv, 3. Hft., 95-114.-Waldo (R.) The treatment of abortion. Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1888-9, iv, 110-114.—Ward (S. M.) The management of cases of abortion. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1868, lix, 107-109. -----. Abortion; its proper and improper management. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892. ii. 560-563.— Warniau (M.) Przyczynekdoleczeniaporonien, osnnty na tie 250 przypadkow." [Contribution to treatment of abortion, illustrated by 250 cases.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1.-94. 2. s.. xiv, 53: 79': 117.—Warner (Helen F.) The management of abortions. Med. Age, Detroit, 1885. iii, 433-435. —Warren (S. I'.) The treatment of retained placenta in abortion. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1-82, vii, pt. 3, 451-461.—Woi«l (M.) Einwurf gegen die mo- derne Behandlung des Abortus nach Dr. Egon v. Braun- Fernwald. Allg^ Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 507.— Wells (B.H.) The treatment of abortion. Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1894. xxx, 547-554. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi, 353-355.— White (J. F.) Abortion, with special ref- erence to the management of the placenta. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Dubuque, 1.-80-9, vii, 189-195— Whitwcll (W. S.) Treatment of abortion by hot-water injections. West. Lancet, San Fran.. 1882, xi, 145-153.—Winekel (F.) Ueber den Verlauf und die Behandlung des Abortus und Partus immaturus. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 463—465.—Winter. Zur Behandlung des Aborts. Verhandl. d. X. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 8. Abth., 252— Woleott (E. H.) Manual delivery ofthe placenta in iui-r.ni'iage. Homceop. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1691, xiii, 28-32. —Wrijfht (A. H.) Treatment of abortion. Canad. Pract.. Toronto, 18-6. xi, 35-37.—Ziegenfii!»s ( W. E.) Abortion: some thoughts on the after-treatment. Physician jc Surg.. Aun Arbor, Mich., 1880, ii, 536-538. Abortion (Habitual). See Abortion (Causes of). Abortion in animals. Axe (J. "YV.) Abortion in cows: its causes, prevention, and treatment. S-. London, [n. d.]. Cakmalt (YV. H.) Report of . . . commis- sioner of the New York State Agricultural Soci- ety for the investigation of abortion in cows. Read before the society, February 11, 1>i;9. >3. Albany, l-ii'A Dai.tox (J. C.) Report of . . . commissioner of the New York State Agricultural Society for the investigation of abortion in cows. --. Al- bany, 1*1 ".S. Lacosti: (J. P.) * De l'avortement. ~:. Toulouse, W7. Desmond. An outbreak of epizootic abortion in cat- tle. J.Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1-95, xvi. 469-474.— Ilolliiiauu (L.) Einige Mittheilungen iiber Abortus, (leschlechtsvererbuug uud Fruchtbai keit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thienned., Leipz., 18.-4-5. xi, 192-206. — ivil- borne (F. L.) An outbreak of abortion in mares, In: Misc. invest, infect, .t parasit. dis. domest. animals, S^, Wash.,1893 4.1-52. — \ocanl iE.) Rechen lies sur l'avorte- ment epizootii[iie des vaehes. Rapport a M. le ministre de l'agricultuie. Kec de med. vet.. Par., 1*80. 7. s., iii, 669- 692.—Peuberthy(J.) Euzootic abortion. J.Comp.Path. ABORTION. 71 ABORTION. Abortion in animals. fcTherap, Edinb. & Lond., 1895, viii, 95-112— Rudovsky (J.) Missgeburt bei einem Kalbe. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1889. xiv, 337-340. — Schiieideuiiihl (G.) Ueber Abortus bei Thieren, unter besonderer I!e- liicksichtigung des seuchenartig auftretenden Verwer- fens bei Kiihen. Thiermed. Yortr., Halle, 1889, i, Hit. 7, 1-30.—Turner (T. J.) Infectious abortion in mares. Mod. Med. & Bacterid. World, Battle Creek, Mich., 1893, ii. 61-64. — Woodhend (G. S.) [et al.] Epizootic abor- tion. Second report of a committee appointed by the High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland (7th Apr., 1886). J. Conip. Path. & Therap.. 'Edinb. Sc Lond.. 1889, ii. 97- 105 Abortion (Criminal) [and its jurispru- dence]. Sec. also, Abortifacients; Ergot (Accidents, ttc, of); Foetus (Injuries of); Foetus (Juris- prudence of); Infanticide; Juniperus sabina; Juniperus Tirginiana; Labor (Premature, In- duction of); Phosphorus (Toxicology of); Ruta; Tanacetum. Ackersdyck (N. S.) * De abortum procuran- tium poena. 4-. Lugd. Bat., 1746. Albertus (M.) * De abortus violent! modis et signis. Respondens Zacharias Conradus Mutb. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1730]. Aubin (N.-V.-H.) * Recherche me"dicale de la criminalite dans l'avortement. 4°. Bordeaux, 1-8."). Caxolle (L.) * De l'avortement crimiuel & Karikal (Inde francaise). 4°. Paris, 1881. Cooke (X.F.) Licensed fu'ticide. 8°. De- troit, 1878. ------. Thesame. 8J. Detroit, [n. d.]. De Cola Proto (F.) L' aborto e 1' infautici- dio nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza. 8°. Medina, 1886. Deguerre (H. "t * De l'avortement provoque". 4-\ Strasbourg, 18'M. Evaxs (Elizabeth E.) The abuse of mater- nity. 8Z. Philadelphia, 187~>. Floquet (C.) Avortement et depopulation. (Allaire Constance Thomas-Floury.) 8°. Paris, 1892. Galliot (H.-F.-L.) * Recherches historiques, ethuographiques et meYlico-legales sur l'avorte- ment crimiuel. 4°. Lyon, 1881. Gilles ( M. ) [ I860- ]. # Considerations m6dico-le'gales sur quelques observations d'a- vortenient recueillies dans les hdpitaux de Mar- seille. 4°. Paris, 1-89. Great (The) "truuk mystery". Murder of the beautiful Miss Alice A. Bowlsby, of Pater- son, X. J. Her body placed iu a trunk and la- belled for Chicago. Mnny strange incidents made public. ~°. Philadelphia, [1871]. Griffith (Mrs. M. L.) Ante-natal infanticide. 16°. [ Washington, n. d. ] van Holsbeek(H.) Vous ne tuerez pas. De l'avortement provoque". 1"2°. Bruxelles, 1863. Kleixmaxx (E. H. E.) * Ueber die Verlet- zungen der Gebtirmutter und der Scheide durch instrumentell provocirten Abort. 8°. Berlin, [1881]. Liebezf.it (G. S.) De abortus noxia et ne- fanda promotione. sm.4°. Hal«> Magdeb., 17'SO. Mahsais (G.) * Des blessures de la matrice dans les mantenvres criniinelles abortives. 4°. Lyon, 18«J0. Sattler(0.) * Ein Fall von Tetanus nach krimiuellem Abortus. 8°. Tubingen, 1^'JO. Spii;al (E.-A.) Essai d'une e"tudc sur l'avorte- ment cousidere" au point de vue legal, et spe"ciale- ment de Particle :>17 (1°, 2° et 3°) du code penal relativement au conenbinat, suivi de l'examen de l'art. 340 du code civil. 8°. Xancy, 1^8^. 8cccu (T. M.) L' aborto nel diritto penale e nella medicina legale. 8°. Sassari, 1884, Abortion (Criminal) [and its jurispru- dence]. Tardieu (A.-A.) Etude mexlico-legale sur l'avortement, suivie d'observations et de re- cherches pour servir a l'histoire meYlico-legale des grossesses fausses et simuldes. 8°. Paris, 1864. ------. The same. Suivie d'une note sur l'obligation de declarer a l'6tat civil les foetus mort-ne's et d'observations et recherches pour servir a l'histoire meYlico-legale des grossesses fausses et sinntlees. 3. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1868. Waechter (C. G.) Strafreehtliche Fragen. II. Ueber den Thatbestand des Verbrecheus der Kiudesabtreibung. 4 . Leipzig, 1876. van den Wall Aknemann (R. W. C.) *De misdaad van abortus. [Utrecht.] 8?. Am- sterdam, 1879. Wcehling (J.) * L'avortement dans scs rap- ports avec la depopulation de la France. 4°. Paris, 188f>. " Abortionisiiie" diet) in Noord - Amerika. Ge- neesk. Courant, Tiel, 1S8H, xxxvii, no. 27.—Abortus door inspuiting van warm water in den uterus ; peracute peri- tonitis ; iijkopening. Ibid., no. 2, 3.—[Affaire d'avorte- nient.] Scalpel, Liege, 1888-9. xii, 147; 153; 165; 177; 183; 190; 205; 253. Also [Rev.] : J. d'accouch., Liege, 1888, ix, 265-267. Aho [Rev.] : Union rne-d., Par., 1889, 3. s , xlvii, 17-19.—Angeblicher Abort nach Schlagen mit der Hand ins Gesicht. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Perl., 1891, 290-294. —[Attempt to produce abortion by intro- ducing needles into the abdominal wall.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, i, 558.—Bnlcstriui (R.) Aborto. In: TA- blioteca antrop. giurid., 8°, Torino, 1888, v, 29-192. Also [Abstr.J: Arch.di psichiat, etc., Torino, 1885, vi, 82-102.— Barcus (P. J.) Sudden death from shock due to the intra-uterine injection of a solution of lead acetate to in- duce abortion. Med. News. Phila., 1895, lxvii, 153. — Bcrczellcr (I.) Vet61es eliiidezesenek eredmGnytelen kis6rlete; a terhess6g tovdbbi fenn&ll&sa. [Unsuccessful attempt at abortion.] Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 314. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii. 1124.—Birgc (W. S.) A case of criminal abortion, with peculiar features. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 412-414. [Discussion], 424. — ISoislenx. Des blessures des organes genitaux daus I'avorteuient criminel et de leur traitement. J. de med. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 533; 548.— Boring (J.) Foeticide; an essay. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1856-7, ii, 257. — Bradley (J.) A contribution to the jurisprudence of abortion. Detroit Lancet, 1880-81, n. s., 'iv, 489. — Briuton (M. W.) Ruptured uterus. Pitts- burgh M. Rev., 1886-7, i, 22— Bnlette (L. D.) The law of criminal abortion in Pennsylvania. N. York M. J., 1893. lvii, 475; 502.—Burnett (E. W.) The medical .juris- prudence of criminal abortion. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1883, xviii, 200-214.—Bush (J. F.) Medical history of a case of abortion, with a svnopsis of the criminal trial. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1882, cvi'i. 205. — Carter (H. J.) In- struments used in Bombay to procure abortion. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1857-8), 1859. n. s., iv (app.), pp. ix-xi.— Caruso (F.) Un caso singolare di aborto criminoso. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1891, xiii. 507-510. — Case (A) of alleged criminal abortion: the consequences of a hasty assumption. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 388-391. Also, Re- print.— Castiaux (J.) Contribution a letudo de I'avorteuient an point de vue medico-legal. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1879, xviii, 363-380. — Cnuchois. Tentative d'avortenient. Soc. de m6d. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1880, vi, 148-151. Also: Ami. d'hyg., Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 258-261.—Chambers (T. R.) A four-month fetus, bear- ing the imprint of the mechanical means used to cause abortion. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 117.- Charjje of abortion; Reg. ». Haffenden and Hardie. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, iC 1202-1264. — Charpeiitier. Sur les signes de l'avortement pendant les premiers mois de la grossesse. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1877, 2. s., xlviii, 483- 532. Also, Reprint. — Christine (G. M.) The medical profession vs. criminal abortion (with comments on tho legal phase of the question bv J. E. Scattergood). Tr. Homo-op. M. Soc, Penn. 1880. Phila., 1890, xxv, 69-80. Aho, Reprint. — Coiitlsimnntiou pour avortement; absence depreuves; responsabilife d'un medeein legiste. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1894, 488-492.—Convielion (A) for crimi- nal abortion. Boston M. & S. J., 1882. cvi, 18. — Corin (G.) Sur la signification medicolegale des produits ex- pulses par l'uterus en niatiere d'avortenient. .-Inn. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1895, xxxiv, 365-376. —Cour dassi.se do la Seine; audience du 28,juillet; affaire Chopard: ac- cusation (l'avortement; deux licenses. Oaz.mGd. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1881. xxiv, 56-61. — Cox (E.) Criminal abortion. Tr. Michigan M. Soc. Lansing, 1879, vii, pt. 3, rsCil-382. — Cox (E.), Hitchcock (II. O.) & French (S. ABORTION. 72 ABORTION. Abortion (Criminal) [and its jurispru- dence]. S. i Beport of the special committee on criminal abortion. lie]). Bd. Health Mich. 1881, Lansing, 1882, ix, pt. 2, 164- lt;8.—Crowe (S.) Beport of a case of septic peritonitis following a criminal abortion. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1892, xxvii, 1013.— Deutschea Reich. Zu §§ 218, 219 und 222 des Strafgeset/.bnt lies; die Bereituug eines Abtrei- buugsmittels und die Aufforderimg an die Schwangere, es zu trinken, ist nur Beihilfe, nicht Teilnahme. Med.- Gesetzgeb.. Berl., 1880, vi, 209. — Ooljjer (H.) Ueber die Zeit, in welcher nach Anwendung der verschiedenen Ab- treibemittel die Ausstossung der Frucht erfolgt. Fried- reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1892, xliii, 56; 114. Aho: Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 360; 381; 391; 4o8. -----. Lasst sich an der abgegangeuen Frucht die Frucbtabtrei- bung erweiseu ? Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1892. xliii. 161-169. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 456- 458— Diiuciin (W) Knitting-needle used to procure abortion. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1892), 1893, xxxiv, 223. — Unroll (T. M.) The Leach case. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc.. Bost.. 1888-94, ii. 152-154. Also: Boston M. JcS.J, 1894. exxx, 382.—Elsiissor. Ueber Friihgeburteu in fo- rensischer Hinsicht. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1858, lxxv, 245-294. Also, Reprint— Floquet (C.) Avor- tement et depopulation. (Affaire Constance Thomas Floury.) Assistance. Par., 1892, ii. 3-14— Foehier (A.) j Sc raham (G. S.) [ct al.] Discussion of criminal abortion. Med. tc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lxviii, 661-665. — IS nil hem. Affaire T. ..; avortement provoqu6; rapport medicolegal; inflexions. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1887, i. no. 1, 2.—Hall (W. A.) Criminal abor- tion and its treatment. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1888, viii, 113-116.—Hankins (G. T.) [et al.] A series of cases of criminal abortion terminating fatally, occurring in Syd- ney in 1884. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1885-6,v, 39-45.— Ilnrdison (W. H.) Self-abortion. Louisville M.News, 1881, xii, 279.—Harris (A.) Unique method of inducing abortion. (Application of ice to belly.] J. N. E.Virg. M, Soc, Warivnton, 1888, i, 11.—Harris (F. A.) A case of abortion with acquittal. [Abstr.] Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 340-350. — Haussmanu [etal.]. Memoire a consulter remis a Monsieur le President de la Republique a l'appui d'une deniande de grace en faveur de M. le Dr. Lafitte. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1894, iv, 349-362. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1894, 2. s., xx, 273-276. Also: Rev.de med. leg., Par., 1894, 548-557. — Hieks (J. B.) Criminal induction of abortion, followed by death. Lan- cet. Lond., 1885, ii, 244.— Higgin* (F. W.) Abortion and manslaughter. Gaillard's H. J., N. Y., 1893, lvi, 217-223.— Iloae (J. C.) Abortion and the law. Med.-Leg. J. N. V., 1890-91, viii, 116-120.—von Hofmann (E.) Abor- tus (forensisch, Fruchtabtreibung). Real-Eucycl. d. ges. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1885, i, 95-103. Also, Reprint (bound with Kleiuwachter). -----. Fruchtabtreibung durch Injection heissen "Wassers; plotzlieher Tod durch Lungeuemholie. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb.. 1892, xliii, 2-13.—Humphrey (H. S.) Self-abor- tion. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882. xlvii, 299.—Ill (E.J.) Foreign bodies in the peritoneal cavitv, introduced through the genital tract. N. York J. Gynaec. Sc Obst., 1892. ii, 893-895. —Infanticide, tentatives d'avortenient, tentatives de viol. Bee. de med. vet.. Par., 1879, 6. s., vi, 645-648. Also: Union med., Bar., 1879, 3. s., xxviii, 205.— Jones (Mary A. D.) Criminal abortion; its evils and its sad consequences. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 9-16.— Jourdain. Avortement niecanique manque; grossesse pathologique; hydramuios. Presse med. beige. Brux., 1802, xliv. 117— Kronfold (M.) Volksthiimliche Abor- tiva und Aphrodisiaca in Oesterreich. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1889, xxxix, 1097; 1731.—Kuii (T. ) Okozott-e? okozhatott-e elvetelest ? [Was abortion provoked or not?J Allaiuorvos, Budapest, 1883. 129-131. -----. Ein Fall von Fruchtabtreibung; gerichtsarztliches Gutachten. Pest. med -chir. Presse. Budapest, 1-81. xx. 7— Lacnssasne (A.) Des ruptures de la matrice cons6cutives a des ma- noeuvres abortives. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1889, Lbortion (Criminal) [and its jurispru- dence]. iv, 754-765. Also, transl.: Anomalo, Napoli, 1890, ii, 21; 50 —I-nfnrguc (E.) Consultation medico legale dans une affaire d'avortenient. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 102-107.—Laroiidellc (N.) Tentative d'avortenient suivie de mort. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1873, lvii. 288-293. Aho, in his: Observ. in6d.leg., 8-, Brux., 1874, 25-31. — Lcblonil (A.) Sur l'avortement spontane dans les premiers mois de la grossesse; va- leur medieo-legale de 1'iutegrite des membranes. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1875, iv, 95-120. Aho, Bepriut. -----. Rapport sur un fait d'avortenient. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1885, viii, 325-329. — l Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 115.— Regina v. Turnbull and Nottage. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 162. — Beport of the committee appointed by the New York Medico Legal So- ciety, to take into consideration the subject of the practi- cal value of the existing statutes in this State relating to the prevention of criminal abortion. Papers Med. - Leg Soc. N. Y., 1882, 2. s., 16-29. — Responsabilite (La) et la justice: un medecin condamne en cour d'assises pour un crime suppose ; graveerreur judiciaire. Tribune med Par., 1894. 2. s . xxvi. 701 - 7u4. — Rich tor ( E. F. t Vori einer ledigeu Weibes-Person, so in puncto procurati abor- ABORTION. 73 ABRAHAM. Abortion (Criminal) [and its jurispru- dence]. tus verdachtig. In his: Digesta med., 4°, Leipz., 1731, 635-057. — Robb (W. H.) The management of criminal abortion. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1884, N. Y., 1885, i, 116- 123. — S. (G.) Le cas du Dr. Latitte. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 18U4, xxiv, 413. — Sander. Zur Casuistik der Fruchtabtreibung; Gutachten iiber die Wirkung der Ju- niperus sabina; nach den Gerichtsacten mitgetheilt. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1867, iii, 508; 521. — Kilui. cbni'dus (J. B. ) Abortus detestaudo modo concitatus, et lethalis In his: Decas ii observ. anat., 4°. Yiteni- bergte, 1718. 23.— Schumacher. Vcrdacht der Frucht- abtreibung und verheinilichter Gehurt. Ztschr. f. ge- richtl. Med. Wien, 1808, iv. 119: 129; 137; 149; 183- Semmcdo (J. C.) Procurantum fu-mina adulterio per absentiam raariti fceturn corrumpere tentans, ne ex tumore ventris manifesto apud lpsum rea ageretur, propterque id senaratricis aquae potum exhauriens, a morte per me, ser vato tamen tcetu, scrvatur. In his: Obs. aegritudinum, fob, Ulyssipone Occid., 1718, 104.- JXonlex (L.) Avorte- ment par injection dean dans la matrice,- peritonite sur- aigue ; autopsie. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull , Par., 1881-2, vii. 227-235. Aho : Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1882, 3. s.,viii, 488-496.—Siiijfh (U.) Modes of inducing criminal abor- tion in the Punjab. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 8- 10—Son/.a Lima. Aborto criminoso. Bcv. d. cursos Drat, e theor. daFac. domed, do Rio de Jan.. 1888, v, l°sem., 87-111—Squillanto (S.) Delia morte del feto per cagi- oni procurate; quali di queste possono confondersi con le cagioni naturali, e come si differenziano? Movimento, Na- poli, 1881, 2. s., iii, 153-164.—Stedinan (G.) Two cases of abortion, one presenting unusual difficulties in the post mortem, the other in the ante mortem diagnosis of the cause of death. Boston M. A: S. J.. 1883. cix, 50-52.— Stille (G.) Ueber den in verbrecherischer Absicht ein- geleiteten Abortus. Memorabilien. Heilbr.. 188(1, xxv, 495- 508.—von Swiecicki. Zur Bekampfung des strafbaren Abortes. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.., Berl., 1888, ix. 271.—Swin- burne (J.) Attempted abortion and death from intro- duction of air into the veins. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859, n. s., ii, 76-78. — Tarnier (S.) & Brouar- del. Inculpation d'avortenient; relation m6dico-legalede l'affaire C . . . et D . . . Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. s., v, 304-325. Aho, Reprint. — Thomas (T. G.) Criminal abortion; perforation of uterus; intestine and omentum in the uterus; laparotomy; death. Am. J. Obst.. N.Y., 1882, xv, suppl., 4-7.—Thomson (J.) Ein Fall von Abtreihung der Leibesfrucht, nebst Bemerkungen iiber verschiedene volksthiimliche Emmenagoga und Abortivmittel. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1864, n. F., i, 315-328. Aho, Reprint.—Tower (('. C.) Clinical and anatomical evidences of abortion. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Cam- bridge, 1879, i, no. 2, 93-120.—Treadwoll (J. B.) Crimi- nal abortion. Boston M. & S. J. 1881, cv. 20.—Ctlatan- ilen i fraga om bruket af foster-fordrifvande medel och foljden deraf. [Two cases of suspected abortion.] Vald saml. af k. Sundh.-Coll. utlat. i jurisd. mal, Stockholm, 1857. 13-24.— Van de Marker (E.) The detection of criminal abortion. J. Gynaec. Soc. Bost., 1871, iv, 292-305: v, 229. Aho, Reprint. -----. The criminal use of pro- prietary or advertised nostrums. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc N. Y., 1882, 2. s.. 76-90. — Veil (J. ) Ueber criminellen Abortus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 909- 912.—Verchero. Ruses feminines et catheterisrae ute- rin. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1895, lxii, 555- 558. Aho: Rev. med.-< lm. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1895. xvii, 526- 532. — Verrier I E. ) L'avortement crimiuel chez les anciens et les modernes. Rev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiii, 790-794. Also: Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1886, viii, 324-334.—Vibert. Relation ui6dico-legale d'une affaire d'avortenient (affaire Thomas). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 71-83. Also: J. de med. de Par , 1893. 2. s, v. 103-106. Aho: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1893- 4, i. 6-15. —Vibert (C.) Avortement; l'affaire du docteur Lafltte, Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxii, 349-362. Also [Abstr. |: Med. mod., Par., 1894, v, 1085-1087.- Ward (S. B.) Criminal abortion by inrl ition of the uterus with air. Albany M. Ann.. 1889, x, 1-8.- West (H. A.) Peculiari- ties of abortion from artificial causes. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1S89, ii, 275-278. — Wherry (G. E.) Criminal abortion; a foetus of three months cut up while in uterus; peiitonitis; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 880.—Winter. Uterus mit einer Perforation derhinteren Wand, welclie bei criminellem Abort erzeugt worden ist. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik.. Stuttg., 1887, xiv, 242 — Xcidlci- (P.) Razbor pokazunii k iskustvennomuzakon- nomu vikidishu. [Medico-legalinvestigation.] Arch.su- debnoi med., St. Petersb., 1869, v, pt. 2, No. 2 1-28—Ziffo (J.) Deux mots sur les avortements criniinels it Constan- tinople. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constant., 1881-2, xxiv, 17-25. Aho: Cong. d. m6d. grecs 1^82. C.-r., Constant., 1883. i. 8- 10. Also, transl.: HpaKT. ^.vvoSov 'EKKr/vuiv iarpuv, 'Adij- vi)o-iv, 1883, 38-46. Abortion (Partial). See Abortion (Complications, etc., of). Abortion in multiple pregnancies. See Abortion (Complications, etc., of). Abot (Albert). " Etude .sur l'h6niatiirie. 1 p. 1., 3S pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s., No. 852. AbouleilC (Antoiue-Charles). * Quelques con- siderations sur l'etat puerperal pbysiologique ct sur l'etat niorbule conuu sous le uoin de fievre ties nouvelles accouchees, ou rievre puerpeiale. 20 pp. 4C. Montpellier, 1821, No, 12. Abou-Zabel. See Education (Medical), etc., Hospitals (De- scriptions, etc., of ), by localities. Abraham Aben Ezra [Abraham Judeus or Judge us]. Incipit liber . . . de nativitatibus. Dixit quoque Abrabain Judeus: optimum iu- strumentorum ad inveniendum gractuuni orien- tem iu nativitatibus est astrolabium: quod quail to perfect ins fuerit, tauto melius, etc. (1. 19.) Explicit feliciter liber Abraham Judei: Utilissimus in ca parte astrologiae, quae de na- tivitatibus tractat: cum figuris exemplaribus singulis domibus antepositis. (1. 20.) Magistra- lis compositio astrolabii Hanrici Bat?e ad pe- titionem fratris Guilhelmi de Morbeka, ordi- uis predicatorum domini Papas penitentiarii et capellani, etc. (1.29.) Finit feliciter opusculum Abrahse Judei de nativitatibus cum exemplari- bus figuris singulis domibus antepositis: Et magistralis compositio astrolabii Hanrici Batse. 29 1. sm. 4°. Yenetiis, impensis Erhardi di Rat- dolt de Augusta, 1485. Bound 'with: Hippocrates. Opusculum repertorii pro- nosticou [etc.]. sm. 4°. Yenetiis, 1485. See, also, Albucasis. Incipit liber Servitoris liber xxviii. [etc.]. 4°. Yenetiis. 1471. — .'losno (J.) Opera. fol. Lugduni, 1525, ff. cecvii-cccxvii. -----. The same. Servidor, [etc.]. sm. 4°. [Yalladolid, 1516.] -----. Liber de creticis diebus. In: Gaxivetus (Job.) Amicus medicorura, [etc.]. 4°. Lugduni, 1508, sign, h-hiii. Aho; Ibid.: -----. 24°. Lv'qdtini, 1550, 520-542. Aho: Ibid.: -----. 16°. Fran- eofurti, 1014, 550-573. See, aho. t'lilpopci- (Nicholas). Culpepers astrologi- call judgment of diseases, [etc.]. 12°. London, 1655. Abraham (Max) [1860- ]. *Bau und Ent- wickeluugsgesckichte der Wandverdickungen in den Samenoberhautzellen eiuiger Cruciferen. [Kouigsberg.] 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Bernstein, 18~f>. Abraham (Paul [Hermann]) [18(32- ]. * Untersuchungen iiber die sogeuannte Rosen- bach'sche Unnreaktiou. 30 pp., 1 1. SJ. Ber- lin, G. Schade, [1899]. Abraham (Phiueas S.) An introductory ad- dress delivered at the Westminster Hospital Medical School on Wednesday, October 2nd, 1.^89. Medical examinations and medical educa- tion. 10 pp. 12°. [Leicester, 1889.] Repr. from: Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1889, viii. -----. Leprosy: a review of some facts and figures. Abstr. of a paper read at the Epi- demiol. Soc. of London, May 8, 1889. 11 pp., 1 pi. fol. London, lllnst. M. News Co., 1889. llepr. from: Illust. M. News. Loud., 1889, iii. Also, Editor of: Journnl of the Leprosy Investiga- tion Committee, Loudon, 1890. For Portrait, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 169, port. Abraham (Siegmund). * Ueber eiseuthuniliche Forinen amyloider Entartung und iiber einen Fall von Combination von chronischer Hepatitis mit Amyloidentartuug. 36 pp. S". Freiburg i. B., H. Epstein, 1891. Abraham (Sigismund). * Ueber die Bedeutung der Hilmoptoe bei der Lungentuberkulose. [Er- langen.] 17 pp., 1 diag. 8?. Eonitz, W. Du- pont, 1obre a doenca (cholera- morbna) trisplanchnasthenia tem feito recente- meute no Hospital Real de S. Jose . . . 52 pp. 8:. Lisboa, na impressdo regia, 1832. [P., v. Abretfe de l'anatomie du corps humaiu. .See Verdier (Ce"sar). Abrejre de myologie. 45 pp., 11. 12J. [Paris, 1747.] [P.,v. 956.] 74 ABKOTIIALLUS. Abreee d'osteologie. 32pp. 12-. [Paris, C.-M. d'Houry pere, 1747.] [p\, v. 956.] A'•'■ Rio de Janeiro, 1888. Abrial (Le"on) [1<59- ]. "Contribution a. 1 etude des abces miliaires du rein dans la lievre typhoide. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, lS-7, Xo. 328. Abrotlialhi*. I.iiwKuy fW. L.) Monograph of the genus Abro- thallns(De Xotaris and Tul.isne emend.). Quart .J Micr Sc, Loud., .8" v. 27-63. Also. Keprint. ABROTINA. 7 o ABSCESS. Abrot in a. Ciiaroan (P.) Sull' abrotina. alcaloide dell'Artemisia abrotanum L. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1883, i, 441-454. Abi'iis precatorius. See, also, Jequirity. Hellin ( H. ) * Der giftige Eiweisskorper Abrin und seine Wirkung auf das Blut. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. [Pechey (J.)] Some observations made upon the Angola seed: shewing its admirable virtue in curing all distempers of the eyes, written by a doctor of physick in the countrey to Dr. God- dard, one of the Royal Society at London, anno 1660. sm. 4°. London, 1682. Ramos (W. S.) Poisoning by jequirity seeds. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1891, 139.—Jequirity. Se- men Ahri precatorii. Geueesk. Courant, Tiel, 1883, xxxvii, no. 24.—Rrpiti. Sur 1'absorption de l'abriue par les ran- queuses. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1895, ix, 517-523. Abruzzi. Di Piotrangolo (A.) Delle stazioni climatiche in Abruzzi e preferibilmente in Civitella del Tronto. Arch. ital. di lariugol., Napoli, 1885-6, v, 141-146. Abscess [including cellulitis and phleg- mon]. See, also, Anthrax: Boils; Carbuncle ; Ery- sipelas (Complications of); Erysipelas (Gan- grenous) : Fistula ; Inflammation ; Pus ; Py- aemia : Scarlatina (Complications of); Suppu- ration : and under names of organs and regions, as Back; Bladder; Brain; Liver; Medias- tinum: Muscles. Barker ((i.) * De noxis, quas sua gravitate descendens materia purulenta aliqnando in cor- pore humano exserit. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1794. Boxckexijurgh (P.) * De phlegmone. 4\ Lugd. Hat., 1667. de Brambilla (G. A.) Trattato chirurgico pratico sopra il flemmoue ed il suo esito, ed altri punti importanti di chirurgia, diviso in due parti. 4°. Milano, 1767. Frey (C.) * Adversaria de apostematibns. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1777, vi. 60-69. Garxier (R.) Des abces chauds: pathoge'nie et traitement antiseptique. -°. Paris, 1890. Giniez (A.) *Du phlegmon. 4~. Paris, 1839. Hexrici (G. A.) De abscessibus per materiam et ad uervos. In: Bkexuel (J. G.) Opusc. math, et med., etc. 4°. Gottingce, 1775, iii, 137-156. Lopez de Leox (P.) Prafica y teorica de las apostemas en general, y particular. Questiones, y praticas de cirugia, de heridas, llagas, y otras cosas nnevas, y particnlares. Primera parte [y seguuda]. fol. Sevilla, 1628. ------. The same. fol. Calatayud, 1697. Ludwig (C. G.) [Pr.] de abscessn lalente. [Cum vita candidat-i Eph. Kriiger.] In: Weiz (F.A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1774, vi, 97-106. Ossier (J.) A propos d'un travail intitule' : Xote sur les abces critiques, par [N.-F. Liegey]. 8. [I'ambervillers, 1-50.] Schmitt (A.) Die Fascienscheideu und ihre Beziehuugen zu Senkungsabscessen; eineanato- misch-klmische Studie. 8C. Miinchen u. Leip- zig. 1-9:3. Torxier (M.) * Beitrag zur Kenutnis schwe- rer Phlegmonen. Zusammcnstellung von 46 Fal- len schwerer Phlegmonen der oberen Extremitiit welche in den Jahren Ende 1885 bis Anfang 1-91 an der konigl. chnurgischen Klinik zu Greifswald beobachtet warden. 8°. Greifswald, 1-91. Verut (E.) * Contribution h l'6tude des abces chauds. 4". Paris, 1883. Abscess [including cellulitis and phleg- mon]. Zavadsky (E.) *0 flegmonoznom protsesse. [On the phlegmonous process.] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1S65. Assaky. Temperature des abce.s chauds. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1881, Par , 1882, 7. s., iii, 316. — Bazr. Trois observations d'abces, l'un tuberculeux (k la langne), les deux autres typhoidiques. par M. Dardignac, medecin- raaior au 51e de ligne. [Rap.| Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. dePar., 1894, n. s., xx, 420-422.—Bellamy (E.) Abstracts of clinical lectures on abscess in special regions as deter- mined by facia'. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1879, i, 473: ii, 27.— Itoi.wlciix (('.) Recherches bacteriologiques (bins des cas d'abces pelviens de salpingites purulentes ^t d'abces de l'ovaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1890), 1891, xxx, 15-23. — ilo Bovi«(R.) De la marche de la temperature dans les phlegmons (fievres (Vinoculation et fievres de resolution). Gaz. d. hop.. P.ir., 1*95, lxviii, 1097-1099. — Boylaml (G. H.) Practical conclusions with reference to abscesses. Med. A: Surg. Reporter, Phila., 18S2, xlvii, 592-596. — Carl I ( G. G. ) A case of internal abscesses. Tr. M. Soc. N". Jersey, Newark, lr-84, 211-214. —CarJior (L.-V.) Des abces. In his: Precis d'obs. de chir., 8°, Lyon, 1802, 103-108.— t'liarvot. finnlo clinique sur la pathogenie et le tiaite- ment des abc6s chauds. Rev. de chir., Par., 1892, xii, 498; 607. —Ciocro ( M. P.) Estudio relativo al fleg- nion. Porvenir, Mexico, 1870, ii, 237-261. — Corn ill (V.) Leeon sur le phlegmon. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1884, 3. s.. vi, 9; 20. Also, in his: Lecons, etc., 8°, Par., 1XX4, 30-40.—Coulter (J. H.) The diagnosis and treatment of abscess. Peoria il. Month., 1888-9, ix, 40-52.—Bioclier- lioll'. Zwei Gutachten iiber die Dauer der als Complica- tion der Druse enstandenen eiterigen Phlegmone des Kopfes. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1891, vii, 324-326.— kroner (F. J.) Abscess. Tr. Mich. M. Soe.. Detroit, 18H9, xiii, 182-188.— Ilolheimor (J. A.) Glandular ab- scesses in vonng children. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 507- 569. — Hone (A. J.) Deep absce-ses. Calif. M. J„ Oak- land, 1883, iv, 200-202.—Jordan (F.) Unusual abscesses. [Three cases. 1 Inhis: Surg. Enq., 2. ed., 8°, Lond.. [1880], 159.—KirmiNwoii (E.) Phlegmon. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med.. Par.. 18S7, 2. a., xxiv, 303-322. — Lf 1»< nln (A. ) Phlegmon. N. diet, do m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1879, xxvii, 131-184. — l.omioro (G.) Quelques cas d'abeds aseptiques chez l'hoiiitne (considerations etiologiques, pa- thogeniques et cliniques). Bull. Soc. anat.-cliu. de Lille, 1891, vi, 406-424. Aho: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1891. ii, 97 ; 121. — .Vlarsli (H.) Abscesses. Intermit. Enevel. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y.. 1882, ii, 257 - 276. .1 l.w. transl.: Encycl. intermit, dechir. (Ashhurst), Par., 18*3, ii, 513-530.-----. Varieties of abscess and their treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1895, i, 868. — IVIazzoni ( C. ) Ascessi. [Ten cases. 1 Clin. Chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1881, vi-vii, J9- 44. — .VlertzaloflT (A.) Tri sluchaja naryvoff. [Three cases of abscess. | Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb, 1865, v, 117; 129; 139. — Tloyor (J.) Ein Fall von idiopathic schem Magenabscess und ein Fall von subphrenischen) Abscess. St. Petersb. med. Wchns hr.. 1892, n. F., ix, 373.— Itlisnoii. Note sur quelques affections suppuratives developpees chez de jeimes soldats. Normandie med., Rouen. 1S88, iv, 321-326.—iTIoodic (J.) Original opinions on abscesses, their physiology and treatment, etc.. and op- erations of nature. In his: New &. Orig. Opinions, etc., 8°, Edinb., 1850, 35-65.— Tlorand (L.) Phlegmons de hi face ou du con. Inhis: Mem. et obs. clin.. Tours, 1^44, 123-125. —."Vairno (J. S.) Abscess; a clinical study: be- ing an investigation into the histories of 100 cases of ab- scess occurring in private fainilv practice. Glasgow M. J., 1883, |4.1 s., xx, 267-297.—IVaiicrodo (C. Ii.) Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of inflammation, abscess, ulcer, and gangrene. Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, i, 335- 382.—I\oii|»:inei- (G.) Abscessus ex phlyctsena. Szem6- szet, Budapest. 1HH8, 7*-8().—Nioniso (E.) Des ahsccs sereux. Kev. dechir., Par.. 1892, xii, 512-518. Aho, Re- print. — Ojjwlon ( A. ) Ueber Abscesse. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge.sells.-h. f. Chir. 18K0, Berl., 1881. ix, pt. 2. 9-21, 1 pi. Also.- Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1880, xxv, 5HS-600, 1 pi.— l*n;jot (Sir J.) Residual abscesses. Inhis: Clin. Lectures, &', Loud., 1875, 310-320.—Keel no (P.) Patho- genic et traitement des phlegmons diffus. In his: Clin, chir.de l'Hotel-Dieu, 8°, Par., 1888, 69-82.— Veodcr (M A.) Three unusual cases of abscess. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 440. Also, Reprint.—Vornouil. Microbisme et ab- ces; classification de ees deruiers. Tribune med., Par., 1888, xx, 459-462.—Worn or. Zwei Falle von brandiger Zellgewebs-Phlegmone mit todlicheni Ausgang. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellhach, 1894, xiv, 289-298.— Wo*t (S. ) Internal suppuration, acute and chronic, without fever. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 679.—Zinigrodzki (K. I.) (.) glubok phlegmon, podklouch. ohlasti i kokaine pri rigid, sochen. s atrophi myshtz. [On the deep phleg- mons of infra-clavicular region, and on the application of cocaiu in rigidity of joints with mnscular atrophy. J Pro- tok. i trudi Russk. chir. Obsh. Pirogova, St. Petersb., 1890, viii, 177-198. 76 ABSCESS. ABSCESS. Abscess (Bacteria in). See Abscess (Causes of). Abscess (Causes of). Sec, also, Boils (Causes, etc., of); Staphylo- coccus ; Streptococcus; Suppuration (Micro- organisms in). Hkuvio (II.-M.-V.) * Des phlegmons du mein- bre inferieur observ6s daus les bdpitaux de la marine et a bord des btltinients de la flotte, et particulieiement de leur 6tiologie. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1-^6. Jaxot (A.) ' Sur la pathoge'nie du phlegmon diffus. 4 -'. Xancy, 1888. Kaufmaxn (P.) "Ueber den Einlluss des Digitoxins auf die Entstehung eitriger Phleg- mone. [Strasburg.] 8C. Leipzig, 18-9. Also, in: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phamiakol.. Leipz., 1888-9, xxv, 397-414. Passet (J.) Untersuchungen iiber die Aetio- logie der eiterigen Phlegmone des Meuschen. 8°. Berlin, l88'i. Piciiancourt (A.-A.) * Etude sur la patho- genic des abces ietides. 4r. Paris, 1882. Bcrgonzini ( O.) Sopra un aseesso fleinmonoso da pneumococco. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1892, vii, 158-162—IS■■ min. Ueber einen abscessbildenden Diplo- coccus. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1885, 1-7.—Chapin ( \V. B.) Some factors influencing the formation of acute abscess. X. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 152.—Cornil (V.) Xote sur les microbes du phleg- mon cutane et sur bur siege. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1884, 3. s., iii. 317J-324, 1 pi. Also [ Abstr. ]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1883, xcvii, 1494-1497. Aho [Abstr.) : i'oiti]it. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1883. 7. s., v, C73-677.—fonder (L.j Pathogcniedecertains abces'iuul- tiples chez lis nourrissons. Uev. mens. d. mal. de I'enf., Par., 1890, viii. 121-127. — Doleris & Bourses. Note sur le streptococcus brevis dans les abces peTviens. X. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1894, ix, 76-78.—Esche- ' rich ( T. ) Zur Aetiologie der multiplen Abscesse im Sauglingsalter. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 927: 948.—Foliloison. Ueber Impfungen mit Abscess- niembraneu und den Producten fungoser Gelenkentziin- dungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880-81, xiv, 583: 1881, xv, 184,1 pi.—IIoll. Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Eiterung heim Pferde. Ztschr. f. Veterinark., Berl., 1889- 90, i, 467-479.—Heydenreich (A.) Quelques consid6ra- tions sur la pathogeuie du phlegmon ditfus. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy ( 18,-7-8 ), 1889, 64-72. Aho: Rev. mdil. de l'est, Nancy, 1888. xx. 391-399— Hohnfoldt (A.) Ueber die Histogenese der durch Staphylococcus-Invasion her- vorgerufenen Bindegewebsabsces'se. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1888, iii, 343-355.—Israel (J.) Demonstration eines Muskelabscesses durch einen Cysti- cercus. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1891), i892, xxii, pt. 1, 144.—Karliuski (J.) O nowszych pogladach na etyjologije zapalenia ropnego. [Xew view of etiology of purulent inflammation.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1888, xxvii,429;444; 457.— IVIarogna (L.) Studiobacteriologico del pus di un aseesso periuretrale. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. me.1..Pisa, 1802, iv, 341-344.—IVopvou (G.) Pathogeniedes abeds fetides des mernbres. Gaz. med. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 185; 197. Aho: (Jong, franc.de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1885, Par.. 1886. i. 96-102. —Kcelii* (P.) Une observation d'abces a. streptoeoques. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1 ,-'J 1, v, 248.—Scluiitzlcr (J.) Abscesse, be- dingt durch seltenere Eiterungserrcger. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893. vii. 784-78*;.— Vornouil. Micro- bisme et abces: classification de ees dernieis. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 461-467. Also : France med., Par., 1888, ii, 1290-1295—Vornouil A: Clado. Note sur le microbe pyogeue de labels sudoripare. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 534. ----- -----. Des abc6s spirillaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cviii, 272-274. Also: France med., Par., 1889, i, 241-244. Abscess (Complications and sequela? of). See, also, Abscess (Gas developed in). Di'FAU (A.) *Des abces pulsatiles de la re- gion sterno-costale. 4-. Montpellier, 1880. Flops. *De l'lilceration des arteres due au contact du pus. 4-. Paris, 1884. Also [Abstr.], in: Paris med., 1884, ix, 529-532. Lac/met (P.) * Rapport des eruptions cutan6es avec les suppurations. 4. Paris, 1-87. Weixkauff (K.) * Ueber Perforationen or«",s- serer Gefasse in AbscessLohlen. 8-. Heidelberg, 1890. J' Abscess (Complications and sequelw of). Abraham. Fibrinous exudation in an abscess cav- ity. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, 3. s., lxxii. 458. — do Argez (E.) Ulceration de l'artere poplitee au contact d'un foyer de suppuration. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 538. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1885,2. s., i, 423.—B«ckel (J.) Alices tuberculeux de la region sus-claviculaire; injection det her iodoform6; mort subite; communication du foyer avec l'arte-re sous-claviere, par 1'intermediaire d'un gan- gliou profond, ayant determine l'arrosion de l'artere; sine vrysnie dissequant s'etendant jusqu'a la crosse de l'aorte. Gaz.med.de Strasb., 1885,4.8., xiv, 76. — Bocgehold (E.) Ueber Arrosion grosserer Gefassstamme in acuten und Congestionsabscessen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 405-167. -----. Zur Frage der Arrosion grosserer Gef.-issstainmein Absccssen. Ibid., 1881, xviii, 631. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81), 1882, xii, pt. 2, 1-7.—Brora, Abces multiples de cause inconnue; mort rapide avec symptomes tvpholdes. Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 126-130. — Carter (J. M. G.) 'A case of retrocession of an abscess, with convulsions. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1881, xii, 219. — Castagnone (A.) Flemn.....e gangrenosa Indipendente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii, 485. —De Cailhol (E. A.) Maggots. Ohio M. Recorder, Colum- bus, 1879-80, iv, 350.—Fontaine. Abces soudains ter- mines par la mort. Arch. ni6d. beiges, Brux., 1890, 3. s., xxxviii, 92-95.—de Oaslcl. Ulceration de l'liumerale et d'une de ses grosses collaterales, dans un abces critique de la convalescence d'un erysipele de la face; mort par he- niorrhagie. France med., Par., 1882, xxix, 146-149. Aho: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 4-8. — ISross (S. W.) Observations on ulceration of the jugular veins, communicating with an abscess-jor an open sore. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxi, 337-353. Aho, Reprint.— Ouetcrbock (P.) Ueber Abscessblutuiigen grosserer Gofassstiimme. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xxiv, 415-434.—Hajck (M.) Ueber das iitiologische Ver- haltniss des Erysipels zur Phlegmone. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1887, n. F., ii, 327-382, 3 pi.—Hanotte (G.) Erup- tion verruciforme consecutive a un phlegmon. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1886, i, 5.—Hell wig (J.) Calculus per ahscessum circa umbilicum prodiens, et ex cubito. In his: Obs. phys.-med., 4°, Aug. Vindel., 1680, 309-311.— Hill (B.) Chronic abscess in the groin; ulceration into the right common iliac artery; death. Med. Times & Gaz , Lond., 1882, ii, 553.—Hoinans i.I.) Fatal haemor- rhage from the femoral artery caused by a sloughing in- guinal abscess. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892^ exxvii, 86.—In- tlehofcr. Ein Fall von destruirender septischer Phleg- mone. (Eigene Krankengeschichto eines Arztes.) Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 620.— Kocnig (A.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der arterielleu Ar- rosionsblutungen bei Abscesseroffnung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 605-607. — Irishman. Post- pharyngeal abscess-sloughing, with rupture of tlie inter- nal carotid. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, [4.] s., i, 405-407.— Levi* (R. J.) Fatal hemorrhage from perforation of the external iliac artery due to double psoas abscess. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 380— Lindner (H.) Ueber Ab- scessblutungen grosserer Gefiissstamiiie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 522. Also, Reprint.— Mitchell (W. M.) Large abscess on the hack, commu- nicating with tho lung. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1885, xx, 346.—IVIonod (C.) De la perforation des arteres an contact des foyers puruleuts ou inflammatoires. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Pin-., 1882, n. s., viii, 666-700. -----. Rapport sur une observation de M. Bouilly, intitulee: Perforation de l'art&re poplitee dans un fover purulent; ligature de la feniorale: mort. I bid., 737-743. -----. Rap- port sur une observation de M. Larabrie, intitulee: Ulce- ration de l'artere poplPee contenue dans un foyer puru- lent; hemorrhagie; mort. Ibid., 1887, n. s., xiii, 484-488.— Norton (A. T.) Extravasations of blood in kidney, lungs, etc., following a septic abscess in thigh; complete recovery. Med. Press Sc Circ. Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 641.—Bovordin (J.-L.) Abces de la region deltoldienne renfermant un cvsticenjue; examen histologiquc par A. Mayor. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, J885, v, 173-177.—Savory (W. S.) Abscess in the neck, which in its course destroyed a large portion of the carotid artery, jugular vein, and pneumogasti ic nerve. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 706. —Nelcnkow (A.) Ein Fall von Ligatur der Carotis communis in diphtherisch-scarlatinoser Abscess- hdhle mit Ausgang in Genesuug. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1887, n. F., iv, 61-64. — Sgarbi (E.) Un caso di morte repentiua per spaccatura di piccolo aseesso. Ras- segna di sc. med., Modena, 1894, ix, 192-195. — Smith (P. B.) Spreading gangrenous cellulitis. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 515— Smith (T. F. H.) Abscess in the right supra- clavicular fossa bursting into the lung. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 998.—Szekcres (J.) A kozbs tejiiter atfur6dasa garatmogtti talyog kbvetkeztebeii. [Perforation of the common carotid "artery through a retropharyngeal abscess.1 Orvosi lietil., Budapest, 1880, xxiv. 1075-1077. Also, transl.- I'est. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1881 xvii, 488- 490— Tailor (W. J.) The treatment of tubercular ab- scess. Am. Surg.. Phila., 1895, xxii, 104-108. — Terril- lon. Ulceration de l'artdrc poplitee dans le voisinage d'un n ABSCESS. ABSCESS. Abscess (Complications and sequelcvof). foyer de suppuration, succ6dant k une osteite de femur; mort par hemorragie foudrovante. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s.. x, 214-216.—Thir>. Le phleg- mon gaugreneux et le phlegmon diffus suppurant l'resse med. beige, Brux., 1859. xi. 93-98.—Thompson (H. X.) Carbuncles and abscesses following remittent lever, and complicated by haemorrhage, necessitating ligature of r. common carotid and r. internal maxillary arteries. Tr. Hongkong M. Soc., 1889, i, 207-212. Abscess (Diagnosis of). Miller (N.) A dissertation, read before the Massachusetts Medical Society, on the impor- tance and manner of detecting deep seated mat- ter. 8 . Boston, 1827. Barton (J. K.) Abscess or aneurysm. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1891 -2, x, 215-220. — Double (F.-J.) Considerations sur les signes founds par les abces. Rev. med. hist, etphil., Par.. 1821, iv, 95-116.—?Iai*h (II.) A clinical lecture on the diagnosis of abscesses; and on the necessity for their early evacuation. Clin. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 376-381.—I*aget (.Sir J.) The detection of abscesses. In his: Stud. Old Case-Books, 8°, Lond., 1891, 56-66. Abscess (Gas developed in). Sec, also, Bacteria (Gas-producing). Fraenkel (E.) Ueber Gasphlegmouen. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1893. Barjon (F.) Gaz du pus: ahc6s gazeux; pneumo- thorax essentiel. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1895, iv, 459- 469. — Bunge (R.) Zur Aetiologie der Gasphlegmoiie. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1894, xii, 533-545. — Dtibar. Phlegmon gangreneux et gangrene gazeuse. Xord med., Lille, 1894-5, i, 41. — von Dimgern. Em Fall von Gas- phlegmone unter Mitbetheiligung des Bacterium Coli. Miinchen. nied. Wchuschr. 1893. xl. 747-750.—Fraenkel (E.) Ueberdie Aetiologie deiGasplilegnionen (Phlegmone emphysematosa). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena,'l893, xiii, 13-16.—Levy (E.) Ueber einen Fall von Gasabscess. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1891-2, xxxii, 248-251. — Wolff (B. ) A case of gas-phlegmon. Med. Rec, X. T., 1894, xiv, 15. — Zcllcr (A.) Sc Arnold (J.) Ein Fall von multiplen pseudomelanotischen Gasab- scessen der Haut nach Erysipel. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1895, exxxix, 233-259, 1 pi. Abscess (Hair in). See Cysts (Dermoid). Abscess (Maggots in). See Abscess (Complications, etc., of). Abscess (Treatment of). See, also, Aspiration; Abscess (Chronic, etc.). Belaxger ( A. A.) * An inter apostemata, pauca ferro sunt aperieuda ? 4-. [Paris, 17(18.] Blaxc (L.-£.) *■ Traitement des abces chauds par les injections d'alcool. 4°. Paris, 1881. Chaxceaulme (A.) Contribution a. l'e~tude du trail ement pre~ventif du phlegmon diifus. 8°. Paris, 1-77. Davids ( C. ) * Beitriige zur Therapie der Phlegmonen. 8°. Berlin, [188:3]. Kouuowicki (C.) * Essai sur le traitement abortif du phlegmon. 4'-. Montpellier, 1884. Miska (C. G. j 'De damnis ex retardata ab- scessuum apertione. In: Weiz(F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Budis- sin, 1769, i, 152-157. Morlat ( L. ) * Contribution a l'6tude du traitement du phlegmon diffus (methode de Dob- son). 4°. Paris, 18-1). Notiixagkl (F. L.) * Ueber operative Behand- lung der Senkungsabscesse. 8C. Berlin, [188(5]. Pelee de Valkxcour (A. B. ) *Au inter apostemata, pauca ferro stmt aperienda? 4'-. [Paris, 1766.] de Saint-Germaix (E.-E.-P.) 'Contribution a-Pe'tnde du traitement des abces chauds sans incision. 4^. Bordeaux, 1891. Sartre (K.) * Traitement des abces chauds par l'incision limited avec injectious d'alcool. 4-. Paris, 1^8. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 1553; 1595. —I»ie- chand (T.) Traitement des abces chauds sans incision. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par., 1891, v, 252- 261. Aho: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. iu6d.de Bordeaux, 1891. xii. 304; 317.—I»o*l (A. C.) Calender's method of treating abscess. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii, 4,9— Qninlan. Two cases of abscess evacuated without any resulting disfigurement; remarks. Lancet, Loud., 1887, i, 217.— Beclns (P.) Pathogenie et traitement des nhlegmons diti'us. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1887. 2. s., "xxiv, 579- 583. — Kcvilliod (L.) Des abces de fixation. Rev. rn6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1892, xii. 573-587.—Bieholot (L.-G.) Abces chauds et pansement de Lister. Union Jii6d., Par., 1882. 3. s., xxxiii, 241-246. Also [Rev.]: Union med.. Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 326-329. Aho [Re- joinder]: Union med.. Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 329. -----. Abc6s chauds et pansement de Lister. Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 613-617.—Boschct. Bemerkungen iiber Bell's Vorschlag die Eiteigeschwiilste vermittelst des Haarseils zu bffneu, und nach und nach auszuleereu. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich, 1794, ii. 282-286.—ISoser (W.) Zur Kritik derLiater'schen Abscessbehandlung. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1869, x, 165-171.—BiinIimore (J.D.) The treatment of* abscess. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885). 1886, ii, 354-359.—Snlzwetle I. Die Behandlung phlegmoniiser und ahnlicher Entziindungen mit dauernden Alkokolver- bauden. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, xxiii, 310-319.—Schmidt (C.) Zur Frage der Behandlung von Eiterungen in starrwaudigen Hidden. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1890, xxvii, 146; 173.—Kclu amni (H.) Proszek jodoformu z weglem, jako Srodck do leezeniu wrzodow. [Iodoform and carbon in the treatment of abscesses.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1882. xxi. 362— Willi I li (S.) Treat- ment of acute abscess. ^Eseulapinu, N. Y., 1884, i, 122.— Slocqnart. Du traitement chirnrgieal des abce-s gan- glionnaires; procfide pour obtenir rapidenient la guerison, sans danger et sans cicatrice visible, par le couteau k double tranchant. J. de med., chir. et pharmaco]., Brux., 1886, lxxxii, 474-478. — Tlioin.-t* (A.-L.) De l'ouverture des abces phleginonoux. In Inn: Trait-6 des operations d'urgeuce, 2. ed.. 12°, Par., 1880, 542-549. Also: Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par.. 188n. xlvii, 207-209.—Tornu (E.) Nuevotratamientodelosabcesosagudos, proccdimientodel Dr. Piechaud, modificado. Au.d. Circ. med. argent.. Bue- nos Aires, 1892,xv, 68-79. [See, also, supra, Piechaud (T.)]— Trelnt. Sur le traitement d'un abces musculaire par ponction et evacution suivie d'injeetion d'ether iodo- torme. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1887, n. s., xiii, 99-102.—Trier (H.) Zur mechanischen Behandlung der subcutanen Phlegmonen. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1894, viii, 155.— Trzebieky (It.) O wstrzykiwaniach teukryny. [Injection of teucrin.] Przegl. leli.. Krak6w, 1894, xxxiii, 493. — Warner (F.) Early aspiration of purulent accumulations. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1884, n. s., xii, 723-725.— Wei.«N (L.) On the abortive treat- ment of phlegmon, especially of the fingers, hy resorcin inoculation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxx. 597-599.— W Iii I beck (J. \Y.) A case of abscess illustiating the importance of drainage. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Svracuse, 1886, 359-303.—'Wile (W. C.) Anew method of treating abscesses; evacuation; thorough solution of the adhering pus; disinfection; distension and compression. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 86. Also: N\ Eng. M. Month., Banbury, Conn.. 1887-8, vii, 605-007.—"Wilson (H. A.) Free incision of abscess of Ostitis of hip; and closure without drainage. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1892-3, xxv, 377-380. Abscess connected with blood-vessels. See Abscess (Complications, etc., of). Abscess (Abdominal). Sec Abdomen (Abscess, etc., of). Abscess (Alveolar and dental). AtkiiiMon (W.H.) Alveolar abscess. Dental Cosmos, Phila.. 1883, xxv, 631-638. — Angier. Accidents dus k revolution d'une dent de sagesse: abces: fistules cuta- nees; decollenient de la peau. J.d. sc. med.de Lille, 1880, ii, 335-337. —Brnxli (G. W.) Alveolar abscesses. Ann. Anat. A: Surg. Soe., Brooklyn, 1880, ii, 312-320. — Dean (M.S.) Alveolar abscess. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Loud., 1881. iii, 530-533.—Ky**autier (C.) Des abces dentaires; n6eessit6 de l'exti action au debut; consequences graves de 1 expectation, des palliatifs et de la non-intervention radicale. Dauphine med.. Grenoble, 1891, xv, 225-238: 1892. xvi, 1-12. — Farrar (J. N.) Radical and heroic treatment of alveolar abscess. Missouri Dent. J., St. Louis, 1879, xi, 181; 241; 301: 363; 423; 483; 545. Also: Proc. M. Soc County Kings, Brooklyn, 1880-81, v, 41-51.— Findlcy (M. F.) Alveolar abscess. Missouri Dent. J., St. Louis, 1880. xii, 207-222. — Friedrich* (A. G.) Al- veolar abscess. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1881-2. n. s., ix, 494- 503. Aho [Rev.]: N.Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1881-2, U.S., ix, 587- I Abscess (Alveolar and dental). 590. Also [Rejoinder] : X. Orl. M. A- S. J., 1881-2, n.s.. ix, 668-670. Also [Sur-rejoinder] : N. Orl. M. A S. J., 1881-2, n. s., ix, 750. — I»ould (A. P.) A case of alveolar ab- scess; thrombosis of both cavernous souses; death. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1886, ix, 2J6-23U.— IliigenNclimidl (A. C.) The occasional origin of true alveolar abscess from teeth with living pulps. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass., Chi- cago, 1890, xxx, 171-175. -----. Observation de fracture alv6olaire suppur6e du maxillairo superieur d'une incisive laterale gauche huit jours apr6s sa chute de la bouche. Rev. internat. d'odont.. Par., 1893, ii, 491-493. — Iliileli- inson (S. J) The radical cure of alveolar abscess. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1878, n. s., x, 9-23.—Inger- soil (L. C.) Alveolar abscess. Missouri Dent. J., St. Louis, 1880, xii, 547-565. — Lane ("W A.) Alveolar ab- scess; pyaemia; excision of thrombosed veins: death. Lancet, Loud., 1892, ii, 1044. — iTIaedounell ( R.) Al- veolar abcess. [Three cases.] Canada M. A- S. J., Mont- real, 1879-80, viii, 350.— TI'JKllianey (G. W.) Alveolar abscess; prevention and cure. South Dent. J., Atlanta, 1890, ix, 185-189.—ITIaclaren (R.) Lower molar abscess. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1894, ii, k66. — MacPliorson (J. D.) The importance of prompt treatment in alveolar abscess. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 567-569. -----. Alveolar abscess; a rejoinder to Dr. M. L. Rhein. Ibid., 720. — IVIarshall (J. S.) A plea for extraction and replantation as a means of cure in obstinate alveolar abscess. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 5-7.—I*oI1on*oii (M.) Du traitement de certains abc6s aigus d'origine dentaire par trepanation de la dent au collet. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1892, i, 399-402. — Bhcin (M. L.) Alveolar abscess ; a reply to Dr. J. D. MacPherson. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 635; 1891, liii, 75. — Bitter (P.) Ucble Folgen eines kiinst- lichen Gebisses durch Wurzeln. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1891, lx, 1901.—Bongbton (E/W.) Acute alveo- lar abscess. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1895, xxxviii, 817- 822.—Talbot (E. S.) Alveolar abscess. Chicago M.J. & Exam., 1881, xiii, 23-29.—Williams (E. L.) The pa- thology of alveolar abscess. Tr, Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond.,'1887-8, n. s., xx, 116-134. [Discussion], 142-144.— Wilmart (L.) Occlusion d'une caverne dentaire ; phleg- mon cons6cutif. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1880, xxxii, 385. Abscess (Chronic, cold, etc.). Andrassy (C.) * Ueber die Behandlung der kalten Abscesse mit Jodoforminjectionen. S-. Tiibingen, 1886. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1886, ii, 311-338. Bezy (P.) # Contribution a l'e"tude des abces froids tuberculeux du tissu cellulaire. 4°. Paris, 1880. Bonnaud (C.) * Abces froids des parois tho- raciques. 4°. Paris, 1892. Brallet (E.) * Essai sur le traitement anti- septique des abces par congestion d'origine ver- tdbrale. 4"-. Xancy, 1883. Brottet (C.) ''Etude critique sur le traite- ment des abefes par congestion ; du traitement de ces abces par la methode antiseptique de Lister. 4°. Lyon, 1^«(). Chameroy (C.) * Traitement des abces froids tuberculeux des parties molles par le drainage et les autiseptiques. 4°. Paris, 1882. Corbeil (C.) * Du t r:ii tement des abces froids par le j>'ratta»v. 4°. Paris, 1882. Forget ( G. ) *De la guerison spontanee des abces froids et des abces par congestion. -P. Paris, 1884. Hameau (A.) #Le traitement des abces par congestion a l'aide des injections d'6ther iodo- form6. 4°. Paris, 1888. Also [Abstr.], in: Therap. contemp., Par., 1888, viii. 250; 257; 281. Harlet ( L.-J. ) * Abces froids pdri-osseux (gonimes tuberculeuses). 4°. Lille, 1888. DE Hoestein (V.) * Les injections d'elher iodoform^ dans le traitement des abces froids. 4C. Paris, 1887. de Jissieu (A. L.) * Herbis, an ferro promp- tior, tutiorquo abscessuuin a congestione cura- tio ? 4 . [Paris, 1772.] Kohan (A.) * Contribution h l'6tude du traite- ment des abces froids. Xouveau proc6de* d'abla- tiou complete. 4J. Paris, 1893. ABSCESS. 79 ABSCESS. Abscess (Chronic, cold, etc.). Lacharriere ( G. ) * Essai sur le traitement des abces par congestion d'origine vertdbrale. 4-. Paris, 188'A. Laxneloxgce (O.) Abces froids et tubercu- lose osseuse. - . Paris, 18-1. Also [Rev.], in: Tiibune med.. Par., 1881, xiii, 340-344. Lasserre (H.) *Du traitement des addnitcs chroniques et de quelques abces froids par les iujeetions de naphtol. 4°. Paris, 1889. Lebatard ( H. ) * Contribution k l'e'tude des abces froids des parois thoraciques. 4C. Paris, 1887. Lecoisxe (P.) * Contribution n l'e'tude du traitement des abces froids (traitement par le thermo-cautere et les methodes contemporaiues). 4°. Paris, l88:\. Lemigxon (P.-A.) * Tent amen de abscessibus per congestuni seu symptomaticie. 4°. Paris, 1807. Mattei (A. ) * Traitement des abces froids par l'injection d'iodoforme en solution dans l'ether. 43. Paris, 1884. Parmextier ( J. ) * Etude sur la marche des abces froids de la region trochantdrieune. 4J. Paris, 1>'J1. Pichow (A.) * Contribution h i'6tude des abces froids p6riostiques du thorax. 4C. Paris, 1886. Roth (G.) * Beitriige zur Aetiologie kalter Abscesse. 8°. Wiirzburg, 18.-0. Saixt-Jeax de Poixtis ( J.-B.-A.) * I. Avec quellcs maladies pent-on confondre les abces froids/ Comment e"viter l'erreur? Doit-on en faire l'ouverture ? Comment et ou ? II. [etc.]. 4C. Paris. 1842. van Stockum (W. J.) *De behandeling van konde abcesseu. 8-. Leiden, 1---. Thiriox (E.) * Traitement des abces froids paries injections d'iodoforme. 4°. Xancy, 188?>. Thuau (F.) * Essai sur le traitement des ab- ces froids tuberculeux. 4°. Paris, le87. Torel (J.-J.-J.-L.) * Contribution a l'e'tude dn traitement des abces froids par les injections d'e'ther iodoform6. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Toulouse (J.-E.) * Du traitement des ab- ces ossilluents par la methode de Lister. [Bor- deaux.] 4;. Libourne, 1881. Vaxadier (T.) * Traitement des abces froids symptoinatiqucs par la uie'thode antiseptique de Lister. 4-. Paris, 1879. Zimmerman's ( R. ) * Ueber die Behandlung der kalten Abscesse mittelst Jodoforminjection. 8Z. Greifswald, 1889. Arm a iijj no (J.) Absceso por congestion; cnracion por la piineion aspiradora simple. Rev. de cien. m6d., Barcel., 1^2. ^i ii. 674-676.—Aubert. De la r6union im- mediate dans les ad6nites caseeuses et les abces froids. Lyon med., 1880. xxxiv, 371-376.— Barker (A. E.) On the treatment of psoas, iliac, and other large tuberculous abscesses by hot water flushing without drainage. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1891, i, 275-277.—Barois ( L. ) Du traite- ment des abces froids; m6thodes de Verneuil et de Volk- maun ; intoxication iodoformiquemortelle. Arch.dem6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1890. xvi, 81 -103. — Beatty (L. K.) Chronic abscess. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890, xxiii, 423.—Billroth ( T. ) Neure Behandlungsmethode der kalten Abscesse. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1883, xxviii, 568. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884, n. a., xxxvii, 41. -----. Ueber die Behandlung kalter Abscesse und tuberculoser Caries mit Jodoformemulsion. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 2ol ; 228.—Biot. De la com- pression ela.itique comme adjavant dans le traitement des abces froids. Lyon med., ]8«9, lxii, 519-523. Also: M6m. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1889), 1890, xxix, pt. 2, 219-223.—Bincarri (L. A.) Las inyecciones sala- das, en los abscesos frios. Siglo med., Madrid, 1880, xxvii, 23.—Beeckel (E.) De la guerison de certains abces froids sans ouverture permanente. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1880, xvi, 1-17. -----• Cure des abcfes ossifluents volumi- neux de la cuisse, d'origine vert6brale. Cong. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1885, Par., 1886, i. 249-251.— Bou- illy. Ahc6s froid d'origine osseuse. Therap. contemp., Par,, 1882, ii, 545-548. -----. Des resuitats iinmediats et Abseess (Chronic, cold, etc.). eloigu6s du traitement des abces froids. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc. -verb. [etc. | 1885, Par., 1886, i, 227-238. Also |Abstr.]: Rev. dechir, Par., 1885, v. 105.—Brims (P.) Leber die antitubereuld.se W irk unit des .Iodoforms. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1887, xxxvi, 189-193. —---. Ueber die Jodoform-Behandlung der tuberknldsen Ab.Messe, insbe sondere der spondylitischen Senkungsabscesse. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1888-9, iv, 200-219. -----. Ueber die Behandlung tuherkuliiser Abscesse und Gelenkerkran- kungcn in it Jodotorminjoktionen. Ibid.. 1890, vi, 639- 646.— Iluday (C.) A hideg talyogok kezel6s6rol. [On the treatment of cold abscesses.) Gvoirvaszat, Budapest. 1894, xxxvi, 90-93. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.- chir. Presse. Budapest, 1894, xxx, 513.—I'aird (F. M.) Note on the treatment of cold abscess. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1889-90. n. s., ix, 198-202. Aho: Edinb. M. J., 1890-91, xxxvi. 226-228.—C'alot. Dn traitement des abces froids. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc.. Par., 1893, vii, 739.— C-ay.in (II.) Traitement des abces froids idio- pathiques par 1 ablatiou apres solidification. Cong, franc. dechir. Proc.-verb. [etc. ] 1885. Par., 1886. i, 223-227. Aho |Abstr.] : Rev. de chir., Par.. 1885, v, 404.—I'liamt-roy. Traitement des abces froids tuberculeux des parties molles par le drainage et les antiseptiques. Paris m6d., 1882. vii, 565.—t'lejjhoin (G.) The treatment of chronic suppuration, without drainage, bv Barker's method. N. Zealand M. J.,Duuedin. 1893, vi, 3-7.—Cleveland f.I.L.) Recurrent abscesses of long standing. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic. 1893, n. s.. xxx, 137-139.—Coon ( E.) Ooniribuzi- one alia cura degli asccssi freddi merce le iniezioui d' una miscela di iodoforme con glicerina e alcool. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1888. 6. s., xxi, 145-151.—Coloiina (G.) Cura degli ascessi tubercolari; febbre da iniezioui di iodo- formio. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1892, xliii, 741-747.—t'ou- ilray (P.) Abc6s ossifluent. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par.. 1884, 3. s., vii, 249.—Dandois. Sur les injections d'iodo- forme dans les abces froids. Rev. med., Louvain, 1887. vi, 102-110.—Despres. Guerison spontanee des abces froids par congestion. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1883, lvi. 761.— Dn- pin. Abces froids multiples; injections d'6ther iodo- forme; sphacele special de le peau; raclage; guerison. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1886, xviii, 217.—Dnplay. Abc£s froid ossifluent du triangle de Scarpa. Union med., Par., 1893,3. s., lv, 169-176.—Ettari (L.) Cura di un asees- so cronico nella regione toracica con seno consecutivo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 108. — Ferron. Abces froids traites par la methode sanglante. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1887, viii, 16; 25. — Fischer (C.) Ueber die neue chir. Behandlung der kalten Abscesse. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh.,Hegnach, 1887, xxxviii, 130-134.— Folinca (F.) Contribuzione alia cura degli ascessi fred- di e per congestione. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1878, n. s.. iii. 249-274. — [Forget.] Guerisou spontanee des ab- ces froids et des abces par congestion. Paris med., 1884, ix, 601-603.—Friiiikcl (A.) Ueber Behaudlung kalter Ab- szesse mit Injektionen von Jodoformemulsion. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv, 812; 839; 866.—ISarre (C.) Zur Aetiologie der kalten Abscesse; Driiseneiterung, Weieh- theil- und Knochenabscesse (Seiikungsabscesse) und der tubercnlosen Gelenkeiteningen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1886, xii, 581-585.—IS iii* (P.) Note sur le traitement des abc6s froids. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1891, xiii. 584.—Hambar. De la nature des abces froids et de leur traitement. Concours rued., Par., 1881, iii, 432-435.—Hendrix (L.) Du traitement des abc6s froids par l'emulsion iodoforru6e. Ann. de med. et chir. . . . de Brux. (1891), 1892, iii, 71-76.—Ilirsh (A. B.) Iodoform locally in cold abscesses. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 16.—IIoiizol. Note sur un nouveau mode de drainage employe dans les abcfes froids. Cong, franc- de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1885, Par., 1886, i, 238-247. -----. Injection d'ether iodoforme daus un abces froid: anesthe- sie prolongee. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s., xiv. 565.—Hutchinson (J.) Multiple cold and painless abscesses in a young child apparently in good health. Arch. Surg., Lond.. 1891-2. iii, 271.—Ione*cii (T.) Abeese priii congestie. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1895. xv, 265; 289.—Jneopi (G.) Osservazioni di ascessi lin- fatici. In his: Pro>p. d. scuola di chir. prat., $i°. Milano, 1813, i, 39-71.—Jsegor (J.) L'emploi de solutions eth6- rees d'iodoforme dans le traitement des abcfes froids, des affections articulaires tuherculeuses et des kystes syno- viaux. M6ra. Soc. de med. de Strasb. (1886-7), 1887, xxiv, 94-102. Also: Gaz. nied.de Strasb., 1887, xlvi, 1-3. Also: Courrier med., Par., 1887, xxxvii, 42-45. -----. Observa- tion d'un cysticerque solitaire dans un abces froid. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb. (1886-7), 1887, xxiv. 280-291. Aho: Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1888, xlvii, 41. — Ja*iri«ki (It.) Leczenie ropni zimnych i opadowych nieto5ioop|tiiov iv hiaXvati iv aiBepi. TaArji'bs. 'A0r)vai, 18s5. xiv, 20-24.—KirniiwMon (E.) Sur deux cas d'abces froids volumineux, gueris par WW UIS^ARY OF THE TKHNIC SOCIETY OF KENTUCK tnvo*rv*Alko ^ ABSCESS. 80 ABSCESS. Abscess (Chronic, cold, etc.). 1'iujection d'ether iodoforme. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1886, 2. s.. xxiii, 158-161.— Ii an «c (F.) Remarks on the treatment of cold abscesses, especially in connection with Pott's disease. N.York M.J.. 1880, xxxi, 476-481.—1< an- neloiigiie (O.) Les abce,s froids tuberculeux du tissu cellulaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 140; 164. -----. De la teusion dans les abeds tubercu- leux ; Elevation de cette tension dans les abces symptoma- tiques de la coxalgie lorsqu'on traite eette affection par la methode de l'extension continue. Ibid., 1885, n. s., xi, 917-921.— IjC Dentil. Abces lympbangitiques profonds k marche chronique. Ibid., 1880, n. s., vi, 162-164. -----. Abces froid d'origine costale transforms en kyste sereux. Ibid., 1881, n. s., vii, 491.—Legroux. Traitement des abces par congestion. Rev. g6u. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1893, vii', 49.—I.eplat. Abces froid de la region dorsale; injections d'ether iodoforme; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat.-e'lin. de Lille, 1886, i, 31. — I.eprevost (F.) Des abces froids; leur nature, leur traitement. Rev. m6d. franc- et etraug., Par., 1881, ii, 838-84:;.— I.clulle (M.) Note a propos d'un abce,s froid ossifluent scrofuleux, non bacillaire et non inoculable. France med., Par., 1885. i, 471: 483; 495. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1885, ix, 50- 61.— Ivisovski (I. A.) Sluch. s mnojestven. cholod. abs/es. [Case of multiple cold abscesses.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt, 1891, 102-106.— IiOvett (R. W.) The treatment of cold abscesses with- out drainage, with report of cases. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, exxiii, 272-274.—lTIauclairc (P.) Des differentes variGtes etiologiqucs et cliuiques des abce-s froids ou chroniques; suppurations aseptiques aigues et chroni- ques. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1894, lxvii, 129-136.—Ulignoii (A.) Abc6s froid trait6 saus succ&s par l'injection d'Gther iodoforife (sphacele limite de la peau; extension de la tuberculosa locale). Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1887, x, 364-370.—Mollierc (D.) Des abces froids. Lyon med., 1890, Ixiv, 571-579.— IVIonod. Abces froid syniptoniatique d'une necrose costale; large incision; riiclage des parois; extraction d'un petit s6questre in- cruste dans leeotc; pansement de Lister; guerison com- plete par premiere intention en six jours. Progres med., Par., 1882. x, 317.—IVepveu. Alices fetides des mern- bres. Lev. de chir.. Par., 1885, v. 362.—Newton (R. C.) A case of cold abcess. Boston M. \: S. J.. 1883, cix, 246- 248. — IVicaiso. Des abces froids du tissu cellulaire. Rev. de chir., Par., 1885, v. 486-492.—Orccchia (C.) Su la cura degli ascessi freddi, con le iniezioni di etere iodoforniizzato. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. ii. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 324-332.—Pctreqiiin (J.-E.) Sur une nouvelle m6thode de tiaitement poui les abces froids destinee k prGvenir l'iufection purulente. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1849-50, xvii, 179-182.—Pie- rangcli (SI.) La tinturadi capsico nell' aseesso i'reddo. Besoe. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1884, xxxviii, 183- 180.—Poisson (L.) Indications dans le traitement des abces par congestion. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1889-90, viii, 135-137. —Pozzi (S.) Deux observations d'abces froids non ossifluents, exceptionnellement multiples et etendus, eueris par le grattage, la cauterisation et lo pansement k l'iodofornie. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1885, Par., 1886, i, 247-249. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1885. 7. s., ii, 195-197.—Preiijgnieher. Alices froid costal trait6 par la methode de Lannehmgue. Hull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii 724. —Keeln* (P.) Traite- ment des abces par congestion d'origine vert6brale. C;./,. hebd. de med. Par., 1882, 2. a., xix. 506-508. -----. Anatomie pathologiquo et traitement des abces froids. Inhis: Clin, et crit. chir., 8°, Par., 1884. 73-85. -----. Tiaitement des abces froids. In his: Clin. chir. de l'Hotel-Dieu, 8°, Par., 1888, 13-27. — Kcdai-d (P. ) R6- sultats eloignes de la cure des abces froids par les in- jections d'huile iodoformee: importance do la technique operatoire. Cong. p. 1'etude de la tuberculose 1891, Par., 1892, ii, 578-582. Also: Gaz. med. de Par.. 1892, 8. s., i, 397. Aho: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1892, li, 89.— Beino- kini: (II.) The treatment of cold abscesses by iodoform injections. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1887. xxxi, 392.— Koh»on (A. \V. M.) The treatment of large tuberculous abscess associated with hone disease by evacuation and injection with a solution of iodoform in ether. Brit. M. J., Lond., l.»91. i. 901-903.—de Konville (G.) Abces froid thora- cique d'origine pleurale. N. Montpel. med., 1894, iii, 729- 734. — Sabatticr. Des abces froids tuberculeux thora- ciques a propos de la variete sous pleurale (abces de Le- plati. Province med., Lyon, 1889, iii, 217-221. — de !«ia- bo'i'a de baron). De l'existence d'une certaiue vaiiet6 d'abces froids d'origine paludeenne. Bull, et mem. Soc.de chir. de Par., 1888. 11. s., xiv, 141-145.—Nay re (L. A.) Ou the traumatic origin of subfascial deep-seated, or cold ab- scess, commonly called constitutional or scrofulous ab- scess. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse. 1879. 429-441.— Sco- vazzo (D. M.) Sulla cura degli ascessi freddi: uota pre- veutiva. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1880. x. 405. — Socin. Sur les abces froids. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1885. Par., 1886, i, 251-254. — Soiidorma yer. O leczeniu ropni ziniiiych za pomoca, wstrzykiwaii mies- zauki jodoformowej. [Treatnient of chronic abscesses by Abscess (Chronic, cold, etc.). means of injections of iodoform. | Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1887, xxvi, 153-155—Nirons (A. B.) Cold abscess in the upper part of Scarpa's triangle. Sled. Age, Detroit, 1889, vii, 53.—Tanaka (X.) Ketsukai 03 obi sono insuru kan- roso no iodoform rvoho. [Iodoform treatment of tuber- cular abscess. ] Chiugai Iji Shmpo. Tokio, 1894, no. 332. 9- 13. — Tamsini. Sulla cura dell' aseesso congestizio. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 465; 473. — Terrillon. Abces froid dela region de l'oinoplate, &contenumuqueux; guerison. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, 11. s., vii, 500-504. -----. Abces froids das parois thoraciques. Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 81-83. -----. Des abces froids. Ibid., 1887, 2. s., v, 23-26. Aho, transl: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 131-135.—Traitenieiit (Du) des abces froids. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1881, ci, 24-27.—Trelat. Des abces froids. Gaz. d. hop., Par.'. 1881, liv, 697. -----. Abces froids. Ibid., 1884, lvii, 929.—Troves (F.) A clinical lecture ou the treatment of spiual and other tubercular abscesses. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 1122-1125. — Trioen (C.) Atrophia, prseeunte niorho inflammatorio, deinde frequente abscessu inducta, tandem superata. In his: Obs. med. chir. fasc, 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1743, 3-5.—Vance (Ap M.) Treatment of cold ab- scess, with three illustrative cases. Louisville M. News, 1885, xix, 100.—Verchere (F.) Traitement des abc6s froids par les injections d'ether iodoforme. Rev. de chir., Par., 1886, vi, 476-502. — Veriienil (A.) Injections d'6- ther iodoforme dans les abces froids. Ibid., 1885, v, 428- 436.—Wright (G. A.) The treatment of tuberculous ab- scesses by evacuation without drainage. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 905-907. Abscess (FcecaX). See, also, Anus (Preternatural); Abscess (Ischio-rectal). Ballance (C. A.) A case of fecal abscess, commu- nicating with the bladder, rectum, ileum, ami caecum. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1884, vi, 379-381.—Chadboiirnc (E. R.) A large fascal abscess, pointing in the popliteal space and resulting in a spontaneous closure of the per- forated intestine. N. York M. J.. 1880, xliii, 122-125. Also, Iteprint.—I!ntts (-T. B.i Case of faecal abscess. Ogle Co. M. Quart., Mt. Morris, 111., 1885-6, i, 49-52. — Fen- wick (S.) Faecal abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 1; 53. ----. Ou faecal abscesses connected with the small intestines. Ibid., 1886, i, 1007-1011.— Hawkins (C. H.) Clinical lecture on secondary and fecal abscesses. Ibid., 1851, ii, 25-28. Also, in his! . . . Path. \ Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874, ii, 390-402.—Hoffmann. Fakalabscess; brandige Zerstoruug des Mast darmes und des Dainmes; Folge des Geburtsaktes; Wiederherstellung. Akad. Hosp. d. Univ. Giessen (1848), 1849. 62-70.—Pooley (J. II.) An interesting case of fecal abseess. South. Clinic. Richmond, 1882, v, 479-481. — Stimxon (L. A.) Fajcal ' abscess from a foreign body in the intestine. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 504.—Young (R. S.) Recurrent fecal ab- scess. North Car. M. J., Wilmington. 1885, xv, 370-373. Abscess (Gluteal). Brings (W.) Gluteal abscess simulating hip-joint disease" St. Louis M. & S. J., 1889, lvi, 18.—Bryant (T.) Acute gluteal abscess following injury; treated by free incisions and irrigation with iodiue-water. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1884, i. 1044.—Roid (J. J.) Gluteal abscess; fail- ure of tbe antiseptic treatment. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 51. Abscess (Iliac). Giohdani (A.) Ascessi della fossa iliaca iu upa». A be 6s de la fosse iliaque droite provenaut d'une collect ion formee autour de la rate. J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1877,2. s.. i, 33.—Faae. Alices profond de la fosse ilia- que droite. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1888. ix, 160. — Fayrer ( J.) Iliac abscess. In his : Clin. & Path. Obs. in India, S°, Lond., 1873, 439-444—Fere (C.) Abces de la fosse iliaque communiquant avec l'art it -illation coxo-f6morale. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par.. 1880. lv, 61. Also: Progres iu6d., Par., 1880, viii, 651.—Garrijja y Pnii; (B.) Absceso iliaco abierto primitivainente eu la eavida'd intestinal: curacion. Cac. m6d. catal., Barcel.. 1885, viii, 616.—Gould (P.) Iliac abscess treated antiscptically: cure. Lancet, Loud., 1880, ii, 974.—Ctraverry (E.) De l'adenite iliaque cause de phlegmon de la fosse iliaque. In his: * Quelques cas de chir. prat., 4°, Par., 1887, no. 140, 37-54.—Grellet. Consid6rations sur le traitement des phlegmons de la fosse iliaque par les debridements hatifs, k propos d'un cas de perforation intestinale. I'nion m6d., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, 26: 37.—Gritti (R.) Dell'iucisione metodica degli ascessi della fossa iliaca interna. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 732; 739; 749.—Haldar (N. C.) Case of iliac abscess treated autisepticallv. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 336. Also: Tr. CaleuttaM. Soe., 1881, ii, 163-165.—Hernandez Briz (B.) Los tiemones de la fosa iliaca en los nifios ; uu notable caso en una niha de quince meses; consideraciones generates. Arch, de med. y cirug. de 1. ninos, Madrid, 1889, v, 2-5.—Hutchin- son. Abscess in iliac region attended with insignificant rise of temperature. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii, 38.—Iliac abscess. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children, Pendlebury, Manchester (1885), 1886, v, 173.—Ippolito & t,opre. Aseesso iliaco. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1877, n. s., ii, 55.—Jeannel. Gros abefes froid de la fosse iliaque droite, saillant sous l'arcade crurale, trait6 et gueri par l'incision, le curage et le drai- nageantiseptique. Rev. lfed. de Toulouse, 1886, xx, 1-18.— Lacaze. Abces froids de la fosse iliaque interne cons6- cntif a une p6riostite de l'os iliaque; trepanation de l'os iliaque. France med., Par., 1882. i. 879-881. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 133-136.—I,agarde (A.) Un caso de flegmon iliaco. An. d. Circ. med! Argentino, Bue- nos Aires, 1883-4,vii,757-769.—Iiecreux(R.) Observation de 4 calculs biliaires eJimines par un phlegmon de la fosse iliaque droite, sans persistance de fistule biliaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii, pt. 2, 284. — I.ocquin. fiuorme phlegmon de la fosse ili- aque; ponction sous-cutanee et lavage a l'eau pheniquee; injection de teinture d'iode; gu6rison. Lyon med., 1884, xlvi, 412-414.—Lydston (G.F.) Iliac abscess of probable traumatic origin; operation. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 195.—IVIanlcy (T. H.) A report of six cases of purulent formation in the right iliac fossa. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1889, iii, 165-167. -----. Something more on pus formation in the right iliac fossa. Ibid.. 229-233.—.Vlatas (R.) Iliac phlegmons; some considerations of anatomical anil surgi- cal interest. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc., N. Oil., 1886, viii, 72- 123. Aho, Reprint.—lUoraml (L.) Observation d'un abces fistuleux situ6 dans la lb^se iliaque droite; injections r6iterees ; gu6rison. Inhis: Mem. et obs. clin., 8°, Tours, 1844, 69-72.—ITIotais. Observationd'unphlegmon iliaque droit suppur6. Bull. Soc. de m6d. d'Auger (1873), 1874, n. s.. lxxvii, 141-149.—Uluiioz Fuciitew (M.) Flemon pro- fundo de la fosa iliaca derecha y pleurodinia del lado izqui- erdo. umbos a frigori. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1883, xxx, 248- 25o—do Paso (J.) Sc talvo (F.) Flegmon y absceso iliaco con perforaci6n intestinal; curaci6n. Gac. m6d. de Granada, 1884, ii, 1; 33; 65.—Pasquali (E.) Ascessi di ambo le fosse iliache, conseguenze remote di parametrite postpuerperale; vuotamento per aspirazione ; guarigione. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1883, v, 508.—Picque. Abces de la fosse iliaque d'origine lymphangitique. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1883, 6. s., v, 13-15. -----. Sur une variete rare et non d6crite de phlegmon de la fosse iliaque interne; volu- mineux abces chaud situe au-dessous du muscle iliaque; incision de^Jooper; gu6rison, par M. le Dr. Brault. [Rap.] Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 107- 109.—Raymond. Abce,s de la fosse iliaque et dn liga- ment large. Marseille m6d., 1884, xxi, 91-100.—Roomer. Phlegmon dela fosse iliaque d'origine puerperale; gu6rison apres operation. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1885-6, i, 239-242.— Roll in. Observation de phlegmon de la fosse iliaque. Ann. Soc. med. de l'arrond. de Neufchateau (1876), 1879, iii, 17.—Soldani (G.) Flemmone sottoperitoneale della fossa iliaca destra. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1886, lviii, 144- 150.—Ta«»o (F.) Aseesso fiemmonoso della fossa iliaca destra, apertosi per 1' ano e peibronchi. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1882, xxv, 37.—Trelat. Abc6s de la fosse iliaque. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 273. G Abscess (Inguinal). See Bubo: Abscess (Iliac); Abscess (Psoas); Groin (Diseases of). Absces* (Intracranial). See, also, Cranium (Diseases of); Head (In- juries of, Sequela' of). Gem ( W.) Intracranial suppuration with negative symptoms; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1888,ii,209.—Haw- kiuw (C. H.) Case of abscess within the cranium, dis- charging through the ear. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835-6, xvii, 156-158. Also, in his: . . . Path. A Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874, i, 321-323. —Kramer ( W. ) Ueber extra- dural Abscesse in Folge von Erkrankungen des Schla- febeins. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894, xlvii, 94-122. Abscess (Ischiorectal). Etchepare (B.) * Des abces ischio-rectaux. 4°. Paris, 1894. Hnrtmami (H.) Note sur les abces de la fosse ischio- rectal. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par.,1893,lxviii,181-183.—Lnne (W. A.) Rupture of ischio-rectal abscess into subperi- toneal areolar tissue; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 354. —Wharton (H. R.) The treatment of ischio-rectal abscess and fistula - in - ano. Columbus M. J., 1892 - 3, xl, 253-262. Abscess (Lumbar). See, also, Abscess ( Inguinal); Empyema (Complications, etc., of); Spine (Diseases of, Complications of). Barrow (W.) * An inaugural dissertation on lumbar abscess. 8°. New York, 1804. Miller (A.) A probationary essay on lum- bar, or psoas, abscess. 8°. Edinburgh, 1831. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgh, 1831. Abrahamson ( M. ) Einige Wahrnehmungen von todlichen Geschwiiren in dem grossen Lendenmuskel. N. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1789, 1. Th.,118- 124.—Andrcwsi (E.) A clinical lecture on lumbar ab- scess. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 505. -----. Digital exploration of lumbar abscesses. Ibid., 1886, vi, 421. -----. The incision, digital exploration and drainage of lumbar abscesses. Ibid., vii, 449-453. Also [Abstr.] : Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1886, xiii, 508-510.—Barring. ton (N. W.) Case of lumbar abscess cured by aspiration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890. ii, 897—Bitsch (J. P.) Om Be- handlingen af spondylitiske Kongestionsabscesser med Jodoforminjektion. [Treatmentof spondylitic congestive abscesses by injections of iodoform.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1890, 3. R.,'viii, 1161; 1185—Boset. Abceslombo-dorsal gauche; vomique; guerison. Arch.m6d.belges,Brux., 1889, 3.s.,xxxvi,225-227.—Bradford (E.H.) Lumbar and psoas abscesses treated by incision and drainage. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1887-8, Bost., 1889, i, 48-58.—Brock (W. J.) Case of hyperalgesia of the lower extremities, followed bv pointing of an abscess below Poupart's ligament and ter- minating favourably. Edinb. M. J.,1881-2,xxvii,508-512.— Bryant. Acute abscess in lumbar region after injury ; severe pain down the course of the anterior crural nerves to knee; free opening; necrosis of lumbar vertebra; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 619. — Biirlingauie (J. H.) Lumbar abscess cured by injections of jequirity. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1892, iv, 205-207.— Case of lum- bar abscess caused by ascarides lurnbricoides. [From: ,7. Triplicane Hosp. J Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1867-8, xii, 236. — Chaves (G. N.) Historia de uu caso de abceso lumbar, 6 flemon perinefritico. An. d. Circ. med. Argen- tino, Buenos Aires, 1883-4. vii, 906-913. — Colombo (G.) Aseesso lombo-iliaco sinistro da perlostite ed osteite cro- nica della sinlisi sacro-iliaca corrispondente, aperto ml mezzo della natica c 5 anni dopo al disotto dell' arco di Poupart del medesimo lato; guarigioue. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1882, 8. s., iv, 248.—Be I,annoy (C. W.) Case of lumbar abscess following typhoid ulceration ami perforation ofthe bowel. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 707.—Bnplay. Abces froid dela region louibaire; carie. Rev. m£d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1880, ii, 76-82.— Halli- day. ( ase of lumbar abscess which burst into the intes- tine. Tr. Belfast Clin. & Path. Soc, 1854, 34.— lie in of (E. J.) Abscess iu the loins; openings on the back above the crest of the ilium; recovery. South-West. it. (laz.. Louisville, 1887, i, 37-40. — Ko**lcr (E. H.) A case of abscess in right lumbar region. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1888, xviii, 589-591. — Ketch (S.) A case of sup- posed evacuation of a psoas or lumbar abscess through the vagina. Times Sc Reg., N. V. A: Phila., 1890, xxi, 544.—liaw (W. F.) A case of lumbar abscess. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1891, 115.—liydston (G. F.) Acute lumbar abscess simulating at its beginning nephritic colic. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 217. — tlcl.eod (K.) Foetid lumbar abscess opened antiseptically; continuous foetid discharge; death from exhaustion; communication ABSCESS. A bscess (Lumbar). between ciecuni and abscess cavity through the appendix vermiformis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1879, xiv, 231. — IVIarta (G. B.) Sc Paluello (G.) Aseesso loin bare ossi- fluente e poliuria. Cazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 468; 475. — iVIinella (F.) Storia di un aseesso lorn bare solto- a]ioneurotico. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 108- 112. — Ord. Lumbar abscess containing feculent pus; free incision; drainage: rapid cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 468.—Stoke* (W.) Lumbar abscess. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881. 3. s., Ixxi. 373-375. Aho | Abstr. ] : Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. s., ix, 85. — Taylor (C. F.) On the management of lumbar and psoas abscess. Med. Gaz., N. T., 1870. iv, 49-52. Also, Reprint.—Todd (M. S.) Case of lumbar abscess, bursting into the blad- der, complete recovery. Indian Lancet, Lahore, 1859, i, 12.—Williamson (T.) Case of lumbar abscess prob- ably connected with the kidnev. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 722-726. Also, Reprint. — Wilson (H. A.) Clinical lecture. Deformity of hip and knee follow- ing acute osteitis; lumbar abscess resembling incipient hip joint disease. Am. Lancet, N. Y., 1892, xvi,'243. Also, Reprint. Abscess (Lymphatic). I^ailler. Phlegmon lymphatique; gu6rison par r6- sorption du pus. France m6d., Par., 1880, xxvii, 410. Also : Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 54-56. Abscess (Metastatic). See, also, Abscess (Multiple); Abscess (Peri- osteal, etc.); Brain (Abscess of); Embolism; Lungs (Abscess of); Pyaemia. It inlay (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Histogenese der me- tastatischen Phlegmone. Arch. f. path. Anat., [ etc. ], Berl., 1890, exxii, 357-373, 1 pi. —Hawkins (C. H.) Clinical lecture on secondary abscesses. Loud. M. Gaz., 1816, xxxvii, 933-940. Also, in his: . . . Path. Sc Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874, ii. 375-388.—von Jloselijj- IVIoorhof. Fall von inetasialischem Abscess. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1878, Wien, 1879,138-140.—Nasse (II.) TTeber die secundareu Abscesse. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835, xiv, 355-412. — Bono (T.) Observations on depositions of pus and lymph occurring in the lungs and other viscera, after injuries of different parts of the body. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1828, xiv, 251-285. Also, Reprint.—Shakespeare (E. O.) Metastatic abscess of lungs following severe wounds of scalp, cranium, and hut- rocks. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 89-91.— Turel. Deux cas accidentels d'abces de fixation. Dau- phin6 nied., Grenoble, 1893, xvii, 35-37. Abscess (Multiple). See, also, Abscess (Metastatic). Couder (L.) Patboge'uie de certains abces multiples chez les nourrissons. 8°. [Havre, 1899.] Laurent (A.) Des abces multiples spontanea. 8°. Paris, 1879. Bland (E.) Case of multiple abscess. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1865, n. s., ii, 404-407.—Bradley (J.) A case of multiple abscess. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1886, n. s., x, 14.— Garcia I.avin. Abces multiples; abc6s de la region frontale communiquant avec la cavite cranienne et pre- sentant les caractferes de la meningocele. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 60-63. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 529.—Hallopoau (H) Alicescutanes et sous-cutan6s multiples et recidivants chez les jeunes enfants. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 345-348.—Lande. Abc&s multiples; erysipeles et phlegmon chez un albumi- nurique. Mem. et hull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bor- deaux, 1869, iv, 109-111.—Bivalta (F.) Ascessi multipli crittogenetici. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1892, xii, 34-37. — Boullaud (A.) Des abces multiples chez les nourrissons. Aun. de gynec, Par., 1888, xxix, 82-97.— Shaw (H.) A case of diffuse abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 322.—Syuipson (E. M.) Two cases of mul- tiple abscesses in children. Arch. Pediat., N. T., 1893, x, 675-677.—Tronson ( W. F. ) A case of multiple ab- scesses in a very young child. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1885, iv, 422. — Vilcoq (J.) Note sur un cas d'abefes multiples d'origine inconnue chez un nouveau-ne. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1889, vii, 63-67. Abscess (Pelvic). See Pelvis (Abscess in). Abscess (Perianal). Sec Anus (Abscess near); Periproctitis, etc. Abseess (Periarticular). [Biohet.] Des abces periarticulaires et des dangers qu'ils prcsentent. Sieele med., Par., 1881, ii, 59. 82 ABSCESS. Abscess (Perineal, periurethral, and uri- nary). See, also, Anus (J bscess near); Fistula (Anal); Gonorrhoea (Complications, etc., of); Urethra (Stricture of, Complications, etc., of); Urine (Ex- travasation of). Choisnet (G.) * Pathogeuie et traitement des abces p6riur6tnraux de la region p6rine"ale. 4°. Paris, 1893. Bonalunii (G.) Aseesso perineale. trior, di med. mil., Roma, 1880, xxviii, 587-589. —Bucking. Eine sehr complicirte Krankheit. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1780, ii, 260-266.—C'arlier ..'c Arnould. Pathogenic et traite- ment des abces urineux. Gas. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 314-317. — C ri*tiani ( H. ) Abctis periur6tral a gono- coques. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Gen6vo, 1891, xi, 047-650.— Fournior (C.) Abces para-urethral. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1891, ix, 166.—Macfarlano (J.) On urinary abscess. In his: Clin. Rep. Surg. Pract. Glasg. Roy. Infirm., 8°, Glasg., 1832, 140-145. — ITIadcr. Pyamie ohne im Leben naehweisbaren Ausgangspunkt. In cadavere findet sich ein periurethraler Abscess, der keine Svmptome hervorgerufen hatte. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892 ), 1893, i. 661.—IVIazzoni. As- eesso periauale; larga incisione semilunare a doppia coda; guarigione. In his: Clin, chir., Roma, 1884, viii-x, 13.— Olimanii-Duiiiesnil (A. H.) Peri-urethral abscess. J. Cutan. Sc Ten. Dis., N. Y., 1885, iii, 177. —Pick. Case of urinary abscess. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 344. — Post ( A. C.) Deep perineal abscess; re- tention of urine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 710.— Scalzi (F.) Aseesso perineale sotto-aponeurotico da sequestro. Gior. med. di Roma, 1865, i, 581-583.—Thiry. Phlegmon du tissu cellulaire periurethral consecutif a une ur6thrite simple, termine par resolution. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1859, xi, 287. — Wales (P. S.) Ab- scesses of the ano-perineal region. Independ. Pract., N. Y., 1883, iv, 249-260.—Warren (J. ) Periurethral ab- scess; rupture into the urethra; complete cure. J. Cutan. & Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1885, iii, 141-143.—Weiss. Abscessus periurethralis. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1877), 1879, 118-120. Abscess (Perinephritic). See Perinephritis. Abscess (Periosteal and subperiosteal). Gray. Case of acute periosteal abscess, followed by pyaemia, with secondary deposits; death. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 465.—Nicaise. De l'ost6o-periostite s6reuse des abc&s sereux. Rev. mens, de m6d. et de chir., Par., 1879, iii, 780-794. -----. Abcfes sereux sus-p6riostique corre- spondant k la troisifeme cote. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 492-497.—Vorneuil (A.) Abces sous-p6riostique k pneumocoques. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 565. Abscess (Periprostatic). Sec Prostate gland (Inflammation, etc., of). Abscess (Perirectal). See Abscess (Perineal); Anus (Abscess near); Pelvis (Abscess of); Periproctitis, etc. Abscess (Perirenal). See Perinephritis. Abscess (Perityphlitic). See Perityphlitis. Abscess (Periurethral). See Abscess (Perineal, etc.). Abscess (Periuterine). See Pelvis (Abscess of). Abscess (Perivesical). See Abdomen (Abscess of); Abscess (Peri- neal, etc.); Abscess (Prevesical, etc.). Abscess (Pharyngeal and retropharyn- geal). See, also, Abscess (Retroesophageal). Badixg (W.) *Die Operation retropharyn- gealer Abscesse von aussen. 8°. Greifswald, 1893. Bessems ( J.) Observation d'abces r^tropba- ryngien ayant pre'sente' les sympt6mes du croup. sm. PP. Anvers, 1840. ABSCESS. 83 ABSCESS. Abscess (Pharyngeal and retropharyn- geal). Dfdefoy (A) * Etude sur le phlegmon iu- fectieux pharyngo-larynge\ 4 . Paris, 18915. Ostkodzki (1.) *Der Rctropliaryugealab- scess bei Kinderu. 8°. Berlin, 1-8."). Agnew (D. H.) Abscess of the pharvnx. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvii, 65— Allen (II.) A case of retro-pharyngeal abscess in the adult. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1881, ii, 46-49.—Arnaud (R.) Deux cas d'abces froids r6tro-pharvngiens. Ann. de la polvclin. de Bordeaux, 1889-91, i, 143-147.— Aviragnot (E.-C.) A beds r6tro-pharyngien ; mort subite. Rev. mens. d. mal. del'enf., Par., 1893, xi, 449-453.—Beck (C.) Retropharyn- gealabscess (3 Falle). N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1893, v, 254-256. -----. Suppurative mediastinitis following a retro-pharyngeal abscess: drainage; recovery. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1894, vi, 255-259.—Bclliard. Abces chaud retro-pharyngien. Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol.. Par., 1895, v, 75-77. Also: Rev. de laryngol., etc., Par., 1894 xv, 751-756.—Berg (H. W.) Causation, pathology, and symptoms of retro-pharvngeal abscess. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1894, xiv, 522-524— Blackader (A. 1>.) Retropharyngeal abscess. Montreal M. J., 1888-9, xvii, 659-667. Aho: Med. Herald, Louisville, 1888-9. 561-568. Also: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889. vi, 80-89.—Bore hat (l\-A.) Note sur le traitement antiseptique des abces retro-pharyngieus. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne. 1880. xiv, 379-390.—Bokai (J.) A garatmo- gotti talyogr61 gyermekekn61 (abscessus retropharyn- gealis in cbildreni. [Eight cases of . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1857. i. 34; 49; 65; 81; 113. Aho, transl.: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1857-8, i, 183-216.-----. Neiiere Mittheilungeu iiber Retropharyngeal-Abscesse und Retro- pharyngeal-Lyiuphdriisenentziinduugen aus dem Pester Kinderspitale; beobachtet vou Prof. . . ., mitgetheilt von Dr. J. Alexy. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1881-2. xvii, 195-212. -----. Belso vagy kiilso metszessel nyissuke meg az onszenvi garatnidgotti t£lyogot. [Is the idiopathic retro-pharyngeal abscess to be opened from the interior or from the exterior ?] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1890, xxxiv, 352. Aho, transl..- Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 725. Aho, transl.: Paediat. Arb., Berl., 1890, 371-378. — Boucher (G.) Aseesso traumatico retro- f'ariugeo. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1883-4, iii, 110- 114.—Brook (W. F.) Two cases of retropharyngeal abscess in infants. Lancet, Lond., 1892. ii, 364.—Biirck- harilt (H.) Ueber die Erdffuung der retro-pharyngealen Abscesse. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1888, xv, 57-60. Also: Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1888, lviii. 65.—Carles* (A.) Retro-pharyngeal abscess in a child; tracheotomy; incision; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 483.—Carmichael (J.) Retro-pharyngeal ab- scess in an infant. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1881, vi, 132- 136. Aho: Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 24-28.—Carstens. Ein neues Measer zur Eroffnung retropharyngealer Ab- scesse. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1894, xxxviii, 373.— C'asazza (E.) Aseesso retrofaringeo. Gazz. med. di Pavia, 1893, ii, 84. — C'ayley (II.) Case of asphyxia caused by post - pharyngeal abscess; resuscitation by evacuation, and Howard's direct method of artificial respiration. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 232.— I'lieyne (W. W.) Case of retro-pharyngeal abscess pointing in the pharynx, but opened by an incision behind the sterno-mastoid; cure. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1881, ii. 254.—Cllutton (II.) Retro pharvngeal abscess. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 395.—Oabney (S. G.) Retro-pharyn- geal abscess, with enlarged tonsils. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 493.—Davidson. Post-pharyngeal abscess; as- phyxia: larvngotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 881.—De Blois (T. A.-) Two cases of retro-pharyngeal abscess. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 79-81. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii, 53.—Dunn (J.) Multiple retro-pharvngeal abscess. Virginia M. Month., Rich- mond, 1893-4, xx, 192-197.—Elli* (A. N.) Notes on retro pharyngeal abscess. Cincin. Lancet Also : Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1892, liv, 1-8.—«Icize (-V j Psoitis double suppuree. Arch, do med. et pharm. mil. Par., 1894, xxiv, 316-321. — Hall (J. C.) A lai "e psoas abscess treated autiseptically; recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 259.—Haslam (W. F.) 1 Abstractof a clinical lecture on psoas abscess. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1895, xxxvii, 129-139. — Hodgen (H) Treat- ment of psoas abscess by early aspiration. Weekly M Rev., St. Louis, 1889, xx. 443.—Huntington (T. W.) A caseof double psoas abscess; low operation followed by high incision; drainage; subsequent incision in groin- recovery. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1891 v 125- 128. — I,a Count (D.) Psoas or lumbar abscess. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1879, xiii, 116-120.— Lane longue. Abces par congestion; diagnostic diflereutiel avec le psoitis. In his: Lee. de clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1888 1G7-184.—I.ccourtois. [Abces par congestion; mal de Eott dans la ciuquieme lombairo et le sacrum 1 Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 120— Viae I arc (W ) Psoas abscess. Inhis: Collect, med.-chir., [etcl. ^, Lond., 1845, 122-124. — xflagliori (C.) Un caso di psoite. suppurativa doppia con ascessi niigratorii e carie delle vertehrc lorn- . ban. Cirillo, Napoli, 1878, i, 147; 161. — iVIniuiiii" (N ) .. Case of psoas abscesn. [1816.] Tr.M. Soc X. Jersey 1766- 18o9, Newark 1875. 155-159.-.TIoinbeI. Un cas de psoi- tis. Arch. med. beiges. Unix, 1892, 3. s., xii, 369-374 — von .VloMetig-.VIoorhof. Peripsoitis suppurata• Hei. lung im Wasserbette. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh Winnenden, 1881, xxxii, 78-81.—71 urrnv (Ii. W ) Radi- cal cure of psoas abscess. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila 1892 n" ABSCESS. 85 ABSCESS. Abscess (Psoas). s., civ, 35-38.—Mviiter (H.) Acute psoitis. Buffalo M. & S, J., 1881-2. xxi. 202-210. — Okada (T.) [A case of psoas abscess. 1 Chiugai Iji Shiupo, Tokio, 1883, no. 84, Sept. 10.— Owen (E.) Psoas abscess ; when and how to evacuate it. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 869. — Pick (T. P.) A clinical lecture on the treatment of psoas abseess. Clin. J., Lond., 1895, vi, 237-245.—Pitts (B.) Two cases of psoas abscess treated by lumbar incision. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xi, 322-325.— I*soa*ab*ce«*. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1867). 1868, 225. — Righi (G.) Disscrtazione sopra un caso di psoite pri- mitiva, Riv. veneta di sc. med., Yenezia, 1895, xxii, 149- 166.—Bobcrts (J. B.) Double psoas abseess opening on the buttocks, flexion of both hip joints. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii. 82.—Sayrc (L. A.) Psoas abscess, in connection with Pott's disease, opened antiseptically. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1880, cii, 530.—Sehossberger (A.) Zur Casuistik der Psoasabscesse. Wien med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 1999.— Silcock (Q.) New formation of bone iu the walls of a sinus in connection with a psoas abscess. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii. 564. — Smith (E. A.) Report of a case of acute bilateral psoitis. Buffalo M. A S. J., 1892-3, xxxii, 547-549.—Suowball (W.) Notes of a case of dou- ble psoas abscess, which recovered under Lister's treat- ment. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 493-500.— Stokes ( W.) Psoas abscess bursting into the cavit3T of the peritoneum. Proc. Path. Soe. Dubl. 1847-52, 196.— Striekler (O. C.) Report of a case of psoas abscess. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 9. — Tappey (L\ T.) Psoas abscess. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1892, xvi, 230, 1 pi. — Thornhill ( F. M.) A case of lumbar or psoas abscess. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1887-8, n. s., xv, 959-961.—Tillaux. Abces du triangle de Scarpa sie- geant dans la bourse s6reuse sous-musculaire du psoas iliaque. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1880, xlvii, 206 — Treves (F.) The direct treatment of psoas abscess with caries of the spine. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1884, lxvii, 113-126. Aho, Reprint. — Trowbridge (G. R.) Psoas abscess with formation of faecal fistula!. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1888, iii, 16-18.—Vanheuverswyn & Ballonghien. Psoitis suppur6e; envahissement dela fosse ischio-rectale et de l'articulation coxo-fernorale par le pus; mort. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, 89- 92. Aho: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1888, xi, 488-491.—Vin- ceut (E.) Psoitis. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvii, 718-751.—Webb (J. H.) Two cases of psoas abscess. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1889, n. s., xi, 97-106. Abscess (Renal). See Kidney (Inflammation of). Abscess (Retrolaryngeal). ^ Maxdelstamm (M.) * Contribution a l'6tude des abces r6tro-larynge"s priinitifs. 4^. Paris, 1891. '. Garel (J.) Abces retro-laryng6 aigu primitif avec pneumonie double. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.]. Par.. 1885. xi, 165-175.—<»oix. Des abc^s retro-la- rynges aigus priinitifs. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1882, cl, * 426-451.—JTosserand. Abces retro-laryng6 aigu k pneu- ,'.1 mocoques, compliqu6 de pneumonie. Proviuce m£d., " Lyon, 1890, iv, 385-388— Lereboullet (L.) Abces aigu r6tro-laryngieu ; cedenie de la glotte et dysphagie; tra- cheotomie; mort. Abeille m6d., Par., 1880, xxxvii, 81.— ITIcrklen. Abces aigu retro-laryngien; eed6me de la ^glotte et dysphagie ; tracheotomies mort. France med., Par., 1880, xxvii, 105. Aho: Courrier med., Par., 1880, xxx, 89. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 26- 28. -----. Phlegmon infectieux du pharynx et du larynx (abces retro-laryng6s primitif). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. P d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 845-853. Abscess (Retrocesophageal). See, also, Abscess (Pharyngeal, etc.). Bremner (S. K.) Retro-oesophageal abscess. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1895, xii, 189.—(Hutton (H. H.) Prever- vertehral abscess opening into the oesophagus and trachea. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1865, Lond., 1886, xv, 244. -----. Retro-cesophageal abscess. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 130-133. — Bichards (J. T.) A case of retro-cesophageal abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 659.— Ripley (J. H.) Retroesophageal abscess; tracheotomy; death from exhaustion. Arch. Pediat., Jersey City, 1884, i, 104-107.— Bollcntou. Abscesses in connexion with the oesophagus. Lancet, Lord., 1893, ii, 1569. — Turner (P. D.) A case of retro-cesophageal abscess, causing death by pressure on the trachea. Ibid., 1887, i, 17.— Walaham. Case of post-oesophageal abscess. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 471. Abscess (Retroperitoneal and subperito- neal). See Abdomen (Abscess of). Abscess (Retropharyngeal). See Abscess (Pharyngeal, etc ). Abscess (Spinal). See Spine (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of). Abscess (Subdiaphragmatic). Sec Abscess (Subplnrnic). Abscess (Subperiosteal). See Abscess (Periosteal, etc.). Abscess (Sublingual and submaxillary). See, also, Neck (Diseases of). BraMMour. Phlegmon et abcls sublingual (angine de Ludwig). Dull. Soe. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1893, viii, 154- 159. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1894, viii, 324.—Bartigollew (I.) Contribution a l'etnde de l'ab- ees sous-lingual. Rev. mens, de laryngol. [etc.], Bor- deaux, 1883, iv, 193-211.—Schwartz. Des phlegmons infectieux sous-linguaux (angine de Ludwig). Rev. gen. de cliu. et de therap., Par., 1892, vi, 465-467. Abscess (Subphrenic). Graxhsihe (C.) Contribivtion a l'e'tude des abces sous-diapbragniatiques d'origine gastro- intestinale. 8°. Paris, 1894. Maydl (K.) Ueber snbpbrenische Abscesse. 8°. Wien, 1894. Morgexstkrn ([F.]A.) * Ueber subpbreui- sclie Abscesse. 8°. Greifswald, 18j9:l Allbutt (T. C.) A clinical lecture on sub-diaphrag- matic abscess. Clin. J., Lond.,1893, ii, 81-88.—Beriiheini. Sur un cas d'abces p6ritoneal entre le foie, le diaphragme et l'estomac, on vert jltraversle diaphragme dans lepoumon; mort par gangrene pulmonaire. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1878, x, 353-357.—Bogoliepoff (L. P.) Zafascial. pod- diaphragmal. abscess i poddiaphragmal. pnevmoaoscess. [Post-fascial infra-diaphragmatic abscess and infra-dia- phragmatic pneumonic abscess.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1891, xxxvi, 863-868.—Broeksinit (T.) Een geval van hypophrenisch absces. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, 2. R., xxx, pt. 2, 1002-1005.—Bruce (M.) & Morgan (J. H.) Perigastric abscess perforating the diaphragm and causing empyema; operation; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 89-91. — Bruui (G.) Un caso di aseesso subfrenico. Spallanzani, Modena, 1883, 2. s., xii, 242-251. — Busacca (E.) Aseesso subfrenico a si- nistra aperto con taglio subcondriaco senza laparoto- mia. Boll.med.-chir., Tunisi, 1894, i, 9; 17.—Buttersack (P.) Der lufthaltige subphrenische Abscess; Peritonitis perforativa circumscripta subphrenica; Heilung durch Operation. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 116-120.— ('alder (J. G.) Sub-diaphragmatic abscess. North. Lancet, Winnipeg, 1889-90, iii, 99.—Cochrane (J. M.) Sub-diaphragmatic abscess. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1884, ix, 102.—I'oiiplnml (S.) Subphrenic abscess simulating pneumothorax. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, i, 636-639.— BachnevNlii (P. N.) Slucli. noddiafragiua. naryva. [Case of subdiaphragmatic abscess.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1890, xxxiv, 220-229.—Boyon. Uu cas d'abces sous-phre- nique. Province m6d., Lyon, 1890, iv, 364.—Fink (F.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der subphrenischen Abscesse. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 380-383.—lie'e (S.) A clinical lecture on subphrenic abscess. Cliu. J., Lond., 1894, iv, 105-109.—Oodlee (R. J.) Subdiaphragmatic ab- cess. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., iii, 40-58.—Grif- fiths (C.) Abscess between the spleen and diaphragm with secondary pyaemic abscesses in the liver. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 22.—Oriinbauui (A.) Zwei Falle von Abscessus subphrenicus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 376; 419; 477. —Harper (J.) Case of subdia- phragmatic abscess of the left side. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1884, ii, 184-186— Horrlioh. Ueber subphrenisch,e Ab- scesse. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 139; 162.—von Hosslin (R.) Subphrenischer Abscess, mit Empyein der Pleura in Verbindung stehend. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 43.—Holme (V.) Et Til- fselde af Abscessus sub-phrenicus. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1894, 4. R., ii, 445-449.—Jendrassik (E.) Rekcsz alatti tdlyog esete; adat a rekesztiiuet ertelniezesehe.z. [A caso of abscess beneath the diaphragm; contribution to the elucidation of the diaphragm symptom.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 491-493. Aho, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 658.—Kana- wara (K.) Kokeku niakka noso no itji siken. [Opera- tive treatment of subphrenic abscess.] Tokyb-med. Wchn- schr., 1893, No. 808, 1-6, 1 diag.—Kijcwski (F.) O rop- niach podprzeponowych (abscessus subphrenicus). Gaz. leU., Warszawa, 1894,'2.s., xiv, 1; 39; 67; 91; 123— I>ampo (R.) Ueber subphrenische Abscesse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 461-464.—I,eith (R. F. C.) Iurlam- niatory lesions of the thoracic contents arising from sub- diaphragmatic conditions due to gastric ulcer. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 296-343. ----- Intrathoracic inflam mation following upon subdiaphragmatic suppurations arising from lesions of the liver, spleen, kidney, intestine, and vermiform appendix. Ibid... 344-393.— liOiidot (R.) Abces sous-diaphragmatique gauche sans cause apprecia- ABSCESS. 86 ABSI XT II. Abscess (Subphrenic). ble avant Minnie un pvo-pneumothorax; integrite de la cavite pleurale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 33.— l/oyden iE.) Leber einen Fall vou retroperitonealeru Ahsci" lein durch das Zwerchfell nach nnten perforirtes eitrige- I'leuraexsudat), nebst Bemerkungen zur Therapie der F'leiiiaeinpveine. Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl. Il8s8-!ii. Is'.'O. ;'l9-129.—.TIaekeiizie (H.) Sc Abbott (F. C.I Snluliapliiagniatic abscess coinmunicatiug with the right pleura successfullv treated by resection of rib and drainage. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lviii. 453.— .tl a n nra (0.) Un caso di aseesso subfrenico di Leydeii. Arch, internaz. d. spec, med.-chir.. Napoli, 1893, ix. 73-77.— IIa*on (A. L.i Cases of sub-diaphragmatic abscess. Bostou il. & S. J.. 1889, cxxi, 449-452. ------. Subphrenic abscess, with special reference to those cases which simu- late pvo-pneumothorax. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians. Phila., 1893, viii, 213-244. Aho. Reprint. Aho: Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxix. 186: 217; 247.-Mauclaire (P.i Des abces -ous-diaphragniatiqiies (simples ongazenx): phreno- peritnuire. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1895. lxviii, 317-326.— Jlavdl. Ueber subphrenische Abscesse. Verhandl. d. x internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 240- 2J5. — .Tlaylaril (A. E.) A case of sub-diaphragmatic abscess occupying part ofthe epigastric and left hypo- choiidriae regions, accompanied with pleuritic effusion of the left side. Glasgow M. J., 1886, [4. J s., xxvi, 241-247.— ITIoltzer iS.J.) On subphrenic abscess Tr. Ass. Am. Phvs, ians. Phila., 1893, viii, 245-256. Aho: N. York M. J.. 18.'!. lvii. 692-696. Aho, Repiint. Aho, transl.: In- ternat. klin. Rundschau. Wien. 1893. vii. 1085; 1157; 1279.— MoniKlyrHlii. Ein Fall vou Abscessus subphrenicus de\t. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr.. lrMi. n. F.. iii 433.— Oeeliiui i F. i Storia di un caso di aseesso pi imitivodia- frammatico non diagnosticato. Gazz. med. di Roma. 1883, ix. 49-56.—Oliver. Case of subdiaphragmatic al>sce>s. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1892, i. 715.—0»ler(W.i Casesofsub- , jihienie ale-cess. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsieiaus, Phila.. 1893, I viii. J57-267. Alv: Canad. Pract.,'Toi.uito. 1893, xviii, 565-574. — Park i R. ) Empyema following subphrenic | absce>s: epilation and drainage. Intermit. M. Mag.. Phila.. 1892. i, 384-389.—Plinatus. Noch ein Fall von | subphrenischem Abscess. St. Petersb. nied. Wchnschr.. 1,-87. n. F., iv, 29-31.—Sachs (W.j Der subphrenische | Abscess im Anschluss an die perityphlitische und perine- phritische Kiterung. Arch. f. kUn. Chir.. Berl.. 1895. 1. 16-74.—Mclicnk id Ein Fall von subphrenischem Ab- scess bei einer Fran mit Situs visceium inversus. St. Petersb.med. U'chnscln., 1889, n. F., vi. Ill; 119.—Shep- herd. Sub-diaphragmatic abscess. Canada M. Rec. Montreal. 1887-8. xvi, 101-103. Aho: Med. News, Phila.. 1887. li, 7uo-7u2.—Nonthey. Sub-diaphragmatic abscess, with tnmour. consisting of left lobe of liver, and circum- scribed peritoneal thickening, apparently derived from cicatrix of an old pertbiating ulcer of stomach : death by lnug gaugieue, ami perforation of abscess through into left pleiu.i. Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1879. n. s.. xxviii, 393. —Mtoekton (C. G.) Pleuritis, empyema, and septic pneumonitis tolloxving subphrenic abscess. Internat. M. Mag.. Phila.. 1892. i. 3*1-384.—Snbplireiiischer Abscess nach einem Panaritium; Incision: Heilung. Jahre.-b. ii. d. chir. Klin d. Univ. Greifswald l8>9-9u. Leipz.. 1892, 60.—Thomson (G. S.) Snb-diaphragmaticabscess simu- lating liver abscess. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1892. iii, 78.—Tiling Hl.i Zwei Falle von Abscessus subphreni- cus. St. IN teisb. nud. Wchnschr., 18*2. vii, 85.—Tribus (S. A.) Abscessus subphrenicus dexter. Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1893, xxxix, 782-790. — Vanlair |C.) Un cas d'ab- ces sous-diaphragraatique termini par gu6rison. Bull. A.ad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1893, 4. s., vii, 157- 104. ------. Contribution a l'etude des abces sous diaphrag- matiiiues gazeux. Rev. de med.. Par., 1893, xiii, 561-587.— Walilen (E.) Ett fall af inkapslad varsamling niellan lefveru och diafragma Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1883-4, xix. 367. Aho, transl. | Ab-.tr.]: Lpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1884-5, xx, p. xi. — While iJ. W.) The relations of sub- diaphragmatic abscess to the thoracic viscera ; with three illustrative cases. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1890, i, 1002-1006.— Wulf (A. M.) Slneh. abscessus snbdiaphragmaticus. [Ca.se of... | Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb., 1891. v. 97; 133. — Zehuder. Subphrenischer Abscess, welcber von der Gallenblase ausgegingen, in die Bronchieu perfo- "» rirte. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1890, xxxvii, 322. Abseess (Subscapular). Blodgctt (A. N.) A case of subscapular abscess, with remarks. Am. J. M Sc. Phila., 1884, n. s., lxxxviii 384- 391. Aho Reprint.—Hooper (F. H.) Two cases of sub- scapular abs,ess: one ot them attended by perforation of the lung Bostou M. ^ S. J.. 1?81, civ, 4S5-489. Abseess (Suprapubic). See Abscess (Prevesical, etc.). Abscess (Symptomatic). See Abscess (I liac); Abscess (Lumbar i: Ab- scess (Psoas); Ribs, Spine,Diseases of, Compli- cations, etc., of. Abseess (Thecal). See Tendons (Sheaths of, Diseases of). Abseess (Tubercular). .Sec Abscess (Chronic, etc.). Abseess (Urinary). See Abscess (Perineal, etc.). Absinth. Bohm (C. F.) * Ueber die Wirknngen des atherischen Ab.sintb.51s. ~J. Halle a. S., 1879. Aho |Abstr.]. in: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879. xvii, 689-691. Borie (V.) Le verre d'absinthe. 8-. [Pa- ris, n. d.] Repr.from: Sieele (Le). Challaxd (T.) fitude expe"rimentale et cli- nique sur l'absinthisnie et l'alcoolisme. S~. Paris, 1-71. Charpixe (A.) *De l'absinthisnie. 4Z. Pa- ris, 1>94. Coletti (F.) Sul liquore di assenzio. Padova, 1864. Aho, in: Igea, Milano, 1864. ii, 273; 289. Duquesxel (H.) De l'absinthine, principe anier de l'absintbe. Caracteres, applications therapeutiques, son association au fer, mode d'emploi. --. Paris, 1886. -----. Tbe same. Absintbine, its therapeu- tic application and combination with iron; man- ner of using in the treatment of anorexy, anemia, and chlorosis. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. GaCTTER (L. ) * Etude clinique sur l'absin- thisnie chronique. 4-. Paris, 18-2. Aho [Rev.], in: J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par.. 1882, xlix, 233. Lierre (H.) La question de l'absintbe. P2;. Paris, 1-67. Moreau CT.-M.-F.) De la liqueur d'absinthe et de ses effets. -;. Paris, 1863. Sexuer (O.) * Ueber Absintbin, den Bitter- stoff der "NVermntspflanze (Artemisia Absinthi- um). [Erlangen.] S-. [Berlin, 1891, vel sub- «•'/•] Caileac & Meunier (A.) Sur les proprietes phy- sioli>gi.-9. 2. s., xxi, 499-506. Aho [Rev ]: Coii.pt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i. 633-641. — I.ance- reaux. Absinthiame aigu. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 18,«U, 2. s., ix, 893-901. Aho: Abeille med., Par., 1^0, xxxvii, 410-412. Also: Rev. de therap. rn6d.-chir., Par., 1880. xlvii, 508-511. -----. Absinthisme chronique et ab- sinthisme hereditaire. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., lfsii. 2. s.,ix, 1074-1 u.s.5. ------. De 1'absinthisme chronique. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1881. 6. s., iii, 191; 202; 294; 326; 342. Aho [Abstr] : J. d. conn. ni6d. prat., Par., 1881, xlviii, 257.— illagnaii. fitnde experimentale et clinique sur l'alco- olisiue; alcool et absinthe ; epilepsie absintique. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1869, xiii, 310; 322: 334: 394; 425. Aho. Re print. ------. Des principaux signe.s cliniques de l'absin- thisme. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1890. xii, 909-923. — Ott 'I. ) The si at of absintbic epilepsv. J. N. Creikshaxk (W.) The anatomy of the ab- sorbing, vessels of the human body. 4:. Lon- don, 17Mi. -----. The same. Anatomie des vaisseaux absorbans du corps hnniain . . . ; ouvrage oru6 de planches gravees en taille-douce, et traduit de l'auglais par M. Petit -Kadel. <-~. I'uris, 17-7. Crczkl (J.-G.) "Du me'cauisuie de l'absorp- tion; etude de physique animale. 4 . Stras- bourg, 1869. Daxy (L.-F.) "Sur l'absorptiou. 4-. Stras- bourg, \8->(). Fabbkis(A.) * Dell' assorbimento. c\ Pa- dova, [l-->6]. Fodeka (M.) Recherches experiruentales sur l'alisorptiou et l'exhalation. 8C. Paris, 1—28. Fii.i.ARTox (J.) * De absorptioue. -i°. Clas- gua>, l-imi. Goldberg (A.) *0 vlijanii iskusstvenno vyzvannago potieni.ja i vysokoi temperatury na bystrotu vydielenija mochei liekarstvennych veschestve. [On the effect of artificially pro- duced perspiration and hijih temperatures upon rapidity of excretion of medicaments through i the urine.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1*.'6. Hack (W.) * Ueber das Kesorptionsvermoyen granulireuder Fliicheu. [Freiburg i. Br.] r- . Leipzig, 1-79. Hanuyside (P. D.) *De vasis absorbentibus. 8:. Edinburgi, 1-31. ------. The same. [With appendix.] 8°. Edinburgi, 1*31. Hodge (B. G.) ' Experiments and observa- tions ou the absorption of active medicines into ! the circulation. *°. Pliiladelphia, 1*01. Also, in: Cali>wei.l(C.) Med. theses [etc.]. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1800. ii, 103-137. Holme (K.) fDe structura et usu vasoruin absorbentium. 4". Lugd. Hat., 1793. Kohlek (T.) "Ueber den Unterschied in der Aufsaugung zwischen hungerudeu und gefiitter- ten Tbieren. 8-. Marburg, [187)8,]. Lambo>sy (J.-M.) 'Considerations physico- chimiques relatives a l'absorptiou des ineMi- camens mine'raux. 4J. Strasbourg, lb3(i. " Laxo (H.) * Ueber den Eiulluss des Nerven- systems auf die Aufsaugung. 8 -. Slrassburg, 1-91. Leonhakdi (J. G.) De resorptioue cutanea. 4C. Lipsiie, [1768], Absorbents and absorption. ------. * De resorptiones in corpore humauo pneter naturam impeditte causis atque noxis. 4:. Lips'uc, [1771]. Also [Abstr.], in: WEIZ (P. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frank/, u. Leipz., 1775, iii, 100-104. Leubi'schku (G.) *Studien iiber Resorption seitens des Darmkanales. (Aus dem physiolo- gischeu Institute zu Breslau.) Habilitations- scbrift. 8SJ. Jena, l^*f>. Mattiiies (H. L.) *De niedicamentis absor- bentibus. sm. 4 . Tubingte, [lbll]. van Meuf.s (L. L.) *Systematis vasorum absorbentium suecincta descriptio. 4:. Har- der rici, [1786]. Pellerin (C.) * Quelques reflexions sur les organes qui servent a l'absorptiou. 4^. Paris, 1818. Pring (D.) An essay on tbe absorbents; comprising some observations upon the relative pathologies and functions of the absorbent and secreting systems. 8°. Bath, 1813. Prochaska (T. L.) *I)e absorptioue. 8\ Yindobonas, 1837. Schwartz (A.) * Sovreniennoe sostojanie voprosa o vsa.sivanii kojeiou. [Ou absorption by skin.] 8\ St. Petersburg, 18(55. Schwertner (C. F.) * De venis absorbenti- bus. 4 !. Lips'uv, [1732]. Smith (E. D.) *An attempt to prove that certain substances are conveyed, unchanged, into the circulation; or, if changed, that tliey are recomposed and regain their active proper- ties. 8°. Philadelphia, 1800. Soemmerring (S. T.) De trunco vertebrali vasoruin absorbentium corporis hutnani coni- mentatio ad annum 1796. 8°. [Gottingie, 179(5.] Cutting from: Comment, phys., Gottinga1, 1790, xiii, 119-123, 1 pi. Srenue ((J.) *De vasis absorbentibus. --. Edinburgi, 17'JO. Spina (A.) Ueber Resorption und Secretion. 8" . Leipzig, 1882. Szag ^P.) * Ueber die Absorptionsfahigkeit der Thierkohle gegenuber orgauischeu Stoffen. b-'. Konigxberg in Pr., 1*83. "Wrisbergies (H. A.) Observationes ana- toinico-iuedieaj de systemate vasorum absor- bente, morbos vieissim excitante et sanante, pradecta? d. xii. Jul. mdcclxxxviii. 4-. [Got- tinga-, 17*9.] Cutting from: Comment, phys., Gottingae, ix, 136-108, lpl. Zsivkovits (J.) *De systemate absorbente. 1-2 . Vindobona', 1*1*. Absorption. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1827, xiv, 98- 102. — Raculo i I',. ) Sail' influenza del sistema ner- voso sui i'euomeni di assorbimento. Atti xii. Con;;, d. Ass. med. ital. 18K7, Pavia, 1888, i, 264-269.— Kiiiikm (R ) Hunterian lecture on absorption in relation to physiology, pathology, and therapeutics. Lancet, Loud., 1M>*, ii, 9-J5- 928. — IJo*toclt (•).) Absorption. Cycl. Anat. ^ Phys. (Todd). Lond., 1835-6, i, 20-35. Also, Reprint.—Ca»Kiii'i (E.) De l'absorptiou des corps solides. Arch, de med ex- per. et d'anat. path., Par., 1S92, iv, 270-284, 2 pi.—Flciiicr (W.) Ueber die Resorption corpuscularen Elementc durch Lungcu nud Pleura. Arch. f. path. Anat. etc., Perl., 1888, cxii. 97-i:;\. 1 pi. Aho, Reprint. — 4»i-<'-li:tiit & ((iiiii- quiiud. A quel moment une substance dissoute mjectee dans l'estomac ou sous la peau apparait-elledans le sang' Compt. rend Soc.de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s.. v. 6(i:s.- t-iiits- ii»'r (P.) Einige neuere Arbciten betreitend die Lehre von der Resorption. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1887, iii, 950-959. Also. Reprint. -----. Einige neuere Arbeiten betreffend die Libre von der Resorption. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv. 343; 303. Also, Reprint. — ■■:imbili'K8. Umfreville (T.) The case of Mr. John Fer- guson, of Argylesliire, in Scotland, who liath lived above eighteen years only ou water, whey, or barley-water; together with observations thereon, wherein are laid down the possibility of the truth of the said case, attested to the Royal Society, on Thursday, the 9th day of December, 174'2. Supported by cases of the like nature from authors; reasons why such slender diet hatli been able so long to support life. With some curative intentions and remedies for this person's recovering his pristine state of health. 8°. London, 1743. AVaerlich (C. F. C.) * De jejunio vero et ficto. 4°. Jena?, [1794]. Kallin (A.) Observation sur la longue abstinence d'un maniaque, suivie de la mort, recueillie par les ordres et sous les yeux de Desgenettes. Gaz. nat. ou le Moni- teur univ. Par., 1801, xxv, 1185; 1194. — Bournevillc. Un idiot jeuneur. Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 727- 729. — Kiichnerus ( A. E.) De septuagenarii senis ab omui cibo potuque per plnres ante mortem dies, post grae- gressum diuturnum morbum, abstinentia. Acta Acad. nat. enrios., Norinib., 1742, vi, 198-201.—Campbell (J. A.) Feeding versus fasting. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 254.—Casuistik aus den Pariser Spitalern. Ueber zwei Falle von unfreiwilligem laneerem Fasten. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv,'400.—Curtis (L.) A study of blood during a prolonged fast. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1881, Salem, 1882, xxx, 95-105.—Cutter (J. C.) Human endur- ance, f Exposure to cold and abstinence for 25 davs. ] Boston M. Sc S. J., 1880, ciii, 66-68. — Don gal (J.) A case of prolonged fasting. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 766: 1882, i, 631.—[ Dr. Tanner's fast.] [Edit.] Med. Rec, N. V.. 1880, xviii, 55; 84; 112; 140; 158; 160; 255; 352.— Fichhorst (H.) Die Veranderungen der quergestreif- ten Muskeln bei Vogeln in folge von Inanition. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 161-163.—Extrait d'une lettre ecrite de Harlem le 12 f6vrier 1685. [From: Kouvelles de la Repub. des lettres.) Collect, acad. de mem., etc., Dijon., 1766, vii, 400. — Fasting (A) woman in Ipswich. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 30.—Fasting memoranda. Gailhird's M. J., X. T., 1880, xxx, 258-263.—Fille (Une) passe beaucoup de temps sans manger. Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1786, [2. s.], xii, 352-354.— Folet (IL) De quelques troubles intellectuela imputables a la faiiu. Bull. m£d. du nord, Lille. 1877, xvi, 314-354.—Foley. Sur les usages des ceinturesde famine a la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1879, 3. s., ii. 529.—Fritsche (G.) Doswiadczeuie d-ra Tannera. [Dr. Tanner's experiment.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1880, viii, 588-590. — GSrootenboer (A.)' Case of protracted abstinence from food. [Translated from the Dutch, and forwarded by a correspondent.] Loud. M. Sc S. J.. 1834-5, vi, 534-536.—van der Ilegge Zijnen (B. G.) Engelt.je van der Vlies. (Caseof fasting.] Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1880, xxxiv, no. 42.—Iljertstrom (E.) Fall af langva- rig uariugsvagran (sitofobi) jemte nagra ord om tvangs- matning (alimentation forcee). [Sitophobia in an insane person, and some words on forced abstinence.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1880, xv, 4^4-192.—Hughes (C. H.) A medical brief on reserve force. Inhis: Reflex cerebral hyperemia, 8° [n. p., n. d.], 6-8.—Johnson (L. B.) [Case of refusal to eat or drink ; death on the 21st day.| Gail- lard's M. J., X. Y., 1880, xxx, 524— .TEacLoiighlin (T.) Survival after eleven days' fasting. Lancet, Loud.. 1>*78, ii. 040.— ITIt-IVeill ( D.) An extraordinary fasting case. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 938.—Moore (K. P.) Tanner pul toopeu shame by afasting prisoner. Atlanta M. Reg., 1&S2-3, n. s., ii, 81-84. — IVoyes (J. ('.) Prolonged absti- nence from food. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1880, ciii, 140. —Pa- narolus (D.) Virgo per 22. dies absque ullo cibo. et potu permansit. et couvaluit. Jnhis: Iatrologisiuoruni, 4°, Romie, 1652, 314.—[ Paul. ] Sur l'abstinence longue et tot;ile des ahmens tant solides que liquides par M. Bec- cari. | From: Hist. Acad. d. sc.de Bologne] Collect, acad, d. mem., etc., Par., 1773, x, 74-86.—Po-cival (T.) A narrative of the sufferings of a collier, who was confined more than seven days, without sustenance, and exposed to the choke-damp, iu a coal pit. In his: Works, literarv, moral, and medical, 8-, Loud., 1807. iv, 260-300.— Po- lrlm h (P.-N.) Sur la composition morphologique du san a dans 1 inanition par abstinence complete et incom- plete. Arch. d. se biol.. St. Petersb., 1893, ii, 794-901. [Text Russ. and French,]-— vou Kciiii Casus iuedix,bei ABSTINENCE. 89 ACADEMIA. Abstinence and fasting. einem lOjahrigen Madchen beobachtct. In : Tvieser (D. G.) Klin. Beitr., Leipz., 8°, 1834, i, 185-257.—Kiggs (B, H.) Two cases of marvelous fasting, the result of nervous derangement. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1882, 371-374. — Ritttnanii. Doctor Tanner's Hungerprobe. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., J.880, xxv, 361—von Kntlrrk (A.) Neuntagige Nahrungslosigkeit bei einem gesunden Menschen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden. Karlsruhe, 1874,xxviii, 21-23. — Scheiichzerns (J. J.) De inedia Christians Kratzerin. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1733, iii, 116-125.—Schiiiianski (H.) Der Inanitions- und Fie- berstoffwechsel der Hiiliner. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1879, iii, 396-421.—Stevens (C. W.') An extra- ordinary case of starvation. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1879, xxxvii (St. Louis M. Soc), 157-164. Aho: Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri, 1880, ii, 157-164. —Stewart (E.) Pro- longed fasting. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 131.—Tolstoi (L.) Notre alimentation. [Transl.] Rev. scient., Par., 1892, 1, 225-326. — Valade ( J. L. ) A re- markable case of abstention from food. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1879, ii, 19.— Vallenzasca (G.) Di un digiuudo cinqt\einensile accompaguato da fenomeni strani contiuuati e ricorreuti. Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1841, 2. s., ii, 475-493. — Van der Weyde (P. H.) Dr. Tanner's blood after starvation. Med. Tribune, K. V., 1879-80, ii, 462-464.—Waarncemiug van eene na bijna 18 maanden nog voortduurende onthouding van spijze en drank in een zestien jaarig meisje. Verhandl. en Waarn. t. Bevord. d. Genees- Heel- Vcrlos- en Scheik., Leyden, 1803, i, 129-133.—Willan (R.) A remarkable case of ab- stinence. Med. Communicat., Lond., 1790, ii, 113-122. Aho, in hh: Misc. Works, 8°, Lond., 1821, 437-445.— Winslow (L. S. F.) Fasting and feeding; a detailed ac- count of recorded instances of unusual abstinence from food, and of cases illustrating inordinate appetite. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1880, n. s., vi, 253-299. Abstract (The) and Index. The cream of prac- tical medicine and surgery; also, an index of the current medical literature. Published monthly by H. H. Howe. v. 3-8, Oct., 1887, to Dec, 1893. 8°. Weston, Vermont. Title of v. 1-2 was: Abstract and New Books. Abstract and New Books. A bi-monthly medical publication, containing abstracts and items of in- terest for the active practitioner. H. H. Howe, M. D., editor and proprietor. [Bimonthly.] v. 1-2, Oct., 1885, to Sept., 1887. 8J. Weston, Ver- mont. In v. 2 became monthly. Continued as: Abstract and Index. Abstract of reports on the late epidemic of chol- era, as it occurred in the hospitals of Dublin. 11 pp. 4°. Dublin, 1867. Suppl. to: Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1867, iii. Abstract of the Transactions of the Hunterian Society, sessions 1887-8 to 1893-4. 6 v. 8°. Lon- don, l*8d-94. Abstract (An) of a treatise ofthe virtues of Dr. Bateman's pectoral drops. 64 pp. 8°. London, W. Dicey $ B. Okell, [1739, vel subseq.]. [P., v. T236.] Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London, 1H43-54. v. 5-6. 8°. London, 1851-4. Continuation ofthe following, and continued as: Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society of London. Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philo- sophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 1800-43. v. 1-4. 8D. London, 183-2-43. Continued as preceding. Abu Bekr. See Rhazes [Abu Bekr Muham- mad Ben Zakhariah Alrazi]. Abugalius, Alius Sinae. See Avicenna. Abu Jakub Isliak Ben Solciinan cl Israeli. See Isaac (Judteus). Abul Hasan el-Muchtar Ben Botlan. See Elluchasem Elimithar. Abu iTIaiisur Ifluwaflak Bin Ali Hara- Wi. Die pharmakologischen Grundsatze (Liber fuiidamentornm pharmacologic') znm ersten Male nach dem Urtext iibersetzt und mit Erkliirungen versehen von Abdul-Chalig Achmidow. 1 p. 1., Abu Itlausui- Muwaflfak Bin Ali Hara- \vi—continued. 278 pp. roy. 8°. Halle a. S., Tausch u. Grosse. 1893. Repr.from: Hist. Stud. a. d. pharmakol. Inst. d. k. Univ. Dorpat, Halle a. S., 1893, iii. Abu Salt Ununaya Ben Abd el Aziz. Sepher Haniiua'aloth. MS. Hebrew text. 47 1. This appears to be the "Liber medicamentorum sim- jiliciiiin " described by Wiistenfeld and others. It begins "This is the book of namma'aloth, i. e., degrees or su- perior qualities," by Ibn Abucalt, "the physician, which comprises the remedies in the order of the bodily organs", [etc.]. Aburikob. Kay (T. W.) Aburikob. Practitioner, Lancaster, 1884, ii, 1-3. Abuses in the Jamaica Lunatic Asylum. Magis- terial investigation into a charge of man- slaughter, of Mrs. Matilda Carey, by Mrs. Judith Ryan, late matron of the lunatic asylum, and Ann Dickson, alias Nancy Lloyd, Antoinette Pa- rola, and Frances Bogle, nurses in the institu- tion. Reported by Augustus Constantine Sin- clair. 37 pp. 1'2C. Kingston, G. Henderson, Savage <,' Co., 1860. Abutkoflf (Anatoliy [Dmitrievich]) [1862- ]. * K voprosu ob ougnetayustshem vlianii opia, morfia, i kodeina na zheludochnoye pistsheva- renie i kolichestvo solyanoy kisloti u zdorovikh. [Concerning the depressing influence of opium, morphine, and codeine upon the digestion ofthe stomach, and the quantity of muriatic acid in the healthy.] 34 pp., 1 1., l'diag. 8°. St. Peters- burg, P. Vostshinskayd, 1890. Abwehr (Die) und Unterdriickung vonViehseu- cheu; Gesetz vom 23. Juni 1880, nebst der Aus- fiihruugs-Instruktion des Bnndesrats vom 24. Febrnar 18bl und der Anweisung fiir das Desin- fectionsverfahren; sorgfaltig revidirter Text mid Einleitung aus den Motiven ; fiir den prak- tischen Gebrauch der Medizinal-, landwirtschaft- lichen und Polizeibehorden, sowie der Tieriirzte, Fleischbeschauer und Viehbesitzer. 2. Aufl. 95 pp. 12°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1882. Abyssinia. See, also, Anthelmintics; Ethnology; Med- icine (Military, History of)—Campaigns, etc. Bellucci (G.) Documenti per la paletnologia dell' Abissinia. Arch, per 1'antrop., Firenze, 1890, xx, 367- 372.—Cook (H.) Keport on the meteorology of Abys- sinia. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay. 1*71, n. s.', xi, 1 -20.— Carson (J. G.) On the morphological characters of the Abyssinians. Kep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1893, Lond., 1894, lxiii, 563.—Linpicgne (L.) Etude quantitative sur le regime alimentaire des Abyssins. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 251-25?. Acacia. Doinnet-Adaiison (M.) Note sur l'acacia gommi- fere de la Tunisie. Union pharm. d'Orient, Constant., 1879, vi, 20. Academia Cais. reg. Josephina medico-chi- rurgica Vindobonensis. Dissertazioni medico chirurgico-pratiche, estratte dagli Aiti della r. i. Accademia Giossefnna, e tradotte dal Luigi Ca- reno coll' aggiunta di alcune note. 5 p. 1., 222 pp. 12-. Vienna, presso la Societa tipografica, 1790. -----. Actes de l'Acad6mie c. r. Josephine me"- dico-chirurgicale de Vienne. Tome premier. Traduit du latin par J. Escude". lxxix, 445 pp., 11. 8C. Montpellier, de Vimpr. de J. Martel 01116, 1792. -----. Abhandlungen der kais. konigl. medici- nisch-chirurgischen Josephs-Academie zu AVien. v.2. 6p.l.,335 pp. 4°. Wien, A. Camesina, 1801. -----. Acta medico-cliuica Academia Josepbina nnno scholastico 1H1L">- 1836. Edidit Augustus Winter, xii, 14-191 pp , 2 1. 8°. Vindobona?, typ. congregationis Mcciiitaristica', 1837. ACADEMIA. 90 ACADEMIE. Academia Fridericiana. Pradectiones in . . . publico er privatiui per hienien auni 1795, habendse indicnrtur. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb.. lit. J. C. Hendelii, [1795]. Academia Georgia Augusta. Index scholarum publice et privatim . . . per semestre sestivum habeudarum. [1872; 1874-6.] 4-. Gottinga?, [1-72-6]. . _ -----. Index scholarum publice et privatim . . . per semestre hibernum liabcndarum. [1-74-5: 1-76-7.] 4-. Gottingce, [1875-7]. Academia imperial de medicina do Rio de Ja- neiro. Relatorios trabalhos academicos de 30 de junho tie 1876 a 30 de junho de 1879. Apre- sentados £ . . . pelo secretario-geral Jose Pereira Rcgo tilho. 31, 3li. <>7 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, E. cf H. Laemmert. 1-80. Academia Josephina. See Academia Ca\s. reg. Josephina medico-chirurgica Vindobonensis. Academia Julia Carolina, Helmstadt. Pro- rector et senatus . . . memoriam illustris et ex- perientissimi viri Petri Gerike . . . de omnibus bis muneribus praeclare promeriti A. D. viii. Oc- tobr. A. I. S. 1750 placide defuncti civibuset pos- teritati commendant. 36 pp. sm. 4°. [Helm- stadii, lit. P. D. Schnorr, 1750.] Academia Leopoldino Naturae Curiosorum Yra- lislaviie. Historia morbornni, qui annis mdcic. milcc. mdeci. Yratislavhe grassati sunt, a Col- leg. Acad. Leopold. Xat. Curios. Yratislaviens. in luceni edita. Opus variis casibus et cautelis practicis, jndiciis item de remediis, et vera cu- raudi ratione instructuin. Accedit appendicis loco Tractatns de experieutia, in quo natura ex- periential describitur, et quani cante comparanda ea sit, explicatur. 8 p. 1., 318 pp., 31.; 3 p. 1., 39 ])]>. 4\ Vratislavice et Lipsice, sumpt. C. Bauchii, 17(H). -----. Historia morborum qui anno mdecii. Vratislavia' grassati sunt, a Colleg. Academ. Leo- pold. Nat. Curiosor. Yratislaviens. in lucem edita, 3 p. 1., 236 pp., 2 1. 4-. Vratislavia? et Lipsiw, sumpt. C. Bauchii, 1710. Bound u'ith: Academia Leopoldino Xaturre Curiosornm Vratislavi.x'. Historia morborum qui annis [etc.]. 4C. Tratislacice et Lipsice. 1706. ■-----. Sauiuilnng von Natur- und Mediein- wie auch hiezu gehorigen Knnst- und Literatur- Geschichten, so sicli [vou] An. 1717, in den 3 Siuiiiner-Monaten [bis Au. 1725, iu den 3 Friih- lings-Monaten] in Schlesien und andern Liindern begeben . . . [1.-32.] Versnch aus Licht gestel- let vou einigen Bresslauischeu Medicis. [Also:] Supplementum I. curieuser und nutzbarer Au- merckungen . . . gesamnielt von Johanne Ka- li old. 4 ;. Bresslau, Leipzig u. Bndissiu, 171--26. Bound in 8 v. 7.-8. Versuch von einigen Bresslauischen Xat. curios, und Medicis. 9.-32. Yersuch von einigen Academ. Xatura- curios, in Bresslau. Academia libre de medicina de Lima. Rcgla- meuto de la . . . fundada en nulccclxxxiv. 35 pp. 8 . Lima, F. Masias y Ca., 1585. Academia de medicina de Medellin. Anales. v. 1-3, Nov., 1—7, to Dec, 1-91: nos. 1-9, 11, 12, v. 4; nos. 1, 3-5, 7-10, v. 5; nos. 1, 2, 4. 6-8, v. 6, Jan., 1592-9.-). .--. Medellin, 1.-89-95. Academia de medicina practica de Mexico' Reglamento de la . . . 12 p]i. S3. Mexico, im- prenta a cargo de Pivera, H'.M, Academia me'dieo-farniace'utica de Barcelona. Acta de la sesion piiblica inaugural que la . . . celebro cl dia 19 de enero de 18—2. [29 de enero de 1-84 : 30 de enero de 1590.] 3 nos. -:. Baree- " Una, J. Miret, 1852-90. -----. Dicttimen emitido por la comision nom- brada por dicha academia al objeto de proponer los medios mas conduc para atajar el incre- ment o de la actual epicieinia de sarampion que sufre Barcelona. 16 pp. 5'-. Barcelona, J. Miret, Academia meclico-quinirgica espaQola. Bole- tin oficial de la . . . Ano 1, mini. 1-4. 8°. Ma- drid, 1881. Academia nacional de medicina de Barcelona. Rapport sur l'origine. les progres, la propagation par voie de contagion, et la cessation de la iievre jaune, qui a regue\ en 1821, h Barcelone; pre- sents le 14 mars ls22 k S. E. le chef politique su- perieur de la Catalonie en execution du decret dea Cortes extraordinaires, par 1'Academie uationale de me'decine de Barcelone. Traduit de l'espa- gnol par P. Rayer. 99pp. 8J. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1822. [Also, in: P., v. 928.] Academia nacional de medicina de M6xico. Memorandum de la . . . para el ano de 1890 a 1891. 14 pp. 8\ Mexico, 1890. Academia real das scienciasde Lisboa. Iusti- tuicao vacciuica. Colleccao de opusculos sobre a vaccina. Nos. 1-9. 128 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lisboa, typogr. d. Academia. 1812-13. Two parts, each with title-page, but with continuous pagination. The first part contains nos. 1 and 2; the sec- ond, nos. 3-9. Xo more published. -----. Ensaio acerca do que ha de mais essen- cial sobre a cholera-morbus epidemica, redigido pela commissao medica da . . . [Os membrosda commissao: Joaquim Xavier da Silva, Ignacio Antonio da Fonseca Benevides, Wenceslao An- selmo Soares, Francisco Elias Rodrigues da Sil- veira.] 46 pp., 1 1. 5-. Lisboa, 1833. [P., v. 1248.] -----. Memorias da . . . Classe de sciencias inathematicas, physicas et naturaes. v. 6, pt. 1. 4C. Lisboa, 1880. -----. Sessao publica da . . . June 9, 185u. 95 pp. 8-. Lisboa, 1880. Academia? Rheno - Trajectina?, annus natalis ducentesimns vicesimus quintus. Dicta in audi- torio majore d. xvii Junii a. mdccclxi, quum publice doctores honoris causa reuunciarentur. 31 pp. 8C. Traj. ad Phenum, T. De Bruyn, 1861. Academie de Bordeaux. Rentre"e solennelle | des facultes de the"ologie, des sciences, des let- tres et de l'e'cole pre"paratoire de medecine et de pharmacie. Sur les travaux des anne"es sco- laires. 1552-3; 1853-4; 1855-6; 1556-7; 1860-61; 1-61-2: l-b3-4. .--\ Bordeaux, 187C>-64. Academie C. r. Josephine m6dico-chirurgicale de Vienne. See Academia Ca?s. rem. Josephina medico-chirurgica Yindobeneusis. Academie de Caen. Reutre"e solennelle de l'ecole preparatoire de medecine et de pharmacie et de l'e'cole preparatoire a l'enseignement sup6- rieur des sciences et des lettres de Rouen. Faite le 17 novembre 1885 sous la prdsidence de M. le rectenr. 47 pp. 8;. Rouen, J. Lecerf, 1885. Academie inipe'riale et royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles. Me~inoires de 1'. . . 5 v. 4:. Bruxelles, J.-L. de Bourdes, 1777-58. -----. Nouveau memoires de 1' . . . Histoire. v. 1. 4C. Bruxelles, 177-. Bound with v. 5 of Memoires. See. aho, IVIenioii-CM sur les questions proposes [etc.]. 4°. Bruxelles, [1772-t^J. Academie de me'decine. Rapports ge"n6raux presenter a M. le miuistre de l'intdrieur sur les vaccinations et revaccinatious pratiquees en France ct dans les colonies francaises pendant les annees 1523-.")."): 1857-69; 1571-81; 18^3; 18,84; 1—9. 8:. Paris A-Mel un, 1-24-91. 1826. in [P.. v. 1466]; 1*37. in [P., v. 1467]; 1839 and 1840, in [P.. v. 1468]; 1823-5, lt-27-32, aho, in [P., v. 1466]: 1833- 35, aho. in [P.. v. 1467; 1746]; 1836, also, in [P., v. 1467; 1790]: 18>. aho, in [P.. v. 1467]; 1841, aho, in | P., v. 146.-]; 1855, in IP., v. 1800]. For preceding reports see Co mite central de vaccine. 8". Paris, 1809-23. -----. Rapport lu a i'Acade"mie royale de me'de- cine, dans les seances des 15 ruai et 10 juin 18*27 an nom de la commission charjjeV d'exaininer les documen's de M. Cherviu conceruant la iievre ACADEMIE. 91 ACADEMIE. Academie de me'decine—continued. jauue. Public textuellement d'apres l'exlitiou de l'acade'niie et accompagne de reniarques par le docteur Chervin. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Didot, 1828. [P.,v. 1351; 1432.] -----. Rapport sur le cholera-morbus, In k l'Acade'mie royale de m£decine, en stance gene"- rale, les 26 et 30 jnillet 1831. iv, 199 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. royale, 1831. [Also, in: P., v. 500; 531; 1043; 1250.] -----. The same. Report of the Royal Academy of Medicine, to the minister of the interior, upon the cholera-morbus. Published by order of the French government. Translated by John AY. Sterling. 234 pp. 12c. Xew York, S. Wood 4 Sons, 1832. -----. Animal magnetism. Report of the com mission appointed by the French Royal Academy of Medicine, in May. 1826, and communicated to the academy through, M. Husson, June 21st and 28th, 1831. 'l broadside, fol. [n. p.,18'31.] In: Purlaxd (T.) Collection, v. 2. -----. Rapport sur une piece d'anatomie artifi- cielle du Docteur Auzonx, precede" d'une notice sur les travaux anatoniiques de M. Auzoux. 16 pp. 8-. Paris, Setier, 1831. -----. The same. Rapports sur l'anatomie clas- tique du docteur Auzoux. Commissaires: MM. Adelon, Dubois, Cruveilhier, Brescbet, Hte Clo- quet, Ribes, et Baffos, rapporteur. Prece"de" d'une notice sur ses travaux anatoniiques. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, die: M. Auzoux, 1-37. -----. Rapport lu a l'Acade'mie royale de me'de- cine, et reniis a M. le ministre du commerce ct des travaux publics, en decembre 1831, par MM. Cassimir Allibert, Boudard, Dalmas, Double et Sandras, mernbres de la commission envoyee en Pologne par le gouvernement pour e"tuclier le cholera-morbus. 121 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Paris, imp. de Lachevardiere, 1-32. [Also, in : P., v. 500.] -----. Acadeniie royale de me'decine. Rapport et instruction pratique sur le cholera-morbus, recliges et publics d'apres la demande dn gou- vernement. [Double, rapporteur.] 32 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. royale, 1832. [P., v. 529; 591; -37; 1250.] -----. Instruction populaire sur les premiers signes du cho!6ra et sur les soins a donner aux personnes qui en sont atteintes, extraite des rap- ports publics par l'Acade'mie royale de me'decine. [Adopts en stance g6"n(5rale, le 25 aout 1832.] 6pp. 8°. [Fans, imp. royale, 1832.] [P., v. 491.] -----. Rapport et discussions sur la faille et lithotritie, snivis de lettres sur le meme snjet par Messieurs Delmas, Sonberbielle, Rochoux, Civiale, Velpeau. 194 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bal- liere, 18H5. -----. Rapports faits k l'Acade'mie royale de me'decine, sur la poudre de Saucy, contre l'en- gorgement de la glande thyroide, vulgairement designe" sous le nom de goitre. 16 pp. 8-. Pa- ris, Maessard, 1-35. [P., v. 501.] -----. Rapport de MM. Bouley et Dupuy, rap- porteur. Du traitement de l'atfection calcaire, vulgairement nominee morve des chevaux par M.Galy. 24 pp. 8°. [Paris, H Tilliard, 1836.] [P., v. 1810.] -----. Extracts from tbe reports of Messrs. Boul- lay, Planche, Cnllerier, and Guenean de Mnssy, adopted in the public sitting, in favor of Ra- quine's capsules of pure balsam of copaiba. 2 pp. 8°. Paris, Bonaventure 4' Ducessois, [1837]. [P., v. 1497.] -----. Rapport fait an nom d'une commission et In par M. Reiiauldin, dans ses s£ances des 3 et 17 mai 1842, sur un memoire intitule*: Maha- Acadeiuie de medecitie—continued. met consider conime alidne", par Jean-Jacques Beaux. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1842. Repr.from: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1842, vii. -----. Rapport k l'Acade'niie royale de medecine sur la peste et les quarantaines, fait au nom d'une commission par M. le dr. Prus. Accompa- gne" de pieces ct documents, et suivi de la discus- sion dans le sein de l'academie. Pts. 1-3 in 2 v. 2 p. 1., 1056 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1846. -----. Instruction a l'usage des medecius sani- taires du Levant. [Delib6r6 a Paris, ce 25 octo- bre 1847. Begin, Fr. Dubois, Gerardin, Kera.u- dren, Sonde, Melier, Rochoux. Prus, rapporteur. 16 pp. 8°. [Paris, L. Martinet, 1847.] [P., v. 468.] -----. Rapport sur divers modes d'embaumement preseutes par MM. Dupr6, Ganual et Sucquet. Commissaires: MM. Orfila, Blandin, Caventou, Londe, Poiseuille, rapporteur. Fait k l'Acad6- de medecine le 16 mars 1847. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. Repr.from: Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1847, xii. -----. Instruction populaire sur les precautions k prendre contre le chole'ra-morhus, sur les pre- miers signes de la maladie, et les premiers soius k donner aux personnes qui en sont atteintes. 8 pp. bc. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1849. [P., v. 1763; 1815. J -----. The same. Projet d'instruction sur le cholera. 8 pp. 8°. [Paiis, L. Martinet, 1849.] [P., v. 461.] -----. Instructions sanitaires sur les nioyens preservatifs du chol6ra-morbus. r&lige'es par les mernbres du conseil de salubrit6, le comite" con- sultatif d'hygiene publique, l'Acade'mie natio- nale de me'decine; pr6c6dees d'une notice sur l'assainissement de Paris. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1849. -----. Rapport fait a l'Acade'mie nationale de m6decine dans sa stance du 27 d6cembre 1849, sur le charbon vegetal de M. le dr. Belloc, par une commission composee de MM. Recamier, Caventou, et Patissier, rapporteur. 22 pp. - . Paris, L. Martinet, 1850. [Also, in: P., v. 469.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad. denied., Par., 1850, xv. -----. Rapport sur le service m6dical des eanx minerales de la France pendant l'annee 1853, fait au nom de la commission des eaux minerales, et lu k Y . . . le 4 novembre 1856, par M. le doct. Alpb. Guerard, rapporteur. 57 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1856. Repr. from : Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1856, x. -----. Reglement et personnel de l'Acade'mie ini- pe'riale de metlecine. 52 pp. 16°. Paris, l-.'li. -----. Discussion sur l'etherisation envisagee au point de vue de la responsabililc' me"dicale. Argumentation de M. Alphonse Devergie. (14 jnillet 1856.) 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere elfils, 1857. [P.. v. 1783.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1857, xxii. -----. Acade"mie iniperialedem6decine. Regle- ment et personnel. 58 pp. 12c. Paris, 1858. ■-----. Rapport geoidral k son exc. M. le ministre de l'agriculture, du commerce et des travaux publics, sur le service me'dical des eaux min6rales de la France pendant l'annee 1857, fait an nom de la commission des eaux min6rales, et lu a 1' . . . dans la stance du 27 sept. 1859, par le doct. A. Guerard, rapporteur. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, I860. -----. Annuaire de l'Acad^inie inipe'riale de me- decine. 204 pp. 12°. Paris, 1862. -----. De la syphilis vaccinale. Communica- tions par MM. Depaul, Ricord, Blot, JulesGuerin, Trousseau, Devergie. Briquet, Gibert. Bonvier, Bousquet, suivies de memoires sur la transmis- sion de la syphilis par la vaccination et la vacci- ACADEMIE. 92 ACADEMIE. Academie de me'decine—continued. nation animale, par MM. A. Yieuuois (de Lyon), Pelizzari (de Florence), Palasciano (de Naples), Pbilipeaux (de Lvon) et Auzias-Turenne. viii, ;'.9ii pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere A jils, 1865. -----. Rapport gen6ral a son exc. M. le ministre de l'agricnlture, du commerce et des travaux publics, sur le service medical des eaux minerales de la France pendant l'annee 1864, fait au nom dela commission permanente des eaux minerales de 1' . . . par M. Alph. Guerard, rapporteur. 82 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliire, 1M;7. Repr. from: M£ru. Acad, de med., Par.. 1867-8, xxviii. Report presented to his excellency the minister for agriculture, commerce, and public works, by the Imperial Academy of Medicine, re- specting the vaccinations perfoBmed in France during the.year 1867. "Paris, ImprimerieInipe'- riale, M.D.CCCLXX." Translated and abridged, with the arithmetical proportions of the statis- tics, calculated and arranged by George S. Gibbs. Also an appendix of statistics relating to the years 1865 and 1866. 22 pp. «-. London, Long- mans [and others], 1870. Rapports annuels de la commission per- manente de l'hygiene del'eufance; presented k M. le ministre de l'iuterieur pour les anue"es 1 ^72-89. Nos. 1-22. 8°. Paris, 1873-89. Keports for 1883-4 in one; 1886-9, 2 nos. each; 1872-82, 188"), hy De Yilliers; 1883-4 by Henri linger, MarjolinetDe Yilliers; 1886 by Henri Roger et De Yilliers; 1887-9 by Valin et De Villiers. Recueil de memoires public's par la com- mission permanente de l'hygiene de l'enfance sous les auspices du miuistere de l'interieur. 2 p. 1., 88 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, 1875. -----. Bulletin de l'Academie de medecine. 2. s., v. 8-34. 27 v. 8-. Paris, 1-79-95. -----. Memoires de 1' . . . v. 32-35; fasc. 1, v. 36. 5 v. 4°. Paris, 1879-88. -----. Rapport general &M. le ministre de l'agri- culture etdu commerce sur les epidemics pendant l'annee 1881 fait au nom de la commission des epidemics et approuve par l'academie dans sa stance publique du 7 aout 1883 par Leon Colin, rapporteur. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Masson, 1883. -----. Rapport de la commission chargee de re"- diger un projet d'iustruction relativement aux (--. Nancy, Grimblot 4' Ve. Kaybois, 1852. -----. Seance de rentree de l'ficole preparatoire de medecine et de pharmacie de Nancy le 24 novembre 1.-53. 8 ■'. Nancy, Grimblot 4~ ^e- Paybois, 1854. Academic de Nancy—continued. -----. Installation des facultes des sciences et des lettres et de I'Ecole de medecine et de phar- macie de Nancy, le 7 deVeinbre 1-54. 04 pp. 8C. Xancy, Grimblot d Ve. Paybois, 1855. Renti-ees solemn-lies des facultes de droit, des sciences, des lettres, et de I'Ecole de mede- cine et de pharmacie de Nancy. 155-; 1-60; I-62; 1867-69; 1^71. 8°. Xancy, 1858-71. ----. De l'organisation de l'enseignemeut medi- cal en France. Plan d'enseignement medical ct pharmaceutique etudie par I'Ecole de medecine et de pharmacie de Nancy, 5 mars 1866. 44 pp. 8 . Xancy, Ve. Paybois, [1-66]. ----. Rapports sur les travaux des facultes de droit, des sciences des lettres et de I'Ecole de me'decine et de pharmacie pendant l'annee 1869- 7d. 58 pp. 8°. Xancy. Sordoillet 4'flls, 1871. ----. Rentree solennelle des facultes de droit, de medecine, des sciences et des lettres de Nancy. 1-73-4; 1874-5. 113 pp., 1 1.; 113pp., 11. 8*-. Xancy, Berger-Levrault, 1874-5. Conrptes rendus des travaux des facultes e t de I'Ecole super ieure de pharmacie de Nancy, pendant l'annee scolaire 1883-1884. 141pp. 8°. Xancy, Berger-Levrault 4 Cie., 1885. Academie de Rennes. Enseignement superieur a Nantes, seance de rentree de l'ecole de pleiu exercice de medecine et de pharmacie et de l'ecole snperieure, des sciences et des lettres. Distri- bution des prix aux eieves de l'ecole de pleiu exercice de medecine et de pharmacie. 1858-69; 1-71-82. 8 . Nantes, 1858-82. Academie royale de chirurgie. Seance pu- blique du 11 avril 1793, l'an 2e de la Republique francaise. Discours pronouces par le citoyen Sue. I. Annonce des prix. II. Discours his- torique sur la vie et les ouvrages du citoyen Louis. III. Discours historique sur la vie et les ouvrages des citoyens Sue, freres, avec des notes. 1 p. 1., 7, 107pp. 12c. Paris, 1793. [Also, in: P., V. 1388.] -----. Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sur- gery at Paris. Being a collection of observa- tions and experiments, made by the most emi- nent surgeons of France, and others; and con- taining a great variety of very extraordinary cases iu the principal branches of the art. Trans- lated from the original, by George Neale. In three volumes, sm. bc. London, 1759. Memoires de l'Academie royale de chi- rurgie, precedes d'une aualyse de ces memoires par Marjolin, et suivis de deux memoires inedits. In: Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 83. Paris, 1834-46,7. div., [v. 14-16]. ----. Memoires de 1' . . . precedes d'uue ana- lyse de ces memoires par M. Marjolin. Suivis de trois memoires iuedits. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1^38. ----. Observations on surgical diseases of the head and neck. Selected from the memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery of France. Trans- lated and edited by Drewry'Ottley. x, 293 pp. 8 . London, Sydenham Society, 1-48. Memorie della reale Accademia di chirur- gia, precedute dalla loro analisi pel Prof. Marjo lin e seguite da due memorie inedite. v. 1-3. 8■-". Venezia, E. G. Antonelli, 1845. Academic royale des inscriptions et belles let- tres. Histoire de l'Academie royale des inscrip- tions et belles lettres depuis sou etablissement jnsqu'a present, avec les memoires de littera- ture tirez des registres de cette academie, depuis sou reuouvellemeut jusqu'eu 1710[-1779]. 43 v. 4-'. Paris, 1717-86. Academic royale de medecine de Belgique. Programme des questions mises au concours par l'academie. 1,-56-57. 3pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1-56.] ACADEMIE. 93 ACADEMIE. Academic royale de chirurgie—continued. -----. Catalogue des livres de la Bibliotheque del'. . . 235 pp. -\ Bruxelles, J.-B. de Mor- tier, 1857. -----. Prix proposes pour 1859. 2 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1858.] -----. Rapport de la commission chargee des presentations de candidats pour les places de mernbres honoraires et de correspondants. Tal- lois, rapporteur. 32 pp. 8J. Bruxelles, 1863. -----. The same. Yan Roosbroeck, rapporteur. 26 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1-64. -----. The same. Michaux, rapporteur. 7 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1866(?).] -----. The same. C. Fossion, rapporteur. 9 pp. 8-. Bruxelles, 1867. -----. The sauie. J. Crocq, rapporteur. 39 pp. 8C. Bruxelles, 1868. -----. Programme des questions mises au con- cours par . . . Concours de 1862-1864. 4 pp. 8-\ Bruxelles, 1563. -----. The same. Concours de 1564-66. 4 pp, 8:. Bruxelles, 1865. -----. Rapport de la commission qui a ete chargee d'examiner le memoire envoye au con- cours de 1863, sur la question relative k l'emploi de l'opium dans la pratique obstetricale. M. Marinus, rapporteur. 6 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1864. -----. Rapport de la commission de legislation sur le projet de loi relatif k Fart de guerir. M. Crocq, rapporteur. 30 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1865(f).] -----. Rapport de la commission chargee d'ex- aminer les memoires envoye"s au concours, sur la question suivaute: "Faire l'histoire de la glycosurie, en insistant particulierement sur les causes, la nature et le traitement de la maladie". M. Gluge, rapporteur. 15 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1865. -----. Rapport de la commission charg6e d'exami- ner les memoires envoyes au concours de 1864- 1865, en reponse a la question suivante: "Con- stater, par des observations et des experiences, les effets de l'usage et de l'abus du tabac chez l'homme sain". Tallois, rapporteur. 36 pp. 8~. Bruxelles, 1865. -----. Celebration du viugt-cinquieme anni- versaire de la fondation de 1' . . . Expose des travaux de la compagnie pendant la periode 1841-1866. 712 pp., 11. 8-. Bruxelles, H. Man- ceaux, 1867. -----. Memoires couronnes et autres memoires publies x>ar 1' . . . v. 5-14. 10 v. 8°. Bru- xelles, 1878-95. -----. Bulletin de Y . . . 3. s., v. 13-20; 4. s., v. 1-8. 16 v. 8°. Bruxelles, 1879-95. -----. Programme des concours. 1880-1883. 4 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1882. -----. Memoires des concours et des savants etrangers, publies par 1' . . . v. 8. 1 v. 8". Bruxelles, 1888. -----. Cinquautieme anniversaire de la fondation de 1' . . . Rapports sur les travaux de l'acade"- mie pour le periode 1866-1891. 8°. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1891. -----. Celebration du cinquantieme anniver- saire de la fondation de 1'... le 12 decembre 1891. 71 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1892. -----. Rapport de la commission qui a et6 chargee de faire des recherches sur la nature des granulations. M. Hairion, rapporteur. 9 pp. 8C. [Bruxelles, n. d.] -----. Rapport de la commission chargee d'ex- aminer le memoire envoye en reponse a la ques- tion suivante proposee pour prix : "Exposeren l'appreciant le mouvement scientifique medical qui s'est produit depuis 1835 dans les etablisse- ments d'instruction superieure et les corps sa- Acadeinie royale de chirurgie—continued. vants de la Belgique". M. Marinus, rapporteur. 18 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, n. d.] -----. Commission des epidemies et des epizoo- tics. Programme d'un cadre uuiforme, taut pour la redaction des rapports que pour la formation des tableaux statistiques, relatifs aux epidemies et epizooties. M. Sovet, rapporteur. 10 pp., 1 tab. 8°. [Bruxelles, n. d.] Academie royale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux. Seance publique, du 26 aout 1820. 190 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Pinard, [n. d.]. Bound loith: Soc. roy. de med. de Bordeaux. Notices. 1815. Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bulletin de 1' . . . 2. s., v. 46-50; 3. s., v. 1-29. 30 v. 8°. Bru- xelles, 1878-95. -----. Annuaire de 1' . . . 1679-95. 13 v. 12°. Bruxelles, 1879-95. -----. Memoires couronnes et autres memoires publies par P . . . Tome 47, 50-52. 8°. Bru- xelles, F. Hayez, 1892-5. -----. Memoires de . . . Tome 51-53. 4°. Bru- xelles, F. Hayez, 1893-4. Academie royale des sciences de Lisbonne. [Announcement of the death of Jose Maria La- tino Coelho, secretary.] 1 sheet. 4°. [Lisbonne, 1891.] Academie des sciences. Histoire de l'Academie royale des sciences 1700 [to] 1744. Avec les me- moires de mathematique et de physique. Tii-ez des registres de cette academie. 62 v. 12°. Amsterdam, 1706-51. -----. Medical essays and observations, abridged from the memoirs of the Royal Academy, by Thomas Southwell. 4 v. 8°. London, J. Knox, 1764. CONTENTS. I. The anatomical and surgical papers. II. 1. A continuation of the surgical papers. 2. Essays on particular morbid cases. 3. A register of the epidemics that reigned in Paris. 4. An abridgement of the meteoro- logical tables from 1688 to 1750. 5. An appendix concern- ing the formation of monsters. 6. Extracts from the elogiums of the principal authors of those memoirs. III. 1. Animal ceconomy. 2. Histories of particular diseases. 3. The effects of electricity on human bodies. 4. Botany, 'with some chemical analyses. 5. The analysis of the principal mineral waters of France. IV. 1. Elements of chemistry. 2. The principal chemi- cal papers. 3. Some chemical analyses, with a view to the improvement of pharmacy. -----. Extrait des registres du 22 novembre 1756. Rapport des commissaires charges, par l'academie, de l'examen du projet d'un nouvel H6tel-Dieu. (Imprime par ordre du roi.) 128, vi pp., 1 tab. 4°. Paris, de Pimp, royale, 1786. -----. Rapport fait dans les seances des 26 sep- tembre, 7 et 21 novembre 1825, sur un memoire de M. Costa, ayant pour titre: "Considerations generales sur l'6pideniie qui ravagea Barceloue en 1821, et sur les mesures que notre gouverne- ment avait prises pour nous en garantir". [Com- mission composee de MM. Portal, Dumeril, Chaussier, et Dupuytren, rapporteur.] 67 pp'. 4°. Paris, F. Didot, 1826. -----. Lithotritie. Extraits des decisions de l'Academie des sciences relatives & l'invention de cette methode chirurgicale. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, P. Dupont, 1839.] -----. Rapport de l'Academie des sciences sur le proced6 d'embaumement de M. Gannal. Insti- tut de France. Seance du 24 mars 1848. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, imp. Normant, 1848.] -----. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des se- ances de 1' . . . v. 89-121. 33 v. 4°. Paris, 1879-95. Academie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. Memoires de 1' . . . 2. s.,v. 3-5, 7-11 ACADEMIE. 94 ACCADEMIA. Academie des sciences, [etc.]—continued. (1-54-63); 3. s., v. 4, 7-10 (1877--7): 4. s.,v. 1-4, 18—-9 to 1893-4. 17 v. 8-. Dijon, 1854-94. Academie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de la ville de Caen. Rapport general sur les tra- vaux de 1' . . . jusqu'au premier Janvier 1811, par P.-F.-T. Delariviere. 352 pp., 4 1. 8°. Caen, P. Chalopin, 1511. Academie des sciences de l'Institut de France. Memoires de 1' . . . v. 35. xcix, 556 pp. 4-. Paris, 1-66. Academie des sciences de Montpellier. Me- moires de la section des sciences. Fasc. 2, v. 10, 1881; fasc. 2 & 3, v. 11. 1892. 4Z. Montpel- lier, 15-1-92. -----. Memoires de la section de medecine. v. 6, 1-92. 4=. Montpellier, 1-92. Academie de Toulouse. Comptes rendus des travaux des facultes et de I'Ecole secondaire de medecine et de pharmacie lus devant le conseil academique le 10 deceinbre 1886, et rapports sur les concours. 99 pp. 8;. Toulouse, A. Chanvin 4-fiU, 1886. Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. Report of the committee on ethics, made to and adopted by the academy June 15, 1865. 1 galley sheet. [Cincinnati, 1868.] Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Rules. 8 pp. 8-. [hullin, J. Atkinson 4- Co., 18-2.] -----. Transactions, v. 1-12. >"-. Dublin. 18-3- 94. Title in v. 6, 1888: Eoyal Academy of Medicine in Ire- land. See, also: Academy of Medicine in Ireland. 1882-6. Medical sec- tion. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1883, lxxv. 87; 166; 262; 362; 519- lxxvi, 62; 500: 1884, lxxvii, 86 : 276; 363; 462; 553: lxxviii 78: 1885, lxxix. 73; 153; 329: lxxx. 72; 260: 1886, lxxxi! 82; 171; 274: 370: lxxxii, 246: 422. Continuation of: Medical Societv of the College of Physicians, Dublin. Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia. Proofs ofthe origin ofthe yellow fever in Philadelphia and Kensington, in the year 1797, from domestic exhalation; and from the foul air of the snow Navigation, from Marseilles; and from that of the ship Huldah from Hamburg, in two letters addressed to the governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by the Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia. 49 pp. eP. Philadelphia, T. 4- S. F. Bradford, 1798. -----. Constitution of the .. . 4 pp. 8°. [n. v.. 1799.] L r' ----—. Laws of the... 7 pp. S~. [n.p.,n.d.] % With constitution. J Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The act of incorporation and by - laws of the Academy of Xatural Sciences of Philadelphia. 15 pp. 8Z. Philadelphia, Merrihew 4* Thompson, 1857. —-—. List of members and correspondents of the . . . from the origin of the society in 1512 to March 1, 1857. 19-38 pp. 8=. [Philadelphia, 1557.] 1875-95 Proceedings, 1-78-95. 83. Philadelphia, ----. Report of council on a proposition to alter Art. "\ III, Chapter I, of the by - laws. (Pre- sented to the academy October 28, 1879 ) 12 no 8-. [Philadelphia, 1-79.] rF" To the members of the . . . [Circular criticising the editors of the American Natural- ist, with reference to advanced sheets issued by them in regard to the election of president of the academy.] 1 1. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1-79?] -----. Department of instruction. Spring courses of lectures, I826. 2 1. 8°. [Philadel- phia, 1--6.] Academy of Natural Sciences [etc.]—cont'd. I -----. Department of instruction. Spring courses of lectures, 18-7. 2 1. sm. 4°. [Phila- delphia, 1587.] -----. Annual report of the treasurer. 1891. 5 pp. 8Z. [Philadelphia, l-4>2.] | -----. See. also: I Ruschenberger (^Y. S. W.) An address. The claims ofthe Academy o£ Natural Scieuces of Philadelphia to public favor. 5?. Philadel- phia, 1-71. Academy of Scieuceof St. Louis. Transactions. Nos. 3 and 4, v. 5. lr---91; nos. 7 and 12. v. 6, 1894. S~. St. Louis, 1888-94. Acakia (Martinus). See Cialeu (Claudius). Deratione enrandi, [etc.]. 8°. Parisiis, 1538. -----. The same. 16°. Yenetiis, 1547. -----. Ars medica. [etc.]. 16-. Yenetiis. 1544. -----. The same. 12°. Yenetiis, 1549. Acalypha. Rittershausen (P.) * Anatomisch-systema- tische Untersuchung von Blatt und Axe der Acalypheen. [Erlangen.] 5-. Miinchen, 1-92. JoiiMset (M.) Acalypha Inrtiea. Art med., Par., 18H.X lxxxi, 275-290. Acambaro. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Acantliocephala. Brauu (M.) Ueber Echinorhynchns polymorphus und filicollis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, le91. ix, 375-380. Acanthosis. See Skin (Diseases of). Acar (F.-L.) Traite des falsifications des sub- stances medicanienteuses et alimentairi s et des moyens de les reconnaitre. iv, 305 pp. -:. Anvers, L.-J. de Cort, 1845. See, also, Stowo ("William). Tableaux toxicologiquea [etc.]. 8°. Anvers, 1853. Acard (Ed.) Contribution a retude des cir- rhoses pignientaires et en particulier de la cir- rhose pigmentaire dite diabetiquo. 102 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1895. Acarus. See. also, Hair (Parasites in); Scabies. Megxix (P.) Les acariens parasites. 12J. Paris, [1892]. Berlese (A.) Sopra un nuovo genere di acari parasiti rleglj inzetti. Atti r. Ist. Yeneto di sc. lett. ed arti, 1880- 81. 0. s., vii, 747-752. -----. Ilecherches sur les meta- llic >rphoses de quelques acariens in.x-ctieoles. [Resume.l Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1882, i. 279-2?>l. -----. Poly- morphisme et parth6nogen6se de iniehpies acariens (garua- sides). Ibid., ii, 108-130, 1 pi.—Bogrinuoflf 1 A. 1 Deux acariens, trouves par M. Scheremetewskv sur l'homme. Bull. Soc. imp. d. nat. de Moscou, InU. xxxvii. pt. 2, 337- 340. -1, n bo ill be ne (A.) A: .llcguin (P.) Ml-iuouv am- ies argas de Perse. J. de 1 anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1882, xviii, 317-341. 3 pi.— Ligiiierr* (J.) Xote sur deux acariens de la famille di-s sarcoptides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s.. v, 74-78.—Mcgnin (P.) Note sur une nidification particulifere dun acarien para- site. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s.. ii, 203. -----. Les argas du Mexique. J. de l'anat et physiol.. etc., Par., 1885, xxi, 460-475, 2 pi. -----. Observa- tions anatomiques et physiologiques sur les glvciphagus cursor ct spinipes. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc.. Par., Is89. xxv, 106-110.—Silva A in 11 jo. A proposito de um novo acariano". Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1878, 2. s., iii, 1-13. Accademia fisio-medica-statistica di Milano. Atti delf . . . Anui 11-13, 1855-6 to 1857-8; 28, 1872: 34-41, 1-75-55. -;. Milano, 1856-85. Accademia Gioenia di scienze uaturali in Cata- nia. Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia naturali in Catauia. 3. s., v. 11, 13-15. 4- Catania, 1877-81. Accademia medica di Genova. Statuto. 8 pp. ^:. Genova, tip. del r. Ist. sordo-muti, 1885. Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. Principali memorie lette uell' , , , nell' anno ACCADEMIA. 95 ACCIDENTS. Accademia medico-chirurgica [etc.]—cont'd. :S91. 249 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Ferrara, tip. Bresciani, ;». pp. 8°. Torino, E. Loescher, 1878. Accident, Disease and General Insurance Cor- poration, Limited. Incorporated under the com- panies' acts, 1862 to 1882, whereby the liability of members is limited to the amount of their shares. Prospectus, [etc.]. 21. fol. [London, 1884.] Accident*. See, also, Asphyxia; Avulsion; Death (Sud- den, etc.); Drowning; Falls; Medicine (Popu- lar); Night medical service; Poisons (Antidotes, etc.); Railroads (Accidents on, etc.); Wounded (First aid to); Wounds; Wounds (Jurispru- dence of). Anweisung, wie den Meuschen, welche im Wasser. oder von Kalte erstarret, oder erhenket und erdroseelt, oder auch von schadlichen Diin- steu entkraftet, gefunden worden, zn helfeu sey, Accident*. um sie bey Leben zu erhalten. 2. Aufl. 16°. Braunschweig, 1770. Beuchtold (L.) Conde. Ensaio de varios meios com que se intenta salvar, e conservar a vida dos homens em diversos perigos, a que dia- riamente se achao expostos; escrito em aleniao pelo . . . e por elle traduzido em linguagem para se distribuir gratuitameiite a bem de humaui- dade. sm. 8°, Lisboa, 1792. Clarke (A.) A code of instructions for the treatment of sufferers from railroad and steam- boat accidents, sudden attacks of illness, and suspended animation from various causes, until medical aid can be procured. Also an essay on the cure of diseases by means of water, exer- cise, and diet. 8°. Dublin, 1849. Fotiiekgill (A.) Preservative plan, or hints for the preservation of persons exposed to those accidents which suddenly suspend or extinguish vital action, and by which many valuable lives are prematurely lost to the community. 8°. London, 1798. Howe (J. W.) Emergencies and how to treat them. The etiology, pathology, and treatment of the accidents, diseases, and cases of poison- ing which demand prompt action. Designed for students and practitioners of medicine. 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1881. Huart (L.) Des empoisonnements, essai sur la recherche rapide du toxiqne, premiers soins a donner aux enipoisonnes et aux asphyxias. 12°. Louvain, 1895. Jacobelli (A.) Malattie e lesioue die offrono imminente pericolo divita; esposte consintomie cura rispettiva a somma utilita pratica dei me- dici-chirurgici italiani. 2. ed. 18°. Napoli, 1881. -----. The same. 3. ed. 18°. Roma, 1889. Karelskich (K. P.) Prisposoblenija dlja pre duprejden. neschastnich sluch. pri obratsh. s privodami. [Inventions for the prevention of accidents by revolving machinery.] 8° & Atlas. Moskva, 1885. Kaufmann (C.) Handbuch der Unfallverlet- zuugen, mit Beriicksichtigung der deutschen, os- terreichischen und schweizerischen Unfallpraxis. Fiir Aerzte, Versicherungsbeamte und Juristen bearbeitet. 8°. Stuttgart, 1893. Kugler (J.) Populiire Vortrage iiber Chirur- gie in ihrer Auwendung auf die beim gewerb- lichen und technischen Betriebe am haufigsteu vorkommenden Ungliicksfalle, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Eisenbahnen. Ein unent- behrliches Hilfsbiichlein fiir Technicker, Inge- nieure, Fabrikanten, Werk- und Hiittenmeister, Machinisten, Eisenbahnbedienstete, Gemeiude- vorsteher, Laudwirthe, Altgesellen, u. s. w. 8°. Wien, 1852. von Lesser (L.) Die chirurgischen Hilfs- leistungen bei dringeuder Lebensgefahr. (Le- bensrettende Operatiouen.) Zwolf Vorlesungen gehalten an der Universittit Leipzig in den Jahren 1878 und 1879. 8°. Leipzig, 1880. -----. The same. Surgical emergencies. Twelve lectures delivered at the University of Leipsic, transl. and revised by Frederick A. Lyons. 8°. New York, 1883. Lessing (M. B.) Ueber die Unsicherheit der Erkenntniss des erloscheuen Lebens. Nebst Vorschlagen zur Abhiilfe eines dringenden Be- diirfnisses fur Staat und Familie. 8°. Berlin, 1836. Lowe (G. M.) Accidents. 16°. London, [n. d.]. de Madec (R.) Manuel chirurgical du sports- man k l'usage des gens du nionde. 12°. Paris, 1882. ACCIDENTS. 96 ACCIDENTS. Accident*. Manx (R. J.) Medicine for emergencies: for the use of settlers in colonies, sailors on ship- board, and students of every class. 16°. Lon- don, [1861]. Marjolin. Recherches sur les accidents et les affections chirurgicales auxquels sont exposes les jenues apprentis. Lecture [a la stance du28 decembre 1809]. 8-. Paris, 1870. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. de protection des apprentis, [etc.J, 1869, nos. 5 Sc G. Masse (J.) La medecine des accidents. 12°. Paris, 1855. Ma vou (M. L.) Volks-heelkuude, of eenvou- dige raadgeviugen bij plotselinge ongelukken, gevaarlijke toevalleu, vergiftigingen, enz. Bij afwezigheid van een bekwameu heelmeester. Naar het Fransch van M. . . . met aanteekeuin- gen en aanzieulijke bijvoegselen door Thomas Cutler. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door Dr. H. H. Hageman jr. 8°. Amsterdam, 1842. -----. The same. Popular chirurgi, eller konsten, att, da en chirurgs bitriide saknas, vid svara yttre skador snart anskaffa hjelp och an- liigga enkla forband. Ofversiittning. [Popular surgery, or the art of applying bandages, etc., in the absence of a regular surgeon.] 16°. Stockholm, 1843. Migxot (A.-R.) Des accidents; considera- tions sur leurs causes, leurs effets et les moyens de les eviter. 8°. Paris, 1877. Orfila (P.[-M.-J.-B.]) Secours a donner aux personnes enipoisonnees et asphyxiees; suivis des moyens propres k reconnaitre les poisons et les vins frelate's, et a distinguer la mort reelle de la mort apparente. 2. etl. 12°. Paris, 1818. -----. The same. 2. e"d. 16°. Paris, 1821. -----. The same. 3. 6d. 12-. Paris, 1825. -----. The same. A popular treatise ou the remedies to be employed in cases of poisoning and apparent death, including the means of detect- ing poisons, of distinguishing real from apparent death, and of ascertaining the adulteration of wines. Transl. from the French, under the in- spection of the author, by William Price. 8~. London, 1818. -----. The same. Directions for the treat- ment of persons who have taken poison, and those in a state of apparent death; together with the means of detecting poisons and adulterations in wine; also, of distinguishing real from apparent death. Transl. from the French by R. H. Black. With an appendix ou suspended animation and means of prevention. 12°. London, 1818. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. 12°. Balti- more, 1819. -----. The same. A practical treatise on poisons and asphyxies, adapted for general use. Followed by directions for the treatment of burns and for the distiuctiou of real from apparent death. [Transl. from the French, with notes and additions, by J. G. Stevenson, M. D. With an appendix, containing the principles of medical jurisprudence, aud chemical and anatomical con- siderations, addressed to physicians. From the French.] 12°. Boston, 1826. -----. The same. Rettuugsverfahren bei Vergiftuugen und im Scheintode, nebst den Mitteln zur Erkenuuug der Gifte und der ver- fiilschteu Weine und zur Unterscheidung des wah- reu Todes vom Scheintode. Aus dem Franzosi- schen iibersetzt von P. G. Brosse. 12°. Berlin, 1819. Ortiz (P.) Cirugia de urgencia. 8-. Madrid, 1-95. Paoli (L.-A.) Les accidents de l'organisme et I leurs soins d'apres une nouvelle methode. Les Andes. Observations ine~dicales. 8°. Paris, 1884. Accident*. Pilcher (J. E.) First aid in illness and in- jury, comprised in a series of chapters on the human machine, its structure, its implements of repair, aud the accidents and emergencies to which it is liable. Revised ed. 16c. New York, 1894. , Portal (A.) Instruction sur les traitemeus des asphixie's par le m6phitisine, des noyes, ties personnes qui out €t€ mordues par des animaux em-age's, des enfans qui paroissent iuortsen nais- sant, des personnes qui out cle" empoisonn6es, de celles qui out 6t6 requites a l'6tat d'asphixie par le froid; avec des observations sur les causes de ces accidenss et sur les signes de la mort reelle pour la distingner de celle qui n'est qu'apparente. 12°. Paris. [1796]. ------. Thesame. 12°. Commercy,an r[1797], -----. Thesame. 12°. Paris, an XII [1807)]. Seeligmuller (A.) Die Errichtung von Uu- fallskrankenhauseru; ein Act der Nothwehr gegen das zuuehmeude Simulautenthum. 8°. Leipzig, 1890. Swain (W. P.) Surgical emergencies, etc. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1887. -----. The same. 4. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1887. -----. The same. Chirurgisches Vadenie- cum. Die arztlichen Hilfeleistuugen iu dringen- deu Fallen ; bei Verletzungeu, Vergiftungen und Geburten. Nach der dritten Auflage des " Sur- gical emergencies" autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe von S. Halm. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1883. Taki (R.) Kiu kiu sen ho. [Practice in emergencies.] 2 v. 12°. Yedo, 1801. Japanese text. Thiem (C.) Bemerkungen zur Behandlung und Begutachtung der Unfallverletzten. 8-. Berlin, 1892. Thomas ( L.) Traits des operations d'tir- gence; prececl6 d'une introduction et revu par Verneuil. 12°. Paris, 1875. -----. The same. 2. 6d., revue et augmeu- tee. 12°. Paris, 1880. Viknna. Yerordnungeu und Einrichtungen betreffend das Rettungsweseu der Stadtgemeiude Wien. 8°. Wien, 1882. Becker (L.) Die deutsche allgciueine Ausstellung fiir Unfallverhiitung in Berlin 1889. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. G.sudhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1889, xxi, 594-603.—Bill- roth (T.) Verbreinniugen, Erfrierungeu, Quetschungen, Schnitt-, Kiss-, Qiutschwunden, vergiftete Wunden. Handb. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Stuttg., 1878, i, 2. Abth., B, No. 1, 1-94. — Care and disposition of persons found un- conscious on the street. Brooklyn M. J., l*9r>, ix, 388-390. Also, Reprint. — Dro/(N.) fitatde la question des acci- dents du travaileu France etaT6trauger. Gong, internat. cl. accidents du travail, Par., 1889, i, 9-42.—Engel. Die tddtlicheuuiulnichttddtlichen Verungliickuugeiiini preus- sischen Staateiiu Jahre 1879 und iufriihererZeit, mit beson- derer Beriieksichtigung desUnfall-Meldewesens. Ztsehr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bureaus, Berl., 1881, xxi, 29-88.—Koli- lcr(J.) Zur Unfallcasuistik: Magenkatarrh ; Leuelit<;as- vergiftung? Vrtljschr.f. gerichtl.Med., Berl., 1895. 3. F.. x, 159-162.—.tIamy(H.) Les accidents du travail. llev.sci- ent., Par., 1*89, xliii. 170-174.—OIry (A.) Keglcmontation et inspection officielle des mines, niinieres, carrieres, die- mins de fer et appareils & vapeur. Cong, internat. d. acci- dents du travail, Par., 18*9, i, 225-276.— I'nrker (Le R.) Legal and other measures for the prevention of casualties. Proc. . . . San. Convent, Battle Creek 1881, Lansing, 1882, 95-104. Also- Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1881. Lansing, 1882, ix, 95-104.—Patent nebst uinstandlicher Medizinalverord- nung der Hrilfsniittel fiir Ertrunkeue, Erfrorne, Erwiirgte oder sonst durch schadliche Diinste betaubte Persouen. Mavnz den 30steu May 1783. Erfurt den 23sten Januar 1784. Arch. d. med. Pol., Leipz., 1785, iii, 9-25.—ICoiin- selet (A.) Les ambulances urbaineset les secours publics en cas d'accideuts. Assistance, Par., 1894, iv, 81-89.— Trimble (I. R.) Emergencvsurgery. MarylandM. J., Halt., 1893. xxix, 511-515.—Virchow (It ) Ueber das Rettungsweseu. Rede bei der Erdffuung des Congres in- ternational d'hygiene (etc.) in Briissel am 27. Sept. 1876. Cong, internat. d'hyg., Brux., 1877, i, 85-87. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. off. Med., 8D, Berl., 1879 ii, 622-G25. ACCIDENTS. 97 ACCOMPLISHED, Accidents (Insurance against). See. also, Wounds (Jurisprudence of). Beckkr (L.) Anleitung zur Bestimmung der Arbeit- und Eiwerbsnni'ahigkeito nach Verlet- zungen. Fiir Burui'sgenossenschafteu. Unfall- versicliernngen und Aerzte bearbeitet. 8-. Ber- lin, 18<8. -----. Tlie same. 2. Aufl. .»'-". Berlin, 1889. -----. Tlie same. 4. Aufl. ^. Berlin, 1892. Bi.asu's (H.) Unfallvei.sicherung-.e.isetz und Arzt. Nebst einer Abhaudlung iiber tici rleibs- briiche. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Gekmaxy. Reichsgesetz betreffend die Aus- dehuung der Unfall- und Krankenversicheruug vom •2<. Mai 18S>. Textausgabe in it ausfuhr- lichem Saehregister. 16°. Berlin, 1887). Golebikwski (E.) Aerztlicher Komnientar zum Unl'allversicherungsgesetz vom 6. Juli lc^4. Mit praktisclieu Rathschlagen zur Uutersu- chung, Bebandlung und Beurtheilnug von Un- fallverletzten. 8-"1. Berlin, 1893. Assurance des niedecins contre les accidents profes- sionnels. Ann.d'hyg., Par., 1893,3. s.. xxx, 456-459. Aho, tran.-L: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Iieil.. 181)4. 3. F., viii, 123.—Assurances (Les) centre les aceidents. Rev. de med. le-., Par., 1893-4, i, 259-261.—Biilir (F.) Bruch- schaden und riifallversicheruiiiisaesetz. Deutsche med. TVchuseb:-., Leipz. 11. Berl.. 1894," xx. 468. Aho: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1894, xxix. 45.~>.—Becker (L.) Die Erwerbsunfahisikeit mit Riicksicht auf die jet/.ige Unfall- veisicherun^s-Geset/.<:ebuug. Preiiss. Med. -Bean it en- Yer. Oflf. Ber., Berl., 1888. vi, 4-16. -----. Zur Frage der arzt- licheu Obergutachteu bei den L'nfall-Verletzteii. Ztschr. 1. Med.-Beanite, Berl., 1892, v, 606-609.—t'lieysson (E.) Organisation de l'assurauee contre les accidents. Cong. internat. d. accidents du travail, Par., 1889, i, 451-477.— Crisar. UeberFnfall und Bruchschaden. Preuss.Med.- Beamten-Yer. Off. Ber., Berl., 1893, x, 110-135.—Ilonig. Ueber Simulation und Uebertreibung der Unfallverletzten uud derenBekiiinpfuug. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 423-426.—Keller (().) Statistiqne des accidents. I. Statisque des accidents du travail, che- mins de fer, mines, carrieres. appareils a vapeur. II. Ele- ments du prix de revient de l'assurauee contre les acci- dents; classenieiit des risques. Con-, internat. d. acci- dents du travail, Par., 1880, i, 137-1!»:;.— Krecke (A.) Un- fallversicherung und iirtzliches Gutachten. Einige An- haltspunkte zur Beurtheilnug der durch Unfalle hervorge- rufenen Erwerbsunfahigkeit. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 579; 597: 615; B33. — Ijansje ( E. ) Die Statistik der Unfall . Invaliditats-, Alters uud Kran- kenvei sicliernng im Deiitschen Reich fiir das Jahr 1892. Arch. t. si.ziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist.. Berl., 1*94. vii, 694- 714.— >l:i restain:; (II.) Definition des accidents du travail dans les divers pays; caracteres distiuctifs de ces accidents et des incapaeites qui en resultent. Con-, inter- nat. d. accidents du travail, Par., 1»«89. i, 115-136.—.Tlayr (I.) Aerztliclie Ei fahrungen iiber Contusi..nen in liczug auf das Unfallversicheruiiiisgesetz. Priedreichs I'.l. f. gerichtl. Med.. Xiirnb., 1-93, xliv, 55: 114. — Jleyer (L.) Drei Gutachten iiber Unfallserkrankim-en. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1894, xxvi. 124-146.—He hill in j;. Trauma unil Uiifallversiclierungsgesetz. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, xvi, 735-737.—Mchmitlt-BSimgiler (II.1 Aus- stellun- iiiztlieher Atteste iiber die Erwei lisunfahiiikeit nach Unlallen. Berl. klin Wchnschr.. 1 SOU, xxvii. 784- 786.— Verknuf (L.) Die Reform der Unfallversicherung in Oesterreich. Arch. f. soziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist., Berl., 1894, vii, 42-102. Acclimation. See, also, Anthropology; Climate; Fever (Yellow, Prophylaxis of); Geography (Medical); Health resorts: Meteorology (Medical); and under iiameH of countries. Bennett (G.) Acclimatisation: its eminent adaptation to Australia. 8C. Melbourne, 1862. Societe inipe'riale zoologiqne d'aci limatation. Compte rendu de la deuxieiue seance publique annuelle tenue le 10 fevrier l87j>, a l'Hotel-de- Yille. h . Paris, \87>8. AroNta y Cotlesido (J.) Cosmopolitismo humano bajo el puiitu de vista de la aclimatacidn de las tropas de mar y tierra en las provincial espanolas de ultrainar. Bol. denied, nav., Madrid, 1888, xi, 5; 30; 5i.—Alcalde (J.G.) Algo sobre aelimatacion. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1885, xi, 462-470. — Below (E.) Aitenbilduug (lurch Zonenweehsel, einGesel/. der aquatoiial Selbstregiilirung der organismen liinsichtlich Acclimatisation sowio Ver- anderung und Neubildung von Arten. Fortschr. d. off. Acclimation. Gsndhtspfl., Frankf. a. M., 1894, iii, 1; 34. — Bordier (A.) Le milieu interieuret 1'accliinatation. Rev. mens, dcl'ficole d'anthiop. de Par., 1891, i, 129-142—van der Iturg (CL.) Iels over den invloed der akklimalatie op het ontstaan van ziekten. Feestbundel a. F. C. Donders, etc.. Amst., 1888. 15-25 — t'nrlier (A.) De raccliinateiuent des laces im Ameriquc ^Ieni. Soc. d'autbrop. de Par., 1868, iii, 25- 75—t'arranza 1 L.) Arliinatacion de la raza blancn en al-unos paises de la zona tiirrida. Gac. nicil.. Lima. 1876. ii, 68 ; 91 ; 99 ; 107 ; 115; 132: 139. — Cull imore ( D. 11. ) On tropical and sub-tropical eliinats and the acclimati a- tion of the fair races in hot countries. Med. Press \ Circ, Lond., 1888. n. s., xlvi, 430; 461; 490; 544: 566.— Fer- namlez-C-aro (A.) i Existen enfennedades de acliina- tacion ? Bol. de med. nav.. San Fernando, 1880, iii, 125- 132. Also, transl. : Sanitarian. X. Y., 1880, viii, 433-441.— <*umplowicz ( M. ) O aklimalyzacyi w krajach go- raeych, a miauowicie w archipclagu inalajskiin. |Ac- climation in hot regions, especially in the Malay Archi- pelago] Przegl. lek., Krakow,'1887, xxvi. 339: 371; 401.— Jonssct i A .) De racclimatemeut et d • 1 aec limata- tion. (Memoire eourounn, 1880.) Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1883. xl, 5:81; 161 ; 273; 321; 422: 1884. xii. 79; 97; 273; 1 diag ; 3-7: 464; 6 diag. Aho, Reprint. — ITIahly ( E. ) Ueber Acclimatisation. Internat. (Jong. f. Hysr. u. Deniog. Arb.. Wien. 1887. vi, Hft. 9. 57-77. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche Yrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1888. xxi, 267-270. — i?I en a r«l ( St. - Y. ) De l'accliinatatinn des animaux et des plantes, son utilite; quelques r6sullats encourageants. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1890, 315-336. Aho: Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xiv. 386-393—Oswald (F. L.) The remedies of nature. Climatic levers Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 18Kj, xxiii, 477-490. — Piatt il. II.) The problem of acclimatiza- tion. Tr. Am. Cliinat. Ass. 1885, N. Y., 1880. ii. 104-114.— Also: X. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 654-658. — Bey (11.) .Ac- climatement et acclimatation. Cong, internat. de ro6d. d. colonies 1883, Amst, 1884, 107-125. — Bocliard (J.) L'ac- cliinatenient dans les colonies francaises. lnliis: Quest. d'hyg. sociale, 12°, Par.. 1891, 57-111. — Schellon:* ill.) Akklimatisation und Tropenhygiene. Handb. d. Hyg., Jena, 1894, i, 1. Abth., 299-356.—Simonet. L'acclimate- ment et 1'accliinatation de l'homme. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1864, v, 78C-809. Aho, Reprint. — Thomson (A.S.) On the doctrine of acclimatization. Madras Q. M. J., 1840, ii, 69-76. Aho. Reprint.—Thomson (G. M.) On some aspects of acclimatisation in New Zealand. Rep. Australas. Ass. Adv. Sc, Sydney, 1891. iii, 194-213.— Treille (G.i De 1'accliinatation des Europeeus dans lea pays chauds. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Deniog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, Hft. 9, 1-56. Aho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.]: Tr. Internat. M. Cong.. Wash., 1887, ii, 113-115. Aho, transl. [ Abstr. 1 : Deuisebe Vrtljsehr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1888. x\-. 261-207. —Virehow (Ii.) Ueber Ac- climatisation. Yerhandl. d. Perl. Ges'dlsch. f. Anthrop., 1885, 202-214. [Discussion], 254-261. Aho : Tagebl. d. Versaminl. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885, lviii, 540-550. Also : "Wien. med. BL, 1885. viii. 1337 ; 1369 ; 1401. Also: Breslau. iirztl. Ztschr., 18*5. vii, 243; 253. Also, transl.: Rev. scient..Par.,1885,xxxvi,737-747. Also, transl. [ Abstr. ]: Pop. Sc. Month., XT. Y., 1885-6, xxviii, 507-517." Accolas (Paul-Am6d6e). * Essai sur l'origine des canalicules b6pati(]iies et sur l'independauce des apptireils biliaire et glycogene du foie. 1 p. 1., 27 jip. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867, 3. s., No. 19. Accoiti (Pietro). Lo iuganno degl' ocelli, pro- spettiva practica. Trattato in acconcio della pittura. 5 p. 1., 1;V2 pp. 4 . Firenze, appresso P. Cecconcelli, 1627k Accommodation. Nee Eye (Accommodation of). Accomplislicd (Tbe) ladies' ricb closet of rarities; or, the in»'enious gentlewoman and servant-maid's delightful companion, containing many excellent things for tbe accomplishment of tlie female sex, after the exactest manner and method, viz.: 1. The art of distilling. 2. Mak- ing artificial wines. 3. Making syrups. 4. Con- serving, preserving, etc. 5. Candying and dry- ing fruits, etc. ti. Confectioning. 7. Carving. K To make beautifying waters, oils, pomatums, musk-balls, perfumes, etc. 9. Physical and chinlrgical receipts. 10. The duty of a wet- nurse; and to know and cure diseases in chil- dren, [etc.]; together with a new accession of many curious things and matters, profitable to the female sex, not published in the former editions. The 5. ed., with large additions, cor- ACCOMPLISHED. 98 ACCOUNT. Accomplished (The)ladies' [etc.]—continued. rected and amended. [By John Shirley.] 192 pp. 16-. London, N. Bodington, [n. d.]. Bound Kith: W. (J.) Beauties' treasury, [etc.]. 16°. j London, [n. d. |. Accomplisht (Th>) physician, the honest apothecary, [etc.]. See Merrett (Christopher). Acconei (Luigi). Dei cistomi ovarici iu rap- porto colle fuuzioni generative. Tesi di libera doeenza in ostetricia e giuecologia. 120 pp.. 1 1., 3 pi. S:. Milano, tipog. frat. Rechiedei, 18-9. Repr.from: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1889, xlviii. -----. Sulla coutrazionee sull' inerziadell' utero. Studi speriinentali e cliuici. 212 pp., 5 pi., 3 tab. roy. 8-. Torino. Unione tip.-editrice, 1891. Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1891, 3. s., xxxix. Accoi'di (Giuseppe). Studii sul morbo colera. ! Fascicule priino e secondo. 176 pp. S-\ Verona, A. Merlo, 1-67). Accorimboni (Filippo). Disturbi nervosi di origine gastriea ; note. 29 pp. S~". Foligno, F. Campitelli, 1899. -----. Ualla cucina alio stomaco. 85 pp., 1 1. 16-. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1892]. Accoucheur (The): a letter, [etc.]. See Browne (Juhn). Account (An) of the Alleghany Springs in Mont- gomery County, Va.. with an elaborate analysis of the water, aud well authenticated cases estab- lishing their efficacy iu the treatment of a large class of prevalent aud obstinate chronic com- plaints. 43 pp. 8-. Lynchburg, C. H. Bryant, 1«71. Account (An) of Bellevue Hospital, -with a cata- logue of the medical and surgical staff from 1736 to'1891. Edited by Robert J. Carlisle, viii, 3-1 pp., 1 1., s pi., 14 pott. 8-. New York, Soc. of the Alumni of Bellerue Hosp., Ir93. Account (An) of Blue Ridge Springs, the cele- brated dyspepsia water. 20 pp. 12-. New York, Leve 4' Alden, [18-2, rel subseq.]. Account (An) of the circumstances attending the imprisonment and death of the late William Millard, formerly superintendent of the theatre of anatomy of Sr. Thomas's Hospital, South- wark; in which will be found some authentic and interesting details respecting the purposes to which the hospitals in the metropolis, and particularly those of St. Thomas's, Guy's, and the London Hospital, are applied; with particu- lars of such abuses, peculations, and misapplica- tions ofthe funds of these institutions as have hitherto been discovered, and of the barter and sale ofthe patients' dead bodies for the purposes of dissection : with strictures on the conduct of Sir Astley Cooper, Sir William Blizard, Mr. Gre*n, and also an exposure of the proceedings of Mr. Morgan, Mr. Webbe, surgeon to the Mid- dlesex County jail; the tire-proof and invul- nerable Mr. Wakley, and other subordinate mem- bers of the medical profession ; accompanied by some original letters and documents in support and confirmation of the whole. C4 pp. SJ. | London. Ann Millard, 1-27). Account(An) of the condition of the infirmaries of London workhouses. [Printed by permission from "The Fortnightly Review", for the Asso- ciation for the Improvement of London "Work- houses.] [By Ernest Hart, Feb.. 1-66.] 16 pp. v. London, Chapman 4' Hall, 1866. Account ofthe convalescent station of Malcolm Pait, on the Mahabuleshwar Hills. 30 pp. 6-. Bombay, J. Garrett, 1-30. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed iu the years 1-1'J and '1820, by order of the Hon. J. C. Cal- houu. Secretary of War, uuder the command of Account of an expedition [etc.]—continued. Stephen H. Long, from the notes of Major Long. Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen of the explor- ing party. Compiled by Edwin James, botanist and geologist fur the expedition. 2 v., with an atlas (wanting). 503,442 pp. r. Philadel- phia. H. C. Carey 4' I. Lea, 1--J3. Account of the experiments tried by the board of agriculture, in the composition of various sorts of bread, anno 1795. 32 pp., 2 pi. 4-. London, G. Nicol, 1795. Account (An) of the extraordinary abstinence of Ann Moor, of Tutbnry, Staffordshire, who has, for more than two years, lived entirely without food; giving the particulars of her life to the present time, an account ofthe investiga- tion instituted on the occasion, and observations on the letters of some medical men who attended it. Also other similar cases of abstinence, etc. 1. Am. from 2. Eng ed. viii, 9-36 pp. 12c. Philadelphia, J. Sharpless, 1--10. Account (An) ofthe improvement of moss, etc., iu a letter to a friend 3. ed.. corrected. 19 pp. 8-. Edinburgh, J. Fairbaim [and others], 179-. [P.. v. 709.] Account of the introduction of the small-pox into India. See Keir (George). Account (An) ofthe labors of the Ladies' Char- itable Association of Boston, in recognition of, and homage to, The Declaration of Indi pend- ence. 18 pp. 8-. Boston, Wright 36. 24 pp. 12-. Chailes- ton, A. E. Miller, l-*i37. Account t An) of the medicinal properties of the Healing Springs. Bath Co., Va. To which is added a few certificates of cure (out of a large number) of scrofula, diseases of the skin, rheu- matism, dyspepsia, chrouic diarrhoea and dysen- tery, scrofulous opthalmia, aptha. spinal irrita- tion, etc. 36 pp. 12:. Richmond, Va., J. D. Hammersley, 1870. Account (An) of the method aud success of in- oculating the small-pox, iu Boston in New Eng- land. Iu a letter from a gentleman there, to his friend in London. [By Win. Tuniaiu.] 1 p. ]., 27 pp. 8:. London, J. Peele. 1722. Account ( An ) of a new method of treating fractured legs. See Sharp (William i. Account (An> of the numbers that have died of the distemper iu the throat, within the province of Xew Hampshire, with some nlleitions thereon. July 26. 1736. 14 pp. 12-. Boston. E. Russel, 1736. Account (An) of the origin, progress, and con- sequences of the late discontents of the army- on ACCOUNT. 99 ACETONE. Account (An) of the origin [etc.]—continued. the Madras establishment. 1 p. 1., 294 pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell cf W. Daries, 1810. Account (An) of persons remarkable for their health aud longevity, [etc.]. See Graham (Thomas John). Account of the proceedings at the dedication of the Children's Mission Home, March 27, 1867; with the remarks of the president, the statement of the secretary, and the address of Geo. L. Chaney. 26 pp. 12-. Boston, J. Wilson 4' Son, 1867. Account (An) of the progress of an epidemical madness; in a letter to the president aud fel- lows of the College of Physicians. 72 pp. 8°. London, J. Roberts, 1735. Account (An) of remarkable cures, performed by the use of Maredant's antiscorbutic drops, prepared by John Norton, surgeon, [etc. ]. 29 pp. S\ London, 1772. [P., v. 1236. ] Account of the reparation of Dr. Pitcairne's monument in the Grayfriars churchyard at Edin- burgh, with a list of medical practitioners resid- ing iu Edinburgh, who agreed to pay each an equal share of the expence of that reparation. December 25, 1-00. 8 pp. 8C. [Edinburgh, Neil! 4- Co., 1-00.] [P., v. 1174.] Account (An) of the rise, progress, aud termina- tion of the malignant fever, lately prevalent iu Philadelphia. Briefly stated from authentic documents. 36 pp. 12 . Philadelphia, B. John- son, 1793. Account (An) of a very vicious distemper pre- vailing in manv places. Dumfries, August 21, 1769. 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Balfour, 1770. Imperfect; wants pp. 1-6. Accoutrement*. >>e Armies (Clothing, etc., of). AccriBGgtoii. Babbage (B. H.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the townships of New aud Old Accrington, in the county of Lancaster. 8°. Loudon, 1850. Accrington Dispensary. Rules of the ... 16 pp. lti°. Accrington, [n. d.]. Accillll (Frederick [Christian]) [1769-1838]. A practical treatise on gas-light, exhibiting a sum- mary description of the apparatus and machinery best calculated for illuminating streets, houses, and manufactories with carburetted hydrogen, or coal gas; with remarks on the utility, safety, and general nature of this new branch of civil economy. 3. ed. xvii (3 1.), 194 pp., 7 pi. 8°. London, R. Ackermaun, 18.16. -----. A treatise on the art of making wine from native fruits; exhibiting the chemical principles upon which the art of wine making depends, the fruits best adapted for home-made wines, and the method of preparing them. 92, xxiii pp. 12"-'. London, Longman [and others], 1829. Accurate (An) list of persons who have died of the malignant fever in this city, including those at Bellevue, etc., from July 29to October29, with the date of their deaths, also of the different places where the deaths occurred, and the num- ber that died in eacli street, taken from the re- ports of the health committee. 16 pp. 16°. [New York], L. Jones, [1803]. Aceiiero (Justu). See 3£<'j;in IL. J.) Nuevos elementos de cirugia y de medicina operatoria. 2 v. 8°. Madrid, 1827-46. Acephalocysts. See Hydatids. Acepha I us. See Monsters (Acephalous). Acerbi (F. Enrico) L1785-1827]. Dottrina teorico- pratica del niorbo petecchiale, con nuove ricerche iutorno 1' origine, 1' indole, le cagioni predispo- nenti ed effettriei, la cura e la preservazioue del niorbo niedesimo in particolare, e degli altri cou- tagi in generale. xi, 483 pp., 8 tab. S°. Mi- lano, G. Pirotta, 1822. See. also, Ciiriiiiuuti (Bassiani). Igiene terapeutica c materia medica. 8°. Milano, 1813. Acesia. Cacodoxus. See K vaiwlropliilax. Adversus Acesiam Uaco- doxuni, qui se I'ulso Eudoxum Philaletlien tacit, [etc.]. sm. 4°. llnxiie, 1572. Acetabulum. See Hip-joint. Acetabulum (Fracture of). Sie, also, Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Complica- tions, etc., of). fSny (('. (". F.) Fracture of tlie acetabulum: autopsv. Buffalo M & S. J , 1880-81, xx, 60. -----. Fracture of the floor oft he ncetaliulnni. Tr. N. York M Ass. 1SS4. N. T., 1SS.1, i, 242-249. —BDayileiKT.) Fractureof tlieacetabulinn. Proc. Path Soe. Dubl., 1852-8, 215. — IIoIiikn (T.) Dis- placement of the head of the femur, th rough a fracture of the acetabulum, into the pelvis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 231-235.— S«'iin (X.) A contrioution to a knowl- edge of fracture of the rim of the acetabulum, based on the reports of twenty-seven cases and experiments on the cadaver. Tr. M. Soe. Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1880, xiv, 91-120. Also, Reprint.—Smith (R. W.) Fracture of the acetabulum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1862-5. n. s., ii, 58.— Walker (II. O.) Fracture of the posterior lip of the acetabulum. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc. Brooklyn, X. Y., 1880, ii, 146-148. Acetal. Dlillcr (A.) Das Acetal. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 18s.'!. ix. 125— Kobcrt. Ueber die hypnotisirende und aniisthesirende YViikiing der Acetale. Ibid., 1882, viii, 57s. —von .Tiering. Feber die hypnotisirende und anasthesireutle Wirkung der Ascetale. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1882, xix, 648— Pcrrtti. Feberdieschlafmachende Wirkunjr des Acetal ( Diaethylacetal }. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1883, xxv, 05-67. Acetanilifl. See Antifebrine; Wounds (Treatment of) by acetanilid. Acetic acid aud vinegar, ammonia, and alum. 200 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston. Son 4- Co., 1885. Acetaria. vox der Burg ( H. ) 'Acetaria. Vpsaliw, 1756. Also, in: Lixn. Diss. Lugd. Bat., 1760, iv, 530-552. Also, in: Selects ex . . . Caroli Linnsei diss, ad nat. hist. pertinentes. 4°. Grcecii, 1766, ii. Acetoaae and compounds. See, also, Albuminuria. Fekchlaxd (P.) * Ueber die Synthese eines tetrahydriertcn substituierten Miazins aus Dia- cetonamin. Ueber einige Derivate des Metaoxy- benzylainins. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1895. Paal ( C. ) * Das Acetophenonaceton und seine Derivate. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1884. Zokpffki.,( V.) * Ueber die klinisch gebranch- lichen Melhoden zur qnalitativen und quantita- tive]! Bestimniung des Acetous. 8°. Jurjew (Dor pat), 18{y.). Albnntx- (M.) & ISnrnbini (E.) Ricerche farmacolo- gichesuichetoni. Pt. 1. Siciliained., Torino-Palermo, 1891, iii, 490-512. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1892, xvii, 231-238. ----- -----. Recherches phartnaeolomques sur les acetones. Pt. 2. Ann. di chiiu. e di farm., Milano. 1892,4. s., xv. 225-238. Aho. transl: Arch, ital.de biol.. Tu- rin, 1892, xviii.75-85. —AIlx rtoni. Acetonee acetonomia. Med. contemp., Napoli. 1SS4, i, 169-178—ISnrnbini (K.) Sull' aceto-orlofoluide. riuovo antipiretico. Ann.di chim. e di farm., Milano. 1892, 4. s., xv. 153-100— B>njar'., 1893. AcllUSillS (Carolus Christiauus). * De febribus compositis ex acuta periodo. Hipp., 11. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1709]. [P., v. 1391.] Achylia. Eixhokx (M.) Ueber Achylia gastrica. 8°. New York, 1892. Acid (Abietic). Duco.m.mux (J.) fitude sur les acides cristal- lisables des abi^tin^es. 8". Berne, 1885. Acad (Acetic) and derivatives. Coutts (F.) Ziektebehandeling met als zui- vergewaarbargd azijnzuur naar de geueeswijze. Benevens eene beoordeeling van diens werk over chronische ziekten door Dr. Alex. Munro. Vertaald door C S. Adama van Scheltema. 8--. Nijmegen, [n. d.]. Acid (Acetic) and derivatives. Fauke (P.-II.) " Monographic de l'acide aee"- tique. 4°. Paris, 1841. von Kaupinski (V.J.) *Zur Keuntniss der Acetacrylsaure, 8°. Bern, 1889. M.U'Habey (L.) * Syntheses de pharmacie et de chimie. Acide acetique et acetates. 4°. Paris, 18(]8. Mtjnier (J.) * Ueber die Spaltung des Acet- essigesters und einiger seiner Derivate durch Schwefelsiiure. 8-'. Wiirzburg, 1880. f>oci^TEile pharmacie de Paris. Concours sur l'acetilication del'alcool. Question proposee par . . . Rapport fait a la Socie'te' de pharmacie de Paris par la commission des prix. 8°. Paris, [1832]. Vayssie (A.) * Acide acetique-camphre. 4°. Paris, 1868. Albcrlini (P.) ,fc PiMenli (G.) Azione dell' acetone e dell' acido acctacetico sui reni. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1887-8, xi, 129-1.">2. Aho, transl: Arch, itnl.de biol., Turin, 18KS, ix, 22(1-233. — ISojaxiriKlti (M.) Otru- cia essencvja, octowa resp. kwasem octowym. [Poisoning by noetic acid. ] Medycyna."Warszawa, 1892, xx, 302-304.— Davy (J.) On the action of vinegar on animal textures. Inhis: Researches Phys. & Aunt., 8°, Lond., 1839, i, 376- 383— Hoppr-Seyltr (F.) Die Methanjialiriing der Es- sigsaure. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1886-7, xi, 561-5G8. — Price ( E. C. ) Acetic acid in post-partum haemorrhage, after-pains, and some other diseases. Hahne- man. Month , Phila., 1889, xxiv, 1-9. — Sante ( A. ) Sul potere antisettico dei vapori di acido aeetico. Riv. inter- naz. d1 i,:.. Napoli, 1892, iii, 24-33. Also, Reprint.— von Stein ( S. ) Kin weiterer Beitrag zur Anwendiiug des Aciduin trichloraceticum. Monatschr. f. Ohrenb., Berl., 1894, xxviii. 1-8. Also, Reprint. Aho, transl.: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 790-792. Also, Reprint. Diacetic acid. Deichmullek ( A. ) * Das Vorkommen der Diacetsiiure - Spaltuugsproducte im pathologi- schen und physiologischen Organismus. 8G. Gbt- tinqen, Idol. f,eiibii*clici-(G.) Diacethylncetal (Acetal). Cor.-Bl. d. allg. ar/.tl.Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar. 18s4, xiii, 381.— Tyson (J.i Aceton and diacetic acid, their detection and clinical significance when found in urine. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 1-6. Triazoacetic acid. Lang (H.) * Ueber Tri - Azoessigsiiure und ihre Derivate. [Erlangen.] 8°. Augsburg,1889. Acid (Agaricinic). See Agaric, etc. Acid (Articnious). See Arsenic. Acid (Aspartic). See Acids (Organic), etc. Acid (Azelainic). See Acids (Organic), etc. Acid (Azosulfobenzolic). See Benzol, etc. Acid (Benzoic) and derivatives. Dautzexbehg (P. J. "YV.) * Onderzoekingen over de uitscheiding van aetherzwavelzuren na oebruik van metoxybenzoezuur. b°. Amster- dam, 1881. Dkkisks (F.) * Ueber einige Derivate der Amidobeiizoesaure. 8°. Greifswald, 1878. Gickbick (P. V.) Die Ester der Para - Oxy- methvlester-Beuzoesaure mit den Pheuolen. 8°. Ber /*,' 1-9U. Herm (W.) * Ueber p-Toluyl-o-Benzoesiiure und Henzophenondicarbonsaure. 8°. Greifswald, 1893. Jordan (K.) * Ueber Abkomnilinge der Para- salicylaldehydsatire, der Meta- und Paraamido- benzoesaure. 8-. Erlangen, 1889. May (J.) * Ueber einige neue Derivate der Dimethylamido-p-benzoesaure. 6°. Bern, 1893. A' ID. 102 ACID. Acid (Benzoic) and derivatives. Zixkovski (I ) * 0 dieistvii benzoinoi kis- loty na orgauizm jivotnych. [Action of benzoic acid on animal organ ism.] 8 . St. Petersburg, 1^7-2. Cnrci (A.) Sull' azione biologica dell' acido nnisico. Riv. ital. di terap. eig., Piacenza, 18S4, iv, 165-174.— I IimcIi (J. J.) Anasthesirende Wirkung der Flores Beiizoes ( Acidum ben/.oicnm sublimatum s. empyreumatieum). Med. Ztg.Russlands.St. Petersb..1852,ix,l 17-119.—Occhs- ncr lie t'oniiu U. Sur les acides oxybenzoiques et sur l'acide benzoique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889. 9. s., i, 89. — I»a*wy (J.) Sur l'odeur de l'acide benzoique (reniarques sur les corps inodores). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1894, cxviii, 481.—Vix. Inhalation von Ben- zoe-Saure. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1879, xxiv, 529-534. Acid (Benzylic). See Benzol, etc. At'i(l (Boracic). Bau.mield (C.) * L'acide borique et ses ap- plications therapeutiques. 4°. Paris, 1884. Gatekmann (11.) "Kritische Studieu iiber den Nachweis und die Bestimmung der Borsiiure. [Erlangen.] 8°. Minister, 1892. Lewix (B.) *Die Borsiiure uud ihre moderne Anwendung in der Medicin. 8°. Bonn, 1>83. Peyrtssox (E.) * De l'acide borique et des borates. 4 . Paris, 1867. Plant (J.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Riick- wirkung der Borsaiire auf die Xieren in ihrer Anwendung als Antisepticum. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Prksty(C) * Etude sur l'acide borique. 4 . Montpellier, 1889. Rittek (J. G. L.) *De sale sedativo Hom- bergii. sm. 4°. Hala> Magdeb., [1759J. Wildxkr (O.) *Zur therapeutischen Ver- werthbarkeit der Borsiiure. 8C. Wiirzburg, 188"). Aitlcen (D. W.) The therapeutics of boracic acid. Edinb. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix, 31-35.—Andrews (E.) Ex- periments to determine the antiseptic value of boric acid. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1889, lviii, 129.—AmlrcwN (J. A.) Boracic acid contaminated with lead. Med. Rec.. N. Y., 1880, xvii, 328.— Atkinson (F. P.) The usesol' boracic acid. Practitioner, Loud., 1880, xxiv, 254— Kiiiiih (11. ]).) Jioiacic acid. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv, 260-267.—C'a.i.xal ((.'. E.) On tho adulteration of food with boracic acid. Analyst, Lond., 1890, xv, 227-230. [Discussion], 232-234.—Combriiialc & liadricrc. De l'acide borique contre le crachat vert; recherches exp6ri- mentales et reniarques cliniques. Bull. ni6d. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 333-339.—Corazza (L.) Sul valore del! acido borico nella chirurgia antisettica. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venetc, Padova, 1881, xxiv, 279; 289.—Faust (W.) Zur desodorisireuden "Wirkung dei Borsiiure. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 514. — Flcischl von lliuxow (E.) Ueber die Wirkung von Borsiiure auf frische Gan- glienzellen. [From: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Wien, 1870, lxi.J In his: Ges. Abhandl.. 8°, Leipz., 1893, 14-18,1 pi.—Gooch (F. A.) A method for the separation and estimation of boric acid; with an account of a con- venient form of apparatus for quantitative distillations. Am. Chem. J., Rait., 1887, ix, 23-33. Aho: Analyst, Lond., 1887, xii, 93; 132.—<»rccnc (W. W.) Boracic acid in sur- gery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1880, ciii, 197; 249. —Hchner (O.) On the influence of boric acid on peptic digestion. Analyst, Loud., 1891, xvi, 120.—Hill (J. S.) Boracic acid. Tr. M. Sc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1881, lxxxiii, 144-147. — Jarnickr. Ueber die therapeutische Ver- wcrthuug der Borsaiire, nebst Mittheilungeii iiber ein neues Borpriiparat. Therap. Monatsh., Bert, 1891, v, 477- 482 — f/fbovicz (F.-L.) Action therapeutique de l'acide borique. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 624- 628. ----. Praktische Bemerkuugeu iiber die therapeu- tischo Anwendung der Boisaure. Wieu. med. Prei.se, 1888, xxix, 1356; 1390. —Liebrcich (0.) Ueber Con- servinmg durch Borsiiure. Beil. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 0O5-i;u7.—iMciJniulliss (II. M.) Boiic acid as an antiseptic. China M. ili.ss. J., Shanghai. 1890. iv, 260- 263. — A'eiiiiian (J.) Experinientelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der Borsaiire. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1881, xiv, 149-152.—Obennayer (F. A.) *Diss. experimentalis chemica de sale sedativo Hom- bergii. In: do Wasserbcrg. Op. min. med. et diss., 8°, Viudob., 1775, ii, 1-40. Aho. transl. [Abstr.] in: Weber (C. II.) Vollsiiind. Ausz. a. n. Diss., etc., 8°, Bremen, 17,5, i, 177-191. — Palazzolo (S.) L'acido borico nella niedicazione chirurgica. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1894, xiv, 721-725.— I'crrz (Ci. V.) Actiou of boracic acid on the urine. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 133. — Piuquard (J.) Acid (Boracic). Boracic acid as a surgical dressing. Oklahoma M. J., Guthrie, 1893, i, 11 -13. - RaiiiNilcll (CM.) Boracic acid in surgery and gvn;eco)ogy. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1886, 116-128. - !•>< Iii«. ' Action de l'acide bo- rique sur les nerfs. Rev. med. de, la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1881, i, 244-247.-Schniiilt-Rimplcr ill.) Zur Desiufection mittelst Boisaure. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Stuttg., 1880, xviii, 249-252.—Turner (E.) On the detection of boracic acid in minerals bv the blowpipe. Edinb. Phil. J., 1826, xiv, 124-128. Aho, Reprint.—Var- velli (E.) L' acido boiico nelle medicazioni chirurgiche. Indipendente, Torino, 1880, xxxi, 513-520.—Walb. Die Borsaiire als Antisepticum. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1882, iii, 529-534. — Wnsixr (L. J. T.) *De sale sedativoHombergii. [Gottingie, 1759.] In: Vogel (R. A.) Opusc. med. selecta, etc., 4:. Oottingte, 1768, 215-240. Acid (Boracic, Toxicology of). Itrose (L. D.) Death following the external use of powdered boracic acid. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 199.—Brnzcliiis (R.) Om borsvre-fdrgiftuing. Also: "Resume'' [in French). Hygiea.' Stockholm, 1882, xliv, 548-558. —Corlclt (W. T.) Clinical observations on the ingestion of boracic acid and its effect ou the skin, the bo- racic acid eruption so-called. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 918.—Fore (C.) Leborisuic, ou les accidents de la medication par le borax. Semaine m6d., Par., 1894, xiv, 497— Gaucher (E.) Note sur le pouvoir toxiqne de l'acide borique et sur quelques applications therapeutiques de cet agent antiseptique. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 31-35. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 102.—If ogiicr (R.) Forgift- ningsfall genoni borsvre-skoljningar. [Poisoning by bo- racic acid.] Eira, Goteborg, 1884, viii, 389-394. — Ilnne (R. C.) Poisoning by boracic acid. Med. Xews, Phila., 1882. xl, 704.—Lemoinc (G.) De la toxicite de l'acide borique. Gaz. med. do Par., 189U. 7. s., vii, 205; 222.— iVIoIoiW-nliofr (S. E.) Dva sliicha.ja otravlenija boruoi kislotoi. [Two cases of poisoning bv boracic acid.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1881, ii, 509. —Speiiccr (C. E.) Boracic acid poisoning. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1888, viii, 22. —Welch (G. T.) Toxicological effects of boracic acid. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 531-533. Acid (Boro-carbolic). See Acid (Carbolic) and its subdivision ; Phenol and derivatives. Acid (Butyric) and derivatives. BOttgenbacii (F.J.) "Die Imidoiither der beiden Buttersiiureu, deren Amidine und haupt- siichlichste Derivate. [Erlangen.] 8°. Neu- damm, 1891. German (L.) * Ueber Salze und Abkomm- linge der Hydroxyalphaisobutylessigsiiure. 8°. Miinchen, 18.8'i. Kopiscii (F.) * Einige Derivate der }-Phenyl- /3-brom-a-y-dioxybuttersaure und der v-Phenyl- trioxybuttersaure. 12°. Berlin, 1894. Osthelder (F.) * Einige Abkduinilinge von n. Butyraldoxim und n. Butyrphenylhydrazin. 8°. Miinchen, 1894. Pumpp (G.) ' Ueber Nornialbutylmalousaure, eine neue isomere Pirnelinsiiure. [Bern.] b°. Reuthngen, l8,87>, vox Piechowski (V.) "Ueber Derivate der a-\). Toluidonormalbuttersiiure. 8J. Bern, 1893. Araki (T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der /3-Oxybutter- saure und Hires Verhaltens im Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1893-4, xviii, 1-12.—Janovski (M.) *0 vlijanii maslianoi kisloti na pochki i oh ugneta- joutsh. dieistv. cja na nervnuju sistemu. [Action of buty- ric acid on the kidneys and its obnoxious actiou on the nervous system.] Arch, klin., etc., St. Petersb.. 1883, ix, pt. 1, 237-271. Also, Reprint. — Kiilz (E.) Beitraue zur Kenntniss der activeii 0-Oxybutter.s;iure. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen, 1886, xxiii, 329-339.—Kiiiz (It.) Zur Keuntuiss der linksdreheuden Oxybuttersaure. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1884, xviii, 291-295. Acid (Cacodylic). See Acids (Organic), etc. Acid (Camphoric) and derivatives. Arxtz (E. C. A.) * Ueber Camphoronsaure und Camphoransaure. 8 . Bonn, l897>. Hartlkiu (13.) * Beitrage zur therapeutischen Verwertung der Kamphersaure. -:. Greifs- wald, 1889. ACID. 103 ACID. Acid (Carbamic) and derivatives. Abel (J. J.) On the appearance of carbamic acid in the urine after the continued administration of lime water, and the fate of carbamic acid in the bod v. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1894, v, 37-45.—Abel (J. J.) Sc Drecliscl (E.) Ueber ein ueues Vorkoinmeu von Car- baminsiiure. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1891, 230-243.— Schiiiicilcbcrg (O.) L'eber die pharmakologischen AVirkungcii uud die therapeutische Anwendung einiger Carbamiiisiiuie-Ksler. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz.. 1885-0. xx, 203-216. Also, transl.: Practi- tioner, Lond., 1.-85. xxxv, 275: 328; 417. — Willi 111 (W.J.) Ueber das Verhalten von Curbaniiuthiosaureathylester und Thiocarbaniinsaureatln lester. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1892-3, liii, 481-490. Acid (Carbolic). See, al o. Abscess (Treatment of); Antisep- tics: Camphor ( Carbolated ); Disinfectants, etc.; Phenol and derivatives [in this list] ; Surg- ery (Aseptic, etc.). Bobceuf (P.-A.-F.) De l'acide phenique, do ses dissolutions aqueuses et du phenol sodique, acide phenique soluble, anti-putride, cauterisant, anti-scorbutique, auti-epitlemiqiie, insecticide et h6iuostatique. De leurs applications a l'hygiene, a l'iudustrie et a l'agriculturc, [etc.]. 8-. Pa- ris, [1-65f]. -----. Memoire. adres.se a l'Academie des sciences sur l'acide phenique; de la priorite de sou 6tude et de ses applications: des dangers de son emploi pour les cauterisations et les medications internes. Proprietes du phenol sodique pour la guerison des brulures, coupures, ^corchures, bles- sures reiciites et aucienues, de la gale, des mala- dies de la peau; l'assainissement et la purifica- tion des habitations, des navires, ainsi que pour preveuir ou neutraliser les 6pid£mies, le typhus, le cholera, etc. De ses applications a l'hygiene, a l'iudustrie. a l'agricnlture, etc. 83. Paris, 1-65. Bucholtz (W.) * Ueber die Einwirkung der Phenylsanre \ Carbolsiiure) ani einige Giihruugs- processe. -;. Dorpat, 1>6(5. Calvert (F. C.) Ou some applications of carbolic acid, or hydrate of oxide of phenyle. fol. [Manchester, u. d.] Calvert (F. C.) & Co. Carbolic acid, or phe- nol, as a disinfectant; and how to use it iu cases of infectious diseases. 8°. Belfast, [1"87>]. Carbolic acid, the only sure remedy for de- stroying worms aud insects injurious to vegeta- tion. --. Ntiv York, 1-b'J. Daxion (L.-M.) * Quelques recherches exp6- rimeutales sur l'acide ph6uique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Declat (G.) Trait6 de Tackle phe'nique. 6~. Paris, 1874. Di'xi.at's antiseptic preparations made by the Declat Manufacturing Co., their formula, indi- cations, and employment, with special directions for their use and valuable formulas. 16-s New York, [\887>]. Faivre (P.-E.-E\) * Contribution a l'etude des injections hypodermiques et parenchyma- teuses d'acide ph6nique. Experimentation et clinique. 4°. Bordeaux, \8-8. Fayrer (J.) On the surgical usesol' carbolic acid. Inhis: Collect. M. Sc S. Essays. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Giaco.sa (P.) Di uu uuovo metodo di dosag- gio dell' acido feuico. 8-. Torino, 18-1. GoLUiiKi-T (G.) "Materiah ke ucheuiou o phiziologicheskome dieistvii karbolovoi kisloti. [Physiological effect of carbolic acid.] 8'-. St. Petersburg, l-'li'.L Hoffmann (W.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der physiologischen Wirkungeu der Carbolsiiure und des Kampfers. 8:. Dorpat, 1866. Lkmaire (J.) De l'acide ph6uique, de sou actiou sur les v£g6taux, les animaux, les fer- Lcid (Carbolic). ments, les venins, les virus, les miasmes et de ses applications a l'iudustrie, a l'hygiene, aux sciences anatoniiques et a la therapeutique. 2. eU 1-3-. Paris, 1865. Lcdwig (J.) * Ueber die Wirkung dis Phe- nol auf organische Grwebe und (iewebsbestaud- teile. 8°. Bonn, 1891. Menvilli: (E.) 'Etude sur les variations dela temperature sous l'infineiice de l'acide ph6uique. 4°. Paris, 1889. Mialiie (L.) Du role chimiqnede l'acide car- bonique dans l'economie animale. 8C. Paris, 187)6. Moulin (F.) *Du phenol, ou acide pheni- que. 4-. Montpellier, 1886. Pixette (J.) * Ueber das specifische Volumen von Phenoleu und Phenoiatheren bei ihren Siedepunkten. 8°. Kbnigsberg, 1886. Readwin (T. A.) Carbolic acid and human parasites. 8->. London, 1870. Repr.from: Proc. Brit. Pharm.Conference, Aug. 18,1869. Sciilaepfer (J. J.) * Ueber (l)-Phenyl-(3)- niethyl-(4)-nitro-(5)-pyrazolou und (l)-Phenyl- (3)-methyl-(4)-isonitroso-(5)-pyrazolon. [Jena.l 8°. St. Gallen, 1893. Schmitz (A.) *Die Carbolsiiure in ihrer kli- nischen Verwerthung. 8°. Bonn, [l-?f>]. Thomas (II.) * Ueber Carbolsiiure vom physi- ologisch-chemischen und toxicologischen Staud- puncte aus. 8°. Halle, 1882. Ville (J.) * Proprietes generales des phenols. 4:. Paris, 1883. Allis (O. H.) Carbolic acid used in full strength in surgery. Am. J. Surg. & Gymec, Kansas City. 1893-4, iv, 07. -----. The safety of using strong carbolic acid. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 144.- Bnllaml. Xote sur l'emploi de recipients en aluminium pour la conservation de l'acide phenique. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil. Par 1894, xxiii, 104.—Bell (J.) Cases illustrative of the anti- septic use of carbolic add. Edinb. Al. J., 1869, lxiv, 982- 988. Also, Reprint.—Benson (O. D.) Carbolic acid; materia medica and internal therapeutics. Times Sc liv N. Y. Sc Phila., 1890, vii, 485-487.— lioinil. Note pour se"r- vir a l'histoire de l'acide phenique ct a m-s premieres appli- cations en chirurgie. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. del'ar., 1881, n. s., vii, 351-365. Also: Therap. contemp., Par. 1881, i, 369-378. —Bonrsier (A.) Contribution k l'etude des injections sous-eutanees d'acide phenique. J. de med de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 166; 178. —If rocker (J.) Car- bolzuur in de urine. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc. Utrecht, 1879, iii, 357-365.— Bronghton (J.) An indig- enous source of carbolic acid. Madras Month. J M Sc™ 1871, iii, 418-420.—Bufalini (G.) Sui feuoli cauforati! Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1879, n. a., ii, 856. Also, Reprint.—Itiikowski (A.) Dochodzenie chemiczno- sadowe fenolu. [An inquiry into the cheinico-forensic relations of phenol.J Wiadomosci farm. Warszawa. 1892, xix, 1-5.—Carles (P.) Causticite variable de l'acide phenique selon ses dissolvauts. J. de m6d. de Boideaux, 1888-9, xviii, 317.—C'n*h (J. T.) Introduction to a dis- cussion on rarlmlie acid and its allies, including anlipyrin and autifebrin. Brit. M. J., Lond., ls«8, u. 975-982.— Chiari (O.) Die Carbolsiiure als Act/mittel. Ztschr.. I. Diag. u. Therap., Wien, 1882, i, 57-59.—Cornell (E. F.) Carbolic acid as a local anaesthetic in ruiuor sin gorv. Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x, 274. —Cornevin.' L'acide phenique et les maladies contagieuses. Mem. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1873), 1874,xiii, pt. 1, 129-133.— Unvy (E. W.) On a new chemical test for carbolic acid, and its useful ap- plications. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (Science), Dubl.,1877-83, 2. s., iii, 155-160.— Ocla^ciiir-k'c. Du I'aeide phenique coinme antipvretique et sudoritiquc. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Angers (1881),1882, n. s., ix, 158-171, 1 diag.—Demons. Communication sur l'acide phenique. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. etchir. de Bordeaux (1883), 18S4, 30-36. [Discussion], 02-68. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1882-3, .xii, 327; 349.— Bcaplals (II.) Note sur l'emploi de l'acide ph6ui- que coinme agent antipvretique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1880, 2. a., xvii, 628-631. -----. Action antipyretique de l'acide phenique. Ibid., 835; 854. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1880. ii, 797-813.-----. De Taction antipyretiquede l'acide phenique. Reponse a, AIM. Raymond et Ricklin. Gaz. med. de Par., 1881, C. s., iii, 48!; 493. [See, also. >nfra.\ Aho [Rejoinderl; Gaz. med. de Par., 1881. 0. s., iii. 507.— Dulac»ka id.) A carbolsav baszn&rdl. Gyogyaszat, Budapest, ]H8(i, xxvi, 417-421. Aho, transl'. [Abstr.]: Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, G67.— Duplay (S.) Sc C'azin (M.) De Taction de l'acide ph6- ACID. 104 ACID. Acid (Carbolic). nique sur les animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1891, cxii, 627-030.—von Ebncr(V.) Ueber eine optischo Reaction der Bindesubstanzen auf Phenole. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1894, ciii, 162-188. A ho, Reprint. — Engel. Le phenol dans l'economie animale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1879, i, 6; 30.—Ciiirtner. Leber die desinficirende Wir- kung der wusserigen Karbol.-aurelosiiDgen. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, 25.— van Oeuns (J.) lets over de waarde van het carbolzuur als desinfecteerend middel. Nederl.Tijdschr.v. Geneesk., Amst., 1872, 2. R., viii, 481-490. Also, Reprint,-Giacosa (P.) Sur le dosage, volumetrique du ph6nol. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882, vi, 43-50.—Gies (T.) Zur Kenntniss der Wirkung dor Carbolsiiure auf den thieri- scheu Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1879-80, xii, 401-419, 1 tab. Also, Reprint—Hay (M.) An easy method of distinguishing the solutions of carbolic acid used in surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1880. ii, 243.—Ilerlyn. Die Gefahrlichkeit der Carbolsiiure bei Klystieren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 083.—Hoppc. Die Aqua carbolica. Memora- bi'.ien, Heilbr., 1881, n. F., i, 324-331. — 1.hhiiois (M.) Note sur quelques points de Taction de l'acide phenique ; evaluation de la chaleur produite pendant le frisson. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1882), 1883, xxii. 63-09, 1 tab. Also: Lyon med., 1882, xxxix, 629-634, 1 tab. — liiclilheiin (L.) Die aniipyretische Wirkung der Phenole. Bnslau. iirztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 1. — t|n- rari (F ) Nota clinica sulT acido fenico. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli, 1879, n. s., i, 854-856. — .?!>»ill (R.) The analgetic action of carbolic acid and the cresol group of compounds. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 1115-1119.— IVIacphnil (S. R.) The physiological action of carbolic acid, illustrated bv its use in surgery. Ibid.. 1882-3 xxviii, 888-900.—Ulazzenga (L.) Sull' eliminazione del lenolo per le urine e snl rapporto fra la medesima e quella dell'acido solforico. Progresso med., Xapoli. 1890 iv 333- 435; 497. — iHcyltc (W.) Ueber die Roth fa i bung der reinen Carbolsiiure. Pharm. Ztschr. I'. Russlaml St. Pe- tersb., 1883, xxii, 425-432. — Tlorra (E.) -3, viii, p. cxlviii.—Brigys (W. A.) A case of phenol poisoning from presumed vaginal irrigation in child-bed. Sacramento M. Times. 1887. i, 43-45.—Brom* (E.) Mundan karbool- imvrkytyksen tapaus. [Poisoning by carbolic acid of a child 3 'weeks old. ] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1888. iv, 208- 210.— Brown (W. II.) A curious case of carbolic acid poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1895. i, 543. — Brngnoli (G.) Sopra un preteso caso di veneticio per un clistere con solu- zione d" acido fenico. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Napoli, 1892, n. s., xiv, 618-622. — Buscli. Leber Carbolsaure- Vergiftung. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-ihein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Beilk. zu Bonn, 1879, 416-419. — Cnille (A.) Acute Carbol-Vergiftung. N. Yorker med Presse. 188':-6, i, 153- 159. Also, Reprint,—Cameron (J.) Stomach in a case of poisoning bv carbolic acid. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1881, i. 208.—Carleton (E.) The antidote to caibolic acid. N. York M. Times, 1895, xxiii, 339.—Case (A) of poisoning by carbolic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 877.— Case (In the) of the Empress vs. Upendro Kisto Dutt. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 130-137. — t'aton (It.) A case of carbolic acid poisoning; recovery. Lan- cet, Lond., 1895, ii, 788—C'eina (L>.) Phenol (carbolic acid), its poisonous effects, and the soluble sulphates as antidotes. Phila. M. Times, 1878-9, ix, 592-597. Also, Re- print.—C-hiwholiii. Stomach from a case of poisoning by carbolic acid. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1885, v. 211.— C'onzeliiian (T. W.) A caseof carbolic acid poisoning. Clin. Repoiter, St. Louis, 1891, iv, 304. —C'omielt (B.) Carbolic acid poisoning; recovery. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1882, 2. s., xxix, 112-115.—Costine. Case of carbolic acid poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 280.—Coiipland (S.) Poisoning by carbolic acid; severe bronchitis; re- covery; comments. Ibid., 1884, ii, 678. — C'outeand. Empoisonnemeuts foudroyants par l'acide pheniqie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1892, 2. s., xxix, 159-161.—Uardi- gnac. Deux observations d'euipoisonnemeut par l'acide ph6nique du commerce. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxxvi, 604-612. Also: Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1881, xiii, 25-29. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1881, xiii, 660-668.—Bavies (J. H.) Two cases of fatal poisoning by carbolic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 539.— Bc-Aj;owtiiii. Di un intossicazione | er 1'uso chirurgieo dell' acido fenico ; periuefrite con esito di asees- so; carbolismo a forma di grave collasso con edema pol- mouare ed idro-torace siuistro, poi di febbre asettica (Volk- mann); guarigioue. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1880, i, 49-68.— Dc Ln Bate. Sur un cas d'cmpoisoimementpai l'acide phenique trade par les inhalations d'ox\ gene. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1883, cv, 417— Bclalioii«*e (C.) Empoisonnemeuts par l'acide phenique. Arch. med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1885, v, 270-275.—Be ITIahy (II.) ACID. 103 ACID. Acid (Carbolic, Toxicology of'). Poisoning by crude carbolic acid; death from tetanus on seventh day. X. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1887-8, n. s., xv, 111.— Draper. "A stomach, cesophagus, and duodenum, show- ing the caustic effects of a fatal dose of carbolic acid. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1891. cxxiv, 11. — Breyfons. Deux cas d'intoxication chez des nouveau-nes a la suite de panse- ments pheniques. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1885, ix, 1-5. Also; Fiance med.. Par., 18s5. i. 255-258. Also: Therap. contemp., Par., 1885, v, 149-152.—Edmunds (S. C. ) Speedy and fatal carbolic acid poisoning occurring from a uterine douche administered in nueipiral septicemia, Med. Sc Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1887, lvii, 345. — Ellcn- berfjer \- Hofincister. Ueber Carbolsiiure-Vergif- tuug durch Theeieinn ilumg. Ber. ii. d.Veterinaiw.ini Konigr. Sachs. 1881. Dresd.. 1882, xxvi, 157-161. Also: Cen- tralbl. f.Vet.-Wissenscli.. Jena. 1883,234-238—Evarts (A. U.) Some of the uses of carbolic acid in medicine and sur- gery, and its poisonous effect, with history of two cases. Iowa State M. Reporter, Des Moines, 1886-7, iv, 83-88.— Falhson (R.) Beobachtungen uud Untersuchungen iiber Carboluriu mid Carbolintoxication bei der Lister'schen Wundbehandlnng. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881, xxvi, 204-240. Also, Reprint. -----. Zur Frage iiber den Werth der Farbe des Urins und der Sonnenbnrg'schen Methode fiir die Beurtheilung der Karbolintoxikation. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii, 529-531.—Ferrand. Etude the- rapeutique de 1'empoisonnement par l'acide phenique. Bull, et mem. Soe. de therap. 1876. Par., 1877, 2. s., iii, 45- 56. —Flatten (II.) Vergiftung durch Carboliueum. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl., 1894, 3. F., vii, 316-320.— Fleck (II.) Ueber den Xachweis von Carbolsaure in Ycrgiftimgsfalleu. Jahresb. d. chem. Centralstelle f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Dresd., 18s2. x-xi, 68-71.—Forgift- ■linger nied Karbolsyre og deres Forebyggelse. Ugesk. f. Lager. Kjebenh., i885, 4. R.. xii, 561-570.—Fonrill- ningcr med Karbolsyre eg deres Forebygelse. Ibid., 1886,4. R., xiv, 113-121— Fonlerton (A.'G. R.) Xotes of a fatal ease of phenol poisoning. Lancet. Lond.. 1889, i, 115.— Foe (G.) Carbolic acid poisoning. Med. Tress Sc Circ. Lond., 1886. U.S., xiii. 264.—Fraser (I). B.) A case showing the antidotal effect of alcohol in carbolic-acid poisoning. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlviii, 741.— Freycr (M ) Die Karbolgangran in ihier gerichtsarztlichen und medizinalpolizeilichen Bedeutung. Ztschr. f Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1891, iv, 277-282— Fribonrg & Wise- mans. Un cas d'enipoisonnement par l'acide phenique impur du commerce et des accidents causes par ce desin- feetaut dans les corps de troupe. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1885, v, 305-312.—Friedberg (H.) Ein Fall von tddtlicher acuter "Vergiftuujr (lurch Carbolsaure. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxiii, 132-138.— Friedeberg | M. W. ] Ueber Intoxikatiouen durch Lvsi.l und Karbolsiiurc. Centralbl. f.iunere Med., Leipz., 1894. xv, 185-188. —Cade (F.G.) D(|fdelig Karbolsyrefor- giftning. Norsk May. f. Lsegevidensk.. Christiania, 1884, xiv, 234-241.—von Censer (T.) Vergiftung durch Car- bolsaure nach ausserer Anwendnng deiselben bei einem 14 Tage alten Kiude. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 188n. i, 459-465.—Cinntiirco (V.) Ricerche istologiche in un caso di avvelenamento acuto per acido feuico. Gazz. d. clin.. Napoli, 1890, i, no. 6, 1-4— Clisan (K.) Poisoning by carbolic acid ; recovery. Proc. Oregon M. Soc, Port- land, 1880. vii. 61-63. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s.. lxxx, 452-4."i4. — Could (A. P.) A caseof antiseptic osteotomy of the libia. in which rapidly fatal carbolic in- toxication occurred. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond.. 1881, xiv, 201- 210, 1 pi.—Crcen. A case of poisoning bv carbolic acid: autopsy. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, 230.—Green- way (J. 11.) A case of micidal poisoning by carbolic acid: over one ounce of ninety per cent strength stated to have been taken; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 485.— Hngenbacb (A. W.) Carbolic acid poisoning; case. ChicagoM. J. Sc Exam., 1882. xliv, 278.—Ilamcr'(W. [-".) Case of carbolic-acid poisoning, with recovery. Louisville M. News, 18sl. xii. 113.— Hnnkcl (E.) Ei'u Todesfall in Folge akutcr Carbolsaure-Vergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med.. Berl., 18s3. n. F.. xxxix, 57-62 — II a id in an (W.) Carbolic acid poison ng. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1894, ii, 867. — Harris (F. A.> Carbolic acid poisoning. Bos- ton M. A: S. J., 1880, cii, 494. — Han nliorst. Ein Fall von Carbolsaure-Vergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 605.—Hey man n (E.) Eine Carbolsaure-Vergiftung bei einem Sjahrigen Kinde. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 189U, li\. 2105.— llildebrandt. Heilung einer Carbolin- toxication. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 325.— II iikI (A.) Case of recovery after swallowing car- bolic acid. Lancet, Lond.. 1884. i,"659. — Hischmnnn (C.) Deux cas d'intoxication pheniquee par absorption piilmonaiie. France med., Par.. 1886, ii, 1121-1123. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. dePar. (1886), 1887, x, 121-123. Also: Cour- rier med., Par.. 1886, xxxvi, 399. — lloriiemaiiu (J. W.) Om Forgiftningei ved Carliolsvrens chirurgiske Auveiidelse. Bibloth. f. La'ger. Kjob, nh., 18mi, 6. K., x, 317-361.— Homier iW. W.) Carbolic acid poisoning. Chicago M. Times, 1892, xxiv, 542. — Bin ber (A.) Car- boisaurevergiftung. Ztschr. f. Klin. Med., Berl., 1888. xiv, 467-471.—Hunter (W.) Case of carbolic acid poi- Acid (Carbolic, Toxicology of). soiling. Edinb. M. J., 1884-5, xxx. 790-794. — Isnakidcs. Un cas d'enipoisonnement par l'acide phenique. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant.. 1891-2. xxxiv. 372-374.—.l:i^'< r, Ueber Carl.olsiiiirevorgiftun g. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 18S8. lviii, 219; 225— Johnston (J.j Case of carbolic acid poisoning. Med Pi ess A (in., Lond., 1894,ii.s.. lviii, 182.—Josias (A.) Liupoisoiine- mentpai l'acide phenique resultant deraeprise (48grammes d'acide phenique): mort en dix minutes; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1885, lx, 18-21. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s.. i 254. — Kelly (M. F.) Carbolic acid poisoning. Med. Press i Circ, Lond.. 1880, n. s.. xxx, 401.—Kingsford (E. C.) Attempted poisoning bv car- bolic acid. ' Lancet. Lond., 1892. i. 743.—Kirk (R.) Notes on a case of poi-oning by carbolic acid. Glasgow M. J., 1881. xv, 432-438. _ Kleud^en. Selbstmord dm eh Car- bolsaure. Breslau. iii zi 1. Ztschr., 1881, iii. 268 —KraiiHM. Vergiftung mit fliissiger Carbolsiiure. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1893, lxiii, 161.—Kron- lein ( R. U.) Zur Casuistik des Carbolismus acutus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 605. Also, Reprint.—Kru- kcnberg(R.) Ein Fall von Ilamoglohinaniie und Hanio- globinurie nach iutrauteriuer Carbolanwendnng. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg.. 1891, xxi, 167-184. -----. Ein Fall von tiidlich verlaufenerCarbolintoxication. Ibid., 217-219. — Kiislei- (E.) Die giftigen Eigenschaften der Carbolsaure bei chii in gischer Verwendnng. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878-9. xxiii, 117-155. Aho, Reprint. -----. Zur Carbolintoxication. In his: Ein chir. Trienn. 1876-8, 8°, Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 20-22. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl, Wien, 1882, xvii, 399.—Kikslner (O.) Ueber Car- bolintoxicationen nach Aiisspiiiiiiigen des puerperalen Uterus. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1878, ii, 313-318. Also, Reprint.—KiiznetzoflT(D. D.) Sluch. smerti posle klizmy iz karbol. kisloti. [Death after an enema of car- bolic acid] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kron- stadt, 1892, no. 30, 47-53.—Eambling (E.) Note sur un cas d'enipoisonnement par le phenol. Rev. biol. du nord dela France. Lille, 1888-9, i, 18-21.— Enngerhans (R.) Ueber die Verauderungen der Luftwege und der Lungen inlolge von Carbolsaure vergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchu- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 269; 1256. — Eannois. Em]Miisonneiueut par l'acide phenique. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, pt. 2, 21».— Ecileriiian (M. D.) Diffuse external otitis follow- ing the careless use of carbolic acid. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi. 622. Aho. Reprint. — Eibcrson (E. A.) K kazuis- tike otravlenia karbolovoi kislotol. [Poisoning with car- bolic acid.] Ejened. [our. "Prakt. Med.", St. Petersb., 1895, ii, 65-67. — Eewis (It. E.) Ingestion of one-half ounce of carbolic acid; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1895, Ixvi, 636.—Eipinsky ( E.) Empoisonnement acci- deutel par l'acide phenique; pneumonie; guerison. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1895, xvi, 211-213.—Eisovslii. Sluchai smerti ot otravlenija alkohol. i karbolovoi kislotoi pri za- merzanii. [Death by poisoning from application of alcohol and carbolic acid in frost bite.] Piotok. zasaid. Duna- burg. med. Obsh., 1885, ii, 57-63.— Eittlcjohn (H. D.) The pharynx, gullet, air passages, and stomach of a case of poisoning with carbolic acid. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1883-4, n. s., iii. 155. — Eitvinoll (M.) Sluchai otravlenija karbolovoi kislotoi. [Poisoning bv carbolic acid.) Med. Vestnik, St Petersb., 1880, xx, 249; 257— Loo- ker (K.) Schwere CarbolTntoxieatiou vom Magen aus; Heilung (lurch Anwendung einer improvisirten Magen- puinpe. Deutsche med. Wchiiacln ., Berl., 1881, vii, 266- 268. — Eueas (It. C.) Sc Eane ( YV. A.) Two eases of carbolic acid coma induced bv the application of catholic compresses to the skiu. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1362-1364.— Mackenzie ill. W. G.) Cases of carbolic acid poison- ing. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1888-9. Loud., 1890, n. s., xviii, 297-306. — Macphail iS. R.) Carbolic acid poison- ing i surgical). Edinb. M. J., 1881 -2, xxvii, 132-144.— ITIadcr. Intoxication mit verdiinnter Carbolsiiure: ge- heilt. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph - Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 296.—IHalnigien (J. A.) Fall af in- toxication vid yttre brr.k af karbolsyre. [Poisoning from external use of carbolic acid.] Eiia, Gdleborg. 1880. iv, 432-435. — IVIanly i C. S. ) Poisoning by carbolic m id. Denver M. Times. 1893-4. xiii. 459-4C1. — JTIarfori iP.) Sulla formazione dell etere fenilsolforico nell oi ganisiuo, specialmente in rapporto alia cura dell' avvelenamento per carbolo. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat, iu Ferrara, 1894, lxviii, 214-229. Also: Arch, di farm.e terap., Palermo, 1894, ii, 513-524. Aho, transl..- Arch. ital. de biol., Turiu, 1894-5, xxii, 204-211.—von Maschka. Carbolsaure-Vergiftung mit raschem Eintritte des Todes. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1886. n. F., xiv, 234-237. —----. Vergiftung eines 16 Mouate alten Kindes mit Carbolsaure. Ibid.. 237-239.-----. Tod eines Kindes bald nach der Geburt, in Folge ausserer Anwendung einer eoncc ntrii ten I.dsung von Carbolsaure. Ibid., 239-242.— Matlakowski i\V.) 0 zatrueiu kwasem karbolowym. [l'oi.soning by carbolic acid.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1881. 2. s., i, lti9; ]i)7.— nnlsukawa (I.) [On poisoning bv carbolic acid.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, Feb., 188(1.— Tleilin id.) Fall af karbol- syrefbrgiftning medelst lavemang. [Poisoning by carbolic ACID. 107 ACID. Acid (Carbolic, Toxicology of). acid in an enema.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1883, xiv. 125- 130.—."TIeltzer 'S. J.) Carbolsaurevergiftung bei einem Kiude Med Monatschr.. X. Y., 1889, i, 196. Also. Re- print — .Vlinol. Poisoning by carbolic acid. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi. 260. — Mitchell (T.) Fatal case of poisoning by oxalic and carbolic acids. Glasgow M. J., 1895. xliv, 267. —ITIonod. Gangrene pheniquee du pouce. Bull, et mem. Soc. de ehir. de Par.. 1894. n. s., xx, 558- 561—.tlonti. Vergiftung durch Carbolsaure nach ausse- rer Aiiwendung derselben bei einem 6 Wochen alten Kinde; Heilung. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 17-28. — ^loouey (■!. J.) A cse of carbolic acid poison- ing. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1894, ii, 918 — VIorelli (P.) Av- velenamento per acido fenico: guarigioue. Gior. inter- naz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1884. n. «"., vi, 441-4(50. — .tloretti (T.) Avvelenamento da acido fenico. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1892, 5. s.. xiii. 89-93.—.Horton. Stomach from a case of carbolic acid poisoning. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. I8s4. iv, 210. — »l iii lei ( (J. J.C. ) Ueber die acuteste Form der Carliolsaiirevergiftung, sowie iiber die rerlecto- rischeXatureiniger Giftwirkungeu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1881. lxxxv, 236-282.— Tluro (Vi Contributo alia casnistica della iutossicazione cai lionica con conside- razioni sulla uatiira e la cura di essa. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Xapoli, 1887, u. s., ix. 1020-1030. —>euhaiis. Aku- ter Karbolismus im Wocheubett: schwere puerperale In- fektioa: Gem-sung. Aerztl. Rundschau. Miinchen. 1894. iv, 131.—,\evc iA.1 Carbolic acid poisoning. Indian it. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883. xviii, 192.—\cwlon (G. W.) Mag- nesium sulphate in poisoning with carbolic acid. Med. Rec. X. T.. 1887. xxxii, 736.— .\icdcn (A.i Ein Fall von transit. Amaurose durch Carbolintoxication. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 18-2, xix, 748-750.— zur >"ieden (P.) Hiinio- globinnrie bei einer acuten Carbolvergiftung. Ibid., 1881, xviii. 705-710. Also, Reprint,—Nordeiistroui (H.) Car- bolsyrefbrgiftning med diidlig utgang till fiiljd af utvartes bruk af carbolja. [Poisoning bv carbolic acid: death.] Eira, Goteborg, 1880, iv. 251.-Oliver ( F. H.) Carbolic iicid poisoning in a child; recoverv. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1884, i. 356. Aho: Med. Times i Gaz.. Lond.. 1884, i, 282.—Ory (E.) Phenique (Acide), action physiologique et toxicologic. N. diet, de ru6d. et chir. prat.. Par., 1879, xxvii, 127-129.—Ozeune. Accidents toxiques pro- duits par injections pheniquees. Soc de med. 16g. de France. Bull., Par.. 1880-81, vi, :::;7-:J4-'. Aho: Ann. d'hvg., Par., 18-o, 3. s., iv, 236-241—Paijkull (L.) Ett fall af karbolsyreforgiftning ; helsa. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1891-2, xxvii, 278—Park (R.) Poisoning bvcarbolicacid; fatal. Chicago M. Gaz., 18»0, i, 228.—Pasini (D.) De' gravi inconvenienti dell' acido fenico nella chirurgia addo- minale. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 18m;. 5. 9., i, 241 ; 273.— Pasqualigo (L.) Perizia defensionale in causa di avve- lenamento jier acido fenico. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Vene- cia, 1894. xxi, 251-262.—Paul (C.) S\ stemic poisoning by the external application of carbolic acid. Phila. M. Times, 1879-hO, x, 404.—Paulson (F.) Zur Casuistik der Car- bolgangran. St. Petersb. mod. Wchnschr.. 1894, n. F., xi, 145-147.—Poisoning by carbolic acid. [Edit.] Lancet. Lond., 1881, ii, 1005-1007 .—Poisoning by carbolic acid. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, ii, 9s7.— Reichert (E. T.) Con- tributions to the study of the toxicology of cardiac de- pressants. I. Carbolic acid ; a summary of fifty-six cases ■of poisoning, with a study of its physiological action. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila , 1881. n.'s., Ixxxii, 441-465. Also, Reprint. Aho, transl. [Absir.J : J. de med.. chir. et Pharmacol., Brux.. 1882. lxxiv, 547-550. — Keimaun. Gutachten be- treffend falirliissige ToVitung durch iinssere Anwendung unveriliinnter Karholsaure. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1891, 3. F., ii, 63-73.— Reubold. Eine Carbol- saure-Vergiftung. Friedreich s Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Xiirub., 1895, xlvi. 8-11.—Reuss (L.-M.) Des dangers de la medication pheniquee. | Rev. crit ] J. de the- rap, Par., 1882, ix, 210-216. — Key ( H.) Empoisou- nement par l'acide phenique. Courrier med., Par, 1881. xxxi, 262. — ISi[), Kikchxer (L.) * Ueber die Phenyllutidiudi- carbonsaure und die Pbenyllupetidindicarbon- siiure. 8J. Breslau, 1893. Kochexdokkfkr (E.) * Ueber das Phtalein des Brenzkate( bins. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phenylliydrazin auf Pbloroglucin und Eesorcin. [Erlangen.] 8°. Munchen, 1889. Kock(E.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tri- phenvlinethanderivate. 8°. Erlangen, 1887. Kolb (G.) * Ueber Natrosobasen des ni-Oxy- dipbenylaniins. [Erlangen.] 8-. Ralibor,1891, Kilfmer (C.) *Sur les d6riv6s azo'iques des phenols, les acides aini(loph6nolsulfouiques et leurs relations avec des matieres colorautes. 8°. Lausanne, 1884. Lafoxt(J.) * Des phenols. 4°. Pdris, 1889. Lohmaxx ([C] J.) * Ueber das v-Phenoxy- propylamin. -D. Berlin, 1892. Li'XKER (C. [P.]) *a. Ueber einige Derivate des Phenyliudazols. b. Zur Kenutnis der o-m- Benzidindiearbonsaure. 8J. Erlangen, 1894. Meili (W.j * Veigleiehende Bestiuiniuug der Gii'tigkeitdeili isouierenKresole uud des Phenols. 8°. Bern, 1>91. Meisz (G.) *Zur Kenutnis neuer Synthesen von Pheumiazinderivaten. 8°. Erlangen, 1894. Xahxsex (R.) * Untersuehnngen inderThio- pbengruppe. .--. Schbuebeck, 1-8"). vox Rothenburg (R. [F. 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Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv, 379-381. — Iiini. (C.) Die nervenlahmende Wirkung des Pheiiylliydroxylainins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz.. Is!i5'. xxxvi, 403-410. — Daccomo (G.) Sull' orto- e paraclorotiofenolo. Ann. di ehim. e di farm., Milano, 1891, 4. s.. xiv. 3-13.— l>nboi» (R.) i Vigtiioii (L.) Etude preliminaire de Taction pbysiologique de la para- et de la metaphenyleue diamine. {From: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path.. Par., 1888.| Univ. de Lyon. Trav. lab. physiol., 1,^88-9 i 7-12.— ACID. 109 ACID. Acid (Carbolic)—Phenol derivatives. (iiacoao (P.) Vortheilhafte Darstellung der Phenolgly- colsiiiiie und iiber die Pyrogalltri^h colsanre. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz.. 1879, xix, 39(1-399. Aho, Repriut.— Gottlieb (E.) Om Fenol og renolpiaparater. Tidsskr. f.Vet., Kjvdieub.. 1893, 2. R.. xxiii, G.-s-. — <;riiuiu (F.) Tribromphenol als Antisepticum. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1887, xiii. 1121-1123. Also, R< print.—Hins- berg (O.) Sc Treupel (G.) Leber die physiologisidie Wirkung des P-Ainidophenols und einiger Derivate dessel ben. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz , ls93-4, xxxiii, 216-250.—Kotoffi A. K.) Ovlijanii phenilukrusnoi kisloti na organ. (Effect of pbenvlacetic acid on organism. ] Ejened. kliii. gaz.. St. Petersb.. 1888. viii, 133-137.—Uloli- nari (G.) Studio sperimentale dell' acido fenil borico. Gior. internaz. d. se. uu-il.. Xapoli. 1891. n. s., xiii, 601-625.— ITIowso ( F. ) Alcune ricerche chimiche sui fenoli cloru- rati. Ann. di chiiu. e di farm.. Milano, 1887, 4. s.. v, 184- 191.—Pnglie*e (A.) L' eliminazione del fenolo negli animali a diuiuno e suo rapporto con la temperatura organica e col periodo di inanizione. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena. 1894, 4. s., vi, 429-463. —Sabba- lani (L.) Kicerche farmacologiche sul iodometilato di fenilpirazolo. Ann. di chiiu. e di farm., Milano ls93, 4. s., xviii, 209-229. Aho, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1893, xix. 321-:;:i9.—9alkow»ki (E.) Le- ber den Einfluss der Phenylessi^siiure auf den Eiweiss- zerfall. (Xach Versuchen von A. Kotoff.) Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb.. 1887-8, xii, -22-226. —Siansoiii (L.) Sull" azione terapeiitica del feuilnretano. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1889. 3. s . xxxvii, 353-362. -----. Osservazioni ed esperienze sull' azione farmacologica e terapentica del feiiiluretano. Riv. clin., Milano, 1890, xxix, 361-38v—Szmiirl© (J.) Przvcz.vnok do kliuicznego stosowania niektorych zwiazkow grupy aromatycznej. [Contribution to the clinical application of some combinations of the aromatic group.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, ls94. 2. s.. xiv, 3os-311.—Vigier (F.) Le sulfo- carbol (acide orthoxyphenylsulfureux); ses proprietes physiolojriques antiferineiitescibles et antiseptiques. Tri- bune med.. Par.. 1884. xvi. 32;-333. Acid (Carbonic). See, also, Air (Chemistry, etc., of); Anaes- thetics (Local). Axdral (G.) & Gavarret. Untersuchungen iiber die durch die Lunge ausgeathniete Kohlen- siiurc-Menge beim Menscheu. Deutsch von Lud- wijr Sprengler. 8 . Wiesbaden, 1845. See, aho, infra. d'Arcet. Notice relative a la source d'acide carbonique de Montpeusier, pri\s d'Aigue-Perse. 5'. [Paris, n. d.] Repr. from : Rec. Industrie], manufact., etc., Par. Biiikholz (W.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur und der Ernalirnug auf die Kohlen- siiureproduktion im Thierkorper. 8-~. Erlangen, Dobsox (M.) A medical commentary on fixed air. 2. ed., with an appendix on the use of the solution of fixed alkaline salts saturated with fixible air in the stone and gravel, by William Falconer. n°. Dublin, 17^7). Graxdis (V.) Influenza del lavoro muscolare, del digiuuoe della temperatura, sulla produ/.ione di acido carbonico e sulla diminnzione di peso dell' organismo. 4^. Roma, 1--9. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lineei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat,, Roma. 1*88, cclxxxv. Also, transl. in: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1889, xii. 237-255. Herpix (J.-C.) De l'acide carbonique, de ses proprieLe\s physiques, chimiques et physiologi- ques; de ses applications th6rapeutiques coinme anesthe'sique, disinfectant, cieatrisant re'solutif, etc., dans les plaies et ulcdrations; dans les maladies des organes de la digestion, de la res- piration, de l'innervatiqn, de la g6ne"ratioii, et spe'cialeiuent de l'uterus, de la vessie, etc. 1'2-. Paris, 181)4. Konx (H. N.) * Ueber deu Einfluss des Chlo- ralamids auf die Kohlensaure-Atisseheidung des Tierkorpers. (Xach Versuchen am Kaninchen.) 8°. Erlangen, [1890]. O'Reilly (hi.) *De gas acido-mephitico. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1784. vox Pettexkofer (M.) & Voit (K.) Ueber Kohlensaureausscheidung und Sauerston'auf- Acid (Carbonic). nahme beim Menscheu. [ Furtsetzung. ] 8°. Miinchen, [18(57]. See, also, infra. Petzoldt (C.) * Ueber den Einfluss versehie- denartiger Erniihrung auf die Kohlensaureaus- scheidung des Tierkorpers. (Nach Versuchen auderKatze.) 8:. Erlangen, 1^91. ROGLEii (J.) * Ueber deu Einfluss von Coffein, Cainpher nud Strophanthus auf die Kohlensiiure- Ausscheidnng des Tierkorpers. (Xach Versuchen am Kaninchen.) 8C. Erlangen, [1890]. Scharlixg (E. A.) Undersogelser over den Quantitet Knlstof, sotn i Form af Kulsyre gjen- nem Hud og Lunger forlader det meuneskelige Legeme i Dognets Lob. [Researches as to quantity of carbon, which iu form of carbonic acid, through skin and lungs, leaves the human body in course of a day.] 4~. [n. p., 1842. ] Cutting from,: Vid. Sel. uaturvid. og math. Afh., 1842, x. ------. Tredie Ra^kke af Forsog for at be- stemnie den Mtengde Kulsyre et Menneske ud- vikler i en bestenit Tid. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Cutting from [?] ------. Fortsatte Forsog for at bestemine den M.engde Kulsyre et Menneske udaander i 24 Tinier. 4 . [n. p., n. d.] Cutting from: Vid. Sel. uaturvid. og math. Afh., xi. Schierbeck (N. P. ) Om kulsyreus Indfly- delse paa diastatiske og peptondaunende Fer- meuter. 8~. KjQbenhavn, 1891. Aho, transl. in: Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 3 801- 2, iii, 344-380. Wiexs (H. A.) * Beitriige zur Kenutnis des specitischen Volumens fliissiger KoklenstoffYer- bindungen. 8°. Kbnigsberg, 1887. Anwentiling (Aeussere) der Kohlensaure. Ber. d. k. • k. KrankenanstT Rudolph-Stiftung iu "Wien (1875), 1876, 291. —Amlral (G.) & (Jararret. Recherches sur la quantite d'acide carbonique exhal6 par le poumon dans l'espece humaine. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1843, 3. s.. viii. 129-150. Also. Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: J. d. conn. med.-chir.. Par.. 1842-.'!. x, 51-54. [.Ve, aho, supra.]— d'Arsonval (A.) Xouvelles fonctions chimiques de l'acide carbonique ii haute pression. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891. 9. s., iii, 320. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1891, 5. s.. iii, 602.—Bardet (G.) Emploi de l'acide carbonique k l'etat gazeux et a l'etat solide en therapeutique. Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab. de therap., Par., 1889, 18-20. — Bergeon. Lavements srazeux d'acide carbonique; leur influence sur lanutritiou. Lyon med, 1893, Ixxiii, 294-296. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 83-8(1.—Bokorny (T.) Feber Kohlensaure- assimilation. Biol. Ceutralbl., Erlang., 1892. xii, 481-484.— Browii-Seqiiaril. De la puissance inbibitrice et de la puissance convulsivante de l'acide carbonique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt, 2, 556-559.— Charles (J. J.) On the souices and the excretion of carbonic acid in the economy. Rrit. M. J., Lond , 1885, i, 320-323.—Coster. Feber Kohlensiiurebcstiinniungeu iu gcscblossinen Riiumen. Zischr. f. Med.-Heainte, Berl, R-94, vii, Cl-63.—l»e I'aoliw (L.) Determinazione dell' acido carbonico in veuti aule, di scnole. Arch, internaz. d. spec, med.-chir.. Xapoli, 1892, viii, 201-212, 1 lab.—Ebstein (W.) A: Nehulxe (C.) Feber die Einwirkung der Kohlen- saure auf dio diastatischen Ecrniente des Thierkorpcrs. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl . 1893, cxxxiv, 475-500. [See, also, infra. Schierbeck.| — F.pln-aiiii (A.) Ueber die therapentische "Wirksamkeit der Kolilensaurezufnhr. Deutsche Med.-Ztir.. Berl., 1891, xi.. 2*7; 297; 309; 325.— Fwald (C. A.) Kurze Mittheilung fiber Kohlonsaure- bii.ler. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1887), 18s8, xviii, pt 2, 136-142. Aho: Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1887, xxiv, 450-452. —Fano (G.) Di un appareechio die regis- tra graficaincnte le quantity di acido carbonico elimiuato; nota tecniea. Riv. cliu., Milano, 1889, xxviii, 20-37. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1888, x, 297-313.— Fubini (S ) Sc Spallitta (E.) Influenza della luce monocroinatica sulla espirazionedi acido carbonico. Arch. per le sc. med., Torino. 1887, xi, 315-333.—Hainan (B.) A s/.ensavas glaubcrsos asvanyvizek hatasa a gyomor miikodesere. [The effect on the'functions of the stomach of the carbonic acid in mineral waters containing Glau- ber salts. | Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 208- 210.— Oaule (I.) Die Kobleiisiiurcspaunung im Blut, im Serum und in der Lvmphe. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1878. 469-502— ii reliant (N.) Dosage exact de l'acide carbonique contenu dans les muscles et dans le sang. ACID. Arid (Carbonic). Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1890, 5. s., ii, 533- 539 —lugria i V. E.) Contribuzione alio studio dell' azione parassiticida dell' acido carbonico. Gazz. d. osp Milano. 1887, viii. 420. Also, Reprint. Also: Gior. interna/, d. sc med., Xapoli, 1887, n. s., ix, 834.— Kippenberger (C.) Kritische Studien der Metho- deu der Kohlensaure-Bestimmung in Trink- und Mine- ral wassern, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Tren- nung der freieu und halhgchuudeueu vou der zu Mono carbonaten gebundenen Kohlensaure. nebst Iieitragen zur Kenutnis der Billon", kolilensaurer Salze in den Wassern. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel Miinchen, 1893-4, i, 227; 263; 332; 374; 432; 477— Ki*eh i E. H.) Feber kohlensaure Gasbiider. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863. iv. 437; 449; 461; 474; 497; 510.—liolbc (II.) Antiseptische Eigenschaften der Kohlensiiure. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1882, n. F., xxvi, 249-255—liiebermeiwter (C.) Futersuchungen iiber die quantitativen Yeianderiingen der Kohlensaureproductiou beim Measchen. Ueutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1870, vii, 75-117, 1 pi—ITIar- cet (W.) On the distribution and object of carbonic acid in nature, and its sanitary relatious; on the influence of altitude in the chemical phenomena of respiration.g San. .Tour., Glasg.. 1885-6, n. s., ix, 326; 349.—dn Hcsnil Sc Fan vel. Presence de l'acide carbonique dans le'sol ren- ferniant. des matieres organiques eu decomposition, et Detainment dans les cimetieies. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1884, 3. s., xi._41s-427. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par.Ji884, vi,±234- 241.— TIi:illie. Du role chimiquc de l'acideScarbonique dans l'economie animale. Union med. Par.. 1856, x, 382. Aho, Reprint.—Vlolewchott (J.) \-j Scliel*kc , (R.) YYrgleichendc Untei'suclmngen iiber dio Menge der aiis- gcschiedencii Kohlensaure und die Lohorgrdsse bei nahe verwandteii Thien-n. Fnteisueh. z. Xaturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 1856, i, 1-14. Also, Reprint,— \aNinylli (T. (1.) An unusual source of carbonic acid gas in a dwelling house. San. Rec. Lond., 188.0-7, n. s.. viii. 349.—Ozanacn (C.) L'acide carbonique, ancsthe- sique sur, facile ct sans danger. Compt. rend. Soe. do biol., Par., 1887, 8. s.. iv, 81.—I'clteiikofer (M.) Sc Voit (K.) Futersuchungen iiber die Respiration. Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1862, Suppl. Bd. ii, 52-70. -----. Feber KohlensaiireausscheHlung und Sauer- stoffaufnahme wahrend des Wachens und Selilat'cns beim Menschen. Ibid.. 18(i7. cxli, 295-322. \See. also, supra.] — I'eyrauil (11.) De l'acide carbonique liquidc; son utili- sation en hygiene et. en therapeutique; des bains d'acide caihnuiquc.' Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1890,493- 505. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1889-90. xix, 520- 525. Aho. Reprint, Also: J. de mod. dc Par., 1890. 2. s., ii, 330-333. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de mod. et chir. de Bordeaux (1890), 1890-91, 191-211. — Bti< li :i ■ risou ( B, W.) The vital properties of carbonic acid. Asclopiad. Lond., 1889. vi. 77-86.— Kosc (A.) Therapeutic ef- fects of carbonic acid in dysenteiy, in the vomit- ing of pregnancy, in whooping-cough, in prostatitis, and in impotence N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 291-294.— Rosier (G.) Contributo ai metodi di valutazione dell' acido carbonico atmosferico. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 18«6, 4. s., iv, 3-22, 1 pi — Sabrazc« (J.) Sc Baxin (E.) L'acide carbonique a haute pres-ion, peut- il etre considere comme uu antiseptique puissant? Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1893. xiv, 389; 411.— Mehierbeek (X. P.) Feber Kohlensaure im Ventrikel. Skandiu. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1891-2, iii, 437-473. -----. Fern ere Futersuchungen iiber das Auftreten der Kohleusaure im Magen. Ibid.. 1893-4, v, 1-12. -----. Zu W. Ebstein's und C. Schulze's: Feber die Einwirkung der Kohlensaure auf die diastatisehen Fermente des Thierkorneis. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1894-5, viii, 210— Mtciiiinetz (C.) Kurze Mitteilungen iiber einige Versuche zur Frage der fiiulnisswidrigen Eigenschaften dei- Kohlensiiure. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xv, 677-680.—Stinty.iny (R.) Futersuchungen iiber die Mechauik der physiologischen Kohleiisiiurebilduug. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1878, xviii, 388-426, 1 pi— Thomson ("W. E.) The true position of oxygen as a restorative in carbonic acid poison- ing. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, 341; 426: 1894. xii, 22, 1 chart.—Tissot (J.) Sur la part respective que prennent les actions purement physiques et les actions physiologi- ques au degagemeut d'acide carbonique par les muscles isoles du corps. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1895, 10. s.. ii, 177-179.—Zale*ki (S. S.) Przyczynek do wydzie- lania sie-tlonku wvgla z organizmu zwe-erzevego. [On the secretion of carbonic acid in the animal organism.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1885, xxiv, 237-239. Acid (Carbonic, Toxicology of). See, also. Asphyxia; Gases (Irrespirable). Uai-tlic*. Du danger de dormir au dessus dun four a pain. Courrier med.. Par., 1884, xxxiv, 27^. —Kiuiue- rieli. Elektrisiher Alarmapparat zur Yerhutung von Iv(dilciisiiurevergiftuiigen. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, iu Miinchen, 1888, iv. 41—'et. De l'elimination do l'acide chlorhydrique dans un cas d'enipoisonnement par cette acide. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1889, ix, 210-214.—Brossard. Note sur deux cas d'empoisonnemeut par l'acide chlor- hydrique. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1879), 1880, xix, 185-194, 1 pi.; pt. 2 [Discussion], 152- 158. Also: Lyon med., 1879, xxxii, 37-45, 1 pi— Runlet. Empoisonnement par l'acide chlorhydrique; perforation de l'estomac. Lyonmdd., 1895,lxxviii, 191.— Demicvillc (P.) Encore l'acide chlorhydrique et les nephrites chro- niques. liev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1889, ix, 214-210.—Desir de Fortnnet. Note snr uu cas d'em- poisonnement-suieide par l'acide chlorhydrique. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, 151-157. Also: Lyon med., 1885, xlix, 587-592. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1885, 3. s., vii, 345. Also transl : Boll. d. cliu., Napoli, 1885, ii, 314-316. — Duncan (P. J.) A case of hydrochloric acid poisoning, fatal on the ninety-fourth day. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 797. —Dyson. Fatal case of hydrochloric acid poisoning; necropsy; remarks. Ibid., 1884, i, 65.— E wart (J.) Case of hydro- chloric acid poisoning, followed bv stricture of duode- num. N. Zealand M. J., Dunediu, 1888-9, ii, 241.— FiisnoII (M. II.) Stomach from a case of poisoning by hydrochloric acid. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii 46.— ^chlc ( H. ) Feber eiuen Fall von Vergiftung mit Salz- siiure. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 337-339.—Gil- bait - Sail Hi (T. ) A .specimen of perforation of the stomach in a case of poisoning bv hydrochloric acid. Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1879-81. v, 225. — Girard (II.) Exacer- bation d'une nephrite catarrhale chronique chez un malade atteint de dyspepsie et traite par l'acide chlorhydrique. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1889, ix, 156-159.— Hadden ( W. B.) Cast of oesophagus expelled during life iu acase of poisoning by hydrochloric acid. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, xii, 84. — Ilowship (J.) Poisoning by muriatic acid ; fatal. In his: Pract, Remarks [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1840, 211.—limit. Notes on three cases of poisoning by strong hydrochloric acid. Med. Times Sc Gaz. Lond., 1883, i, 009. - Key (A.) Fall af forgiftning med klovatesyra. [ Poisoning by hydrochloric acid. ] Forh. Svens. Lak -Sailsk. Sammauk., Stockholm, 1^85. 272- 277- — I^allilte (A.) Empoisonnement par ingurgitation d acide chlorhydrique , integnte delabouche, du pharynx et du J superieur de 1 usophage ; lesion des § inferieurs de l'cesophage et de la petite courbure; phenomeues d'ina- nition: mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 07-73.— JLc Gen die ( P. ) Empoisonnement par l'acide chlor- hydrique; mort au bout de 24 heures; perforation du duo- denum. Ibid., 1883, lviii, 2 0-203. Also: Proves med. Par., 1883, xi, 1057.—I.etulle (M.) & Vaquez" II.) Em- poisonnement par l'acide chlorhydrique. Arch, dephysiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1889, 5. s., i, 101-114, 1 pi. — iliac donald (A. D.) On a case of hydrochloric acid poison- ing, and some points in practical therapeutics. Edinb. M. J., 1880-Ki,xxvi,1093.—UobiiiNOii ((.'. II.) Case of poison- ing by hydrochloric acid. Lancet,Lond,1887,i,875.—Bo»a (J. M ) A case of poisoning by hydrochloric acid and chloride of zmc. Edinb. M. J., 1882-3, xxviii, 412-415.— Taylor (II. H.) Suicide by drinking hydrochloric acid. Lancet, Lond., 1883. ii, 989.—Thomas'(,T. C. ) A case of poisoning by hydrochloric acid. Austral. M J Mel- bourne, 1891, n. s., xiii, 542. — Thomn* ( W. ) Notes of two cases of poisoning by muriatic acid. Ibid. 1880 n s ii, 109—Vaqucz (H.) Empoisonnement par l'acide chior- ACID. 113 ACID. Acid (Hydrochloric, Toxicology of). hydrique; lesions pulmonaires et gastriques. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1888, lxiii, 546-549. Also [Rev.]: Bull. Soc, anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii. 549-551. — Vitali (D.) Della ricerca tossicologica dell' acido cloridrico e dello stato di quest' acido nel succo gastrico. Atti d. Cong. farm. ital. 1886, Torino, 1887, i, 175-183. Aho: Boll, farm., Roma, 1886, xxv 289-299-von Wunschheim. ZurCasuistik der Salzsaurevergiftung. Prag. med. AVehnschr., 1891, xvi, 605. Acid (Hydrocyanic). See. also, Amygdala amara; Amygdalin. Bouland (L. ) *De l'acide cyanhydrique comme hvpnogeue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867). Henry (O.) tils & Humbert (E.) Recherches chimiques et ni6dico - 16gales sur l'acide cyan- hydrique et ses composes employes dans les arts, pr6sent6es et lues a l'Acade'mie imperiale de me'decine, suivies du rapport fait k l'acad^mie, dans sa seance du 10 feVrier 185? par MM. Wurtz, et Boutron, rapporteur. 8°. Paris, 187)7. Aho I Rap.], in: Ball. Acad, de med., Par., 1856-7, xxii, 350-356. Jaequemyxs (E.) *De acido hydro-cyanico. 4°. Leodii, 1829. de Kiedrowski (T. E.) * De quibusdam ex- perinientis, quibus qnautam vim nabeat aciduni hydrocyanicum in nervorum systema cerebro- spinal atque in musculos systematis vertebralis probatur. 8°. Vratislaviw, 1858. Martin (M.) *Ob uslovijach obrazovauja sinilnoi kisloti v jeludkie iz ainigdaliua i euiul- sina. [Formation of prussic acid in the stomach by aniygdaline and einulsine.] 8-. St. Peters- burg, 1866. Pessixa(F.) [*DelF acido cianidrico.] 4°. [n.p.], 1863. Preyer (W.) Die Blausiiure. 2 pts. bd. in 1 v. S'5. Bonn, 1879. Rexaldix (L.-F.-E.) * Expos6 des proprie"t6s medico chimiques de l'acide hydrocyauique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1832. Roch (E.) Ueber die Anwendung der Blau- siiure als Heihuittel in verschiedeneu Krank- heiten, besonders in der Lungenschwindsucht, krampfhaften Engbriistigkeit und in dem Keich- husten ; mit einer Vorrede von L. Cerutti. 8°. Leipzig, 1820. Sabouraud (L.-P.) * Essai sur l'acide cyan- hydrique. 4 . Paris, 1839. Schxeefuss (A.) * Einwirkung vou Blau- saure auf Beuzalazin uud Oenanthaldoxim. [Erlangen.] 8°. Munchen, 1894. Schulz ( O.) * Untersuchungen iiber einige Cyan-Verbindungen. 8°. Gbttingen, 1856. Slepjan (M.) * Ueber Blausiiureanlagerung an das Oxim und Phenylhydrazon des Valeral- dehyds und die sich davon ableitenden Amide und Siiuren. [Erlangen.] 8-. Miinchen, 18(J4. Wagxer (E. ) * Ueber die Wirkung der Blausiiure. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Weicht (J.-G.) * Essai sur l'acide prussique, consid6r6 sous le rapport de la chiniie et de la therapeutique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1813. Budge (J. ) Driisen, welche Blausaure produciren. Deutsche Rev., Bresl. u. Berl., 1883, viii, 401-403. — Bui- gnet (H.) Memoire sur lecyanuro double de potassium et de cuivre, suivi d'un proc6de nouveau pour doser l'acide cyanhydrique dans les liquides qui le renferment. J. de pharm. etchim., Par., 1859, xxxv, 168-182. Aho. Reprint.— Bushj- & Buiguci. Recherches sur l'acide cyanhy- drique. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1864, 4. s., iii, 231- 264. Aho, Reprint.— C'olpi (G. B.) Note sperimentali sul nieccanismo d'azione dell'acido cianidrico. Terapia mod., Padova, 1891, v, 281-290. — Cresciuibeni (ii.) Sperienze sugli animali coll' acido idrocianico. Raecogli- tore, Fano, 1838, ii, 377-383.— Eschbnuiii (F.) Leber Blausaure. Ber. d. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1894, iv, 201- 208. — Frohucr. Versuche uber die antipyretische Wir- kung der Blausaure. A rch. f. wissensch. ii. prakt, Thierh., Berl., 1887, xiii, 105-108. — Grehant ( X.) Recherches 8 Acid (Hydrocyanic). physiologiques sur l'acide cyanhydrique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 572-574. Also: France med., Par., 1889, ii, 1374.-----. Recherches physiologiques sur l'acide cyanhydrique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1890, 5. s., ii, 133-145. -----. Recherches physiologiques sur l'acide eyanhidrique. Tribune med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxii, 136.—Ouignanl (L.) Surlalocalisation.danslesamandea et le lauricr-cerise, des principes qui fournissent l'acide cyanhydrique. J. de pharm. et chim., Tar., 1890, 5. s., xxi, 233; 289 — Iiiizai»ki (J.) Ueber die Wirkung der Blau- saure auf Athmung und Kreislauf. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, 141-160. — ITIanzoni (J. A.) *De prsecipuis acidi prussici etaqua? cohobatie pruni laurocerasi medicis facul- tatibus clinicis observationibus comprobatis. In: Diss. d'argomento med. clin., [etc.J, 8°, Padova, 1821, 5-34.— Poziinimki. Des effets de l'acide cianhydrique sur l'or- ganisme k l'etat pbysiologique et a, l'6tat patholocique. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1867, 50-53.—Kossbach (M.J.) &I>apil!«l■- Ketonsiiuren. 6C. Wiirzburg, 1887. Mulder (E.) Over een ketou-verbiuding af- gleid van wijusteenzuur. tJ. Amsterdam, 1893. ------. Verfolg van het onderzoek betref- ende het ketonzuur at'geleid van wijusteenzuur en over het parabrandigdruiveuzuur. 8°. Am- sterdam, 1894. Acid (Einic) and derivatives. Bekiiholz (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kinogerbsiiure. 8°. Dorpat, 1884. Acid (Lactic). Si e, also, Croup (Treatment of); Urine (Acidity, etc., of). Araki (T.) * Ueber die Bildung von Milch- siiure und Glycose im Organismus bei Sauerstoff- m an gel. 8°. Strassburg, 1891. Also, in: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1890-91, xv, 335-370. Berlixerblau (M.) * Ueber das Vorkommen der Milchsaure im Blute und ihre Bildung im Organismus. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Also, in: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887, xxiii, 333-346. Meyer (H.) * Ueber das Milchsiiureferment und sein Verhalten gegen Antiseptica. 8°. Dor- pat, 1880. Rouzieres (J.) *De l'acide lactique et des lactates employes en pharmacie. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1887. Stolzmaxx (J.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkung der Milchsauren. 8°. Kiel, 1892. Ulrich (F.) * Pharmakologija molochnoi kis- loti. [Pharmacology of lactic acid.] 8~>. St. Petersburg, 1869. Araki (T.) Ueber Bildung von Glycose nnd Milch- saure bei Sauerstoffraangel. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1891-2, xvi, 201-204. -----. Ueber die Bildung von Milchsaure uud Glycose im Organismus bei Sauer- stoffraangel. Zweite Mittheilung. Ueber die Wirkung von Morphium, Amylnitrit, Coca'iu. Ibid., 1890-91, xv, 546-561. — Rial (M.) Beinerkung zur Milchsaurefrage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 213. — Roas (J.) J!e- merkungen zur diagnostischen Bedeutungund zum Nach- weisderGahrungsmilchsaure im Mageninhalt. Ibid., 189- 192.—Rum (A.) Ueber die Anwendung der Milchsaure bei fungbsen Erkrankungen der Weichtheile. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885. xxxv. 1432-1436.—ClemeiiM (T.) Ueber die Stellung der Milchsaure in der Therapie und insbe- sondere des Diabetes uud der Gicht. Aerztl. Pract., Hamb., 1894, vii, 1206-1209. —Eckerbom. O nijdiksyra sasoni ixatniedel. [Lactic acid as a caustic] Eira. Gote- borg, 1886, x, 15-17.—Fokker (A. P.) Ueber das Milch- saureferment. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1S89, vii, 401-408. Also, transl.: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Ani3t.. 1889, 2. R., xxv, 409-416. -----. Ueber das Milchsaurefernient. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1890, viii, 127-129. -----. |On- derzoekingen over nielkznurgisting.] Xederl. Tijdschi. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1890, 2. R.. xxvi, 88; 509. — Ilii-sthler (A.) Zur Kenntniss der Milchsaure im thierischen Or- ganismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., ^86-7, xi, 41-43. — Moppe-Seyler (V.) Sc Araki (T.) Leber die Einwirkung der bei Sauerstoffmangcl im Ilarne ausge- schiedenen Milchsiiure auf polarisirtes Lieut nud die Ro- tationswerthe activer Milchsauren im Allgemeinen. Ibid., 1894-5, xx. 365-376.— Irisawa (T.) Ueber die Milch- saure im Blut und Ham. I bid.. 1892-3, xvii, 340-352. Aho, transl.: Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, xiv, no. 4. 1. no. 5, 16; no. 6,22. Aho, transl.: Hoknetsu Ikwai Kwaiho,Tokio, 1893, no. 62, 1-11: no..65. 15—Jones (A. A.) The role of lactic acid in gastric digestion. Med. Xews. Phila., 1893, lxiii, 733-735. Aho, R<-pi int. — Ii.iilz ^. -----. L'acide salicylique considere comme antifermentateur et antiseptique. Ibid., 18S1, xiv, 215; 292. — Latisar (O.) Ueber Salieyl Pasten. Monatsh. f. prakt. Derniat., Ilamb. u. Leipz., 1883, ii 97-100. Aho: Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Eiubzhng. d. Elect, n. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1883, i. 157- 159. — L/eflfniaun ( H.)' The use of salicylic acid as a preservative. Ann. Hyg.. Phila.. 1890, v, 297-299.— I,eh- maaii (K. B. ) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Gesundlieits- schadliehkeit der Salicylsaure. Arch. f. Ilvg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1886. v, 483-488.— I,c»nik (M.) Leber einige Ester der Salicylsaure und ihr Verhalten im Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz... 1887, xxiv, 167-179—IjinoMsier (G.) Sc LannoiM. lie l'ahsorption l de l'acide salicylique par la peau. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, It), s., ii, 192-194. Aho: Lyon med., 1895, lxxix. 250-252. —Ijivon (Ci Recherches sur Paction pby- siologique de l'acide salicylique sur la respiration. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1^0. xc, 321. -----. De Paction physiologiquede l'acide salicylique etdu salicylate de soude sur la respiration. Tribune med., Par., 188n, xii, 207-210. Aho, Reprint. -----. Recherches sur Taction de l'acide salicylique sur la contractilite musculaire. Marseille m6d., ISin xxvii, 3-16. — L.owit (M.) Ueber den Einfluss von Salicylpraparaten auf die Temperatureurve eiuiger Ty- phus- undlntermittensfalle. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, lvd. xvi, 50; 62; 73; p"»; 98; 110; 170; 182; 194.— Lon- don ( B.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Salicylsaure Dysp- noe. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1*83, xx, 241.—ITIanley (T. H.) The local action of salicylic acid iu tin- hum of a lini- ment Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894. xiv, 137.— :VIaM»et ( F.) I L'acide salicylique et les salicylates; dosage; alterations ' et falsifications. J. de pharm., Anvers, 1879, xxxv. 121; 160: 209; 240; 2.O. - .TI tiller (J.) Febei die antiseptische Wirkung der SalicvLaure gegeniiber der Carbolsaure und praktische Anwendung der ersteren. Jahresb. d. schles. | Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1*74. Bresl., 1875, Iii, 207-210.— North ( \V.) On the effect of salicylic acid on the body temperature in health, with some remarks on the temper- ature of the urine. Practitioner, Lond., 1879. xxiii. 184- 191. — Finn nel lo (G. ) Su alcuni derivati soliouici dell' acido salicilico. Atti r Ist. Venefo di sc, lett. ed arti, 1887-8, 6. s.. vi, 1611-1622. — Prudden i T M.) An ex- perimental study on the action of salicylic acid upon blood- cells and upon amoeboid movements and emigration. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s . lxxxiii. 64-70.—4(uineke (II.) Zur Kenntniss der Salicylsaurewirkung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1«82, xix, 709-711. — Baudolph (N. A.) Sc Bixon (S. G.| A note on the absorption of salicylic acid. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi. 174.— Bemont (A.) Pro- cede rapide de dosage de l'acide salicylique dans les bois- boiis. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1882, xcv, 786-78*. — Bobinet(E) L'acide salicylique; examen du rapport du docteur Dubrisay fait au nom du Comit6 cousiiltatif d'bxgiene. Monit. scient.. Par., 1881, 3. a., xi, 537-541. — Bobiuet (E.) Sc Pellet (H. ) Etude sur les proprietes antiseptiques de l'acide salicylique. Compt. rend. Acad I Acid (Salicylic). d. sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1322-1325. — ,«*chivardi (P.) II salicilaggio. Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1881, lxxii,236; 282.—fcquibb (E.R.) Xote on salicylic acid. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., 1875,241-249. Aho, Reprint. —Stokvis (B. J.) Over salicylzuur en de verklaring zijner working. Handel, d. Xederl. Alaatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Amst., 1878. 123-126. -----. Ueber die physiologische Wirkung der Salicylsiiuren verschiedeneu Lrspruugs; ein Beitrag zur Lehre der physiologischen und cheinischeu Ideutitat unserer Heilmittcl. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, Farmacol., 90-95. Alto: Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 12U9 1213. — Te«la (B.) Sull' acido salicilico e sai saheilati; lezioni. Spallanzaui. Modena, 1884, 2. s., xiii, 184; 293—Vallin (E.) Un dernier mot sur le salicylage. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1881, iii. 353-357. -----. Rapport sur l'emploi de l'acide salicylique fait au nom dune commis- sion [etc.]. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1886, 2. s., xvi, 583-603. Aho, Reprint. — Vine berg (H. X.) The oxy- tocic action of salicylic acid and its compound with sodium. X. York M. ,L, 1894, lix. 785.— Wayner (J.) Veimeintliches Alkohol-Dclirium, Diabetes insipidus, Sali- cylsiiinevergiftung. Wien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 778- 780. — White (J. \V.) Salicylic, acid; its history and uses. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xvii, 253-258. Acid (Santonic). I.ucliNinger (B.) Ist Santonsaure wirklich cin'aus- schliessHcb.es Hirnkrampfgift ? Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1884, xxxiv, 293. Acid (Scatocarbonic). Salkowski (E.) Ueber das Verhalten der Skatol- carbousaure im Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5, ix, 23-33. Acid (Sclerotinic). Kobes (F.) "Zur therapeutischen Verwer- thung der Sclerotiusiiure. b°. Greifswald, [1881]. Aho, in: Wien. med. Bl., 1881, iv, 1079; 1111. Ganguillet (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der Sclerotinsiiure auf den puerperalen Uterus. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1880, xvi, 174-181.—Predazzi. Acido sclerotiuico e contributo alia sua azione terapeutica. Salute: Italia med., Geneva, 1884. 2. s., xviii, 353.—Ben- nert. Zur WirkungderSklerotinsaureauf den Menscben. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1880. iv, 413-415.—Stumpf (M.) Ueber die therapeutische Verwendung der Sclero- tinsaure. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1879, xxiv, 416-434. Also: Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Lud- wig-Maximilians-Univ. zu Miinchen, Leipz., 1884, i, 20-38. Acid (Selenic). C'habrie (C.) & fjapicque (L.) Sur Taction pbysio- logique de l'acide selenieux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, ex, 152-154. Acid (Sphacelinic). Oriinfeld (A.) et al. Zur Kenntniss der Sphacelin- saurewirkuugen; ein Xachtrag. Arb. d. pharmakol. Inst, zu Dorpat, Stuttg., 1895, xi-xii, 295-313, 5 pi.— <»riiiifclfl (A. I.) Ob anat. izmien. pri chron. otrav. sfacelin. kislotoi. |Oii the anatomical changes in chronic poisoning by sphacelinic acid.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxii, 1016-1019. Acid (Succinic). See Amber. Acid (Sulphaminic). Halgwitz (It.) "Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Sulfamiiisiiureu. r,~. Kbnigsberg, 1895. Acid (Sulphocarbolic). See Sulpho-carbol. Acid (Sttlphttryanic). Bruylants (J.) L'acide sulfocyanique. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg . Brux., 1888, 4. s., ii, 21-36. -----. Origine de l'acide sulfocyanique dans l'organisme animal. Ibid., 147-158. — lo!a«aiiti (G.) Una nuova reazione dell' acido solfocianieo. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1887-8, xiv, 184-188. Aho, Reprint. Aho, transl.: Uuter- such. z. Xaturl. d Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1892, xiv, 164-167. -----. Ulteriore reazione dell''acido solfo- cianieo. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1888-9, xv, 438- 440. Aho, transl.: Uutersuch. z. Xaturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1891, xiv, 418-420. Acid (Sulphonic, Various) and derivatives. Hklle (C. P. J.) * Teher einige Ahkoinmliuge der o-Tolidin-o-disulfonsiiure. sm. bJ. Greifs- iv aid, 1892. Hiller (E.) * Ueher die Hydrazinverhindung der Orthotoluidiii-parasulfousaure uud die Or- ACID. 120 ACID. Aciil(Sulphonic, Various) and derivatives. thotoluidin-paradisnlfonsaure uud einige ihrer Derivate. 8°. Greifswald, 1886. Neumann (M. R. J.) "Ueber Triazosulfon- Btiuren. f:. Greifswald, 18H9. Richard ( B. ) * Ueber ,3-Chinaldiusulfon- Biiure und einige Derivate derselben. [Bern.] 8°. Munchen, 1891. van Riesen (H.) "Ueber ortho-Nitro-meta- Xylolsulfousiiure und einige ihrer Derivate. 8°. Greifswald, 1886. Roos (A.) * Ueber die Alkylester der aromati- schen Sulfousaureu. [Bern.] 8C. Heidelberg, 1893. Acid (Sulphoricinic). ICuaiilt (A.) Sc Berlioz (A.) De l'acide sulforici- nique et de son emploi comme vehicule dissolvant de quelques medicaments utilisables en applications topiques. Arch, de laryngol., de rhinol., etc., Par., 1889, ii, 321-326. Acid (Sulphuric). See, also, Diarrhoea (Treatment of). Bissy. Nouvelles recherches sur l'acide sul- furique de Saxe. 8°. Paris, 1824. Gautrand (T.) * £the"rihcation de l'acide sul- furique dans l'eau de Rabel. 4°. Montpellier, 1887. Hartmann (J. I.) [Pr.] de acidi vitrioli vir- tule calculuin pellente. [Cum vita caudidati JoannisIIeurici Schneider. ] 4°. Traj.adViadr., 1778. Roche (A.) * Du vitriolage au point de vue historiquo et in&lico-le'gal. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Sklmi (F.) Delle difficolta di ottenere perfet- tauiente puro di arsenico 1' acido solforico del modo con die riuscirvi e di altre cose che ris- guardauo 1' arsenico. 4°. Roma, 1879. Repr.from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. disc, fis., mat. e nat., Roma, 1878-9, eclxxvi. Watson (H. H.) On the relative attractions of sulphuric acid for water, under particular cir- cumstances; with suggestions of means of im- proving the ordinary process of manufacturing sulphuric acid. r°. Manchester, 1842. Repr.from: Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc., Manchester. Becker (C. P.) Sulphuric acid in medicine. N.York M. J., 1888. xlviii. 286-288.—Kossel (A.) Zur Kenntniss der gepaarten Sehwefelsauren. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882-3, vii, 292-296. —Salkownki'(E.) Ueber die Bildung dor Schwefelsaure im Organismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.,!Berl., 1894, exxxvii, 381-384.-Siegfried. Esbeabsichtigt Jemand in der Entfernung von etwa 1 Km. vou der Kaserne eine Schwefelsaurefabrik anzulegen; der Truppentheil erhebt Einspruch; motivirtes arztli- ches Gutachten. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1888, n. F., xlix, 304-325.— Vitali (D.) Sull'azione dell acido solforico coucentrato sui cloruri, bromuri, joduri alcalini in presenza di alcuni sali metallici. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1889-90, 4. s., x, 109-113. Acid ( Sulphuric, Poisoning and injuries by). Graeffner (W.) * Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik derSchwefelsaurevergiftuug. 8°. Breslau,[187o]. Schad (R.) * Zur Kenntniss der Intoxication durch ScliwclVlsiiure und Salzsiiure. [Wurtz- burg.] ^'. Miinchen, 18s">. Also, \n: Aerztl. Int. - Bl., Munchen, 1885, xxxii, 388; 406; 421; 423. Tschoepe ([K. M.] J.) * Ueber einen in der medicinischeu Klinik zu Greifswald beobachte- ten Fall vou Vergiftung mit Schwefelsaure. 8°. Greifswald, 1893. Ackenuaiiii. Ueber einen Fall von Schwefelsaure- vergittung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx. 835. — AniainioflT (A. F.) Materialy k uchen. ob otravlen. solyanoy u Kislotoyu. [Contribution to study of poisoning bv sulphuric acid.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1894, v, 737; 766, 791.—BorgMtedt. Vergif tung durch concentrirte Schwefelsaure. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med. Coll. v. Westfalen 1843, Miinster, 1845, 84 — Cameron (O. A.) Poisoning bv sulphuric acid. Lan- cet. Lond., 1884, i, 226. — 4'hevallicr & Banc |J.| Monographic gen6rale de lerapnisonnement par l'acide sulfuiique. Auu. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxv, 350-395. Aho, Acid (Sulphuric, Poisoning and injuries by). Reprint.—C ra igie CD.) Acconnt of a case of su ieidal poi- soning by means of concentrated sulphuric acid. Edinb. M & S. J., 1840, iii. 406-427. Aho, Reprint.—Crawford (J.) Poisoning by sulphuric acid; little or none of tho poison taken into the stomach; death from inflammation of the respiratory organs. Glasgow M. J., 1856-7, iv, 46- 49. Also, in his: Notes Med.-leg. Cases, 8°, Glasg., 1856, 14-17.— Bierbacli. Vergiftung durch Schwefelsaure. Gen.-San. Ber. v. Schlesien f. d. Jahr 1834, Bresl., 1837, 110. — Fraenkel (E.) Sc Beiche (F.) Ueber Nieren- veranderungen nach Schwefelsaurevergiftung. Arch. f. path. Anat.,etc., Berl., 1893, exxxi, 130-146,1 pi.—Gamier ( L.) Recherche de l'acide phosphorique libre comme preuve d'un empoisonnement par l'acide sulfuiique. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 148-151. Aho: Rev.nied.de Test, Nancy, 1885, xvii, 242-244. Aho: Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy (1885-6), 1887, 40-42.—Gamier (L.) Sc Mchlag- denhauflen. Empoisonnement de deux enfants par l'acide sulfuiique du commerce. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1883-4, 1-13. Aho: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1884, 3. b., ix,'227-247. Aho: Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1884, xvi, 74-86. — Herrmann. Fall von Schwefelsaure- vergiftung. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1882, vii, 18.— Hoppe - Seyler (G.) Ueber das Auftretcn aceton- bildender Substauz im Urin nach Schwefelsaurevergif- tung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883, vi, 478.—Huber ( A. ) Schwefelsaurevergiftung. Ibid., 1888, xiv, 490- 502.—Huber (J. C.) Ueber deu Leiehenbetund bei sul- foxysmus. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1879, xxvi, 441.— KiimI ( A. ) & Bum pel ( T. ) Frische Veriitzung der Speiserohre, des Magens uud des Duodenums durch Ver- giftung mit Schwefelsaure. In their: Path.-anat. Ta- feln . . . Hamb. Staatskraukenh., Waudsbek-Hamb., 1892, lift. 1, 1 pi. (FI.) Aho, transl.: In their: Illust. Path. Anat., fol., Lond., 1893, F. pi. i, with text. ----- -----. Narbige Destruktion und Schrumpfung des Oesophagus und Magens (3 Monate nach Veratzuug mit Scnwefel- saure.) In their: Path.-auat. Tafeln . . . Hamb. Staats- kraukenh., Wandskek-Hamb., 1892, Hft. 1, 1 pi. (FII.) Aho, transl.: In their: Illust. Path. Anat., fol., Lond., 1893, F. pi. ii, with text. — Kautzner ( K.) Uebertre- tung gegen die korperliche Sicherheit. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1887, Graz, 1888, xxiv, 57-61.-Kie- mann. Intoxicatio cum acido sulfurico; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rndolph-Stiftung in Wien (18841,1885, 324.—Koch. Vergiftung durch koncentrirte Schwefel- saure, nebst Leichenoffnung. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k Med.- Coll. zu Konigsb. (1835, 1 Sem.). 1836, 55.— Kuuzc (F ) Ein Fall acuter Arsenik- und ein Fall acuter Schwefel- saure-Vergiftung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1891, xxvi, 313. —Kuziniu ( A. ) Ob otravlenii siornoyu kislotoyu. [Poisoning with sulphuric acid.) Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1895, v, 176. — I.amlouzy. Tentative d'empoisonne- ment; suicide par l'acide sulfurique; an6mie ; transfusion dusang; mort par inanition. Union med., Par.. 1874,3.8., xxviii, 99-104.—de Langenhagen (R.) Empoisonne- ment, suicide pari acide sulfuiique; p6ritoniteaigue; mort six heures apres l'iugestion du liquide; autopsie; eschares de la bouehe et de 1'rjesophage; disparitiou presque com- plete del'estomac; hemorrhagic iutra-peritoueale; coagu- lation du sang des vaisseaux de l'abdomen. Bull Soc. can. de Par. (1883), 1884, vii, 42-46. Also: Fiance med.. Par., 1883, i, 421^424.—Lander ( L.) Tntoxicatio per acidum sulphuricum. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, 479. — I.eyden (E.) Einige Beobachtungen iiberdie Nierenaflfection nach Schwefelsaure-Veruiftungcn. Charit6-Ann. 1879, Berl., 1881, vi, 235-237.— l.itten (M.) Ueber Vergiftungen mit Schwefelsaure. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 616; 627; 641; 665.— ,TI art in (G.) Cecit6 par l'acide sulfurique. Mem.et bull. Soc de med. etchir. de Bordeaux (1888), 1889. 516-525.—MaMchka Verletzung durch Schwefelsaure; Beantwortung der Frage, ob Schwefelsaure auch zufiillig geschluckt werden kanu Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 315. -----. Veraiftuug mit Schwefelsaure; Mord oder Selbstmord ? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1881, n. F., xxxiv, 197-203.—iVlasing (E.) Trinken von Schwe- felsaure in selbstmordenscher Absicht. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 310. — Moore (N.) Case of poisoning bv sulphuric acid. Tr. Path. Soc Loud.. 1878-9, xxx. 297.—Ogata (M.) Ueber die Giftigkeit der schwe- fligen Saure. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1884-5, ii, 223-245. — Pattcrnou. Acute laryngitis from sul- phuric acid; tracheotomy; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1879, [5. s.] xii, 390.—Beale (N.) Sull' avvelenamento da acido solforico. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1886, xl, 86-91—Bemerjun. Vergiftung (lurch Schwefelsaure. Gen. San Ber. v. Schlesien f. d. 2. Halb Jahr 1833, Bresl., 1836, 112. — Schncflfer (A. J.) Tddtlicho Selbstvergif- tung durch Schwefelsaure. wobei der Verdacht obwaltete, dass die verabsaumte Hiilfe die Rettung vereitelt habe. In his: Samml. gerichtsar/.tl. Gutacht., 8'■>, Berl., 1848, 269- 287. — Neholz. Intoxicatio cum acido sulf. crudo (Vi- tricdol); Tod. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1891), 1893, 70.—Schumacher. Eine V.-rgiltung mit Schwefelsaure (ein Mord, von einem Vaier veiiibt au ACID. 121 ACID. Acid (Sulphuric, Poisoning and injuries by). seinem unehelichen Kinde). Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1866, ii, 569; 581; 596.—Skrzeczka. Verhandlun gen iiber eine angebliche Schwefelsaure-Vergiftung, nebst Superarbitrium der konigl. wissenschaftlichen Deputa- tion fiir das Medicinalwesen in Prenssen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1882, n. F., xxxvi, 193-225.—Smith (R. P.) Stomach from a case of sulphuric acid poisoning. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 192.—St rock (D.) Re- port of a case of sulphuric acid poisoning. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1888, 195-197.—Turazza (G.) Sulle ustioni per acido solforico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 522; 530.—Vergiftung; Schwefelsaure; Zerreissungdes Duodenum; negatives Resultat der chemischeu Untersu- chung. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891. 321-329. - Virchow ( R.) Schwefelsaure-Vergiftung; 6 Falle. Charite-Aun. 1878, Berl., 1880, v, 727-731. — Visa reperta |etc. ] iiber durch Vitriolohl Vergiftete. In: Bernt (J.) Visa reperta [etc.l. 8°. Wien, 1827, i, 378-381: 1845, iii, 419-423.— Wagnier. Brftlure du pharynx, du larynx et de l'oesophage par l'ingestion d'acide sulfurique. Courrier med., Par., 1894, xliv, 210. Aho: Rev. de laryn- gol., etc., Par., 1894, xiv, 878-882. Aho: Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par., 1895, v, 65-67.— Wardell (J. R.) Poisoning by sulphuric acid. In his: Contrib. Path. & Pract. Med., 8°, Lond., 1885, 774-776. — While (W. H.) A case of sulphuric acid poisoning with intense inflammation of the transverse colon. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3. xxxiv, 96.— Whitlon Sc Turner. Fatal case of poisoning by sulphuric acid; post-mortem exam- ination. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 299.— Zwicke. Verletzung durch Schwefelsaure; Anatzung der Luftwege; Tod nach 48 Stunden. Charite-Ann. 1882, Berl., 1884, ix, 367. Acid (Sulphurous). See, also, Disinfection of dwellings, etc.; Dis- infection by sulphurous acid. Dewar (J.) Ou the application of sulphurous acid gas to the prevention, limitation, and cure of contagious diseases, with cases illustrative of the advantages to be derived from its employ- ment. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1867. Fordos(J.)&Gelis(A.) Note sur les moyens de recounattre la presence de l'acide sulfureux dans les produits du commerce. 8°. Paris, [n.d.]. Heintz(W.) EinfacheMethode diegeringsten Meugen von schwellichter Saure nachzuweisen. 8°. [Leipzig, n. d.] Gutting from: Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz., lxvi. Brigg« (H. M.) The germicide power of sulphur dioxide. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 702-706.—Carter (H. R.) Some ill effects of disinfection with sulphur. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890, xiv, 518.—Fatio (V.) De la d6sinfection par l'acide sulfureux. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. Compt. rend. 1882, Geneve, 1883, ii, 9-14.— Kent(W. H.) Experiments on burning sulphur in closed rooms; under the direction of J. H. Raymond. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord, N. H., 1886, xi, 254-263. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 313-316.— Ij a fosse. Note sur diverses applications de l'acide sul- fureux. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1884, xviii, 13-19—f>ail- lier (A.) Du gaz acide sulfureux comme insecticide et assainissant. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., ix, 97-107. Aho, Reprint.—Langrii-th (B.) Experiments with the fumes of sulphur, showing by what means they destroy an animal body. In his: Physical experiments [etc.J, 8°, Lond., 1746,129-154.—Lehmnnn (K. B.) Experinientelle Studien iiber den Einfluss technisch und hygienisch wich- tiger Gase und Dampfe auf den Organismus. Theil VI. Schweflige Saure Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen. u. Leipz., 1893, xviii, 180-191.—Ijinossier (G.) Action de l'acide sulfu- reux sur quelques champignons inf6rieurs et en particulier sur les levtires aLooliques. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1891, v, 171-176.—Pascal (E.) Importance du gaz acide sulfureux comme d6sinfectant en obstetrique. Gaz. med.- chir. de Toulouse. 1888, xx, 251.—PfelTcr (L.) Zur Kennt- niss der giftigen Wirkung der schwefligen Saure und ihrer Salze. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1890, xxvii, 261-296.—Bayinond (J. H.) Experiments with sulphurous acid gas. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi. 637- 688. A ho. Reprint. -----. Sulphur fumigation in cholera. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 351-354. Also, Reprint—Schid- lovnki (S. V.) Obezzarajiv. znachenie siernich patronov. [Disinfecting cartridges of sulphur.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 853; £71.—Shinkei Ozahi. [Ext. hyoscyami in poisoning by sulphurous acid.] f Jananese text.] Tokei Ijishinshi, Tokio, 1879, no. 86.—Squibb (E. R.) Disin- fection by burning sulphur. Ephem Mat. Med., Brooklyn, 1887-9, iii, 1141-1145. Also: Gaillard's M. J., N. T., 1889, xlvii, 263-266.—Stahl (G. E.) Spiritua vitrioli volatilis Acid (Sulphurous). in copia parandi, fundamentum et experimeiitum. In his: Obs. cliym.-phvs.-niod. [etc.], 16°, Fran oof. et Lips., 1697-8, 57-10'i.—Sternberg (G. M.) Sulphur dioxide. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord, N. H., 1866, xi, 238-251. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 343-349.— Tempo I (C.) Vergiftung (lurch schwefliche Saure (S02). Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1893, ix, 425-427.—Thoinot (L.-H.) fitude sur la disinfection par l'acide sulfureux. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiv, 337-359. Also, Reprint. -----. Etude sur la valeur d6sinfectante de l'acide sulfu- reux. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1890, iv, 500-512__ Villi. Sur l'emploi de l'acide sulfureux en injections hy- podermiques. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1887, cxiii, 132-134.—Wo I fill ii gel (G.) Ueberden Werth der schwe- fligen Siiure als Desinfectionsmittel. Mitth. a. d. k. ;£. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1881, i, no. 5, 1-45. Aho, Reprint.— ron Wyss (H.) Ueber die Wirkung der schwefligen Siiure. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1888, n. F.. xiix, 335-345.—Zimio (S.) Sulla disinfezione con 1' acido sol- foroso. Gior. di clin., terap. e med.pubb., Napoli, 1888, xix, 60-64. Acid (Tannic). See, also, Acid (Gallic). Bra;mer (L.) *Les tannoides; introduction critique a l'histoire pbysiologique des tauins et des principes imm^diats v6g6taux qui leur sont chimiquement allies. 4C. Lyon, 1890. Kiefer (F.) * Tannin als Gegengift. 8°. Kiel, 1892. Kolb (I.) O dubilnych kislotach kornevitsch zmievinka (Polygonum bistorta L.) i zavjaznika stojachago (Potentilla tormentilla Sibth.). [On tanuic acid from the roots of Polygonum bistorta L. and Potentilla tormentilla.] 12°. St. Peters- burg, 1884. Alison (S. S.) On the use and administration of tannic acid in various diseases. Lond. J. M., 1850, ii, 1-9. Also, Reprint.—Bavy (J.) On the effects of tannin on the dif- ferent textures of the human body. In his: Researches Phys. & Anat, 8°, Lond., 1839, li, 305-312.—Fonssa- grives. Tannin. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d.. Par., 1885, 3. s., xv, 703-721.—Gues (A.) Tannin. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1883, xxxv, 110-130.—Kiinkler (C.) Klinische Untersuchungen iiber die Heil w irkung des Tan- nigen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, lxiv, 145; 157.— Ijaborde (J.) Sur le dosage du tannin. Mem. Soc. d. sc. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux, 1894, 4. s., iv, 229-250.— ITIorner (C. T.) Om gallus- och garfsyrans forhallande inom organismen. [On the presence of tannic and gallic acid in the organism.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1891-2, xxvii, 104-115. —Pelouze (J.) M6moire sur le tannin et les acides gallique, pyrogallique, ellagique et m6tag;illique. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1833, liv, 337-365.— Wal- liczek (H.) Die baktericiden Eigenschaften der Gerb- saure (Tannin der Apothekeu). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xv, 891-894. Acid (Tartaric) and derivatives. Bellouard (A.) * Etude chimique de l'acide tartrique. 4°. Paris, 1874. Dietrich (F.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pyrotritarsaure. [ Erlangen. ] 8°. Mainz, [1886?]. Nickles (F.-J.-J.) *De la fermentation de l'acide tartrique et de ses produits. 8°. Stras- bourg, 1846. Chabric (C.) Sur la toxicit6 des acides tartriqnes stereoisomers et sur une formule generale pour mesurer le pouvoir toxique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvi, 1410-1413. —Soubciran (E ) & Capitaine (H.) Observations pour servir a l'histoire de l'acide tartrique. J. de pharm., Par., 1839, xxv, 737-745. Aho, Reprint.— Trevithick (E.) A fatal case of poisoning by tartaric acid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 1321. Acid (Telluric). Beyer (J. L.) Durch welchen Bestandtheil der leben- digen Zellen wird die Tellursaure reducirt? Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1895, 225-241. Acid (Tetrathionic). Pelouze (T.-J.) Rapport sur un memoire de MM. J. Fordos et A. G61is, relatif a un nouvel acide forme de soufre et d'oxygene. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1843, xvi, 370-373. Aho, Reprint. Acid (Tetric). Erbstein (C.) Ueber die Konstitution der Tetrinstiure. 8°. Jena, 1894. ACID. 122 ACIDS. Xvld (Tetric). MosriiELES (R.) * Ueber die Constitution der TVtrinsiiuiv uud ihrer Homologeu. [Erlangen.] r- . Miinchen, 1888. Acid (Thiophenic). See Thiophen. Acid (Thymotic). Kralspe (E.) * Ueber Thymotinsiinre uud einige Derivate derselben. y~. Jena, 1892. Acid (Tungstic) [Wolframic] and deriva- tives. Si'renger ( M. ) * Ueber Phosphorwolfram- siiure. ?■>■-. Halle a. S., 1889. Acid (Uric). See Uric acid and urates. Acid (Uroxanic). *uiivili (E. K.i LeberUroxansaureundOxonsaare; einfaebr Methode zur Darstellung derselben, nebst Ana- lyse ciniger ihrei Salze. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., Is94. xx, '.{35-341. Acid (Valerianic). Tinii.u'i.T (C.-J.) * Memoire sur la formation de l'acide valdrianique, sa preparation, sessels; sur i'essence de valeriane. Appareils d'epuise- ment-par la nie'thode de d^placenieut. 4 . Pa- ris, 187,9. C'ercioli (F.) De l'acide valerique et des valerates de quinine el de ziuc. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1865, 4. s., 1.265-270. A ho, Reprint. —Giacoso (P.) Sulla fermen- tazimie dell' acido ossivaleriauieo. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1878-9. iii, no. 13. Aho, Reprint. Acid (Xanthic). Haxk6 ( V. ) *A dithioaethyl-sz6nsav-86k (xanthogensav-s6k) sziiraz leparlasi termengei- rol. [ Dithioethyl carbonic acid salts (xanthic acid salts) aud their derivatives. ] 8:. Kolozs- vdrt, lr-77. Ijewin ( L. ) Die therapeutische Verwerthnng der xantbogensauren Alkalien. Tagebl. d.Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, Iii, 278. Acid*. Barlch (J. J.) * Ueber die Konstitutions- bestiiniuung der Behenol-, Eruca- uud Brassi- rliu-Siinre. 8°. Bern, 1894. Berthelot (P.-A.-D.) * Etude sur la centra- lisation des acides et des bases par la methode des conductibilites electriques. 4\ Paris, 1-S.ll. Bruck (P.) * Ueber die Jodadditionspro- dukte der Acetylendicarbonsaure, Tetrolsaure und Propiolsaure. 8:. Berlin, 1893. Colbatch (J.) The doctrine of acids in the cure of diseases farther asserted; being an an- swer to some objections raised against it by Dr. F. Tuthill, [etc.]. PJJ. London, 1689. -----. The same. 1'2°. London, 1698. -----. I. A physico-medical essay concern- ing alkaly aud acid. II. Farther considerations by wav of appendix to the said essay. III. [etc. ]. 2. ed.* 12°. London, 1698. Delisle (A.) Ueber die Umwandlung unge- siittigter, zweibasischer Siiuren in ihre Stereo- isomeren. Habilitatiousschrift. f . Karlsruhe, 1892. Delvos (B.) *Quam vim acida organica et auorgauica in calorem corporis deprimendum habeant experiments uonuullis in cuniculis iu- stitutis exploratur. ^ . Bonna, 1866. Dvckerhofe (A. [G.]) Zur Charakteristik der Oxvstiureu. 8C. Berlin, [18'J4], Fraass (B.) * Ueber Elektrolyse einiger sub- stituierter orgauischer Siiuren. [Bern. ] 8°. Miinchen, l^Jvi. Acids. Gallaratls (J.) Diatriha medico -sceptica de alcali, et acido. '24 \ Bononia-, 1694. Gibbs (W.) Researches on the complex inor- ganic acids. Phospho-molybdates. - . [n.p., 1881.] Cutting from: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts& Sc.Bost., 18S1. Loi.kk.ma (L.) Verhandeliuge van het znur, waar iu des zelfs gebruyk en misbruyk tot bed ouderhoudeu eu herstellen der gezontheit ge- toont word. 1<>°. Leeuwarden, [1799], I>esrosier«i (H.-K.) Action pbysiologique et usages des acides min£raux. Union med. du Canada. Montreal, Ifs:;, xii, 296; 452. — Gillespie (A. L. ) The action of acids and alkalies aud of some other drugs on the secre- tions of the body in health and disease, with special refer- ence to their actiou on gastric acidity and diuestion. Med. Press A (ire., Loud., 1894, n.s.. lviii, 290: 313; 335.— Hof- bauer (I'.l Ueber deu Einfluss verdiinnter Saureii auf Blutkivislauf und Temperatur. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu V'iirzb.. 1878, n. F.. xii. 125-138. Aho. Re- print.—Iwnnow»kjr (I).) Ueherdie tVirkungdesSaut-r- stoffs auf die alkobolische Giihrung. [ Tran>l. frnm the Russian.1 Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de M.-Peterab., 1894, xiii. 51)9- 531.—Jaworski ( W. ) Kilka nowycta spostrzezen dzialania Kwasow na zoladek ludzki. [New researches on effect of acids on human stomach] Medy- cyna. Waiszawa, 1887, xv, 6; 17. — I.ivaehe (A.i Note sur l'assainissement d'un atelier de travail d'acides con- centres. Rev. d'hyg, Par.. Is87, ix, 744-748 — Tlaly (R.) Recherches sur les modes de formation des acides dans l'organisme et sur quelques proprietes du serum du sang. Monit. scient., Par., 1878, 3. s., viii, 42-59.—.TIenzies (J. A.) On tho action of certain acids on blood pigment. J. Physiol., Cambiidge, 1894-5, xvii. 415-42J. — Porler 7>. Carette (D.-H.) * Coutributiou a l'etude des acides des graisses. 4°. Paris, 18-6. Dieterle (AV.) "* I. Ueber die Oxydatious- produkte reiner Steariusaure durch Salpeter- isiiure. II. [etc.]. - . Cannstatt, l-8->. Gartenmeister (H. R.) * Beitriijre zur Kennt- niss der physikalischen Eigen.-chaften normaler Fettsiiureester. 8°. Kbnigsberg, 18-7-,. Gautiiiek (H.) * Recherches sur les ehaleurs de formation des chlorures d'amiues de la s£rie grasse. 4J. Paris, 1888. Geitel (A. C.) * Ueber die Einwirkung cone. Schwefelsaure auf Oelsiiure resp. deren Trigly- ceride. [Erlangen.] 8. Leipzig, 1---. Haae (C.) jun. * Ueber ein Verfahren zum Nacbweis und zur Bestimmung nuchtiger Fett- sauren. >:. Bern, 1890. Hartwig (K.) * Die electrische Leituup>fa- higkeit von Losungeu einiger Glieder der Fett- siiurereihe iu "Wasser nnd einigen Alkoholen. [Erlangen.] 8-. Leipzig. Ie87. VON Jacqlix (X. J.) Exameu chemicum doc- tnnaj Me.verianaj de acido pingui, et Blackianie de acre lixo, respectu calcis. 8~. Vindobona', 1769. Kaiser (A.) "Ueber die Verbindungen eiui- ger homologer einhasischer Fettsiiureu mit a- Naphtol. - . Bern, 1890. Maillot (E.) * De l'acide s6baciqne et de ses derives. 4-. Nancy, 1878. ACIDS. 123 ACKERMANN. Acids {Fatty). Mayer (C.) "Ueber die Palmitinsaure und deren Einfiihrung in Beuzolderivate. [Bern.] 8°. Zurich, 1888. Mayer (H.) * Ueber Trichloressigsanre und Trichlorbultersaure. Untersuchungen iiber eine toxische Wirkung der niedereu Fettsiinreu. [Bonn.]' 8°. Leipzig, 1886. Sadomsky (J.) * Ueber neue Derivate der Stearinsiiure und iiber Cyanstearinsaure, Hexa- dekylmalonaminsanre und Hexadekylmalon- saure. [Bern.] 8°. Stuttgart, [n. d.]. Schweizer (A.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss lui- herer Fettsiinreu. Ueber die Octdecyl- nud Non- decyl-Carbonsiiure. 8-. Halle a. S., 1884. Telbisz (J. ) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Sebaciusanre. 8°. Budapest, 1884. Thoxs (A.) * Der Abbau der Palmitinsiiure. 8°. Erlangen, 1887. Biimn}- (A.) Sc Lecanu (L.-R.) De la distillation des corps gras. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1825, xi, 353-365. Also, Reprint.-----------. Sur la disiillation des corps gras. 2. m6m. J. de pharm. et chim.. Par., 1826. xii, 617- 627.— Ilehner (0.) On the determination of oleic acid. Analyst, Lond., 1892, xvii, 181-183.—Mayer (H.) Unter- suchungen iiber eine toxische Wirkung der niedereu Fett- saureu. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1886, xxi, 119-137.— Wanklyn (J. A.) Note on aldepalmitic acid, the recently discovered chief component of the but- ter of the cow. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 389. Acids (Mineral). See Disinfectants, etc. .Acids (Organic) [various] and derivatives. Aschax (C. W.) *Zur Kenntniss der Homo- piperidiusiiure. 8°. Berlin, 1891. Bljard (A.) * Ueber eiuige neue Derivate der Azelaiusaure. [Bern.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1886. Di Centa (H.) * Ueber die Oxydationspro- dnkte der Oxyazelainsaure. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Koustitntion der Azelaiusiiure. [Bern.] 8:. Stuttgart, 1888. Gerlixgs (H. J.) * Ueber die Fumar- und Malein-Anilsauren und iiber verwandte Verbin- dungen. 8°. Bonn, 1893. Karau (G. [A. ] ) * Ueber die Isonipecotin- saure (Hexahydropyridin-y-carbonsaure) und ein Tetravinylpyridiu. 8°. Breslau, [1893]. Kirschnick(C. H.) * Ueber Paratolenyldioxy- tetrazotsaure und ihre an Sauerstoff iirmeren Derivate. 8;. Kbnigsberg, [1892]. Moog (J. B.) * Ueber Elektrolyse einiger substituierter organischer Siiuren. 8°. Miinchen, 1893. Neuberg (A.) * Toxikologische Studien iiber einige orgauische Siiuren. 8°. Jurjew, 1893. Schneider (P.) * Ueber Paratolenyloxyte- trazotsiiure. 8-. Kbnigsberg, 1892. Wendt (G. [K. L.]) * Ueber die Einwirkung aromatischer Amine auf Azooxycarbonsiiuren. 8°. Greifswald, 1891. Briieke (E.) Ueber eine durch Kaliumbypermanga- riat aus Hiihnereiweiss erhaltene stickstoff- und schwefel. haltige unkrystallisirbare Saure. Sitzungsb. d.k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Muth.-naturw. CL, 3. Abth., Wien 1881 lxxxiii, 7; 174. — iTInrxhall (J.) & Oreen (W~. D.) A contribution to the knowledge of the action of cacodylic acid on the animal economy. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 188(1 viii. 128-138. Also, Reprint.— SchifT (U.) Preparazioue dell' acido aspartico. Ann. di chim. med. farm., Milano 1885, 4. s., i, 75-78. .Acids (Toxicology of). See, also, under separate names of acids. Katsovskiy (A. D.) #K voprosu ob izmTene- niakh nervnikh uzlov serdsa pri ostrikh otravle- ni'akhmineralnimikislotanii. (Experimentaluoye izslledovanie.) [On changes in the nerve bundles of the heart in acute poisoning by mineral acids. (Experimentalinvestigation.)] 8J. S.-Peterbura 1694. Acids (Toxicology of). Acute poisoning by mineral acids. f3 cases.J St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 18 — It lie h- ner (L. A.) Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Vergiftun- gen (lurch atzendo Siiuren und deren chemischen Aus- mittlung. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Kiirnb., 1886, xxxvii, 3-18. — Clivoslek (F.) Der oxydative Stoffwechsel bei Siiureintoxikation. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1893, xiv, 329-334. —See (M.) Lesions stomacales apres ingestion do liquides corrosifs. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 18112, lxvii, 404-406. Acincsia algera. IfieeliterelT (V. M.) Bolleznennaya nepodvizhnost (akinesia algera). Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazau, 1893, i, no. 2, 99-146, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1894, v, 430-458.—E rb (\V.) Zur Casuistik der Akinesia algera. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1882-3, iii, 237-240. -----. Leber Akinesia algera. Ibid., 1894, v, 424-429.—Ferrari (G. C.) L'acinesia dolorosa; (akinesia algera, apraxia algera di Mdbius, atremia di Neftel). Riv. sper. di freniat., ReggioEmilia. 1894, xx, pt. 2, 618-ti.'!). —Kocnig (\V.) Zur Akinesia algera. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., 1892, n. F., iii, 97-111.—f.oiigarrt (J.) Zur Casuistik der Akinesia algera. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Xervenh., Leipz., 1891-2, ii, 455-463.—ITlobins (P. J.) Ueber Akinesia algera. Ibid., 1891. i, 121-135; 1891-2, ii, 436- 454. Also [with additions], in his: Neurol. Beitr., 8°, Leipz., 1894, 2. Hft., 1-61.—Niermeyer (J. H. A.) Akine- sia algera. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. IL, xxxi, pt. 2, 206-212.—Szpanbok (A.) Przypadek histeryi z objawami (akinesias algerae). Medycyna, War- szawa, 1893, xxi, 704-707. Ackeus (J. H. II.) *Ovcr nitroglycerin als geneesniiddel. 2 p. 1., 59 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Lei- den, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1888. Acker ([Job.] Josef) [I860- ]. *I)ie Ueber- tragbarkeit der Tuberkulose durch die Vaccina- tion. 31 pD. 8°. Bonn, L. Hiinewinkel cf Co., 1884. Acker (Ludwig). Das rothe Kreuz. Eiu Umriss seiner Gcschichte uud seiuer Aufgabeu. 51 pp. 12 \ Karlsruhe, J. J. Reiff, 1889. van den Acker (Martinus). *De diarrhoea. 1 p. 1., 18 pp., 1 1. 4°. Harderovici, E. Tyhoff, 1804. [P., v. 1934.] van Ackeren (Friedrich). * Beitrage zur Eut- Avickluugsgeschichte der weiblicheu Scxual- orgaue des Menscheu. [Wurtzburg.] 48 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1888. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1888, xlviii. See, aho, lilinisches Recepttaschenbuch, etc. 16°. Berlin, 1890. van Ac ke rill an (Hans). * Weitere Beitrage zur Wirkuug des Piperideus auf die roten Blut- korperchen. 17 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, H. Stiirtz, 1894. Ackerman (Paul). * Observations snr le cli- inat et les iievres iutermittentes de Madagascar. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833, v. (i4. -----. Projet de sac chirurgical pour le service des amides de terre et de mer. 16 pp., 1 pi. 4°. [Paris], Mme. Ve. Bouchard-Huzard, 1834. -----. Considerations anatomico-physiologiques et historiques sur le eoi'po du Chili. 16 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Paris, Mine. Ve. Bouchard-Huzard, 1844. Ackcrmaiiii (Carl). See Verein fiir Naturkunde zu Cassel. Festschrift [etc.]. 8°. Cassel, 1886. Ackernianil ([Conrad] Theodor) [1825- ]. Die Choleraepidemie des Jahres 1859 im Gross- herzogthum Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Nach offi- ciellen Mittheilungen und nach Berichten der Prediger, Aerzte und Physiker des Landes im Auftragp des hohen Grossherzoglichen Ministe- riums, Abtheilung fiir Medicinalangelegenheiten, besohrieben. viii, 271 jip. 8°; Atlas, 4 diag., 5 l>lans, 1 map, fol. lioslock, G. B. Leopold, 1860. -----. Ueber de Wirknngen der Digitalis. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1872, No. 48 (Inn. Med., Xo. 18, 389-410). ACKERMANN. 124 AC LAND. Ackermanii ([Conrad] Theodor)—continued. -----. Ueber die Ursachen epidemischer Krank- heiten. Vortrag, gehalteu in der Aula der Uni- versitiit zu Rostock. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. G. Liideritz, 1873. -----. Die Schadeldifformitat bei der Encepha- locele congenita. 79 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Halle a. S., M. Niemeyer, 1882. . Die Histogenese uud Histologic der Sar- kome. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1883, No. 233-234 (Chir., No. 74, 1971-2040). -----. Mechanismus und Darwinismus iu der Pathologie. 24 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., M. Nie- meyer, 1884. -----. Die pathologische Bindegewebsneubil- dung in der Leber uud Pfliigers teleologisches Cansalgesetz. 15 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Repr.from: Festscbr. d. Facultiiten z. 200jahr. Jubelf. d. Univ. Halle. Ackermanii (Friedrich Jacob). * Ueber den Mechanismus der Gebnrtswehen. 35 pp. o°. Giessen, W. Keller, 1850. Ackermanii (Georg). * Ueber die Entwicke- luug von Wahnideen aus hallucinatorischen Vor- gangeu. [Jena.] 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Weimar, B. Wagner, [1892]. C. Ackermanii (Gregor). * Ueber die malignen Lymphome. 1 p. l.,45pp. 8:. Bern, 1879. c. Ackermnnn (Harald). Das Wetter und die Krankheiten. 148 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Kiel, akad. Buchliandlung, K>4. Ackermanii (.Jacob Fidelis) [17(55-1815]. * De discrimiue sexunm pra'ter genitalia, xiv (11.) 95 pp. 8°. Moguntiw, J. J. A. Hwffner, [1788]! -----. Der Scheintod und das Rettungsverfah- ren. Ein chimiatrischer Versuch. xxiv, 246 pp., 1 1. 1-a;. Frankf. a. M., Andrea, L-04. -----. Die GalPsehe Him-, Schedel- und Orga- nenlehre vom Gesichtspnnkte der Erfahrung aus benrtheilt und widerlegt. 198 pp., 31. 8°. Heidelberg, Mohr u. Zimmer; Frankfurt, J. C. Mohr, 1806. For Biography, see Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Munchen, 1884, xxxi, 146-148 (M. Salomon). Aho, in: Salomon (M.) Biog. hervorrag. Aerzte. 8°. Miinchen, 1885, 1-6. Ackermanii (Job. Christian Gottlieb) [1756- 1801]. Ueber die Krankheiten der Gelehrten und die leichteste und sicherste Art sie abzuhal- ten und zu heilen. 314 pp. 12-. Niirnberg, M. J. Bauer, 1777. ---■—. Pathologisch-praktische Abhandlung iiber die Blahungen. Fiir Aerzte und Krauke be- stimmt. xvi, 319 pp. 8°. Altdorf u. Niirnberg, Monath-Kussler, 1800. See, also, Cleghorn (George). Beobachtungen iiber die epidemise.heu Krankheiten. [etc.]. 12°. Go. Tislky & Co. Catalogue of acoustic appa- ratus, etc. 16°. London, 1883. Williams (C. J. B.) Observations on the production and propagation of sound. 8°. [Lon- don], 1837>. dating from: Loud., Edinb. & Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lond 1835. s' WfiNSCH (C. E.) *Initia novae doctrinte de natura soui . . . submittit . . . eaque . . . defen- det Theodoras Thomas Weichhardt. sm. 4°. Lipsia', 1776. Alberloni (P.) Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Far- ben und Tonen. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. "Wien 1889-90, iii, 345-347.—Barth (A.) Zur Lehre von den To- nen undGerauschen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1887, xvii, 81-104— Baunigartcn (E.) Verwerthung des Hiuii- berhorens beim Rinne'schen Versuche. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz.. 1885-6, xxiii, 133-140.—Berihold (E.) Analysis of the tones included in the secondary noise of an iniermit- ting tuning-fork. Transl. by J. A. Spalding. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1879, viii, 250-254—Biake (C. J ) The graphic and photographic illustratiou of sound-waves. Am. J. Otol N. Y., 1879, i, 3; 89. -----. Audibility of high musical tones. Ibid., 207-281. —Blake (E. W.) A machine for drawing compound harmonic curves. I bid., 81-86, 2 pi. A ho, Reprint.—Boas (F.) On alternating sounds. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1889, ii, 47-53.—Charpentier (A.) Re- lation entre l'intensite apparente des sons et leur tonalit6. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 248-250. -----. L'affaiblissement mutuel de plusieurs sons. Ibid., 263. -----. Recherches sur l'intensit6 comparative des sons d'aprfes leur tonalit6. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1890, 5. s., ii, 496-507. -Dnuriac (L.) Un probleme d'acoustique p^\ chologique. Rev. phil., Par., 1891, xxxii, 545-570.—De Vescovi(P.) Fouocromatopsia e cromatismo dei suoni. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. Roma, 1894, ii, Fisiol., 83 — Dolbear (A. E.) Sound vi- brations and the telephone. Am. J. Otol., N. Y., 1879, i, 241-249.-----. On tbe number of vibrations necessary for the recognition of pitch. Ibid., 1880, ii, 1— Dvorak (V.) Ueber die akustische Abstossung. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem Leipz., 1878, n. F., iii, 328-338. Aho, transl.: Am. J. Sc! & Arts, N. Haven, 1878, 3. s., xvi, 22-29. — Engel (G.) Ueber Vergleichungen vou Tondistanzen. Ztschr. f. Psy- chol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891 ii 361-378.—EwaId (J. R.) Die centrale Entstehung von Schwebungen zweier monotisch gehorten Toue. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lvii, 80-88.—Fere (C.) Con- tribution a l'etude de Taction pbysiologique des vibrations du diapason. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 195-197. — Gelle. Etude experimentale du phenomene de l'ecoulement au dehois, par le conduit auditif externe, des ondes sonores venues du crane. Ibid., 1877, Par., 1879, 6. s., iv, 54-57. -----. De Paudition des sons en contact et des sons par influence, et de Paction de la tension des membranes sur leur perception. Ibid., 1884, 8. s , i, pt. 2, 369-372.—Henry (J.) Annual address [on sound]. Bull Phil. Soe. Wash. (1874-8), 1875-80, ii, 162-174.—Ilenseu (V.) Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Beobachtung der Ton- hohe eines gesungeneu Tons. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1879, 155-158, 1 pi. -----. Uutersuchung iiber Wahrneh- mung der Gerausche. (Anschlicsscnd an eine Bespre- chung der bezuglichen Arbeit von Ernst Briicke.) Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1885-6, xxiii, 69-90. -----. Ueber die Sehrift von Sehallbewegun:_reii. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen, 1886, xxiii, 291-302. —Hermann (L.) Ueber E. v. Fleischl's zweite vermeintliohe Widerlegung meiner Theo- rie des Electrotouus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1879- 80, xx, 388-:i!14.—Jacques ( VV. YV.) Acoustic architec- ture. Pop. Sc. Month., X%. Y., 1882, xxi, 454-462.—K.6nijj (R.) Ueber den Zu.siunm'enklang zweier Time. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz., 1876, clvi, 177-237. Aho, Reprint. Also [Rov.J: Monit. scient., Par., 1876, xviii, 323-334. Also, Reprint. — Eiiicae (A.) Kritisches und Keues iiber Stimmgabeluntersuchungen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1885-6, xxiii, 122-132. Also [Abstr.]: Tagebl. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885, lviii, 307-311.—Maloney (J. A.) A study in physiological acoustics; preliminary notice. Med. Rec, K. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 589.—Mayer (A. M.) On a method of detecting the phases of vibration in the air surrounding a sounding body, and thereby measuring directly in the vibrating air the length of its waves and exploring the form of its wave- surface. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, X. Haven, 1872, iv, 387-392. ACOUSTICS. 130 ACROMEGALY. Acoustics. Aho, Reprint. -----. On the experimental determination of the relative intensities of sounds, and on the measure- ment of the powers of various substances to reflect and to transmit sonorous vibrations. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven, 1873, v, 44; 123. AZ*o, Reprint. -----. Researches in acoustics. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven, 1C74, viii, 81; 170; 241. Aho, Reprint. -----. Experimental researches in thedetermiuation of the forms of acoustic wave-surfaces, leading to the invention of the topophone, an instrument to determine the direction of a source of sound. Am. J. Otol., N.Y., 1879, i, 282-286. -----. Researches in acoustics. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1894, xlvii, 1-28. Also, Reprint.— lTlclde (F.) Ueber resultirende Tone sowie einige hierbei gemachte Erfahrungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1895, lx, 623-641.—IVIoos. Pathologische Beobachtungen iiber die physiologische Bedeutung der hoheren musik ali- Bcheu Tone. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Carlsruhe, 1871-2, ii, 2. Abth., 139-155.—IVorr (C.) Experimentelle Priifung des Fechner'schen Gesetzcs auf dem Gebiete der Schall- stiirke. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen, 1879, xv, 297-318. Also, Reprint.—Poisson. Sur la vitesse du son. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1823, xxiii, 5-16.—Preyer (W.) Die Wahrnehmung der Schallrichtung mittelst der Bogen- giinge. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1886-7, xl, 586-622, 1 pi.—Bood (O. N.) On a method of studying the reflex- ion of sound-waves. On Newton's use of the term indigo with reference to a color of the spectrum. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven, 1880, xix, 133.—Sapolini (G.) Comment l'onde sonore arrive au centre acoustique. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii, 418-428. —Schaefer (K. L.) Ueber die Wahrnehmung und Lokalisation van Schwe- bungen und Diflerenztonen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, i, 81-98.—Stirling (J. W.) Our projection of a sound source in space. Mon- treal M. J., 1891-2, xx, 9-27.—StolietoflT (A.) Raboty po akustike. [Works on acoustics.] In: H. v. Helmholtz. Publ. lekt. . . . Mosk. Univ., 1892, 77-104.—Stumpf (C.) Ueber "Vergleichungen von Tondistauzen. Ztschr. f. Psy- chol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, i, 419-462.-----. Bemerkungen iiber zwei akustische Ap- parate. Ibid., 1893, vi, 33-43.—Taylor (W. B.) The refraction of sound. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1875, 206-216.—Crbnnttichitgch (V.) Ueber das An- und Abklingen acustiseher Empfiudungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881, xxv, 323-342.—Verwari (C.) Obb- jezioni all' ultima teoria sulla causa del sonno. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologua, 1878, 6. s., i, 404-429.— Vierordt (K.) Das Maas der Schallstarke. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen, 1881, xvii, 361-367. -----. Das Gesetz der Schwachung des Schalles bei seiner Fortpflanzung in der freien Luf't. Ibid., 1882, xviii, 383-396.—Wcndeler (P.) Ein Versucb, die Sehallbewegung einiger Cousonanten und anderer Ge- rausche mit dem Hensen'schen Sprachzeichner graphiseh darzustellen. Ibid., 1886, xxiii, 303-320, 2 diag.—Wilson (G.) On the applicability of the electro-magnetic bell to the trial of experiments on the conduction of sound, especially by gases. Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1846, xv, 310-312. Aho, Reprint.—Wundt (W.) Ueber Vergleichungen von Tondistauzen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1891, vi, 605-640. Acqua. Pia (antica Marcia); sulla sua salubrita e sul uiodo di sistemarla per evitare le incrosta- zioni; rapporto del direttore della societa. 18 pp. 8°. [Roma, 1879.] Acquerin (A.) * Contribution a l'e'tude me'dico- legale de la paralysie g6ne"rale. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 94. -----. The same. 74 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Jouve, 1891. Acrania. See Monsters from defect of brain. Acrel (Olaus)1 [1717-1806]. Paminnelser vid Herr Bousquet's ron, om fistlar in ano, besynner- ligen vid det, som ban deruti berattat, rorande Kongl. Vetenskaps Academieu och tviiune dess ledamoter. 28 pp. 8°. Stockholm, L. Salvius, 1766. Bound with: Bousquet (J.-F.) M6moire sur le traite- ment des flstules a 1'anus | etc. j. 8°. Stockholm, 1766. [Name of author not on title.) ■-----. Chirurgiska handelser, anniarkte och sanilade uti kougl. lazarettet och annorstades, med anseuli^a tilokningar och bifogade afritnin- gar, audra gangen til trycket befordrade. 10 p. 1., 650 pp., 13 1., 11 pi. 8°. Stockholm, H. Fougt, 1775. -----. Historia tumorum rariorum circa carpuni et in vola manus obvenieutium, qui, siuiillimi licet facie, qua indolem tamen et sanaudi Acrel (Olaus)1—continued. methodum prorsus discrepant, pp. 112-138, 1 pi. 4°. [Gottingce, 1779.] Cutting from.- Comment, phys. Soc. reg. scient. Got- tiug. (1779), 1780, ii. Bound with: Wmsbeug (H. A.) Observationes anato- mico-nevrologicoe fetc.J. 4°. [Gottingce, 1779,] See, also, Bousquet (Job. Franz). Memoire [etc.]. 8°. Stockholm, 1766. For Biography, see Hjelt (O. E. A.) Olof af Acrel, den Svenska kirurgiens fader. 8°, Helsingfors, 1884. See, aho, Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886,'xlviii, 495-511 (C. Santesson). Also: Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1891, xvi, 209-219, port. (E. Edholm). Acrel (Olaus)2 [1775- ]. Diss, de nauta- rum valetudine tuenda. 21 pp. sru. 4°. rjisa- lice, J. F. Edman, [1795]. Acret (G. S.) A treatise on hernia, explaining its varieties, situation, symptoms, and causes; to which is added a full description of the con- struction and application of the most approved mechanical remedies, ii (2 1.), 120 pp., 1 ]., 7 pi. 8°. London, Houlston 4' Son, 1835. Acret (Geo. W.) Illustrated catalogue. Trusses, abdominal supporters, shoulder-braces, suspen- sories, [etc.]. 32 pp. 8°. Brooklyn, [n. d.]. Acri (U.). See Pisenli (G.) Sc Acri (U.) Rene diabetico. 8°. Perugia, 1890. Acrididae. Thomas (C.) Part 1. Synopsis of the Acridi- dsB of North America. Part 2, v. 5. Acrididae of North America not found in the United States. 4°. Washington, 1873. Acridine. Schutte (H.) * Beitrag zur Kenntuis der Acridine. 8°. Erlangen, 1893. Acridon. Rosenberg (N.) * Ueber Akridonderivate. [Erlangen.] 8°. Breslau, 1894. Acrodynia. See, also, Dengue ; Foot (Painful); Pellagra. Cole (W. J.) Acrodynia. St. Louis M. & S J., 1879- 80, xxxviii, 331. — Bvers (B.) Remarks on ignipedites. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 211. —Ibaiiez Gar- cia (V.) Contribucidn al estudio de la pelagra y la aero- dinia, como enfermedades identicas. Correo med. caste- llano, Salamanca, 1889, vi, 499; 513; 534; 545; 561: 1890, vii, 5; 19; 35; 49; 67.—Linares (A.) Uu caso di acro- dinia. Indipeudente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii, 7097711—IWnr- quez. Acrodynie et arsenicisme. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 91.-ITIanry. Observations sur la maladieepideniiquequiregnea Paris. In. Montault(H.) Obs. med., 8°, Par., 1829, 1-13. — Pinjjault. Relation d'une maladie (podalgie) observee aux peuitentes et gnerie par les frictions mercurielles. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1840, xvii, 485-488. Acromegaly. Baruch (S.) Acromegaly: paralysisagitans. 4°. New York, 1892. Repr. from.- Illust. M. & S., N. Y., 1892. Also, in: Gaillard's M. J , N. T., 1892, lv, 44-47. Doebbelin ([P. F.] C.) * Pseudoacromegalie und Acromegalic. 8°. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1895. Duchesnau (G.) * Contribution a l'6tudeana- tomique et clinique de l'acroine'galie et en par- ticulier d'une forme amyotrophique de cette ma- ladie. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Fischer (H. [E.]) "Beitrag zur Casuistik der Akromegalie und Syringomyelic 8°. Kiel, 1891. Hager (O. [S. ]) *Ein neuer Fall vou Akro- megalie aus der Greifswalder medicinischen Kli- nik. 8°. Greifswald, 1894. Hertel (E.) * Beziehungen der Akromegalie zu Augeuerkrankungen. [Jena.] 8°. Leipzig, 1897k Kleikamp (F. K.) *Ein Fall von Akromega- lie. 8°. Greifswald, 1893. ACROMEGALY. 131 ACROMEGALY. Acromegaly. Marie (P.) & Souza-Leite [J. D.] Essays on acromegaly; vdth bibliography and appendix of cases by other authors. 8°. London, 1891. Mevel (P.) * Contribution k l'6tude des troubles oculaires dans l'acroine'galie: essai sur la pathogenie de cette affection. 4°. Paris, 1894. Meyer (F.) * Ein Fall von Akromegalie. 8°. Hamburg, 1894. Eeimar (M.) *Ein Fall von Amenorrhoe bei Akromegalie. 8°. Halle a. S., 1893. Salbey (M.) *Ein Fall von sogenannter Akromegalie mit Diabetes mellitus. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1889. de Souza-Leite (J. D.) *De l'acroine'galie, maladie de Marie. 4°. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Adler (I.) Some remarks on akromegalia. Boston M. & S. J., 1888, cxix, 507. -----. Ein Fall von Akrome- galie. Med. Monatschr., X. Y., 1889, i, 225-234.—Apple- yard. Acromegaly. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 316. -----. A case of acromegaly. Ibid., 746-748. — Arnold (J.) Acromegalic, Pachyacrie oder Ostitis' Ein anatomischer Bericht iiber den Fall Hagner I. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891, x, 1-80, 6 pi. -----. Weitere Bei- trage zur Akromegaliefrage. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1894, cxxxv, 1-78— Asmus (E.) Ein neuer Fall von Acromegalic mit temporaler Hemianopsie. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1893, xxxix, 2. Abth., 229-253. — Balzer (F.) Presentation d'un cas d'acromegalie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 237-239. — Bar- clay (J.) & Symniers (W. St. C.) A caseof acromeg- aly. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 1227-1229.—Bard. Un cas d'acromegalie; [troubles de la vue causes par la tume- faction de la glande pituitaire qui comprime le chiasma; injections sous-cutanees de sue de glande pituitaire de la- pin]. Lyon med., 1892, lxix, 547. — Bans (A. G.) A case of acromegaly. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 683.—Bassi (G.) Un caso di acromegalia cefalica, associato a siringo- mielia ed a tumore del cerveletto. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 1030.—Benson (A.) Acromegaly, with ocular complications. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1895, c, 394-400, 2 pi.— Berkley (H.J.) Acaseof acromegaly in a negress. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1891. ii, 134-136.—Berry (W.) Case of hypertrophy of the toe nails and lower ex- tremities. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 285. — Ber- Irand (L.-E.) Observation d'acromegalie (maladie de Marie). Rev. de med.. Par., 1895, xv, 118-124. — Betten- court (R.) Um caso de acromegalia. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1890, liv, 366.— Bier (A.) Ein Fall von Akro- megalie. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, zu Kiel, 1888, 196-203.— Bignami (A.) Un' osservazione di acromegalia. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma (1889-90), 1891, x, 238- 252.—Boltz (R.) Patient mit Akromegalie. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, 1891, Bresl., 1892, lxix, med. Abth., 95.-----Ein Fall von Akromegalie mit bitemporaler Hemianopsie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 635. Also: Jahrb d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2, 250-259.—Bonardi (E.) Un caso di acromegalia, con autopsia. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1893, xxxii, 356-364.—Bramwcll (B.) Acromegaly. In his: Atlas of Clin. Med., fol., Edinb., 1892-3, ii, 104-120, 6 pi. -----. Case of acromegaly. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 120-141. -----. Acromegaly in a giantess. Edinb. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix, 642.—Brissaud (E.) Un cas d'acromegalie. Rev. neurol., Par., 1893 i,55-57.—Brissaud (E.) Sc Uleige (H.) Gigantisme et acromegalic Rev. scient., Par., 1895, 4. s., iii, 330-336.—B roc a (A.) Un squelette d'acromegalie. Arch, gen.demed., Par., 1888, ii, 656-674.—Brown (F.G.) Acromegaly. Abstr. Tr. Hunter. Soc, Lond., 1892-3, 55- 58. - Brown (S.) Acromegaly. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893-4, iii, 575-582, port. -----. Reportof acaseof acromeg- aly. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1895, vii, 387-390.— Bruzzi (A.) Dn caso di acromegalia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, 866-868. —Billiard ( E. L.) Acromegaly. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxii, 591-593.—Bury. Acromegaly. Lancet, Lond., 1891. i, 1383.— Buzer (C.) Ein Fall von Akromegalie. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miin- chen, 1892, ii, 509-511. — Campbell ( E. K. ) Two cases of acromegaly. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1890, xxiii, 257-260, 1 1., lpl. — Caton (TL ) Notes on acromegaly. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1893, xiii, 369-374. — Caton (R.) & Paul (F. T.) Notes of a case of acromegaly treated by operation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 1421-1423—du Ca. zal. Un malade atteint d'acromegalie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop de Par., 1891, 3. s., viii, 485. — ten as. Sur un cas d'acromegalie probablement congeuitale. Loire med St.-Etienne, 1890, ix, 313-332, 2 pi.—Chauflard (A.) Acromegalie irnste avec macroglossie. Abeille med., Par., 1895, Iii, 244. Aho: Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 542-548.—Cheron (P.) Del'acrom6- galie. Union m6d., Par., 1891, 3. a., li, 25; 33.—Church Acromegaly. (A.) Sc Hessert (W. ) Acromegaly, with the clinical report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1893, xliii, 545-547. Also, Reprint. — Claus. Un cas d'acromegalie. Ann. Soc. de med. de (land, 1890, lxix, 281-290.—Claus (A.) & Van der Stricht (O.) Contribution a l'etudeanatomique' etcliniquedel acromegalic. Ibid., 1893, lxxii, 71-95, 1 pi. — Cohen (S. S.) A case of acromegaly. Tr. Coll. Phys.. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 156-162. Also [Abstr.J: Med. News,. Phila., 1892, lxi, 518. Also, Reprint. -----. Acromegaly,. treated by desiccated thyroid. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1894, xv, 374-377. Also: Coll. Sc Clin. Rec, Phila.. 1894, xv, 112-114. -----. Acaseof akromegaly. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., ii, 57-68, 3 pi.-, Collins (J.) Acromegaly. J. Nerv. & Meut. Dis., N. T„ 1893, n. s., xviii, 48; 129. Also, Reprint. — Cowell (G.) Case of acromegaly with atrophy of both optic nerves. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1890-91, xi, 84-86. — Dallc- inagnc. Trois cas d'acromegalie avec autopsies. Arch. de m6d. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1895, vii, 589-606.— Dana (C. L.) On acromegaly and gigantism, with uni- lateral facial hypertrophy; cases with autopsy. J. Nerv. Sc Ment Dis., N. Y., 1893, xx, 725-738. —Bay (F. L.) A case of akromegalia. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Provi- dence, 1889-93, iv, 541-545. Also: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxviii, 391. ■— Dcbicrre. Un cas d'acromegalie aveo symptdmes tabetiqnes eth6miauopsietemporalebilat6rale. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1891, x, 12-14.—Benti. Breve comunicazione di un caso di acromegalia con emianopsia teraporale bilaterale. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1891-241.—Bcrcuni (F. X.) Two cases of acromegaly , with remarks on the pathology of the affliction. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 170-180. Also: Am. J. M. Sc^ Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 268-277.—Bethlefsen. Akro- megalien. Med. Aarsskr., Kjobenh., 1892, 83 - 88. — Breschfeld (J.) A case of acromegaly. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 4-6.—Dulles (C. W.) A case of acromeg- aly. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 149 - 155. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 515- 518.—Dyson (W.) A case of acromegaly. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1893-4, ii, 109-113, 2 pi. —Eshner (A. A.) A case of akromegaly. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 458.— Farge. Observation d'acrom6galie. Progres m6d., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 1-3. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. d'Angers. 1889, n. s., xvii, 70-76, 2 pi.—Flemming (P.) A case of acro- megaly. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1890, xxiii, 253-256, 3 1., 3 pi. — Foy (G.) Chieromegaly. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., Iii, 491. — Fraentzel (O.) Ueber Akromegalie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 651-653.—Fratnich (E.) Un caso d' acromegalia. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1892, xvii, 238-247, 1 phot. Also, transl. [ Abstr. 1 : Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii, 405; 418. -----. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber einen Fall von Acromegalie. Ibid., 1893, xxxviii, 451. Also, transl.: Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1893, xix, 436-438, 1 pi.— Freund (W. A.) Ueber Akromegalie. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1889, No. 329-330 [Gynak., No. 95, 2373-2400, 3 pi.]. — Gajkiewicz (W.) O akromegalii. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1891, 2. s., xi, 846; 869.-----. Drugi przypadek akromegali. Ibid., 1893, 2. s., xiii. 786-796. — Gahnui. Deux cas d'acromegalie. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1895, vi, 161-165.— Garand & Arcue. Un cas d'acromegalie: considerations sur les rapports qui unissent le gigantisme et l'acromegalie. Loire m6d., St.-Etienne, 1895, xiv, 83-92, 2 pi.—Cause (A.) Ein Fall von Akromegalie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 891-894.— Gauthier (G.) Un cas d'acromegalie. Progres m6d.. Par., 1890, 2. s., xi, 409-414 — Gerhardt ( C.) Ein Fall von Akromegalie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 1183- 1185. — Gessler (H.) Ueber Akromegalie. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1893, lxiii, 121-125.— Godlee (R. J.) A case of so-called acromegaly. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1888, xxi, 196-200. Also [Abstr.1: Lan- cet, Lond., 1888, i, 776-778. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 855. Also [Abstr.J: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xiv, 403. — Gonzalez Cepcda (J.) Historia de un acroruegalico. Rev. balear do cien. med., Palraa de Mallorca, 1892, viii, 7-10.— Gordinirr (H. C.) Two cases of akromegaly. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 262-266. — Gorjatchelir(L A.) K vopr. ob akromegalii Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1891, i, 155-160. — Gouraud (X.) Un cas d'acromegalie. Bull, et mem. Soc. tu6d. d. hop. de Par., 1889, 3. s., vi, 381-388.—Graham (J. E.) Notes of two cases of acromegaly. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1890, v, 241-256. Also: Med. News, Phila.', 1890, lvii, 390- 395.—Groceo. Di un caso d'acromegalia. Riv. gen. ital. dicliu. med., Pisa, 1891, iii, Suppl., 17-25.—Guinon (G.) L'acrom6galie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 1161-1170. -----. Un cas d'acromegalie a, d6but recent. N. iconog. delaSalpetriere, Par., 1890, iii, 160-107,5pl.—Hadden (W. B.) &Ballance(C. A.) A case of acromegaly. Tr.Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888, xxi, 201-208, 1 pi. Aho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 855. —Hare (H. A.) A case of acromegalia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1892, n. s., xvii, 250-252. Also: Tr. Phila. Neurol. Soc, [N.T.J, 1891-2, i, 50-52. -----. A case of akromegaly. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 237-239.—Harris (H. F.) A case of akromegaly. Ibid., lxi, 520.—Haskovec (L.) Note ACROMEGALY. 132 ACROMEGALY. Acromegaly. sur l'acromegalie; maladie de P. Marie. Rev. de med., Par., 1893, xiii, 237-250. -----. Ein Fall von Akromegalie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 257-259. — llertel (E.) Beziehungeu der Akromegalie zu Augeuerkrankungen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1895, xii, 1. Abth., 18J-214.—Her- zog (B.) Ein Fall von Akromegalie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1894, xx, 316. — Hoffmann ( M.) Bemerkungen zu einem Fall von Akromegalie. Ibid., 1895, xxi, 383-385. — Holsti (H.) Ett fall af akro- megali. Festskr. f. Path.-anat. Inst., Helsingfors, 1890, 103-126, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xx, 298-310, 1 pi.—Hulchings (R. H.) Acromeg- aly aud mental disease. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1895, xvii, 129-131.—Hutchinson (J.) Acaseof acromegaly. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1889-90, i, 141-148. -----. Three cases of acromegaly, illustrating the stage of premonitory symp- toms. Ibid., 1890-91, ii, 296-298. -----. A case of acro- megaly. Ibid., 1891-2, iii, 343-347, 1 diag.—Hutchin- son (\V.) A case of acromegaly in a giantess. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, ex, 190-201.—Jorge (R.) Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'acromegalie. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1894, xx, 412-415. — Kanlhack (A. A.) Acro- megaly. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 251. -----. A caseof acromegaly. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 188.— Keen (W. W.) Excision of the supraorbital, supra- trochlear, auriculotemporal, auricularis magnus, occipi- talis major, and occipitalis minor nerves in a caseof acro- megaly.' Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., ii, 191-194.— Kojcvnikofl*(A. J.) Sluch. akromegalii. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1893, xxxix, 3-21.—Koscheeflf (J.) Akromega- liya. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Viatki, 1892, 13-16.— lianccrcaux. Acromegalic trophoneurosis of the ex- tremities; its coexistence with exophthalmic goitre and glycosuria. Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 109-111. — L.a- vicllc (C.) Un nouveau cas d'acromegalie. M6m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1893), 1894, 675-692. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1894, xxiv, 1; 13. — I.iiin- inayer (L.) Eiu Fall von Akromegalie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1894, vii, 294. — liitlliauer ( M.) Ein Fall von Akromegalie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1282.—Long (C.) A case of acromegaly. Le- high Valley M. Mag., Eastou, Pa., 1890-91, ii, 144-152, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. — I^uzet (C.) De l'acromegalie. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1891, i, 194-212. —Marie (P.) Sur deux cas d'acromegalie; hypertrophic singuliere non con- genitale des extr6mit6s sup6rieures, inferieures et c6pha- lique. Rev. de ni6d., Par., 1886, vi, 297-333.-----. L'acro- megalie. N. iconog. de la Salpetri6re, Par., 1888, i, 173; 229: 1889, ii, 45; 96; 139; 188; 224; 327, 9pl. Also [Abstr.] : Progr6s med., Par., 1889, 2. s., ix, 189-192. Aho [Abstr.J: Bulb m6d., Par., 1889, iii, 1579-1581. Also, transl. [Ab- str.] : Morgagni, Milano, 1890, xxxii, 49-52. Also, transl. |Abstr.J: Brain, Lond., 1889, xii, 59-81. —Marie (P.) & Marinesco (G.) Sur l'anatomie pathologique de l'acro- megalie. Arch, de m6d. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1891, iii, 539-565,1 pi. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. x. in- ternat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iv, 9. Abth., 129-132.— Marina (A.) Osteo-artropatia ipertrofica pneumonica parziale ed acromegalia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 1,806; 819. — Marinesco (G.) Un cas d'acromegalie avec hemianopsie bitemporale et diabfete sucr6. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol.. Par., 1895,10. s., ii, 476-478. -----. Trois cas d'acromegalie traites par des tablettes de corps pitui- taire. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 715-724. Also, transl.: Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 551.— Massalongo (R.) Sull' acromegalia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 74; 87. -----. Hyperfonction de la glande pituitaire et acromegalie; gigantisme et acroin6galie. Rev. neurol., Par., 1895, iii, 225-229. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., 1895, n. F., vi, 281-284. — Mcslrc (A.) Frimera observacion de acromegalia recogida en Cuba. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1895, x, 209-216. — Middleton ( G. S. ) A marked case of acromegaly with joint affec- tions. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xii, 401-415, 1 pi. -----. Femalo patient affected with acromegaly. Ibid., 1895, xliv, 127-129. — Minkowski ( O. ) Ueber einen Fall von Akromegalie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 371-374. Aho, transl.: Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 553-563. — Moncorvo. Sur un cas d'acromegalie chez une enfant de 14 mois, compliqu6 de mierocephalie. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1892, x, 549-554. — Mos- ler (C. F.) Ueber die sogenannte.Acromegalie (Pachy- acrie). Internat. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. R. Virchow___Berl., 1891, ii, 101-151, 1 pi. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 56; 70; 87; 105; 121; 136.—Mosse (A.) Note sur deux cas d'acromegalie; traitement; pathog6uie. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 686-691.— Moyer ( H. N.) A case of acromegaly. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 34.—Murray (F. W.) A case of acromegaly. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 700-703, 1 pi.—Murray (G. R.) Clinical remarks on cases of acro- megaly and osteo-arthropatby. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895, i, 293-295.—Occhiuzzi (L.) Dell' acromegalia (niorbo di Pietro Marie). Incurabili, Napoli, 1892, vii, 350; 522; 549. — O'Connor ( J. T.) A case of acromegalie, with exhibition of the patient. N. Am. J. Homoeop., N. Y., 1888, Acromegaly. 3. s., iii, 345-358.—Ogata (K.) Batsutan bitaisei ni zu- kete. [Acromegalic.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 314, 8-11. Also: Ogata Bioyen Ijikwai, Tokio, 1893, no. 52, 17-24. — Olcchnovricz ( W.) Przypadek akrome- galii. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. s.. xiv, 113-117.—Orsi (F.) Caso di acromegalia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, li, 201-207.—Osborne (O. T.) A case of acromeg- aly. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1892, n. s., ciii, 617-625.— Packard ( F. A.) A case of acromegaly, and illustra- tions of two allied conditions. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 6-18. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1892, n. s., ciii, 657-669. — Park ( R. ) A case of acromegaly; pre- senting also floating bodies in a cyst connecting with the knee-joint. Internat. M. Mag", Phila., 1895-6, iv, 431-446, 1 pi.—Parsons (R. L.) Report of a case of acromegaly. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. V., 1894, xxi, 717- 721. Aho, Reprint, Also: N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 88.— Pcchadre. Un cas d'acromegalie. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1890, x, 175-180. —Pel (P. K.) Ein Fall von Akrome- galie in Folge von Schreck. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 53.—Pershing (H. T.) A case of acromegaly, with remarks on the pathology of the disease. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1894, xxi. 693-702. Also: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 327-335, 1 pi.—Peterson (F.) A case of acromegaly combined with syringomyelia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 391.— Phillips (S.') A case of acromegaly. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xv, 455.— Pick (A.) Ueber das Zusammenvorkommen von Acro- megalie und Geistesstorung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 521-523.—Pinel-Maisonneuve (L.) Presen- tation d'un acromegalique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop.dePar., 1891, 3. s., viii, 137-139. -----. Complications oculaires de racrom6galie. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opht, Par., 1891, ix, 310-314. Also: Arch, d'opht,, Par., 1891, xi, 309-313.—Pul nam (J. J.) Cases of myxcedema and acromegalia treated with benefit by sheep's thyroids; recent observations respecting the pathology of the ca- chexias following disease of the thyroid; clinical relation- ships of Gairs's disease aud acromegalia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi, 125-148.—Bake (B.) A caseof acromegaly. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 518.—Rampolili (V.) Caso di acromegalia, Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894, liii, 101-104.—Ransom (W.B.) Notes of two cases of acromegaly. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1259-1261.— Rnuzicr (G.) De l'acromegalie. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1893, ii, 623-646.—von Recklinghausen (F.) Ueber dio Acromegalie. Naehschrift zu der vorstehemlen Abhandlung des Herin Dr. Holschewnikoff. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1890, cxix, 36-53 —Redmond (J.) A case of acromegaly. Tr. Boy. Acad. AI. Ireland, Dubl., 1890-91, ix. 64-66, 1 pi— Remington (F.) A case of acromegaly. Tr. M. Soe. N. Y.. Albany, 1894, 266-271, 3 pi.—Rentier. Ueber einen Fall von Akromegalie. Vereinsbl. d. pfiilz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1890, vi, 164-174. — Ross (J.) Acromegaly. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, i, 1-18, 3 pi.—Rot (V. K.) Dva sluch. akromegalii. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxviii, 561-576.—Ruttlc ( R.) Acromegaly. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., li, 397. Also [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J„ Lond., 1891, i, 697.— Sacchi (E.) L' acromegalia. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1889, xi, 417-435, 1 pl.-Sarbu (A.) Az akrome- galiarol. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 136; 149. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 575.—Sauudby (R.) A case of acromegaly. Illust, M. News, Loud., 1889, ii, 195-198.—Schaposch- nikoflT (B. M.) Ob akromegalii. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxii, 865-872.—Schultze (F.) Ueber Akromegalie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 981-983. Also [Abstr.J: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 2008.— Mhiach (S. A.) A ease of acromegaly. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 369.—SilcocU (A. Q.) Case of acromegaly. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1890, xxiii, 256, 1 1., 1 pi.—Somers (G. B.) A case of acromegaly. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1891, v, 537-543.—Souza-Leite. Une nou- velle maladie, l'acromegalie. Rev. scient., Par., ]8!)0. xlvi, 801-807.— Spillmanu (P.) Sc Haushaltcr (P.) Ln cas d'acromegalie. Rev. de med., Par., 1891, xi, 775-780.— Squance (T. C.) Notes on a post-mortem examination of a case of acromegaly. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 993.— Stcmbo (L.) Akromegalie und Akromikrie. Si. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr., 1891, n. F., viii, 397; 409.—Stern- berg (M.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Akromegalie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1895, xxvii, 86-150.—Surmont (H.) Acromegalic a debut precoce. N. iconog. de la Sal- petriere, Par., 1890, iii, 147-154, 2 pi.—Tainburini (A.) Beitrag zur Patbogeuese der Acromegalie. [Transl. from the Italian.] Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Co- blenz u. Leipz., 1894, n. F., v, 625-630, 1 pi.—Tnnzi (E.) Duo casi di acromegalia (con due figure intercalate nel testo). Riv. clin., Milano, 1891, xxx, 533-550.—Thomas. Note sur un cas d'acromegalie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1893, xiii, 362-369.—Thomas (J. L.) A case of acromegaly with Wernicke's differential symp- tom. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1198— Thomson (H. A.) Acromegaly, with a description of a skeleton. J. Anat. &. Physiol'., Lond., 1889-90, xxiv, 475-492.— I nver- richt. Akromegalie und Trauma. Munchen. med. ACROMEGALY. 133 ACTA. Acromegaly. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 302; 329.—Valat. Une acromega- lique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 1209-1212.—Ver- strneteu (C.) L'acromegalie. Rev. de med., Par., 1889, ix, 377; 493.—Virchow (R.) Ein Fall und einSkeletvon Akromegalie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 81-85. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1889), 1890, xx, pt. 2, 8-21. [Discussion], pt. 2, 68-72. Aho [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 73. Aho, transl.: Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 241-247, 1 pi.— Waldo (H.) Acromegaly. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 662.—Whytc (J. M.) A case of acromegaly. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 642-644.—Vamasaki (J.) Korokensei diken. [On acromegalia.] Kyoto Igakkwai Zashi, 1893, no. 72, 1-6, 1 pi. Acromion. Macalister (A.) Notes on the acromion. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1892-3, xxvii, 245-251, 2 pi.—Mores- tin (H.) Acromion form ant un os isol6 reuni au reste de l'epine par une veritable articulation. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 681. — Struthers (J.) On separate acromium process simulating fracture. Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 289-297, 1 pi. AcromioBi (Dislocation of). Maeaskie (J. G.) Dislocation of the acromion. Il- lust. M. News, Lond., 1888-9, i, 151. Acromion (Fracture of). See, also, Humerus (Injuries of, Complications, of). Gerber (G.) *Fraetur dis Acromion durcb Muskelzug. 8°. Erlangen, 1892. Wackerzapp (H.) *Die Fracturen des Acro- mion. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. Acronius (Renatus). #De lienteria. 1 p. 1., 30 +pp. 4-\ Groningce, apud vid. G. Spandaw, 1763. [?., v. 1934.] Incomplete. Acroparesthesia. Ital let (G.) On acroparesthesia. Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 553.—Friedinann (M ) Zur Akroparasthesie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz.. 1893, iv, 450-468.— Sinkler ( W. ) The treatment of aero - paresthesia (numbness of the extremities). Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 178-180. Acrophobia. O in lire (L.) Sull'aero fobia in rapporto alia vertigine dell' altezza alle idee fisse emotive ed alia nevrastenia. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1890, ii, 845-863. Aho: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc med. in Palermo (1 ^901. 1891,108-126.—Verga (A.) Sull' acrofobia. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889. ii, 114-120. Also .- Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1888, xxv, 92-98. Aho, transl.: Am. J. In- san., Utica, N. V., 1888-9, xiv, 286-291. Act and acts. See, under names of States, places, institutions, etc. Act (An) to ameud and extend the provisions of the law of Scotland on the subject of education 6th August, 1872. [35 & 36 Vicr.,ch. 62.] 35 pp. roy. 8°. [London, G. E. Eyre 4 W. Spot- tisivoode, 1872.] [P., v. 1294.] Act (An) to create a State board of health, and to regulate the practice of medicine. 6 pp. fol. [Topekaf 1883] Act (An) to establish a State board of medical examiners and licensers and to define the duties and power of such board. 4 pp. fol. Philadel- phia, Siddall Bros., [1884]. Prepared by the joint committee of the Philadelphia County Medical Society and the Philadelphia Medico-Legal Society. Rejected by the Philadelphia Medical Society, 1884. Proposed by the Medico-Legal Society of Philadel- phia. Act (An) to fix the rank and pay of hospital stewards of the Army. 11. 4°. [n. p., 1876?] Act (An) for the promotion of medical science by the distribution aud use of unclaimed human bodies for scientific purposes aud to prevent un- authorized uses and traffic in human bodies. 1 sheet, fol. [Philadelphia, 1883?] Act (An) [proposed] concerning the public health of the countiea of New York, Kings, and Rich- Act (An) [proposed] concerning [etc.]—cont'd. inoud, aud the waters thereof. 6 pp. 8C. [ Al- bany, n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] concerning the public health in tbe metropolitan police district of the State of New York, and the waters thereof. 16 pp. 8°. [Albany, n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] to establish a metropolitan board of public works and to provide for tlie government thereof. 10 pp. 8°. [New York, n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] to establish a State board of health for the better protection of life and health, aud to prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases in this Commonwealth. 5 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia? 1883.] Act (An) [proposed] to establish a State board of medical examiners and licensers aud to define the powers and duties of such board. 8 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1889?] Act (Au) [proposed] laying out public places aud parks and parkways in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of the city of New York, and in tbe adjacent district, in Westchester county, and authorizing the takiug of the lauds for the same. 15 pp. 8°. [Albany, n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] to provide for the care, con- trol, and management of the chronic pauper in- sane in certain counties. 1 sheet. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] to regulate the appointment of officers and to extend and define the powers of the mayor of the city of Boston. 7 pp. 8°. [Boston, n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] in relation to quarantine, and the removal thereof. 11 pp. fol. [New York, n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] relative to the supervision and control of hospitals or houses in which the insane are placed for treatment or detention. [With letters and facts iu favor of the bill.] 15 pp., 8°; 4 1., 4°. [Philadelphia, 1883.] Act (An) for the registration of births, marriages, and deaths, in the city of Philadelphia. 4 pp. fol. [Philadelphia, n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] to secure a pure, wholesome, and unadulterated milk supply, and to provide for licensing milk producers and milk venders, and for the appointment of milk and dairy in- spectors, obloug 12°. [Harrisburg, Pa., 1893?] Act (An) to renew and amend an act of the tenth year of her preseut Majesty, for the more speedy removal of certain nuisances, and tlie preven- tion of contagious and epidemic diseases. [4th September, 1848.] Anno undecimo and duode- cimo Victorias reginse. 24 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, W. Burness, 1848.] [P., v. 1022.] Acta. AcademisB electoralis Moguntinse scientia- rum utilium qua? Erfordia? est. Tomus i et ii. 6 p. I., 600 pp., 7 pi.; 3 p. 1., 680 pp., 10 pi. 16°. [v. 1;] Erfordioeet Gotho?., apud J. P. Meriumel J. C Dietrich, 1757; [v. 2:] Erfordice, apud J. F. Weber um, 1761. Title of v. 2: Actorum Academia) |etc. ] Acta, et commentationes imp. Universitatis Jurie- veusis. See Imperatorskiy Universitet v You- rieve. Acta eruditorum anno 168^[-3, 1685-94 1696-9] publicata. 16 v. 4°. Lipsiw, 1682-99. Acta eruditorum anno 1707 publicata. 606 pp., 10 pi. 4J Lipsiaz, apud J. Grossii hceredes, J. F. Gleditsch et F. Groschuf, 1707. Acta Instituti chuici caesare® Universitatis Vil- neusis. Annus primus[-sextus]. 8°. Lipsice, 1808-12. Acta de la sesion publica inaugural que la Aca- demia me'dico-farmaceutica de Barcelona celebro . . . 1882, [1884, 1890], 8°. Barcelona, 1882-90. ACT^EA. 134 ACTINOMYCOSIS. Actaea racemosa. See, also, Phthisis, Rheumatism, Treatment of. Itru 11 Ion (J.) The use of Actaja racemosa in dys- menorrhea and ovarian irritation. Practitioner, Lond., 1892, xlviii, 265-268. Actas de las sesiones del Congreso ginecol6gico espaiiol celebrado en Madrid en mayo de 1888. 500 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1888. Actas de las sesiones del Congreso medico espanol celebrado en Madrid, setiembre de 1864. vi, 663, v pp. 8°. Madrid, 1865. Actas del Congreso medico iuternacional de Se- villa. 507 pp. 8°. Sevilla, 1882. Actas de las sesiones del Congreso regional de ciencias medicas celebrado en Cadiz 1879. xxii, 878 pp. 8°. Cadiz, 1880. Acte pass6 par devaut notaires, contenant plu- sieurs pieces au sujet du miracle opere" en la personne de Mademoiselle Hardouin. 16 pp. sm. 4°. [Paris, 1731.] Acten gemiisso relatio facti et juris iiber den zu Braunschweig wider Margareteu Schuiieds, eine stuprirte Bauer-Magd, in ptiucto verdiichtigen Kiudermords gefiihrten Inquisitions: wie auch widef dero Advocatuni D. Jnstum Oldekoppen, gegen seine damals ordentliche Obrigkeit be- gangener Widersetzligkeit uud eussersten Unge- horsambs halber vollstreckten Verfestungs-Pro- cess, zu Steuer der Warheit, uff Urtel uud Eecht daselbst offentlich mit Rutheu gestrichener Dirneu jtzt beuauten Advocato, und dessen in Druck gegebeuer famos-Schrifft entgegen ge- setzet, von deuen zum peinlicheu Sachen verord- neteu Gerichten daselbsteu. 71 1. sm. 4°. Braunschweig, durch C. F. Zilligern, 1664. Actes de l'Academie c. r. Josephine m6dico- chirurgicale de Vienue. Trad, du latin par J. Escudd. lxxix, 445 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1792. Actes du Comity me'dical des Bouche.s-du-Rh6ne. v. 1,1851-3 ; v. 2, Jan., 1854, to Jnne, 1856; nos. 1-24, 35-3*, v. 4, Jan., 1860, to Dec, 1862; v. 5, Jan., 1863, to Dec., 1864. 8-. Marseille, 1855-64. Actes dn Congres international d'authropologie crimiuelle. Biologie et sociologie. 1885:1889: 1892. 8°. Turin, 1886-93. Actes du Congres peiiitentiaire iuteruational de Koine, v. 1-3. 8°. Rome, 1887-9. Actes de la Societd medicale des h6pitaux de Pa- ris. Fascicule 1-6. 8°. Paris, 1850-64. Actes de la Socidte' scientifique du Chili. Fondee par un groupe de Francais. v. 2; livr. 1-3, v. 3; livr. 1, 3, 4, v. 4. roy. 8°. Santiago, 1892-4. Act in;c. Brraneck. Utnde sur les corpuscules raarginaux des actiuies. Bull. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Neuchatel, 1886-8, xvi 3-40, 1 pi. — Bloehmanu (F.) Sc Hilgcr (C.) Ueber Gonactiuia prolifera Sars, eine durch Quertheilung sich vermehrende Actinie. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz. 1887-8 xiii, 385-401, 2 pi. — Haddon (A. C.) A revision of the British Actiniae. Part 1. Scient. Tr. Roy Dubl Soc 1888-9, 2. s., iv, 297-361, 17 pi.—llcitwig (fj.) Ueber das Nervensystem der Actinien. Jenaische Ztschr. f Na- turw., Leipz., 1879, n. F., vi, Suppl.-Hft. 2, 88-93.—Hcrt- wig (O.) Sc Mertwig (R.) Die Actinien anatomisch und histologisch mit besonderer Beriicksichti"un<* des Nervenmuskelsystems untersucht. Ibid.. 1880."n. F. vii 39, 10 pi. — Hen wig (R.) Ueber die Gcschlechtsorgane der Actinien. Ibid., 1879. n. F., vi, Suppl.-Hft. 2 109- \n— Krukenbcrg (C. F. AV.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Actinienfarbstoffe. In his: Tergleich.-physiol. Stud 8°, Heidelb., 1882, 2. R., 3. Abth., 72-87, 1 nl.-I.oeb (J.) Zur Physiologie und Psvchologie der Actinien. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894-5. lix, 415-420.—McMurrich (J. P.) The Aotimaria of the Bahama Islands, W. I. .T Morphol., Bost., 1889, iii, 1-80. 4 pi.—Van Beneden (£.) Recherches sur le devoloppement dns Arachnactis; con- tribution a la morphologie de Cerianthides. Arch, de biol., Gand. 1891. xi, 115-146, 3 pi.—Wilson (H. V.) On a new actinia, Hoplophoria coralligens. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1887-90, iv, 379-387, 1 pi. Actinomyces. See Actinomycosis. Actinomycosis. See, a Iso, Abdomen (Diseases of); Abdomen (Tumors of, Treatment of); Appendicitis (Causes of)', Liver (Actinomycosis of); Lungs (Fungi in); Tongue (Actinomycosis of). Afanasyeff (M. I.) O klinicheskoi mikro- skopii i hakteriologii aktinomikoza. 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1888. Aho, transl. in: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1888, n. F., v, 76; 83. Bargum (J.) *Ein Fall von Actinomykosis hominis unter dem Bilde einer acuten Infections- krankheit verlaufend. 8°. Kiel, 1884. Becue ( G. ) * De l'actinomycose. [Paris.] 4°. Lille, 1892. Berard (D.-M.-G.) *Del'iodurede potassium dans l'actinomycose. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894. Cart (E.) * Contribution a P6tude de l'acti- nomycose chez l'honnue. 4°. Paris, 1890. Donalies ([E. ] C.) *Die Aktinomykose dea Menscheu. 8°. Halle a. S., 1894. Fechter (A.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Actinomykose. 8°. Halle a. S., 1883. Fischer ( E. ) * Beitrag zur Keuntnis der aktinomykotischeu Granulationen und der His- tologie aktiuomykotischer Herde im Gehirne uud seinen Hiiuten. 8°. Tubingen, 1887. Also [Abstr.], in: Beitr.z.path. Anat. u. Physiol., Jena, 1888, ii, 484-492. Generali (G.) Actinomicosi in un hue. 8°. [Modena, 1887.] Repr. from: Atti d. Soc. d. naturalisti di Modena, 1887, 3. s., iii. Ginsberg (S. ) * Casuistische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Actinomycose des Menschen. 8°. Berlin, 1890. Glaser (J. P. A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik und kliuischen Beurteilung der menschlichen Actinomykose. 8°. Halle a. d. S., 1888. Grill (A.) Ueber Aktinomykose des Magens und Darms beim Menschen. 8°. Tubingen, 1895. Guermonprez & Augier. L'actinomycose en Flandre. 8°. Lille, 1892. Also, in: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1892, ii, 25; 53. Aho, in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 162-165. -----&, Becue. Actinomycose. 12°. Paris, [1894]. Hallauer (O.) * Klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aktiuomycose. [Zurich.] 8°. Schaff- hausen, 1892. Hummel (E.) *Zur Entstehung der Aktino- mykose durch eingedrungene Fremdkorper. 8°. Tubingen, 1895. Illich (A.) Beitrag zur Klinik der Aktino- mykose. 8°. Wien, 1892. Israel (J.) Kliuische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Aktinomykose des Menschen. 8°. Berlin,1887>. Jeandin (J.) Etude sur l'actinomycose de l'homme et des animaux. 8°. Geneve, Bale, Lyon, 1886. Jirou (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'acti- nomycose en France et en particulier dans la regiou lyonnaise. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Koenig (A.) "Ein Fall vou Actinomycosis hominis. 8°. Berlin, [1884]. Kratz (H.) * Ueber die Aktinomykose am Uuterkiefer, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Pathoge- nese der Aktinomykose. 8°. Giessen, 1888. Kubacki (T.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik uud Pathogenese der Actinomycose des Menschen. 8°. Berlin, [1889]. Linden (P. [L.]) * Aktinomykose. 8°. Bonn, 1892. Luhrs (C.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ak- tinomykosis des Menschen. 8°. Gbttingen, 1889. Luxow (M. [R.]) "Beitrag zur Diagnose und Therapie der Actinomycose. 8°. Kbnias- berg in Pr., [1889]. 9 ACTINOMYCOSIS. 135 ACTINOMYCOSIS. Actinomycosis. Magnus-sen ([J. C] L.) * Beitrage zur Di- agnostik und Casuistik der Actinomicose. 8°. Kiel, 1887). Moosbrugger (P. ) * Ueber Aktinomykose des Menschen. 8°. Tubingen, 1886. Aho, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1886, ii, 339-395, 1 pi. Also [Rev.], in: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 897-902. Mtller ([K. A.] J.) * Zwei Falle von Actino- mycose und Carciuom, nebst einigen anderu Bei- triigeu zur Casuistik der menschlicheu Actino- mycose. 8°. Berlin, [1888]. Multhaupt (K. B.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aktinomykose. 8°. Kiel, 1888. Oechsler (P. A.) * Beitrage zur Aktiuomy- kosis homiuis. 8°. Kiel, 188b. Orb (M.) * Zur Casuistik der Actinomycose. [Erlangen.] 8D. [Berlin, 1892.] Otto (C. [E. P.]) "Zur Kenntniss des kli- nischen Verlaufes dor Aktinomykose des Men- schen. 8C. Berlin, [1892]. Ponfick (E.) Die Actinomykose des Men- schen; eine neue Lufectionskraukheit auf ver- gleichend - pathologischer und experimenteller Grnndlage geschildert. 8°. Berlin, 1882. See, also, infra, Israel (J.). Pralle (G.) * Ueber Aktinomycose unter be- souderer Beriicksichtiguug der Ftirbemethoden. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1392. Eoussel (G.) *De l'actinomicose chez l'homme en France. Deux nouvelles observa- tions. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1891. de Sampaio Barros (F.) jr. * Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Actinomycose beim Thiere und beim Menschen. [Jena.] 8°. Aachen, 1888, 8chartau ( [H. F. ] K.) * Ein Beitrag zur Kenutnis der Aktinomycose. 8°. Kiel, 1890. Schiller (H.) * Ueber die Aktinomykose des Menschen, ein Beitrag zur Pathogenese der- selben. 8°. Giessen, 1892. Schreyer (H.) * Zwei Falle von Actinomy- kose der Bauehdecken. y-\ Greifswald, 1890. Taburet ( J.-H.-E.-M. ) * Contribution a l'e'tude clinique de l'actinomycose cutane"e chez l'homme. 4°. Bordeaux, lc93. Acland (T. I).) Actinomycosis hominis. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 18^5-6, xxxvii, 546-549, 1 1., 1 pi. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 1159. — Actinomicosi della parete addominale; migliorato. Resoc. san. d. Sped. civ. di Trieste (1891), 1*93, xix, 114-116. — Actinomycosis bovis, or lump jaw. In: Kansas State Agric. Coll. Exper. Station, Bull. Xo. 35, Topeka, 1893, 99-112, 3 pi.—Actinomycosis cutis f.iciei s. Jahresb. d. erst. chir. Kliu. d. Prof. Albert in Wien (1887), 1889. 30-33, 1 pi.—Actinomycosis homi- nis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 387.—Akcnnan (J.) Actinomycosis hominis. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1891, liii, 595-607.—Ayrapaa (M.) Actinomycosis. Duodecim, Helsinki, 1894. x, 6-15. — Aktinomykose der r. Ilals- seite, 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, zu Basel (1892), 1894, 32. — Ammcntorp (L.) Fyre Tilfalde af actinomycosis hominis. C. r. Quatre cas d'actiuomycose humaine. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1888, xx, no. 23, 1-19; no. 25, 4. -----. Om Aktinomykose. Biblioth. f. Lasger, Kjobenh., 1893, 7. B., iv, 433-472. Aho, transl. | Abstr.]: Wien. klin.Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 514.—Ander- son (A. R.) A case of actinomycosis of the face and neck; operation; cure. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1891-2, lxxv, 103-107. Aho [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, 3. s., iv, 15. [Discussion], 16-20.— Arti- galas. De l'actinomycose. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1884- 5, ii, 75-77. — d'Audibert Caille du Bourguct & E92, lx, 99-101.—Majocchi (D.) Appunti cliniei e microscopici sopra un raro caso di attinomicosi cutanea dell' uomo. Ateueo med. parmense, Parma, 1887. i, 67-70. -----. Attinomicosi della pelle nraana e di alcuni animali (dermo-actiuomyco.sis). Atti d. xii Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, i889, ii. 367-369. —;—-. Contribuzione alio studio della dermo-actinomicosi primitiva dell' uomo. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv 455-461. Also: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1892, 7. 8., iii 517-539, 1 pi. -----. Attinomicosi della bocca e della laringe. Attid. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol., etc., Firenze, 1892, i, 206-210.—Maksutoff (A.) K vopr. ob aktinomikoze i k morfologii lutchistavo gribka. [On actinomycosis and morphology of actinomyces.] Me- ditsina, St Petersb., 1893,v, 146; 163, 180.—Mal'lory(F.B) A case of actinomycosis Boston M. &. S. J., 1895, cxxxii, 296-300 Aho: Med. & Surg Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1895, 6. s., 179-189. 1 pi.—IWari (N. N.) Mateiialy k ucheuiyu ob aktinomikoze. Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1890, vii, 157:255; 294; 371. -----. Ueber die Lippenaktinomy- kose. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xii. 854.—ITIarten ( R. H ) Sc Teichelmann ( E. ) A case of actinomycosis hominis. Intercolon. Q. J. M. & S., Melbonrne. 1894, i, 209-217.—Masiutin ( N. G. ) Shest sluchayev psevdoaktinomikoza. [Sex casus pseudoacti- nomycosis.) Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach. g Ka- zani. 1888-9, 26-32. -----. K differentsialnomu raspozua vani'u aktinomikoza (svoyeobraznia obrazovania v mo- krote chakhotochnikh). [ Differential diagnosis of actino- mycosis; peculiar formations in the sputa of the phthisi- cal. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1889, x, 433-436. — Malla. kowski (W ) Przypadek wyleczonej promienicy (acti- nomycosis hominis). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889. 2. 8., ix, 46-50. AUo. transl.-. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 232 - 234. — Mallhicsen. Riickenmarkslahmung durch Druck eines Actinomykoms auf das verlangerto Actinomycosis. Mark. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1894, x, 353.—Mauri (F.) Contribution k l'etude de l'actinotm cose. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1884, xviii, 617 -629. — Mayer (M.) Bei- triige zur Aktiuomvkose des Menscheu. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 18x7. xii* 161-163 —Meyer (P.) Sur un cas d'actinoinveoso chez l'hommo. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Strasb. (1883-4), 1W5, xxi, 157-163. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1884. xliii. 99— JTIiddeldorpf *ii. xvii, 660. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (18*u-81 ), 1882, xii, 6-10. -----. Ueber Actinomycose des Menschen und der Thiere. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 431. Also [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1880, xvi, 936. -----. Zur Geschichte der Actinomvkose. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, lxxxvii, 541-561. -----. Letztes Wort zur Aktinomykosen-Frage. 76id., lxxxviii, 195.-----. Ueber Actinomycose ohue Actinomyces. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1884, Bresl., 1885, lxii, 104-108. Aho: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1*85, vii, 30. — Porto (X.) Um caso de actinomycose. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb 1894, lviii, 483-489. — Powell (K. D.), Oodlee (R. J.) & Taylor (H. H.) Ou a case of actinomycosis hominis; with an appended report on the morphology ofthe fungus, by Edgar Crookshank. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond. 1*89 lxxii 175-208, 1 L, 3 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Row M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, 3. a., i, 67. [Discussion]! 08-72. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1*89. i, 328. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, i 357. — Priuglc (J. J.) A case of actinomycosis extensively involving the skin. Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1*94-5, lxxviii, 21-37, lpl. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1108. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1894. ii, 1154.— Protopopoff (N.) Sc Hammer (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Aktinomycesculturen. Ztschr. f. Heilk Berl., 1890, xi, 255-266, 1 pi. — Ralla (A.) Attinomicosi addominale dell' uomo; saggio di clinica e microscopia. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887. vi, 577-584. _____. Actinomicosi e sua cura. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii.pt. 1. 327-329.—Kanueft. Een geval van actinomy- cose bij den mensch. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. Amst., 1889, 2. R., xxv, 2. d., 63:;.—Ransom (W. B.) A case of actinomycosis hominis of the urinary and alimen- tary tracts; recovery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud. 1891-2 lxxv, 85-102, 2 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, 3. s., iv, 14. [Discussion], 16-20.-----. The prognosis and treatment of actinomycosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894. i. 61. — Ransom (W.'H.) A case of actinomycosis of the vermiform appendix causing peri- typhlitis. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1891-2, lxxv, 63-84, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Loud., 1891-2, 3. s., iv, 12-14. |Discussion). 16-20. — Regnier (E.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Abdominal - Actinomvcose. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl., 1894, xv, 255-264, 1 pi. — Re my (F.) Trois cas d'actinomycose chez la vache. Ann. Soc. de med. do Gand. 1K87, lxvi, 67-70. — Remy (I.) & Van Ongevalle. Diagnostic de l'actinomycose par l'ex- anien des crachats. Ibid., 1889,lxviii, 272-282.—Rivolta Actinomycosis. (S.) Del eosi detto farcino o moccio dei bovini e della detta tubercolosi o mal del rospo (Trutta) della lingua dei medesimi animali. Gior. di anat.. Bsiol e patol. d ani- mali, Pisa, 1875, vii, 198-217. -----. Sopra uu nncromicete del cavallo; nota preventiva. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1879-80, i, 145. -----. Ueber die Prioritat der Beschreibung der Formen der Actinomykose und ihrer eigenthiimlichen Elemente bei deu Riudern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, lxxxvni, 3*9. -----. Ancora sulla priorita dell' osservazioue dell' actinomyces bovis. Gior. di anat., fisiol. e patol. d animali, Pisa. 1*87, xix. 138-144. [See, also, supra, Perroncito ) — Rochet. De l'actinomycose humaine. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1893, xl, 149-152. — Roger. Ueber Aktinomykose. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 583. — Roser (K.) Zwei Falle von acuter Aktinomykose. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl.. 1*86, xii, 369-371. — Rotter. Vorstellung mehrerer Patienten nut Actinomykose Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f Chir., Berl!. 1886 xv. 105-112 — Rorsing (T.) Et Tilfielde af Aktinomykose. Hosp.- Tid., Kjdbenh., 1887. 3. R., v, 889-895. -----. Om Akti- nomykosen bos Menneskef. Bibhot f Laeger. Kjobenh., 1889, ix, 74-107.—Rudncff (S. M.) Sluch. aktiuomikoza shei. [Case of actinomycosis ot neck.) Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1894, iv, 5*5-594—Rydygier. Zur Therapie der Aktinomykosis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895. viii, 649.— Salmon (D. E.) Report upon investigations relating to the treatment of lumpy-jaw, or actinomveosis, in cattle. Rep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1*91-2, Wash., 1893, viii- ix, 109-176, * pi. — Saiuter (E. O.) Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von der Aktinomykose. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1892, xliii, 257-351, 1 pi—Sattcrthwaite (T. E.) Acti- nomycosis in men and animals. Quart Bull. Clin. Soc X. Y. Post-Grad. M. School Sc Hosp.. X. Y., 18*5-6, i, 160- 163.—Savchenko (I. G.) Sluchai pseudoactiuomycosis hominis. Trudi V svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.- Peterb! 1*94, ii, 11. — Seh inner (A.) A caseof actinomycosis hominis. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1886, liii, 354. — Schlange ( H. ) Zur Prognose der Aktinomykose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. (thir., Berl., 1892, xxi, pt. 2, 241-253. [Discussion], pt. 1, 45. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1*92, xliv, 863-875. Aho [Abstr.J: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 706.— Schneider (I. G.) Aktinomikoz u byka; sluchai iz nablyudeuia na Ekaterinburgskoi obshtshestvennol skoto- bolne. [Actinomycose du bceuf; cas observe a l'abattoir municipal d'Ekatheriubourg. ] Zapiski Uralsk, med. Obsh. vg. Ekaterinburge, 1892, ii, 83-94.—Schroeder (F.) Luchist. gribok (aktinomycosis) v nizhuem slezuom kanal. [Aktinoinvcosis in inferior lachrymal canal.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv. 291; 351. —Scott (J.) Actinomycosis. Am. Vet. Rev., Xr. Y., 189U-91. xiv, 7-13— Sergi Trom- betta (D.) II primo caso di actinomicosi in Messina. Morgagni, Milano, 1*94, xxxvi, 119.—Shattock (S. G.) Two cases of actinomycosis in man. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 254-261, 1 pi.—Skerritt (E. M.) Actinomy- cosis hominis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1**7, n. s., xciii, 75- 88.—Snow (H.) Caseof actinomveosis with tuberculosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*91, ii. 124.—Sbderbnum (P.) Fall af actinomycosis. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1893, xxviii, 227-230.— Soltmann. Ueber Aetiologie und Ausbrei- tungsbezirk der Actinomycose. Jahrb. f.Kinderh.,Leipz., 1**6. u. F., xxiv, 129-139. — von Soinmer (G.) Primo caso di actinomicosi, osservato in Napoli. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir.. Napoli, 1S86. iii, 9-14: 1887, iv, 90-101. Aho: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1887, iv, 393-400. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliv, 686-688.— SoltolofT (X. A.) K vopr. o zabolevanii luchistim grib- kom v Rossii. [ Prevaleuce of actinomycosis in Russia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 3*4: 420; 454. — Stewart (G.) & Muir (R.) Notes on a case of actinomycosis of ovaries and liver: with pathological report. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 96-113,1 pi. —Sykoflf (V.) K kasuistike ak- tiuomikoza plevri i lyokhkikh. [ Actinomycosis of pleura aud lungs. ] Russk/M. d., St. Petersb., 1890, xvi, 767.— Szenasy (S.) Sugargomba-betegs6g (aktinomycosis). Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1886, xxvi, 625-630. Aho. transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1*86, xxii, 9ii*.—Thiriar. Un cas d'actinomycose. Clinique, Brux., 1891, v. 417-425. Also: Mercredi med.. Par., 1891, )i, 349- 352. Aho: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1*91, iii, 49*- 507. Aho: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse. 1891, v, 323; 331. Also, transl.: Gazz. d. osp., Xapoli, 1891, xii, 623-626.— Tilanus (C. B.) Ueber einen Fall von Actinomykosis cutis faciei. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1*89, xxxvi, 534. -----. Twee gevallen van actinomycosis cutis faciei. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1**9, 2. li.. xxv, 2. d., 517-520.—Tommasoli (P. L.) L' actinomicosi dal punto di vista dermatologico e nei suoi rapporti con altre der- raatosicongenericomeilmicetoma, lamicosifungoide. ecc, eec. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano. 1893, xxviii, 409; 513.— Treves ( F.) A case of supposed actinomycosis. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1**3-4, xxxv, 356-362, 1 1., 1 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 18*4, i, 61.-Treves (W. K.) On a case of actinomycosis. Lancet. Lond., l-*4. i, 107.— Ulluiann (E.) [Fall von Bauchactinomycosis.] Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1887, 183. _____. ACTINOMYCOSIS. 139 ACTUARIUS. Actinomycosis. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Actinomycose. Wien. med. Presse, 1*88, xxix, 1769; 1812; 1853.—Vinogradov (K. N.) Aktinoniiko/. u cheloveka. [Actinomycosis iu man.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, iii, 875-877: 1886, iv, 3; 27.—Volkovitch (N. M.) Neskolko dannikh ob aktino- mikoze u cheloveka (yevo raspoznavauii, patologii i ras- prostranenii). [Some remarks on actinomycosis in man (its recognition, pathology, and propagation).] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1893, iii, 3-22, 1 pi—Waring (H. J.) A case of actinomycosis hominis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1*91, xxvii, 173-175.— Werner. Ein Fall von Ac- tinomycosis. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1889. lix, 93 —"Whitney (W. F.) A case of ac- tinomycosis in a heifer. Boston M. i S. J., 1884, ex. 532.— Wildermulh. Eiu Fall vou Actinomycosis. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1886, lvi, 9 —Wil- liams (W. L.) Actinomycosis in relation to meat in- spection. J. Comp. M & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1892, xiii, 351-355.—von Winiwarter (A.) Un cas d'actinomy- cose. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1890, xxix, 129-131.— Winter. Ein Fall von Aktinomykosis bei einem Sol- daten. Deutsche mil. arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1886, xv, 188- 193. — Wolff (I.) Ueber einen Fall von Actinomycose. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1884, Bresl., 1885, lxii, 113-121. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1884, vi, 284-286. [Discussion], 1885, vii, 3L-Wolff (M.) Aetio- logie der Aktinomykose. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 3: Abth., 57-62. -----. Ueber Actinomycose, mit Demonstration. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1891, xx, pt. 1, 148-155. Also: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1891, xx, 67-75. -----. Ueber Actinomykose. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1894, xliv, 1431.—Wolff (M.) Sc Israel (J.) UeberErzeugungvonlmpfaktiuomykosemittelstCulturen des Strahlenpilzes. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1890), 1891, xxi, 68-70.------------. Ueber Keincultur •des Actinomyces uud seine Uebertragbarkeit auf Thiere. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1891, exxvi, 11-59, 8 pi.— Wolisch (A.) Ein Fall von retrocoecaler Actinomycose. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1894, viii, 369; 414; 445.— Wynne (E. T.) Clinical and post-mortem notes of a case of actinomycosis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889, xxv, 159-165.—Vakimoviteh (N. N.) Sluch. aktinomikoza lyokhkikh i plevri. [Actinomycosis of lung and pleura.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 125; 170; 211; 228; 267.— Zechmeister (H.) Ein Fall von Aktinomykose mit Restitutio ad integrum nach iunerlichem Gebrauche vou Jodkalium. Wien. med. Bl., 1895, xviii, 203.—Zeiiiaim (A.) Ueber die Actinomykose des Bauchfelles und der Baucheingeweide beim Menschen. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1883, 477-495. Aho. transl.: Riforma med., Napoli, 1885, i, nos. 198-202. —Ziegler (P.) Aktinomykose des Ge- sichtes und Halses; Behandlung mit Bacterien-Protein. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 406. -----. De- monstration von Aktinoruyces-Reinculturen. Ibid., 1895, xiii, 873. Actinophrys. Kolliker (A.) Das Sonnenthierchen, Actino- phrys sol. 8°. [Leipzig, 1848. ] Cutting from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1848, L 198-217, 1 pi. Actinosphaerium. Johnson (H.P.) Theplastogamyof Actinosphaerium. J. Morphol., Boat., 1894, ix, 269-276. Actinozoa. ITIflTlurrich (J- P-) Contributions on the morphol- ogy of the Actinozoa. J. Morphol., Bost., 1890-91, iv, 131; 303, 3 pi.: 1891, v, 125-164, 1 pi. Action. See Effort; Locomotion; Muscles; Re- flex action; Reflexes. Action (The) of the natural mineral waters of Carlsbad. History, therapeutical action, direc- tions for use, etc. 32 pp. 16°. New York, Eis- ner 4~ Mendelsohn Co., [1889, vel subseq.]. .Acton (William). A practical treatise on dis- eases of the urinary and generative organs (in both sexes). Part I. Non-speciiic diseases. Part II. Syphilis. 2. ed. viii, 693 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill. 1851. ------. The same. 459 pp. 8°. New York, J. S. Redfield, 1^-52. ------. Prostitution, considered in its moral, so- cial, and sanitary aspects, in London and other large cities and garrison towns; with proposals for the control and prevention of its attendant evils. 2. ed. xvi, 302 pp. 8°. London, J. ^Churchill 4 Sons, 1870. Acton (William)—continued. -----. The functions and disorders of the repro- ductive organs in childhood, youth, adult age, and advanced life, considered in their physiolog- ical, social, aud moral relations. 6. ed. xii, 266 pp. 8°. London, J. 4 A. Churchill, 1875. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. xii, 263 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4" Co., 1888. -----. The same. 8. ed. xii, 263 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4 Co., 1894. ActOi'uni eruditorum qua? Lipsiae publican tur snpplementa. TomusI [et II]. 2v.ini. 1 p. 1., 639 pp., 2 1., 8 pi.; 544 -j- pp., 10 pi. 4°. Lipsice, apud J. Grossii hceredes et J. F. Gleditschium, 1692-6. Actstykker augaaende Cholera, navnlig Epi- demien i Christiauia i 1850. Besorgede ved den kgl. Cholera-Central-Commission. 128 pp., 1 map. 8°. Christiania, C. C. Werner 4 Co., 1851. [P., v. 812.] Actstykker angaaeende Cholera-Epidemien i Norge i 1853. Besorgede ved Medicinal Coinmit- teen. 2 p. 1., 199 pp. 8°. Christiania, C. C. Werner 4 Co., 1854. Actualite (L') m6dicale. Sciences mMicales et d6ontologie professionnelle. Journal mensuel fond6 et public sous la direction des docteursTh. Goureau, M. Bilhaut [et al.]. v. 1-6 (anne"es 1- 7), Dec, 1889-95. 8° & 4°. Paris. Current. In 1891 became 4°. Actuarius (Joannes). Hoc in volumine . . . digesti sunt de uriuis libri soptem de Graeco ser- nione in Latinum conversi . . . 106 ff. 8°. Pa- risiis, ex off. S. Colinwi, 1522. First ed. was Venice, 1519, 4°. Another copy, with tvhich is bound: Galen (Claudius). De sectis medicorum Georgio Valla interprete, libellus, [etc.]. 8°. Parisiis, 1518. -----. The same. De urinis libri vii, Ambrosio Leone Nolauo interprete: in quibus omnia quae de uriuis dici possuut, doctissime tractata conti- nentur. Antonii Thylesii Cosentini de coloribus liber. Pauli _------. The same. Operum tomus primus. De actionibus et spiritus nnimalis affectibus, ejusque nntritione libri ii. De urinis libri vii. 450 pp., 131. 24°. Lugduni, apud J. Tornwsium et G. Gazeium, 1556. ------. De febribus liber. In: Febkihus (De) opus sane aureum, [etc.]. fol. Ye- netiis, 1576, ff. 176-179. Aculeus [pseud.]. Letters to Dr. Rowley, on his late pamphlet, entitled "Cow-pox inocula- tion, uo security against small-pox infection". vii, 60 pp. 8°. London, H. D. Symonds, 1805. Acupressure. See, also. Arteries (Compression of). Ilandysiilc (P. D.) Case of traumatic spreading gangrene, after severe compound fracture of the leg, for which amputation beneath the trochanters was performed, and the arteries secured by four acupressure needles; the femoral artery, at its giving off the profunda branch, was relieved from pressure at the forty-ninth hour after the operation, with recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1860-61, vi, 504- 511. Also, Reprint. -----. Another case of amputation of the thigh at its upper fourth, in which acupressure was successfully employed. Edinb. M. J., 1861-2, vii. 712-717. A ho, Reprint.—Howe (J.) Acupressure safety-pins. Bull. N.York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 18. — Simpson. On acupressure, a new method of arresting haemorrhage. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1857-62, iv, 249-252. — van Som- eren (W. J.) Recent cases of amputation in the Native Infirmary, in two of which acupressure was substituted for deligation of the main vessel, and in all of which the stumps were dressed autiseptically. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1871,.iv, 256-260. Acupuncture. See, also, Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic, etc.); Akidopeirasty; Anasarca; Aneurism (Treat- ment of) by acupuncture, etc.; Animation (Sus- pended ); Aquapuncture; Baunscheidtism; Dropsy (Treatnient of); Electropuncture; Ig- nipuncture; Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciat- ica, Treatnient of. Chin kew ta ch'ing. [Complete treatise on acupuncture.] 10 fasc. 8°. [n. p., 1875.] Chinese text. Da Camin (F.) Sulla ago-puntura, con alcuni cenni sulla puntura elettrica. 8°. Venezia, 1834. Eupex (P. J.) * Experimenta quaedam de lae- sione partium quarundam corporis animalis per acupuncturam. 4°. Coloniw Agrippinee, [1830], Jenneuian medication by acupuueturation. A new auxiliary in practical medicine. 8':. Ann Arbor, Mich., [1869]. Kuwatsu(J.) Kana yomi jushikei. [Trea- tise on acupuncture.] 2 v. 8°. Osaka, 1805. Scgiyama (W.) Senshin sanyo zitsn. [The practice of acupuncture.] 8°. Tokio, 1880. Japanese text. -----. Rijino taigaishiu. [The indications for acupuncture aud massage.] 8°. Tokio, 1880. Japanese text. Woost (G. E.) Quaedam de acupunctura orientalium ex oblivionis tenebris ab Euro- pa>is medicis nuper revocattt. 4°. Llpsioe, 1826. Yuansai-Genu. Zushikei. [Treatise on acu- puncture and anatomy.] 10 v. 8°. Kyoto, 1659. Chinese text. Bellini (G. B.) Prima appendice del dot. . . . al suo articolo sull' agopuntura. inserito nell' incominciato e non pioseguito dizionario universale di chirurgia pratica di- retto dal dot. G. Coen di 'Venezia nel 1841. Raecoglitore, Fano, 1845. xv, 33; 49; 65. — 1>.....ontpnllier. On the cure of pain by acupuncture at a distance. Lond. M. Rec. 1880, viii, 6. — von Oullceit (IL) Acupunctura. Med. Ztg. Rnsslands. St. Petersb., 1846, iii. 347-319.— Hnimc (A.) Notice sur 1 acupuncture, ct observations medicales sur ses effets therapeutiques. Ann. clin. Soc. de rned.-prat. de Montpel., 1818, 2. s., iii, 177-192. — Oku. Acupuncture. inui'st, Sansaku. [A study of the old system of acu- puncture.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1885, no. 157, May 15.— Itemy (C.) Snr l'acupunetiire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883. 7. s., iv, 295— Kentclli (A.) Dell' ago- puntura elettrica applicata come mezzo ciirativo ad una specie di amaurosi. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di To- rino, 1858, 2. s., xxxi, 457-465.—Itiberi (A.) Sei casi di malattie guarite merce dell' agopuntura, con alcune ritles- sioni intorno al modo di operare ed alia utility della mede- sima. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1840, viii, 24; 129.— Sncll (S.) Remarks on acupuncture, with cases. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1880, i, 661.—Whitney (W. N.) Note on the history of the practice of acupuncture in Japan. [From: Tr. Asiatic Soc. Japan, xiii.j Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi, 74-76. Acwortll (E.) My conversion to homoeopathy. 8 pp. 8°. [Northampton, T. Phillips, 1852.] [P., v. 1187.] Repr.from: Brit. -J. Homoeop., Lond., 1852, x. Acwortll (J. J.) *Beziehung zwischen Absorp- tion und Empfindlichkeit sensibilisirter Platten. [Erlangen.] 38 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1890. Adaclli (Kan.) Kenbikio kensashishiu. [Rules for microscopic examination.] 12°. Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. ------. Hioshi gekwa kaku ron. [A modern sys- tem of surgery. ] v. 1-7. 12°. Tokio, 18^5-6. See, also, Binz (Carl). Binsbi yakusei ron. 12°. To- kio, 1879. — Hiiter (Carl). Hioshi gekwa tsuron. 5 v. 12°. Tokio, 1883. -----. Hioshi gekwa tsuron zokuhen. v. 1-2. 12°. Tokio, 1886. Adze (Max). * Untersuchungen iiber die Tenipe- ratur peripherischer Korpertheile. 40 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Fues, 1876. Adair (James Makittrick) [1728-1802]. An es- say on regimen, for the preservation of health, especially ofthe indolent, studious, delicate, and invalid; illustrated by appropriate cases; to which are added observations on what is vul- garly termed catching cold, on the art of mend- ing health, on fashionable diseases, on lady and gentlemen doctors, and on quacks and quack- ery; with seasonable remarks, economical, moral and religious, ou the present state of the British dominions, lxi, 208 pp. 12°. Air, printed by J. 4' P. Wilson for the author, 1799. See, also, IVloultrie (Joannes) [in 1. s.J. Trait6 de la flevre jaune. 8°. Paris, an XI11 [1805]. Adam. Un dernier mot sur la courge-potiron de Corfou. Potiron-pain du pauvre. 4 pp. 8°. [Rouen, Berdalle, 1849.] [P., v. 1732.] Repr.from: Bull, du cercle prat, d'horticult., 1849. Ada iii. Goetz (M. F. L.) Quaestionem magesteria- lem de haadam haggadol ba'anaqim quanta Adami statura fuerit? wie gross Adam gewesen? ad illnstrandum Josua, xiv, 15, ventilat. sm. 4°. Lipsia?, [1727], de Pinedus (M.) De morte Adami. Inhis: Tract, de febribus. 12°. Amst, 1743 70-79. Adam (Alexis) [1862- ]. #De la tarsectornie pour pieds-bots varus-6quins congenitaux. 206 pp., 16 pi. 4°. Nancy, 1890, No. 325. ------. Du pincement lateral de l'intestin. 89 pp., 1 1. H°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1895. Adam (Alfred). * Ueber Empyem bei Kindern. Mittheilungen aus dem Kinderspitale zu Basel. 44 pp., 1 1., 1 pit, 1 tab. 8°. Basel, L. Rein- hardt, 1890. Adam (Aloyse). ' Des insucces dans le traite- ment de l'ejiilepsie chez les aliens. 1 p. 1., 52 pp., 1 I. 4°. Nancy, 1881, No. 126. Adam (A[ndreas] Mercer) [1829- ]. Con- tributions to teratology. 32 pp. 8°. [Edin- burgh, Murray 4 Gibb, li»'54. ] [P., v. 1495 ; 1990.] Repr. from: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1854, xviii-xix. See, aho Vircho\r (Rudolf) [in 1. s.]. Johann Miil- ler : an cloge [etc.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1859. ADAM. 141 ADAMOWICZ. Adam (Carl) [1861- ]. *Eine menschliche Frucht mit verkiimmerten obern Gliedmaasseu uud Unterkiefer. 19 pp., 21., 2pi. 8°. Kbnigs- berg in Pr., R. Leupold, 1887. Adam (fiiuile). *Des injections hypodermiques d'ergotine. 1 p. l.,59pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1872, No. 12. Adam (F.-L.) * Essai sur la dysenteric 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835, No. 1074. Adam (Georg)1 [1864- ]. * Ueber ein neues Alkaloid aus Coniuiu maculatum, seine Konsti- tution und Versuche zu seiner Synthese. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei, 1891. Adam (Georg)2. *Darm und Niere nach Calo- melvergiftung. 17pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel,l892. Adam (J.-A.-Theudore). * Essai sur la m^trite, considered dans sou etat aigu et chronique. 1 p. 1., 17 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F.-G. Levraul 1,1826. Adam (J.-P.) *De l'arseuic et de ses prepa- rations, considers sous le rapport de leurs , propri^t^s chimiques, pharmacodynantiques et toxiques. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1836, v. 69. Adam (Maurice). *De I'cedeme dans le pur- pura. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 252. Adam (Theodor). Die Veteriuar-Polizei mit Be- riicksichtigung der neuesten Gesetzgebungen. xii, 243 pp. 8°. Munchen, J. Palm, 1862. -----. Sammlung der veterinar-sauitatspolizei- lichen Verordnungen fiir das Konigreich Bayern. Mit allerhochster Genehniigung hrsg. iv, 196 pp. 8°. Munchen, J. Grubert, 1863. -----. Yeterinararztliches Taschenbuch. 2 p. 1., 240 pp., 1 1. 18". Wiirzburg, 1888. Acht und zwanzigster Jahrgang. Adam [W. Th.] Notizen zur Frage von der re- lativen Iinumnitat der Gebirgsbevolkerung ge- gen Lungenschwindsucht. 14 pp. 8°. [Glatz, L. Schirmer, 1884.] Repr. from: Verhandl. d. xii. schlesischen Badertages 1883, Reinerz, 1884. Adam (Walter). On the osteological symmetry of the camel. [Read April 19, 1831.] pp. 525- 585. 4°. London, R. Taylor, 1832. [P., v. 953; 1581.] Cutting from.- Tr. Linnean Soc. Adam (William). Reports on the state of edu- cation in Bengal. 1.-3. (July 1, 1835, to April 28,1838). 8°. Calcutta, G. H. Huttmann, 1835-8. Bound in 1 v. Adam Elias von Siebold's Biographic Aus [Joh. Gottlob] Bernstein's Geschichte der Chirurgie besonders abgedruckt. 32 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1822. Adamaiitius Sophisla. A. Physiognomonicou, libri duo, per J. Coruarium latine conscripti. [Greek and Latin.] J. Cornarii, de utriusque ali- menti receptaculis dissertatio, contra quern sen- tit Plutarchus. Plutarchi Chaeronensis loci duo, ad idem argumentum pertinentis, sed reprobati. Adamantii etiam exemplar Graecum est addic- tum. 203 pp. 16°. Basilece, R. Winter, 1544. Imperfect; wants part of title-page; also, pp. 65-70 (sig. E, E2, and E3). Adame (Francisco Dominguez). *Estudiosdel cerebro y de las propiedades fundamentals de los elementos que le constituyen. 58 pp. 8°. Sevilla, C. M. Santigosa, 1881. Adami. See Spnllarossn ( Juan ) [in 1. 8. ]. Disertacion physico medica, [etc.]. Pars iii. 4°. Cadiz, 11766-7]. [Adami.] Medicae institutiones in quinque libros, aut partes distributee. 320, viii pp. MS. (18. cent.?). 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Adami (Friedrich Philipp). *Die Resorption der Placenta. 88 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. A. Ziirn, 1835. Adami (J. G.) On the variability of bacteria aud the development of races. 26 pp. 8°. Manchester 4" London, J. Haywood, [1892]. Repr.from: Med. Chrou., Manchester, 1892, xvi. -----. "On this side Jordan." Inaugural lect- ure in the faculty of comparative medicine, McGill University, October, 1894. 16 pp. 8°. Montreal, 1894. Repr.from: Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii. Adamides (Jean). * Beitrag zur Lehre von Hyperemesis gravidarum. 33 pp. 8°. Strass- burg, J. H. E. Heiiz, 1885. Adamkicwicz (Albert) [1850- ]. Die Blutgefiisse des menschlichen Ruckenmarkes. II. Theil. Die Gefasse der Ruckenmarksober- flache. 30 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Wien, 1882. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., "Wien, 1882, lxxxv. -----. Die Nervenkorperchen. Ein neuer, bisher unbekannter niorphologischer Bestandtheil der peripherischen Nerven. 11 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Wien, 1885.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Matb.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1885, xci. -----. Die Riickenmarksschwindsucht. Eine Vorlesung. Nach neuen Untersuchungen und den Ergebuisseu einer neuen Untersuchungs- methode fiir das Centralnervensystem. 53 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Wien, Toeplilz u. Deuticke, 1885. -----. Ueber die Behandlung der Neuralgien mittelst der Katapharese. 6 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1887.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii. -----. Die degenerativen Krankheiten des Rii- ckenmarkes. xii, 135 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1888. -----. Die Arterien des verliingerten Markes vom Uebergang bis zur Briicke. 16 pp., 3 pi. 4°. TTien, F. Tempsky, 1890. Repr.from: Denkschr. d. mat.-naturw. Cl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., "Wien, 1890, lvii. -----. Ueber das Wesen des vermeintlichen "Hirndrucks" und die Principien der Behaud- lung der sogenannten "Hirndrucksymptome". 36 pp., 4 pi. 8°. TFien, 1890. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1890, xcix. -----. Pachymeningitis hypertrophica uud der chronische Infarct des Ruckenmarkes anato- misch uud klinisch bearbeitet. 1 p. 1., 51 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1890. -----. Ueber den apoplectischen Anfall. 20 pp., 1 col. pi. 8°. Wien, F. Tempsky, 1891. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1891, c. -----. Tafeln zur Orientirung an der Gehirnober- fliiche des lebenden Menschen bei chirurgischen Operationen und klinischeu Vorlesungen. Mit deutschem, franzosischem und englischem Text. 4 1., 4 col. pi. fol. Wien u. Leipzig, [F. Jasper], 1892. -----. Thesame. Text. 2.Aufl. 51.,4pi. fol. Wien u. Leipzig, W. Braumiiller, 1894. -----. Untersuchungen iiber den Krebs und das Princip seiner Behandlung. xiv, 134 pp., 7 1., 8 pi. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, W. Braumiiller, 1893. Adamovich (L.) *6 stolbnyakie, v osoben- nosti zhe travmaticheskom. [Tetanus, especially traumatic] 79pp. 8°. S.- Peterburg, I. Ogrisko, 1863. Adamowicz (Adam Ferdinand) [1802-81]. Krotki rys pocztitkdw i post^pu auatomii w Polsce i Litwie, skreSlony na pamia.tke, 50-let- niego trwania Cesarskiego Towarzystwa Lekars- kiego Wilenskiego dnia 12. Grudnia 1855 roku. [Short, sketch of the beginning and progress of anatomy in Poland and Lithuania, prepared in memory of the 50th anniversary of the Imperial ADAMOWICZ. 142 ADAMS. Adamowicz (Adam Ferdinand)—continued. Medical Society of Wilna.Dec 12,1855.] 1 p.l., lU9 pp. 8 . 'Wilno, J. Zawadzki, 1855. For Biography, see Medycyna, Warszawa, 1881, ix, 337- 339 (J. Bielinski). Adams (A/m A. W.). .Ve diaiming (Walter). Physical training of the insane. *c. t'tica, X. T., 1889. Adams (A. Wellington). The electric laryngo- scope. 5 pp. 8-. [New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880.] Repr.from: Arch. Laryngol., X. T., 1880, i. ------. Flagrant abuses requiring correction; proprietary vs. legitimate pharmacy. 4 pp. 8=. [Kansas City, 1889.] Repr.from : Kansas City M. Index, 1889, x. ------. Electricity, its application in medicine and surgery. A brief and practical exposition of modern scientific electro-therapeutics. 2 v. Front., 113 pp.; front., 1 p. ]., 129 pp. 12°. De- troit, G. S. Davis, 1-91. Physicians' Leisure Library, Series 4. Adams (Alexander Maxwell). A probationary essay on scarlatina, submitted to the considera- tion of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, when candidate for admission into their body. 47 pp. 8C. Glasgow, E. Khull, 1^40. ------. Report upon cholera as it appeared in the seventeenth district of the city parish of Glas- gow, during the months of November, December, January, February, and March, 1848-9. 28 pp. 8-. [Glasgow, 1849.] [P., v. 1990.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1849, lxxii. Adams (Alexander Peers) [1855-87]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 861. Adams (A[ndrew] L[eith]) [1826-82]. See Adams (Fr.) & Ailain* (A. L.) On ornithology as a branch of liberal education. 8°. Aberdeen, 1859. Adams (Arthur) & Reeve (Lovell). The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, under the command of Sir Edward Belcher, during the years 1843-1846. Molltisca. Edited by Arthur Adams. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 9 pi. 4°. London, Reeve, Benham 4 Reeve, 1848. [P v. 1610.] Adams (Charles). Hunter and the stag; a reply to Professor .Owen, from the scientific poiut of view. 22 pp. 8°. London, Williams 4' Noraate. 1881. ' -----. The coward science. Our answer to Prof. Owen. viii, 285 pp. 8°. London, Hatchards, 1882. Adams (Charles Francis). Some phases of sex- ual morality and church discipline in colonial New England. 43pp. 8~. Cambridge, J.Wilson 4 Son, 1891. Repr.from: Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc, 1891. ------. Address delivered before the students of the veterinary school of Harvard University, September 27, 1894. 7 pp. 8=. [Boston], 1894. Adams (Charles Kendall) [1835- ]. Histori- cal sketch of the University of Michigan. (Pre- pared in compliance with au invitation from the Commissioner of Education, representing the De- partment of the Interior in matters relating to the national centennial of 1876.) 56 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, by the University, 1-76. See, aho, Cornell University, Ithaca, K. T. Exercises at the opening of the library building, [etc.], 4°. Ithaca, 1891. [Ada ms (D. C. O.)] Some account of the House of Refuge in Albert street, in a letter to a friend, Nov., 1853. 7 pp. 8°. [London, Spoitiswoodes 4 Shaw, 1853.] Adams (E. Herbert). Alveolar abscess. 8 pp. e'-. [Toronto, 1-93.] Repr.from; Canadian Pract., Toronto, 1893, xviii. Adams (E. Herbert)—continued. -----. The prevention of tuberculosis in Ontario. 7 pp. 8;. [Toronto, 1-9)5.] Repr.from: Canadian Pract., Toronto, 1893, xviii. Adams (Francis) [1796-1861]. On the construc- tion of the human placenta. An historical sketch, iv, 42 pp.. 11. 8J. Aberdeen, A. Brown 4 Co., [187,8]. [P., v. 1620.] ------. Thesame. <-:. New York, [1-91]. See, also, Arelaeus (Cappadox) [in 1. s.]. The extant works. 8°. London, 1856. — Hipporrntra. The gen- nine works [etcl. 2 v. 8°. Xew York. 1886. ----- & Adams (Andrew Leith). On orni- thology as a branch of liberal education. Con- taining notes of all the wild birds which have been discovered in Banchory Ternan, with re- marks on such of them as have beeu found in India, viii, 9-35 pp. 8:. Aberdeen, J. Smith, 1859. Adams (Franz [Friedrich]) [1869- ]. *Ein. Fall von Leukaemie mit Priapismus. 27 pp., 11. --. Bonn, Hauptmann, 1891. Adams (Frederick E.) Report on the health of Bolton during the year 1890. 47 pp., 16 diag., 1 tab. Sc. Bolton* Tilloitson 4 Son, 1891. Adams (George) [1750-95]. Au essay on vision, briefly explaining the fabiic of the eye, and the nature of vision; intended for the service of those whose eyes are weak or impaired; enabling them to form an accurate idea of the true state of their sight, the means of preserving it, to- gether with proper rules for ascertaining when spectacles are necessary, and how to choose them without injuring the sight. vi (1 1.), 153 pp.,. 1 pi. 8C. London, printed for the author by R. Hindmarsh, 17-9. [P., v. 1569.] Adams (H. Bridges). *Hanioglobinaussckeidung in der Niere. [Heme.] 25 pp. 8°. Leipzig, _F. A. Brockhaus, 1880. c. Adams [Henry]1. Longtou Hall Sanatorium aud Hydropathic Establishment, West Hill, Sydenham, S. E. [Prospectus of the proprietor, giving terms and house arrangements. ] 21. 4°.. [ London, n. d.] [P., v. 1297.] Adams (Henry)2. See United Stale*. Congress. House of Representa- tives. Ventilation of House of Representatives. 8°. [ Washington, 1894. J Adams (Herbert Baxter) [1850- ]. The Col- lege of William and Mary: a contribution to the history of higher education, with sugges- tions for its national promotion. 89 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1887. Circulars of information of the Bureaa of Education. Xo. 1, 1887. ------. The study of history in American col- f leges and universities. 299 pp., 18 pi. 8°., Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1887. Circular of information of the Bureau of Education. No. 2, >87. -----. Work among workingwomen in Balti- more. A social study. [Notes supplementary to the Johns Hopkins University: Studies in historical and political science.] 11 pp. 8G. [Baltimore, J. Murphy 4 Co.. 1-89.] Adams (J. Howe). The use of carbolic acid in diarrhcea. 2 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr.from: Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1889-90, ii. -----. All account of the influenza as it appeared in Philadelphia in the winters of 1-89-90 and 1891-2. 24 pp. roy. 8°. [Philadelphia. Univ-. Penn. Press, 1-92.] Repr.from: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv. ------. History of the life of D. Haves Agnew. vi (11.), 376 pp., 8 port., 4 pi.- 8-. Philadelphia 4 London, The F. A. Davis Co., 1892. Adams (James). The sanitary a.spect of the sewage question. On pp. 83. Glasgow, J. Macle- ho^e, 186)8. ADAMS. 143 ADAMS. Adams (James)—continued. -----. Reasons of protest against the appoint- ment of an additional professor of chemistry in Anderson University. 12 pp. 8°. [Glasgow, Macnab, 1869.] ■-----. Annual reports of the sanitary conditiou of the Richmond rural sanitary district, by the medical officer of health. 2., 1874; 3., 1875; 5.- 18., 1877-90. 8\ Richmond, 1875-91. See, also, Penny (Frederick) & Adams (James) [in 1. 8.1. On the detection of aconite by its physiological ac- tion, [etc.]. 8°. Glasgow, 1865. Adams (James Edicard) [1845-90]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 275. Adams (J[ames] F[orster] Alleyne) [1844- ]. Malaria in New England. 6 pp. 8\ Cam- bridge, Riverside Press, 1882. Repr.from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1881, Bost., 1883, vii. -----. The New Lenox malaria case. 16 pp. 8C. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1883. Repr. from: Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1882, cvii. -----. Substitutes for opium in chronic diseases. 17 pp. 8J. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1889. Repr. from: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1889, iv. ■ Acaseof biliary calculus; cholecystotomy; duodenal fistula; recovery. 9 pp. 16°. Boston, Damrell 4 Upham, 1892. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvi. -----. The Shattuck lecture, 1892. The preven- tion of disease in Massachusetts. 30 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Boston, D. Clapp 4 Son, 1892. Repr. from: Med. Conimunicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1892, xv. Adams (James J.) A new operation, for the cure of amaurosis, impaired vision, and short- sightedness, in a letter addressed to John Rich- ard Farre. 50 pp. 8-. London, J. Churchill, [1841]. Ada ill § (James M. C.) [1839-88]. Cox(T.B.) Obituary. Tr.Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1889, 213. Adams (James Maxwell). Ou tubercle of the brain in children: submitted to the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, when can- didate for admission into that body, in conform- ity with the regulations for the admission of members. 32 pp. 8°. Glasgow, S. 4' T. Dunn, 1846. [P., v. 1020.] Adams (John) [1806-77]. The anatomy aud dis- eases of the prostate gland, viii, 160 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1851. Adams (John Glover) [1807-84]. Discourse commemorative of the life and character of Alex. Hodgdou Stevens, delivered by appointment of the N. Y. Academy of Medicine, May 25, 1871. 42 pp., port. 4°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph 4 Co., [1871]. For Biography, see Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Syracuse, 1885, 339-341. Adams (John Quincy). See Lane (Benjamin Ingersol) [in 1. b.]. The mys- teries of tobacco [etc.]. 12°. New York, 1845. Adams (Joseph) [1756-1818]. Answers to all the objections hitherto made against cow-pox. 37 pp. 12°. London, R. Wilks, J. Johnson, 1805. [Also, in: P., v. 2013.] -----. Reports of the royal colleges of physi- cians in London, Dublin, and Edinburgh, on vac- cination, with introductory remarks, and other papers. 32 pp. 8°. London, R. Wilks, 1810. ■ Syllabus of a course of lectures on the in- stitutes and practice of medicine. Pt. 1. 28 pp. 8°. London, R. Wilks, 1811. -----. Memoirs of the life and doctrines of the late John Hunter. 2. ed. 262 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, J. Calloiv 4" J- Hunter, 1818. See, also, Hunter (John). A treatise on the venereal disease. 8°. London, 1810. Adams (Julius W[alker]) [1812- ]. Report ofthe engineer to the commissioners of sewerage of the city of Brooklyn on the general drainage of the city. 50 pp., 1 map. 8°. Brooklyn, L. Darbee 4 Son, 1859. ---—. Sewers and drains for populous districts, with rules and formula? for the determination of their dimensions under all circumstances, viii, 9-228 pp., 1 map. 8°. New York, D. Van Nos- tra nd, 1880. Adams (M.) Eyes for the blind! ! ! Man-mid- wifery exposed! or what-it is, aud what it ought to be; proving the practice to be injurious and disgraceful to society, the frequent cause of jealousy and disgust, and of serious mischief to delicate aud modest females; with broad hints to new married people and young men and women, xi, 13-96 pp. 8°. London, S. W. Fores, 1830. Adams (Mathew Algernon). Annual reports of the medical officer of health for the borough of Maidstone, to the local board, for the years 1879- 81. 8°. Maidstone, 1880-82. -----. Report to tbe local board on the outbreaks of small-pox in Maidstone, 1881. 16 pp., 2 diag. 8°. Maidstone, W. S. Vivish, 1881. -----. Pocket memoranda relating to infectious zymotic diseases. 2 1. obi. 24°. London, J. 4 A. Churchill, [1885]. Adams (Robert) [1791-1875]. Richmond,Whit- worth, and Hardwicke hospitals. Introductory lecture, delivered on Thursday, November 1st, 1860. 21 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. M. O'Toole, 1860. Adams (Robert), jr. Wife beating as a crime and its relation to taxation. Read at a meeting of the Philadelphia Social Science Association, April 15th, 1886. 17 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Philadelphia, Phila. Social Sc. Ass., [1886]. Adams (Samuel). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Adams (Samuel HopMns) [ -1895]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 621. Adams (Samuel S.) [1853- ]. Incontiuence of urine in children. 14 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4 Co., 1884. Repr. from.- Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1884, xvii. -----. Sudden death in diphtheria. 26 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4 Co., 1884. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1884, xvii. -----. Strabismus convergens unaccompanied by paralysis of accommodation as a sequela of diph- theria. 5 1. 8°. Philadelphia, J. E. Potter 4 Co., 1884. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. T., 1884, i. -----. The Children's Hospital of the District of Columbia, pp. 103-109. roy. 8°. Huntingdon, Pa., 1884. Cutting from: Helping Hands, Huntingdon, Pa., 1884, iii. - -----. The systematic training of nursery-maids. 11 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1887. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887. -----. The relation of dentition to diseases of the alimentary tract. 16 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr. from: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889, vi. -----. The diploma of the nurse, and what she owes to it. Delivered on the part of the faculty to the graduating class of the Washington Train- ing School for Nurses, June 11, 1891. 6 pp. 8°. Washington, D. C, R. 0. Polkinhorn, 1891. -----. Typhoid fever in infants under two years of age. Etiology; pathology; symptomatology. 7 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4_- Co., 1895. Repr.from: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1895, xxxi. See, also, Dcalc (H. B.) Sc Atlanta (S. S.) Neurasthe- nia in young women. 8°. New York, 1894. .For Biography, tee Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1893, iv, 380, port. ADAMS. 144 ADDENBEOOKE'S. Adams (Thomas). * De hydrocele. 35 pp. 8°. Glasguce, J. Mundell, 1800. Adams (Sir William) [1760-1829]. A reply to a recent publication against him, purporting to be the "Report of the Committee ofthe London Infirmary for Curing Diseases of the Eye". 40 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes, 1818. [P., v. . 1171.] Adams (William) [1820- ]. Lectures on the pathology and treatment of lateral and other forms of curvature of the spine, xvii, 334 pp., 5 pi. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4 Sons, 1865. ------. Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. Letters and documents in reference to the recent arbitration by a committee appointed by the council of the metropolitan branch of the British Medical As- sociation to investigate certain charges made by Mr. \V. Adams against Mr. Brodhurst, in connec- tion with the events which have lately occurred at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. 19 pp. 8°. [London, 1872.] ------. Subcutaneous surgery; its principles and its recent extension in practice. (Toner Lect- ures, No. VI.] iv, 15 pp. 8°. Washington, 1877. Smithson. Misc. Collect., Wash., xv. ■------. Observations on contraction of the fingers (Dupuytren's contraction), and its successful treatnient by subcutaneous divisions of the pal- mar fascia, and immediate extension; also on the obliteration of depressed cicatrices after glandular abscesses, or exfoliation of bone, by a subcutaneous operation, vii, vi, 80 pp., 4 1., 4 pi. 8°. London, J. 4 A. Churchill, 1879. ------. The same. On contractions of the fingers (Dupuytren's and congenital contractions), and on "hammer-toe". Including two essays on Dupuytren's contraction of the fingers, and its successful treatment of subcutaneous divisions of the palmar fascia., and immediate extension; one essay on congenital contraction of the fingers and its association with hammer-toe; its pathol- ogy and treatment; one essay on the successful treatnient of hammer-toe by the subcutaneous division of the lateral ligaments; and one essay on the obliteration of depressed cicatrices after glandular abscesses, or exfoliation of bone, by a subcutaneous operation. 2. ed. xx, 154 pp., 9 1., 8 pi. 8°. London, J. <$■ A. Churchill, 1892. See, also, Wat«<»ii (William Spencer) [inl.s.]. Diseases of the nose and its accessory cavities, [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1890. For Bit graphy, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1887, vi, 49, port. Adams County Medical Society. O'JVeal (J. "W. C.) Report of the Adams County Medi- cal Society. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1879, xii, pt! 2, 727- 743. Aho, Reprint. Adams Nervine Asylum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. The will of Seth Adams [bequeathing the resi- due of his estate iu trust to establish and main- tain the Adams Nervine Asylum]. 12 pp. 4°. [Boston, 1876.] Founded by Seth Adams, for the benefit of such indi- gent, debilitated, nervous people who are not insane. Patients were first received in February, 1880, and the new asylum was opened in December, the same year. ------. By-laws and list of officers of the . . . Adopted April 19, 1877. 4 pp. 4°. [Boston, 1877.] ------. Annual examinations of the supervisors. 2.-5., 1878-9 to 1881-2. 8°. [Boston, 1879-82.] ------. List of officers, committees, and members of the corporation, 1880. 2 1. 8". [Boston, 1880.] -----. Proposed rules and regulations of the . . . to be considered at a meeting of the managers to be held Feb. 28, 1880. 4 pp. 8:. [Boston, 1880.] Adams Nervine Asylum—continned. ---—. Rules and regulations of the . . . adopted by the managers, Feb. 28, 1880. 4 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1880.] ------. Annual reports of the board of managers to the corporation. 5.-18., 1881-2 to 1894-5. 8C. Boston, 1883-95. Fifth report was the first published. ------. By-laws of the corporation and rules of the managers, 1885. 11 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Mudge 4 Son, 1885. -----. See, also : Massachusetts. An act to incorporate the Adams Nervine Asylum. Approved March 16, 1877. 8°. [Boston, 1877.] Adamski (Emile) [1864- ]. "De la coloto- mie iliaque dans le traitement du cancer du rec- tum. Soins conse"cutifs. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 97. Adamsohn (Sally). * Ueber Angiosarcome, speciell fiber die der Niere. [Wurtzburg.] 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Liebmann, 1893. Adamsoii (John). The sanitary condition of St. Andrews, compared with that of other towns aud country districts. An argument for drain- age, cleansing, aud a better water supply. 22 pp. 8°. Cupar-Fife, FifeshXre Journal Office, 1862. Adamtiek ( E[melyan Valent.] ) Praktiches- koye rukovodstvo k izucheuiu bolieznel glaza. Tom. I. Chast 2. Tri vipuska: a) boliezni ro- govoi obolochki i porazheniia perednei kameri; b) boliezni linzi; c) boliezni steklovidnavo tiela. [Practical handbook on the diseases of the eye. Vol. 1. Pt. 2. Three divisions: a) diseases of the cornea and injuries to the anterior chamber; b) diseases of the lens; c) diseases of the vitreous body.] ii, 3-936, viii pp. 8°. Kazan, 1884. Date on cover: 1885. -----. Neue Versuche fiber den Einfluss des Sym- pathicus und Trigeminus auf Druck und Filtra- tion im Auge. pp. 419-436, 3 diag. 8°. [Wien, 1869.] Cutting from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, 1869, lix. Adan (Emmanuel Jacobus). *Spec. inaug., sis- tens positiones medicas. 19 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud vidnam M. Cyfveer, 1802. [P., v. 1946.] Adan (H[eury]-Ph[ilippe]) [1802- ]. Le microscope. Coup d'ceil discret sur le monde invisible. 301 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Bruxelles, C. Mu- quardt, 1873. ------. Le monde invisible de'yoile'. Revelations du microscope. 2. 6d. xvii, 515 pp., 24 pi. 8°. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt; Paris, A. Marescq ami, 1880. Adansonia. - Meckel (E\) Sc Schlagdcnhauflen (F.) Nouvelles recherches chimiques et therapeutiques sur le baobab (Adansonia digitata L.). Nouv. remfedes, Par., 1888, iv, 385; 481. Aho, transl.: Rimedii nuovi, Roma, 1888-9, i, 33; 86. Adda (Daniel) [1865- ]. * Contribution k l'6tude des paralysies localises chez les ure"mi- ques. 62 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 61. Addario (C.) Su di una imagine eudottica in- traretinica. 12 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Pavia, stab. tip. successors Bizzoni, 1888. Repr.from: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1887-8, xvi. Adde-Margras (Josephus). *De cholera epi- demica. 29 pp. 8-:. Jence, typ. A. Neuenhahni, [1864]. Addcnbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. An- nual reports of the treasurer to the governors and subscribers for the years 1828-9; lSb^Pl to 1877-8; 1879-80 to 1881-2. 8^. Cambridge, 1829-82. -----. Rules, orders, and by-laws of the general hospital in the town of Cambridge founded by ADDENBROOKE'S. 145 ADDISON'S DISEASE. Addenbrooke's Hospital—continued Dr. Addenbrooke, A. D. 1719. Incorporated by act of Parliament, 7th Geo. Ill, A. D. 1766; aug- mented by Mr. John Bowtell, A. D. 1813, and supported by voluntary contributions. 36 pp. 8-. Cambridge, University Press, 1868. Bound uith: Reports, 1863-4 to 1877-8. ■-----. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] v. s. [Cambridge, n. d.] CONTENTS. Bed card. Certificate of inability to follow usual occupation. Diet table. Eye department, out-patient's paper. Form of thanks for benefits received. Notice of post mortem. Physicians' out-patient paper. Supplies. Baker's order, butcher's, grocer's, special. Surgeons' out patient's paper. "Weekly returns of patients. Bound with: Reports, 1863-4 to 1877-8. Addillg-tOll (Anthony) [1714-90]. See l.i ml (James). Trattato dello scorbuto, [etc.]. 12°. Venezia, 1766.—Russell (Richard). A letter to Dr. Addington, [etc.]. 6°. London, 1749. ----- [in 1. s.j. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1749. ----- |uil.s.]. A letter to Mr. Thomas Bigg, |etc.]. 8°. London, 1751. Addilltftoil (John). Practical observations on the inoculation of the cow-pox; to which is pre- fixed a compendious history of that disease, and of its introduction as a preventive of the small- pox; designed principally to promote a knowl- edge of the subject amongst those who have not hitherto attended to it. 2. ed. iv, ii, 45 pp., 4 1. 6C. Birmingham, J. Belcher 4' T. Wood, [1801]. Addillk (Job. Martinus). * De liene. iv, 160 pp., 4 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., C. C. van der Hoek,l836. Addison. Le livre des malades abandonn6s, leur guerison par une medication nouvelle, sim- ple et facile, iv, 66 pp. 8°. Paris, Arnaud . Montrose, A, Rodgers, 1863. [Also, in: P., v. 1034; 1497.] Repr.from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1862-3, viii. -----. On the urine of the insane: a contribu- tion to urology. 15 pp. 8°. Montrose, A. Rodg- ers, 1865. [Also, in: P., v. 1034; 1497.] Repr. from: Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1865, xxxv. -----. On the chemical pathology of the brain. 24 pp. 8°. [London, J. E. Adlard, 1866.] [Also, in: P., v. 1497.] Repr.from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1866-7, xii. Addison (C[harles] J[ames]). On the ambu- lance organization and medical arrangements of an English army corps in the field; together with a description and plan of " bearer com- pany" practice as carried out at Netley. 23 pp. 12° ; 1 plan, fol. Netley, J. T. Lemon, [1891]. Addison (Thomas) [1793-1860]. On the diffi- culties and fallacies attending physical diagnosis in diseases of the chest; read before the Physical Society, Feb. 28, 1846. 36 pp. 8°. [London, 1846.] [P., v. 1020.] Repr.from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1846, 2. s., iv. See, aho, Bright (Richard) Sc Addison (Thomas). Elements of the practice of medicine, v. 1. 8°. London, 1839. -----& Morgan (John). An essay on the op- eration of poisonous agents upon the living body. viii, 91 pp. «-'. London, Longman [and others], 1829. [P., v. 1522.] Addison (William). See Streeten (Robert James Nicholl) [inl.a.]. Report upon the influenza, [etc.). 8°. Worcester, [1837]. Addison (William) [1802-81]. On the contain- ing-texture of the blood. 18 pp. 8°. London, Wilson 4 Ogilvy, [1850]. [P., v. 1620.] Repr. from: Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. »., xi. 10 Addison's disease. See, also, Skin (Discoloration of); Suprarenal bodies, etc. (Tubercle of). Abegg (H. B.) *Zur Kenntniss der Addison'- schen Krankheit. 8°. Tubingen, 1889. Baktsch (H. ) *De niorbo Addisonii. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1867. Biiiler (R.) *Ein eigenthiimlicher Fall von Morbus Addisonii. [Tubingen.] 8°. Rudol- stadt, 1892. Bckger (C.) Die Nebennieren und der Mor- bus Addison. 8C. Berlin, 1883. Dalton (E. B.) *Ou the disorder known as a bronzed skin, or disease of the supra-renal capsules. 8°. New York, i860. Also, in: N York J. M., 1860, 3. s., viii, 297-316. Dorxhofer (F.) * Ueber die Addison'sche Krankheit. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1879. Duclos. Etude sur la maladie bronze"e d'Ad- dison et la physiologie des capsules surr6nales. 8°. Tours, 1-63. Dufoch (G.) * La pathog^nie capsulaire de la maladie bronzed. 4°. Paris, 1894. von Dungerx (E.) * Beitrag zur Histologic der Nebennieren bei Morbus Addisoui. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1892. Engelbertz (L.) * Morbus Addisonii. 8°. Bonn, 1892. Galuzixski (L.) *0 znachenii nadpochech- nich zhelyoz v zhivotnom organizuie. [The function of the suprarenal capsules in the ani- mal organisms.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1862. Goethals(E.-H.-J.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la maladie d'Addison sans coloration bronzee. 4°. Lille, 1884. Guay (C.) * Essai sur la pathoge'nie de la maladie d'Addisou. 4°. Paris, 1893. Hackert (F. H.) * Morbus Addisonii. 8°. Jena, 1884. Hedenics (P.) Bidrag till casuistiken af morbus Addisonii. 8°. Upsala, 1866. Kixzler (G.) * Ueber den Causalzusammen- hang zwischen Zerstorung der Nebennieren und Bronzed skin. 8°. Tiibingen, 1895. Kraemer (F.) *Die Nebennieren und der Morbus Addisonii; seine Behandlung mit Tuber- kulin. 8°. Heidelberg, 1892. Laureck (P.) *Zur Casuistik des Morbus Addisonii. 8°. Bonn, 1889. Lefkvre (fi.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la maladie d'Addison. 4°. Paris, 1890. Mahe (G.) * Essai sur le traitement de la maladie d'Addison. 4°. Paris, 1894. Manx (F. [A. R. P.]) * Ueber Bronzehaut, ihre Wesen und ihre Beziehung zu Morbus Addi- soui unter Mitteilung eines diesbeziiglichen Falles. 8°. Greifswald, 1893. Minkel (A.) * Beitrag zur Kenutnis der Ad- disonschen Krankheit. 8°. Bonn, [1*93]. Namias (G.) Sulla malattia bronzina o dell' Addison, ele capsule soprarrenali. 8°. Venezia, 1857. Poirier (A.) "Contribution a l'e'tude de la maladie d'Addison. 4°. Paris, 1880. Pottiex (W.) #Beitrage zur Addisouischen Krankheit. 8C. Gbtlingen, 1889. Roth (P.) *Eiu Fall von Morbus Addisonii aus dem pathologischeu Institut zu Wiirzburg. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Schiehle (T.) * De la maladie bronzee d'Ad- disou et priucipalement de sa nature. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1h(!7. Sei.ig.sohx (M.) *De pigmentis pathologicis ac niorbo Addisoui, adjecta chemia glandularum suprarenalium. 12°. Berolini, 1858. Steffann (P.) *Ein Fall von Morbus Addi- sonii. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1881. ADDISON'S DISEASE. 146 ADDISON'S DISEASE. Addison's disease. Verardixi (F.) Caso di nigrizie o melasma con alterazione grave delle capsule atrabilari. fol. Bologna, 1859. Repr.from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, ix. Vermeij (A. E.) * Een geval van morbus Addisonii. [Amsterdam.] 8°. Haarlem, 1*81. Vixce (C.-B.) * Etude sur la maladie d'Addi- son. 4°. Paris, 1883. Willrich(E.) "Ein Fall von Sklerodermie in Verbindung mit Morbus Addisonii. 8° Gbt- tingen, 1-92. Abelous, C'liarrin & l.auglois. La fatigue chez les Addisoniens. Arch, de physiol. norm, ct path., Par., 1892, 5. s., iv, 721-724. Also [Abstr.l: Compt. rend Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 623— Airorimboiii (F.) Di un caso di morbus di Addison. Riforma med , Xapoli, 1891, vii, pt. 3, 556-558.—Addison's disease. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8. Lond., 1«79, ix, 132.—Addison's dis- ease. Hosp. Gaz., N. T., 1879, vi, f)99.—AfanasyeflT (V. A.) K patologii Addison' ovvoi boliezni [Pathology of Addison's disease.) Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888, ix. 621; 645. -----. Demonstratio praeparatus cutis in niorbo Ad- disonii. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kicvsk. vrach., 1889, iii, 3-6.—Aitltcii (C.C.) Caseof Addisoifsdisease: necropsy. Lancet, Lond.. 1893, i, 925.—A lie hi n (W. IL) Pigmented smsill intestines, adrenals, and semilunar ganglia, from a case of Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 302.—Anderson (M'C.) Case of Addison's disease. Glasgow M. J., li*95, xliii, 88-90— Audi ber t. Maladie bronzee. Mem Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1876), 1877, xvi, 31-36.—A n free hi. Morbus Addisonii. In his: Path. Mitt,, 8°, Magdeb., 1881, 141-148.—Anld (A. G.) A fur- ther report on the suprarenal gland, and the causation of Addison's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894. ii, 745-749.— Auvray. Maladie bronzee d'Addison. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., lt-93, lxviii, 489-493 —Bandera (J. M.) Apuntes para el estudio de la enfermedad de Addison, en Mexico. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1878, xiii, .'JU9-316.— Baravalle (S.) Ui un caso di niorbo d'Addison curatocon la tuberco- lina. Morgagui, Milano, lh91, xxxiii. 787-789.—Barlow (T.) Simple atrophy of suprarenal capsules and gumma of kidney in acaseof Addison s disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1884-5', xxxvi, 433-436. — Bnskett (N. M.) Addison's disease, associated with gastric ulcer and perforation ofthe stomach; post-mortem. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St, Louis, 1886, 25-32. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xv, 498-505. Aho: Cincin. M. News, 1887, n.s., xvi, 370-376.—Bamnel ( L.) Capsules surr6nales et mC'lanodermie, a propos de deux uouveaux cas de maladie bronz6e d'Addison. Mout- pel. med.. 1889, 2. s., xii, 53; 101, 1 pi. Also. Reprint.— a' Bceketl. Case of Addison's disease. Austral M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 363. — Bclyayeff ( E. E. ) Sluchai Addisonovol bolezni u novorozhdeunavo reby- enka. [Case of Addison's disease in a new-born child. | Otchet. o zasaid. lecheb. russk. vrach. v Voroueje, 1886, 42-53. Also: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxv, 51-58.—Ber- bcz (P.) ou, 1859, 2 s.. vii 275-292.— Chcvandicr (A.) Maladie d'Addison; appartient ellc toujours aux capsules surr6nales ' Ibid.. 1857, 2 s., v,81- 89. — Church (II. M.) A caseof Addison's disease at an unusually early age, with description of microscopic sec- tions of the supra-renal capsules. Tr. Med Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1883-4, u. s., iii, 84-86. Also: Edinb. Clin A; Path. J., 1883-4, i, 458-460.-Clark (A.) Bronze discoloration, without disease of the capsules. Tr N York Path. Soc, 1879. iii, 191-193. —Clark (J. H.) Addison's disease, with a complicated case. Columbus M. J., 1885-6, iv, 197-202.— Coats (J.) A case of Addison's disease in which the tu- bercular nature of the lesions in the supra-renal bodies was demonstrated. Glasgow M. J., 1892, xxxviii, 86-89.— Colasanti (G.)& Bellati(L.) Ueber die Toxiricatdes llarus bei der Addison'schen Krankheit. I'litersuch. z. Xaturl. d. Mensch. u. d Thiere, Giesseu 1895, xv, 429- 439.-Coleman (\V.) Tuberculosis of the adrenal bod- ies unaccompanied by bronzing. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, lxvi, 552.—Cooke (II.) Addison's disease. Texas M. & S. Rec. Galveston, 1881, i, 376-378.—CouIon (G.) Mala- die bronzee ebez une eufant de six ans, apparaissaut a la fin d'une choree grave. Med. inf., Par., 1894. i, 507-511.— Conpland (S.) Atrophy of adrenals with Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 423-433. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 281. -----. Dis- section of adrenals, solar plexus, and semilunar ganglia, from a case of Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 452.—Counsell (II. E.) Caseof Addison's disease without pigmentation. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 960.—Cnrlis (H.) A case of Addison's disease, with au- topsy. Boston M. & S. J., 18S2, cvi, 433-435. —Bale. A caseof Addison's disease; post mortem examination; re- marks. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 193.—Dantz. Le rein et la capsule surrenale d'un homnie, atteint de la maladie d'Addison en meine temps que de tuberculose pulmonaire Ann. Soc.d'anat. path.de Brux., 1877, xxvi, 1C4.—Barter (J.) Deux cas de ni61anoderniie addisonnienue. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 208-215.— Danchez (II.) Maladie bronzee d'Addison; tubercu- lose primitive des capsules surrenales et d'un ganglion sous-maxillaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 606- 668.— Bavidson. A caseof Addison's disease. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1888, viii, 234. — De-Giovanni (A.) Malattia di Addison; antico focolajo caseoso nel polmone destro, tubercolosi del rene succeuturiato sinistro e dell' intestiuo; atrofla del ganglio semilunare sinistro; lesione diffusa del simpatico. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Pa- dova, 1882, xxv, 146; 186.—Dcmieville (P.) Deuxcasde maladie d'Addison. Rev. iued.de la Suisse Rom., Gen6ve, 1884, iv, 489-501.—De Benzi (E ) Morbo di Addison. Morgagui, Milano, 1892, xxxiv, 322. — Beseroizilles. D'un cas de maladie brouz6e. Union med., Par , 1893, 3. s., Iv, 25-30. -----. Un cas de maladie d'Addison. Med. inf., Par. 1895, ii, 91-96.—Diabete (Le) bronze. J. de m6d. et chir.prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 736-740. —Bonkin. Addison's diseaseof very rapid course. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 283.— Doyle (J. P.) A case of supposed Addison's disease. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1887, v, 19-23. — Drysdale (C. R.) Acaseof Addison's disease; necropsy. Lancet, Loud., 1891, ii, 768.— Duckworth (D ) An'acutecase of Addison's disease. Med. Presi Sc Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxx, 260. — Onjjuet. [ Maladie d'Addison. j Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 245. — Eross (G.) Adat az Addison-korhoz gyerinekeknel. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1884, xxviii, 14-16. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 133. — Ewald (C. A.) Mittheilung eines Falles von acut todtlich verlaufender Tuberculose der Nebennieren (Morb. Addisonii). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1150. -----. Ein Fall von Morbus Addisonii. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1K94, i, 279- 300, 1 pi.—Fabre (A.) Maladie d'Addisou sans lesion des capsules surr6nales. In his: Fragments de cliu. m6d., 8°, Par., 1881, 17-32— Fairchild (D. S.) Addison's dis- ease. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Dubuque, 1886-9, vii, 87-95 — Fenwiek (B.) A case of Addison's disease without brouziug. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1881-2, xxxiii, 347-360. Also [Abstr. |: Lancet, Loud., 18S1, ii, 10*7. -----. On Addison's disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 245.—Fin- layson. A caso of Addison's disease. Glasgow M. J., 1883, |4.) s., xix, 461-466.—Finny (J. M.) A ease of ap- parent recovery from morbus Addisonii. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., Ixxiii. 293-302. [Discussionj, 353-355. -----. Idiopathic anamia of Addison. Tr. Acad. M. Ire- laud 1883-4, Dubl., I*n4, ii, 417-422. Aho: Dubliu J. M. Sc, 1884, 3. s., lxxviii, 18-22.—Fish (F. W.) Case of Ad- dison's disease with pyrexia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895. ii, 1163.—Fleiner (W.) Zur Pathologic der Addison'schen Krankheit. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 1101-1104. -----. Ueber die Vcranderungen des sympathischen und cerebrospiiialen Xcrvensyeteuies bei tier "Addison'schen Krankheit. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. inuere Med., Wiesb., £". 1891, x, 478-491.— Foa (P.) Contribuzione alio si udiodella malattia dell' Addison. Kiv. clin. di Bologna, 1879, 2. s.,ix, ADDISON'S DISEASE. 147 ADDISON'S DISEASE. Addison's disease. 333-337.—Fowler (J. K.) Atrophy and calcification of the suprarenal bodies. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 453.—Franks (K.) Addison's disease. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s.. lxxiii, 279-292, 2 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82. n. s., ix, 173-175. Also [Abstr.]: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiv, 158-162.— Gabbi (U.) Casi clinici di morbo dell' Addison; con- aiderazioni sulla genesi del pigmento. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1886, xxv, 569-587.— Galvasni (E.) Malattia di Addi- son. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1888, iii, 29. — Gar- nett. Supra-renal capsules from a patient who died of Addison's disease. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x, 52- 54.—Gioflfrcdi (C.) & Zinno (A.) Contributo alia pa- tologia det morbo di Addison. Progresso med., Napoli, 1895, ix, 73-89. Aho : Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 2, 146; 159.—Glax (J.) Ein Fall von Morbus Addisonii, nebst einigen balneotherapeutiscben Bemerkungen. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1880, Graz, 1881, xvii, 100- 103.—Good hart (J. F.) Two cases of early disease of the supra-renal capsules (Addison's disease). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879, xxx, 486, 1 pi. -----. Simple atrophy of the snpra-renal capsules, accompanied by melasma supra- renale and other symptoms of Addison's disease. Ibid., 1881-2, xxxiii, 340-345. -----. Case of Addison's disease; bronzing of the skin for eight years ; atrophy of the supra- renal capsules. Ibid., 346. -----. Dissection of the ab- dominal sympathetic from a case of Addison's disease. Ibid.. 1882-3, xxxiv, 271.—Goodman (E.) Case of Ad- dison's disease. Canada Lancet. Toronto, 1881-2, xiv, 40- 43.—Greene (W. W.) Addison's disease without me- lasma, causing death bv syncope, apparently from seasick- ness. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, _7n —Green- bow (E. H.) On Addison's disease. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, ii, 59-75.—Gull. Bronzing of the skin for seven years; autopsy; disease of the supra-renal capsules. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 441.—BTackney (J. S.) A case of Addison's disease. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 18-5. liii, 91. — Hadden (W. B.) Atrophy of the snprarenals with Addison's dis- ease. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 436-439, 1 1., 1 pi. Aho [Abstr.l: St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1885, Lond.. 1886, xv, 279.—Hadley (E.) Addison's disease; report of a case. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1885, xxxv, 55- 62.—Hall (F. de H.) Case of Addison's disease. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiv, 435.—Hammond (G. M.) Case of Addison's disease. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1*82. xxii, 81.—Harem (G.) & Ijesage. Pseudo-tuberculose ba- cillaire chez l'homme; enterite infectieuse; cas6ification j de la capsule surr6nale; maladie d'Addison. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1891, 3. s., viii, 378-384.— Henry (F. P.) Sapra-renal capsules, kidneys, and en- larged lumbar glands from a case of Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 134-138. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 562. —Hermann (A.) Az Addison-feie k6r, vagyis a meliekves6k bantalmi. [Addi- son's disease, or affection of supra-renal capsules.] Or- vosi hetil, Budapest, 1869. xiii, 161; 177: 233; 265; 289; 357; 425: 664; 680; 752; 768; 801; 820; 854: 869. -----. Az Addison-feie k6r ism6szete, oktana, 16uyege 6s keze- 16se. [Addison's disease, diagnosis, etiology, prognosis, and. treatment] Ibid., 1870, xiv, 260; 285.—Hervonet. De la maladie bronz6e d'Addison ou meianodermie. Paris m6d., 1883, viii, 529-532. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1883, Par., 1885, vii, 24. — Hodcupyl (E.) Addison's disease. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. J (1888), 1889, 138-140.—Hoferer (F. P.) Morbus Ad- disonii. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen, 1886, iii, 77. —Huber (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Sympto- matologie des Morbus Addisonii. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1**5, xi, 652.—Huber (K.) Ueber Addison- 'sche Krankheit. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, lxxxviii, 252-255.—Hutchinson (J.) Addison's disease. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1895, n. s., lx, 386. —Irwin (J. W.) Morbus Addisonii. Louisville M. News, 1885, xx, 353. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1886, vii, 55.— Jacontini (Gr.) Contributo alia patogenesi del niorbo di Addison. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1887, n. s., ix, 911-925.—James (A.) Clinical lecture on acaseof Addison's disease. Edinb. M. J., 1892-3, xxxviii, 923-929, 2 pi. — Jamieson. Addison's disease, running an acute course. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1887, ix, 81.—Jardet. Maladie d'Addison ; tuberculose des capsules 8iirr6nales et dn corps thyro'ide; adh6rences de l'estomac a la capsule surrenale gauche; mort par le cholera. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 592-595. Aho: Progrfes m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 508.—Jones (E. L.) Notes on a case of Addison's disease, recovering during the administration of extract of suprarenal body. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895. ii. (83.—.1 nell (H.) Et Tilfadde af Morb. Addisonii. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1884, 3. R., xiv, 449-454.— Jiirgens (R.) Ueber anatomische Veranderungen bei Morbus Addisonii. Tagebl. d.Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. xx. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, lvii, 335. — von Knhlden (C.) Ueber Addison'sche Krankheit. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891, x, 494-550. —Knmenski (M.) Sluchai tvorozhistavopererozhdeniaAdissonovikh zhelyoz bez bronzovol kozhi. [ Case of Addison's disease without Addison's disease. bronzed skin.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1881, xxi, 90.— Katz (A.) Harnuntersnchungen in einem Falle von Morbus Addisonii. Wien. med. BL, 1890, xiii, 323.—K mai- mer (E.) Zur Kenntniss des Morbus Addisonii. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1886, xvi, 409; 451.—Lnnoaille de Lachese. Maladie d'Addison; difficulte de diagnos- tic. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 465-469.— Laseeue (C.) Les maladies des capsules surrenales; symptomes et diagnostic, d'apres Addison. Arch.g6n. de med.,Par., 1856,i,257-277. Aho,inhis: Etudes med.,8°,Par., 1884, ii, 861-884. -----. Un cas de maladie d'Addison. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1881, ii, 212-219.—Leech (D.J.) Addison's disease with peculiar pigmentation. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1878-9, xxx, 478-485, 1 1., 1 pi. — I-ege (J. W.) Addison's disease without tubercular degeneration of the suprarenal capsules. Lancet, Lond.. 1885, i, 1027.— fjeichtcustcru. Ueber Morbus Addison. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 1411. -Len- hartz ( H. ) Die Behandlung der Addison'schen Krank- heit mit dem Kocb'schen Heilmittel. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, 65-67. — Leva (J.) Zur Lehre des Morbus Addisonii. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1891, exxv, 35-74. — Lewin ( G.) Ueber Morbus Addisonii mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der eigenthumlichen abnormen Pigmentation der Haiit. Charite-Ann. 1883, Berl., 1885, x, 630-726: (1890-91), 1892, xvii, 536-739.—liicsching (C. E.) Addison's disease complicated with influenza. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 965.—Lorut. Observation de maladie bronzee d'Addisson. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1867, xxi, 38-45.— Lueio (R.) Observacion de un caso de enfermedad de Addisson, con coloracion azul de la lengua y negra de los parpados. Escuela de med., M6xico, 1882-3, iv, 174-176.— Lussana (F.) Un caso di morbo d' Addison; storia e considerazioni. Ann. univ. di med. © chir., Milano, 1885, eclxxiii, 383-396.—Lyon (G.) Thera- peutique de la maladie d'Addison. Rev. de therap. med.- chir.. Par., 1895, lxii, 395-397. — Mackenzie (H. W. G.> Addison's disease; fatal case. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1890-91, Lond., 1892, n. s., xx, 338-340. -----. Addison's disease. Ibid., 1894, n. s., xxii, 142. — McLauthlin ( H. W. ) Report of a case of Addison's disease, with remarks. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1895, 456-463. Aho: Med. News. Phila., 1895, lxvii, 294-296. Also, Reprint. — MacMnnn ( C. A.) On Addison's disease and the function of the suprarenal bodies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 233-236. — Macphnil ( S. R.) Notes of a case of Addison's disease associated witli insanity. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1884-5, xxx, 556-561—Mader. Mor- bus Addisonii; Herzverfettung; Tod in Folge Ery- sipels. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph - Stiftung in Wien (1880), 1881, 276.—Maitland (J.) A case of Addi- son's disease. Tr. South. Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1884-6, Madras, 1887, i, no. 2, 20-28.— Marngliauo (E.) Morbo di Addison. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1893-4, ii, 165-173. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1895, xii, 60-66.— Marino - Zueo (F.) & Dutto (U.) Ricerche chimicho sul morbo di Addison. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1890-91, xvii, 295-301. Aho. transl.: Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen. 1889-92, xiv, 617-622.— Marino-Zuco (S.) & Marino Zuco (F.) Ricerche sul morbo di Addison. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 1, 759-761. Also, transl.: Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1893-4, xv, 59-65.—Mcri- sot de Treigny. Sur la maladie d'Addison. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1895. ix, pt. 2, 133-137.—.Tllod- zeyerski ( V. K.) Dva sluchaya Addison'ovoi boliezni. [Two cases of Addison's disease.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliv, 427-438. —Monti. Ein Fall von Morbus Ad- disonii bei einem lOjahrigen Knaben, bedingt durch Man- gel der rechten, und durch Atropine und fibrinose Dege- neration der linken Nebenniere. Arch. f. Kinderh.,Stuttg., 1884-5, vi, 319-329. Aho, transl.: Arch, di patol. inf.. Napoli, 1885, iii, 241-249. — Motti (G.) Di un caso di ma- lattia bronzina, verificato all'autopsia ed all' esamemicro- scopico. Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1886, iii, 89-95—Munson (J. D.) Addison's disease associated with insanity; a report of three cases. Detroit Lancet, 1882-3, n. s., vi, 444-449.—Murillo (A.) Enfermedad de Addison. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1881-2, x, 377-379. —Mus. meci (N.) A proposito di un caso di morbo d' Addi- son. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1887, 3. s., vii, 753-771.—Napier (A.) Addison's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1022.— IVeumann (H.) Heilung eines Falles von Addison'scher Krankheit; Bemerkung iiber regenerative Hyperplasie der rothen Blutkorperchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1894, xx, 105-107.— rVothungel (H.) Ex- perinientelle Untersuchungen iiber die Addison'sche Krankheit. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1879, i, 77-87. -----. Morbus Addisoni. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1884, xxix, 275. -----. Ueber Morbus Addisonii. Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 330-334. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 333-336. -----. Zur Pathologic des Morbus Addison. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1885. ix, 195-208. -----. Morbus Addisonii. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 17; 27; 41. Also, transl.: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 164; 187.—Ohiunun-Duinesnil (A. II.) A peculiar case of Addison's disease. J. Am. ADDISON'S DISEASE. 148 ADDITIONAL. Addison's disease. lM. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 385-387. Aho: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1890-91, n. s., vii, 275-279. Aho, Reprint.—Oliver (T.) AddisoD's disease and its treatment bv supra-renal juice. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894. 4. s., ii, 23-31, 1 pi.— Pngenstecher (E.) Fall vou Morbus Addisonii. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892. xviii, 995.—Pasteur (W.) Morbus Addisonii. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii, 409— Pan iriski (J.) Przypadek choroby Addison'a. [Case of Addison's disease] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 78; 90.—Pepper (\V.) A case of Addison's disease. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phia., 1885-6, 3. s., viii, 49-60. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 454- 457. [Discussion], 471. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 381-384.—Pcreira de Abreu (E. A.) Doenca de Addison, ou bronzeada. Ann. Brazil, de med , Rio de Jan., 1881-2, xxxiii, 419-433—Perigord. Maladie d'Ad dison avec tuberculose. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, ix, 265. Aho: Limousin med., Limoges, 18115. xix. 82-85.— Peyrani (V.) Della nelle bronziuao malattia d'Addison. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1856, 2. s., xxvii, 161; 225: 1857, 2. s.. xxix, 75: 144.—Posselt (A.) Bericht iiber fiinf zur Obduction gelangte Falle von Morbus Ad- disonii. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 630; 652; 672; 714.—Potain. La maladie bronzee, ou maladie d'Addison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 2-4.—Powell. Addison's disease. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 79.— Powell (D.) & Mutton. A dissection of the nerves in a ease of Addison's disease. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 735.—Pritehard (J. E.) A case of Addison's disease. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1885, iii, 269-273.—Rapisardi (O.) Nota preventiva sopra un casodi morbo di Addison. Riv. cliu. e terap., Napoli, 1885, vii, 109-111.—Kausehenbaeh (F. K.) Sluchai Addisonovol boliezni. Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1886, vii, 7-9. Also, transl.: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr.. 1886, n. F., iii. 37.—Raymond (F.) De la pigmentation dans la maladie d'Addison. A rch. de physiol. norm, et path.. Par., 1892, 5. s., iv, 429-444. Also lAbslr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1892, a. s., ix, 160- 168.—Rca (T.) Diagnosi e patogenesi del morbo di Ad- dison. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 337; 364; 380.— Renant (J.) Observation pour servir k l'histoire de la maladie d'Addison et des tuberculoses locales. Trav. du lab. d'anat. gen. et d'histol. 1880-81, Par., 1882, 224-235. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1881, 2. 8., viii, 459-470. -----. Pigmentation de la peau dans la mala- ■ die d'Addison. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 645.—Henton (J. C.) Notes of acaseof Addison's dis- ease. Glasgow M. J., 1880, [4. s], xiii, 215-222. Aho [ Abstr. |: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1879, ii, 738.—Rich ((•.) Supra-renals from Addison's disease. Liverpool M.-Chir, J., 1884, iv, 228-230.—RieliI (G.) Zur Pathologic des Morbus Addison. Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Berl., 1885-6, x, 521-530. -----. Mycosis fungoides uud Morbus Addisoui. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1895, viii, 81-84.-Rochesler (T. F.) Addison's disease. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1880-81, xx, 1-8.—RoloflT (F.) Kin Fall von Morbus Addisonii mit Atrophic der Nebeunieren. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, ix, 329-348.—Rosenblatt (J.) Susbtsh- nost Addisonovol bolezui i nov'ie puti k yeya lecheni'u. [Character of Addison's disease, and new methods of treat- ment.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1893, xvii, 397: 411.— Roseusteiu (S.) Erkrankungen der Nebennieren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxiv, 315-324, 1 pi.— Roux Sc Dri von. Maladie d'Addisou sans lesions des capsules surrenales. Mem. et compt.-rend Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 13.—Maiusbury (H.) Case of Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond , 1884-5, xxxvi, 445-448.—Saitta. Sul morbo di Addison; studio di etiologia e patogenesi. (Tesi di laurea.) Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1885, vii. 304-300.— Mnlamon (V.) A meliekvese lobja; inflammatio capsular suprareiialis. Gytigyaszat, Budapest, 1889, xxix, 349-352. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 894.—Maugalli (G.) Sui rapporti tra ic alterazioui delle capsule suci enturiate dei reui colla malattia brouzina della cute. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1884, 2. s., xvii, 210-219. Aho: Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1884, xiv, 97-101.—Santa Maria. Caso de enfermedad bronceada 6 de Addison. An. r. Acad.de med.. Madrid, 1893, xiii, 213- 218. —Santa Maria y Rustamante ( M. ) Sobre un caso de enfermedad de Adisson. Riv. clin. de 1. hosp., Ma- drid, 1891, iii, 259-266. —Sanndby (R.) Atrophy of the su- prarenal capsules with enlarged spleen and dark-coloured urine. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1884-5, xxxvi, 440-445.— Schmaltz (R.) Zur Casuistik des Morbus Addisonii. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 804- 80(1 Weiiiinola. (De la pathogenie nerveuse de la ina- ladie d'Addisou.] Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 18*1, ii, 71-73. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1881. 2. s., xviii. 540-542. Aho, transl.: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli. li«H n. 8., iii, 910-914. — Shiperovich (M. V.) K etiologii i terapii Addisonovol boliezni. [Causation aud treatment of Addison's disease.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. Med.'", St Petersb., 1895, ii, 193-195.—Shoemaker (J. G.) Addison's disease. Case I. Extract of suprarenal capsules used. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, vii, 309-313.—Sieve- king & Jones (H.) Two cases of Addison's disease. Addison's disease. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 618—Silfverskiold (P.) Fall af Morbus Addisonii; helsa. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1890, Iii, 125-130.—Si in in. Ein Fall von Addison'- sober Krankheit. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1892, Bresl., 1893, lxx, 42-46. — Sohet. Un cas de maladie d'Addison. Ann. Soc. d'anat.-path. do Brux., 1870, xix, 55-63.— Spirakoff (Z.) Un cas de maladie bronzee d'Addison. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 380-383.— Star (P.) An unusual case of Addison's disease; sudden death. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 284. — Stilling (11.) A propos de quelques experiences nouvelles sur la maladie d'Addison. Rev. de med., Par., 1890, x, 808-831.—Star- ges. A case of Addison's disease; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 676.—Supino (R.) La malattia dell' Addi- son; ricerche chimiche e considerazioni cliniche. Mor- gagui, Milano, 1893, xxxv, 174-182.—Talamon (C.) Ma- ladie d'Addison: transformation granulograisseuse et fi- breuse des capsules surrenales; nephrite iutcrstitielle; ramollissement cerebral; at heroine generalise. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv. 536-540. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1880, viii, 293.—Taylor (S.) A case of Addison's disease, with marked pigmentation ofthe labia minora. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 449-452.—Tissicr. Tubercu- lose pnlmonaire et surreuale; maladie d'Addison. Bull. Soc. anat. (le Par., 1884, lix, 261-264. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 1098. — Trapenard. Maladie bronzee (d'Addison). Soc. d. sc. med. de Ganuat. Compt. rend., 1865, xix, 10-19.—TschirkoflT. Leber die Blutverande- rungen bei der Addison'scheu Krankheit. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1891, xix, Suppl.-Hit , 87-100.—Turner (F. C.) Circumscribed hyperplasia of both adrenals. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1884-5, xxxvi, 459.—Tyson (J.) Addi- son's disease. Tr. Path. Soc Phila., 1889-91. xv, 287-289.— Valera y Jimenez (T.) Un caso de enfermedad de Addison. Siglo med., Madrid, 1886, xxxiii, 107. — Van de» C'orpnt. Necroscopie d'une femme morte a la suite de maladie Inonzee d'Addison. Ann. Soc. d'anat.-path. de Brux., 1863, ii, 36-39, 1 pi.—Vaquez (H.) Maladie d'Ad- disou; tuberculose des capsules surrenales. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1888, lxiii, 627-630.—Vera rdiui (K.) Nuovo contributo di studio sulla malattia d' Addison. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1882, 4. s., iv, 189-209, 1 pi—Vergely. Maladie bronzee co'incidant avec un can- cer des ganglions bronchiques, de la plevre, du p6i'icarde et des capsules .surrenales. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1883. iv, 210-214. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 489.—Wahncau. Zur Casuistik des Morbus Addisonii und der accessorischen Neben- nieren. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1889, Leipz., 1890, i. 2. Th., 158-173, 1 pi - Wallis (C.) Fall af Mor- bus Addisonii. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 557-559.— Weber (L.) Ueber die Behandlung des Morbus Addi- sonii mit Tuberculin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 303.—Weichselbanm (A.) Morbus Addisonii. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 382.—West. A case of Addison's disease; pigmentation ofthe skin from three to four weeks' duration; sudden death from syncope; necropsy. Lancet. Lond., 1883, i, 98—Wilkin (L.) On a case of Addison's disease, with marked discolouration of tbe tongue. Ibid., 498.—Wilks (S.) Ou disease of the supra-renal capsules, or morbus Addisonii. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1862, 3. s., viii, 1-63. Aho, Reprint.—Wilks (S.) Sc Good hurt. Addison's disease, with fibroid degeneration of the suprarenal cap- sules. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 191.— U'inslow (K.) A case of Addison's disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 36.— Wolll" (L.) A case of Addison's disease, ■with solitary kidney. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 243.—Wood (li. A. IL) A case of Addison's disease. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1880, i, 887.—Wright (H. E.) A case of Addison's disease, associated with tuberculosis of the lungs and kidney. Ibid., 1881, ii, 1()52. — Voiiuge (G. 11.) A case of Addison's disease closely resembling idiopathic anaemia, with remarks. Ibid., 1883, ii, 42'.). — Zuniboui (B.) A proposito di uu caso di morbo di Addison. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 533- 537.—Xinncs (A.) Nb«ros toO Addison wapd natSC ryAi/cias rpuup iriiv; Bepaireia oiiT^s. TaArji'os, Adiji'ai, 1894, xxiv, 305. AUo, transl. : Med. inf., Par., 1894, i, 266. Addison's Jceloid. See Morphoea. Additional (The) uumlicr to the letters of Hu- manitas, together with John Hilleu's, William Jenkins's, and Doctor M'Kenzie's letters and other documents relative to Polly Elliott's case; to which are added Mr. Jesse llollingsworth's letter, aud a reply to the same hy James Smith, physician. 48, 24 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1801. Additional statements iu favour of Dr. Samuel [Morison] Brown, uow a candidate for the chair of chemistry. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill 4 Co., 1843. ADDITIONAL. 149 ADDRESSES, Additional testimonials on behalf of George Combe, as a candidate for the chair of logic in the University of Edinburgh, 31 May, 1836. pp. 83-139. 8^.* [Edinburgh, 1836.] [P., v. 844.] Additional testimonials in favour of George Alexander Gibsou, candidate for the post of assistant physician to the Royal Infirmary. [Edinburgh.] 7 pp. so. [Edinburgh, 1890.]* Additional testimonials in favour of George F. Etherington. 8 pp. 8°. Nottingham, W. Dear- den, 1843. Additional testimonials in favour of Thomas S. Clouston. 15 pp. 8°. [Dundee, R. Park, 1863. ] Addizione de' capi anche di varj autori per maggior comdo de' speziali, e per accertare 1' uni- forme mauipolazione d' essi, fatta anche coll' assistenza de' Signori Giambattista Moriggia [et al.]. 23 pp. fol. Milano, C. G. Gallo, 1733. Bound with: Cabtigliosk (Giovanni Onorato). Pro- spectus pharmaceutici, editio tertia, etc. 3 pts. in 2 v. fol. Mediolani, 1729, ii. Add res der commissie van geneesknndig toe- voorzicht, aan de municipaliteit van Amsterdam, betreffeude zekere brochure, getyteld: J. de Bree, stads vroedmeester, aan het publiek, euz. 22 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, P. den Hengst 4 J. -4. Crajenschot, 1800. [P., v. 1212.] Address (An) to the apothecaries of Great Brit- ain, [etc.]. See Pharuiacopola verus [pseud.]. 8°. London, [1812]. Address (An) to the College of Physicians and to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge ; occasioned by the late swarms of Scotch and Leyden physicians, etc., who have openly as- sumed the liberty (unlicensed from the college, etc.) of practicing physick in Englaud contrary to the privileges of onr universities and to the charter granted to the College of Physicians in London ; to which is added a complete list of all regular physiciaus. By an impartial hand. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 8C. London, M. Cooper, 1747. Address ofthe committee ofthe medical profes- sion to the practitioners of the British Empire. [By Jordan Roche Lynch.] 4 pp. 8°. [Lon- don, 1844.] Address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the New York Academy of Medecine, October 2, 1889. See Jacobi (Abraham). Address of the Faneuil Hall committee, on the project of a supply of pure water for the city of Boston. May 5, 1845. 32 pp. 8°. Boston, W. W. Clapp 4 Son, [1845]. Address (An) to the friends of homoeopathy in New York, from the trustees of the New York Homoeopathic Dispensary Association. 17 pp. 8°. New York, W. C. Bryant 4 Co., 1852. Address to the inhabitants of the city and liber- ties of Philadelphia. 1 broadside. Philadelphia, 1797. Address (An) on the laws of lunacy, especially as they affect the lunatic wards of chancery, for the consideration of the legislature. 32 pp. 8°. London, Charles 4 Tuer, 1858. Address (An) to the magistrates of the county of Lancaster, on the situation proposed for the intended County Lunatic Asylum. With an ap- pendix, containing letters and other documents on the subject, from gentlemen of the faculty iu different parts of the country. 53 pp. 8°. Liver- pool, J. Smith, 1810. Address (An) to members of the American Legis- lature and of the medical profession, from the British, Continental, and General Federation for the abolition of state regulation of prostitution, and the National Medical Association (Great Address (An) to members [etc.]—continued. Britain and Ireland), for the abolition of state regulation of prostitution, on recent proposals to introduce the system of regulating or licens- ing prostitution into the United States, with the history and results of such legislation on the continent of Europe aud in England. Edited by J. Birkbeck Xtvins. iv, 98pp. 8°. London, F. C. Banks, 1877. Address to a patient on entering a hospital. 24 pp. 24°. Oxford, J. H. Parker, 1842. Address to a patient on leaving a hospital. 23 pp. 24°. Oxford, J. H. Parker, 1842. Address of the pharmaceutists to the people of Philadelphia. 1 broadside. Philadelphia, 1860. Address to the physicians of Philadelphia, on the present decline of the medical character, and of the means of advancing professional respect- ability. 39 pp. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] [P., v. 761.] Address (An) to the public ou the propriety of midwives [etc.]. See Proprietas [in 1. s.]. Address (An) to the public in regard to the af- fairs of the medical department of Hampden Siduey College. By several physicians of the city of Richmond. 46 pp. 8°. Richmond, Ritchies 4' Dunnavant, 1853. [P., v. 1983.] Address to the public, respecting the establish- ment of a lunatic asylum at Edinburgh. 10 pp. 4°. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne 4 Co., 1807. Bound with: Observations on the structure of hospitals for the treatment of lunatics. 4°. Edinburgh, 1809. Addr< SS to the reverend the ministers of the church of Scotland from the managers of the Vaccine Institution at Edinburgh. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Caw, 1803. Address to the students of medicine at the Scot- tish universities, by the Edinburgh Association for Seuding Medical Aid to Foreign Countries. 11 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Balfour 4- Jack, 1842. [P., v. 895.] Addresses of the alumni of Amherst College, June, 1888. No. 2. 39 pp. 8°. Amherst, Mass., J. E. Williams, 1888. Addresses commemorative of James L. Cabell, delivered at the University of Virginia, July 1, 1890. 40 pp. 8°. Charlottesville, Va., Chronicle 4 C. M. Brand, 1890. Addresses delivered at the dedication of the Training School for Nurses of the Newton Hos- pital, February 14, 1894. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Newton, Mass., 1894. Addresses delivered before the Mutual Aid As- sociation of the Philadelphia Couuty Medical Society for the relief of the widows and orphans of medical men, December 14, 1892. By Drs. Billings, Keen, aud Willard, and George D. Mc- Creary, esq. 11 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1892. Addresses delivered at the opening of the Cin- cinnati Hospital Medical Library, May 11, 1892. [By C. G. Comegys, David Judkius, Hon. Wm.M. Ramsey, and Wm. Carson.] 12 pp. 8°. [Cin- cinnati, 1892. ] Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s., xxix. Addresses at the inauguration of the Rev. James Walker as president of Harvard College, Tuesday, May 24, 1853. 69 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Bartlett, 1853. Addresses at the inauguration of William Pep- per as provost of the University of Pennsylvania, Feb'y 22, 1881. 62 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Col- lins, 1881. Addresses to medical students, delivered at the instance of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. See Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the sec- tion on surgery and anatomy at the forty-fifth ADDRESSES. 150 ADIIESIONS. Addresses, papers, [etc.]—continued. annual meeting of the American Medical Asso- ciation, held at San Francisco, Cal., June 5-8, 1894. 414 pp. 8~. Chicago, 1894. Addresses, etc., presented to Dr. F. J. Mouat, on his retirement from her Majesty's Indian service, Calcutta, November, 1870. 20 pp. 8°. London, Harrison 4' Sons, 1871. Addy (John). See [in 1. s.] Waterworks (The) of: I. Edinburgh, . . . III. Peterborough, by John Addy. 8°. London, 1883. Adelaide Medical and Surgical Hospitals, Dub- lin. Prospectus for the session of 1882-3. 12 ?. Dublin, Waller 4 Co., [1882]. Adelbert College of Western Reserve Univer- sity, Cleveland. The dedication of the new buildings aud inaugural of . . . Oct. 26, 1882 (lately Western Reserve College, at Hudson). 66 pp. 8°. Cleveland, A. W. Fairbanks, 1883. -----. Annual catalogues for the years 1882-3 to 1884-5. 8°. Cleveland, 188:5-4. For preceding years, see Western Reserve College, at Hudson. Adopted abovo title in Nov., 1881. Adelinann (Georg) [1777-1865]. Ueber die Krankheiten der Kiinstler und Haudwerker, nach den Tabellen des Instituts fiir kranke Ge- sellen der Kiinstler uud Haudwerker iu Wiirz- burg von den Jahren 1786 bis 1802; nebst einigen allgemciueu Bemerkungeu. 214 pp., 121. 8°. Wiirzburg, Gebr. Stahel, 1803. The 12 1. contain: Achte Jahresrechnung iiber Ein- nahiue uud Ausuabedos . . . biirgerlichen Krankeugesel- len-Instituts in Wiirzburg vom 1. Jeuner bis den 31. des Christmonats 1793. For Biography, see Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1866, xiii, 290 (St.). Adelinann (Georg Franz Blasius) [1811-88], *De dignitate lithontritiaj. [Marburg.] 3 p. 1., 95 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Fuldm, typ. Muellerianis, [1832]. ------. Delia flessione forzata e permanente delle membra come mezzo di arrestare le emorragie traumatiche. 24 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Napoli, A. Trani, 1875. Repr. from: Arch. d. mem. ed osserv. di chir. prat., Napoli, ^75, xii. For Biography, see Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1888, xxxvii, 888-893 (E. von Bergmann). Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Beil., 1888, xiv, 515. Adeloil (Nicolas-Philibert) [1782-186-2]. , See Caventou (J.-B.) Kapport sur les moyens [etc.]. 8D. Paris. 1841. -----. The same. Sichcrste Methode [etc.]. 12°. Munchen, 1842. — iVIorgagni (Giovanni Battista) fin 1. s.]. Delle si-di e cause delle malattie, [etc.l. 3 v. 8'. Firenze, 18^9-40. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1862, xxix, 333 (Carle). Adclphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y. Annual re- port of the director of physical education to the trustees. 2., 18*5-6. 8 pp. 8°. [Brookh/n, 1886.] AdelpllllS Argentinus (Joh.). See Ficinus *Florentinus (Marsilius). Das Buch des Lebens, [etc.]. fol. [Strassburg, 1508.] Adelson (Josephus). * Diss, sistens casum singu- lareiu morbi tuberosi in Nosocomio medico-chi- rurgico Gottingeusi observatum. 54pp,2pl. 4°. Gottingas, C. Herbst, 1822. [P., v. 157.] Ademollo (Alfonso). Appuuti sul colera in Mareuima nell' anno 1855 e relative considera- zioni. 59 pp. 8C. Grossseto, E. Cappelli, 1884. Repr.from: Periodico 1' Ombrone. Aden. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Hos- pitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Aden (Ulcer of). See Ulcers (Endemic). Adeilia, adenoid, and adenoma. See Glands ( Tumors of); Lymphadenoma. Adenin. Itruhiin (G.) Ueber Adenin und Hypoxanthin. Zt- schr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1889-90, xiv, 533-575.— Brulins (G.) Sc KohncI (A.) Ueber Adenin und Ily- Eoxanthiu. Ibid., 1891-2, xvi, 1-12. — Kossel (A.) Ue- er das Adenin. Ibid., 1887-8, xii, 241-25.'!.— Kronecker (F.) Ueber die Verbreitung des Adenins in den thieri- schen Organen. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1887, cvii, 207. — Ii.riig«'r (M.) Zur Kenntniss des Adenins. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1891-2, xvi, 160; 329: 1893-4, xviii, 423. Aho: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1893, 550-552. — Scliindlcr (S.) Beitrage zur Kcuntuiss des Adenins, Guanins und ihrer Derivate. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1888-9, xiii, 432-444— Tho inn (G.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Adenins. Ibid., 395-398. Adenitis. um anti-dipht^rique de M. le docteur Roux et appareils de bacteriologie coustruits par ... 48 pp. 8°. Paris, 1895. Adolescence. See Puberty. Adolph (G.) Die Gefahren der kiinstlichen Sterilitat. Eine Studie fiir Aerzte und Laien. 53 pp., 1 1. 8-. Leipzig. C. Minde, [1889]. Adolph (Friedrich) [1&69- ]. *Ein mensch- licher Pygopagus. 52 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1894. Adolplii (Christianus Michael.) *Despinaven- tosa. Respondente Abrahamo Flamiuio Gast. 23 pp. 4°. Lipsice, recusa lit. Schedianis, 1705. -----. Disp. med. de passione cholerica. Re- spoudente Joh. Christiano Otto. 27 1. 4°. Lipsiw, typ. J. H. Koenigii, [1710]. De motu ventriculi et intestinorum peri- staltico. Respondente Christophoro Siissenbach. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsice, lit. A. M. Schedii, [1720]. De fonte soterio Kukussensi in Bohemia. Respondente Georgio Henrico Weiss. 60 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. A. M. Schedii, [1726]. [P., v. 1921.] FDe thermis Hirschbergensibus. Re- spondente Joh. Christiano Otto. Ed. 2. 64 pp. 4°. Lipsice, impensis A. M. Schedii, 1726. Trias dissertationum medicarum turn physiologico - anatomicarum turn pathologico- therapeuticarum quarum I. De motu ventri- culi et intestinorum peristaltico; II. De tunica intestinorum villosa, plnrimorum morborum foco, illorumque immediato curationis subjecto; III. De colo, intestino, multorum morborum nido eoque proximo praeservationis curationisque sub- jecto, iuscribuntur; . . . nunc autem in unum fasciculum collect*. 126 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, sumpt. J. H. Zedleri, 1728. Bound with his: De equitationis eximio [etc.]. 4°. Lipsice, 1729. De equitationis eximio usu medico disser- tatio, in illustri Academia Lipsiensi puplice quondam pro cathreda explicata, jam secunda cura confecta ac aucta, ut novi opusculi mereatur tituluin. 3 p. 1., 100 pp. 4C. Lipsiw, impensis J. H. Zedleri, 1729. Trias dissertationum medico-chirnrgi- carum denuo recusarum, quarum I. De spina ventosa; II. De ligaturis dolorificis; III. De morborum per manuum attrectatum curatione, inscribuntur. 86 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, sumpt. J. H. Zedleri, 1730. Bound with his: De equitationis eximio [etc.]. 4°. Lipsice, 1729. Adolplii (Ernestus Sigfried). *De collo virilis vesicte cathetere ei unguentis illi inferendis. Lipsiw, 1745. In: Halleb. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1750, v, 23-59. Adolplii (Hans). Ein Fall von conservativem Kaiserschnitt bei nahezn vollstiindiger Vaginal- occlusion mit glucklichem Ausgangfiir Kind und Adolplii (Hans)—continued. Mutter. 10 pp. 8°. Leipzig u. Berlin, G. Thieme, 1889. Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv. Adolplii (Hermann). * Ueber das Verhalten des Blutes bei gosteigerter Kalizufuhr. 39 pp. 8°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1889. Adolplii (YVilhelm). * Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Chcbulinsaure. 39 pp. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1892. AdolpllllS (Edwin). * Inang. essay on the pathological characters of the urine, as in- dicating the presence and extent of disease. 2 p. 1., 91, 22 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Stark, 1838. [P., v. 1016.] The 22 pp. contain: Report on cases of Bright's disease of the kidney. Ad oil is and adonidin. Adonis aestivalis, pianta dell' Emilia intro- dotta nell' uso medico dal prof. Pietro Albertoni. 8°. Ferrara, 1888. Guirlkt (J.) * Etude physiologique et the- rapeutique de l'adonide et de son principe glu- coside, l'adonidine. 4°. Nancy, 1888. Lavrovski (A. N.) *Kozhnolyokhochnyja poteri u vodjanochnych pod vlijaniem gori- tzvieta (Adonidis vernalis). [Excretion by skin and lungs in dropsy under the influence of Adonis vernalis.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1891. van Linden van den Heuvell (H. L.) *Klinische en physiologische waarnemingen omtrent adonis vernalis eu adonidine. [Lei- den.] 8°. Haarlem, 1883. Albertoni (P.) Sull' adonis aestivalis. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1887, 4.8., v, 198-204, 1 pi.—AI tin nil n. Ueber Adonis vernalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 445-449. Also [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect.- n. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1884, ii, 118- 120.—Borgiotti (F.) Studio clinico sull' azione terapeu- tica dell'adonis aestivalis. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit, di Siena, 1887, v, 426-447, 2 pi. Also: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1888, 4. s., vii, 3- 26.—Botkin. Adonis vernalis. Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi, 867. — Boy - Teissier. Quelques considerations sur l'adonis vernalis. Marseille med., 1888, xxv, 172-176.— BubiioflT(NT. A.) Ueber die physiologische und thera- peutischeWirkungder Adonis-veriialis-Ptlanze. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1883, xxxiii, 262-311.—Cer- vello (V.) Sul principio attivo dell' adonis vernalis. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1881, v, 161-175. Aho, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1882, i, 89-96. Aho. transl.: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1881-2, xv, 235-247.—I>a Costa (J. M.) On cases illustrating the use of adonidine in dilated heart. Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii, 557.—Drrno (K.) Fukushusonosbiryoteki shakuyo ni zukete. [Use of Adonidis annirensis and its alkaloid.] Jundento Iji Kenkukwai, Tokio, 1893, no. 159, 6-10.—Du- rand (A.) De l'adonide et de son principe glycoside: l'adonidine ; etude physiologique et therapeutique. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc.,'Par., 1886, ex, 63-70. Also, transl.: Gac. med. de Granada, 1887, vi, 5-12. Aho, transl.: Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1887, vii, 216-222.—Foy (G.) Adonis vernalis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1886, n. s., xii, 403— Oiannetti (C.) Sull' adonis aestivalis (nota preventiva). Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 372.—Girot (E.) Azione biologica o tcrapeutica della adonis vernalis e del suo prin- cipio attiva, 1' adonidina. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Pvoma, 1890, xxxviii, 709-737.—IIare (H. A.) A study of the physiological and therapeutic effects of adonidin. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 217-221— Hucharu (H.) Un nouveau medicament cardiaque, l'adonis vernalis et l'adonidine. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1885, 2. s., xii, 219-234. Also: Union med., Par., 1886, 3. s., xii, 25; 49.—I nolio (V.) Ueber den wirksainen Bestaudtheil der Adonis amurensis Reg. et Radd. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxviii, 302-310.—Kalzanroff (1. N.) Adonidin, kak anestesir. glaz sred. [. . . as an anaesthetic for the eye.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kieff, 1894, xi, 15-22.—I-iesage (A.) Note sur Faction physiologique de l'adonis vernalis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. 8., i, pt. 2, 479-481.—Luzzatto (B.) Dell' adonide primaverile (adonis vernalis). Kiv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1885, ii, 451; 576: iii, 140; 254, 5 charts.—lTInr- fori (P.) Sull' adonis aestivalis (adonide estivo). Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1887, lix, 357-380. Aho, transl.: France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1235-1239.—Rasetti (G.) Note sur l'adonidine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. e.,i, I pt. 2, 481.— Rusby (H. H.) Adonis. Drug. Bull., De- ADONIS. 154 ADSHEAD. Adonis and adonidin. troit, 1889, iii, 361-364. Also, Reprint.—Siergiejenko (M.) Poszukiwanianad dzialaniem adonidyny. [Examina- tion oftheeffectsofAdonisvemalis.J Gaz.'lek.,Warszawa, 1888. 2. s., viii, 679-683. -----. Matery.jaly do badaii nad dzialaniem adonidyny na ustroj czlowieka i zwierzat. [On the action of Adonis vernalis on human and animal organ- isms.J Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1888, lxxxiv, 635: 1889, lxxxv, 103; 311; 471; 611.—Traversa (G.) Studio sperimentale e clinico sull' azione biologica e terapeutica dell' adonis vernalis. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 640; 725.—Wilson (J. C.) Preliminary note on adonidine. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 8. Adonis iestivalis, pianta dell' Emilia introdotta nell' U80 medico dal prof. Pietro Albertoni. 7 pp. 8C. Ferrara, stabil. Bresciani, 1888. Adornc (Augnstiu) [1784- ]. * Sur la gale. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1805, v. 43. Adossides (Alex[ander]) [1869- ]. * Ueber den heutigen Stand der Therapie der Peritonitis tuberculosa. 63 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., Hey- nemann, 1893. Adoul (Fortune^. * Contribution a l'e'tude du diagnostic et du traitement de l'entropion. 48 pp., 11. 4-. Montpellier, 1887-,, No. 18. Adradas (C. L^zaro). Medicina y cirugia po- pulares, con un prdlogo del Dr. Carlos M. Cor- tezo. xii, 333 pp., 1 1. 12°. Madrid, R. Rojas, 181i">. Adress-Bucli der im deutschcn Reiche der osterreichisch - ungarischen Monarchic, der Schweiz, den Konigreichen Belgien, Niederlande, Daneinark, Schwedeu, Norwegen, und Rnmanieu in selbstiiudiger Praxis thiitigen approbirten ZalmiLrzte, American Doctors of Dental Surgery, im sonstigen Anslande diplomirteu Dentisten, Zahnkiiustler und Zahntechniker nach Landern, Provinzen uud Stadten geordnet, nebst eiuem Auhang beziiglich der grosseren Stadte Rnss- lauds, Serbiens und des Orients. Ausgabe fiir das Jahr 1693. 296 pp. 16°. Berlin, E. Richter, [1893]. Also called: Zahnarztliches Adressbuch, vi, Jahrg., or: _ ii. Theil des: Dental-Kalenders. ------. Tlie same. Ausgabe fiir 1894-5. 284 pp. 16°. Berlin, E. Itichter, [1894]. Also called: Zahnarztliches Adressbuch, vii. Jahrg., als Fortsetzung des Dental-Kalenders. Adressbuch fiir praktische Aerzte, Apothe- : ker, Droguisten, Bandagisteu, Fabrikanten und Handler chirurgischer Iustrumente, mediziui- scher uud elektrischer Apparate, Gummiwareu uud Verbandstoffe, optischer Gegensttinde, etc., etc. 1. Jahrg., 1884. xxiv, 70 pp. 16°. Ber- lin^. Grosser, [1884]. Another copy bound with: Therapeutische Notizen der Deutschen Medizinal-Zeitung. 16°. Berlin, 1884. ------. The same. 2. Jahrg., 1885-6. xxx, 9i pp. 16°. Berlin, E. Grosser, [1880], ------. The same. 3. Jahrg., 1886-7. xxiv, 80 pp. 16°. Berlin, E. Grosser, [1887]. Adressbuch fiir die Vegetarianer. Zusammen- gestellt nach Beschlussdes DresduerVereinstags vom Vorstande des deutschen Vereins fiir natur- gemasse Lebensweise (Vegetarianer) E. Baltzer, L. Belitski, S. Rosenthal, in Nordhausen am Harz. 5. Aufl. 56 pp. 16°. Nordhausen, 1876. Adrian (Carl). * Ueber den Einfluss taglich einmaliger oder fractionirter Nahrnngsauf- nahme auf den Stoffwechsel des Hundes. 18 pp., 1 diag. 8-. Slrassburg, K. J. Trubner, 1893. Adrian (Hermann) [1858- ]. * Zur Frage vom moralischen Irresein uud Verbrecherwahu- sinn. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Niethe, [1881]. Adrian (Louis-Alphouse). * Recherches sur le lait au point de vue de sa composition, de son analyse, de ses falsifications et surtout de l'ap- provisionnement de Paris. 3 p. 1., 62,8 pp. 4°. Paris, E. Tliunot 4' Cie., 1859. [P., v. 1702: 1724; 1841] licole de pharmacie. Adrian (Louis-Alphonse)—continued. -----. The same. Dn role des poudres alimen- taires en therapeutique. 2. <5d. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Dupont, 18J-5. -----. Etude historique sur les extraits pharma- ceutiqucs. comprenant la description des divers proce'de's et appareils ayant servi a Pextraction des principes actifs des vege"taux et a leur con- centration, suivie d'une double table bibliogra- ])hique. xv, 380 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Paris, 0. Doin, 1889. ------. Petit formulairc des antiseptiques. viii, 216 pp. 16°. Paris, O. Doin, 1-92. ------. Repertoire alphab^tique et analytiqne des nonveaux remedes, public sous forme d'e"ti- quettes. 44 ff. 8C. Paris, Soc. franc, de produits pharm., [18(J2]. Adriani ( Arius ). * De subtiliori pulnionum structura. xii, 81 pp., 2 pi. >-". Traj. ad Rhe- num, apud Kemink et filium, 1847. [P., v. 1097.] ------. *De gutta percha et caoutchouc. 2 p. 1., 75 pp., 1 1. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, apud Kemink et filium, 1850. Second title-page: Verhandeling over gutta percha en caoutchouc en derzelver verhouding tot onderscheidende agentia. Dutch text. Adriani (Carlo) [ -1684]. [Biography.] Quadrobiog. . . . med. echir. lucchesi, Lucca, 1843, 10. Adriani (Derk Hendrik Nicolaiis). * Beknopte geschiedeuis der keizersnede van 1869 tot 1890. [Naar aauleidiug van eeue, op de gynaecologi- sche kliniek te Groningen, met goed gevolg ve- richte operatic] v, 202 pp. e°. Groningen, J. B. Huber, 1890. Adriani (Menso). * De affectione hypochon- driaca. 10 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, ex off. G. vande Water, 1704. [P., v. 1625.] Adriani (P.) Beri-beri. 337 pp. 8°. Leiden, J. J. Groen, [1886]. Repr. from: Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1880, x: 1887, xi. ------. Medical practice with " The British Deli a Langkat Tobacco Company, Limited," East Sumatra. Report to Mr. Berry "White and Sur- geon-General A. C. C. de Renzy, retired health officers ofthe medical department ofthe British Indian armv. 24 pp. 8°. Leiden, J. J. Groen, 1893. Adriano (Antonio). Cenni sull' oggetto della medicina veterinaria legato coll' esistenza dell' uomo e sulla necessita del servizio veterinario. 23 pp. 8° . Torino, G. Bruno e C, 1888. Atlriaiioplc. See Pest (History, etc., of), by localities. Adrien ( C.-E. ) * Quelques considerations sur le squirre en g6u6ral, et sur celui dc l'ute'rus en particulier. 1 p. ]., 15 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1812, No. 336. ------. * De la dyssenterie et des advantages de l'opium dans le traitement de cette maladie. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1816, Xo. 500. Ad lie t (F.) [1862- ]. 'Contribution a l'e'tude du grattage de l'ute'rus. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 4. Adsersen (Hugo). *Studier over acut Rachi- tis. 2 p. 1., 224 pp. 8°. Kjtbenhavn, W. Prior, lc86. ------. Om Kviudemaelk. Eu Auvisning til at Kjeude og Forebygge dens Abnormiteter. [On woman's milk . . . Prevention of abnormal con- ditions of same.] 1 p. 1., 147 pp. 8:. Kjfben- havn, A. F. Host .y Son, 1891. Adshead (Joseph). Prisons and prisoners, xvii, 13-320 pp., 1 pi., 1 plan. S1". London, Longman [and others], 1845. ------. On juveuile criminals, reformatories, and the means of rendering the perishing aud dan- ADSHEAD. 155 ^EGIDIUS. Adshead (Joseph)—continued. gerous classes serviceble to the state. 68 pp. 8°. Manchester, J. Harrison 4' Son, 1856. Repr. from: Tr. Manchester Statist. Soc, 1855-6. AdllCCO(Vittorio). Espirazione attiva ed iuspi- razione passiva. 25 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Torino, E, Loescher, 1887. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc.di Torino, 1887, xxii. -----. Esperieuze sopra 1' azione fisiologica delle basi tossiche dell' oriua normale. 24 pp., 2 tab. 4". Roma, 1888. Repr.from: K. Accad. d. Lincei, 1887, cclxxiv. Adult Orphan Institution, Loudou. Annual re- ports of the managing committee to the do- nors and subscribers. 3., 1822-3; 5., 1824-5; 30., 1849-50; 50., 1869. 8°. London, 1823-70. [50., in P., v. 973.] Opened June 24, 1820. Adultery. Ferrero (G.) Le crime d'adultere; son passe, son avenir. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1894, ix, 392- 403. Adultery (Trials for). See, also, Jurisprudence (Medical). Adultery anatomized; in a select collection of tryals for criminal conversation, [etc. ]. 2 v. 12°. * London, 1761. Crim. con.; or, the love-sick lawyer!! The trial between Mr. Goodall (admiral of Hayti), plaintiff, aud Mr. Fletcher (attorney-at-law), defendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife, containing the curious love- letters at full length. Tried at the court of King's bench, Westminster, before Lord Elleu- borough and a special jury, on Monday, July 19, 1813, wheu a verdict was giveu for the plaintiff; damages, £5,000. 8°. London, [1813]. Three remarkable aud scarce trials, viz: I. The trial between Theophilus Cibber, gent., plaintiff, and William Sloper, esq., defendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wile. II. The trial of Richard Lyddel, esq., for criminal conversation with Lady Abergavenny. III. The trial of Col. Chartres for a rape, com- mitted on the body of Anue Boud, his servant. 8°. London, 1764. " Adultery anatomized; in a select collection of tryals for criminal conversation ; brought down from the infant ages of cuckoldom iu England to its full growth in the present times. 2 v. ix, 338, 241 pp. 12°. London, 1761. Adults (In), concise methods of treating and effectually curing venereal complaints, together with formulae of the medicines requisite. 72 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood 4 Co., 1817. Advantages (The) of homoeopathy. 18 pp. 8°. [Rugby, E. Thomas, 1853.] [P., v. 921.] Advantages (The) of medical missions to China. 15 pp. 12°. London, Partridge 4" Oakey, [1852, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1991.] Adventures (The) of Mrs. Tend[ucci], being an impartial answer to a letter to her friend; in which are exhibited some remarks worthy the attention of the curious ; her conduct with that of Tend[ucci]'s fairly laid open; the injured characters vindicated aud submitted to the public ; also letters which passed between them; with moral reflectious. By a geutleman. [Mar- riage to a castrato.] 40 pp. 12°. Dublin, S. Buck, 1768. Advertising. See, also, Ethics (Medical); Physicians (Du- ties, etc., of). Huubard (H. P.) The right hand record and ready reference for leading advertisers. Giving, in alphabetical order, towns in each State, with population; papers in each town, with circula- Advertising. tion, with blank space for recording contracts, estimates, offers, acceptances, or any other data. 4°. New Haren, Conn., 1879. Daniel (F. E.) The relation of the advertiser to the reader. Daniel's Texas M. J.., Austin, 1892-3, viii, 171-177. Advice to the gentlemen in the army of Her Majesty's forces in Spain and Portugal, [etc.]. See Lecaan (John Polus). Advice to opium eaters; with a detail of the effects of that drug upon the human frame, and a minute description of the sensations of a per- son who has been in the habit of taking opium in large quantities during a period of eight years. Written by himself. To which are subjoined full directions which will enable every opium eater entirely to conquer that injurious habit. v, 7, 79 pp. 8°. London, W. R. Goodluck, 1823. Advice to the people upon the epidemic catar- rhal fevi r, of October, November, and December, mdcclxxv. By a pbysiciati. iv, 48 pp. 8°. Dublin, C. Jenkin, 1775. Advies omtrent het ouderwijs iu de geueeskunst en iu de artsenijbereidkunst. Ontwerp van wet op de examens ter uitoefening der geueeskunst en der artsenijbereidkunst met memorie van toelichting. 74 pp. 8°. 's Gravenhage, Alg. Lands-Drukkerij, 1850. Repr. from: Kapport der commissie, 1848, nos. 64-50. Adynamia. See Debility. Aeberli (Hermann). * Beitriige zur Lehre von der Nuclearlahmung der Augenmuskelu. 37 pp. 8°. Ziirich, Orell, Fiissli 4 Co., 1890. c. Aebert (Karl Hermann August) [1867- ]. * Ueber die Rupturen der Harnblase. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, I. Francke, [1891]. Aeby (Christoph Theodor) [1835-85]. Eineneue Methode zur Bestimmung der Schiidelforiu von Menscheu und Stiugethieren. 52 pp., 8 pi. fol. Braunschweig, G. Westermann, 1862. -----. Der Brouchialbauni der Siiugethiere und des Menschen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Bronchialbaum der Vogel uud Reptilien. 1 p. 1., 98 pp., 10 pi. roy. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1880. -----. Schema des Faserverlaufes im mensch- lichen Gehirn uud Riickenmark. 3. Aufl. 16 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bern, J. Dalp, 1885. The plates form the inside of the cover. See, also, Eirnrt (William). The bronchi and pul- monary blood-vessels, their anatomy and nomenclature, [etc. J. 4°. London, 1889. For Biography, see Cor.-Bl. f. achweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1885, xv, 513-523 (W. His). Also: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, 265-267 (S. Mayer). Aeckersberg (Heinrich) [1860- ]. * Ueber die Behandlung der Nabelbrucke kleiner Kinder. 17 pp. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1885. Aedepsos. PnpniiikoMos ( E. ) Ilepl t£>v Kara to cto? 1880 \ova9ivTuiv iv Tots Aourpoty AiS^ou. Takr)i>bs, 'AOrjfai, 1880, iv, 244-247. Aedcropsopliy. See Bladder, Vagina, Gases in. iEgagropilus. See, also, Bezoar. Roncallus-Paholini ( F.) De segagropilis. In hh: Diss, quatuor. 4°. Brixice, 1740, 133-151. Dvvoh (C.) Genese des enterolithes et egagropilea chez certains animaux. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1888, xl, 251. /Egidiu* Corboliensis (Petrus) [or Oilles de Corbeil]. Egidius de uriuis etpulsibus. Petrus Leo do uriuis . . . Egidii tractatus de judiciis urine metrice compositus cum ipsius commento. Una cum ejusdem domini Egidii tractatu de pulsibus cum commeutariis Gentilis de Fulgineo. 2EGIDIUS. 156 AERZTLICHE, iEgidius Corboliensis (Petrus)—continued. Addito insuper Petri Leonis Spoletani siugulari tractatude minis: nunc prinium in lucemedito: optime recogniti: cnnctisqne erroribus castigati. 50 ff. fol. [Ad finem:] Maudato et impensis heredum . . . Oct. Scoti . . . et sociorum summa diligentia impressi Venetiis per Georgium Ar- rivabenum. Anno recouciliate nativitatis 1414 [sic], die 22 Novemb. Anothor copy bound with: Hugo Senensit. Expositio super libros Tegni Galeni. fol. Venetiis, 1418 [1518 ?J. -----. [F. 4a:] Incipit liber magistri Egidii de pulsibus metrice compositus. [F. 48a:] Hie finis imponitur tractatulo pulsuuni magistri Egidii enm commento Gentilisde Fulgiueo. 481. 4°. [Paduw, M. Cerdonis de Wuindischgretz, 1484.] -----. [Liber unus de urinarum judiciis, et de pulsibus liber unus, cum expositione et com- mento M. Gentilis de Fulgiueo.] 75 1. 4°. [Adfinem:] Hie fiuis imponitur tractatulo de cognoscendis minis et, pulsu . . . magistri Egidii cum expositione et commento magistri Gentilis de Fulgiueo summa cum diligentia pluribus in locis castigatns a magistro Avenantio de Came- rino . . . Venetiis impressus per Benardinum Venetum, expensis domiui Jeronymi Duranti, 1494. Imperfect; first three leaves wanting. -----. Carminade urinarum judicis . . . cum ex- positione et commento . . . Gentilis de Fulgineo noviter castigatis, et pluribus in locis emendatis, per . . . Avenautium de Camerino . . . 163 1. 16°. Basilew, in wdibus T. Wolffii, 1529. -----. Carmina medica, ad fidem manu scrip- torum codicum et veterum editionuin recensuit, notis et indicibus illustravit LudovicusChoulant. xiii, 215 pp. 8°. Lipsiw, L. Voss, 1826. For Biography, see Choulaut (L.) De vita Egidii; de operibus JEgidii; de editiouibus impressis; edition™ ratio et adminicula. In: ^gidius Corboliensh (Petrus). Carmina medica. 8°. Lipsice, 1826, pp. ix-xlii. ^E^ridius Romanus. Tractatus aureus Egidii Ro- niani de formatione corporis humani iu utero, ph[i]l[osoph]is et medicis, nee non theologis et canouistis valde utilis et necessarius; cum tractatu ejusdem de archa Noe, correctus, re- visus, et renovatus, et auctus per sacre theologie doctorem excellentissimum magistrum Johan- nem Benedictum Moncetum de Castelione Are- tino. 50 ff. sm. 4°. [n. p.], Ponset Le Preux, [n. d.]. At end of dedication: Parisiis, 1515. -----. De formatione humani corporis. Tracta- tus perquaui egregius de formatione humani corporis in utero matris. 57 1. 16°. [In Vene- tiis, per J. Pentium de Leuco, 1523. Bound ivith: Avicbnna. Flores collect! [etc.]. 16°. [Lugduni, 1514.] See. also [in 1. s.J, Pryligk (Joh.) Philosophise natu- ralis compendium, [etc. J. fol. [Lipsice, 1499.] .Egle. V leghorn (H.) Note on the iEgle Marmelos. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1854, ii, 222-224, 1 pi. iEgopliony. ISai'ih ( H.) lSgophonie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1885, xxxii, 638-646.—I.nton (A.) Theorie de l'asgo- phonie. Onion med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 65; 138. -----. Demonstration experimental de l'aego- phonie. Union med. du nord est, Reims, 1890, xiv, 168.— Taylor (F.) The causation of segophony. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1894-5, lxxviii, 127-149. Aho I Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 407. iEgritiidinum (De) curatione tractatus. In: Collect. Salemitana. 8°. Napoli, 1853, ii, 81-386. Aejmelseus (Johan Fredrik). *Nagra ord om resektioner af nedre ktikbeuet [of lower jaw], 52 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell 4' Son, ia57. iElianus [Claudius], Us pi (6uv io'ioTt/Tog 6i6hia i£. ^Eliaui de natura animalium libri xvii, cum auimadversiouibus Couradi Gesueri, et Danielis .Elianus [Claudius]—continued. Wilhelnii Trilleri, curante Abrahamo Gronovio qui et suas adnotationes adjecit. Juxta exem- plar Londini. In 2 pts. [paged consecutively]. xxix (19 1.), 1128 pp., 46 1. 4°. Heilbronner, apud F. J. Eckebrecht, 1765. Aeltere und neuere Kurmethoden des offeuen Krebses samt einem neueu innerlichen und iius- serlichen zuverliissigeu Mittel dagegen welches durch Erfahrungen gepriift uud mit offentlichen Zeugnissen bewiesen. Hrsg. von Christian Gott- fried Whistling, xxiv, 314 pp., 1 1. j-3. Alten- burg, Richter, 1796. Aeltesten (Die) Schriftsteller iiber die Lust- seuche in Dentschland, von 1495 bis 1510, [etc.]. See Fuchs (Conrad Heinrich). A dinner (Fritz). *Eine Schulepidemie von Tremor hystericus (sogenannte Chorea-Epide- mie). 4."> pp., 3 1., 4 tab. 8°. Basel, Buchdr. Kreis, 1893. AeneilS (Botto Wiglius Schultetus). See [in 1. s. ] Schultetus Aeneas (Botto Wiglius). JEnee (Wiglius Schultetus). See SchultetUB Eln6e (Wiglius). Aepli (Joh. Melchior) [1744-1813]. Abhandlung von dem bosartigen Fieber. 157 pp. 8°. Zu- rich, Orell, Gessner, Fuesslin u. Co., 1775. -----. Die sichere Zuruklassung der Nachgeburt in bestimmten Fallen mit Griinden uud Erfah- rungen bewiesen, und denen Hebammeu auf dem Lande gewidmet. 134 pp., 1 1. 12°. Zu- rich, Orell, Gessner, Fiiesslin u. Co., 1776. -----. Priifung der spanischen Fliege im bosarti- gen Fieber. 56 pp. 12°. Ziirich, Orell, Gessner, Fuesslin u. Co., 1777. Bound with his: Die sichere Zuruklassung der Xachge- burt [etc.]. 12°. Zurich, 1776. rqiios'ida . Claus (C.) Ueber Aequorea Forskalea Esch. als Ae- quoride des adriatischen Meeres zugleich eine Kritik von E. Haeckels Aequoridensystem. Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien, 1880-81, iii, 283-312. Aeroconiscope. See Air (Microorganisms in). Aeronautics. Bangk (J. J. H.) De lucbtvaart in hare wor- ding en ontwikkeliug; benevens eeuige der merk- waardigste luchtreizen. 8°. Groningen, 1875. Aeroscope. See Air (Microorganisms in). Aerostatics. Lam; ley ( S. P. ) Experiments in aerody- namics. 4°. Washington, 1891. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., Wash., 1891, xxvii. Mukkay (G.) Aerial locomotion: a descrip- tive treatise of a practical method of traversing the atmosphere. 12°. Liverpool, [«. d.]. Aerotherapy. See Air (Compressed) as a remedy; Air as a remedy; Climate; Health resorts. Aerzte-Codex. Eiue Sammlung vou den Arzt betreffeudcu osterreickischeii Gesetzen, Verord- nungen, Erliissen, Entscheidungen, etc. Hrsg. vou F. Schiirer vou Waldheim und I. Kafka. viii, 319 pp. 12°. Wien, [C. Fromme], 1893. Aerztliclie Atteste iiber den Ntihrwerth und die medicinische Bedeutung der "Legutninose" von Hartensteiu & Co. in Chemnitz, Kouigreich Sachsen. 18 pp. c]. [Leipzig, W6.] Aerztliche Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkungen der Iwouiczer Heilwiisser iu deu Jahren 1»43- 1844. Au den Quellen gesammelt von dem Bruu- nen-Arzte zu Iwonicz. Mit Beuierkungcn vou Czelakowsky. 2(5 pp. roy.". [ Wien, L-46.] Bound with: Oesterr. med. Wchuschr., Wien, 1846. AERZTLICHE. 157 AERZTLICHER. Aerztliche Berichte des k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhauses zu Wien, fiir die Jahre 1849; 1854; 1867; 1872-3; 1875-6; 1878-91. 8°. Wien, 1850-92. Aerztliche Berichte der k. k. Findel-Anstalt in Wien von den Solar-Jahreu 1865; 1866. 8°. Wien, 1866-7. Aerztliche Berichte des k. k. Gebiir- und Fin- delhanses zu Wien von den Solar-Jahreu 1856; 1858; I860; 1863. 8°. Wien, 1858-64. Aerztliche Berichte des kais. konigl. allgemei- neu Krankeuhauses zu Prag von den Jahren 1879-93. 8°. Prag, 1879-95. Aerztliche Berichte des offentlichen Bezirks- Kraukenhanses in Sechhaus fiir die Jahre 1881 und 1883. vi, 134 pp., 1 plan; viii, 124 pp. 8°. Wien, 1882-4. Aerztliche Berichte der Privat-Heilanstalt des Dr. Albin I^der, von den Jahren 1868-89. 8°. Wien, 1869-90. Aerztliche (Das) Concordat. I. Das illegitime Biindniss der Staatsgewalt mit den Dogmeu der Iinpfarzte. II. Das legitime Biindniss der Wis- senschaft mit der Staatsgewalt, nebst zwei At- mosphiiren-Karten. 62 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Stutt- gart, A. Schaber, 1861. Aerztliche Confereuz. Protokolle der zur Be- rathung der Mediciualreform auf Veraulassung Sr. Excellenz des Herrn Ministers von Laden- berg vom 1. bis 22. Jnni 1849 in Berlin versam- melten arztlichen Conferenz. 276 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschuald, 1849. Title on cover: Verhandlungcn iiber die Reorgani- sation des Medicinalwesens. Aerztliche (Der) Hausfreund. Zur Forde- rung der Gesundheitspflege und Kenntniss des menschlichen Korpers uud der Natnr-Aerzten uud Nichtarzteu gewidmet von Dr. Robert Fro- riep. v. 1-2, 1853-8. 8C. Weimar, 1853-4; Er- langen, 1857-8. v. 1 complete in 60 nos., March, 1853, to July, 1854; v. 2, in 52 nos., Jan., 1857-8. Aerztliche Instruktion in Betreff des Uuterrichts der Manuschaften der Krankentrager-Kompa- gnieu. 39 pp. 8°. Berlin, R. Decker, 1860. Aerztliche Mittheilungeu aus Baden. Hrsg. von Dr. Robert Volz. [Semi-monthly.] v. 12- 49, 1858-95. 8°. Karlsruhe. Current. Want no. 10, v. 33 (pp. 79-90, May 30, 1879). Title of v. 1-11, 1847-57, was: iTIittheilungeii des badi- schen arztlichen Vereins. Dr. Volz died Jan. 22, 1882; Franz Nenman became editor. In 1885 L. Arnsperger be- came editor. Aerztliche (Der) Praktiker. Beiblatt fiir die Abonnenten ties " arztlichen Central-Anzeigers". Redacteur: Dr. Clasen. [Fortnightly.] v. 1-8, 1888-95. 4°. Hamburg u. Berlin. Current. In 1891, became weekly. Aerztliche Rundschau. Wochenschrift fiir die gesamteu Interessen der Heilkunde. Hrsg. von Arno Kruche. v. 1-5, Sept. 20, 1891-5. 4°. Mun- chen. Current, v. 1 complete in 14 nos.; v. 2 commenced Jan. I, 1892. Aerztliche Sprechstunden. Zeitschrift fiir na- turgemasse Gesundheits- uud Krankenpflege. Organ des hygieinischen Vereins zu Berlin. Von Dr. Paul Niemeyer. v, 1-20 [no dates]. 8°. Jena. In 1888, continued as: Hygieia. Aerztliche (Der) Stand und das Publikum; eine Darlegung der beiderseitigen und gegensei- tigen Pflichten. 6. Aufl. 23 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1885. Aerztliche Stimmen iiber und gegen Behring und sein Heilserum, hrsg. von Dr. Carl Gerster. 2 p. 1., 72 pp. 8,J. Stuttgart, A. Zimmer, 1895. Aerztliche Topographic des Grossherzogtliums Baden, oder Verzeichniss der Aerzte nach ihrer Vertheilung im Lande, nebst deren personlichen Aerztliche Topographie [etc.]—continued. uud amtlichen Verbal tuissen. 45 pp. 8°. Karls- ruhe, Malsch u. Vogel, 1874. Aerztliche (Der) Volksbotc. Ein Archiv zur Forderung der Gesundheitspflege durch Verbrei- tung volksthiimlich-medizinischer und natur- wisseuschaftlicher Kenntuisse, mit Einschluss der Thierpflege und Thierheilkunde. Unter Mit- wirkung vou Aerzten und gebildeten Nicbt- 'iirzten hrsg. von Theodor Reidel. v. 1, 1855. 8°. Berlin. Aerztlichen (Ueber die) Befugnisse des Capi- taius auf Kaufl'ahrtheischiffen. 26 pp. 8C. [Ber- lin, G. Bernstein, 1869?] Aerztliclier Almanac. 12°. Wien. Title of v. 8, 1889, of: Illustrirter aerztlicher Alma- nach, Wien. Aerztlicher Bericht des k. k. Bezirks-Kranken- hauses Wieden vom Solar-Jahre 1857. 57 pp., 21 tab. 8°. Wien, 1857. Aerztlicher Bericht des k. k. Krankenhauses Wieden vom Solar-Jahre 1856-7. 77 pp., 34 tab.; 111 pp., 37 tab. 4°. Wien, 1858-9. Aerztlicher Bericht der n. 6. Landes-Findel- Anstalt in Wien vom Solar-Jahre 1867. '1 p. 1., 199 pp. 8°. Wien, 1869. Aerztlicher Bez irks verein Dresdeu-Stadt. Pe- tition des ... an den hoheu deutschen Reichstag betr. den Entwurf eines Gesetzes behufs Aban- doning der Gewerbe-Ordnung. 2 1. roy. 8°. Dresden, H. Henkler, [1883]. Suppl. to: Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks-Ver. im Kouigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1883, xxxiv, No. 8. Aerztlicher Bezirksverein in Erlangen. Sit- zungsberichte des . . . 1889-90. 28 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1891. Aerztlicher Central -Anzeiger. Fachwissen- schaftliches Journal und Organ fiir die Gesammt- Interessen des arztlichen Staudes. Hrsg. von Jo- sef Deutsch. [Three times a month.] v. 6-7, 1894-5. 4°. Wien. Current. Aerztlicher Central-Anzeiger fiir Deutschland. Organ fur die wirthschaftlichen und materiellen Interessen des practischen Arztes. R6dacteur: F. E. Clasen. [Weekly.] v. 3-10,1888-95. 8°. Hamburg. Current. Aerztlicher Kreisvereiu Karlsruhe. Standes- Orduuug fiir die Mitglieder des . . . aufgestellt im Jahre 187(5. 10 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, Braun, 1876. Aerztlicher Lokalverein zu Niirnburg. Sit- zungs-Protokolle des . . . Jahrgtinge 1890, 1892. 8°. Miinchen, 1891-2. Aerztlicher Taschenkaleuder mit Tageuotiz buch. Hrsg. von Dr. Holzer. v. 7, 1880. 12°. Wien. Aerztlicher Verein. Bericht des vom . . . nie- dergesetzten Ausschusses zur Begutachtung ernes Antrags auf Reorganisation des Medicinalwe- sens. 20 pp. 4°. [Frankfurt a. M., J. D. Sauer- lander, 1864 !] Aerztlicher Verein in Frankfurt am Main. Gutachten des arztlichen Vereines dahier iiber die Zutriiglichkeit des von den Herrn Dr. G. Kerner und P. Schmick empfohleuen Gebirgs- quellwassers aus dem Vogelsbcrgo als Genuss- mittel fiir die Bevolkerung. 8 pp. 8°. Frank- furt am Main, J. D. Sauerldnder, 1866. ------. Ausschussbericht, betr. Ntitzlichkeit der Bildung eines Ortsgesundheitsrathes. 9 pp. 4°. Frankfurt a. M., Mahlau u. Waldschmidt, 1870. Aerztlicher Verein zu Munchen. Die deutsche Mediciu im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Eine Festgabe dargebracht . . . Ph. Fr. v. Walther . . . zu dessen vierzigjiihrigem Dienstes-Jubilaum vom ... am 25. Mai 1843. iv, 5-80 pp. 4°. [Munchen], J. Deadlier, [1843]. AERZTLICHER. 158 AETIOLOGIE. Aerztlicher Verein zu Miinchen—continued. ------. Festschrift dem arztlichen Verein Miin- cheu zur Feier seines funfzigjabrigen Jubilaums gewidmet von seinen Mitgliedern. iv, 347 pp., "< pi. 8:. Munchen, M. Rieger, 1^83. ------. Bericht der Sciteus des arztlichen Ver- eines niedergesetzten Commission zur Begutach- tung der von der Localschulcommissiou gestell- ten Frage der Zuliissigkeit e'mer Erhohung der Maximalzahl von Schiilern in den Volksschulen Muucbens. 44 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finxterlin, 1884. Repr.from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. ------. Sitzuugsberichte . . . 1891, 1802. 8J. Miinchen, M)2-3. Aerztlicher Verein des Regierungsbezirks Ams- berg. See Gesammelte Beitrage aus dem Ge- biete der Chirurgie uud Medizin. Aerztlicher Verein zu Reudsburg. Aus deu Verhandluugen ... 48 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1866. Aerztlicher Vereiu zu Weimar. Die Cholera- Epidemie zu Weimar im Jahre 1866. Bericht der von dem arztlichen Vereiu zu Weimar nie- dergesetzten Cholera-Commission. Im Auftrage des Vereins herausgegeben von L. Pfeiffer. 7 pp., 1 chart. 4°. [n. p.], 1867(f). Aerztlicher Zweigverein zu Leipzig. Canalisa- tion und Abfuhr, mit besonderer Beziehung auf Leipzig. Ein im Auftrage des arztlichen Zweig- vereins zu Leipzig von dessen Sauitatsausschuss bearbeitetes und dem Rathe der Stadt Leipzig vorgelegtes Exposed 31 pp. 83. Leipzig, O. Wi>j and. 1*69. Aerztliches Hilfs- und Merkbiichlein fiir die Praxis im Konigreich Sachsen. Hrsg. vou Franz Dillner. 2 p. 1., 107 pp., 1 1. 16°. Plauen, F. E. Xeupert, 1893. Aerztliches Intelligenz-Blatt. Organ fur Bay- eru's staatliche uudoffentlicheHeilkunde. Her- ausgegeben vom stiindischen Ausschusse baye- rischer Aerzte. Redigirt von H. Oettinger und Aloys Martin, v. 26-32, l879-8">. 4°. Miinchen. Iu 18rU>. continued as: ITEiincheuer medicinische Wo- cheuschrift. Aerztliches Taschenbuch. Hrsg. von Gregor Sclnnitt. v. 28, 33, 34, 37, 1880, 1885-6, 1889. 12 . Wiirzburg. Aerztliches Vereinsblatt fiir Deutschlaud. Or- gan des deutschen Aorztevereinsbundes. Hrsg. von Hermann Eberhard Richter. v. 6-21, 1879- 94. 4°. Dresden, 1872-6; Leipzig, 1-77-94. In 1889, Dr. Wallichs became editor. In 1893 it became semi-monthly. Aerztlich -pharuiaceutische Correspon- denz. Erster osterreichischer Central-Anzeiger fur Aerzte und Apotheker. Hrsg.: Lud. Fr. Jos. I'raetorius, jr. No. 1, Jan., 1888. fol. Wien. Aescorcin. F rci li I i c h (C.) Aescorcin als diagnostisctier Farbstoff. Aich. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1891-2, xxiv, 318-320. JENculapian. Recokds of the ^Esculapian. sm. 4°. Edin- burgh, 1 ■■*■-'8. yEsculapian (The). A monthly journal of medicine aud surgery. Edited by Edward J. Berminghaiu. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, Jan. to May, 1884. 8 . New York. No. 5 probably last published. iE«cnla|>iaii temple. In: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). .F*eiilapiu*. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). .EM-ulapiiis [pseudon. ] [Potts ( L. H.) ]. Oracular commuuications, addressed to students of the medical profession. 132 pp. 8°. London, E. Cox 4' Son, 1816. JE*ciilapius and Telesphorus. |Statue ot . . . with biography of ^Esculapius.] In: Pkttkjrew. Med. port, gallery. -P. Lond., [1840], i, no. 1, 8 pp., 1 pi. iEsculapius Scalpel [pseudon.]. 8t. Ber- nard's. The romance of a medical student. viii, 474 pp. 8-'. London, S. Sonnenschein, Lotcry 4 Co., 1-87. -----. Dying scientifically: a key to St. Ber- nard's. 120 pp. 8°. London, S. Sonnenschein, Lowry 4' Co., 1-—\ iEsculus. See, also, Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). Chevalliek (A.) Resume" des travaux eu- trepris sur les fruits du marronuier d'Inde (2Es- culus Hippocastanenm de Linne"). 4°. [Paris, n.d.] Figuier. Examen^chimique de l'£corce de marronuier d'Inde. Ann. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Moutpel., 1808, xii, 151-161.—Solomon (J. V.) Poisonous sj lnptoms arising from eating tbe green rind of the horse chestnut. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 1101.—Testa (B.) Aziune delP esculina sulla seusibilita. Gior. inteinaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli, 1882, n. s., iv, 608-620. Aeskulap. Eine Zeitschrift der Vervollkomm- nung der Heilkunde iu alien ihren Zweigen ge- widmet insonderheit fiir ausiibende Aerzte uud Wuudarzte, hrsg. vou K. H. Dzondi. N. F., Hft. 1-2. v. 1, 1832, 1834. 8-. Halle. Ended. ^Bsopus. [Fabuhe selectse.] 148 pp., 21. 32°. [h. p., n. d.] Greek and Latin texi. Title-page 'wanting. Bound with: Goclenius (Rod.) Uranoscopia>, [etc.]. 32°. Franeofurti, 1608. iEstliesiometry. See, also, Touch (Sense of). Barrucco (N.) L' estesiometria nell'esame del sistema nervoso periferico e nella diagnosi di alcuue dermatosi e di un nuovo estesiometro a scatto e pressione. 8\ Bologna, 1894. Buch (il.) Ueber Algesimetrie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1892, n. F., ix, 245— Cantarano (G.) Nuovo modello di estesiometro. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1890, ii, 109-111. — Hess (J.) Ein Algesimeter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1892, xviii, 210-214. ----—. Algesiometer von Dr. Motschutkowsky; Algesi- meter von Dr. Hess. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xiv, 548.—Hughes (C. H.) An improved aesthesiometer and its us-es. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1879, xxii, 58- 62. Alto: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1880, i, 337-342.— Kovalerskii (P.) Topoesteziometer. [A topoaestbesi- ometer.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1876, xvi, 201.—Mo- twclnilltowwliy (O. O.) Ein Apparat zar Priifung der SchinerzemptiiHlung der llaut; Algesiometer. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xiv, 146-152.—Peckhaui (Grace). ^sthe-siometrv. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1885, n. 8., x, 55-61. ^Esthetic*. Gayley (C. M.) & Scott (F. N.) A guide to the literature of (esthetics. 8 . Berkeley, 1890. Henry (C.) Rapporteur esthdtique permet- taut l'etude et la rectification esth6ti(iue de toute forme. 8°. Paris, l->-. Repr.from: Rev. independante, Par., 1888. Doring (A.) Die fisthetischen Gefiihle. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, i, 161-186.—Holmes (W". H.) Evolution of the aesthetic. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Salem, 1892, xii, 239-255.—Wit- mer (L.) Zur experimentellen Aesthetikeinfacherraum- hcher Formverhaltnisse. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1893-4, ix, 96; 209. r iEtlili*a Cynapium. Hat-Icy (J.) On the action of fool's parsley (^thusa cynapium). St. Thomas Hosp. Rep. 1873, Lond , 1874, n. s , iv, 63-88. -----. A second communication on fool's pars- ley (.Ethusa Cynapium). Ibid.. l.-7'J. Lond., 1880, n. 8., x, 257--J62. — Nugden (E. S) Symptoms of poisoning by -Ethus.iOymipium (fool's parsley). Lancet. Lond., 1888. ii, 16-—Tanret i(\) Surlapetitecigue (-Ssthiwievnapium). Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1882, ciii, 22-2f>." Aetiologie (Zur) der Infect ionskraukheiten mit besonderer BerUcksicbtigung der Pilztheorie. Vortriige gehalteu in den Sitzungen des arztlichen AETIOLOGIE. 159 AFFOETY: Aetiologie (Zur) der [etc.]—continued. Vereins zu Munchen. 2 p. 1., 432 pp., 1 1., 5 tab. 8°. Munchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1881. Aetiologie (Ueber die) des Typhus. Vortriige, gehalteu in den Sitzungen des arztlichen Vereins zu Miinchen von Buhl, Friedrich, v. Gietl, v. Pettenkofer, Ranke, Wolfsteiner. 2 p. 1., 157 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1872. Aetiologisclies und semiologisches Journal fiir Medicin, Chirurgie uud Gebnrtshulfe. Title of v. 2,1802, of: Journal fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe, Herborn u. Hadamar. Aetilis Amideims. Medici Grreci contractse ex veteribus medicina? tetrabiblos, hoc est, quater- nio, id est libri uuiversales quatuor singuli, qua- tuor sermones complectentes ut sint in summa quatuor sermonum quaterniones, id est sermones xvi. Per Jauum Cornarium medicum physi- cum Latine couscripti. 1 p. 1., 866 col., 52 1. fol. [Francford'uv, 1541.] Bound with: Oribasius Sardianus (D.) Opera, tribus torois digesta, [etc.J. fol. [Venetih, 1553] -----. The same. 4 p. 1., 916 pp., 27 1. fol. [Basilew], apud H. Froben el N. Episcopium, 1549. Place and date of introduction: Francofordise, 1541. ——. De balneis. In: Balneis (De) omnia quaB extant [etc.]. fol. Yene- tiis, 1553, ff. 482-486. ----~. De febribus liber. In: Febribus (De) opus sane aurenm, [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1576, ff. 57b-65. . 'Aeriov A.6yoc dudenaToc irpiJTov vvv eicdodelc vnb Teupyiov 'A. Kuaropoipov. [Ilepl ioxiadoc nal nodaypac nal apOpiridog.] 108, 131 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, C. Klincksieck, 1892. See, aho, Aerieola Ammonius (Joannes). Medici- na? herbaria? libri duo, [etc.]. 16°. Basileos, 1539.—O ro- se in- (Christophorus) [in 1. s.]. Annotationes in inter- pretes .Etii [etc.]. 8°. Basilece, 1540.—Korarins (Nico- taus) [in 1. s.J. (Jontradictiones, dubia, etparadoxa [etc.]. 16°. Venetiis, 1566. -----. The same. 16°. Venetiis, 1572. -----. See, also : Laboulbene. Sur l'edition du xiie livre d'A6tius, confiee par le senat academiquede l'Universite d'Athenes a M. le Dr. Costomiris, professeur agr6ge. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 89-91. Ayrapaa ( Matti). *Satulanenan orthopedi- sesta parantamisesta odontologian tarjoomilla apukeinoilla. [The orthopedic treatment of de- pressed nose by means of agents presented by dentistry.] 99 pp. 8°. Kuopio, 0. W.Backman, 1891. -----. The same. Die orthopedische Behandlung der Sattelnase mittelst von der Zahnheilkunde gebotenen Hiilfsmitteln. 116 pp. 8°. Kuopio, Finland, 0. W. Backman, 1892. Afanasyeff(Alexandr [Antonovich]) [1854- ]. *K voprosu o vliyanii kamfornoi kisloti na poti chakhotochuikh. [Actiou of camphoric acid in phthisical sweating. ] 54 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, S. M. Nikolayeff 4 K, 1891. Afanasyeff (M[ikhail] I[vanovich]) [1850- ]. Bakteriologi'a aziatskoi choleri. S pribavleniem patol ogii i terapii aziatskoi choleri prof. Mara- gliano. 1 p. 1., 110, iii pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, Ettinger, 1887. ■-----. 0 klinicheskoi mikroskopii i bakteriolo- gii aktinomikoza. 16 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1888. -----. Po povodu aziatskoy choleri, yeya pre- duprezhdenia i lyechenia. [Ou Asiatic cholera, its prevention and treatment.] 32 pp. 8°. S.- Peterburg, [Ettinger], 1892. See, also, Eichwaltl (Eduard Eduardovich). Kriti- cheskiv obzor, [etc. |. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. -----. Dvle lektsii,' [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891.—Jaccoiid (Sigis- mond). Klinicheskia lektsii ob anevrizme aorty, [etc.], 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1887. -----. Klinicheskia lektsii o hi- pertroficheskom, [jtc. ]. 8°. S.-Peterburg. 1887. -----. Klinicheskia lektsii o razlichnikh formakh pnevmonii, Afanasyeff(M[ikhail] I[vanovich])—cont'd. fetch 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1888. -----. Klinicheskia lekt- sii o zaraznom endokardite. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1888.—lTIa- ragliano (Edoardo). Patologia i terapi'a aziatskoi cho- leri. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1887. — Rieriel (Otto). Aziats- kaya cholera, [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Afanasyeff (N[ik. Filippovich]). *Fiziologi- cheskoye dtelstvie oblivaniy tiela kholodnoyu vodoyu i ikh terapevticheskoye znacheni'e. [Physiological action of cold-water baths, and their therapeutic value.] 75 pp., 21. 8°. Sankt- peterburg, I. Trei, 1863. Afanasyeff (Spiridou [Matveyevich]). *Ofizi- ologicheskom i terapevticheskom deistvii raste- ni'a Lobelia inflata na serdtse i krovoobrashche- ni'e. [Physiological and therapeutical effect of Lobelia inflata on heart aud circulation.] 240 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. M. Slasyulevich, 1887. Afanasyeff (V.) *K voprosu ob uchastii pro- toplazmaticheskikh elementov tkanel pri vospa- lenii. [On the participation of protoplastic ele- ments of tissues in inflammation.] 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1875. Afanasyeff (Vyacheslav [Alexandrovich]). *0 patologo-anatoniicheskikh izmieneuiakh vtkau- yakh zhivotnavo organizma pri otravlenii chlor- novatokislim kali (bertoeletovoi solyu). [Pa- thologo-anatomical alterations in the tissue in poisoning by chlorate of potassium.] 72 pp., 1 pi., 1 diag. 8°. S.-Peterburg, I. N. Skorokho- doff, 1885. Af beeldingen der artseny-gewassen met der- zelver Nederduitsche en Latynsche beschryvin- gen. /Seelconesplantarummedicinalium. Cent. i-vi. Afer (Christian). Geistesstorungen inderSchule; ein Vortrag nebst 13 Krankenbildern. 1 p. 1., 50 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, I. F. Bergmann, 1891. Affaire Barbinas. See Bmery-Coderre (J.). Affaire Gouffe\ Proces Eyraud-Bompard, tir6 du compte-rendu in extenso de la Gazette des tri- bunaux. 181 pp. 8°. [Paris], J. Strauss, 1890. Affaire Pamard. Tribunal correctionnel de la Seine (6e chambre). M. le docteur Pamard con- tre les journaux le Courrier du Dim anche, le Charivari et la Gazette de France. 82 pp. 12°. Bruxelles, 1862. Repr.from: Independ. beige. Affidavits, sworn before Lord Ellenborough in refutation of the testimony of John Wilson Rogers and Mary Humieres, given before the committee of the honourable House of Com- mons, on the mad-house bill. Published by Matthew Talbot. 2, 59-109 pp. 8°. [London, 1816.] Affinity. Roihnet. Essai snr l'affinite' organique. Re- impression textuelle, 1865. 8°. Paris, 1826. Repr. from: M6m. Soc. imp. et centrale d'agriculture de France, 1863. Spitzcr ("W.) Ueber die Benutzung gewisser Farb- stoffe zur Bestimmung von Affinitaten. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1891, 1, 551-573. Affinity marriages, in reference to the Bible, and the Westminster confession of faith. 12 pp. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] [P., v. 939.] AffiatiliS (Job.) De febribus tractatus. In: Collect. Salernitana. 8°. Napoli, 1853, ii, 737-768. Afforty (Petrus). *Au seminis virilis aura cum sanguine muliebri permiscetur in conceptn? Pries. Joannes Baptista Silva. 8 pp. 4°. [Pa- risiis, apud viduam F. Muguet, 1713.] [P., v. 1329.] _,. A. i# See, aho, Ferrein (Antonius). *An pro distrnctis, ajf^ris, ajgritudinesdiversaj? 4°. [Parisiis, 1737.]—Pea. get ( Michael) [in 1. s.]. An solum in statu morboso fer- mentatio* 4°. [Parisiis, 1715.] AFFORTY. 160 AFRICA. Afforty (Petrus Frauciscus). * An nutritio secre- tionum opus? Praeses: Ludovicus Petrus Felix RenutusLeTkieullier. 4 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1752.] Afghanistan. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), '. Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Ty- pihoid, History, etc., of), by localities; Xohistan; Medicine (Military, History of)—Campaigns, etc. Jacksox & Wyndiiam. War map of Afghan- istan, with a short description ofthe country and people, oblong 8°. New York, 1878. CJ-ray (J. A.) Experiences at the court of Afghanistan. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1893-4, xiii. 260-274.—Sanitary notes and jottings from Afghanistan. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1880, ii, 354. Af handling om aderlatning. Dess nytta och werkingar, samt om blodiglar och Spanska flu- gor, deras nytta wid forefallande sjukdomar, och siittet att applicera dem. Fornyad och for- battrad upplaga. [Essay ou venesection; its uses and effects. Also on leeches and cantharides; uses in many diseases and how to apply them.] 32 pp. 12°. Stockholm, Elmen 4 Granberg, 1822. Af handling om de fordelar, liwilka winnas derigeuam, at modrarna sjelfwe gifwa di at sina barn. [Essay on the advantages which those mothers enjoy who suckle their babies.] 66 pp. 12°. Stockholm, J. Nordstrom, 1786. Aforesecn crime. The truthful record of a re- markable case which came under the observa- tion of Dr. Croissart, medical director of the in- sane asylum at Brussels. Adapted from the Italian for the Press by Mrs. Charles H. I. Collis. Cutting from: Philadelphia Press, Dec. 23, 1888. Africa. See, also, Abyssinia; Akkas; Algeria; Ana- khre; Angola; Anthropology; Cape Colony; Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities', Congo; Dahomey; Egypt; Fernando Po; Fever (Malarial, Hemorrhagic); Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by localities; Guinea; Liberia ; Madagascar; Maritzburg; Materia medica of various countries; Medicine (History, etc., of), by nations, etc.; Medicine (Military, History of)— Campaigns, etc.; Mogador; Morocco ; Mozam- bique; Niger; Nubia; Pest (History, etc., of), by localities ; Sahara; Saint Helena; Senegal, etc. ; Senegambia; Sennaar; Sierra Leone ; Sleep (Abnormal); Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Soudan ; South Africa ; Statis- tics ( Vital), by localities; Transvaal; Tunis; Zanzibar. Bektheuand (E. ) Acclimatation. Flore mCdicale de l'Afrique occidentale. 8°. Alger, [n.d.]% Boye (C.-J.-E.) * Contribution k la ge"ogra- phie medicale; essai sur le poste de M6dine (Haut-Se.n^gal). 4°. Nancy, 1880. Brocklesby ( R.) (Economical and medical observations, in two parts. From the year 1758 to the year 1763, inclusive, tending to the im- provement of military hospitals and to the cure of camp diseases incident to soldiers; to which is subjoined an appendix, containing a curious account of the climate and diseases iu Africa upou the great river Senegal, and farther up than the island of Senegal. 8°. London, 1764. Dutrieux (P.) Souvenirs d'une exploration me\licale dans l'Afrique intertropicale. 8-. Paris, 1885. Etterle (J.) Les maladies de l'Afrique tropi- cale. 12°. Bruxelles, 1892. Farrar (S. H.) The gold-fields of South Africa. 8°. London, 18,86. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Engin., 86. sess., 1885-6, pt. 4. Africa. Great Britain. Army Med. Dep't. Army medical reports (Gold Coast). Return to an ad- dress of the House of Commons dated 5 July, 1864, for "copy of the quarterly medical reports that have been received iu the years 1863 aud 1864, from the troops serving on the Gold Coast". fol. [London, 1864.] Halle (G.) The public works of the Orange Free State, S. Africa. 8°. London, 1885. Repr. from: lust. Civ. Eng. Abstr. papers in for. Trans. & Period., Lond., lxxxi. Parke (T. H.) My personal experiences in equatorial Africa as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition. 8°. London, 1891. Paxmax (J. N. ) On the diamond fields and mines of Kimberley, South Africa, with an ab- stract of the discussion upon the paper, edited by James Forest. 83. London, 1883. Repr.from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engin., [Lond.], 1882-3, lxxiv, pt. 4. Sanitary (A) crusade through South Africa. 12. London, 1891. Repr. from : The Building News. Schnepp [Schnepf] (B.) Climats de l'Afrique septentriouale, do l'ltalie etdu midide la France, Alexandrie, le Caire, la haute figypte, Alger, Madere, Palermo, Koine, Naples, Venise, Nice, Hyeres et Pan; de leur valeur dans les affec- tions chroniques de la poitrine. 12°. Paris, 1865. Societa Africana d' Italia. Bollettino della . . . Periodico bimensile. Anno 11, fasc. 5 & 6, maggio-giugno 1*92. 8°. Napoli, 189*2. Young (A. G.) A story of active service ia foreign lands, compiled from letters sent home from South Africa, India, aud China, 1856-1882. 8°. Edinburgh «e«Me» (V.) & Hioi-ms (L\) Notes'sur 1 ethnographic de la partie orientale de lAfrique equato- riale. Ibid., 91-202, 13 pi., 13 l.-Jain.e (G.) Note rela- tive a la population du Moninfabougou et du Sarro (Haut- Wiger) Rev. mens.de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par.,1891 i 170- 113- Johnston (H. H.) On the races of the Congo and the Portuguese colonies in Western Africa. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1883-4, xiii, 461-479, 2 pi. _ Jouaceauuie. AFRICA. 161 AGASSIZ. Africa. Observations anthropologiques faites par le comte Teleki sur quelques peuplades du centre est de l'Afrique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i. 35- 49. — liiotartl. Les races de l'Ogoone; notes anthropologiques. Autnro- pologie, Par., 1895, vi, 53-64. — ITIartlonald (J.) Man- ners, customs, superstitions, and religious of South Afri- can tribes. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1889-90, xix, 264- 297. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]; Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xiv, ' 642; 679. -----. East Central African customs. J. Au- I throp. Inst.. Loud, 1892-3, xxii, 99-122. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892-3, xiii, 689: 1893, xliii, 240. — iVIahly (E.) Zur Geographic und Ethnographie der Gohlktiste. Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Basel, 1885, 809-852. 1 map. —Moore [Sir W.) Is the colonisation of tropical Africa by Europeans possible ? Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, n. s., x, 27-45. — IVerazzini (C.) Osservazioni mediche sulla Baja di Assab (Affrica orientale). Gior. di med. mil.. Koiua. 1884, xxxii, 22; 503: 1885, xxxiii, 243.— Ravt-iistein (E. G.) [et al.] The climatological and hydrographical conditions of tropical Africa. Third re- port. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1894, 348-353.— Rayner (H.) & Black (W. G.) The principal diseases in Mashonaland. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1892, n. s., liv, 214. — Reguault (F.) L'age de la pierre grossiere- ment taillee au Congo francais. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1894, 4. s., v, 477-480. — Revoil (G.) Renseigne- inents ethnographiques sur les Qomalis Medjourtines (pointe nord-est de TAfrique orientale); [Aromatico regie desanciens]. A.ssoc. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.- rend. 1S79, Par., 1880, viii, 840-849. — Uiroux (R.) Les Romains en Afrique, ont-ils ete exteriuiufs par le cli- mat? Ann. de d6mog. internat., Par., 1881, v, 261-274.— Rohlfs (G.) Zur Klimatologie und Hygiene Ostafrikas. Deutsehes Arch. f. Gescb. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz., 1885, viii, 379-395. — Schlomann. Die Malepa in Transvaal. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1894,64-70. — Schools. Les maladies 6pid6miqnes ob- servees snr la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 311-322. — Siciliano. Contribu- tion a la geographic medicale: etablissements francais du golfe du Benin. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1892, lvii, 401- 421. — Staudinger (P.) Bevolkerung der Haussa- Lander. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1891, xxiii, 228-237.— Taiitain. Le Dioula-dougou et le Senefo. Rev. d'eth- nog.. Par., 1887, vi, 395-399. — Verrier (E.) La region montagneuse de l'est africain; etude sociale snr les indi- genes de ce pays. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s.,i, 231-244.—Virchow (R.) 2 Eine Reihe von Wanyam- wesi- und Massai-Schadeln. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1893, 495-500. -----. Die Schadel zweier Wassandaui. Ibid., 1895, 64-69. -----. Schadel aus einer Hohle in Transvaal. Ibid., 69-73. -----. Ein Massai-Knabe. Ibid., 74-78. -----. Das Skelct eines Mht-he. Ibid., 59-64.—Virchow (R.) & ron Scliwei- nitz. Kopfmessnngen an Ost-Afrikanern, insbesondere der Seengegend. Ibid., 1893, 484-495. — Ward ( H.) Ethnographical notes relating to the Congo tribes. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1894-5, xxiv, 285-299. -Wo If (L.) Ueber Yolksstamme Central-Afrika's. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 188C, 725-753. Afscham>igsbeweging (De) beschouwd op het gebied der geneeskunde. See McCulloch (J. M.). After-birth. See Placenta. After-pains. See Labor-pains; Labor (After-treatment of). Afzelius. See Arvidson [in 1. s.]. AirababofT (A [ lexander Grigoryevich ] ). O nervnikh okonchaniakh v tsiliarnom tiele u mlekopitayushtshikh i chelevieka. [On nerve endings in ciliary bodies in mammalia.] 57, vi, vi pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Kazan, V. M. Kly- uchnikoff, 1893. Agafonoflf (S. N.). See Slavjanski (Kronid F.) Med. ochet akusherv- skoi kliniki [etc.]. 8°. S. Peterburg, 1884. Agapito (Girolamo), Co[nte]. See DiCereaa (Carlo). Osservazioni sopra 1' epide- mica dissenteria [etc.]. 8P. Venezia, 1831. AgapoflT (Pyotr Antonovich) [1848- ]. * Ob operativnom lechenii hematoceles retrouterine. 45 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, I.N. Skorokhodoff, 1892. Agar-agar. See Bacteriology (Culture media, etc., in). Agard (Aurelius Horner) [1822-92]. Dawson (W. J. G.) [ Obituary. ] Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1893, xxiii, 281. Agardli (Jacob. Georg.) [1813- ]. Decellula vegetabili fibrillis tenuissimis contexta. 11 pp., 2 pi. 4". Lundw, typ. Berlingianis, 1852. Agaric and agaric in. See, also, Amanita; Fungi. Schmiedek (J.) * Ueber Bestandtheile des Polyporus oft'. Fr. Ein Beitrag zur chemischen Kenntniss der Pilze. [Erlangen.] 8~\ Han- nover, 1886. Combemnlc. Recherches cliniques sur la valeur anti- hydrotique de l'acide agariciiiiquc. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1891, exx,433-452.—Francotte. Del'agaricine comme antisudoriflque. Ann. Soc. n.ed.-chir. de Li6ge, 1885, xxiv, 32-34.—Grassi (B.) II nostro agarico mos- cario sporimentato comealimento nervoso. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1880, i, 961-972.—Piering (O.) Ueber das Agari- cin und seinen Einfluss auf die Perspiration. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 305; 315.—Pope (A. B.) Agaricine. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 371.—Proebsting. Ueber die anthidrotische Wirkung des Agaricin. Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, v, 89-91.—Radcliff(A.) Agaricine. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 371. Agaric us muscarius. See Fungi (Toxicology of). Agassiz (Alexander) [1835- ]. The develop- ment of Lepidosteus. Parti, pp. 65-76, 5 pi. 8°. [Boston, 1878.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1878-9, xiv. -----. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XIV. Papers read be- fore the academy. I. Ou the young stages of bouy fishes. II. Development of the flounders. 25 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Cambridge, 1878. Cutting [cover with printed title]/rom .• Proc. Am. Acad. Arts - maturi seuii et mortis, sm. 4°. Friburqi Br., 1782. Raudnitz (L.) Radgifware wid aklerdomens allniannaste krainpor och sjukdomar, s&soni, dalig niatsmaltuing, urinwagarnes akommor, katarrher, forstoppning, diarrhe, hufwudets och handernas darruing, forlauining, frusenhet, somuloshet, dalig horsel och syn, swindel och brostlidandeu m. m., jemte lefnadsreglor i ofrigt for alderstigne. [Adviser in the most general complaints and diseases of old age, such as weak digestion, urinary complaints, catarrh, etc.] Bearbetning frau 2:dra original-upplagan. 8°. Stockholm, [1858]. Robat (A.-J.) *I. Enum^rer les maladies propres a la vieillesse; determiner si la physio- logic est assez avanc6e pour que Ton puisse ex- pliquer d'une mauiere satisfaisaute la predomi- nance de certains accidents morbides chez les vieillards. II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1842. Rosenburg (C. A.) *De incommodis senec- tutis. In: Caetheuser (J. F.) Diss. noun, select, phys.-chym. ac med. 12°. Franeof. ad Viadr., 1775, 226-259. Roussel (A.-V.) *I. Enum6rer les maladies propres a la vieillesse. Determiner si la physio- logie est assez avanc6e pour expliquer d'une maniere satisfaisante la predominance de cer- tains accidents morbides chez les vieillards. II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1842. Sacharoff (I. M.) * K voprosu ob jzmieneni- jach limfaticheskich jelez v starcheskom vozras- tie. [Ou alterations of lymphatic glands in old age.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1891. Salgues (J.-A.) Hygiene des vieillards, ou conseils aux personnes qui ont passe Page de ciuquaute ans. 12°. Paris, 1817. -----. The same. Rules for preserving the health of the aged by means of air, clothing, diet, employment, the evacuations, etc., and also hints for the alleviation aud prevention of those dis- orders by which old age is usually assailed, without the aid of medicine. Transl. from the French. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1834. Schelhass (C. F.) Diss, exhibens valetudi- nariuin senum. Resp. Joanne Andrea Schmid. sm. 4°. Jenw, [1718]. Seiler (B. G.) AnatomiaB corporis humani senilis specimen. 8°. Erlangw, 1800. Seve (E.) Hygiene de la vieillesse; moyen de prolonger l'existence. 12°. Paris, 1889. Smith(J.) Tnponopia'BaGi'kLKtj. KiugSolomon's portraiture of old age. Whereiu is coutained a sacred anatomy, both of soul aud body, and a perfect account of tho infirmities of age, incident to them both; and all those mystical and aenig- matical symptomes, expressed in the six former verses of the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes, are here paraphrased upon, and made plain and easie to a mean capacity. 12°. London, 1666. Solovyeff (A. I.) *Izlledovanie krovi u starikov. [Examination of the blood iu old people.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Souvestre (E.) Pleasures of old age. From the French. 8°. London, 1868. AGE. 164 AGE. Age (Old). van Swieten (G. L. B.) Oratio de senum valetudine tuenda. 16°. Vienna, 1773. Thoma (R.) Ueber einige senile Veriinde- ruugen des menschlichen Korpers und ihre Be- ziehnngen zur Schrumpfniere und Herzhypertro- phie. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. Truman (M.) & Sykes (E.) Nursing old age. 12°. London, [1893 or 1894]. Turck (L.) De la vieillesse etudiee comme maladie et des moyens de la combattre. 8°. Paris 4 Plombieres, 1882. Watson (L. H.) Hygiene ofthe aged. In: Thomson (Sir Henrv). Diet in relation to age and activity. 12°. Philadelphia, [1890], 37-46. Wedelius (G. W.) [Pr.] de morbis senum Salomouaeis. sm. 4°. Jenw, 1686. Zerbi (G.) Ad Innocentium VIII. Pon. Max. gerentocomia [sic] feliciter incipit. Prologus. sm. 4°. Rome, 1489. Alderson (F. H.) State pensions for the aged: are they desirahle ? Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 131-138.— Ayer (J. B.) Recuperative power in advanced age. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvii, 158-160.—Beard (G. M.) Legal responsihility in old age, based on researches into the relation of age to work. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc. N. T., 1882, 2. s., 185-235.—Reljakoff (S. A.) 0 patologo anat. izmen. central, nervnoi sisteinypriatarcheskomslaooumii. [Pathologo-anatomical changes in central nervous system in imbecility of old age. ] Vestnik klin. i sndebnoi psichiat. inevropatol., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 142-202, 2 pi. Aho, He- print.— Rell (J.TV.) A plea for the aged. Northwest. Lan- cet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 41-43.—Renavente (D.) Cambios que sufre el organismo humano en la vejez, principalmente el sistema nervioso. Bol. de med., Santiago de Chile, 1888, iv, 67; 110. — de Berger (J. S.) * De sene valetudinis suae custode. In: Richter (G. G. ) Opusc. med., 4°, Franeof. et Lips., 1780, ii, 220-259. — Riaute. Maladies mentales des vieillards et leur influence sur la capacity pour donner et tester, ficho med., Toulouse. 1889, 2. s., iii, 558; 567; 580.—Roy-Teissier. De l'idee qu'on doit se faire de la vieillesse. Marseille m6d., 1894, xxxi 161; 193.—Browne (Sir J.C.) Onoldage. Brit.M. J.,Lond., 1891, ii, 727-736. Aho: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1891, x, C53-C64. Also, transl.: Rev. scient., Par., 1892, xlix, 168- 178.—Caltlwell (S. W.) The possible suspension of old age. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1885, v, 103- 106.—Charpentier. Des troubles nientaux dans la se- nilite precoce et rapide. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1885, 7. 8., i, 276-296.—Crean. The care of health in old age. Health Lect., Lond. Sc Manchester, 1888, xi, 53-72.—Dale (J.Y.) Opium as an hypnotic in old age. Univ. M.Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi, 321-324. Aho, Reprint. — Diday (P.) De la des6quilibration senile. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Lyon, 1878, 2. s., xxvi, 191-199.— Dorr (S. G.) Care and treat- ment of old people. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 144-149.— Dn Laurens (A.) De la vieillesse, et comme il la faut entretenir. In his: Discours de la conservation de la veue, 12°, Rouen, 1620, ff. 177-204. — Duncan (J. A. ) Old age a myth [in sexual matters]. Toledo M. & S. Re- porter, 1895, viii, 163. — Duncan (J. T.) The effect of age on the organs of the horse. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1894, xxxix, 399-402.—Foster (J.) Old age. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 202-204.— French (J. M.) Food and hygiene of old age. J". Am. M. Asa., Chicago, 1892, xix, 595-598. — Incipit epi- stola de accidentibus senectutis et senii. In: Mag- nini. Regimen sanitatis, 4°, [n. p., n. d.], ff., 114»-128a.— Katz (A.) Marasmus senilis. Objazat. pat.-anat. izslied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1893, i, 12-16.— Lagrange (F.) Exercise for elderly people. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 771-778. —Loomis (A. L.) The climate and environment best suited to old age in health and disease. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 1-10. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 345-348.—Mai- ret. Un cas de s6nilit6 anticipee. N. Montpel. m6d., 1892, i. 683-689. —Mettenbeimcr (C.) Kleiner Beitrag zur Pathologie des Greisenalters; seltene Form des Abster- bens eines Hochbetagtfn. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1888-9, n. F., viii, 401-405. — Mif liel (J.) Note sur la syncope chez les vieillards. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1856, xxiii, 477.—IVIinot (C. S.) On certain phenomena of growing old. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1890, Salem, 1891, xxxix, 271-289.—Nichols (W.) Old age. 1850. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey 1766-1859, Newark, 1875, 518-524.—Pilliet (A.-H.) iStude histologique sur les alt6rations seniles de la rate, du corps thyrolde et de la capsule surrcnale. Arch, de med. exp6r. et d'anat. path.. Par., 1893, v, 520-544. - Pi- orry (P.-A.) De la vieillesse. Des moyens de combattre la vit-illesse ou plutot les etats organopathiques qui sont les suites do linfluence des annees; tesultats remar- quahles; reflexions cliniques sur la vieillesse consid6ree suivant les anciennes et les nouvelles doctrines. In his: Age (Old). Cliu. med. chir., 8°, Par., 1869, 5-19. — Pryor (J. H.) Pneumonia ofthe aged. N. York M. .1., 1894, lix, 683- 685.—Quinquaud. De l'atrophie extreme du cerveau des vieillards. France m6d., Par., 1881, ii, 508-512.— Ritti Les psychoses de la vieillesse. Bull, med., Par., 1895, i 731-735. Aho: Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1895, v, 251-253. Aho: Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1895, iv. 337- 360. Also: Courrier med., Par., 1895, xiv, 257-262. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 493; 503. Also: Pratique med., Par., 1895, ix, 281; 289. Aho: Semaine rned., Par., 1895, xv, 325. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: "Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 617.—Runnalls (H. B.) The recuperative powor of old age. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1886, iv, 168-171.—Rush (B.) An account of the state of the body and mind in old age, with observations on its diseases, and their remedies. In his: Med. Inq. & Obs., 2. ed., 8°, Phila., 1805, i, 427- 454.—Savage (G. H.) Symptoms of mental dissolution. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xvi, 252-263. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lv, 451-454.—Seidcl (A.) Dis- eases of old age. In: "Wood's M. & S. Monog., 8°, N. Y., 1890, v, 629-665. — Trend. Psychoses sur un fond de deg6n6rescence meutale chez le vieillard. Arch, de ncu- rol., Par., 1895, xxx, 201-313. —Ugrousnoff (P. K.) 0 koleban. arterial, krovjanago v starchesk. vozraste. [On the fluctuation of arterial blood-pressure in old age.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 796; 830. —Vallon [et al] Les psychoses de la vieillesse. [Discussion.] Courrier med., Par., 1895, xiv, 265. — Weisz (J.) Az aggkorban elofordtild elmebetegsegek. [ Senile dementia. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1879, xxiii, 735; 756; 778; 802. —Wood (H. C.) The hygiene of old age. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 303-305. Aho, Reprint. Also: Rep. Bd. Health, etc., Penn. 1886, Harrisburg, 1887, ii, 334-338. Ag"e (Old, Diseases and injuries of). See, also, Arteries (Diseases of); Asthma; Bloodletting in infancy, etc.; Chorea in old age; Dementia (Senile); Fever (Typhoid) in old age; Gangrene (Senile); Ovary (Tumors of) in women over 60 years of age; Pneumonia in the aged; Prostate (Enlarged); Prurigo; Syphilis in old age. Bolten (D. H.) *Morbos acutos veterum . . . submittit. 4°. Halw Hermundur., [1709]. Boy-Teissier. Lecons sur les maladies des vieillards, faites a I'Ecole de m6decine de Mar- seille. De la s6nilit6 en g6ne"ral. 8°. Paris, 1895. Chantepie de la Saussaye (G.) *Diss. . . . sisteus aetiologiaui geueralem morborum aetatum. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1805. Charcot (J.-M.) Lecons cliniques sur lea maladies des vieillards et les maladies chro- niques. Eecueillies et publiees par B. Ball et Ch. Bouchard. 1. & 2. Fasc, 2. s. 8°. Paris, 1867. Incomplete. -----. The same. Clinical lectures on se- nile and chronic diseases. Transl. by William S. Tuke. 8°. London, 1881. Contains the complete course of lectures. -----. The same. Clinical lectures on the diseases of old age. Transl. by Leigh H. Hunt. With additional lectures by Alfred L. Looniis. 8°. New York, 1881. See, aho, infra. -----. CEuvres completes; maladies des vieillards, gontte et rhumatisme. Tome vii. 8°. Paris, 1889. -----. The same. Maladies des vieillards, goutte et rhumatisme. [Tome vii of his CEuvres completes.] 8°. Paris, 1890. Chevalier (J. D.) Au praecavendis senum morbis victus rationi venae sectio, ut plurimum sit consociauda ? 4°. Parisiis, 1716. Condoidi (P.) * De morbis aetatum. sm. 4". Lugd. Bat., 173-2. De Pomis (D.) Euarratio brevis, de senum affectibus praecavendis, atquecurandis; ratiouali methodo decorata, seque atque praestautissimis, arcanisque auxiliis, in quibusdam profligandis morbis, insignita. In qua, quod singular hu- mani corporis pravte constitutiones haud absque innati caloris oppressione, defectuve, oriri pos- AGE. 165 AGLIETTI. A§"e (Old, Diseases and injuries of). siut, passim, liquidoque, ostenditur. Accessit pneterea, Dioclis epistola, ad Antigohum Asiae regem, pro tuenda valetudine conscripta; ac scholiis non sperneudis, exposita. Cum rerum notabilium hoc in toto opusculo repertarum, locnpletissimo indice. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1588. Dirand-Fardel (C.-L.-M.) Traite" clinique et pratique des maladies des vieillards. 8C. Paris, 1854. -----. The same. 2.6d. 8°. Paris, 1873. Essig (C. L.) *De orto quorundam morbo- rum provectioris aetatis, praecipue ophthalmite senilis. 4°. Tubingw, [1806]. Hofmann (P.) *De morbis eennm. sm. 4°. Vittenburgw, [1693]. Lozano Caparr6s (E.) Tratado pra"ctico de las eufermedades en los viejos, v de las enfer- medades crdnicas. 8°. Madrid, 1890. Michaelis (J. C.) *De senum affectibus. 4C. Halw Magdeb., [1710]. Ocherk razvitija priemov vrachevanija za posliednija 50 liet. [Sketch of the mauuer of treatment in patients passed 50 years of age.] 24°. St. Petersburg, 1893. Kocx (de Brignoles) (J.-S.) Traite" pratique des maladies chirurgicales des vieillards. 1. fasc. 8-. Marseille. 1878. Seidel (A.) Die Pathogenese, Komplikatio- nen und Therapie der Greisenkrankheiten. 8°. Berlin, 1889. -----. The same. Diseases of old age. In: "Wood's M. & S. Monog. 8°. New York, 1890, v, 629-665. Thibault (P.) * Epitome morborum senectu- tis. 4°. Duaci, 1781. Rlum(A.) Operations chez les vieillards. Arch. g6n. de ni6d., Par., 1892. ii, 5-15. — Charcot. Maladies chro- niques; maladies des vieillards. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 257; 273; 293. Aho, transl.: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1867, i, 245; 463. [See, aho, supra.]—C'ros-lTlnyrr- vieille (G.) L'assistance a domicile et l'hospitalisation des vieillards. Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1891, viii, 81; 90; 99. — Engel (J.) Aus der Leichenkammer der k. k. Josefs-Akadernie. Die Krankheiten im hoheren Alter nach den Leichenuntersuchungen aus dem Ver- sorgungshause in der Wahringergasse iibersichtlich zusamroengestellt. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864, 209: 217; 225; 235; 249; 259; 265; 273. — Fracassini (A.) De senectutis affectionibus. Inhis: Opusc. phvs.-path.. etc., 4°, Veronse, 1763, 66-170.—G ib*on (C. L.) Operative pro- cedures in advanced age, based on a study of sixty-five cases aged 70 or more. Ann. S irg., Phila., 1893, xvi, 426- 433. Aho, Reprint.—Graham (X. F.) Old age as a factor in surgery. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 145- 147.-----. Further considerations on the influence of old age in surgery. Ibid., 1895, lxvi, 203-206. Aho, Re- £rint.—Grube (R. H.) The pathology of old age. St. ouis M. -71. [62. & 64. in P., v. 971.] Instituted in August, 1807. for giving life pensions of five guineas and ten guineas per annum to the aged Chris- tian poor, of both sexes, and of every religious denomina- tion. Agenda mMica para bolsillo 6 libro de memoria diario para 1880. 1 v. 16°. Madrid. Agenda, medical beige pour 1884, vade-mecum du m^decin praticien fonde" par le Dr. Marinus et revu par le Dr. J. Vindevogel. Vingtieme annee. 98 blank 1., 156 pp. 24° Bruxelles, A. Manceanx, [n. d.]. Agenda, th6rapeutique, formulaire et memorial. Prime du Monitenr therapeutique. 30 pp. 16°. [Paris, A. Pougin, 1875?] Agenda du veL6rinaire- praticien pour 1891 [also 1894], 12°. Paris, Asselin 4" Houzeau. Ageno (Luigi). Studi e questioni di morfologia e genesi cellulare ed istogenesi del sarcoma gi- gante cellulare. 128 pp., 5 pi., 21. fol. Genova, frat. Verardo, 1881. -----. L' istogenesi e la metamorfosi delle fibre elastiche e la dottrina cellulare. Studi e ricer- che. 247 pp., 1 1., 6 pi. fol. Genova, tipog. del r. Istituto de1 sordo-muti, 1^84. -----& Beisso (Torgnato). Del sistema com- missurale centrale dell' encefalo umano. Ri- cerche. 153 pp., 1 1., 6 pi. 4°. Genova, tip. frat. Verardo, 1881. Agerius (Nicolaus) [1568- ]. Thesis medical physic ;e de homiue sano, hoc est de partibus hu- manum corpus constitueutibus, earumque ac- tionibus et usu. 36 1. sm. 4°. Argentorati, A. Bertramus, 1593. See, aho, Ryff( Walter Hermann) [in 1. s. ]. Newe aussgeriiste deutsche Apotheck, [etc.]. fol. Strassburg, 1602. — Sebizius (Melchior), jun. [in 1. a.]. Exercita- tiones medica;. [Pts. v Sc xxii, 1623-4.] sm. 4°. Argen- torati, 1639. -----. De diebus criticis. i, 1626. 4°. Ar- gentorati, 1626. Agei'Oii. Die practische Verwendung der Mos- quera-Fleisch-Priiparate in der Masseu- und Volks-Ernahruug. 10 pp. 8°. [Leipzig, A. Volkmann, 1892.] Repr.from: Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1892, xvii. Aghusius (Carolus Christiauus). * De febribus compositis ex acuta periodo. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halw Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1709]. Agier (Gustave) [l.-WJ- ]. *De la enre radi- cale de la heruie inguinale par les me"thodes op6- ratoires sanglantes: revue technique et critique. 204 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1057. -----. The same. 204 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4~ fils, 1895. Aglietti (Francesco) [1757-1836]. Saggio sopra la costanza delle leggi foudamentali dell' arte medica. Discorso academico. xlviii pp. 8°. Venezia, stamperia Palese, 1804. [P., V. 1415.] See, aho, Nai-anzi (Demetrio) [in 1. s.J. Dell' in- nesto vaccino. In: Uagguaglio della vaccina, [etc.]. 8°. Udine, [1801], 209-249. For Biography, see Znuiiini (P.) Biografia di Fran cesco Aglietti. 8°. Padova. 1836. AGLY. 166 AGNEW. Agiy. Daudies-Pams (T.) * Etude ge"ologique et hydrologique du bassin de l'Agly. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1884. Agmei'-Ben-Ab-Dala. Tratado de las aguas medicinales de balam-Bir, que comuu- mente Hainan de Sacedon, escrito en lengua arabe, por . . ., me"dico de Toledo, eu el ano de mil cinquenta y qnatro; traducido al idioma castellano, e" ilustrado con varias notas, para sn mayor inteligencia, por Marino Pizzj y Fran- gcschi. xxxxii, 239 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, A. Perez de Soto, 1761. Agnetlilerus (Michael Gottlieb) [1719-52]. Laurent. Joann. Nepomucenus Reeu, Gesecano- Westphalus medicinae doctor, plagii literarii in regia3 Fridericianse pamasso graviter accusatns, convictus atque Halensium musarnni decreto coudemnatns. 8, 44 pp. 4°. Halw ad Salam, ex off. Hendeliana, 1750. Agnevv (Cornelius Eea) [1830-88]. A method of operating for divergent squint. 4 pp. 8°. [New York, 1866.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N.Y., 1866, iii. ------. A contribution to the surgery of divergent squint. 5 pp. 8°. [New York, 1871.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. N. T. 1871, Albany, 1872. ------. Ophthalmic notes. 1. Trephining the cornea to remove a foreign body deeply embed- ded iu its substance. 2. A case of double, ex- tremely minute and apparently congenital lachrymal fistula. 3. A contribution to the statistics of cataract extraction of one hundred and eighteen recent cases. 30 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4 Co., 1874. [P., v. 1441.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1874, x. ------. Cautho-plasty as a remedy in certain diseases of the eye. 10 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1875. [Also, in: P., v. 1441.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. N. T., 1875. ------. A preliminary analysis of ten hundred and sixtv cases of asthenopia. 12 pp. 8°. New York, Dl Appleton 4 Co., 1877. Repr. from: Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong. 1876, N. Y., 1877, v. ------. A case of myxofibroma of the auricle. 2 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Boston, 1878.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1878, ii. ------. Clinical contribution to otology. Re- ported by David Webster. 16 pp. 8°. [New York, 1879.] Repr.from: Arch. Otol., N. T., 1879, viii. ------. Contributions to ophthalmology. [I. The insufficiency of the ophthalmoscope as the sole test of errors of refraction. II. Three cases of persistent pupillary membrane.] 15 pp. 8°. [New York, 1880.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1880, iii. ------. Notes on contagious diseases of the eyes in schools and asylums. No. 44. State board of health of New York. 9 pp. b3. [Albany, 1882.] Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health N. Y. 1881, Albany, 1882, ii. ------. The limits of medical ethics. 8 pp. 8°. [New York, l-?2.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi. ------. An operation with a double needle or bident, for the removal of a crystalline lens dis- located into the vitreous chamber. 12 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1887>.] Repr.from. Med. News. Phila,, 1885, xlvii. See, aho, Ethical (An) symposium, [etc.]. 8°. New York. 1883.—Richardson (Benjamin Ward) [in 1. s.]. A synopsis of the temperance lesson-book of . . . 16°. New York. 1880.—Webster (David) [in 1. s.]. Amblyo- pia [etc.J. ^. yew York. 1880. -----. Two cases of quinine amaurosis [etc.j, 8°. [-Veto York, 1883.] Agnew (Cornelius Rea) [1830-fS]—continued. For Biography, see TIioiiisin (T. (J.) A eulogy upon Cornelius Kea Agnew, read before the New York Academy of Medicine. By appointment of the council, June 7, 1888. 8°. [New York, 1888.] See, aho, J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 537. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 474. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 446. Aho: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1888, v, 14, port. (H. D. Noyos). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr.r(Libr.). Agnew (David Hayes) [1818-92]. Practical anatomy; a new arrangement of the London Dissector, with numerous modifications and ad- ditions, containing a concise description of the muscles, bloodvessels, nerves, viscera and liga- ments of the human body as they appear on dis- section; with illustrations, viii, 13-310 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott hia, Off. of the Med. 4' Surg. Reporter, 1867. Repr. from: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1866, xv. ------. Lecture introductory to the one hundred and fifth course of instruction in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, delivered Monday, October 10, 1870. 33 pp., 2 1. 8°. Philadelphia, R. P. King's Sons, 1870. ------. Address delivered before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, January 5, 1875. (Pub- lished by order of the society.) 19 pp. H°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1875. ------. The principles and practice of surgery, being a treatise on surgical diseases and injuries. 3 v. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co., 1878-83. ------. General principles of surgical diagnosis. In: Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1881, i, 337-355. -----. Tho same. Principes ge"ne"raux de dia- gnostic chirurgical. In: Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1883, ii, 1-24. -----. The same. Kwaika sinron. The princi- ples and practice of surgery, being a treatise oi surgical diseases and injuries. Transl. by M. Toyabe. 2 v. 3 p. 1., 2, 676, 15 pp., 22 pi.; 2 p. 1., 36, 698 pp., 41 pi. 12°. Tokio, G. Horio, 1889. -----. Memoir of John Light Atlee; read before the College [of Physicians of Philadelphia], February 3, 1886. 11 pp., port. 8°. Phila- delphia, W. J. Dornan, 1886. Repr.from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1886, 3. 8., viii. For Biography, see Adams (J. H.) History ofthe life of D. Hayes Agnew. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1892.— Willard (F.) D. Hayes Agnew. Biographical sketch. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. See, also, Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s.. ii, pp. ix-xv, port. (J. Ashhurst, jr.). Aho: In- ternat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, no. 4, pp. i-viii, port. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 363. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, 1884-5, iv, 440. Aho: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila,, 1892, x, p. xxix (J. Ashhurst, jr.). Aho: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1893, 3. s., xv, pp. xxix-lxv, port. (J. "W. "White). Also: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1892, xxiii, 180-190 (De F. "Willard). Aho: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 551-556. Also, Reprint. Also: Univ. M. Mag., Phila.. 1892-3, v, 365-392, port., 3 pi. (J. "W. "White). Aho, Reprint. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). ------. See, also: D. Hayes Agnew (The) memorial. To the medical profession. [Also:] To his patients and friends. 8°. [Philadelphia? n. d.] Da Costa (J. M.) Address at the dinner given Friday, April 6, 1888, to Dr. D. Hayes Agnew by the medical profession, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of his entrance into the profession. 4°. Philadelphia, 188,8. Mitchell (S. W.) [Minerva medica.] Read at the dinner commemorative ofthe fiftieth year of the doctorate of D. Hayes Agnew, M. D., April 6, 1888. 12-. [Philadelphia, 1888.] AGNEW. 167 AGRA. Agnew (David Hayes)—continued. University op Pennsylvania. Medical De- partment of, Philadelphia. [Circular of the com- mittee representing the three undergraduate classes, the hospital staff, and the faculty of the medical department of the university, request- ing the co-operation of the alumni in the cele- bration of the fiftieth anniversary of Professor D. Hayes Agnew's graduation.] March 1, 1888. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Wi.-tar (T.) [in 1. s.]. Ode to Prof. D. Hayes Agnew, M. D., LL. D., on the fiftieth an- niversary of his graduation in medicine, April 6th, 1888. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1888.] Agnew (The) jubilee. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 417-419. Agnew (James). *An inaugural dissertation on perspiration. 46 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, M. Ca- rey, 1800. Agnew (Samuel). Portraitin: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Agniel (Paul). *Du jequirity et de son emploi dans le traitement du trachome. 54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1884, No. 3. Last page is called 62. Agnine. Davidson (F. A.) Pure wool fat, or agnine as a phar- * macentical. Proc. Mass. Pharm. Ass., Lynn, 1886, v, 179-184. Agnodice. , Delaconx (A.) Agnodice, c61ebre Athenienne. In hh: Biosrraphie des sages-femmes celfebres, [etc.]. 4°. Par., 1834, 25-27, 2 port. Agnoiesi (Pompilio). Yade mecum di tossico- logia clinica e delle asfissie. 2. ed. viii, 56 pp. 32c. Napoli, E. Detken, 1881. Agnoletti (AcMlle). See Homicide and murder—Cases and trials. Agnoli (J. B.) Consideraciones sobre dos casos de anemia por ankylostoma duodenale; observa- dos en el hospital Victor Manuel de Lima. 31 pp. 8°. Lima, imp. de "La Voce d' Italia", 1893. Repr. from: Cron. med., Lima, 1893, x. Agnomastix (K.) [pseud.]. Apologia Haari- ana. of eiustige verdediging voor den Heere Jacob van der Haar, en voor deszelfs laatst uitgekomcn verhandeling over de natuur en aart van de klier- knoest- en kankergezwellen; tevens aantoonende de volstrekte moogelykheid om deze laatsteu door in- of uitwendige middelen, dat is, door den weg van verdwyning, verzwering, of abschei- ding te kunnen genezen. [Part 1.] xxii, 23- 110 pp. 8C. Amsterdam, Houttuin [and others], [1761]. Agonismata medica Marpurgensia, dogmatica juxta et hermetica. I. De aphaeresia, sen evacua- tione universali, disputationes v. II. Disputa- tiones miscellanese xv. III. His accessit Ogdoas disputationum medicarum inaug. quae a prasstan- tissimis u. m. candidatis plerseq. patrouo, et promotore praad. Henrico Petraeo . . . solenniter propositse et strenue defensatae sunt. Adjectie sunt assertiones et quaastiones de genuiua febris ungaricaa natura et cura. 7 p. 1., 419 pp. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, P. Egenolphus, 1618. ' Agnosticism. Steix (A. W.) Agnosticism based ou physical science. 8°. [New York, n. d.] -----. The same. 2. ed. 4°. [New York], 1888. Agony. See Death; Pain. Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia. [Edit] Buffalo M. & S. J., 1885-6, xxv, 90-93.—Aphel (F.) Agorafobiadi "Westphal o keno- fobia di G61inau. Spallanzani, Modena, 1881, 2. s., x, 397- 401.—Benedikt (M.) Ueber " Platzschwindel ". Allg. Agoraphobia. Wien. med. Ztschr., 1870, xv. 488. — Berilloii. Un cas d'agoraphobie trait6 avec succ&s par la suggestion. Bull. et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893, 269-273.— Bijdrage tot de leer der " agoraphobic " (plaatsvrees) en andere vormen van emotieve neurosen. Geneesk. Cou- rant, Tie], 1885, xxxix. no. 24-26— Blodgett (A. N.) A case of agoraphobia. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvii, 407.— Cherchevsky. Contribution a l'etude de l'agoraphobie. Rev. de med., Par., 1885, v. 909-934.—Combcmnlc, De l'agoraphobie. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1890, xxix, 401- 414.—C'ordcs. Einiges iiber Platzangst Arch. f. Psy- chiat, Berl., 1879, x, 48-82. — f'oiirtoiw-Sullit. Sur nn cas d'agoraphobie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 1081- 1083. — Eyselein (O.) Ueber Agoraphobie nnd Nycto- phobie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1881, xvi, 302; 314 j 326; 338; 350. — Hermann (H. W.) Cases of agora- phobia. St. Louis Polyclin., 1889-90, i, 232-234.-IIoug- berg (E.) Agoraphobian tapans. Duodecim, Helsinki, 1893, ix, 163-170.—fiegrand dn Saulle. De l'agora- phobie. Praticien, Par., 1885, viii, 208-210.—Lidwenfcld (L.) Ueber Platzangstund verwandte Zustande. Aerztl. Int-T.l., Munchen, 1882, xxix, 25; 45; 92; 114. Aho, Re- print.— Nicden (A.) Ueber Platzangst (Agoraphobie) und Gesichtsf'eldbesehrankung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 465-467. — I'errond. Note sur l'agoraphobie. Ann. Soc. domed. deLyon, 187.'!. 2. s., xxi, 82-93.—Potter (L. T.) Agoraphobia; a contribution to clinical medicine. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1SS2, xiv, 472- 475.—Robert (J.) Agorafobia auricular; dilataeidn de la trompa izquierda; curacion. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1894, xxxv, 57-62. — Rattle (It.) Agora- phobia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 818—Sandberg (O.) Agoraphobia c cirrhosis hepatis c. haemorrhagia cerebri ex endarteriit. deformanti; dod. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii. 629-631.—Scheibcr (S. H.) ~Ueber einen Fall von Agoraphobie (Platzangst) und Koinoniphobie (Gesell- schaftsangst). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 996; 1041; 1079; 1121. — Schlesinger (A.) Eine besondere Form der Agoraphobie. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1894, vi, 265. — Shershevski ( M. M.) Miestobojazn (Agora- phobia). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 476; 509; 525.— Sottas (J.) A propos d'un cas d'agoraphobie. Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 357-359. Aho : Nice-med., 1894-5. xix. 149; 170.— Stathakopoulos (F.) naparrjprjo-eis Tires 'Ayopafyofiias. IIpaKT. 2vv65ov 'EAATjrwr iarpojv, &-&7)vr\57.] AgOStiiielli (Lavinio). Saggio statistico dello malattie curate nell' interno della citttt di Tolen- tino dal 10 luglio 1875 al 30 giugno 18S5. xiii, 11., 2 tab., 61 pp. 8°. Tolentino, F. Filelfo, 1888. d'Agostini. See D'Agostini. AgOStiui (Antonio). Resoconto delle operazioni del Comitato Veronese per gli ospizi marini, nell'anno 1871. 21pp. 16°. Verona, G. Civclli, 1872. Agostini (Cesare). Sui metodi preferibili nelle indagini qualitative delle orine patologiche. Ricerche ed osservazioni. 44 pp. roy. 8°. Pe- rugia, tipog. di V. Sautucci, 1886. Agbstini (G.). See Pretti (Carlo). Couferenze di traumatologia, [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, 1891. A«"OStini (Josephus). *De generatione. 24 pp. 8 . Patavii, typ. Seminarii, 1834. [P., v. 946.] Agra. See Cholera (Asiatic, History and statistics of), by localities; Insane (Asylums for). AGRAPHIA. 168 AGRIPPA. Agraphia. See, also, Aphasia. Bcrkhan (O.) Die Schreibstornngen bei Schwach- betaliiLrten in gerichtlicher Beziehung. Vrtljschr. f. ge- riehtl. Med., Berl., 1894, 3. F., vii, 106-119. — Charcot (J.- B.) Sc Until (A.) Snr un cas d'agraphie motrice, suivi d'autopsie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, pt. 2, 129-133. — Dejerine. De l'agraphie. Ann. de ni6d. scient. et prat., Par., 1891, i, 185-187. -----. Sur un cas de cecite verbale avec agraphie, suivi d'autopsie. Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 233. Also, transl. : Rev. clin.de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1891, iii, 159-163.—Pi tres (A.) Conside- rations sur l'agraphie a propos d'une observation nouvelle d'agraphie motrice pure. Rev. de med.. Par., 1884, iv, 855-873.—Serieux (P.) Sur un cas d'agraphie d'origine sensorielle, avec autopsie. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s.. iii, pt. 2, 195-200. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8. s., i, 4-6. -----. Des formes diverses d'agra- phies et en particulier de l'agraphie d'origine sensorielle. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1892, 4. s., iii, 33-37. Aho: Bull. Soc. de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1892, 28-31. — Souques (A.) A propos d'un cas d'agraphie sensorielle. Rev. neurol., Par., 1894, ii, 65-71. — Wizel (A.) Najnowsze poglady na kwesty.je, agrafli. [Most re- cent views on the question of agraphia.] Gaz. lek.,War- szawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 479-484. Agrestiiii (A.) Sulle acque minerali di Valle- zaugona. 22 pp. 8°. Urbino, 1890. Agricola (Georgius) [1494-1555]. Libri quinque de mensuris et ponderibus in quibus pleraque a Budaeo et Portio parum animadversa diligenter excutiuntur. Opus nunc primuni in lucem edi- tum. 261 pp., 3 1. 16°. Parisiis, excud. C. Wechelus, 1533. -----. De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra. In: Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1553, ff. 273-288. -----. De re metallica libri xii, quibus officia, instrumenta, machinse, ac omnia denique ad me- tallicam spectantia, non modo luculentissime de- scribuutur; sed et per effigies, suis locis iusertas, adjunctis Latinis, Germanicisque appellationi- bus, ita ob oculos pouuntur, ut clarius tradi non possunt. Quibus accesserunt hac ultima edi- tione, tractatus ejusdem argumenti, ab eodem conscripti, sequeutes. De animantibus subter- raneis, lib. i. De ortu et causis subterraneo- rum, lib. v. De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra, lib. iv. De uaturafossilium, lib. x. De veteribus et novis metallis, lib. ii. Bermannus sive de re metallica, dialogus, lib. i. 6 p. 1., 708 pp., 451. fol. Basilew, sumpt. et typ. E. Konig, 1657. Agricola (Joannes) [1589-1643]. Kurtzer aber doch griindtlicher Bericht, von dieser jetzt her- umschleicheuden unnd flechtenden Kranckheit der rothen Ruhr. Auch mit kurtzer Audeutung eines Febris maligna? epidemialis, welches sich zugleich mit sehen und spiiren lest, welcher Ge- stalt man sich beydes prseserviren unnd cnriren konne. Autf Bitten und Begehren etlicher guter Freunde gestellet und verfertiget. 50 1. 16°. Erffurdt, J. Biirckner, 1616. ' Deutlich- und wolgegriindeter Anmer- ckungen iiber die chymische Artzneyen, Johan- nis Poppii, erst- und anderer Theil, in sich be- greiffend. vielerley ja etlich hundert herzliche Processe, heilsame Artzney - Mittel, geheime Handgriffe, sonderbare Experimenta, ungemein und seltene Curen, samt vielen merckwiirdigen medicinalischen Historien; alles aus eigener, wol-beglaubter Erfahrung aufrichtig, deutlich und griindlich verabfasset, deuen iu Untersu- chung der Natur- Geheiuiniisse besehaff'tigten Chymicis, Medicis und Chirurgis zu sonderbarer Handleitung, ja zu dess Hayl- und Hulff-bediirff- tigeu Nechsten allgemeiuen Nutzen, nunmehr zum andernmal von vielen Fehlern gereiniget, und mit neuen hochstnohtig- und niitzlichen Anmerckungen . . . Joh. Helfrici Jungkens, vermehrt, und auf vielfaltiges Begehren an den Tag gelegt. 1 p. 1., 1096 pp., 12 1., port. 4°. Niirnberg, J. Zieger, 1686. Also engraved title-page. Agricola (Joh. Wilhelmus). See Sebizius (Melchior) [in 1. s. ]. Disp.de natu- ralibus viii. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1645. Agricola Ammonius (Joannes) [1496-1570], Medicina? herbaria? libri duo, quorum primus habet herbas hujus seculi medicis communes cum veteribus, Dioscoride videlicet, Galeno, Oribasio, Paulo, Aetio, Plinio et horum simili- bus. Secundus fere a recentibus medicis in- ventas continet herbas, atque alias quasdam prasclaras medicinas, ut qua? post Galenum vel investigata? sunt, vel iu usum medicura nervene- runt. 336 .pp., 26 1. 16°. Basilew, ex off. B. Westhemeri, 1539. See, aho, Mjrcp«u» (Nicolaus) [in 1. s. ]. Liber de compositione medicamentorum secundum loca [etc.]. 4°. Ingohtadii, 1541. AgTicuIturcheiiiisclie Versuchsstation des laudwirthschaftlichen Centralvereins der Pro- vinz Sachsen, etc., zu Salzmiinde. Zweiter Be- richt iiber die Arbeiten ... Im Auftrage aus- gearbeitet von dem Agriculturchemiker der Station: Dr. Hubert Grouveu. xxiv, 579 pp., 5 tab., 5 pi. 8°. Berlin, Wiegandtu. Hempel, 1864. * Second title-page: Physiologisch-chemische Fiitternngs- Versuche iiber den Nahrwerth einiger allverbreiteten, stickstofflosen Nahrungsbestandtheile . . . von Hubert Grouven. Agrikolyanski (D[imitri] N[ikolayevich]) [1866- ]. *0 vliyanii azotnokislavo strikh- uiua na otdielenie pankreaticheskavo soka u sobaki. [Action of nitrate of strychnia on the secretion of pancreatic juice in the dog.] 64 pp., I 1., 1 diag. 8°. S.-Peterburg, A. V. Po- zharoff, 1893. Agrimonia. Baerken (C. G. F.) * De agrimonia eupa- toria ejusque usu in quibusdam morbis. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1845. IVicholaon (B.) On agrimonia in taenia and in scorbu- tus. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, 367. Agrinios. Papagiaunes (E.) 2vpo7i-tiioj skSco-is tu> iv 'Aypivua nal rots Trepi^oipots TrapaTr)pr)9ivT4. Aureus (Max [Louis Albert Gustav]) [1868- ]. *Zwei Fiille von geborstenen Aneurys- men der Artt. lienalis und hepatica. 24 pp. rj~. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1892. A lire US (Philipp). * Ueber die Erfolgevon Ova- riotomien mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von 60 Fallen der Wurzburger Univcrsitiitsfrauen- klinik. 40 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1893. Alirens (Reinhold [Max Hermann]) [18(H)- ]. * Beitriige zur Casuistik von Psvchoscn nach In- fluenza. 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1890. Alirensen (Arnold Audr. [Bull]). See Ijevy (Mauritius Marcus) [in 1. s.]. *De sympo- dia, sen monstrositate sireniformi, [etc.]. 8°. Havnice, 1833.—Uldall (Fred. Adolph.) [in 1. s.]. * I)e effectihus jodii [etc.]. 8°. Havnice, 1833. AUrt (E.) * Ueber zwei Fiillc von Tuberkulo.se der weiblicheu Genitalien. 16 pp. 8 \ (iiittin- gen, W. F. Kaestner, 1880. Aicardi (Michele). Compendio di terapia dosi- metricn. viii. 181 pp. 12°. Torino, G. Bruno 4' (''., 1886. Aicardius (Paulus) [ -1607]. See ITIercurialis (Hieronymus). Do morbis cutaneia [etc.]. sm. 4°. Yenetiis, 1572. Aickin (Thomas) [1816- ]. * De podagra. 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, tup. frat rum Schlesin- ger, [1842]. ------. Observations upon the nature and treat- ment of cholera. 60pp. 8C. Dublin, T. Deey, 187>4. Repr.from: Dublin M. Press, 1854, xxxii. Aidone. See Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities. Aievoli (Eriberto). II fenolo uella tecnica mi- croscopica. II carminio al fenato di soda. 8L\ Napoli, tipog. di G. M. Priore, 1890. Repr.from: Riv.internaz. dimed. echir., Napoli, 1887, iv. ------. Antisepsi chirurgica ed ostetrica, guida per gli student! ed i pratici. vi, 8-218 pp., 1 1. 16°. Napoli, tipog. di G. M. Priore, 1890. ------. I pericoli della puberta; lettura popolare. 86 pp., 1 1. 16°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1892]. Aiginetes (Dionysius) [1820(¥)-82]. iflaggilia (S.) NeKpoAo-yi'a. TaXrjvbs, 'AOrivaus, 1882, viii, 347-349. Aignaii [Francois] [1644-1709]. Traite1 de la goutte dans son 6tat naturel, ou l'art de connois- tre les vrais principes des maladies: avec plu- sieurs remedes conformes au systeme d'Hippo- crate, de Galien et de Vauheimont, qui se trouve dans son vray jour, de'veloppe' du faux langage et de la fausse opinion. 7 p. 1., 257 pp. 12°. Paris, C. Jombert, 1707. Aigre (Douglas). Etude clinique sur la m6"tallo- scopie et la metallotherapie externe dans l'ancs- the'sie. 86 pp. 8°. Paris, V. A. Delahaye 4 Cie., 1879. See, also, Browne (Lennox). Traite des maladies du larynx, [etc.]. 8°. Pans, 1891.— Bullin (Henry T.) Maladies de la langue. 8°. Paris, 1889. Aigret (C.) & Francois (Vital). Flore de la Belgique. Plantes medicinales et trait6 de me'- decine familiere. Proprie'te's et formes des medi- caments. Hydrothe"rapie. Plantes medicinales indigenes. Vegetaux exotiques et produits pharmaceutiques. Traite" des maladies. Recettos des charlatans. Botanique. Analyse et descrip- tion des especes indigenes. En supplement pou- vant etre d6tach6: Les maladies des sexes, xvi, 199, 12 pp. 8C. Olloy lez - Mariembourg [Bru- xelles f], Vital Francois, 1886. Aigues-JIorte*. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Aikanoff(Artemiy [Mikhailovich])[l846- ]. * K voprosu o pitauii bolnikh ya'ichnimi shcho- lochnimi albuminatami (iskustvennim tata-biel- kom). [On the question of feeding patient with alkaline albuminates of eggs (artificial tata- albnmen).] 72 pp., 2 1., 6 tab. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, N. A. Lebedeff, 1889. AlKANOFF. 171 AINHUM. Aikanoflf (Artemiy [Mikailovich])—continued. -----. The same. 72 pp., 6 tab. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, N A. Lebedeff, 1889. Aiken. Aiken County. Its many resources aud in- dustries. A wonderful change since the war. Progress the watchword on every hillside. Cutting from: The Journal & Review, Aiken, S. C, Oct., 9, 1889. Coffix (A.) & Geddings (W. H.) Aiken and its climate. 8°. Charleston, 1872. Highland Park Hotel. Winter resort. Ai- ken, South Carolina. 12°. Augusta, 1886. Rockwell (P. G.) [Letter upon the climate of Aiken, S. C] 4°. Aiken, [187-?]. Oeddings (W. H.) Aiken as a bealth resort. Gail- lard's M. J., X. Y., 1880, xxx, 561-588. Aiken, S. C, as a winter resort. [Containing a description ofthe sanitary qualities of the loca- tion and climate, by P. G. Rockwell, aud an ex- tract of meteorological data, bv Win. H. Ged- dings.] Front,, 32 pp. 8°. [Aiken, 1882, vel subseq.] -----. The same. Front., 53 pp. 8°. [Aiken, 1884, vel subseq.] "Aiken Heart, ill. D." [pseudon.]. The "Doctor Woman". How I was cured by a fe- male physician. 13 ff. 12°. Detroit, Am. Ob- server Office, [1880]. Aikill (Charles Rochemont) [1775-1847]. A con- cise view of all the most important facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the cow-pox. 2. ed. iv (1 1.), 118 pp., 1 col. pi., 1 1. 12°. London, R. Phillips, 1.-01. -----. The same. Kurzgefasste Uebersicht der wichtigsten Thatsachen, welche bisher iiber die Kuhpocken erschieneu sind. Aus dem Engli- schen iibersetzt von J. Hunnemann. xvi,79 pp., 21., 1 pi. 12°. Hannover, Gebr. Hahn, 1801. -----. The same. Kurze Darstellung der wich- tigsten die Kuh-Pocken betreffenden Thatsachen. Ans dem Englischen iibersetzt von F. G. Friese. xxxvi, 74 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 16°. Breslau, Meyer, 1801. -----. The same. Abre'ge' des faits les plus im- portans coucernant la vaccine ou petite verole ties vaches. Trad, eu francais par lc citoyen B . . . des C . . . , mecleciu de la faculty de Pa- ris. Precede d'une preface du traducteur, ou essai d'une the'orie sur le proc6de" de l'inocula- tion, et sur les maladies specifiques et conta- gieuses. Iii, 55 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Croullebois, an IX [1801]. Aikin (Jesse). The citizen's tutor, containing a variety of valuable receipts for the cure of the different diseases of man and beast: also, for colouring wool, cotton, and hats. 106 pp. 12°. Mountpleasant, 1831. Aikin (Joannes) [1747-1822]. * De lactis secre- tione in puerperis. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. et J. Honkoop, 1784. [P., v. 1476.] -----. Observations sur les hopitaux, relatives a leur construction, aux vices de l'air d'hdpital, aux moyens d'y reme'dier, k l'admission ou rejet des malades, a- la maladie antisocialc, a la pe- tite verole, aux femmes en couche, aux.insenses, et h l'utilite* dont ils sont pour l'art de gue"rir et pour les etudians. Avec une lettre a l'auteur, sur le meme sujet, du docteur Percival. Ouvrage trad, de l'anglois, et auqnel on a ^jout6 quel- ques notes, par M. Verlac. lvi, 134 pp., 11. 12°. Londres; Paris, Briand, 1788. -----. A view of the life, travels, and philan- thropic labours of the late John Howard, vi, 7- 180 pp. 18°. New York, D. Huntington, 1814. See, aho, Armstrong (John). The art of preserving health. 16°. Philadelphia, 1804. -----. The same. 12°. Boston, 1838.—CJrecn (Matthew). The spleen and other Aikin (Joannes)—continued. poems, [etc.]. 16°. Philadelphia, 1804. — Lew in (Wil- liam) \inl.a.]. An experimental history of the materia medica, [etc.]. 3. ed. 4°. London, 1784. -----. The same. 2 v. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1791. For Biography, see Aikin (Lucy). Memoir of John Aikin. With a selection of his miscellaneous pieces, bio- graphical, moral, and critical. 8°. Philadelphia, 1824. Aikin (Lucy) [1781-1864]. Memoir of John Ai- kin, M. D. With a selection of his miscellane- ous pieces, biographical, moral, and critical. viii, 9-487 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Small, 1824. Aikin (Wm. E. A.) [1807-88]. See Thomas (John H.) [in 1. a.]. Notice by John II. Thomas, [etch *°. [n.p., 1872.] For Biography, see Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888, xix, 291-293 (E. F. Cordell). Also, in: Tr. M. &. Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1889, 37-41. Aikins(W. H. B.). Co-Editor of: Ontario Medical Journal, Toronto, 1892.—Dominion Medical Monthly, Toronto, 1893. Aikens (W. T.) [1827- ]. [Biography.] Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1889, xiv, 235, port. Ail an thus. Axdre/E (E.) * Ueber abnorme Wurzelan- schwellungen bei Ailauthus glandulosa. 8°. Erlangen, 1894. Ailhand (Jean) [1675-1756]. See Ami (L') des malades, ou discours historique et apolog6tique sur la poudre purgative de M. Ailhaud, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1770.—Carta en que el doct. [etc.]. sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.]—Carta segunda del medico de Aix, [etc.]. sm. 4°. [Aix, n. d.] d'Ailliaud-Castelet (fidouard). Etude du mal de mer. 132 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1895. d'Ailly (Pierre) [1620(?)-84]. Traite" des bles- sures et playes faites par amies k feu, vulgaire- ment dites playes d'arquebusades. Auqnel sont amplement explique'es leur nature et curat ion, avec la maniere de corriger les accideus qui les accompagnont, le tout avec methode. Corrig6 et augmente de plusieurs remedes pour la facilitd des jeuues chirurgiens qui suivent les arniees. Mis eu francois par ... 10 p. 1., 418 pp. 16°. Paris, A. Boulonne, 1668. Is mostly a translation from: De vulneribus sclopeto- rnm tractatas, by Grancisco Plazzoni. Aill (Departement de 1'). Assistance publique. Enfants assisted et protection du ler age Rap- ports annuels pr^sente's a M. le pr6fet de l'Ain par M. Rollet, inspecteur d6partemental, pen- dant l'annee 1888-9. xliv, 69 pp., 6 tab. 8°. Bourg, P. Annequin, 1889. This report is for 15 months, Jan., 1888, to March, 1889. Ainliiiin. Bkkdiam (A.-J.-B.-M.) "Etude sur l'aiuhum. 4°. Bordeaux, 1881. Rouget ( J.) * Amputations cong6nitale et aiuhum. 4°. Paris, 1889. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 936-938. Ainhnm from Egypt. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 227.— de Brnn (H.) De l'alnhum. Semaine med., Par., 1894, xiv, 397-399. — Brnnon. Cas d'alnhum avec presenta- tion de photographies. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Rouen (1889), 1890, 2. 8., iii, 39.—Cogues. Observation d'un cas d'ain- hum & Madagascar. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1889, li, 232-236. — Cooper (K. B.) N?tes on a case of aiuhum. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1886), 1887, |3] s.. x, 25-32 — Crawford (D. G.) Notes on four cases of aiuham. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 1120-1123. — Crombie (A.) Ainhum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 302-304.—Day (R. II.) Ainhnm. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 348-350.— Dell' Orto (J.) Aihun. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii 510-518.—»igby (C.) Ainhum on the west coast of Africa. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1891, i, 1331. — Voyle ( E. A. G.) Ainhum. Ibid., 1889, i. 1346.—Diiliring (L. A.) A case of ainhum; with microscopic examination by H. Wile. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1884, n. s., Ixxxvii, 150-154. Also, Reprint. — Dnpouy (fi.) Une observation d'aln- hum. Arch, de med. nav., Par, 1881, xxxvi, 385-387. -----. Considerations sur l'alnhum. Ibid., 1884, xii, 260-263.— Evans (J.) Ainhum. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charles- AINHUM. 172 A IK. Aiiiliiim. ton, 1887, 93. — Eylcs (C. H.) The histology of ainhum. Lancet Loud., 1886, ii, 576-578. — Fonlan. La question de l'ainhnm. Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1882, xxxvii. 177- 212, 1 pi.—CScwohwiiid (H.) Un cas d'ainhnm. Arch. de med. et pharni. mil.. Par., 188S. xii, 361 -364 — Guyot ( F. ) Apropos de l'alnhum. Arch.de med. nav.. Par., 1879, xxxii. 440-451: 1880, xxxiv, 298-304. -----. Sur Iain- hum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv. 623-634. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1881. ix. 357-361.—Heitzmann (C.) The report of the special committee on microscopic ex- amination of a specimen of ainhum. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., Chicago, 1881, v, 49-51. — Henderson ( W. W. ) Ainhum. Tr. M. Sc Phvs. Soc. Bombav (1884), 1885, n. s., Xo. vi, 18, 2 pi.—Hine (A. E. B.) A well-marked case of ainhum. Lancet, Lond., 1895. i. 218. — Hornadav i E. H.) Ainhum. Tr. M. Soc. X. Car., Wilmington. 1.-81. xxviii, 70-78. Aho: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 18,-1, viii, 116-118.—Horwitz (0 ) Case of ainhum occurring in the out-door surgical department of Jefferson Medical College Hospital. "Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 649. — Love (A. C.) Ainhum; with the report of a case in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1883. xxxv, 367-369.—TIala*. Ainhum. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1888-9, n. s., xvi. 603.—lUcnocal (R.) Enfer- medad de Ainhum. Rev. do cien. med., Habana. 18,-G. no. 3, 1.—^lossum (G.) A rase of ainhum. Lancet. Loud., 1891. i. 932. — fVuiiez de Villavicencio (E.) De la en- fermedad denominada aiuhum 6 dactilolisia. An. r. Acad. de cieD. med. . . . dc la Haliana, 1878-9, xv, 336: 395.— Oliinaiiii-DiiiiM—iiil (A. H.) Ainhum. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Columbia, 1895. xxxviii, 124-137, 1 pi. Aho: Medicine, Detroit, 1895, i, 202-209. Aho, Reprint.— Pa- checo blendes (A.) Memoria sobre o ainhum. Rev. de med.. Par., 1879-81, i, 425: 1881-3, ii, 425; 437; 447: 460.— Pincau (E.) Observation dun cas d'ainhiim indigene. Union med.. Par., 1883, xxxvi, 078 - 681. — Pyle ( W. L. ) Aiuhum. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 85-88. Aho, Re- print.— Rectus (P.) Amputations congenitales et ain- hum. In hh: Clin, et crit. chir., 8°, Par., 1884, 128-143. -----. Rapport snr line observation d'ainhum. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, xv, 428-436. Aho: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 345-348. Aho | Ab- str.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 559 -----. De Tain- hum. In hh: Clin. chir. de la Pitie, 8-, Par., 1894, 568- 580.—Kochard (E.) Un cas d'ainhum. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1883, xxxix, 460-466, 1 pi. — Rochefort (E.) De Tainhum. Gaz. hebd. de m£d., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 769-772. — Rodriguez Oungora (S.) Apuntes sobre el ainhum 6 dactilotisia. Cron. med.-quir. dela Habana, 1882. viii. 214-225.—Roy (G. C.) A case of ainhum. In- dian M. Gaz , Calcutta. 1880. xv, 247.—Ruault (A.) Un ca? d'ainhum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 529. Aho : Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 399.—Sen (H. M.) Ain- hum of a supernumerary ringer. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1892, xxvii, 334. — Shepherd (F. J.) A short ac- count of the disease called "aiuhum ", with the report of a case. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1887, n. s., xciii, 137-140.— da Silva Lima (J. F.) Ainhum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880. i, 14. -----. On ainhum. Arch. Dermat., Phila., 1880, vi, 307-377. Aho, transl: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1880- 81, 2. s., v, 341-360. Aho, transl.: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1881, xxxvi, 459-465: 1882, xxxvii, 54-61. -----. Um caso excepcional de ainhnm. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1884-5, 3. s., ii, 205-208. 1 pi.—Smyth (J.) Ainhnm in Southern India. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8, Madras, 1888, ii, 77-80. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 57. -----. [Distorted] feet from a case of ainhum. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8, Madias, 1888, ii, 402, 1 pi — Muchard. Examen histologique d'un des doigts d'un enfant atteint d'ainhum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., lssl. lvi. 691-693. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1882. x, 100. — Teixeira Garcia (A.) Contribuicoes para o estudo do ainhum. Cong, brazil, de med. e cirug., Rio de Jan., 1891, ii, 2. fasc, 57-59, 1 pi.— Toppin (J. ) Spon- taneous amputation of the small toe in Africans. [Ain- hum.] Lancet, Lond.. 1891, i, 306.— Trelat (U.) Ampu- tations congenitales et ainhum. Gaz. hebd. denied.. Par., 1891, 2. s., xxviii, 102: 113. — ron Winckler (W. J. ) Ainhum in British Guiana. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Deme- rara, 1891, 88. A in ok. See, also, Japan. Tarexetzky (A.) Beitrage zur Craniologie der Ainos auf Sachalin. fol. St. Petersburg, 1890. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 1890. 7. s. xxxvii. Kognnai (R.) Ainojin tokotsu hutohetsu sonsei no setsn suka. [On the lesion of foramen magnum in the Aino skull. ] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1890, 243, 1-6. -----. Beitrage zur physischen Anthropologic des Aino. 1. Untersuchungen am Skelet. Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-.jap. Univ., Tokio, 1893, ii. 1-404. 11 pi., 9 tab. Aho, Re- print. -----. Kurze Mittheilung iiber Untersuchungen von Ainoskeletteu. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1-93-4, Aino*. xxii, 371-391.—von Torbk (A.) Ueber den Y£zoer Aino- scliiidel aus der ostasiatischen Reise des Herrn Grafen Bela S/.echenyi und iiber den Sachaliner Ainoschadel des konigl. zoologischen und anthropologisch-ethnographi- schen Museums zu Dresden: eiu Beitrag zur Rasseii-Ana- tomie der Aino. (ErsterTheil.) Ibid., 1888-9, xviii. 15-100, 2 pi. -----. | The same. 2. pt.] Ein Beitrag zur Reform der Craniologie. Ibid.. 1894-5, xxiii, 249-34". Aiiislie (Alex. Colvin). Smoking fires, their cause and cure. 2. ed. vii, 62 pp. 8C. London, T. F. May, 1-71. Aiiislie (Whitelaw). * Theses medicae inaugu- rales. 6 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Lucht- mans, 1767. [P., v. 1010.] -----. Materia medica of Hindostan, and arti- san's and agriculturist's nomenclature. 2p. l.,ii (1 1.), 301, xlviii pp. 4°. Madras, Government Press, 1813. -----. Observations on the cholera morbus of India: a letter addressed to the honorable the court of directors of the East India Company. 90 pp. s". London, Kingsbury,.Parbury .—IVadeelen (De) van onzuivere lucht of: wat is eigenlijk onzuivere lucht? In: Yriend (De) van armen en rijken, 8°, Amst., (1862), 1-4. — rVew- inun (Q.) Sc Salazar (A. E.) Studi igienici snll'aria, l'aria nei teatri "Odeon " e " Vittoria" (Valparaiso), "Mu- nicipal " (Santiago). Notainviata al Congresso scientifico cileno (Santiago, nov. 1894). Riv. internaz. d'ig., Napoli, 1895, vi, 193-197. Also, Reprint. Aho: Actes Soc. scient. du Chili, Santiago, 1894-5, iv, 274-287, 1 tab.. 3 ch.—IViit- tall (G. IL P.) Ueber den Einfluss von Schwankungen in der rehitiven Feuehtigkeit der Luft auf die Wasser- dampfabgabe der Haut. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1895, xxiii, 184-192.—Pelei-maim (A.) Sc Graf- Ii;iii (J.) Recherches sur la composition de l'atnio- spl\6re; acide carbonique; combinaisons azotees con- tenues dans l'air atmospherique et dans l'cau de pluie. Premiere partie. Acido carbonique contenue dans l'air atmospherique. M6m. couron. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Unix., 1892-3, xlvii, no. 2, 1-79, 2 pi.—Ran sonic (A.) Pure air, and its influence, upon health. Health Lect. 1875-8, Lond, 1878. i, 145-164. — Roster (G.) Lo studio dell' aria applicato alia igiene ed alia agricol- tura. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1886, viii, 341- 360.—RiiMt ( M. A.) Some essential parts of the air, and their relation to health and disease. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1883-4, x, 391-399.—Saporetti (A.) Ricerche sull' uminita relativa dell' aria atmosferica. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s., ii, 201- 211. — Scharling ( C. A.) Nogle Anviisniuger til at forbedre Luf'teu i voro Boliger. [Directions for improv- ing the air in dwellings! Hyg. Medd., Kjobenh., 1856- 8, i, 3. Hft., 31-34. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arzuk., Erlang., 1861, lxxxii, 63-66.— Schierbeck (N. P. ) Ueber die Bestimmung des Feuchtigkeitsgrades der Luft fiir physiologische und hygienische Zwecke. Ar.h. f. Hyg.. Munchen u. Leipz., 1895, xxv, 196-226.— Slijuuin ( N.) Otrava v vozdukhe. [Poison in tho air.] Zdorovje, St. Petersb., 1883, x, no. 43, 2-5.—Smith (R. A.) Address. [Air as a sanitary agent.] Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1883-4, v, 266-296. Also: San. Jour., Glasg., 1884-5, n. a., viii, 1; 33. Also [Abstr.]: San. Rec, Lond., 1883-4, n. s., v, 154-163. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1884, ix, 209-213.— Tefft (J. E.) The influence of foul air. St. Louis M. Jc S. J., 1879-80, xxxviii, 183-186. — Vacher (P. ) Im- purity of the air. San. Rec, Lond., 1887-8, n. s., ix, 212- 217. — dc Varigny (H.) L'air et la vie. Rev. d. deux moudes, Par., 1893, cxviii, 95-124.—Velschotv (F. A.) The cause of rain and the structure of the atmos- phere. Tr. Am. Soc. Civil Engin., N. Y\, 1890, xxiii, 303 - 329. — Vicrordt ( H.) Die Luft iu ihrer Bedeu- tung fiir die Gesundheit. Deutsche Rev., Breslau u Berl., 1886, xi, 194-212. — White ( F. V.) The air we breathe as affecting health. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii 609.—WoUrhiigcl ( G.) Zur Lehre vom Luftwechsel. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1893, xviii, 251-317. Also, Reprint. Air (Analysis of). See Air (Chemistry of); Air (Microorganisms in). Air (Bacteriology of). See Air (Microorganisms in); Altitude. Air (Chemistry of). See, also, Acid (Carbonic); Carbonic oxide; Hospitals (Healing, etc., of); Nitrogen; Oxy- gen ; Ozone; Respiration ( Chemistry of); School-houses (Heating, etc., of). Braud (A.) * Recherches sur Pair confin6. 4-. Paris, 1880. ------. The same. . . . Determination de la proportion de l'oxygene, de l'acide carbonique et de la temperature au point de vue de l'hygiene. 8:. Paris, 1880. Also [Abstr.J, in: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s., iv, 519-537. Air (Chemistry of). Feldt (V.) * Der Kohlensauregehalt der Luft in Dorpat bestimmt in den Mouateu Februarbis Mai 1^7. 8°. Dorpat, 1667. Foxtani (F.) Descrizione, e usi di alcuni stromeuti per misurare la salubrity dell' aria. sm. 4°. Firenze, 1775. von Frey (E.) *Der Kohlensauregehalt der Luft in und bei Dorpat bestimmt in den Mo- uateu September 1868 bis Jauuar 1869. 8°. Dor- pat, 1889. Fuchs (G.) "Beitriige zur Untersuchung der Luft auf ihren Kohlensauregehalt. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 18,89. Gadzyatski (F. [C.]) *0 vlianii nekotorikh usloviy na videleni'e uglekisloti pilyu zhilikh pomeshtsheniy. [On the influence of certain conditions upon the production of carbonic acid through the dust in dwellings.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1866. Heimaxx (J.) *Der Kohlensauregehalt der Luft in Dorpat bestimmt in den Monateu Juni bis September 1888. 8°. Dorpat, 1888. Kapustixt (M. J.) * Opredeleuie uglekisloti v vozdukhe posredstvom spirtnavo rastvora yed- kavo natra i titrovauia vodoi. [Quantitative estimation of carbonic acid by meaus of au alco- holic solution of caustic soda and titration "with water.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1879. Kubacz (F.) * Untersuchungen iiber die See- und Strandluft in Warnemiinde wahrend des Juli 1892. [Basel.] 8°. Danzig, 1892. Leeds (A. R. ) Contributions ■ towards a knowledge of the chemical constitution of the atmosphere. 8°. [//. p., 1878.] Cutting from: Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, i, 193-219. Lixow (C.) * Die Untersuchung tier Luft auf orgauische Substanz. 8°. Rostock, 1692. Marquardsen (E.) * Ueber eiuen neuen Ap- parat zur Bestimmuug der Kohlensaure in der Zinimerluft. 8°. Erlangen, 1890. Xagorski (V.) * Sposob Pettenkofera dlya kolichestvennavo opredelenia v vozdukhe ugle- kisloti v primenenii k nuzhdam obidenuoi higie- nicheskoi praktiki. [ Petteukofer's method of ascertaining the quantity of carbonic acid iu the air, as applied to the needs of every-day hygienic practice.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1880. Also,in: Sborn. sochin. po sudebnoi med., St. Petersb.. 1880, ii, 200-242, 1 pi., 1 diag. Nessler(A.) *Materialy dlya otsenki spo- sobov izsledovania ammiachnykh i orgauiches- kikh azotistykh soyedinenii zagriazuenuavo vo- zdukha. [Relative value of methods of defining ammonia and other organic nitrogenous combi- nations iu polluted air.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1860. Posadski (S. V.) Prakticheskla vido'izmene- nia uchota kisloti v vosdukhe, pri opredelenii ye- ya po sposobu Pettenkofer-Nagorskavo. [Prac- tical variation in the amount of carbonic acid in the air, estimating it by the method of Pet- tenkofer and Nagorski.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 188(5. Also, in: Trudi Russ. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdraviia 1885, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 137-179. Pracht ( A. ) * Die minimetrische Bestim- mung des Kohlensauregehaltes der Zimmerluft. 8°. Erlangen, 1891. Prochorokf (P.) *Noviy evdiometricheskiy sposob opredelenia kisloroda v vozdukhe. [New eudiometric method to detect oxygen in the air.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1663. , Aho, in: Voyenuo-med. J., St. Petersb., 1883, cxlvii, sect. 2, 232-267. Scherer (J. A.) Geschichte der Luftgiite- priifuugslehre fur Aerzte und Naturfreunde. 2. v. 12°. Wien, 178;"». Schlltz (H.) * Ueber einfache Methoden zur Kohleusaurebestimmuug in der Luft mit beson- AIR. 175 AIR. Air (Chemistry of). derer Beriicksichtiguug des Verfahren vou Ro- senthal und Wolpert juu. 8°. Rostock, 1892. Schurer (F. L.) * Historia pnecipuoruin cx- perimentorum circa aualysin cheiuicam aeris atmosphserici usumque principioruin ejus in componendis diversis naturae corporibus, portio prior. 4°. Argentorati, [1789]. Smith (R. A.) On the estimation of the or- ganic matter of the air. 8°. [London, 18;VJ.] Slbbotix (I. M.) * K voprosu o kolichestven- nom opredleleuii uglekisloty v vozdukhe. [Ou the estimation of the quantity of carbonic acid in the air.] s°. St. Petersburg, 1892. . Aho, in: J. Russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdravija, St. Petersb., 1892, ii, 505-545. TROi'TZKl (P. A.) * Okis ugleroda v vozdukhe zhilykh pomeshtshenii i novii sposob yeya koli- chestvennavo opredielenia titrovanuyrn rastvo- rom chloristavo palladia. [Carbonic oxide in air of dwellings, and new-method of quantitative analysis of it by solution of chloride of palla- dium.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1883. Wolpert (A. ) Luftprufer. Taschen-Appa- rat zur Messung des Kohlensaure-Gehaltes der Zimmerluft. fol. Kalserslautern, 1883. Also, in: Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Berl., 1883, vi, 197-202. Wolpert (H.) *Eine eiufache Luftpriifungs- Methode auf Kohlensaure mit wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. [Jena.] 8°. Niirnberg, [1891]. Abbott (S. W.) Wolpert's air-tester. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1886, cxv, 131. — AI men (A.) Nutidens metoder for bestammandet af luftens kolsyrehalt. [Recent methods of ascertaining proportion of carbonic acid in air.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1882, xvii, 143-145.—A re ha row (J.) Ueber die Bestimmung der organischen Stoffe der Luft vennittelst Kaliumpermanganat. Arch. f. Hyg., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1891, xiii, 229-246. —Arnonld (J. ) Le proc6d6 de dosage de l'acide carbonique de l'air du docteur Wolpert. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1883, xxii, 372-377.— Bahadhurji (K. N.) The importance of periodic anal- ysis of the air breathed in towns and cities. Tr. vii. Inter- nat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, v, 88-93.— Bailey (G. H.) The air of large towns. Science, N. Y., 1893, xxii, 197. — Bertin-Sans (E.) Dosage hygi6nique de l'acide carbonique de l'air; nouveau proc6de. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., ix, 239; 318. Aho: Montpel. med., 1883, 2. s., i, 5-33.—Bitter (H.) Ueber Methoden zur Be- stimmung des Kohlensauregehaltes der Luft. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1890, ix, 1-40. -----. Entgegnung auf vorste- hendeBernerkungen des Herrn Professor Wolpert. Ibid., 1891-2, xi, 419.—Boom (H. H.) A practical test for air-im- piirity. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 373-375.—Breslaner (M.) Chemische Untersuchung der Luft fiir hygienische Zwecke. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, vi, 733; 741; 749; f 761; 769. Also, Reprint.-----. Die chemische Beschaffen- heit der Luft in Brandenburg a. H.; ein Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der quantitativen Zusammensetzung der atmosphari- schen Luft. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1886,vii, 459-461.— Brown (H. T.) On the estimation of ammonia in at- mospheric air. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1869-70, xviii, 286- 288. — Bujwid ( O.) Poszukiwania jodu bromu i ozonu w powietrzu te.zni Ciechociriskiej. [Analysis of atmos- pheric air at Ciechocinek.] Gaz. iek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 878-^81. —Carnclley .) & Palmqvist (A.) Be- skrifning &, en appurat for bestainning af luftens kolsyre- halt. (Res. l.esr.hroibungeiuos Apparates zur Bestimmung des Kohlensauregehaltes der Luft.) Hygiea, Stockholm, 1887, xlix, 435-441.—Prochoroflf (P. N.) Pribor dlya izsliedovanla vozdukha. [Apparatus for the examination of air.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 36.—Proskauer (B.) Beitrage zur Bestimmung der schwefligen Saure in der Luft. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsudhtsamte, Berl., 1881, i, 1-18.—Bcisct (J.) Recherches sur la proportion de l'acide carbonique dans l'air. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1879, lxxxviii, 1007-1011: 1880, xc, 1144-1148. -----. Re- cherches sur la proportion de l'acide carbonique dans l'air. Ann. do chim. et phys., Par., 1882, 5. s., xxvi, 145-221, 1 pi.—Reuiaen (I.) Organic matter in the air. Rep. AIR. 176 AIR. Air (Chemistry of). Nat. Bd. Health, Wash., 1879, 73-77. Also: Nat. Bd. I Health Bull., Wash., 1879-80, i, 2:i3. ----- Report ou the subject of organic matter in the air. Nat. Bd. Health Bull.. Wash., 1880-81, ii, 517-521.—Rosenthal (J.) Ue- ber die Messung der Kohlensaure iu der Zimmerluft. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1883-4, xvi, 106.—Roster (G.) Contributo ai metodi di valutazione dell' acido carbonico atmosferico. Orosi, Firenze, 1886, ix, 109-139. 1 pi — Russell (W. J.) A sketch of the chemi- cal history of the nir. Tr. San. Inst. 1892, Lond., 1893, xiii, 224-242.—dc Saussure (T.) Sur les variations de l'acide carbonique atmospherique. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1830, xliv, 5-28.—ttavitski (V. D.) Opiti analiza voz- dukha, neposredstveuno okmzhayushtshavo tielo bol- navo. [Analvsis of air immediately surrounding the body of the patient. 1 Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv. 401; 420.— Hcliaeffcr (G. C.) On the detection of organic miasm in the air. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Wash., 1851, v, 239- 242.—Nchone (U.) Ueber den Nacbweis des Wasser- stoff hyperoxyds in der atmospharischen Luft und den at- mospharischen Niederschlagen. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1894, xxxiii, 137-184.—Schulz (O.) Ueber einen neuen Apparat zur Ermittelung des Kohlensauregehaltes der Zimmerluft. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 641.—Schuschny (H.) Egyetemitantermeklevegoj6rol. [Examination of air in some university halls.] Kozeg. es Torveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1882, 113-116.—Shidlovski (F.T.) Obyomniy sposob opredelenia uglekislotiv vozdu- khe. [Estimation of amount of carbonic acid in the air by the method of capacity.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v. Kronstadt 1878-9, xvi. 98-108, 1 pi. Aho [with addi- tions]: Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1880, v, 1201; 1218. -----. O pribore Prof. Wolperta dlya skoravo opredelenia uglekislosti v vozdukhe. [Apparatus of Prof. Wolpert for quickly determining theproportion of carbonic acid in the air.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1883, [pt. 12], 16-20. -----. Pribor, ukaz. procent uglekis- loty kak v vozdukhe, tak i v gazov. smesyakh. [An appa- ratus which gives the percentage of carbonic acid in the air and other gaseous mixtures.] Ibid., 1888, [pt. 2], 485- 493.—Smith (R. A.) The examination of air. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. (1877), 1878, xxvi, 512-517.—Szydlowski (F.) Volumetrische Bestimmung des Kohlensiiure-Ge- halts der Luft. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 18M). v, 191- 194.—Tcich (M.) DieMethode vonPetterssonundPalm- quist zur BestimmungderKohlensaureinder Luft. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1893, xix, 38-50.—Tordeux (A. J.) Analyse d'un air impropre a la combustion et dans lequel on peut encorerespirer. [From: Mem. Soc. d'einu- lat. de Cambrai, 1835.] In his: Notice historique sur lo T employ6 k la construction des hautes cheminfees d'usine, 8°, Cambrai, 1838, 9-12.—Turner (E.) Experiments on the application of Professor Dcebereiner's recent discovery to eudiometry. Edinb. Phil. J., 1824, xi, 99; 311. Aho: Reprint.—Tursini & Bi Vesica. Ricerca dal punto di vista igienico dell' aria d' una caserna. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1886, n.s., viii, 147-152. — Uficliunun. Lnftuntersuchungen, ausgefiihrt im hycrienischeu Insti- tute der UniversitJit Rostock. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1888, viii, 262-350.—Vallin (E.j Sur quelques proced6s pratiques d'analvse de l'air. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, ii, 193-208.—Vigo (G. B.) L' aria degli ambienti degli ospedalidal lato chimico e batteriologico. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1891, xiii, 208-281.—Walker (T. H.) On the increase of carbonic acid in the atmosphere; an attempt to determine the period when tbe air will be irrespirable. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 220.— Wall is (C.) Om de olika motoderna att fiir hygioniska andamal be- stamma luftens holsyrehalt. [On analysis of air for car- bonic acid therein, for hygienic purposes.] Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1879, xii, 585; 649. -----. Om luftens beskaffenhet i Stockholms teatrar ochkaf6er. [Analysis of air.] Ibid., 665-720. — Wiener (E.) Ueber einige Lnftuntersu- chungen in Kasernenraumen. Arch. f. Hyg.. Munchen u. Leipz., 1894, xx, 301-308.—Wolpert (A.) Einfache Prii- fung der Luftreinheit in Wohnraumen. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1883, ii, 231-240. Also: Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1883, ix, 229-233. -----. Ueber kontiuuirlich selbstthatige Luftpriifer. Gcsund.- Iugenieur, Miinchen, 1886, ix, 713-716. -----. Zu Dr. H. Bitter: "Ueber Methoden zur Bestimmung des Kohlen- sauregehaltes der Luft". Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1891-2, xi, 413-418.—Wolpert (H.) Continuirlich-selbstthatige Luftpriifungen auf Kohlensaure. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsnd- htspflg., Bonn, 1887, vi, 214-218. Air (Cooling of). Beiiy(E\) DieKuhlunggeschlossenerRaume. [Transl. [Abstr.] from: Bull. Soc. indust. de Mulhouse, 1885.] Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Berl.. 1885, viii, 507; 541; 581; 597; 633; 665.—Jennings (R. S.) Explanation of the cooling apparatus used at the White House. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1881, cv, 470. Air (Deglutition of). Rouvcret (L.) Spasmes cloniques du pharynx (a6ro- phagiehyaterique). Rev. de nied., Par., 1891, xi, 148-154__! Air (Deglutition of). Quincke. Ueber Luftschlucken. Verhandl. d. Con"', f. inuere Med.. Wiesb., 1889, 377-383. Air (Effects of) and as cause of disease. See Climate; Constitutions (Medical); Con- tagion; Gases (Irrespirable); Generation (Spon- taneous); Meterology (Medical); Respiration; Smoke; Ventilation. Air (Effects of) on wounds. See Antiseptic surgery; Subcutaneous sur- gery; "Wounds; Wounds (Treatment of). Air (Expired). Margouty (B.-M.-E.) * Uu r61e des matieres animates dans la nocivite" de l'air expire". 4°. Bordeaux, 1>(J1. Rorisoflf (P.) K voprosu o yadovitostivydykhaemavo vozdukha. [On thepoisonousnessof exhaled ai'r.J Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xvii, 280; 295; 311 327. —Clark (Hannah B.) Recent investigations upon the poisonous property in expired air. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1895, xxv, 17-20.—Haldane (J.) & Smith (J. L.) The physio- logical effects of air vitiated by respiration. J. Path. Sc Bacterid., Edinb. Sc Lond., 1892, i, 168-180 .— Kortiiiu (A.) Von der Retention exspiratorischer Gase in den Luftwegen. Memorabilicn, Heilbr., 1865, x, 25; 49. Also, Reprint. — Merkcl (S.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Giftigkeit der Expirationsluft. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen n. Leipz., 1892, xv, 1-28. —Rand (B. H.) The principal impurities of respired air. Inhis: Twolectures on impure air and ventilation, 8°. Phila., 1880, 1-4. — Raner (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Giftigkeit der Exspirafionsluft. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xv, 57-71. Also, Reprint.—Reale (E.) Me- todo di ricerca dell' acetone nell' aria espirata. Gazz. d. clin., Xapoli, 1891, ii, 161; 2"!).—Richard. Sur la toxicite de l'air expire. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1889, xi, 338-348.— Russo-Criliberti (A.) Sc Alcssi ( G. ) Sulla tossieita dell' aria espirata. Boll. d. Soc. d'ig. di Palermo, 1888, iii, 331-340.—Voit. Ueber das Volumen der unter verschie- denen Umstanden ausgeathmeten Luft. Sitzungsb. d. Math.-phvs. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miin- chen, 1871, i, 195-201. —'Wurtz (R.) Sur la presence de bases volatiles dans le sang et dans l'air expire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 213. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de bid., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 41. Air (Filtration of). l>yer (B.) Filtration of air. San. Rec., Lond., 1881-2, n. s., iii, 140. — ITIoller ( K.) Die Untersuchungen des Herrn Professor Rietschel iiber Filterstoffe fiir Liiftmigs- anlagen. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Miinchen, 1889, xii, 177- 184.—Kictschcl (H.) Untersuchungen von FilterstofTen fiir Liiftungsanlageu. Ibid., 105; 253; 1 pi. Air (Ground). See Ground air. Air (Impurities of). See Air (Expired). Air (Microorganisms in). Celoria ( G. ) La polvere dell' atmosfera. 1-2". Milano, 1886. De Giacomi (J.) * Beitrag zur quantitativen Untersuchung der Luft auf Mikroorgauismen. 8-. Bern, 1886. vanHest (J. J.) Bakterienluftfilter und Bak- terienluftulterverschluss. 8°. Jena, 1897). Keldish (N.) * Mater'iali k bakteriologiches- komu izsledovaniyu vozdukha. [Materials for bacteriological researches of the air.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1866. ------. The same. 8°. S.-Peterbury, 1667. Kovalkovski (K. P.) * Sposohi kolichestvon- navo opredelenia nizshikh organizmov v vozdu- khe. [Methods for ascertaining the quantity of microorganisms in the air.] 83. S.-Peterburg, 1887). Aho. i7i: Trudi russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdraviya 1885, S.-Peterb., 1886, vi, 1-96. Lender. Der Gift-Stoff und der Arzueikorper der Luft. Vortrag gehalten zum Beaten der Verwuudeten. 12°. Kissingen, 1877. Miquix (P.) Les organismes vivants de 1'at- mosphere. atl. Paris, 1883. Pouciikt (F.-A.) Aeroscopie; lescorpuscules et les miasmes de l'air. 8°. Rouen, 1870. AIE. 177 AIR. Air (Microorganisms in). Eossi (A.) * Contribution h l'etude des germes de l'atmosphere; sur quelques numerations des hactcries de l'air dans les hdpitaux de Lyon. 4C. Lyon, 1891. Roster (G.) II pulviscolo atmosferico ed i suoi microrganismi studiato dal lato fisico, chi- mico e hiologico. Origine, natura e quautita dei vari dementi del pulviscolo. Loro azione su 1' organismo umano. Modi di raccoglierli, esaminarli e valutarli. 8e. Firenze, 1887). Sariy(S.) *Mikroorganismivosuukha. [... ofthe atmosphere.] 8°. Yuryev, 1694. Symmes (H. C.) * Untersuchungen iiher die aus der Luft sich ahsetzenden Keime. 8°. Ber- lin, [1692]. Tykdall (J.) Essays ou the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infec- tion. 8°. New York, 1862. de Ville (J.) * Recherches sur les etres orga- nises de l'air et leur influence miasmatique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868. Aitkcn (J.) On the number of dust particles in the atmosphere. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1887-90, xxxv, 1-19, 1 pi. -----. On improvements in the apparatus for count- ing the dust particles in the atmosphere. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1888-9), 1890, xvi, 135-172, 4 pi.—Arcus (C.) Quantitative Staubbestimniungen in der Luft, nebst Be- schreibung eines neuen Staubfaugers. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1894, xxi, 325-358.—Bailey (G. H.) Sc Eirau (T.) The micro-organisms and other impu- rities in the air of towns. J. State M., Lond., 1894, ii, 13- 19.—Bartlett (H. C.) On the influence of minute sus- pended matter on health; its detection, collection, and examination. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1882-3, iv, 203-212. — Bcaui-c^ai'd (Q\) i: Oalippe (V.) Appli- cation de l'aeroscopie a l'hygiene. J. d'hyg., Par., 1880, v, 101-104.—Bennett (J. H.) On the atmospheric germ theory and origin of infusoria. Edinb. M. J., 1867-8, xiii, 810-834. Aho, Reprint. — Branchat. Alguuos antece- dentes historicos sobre la micrografia atmosfeiica; su grandisima importancia, y ventajas que ha reportado a la cirugia, a la medicina y a la higiene. Clinica, Granada, 1886, ii, 25.—Bnj wid (O.) Die Baktcrieu iu Hagelkor- nern. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1888, i, 1. -----. Bakteryje w powietrzu, sposoby badania, zna- czenie i opis pospolicie znajdywanych bakteryj. [Bacteria in the air, method of examination, their importance, and general description and classification of bacteria.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1893, lxxxix, 545-624, 5 pi.— Burri (R.) Die Verwendung eines luft- und baktericn- dichten neuen Verschlusses bei bakteriologischen Arbci- ten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1895, 2. Abth., i, 627-629.—Cai-nclley & 'Wilson (T.) Note on the number of micro-organisms in moorland air. Proc. Roy. Soc.Lond., 1887-8, xliii, 369-371.-----------. Anew method of determining the number of micro-organisms in air. Ibid., 1888, xliv, 455-464.— G'lcves- .Symmes (H) Untersuchungen iiber die aus der Luft sich ahsetzenden Keime. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1892, vi, 46-56.—G'ristiani (H.) Analyse bact6rioloj;irjue de l'air des hauteurs puise pendant un voyage en ballon. Ann. de llnst. Pasteur, Par., 1893, vii, 665-671.—Davalos (J. N.) Analisis microbiologico del aire de un pantano. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1890, xvi, 586-588, 1 pi. — Dc I>amioy (C. W.) Apparatus for collecting microscopi- cal particle.i floating in the air. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 871.—Destrcc (E.) & Slosse (A.) Contribution a l'etude des microorganismes de l'atmosphere. Bull. Soc. beige de micr., Brux., 1887-8, xiv, 4-18. — Dnhoui-cau. L'air des moutagnes et l'air de la mer; de leur purete en microbes, et de leur teneur en gaz ammoniaque et carbo- nique. Rev. med. et scient. d'hydrol., Toulouse, 1884, i, 193-207.—Emmerich (R.) Ueber die Bestimmung der entwicklungsfahigen Luftpilze. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1883-4, i, 169-209. —Fischer (B.) Ergebnis.se einiger auf der Planktonexpedition ausgefiihrten bakterio- logischen Untersuchungen der Luft iiber dem Meere. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xvii, 185- 194.— Forstetter. Description dun nouveau precede d'analyse bact6riologique de l'air. Ann. de microg., Par., 1888-9, i, 567-571.—Frankland (Grace C.) Sc Frank- laud (P. F.) Studies on souk; new micro-organisms ob- tained from air. Phil. Tr. 1887, Lond., 1888, clxxvui, K, 257-287.4 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Rep. Ilrit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1887, Lond., 1888, lvii, 745-749.—Frankland (P.F.) The distribution of micro-organisms iu the air. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, xl. 509-526. -----. A new method for the quantitative estimation of the micro-organisms pres- ent in the atmosphere. Phil. Tr. 1887, Lond., 1888, clxxviii, B, 113-152. Aho [Abstr.J; Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 12 Air (Microorganisms in). 1886, xii, 443-447. -----. Some of the conditions affecting the distribution of micro-organisms in the atmosphere. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1886-7, xxxv, 485-496. [Discussion], 502- 510. -----. Methode der bacteriologischen Luftuntersu- chung. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1887, iii, 287-293, 1 pi.— Frankland (P. F.) Sc Hart (T. G.) Further experi- ments on the distribution of micro-organisms in air (by Hesse's method). I'roc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1887, xiii, 267- 282, 1 diag. — Friihnuf (H.) Contribuzione all' esame mici'ocliiinicodeH'ariaatmosferica. Rivista, Genova, 1883, ii, 532-534.—fin■■ tier (A.) L'air, ses impuretes et ses microbes. Rev. scient., Par., 1886, xxxvii, 545-559.—Gia- cosa (P.) Sopra i germi contenuti nell' aria a grandi altezze. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1883, i, 41- 44.—4>iiiiniu$r (W.M.) Worden ermetde uitgeademede lucht bactei icn uit het ligghaam verwijderd ? Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, 2. R., xvii, 560-567.— Ilachc. Organismes de l'atmosphere. Rev. de chir., Par., 1884, iv, 371; 462.—Hansen (E. C.) Om Analyser af Luftens Mikroorganismer. Hyg. Medd., Kjobenh., 1886-7, 3. R., iii, 217-238. - Ilart'.cy ( W. N. ) Atmos- pheric life germs. Quart. J. Sc, Lond., 1873, n. s., iii, 224- 235. Also, Reprint.— Hcricourt. Les germes atmo- spheriques des bacilles courbes (bacilles-virgules, komma bacillus). Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 279-288. — Hesse (W.) Ueber quantitative Bestimmung der in der Luft enthaltenen Mikroorganismen. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl., 1884, ii, 182-207, 3 pi. -----. Ueber Abschei- dung der Mikroorganismen aus der Luft. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 17-20. -----. Weitere Mitthei- lungen iiber Luftfiltration. Ibid., 825-827. -----. Zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Mikroorganismen in der Luft. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 380. -----. Be- merkungen zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Mikroor- ganismen in der Luft. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1888, iv, 19-21. — Bommerer (F.) & dc Gincomi (G.) Zur quantitativen Bestimmung der in der Luft enthaltenen Keime. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1886, xxi, 318-339.—Kcimdichtcs Luftfllter (Dr. K. Moller's Patent), ausgefiibrt von K. u. Th. Moller. Gesundh.-In- genieur, Munchen, 1890, xiii, 254-258. — Keldish (N.) Izmenen'ie apparata Hesse. [ Modification of Hesse's ap- paratus.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 18£5, iii, 711. -----. O kolickestve bakteriy v vozdukhe, dostovlyayemom ven- tilyatsionnimi kaloriferami. [Number of bacteria in the air, as demonstrated by ventilating heating apparatus.] Trudi russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdraviya 1886, S.-Pe- terb., 1887, ix, 51-57. -----. Streptococcus erysipelato- sus Fehleiseni v vozdukhe. [. . . in the air.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 595. — Kiencr Sc Aldiber. Reniarques sur les proc6d6s de determination quantitative des germes contenus dans l'air. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 768-787. — l.averan (A.) Description d'un nouvel aferoscope. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 39-43.—Ijebediuzeff (A.) Neue Modification der Dal- ton-Pettenkofer'schen Methode zur Bestimmung der Koh- lensaure in der Luft. [From: Sitzungsb. d. neuruss. Naturf.-Gesellsch., Odessa, xv, 1.] Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1891, xxx, 267-279, 1 pi— l.cmaistrc (J.) Etude sur l'air de la ville de Limoges; do la perleche; du strep- tococcus plicatilis. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne, Limoges, 1886, x,41; 55; 74: 86.—Loikwood (S.) The comparative hygiene of the atmosphere in relation to hay-fever. J. N. York Micr. Soc, 1889, v, 49-55.—Mad- dox (R. L.) The aeroconiscope. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 814. -----. On a portable form of aeroscope and aspi- rator. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1883, 2. s., iii, 338-342.— IHarcet (W.) Atmospheric dust. [Abstr.] Pop. Sc. Mouth., N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 177-182. —.tlewcs (R.) Ue- ber die Bestiminung des Feuchtigkeitsgehaltes der Luft. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Miiiichen, 1895, xviii, 17-20.—lVIiflct. Untersuchungen iiber die in der Luft suspendirten Bacte- rien ; mit einer Einleitung von F. Colin. Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanz., I'.resl., 1879-83, iii, 119-140, 2 pi. Also [Abstr. |: Ztschr. f. .Mikrosk., Berl., 1879-80, ii, 154-164. — tliqnel (P.) Des bacteries atmosphcriques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 64-67. Also: Rev. med. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1880, ii, 73-76. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 389. -----. Des variations horaires des bacte- ries. Semaine med., Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 433. -----. Dea variations horaires des bact6ries aeriennes. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1886, viii, 393-398. -----. Des procedes usites pour le dosage des bacteries atruospheriques. Ann. do l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888, ii, 364-373. -----. De 1'analyse rnicro- scopique de l'air au moyen de filtres solubles. Ann. de microg., Par., 1888-9, i, 153-167. -----. Sur une pompe a mercure utilisable pour 1'analyse microscopique de l'air. Ibid., 1890-91, iii. 510-515. -----. Sur un proced6 simple applicable a. l'analyse bacteriologique de l'air. Ibid., 1895, vii, 103-109.— Tliqnel (P.) & Benoist (L.) Del'enregis- trement des poussieres atmospheriques brutes et organi- sees. /&wi, 1888-9, i, 572-579,1 pi— ITIoller (K.) Erwide- rungauf die Abhandlung: Die Durchlassigkeit der Luft- filtertuche fiir Pilzsporen und Bacterienstaubcheu, von R. J. Petri. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1889, vii, 379-396.—Moor (G. J.) Boliez. mikroby v pyli i v vozduche terap. palat. Kliu. Voyemi. Hosp. [ Pathogenic microbes in dust and air AIR. 178 AIE. Air (Microorganisms in). of the therapeutical section of the Clinical Military Hos- pital. | Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 658; 687; 714.—IVe- krim (L. S.) A levego organikus anyaganak vizsgalata- r61. [On the micro-organisms in tlie air.] Kozeg. 6s Torveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1889,-33-36. — Olivier (L.) Les germes de l'air. Rev. scient., Par., 1883, 3. s., v, 290- 297. Aho, transl. • Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 28- 39.—Parascantlolo (C.) Ricerche batteriologiche dell' aria di una camera per operazioni chirurgiche nell' ospe- dale degl' incurabili. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 4, 517-522.—Pavlovski (A.) Noviy apparat dlya koli- chestvennavo opredelenia bakteriy vozdukha. [New ap- paratus for estimating the number of bacteria in the air] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. S.-Peterb. (1884-5), 1886, Iii, 110-114. Also: Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, i, 274-277. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 310-332.— PcsetCervera (V.) El polvo atmosf'6rico. Siglo med., Madrid, 1879, xxvi, 728-730.—Petri (It. J.) Eine neue Me- thode Bacterien und Pilzsporen in der Luft nachzuweisen und zu zahlen. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1887, iii, 1-145, 4 pi. -----. Znsammenfassender Bericht iiber Nacbweis und Bestimmung der pflanzlichen Microorganismen in der Luft. Centralbl. f. Bacterid, u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1887, ii, 113; 151. -----. Die Durchlfissigkeic der Luftfilter- tuche fiir Pilzsporen und Bacterienstiiubchen. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1889, vi, 233-288 [See, also, supra, Moller.] — Recherche (La) et le d6nombrement des organismes vi- vants de l'atmosphere. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 359; 381.—Robertson (J.D.) Abstract of presi- dential address on a study of the micro-organisms in air, especially those in sewer air, and a new method of demon- strating them. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1330-1334. — Rossi Uoi'in (T.) Sudi alcune specie di " streptotrix " trovate nell' aria studiate in rapporto a quelle gla note e specialmente all' "actinomyces". Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma, 1891, n. s., i, 399-438, 1 pi.—Roster (G.) I bacteri nell' aria dell' isola d' Elba. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1889, lxiv, 609-625.—Rouse (G.) Pr6sence du strep- tocoque de l'erysipele dans l'air des salles d'hopital. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 12.—Schaeflcr (E.M.) Dirty air in public places. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894-5, xxxii, 228-230.— Shcpilcvski (E. A.) O vliyanii topki sviyazevskikh pechei na kolichcstvennoye soderzhanie bakterii v kom- natnom vozdukhe. [Effect of heat from a stove on tho quantity of bacteria contained in tho air of the room ] San. dielo, St. Petersb., 1891, 125; 163. — Sigcrson (G.) Micro-atmospheric researches. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. Dubl., 1870-79, 2. s., i, 13-30,4pi.—Soyka (J.) Ueber den Einfluss des Bodens auf die Zersetzung organischer Sub- stanzen. Chem. Centr.-BL, Leipz., 1879, 2. F., x, 137; 186 ; 199.—Stern (R.) Ueber den Einfluss der Ventilation auf' in der Luft suspendirte Mikroorganismen. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1889, vii, 44-74.—Straus (I.) &Dubreiiilh (W.) Sur l'absencede microbes dans l'air expire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, cv, 1128-1130. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 728-730. Also: France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1764-1766. — Straus (I.) & Wurtz (R.) Sur un proced6 perfectionue d'analyse bacteriologique de l'air. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par. 1888, ii, 171-180. Also [Abstr.]: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1888, 5. s., xviii, 145-149. — Streets (T. H.) Organ- isms of air-dust. San. Sc Statist. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy 1881, Wash., 1883, vii, 62-64, 2 pi. — Sylvestrovitch (F. S.) O bakteriakh vozdukha v terapevticheskol kliuike. [On the bacteria in the air in therapeutical clinics.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1890, xi, 414; 433.—Thomson (St. C.) Sc Hewlett (R. T.) The fate of micro-organisms in in- spired air. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 86.—Tissandier (G.) Les poussi^res de l'atmosphfere. Rev. scient, Par. 18^0 2. s., xviii, 814-820. — Tucker (G. R.) The number and distribution of micro-organisms in the air of the Boston City Hospital, with some carbonic acid determinations Rep. Bd. Health Mass. 1887-8, Bost., 1889, 161-230, 1 pi., 4 diag.—Tyndall (J.) The optical department of the at- mosphere in relation to the phenomena of putrefaction and infection. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1876, clxvi, 27-74. Also: No- tices Proc Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1875-8, Lond., 1879, viii, 6- 27.—Vorstadter (L.) Taschenapparat zum Auffangen von Mikro-Organismen und Korpern aus der atmosphari- schen Luft, "Mikro-Aspirator". Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Bern, 1884, vi, 171. — Waring. Short report on examination of certain packets of cotton-wool and lint, and on the water used in the operating thea- tre, and on the air in the theatre and wards. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, xxix, 100. —Welz (F.) Bacte- riologische Untersuchung der Luft in Freiburg i. B. und Umgebung. Ztschr. f. Hyg.u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz. 1891-2, xi. 121-153. Aho, Reprint. — Wcrnich (A.) Die Luft als Tragerin entwicklungsfahiger Keime. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1880, lxxix, 424-455, 1 pi. — Whittakcr (J. T.) Conditions which tend to render the atmosphere of a locality aseptic. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 100-108. Also : Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 377-381. — Winogradsky (S.) Re- cherches sur l'assimilation de l'azote libre de ratmo- sphere par les microbes. Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1891-5, iii, 297-352. Air (Moistening of) [Apparatus, Patent specifications for]. Bancroft (G. D.) Apparatus for moistening air in buildings. No. 287898; Nov. 6, 1883— Garland (J. G.) Apparatus for moistening the atmosphere. No. 8847; Aug. 12, 1879. -----. Apparatus for moistening the at- mosphere. No. 222888; Dec. 23,1879. -----. Apparatus for moistening the air. No. 236319; Jan. 4,1881.—Matthews (W.), Yates (J.) Sc Y'ates (W.) Apparatus for humidi- fying air and ventilating. No. 516770; March 20, 1894. Air (Moisture of). See, also, Hygrometer; Inhalation; Moist- ure. Hellema (D.) * Over de dampkringslucht in hare Avaarde voor de gezondheidsleer. 8°. Ley den, 1857. Koppe (K.) Die Messung des Feuchtigkeits- gehaltes der Luft, mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des neuen Procenthygrometers mit Justir- vorrichtung. 8°. Zurich, 1878. Melikoff (I.) *Razbor sposobov iskustven- navo uvlazhneu'ia vozdukha zhilikh pomesh- tshenii. [Examination of the methods for arti- ficially moistening the air in dwellings.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1882. Denekc (T.) Ueber die Bestimmung der Luftfeuch- tigkeit zu hygienischen Zwecken. Ztschr. f. Hyg.. Leipz., 1886, i, 47-75. Aho: Arb. a. d. hyg. Inst, zu Getting. 1884-5, Leipz., 1886, 47-75—Gorhan (A.) Ueber Luft- feuchtung. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 409; 458; 504.—1j. Ueber Luftbefeuchtung. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Berl., 1882, v, 257-260.—Oswald (G.) Ueber die Ver- theilung der Luftfeuchtigkeit in Munchen. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1888, viii, 117-142.—Buhner (M.) Stoffzersetzung und Schwankungen der Luftfeuch- tigkeit. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1890-91, xi, 243-254.— Wolpert. Ueber Messung und Vermehrung der Luftfeuchtigkeit in Wohuungeii. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.- rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1876, v, 149. Air (Pressure of). See, also, Air (Compressed, etc.); Altitude; Barometer; Mountains. Dalton (J.) Physiological investigations aris- ing from the mechanical effects of atmospherical pressure on the animal frame. 8C. Manchester, 1830. Repr. from : Mem. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc Gondret(L.-F.) Memoire concernant leseffets de la pression atmospherique sur le corps humain et l'application de la ventose dans differens ordres de maladies. Lu h l'Acade'mie des sciences de Pa- ris, le 18 mai 1818, acconipagne" du rapport de MM. Deschamps, Portal et Halle, mernbres de l'Insti- tut, en date du 7 d6cembre 1818. 8°. Paris, 1819. Andersen (L.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber das Ver- haltniss zwischen Kalbefieber und dem Luftdrucke. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1893-4, xx, 327- 352.—A ron (E.) Ueber einen Versuch, die Spannung der Luft in der Trachea des lebenden Menschen zu messen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1892, exxix. 426-435, lpl.— Rert (P.) Recherches exp6rimentales sur l'influence que les changoments dans la pression barometrique exercent sur les phenomenes de la vie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1871-4, lxxiii-lxxviii, passim. Also, Reprint.—Cic- cone (A.) Della pressione dell' aria atmosterica nelle sue relazioni colle fisiologia e la patologia. Ateneo, Milano, 1846, i, 25; 94.—dc Cyon (E.) L'action des hautes pres- sions atmospheriques sur l'organisme animal. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz, 1883, Suppl.-Bd., 212-239. Also |Abstr]: Paris med., 1882, vii, 158.—Davy (J.) On the effect of removing atmospheric pressure from the fluids and solids of the human body. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1828-9, iii, 448-458. Also, Reprint.—Gruniuach (E.) Ueber den Einfluss der verdiinnten und verdichteten Luft auf die Respiration und Circulation. Ztschr. f. klin. Med , Berl., 1882, v, 469-475.—Kohler (H.) Diuckluft und Elektrizitat im Diensto der nygiene. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1893, xliv, 189; 233. —von I Instantaneous death from the entrance of air into the ute- rine veins, during a vaginal douche in the fourth month of pregnancy. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1891, iii, 99-104, 1 pi. Also: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1891, ix, 135-137.—Kiihn (C.G.) Lesiones aeria> cxpenduntur. In his: Opus acad. med. et philol., 8°, Lips., 1827, i, 368-375. — Martin (E.) Entrance of air into veins. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 1033-1040—Pallas. Essai snr l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1872, 544-551.—Passct. Leber Lufteintritt in die Venen. Arab. a. d. path. Inst, zu Miinchen, Stuttg., 1886, 293-309. Aho, Reprint.- Pcuch. Mort chez un cheval par introduction d'air dans les veines. M6m. Soc. d- sc. m6d.de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii.pt. 2, 202. — Picard (P.* Sur les injections d'air dans la veine-porte. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 251-254. — Porter (G. L.) On the entrance of air into the veins as a cause of death. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1884, iii, 533-535.— Rey (A.) De l'inocnite de rintroduction accidentelle de l'air dans les veines apres les saign^es. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1860, 2. s., viii, 410-419. — Roux. Sphacele par brulure du membre thoracique droit; amputation dans l'articulation scapulohumeral; mort subite; air atmo- spberique dans le cceur et les veines. J. d. conn. m6d.- chir., Par., 1836-7, iv, [pt. 1], 108-110. Aho.- Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1836. x, 209. — Senu (N.) An experimental and clinical study of airembolism. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1885, 'iii, 197-313. Aho: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, i, 517-549: ii, 22; 129; 198. — Treves (F.) On the entrance of air into veins dnring operations (the treat- ment of the accident, with two illustrative cases). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1278.—I I rich. Tod durch Eintritt von Luft in die Venen. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837, 151.—YVyman (H. C.) Fatal use of the aspirator; experiments on the introduction of air into the veins. Tr. Michigan M. Soc, Lansing, 1877-80, vii, 398-405. — Zinnauti (P.) Sui pericoli dell' entrata dell' aria nelle vene durante un' operazione e mezzi atti a scon- giurare efficacemente i danni di essa. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1889, n. s., xi, 697-701. Air in the body. See Air in the blood; Bacteria (Gas-producing); Gases in the body. Air as a remedy. See, also, Air (Compressed, etc.) as a remedy ; Inhalation as a mode of treatnient. Beddoes ( T. ) Notice of some observations made at the Medical Pneumatic Institution. 8°. Bristol 4 London, 1799. -----. Thesame. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Knauthe (T.) Handbuch der pneumatischen Therapie. Fiir praktische Aerzte und Stndi- rende der Medicin bearbeitet. 8Z. Leipzig, 1876. [Launey (F.)] A short account of the salu- tary effect of Doctor Launey's medico condensed air, describing a few only of the disorders which have been cured thereby; together with a de- scription of the beginning, the progress, and actual state of the complaints of the respective patients when they applied to the medical appa- ratus for relief. 8°. Albany, 1805. -----. [On "Launyism", or the cure of dis- eases by means of his "medical apparatus".] Dedicated to the learned Doctor G . . . 8°. • [n. p., 1808.] Lawrence (S.) Some of the uses of atmos- pheric air. 12°. [Montrose, 1882. ] Zabe Sc Joly (C.) Des maladies que gu6rit ou ameliore l'atmothe'rapie. 16°. Paris, 1880. Rcrgonzini (('.) Sulla respirazione d' aria caldacoll' apparecchio di Weigert. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1889, iv, 204-267.—CVrvcllo (V.) Inalazioni di aria calda coll' apparecchio del Weigert, Sicilia med., Palermo, 1889, i, 833-839 — Dujardin-Reaumctz. De l'aerotherapie. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1888, cxiv. 289-311.-Dn- pont(M.) Surun nouvel appareil aerotberapique. Ibid., 1882, ciii, 452-460.— Guerrero y Sarrd (A.) Aereote- rapia. Confer, cient. d. Cuerpo de sauid. de la Armada, San Fernando, 1882, i, 65-77. — Medley (W. S.) Hot air AIE. 180 AIR. Air as a remedy. and stiff limbs. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 124.— von Kaczoro wski. Die kalte Luft als Antipyreticum und Antisepticum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 15; 25; 37; 49; 644. — Lagrange (F.) L'installation d'une cure d'air. [From: Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, 1895.] Rev. d'hyg. therap., Par., 1895, vii, 268-285.— Levis (E. F.) Noviy (razborniy) apparat dlya lechen'ia goryachimvozdukhom. [Anew (detachable) apparatus for treatment with hot air.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 283 — Malassez. Unechambreaairhumide, graduee. Compt rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 323-325. Aho ■ Gaz. med. de Par.? 1879, 6. s., i, 632. — ITIassei (F.) No zioni elemental! di aerotcrapia. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1885-6, v, 57-92. — IVIocllcr (A.) Observations a l'appui dela medication pueumoth6rapeutjque. J. d. sc. med. de Louvain, 1881, vi, 113-119. -----. Contribution a l'etude de l'aerotherapie. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1883, lxi, 19; 68. -----. Un mot sur l'aerotherapie. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1886, Ixxxii, 33-43.— Prambcrger ( H.) Ueber Aerotherapie. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 1557; 1590; 1623. Also [Abstr.]: Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1879, iii, 206.—Scalzi (F.) Rap- porto sul nuovo gniduatore pneumoterapico Castiglioni. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1879, v, 109-114.—Speck. Ue- ber Luftcuren. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1833, xvii, 278-290. —Waldcnburg (L.) Neue Beitrage zur pneumatischen Therapie. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1880, xvii, 374; 389. — Wislocki. O leczeniu cho- r6b piersiowych za pomoc^ sztucznego powietrza. [Aero- therapy. J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1880, xxviii, 41; 01; 81; .101; 121; 131; 141; 235. Air in ships. See Air (Chemistry of); Hygiene (Naval). Air in the veins. See Air in the blood. Ail* (Compressed and rarefied). See, also, Air (Pressure of); Altitude; Deaf- ness (Causation of); Divers (Diseases of); Hae- mospasia ; Meteorology (Medical); Mines ; Mountains. Bliden (S. E.) * Beitrage zur physiologischen Wirkung des Aufenthalts in comprimirter Luft. 8°. Berlin, [1661]. Cassaet (J.-E.-T.) *De la pathoge'nie des accidents de l'air comprint. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Ciiabaci> (N.) *Des accidents observes dans les apparcils a air comprinte" employe's aux tra- vaux sous-marins, et particulierement de ceux dus a une d6compression trop brusque. (Quel- ques moyens pratiques d'y rem^dier.) 4°. Paris, 1883. Fraenkel (A.) & Geppert (J.) Ueber die Wirkungen der verdiinnten Luft auf den Or- ganismus. Eine Experimental-Untersuchung. 8°. Berlin, 1683. Gaugain (H.) Commission de l'air comprime'. Rapport. 4°. Paris, 187>8. Graxjox-Rozet. * Etude sur l'e'tiologie des accidents observes chez les hommes travaillant dans l'air comprint. 4°. Paris, 1860. Hehmel ( E. ) Des accidents produits par l'usage des caissons ou chambres a air coniprinie" dans les travaux sous-terrains et sous-marins. 8°. Paris, 18C3. Joukdanet (D.) L'air rar6fi6 dans ses rap- ports avec l'homme sain et avec l'homme malade. 8°. Paris, 1862. Massimi ( A. ) Sugli accidenti morbosi de.i lavoratori nell' aria compressa. Tesi di laurea. 8°. Montefortino, 1692. Mceller (A.) Les travaux h l'air comprim^. 8°. Bruxelles, 1661. Repr. from: Rev. d. questions scient., avril 1881. Orthmaxx (F. A. C. L.) * Ueber deu Ein- fluss der coinprimierten Luft auf die Harnstoff- produktion. 8°. Halle a. S., 1689. Smith (A. H.) The physiological, pathologi- cal, and therapeutical effects of compressed air. 12°. Detroit, 1866. Suchokski (X.) *K ucheniu o deistvii szha- tavo vozdukha na dikhanie u bolnikh i zdoro- Air (Compressed and rarefied). vikh. [Effect of compressed air ou respiration iu disease and health. ] 8°. Sanktpeterburq, 1885. Also, in: Voyenno-med. J.. St Petersb. 1885, ciii, sect 3, 65; 202. Zhirmunski (M.) *0 vli'anii razrezhennavo vozdukha na chelovecheskiy organism. [Effect of rarefied air on the human organism.] 8C. S.- Peterburg, 1885. Also iRev.], in: Novosti terap.. Mosk., 1886, i, 28. Broughton (M.) The "bends". [Caisson disease.] Med. Tribune, N. Y., 1882, iv, 185-195.-Carte (P.-L.-B.) Du travail dans l'air comprime; etude medicale. hygi6- nique et biologique faite au pout de Kehl et au pont d Ar- genteuil; nouvelle et puissante ressource therapeutique fournie par l'air comprint. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1803, xxx, 385; 401; 415. — Cavallero ( G. ) & Kiva- Rocci (S.) Influenza delle inspirazioni d' aria compressa sugli scainbi chimici respiratori del sangue. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1889-90, i, 202-206.-Clark (HE.) On caisson disease, with some speculations as to its causa- tion. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, 17-28. [Discussion], 57— Corning (J. L.) Observations on the caisson or tunnel disease, with notes on nine cases which occurred at the engineering works known as the Hudson River tunnel. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 513-521.—De Jagcr (S.) Over den invloed van het ademeu van verdichte en ver- dunde lucht op de slagadeilijko bloeusdrukking. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 525-532.—Fraen- kel & Geppert. Sur la respiration dans l'air rarefitj. Compt. rend. Acad. d.sc, Par., 1883, xcvi, 1740.—Oeraril. Les accidents dans les travaux a l'air comprime k propos des cas observes pendant la construction du pont de Cub- zac, sur la Dordogne. Rev. san. de Bordeaux. 1884-5, ii, 5; 10. [Discussion], 15. — Grrhniit & Quinquaud. Sur les effets de l'insufflation des poumous par l'air corn- prime. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcix, 806- 808. — Gruber (M.) Zur Aetiologie der Caissonkrank- lie.it.__ Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1895, vii, Beil., 111-119.— Hciberg. Autopsie d'un malade mort en sortant de l'air comprime (travaux du pont sur le Linifjord). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., vr 248- 250.—Heller (R.),lTIager (W.) &von SchriUter (H.) Vorlaufige Mittheiluug iiber Caissonarbeiter. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 475. — KholshcvnikolT. K ka- zuistike zabolevanil pri rabotakh v szhatoin vozdukhe. [Diseases contracted by workmen in compressed air.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kroustadt, 1882-3, xx, 61-70. — Knapp (C. P.) The caisson disease. Le- high Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1891-2, iii, 1-12.— Knauff ( M. ) Ueber die Verwendung komprimirter Luft in Stadteu. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1886, ix, 212-216. — liCMMtlorf. Leber die Wirkung der kotupri- mirten Luft und iiber den richtigen Gebrauch des pneu- matischen Apparats. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1881, n. F., i, 31-37.—Lewis (G. L.) Tho effects of compressed air upon the human system, as evinced in the sinking of bridge piers during the construction of the Atchison bridge over the Missouri River. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas 1860- 77, Lawrence, 1884, i, 279-291.—von Licbig (G.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber das Atbmen under vermindertem Luftdrucke. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1891, xxxviii, 437-439.-----. nohenluftundverdichtete Luft. Deutsche Rev., Bresl. u. Berl., 1893,xviii, 64-70.—ITIartin (H.N.) Sc Donaldson (F.), jr. Preliminary account of experi- ments in regard to the circulatory and respiratory changes, observed in animals placed in the pneumatic cabinet. N. York M. J., 1880, xliii, 549. Aho, Reprint. — Meigs (A. V.) Caisson disease. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 589- 592.—Michel. Etude sur la nature et la cause presumes des accidents survenus parmi les ouvriers qui travailleut aux fondations h l'air comprim6 du bassin de Missiessy 4 Toulon. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1880, xxxiii, 161-215. Also, Reprint.—Panum (P. L.) Fysioiogiske UndersS- gelser over den i do pueumatiske Helbredelsesanstaltcr anvendte komprimerede Lufts Virkniuger paa Organis- men. [ Effect of compressed air. ] Bihlioth. f. Laeger, Kj ibenh., 1866, 5. R., xii, 233-326.—Pepper (W.) Cais- son disease. Med. Bull., Phila., 1886, viii, 239.—Philip- pon (G.) Effets de la decompression brusque sur les ani- maux places dans l'air comprint. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1892, cxv, 186-188. -----. Actiou de l'oxygeue etde l'air comprim6s sur les animaux a. sangchaud. Ibid., 1893, cxvi, 1154.—Rouatan. De Taction do l'air corn- prime et de sa theorie generale. Montpel. med., 1880, xiv, 526-541. — Kozaahcgyl (A.) A munkalkodas compli- malt levegoben. [Effect of compressed air on workmen.] Kozeg. es Torv6nv. Orvos.. Budapest, 1881, 73-81. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen n. Leipz., 1885, iii, 526-528.—Miimlahl (O. T.) Nyare undeisdkningar och iakttagelser rorande de fysiologiska och terapeutiska verkuingarne af bad i fortatad luft. (Baths in condensed air.) Hygiea, Stockholm, 1865, xxvii, 337; 385. A ho, Re- print.— Sctiinitz (N. A.) Kessomiiy vozdukh v bigieni- AIR, 181 AIR. Air (Compressed and rarefied). cheskom otnoshenii. [The caisson air hygienically con- sidered.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 847; 870. -----. K vopr. o sanitar. uslov. raboty v kesson. [Sanitary con- ditions for work performed in caissons.] Ibid., 1888, ix, 225; 245; 263.—Shrwen (A.) Caisson fever, so called. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1881-2, i, 116.—Smith (A. H.) Caisson disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 130-133.— Suchorsky (N.) Zur Lehre von der Wirkung verdich- teter Luft auf die Respiration. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1884, xxii, 433-435.—Thompson (W. G.) Notes on the caisson disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 133.—Twynnm (G. E.) A case of caisson disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 190.-Van Rensselaer (H.) The pathology of the caisson disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 141; 178. Aho: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1891, 408- 444, 1 pi.—Wislocki. Leczenie sztuczn6m powietrzem. [Compressed air in the treatment, of asthma, etc.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1880, xxix, 99; 131; 147; 155. - Wood- ward (C. M.) The physiological effects of compressed air. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., N. Y., 1882, xxvi, 29-42. Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. See, also, Air as a remedy; Altitude; Haemo- spasia; Phthisis (Treatment of). Arntzenius (A. K. YV".) De pneumatischo therapie. 8°. Amsterdam, 1867. Aho [Abstr.], in: Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1887, xii, no. 18, 19. Bertin (E.) Etude clinique de l'emploi et des effets du hain d'air coniprirue' dans le traite- ment de diverses maladies selon les proce\le"s medico-pneumatiques ou d'atruosphe'rie de M. E\ Tabarie. 8°. Paris, 1855. Dietrich (J.) * Ueber den Einfluss des ver- mittelst der transportaheln pneumatischen Ap- parate verschiedentlich geanderten Luftdruckes in den Lnngen anf deu Blutdruck im Arterien- system des Menschen. 8°. [Leipzig, 1884.] DOsterwald (J.) * Das neueste Curverfah- ren hei Krankheiten des Circulationsapparates vermittelst comprimirter und verdunnter Luft nach Prof. Dr. Waldenburg. 8°. Bonn, 1874. Grindrod (R. B.) The compressed air hath; a therapeutic agent in various affections of the respiratory organs and other diseases. 12°. London, [i860]. Homoet (L. C.) *Over de pneumatische be- handeling. [Utrecht.] 8-. Arnhem, 1876. Kuss (A.) * Etude sur la pneumatoinetrie et la pneumothe'rapie. [Nancy.] 8°. Strasbourg, 1876. Lang (H.) * Die Wirkung des transportahlen pneumatischen Apparats v. Waldenhurg auf die gesunde und emphysematisch erkrankte Lunge. 8°. Berlin, 1661. Laxge (J.) Ueber Comprimirte Luft, ihre physiologischen Wirkungen und ihre therapeu- tische Bedeutung. 8C. Gbttingen, 1864. -----. Der pneumatische Apparat. Mit- theilnngen iiber die physiologischen Wirkungen und die therapeutische Bedeutung der compri- mirten Luft. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1865. -----. The same. Recherches sur les effets physiologiques et therapeutiques de l'air corn- prime. Traduit de l'allemand par Thierry-Mieg. 8°. Paris, 1867. Lebegott (W.) *Die Ausathmung in ver- diinnte Luft nach Beobachtungen an Walden- burg's transportabelem Apparat. 8°. Berlin, [1882]. Lexzmann (R.) * Ueber den Einfluss der An- wendung transportabler pnenmatischer Appa- rateauf die Circulation des gesunden Menschen. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung mittelst des von Basch'schen Sphygmomanometers. 8°. Bonn, 1881. Aho [Rev.], in: Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Bonn, 1881-2, ii, 449-455. Lescha (J.) * Beobachtungen und Versuche zur Anwendung comprimirter und verdunnter Athmungsluft. 8°. Bonn, 1884. Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. Levy (J. S.) * Ueber den Einfluss der ver- dunnten Luft. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Merkel (G. H.) The vacuum treatment, iu the cure of disease. 8°. Boston, [1870, vel sub- seq.]. Moeller (A.) De la pneumothe'rapie. 8°. Bruxelles, 1880. Pneumatic differentiation. Proceedings of the Medical Society of the County of Kings, February 16 and March 16, 1886. 8°. [New York, 1886.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii. Polano (K.) *Bijdrage tot de pneumato- therapie. 8°. Leiden, 1878. Pravaz (C.-G.) Essai sur l'emploi medical de l'air comprime. 8°. Lyon, 1850. Rolxkl (L.) * Effets et mode d'action du s€- jonr dans l'air comprim6 dans le tiaitement de l'ane'inie et de l'obe'sit6. 4°. Paris, 1881. Sandahl ( O. [T. ]) *Om verkningarne af fort si tad luft pa den menskliga orgauismen i fysiologiskt och terapeutiskt hanseende. [Effect of compressed air on the . . .] [Lund.] 8C. Stockholm, 1862. -----. Nyare undersokuingar och iakttagel- ser rorande de physiologiska och terapeutiska verkningarne af bad i fortatad luft. [Researches on the physiological and therapeutical effects of baths in condensed air. ] 8°. Stockholm, 1865. -----. Beriittelse, afgifven till Kgl. Sund- hets-Kollegium, om den Mediko-pneumatiska Anstaltens verksamhet i Stockholm under aren 1863 och 1864. 8°. Stockholm, 1865-9. -----. The same. Under ar 1867. 8°. [Stockholm, 1869.] -----. Des bains d'air comprime". Court apercu de leurs effets physiologiques et thera- peutiques, precede" d'une description de l'era- blissement medico-pneumatique de Stockholm. 8°. Stockholm, 1867. Simonoff (L. N.) Aerotherapie. Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen und therapeutischen Anwendungeu der verdichteten, der verdiinnten Luft, des Hauke-Waldenburg'schen Apparas, des Sauerstoffs und des Klima's. 8°. Giessen, 1876. Simpson (A.) Compressed air as a therapeu- tical agent in the treatment of consumption, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases. With a preface by William Macleod. 8°. Edin- burgh, 187)7. Stone (J. L.) Morbi aere vitali curantur, or philosophy and application of condensed air as a curative agent. 18°. Rochester, 1881. r>E Vicente y Charpentier (C.) Aerotera- pia: iufluencia del aire artificiamente compri- mido en el tratamiento de las afccciones pulnio- nares; inhalaciones medicameutosas en banos de aire comprimido. 8°. Madrid, 1892. Waldenburg (L.) Die pneumatische Be- handlung der Respirations- und Circulatious- krankheiten im Anschluss an die Pneumatonie- trie, Spirometrie und Brustmessung. 8°. Ber- lin, 1875. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. Erweitert um einen Beitrag iiber das Hohenklima. 8°. Ber- lin, 1880. -----. Gebrauchs-Anweisuugen zum trans- portable!] pneumatischen Apparat von Professor Dr. L. Waldenhurg. 8°. [Berlin, 1875.] A bra in* (A.) The pneumatic cabinet and its use in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Sacramento M. Times, 1888, ii, 407-415. —Amnti (R.) L' apparecchio portatiledel Waldenburg, ed i gabinetti ad aria compressa. Arch, internaz. di otojat., rinojat. ed aeroterap.. Napoli, 1885, i, 75-H4. — Amelot. Note sur l'aerotherapie et l'emploi chirurgical de l'air comprime. Rev. de thernp. med.-chir., Par., 1880, xlvii, 9-13. — Ascenzi (R.) Ap- AIR. 182 AIR. Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. parecchio inalatorio ad aria compressa semplice o medi- cata, e trasportabile. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1884, iv, pt. 3, 44-49. Also: Spallanzani, Modena, 1884, 2. s., xiii, 592-596.—Bagna (P.) Studii sperimentali per deterruinare 1' influenza clie le manovre coll' apparato pneumatico trasportabile esercitano sul circolo endoto- racico. Riv. clin., Milano, 1888, xxvii, 35-55.— Bcrct- ning fra den medikoimeumatiska Anstalt. [Juni 1874 til Dec. 1890.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1876-91, 2. R., iii-ix, 3. R., i-ix, passim.—Bicdert (P.) Ein billiger pueumati- scher Apparat mit gleiclunassiger Wirkung und unbe- grenzter Wirkungsdauer (Rotationsapparat). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 347: 1875, xii, 678; 696. -----. Die pneumatische Methode und der transportable pneumati- sche Apparat. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1876, No. 104 (Innere Med., No. 36, 851-878).—Bowditch (V. Y.) Ten months' experience -with pneumatic differentiation. Tr. Am. Cliinat. Ass. 1886, N. Y., 1887, iii, 47-75. Also: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 370: 400. Aho, Reprint.—Bro- dowski (W.) Pneumotirapia racyonalna czyli lcczenie scresnionem powietrzem w uabinetach pneumatycznych na ten eel zbudomanych. [Rational pneumotherapy, or treatment by compressed air in the pneumatic cabinet constructed for this purpose.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1876, xx, 49; 81.—Briinnichc (A.) Aarsberetning fra A. Rasmussens mediko-piieumat. Anstalt for 1869. Biblioth. f. Lseger, Kjobenh., 1870, 5. R., xx, 215-219.— Caruso (G.) Le indicazioni dell' aeroterapia con 1' apparecchio pneumatico trasportabile. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1882, 3. s., xii, 3-20, 1 pi.—Cavallcro (G.) Sul miglior modo di eseguire le inspirazioni d' aria libera o compressa nell' esercizio delle manovre pneumatiche intese ad ane- mizzare il circolo polmouare. Morgagui, Milano, 1889, xxxi, 465-477. -----. Della influenza che le manovre pneumatiche con aria compressa esercitano sul circolo polnionare ed aortico. Ibid., 657-662, 1 pi.—Charricr (A.) Du bain d'air comprime ou de l'aerotherapie dans le traitement de l'obesite. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxix, 751-754.—t'lar (C.) Ein einfacher Respirationsap- parat. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1886, n. F., i, 211-218.—Cohen (J. S.) The use of compressed and rarefied air, as a sub- stitute for change of air, in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., N. Y., 1884, i, 59-64.— Cohen (S. S.) Pneumato-therapy. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, 1887, 3. s., iii, 14-24. Also, Reprint. -----. The pneumatic resistance valves. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 625-627. -----. Improvements in apparatus for inhalation of compressed air. Ibid., 713. -----. A design for an apparatus for pneumatic treatment in hospitals. Ibid., 1889, xlix, 204. Also, Reprint. -----. Exhibition ot an improved apparatus for tho therapeutic use of compressed and rarefied air, with remarks on the homo-treatment of pulmonary affections. N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 561-566. Also, Reprint.—von Corval. Die pneumatische The- rapie vor dem Verein fiir innere Medicin zu Berlin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 218; 235.— Cramer (J.G.) Modification des Flascbenzugmecbanis- mus am Waldenburg-Waguer'schen pneumatischen Ap- parate. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Bern, 1884, vi, 102-105. -----. Der pneumatische Apparat von Waldenburg, mit dem compensirenden Doppel-i laschen- zug-System. Ibid., 1885, vii, 220-223.—Cron. Beitrag zur pneumatischen Therapie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 583; 602; 612.—Curtiss (R. J.) The pneumatic cabinet, with clinical cases. Peoria M. Mouth., 1887-8, viii, 14-17.—Donaldson (F.), jr. The pneumatic; cabi- net and pneumatic differentiation. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 297-303. Aho, Reprint.—Dujardin-Beau- uiclz. Rapport sur l'atmionietre du professeur Jaoobelli (de Naples). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xviii, 177-184.—1>upont (M.) Douches d'air compiini6. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1883, cv, 252. -----. Douches seches. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de therap., Par., 1884, xvi, 49- 52. -----. Appareil destine a faciliter les mouvements d'inspiration et d'expiration. Ibid., 170-173.—Fernan- dez-Car© (A.) El gabiueto de inhalaciones y de pul- verizaciones del Dr. Huguet (de Vars). Bol. denied, nav., Madrid, 1887, x, 255-261.— Fcrrnta (F.) Sc Tcrrazzi (A.) Delhi maniera piii utile di eseguire le manovre pneumatiche cogli appaiati trasportabili. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 721-725.— Finkler. Zur pneu- matischen Therapie. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, Iii, 282-284.—Fink- ler Sc Koch* (W.) Pneumatischer Apparat liir thera peutische Zwecke. Illust. Vrtljschr. d. arztl. Tolytech., Bern, 1880, ii, 102-104.—Fleischer (R.) Ueber einen neuen pneumatischen Apparat zur Einathmung compri- mirter und Ausathmung in verdiinnte Luft. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. 1887, Munchen, 1888, 11-18. Aho: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 585-587. Aho [Abstr.]: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Bern, 1887, ix, 251-154.—Fontaine (J.-A.) Nou'veaux appa- reils pneumatiques pour administrer le bain d'air corn- prime. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1872, Par., 1873, i, 219; 1047, 3 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Emploi chirurgical de l'air comprime. Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxviii, 445-448.—Forlaniui (C.) Brevissimi Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. cenni di aeroterapia e sullo stabilimento medico-pneu- matico di Milano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1875, 7. s., ii, 371; 385; 397; 405. Also, Reprint. -----. Le espira- zioni nell' aria compressa cogli appaiati pueumatici tras- portabili. Arch, per lesc. med., Torino, 1878-9, iii, no. 16, 1-30. -----. Di alcune modificazioni all' apparato pneu- matico trasportabile di Waldenburg. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1880, i, 3-13. -----. L' aeroterapia. Collez. ital. d. lett. s. med., Milano, 1881, i, 181-220. -----. Nuovi appa- rati pueumatici trasportabili. Morgagui, Milano, 1889, xxxi, 257-299. -----. Sull' aeroterapia. Lavori d. Cong. di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 15-41— Fjan (S.) Het pneumatisch cabinet te Haarlem. Kederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1882, 2. R., xviii, 517-522. -----. Ver- slag der behandelde gevallen iu de pneumatische in- richting te Haarlem. Ibid., 1883, 2. R., xix, 437-440: 1885, 2. R., xxi. 169-174.— Hadra (S.) Die Einwirkung der comprimirtou Luft auf den Harnstoffgehalt beim Men- schen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1879, i, 109-130.— Hauck (W.) jr. Prof. Schnitzler's Respirations- und Lungenventilations-Apparat. Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi, 999-1005.—Hawlcv (G. F.) A new apparatus for nebulizing nonvolatile medicaments aud for administering tbe same through impacted air, as a medium, by the process of forced dilatation, instead of by inhalation, spray, or douche. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 702-705.— Hayden (T.) Ou the respiration of compressed air. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl., 1870-79, 2. s., i, 199-208.— Houghton (A. S.) 'the treatment of pulmonary dis- ease by pneumatic differentiation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1885, v, 506-510. Also, Reprint. — Ho vent. The pneumo-therapeutic institute of Brussels. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, 209-216. —Isoard. Note sur un sulfhydrometre servant a r6gler la dur6e du se- jour dans les salles d'inhalation. Mouv. remedes, Par., 1885, i, 297-303. Aho, transl.: Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1885, viii, 712-715. — .Iansen (P. C.) Acute catarrhal phthisis; recovery. J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 510- 512. Aho, Reprint.—Johnson (H. A.) Pneumatic dif- ferentiation and medication. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1887, liv, 26-30. Aho, Reprint. — Josephson. Ueber transportable pneumatische Apparate. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1875, v, 29-41. — Kaulich (J.) Beitrag zur pneumatischen Therapie im Kindesalter. Piag. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 13-15. — Helemcn (M.) A pneumatotherapiar61. [Pneumato-therapeutics] Or- vosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 1229; 1258; 132(1; 1386. Aho, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1880, xxii, 961; 981; 1001: 1887, xxiii, 3; 24; 61. — Kctchum (J.) The theory of the pneumatic cabinet. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 691. Aho, in: Pneumatic differentiation, 8°, [New York, 18861, 1-5.— King (W. H. K.) Pneumatic differentiation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 670.— Kyner (J. A.) Apparatus for the use of compressed and rarefied air in affections of the lungs. Polyclinic, Phila., 1887-8, v, 112-114. — .Lazarus. Ueber die Wirkung dea pneumatischen Cabinets in chronischen Respirationskrank- heiten. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1878, v, 469-472. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber pneumatische Therapie. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Bell., 1882, viii, 681. Also: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883, vi, 91-95. [Discus- sion], 176-182. -----. Das pneumatische Kabinet desjii- dischen Krankenhauses zu Berlin. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Berl., 1884, vii, 40-43.—Iicgay. Des progres iC'alis^sdana la construction et le fonctionnement des chambres a air comprime. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1891, cxx,163- 168.—von Iiiebig(G.) Der Gasanstauschin den Lungen unter dem erhohten Luftdrucke der pneumatischen Kam- mer. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1874, xxi, 151-154. Aho, Reprint. -----. Mittheilungen uber die Anwendung dea erhohten Luftdruckes der pneumatischen Kammern als Heilmittel. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1875, vi, 76-78. -----. Die Indicationen fiir den Gebrauch der pneumatischen Kammern. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 321. Aho, Reprint. -----. Die Vcrande- rung der Pulscurven in der pneumatischen Kaminer. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 289-291. ----_-- Die pneumatischen Kammern und die Indicationen fiir den Gebrauch des erhohten Luftdruckes. Miinchen med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 285; 304. -----. Die Anwendung der pneumatischen Kammern bei Herzleiden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 1066-1068 — JJIcCas- key (G. W.) Clinical report of six months'experience with the pneumatic cabinet, with twentv - seven cases. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1887, cxvi, 345-349.— Tlarlin (H. N.) & Donaldson ( F.), jr. Preliminary account of experi- ments in regard to the circulatory and respiratory changes observed in animals placed iu the pneumatic cabinet. Tr. Am.Climat. Ass. 1886, N.Y., 1887, iii, 13-16.-.?la«ucci (P.) Docce nasali d' aria compressa semplice e medicata secoudo il metododel Dott. Massei. Gior. internaz. d. sc.med., Na- poli, 1881, iii, 160-164. Aho, Reprint—ITIocllcr (A ) La pneumoth6rapie jug6e par les faits. J. de mfed., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1881, lxxii, 257; 330. - Oelberg (F.) DiePueumatotherapie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii, 409; 422; 433; 440, 457; 470; 482; 493; 505.—Pircher (J.) Der pneumatische Apparat in Meran. Vrtljschr. f. AIR. 183 AIR-PASSAGES. Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. Klimat., Leipz., 1875-6, i, 222-226. Also, Reprint.—Piatt (I. H.) On the practical application of the pneumatic cabinet. N. York M. J.. 1886, xliii, 719-721. Aho, in: Pneumatic differentiation, 8D, [New York, 1886], 31-37. ------Physics and physiological action of pneumatic dif- ferentiation. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1880, >.'. Y., 1887, iii. 76-87. Aho: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 515; 536. Aho, Reprint. — Fryor (J. H.) Results of treatment by the pneumatic cabinet. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1888, iii, 459-466.—Rossi (T.) L'apparecchio pneumatico trasportabile nella cura delle malattie dei polmoui e del cuore. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii. 433-445.— Schreibcr. Ueber die therapeutische Wirkung der pneumatischen transportablen Apparate auf das Gefass- system und die Lungen, sowie iiber die Art der Anwen- dung der ersteren; heute iiber die practischo Bedeutung jener Behandlungsinethode bei llerz- und Lnngenkrank- heiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii,70.—Scntinon. Apuutes sobre el tratamiento pneumatico do las afecciones pulmonares y cardiaeas (aeroterapia local). Gac. m6d. dc Cataluna, Barcel., 1880. iii. 1; 78. Aho: Gac. med.de Se- villa,1880,ii, 48; 64.—Speck. FeberpneumatischeBehand- luu«'. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 269. — Zuckerkandl ( E. ) Ueber die pneumatischen Ran rue. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1881, vii, 85-91. Air (Rarefied). Sie Air (Compressed, etc.). Air (Sea). Sie, also, Baths (Sea); Sea-climate, etc. Bell (A. N.) The influence of an ocean atmosphere on a staid population, with special reference to pulmonary consumption? Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889, vi, 70- 75.—Doyle (H. M.) Voyaging for health; a contribution to the therapeutics of the sea. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 226-228. — Friedrich (E.) Ueber deu Salzgehalt der Seeluft, die Fortfuhrung der Salzteile aus dem Meei wasser und die therapeutische Veiwertung der wirksamen Fak- toren der Nordseelult. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 677; 689; 705.—Gihon (A. L.) The iherapv of ocean climate. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889, vi, 50-69.— iVIosler. Ueber den Nutzen der Verbindung von Seeluft und Soolbad fiir Schwachezustande, insbesondere bei Kindern. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1890, iv, 217.— Moss (A.J.) Voyaging for health; another contribution to the therapeutics of the sea. Lancet, Loud., 1890, ii, 394.— O■■ imus. Malades et maladies sur le littoral. Nice- med., 1889-90, xiv, 145; 161. Air-bOadder. Bohr (C.) The influence of section of the vagus nerve on the disengagement of gases in the air-bladder of fishes. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1893-4, xv, 494-500. Aird (C. K.) Die Cholera 1686 und die nach 55- jiihrigeu Erfahrungen gegen dieselben ange- wandten Sehutzmittel (Cholera-Chronik). viii, 364 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1887. Aire (Landes). Dupiellet (P.) * Essai sur la topographie me'dicale du canton d'Aire (Landes). 4°. Bor- deaux, 1-^3. Air-embolism. See Air in the blood. Airol. Haegler (C. S.) Ueber Airol, ein neues Ersatzmittel des Jodoforms, und ahnliche antiseptische Pulvermittel. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1895, xv, 266-310.—Veiel. Ueber Airol. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 659. Airoldi (Francesco). See Hope (James). Trattato delle malattie del cuore, [etc.]. 2. ed. roy. 8°. Milano, 1856. Air-passage* (Bacteria and fungi in). von Besscr (L.) Ueber die Bakterien der normalen Lul'twe^e. licitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, vi, 333-372.—Comby (J.) Benign streptococci and staphylococci of the upper air passages in children. Brit. M. J.,' Lond., 1895, ii, 711. — Waugh (W. F.) A case of broncho-pulmonary mvcosis. Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii, 473. Air-passages (Diseases and injuries of). See, also, Bronchia, Glottis, Larynx, Tra- chea, Diseases, etc., of. Bliss (A. A.) Abnormalities of the upper respiratory tract and ear, found commonly among deaf-mutes. 6°. Rochester, 1894. Repr.from: Proc. Am. Ass. to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, Chautauqua, N. Y, July, 1894. Carter (J. M. G.) Catarrhal diseases of the respiratory passages. 12°. Chicago. 1895. Endriss (G.) * Diebisherigcn Beobachtungen von physiologischen und pathologischen Be- ziehungen der oberen Luftwege zu den Sexual- organen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1892. Harke (T.) Beitrage znr Pathologie und Therapie der oberen Athmungswege einschliess- lich des Gehors. Auf Gruud von Beobachtun- gen an Lebenden und der Leiche. 8°. Wies- baden, 1895. Jacobsoiix (A.) * Ueber die Coexistenz ver- schiedenartiger Tnmoren in deu oberen Luft- wegen. 8°. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1895. Krieger. Aetiologische Studien. Ueber die Disposition zu Catarrh, Croup und Diphtheritis der Luftwege. 8°. Strassburg, 1877. PiORRY (P. A.) Ueber die Krankheiten der Luftwege. Aus dem Franzosischen A'ou G. Krupp. 8°. Leipzig, 1644. Schmidt (M.) Die Krankheiten der oberen Luftwege. Aus der Praxis fiir die Praxis. 6°. Berlin, 1894. Aiilolini (F.) Sopra un polipo delle vie aeree. Atti d. Accad. d. sc. di Siena, 1841, x, 239-244.—Bishop (S.S.) The dilator in diseases of the air passages aud the ear. N. Am. Pract,, Chicago, 1895, vii, 297-300. — Bosworth (F. H.) Tbe clinical significance of fibrinous exudations upon the mucous membrane of the upper air-passages. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. T., 1884, vi, 4-13. -----. The true relatiou of diseased conditions in the upper air-pas- sages to the so-called nasal reflexes. Med. Kec, N. Y, 1890, xxxvii, 551-553. -----. The relation of vaso-motor disturbances to diseases of the upper air-tract. N. York M. J.. 1895, lxii, 055. — Bryan (J. H.) On some of the manifestations of syphilis oi tho upper air-passages. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1893, N. Y.. 1894, xv, 124-129.—Car- pen ter (J. G.) Relation between diseases of the upper air-passago and diseases of the eye. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi, 109-117. — Chia'ri (O.) Vibration des muqueuses des voies a6rienne.s superieures. Rev. inter- nat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par., 1893, iii, 61-66.— Cohen (J. S.) Injuries and diseases of the air-passages. In: Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), 4°, N. Y., 1885, v, 625-792.—Daly (W. H.) Some discursive remarks based upon baving observed intimate relations between chronie diseases of the upper air-tract and neurasthenia. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1889, N. Y., 1890, xi, 31-36.—Be Blois (T. A.) Some of the manifestations of syphilis of the upper air-passages. Ibid., 70-77, 2 pi.—Douglas (O.B.) Tho upper air-passages and their diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 709-712. — Fieber (F.) Un nouvel instrument pour l'extirpation des membranes transver- sales pathologiques dans les voies a6riennes. Cong, inter- nat. de laryngol. 1880, Milan, 1882, i. -12; 121.—Gcrhardt (C.) Casiiistische Mittheilungen iiber Krankheiten der oberen Luftwege. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1867, iii, 118-136.—Glasgow (W. ('.) An oedema- tous form of disease, or septic (edema of tbe upper air- passages. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1889, N. Y., 1890. xi, 18-31. Aho: N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 150-153. - Gleits- mnmi (J. W.) Surgical treatment of cough in diseases of the upper air-passages, with demonstration of instru- ments and specimens. Brooklyn M. J., 1890, iv, 569-576.— AIR-PASSAGES. 184 AIR-PASSAGES. Air-passages (Diseases and injuries of). Hamilton i I. li.) A report of two cases of scalding of the air-passages by the accidental inhalation of steam, with remarks. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 47-50.— Ilinkcl (F. W.) Some manifestations of lithaemia in the upper air-passages. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, n. s., xcviii, 491-494.—Israi (A.) Pemphigus der oberen Luft- wege. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1891, v, 1064; 1103. Aho [Abstr.l: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 683. — Kirstein (A.) Autoskopie der Luft- wege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 631-636. Aho: Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 1895, ix, 361- 364.—Koch (P.) Sur l'ignipuncture dans les affections des premieres voies aeriennes. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. du er.-duch6 de Luxemb., 1882, 72-76. Aho [Abstr.]: Cong. internat. de laryngol. C.-r. 1880, Milan, 1882, i, 118-121. -----. Considerations sur les paresthesies des premieres voies aeriennes. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc.. Par., 1887, xiii, 525-544. — I.arraml (H.) Obstruction des voies respiratoires superieures. et deformations thora- ciqnes. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1893, ii, 641; 665. -----. Deformations de la face et obstruction des voies respira- toires supGrieures; causes; mecanisme. Rev.delaryngol., etc., Par., 1894, xv, 687-699.— Mackenzie (G. H.) Ma- lignant disease of the upper air-passages. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1888, ii, 287; 435.—-Makeiizie (J.N.) Reflections on the aetiology of the simple inflammatory affections of the upper air-passages. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1885, N. Y.. 1886, vii, 33-4S. "Aho: N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 287; 314.—ITIcClcllan (K.) Note on the treatment of catarrhal iiitlatuiiiations of the upper air-passages. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1888, xi, 227 - 229. — Man Icy ( T. H. ) Surgical measures of relief in stenosis of the upper air passages. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lxviii, 284-286.—Pitts (B.) Abstract of lectures on the surgery of the air pas- sages and thorax in children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 105; 174; 231.—Potter (F. II.) The influence of oral irri- tation in the production of disease of the upper air-tract. Buffalo M. i S. J., 1889-90, xxix, 12-17.—Prior. Ueber die Anwendung des Cocain bei den verschiedenen Er- krankungen deroberstenLuftwege. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885. lviii, 440-444. Also: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, liv, 1409-1474.— Qucyrnt (L.) Microorganismesdanslatrach6o-bronchite simple. Gaz. med.dePar., 1893,8. s., ii, 111.—Randall (B. A.) Reproduction ofthe upper air-passages by plating casts obtained by tbe corrosion method. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, '709.—Bethi (L.) Contribution aux nevroses vasomotrices des voies a6riennes superieures. Rev. inter- nat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par., 1894, iv, 205-207.— Key nolils (D. S.) Tuberculosis ofthe upper air-passages. N. Orl.M.& S. J., 1886-7, n. 8., xiv, 106-110.—Rice (C.C.) The value of sprays in the treatment of catarrhal affections of the upper air passages. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 71- 73.—Bobinson (li.) Tho relation of disturbances of the mucous membrane of the upper air passages to constitu- tional conditions. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1891, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 128-142. Aho: N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 340-344.— Salinger (J. L.) Reflex diseases of the upper air pas- sages. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 364-369.—Schmidt (M. B.) Ueber die Localisation des Soorpilges in den Luft- wegen und sein Eindringen in das Bindegewebe der Oeso- phagusschleimhaut. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path. Jena, 1890, viii, 173-187, 1 pi.—Schrotter. Leber das Vorkommen der Syphilis in den oberen Luftwegen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 711; 738. -----. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Verlaufes des Scleroms der Luftwege. Mo- natschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1895, xxix, 149-155.—Seifert (O.) Ueber Syphilis der oberen Luftwege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 1010; 1077; 1118. -----. Ueber Tracheo-Bronchostenose und deren Behand- lung. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1894, 133.—Scilcr (C.) Syphilitic ulceration in the upper air passages. Illust. Quart. M. Sc S., N. Y., 1882, i, 95, 1 £1. -----■ (Edematous disease of the upper air passages. led. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 113-116.—Sexton (S.) Catarrhal inflammation of the upper air-tract. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xxix, 113-120.—Shurly (E. L.) Obser- vations on the use of some of the newer remedies in dis- eases of the upper air-passages. N. York M. J., 188G, xliv, 284-288. -----. The relative value of the objective and subjective symptoms of diseases of the upper air passages. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 757-759.—SiegertfF.) Ueber primare Geschwiilste der unteren Luftwege. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc , Berl., 1892, exxix, 413-425. 1 pi.—Sti- panics (A.) Alumnol bei den katarrhalischen Erkrauk- ungen der oberen Luftwege. Pest, med.-chir. Presse Budapest. 1893, xxix, 878—Straight (H. S.) Notes on disease of the ear and upper air-passages in apex catarrh. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 369-371.—Wutliff (F. B.) Two cases of scald of the upper air passages from inhaling steam. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1889, iii, 358.__ Thompson (J. A.) The effect of obstruction in the upper air-passages ou the general health. Tr. Ohio M Soc, Toledo, 1894. xlix, 338-344.—Thost (A.) Ueber Pa- pillome in den oberen Luftwegen. Dents be med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1890, xvi, 447-450.—Trendelenburg (F.) Beitrage zu den Operationen an den Luftwegen. Ueber einige Formen von Stenose der Luftwege und ihre Be- handlung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiii, 335-373.— Air-passag"es (Diseases and injuries of). Whipham & Delepine. Tubercular lupus of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi producing stenosis of the trachea and bronchi. Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 275.—Wright (J.) Tuberculosis of the upper air-passages; aetiology. N. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 363-367.— Wroblewski ( W. ) Autoskopia pornych drog odde- chowych. [. . . of the upper air-passasres.J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1895, 2. a., xv, 1231-1234.—Zwillingcr (H.) Einiges iiber Pemphigus der oberen Luftwege. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 345-347. Air-passages (Foreign bodies in). See, also, Laryngotomy; Larynx, Lungs, Foreign bodies in. Behrens (T. ) Ueher Fremdkorper iu den Luftwegen. --. Kiel, 1867. Bexx (A.) * Ueher Fremdkorper in den Luft- wegen. [Wurtzhurg.] 8°. Weissenburg, 1892. Bruiil (F.) *Fremde Korper in den Luft- wegen. [Bonn.] 6C. Siegburg, 1668. Heller (G.) * Beitrage zur Lehre von den Fremdkorpern iu deu Luftwegen. 8^. Gbt- tingen, 1890. Hess (T.) * Ueher Fremdkorper in den Luft- wegen mit einem Beitrag zur Casuistik derselben. 8°. Greifswald, [1891]. Krieger (G.) * LTeber die Symptomatologie und Behandlung freinder Korper in den Luft- wegen. 8-'. Berlin, [1884]. Lauw (F. E. O.) *Ein Fall von laugem Ver- woilen von Fremdkorpern in den Luftwegen. 8°. Kiel, 1893. Lindhorst (A.) * Ueher Fremdkorper in den Luftwegen. [Wurtzhurg.] 8°. Berlin, [1889]. Moll (C. H.) * Over vreenide lichameu iu de luchtwegen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1885. Zander (P.) * Ueber Fremdkorper in den Luftwegen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1692. Anderson (M'C.) Shell of hazel-nnt in right bronchus. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, 31.—Andrews (J. YV.) Foreign bodies in the air passages; report of cases. Xoithwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 68-71. — Aronsohn (E.) Fremdkorper in den Luftwegen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 989-991.—Ast. Fall eines Fremdkorpers in den Luftwegen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 605-607.—il 'Astros (L.) Corps strangers des voies aerien- nes chez l'enfaut. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii, 494-503. Also, Reprint.—Bnrraud. Deux cas de corps etrangers solides des voies aeriennes. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1885, iii, 361-369. — Bassini (E.) Corpi stranieri nelle vio respiratorie. Boll. d. clin.. Mi- lano, 1892, ix 295-301. — Behrendt. Eine Kornahre steckt drei Jahre in der Luftrohre. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Konigsb. (1835, 1. Sem.), 1836, 63.—Bell (J.) Case of coin in air-passages treated by inversion of the patient. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 1104.—Bennett (J. W.) [Watermelon seed in trachea.] Tracheotomy. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1886, 142. — Bernard (J.) Corps etrangers dans la trachee chez un paraplegique; asphyxie foudroyante. Marseille med., 1878. xv, 651- 654.—Bertani (A.) Corpo straniero nella trachea da due giorni e mezzo inbambinadi 4 anni; tracheotomia ; morte 30 ore dopo 1' operazione; sezione del cadavere. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1842, i, 59-62. — Bevill (C.) Foreign substances in trachea? of children. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890, i, 174-176. —Blanc (E.) Corps etranger volumineux des voies aeriennes; cocai'sation du larynx; extraction tres facile du corps etranger apres application du niiroir laryngien. Therap. contemp., Par., 1885, v, 551- 553. — Bogdnnorski (E.) Izvlechenie iz dichatelnago gorla tracheotomicheskoi tiubki. [Case of extraction of a tracheotomy tube from trachea.] Eiened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 4-8— Bokai (J.) jr. idegen test negyven- het napig a l^gcsoben 3 eves fiunal; kikoboges; gyogu- las. [Foreign body in trachea of a 3-year-old bov; expul- sion of same and recovery.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1884. xxviu. 359. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 470.—Bondesen (J.) Om fremmede Legemer i Luftvejene. [On foreign bodies in air-pas- sage.l Hosp.-Tid., Kjclienb., ISOn. 3. R., viii, 953; 977.— Bourdillat. Observations pour seryir a l'histoire des coips etrangers dans les voies aeriennes. Gaz. med. de Par.. lst)8. 3. s., xxiii, 94; 121; 180; 212. Aho, Reprint.— Bojce (C.) Foreign body in the air passages. Lancet, Lond., 18*7, i, 1085. — Bradley (S. M.) Foreign body (plum-stone) in left bronchus; tracheotomy; subsequent expulsion of stone ; slow recovery. Liverpool & Man Chester M. & S. Rep , 1876, iv, 143-145.-Bres*ler (F. C.) Foreign bodies in the air passages. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii, 421-426.—Briggs (W. T.) ' Foreign body in the air passages: tracheotomy. Nashville J. M. & S., 1880, 2. s., xxv, 105. — Bristowe &, Jones (S.) AIR-PASSAGES. 185 AIR-PASSAGES. Air-passag"es (Foreign bodies in). Foreign body iu the air passages; broncho-pneumonia; re- moval of body by tracheotomy ; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i 705. — Brondbent. Foreign body (locust-beau) in the right bronchus; abscess beneath the diaphragm; peritonitis; pysemic abscesses in liver, etc. Brit. M.J., Lond , 1880. ii, 508.—Bruce argeail. Corps Strangers des voies aeriennes. Poi- tou m6d., Poitiers, 1888, iii, 403-407. — liaugier (M.) Corps etranger des voies a6riennes. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar. 1880, lv, 327. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1881. ix, 26.—I>ed- better (S. L.) Foreign body in the, trachea. Alabama M. Sc S. J., Birmingh., 1886, i, 248-250.— I.cucrts (G. M.) The question of the time and method of operating iu cases of foreign bodies in the air-passages. Cong. p6riod. inter- nat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 18K4, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect. de laryngol., 131-139. — TiCgaiiyi (J.) Beitrag zum Kapitel "Fremdkorper in den Luftwegen". Wien. med. Wchnschr., 18h2, xxxii, 598-600.— I.e Gendrc (P.) Trois observations de corps etrangers introduits dans les voies respiratoires. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'enf., Par., 1891, iv, 243-250. —liCiitz. Corps etranger de la glotte; tracheotomie chez un enfant de 7 mois; guerison. Mem. Soc. de m6d. de Strasb. (1881-2), 1883, xix, pt, 2, 61.—licy- den (E.) Beitrag zur Lehreder Fremdkorperin den Luft- wegen. Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl. (1888-9), 1890, 238-243. Aho: Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 81. Also, Reprint.—Iiindh (A.) Om friiiiiniande krop- par i luftviigarne. [Foreign bodies in air-passages.] Eira, Goteborg, 1880, iv, 65; 97; 379. — ITIacewen ( W.) Case of a foreign body, lodged in the trachea for thirteen days, removed during impending snffocation. Tr. Glasg. Path. &Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 218-221. — Mackenzie (H. W. G.) Gangrene of right lung due to lodgment of collar-stud in right bronchus. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1889-90, Lond., 1891, n. s., xix, 346.—Major (G. W.) Case of tooth and plate iu the tiachea for 113 days. Arch. AIR-PASSAGES. Vir-pas*ag"es (Foreign bodies in). Laryngol., N. Y., 1882, iii, 350. — Mandowski. Einige Fiille von Fremdkorpern in den Luftwegen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 479-481.—IVIar- cacci (G ) Di un semedi cocomero (Cucurbita citrullus) peuetrato nelle vie aeree iu un fnnciullo di 9 anni. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1881, xlvii, 201-204.—Massei (F.) Corpo estraneo nel bronco destro; espulsione, Clinica, Napoli, 1876, iii, 290-292. -----. Considerations sur certains cas de corps strangers de la trachee. Cong, internat. d'otol. et de laryngol., Par., 1889, 173-177. Also: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1889, xv, 650-654. -----. Corpi estranei nelle vie aeree. Resoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli (1889), 1890, xliii, 1-13. Also: Arch. ital. di la- I ringol., Napoli, 1889. ix, 150-161. Aho: Boll. d. clin., Mi- lano, 1890, vii, 97-105.— JTIichelmorc (G.) A case of foreign body in tho air passages for a period of nine months. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 321.—ITIichou. Coquil- lage introduit dans les voies aeriennes; rejet au bout do six semaines; guerison. Tribune ineil., Par., 1879, xii, 482-484. -----. Corps 6tranj;er dans les voies aeriennes, expulsion spontan6e. Ibid.. 595. — .VBorison. Foreign body in trachea. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. A- Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1**0-7, 32. — ITIoure (E.-J.) Contribution a l'6tude des corps etrangcia des voies aeri- ennes. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1889, 221-245. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 425, 435. Aho, Reprint. -----. Morceau Ue verre arrete a l'entr6e des voies digestives et a6riennes. J. de med. de Boideaux, 1892, xxii, 558. Also: Rev. de laryngol., etc., Par., 1893, xiii, 81-84.—IVaisiiiilh (W.J.) Foreign body in bronchus; tracheotomy; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1270.—IVny lor (0. G. li.) Caseof foreign body in the windpipe. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1*8*, xxiii, 181.— Nicolas (II.) Corps etranger des voies a6riennes. Mar- seille med., 1880, xvii, 405-409. — JVorman (J.) Dod fremkaldt ved Ascaris lnmbricoides i Luftroret. [Death from round-worm iu trachea.] Norsk Mag. f. La^ge- vidensk., Christiania, 1881, xi, 272-274. — Ocstcrlen (F.) | Ueber den Erstickungstod durch Spulwurmer, welche in : die Luftrdhre eingedrungen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, ' iii, 535-539. — Olivier (A. J.) Cot pora aliena in de oeso- phagus en de larynx; trachcotomia , ( xitus letalis op den 9. dag na de operatic. Geneesk. '1 ij.Uchr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 18*9. xxix, 508-511.—O'."VeilI (H.) Plumstone in trachea. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1101. — Ost. Zur Casuistik der Fremdkorper iu den Luftwegen. Cor.-Bl. i f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1885, xv, 540-544. [Discussion], j 496. — On ten (J. N.) A cockle-burr in the windpipe. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1884, xxx, 207.—Owen (E.) For- eign body in the air pas^agos; operation and removal. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 3mi. — Paladini ( C. ) Su di un corpo estraneo nelle vie respiratoric, bronco destro. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 297-299.— Pateracchi (B.) Una spiga di segale nelle vie aeree. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1881, xlvii, 244-251.—Pearsou (F. W.) Case of impacted foreign body in the air-passages; tracheotomy and death of the patient. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x, 387. —Pcinbcrton (O.) FoVeigu bodies in the air-passages. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 927.—Pendle- ton I J. E.) Foreign bodies in the air-passages, with re- port of cases. Med. Age, Detroit, 1890, viii, 553-556.-----. Foreign bodies in the air-passages. Tr. South. Surg. Sc Gynec. Ass. 1890, Phila., 1891, iii, 414-426. — Pflugcr. Fliegcn als Fremdkorper in der Luftrdhre. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1892, lxii, 245.—Pieni- azek. Przycz.N nek do kazuistyki cial obcych w drogach oddechowyoh. [Cases of foreign bodies in respiratory passage.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1887, xxvii, 631; 645.— Aho, transl.: Wien. med. III., 1888, xi, 5; 40. —Pitts (B.) Foreign body iu the air passage, followed by abscess in the lung; recovery. Proc. W. Loud. Med.-Chir. Soc. 1884-6, Lond.. 1**7, ii, 18. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1884,ii, 1144. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 529. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 1193. -----. Four cases of for- eign bodies in the air-passages. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1888-9, Loud., 1890, n. s., xviii, 201-209.—Plicquc (A.F.) Les corps etrangers du larynx et de la trachee chez l'en- fant. Kev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1891, ix, 1-7. Also, Reprint. —Pooley (J. H.) Two cases of foreign body in the air passages. Toledo M. & S. J., 18*0, iv, 214-217.— Prati (T.-A.) Un pesce vivo nel bronco destro. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1*7U, xliv, 494-501. Aho: Guglielmoda Saliceto, Piaeenza, 1*79-80, i, 170-178. Aho [Abstr. ]: Indipeudeute, Torino, 1880, xxxi, 36. Aho, transl. | Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., l**(i. 2. s.. ii, 81. Aho [Kev.]: Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1880, ii, 579-585. Also, Reprint. [See, ah». infrn. Sampolo (J.) Aho: Tem- pesti (C.)]—Preobrasclicnsk j (S. S.) Ueber Fremd- korper in den Athmungswegen. Wien. Klinik, l*u:t xix, 191-2*4. — Prevost (A. L.) A collar-button in the U-achea. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1885, xxviii, 205- 2u7.— Pnjadas Scrratosa (It.) Cuerpo extrafio in- troducido < n la tiaquea. Independ. med., Barcel., 1**2-3. xviii, 305. — Kafla (A.) Corpi stranieri nella trachea. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 217- 222. — Keineking (H.) Report of a case of foreign body in the air passages, operation after 31 days; recovery; re- 186 AIR-PASSAGES. Air-passag"es (Foreign bodies in). niarksondiiigiiosisandtreatment. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1890, xxiv, 274-285.—Bethi (L.) Zur Kasuis- tik der Fremdkorper in den Lultwegen. LWien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 1411. — Bocchetti iL.) Aspirazione dei corpi estranei delle prime vie respiratoric Boll. d. mal. d' orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1886, iv, 5-7, 1 pi. — Bogers (W. B.) Laryngotracheotomy for for- eign body j a clinical lecture presenting two cases; opera- tions successful. Memphis M. Month., 1895, xv, 97-102. Also, Reprint. — Roquer y Casndesua (J.) Caso raro de cuerpo extrafio introducido en el arbol aereo. Rev. de laringol., otol. y rinol., Barcel., 1893-4, ix, 17-19.— Sampolo (J.) Zoologie; soleset linguatules. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1880, ii, 052. [See, aho, supra. Prati (T. A.); also, infra, Tempesti (('.)]—Sapraliu (I.) Corp strain in trachee (ac do cap). Spitalul, Bucuresci, 188(i,vi, 359.—Schadewalilt. Fierudkorper in den Luftwegen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 779-781.— Schac- fer (A.) Ueber einen Fall von 2J Jahre lunger Auwesen- heit eines Fremdkorpers in den Luftwegen. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, 188.—Schwartz ( N. F.) For- eign body in the air passages; removal bv tracheotomy. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886, n. s., xvii, 729-732.—Scdzia'k (J.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki cial obcydi w tdiawicy. [Foreign body in trachea.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 842 - 849. -----. Przyczynek do kazuistyki cial obcych w drogach oddechowych oraz w przewouzie po- karniowym. [On cases of foreign body iu lespiratory pas- sages and also in alimentary canal.] Ibid., 1889, 2. s., ix, 022-625.—Sciuoii (F.) Some practical remarks on for- eign bodies in the upper air and food passages and on the principles of their removal. Med. Chi on., Manchester, 1895-6, n. s., iii, 1-10.—Scuiiycy (J.) Ein Freindkiirper 72 Tage hindurch iu der Luftrdhre; Luftrdhrenschnitt; Heilung. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1893-4, xvii, 328-333.— Smyth (S. T.) Foreign body in the bronchus. Lancet, Loud., 1879, ii, 60— SniejkoflT (N. F.) Sluchai inorod- nago tiela v vcrkhnei chasti vozduchonosnich putci u re- benka. [Foreign body in the air-passages of a child.) Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 88-92. — de la Sota y Ijastra (R.) Sanguijuelas en las vias aereas. Rev. do med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1885, xvii, 393-397.—Spaak. Corps etranger dans la trachee. J. de med., chir. et Phar- macol., Brux., 1**2, lxxv, 517. —Stevenson (E. S.) For- eign bodies in the air-passages. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 779.—Stone (J. O.) A screw in the bronchial tubes for three years; finally expectorated. Inhis: Clin. Cases, 8°, N. Y.,' 1878, 44.—Tate (II. W.) Foreign bodies in the air passages, with repoi t of live cases. Memphis M. Month., 1890, x, 49-52.—Tempesti (C.) Morte cagionata da uu pesce peuetrato ucila laringe. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1879, 4. s., xliv, 5*1-580. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1880, 2. s., ii, 81. [See, aho,supra, Sampolo (J.)]—Thelen(0.) ZurCasuistik der Fremdkor- per in den Luftwegen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 18fr9, xv, 561.—Thorner (M.) The management of foreign bodies in the air-passages. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893, 98-108. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 261-263. Also, Reprint.— Velo (G.) Corpi stranieri nelle vie respiratoric. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1891, xv, 227-234.—Vicr- huflT(J.) Beitrag zurLehre von den Fremdkorpern in den Luftwegen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 18.-9, n. F., vi, 194.— Vieusse. Sangsucsdans les voies aeriennes. [Rap. de Nepveu. | Hull, ct mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1*83, n. s., ix, 735-738.— Vobrovski (P. D.) Ob inograd. telaeh v gortani i v dychatel. putiach u detei. [On foreign bodies in larynx aud in the air-passages in children.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. Med.', St. Petersb., 1894, ii, 261-266.— Voltolini. Ueber die Entfernung vou Nahnadelu aus der Luftriihre und die Ausstossung einer 3.3 cm langen Zange aus der rechten Lunge. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. va- terl. Kult., Bresl. (1879), 1880, lvii, 95-98. Also: Breslau. arztl. Ztschr., 1880, ii, 16. Also: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1*79, xiii, 165-169.-----. Die Entfernung von Fremd- korpern aus den Luftwegen. Cong, period, iuteruat.d. sc. med. Compt. rend. 1S84, Copenh., 1*86, iv, Sect, de laryn- gol., 140.—Wallace (B.) Report of two cases of foreign bodies in the air nassagea removed by cutting; recovery of patients. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1884, xxxiv, 49-55.—Walsh (E.) Foreign bodies in the air-passages. Med. Age, Detroit, 1893, xi, 74.—Warren (J. U.) For- eign body iu the trachea for eighteen days; death from pneumonia. Coll. Sc Clin. Rec, Phila., 1882, iii, 193.— Warren (J. M.) Foreign bodies in the air passages. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1847, xxxvii, 389-398. Aho, Reprint,— Weber. Ueber eiuen Fremdkorper im rechten Bron- chus, der erst nach laugereni Verweileu daselbst pldtz- hchen Erstickungstod herlx igefiibrt hat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. B.il.. 1**9, xv, 386. Also: Verhandl. d. med. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890, 133-138.— Weir (R. F.) Tracheotomy for the extraction of a tooth from the left bronchus j with lemarks ou foreign bodies in the airpassages. N. York M. J., 1**3, xxxviii, 404.— Weist (J. R.) Foreign bodies in the air-passages; a study of one thousand cases to determine I he propriety of hronchotomy in such cases. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1882, xxvi, 65-78, 1 tab. Aho, Reprint. Aho: Tr. Am. Surg. AIR-PASSAGES. 187 AIRY. Air-passage* (Foreign bodies in). Ass., Phila., 18*3. i. 117-135.—Wciszbarth (J.) Idegen test a legcsoben. [Foreign bodv in trachea.] Orvosi he- til., Budapest, 1888, xxxii. 224-227. Atso,tran*l. [Abstr.l: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1*88, xxiv, 226.—Wer- ner. In die Luftwege eingedruugeue Bohne ; Tracheoto- mie am 19. Tage: giiustiger Ausgang. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1886, lvi, 318-320. — Wcs- «. illy or (J. A.) A case of foreign body in the air-pas- sages. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 292.— Westmoreland (W. F.) Tracheotomy for foreign bodies in the air pas- sages. Atlanta M. ct S. J., 1890-91, n. s., vii, 449-451. Aho: South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1*92, xxii, 631-636.—While (J. A.) Foreign bodies in the air-passages (nose, pharvnx, and larynx); some practical remarks"'with cases. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1891-5, xxi, 119-125— White (W. II.) A case of retention of a foreign bodv in the air passages for seven months. Gaillard's M. J.. N. Y., 1889, xlix, 23-26.—Wicsiunun. Ein Knoehenstiick im liuken Luftrdhren-Aste. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen 1844, Minister, 1*46. 78-80. — Wil*on (J. A.) Foreign bodv in the air-passages for five months. Glas- gow M. J., i892, xxxviii, 24. — Wiudelschmidt. Tod, verursacht durch Aspiration einer Bohne in die Trachea. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 18S0, xiv, 104.—Wise (T. A.) Remarks on the effects of foreign bodies lodged in the windpipe. Tr. M. & Phvs. Soc. Calcutta. 1*45, ix, pt. 1, 151-170. Aho, Reprint.—"Wolff. Verschluckter Knopf, nach 33 Wochen durch Husten ausgestossen. Prov. San.- Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Pommern 1832. Stettin, 1833, 39.— Wolff (L.) Nagra ord om frammande kroppar i luftva- garne hos menniskan. [On foreign bodies in air-passages of man.] Hygiea, Stockholm. 1889. li, 231-238.—Woolscy (A.) A case in which a cockle-bur lemained in the tra- chea or a bronchus for eleven years; was expectorated and followed by complete recovery. Nashville J. M. & S., 1880, 2. s., xxv, 103.—Young (H. B.) Foreign body in the right bronchus: expulsou on the one hundred and sec- ond day. Lancet, Lond., 1*79, ii, 573. Air-passages (Medication by). See Inhalation. Air-pump. Guide (P.) Observations anatoniiques, faites sur plusieurs aniniaux au sortir de la machine pneuniatique. 16°. Paris, 1674. Wilson (G.) On the early history of the air-pump in England. Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1819, xlvi, 330-354. Aho, Reprint. Air-space and air-supply. See Respiration; Ventilation. Air-swallowing. See Air (Deglutition of). Airy (Sir George Biddell) [1-01- ]. Monthly means of the highest and. lowest diurnal temper- atures of the water of the Thames, and compari- son with the corresponding temperatures of the air at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 9pp. e-. [Loudon, Harrison 4 Sons, 1682.] [P., v. 2031.] Repr. from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1882. Airy (Hubert) [1838- ]. Report on the sani- tary state of places in the Great Baddow sub- district of the Chelmsford Union. July, 187:5. 2 pp. fol. [London, 1873. ] -----. Report on enteric fever at Mendham, in the Hoxne Union. Aug., 1873. 3 pp. fol. [Lon- don, 1873.] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary stare of Runcorn. Aug. 26, 1874. 7 pp. fol. [London, 1874.] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary condition of Ramsey (Huntingdon- shire). Sept., 1875. 5pp. fol. [London, 1875.] -----. Report to tlie local government board on the sanitary condition of the Pontypridd regis- tration district (Glamorganshire). April 5,1876. 13 pp. fol. [London, lc76. ] -----. Report to the local government board on an outbreak of diphtheria at Fenkridge iu Staf- fordshire, and ou the sanitary state ofthe town. Oct., 1876. 5 pp. fol. [London, 1676.] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary condition of the Machynlleth regis- tration district. Jan. 5, 1877. 8 pp. fol. [Lon- don, 1877.] Airy (Hubert)—continued. -----. Report to the local government board on the sauitary state of the Ludlow registration district. Jan. 16, 1877. 12 pp. fol. [London, 1877. ] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary state of the Neath registration dis- trict. Aug. 11, 1877. 15 pp. fol. [London, -----. Report to the local government board on the water supply of Atherstone aud Polesworth, in Warwickshire. Feb. 19, 1878. 6 pp. fol. [London, 1876. ] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary state of a part of the registration district of Burton-upon-Trent. May 14, 1676. 7 pp. fol. [London, 1878.] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary state of the Knighton registration district (Radnorshire). May 15, 1878. 11 pp. fol. [London, 1878.] -----. Report to the local government board on diphtheria in the Battle registration district. July 17, 1878. 5 pp. fol. [London, 1878.] -----. Report to the local government board on diphtheria in parts of the Wrexham registration district. July 24, 1878. 5 pp. fol. [London, 1878.] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary state of the Pembroke urban sani- tary district. Jan. 15, 1879. 8 pp. fol. [Lon- don, 1879.] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary condition of the Lyniington (Hants) urban sanitary district. March 12, 187'J. 6 pp. fol. [London, 1879.] -----. Report to the local government board on an outbreak of enteric fever in Chichester. May, 1879. 11 pp., 1 pi. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre 4 W. Spottisivoode, 1879.] -----. Report to the local government board on an outbreak of scarlatina at Fallowtield, near Manchester. Dec. 13, 1879. 8 pp., 1 pi. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre 4' W. Spottisivoode, 1879.] -----. Report to the local government board ou the sanitary state ofthe Clitheroe rural sauitary district. Dec. 7, 1-80. 4 pp. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre 4 W. Spottisivoode, 1880.] [P., v. 1088.] -----. Report to the local government board on several outbreaks of diphtheria in the fourth quarter of 1879. Dec. 11, 1880. 25 pp. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre 4 W. Spottisivoode, 1880.] [P., v. 1088.] -----. Report to the local government board on an outbreak of enteric fever at Pemberton aud Orrell, in Lancashire. Jan. 25, 1881. 7 pp. fol. [Londo7i, G. E. Eyre 4' W. Spoltiswoode, 1-81.] [P., v. 108^.] -----. Report to the local government board on an outbreak of diphtheria at Coggeshall, iu the Braintree Union, Essex. Jan. 23, 1883. 6 pp. fol. [London, 1663.] [P., v. 1088.] Also, official copy. -----. Report to the local government board on an outbreak of diphtheria at Great Duntnow. Aug. 20, 1883. 5 pp. fol. London, Ei/re 4' Spot- tisivoode, 1883. [P., v. 1088.] Also, official copy. -----. Report to the local government board on a prevalence of fever in Burnley, and on the sanitary state of the borough. Aug. 6, 1884. 6 pp. fol. [London, 1884.] [P., v. 1088.] -----. Report to the local government board on a prevalence of typhoid fever in York. Feb. 9, 1885. 12 pp. fol. London, Her Majesty's Sta- tionery Office, 1-85. [P., v. 1088.] Also, official copy. AIRY. 188 AITKEN. Airy (Hubert)—continued. -----. Report to the local government board on three cases of fatal erysipelas after vaccination in the Sudbury Union, in Oct. and Nov., 18815. Feb. 5, 1887. 5 pp. fol. London, Eyre 4' Spot- tisivoode, 1-87. [P., v. 1088.] Official copy. -----. Report to the local government board on a fatal case of erysipelas after vaccination, Nov., 1886. March 11, 1887. 2 pp. fol. London, Eyre 4 Spottisivoode, 1667. [P., v. 1088.] Official copy. -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary condition of the Cranbrook rural sanitary district in Kent. June 11, 1887. 3 pp. fol. London, Eyre 4' Spottisivoode, 1887. [P., v. 1088.] Official copy. -----. Report to tho local government board on an outbreak of diphtheria at Haslemere, in Sur- rey, and on the general sanitary state of the Hambledon rural sanitary district. Aug. 12, 1887. 7 pp. fol. [London, 1887.] [P., v. 1088.] Also, official copy. -----. Report to the local government board on an epidemic of diphtheria at Buxted and Mares- field in the Uckfield rural sanitary district. July 3, 18^8. 9 pp. fol. London, Eyre 1. Repr. from: Archaeologia, xxxiv, 21-32. Akei'inau (Jules). *Om sectio mediana for niaukonuets urinblasestenar. 100 pp. 4°. Lund, Berling, 1689. Repr.from: Lunds Univ. Arsskr., xxv. Akesson (Axel Erik). * Kort afkandling om asthma nervosum (idiopathienni). 69 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell 4 Son, [1847]. Akestes. See [in 1. s.] ITIoenig (Justus). Sterility and imbecility [etc.]. 12°. London, 1861. Akhalkalaki. Paiitynkliaff (I. I.) Akhalkalkskii uyezd. (Med.- antropol. ocjierk.) [The district of. . . (Medico-anthropo- lo-ical sketch.)] Med. Shornik, Tiflis, 1892, no. 53, 127- 215. Also, Reprint. A Lhh»|M irasty. Middeldokph (A. T.) Ueberblick iiber die Akidopeirastik, eine neue Uutersuchuugs-Me- thode mit hilfe spitziger Werkzeuge. 8°. Bres- lau, [n. d.]. Akinesia. See Acinesia algera. Akinfieff (Nikolai [Mikhailovich]). *0 puzir- cliatikli glistakh pecbeui u dletei. [Hydatids in liver of children.] 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Sanktpeter- burg, J. Trei, 1865. Akinside (Marcus). See Akenside (Marcus). Akkas. See, also, Africa. IiCtonrncaii. Sur quelques renseignements nouveaux relatifs aux jeunes Akkas amenes en Italie en 1874. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1881, 3. s„ iv, 238-241. Akron. I hapmnn ("W. D.) The sewerage system of the city of Akron. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio 1886-7, Columbus, 1888, ii, 363-3C.8. Aktstykker i Sagen om Cand. philos. Taubers Doktordisputats offentliggjorte af Konsistoriuni i Henhold til eu Forhandling med Ministeriet for Kirke- og Undervisniugsvsesent. [Documents Aktstykker i Sagen oniCand. [etc.]—cont'd. in the cause of the candidate of philosophy Tauber's disputation for the doctor's degree, publ. by the consistory with reference to the proceedings of the ministry for ecclesiastical and educational affairs.] 101 pp. 8°. Kjpben- havn, Gyldendalsk, 1877. AklllofF(Afanasiy [Ilyich]). * K voprosu o pa- tologicheskikh sostoyaniakh otpadayushtshikh obolochek; (hypertrophia et oedema deciduse). [On the pathological conditions of the decidua.] 40 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, J. Trei, 1875. Akusherka, obshchedostupniy meditsinskiy journal. [Semi-monthly.] [The Midwife, a popular medical journal.] Editor: P. M. Am- brozhevich. v. 1-6,1890-95. 4°. Bransk, 1890- 92; Odessa, 1893-5. Current. Aknsliersko - ginekologielieskoye Ob- shestvo v S. - Peterburge. [Obstetrico-Gynae- cological Society of St. Petersburg. ] Protokoli. [Proceedings]. * 1886-90, i-v. 8-\ [S.-Peter- burg, 1887-90.] Bound with: J. akush. i jensk. loliez., St. Petersb., 1887- 90, i-iv. Akvileff (N.) * O vliyanii chloristavo natri'a na soderzhanie kazeina, blelka i solel izvesti v rao- lokie. [Influence of sodium chloride on the amount of casein, albumen, and calcium salts contained in milk.] 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1870. Ala (A. Stefanucei). II colera di Albano ed il cardiuale Altieri, commemorati. 50 pp. 8°. Roma, Salviucci, 1867. [P. v. 853.] Alabama. Quarantine conference. Circular letter [in relation to yellow fever in the South]. Signed Jerome Cochran, State health officer, Jan. 10, 1889. 1 sheet. 4°. [Montgomery, 1889.] ------. Annual report of the adjutant-general of Alabama to Thos. G. Jones, governor and com- mander-in-chief. For the year 1890-91. 78 pp. 8°. Montgomery, Smith, Allred 4 Co., 1892. Alabama. See, also, Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), Prisons, etc. (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities; Quarantine (Laws, etc., relating to), Quarantine (Reports, etc., of), by nations; Scar- latina (Epidemics of), by localities; Smallpox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics (Vi- tal), by localities. Andkrsox (W. H.) The climate of Alabama and its adaption to health and comfort. 8°. Mobile, 1679. Repr.from: Handb. of Alabama. Floyd (D. W.) The topography and climatology of of Lee County, Ala. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1881, 550-552.—Pierce (T. W.) The diseases of Greene County. Ibid.. 553-562.—Statistical reports, [Alabama]. Rep. Bd. Health Alabama 1892, Montgomery, 1893,49-189.— Tabular statement of births and deaths for 1882. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1883, 140-143. Alabama. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, Auburn. Catalogue aud circular for the session of 1872-3(1.). 32 pp. 8°. Louis- ville, J. P. Morton, 1872. Organized March 20, 1872. Alabama. Alabama Bryce Insane Hospital, at Tuscaloosa. Annual and biennial reports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. Annual: 15.-16., 1874-5, to 1875-6. Biennial: 1.-9., 1876-7 to 1893-4. 8°. Mont- gomery, 1862-94. An act to establish a State hospital for the insane was approved Feb. 6, 1852. Supplemental acts relating to the hospital were approved Feb. 10, 1852; Feb. 6, 185G; Feb. G. 1858; Feb. 21, I860; Feb. 23, 1860, Feb. 8, 1861. Opened July 6, 1861. The word "Bryce" was added to the title in the 9. biennial report for 1892-3 and 1893-4 in commemora- tion of its first superintendent, Dr. Peter Bryce. ALABAMA. 191 ALAMARTIKE. Alabama. Alabama Institute for the Deaf, Talladega. Annual and biennial reports of the board of trustees and officers of the Alabama Iustitute for the Deaf, in charge of the Alabama Institute for the Deaf, Alabama Academy for the Blind, and the Alabama School for Negro Deaf Mutes aud Blind, to the governor. 12.-32., 1ST 1-2 to 1891-2. 8-. Montgomery, 1872-92. Reports for 1871-2 to 1875-6 are annual; 1876-7to 1889- 90 are called annual, though each report is for two years; 1890-91 and 1891-2 called biennial. " The Alabama Insti- tution for the Deaf and Dumb was established Feb. 4, 1860. By act approved Feb. 18, 1867, a school for the blind was established under the control of the same board of commissioners, and in 1870 the name was changed to "The Alabama Iustitute for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind". By act of Feb. 19, 1887, the school for the blind was given the name of "The Ala- bama Academy for the Blind", aud the institution for the deaf aud dumb was changed to "Alabama Insti- tute for the Deaf," by act of Feb. 28, 1887. Tbe two in- stitutions are now separate and occupy separate premises, but are controlled by the same board of trustees and managed by the same principal. In 1891 the "Alabama, School for Negro Deaf Mutes and Blind " was established, and opened Jan. 4, 1892, making three institutions under the management. Alabama. State Board of Health. Circular No. 1. July, 1871>. Rules for preventing the in- troduction and spread of yellow fever. 4 pp. 8;. [Montgomery, 1879.] -----. Circular No. 2. Sept., 1879. Sanitary administration. The collection of vital statis- tics. The laws of Alabama bearing ou ques- tions of public health. Plan of constitution for the County Medical Societies. 24 pp. 8-. [Montgomery, 1879.] ■ Circular No. 3. May 1, 1880. [Includes part of report of the board for 1879. The annual report of the board of censors. The mind, and how to preserve it, by P. Bryce. Drainage and under-drainage, by S. D. Seelye; and Theory and practice of quarantine, bv Jerome Cochran.] 206 pp. 8:. [Montgomery, i860.] -----. Circular No. 4. [Being reports and drafts of bills.] 1. The supervision of the public health and the collection of vital statistics. 2. The regulation of the practice of quarantine. 3. The increase of accommodation for the in- sane. 4. The protection of the travelling pub- lic against accidents resulting from color-blind- ness. 5. The nature and treatment of inebriety and the legal management of inebriates. 96 pp. 8C. [Montgomery, I860.] -----. The memorial of the board of health of the State of Alabama. To the honorable the Senate aud the House of Representatives of the Con- gress of the United States of America. [Quar- antine jurisdiction of State and municipal boards of health.] May 10, 1880. 3 pp. 8°. [Montgomery, 1-80.] -----. Circular letter to the county boards of health and the county health officers [calling their attention to two documents published for their instruction in the current volume (1882) of the Transactions of the State Medical Asso- ciation. Sept. 23, 1882]. 1 sheet, fol. [Mont- gomery, 1882.] ■-----. Reports to the governor of the State for the years 1883; 188,4; 1888; 18e9; 1892. 8-. Montgomery, 1885-93. Reports for 1883 and 1884 in one. -----. [Blank forms used by the board.] v. s. [Montgomery, n. d.] CONTEXTS. No. 1. Certificate of birth. Xo. 2. Certificate of death. Xo. 3. Monthly report of county board. Xo. 4. Annual report of deaths. No. 5. Annual report of births. No. 6. Annual report of deaths by causes, etc. No. 7. Annual report of deaths by sexes and age. Alabama Academy for the Blind, Talladega. See Alabama. Alabama Institute for the Deaf, Talladega. Alabama (The) Medical and Surgical Age. A monthly journal of medical and surgical science. Edited'by John C. Le Grand, v. 1-7, 1888-95. 8-\ Anniston. Current. Alabama (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by J. D. S. Davis and W. E. B. Davis. Eye Department bv B. J. Baldwin. [Monthly.] v. 1; nos. 1-5, v.' 2, July, 1886, to May, 1887. 8°. Birmingham. Alabama School for Negro Deaf Mutes and Blind, Talladega. Ac Alabama. Alabama In- stitute for the Deaf, Talladega. Alabama Surgical and Gynecological Associa- tion. Constitution and by-laws. 8 pp. 8-. Birmingham, 1687. Alabaster (WorJcers in). Duchesne & ITIicliel (K.) Les albatriers. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, dc Par.. 1881, 113-115. Alabern y Raspall (Jose"). See Andres y Espala (Gregorio) Sc Allabern y Rnspnll (Jose). Las inoculaciones antirrabicas [etc.]. 8-. Madrid. 1888. Alabone (Edwin W[illiam]). The cure of con- sumption (and other diseases of the chest) by an entirely new remedy. Illustrated by numer- ous cases. 8. ed. 231 pp. 8°. [London, J. Kemp 4 Co., 1884, vel subseq.] -----. The same. 22. ed. 232, vii pp., 3 1. 8\ [London, J. Kemp <.y Co., 1688, vel subseq.] See, aho, Correspondence (A) conclusively demon- strating the curability of consumption. 12°. [Asphy Guise, 1886, vel subseq.) Aladane ( J. ) Notice en reponse h, une bro- chure r6pandue dans le public, touchant la mort de M. Jubert, maltre de pension a Grenelle. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. de E.-B. Delanchy, 1847. [P., v. 1748.] Aladane-Delalibarde. Considerations sur quelques vari6tes d'ophthalmie. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, chez Vauteur, 1849. AI af berg (C. Eugen). * Ueber die angeborne Verwachsung der Finger. [Erlangen.] 24 pp. 8 . Miinchen, F. Straub, I860. Alaimo [or Alaymo] (Marc' Antonio) [1590- 1662]. Consigli politico-medici, ne' quali si donatio le vere regole, e profittevoli ordinationi cavati dall' infelici event! delle passate pesti- lenze. 12, 460 pp., 16 1. sm. 4°. Palermo, X. Bua, 1652. Alakalonf. II vatic* (P.) Sc Deniker (J.) Peuplade Alakalouf. In: Missinn scient. d. Cap Horn, 4°, Par., 1891, vii, 12; 272. — iTI :nl ■ ii i It.) Ein Beitrag zur Osteologie der Ala- kaluf. Vrtljschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. iu Zurich, 1892, xxxvii, 302-313. Alalia. See Aphasia. AlalyRin (Dmitri [Dmitrievich]). * K voprosu ob izmeuenii morphologicheskavo sostava krovi v razlielmikh sostoyaniakh rodilnavo perioda. [On the morphological changes of the blood in the different stages of childbed.] 1 p. 1., 71 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. P. Soikin, 1892. Alain (Jean) [1869- ]. * Essai sur l'applica- tion des m6thodes de laboratoire au traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 42 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1694, No. 300. Alamartine (Louis) [1803- ]. * Etude cli- nique et medieo-legale sur les troubles nerveux cons6cutifs aux traumatismes. [ Lyons. ] 154 pp. 4°. Saint-Utienne, 1689, No. 475. -----. Thesame. 154 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck, 1869. ALAMEDA. 192 ALAYxMO. Alameda Co. Medical Association. Constitu- tion, by-laws, and fee table adopted by the . . . with a list of members to January 1st, 1873. 12 pp. 16°. San Francisco, Cubery 4 Co., 1872. Alansoii (Edward) [1747-1823]. Practical ob- servations upon amputation, and the after-treat- ment, viii, 64 pp. 8°. London, J. F. 4 C. Riv- ington, 1779. [P., v. 2085.] Alaiitoin. Colasnnti (G.) DieBildungdes Alantoinsim Korper. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1893-5, xv, 189-202. Alnntol. iVIarpiiiaiui (G.) Ueber Alantol-Behandlung. Bres- lau. arztl. Ztschr., 1887, ix, 277. -----. Aseptische und antiseptische Wirkungen einiger Chemikalien verglichen mit Alantsaure-Alantol. Ergnzngshft. z. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1887, ii, 244-250. Alapy ( H. ) Ueber das Resorptionsvermogen der Harnblase. 27 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Besold, 1697). Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Earn- n. Sex.- Org., Leipz., 1895, vi. Alai'CO (Jos6 L.) Clinica qnirurgica del hos- pital "Dos de Mayo". Lecciones redactadas y publicadas por Francisco A. Fuentes. Eutrega la. 57 pp. 12°. Lima, imp. del Estado, 1878. Alard (M[arie- Jos.- Louis-Jean-Francois- An- toine]) [ 1779-1850 ]. Essai sur lo catarrhe de l'oreille. 2. ed. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon 4 Cie., 1607. -----. Histoire de l'e'le'phantiasis des Arabes, maladie particuliere au systeme lymphatique, fr6quente dans nos climats, quoique m^connue jusqu'a ce jour, xvii, 365 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Paris, Croullebois, 1809. -----. Nouvelles observations recueillies sur l'61e"phautiasis des Arabes; lues a la Soci^te" de I'Ecole de m6deciue de Paris, et communiques a la Soci^te" medicale d'emulation. 30 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Croullebois 4 Gabon, 1811. Bound with the preceding. AlarilusAcinstclredamus [ -1541]. See Ilia r bod us. Liber lapidum seu de gemmis [etc.]. 8°. Gottingce, 1799. Alary (Henri-Louis-Marie-Jacques) [1859- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude des abces de la glande vulvo-vaginale : leur 6tiologie; leur traitement. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1692, No. 141. Alaska. Report of the governor of Alaska to the President of the United States, for year 1888-9. 31 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Gff., 1669. Alaska. See, also, Sitka; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Alaska. A sketch of the country and its people. 8°. [n. p., 1883.] Fast (E. G.) Catalogue of antiquities and curiosities collected in the Territory of Alaska. 8-. [Xew York], 1869. United States. Congress. Senate. Report. [Authorizing the printing of 4,000 extra copies of the report of Lieut. George M. Stoney, U. S. Navy, dated May 31, 1887, covering the several expeditions under his command for the explo- ration of northern Alaska]. 51. Cong., 2. sess. S. Rep. No. 2402. Snbni. by Mr. Manderson, Feb. 23, 1891. 8C. [ Washington, 1891.] -----. A bill authorizing the Secretary of War to cause an exploration and survey to be made of the interior of the Territory of Alaska. 52. Cong., 1. sess. 775. Dec. 14, 1891. Introd. by Mr. Manderson. roy. 8J. [Washington, 1891.] United States. Department of the Interior. Population and resources of Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a preliminary report upon the population, in- Alaska. dustry, and resources of Alaska. 46. Cong., 3. sess. H. R. Ex. Doc. No. 40. Jan. 15, 1881. 8°. [Washington, 1881.] -----. Letter from the Secretary of the In- terior, transmitting, iii response to Senate reso- lution of Dec. 5, 1888, a report of the governor of Alaska relative to alleged personal outrages [upon Indian females] in Alaska. 50. Cong., 2. sess. S. Ex. Doc. No, 141. March 1, 1889. 8°. [Washington, 1889.] United States. Treasury Department. Re- port upon the customs district, public service, and resources of Alaska Territory. By William Gouverneur Morris, special agent. 45. Cong., 3. sess. ' S. Ex. Doc. No. 59. 8°. Washington, 1879. -----. Letter from the Secretary ofthe Treas- ury, transmitting, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of March 9, 1880, the report of Cap- tain Bailey upon the number, occupation, aud condition of the people of Alaska; the report of the Supervising Surgeon-General Marine Hos- pital Service on the same subject; also report of special agent Otis upon the illicit traffic in rum aud fire-arms. Treasury Department, March 30, 1880. 46. Cong., 2. sess. Ex. Doc. No. 132. 6C. [Washington, 1880.] United States. War Department. Signal Office. Report of the International Polar Ex- pedition to Point Barrow, Alaska, in response to the resolution of the House of Representatives of Dec. 11, 1884. [Under the command of First Lieut. P. H. Ray, U. S. A. ] 48. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Ex. Doc. No. 44. 4°. Washington, 1885. -----. Contributions to the natural history of Alaska. Results of investigations made chiefly in the Yukon district and the Aleutian Islands; conducted under the auspices of the signal services, United States Army, extending from May, 1874, to August, 1881. Prepared under the direction of Brig, and Bvt. Maj. Gen. "YV. B. Hazen, Chief Signal Officer of the Army. By L. M. Turner. No. 2. Arctic series of publi- cations issued in connection with the Signal Service U. S. Army. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 155. 4°. Washington, 1886. -----. Report upon natural history collec- tions made iu Alaska between the years 1877 and 1881 by Edward YV. Nelson. Edited by Henry W. Henshaw. Prepared under the direction of the Chief Signal Officer. No. III. Arctic series of publications issued in connection with the Signal Service U. S. Army. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 156. 4°. Washington, 1667. Dall (W. H.) The native tribes of Alaska. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Salem, 1885, xxxiv, 363-379. Aho, Ke- print. Alaska. A sketch of the country and its people. 20 pp., 1 map. 8°. [n. p., 1663.] Alasoniere (L.) Am61ioratiou de l'espece che- valine par des accouplements raisonne"s. Ou- vrage honore" d'une lueuaillo d'argent par la Soci6t6 nationale et ceutrale d'agriculture de France, xv, 126 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4fils, 1884. Alassio. Regolamento di pubblica igiene per la citta di Alassio. Approvato dal consiglio comu- nale nella seduta del 6 setteinhre 1S80. 18 pp. 8°. Albenga, tip. T. Craviotto efiglio, 1664. Alauzet ( E.) * Etude des principals rhu- barbes. 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1888, No. 450. Ecole de pharmacie. Alavoine (Joseph) [1849- ]. *Traitenient de la phthisie pulmonaire. 49 pp. '4°. Paris. 1882, No. 9. Alaymo. See Alaimo. ALBA. 1 Alba. Regolamento di polizia urbana della citta di Alba. 18 pp. 8\ Alba, tipog. e libreria muni- cipale Sausoldi, 1683. ■-----. Regolamento amministrativo ed igienico dell' Ospedale di S. Lazzaro in Alba. 74 pp., 11. 8°. Alba, tipog. e libreria Sausoldi, 1691. -----. Regolaiueuto di aniniinistraziono e ser- vizio interno del pio istituto denominato Ospizio delle povere figlie, eretto in Alba. 30 pp., 1 1. 8~. Alba, tipog. e libreria Sausoldi, 1891. -----. Regolamento di aniininistrazione e servi- zio interno del pio istituto denominato Kicovero dei poveri giovani abbaudonati, eretto in Alba. 45 pp. 8~. Alba, tipog. Pagauelli, 1891. -----. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale di San Lazzaro della citta d' Alba. 18 pp. 8°. Alba, tipog. e libreria Sausoldi, 1891. -----. Statuto organico dell' Ospizio delle povere figlie della citta d' Alba. 9 pp. 8C. Alba, tipog. e libreria Sausoldi, 1691. -----. Statuto organico del pio istituto Ricovero dei poveri giovani abbaudonati nella citta di Alba. 16 pp. 8 . Alba, tipog. Paganelli, 1891. van Albada(B. L.) De psychische geneeswijze door Dr. F. van Eedeu overgedrukt uit " De Nieuwe Gids" van Februari 1888, beoordeeld voor zoover het door een leek te bevoordeelen is. 35 pp. 8J. Leiden, B. Blankenberg, [1888, vel subseq.]. Alban (Joh. Ernst Heinrich) [1791-1856]. Ver- such einer Anleitung zur richtigen Gesundheits- pflege der Augeu fiir den Nichtarzt. iv, 168 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8-. Rostock, Adlers Erben. 1816. Alban de Grailly [1869- ]. *De la n6- phrotomie daus Fanurie. 80 pp. 4J. Lyon, 1895, No. 1078. Albanese (Enrico) [1835-89J. Notizie di chi- rurgia pratica, precedute da alcuni cenni storici e statistici sullo spedale civico di Palermo e rac- colte negli auni 1867-68 nello stesso spedale e nella clinica chirurgica da . . . Prima disp. 108, 41 pp., 2 1., 6 pi. 4-. Palermo, B. Lima, 1869. -----. Ospizio mariuo di Palermo. Relazione sanitaria ed amministrativa del comitato diret- tivo. 3. anno, 1876. 40 pp. 8°. Palermo, tipog. Virzi, 1677. -----. Progetto di un regolamento d' igiene per la citta di Palermo. Approvato dalla commis- sione sanitaria municipale nella seduta del 4 novembre 18 York, Trow, 1885. -----. Report of the water commissioners to the common council of the city of Albany, recom- mending a water supply from Kinderhook Creek. 34 pp., 1 map. 8°. Albany, Argus Co., 1892. Bound with: Albany. Report of the water commis- sioners for 1892. -----. Annual reports of the city engineer to the common council. 1.-4., 1891-4. 8°. [Albany, 1892-5.] ------. Annual report of the water commissioners and superintendent of the water works, for the year 1892. 70 pp. 8°. Albany, Argus Co., 1893. Albany. See, also, Directories, etc. (Medical); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, His- tory, etc., of), Police (Reports, etc., of), by locali- ties ; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Albany (The) hand book for 1881. A stran- ger's guide and resident's manual, containing a chronicle of local events; information about the city government, schools, and churches; descrip- tion and history of public buildings and institu- tions, with special reference to Washington Park, the rural cemetery, and the new capitol. 16°. Albany, 1880. Annual report of the city registrar of mar- riages, births, and deaths in the city of Albany, for the year 1880-81 (11.). 8°. Albany, 1881. Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory, Albany. Aug. 28,1856. 8°. Albany, 1856. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Albany, 1858. Robertson (C. A.) Decoration Day. Albany celebration, May 31, 1875. Oration. 8°. [Al- bany, 1875.] Balch (L.) The health interests of Albany. Albany M. Ann., 1893, xiv, 129-i::7.—Bai-tlctt (E. A.) The sani- tary status of Albany. Ibid., 1S88, ix, '.'81-284. — Curtis (F. C.) Some matters of sanitary interest in Albany. Ibid., 1893, xiv, 257-2G3—Gai-dinicr (J. T.) [etal.] Re- sort on the Albany basin. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1*84, Albany, 1885, v, 395-419, 2 maps. Albany. Board of Health. Report of the medical staff [being a summary of deaths from epidemic cholera during the month of July, 1832]. 2 1. fol. [Albany, 1632.] -----. Rules and regulations. 44 pp. 18c. Al- bany, Argus Co., 1882. Albany. Board of Police Commissioners. An- nual reports lo the common council. 6.-8., 1876- 7 to 1878-<»; 10., 1880-81; 14., 1884-5; 17., 1887-8. 8°. Albany, 1878-89. Albany College of Pharmacy, department of pharmacy of Union University. Annual an- nouncements for the seasons of 1881-2 to 1893-4. 4° & 8J. Albany, 1881-93. List of students and graduates for the years 1881-2 to 1889-90, in announcements for subsequent years. Incor- porated Aug. 27, 1881. First report is 4°. -----. First commencement exercises, with the address delivered to the graduating class, by David Murray. 8 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1882.] Albany County. Albany Penitentiary. Brief ac- count of the . . . 6 pp. 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1848. ALBANY. 194 ALBERIU; Albany County. Albany Penitentiary—cont'd. ------. Annual reports of the commissioners, with the accompanying documents, to the board of supervisors of Albany County. 2., 1849-50: 4.- 1-.. 1851-2 to 1865-6; 20.-25., 1867-8 to 1872-3; 27.-40., 1874-5 to 1887-8; 42.-46., 1889-90 to 1893- 4. 8°. Albany, 18.31-94. Albany County Medical Society. By-laws of tbe Albany County Medical Society. 8 pp. 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1851. Albany Eye and Ear Relief Association. Circu- lar of the . . . and branch at Troy, including Throat Dispensary. ( For circulation iu the medical profession. ) 8 pp. 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1877. ------. [Circular setting forth the objects of the relief. Albany, April 15, 1878.] 2 1. 8°. [Al- bany, 1878.]' Albany (The) handbook for 1881. A stranger's guide and resident's manual, containing a chroni- cle of local events; information about the city government, schools, and churches; description and history of public buildings and institutions, with special reference to Washington Park, the rural cemetery, and the new capitol. 146 pp. 16'. Albany, [C. Van Benthuysen 4' Sons], 1880. Albany Hospital. Reports of the board of gov- ernors to the corporation for the vears 1878-9; 1879-80; 1892-3. Ill, 24 pp. ^. Albany, 18HI-93. Founded by private subscription. Incorporated April 11, 1849. Opened in 1851. Reports for 1878-9 and 1879-80 in one. Albany Juvenile Retreat. See Orphan's Home of St. Peter's Church, Albany. Albany Medical Annals: a journal of the Medi- cal Society of the County of Albany. Published by a committee of the society. [Monthly.] v. 6-16, 1885-95. 8-. Albany, X. Y. Current. Title of v. 1-5,1880-84, was: IVEertical (The) Annals. Albany Medical College. Medical department of Union University (formerly medical depart- ment of the University of Albany). Annual catalogues aud announcements for the sessions of 1839-40 (2.); 1853-4 (17.); 1854 s. (18.); 1855 s. (20.); 1856 s. (22.); 1857 s. (24.); 1,861 (31.); 1862 (31. ); 1^05 (35. ); 1-66 (36. ); 1880-81 to 1895-6(49.-65.). 8°. A Ibany, 1839-95. List of graduates from 1839 to 1890, in announcement for 1890-91. Organized April 14, 1838. First course of lectures commeuced Jan. 3, 1839. From 1839 to 1895, in- clusive, there were 65 lecture terms and commencements; 57 fall and 8 spring. Summer sessions 18G8. In 1873 it be- came the medical department of Union University. In 1877 the term was lengthened to 20 weeks. 1862 is 4°. 1., 2., and 3. ed. of 1878-9. -----. Metric system of weights and measures, issued by tbe Albany Medical College, medical department of Union University. Prepared by Maurice Perkins, M. D., professor of chemistry. Especially arranged for the convenience of its graduates, broadside fol. [Albany, n. d.] -----. See, also : Albany. Investigation of the Albany Medi- cal College. Report of the special committee of the common council ofthe city of Albany on the affairs of the Albany Medical College and the re- moval of Dr. John Swinburne. 8J. [Albany, 1880.] ------. Albany Medical College. Final action ofthe common council in the matter of a certain investigation. 8°. [Albany, 1880.] Reese (D. M.) Introductory lecture delivered at the opening ofthe Albany Medical College, at the anatomical theater, Jan. 2,1839. 8°. Albany, 1839. ------. Introductory lecture before the Albany Medical College. 8°. Albany, 1639. Albany Medical College—continued. Ward (S. B.) The introductory lecture to the course of 1878-9 at the Albany Medical Col- lege. 8°. Albany, 1878. Albany Memorial Hospital. See National Hos- pital for the Paralyzed and Epileptics, Blooms- bury. Albarda (Joannes). De fluxu menstruo, ex re- latione ovariorum non ad solum uterum, sed ad uuiversum corpus femininum, explicando. 2 p. 1., 51 pp. 8°. Franequerce, D. Romar, 1785. [P., v. 1859.] AHbarracin. liuhiici'la (P.) Memoria geografico-m6diea de la chi- liad de Albarracin y su partido. Eco de la med., Madrid, 1848-9, i, 641-643. Albarran (Joaquin) [1860- ]. Kyste denti- fere. Pathogeiiie de ces kystes. 7 pp. 8°. [Havre, Lemale 4' Cie., 1887.] Repr.from: Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1887, lxii. ------. * Etude sur le rein des urinaires. 184 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 125. ------. The same. 195 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1889. Epithelioma du rein, infection, mort. Le ballottement et l'h6maturie comme signes dia- gnostiques. 4 pp. 8°. Paris, 1890. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv. See, also, France. Ministre du Commerce. Rapport sur les essais de vaccination chol6rique entrepris en Espagne, par M. le docteur Ferran. 8°. Paris, 1885. Albeck (Ernestus Josephus). Expositio medica casus de segritudiue animi. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Tu- bingai, typ. M. Rommeii, 1688. Albenga. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale di N.a S.a della Misericordia. Approvato con decreto reale 16 febb. 1879. 16 pp. 8°. Albenga, tipog. T. Craviotto efiglio, 1882. Albengncfit. De virtutibus medicinarum et ciborum, translatus a Gerardo Cremonensi de Arabico in Latinum. In: Elluchasem Elimithar. Tacuini sanitatis de sex reb.us [etc.]. fol. Argentorati, 1531, 119-139. ------. Sermo in appropinquatione medicina? ex corpore. In: Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.). fol. Vene- tiis, 1553, f. 429\ Albenqnc (Felix Robertus). * Diss. phys.-med. de iulluxu lunae et solis in corpus humanum, et de morbis inde oriuudis. 16 pp. 4°. Monspelii, J. F. Picot, 1776. [P., v. 1628. J Alber (August). * Ueber das Vorkommen von Harncylindern in eiweissfreiem Ham bei Anwen- dung der Centrifuge. 31pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1893. Albera (Gio. Maria) [1742-1808]. Trattato teo- rico pratico delle malattie dell' insolato di pri- mavera, volgarmente dette della pellagra. 11, 163 pp. 12 . Varese, G. Motta 4 G. Pedemonti, [1784]. Alberglietti (Dominions Augustinus). De na- turali quarumdani corporis humani partium avaoTt/cia, nee lion irritabilitate de peculiari cru- ris amputatione, et varia operationis hujusce me- thodo, de genu, crure, ac pede artificiosis figura, motuque naturali analogo instructis. xxiv, 112 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Venetiis, J. B. Recurti, 1770. [P., v. 427; 110y.] Albergo dei Poveri ed Ospedale degli Onesti. See Ospedale degli Onesti ed Albergo dei Poveri in Modica. Albcrins Triuncurianiis ( Claudius ) [Anbery (Claude)] [ -1596]. De concordia medicorum, disputatio exoterica. Ad Vencislaum Laviniuin ab Ottenfeld. 84 pp. 16°. [Lausanna], J. le Preux, 1585. Bound with: Valla Placentinus (Georgius). Dc cor- poris commodis [etc.]. 16°. Argentine, [1529?]. ALBERIZZI. I95 ALBEKT. Alberizzi (Piergiuseppe) [1692(?)-1722]. Crito- logia medica in cui si stabiliscono, esclusi i ver- micciuoli, altre cagioni della peste, e su '1 di- verso pensamento si addita uu' idea di metodo preservative e cnrativo. 3 p. 1., 151 pp. 16c. Milano, F. Vigone efrat., 1721. Alberny (Louis). * Etude sur l'Eucalyptus glo- bulus, x, 11-72 pp. 4-\ Montpellier, 1669, No. 456. ficole de pharmacie. Albers (Bernhardns). *De morbo eoque retro" pulso. 1 p. 1., 34 pp., 1 1. 4°. Harderovici, J- Moojen, 1763. [P.. v. 1935.] Albers (Edmund) [1847- ]. * Drei Falle vou Lymphosarcom. 1 p. 1., 26 pp., 2 1. 8-. Breslau, A. Neumann, [1869]. Albers ( Hk.) Orthopaedie of heilgymnastiek. Beschouwiugeu over de scoliosis en hare be- haudeling. 54 pp. 12°. Rotterdam, Xijgh .)■ van Ditmar, 1>93. Albers (Job. Abraham) [1772-1821]. Preisfrage, woriu besteht eigeulich das Uebel, das unter dem sogenannteu freywilligen Hinkeii der Kin- der bekanut ist? Findet dagegen eine Heilung statt, wann und wo findet sie statt. und durch welche Mittel wird sie erzielet? 78 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 4°. Wien, J. Geislinger, 1807. -----. Icones ad illustiaudam anatonien compa- ratam. 12 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. fol. fij^iw, G. J. Goeschen, 181*. See, aho. Badham (Charlesi. Versuch iiber die Bron- chitis, [etc.] 12°. Bremen, lfl5.—J urine (Louis). Ab- handlung iiber deu Croup. [ etc. |. iD. Leipzig, 1816.— Liodrr (Just. Christ.) [in 1. s. ]. [ Pr. ] observations scroti per sphacelnm destructi, [etc. J. Part. ii. 4°. Jeme, [1795]. — Pcmberton (Christopher Robert) [in 1. s.j. Praktische Abhandlung iiber verschiedene Krank- heiten des Unterleibes. 8-. Bremen, 1817.— Koycr- Collard ( Antoine Athanase ). Abhandlung iiber den Croup. 8°. Hannover. 1814. — Sutton ( Thomas) [in 1. s.]. Abhandlung iiber das Delirium tremens. 8°. Bre- men, 1820. [Erroneously ascribed to S. A. Albers.] Albers (Joh. Christ[oph]) [1795-1857]. Die Heliceen nach natiirlicher Verwandtschaft sys- tematisch geordnet. 2. Ausg. nach dem hinter- lassenen Manuskript besorgt von Eduard von Martens, xviii, 359 pp. 6Z. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 166)0, Albers (Joh. Fr[iedrich] Herrn.) [1805-67]. *De alimeutis, quibus Gra3ci Hippocratis aetate utebautur. 1 p. 1., ii, 3-24 pp. 4-. Bounce, typ. H. Knirenschild, [1828]. Name of author appears on this dissertation as Joan. Franc. Herm. Albers. ------. Lehrbnch der Semiotik, fiir Vorlesungen bearbeitet. 2 p. 1., 720 pp. 8J. Leipzig, C. Cnob- loch, 1834. ------. Histoire de l'inflammation du ccecum (ty- plilitis). Trad, de l'allemand par J.-B. Pigu'e. 46 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Locquin 4 Cie., 1839. -----. Meuioire sur les ost6ophites, les periosto- phytes, les chondrophytes et les taenebphytes. Trad, de l'allemand [par] J.-B. Pigne". 24 pp. 1. Wien. 1894. — Wiener Recept- Taschenbuch [in l.s.]. 16°. Wien, 1888. -----.Thesame. 8. Aufl. 16°. Wien, [1891]. -----. The same. 9. Aufl. 16°. Wien, 1893. -----. The same. Formulaire de la faculte de medecine de Vienne, [etc. ]. 16°. Paris, 1888. -----. The same. 16°. Paris, 1891. Albert (Ernest) [1865- ]. * Etude sur le te"- tanos cephalique avec h6mipl6gie faciale, ou te"tauos de Rose. 100 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1890, No. 499. Albert (Frederic) [1859- ]. "Kystes hyda- tiques multiples de la cavite" peritoneale; traite- ment. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 26. ALBEKT. 196 ALBERTI. Albert i,(ieorg.) *Defoetu intestinis plane nudis extra abdomen propeudentibus nato. In: Weiz (F. A.) mNeue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1775, iii, 83-99! -----& Klett (Georgius Benedictus). De corpo- ribus muudi totalibus. 31. sin. 4°. T'item- bergce, prelo C. Kreiisigii, [1700]. Albert (Heinrich [Rudolf]) [1855- ]. *Ein Fall von Tuberkulose des Herzens. 16 pp., 1 1. 8C. Kiel, Schmidt u. Klaunig, 1663. Albert (J.-F.-M.) Recherches sur les principes fondamentaux de la classification bibliogra- phique, pr6ceue"es de quelques mots sur la biblio- graphic, d'un expos6 des priucipaux systenies bibliographiques, et suivies d'une application de ses principes au classement des livres delabiblio- theque royale. vi (11.), 63 pp. 8°. Paris, chez Vanteur, 1847. Albert (Jean-Charles) [1858- ]. 'Contribu- tion a l'etiologie de la keratite interstitielle. 44 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 92. Albert (Maurice). Les me"deciiis grecs a Rome. x, 323 pp. 12-. Paris, Hachette 4 Cie., 1894. Albert (Maxime) [1868- ]. *De la blenuor- ragie ur6trale chez la femme et de son traite- ment. 78 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1894, No. 911. Albert (Raymond) [1870- ]. * Recherches sur les causes de la disparitiou des fievres palu- stres dans le Haut-Limousin. 31 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1076. Albert (Robert). * Ueber p-Monoamidotriphenyl- metban. 22 pp. 8W. Erlangen, F. Junge, 1893. Albert (Theodor). *Zur Kenntniss der Herz- ruptur. [Erlangen.] 38 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, F. Haffner, 1890. Albert House Institution, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Annual reports of the trustees to the subscribers. 5.-14., 1867 to 1876: 17., 1879; 19.-25., 1881 to 1887. 63 & 4°. [St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1868-88.] 5.-14. are 8°. Albert (L') moderne, [etc.]. See Alletz (Pons- Augustin). Albert (The) Veterinary College, limited, Queen's Road, Bayswater. Rules and regulations . . . 1865. 71. 8°. London, A. H. Baily 4 Co., [186b]. Bound with: Gamgee (J.) The cattle plague, [etc.]. 8». London, 1866. Albertazzi (Sante). Contributo alio studio del cancro acuto. 7 pp. 8°. [Piacenza, 1879.] Repr. from: Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1879, i. Albert! (Augusto). II ciiirurgo condotto odierno. 24 pn. 8°. Camajore, Benedetti, 1890. Albert! (Franz) [1861- ]. * Ueber Schwindel als Symptom von Ohrkrankheit. 20 pp., 2 1. 8 . Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer u. Co., 1890. Albert! (Giuseppe). Codice sanitario farmaceu- tico od ordinameuto dell' esercizio farmaceutico in Italia. Progetto di legge. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vicenza, G. Staider, 1682. Albert! (Michael) [1682-1757]. Sincera et justa responsio in qua de pa^dantismo medico candide agitur adversus immatura, cruda et absurda fulminis ex pelvi, sive, auri fulminantis defeu- sionis niagni quondam practici Numburgeusium, etc., D. Pancratii Wolffii, etc., sub germanae fidei, integritate et testimonto quam impugnavit sub tit. brevissimae castigationis Der Albertaten des Teutschen D. Michel Alberts [etc.]. 99 pp.. 1 1. 4°. [n.p.], 1708. -----. Meditationes atque observationes, de ad- mirandis aninue praecipue humanae effectibus. 36 pp. sm. 4C. Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1713]. [Also, in: P., v. 1921.] -----. *De medicinae et doctrina3 moralis nexu. Respondens Andreas Ajtai. 53 pp. sm. 4°. Halo- Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1714]. [P., v. lh;.] -----. Tractatus de hamorrhoidibus, in quo schediasmata quaedani . . . Stahlii, veram haemor- Alberti (Michael)—continued. rUoidum doctrinam exponentia, fundameuti loco praeniittuntur, et totum negotium hauniorrhoi- dale diagnostice, proguostice, pathologicc et practice per specialissima themata e rudeiibns antiquitatis et experientia posteritatis in usum tarn medicorum, qnam subjectorum haemorrhoi- dariorum cum praefatione epistolica celeb. Stahlii ad authorem directa, et indice verbali ac reali commendatur. 9 p. 1., 418, 210 pp., 25 1. 4°. Halw, typ. et impensis Orphanotrophei, 1722. -----. [Pr. ] de venae sectione juniorum. [Cum vita candidati Joh. Christophori Friderici.] 6 1. 4U. [Halce, 1725.] [P., y. 1914.] -----. [Pr.] de venae sectione duplicata. 4-f-l. 4°. [Halce Magdeb., 1726.] [P., v. 1914.] The last two leaves are wanting. -----. Specimen mediciute theologies, selectiora qiuedam themata ad scientiam et experientiain medicam praecipue pertinentia, cum s. theologia tamen propius firmiusque connexa, multis par- ticularibus observationibns nee non casibus con- scientiae illustrata commendaus in medicime et theologia? usum directum. Cum praefatione Jo. Mich. Langii. 61 (5 1.), 688 pp., 8 1., port. sm. 8°. Halce Magdeb., J. C. Hendel, 1726. -----. Isagoge formulas medicamentosas arti- ficiosa methodo conscribendi, praxi clinicae ac- commodata, et in usum auditorii sui succinctis thesibus commendata. 88 pp. 4°. Halw Mag- deb., imp. J. C. Hendelii, 1726. [P., v. 1914.] -----. * [Pr.] de sectarum medicarum noxia res- tauratione. [Cum vita candidati Joh. Nicolai Grimmanni.] 3 1. sm. 4. [Halw Magdeb., 1730.] [Also, in: P., v. 1366.] -----. * De abortus violenti modis et signis. Re- spondens' Zacharias Conradus Muth. 44 pp. sm. 4°. Halw Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1730], -----. Tractatio medico-forensis de fortune sub- jectis aptis et ineptis, secundum morales et physicas causas ventilata, cum uberrimis jure- consultorum et medicorum suffragiis confirniata et illustrata ac in utriusque fori usum directa, cum praefatione de tortura medica. 90 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., apud J. C. Hendelinm, 1730. -----. Tractatio medica de longaevitate hominis, naturalibus nounullis mediis adjuvanda et pro- movenda, regulis praecipue diaeteticis acconnno- data, simplici ac vitie animali optime quadraute modo commendata a . . . 4C. Halw Magdeb., apud J. C. Hendelium, 1732. -----. * De louga'vitate ex aeris temperie. Re- spondens Heinricns Josua Mosengel. 32 pp. 4°. Halw Magdeb., lit. Hendelianis, [1728]. -----. *De longaevitate ex diaeta. Respondens Joh. Casparus Zopf. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halm Magdeb., lit. Hendelianis, 1726. -----. * De lougtevitate ex motu corporis. Re- spondens Joh. Nicolaus Liideres. 33 pp., 3 1. 4°. Halw Magdeb., lit. Hendelianis, 1728. -----. *De lougaevitate ex medicina. Respon- dens Arnoldus Fridericus Steiiimeyer. 35 pp. 4°. Halw Magdeb., lit. Hendelianis, 1726. Alberti (Salomon) [1540-1600]. * De lacrimis. Disputabit Micadus Henig. 25 1. sm. 4°. Vi- twbergw, [excudebat Z. Lehman, 1581], Also, in: Halleh. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1749, iv, 53-85. -----. Tres orationes. Prima de cognitione her- barum . . . Secunda de nioschi . . . natura . . . tertia de disciplina anatomica, [etc.]. 95 1. 12°. Norimbergw, [in off. typog. Catharinw Gerla- chiw], 1585. -----. Deschorbuto. Respondebit EruestusHet- tenbach. 20 1. 16° Vitwbergw, 1591. Bound with his: Schorbuti historia. 16°. Yitcebergat, 1594. ALBERTI. 197 ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Albert! (Salomon)—continued. -----. Schorbuti historia cui inobservatnm vel saltern indictum hacteuus symptoina accessit ge- narum coarctatio, genuum contractioni germa- nuni et quasi consanguineum. 1111. 16c. Vi- ia'bergw, typ. M. G. Mulleri, 1594. Albertiil (Henri-Alphonse). * Des injections iutra-utdrines au point de vue obstetrical sous la me, bode antiseptique. 112 pp. 4°. Lyon,1667, Xo. 379. -----. The same. 112 pp. 8°. Lyon, J. Gallet, 1—7. ABbertini (Annibale). De affectionibns cordis libri tres, quorum primus agit de naturalibus, seeundus et tertins, de pra?ternaturalibus, de palpitatione nenipe, et syncope, atque earum cu- ratione. In quibns multa problemata scitu dig- nissima enodautur, et pnecipue de morboruni principatu, sedeque auimae, de primis morborum generibns, de peste, ac de scopis mittendi san- guinein. 14 p. 1., 335 pp. 4°. Ca'sena; apud Xcrium, 1048. Albertini (G.^ A: Panzeri (P.) Annotazioni
  • ., 1 pi. 8\ [Torino, tip. Celanza e Comp., 1882.] Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1882, 3. s., xxx. Alberts (C.) Die erste Hiilfe bei Unftillen vor Ankunft des Arztes. Nach den Mittheilnngen der Vereinigung franzosiseher Iudustrieller ge- gen UufaHe. 37 pp. 16°. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1694. Alberts (J. E.) Over kanker. llistorisch-cri- tisch eu experimenteel onderzoek. 154 pp. 8°. Croningen, P. Noordhoff, 1885. -----. The same. Das Carcinom in historischer und experimentell - pathologischer Beziehung. xvi, 209 pp. roy. 8\ Jena, G. Fischer, 1667. Alberts (Max). * Ueber Pseudarthrosen-Opera- tion. [Wurtzhurg.] 18 pp. 8°. [Burg, A. Hop- fer, 1667,.] Albei'tHS. Les 6toiles doubles de la medecine. 1. fasc. 92 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1663. Albertus Magnus [1193-1280]. De secretis nnilierum libellus, scholiis auctus, et a mendis repurgatus. Ejusdem de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, et animalium quorundam libellus. Item de mirabilibus mundi, ac de quibusdam effectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus, etc. 238 pp. 24°. Lugduni, apud B.Vincentium, 1571. -----. The same. Daruth der Fruweus ere Heimlicheit, thofellige Schwackkeit unde Arste- dye: Dartho mennigerley Kriider, Edelstene unde Deerte Ardt unde Natur: ock Rath yegen de Pestilenz, uud vam Aderlatende kan geleh- ret werden. Uppet nye mit Fly the dorchgese- hen, unde mit einer Vorrede van Alberti Magni Herkumpft uud Levende vormehret, unde also in de sassische Sprake gebrocht. 3 p. 1., 145pp., 31. 12°. Hamborch, 1613. Bound with: Aristoteles. Problemata Aristotelis, etc. 12°. Hamburg, 1604. -----. The same. Yon Weiberen und Geburten der Kinder, sampt ihren Artzneyen. Auch vou Tugenden etlicher fiirnemmen Krauter, uud von Kraft't der edlen Gestein. Von Art und Natur etlicher Thier, mit sampt einem bewerten Regi- ment fiir die Pestilentz. Alles auffs new wider gebessert und vermehrt. 106 pp., 3 1. 16°. [n.p.], 1659. Bound with: Arxoldus de Villa Xova. Practica me- dica. 16°. Franekfurt, 1619. -----. The same. Von Weiberu und Geburten der Kinder; sampt denen darzu gehorigen Arz- neyen, und Unterricht, wie sich sowohl die Ge- biihrenden verhalten, als auch die Hebammen, i ihrer Pllicht gemiiss, oder andere dabey beno- thigte Persouen, ihren Dienst recht verrichten sollcn. Nebst einer Erkliirung vou den Tugen- den der voruekmsteu Krauter, uud von Kraft und Wurknng der Edelgesteine; item, von Art und Natur etlicher Thiere, aus Apollinaris gros- sen Krauter - Buch gezogen; und deme noch ein bewiihi tes Mittel Tur die Pestilenz, und wie man sich wegeu des Adcrlasscns verhalten solle, noch beygefugt. Nebst denen Landleuten zum Nutzen wieder aufs neue eingerichtet, und mit darzu dienlichen Fignren ausgezieret. 106 pp., 2 1. 16°. [n.p.,n.d.] See. also [in 1. s.], IVciver (Ein) Albertus Magnus. 4°. Franckf. a. 21., [1564]. ----. The same. sm. 4°. [Augspurg]. 1507. — Koslin (Eucharius) [in 1. s.]. Ehestandts Artzney. 12°. Franckf. a. M., 1571. For Biographi/, see Aerztl. Int. - I'.l.. Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 336-339. Also, in: Salomon (M.) Biog. hervor- rag. Aerzte. S3. Miinchen. 1885, 38-47. For Portrait, see C'ollcciion of Portr. (Libr.). -----. Sec, also : Ferguson (J.) On a copy of Albertus Mag- nus' De secretis nnilierum, printed by Machliuia. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. 198 ALBINOS. Albertus Magnus—continued. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries. 4°. Westminster, 1886. Gloria (A.) Quot annos et in quibus Italia? urbibus Albertus Magnus moratus sit. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1879-80, 5. s., vi, 1025-1037. Albertyn (A. LB.) * De indicationibus tre- panationis rite dijndicandis. 66 pp. 8°. Got- tingw, typ. . . . Dieterichiana, 1639. Albcseo (Nicolas Y.) [1859- ]. * De la rec- totomic posterienrc preliminaire ou exploratrice. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 139. Albespeyres. See [in 1. s. ] Fumouze. Geschiedknndig onderzoek van de fontanellen, [etc.]. 8°. Parijs, 1875. Albespy (Casiinir) [1K">4- ]. * Des lesions de l'oritice mitral chez les ataxiques. 38 pp., I 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 407. Albespy (Daniel) [1863- ]. 'Considerations sur les complications auriculaires de la grippe pendant la derniere e"pide"uiie. 59 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1690, No. 5. Albiges (Joseph-Hippolyte) [1807- ]. * De la glycerine au point de vue chimique et phar- rnaceutique. 85 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1803, No. 541. ficolo dc pharmacie. A.Shignase.g'o. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Albiil (George W.) [18_'2-9()J. R. (G. T.) Necrology. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1891, xii, 11. Albini (Decio). Sulla terapia della pneumonitc crupale. 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. Roma, tip. Eredi Botta, 1890. Albini (Ernesto). See Albertotti (Giovanni). Clinica oculistica della reale Universita di Modena. Rendicoiito [etc.]. 8°. Mo- dena, 1888. Albini (Giuseppe) [1830- ]. Ricerche sul pancreas. 9 pp. 8-. [Xapoli, 1805.] Repr. from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat., 1865. -----. Sulla respirazione nelle rane. 6 pp. roy. 8°. [Xapoli, Fibreno, 1806.] • Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat. di Xapoli, 1866. -----. Ragiouamenti e ricerche sulla determina- zione del sesso negli animali. 9 pp. 8°. [Xa- poli, Fibreno. L-07.] Repr.from .- Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. lis. e mat. di Napoli, 1867. -----. Alcune osservazioni sul galvanometro e sul potere elettromotore dei nervi. 3 pp. 4°. [Xapoli, 1868.] Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat. di Napoli, 1868. -----. Trattato delle funzioni riproduttive e d' embriologia. Parte terza. 152 pp. 8-. Xa- 2)oli, Vitale, 1868. -----. Sulla conservazione del potere elettromo- tore dei nervi di rana disseccati. 4 pp. 4° [Xapoli, 1669.] Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat., 1869. -----. Gli opistoblefari. 7 pp. 12°. [Xapoli 1-70.] Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat., 1870. -----. Intomo ad un caso d' utile applicazione degli opistoblefari. 3 pp. 4D. [Xapoli, 1871.] Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. ris. e mat., 1871. -----. Ricerche anatomiche-microscopiche sulla parete dell' ansa intestinale isolata per la fistola intestinale seconda Thiry. 4 pp., 1 pi. 4c. Xapoli, Fibreno, 1872. Repr.from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. ris. e mat., 1872, v. -----. Relazione sulla trasfusione diretta di saugue d' agnello praticata due volte in una signora. 16 up. 8°. [Xapoli, 1672.] Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. ris. e mat., is72. Albini (Giuseppe)—continued. -----. Nuova cannula per la trasfusione diretta del sangue; descrizione della stessa e del pio- cesso operative 12 pp. 4°. Xapoli, S. I'iscopo, 1874. -----•. Rapporti fra i movimenti dell' iride 0 la funzione visiva. 2 pp. 4°. [Xapoli, 1875.] Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. o mat., 1875. -----. Sul colore della retina. 3 pp. 4°. [Xa- poli, 1877.] Repr.from.- Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat., 1877. -----. Sul dissecamento dei liquidi e dei tessuti animali come mezzo di conservazione delle forme e dimensioni degli elementi istologici. 1 1. 4°. [Napoli, 1878.] Repr.from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat. di Napoli, 1878. -----. Tavole per le prove ottiche in oculistica, precedute da alcune ritlessioni sulle scale tipo- grafiche. 20 pp., 7 pi. 8C. Xapoli, E. Detken, 1882. -----. Istituto Froebelliano e convitto di M.(' J. Salis Schwabe in Napoli. Rendiconto igienico- medico del sessennio 1877-1883 del Prof. . . . 23 pp. 8°. Napoli, II. Pansini, 1883. -----. Nozioni fondamentali di fisiologia umana. 2 pts. in 1 v. xi, 280 pp.; iv, 164 pp. 8°. Mi- lano, Napoli, [etc.], F. Vallardi, [1^88]. Also, Co-Editor of: Ciioniale della Associazione na. poletana di medici e naturalisti, Napoli, 1889. See, also, Ijcttcra al Sig. R. . . . [etc.]. 8°. [Napoli, 1869.] -----& Ficngn (A.) Ricerche chimiche ana- litiche sulle castagne comuni. 11 pp. 4°. [Napoli, 1667.] Repr from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. sc. fis. e mat. di Napoli, 1867. ABbiiio da Cenobio. IIciiMchel (A. W. E. T.) Albino da Cenobio, c. 1359. Janus, Gotha, 1852-3, ii, 411. Albinos and albinism. See, also, Vitiligo. Gould (G. M.) A collective investigation as to the influence of albinism upon the eye. [Cir- cular.] 4°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Bidder (A.) Ueber kunstlichen Albinismus partialis. Centralbl. f. d. med. "Wissensch., Berl., 1882, xx, 897-899.— Bostock (J.) Absorption and albino. Cycl. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1835-6, i, 83-88. Also, Reprint.— Came- rano (L.) Di alcuni girini e albini delle cause dell' alhi- nismo. Boll. d. mus. di zool. ed anat. comp. d. r. Univ. di Torino, 1889, iv, no. 64.—(Jan-nccio (A.) Dell' alhinismo umano iu generale ed elenro di tutto le specie divertebrati albini osservati finoranel Modcnese. Spallanzani, Modena, 1881,2.s., x, 193-205.—I>cscliamps(E.) De quelques cas d'albinisme observes a. Mahe (cote de Malabar). Anthropo- logic, Par., 1893, iv, 535-538.—Dor. Operation de la cata- racte chez un Albinos. Menu et compt.-rend. Sue. d. sc. med. do Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, pt. 2, 167. — I>u.j;ii«liii. Albinisme partiel dc l'iris. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, ls93, i, 1-4.—Platan (T. S.) Albinismus acquisitus mit cani- ties. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 192. Also: Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1893), 1894, xxiv, pt. 2. 346- 349. —von ForNirr, Ueber Albinismus. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stutts., 1881, xix, 389-393. — Cioitld (G. M.) The pernicious influence of albinism upon the eye. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, Is93, ii, 200-209. Aho, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 685-089.—II. (J. S.) A curious case of albinism. Pop. Sc. Mouth., N. Y., 1884, xxv, 122.— Ilaackc (W.) Ueber "SVesen, Ursachen und Vererbung von Albinismus und Seheckung und iiber deren Bedeutung l'i'ir vererbungstheoretischeuiid entwiek- luiigsmechaiiiM-he Fragen. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 18!l.">, xv, 44-7S.—llydo (J. N.) Twin albinos. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 501, 1 pi.— iTIahoudeau (P.O.) L'albinisme. Rev. mens, do l'ecole d'anthrop. do Par., 1895, v, 325-342.—Mauwfcldt. Etwas iiber Hemmungs- bilduugen im Allgcmeinen, und fortgesetzte Untersu- chungen iiber die Leukopathie oder Leukose als Ileiu- raungsbildung im Besonderu. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1826, i, 96-104. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1826, xxv. 43-45.—IVIayerhauaeii (G.) Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Albinismus. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., lssj, xx, 191-199.— dc .Vloi'tillct (G.) Formation des varietes; albiuisme et gauchissciueut. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. ALBINOS. 199 ALBOUZB. Albinos and albinism. s. i 570-580.—Poesche (T.) Blondheit und Albinismus. Arch. f. Anthrop.. Brnschwg., 1882-3, xiv, 143-150.—Ret- zius (A.) Berattelse om svenska albinos-menniskor, jemte anmarkniugar rorande pigment-bildningen. [Ac- count of Swedish albinos, with remarks on pigment for- mation.] Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Hand!., Stockholm, 1825, x, 236-254— Snicster. Une negresse blanche. Kev. d'an- throp., Par.. 1879. 2. s.,ii, 675-681. — Squire (A. J. B.) An atypical albino. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 282.—Sym (VT. G.) Albinism; a curious family historv. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1890-91, xi, 218.—Topiiiard (P.) Ob- servation de n&gres albinos a. Madagascar. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1878, Par., 1879, vii, 850-853. AlbinUS (Bernhardus) [1653-17-21]. De fonti- cnlis. Respondens Job. FridericnsOrtlob. 16 pp. sm. 4C- Franeof. ad Viadr., lit. C. Zeitleri, [1681]. -----. * Demoustratiouibus anatomicis in corpore innsculino . . . invitat ... 31. sm. 4D. Fran- eof. ad Oderam, lit. C. Zeitleri, 1683. -----. Oratio de ortu et progressu xnedicinse. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Luchtmans, 170-2. [P., v. 1385; 1945.] -----. Oratio de incrementis et statu artis medi- ca? seculi decimi septimi. 59 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1711. [P., v. 1945.] -----. Causae et signa morborum. Tom. I. Cansse et signa febrium coutinnarum et inter- mitteutium. 120 pp. 1'2C. Gedani, sumpt. Brueckneriani, 1791. For Biography, see Boerhaa ve (H.) Oratio academica de vita et obitu viri clarissimi Bernhardi Albini. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1721. —---. See, also: Camper (P.) [in 1. s.]. Epistola ad anatomi- corum principem magnum Albinum. 4C. Gro- ninger, 1767. Halbertsma (H. J.) [in 1. s.]. Oratio de Albini anatomise tractauda? niethodo, comparata cum ea, quam nostra tempora sibi deposcunt. 8°. Lugd. Bat. et Amstelodami, 1848. Albums (Bernhardus Siegfried) [1697-1770]. Oratio inauguralis de anatome comparata. 1 p. 1., 46 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud H. Mulhovium, 1719. [P., v. 1945.'] -----. Oratio qua in veram viani, qute ad fabri- cs humani corporis coguitionem ducat, inquiri- tur.' 1 p. 1.. 67 pp. 4-. Lugd. Bat., apud H. Mulhovium, 17-21. [P., v. 1945.] -----. Explicatio tabularum anatomicariim Bar- tholomsei Enstachii, anatomici summi; accedit tabularum editio nova. 2 p. 1., "28, 277 pp., 11., 89 pi. fol. Leidw Bat., J. A. Langerak et J. et H. Verbeek, 1744. -----. Deossibus corporis humani. Juxta exem- plar Leidae Batavorum. 5 p. 1., 308 pp. 16°. Vindobonw, impensis J. P. Kraus, 1746. Ad finem : Lipsiav, lit. Breitkopfianis. -----. The same. 5 p. 1., 308 pp. 16°. Vindo- bonw, impensis J. P. Kraus, 1757. Ad finem : Lipsise. lit. Breitkopfianis. -----. The anatomy of painting, or a short and easy introduction to anatomy; being a new edi- tion, on a smaller scale, of six tables of Albinus, •with their linear figures; also, a new translation of Albinus's historv of that work, aud of his index to the six tables; to which are added the anatomy of Celsus, with notes, and the physi- ology of Cicero; with an introduction, giving a short view of picturesque anatomy. By John Brisbane, xxvi, 5-76 pp., 6 pi. and 6 outline pi. fol. London, T. Cadcll, 1769. -----. Tables of the skeleton and muscles of the human body. Transl. from the Latin. [En- graved by Andrew Bell.] vi, 66 pp., 41 pi. fol. Edinburgh, Balfour 4" Smellie, 1777. -----. Historia musculorum hominis. Edidit notisque illustravit Joannes Jacobus Haitenkeil. Albimis (Bernhardus Siegfried)—continued. 604 pp., 7 1., 8 pi. 4°. Bambergw et Wirceburgi, in libraria viduw T. Goebhardt, 1796. See, aho, Explanation (The) of Albinus's anatomi- cal figures [etc.]. 4■"■'. Loniloi, 1754.—Fabricius ab Aquapendente (Hieron.) [in 1. s.J. Opera omnia anatomica [etc.]. fol. Lugd. Bat, 1737. -----. The same. Ed. novisshna. fol. Lugd. Bat, 1738.—Harvey (William). Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis [etc.], 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1736. -----. Opera sive exercitatio anato- mica de mortu cordis [etc.]. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1737.— Innes (John). Eight anatomical tables of the human body, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Edinburgh, 1776.—Sue & Albi- nus. The anatomy of the bones [etc.]. 4°. Edinburgh, 1829.—Winslow (Jacques-Beuigne) [in 1. s.]. Exposi- tion anatoinique de la structure du corps humain. Nouv. 6d. v. 2-3. 12°. Amsterdam, 1754. For Biography, see Petti grew. Med. port, gallery. 4°. Lond., 1840, i, no. 3, 2 pp., port. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Albinus (Christianus Bernhardus) [1696-1752]. Oratio inauguralis de anatome prodente errores in medicis. 35 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, G. Vande Water, 1723. [P., v. 1385.] -----. Specimen anatoiuicum, exhibens novam tenuiuin hominis intestinorum descriptionem, denuo editum. 57 pp. 12°. Lugd. Bat., apud H. Mulhovium, 1724. Bound with: Kulmvs (Jo. Adamus). Tabula? anatomi- ca?, [etc.]. 12D. Amstelcedami, 1732. See,aho, t'owper (William). The anatomy of humane bodies, [etc.]. 2. ed. fol. Leyden; London, 1737. AlbinilS (Fridericus Bernardus) [1715-78]. * De deglntitione. 79 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud H. Mulhovium, 1740. [P., v. 1925.] de los Albitos (Santiago). Trabajos oftalmo- logicos del Asilo Santa LuCia. Resiimen esta- distico de los 1,616 enfermas asistidos y 198 ope- rados durante el ano 1885, seguido de un apendice estadistico de 1,285 cataratas y de 795 ojos faltos de visi6n entre 7,568 enfermos reconocidos. 48 pp., 1 plan, 1 tab. 8°. Madrid, Escuela tipog. del Hospicio, 1666. Albitski (Pyotr [Mikbailovich]). *0 vliyanii kislorodnavo golodan'ia na azotistiy obmien veshtshestv v zhivotnoin organizme. Experi- mentalnoye izsledovauie. [Effect of oxygen- starvation upon nitrogenous metabolism iu the animal organism. Experimental investigation.] 119 pp., 1 1. Sc. S.-Peterburg, N. A. Lebedeff, 1884. degli Albizzi. See Degli Albizzi. Albobazen Haly, filius Abenragel. See Ali Ibn Abi Al-Rajjan. Alborg-hetti (Federigo) [1825- ]. La pella- gra nella proviucia di Bergamo. Relazione della commissione provincial. 22 pp. fol. Bergamo, frat. Bolis, 1861. Albosins (Joan.) Lithop.edii Senonensis icon, cnjns historia et exercitatio problematica de istius indurationis causis in extremo commenta- riorum Cordej in Hippocr. nepl yvvaiKeiuv habe- tnr. In: Gyimsctokum, [etc.]. 8°. Basilece, 1586, ii, 565. Also: Ibid. fol. Argentina;, 1597, 479. -----. Portentosum lithoptediou, sive embryum petrefactum urbis Senonensis; adjecta levi et succincta exercitatione eaque academica, de hujus indurationis causis naturalibus. Cui ac- cessit Simonis Provancherii de eadein re opinio. In: BOUSSErUS(F.) 'Y0. Laas (R.) * Ueber deu Einfluss der Fette auf die Ausniitzuug der Eiweissstoffe. S-\ Strass- bitrg, 1-'J4. Sctek (F.) * Ueber schwefelhaltige Ab- konimlinge der Ehveisskorper. [Basci.] 8'. Strassburg. 1895. Aievoli ( E. ) Sul preteso valore microbicida dell' albuuie d uovo. Riforma med., Napoli. 1890. vi. 944.— Baiimaiiu (E.) Ueher die schwefelhaltigeu Derivate Albumen. der Eiweisskdrper und deren Bezielmngen zu einander. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1894-5, xx, 583-585. -----. Leber die Bindung des Schwefels im Eiweiss. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1894, exxxviii, 560-562.— Bogomolow (T. J.) Leber die Anwendung von Farb- stoffeu zur Erkennung undUnterscbeidung verschiedener Eiweissarten. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 18!)4. n. F., xi, 309-311.—Biilow (K.) Ueber aschefreies Eiweiss. Arch' f. d. ges Physiol., Bonn. 1894, lviii, 207-221.—1>iI ln«-i- (H.) Om globulinerna i honsiigghvitan. Upsala Lakaref. Fclrh 1884-5, xx, 199-201.—Brechsel (E.) Ueber die Reduc- tion alkalischer Kupferldsiingen durch Fiweisskiirper. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1895, xxi, lis-70. — Ebstein (\V.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Verwer- thung des Pflanzeneiweisses in der iirztlichen Praxis. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Landpraxis. Frankf. a. M., 1895, iv, 1-10.— diabriel (S.) Bemerkungen iiber Hofmeister's krystal- linisches Eieralbumin. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1890-91, xv. 456-464.—Cilastiiaclier. Very it tung durch Hiihnereiweiss. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., ]8s0. xxiii, 6 n der Zu-ammensetzung der Kahrungs- n.ittel. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb,, 1893-4, xviii, Albumen in nutrition. 167- 179. — Krmiimacher (0.) Ueber den Einfluss der Muskelarbeit auf die Eiweisszersetzung bei glei- cher Nahrung. Arch, f d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1890. xlvii. 454-408 — Kiimagatra (M ) Ueber die Grosse des Eiweissbedarfes des Menschen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch. Berl.. 1889, xxvii, 209—I.ounberg (I.) Bei- triige zur Kenntniss der Eiweisskdrper der Nieren und der Hamblase. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1891-2, iii, 1-13.-Jlujjclan (0.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger Arz- ueimittel auf die Eiweissverdauung. Berl. klin. Wchu- schr., 1891, xxviii, 788-791 —.flunk (I.) Ueber die Fol- gen lange fortgesetzter eiw eissarmer Xalmmg. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1891, 338-341. -----. Ueber die obere Grenze fiir den Ersatz des Xahrungseiweiss durch Leim- stoffe. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lviii, 309-319.— IVciimciwIer (R.) Zur Frage nach dem Schicksal der Eiweissnahrung im Organismus. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch., Wiirzb., 1889, 64-74. -----. Zur Physiologic der Eiweissresorption und zur Lehre von den Peptonen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1890, n. F., ix, 309- 373.—Pfliiger (E.) \- ISokland (K.) Ueber die Griisso des Eiweissumsatzes bei dem Menschen. Arch. f. d. ges. [Physiol., Bonn, 1885, xxxvi, 165-168. — Pollitzer (S.) Ueber den Xiihrwerth einiger Verdauungsproducte des Eiweisses. 1 bid., xxxvii, 301-313.—Bibbert (H.) Ueber die Eiweissausscheidung durch die Nieren. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii. 836-838. — Rosen- heim (T.) Ueber den Einfluss des Eiweiss auf die Ver- dauuug der stickstofffreien Nahrstoffe. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1889-90, xlvi, 422-432. -----. Ueber deu gesundheitsschadigenden Einfluss eiweissarmer Nahrung. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1891, 341-344. —---. Weitere Untersuchuhgeu iiber die Schadlichkeit eiweissarmer Nahrung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1893, liv, 61- 71. — Bnbuer (M.) Ueber die Vertretungswerthe von Eiweiss, Fett und Kohlehydraten im Thierkorper. Sit- zungsb. d. math.-phvs. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wis sensch. zu Munchen '(1883), 1884, xiii, 355-363. -----. Be- stimmung isodynamer Mengen von Eiweiss und Fett. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1886, xxii, 40-55.— Schmidt-lVIullieim. Das Eiweiss auf seiner Wande- rung durch den Tierkdrper. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1881-2,i,312; 341: 558. —Secjgeii (J.) &rVowak (J.) Ver- suche iiber die Ausscheidung von gasfdrmigem Stickstoff aus denim Korper nmgesetzten Eiweissstoffen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1875, lxxi, 329-342, 1 pi.—Stud em unci. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Eiweissbedarf des gesunden Menschen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1890-91, xlviii, 578-591.—Stutzcr (A.) Die Verdaulichkeit der Eiweissstoffe. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1892, xi, 59-68. — Tarclianoff (J. B.) Ueber die Verschiedenheiten desEierweisses bei be- fledert geborenen (Xestfliichter) und bei nackt geborenen (Nesthocker) Vogeln und iiber die Verbaltnisse zwischen dem Dotter und dem Eierweiss. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxi, 368-376: 1883-4, xxxiii, 303-378. -----. Weitere Beitrasre zur Frage von den Verschiedenheiten zwischen dem Eiereiweisse der Nesthocker und der Nest- fliichter. Ibid., 1886, xxxix, 485-490. -----. Sur le tata blanc ou tata albumine naturel et artificiel, et ses applica- tions a la nutrition. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 500-503.—Voit (E.) Ueber die Fettbildung aus Eiweiss. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Phy- siol. in Munchen, 1892-3, viii, 15-21.—Voit (F.) Ueber die Eiweisszersetzung beim Diabetes. Ibid. (1891), 1892, vii, 105. Al bai men-ma 1 tose. Budde (V.) Albumen-maltose and its preparation. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1889, lxxxviii, 492-496. Albuminate*. M.vlakhovski (S. P.) * Chimicheskti sostav i usvoyayemost kalilnych i natronnych albunii- natov. [Chemical composition and power of assimilation of the albuminates of potassium and sodium.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1689. de CJroot (J.) Worden albuminaten geassimileerd >. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886,2. R., xxii. 77.— Prior (J.i Die Einwirkung der Albuminate aut die Thatigkeit der gesunden und erkraukten Niere der Men- schen und Thiere. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1890-91, xviii, 72-159. Alblllllill* and albuminoids. Sec, also, Albumen; Albuminuria; Albu- mose; Toxalbumins. Bechamp (J.) Xouvelles recherches 6ur les albumincs normales et pathologiques, pre'cSde'es d'une preface par A. B^champ. 8°. Paris, 1887. Delhayk (A.) *Des albuminoides d'origine animale dans le regime alimentaire des malades. 4°. Paris, b»i»4. ALBUMINS. 204 ALBUMINS. Aihimiill* and albuminoids. Denis ( P.-S. ) Nouvelles etudes chinibpies, physiologiques et me'dicales sur les substances albuminoides qui entreut comme principes im- nieMiats dans la composition des solides et des Huides organiques taut animaux que veg^taux; etudes faites cu suivant la methode d'experi- mentatiou par h s sels; la seule qui. dans l'etat actuel de la science, semble pouvoir etre appli- onec avec fruit ii des recherches sur ces sub- stances. >D. Paris, 1856. G,\nxal(F.) * Del'albumiue ct de sesdiverses ( sjicce.s. 4■'. Paris, 18,\s. (ip.AUBNER (E.) * Feber einen neuen aus den Schleiinbiiuten des Yerdanungstractes darstell- baren Eiweis.skorper. 8-. Dorpat, 1.-90. Hamox (L. ) Etude sur I'albuminogenese. 8°. Paris, 1663. Kieseritzky (W.) * Die Gerinnungdes Faser- stofis, Alealialbumiuates und Acidalbumins, ver- glichen mit der Gerinnuug der Kieselsiiure. 8 . Dorpat, 1862. Ekmelaxp (H.) "Etude comparative des ditferentes espcces d'albumine animate. 4C. Paris, 1874. Mei.sexs. Deuxieme note sur les matieres albuminoides. 8 . [Bruxelles, 187)7.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. deBelg., Brux., 1857, xxiv. [See, also, infra.] Michailofe (V.) O studenistom sostoyauii blelkovikh vesbtshestv. [On the gelatinous part of albuminoid substances.] 8 . S.-Peter- burg, 1666, Navck (A.) "Ueber eine neue Eigenschaft der l'roducte der regressiven Metamorphose der Eiweisskorper. 8,J. Dorpat, 1666. Rosenberg (A.) * Verglcichende Untersu- chungen betreffend das Alkalialbuminat, Acid- albumin und Albumin. 8C. Dorpat, 1883. Troilhias (P.) * Des albuminoides vegetaux au point de vue pharmaceutique. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1697). de Wittich (G. H.) * De hymenogonia al- buminis. Comnientatio physiol. - chem. 8-. Regimonti, [1850]. j Wulf (R.) *K voprosu o klinicheskom zna- ) chenii opredelenia blelka v patologicheskikh transsudatakh. [Clinical importance of testing for albumin in pathological processes of transu- dation.] 8 . St. Petersburg, 1885. Allen (A. II.) Notes on commercial albumin. Analyst, Loud., 1882. vii, 209-211— Am nud (H.) Memoire*sur la constitution des albuminoides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se., Par.. 1891, cxii, 148-151.—Axenfeld. Un sairgio sull' albumina. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, liv. 178-182. — Hallux (E.) La pluralite des matieres albuminoides d'apres les tiavaux de M. A. Bechamp. J. d. .se. med. de Lille. 1884, vi, 803; 833.—Bechamp (J.) «V Baltus (E.) ! £tude des modifications apportecs par l'organisnie aux substances albuminoides iu.jectees dans les vaisseaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se.. Par., 1878. lxxxvi, 1448-1450: 1880, xc, 539-541. — Bernhardt (W.) Vegetable and animal albumen. Pop. Se. Month., N. Y., 1887-8, xxxii, 541-546.—Bert (P.) & Bernard (P.) Transformation des substances albuminoides en albuminoses sous l'influence de lean oxygenee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 133-136. — Bleunaril. Recherches sur les ma- tieres albuminoides. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1882, 5. s xxvi, 5-85. —Boiiilzyiixki iS.) A: Zoja (L.) Ueber die fractionirte Kr\ stalli.-aliun des Eieralbumins. Ztsebr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1894. xix, 1-18. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1894, xxi, 77-85. Aho. transl.: Ann. di chiio. e di faun. Milano, 1895, 4. s., xxi, 62-69. ----------. Ueber die Oxydation der Eiweissstoffe mit Kaliumpermanganat. Ztschr. f. physiol.Chem., Strassb., 1894. 225-238. Also, transl.: Arch.' ital. de biol.. Turin, 1894, xxi, 213-220. — Buehucr (IT.) Zur Nomenklatur der schiitzenden Eiweisskdrper. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1891. x, 699-701. -i'nrrrz (C ) La r6sorciue comme r6actif de i'albumine. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1895. i, 272-274. -Cavazznni (E.) Sulla scompo- sizione dell' albumina cireidante. Policlin., Boma, 1895, ii. Med.. 276-286. — C'azcncii ve \ l.epiiie. Queh|iu s reflexions sir U'lhiiniiiie letiaelilo Lyon nied . lssu xxxv, 444-448 —Chemol) lie (On thei products of casein. Albumin* and albuminoids. albumin, mucedin, legumin, con^lutin, gluten-casein, and vegetable albumin, with special nfeienee to glutamiuic and asparaginic acid. (Suminarv.) Ann. Chem. Med. Lond., 1881. ii. 190-197.—Chittenden (It.II.) 6c Bolton (P. R. > Lug-all hi in in and albumoses. Tr. Connect. Acad. Aits & Se. N. Haven. 1885-8. vii. 332-361. — C'hit- leuden (It. 11.i A: Whilrhoiivc (II. II. I On some me- tallic compounds of albumin and myosin, lliid.. 301-331.— (oiiii ((}. ) & Berard (E.) Contribution a l'etude des matieres albuminoides du blanc d'eeuf. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. Ap Belsr., Brux., 1888, 3. s., xv, 643-662 [Bap. de L. Frederirq] 617. Aho: Univ. de Liege. Inst, de phvsiol. Trav dn lab. le L6ou Frederirq. Par. &. Liege, 1887-s, ii, 109-184 Also: Arch, de biol., (land A; Leipz., 1889, ix, i—10. — t'oiin (J.) & Ansinux id i Note sur la coagu- lation par la chaleur des albumin. > du serum du boeuf. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., l!i u\-.. 1891, 3. s..xxi, 345- 361. — Dennevcr (A.) Les produits de transformation des albumines soumises aux pressions de vapeur en vas clos. Verhandl. d. x. intimat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 4. Abth., 60-62. — Deuigcn. >»ouvcau precede de do- sage de l'albuinine. Bull. Soe. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 185-188. —«e We vie (A.) Recher- ches snr la technique microchimique des albuminoides. Bull. Soc. beige de micr., Brux., 1893-4, xx, 91-120.— Distinction ( On the ) between circulating aud organ- ised albumin, and its importance in the consideration of the laws of nutrition of the animal body. ( Sum- mary. ) Ann. Chem. Med.. Lond., 1881, ii, 171-177.— Drechsel (E.) Der Abbau der EiweissstohV Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1891, 248-278. — Duclaux < E. > Sur les ferments des matieres albuminoides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 731 - 734. -----. Sur la difKienciation des matieres albuminoides. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1892, vi, 369-373. -----. Sur la coagulation de l'albiimine. Ibid., 1893. vii, 641-664.— Frcdcricq (L.) Sur la digestion des albuminoides chez quelques invertebres. Bull. Acad, row d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 2. s., xlvi, 213-228. -----. Sur le pouvoir rota- toire des substances albuminoides du serum sanguin et leur dosage par circumpolarisation. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc, Par., 1881, xciii, 465.—Oautier (A.) Les alcaloi'des derives de la d£sassiroilation des matieres albuminoides. Gaz hebd. de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 483-485. -----. Quelques reniarques preliminaires sur le liieeanisme de la desassimilation des albuminoides et la formation de l'urie dans l'economie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 902-907. — Griniaux (E.) Sur la coagulation des matieres albuminoides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 18s4, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 69-73.—Harnaek (E.) Zur Frage des krystallisirteu und aschefreien Albumins. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strasb., 1894, xix, 299. — IIeyii*iu* (A.) De verdeelingdereiwitachtige lichainen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Leidsche Eoogesch., 1870, ii, 216-218. -----. Over de eiwitverbindingeii van de bloedwei en van het wit van het kippenei. I bid., 1874, iii, 145-195. -----. Over de quantitatieve bepaling van eiwitt in dierlijkc vloeistoffen. Ibid., 196-205. -----. Over het soorteli.jk draaiinngsvermogen vaneiwitverbrhdingen. i bid., 206-318, 1 pi.------. UeberdasVerhaltenderEiweissstorl'ezuSal/.en, vou Alkalien und von alkalischen Erden. Arch. f. d. ges Physiol., Bonn, 1884,xxxiv, 330-331.— Hildebrandt (E.) Intomo alia forza nutritiva de^li albuminoidi. Morgagui, Milano, 1894. xxxvi, 42H-432.—llorbaczcnuki (J.i Ue- ber die durch Einwirkung von Salzsanre aus den Albu- minoideu eutstehenden Zersetzuugsprodukte. [From: Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. AVissensch., 1879, lxxx, 2. Abth., Juni-Heft. ] Med. Jahrb., Wien, IssO, 205-226.— von Jnksch (It.) Ueber den Eiweissgehalt krankhafter Eigiisse. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1893, xxiii, 225.— J«linu*.«oii (J. E.) Serumalbuminets forhallaiide till syror och neutralsaltei. [ Proportion of serum albumin in acids and neutral sails.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh.. 1884- 5, xx, 101-lOs.—Kriijrer (A.) Ueber den Sehwefel der Eiweissstott'e Arch f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1888, xliii, 244-264. — Itrukeiiberg ( C. F. W. ) Die reducirend wirUendeu Atomgruppen in deu Eiweissstoffen. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1885. xxiii, 609.------ Untersuchungen iiber deu cbemischen Ban de Eiweiss- stott'e. Sitzun-sb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Xa- turw. (1886), 1887, 39-60. —Kii hue (W.) & (hilleudeii (It. H.) Ueber die niiidisteu Spaltungsproducte der Ei- weisskdrper. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen.1883. xix, 159-2ns.— I.econte &. dc Cxoumoeu* (A.) Recherches sur les albuminoides. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1853. 5. s.. i, 681- 690. Aho, Re]>riut. — l.ehmnnn (J.C.J Bidrag til Kundskaben om den dviiske JEgaehvide. [Animal albu- min.] Biblioth. f. La-ei, Kjobenh.. 1866, 5. R., xii. 69- 120.— liiebernianu iL.i Neuere Untersuchungen iiber das Lecithalbuniin. Areh. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1893, liv, 573-585.—von lAvbist (II.) The role of albuminoids in the animal economy. Lancet, Lond., 1882. i, 178-180.— I.iiiibours (P.) Ueber Losnng und Fallung von Ei- w eisskiirperii durch Salze. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Snassb., ls8s-9 xiii. 450-463.— I,ofw|0.) Ei'nellypothese iiber die liildung des Albumins. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Loun, 188J-81. xxii. 501-512. -----. Ein weiterer Beweis, ALBUMINS. 205 ALBUMINS. Albumin* and albuminoids. dass das Eiweiss des lebenden Protoplasmas eine andere chemische Constitution besitzt, als das des abgestorbenen. Ibid., 1882-3, xxx, 348-362. -----. Zur Kenntniss des aeti- ven Albumins. Ibid., 1883, xxxii, 113-12L—lioew (O.) & Bokorny (T.) Dio chemische Besehaffeuheit des proto- plasniatisi lieu Eiweisses. nach dem gejjenwartigen Stand der Liitersuchungen. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1888-9. viii, 1-8. — von fjorcnz (N.) Zum Verhalten der Eiweiss- kdrper gegen coiic. JodwasserstottViiure. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb.,1892-3, xvii, 457— Mac William (j. A.) Remarks on a new test foralbumin and other proteids. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 189L i. 837-840.—.VIcImciin (L.) Note sur les matieres albuminoides. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par.. 1851, 3. s.. xxxiii, 170-192. [See. aho, supra.]— Tlichailoll (\ .) & Khlopiue ( G.) Dun etat gelatinenx des substances albuminoides. Arch, slaves de biol., Par., 1880, ii, 231- 242. — .Hiehel ( A.) & <-iii-t»er ( A.) Zur Kenntnis der Giirbei'schen Serum - Albumin - Krystalle, nebst einem Nachtrag. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. 1895, n. F., xxix, 117-144, 1 pi. — rVasse (O.) Leber das Aussal/.en der Eiweisskdrper und anderer colloider Sub- stanzen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1887, xii, 504- 514. — IVeneki (M.) O t. zw. popiolacb cial bialkowych. [On the so-called ash albuminoid bodies.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 1203-1205. Also, transl.: Arch.d. sc. biol., St. Petersb., 1894, iii, 212-215.—.>ciimci»ter (11.) Ueber die nachste Einwirkung gespannter YVasserdiimpfe auf Protei'ue und iiber eine Gruppe eigenthiimlicher Ei- weisskorper und Albumosen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1889-90, n. F., viii, 57-83. — Pateiu ( G. ) Re- cherches sur quelques transformations do 1'albumine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii. 207-212.— Piltarclli (E.) Ricerche urologiche sul dosamento volu- metrico dell' albumina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 1195-1197.—Pohl (J.) Bemerkungen iiber kiiustlich dar- gestellte Eiweissnuelelne. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1888-9, xiii, 292-297.—Prat. Etudes sur quel- ques albuminoides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 43; 89; 142.— von Regeczy (E. X.) Bei- trage zur Lehre der Diffusion von Kiweissliisuiigen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1884, xxxiv. 431-449.—Reichert (E. T.) The proximate proteid constituents of the white of egg. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv. 621. —Ringer (S.) Further observation on the influence of calcium salts in promoting heat coagulation of albumins. J. Phvsiol., Cam- bridge, 1892. xiii, 300-308. — Rollett (A.) Leber die als Acidalbumiue und Alkalialbuminate bezeichneten Ei- weissderivate. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien. 1881, lxxxiv, 332-381, 2 tab., 1 pi. — Mchutzenbergcr ( P.) Memoire sur les matieres albuminoides. Aiiu. de chim. et phys., Par.. 1879, 5. s., xvi, 289-419. -----. Recherches sur la synthase des ma- tieres albuminoides et proteiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1888, cvi, 1407-1410. — Wlarke (J. ) De la pre- tendue influence des substances albuminoides sur l'amidou et le glycogeue. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1895, 5. s., vii, 455-462. Also : Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1895. 10. s.. ii, 46.5-469.—Starke (K. V.) Bidrag till studiet af seruinalbumin och housiiggalbumin. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1880-81, xvi, 620-630.— Werigo (B.) Le- ber das Harnack'sche aschenfreie Albumin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1890-91. xlviii. 127-149. — Wight (J. S.) An inquiry into the structure of the albumen mole- cule; au attempt to trace the relations of the products of decomposition and reduction of the albumenoids. Brook- lyn M. J., 1895, ix, 593-611. Albumins {Chemistry and tests of). Com.uaille (A.-A.) * lre these, liecherehcs sur la constitution chimique (les substances al- buminoides. 2" these Propositions de physi- que dounees par la Faculte. -P. Paris, 1666). Cozzi(A.) Ricerche sulla coinbinazione dell' albumina coi sali piombici. 8°. [Firenze, n. d.] Ollendorff (A.) ''Ueber die practlsche Bedeutung einiger neuer Eiweissproben. 6-. Berlin, [L-ill]. Okzechowski (B. 0.) * Ueber den Einlluss einiger organischen Substanzen auf die Eiweiss- geriuunng. 8°. Bern, 18il'2. Bitter (S.) * Beitrage zur quantitativen Eiweissbestiuimuug. (Aus dem chemischen Laboratorium der medicinischen Klinik des Prof. Biermer.) 8°. Breslau, |_188?]. Wittcke (E. O. [J.]) * Zur Kenntniss der Filtration von Eiweisslosungen (lurch thierische Haute. 6~-. Berlin, [rd'J'2]. Arena. Errori speciali che possono veriflcarsi nella ricerca e desunento dell' albumina. Resoe. Accad. med.- chir. di Xapoli, 1885, xxxix, 112.—Axenfeld (D.) Ueber eine neue Eiweissreaction. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissen- Alhiilliiil* (Chemistry and tests of). sch., Berl., 1885, xxiii, 209- 211. — Raa* (J. IT.) Eino praktische Modification der Salpetersiiureprobe auf Ei- weiss. Deutsehes Arch. f. kliii. Med., Leipz., 1883-4. xxxiv, 229 Becqucrcl (A.) De l'influence des liquides albumineux sur la lumiere polarisfee; applications pra- tiques ; description d'un albuminimetre. Union med., Par., 1850, iv, 3. Also: Bull. Soc. med.d. hop.do Par. (1849-52), 1861, i, 50-54.—Itoyiuond. Sur l'acide trichloracetique pour la recherche ct le dosage de 1'albumine. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-uriu., Par., 1889, vii, 588-590. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc.de therap., Par., 1890, 3-8.—Braueac- cio (F.) Alcune considerazioni sulle ricerche dell' albu- mina nella saliva e nella bile degli albuminuria di Matilda Dessalles. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1884, 3. s., iv, 1101-1104. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1884-5, vi, 399- 402. — Buersiiick (J.) De coagulo seroso et ejus re- solventibus medicinis. In: Leiden frost (J. G.) Opus. phys.-cliein. et med., Duisb. ad Rhen , 1797, ii, 337-304.— Ilur/.hin«Ui (P. V.) Ob albuminimetre Essbach'a. Vracli, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 871. — Cary (F.) Is p eric acid a reliable and practical test for albuminuria? Chi- cago M. J. & Exam., 1885, 1, 9-12. — Cazcncuve hos)>horic acid as a test for albumen. Polyclinic, Phila., 1883-4, i. 12.— Lcvcn. Action de l'acide elilorhydiique dans le vide sur la solubility de 1'albumine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par.. 1877, 6. s., iii, 57.—Ialm (It.) Leber die cbemischen Reactionen der Albuminstoffe, sowie iiber den cbemischen Nachweis geringster Mcngen derselben in physiologischen und pathologischen Fallen. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1887, xxvi, 35-38.—Palein (C.) Sur une cause d'erreur dans la recherche et le dosage de l'nlhumiiie. France med., Par., 1889, ii, 1158-1160.— I*avy ( F. W.) Ferrocyanic test pellets as a clinical test for albumen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 308. Aho: Med. Times Ac Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 179. Also: Med. Press & Circ. Pond., 18S3, n. s., xxxv, 157. -----. Ferrocyanic test pellets for albumen. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 1073.— Pekelhariug (C. A.) Over het neerslaan van eiwit- stoffen door nati iumsulfaat. Onderzoek. ged. in h. phy- siol Lab. d. Utrecht. Iloogesch., 1893, 4. R., ii, 278-2*2.— l'iazza (P.) Alcuni studi chimico-medici sull' albu- mina e scoperta di un nuovo einostatico. Ebd. clin. di Bologna, 1863, 201-204. Also, Reprint.—Properties (The) and metamorphoses of soluble albumin. (Sum- mary and additions.) Ann. Chem. Med.. Lond., 1879, i, 175-203. — Reale (N.) Intomo ad alcune proprieta do- micile dell' albumina, e proposta di uu nuovo metodo volumetrico per dosarla nelle urine. Resoc. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1881, xxxv, 130-138.—Robert (A.) Influ- ence de faibles traces d'acide nitrique sur la recherche de 1'albumine dans Purine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par. 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 73. — Rodet ( A. ) Note sur la signifi- cation clinique de la retractilite de 1'albumine. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1882). 1883. xxii, Albumins (Chemistry and tests of). pt. 2, 36-42. Aho: Lyon med.. 1882, xxxix, 593-596,-Ro- Ni'iibach (O.) Die Metaphosphorsaure als lteagens auf l.iweiss. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1881, Bresl., 1882, lix, 126. -----. Die Chromsaure als Rea- gens auf Eiweiss und Gallenfarbstoff. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892, xviii, 381. — Koine (F.) Note sur la recherche de 1'albumine par le procedc d'Es- bach. N. Moutpel. med., 1893, ii, 545-548. —Runeberg (J. W.) Zur Frage der Filtration von Eiweisslosungen durch thierische Membranen. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem. Strassb., 1882. vi. 508-527, 1 pl.-Salkow»ki i K.) Ueber ein Verfahren zurvdlligen Abscheidung des Eiweiss ohne Erhitzeu. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl., 1880, xviii, 689-691. -----. Ueber die Farbenreaetionen des Ei- weiss. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1887-8, xii, 215- 222.—Schulze (E.) Eiu Nachtrag zu den Untersuchun- gen iiber die Amidosauren, web he bei der Zersetzung der Eiweissstoffe durch Salzsaure und durch Barvtwasser entstehen. Ibid., 1884-5, ix. 253-259.—Starielmauii (E.) Ueber das beim tief'en Zerfall der Eiweisskdrper entste- bende Proteinochroinogen, don die Pi onueaction gebenden Kiirper. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Lei])/.., 1889, n. F., viii, 491-520.—Stevens (J.) Communication on the cold nitric acid test for albumen in the urine as an aid to the detection of the bile salts. Edinb. M. J., 1886-7, xxxii, 507-511. — Tyson (J.) Note on some recently suggested delicate tests for albumen. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc..Phila., 1883-4, vi, 145-150. Aho: Polyclinic, Phila., 1883-4, i, 103. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x. 650-653. Aho [Ab- str.]: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, lin.—Vareune (E.) Recherches sur la coagulation de ralbuiniue. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.,"1886, cii, 129-131. — Vas (1!.) Ue- ber dio praktische Verwendbarkeit einiger neuerer Ei- weissreaktionen. Ungar. Arch. f. Med., "Wiesb., 181)2, i, 118-127. — Ville (J.) Sur la recherche et le dosage de 1'albumine. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1890, xii, 161-163.—Virchow (C.) Ueber die Einwirkung des ben- zoesauren und des salicylsauren Natrons auf den Eiweiss- umsatz im Korper. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882, vi, 78-93. Albiimiiiairia. See, also, Albumins (Chemistry, etc., of) ; Al- bumosuria; Amaurosis (Causes of); Ana- sarca, etc.; Blight's disease; Cantharides (Ef- fect of) on urinary organs; Convulsions (Causes of); Diphtheria (Complications, etc., of); Epi- lepsy (Diagnosis, etc., of); Fever (Yellow, Diag- nosis, etc., of); Kidney (Diseases of); Nervous system (Diseases of, Diagnosis of); Pilocarpus, etc.; Retinitis (Albuminuric); Scarlatina (Com- plications, etc., of); Syphilis (Diagnosis, etc., of). Betjgntes-Coubeau. Chimie biologiquc et therapeutique clinique. Albumines, albuminu- rias, peptonurie; traitement ties albumiuuries chroniques. 8°. Paris, 1867). See, also, infra. Bokdet (|G. ) Les albuminuriques r,ux eaux d'Evian-les-Baius. 1"2C. Erian-les-Bains, 1894. Bokx (R.) * Albuminurie im Greisenalter. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Bonv ( E. ) * De l'albumiuurie pre'tubercu- lense. 4C. Lyon, 1694. Boyek (J.) " De ralbuminnrie lide aux irri- tations cutanees. 4°. Lyon, 1683. Cuamer (F.) * Ein Beitrao; zur Pathogenese der febrilen Albuminurie. 8-'. Erlangen, 1880. Dauve (H.-P.) * Contribution a retude de la pathoocuie de l'albuiuinurie. 4?. Lyon, 1880. Dickinson (W. H.) A treatise ou albuminu- ria. 2. ed. ,--. New York, 1681. Donnadieu (J.) * Rapports de l'albumiuurie avec recthyma et l'lmpetigo. 4°. Paris, 1666. Eckstein (E.) * Ueber Albuminurie bei acu- ten licbcrbat'teu Krankheiten, iusbesondere iiber die febrile Albuminurie. 8°. Berlin, [1881]. Estelle (A.) * Contribution a l'6tude des matieres albuminoides contenues dans les urines albuniineuses. 4°. Iajou, 1660. Also [Abstr.], in: liev. mens, de ined. et chir., Par., 18S0, iv, 704-721. Feldir'un (N.) *0 vliyauii na albuminu- riyu riizdrazhayushtshel diety. [Action of an irritating diet in albuminuria.] 8~. S.-Peler- burg, 1890. ALBUMINURIA. 207 ALBUMINURIA. Albuminuria. Immerwahr (R.) * Ueber hsematogene Al- buminuric. 8". Berlin, [1887]. Jeanton (P.) fitude critique snr la valeur clinique de l'albumiuurie dans le mal de Bright, pr£c6dee de quelques consid6r:itious pratiques sur les albuminuries uriuaires. 8°. Paris, 1668. Kloeck (B.) * Nonuulla de momento diag- nostico albuniinarke. 8°. Groningiv, 1644. Lecorche (E.) &- Talamon (C.) Traite de l'albumiuurie et du mal de Bright, roy. 8 -. Paris, 1666. Le Mai'X. * Contribution a l'etude des com- plications pulmonaires de l'albumiuurie. 4°. Paris, 1663. Lokain(P.) *L'albuniinurie. 8°. Paris, 1860. Malcorps (F.-J.) De ralbumiuurie, ou ma- ladie renale de Bright. 4°. Bruxelles, 1652. Martins Costa ( D. de A. ) A albumino- pymeluria ou uriuas leitosas; estudo sobre sua natureza e seu tratamento. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. Moxtanier (J.-H.) * Des conditions patho- ge'uiques et de la valeur seiuelologique de ral- bumiuurie. 4°. Paris, 167)7. Oestreich (E.) * Einfluss der Kost auf die Albuminurie. 8J. Berlin, [1887]. Eozental (E.) * O vliyanii umensheniya kolichestva chloristavo uatriya v organizme na poyavlenie albuminurit v techeuii ostrych boli- eznei. [Effect of decreasing quantity of com- mon salt in organism on the appearance of albu- minuria in acute diseases.] 8J. S.-Peterburg, 1664. Runeberg (J. YV.) * Om albuminurins pato- genetiska vilkor. [Albuminous urine as cause of disease. ] 8°. Helsingfors, 1876. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., | 1880-81, xxiii, 197-203. Senator (H.) Die Albuminurie im gesunden und kranken Zustande. 8C. Berlin, 1862. Also [Abstr.], in: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882. xix, 338. Aho [Abstr.], in: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1881-2), 1883, xiii, 88; 90. Aho [Kev.], in: Rev. de med., Par., 1*82, ii, 556-558. ------. The same. Die Albuminurie in phy- siologischer und klinischer Beziehung uud ihre Behandlung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1890. Also [Rev.], in: Rev. demed., Par., 1890, x, 58-81. ------. The same. Albuminuria in health and disease. In: Select. Monog. 8°. Lond., 1884, xii, 1-156. Serbski (V. P.) Klinicheskoye znackenie al- buininurii. [Clinical signification of albuminu- ria.] 6°. Moskva, 1664. Skrzeczek (F. W.) * Zur Pathogenese der Albuminurie. 12~. Miinchen, 1861. Stewart (T. G.) Clinical lectures on im- portant symptoms. Fasciculus II. On albumi- ' nuria. 3°. Edinburgh, 1668. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1886. -----. The same. Lecons cliniques sur les grands symptdmes. L'albumiuurie. Trad, par le Dr. Beugnies. 12°. Paris, 1892. Volkenstein ( A. P. ) * K voprosu o proisk- hozhdenii albuminurii vsliedstvie razdrazhenia kozhi. [On the appearance of albuminuria after irritation of the skin.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1876. Adam (R.) Cases of excessive albuminuria. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1890, n. s., xii, 25-28.—Adami (J. G.) On the functions of the glomeruli of the kidney; a contribution to tho studv of albuminuria. Practitioner, Loud., 1889,xlii,241-259. — Albertoni (P.) 6c lMsenti (G.) Azione dell' acetone .e dell' acido acetacetico sui reni; contributo alia patogenesi dell' albuminuria e della ne- fnte. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1887, xi, 129-152. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1888, Ixxxvi, 5-12. — Arnozan. Erytbeme recidivant scarlatiniforme chez un albuminuriqne. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 86. —Arthand Sc Butte. Note sur l'albumiuurie qui succede aux Albuminuria. nevritesdunerf vague. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 730-732. — Aiild (A. G.) The significance and treatment of certain forms of albuminuria. Lancet, Loud., 1886,ii, 395. —Ball (A. B.) Albuminuria. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), X. V., 1881, Suppl.. 655-671.— von Bamberger. Ueber hamatogene Albuminurie. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1*80-81, 119-125. [Discussion], 131-138. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 178; 209. [Discussion], 241-244. Aho: Wien. med. Bl., 1881, iv, 129; 161. Aho: Wiei>. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 145; 177. — Barnes (P.) The siii-nilicance of albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i. 015.— Barr* (A. G.) A lecture on some of the clinical re- lations of albuminuria. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 26; 73. — Barthelemy. Dc la purulence chez les albuminuriques. France med., Par., 1880, xxvii. 81-83. Aho: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 6-13.— Becquercl & Vcruois (M.) De ralbumiuurie et de la maladie de liright. Monit. d. hop.. Par., 1856, iv, 009; 617; 025; 037. Aho, Reprint.—Bernabei (C.) Dell' oscilla- zioni quantitative dell' albuminuria. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1884, ii, 16-18. — Bciisfiiics- C'orbeau. Difficultes specialesdo la recherche etde l'in- terpietatiou de l'nlbumino urinaire chez la femme. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1889-90, ii, ].">8-163. Also: Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1890, v,'70-77. -----. Opinions genferalesactuellenient adniisea sur lo symptome "albuminuric"'. Gaz. med. de Liege, ls90-91. iii, 4-6. [See, aho, supra.]— Bixby (A. W.) Albuminuria. Calif. M. J.,Oakland, 1882,iii.385-392.—Bou- eharil (!'.) Sur les conditions pathogeniques des albumi- nuries qui ne sont pas d'origine renale. Bull. A cad.denied., Par. 1892,3. s., xxviii, 447-452. Also: Dauphine med.,Gren- oble, 1892,xvi, 197-202. Aho: Francemed.,Par.,1892, xxxix, 593-595. Aho.transl. : Internat.M.Mag.,Phila.,1893,ii,795- 799.—Boyd (F. D.) On the relative proportions of the two proteids in the urine in cases of albuminuria. Edinb. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix, 991-996. -----. On the question of the secretion or transudation of albumin in cases of albuminu- ria. Ibid., 1894-5, xl, 229-239. —Brancaccio (F.) Sul passaggio dell' albumina nelle urine e sulle consecutive alterazioni dei reni. Med. contemp., Xapoli, 1885, ii, 571- 583. Also [Abstr., with experiments]: Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1885, ii, 148-104.—Brault. Note sur les 16sions du rein dans l'albuminurie diphtheritique. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1880, xvi, 073-084.- Bretet. Observations sur les urines albumineuses. J. do pharm. • et chim., Par., 1881, 5. s., iii, 141-145.—de Buck (D.) Een geval van albuminurie met hydrops intermittens. Med. Weekbl., Amst,, 1894. i, 2-4. Aho, transl.: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1894, xlvi, 129-131. — Carpenter (W. M.) A clinical note on albuminuria and glycosuria. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., Syracuse, 1886, 302-307.—Cai|»enlicr. [Cinq cas d'albuminurie avec phenomenes eonvulsifs et oedeme cerebral.] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux.. 1>,9, xxviii, 66-129. Aho: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1879, xxxi, 57; 65; 73; 81: 89; 97; 105; 113.—nrniaii (D.) The pathology of albuminuria in its relation to morbid structural changes in the kidney. Glasgow M. J., 1884, xxi, 190-202. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Cliu. Soc, 1883- 4, i, 51-63. — Ott (A.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Albuminuric. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1894, liii, 604 - 622. -----. Zum Harnalbuminnaehweis in der Praxis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx,25.—Owen (F.J.) Albuminuria. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1*84, n. s., vi, 481-492.—Paton (D.N.) Observations on the proportions of the chief proteids occurring in the urine in various forms pf albuminuria from experiments bv John Douglas and Ronald Mackenzie. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1890, ii, 197- 201. — Penzoldt. Ueber Albuminurie. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1883, ii 226-231. — Feier. Serumurie : ses causes variees, son traitement. Echo med., Toulouse, 1888. 2. s.. ii, 389: 401. Aho. transl: N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 169-171.—Picard (H.) Les urines al- biimineuses. leurs caracteres physiques, chimiques et mi- croscopiques; recherche et dosage del'albuminede l'urine. J. denied, de Par., 1890, 2. s., ii, 508-570. — Pichler (K.) & Vojjt (V.) Zur Lehre von der Nucleoalbuminurie. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1894. xv, 377-383.—Picot. Sull' albuminuria. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1883, n. s., v, 522.— Plosz ( P. ) Ueber quantitative Be- stimmung von Eiweiss. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1895, vi, 121-124.—Powell (D.) High- tension pulse with peripheral reflux in albuminuria. Lan- cet, Lond.. 1888, ii, 1125— Rabagliati (A.) Albuminu- ria in its relations to life insurance. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 709-713.—Kalfe (C. H.) On the classification of the various forms of functional albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 953; 1008. -----. On some clinical varieties of chronic albuminuria, chiefly with regard to prognosis. Tr. M. Soc Lond., 1892-3, xvi. 212-226. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 415; 778. — Kendall (S. M.) Study of a form of albuminuria. Edinb. M. J.. 1884-5. xxx, 421; 525; 628; 705. — Robert (A.) Albuminniie aigue avec bema- turie: mort par uremic Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 322-324. Aho: Progres m6d., Par.. 1881, ix, 1049.— Robin (A.) Des albuminuries phosphaturiques; classi- fication et traitement. Bull. Acad, de med.. Tar.. 1893, '.',. s., xxx, 748-760.— Robin (It.) Nouvelle theorie de l'al- bnminurie. Gaz. med. de 1'Algerie. Alger. 1881. xxvi, 156; 164.—von Rokitansky (P.) & Fiibiseh (W. F.) Ex perimeutelle Beitrage zur Lehre von der haematogenen Albuminurie. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1881-2. xii, 1-13. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1; 41. — Boscuhach (O.) Zur Lehre von der Albuminuric Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883, vi, 240-202. -----. Ueber regulatorischi; Albuminurie, nebst Bemerkungen iiber amyloide Degeneration. Ibid., 1884. viii, 86-114. — Nau- fuirico (C.) Una singolare alterazione renale in uncaso i albuminuria. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Si- ena, 1885, iii, 204-207, 1 pi.—Saundby (R.) An inquiry into certain points connected with albuminuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 841-843. -----. A contribution to the discussion on albuminuria. Glasgow il. J., 1881, xxi, 413- 420. — Schrciber (J.) Ueber experinientelle am Men- schen zu erzeugende Albuminuric. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1885. xix, 237-264: 1885-6, x, 85-91, 1 diag. — Schuchardt (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Albuminuric Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 618- 621— See (G.) Sur I'albuminurie et le brightisme. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893,3. s., xxix, 760-775. Also : Gaz. med. de Par., 1893, 8. s., ii, 341; 353. — Seclig (A.) Bei- trag zur Lehre von der artificiellen Albumin uric Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1894, xxxiv, 20-28.— Sella (A.) Albuminuria: raccolta e coordinazione di materiali per servire alia storia ed alio studio dell' albu- minuria. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1861, 2. 8.. xiii, 193; 256; 347: 1862, 2. s., xliii, 25; 88 ; HI; 204.— Sein in ol a ( M.) Nouvelles recherches exp6riinentales et clini(ques] sur les albuminuries et principalement sur I'albuminurie de Bright. Progres ru6d., Par., 1883, xi, 471- 14 Albuminuria. 473. Aho, transl.: Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1883, v, 321- 324. Aho. transl.: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1883, n. s., v, 557-561. Also, transl.: Arch. med. ital., Torino, 1883, ii, 657-663. -----. Nouvelles recherches experimen- tales et cliniques sur les conditions pathogeniques de 1'al- buiuiuurie; conclusions. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 194. -----. The pathogenic conditions of albumi- nuria; new experiments and clinical investigations. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 441-445. Also, transl. [with addi- tions]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 409; 434; 459. Also, Reprint. -----. Zur Frage der Pathoge- nese der Albuminurie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 52-54.—Senator (II.) Ueber Albuminurie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 225; 246. Aho: Veroffentl. d. Ge- sellsch. I. Ileilk. in Berl. (1885), 1886, 1-29. -----. Ueber die Eutstehungsbedingungen der Albuminurie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 591-593. -----. Zweiter Artikel iiber Herrn Dr. T. Lang's Ansichten von den Eutstehungs- bedingungen der Albuminurie. Ibid., 1891, iv, 281. -----. De quelques faits relatifs a ralbiuuinurie; replique a MM. Lecorcheet Talamon. Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 276; 363.— Shapiro (G.) O znachenii albuminurii, kak diagnost. priznaka. [Meaning of albuminuria as a diagnostic sign.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 183-188.—Shattuck (F. C.) The frequency of renal albuminuria, as shown by albumin and casts, apart from Bright's disease, fever, or obvious cause of renal irritation. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxx, 613-615.—Smith (J. T.) Albuminuria. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv, 41-44.—Smith (W. G.) Note on a case of peculiar albuminous urine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 847. — Stephenson (F. B.) Albumen in urine; re- cent Swedish, Norwegian, and Italian estimates. N, York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 735 - 737. — Steven (J. L.) Albuminuria considered as chiefly caused by deterio- rated vitality, or degenerated structure, of the renal vessels. Glasgow M. J., 1884, xxi, 337-343. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc, 1883-4, i, 171-177. — Stewart (T. G.) On the incidence of albuminuria among the sick. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 814-817. — Stiernon. A pro- pos de I'albuminurie dite physiologique. Arch. med. bei- ges, Brux., 1895, 4. s., v, 145-152. — Stiles (C. L.) Some views, new and old, in regard to albuminuria. N. York M. Reporter, Rochester, 1894-5, i, 393-401. —Stiller (B.) Ueber diarrboiscbo Albuminurie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 485; 532. — Stokvis (B. J.) Quelques mots a propos de la brochure de M. le professeur Correnti, re- lative a I'albuminurie. J. de med., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., 1870, li, 238-243. Also, Reprint.—Storrs (Frances). On the examination of urine in chronic albuminuria, with notes on the estimation of urea and differential diagnosis. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1895, vii, 207-270. — Sturgis (F. R.) On the value of al- buminuria as a means of diagnosis. Internat. M. Mag., Phila, 1892, i, 152-158. —T. Experimenteele Onderzoe- kiicvn over albuminurie en vonuing van urine-cylinders. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1880, 2. R., xvi, 166- 109—Thomas (W. R.) On the etiology and treatment of albuminuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 313. — Tic- iii :i mi (P. K.) The albuminuriaof adolescence. N.York M. J., 1894, lix, 330-335. — Tizzoni (G.) Alcuni esperi- menti intomo alia patogenesi dell' alburainuria. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 12. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1884-5, vi, 395-399. —Trunin (A.I.) Ob albuminoinetrach Esbach'a i Christensena. [Esbach's and Christensen's albumiuometer.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1894, ii, 76-82. — Tyson (J.) Notes on albuminuria. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1880-81, xiii, G44-640. -----. The relation of albuminuria to life assur- ance. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1888, iii, 171-179. Aho: Med. News, Phila,, 1888, liii, 545-548.— Vallesca y Frra (P.) Cousideraciones sobre la naturalcza de la albuminuria. Gac. de, sanid. mil., Madrid, 1879, v, 473; 497.—Van Baun (W. W.) The significance of albumi- nuria. Hahneman. Month.. Phila,, 1894, xxix, 44-50. Also, Reprint.—Vamleipoel (AV. B.) Albuminuria without manifest organic renal lesion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 611-617.— Vijjlcieno (A.) Sul significato clinico delle vari'e forme di albumina urinaria. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 785; 793; 801; 809.—Washburn (W. H.) The diagnoses and prognosis of albuminuria, independent of nephritis. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 119-122.----- Albuminuria. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893-4, iii, 653-658.— Weber (H.) Remarks on chronic albuminuria originat- in" dining the convalescence from scarlet fever and other eruptive diseases. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1805-6, xlix, 199-207. Also, Reprint. — Wcidcnfeld (J.) Ueber in- termittireiide Albuminurie. Wien. klin. AVchnschr., 1894, vii 214; 236; 257. —Wcinbaum (N.) K vopr. ofiziolog. albuminurii. [On pli\ siological albuminuria.J Vrach, St. I'etersb., 1888, ix, 204-200 —Weiss (M.) Ueber ma- rantische Albuminuric Allg. A\ on. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 173; 185; 194; 203; 226.—Wilcox (H.) A case of albuminuria; death resulting from acute oedema of the brain. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 1008.—Williamson (T) On some diseases in which albuminous uriue occurs. Ed- inb. M. Sc S. J., 1841, lvi, 364-378. Also, Reprint —Win- terberjj (W.) Pathogeny of albuminuria. Chicago M. ALBUMINURIA. 210 ALBUMINURIA. Albuminuria. Rev., 1881, iv, 496-500.—Wood (E. S.) Renal albuminu- ria not due to organic disease of the kidneys. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 459-462. [Discussion], 476. — Zee- huiseu (H.) Over de frequentie en beteekenis der zoo- genaamde physiologische albuminurie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2, 1025-1036. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. mnere Med., Leipz., 1896, xvii, 33-41. AI bum in u ria and Brighfs disease (Treatment of). Loewexmeyer (M.) "Beobachtungen iiber Erniihrung mit Hiihnereiern in Fallen von Al- buminurie. bc. Berlin, 1867). Also, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1885-6, x, 252-267. Nollet (E.-E.) * Etude sur le regime ali- mentaire chez les albuminuriques. 4°. Paris, 1867). -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1885. Sti/rxe (N. II. A.) * Du traitement de ralbu- miuurie par la scille maritime. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Aleixandre (J.) Un caso de albuminuria curado con las aguas da Verin. An. Soc. espuii. de hidrol. m6d., Madrid, 1895, xi, 249-252.—Andrew (J.) The treat- ment of albuminuria. Practitioner, Lond., 1885, xxxv, 321; 422: 1887, xxxix, 1. — Barduzzi. Sull' azione del cloralio nell' albuminuria. Comment, clin. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Pisa, 1884, i, 59. — ISartholow (It. ) Nitroglycerine and tho chloride of gold and sodium in the treatment of albuminuria. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1883-4, vi, 141-145. Also: N. Orl. M. .t S. J., 1883-4, n. s., xi, 594-597. Aho: Maryland M. J., Halt., 1883-4, x, 627. Also: lloston M. Sc S. J., 1884, ex, 32. Aho: Med. News. Phila., 1884, xliv, 83. Aho: N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 134.—liozzolo (C.) Einige Be- merkuiif;en zu der in No. 20 des Centralblattes referirten Abhandlung des Herrn Stokvis "Oyer het gebruik van kippenoieren door lijders van albuminuric". Centralbl. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1886, vii, 393. — Cl union (T. L.) Ar- senic in albuminuria. Practitioner, Lond., 1877, xx, 427- 435. — ISuddc (V.) Fuksin som Middel mod kronisk Al- buniinuri. [Fuchsine in chronic albuminuria.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kj0benh., 1880. 4. R . ii. 57-03.—Carles. Du lait dans ralbumiuurie. Mem. it hull. Soc. dc mod. et chir. de Bordeaux (1893), 1894, 637-047. — C'erezo (F. L.) Un nuevo procedimicnto curativo para la enfermedad de Bright. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1880, xxvi, 124-127.— ('heron (P.) Le regime alimentaire dans I'albuminurie. Bull, med., Par., 1895. ix, 891-894.—Coignnrd. Quel- ques considerations sur ralbumiuurie, et son tiaitement par lesalcalins. J. de therap., Par., 1880, vii, 240-252. —1>. Ilept tj/s SiaiTrjTiKri^ 9ep<>(). Ahlfcld (F.) Fiille vou Geburtsalbuminurie. Inhis: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-g\ naek. Klin, zu Marb., 8°, Leipz.. 1885, ii, 134-139. — Barbour (A. H. F.) Note on a case of diminution of albuminuria in pregnancy coinci- dent with the death of the foetus. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. 1884-5, x, 27-29. — Barker (F.) Remarks on tbe albu- minuria of pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. T., 1888, xxxiii, 155.— Beaumont. Albuminuric retinitis ; pregnancy; death. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1895. i, 867. — Beckett (WAV.) Albuminuria complicating pregnancy ; with report of two cases. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1890, v, 283-288.— Beigel (H.) Morbus Brightii iu gravida. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 508.— Bibot (A.) Primipare albu- minurique; application hative du forceps. Rev. m6d., Louvain, 1890, ix, 481-483.— Biekhniu (C. J.) Albu- minuria of pregnancy. If. Gil. M. &- S. .1.. 1891-2, n. s., xix. 903-907.—Blanc (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie de ralbuminurie et de l'eclampsie chez la femme gravide. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1889), 1890, xxix, pt, 2, 162-165. — Bon temp*. Contribution a l'etude des albuminuries de grossesse; ob- servation. Bull. Soc de med. d'Angeis, 1889, n. s., xvii, 39-45.—BrowniF.F.) Pueiperal albuminuria. Boston M. ScS. J., 1882, .-vii. 579-581.—Charles iN.) Primipare albuminurique au 7e mois de la grossesse ; anasarque; in- sureds de regime lacte ; accouchement pi6mature arti- flciel; expulsion spontanee d'un enfant vivant; suites heureuses pour la mere et l'enfant. J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1887, viii, 85-87. -----. Primipare albuminurique a 6£ mois de grossesse; oedeme des mernbres inferieurs; tra- vail pr6mature spontane ; suites heureuses. Ibid., 109.— Chiara (D.) Albuminuria gravidica e accidenti ure- mici. Osp. prov. d. esposti e d. partor. in Milano (1877), 18r8. 93.—I'on'iigrriE. F.) A caseof acute albuminuria in the puerperal stale. St. Joseph M. Herald, 1884. ii, 36- 38. — <) ii I ling worth (C.J.) Case of albuminuria dur- ing pregnancy ; induction of premature labour; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 534. — Curtis. Blight's disease aud induction of premature labor. [Case.] Boston M. Sc S. J., 1879, c. 155-157.—Deaholfe(S. 1'.) Pueiperal albu- minuria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 460-463. Aho: South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1890, xx, 445-452.—De Ai'iiioml (J. A.) Puerperal albuminuria. Med.& Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi 583.—Dolcris (A.) Recher- ches sur ralbuminurie des femmes grosses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883. 7. s., iv, 504-508.—Dowucs (A. J.) Albuminuria of pregnancy. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, 158-160. — Duff (J. M.) The albuminuria of pregnancy treated by the internal administration of chloroform: report of cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xviii, 768.—Duzea (R.) Albuminurie; six fausses couches antdricuros; pertes ute.nues; mort. Province med., Lyon, 1887, ii, 298.—F.ecles (F.R.) Puerperal albu- minuria. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1880, xi, 193-199. —Fala- schi (E.) Albuminuria gravidica con idrope ascite, ana- sarca ed edema polmonare; parto premature artiticiale con esito felice per la madre e pel feto. Poll. d. Soc. tia i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1885, in, 51-61.—Fascc (Maria G.) Quattro casi d' albuminuria gravidica. Levatrice cond., Roma, 1895. iv, 65-68.—Ferguson (J.) The albuminuria of pregnancy. Canad. Piact., Toronto, 1886, xi, 199-204.— Fl«ersheim (L.) Note sur un cas de retre-cisseinent mi- tral congenital (grossesse. albuminurie, mort). Tribune med., Par., 1895, 2. s., xxvii, 93-95. — Forcec (Margaret P.) Albuminuria to 50 per cent of bulk in a prolonged Albuminuria in pregnancy and the puerperal state. twin pregnancy without eclampsia. "Woman's M. J., To- ledo, 1893, i. 205.—Galabin (A. L.) On the albuminuria of pregnancy and its relation to puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 697-700. — Oilles. Albuminuric pendant la grossesse; traitement par le chloral. Marseille med. 1892, xxix, 224-220. — Gilliland (W. C.) Albu- minuria in pregnancy. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, ix, 169-172.—Girard. Un cas d'albuminurie des femmes enceintes; accouchemeut premature; imperforation de l'anus chez un nouveau-ne. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt.-rend., Par., 1887-8, 44-46.—Goyder (D.) Recur- rence of albuminuria during pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1201. — Griffith (W. S. A.) Note on the renal affection of pregnancy and parturition. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890. xxvi. 115-119—Griggs (A. W.) Chloroform the remedy for the albuminuria of pregnancy. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1890, xx, 349-351.-Gripat. Ob- servation de grossesse; albuminurie: phlegmatia alba do- lens double. Bull. Soc de med. d'Angers, 1889, n. s., xvii, 84-90.—Ilageinauu (O.) [Leber Eiweissumsatz wahrend derSchwangerscbaft und der Lactation. ] Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1890, 577-581.—Halhertsma (T.) Ueber Albu- minuria gravidarum. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, t'openh.', 1886, ii, Sect, d'obst. et de gv- nec, 47-56.—lleri'tfoll (A.) De ralbuminurie gravidique. Rev.med.de Test, Xancy, 1888, xx, 65-76.—Hundley (J. M.) Two cases of albuminuria complicating pregnancy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi, 184-187. — Ingerslev ( E. j Beitrag zur Albuminurie wahrend der Swangi r- schaft. derGeburt und der Eklampsie. Ztschr. f.Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1881, vi, 171-212.—Jaecoud. Sur le traitement de I'albuminurie gravidique. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 138-141. —Johnson (J. C.) Aetiology and pathology of albuminuria of pregnancy, including puerperal eclampsia. Am. Gynac. & Obst. J., N. T., 1895, vii, 352-355. Also, Reprint. — Kiely (YV. E.) Albuminuria complicating gestation. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii, 170-172. — fjaudi (L.) L' albuminuria nel parto; analisi chimiche quantitative ed esperimenti. Morgagui, Milano, 1890, xxxii, 561- 592. Aho [Abstr.]: Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1890, ii. 126. — I.,auglet. Albuminurie pendant la. grossesse guerie par le jaborandi. Paris med., 1877, iii, 455-457.—Lauder (W.j Cases of albuminuria occurring in the latter mouths of pregnancy. Med. Chron., Man- chester, 1891, xiv, 180-183.—liChniaini (L.) Over de he- handeling van hydrops gedurende de zwaugerschap en eclampsia uraemica met subcutane injection van muriaa pilocarpine Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1880, xvi, 3-12.—I.eudet (T.-FJ.) Memoire sur la nephrite albnmineuse consecutive a ralbuminurie de femmes grosses. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1853-4, i, 456; 504. Also, in his: FJtudes de path, et de clin. ni6d., 8°, Par., 1891. ii, 607-621 —I.eyden (E.) Ueber Hydrops und Al- buminurie der Schwangeren. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1885-0, xvii, 52-50. Also: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1886, xi, 20-49. 1 pi. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 212. [Discussion]. 229; 244.— Vlacdonald (A. D.) Albuminuria; induction of premature labour; no eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 15. —----. Sequel to a caseof the albuminuria of gestation. Ibid, ls83, ii, 969.—ITIcKeough (G. T.) The induction of premature labor hi the albuminuria of pregnancy. Canada M. i!c S. J., Montreal, 1887-8.449-460. Also: Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor. Mich., 1888, x, 97-107. Also: Proc. Detroit M. & Libr. Ass., 1888, 1-11.—lTIcI.nne (J. TV.) The albuminu- ria of pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 180-189.— ■Maguire (R.) The pathology of puerperal albuminuria. Lancet, Loud., 1886, ii, 524.— itlarliu (W. J.) A case of albuminuria during piegmmcy. llomoeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xii, 45-48.— lTIenager. Albuminurie et eclampsia a 7 mois; emploi de lactate de strontium ; accouchement a, terme: mere vivante, enfant vivant. Gaz. m6d.de Nantes, 1892-3, xi, 50. — .TIeyer (L.) Zur Lehre von der Albumi- nurie in der Schwangerscbaft und bei derGeburt. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1889, xvi, 215-208. Aho, transl. JAbstr. ]: I£j< beuh. med. Selsk. Forh., 1889, 82- 85.—lTIijiilieff(A.) Overpuerperalepeptonurie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 296. -----. Zur Therapie bei Albuniinurieund Nephritis der Schwangeren. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1891, vi, 347-356. Also, Reprint.-----_. Eenigebeschowingen over albuminuria en nephritis gravi- darum, in verband met bet intrauteiin afsterven der vrucht. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verloosk. en Gynaec. Ilaar- , lem, 1891, iii, 1; 73. Also, transl: Samml. klin. Vortr.. n. F., Leipz., 1892. No. 56 [Gym'ikol., No. 23, 523-572].—ittil- liltin (J. L.) Puerperal albuminuria; case. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.., 1882, xlvi, 395-397.—Mitchell (C.) The albuminurias of pregnancy. Ilalmenian. Month., Phila.. 1890, xxv, 1; 73; 140; 247 ;' 277. — IVegri (P.) Un caso di albuminuria in donna gravida con vizio cardiaco; ricerche sulla frequeuza della albuminuria durante il parto. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1883, v, 441-450—IVc.vra (A.) Albumi- nuria de los priineros meses del embarazo; tiatamiento. Cong. med. region, de Cuba, Habana, 1890, 269-284. Also: Progreso med., Habana, 1890, ii, 225-233. — Oui. De l'al- ALBUMINURIA. 212 ALBUMINURIA. Albiiiiiiiiiiria in pregnancy and the puerperal state. buminurie gravidiqne comme~cause de la mort du foetus. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1893, xiv, 484; 498.— Paine (J. F. T.) Some practical observations ou the management of albuminuria in pregnancy. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1891, xxiii, 151-166.—Palmer (C. D.) A case of albuminuria during pregnancy. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1892, xxvi, 390-393. — Phelisse." Albuminurie dans le cours d'une grossesse; mort du fcetus; guerison de la mere: accouchement premature a 8 mois J. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1886, viii, 613-615. — Phillips (J.) Acute epi- gastric pain in puerperal albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 676. — Potter (J. B.) A clinical lecture on albu- minuria in pregnancy. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 57-59. -----. A clinical lecture on albuminuria in pregnency. Ibid., 1895, vi, 305-307.—Puech (P.) De la legitimite de la provocation del'accouchement dans 1'albuminurie gravi- dique. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec. Par., 1894, ix, 123- 129. — Raven (T. F. ) Note on puerperal albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 715. — Boss. Acute Bright's dis- ease, accompanying pregnancy: miscarriage, peritonitis, autopsy. Canada M. Sc S. J.', Montreal. 1870-7, v, 441- 447. — Roux (J.) Albuminurie gravidique prolongee; pblegmatia albadolens tardive; acees d'uremie; guerison. Marseille ni6d., 1894, xxxi, 590-595. Aho: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 130-124.—Scarlini (G.) Al- buminuria gravidica con andamentocronico. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1885, iii, 178-182.—Sheldon (J. W.) Clinical experiences with albuminuria in preg- nancy. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc, N. T., 1889, xxiv, 137-141.— Sholleubcrgcr (C. F.) Albuminuria in pregnancy. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1894, 136-151. Also : Anil. Gynajc. Sc Paediat., Bost., 1894-5, viii, 320-326.—Silcx (P.) Leber Retinitis albuminurica gravidarum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 385-389.—Simpson. Lesions of the nervous system, etc., in the puerperal state connected with albuminuria. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1847- 8,viii, 288. Aho, transl.: Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1848, v, 254.—Smith (C. D.) Albuminuria in pregnancy. Tr. MaiueM. Ass., Portland, 1892, xi, 182-192.—Stevenson (F. C.) Two cases of pregnancy associated with albumi- nuria, necessitating premature delivery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 146.—Talini (B.) Dispnea uro- emica da net rite albuminurica gravidica. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1889, xlviii, 266. — Tarkiugton (J. A.) Three cases of albuminuria durin ; pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. 1\, 1885, xviii, 624-028.—Tibballs (V. B.) The albumi- nuria of pregnancy. Physician Sc Surg , Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1892. xiv, 296-299."— Tingley (W. S.) Albumi- nuria complicating gestation. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii. 599. — Cllcy (H. d.) A contribution to the study of albuminui ia during pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1895, xxxii, 354-365. — Van Saiilvoort (R. ) The pathology of the eclampsia and albuminuria of pregnancy. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1891), 1892, 2. s., viii, 209-235.— Verrier. Sur ralbuminurie pendant la grossesse et apres laccouchement; influence de laccouchemeut pro- voque. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et gynec de Par., 1891, 67-73.—Villa (F.) L' analisi qualitative nell'albuminuria puerperale. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, i, 157- 174.— Wcmiiug (W. H.) Albuminuria in pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., X.Y., 1891, xxiv, 825-823. — Zinke (E. G.) Albuminuria duiing pregnancy. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1893, iv, 265-267. Albiiiiiiiiiiria and syphilis. Raval (A.) *De revolution de la sypbilis cbez les albuminuriqnes. 4°. Paris, 1666. Also [Abstr], in: Paris med., 1886, xi, 001. Aecoriuti. Caso di albuminuriasifllitica. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur.. Napoli, 1882, vii, 14-37.—Casarini (G.) Sull" albuminuria sifllitica. Rassegnadisc. med., Modena, 1888, iii, 1-9.— Fiirbringcr (P.) Leber Albuminurie durch Quecksilber mid Syphilis. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med . Leipz., 1885, iv, 54-57. — Schwim- mer. Ueber das Vorkommen der Albuminuric bei lueti- schen Affeetionen. Internat. dermat. Cong. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. 1892, Wien u. Leipz., 1893, 610-626.— Wickham (E.) Note sur I'albuminurie survenaut dans le cours d'ac- cidents secondaires d'origine syphilitique. Union med., Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 685-691. [Rap. de, Horteloup], 841- 846. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1880, 2. s., vii, 577-584. Albuminuria (Cyclic). See Albuminuria (Intermittent, etc.). Albiiiiiiiiiiria (Intermittent,physiolog- ical, and transitory). See, also, Albuminuria in children; Albumi- nuria in pregnancy, etc. Bertrand (E.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de ralbuminurie intermittente nou clinique cbez les gens bien portants. 4°. Paris, 1890. Albiiiiiiiiiiria (Intermittent, physiolog- ical, and transitory). Capitan (L.) * Recherches expe>imentales et cliniques sur les albuminuries trausitoires. 4°. Paris, 1863. Duden (G. A. H.) * Ueber physiologische Albuminurie. 8U. Berlin, 1886. Finot (C.) *De I'albuminurie intermittente irr6guliere chez les gens bien portants. Etude clinique et statistique; essai pathog^nique. 4J. Lyon, 1891. Freund (F.) * Ueber intermittirende Albu- minurie. 8°. Gbltingen, 1886. Hvvass (T.) Studier ofver transitorisk albu- miuuri hos till utseendet friska personer. [Studies on transitory albuminuria in ap- parently healthy persons.] 8°. Stockholm, 1893. Kulstra (H. J.) *Zur Geschichte der phy- siologischen Albuminurie. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Leiden, 1888. de Labelle de Chateaubourg (A.) *Ee- cherches sur I'albuminurie physiologique. 4°. Sceaux, 1883. Merley (V.) *De I'albuminurie intermit- tente cyclique, ou maladie de Pavy. 4°. Lyon, 1887. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1887. Pessez. * Essai sur les polyuries et albumi- nuries d'origine nerveuse. 4°. Paris, 1866. Reck (H.) * Ueber cyklische Albuminurie. 8°. Jena, 1888. Kendall (S.-M.) * Etude sur l'albuniinurie alimentaire. 4l. Paris, 1883. Rohlfing (O.) * Ueber trausitorische Albu- minurie. 8°. IViirzburg, 1866. Sosath (F.) * Ueber kunstliche Albuminurie. 8°. Wiirzburg, i860. Stute (F.) * Beitrage zur Lehre vou der intermittirenden Albuminurie. 8°. Gbttingen, 1892. Weinbaum (N. T.) *K voprosu o phisiologi- cheskoi albumiuurii. [On physiologicol albu- minuria.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1894. Albers-Schbnberg ( H.) Ein Fall von cyklischer Albuminurie. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst 1891-2, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2, 271 - 286.—Arthaud & Butte. Note sur I'albuminurie experimentale a la suite de lesions du pneumogastrique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 701-703.— Barnes (R.) On cyclic (or physiological) albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 914.— Bechamp (A.) Sur les albumines physiologiques normales et pathologiques et sur ralbumi- nurie pbysiologique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 601; 876. —Begbie (J. W.) On temporary albuminuria, more particularly as occurring in the course of certain febrile or other acute diseases. Read to the Med Chir. Soc. Edinb., May 5, 1852. In: Select, from the Works of [etc.], 8°, Loud., 1882, 1-19. [Discussion], Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb , 1852, xv, 92-94. Aho, in. Med. Times 6c Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 623.—Bexe- lias (J.) Tviiiine fall af cyklisk albuminuri iakttagna a Sabbatsbergs sjukbus. [Two cases of . . . observed in S. hospital.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1891, liii, 389-395.----- Om deu transitoriska albuminuriens freqvens. [On the frequency of transitorial albuminuria.] Ibid., 1892, liv, 420. — Branuaii (J. W.) The varying significance of intermittent albuminuria. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 7-11. Also, Reprint.—Budersons apparently healthy, aud a consideration of its re- ation to life assurance. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 669-673. Also: N. York M. Exam., 1891, i, 34-46. -----. Functional albuminuria; or albuminuria in persons ap- parently healthy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 341- 347. -----. The prevalence of albuminuria in persons apparently healthy. Ibid., 1891, xvi, 829-832. —Du- breuilh (W.) lie ralbuminurie intermittente period! que. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1887, viii, 568: 1888, ix. 18: 163. Aho: Rev. de med.. Par., 1887, vii, 678- 694. — Dultes (C.) A significant fact in the diagno- sis and interpretation of the albuminuria of adoles- cents. Lancet, Loud., 1891, ii, 1327: 1382.—Eillefsen. Ueber Albuminuric bei gesunden Nieren. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Sehlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1879-80, i, 21-29.— Falhenheini (II.) Leber regehuiissig intermittirende Albuminurie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, xxxv. 446-457. — Finot (C.) Do ralbuminurie transitoire chez l'homme sain. Compt. rend. Soe. debiol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 133.—Fisehl (J.) Ueber einige Ursachen von transitorischer Albuminurie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 421; 434. Also: Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1881, xxix, 217-255.— Flciisbinu (C.) Untersu- chungen iiber die Art und das Anftreten der Albuminurie bei iibrigens gesunden Personen. Skandin. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz.. 1892-3, iv, 410-420.—Frequency of albumi- nuria in|healthy people. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hart- ford. 1888, n. s., iv, 203-208, 1 tab. Also, Reprint.—Ftir- briiiifcr (P.) Zur Kenntniss der Albuminurie bei ge- sunden Nieren. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1879, i, 340- 357. -----. Ueber Albuminuria bei gesunden Nieren. Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw., Jena, 1879, 124. -----. Notiz zur Kenntniss der Albu- minurie bei gesunden Niereu. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880-81, x^vii, 184-180. — Giaon (C.) Re- cherches exp6rimentales sur ralbumiuurie normale chez l'homme et chez les animaux. Union med., Par., 1857, xi, 499; 508. Aho, Reprint. — Granville (M.) Physiolog- ical albuminuria; albuminuria associated with nervous affections. Glasgow M. J., 1884. n. s., xxi, 250-256. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1883-4. i, 90-96.—Oriswolil (G.) Notes on albuminuria in health. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 685-688. -----. False albuminuria. Tr. N. YorkM. Ass. 1884, N. Y.. 18.-5. i.398-105. Also: N.York M. J., 1885, xii, 64-66. — Hciulci-sou (F.) Prognosis il- lustrated; causes of intermittent albuminuria also opera- tive in structural disease of the kidney. Glasgow M. J., 1884, xxi, 353-361.—Herringhaiu (YV. P.) On cyclical or intermittent albuminuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 218.—Hoorweg (A. J.) Iutermitteerende albuminurie. Nederl. lijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2,787-794.—Jasiewiez (J.) Existe-t-il une albuminurie physiologique ? Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1891, 317- 323.— Johnson (G.) On intermittent, recurring, or so- called "cyclical" albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 7. -----. The clinical history of intermittent and latent al- buminuria. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, i. 225-229. — Kin- nicutt (F. P.) Transient albuminuria, as it occurs, par- ticularly in children and adolescents, in apparent health. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1882, vii, 58-70.— Kiuuier (D. F. ) Cyclic albuminuria. N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-6, v, 530-533. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y"., 1886, xxix, 702.—Klcmperer (G.) Ueber cyklische Albumi- nuric. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xii, 168-179. -----. Ueber cvkliscke Albuminurie. Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl. (1888-9), 1890, 269-272. — Kraus (F.) Ueber die sogenaunte Albuminuria intermittens cyclica. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 1877, 1923; 1964; 2006.— Kunkcl. Ueber Albuminurie bei gesunden Nieren. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wurzb., 1881, 71.— Land! (L.) Albuminuria ciclica. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1890, ii, 434; 462. — Canlier 6c Pernet. Al- buminurie k type tierce : guerison rapide par le sulfate de quinine. Bull. med. d. Yosges, liambervillers, 1886-7, i. no. 3, 41-43.—I.ashkevilsch (V. G.) Nervuaja albu- minurija (Albuminuria nervosa). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv, 467. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv, 1052-1054.—Ficcorchc Sc Talamon. L'albumi- nurie minimaet l'assurance sur la vie. Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 518-520.-----------. Un cas d'albuminurie in- termittente consecutive a. une nfephrite grippale. Ibid., 1892, iii, 549-552.-----------. Le pronostic de I'albumi- nurie minima (albuminurie intermittente, cyclique transi- toire). Ibid., 578; 629.—Lee (IL) Albuminous urine in- dependent of kidney disease. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 540.— LeGcndrc (P.) Le albuminurie transitorie di origine nervosa. Riforma med., Napoli, 1885, i, nos. 260; 261. -----. (Edemes intermittens, p6riodiques et cycliques des extremites et du scrotum se reproduisant depuis quinze ans chez un n6vropathe actuellement albuminurique. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s.,ix,7G4- 767. — Leubc (W.) Ueber physiologische Albuminurie. Ztschr. 1. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xiii, 1-13.-Linen (M.) Ueber functionelle Alteration der Nierengefasse und die Albiiiiiiiiiiria (Intermittent, physiolog- ical, and transitory). dadurch bedingte Albuminurie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1889, xviii, 161-166. — Cong (E. H.) functional albuminuria, with three years' observation of a case. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.), 1890, 161-166.—Lucas (R. C.) On the association of flat-foot, weak ankle, etc., of puberty, with albuminuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 852. — .Tlalfalti (IL) Zur Frage der "physiologischen Albuminurie". Internat. Centralbl. f. d. Physiol, u. Path. d. Hani- u. Sex.-Org.. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1889-90, i, 66: 429. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 433 -435. — .Tlar- cacei (G ) Di un nuovo caso di albuminuria fisiologica. Comment, clin. d. nial.d. org. gen.-urin., Pisa, 1884, i, 100- 109.—Mason (J.) Abstract of an essay on albuminuria in the apparently healthy. lit it. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1060-1002.— IVIerkleu. Sur un cas d'albuminurie inter- mittente sans trouble apparent de la sante. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1885, ix, 151-156. Also: France m6d., Par., 1885, i. 870-874. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xl, 7. -----.Contribution a l'e- tude de I'albuminurie intermittente periodique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1888. ii, 140-157. — Millard (II. B.) On albumina minima, transient and dietetic, and the so- called physiological albuminuria, and their relations to health and to life assurance. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 525-530. A ho, Repriut. — iTIya (G.) Considerazioni in- tomo ad un caso di cosidetta albuminuria ciclica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1889, x, 27; 35; 42; 50. — Tlya Sc Van- iloni. Contributo all' albuminuria e nefrite sperimen- tale. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 72-77. Aho: Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 61.—von IVoordcn (C.) Ueber Albuminurie bei gesun- den Menschen. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885-6, xxxviii, 205-247. Also [Abstr.]: Berl. klin.Wchn- schr., 1886, xxiii, 166.—Paijkull (L.) Ett fall af cyclisk albuminuri. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1891-2, xxvi, 208- 277.—Pavy (F. W.) On cyclic albuminuria (albuminuria in the apparently healthy).' Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 789- 791. Also: Med. Times 6c Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 529-531. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 706-708. -----. A further contribution on cyclic albuminuria; with observations on the effect of various conditions upon the diurnal appear- ance of albumen. Ibid., 1886, i, 437. -----. On cyclic al- buminuria. Ibid., 1888, i, 711-713 — Pctersson '(0. V.) Om forekomsteu af albuminuri hos eljest friska personer. [On the presence of albuminuria in otherwise healthy per- sons.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1890-91, xxvi, 13-48. -----. Ytterligare ett fall af cyklisk albuminuri. Ibid., 193. -----. Ytterligare om albuminurins fdrekomst hos eljest friska personer. [ Further remarks on albuminuria in otherwise healthy persons.] Ibid., 1891-2, xxvii, 54-63.— Posuer (C.) Ueber physiologische Albuminurie. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1884-5), 1886, x\-i, pt, 2, 223-228. [Discussion], pt. 1, 193-195. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 654. -----. Zur Frage der normalen Albuminurie, nebst Bemerkungen iiber eine Modification der Biuretprobe. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 495-497.— Power ( D'A. ) !Notes of an experiment on the induc- tion of false albuminuria. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, xxiii, 173-177. Also, Reprint, — Balfc ( 0. H. ) Functional albuminuria and its relation to haiinoglobinu- ria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1012-1014. Also:'Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 704-766. — Baskin (M.) Phisiol. albumi- nuria, yeya prichiny, priznaki, techenie i predskazanie. [Physiological albuminuria, its causes, indications, course, and'prognosis.l Novosti med., St. Petersb.. 1890, 69-84.— Kiiiifstcili ( O. T.) Ett fall af cyklisk albumiuuri iakt- tagei a Sahliaisbergs sjukhus. [R6sume.] Un cas d'al- buirjinurie cyclique observe a. l'liopital de Sabbatsberg. Arsberatt, f. Sabbatsbergs Siukh. i Stockholm, 1889, 207- 231. Aho: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1890, Iii, 14-38.—Rohcrts ( W. ) Physiological albuminuria, globulin reaction, and tests for albumen. Glasgow M. J., 1884, xxi, 203-211. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. 6c Clin. Soc, 1883-4, i, 64-72.— Rozhanshi (V. M.) O charaktere mocheot. pri phiziol. albuminurii. [On the character of secretion of urine in physiological albuminuria.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxvii, 657-065. — Runebei y ( J. W.) Albuminurie bei gesunden Nieren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1880, lxxx, 175-177. -----. Om albuminuri hos friska perso- ner. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1880, xxii, 155-188. [Resume ]. 234-237. Also, transl.: Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880, xxvi, 211-237. —Seelig (A. ) Ueber den mikroskopischen Befund in den Nie- ren nach doppelseitiger Compression des Thorax. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxviii, 265- 271. —Simmons (G. C.) Notes on a case of chronic intermitting albuminuria of four years' standing. Sac- ramento M. Times, 1887, i, 45-48. — Simon (C. E.) Functional albuminuria. N. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 330- 336. — Spicgler ( E.) Ueber die sogenannte physiolo- gische Albuminurie. Wien. med. Bl., 1894, xvii, 553.— Stcuhaii. Functioneele albuminurie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. (ieneesk., Amst., 1894, n. li., xxx, pt, 2, 569-591.— Stewart ( T. G.) On some forms of albuminuria not dangerous to life. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s., ALBUMINURIA. 214 ALCHEMY. Albiiiiiiiiiiria (Intermittent, physiolog- ical, and transitory). xciii, 34-55. — Stirling (A. W. ) Albuminuria in the apparently healthy. Lancet, Lond.. 1.-87, ii, 1157-1160.— Tewes. Leber evklisehe Albuminurie. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh., Leipz., 1893, xxxvi, 90-107.— Tiemaiiii (l». E.) The albuminuria of adolescence. X. York M. J., 1894, lix, 330-335.—Vanderpoii (W. B.) Albuminuria with- out manifest organic renal lesion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 611-617. Also, Reprint. — Vereo (J. C.) Intermit- tent albuminuria. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 332-330. — Washburn (W. H.) Albuminuria in the apparently healthy. Med. News, Phila.. 1890, lvi, 356- 358: 1893,'lxii, 341-345. — "Wood (E. S.) Renal albumi- nuria not due to organic disease of the kidneys. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 459-462. Albiiiiiiiiiiria (Physiological). ickin«ou (L.) 6c Fyfle (W. K.) Some cases of al- bumosuria. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv, 64-73. Also [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1206. — Huppert. Eiu Fall von Albumosurie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889 xiv, 35.—Krehl (L.) .v Tin It lies (M.) Ueber febrile Albumosurie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz. 1894-5, liv, 501-514 —Stokvis (B. J.) Over hemialhumo- surie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1891, 2. R., xxvii.pt. 2. 136-138.—Ter-Origoriantz. UeberHemi- albumosui ie. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb., 1882, vi, 537-540. — Wesimorlanil (J.) Case of hemi-albumosu- ria. Lancet. Lond., 1892, i, 1240.—Xeehuiscu (H.) Een geval van albumosurie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk , Amst., 1893, 2. R., xxix, pt. 1, 829-839. Albuquerque. Cummins (T.J.) The climate of Albuquerque, N. Mex. Med. Rec , N. Y.. 1887, xxxii, 185-187.—Waxham (F. E.) Impressions of Albuquerque, N. Mex., as a health resort. Chicago Cliu. Rev., 1892-3. i, 433-435. de Albuquerque (Platao). *Formas clinicas da uietnte. 1012pp., "il. 8C. Riode Janeiro, Laem- mert ?]. Regiment prescrvativ e curativ de la pestilencia compost per mestre Luys Alcanyis, mestre on medecina. 13 1. sm. 4-'-'. " [n. p., n- d.] AleaptoBiuria. See Alkaptonuria. Alcatrao. Sacailura Botte. Consideracoes Acerca da agna concentrada de alcatrao, tambem denominada licor de al- catrao. Coimbramed., 1893, xiii, 101-170. Alcester rural sanitary district. See Stratford- on-Avon combination of sanitary authorities. Aleliemy. Bolton (II. C.) Catalogue of works on al- chemy and chemistry. 16° [New York, 1891.] Boxrs Lombardus (P.) Margarita pretiosa novella correctissima, exhibeus introductionem in artem chemise integrant. Pra-fatio. Alche- miam sub philosophia natural i comprehendi: ejusque materiam esse unam et detenninatam. In : Theatrum chemicum. 8°. Araentorati, 1060, v, 507-703. Bkendelius (Z.) Chimia, in artis formam redacta ubi prater methodnni addiscendi h/x^ipv- osic chimitas facilimam, disquisitio curata de famosissima pneparatione ami potabilis insti- tuitur. Editio secunda correctior et auctior, post obitum autoris cousilio Werneri Rolhuck, luci tradita. 16°. Jenas, 1G41. ALCHEMY. 215 ALCHEMY. Alchemy. Chymiphil'o (J. J.) [pseudon.?]. Der wahren chymischen Weisheit OiYenbahrung, das ist, gc- treue und aufrichtige Eutdeckung der Materie, welche genommeu werden muss, wann man deu ■\vahren Weisen-Stein, lapidem philosophorum, tincturam universalem machen will; aus vielen Theophrastischen Handschriften, vorhin nic- niahlen in deu Truck koinmeu, mitgantzdeutlich- und klaresten Worten augezeiget, dass es kliirer nicht seyn konte. Auch wegen derenjenigen welche in denen chymischen Handgriffen noch nicht souderbar erfahren seynd, mit sonderbarem Unterricht uud kiirtzester Unterweisung der nothweudigen Praparationen versehen. Alles denen Liebhabeu der chymischen Weisheit zu Gefallen im ofl'eneuTruck gegeben. 16°. [n.p.], 1720. de Comitibus (L.) Clara fidelisque aduioni- toria disceptatio practicie mauualis experimento veraciter comprobata. De duobus artis. et natu- ra? miraeulis: hoc est de liquore Alchaest; nec- non lapide philosophico, atque amborum ma- teria, operandi ratione, difficult;ite, viribus, ac iuter se conveuientia, et discrimine, de sale quo- que tarteri volatili, etc., per gratiani Hermeticae artis studiosorum conscripta. 24°. Francofurti, 1564. Dllco [or Duclos] (G.) Apologia chrysopce- i;e et argyropoehe, adversus Thomam Erastum, iu qua disputatur et docetur, au, quod, et quo- niodo sit chrysopceia et argyropoeia, cum novo et recenter primum edito ejusdem authoris in fine hujus apologise olim promisso opere, magis abstrnso et majoii admiratione digno, omnium- que utilissimo, de triplici auri et argenti prapa- ratione. 16°. Ursellis, 1G02. Follixus (H.) Den Xederlandtsche sleutel van t' secreet der philosophie, in welck gzoude- lijt bewesen wert, d' aert, so in 't geuerael, als urt bysonder aller metallen, als goudt, silver, coper, etc. En dis gheheele alchijmie, met haer ver- borghendtheden. Midtsgabers d' cerste materie der philosopheu, dat is: quiuta essentia des wijus, met haren volcomen ghebruyck, en ver- claringhe aller duystere woorden des voorsz. Constes, op dat Paracelsus claerlijckm alles mach werden verstaen. 24z. f Haerlem, 1613. Geber. Gebri Arabis chimia sive traditio sunimae prefectiouis et investigate magesterii iunumeris locis emendata, a Caspar Hornio . . . Accessit ejusdem medulla alchimite Gebricae. OinniaeditaaGeorgioHornic. 24J. Lugd. Bat., 1666. Glauber (J. R.) The golden ass well man- aged, and Mydas restored to reason, or a new ehyinical light appearing as a day star of com- fort to all under oppression or calamities, as well illiterate as learned, male as female; to ease their burdens and provide for their families ; wherein the golden fleece is demonstrated to the blind world, and that good gold may be found as well in cold as hot regions (though better in hot) within and without through the universal globe of the earth, and be profitably extracted, so that in all places where any sand, stones, gravel or flints are, you cannot so much as place your footing, but you may find both gold and the true matter of the philosopher's stone; and is a work of women and play of children. Written at Amsterdam, 1669, by John Rodolph Glauber, and translated out of Latin into English, in briefer notes, 1670, by W. C, esq. 8°. [London, 1673.] -----. The works of . . . containing great variety of choice secrets in medicine aud al- chemy, in the working of nietallick mines, and Alchemy. the separation of metals; also various cheap aud easie ways of making salt-petre and improv- ing of barren-land, and the fruits of the earth. . . . Transl. by Christopher Packe. fol. Lon- don, 1669. Helvetils (F.) Abriefe of the golden calf or the world's idol, discovering the rarest mira- cle of nature; how iu less than a quarter of an hour by the smallest proportion of the philoso- pher's stone a great piece of common lead was totally transmuted into the purest transplendent gold; with other most rare experiments and transmutations. Englished and abbreviated for the ease of the readers by W. C. 8°. [London, 1673.] Hermann (P.) Dat secreet der philosophien, iuhoudende hoemen alle aertsche dingen, ge- lijch als alluyn, solfer, coperroot ende dierge- lijckeu bereydeu sal ende gebruyckeii. Ende doch, hoemen alle olien wt den metalen distileren ende maken sal, met noch veel ander secreete ende ongehoorde consten, daermen wonderliche curatien mede doet iu alien swaren. ende onge- neselicke siecten, so dat desgelijcx noyt gedruct en is geweest in geenderley sprake. Altesamen getogen wt die boecken Paracelsi. 24°. Leyden, 1612. Hermes Trismegistus. Iatromathematica (hoc est, medicina? cum mathematica conjunctio), ad Amonem iEgyptiuni conscripta, interprete Joanne Stadio Leonnouthesio; cum argumento, et explanationibus J. P. G. Saloensis. In: Hasfurtus (J.) De cognoscendis, et medendis morbis [etc.j. 4°. Yenetiis, 1584, ff. 113-118. ------. The same. 'larpopa&r/fiaTiKa npbc "Appuva 'Ar/vnTiov. In: Ideler (J. L.) Phys. et med. Graeci min. 8°. Berolini, 1841, i, 387-396. Jehior, or the day dawning, or morning light of wisdom: containing the three prin- ciples, or originals of all things whatsoever, whereby are discovered the great and many mysteries in God, nature, and the elements, hitherto hid, now made manifest and revealed to the honour of God, the love of our neighbor, aud to the comfort and joy of the children of wisdom. 8°. [London, 1673.] Lacinils (J.) Praciosa ac nobilissima chymiae collectanea de occultissimo ac praciosissimo philosophorum lapide. Nunc primum in lucem aedita. 4°. Norimbergce, 1554. Lavinius (V.) Tractatus de ccelo terrestri. In: Theatkum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1659, iv, 288. Lkmnius (L.) Zirizci'us. Occulta natura mira- cula, ac varia rerum documenta, probabili ra- tione atque artifici conjectura duobus libris ex- plicata, quae studioso avidoque lectori nou tarn usui sunt futura, quani oblectamento. 24°. Antrerjiiic, 1559. Lives (The) of alchemistical philosophers; with a critical catalogue of books in occult chemistry, and a selection of the most celebrated treatises ou the theory and practice of the her- metic art. 8°. London, 1815. Llllius (R.) Libelli aliquot chemici, nunc primum, excepto vade niecutu, in lucem opera Doctoris Toxitse editi. 16°. Basilece, 1600. Muller (P.) Miracula et inysteria chymico- medica libris quinque enucleata. 3 ed. Acces- serunt his : 1. Tyrocinium chymicum. 2. No- vum lumen chymicum; summa horum juxta seriem capitum et tractatuum ad calcem inveni- enda est. 24°. [Friborgi], 1616. -----. The same. 16°. Witteberga3, 1623. -----. The same. Miracula chymica et mysteria medica. 32°. Parisiis, 1644. ALCHEMY. 216 ALCHEMY. Alchemy. Partlicius (S.) A new method of physick; or a short view of Paracelsus and Galen's prac- tice; in 3 treatises. I. Opening the nature of physick and alchymy. II. Shewing what things are requisite to a physitian alchymist. III. Con- taining an harmonical systeme of physick. Written in Latin. Translated into English by Nicholas Culpeper. 24°. London, 1654. Pharmacia Galenica et chymica, dat is: ver- meederde ende verbeterde apotheker en alchy- miste licht ende disilleer-konst, begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten derselver. Ver- deylt in acht boecken, tot onderwijsinge der apothekers. Doorgaens op't nieuw by den autheur overseen, en verrijckt met een kort ex- anien der chirurgie, benevens een tractaet van de kennisse der droogen. 4. ed. 16°. Amstel- redam, 1662. -----. The same. 16°. Antwerpen, 1667. -----. The same. Neuest Liecht vor die Apothecker, wie selbige nach den Grund-Regeln der heutigen Destillirkunst ihre Artzeneyen zubereiten sollen, mit einigen Anmerckungen vermehret und verbessert durch die hochgelahr- ten Herren Sylvius', Willis, Blanckart, und andere. Nebenst einem Auhange von denen Irrthiimern, so bey Bereitung der Medicamenten vorzugehen ptlegen des Herrn Anton de Heidens aus dem Holliiudischen ins Hochteutsche iiber- gesetzet von D. J. S. 12°. Leipzig, 1690. Philalethes (A.) Vade-mecum philosophi- cum, sive breve manuductorium ad campum Sophia1, secretioris philosophise arcana referens in gratiam doctriuae filiorum. MS. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Bound with his: Enarratio methodica trium Gebri. 4°. Amstelodami, 1678. -----. Enarratio methodica trium Gebri medicinarum in quibus continentur lapidis phi- losophici vera confectio autore anonymo sub nomine . . . natu Angli, habitatione cosuiopolitae. MS. 4°. Amstelodami, 1678. -----. Experiuienta de praparatione mer- curii sophici ad lapidem per regulum martis antimoniatum stellatumque et lunam, ex manu- scripto philosophi americani, alias . . . natu Angli, habitatioue cosuiopolitae. MS. 4C. [n.p., n.d.] Bound v:ith hh: Enarratio methodica trium Gebri. 4°. Amstelodami, 1678. Philosophical (The) epitaph of W. C, es- quire, for a memento mori on the philosopher's (tomb) stone. With three hierogliphical scutch- eons display in Minerva's and Hermes' birds, and Apollo's birds of paradice in philosophical mottoes and sentences, with their explication. With a perfect discovery of the immortal liquor Alchahest, or Macchabean fire, and the volatized salt of tartar, or samech, and of other elixirs, with their differences and properties. 8°. Lon- don, [1673]. Quercetanus (J.) Liber de priscorumphilo- sophorum vera medicinae materia, praparatio- nis modo, atque in curandis morbis prastantia; deque simplicium, et rerum signaturis turn ex- ternis, turn interuis, seu specificis, a priscis et Hermeticis philosophis inulta cura, singularique industria comparatis, atque introductis, duo tractatus; his accesserunt ejusdem Jos. Quer- cetani de dogmaticorum medicorum legitima, et restituta medicamentorum praparatione, libri duo. Itemque selecta qnaedatn consilia medica, clarissimis medicis Europteisdicata. 12°. [Ge- neva}], 1603. -----. Thesame. 16°. Aureliw Allobrogum, 1609. Alchemy. -----. The same. 8C. [Lipsiw], 1613. Riolan'US (J.)fil. Censura demonstrationum Harveti pro veritate alchymise. 18°. Parisiis, 1606. Ripley (G.) Duodecim portarum epitome, duobus modis concinnata. In: Theatrum chemicum. 12°. Argentorati, 1659, ii, 109-138. Scheunemaxx (H.) Medicina reformata, seu denarius hernieticus philosophicus medico-chy- micus. In quo mira brevitate dilucide docetur, decern entibus omnium morborum radices, pro- ductiones, transplantationes, astra, signn, indi- cationes et curationes compleri et absolvi. 16°. Francofurti, 1617. Schmieder (K. C.) Geschichte der Alchemie. 8°. Halle, 1632. Texte (Le) d'alchymie et le songe-verd. 16°. Paris, 1695. Valentine (B.) The triumphant chariot of antimony ; being a conscientious discovery of the many real transcendent excellencies included in that mineral. Faithfully Englished and pub- lished for the common good by J. H. 16°. Lon- don, 1661. -----. The same. With annotations of Theodore Kirkringius. With the true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek abbot, taken out of the eniperour's library, concerning the phi- losopher's stone. 12°. London, 1678. -----. The last will and testament of Basil Valentine, monke of the order of St. Ben- net, which, being alone, he hid under a table of marble, behind the high altar of the cathedral church in the imperial city of Erford, leaving it there to be found by him whom God's provi- dence should make worthy of it; to which is added two treatises, the first declaring his man- ual operations, the second shewing things natural aud supernatural. Never before published in English. 12°. London, 1671. Wedeli (G. W.) [Pr.] de parceniia Jovem lapidem jurare. I, II. 4°. Jena, [1704]. -----. [Pr.] de Eliaartista. I, II, III. 4°. Jence, [1718-19]. AVeidexfeld (J. S.) De secretis adeptorum, sive de usu spiritus vini Lulliani libri iv. Opus practicum . . . et uovissima concinne methodo ita digestum, ut vel tyroues possint disceruere, vegetabilium, animalium, mineralium prapara- tiones supposititias sophisticasque a veris, sive pro re medica sive metallica, atque sic cavere sibi a vagabundis deceptoribus, imaginariis pro- cessibus et suarnni pecuuiarum dilapidatione. 12°. Lipsice, 1768. -----. The same. Four books concerning the secrets of the adepts; or of the use of Lully's spirit of wine; a practical work, with very great study collected ont of the ancient as well as modern fathers of adept philosophy, reconciled together by comparing them one with another, otherwise disagreeing, and in the newest method so aptly digested that even young practitioners may be able to discern the counterfeit or sophis- tical preparations of animals, vegetables and minerals, whether for medicines or metals, from true, and so avoid vagabond impostors, and im- aginary processes, together withruine of estates. 4°. London, 1685. Bert helot. Sur la "Collection des anciens alchi- mistes gives ". Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, cv, 1162-1164.—Colombnni (A.) Discorso dell' efficacissirae virtu del Calici cbimico-chiamato regem medicamentorum purgantium omnium sublunarinm. (Estratto da diversi autori.) In: Cbristini (F. B.) Pratica medicinale, etc., 4°, Venetia, 1680-81.—Panarolus (D.) Arcanorum fas- ciculus primus [et secnndus.j In his: latrologismortim . . . observationum pentecostae quinque, 4°, Komae, 1652, 408-445. ALCHINDUS. 217 ALCOHOL. Alchindus. See Alkindus. Alcilia J Ranee (Benito). See ilc Salazar (Martin) [in 1. s.]. Higiene de la tisis, [etc.]. 11°. Cadiz, 1887. Alt'iplli'Oil [pseudon. ]. Physic and its phases; or, the rule of right and the reign of wrong. A didactic poem, in six books. 2. ed. viii, 103 pp. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall . Alcohol [and alcohols). -----. The same. 2 e"d. 8°. Paris, 1854. -----. Notice sur la fabrication des alcools dits alcools fins, fins f^cules, fins betterave, ou autres; suivie de renseignemeuts sur la direc- tion a donner aux distilleries de betteraves. 8'-. Paris, 1-54. Hagele (K.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des im Carnaubawachse enthaltenen zweiatomigen und Mvricylalkohols. [Bern.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1690. Hebert(L.) "Des alcools. 8°. Paris, 1863. Hkxckell (J. P.) *De usu et abusu spiritus vini. 4 . Erfordice, [1720]. Italy. Ministero delV interno. Direzione della sanitd pubblica. Dell' analisi degli alcool sotto il riguardo igienico. Dal Dott. Achille Sclavo. fol. Roma, 1691. Also, in: Riv. d'ig.esan.pubb., Roma, 1891, ii, 47-60,1 pi. Jungfleisch (E\ ) * Des alcools mouoato- miques et polyatomiques. 4°. Paris, 1869. Kreitlixg (H. R. W.) *Die Ausdehnung des Wassers, des absoluten Alkohols und der Mi- schungen beider. roy. 8°. Erlangen, 1692. Larbaletrier (A.) L'alcool au point de vue chimique, agricole, industriel, hygi6nique et fiscal. 12°. Paris, 1886. Ordonneau ( C. ) Alcools et eaux-de-vie. Etudes chimiques comparatives. 16°. Paris, 1885. Oseretskowsky (N.) *De spiritu ardenteex lacte bubulo. In: Wittwer. Delect, diss.med. [etc.]. 8°. Norimb., 1781, iv, 152-175. Przhibytek (S.) * Nekotoriye produkty oki- sleuiya niuogoatomnych spirtov. [Some prod- ucts of oxvdatiouof polyatomic alcohols.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1881. Serdetchxi (J.) *Farmakologija alkoholja. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1868. Verox (A.) * Histoire de l'alcool, pre'ee'de'e de quelques considerations sur la chimie or^anique. 4°. Paris, 1841. Absolute alcohol. Epbem. Mat. Med., Brooklyn, 1884, ii, 522-541.—Bcrthi'lot (M.) Action de la chaleur rouge sur l'alcool et sur l'acide ac6tique. Ann. de chim. et phys., Tar., 1851, 3. s., xxxiii, 295-302. Also, Reprint. -----. Sur la formation de l'alcool au moyen du bicarbure d'hydro- gfene. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1855, 3. s., xxvii, 329- 343. Also, Reprint.—Blunt (T. P.) Note on Tabarie's process for tbe indirect determination of alcohol. Analyst, Lond., 1891, xvi, 221 -223. — Cell! (A.) Gli alcool in parlamento. Salute pubb., Perugia, 1895, viii, 195-200.— Davy (E. W.) On a new chemical test for alcohol. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl., 1875-7, 2. a., ii, 579-582.— Dojgicl (J.) Poszukiwania farmakologiczine nad dziala- niem niektbrych jedno-atomowych nasyconych alkoholi. [Researches into the action of some monohydric saturated alcohols.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1878, xxv, 73; 81; 113; 1G5; 175: 1879, xxvi, 103; 114; 132: xxvii. 111; 121; 131; 152; 174; 182; 193; 203; 213; 224; 234; 247; 255.— Dron (A.) Des dangers de l'emploi de l'alcool methylique dans l'industrie. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Lyon, 187,'i, 2. s., xxi, 225-232. — Duboitt (R.) De la deshydratation des tissus par le chloroforme, Tether et l'alcool. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 582-585.—Dnclaux (E.) Sur le dosage des alcools et des acidi \s volatils. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1895, ix, 205; 575. —Wujnrillii- Beaumctz & Amlijjc. Le. vinage et la puissance toxi- que des divers alcools. Rev. scient., Par., 1879, 2. s., xvii, 518-521.—liOinbrowo (C.) A propositi) dell' ultima dis- cussione sul sale e sull' alcool. Arch, di psichiat., etc., To- rino, 1882, iii, 30-L_'.—I»ns«y (J.) L'odeur dans la serie des alcools. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 447-449.—I'c'llclsin (ber die Einwirkung rei- nem Alkohols auf den Organismus uud insbeson- dere das peripherische Kervensvstem. [Jena.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1690. Aho, in: Untersuch. z. Naturl. cl. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen. 1891, xiv, 449-514, 1 pi. Stammreicii (M.) * (Aus der med. Klinik des Herrn Geh. Rat. Gerhardt.) Ueber den Ein- fluss des Alkohols auf den 8toff\veehsel des Men- scheu. 8 . Berlin, 1691. Stexberg (8.) Xagra experimentella bidrag till besvarandet af fragan om det intlyt ancle, som briinvinets fororeningar hafva pa (less fysiologiska verkningar. [Experiments on the physiological effect of alcohol.] 8-\ Stockholm, 1676. Steuer (P.) * Xonnullade mutatiouibus, quas alkohol in organismo efficit. f". Vratislaviw, [167)6]. Vogelils (L. S.) * Ueber den Alkohol, spe- ciell 6eiuen Einfluss auf die Respiration, den Haru und die Korpertemperatur. Eine physio- logische Untersuchung. 8-. Fiel, 166b. Walker (A.) Alcohol; its actiou on the body in health. 12 '. Edinburgh, l-S-5. Wolffhardt (R.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Magenverdauung. [ Erlan- gen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1690. Also, in: Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 608- 611. Wollexweber (E.) * Recherches experinien- tales snr les modifications imprim6es a la tempe- rature physiologique par l'alcool. 4J. Nancy, 1873. Albertoni (P.) Sulla formazione e sul contegno dell' alcol e dell' aldeide nell' organismo. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. 18*0-8. -t. s., viii. 283-289. Also, Reprint. Also: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1**7, 4. s.. vi, 250- 258. Aho, transl : J. de med.. chir. ct Pharmacol., Brux., 1887, lxxxiv, 715-721. — Berkley ( H. J.) Lesions pro- duced by the action of ethyl alcohol on the cortical nerve cell; an experimental study. Am. J. Iusan., Chicago. 1895-6, Iii, 10-12.—Binz (C.i Leber die antipyretische Wirkung von Chinin und Alkohol. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 3870. li. 6-29. -----. [ Leber den Werth des reinen mit vie- lem Wasser verdiinnteu Weingeistes fiir die Ernahrun.'.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, xiii, 54. Aho. transl.: Moscov. med. gaz., 1870. xix, 212-215. -----. Leber Alkoholgenuss. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 1305: 1341; 1361. Also: Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Xied.-O. St., Wien, 1881. vii, 277; 293: 1882, viii, 18-20. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 376. Also: Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg.. Bonn, 1882, i, 131-145—Boilliiiiilcr (G.) Die Ausschei- dung aufgenommenen Weingeistes aus dem Korper. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxii. 398-426. -----. Leber den Einfluss des Weingeistes auf den Gaswechsel. , Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1886, xi. 54*-563.—Boufle. Des clangers de l'administralion de l'alcool aux enfants sous la forme dite de canards a l'eau-de-vie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. ct chir. prat, de Par., 1894. 248-251 — Brodic (D.i Physiological and pathogenic action of ethylie alcohol; its physical and chemical properties and their relations. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1**2, iv, 203-212. -----. Alco- hol on the respiration. Ibid., 1**0. viii. 193-203: 1887, ix, 1-11. — Bryan (A.) The pernicious effects of alcohol liquors in the treatment of diseases. I'hvsician 6c Surg., Detroit& Ann Arbor. 1*94. xvi. 197-199.—t'astillo (J.I).) The physiological action of alcohol on the circulation. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 44-46. — Ccrna (]).) The physiological actions of alcohol. Abstract of a paper pre- sented to the section on therapeutics of the First Pan- American Medical Congress, held at Washington, D. C, September 5, 0, 7, and 8,1893. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, Mich., 1894, 3. s., x, 223; 301; 371. Also, Reprint.—< hittenden (R. H.) The influence of alcohol ou proteid metabolism. J. Physiol.. Cambridge, 1891, xii, 220-232. Also, Reprint.— ('osgravc (E. MacD.) Report on experiments on the ex- act action of alcohol Dublin J. M. Sc. 1891, xcii, 185-193. -----. Alcohol a narcotic. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1*95, xiv, 568.—Clouly. De Taction des alcools sur Texcitabilite du cervean. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol , Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 65.—Dastrc (A.) A propos de Taction de l'alcool sur la Alcohol (Effects of) on living body. digestion. Ibid'., 1895, 10. s., ii, 811. — 'Davis ( X. S. ) Does alcohol ever act as food, or as a generator of anv natural force in the living body? J. Am. Ivl. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 452-454. — Delimit* ( R. ) Ueber die 'nervdso Belastung der Kinder seitens dem Alko- holgennsse ergebener Eltern; iiber die schadliehe Ein- wirkung des I'riih/.eitigen Alkoholgemisses, sowie des Alkoholmissbrauches der Kinder auf ihre korperliche und geistige Eutwickluug; Mittheilung einiger Beob- achtungen von Lebercirrhose, von Epilepsie, Chorea minor in Folge toxiseher Alkoholwirkung. Med. Ber. ii d. Thiitigk. d. Jenner'scheu Kindersp. in Bern (1884), 1885, xxii, 9-38. -----. Weiteie Mitt heilungen iiber die schad- liehe Einwirkung des li iih/.c itigen Alkoholgemisses auf die korperliche und geistige Ent wicklung, sowie die Ge sundheit des Kindes; die hereditiire Belastung der Kin- der seitens dem Alkoholmissbrauche ergebener Eltern. Ibid. (1889), 1890, xxvii, 18-44. Aho: AVien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 34; 52; 07. — Dereine. Des usages bienfai- sants des boissons alcooliques et des actions physiolo- giques et therapeutiques de l'alcool. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1882, 3. s., xxi, 5-36.—Donogany (Z.) 6c Tibalil (X.) Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf deu Eiweiss- zerfall im Organismus. Ungar. Arch. f. Med.. Wiesb., 1894, iii, 189-203.— Eagletou ( S. P. ) The action of alcohol upon the circulation when continuously injected. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 638-048.—Fall (D.) A study of the action of alcohol on the human body. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1890-91. Lansing, 1894, xix, pp. cvi- cxvii.—Fokkcr(A.F.) Over den invloed van alcohol op de temperatuur in de ureumuitscheiding. Xederl. Tijd- schr. v. geneesk., Amst., 1*71, 2. I!., vii, 125-136. Aho, Reprint.—de Forcrniul. Etude de la valeur thermiqiie de la fouction alcool. Acad. d. sc. dc -Montpel. Meni.de la sect. d. sc, 1893, 2. s., i, 5-18.—Foie I (A.) Die Rolle des Alkohols bei sexuellen Perversionen, Epilepsie und anderen psychischen Abnorniitaten. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 905-908—Gcppcrt (J.) Die Einwirkung des Alkohols auf den Gaswechsel des Men- schen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1886- 7, xxii, 307-384.—Glascr (K.) Ueber den Einfluss alko- holischer Getranke auf das Harnsediment des uormalen Menschen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., '1891, xvii, 1193-1198.— Gluziriski (W. A.) Dzialanie wyskoku na czynnoSd zoladka ludzkicgo tak w stanie fizy- olog. jak i patolog. [Effect of alcohol on the functions of the stomach in man, from a physiological and a patholog- ical point of view. 1 Medycyna! Warszawa, 1885, xiii, 349; 365; 386: 402. Also, transl.: Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886, xxxix, 405-430.—Grebe (L.) Experi- nientelle Beitrage zur Wirkung des Weingeistes Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 006-671. Also [with additions]: Arch. f. Wissensch. u. pract. Thierh., Berl., 1882, viii, 71- 90—Greeley (T. B.) The influence of alcohol on the lon- gevity of man. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1*95. xi, 79-83. Also: Sanitarian, X. T., 1895, xxxv, 402-409.—Greliant. Mesure de la quantite d'alcool contenuo dans le sang arte- riel pendant l'ivresse alcoolique. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1*81, Iii, G93.—Grosvenor(J.W.) Some factors in the solution of the alcoholic problem. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 521-524.— G ro.«z (J.) Wann sollen wir den Kindern Spirituosen verabreichen? Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1895. xxxi. 220-224. Aho: AVien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 09-71.—Gnerra y Estape (J.) Una hypdtesis sobre la absorciou del alcohol. Lev. de cien. m6d., Barcel., 1881, vii, 102-105.—Gnlnikoir (Z V.) O vlianii alkoholia C2H60 na kroveobrashtshenie. [Action of alco- hol on circulation of the blood.] Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov, 1891, xviii, no. 1, 1-33. Also, transl.: Klin. u. exper. Stud. . . . Lab. v. Basr.h, Berl., 1*92, ii, 108-125. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xxi, 153-170. — Haan (P.) Variations du chimisnie stomacal et de la motilite gastrique sous Taction de doses elevecs et pro- longees d'alcool. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1895, 10. s.,ii, 815-817.—Ilarriwon (T.) Is alcohol a sedative and depressant? Dominion M. Month.. Toronto, 1893, i, 99.— Ilciii'ijean (F.) Sur le role de l'alcool dans hi nutrition. Bull. Acad. roV. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1883, 3. s., v, 113- 119.—Howie'( W. P.) Alcohol and its effects. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1895, xxiv, 88.—Introduction to a discus- sion on the effects of alcohol. [By Dr. Samuel Wilks and others.] Brit. M. J., Loud., 1891, ii. 459-406. Jaillet. Transformation de l'alcool dans Torgauisme. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1881, ci, 121-125. —von Knliiilen (C.) Experinientelle Untersuchungen iiber die "Wirkung des Al- kohols auf Leber und Xieren. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, ix, 349-379. —Kliiijjcniami (F.) Der Uebergang des Alkohols in dicMileh. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1891, exxvi, 72-80.—I,ewis (W. B.) The physio- logical action of alcohol in its relationship to animal heat, and its influence upon the vasomotor nervous system. J. Ment. Sc, Lend., 1880-81, xxvi, 20-31.— Mill m (K.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Alkohols als Eiweisssparer in der Eruahrung des gesunden Menschen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xx, 137-159. — Ncncki (M.) Die Alco- holfrage. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, ALCOHOL. 220 ALCOHOL. Alcohol (Effects of) on living body. 105-118. — von JVoorden (C.) Alkohol als Sparmittel fiir Kiueissunierverschiedenen Ernahrungsverhaltuissen. Beil. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 554-558. [Discussion], 995. —Palmer (A. B.) Is alcohol essentially a stimulant or paralyzant.' J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 271-273.— Parki'M (E. A.i a: Wollowicz (C.) Experiments on the effect of alcohol (ethvl alcohol) on the human body. Proc. Kov. Soc Lend.. 1869-70, xviii, 362-393. — Ferrin (M.) De Tintluence des boissonsalcooliques prises a doses moderns sur l.i nutrition; recherches experimentales. Gaz. hebd. de med , Par., 1864, 2. s., i, 565; 598; 627. Also, Reprint.—Poll I (J.) Ueber die Oxydation des Me- thyl- und Aethylalkohols im Thierkorper. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1*92-3, xxxi, 281-302.—Pro- topopoflf (X. S.) K voprosu o vlianii konyaka na usvo- yeule azota i zhira pishtshi pri siueshaunoi molochnol dlete. (On the influence of cognac on the assimilation of the nitrogen, and fats of food in mixed milk diet.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1892, xiii, 49. — Beicliert (E. T.) The ac- tion of alcohol on animal heat functions. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1*90. 3. s., vi, 73-80. Aho, Reprint. — Biess ste Xiiringsstoffer og Lsegemid- ler. Forh v. deskandin. Xaturforsk.. Stockholm. 1*05, 99- 108. — NehloMNliergrer (J.) Leber die physiologischen Wirkungen analog constituirter organischer Materien. Ann. d. Ch.m. u. Ph.inn., lleidelb., 1850, lxxiii, 212-215.— Ncliwalbe i('.| Leber die narbenbildendo Ciiihos- Sclerose, ei.'tig'iide Eigeiischaft des Alkohols. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxv, 1 pi—Scibcrt (A.) Zur Anwendung des Alkoholsin der Kinderlieilkuude. X. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1*95, vii, 107-114.— Smilli iA.i Leber einige 1'ormen der Alcohol in toleranz mid ihre Prog nose. Centralbl. f. Xerveiih. u. Psychiat., Cobleuz & Leipz.. 1,-94. n. P., v, 56J-579. —molser (1!.) Die Wirkung des Alcohols auf den hyalineu Knorpcl. Fest-Schr., Albert v Kolliker, Leipz., Iss7. K'3-127. 2 pi. Aho, Reprint.— Moloinlio f.M.) K voprosu o vlianii alkoholya na eko- nomiyu zlnvotiiavoorganizma. [Influence of alcohol upon the economy of the animalorganisiu.] Trudi \ tor. zvezda russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1887, i, farm., 106-114.-Npinn (A.) Uutersiu■lumgcn iiberChromogeno unddiomikro.-kopisi-he Struct nr di-r Mere und Leber nach Einwirkung von Alko- hol. Allg Wien. med. Ztg., 1891, xxxvi, 423; 446; 459: 49:,.—.*>tra*Mitinnii (F.) Untersuchungi n iiber den Xiii werth und die Ausscheidung des Alcohols. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol.. Bonn, 1891, xlix, 315-33(1. — Struempell (A.) Ueber dio Alkoholfrage vom iirztlichen Standpunkt aus. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii, 554; 565; 577. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1893, xvi, 495; 509; 523. Aho [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. Is93, xxx, 933-938. Aho, transl. I Abstr.]: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1894, xvi. 9- 16. — Subbotiu ( V.) Fiziologicheskaya roi alkoholya vorganizuievisshikh zhivotnikh. [Physiological action'of alcohol on the, organism of higher animals] Arch, su- debnoi med.. St. Petersb., 1871,1, pt. 3, 1-25.—Tauibur- rini (X.) Azione dell' alcool sul sangue e sulla tempera- tura. Eco d. osp., Xapoli, 1*83 i, 99-114—Thicrfelder (H.) & von .Tiering (J.) Das Verhalten tertiiiier Alko- hole im Organismus. Ztschr. f. ]>hysiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5, ix, 511-517. — Thompson (T. W.) Is alcohol a food? Lancet, Lond.. 1885, i, 743. — Vo^eliiiN. Hvad bliverderaf den Alkohol, vinyde? Med Bema-rkn. af V. | Budde. [ What becomes of the alcohol we drink ? With remarks hy Budde. i Ugesk. f. Lajger, Kjobenh., I*r4, 4. R., x, 508-577. —Volpe (A.) Influenza dell' alcool etilico j sulla cirrolazione sanguigna. Arch, internaz. d. spec. med.-chir., Xapoli. Ift92, viii, 281-290. — War re il (J. W.) Alcohol again : a consideration of recent misstatements of its physiological action. Boston M. A: S. J , 18,-7. cxvii, 1; 25.' Also, Reprint. -----. The effect of pure alcohol on tho reaction time, with a description of a new chiono- scope. J. Physiol., Cambiidge, 1887, viii, 311-34*.—Wil- kinsiW. F.) The effects of alcohol on man: an expcii- mental study. X. York M. J., 1894,[lx, 367-371 —W© III- bers ( S.) Ueber den" Xiihrwerth des Alkohols. Cen- tralbl. f.allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1883, ii, 179-189.—Wolff- hnrdl ( K. ) Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf ilie Mageuyerdauung. Sitzungsb. d. phys .-med. Soc. zu Er- lang. Miinchen, 1890, Hft. 22, 159-170.—Ziuilz (X.) Bei- trag zur Kenntniss tier Einwirkung des Weingeistes auf den Re.spirationsprocess des Menschen, nach Versuchen mit Dr. Berdezaus Lausanne referirt. Fortschr. d. Med. Berl., lr*7. v, 1-9. Alcohol (Pathological effects of). Sie Alcohol ( Toxicology of). Alcohol (Toxicology and pathological ef- fects of). See, also, Alcoholism. Box.XAFors (M.-J.) *I)c l'alcool au poiut de vue toxicologiquc. 4 . Montjtellier, 1684. Dujardin-Beaumetz (G.) ^ Aldigk. Ke- clierches expdrimentales sur la puissance toxique ties alcools. 6'-. Paris, 1*79. Aho [Rap. de Vulpian], in: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 422. Toffier (H.) * Couside'ratious sur l'enipoi- sonnement aigu par l'alcool. [Paris.] 4°. Tours, 1~60. Acute alcoholic poisoning, with symptoms of meningi- tis. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1**8, Lond., 1^9, 24-20.— Alkoliolvergiftuug; Tod an acutem Alkoholismns bei limzutritt vou Witterungseinfliissen ? Samml. ge- richtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl.. 1891, 4(16. — Aufrec lit. Die alkoholische Myocarditis mit nachfolgender Leberer- krankung uud zeitweiliger Albuminurie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1894-5, liv, 615-636.—Barok (.J.) Alkohol-mergezes 3 eves gyermek nel. [Alcohol poison- ing in a child three years old.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 401.—Bentlif (P. B.) Case of alcoholic poisoning in a child. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 645.— Berry (W.i A case of acute alcoholic poisoning. Lan- cet, Lond.. 1*93, i, 723.—Betas (F.) Rascher Tod an Coma alcoholicum; Sellistmord. Memorabiben, Heilbr., 1**2, n. F.. ii, 295-30L —Broadbent. On alcoholic poi- soning. Lancet, Lond., )*-4. i, J'.i4—Burke (M. J.y (,'iisc of alcoholic poisoning; treatment and recovery. Med. Press & C'iic, Lond.. 1887, n. s.. xliv, 122— Camp. bell (J.) A case of acute alcoholism. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 18.-U. xi, K'.L—Coe (A. S.) The effects of alco- hol poisoning on the heart. X. York M. J., 1884, xl, 491.— Colin (ir.) Sur la question de la toxicite do l'alcool. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1895, 3. s., xxxiv, 249-201.— Dnimii (W. C.) Case of acute alcoholic poisoning. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., viii, 561. — Da. nillo (S.) K pbiziolog. iiatologii kori mozga pri otra- vlenii bolshimi jniyomami spirta i "Absinta" (essence d'absinthe). (. . . of cortex cerebri in poisoning by largo doses of alcohol and absinthe.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1*82, iii, 150. -----. Contribution & la physiologic pathologique de la region corticale du cervcau et de la moelle, dans l'enipoi- sonnement par l'alcool ethyliquo et l'essenco d'absinthe. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., 1'ar., 1**2. 2. s., x, 388; 559. Also [Abstr.]: Oompt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1435-113-. —Da re in ber j; (Cl La toxicite des hois- sons alcooliques mesuree a 1 aide des injections intravei- neuses, chezle laiiin. Arch.de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1*95, vii, 719-752. Debio (11.) Experinientelle Un- tersuchungen iiber die VerUnderungeu der Ganglienzellcn bei der acuten Alcobolvergiftung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. ii. Psychiat., Coblenz & Leipz . 1895, n. F., vi, 113-118—Be Brnzi (E.) Rummo; alcoolismo acuto (forma tetanoide o soporosa), sopraggiunto ad alcoo'.isinocroiiico. Itiv. clin.e terap., Xapoli, 1882, iv, 244-21*.—Bevine (W. II ) Fatal caseof acute alcoholic poisoning hi a child. Boston M. ScS. J., 1*95, exxxiii, 545.—Bi Pietro (P.) Morte per alcoo- lismo acuto in persona di un vecchio alcoolista. Gior. di clin.. terap. e med. pubb.. Xapoli, ls90, xxi, 100-112.— Dodge (('. L.) Convulsions caused by an overdose of alcohol (alcoholic epilepsy). Med. Leu., Phila.. 1888, iv, 532.—Douglas (W. T. P.) Some effects of poisoning by alcohol. Lancet, Loud., 1879, ii, 574.— Dujardiii-Bcau- ■uetz. Recherches expelitnentales sur la puissance toxi- que des alcools. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc.., Par., 1880, xcix, 251-25*. -----.' Communication sur Taction toxique des divers alcools. Cong, period, internat. cl. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1*81. Copeiih., 1*86, iv, Sect, de med. pub. ct d'hyg., 114-121.— Ford (A.) Die toxische Wirkung des Alkohols auf den Menschen. Compt.-rend. du Cong. internat. contro l'abus d. boissons alcool., Uravenh., 1893, iv, 83-85. I.ai'cia y .VIau»illa (S.) Accion toxica do los alcoboles ai tilii iales. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp.. Madrid, 1890, ii. 22-40 Aho: Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1*90, xv, 50; 74; 105. — Gimeiio (A.) Sobre la accion toxica del alcohol industrial. Crou. med., Valencia, 1886-7, x, 641; 673 —<«iofiredi i('.) Sul potere coi bent" del fegato c del cervelh) negli avvelenameuti alcoolici. Gior.d. Ass. napol. di med e nat., Xapoli. 1*93-4, iv, *3-129. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 1314-1317. Aho j Abstr.): Atti d. xi Con.', med. internaz., Roma, 1894. iii, farmacol., 128-134. — -7it — I.eblond. t ib-ei vation d empoisonnement-aigu par l'alcool. Soc. de med. h-u:. de Prance. Bull., Par., 1**0-81. vi. 294-297.— I.o- c a lei I ■ iE. 1 Ricerche chimico-legali intorno all' avvelena- mento acuto per alcool. Kiv. veneta di sc. med.. Venezia, 1885, iii. 347-367.—.VleReddie (G. D.) A case of alco- holic narcotism, with remarks. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1867, ii. 272.—IVInjiiian Sc Laborde. Toxicite des alcools dits superieurs et des bouquets artiflciels. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 18*7. 3. s.. xviii, 340-351. Also: Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1**7. ix. 625-654. Also: Tribune med.. Par.. 1**7, xix, 579: 591; 603; 616.— JTIengiii. Xote relative a un cas d'intoxication par l'alcool methylique ayant anient- en 24 heures une ceeit6 complete. Rec. d'ophlh., Par.. 1879, 3. s., i, 663-0H7.—I*Ioiitalti (A.) Ricerche chimico legali intorno all' avvelenamento acuto per alcool. Spt 1 iment*ile. Firenze. 1**3, Iii, 604-617. -----. Sull' avvelenamento per alcool. Risposta alia lettera del Dott. G. Ravaglia. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia. 18*;i xv, pt. 2. 253-25*.— ITIorton (J.) A case of alcohidic poisoning with peculiar fatal consequences. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1891. ii, 76.— Musser (J. H.) Acute poisoning by alcohol. Phila. M. Times, ls*0-?l. xi 805. Aho: Coll.' Sc Cliu. Rec. Phila., 1881, ii. 253. — Barks (W. B.) Alcohol poisoning. At- lanta M. A: S. •!.. 1*>7, n. s., iv, 2*2-2*5. — Bepper (W.) The effects of the prolonged use of alcohol on the visceia. nervous system, and organs of special sen>e. Phila. M. Times, 1880-H. xi. 0*0.— Peyraud. Empoisonnement. aign par l'alcool; autop.-iu. Mem. et bull. Sue. de med. et chir.de Bordeaux <18*3>. l*-4. 323-325. — Bupier 1 Z. ) Action des boissonsdites spiritueuses sur le foie. Arch.de physiol. norm, et path.. Par.. 1**8, 4. s., i. 417-444, 2 pi.— Ravaglia it l.i Dell' avvelenamento per alcool sotto il rispetto medieo-le.gale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 1887, 6. s., xx, 29-36. Aho: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, ls*9. xv, pt. 2. 1-33. Aho [Abstr.]: Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1**7. Pavia. 18p9. ii, 142. [.See. also, supra, Mon- talti.]—Bodzcvitch (G.I.) Ob upotrebleuii vodkivoob- shtshe i d va slueba\ a ostravo otravlenia sivushnimmaslom. [On the use of brandy in general, and two cases of acute poisoning by corn brandy. | Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1893, xviii. 249: 264.— Bombro. Sluchai ostrago otravle- nija vodkoi s iskhodom v vizdorovh-nie. [Acute poi-on- ing by whi.-key; recovery.] Yrarh. Vaidom.. St. Peteisb., 1882, vii, 3702— Romlot. De Taction nocive des vapeurs d'alcool al»orbe>-.- i>ai les voies n-.-piratoires. Rev. san. de Bordeaux. 1.-87. iv. 93-96.— .•iclilauf (J.) Ueber einige seltenere Folgeerscheiuungen nach acuter Alko- holvergiftunLr. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien. 1894. vi, 413.— Nilva Rabcllo. Envenenamento agudo pelo alcool. Gaz. d. hosp.. Km de Jan., 1883, i, 149-154.—Taylor (G. C.) Human red blond corpuscles [in a case of poisoning by so-called whiskey]. Microscope. Detroit, 18*2-3, ii, 11- 16. 1 pi.—Thomas (W.) Case of death from acute alco- holic poisoning, in a child aged four years. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1880, n. s.. ii, 387. — Viijer. Observation sur reiiipoi.-onneineiit par l'alcool meth\ lique (espi it tie boi-i. methylene, etc. Annee med., Caen, 1877, li, 100- 1(15. — Weir (D. F.) Case of poisoning bv alcohol success fully treated. Glasgow M. Exam., 1*31-2, i, 248.—Weiss (A.) Tod durch Alcoholvergiftung. Friedreich's Bl. I gerichtl. Med., Xiirnb., 18-n xxxi. 430-440. — Woodbury (F.) Remarks uuon clinical phases of poi-ouing by alco- hol. Proc. Phila* Co. M. Soc. 1880-81, Phila., 1881, iii. 60- 73. Aho: Phila. M. Times, l**0-*l. xi. 417-422. Also, Reprint. Also.- Med. Herald, Louisville. 1881-2, iii, 7-10.— Wurlz 6c llndelo. De Tissue des bacteries intestinales dans le iieritoine et dans le sang pendant Tintoxication alcoolique aigue. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 51-53.— Varoshevski (S.) Strichnin, kak an- tagonist alkohol. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxvii, 332- 341: 1888, xxix, 194-201. Alcohol as a remedy. See, also, Serpents (Poisonous, Bites, etc., of, Antidotes, etc., for); Stimulants; Wounds (Treatment of) by alcohol. Batailhe (F. J.) ct Guillet (A. ) Alcohol and alcoholic preparations in surgery, their in- ilcoliol as a remedy. fluence ou uniou by the first intentiou, etc. To which is added a letter containing clinical ob- servations on the same subject by J. Le Cceur. Transl. from the French. s-\ Paris, 1860. Bonfils (A.) ^Contribution a l'etude de l'aleool et a son emploi therapeutique et hygie'- uique chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1661. -----. The same. S-. Paris, 1661. Bouchaedat. De l'emploi des alcooliques en general et du vin de Saint-Raphael en particu- lier. (Extrait des lecons sur les modifications hygieLii(_ues du systeme nerveux.) sc. [ Va- lence. lss-1, vel subseq.] ------. The same. On the use of alcoholic liquors iu general, and of the wine of Si. Ra- phael in particular, in temperate and cold coun- tries. An extract from the lectures on the hy- gienic modifiers ofthe nervous system. Transl. from the French. 8°. London, 18*7. ------. The same. s-. Valence, [n. d.]. Davis^N. S.) Lecture: alcoholic liquids as therapeutic agents. S:. Chicago, [1664], Repr. from his: Principles and practice of medicine. 8^. Chicago. Edmunds (J.) The medical uses of alcohol, and stimulants for women. P2~. New York, 1874. -----. Thesame. .--. New York, 167b. -----. The same. PJC. New York, 1-76. Gibeet CC.-D.) Des avantages de l'autisepsie par alcool pour le nie'decin de canipagne. 8-. Paris, 1 >!»."). Gixgeot (P.) Essai sur l'emploi therapeu- tique de l'alcool chez les enfants et en general sur le role de cet agent dans le traitement des maladies aigues febriles. t*r. Paris, 1667. Greene (R.) Alcoholic stimulants as medi- cines. 12°. Boston, 1661. Jaxnet (L.) Usages therapeutiques de l'al- cool. Etude clinique et therapeutique sur l'eau- de-vie de Grande Champagne. &-. Cognac,1890. Jewett (C.) The effects of alcohol as a medi- cine. s3. [n. p., I860.] Cuttina from : Proc. Xat. Temp. Convent., 1805, v, 21- 28. Kales (J. D.) The effects of ethyl alcohol on the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen. 8-. [Chicago, 1894.] Kirk (J.) Medicinal drinking. P2C. New York, 1669. Legkas (A.-B.) Contribution a l'eniploi the'- rapeutique de l'alcool. 8 . Paris, 1-67. Muxier (M.) De l'alcool en therapeutique. s:. Troyes, 1867. Repr.from ; Bull. Soc. m6d. de TAube, 1S67. Nelke (J.) * Untersuchungeu iiber paren- chymattise unci subeutaue Alkohol-Iujectionen. ?-. Greifswald, i860. Non-alcoholic (The) treatment of disease. Notes of cases treated at the London Temper- ance Hospital, with introductory remarks and supplementary suggestions. 1'2°. London, 1676. Pray (T. J.W.) The reasons for modern al- coholic stimulation examined. - . Concord, 1676. Richardsox (B. W.) The medical profession and alcohol. 16°. New York. 1679. -----. The same. P2°. New York, 1-85. See. aho, infra. Scientific research on alcoholics as medicine. Compiled by E.' W. Metcalf. 8C. Washington, [lf'8-i?]. Trall (R. T.) Der Alkohol als Mediziu. 8C. Berlin, 1673. Verdos (P.) Action terapeutica del alcohol en las pneumo y cardiopatias agudas. 1'2°. Madrid, 1884. ALCOHOL. 222 ALCOHOL. Alcoliol as a remedy. Wehberg (H.) Wider den Missbrauch des Al collides, zunial am Kraukenbette. Medicini- s( he und volkswirthschaftliche Betrachtungen. -\ Berlin n. Neuwied, 1867. _____. The same. Hft. II. Die Behandlung der croupdsen Lungeuentziiudung na«h den Grundsiitzen des Professors von Jurgensen in Tiibingeu. 8-. Berlin u. Neuwied, 1669. \lcoliol in hospitals. Med. Temper. J., Lond., 1890- 91, xxi. 97-114. — Bartholow (R.) Alcohol, its thera- peutical uses, internally and externally. Proc. Phila. Co. M Soc 1*80-81, Phila., 1881, iii, 127-132. Also: Phila. M. Times. 18,-0-81. xi, G47-G52.—Hartley (A. G.) A contri- bution towards the discussion ou the employment of alco- hol iu medicine. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 428-430. — Bas- »(.|t(il. F.) Alcohol as a therapeutic agent. Tr.Illinois M. Soc 1885, Chicago, 1880, xxxv, 246-254. — Binz (C.) Der Weingeist als Heilmittel. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. in- nere Med.,'Wiesb., 1888, vii, 70-85. Aho, transl. [Abstr]: Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1888, n. s., xiv, 527. -----. Der W>-iii"-f st als Arzneimiltel. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891, xii, 1-9.—Brinton (W. M.) Alcohol hypo- dermic-ally. Pittsburgh M. Kev., 1888, ii, 124.—Carpen- ter (A.) The place -which alcoholic drinks should occupy in the treatment of disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 115; 174.—C'arrell (J. B.) The use and abuse of alcohol as a medicine. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li, 069-672.—t'lienery (E.) Does science justify the use of alcohol in therapeutics? If so, where ? When? J.Am.M. Ass., Oliii-ago, 1891, xvii, 8:13-837. — Clnncss (AY R. ) Alcohol as a therapeutic agent. Sacramento M. Times, 18** ii, 308-315.—Collie (A.J On the administration of alcoliol in fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 353- 356. — Comptoii (J. W.) Alcohol in the treatment of disease. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1883, x, 410-416.—t'rcspi (A. J. H.i A medical abstainer's defence. Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1,-38. vii. 546-550.—C'rothcrs (T. D.) Alcohol in the sick room. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885. iv, 172- 174. _ g»auet. Le 1'un des roles de l'alcool eu therapeu- tique. Bull. .Soc. de med. prat de Par., 1871, 63-77. -----. De l'alcool dans le traitement des maladies puerpcrales, suites tie couches. Ibid., 1872, 44-65.—Uidama (II. D.) Should alcohol be used in tbe treatment of disease,.' .1. Am, M. Ass., Chicago, 1805, xxv, 493. — Farrinsfton (,LM.) Thcuseof alcohol in medicine. X.York M.J..1889, 1,350-354. Also, Reprint.— I'a light (F. M.) Alcohol; its physiological and therapeutical action upon the human system. Texas M. Sc S. Rec. Galveston, 1881, i, 176-185.— Ferreira (C.) Des alcooliques dans la therapeutique infantile. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1887, v, 337- 346 —Flint ( A.) On some of the therapeutic uses of al- cohol. Med. Peg., Phila., 1887, i, 51.—Foster (E.) Alco- holic liquors iu the practice of medicine. Atlanta M. ..t S. J., 18*7. n. s., iv, 257; 325: 389. — Oairdner (W. T.) On the use of alcoholic stimulants in hospital medical practice with illustrations from the records of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edinb. M. J.. 1860-61, vi, 901- 908. Aho, Reprint.— Crosvcnor (J. W.) The thera- peutic value of alcohol. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1889-90, xxix, 347 361.—llappel (T. J.) Alcohol as a medicine. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga, 18*9. 59-73. — Har- nack (E.) Alkohol und Digitalis. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1*93. xl, 169-171. Also: Sitzungsb. a. Ver. <1. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1892-3, Munchen, 1894, iii, 37-46—Iliggin- bothain (I.) Reminiscences on the treatnient of disease without the use of alcohol, with practical observations. Lancet, Lond., 3857. ii, 545.—Hills (A. K.) Some observa- tions on the therapeutic use of alcohol. N. York M. Times, 1882-3, x, 137; 169. Aho, Reprint.—Holthouse(C.) On alcoholic stimulants in disease, and the indications for their use. Westminst. Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1891, vii, 47- 61. — Hnrd (E. P.) Tim physiological action and thera- peutic uses of alcoholic stimulants. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, 1.-84, n. s.,"v. 241 -217. — von Jalisch ( R.) Der Weingeist als Heilmittel. Verhandl. cl. Cong. f. innere Med.Twiesb., 18*8. \ii. Wl-142.—Jansen (A.) Note sur lac lion physiologique ec les usages therapeutiques de l'alcool. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 18*2,3. s., xxi, 37-44.— Jessner. Der Alkohol in der Therapie'. Ztschr. f arztl. Landpraxis. Frankf. a. M„ 1*93, n, 329-340. Also: Med. chir. Centralbl., Wicu, 1895 xxx, 29-32. - Kainc (J. L ) Rum lemedics. Rep. Bd. Health Wisconsin 1888, Madison. 1889, xii, 163-171.—Kellogg (J. IL) The influ- ence of alcohol upon urinary toxicity, and its relation to the medical use of alcoliol. J. Am. M. Ass Chicago, 1*95, xxv 486-4**. — Kent (A. A.) The abuse of alcoholic stimulants m praclice. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1*90 lxxiv. 72-70. — Kerr iX.) Stimulants in woikhouses; alcoholic liquors as medicines for the sick. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 220; 245; 2G5; 28*. -----. Ought we to presciibe aicohol, and how? Brit. M. J. Lond. le85 ii, 441-445. Aho. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 506-572. — Klemperer (G.) Alkohol uud Kreosot als Stomachica. Ztscbi. f. Kliu. Med., Berl.. 1890, xvii, Suppl.-Hft., 324-332. Aho: Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Alcohol as a remedy. Berl., 1891, ii, 201-209.— Koplik (H.) Acuto. alcoholic intoxication in infants and the abuse of alcohol in the gastro-intestinal disorders of iufancy. Mel. Xews, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 481-483. Aho, Reprint.— KrrlzNrhmnr (I\ H.) The use of alcohol in certain forms of fever. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Syracuse, 1888, 78-86. — Lcllmiinii (H.) A plea for the medicinal use of pure alcohol antl alcoholic mixtures of known composition in preference to ordinary fermented liquids. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1886, 3. s., viii, 167-175. Also: Maryland M. P., Bait., 18*5, xiii, 161-1G4. Aho: X. York M. J.. 18*5. xiii, 21. Also: Polyclinic, Phila., 1*85-6. iii. 1-3. — I-iegey. Un mot sur la haute utilite'dos substances alcooliques dans la flevre puerperale de nos jours. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1874, 159- lg2.__iJicll (K. X.) The application of alcoholic stimu- lants to medicine; having especial relation to the thera- peutics of alcohol iu disease. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887. iii, 91-97. Also: X. York M. J., 18*7, xlvi, 738-742. — Iiittle. Dc la valeur de l'alcool en therapeu- tique. "Courrier med.. Par., 1879, xxix, 343. — Logan (J. P.) The relations of the medical profession to the use anil abuse of alcoholic liquors. Atlanta M. .v. S. J., 1886-7, n s iii "09-27*.—tlason iL. D.) Alcohol in therapeu- tics." Med. Rec, X. Y., 1881, xx, 653. — Nocr (J.) The physiology and therapeutics of alcohol. Med. Standard, Cliica"o~i890, vii, 129-132.—Oetcrlony (J. A.) Remarks upon alcohol from a clinical point of view. Am. Pract,, Louisville, 1884, xxix, 70-76. — Ollive. Action resolutive de l'alcool employe comme topique dans les inflammations. France med., Par., 1882, i, 327-330. [Discussion],475. Aho: Bull Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 35-38. — Parsons (E, F.) Alcohol in therapeutics. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford 1***. n. s., iv, 55-68. - Pearsc (W. H.) The alcoholic balance. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix 114-117 —Pohlman (J.) Alcohol and pneumonia. Ouart'. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1*95, xvii, 232-236. —Porter C\Y. H. ) The physiological relation of alcohol to food, and its proper use.'in medicine. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891, xl 4C9-474.— Kabnteau. Ue quelques proprietes nou- velles ou pen connues de l'alcool du vin ou alcool ethy- lique; deductions therapeutiques de ces proprietes; des effets toxiques des alcools butylique ct amylique; appli- cation a. l'alcoolisation du vin improprement appelee vi- nage. Union med., Par., 1870, 3. s., x, 154; 165. — Rich- ardson (B. W.) Alcohol as an antispasmodic Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 2; 23; 43. -----. Twenty-one years of scientific progress in the use antl disuse'of alcohol. Ibid., 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 05-08. ——. The prescription for alcohol in disease. Asclepiad, Lond., 1885, ii, 157-161. -----. Temperance and young physic. Ibid., 1886, iii, 15-30. -----. On alcoholic asthe- nia of the heart, and on the uso of alcohol for feebleness of the circulation. Ibid., 193-216.-----. Alcohol at tho bedside; a clinical study. Ibid., 1888, v, 101-120. -----. The treatment of disease without alcohol. Ibid., 1893, x, 1_20. -----. The treatment of disease without alcohol (drawn from five hundred cases). Ibid., 1894, xi, 1-22. _____. Why alcohol is bad for women. Med. Pioneer, Lond., 1895-0, iv,22. — Kidge(J. J.) Report on 279 returns of medical officers of workhouses as to use or disuse of alco- hol therein. Med. Temper. J., Lond., 1889-90, xxi, 49-53.— ftimon (J.) De l'alcool chez les enfants. Rev. med. franc. et etrang., Par., 18*u, ii, 189-194. -----. De Taction de l'alcool sur l'economie et de son emploi chez les enfants. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 242; 205.—Stevens (J. P.) Some of the physiological and therapeutical proportiesof al- cohol. Atlanta M. ScS.J., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 455-404.—Tras- tonr (E.) Des Indications des alcooliques a hautes doses dans les maladies aigues et. en particulier, clans la pneumo- nic. M6m. de therap. appliq. 1800, Par., 1807, vi, 1-19 — Tsnboi (S.) Inakujo nodenyori alcoholo ronsuru. [Me- dicinal uses of alcoholic stimulants.] Tokyo med. Wchn- schr., 1893, no. 820, 1; no. *23. 28; no. 825, 11; no. 826,18.— | l/sc of alcohol in hospitals.) Hospital, Lond., 1886-7, i, 5; 11 75. —Use (The) of stimulants in workhouses. Brit. M. J Loud.. l.s*3, n,336-338. — Wehberg (H ) Der Alkohol am Kraukenbette. Ztschr. f. KrankeupfL, Be;l., 1895, xvii, 131-137. - Wilson (W.) Manufacture of rectified spirit for medical purposes. China M. Miss. J., Shang- hai, 1892, vi, 233-238, I pi. - Wiswcll ( S. L.) The use of alcohol in medicine. Tr Vermont M. Soc. 1**8, Montpelier, 1889, 74-80. - Wood (II. C.) Is alcohol a food? When should malt liquors be preferred to wines and spirits in the treatment of disease ? Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 655. Also. Proc. Phila. Co. M Soc. 1880-81, Phila., 1881, iii, 135-139. - Yoakum (F E ) Alcoholics in the practice of medicine. South Clinic. Richmond. 1890, xiii 353-359 -Vounge (G. II ) Alcohol as a medicine. Indian M. J , Allahabad, 1884, iii, 301-306. Alcoliol iu tlie British navy 16 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, Mass. Temperance Soc , 187<1. Repr.from: Biit. St. For. M Chir. Rev. Lond., 1851, i. Alcohol: its frieutls aud its foes. 35 pp 8-. Boston, Little, Brown xii, 8 — Pringlc (R.) The ethics of opium and alcohol. Lancet. LoiuL. ls!12. ii. 605-607. — Report of a committee of the Harveiau Society appointed by the council in puisuance of a resolution of the society for tlie purpose of enquiring into the mortality referable to al- cohol. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, i, 97-100.—Kiehardson (15 W.) Medicine and the alcoliol controversy. A-clc- piad, Lond., 1889, vi, 368-390. — Kochard (J.) ' L'alcool; son role dans le>, societ es modenics. Rev. cl. deux mondes, Par., 1880, 3. s.Jxxiv, 871-900. Aho, in hh: Quest, d'hvg. sociale, 12°. Par., 1891, 1-55.—Kuin (R.) Opyt higieui- cheskavo i/.slledovauia prodazhnykh vodok. j Report on the hygienic investigation of commercial liquors. ] Vest- nik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb., 1*92, xiii, pt. 2, 226-256: xiv, pt. 2, 21; 175.—Nehenek > \V. L.) The use and abuse of alcoholic liquors. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas 1860-77. Lawrence, 1*84. i, 297-318. — Seliner (II.) Dis- kussiouen om Alkoholismen og Alkohol som La'gemiddel ved det 14. skaudinaviske Naturforskcrniflde i Kjobeu- havn. Hosp.-Tid.. Kjobenh., 1892, 3. R., x. 72!); 757.— Mlinplir (L.) The use of alcohol in relation to public health S:m. Rec, Lond., 1880-81. n. s., ii, 444-447. Aho: Brit. M.J., Lond., 18*1, ii, 44-46.—Snell (R.) Leberdiege- suudbeitlichen Nac.htheile cbs Alkohohnissbrauehes und gesuuilheitspolizeiliche Maassregeln dagogen. Deutsche Vrtljsc-hr. f. (iff. Osndhtsptlg., Bi-nschwg., 1894, xxvi, 426- 453.- Slaliwlicw of drunkenness and liquor selling, 1*70-1*7'J. Ib-p. Bureau Statist. Labor, Bost., 1881, xii, 77-319. — Ntutzer. Leber die Beschaffenbeit gewbhn- licher Triiikbramitweiue. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhts- pflg.. Bonn, 1887, vi. 88-93. — Stutzer (A.) Sc Keit- insiir (0.) Dio Beschaffenbeit der im Kleiuverkehr verkauflen gewcihnlicben Ttinkbranntweine uud die Me- thoden ihr. r Lnieisuchung auf Fuselole. Ergnzngshft. z. Centrnlhl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1885-9, ii, 191- 212.—Tilkowsky (A ; Der Einfluss des Alkoholmiss- branches auf p^ cliische Stiiruugen. AVien. Klinik, 1883, ix, 273-291. Aho, transl.: Clin, di Vienna, Xapoli, 1885, ii, 129-147.—Topping (G. W.) Report upon communi- cation from the \V. C. T. IT., to Michigan State Medical Society, June 8, 1881. Tr. M. Soc. Mich., Lansing, 1881-4, viii, 29-32.—Tuczek. Leber die Aufgaben des Arztes bei der llekampfung des Alcoholmissbrauchs. Irren- freund, Heilbr.. 1891-2, xxxiii, 33-41. —Ullrich. Ueber den Alkohol-Missbrauch im Gebiete der Section Hernals. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte iu Nied.Oest., Wien, 1887, xiii, 197-199.— Vmv (On the) and abuse of alcoholic liquors. Bui .v For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.. 1851. vii, 46-83.—Vasi- lyefl'i 1'.) Iv voprosu obupotreblenii spiritnikh napitkov. | The use of alcoliolic drinks. ] Voveuno-san. dielo, St. IVter.^b., 1883, iii, 52; 65; 76.— Ward (B. F.) Alcohol. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1**2, xv, 41-56.— Wes- tergaard (H.) Om do strerke Drikkes Indflydelse paa Dodeligheden. [Iutluence of alcoholic drinks on mortalitv.] Lgesk. f. Lieger, Kjobenh., 1889, 4. R., xix, 549-554. ---—. The relation of alcoholism to public health and the meth- ods to bo adopted for its prevention. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong.Hyg.(fcDemog.l891,Loiid.,18!l2,i,201-208. Aho: Lan- cet, Lond., 1891, ii, 345-348.—Williams (E.) Tho drink muddle. St. Louis M. A; S. J., 1880, xxxviii. 525-540.— Winn (J V.) Alcohol, its use and effects as a beverage and medicine. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1882-3, ix, 597-623.—Wood (('. A.) The use of alcohol in health. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, L-f 1-2. x. 49-57—Wright (T. L.) The power of alcoliol over the nature of man as dis played by the modifications of iniudwinorals. aud the physi- cal constitution, incident to its uao. Detroit Lancet, 1882-3, n. s., vi, 252; 289; 342; 390; 481: 1883-4, n. s., vii, 1-7. Also | Abstr.]: Denver M. Times, 1**3-4, iii, 19-29. -----. The property of alcohol which allures the neurotic to drink. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1884, v, 645-649. -----. Special influences of alcohol on the body. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 482-485.—Vverncs (E.) Tho consumption of alcohol in various countries. [Transl. from: J. statist, de Par., Nov. aud Dec, 1889.] "J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1890, liii, 113-127. Alcoholic drinks (Legislation relating to). i See, also, Inebriates (Legislation relating to). Black (H. C.) A treatise ou the laws regu- lating the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. 8\ St. Paul, Minn., 1892. Boston'. The ch'il-damage law, and laws reg- ulating the sale of intoxicating liquors aud the licensing of innholders and common victuallers, together with a digest of decisions of the su- preme judicial court. 12°. Boston, 18*1. Faxshawe (E. L.) Liquor legislation in the United Mates and Canada. Report of a non- partisan inquiry on the spot into the laws and their operation, undertaken at the request of W. Alcoholic drinks (Legislation relating to). Rathhone, M. P. 12-. London, Paris . Sc. Mouth., N. V., 1893-4, xliv, 391-397. — Gruber (M.) Gesetzgebung. Der bsterreichische (iesetzentwurf zur Bekampl'ung der Trunkenlieit. Eingeb-itet von . . . Arcb. f. soziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist., Tubing., 1888, 'i, 293-312. — Hiigouncnq (L.) Le regime actuel des bois- boiis alcooliques et lc monopole del'alcool (levant l'hygiene. Province med., Lyon, 1887, ii, 613-G18.—Kerr (N.) Is it desirable to amend or extend the habitual drunkards act; and, if so, in what direction? Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. So- cial Se. 1883, Lond., 1884, xxvii, 455-405.— Knnggs (S.) Is it desirable to amend or extend tbe habitual drunkards act ; and, if so, in what directioni Ibid., 465-481. —Itor- saLoll ( S. ) Lois et mesures prophilactiques de l'alcool. Arcb. di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1889, x, 600-605. — -H[ar- lin| (A.-J.) La reforme de la legislation de 1 alcool eu Fiance au point dc vue de l'hygiene. Kev. d'byg., Par., 1888, x, 5G1-57G. — Mcillion. Legislation relative & l'alcoolisme. Ann. need.-psych., Par., 1895, 8. s., l, 212- 219. — rViedcrlamlisclics Gcsetz d. d. 28. Juni 1881, betreffend den Kleinbandel mit geistigou Getrauken und die Verhiitung der offentlichen Truukenbcit. (Staatsbl. N<>. 118 d. cl. 1885.) Arcb. f. soziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist., Tubing., 1888, i, 312-319. — Rochar«l (J J L'alcoolisme et I'inipot sur les boissons. Union med., Par., 1893, 3. s., ALCOHOLIC. 230 ALCOHOLIC. Alcoholic drinks (Legislation relating to). lv. 229-232. — Statistics of drunkenness and liquor sel- ling uiiiler prohibitory and license legislation; 1874 and 1877. Lep. Bureau Statist. Labor, Bost., 1879, x, 165-180.— Yallin i Iv) La rectification et le controle des alcools dindustrie. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 1-12. Alcoholic neuritis and paralysis. See, also, Neuritis (Multiple). Behague (A.-V.) * £tude sur les paralysies alcooliques. 4°. Paris, 1669. Berbez (H.) ■ De la paralysie ge"nerale due aux exces alcooliques. 4J. Paris, 1692. Biedkkakkex (C.) * Ueber multiple, iusbe- sondere Alkohol-Xeuritis mit Beschreibung eines Falles von soldier. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1892. Boisvert ( F.) * Etude clinique des formes att6uuees de la paralysie alcoolique. 4°. Paris, 1688. Carpextiku (F.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude des paralysies alcooliques. 4°. Paris, 1*90. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1*91. Henxeberg (R. [M. W. ]) * Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Polyneuritis alcoholica. 8-\ Berlin, [1693]. Hhrrxstadt (V.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Neuritis alcoholica. 6~. Berlin, 1693. Jacoilels ( H.) * Om perifere Neuriter ved kronisk Alkoholisme. En klinisk Studie. 83. Kjobenhavn, 1*911. Koiisakoi'k (S.) Ob alkoholnom paraliche. (paralvsis alcoholica, paraplegia alcoholica). 8°. Moskva, 1**7. Lambert (L.) *De l'he'niiple'gie et de l'he'rjui- anestliesie chez les alcooliques ( hyste'ro-alcoo- lisme). 4°. Paris, 1669. -----. The same. 8-\ Paris, 18^9. Le Filliatre (G.) Essai sur les troubles mo- teurs de l'alcoolisme; application d'un nouveau proceMe" graphique a l'enregistrement de tous les tremblements (prix Barbier 1895). ^-. Paris, 1697). Okttixger (W.) * Etudes sur les paralysies alcooliques (ne'vrites multiples chez les alcoo- liques). 4°. Le Mans, 1885. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1885. Also, transl. in: Mejdunar. Klin., St. Petersb., 1887, vi, 1-65. Roques (G.) * De l'alcoolisme et de la para- lvsie generate claus leurs rapports re"ciproques. 4°. Paris, 1891. Stahn ( P. ) * Ueber alcoholische Neuritis. 8:. Berlin, [1693]. Ullmaxx (K.) * Ueber multiple alkoholische Neuritis. *°. Erlangen, 1694. Vassal (P.) * Contribution a l'etude de la paralysie alcoolique et en particulier des formes ge'ne'ralise'es. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 8C. Paris, 1891. Achard ( C. ) Sc Soupault ( M.) Uenx cas de para- lvsie alcoolique a, forme aigue et generalisee. Arch, de nied. exper. er d'anat. path., Par., 1893, v, 359-375. — Ai- naud (J.) Pronostic des paralysies alcooliques. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1893. lxvi, 241-244. Aho: Marseille med., 1893, xxx, 133-141.—Aruaud (J.) Sc Lop (P.-A.) Alcoolisme subaigu; delirium tremens avec albuminurie; paralvsie alcoolique trfes etendue. Rev. de med., Par., 1891, xi, 955- 960. — Barker (C.F.) Alcoholic hyperesthesia and paresthesia of the feet. lied. Rec., N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 402. — Bernhardt (M.) Leber die multiple Neuritis der Alkoholisten ; Beitrage zur differentiellen Diagnostik dieses Leidens von der Tabes, der Poliomyelitis subacuta nnd der sogenannteu Landry'schen Paralyse. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl.. 1886, xi, 363-396. — Bio jjanski (W.) Przypadek rozsianego zapalenia nerwow sovskutek zatru- cia Vyskokiem. [Caso of disseminated inflammation of nerves produced by alcohol poisoning.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1890, 2. s., x! 747 : 774.—Big^s (H. M.) Alcoholic paralysis due tomultiple neuritis. Med. Rec, X. T.. 1887, xxxi. 503. Also: N. York M. J., Is87. xiv, 442. -----. Presentation of the cord and nerves in a ca*e of alcoholic paralysis; multiple neuritis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila'., 1887, lvi, 521. Also: Boston M. 6c S. J., 1887, cxvi, Alcoholic neuritis and paralysis. _> 282. — Bonnet ( H. i Paralysie generate: alcoolisme chronique; troubles tabctiques; paralysie generate con- firm 6e ; lesions dedenutrition. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1887. xix, 403.—Bradshaw (T. R.) Toxic neuritis simu- lating locomotor ataxy (alcoholicpseudo-tabes). Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 189!!. xiii] 443. — Bramwell (B.) A case of alcoholic paralysis, in which myalgio pains and tenderness were absent, and in which there was very little disturb- ance of the cutaneous (tactile) sensibility; with a report of the microscopical appearances of the nerves in a case of peripheral neuritis, and perforating ulcer of the foot, asso- ciated with diabetes mellitns. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1888, n.s..xcv, 575-588.—Brissautl(C) Paralvsiesalcooliques. In his: Paralysies tox., 8C. Par., 1886, 21-46. [See, also, infra. L6roux (C.)] — Burzio (F.) Di alcuni accidenti paralitici dei nervi periferici che possono manifestarsi nel corso dell' intossicamento alcoolico cronico. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1894, xiv, 81; 101.— Buzzard (T.) Illustrations of some less-known forms of peripheral neuritis, especially alcoholic monoplegia, and diabetic neuritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1419-1422. Aho, transl. : Mercredi nied., Par., 1890, i, 322. -----. A case of double wrist drop ap- parently due to multiple neuritis of alcoholic origin, the lower extremities having perfectly recovered. Brain, Lond., 1888-9, xi, 90-93.—Canipb«-ll (A. W.) EinBeitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der sogenaunten Polyneuritis alcoholica. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl., 1893, xiv, 11-40. Aho, transl.: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1894, xvi, 299-309. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1893, xiii, 294-304, 1 pi.—du Cazal. Observation de paralysie alcoolique linii- tee a un membre atteint d'atrophie. Bull, et nteni. Soc. med; d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 248-250. —Charcot. Les paralysies alcooliques. Gaz. cl. h6p., Par., 1881, lvii, 785-787. Aho: J. cl. conn. nted. prat., Par., 1*84. 3. s., vi, 338-340. -----. Paralvsie alcoolique chez un hoinnie de 29 ans; hysteric. Gaz. rued, de Montreal, 1889, iii, 145-148.— Clarke (J. M.) Alcohol ataxia. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Montpelier, 1886, 157-160. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888. xxxiii, 299.—Cole-Baker (L.) A caso of mul- tiple alcoholic neuritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 405.— Collevillc. Absinthisme; hyst6rie; n6vrite alcoolique simulant le tabes dorsal. Union med. et scient. du nord- est, Reims, 1889, xiii, 129-138.— Crows (J.) Remarkable case of palsy. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1816, xxxvi, 194.— Crotliri'M (T. D.) Alcoholic paralysis. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1889, Concord, 1890, vi, 64-74.—Dcbovc. Paralysies alcooliques. Med.mod.,Par., 1895,vi, 705.—Dejeriiic (J.) Contribution a l'etude de la nevrite alcoolique (forme para- lytique, forme ataxiqite, tachycardie par nevrite du pneu- mogastriqne). Arcb. de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1887, 3. s., x, 248-264. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 470-473. -----. TTn cas de nevrite d'origine alcoolique avec paralysie dissoctee. Ind6pend. med., Par., 1895, 49. — De Rcnzi (E.) Sulle nevriti alcoolica ed arsenicale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 2, 121-125.— Dreschfeld (J.) On alcoholic paral- ysis. Brain, Lond., 1884-5, vii, 200-211. -----. Further observations on alcoholic paralysis. Ibid., 1885-6, viii, 433-446. Aho [Abstr.]: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, te*6, viii. G.5-71. — DrvMdalc (C. R.) Acaseof alcoholic pa- ralysis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 937.—Dubri«ay (J.) Paralysie alcoolique chez nne jeune femme dipsomane; nevrites multiples; giterison. Union m6d., Par., 1891, 3. s., Iii, 758-761. — Duckworth (Sir D.) Three cases of multiple peripheral (alcoholic) neuritis in women. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886, xxii, 253-260.—Dutil (A.) Dn cas de paralysie alcoolique & marche rapide; mort par paralysie du diaphragme; trachycardie ; nevrites p^riphe- iiques multiples; n6vrites des deux nerfs phr6niques; in- tegrit6 de la moelle desracines anterieures rachidiennes et des ganglions. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 546.— Fiehhorst (n.) Neuritis fascians; ein Beitrag znr Lehre von der Alkoholneuritis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1888, cxii, 237-259, 2 pi. -----. Beobachtungen iiber apoplektische Alkobollabmung. Ibid., 1892, exxix, 140-162, 1 pi.— Erlinski (A.) O alkogol. paraliche. Vestnik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Pe- tersb., 1889, vi, no. 2, 175-191.—EMkridj-e (J. T.) Clini- cal memoranda on chronic alcoholic neuritis. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 426. — Fcrricr (D.) Alcoholic paralysis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, i, 265-276.—Fin- lay (D. W.) Three cases of alcoliolic paralysis (mul- tiple neuritis). Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1887, lxx, 371-395, 2 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 188.1-7, n. s., ii, 273-278.—Flor (P.) Observatiune asupra unui caz de paralisie alcoolica. Spitnlul, Bucuresci, 1893, xiii, 555-562. — Francotte (X.) Un cas de paralysie al- coolique, nevrito d6generative multiple d'origine alcoo- lique. Ann. Soc. nied.-chir. de Ltege, 1885, xxiv, 76-84.— Fry (F. R.) A clinical study of alcoliolic neuritis. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1888, xx, 397-406.—Functional paral- ysis and contracture in an alcoholic subject, presenting several points of resemblance with alcoholic neuritis. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1888, Loud., 1889. 26-28.— ««m- tiiarelli (A.) Alcoolisma paralitiforme Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1892-3, xix, 26-29. — Gillea de la rourctte. James Jackson et les paralysies alcooliques. ALCOHOLIC. 231 ALCOHOLIC. Alcoholic neuritis and paralysis. 4rch. de neurol., Par., 1887, xiii, 381-386. [See, also, in- fra.] — Glynn (T. R.) Cases of alcoholic paraplegia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 188.1, iii, 374-382.—Godet (R.) Do • la pseudo-paralysie alcoolique dans ses rapports avec la paralysie generate. Rev. med. de la Suisse Bom., Geneve, 1889, ix, 201; 249.—Godfrey. Notes on a case of periph- eral neuritis due to alcohol or alcoholic monoplegia. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1891, 181-183. — Gri- maldi (A.) Follia paralitiforme alcoolica (pseudo-para- lisi generate alcoolica). N. riv. di psichiat., etc, Napoli, 1892-3. 65-69.—Hadden (W. B.) Two fatal cases of al- coholic paralysis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 49- 56. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 813. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 735. -----. Fatal cases of alcoholic paralysis. Tr. rath. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii. 57-61. 1 pi.—Hervouet. Lecon sur deux cas de polynevrite peripberiqne; paralysie consecutive a la fle- vre typhoide et paralysie alcoolique. Gaz. med. de Nan- tes, 1890-91, ix. 105-108— Hubbell (A. A.) Optic neuri- tis as a form of peripheral neuritis. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1891. viii, 449-455. Aho ■ N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 95-97.— linn (H.) Alcoholic paralysis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1885. n. s., lxxxix, 3,2-388. Aho, Reprint.— Jack*on l J. i On a peculiar disease resulting from the use of ar- dent spirits. X. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost, 1822. xi, 351-353. [See, aho, supra, Gilles de la Tourette.]—Jakob (C.) Acute alkoholische Neuritis bei einem funfjiihrigen Kinde. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893, xxxvi, 210-214.—Kirilt- zefl (S. I.) Sluch. alkogol. paralicha sochen bystrym techeniem. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxi, 27-35'.— Klewe. Ueber alkoholische Pseudo-Paralyse. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etcl, Berl., 1895, Iii, 595-609.— Knapp (H.) Orbital optic neuritis, including alcohol and tobacco amaurosis. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1890), 1891, 2. s., vii, 439-446. Aho: Arch. Ophth., X. Y, 1891, xx, 123-130.—Korsakoff (S.) Razstroistvo psichich. dejatel. pri alkohol. paraliche. [Derangement of psychical activ- ity in alcoholic paralysis.] Yestnik klin. i sudebnoi psi- chiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1887, iv. pt. 2, 1-102._____. Les paralysies alcooliques. Arch, di psichiat., etc., To- rino, 1890, xi, 279-285.—Kozhrrnikoff (A.) Ob alkohol. paralichie (paralysis alcoholica). Yestnik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1891, viii, no. 2, 180- 209.—ljaberge (J.) Paralysie alcoolique chez un homme de 29 ans: hysteric Gaz. med. de Montreal, 1889, iii, 49- 52.—I.affitte (A.) Les paralysies alcooliques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, Ixv, 1081-1088.—Laiicri-ranx (E.) De la paralysie alcoolique. Gaz. hebd. denied.. Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 119; 165; 195. Also [Abstr.J: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1881, 3. s., iii, 257. -----. Paralysies toxiques et paralysie alcoolique; caracteres et evolution de cette derniere; indications pronostiqnes et therapeutiques. In his: Lee. de clin. med. ... la Pitie. 8°, Par., 1886-90, 36- 41. -----. Marche et curabilitectes paralysies alcooliques. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1893, xl, 433-436. — L,e Dider- der. Paresie des mernbres superieurs et inferieurs gue- rie par des frictions d'huile phosphoree chez une alcoolique. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1891, 2. s., xxviii, 7.—demoine (G.) Alcoolisme chronique avec dissociation de la sensi- biliteetpanarisanalgesiquessuperrjciels. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. se. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, pt. 2, 88- . 92. Also: Lyon med., 1891, lxvii, 254-259.—I.eroux (C.) Des paralysies alcooliques, d'apres le docteur Brissaud. Medecin clin., Par., 1886, ii, 217-220.—Ijewis (B.) Alco- holic paralvsis of the extremities: recovery. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1888, liv, 160. — l.loyd (J. H.) Case of alco- holic multiple neuritis. J. Nei v. 6c Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1888, xv, 616-618. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 566. -----. Specimens from a case of probable alcoholic multi- ple neuritis, with brain envolvement. J. Nerv. 6c Ment. Dis., N. Y.. 1888, xv, 255-257. -----. Alcoholic multiple neuritis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., ii, 118-122, 1 pi-—liolliot. De l'alcoolisme comme cause de la pa- ralysie generate. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1873). 1874, viii, 104-125.— Luiitz (M. A.) Sc Mamurovski (A. G-.) Sluch. ostrago voschod. alkohol. paralicha. [Case of acute ascending alcohol paralysis.] Shorn, statei po ne- vropat. i psichiat., Mosk., 1890, 451-465—McDownll (T. W.) Case of peripheral (alcoholic) neuritis. J. Ment. . Sc, Lond., 1890, xxxvi, 228-231, 1 |.l .tl'Phcilran (A.) Alcoholic peripheral neuritis. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1890, xv, 395-397.-Maraglia.no (E.; Alcoolismo cro- nico; pseudotabe alcoolica; paraparesi. Cron. d. cliu. med. di Genova, 1892-3, i, 197-208. — Mar<-u<* (If. D.) A case of multiple neuritis (alcoholic). .Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1894, lxx, 815— Marlicr (A.) Paraplegie alcoolique; troubles trophiqnes de la peau; debut de pa- ralysie generate progressive. J. de med. et chir. prat. Par., 1888, lix, 493-497.—Mason (L. D.) Alcoholic an- aesthesia. Qnart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1882, iv, 213-218. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Neurol. & Psychiat., N. Y., 1883, u, 59-66.—Massy (A.) Cas de guerison d'une para'- plegie alcoolique par l'elecrricite. J. de med. de Bordeaux 1893, xxm, 194.—Maude (A.) Alcoholic peripheral neu- ritis: cramps; exaggerated knee-jerks. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 349. -----. Alcoholic peripheral neuritis in advanced age. Brain, Lond., 1895, xviii, 315-317.— Alcoholic neuritis and paralysis. Mill* (C. K.) Apoplectiform alcoholic neuritis; recov- ery. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii, 151. —Moeli (C.) Al- coholismus, psychische Stoning; atrophische Lahmung der Extensoren am Oberschenkel. Charite - Ann. 1881 Berl., 1883, viii, 552-556.—Morgan (E. C.) Aphonia due to chronic alcoholism; paralysis of the lateral crico-ary- tenoids. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 622—Nonne (M.) Klinische und anatomische Untersuchung eines Falles von Pseudotabes alcoholica. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatakrankenaiist, 1890, Leipz., 1892, ii, 91-99. — IVoth- nagel. Ein Fall von Polyneuritis alcoholica. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1895, xl, 109. — Oppenheiiu (H.) Beitrago zurPathologie der multiplen Neuritis und Alkohol-Lah- mung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1886, xi, 232-262, 1 pi.— Ord. A case of alcoholic paralysis with contracture of the tiexor muscles of the legs; recovery; remarks. Lan- cet, Lond., 1888, i, 273.— Paralysies (Des) alcooliques avec nevrites multiples p6ripheriques. Paris med., 1885, x, 397-401.— Paris (A.) Alcoolisme et saturnisme para- lytiques. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1893, xxv, 353; 385; 417; 449. — Pcaicc (W.) Case of alcoholic paralvsis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1890, xxiii. 267-270. — Pershing (H. T.) Alcoholic multiplo neuritis, with characteristic mental derangement. Internat. M. Mag., Phila 1892 i 803-809. — Pities (A.) Sc Vaillard (L.) Des nevrites provoqitees par le contact de l'alcool pur ou dilu6 avec lea nerfs vivants. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 550-553.— Plauth (A.) Eiu Fall von Neuritis multi- plex alcoholica. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miin- chen (1890-92), 1894, 166-186.— Power (D. A.) Cast of the right leg from a case of alcoholic neuritis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1889, xl, 403. Also, Reprint. Also, in his • [Pathological cases], 8°, Loud., 1889, 13. — Rachmani- noff (I. M.) K uchen. o degenerat. atrophii peripheri- chesk. nerv., sluch simmetriohesk. gangreny i dva sluch. alkohol paralicha. [On degenerative atrophy of peripherai nerves; one case of symmetrical gangrene and two cases of alcohol paralysis. ] Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1891, xxxv, 917- 947, 1 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev. de med., Par., 1892, xii, 321-335.—Regis. Existence de tous les symptomes physiques et intellectuels de la paralysie generate, chez un alcoolique chronique, sans aucune lesion de paralysie ge- nerate a l'autopsie. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1881, 6. "s. vi, 236-241.—Rey (P.) Paraplegie d'origine alcoolique,' suivie de giterison. Ann. nted.-psych., Par., 1885, 7. s., j' 68-72. -----. Symptomes de paraiysie generate chez un alcoolique; aucune lesion de la paralysie generate a. l'au- topsie. Ibid., 1889, 7. s., ix, 234-238. — Reunert ( O. ) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der multiplen Alkoholneuritis. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892, I, 213-231.__ Rons (J.) The premonitory symptoms of alcoholic pa- ralysis. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 1125-1128. —Rousseau. Un cas de pseudo-paralysie generate alcoolique dont revo- lution a dure 12 ann^es et qui s'est termntee par la mort. Bull. Soc. nted. de l'Yonne 1887, Auxerre, 1888, xxviii, 24- 29. -----. Un cas grave de pseudo-paralvsie g6n6rale al- coolique. Ibid., 1888, Auxerre, 1889, xxix, 67-72. Aho: Encephale, Par., 1889, ix, 59-63. — Roussct. Du r61e de l'alcoolisme dans l'6tiologie delaparalysiegenerale. [Rap. J Cong. ann. de med. ment. C.-r. 1891, Lyon 6c Par., 1892, ii, 3-52.—Rumiiio (G.) Contributo alio studio anatomico e clinico della nevrite alcoolica; considerazioni sulla patolo- gia delle nevriti tossicbe. Arch. d. Riforma med., Napoli 1890, ii, 118-147,2 pi. Also [Abstr,]: Riforma med., Napoli' 1889, v, 1623. Also, transl. [Abstr.|. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1891, xii, 1684-1687.—Sadorski. Sluchai periferi- cheskavo alkoholnavo paralicha (paralysis alcoholica). [Case of peripheral alcoholic paralysis.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1895, 48-50.—Saundby (R.) Clinical lecture on a case of alcoholic, paraplegia. Lancet Lond., 1886, ii, 241-243. -----. The ataxic form of alco- holic peripheral neuritis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1891, xxx, 25.—Saunders (G-. R.) Multiple peripheral (alcoholic) neuritis. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1890-91 iv 98- 103.—.Sellaffer (K.) Ein Fall von Alkoholparalyse mit een tra lem Uel'unde. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1889, viii, 156-159. —Sharkey (S. J.) Alcoholic paralysis of tho phrenic, pneuinogastric, and other nerves. Tr! Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 27-33, 2 pi. Also | Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 775. — .Shepherd (I. M.) Alco- holic paralysis with fatal hemateinesis. Univ. M. Mag. Phila., 1893-1, vi. 456-460.—Sieinerliug. Kin Fall von Alkoholneuritis mit hervorragender Betheiligung des Muskelapparates, nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Yor- kommen neuromuscularer Stanimchen in der Muskulatur. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1889, xiv, 443-453. — Smart (A.) A case of multiple neuritis in a woman of combined syphi- litic and alcoholic origin ; treatment by electro-massage ; complete recovery. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1887-8, n. s., vii, 199-206. Also : Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 19-26. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 125-127. Aho, transl.: Fiance nied., Par., 1888. ii, 1145-1151.— Stuudish (M.) A case of alcoholic paralysis, preceded and accompanied by amblyopia ex [abnsu, with remarks thereon. Boston M. &S. J., 1886, cxiv, 361-364. —Starke I (C. H.) A case of alcoholic neuritis; pseudo tabetic va- riety. St, Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xviii, 125-128.—Stew- ALCOHOLIC 232 ALCOHOLISM. Alcoholic neuritis and paralysis. art (W.) A case, of alcoholic hemiplegia. Nashville M. News 1887, i, 8.— Stoddard (E. V.) Alcoholic paraly ses. Med. Press West, N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 347-354.- Mnckling (C. W.) Alcoholic paralysis. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1888, n. s., xcv, 567-575. —Thouisen (R.) Zur Klinik und pathologischen Anatomie der multiplen Alko- hol-Neuritis. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1889-90. xxi. 806- | 835, 1 pi.—Tiling (T.) Ueber die bei der alkoholischen Neiuitis multiplex heobachtete Geistesstorung. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat,, etc., Berl.. 1889, xlvi, 233-257.—Tur- ner(F. C.) A case of alcoholic (?) paralysis. Med.Exam., Lond., 1S78, iii, 201— Tusnoff (V. N.) Ob alkohol. para- lichach. Areh. psichiat,, etc., Charkov, 1893, xxii, no. 1, 73_88.—Tuttle. Multiple peripheral neuritis of alcoholic origin. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 633.—Uspeuski (S.N.) Sluch. progress, paralicha na alkohol. pochve. [ < ase of progressive paralysis on alcoholic basis.] Shorn, statei po nevropat. i psichiat., Mosk., 1890, 673-684.—Van^liau (J. C.) Alcoholic paralysis. Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 130-132. —Vigouroux (A.) Paralysie alcoolique chez les alienes. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1891, lxiv, 1047-1049.—Vii lard. Pseudo-paralysie gen6rale d'origine alcoolique. Marseille med., 1892, xxix, 117-133. —Viti (A.) Osservazioni istologiche suite paralisi alcooliche: nota postuma. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1891, 4. s., iii, 123-141.— Walsh (J. H.T.) Four cases of alcoholic neuritis. Iudiau M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1802, xxvii, 103.— ■While (W. A.) Alcoholic peripheral neuritis. Inter- Inat. Clin., Phila., 1805, 5. s., i, 104-112.—Wright (T. L.) Some prominent features common to drunkenness and [general paralysis of the insane. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- jcago, 1890, xiv, 884-887. — Yergolski (Y.) Sluchai alkoholuavo paralicha. [Alcoholic paralysis.] Shorn. Iprotok. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach. 1893, Kaluga, 1894, 21-26. Alcoholism. See, also, Absinth; Alcohol (Toxicology, etc., of) ; Amaurosis from alcohol, etc.; Aphasia ; Delirium tremens; Dipsomania; Drunken- ness, etc.; Hygiene (Popular); Inebriates, etc.; Temperance. American Association for the Cure of Inebri- ates. Proceedings of the annual meetings, v. 1-6, 1.^70-75. 8°. Baltimore. de Azkvkdo (0. A.) * De alcoolismo chronico e suas consequencias. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. Basset (X.) Etude physiologique sur l'ivresse : ses causes, ses formes et ses consequences. 12c. Paris, 1692. Beard (G. M.) The cosmic law of intemper- ance. A contribution to the scientific study of the temperance question. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Bella (G. M.) * De alcoolismo chronico e suas consequencias. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. Bergeret (E.) L'alcoolisme; dangers et iu- convenieuts de l'abus des boissons alcooliques pour les individus, la famille et la soci6t6; nio- veus de moderer les ravages de l'ivrognerie. 8°. Paris, [1869]. Bibliography (preliminary) of the literature on the physiological and pathological effects of alcohol aud alcoholic drinks. Edited for the committee of fifty for the investigation of the liquor problem, by John S. Billings. 8°. Wash- ington, D. C, 1894. Bourru (E. C.) *An liticinibus, cornicini- bus, tibicinibus et id genus caeteris pithaulis et choraulis, oivo-oaia ? 4C. Parisiis, 1765. Bucknill (J. C.) Habitual drunkenness: a vice, crime, or disease? 6-. [London, 1877.] Cutting from: Contemp. Kev., Lond., 1877, xxix. Campbell (A.) The drink-hunger in women. Its causes, consequences, and curative treat- ment. 12°. London, 1690. Casanova ( li. ) * Intoxications chroniques par l'alcool, l'absintbe et le vuhieraire, des signes particuliers qu'elles pr^seutent au point de vue du diagnostic diff^rentiel. 4:. Paris, 1885. -----. The same. 8:. Paris, 1885. Clum (F. D.) Inebriety; its causes, its re- sults, its remedy. -:. Philadelphia, 1668. Cola janxi ( N. ) L' alcoolismo, sue conse- guenze niorali e sue cause. 8:, Catania, 1667. Aho [Rev.], in: Arch. d. psichiat., etc., Torino, 1887. viii, 623-ti2t>. Alcoholism. Colonial and International Congress on Ine- briety, Loudon, England, July 6 and 7, 1887. Papers and addresses by delegates from the United States of America. Also a report of a reception given to T. D. Crothers, M. D., by the president and council of the Society for the Study of Inebriety, in Great Britain. 8°. Lon- don, 1667. Repr. from: Tbe minutes of the Congress. Crothers (T. D.) Editorial reprints from the Journal of Inebriety. 8-. [Hartford, 1666.] ------. The drink problem. 8°. New York, 1693. Forms no. 45 of: Factors in American Civilization. Delavax (E. C.) Defence of Dr. Sewall'a work ou the pathology of drunkenness, and his drawings of the human stomach, as affected by the use of alcoholic drinks, from health to death by delirium tremens. 8°. [Albany, 1843.] Repr. from: Temperance Recorder-Extra. Dunham (W. R.) The situation of the tem- perance problem. fol. Stoneham, Mass., 1894. Repr.from: Stoneham Independent, 1894. Earlk ( C. W.) The responsibilities and duties of the medical profession regarding alco- holic aud opium inebriety. 8°. [n. p., 1889.] Ephremovitch (SI. P.) * Une courte e"tude dans le domaine de l'alcoolisme. 4-. Paris, 1889. Fagerlund (L.W.) * Om drunkningsviitskas intriingaude i tarmarna. 8°. Helsingfors, 1668. Gebauer (E.) De l'alcoolisme. Etude m6- dico-sociale. Programme rdpublicain radical. Discours prouonce's dans diverses solemnity's (1883-6). 12°. Orleans, 1867. Gillpatrick (J.) The nature aud remedy of intemperance. 12°. Boston, 1832. Gotti (V.) La cremazione, 1' alcoolismo e la pellagra, coi cenni necrologici stampati dai giornali in occasione della sua morte. 12°. Bergamo Alia, 1893. Harris (S.) On inebriety, continuous arid periodical, considered as the result of physical disease and distinct from the vice of intemper- ance, its causes, nature, treatment, and cure. 16-. London, 1672. Horns (P. S.) Abhandlung von der Truu- ckenheit. 12c. Stralsund, Greifswald u. Leipzig, 1747. Hunt (J. L.) *De inteuiperantia. 8-. Edin- burgi, 1612. Huss (SI.) Alcoholismus chronicus eller chro- nisk alkohols sjukdom. Ett bidrag till dyskra- siernas kannedom; enlight egen och andras er- farenhet. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Stockholm, 1849-51. ------. The same. Chronische Alkohols- kraukheit, oder Alcoholismus chronicus. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Vergiftungs-Krank- heiten nach eigener unci anderer Erfahrung. Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt mit Aenderun- gen uud Zusiitzen des Verfassers, vou Gerhard van dem Busch. 83. Stockholm a. Leipzig, 1852. Jaeger (J. I.) * Diss, proponens inebriationis effectus generales ac specialein ejusdem influxuni in niorbos febriles. 12°. Ticini Regii, [1830]. Jewett (SI. P.) Relation of boards of health to intemperance. A paper read before the Na- tional Convention of Health Boards, assembled iu Washington City, Jan. 21-23, 1874. 8C. Mil- waukee, 1874. Jones (A. E.) Health lectures for the people. Series 18.81-2. No. 3. Diseases produced by drink. 8C. Manchester $• London, 1862. Ki:rr (N.) Inebriety, its etiology, pathology, treatment, and jurisprudence. 12°. London, ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 12 . London, 1669. ALCOHOLISM. 233 ALCOHOLISM. Alcohol ism. -----. The same. !', edi b°< London^ 1894. -----. Thesame. 12c. Philadelphia, 1666. Klootsema (J.) Alcohol als volksdrank. Debat tusschen den inedewerker voor Hyg. van 0. H. en eenige drank bestrijders. Uitgegeven ten voordeele der Xederl. Ond. Prop. Club en bet hoofdbestuur van den Bond van Orde. 12°. Groningen, [1894]. Koppe (R. K.) Alkoholnaya khilost i nie- dolgevieehnost sovremennavo elielovlechestva.. [Alcoholic weakness and shortness of modern human life.] 8°. Moskva, 1694. Korovin (A. [SI.]) Obshtshestvennaya borba b pyaustvom v soyazi s ustroistvom liechebnits dlia alkoholikov v Anglii, Shweitzarii i Ger- inanii. Iz lichnikh nablyudaniy 1894-1895 g. [Public struggle with drunkenness in connection with the establishment of hospitals for alco- holics in England, Switzerland, aud Germany. From personal observations during 1894-5.] 8°. Moskva, 1895. Kovalevski (P. I.) Pyanstvo, yego prichiny i lechenie. [Inebriety, its causes and treatnient. ] 16°. Charkoff, 1888.' -----. The same. Ivrognerie : ses causes et son traitemeut, traduit par AValdemar de Hol- stein. 12°. Eharkoff, 1669. Kranzfelder ( F. ) *Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Grosshirnrinde bei Delirium tre- mens uud Alcoholismus chronicus. 8". Berlin, [1882]. Laycock (T.) The social and political rela- tions of drunkenness. 8;. Edinburgh, 1857. Lecxeur (J.) * Sur l'ivrognerie. 4°. Stras- bourg, an XI [1803]. Le Coeur (J.-J.-B.) Etudes sur l'intoxica- tion alcoolique. 8-. Caen, 1860. Liepmann (H. K.) "Ueber die Delirien der Alkoholisten. 8C. Berlin, 1895. Lutheritius (P.) * De noxa et utilitate ebri- etatis. 4°. Franeof. cis Viadr., 1740. Macnish (R.) The anatomy of drunkenness. 1. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. 12c. Philadelphia, 1626. SLacdonald (A.) Views of Dr. A. Baer on drunkenness. 8-. [Andover, 1892.] Repr.from: Andover Rev., 1892. Magnan (V.) Etude exp6rimentnle et cli- nique sur l'alcoolisme, alcool et absinthe; Epi- lepsie absinthique. 8. Paris, 1866. Aho, transl. in: An. r. Acad, de cien. nied. . . . de la Habana, 1874-5, xi, 449; 489; 518: 1875-6, xii, 101; 367. Moellmann (G.) *De alcoholica intoxica- tione chronica. 8°. Berolini, [1662]. Monin (E.) L'alcoolisme, 6tude me"dico-soci- ale. Empoisonnement aigu et chronique; ivresse et ivrognerie; delirium tremens; les maladies des buveurs; l'alcool et la descendance; histo- rique de l'alcoolisme; son expansion pandemi- que; l'alcool et le systeme nerveux; folie alcoo- lique; la responsabilite" des alcooliques; action varied des diverses boissons distille'es et fermen- te"es sur l'organisme; les eaux-de-vie, l'absinthe, le vin, la biere, le cidre; ce que e'est que la dip- somanie; remedes hygie'niques sociaux, legaux, fiscaux, etc., pour la prevention du mal; traite- ment me"dical proprement dit. Ouvrage cou- ronne par la Socie"t6 francaise de Temperance et pre'ee'de' d'une pr6face par le Dr. Duiardin-Beau- metz. 12°. Paris, 1889. SIdratovski (V. I.) * K voprosu o vliyanii khronicheskavo otravlenia alkoholem i sivushim maslom na pochki u zhivotnikh. [On the intiu- ence of chronic poisoning by alcohol and whiskey upon the kidneys of animals.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1895. Llcoholism. Parrish (J.) The classification and treat- ment of inebriates. 8°. New York, 1871. -----. The pathology of inebriety. A lect- ure before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. 8°. Baltimore, 1674. -----. Alcoholic- inebriety; from a medical standpoint. With cases from clinical records. 12°. Philadelphia, 1883. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1884. Piehacctni (A.) Alcool ed alcoolismo. 16°. Milano, [1892]. Quarterly (The) Journal of Inebriety. Pub- lished under the auspices of the American Asso- ciation for the Cure of Inebriates. T. D. Croth- ers, secretary of publication committee, v. 1- 17, Dec, 1876-95. 8°. Hartford, Conn. Report by the committee on intemperance for the lower house of convocation of the prov- ince of Canterbury. With copious appendix . . . ou the extent, the causes, the results, and the remedies of intemperance. 8°. London, 1669. Revilliod (L.) & Binet (P.) Taffeln zur Schilderung der durch den Alkoholismus verur- sachten Organerkrankungen des menschlichen Kcirpers. 8° & fol. Geneve, [n. d.]. Richman ( J. ) * Ordo et metbodus co»no- scendi, praecavendi, curandi obrietatem, et inde ortani crapulam. 4°. Jence, 1667. Schmitz (A.) Die Trunksucht, ihre Ab- wehr und Heilung, nebst dem Entwurle eines Gesetzes betreffend die Bekiimpfung des Sliss- brauchs geistiger Getriinke. 8°. Bonn, 1891. Society for the Study and Cure of Inebriety. Proceedings of the . . . No. 2, 1884. 8Z. Lon- don, [1864]. -----. The same. Proceedings of the . . . No. 36, 1893. 8°. London, 1893. Sommer (W.) Ueber Trunksucht und deren schadliche Folgen fiir das Gehirn und das Ner- vensystem. 8°. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1688. Spaink (P. F.) Over alcoholismus. 8°. ^l»t- sterdam, 1892. Stromer von Aurbach (H.) Ein getrewe, vleissige und ehrliche Verwarnung, widder das hesliche Luster der Trunckenheit . . . unci durch Georgium Spalalatinuni gedeudscht. sm. 4\ Wittemberg, 1531. Teixeira Fontes (J. C.) *Do alcoolismo chronico e suas consequencias. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1683. Tiiomeuf. Alcoolisme subaigu. De l'alcoo- lisme chez la femme. 8". Paris, 1890. Also, transl. in: Woon's M. 6c S. Monog. 8°. New York, 1890, vii, 341-355. Thoughts on the moral physiology and pa- thology of the disease, liquor drinking, with ad- vice hints. 6J. Boston, 1862. Todd (J. E.) Drunkenness a vice, not a dis- ease. 8 '. Hartford, Conn., 1882. Tourdot (A.-L.-A.) * De l'alcoolisme dans la Seine-Iuferieure. 4;. Paris, 1666. Trotter (T.) An essay, medical, philosophi- cal, and chemical, on drunkenness, and its effects on the human body. 12°. Philadelphia, 1813. Villard (A.) Lecons sur l'alcoolisme faites a PHotel-Dieu d<- Slarseille. Lecons recueillies par Vincent Paghano. 8°. Paris, 1891. Wehberg (H.) Die Erlosnng der Menschheit vom Fluche des Alkoholes. 8°. Berlin, 1*94. Wey (W. C.) A medical aspect of druukeu- ness. 8:. Elmira, N. Y., 1877. ------. Thesame. 8-. Syracuse, 1677. Zei;boglio (A.) L' alcoolismo: studio socio- logico giuridico. 8°. Torino, 1692. Abbott (A.) The relation of the medical profession to temperance legislation. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford. 1895, xvii. 101-110. - AfaiiRsjcflr ( W. A.) K patol. ostr. l chron. alkoholizma. [ Pathology of acute and chronic ALCOHOLISM. 234 ALCOHOLISM. Alcoholism. alcoholism.) Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxii, 321-334, Also, transl: Beitr. z. path. Anat, u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890 viii, 443-460, 1 pi— Axtclle (J. F.) Some thoughts on inebrietv. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 499.— Baker (L! W.) The alcohol habit. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1888, ix, 241-250. Aho, Reprint. — ISarella (H.) Rapport k M. le ministre dc l'interieur sur la ques- tion de l'alcoolisme, telle qu'elle resulte des travaux les plus r6cents, notamment du Congres international de Paris de 1878. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1879, 3. s., xiii, 1083-1092.------. Les alcools et l'alcoolisme. ( Memoire presente k 1'Acad. royale de med. de Belg.) M6m. couron. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1880, v, 3_167. -----. Rapport de la commission a laquelle k 6te renvoye le memoire de M. le dr. Mora, relatif k l'alcoo- lisme. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1881, 3. s., xv, 751-771. — Barlow (T.) On the prognosis of chronic alcoholism in the light of its pathology. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892-3, xvii, 215-225. — Barton (J. L.) A clinical report of a cn.se of acute alcoholism. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1895, lxxviii, 280-288.—Beaudoin. L'alcoolisme en Normandie, en Bretagno et a Paris. [Ab- str] Lev. nied. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1885, i, 561-506.— Belral (T.) La lutte contre l'alcoolisnio; lesmoyensdc lutte. Mouvenieut hyg., Brux., 1895, xi, 437-454.— Ben- nett (S F.) Alcoholism as a disease. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1880, xl, 359-362. — Bergeron (J.) & Laborde (J.-V.) Les mesures propbylactiques contre l'alcoolisme; proposition de vceu k l'Acadernie. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 598-600. — Bernabei (C.) Dell' importanza deli' ipoazotuna nella diagnosi dell' alcoolismo cronico. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accnd. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 534-540.—Bessie-res. De l'influ- ence de l'alcoolisme chez la mere et chez la nourrice sur la santedel'enfant. Medecin.Par., 1878, iv, no. 15,1; no.16,1; no. 17, 1; an. 18, 1; no. 19, 1; no. 20, 2; no. 21, 1; no. 22, 1.— Briaut. Etude m6dico-legale sur l'alcoolisme. [Rap.] See. (le m6d. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1889, x, 185-190.— Itroivimoii (W. G.) The disease theory of intemper- ance. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1890, iv, no. 3, 60-72.—Brnen (E. T.) Some of the effects of alcoholism; a clinical lecture. Boston M. it S. J., 1884, cxi, 241-243.— It mr (G.) The distinction between disease and the nior- l>id anntomv of disease, applied to inebriety. Proc. Am. Ass. (hire inebr., Bait., 1875, 71-84. — Cadeac 6c IVIeu- nier (A.) Contribution k l'etude de l'alcoolisme; re- cherches physiologiques sur l'eau de m61isso des Carmes. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1891, xiii, 5; 208; 306.-----------. Contribution & l'etude de l'alcoolisme; recherches experi- mentales sur Tun des elements epileptisants do vulneraire, l'essence do sauge. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 230-233.—C'alore (G.) Sopra un caso di delirio alcoolico e di setticoemia. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1894, xiii, 1409-1417. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1895, xii, 441-445.— C'arvalho (S.) Apontamentos para o estudo do alcoolismo em Portugal. Med. con- temp., Lisb., 1892, x, 235 - 241. — Cie vender ( S. V.) Post-alcoholism and inebriety. Quart. J. Inebr., Hart- ford, 1895, xvii, 310-324.—C'olajaiini (N.) Criterii sulle conseguenze dell'alcoolismo. [Extr.] Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1886, vii, 321-340. [See, also, supra.]—Com- beinale. Notes de laboratoire pour servir k l'etude de l'intoxication chronique par l'alcool. Bull. med. du nord Lille, 1892, xxxi, 441; 485; 535. Also: Bull. gen. de the- rap., etc., Par., 1892, exxii, 341-365. — Crcspi (A. J. H.) (Inebriety. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1889, vii, 244-257.—Croth- ers (T. D.) A clinical study of the disease and curability of inebriety. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s.. lxxxiv, 61-69. Aho. Reprint. -----. The diseases of inebriety and its social relations. J. Social Sc, N. Y., 1884, No. xviii, 100-111. Also, Reprint. -----. Some chemical studies of the incipient stages of inebriety. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1885, vi, 199-209. -----. A realistic view of ine- briety. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1885, iv, 430.-----. States of delirium in inebriety. Alienist &. Neurol., St. Louis, 1886, vii, 44-50. Aho, Reprint. -----. Certain hereditary and psychical phenomena in inebriety. Alienist & Neu- rol., St. Louis, 1886, vii, 566-580. Aho, Reprint. -----. The cause and cure of inebriety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1887, viii, 253-256. -----. The disease of inebriety and its treatment. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 188-193. -----. Inebrietv from a medical point of view! Tr. M. Soc. N. T.. Phila., 1889, 193-197. -----. Alcoholic heredity in diseases of children. Quart. J. Inebr., Hart- ford, 1890, xii, 281-286. Also, Reprint. -----. The rela- tion of life insurance to inebriety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1891, xvi, 187-190. Also, Reprint, -----. The law of periodicity in inebriety. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1892, xiii, 476-4 8(i. A ho. Reprint, Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 394-397. -----. Inebriety caused by psychical traumatism. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1892, n. s., xvi, 5-9. -----. Social science problems of inebriety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xviii. 347-350. -----. A study of the effects of poisoned air. in the causation of inebrietv. Ibid., 1894, xxiii, 291-293.—Dana (C. L.) A study of al- coholism as it occurs in the Belle vue Hospital cells. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1889-90, xii, 262-269. Aho: N. York Alcoholism. M. J., 1890, li, 645-647. ——, Tho nature and frequency of inebriety, with remarks on its treatment. Med. Ki-c. N. Y., 1892, xii, 309-311. -----. Alcoholism in New York and the classification of inebriates. Am. J. Insan. Plica N. Y., 1893-4, 1, 29-33.—Darriel. Alcoolisme; delirium vigilans complique de diplopie binoculaire transitoire. J. de med. de Lyon, 1868, ix, 439-443.—De Benzi (E.) Sull' alcoolismo. 'Boll. d. clin.. Napoli, 1884, i, 281-283. - ]>e Snicth (.1.) Maladies sociales; l'ivrognerie. Clinique Brux., 1890, iv, 305-313. — Dill (J. G.) Dipsomania and hypnotism. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1895, xvii, 301- 306.—Discussion sur l'alcoolisation des vins. Discours de M. P. Brouardel. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xvi, 209-224. — DragoinaiioflT (A. P.) K patologii alkoho' lizma. Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov, 1889, xiii, no. 2, 81- 89. — Druhen aine. De l'alcoolisme au point de vne social. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1893, ii, lll-12i.—Drunkenness; its nature, canses, and cure. [Discussion.J Sunset Club, Chicago (1801-2), 1893, 87- 108. — Dujardin - Bcaumctz. Recherches exp6- rimentales sur l'alcoolisme chronique. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1884, 2. s.. xiii, 471. [Discussion], 521; 030.— Duncan (J. M.) On alcoholism in gynecology and ob- stetrics. Tr. Edinb. Obst, Soc, 1887-8, xiii, 105-120.— Dunham (S. A.) Alcoholism, with suggestions as to treatment; statistics for Buffalo. Buffalo M. .L, 1895-fi, xxxv, 217-223.—Earlc (C. W.) Tbe responsibilities and duties of the medical profession regarding alcoholic aud opium inebriety. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1889, xxxix, 56-74. Aho. Reprint, Aho: Cincin. M.News, 1*89, n.s., xviii, 649-663.—Fazio (E.) L' ubbriachezza alcoolica e 1' alcoolismo in Italia, Riv. internaz. d' ig., Napoli, 1894, v, 213-219.—Fere (0.) Note sur les alcoolisables. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1885, 3. s., ii, 293-299.— Fisher ( T. ) Alcoholic disease of the heart. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1895, xiii, 81-90. — Forel ( A. ) Ueber die Alkoholfrage. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1894, xxxix, 412.— Freyhan. Ueber nervose Storungen im Gefolge von Alkoholismus. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1893, li, 603-616.—OeisslertA.) Derchronische Alkoholis- mus nach der Statistik der siichsischen Kraukenanstalten. Ztschr. d. k.-siiehs. statist. Bureau's 1883. Dresd., 1884, xxix, 203. — CJhiuozzi ( A.) Della ubriachezza. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1885, lvi, 517-521. — CJi I lespie (A. L.) Statistics concerning the patients admitted with alcoliolic symptoms to the Royal Infirmary. Edinburgh, for the five years from October I, 1889, to September 20. ls'U. Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 228-233, 11. — Gorton (AY. A.) Two cases of chronic alcoholism. Boston M. & S. J.. 1887, cxvi, 201. [Discussion], 209. — €ireliant &. Quinqtiaud. Mesure de la puissance musculaire dans l'alcoolisme aigu. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 415. — Orosvenor (J. W.) What shall we do with al- coholic inebriates? Med. Sc Sing. Reporter, N. Y., 1895, lxxiii, 253-258.—Madden (W. B.) Cases illustrating the symptoms and treatment of chronic alcoholism as it affects the nervous system. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 610; 661.— Haller (F. B.) Confirmed inebriety. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1889, lvi, 14-17.—Hathaway (G.) The duty and pos- sibilities of State care and treatment of dipsomaniacs; from the standpoint of a physician. Ann. State Confer. Charities 6c Corrections 1893,'Madison, Wis., 1894, 37-40.— Herz(H.) Ueber Alkoholneurosen. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1894, liii, 235-246. — He?man (E.) . Dryckenskapens tillsta-nd i Sverige 1861-1884. [Statistics ,of drunkenness.] Helsovannen, Goteborg, 1886, i, 67-70.— Hill (C.G.) Inebriety as a disease. Tr. M. Sc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1888, 183-191.—Holbrook (M. L.) Al- cohol and chastity. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1895, xvii, 360-365.—Hopkins (H. R.) The intoxicant habit. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1887, 193-207.—Intoxication (L'l alcoolique. Concours m6d., Par., 1895, xvii, 363.— Jnkiuiotl(N.I) Opjanstvieivlijaniialkohol.naizmien. v nerv. sistemie. [On drunkenness and effect of alcohol on nervous system.] Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1890, vii, pt, 2, 72-119.—Joffroy. L'alcool et l'alcoolisme. M£d. mod., Par., 1894, v, 1621. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 237-246. — Kecske- mety (L.) Alcoholismus? Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1887, xxviii. 2-5.— Kemp (G. T.) Pathological lesions of chronic alcoholism. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1891, xiii, 25-32.—Kerr (N.) [Lectures on inebriety.] Med. Press 6c Circ, Lond., 1887, n. 8., xliv, 566: b-88, xiv, 57; 82; 109. -----. The relation of alcoholism to inebriety. Brit. M. J., Lond., 188-, i, 1320-1322. Aho [Abstr. |: Med. Press Sc Circ. Lond., 1887, n. 8., xliv, 173—Kjelbcrg (N. G.) & Westfelt (G.) Fbrslag till en undersbkning om alkoholia- mens former samt om denna sjukdoms utbredning och freqvens l Sverige, af dertill utsedde komiterade. [Report of an investigation on alcoholism and the disease therefrom, and its frequency in Sweden, by a committee. J Forh. allm. svens.lak. motet l Helsingborg, Stockholm, 1889,132-141.— Klippcl (M.) De l'origine bepatiquc do certains d61ires des alcooliques. Ann. med -psych., Par., 1894, 7. s., xx, 262-272.—Kovalevski (IM.) Kncben.ob alkoholizmie. [Study on alcoholism.) Eiened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1888, viii, 201; 229; 249.—Kuborii (H.) [Rapport de la I ALCOHOLISM. 235 ALCOHOLISM. Alcoholism. commission qui a examine les m6moires du concours sur les effets de l'alcoolisme.] Bull. Acad. roy. de nied. de Belg., Brux.. 1881. 3. s., xv, 653-714: 1884, 3. a., xviii, 355- 455.—Kuijper (II. F.) Alkohol im Gehirne beiTruuken- heit, Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1883, xxii, 347-357.— Lmnccreaux (E.) L'intoxication alcoolique chronique. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 838-841. Also: Nice-med., 1889-90, xiv, 1-7. -----. L'intoxication par le vin. Bull! Acad, de med.. Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiv, 219-226. Aho: Abeille med., Par., 1895, Iii, 257. Aho: Courrier nied., Par., 1895, xiv, 257 —I.ascguc (C.) Alcoolisme chroni- que. Arch. gen. de nied.. Par., 1853. 5. s., i, 49-65. Also, in his: Etudes nied., 8°, Par., 1884, ii, 102-119. _____. De l'alcoolisme subaigu. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1869, 6. s., xiii, 513; 656: xiv, 145. Also, in his: Etudes nied. 8° Par., 1884. ii, 137-202.—I.atimer (T. S.) A brief sum- mary of the clinical history and treatment of two thousand andtwelve cases of alcoholism, of which eighty-seven were maniacal. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 11-13. Also, Reprint.—I^ayet (A.) Les consequences sociales de l'al- coolisme. Rev. san. de Bordeaux. 1884-5, ii, 171-173.— Li-boil (L.) De l'alcoolisme en Belgique. Memoire pre- sents a la conference internationale de temperance tenue k Londres, le 6 septembre 1882. Bull. Ass. belsre contre l'abus d. boissons alcool., Brux., 1882-3, i, 267-281). Also, Reprint.—I.edoux (A. R.) Popular fallacies as to alco- hol and nicotine. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1895, xvii, 111-124— L.ejjrain. L'alcoolisme et les asiles d'ivrogues. Chron. med., Par., 1895, i. 197-200— l.entz (F.) De l'al- coolisme et cie ses diverses manifestations consider^es an I point de vue physiologique, pathologique, clinique et medico-legal. Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg.. Brux.. ' 1882-4, vii, 4. fasc. 1-564. Aho, Reprint. — I„eudet (T.-E.) Des symptomes et de la marche de l'alcoolisme daus la classe ais6e. Assoc franc, pour l'avance. d. sc Compt.-rend. 1874, Par.. 1875, iii, 719-728. -----. Etude clinique de la forme h vperesthesiqne de l'alcoolisme chro- nique et de sa relation avec les maladies de la nioelle. In his: Etude de path, et de clin. med., 8D, Par., 1891, iii, 335- 367.— Levin (P. A.) Om spritbegaret. [Alcoholism.] Eira, (uiteborg. 1880, iv, 1; 33.-Lockwood ( W. A. ) What constitutes inebriety. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 445. — liombroso ( C. ) Alcoolismo acuto e cronico! Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1881, ii, 280-312. — V.uton (A.) Note sur une nouvelle forme d'alcoolisme latent pro- fessionnel et sur le moyen de le combattre. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1880, 3. s., iii. 525-531. -----. L'alcoolisme au point de vuede ses formes larveesetde la medication strychnique. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1880, xcix, 241-250. Aho, transl: Rev. de med. y cirng. pract., Madrid. 1880, vii' \ 393-402.—1TI. (J. S.) [L'alcoolisme.] Gaz. med. de l'Al- gerie, Alger, 1895, xl, 113.— ,McCarthy (C.) A contri- bution to the study of inebriety. Intercolon. M. Cong. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii. 807-870. — McKcc (J. H.) Hys- teria and alcoholism; their influences upon the child. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 164.—ITIaddeu (T. M.) Alco- holism in childhood and youth. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1884, i ii, 358. Aho: Med. Press v xpoviwv tto.Qu>i> xai iSia nepl aAKOoAi-. Peruivelz, 1886. Delvit (P.) *De I'albuminurie daus l'alco- olisme. 4°. Paris, 1894. de Dobrowski (J.) *De morbis libouum. 12°. Vienna;, 1817. Guasset (E.-M. ) *£tude clinique sur lea troubles de la sensibility cutande cbez les alco- oliques. 4-'. Bordeaux, 1887. Mosselage (F. C.) *Dc hydrope ex spiritus vini abusu. 4°. Harderovici, 1749. Mouxet (J.-P.) *De la congestion pulmo- naire alcoolique. 4°. Paris, 188U. Nevmaxn (E. A. O.) * Ueber die Pachyme- ningitis bei der cbronischen Alkoholvergiftung. 12°. Kbnigsberg, [1869]. Sciiulze (M. P. J.) * Ueber den Eifoi-sucbts- ■walin ausserhalb des chronischen Alkoholismus. 8\ Bonn, 1693. "Willemix (E.) *De la curability des acci- dents peritone'o-h6patiques d'origine alcoolique (ascite curable, cirrhose curable). 4'. Paris, 1690. -----. The same. 6~. Paris, 1>'J0. Afannsjefr (Y. A.) Izmien. v golov. mozgu pri otravlen. alkoholem. | Brain disease from alcoholism, j Alcoholism (Complications and sequela of)- Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1890, xvi, 387; 403; 419.—Ali- sou. Contribution a l'etude de l'influence de l'alcoolisme sur le developpement de la tuberculose pulinonaire et de la cirrhose atrophique. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1888, ii, 280-299.—Amblard (A.) Anasarque a frigoro chez des alcooliques. Moutpel. med., 1880, xliv, 502-509. — Bar. lumens. Alcoholismo cronico; hiperemia cerebelosa. Rev. de clin. nied., Barcel., 1882, i, 141. — Rcuvciiioii (M.) Alcoolismo cronico in relazione colic cardinal- teropatie. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1884, xxvii, 314-316.—Rcrnheini. Alcoolismo; ictere dataiit de trois semaines ; excitatiou maniaque avec hallucina- tions, coma et mort; steatose du foie avec commence- ment de cirrhose. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1S85, xvii, 87-S9.—Bourdel (P.) Alcoolisme aigu; pleuresieh6nior- rhagiquo; cirrhose hypertrophique graisseuse a marcho rapide. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 266-272.— Rourneville Sc Rcauuigarten. Alcoolismo chez un enfant de 4 ans; demence et epilepsie syinptomatiques de meuingo-enc6phalite; diphtheric Ibid., 1886, lxi, 538- 549. Aho: Recherches clin. et therap. sur l'6pileps. [etc.] 1880, Par., 1887, vii, 142-153.—Rouvcret (L.) De l'ascite curable des alcooliques. Lyon nied., 1881, xxxviii, 503; 544.—Brccx. Un cas d'intoxication alcoolique chronique avec tuberculose pulinonaire, hypertrophic cardiaque, in- surhsance mitrale, aortite chronique, hepatite iuterstitielle chronique, etc. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, do Brux., 1876, xxv, 136-141.—Carpcntier. Alcoolisme chronique; Epi- lepsie ; autopsie; heinorrhagie nieningee considerable, meningite; h6patite, gastro-duochinite chroniques; d6- g6n6rescence graisseuse du cceur et des reins. I bid., 1874, xxiii, 71-75. -----. Alcoolisme chronique; pneumonie aigue et m6ningite; autopsie. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 281-283. — Cassaet (E.) De la suppression momentan6e des fonctions hepatiques dans l'alcoolisme aigu. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10.a., i, 606.— de Castro Lopo (J.) Caso d'alcoolismo. Correiomed. de Lisb., 1881, x, 153-155. — Chambard ( E.) Dermo- nenrose stereographique et 6rythrasma chez un imbecile alcoolique. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1889, xvii, 8-21.— Charcot. Parallele des troubles oculaires dans le tabes, l'alcoolisme et l'hysterie. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 705-711. Also, transl.: Boll.d ocul., Firenze, 1893, xv, no. 4, 1-4.—Charrin. Alcoolisme; m6uingite suppuree latente. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, lvii, 367. Aho: Progres med.. Par., 1883, xi, 248. — Chenery (E.) Rela- tion of alcoholism to other forms of disease. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford., 1878-9, iii, 158-168. Also, Reprint- Christian (J.) Cas rare de dipsomanie; inhalations d'ether; acces r6p6tes pendant plus de 16ans; mort a la suite de convulsions 6pileptiformes. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. de Par. (1886), 1887, xxi, 106-113. — t'levcnger (S. V. ) Post-alcoholism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 662-666.—Combemale. De l'etat anatomo-patho- logique des valvules du cceur dans l'alcoolisme aigu. Bull. ni6d. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 361-365. - Cor- nil. Alcoolisme; accidents c6r6braux ; cirrhose du foie; nephrite albumineuse; tuberculose terminale; autop- sie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1883, 3. s., v, 65. Also: Medecin prat., Par., 1884, v, 398-404. — Daubioul. Al- coolisme ; meningite en plaque et oedeme cerebral cons6- cutifs; syphilis intercurrents; coma et mort. Presse rued, beige, Brux., lssl, xxxiii, 305-307. — Mry.xilale (C. R.) Caseof chronic alcoholism, with ataxic symptoms; gouty paroxysms much relieved hy the salicylate of soda. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1151.— Durand-Fardcl (R.) Alcoolismechrouique ; gastrite scl6reuse; peritonite chro- nique (cirrhose gastrique et peritoneale). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv. 375-378. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880 viii, 9. — Eskridgc (J. T.) Syphilis and alcoholism of the brain, spinal cord, and probably of the nerves of the legs, followed by hysterical contractures of the flexors of tbe knees, and a pronounced variability of certain reflexes. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi , 373-377. Also, Reprint.— Evrard. Cas d'entero-peritonite da a des execs alcoo- liques. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux. Bull. no. 30, 1880-81.137-142.—Finlay(C.E.) Un caso de pseudo-tabes alcoholica con ciertas mauifestacioncs oculares poco fre- cueutes. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1892-4), 1895, vi, 188-195.—Gallard ( T.) Troubles digestifs dus k l'alcoolisme. In his: Lecons de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1872, 5-18. —Oilliland ( W. E. ) Seme of tbe remote effects of alcoliol considered. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1883, xiv, 505-512. — Hancock (W. J.) Profuse and fatal haematemesis consequent upon chronic alcoholism. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1891, xiv, 105-107.— Hanoi (V.) Alcoolisme; vomissements cie sang repetes a longue distance; teinte jauneverdatre(septiceniique) de lapeau; purpura; ced^mc de la face et des janibes; ca- chexie comniencantej sensation d'empatement £pigas- trique; foie gros; absence d'albuminc; mort avec acci- dents pulmonaires et temperature 61ev6e; autopsie: groa foie tuberculeux alcoolique et cirrhotique; tuberculose pulmouaire. Arch. gen. de m6cl., Tar., 1892. ii, 472-478. -----. Cirrhose alcoolique ; h6iiiateineses successivement rouges et noires ■ mort par rupture de vanco oesophagi' 37 ALCOHOLISM. ALCOHOLISM. 2 Alcoholism (Complications and sequelce of). eune; peritonite chronique; plaques laiteuses du peritoine. Bull, et mem. Soc nied. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 498-504.—Hardy. Alcoolisme chronique ; accidents epi- leptiformes; mort par syncope. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, liii, 442. -----. Pneumonie chez un alcoolique; mort su- bite. Ibid., 1018. —Hoist (E.) Om Forekomsten af Drankersygdomme i Riu^kjobiug Amt i 1881-90. [Dis- eases of drunkards in countv of Ringkjobing in the years 1881-90.] U^esk. f. L;egei\ Kjobenh., 1891, 4. R., xxiii, 433-442.— [Liaboulbeiie. | Alcoolisme chronique; hy- peresthesie douloureuse de plusieurs muscles. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 18S1. liv, 007.—Ijascguc ( C.) Alcoolisme ai"u. [Rev.] Arch. geu. de nied.,"Par., 1860, 5. s., xvi, 77- 88 Also, in tiis: Etudes med., 8°, Par., 1884, ii, 120-136.— Letullc. Alcoolisme chronique; gastrite sclereuse; pe- ritonite chronique (cirrhose gastrique et peritoneale); tem- peratures locales 61ev6es etrevelatrices dun etat phlegma- sique. Frame med.. Par., 1879, xxvi, 313. Aho: Bull. Soc. cliu. de Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 113-117. -----. Les va- rices de l'cesophage dans l'alcoolisme chronique. Med. mod.. Par., 1889-90, i. 893-899, 1 pi. — I.eudet (T.-E.) Etude sur l'ictere determine par l'abus des boissons al- cooliques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1860, Par., 1861, 3. s., ii, 141-160. Also, in his: Etudes de path, et de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1891, iii, 368-387. -----. Des lesions du peritoine chez les alcoolises. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1879, 2. s., xvi, 777-779. -----. Des formes de la gastro-enterite alco- olique dans les diverses classes de la societe. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. cl. sc. Compt.-rend. 1882, Par.. 1883, xi, 701- 709.—liorut. Observations sur quelques affections pla- cees sous la d6pendance de l'alcoolisme. Soc. d. sc. iu6d. de Ganuat. Compt. rend., 1872, xxvi, 67-82.— Yln^nan. De l'hemianesthesie de la sensibilite generate et des sens dans l'alcoolisme chronique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 729; 746. Also, Reprint. -----. Alcoolisme chronique; impulsion suicide; her6dite morhide; pleuro- pneumonie de cause traumatique; steaiose et cirrhose du foie et des reins; degfinerescence graisseuse du cceur et p6ricardite chronique avec adherences de deux feuillets du p£ricarde; gastrite; m6ningite chronique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 348-350. — Tiara- gliano (E.) Alcoolismo cronico; alterazioni nutritizie vascolari; miocardite cronica; ipostasi polmonare; eiuot- tisi. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1882, 2. s., xvi, 36.— Hulhieu (A.) Etat et role du foie dans l'asystolie des alcooliques. Arch. g6n. de nied., Par., 1883, ii, 48-74.— May (C. H.) The early eye-symptoms in chronic alco- holism. Quart. J. Inebr.. Hartford, 1891, xiii, 168-173. Aho: Northwest. M. J., Minneap., 1892, xx, 34-36. Aho, Reprint.— !?Iorison ( A. E.) A form of dysphagia, as- sociated with chronic alcoholism. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lvii, 274. — Jlott (F. W.) Fatty heart, from a case of chronic alcoholism. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 57. — Ollivier (A.) Du purpura alcoolique. Paris med., 1884, ix, 289-291.—Pepper (W.) The effects of the prolonged use of alcohol on the viscera, lervous sys- tem, and organs of special sense. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1880-81, Phila., 1881, iii, 139-141. — Porter (TV. H.) Chronic alcoholism, meningeal and cerebral hemorrhages, angiolithic tumors of the choroid plexus. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 52. — Potain. Alcoolisme et congestion chronique du foie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 765.—Raynaud (M.) Effets de l'intoxication alcoolique aigue; pneumonie purulente & foyers multiples; conges- tion pulinonaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, liii, 441.—ISen- du. Note sur deux cas d'alcoolisme subaigu ayant donne lien a des accidents comparables a ceux de l'ictere giave. France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 593; 602. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 155-163. — Rouxcau (A.) Alcoolisme et gangrene. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1884-5, iii, 134-137.—Savory (\V. S.) Note on a phase of intoxica- tion. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 534. — Sol les (E.) Alcool- isme avec processus hemorrhagique. Inhis: Etudes de clin. interne, Par., 1879, 58-63. — Steell (G.) A case of the dropsy of alcoholic heart-failure. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1891-2, xv, 226-229. -----. Heart-failure as a result of chronic alcoholism. Ibid., 1893, xviii, 1-22, 1 chart—Tangeman (C. W.) Effect of alcohol on the eye. Cincin. Lancet - Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 433-435. [Discussion], 440-442.—Uhthoff (\V.) Ueber die Veriin- derungen des Augenhintergrnndes in Folge von Alkoho* lismus, sowie iiber die pathologisch-anatomischen Veriin- derungen bei der Alkoholarablyopie. Berl. klin. "Wchn- schr., 1884, xxi. 385-388. [Discussion], 397. -----. Unter- suchungen iiber den Einfluss des chronischen Alkoholis- mus auf das menschliche Sehorgan. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1886, xxxii, 4. Abth. 95-188, 5 pi.: 1887, xxxiii, 1. Abth., 257-318—Westcott (W.) Alcoholic poisoning in London, and heart disease as its fatal result. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1892, xiv, 1-7.—Westphal (C.) Ueber eine bei chronischen Alcoholistcn beobachtete Form von Gehstorung. Charite-Ann.. Berl., 1879, iv, 395-404. Also, in his.: Ges. Abhandl., 8~J, Berl., 1892, ii, 803-810.—Zan. grilli (A.) Sopra due casi di alcoolismo cronico; note cliiiiche. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1880, vi, 69-71. Alcoholism (Jurisprudence of). See, also. Alcoholic drinks (Legislation relat- ing to); Alcoholism and heredity; Combustion ( Spontaneous ); Inebriates ( Legislation relating to). Brillaud-Laujardiere (C.-C.) De 1'ivress.e considered dans ses consequences m&lico-legales. •^ . Paris, 1666. van Collex (J.) ■ * Diss, juridica iuaug. de homocidio in ebrietate commisso. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1777. CrItica me'dico-antropologica de los articulos 31, 33, 9b, 96, 636 y 637 del nuevo proyecto de Codigo penal de 1885. [Por Ignacio Vaienti y Vivo. J 8°. Barcelona, 166b. Gallavardix. Alcoolisme et criminality. Traitement m6dical de l'ivrognerie et de l'ivresse. 12° Paris, 1669. Legrand du Saulle. Rapport nie'dico-16gal sur un cas d'alcoolisme subaigu, avec simulation de l'auine'sie et de l'6pilepsie. Affaire Caillot— double assassiuat. 8°. Paris, [1875]. Rover - Collard ( H.-A.-R. ) * Alcoolisme; coma alcoolique; responsabilite legale des al- cooliques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1891. Stearns (H. P.) The drunkard and his re- sponsibility. 8°. Hartford, 1884. Vetault (V.) * Des conditions de la responsa- bilite au point de vue pe"nal chez les alcoolises. 4°. Paris, 1687. Winslow (L. F.) On uncontrollable drunken- ness considered as a form of mental disorder, with the only possible means of legally dealing with such cases. 12°. London, 1892. Albano (G.) Ubriachezza e responsabilita nel pro- getto di codice penale (Lanardelli). Arch, di psichiat. etc., Torino, 1888, ix, 380; 500.—Albertotti. Alcoolismo ■in parricida con sintomi di pellagra. Ibid., 1882, iii, 216- (220.—Ayer (W.) Inebriates should be punished by death for homicide. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1889, xxxii, 17- 20.—Baker (L. W.) The medico-legal treatment of com- mon inebriates. Med.-Leg. J., N. T., 1887-8, v, 410-414.— Bell(C) The medical jurisprudence of inebriety. Ibid., 288-298. A ho, Reprint. Also: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1888, x, 16-23. Aho: Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1888, ix, 30-37. -----. Recent judicial evolution as to criminal responsibility of inebriates. Med.-Leg. J., N. T., 1892-3, x, 259-264. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 195.— Borobio Diaz (P.) jLa embriaguez, debe eximir de responsabilidad criminal? Gac. d. sanid. mil., Madrid, 1882, viii, 442; 464.—Bill aril (J.) & Lafargue. Alcoo- lisme; vols, escroqueries; ordonnance de non-lieu. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1874, 440-468.— C'louston (T. S.) Diseased cravings and paralyzed con- trol; dipsomania; morphinoniania; chloralism; cocainisru. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1890, xii, 203; 305.—Crothers (T. D.) The scientific study of inebriate criminals. Ibid., 1888, x, 8-15. Also: Alienist 6c Neurol., St. Louis, 1888, ix, 38-45. Also: Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1888-9, vi, 44-53. -----. Should inebriates be punished by death for crime? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 473-475. Also: Med.-Leg. -L, N. Y., 1888-9, vi, 267-275. Also, Reprint. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 284-287. -----. Mental responsi- bility in inebriety. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 189-191. Also: Alienist. & Neurol., St. Louis, 1889, x, 45-52. -----. Medico-legal problems of inebrietv, illustrated by the Swift case. Alienist 6c Neurol., St. Louis, 1889, x, 522-534. -----. Alcohol trance in criminal cases. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1889, xxxvi, 7-10. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 502-505. Aho, transl.: Cong, internat. de ni6d. ment. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890,465-474. -----. Some new medico-legal questions relating to inebriety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 161-164. Also: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 555-565. -----. Medico-legal superstitions concerning criminal inebriates. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 259 - 264. Aho, Reprint. -----. Should inebriates be punished by death for crime? Charlotte [N. Cl M. J., 1895, vii, 542-547. — C'ullcrre (A.) La responsabilite des alcooliques aux l5tats-Unis. [ Rev. (Tit. ] Ann. med.- psych., Par., 1889, 7. s., x, 406-416.— Davczac (J.) L'al- coolisme et la medecine legale. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1891-2, xxi, 13-15. — Be Armaiul (J. A.) The medico- legal aspect of inebriety. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890. xxii, 161-163. — Becaisne (E.) La responsabilite des alcooliques. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1885, xxx, 152. — Dyett (A. R.) The medical jurisprudence of ine- briety. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1887-8,v, 305-310. — Evans ALCOHOLISM.. 238 ALCOHOLISM. Alcoholism (Jurisprudence of). ( 1. B. ) The responsibility nf dipsomaniacs. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1890. xii, 253-261. —Fisher (T. \V.) In- sane drunkards; their medico-legal relations. Med. Com- municat. Mass. M. See., Lost.. 1881. xii. 315-335. Aho [Abstr.]: Quart. •!• Inebr., Hartford. 18*0. iv. 15-23.— Fornn (M. A.) Alcohol as a defend, for crime. Cleve- land M. Gaz.. 1895-6, xi, 67-73. — 1 rimoiit (E. A. ) In- ebriety and criminal responsibility in Mexico, under the penal code of Vera Cruz. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1885-6, iii, 393-395. — Funaioli ( P. ) Omicidio mancato ( fre- nosi alcoolica), nerizia medieo-legale. Cron. d. manic. di Sienna, 1887, x'iii, .>2-93.—fiairduer (W. T.) Drunk- enness and dipsomania; medical and legal preventives and remedies. Birmingh. M. Kev.. 1890. xxvii, 1-25.— Ocbhardt (F.) Der Kampf der Miissigkeitsvereiue ge- gen den Genuss alkoholischer Getriinke. Friedreich's Bl. f. uerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1893, xliv, 81-113.— iieili (C.) Alkohol og Tilregnelighed. [Alcohol aud responsibility.] Ugcsk. f. Larger, Kjebenh., 1892, 4. IL. xxvi. 527; 547; 569: 1893. 4. R., xxvii, 81; 121; 145.—Haigh (T. D.) Some of the medico-legal aspects of inebriety. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1889. xxiii, 413-420. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington. 1890, 67-74. — Hughes ( C. H.) The status ebrietatis in our courts. Med.-Le°. New York, 1687. White (P. S.) cV Pleasants (H. R.) The war of four thousand years; being a connected history of the various efforts made to suppress the vice of intemperance in all ages ofthe world from the foundation of the class of Nazarites by Moses to the institution of the order of the Sous of Temperance, inclusive. 12°. Philadelphia, 1646. Bekampfung (Die) des Alkoholismus. [Rev. by L. Lewin.] Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg., 1888, xx, 426-441.—Bergeron (J.) La lutte con- tre les progres de l'alcoolisme en Europe. Eev. d'hyg., Par., 1893, xv, 673-082. Aho: Kev scient., Par., 1893,' Iii, 333-336.—Bergeron (J.) it Laborilc. Les mesures prophylactiques contre l'alcoolisme, Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 675— Horner (H.-E.-) *Sur lo syst eine dit: Gothenburg system. [Bap.] Compt.-rend. du Cong, in- ternat. contre Tabus d. boissons alcool., Gravenh., 1893, iv, 268-277.—Borgcsius (H. G.) Der Kanipf gegen den Al- koholismus in don Niederlanden. Internal. Cong. f. Hyg. n. Demog. Arb., Wien. 1887, vi, Hft. 7, 32-42. [Discus- sion], 79-112.—Burnett (MarvW.) Prohibition and ine- briety. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1888-9, vi, 62-68.—Burt (S. S.) The prevention of intemperance. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1891-2, vii, 91. Also, Reprint. — Custer ( G.) Der Kanipf gegen den Alkoholismus in der Schweiz. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1883, ii, 133-135.—Dis- cussion sur la prophylaxie de alcoolisme. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1895, 3. a., xxxiii, 646: 1895, 3. s., xxxiv, 52; 83; 130; 175.—Duckworth (Sir D.) The relation of al- coholism to public health, and the methods to be adopted tor its prevention. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hvg. 6c De- mog. 1891, Lond., 1892. i, 191-200.—Pinkclnbiirg. Ue- ber die Aufgaben des Staates zur Bekampfung der Trunk- sucht. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb. (1881), 1882. x, 1-26.— Flood (P. O.) Die Bekampfung des Alkoholismus. Internat. Cong. f. Hvg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1877, vi. Hft. 7, 1-31. [Discus- sion], 79-112.—Gausler (M.) Der Alkoholismus und seine Bekampfung in Oesterreieh. Ibid., 60-78. [Discus- sion] 79-112.—OcflTckcn. Die Branntweinsteur-Frage in Beziehung auf die Verininderung der Trunksucht. In: Wissensch. Beitr. ■/.. Kanipf gegen d. Alkoholismus, 8°, Bonn, 1886, Hft. 4,133-151.— Ctiiillaiime. La lutte centre l'alcoolisme en Suisse. Internat. Cons;, f. Hyg. u. Deniog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, Hft. 7, 47-59. [Discussion], 79-112.— Ilartniniin-Oiger (J.) Der Kanipf gegen den Alko- holismus. Hyirieia. Stuttg., 1891, iv, 399-406.—Heynian (E.) Auf welche Weise kann man am besten dem Miss- brauch von Alkohol vorbeugen? Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. ]c84. Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de med. pub. et d'hyg., 62-71. — l.ammcr* (A.) Bekam- pfung des Alkoholismus. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. De- mog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, Hft. 7, 43-46. [Discussion], 79-112. — Liardiei-. L'intoxication alcoolique, maladie endemique: sa prophylaxie. Bull. med. d. Vosges, iSpinal, 1892-3, vii, no. 27, 24-43.—Beforme (La) de 1'impOt des boissons; la question de toxicologic et d'hygiene. Tri- bune med., Par.. 1895, 2. s., xxvii, 447; 467; 489; 507; 527; 547.—Selnier (H.) Quelques remarques sur les moyens d'empecher l'abus des boissons alcooliques. Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de med. pub. et d'hyg., 110-113. — Serieux (P. ) L'assistance des alcooliques eu Suisse et en Allemagne. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Gaud ct Leipz , 1895,33- 75.—Siemens. Zur Frage der Entniundigung der Alko- holiker. Preuss. Med. Beamten Ver. Off. Ber., Berl. 1890, viii, 25-36.—Stark. Schlussoeric.ht der Commis- sion des arztlich-hygienischen Vereins, betreffend die Be- kampfung der Trunksucht in EIsass-Lothringen. Arch. f. oft. Gsndtspflg., Strassb., 1884, ix, 88-91. — Wcster- «aard (H.) Alcoholism in relation to public health, and tlie methods to he adopted for its prevention. Tr. vii. In- ternat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Loud., 1892, i, 201-208. Aho: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1891, n. F., i, 1-12. -----. Zur Alkoholfrage in Danemark. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1892, xviii, 105. Alcoholism (Psychology of). See, also, Alcoholism (Jurisprudence of); De- lirium tremens; Dipsomania. Babilee (W.) *Des troubles de la memoire dans l'alcoolisme et plus particulierernent de l'amnesie alcoolique. 4°. Paris, 1686. Bassin (G.) #Recherches cliniques sur l'al- coolisme clirouique teudaut a la demence. 4C. Paris, 1888. Dourisboure (A.) * Des id6es de persecution dans l'alcoolisme. 4°. Paris, 1890. Dreyfous (F.) De l'hysterie alcoolique. 8°. Paris, 1668. Terrikn (F.) *Des modes de terminaison du dclire alcoolique. 4°. Paris, 1886. Wright (T. L.) Inebriism, a pathological aud psychological study. 12°. Columbus, Ohio, 1867), Zapps (W. [T. K.]) *Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von deu Alkohol-Psychosen. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1691. Ayer (J. B.) Alcoholic mania in connection with acute disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 180-182. — Bail- larger. Hallucinations produites par l'abus des liqueurs alcooliques; gu6rison de plusieurs accfes successifs ob- tenue tres rapidement par l'administration du vin de colo- quinte. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1881, 6. s., v, 434.—Bird (R.) Remarks on the nature of drink craving and its management. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. 1889-90, xvi, 599-610. — Clhaddock (C. G.) The visual imagery of alcoholic delirium. Alienist & .Neurol., St. Louis, 1892, xiii, 86-90. — t'loiiston (T. S.) Diseased cravings and paralysed control: dipsomania; morphinomania; chloral- ism; cocainism. Edinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv, 508; 689; 793; 985.—toe (H. C.) Hysterical manifestations due to alcohol. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 18S14, vii, 135-137.— Crothers (T. D.) Cerebral trance, or loss of conscious- ness and memory in inebriety. Quart. J. Inebr., Hart- ford, 1880, iv, 1-14. -----. Psychical traumatism in ine- briety; a clinical study. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1883, n. s., viii, 222-233. -----. Alcoholic trance. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1884-5, xxvi, 187-194. -----. Mental con- tagion in inebriety. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 624- 626. -----. States of delirium in inebriety. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1886, vii, 44-50. Aho, Reprint. -----. Inebriety caused by psychical traumatism. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1891, 119-132.—Dagonct (H.) Du reve et du d61ire alcoolique. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1889, 7. s., x, 193; 337. — Denting (W.) Characteristics of al- coholic delirium. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Conn., 1881-2, i, 97. — Doutrebente. Voyage d'un alcoolique au pays des chim^res; sommaire: alcoolisme chronique; hallucinations de tous les sens; craintes imaginaires; in- somnie; voyage fantastique dans la banlieue et k tra vers les rues de Paris au milieu d'une monde de fantomes; frayeurs; fuite desordonn6e; tentative d'escalade d'une grille de l'6glise Saint-Joseph; arrestation. France m6d., Par., 1880, Xxvii, 393; 401. — Ergolsky (V. N.) Samoo- govor v sostojanii alkohol. melancholii. [Self-accusations in the alcoholic state of melancholy. 1 Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov, 1893, xxi, no. 2, 139-146.—Fox (B. B.) Exalta- tion in chronic alcoholism. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxx, 233-247. — Hubbard (D. L.) Alcoholism and men- tal paralysis: a quart of champagne. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xli,'53-55. — Kalischcr ( S. ) Ein Beitrag zu den Ps\chosen des chronischen Alkoholismus. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1889, ii, 417-430. —Iientz. Observations de manie anibitieuse alcoolique. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1886, no. 42, 17-37.-Lendct (T.- E\) De l'etat mental des alcoolises. Cong, period, inter- nat. d. sc. med. C.-r. Brux., 1875, Par., 1876, cl-clix. Also, in his: Etudes do path, et de clin. m6d., 8°, Par., 1801, iii. 388-404.—lij'kkc (I.) Om Hjerualkoholisme. [Caseof cerebral alcoholism.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjebeuh., 1893, 4. R., i, 245-259.— Hann (F.W.) Alcoholic hallucination. Physi- cian & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1889, xi, 481-493. Also: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1889-90, xlvi, 439-450. Also: Tr. Detroit M. Sc Libr. Ass., 1890, 1-18. Also: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1891, xiii, 205-220.—JInson (L. D.) Al- coholic insanity. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1883, v, 241: 1884, vi, 30; 93; 161; 239. -----. Delusions as to locality a prominent symptom in the mental derangement of chronic alcoholism, with a tendency to dementia. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1892, xix, 397. — IVassc (W.) Insanity of ine- briety; with symptoms of persecution. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1882. iv, 151-153.—Potter (T. E.) The relations between spirit drinking, insanity, and crime. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii, 100-117. — Bothe (A.) Alkoho- lizin, czyliotrucie wyskokowo jegb wplyw na rozwoj i ponuiozeuie sie. chor6b umyslowych w kroju i zagranica. | Alcoholism, its influence in inducing and multiplying mental diseases at home and abroad.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1882, 2. s., ii, 656; 681; 703; 732; 750; 773; 798; 819; 841; 855; 880; 899, Also [Rev. | : Ann. med. i>sych., ALCOHOLISM. 240 ALCOHOLISM. Alcoholism (Psychology of). Par., 1884, 6. s., xi, 121-132.—BiikscII (I.) The psycho- logical aspect of alcoholism. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1881. ii, 61-66.—Thomas (F. S.) Morbid longings, their causes and results. Vis med., Des Moines, 1891, i, 199.— \Vright(T. L.) Drunkenness; its influence on morality. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 297-304. Alcoholism (Treatment of). See, also, Inebriates (Hospitals for). Ballou (H. S.) On the law of stimulation, or drunkenness and its cure. A new system, the practical results of which are compared with those of the New York State Inebriate Asylum, Binghamton, as per exhibit superintendent's last annual report. 8°. [n. p., 1868. ] Banner (The) of Gold. N. A. Eeed, jr., edi- tor. [Weekly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-9, Feb. 10,1-^2-96. fol. Chicago, Bi-Chloride of Gold Publishing Co. Current. Beldan (G.) Ueber die Trunksucht una er- suche ihrer Behandlung mit Strychnin. 8°. Jena, 1892. Berti (T.) Alcoolismo col trattato degli ec- citanti moderni di O. di Balzac. 12°. Roma, ltt-"J. Blodgett (A. X. ) The management of chronic inebriates and insane drunkards. 8C. [Boston, 1662.] Cutting from: The Unitarian Review, 1882, 493-514. Boston. Report of commission on the treat- ment of drunkenness in city institutions. City Doe. No. 85. 8°. [Boston,'1877.] Cauderlier (E.) Les remedes a l'alcoolisme en Belgique. 8°. Bruxelles, 1887. Clark (C. S.) The perfect Keeley cure; in- cidents at Dwight, and "Through the valley of the shadow" into the perfect light. 3. ed. 12°. Milwaukee, 1893. Collection (A) of evidence showing the happy influence of Dr. [William] Chambers's celebrated medicine in the cure of habitual in- temperance and its beneficial effects in invigor- ating aud restoring the constitution. 16°. Neiv York, 1627. Flinn (I. J.) The Keeley league and its pur- pose. Cutting from.- Am. J. Politics, N. V., 1892, i, 654-666. Hargreaves (F. B. ) Gold as a cure for drunkenness. Being an account of the double chloride of gold discovery recently made by Dr. L. E. Keeley, of Dwight, Ills. 3. ed. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] Keeley (L. E.) A popular treatise on drunk- enness and the opium habit and their successful treatnient with the double chloride of gold, the only cure. 16°. [Dwight, III., 1890.] ------. Drunkenness a curable disease. Cutting from: Am. J. Politics, N. T., 1892, i, 27-43. Keeley League. Eeport of proceedings of the . . . Second general convention, Dwight, Ills., Sept. 13, 14, and 15, 1892. 8°. Pittsburg, Pa., 1692. Li':cuye(M.) * Alcoolisme et strychnine. 4°. I'aris, 1862. Loner (G.) Ordinis et methodi cognoscendi, prtecavendi, curaudi ebrietatem et inde ortam crapulam editio secunda. 4°. Jena', 1670. Peddle (A.) The necessity for some legalised arrangements for the treatment of dipsomania, or the drinking insanity. 8°. Edinburgh, 1857. ------. Thesame. 6'-. Edinburgh, 1858. Quarterly Review of Narcotic Inebriety. Edited by I. A. Loveland. v. 1-2. 8°. Gilsam, N. H, 1686-9. Head (O.) The student on the prairie Cutting from: Belford's Monthly, Chicago, 1892, ix, 685- Alcoholism (Treatment of). Tuckey (C. L.) Do waarde van het hypno- tisme bij chronisch alcoholisme. Uit het En- gelsch vertaald ouder toezicht van Dr. F. van Eeden. 8°. Amsterdam, 1692. Willett (J.) The drunkard's diseased appe- tite, what is it? If curable, how? By miracu- lous agency or physical means, which ? 6\ Fort Hamilton, 1877. Abbott (S.W.) The bi-cbloride of gold fraud. Boston M. A: S. J., 1892, exxvi, 75.—Baker (L. TV.) How shall we deal with the inebriate ? Quart. J. Inebr.. Hartford, 1889, xi, 136-142. Also, Reprint. — Balabanoir (G. S.) K vopr. o liechen. alkoholisma strichninom. [Treatnient of alcoholism by strychnine.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1888, vi, 652. — Bannister (H. M.) Tbe bi-chloride of gold cure for inebriety. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1891-2, xlviii, 470-475. — Barber (C. F.) Treatment of inebriety. Med. Rec, N. T., 1886, xxx, 317.—Barr (J.) Clinical lecture on alcoholic asthenia. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 55; 107.—Bath (G. TV.) Review of eight cases treated for tho liquor habit by the hypodermic injections of strychnine and atropine St. Louis Clinique, 1894, vii, 339-342.—Bamluy (J. K.) The results of treatment in over eight hundred cases of alcoholism. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv, 485-494.—Bolton (II. C.) Historical notes on the gold-cure. Pop. Sc. Month., N. V., 1892, xii, 469- 474. Also, Reprint.— Braudci. Iagttagolser over For- sog paa at afvsenne Drankere ved Dr. Monro's saakaldte Guldkur. [On Dr. Monro's so-called gold cure, etc.J Ugesk. f. La«ger, Kj0benh., 1892, 4. R., xxv, 595-608.— Breed (W. IL) Treatment of alcoholism by strychniu nitrate hypodermatically. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 365-368.—Broady (F. O.) Remarks on the treatment of the opium and the whiskey habits. Physio-Med. J., Indi- anap., 1895, xxi, 376-379.—Burson (S. W.) Hotwaterin acute alcoholism. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1893, v, 155- 158.—Bushnell (G. E.) The treatment of chronic alco. holism by hypnotic suggestion. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 337-343.—Carter (C. C.) A method of treating alco- holism. Ibid., 1895, lxvi, 279—Chaddock (C. G.) The "specifics" for inebriety. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1892, xi, 1-3. — Chapman (C. F.) Tbe bichloride of gold treatment of dipsomania. Chicago M. Recorder, 1893, iv, 104-111. -----. Reply to Dr. Keeley. Ibid., 415. — Cos- grave (E. M.) Liquor habit cures. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lvii, 462-464. — Creed (J. M.) A case of dipsomania cured under hypuotic suggestion. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 269.—Crothers (T. D.) Are inebriates curable? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 923-927. -----. The chloride of gold cure for ine- briety. Med. Rec, N. V., 1891, xl, 613. -----. Specifics for the cure of inebriety. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892, xii, 732-739. Aho : J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 204- 207. -----. Medical care and treatment of inebriety. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1893, xliv, 135-137. -----. Hypnotism in the management of inebriety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 933-935. — Daniel (F. E.) Tho so-called bi- chloride treatnient; its relation to the medical profession and to the people. Texas Sanitarian, Austin, 1892-3, ii, 365-374.—Dibble (L.) The Keeley cure, and its effects upon the eve. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 337-339, Aho : N. Am. M. Rev., Kansas City, 1895-6, iii, 428-430.- Dillcr (T.) Tho nature and treatment of alcoliolic ine- briety. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1892, vi, 225-229. —Doforon- ravoff (P. A.) K vopr. o lachen. alkogolizma strichuin. [Treatment of alcoholism by strvclmiue.J Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxvii, 880-892. — Dujardin - Bcamnetz. Du traitement de l'alcoolisme par la strychnine. Lull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1884, cvi, 1-5. — Dunham (S. A.) Alcoholism, with suggestions as to treatment; statistics for Buffalo. Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 549-553.—Earle (C. TV.) The cinchona cure for intemperance. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1880, xl, 128- 144. Also, Reprint. — Eiiilemanii (F.) Ueber die ge- setzliche Behandlung der Trunksucht, mit besonderer 15e- riicksichtigung der Verhandlungen des 21. deutschen Ju- ristentages. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1892, xi, 15-31.—Enfield (A.) The cure of the alcohol disease, from a physiological point of view. Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1892, lxvi, 450-453.—Evans (B.D.) Keeley- ism and Keeley methods, with some statistic^. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 477-484. —Fabricius (F. W. A.) Ra- tional therapy of alcoholism; a clinical study. Ibid., 1895, lxvi, 477-483. — Ferreira (C.) Do emprego da estrychi nina no alcoolismo. Uniao med., Rio do Jan., 1884. iv, 159- 163. — Fiske (J. P.) Some peculiar effects from large doses of hyoscinein acaseof acute alcoholism. Med. Rec, N. V., 1893, xliv, 142.—Forcl. Zur Therapie des Alcoho- lismus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 18*8, xxxv, 431-433. -----. TJeber die Behandlung der narcotischen Suchtcn und specieller des Alcoholismus; Erfolge der Trinkerheil- statte Ellikon. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1893, xxiii, 306-310. -----. Sur la cure des buveurs. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 272-274. -Godneff (LV.) 0 lie- cheuii alkoholizma strichninom. fTreatmc-nt of alcoliol- ALCOHOLISM. 241 ALCOHOLISM. Alcoholism (Treatment of). ism by strychnine.] Dnevnik obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan. univ.! 1889, no. 4,1-11.—Oranfeit (A.) luoiuatauti, sen hoito ja parantamiuen. Resume. L'ivrognerie, son traite- ment et sa guerison. Duodecim, Helsingissa, 1889, v, 83; 99.— Crav i I. L. ) The chloride of gold cure* for drunkenness. Chicago M. Rec. 1891, ii, 307-311. [ Dis- cussion], 341 -350— 4*rceu (C. T.) The treatment by sug- gestion, with cure in four sittings, of a man addicted to the abuse of alcohol, bromides, and chloral. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1895, xvii,307-309—Oretehinski (V.P.) Kava- kava,kaksredstvoprotiv chron. alkoholizma. [... a remedy in chronic alcoholism.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1888, vi, 461-464. — Helm (E. C.) Alcoholism; its tieatmeut, from an analysis of one hundred and twenty-live cases. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1879, xxxix, 623-626. — Hughes (C. H.j Outline therapeuticsof chronic alcoholism. Alien ist & Neurol., St. Louis. 1882, iii, 85-87. -----. Tin sue cessful management of inebriety without secrecv in thera- peutics. Ibid., 1894. xv, 1-11. Also, Reprint. — Hutch- in»ou iJ. II.) Svmptoms and treatment of alcoholism. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1*80-81. Phila., 1881, iii, 141-148. Ah": Phila. M.Times. 1880-M.xi.687-693. [Discussion],698- 700.—Journet 6c Bonunud. Sur le traitement de l'al- coolisme par les injections de sulfate de strychnine a haute dose. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1885, cviii, 177.— Kahlbaum. Ein iuternationaler Vorschlag zur latio- nelleu Behaudlung der Dipsomanie. Verhandl. d. x. inter- nat. med. Cong. 189o. Berl.. 1891, iv, 9. Abth., 108-114. Also: Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 1195; 1233.— Keeley (L. E.) The bichloride of gold treatment for dypsomauia. Chicago M Recorder, 1*93. iv, 412-414.— Keeley (The) cure. Formulary ..t Ding. Mag., West- field, N. Y., 1892, vii, 41-51.— Keeley (The) cure for drunkenness. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 399.— Keeley i The) cure versus the rational treatment of in- ebriety. Iioston M. Jc S. J., 1*95, cxxxii, 550. — Knhu (F.) Znachen. strichnina prilcchen. alkoholizma. [Treat- ment of alcoholism by strychnia.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxviii, 341-371. — Eadauie. Le traite- ment des buveurs et des dipsomnnes par lbypnotisine. Rev. de 1'hypnot. exper. et therap , Par., 1887-8, ii, 129; 165. Also, transl.: Internal, klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1890, iv, Mil; 9. (K.) Des traumatismes chez les alcooliques. Presse nied. beige Brux., 1880, xxxii, 370-373.—Influencia del alcoholismo en el prondstico de los traumatismes. Bol. demed. y cirug. de Jaeu, 1879, i, 1-3.—I.emoiiic. Alcoolisme; mort k la suite de blessures legeres; autopsie. Soc. de nied ](>berdie Einwirkung der Sal- petersanre auf Aldehyde und Ketone, insbeson- deve auf DimethylkeTon. 8°. Leipzig, 1694. Bikckxer (W. G.) * Ueber einige Abkomtn- linge der Aldehydosalicvlsiiuren. 8C. Berlin, 1692. Bistrzycki ([C. A.] A.) * Ueber die Opian- unddiePhthalaldehydsaure. 8-. Berlin, [1892]. Boxgaktz (J.) * Ueber Yerbinduugeu It Al- dehyde, Ketone und Ketonsiiuren mit der Thio- glycolsaure und der Thiacetsiiure, sowie iiber eine eigenthiimliche Condensation der Thiacet- siiure. [Erlangen.] 8°. Aachen, 1887. Causse (H.-E.) * Actiou des ald6hydes sur les phenols polyvaleuts. Ac6tals aromatiques. 4°. Paris, 1893. Durkopf (E.) * Zur Kenntniss des Aldehyd- collidius. >°. Kiel, 1886. Fasbexder (H.) *Zur Kenntniss des Aethy- leumercaptans und Thioresorcins und ihrer Ver- bindungen mit Aldehyden, Ketoneu und Keton- siiuren. [Erlangen.] 8°. Freiburg i. />., 18^8. Fvxx (E.) *Zur Kenntnis der snbstituierten ■ Orthoaldehydosiiuren. 12°. Berlin, 1893. Gehrexbeck (C.) *Zur Kenntniss des Para- nitrozimmtaldebydes. [Erlangen.] 6-'. Aachen, 1888. Heller (H.) *U/eber die Einwirkung von Amidoacetal auf Anisaldehyd, Salicylaldehyd, Anisylchlorid und Salicvlsauremethylester. 8°. Berlin, 1694. Huxsalz (C. M. P.) * Ueber den Hydrazido- acetaldehyd. 8°. Berlin, 1694. Mehxe (P.) * Ueber Condensation von Fur- furol mit Monochloraldehyd uud ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Nitrosobasen. 8°. Erlangen, 1388. Mozdzyxski (G.) * Ueber das einfache und bimoleculare Aethyliden-as-m-Xylidin und iiber die Condensationsproducte von zwei Molekel Acetaldehyd mit einem Molekel nirXylidin. [Erlangen.] 6~->, Miinchen, 1895. Muxkert (A.) * Beitrage zur Synthese von Indenderivaten. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1890. L b j Xikolitsch (M.) * Ueber eiuige Abkomm- linge des p-Thyniotiualdehyds. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Oehlert (G. J.) * Ueber Condensationspro- dukte vou Ortho-Aldehydosiiuren mit Pheuolen. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Pistor (G.) *Die Einwirkung von Alde- hyden auf Nitrosokorper. 8°. Berlin, 1694. Pouchet (A. G.) * Propn(U6s gen6rales des aldehydes. 4°. Paris, 1883. Rose (F.) *Einwirkung des i/'-cumylhydra- zins auf Zuckerarten, Ketone und Aldehyde. 8 . Berlin, 1894. Schuckmaxx (F.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von Aldehyden auf Orthodiamiue. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1892. Aldehyde and derivatives. Tomxg (K.) *Zur Kenntniss der Reimer- Tieinanuschen Reaction: kritische Studien iiber die Darstellung von o.- und p.-Oxybenzaldeliyd und o.- und p.-Mononitroobenzaldehyd. Ueber Xylidin 1, 2, 4. [Erlangen.] 8°. Velzen, 1890. Woi.teking (P. M. J. M. E.) *Over het ontstaan en de wijze van opsporing van alde- hyde in aefliylaleoiiol. [Utrecht.] 8°. 's Her- togenbosch, 1891. ZiEtiEXBKUOU (L.) * Ueber die Einwirkung der Aldehyde auf Phenylinethylpyrazolon. 8 . Jena, 1891. Albertoni (P.) Sc I'iwcnti (Ct.) Ueber die Wirkung des Aldehydes auf den tierisehen Organismus. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensob., Berl., 1888, xxvi. 401. — C'auibicr (L.) & IS rot-he I (A.) Sur la production de l'aldehyde formique gazeux destine a la desinfectien. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxix, G07-009.-----------. Sur la desinfection des locaux par l'aldehyde formiqne nazeuse. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1895, xvii, 120-130. Also [Abstr! 1: Ann. de microg., Par., 1895, vii, 89-102. — Chantai-ri. Re- cherches sur les aldehydes de la s6rie grasse. Rev. scient.. Par., 1889. xliii, 000. — Colin (R.) Leber das Auftretea acetylirter Verbindungen nach Darreichung von Aldehy- den. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1892-3, xvii, 274- 310.—<»iacoKa (P.) Studio sull' azione dell' aldeide am- moniaca. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1886-7, x, 293- 310.—iVIarie (R.) Note sur l'emploi de l'aldehyde formi- que ou fonnol comme r6actif fixateur et durcissant (lea centres nervenx. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 992.—Miquel (P.) Contribution nouvelle a l'etude de la desint'eetion par les vapeurs d'ald6byde formiqne. Ann. de microg., Par., 1894, vi, 588-595. — iPottevin (FT.) Re- cherches sur le pouvoir antiseptique de l'aldehyde formi- que. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 796-810. Aldehyde (Formic). Sec Formaldehyde. Aldcn (Charles H.) The special training ofthe medical officer, -with brief notes on army med- ical schools abroad and at home. An address delivered before the Association of Military Sur- geons of the United States, at Washington, D. C, May 3, 1894. 15 pp. 8°. Washington, 1694. AQden (Ebenezer) [1788-1881]. Memorial. Ebenezer Alden, M. D. [Com- memorative sketch, by Rev. Increase N. Tarbox. Address at the funeral service, by Rev. John C Larabee. Remarks at the funeral service, by the Hon. Alpheus Hardy.] 8°. [Boston, 1881.] See, also, Boston M. &■. S. J., 1881, civ, 116. Aho: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 494 (L. F. Warner). Alder (Thomas). A concise statement of the most important of the difficulties and imperfec- tions of medicine; of the causes of them, and of the remedies for them. 19 pp. 4°. London, J. Murray, 1805. [P., v. 953.] Alders hot Camp. See, also, Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by locali- ties. Aldcrshol: the sanitary and social conditions. Lan- cet, Lond., 1895, i, 771; 828. — Meiilon (E. 15.) Special report on the condition of the Aldersbot Camp sewage farm. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1895, ii, 222. Aldci'SOll (Frederick Henry). The wants of the general practitioner of the present day. An in- augural address,delivered before tbe West Lon- don Medico-Chirurgical Society, October 8th, 1886. 30 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall j- Cox, 1686. -----. Medical attendance for the sick poor, not paupers. 11 pp. 12°. [London, 1887.] Repr.from: Prov. M. J., Lond., 1887, vi. \ lder»on (Sir James) [1795-1882]. iH.-ii-»hall (J.) Biography. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1883, lxvi, 1(1-12— Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1882. ii, 510. — Obituary. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1882, ii, 395. Alderson (John) [1758-1829]. An essay on the nature and origin of the contagion of fevers. 1 p. 1., 58 pp. 8J. Hull, G. Prince, 1788. [P., v. 1176.] ALDERSON. 244 ALEKSEYEFF. Alderson (John)—continued. ------. An essay on the Rhus toxicodendron, with cases of its efficacy in the cure of palsy, and dis- orders of the stomach, etc. 4. ed., to which is added an essay on apparitions, read to the Lit- erary Society at Hull, 1*05. vii, 70 pp. 8°. Hull, jirinted bi/ M. W. Carroll; London, Longman [and others], 1811. Aldibei't (Arthur) [1863- ]. Valeur scuie'- iologique des signes pseudo-cavitaires dans les affections pulmonaires de l'enfance. 10 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1890]. Repr.from: Kev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii. ------. Deux cas d'adenopathie tracbeobronclii- que avec h6moptysies foudroyantes. 8 pp. 8\ [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1891]. Repr.from: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1891, ix. ------. Du traitement chirurgical de l'invagiua- tion intestinale chez l'enfant. 15 pp. 8C. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1692]. Repr. from: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1892, x. ------. * De la laparotomie dans la pe"ritonite tu- berculeuse (e"tudie~e plus specialenient chez l'en- fant). 186 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1892, No. 139. ------. Tho same. 188 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1892. Aldine. Ellinger(A.) * Ueber einige Condensations- producte aus Aniidoneetal. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Glyoxalins uud der Aldiue. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Aldiilger (Julius). * Die Arorteile der Massage- behandlung bei Malleolen-Fracturen. [Erlan- gen.] 33pp.,11. 8°. Fiirth,S.Frdnkel,[1891], [Aldini fCiovanni)] [1702-1831]. Dell' uso e dell' attivita dell' arco conduttore nelle contra- zioui dei ninscoli. 108 pp. 8-\ Bologna, 1794. [P., v. 1883.] ------. General views on the application of gal- vanism to medical purposes; principally in cases of suspended animation, viii, 96 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Callow, 1819. ■------. Recherches expe"rimentales sur ^applica- tion ext^rieure de la vapeur pour ^chauffer l'eau daus la filature de la soie. Trad, de l'italien sur la2. 6d., et augmented. 42 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Mine. Huzard, 1819. [P., v. 1806.] See, also, 4«alvani (Aloysius) [in 1. s.]. De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari, [etc.]. 4°. Mutince 1792. Aldis (Charles) [1775(?)-1863]. Observations on the nature aud cure of glandular diseases, espe- cially those denominated, cancer, and ou the too frequent use of mercury; strongly recommended to the serious consideration of every individual. With a detail of various cases in which cancer has been completely removed without the use of the knife, and in an appendix two cases: I. Of fissure of the cranium. II. Of preternatural enlargement of the heart. 2. ed. xiv, 116 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, [E. Gill], 1621. Aldis (C[harles] J[ames] B[erridge]) [1808-72]. General report on the sanitary condition of the Belgrave sub-district, parish of St. George, Han- over Square, and on the qualities of the waters used therein. Presented Jan. 6,1856, and printed by order of the vestry. 29 pp., 1 1., 2 ch. 8:. London, C. Bevan $' Son, [1856?]. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 29 pp., 2 1., 2 ch. 8C. London, [C. Bevan $■ Son, 1857]. -------. Oratio ex Harveii instituto, in sedibus collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis habita die xxixmo. Junii, mdccclix. 23 pp. 4°. Lon- dini, G. Phipps, 1-59. ------. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, by Aldis (C[harles] J[ames] B[erridge])—cont'd. the medical officer of health, to the vestry. 12.-16., 1867-8 to 1*71-2. 8°. London, 1868-72. See, aho, Nehroeder van der Kolk (J. L. C.) [in 1. s.]. An enquiry into the medical properties of iodine [etc.]. *D. London, 1832. ------& Drilltt (Rob.) Quarterly summary of the sickness and mortality of St. George, Han- over Square, and of the proceedings of the med- ical officers of health. Nos. 1-35, 4. qr. of 1*57 to 2. qr. 1866. 8-. London, 1858-6(5. Afldoxime. Dutschke (R.) Zur Kenutnis der Umlage- rung vou Stickstoffatheru der Aldoximc 8-. Erlangen, 1894. ABdrieh (Henry) [1802-86]. Obituary. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1886, Providence, 1887, iii, pt. 4, 375. Aldrich (Thomas B.) * Ueber einige neue Ah- koniniliuge des Phenylmeiliylpyrazolons. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, A. Kdmpfe, 1892. Aldridge (John). Lectures ou the urine and on the pathology, diagnosis, and treatnient of urinary diseases. HO pp., 1 1. 8°. Dublin, S.J. Mache'n, 1816. [P., v. 960; 1054.] Alenrdus de Pindemontibus. De balneis Calderii libellus. 1-159. In: Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis, 1553, ff. 141M43». ------. De virtute balneoruni Caderianorum. In: Balneis (De) omnia qua; extant [etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis, 1553, f. 1891'. Alefeld (Joh. August. Theodor. Christian.) *Diss. leprae historiam succinctam et biuas le- prosorum nuper observatorum historias com- plexa. 32 pp. sm. 4r. Giessce, J. W. Braun, 1800. [P., v. 157.] Aleksaildroff(L[eont.] P[yotrovich]). Viso- koye siechen'ie mochevavo puzirya s nalozhe- n'iem shva. [High operation for stone aud suture of bladder.] 115 pp. 8-'. Moskva, A. S. Iakovlera, 1893. Aleksaudrovski (Mikhail). *K voprosu o razvitii bugorka v kostyakh. [Development of tubercles in bones.] 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Sanktpe- terburg, E. Aruliold, 1674. Aleksandrovski (N[ikolaT] I[vanovich]), Terapia bolieznei dietskavo vozrasta. [Treat- ment of the diseases of infancy.] xxii, 91 pp. 8°. Moskva, S. P. Iakovleff. 1692. Aleksenko (X[ikolai] D[emTanoviek]) [1*62- ]. *K normalnoi i patologicheskoi histolo- giiya'ichnikachelovieka. [. . . of human ovary.] 60 pp., 2 pi., 3 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, brat: Pake- leyevi, 1890. Alekseyeff (A[leksaudr] I[vanovich]). K vo- prosu o inierach borbi s sapom varmii. [On the question of means to suppress glanders in the army.] 16 pp. 6J. S.-Peterburg, R. Golike, 1891. Repr. from: Vet. dielo, St. Petersb., 1891, ix. Alekseyeff (Aleksei [Bonifatyevich]) [1853- ]. 'Material k^usvoyeuiu azota pishtshe- vikk veshtshestvpri upotreblenii kefira. [Data ou the assimilation of nitrogen from food during the use of kephir.] 72, xv pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, V. Avseyenko, 18*8. Alekseyeff (F[oma] K[onstantinovich]). 0 liechenii bieshenstva . nlekotorimi narodniini sredstvanii Ukrainskoi tlori. [Treatment of ra- bies by certain popular remedies from the flora of the Ukraine.] 36 pp. 8°. Kharkov, V. S. Biryukoff, 1869. Alekseyeff (I.) *Kpatologii potovikh zhelyoz. [Pathology of sudoriferous glands.] 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, I. Trei, 1867. Alekseyeff (Iosif). *0 vsasivanii zhelchi v kisheebnom kanale; k uchen'iu ob icterus. ALEKSEYEFF. 245 ALESSANDRIA. Alekseyeff (Iosif)—continued. [Absorption of bile in intestinal canal. Study on icterus.] 66 pp. 8C. S.-Peterburg, R. Golike, 1682. Alekseyeff (P. S.) Pervayapomoshch. Albom podachi posobia ranenim i bolnini. [First aid. An album devoted to the care of sick and wounded.] 1 p. 1., 30 pi., 8 pp. oblong 12°. Moskva, tip. I. D. Sit in «f- Ko., 1688. -----. O pyanstvie. S predisloviiem Gr. L. X. Tolstavo: "Dlia chevo lyudi odunuauivayu- j tsia?" [On dipsomania. AYith a preface by Couut Tolstoi: Why do people stupefy them- selves?] 1 p. 1., 185 pp., 1 1. 8r. Moskva, I. N. Kushnereff4- Ko., 1891. Alek*eyefF(Pfor>- Piotrovich) [1840-91]. Pioru PIotrovich Alekseyeff, zasluzhenuiy professor Uuiversiteta sv. Vladimira, pochotniy chlen K'ievskavo Obshchestva Estestvoispitate- lei. [. . . emeritus professor of the University of St. Vladimir [of Kiev], honorary member of the Kiev Society of Naturalists.] 83. Kiev, 1892. Alekseyeff (Vladimir). Krathkiy uchebuik or- gauicheskoichimii. [Short text-book of organic chemistry.] 1 p. 1., 130 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, [V. Bezobrazoff <$• Ko.], 1885. Alekseyevski (Vladimir [Ivanovick]) [1859- ]. * K uchen'iu o mochegounikh. Vliyanie naperstyanki i kaliynol selitri na abnuen vody u zdorovikh lyudei. [Study on diuretics. Ac- j tion of digitalis and nitrate of potassium upon metabolism of water iu healthy men.] 49 pp., | 1 1. 8C. S.-Peterburg, P. Voshtshinskaya, 1690. Alelekoff(A[leksandr] N[ikolayevich]'). * Sta- rost; klinicheskoye izslledovan'ie v oblasti nerv- noi sistemi i psichophiziologii. [Old age; clini- cal investigation in the sphere of the nervous system and psycho-physiology.] 1 p. 1., 125 pp., * diag., 3 pi., 5 1. (fac-simile writings). 8°. S.-Peterburg, J. Trei, 1-92. Alem (Charles) [1857- ]. * Etude snr la pneu- maturie (Amission de «az par l'urethre). 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 18-4, Xo. 51. Aleman (Lucas). See Casal y Aguado (Ma- nuel) alias Lucas Aleman. Alemaml. See [Sanelorius (Sauctorius)]. Science de la trans- piration ou medecine etatique. 16°. Lyon, 1694. Alem;)III (Pietro). See TromiiisdorflT (Joh. Bartholoma) [in 1. s.]. Ta- i vole sinottiche della farmacia, [etc.J. fol. Milano, 1807. Alenitzine (W.). See Kimwia [in 1. s.]. Department of the Interior. Statistika Kossiiakoi imperii. II. Statiatika sliepych v Rossii po perepisi 1886 g. roy. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Aleppo. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Pest (History, etc., of), by localities. Guys (H.) Statistique du pachalik d'Alep; topographie, climat, histoire naturelle, 6tat so- cial, organisation administrative, industrie et commerce de cette province. 8°. Marseille, 1853. Aleppo and BisJcra button. Arendt (N.) *0 soleke iii Aleppskom pri- shtshe. [Aleppo button.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1862. Galy-Briulat (R.-M.-J.) * Le bouton d'Alep. 4°. Paris, 1882. Alibert. Nouvelles considerations sur la pustule d'Alep (pyrophlictis endemica). J. <1. conn. med. prat, Par., 1833-4, i, 33-36.—Altounyan (A. A.) Aleppo hut- ton. J. Cutan. Sc Ven. Dis., X. Y., 1885, iii, 161-173.— Auche Sc l.e Danlec. Note sur le clou de Biskra. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1894, iii, 468-473.—Bard (L.) Observation dun malade porteur de boutons de Biskra qui ont cede au traitement. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1878-9, x, '_'04-'_'71. — Bordier (A.) Notes de pathologie exotique. Le bouton de Biskra et la verruga (bouton des Aleppo and BisJcra button. Andes). Arcb. de nied. nav.. Par., 1880, xxxiii, 382-388. Aho. Reprint.—Con-ado (M.) Le bouton d'Alep. Rev. med.-pharm., Constant., 1891, iv, 97: 120; 141 —«nib- baud (A.-L.) Clou de Biskra k tres longue incubation observe en France. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1890, xv, 372-;s75.— I.nreran (A.) Contribution a l'etude du bouton de Hiskra, Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1880, 2. s., i, 173-197.— Macridi Pacha (S. E!) Bouton de Bagdad on d'Alep; cas observes a Bagdad. Gaz. d. hop. de rempire ottoman, Constant., 1887, i, no. 5, 3.— Tlanohn Sc Arnould. Le bouton de Biskra, a La- glmuat. Gaz. med. do 1'Algerie, Alger, 1860, v, 41; 60.— .llawiion. Du clou de Biskra ouhoutou des Ziban. Ibid., 1859, iv, 2-9.— Sonrier. Lettre sur le bouton de Biskra. Ibid., 39. -Viiillemiu (P.) Snr une bacteriocecidie ou tumeur bacillaire du pin d'Alep. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, evii, 874-876— Willeiuiu (A.) Memoire snr le bouton d'Alep. Gaz. med. de Par., 1854, 3. s., ix. 200; 228; 252. Aho, Reprint. Alesii (Giulio). See I.ejjjje (Francesco). Suuto delle lezioni di anato- mia[ete.|. 8°. Camerino, 1885.. Alessaildri (P[aolo]E[milio]). lufezioue, dis- infezione, e dismfettauti. viii, 190 pp. 16°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1664. -----. Cereali, fariue, sostanze feculacee, pane e paste alimeutari. xix, 330 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mi- lano, frat. Dumolard, 1885. -----. 11 microscopio e sua applicazione alia merceologia e bromatologia; act uso degli isti- tuti e scuole tecniche, liceali, agrarie, mdustri- ali, commerciali, di farmacia, ecc. commercieuti, negozianti, farmacisti, ecc. 173 pp. 8°. Mi- lano, frat. Dumolard, 1866. -----. Manuale teorico pratico di manipolazioui e operazioni fisico-cbimiche redatto al precipuo scopo di facilitare laintelligenzae 1' applicazione dei procedimenti rieordati nei diversi manuali sulle alterazioni e falsificazioui di sostanze ali- mentari ed altre di uso comune e coutenente altre i precetti generali di analisi chimica qualitativa e quantitativa, la descrizioue e 1' uso dei princi- pali strumeuti ed apparecchi necessari nella mer- ceologia e bromatologia ad uso dei laboratori di chimica pratica, delle scuole commerciali, agra- rie, industriali, universitarie, faruiaceutiche, dei farmacisti, ecc. xiv (1 1.), 475 pp., 1 1. 8°. Milano, frat. Dumolard, 1886. -----. Metodo sistematico per 1' analisi chimica qualitativa delle sostanze inorganiche e orga- niche e per le ricerche tossicologiche. xiii, 283 pp., 1 pi. 8J. Milano, V. Hoepli, 1666. -----. Manuale del farmacista. x (1 1.), 625 pp. 24°. Milano, V. Hwpli, 1889. -----. Studio fisico-chiniico delle principali ma- terie colorant! derivate dal catratne usate per colorire artificialniente i viui, con esanie critico dei vari processi proposti per rintracciarle e me- todi nuovi di ricerca. 70 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Milano, frat. Dumolard, 1669. -----. Droghe medicinali. xi, 546 pp. 12q. Milano, frat. Dumolard, 1691. Aho, Editor of: Seliui (II), Pavia, 1890. -----A Maggi (L.) Aequo potabili considerate come bevauda dell' uomo e dei bruti. P. E. Ales- saildri. Analisi chimica. L. Maggi. Esanie mi- croscopico. xiv, 111 pp., 1 1. 12°. Milano, frat. Dumolard, 1887. Alessandria. Relazione alia commissione sanitaria municipale sul tifo di maudrogue, pre- sentata a noine di una sottocommissione speciale dal dottor Gfoauni Roggero (relatore). 83 pp. *3. Alessandria, tipog. Gazotti e C, 1870. -----. Statuti orgauici, regolamenti lgienici e regolamento diseiplinare interno adottati dalla congregazione di carita di Alessaudria per le opere pie dalla medesima ammiuistrate. Parte I. Statu ti orgauici. II. Regolamenti igieuici. III. Regolamento diseiplinare interno. 223 pp. 8°. Alessandria, P. Ragazzone, 1875. ALESSA^DlilA. Alessandria—continued. -----. (Statistica nosologica triniestrale dei de- cessi col moviuiento della popolazione della citta e dei sobborghi, compilata dal medico chirurgo ispettore A. Fassa, e colle osservazioni metero- logiche del Prof.e C.« R.e P. Parnissetti. Anno 1*75. Jau.-Dec. imp. fol. Alessandria, 1876. -----. Saggio statistico sulla mortalita di Ales- sandria (Piemonte) dall' anno 1-75 al 1882. Re- datto dai dottori G. Roggero e A. Fassa. 73 pp. b°. Alessandria, tipog. e libreria Ragazzone, 1663. -----. Relazione sull' ospedale pei cholerosi in Alessandria, presentata cial medico-direttore A. Fassa all' illustrissiino sindaco ed ajjli onor11 as- sessori della quiuta mnnicipale nell' anno 1884. 8 pp. roy. 8. Alessandria, tipog. di G. Jacquemod, 16,64. Alessandria. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever ( Typhoid, History, etc., of), Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Alessandria. Saggio statistico sulla morta- lita di Alessandria (Piemonte) dall' anno 1875 al 1882. Redatto dai dottori G. Roggero e A. Fassa. 8J. Alessandria, 1663. MuXdixi (U.) Guida igienico-teeuica delle citta d' Italia. Alessandria. 12c. 'Torino, [1890]. Parnisetti (P.) Osservazioni nieteorologiche fatte in Alessandria alia specola del semiuario. Anno xxiv. 8°. Alessandria, 1878. Corrado (A.) Sulle condizioni igieniche della citta di Alessandria. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1891, xiii, 590; 722. Alessandria. Ospedale civile di Alessandria. Reudicouto statistico sanitario della sessione medica dell' . . , uel sesseunio 18oG-91, per il dott. Tarchetti Cav. Pietro. 11 pp., xvi 1. fol. Alessandria, G. Panizza, 1893. Alessandria (Province of). Intorno ad alcuni prospetti statistic! delMauicomio di Alessandria [per il sesseunio 1857-62]. Considerazioni del medico-capo G. L. Ponza. 133 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Alessandria, tipog. Gazzotti e C, 1863. -----. Relazione sulle vaccinazioni eseguite nella piovincia di Alessandria negli auni 1871-80, 1882, 1883, dal dott. L. Peola. 8°. Alessandria, tipog. Gazzotti e C, 1872-84. -----. Circolare No. 40. Oggetto rapporto sullo stato sauitario della proviucia pel lt7*. 28 pp. 8°. [Alessandria, 1879.] -----. Regio manicomio di Alessandria. Reso- conti financiario e morale per 1'esercizio 1885; 1887. Per Arrigo, il presidente. 31 pp.; 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Alessandria, tipog. Jacquemod, 1887-9. Alessandria (Province of). See Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Alessaiidrini (Antonio) [17*li-18til]. Descri- zione delle ossa componenti il tescbiodi un ippo- potamo d' Egitto ed osservazioni di confronto sull' iutero scheletro dello stesso animale cogl' altri gia conosciuti. 69 pp., 1 pi. »°. [Bo- logna], 1829. [P., v. 1534.] Repr.from: Ann. di storia nat., Bologna, 1829, i. -----. Descrizione di un vitello mostruoso man- cante di porzioue del midollo spiuale. 17 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Bologna, tipog. Marsigli, 1829. [P.,'v 1523.] Repr.from: Ann. di storia nat., Bologna, ii. -----. Descrizione di uu vitello mostruoso. 17 pp., 1 pi. «°. Bologna, tipog. Marsigli, 1830. [P., v. 1523.] Repr. from: Ann. di storia nat., Bologna, iii. -----. Descriptio veri pancreatis glandularis et parenchymatosi in accipensere et iu esoce re- ALEXANDER. Alessaiidrini (Antonio)—continued. perti. 17 pp., 3 pi. 4\ Bononiw, ex typog. H. dalV Olmo et J. Tiocchi, 1835. Repr. from: Novi commentari Acad, scient. instit. Bononiensis, ii. -----. De miris quibusdam organicis degenera- tionibus in corde bovis domestici observatis. 21 pp., 5 pi. 4°. Bononioi, ex tipog. E. ab 11 mo, 1844. [P., v. 1149.] -----. Observationes analomico-pathologicas ad illustraudum textum intimum proprium rnem- branis serosis genera tint eonsideratis et pr*ser- tim illius menibrame cordis eavitates iuduentis quse endocardium appellata fuit a Bouillaud. 20 pp.. 3 pi. 4°. Bononiw, ex typog. E. ab Clmo, 1847. -----. Annotazioni anatomiche risguardanti uu mostro umano bicefalo e bispinale, Dicephalus bispinalis Gurlt. Menioria, iicevutail21 mag- gio 1854. pp. 37-51, 4 pi. 4°. [Modena, 1802.] Cutting from: Mem. d. Soc. ital., Modena, 18(12, 2. s., i. See, also, Kreolani (Gio. Batt.) Descrizione metodica dei preparati esisteuti nel Museo di anatomia [etc.]. Me- morial. 4°. Bologna, 1867.—Rusconi (Mauro) [inl. s.). Riflessioni sopra il sistema liufatieo dei rettili, etc. roy. 8°. Pavia, 1845. For Biography, see Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1862, 2. s., vi, 133-176 (P. Predieri). Also, Reprint. Alessaiidrini ( Federico ). Infezione acuta da innesto vaccino. Relazione letta il giorno 8 aprile 1883 all' Ateneo di Brescia. 23 pp.. 15 1. 8°. Brescia, tipog. sociale operaia, 1883. Alessi. See Alexius. Alessi (Domenico). * De catameniis. 20 pp. 8°. Patavii, Penada, 1845. Alessi (Mario). La croce rossa. 26 pp. 8°. Girgenti, uff. tip. Formica e Gaglio, 1893. Alessio. See Alexius. Alessio (Giovanni). Sopra alcuni dei recenti progressi della chirurgia e della parte che vi ebbe la scuola di Padova. Prelezione al corso di traumatologia letta il 18 novembre 1887. 29 pp. 8°. [Padova, stab. Prosperini, 188*.] Date in this copy has been altered with a pen to 1886. Alethophilus Advocatus. See Sinapius (Michel Aloysius) [inl. s.]. Tractatus de remedio doloris, [etc.]. 16°. Amstelcedami, 1699. Aletophilus (Janus Modestiuus). Unvorgreiff- liches Bedencken iiber D. Conrad Horlachers Tractat: Die hochstschtidliche Wiirckung dess Aderlassens und Purgierens genanut, iu welcheui die iu benieltem Tractat angefiihrte Beweiss- griinde umbstandlich iiberlegt und griiudlich widerlegt; benebens auch, was in demselben yvider D. Genders Tractat: Heilsame medici- nische Lebens-Mittel, etc., genanut, geandet "worden, nnpartheyisch beantwortet wild. Aus Liebe zur Warheit auffgesetzt. 44 pp. 1(3°. Franckfurt, J. Gbrlin, 1691. Bound with: Neu-vekmehktes und verbessertes Ader- lass-Biichlein, [etc.]. 16°. Niirnberg, [n. d.]. Aletrino (Arnold). *Eenige beschouwingen over den beroepseed der arisen. 94 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, F. S. van Staden, 1669. Aleuronat. EbMtein (W.) Leber Aleuronat. Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 295; 309. Aleutian Islands. See Ethnology. Alexander Aphrodiseus. Super nonnullis phy- sicis quaestionibus solutionum liber. Item Plu- tarchi Cheronei amatoriaa narratioues. Angelo Politiano interprete. 371. 4°. Basilece, ex wdi- bus A. Cratandri, 1520. Two leaves of index, or sign. Aii and iii wanting. -----. Les problemes d'Alexaudre Aphrodise', excellent et ancien philosophe, pleius de ma- tieres de me'decine et philosophic, traduits de grec en francois, avec annotations des lieux ALEXANDER. 247 ALEXANDER, Alexander Aphrodiseus—Continued. plus notables et difficiles. Soixante autres pro- bleines de inesine matiere, medecine et philoso- phie, par M. Heret. 7 p. 1., 115 pp., 6 "1. 16°. Paris, Martin le jeune, 1555. See, also, Avcrrhoes. Colliget. tomus nonus [etc.]. sin. 4°. Tenetih, 1560.—C'hamperius (Symphoriauus). Index libroruni in hoc volumiue eontentonun, [etc.). sm. 4°. [Lyon, 1506?)—Galen (Claudius). De sectis medico- rum [etc ]. 8°. Parisiis, 1518. — Passow (Franciscus)1 [inl. s.]. Prseniissus est, [etc.]. 4°. Vrathlavice, 1822. Alexander the Great. Litthe (M.-P. -L\ ) La v6rit6 sur la mort d'Alexaudre le Grand, [et] la nioit de Jules Cesar, par Nicolas de Damas. 12°. Paris, 166b. ■toilet (J.) Des caracteres particuliers et du traite- ment de la blessure d'Alexaudre le Grand recue dans le combat contre les Mallieus. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1»77, 2. s., xxv, 68-88. Alexander IU of Russia. Diagnoz boliezni Yevo Vehchestva Gosudarya Impe- ratora Alexandra Alexaudrovicha, povedshel k konchiue yevo: khronicheskiy interslitsialniy nefrit s posliedova- teluiin porazheniem serdtsa i sosudov, hemorragicheskiy infarct v lievoiu llokhkom, s poslledovatelnim vospaleniem. Podpisali 21-vo oktyabrya 1894g.: prof. Leiden i Zakhar- yin, poch. l.-chir. Hirsch, prof. P. Popott', poch. l.-cbir. Vel- yaminoff, skriepil Miuistr Imperatorskavo Dvora graf Vorontsoff Dashkoff. Akt, sostavlenuij' po vsrritii tiela v Bozie pachivshavo Imperatora Alexandra Tcetyavo. [Diagnosis of the [fatal] disease of tho Emperor Alexan- der III : Chronic interstitial nephritis, with consequent disease of heart and blood-vessels, [etc.]. Signed Oct. 21, 1894: Prof. Leiden, Zakharyin. Hirsch, P. Popoff, and Velyaniinotfl Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1894, vi, 542.— Zakharyin (G.) O boliezni v Bozie pochivshavo Im- peratora Alexandra III. [On the disease of the late em- peror.] Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1894, iii, 637- 639. Alexander Trallianus. Practica Alexandri ya" tros greci cum expositione glose interliuearis Jacobi de Partibus et Janueusis iu margine posite. 6 p. 1., 93 If. 4°. At end: Practica Alexandri yatros greci cum exposi- tione glose interlinearis magistri Jacobi de. Partibus, nee non J;muc-nsis in margine additis finit. Anuo salutifere incarnationis, 1504. die vero 16. Aprilis per Frauciseum Fradin impressa Lugduni. ------. 'A'/.e^avSpov Tpa/.'/.idvov iarpov /3if3/ua fivoKai" Sena. 'Va7,r/ ?.6yoc -rrepl "koifimfjc ano vrjg cvpuv dta~ /.envoy i^k72.nvia-&eic. Alexandri Tralliani medic1 lib. xii. Rbaza?. de pestilentia libellus ex Syro" rum lingua in Gnecam translatus. Jacobi Gou- pyli in eosdem castigationes. 2 p. 1., 259, 39 pp- fol. Lutelice, ex off. R. Stephani, 1548. Greek text. With which is bound: Appiaxus Ahxandrinus. Pco/um. ku>v, KcAtikt;, |etc.]. fol. Lutetioe, 1551. ------. The same. Libri duodecim. Razse de pestilentia libellus. Omnes nunc piimum de Gneco accuratissime conversi, multisque in locis restituti et emendati, per Joanueni Guinterium Andernacum. 11 p. 1., 247 pp. 12°. Venetiis, apud H. Scotum, 1552. ------. The same. De arte medica libri duode- cim, Joanne Guinterio interprete. In: Medio*: artis principes. fol. [FrancfourtiL 1567, i, 129-346. ------. Thesame. Libri duodecim. Joanne Guin- terio Andernaco interprete et emendatore. Nunc demum Joannis Molinaei D. M. doetissimis anno- tationibus illustrati multisque in locis suonitori restituti. 804 pp., 12 1. 24°. Lugduni, apud A. de Harsy, 1576. —----. Paraphrases in libros oiuueis . . receus in lucem, quam castigatissime, teditae Albano Torino . . . Dioclis Carystii pnncipis secundum Hipp, rational is medici, de tuenda sanitate ad Autigonum regem, libellus vere aureus, Albano Torino interprete. 16 p. 1 , 411 pp. fol. Basilew, H. Petrus, 1541 Bound with: Riiazes. Abubetri Bhazaj Maomethi, ob usum [etc.]. fol. Basdece, [1544J. Alexander Trallianus—continued. ------. De balneis. In: Balneis (De) omnia qua? extant [etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis, 1553, ff. 480b-482». ------. De lumbricis epistola. Nunc primum Grajce et Latine edita. 9 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud P. et A. Meietos fratres, 1570. Boundwith: Mehcukialis Hieronymus. Variarum lec- tiouum libri quatuor, [etc.]. 4°. Venetiis, 1570. Another copy, bound with.- The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1571. ------. Liber de febribus. Jo. Guinterio Ander- naco interprete. hi: Febkibus (De) opus sane aureum, [etc.]. fol. Ve. netiis, 1576, 44h-57b. See, aho, ITIereurialis (Hieronymus) [in 1. s.]. Varia- rum lectionum libri quatuor, [etc.). 4°. Venetiis, 1570. -----. The same. 4°. Venetiis, loll. — Rhazcs (Abu Bekr Muhammad Ben Zakhariah Abrazi) [inl. s.J. Traict6 de lapeste, [etc.]. 12°. Poitiers, 1566. —:----. See, also: Milwakd (E.) Trallianus reviviscens: or, an account of Alexander Trallian, one of the Greek writers that nourished after Galen; shewing that these authors are far from deserving the imputation of meer compilers, and that the practice of physick receiv'd many great improve- ments in their time, contrary to the opinion of Mr. Le Clerc and others. The whole interspers'd with many curios aud useful observations. Being a supplement to Dr. Freiud's history of physiCjk, in a letter to the Hon. Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. 8°. London, 1734. Fliicliijier (F. A.) Pharmacognostische Notizen aus Alexander Trallianus. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1880, xiii, 81-90. Alexander yatros. See Alexander Trallianus. Alexander (A.) [ -1863]. Beweise gegen das Ausschliessungsvermogen von kuotiger Lun- geusucht und Wechseltiebern. 32 pp. 8°. Ham- burg, Perthes-Besser <$• Mauke, 1848. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. ges. Med., Hamb., 1848, xxxviii. Alexander (A.) Healthful exercises for girls. Front., iv, 92 pp. 8°. London, G. Philip tf- Son, 1886. ------. Modern gymnastic exercises. Part II (advanced); with a preface by the right honour- able the Earl of Meath, and 270 illustrations by B. E. Taplin. Front., vi, 7-217 pp. 8°. Lon* don, G. Philip <$• Son, 1890. Alexander (Abraham). * De empyemate. 1 p. 1., 25 pp., 1 1. 4°. Harderovici, apud J. Moo- jen, 1763. [P., v. 1937.] Alexander (Alexander). A treatise on the na- ture of vision, formation of the eye, and the causes of imperfect vision, with rules for the ap- plication of artificial assistance, and observa- tions on the danger arising from the use of im- proper glasses, xii, 103 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1833. Alexander (Ashton). *Au inaugural disserta- tion on the influence of one disease iu the cure of others. 40 pp. 12-. Philadelphia, A. McKenzie, 179b. Alexander ( Benedictus ). See Benedictus (Alexander). Alexander (Bruno) [1864- ]. * Statistik der Kaeliitis und des Spasmus glottidis nach denDa- teu der niedicinischen Poliklinik iu Kiel. 30 pp., 1 1. 8-. Breslau, T. Schatzky, 1666. Alexander (Carl). * Untersuchungen iiber die Nebennieren und ihre Beziehungen zumNerven- system. [Freiburg i. B.] 57 pp. 8°. Jena,G. Fischer, 1891. Alexander (Conrad) [1856- ]. * Zur Lehre voudenZwangsbewegungen. [Leipsic] 2 p. l.; 56 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau. S. Schottlaender, [1880]. ------. Klinische und experinientelle Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lahmungen nach Arsenik-Vergif- ALEXANDER. 248 ALEXANDRA. Alexander (Conrad)—contin tied. tung. 107 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8C. Breslau, F. W, Jungfer, [1889]. Habilitationsschrift. Alexander (Disney). A treatise on the nature and cure of the cynauche tracbealis, commonly called the croup. 2. ed. 79 pp. 8C. Hudders- field, J. Brook, [1794]. Alexander (Drawcansir) [pseud, for Smol- lett (T. G.)?]. See Faithful (A) narrative of the base and inhuman arts [etc.]. 6°. London, 1752. Alexander (E.) The climate of El Paso; its adaptability to cure consumption and kindred diseases. 12 pp. 12-. [New York, 1892.] Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1892. lvi. Alexander (Frauciscus) [1529- ]. Apollo, oninem omnium usu receptorum tam simplicium, quam compositorum medicamentorum, mate- riam, uaturam, vires, normam, et compositionem, radiis, ac fulgore suo, ita splendide irradians et illustrans, ut post bac onini librorum copia ne- glecta, sola bac regula contenti, omnes et me- dici, et pharmacopolse tegrorum saluti tutius consulere possint: eademque opera, Avicenure, Plinii, Matthioli, Brasavoli, Atuathi, Propositi, Fuchsii, Iinellii, Leonicent, Sylvii, Cordi, Ma- nardi, Cardani, creterorumque Graecorum, Ara- buin et Latinorum, varios et infinitos, nee minus fnsignes errores, verissimis rationibus et argu- mentis contundens. Nunc primum in Germania e bibliotbeea Georgii Beati prodiens, et duplici indice exoruatus. 3 p. 1., 732 pp., 10 1. 4°. Franeofurti, apud J. Spiessium, 1604. Alexander (Franz). * Ueber den Eisengehalt von Milz und Lympbdriiseu bei verschiedenen pathologisehen Ziistanden. 31 pp. 6°. Frei- burg i. B., Speyer u. Kaemer, 1895. Alexander (Fredericus Sigismundus) [1787- 1844]. *De tumoribus nervorum. 1 p. 1., 56 (2 1.), 4 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apud Haak et socios, 1810. [P., v. 2070.] See, also [in 1. s. 1 Sebastian (August Arnold). Alge- meene natuurkumle van den mensch. 8°. Groningen, 1840.—Wittiiiann (Franz Joseph) [t'nl.s.J. Destaande aardder ziekteus [etc.J. 8°. Delft, 1827. Alexander (Gulielmus). *De partibus corpo- ris animalis qiue viribus opii parent. 1 p. L, 125 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1790. [P., v. 1539.] Alexander (Heinrich) [1859- ]. * Ueber hydroxylaininhaltige Platinbasen. 44 pp. 8°. Kbnigsberg, Ostpreuss. Ztgs.- u. Verl.-Druckerei, 1887. Alexander (James). Table of diseases treated in tbe Gleudale Ward Dispensary, with observa- tions; paper read at the anniversary meeting, 1841. pp. 30-46,1 tab. ,«p. [Kelso, 1841 ?] [P., v. 1189.] Cutting from: Tr. Border M. Soc, Kelso (?). Alexander (J[ohn] H[enry]) [1812-67]. Re- port on the standards of weight and measure for the State of Maryland, and on the construction of the yard-measures, iv, 212 pp. 8-. Balti- more, J. D. Toy, [1845]. Alexander (Joseph) [1865- ]. " Erbrechen als Complication bei Typhus abdominalis. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1890]. Alexander (Joseph West) [1815-92]. Donaldson (J. B ) In memoriam. Tr M Soc. Penn Phila., 1892, xxiii, 191. Alexander [Louis]. Erblindung nach Keuch- husten. 7 pp. 8-\ [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1686.] Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., ----. Syphilis und Auge. Nach eigenen Beob- achtungen. vi, xi, 234 pp. 8-. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1888-9. Alexander [Louis]— coutinued. -----. Neue Erfahrungen iiber luetische Angen- erkranknngen. 84 pp. 8-. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann. L~95. Second title-page: Syphilis und Auge. Ergiinzunj:*. heft enihalteud in den Jahren 18sii bis 1894 geiuacute Kr- fahrungen. See, aho, Aaehen als Kurort. 8D. Aachen, 18i«fl. Alexander (Moritz). *Abnorme Stellung des Septum narium und Auftreibnngen desselben in Bezug auf die kliuische Bedeutung und die ope- rative Beseitigung. [Erlangen.] 31 pp. s~, Berlin, G. Schade, 1866. Alexander (K[obert]). The rise and progress of British opium smuggling, and its effects upon India, China, and the commerce of Great-Britain. Four letters addressed to the right honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 65 pp. 8°. London, Sceley, Jackson j- Halliday, 1856. Alexander (Roberto). * Consideracioues sobre profilaxia y tratamiento de la pisemia y septicae- mia, xix, 38 pp., 1 1., 3 tab. 8:. Buenos Aires, El Porvenir, 1>79. Alexander (R[udolph Theod. Wilhelm])[l-53- ]. Die Desinfektionspraxis. Leitfadeu fiir Desiufektoren und Anleitung zur Desinfektion im Hause. viii, 51 pp., 3 pi. 12°. Berlin, R. Schoetz, 1-95. Alexander (Walter) [1871- ]. * Ueber die Kondeusationsprodukte des Amidoacetals mit den Chloriden der drei Phtalsauren. 29 pp., 11. 8C. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, [1694]. Alexander (William)1 [ -1783]. An experi- mental enquiry concerning the causes which have generally been said to produce putrid dis- eases. 3 p. 1., 254 pp. 8°. London, T. Becket [and others], 1771. -----. Plain and easy directions for the use of Harrowgate waters; adapted to the meanest ca- pacity, and principally intended for the use of all who attend there, iv, 92 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, A. Kincaid -erie) en 1850. 256 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1851. [P., v. 1444.] Alexins (Alexander). Consilia medica et epi- tome pulsuurn. 9 p. 1., 133 pp., 5 1. 4°. Pata- vii, apud G. Crivellarium, 1627. Alexocytes. Hankin (E. H.) Ueber die Theorie der Alexocyten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiv, 852-857. Alexais (H.). See Ecole de plein exercice de medecine et de pharma- cie de Marseille, [etc.J. 8°. Paris, 1892. de Alfaro (Nicolas). Tratado del c61era-moibo, redactado principalmente con presencia de las observaciones recogidas en los hospitales de Pa- ris, durante la epidemia que ha afligido estacapi- tal ; contieue la parte hist6rica de la enfermedad, su marcha geogrjitica, sus sintomas, variedades, lesiones patol6gicas, la esposicion de los diver- sos m6todos curativos, etc. 210 pp. 12J. Bar- celona, A. Bergnes y Ca., 1832. -----. Tratado te6rico-practico de enfermedades cutaneas. 2 v. xi, 13-379 pp., 1 1.; 502 pp. 8°. Madrid, Yenes, 1840. Alfer (Carl Leopold) [1866- ]. * Die Hau- iigkeit der Kuochen- uud Geleuktuberkulose in Beziehung auf Alter, Geschlecht, Stand und Erblichkeit. [Boun.] 14 pp., 11. fc°. Tubin- gen, H. Laupp, 1691. Repr. from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1891-2, viii. AlferoflT (S. P.) O metodie schislenia krovya- nikh tieletz. [Methods of counting blood cor- puscles.] 179 pp., 7 pi., 1 tab., 41. 8°. Khar- kov, A. Dane, 1669. Alfonso (Pedro Antonio). Memorias dc un Ma- taucero. Apuntes para la historia de la Isla de Cuba, con relacion & la ciudad de San Carlos y San Severino de Matanzas, principiados en 1838 y continuados para ofrecer un presente al bazar Mataucero, con que se eslreno la casa capitular y de gobierno, cuyo producto se destina al Cole- gio de ninas pobres. 232 pp., 4 1., 1 map. 8°. Matanzas, Marsal <|- Ca., 1854. Alio id (Henry J.) Annual reports of the sani- tary condition of the urban and rural sanitary districts of Taunton, by tbe medical officer of health, for the years 18?'J; 1880. 12 pp., 3 tab.; 16 pp., 2 tab. '8°. Taunton, A. Hammett, 1880- 81. -----. Annual reports of the Taunton Sanitary Hospital to the hospital committee. 1., 1880-81; 2., 1881-2. 3, 4 1., 1 tab. 8°. Taunton, A. Ham- mett, 1881-2. Aliord Canterbury Poor Relief Association. An- nual reports of the committe to the subscribers. 9.-13., 1878-9 to 1882-3. 8°. Canterbury, 1879- 83. In union with the Kent Mendicity Society. Alfretoiio Lee (W.) Report to the General Board of of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the parish of Alfreton, in the county of Derby. 83. London, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a further inquiry as to the bounda- ries which might be most advantageously Alfreton. adopted for Alfreton, in the county of Derby, for the purposes of the public health act. 8°. London, 1851. Alfter (L. ) Die Curmittel zu Oeynhausen (Rehme) physiologisch und therapeutisch dar- gestellt. viii, 143 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Minden, J, Keiser 91. Opened March 1, 1890. Ali Cohen (Charles Henri). See Cohen (Charles Henri Ali). Ali-Cohen (L.) Etudes sur l'histoire ancienne de la syphilis en g6n6ral et sur l'histoire de cette maladie dans les Pays-Bas en particulier. Trad, du manuscrit hollandais par le Dr. J. Van Meerbeeck. 30 pp. 6°. [Groningue, 1847.] Repr.from: Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1848. See Choulant (Joh. Ludw.) & Ricbter (Herrn. Eberh.) Handboek der bijzondere ziektekunde [etc.]. 2 v. 8°. Groningen, 1858-60. Alidius ( Carolus Autonius). Somnia medica yaria doctrina referta nedum medicis, verum et iufinnis, atque omnibus viventibus scitu ueces- saria; ubi qusestiones multse, seu aniniadversiones ab autiquis, et recentioribus medicis partim omis s;e, partim non iutegre solutae, partimque vetus- tate sepultse, proponuntur ac enodautur. 3 p. 1., 159 pp. sm. 4°. Landte, typ. J. Astorini, Sevesi, Alienist (The) and Neurologist; a quarterly journal of scientific, clinical and forensic psy- chiatry and neurology. Edited by C. H. Hughes. v. 1-16, 1880-95. 8°. St. Louis. Current. Alimentation. See, also, Albumins; Colon (Puncture of); Diet; Pood; Nutrition. Adrian. Du r61e des poudres aliment aires en therapeutique. 2. e"d., suivie d'observations. 8°. Paris, 1867,. Alimentation (Del') en general. 8:. [Saint- Cloud, 1850.] Baraseud ( H. ) *De l'alimentation. 8°. Paris, 1874. Bouchardat (A.) * De l'alimentation iusuffi- sante. 8°. Paris, 1852. Galen (C. ) De alimentorum facultatibus libri iii, ex Martini Gregorii interpretatioue, pluribus in locis hac editione emendata. 32°. Lugd. Bat., 1633. Alimentation. Gobillot (A.) *De l'alimentation dans les maladies. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. IIlLTGREN (E. O.) & LAXDERGREN (E.) Un- tersuchung iiber die Erniihrung schwedischer Arbeiter bei frei gewahlter Kost. 12°. Stock- holm, 1891. Lucot (J.-B.-I.-A.) *De l'alimentation cou- sideree comme moyen therapeutique. 4°. Pa- ris, 167)9. Nitti (F. S.) II lavoro umano e le sue leggi. L' alimentazione e la forza di lavoro dei popoli. Ricerche. 8°. Torino, 1894. Repr.from: Eiforma sociale, 1894, ii. Pack (A.) *De l'aliuieutatiou azotee. 4G. Strasbourg, 166b. Reynoso (A.) De l'alimentation inorganique de 1'hoiunie et des animaux. 1. fasc. 8°. Pa- ris, 1675. Salisbury (J. H.) The relation of alimenta- tion and disease. 8°. New York, 1888. Sidkhius ( C.) L'aliineutation des animaux doniestiqnes; formulaire de rations, avec table d'equivalents en principes nutritifs digestibles. roy. 8-. Ciney 4' Paris, le93. Adrian. Notes pratiques sur l'alimentation des ma- lades et des convalescents. Bull, et mem. Soc. de th6rap., Par., 18S8 2. s., xv, 34-40.—Baibei-a (A.G.) L'elimina- zione della bile nel digiuno e dopo differenti generi di ali- mentazione. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1894, 7. s., v, 485-521. -----. Rapporto tra la eliminazione dell' urea e della bile nel digiuno e dopo differenti generi di alimenta- zione. Ibid., 382-401.—Capaldi(A.) Sui depositi di azoto iu organismo la cui alimentazione ne fu precedente- mente in parte o in tutto privata. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1895, u. s., v, 335-414.—Clark (J. G.) Some thoughts on the importance and efficacy of treatment by inhalation, and medication and susteutation bv the skin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 59-61.—Doinbliith (F.) Ueber Volks- ernahrung. Fortschr. cl. off. Gsndhtspflg., Frankf. a. M., 1894, iii, 141-149. Also, Reprint.—Flint (A.) Alimenta- tion in disease. N. York M. J., 1867-8, vi, 385-402.—Cad (J.) Ueber Verdauung und Ernahrung des Menschen; eine physiologische Skizze. Deutsche Rev., Bresl. u. Berl., 1884, ix, 177-186.—Callavaidin. L'alimentation qui procure le plus de chaleur et le plus de force muscu- laire, iutellectuelle et morale. Lyon med., 1893, lxxiv, 46; 77; 116.—CJauteelet (E.) De l'hygiene alimentaire dans le travail musculaire. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1891,877-884. — Cirard. Influence de la nutrition sur Tissue des maladies. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, liii, 1020. Also: Marseille med., 1885, xxii, 744-746.—IBenneberg (W.) & Slohninnn (F.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Cel- lulose-Garung fiir die Ernahrung der Thiere. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1885, xxi, 613- 624. — ll< i-ltnle* ( K.) Ueber Ernahrung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., "Wien, 1888, xxiii, 277; 289; 313.—von Hdsslin (H.) Ueber den Ein- fluss ungeniigender Ernahrung auf dieBescharl'enheit des Blutes. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 654; 673.—Koiii'lolT (G.) L'assimilation et la transformation des matieres azoteos dans ralimentation des phtisiques par le proc6de Debove. Arch, slaves de biol., Par., 18*6, i, 159- 173.—f>apieqiie (L.) De la ration azotee dans ralimen- tation. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 361-363. -----. Re- cherches sur la ration d'aliments albuminoides n6cessaire a l'homme. Arch, de physiol. norm, ct path., Par., 1894, 5. s., vi, 596-610.—fjcwers (A.) A plea for rational, if old fashioned, diet. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1894, n. s., xvi, 561-564.—liCyden (E.) Ueber kiinstlicbe Nahrpra- parate. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 1081. -----. Bemerkungen iiber Eriiabruugstherapie. Ibid., 1893, xix, 513-515.—I.obiscli (W. F.) Die Email- rungsfrage in ihrer anthropologisclien und ethnologischen Bedeutung. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1894, n. F., xiv, [108-117J.—IVIciimio (G.) Sull' alimentazione in varie condizioni individuali e sociali. Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma, 1894, n. s., iv, 263-341.—Oddi (R.) L' alimentazione delle classi lavoratrici in Italia e la fisio- logia. Gazz. d.osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 787-71)1. — l*anara (P.) L' alimentazione dell' adcdesccute iu relaziime con lo sviluppo organico e col lavoro intellettuale. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1884, xxxii, 385; 481 ; 577; 673. — Pcltyn (B.) O pozywieniu .polskiej luduoszi wlosciariskiej. [On the food of Polish rural population.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1895, xci, 97; 346.—Sanarelli (G.) Ricerche fisio-patologiche sulla influenza del regime ahmentare sull' organismo. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1887, 2. s., xx, 683-718.— Suzuki (K.), Kimurn (S.) & Twiii-iida (S.) Report on the experimental feeding of dogs in the medical school of the imperial navy. Sei-i- Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1888, vii, 46-57.—Verriesit (G.) De l'alimentation pendant la maladie. J. d. sc. med. de Lou- ALIMENTATION. 254 ALIMENTATION. Alimentation. vaiu, 1880, v, 5-11.-----. Nutrition et alimentation pen- dant la sante et pendant la maladie. Rev. med., Louvain 1882, i, 169; 365: 1883, ii, 5-17.—Williams (F. H.) Nour- ishment in acute disease. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soe., Bost., 1890-92, xv, 419-433. — Kmitz (N.) Welche Mittel stehen uns zur Hebung der Ernahrung zu Gebote? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 466- 46s. Alimentation (Artificial). See, also, Alimentation (Forced); Alimenta- tion (Rectal). Bull (E.) Om kunstige ernreringsnietoders anvendelse i terapien. [Artificial methods of feeding in therapy.] 8J. Kristiania, 1885. Aho, transl. in: Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap.,Wien, 1885, iii, 49; 97. Hamox (J.-J.-O.) *Alimeutation artificielle volontaire chez les phtbisiques a I'aide du tube du Dr. Faucher. 4°. Paris, 1882. Koijix (L.) "De l'alimentation artificielle et des poudres alinientaires. 4C. Paris, 1882. JSlaebez. Du lavage de l'estomac, de l'alimentation et de la sin-alimentation. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1883, 2. s.. xx, 801-806. —Hebove (M.) Recherches sur l'ali- mentation artificielle, la sm alimentation et l'emploi des poudres alinientaires. Union med., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiv, 146; 157. [Discussion], xxxiii, 938. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. cl. hop. do Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s, xix, pt. 2, 44-53. [Discussion], pt. 1, 104. — Defi-esne (T.) Nu- trition difficile conduite avec succ^s pendant trois mois. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 1005. —Eichhorii. Zur kiiust lichen Ernahrung (lurch subkutanelnjektion. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 895; 918; 945; 907. — Fa- vill (H. B.) Artificial alimentation. Tr. M. Soc. Wis- consin, Apploton. 1880. xx, 164-173.— Fowler (G. B.) Use and value of aitificially digested food; peptone. Mecl. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, '681 -684. — Gnerdcr. De l'emploi de la pond re de sang de bceuf dans l'alimen- tation forcee. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1883, civ, 449- 455. — Hammond ( T.) On the value of arti- ficial feeding. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 789.— Hays (G. D.) Artificial alimentation. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 121-126. [Discussionl, 162-164. —James (M. L.) Ali- mentation, natural and artificial, and the digestive fer- ments with their therapeutical applications. Atlantic J. M., Richmond, 1883, i, 299-304.—Kravzoff (P. I.) Au- tomat, snaryad dlia kornileniya i samokorm. tiazbel. bol. [Automatic apparatus for self-feeding in grave diseases. 1 Sovrem. med., St. Petersb., 1894, ii, 1-4,1 pi— Lcnbe (W.) Leber die subcutane Ernahrung. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1895. xiii, 418-432. — Mayor (A.) De la suralimeutation, de l'alimeiitatioii artiticielle, et l'emploi des poudres alinientaires. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1882, ii, 417-429.—IT! i I lard (H. B.) Super- alimentation, artificial alimentation and gavage, and the employment of alimentarv powders, according to the method of Dr. Debove. N". York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 429; 461; 516.—rVcil (J.) Artificial feeding in acute melan- cholia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 183. — Quiiiqnniid (E.l L'alimentation artificielle. Rev. scient., Par., 1882, xxx. 526-531.— Katlcr (J.) Ein casuistischer Beitrag zur Franc der ki'uistliehi-n Erniihrung bei abstinirenden Geistcskranken. Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 184-186.— ISobin. Lavage de l'estomac et alimentation. Gaz. hebd. de nied.. Par.. 1883,' 2. s.. xx, 826. — Rowland. Some points in connection with artificial feeding. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1892,186-193.—de Serviere*. A propos de la suralimentation. Progres m6d., Par.. 1883, xi, 329. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 388.—Wood (A.J.) Some observations on artificial feeding. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1893, n. s., xv, 325-336. Alimentation (Forced). See, also, Insane (Feeding of); Nose (Feeding, etc., by). Cera (V. L.) Sulla alimentazione forzata dei folli sitofobi. 8C. Napoli, 1888. Humbert (F.) On the introduction of food aud medicine into the stomach when the ordi- nary channel is obstructed. 6~. Upper Alton, i860. Aho, in: St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1880, xxxix, 292-298. MoitKLW (E.) *De l'alimentation forcee des aliene's. 4°. Paris, 1880. Plritz (I. X.) * K voprosu ob usilennom kormlenii bryushnotiphoznykb. [Ou forced nu- trition in abdominal typhus. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1691. Alimentation (Forced). Andriani (G.) Ancora sulla tecnica del! alimenta- zione forzata dei folli sitofobi. Psichiatria, Xapoli. 1888, vi, 347-351.—Anriol (L.) Note sur lalinientation forcee des alienes sitiophobes par la sonde tlexilile de caoutchouc. Tribune nied.. Par., 1881-2, xiii, 439.— lEallaniN (J. Sj.) On the forced feeding of children. Lancet. Lond., 188.1, i, 1037; 1084.—Cera (Y.L.) Sull' alimentazione forzata dei folli sitofobi. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1883, xxxvii, 43-48. -----. La tenta Cera per 1' alimeutaziouu forzata nei folli e per 1' alimentazione artificiale. Ibid. (1889), 1890, xliii, 121 -124. — Cleveland (J. L.) Forced alimentation. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii, 031.— Debove ( M. ) Du traitement de la phthisio pulinonaire par l'alimentation forcee. Union med., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 841; 855. Also: Bull, et mem. Soo. med. d. hop. de Par. (1881), 1882, 2. s., xviii. 270-270.— DeMeonrtis (G.) Note snr l'alimentation lb:ceo des alienes au moyen de la sonde resnpuagiennc et sur la fa con d'enipecher l'introduction des liquides dans les voies aeriennes. Encephale. Par., 1888, viii, 553-562.— Ockiiok. De quelques iuconvenients ou accidents de lalinientation forc6e chez les phtbisiques et des moyens do les conjurer. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1882, cii, 1-7. — Uiijar- din-Beaumetz. Sur un nouveau proc6de de gavage. Ibid., ciii, 1-6. Also: Hygiene p. tons, Par., 18,-2, vii, 241. Also: Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1882, lv, 634. - Fernet. De l'introduction des aliments et des medicaments par les narincs. Hull, et mem. Soc. do therap., Par., 1881, xiii, 50- 52.—Fort. Da alinientacao forcada nos doentes; trata- mento dos vomitos incoerciveis; a hysteria dando logar ao apparecimeuto de symptomas de tuberculose; cura. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1883-4, 3. s., i, 66-74. Aho, transl: Bull. g6u. de therap., etc., Par., 1883, cv, 254-259.—Hoc hsiii- ger (C.) Ueber Soudenfiitterung saugschwacher und dysphagischer Kinder. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1893, xxxviii, 335; 346; 358; 370; 382.—Holt (L. E.) Gavage (forced feeding) in tbe treatment of acute diseases of in- fancy and childhood. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 524. Also: Dietet. Sc Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1894. x, 207-270.- Hutcbins (A.) Forced alimentation. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Syracuse, 1880, 83-89. Also: Proc. M. Soc. Connty Kings, Brooklyn, 1880-81, v, 1-7.—■seiiNehmid. Qua- lender, Hunger und Durst bei Ernahrung durch Schlund- soude. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 544. — .Hi- gnon. Note sur l'emploi de la sonde cesophagienne chez les enfants en bas-age. Bull. Soe. de m6d. prat, de Par. (1882), I8s3, 26-2S. — IXorris (M. D.) Subcutaneous in- fusion of a nutritive salt solution in cases of refusal or inability to take food. Rep. Maryland Hosp. Insane, Bait, 1892-3, 51-54.—Kan bin (D. N.) Three cases of nasal alimentation. Arch. Laryngol., X. Y., 1882, iii, 355-358. Aho, Reprint. — Kegis ( E. ) Quelques reflexions pra- tiques k propos de l'alimentation forcee. Ann. nied.- psych., Par., 1881, 6. s., v, 53-60.—Saint-Pliilippe (li.) De rallaitetuent par le nez et de son utilite dans la pra- tique. Mem. et bull. Soe. de nied. et chir. de Bordeaux (1887), 1888,457-466. Ahi,: J. de ined.de Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 3-6. — Scbiiopfhagen (F.) Eine bequenie und zarte Methode der zwangWeisen Fiitterung. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Wien, 1881, iii. 22-24.—Sutherland (H.) Case of artificial feeding, with suggestions for apparatus. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1882-3, n. s., xxviii, 53-56. —Turner. Notes ofthe cases of two children treated successfully by forced feeding. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lou-1 1889-90, 73-77. Alimentation (Rectal). See, also, Pregnancy ( Vomiting .a, Treatment Bliss (D. W.) Feeding per rectum, as illus- trated in the ease of the late President Garheld aud others. 12°. [Washington, 1882.] Repr.from: Med. Rec. N. Y., 1882, xxii, 64-69. -----. The same. [Advertisement for mal- > tine, etc.] 8°. [New York, 1882.] Chevalier (O.) 'Contribution a l'e'tude de l'alimentation par le rectum. 4°. Paris, 1679. Saltykoff (N.) *K voprosu o pitanii per rectum. [Alimentation per rectum.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1667. Jtrown-Seqiiard (C.-E.) Alimentation par lave- ments de pancreas et de viande. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1879,2. a., xvi. 732.—C aid well (TV. H.) Rectal medication in pelvic troubles. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1890, Phila., 1891, iii, 308-313. — Cntillon (A.) Une malado nourrie par des lavements pendant huit mois. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1879, Par., 1880, 2. s., vi, 164-166. -----. Experiences de nutrition par le gros intestin. Ibid., 244-254. Aho: J. de therap., Par., 1880, vii, 41-50. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1880, 2. s., xvii, 677-679.— Condorelli ITIaugeri (A.) Sull' alimentazione rettalo. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir.. Napoli, 18-0. iii. 639-646.— Crofford (T. J.) Rectal watering. Mississinni Valley ALIMENTATION. 255 ALISON. Alimentation (Rectal). M. Month., Memphis, 1883, iii, 435—Hay (E. A.) Recto- rolonic alimentation. Brooklyn M. J, 1894, viii, 275-290.— Hujnrdin-Beaninetz. De lalinientation par le rec- tum. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1880, xcviii, 1; 49.— Ewnld (C. A.) Ueber die Ernahrung mit Pepton- und Eierklystieren. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xii,407- 425, 1 diag. Aho [Abstr.] : Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1887, xiii, 115-118. -----. Erwiderung auf [die] "Besprechung'' [Pfliiger's]. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1887, xii, 197-200. Aho: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887-8, xiii, 107-109.—Fenn (C. M.) Rectal absorption considered therapeutically and with special reference to the relief of constipation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 173-177. — Gnild (S. YV.) Rectal alimenta- tion by suppositories. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1887, 3. s., iii, 312-314.—Huber (A.) Ueber Niihrclystiere. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1890. xx, 705-710. -----. Ue- ber den Niihrwerth der Eiorklvstiero. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1890-91, xlvii, 495-508. — Jones. Humphreys (T. M.) An easy method of feeding per rectum. Lancet, Lond.. 1891, i, 366. — Lepine (R.) Un malade alimente exclusivement par la voie rectale peut-il consei ver son poids pendant plusieursseinaines? Semaine med., Par., 1895, xv, 317. Aho, transl.: Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 445-448. Aho. transl. [Abstr ] : Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1895, xvi, 979-981. — I^enbe (\V. O.) Ueber die Er- nahrung der Kranken vom Masidann aus ; nach physio- logischen Experimenten und klinischen Beobachtungen. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1872, x, 1-54. — Mackenzie (D. J.) Continuous rectal alimentation ; an artificial stomach. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 1161. Mayet. Alimentation par les lavements de viande et de pancreas. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1879, 2. s., xvi, 748. — Michel (J.) Des lavements alinientaires. Ibid., 678; 693. — Michelacci ( M.) I clisteri nutritivi e la alimentazione per il retto. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880, xiv, 573-587. Aho, Reprint,— TlicUle (W. J.) Rectal feeding aud medication. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1884-5, n. s., xxx, 20-29. -----. Feeding bv rectum. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1885, xxxv, 407-413.'—Miliotti ( D.) Alimentazione coll' enteroclisma. Morgagui, Napoli, 1880, xxii, 812-819. -----. Alimentazione coll' entero- clisma. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova. 1881, xxiv, 84; 103. — Morrison (J. H.) Rectal alimenta- tion in (1) oesophageal stricture, (2) carcinoma of stomach. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1879, 314-316. — Mnselli (J.-M.) Alimentation rectale avec l'ent6roclisme. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1887). 1888, 299- 309. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 18-7-8, xvii, 16 ; 23.— O'Hara (M.) Rectal alimentation by blood. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1880, ii, 5.—O'-Xeal (J. W. C.) Rectal alimentation and medication as reported to the Adams County Medical Society, September, 1878. Tr. M. Soc. Penn.. Phila., 1879. xii, pt. 2, 739-743.—Pfliiger (E.) Prof. C. A. Ewald s Versuche iiber die Ernahrung mit Pepton- und Eierklystieren; besprochen von . . . Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1887, xii, 189-196. Also: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887-8, xiii, 100-106.—Potter (YV. W.) On rectal alimentation and the induction ot abortion for the relief of the obstinate vomiting of pregnancy. Am. J. Obst, N. T., 1880, xiii, 85-98. Also, Reprint, -----. Rec- tal feeding in disease. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1880, 90-109. Aho: Med. Rec, N.Y., 1880, xvii, 391-397. Also, Reprint. — Rachel (G. W.) Der Gebrauch der "Beef- Peptonoids" bei kiinstlicher Ernahrung per rectum. N Yorker med. Presse, 1885-6, i, 214-217. — Kicketts (E.) Colonic irrigation and feeding per rectum, how best at- tained. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 570- 575.—Robinson (C. H.) Tlie treatment of gastric ulcer by rectal alimentation. .N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 16.— Sansom (A. E.) On a new method of supplementary alimentation. Lancet, Lond., 1881. i, 288; .322. — Schil- ling. Kiinstliche Ernahrung (Klvsmata nutrientia). Aerztl. Pract., Hamb., 1891, iv, 713-716. — Singer (G.) Ueher Rectalernahrung. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1895, xiii, 129-144,1 diag.—Smith (A. IL) Supple- mentary rectal alimentation, and especially by defibrinated blood, as applicable to a large range of cases iu which nutritive enemata have not heretofore been employed. Arch. Med.. N. Y., 1879, i, 113-137. Also, Reprint. — Spencer (II. E.) Nutrient suppositories. Practitioner, Lond., Is82, xxviii, 112. — Stewart (F. E.) A new method of rectal alimentation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 11. Also, Reprint, — Stillman ( W. O. ) Rectal alimentation. Albany M. Ann., 1886, vii, 43-47.—Stowell (C. H.) On rectal alimentation. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1880, n. s., i, 318. — Swieiyiisbi (J.) Sprawdzenie do&wiadczen Griitznera nad losem wlewah do kiszki stol- cowej u czlowieka i zwierzat. [Verification of Grutzner's experiments upon the effect of food given per rectum in men and animals.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1895, xvi, 537; 585.— Thermes. De l'alimentation par le gros intestin et principalement par le rectum. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, lie Par., 1879, 151-158. Aho: France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 627. — Tournier (C ) Note preliminairo sur la possi- bilite d'une alimentation rectale prolongee et son utilisa- tion dana la therapeutique stomacale. Province mid., Alimentation (Rectal). Lyon, 1895, ix, 337 ; 349. — Tm-iibiill (L. A.) Rectal in- jections of defibrinated beef-blood in phthisis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1892, vi, 166-169. — Tjnoii (W. J.) Rectal alimentation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 420.—Vasilyeff (S.) K voprosu o znachenii pitatelnikh klistirov, po spo- sobu Leubo. [Nutritive value of food injected according to Leube's method.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1879, exxxv, 3. sect,, 221-236. — Werner (H.) Ueber die Be- deutung der Rectalernahrung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895, xxx, 536.—Wright (H.) An illustration of the value of rectal feeding in a case of carcinoma of the stomach. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1511.—Wyinan (H.C.) Experiments demonstratingretrostalsis and rectal inhaus- tiou. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1881-2, i, 4-7. Alimentation (De 1') en gen6ral. [Le biscuit- boeuf de M. de Benrmann.] 16 pp. 8°. [Saint- Cloud, Belin-Mandar, 1850.] [P., v. 1751.] von Alimonda (Franz August) & von Ali- monda (Nino). Der menschliche Organismus und (lessen Heilung vermittelst der Elektricitiit, Theoretisches und Praktisches (in drei Theilen mit bildlichen Darstellungen). 3 v. 8°. Triest, J. Pass, 1894. von Alimonda (Nino). See von Alimonda (Franz August) A von Alimonda (Nino). Alin (Edvard). *Oni cervixskador under for- lossningen. [Upsala,] [On injuries of the cer- vix uteri during delivery.] 87 pp. 8°. Stock- holm, P. A. Norstedt $ Sb'ner, 1892. Repr. from: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1892, n. F., ii, no. 34. A lilies A W.). See Catalogus bibliothecae Guyotianse [etc.]. 8°. Groningce, 1883. Alinicle (Toxicology of). Gantrelet. Intoxication par l'alinide. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1887, 406-413. Alipore. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Alishevski (Vladimir). *Materiali dlla izuche- n'ia iskustvennavo paralicha diaphragmi u zhi- votnikh. [ Data for the study of artificial paralysis of the diaphragm in animals.] 112 pp. 83. Sanktpeterburg, 1871. Alison (A.) Etude sur l'6pide"mie de cholera qui a re"gn6 du 16 septembre au 6 d6cembre 1873. 23 pp., 1 map. 8°. Nancy, Berger-Levrault $ Cie., 1874. Repr.from: Rev. m6d. de 1'est, Nancy, 1874, i. Alison (A.) Sur la revaccination chez les en- fants. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, [1861]. Repr.from: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1881, i. Alison (Somerville Scott) [1813-77], Eeport on the sanitary condition and general economy of the labouring population in the town of Tra- nent, and neighbouring district iu Haddington- shire. (To the poor law commissioners, Aug. 6, 1840.) 52 pp. 8°. [London, W. Clowes $• Sons, 1842.] Repr.from: San. Inquiry: Scotland, Lond., 1842. -----. On pericarditis, a complication and se- quela of scarlatina; with cases aud observations. 10 pp. 8J. London, Wilson j- Ogilvy, 1845. Repr.from: Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, xxxvi. -----. On the use and administration of tannic acid in various diseases. 4 pp. 8°. London, Richards, 1850. Repr.from: Lond. J. M., 1850, ii. Alison (William Pulteney) [1790-1859]. Obser- vations on the physiological principle of sympa- thy, chiefly in reference to the peculiar doctrines of Mr. Charles Bull. 64 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1826.] Repr.from: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1826, ii. -----. Heads of lectures on the institutes of medicine. 2 p. 1., 52 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. mil, 1828, [P„ v. 1485,] ALISON, 256 ALKALIES. Alison (William Pulteney)—continued. ------. Dissertation on the state of medical sci- ence from the termination of the eighteenth cen- tury to the present time. 38 pp. 8°. London, Marchant, 1834. Repr.from: Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Lond., 1833, i. •------. Ou single and correct vision, by means of double and inverted images on the retina?. 22 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4C. Edinburgh, Neill $ Co., 1836. [P., v. 1184.] Repr.from: Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 183[3]-6, xiii. ------. Outlines of physiology and pathology, with supplement. 14 pp. ftc. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood 4' Sons; London, T. Cadell, 1836. [P., v. 6e9; 1564.] Contains Chapter II: Of the most general laws of vital action. ------. Supplement to Outlines of physiology. iv, 73 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood 4' Sons; London, T. Cadell, 1836. [P., v. 1563; 1564.] ------. Letter to the right honourable the lord provost, magistrates, and town-council of Edin- burgh, iu explanation of the proposal of the professors relative to the chair of general pa- thology. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill 4~ Co., 1837. ------. Report of a committee of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians of Edinburgh, appointed to consider the best mode of framing public regis- ters of deaths. (Approved by the Royal College, Feb. 17th, 1841.) 10 pp. fol. [Edinburgh, J. Stark, 1841.] [P., v. 919.] ------. Observations on the best mode of regis- tering deaths. Read at an evening meeting of the Royal College of Physicians, June, 1843. 8 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1844.] [P., v. 918.] Repr.from: North. J. M., Edinb., 1844, i. ------. Notice of cases of pleurisy and pneumonia in the clinical wards of the Royal Infirmary, iu the summer of 1850; being the substance of two clinical lectures delivered on 7th May and 18th June. 16 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland fy Knox, 1850. [P., v. 918.] Repr.from: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1850, xi. For Biography, see Edinb. M. J., 1866, xi, 1063-1076 (A. H. Douglas). Also, Reprint. ------. See, also: Harvey (A.) On the general character and value of Dr. Alison's writings. Scottish 6c North of Eng. M. Gaz., Edinb., 1843-4, i, 70-75. Also, Reprint. Alivla (Michele). Prenozioni cliniche. 138 pp. 8°. Sassari, tipog. G. Dessi, 1864. ------. Nota clinica sopra alcuni casi di polmo- nite cruposa osservati nella clinica medica di Sassari nell' anno scolastico 1880-1881. 18 pp. 8°. Sassari, tipog. G. Dessi, 1885. ------. Riassunto di alcnne osservazioni intorno alle malattie epatiche studiate nella clinica me- dica di Sassari nell' anno 1879-80. 15 pp. 8°. Sassari, tipog. G. Dessi, 1885. ------. Contributo alia casuistica della cirrosi bi- liare. 42 pp. 8°. Sassari, tipog. G. Dessi, i860. ------. L' ossaluria. Studio e considerazioni cri- tiche. 71 pp. 8°. Sassari, tipog. G. Dessi, 1885. -----. The same. 2. ed. 80 pp. 8°. Parma, L. Battel, 1886. ------. Clinica medica generale della r. Univer- sita di Parma, diretta dal professore Giuseppe Silvestrini. La periangi'ocolite da calcolosi bi- liare. 2 p. 1., 87 pp., 2 pi., 1 diag. 8°. Parma, L. Battel, 1886. ------. Clinica medica generale della r. Univer- sita di Parma, diretta dal professore Giuseppe Silvestrini. Appunti di clinica medica prope- deutica. 57 pp., 3 pi. ft-. Parma, L. Battei, 1886. ------. Intorno all' azione antipiretica dell' idro- chinoue unito al salol. 60 pp. 8°. Parma, L. Battei, 1887. Ali via (Michele)—continued. ------. Sulla etoBsicaffeina. Studio sperimen- tale. 71 pp. 8C. Parma, L. Battei, 1687. Ali wall. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Alix [1854- ]. *De la pe>in6orrhaphie imme- diate. 40 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 261. Alix (Eugene). Inspection des viaudes de bou- cherie. La ladrerie des betes bovines et le tenia inerme de l'homme. (Observations recueillies enTunisie.) 56 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here cy fils, 1887. ------. L'esprit de nos betes, viii, 656 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1890. See, aho, C'nycr (fidouard) & Alix (Eugene). Le cheval [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1886. Alix (Leon) [184ft- ]. *De l'iritis sereuse et des phe"nonienes glaucomateux. 44 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1881, No. 296. Alix (Matthaeus Frauciscus) [1738-82]. *De du- abus prope perinseum tistulis, urinam purulen- tam excerneutibus. In: WEIZ (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1774, ii, 304-309. See, aho, Ranlin (Joseph)1 [in 1. s.]. Kurzgefasste Anweisung zur Hebammen-Kunst [etc.]. 12°. [Erfurt?], 1772. ------. The same. 3. Ausg. 12°. Fulda, 1775. Alix (Paul). Coutributiou a l'e'tude de la patho- g6uie et du traitement du prurigo d'Hehra. 57 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, imp. Nouvelle, 1600. Alix (Pierre-Marius) [1848- ]. "Etude sur le diagnostic diffe~rentiel de la iievre r6mittente ob- serv6e en Algerie et de la ficvre typhoide. 08 pp., 2 diag. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 29. ABkaBi works. See, also, Hygiene (Public, Reports on). Great Britain. Local Government Board. Alkali, etc., works regulation acts, 1874 and 1888. Annual reports on alkali, etc., works, by the chief inspector. Proceedings during the years 1872-90 (9.-27.). 8°. London, 1865-91. Great Britain. Privy Council Office. Com- mittee of trade. Alkali acts, 1863. Annual re- ports of the inspector, to the committee of privy council for trade, of his proceedings during the years 1864-71 (1.-8.). 8°. London, 1865-72. Alkalies. See, also, Ammonia; Calcium; Lye; Magne- sium; Potassium; Sodium; Waters (Mineral). Bekker (N. M.) *K farmakologii shtshelo- tchey. [On the pharmacology of alkalies.] 8:. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Champy (C.) * Etude coniparee de l'action physiologique des sels potassique3 et sodiques et en particulier de leurs chlorures. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1670. Descroizilles (F.-A.-H.) Notices sur I'alca- limetre et autres tubes chimico-me'triquesou sur le polymetre-chimique, et sur uu petit alanibic pour l'essai des vius. Opuscule utile aux fabri- caus, commercans et consommateurs de soude, de potasse, de savon, de vinaigre et d'eau de vie. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1824. Dupre (J.) Action des alcalins sur le sang, la bile et les urines, surtout k doses fortes et massives. 8°. Lyon, 1881. Einfluss (Ueber den) der Alkalien auf den menschlicheu Stoffwechsel; experimentell-kli- nische Untersuchungen. Hrsg. von E. Stadel- mann. 8°. Stuttgart, 1890. s' Graeuwen (P.) *De antacidis terrestri- bus. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1740. Javein (G. J.) * K voproeu o vlianii dvuugle- kislavo i limouuokislavo natria na character belkovavo obnilena u zdorovych lyudel. [Ac- tiou of sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbon- 57 ALKALOIDS. ALKALIES. ilka lie*. ate on character of decomposed albuminates in healthy people.] 8C. S.-Peterburg, 1691. Kreps (,M.) * Ueber salzartige Verbindungen des Chromoxyds mit Alkalien und Erden. 8°. Berlin. [1693]. Mozkix (I.) * Ueber Kondensationsprodukte von Phosphaten, Arsenaten oder Nitraten der Alkalieu mit Chromaten oder Sulfaten derselben. 12-. Berlin, 1694. Poggiale (A.-B.) Action des alcalis sur le sucre dans l'economie animale. 8°. Paris, 1856. Schwaneberger (G.) * Ueber den Einlluss der Alkalisalze auf die Magenverdauung. [Er- langen.] ft0. Leipzig, 1690. Snow (B. AY.) * Ueber das ultrarothe Eniis- sionsspeetruni der Alkalieu. [Berlin.] 8 . Leipzig, 1>92. Spilker (E.) * Ueber deu Einfluss der Alka- lieu auf den Stoffwechsel. mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Harnsaure. 8. Berlin, [1869]. Thienes (C.) * Ueber eine neue Methode zum qualitativen Nachweis sowie zur quantitativen Trennung der alkalisehen Erden durch dunkles Schwefelammonium. 8°. Erlangen, 1893. Zeitler (J. N.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Loslichkeit der Alkalisalze in Alkohol. 8°. Erlangen, 1679. Aho, in: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1878- 9, xi, 148-176. Bardeleben (K.) Die Ein-wirkung von Kali- undKa tron-Salzen auf die Muskeln des menschlichen Darmes. Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f.Med. u. Naturw.(1882), 1883, 15-19.—Beyer (H. G.) The direct action of calcium, sodium, potassium, and ammonium salts on the bloodves- sels. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix. 253-258. Aho, Re- print.—Binet (P.) Recherches comparatives sur Taction physiologique des m6taux alcalins et alcalino - terreux. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1892, xii, 523; 587.— Blake (J.) Ueber die Beziehung der physiologischen "Wirkung der Alkalimetalle zu ihren cbemischen Eigen- schaften. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1886, xxiv, 97-99—Blane (G.) On the effect of lar^je doses of the carbonates of potash in gravel, with remarks on their administration, particularly on the advantage of combin- ing them with opium, and other narcotics; also, on the virtue of opium in the case of diabetes and intermittent fever, and as an alexipharmick. On the use of pure alka- lies and lime water in disorders of the bladder, stomach, and skin. In hh: Select Diss., 8°, Lond., 1822, 182-204. Aho: Ibid., n. ed., 8-, Lond., 1833, ii, 1-33.— Briicke (E.) Leber des Absorptionsspectrum des iibermaugausauren Kali und seine Beniitzung bei ehemisch-analytischen Ar- beiten. Sitznnjisb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1876, Wien, 1877. lxxiv, 428-435.— Coignard. Les alcalins peuvent annihiler la fonction glycogenique chez les v6g6taux, ils en diniiuuent l'activite chez l'homme. J. de therap., Par., 1880, vii, 841-845.— t'nrci (A.) Sull' azione biologica dei pri'ncipali metalli alcalini ed alcalino-tenosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 411. -----. Alcune ricerche sul mec- canisrao di azione dei comuni metalli alcalini ed alcalino- terrosi. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1886, 4. s., iii, 337-350.—Davy (H.) The Bakerian lecture, on some new phenomena of chemical changes produced by electricity, particularly the decomposition of tbe fixed alkalies, and the exhibition of the new substances which constitute their bases; and on the general nature of alkaline bodies. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1808, 1-44. Aho [Abstr.J, in: [Marcet (Jane) ]. Conversations on chemistry, 12°, New Haven, 1809, 338-351.— Dufourt (E.) Influence des alcalins sur la glycogenic hepatique. Arch, de med. exp6r. et d'anat. path., Par., 1890, ii, 424-133. —Ferrand. A propos des inconvfenients de la medication alcaline. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. dePar., 1895, 3. s., xii, 293.—£.apicque (L.) Note sur Taction des alcalins. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 730-733. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 764.—Lepage (P.-H.) Observations a. propos du memoire de M. Deschamps (d'Avallon), sur la lixiviation. Repert. de pharm., Par., 1862-3. xix, 63-66. Aho, Re- print. — Limbourg (P.) Zui Kenntniss der Wirkung neutraler Alkalisalze und des Harnstoffs auf Frosche. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887-8, xxiv, 342-359. — LinoMgicr (G.) Sc Lemoine (G.) Contribu- tion al'6tude de Taction des alcalins s«r la digestion gas- trique chez l'homme. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1893, i, 655-681. —martin- »amoiu-ette & Hyadet. Note sur quelques effets nutritifa des alcalins, a doses inodereea, d'apres l'experimentation sur l'homme dans l'etat de sante. J.detherap., Par., 1880, vii, 441-453. Also [Abstr.I; Compt. 17 Alkalie*. rend. Acad. d. sc, Tar., 1880, XC, 1150-1153. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Roi. de med. nav., San Fernando, 1880, iii, 179- 181.—".Tlathien (A.) La cystite causee par l'ingestion des alcalins k haute dose. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 253-256. — >agayo (S.) Fukosei alkalai no pepsin ni oyobosu tokoro.no keijio. [Effect of caustic alkalies on pepsin.] f'hiugai Iji Sliinpo, Tokio, 1893. no. 327, 16; no. 328. is. _ >;«.*< n (V. V.) O vlianii shtsholotcbey na otdeleniie zlieh-hi i o terapevticbeskom ikb znaebenii. [On the influence of alkalies upon the se- cretion of bile and their therapeutical value.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.,1891,xxxv.x.">4-862.—Randnitz (R.W.) Ueberdie Resorption alkalisclur Krden im Verdaunngstract. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Tharruaknl., Leipz., 1892-3, xxxi, 343- 355.—Richet (C.) De Taction physiologique des sels al- calins; etudes de toxicologic generale. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path.. Par., 18S6, 3. s., vii, 101-150. Also [with additions], in his: 1'hysiol.. trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, ii, 398-493.— Kinder (S.) Further observations regarding the antagonism between calcium salts and sodium, potas- sium and ammonium salts. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1895, xviii, 425-429. —Ringer (S.) Sc Buxton (D. W.) Con- cerning the action of small quantities of calcium, sodium, and potassium salts upou the vitality and 1 unction of con- tractile tissueaud the cnticnlar cells of fishes. J. Phvsiol., Lond., 1885-6, vi, 154-161. — Ringer (S.) 6c Nniiisbiiry (H.) On the action of the salts of sodium, ammonium, and potassium. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 736.-----------. The action of potassium, sodium and calcium sails on tubifex rivulorum. J. Physiol.,Cambridge, 1894, xvi, 1-9.—Ron*. wet (C.) Les indications de la medication alcaline. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 565.—Smith (V\\) Manufacture of alkalis and acids. Tr. San. Inst. 1893, Lond., 1894, xiv, 169-207.—Soulier (II.) Medication alcaline. Lyon med., 1891, lxvi, 395-407.—Stadeluiann (E.) Ueber den Ein- fluss der Alkalieu auf den menschlichen Stoffwechsel. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1890, ix. 381- 390. Also [Abstr.]: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1890, iv, 718. Aho [Abstr.] : Wien. med. BL, 1890, xiii, 277. Also [Abstr.] : Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 427. Aho [Abstr.]: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1890, iv, 377.— Tanignti (K.) Ueber den Einfluss der Alkalien auf die Oxydation im Organismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1889, cxvii, 581-586.—Weiske (H.) Versuche iiber die Wirkung einer Beigabe von Calcium-, Strontium- resp. Magnesiumcarbonat zu einem kalkarraen, aber phosphor- saurereichen Futter auf den thierischen Organismus, ins- besondere auf die Zusammensetzung des Skelettes. Zt- schr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz., 1894, n. F., xiii, 421-448. Alkalies (Toxicology of). See, also, Lye (Poisoning by). Richet (C. ) De Taction toxique des sels alcalins. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1886, cii, 57-60. — Souza Lopeg. Tratamento do envenenamento pelos alcalis. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da Fac de med. do Rio de Jan., 1888, v, 2. sem., 55-61. — Strassmann (F.) Vergiftung durch Alkalien, insbesondere durch Cyankalium. Ver- handl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 17. Abth., 20-26. Alkaline (The) sulphur spring and the soda- lithium spring of Bad-Weilbach. 32 pp. 12°. Wiesbaden, P. Brems, 1893. Alkalisehen (Die) Mineralwasser von Vals, [etc.]. See Alcaline (The) mineral waters of Vals, [etc.]. Alkaloid (The). A monthly journal devoted to concentrated medication. Edited by Louis J. Mitchell. Nos. 5, 10-11, v. 1, Oct., 1891; March, April, 1.892; no. 7, v. 2, Dec, 1692. 6°. Chicago, Stromberg, Allen Sf Co. Alkaloidal (The) Clinic. [Dosimetric] Edited by W. C. Abbott. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1894-6. 8°. Ravenswood, Chicago, III. Current. Alkaloids. See, also, Poisons (Antidotes, etc., of); and un- der names of, as, Aconitine, Quinine, etc. Alkaloid (The). A monthly journal devoted to concentrated medication. Edited by Louis J. Mitchell. Nos. 10, 11, v. 1, March, April, 1692 ; No. 7, v. 2, Dec, 1892. 8°. Chicago. Bocquillox-Limousin (H.) Formulaire des alcaloi'des et de glucosides. Avec une introduc- tion par G. Hayem. 16°. Paris, 1894. DUPUY (B.) Alcalo'ides; histoire, propriety chimiques et physiques, extraction, actiou physi- ologique, effets therapeutiques, toxicologic, ob- servations, usages en medecine, formules, etc. ALKALOIDS. 25 cS ALKAPTONURIA. Alkaloid*. Avec preface de Dujardin-Beaumetz. Ouvrage honor! par F Academie de Me'decine. 2 v. roy. 8C. Parts, 1H-9. Herland (G.-J.-L.) * Synthese chhuique, ses progres eu te qui touche si l'histoire des alcalis organiq ues. 4°. Paris, 1>57. Jussewitsch (S.) * Ueber die Absorption von Alkaloiden in verschiedenen Organen des leben- den Thierkorpers. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1666. Also, in: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1887, n. F., xx, 85-96. Kovacs (P.) Diss, inaug. sistens alcaloidea et acida plantarum robautium. C-. Pestini, l6'37. Kli.eshoff (N.) Materijali dlja pharmako- logii alkaloidov. [Pharmacology of alkaloids.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1874. Lemattre (G.) Du mode d'action physiolo- gi(]ite des alcalo'ides. 6C. Paris, 166b. Marchand (J.-E.-A.) * Considerations gdne"- rales sur les bases salifiables orgauiques et sur leur constitution chimique. 4 . Paris, 1840. Nensbeko (I.) O preimushtshestvakh alka- j loidov pered sredstvauii iz koikh oni dobivayu- ! tsa, i o tochnosti dozirovauii ikh v granyulkakh j iii krupiukakh. [< )n the advantages of alka- I loids over the drugs from which they are ob- \ tained, and on their exact dosing in granules.] 8:. S.-Peterburg, 18--. Nichols (H. T.) & Norton(T. II.) Examina- j tion of the Lloyd method for the assay of alka- loids, h . [n.p., 1692.] Repr.from: J. Anal. Sc Applied Chem., 1892, vi. Positive medical agents: being a treatise on the new alkaloid, resinoid, and concentrated preparations of indigenous and foreign medical plants. By authority of the American Chemical Institute. 8°. -Yew York, 1-5."). Positive medication. A pamphlet on alka- ,trits, alkametric granules, alkadermic pellets, [etch Also upon alkassayed fluids. 8-. De- troit, Mich., [1886, vel subseq.]. Riche (A.) * Des alcalis orgauiques volatils naturels ou artiflciels. 4-. Paris, 1658. Saint-Genez (P.-T.) * Nouvelles experimen- tations sur les alcalis ve"ge"taux; effets obtenus. 4°. Paris, 1842. Schachtrupp ( L. ) # Ueber die Anwendung des Amylalkohols zur Darstellung und quantita- tiveu Bestimmung des Morpkins, zur Darstellung des Strychnins, so wie zum Nachweise der Alka- loide bei gerichtlich-chemischen Analysen. 8C. Hanover, 18G7. Stucke (C. F. A.) *De alcaloidibus. 8°. [Berlin, 1821.] Yalser ( A.) * Etude sur la recherche, les caracteres distinctifs et le dosage des alcaloides organiques naturels. 4°. Paris, 1862. Aubert (P.) De quelques alcaloides etant successive- ment hidrotiques, puis anhidrotiques: lobeline, cytisine, aconitine. Lyon med., 1893, lxxiv, 499; 535. — Bardet. Quelques considerations sur le forniulaire des alcaloides et principes actifs des plantes. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893, 274-278.-C'aldwell (G.C.) Re- port of analyst of alkaloidal medicinal preparations. Rep. State Bd. ILealth N. Y., Albany. 1886, vi, 374-378. — Chonppe (H.) Recherches experimentales sur la rapi ditc coinparee de l'absorption de quelques alcaloides par le tissu conjonctif sous-cutaue. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1888, 8. 8., v, 607-609. — Depaire (J.-B.) Sur le dosage des alcalo'ides par la methode optique. Ann. de l'Univ. de Brux. Fac. de med., 18p1, ii, 215-224.—Deunos. Des inconvenients des origiues diverges des alcaloides. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. 1880 xcix, 413.—Errera (L.) Sur la distinction microchimique des alcaloides et des matieres proteiques. Ann. Soc. beige de micr. 1886-7, Brux.. 1889, xiii, 71-121. — Fayyioli ( F.) Del modo d'azione di diversi alcaloidi sugli iiiiusorii cigliati. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roiuinmalnes. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1893, xix, 171-175.- Hay (M.) Vegetable alkaloids, and the methods of their separation. Pharm. J. 6c Tr. Lond., 1883, 3. 8., xiii, 719; 758. Aho, Reprint. — Urgcr (P.) Sur le pouvoir tixateurde certains organes pour les al- caloides introduits dans le sang qui les inn else. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 1226.—Ilo«ye« (A.) Die Wirkung einiger Alkaloide auf die Kdrpertemperatar; untersucht vou K. Bikfalvi, li. Xappendruk nud J. Ve- ress. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol. Leipz., 1881, xiv, 113-138, 1 tab. — Hiifner ( G. ) Ver.-uche iiber dio Dissociation der Kohlenoxydverbindung dos Blutfarh- stoft's; nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Lrsache uud Dauer der Gift wirkung der Alkaloide. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1895, 213-224.— Hugoimenq (L.) Larecherche toxicologiquedes alcaloides, a propos del'autopsiedu baron de Reinach. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1893, viii, 414-424.— Liloyil (J. V.) Examples illustrating au alka- loidal standardizing method for fluid extracts. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila., 1891, xxxi. 128-133. — Malossc. Synthese et essai physiologique d'un nouvel alcaloide arti- ficie). Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1887, ix. 565- 568.—iVIarcaeci (A.) L' azione degli alcaloidi nel regno vegetale e animate. Ann. d. ITniv. libera di Perugia. Fac. di mecl. e chir., 1887-8, iii, 3-74, 1 pi., 1 ch. Also [Abstr.J; Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, lx»7, 4. s., v, 3-7. Aho [Abstr.]: Atti xi. Cong. d. Ass. mecl. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, i, 134-136.—Mombo (TJ.) Azione di alcuni alcaloidi sul geriuogliameuto dei semi e sul successivo sviluppo della pianta. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii. farmacol., 28-32. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1894, xxi, 231--36. — (Echsner de Coninck. Contribution a-la synthese des alcaloides. Compt. rend, Soc. de biol.. Par.', 18*5. 8. s., ii, 108-110. -----. Quel- ques observations relatives a- la classification des alcaloides naturels ct artificiels. Ibid., 1886. 8. s., iii, 49-52. ----. Nouvelles observations sur la classification des alc-alohies. Ibid., 251. -----. Contribution k l'etude des alcaloides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 513-515.—Pcl- lacani (P.) II consumo di alcuni alcaloidi nei tessnti durante la vita; studii di tossicologia forense. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1892, vii, 119; 147; 197. Aho [Abstr.]: Terap. mod., Feltre, 1892, vi, 646-651. — Fynchon ( E.) The trituration of alkaloids. Wi st. M. Reporter, Chi- cago, 1888, x, 78-80. Also, Reprint. — Ranwez ( F.) Notes sur le dosage des alcaloides dans les medicaments gahiniques a. base d'aconit, de belladone, de jusquiame, de stramoiue et de eigne. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1893, 4. s., vii, 555-578. [Rapportl, 521-527. ----. Observations sur la preparation des extraitsvireux et leur richesse en alcaloides. Ibid., 1895, 4. s., ix, 429-446.— Kost«bach (M.J.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Alkaloide auf die organischen Substrate des Thierkorpers. Ver- handl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1872, n. F , iii, 346-368. Also: Pharmakol. Untersuch., Wiirzb., 1873-4, i, 145-167. ---■—. Experinientelle und kritische weitere Beitrage zur Erkenntuiss der Grundwirkung der Alka- loide. Verhandl. cl. phvs.-uied. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1874, vi, 162-189. Aho: Pharmakol. Untersuch., Wiirzb., 1873-4,i, 168-195.—Schatski (E.) Uchenieorastitehiikh alkaloidakh glukozidakh i ptomainakh. [On vegetable al- kaloids, glucosides, and ptomaines. 1 Ucheu. zapiski Ka- san. Vet, Inst,, 1889, vi, 81; 123: 219; 255: 1890, vii, 1; 210: 1892, 1-28. Also, Reprint— Sell ill zi- (E.) & Bosslmid (E.) Zur Kenntniss des Vmkimiiui ns von Allantoin, As- paragin, Hypoxanthin unci (iuanin iu den Pflanzen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5, ix, 420-444.- Mmith (A. P.) Notes on tbe identification of alkaloids and other crystalline bodies by the aid of the microscope. Analyst, Lond., 1886, xi, 81-87, 2 pi. Aho : J. Micr. & >at. Sc, Lond., 1886, v. 210-218, 2 pi.—Souza Lopes. Elec- trolyse des saes dos alcaloides. Bra/.il-nicd., Rio de Jan., 1892, vi, 308-311. Also: Rev. d. curses prat, etheor. da Fac. de med. do Rio de Jan., 1893, vii, 39-52. — Stockuiann "' (B.) & Dott ( D. B.) Report on the action of thebaiue, ^ narcotine, and certain of their derivatives. Rep. Scient. Grants Com. Brit. M. Ass. 1891-3, Lond., 1894, ii, 1-7.— Tamba (K.) Ueber die Loslichkeit einiger Alkaloide und deren Salze in chemisch reinem absolute1!) Aether. Mitth. a. d. pharm. Inst. u. Lab. f. ang. Chem. d. Univ. Er- langen, Miinchen. 1889. Hft. 2, 283-285.—Veuturini (V.) Intorno alle quantita di alcaloidi coutenute negli estratti alcoolici di noce vomica, belladonna, giusquiamo, aconito e cicuta, che trovansi in conunercio. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1891, 2..-,.. xxiv, 266-277. Aho: Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1891, xii, 822-825. Alkaptonuria. See, also, Urine (Reducing substances in). Embdex (H.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Alkaptouurie. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8=. Strass- burg, 189:5. Brnnr (T. B.) Sugar testing with special reference to alcaptouuria'. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., ALKAPTONUEIA. 259 ALLANTOIS. Alkaptonuria. 1889, 138-145. — Enibilen (H.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Alkaptonurie. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1892-3, xvii, 182; 304.—Kirk (It.) Report on uroleucic acid and alcaptonuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1149.— Kraske (P.) Sc Kallmann (E.) Zur Kenntniss der Alkaptonurie. Miinchen. nied.Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 1- 3 —Ogdcn (II.V.) Ein Fall von Alkaptonurie. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1894, xx, 280-280.—Slosse (A.) Un nouveau cas d'alcaptonurie. Ann. Soc, roy. d. sc. m6d. et nat. de Brux., 1895-6, iv, 89-96. — Wolkow (M.) 6c Bniimaiiii (E.) Ueber das Weson der Alkaptonurie. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1890-91, xv, 228-285. Alker (Hermann). * Ueber den therapeutischen Werth des Jodoforms bei Erkrankungen des Auges. 36 pp. 8-\ Giessen, Briihl, 1883. VOll Alkiewicz (Anton) [1855- ]. * Mor- bidities-und Mortalitats-StatistikderGreifswal- der geburtshilfliehen Klinik vor und nach Ein- fiihrung des aseptischeu Systems. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1862. Alkihdus (Jacobus). Liber de gradibus re- rum. In- Elluchasem Elimithar. Tacuini sauitatis de sex rebus, [etc.]. fol. Argentorati, 1531, 140-163. See, also, ©pnsenla ilhistrium medicorum de dosibus, [etc.]'[inl. s.J. 16°. Lugduni, 1584. Alkine. Laun (W. F.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Alkine. 8U. Kiel, 1664. Alkmaar. Puarmacopoea Almeriana Galeno- chvmica. 12-'. Almericv, apud J. van Beyeren, 1723. ------. Keure, ende ordonuantie op het collegi- um medico - pharmaceuticuni, binnen de stad Alkmaar. 24 pp. 12°. Alkmaar, J. van Beye- ren, 1723. Boundwith: Alkmaar. Pharmacopcea Almeriana. 12°. Aimer i(e. 1723. Alkohol -Vorlage (Die). Ein Wort zur Volksabstimmungvom 25. Oktober 1885. 16 pp. 8°. Ziirich, I. Schabelitz, 1885. Repr.from: ZiiricherPost. Alkopliyr. Briickc (E.) Ueber das Alkophyr und iiber die wahre und die sogeuannte Biuretreaction. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1883, lxxxvii, 141-160. Alkylmiazine. Lax^ (M.) * Zur Kenntniss der Phen-b-al- kylmiazine. [Berne.] 8°. Berlin, 1894. All about opium. Edited by Hartmann Henry Sultzberger, merchant, xv, 207 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Wertheimer, Lea 4' Co., 1884. Altahen (Orson 31.) [1809-92], Memorial. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.], 1893, 433. Allahabad Medical Society. See N.-W. Pro- vinces aud Oudh Branch of the British Medical Association. Allain (Jean-Marie) [1867- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'6tnde de l'ichthyose congeuitale. 54 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. Bordeaux, 1691, No. 20. Allaire. Phthisie irreguliere manifeste chez l'adulte (exceptions a la loi de M. Louis). 29 pp. 8J. Paris, V. Rozier, 1862. ------. De l'ur6trite chronique et de son traite- ment par la dilatation progressive. 53 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Rozier, 1866. Repr. from -. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1865, 3. s., xiv. Allaire (Emile-Etienne). * Du traitement de la nevralgie sciatique (femoro-poplitee de Chaus- sier). 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 199, v. 534. Allaire (Georges) [1864- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du polyad^nome ou epitheliome intra- glandulaire. 48 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 18. Allais (Cheri) [1853- ]. * De l'influence des diatheses dans le traitement des maladies chi- Allais (Cheri)—continued. rurgicales. 74 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1878, No. 54. Allamail (Camille) [1862- ]. * Des alienes criminels. 181 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 367. —. Thesame. 181 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1691. Allaniorvos. Mellekletul a Gy6gyaszat foly- oirathoz. [State medicine; a companion to Gydgvaszat (containing official instructions, etc.).'] 1879-87. 8°. Budapest. Allan (Bridge of). Gordon (W.) Bridge of Allau, and its re- sources. [Mineral waters.] 8°. Edinburgh, 1660. Allan (David). Notes on the treatment of spas- modic cholera, as successfully employed in many instances that occurred in India aud China. 7 pp. 8-\ [Edinburgh, Oliver 4-Boyd],1832. [P., v. 1061.] Allan (G. F.). See Pctit-Railel (Philippe) Sc Allan [inl. a.]. Ex- plication des planches [etc.]. 4°. [Paris, 1790.] Allan (George S.) Address delivered before the American Academy of Dental Science, at its twenty-fourth annual meeting, held in Boston, November 11, 1891. 12 pp. 8°. Boston, Rock- well 4' Churchill, 1892. Allan (James B[rands]) [ -1890]. Observa- tions on some of the predominant diseases of the African Islands. 28 pp., 1 uiap. 8°. Edin- burgh, Balfour 4- Jack, [1841]. [Also, in: P., v. 918.] Repr. from: Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc., 1841, i. Allan (James H.) Practical pharmacy. Notes on dispensing. 1 p. 1., 62 pp. 16°. London, H. Kimpton, 1885. Allan (James S.) Oration delivered before the Chamberlain Philosophical and Literary Society of Centre College, on the fourth of July, 1835. 16 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, E. Taylor, 1835. Allan (James Watson). Notes ou fever nursing. vii (2 1.), 67 pp. 8°. London, J. $~ J- Church- ill, 1679. ______. Outlines of infectious diseases, for the use of clinical students. 120 pp. 16°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1886. ______. Clinical instruction in infectious diseases. Three short addresses. 24 pp. 8°. Glasgow, A. Macdougall, 1889. Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1885, xxiii: 1888, xxix: 1889, xxxii. ___ ^ , „ „ See also Glasgow. City of Glasgow Fever and Small- pox Hospitals. Bye-laws [etc.]. 8°. Glasgow, [1885]. Allan (John). Practical guide on "healthy houses" and sanitary reform. People's ed. 106 pp. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall 4- Co., [1884]. Allan (Eobert) [1778-1827]. A probationary surgical essay, containing observations on the anatomical structure, physiology, and pathology of the mamma, vi, 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Stewart, 1809. [P., v. 1191.] ------. Observations on aneurism. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Neill, 1826. [P., v. 1214.] Repr.from: Edinb. J. M. Sc., 1826, i: 1826-7, ii. For Biography, see Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1827, iii, 46o. Allantoin. Koehler (G. A. A.) *De allantoiui in unna unpedita respiratioue praesentia. [Breslau.] 4G. Gorlitii, 1857. Colasanti (G.) La formazione dell' allantoina nell organismo. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Koma, 1892-3, xix, 328-239b. Allantois. Langenbeck (M.) Untersuchungen uber die Allantois. 4°. Gbtlingen, 1847. VON Preuschen (F.) Die Allantois des Menschen. Eine entwickelungsgesclnchthche ALLANTOIS. 2(J0 ALLCIIIN. Allantoic. Studie auf Grnnd eigener Beobachtung. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1667. Rnrdeleben (K.) Franz v. Preuschen. Die Allan- tois des Menschen. Eine eutwickeluugsgeschichttiche Studie auf Grund eigener Beobachtuug. Mit 10 Tafeln, viii und 19"> S. 10 M. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1887. [Rev.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1888, xiv, 990. _____. Erwidcrung ant' Herrn Prof. v. Preuschen's Arti- kel "Zur Abwehr', in No. 51, Jahrg. 18*s, d. Dtscht med. W. Ibid., 1889, xv, 37. Aho, Reprint. -----,. Ein Brief von Professor W. His, betivlfend Professor von Preu- schen's "biasenformige Allantois'' beim Menschen. Mit- getheilt von . . . Anat. Anz., Jena, 1889, iv, 17-21.—von Eltnri (V.) TJeber die erste Anlage der Allantois beim Menschen. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1876-7, Graz, 1*78, 28.—Krausc (W.) Ueber die Allantois des Menschen. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1881, v, 1.—von 1* rente hen (I.) Zur Abwehr! Igegen Bardeleben|. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1888, xiv, 1059. Allaiitonema. von Linstow. Ueber Allantonemasylvaticum. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiv, 169-173 Allara (Vincenzo). Sulla causa del cretiuesimo ; studio. 419 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 12-. Mildno, C. Chiesa 4* F. Guindani, l-".»2. ------. The same. Der Kretinismus, seine Ur- sachen und seine Heilung; studie. Autorisierte Uebersetzung aus dem Italienischen von Hans Merian. viii, 38-i pp., 2 tab. 8°. Leipzig, W. Friedrich, 16\)4. ------. Sulla origine dei corpuscoli del sangue; ricerche. 155 pp., 1 1. 12-. Milano, C. Chiesa -62. [P., v. 1766: 1767.] Allard (Joseph). 'Contribution a P6tude des tics chez les ali6n4s. 39 pp. 4J. Lyon, 1886, 1. h., No. 336. Allard (Jules) [1865- ]. *Des kystes puri- fornies du < ceur. 55 pp. 4J. Paris, 1-00, No. 81. Allardi (Christiaau) [1747-1822]. * De respira- tionis mechanismo. 1 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Groningce, H. Crebas, 1771. [Also, in : P., v. 1929; 1931. ] -----. Oratio de summa mentis voluptate, ex ipso artis sauandi usu haurienda. 64 pp. 4°. Leovardice, I), v. d. Sluis, [1797]. [P., v. 1942. ] Allardt (Carolus Fridericus). *Deamylo. 1767. In: Caktheuser (J. F.) Diss. nonn. select. 12°. Franeof. ad Viadr., 1775, 187-205. Allary (Le\>nce). *De ia pneumonie latente. ix, 11-70 pp., 2 1. 4 . Montpellhr, H-o, Xo. ->{',. Allasia (Joannes Bernardinus). *1. Do pilis. II. [etc.]. 15 pp. 4°. AugusUv Taurinornm, V. Bianco, 1617. [P., v. 943.] ------. * I. De iunammationis phlegmonosie cura- tione. II. [etc.]. 19 pp. 4C. [Augusta' Tau- rinornm, ridua Pomba etfilii], 1817. [P., v. 943.] Allalini (Moise). Delle misure sanitarie in Salonieco contro il cholera-morbus del 166>7>. 27 pp. 8 . [Pisa, tip. Ciii, 166)6.] Allan (Federico). Relazione linale sui casi di febbre gialla verificatisi nel lazzaretto di Vari- gnano durante 1' autunno lr-70. 11 pp. 4-'. Venezia, G. Antonetti, 1871. Allaximis (Jacobus). Medicae aliquot dis- ceptatioues eruditissiuue, quibus recentiorum et Arabuni permulti errores ad veterum discipli- nara expenduntur. 81 1. 16°. Parisiis, ex off. C. Weeheli, lb3b. Bound with: Agricola (Georgius). Libri quinque de mensuris et ponderibus, etc. 16°. Parisiis, 1533. Allbrecht (Frid. Guil.) *De diagnosi estho- uicaj lepra? cutanea3. 2 p. 1., 71 pp. 12°. Dor- pati Liroiiorum, ex off. acad. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1627). AlllHitt (Henry Arthur). The wife's handbook: how a woman should order herself during preg- nancy, in the lying-in room, aud after delivery. With hints on the management of the baby, and ou other matters of importance, necessary to be known by married women. 4. ed. 58 pp., 11. 12°. London, R. Forder, 1887. ------. The same. 8. ed. 58 pp. 12°. London, R. Forder, 1-^8. See, aho, Bnrjjgraeve (Ad.) The influence of Chan- teaudSeidlitz, [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1881. -----. The new handbook of dosimetric therapeutics, [etc.]. 12°. Lon- "* don, 1882. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1884. Allbntt(Tltomas Clifford) [1836- ]. Keiuarka on the phenomena of locomotor ataxy; with au appendix relative to discussion thereon. 8 pp. 8°. [London], P. Richards, [1869]. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i. ------. The effect of exercise on the bodily tem- perature. Reprinted from The Archives of the Royal Society. pp. 106-119. 8°. [London, 1873.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: J. Anat. & Physiol., Cambridge & Lond., 1873, vii. ------. On certain forms of visceral neuralgia. 19 pp. " . [Manchester, 1673.] Repr. from: Liverpool & Manchester M. & S. Rep., 1873, i. ------. On visceral neuroses, being the Gulsto- nian lectures ou neuralgia of the stomach aud allied disorders, delivered at the Royal College of Physicians in March, 1884. viii, 103 pp. 8°. London, J. 4~ A. Churchill, 1884. ------. The same, viii, 103 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, P. Blakiston, Son 4' Co., 1884. ------. Clinical lecture ou migraine. 18 pp. 16°. London, Harrison 4' Sons, 1 "-.">. Repr. from: Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Loud., 1885, i. For Biography, see Midland M. Misc., Leicester, 1885, iv, 121, port. ------& Teale (T. Pridgin). Clinical lectures. On scrofulous neck, and on the surgery of scrof- ulous glands. 32 pp. 6:. London, J. A. Church- ill, 186b. Allcliin (William Henry) [l»17-90]. The diet of the febrile state. 13 pp. 8°. [London], Har- rison 4" Sons, [18o5]. Repr.from: Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1885, viii. ------. Introduction to a course of clinical lect- ures. 18 pp. 8°. [n. pj, J. E. Adlard, [1885]. Repr.from: Westminst. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1885, i. ------. Functional disease. 18 pp. 8 . [Lon- don], J. E. Adlard, [1886]. Repr.from: Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1886, ii. ALLCHIN. 261 ALLEN. Allcliin (William Henry)—continued. -----. Scheme for case reporting. 54 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1887.. ------. The nature and causes of duodenal indi- gestion, being the Bradshaw lecture delivered before the Royal College of Physicians. 72 pp. 12°. London, J. Bale 4~ Sons, 1692. Also, Editor of: Westminster Hospital Reports. 8°. London, 1888. Alle. Bemerkungen iiber die heilsame Wirkung des versandten Eger-Franzensbader Mineral- wassers und Mineralmoores. 8 pp. 8J. [Wien, 1646.] Repr.from: Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1846. Alleailine (G[ ustave -Louis-Pierre - Jnlien]) [1868- ]. * Contribution a l'e'tude de la peri- tonite tuberculeuse: pronostic et traitement. 72 pp. 4. Paris, 1694, No. 422. Alleamne (Jacobus Ludovicus). See Descemet (Joannes). *An propria medici scien- tia cecouomia animalis cognitio? 4°. Parisiis, 1757.— Elie tie la Poterie (Joannes-Antonius). *An a poti- bus spirituosisprsematurasenectus ? 4°. [Parisiis, 1765. J— IVizoii (Theobaldus) [in 1.8.]. "An variolis narcotica? 4-. [Paris, 1771.] Allebe (Gerardns ArnoldusNicolaus) [1810- ]. *De aquis medicatis sive salubribns. xvi, 163 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. W. van Leeuwen, 1836. [P., v. 2079.] -----. Over bewegingeu rust. 40pp. 8J. Haar- lem, C. Zwardemaker, I860. Alleged (The) Lunatic's Friend Society. First report; shewing the origin, progress, and expen- diture of the society, etc.; with its laws and regulations. 7th July, 1845, to 7th Jan., 1846. 32 pp. 8°. London, W. McDowall, 1846. Alleghany (The) Springs, Montgomery County, Va. An elaborate analysis of the water. 60 pp. 12-\ Lynchburg, Va., j\ P. Bell (i-95]. R. (T. W.) In memoriam. Tr. Ohio M. Soc , Toledo 1895, 1, 48. Allen (Harrison) [1841- ]. Modern methods of investigation. 8 pp. 8~. [Cincinnati, i860.] [P., v. 1100.] Repr. from: Cincin. M. Kepert., 1869, ii. -----. Report of an autopsy ou the bodies of Chang and Eng Bunker, commonly known as the Siamese Twins. Read April 1,1874. 46 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1875. ------. Studies in the facial region. 2 1., 117 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia], J. B. Lippincott 4- Co., 1875. Repr. from : Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1873, xv: 1874, xvi. ------. A system of human anatomy, including its medical and surgical relations. With a section on histology, by E. O. Shakespeare, xv, iii, 17-812 pp., 109 pi. 4°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea's Son 4- Co., 1864. ------. On a new method of recording the motions of the soft palate. 34 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4" Co., 1864. Repr.from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884, 3. s., vii. ------. Electricity in medicine. 10 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. S. Smith, 1885. Repr.from: J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1885, 3. s., lxxxix. ------. Materials for a memoir on animal loco- motion. Extracted from the "Report on the Muybridge work at the University of Pennsyl- vania. The method and the result". 35-104pp., 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4" Co., 1868. ------. On the methods of study of the crowns of the human teeth, including their variations. 4 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1888. ] Repr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1888, xxx. ------. The palatal rugae in man. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1888. -----. The anatomy of the nasal chambers. 11 pp. 12°. New York, 1889. Repr.from: N.York M. J., 1889, xlix. -----. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. 708. The Toner lectures, instituted to encourage the discovery of new truths for the advancement of medicine. Lecture X. A clinical study of the skull, delivered May 29,1889. iv, 77 pp., 11. 8°. Washington, Smithson. Inst., 1890. Another copy bound with: Smithson. Misc. Collect., xxxiv. ------. Addresses on anatomy. I. Comparative anatomy as a part of the medical curriculum. II. On the teaching of anatomy to advanced medical students. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. Repr.from: I. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc 1880, Salem, 1881, xxix. II. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix. ------. Clinical signs common to mouth, nose, throat, and ear. 14 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Repr.from: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii. ------. Defective conditions of the vocal organs studied, in connection with questions of the oral method of training the deaf; the tongue. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. Lectures delivered before the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, at its second summer meeting, at Lake George, 1892. ------. The tonsils in health and disease. 17 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1892, n. s., ciii. ------. Introduction to a monograph of the North American bats. Notes on the genera of Ves- pertilionidae. 31 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1893. Repr. from: Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., "Wash., 1893, xvi. -----. A monograph of the bats of North America, vi (2 1.), 198 pp., 38 pi. 8°. Wash- ington, Gov. Print. Office, 1893. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 43. ALLEX. 263 ALLEX. Allen (Harrison)—continued. ------. The objects of the Wistar Institute. 7 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1694.] Repr. from: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi. ■------. The etiology of fracture of the lower end of the radius. 3 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Repr.from: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi. ------. Rhinoliths. 3 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1694.] Repr. from: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi. ------. On a new species of Ametrida. pp. 240- 246. 8°. [Boston, 1694.] Repr.from: Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1894, xxvi. .------. Morphology as a factor in skin disease. 27 pp. 8-\ [New Haven, 1694.] Repr.from: Tr. Cong. Am. Lhys. & Surg., N. Haven, 1894, iii. ------. Speech without a larynx. 13 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 4- Co., 1694.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv. ------. Another word on adenoid growths of the pharynx. 5 pp. 12-\ Philadelphia, 1607). Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. ------. Demonstration of skulls showing the effects of cretinism on the shape of the nasal chambers. 5 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Appleton 4 Co., 1895.] Repr. f rom .- N. York M. J., 1895, lxi. See, aho. Handbook (A) of local therapeutics. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Allen (H[arry] B[rookes]). President's ad- dress. Intercolonial Medical Congress of Aus- tralasia, third session, Sydney, 1892. Section of anatomy, physiology, pathology, aud pharmacol- ogy. 24 pp. 8°. Melbourne, SHllwell 4- Co., 1692. Repr.from: Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1892, n. s.,xiv. ------. Tabular list of medical periodicals in Melbourne libraries, including the Public Li- brary, the library of the medical school, and the library of the Medical Society of Victoria. Pre- pared by Prof. Allen, M. D. . . . with the assist- ance of the librarians. 16 pp. 8\ Melbourne, Stillwell 4 Co., 1-93. Allen (Henry C.) The therapeutics of inter- mittent fever. 342 pp. 8 \ Philadelphia, F. E. Boericke, 1684. ------. Secale cornutum. A fragmentary prov- ing. By H. C. Allen, M. D., and the students of the University of Michigan. 18 pp., 1 p. 1. 8°. Pittsburgh, Stevenson 4' Foster, 1885. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Pittsburgh, 1885. Allen (Israel). A treatise on the scarlatina anginosa, and dysentery ; and sketches on febrile spasm, as produced by p[h]logiston. 60 pp. 8°. Leominster (Massachusetts),printed by C. Prentiss, for the author 4' R- B. Thomas, 1796. [Also, in: P., v. 1433.] Allen (James F[ranklin]). Annual report of the medical officer of health of Pietermaritzburg, for the year 1884-5. pp. 6-10. fol. [Pieter- maritzburg, 1885.] [P., v. 2041.] Cutting from: Rep. Mayor Pietermaritzburg, 1885. ------. Is entericfeveracattledisea.se? An in- quiry. 59, iii pp., 3 diag. 8-. Pietermaritz- burg, P. Davis 4- Sons, [1885]. [P., v. 2041.] Allen (Joel Asaph) [1838- ]. History of North American Pinnipeds. A monograph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea bears, and seals of North America, xvi, 775pp. 8°. Washington, D.C., I860. Department of the Interior. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Sur- vey of Territories. Misc. coll. no, 12. See, aho. Cone* (Elliott) Sc Allen (Joel Asaph). Monographs of North American Rodeutia. v. 11. 4°. Washington, 1877. Allen (John )'. Synopsis universal medicinse practicae: sive doctissimorum viroruin de morbis eorumque causis ac remediis judicia. Accesse- ruut nunc demum casus nonuulli oppido rari. Allen (John)'—continued. Ed. prima veneta, ad tertiain Londineusem pri- oribus triente plus auctiorem, cxacta, additis prteterea formulis remediorum ex quinta Am- stelodamensi desumptis. 2 pts. in 1 v., paged consecutively. 3 p. 1., 663 pp. 12°. Venetiis, apud L. Basilium, 1732. Part 2 has separate title-page. ------. The same. Ed. nova Veneta, ad tertiam Londiueuseui prioribus triente plus auctiorem, exacta, additis prseterea formulis remediorum ex quinta Amstelodamensi desumptis. 2 v. 647 pp., paged consecutively. 12°. Venetiis, apud L. Basilium, 1746. ------. The same. Synopsis medicinse; or a summary view ofthe whole practice of physick. Being the sentiments of the most celebrated authors in all ages, relating to diseases, their causes and cures. With most cases in surgery and midwifery ; to which are added some obser- vations, very rare and uncommon, and a curious treatise on all sorts of poisons. Transl. by him- self from the very last ed. of his Latin synopsis. 2 v. viii, 400 pp. ; 356 pp., 22 1. 8°. London, J. Pemberion [and others], 1733. Last page in v. 2 called 352. ------. The same. . . . with very large improve- ments. 4. ed. 2v. viii, 400 pp. ; 356 pp., 221. 8°. London, C. Hitch [and others], 1761. ------. Verzameliugeu van de gedagten der ge- leerden over de zigtbare ziektens. 124 pp. 8°. In: de Gakengeot (R. J. C.) Nieuwe verhandeling over de nutste instrumenten der chirurgie, [etc.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1728, following index in 2. Deel. Extracted mainly from v. 2, ch. 10-13, of his: Synopsis univ. med. pract., [etc.]. Ed. nova Veneta. 12°. Vene- ris, 1748. See, aho, [Pcchey (John)] [inl. 9.]. Some observa- tions made upon the Banellas, [etc.]. sm. 4°. London, 1694. Allen (John)2. See C11 vier (Georges). An introduction to the study of the animal economy. 8°. Edinburgh, 1801. Allen (John)3. The physical history of various nations of the earth, with special reference to their teeth. 11 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Snowden 4" Cowman, 1877. Repr. from: Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1876-7, 3. s., x. Allen (John K.) Air-moistening; read at the Sanitary Convention in Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 18," 1880, and illustrated by samples of the air-moistener manufactured by I. W. Parmenter. 3 pp. 8°. [Lansing, I860.] Repr.from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1880. ------. Personal sauitary responsibilities. A paper read at a sanitary convention at Battle Creek, Mich., March 30, 1881. pp. 136-141. 8°. [Lansing, 1881.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1881, Lansing, 1882, ix. ------. Some sanitary memoranda. 2 1. 8°. [Lansing, 1881.] ------. Health officers. Statistics showing that to employ them is economical. 1 sheet. 8°. Lansing, Mich., 1882. ------. Practical tests for contaminated drink- ing-water. 1 broad sheet. [n. p., 1662, vel subseq. ] Allen (Jonathan A.) A synopsis of pharma- cology, in which the remedial agents obtained from the three kingdoms of nature are arranged according to Cleaveland on mineralogy, to Jussieu ou botany, aud to Cuvier on zoology, designed for the use of the members of the Vermont Acad- emy of Medicine, and also as a manual for the practitioner of medicine, v, 6-63, xi pp., 1 1. 8°. Middlebury, J. W. Copeland, 1823. Allen (Jonathan Adams) [1825-90]. Medical ex- aminations for life insurance. 143 pp. 8°. Chicago, Horton <)'• Leonard, 1667. ALLEN. 264 ALLEN. Allen (Jonathan Adams)—continued. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 143 pp. 8°. Chicago, Horton 4" Leonard, 1867. ------. The same. Revised and enlarged ed., with new introductory chapter and an extensive appendix, xii, 13-181 pp. 8C. Chicago, J. H. 4~ C. M. Goodsell, 1869. ------. Progress in medical education, being the doctorate address at the thirty-ninth annual commencement of the Rush Medical College, Feb. 22, 1881. [With secretary's report for the session of 1880-81.] 20 pp. 8°. Chicago, Chi- cago Legal News Co., 1881. For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 303. Also : N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 431. Also: Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1891, xii, 9, port. (E. L. H.). Allen (Jonathan 31.) [1815-67]. Harding (Rev. "W. M.) Obituary notice of Professor J. M. Allen. 1 double galley sheet. ' [Lowell, 1867.] Allen (Joseph A.) Westboro' Reform School reminiscences. 94 pp. 8°. Boston, Lockivood, Brooks 4' Co., 1677. Allen (Joseph Eve). A case of puerperal eclamp- sia, with remarks; read before the Augusta Med- ical Society. 9 pp. 8-''. [Atlanta, 1880.] Repr.from: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1880-81, xvii. ------. The uses of tar-water in obstetrical and gvnarcological practice; read before the Doctors' Society of Augusta, Ga. 9 pp. 8°. [Atlanta, 1880.] Repr.from: Atlanta M. 6c S. J., 1880-81, xviii. ------. The treatment of delay in the first stage of natural labor, with special reference to the early use of the forceps. 9 pp. 8°. [Atlanta, 1882.] Repr.from: Atlanta M. Reg., 1881-2, i. ------. The aseptic dressing of the umbilical stump. 5 pp. 8°. New York, 1894. Repr.from.- Am.J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxix. Allen (J[oshua] O.) [1832- ]. Orthopaedic notes; with report of interesting cases treated at the Surgical Institute, corner of Broad and Arch streets, Philadelphia. 24 pp. roy. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1887. Repr.from: Med. Bull., Phila., 1885, vii: 1886, viii. Allen (Mary A.). See Allen (Chileon (B.) Sc Allen (Mary A.) Ons wonderschoone huis, [etc.]. LP. Amsterdam, 1887. Allen (Matthew)1. Essay on the classification of the insane, xvi, 17-27, 212 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Lon- don, J. Taylor, [1837]. See, aho, Allen versus Button. 8°. London, 1838. Allen(Matthew)2. Artizaus and labourers' dwel- lings. Plans and suggestions for improved homes for the working classes. Also a descrip- tion of middle-class dwellings at Manor Road and Bethune Road, Stoke Newington. 14 pp., 3 plans. 8°. [London, J. Cox], 1876. [P., v. 2037.] Allen (Nathan) [1813-89]. The law of longevity, with special reference to life insurauce. 15 pp. 8J. New York, 1874. Repr.from: Sanitarian, N. T., 1873-4, i. ------. State medicine iu its relations to insanity. Read at the meeting of the American Social Science Association, Detroit, May 13, 1875. 31 pp. 8-\ Boston, Tolman 4- White, 1875. Repr. [with additions] from: Proc. Confer.Char.,Bost., 1875. ■------. Claims of the sick poor: paper read before the Middlesex North District Medical Society, January 31, 1877, 8 pp. 8°. Lowell, Mardenty Rowell, 1877. -------. Changes in New England population. Read at the meeting of the American Social Science Association, Saratoga, September 6,1877. 16 pp. 8°. Lowell, Mass., Stone, Huse 4- Co., 1877. ------. Changes in medical practice. Galley sheet. [Boston, 1679.] Repr.from: Boston M. 6c S. J., 1879, ci. Allen (Nathan)—continued. ------. Education of girls, connected with growth and physical development; read before the Amer- ican Institute, at its fiftieth annual meeting, July 10, 1879. broadside fol. [n. p., 1879.] ------. The same. Lecture II. The education of girls ... 16 1. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] ------. Supervision of lunatic hospitals; a paper read at Cleveland, Ohio, July 2, 1880, before the National Conference of Charities. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, Tolman 4- White, 1880. Repr.from: Proc. Confer. Char., Bost., 1880, vii. ------. Influence of medical men. Read before the American Academy of Medicine at its annual meeting in Philadelphia, Oct. 26, 1882. 5 pp. 8°. [Bridgeport, Conn., 1862.] Repr. from: N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1882-3, ii'. ------. The law of human increase. 10 pp. 8°. [New York, 1882.] Repr.from: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1882, xxii. ------. Insanity iu its relations to the medical profession and lunatic hospitals. Read at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Protection of the Insane in New York. Jan- uary 20, 1882. 1 broadside, [n. p., 1882.] ■------. The prevention of insanity. 23 pp. 8°. Boston, Wright 4- Potter, 1683. Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health, etc., Mass. 1882, Bost., 1883,iv. ------. Changes in New England population. [With explanation and defence ofthe preceding paper.] 16 pp. 8°. [New York, 1883.] Repr.from: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1883, xxiii. ------. Laws of heredity. 1 broadside. [New York, 1883.] Repr.from: Phrenol. J., N. T., 1883. ------. Normal standard of physiology. 5 pp. 8°. [Sandy Hook, Conn., 1885.] Repr.from: N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1884-5, iv. ------. The same. 1 broadside. Lowell, 1885. Repr.from: Morning Times, Lowell, March 24, 1885. ------. Physiology in its more public relations. 1 broadside, [n. p., 1885, vel subseq. ] ------. Laws of maternity. 7 pp. 8°. [Sandy Hook, Conn., 1885.] Repr.from: N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1884-5, iv. ------. Laws of inheritance. 5 pp. 8C. [Bridge- port, Conn., 1886.] Repr. from: N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-6, v. ------. Physical culture in Amherst College. Read at the tenth annual meeting of the American Academy of Medicine at Pittsburg, Penn., Oct. 12,1886. 16 pp. 24°. [n.p., 1886.] ------. The relations between sanitary science and the medical profession. 14 pp. 8°. [Con- cord, N. H, 1887.] Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1886, Concord, 1887, xii. ------. Thesame. 1 broadside, [n.p., 1886.] ------. Physical development, or the laws gov- erning the human system. 348 pp., port. 8°. Boston, Lee 4- Shepard; New York, C. T. Dilling- ham, 1666. ------. Wanted, a wet nurse. Honor conferred. Amherst College, class of 1836. Changes in New England population. The decadence of the American family. Writings of Dr. Allen. Cuttings from journals [1868-85]. See, also, Massachusetts [in 1. s.]. Report of the commissioners of lunacy, [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1875.—Stud- ies on the laws of life, [etc.] [m 1. s.]. 8°. Lowell, Mass., [18781. „ , For Biography, see N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1883-4, iii', 215-219, port. Allen (Oswald). History of the York dispen- sary, containing au account of its origin and v ALLEK 265 ALLEXICH. Allen (Oswald)—continued. progress to the present time, comprising a period of fifty-seven years, viii, 124 pp., 1 pi. 8~. York, R. Pickering, 1845. Allen (Peter) [1826-74]. Lectures on aural catarrh; or the commonest forms of deafness and their cure (mostly delivered at St. Mary's Hospital), xv (1 1.), 277 pp., 4 pi. 12°. New York, W. Wood 4' Co., 1672. Allen (Samuel Ellsworth). The mastoid opera- tion, including its historv, anatomy, and pathol- ogy, vii, 111 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, R. Clarke 4' Co., 1892. Allen (Stephen). Letter of the Hon. . . . mayor of the city of New York, to Joseph Bayley, health officer ofthe port, iu relation to the cases of yellow fever at the quarantine ground in 1621, and Dr. Bayley s report thereon. 138 pp., 21. 8~. [New'York], Van Pelt 4- Spear, 1622. Allen (Thomas) [ -1891]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1891, i, 1412. Allen (Timothy Field) [1837- ]. A critical examination of our materia medica. 64-f- pp. 8°. [New York, 18-0-81.] Repr. from: N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1880-81, n. s., xi. -----. A handbook of materia medica aud homoeo- pathic therapeutics, x, 1165 pp. 4°. Philadel- phia, F. E. Boericke, 1869. -----. A critical revision of the Encyclopedia of pure materia medica. 16-f-pp. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] See. also, Ray (Dwarkft Nath) fin 1. s.]. Cholera and its preventive and curative treatment. 83. New Tork, 1884. Allen (William). The substance of an address to the students at Guy's Hospital, at the close of the lectures on experimental philosophy. 32 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1826. [P., v. 851.] -----. The same. 24 pp. 120. [Strood, J. 4- W. H. Sweet, n. d.] Allen (William A.) Repertory to the symptoms of intermittent fever. 107 pp. 12:. Philadel- phia, F. E. Boericke, 1683. Allen (William F.) & Spencer (David E.) Contributions to American educational history, edited by Herbert B. Adams. No. 7. Higher education in Wisconsin. 68 pp., 11 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1889. Circular of information no. 1, 1889. U. S. Bureau of Education. Allen [William Henry) [1808-82]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Lihr.). Allen (Zachariah) [1795-1882]. Perry (A.) Memorial of Zachariah Allen. 8='. Cambridge, 1883. Allen Gymnasium, Boston. [Announcement] for the year 1886-7 (9.). 2 1. 8°. [Boston, 1886.] Allenburg. See Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities. Allentowil, Pa. Annual reports of the water commissioners to the mayor and select and com- mon council. 2., 1876; 3.. 1877; 5.-9., 1879--3: 12., 1885: 14., 1888. 8-. Allentown, 1877-89. ■-----. Messages of the mayor of Allentown, Pa., to the select and common councils, together with municipal reports, for the years 1881,1884. 75 pp.; iv, 3-91 pp. 8°. Allentown, Finn 4- Schlechter, 1882-5. Contains reports of the health department, police depart- ment, and the water commissioners. Aller (Das) bewertest und kiirtzest Regiment, fiir die newe Kranckheyt, die Englisch Schwaiss- suchtt genannt, wie man die yetzunder zu Franckfurt, Mentz, Wormms und Speir ge- praucht. Durch die Doctores daselbst fiir die best Artzney erkennet, den gmainen Menschen Aller (Das) bewertest [etc.]—continued. zuGut in Druck gegeben uud aussgangen. 2 1. sm. 4°. [n.p.J, 1529. -----. The same. Das aller bewtirtest und kurtzest Regiment, fiir dye newe Krankheit, dye Englisch Schwaysssucht genannt, wie man die yetzunder zu Franckfurt, Mentz, Wormms und Speyr, gepraucht. Durch die Doctores da- selbst fiir die best Artzney erkannt, den ge- maynen Menscheu zu Gut in Druck gegeben uud aussgangen. 21. sm. 4°. [n. p.], 1529. Aller (Das) edlest unnd bewertest Regiment der Gesundtheit; auch von alien verporgnen Kiiu- sten unnd Kiiniglichen Regimenten Aristotelis, das er dem Grossmechtigeu Kiinig Alexandre) zu geschriben hat. Auss Arabischer Sprach durch Mayster Philipsen, dem Bisehoff von Valentia, der Stat Herapolis, in das Latein verwandelt; nachmals auss dem Latein iu das Teutsch ge- bracht, bey Doctor Johann Lorchner . . . nach seiuem Tod geschriben gefunden. Zu Auffent- haltung und Fristung in Gesundheit mensch- lichem leben zu gut durch Johann Besolt in Truck verordnet. 3 p. l.,xlvi ff. sm. 4°. [Augs- purg, gedruckt durch H. Stayner], 1530. Allershausen. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Allert (Max) [1869- ]. *Ein .Kaiserschnitt mit gliicklichem Ausgang fur Mutter und Kind (Tamponade der Uterinhohle nach Diihrssen), 1 p. l.,33 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kbnigsb.i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1694. Allert (Zacharias). Zacharias Allerts Tagebneh aus dem Jahre 1627. Hrsg. von Dr. Julius Krebs. 121 pp. 8°. Breslau, G. P. Aderholz, 1887. Erganzungsheft zum 64. Jahresbericht der schles. Ge- sellschaft fiir vaterl. Cultur. Alletz (Edouard). Esquisses de la soutfrance morale, viii, 339 pp. 8C. Paris, A. Le Clere 4' Cie., 1828. [Alletz (Pons-Augnstin)] [1703-85]. LAlbert nioderne, ou nouveaux secrets eprouves, et li- cites, recueillis d'apres les de"couvertes les plus recentes. Les uns ayant pour objet de reme~dier a un grand nombre d'accidents qui interesseut la sante": les autres, quantity de choses utiles a sa- voir pour les differents besoius de la vie: d'au- tres enfin, tout ce qui concerne le pur agr6ment, taut aux champs qu'a la ville. Le tout divise" en trois parties, et raug6 par ordre alphal>6tique. xx, 314 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, J.-F. Bassompierre, 1769. [-----.] The same. 5. 6(1., augmentee du se- cret pour de"truire le ver solitaire, pratique' a Morat en Suisse. 2 v. xii, 276pp.; 263 pp. 16°. Neuchatel, S. Fauche, 1780. [-----.] The same. L'Albert moderne, ou nou- veaux secrets et proeddes, utiles ou curieux, pour l'entretien de la beaute" et dc la sante, la gueri- son des maux et maladies; la conservation et les diverses preparations des alimeus et des boissons, les diverses parties de l'economie, taut civile que rurale; les arts et metiers des villes et des cam- pagnes. 4. 6d., augmentee de conseils et avis pour appre'eier ces secrets, et d'un troisieme volume. 3 v. 12°. Paris, Duchesne, 1793. Allevaru. Durand-Fardel (M.) Les eaux d'Allevardet les inhalations sulfureuses appliqudcs aux mala- dies de l'appareil respiratoire. 12°. Paris, 1882. Allexicll (Giuseppe) Sul colera asiatico. 19 pp. 8°. Crema, tip. C. Cazzamalli, 1884. [-----. ] Varia. 53 pp. 12°. Crema, C. Cazza- malli, 1885. -----. Igiene. Fascicolo 1°. Dell' igiene in gene- rale. 48 pp. 12°. Crema, C. Cazzamalli, 1885. ALLEXICH. 9 66 ALLC. EM EINER, Allexicll (.Giuseppe)—coutinned. ------. The same. Fascicolo II". Dell' aria at- mosferica, suoi costituenti nonnali ed accidentali. 4."> pp. 12-. Crema, C. Cazzamalli, 1885. ------. The same. Fascicolo III0. Della pres- siono atmosferica e dei veuti. 43 pp. 123. Cre- ma, C. Cazzamalli, 1885. Alley (George). Observations on the hydrargy- ria, or that vesicular disease arising from the ex- hibition of mercury, xx, 23-103 pp., 3 pi. 4°. London, Longman [and others], 1610. Alle j ne (Jacobus Holder). *De iuflamma- tione longa cerebri. 3 p. 1., 37 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, J. Moir, 1822. [P., v. 1905.] Allez (Pierre) [1852- ]. * Du placenta etde ses anomalies. 1 p. 1., 64 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1-80, No. 414. Allgayer (Anton). * Ueber ceutrale Epithelial- geschwiilste des Unterkiefers. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kiefergeschwiilste. 20 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1686. Allgemeine und besondere Operatiouslehre, oderkurze Darstellung der meisten blutigenuncl unblutigen Operationen im Gebiete der Chirur- gie, [etc.]. See Averill (Charles). Kurze Abhandlung der Opera- tiv-Chirnrgie, etc. 2. Ausg. 16°. Weimar, 1829. Allgemeine deutsche Ausstellung auf dem Ge- biete der Hygiene (Gesuudheitspnege uud Ge- sundheitstechnik) uud des Rettungswesens. Pro- granim fiir die . . . Berlin, 1882. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, Grunert, 1881. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 42 pp. 8:. Berlin, 1661. ------. Officieller Katalog fiir die allgemeiue deutsche Ausstellung auf dem Gebiete der Hy- giene, Gesundheitspflege uud Gesundheitstech- nik und des Rettuiigswesens. Berlin, 1882. xxxi, 286 pp., 1 plan. 8J. Berlin, T. Fischer u. J. Springer, 1682. ------. [Sketch of organization, and list of offi- cers and members.] 8 1. MS. fol. [Berlin, I860.] ------. Spezial-Katalog fiir die Ausstellung der Stadtgemeinde Berlin. Hrsg. vom Magistrat zu Berlin. 4? pp. 8J. Berlin, J. Springer, 1663. ------. Special-Katnlof;- fiir die Seitens der konig- licheu preussischen Miuisterien des Iunern, der Justiz, der offentlichen Arbeiten der geistlicheu, Unterrichts- und Medicinal-Angelegenheiten, sowie fiir Laudwirthschaft, Domainen uud For- sten in gemeiusamer Gruppe ausgestellten Gegen- stiiude. 114 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Biixenstein, 1883. ------. Baumwollspinnerei von M. May & Co. in M.Gladbach. 40 pp., 11 pi., 1 tab. 8°. M. Glad- bach, W. Hiitter, [1883]. ------. Bericht iiber die . . . Mit Unterstiitzuug des k. preuss. Ministeriums . . . hrsg. von Paul Boerner. 3 v. 8 . Breslau, S. Schottldnder, 1885-6. In v. 3 the following added to title, after editor's name: "und nach (lessen Tode vollendet von H. Albrecht in Berlin ". Allgenieiiie deutsche Hebammen - Zeitung. Chef-Redacteur: Dr. Winter. [Semi-monthly 1 v. 2-10, 1887-95. 4°. Berlin. Current. AUgemeine deutsche Real-Encyklopiidie fiir die gebildeteu Sttinde. Conversations-Lexikon. 10. Aufl. 15 v. in 16. 8C. Leipzig, F. A. Brock- haus, 1851-5. Allgemeiue deutsche Unterstiitzungs- Gesell- schaft in San Francisco, Cal. Jahresberichte. 33.-37., 1887-91; 39., 1893. 8°. San Francisco, 188--94. Allgemeine Encyclopadie fur practische Aerzte und Wundarzte. Bearbeitet u. hrsg. von Allgeineine Encyclopadie [etc.]—continued. Georg Willi. Consbruch u. Joh. Friedr. Niemann. 10. Theil, v. 2., 2. Abth. xv, 556 pp., 2 1., 4 pi. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1829. With second title-page: Taschenbuch der Militair- Hedicinal-Polizei [etc.], von Joh. Friedr. Niemann. Allgeineilie honioopathische Zeitung. Hrsg. von G. W. Gross, F. Hat tnianu uud F. Rununell. v. 98-129, 1-79-94. 4C. Leipzig. All|feineiiie kritische Annaleu der Verhaft- Straf- und Besserungs-Anstalten derkorperlichen und geistigen Heilungs-Iustitute, der Wohlthii- tigkeits-Anstalteu und Vereiue so wie der Ele- mentar-Iudustrie- und polytechnischen Schulen. Bearbeitet von Theodor Hartlebeu. v. 1-2, 1825-7. 8°. Basel. Allgemeine medicinische Central - Zeitung, Unter Mitwirkung vieler arztlichen Lehrer, Praktiker uud Schriftsteller, hrsg. und redigirt von Johanu Jacob Sachs. [Semi-monthly.] v. 11-65, 1842-96. fol. Berlin. Current. In 1846, "W. Hoffbauer added as editor; in 1851, by Sachs and L. Posner; in 1852, by Posner alone; in 186L by H. Rosenthal and L. Waldenberg; in 1868, et seq., by Rosenthal alone. Allgeineine osterreichische Transport-Gesell- schaft. Die . . . deren Entstehen, Geschiifts- Umfang und Organisation, sowie ihr Wirken als Strassensauberungs-Anstalt. 140 pp., 1 tab., 1 plan, 8 pi. 4°. Wien, 1873. Aligemeine Poliklinik in Wien. Jahresbericht fur 1880. 43 pp. 8°. Wien, G. Gistel u. Co., 1881. Allgemeiue schweizerische Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschafteu. See Schwei- zerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Allgemeiue Versammlungen der deutschen Ge- sellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urg(;scliichte. 4.-6., 1873-5. 4°. Braunschweig u. Miinchen, 1874-5. Allgeineine Wiener medizinische Zeitung. Hrsg. vou Bernard Kraus und Wilhelm Pickler. Erscheint jeden Dieustag. v. 24-41, 1879-96. fol. Wien. Current. In 1889 Oscar Kraus and Eugen Kraus became editors. Allgeineine Zeitschrift fiir Hebammen, Wochen- und Kiuderpflege. Hrsg. von O. Zeller. [Semi- monthly. ] Nos. 1-22, v. 2, Jan. 1 to Nov. 25, 1886. 4°. Stuttgart. Want no. 10, v. 2, and all preceding or subsequent nos. Allgeiliciiic Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie und psychisch - gerichtliche Medicin. Hrsg. von Dentschlands Irrenarzten, in Verbindung mit Gerichtsiirzten und Criminalisten, unter* der Redaction von Damerow, Flemming und Roller. v. 36-51, 1879-95. 8°. Berlin. Current. Allgemeiue Zeitung fiir Chirurgie, innere Heil- kunde und ihre Hiilfswissenschaft. Hrsg. von R. H. Rohatzsch. v. 1-3, July 10, 1841-3. 4-. Erlangen, 1841; Munchen, 1841-2; Augsburg, 1843. Allgemeiue Zeitung fiir Homoopathie, im Ver- eine iu- uud auslandischer Aerzte, hrsg. von J. B. Buchner und J. Nusser. v. 1 (nos. 1-24), Jan. 1,1848, to March 30, 1849. 8°. Augsburg. Allgemeilier deutscher Baderverband. Ver- handlungen des . . . Officieller Bericht iiber die Erste offentliche Jahresversainnilung des Ver- bandes abgehalteu zu Bad Kosen am 7. und 8. Oktober 1892. Ill pp. 8°. Munchen, 1893. Allgcmeiner osterreichischer Apotheker-Ver- ein. Die pharmacognostische Sammlung dea Apothekers Josef Dittrich in Prag, Nr. 219-III, ausgestellt zur Feier der dritteu General-Ver- sanunlung des . . . am 1. und 2. September 1863, in Prag. 24 pp. 8°. Prag, C. Schreyer u. I. Fuchs, 1863. [Also, in: P., v. 1031.] ALLGEMEINEE. 267 ALLIS. Allfjemeiiier osterreichischer [etc.] — cont'd. .-----. Berichte iiber die . . . 1887-90. 4 nos. 8-\ Wien, 1887-90. Allgeineines Krankenhaus zu Hamburg. Be- richte iiber die Administration des . . . in den Jahren 1824 und 1825(1. u. 2.). Bekannt gemacht von dem Administrations-Collegio. 72 pp. 4°. Hamburg, F. H. A>»//eiy[1826]. .-----. Aerztliche Berichte iiber die ... in den Jahren 1858-72. fol. [Hamburg, 1859-73.] Reports for 1866 and 1867 in one. .-----. Klinische Mittheilungen von der medicini- schen Abtheilung des ... in den Jahren 1858-63, von C. Tiingel. 8°. Hamburg, 1860-64. Reports for 1862 and 1863 in one; 1858-63, bound in 1 v. .-----. Berichte der Verwaltuug des . . . bei Ablegung der Rechnun4. lxiv. Allison (Charles C.) Some practical observa- tions upon the origin, communications, and dis- tributions of the cranial nerves. 7 pp. 16°. [Omaha. 1893.] Repr.from: Omaha Clinic. 1893-4, vi. ------. Causes and treatment of rectal fistula*. 8 pp. 24 '. [Omaha, 1603.] Repr.from: Omaha Clinic, 1893-4, vi. Allison (E. W.) & Ashton (AV. E.) The fail- ure of legislation in limiting the spread of vene- real diseases, pp. 289-311. 8°. [Philadelphia, 166b.] Cutting from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1885. Allison (H. E.) The moral and industrial man- agement of the insane. 12 pp. 8C. [St. Louis, 1866.] Repr. from: Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1886, vii. ------. On a general system of reporting autop- sies in American asylums for the insane. [With form for post-mortem records.] 8 pp. 8-. [Utica, N. Y., 1689.] Repr.from: Am. J. lnsan., TJtica. N. T., 1889-90, xlvi. ------. Insanity among criminals. 10 pp. 8°. Chicago, Rand, McNally 4- Co., 1894. Repr.from: Am. J. Insan., TJtica, N. Y., 1894-5, li. ------. The care of the criminal insane in the State of New York. 16 pp. 8C. Middletown, N. Y., 1894. Read at the eighth annual meeting of the trustees and superintendents of the State hospitals of New York, held October 18, 1894, at the Matteawan State Hospital. Allium. Pidazki (A. K.) * Materialyk dietetike luka. [Contribution to dietetic value of onions.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1894. Stavski (M. R.) * K voprosu o vliyanii luka na mocheotdieleme i kozhno-lyokkochnia poti- eri u zdorovikh lyudei. [Ou the influence of onion upon the secretion of urine and excretion of skin and lungs iu healthy men.] 8:. S.-Pe- terburg, le95. Wedel (G. AY.) P[r.] debulbo veterum. sm. 4°. Jena, [ 1701]. liii.'i:miii (G.) Sull' azione bactericida ed antisettica did succo di ajdio e del solfuro di allile (essenza d' aglio) sui bacilli del colera. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1894, ix, 329-338. Also: Arch. ital. di cliu. med., Milano,' Allium. 1894, xxxiii, 029-640.—Lowe (T.) An unusual effect from rating onions. Northwest. J. llomeop., Iowa City 1890- 91, ii, 324-326. Allix (Henri). * L'eau potable et la Iievre ty- phoide. 70 pp. 4. Paris, 1867, No. 226. AUlliaclier (Joh. Fridericns) [1048-80]. Yalentixi (M. B.) Iu obitum Job. Friderici Allmacheri. 1<>88. In his: DeclaniationumpanegyricarumSeicas. 40. Fran- eof. ad Moenum, 1701, 101-110. Allmaima Garuisons-SJukhuset i Stockholm. 1 broadside fol. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt 4 Si'iner, 1856. Allinanna svenska liikaremotet. [Transac- tions of the general meetings of Swedish physi- cians.] Forhandlingar vid . . . 1885,1.; 1887,2.; 1888,3. 3v. 8P. [v. p.], 1886-9. Allinan (George James) [1812- ]. Intro- ductory lecture delivered to the students of the natural history class in the University of Edin- burgh on the opening of the winter session 1855 15 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. j- C. Black, 1855. ------. The duty of the medical graduate regard- ing the cultivation of physical truth; an ad- dress. 12 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1861. [Also,in: P., v. 881.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. J., 1861, vii. ------. Syllabus of the lectures on zoology aud geology, and of the Thomsonian lectures on mineralogy, to be delivered in the University of Edinburgh, during the winter session of 1861-62. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill 4~ Co., 1861. ------. Report on the present state of our knowl- edge of the reproductive system in the Hydroida. pp. 351-426. 8°. [London], 1863. [P., v. 1495.] Cutting from: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1863. ------. On the characters and affinities of Pota- mogale, a genus of insectivorous mammals, pp. 1-16, 2 pi. 4°. [London, 1863?] [P., v. 1610.] Cutting from: Tr. Zool. Soc. Lond., vi, pt. 1. See, aho, Icones zootomicse. fol. Leipzig, 1857. For Biography, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1888, vii, 145, port. Allochaesthesia. See Touch (Sense of, Disordered). Allocliiria. Krown-Sequarfl. Eemarques sur l'alt^ration de la sensihilite, connue sous le nom d'allochirie. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol.. Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 268-270. —Hammond ("W. A.) Allocbiria; its nature and seat. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 35-37.—Longuet (R.) L'allochirie. Union med.. Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii, 513- 517. — jtlagnin (P.) Allochirie visuelle chez une hysterique hypnotisce. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1888. 8. s., v, 57.—Wei*s (M.) Ein Pall von Allochirie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xvi, 277. Alloiide (Constant) [1856- ]. * De l'ulcere perforant du duodenum. 39 pp., 6 1. 4°. Paris, 1683, No. 167. Allopathie et homoeopathic See "Homceo- pathiste (Un)". Allophane. Korthcote (A. B.) On the constitution of allophane. 8°. [_n.p., 1857.] Repr.from: Phil. Mag., Loud., 1857, 4. s., xiii. Allorg'e (E.-C.) Notice sur les embaumementa des corps. 24 pp. 8'-. Paris, Renou 4' Maulde, 1672. Allot (Pierre-Victor) [1862- ]. * Contribution h l'etude de l'hypertrophie mammaire dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 225. ------. De l'e"tat electriquc des eaux de Ne>is-les- Bains. 97 pp., 1 1. 12J. Paris, A. Maloine, 1693. Alloway (T. Johnson). The relation of micro- organisms to the puerpera and the way to man- ALLOW AY. 269 AL MAX SOE. AHylsiilfbcarbamide. Sec Thiosinamin. Allyil (Herman B. ) The reciprocal relations of mitral stenosis and pregnancy. 19 pp. 83. Philadelphia, 1694. Repr. from .- Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi. -----. Meningitis complicating influenza; au- topsy. 3 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1694. Repr.from: Mod. News, Phila., 1894, lxv. Aim (Jacob) [1754-1821]. Hand-Bok for Barn- morskor. Pa kongl. Maj:ts nadigste Befall- ning. [. . . for midwives.] 3 p. L, 212 pp., 1 1. 8:. Stockholm, S. Rumstedt, 1814. AI ilia (The) Medical and Surgical Sanitarium. 16 pp. 8C. Alma, Mich., [n. d.]. Almanac des physiciens, par le citoyen Lalaude, astronome. 108 pp., 7 1. 16°. Paris, Laurens jeune, [1801]. Almanac for the year 1386. Transcribed, ver- batim, from the original antique illuminated manuscript in the black letter, omitting only the monthly calendars aud some of the tables; containing many curious particulars, illustra- tive of the astronomy, astrology, chronology, history, religious tenets, and theory and prac- tice of medicine of that age. 74 pp.', 2 pi. 8°. [London], C. S. Hackney, 1812. Almanacco della famiglia. Consigli d' igiene del dottor Arnaldo Lougheua. v. 1-3, 1873-5. 12°. Milano. v. 1, "Lasposa"; v. 2, "La madre"; v.3, "La nutrice". v. 2-3, subtitle: "Consigli d' igiene ostetrica". Almanacco igieuico del dott. Giuseppe Xata- lucci. v. 8, 1887. 8°. Civitanova-Marche. Almanacco igienico popolare del dott. Paolo Mantegazza, v. 12, 20, 22-27,1877,1885, 1887-92. 12°. Milano. Alinanacll fur Aerzte und Nichtarzte. Hrsg. von Christian Gottfried Gruuer. 1782, 1783, 1785, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1796. 8°. Jena. Alinanacll du bon agronome et des amis de l'humanite', pour 1853. 72 pp. 16°. Paris, [Bailly, Divry 4' Cie.], 1853. Bound ivith: Tissot (Joseph-Xavier). iStat deplorable des alien6s. 16°. Paris, 1850. Alinanacll general de me'decine pour la ville de Paris. Par L. Hubert. 1827, 1836, 1845, 1865, 1870, 1881. 12°. Paris. Alinanacll de sante", ou etrennes d'hygie aux gens du monde. iv, 414 pp. 16°. Paris, Janu- ary, 1611. Alinanacll de la saute" et de l'hygiene a l'usage des families et des conimunautcls religieuses, par uu docteur en me'decine. Pour l'annee 1881. 112 pp. 12 \ Avignon, Aubanel fireres, [1881]. Alinanacll oder Taschenbuch fur Scheide- kiinstler und Apotheker. Hrsg. vou Dr. Gott- ling. v. 1 ct sec/., 1780, 1782, 1785, 1787, 1791, 1793, 1796-9, 1801-3. 1811-14, 1817-18. Index v. for 1780-97. Bd. in 17 v. 16°. Weimar, Hoff- mann. Alloway (T. Johnson)—continued. age them. 31 pp. 8 . Montreal, Gazette Prntg. Co., 1666. Repr.from : Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv. ------. Cases of post-partuni pelvic abscess. 15 pp. 8J. Montreal, Gazette Prntg. Co., 1667. Repr.from: Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv. Alloxan. Pcllizzari (G.) Allossane e basi pirnzoliche. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1889, 4. s.. ix. 273-296. Alloxanthiii. Kovalcvwlii I N. O.) "Leber die Einwirkung des Alloxantins auf das Blot. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch.. Berl., 1887. xxv, 658; 676. Also, in his: Trudi, 8J, Kazan, 18H.">, no. 12, 63-67. Allport (Frank). Purulent brain deposits, and phlebitis and thrombosis of the cerebral veins aud sinuses following ear disease. 83 pp.. 4 tab., lpl. 12c. Chicago^ 1692. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix. .-----. Refraction in schools. 23 pp. 12 \ Chi- cago, 1895. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1895, xxiv. Allport (Walter Webb) [1824-93]. The relation of dentistry to medicine. 8 pp. 8\ [Toledo], 1882. Repr.from: Ohio State J. Dent. Sc. Toledo, 1882, ii. For Biography, see Dental Tribune, Chicago, 1802-3, i, 124. Aho, Reprint. Allricll (Leopold). Duplik zu meiuer Schrift fiber die Wasserversorgungsfrage Reicheubergs. Eine Verantwortungsrede zu derselben. gegen die Einreden der Reichenberger Wasserversor- gungs-Commission und des Herrn Staatsgewerbe- schuldirector Richter insbesondere. Der Com- mission als Festangebinde zu ihrem Geburtstage am 21. Februar 1-85 gewidmet. 35 pp. 8°. Reichenherg. A. Schbpfer, 1885. All Saints' Convalescent Home, St. Leonard's- j on-Sea. Annual reports of the officers to the subscribers. 1., l-Tii-7 : 2., 1877-8; 5., 18-0-81; 7., 1882-3. 12°. St. Leonard1 s-on-Sea, 1877-83. All Saints' Convalescent Hospital, Eastbourne, Sussex. Annual reports of the treasurer to the subscribers, for the years 1879 : 1883; 1885. 8~. [London, 1880-86.] j Established 1864. ! ------. [Statement of receipts and expenditure for the year 1—4.] 21. 6J. [London, 1885.] All Saints' Institution for Ladies Suffering from Illness, Loudon. Reports of the committee to the subscribers, for the years 1-79-80 to 1882-3. 16. 11 pp. a°. London, J. Miles 4- Co.. 1682-3. Pounded in 1872. Reports for 1&79-80 to 1881-2 in one. All 111*11*. Bedtlarcl (F. E.) On the anatomy of Allurus tetrie- ti [drus (Eiseu). Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1887-8, n. s., xxviii, 365-371. 1 pi. Alllit (P.) Etude biographique et bibliographi- que sur Symphorien Champier, suivie de divers opuscules fraucois de Symphorien Champier, L'ordre de chevalerie, Le dialogue de noblesse et Les antiquite's de Lyon et de Vienne. xxiv, 430 pp., 11., 3 pi. 8°. Lyon, N. Scheuring, 1859. Allwoei'dcn (Henricus). Historia Michaelis Serveti. 6 p. 1., 238 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Hehn- stadii, stanno Bucholtziano, [1728]. Ally I and derivatives. de Fleuiiy (A.) Le tribromnre d'allyle, me- dicament nouvean introduit dans la therapeu- tique. 8°. Bordeaux, 1886. ITIicNMiiei'. Ueber die "Wirkung des Allylalkohols. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 819-822. Allylamine. Hermann ( K. ) * Ueber einige bromsubsti- tuirte Derivate des Allylamins und das Propar- gylamin. [Erlangen.] 8C. Salzungen, 1691. Almanac*. See Medicine (Popular, Journals on)', Medi- cines (Patent, etc.); Resorts (Medical). Almanaque higieuico para 1879-80 (v. 3-4), publicado por Borrell y Miquel, sucesor del doc- tor Simon. 8°. Madrid. Almanaque humoristico medico - quinirgico para 1884. Compuesto por Don Manuel Rodri- guez Abella [et al.]. 8°. Madrid, 1883. Almanaque de medicina y farmacia. Publi- cado por Pablo Alvarez Delgado. v. 2, 6, 1882, 1886. 8°. Madrid. A1111 a 11 so r. See Rhazes. ALMAR. 270 ALMEYDA. Almar (Enrique). See Campa (F. de P.) Lecciones de ginecopatia [etc.]. 8D. VaUneia, 1881. Alnicdingcil (Aleksander). Domashniy opre- delitel poddielok pitatelnikh, vkusovikh, a tak- zhe i drugikh veshtshestv. S prilozhen'iem za- konov protiv falsifikatsii v Rossii, Frantsii, Italii, Belgii i Germanii. [A guide for home analysis of adulterations—delicacies and other substances. With appendix of the laws against adulteration in . . .] 143 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, tipog. Novosti, 1602. Almeida. Sec Almeyda. d'Aliueida (Antonio) [1761(?)-l-22]. Disser- tacao sobre o methodo mais simples, e seguro de curar as feridas das armas de fogo. xxvii, 62 pp. 8-. Lisboa, na regia offtcina typog., 1797. -----. Tratado completo de medicina operatoria. 4 v. 8°. Lisboa, na regia off. typog., 1800. -----. Tratado da inflaminafao, precedido da physiologia, e pathologia uecessarias para intel- ligencia da theoria desta molestia. 4 v. 8°. Londres, H. Bryer, 1812-14. -----. Discurso sobre a arte de curar, escrito, e recitado na abertura das aulas de cirurgia, em o anno de 1815. 32 pp. 8°. Lisboa, na inn), regia, 1815. [P., v. 1264.] -----. Memoria medico - historico - corografica acerca do abuso de tomar bixas peloSant- J ago no rio Souza. pp. 123-139. 8°. [Porto, A. Ribeiro, 1857.] [P., v. 1251.] Cutting (cover with printed title). de Almeida (Caietanus Josephus Pintus). Prima chirurgicae therapeutices elementa. 2 pts. in 1 v. x (1 1.), 13-278 pp., 1 1. 12°. Co- nimbricce, typis Academias, 1790. de Almeida (Domingos Jose" Bernardino). See C'clle (Eugene). Hygiena pratica dos paizes [etc.J. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1856. de Almeida (Francisco Joze"). Exposicao fiel da molestia da excellentissima Marqueza das Minas, com hum discurso sobre a utilidade dos fructos. 80 pp. 16°. Lisboa, F. L. Ameno, 1787. [P., v. 1263.] -----. Tratado da educacao fysica dos meuinos, para uso da nacao Portugueza, publicado por ordem da Academia real das sciencias. 2 p. 1., 142 pp. 8°. Lisboa, na ogle, da Acad, real d. sc, 1791. [P., v. 1246.] d'Almeida (Henrique do Couto). Resposta do Dr. . . . ao libello que contra elle dirigiu ao go- verno de sua magestade a maioria dos lentes da sua faculdade. 51 pp. 8°. Coimbra, imp. da Univ., 1868. [P., v. 1266.] de Almeida (Jose Maria Eugenio). /S'ee Keal Casa Pia de Lisboa [in 1. a.]. Relatorio da adininistra^ao, fete.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1861. de Almeida (Pires). Guia da mulher pejada. Preceitos hygienicos; molestias e accidentes. Seu tratameuto: allopathico, pelo autor; homce- opathico, pelo Castro Lopes ; e dosimetrico, pelo Jos6 de Goes; precedidos do calendario da pre- nhez com o qual se pode marcar o dia do parto, a epoca da fecundacao e o periodo em que se de- vem sentir os moviuientos do fe"to. 260 pp. 16u. Rio de Janeiro, Lombaerts 4' Com})., 1882. Date on cover: 1884. d'Almeida (Tiberio). Do valor therapeutico de alguns otiocraticos no impaludismo agudo. 32 pp. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, Lombaerts 4' Comp., 1886. Date on cover: 1887. Repr. from: Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1887, vii. -----. Cousideracoes sobre a lepra e sua influ- encia na pathogenia das molestias das vias respi- ratorias. 61 pp. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, H. Lom- baerts 4' Comp., 1888. Repr. from: Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1888, viii. d'Almeida Azevedo (Lourenco). See Aze- vedo (Lourenco d'Aliueida). de Almeida Beja e Noronha (Francisco). Analyze das agoas hepathizadaz marciaes do Lngar de Falla. xvii, 115 pp. 8°. Coimbra, na real offic. da Univ., 1789. [P., v. 1259.] de Almeida Gurgel (Joao). See Tiwsot (Simon-Andre-D.) [in 1. s.]. Breve tratado da raiva, [etc.]. 16°. Lisboa, 1769. [P., v. 1263.] de Almeida Martins Costa (Domingos). See Martins Costa (Domingos de Almeida). d'Almeida Pinto (Antonio). * Etude clinique des principales formes du rhumatisme articulaire chronique. vi, 7-62 pp., 1 1. 4-\ Montpellier, 1880, No. 62. van Almeloveen (Theodorus Janssonius) [1657-1712]. See Ruyzrii (Henricus). Practyk der medicine, [etc.]. 12°. Haarlem, 1720. — Aureliaiius Siccensis (Calius). De morbis acutis et chronicis, libri viii. sm. 4°. Am- stelcvdami, 1709. -----.Thesame. sm.4°. Amsteleedami, 1722. -----. The saniet 4°. Amsteleedami, 1755. ----. The same. 8°. Venetiis, 1757. — Celsius (Aurelius Cor- nelius). De medicina libri octo, [etc.]. 12°. Patavii, 1722. -----. The same. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1730. ----. Thesame. 8°. Rotterodami. 1750. -----. Tlie same. 2 v. B0. Venezia, 1747.—Celsus (A. Cornel.) Sc Samonicus (Q. Serenus). De medicina. 2 v. 8°. Patavii, 1750. ----•-----. The same. 2 v. 16°. Venetiis, 1763.—de Hcide (Antonius). Outledinge des mossels, [etc.]. 16°. Amsteldam, 1684. AI men (August) [1833- ]. Ueber den Xan- tliiugehalt der Leber. 12 pp. 8;. Zurich, Ziircher u. Furrer, 1861. [P., v. 1896.] Repr. from: Vrtljschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Ziirich, vi. -----. Jemforelse niellan naturliga och konst- gjorda helsovatten, sadana de i kandeln fore- komma. [ Comparison between natural and artificial mineral waters, especially of those kept for sale.] 56 pp. 4°. Upsala,,E. Baling, 1874. -----. Ntiringsmedlens samniansattning, viirde och pris. Foredrag ballet pa Upsala Lakare- foreniugs hogtidsdag den 17 September 1879. [Composition, value, aud cost of food.] 99 pp. 8°. Upsala, W. Schultz, [1679], Repr.from: Lpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1879-80, xv. -----. Kontrollanalyser af de vid apotekarues mineralvattens aktiebolag i Stockholm tillver- kade vatten. [Official analyses of the waters manufactured by the Apothecaries' Mineral Wa- ter Company iu Stockholm.] 23 pp. 8°. [Up- sala, E. Berling, 1880.] Al me liar Hispanus (Joannes). Libellus ad evi- tandum et expellendum morbum gallicum ut nuuquain revertatur noviter inventus ac iui- pressus. 22 1. 4°. [Adfinem:] impressum Vene- tiis, per B.Venetum de Vitalibus, 1502. -----. The same. Libellus de morbo gallico qui ita perfecte eradicare ipsuni ostendit, ut nuu- quaiu revertatur nocume[n]tum, in ore accidere no[n] p[er]mitte[n]s, niq[ue] iu lecto state coge[n]s cu[m] explanatione arboris siguoruni ajditus. In: Liber de morbo gallico, [etc.]. 12°. Venetiu, 1535, 14 1. Aho, in: Luisinus (A.) Aphrodisiacus. Ed. emend, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 359-370. See. aho. Morbi Gallici enrandi ratio, [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8C. Basilen', 1536. -----. The same. 83. Lugduni, 1536. Almei'ia. Domenech Saez (J.) Lijeros apuntes para la topo- grafia t'isico-medica de Almeria. Voz m6d., Almeria, 1884-5, i, 459-463.—Itlinngorre y Cubero (B.) Albania de Almeria; cousideraciones sobre la accion fisioloidca y terap6utica dc sua aguas minero-medicinales. An. Soc. espafi. de hidrol. med., Madrid, 1895, xi, 105; 133 ; 160; 170. Alllies (Henri). See Papillaud (Lucien). de Almeyda (Feliciano) [ -1726]. Cirurgia reformada, dividida em dous tomos: o primeyro se divide em tres partes, segundo a ordem das tres regioes do corpo humano; o segundo vay ALMEYDA. 271 ALOIN. de Almeyda (Feliciano)—continued. dividido em tres livros, em os quaes se trata em geral de todas as feridas, apostemas, chagas, etc. 2 v. iu 1. 13 p. 1., 530 pp. fol. Lisboa occidental, A. P. Galram, 1738. v. 2 has title-page differing from that of v. 1. Almisclillo. Dclpoute. Sull' almisclillo della Nuova Granata. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1862, 2. s., xiv, 3-9. Almonds. See Amygdala amara; Amygdalin. Almonds (Bitter). See Amygdala amara. Almonte. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Almquist (Ernst) [1852- ]. Ueber die Aus- breitungweise von Diphtherie und Croup, xi, 177 pp., 1 map. 8°. Goteborg, Wettergren 4' Kerber, 1885. -----. Ueber die Hauptmomente der Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1890, No. 5 (In- nere Med., No. 3, 57-76). -----. Om koleran, dess satt att utbreda sig ock dess satt att sniitta. Med en kolerakarta over Sverge. [On cholera; its mauuer of propaga- tion and of infectiou.] 30 pp., 1 map. 12°. Stockholm, L. Hockerberg, [1893]. -----. Allman kalsovardslara med sarskildt afseende pa Svenska forhallanden, for lakare, medicine studerande, halsovards-myudigheter, tekniker m. fl. [General principles of hygiene, with special regard to Swedish affairs.] 1.-5. haftet. 336+ pp. 8°. Stockholm, P. A. Nor- stedt4- Soner, [1894-5]. For Biography, see Helsovannen, Stockholm, 1895, x, 128. Almquist (Immanuel Gustaf). *Iuledning till iuflammations-processens nosographie. 3 p. 1., 24 pp. 8°. Upsala, Palmblad, Sebell 4- Co., [1835]. Almqvist ( Seth Valentin ). * Om Klumpfot. I. 16+ pp. 12°. Upsala, Wahlstrbm 4' C., 1848. Imperfect. Almroth (Nicolaus) [1761-1832]. *In variola- rum iusitionem observationes. 14 pp. sm. 4°. Upsalice, Uteris J. Edman, [1788]. Alms (Heinrich). *Die Wirkung des Coca'ins auf die peripherischen Nerven. [Wurtzburg.] 18 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Veit # Comp., 1886. Almshouses. See Poor-laws, etc.; and under names of states and cities. Almstrdm (Sven Johan). * Om fortraugningar i tarvagarne. [Upsala.] [Obstructions of the lachrymal ducts.] 33 pp. 8°. Stockholm, K. L. Beckman, 1877. Almy (J.). See Cadiot (P.-J.) & Almy (J.) Traite de therapeu- tique chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1895. d'Alnoncourt (Franz Ludwig Carl) [1800- 55(f)], Influenza und Cholera. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss galliger Krankheiten und deren Heilung. iv, 64 pp. 12°. Leipzig, W. Lauffer, 1831. -----. Die Gehirnaffectionen der Kinder in der Dentitionsperiode, physiologisch, eine Unkennt- niss; pathologisch, ein Irrthum; therapeutisch, ein Mord! in Summa eine Tauschung der Aerzte. Fiir Aerzte und Laien. vi, 343 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Pbnicke u. Sohn, 1846. Alnpeck (Sigismundus). * De jure praegnan- tiimi; von schwangeren Weiber. 142 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jenw, sumpt. J. J. Ehrten, 1707. Alnwick and Canongate. See, also, Statistics (Vital), by localities. Rawlinson (Sir R.) Report on Aluwick and Canongate. Reply to memorials forwarded from the union, in compliance with the notification given in terms of sec. 9 of the public health act. 8°. London, 1850. Spear (J.) Report to the Local Government Board, upon the sanitary condition and adminis- tration of the Alnwick aud Canongate urban sauitary district. February 6, 1885. fol. Lon- don, 1885. Alnwick and Canongate local board of health. Auuual reports of the medical officer, G. F. Eas- ton, for the years 1887-89. 8°. Alnwick, 1888- 90. Alnwick Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1.-3., 1815-16 to 1817-18; 6.,1820-21; 13.-15., 1827-8 to 1829-30. 8°. Alnwick, 1816-31. Title-page reads: Account, etc. Alnwick Infirmary. Laws for the regulation and government of the Alnwick Infirmary. 15 pp. 8°. Alnwick, [1870]. ------. Reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers, for the years 1877-8 to 1882-3. 8°. Alnivick, 1878-83. Alnwick Union. Annual reports of the medi- cal officer of health to the rural sanitary author- ity, for the years 1880-89. By Geo. F. Easton. 12°. Alnivick, 1881-90. Aloe & Hernstein. Illustrated catalogue and price list of surgical instruments and appli- ances, orthopsBdical apparatus, trusses, etc. 256 pp. 8°. St. Louis, [1879]. Aloes. See, also, Aloin. de Bergen (C. A.) Dissertatio botanica de aloide. 4°. Franeof. ad Viadr., 1753. Macgret (F.-H.-G.) * Etude sur l'aloes. 4°. Paris, 1866. Hunting (A.) Aloidarium, sive aloe's mucro- uato folio Americans majoris, aliarumque ejus- dem speciei historia. In qua floridi illius tem- poris, loci, naturae, culturte, necuon qualitatum ratio paucis enarratur. 4°. [Amstelodami], 1680. Robiquet (H.-E.) 'Recherches sur le sue d'aloes. 4°. Paris, 1846. Treumann (C.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Aloe. 8°. Dorpat, 1880. Audhoni (V.) Les pilules d'aloes. Therap. contemp., Par., 1881,#i, 471-473.— Aulde (J.) Studies in therapeu- tics; aloes' Med. Rec, N. T., 1890, xxxviii, 629.—Borri- chius (O.) Ex nimio aloes usu omenta urina. Acta med. et phil. Hafn. (1673), 1675, ii, 167.—Bowling (W. K.) Aloes. South. Pract., Nashville, 1883, v, 97-100.— Connor (F. G.) Poisoning by aloes. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 368.—Kircliner. Revisionello Betrachtung'en zur Arzneimittellehrc [Die Aloe.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 172; 182— It lunge (A.) Zum Nachweis der Aloe; neue Aloinreactiouen. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaffhausen, 1882, xx, 463; 483: 1883. xxi, 1; 11.—Kohn (R.) Beitrag zur Wirkung der Aloe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 68-71. —Meyer (H.) Ueber Aloe. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxviii, 186-196.—Sjogren (H. V.) Om aloe. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1883-4, xix, 475-490. Alofas (The) Company's safe herbal remedies. 13 pp.. 1 1. 8°. London, [Hutchings 4- Crows- ley, 1690.] Descriptive pamphlet. Aloin. Balster (G.) * Ueber die Wirkung des reinsn Alo'ins aus der Barbados-, Curacao- und Natal- aloe. 8°. Marburg, 1890. Brandenburg (K.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Aloins auf die Nieren. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Dietrich (J.) # Das Verhalten des Aloin im Thierkorper. 8°. Dorpat, 1885. ALOIN. 272 ALOPECIA. Aloin. Groenwald (E.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Aloins des Barbados-, Curasao- uud Natal- aloe. [Erlangen.] 8-. Marburg, 1889. Stkauch (5.) * Ueber experimentelle Ne- phritis nach Aloinintoxicatiou. [Gottingen. ] 8-. Helmstedt, 1666. Craig (W.) Notes on "changed aloin" and the resin of aloes." Edinb. JA. J., 1874-5, xx, 1002; 1087. Aho, Reprint. — Dragendorff (G.) Ueber Aloin und Aloe. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland. St. Petersb., 1886, xxv. 290- 295.—Fromniiller. Abfiihrende Wirkung des Aloins auf snbeutanem Wege. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 76; 88: 100. Alombert-Ooget (Jean-Georges) [186(5- ]. * Contribution h l'e'tude de l'action the'rapeu- tique des injections de liquide testiculaire dans certaines formes d'alie"nation mentale. 64 pp. 4-. Lyon, 1893, No. 829. Alombert-Goget (Ren6). * Des tumeurs so- lides du cordon spermatique. 100 pp. 4°. Lyon, 18-7, No. 387. -----. The same. 100 pp. 8°. Lyon, imp. nou- velle, 1667. Alonso y Rodriguez (Jose"). Compeudio de terape'utica general y materia m6"dica, compuesto con presencia de las obras y trabajos de los 8eno- res Trousseau y Pidoux, Bouchardat, Ribes, Fonssagrives, Sales - Girons, Chomel, Guyot, Donne", Mihale, Oms, Oriol, y otros y con la de los hechos y observaciones pnblicadas en las colecciones peri6dicas de los ultimos diez anos. iv, 326 pp., 11. 8°. Madrid, Moya y Plaza, 1871. -----. The same. 2 ed. viii, 871 pp. 8°. Ma- drid, Moyay Plaza, 1873. -----. Manual de patologia mddica 6 interna, compuesto con presencia de las mejores obras de texto espanolas y extranjeras. vii, 774 pp. 8°. Madrid, Moya y Plaza, 1672. -----. Compeudio del arte de recetar, redactado con presencia de las mejores obras de testo, con ejemplos de formulas tornados de la farmacopea espafiola. 72 pp. 8°. Madrid, Moya y Plaza, 1873. Alonso y Rubio (Francisco) [1813-94]. Cli- nica tocolo.trica; hechos de distocia observados en la practica civil desde el ano 1848 a 1862. xv, 17-268 pp., 1 1. 8-. Madrid, M. de Rojas, 1862. -----. Manual del arte de obstetricia, para uso de las matronas. xiv, 15-271 pp., 13 1., 13 pi. 8°. Madrid, imprenia nacional, 1866. -----. Mi profesiou de f<6 me'dica, seguida de un exaineu critico de la medicina contemporanea. viii, 227 pp., 2 1. 8°. Madrid, viuda e hijos de Galiano, 1871. For Biography, see An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid. 1894, xiv. 97-219, port. (M. Iglesias y Diaz). Also: An. de obst., giuepat. y pediat., Madrid, 1884, 2. ep., iv, 65-73, port. (J. Torres FaLregat). Also: Arch, de ginec. y enferm. de la inf., Madrid, 1884, i, 8-10, port. Alonso [y] Ruiz (Pedro). Tarifa farmaceu- tica arreglada al sistema me'trico decimal. 84 pp., 1 1. 6~. Madrid, J. A. Garcia, 1672. Alonso y Suarez (Jose"). Monografia de la viruela y sus distintas variedades, con algunas observacioues sobre la influencia preservativa de la vaciiua. 40 pp., 1 1., 3 tab. 8°. Llerena, tip. R. Perez de Guzman, 1857. Alopecia. See, also, Herpes tonsurans; Porrigo. Bakret (E.-E.) * Des relations qui existent entre la pelade et la teigue. 4°. Paris, 1894. Billioud (M.) *De la pelade ge'neralise'e. 4C. Lyon, 1664. Bishop (R. W.) *Die Uebertragbarkeit der Alopecia prsematura. 8°. Berlin, [1882]. Buchix(M.) * Dela pelade; nature; traite- ment; prophylaxie. 4°. Paris, 1687. Alopecia. Clemexceau de la Loquerie. La pelade. Etude reconipensee par l'Ac adeinie de me'decine (concours de 1^90). ^c. Nantes, Paris, MM. Glaenz (E.) * Ueber die Kuhlkopfigkeit mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der friihzeitigen, idiopathischen Form. 8°. Freiburg i. B 1893. Gurney (T.) Specific disease a cause of bald- ness, being a lecture delivered at the opening session of the Hairdressers' Guild, December 14, 1887. 16°. London, 1886. Loriot (G.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la pelade. 4Z. Paris, 1887. Luce (J.-B.) * Recherches sur un cas curieux d'alopecie. 4°. Paris, 1879. Xollet (H.-C.) * Etudes sur la nature de la pelade d'apres quelques observations recueillies a. I'll6pital de Cherbourg. 4^. Bordeaux, 1686. Schmid (J. G.) * De canitie prematura, sm. 4°. Halw Magdeb., [1729]. Torchtjt (V.-B.) * De la pseudo-pelade. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893. Abney (J. A.) Premature symptomatic alopecia. Daniel's TexasM. J., Austin. 1885, i, 3. —Albers (J. G.) Premature baldness. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxv, 216; 462.—Alger (Ellice M.) Two common forms of alopecia, with their treatment. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi, 536. — Andre. Alop6cie idiopathique; action du chlorhydrate de pilocarpine. J. denied., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., 1880, lxxi, 256-258. — Archauibnult (P.) Sur un cas de pelade d'origine probablement nerveuse. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 424-426. Aho: Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 108-113. -----. Un cas de pelade cbScalvante. Bull. Soc. d'anat. ct physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 120-122.—Asltanazy (S.) Casuistisches zur Frage der Alopecia neurotica. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph.. Wien. 1890, xxii, 523-f>28,1 pi.— A libry. Yari6t6 singuliere d'alopecie eong6nitale; alo- pecie saturate. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. ct syph., Par., 1893, iv, 455-457. — Audrain (J.) Contribution a l'etude de la pelade; valeur des cheveux cass6s. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 874-879. — Bach. Epilatio spontanea. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-('oil. 18,37, Koblenz, 1839, 216.—Barinann. Alopecia. Ibid.,im, Koblenz, 1837, 200. — Barozzi (J.) Pelade, teignoetfa- vus. Presse m6d., Par., 1895, 354-357. — Bnrllielemy. Pelade trai tee par les injections intradermiques de sublime. Bull. Soc. lran9.de dermat. etsyph., Par.. 1891, ii, 443: 1892, iii, 477.—Basil (B. D.) The case of a hairless man, illns- tratins the use of pilocarpine in alopecia. Indian M Rec, Calcutta, 1892. iii, 8. — liayet (A.) Les nouveaux traitements de la pelade. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1893, 209-215. -----. Lu nouveau traitement de la pelade. Clinique, Brux., 3 895. ix, 417-420. — Beevor (H. It.) Thyroid extract in universal alopecia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895. ii, 77. — Besnier (K.i Sur les mesures a prendre a l'en'ard des snjets atteints de pelade. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 3. s., xx, 182-224. Aho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.]: Tribune m6d.. Par., 1888 xx, 410. -----. Alopecie cicatricielle innominee. Reunions clin. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. C. r., Par., 1888-9, 22-24. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 104-106. -----. Alopecie cicatricielle de la barbe: acn6 d6pilante et cicatricielle. Reunions ctin. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. C. r., Par., 1888-9. 36. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph , Par., 1889, 2. s., x. 190. -----. Second cas d'alopecie cicatrici- elle de la face, acn6 depilaute cicatricielle. Reunions clin, de l'Hop. St.-Louis. C. r., Par., 1888-9, 46-48. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 200-202.—Blaine (J. M.) Alopecia prematura. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Den- ver. 1895, 229-234. — Blaschko. Alopecie avec trichor- rhexie. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. s., iii, 211. — Boni'guet (L.) La pelade dans la garnison de Montpellier pendant l'annee 1886. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel. 1887. is, 145; 160; 172. —Broeq (L.) Doit-on considerer la pelade comme une affection eonta;:ieuse? Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1887, 2. s.. xxiv, 307-309. -----. Des folliculites et perifolliculites decalvantes. Bull, et ni6in. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1888. 3. s., v, 399-408. -----. Du diagnostic et du traitement des pelades. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap.. Par., 1889, iii. 399; 419. -----. Remarques sur les alopecies de la k6ratose pilaire. Internat. dermat. Cong. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. 1892, "Wien u. Leipz., 1893, 538- 544. Aho: J. de med. do Par., 1892, 2. s., iv, 598-600. -----. Des rapports qui existent entre les alopecies de la keratose pilaire et les alop6cies dites seborrheiques. Bull. Soc.franc.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 347 -3.14. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. s., iii, 773- 780. Aho: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1892, iv. 0n9- 617. Also, transl.: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., ALOPECIA. 273 ALOPECIA. Alopecia. 1893, xvi, 72-78, 1 tab.—Butte (L.) La pelade; son trai- tement. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1892, ii, 361-374. Aho, Reprint.—Carrier (A. E.) Bald heads. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1891, xv, 106-118. Also, Reprint.—Ca- z.eiiave. Traitement de la chute des cheveux ou de l'alo- pecie. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1850, xvii, [pt. 2.J, 63; 85; 116. Aho, transl. [Abstr.] : Med. Ztg. Eusslands, St. Petersb., 1850, vii, 180-183. — C'hainbai-d (E.) Pelade. Diet, encycl. d. sc. nied., Par., 1885. 2. s., xxii, 283-298.— Chateliiin (E.) Du traitement de la pelade par le collo- dion iode. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1890-91, ii, 521-225. -----. Kouvelles observations sur le traitement de la pelade par le collodion iode. Ibid., 1891, iii, 605- 621.—Colin (L.) La pelade dans le gouvernement mili- taire de Paris. Arch, de nied. et pharm. mil., Par., 1888, xii 81-88.—Coustan. I5pid6miede pelade achromateuse, observee en 1886, a Montpellier. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1887, ix, 555-569.—Crocker (H. R.) Hereditary alopecia neu- rotica. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1893, v, 176. —Cu minis- kev (J.) Notes on tinea decalvans. Proc. Phila (,'o. M. Soc. 1882-3, Phila., 1883, v. 11. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3. xiii, 41.—Cutler (C. W.) Alopecia. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 616.—Darier. Sur l'exameu microscopique des rheveux dans 1 alopecie syphilitique. Reunions cliu. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. C. v.. Par., 1888-9. 44. Aho: Ann. de dermat et syph., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 198-200.—Ber- ville (L.) A propos d'une petite epidemic de pelade. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1892, ii, 4:s3-430. A ?»■-..- Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille (1892), 1894, 157-100.-DeMiuoneeuux. A. propos du nouveaux traitenieiit de la pelade. (;az. d. hop.. Par.. 1895. lxviii, 848. — Brysdalc ( C. R. ) Tinea decalvans. J. Cutan. M., Lond., 1870-71, iv, 78-80.— T>librettilh (W.) Epidemies limitees de pelade. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1889, 288. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1888 - 9, xviii, 522. -----. De la pelade. J. de ru6d. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 587; 599 1889-90, xix, 1; 9; 17. Aho, Reprint. -----. De l'alopecie seborrMiqne subaigue. Ann. de la polyclin. de Bordeaux, 1889-91, i. 244-251. -----. Des alo- pecies atrophiques. Bull. Soc. fraiKj. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 206-218. Also: Ann.de dermat. et svph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 329-339. [Discussion], 410. —---. Alopecie consecutive k uu abces du cuir chevelu simulant la pelade; presentation de malade. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, ix, 260. -----. Tondante pseudo-pelade et pelade et pseudo-tondaute. [Abstr.] Ibid., 321. — Duckworth (D.) On the nature and treatment of porrigo decalvans (areaCelsi). St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1872, viii, 144- 177, 4 pi. Aho. Reprint.—Duckworth (D.) Sc Harris (V. D.) Case of area Celsi (porrigo decalvans), in which the parts were examined after death. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 386-390, 1 pi.—Elliot (G. T.) Alo- pecia prematura; its most frequent cause seborrhreal eczema. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1892. X. Y., 1893, xvi, 81- 99. Aho: X. York M. J., 1S93. lvii. 130-136. Also, Re- print.— Elliot ( G. T. ) Sc IVlerriII ( AV. H.) A further study of alopecia prsematura or prasenilis, and its most frequent cause, eczema seborrhoicuiu, and a preliminary bacteriological report on eczema seborrhoicum ; for the first time successful production of the disease by inoculation of pure cultures of certain diplococci. X. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 525-531. A ho, Reprint.—toii Erlach. Ueber cine neue Fructincationsform des Epiphy ten bei Porrigo decal- vans und iiber die Behaudlung dieser Krankheit. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern, 1863, ii, 266-278.—Faivre (P.-E.) Du tiaitement de la pelade par les scarifications et les ap- plications d'acide acetique. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 207 -217. — Ferras. Contribution au traitement de la pelade. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. s., iii, 546. ------. Tliermes de I.uchon; contribu- tion au traitement de la pelade. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. Compt.-rend., 1892, xxxvii, 249-260.—Fculni-d (H.) Pelade et vitiligo. Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 1311. ------. La pelade chez les enfants. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1895, xiii. 530-536. — Fomin. Povalnaya alopecia. ( Epidemic alopecia. ] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1886, xvi, pt. 3, 105-107.—Foster (15.) On the causes and treatment of some forms of alopecia. Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul 1895,xv, 147-150.— Foin ni< r. Des alopecies. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1879, Iii, 1067; lo85; 1194- ------. L'alop6cie syphilitique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1888, 7. s., v, 49. ------. Des alop6cies. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 957-959. ------. L'alopecie syphilitique; la sto- matite mercurielle. Union med., Par., 1890, 3. s., 1, 793; 841: 1891, 3. s., li, 69; 169.—Fox (G. H.) The rare forms of alopecia. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., X. Y.. 1891, xviii, 9- 12.—Fox (T.) Tinea decalvans. Lancet, Loud., 1874, ii, 510.—Free I ich (L.) Pelade et lesions oculaires. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1890, x, 745-750.—Fuller (E. M.) Eczema seborrhoicum, the most fieqnent cause of alopecia piamatura. J. Med. & Sc. Portland. 1895-6, ii, [1894-5, i], 299-301.—CSainberini eo. Ann. de dermat. et svph. Par , 1889, 2. s., x, 575. —Ward (E. B.) Baldness— whai shall we do with it 1 Med. Age. Detroit, 1887, v, 391- Wicherkie- wiez (B.) Zur Casuistik der Alopecia totalis. Klin. Mouatsbl f. Augenh.. Stuttg., 1886, xxiv, 139.—Wick- man (L.) An ucdescribed form of alopecia. Brit. J. Dermat., Loud., 1888-9, i, 227. — Win field (J. MacF.) Some remarks on baldness (alopecia). Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 14-18. Alopecia areata. Goossexs ( L. C. H. ) * Over area Celsi. [Utrecht.] 6-. Rotterdam, 1667,. Hertling (D.) * Ueber Alopecia areata. 8°. Jena, 1»H9. Kaeseler (G.) * Ueber Area Celsi seu Alope- cia areata mit Zufiignug eines Kranklieitsfalles. 8°. Greifswald, 1666. Marcus (M.) * feber Alopecia areata. 8°. Bonn, 1886. Nachtigal ( G. ) "* Ueber Area Celsi. r--3. Wiirzburg, 166b. Plattner (A.) "Weseu uud Ursaclie der Alo- pecia areata. [Zurich.] 6°. Chin; 1890. Richter(W.) * Ueber Area Celsi. - . Wiirz- burg, 1684. Spixdler (P.) * Ueber Alopecia areata. *J. Slrassbnrg, 1869. Abraham (P. S.) Remarks on alopecia areata Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lvi, 521-523. Aho [Ab- str.] : Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1189; 1306.—Be^bie (J. W.) Notes on alopecia areata. In: Select, from the Works of [etc.J, 8°, Lond., 1882, 305— Be hie ml it;.i Leber die kliuischen Grenzen der Alopecia areata. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1887, xxiv. 108-110. -----. Leber Alopecia areata und iiber die Verauderungen der Haare bei derselben. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl . lt>87, cix, 493-506, 1 pi. -----. Zur Frage von der Alopecia areata. Berichiigung einiger Angaben des Herrn Joseph in Xo. 5 u. 6 dieser Wchnschr. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 148. ----, Ueber Nervenliision uud Haarausfall mit Bezng auf die Alopecia areata. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1889, cxvi, 173-190. Also [Abstr. |: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 58. Also [Abstr. |: Verhandl. d. Berl. nied. Gesellsch. (1888), 1889, xix, 235-237.— Bender iM.) Leber dio Aetio- logie der Alopecia areata. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 817.— Bissett (C. P.) A case of alopecia areata, producing universal baldness. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1894, vi. 233. — Blaschko (A.) Vorstclhing eines falles von Alopecia areata. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 1152. Ah>,: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1891), 1892. xxii. pt. 1. 213. -----. Alopecia areata und Trichorrhexis. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1892. xxix. 71.----. Zwei Falle von Alopecia areata. Ibid., 173. Also: Ver- handl. d. Beil. med. Gesellsch. (1892), 1893, xxiii, pt. 1, 32.—Bo wen (J. T.) On an epidemic of alopecia areata in Boston, U. S. A. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1894, vi, 80- 83.— Bulkley (L. D.) A clinical study on alopecia are- ata, and its treatnient. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1889, 184-193. Aho: lied. Rec, X. Y.. 1889, xxxv, 231-234.- Aho, Reprint. -----. A therapeutic note on alopecia are- ata. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y, 1892, x, 47-51.— (iiiitaui (A.) Un caso di atrofia piugressiva dei bulhi piliferi sotto forma areata con disposizione sinimetrica (alopeciaareataprogressivasimmetrica). Gior.internaz.d. sc. med., Napoli, 1887, n. s., ix, 305-308.—Collier (J.) On the causation of alopecia areata, and its occasional coex- istence with tinea tonsurans. Lancet, Loud., 1881, i, 951.— Colquhouu (D.) On some cases of alopecia areata, and its probable causes. Intercolon. M. C< ng. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 972-974.—Crocker (II. R.) Alopecia areata, its pathology aud treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 478; 533.— Duhring (L. A.) Pathology of alopecia areata. Am J. M. Se,.', Phila.. 1.-7U u. s., lx, 122-126. Also, Reprint. -----. Alopecia areata. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 2. 8., iv, 3<-1.—E ostein (W.) Zur Aetiologie der Alopecia areata (Area CeLsi). Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1882, viii, 724—Eiehhoff(P. J.) Zur Frage der Koutagiositiit der Alopecia areata. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1888, vii, 1025-1028. Also: Tagebl. (1. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. n. Aerzte 1888. Koln, 1889, 264-266.—Eichhorst (II.) Beobachtungen iiber Alope- cia areata. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1879, lxxviii, 197-209. 1 pi.—Fox (G. II.) Alopecia areata. Am. J. Obst , X. Y., 1896. xxxiii, 1-9, 1 pi.—Froelieh (L.) Le- ber Augencrkrankung bei Alopecia areata. Berl. klin Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 343-317—Giovaniiini (S.) Al- cune ricerche intorno alle alterazioui anatomo-patologichc dell' alopecia areata e dell' alopecia sifllitica. Atti d. xh Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia. 1889. ii. 376-378.----- Ricerche intorno all' istologia patologica dell' alopecia are- ata. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 65-107.—Graham (J. K i Alopecia areata. Canad. J. M Sc, Toronto, 1880, v. 138.- Grindou [ ,T.) The eti- ology of alopecia areata. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1889, xx, 381-383. —Hardaway (W. A.) Two cases of recurrent alopecia areata. J. ("utan. & Ven. Dis., N. V., 1884, ii, 260— II oilman (R.) Ein Fall von Alopecia are- ata nach Trauma. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1889, lviii, 1361-1363. Aho, transl..- Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889- 90, xxii, 344-346. — Hollborn (C.) Ueber die parasitare Natur der Alopecia areata (Area Celsi). Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. u. Parasitenk., 1. Abt., Jena, 1895, xviii, 47; 108.— ALOPECIA. 275 ALPES-MARITIMES. Alopecia areata. , II u ten in no n (J.) Case of congenital absence of hair, with atrophic condition of the skin and its appendages, in a boy whose mother had been almost wholly bald from alo pecia areata from the age of six. Lancet, Loud., 1886, i, 923. -----. Alopecia areata usually a sequel of ringworm. Arch. Surg., Loud., 1889-90, i, 162. -----. On the perma- nency of cures iu alopecia areata. Ibid., 163. -----. Uni- versal alopecia in middle age, with history of severe ring- worm in childhood. Ibid., 370. -----. On alopecia areata and its relation to ringworm. Ibid.. 1892-3. iv, 289-304. ----. Alopecia areata iu a young hoy pioceeding to com- plete baldness. Cliu. J., Lond., 1894-5, v. 72. -----. Case of alopecia areata in early childhood. Ibid., 72. -----. Alopecia areata following ringworm : contagion of alopecia from an aunt to her niece. Arch. Surg.. Lond., 1895, vi, 79.— Jackson( G. T. ) Alopecia areata; its aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment. N. York M. J.. 1886, xliii, 210- 214. Aho, Reprint. — Joseph ( M.) Zur Aetiologie der Alopecia areata. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1886. xxiv, 178-181. -----. Experinientelle Untersu- chungen iiber die Aetiologie der Alopecia areata. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat.. Hamb., 1886, v, 483-489. Aho [Abstr.]: Tagebl. d. Yersatuml. deutsch. Xatuif. u. Aerzte, Beil., 1886, 282. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1886, xxxvi, 1612. -----. Zur Aetiologie und Symp- tomatik der Alopecia areata (Area Celsi). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 82; 100. -----. Erwiderung auf Herrn Dr. G. Behrend's Aufsatz: "Ueber Xervenlasion nnd Haarausfall mit Bezug auf die Alopecia areata". Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1889. cxvi, 333-336.— Kaposi. Alopecia areata oder Area Celsi. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1889, iii. 536: 586. — Kazan I i (A. I.) K razvitiou oprichin. irazvitii alopecias areata-. [Causes of . . .] (Cases. | Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1888, ix, 763; 789.—KrotkoflT (M.) A: Mlrokiii (V.) Sluchai travnia- ticheskavo nevrosa (alopecia areata neurotica t raumatica). Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889. xxxii, 391 -394. — Leistikow ( L. ) Zur Behaudlung der Alopecia areata. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1894, xviii. 26-28. — I.iveing (R.) On the causes of alopecia areata. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, iii. 158- 162. Also: Arch. Dermat., N. Y.,1882, viii, 107-111. — .TIaiocelii. Preparazioni microscopiche della pelle dell aria lYIsi. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma. 1882. viii. 260. — TlnnKin-off ( X.) Sluchai ogranichennol iii Celsi'evol pleshivosti (alopecia areata). In his: Kliu. shorn, po dermat. i sif., Moskva, 1889 |pt. 3], 15-21, 1 pi. — .VIibelli ( V. ) Ricerche speri- mentali sulla etiologia del! alopecia areata. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. tisiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 63-68. -----. Ricerche sperimentali sulla etiologia della alopecia areata. Atti d. \ii Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 381 - 3^4. -----. Sulla patoge- nesi dell' alopecia areata. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena 1888, vi, 314-351. Aho: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano 1888, xxix, 416- 448. -----. Di alcuni peli deformi osservati in uu caso di alopecia areata della barba. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1890, xxv, 231-246, 1 pi. - -Tlichelsoti (P.) Zur Discussion iiber die Aetiologie der Area Celsi. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., Ie8u. lxxx, 296-310. -----. Beinerkung zu den Arbeiten des Herrn Dr. v. Sehlen iiber die Aetiologie der Alopecia areata (Area Celsi). Ibid., 1885, xeix, 572. -----. Zweite nud letzte Bemerkung zu den Arbeiten des Herrn von Sehlen iiber die Aetiologie der Alopecia areata (Area Ce.lsi). Ibid., c, 576-578. -----. Ueber die sogenanuten Area-Coccen. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1886, iv, 230.— Ilorroiv (P. A.) The treatment of alopecia areata. J. Cutan. Sc Geuito-Urin. Lis.. X. Y., 1891, ix, 381-390.—Nachtigal. Ueber das Verhalten der electrocutanen Sensibilitiit bei Area Celsi. Mitth. a. d. med. Klin, zu Wiirzb., Wiesb., 1«e0. ii, 405. — \apier. Alopecia areata. Tr. Glasg. Path. Oleate of mercury [in alopecia areata]. Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila.. 1881, xliv. 315— Zeleueflf(I. F.) Alopecia areata na sifiliticheskoi pochve. [. . . from syphilitic cause.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1890, xxxiv. 773-777.' Aids (Joannes). Pliarinacopcea Cathalaua, sive aiiticlotariuiu Barciuoueuse restitutuiu, et ret'or- matum. Medicis, mediciute studiosis, chirurgis et pharmacopolis peiquaui utile, et necessarium. 7 p. L, 25(5 pp., 4 1. fol. Barcinone, ex typ. A. Ferrer et B. Ferrer, 1666. Host. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. AlpagO-]\OvellO (Luigi). II grauoturco e la pellagra. Manuale pel contadiuo pubblicato a cura della Societa di scieuze mediche di Coue- gliauo. 55 pp. 8°. Treviso, L. Zoppelli, 1883. -----. Ancora a proposito di un libro sulla pel- lagra. 22 pp. 8°. Torino, Roux 4' Fa rale, 1883. Repr.from: Indipendente, Torino, 1883, xxiv. -----. Dei pregiudizi popolari medici nelle nostre condotte. 48 pp. 8°. Treviso, L. Zoppelli, 1885. AlpagllS Bellunensis (Andreas). See A vice n n a. Liher canon is de mediciuis cordial!- bus [etc.]. 3 v. fol. Venetiis, 1555. -----. The same. fol. Basilece, 1576(?). AIpe (E. N.) Handy book of medicine. Stamp duty, with tbe statutes and appendices. 142 pp. 8°. London, [Spottisivoode 4' Co., 1868]. AIpes-Maritillies (Departement des). Con- seil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite" de l'ar- rondissemeut de Nice. Compte-rendu des tra- ALPES-MARITIMBS. Al|>es-I!Iaritinies (Departement des)—cont'd. vans accomplis pendant les amines 18S4-7, pre- sents a M. le prefet des Alpes-Maritimes par M. le docteur Balestre, secretaire du conseil. vii, 65 pp., 1 1. «J. Nice, J. Ventre <,- Co., 1690. Alpha (The). Published by the Moral Education Society of Washington, D. C. Caroline B. Wins- low, editor. [Monthly.] v. 7-13, Sept., 1881, to Aug., 188S. 4°. Washington, D. C. Ended. Alphabetical list of abbreviations of titles of medical periodicals employed iu the Index-Cata- logue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, Uuited States Army. 126 pp. roy. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1680. Repr. from: Index-Catalogue ... roy. 8°. Washington, 1880, i. Alphabetisches Verzeiclmiss der Schriften iiber Biider und Mineralwasser, welche sich iu der Bibliothek der medicinisch - chirurgischen Lesegesellschaft in Zurich befiuden. Nebst einem Sa<:h-Register. [Augefertigt und besorgt durch J. Fiusler.] 76 pp. 8^. Zurich, J. J. Ulrich, 1«32. Alphand ( [Jeau-Charles-]A[dolphe]) [1817- ]. La question des egouts. K6ponse a Par- ticle de M. Aubry-Vilet sur l'epuration et l'ntili- sation des eaux dugouts. 34 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. Chaix, 1880. Repr.from: Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1880. Alphaistlery (George). *La therapeutique morale et la suggestion. 93 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 64. Alphant (Clement). *De la respiration chez les nouveau-ne's; quelques considerations medico- legals a ce sujet. 1 p. 1., 41 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1865, 2. s., No. 813. Alpliamis (Frauciscus). Opus, de peste, febre pestilentiali et febre maligna. Nee non de vari- olis, et morbillis, quatenus nondum pestileutes sunt. 17 p. 1., 235, 55 pp., 4 1. sm. 4°. Neapoli, apud H. Salvianum, 1577. van Alphen (Joanues). *De excrementis qui- busdam cutaneis. 1 p. 1., 70 pp., 1 1. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, J. Broedelet, 1744. [P., v. 1924.] Alpherts (Gerardus Andreas). *De cortice Rhanini Fraugulse ejusque viribus in nosocomio academico indagatis. x, 128 pp. 8C. Traj. ad Rhenum, apud L. E. Bosch et filium, 1854. Alpherts (Gulieltnus Joannes). *Desiguis ge- ueralibus siuitatis optima?. 1 p. 1., 46 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. W. van Leeuwen, 1819. Alpherts (Henricus Gerardus). * De Brayera anthelniiutica, vulgo kousso, fanioso Abassino- ruin adversus taBiiiaui remedio, observationibus cum aliorum, turn propriis comprobato. xvi, 166, 4 pp.. 1 pi. *-. Traj. ad Rhenum, W. F. Dan- nenfelser, 1853. Alphita. Sopra uu vocabolario divoci tecniche del medio-evo detto Alphita. In.- Collect. Salernitana. 8°. Napoli, 1854, iii, 271- 322. -----. Thesame. Alphita. A medico-botanical glossary from the Bodleian manuscript, Selden B. 35. [Anecdota Oxoniensia. Mediaeval and modern series, v. 1, pt. 2.] Edited by J. L. G. Mowat. vii, 243 pp. 4°. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. Alplionso X, the Wise, King of Castile aud Leon [1226-84]. See Chevreul (Michel-Eugene). Examen critique au point dc vue de l'histoire de la chimie d'un 6crit alchi- inique intitule: Artefii clavis majorissapiential [etc.J. 4°, Paris, 1867. Alpiger (Max). # Anatomische Studie iiber das yegenseitige Verhalten der Vagus- und Sympa- tbicusliste im Gebiete des Kehlkopfes. Beitrag zur Erkliirung des Shock nach Kehlkonfexstir- ALPLNUS. Alpiger (Max)—continued. pationen. [Zurich.] 1 p. ]., 26 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1890. c. Repr.from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1890, xl. Alpine (The) retreat of the Abendberg in Switz- erland. 4 pp. 8C. [n. p., 1846, vel subseq. ] Alpine (The) Sanatorium, Davos-Platz. See Hotel Belvedere, Davos-Platz. 4°. [Geneva, 1883.] AlpimiS (Prosperus) [1553-1617]. De medicina ^Egyptiorum libri quatuor, in quibus umltacuin de vario mittendi sanguinis usu per venas, arte- rias, cucurbitulas, ac scarificationes nostris inu- sitatas, deque inustiouibus, et aliis chyrurgicis operatiouibis, turn de quamplurimis niedicanien- tis apud iEgyptios frequentioribus, elucescunt. Quae cum priscis medicis doctissiniis, olim uotis- sima, ac pervulgatissima essent, nunc ingenti artis medica? jactura a nostris desiderantur. 19 p. 1., 150 ff., 25 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud F. de Fran- ciscis Senensem, 1591. -----. The same. De medicina iEgyptiorum libri quatuor et Jacobi Bontii de medicina In- dorum. Ed. ultima. 10 p. 1., 150 ff., 25 1. 4°. Parisiis, apud N. Redelichuysen, 164b. -----. The .same. 10 p. 1., l'>o ff., 25 1. 4°. Pa- risiis, ajjnd viduam G. Pele, et J. Duval, 1646. -----. De plantis iEgypti, liber, in quo non pauci, qui circa herbarum niateriam irrepseruut, errores, depreheuduutur, quorum causa hactenus multa niedicamenta ad usum medicine admoduui expetenda, plerisque medicorum, non sine artis jactura, occulta, atque obsoleta jacuerunt. Ac- cessit etiam liber de balsamo alias editus. 3 p. L, 80 ff. 4°. Venetiis, apud F. de Franciscis Se- nensem, 1592. Bound with his: De medicina iEgyptiorum. 4°. Vene- tiis, 1591. -----. De praesagienda vita et morte a'grotan- tium libri septeiu, in quibus ars tota Ilippocra- tica praedicendi in tegrotis varios morborum even- tus, cum ex veterum medicorum dogmatis, tuni ex longaaccurataque observatione, nova methodo elucesit. Cum prtefatioue Hernianni Boerhaave. Ed. nova, singulari cura recensita, ab iniiuitis typothetarum, etc., nieudis expurgata, locuple- tissimoque capituni et reruin duplici indice in- structa. 7 p. ]., 541 pp., 11 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., ex off. I. Severini, 1710. -----. The same. Textum recensuit, passim emendavit, supplevit, citata Hippocratisloca ac- curavit Hieron. Dar. Gaubius, cum capitum et reVum duplici indice. Ed. 3". 9 p. 1., 576 pp., 22 1. 4°. Hamburg!, sumpt. A. Vandenhoeek, 1734. ------. The same. . . . post editionem alteram Leidensem, cujus textum recensuit . . . Acce- dit Hieronimi Fracastorii de diebus criticis li- bello. Ed. Veneta ceteris emendation 1 p. 1., xx, 410 pp., port. 4°. Venetiis, D. Tobacco, 1735. -----. The same. Cum praefatione Hermanui Boerhaave necnou emendationibus, recensioni- bus, supplements Hieron. Dav. Gaubii. Ed. al- tera, xii, 314 pp., port. 4°. Venetiis, ex typog. Remondiniana, 1751. -----. The same. Juxta editionem alteram Lei- densem, cujus textum recensuit, passim emenda- vit supplevit, citata Hippocratis loca accuravit, Hieron. Dav. Gaubius. 8 p. 1., 559 pp., 19 1. sm. 4°. Francofurti et Lipsice, in off. Fleischeri- ana, 1754. ------. The same. Cum praefatione Hermauni Boerhaave, nee non emendationibus, recensioni- bus, supplements Hieron. Dav. Gaubii. Ed. 3a Veneta omnium emendatissima. xvi, 2^6 pp., port. 4°. Bassani, 1774; sed prostant Venetiis, avud Remondini. ALPIXUS. 277 ALSBEEG. Alpinus (Prosperns)—continued. -----. Thesame. The presages of life and death in diseases, in seven books; iu which the whole Hippocratic method of predicting the various terminations and events of diseases is in a new and accurate manner illustrated and confirm'd, not ouly by the sentiments aud opinions of the ancient physicians, but also by a long course of attentive observation and experience. Transl. from the last Leyden edition, revised and pub- lished by Gaubius at the request of Dr. Boer- haave. by K. James. 2 v. xi, 386 pp., 12 1.; 1 p 1., 359 pp., 181. 8°. London, G. Strahan [and others], 1746. .-----. De medicina methodica libri tredecim, in quibus medendi ars methodica vocata olim max- ime Celebris, quae hac aetate nou sine magno stu- diosorum medicinae et dedecore, et damno plane desiisse visa est, denuo restituitur, atque in me- dicorum conimodum quadantenus ad medicinam doo-maticam conformatur. Opus novum, e quo studiosi pra?ter sectae methodicae placita a cele- berrimis medicis tradita, etiam praxim methodi- cam exactissiniam ad medendum nanciscentur. Ed. 2a. 11 p. 1., 765 pp., 19 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Boutesteiniana, 1719. de Alpnini (Sigisniundus). * De usu antimonii ejusdenique pneparatorum. [Innsbruck.] 5 p. h> ^- PP-> ^ b 1~0, [ Vindobonce], formis Tratt- nerian., [1760]. Alps (The). i See, also. Cretinism, etc., Goitre, by localities; Switzerland. Clah (C.) Die Winterstationen im alpinen Mittelmeergebiete, mit einem Anhange iiber Algier. Eine klimatologische Studie. 6°. Leip- zig u. Wien, 1894. Falsax (A.) Les Alpes fraucaises; la flore et la faune, le role de l'homme dans les Alpes, la traushumance, par . . . avec la collaboration de MM. G. de Saporta, A. Magnin, et al. 12°. Pa- ris, 1693. Geistbeck (A.) Die Seen der deutschen Al- pen; eine geographische Monographic 8°. Leipzig. 1685. Repr.from: Mitth. d. Ver. f. Erdkunde, Leipz., 1884. Onimus (E.) L'hiver dans les Alpes-Maritimes et dans la principaute de Monaco. Climatologie et hygiene. 2. ed. 12-. Paris, 1894. United States. Department of State. Bureau of Statistics. Special consular reports. Olive culture in the Alpes Maritimes. Report from Consul Bradley,.of Nice, in answer to a circular from the Department of State. 8°. Washington, 1891. Henderson (E.) Some of the effects of the -winter climate of the high Alps. Glasgow M. J., 1885, xxiv, 253 - 268. — lloessli ( A. ) Einige Bemerkungen zu den Mimatischen Curen in den Alpen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 790; 830. —Waters (A. T. H.) Alpine winter climates. In his: Contrih. Clin. & Pract. Med., 8=, Lond., 1887, 164-178. d'Alquen (Joan.) [1800- ]. * De scirrho uteri. 25pp., 11. 12°. [Berolini], formis Bruesch- ckiani, [1822]. Alquie ([Jean-]Alexis[-Jacques]) [1612-64]. *I. Quelles sont les differences qui existent entre le sang veineux et le sang arteriel? II. [etc.]. 35 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1838, No. 22. [P., v. 1081.] -----. Traite eiementaire de pathologie medicale d'apres la doctrine de l'ecole de Montpellier. 2 v. inl. 563, viii, 667pp. 8°. Montpellier, Ricard freres, 1850-56. Alquie (Jean-Dominique) [1792-1868]. * Essai sur l'hepatite, ou inflammation du foie. 1 p. ]., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1816, No. 490. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1868, xxxv. 206 (P.-L.-B. Caffe). Alqiiier(Augustin-Louis) [1862- ]. * Apercns hygieniques sur quelques types de navires de guerre dans la marine moderne (cuirasses, gardes- c6tes, torpilleurs). 49 pp. 4G. Bordeaux, 1889, No. 27. Alquier (Jules). See Bin* (Carl). Abreg6 de matiere medicale et de therapeutique. 24°. Paris, 1872. — IVotlum^el (Carl Willi. Hermann) Sc Rossbneh (M. J.) \in 1. s.) Nouveaux . elements de matiere medicale, [etc.]. 8°. I'aris, 1880. -----------. Thesame. roy. 8°. I'aris, 1889. Alric (Joseph). * Essai snr le rhumatisme. 71pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1835, No. 54. [P., v. 1083.] Alriq (Alphonse). Notice sur les eaux alcalines et ferrugineuses dAmphion-les-Bains (pres d'Evian). ix, 11-37 pp., 1 1. 6C. Thonon, J. Plantaz, 1869. -----. Les eaux d'Aulus; leurs effets physiolo- giques, leur action sur le grand sympathique et specialemeut sur la circulation de la veine porte et les etats morbides symptomatiques d'un trouble de ce systeme (dyspepsie, constipation, hemorrhoides, hypochondrie, engorgements du foie et de la rate). 44 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Coccoz, 1879. Repr. [with additions] from: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1878-9, xxiv. ------. Du role des eaux d'Aulus dans le traite- ment de l'ecz6ma constitutionel. 56 pp. 16°. Eaux d'Aulus (Ariege), 1890. Als (Carl Adolph) [1864- ]. * Ueber die Er- krankunocn der Bursa pharyngea. [Bonn.] 40 pp. 6-. Siegburg, W. Reckinger, 1866. c. Alsace-Lorraine. See Elsass-Lothringen. Alsarius a Crnce (Viucentius) [1570- ]. Ephenreridum libri ii. priores, in quibus aurea Ciceronis ad Lucceium epistola, aliique iusuper veterum auctorum loci explicantur, et qusB ad humaniora studia spectant non pauca afferuntur. Ad Horatium Spiuolam Bononiae prolegatum uudequaque digniss. 3 p. 1., 146 pp. sm. 4°. Bononice, apud hairedes J. Rossii, 159~i. Bound icith: India (Franciscus). De gutta podagrica, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Yeronce, 1600. -----. De morbis capitis frequentioribus, quorum cognitio, et enratio ita traduntur, ut ad alios etiam cognosceudos, et curandos mirifice condu- cant, hoc est: De catarrho, phrenitide, lethargo et epilepsia, seu comitiali morbo, libri septem. 7 p. 1., 469 pp., 19 1. 8°. Romce, apud G. Fac- ciottum, 1617. Bound with: Victorius (Angelus). De palpitatione cordis, [etc.]. 8°. Romce, 1613. -----. De quaesitis per epistolam in arte medica centuriae quatuor, ubi varii casus, observationes, consilia, responsa, disputationes atque cura- tiones non sine promiscua doctrina describuntur. 9 p. 1., 442 pp., 32 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1622. Alsberg (Adolf) [1869- ]. * Ueber Neurol i- pome; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss dor falschen Neuronic 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [ 1692]. Alsberg (A[lbert]) [1856- ]. Kiinstliches Gebiss im Oesophagus; Oesophagotomie; Hei- lung. 3 pp. 6°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, V87.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1887, xiii. -----. Maligne Geschwulst der rechten Niere bei einem funfjilhrigen Kinde; Exstirpation; Hei- lung. 5 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1887.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii. See, also, Tjcisrink (Heinr. Wilh. Franz) Sc Alsberg (A.) [in 1. s.J. Beitrage zur Chirurgie. 8°. [Berlin, 1883. J Alsberg (Moritz). * Untersuchungen iiber deu Raum- und Temperatursiun bei verschiedenen Graden der Blutzufuhr. 29 pp. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, [1863]. [Also, in: P., v. 1897.] ALSDORF. 278 ALTHAUS. Alsdorf (John). Syphilis: the prevention of its dissemination. 15 pp. 8°. New York, 1886. Repr.from: Sanitarian, N. T., 1886, xvii. Alsdorff (Joseph) [1864- ]. * Ueber die Ge- schwiilste der Parotis. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wire,, 1887. C. Alsdorff (Werner) [1866- ]. * Wiirdigung der verschiedenen Behaudlungsmethoden bei Tuberkulose. 31 pp., 1 1. 8~. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1669. van Alsem (Arnoldus). *Dehnmoribus. 15 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et heredes J. Elsevirii, 1671. [P., v. 1949.] Al-Sllifa. Pevue arabe mensuelle de medecine, foudee et publiee par le Dr. S. Schemeil. v. 1-3, 1886-6. 6°. Le Caire. Arabic text. Alsinet (Jose). See Pomme (Pierre) [in 1. s.]. Nuevo metodo para curar rlatos, [etc.]. 16°. Madrid, 1776. -----.Thesame 16°. Madrid, 1786. -----.Thesame. 16°. Madrid. 1694' Also-alap. IVeiidtvich (K. M.) Das Mineralwasser von Als6- Alap im StuhhveisseuburgerKoraitate. Ztschr. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Pest, 1853-4, iv, 65. AlsopilS (Antonius) [ -1726]. Odarum libri duo. 1 p. 1., 88 pp., 2 1. 4°. Londini, 1752. [P., v. >*>.] Also- Tatrafiired gv6gyfliid<> ismertetese. [Information in regard to the healing baths of Als6T^trafiired (Unter-Schmecks).] 21. fol. Budapest, K. L. Posner, [n. d.]. Also-Tatrafiired gyogyfiirdo (a magas T£t- r^ban). Yasaslap-, torpefenyii- es iisvanyviz- fiirdok. Egajli gydgyhely hicleg viz gy6gyiute- zettel. [The healing bath of Als6-Tatrafiired (in high Ttitra). Eerriferous marsh, dwarf-pine, and mineral water baths. A climatic health re- sort with a cold water cure establishment.] 21. fol. [Kesmark, P. Sauter, 1886.] -----. Thesame. 2 1. fol. [Kesmark, P. Sau- ter], 1892. -----. The same. Kurbad Unter-Schmecks (Alsd-Ta'tr^ftired), Oberungarn. Eisenmoor-, Krummholz- und Mineralbader. Klimatiecher Kurort und Kaltwasser-Heilanstalt. 2 1. fol, [Kesmark, P. Sauter], 1892. Alston (Charles) [1683-1760]. A dissertation on quick-lime and lime-water. iv, 60 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Hamilton 4' J- Balfour, 1752. [P., v. 1338.] Alt (Adolf). Lectures on the human eye in its normal aud pathological conditions, xvi, 206 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1660. See, also, Pollalt (S.) Beport of a case of ophthalmia [etc.]. 8°. [St. Louis, 1893.] Alt (Ferdinand) [1812-87]. Valiule (E. ) Notice biographique. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1887, vii, 206-208. Alt (Konrad). Das symptom der Personenver- wechslung bei Geisteskranken. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1867. Repr. from: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1887- 8, xliv. ----- & Schmidt (K. E. F.) Taschenbuch der Elektrodiagnostik und Elektrotherapie. I. Grundlehren der Elektricitat. II. Medicinisch- elektrische Apparate und ihre Verwendung in der Praxis. III. A. Electrophysiologic. B. Elektrodiagnostik. C. Elektrotherapie. 2 p. 1., 128 pp., 1 pi. 12c. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1893. Altabas Arrieta (Julio). Cirugia abdominal: tumores del ovario; la ovariotomia en Barce- lona ; con uu apendice sobre la laparotomia por trauniatisinos y un pr61ogo por S. Ram6n y Ca- jal. xv, 5-174 pp., 11. 8°. Madrid, E. Teodoro, 1690. Date on cover: 1891. AIM orl. See Education (Medical, etc.), by localities; Universities. Alte (Die) und die neue Priifungs-Ordnung fur Aerzte und Apotheker und die Nothwendigkeit einer Aenderung derselben. 16 pp. 8C. Nord- lingen, C. H. Beck, 1873. Alten ( G. ) Das often tliche Gesundheitswesen im Lauddrosteibezirk Liiueburg in den Jahren 1881; 1862. General-Berichte. 1 p. 1., 127; 1 p. 1., 150 pp. 6~. Liineburg, H. Kbnig, 1663-4. Alten burs'. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Medical, etc.), by localities. Rothe (C. G.) Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse der Resi- denzstadt Altenburg. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thii- ringen, Weimar, 1881, x, 36-46. Also [Abstr.]: Verbffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1881, v, 15. Altenbnrg (Christianns Gottlieb) [1742-1626]. * De oligochymise differeutiis. 36 pp. 4°. Lip- siw, ex off. Breitkopfia, 1771. [P., v. 1984]. Altenburg (Hermann). * Ueber Hodentubercu- lose. [Wurtzhurg.] 23 pp. 8°. Hersfeld, E. Hoehl, 1885. Altendorf(Joh.G.)[1864- ]. * Sterilisiruug der Milch iu Eiuzelportionen mittelstdes neuen Soxhlet'schen und des Ollendorff'scheu Ver- scblusses. 23 pp. 8°. Bonn, L. Hiinewinkel 4" Comp., 1892. Altendorf (Oscar) [1864- ]. * Ueber Milz- exstirpationen mit Beriicksichtigung eines Falles. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1892. Altenkircll (Gustav [Moritz]) [1862- ]. * Beitrage iiber die Verdunstungsschutzeinrich- tungeu in der trockenen Gerollflora Sachsens. [Jena.] 42 pp.,11. 6°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1894. Alter (David) [1807-81]. Maxwell (J. K.) Necrology. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1882, xiv, 299-302. Alter (Wilhelm). * Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber die Ursachen des Icterus bei Phos- phorvergiftung. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Breslau, Breh- mer 4- Minuth, [1867]. Alterants. Fuchsius (T. B.) *De medicamentorum al- terantium natura usu et abusn. sm. 4°. Jena, [1733]. Higgins (C.) Notes sur l'emploi des alteraDts dans les maladies aigues et chroniques. 8°. Paris, 1859. Alterino (A.). See ITIonin (E.) Zenuwliiden, [etc.]. 12°. Nijmegen, 1892. Altewelt (Sigvardus). See Seideliu (Petrus Steenfeld) [in 1. s.]. De accre- tiono pulmonum cum pleura. 8°. Havnice, [1774], Altgelt (Carl [Friederich August]) [1862- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Osteomyelitis. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1886]. Altli (A.) & Bieiiiasz (Fr.) Atlas geologiczny Galicyi. Tekst do zeszyto pierwszego. [Geo- logical atlas of Galicia. Text to first part.] 79 pp., atlas, 4 tab., fol. and 1 diag., 4°. 8°. Krakow, Univ. Jagiellonsk., 1887. Althaea. Glan (R.) * Ueber den Farbstoff der schwar- zen Malve (Althaea rosea). 8C. Erlangen, 1692. Altliainer (Eduard). * Graviditas tubaria sim- plex. Jiingster Fall aus Munchen. 18 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf 4- Sohn, 1879. AlthailS (Julius) [1831- ]. Cases treated by faradisation. 16 pp. 8°. London, Triibner 4" Co., 1861. [P., v. 871.] -----. Progressive locomotor ataxy: its symp- toms, diagnosis, and treatment. 1 1., 39 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4" Sons, 1866. ALTHAUS. 279 ALTITUDE. Altlians (Julius)—continued. -----. A treatise on medical electricity, thoreti- cal and practical, and its use in the treatment of paralysis, neuralgia, aud other diseases. 3. ed. xxviii, 729 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Longmans, Green ■)• Co., 1873. -----. The same, xvi, 25-354 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lindsay 4~ Blakiston, 1860. -----. Applications pratiques de l'eiectricite au diagnostic et a la therapeutique; description des appareils employes dans les deux mondes et perfectionnements apportes recemment a leur usage. Traduit et annote par Gustave Darin. 92 pp. 8°. Paris, V. A. Delahaye .,■ Cie., 1876. Repr. [with additions] from: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii. -----. On infantile paralysis aud some allied diseases of the spinal cord; their diagnosis and treatment. Being an essay to which the silver medal of the Medical Society of London was awarded ou March 8, 1676. 1 p. 1., 56 pp. 12°. London, Longmans 4' Co., 1876. -----. Ou sclerosis of the spinal cord: including locomotor ataxy, spastic spinal paralysis, aud other system-diseases of the spinal cord; their pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. xii, 394 pp. 6°. London, Longmans 4" Co., 1885. ■-----. The same, xii, 394 pp. 8°. New York, \ G, P. Putnam's Sons, 1865. .-----. The same. Ueber Sklerose des Riicken- markes eiuschliesslich der Tabes dorsalis und anderer Riickenmarkskrankheiten. viii, 226 pp. 8C. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1-64 [1885]. -----. The same. Maladies de la moelle epi- niere; pathologie, sympt6mes, diagnostic, traite- ment. Traduit de l'auglais par J. Morin. Pre- cede d'un preface par Prof. Charcot, vii, 372 pp. 82. Paris, F. Savy, 18-5. ■-----. Some phases of cerebral syphilis; being an address delivered before the New York Acad- emy of Medicine, on October 7, 1886. 55 pp. 12°. London, Longmans 4" Co., 1667. -----. On tinnitus aurium, and its treatment by electricity. 48 pp. 12-. London, Longmans 4' Co., 1667] -----. The treatment of syphilis of the nervous system. Read before tbe International Medical Congress at Berlin, August, 1890. 35 jip. 12°. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 1690. Also, in: "Wood's H. & S. Honog., N. Y., 1891, x, 1-20. -----. The pathology and prevention of influ- enza. 64 pp. 12°. London, Longmans 4" Co., 1692. -----. Influenza: its pathology, symptoms, com- plications, and sequels; its origin and mode of spreading; and its diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. 2. ed. xii, 407 pp. 12°. London, Longmans 4" Co., 1892. —----. On failure of brain power (encephalasthe- nia); its nature and treatment. 4. ed. xii, 186 pp. 12°. London, Longmans 4~ Co., 1894. Althansen (Mathias Joseph) [1866- ]. "Ue- ber Verbreitung und Behandlung des Herpes tonsurans. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, E. Heudorn, [1893]. ^ Althausse ( Oscar). * Ueber erworbene Tra- chealfasteln. 23 pp. 8°. Strassburg, C. Gceller, 1693. Altherr (August). *Ein Fall von Tumor cere- bri, mit einigen Bemerkuugen iiber dessen Diag- nose. 34 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1879. C. Althof (Hermann) [1835-77]. Maas (F. M.) Zur Erinnerung an Dr. Her- mann Althof. Gesprochen im geselligwissen- schaftlichen Vereiu zu New York am 30. Januar 1877. 8°. [New York, 1877.] Althof (Ludovicus Christophorus) [1758-1832]. See ITIurray (Joan. Andreas) [in 1. s.j. Apparatus medicamiuum tarn simplicium [etc.]. 6 v. 8°. Gottin- gce, 1784-94. Altlioflfcr (Charles) [1867- ]. *Des plaies par instruments piquants et en particulier par la ba'ionnette. 44 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1890, No. 511. -----. The same. 44 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck, 1890. * ' AltlmsillS (Henricus). *De gravediue et ca- tarrhis. 7 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et hceredes J. Elsevirii, 1669. [P., v. 1949.] Alti(S[elim]-Nicolas) [1869- ]. *L'appendice ibSo-ccecal et ses heruies; considerations chirur- gicales cliniques et therapeutiques. 106 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1694, No. 320. Altigos (S.) [1863- ]. * Contribution a l'etude auatomo-pathologique des fractures par pene- tration du col chirurgical de l'humerus avec abaissement et rotation en arriere de la tete humerale. 61 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 49. Altitude. See, also, Air (Pressure of); Alps; Health resorts; Mexico; Mountain fievev; Moun- tains; Phthisis in relation to climate. Carillox (L.) *Du mal des montagnes. 4°, Paris, 1891. Giacosa (P.) Studii sui corpuscoli organiz- zati dell' aria sulle alte montagne. 8°. Torino, 1883. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1883, xviii. Gorbacheff (P. K.) * K voprosu o vl'ianii voskkozhdenia na gori na krovyanoye davle- ni'e, temperaturu tiela, puis, dikhau'ie, kozhno: liokhochma poteri i kolichestvo priuimayemol pishtshi u zdorovikh lyndey. [On the ques- tion of the effect in healthy men of mountain ascension upon blood pressure, bodily tempera- ture, pulse, breathing, loss by skin and lungs, and the quantity of consumed food.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1892. Haughton. On the use of the hygrometer in the measurement of heights. 8°. Dublin, 1853. Repr.from: Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl., 1853. Jourdanet (D.) De l'anemie des altitudes et de l'auemie en general dans ses rapports avec la pression de l'atmosphere. 8°. Paris, 1863. Kessxer (F. H. A.) * Ueber die physiologi- sche Wirkung des vermiuderten Luftdrucks im Hohenklima. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Lieber (A.) Die erste arztliche Hilfeleistung bei Erkrankungen und Ungluckfallen auf Alpeu- wauderungen. 8°. Munchen, 1887. Repr.from: Ztschr. d. deutsch. u. osterr. Alpenver. Lombard (H.-C.) Des cliniats de montagne considers au point de vue medical. 8°. Geneve, 1856. Repr.from: Biblioth. univ. de Geneve. Marduel (P.) Alpinisme et hygiene. 8°. Lyon, 1890. Repr.from: Bull. sect, lyonn. du Cluh alpin franc. Salino (F.) Tavole-prontuario da 1 a 5000 metri per la misura delle altezze col mezzo del barometro colle pressioni normali per ogui metro di elevazione e correzioui per 1' influenza de' raggi vettori della terra, posizione del variabile pei barometri fissi colla riduzione al mare delle osservazioni barometriche. 8°. Belluno, 1883. Wehmer (R.) Die haufigsten Gesundheits- storungen des Alpiuisten; ibre Verhiitung und erste Behandlung. 8°. Wien, 1889. Repr.from: Ztschr. d. deutsch. u. osterr. Alpenver., 1889, xx. Wise (A. T.) Contra-indications for visiting the high altitudes; with a description of the environs of Malqja. 8°. London, 1886. ALTITUDE. 280 ALTMANN. Altitude. Wolif (F.) Ueber den Einfluss des Gebirgs- klimas auf den gesunden und kranken Meuschen. 6-'. Wiesbaden, 1895. Anderson (C.) Altitude and subnormal temperature. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1880, n. s., v, 'J94.—Bechlercflr (V.) K fiziologii ravuovesija tela. [The equilibrium of the bodv.] Vovenno med. J., St. Petersb., 1883, cxlvii, pt. 2, 178-231. — Beriilinker (K.) Ueber die Wirkungen und Veranderungeu, welche das Hohenklima im menschlichen Organismus hervorbringt. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1895, xlvi, 171; 254; 335. —Black (G. M.) The effects of altitude upon the mucous membranes of the upper air passages ; with report of cases. N. York M. J., 18!>2. lv. 407. — Bonnier (G.) Sur les modifications de la forme de la structure ct des fonctions des vegetaux soumis experimentalement au climat de la r6gion alpine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 807-810. — Chan. vean (A.) Le mal de montagne. Rev. scient., Par., 1894, 4. s., i, 353-362.—Ball}-. Sur les effets des cures d'alti- tude. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1886, 2. s.. xiii, 210--'13.— Donaldson (F.), jr. The causes of dyspnoea aud cardiac failure in high altitudes. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 318-321. Aho, Reprint. -----. On the causes of cardiac failure in high altitudes. Tr. Am. Cliinat. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv, 52-59. Also: Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1887, ii, 287-291. Aho, Reprint. — Egli- Sin- clair. Ueher die Bcrgkrankheit. Wien. med. Bl., 1*95. xviii, 120; 137.—Francis (<_!. R.) Ill effects from high altitudes. Med. Times & Gaz, Lond., 1882, ii, 630. — de Frentlenreieh (15.) Recherches sur les organismes vivauts de 1 an des hautes altitudes. Arch. d. sc. phys. et nat., Geneve. 1884, 3. per., xii, 305-387. -----. Des mi- crobes de l'air iles montagnes. Semaine nied., Par., 1884, iv. 301. Ahu . Lev. m6(f. et scient. d'hydrol., Toulouse, 1884, i, 5*5-589. — 4»iiico«a (P.) Etudes sur les cor- puscules organises de l'air des hantes montagnes. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, l*r>3, iii, 201-209. ----. Studii sui germi di microorganism! nella neve delle alte montagne. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1890,3.-8., xxxviii, 878- 888. Also, Reprint. -----. Indagini sulle acque e sulle nevi delle alte regioni. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino, 1895, 3. s., xliii, 537 -568. — GoibaHchew (P. K.) Zur Frage iiber den Eintluss der Bergbesteigung auf Blutdruck, Korpertemperatur, Puis, Atheni, Verluste durch llaut- and Lnngenperspiration und Nahrungs- menge. Oesterr.-ungar. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Wien, 1891, ii, L—C3rawitz(E.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Hdhenklimas auf die Zusammensetzung des Blutes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 713; 740. Also: Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1895), 1896. xxvi, pt. 2, 207-225. [Discussion], pt. 1, 153-159. — Ilteren (M.) Fran varo af bakterier i bergluft. [ Absence of bacteria in mountain air.] Eira, Goteborg, 1884. viii, 767. — He- noeqne (A.) Influence de l'asceusion k 300 metres sur l'activit6 de la r6dnction de l'oxvhemoglobine. Arch, de Shysiol. norm, et path., Par., 1889, 5. a., i, 710-717.—Hep- urn (M. L.) So-called mountain sickness. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1*94-5, ii, 185-187.—von JaruntowMki Sc Schroder. Leber Bliitverauderuugen im Gebirge. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 945-948. — Ja- wor»ki (W.) Kilka slow o zachowaniu si? objaw6w dyspepti.jcznych w klimacie wysokogorskim. [On the prevalence of some dyspeptic phenomena in verv high climates.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 397-402.— Keating (J. il.) Hyperpyrexia in altitudes. Internat. M. Mag.. Phila., 1892,'i, 1121-1126. Aho: Tr. Am.Climat. Ass. 1892. Phila., 1893, ix. 11-16. — Kronecker (IL) Mountain-sickness. Med. Mag., Lond., 1895, iv, 651-666.— de fiii Ilarpe (E.) Le climat d'altitude, ses facteurs, son action sur l'homme. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1893, xiii, 86-102. Aho, Reprint. -----. De Tac- tion des climats d'altitude. Arch. g6n. d'hydrol., etc., Par., 1893, iv, 456: 1894, v, 16. — I.azaiuo (J.) Berg- fahrten und Luftfahrten iu ihrem Einfluss auf den mensch- lichen Organismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 672; 702.— I*e Pileur (A.) Memoire sur los phenonienes physiologiques qu'ou observe en s'61evant a une certaine hauteur dans les Alpes. Rev. ni6d. franc et etrang., Par., 3845,ii, 55: 196; 341. Aho, Reprint —l.indley (W.) Be- low sea level; nature's pneumatic cabinet. South. Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles, 1888, iii, 378-383. Also, Reprint. Aho: Med. Rec. N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 242. Aho, Reprint. ----High altitudes of Southern California. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1888, iii, 355-359. Aho, Re- print.—liOinbard (H.-C.) Influences hygieniques, pro- phylactiques et therapeutiques des altitudes. Cong, in- ternat. d hvg. et de demog. Compt. rend. 1882, Geneve, 18*3. i, 180-193. Aho [Abstr.]: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1882, iv, 745-749.—JIcC'oll (H.) Personal experiences regarding altitude in organic cardiac disease. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii, 360.—Marcet (W.) A summary of au inquiry into the function of respiration at various altitudes on the island and peak of Teneriffe. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1879, xxviii, 498-519. -----. On the influence of altitude on the chemical phenomena of respi- ration. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., Iboj-6, vii, 254- Altitude. 261. — ^lercier (A.) Des'modifications de nombre et de volume que subissent les erythrocytes sous l'influence de l'altitude. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1894, 5, s., vi, 769-782. -----. Influence du sejour dans les graudes altitudes sur le nombre des pulsations cardiaques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s.. i, 481. — .Miller (A. C.) Note urfhu a form of catarrh following residence on the summit of Ben Nevis. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1Mi5 i, 248.— Moeller (A.) De Paction physiologique des climats d'altitude. Arch. gen. d'hydrol." etc.. Par., 1804, v, 81- 89.—Moore (II. B.) The influence of high altitudes upon heredity in tuberculosis, and its effects upon some forms other than pulmonary. Climatologist. Phila., 1K!I.'. ii, 315- 322.—IVendorfer. Das Athmen auf hohen Bergen und hoch in deu Liifien ; die Bergsteiger und die I.ul'tsegler. Oesterr.-ungar. Badeztg., Wien, 1895, xxiv, 129.—I\icoln<< (A.) Migrations hvgieniques; l'air des montagnes. J. d'hyg., Par., 1879. iv, 594; 603; 614.— Prompt. Le mal ties montagnes. Dauphine m6d., Grenoble, 1mi4. xviii, 217; 250; 276. — Kejjnard (P.) Les anemiques sur les mon- tagnes; influence de l'altitude sur la formation de l'h6mo- globine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 470-472. -----. Les causes du mal de montagne. Ibid., 1894, 10. .s., i. 365-368. — Biva-Roeci (S.) La funzione respiratoria in montagna. Riv. clin., Milano, 1889, xxviii, 506-552. — Shoemaker (W. P.) The influence of high altitude on sexual appetite sleep, and respiration. Med. Rec, N. T., 1881, xix, 28. Sinclair (R.) Mountain air in the treatment of phthisis. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 573. — Smith (A.) On ihe subject of mountain climates. Edinb. N.Phil. J., 1857,n.s.. vi,-2M-296. Aho, Reprint- Solly (S. E.) The influence of altitude upon respiration. Rocky Mountain M. Rev., Colorado Springs, 1880-81, i, s8- 92.—Sommcrbrodt (J.) Leber den Einfluss des Berg- steigens auf Uerz und Gefasse; offener Brief an Piof. Dr. Oertel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 302-304.—Tuth (I.) Bauvaszaszaly (cachexia montana). s enuek oktana. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 18.-.:!. xxvii, 323: 319; 380; 470; 525; 559; 072 ; 787; 907; 1032— Trei y ti 1< off. K voprosno vliyanii razriezhennavo vozdukha i klimata Pamirskikh visot. |On the influence of the rarefied air and climate of the Pamir heights.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiii, 3. sect., 177-194. — Valentine ( O.) Fonnaa clinicas del soroche. Oron. med., Lima, 18'.»2, ix, 102; 126; 184.—Viault (F.) Sur l'augmentation considerable du nombre des globules rouges dans le sang chez les habitants des hauts plateaux de l'Am6riquedu Sud. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, cxi, 917. -----. Sur la quantite tl'oxygene contenue dans le sang des animaux des bants plateaux de rAmeriquedu Sud. Ibid., 1891, cxii, 295-298. -----. Action physiologique des climats de montagne.. Ibid., 1892, cxiv, 1562-1565.—White (A.) Effects of alti- tude. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1892, xxvii, 1043-1046.— Whymper (E.) On the practicability of living at great elevations above the level of the sea. Nature, Lond., 1880-81, xxiii, 459-461. — Wine (A. T. T.) A typical ex- ample of the effects of mountain air. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1434. Altnian (J[osu6]) [1864- ]. * Contribution a. l'etude de la retention des regies par suite de l'oblite'ration congeuitale du vagin et de son traitement. 1 p. 1., 76 pp. P. I'aris, 1894, Xo. 106. Altinann (Adolf). * Einige Falle vou Melauose. 2i) pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1^-5. Altinann (Gustav). * Die wichv.gsteu Kurme- thoden der Pneumonie iu ihrem Zusammeuhang mit den jeweils iiber das Weseu der Pneumonie herrscheiiden niedicinischeu Anschauungen. 74 pp. 8°. Strassburg, G. Fischbach, 1487. Altinann (J.) Ein Paar Worte an . . . Herrn Fischer v. Waldheim als Einleituug zu meiner Abhandlung: Ueber die Mortalities-Verhaltnisse Russlands. 23 pp. 8°. [Moscou, 1840.] Repr.from: Bull. Soc. imp. d. nat. de Moscou, 1840. -----. Ueber die Mortalitiits-Verhaltuisse Kuss- lauds. (Fortsetzung uud Schluss.) 19 pp., 3 tab. 8\ [Moscou, 1640.] Repr.from: Bull. Soc. imp. d. nat. de Moscou, 1840, Altniann (Max) [1845- J. * Vergl.-icliende Kritik der in neuerer Zeit vorziiglich ange- wandteu Methoden des Steinschuittes. 1 p. 1., 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, H. Under, [1868], Altniann (Paul) [167)3- ]. * Ueber deu quan- titativen Uuterschied der Affinitiiten von Brom und Chlor in den Wasserstoffsivuren zu Silber. 36 pp. °. Greifswald, C. Sell, 187'J. ALTMANN. 281 ALTSCHUL. Altinann (Reinhold). * Ueber die Inactivitiits- atrophie der weiblichen Brustdriise. [Munich.] 27 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Berlin, [G. Reimer], 1688. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1888, cxi. Altmailii (Richard). Die Elenientarorganisnien und ihre Bjziehungen zu den Zellen. 3 p. 1., 145 pp., '21 pi. 8°. Leipzig, Veit 4' Comp., 1690. ------. The same. 2. Autl. 3 p. 1., 160 pp., 35 pi. i--". Leipzig, Veit 4' Comp., 1694. Alt ma il 11% granules. Daxxehl ([C] T.) * Ueber die cadaveroseu Veriintiernngen der Altinaun'sc-hen Granula. 8°. Berlin, [1692]. Aho, in: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1892, cxxviii, 485-496. Altmark. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. ab Altoniari (Donatus Antonius) [1520-56], De alteratione, concoctione, digestioue, prapa- ratione, ac purgatione ex Hippocratis et Galeni sententia metbodus. 75 ff., 1 1. 16°. Venetiis, apud H. Scotum, 1547. ------. Do medendis humani corporis nialis: ars medica. Habentur in secunda parte omnes ii morbi, qui iu prima deeraut. 2 pts. in 1 v. 463 pp.; 436 pp., 2 1. 12°. Lugduni, apud J. Frellonium, 1561. Secunda pars has separate title-page. ------. The same. A Jacobo Rubeo Furcieusi sub Joannis ab Altoniari censura quam diligen- tissime recoguita, simul cum locis, et Galeni nu- meris iutegris denno in margine ad studiosorum emolumeutum repositis. 4. ed. 3 p. ]., 571 pp. 4P. Venetiis, apud J. A. de Maria, 1570. ------. Xonnulla opuscula nunc primum in unum collecta, et recoguita, cum locis omnibus in mar- gine additis. Quibus ultimo accedit de sanita- tis latitudine tractatus, una cum ejusdem latitu- dinis tabula denno in lucem seditns. 3 p. 1., 120 ff. sm. 4°. Venetiis, M. de Maria, 1561. ------. The same. De mannae differentiis ac viri- bus, deque eas dignoscendi via ac rat ione. Item de vinaceorum facultate ac usu. 3 p. 1., 148 ff. 4C. Venetiis, apud J. A. Salernitanum, 1570. ------. De mannae differentiis, ac viribus, deque eas dignoscendi via, et ratione. 46 pp. sin. 4~. Venetiis, ex off. Marci de Maria Salernitani, 1562. ------. Omnia, quad hucusque in lucem prodie- runt, opera, nunc primum in unum collecta, et ab eodem anctore diligentissime recognita et aucta: cum locis omnibus in margine additis. 15 p. 1., 1027 pp. fol. Lugduni, apud G. Rouil- lium, 1565. See, also, Divei-Hus (Petrus Salius) [in 1. s.]. De febre pestilenti tractatus, [etc.]. 4°. Bononice, 1584. -----. The same. 16°. Francofurti, 1580.-----. The same. 12°. Eardevici, 1656. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. ab Altoniari (Joannes). See ab Altomnri (Donatns Antonius). De medendis humani corporis malis, ars medica. 4°. Venetiis, 1570. 85 in der Stadt Altona. von "Wobeser. Broadside, 13 by 17 inches. Altona, P. Meyer, 1886. Altoona. Annual reports of the city engineer to the presidents and members of city councils, for the years 1891, 1892. 8\ Altoona, 1892-3. Altoona Hospital, Pa. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the members of the associa- tion, l.-ll., 1884-94. 8-. Altoona, 1*85-95. Incorporated Dec. 18, 1883, and opened in Feb., 1886. 1.-4. reports in one. ------. Charter of incorporation and by-laws of the . . . with the act of assembly making an appropriation towards its erection and furnish- ing. 15 pp. 12°. Altoona, 1864. Altschnl [Elias] [1812- ]. Lehrbuch der physiologischen Pharmacodynaniik. Eine kli- nische Arzneimittellekre fiir homoopathische Aerzte als Grundlage am Krankenbette und Leitfaden zu academischeu Vorlesungen. Nach dem neuesten Standpunkte der medizinischen Wissenschaften. vi, 7-512 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prag, C. IV Medau, 1850. ------. Das therapeutische Polaritiitsgesetz der Arzneidosen als prinzipielle Grundlage zur phy- siologischen Pharmacodynamik. Im Geiste ei- nes wissenschaftlichen Versuches dargestellt. 62 pp. 12°. Prag, C. W. Medau, 1852. ------. Offenea Seudschreibeu an Herrn Dr. Carl Ernst Bock . . . deu Entdecker der Selbstheil- lehre. Eine kritische Beleuchtuug seiner pole- mischen Angriffe auf die praktischen Heilmetho- den im Allgemeiueu und auf die Homoopathie insbesondere. 2. Ausg. 31 pp. 8°. Prag, C. Bellmann, 1856. ------. HomoopathischesTaschenworterbuch, fiir das Haus, die Reise und das Kraukenbett. Nach dem heutigen Standpunkte der Wissen- schaftfiir junge Praktiker bearbeitet. xiv (11.), 292 pp. 12°. Sondershausen, F. A. Eupel, 1857. ------. Real-Lexicon fiir homoopathische Arznei- mittellehre, Therapie u. Arzneibereitungskunde. Nach semen offentlichen Vorlesungen au der Prager k. k. Universita!, und unter steter An- gabe der neueru eiufachen Heilmittel der phy- siologischen Schule. xxiii, 450 pp. 12°. Son- dershausen, F. A. Eupel, 166,4. See, also, Verweij (L. H.) [in 1. s.]. Die Homoopathie Kegeniiber den auderu Heilmethoden. 16°. Prag, 1858. Altschul (Theodor). Ueber Wasserversorgung der Stiidte im Allgemeinen und die geplante Wasserversorgung Prags im Besonderen. Nach einem im Vereine deutscher Aerzte in Prag ge- ALTSCHUL. 282 ALUMNOL. Altschul (Theodor)—continued. halteneu Vortrage. 1 p. 1., 68, xi pp., 2 tab. 8-\ Prag, J. G. Calve, 1889. -----. Zur Schularztfrage. Eine schulhygie- nische Studie. 80 pp. 8°. Prag, F. Ehrlich, 1-90. -----. Die Frage der Ueberbiirdung unserer Schuljugend vom arztlichen Standpunkte. 44 pp. 8-\ Wien, M. Perlei, 1894. Altllklloff(N[ikolai Vlad.]) [1859- ]. Ent- sefalometricheskia izsliedovan'ia mozga v svyazi s poloni, vozrastom i cherepnim ukazatelem. [Encejihalometric examinations of the brain iu connection with sex, age, and cranial index.] iii, 55 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Moskva, Univ. tipog., 1691. Altvatei" (Paul). Die Morpkium-Eiuspritznn- gen ( suhcutane Injectioneu ). Deren Weseu uud Wirkung, unschiidliche und schildliche An- wendung, Abmiuderung und Abgewohuung; nach eigenen, in vieljahrigem Selbstgebrauch gewonnenen Erfahrungen, fiir Jedermann fass- lich dargestellt als sicherer Fiihrer fiir Aerzte und Laien. 2. Aufl. 34 pp. 8C. Auerbach a. B., P. Altvater, 1879. Alum. See, also, Bread (Adulteration of). Mott (H. A.), jr. The effect of alum upon the human system, when used in baking powders; elaborate experiments upon living dogs; re- searches made under the auspices o+" the Royal Baking Powder Co. 8°. New York, 18>0. ITIiinzbei-^er (T.) Die essigsaure Thonerde und de- ren Veiordnuiig. Prag. nied. "Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 383.— Tarozzi (G. ) Sul solfofenato d'alluminio c potassa. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1891, 1, 2X7.—Wade (I)eW.C.) A new antiseptic: sulphite of aluminium. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1888, 222-224. Aho, Reprint.—Vonnj; (\V. 0.) On the sulubility of phospate of alumina in acetic acid, with special reference to the estimation of alumina in flour, bread, etc. Analyst, Lond., 1890, xv, 61-63. Aluminium. Askotsciikxski(A.) Zaklyuckitelnoye slovo o vrachebnoni deistvii aluniinio-zhelezistago gleja (gliua Timofeeva) vo vsiech chronicheskich i tshastiu v ostrych bolieznjach. [Fiual word on therapeutical value of alumiuio-chalybeate clay (aluminium Timofeeff) iu all chronic aud some acute diseases.] 8°. Ferchnednjep7-oivsk,1869. Caussk (E.) * De l'alumiuium et de ses sels. 4°. Montpellier, 1667. Schmitz (C. M. H.) * Untersuchungen iiber die etwaige Giftigkeit des Aluminiums. 8°. Bonn, [1893]. Siem (P.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Alumini- ums uud des Berylliums auf deu thierischen Or- ganismus. 8°. Dorpat, 1666. Skkylnikoff ( V.) Liechenie glinojou. Vrachebuaja exkursija v Devladovu haiku. [Treatment by aluminium. Medical excursion to the Deviation0 Valley. Aluminium silico-fer- ruginous waters.] 8°. Ekaterinoslav, 1666. Wohler(F.) Beobachtungen iiber das Alu- minium. 12°. [Gbttingen, i860.] Cutting from.- Nachr. v. tl. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch u. tl. Georg-Aug.-Univ., Gdttiug., 1860. Fieinns (H.) Thonerde als Arznevmittel. Ztschr f Nat.- u. Heilk., Dresd , 1819-20, i, 82-98.—IJody (L.) Les gourdes en aluminium. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1894 x 105-11.").—Mallet (J. W.) Kevision of the atomic weight of aluminum. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1880, clxxi, 1003-1035 — Morrow (S. R.) Aluminium in orthopaedic apparatus Tr. M. Soc X. Y.. Phila., 1892. 142-145. — OhlmuHer (w.) .v Ileise (K.) Untersuchungen iiber die Yerwend- barkeit des Aliuniniutus zur Herstelhing von Ess-, Trink- uml Kochgt-schirren. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl 1892. viii, ::77-407, 1 pi. - Sehacfler (M.) Aluminium acetico-tartaricum; aluminium aceiico-glycerinatum sic- cum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi 390. Aho, Reprint. Alumnae Association of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. [Meeting held March 11, 1875, in response to call issued by Drs. Eme- Alumiia? Association [etc.]—continued. line H. Cleveland and Mary J. Scarlett-Dixon.l 2 1. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1875.] Bound with reports of association. -----. Report of proceedings of . . . 1.-15. 6°. Philadelphia, 187(5-90. Al n ill nal Association of the Medical College of Ohio. Proceedings of the annual meeting of. . . 11.-14. March 10, I860, to March 7, 1669. 8°. Cincinnati, 1886-9. Alumni Association of Alfred University. First annual meeting. 54 pp. 12c. New York, A. Centre, 1687. Alumni Association ofthe Chicago Medical Col- lege. Proceedings of the eighteenth annual meeting, Chicago, March 25, lc84. 31 pp. 8C. Chicago, A. G. Newell, 1664. Alumni Association ofthe Cincinnati College of Pharmacy. Constitution and by-laws of the . . . Organized June 26, 1874. 8 pp. 16°. Cincin- nati, R. Clarke 4' Co., 1674. Alumni Association of the Columbian Univer- sity, Washington. [A circular letter of the ex- ecutive committee to the alumni, calling their attention to the improvements made in the vari- ous departments of the university, aud appeal to them to use their influence in securing an in- creased attendance of students.] July 1, 1889. 2 1. 4°. [Washington, 1669.] -----. Proceedings of the . . . 1-89. 39 pp. 8°. Washington, Judd 4' Detweiler, 1669. Alumni Association of the Detroit College of Medicine. Annual report, 1889-90. 73 pp. 8°. Detroit, Free Press Printing Co., 1669. Alumni Association of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Constitution and by- laws. 7 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1670. ' Alumni Association of the Medical College of Ohio. To the alumni of the Medical College of Ohio. [Circular of the executive committee, re- questing their co-operation in a movement to make the association a more effectual organiza- tion.] Feb. 15, 1886. 1 sheet. 4°. [Cincinnati, 1666.] Alumni Association of the New York Homoeo- pathic Medical College. Constitution and by- laws, list of members with addresses, together with list of officers for 1883-4 and 1884-5. 14 pp. 12°. New York, Pusey 4- Rooney, 1864. Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Annual reports of . . . 2.-5., 181)0-9; 7., 1870-71; 9.-13., 1872-3 to 1870-7; 15.-31., 1878-9 to 1894-5. 8°. Philadelphia, 1866-95. Alumni Association of Rush Medical College, Chicago. Proceedings of . . . 1880. 40 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1881. Alumni Association of the Woman's Hospital in the State of New York. Transactions, v. 1& 2. 88 pp; 106 pp. 12°. New York, 188(5-7. Alumni Society of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Proceedings for 1879-81; 1884-9; 1891-5. 14 nos. 8 "->. Phil- adelphia, 1880-95. Allllliuo (El) meMico. Periodico cientifico, decenario. Organo oficial del Ateneo m6dico- escolar. Director: Pablo Alvarez Delgado. v. 1-2 (nos. 1-36), Oct, 8, 1880, to April 28, 1882. 4°. Madrid. AI11111110I. Aliontz (K.) Das Alumnol in der Gynakologie. [Transl. \ Abstr. ] from: Orvostermeszettud. Ertesito, Kolozsvaf, 1x93, i.] Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1x93, xxix, 1238.—C'antrell (J. A.) Alumnol in dermatology Coll. Sc Clin. Rec, Phila., 1X94. xv, 109— < holzen (M.i Alumnol, ein neues Mittel gegen Hautkrankheiten und Gonorrhoe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix. 1219-1222.- Erauil (J.) De l'alumnol. Lyon med., 1892, lxxi, 295- 298. Aho: M6ro. et compt -rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1892), 1893, xxxii, pt. 2, 149-152. Also, transl.: Med. ALUMNOL. 283 ALVARENGA. Aliiimiol. Press & Circ., Loud., 1892, n. s., liv, 607.—Goiiimaerts. L'alumnol et son emploi dans l'endometrite gouorreiiiue. Bull. Soc.de med. de Gand, 1891, l\i, 227-229.—ISottheil (W~. S.) Alumnol in diseases ofthe skin. X.York M. J., 1893, lviii,532-536.—Gnieeiarili (G.) L'alumuolo nella cura delle malattie veneree. Gior. nied. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1894, xiii, 290-310. —Heinz (R.) 6c L.iebrecht (A.) Alumnol, ein neues Adstringo-Antisepticum. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1158-1160. —Smith (K. B.) Alum- nol as a surgical application. Am Therapist, N. Y., 1895- 6, iv, 132-135. — Spengler (A.) Ei fahriuigen iiber die AVirkung des Alumnol uud des Diaphtherin. Miinchen. med.Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 243. Alumnus (An). Chair of general pathology [iu the University of Edinburgh]. To the editor of the Edinburgh Observer. 3 pp. 8\ [Edinburgh, 1641.] [P., v. 1566.] Alumnus (An). The new test act; a recent conspiracy against the medical practitioners of homoeopathy and the public, by the College of Physicians and the Faculty of Mediciue; con- sidered in a letter to the patrons of the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, by an alumnus. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, I. Hogg, 1851. [P., v. 1047.] Alvaniti (Constautiu S.) * Ueber die Hamrnhr (Diabetes), vi, 7-24 pp. 8^. Miinchen, J. G. Weiss, 167)2. Alvarado (Emilio). De la eomjuutivitis cata- rral epidemica. 46 pp. 8°. Valladolid, A. Za- patero, 1-66. Alvarado (Ygnacio). Memoria sobre las rela- ciones que hay entre la circulaciou y la calorifi- cacion en las eufermedades. 39 pp., 1 tab., 1. 8-. [Mexico], 1. Escalante, [1879]. See, aho, Lueio (Rafael) Sc Alvarado (Ignacio) [ml. s.]. Oprisculo sobre el mal de San Lazaro," [etc. 1- 4°. Mexico. 1880. Alvarado-Francliy (A.) * Du lupus, de ses divers moyens de traitement et en particulier des applications locales de creosote et de calo- mel, viii, 9-54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1664, No. 1. Alvarenga (Pedro Francisco da Costa) [182(3- 83]. Estudo sobre algumas das principaes ques- toes da cholera epidemica. Memoria premiada pela Sociedade das scieucias medicas de Lisboa. 172 pp., 2 tab., 1 1. 8°. Lisboa, F. N. de Souza, 1854." [Also, in: P., v. 1262.] -----. Parecer de alguus medicos nacionaee e estrangeiros acerca da memoria sobre a insuffi- cieucia das valvulas aorticas e consideracoes geraes sobre as doencas do coracao. 44 pp. 8 . Lisboa, imj). nacional, 1856. [Also, in: P.,v. 1253; imperfect copy, pp. 37-44 wanting.] Repr.from: Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1856. -----. Anatomia pathologica e symptomatologia da febbre amarella ein Lisboa no anno de 1857; memoria apresentada & Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa em julho de 1860. xvii, 238 pp., 1 1., 22 tab. 8-. Lisboa, typ. da Acad., 1861. -----. Estatistiea dos hospitaes de S. Jose", S, Lazaro e Desterro na primeira estaciio do anno de 1865 feita segundo o piano e debaixo da di- reccao do . . . xxxviii, 304 pp. fol. Lisboa, imp. nacional, 1867. -----. The same, Eapport sur la statistique des hopitaux de S. Jose", S. Lazaro et Desterro de Lisbonne pour l'annee de 1865, dressee suivaut le plan et sous la direction du . . . Trad, du portugais par Lucieu Papillaud (Henri Alines). 188 pp. 8°. Lisbonne, Acad. roy. d. sc, 1869. . Estudo sobre as perforacoes cardiacas e em particular sobre as communicacoes entre as cavidatlcs direitas e esquerdas do coracao a pro- positi d'un caso notavel de teratocardia. 154 pp. 4°. Lisboa, 18(58. ------. Anatomie pathologique des perforations cardiaques a propos d'une observation de com- munication iuterauriculaire, interventriculaire Alvareng'a (Pedro Francisco da Costa)—cont'd. et pulmo-aortique avec trochocardie. Traduit du portugais par Lucieu Papillaud. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fits, 1871. Repr.from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1870, 3. s., v. Partly extracted from preceding work. -----. Discurso prouunciado na sessao solemne de abertura da Escola medico-cirurgica de Lis- boa no dia 5 tie outubro de 1869 na preseuca de sua magestade el-rei o Senhor Dom Luiz I. 21 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1669. [P., v. 1267.] -----. Des theimometres cliniques; leurs con- ditions; mode d'application et avantages re- latifs, et des registres thernio sphygmo-pue'onie'- triques. Traduit du portugais par Lucieu Papil- laud (Henri Alines). 28 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H, Manceaux, 1870. Repr.from: J. dem6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1870, li. -----. De la cyanose, particulierement au point de vue de son historique, sa nature et sa geuese, a propos des symptomes de la communication entre les cavit6s droites et gauches du cceur. Traduit du portugais par E.-L. Bertheraud. 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lille, Lefebvre-Ducrocq, 1872. Repr.from: Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1872, xii. -----. Ses travaux; fonctious qui lui ont e"t6 confines; distinctions dont il a 6t6 honore"; notice bas6e sur les documents ofhciels et sur les ana- lyses bibliographiques de la presse medicale na- tionale et etrangere traduit eu francais par le docteur [Lucieu Papillaud] Henri Amies. 75 pp. 8°. Lisbonne, 1872. -----. De la thermos6miologie et thermacologie. Analyse de la loi thermo-differentielle et obser- vations originales touchaut l'influence des divers agents therapeutiques sur la temperature patho- logique. Traduit du portugais par J.-F. Barbier. Memoire courouu6 par la Societe de inedecine d'Anvers au concours de 1871. 142 pp. 8°, Anvevs, J.-E. Busvhmann, 1873. Repr.from: Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1873, xxxiii. -----. Grundziige der allgemeiuen clinischen Thermometrie und der Thermosemiologie und Thermacologie. Aus dem Portugiesischen iiber- setzt vou O. Wucherer. viii, 254 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, K. Kirn, 1873. -----. The same. Precis de thermometrie clini- que ge"ndrale. Traduit du portugais par Lucien Papillaud (Henri Almes). 2. ed., revue et aug- mentee de la thermosemiologie et thermacologie. vii, 397 pp. 8°. Lisbonne, M. Moreira 4' Cardosos, 1882. -----. Bosquejo historico da percussao. 19 pp. 8°. Lisboa, imp. nacional, 1874. -----. Symptomatologia, natureza e pathogenia do beriberi. Memoria apresentada tt Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa em sessao de 7 de marco de 1872. 138 pp., 2. 1. 4C. Lisboa, typ. Acad, real d. sc, 187b. Last page numbered 238. -----. The same. Symptomatologie, nature et pathogenie du beriberi. Traduit du portugais par E. Bertheraud. 201 (1 1.), v pp. 8°. Lis- bonne, imp. nationale, 1881. -----. Da propylamina, trimethylamina e seus saes sob o ponto de vista pharmacologic e thera- peutico. Memoria apresentada & Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa. 104 pp., 3 1. 4°. Lis- boa, typog. da Acad., 1877. -----. Reclamations et reponses; question de priorite soulevee par M. Durouziez relativement a la decouverte du double souffle crural dans l'iusufflsance aortique. 31 pp. 8°. Lisbonne, imp. nationale, 1880. -----. Pharmacothermogenese, ou theorias da accao dos medicameutos sobre a temperatura animal. 80 pp. 8°. Lisboa, imp. nacional, 1880. ALVARENGA. 284 ALVORD, Al varenga (Pedro Francisco da Costa)—cont'd. -----. Theories tie Taction therapeutique du tartrate stibie dans la pneumonie. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lisbonne, imp. de I'Acad. roy. d. sc, 1881. -----. Des medications hypothermiqne et hyper- therinique et des moyens therapeutiques qui les remplissent. De la pbarmacothermogenese, ou theories de l'action des medicaments sur la temperature animale. 202 pp. 8°. Lisbonne, imp. de VAcad. roy. d. sc, 1861. Pages 1-105 are a translation of his: Das medicacoes hypothermica [etc.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1881. Pages 107-198 are a translation of his: Pharmacothermogenese, [etc.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1*80. -----. Das medicacoes hypothermica e hyper- thermica e dos respectivos meios therapeuticos. 80 pp. 8°. Lisboa, typ. da Bibliolh. univ., 1881. Issued with: Gaz. med. de Lisb. -----. Apontamentos sobre os pontos d'appli- cacao ou vias d'absorpcao dos medicamentos. 47 pp. 8°. Lisboa, typ. Nova Minerva, 1882. See, also, IVothnagel (Carl Willi. Hermann) [in 1. p.], Tractado de materia medica [etc.]. 8°. Lisboa, 1879. For Biography, see Med. contemp., Lisb., 1883, i, 229. Alvarez. * Etudes sur les perisplenitis et la pleuresie de voisinage dans la fievre typhoide. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, l667^, No. 100. Alvarez (Baldoniero Gonzalez). See Gonzalez Alvarez (Baldoniero). Alvarez (Francisco). Atlas de medicina opera- toria, copiado del de Bonrgery y Jacob, Velpeau, etc., y grabado en cobre por Don Pedro Horti- gosa y Dou Juan Cast ilia bajo la direccion de . . . 41 1., 28 pi. fol. Madrid, viuda de Calleja ehijos, , 1843. Alvarez Gonzalez (Anastasio). Historia clinica de un caso de rabia declarada, tratado honieopaticameute. 80 pp. 8°. Madrid, imp. de Vicente y Lavajos, 1664. [Also, in: P., v. 145.").] Alvarez Losada ( Jose ). #En couformidad con lo que previene la ley, ^ Es posible crear un aparato de medicion para las quintas, que pro- duzca rcsultados tan ciertos como aquella exigef 13 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Madrid, A. Gomez Fueutenebro, 1850. Alvarez Osorio (Cayetano). Tratado de ciru- gia menor, redactado seguu el espiritu del nuevo reglamento de 21 de noviembre de 1861, para el uso tie los que se dedican & la carrera de practi- cantes. 2 v. 486, 511 pp. *c. Serilla, imp. y litog. de La Agricultuva Espanola, 1862-3. -----. Manual de diseccioues, para el uso de los aluninos eu los antiteatros anat6micos. 2 p. 1., 2:54 pp., 2 1. 8°. Sevilla, R. Baldaraque, 1871. Name appears as Alvarez-Ossorio. Alvarez de Toledo (Joaquin). *La orina huniaua como medio diagnostico. 64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Buenos Aires, Mayo, L-84. Alvaro (Francisco Mendez). See Mendez Al- varo (Francisco). Alvaro-Alberto. Les composes fluores, et en particulier le fluorure de bore, dans le traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 1 p. 1., 87 pp., 11 8-. Paris, O. Doin, 1889. Alveoli. See Jaws; Teeth. Alveoli (Diseases of). See, also, Jaws ( Tumors of); Measles ( Com- plications, etc., of); Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Cakrieke ( P. ) * Ce qu'il faut entendre par resorption progressive des arcades alveolaires et de la voute palatine. 4-. Paris, 1892. Quilliot (V.-D.-J.) * Polyarthrite alveolo- dentaire. 4J. Lille, 1895. Agnillion tie Sarran. Note snr deux cas de syphi- lis ties alveoles dentaires. Hull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par 1*79-80.15ti-li:o. Also: France med , Par., 1880, xxvii, 763.— C'orbetta (G.) Alcune osservazioni pratiche sulla perio- Alveoli (Diseases of). stite alveolare cronica, Atti Accad. fis.-med. statist, di Mi- lano, 1872, xxviii, 34-41. — ■>iiiiiiiiioiiT. Y., 1887, viii, 349-36L —Salzcr. Ein Fall von Nekrose del Alveole nach Gangran tier Pulpa. [From: Odontoskt>p, Budapest, Marz 1892.] J.f. Zahnh., Berl., 1892, vi, 319; 327— Tim me (CA.) Mittheihmgen iiber Alveolar- und Kiefernekrosen. X. Yorker med. Mo. natschr., 1894, vi, 321-324. — Walklioir (O.) Neue Un. tersuchungen iiber die Pathohistologie des Zahnbeins Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz, 1892, x, 81-98, 1 pf Alveolus (Abscess of). Sec Abscess (Alveolar, etc.). Alveriilie (Joseph). *De l'hemostase dans la desarticulatiou de la banche. x, 11-75 pp. 4C. Montpellier, 1885, No. 49. Alverson (Laban). Lectures hy the clairvoyant Labau Alverson: embracing a key to magne- tism; an exposition of the theory of the uni- verse ; the formation of the sun and planetary systems, mineral, vegetable, and animal king- doms; a brief history of man from his earliest existence to the present time, [etc.]. E. H. Sau- ford, editor. No. 1. 48 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sanford 4- Bros., 1847. Alves (Francisco Antonio). Catalogo dos gabi- netes de chimica medica e auatomia pathologica na Universidade de Coimbra. 35 pp. 8°. Coim- bra, imp. lilt. 1865. -----. Supplemento ao catalogo do gabinete de anatomia pathologica da Universidatle de Coim- bra. 21 pp. 8°. Coimbra, imp. da 77wir.,1866. -----. Elementos de anatomia pathologica geral. 326 pp , 1 1.; atlas, 22 pp., 41 pi. 8°. Coim- bra, imp. da Univ.. 1869. Atlas has separate title-page. See, aho. Fcrreira l.eao (Miguel Leite), Alves (Francisco Antonio) Sc Azereuo (Lourenco d'Aliueida). As aguas mineraes de Moledo, |etc.]. 8°. Coimbra, 1871. Alves Branco (Jose Maria) [lSiiL'-S.l], [Obituary.1 Med. contemp., Lisb., 1885, iii, 185. Alves de 3Iagallia.es (Joao A.) *Physio- logia e pathologia da nieinoria. xix, 127 pp., 11. 8°. Porto, imp. commercial, 1683. Alves de Sousa (Antonio). See de Sousa (Antonio Alves) [i»_l. s.]. [Alvisi (Luigi).] E un insetto o un mollusco? 26 pp. 8°. Terni, lip. di E. Trinehi, 1688. Alvisi (Luigi Eodigino). Dell' etere solforico^ Nell' occasions della sua laurea in medicina. 14 pp. 8-. Venezia, F. Andreola, 1647. Alvord (Benjamin) [1813-84]. Mortality iueacb year among the officers of the army (including those killed in battle) for fifty years, from 1824 to 1873, as derived from the Army Registers, pp. 57-59. 8 -. [Salem, 1875.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Proc. Am. A88- Atlv. Sc. 1874, Hartford, 1875, xxiii. ALY. 285 AMARAL. Aly ([Friedrich] Wilhelm) [I860- ]. * Ueber die Vermehrung der rothen Blutkorperchen bei Amphibien. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Balle a. S, 0. Hendel, 1884. AlyaneliikoflP ( P L avel ] N [ ikolayevich ] ) [1854- ]. "Boliezni glaz i ."-lTepota u krest- yanskavo naselenia PrudoyskoT, Kuzovinskoi i DorskoT volostel, Novotorzhskavo uyezda, Tver- skol guheruii, po dauuim pogolovuavo osmotra. (Mediko-statisticheskoye izslledovame.) [Dis- eases of the eyes aud blindness of the peasant population of the parishes Prudov, Kuzovin, and Dorsk, in the county of Novotorzhsk, govern- ment of Tver, from data of a head-to-head ex- amination. (Medico-statistical investigation.)] 93 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, L. N. Skorokhodof, 1892. Aly-Heyball. * Quelques mots sur les trois principales maladies eude'miques do l'Egvpte. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 241, v. 263. Alyoil (P[ierre-]Ph[ilippe]) [1758?-l8l6]. Es- sai sur les propri6te"s me\licinales de l'oxigeue, et sur l'application de ce principe dans les maladies v6ue"riennes, psoriques et dartreuses. 159 pp. 8 '. Paris, Cerioux, an V [1797]. [P., v. 1356.] ■-----. The same. Ensaio sobre as propriedades metlicinaes do oxigenio e sobre a applicacao deste priucipio nas enfermidades venereas. psori- cas, e herpeticas. Traducido do francez. xv, 17-206 pp. 18=. Lisboa, S. T. Ferreira, 1799. See. also, Rollo (John) [ml. s.]. Traite du diabSte suere [etc.]. 8:. Paris, an VI [1798J. —Vacca Berlin- gliici-i (Andrea) [ml. s.]. Trattato dei mali veuerei. 12:. Pisa 1802. -----.Thesame. 12°. Venezia ,1802. Alytes. Gasser. Leber die Entvricklung von Alytes obstetri- cans Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. tl. ges. Xaturw. zuMarb., 1882. Mo. 5, 73-97. — I'lliiger (E.) Zur Ent- wicklungsgeschichte der Ceburt-dielferkrote (Alytes ob- stetricans). Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1S82, xxix, 78-88. de Alzate y Ramirez (Josef Antonio). AsuntoB varios sobre ciencias y artes. Obra pe- riodica dedicada al Rey N. Sr. 7 p. 1., 17-84 pp. sin. 4:. Mexico, J. de Jauregui, 1772. [P., v. 1243. ] In 12 numbers, Oct. 26 to Dec, 1872. Alzheimer (Alois). "Ueher die Ohrenschmalz- driisen. 20 pp., 2pi. >-. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1666. Repr. from: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. 1888, n. P., xxii. AmabilC (Luigi). Considerations sur le traite- ment ties nstules v6sico-vaginales, avec la de- monstration de quelques nouveaux instruments pour Its ope"rer. 38 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Gand, E. Vanderhaegen, 1-76. Repr.from: Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1876, liv. -----. Petit speculum pour les operations vagino- ute"nues. 20 pp. 8-. Gand, E. Vanderhaeghen, 1676. See, also. Chretien (H.) Nuovi elementi di medicina operatoria [etc.]. 8°. Napoli, 1882-3. Alliabilis (Job. Sisinius). De natura foetus dis- putatio. 147 pp., 1 1. 24°. Romas, lip. A. Phcvi, 1615. Amadei (G.) Una scoperta mattoide. La me- tallizzazioue dei corpi orgauici di Angelo Motta. 30 pp. 8°. Cremona, Ronzi e Signori, 1869. Repr.from: Bull. med. cremonense, Cremona, 1889, ix. See. aho. Fraenkel (M. O.) Jin 1. s. |. Sul peso della caiotta cranica (etc.| »°. Reggio nell'Emilia, 1882. Alllildo (Fortunato Rafael). See Tavares (Francisco) [inl. s.]. Resultado das ob- servacoes [etc |. 16°. Lisboa, 1799. cl'Ainador(Risueno). SeeRisuefioD'Amador. Amador de los Rios (Jos6) [1818- ]. See ei veischiedenen Formen von Amblvopie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg.. 1891, xxix, 404-423 — Berry (G. \Y.) On central amblyopia. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 18s(),x,44-55. — Bjerrum (J.) Bemau-knin- gerom Amblyopia centralis og om Unders gelsen af Na>t- hindefunktionerne. Hosp.-Tid , Kjpbenh., 1883, 3. 11., i, 937; 961. — Bor. Un cas d'amblyopie mono-oculaire sc transformant rapidement en cecite complete et accompa- gnee d'heinianopsie de 1 autre ceil. Bull. Soc. de nied. prat, de Par., 1891. 458-400.— Bonjean (L. F.) Memoria sobre a amaurose (gota sereua). Rev. med. flurainense . . . Acad. imp. de med do Rio tie Jan., 1839-40, v. 355-302.— Bruce-Clarke (W.) Svmpathetic amaurosis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep, Lond.,'1879, xv, 306. — Bnielin. Aiublippia inerucisata si hemianopsia tie origina cere brala. Spitalul, B'ucuresci, 1891. xi, 224-229. —Com- perat. Observation d amainose cerebrale congestive precedee d'epilepsie. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1842. 29-37— De I. ma (D.) Dell'erclessi visiva. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Xapoli. 1886,xl, 17-21.—Be Seliwei- nilz (G. E.) Additional experiments to determine the lesion of quinine blindness; with photo-mierographic studies bv William M. Gray. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hart- ford, 1891-3, vi, 23-29, 3 pi. Also, Reprint—D'CEiich (F. E ) An unusual case of toxic amblyopia. Med. Rec, X. T., 1894. xlvi, 45— Dor. Amblyopic croisee avec hemianesthesie; lesion supposee de la partie pos- terienre et superieure de la capsule interne. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1879), 1880, xix pt 2 17-26. — Dyes (A.) Amblyopia amaurotica. Internat kliu. Rundschau, Wien. 1894, viii, 566-568.— Eiigcllini-dl. Ueber Amblyopie uud Amaurose. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1865, iii, 129: 193; 257.- Fano. fitude sur un ras d'amaurose unilaterale et extra- oculaire. J. d'ocul et de chir. Par., l.-8o. viii, 189-191. -----. Etat de la faculte chromatique de l'ceil chez les sujets atteiuts d'amaurose. Ibid., 1884, xii, 131; 143.— Fere \C ) Amblyopie croisee et hemianopsie d'origine cerebrale. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1882. iii. 337-344. —«la Fonseca (L.) Amblyopia ex ano])sia: consideravel augmento da agudeza visual, com o empi ego das correntes continnas. Arch, ophth. de Lisb. 18.-]. ii 35. — F robe- lino (W.) Zu deu Auasthesien des Sebnerven; Ambly- opia und Amaurosis. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1848, v, 17-21. -----. Paralysis nervi oculomotorii; lusci- tas; amaurosis oc sin.; Durcbsclineidung des M. rectus extern. ; Heilung. Ibid., 1853, x. 217-219.—Oalczoivmki, De l'h^mianopsie chromatique dans une amblyopie ner- veuse. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol., I'ar., 1892, 9. s.. iv, 770. Aho: Rec d'ophth., Par., 1892 3. s., xiv, 577- 579. —Ciomez (V.) Report of a case of amblyopia ex abusii: recovery with unusually good vision N.YorkM. J., 1895, lxi, 692. Aho, Reprint. — Could (G. M.) Am- blvopiatrics. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 729-733. Also, Reprint. Aho: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii, 502-510. — l-neneaii lie Tlnssy (N.) Contribution a l'etude pathologique et physiologique de l'amblyopie aphasique. llee. d'ophth., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 129-142.— Hamliscli (II.) Ein Fall von Amaurose nach Chinin. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 486 — Ileyma..... Ophthalmoskopiseher Beitrag zur Lehre von der Amau- rose. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk . Prag 1856, xlix, 87- 118. — Hickman (C. W.) Amblyopic affections; their value iu general practice. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1880, xxxi, 103-109.—Hutchinson (J.) Clinical groups of cases of amaurosis. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1876-9, ix, 111; 275.—Jackson (J. H.) Case of reflex (?) amauro- sis with coloured vision. Ibid., 1858-68, i, 286-291. Also, Reprint.— .laja (F.) Un caso di amaurosi congestiva. Puglia med.. Bari, 1893, i, 209-215. — Johnson (W. B.) Amblyopia I'idiu suppression of the visual image. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1891-3, vi, 551-559. Aho: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1893-4, iii, 161-172. Also, Reprint. -----. Amblyopia from suppression of the visual image. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1894, xi, 1-6. Aho, Reprint. -----. Amblyopia ex anopsia. Ophth. Rec. Nashville, 1895-6, v, 81-85.— Kntayama (K.) 6c Okamoto (Y.) Studien iiber die Filix-Amaurose und -Amblyopie. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1891, 3. F.. viii' Suppl.-Hft., 148-175. — Krencliel (W.) Eigenthiimlicher Fall von Amblyopie. Klin Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1880, Amaurosis [including amblyopia]. xviii, 47-56.— l.ari-ey. Trecis d'observations d'amau- roses extraordinaiies par leurs causes ou les circonstances qui les ont accompagnees. Rev. med. hist, et phil.. Par., 1821, vi, 103-108.— Lawford (J. B.) A caso of central amblyopia and concentric contraction of fields of vision; recovery of normal acuteness of sight. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1883-4, iv, 226-232.—I.iebreieli (R.) Amaurose. N. diet, denied, etchir. prat.. Par., 1864, i, 785- 791. Also, Reprint, -----. Amblyopie. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 791-798. Also, Reprint.—liilllc (W. S.) Restoration of function of sight in an eye amblyo- pic for years ; both eyes exhibiting various diseases of the eye, with treatnient, Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 451-453.—illngiius. Fall von transitorischer Amaurose ohno Refund. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1886, xxiv, 67-70.—ITInjoli (G.) Amaurosi bilaterale da dis- truzione parziale dei tubercoli quadrigemelli c totale de' talami ottiei prodotta da aseesso idiopatico (?) sviluppatosi nel ventricolo medio del cervello. Boll, d' ocul., Firenze, 1885-6, viii, 89-98. —Jlnrlin (G.) Theorie et clinique de l'amblyopie astigmatiquc. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1890,15. s., iv, 101-138. -----. Amblyopic astigmatique; condition du developpement par fait dela vision. Bull, etmem. Soc.frauc^. d'opht,, Par., 1890, viii. 217-227. Also: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1890, ciii, 229-248.—Uiiller-I,yer (F.C.) Experinientelle Untersuchungen zur Amblvopiefrage. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 400-428.—rVettleixliip (E.) On cases of re- covery from amaurosis in youiur children. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1883-4', iv, 243-266.—O litem aim. Zur Aggravation vou Amblyopie. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beam to, Berl., 1893, vi, 584-5S9.—Pockley (F. A.) A case of amblyopia, due to di-nitrobenzol. Australas. M. Gaz..Sydney,1894, xiii, 340.—Rampoldi (R.) Amaurosi unilaterale (isterica?) senza reperto oftalmoscopico visibile; guarigioue dopo tre mesi di cura. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1882, xi, 327- 333. -----. Ambliopia progressiva da bilaterale atrofia dei nervi ottiei; morte repentina prodotta da rottura di un aneurisma delle branche terminali della carotide interna. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1882, eclxi, 39-43.— Rhcineck (J.) Beobachtung einer gliicklichen und griindlichen Heilung eines schwarzen Staars, Amaurosis, auf beiden Augen. N. Jour. f. tl. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Berl.", 1820, i, 101-103. — Ryersou ( G. S. ) Amaurosis partialis fugax. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1891, viii, 175-177.—Saiiielsohn (J.) Zur Anatomieuntl Nosologic der retrobulbaren Neuritis (Amblyopia cen- tralis). Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1882, xxviii,]. Abth., 1-110, 2 pi. -----. Ueber Amblyopia peripherica. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. tl. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1892, xxii, 73-84.— Schleich. Rasche Heilung einer Amaurose mit weisser Verfarbung tier Sehnervenpapille. Mitth. a. d. ophth. Klin, in Tubing., 1880, 216-220. — Segal ( S. L. ) K voprosu ob amblyopia ex anopsia. Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1894, xi, 522-525. — Sinii (A.) Ambliopia monocu- lare che si modiriea durante la visione con i due occhi. Boll, d' ocul.. Firenze. 1889. xi, 155-158. — Snell ( S. ) Amaurosis fugax. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1881-2. i, 400.— Mnlphen (T. Y.) Amaurosis in women; three clinical cases. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1891, vi, pt. 1, 200-202.—Thieliiiaiin (H.) Geheilte Amaurose. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 23. — III Hi oil (W.) Ein Beitrag zur voriibergehenden Amaurose nach Blepharospasms bei kleinen Kindern. Sitzungsb. tl. Ge- sellsch. z. Betdrd. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1891), 1892, 35-57. — Webster (D.) A case of monocular amaurosis nnexplained by any visible lesion of the eye. Planet, N. Y., 1883-4', i, 133. — Wiethe ( T. ) E'in Fall von plotzlicher Amaurosis mit nachfolgender Hemianopia homonyina superior. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1883-4, xiii, 387-396. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1884, xiii, 301-310. — Williams ( H. W.) Apparent antl real amaurosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 577-5S0. [Discussion], 587. Amaurosis (Causes of). See, also, Amaurosis from alcohol, etc; Am- aurosis from lead; Amaurosis from pregnancy, etc.; Amaurosis from quinine; Ataxy (Locomo- tor); Brain (Abscess of); Chlorosis; Diphthe- ria; Erysipelas; Fever (Cerebrospinal, Compli- cations, etc., of); Nerve (Optic, Diseases of, Com- plications, etc., of); Paralysis (General); Qui- nine ( Toxicology of); Scarlatina (Complications, etc., of); Sexual excess; Spine ( Wounds, etc, of, Sequelce of). Fries (S.) "Beitrag zur Keuutuiss der Am- hlyopieeu unci Amauroseu nach Blutverlust. [Tiihingeu.j 8°. Rostock, 1875. Gaktenmeistek (M.) * Ueher eiuseitige Am- blyopie uach Schreck. [Kouigsherg i. Pr.] 8C. Leipzig, 1891. Also, in: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1891, n. F., xxxiii, 61-71. AMAUROSIS. 288 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis (Causes of). StOi.tzim; (W.) * Kliuische nud anatomische Beitriisc zur Intoxikationsamhlyopie und idio- luitisclifu retrohulhiiren Neuritis. 8°. Mar- burg, l-!>3. \\ ksikkfield (C.) * Ueber Amaurose nach Blutverlusten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des ophtliuluitiskopischen Befunds. c-'. Strass- burg. 1X66. All iA i Ueber Intoxikationsamblyopieen. N.Yorker med. Presse, 1887, iv, 13-17.—Angell (IL ('.) A case of monocular amblyopia following the epidemic influenza. J. Uphth . Otol . Sc Laryngol., N. Y., 1890, ii, 142—Arniai- iiiine (U.) Le det'aut d usage dun o-il peiulantde longues anuees, est-il une cause d'amblyopie? Rev. clin d'ocul., Par., Is85, v, 209-219— Anili). Amblyopie par hema- tomes symetriques des fosses occipitales. Lyon med., 1888. lviii, 519-525. — Barraquer (J. A.) Ambliopia artritira. Rev. tie cien. rued, de Barcel., 1892, xviii. 409- 414. — Keeker (F.) Ein Fall von Schwefelkohlenstoff- 'Amblvopie. Centralbl f. prakt. Aujzenb. Leipz . 1889, xiii, 138-142.—Her«mei»tcr (O.) Ueber Intoxications- Amblyopien. Wien med 151.. 1886. ix, 129; 168 ; 190. Aho (Abstr.J: Wien Klmik, 1880. xii, 53-74. Also transl : Clin, di Vienna, Napoli, 1.-80 iii. 157-177—Brigham (B. L.) Amaurosis dtu to albuminuria. Northwest. M. J., Minueap., 1889, xvii, 71-73 —I'liallin. Amblyopias toxi- ques. Arch, med beiges, Brux., 180(1 3. a , xxxviii, 361- 376 Also [Abstr ] Loire med., St. Etienue, 1891, x 286- 28!) — ('liaiiifnrnicr. Amblyopie par le sulfure de car hone. Rec d'ophth. Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 280-282 —Cie- vengcr iS. V.) Tabetic amaurosis. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1890, viii, 70.— Dagnillon. Amblyopie cere- brale consecutive k des nietrorrhagies. Bull, clin nation. oplit. tie l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts, Par.. 1887, v, 111. -----. Amblyopie toxiquc Ibid . 112.— Despagnct (F.) Am blyopie giave d'origine dentaire. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1893, ex, 88-'.H» Aho: Rec. d'ophth , Par., 1893, 3. s.. xv 408-112 —De Tntham (IL) Temporary amaurosis from exposure to the vapour of dilute hydro vanic acid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 409— Deutsch man n (R.) Ueber Amaurose durch Autoiutoxikation bei Carcinomatose. Beiti. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz, 1890, 34-40 —Di t'er- rillo. Amblyopie produite par l'usage du stramonium. Rec. dopht., Par., 1895, 3. s., xvii. 403-405.— D'Ocnch (F. E.) Die toxisehen Amblyopien. Med. Monatschr., N. V., 1889, i, 169-176. — Dujarilin (A.) Amaurose dans un cas de gliome monoculaire. J. tl. sc. ni6d. de Lille, 1887, ix, 361-366.—Dunn (J.) Four cases of reflex am- blyopia. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1891. viii, 335-338.— Edmunds (W.) 6c Lawford (J. B.) Examination of optic nerve from a case of amblyopia in diabetes. Tr. Ophth. Soc.U. Kingdom, Lond., 1882-3, iii, 160-162, 1 pi — Eprron. Sur quelques symptomes tabetiformes de l'am- blyopie toxique. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1890, x, 546-554.—Faeehini (I).) Amaurosi simpatica d' elmintouosi. Raecoglitore med. di Fano. 1857 xv, 209- 276. — I-'orMinali (A.; Lo stiramento del nervo ottico nell' ambliopia tallica Sperimentale, Firenze. 1890, lxv, 498-500—Galezowslti. Des amblvopies et des amau- roses to\i'|iie>. Ric d'ophth.. Par., 1878, v. 104-116. Also, Reprint — GallcmarriM (E.) Amblyopie (iar le sulfure de carbone. Ann. d'ocul., Biux.. 1890. 15. s.. iv, 154-158.— Gar (\V.) Acute cerebral amaurosis of infancy. Rov. Loud Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1890-93, xiii, 404-414. —Gessner ((' i Ein Fall von Amaurose und Myelitis ascend, acuta nach Blutverlust. Arch. f. Augenh.. Wiesb , 188*, xix, 88-101—Glascott (C. E.) Two cases of amblyopia aris- ing from sexual excess. Ophth. Rev.. Loud., 1883, ii, 101- H>i>.—Groriionw. Ueber die lutoxicatiousamblyopie. Aich t. Ophth. Leipz., 1892, xxxviii, 1. Abth., f-70, 3 ]>1.— Gi'o»*iiiann (L.) Amaurose consecutive it une hemorrhage. (Transl. from the German, by Dc Laper- Sonne] Aich. d'opht., Par., 18p3, iii, 135-138—Grosz iK.j Amaurosis toxica. Szemeszet, Budapest, 1*95, 7. — Gunn (R. M.) Toxic amblyopia from bisulphide of carbon, ('tobacco), with typical general symptoms of chronic poi- soning by this agent. 'Jr. Ophth. Soe. U. Kingdom, Loud.. 1886, vi, 372- IlnflTiier. Amaurosis mercunalis. Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Heidelb., 1834-5 iv, 317-345.—II inde (A.) A ease of toxic central amblyopia terminating in pt-omc s.-ive atrophy. Med. Rec, N. V"., 1892, xiii. 70-72.— Ilii-Kchbcrg. Amaurose nach Blutverlust. Ber. ii. tl. Veisainuil. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1881, xiii, 69- 72. —HnlchiiiNon (E.) Toxic amblyopia from the pro- longed internal use of iodoform and creasote ; cure. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 16.— Hutchinson (.1), jr. Amau- rosis (without optic neuritis) due to coi dual tumour. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888-9, xii, 25.--202. -----. Symmetrical amaurosis occurring quite suddenly in a smoker exposed to much heat, and persisteut for seven years without alteration. Arch. Sur^.. Loud., 1890-91, ii, 151. -----. Post marital amblyopia i Ruins' amaurosis). Ibid., 1892-3, iv. 200-203. — Johnson (W. li.) Amblyo- pia from suppression of the visual image. Ophth. Rec., Nashville, 1893-4, iii, 161-172. Aho: Am. J. Ophth., St. Amaurosis (Causes of). Louis. 1894, xi, 1-6. — Lniidonzy (H.) De l'amaurose dans la nephrite albuniineuse. Union nied., Par.. 1850, iv 522; 526. Aho, Reprint I.iiiiik yi n< <. Amblyopic et h6miamblyopie tie cause cit eiu,ih <;a/. hebd. d hc. med. de Montpel., 1886, viii, 337 376 — l.ecorelie (E.) Dc l'amblyopie diabetique. Gaz. hebd. de nud. I'm-. 1801 viii. 717; 749.— I.illcn (M.) 6c Hirst-libcrs; U ) Kin Fall vou totaler doppelseitiger Amaurose im Yeilauf einer leichten Auamie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii 476.— I.linn (J. R.) A caseof amblyopia due most probably to retro-bulbar neuritis, following a severe attack of rheu- matic fever with delirium , no changes in fundus or other symptoms. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Loud., 1886, vi, 481 — I.ydston (J. A.) Toxic amblyopia. J. Am. M. Ass.! Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 603-605—ITIajo'li (G.) Amaurose bila- terale par destruction partielle ties tubercules nuadriju- meaux et totale des couches optiques, consecutive a un abc^s idiopathique devellopp6 dans le ventricule moyeu du ceiveau. Rev. clin. d'ocul., Par., 1880, vii, 177-186 — iVImilliner (L.) Amblyopia diabetica. Internat. clin Rundschau, Wien, 1893,vii, 209; 249; 321; 401; 585: 781; 891 j 934. Aho,transl (Abstr.1: Med. Press A: Circ, Lond. ,1893,' n s., lvi, 394; 415.—van Itlillingcii. Toxic amblyopia! Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 1887-8 Lond., 1888, viii 240-248.— Moore (W. O.) Diabetic amblyopia. Tr. m' Soc. N. Y., Phila.. 1889 120-126—Murray (J. K.) Toxic amblyopia. South African M. J., East London, 1889-90, v, 6. —IVeltleship. Amblyopia and nervous depression fiom the vapour of bisulphide of cat bon and chloride of sulphur. Brit. M J., Lond., 1884. ii. 700 -----. Toxic amblyopia. Ibid . 1887, ii, 21. —IV'cllleship (E.) & Ed. imindN (W ) Two cases of symmetiical amblyopia of slow progress with central scotoma, in patients suffering from diabetes: micioscopical examination of the optic nerve in one case. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1880-81. i, 124-128. 1 pi.— Punas. De 1 amblyopie to- xique Union nied., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii, 657-660. -----. Amaurose double determinee par une meningite chronique de la basedu cerveau. Semaine med., Par., 1886, vi 485. Aho: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 651-050 —Pa- reja (J.) Dos casus de amaurosis refleja de oiim-n "iiii- tal. Gac. med. de Granada. 1890, ix, 229-232. — Parli (J. W.) Reflex amblyopia. Ann. Ophth. &■ Otol , St. Louis, 1893, ii. 88.— Pay lie (F. W.) Amaurosis due to changes at the visual centre; a peculiar case; cured. Med. Advance, Chicago, 1891, xxvi, 401-407.— Pergens(E.) L'amaurose et l'amblyopie apres be.niat£meso. Ann. d'ocul., Par, 1896, cxv! 5-32. —Samuel (M.) Ueber die diabetische Amblyopie. Centralbl. f. piakt. Augenh., Leipz., 18s2, vi, 202-207. — Santos Fernandez (J.) Amaurosis por nervosismo. Cr6n. oflal., Cadiz, 1880-81, x, 193- 199. -----. Ambliopia por excitacion de los 6rganoa genitales. Au. r. Acad, tie cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1895-6, xxxii, 291-294 - SchiniduKiiiiplcr (H.) Hop- pelseitige Amaurose nach Blutverlust in Fol;:e einer Na- sen-Operation. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg.. IM, xxv, 375-378. — Smith (P.) Reflex amblyopia. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1884, iii, 129-147.—Special liieelim: lor the collection of facts as to toxic amblyopia. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 1886-7, Loud., 1887, vii, 36- 100. — Npirrer (S.) Vollstandige Heilung einer Hemiamblvopia homo- uyma dextra. entstantleu durch Schreck wahrend eines heftigen Erdbebens um die Mitte September 18s3 in Smyrna. Klin. MonaNbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1891, xxix, 218-222.- Sn, liliny ,(.;. W.) Amblyopia due to cortical disease. HiriuiiiLih. M. Rev., 1886, xix, 259 —Swanzy (H. R.) Two cases of central amblyopia from exposure to the direct rays of the sun. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1883, ii, 142-141. —Trousseau (A.) Amblvopie dans le pseudo- tabes ah-oolii|iie. Gaz. hebd. de nied , Par., 1886. 2. 8., xxiii. 4-6 — I'hlhoir i W.) Ueber die bei der multiple!! Hetilskh rose vm komniende Amblyopie. Verhandl. tl. B.-il med. Gesellsch. dss9>. l89u. xx. pt. 2, 98-112 —Via- descu. Causele cele mal frei-ueute ale ambliopiel. [Most fiequeur causes of atubh opia I I'rogresul nied. Io- nian, Bucuresci, 1881, iii.303: 359; 307:375. Aho, transl.: Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. Compt.-rend. 188o. Milan, 1881. vi, 233-244 —Vo»si us (At Km Fall von hochgra- digt r Intoxicationsaiiiblyopie ohue cent tales Scotom tnit Ausgaug in vollstandige Heilung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh .Stuttg., Iss.'j. xxi, 291.—Wernicke (0.) Amau- rose mit ethaltener Papillenreaction bei einem Ilinilu- mor. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883, vi. 361-372 — West- phal (C.) Doppelseitige Amaurose (Ncuroretiuitis) uud doppelseitige Taubheit; linksseitige llemiparese , Autop- sie: Gescbwulst im linken mittlereiiKleiilhitnscheiikel. iu den inneren Gehbrgang hineinwucbernd. Charit6-Ann., Berl., 1874, i, 435. Aho. inhis: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Berl., 1892, ii. 40-44— WillianiH (E.) Amblyopia from disuse. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, is«i n.s.,vi 1-4. Aho: St. Louis M. & S. J., Is8l xl, 62-64.—Wood (C. A.) The toxic am- blyopias, their symptoms, varieties, pathology, and treat- ment. Ann. Ophth. &. Otol., Kansas City, 1892, i, 123 ; 171; 253. Continued in : Ann. Ophth. 6c Otol., St. Louis. 1893, ii, 237: 1S94. iii, 77; 276; 381. -----. A case of temporary amblyopia from chocolate. Med. Rec, N. Y., Is95, xlviii, 843.—Ziegler (E.) Zur Kenntniss der Entstehung der AMAUKOSIS. 289 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis (Causes of). Amaurose nach Blutverlust. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Phvsiol., Jena, 1887, ii, 57-72. Also, transl.: Morgagui, Napoli, 1887, xxix, 129-140. Amaurosis (Treatment of). Adams (J. J.) Anew operation for the euro of amaurosis, impaired vision, and shortsighted- ness, in a letter, addressed to John Kit-hard Farre. t*0. London, [1641]. Laxge (F.) * Beitrag ZurCasuistik iiber die Wirkung des Strychnius bei Amaurosen und Amblyopien. 6°. Kbnigsberg in Pr., 1674. Stevenson (J.) On amaurosis, or gutta se- rena, illustrative of a successful mode of treat- nient. 2. ed. 8-. London, 1634. Yehox (L.-I.-D.) * Considerations sur le traite- ment tie l'amblyopie par la strychnine. 4°. Pans, 1661. vax Weezel (S. P.) "Over de behandeling van amaurosen en aniblyopiee'n met strychnine. [Utrecht.] f-'. Amsterdam, 1673. Arniaignac (H.) Nouvelles observations d'amblyopie considerable, proruptement guerie ou amelior6e par l'emploi des injections de strychnine et des courants continus. Rev. cliu. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1886, vii, 225-234.—Bull (C. S.) On the treatment of various forms of amblyopia and amaurosis. Am. J. M. Se.. Phila., 1873, lxv, 346-304. Also. Reprint. — Cenni ( G. X. ) Caso d' amaurosi completa curata colla nantonina. Raecoglitore med. di Fano, 1860, xxii. 20-27.—Deutsch maim (R.) Amblyopie mit blasser Papille und engeu Xetzhautgefassen, geheilt oder doch erhebhch gebessert durch Inhalationen von Amylnitrit. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1881, xxvii, 1. Abth., 310-315.— Dunn (J.) A case of reflex amblyopia cured by section of tbe supra-orbital nerve. X. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 151- 153—Fleniuiing. Geschichte eines durch ausserordent- hche Gabon des Camphors vollkommen geheilten schwarzen Staares beider Augen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1811, [xxxii], 1. St., 107-112. Also, transl.: N. Med. 6c Phys. J., Lond., 1813,v, 469-472.—Frohner. EinFall von Amaurose mit beginnender Atrophic der Papille, gebessert durch Strychnin. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1893-4, v, 206-210. — Grasselli ( G.) Le iniezioni ipodermiche di stricnina in alcune ambliopie. Boll.d' ocul., Firenze, 1885-6, viii, 377-384. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1886, 8. s., vii, 436-438.— Hersehell. Premier exemple de guerison d'une amblyopie amaurotique chez un malade affecte d'ataxie locomotrice traite par l'usage interne du nitrate d'argent. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 360-364. Aho, Reprint.— Tit Hardy (M. M.) On the value of gymnastic visual exercises in the treat- ment of functional amblyopia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 780. — Nagel ( A. ) Strychnin als Heilmittel bei Amaurosen. Centralbl. f. d. nied. Wissensch.. Berl., 1870, viii, 865-868. Also, Reprint.—IVoyes (A. A.) Blindness cured by the sting of a bee. Tr. Iowa M. Soc. 1877-8, Des Moines, 1878, iii, 136. — Piirckhauer (H.) Zur Behandlung der nramischen Amaurose mit Pilocarpinum muriaticum. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1880, xxvii, 335. — Thielmanu (H.) Durch Kalihvdrojodicum ge- heilte Amaurose. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1847, iv, 83. Amaurosis from alcohol and tobacco. Brauchli (W.) * Ueber die durch Tabak und Alcohol verursachte Intoxicationsamblyopie. 8°. Zurich, 1890. David (H.) " Essai sur les alterations f onction- nelles et orgauiques de Pappareil de la vision survenant sous l'influence combinee de l'alcool et du tabac. 4°. Paris, 1883. Pestour (H.-F.-H.) * De l'amblyopie toxique (alcoolo-nicotinique). 4°. Lille, 1890. Stoltenhoff ([E.]A.) * Ueber Amblyopia nicotiana. 8°. Bonn, 1877. in der Stroth (H.) * Ueber die Intoxica- tionsamblyopie nach Alkohol und Tabak. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Alexander (L. G.) Narcotine [nicotine! amaurosis, with four cases. Med. 6c Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 469-471.—Arena (E.) Amaurosis alcoolica acuta; plotz- liche Erblindnng durch Uebergenuss alcoolischer Ge- tranke. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. da gr.-dnche de Luxemb., 1877, 27-29.—Armaignac (H.) Amblyopie nicotinique rapidement guerie par la suppression dii tabac et les in- jections hypodermiques tie strychnine. Rev. clin. d'ocul., Par., 1887, viii, 55.—Ayrcs (S. C.) Amblyopia alcoholica. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1885, ii, 91-97. Also (Abstr.J: Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1882, n. a., viii, 126.—Baker (A. 19 Amaurosis/n>m alcoliol and tobacco. R.) Tobacco amblyopia, Cleveland M. (in-/.., 1887-8, iii, 294-304. Aho: ('inciu. Lancet-Clinic, 1888, n. s., xx, 711- 716. — Barraquer (J. ) Ambliopia alcohf>lico-nic6tica. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1892, xv, 161-165.— Beudell (H) Tobacco amblyopia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1887, 301-307. Also: Albany M. Ann., 1887, vi'ii, 169-174.— Berry (G. A.) Note on tobacco amblyopia in women, with remarks. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1884. iii, 101-104.— Black (G. M.) Strychnine nitrate iu toxic amblyopia from alcohol and tobacco. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 287. Aho, Reprint.—Borlhen (L.) Amblyopia centralis nico- tianica. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1882, xii, 837-843. Aho, transl.: Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 210-216.—Browne (E. A.) Notes on tobacco-amblyo- pia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1888, viii, 107-126.—Brims (H. D.) Amblyopia following sudden discontinuance of accustomed alcoholic stimulant. N. Orl. M. 6c S. J., 1886-7, u.s., xiv, 759. -----. Acaseof rapid recovery from tobacco amblyopia. Ibid., 1888-9, n. s., xvi, 110.—'Buxton (A. St.C.) Tobacco amblyopia. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 367.— Buzzard ( T. ) On two cases of tobacco amblyopia. Ibid., 1883, ii, 52. — Chisholm ( J. J.) An interesting case of tobacco amblyopia in a lady. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1887, iv, 68-71.'—Colin (H.) Notiz zur Tabakam- blyopie. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1879, iii, 300.—Coleman (YV. F.) Does tobacco produce amblyo- pia? Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xii, 371-374.— Connor (L.) Tobacco amblyopia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 217-225. Aho, Reprint. — Coiirsscrant (H.) Du traitement et du diagnostic des amblyopies toxiques (al- coolo-nicotiennes) par les injections sous-cutan6es de chlor- hydrate de pilocarpine. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d opht., Par., 1885, iii, 266-271. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 154-156.—Curtis (E.N.) Amblyopia potatorum. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1871-2, Sacramento^ 1872, 101-113. Aho, Reprint.—Dehenne( A.) &Boiincfc (P.) De l'amblyo- pie toxique. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1881, xlviii, 203; 230. —De Schweinitz (G. E.) Eight cases of to- bacco amblyopia, one complicated with disease of the spinal cord. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 550-553. Aho: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, lv, 713-717. Also: Polyclinic, Phila,, 1886-7, iv, 184-186. Also: J. Nerv. 6c Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1886, n. s., xi, 766-773.—Despagnel. Note clinique sur l'amblyopie alcoolique pendant la guerre de Cuba (1868-78). Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1891, 3. s., xiii, 663- 665.—Doyne (R. W.) Observations on tobacco amblyopia. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, xii, 51-58. — Fano. Abus d'alcooliques pendant des ann6es; amaurose bila- terale tres avancee; coloration blanche grisatre et rouge gris&tre des papilles optiques; absence de scotome dans le champ visuel; persistance de la sensation de toutes les couleurs du spectre. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1880, viii, 232.—Griffith (A. H.) Tobacco amblyopia in wom- en. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1212. — duel Hot (C.) De l'amaurose nicotinique; moyens de la distinguer de l'amaurose alcoolique. (M6moire couronne par la Soc. contre l'abus du tabac, 1882.) Gaz. m6d. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1883, xxviii, 27-30. — Hansel! (H. F.) The treat- ment of tobacco and alcohol amblyopia by the internal and hypodermic administration of strychnin sulfate. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 202-204. — Hartridgc (G.) Tobacco amblyopia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 200.—Hene (I. G.) Sluch. ambliopiae nicotinic*. Vestnik oftalmol., Kieff, 1888, v, 356-361. — Hirschberg (T.) Tobacco and alco- hol amblyopia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 810.— Howe ( G. ) Tobacco amblyopia. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1887, 103-105. — Iliiscmanii ( T.) Zur Ta- baksamaurose. Deutscheme.d. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 819. — Hutchinson (J.), jun. On a case of unsymmetrical tobacco-amaurosis. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886 xi, 188-190. — Kirkpatrick ( E. A.) To- bacco amblyopia. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1891, iii, 120.— Liang (W.) A ease of central amblyopia in a smoker with diabetes. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1882-3, iii, 162.—Lawfoid (J. B.) A case of sta- tionary tobacco amblyopia in a man subsequently affected by diabetes. Ibid., 163-165. -----. A lecture on cases of tobacco blindness. Clin. J., Lond., 1895, vi, 141-146.— Fiighlfool (C. L. ) Alcohol amblyopia. Rep. Proc. Nortbumb. A: Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1890-91, 71 -77. — l.owcgrcn ( M. K. ) Om tobaksam- blyopi. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 433-444, — r.ou- reiro. Quelques remarques pratiques sur l'ophthalmo- nicotisine et sur l'ophthalmo-alcoolisme. Cong. p6riod. internat. d'ophth. 1867, Par., 1868, iii, 170-174. — III a dan (D.) Consideraciones acerca de la ambliopia alcoh61ica. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1888, xiv, 375; 440.— Martin (A. ) Tobacco amblyopia. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1890-91, iv, 172-174.'—Masselon (J.) Dia- gnostic de l'amblyopie nicotinique. Rey. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1883, iii, 196-202. Also: Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1884, iv, 280-288 [300-308]. — Minor (J. L.) The present standing of tobacco amblyopia. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 26-45. — Miyashita ( S. ) Veusho yakume no itji nize. [Amblyopia produced by immoder- ate use of tobacco.) Chiugai Iii Shinpo, Tokio, 1894, no. 342, 1-4. — Morton (A. S.) Case of central amblyopia AMAUROSIS. 290 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis from alcohol and tobacco.* in a smoker suffering from diabetes. Tr. Ophth. Soc. Lr. Kingdom, Lond., 1882-3, iii, 159. — Nelson ( J. ) On tobacco amblyopia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880, ii, 774. — rVeitleship (E. ) Notes on the diagnosis of tobacco amblyopia. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1879, n. s., ix, 51-74. -----. Rapid onset of tobacco amblyopia with inflammatory appearances, and a retinal haemorrhage in an intemperate smoker, with dilated capillaries; rapid re- covery; ? influence of snufftaking. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886, xi, 70. -----. Recent tobacco amblyopia af- fecting one eye earlier and more severely than the other; retinal haemorrhage in the eye last attacked: recovery; patient a teetotaller. Ibid., 71. -----. Central amblyopia in a smoker suffering from diabetes. Ibid., 72. —Nettle- ship (E.) & Edmunds (YV.) On central amblyopia in diabetes, especially as to its dependence on, or indepen- dence of, tobacco smoking. Tr. Ophth. Soc. TJ. Kingdom, Lond., 1882-3, iii, 165-178. — Norton (G. S.) Amblyopia nicotina. Tr. Am. Homoeop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc., Buffalo, 1880, iv, 31.—Pope (B. A.) Notes on treatment of to- bacco amblyopia. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1893, xxv, 385-387.—Quelques remarques sur l'amblyopie nico- tinique et sur l'amblyopie alcoolique. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1881, ix, 86.—Bampoldi (R.) Delia ambliopia nico- tinica. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1885, xiv, 113-125.—Bam- say (A. M.) Tobacco amblyopia. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1174 -1177. Also [Abstr.): Glasgow M. J., 1894, xiii, 461 - 464. —Bay (J. M.) Three cases of tobacco amblyopia, showing the results gained by hypodermic injections of strychnia. South-West, M. Gaz., Louisville, 1887, i, 262- 265.—Bouiiee (H.) De l'amblyopie alcoolique. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1881, 3. s., iii, 33; 79.— Rydcl. Contribu- tion a l'amaurose par intoxication alcoolique et nicotinique. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1891, cvi, 277. — Sal in ( M.) Tobacco and alcohol, and their effects upon the eye-sight. Texas M. & S. Rec, Galveston, 1881, i, 305-309.—Santos Fernan- dez (J.) De la ambliopia alcoh61ica. In his: Clin, de enfermed. del. ojos, 8°, Par., 1879, 72-97 -----. Trastornos visuales observados en los tabaqueros y modo de evitarlos. Rev. de med. y cirug. pr Act., Madrid, 1880, vi, 569-572. -----. Diagndstico diferencial entre las ambliopias pro- ducidas por el alcohol y el tabaco. Gac. m6d., Mexico, 1891, xxvi, 201-204. — Secondi ( R.) Sull' ambliopia dei bevitori e fumatori. Gior. internaz. d. sc. met!., Napoli, 1880, ii, 1128-1134.-Scgura (M.) Ambliopia nicotinica. Clinica de Malaga, 1882, iii, 119-126. — Sewny ( K. H.) Amblyopia from tobacco. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 329. —Shears (C.) Tobacco amblyopia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 1199-1202.—Sichel (J.) Nouvelles recher- ches pratiques sur I amblyopie et l'amaurose caus6es par l'abus du tabac & fumer, avec des remarques sur l'amblyo- pie et l'amaurose des buveurs. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1865, liii, 122-136. Aho, Reprint. — Skinner (D. N.) A con- tribution to the subject of tobacco amblyopia. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1887, 247-252. — Strieker (L.) Case of tobacco amblyopia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxv, 13. — Thielesen. Observation d'un cas d'amau- rose cause par l'abus du tabac. Cong. p6riod. internat. d'ophth. 1867, Par., 1868, iii, 168-170. —llhthoff ( W.) Ueber die Yeranderungen des Augenhintergrundes in Folge von Alkoholismus, sowie iiber die pathologisch- anatomischen Veriinderungen bei der Alkoholamblyopie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 385-388. [Discussion], 397. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1883-4), 1885, xv, pt. 2, 158-169. [Discussion], pt. 1, 235-238.— Van Note (W. B.) Observations on tobacco amblvopia. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1896, vii, 6.—Webster (D.) Ambly- opia from the abuse of tobacco and alcohol. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 649-655. [Discussion], 665-667. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of tobacco amblyopia. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 256.—Weinberg (A.) Cate-vacuvinte asurpa ambliopiei prin intoxicatiune. [Tobacco am- blyopia.] Progresul med. roman. Bucuresci, 1882, iv, 50; 59.—Wheeloek (K. K.) A case of alcohol and tobacco amblyopia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 292-295. Amaurosis from lead. Breuer (J. J. J.) * Ueber Amblyopia satur- nina. 8°. Bonn, [1876]. Weber (G.) *De l'amaurose saturnine. 4°. Paris, 1884. Formiggini (D.) Sopra un caso di ambliopia satur- nina. (Tesi di lanrea.) Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1884, 3. s., iv, 494-505.—Oiinsburg (F.) Zur Kenntniss der transi- torischen Amaurose bei Bleiintoxication. Arch. f. Au- genh., Wiesb., 1889, xx, 255-265.—Mader. 1ransitorische Amaurose aus zweifelhafter Ursache, vielleicht aus chroni- scher Bleivergiftung; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph - Stiftung in Wien (1886), 1887, 301. — Pa- risotti (O.) & Melotti (G.) Contributo alio studio della amaurosi saturnina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 683; 691; 700.—Bampoldi (R.) Un caso di ambliopia satur- nina. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1887, xvi, 54-58. — von Schroeder ( T. ) Beitrag zur Casuistik und Literatur der Amblyopia saturnina. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1885, Am a u rosis from lead. xxxi, 1. Abth., 229 - 248. — Stood. Zur Pathologie der Amblyopia saturnina. Ibid., 1884, xxx, 3. Abth 215-244. Amaurosis in pregnancy and the puer- peral state. Stembeeg (N. J. A. C.) *Over gezigtsstoor- nis tydeus de zwangerscbap (amblyopia gravi- darum). 8°. " Utrecht, 1868. Angear (J. J. M.) Forty-eight hours of blindness at the parturient period. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1879, xxxvii, 379.—Knaggs (li. L.) Reflex amblyopia during jireg' nancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 731. — Koni^sicin (L.) Erblindung nach einer Geburt in Folge von I.srhs- mia retinae. Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 593-597.— I.oring (E. G.) Premature delivery for the pre- vention of blindness. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1882 iii, 423 - 436. — Stevens (E. B.) Pregnancy with al- buminuric amaurosis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1877-9, i, 98- 109. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 291-302. Aho, Reprint. Amaurosis from quinine. Barabaschew ( P. ) Zur Frage von der Chinin- Amaurose. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1891, xxiii, 91-96.— Browne (E. A.) A case of quinine-amaurosis, with re- marks. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 1886-7, Lond., 1887, vii, 193-202.—Brims (H. D.) On a case of quinine am- aurosis, reported by Dr. Thos. Hebert, of New Iberia, La. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1887-8, n. s., xv, 961-963. — De Bono (F. P.) L' amaurosi e 1' ambliopia da chinina. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1894-5, ii, 146; 171; 227, 2 pi. —Demi. cheri ( L.) L'amaurose quinique et paludeenne. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1896, cxv, 32-41.— Fox (L. W.) Quinia am- blyopia cured by the internal administration of hydro- bromic acid. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 115.— Oouvea ( H.) Amaurose par la quinine. Atti tl. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, Oftal., 79-81— Hobby (CM.) A case of quinine amaurosis manifest- ing itself primarily in one eye only. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1882, xi, 34-36. Aho, Reprint. — Knapp (H.) On quinine amaurosis; with three cases. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1881, x, 220-231.—Massimiliano (P.) L' amaurosi chinica. Osservatore, Torino, 1888, xxxix, 32-34. Also: Boll, d' ocul., Firenze, 1888, 2. s., x, 17.—Mellingcr (C.) Ein Fall von Amblyopie nach Chininintoxication. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1887, xxv, 57-61.—Michel (C. E.) A case of quinine amaurosis. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1881, x, 214-219.—Nettleship (E.) A cute temporary amblyopia whilst raking small doses of quinine; history of a previous attack; patient intolerant of quinine. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 1886-7, Lond., 1887, vii, 218. -----. Severe quinine amblyopia; almost perfect recov- ery, but colour fields remaining contracted. Ibid., 219- 221.—Pesehel. L' amaurosi chinica. Ann. di ottal., Pa- via, 1887-8, xvi, 421. —Prcwitt (R. C.) Amaurosis [caused by quinine]. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1886, vi, 116-118.—Boosa (D. B. St. J.) A case of amaurosis after the administration of large doses of quinine; recovery. Tr. Am. Opbth. Soc, Bost., 1887, iv, 431; 602.—Boosa (D. B. St. J.) & Ely (E. T.) Amblyo- pia from quinine? Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1880, ix, 41-44. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1880-81, x, 222- 224.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) Some experiments to de- termine the lesion in quinine-blindness. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1890, 3. s., xii, 185-193. Aho, Reprint. —Tiffany (F. B.) Blindness from quinine, or quinine amaurosis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Excelsior Springs, 1890, xxxiii, 58- 63. Also, transl.: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1890, 3. s., xii, 321- 325.—Tsachres (A. D.) 'Aix^Kviairiat ical ajuaupwo-eis «£ ekeiov jouao><.iao-. LaArji/bs, 'AOrivai, 1894, xxiv, 497-501.— Gliick (I.) Amaurosis. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1854, ii, 174-196. Also, Reprint. — JealTrcson (C. S.) Hys- terical amblyopia. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 724-726.—M a her (W. O.) Case of hysterical amblyopia in a girl 13 years of age. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 183.— Miluer (J.) On a case of hysterical amblyopia. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 1166.—Pansier. L'amblyopie hysteri- que et son traitement par l'eiectricite. N. Montpel. m6d. Suppl., 1895, iv, 206-227.—Pitres. Amaurose hysterique. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. etchir. de Bordeaux (1886), 1887. 490. [Discussion|, 500-516. —Bamos (J.) Contribuci6n al estudio tie la ambliopia y de la amaurosis histericas. Gac. med., Mexico, 1890, xxv, 452-457.—Seglas (J.) Note sur le traitement de l'amblyopie hysterique parl'exercicede la sensibilite speciale, et des paralysies de m^me nature par l'exeicice musculaire. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1887,7. s., v, 301-307. — Sous (G.) Amaurose hysterique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 145-147. Amaurosis (Intermittent and malarial). Carter (R. B.) Case of complete recovery of vision iu amaurosis consecutive to malarial fever. Tr. Cliu. Soc Lond., 1886, xix, 116-119. Also | Abstr. J : Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xii, 75. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1886, i, 205. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 208.—Davis (J. D. S.) Malarial amblyopia. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1883, vii, 373.—Deschainps. Sur un cas d'amblyopie intermittente. Dauphine med., Gre- noble, 1895, xix, 57-63, 1 pi. — Dujardin (A.) Un cas d'amaurose intermittente. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1883, v, 889-894. — l.edda (S. A.) Ambliopia bilaterale temporanea da infezione malarica. Spallanzaui, Modena, 1885, 2. s., xiv, 201-203.—de Sousa (H.) Amaurose inter- mittente de natureza hysterica. Rev. de med. e cirurg., Lisb., 1895, iii, 365-368. — Teillais. De l'amblyopie par intoxication palud6enne. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1885-6, iv, 119-122. Aho: Bull, et ni6m. Soc. franc, d'opht,, Par., 1886, iv, 274-282. Aho: J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1886, xx, 163-175, 1 pi. Aho, in his: M6moires, 8°, [Par., 1886], 20-32.—Wahlfors (K. R.) Ett fall af intermittens amblyopi. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1882, xxiv, 328. Amaurosis (Sudden). Derby (H.) A case of sudden amaurosis; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, ex, 126.—Bava (G.) Sulle amau- rosi subitanee. Spallanzani, Roma, 1886, 2. s., xv, 233; 345; 438.—Wiethe (T.) Ein Fall von plotzlicher Amau- rosis mit nachfolgender Hemianopia homonyma superior. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1883-4, xiii, 387-396. Aho, transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1884, xiii, 301-310. Amaurosis (Syphilitic). Daguillon. Amblyopie syphilitique. Bull. clin. nation, opht. de l'hosp. tl. Quinze-Vingts, Par., 1885, iii, 131-133.—Hansell (H. F.) A case of total monocular syphilitic amaurosis, with rapid recovery. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv. 217.—Sperino (C.) Considerations sur l'amaurose syphilitique et sur le traitement des affections oculaires syphilitiques par la svphilisation. Cong, period. internat. d'opth. 1857, Brux., 1858, 455-466.—Tomashcv- slti (S. P.) Ob ambliopii, razviv. v techenie koudilom. perioda sitilisa. [On amblyopia, especially during the existence of condvloma. ] Trudi Ob3h. Russk. vrach. v Moakve, 1887, ii, Glaz. bol., 30-42. Amaurosis (Traumatic). Beknkde (L.) £tude sur l'amaurose consecu- tive au traumatisme de la region pr6orbitaire. 4°. Paris, 1883. Damond (R.) * Contribution a l'etude des amauroses traumatiques. 4°. Lyon, 1692. Calderonc (G.) Amaurosi traumatica temporanea binoculare per commozione retinica; osservazioue clinica. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1884, 3. s., iv, 623-627.—Deuti (F.) Contribuzione alio studio dell' ambliopia ed amaurosi trau- matica. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1883, xii, 394-415.— Lie gey. Amaurose mediate, traumatique, compliqu6e, d'un com- mencement de cataracte. .Soc de m6d. leg. de Par. Bull., 1869, i, 424—Ohlemaiiii. Ueber Aggravation bei Au- genverletznngen (Amblyopia vera et spuria). Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1893, vi, 493-501.—Page (O.) A case of traumatic amaurosis. Med. News. Phila., 1883, xliii, 176,-Roosu (D. B. St. J.) & Ely (E. T.) Total amau- AMAUROSIS. 292 AMBKOS1M. Amaurosis (Traumatic). rosis from concussion: recovery. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1880. ix. 43. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 188U-.-1, x, 224.—NiuiIon Fernandez (J.) De la amau- rosis consecutiva a lesioues de la eeja en la region perior- bilaria. Crdn. med.-quir de la Habana, 1881, vii, 451; 500; 557. Aho, transl. [Abstr.J: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, u. s., lxxxi, 58-67.—Sealy (R. B.) Double amaurosis fol- lowing eoncussiiui : recovery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1893, ii, 843.- Vilniain (G.) Note sur un cas d'amaurose trau- ■ uatique. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1885, 3. s., vii, 684-688. Amber and its derivativts. Awkxg (E.) * Ueber den Succinit. [Berne.] 6<~. Berlin, 1895. Boecklkr (A.) * Ueber den Dioxalbernstein- saureester. 1s0. Wiirzburg, 1895. Dumcke (0. J.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Berusteiniils. 83. Kbnigsberg, 1883. GtEBEL (S.) De succino libri duo. Horum prior liber contiuet piam commonefactionem, de passione, resurrectione, ac beneficiis Christi, qu;e in historia succini depinguutur. Posterior verain de origine succini addit senteutiam. sm. . 4'-. [Franeofordicv ad Mcvnum, 1558.] Gokodetzky (J.) * Ueber die Darstellung der Dibrombernsteinsaure mittelst Brom und Phos- phor und iiber die Einwirkung des Anilins- auf Diliroiubernsteinsaureathylester. 8°. Bern, 1888. Jacob (P.) Succini prussici physica et civi- lis historia cum demoustratioue ex autopsia et intiiuiori rerum experientia deducta. 16°. Fraucofiurti, 1677. Juxghahn (A. G.) * Ueber Ditoluidobern- Bteiusiiure, nebst Derivaten mit seinem Anhang iiber eiuige Derivate der Dianilidobernstein- siiure. H°. Berlin, 1893. Kusserow (R.) * Ueber Derivate der Broni- u. Auilidobernsteinsauxe und iiber die Constitu- tion der Fumar- u. Maleinsaure. 8°. Greifswald, 1888. Meyer (A. B.) Ueber Bernstein-artiges prii- historisches Material vou Sizilien und iiber Bar- mauischen Bernstein. 8°. Dresden, 1692. Repr. from: Abhandl. d. Gesellsch. Isis, Dresd., 1892, Abth. Ko. 7. -----. Wurde Bernstein von Hiuterindien nach dem Westen exportirt? 8C. Dresden, 1893. Cutting from .- Abhandl. d. Gesellsch. Isis, Dresd., 1893, Abth. No. 2, 62-68. Paula to (E. M. G.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Dioxybernsteinsiiureesters und des Oxoina- lonsiiureesters. 8°. Bonn, 1893. Pally (H.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Dioxobernsteinsaureesters. 8°. Bonn, 1894. Rati (A.) *Die Bernsteinsaure als Product der alkoholischen Gahrung zuckerhaltiger Fliis- sigkeiten, nebst Studien iiber die quantitative Bestimmung derselben. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miin- chen, 1692, de St. Jean van der Riet (B.) * Zur Kennt- niss der Dichlorberusteiusauren uud ihrer Deri- vate. 8C. Halle a. S., 1893. Stackar de Xeuforn (J. G.) De succino in genere: nee non speciatim de eo, quod nuper in agris Wisholzensibus etfossum est, in quo per tentamina chemica natura succini succincte examinatur, atque auctorum de eo opinioues investigantur, atque examiuantur. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1761. Berthelot it Knijjuet. Recherches sur le camphre de succin. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1861, 3. s., lxi, 471-480. Also, Reprint.—Bluuienthal (F.) Ueber Vor- konunen uud Bildung tier Bernsteinsaure. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1894, exxxvii, 539-568.— Seydel (C.) Ein Fall von Vergiftung mit Bernsteinol (01. succini). Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1885, n. F., xliii, 265- 208- Minqmoii (M.) On the synthesis of succinic and pyrotartaiic acids. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1861, cli, 61-67. Alliberg (Albertus) [1831- ]. *Detabedor- suali. 30 pp., 1 1. 12-'. Berolini, S. Jacoby, 1855. ! Alllbt'lger (Frauciscus [Fridericns] Guilelmiis) [1803- ]. *De tetano coguoscendo ct cu- randt) analecta. 1 p. 1., 22 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bou- nce, F. C. Baaden, [1831]. Alllbei'ger (J.) * Ueber Eiseu iu tier Milch. 21 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1894. Ambergris. Keaurcgard ( H.) Note snr un volumineux mor- ceau d'ainbie gris. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 743.—Jourdain (S.) Contribution it l'histoire de i'anibro gris. Compt rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1892, cxiv, 1557.— Poucbet (G.) Sur les eahuls intestinaux du cachalot (ambre gris). Ibid., 1487-1489. Allibert (Joachim) [1804- ]. Le baron Lnr- rey. 66 pp. 8°. Paris, Cosse tf S. Dumaine, 1863. Amblard (A.) * Etude sur l'emploi de l'iodo- forine dans les accouchements. 30 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1864, No. 33. Ambler (C. P.) Prophylaxis in tuberculosis. 10 pp. 12°. New York, I). Appleton $ Co., 1896. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii. Ambler (Edward Holland) [1821-79]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 210. Ambler (J. G.) Our profession. How can I best promote its interest or add to its reputa- tion? And the presentation of a platina medal to John Allen, pp. 21-25. 8°. [n. p., 1876.] Cutting. Aho. Editor of: Dental (The) Monitor and Quarterly Miscellany, New York, 1855. Ambler (James Markham Marshall) [1849-81]. II. (J. McH.) Memoir of James Markham Marshall Ambler, M. D., passed assistant surgeon, United Statea Navy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 495-497. Ambler (Vincent) [1833-87J. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 357. Amblyopia. See Amaurosis. Am bly stoma. Clarke (S. F.) The development of amblystoma punc- tatum, Baird. Pt. 1, External. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab. 1878-9, Bait., 1880, i, pt. 2, 105-125. 4 pi.— Eycle&hymer (A. C.) The early development of Am- blystoma, with observations on some other vertebrates. J.' Morphol., Bost., 1895, x, 343-418, 5 pi. — Herriclt (C. J.) The cranial nerves of Amblystoma punctatum. J. Comp. Neurol., Granville, Ohio, 1894, iv, 193-207, 2 pi. A ill bo. Le meYlecin chez soi. 384 pp. 12°. I'aris, Rueff $■ Cie., 1895. Amboyna. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Ambresin (Samuel) [1855- ]. * Quelques considerations sur les opacites de la corn^e. 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 1664, No. 31. Ambrogini (Angelo), Poliziano. See Angelus Politianus. Alllbrosi (Alberto). Per la imminente discus- sione del codice sanitario. Sulla divisioue del lavoro nell' esercizio pratico medico-chirurgico. 9 pp. 12°. Montegiorgio, V. Delbello, 1887. Also, Editor of: AmmiiiiMrazione (L) sanitaria, Montegiorgio, 1891.—Oiritto (II) sanitario, Montegiorgio, 1894. Alllbrosi (Bernhard Emil Michael) [1844- ]. * Ueber gieichseitige Hemiplegie. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kbnigsberg, E. J. Dalkowski, [1867]. Ambrosi (Joh.). Editor of: Annalen zur Geschichte der Klinik nach dem Laufe tier Zeiteu, Prag, 1784. Ambrosia. ■■ill (T.) The haemostatic properties of Ambrosia artemisia.-folia (rag weed). North Car. M. J., Wilming- ton, 1885, xvi, 1-6. Ambrosini (Georges) [1852- ]. *De 1'epi- theliome du thymus. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, lc94, No. 344. AMBROSIO. 293 AMELFNG. d' Ambrosio (Aniello). Del prolasso del retto. 69 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Xapoli, 1676. Repr.from: Ann. d.osp. incur., Napoli, _____. Del fungo benigno del testicolo. 77 pp., 3 pi. ^'- Xapoli, 1677. Repr.from: Movimento, Napoli. 1877, ix. d' Ambrosio (Gabriele). Cenni teorico pratico sulla grassante malattia peteeehiale. 3. ed. 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Xapoli, 1835. [P., v. 1136.] Ambrosio (Petrus Cresceutia). * Theses. I. Ex anatome theorico-practica [etc.]. 12 pp. 4°. Auqustce Taurinorum, V. Bianco, [1816]. [P., v. 943.] -----. *I. De parulide [etc.]. 14 pp. 4°. Au- gusta; Taurinorum, V. Bianco, [1816]. [P., v. 943.] Ambrosioni (Paolo). Rendieonto statistico sanitario dell' ospedale civile di Sampierdarena pel sno primo quinquennio d' esercizio 1874-8. 546 pp., 11., 1 pi. roy. fe°. Genova, R. Ist. sordo- muti, 18-0. -----. Seppellimento e cremazione. Riflessioni igienico-moral'. 28 pp. roy. 8°. San Pier !>'Arena, F. Vernengo, 1883. Ambrosius (Walther) [1867- ]. * Beitrage zur Lehre von den Nierengeschwiilsten (aus dem pathologischen Institut zu Marburg). 56 pp., 11. 8°. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1891. Ambrosinsseii ( M. ) Echafaudage mobile potir la reparation des facades. Pre"sent6 au Congres d'hygifene et de sauvetage de Bruxelles par le comite' danois. 2 1. 4C. Copenhague, C. Fersleiv 4' Cie., 1676. Alllbrosoli (Carlo). See I.ussauna (F.), Lnssanna (P.) 6c Ambrosoli (C.) [in 1. s.]. Su le fnnzione del nervo gran simpatico, [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1857. Ambrozlievitcli (P[yotr] M[ikhailovich]). Editor of: Akuscherka, Bransk, Odessa, 1890-95. Ambiilil (G.) Die Lebensmittelpolizei. Anlei- tuug zur Priifung und Beurtheilnug von Nah- rungs- und Genussmitteln. Ein Buch aus der Praxis. Fiir die Gesundheitskomniissionen des Kantons St. Gallen. iv, 254 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 8-. Leipzig, E. Giinther, 18^3. Ambulance drill. See Wounded (First aid to). Alllblllaiiee (L') anversoise de la Croix Rouge ^•ongolaise. 27 pp., 1 ch. 8 . Anvers, imj). veuve de Backer, 1892. Repr. from.- Bull. Soc. roy. de g6og. d'Anvers. Alllblllaiiee (The) service of Toronto. 1 p. 1., 9 pp. 8°. Toronto, 1888. Ambulanee (The) system, published for gratu- itous distribution, by the committee of citizens who have in charge the sending of petitions to Congress for the establishment of a thorough and uniform ambulance system in the armies of the Republic. 16 pp. 8Z. Boston, Crosby 7>. -----. Tlie same. 3. ed., corregida y aumentada. vi, 7-285 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Cddiz, J'erdugo Mori- lias y Co., 1662. Ainelliini. Wedkl (G. W.) [Pr.] de amello Virgilii. 4°. Jena', 1666. Ameluu^ (Franz). ' See l.arrey (I). J.) [in 1. s.J. Chirurgischo Klinik. 8°. Leinzia u. Darmstadt, 1831-4—Mayo (H.) [in 1. s.J. Grundriss'drr speoirllen Pathologic 8°. Darmstadt, 1838-9.—Willi* (V.) [in 1. s.J. Ueber Geisteszerriittung, [etc.]. 12°. Darmstadt, 1826. Allielliilt? (Henricus). * De oculi suppuratioui- bus ct priecipuedc hypopyo. 58 pp. 12°. Mar- burgi, typ. Fhcertianis, 1831. AM ENDE. 294 AMERICAN. Am Ende (Charles G.) Treatment of diphthe- ria upon antiseptic principles. 9 pp. 8°. Xew Fork, 1>95. Repr. from: Am J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii. Am Enden (Joh. Godofredus). See Jfliiller (G. P.) [in 1. s.|. De temperamentorum piopensionumque, [etc.J. 4°. Lipsice, [17081. Allicuitski (Alexandr). * O fiziologicheskom protsesse prevrashtshen'ia matki poslie rodov v neberenieunoye sostoyanie (obratnavo razvi- tia matki) i yevo bolieznennikh nklonen'iakh. [Physiological process of involutio uteri, after delivery in the non-pregnant state, and its mor- bid deviations.] 1 p. l.,51pp. 8°. Sanktpeter- burg, Hohenfeld <.,- Ko., 1662. Amenorrhcea. See, also, Chlorosis; Hymen (Imperforate); Hysteria; Insanity (Causes of): Menstruation (Disordered); Phthisis and amenorrhcea. Bkcude (F.) * De menstruorum suppressione. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1670. van den Bergh (P.) * De suppressione fluxus menstrui. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1738. Bevdlek(L. A.) * De amenorrhea. 4°. Gan- dari, [1830], Bonslv (J.-B.) * Essai sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Montpellier, 1823. Doeblin (A.) "Die Amennorrhoe und ihre Behandlung mit Elektricitiit. 12°. Berlin,l694. Dlthel(E.) * Essai sur l'annSnorrhee. 4C. Montpellier, 1-24. Hofer (J. B.) * Diss, tractans amenorrhceam. 12°. Vmdobonxe, [1835], Kramarkiewicz (V.) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Munnich (A. E.) * De mensium suppressione. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1703. Schreffel(M.) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Vin- dobonce, 1843. Sere (C.-T.) * Essai sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Montpellier, 1837. Verploegh (A.) * De amenorrhcea. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1780. Verwout (J.) * De mensium suppressione. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1669. Weems (J.) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1792. Weigel (C.) * jEgram suppressione mensium laborantem . . . exponit. sm. 4°. Jence, [1676]. Weill (L.) * Contributions a l'histoire de ram6norrh6e, 4C. Strasbourg, 1872. Baker (W. H.) Cases of amenorrhoea resulting from undeveloped uteri. N. York M. J., 1873, xvii. 621-625. Aho, Reprint.—Carter (C. H.) Amenorrhcea associated with alcoholism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 1383.—Da ven- port (F. H.) Some forms of amenorrhcea and their treat- ment. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1891, exxiv, 380-382.—Manhs (H. T.) Amenorrhcea. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1895, x, 7- 15.—Jollyc (F. W.) A case of amenorrhcea with brain symptoms. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1354. — Kalb- fleisch (F. H.) Post-marital amenorrhcea. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1893, xliii, 717. —Lawrence (A. E. A.) Pig mentation in amenorrhcea. Bristol M. • Chir. J.. 1896, xii, 107. — iVIauton ( W. P.) Selected cases of amen- orrhcea. Ann. Gynrec. & Paediat., Phila., 1890-91, iv, 326-329.—Main (A.) Bis zum 48. Lebensjahre dauernde Amenorrhoea; unwillkiirliche Hervorrufung der Men- struation. Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect.- u. Hydrotherapy Wien, 1889, vii, 109. — Mitchell (H. W.) Report of a case of complete non-menstruation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 311. — Munile (P. F.) Constitu- tional amenorrhcea. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 2. s., iv, 331.—Skene (A. J. C.) Amenorrhcea. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, 308. Amenorrhcea (Treatment of). Brandt (A.) * Dissertation sur le traitement de l'aineuorrh6e par retard. 8°. Strasbourg, an X[1802]. I.abbe (D.) De Taction du courant continu ou elec- trolyse negative intra-ut6rine dans trois cas d'ani6norrhee. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1893, viii, 305-309. Aho: Rev. ob- stet. et gynec, Par., 1893, ix, 250-252. — Ashby (T. A.) Note on the treatment of amenorrhoea with permanganate Amenorrhcea (Treatment of). of potash. Marjland M. J.. Bait., 1887, xvii, s.V«8—Bell ( S.) Permanganate of potassium in amenorrhoea. Tr Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1886, 126- 136. — Hornari ( C. j Metodo di cura contro 1' amenorrea da malattie generali. Riforma med., Napoli, 1890, vi, 1040. — Collins (E. T.) Cure of amenorrhcea by shock. Brit. AL J., Lond., 1889, ii. 921.— On be (A.) On the mechanical treatment of amenoirlicea. Lancet, Lond.. 1889, ii, 593. Abo: Med. Press 6c Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 640.—Fredericq! Du traitement de l'am6uorrh6e par la gymnastique sue- doise. Gaz. de gynec.. Par., 1891,vi, 113-125.—fiatlorno ( S. ) Zur gymnastischen Behandlung der AmenorrhSo. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891. iv, 373-375,—L.n Torre (F.) L' elettricita nella cura dell' amenorrea. An. di ostet Milauo, 1894, xvi, 253-263. Also : Attid. xi Cong, med inter' naz.1894, Roma, 1895, v, Ostet., 119-125.—dc l.avnremir. Note sur quelques cas d'am6norrh6e traites a Luclion. Union m6d. de la Seine-Inf. 1885, Rouen, 1886, xxiv, 48- 55.—I.egiiani (T.) Curadell amenorrea. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1893, xxxii, 559-563.—iTIarini (N.) II massaggionellacuradeH'amenorrea. Ann.diostet.,Milano, 1895 xvii, 87-93— ITIurrell (W.) The action of sonecio Jacobcea in the treatment of functional amenorrhcea. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1894, i. 679.— Nitot. Traitement de l'am6- norrh6e au moyen d'electrisation intrauterine. Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1892, viii, 255-260. — Novitzki (A. A.) Primien. galvanich toka pri otsutst. niicsjach (amenor- rhoea). [Application of galvanic current in amenorrhea.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 149-152. — Oliver (T.) Results of the treatnient of amenorrhoea by potassium permanganate. Rep. Proc. Northumb & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1885-6, 113-116.—Panecki. Zur Behandlung tier Amenorrhoe. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1894, viii, 110-114. — Strong (C. P.) Amenorrhcea: clin- ical report of four cases successfully treated by galvanism. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, exxiv, 382. America. See, also, Central America ; Materia medica of various countries; North America; South America. Bruhl (G.) Die Culturvolker Alt-Amerika's. 8°. Xew York, 1875-87. Levasseur & Spuller. Discours prononce'a a la stance g6n6rale du Congres le samedi 31 mars 1894. 8C. Paris, 1894. Rafn (C. C.) M6moire sur la decouverte de l'Am6rique au dixieme siecle. [With supple- ment.] 2e tirage. 8°. Copenhagen, 1843. de IVIortillet (G.) Decouverte de l'Amerique aux temps prfehistoriques. Cong, internat. d. sc. anthrop. 1878, Par., 1880, 267-273. -Pohlmnn (J.) Duration of life in the nervous American. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 229-231. Also, Reprint. — de Quatrefage* (A.) Des voyages de Moncatch-Ap6. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1881, 2. s., iv, 594-634. -----. Cantonnementetmigrations; peuplement de TAmerique. Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xlvi, 481-486. Abo, transl.: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1890-91, xxxviii, 305-313. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memorial of Asa Gray. Fellow, 1841-88; corre- sponding secretary, 1844-50, 1852-63; president, 1803-73. 45 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wood & Son, 1888. American Academy of Dental Science. A his- tory of dental and oral science in America. Prepared under direction of the . . . viii, 271 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, S. S. White, 1876. -----. Constitution, by-laws, and code of ethics of the . . . 19 pp. 16°. Boston, 1862. -----. The same. With a list of past and pres- ent members to June 4, 1884. 26 pp. 12°. Boston, Rand, Avery <$• Co., 1884. American Academy of Medicine. Constitution aud by-laws, as amended and adopted Sept. 17th, 1879. 21. 8°. [n. p., 1879.] -----. List of members. Jan., 1880. 21. 8°. [n. p., 1880.] -----. Thesame. Jan., 1882. 2 1. 8. [n.p., 1882.] -----. The same. 1882-3. 3 1. 8°. [n. p., 1883.] -----. List of fellows and honorary members. 1884. 7 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1884.] -----. Thesame. 1890. 21. 4°. [n.p., 1890.] -----. Programme of the ninth annual meeting ofthe .. . 2 1. 8°. [Baltimore, 1884.] AMERICAN. 295 AMERICAN. American Academy of Medicine—continued. _____. Programme of the thirteenth annual meet- ing [t°] be held NoT- 13th and 14th> 188i)- ~ ]- 6-\ Chicago, 1668. _____. Thirteenth annual meeting, held at the Lelaud Hotel. Chicago, on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 13 and 14,1889. 16 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, 1669. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii. -----. Fourteenth annual meetiug, held in Phila- delphia, Dec. 3 and 4, 1890. 12 pp. 12°. Chi- cago, 1891. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi. -----. Bulletin, v. 1, 1891-5; nos. 1-3, v. 2, lr95. 8°. Easton, Pa., 1891-5. -----. See, also: Green (T.) The annual address delivered be- fore the American Academy of Medicine, at its seventh annual meeting in Philadelphia, Oct. 26th, 1882. A retrospective glance at the origin and progress of the academy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. Annual meeting of tbe American Academy of Medi- cine. Boston M. &S. J., 1880, ciii, 356. Also: Med. Rec, N. T., 1880, xviii, 415. — Connor (L.) The American Academy of Medicine, its objects, its signs of promise and its obstacles, its field of work, and some suggestions look- ing to an increase of its efficiency. Tbe president's ad- dress delivered . . . Chicago, Nov. 13, 1889. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 18S9, xiii, 441-452. Aho, Reprint. American ^Esculapian Society. Eeport of the proceedings during the winter of 1813-14. To which are prefixed the constitution and bye- laws, being the second session of the society since its revival. 19 pp. 6°. Xew York, J. Forbes, 1614. American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, sta- tistical, financial, and political, for the years 1879, 1880 [v. 2-3]. Edited by Ainsworth E. Spofibrd. 8C. Xew York <$• Washington, D. C. American Analyst. A popular semi-monthly review, devoted to industrial progress, sanitation, and the chemistry of commercial products. H. Lassiug and T. P. McElrath, editors. [Semi- monthly.] X. s., nos. 19-24, v. 1; v. 2-10, Oct. 1, 1885, to Dec. 31, le94. 4°. New York. Ended. In 1889 became weekly; in April, 1892, be- came semi-monthly. Title of nos. 7-18, v. 1, was: New York (The) Analyst. American Annals ofthe Deaf. Was title, after 1885, v. 30, of: American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb. American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb. v. 25-41,18^0-96. 8-. Hartford, 1847-^1; Washing- ton, D. C, 1868-95. Current. In 1886 title became: American Annals of the Deaf. American (The) Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac. Edited by C. W. Caufield. v. 1-2, 1887-8. 6°. New York. American ( The ) Anthropologist. Published under the auspices of the Anthropological So- ciety of Washington. [By an editorial commit- tee.] [Quarterly.] v. 1-9, 1888-96. 8°. Wash- ington, I). C. Current. American (The) Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Edited bv Stephen D. Peet. [Bi- monthly.] No. 5, v."ll ; Sept., 1889. 8°. Men- don [4' Chicago], III. American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Mass. Catalogue of books iu the library of . . . 8°. Worcester, H. J. Eowland, 1637. Each letter has separate pagination. American Anti-Vivisection Society, formed for Hie purpose of restricting the practice of vivi- section within proper limits. Annual reports. 1., 1883-4; 2., 1884-5; 11., 1893. 8/-. Philadel- phia, 1884-94. Organized Feb. 23, 1883. Incorporated May, 1883. American Anti-Vivisection Society—cont'd. -----. The same. Annual meetiug. [Jan. 27, 1885.] 20 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1885.] American (The) Architect and Building News. A weekly journal of constructive aud decorative art. Edited by William P. P. Longfellow. v. 9-20, 18*1-0. fol. Boston. American Archives. Fourth series. Contain- ing a documentary history of the English colo- nies in North America, from the. kiug's message to Parliament, of March 7, 1774, to tlie Declara- tion of Independence by the United States. By Peter Force, v. 3-4, 1775, 1776. fol. Washing- ton, Dec, 1840; April, 1843. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, un der authority of an act of Congress, passed on tbe 2d of March, 1833. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of annual meetings. 28.- 43., 1879-94. 8°. Salem, 1880-95. -----. Constitution, list of meetings, commit- tees, and members of the . . . for the 29th meet- ing, held at Boston, Mass., Aug., 1880. 56 pp. 8°. Salem, 1880. -----. List of words used in chemistry, with pro- nunciations. [Circular of the committee ap- pointed by the chemical section, to chemists, on the uniformity of pronunciation and orthography of chemical terms.] May 20, 1889. 2 1. 8°. [Cincinnati, 1889.] -----. Message from the President ofthe United States, transmitting report relative to the pres- ervation of the forests on the public domain. [Memorial of the ... in behalf of a proper forest policy.] 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. Ex. Doc. No. 36. Jan. 20, 1890. 4 pp. 8°. [ Washington, 1890. ] American Association for the Cure of Ine- briates. [Circular containing questions to gather the practical experience and observation of leading members of the medical profession, as a basis for a more accurate knowledge of the nature and character of inebriety.] 4 1. 8°. [Hartford, Conn., 1884.] American Association of Instructors of the Blind. Proceedings of annual meetings. 2., 1874; 7., 1882. 40, 93 pp. 8°. [v. p.], 1875-83. American Association of Genito-tJrinary Sur- geons. Manual of the . . . containing the his- tory of the association, its constitution and by- laws, list of members, etc. 16 pp. 18°. New York, 1887. American Association of Obstetricians aud Gynecologists. [Constitution.] 9 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1868.] -----. Transactions, v. 1-7,1888-94. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1888-95. -----. Transactions of the ... at the first an- nual meeting held in Washington, D. C, Sept. 18-20, 1888. Abstract. 38 pp. 8°. [Buffalo, 1888.] Repr.from: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1888-9, xxviii. American Association of Physio-Medical Phy- sicians and Surgeons. Twelfth annual session. Circular. Feb., 1894. 2 1. 8°. [Indianapolis, 1894.] American Association of the Eed Cross, Wash- ington, D. C. Official report of the Eed Cross Hospital at Camp George Washington, May 23- 30, 1887, Washington, D. C, by Clara Barton. 19 pp. 12°. Washington, R. H. Darby, 1887. See, aho, International Review of Medical and Surgical Technics, Boston. American Association for Eelief of Misery of Battlefields. The work of humanity in war. Plan and results of the Geneva congress and international treaty, securing to the sick and wounded in war the benefits of neutrality and sanitary care. 35 pp. 4°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph ' Ended. American (The) Journal of Pharmacy. 4. s. v. 10-20, 1880-96. 8°. Philadelphia. Current. In 1895, Henry Trimble became editor. -----. General index to the . . . from January, 1881, to December, 1890, inclusive (volumes 53 to 62). Compiled by Hans M. Wilson. 155 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. American (The) Journal of Physiology. Edited by D. H. Fernandes and H. Erichsen. [Month- ly.] v. 1, 1882-3; nos. 1-5, v. 2, 1884. 8°. In- dianapolis, Ind. American (The) Journal of Psychology. Ed- ited bv G. Stanley Hall. [Quarterly.] v. 1-7., 1887-96. 8°. Baltimore, 1887-9; Worcester, Mass., 1889-96. Current. American (The) Journal of Science. Title, after 1879, of: American (The) Journal of Science and Arts. American (The) Journal of Science and Arts. 3. s. v. 19-50, 1880-95. -1. s., v. 1, 1896. 8°. New Haven. Current. In Jan., 1880, title became: American (The) Journal of Science. In 1880, Jamea D. and Edward S.Dana became proprietors. American (The) Journal of Sociology. Editor: Albion W. Small. [Bi-monthly.] Nos. 1-4, v. 1, July, 1895, to Jan., 1890. roy! 8-\ Chicago. Current. American (The) Journal of Stimulants and Narcotics. A monthly magaziue, devoted to a scientific study of acute and chronic poisoning by alcoholic and narcotic agents. H. H. Kane, editor. No. 1, v. 1, June, 1882. 8°. New York. No more published. American Journal of Surgery and Gynaecology. Editetl by Emory Lanphear. [Monthly.] v. 3-8, Oct., 1892, to Jan., 1896. 8°. Kansas City, Mo. Current. Want v. 1-2. American (The) Lancet. A monthly exponent of rational medicine. Edited by Leartus Con- nor. N. s., v. [3], 10-19, 188()-95. 4°. Detroit. Ended. Title of v. 1-9 was: Detroit (The) Lancet, which formed 2. series. American Laryngological Association. Trans- actions, v. 1-16, 1879-94. 8°. St. Louis, New York, 1879-94. American Library Association. Programme of fourth general meeting, at Washington aud Bal- timore, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Feb- ruary, 9, 10, 11, 1881. 8 pp. 4°. [Providence, E. L. Freeman # Co., 1881.] -----. Papers and proceedings of the sixth gen- eral meeting, held at Buffalo, August 14 to 17, 1883. 139 pp., 2 1. 4°. Boston, Rockwell j- Churchill, 1883. American (An) matron. See IVlatcrual (The) physician [in 1. 8.]. 8°. New York, 1811. American Medical Association. Report of the committee on surgery to the National Medical Association, held in Baltimore, May, 1848. 48 pp. 8C. [Baltimore, 1*48.] [P., v. 1359.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Aas., Phila., 1848, i. AMERICAN. 299 AMERICAN. American Medical Association—continued. -----. Report on the epidemics of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, for the years 1852 and 1*53. [By Geo. Mendenhall, chairman of the committee.] 132 pp., 1 man, 3 diag. 8-\ [w. p., n. d.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., N. Y., 1854, vii. .-----. Memorial of the . . . bv the chairman of the committee to investigate the etiology antl pathology of epidemic cholera. 34. Cong., 1. sess. Mis. Doc. No. 142. Aug. 5, 1850. 9 pp. 8°. [Washington, D. C, 1856.] ----. Report on a uniform plan for registration reports of births, marriages, and deaths. 50 pp. 8:. Philadelphia, 1859. [P., v. 254.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1859, xii. ----. Protection from small-pox by means of vaccination and revaccination. [Resolutions adopted by the . . . and report of the central committee appointed June, 1804, to carry them out,] 10 pp. 8C. [Philadelphia, 1664.] [P., v. 336.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. 1865, Phila., 1866, xvi. ----. Report of the committee of medical ethics on specialties. By Worthington Hooker. Also, minority report, by Henrv I. Bowditch. 12 pp. Sc. Philadelphia, Collins', 1866. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1866, xvii, ----. Report of the committee on medical edu- cation. 30 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, Collins, 1869. [Also, in: P., v. 321.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1869. ----. Report of the committee on criminal abor- tion. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1*71. Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1871, xxii. ----. Plan of organization and code of ethics. 30 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, Collins, ltd. Handbook for the use of the members of the American Medical Association. Philadelphia, 1872. viii, 82 pp., 2 maps. 16°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1*72. Memorial to the senate and house of dele- gates of the State of West Virginia [for the establishment of a State board of health. By the special committee of the American Medical Association for the State of West Virginia. Ap- pointed at the annual meeting, held at Philadel- phia, June, 1876]. 2 1. 8°. [Wheeling, 1876.] Transactions, v. 30-33, 1880-82. 8°. Philadelphia, 18c0-82. Por continuation, see Journal of the American Medi- cal Association. ----. General programme . . . thirty-second an- nual meeting, Richmond, Va., May, 1881. 4 1. 8°. Richmond, J. W. Fergusson $■ Son, [18*1], ----. Index to the transactions of the ... v. 1-33. Prepared by William B. Atkinson. 130pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. F. Fell 4- Co., 1883. Memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States [with ac- companying] documents with reference to the proposed building for the Army Medical Museum and librarv of the Surgeon-General's Office. 1 p. 1., 14 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1884?] -----. Programme -of proceedings of the thirty- fifth annual session of the . . . held at Washing- ton, D. C, May 6,7, 8, and 9, 1884. 4, 8 pp. 8°. Washington, D. C, Gray 4- Clarkson, 1884. ----. Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual meeting, held in Washington, May 0-9, inclu- sive, 1884. Together with the plan of organiza- tion, by-laws, and code of ethics of the associa- tion, and the list of members in attendance at the recent meeting. 38 pp. roy. 8°. Chicago, A. G. Newell, 1864. y Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, ii. ——. Programme of proceedings of the thirty- sixth annual session of the . . . held at New Or- American Medical Association—continued. leans, La., April 28, 29, 30, and Mav 1, 1885. 2 p. 1., 10 pp., 1 1. b°. New Orleans, L. Graham «,• Son, 1*85. -----. Memorial of committee of the American Medical Association iu relation to the preven- tion of yellow fever, June 14, 1886. 49. Cong., 1. sess. Mis. Doc. No. 129. In S., June 18, 1880. Presented by Mr. Butler. 8 pp. rov. 8°. [Washington, 1886.] -----. Memorial of the American Medical Asso- ciation, praying certain legislation for the bet- ter protection of tho health and lives of immi- grants ou board passenger vessels. Report of the committee on memorializing Congress rela- tive to medical and sanitary service on board immigrant passenger vessels. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 57. Feb. 14, 1888. Presented by Mr. Frye. 3 pp. 8°. [ Washington, 1888.] List of officers and programme of the forty-first annual meeting, 1890. 30 pp. 12° Nashville, Foster <,■ Webb, 1890. ----. Programme forty-first meetiug, 1890. 24 pp. 4°. [New York, 1890.] Addresses, papers, and discussions iu the section of obstetrics and diseases of women at the forty-second annual meeting of the . . . Wash- ington, D. C, 1891. 394 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Chicago, 1891. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section of the practice of medicine and physi- ology at the forty-second annual meeting of the . . . Washington, D. C, 1891. 1 p. 1., 324 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1891. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section of surgery and anatomy at the forty- second annual meeting of the . . . Washington, D. C, 1891. 1 p. 1., 318 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Chicago, 1891. Organization and regulations of the board of trustees of the .. . 11pp. 8°. Chicago, 1692. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section on surgery and anatomy at the forty-fifth annual meeting of the American Medical Asso- ciation, held at San Francisco, June 5-8, 1894. 414 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1894. See, also. Royal College of Physicians of London [in 1. s.]. The nomenclature of diseases. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. — Three (The) ethical codes [in 1. s.J. 12°. De- troit, [1888]. See, also. Philadelphia County Medical Society. Re- port of the delegates of the thirty-seventh an- nual meeting of the American Medical Associa- tion ; with the resolutions of the Philadelphia County Medical Society in relation thereto. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to incorporate the trustees of the American Medi- cal Association. 51. Cong.,2. sess. S. 4857, Jan. 15, 1891. Introduced by Mr. Cullom. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1881.] American (The) Medical Association. [Edit.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 613. — Packard (J. H.) [et al.] Report of the committee, 1881, on journalizing the trans- actions of the American Medical Association. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 467-479. — Proceedings ofthe American Medical Association, at the thirty-second annual meeting, held in Richmond, Va., Mav 3, 4, 5, aud 6, 1881. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xiii, 673-784.—Where should be the home of the Journal of the American Medi- cal Association? Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1891, n. s., xv, 19. American Medical College Association. An- nual meetings. 3.-6., 1879-82. 8°. Detroit, 1879-82. See, also: American (The) Medical College Association. [Edit.] Chicago M. J. 6c Exam., 1880, xii, 396-403. American Medical College of Saint Louis (Eclectic). Annual announcements for the ses- AMERICAN. 300 AMERICAN. American Medical College [etc.]—continued. sions of 1875-0 (3.); 1878-9 ((!.); l*79-*0 (7.); L881-2 to 1*85-0(9.-13.); 1**9-90(17.); Ie90-9l i is.); 1892-3 (20.); 1893-4 (21.). 8°. St. Louis, 1875-93. List of students and graduates for the years 1874-5; 1877-8: 1878-9; 1880-81; 1881-2 to 1884-5: 1888-9; 1889-90; 1891-2; 1892-3, in announcements for subsequent years. List of graduates from 1874 to 1890, in announcement for 1890-91. Gives two courses annually. American (The) Medical Compeud. (Formerly Toledo Medical Compeud.) Edited by R. H. Tinipany. [Monthly.] v. 11 - 12, 1*95-6. 8°. Toledo, Ohio. Current, v. 6-10, under title: Toledo Medical Com- peud. American (The) Medical Digest. Bibliography of current medical literature, abstracts, and re- views, in three parts. Medicine, surgery, dis- eases of women and children, and obstetrics. Edited by John C. Lester. [Monthly.] v. 1-8, 18*2 to .1 line, 1889. 8°. New York. Ended. After June, 1889, merged in: Times andJReg- ister. American (The) Medical Journal, v. 8-24, 1*80-96. ft0. St. Louis. Current. In 1887, E. Younkin became editor. American (The) medical lexicon, on the plan of Quincy's Lexicon physico-medicum, with many retrenchments, additions, and improve- ments; comprising an explanation of the ety- mology aud signification of the terms used iu anatomy, physiology, surgery, materia medica, chemistry, and the practice of physic. Com- piled from the most approved authorities, iv, 294 1., 30 pp. 8°. New York, T. oui.<«rille (The) Medical News, forming: American (The) Practitioner aud News. American (The) Practitioner and News. A ,bi- weekly journal of medicine and surgery. D. W. Yandell aud H. A. Cottell, editors. [2 v. annu- ally.] v. 1-21, 1886-96. 8°. Louisville, Ky. Current. Formed by the union of: American (The) Practitioner, with: Louisville Medical News. American Psychological Association. Proceed- ings. I. Preliminary meeting, 1892. II. First annual meeting, 1892". III. Second annual meet- ing, 1*93. 29 pp. 8°. New York, Macmillan $ Co., 1894. American (The) Psychological Journal. Is- sued by the National Association for the Protec- tion of the Insane and Prevention of Insanity. Edited by Joseph Parrish [et al.]. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, April, 1883, to Oct., 1884. 8°. Philadel- phia. Ended. No. 3, v. 2, Oct.; 1884, last published. 02 AMERICAN. AMERICAN. American Public Health Association. Cholera m the United States in 1873. [Printed for the use of the American Public Health Association at the conference in New York, Nov. 11, 1873.] 7 pp. 8J. [New York, 1873.] -----■. Memorandum on cholera. Specific sani- tary information for public use. 4 pp. 8°. [n."p.], 1873. -----. An act [proposed] to create a State board of health for the protection of life and health and to prevent the spread of diseases in the State of New York. No. 230. Iu assembly, Feb. 5,1874. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1*74.] -----. List of members. Revised 1880. 15 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1880.] -----. Thesame. 16 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. ProceedingsoftheAmericanPublic Health Association, held in Grunewald Hall, December 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, 18*0, New Orleans, La. 155 pp. 8°. [Veil- Orleans, 1*80.] Published by tbe New Orleans Democrat. -----. Public health papers and reports, v. 4- 18,1877-92. 8J. [v. p.], 1880-93. -----. Report of the committee on the preven- tion of venereal diseases, presented at the eighth annual meeting of the . . . New Orleans, La., Nov. 7-10, 1880. 18 pp. 8°. Boston, Franklin Press, 1**1. -----. Annual meeting of the ... at Savannah, Ga. 83 pp. 8°. Savannah, 1661. -----. Amended constitution, organization, and list of members, 1884; with table of contents, vol. ix, Public Health. 27 pp., 11. 8°. [n.p.,1664.] -----. Disinfection and disinfectants. Prelim- inary report made by the committee on disin- fectants. Report signed by George M. Stern- berg, chairman committee. 12 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1885.] -----. Preliminary report on disinfection and disinfectants. Made by the committee on dis- infectants. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., April, 1885.] Report not signed. -----. Report of the committee on disinfectants of the . . . 18*5. xii, 137 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Thomas 4- Evans, 1885. -----. Report of the special committee on the disinfection of rags. 30 pp. 8°. Concord, N. H., Republican Press Ass., 1886. Repr from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., xii. -----. Constitution. 4 1. 8J. [Concord, 1886.] -----. Publications. In: Amebican Public Health Association. Public health. The Lomb prize essays. 8°. Concord, N. H., 1886, 155-180. -----. Public health. The Lomb prize essays. Award made at the thirteenth annual meeting of the . . . Washington, D. C, Dec. 10, 1885. With an appendix. 1 p. 1., 198 pp. 8°. Con- cord, N. H., Republican Press Ass., 1886. -----. Report of the committee of the pollution of water supplies. [Printed for the Michigan State board of health.] 19 pp. 8°. Concord, N. H., 1889. Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1888, Con- cord, 1889. -----. Officers and committees. Revised list of members. Sanitary authorities of the United States of America, the Dominion of Canada, aud the Republic of Mexico, 1892. 29pp. 8°. [n.p., n. d. ] -----. Report of committee on disposal of waste aud garbage, presented at the 19. annual meet- ing, Kansas City, Oct. 20-23, 1891. 56 pp. «°. Concord, N. H., Republican Press Ass., 1892. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Pub. Health Ass. 1891, Concord, 1892, xvii. -----. Report of the committee on car sanita- tion. Bv G. P. Conn. Annual meeting at Mon- treal, 1894. 41. 8°. [Concord, 1894.] American Public Health Association—cont'd. -----. See, also: Smith (S.) Historical sketch of the American Public Health Association. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 187S1, Lost., 1880, v, pp. vii-liv. American Rhinological Association. Synop- sis of proceedings of the third annual meeting of the . . . held at Lexington, Ky., Oct. 6, 7, and 8,1**5. 18 pp. 8°. [Lexington, Ky., 1667).] Repr. from: The Morning Transcript, Oct. 7, 8, antl 9 1885. American (The) Rush-Light: by the help of which, wayward and disaffected Britons may see a complete specimen of the baseness, dis- honesty, ingratitude, and perfidy of republicans, and of the profligacy, injustice, and tyranny of republican governments. By Peter Porcupine [William Cobbett]. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-4, Feb. 15, 1800, to March 31, 1*00. 8U. London, published for the author by J. Wright. An English edition, published Nov. 10, 1800, of nos. 1-4 of: Rush-Light (The), New York. American School for Classical Studies, at Ath- ens. Report of the director to the managing committee. 1., 1882-3. 13 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, Gov. Print. Off., 1884. First, by Wm. W. Goodwin. See, aho. Archaeological Institute of America. American School, at Hartford, for the Deaf. Annual and biennial reports of the directors and officers to the patrons antl friends. Annual: 1.- 73., 1816-17 to 1888-9. Biennial: 1.-3., 1889-90 to 1894-5. 8-"'. Hartford, 1817-95. By resolution of the general assembly, approved April 10. 1895, the name of tbe corporation was changed from: The American Asylum, at Hartford, for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb to the present form. -----. See, also : Gallaudet (T. H.) A discourse delivered at the dedication of the American Asylum for the Education of Deaf and Dumb Persons, May 12, 1821. 8°. Hartford, 1821. American Social Science Association. Vacci- nation. A report read at New York, October 27, 1809. 19 pp. 8-. New York, 1870. Repr.from: J. Am. Social Sc. Ass., 1869, ii. -----. [Petition to the legislature of Massachu- setts, by a committee of the . . . and other citi- zens, praying that the general court will, by suitable legislation, prevent all persons from practicing any branch of medicine in this State, except such persons as have furnished to the au- thorities sufficient evidence of good moral char- acter aud a thorough knowledge of their duties aud calling.] 11. fol. [Boston, 1880.] -----. Papers ou infant development, published by the education department of the . . . Jan- uary, 1882. Edited bv Mrs. Emily Talbot. 52 pp. 8°. Boston, Tolman 4- White, 1882. -----. [Circular of the health department of the ... to physicians, requesting their influence in favor of "An act to regulate the practice of med- icine, for the protection ofthe community against impostors and charlatans".] 2 1. 8°. [Boston, n. d.] -----. [Circular letter to members of the gen- eral court. In view of the injury done to the community, by ignorant and mercenary impos- tors iu Massachusetts, the health department of the association have resolved to request a mem- ber at its next session to move that the health committee of the association be instructed, to consider and report "An act to regulate the prac- tice of medicine, for the protection of the com- munity".] 2 1. 8°. Boston, [n. d.]. -----. Act to regulate the practice of medicine, for the protection of the community. 2 1. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] AMERICAN. 303 AMERICAN. American Society of Civil Engineers. Trans- actions, v. 1-34, 1868-95. 8°. New York, 1872-95. —----. Notes and suggestions on the Croton water works, and supply for the future. A paper by Benjamin S. Church, C. E., with discussions from transactions of the ... 30 pp. 8°. New York, 1876. -----. Proceedings, v. 1-21, 1873-5 to 1895. 8°. New York, 1876-95. -----. Index to the library of the American So- ciety of Civil Engineers. Prepared under direc- tion of the committee on,library, October, 1*80. Part I. Railroads. 188 pp., 1 1.* 8°. New York, 1881. -----. Constitution, by-laws, and list of mem- bers, 1886. 86 pp. 8°'. Vetc York, 1886. -----. The same. 1889. 115 pp. 8°. New York, 1889. -----. The same. 1890. 112 pp. 8°. New York, 1890. The three preceding bound with index of v. 1 - 21 of Transactions. '■-----. The same. March 15, 1895. 169 pp., 1 1. 8°. New York, 1895. -----. Transactions. Index v. 1 to 21, inclu- sive. By John Bogart. 272 pp. 8°. New York, 1890. -----. Constitution and list of members, 1894. 164 pp. 8°. New York, [1894]. -----. Index to the Transactions, v. 22-27 (1890- 92). 68 pp. 8°. New York, 1893. Bound with v. 27 of Transactions. American Society of Microscopists. Proceed- ings of annual meetings. 2.-14., 1880-94. 8°. [ti p.], 1880-94. -----. General index to the Proceedings of the . . . including the convention of 1878 to the end of 1890. 43 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Bound with.- Proceedings for the year 1890. For continuation, see American Microscopical So- ciety. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. By-laws. 1866. 14 pp. 8C. Neiv York, Lange 4" Brother, [1866]. -----. Annual report for 1889 (24.). 60 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8C. New York, 1890. American Society for Psychical Research. Pro- ceedings. Nos. i-4, v. 1. iv, 584 pp. 8°. Boston, 188 [5-]9. Society disbanded Jan. 14,1889. American Society for the Restriction of Vivi- section. A reply to certain charges against the Society for the Restriction of Vivisection, con- tained in a report made to the College of Phy- sicians of this city, by Drs. Mitchell and Wood. 7 pp. 8-. [Philadelphia, 1885?] ——. Annual reports. 2.-4., 1884-5 to 1886-7. 8". Philadelphia, 1885-7. American (The) Specialist. A journal of medi- cal and surgical science. Edited by Joseph F. Edwards. [Monthly.] v. 2: no. 1, v. 3, 1881 to Jan., 1882. 8°. Philadelphia. Ended. Title of v. 1 was: Specialist (The) and In- telligencer. Nos. 1-3, v. 2, edited by Chas. "W. Dulles, B No. 1, v. 3, Jan., 1882, last published. Followed by: Medi- cal (The) Register. American Statistical Association. Petition [to the legislature of Massachusetts for a sanitary survey of the State]. House Doc. No. 16. 20 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1848.] -----. Constitution and by-laws of the . . . with a list of officers, fellows, and members. 13 pp. 8°. Boston, T. Hood, 1881. ----—. Publications. N. s.,- v. 1-4. 8°. Bos- ton, 1888-95. See. aho, Massachusetts. H. R. Sanitary survey pf the State. Report of the joint special committee. 8°. [Boston, 1849.J American Street Railway Association Re- portof special committee, discussion ensuing and documentary evidence ou the subject of "Track- cleaning and the removal of snow and ice. Is salt necessary ? If so, is its use detrimental to the public health, and especially is it injurious to horses?" An extract from the minutes of the third annual meeting of the . . . held in New York City, Oct. 15-17, 1884. Mr. Wm. H. Haz- zard, president. 42 pp., 1 map. 8°. Brooklyn, Office ofthe Association, [1884]. American Surgery and Gynecology. Title on covers of: American Journal of Surgery and Gynecology, Kansas City, Mo. American Surgical Association. Constitution and by-laws adopted May 31, 1882, and names of officers and fellows. 11 pp. 8°. [n. p. ], M. Cullaton 4- Co., 1*83. -----. Transactions. v. 1-13, 1883-95. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883-95. -----. Transactions, history of the organization, abstract of the proceedings of the meetings held from the organization, June 1, 1880, to April 30, 18*4, constitution and by-laws, and names of fellows of the association. 63 pp. 8°. Rich- mond, Ind., M. Cullaton 4' Co., 1884. -----. A complete list of the officers and fellows of the . . . together with an alphabetically ar- ranged index of v. 1-10. 1880-1892. 31 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] American (The) system of dentistry. In treatises by various authors. Edited by Wilbur F. Litch. Vol. I. Regional and comparative dental anatomy, dental histology, and dental pathology. Vol. II. Operative and prosthetic dentistry. 1034 pp. ; vi, 19-1017 pp. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 4' Co., 1886. American Temperance Society. Reports of the ... 4., 1831;" 6., 1833; 9., 1836. 8°. Bos- ton, 1831-6. -----. National circular. Addressed to the head of each family in the United States. 12 pp. 8°. New York, W. A. Hallock, [n.d.]. American (An) text-book of the diseases of children, including special chapters ou essential surgical subjects; diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat; diseases of the skin ; and on the diet, hygiene, and general management of chil- dren, by American teachers. Edited by Louis Starr, assisted bv Thompson S. Westcott. xiv, 1190 pp., 28 pi. " 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saun- ders, 1894. American (An) text-book of gynecology, medi- cal and surgical, for practitioners and students. By Henry T. Byford, J. M. Baltly, Edwin B. Cragin, J. H. Etheridge, William Goodell, How- ard A. Kelly, Floriau King, E. E. Montgomery, William R. Pryor, and George M. Tuttle. Edited by J. M. Baldy. xxiv, 713 pp., 37 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1894. American (An) text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students. By James C. Cam- eron, Edward P. Davis. Richard C. Norris, ed- itor. Robert L. Dickinson, art editor, [et al.]. 1009 pp., 49 pi., port. Philadelphia,W.B.Saun- ders, 1895. American (An) text-book of surgery for prac- titioners and students. By Charles H. Burnett, Phineas S. Conner, Frederic S. Dennis [et al.]. Edited by William W. Keen and J. William White, xix, 1209 pp., 37 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1892. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. xiv (1 1.), 1248 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1895. American (The) Therapist. A monthly record of modern therapeutics. With practical sug- gestions relating to the clinical applications of AMERICAN. 304 AMUEKST. American (The) Therapist—continued. drugs. Edited by John Aulde. v. 1-4, July, 1892-6. 8~. New York. Current. American (The) Vegetarian and Health Jour- nal. Published by the American Vegetariau .Society and edited by W. A. Alcott, T. L. Nich- ols, and Rev. Win. Metcalfe. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, Nov., 1850, to Oct., 1854. 8°. Philadelphia. American Veterinary College, New York City. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1876-7 (2.); 1878-9 to 1885-6 (4.-11.); 1887-8 (13.); 1890-91 (10.); 1891-2 (17); 1893-4 (19.); 1894-5 (20.). 12- cV 8°. New York, 1876-94. List of students and graduates for the years 1875-6; 1877-8 to 1884-5: 1886-7; 1889-90; 1890-91; 1892-3, and 1893-4 in announcements for subsequent years. List of graduates from 1876 to 1894, in announcement for 1894-5. Chartered April 29, 1875. American Veterinary Hospital, New York City. Annual reports ofthe surgeon-in-chief to the board of trustees of the college. 1., 1875-6; 4., 1878-9 ; 8., 1882-3. 12°. New York, 1876-83. Opened May, 1875. American Veterinary Review, v. 3-19, April, 1879-96. 8°. New York. Current. After June, 1879, edited by Dr. A. Liautard [et al.}. American (An) year-book of medicine and sur- gery, being a yearly digest of scientific progress and authoritative opinion in all branches of medicine and surgery, drawn from journals, monographs, and text-books of the leading American and foreign authors and investigators; collected and arranged with critical editorial comments by J. M. Baldy, C. H. Burnett [et al.], under the general editorial charge of George M. Gould. vi (1 1.), 17-1183 pp., 33 pi. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1896. Amerikanische (Der) Hausarzt. [Homoe- opathic.] Hrsg. von Dr. med. Staads. [Month- ly.] Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Oct., 1894, to March, 1895. 8°. Essex 4" Pomeroy, Iowa. Amerling' (H. Wharton). Address upon the formation of the American Society for the Pre- vention of Adulteration of Food, Drugs, etc., at Philadelphia, Pa. 24 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1867). Amerling- (Karl). DieIdioten-Anstalt in Prag. Mit hochortlicher Bewilligung vou dem St. Anna Frauenvereine in Prag gegriindet und am 17. Juui 1871 eroffnet. 2 1. 4°. [Prag, J. Sjmrny, 1*75 ?] Ainerman (George L.). See Chittenden (R. H.) 6c Anieriuan (G. L.) A comparison of artificial and natural gastric digestion, etc sc. London & Cambridge, 1893. Ames (Azel). The work of local boards of health. pp. 451-486. 8°. Boston, Wright 4-Potter, 1874. Repr.from: Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1874 v. -----. Sex in industry; a plea for the working- girl. 158 pp. 12°. Boston, J. R. Osgood 91. ----- & Nebelong (C.) Pharmacopcea noso- comii civitatis Havnieusis. 6. Oplag. 7 p. 1., 96 pp. 24°. Kjobenhavn, W. Prior, 1893. Aminer (K.) * Ueber das Verhalten der glatten Muskelfasern und Mastzellen bei Elephantiasis. 31 pp. ">0. Gbttingen, Dieterich, 1692. c. Animerman (Coleman R.) The medical and surgical directory of the State of Missouri for 1884 and 18?5. Containing the names, post- office address, place and date of graduation, and school of practice of the physicians ofthe State, the names aud residence ofthe officers antl mem- bers of the various city, county, district, and State medical societies; of tbe Missouri members of the various national medical associations— regular, eclectic, and homeopathic; of the Mis- souri members of the various national societies of specialists; names and residence of the State board of health, and of the State board of phar- macy; rosters of the U. S. examining surgeons for pensions for the State, and medical officers of the Missouri national guartl. Also, medical colleges, State charitable institutions, hospitals, dispensaries, medical laws, mortality statistics, and census tables, showing how Missouri com- pares with her sister States in the number of her insane, idiotic, blind, deaf and dumb, and how the same are cared for; an article on fraudulent diplomas, and an index of the physicians of the State, alphabetically arranged witli reference page to register report. 223 pp. *3. Quincy, Folk 4- Jones, 1*85. Ammeriniillei* (Christof Friedrich). * Ist als Bildungs-Typus fiir den menschlichen Organis- mus das Nerven- oder das Gefass-System anzu- sehen? 30 pp., 11. 12°. Tubingen, E. T. Eifiert, 1832. [P., v. 1521.] Am mi Visnaga. Malosse (T.) *Sur l'ammi visnaga. 4C. Montpellier, 1881. Kelt ah (Snr l'El). Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1887, .-xii, 315. Aiiiministi'azione (L') sanitaria. Manuale j per metlici provinciali, officiali sanitari comunali [etc.], fondato e diretto dal dott. Alberto Am- hrosi. [Seini-mouthlv.] Nos. 1-16, v. 1, March 15 to Oct. 31, 1891. 4-. Montegiorgio. Am mi rata (Doinenico). Considerazioni sopra un caso di cirrosi epatica. 10 pp. 8°. Palermo, Virzi, 1891. Amnion (B. W. Panuecoeck). #De erysipelate ejusque ab iuilammatione diversitate. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 4'-\ Hardervici, J. Moojen, [1790]. [P., v. 1937.] von Amnion (Friedrich). * Ueber das bran- chiogene Carcinom. 35 pp. 8 . Erlangen, A. Vollrath, 1891. von Am moil (Friederich August) [1799-1861]. De physiologia tenotomise experiments illus- trata. vi (1 L), 9-24 pp., 1 pi. fol. Dresdce, Walther, [1837]. -----. Kliuische Darstellungen der Krankheiten uud Biltlungsfehler des menschlichen Auges, der Augenlider und der Thranenwerkzeuge nach eigenen Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen. 4 pts. in 1 v. viii, viii, viii, 190, xxxvi pp., 55 pi. fol. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1838-47. -----. The same. Demonstrations cliniques des maladies congeniales et acquises de l'ceil humain et de ses annexes. Ouvrage compos6 de 55 pi. in fol. contenant 965 dessins graves sur pierre et colories avec soin, et d'une explication d^taillee des planches, suivie des considerations sur l'ana- tomie pathologique des orgaues de la vision. Trad, de l'allemand et public sous la direction de Victor Felix Szokalski. xxix, 164 pp. roy. 8J. Berlin 4' Paris, G. Reimer, 1846. Atlas wanting. -----. Brunnendiatetik. Anweisungen zum zweckmassigen Gebrauche der Gesundbruunen und Mineralbiider Deutschlands. 4. Aufl. xvi, 256 pp. 16°. Leipzig, Weidmann, 1841. -----. De spierdoorsnyding, als geneesmiddel van het scheelzien. Uit het Hoogduitsch door H. H. Hagemau, jr. ii, 42 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Am- sterdam, C. G. van der Post, 1841. -----. Der Epicanthus uud das Epiblepharon, zwei Bildungsfehler der menschlichen Gesichts- haut. Sendschreiben an Herrn Prof. Dr. J. Sichel in Paris. 81 pp., 1 pi. 6\ Erlangen, J. J. Palm 4- E. Enke, 1860. [P., v. 1440.] Repr.from: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1860, xxxiv. -----. Die ersteu Mutterpflichten und die erste Kindespflege. 19. Autl. xvi, 303 pp. 12°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1875. -----. The same. 29. Aufl. xvi, 319 pp. 12°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1887. -----. Thesame. Le livred'or dela jeune femme, sou rdle et ses devoirs comme ni&re de famille, soins a donner h la premiere eufance, d'apres la 35* Edition de l'original, par M. S. Gonrovitch, pre"ce"d6e d'une lettre de Jules Simon, xxiv, 294 pp. 12 . Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1891. See, aho, Bejjcr (J. II.) Las LMutauge, [etc.]. 8°. [Brihsel <£ Leipzig, 1843.1—Clesclieidt (IL.JIA.) [tn 1.8.]. Le colobomate iriilis. 4°. Dresdce, 1831. Fer Biography, see Zeis (E.) [in 1. ».]. Rede zum Ge- dacutnisse des am 18. Mai 1801 verstorbeneu Herrn Dr. Friedrich August von Amnion. 8°. Dresden, 1861. See, aho, Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1861, xiv, 269-274 (YVarnatz). Also, Reprint. von Amnion (Job.) [1807- ]. * Beitrag zur Statistik der Thrauensack-Exstirpatioueu. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, le92. Amnion (Otto). Die nattirliche Auslese beim Menschen; auf Gruud der Ergebnisse tier an- thropologischen Untersuchungen tier Welirpflich- tigen in Baden und anderer Materialien darge- stellt. x, 320 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Jenafi. Fischer,1693. Ammonia [including its salts]. See, also, Amides, etc; Amines; Serpents (Poisonous, Bites, etc., of, Antidotes, etc., for); Water (Chemistry, etc, of). Augls (P.) *Des sels d'ammonium a acides mincraiix employes eu pharmacie. 4°. Mont- pellier, 18o7. AMMONIA. 308 AMMONlACrM. .ImiiB^aiia [inclinliitg its salts]. Della Scua ( G. ) "Sur rammonium. 4 . Paris, 1855. Fischer (P.) * Ueber tlie Einwirkung ties Ammoniaks und Anilius auf einige uegativ sub- stituirte Halogenbenzolsulfosauren. [Berlin.] 8:. Potsdam, [1-92]. Fitte (J.) "Etude des combinaisons aintno- nie"es du zinc, du cadmium, du cuivre et de l'ar- gent. 4~. Montpellier, 1*94. GiitABD. Waarnemingen omtrent de genees- knndige eigeuschappen van den geest van ammo- niak zout in het algemeen eu wel bijzonder bij beschonkeuen. Uit het Fransch vertaald en met gevolgtrekkingen vermeerderd, door T. A. Jor- ritsma. * . Amsterdam, 1-29. Orohmasx (A.) * Ueher tlie Einwirkung von Ammouiak und Anilin auf Halogennitrobenzoe- 6auren und deren Derivate. [Berlin.] 8-'-. Potsdam, 1-92. GkCxeberg (M.) * Desinfectionsversuche mit Ammouiakdampfen. 8J. Wiirzburg, 1-94. Ixdicaciox de la dosis en que se debe usar el alkali volatil fluido, en los casos siguieutes: Apoplexia, asphixia, [etc.]. 12 . Mexico, [n.d.]. In: Medicixa. Variasrecetas. MS. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Meschoires (J.) "Ueber Arsenomolybdate und Phosphormolybdate des Ammoniums. 12°. Berlin, 1894. Miller (J.) * Ueber die Diffusion des Am- moniaks durch Wasser und durch Alkohol. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1891. Parkoff (A. I.) *0 svo'istvach ammiaka, kak sredstva dlia dezinfekzii. [Value of ammo- nia as disinfecting agent.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1894. Peissel (F. L.) * De salibus ammoniacali- bus. sm. 4°. Wittenbergw, 1767. Sage. Experiences propres a faire conuoltre que l'alkali volatil-fluor est le remede le plus efficace dans les asphyxies; avec des remarques sur les effets avantageux qu'il produit dans la morsure de la vipere, dans la rage, la brulure, l'apoplexie, etc. 8C. Paris, 1777. -----. The same. 16°. Douay, [n. d.]. Wedel (G. W.) Experimentum chimicum novum de sale volatili plantarum, quo latius expouuntur, specimiue ipso exhibito. 24 . Je- nos, 1075. ISachl (M.) Ueber tlie Ausscheidung von Ammoniak durch die Lungen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen, 1869, v, 61- 65. Aho, Reprint. — Binz (C.) Ueber Ammoniumsalzo nnd Kampher als erivgende Arzneiuiittel. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888, ix, 25-29. — Bninton (T. L.) On the action of ammonia and its salts, and of hydroeiauic acid upon muscle and nerve. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 384.—Coranda. Leber das Verhalten ties Ammo- niaks im menschlichen Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. n. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1879-80, xii, 76-96.—Delioux (J.) Etudes sur Its proprietes physiologiques et therapeu- tiques tie composes ammoniacaux. Arch. gen. de m6d. Par., 1851, 4. .-,.. xxvi. 5: 145; 288: iii, 26. Also, Reprint.— de Freiidcurcich (E.) lies essais de disinfection par les vapours ammoniacales. Ann. de microg., Par., 1893, v, 493-5U2. — Grchtgcu* (C.) Ueber Ammouiak-Ausschei- duug. Ztsclir. !'. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1880, iv, 36- 5L— Giacosa (P.) Studio sull' azione dell' aldeide am- mouiaca. Arch, per le >cnied., Torino, 1886, x, 293-310.— Glau»e (A.) 6c l.iicli^iii^er (B.) Zur Kenntniss der physiologischen Wirkungen eini«er Ammouiumbasen. Fortschr. tl. Med.. Berl.. 1884. ii, 276.— Gottbrecht (C.) Ueber die luulnisswidrige Eigenschaft des Ammoniaks. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1888-9, xxv 383-396. Aho [ Abstr. 1: Deutsche med. Wchnschr.' Leipz. u. Lei]., 1888, xiv, 601. Aho: Verhandl. tl. med! Ver. zu Greifswald 1-8.5-9, Leipz., 1890, 20-23.—Gran. (ham (J.) On the dermic effects of ammomia. Med. Times \ Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 521. Aho, in his: Addit! Mem. in Med. A: Surg. Ift6l, 8", Dartford, 1862, 12-14.— I.ehmnnn (V.| Leber die Einwirkung von Benzoyl- chloridauf Ammouiak. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb 1892-3. xvii. 404-409.-Mar fori (P.) Di alcuni sali d' am' inouio iniettati nel sangue. Mem. Accad. med.-chir di Ferrara, 1892-3, lxvi, fasc. 1 &. 2, 1-12. — Mvl»cu* (M.) Ammonia [including it.s salts]. Emploi therapeutique de l'ammoniaque, de ses sels et drs composes ou melanges ammoniacaux complexes dans les affections des organes respiratoires. Bull. Acad. roy. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1881, 3. s., xv, 351-354. Aho, Reprint (with additions).—Moreno (E.) Sul potere disiufettaute dei vapori di ammoniaca. Gazz. med. tli Torino, 1894, xiv 541-544. Also: Riforma med., Xapoli, 1894, x, pt. 3, 159I 161.—IVeni*ki (M. V.) K topogram ammiaka v zhivot- nom tlelle. [ ... of ammonia in the animal bodv.l Trudi Obsh. russk. vraoh. v S.-Peterb., 1894-5, lxi, 281- 284.—Nesbitt (W. B.) Chloral ammonium trichlora'-.nitlo f ethylic alcohol. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 88.— Pfliiger (E.) Ueber die quantitative Analyse van Siiu- ren und Basen, besonders des Ammoniaks durch Iotl uud Hyposulfit. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1888-9, xliv, 273-300.—Rabuteau. Apropos du dosage ties sels am- moniacaux par l'hypochloriteet l'hypobromitede sodium; position de la question et priorite. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 165-107.— Richardson (B. W.) Testiiig for ammonia under ammonia treatment. Ascle- piad. Lond., 1888. v, 40-43. -----. Ammonia as an anti- septic. Ibid., 1889,vi, 281-287.-Rumpf (T.) Klinische und experinientelle Untersuchungen iiber tlie Bildung und Ausscheidung von Ammoniak. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.] Berl., 1896, cxliii, 1-41. — Salomon (W.) Ueher die Vertheilung der Ammoniaksalze im thierischen Organis- mus und iiber deu Ort der Harnstoff bildung. I bid., 1884, xcvii, 149-170.—Smith (A.) The distribution of ammo- nia. Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1879, 3. s., vi, 267-278. Also.- Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., N. Y., 1878, xix, 374-377.—Toiiimasi (D.) Sulladissociazionedei sali ammoniacali alia temperatura ordinaria. Orosi, Firenze, 1881, iv, 73; 109; 145.— Trussevitch (J. I.) Injektzija nashatymago spirta, kak silneshee ojivliajoutschee. Jln- travenous injection of spirit of ammonia as a powerful re- storative.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1884, xxii, 837-842. Aho, Reprint.— Walley (P.) Ammonia, antl the stimulative system of treatment in disease. Vet. J. 6c Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1879, ix, 223-235.—Yurinski (N. O.) Ana- liz delstvia ammiachnikh sole! na tsentralnuyu uervnuyu sistemu. [Action of salts of ammonia upon the central nervous svstem.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 194-197. A1111110 ui a (Toxicology of). ISinnchi (A.) L'avvelenamento per ammoniaca. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 418; 426.—Bonnet. Un cas d'intoxication par l'ammoniaque. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1887, ix, 217-219.—Browne (A. A.) A case of ammonia poisoning. Canada M. 6c S. J., Mon- treal, 1881-2, x, 449. —Da Costa (J. M.) A case of am- monia poisoning, with unusual features. [Abstr.J Bos- ton M. 6c S. J.. 1891, exxv, 677. — Dickinson (J. C. H.) Poisoning with ammonia; tracheotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1214. — Fail-brother (H. C.) Poisoning from strong ammonia. St. Lonis M. 6c S. J., 1887, Iii, 272.— Francais. Note sur un cas d'enipoisonnement par l'ainnioniaque liquide chez une femme enceinte. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, pt. 2, 54; 68. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1877, 2. s., xlvii, 556-562. Also: Lyon med., 1877, xxiv, 587-590. Aho: Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull. 1877-8, Par., 1879, v, 32-38. — Garvin (L. F. C.) Poisoning by aqua ammonia. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1880, ciii, 166.—Giutrac (H.) Empoisonnement par l'ammoniaque, Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. tl. h6p. de Bordeaux, ii, 1867, 118-123.—Hancock (W. J.) A fatal case of acute ammonia poisoning. Med. Chron., Manches- ter, 1891, xiv, 107-110.—Harnack (E.) Ueber deu Sec- tionsbefund bei Vergiftungen durch Ammoniak und durch salpetrigsaures Natrium. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1139.—Harris (G. F. A.) Accidental poison- ing by ammonia vapour. Indian M. J., Calcutta, 1885, iv, 673-675.— Kaiiders (J.) Vergiftung durch Aetzanmio- niak. Wien. med. BL, 1881, iv, 513-517.— .Tlnnicu* (H. T.) Ammoniakforgiftning. Hosp. - Tid., Kjobenh., 1888, 3. R., vi, 891-894.— Meyer (J.C.), jr. Poison in ammonia; poisoning of fifty-four horses by inhalation. Am. Vet. Rev., N. T., 1883-4, vii, 445-453. —Mommsen. Der Mechanismus der Ammoniakvergifuins. Tagebl. d.Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. 11. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, Iii, 2e4-28t;. Also: Med. - chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1880, xv, 352. — Oliver. Case of ammonia poisoning; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 18.—Page iVV. K.) A caseof ammonia poisoning: recovery. 'Michigan M. News, De- troit, 1881, iv, 27.— Potain. Empoisoniiement par l'ain- moniaque liquide. Union m6d., Par., 1802, 2. s., xiii, 119- 126. Also: Bull. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par. (1861-5), 1865, v, 165-173. — Vitali (D.) Della ricerca chimico-tossico- logica dell' ammoniaca. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 18e8-9,4. s., ix, 297-301. Aho: Boll.farm.,Roma, 1889, xxviii, 1-6. Swaktz (E.) * De gummi ammoniaco. sm. 4°. Upsaliie, [1626]. % III IIIO Iii.') I'll III. AMMONIUM. 309 AMNION. Ammonium acetate. Fla>*d (L.-A.) *Sur l'emploi therapeutique tie l'acetate d'ammouiaque dans differeutes mala- dies. 4:. Strasbourg, 1633. Saucrhering (D. L.) [Liquor ammonii acetatis or spirits of Mindei-erusl Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc., Milwau- kee. 1889, xxiii, 181-183. Ammonium bromide. Bystroff (X.) *Deistvie ammonii bromati na jivotnyi or<>anizm i terapevticheskoe upotre- blenie ego v detskoi praktike. [Therapeutic uses of bromide of ammonium.] 8 \ St. Peters- burg. 1669. Brccheuiin (L.), jr. The physiological action of the bromide of ammonium. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 296.— Griffith (G. de G.) On the uses of bromide of ammo- nium. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, 2. s., xi. 264. -----. On the uses of the bromide of ammonium, especially in cases of irritable uterus and certain other affections which obtain in the female subject: also its use in lesions occur- ring in the male. Ibid., xii. 411: 477; 500.—Maxwell (T.) The inhalation of bromide of ammonium fumes. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1012— Wood (E. H.) The bro- mide nf ammonium. Michigan M. News, 18S1. iv, 122-124. Ammonium carbonate. Brewer (E. P.) On the use of carbonate of ammonia as a stimulant. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882. lxxxiv, 140- 147.—Currier (J. M.) The use of carbonate of ammo- nia. Med. ^c Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 403.— Gutt- eeil ( YV.) Ammonium carbonicum. Med. Ztg. Russ- lands St. Petersb., 1847, iv, 7. Ammonium chloride. Malixix (X. V.) * K voprosu o vliyauii chlori- stago ainnioniya (5 grammov v sutki), na usvoe- nie zhirov pischi i koshno-legotchniya poteri u zdorovych ludei. [Action of chloride of ammo- nium (f> grains per day) in digestion of fatty substances and excretion by skin and lungs in healthy persons.] 6-. St. Petersburg, 1-94. Tscherxysheff (V. S.) *K voprosu o vliya- nii chloristago ammouiya ( 5 grammov v sutki), na usvoenie i obmen azota i kolichestvo srednei sery v motche u zdorovych ludei. [Action of chloride of ammonium (5 grams per day) on assimilation and metabolism of nitrogen aud tin the quantity of sulphur in the mine.] 8-. St. Petersburg, 1>93. Yurixski (X. O.) *K pharmakologii chloris- tago ammouiya. [Pharmacology of chloride of ammonium.] 8C. St. Petersburg, 1~'J4. Cohen (S. S.) Inhalation of the recent vapor of ammonium chloride. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii. 480-182.—Maxwell (P. W.) A method of generating neutral fumes of ammonium chloride for inhalation. Brit. M. L, Lond., 1888, ii, 945. Aho: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ire- land, Dubl.. 1889, vii, 33-37. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1889, 3. s., lxxxvii, 219-223.—Mitchell (T. S.) Some of the therapeutic effects of hydrochlorate of ammonia. South. M. Rec, Atlanta. 1880. x. 439.—Moore (K. P.) Practical observations in the use of muriate of .ammonia. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta. 1871-3, xxiv, 121-127. Also: Atlanta M. 6c S. J., 1873-4, xi, 214-219. Amnion Hum hydrosulphate. Cat-nii'i- 5. Pilgram ([P.] H.) *Die Zotten und Karun- kcln ties meuschlichen Amnion. 8-'. Marburg, 1--9. Vni (A.) *L' amnios nmano nella sua genesi e .struttura ed in rapporto all' origine del liquido amniotico. 8°. Siena, 1686. Ahlfcld. I'ebereiuen eigeuthiimlichen Amnionfaden. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1877, xii, 154. — Cane" ( F. E. ) The functions of the amnion. Lancet. Lond., 1888, ii, 1274.— Dnral (M.) Mouvements de l'amnios. Progres med., Par., IssO. viii, 425.—Ferrari (P. L.) Sulla strut- tura della membrana amniotica nei vari mesi della gravi- danza. Sperimentale. Sez. biol., Firenze, 1895. xlix, 62- 88. — <»ladu»henko ( N. V. ) Ob epitel. vodnoi obo- lochki chelovieka. [ Epithelium of the human amnion. ] Med. prihav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1880, 133- 143.—Linnge (M.) Beitrag zur Histologic des mensch- lichen Amnion und des Xabelstranges. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1894, xxviii, 94-121. 3pi. — lij on (G. W. A.) Derivation of the word "amnion '. Obst. (Ja/., Cincin.. 1881-2. iv, 231-233. — Mehnert ( E. ) L'eber Entwickelung. Bau und Function ties Amnion und Am- niouganges nach Untersuchungen au Emys lutaria tanrica (Marsilii). Morphol. Arb., Jena, 1894, iv, 207-274, 4 pi.— Melienk (S. L.) Beitrage zur Lehre vom Amnion. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii, 192-201. — Shore (T. W.) A. Pickering (J. W.) The proamnion ami amnion in the chick I Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1889-90, xxiv, 1-21, 1 pi- Wmith (I). T.) The uses of the amnion. K". York M. J. Iss7 xlvi, 657-060. Also: Am. Pract. i. Xews, Loui-vill.. 1S87, n. s.. iv, 361-366. — Moboleff (I. ) Die Verlet /.uns: des Amnions wahrend der Bibriituug. Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien, 1883, ii, 109-176, 1 pi. — Nli-alil ill.) Veigleich der Bildung der vorderen Amnionfalte be im Siiii.uethier- und Reptilienembryo. Sit- zungsb. tl. Gesellsch. z. l!ei\"ird. d. ges. Xaturw. zu Marl). (1884), 1885, llti-12'j. —Viti (A.) Sulla struttura dell' amnios umano. Boll d. Soc tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1-8".. iii, 196-200. Amnion (Abnormities and diseases of). Sn; also, Amputation (Intra-uterine). Hamard (E.) "Etude sur un cas d'anonialie rare de i'nmuios. 4-. Paris, 1602. StHi'LKR (H.) *Priniarer und secundiirer Fruchtw asst-riiiangcl.. 8-. Marburg, IKI'J. Ahlfcld iF.) Defecte des Amnionepithels. In hh: Ber. u. Arb. a. tl. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Marb., 8°, Leipz., 1885. ii, 17-22,1 pi. -----. Die Verwachsungen des Amnion mit der Oberfliiche tier Frucht. Ibid., 1885-6, s3, Leipz., 1887, iii, 158-1G5, 2 pi.—Blanc (L.) Sur une anoma- lie nouvelle de l'amnios. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1892, 9. s.,iv, 320,-C'larke (W. B.) Black amniotic fluid. Med. Inst., Phila., 1888, iii, 85.—Craig (M. A.) Absence of liquor ainnii. Sacramento M. Times, 1887, i, 289.— Erskine (A. R.) Complete expulsion of the amnion. Med. 6c Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880. xiii, 284.—Hamilton (S. X.) Absence of amniotic fluid. Boston M. 6c S. J., IsSo, cii, 23.—Jaggard (W. W.) Xote ou oligohydram- nios Am. J. Obst.. X. Y., 1894, xxix, 433-146. Also: Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc, X. Y., 1892-4, ii, 257-270.—I,a Torre (F.) Un caso di oligoidramnios. Bull. tl. r. Accad. med. di Roma. 1891-2, xviii, 224-231.—Potter (R. L.) A curious obstetrical case. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1892, xii, 498-500.— Sarwey. Ein Fall von Missbildung, hervorgerufen durch abnorme Engigkeitdes Amnion. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl., 1894, xlvi, 503-511, 1 pi.— Trnzzi (E.) Dell' oligoi- dramnios nei suoi rapporti collo sviluppo del feto. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1889, xlviii, 325; 335; 345,1 tab.—Va- lenta(A.) Ueber den sogenannten poly pen form igen in- nern Vorfall der Fruchtblase. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u • Gvnak., Stuttg., 1877, ii, 34-42. Amnion (Dropsy of). Bar (P.) * Recherches pour servir a l'histoire de 1'hydrainnios (pathog6uie). 4:.' Paris, 1*81. Barbezieix (G.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'hydramnios. De l'6tat de developpement du fatus dans les cas d'hydramnios. 4°. Paris, 16*0. -----. The same. -^ Paris, 1869. Darnis (M.) * Contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie de l'hydramnios. 4?. Paris, 1891. •Delassls (A.) "fitude sur l'hydropisie de l'amnios. [Paris.] 4°. Lille, 16-1. Kahl (J.) * U»-l).»r das eiuseitige Hydramnion bei eineiigen Zwillingen. 6°. Marburg, 1K14. Amnion (Dropsy if). Lebedkff \A.) *K uclieniou o chrezmcrnom nakoplenii okoloplndnoi jidkosti. (Hydramuios.) 8C. St. Petersburg, 167*. Manxes (A.) * Ueber Hvtlramnion. bs Marburg, 1691. Nixaud (L.) * Contribution a l'e'tude dc Thy- dropisie aigue de l'amnios et de sou traitement. 4°. Paris, 1693. Pelzer (C.) * Ueber das akute Hydramnion. 8-. Bonn, 1887. Petitjeax (J.) "Contribution a l'etude de l'hydramnios. 4"\ Paris, 1880. Klmiialm (H.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologie ties Hytlraniuions. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1893. Sallixger(L.) Ueber Hydramnios iniZusani- menhang mit der Entstehung ties Frucht wassers. 8°. Ziirich, 1-75. Schafmiu'rc; (G. A.) 'Ueber Hydramnios. 8°. Basel, 1892. Ah Iff Id (F.) Hydramnion. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gvnaek. K4iu. zu Marb., 8°, Leipz., 1885, ii, 110- 113, 1 pi.—Bar (P.) Dans rhydramnios faut-il songer a l'existence probable d'un monstre, plus particulierement a un foetus monstrneux par hydropisie de la cavite cC-reliro- spiuale? Arch, de tocol., Par., 1882, ix, 528-532.----. Snr un cas d'hydramnios developpee pendant les premieres semaines de la grossesse. Bull, et mem. Soc. tie m£d. prat. de Par., 1888, 940-945. Also: J. tie med. de Par., 1889, xvi, 24. Also: Rev. gen. de cliu. et de therap., Par., 1889, iii, 185.— Kelinge (F. A. A.) Notes of a case of hydrops amnii. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran.. 1880, xxii, 505-507.— Blnne (E\) De rhydramnios aigue. X. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1886, i, 117-126.—Boyd (J. St. C.) Case of pseudo-hydramnios. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1887, iii, 401-405.—Brodnax (B. IL) Case of multiple annua (or hydramnia?). Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1889-90, xvi, 463. — II ml in (P.) Hydroamnios; accouchement premature spontan6; mort de l'enfant; hemorrhagic du cervelet. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, 4. s., iv, 106-110. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1879, vii, 648.—Caucliy (C.) Considerations pratiques ti propos d'un cas d'hydramnios. Concours med., Par., 1880, ii, 569-571. Also: Arch, tie tocol., Par., 1880, vii, 619-622.—Charpentier. De rhy- dramnios et en particulier de l'hydramnios aigue considered au point de vue tie letiologie, de la svmptomatologie et dn traitement. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1880, vii, 321; 385; 449; 541; 593. Aho, Reprint.—Chereau (A.) Observation d'hydropisie de l'amnios. Bull. Soc. ni6d.-prat. de Par., 1845, no. 41, 22-27.—Chittick (W.R.) A case of hydram- nion. Detroit Lancet, 1884-5, n. s., viii, 541.—Ciccone (V.) Id rope uterina delle gestanti; idrocefalo fetale; pun- turn dell' addome. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1881, xxiv, 385-389. —Delassus (A.) Xote sur l'hydropisie de l'amnios. J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1886, viri, 605-610 — Dcpaul. Hydropisie de l'amnios. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1880, viii, 10. -----. Hydramnios. Ibid., 97-99.— Borland (J.) Successive dropsies of the amnion always specific. Canada M. 6c S. J., Montreal, 1883-4, xii, 201- 208.—Evans (A. H.) A case of hydramnios complicating twin pregnancy. Atlanta M. 6c S. J., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 404- 406.—Florentine (F. B.) Amniotic dropsy, ascites and ovariotomy; recovery. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 149-153.—Gallois (E.) Accouchement laborieux par hy- dramnios et par absence de flexion tie la tete. J. boc. de med. et pharm. tie ITsere, Grenoble, 1882-3, vii, 2-4. — Oil- leopie (A.L.) Xote on the presence of different albu- moses in the amniotic fluid. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1893-4, xix, 151-153. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 142-144.- Gretz (E.) Hydramnios. Rev. med. de la Suisse Horn., Geneve, 1886, vi', 153-158.—Green (C. M.) A case of acute hydramnios, with remarks on the. pathology of this affec- tion. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 121-123.-----Concern- ing the aetiology and pathology of hydramnios. Ibid., 267. — Gresloii. Hydramnios; presentation de la face. J. de med. de Par., 1884, vii, 375-380.—GruzdeflT( V. S.) K vopr. ob etiologii ostrago mnogovod. (hydramnios acutus), v sviazi s uchen. o proischozhden. okoloplod. vdui voob- sche. [On etiology of hydramnios acutus with regard to its connection witli the liquor ainnii.) Vracli, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 1121; 1155; 1184; 1214.—Harnack (E.) Ueber die Zusamraensetzung einer Hylramuionrliissigkeit una den relativeu Saltzgehalt in si-iii.vii FliissigUeiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1888, xxv, v.i Ilnultain (F. W. >.) Hydramnios in the early months of pregnancy. Am. 3. Obst, N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 708-711.— Humphrey* (F. K.) Case of acute hydrops amnii following sudden death of a near relative. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 368.—Ingalls (W.) Hydramnios. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1888, cxviii, 13.-Koi- ■uinski (F.) Przypadek ostrego nadmiaru potoku (hy- dramnios acutus) leczony przez punkcye macicy. [. . • cured by puncture of the uterus.) Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1895, xxxiv, 558; 569.—Krusc (A.) Ueber Hydramnion bei AMNION. 311 AMNION. Amnion (Dropsy of). eineiigeu Zwillingen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leinz., 18'10 xvi 88. Also: Verhandl. tl. med. Ver. zu Greifs- wald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890, 199-203.—Kiislner (O.) Ue- her Hydramnios bei eineiigeu Zwillingen. Taiiebl. tl.Ver- sanuu'l. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 283. _____. Leber Hydramnion bei eineiigeu Zwillingen. (An- schliessend an the Arbeit: "Zur Kenntniss ties Hydram- nion", dieses Archiv, Bd. x, S. 134.) Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1883, xxi, 1-28.—I.ainbl (D. > Ein seltener Fall von Hydramnios. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1881, v, 329; 353. Also, Reprint.—Lepage (G.) De la ponction de l'uterus par ia paroi abdominale dans l'hydropisie de l'anmios. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1888, xxx, 257-269.— liichlitcr (D. C.) A case of hydramnios complicating a twin pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii, 590- 595.—Liudley (W.) Hydramnion. 1 bid., 1889,xxii, 132- 136 — Longaker (D.) Hydramnion; malformation of the tutus. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 639. -----. Hydram- nion, anasarca of foetus, and hypertrophy of heart, with fibro-fatty placenta. Ann. Gynaec, Bost., 1888-9, ii, 324, 3 pi.— Lnneari, Observation d'hydramnios: dystocie causee par le volume excessif de l'enfant. J. do med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1876, x, 96-103. — lU'Clintock (A. H.) Acute hydramnios. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1879-80, xiii, 94-101 Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880. 3. s., lxix. 533-540. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1880, viii. 023-631.—ITIne- leod (J.) A case of hydramnios with triplets. Maritime M. Xews, Halifax, 1891. iii, 119. — .Hcfoy ( G. T.) Hy- dramnios; malformation of tho nose. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx, 64S-650.—.Tlantel (P.) Contribu- tion h l'6tude de la pathogenie de rhydramnios; de l'in- fluence exerc6e par l'insertiou inf&rieure du placenta sur la grantle quantit6 de liquide amniotique contenn dans 1'ceuf humain. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1888, xv, 46; 107; 177; 220. — Meola ( F. ) Contribuzione all' etiologia dell' itlramnios. Morgagui, Xapoli, 1883, xxv, 624; 701.—Mont- gomery (E. E.) Acute hydramnios. Phila. M. Times, 18S2-3, xiii, 693. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1883, xiii, 723.— Ilorri* (J.) Hydrops chorii: presentation of two bags of waters. Med. Chron., Bait., 1882-3, i, 295-300. Aho, Reprint. Also (Abstr.): Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x, 200. — .llnsscr ( J. H. ) A case of dropsy of amnion Semi ann. Tr. Lancaster City 6c Co. M. Soc, 1882, iii, 37- 40.—.Napier (A. D. L.) Remarks on hydramnios anil hydrorrhcea. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 1065-1067. — IVegri (P.) L' idramnios specialmente considerato in rapporto con lo stato del feto. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1883, v, 417- 428.—Newman (S. T.) On dropsy of the amnion. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri, 1878, i, 190-198. — Nicolas. Hydramnios; ponction: accouchement premature. Dau- phine mecl., Grenoble, 1889, xiii, 70-74. Aho: J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1888-9, viii, 275.— Aieberding (W.) Bei- trag zur Kenntniss der Genese des Hydramnion Pest- schr. z. 3. Saecularfeier . . . d. med. Fac. Wiirzb., Leipz., 1882. ii, 159-181, 1 pi. Also: Tagebl.d. Yersamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 280-2-3. Also: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl. 1882 xx, 310-310. Aho: Allg. Wien. med'. Ztg... 1884, xxix, 113.—IVoble (R. W.) Dropsy of the amnion: Mississippi Yalley M. Month., Memphis, 1887, vii, 443-446.—Novi (R.) Idramnio e mostruositA fetali. Ann. clin. tl. Osp. d. incur, in Xapoli, 1887, 95-98. —Oni (M.) De l'hydramnios. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1895, viii, 97, 129. — On linen I. L'hydropisie de l'amnios. Rev. med.-chir. tie Par., 1849, vi, 321-328: 1850, vii, 5-12. Aho, Reprint.— Pajot. Hydropisie considera- ble de l'amnios; persistance de la poche des eaux; impos- sibilit6 de faire le diagnostic de la presentation; ce qu'il convient de faire. Ann.de gynec, Par., 1886, xxv, 16-19.— Parry (LI. D.) A case of hydramnios. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 45. —Phillips (J.) The eti- ology and pathology of bydramnios, with its relation to certain fcetal deformities. Edinb. M. J., 1886-7, xxxii, 804; 898. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 863. Also I Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 921. — Phocas ( G.) Grossesse gemellaire; hydramnios; ponction; guerison. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1890, xxxiii, 361-367. Also, Reprint.—Pickles (J. J.) Dropsy of the amnion. Obst. J. Gr. Brit, Lond., 1880, viii, 337. — Plummer ( F. H.I A case of hydramnion, with atresia ani in the child. Med Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 565.—Handle (H. A.) Hydram- nios; dropsy of the foetus. China M. Miss. J.. Shanghai, 1891, v, 220-222.—Razcn (F.) TJeber das Hydramnion, Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. du gr.-duch6 de Luxemb., 1885, 83- 90.— Reeve-* (H. A.) Hydramnios simulating ovarian tumour, with pregnancy; abdominal section; delivery per vias naturales; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 125.— Rodger (T. A.) Case of hydrops amnii; remarkably short funis. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1880-81, ix, 193- 198.—Rogan (W. F.) Case of dropsy of the amnion. Tr. Belfast Clin. & Path. Soc, 1854, 92. — Schatz (F. ) Eine besondere Art von einseitiger Polyhydramnie mit anderseitiger Oligohydramnie bei eineiigeii Zwillingen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1882, xix, 329-369.—Simpson (A. It.) Hydramnios, and the source of the liquor amnii. Tr. Edinb.'Obst. Soc, 1881-2, vii. 118-123. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1882-3, xxviii, 33-38.—NndhoflT (K.> Akutes Hydram- nion bei Sarkom der Steissdriise ties Ftitus im 5. Monate. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1885, ix, 248.—Tibonc (D.j Amnion (Dropsy of). Sull' itlramnios. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 358-366. — Tillaux. La ponction de l'uterus dans rhydramnios aigu. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 749. — Tisbn. Con- sideratious pratiques a, propos d'un cas d'hydramnios. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1880, Par.. 1881, ix, 976-979.—I'oogood (J.) Case of dropsy of the amnion. Prov. M. ,v S. J., Lond., 1841. ii, 149. Also, inhis: Remin. Med. Life, 8 Taunton, 1853,139-142.—Tor- res Fabregat. Etiologia, patogenia y tratamiento del hidroamnios. An. tie obst.. ginepat. v pediat., Madrid, 1883, 2. ep., iii, 367; 371.—Townsend ('(!. W.) Two cases of hydramnion associated with abdominal distention in the ftitus. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxx, 139.—Trnzzi (E.) Ancora dei rapporti etiologici tra 1' insorzione velamentosa del cordone ombellicale, 1' itlramnios, e le anomalie di svi- luppo del feto. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1883, 8. s., v, 467-471.—Villa (F.) Idramnios acuto; contributo di casuistica; considerazioni critichc Ann. di ostet., Mi- lano, 1891, xiii, 389; 437, 1 pi.; 557 .— Viti ( A. ) Di una speciale modiflcazione nell' epitelio amniotico in caso di itlramnios. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1885, iii, 225-228. —Werth. Einseitiges Hydramnion mit Oligohydramnie der zweiten Frucht bei Zwillingsschwan- gerschaft aus einem Ei, mit Bemerkungen zur Lehre vom Hydramnion. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1882, xx, 353-377, 1 diag. A ho, Reprint.— Wilde (E.) Hidropesia del am- nios. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1875-6, xii, 318-320.— Wilson (R. T.) A contribution to the historv of hy- dramnios. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 1-25. Also, Re- print. Also, transl.: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1887, xiv, 481- 507.—Withrow (J. M.) Hydramnios. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 539-544.—Wold (H.) Zur Syiup- tomatologie ties akuten Hydramnion. Centralbl. f. Gy- nak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 1153-1155. Amnion (Liquor of the). See, also, Amnion (Dropsy of); Labor (Ab- normities of). Espich (J. J.) De aquis in quibus tempore gestationis foetus humanus quasi natat. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1685]. Franck(J. L.) * De liquore amnii. 4°. Got- tingce, 1764. Held (J. N.) * De liquore amnii. sm. 4°. Giesste, [1750]. Hocks (H.) * Ist das Fruchtwasser fiir die Ernahrung des Embryo von Bedeutung oder nicht? 8°. Bonn, 1895. Hopmann (W.) * Ueber die Herkunft ties Frucbtwassers. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Klamroth (F. A.) * Ueber Entstehung des Frucbtwassers. 8°. Berlin, [1881]. Labruhe (yl.f * Etude cbimique du liquide amniotique tie la fenime. 4^. Paris, 1888. Levy (M.) * Etude sur le liquide amniotique colore" en vert pendant le travail. Pathogenie, causes et valeur pronostique de cet accident. 4°. Paris, 1893. Maggia (M.) Influenza della quantita delle acque dell' amnios e della lunghezza del cordone ombellicale snllo sviluppo del feto. Studio pre- ventive 8°. Padova, 1886. Nahm (G-.) * Ueber die Herkunft und Auf- gabe des Frucbtwassers. 8L. Wiirzburg, 1666. Neustube (P. T.) * K ucheniou ob okolo- plodnoi jidkosti. [Study on liquor amnii. 1 8°. St. Petersburg, 1891. Pinko (K.) "* Das Frucbtwasser und seine Bedeutung fiir die Frucht. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Posthumcs (G.) * De liquore fetali amnios vulgo dicto; cum tribus casibus, deficiente pror- sus hoc liquore parturientium in Nosocomio aca- demico observatis. 8°. Groningce, [1819]. Saxdmeyer (W.) * Ueber den Eiweissgehalt des Frucbtwassers. 8°. Marburg, 1888. de Troudxitzky, Fme. Mociiekoff (N.) * fitude sur le liquide amniotique vert consider6 comme signe do soutfrance cbez l'enfant. 4°. Lille, 1893. Zycki (A.) * Das Frucbtwasser, seine Genese und seine Bedeutung. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Doderlein. TJeber Herkunft und Bedeutung des Frucbtwassers. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak. 1889. Leipz., 1890, 311-322. — Fehling (H.) Ueber die physiologische Bedeutung ties Fruchtwassers. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1879, xiv, 221-244. Aho, Reprint,—Haid- AMNION. 312 AMOROS [Y ONDEANO]. Amnion (Liquor of the). ten (li.) Ein I'.eitrag zur Lehre vom Frucbtwasser. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1^4-5, xxv, 40-50.—Hettler (J. P.i " De l'iquoris amnii natura do indole. Giesste, 1776. In. Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.], 12°, Frankf. u. Leipz., I7M, xiii, 8-16. — Kriikenberg (G.) Kritische und experinientelle Untersuchungen iiber die Herkunft des Frucbtwassers. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl., 1883, xxii, 1-46.—Ij;iN«nigue (J.-L.) Nouvelles recherches sur la composition des eaux de l'allantoide et de l'amnios de la vache. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1821, xvii, 295-305. Aho J 4. ] Ainoros [y Olldeano] (Francisco) [1769- 1*13]. Stance d'ouverture de gymuase civil et AMOKOS [Y OXDEANO]. 313 AMPHIBIA. Ainoros [y Ondeano] (Francisco)—cont'd. orthopeuique situ6 rue Jean-Goujou, No. 6, quar- tier do Francois Premier; et les principaux r6- sultats de l'exp^dition de M. le colonel . . . & la place et au camp de Saint-Omer. 44 pp. 8-. I'aris, F. Malteste 4- Cie, 1634. [P., v. 1259.] Amoroso (Gaetauo). See lie Benzi (E.) 6c Amoroso (G.) Ricerche speri- mentali sulla rabbia. 8°. Xapoli, 1887. Aniortll (Antonio). Istruzioni snlla visita degli animali e delle loro carni pei visitatori di cam- pagna che non bano cognizioni veteriuarie se- condo il testo dell' R. Instituto veterinario di Vienna; tradnzione dal tedesco. vii, 175 pp. 16;. Milano, Martinelli e Co., 1845. Amory (Robert) [1842- ]. Experiments upon the physiological action of bromide of potassium aud ammonium (as determined on man and the lower animals); selected paper read before the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 1, 1869. 49 pp. 8°. Boston, D. Clapp 4' Son. 1869. _____. Recent progress in therapeutics. 16 pp. 8C. [Boston, 1876.] Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1876, xciv. _____. A contribution to tbe bfematinic proper- ties of dialyzed iron; being extracts from com- munications read before the Boston Society of the Medical Sciences, and the Boston Society for Medical Observation. 7 pp., 5 pi. 8C. Cam- bridge, 1679. Repr. from: Boston M. 6c S. J., 1879, c. -----. The same. 16 pp., 5 pi. 8C. Philadel- phia, Lehman 4 Bolton, 1879. -----. The same. 20 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Philadel- phia, G. F. Lasher, 1882. -----. A treatise on electrolysis and its applica- tions to therapeutical and surgical treatment in disease, vii, 307 pp. 8:. New York, W. Wood 4 Co., 1666. See, also, Kiiss (E.) [in 1. s.J. A course of lectures on physiology. 8°. Boston, 1875. -----. A manual of physiology. 12°. London, 1875. — Wharton ( F. ) & Stille (M.) [in 1. s. ]. A treatise on medical jurispru- dence. 4. ed. v. 2. 8-. Philadelphia, 1882-4. Amos (Andrew) [ -I860]. The great oyer of poisoning; the trial of the Earl of Somerset for the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, in the Tower of Loudon; and various matters con- nected therewith from contemporary MSS. 551 pp., 2 port. 8°. London, R. Bentley, 1846. Amoildrnz (V.) Assainissement de Paris. Le tout a l'egout rationnel obtenu par la vidange hydraulique. Memoire pr6sent£ a la commission technique d'assainissement de la ville de Paris. 32 pp., 11., 1 pi. 83. Paris, Ditcher f Cie, 1883. Amour (L') aux colonies; singularity physio- logiques et passionnelles observes durant trente annees de sejour dans les colonies francaises. Cochinchine, Tonkin et Cambodge, Guyane et Martinique, S6ne>al et Rivieres du Sud, Nou- velle-Cale'donie, Nouvelles-He'brides et Tahiti. Par le docteur Jacobus X . . . vii, 396 pp. 8°. Paris, I. Liseux, 1893. Edition unique k 330 exemplaires: No. 143. Amourel (Ernest). *Des tumeurs fibreuses des grandes levres. [Paris.] 80 pp. 4°. Le Mans, 1883, No. 406. Amouretti (H.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'ulcere pbage"denique des pays chauds particu- likrement observe' an Senegal. 50 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1885, No. 302. -----. Tbe same. 50 pp. 8°. Lyon, imp. nou- velle, 1885. Amoy. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Jones (C. M.) . d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1893, 52-64.— Johnson (Alice) & Sheldon (Liliau). Notes on the development of the newt (Triton cristatus). Ouart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1885-6, n. s., xxvi, 573-589, 3 pl.—liaest- uer (S.) Die Entwickelung der ExtreniitSten- und Bauch- musculatur bei den anuren Amphibien. Arch. f. Anat, u. Eutweklngsgeseh., Leipz., 1893, 257-292. 1 pi. _____. Ue- ber die Entstehung der Extreiuitatenmusculatur bei deu anuren Amphibien. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch. Jena 1893, vii, 193-199.—Krukcnbcrg (C. F. W.) Die Haut- farbstoffe der Amphibien. In his: Vergleich.-phvsiol Stud., 8=, Heidelb., 1882, 2. R., 2. Abth., 43-49, 1 pi.—'Ha. calliim (A. B.) Studies on the blood of amphibia Tr Cauad. Inst., Toronto, 1892, ii, 221-259. — Tluthcs (P.) Zur Morphologie der Mesenterialbildungen bei A mphibien Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1895, xxiii, 256-28. [Paris, 1*67 ] Lindsay (A.) On the Amphioxus lanceo- latus. »3. [n. p., 1-57.] Repr. from: Ann. 6c Mag. Nat. Hist., 1857. Amphioxus. Kathke (M. H.) Bemerkungen iiber den Bau des Amphioxus lanceolatus, eines Fisclies aus der Ordnung der Cyclostomen. 4°. Kbnigsberg, Eohox (J. V.) Untersuchungen iiber Amphi- oxus lanceolatus; ein Beitrag zur vergleichen- den Anatomie tier Wirbelthiere. 4- Wien 16 c2. Repr. from: Denkschr. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch Mathemat.-natnrwiss. Cl., Wien, xiv. Stikda (L.) Studieu iiber den Amphioxus lanceolatus. roy. SJ. St. Petersburg, 1673, Cutting from: Mem. Acad. d. sc. de St.-Petersb. 1873 7. s.,xix. ' ' Andrews (E. A.) An undescribed acraniate: Asym- metronlucayanum. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud biol lab Bait.. 1891-3, v, 213-247, 2 pi.— Balfour (F. M.) On the spinal nerves of amphioxus. Quart. J. Micr. Sc Lond 1880, n. s., xx, 90.— Benham (W. B.) The structure of the pharyngeal bars of Amphioxus. Ibid., 1893-4 xxxv 97-118, 2 pi. Aho [Rejoinder]: Anat, Anz., Jena, 1893' viii, 762-765.—Boveri (T.) Ueber tlie Bildungsstiitte tier Geschlechtsdriisen und die Entstehung der Genitalkam- mern beim Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892, vii 170- 181.—Kismond (J.) Zur Ontogenio des Amphioxus lan- ceolatus; Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1894, xiv, 353-360.— I*oodsir (J.) On the anatomy of Amphioxus lanceolatus lancelet, Varrell. Tr. Roy. Soc. Ediub., 1841, xv, 247-263' 2 pi. Aho, in his: Anat. Mem., 8D, Edinb., 1S68, i, 371-393 - pl— Hatschek (B.) Studien iiber Entwickhui" des Amphioxus. Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien, 1881-9 iv, 1-88, 9pl. -----. Teber den Schichtenbau von Amphi- oxus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 662-667. Also: Ver- handl. tl. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1888, ii, 135-140. [Discus- sion], 149-152. -----. Dio Metamerie des Amphioxus nnd des Ainmocoetes. Ibid., 1892, vi, 136-162.—Kowalevsky (A.) Weitere Studien iiber die Entwickelungsgeschiclite des Amphioxus lanceolatus, nebst einem Beitrage zur Ho- mologie des Nervensystems der Wiirmer uud Wirbelthiere Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xiii, 181-204, 2 pl.—L,nn- kesler(E.R.) Contributions to the knowledge of Amphi- oxus lanceolatus, Tarrell. Quart. J. Micr. Sc Loud 1888-9, n. s., xxix, 365-408, 5 pl. — r,ankester (E.R.J& Willey(A.) The development of the atrial chamber of Amphioxus. Ibid., 1890, n. s., xxxi, 445-466, 4 pl.—Om. janmkow (P.) Ueber das Centraluerveusystem des Am- phioxus lanceolatus. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d sc de St.-Petersb., 1868, vi, 427-450.1 pl— Poucbcl. On the lam- inar tissue of Amphioxus. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond 1880 n. s xx, 421-430, 1 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Compt! rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 188], 7. s., ii, 175 Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Gaz. med. de Par., 38^0, 6. s., ii, 275. — Benaut (J.) 6c Duchamp (G.) Sur l'organe appel6 corde dorsale chez 1 amphioxus lanceolatus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc Par., 1878, Ixxxvi, 898-900. — Bice (H. J.) Observations upon the habits, structure, aud development of Amphi- oxus lanceolatus. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1880, xiv, 1; 73; 2 pl. Aho, transl.: J. de microg., Par. 1880 iv 64- 1*>! 181,2pl.; 229, 2pl.; 1881, v, 14. 2 pl —Weiss (F. E.j Excre- tory tubulesin Amphioxuslanceolatus. Quart. J. Micr.Sc. Lond., 1890, xxxi, 489-497, 2 pl.—van Wijhe (J. W.) Ueber Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3 viii 152- 1J2.—Willey Tbe later larva) development of Amphioxus. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1881, xxxii, 183- j iP V.-----' KePort ou a collection of Amphioxus made hy Professor A. C. Haddon in Torres Straits. 1888-9. Quart. J. Micr. Sc.Lond., 1893-4, xxxv, 361-371.—Wilson (E. B.) On multiple and partial development in Amphi- oxus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892, vii, 732-740. _____. Am- phioxus, and the Mosaic theory of development. J. Mor- phol., Bost., 1893, viii, 579-638, 10 pl. Amphipoda. Ncbeaki (O.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Amphipo- den der Adria. Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien, 1880- 81, iii, 111-162,4 pl.— Percyaslawzewa (Sophie) [et al.]. Etudes sur le developpement des amphipodes. lull. Soc. imp. d. nat.de Moscou, 1888. 2. s., ii, 183; 561; 582: 1890, iv, 82: 1891, v, 4ol. —Spencer (W. B.) The urinary or- gans ofthe amphipoda. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Loud., 1885, n. s., xxv, 183-191, I pl. Amphiptyches. Libmberg (E.) Ueber Aiuphiptysches Wagener oder Gyrocotyle tuna (Grube et Wagner) Diesing. Biol. F5- ren. Forhaudl. Verhandl. d. biol. Ver. in Stockholm, 1890, ii, 55-61. Amphirhiiiae. von Kupflcr (C.) Ueber Monorhinie und Amphirhi- nie. Sitzungsb. tl. math.-phys.Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. zu Munchen, 1894, 51-60. AMPHIUMA. 315 AMPUTATION. Amp hi uma. Hay (O. P.) The skeletal anatomy of amphiuma dur- ing its earlier stages. J. Morphol., Bost., 1890, iv, 11-34, 1 pl.—Osborn (H. F.) Preliminary observations upon the brain of Amphiuma. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1883, 177-186, 1 pl. Amp hi lira. Mac Bride (E. W.) The development of the genital organs, pseudo-heart (ovoid gland), axial and aboral sinu- ses in Amphiura squamata. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1892, xv, 234-237.—Biisso (A.) Fasi di sviluppo del sistema ac- quifero e dello scheletro calcareo nell' Amphiura squamata (Sars). Anat. Anz., Jena, 1891, vi, 299-308. Amphitheatre (The). Organ of the junior members of tbe medical body and of the medical colleges of America. Xos. 1-7, v. 1, Nov., 1866 to May, 18->7. 8-. New York. Amphitheatres (Surgical). See Surgery (Amphitheatres, etc., for). Amphlett (Edward) [1848-80]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 479. Amphorina. Trixchese (S.) Protovo e globuli polari dell' Amphorina ccerulea. 4°. Bologna. Cuttinn from: Mem. r. Accad. d. sc d. Ist. di Bologna, 5. s.. iv, 373-399. Trinche»e(S.) Protovumetglobulespolairesdel7Am- phorina ccerulea. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1895. xxiii, 71 - 77. -----. Protovo e globuli polari dell' Amphorina ccerulea. Incurabili, Napoli, 1895. x, 289-295. Allipt (Carl Wilhelm). * Ueber das Parovarium (Epoopboron) bei Neugeborenen und Erwach- senen. 39 pp., 1 1. 8D. Berlin, G. Schade (0. Francke), l697>. Ampull.iria. Bon vier (E.-L.) fitude sur l'organisation des ampul- laires. Mem. . . . Soc. philomat. [etc.J, Par., 1888, 63*-i5,r. lpl. Amputation. See, also, Gangrene (Amputations in), Alberghetti (D. A.) De naturali quarum- dam corporis humani partium A'vaargGia, nee non irritabilitate de pecnliari cruris amputa- tione et varia operationis hujusce methodo, de genu, crure, ac pede artificiosis figura, motu- que naturali analogo instructis. 8°. Venetiis, 1770. Alaxsox (E.) Practical observations upon amputation, and the after-treatment. 6°. Lon- don, 1779. Alcock (R.) Vorlesungen tiber die Amputa- tion, besonders iiber die Verletzungen welche sie erheischen, und iiber die Frage wanu und wie sie bei denselben vorzunehmen ; gehalten in der mediz. Schule des Sydenharu-Kollegiums. Ins Deutsche iibertragen unter der Redaktiou von F. J. Behreud. 6°. Leipzig, 1644. Abbey (F.) * Coup d'tjeil sur Famputation des mernbres et les cas qui la ne"cessitent. 4G. Stras- bourg, 1805. Bilguer (J. U.) Abhandlung von dem sehr seltenen Gebrauch, oder, der beynahe giinzlichen Venneidurig des Abltisens der menschlichen Glieder. Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt und mit noch einigen Wahrnehmungen vermehrt. 2. Aufl. 12-. Frankfurth u. Leipzig, 1767. -----. The same. Dissertation sur Finuti- lite de Famputation des mernbres. Traduite et augmentee de quelques remarques par M. Tissot. MP. Paris, 1773. -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1776. -----. The same. 12°. Lausanne, 1789. -----. Thesame. Sopra F inutilita dell' am- putazione de' membri. Dissertazione portata dall' originale latino nella lingua francese dal Sig. Tissot, e tradotta dal francese in lingua italiana da Giuseppe Bonini. 1(V. Napoli, imputation. Blandin (J.-B.-J.-A.) * Dissertation pratique sur les amputations. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI [1603]. Carox (J.-C.-F.) Remarques sur un fait d'in- sensibilite qui quelquefois doit avoir lieu dans les amputations des grandes extremity. 8°. Paris, an XII [1606]. Clavier (P.) * Des incisions exploratrices consid6rees comme premier temps des amputa- tions. 4°. Lyon, 1885. Cocks (W. P.) Illustrations of amputations. 8°. London, 1831. D'Agliar (T. F.) *De vulneribus per cor- pora vi pulveris pyrii jacta factis amputatiouem exigentibus; de salutari effectu hujus opera- tionis, si sine mora fuerit facta. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1697. Fano. Tableaux des operations qui se pra- tiquent sur l'homme, ou resume aualytique des regies principales qu'il convient de suivre pour ex^cuter les diverses operations chirurgicales. II. Amputation des mernbres. 12°. Paris, 1857. de Gaxosse (J.) *Sur les cas d'amputation. 4C. Strasbourg, 1826. Groxxier (A.-A.) *Essai sur la reunion im- mediate a la suite des amputations des mernbres. 4°. Montpellier, 1835. Hutchixson (B.) Another Medical Spectator Extraordinary, addressed to the surgeons of Great Britain, on the cure of the popliteal aneurism. To which are added, reasons for believing that, by an extension of the same principle which hath been successfully applied to the cure of aneurism, the most painful, the most difficult, and the most dangerous part of the operation of amputation, viz, the securing of tbe arteries either by the crooked needle or tbe tenaculum may, with the greatest ease and safety, be entirely superseded. 8°. [London, 1793.] von Kern (V.) Ueber die Handlungsweise bey Absetzung der Glieder. 2. Aufl. 12°. Wien, 1826. Lamarre (J.-O.) * Reflexions sur les ampu- tations. 4-. Paris, 1803. Laxgerhaxs (P. [A. H. ]) * De amputatione artuum. 8C. Berolini, [1842]. Lebrlxt (B.) * Considerations generales sur les amputations. 4-'. Strasbourg, 1834. Le Thieullier (L. P. F. R.) *An ad sisten- dam membrorum rescisioni supervenientem hae- morrhagiam, detur artificium tutius vasorum ligatura ? 4°. [Parisiis, 1752.] Lutens (F. N.) * De quibusdaru casibus, qui artuum amputationem requiruut. 4°. Gandavi, [1830]. Maingault (C.) Operative surgery. Illus- trations of the different amputations performed on the human body, represented by plates de- signed after nature, with alterations aud prac- tica] observations by William Sands Cox. fol. London, 1631. Marchesano (V.) Sulle indicazioni delle am- putazioni. 6°. Palermo, 1884. Nizon (T.) *Num in resecandis artubus, caruis segmina reservare satius? 4°. [Paris, 1772.] Pezolt (J. E. L.) *De amputatione membro- rum. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1779, ix, 166-185. Range (J. F. G. L.) *De amputatione eaque iuprimis in ipso prcelii canipo institueuda cogi- tata quaedam. 8°. Marburgii, 1833. Raymond (H.) * An in ipsa hni pedis manusve junctura amputatio celebranda? 4°. [Paris, 1766. ] AMPUTATION. 316 AMPUTATION. Amputation. Root AXtot'RT (G.) Etude sur les amputa- tions traumatiques secondaires. 4-\ Paris, 186?,. Salciiow (U. C.) Einige chirurgische Beob- achtungen, welche von ihm zur Bestatigung der Wabrheit der von dem Herrn Doctor Bilgner angegebenen nnntithigen Amputation und des vou dem Herrn Goulard geriihmten Nutzens der Bleymittel angestellet worden sind. 3. Aufl. 8C. Altona, 1764, Schede (M.) Allgemeines iiber Amputationen, Exarticulationen und kunstliche (ilieder. In: Haxub. tl. allg. u. spec. Chir. 18s0-81, Stuttg., 1882, ii, 2. Abth., Abschn. v, 2. Hft., Xo. 3. Sedillot (C.) Des moyens d'assurer la re"- ussite des amputations des mernbres. 8C. Stras- bourg, 1846. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1818. United States Sanitary Commission. F. Report of a committee of the associate medi- cal members of the Sauitary Commission ou the subject of amputations. [Prepared bv D. D. Slade.] S~. Boston, 1861. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. - . [m. p., 1862?] -----. Thesame. 2. ed. cC. [Washington], 166)7). Walther (C. [L. B.]) * De amputatione rarius adhibenda. 12-. Bonna, 1841. Watson (B. A.) A treatise on amputations of the extremities and their complications. s~. Philadelphia, 1-85. Young (J.) Een nieuwe nianier om bedorve leden af te zetten, en een middel om tie stompen spoediger te beeleu als die men gemeenlyk ge- bruikt; ontdekt in een brief aan zyn geagte vriend Mr. Thomas Hobs. 12-. [Pleymouth, 1676.] Aiijjcrer ( O. ) T eher Amputationen und Exartiku- Intioiit-n. Deutsche Mecl. -Zt"... P.crl.. 1884. v, 529-533. Ah<>, Kepi int. — Axlilmrsl (J.), jr. Amputations. In- termit. Encycl. Surir. (Ashhurst), X. Y., 1881, i, 551-702, 1 pl. Aho, transl. : Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 18S3. ii, 311-464.—C'ostc. [M6moire sur les disarti- culations ties nieiiibres.] Bull. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1857- 8, viii, 215-226. —D. (L.) Amputation et prothese. Scal- pel. Liege, 1895-6, xlviii, 86; 92.—Denni* (F. S.) Clini- cal lecture on tlie general principles involved in amputa- tion, with a consideration of some points in the technique. J. Am. M. Ass . Chicago, 1887, viii, 505-5(19. Also, Re- print. — Dixon (J. N.) "When to amputate. Railway Surg., Chicago. 1895-6, ii, 101-103.— Dobsou (X. C.) Am- putations and excisions. Med. Times , xxv, 187-210, 1 pl.— Hawkins (C. H. ) Clinical remarks on amputation etc. In his: . . . Path. & Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874, ii, 367-374. — Kiihn ( C. G. ) Num artuum anipu- tatio statini post intlictum vulnus instituenda sit. In his: Opus acad. med. et philol.. 8;, Lips.. 1827. i, 347- 355. -----. Larreyi sententia de amputationis festina- tione statini post vuliiu- intlictum expenditur. Ibid., 356-361. — I>anrent ( (). ) Amputations et prothfese. J. de med.. chir. et pharmr.col.. Brux., 1895, 577; 603.— I.ieucvich < L. F. ) Mnogoetazhniv shov pri ampu- tatsiakh na konechnostvakh. [Sutures "eu etages" in amputation of extremities.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1S86, vii, 747-749. — I.oni*. Sur Tamputation ties gramles ex- tremity. Mem. Acad. rov. de chir., Par., 1753, ii 355-40" Aho: Ibal., n. ed., 1819, ii, 248-2*2. Aho. transl.: Mem. Roy. Acad. Sur::. at Paris, Lond., 1759, iii. 1-92.— .TI'Cur- dy (S. L.) Railroad amputations. Columbus M.J. I8s4- 5, iii, 1U9-11, — .TIcl,eod (K.) Abstract of a clinical lect- Amputation. tire on amputation. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1S81. xjl 67-70.—iTIanley (T. 11.) A few notes on tarsal aniputa'. tions: traumatic antl artificial amputations; substitutes or prothetical appliances for lost parts. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago. 1893, xxi, 251-256. -----. When shall we ampu- tate in railroad accidents? Internat, J. Surg., X. Y 1894, vii, 250. — Marks (G. E.) Amputations prothcti' cally considered. KTork M. J., 1804. lix, 113-116. Aho, Reprint. — Maunoir (J.-P. ) Memoire sur les aniputa'- tions. In his Memoires sur les amputations, etc, 8°, Geneve, 1825. 1-91. — Medini (L.) Placca metallica ui sustituzione della conmnc rionda nelle amputazioni. Bull. tl. sc. med. di liolngnn, 1887, 6. s., xx, 385-390. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech.] Bern. ]s8S. x, 58. — Michel (M.) Clinical lecture'at tho City hospital; amputations from a pathological and medico- legal standpoint. Xorth Oar. M. J.. AVilmington, 1889, xxiv, 321-326. — Mitldlekatup (H. H.) Are immediate amputations justifiable.' J. Xat. Ass. Railway Surg. Fort Wayne, 1889, ix, 43-46. Also, Reprint,—Monlaldo (F.) Do's palabras acerca de la oportunidad en las ainpu- taciones. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1*86. ix, 39-44.— Moore (J. E.) Where shall we amputate? Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 275. [Discussion], 283.—Molt (V.) The use of cocaine in amputations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 94. — Murdoch (J. B.) Amputation for traumatic injuries, considered with reference to the time when the operation should be performed. Pittsburgh M. J., 1880-81, i, 97-108. Aho: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1888, viii, 243-256. -----. Amputations consecutive to trauma- tisms. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1895, ix, 225-235. .Us«; Rail- way Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 25-37.— Oberst (M.) Der Einfluss des Alters auf den Yerlauf der Amputationen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, vii, 17-24.-©IIenr©th, jun. Verschiedene von mir mit gliicklichem Erfolge un- ternommene Absetzungen eines Gliedes. J. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Berl., 1800-1, i, 257-261. — Petty- john (C. J.) An unusual healing process. J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne, 1889, ii, 149-155.—Price (M.) Amputation of thigh antl leg. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888-9, xx, 303-305. Also: Med. 6c Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lx, 135.— Rnisz (G.) Vegtagokon vegzett nagyobb kiizel6sek es esonkitasok. [On amputation for injuries and mutilations.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1884, xxviii, 933; 967. — Bichet. Sur les dangers des amputations im- mediates et les avantages des amputations secondaires. "Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s, xxx, 38-42. —Rodman (AY. L. ) Amputations in shock. Am. Pract. 6c News. Louis- ville, 1887, n. s., iii, 293-296. — Roux (G.) Qui doivent pr£sider a- la confection des moismous ? Marseille med., 1894, xxxi, 118-125. — de Saint-Germain & Pfender (A.) Que deviennent les amputes? Contribution a l'etude des moignons dans les amputations des mernbres. Rev. mens. d. mal. d. l'enf., Par., 1889, vii, 120-130.— Savory (W. S.) Note on amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1883. i. 3.—Scabia (E.) Le amputazioni degli arti senza fognatura e con una sola indicazione; statistica. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1890, xii, 99-101.—Smith (S.) Some facts bearing on tbe condition and servii eableness of the stump after amputations in the lower extremity at different points and bv various methods. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 281-284.— Suite Moli«.l (L.) Lasampu- taciones irreguhires. Sentido catol., Barcel., 1880, ii, 353- 358.—Tille (T. K.) Prima intentio post amputationem. Voyeuno-nietl. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiii, 1. sect., 553- 558. — Trelut (IT.) Quelques remarques sur les amputa- tions traumatiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 211. -----. Des indications des amputations dans les blessures graves des mernbres. ,J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1882, 3. s.. iv, 90; 98; 106. -----. Sur la nature et la valeur des progres recents dans les amputations des mernbres. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 1589-1592. Aho: France med., Par.. 1887, i, 861-864.—Tridenti (G. L.) Osservazioni cliniche di gravi complicate fratture dell' estreniita tendenti a rimuovere 1' abuso dell' amputazione. Raecoglitore, Fano, >40, v, 269- 280. — Truax (C.) Amputations in the light of prothetical science. [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1891, iv, 45-60. Aho: N. Am. Pract,, Chicago, 1891, iii, 311-331. -----. Are conservative amputations always in the best inter- ests of the patient? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 842-846.—Truax (C. H.) Amputating-saw. No. 437876; Oct. 7, 1890.—I'j ttcrhoeven (A.) Considera- tions sur les amputations. In his: Melanges de chir., d'ophth. et d'hyg. pub.. 8"-, Brux., 1859, 154-166.—Vance (Ap M.) Amputation as an orthopaedic measure. Med. News, Phila,, 1890, lvii. 451.—Varick (T. E.) On rail- road injuries of the extremities of the human body, with observations on the site of amputation, and subsequent treatment of the stump. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1884, iii, 372-376. Aho, Reprint.— "Watson :S0]. Lodeu (J. C.) [Pr.] praeinittitur historic amputatiouum feliciter institutaruin part, i-xix. sm. 4\ Jena, [1779-93]. Petit. Dissertation sur l'amputation, oil Ton deduit les differens moyens dont on s'est servi pour faire cette operation, et pour arreter le sang des arteres, depuis Hip- pocrate jusqu'a la fin du Steele dernier. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1732, Amst., 1736, Mem., 2*5-316. Also: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc., Par. et Lie<*e, 1784, vii, 133-147. Amputation (Intrauterine). See, also, Umbilical cord ( Twisting of). Lad.miral (P.-L.) * Sur un cas (l'amputation congeuitale. 4 . Paris, 1883. Lhomme (R.) * Recherches sur les amputa- tions conge'ui tales. 4\ Paris, 1893. Osmoxt (M.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des amputations congenitales. 4 \ Paris, 1892. Amputation (Intra-uterine). Radtke (E.) 'Zwei Falle vou intrauteriner Spoutan-Amputation. >". Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1894. Viehofer (E.) * Ueber intrauterine Amputa- tionen. ^;. Bonn, 1667. Anderson (R. J.) Xotes of a case of intrauterine amputation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881. ii. 7s — A ii^iimiii (1.) Amputa(ii congeuitale in eontinuitate ale ambelnt c6pse asociate de ectromelia nienibielor supeiiore. Spi- talul, Bucuresci, 1895, xv, 259; 276. — Ayer (J.i Intra- uterine amputation. Boston M. A: S. J., 1879, ci 9»5.— Bar (P.) Xote sur un cas d'amputation eonueiiitale. Ann. de gynec., Par., 1882, xvii, 13-35.—Beimelt iK II.) A comparison of the pathological changes in intra-nteriuv amputations with those produced bvordinary amputation. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 363-366.— Bouchard (A.) L'homme-tronc J. de ru6d. de Bor- deaux, le85-6, xv, 4-6.—Ki-oca (A.) Bridesamniotiquea et amputations congenitales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 476-484. — Coles ( W.) An obstetrical case; intra-uterine amputations. St. Louis M. 6c S. J., 1880, xxxix, 316-322. Aho: Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri (1880), 18*1, iii, 180-180. — Eustache (G.) Des amputa- tions congenitales. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1895, i, 481- 492.—Fauvelle. Amputations congenitales. Bull.Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s.. i, 451. — Hillairet (J.-B.) Xote sur uu cas d'amputation spontanee incomplete du tronc et du cou par enroulement et striction du cordon ombilical, chez uu fietus de trois mois. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1857, 3. s.. xii, 10-13. Also, Reprint. — Intra-uterine amputations. Clin, sketches, Lond., 1895, i, 19.—Isidor. Note sur un cas d'amputation coug£nitale de l'avant- bras droit avec ectrodactylie de la main gauche. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1893. iv, 205-208. — Jeauuel. Contribu- tion a l'etude des sillons eong6nitaux et des amputations spontanees. Gaz. hebd. de ni6d., Par, 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 569; 587. Aho: Arch, tie tocol., Par., 1886,xiii, 774-789.— Koch. Spontaue Amputation iiuKniegelenke bei einem Xeugeboreneu. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh.,Win- nenden, 1879, xxx. 352-354. — Koriuaiiu (E.) Ueber in- trauteriu eutstandene Defeetbilduugen der Extremitiiten und ihr Verhaltuiss zu den Spontauamputationen des Fotus. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1880, n. F., xv. 410- 424. — Kiiatner (O.) Ueber eine noch nicht bekannte Entstehungsursache amputirender amuiotischer Fadeu und Strange. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik.. Stuttg., 1890, xx, 445-453. 2 pl.— Ijaucial. Amputation congeni- tale. Bull. Soc. anat. cliu. de Lille, 1890, v, 133. — I, Jin lie- longue. Anomalie de trois mernbres par defaut; ampu- tations congenitales des auteurs. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1882. ix 23-44. Aho: Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1882. i, 46; 157. — Longnet (M.) Pieds-bots, syudactylie. sillons cu- tanea, amputation spontanee, survenus pendant la vie intra-uterine; lesions d'origine nerveuse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s.. iii, 110-116.— Lyman. Spontaneous amputation in utero. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1881, civ, 396. — lUcttenhcimcr (C.) Die Moglichkeit der Selbstamputation bei Saugliugen. Memorabilieu, Heilbr., 1880. xxv. 97-99.— .Vlonod. Amputation conge- uitale et syndactvlie. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1894. n. s., xx, 272-275. — Pestalozza (E.) Un caso di amputazione congenita. Morgasrni, Xapoli. 1*8*, xxx, 155-166.—Price (J.) Two cases of intra-uterine amputa- tion of the forearm. Tr. Am Ass. Obst. Sc Gynec, Phila., 1889 ii, 41-44. — Raynaud (L.) Amputations congeni- tales des doigts et des orteils rappelant 1'aiuhum, chez une Kabyle. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph.. Par., 1895, vii, 193- 199. — Rec I us (P.) Sur un cas d'amputation congeuitale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1883. n. s., ix, 758-763.— Renard. Contribution a l'etude des amputations conge- nitales du membre superieur. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1893, iv, 50-58. — Rcuss (P.) Ueber intra-uterine Glieder- ablosung ( Spontauamputation). Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek.. Wiirzb., 1869, vi, 1-65. Aho. Reprint. — Rob- erts (C. H.) Curious congenital deformity. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1894), 1895, xxxvi, 341-343. — Rockwell (A. n.) Intra uterine amputation. Tr. Mich. M Soc, Detroit, 1890, 399-404. — Rouxeau (A.) Xote sur un cas d'ampu- tation congeuitale im-tuiiplete. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1889-90, viii. 29-31. Aho : Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat, Par., 1890, iii, 131-134.—Sim (F. L.) Intra-uterine ampu- tations. Memphis M. Mouth.. 18*8. viii, 457-461.—Simp- son (J. Y.) On the rudimentary reproduction of ex- tremities after their spontaneous amputation. In hh: Works [Dis. of Women], 83, Edinb.. 1871, i. 129-134. - Therese. Note sur un cas d amputations congeuitale9 multiples sur un het us. Bull. Soc anat.de Par., 1890, lxv, 473-476. — Touruicr (C.) Xote sur deux cas d amputa- tion congemtale de lavantbras sans autre malformation. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1891, ii. 272-276.—Tront-het. Am- putation eoiigenitale des doiuts. Bull Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . tie Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 31— Turgard. Am- putation spontanee consreuitale. Bull. med. du nord, Lille. 1888 xxvii, 257; 302, 2 pl. — Wenninger (J. A.) Intra-uterine amputation. Physician 6c Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1892, xiv, 393-396. — Whitford (\V. E.) AMPUTATION. 319 AMPUTATION. Amputation (Intra-uterine). Spontaneous intrauterine amputation. X. York M. Re- porter, Rochester. 1894-5, i, 137. — Wiedemann (F. ) Zwei Falle von spontaner Gliedablosung. (Intrauterine Amputation und epitheliale Daktylolyse.) Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 793; 807. —William (J.) Intrauterine amputation, -with other deficiency of parts. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 855. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, it 875. — Williams (C. L.) A case of multiple intra- uterine amputations. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1893, ii, 239. Amputation (Methods of). Baxcel (M.) * Sur le choix des proce'tles ope- ratoires dans l'amputation des mernbres. 4°. Strasbourg, 1606. Bellot (L. F.) Qusestio medico-chirurgica an in artuum excisione tutius a ligatura, quam ab alia compressions specie sistitur sanguis? In: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausanna; 1756,v, 161-170. Bleek (P. C.) * De auiputationis methodi per lohorum conformationem peracta? commodis. 8 . Bonna?, [167)1]. Briard (N.) Essai sur les moyens propres a pr^venir ou a arreter les h&norrhagies dans l'am- putation des mernbres. 4°. Montpellier, 1816. Buchholtz (P. M.) * Ueber Verbesserung von Exartikulationsstiimpfen. 8°. Greifswald, 1888. Charpextler (J.-N.-H.) * Considerations sur la ligature des arteres apres les amputations des mernbres. 4C. Paris, 1813. Dwyer (T.) *Die Amputationen unter dem antiseptischen Dauerverbande. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1886. Feoktistoff(S.) *0 sokhranenii nadkostnoi plevi pri amputats'iakh na prodolzhenii konech- nostei. [Preservation of periosteum in amputa- tions in the continuity of extremities. ] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1863. Flajaxi (G.) Osservazioni pratiche sopra 1'amputazione degli articoli, le invecchiate lussa- zioni del braccio, 1' idrocefalo, e il panereccio. 12°. Roma, 1791. Fouilloux (P.) Essai sur le pansement im- m&liat des plaies d'amputation par le perchlo- rure de fer. S-. Paris, 1872. Guezexxec (C.) *Des amputations du mem- bre superieur (excepts celles de la main) par divers proce"d6s, plus sp^cialement par des pro- ce'tles; elliptiques et des proceeds a deux lam- beaux. 4°. Paris, 1862. Hirsch (H. H.) * Ueber Amputationsstiimpfe im allgemeinen und eine neue Amputationsme- thode im besonderen. 8C. Berlin, [1893?]. Jaxa-Kwiatkowski (A.-J.) * Amputation des mernbres par la me'thode galvanocaustique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870. Meurer (L.) *Des amputations a lambeaux cutanea. 4°. Lyon, 1667. -----. The same. 6°. Lyon, 1887. Nelber (G.) Eine neue Amputationsmethode. 8°. Kiel, 1863. Oberst (M.) Die Amputationen unter dem Einflusse der antiseptischen Behaudlung. Ha- bilitationsschrift. 8°. Halle a. S., 1881. vox Reverhorst (M.) Epistola anatomica, problematica, quarta et decima: De nova ar- tuum decurtandorum methodo. Resp. Fredericii Ruysch. 4°. Amstelodami, 1701. -----. The same. 4°. Amsteleedami, 1714. Roxdke (G. A. AV.) * Ueber subperiostal Amputationen. 8C. Marburg, 1892. Scoutettkx (H.) Die Ovalair-Methode, oder neues Verfahren iu den Gelenken zu amputiren. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und herausge- geben von Friedr. Wilh. Fest. Nobst einer Vor- rede vou C. F. von Graefe. 8° [atlas 4C]. Potsdam, 1831. Amputation (Methods of). Toki (V.) .Setsudan ho. [The methods of amputation.] 16°. Tokio, 1862. Japanese text. Wolfler (A.) Die Amputationen an Profes- sor Billroth's Klinik 1877-80. Ein Beitrag zur Amputations-Technik und Wundbehandluug. 8-. Wien, 1882. Anbert. Nouveau procede d'application des cans- tiques k l'amputation des mernbres et k l'ablation ties tu- meurs gouttieres caustitiues flexibles, cauterisation par drainage. Mem. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1872), 1873, xii, 23-27. [Discussion], pt. 2, 47-49.—Barker (A. E. J.) A lecture on the dry cotton-wool permanent dressing in am- putations. Lrit.'M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 8-10. — Batwell (E.) Relative merits of circular and flap amputations. Detroit Clinic, 1882, i, 33-35.—Beck (B.) Zur Steuer der Wabrheit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879, xii, 480-484.—Bella rd (E.) Trois cas d'amputations sous- p6riostees traites par l'immobilisation du membre et du moignon. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1882, xxi, 155-171.— Bennett (J. H.) Dry dressings in amputations. J.Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne, 1890-91, iii, 270-272.— Bier (A.) Weitere Mittheilungen iiber tragfiihige Am- putationsstiimpfe im Bereiche der Diaphysen. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1895, xxiv, 34-56. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1895, 1, 356-378.—Bruns (P.) Die galvanokaustische Amputation der Glieder. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvi, 115-155. Aho, Re- print —C'agny (P.) Emploi de laligature 61astiquc dans l'amputation de la queue sur les animaux domestiques. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1884, 6. s., xiii, 741-746. — €ha- vane. Notice sur le mode de pansement le plus convena- ble des plaies qui resultent de l'amputation des mernbres dans leur continnite. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1834-5, ii, 140-142.—Chiene (J.) On the arrest of haemorrhage in amputation at the hip and shoulder joints. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 462.—Grede. Zur Technik der Am- putation grosser Gliedmassen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894, xlviii, 509-518. Also.- Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Chir., Berl., 1894, xxiii, pt. 2, 244-253. [Discussion], pt. 1, 121. Also [Abstr.J: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxiii, 88-90. —Davy (R.) Abstract of a clinical lecture on the " coat sleeve." method of performing the circular amputation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 900. -----. On cases illustrating the " coat sleeve " method of amputation. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1884, vi, 183.—De Buck & Vanderlinden. Le modeelliptique de Soupart dans la technique des amputations et disarti- culations. Flandre med., Gantl, 1895, ii, 417-421.—Dudon Sc Corn-tin. Amputation de la jambe par la methode bor- delaise. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1894), 1895, 398.—Dunsnioor (F. A.) Points of election in amputations near joints of lower limbs. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 415-417.—Ftheridge (J. H.) Split flap operation. Tr.IllinoisM. Soc.,Chicago,1893, xliii, 358-361.— Fischer. AmputationobneGefassunterbindung. Ztschr. f. Wundarzteu. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1878, xxix, 97-104.— Franco (P.) De la maniere d'extirper une jambe ou bras. In his.- Petit traite, etc., 12°, Lyon, [1556], 126-131.— Fnlloit (J.) Subperiosteal amputation. CauadaLancet, Toronto, 1885-6, xviii, 163-165.—de Garengeot. Moyens de rendro plus simple et plus sure l'amputation adanibeau. Mem. Acad.roy.de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 261-264. Aho: Ibid., n. ed., 1819, ii, 180-183. Aho. transl: Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg, at Paris, Lond., 1759, ii, 236-242.—Hamilton (A.) Reports of cases of amputation, etc., in which acu- pressure was employed. Edinb. M.J., J 863-4, ix, 630-641.— Ilardic (J.) Amputation by oblique circular incision. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 98. — lligli«mith (G. R.) A single dressing in amputations. J. Nat. Ass. Rail- way Surg., Fort Wayne, 1890-91, iii, 238-241.—Ilouzc dc I'Aulnoit. Amputations sous-p6riost6es. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt. rend. 1874, Par., 1875, iii, 764- 775. — Kefer (N. I.) Nicskolko sluchayev amputatsii po sposohitCretlG. [Several amputations by Crede s method.] Vuzhno-riissk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1895, iv, 141-143.—Kelly ( E.) On the after-treatment of amputation wounds. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1884, xxx, 328-333.-Berber (H. C.) A new method of amputation. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, ix, 49.—f^a Faye. Histoire de l'amputa- tion k lambeau, suivant la methode do Verdouin et Sabo- riu, avec la description d'un nouvel instrument pour cette operation. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 243-260, 2 pl. Also: Ibid., n. ed., 1819, ii, 169-180, 2 pl. Also, transl: Mem. Rov. Acad. Surg, at Paris, Lond., 1759, ii, 207-231.—liarghi (B.) Taglio perpendicolare-longitudi- nale per le amputazioni delle membra umane. Gior. tl. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1849, 2. s.,v, 385-398.—I>etie- vant. Amputation par la methode k lambeaux. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1875), 1876, xv, pt. 2, 149.— IjO GrasMO (S.) Sopra i risultamenti ottenuti colla medica- zioue antisettica nelle amputazioni. Gazz. clin. d. sped. civ. di Palermo, 1880, xii, 12-49.—OTcClellan (G.) On the value of the moist-sponge dressing in joint-amputa- tions; a successful case of amputation at the knee. Med AMPUTATION. 320 AMPUTATION. Amputation (Methods of). Xews, Phila., 1883, xliii, 122. -- .»lei*eubaeh (A. H.) A new method of amputating extremities, with a report of two thigh amputations. Tr. M. Ass Missouri, St. Louis, 1894, 16-58.-----Neudiirfer's method of amputating ex- tremities, with a report of two thigh amputations. Ann. Surg.. Phila.. 1894, xx, 355-366. Aho, Reprint. — TIol- liere (D.) Moiguons d'amputes par la methode tie (.'else. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe, d. sc. med. de Lyon (1887), lss8, xxvii, pt. 2.76-80.—tlontes dc Oea (M. A.) Amputacion por el tenuo-cauterio. Observador m6d., Mexico, 1876-9, iv, 268-273.—von lUowetig- Moorhof (A.) Feber die iu Anwendung gezogcnen Aniputatioiismethoden und iiber die Kachbehaudlung operirter Stiimpfe. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1874. Wien, 1875, 166-169. -----. Zur Technik der Amputationen. Ibid. (1876), 1877, 117- 124. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 268; 281: 292— Neuddrfer. Zur Technik tier Gliederabset- zung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 57; 110; 161; 205.— rYicaise. Statistique; ties amputations sous-periostees. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882, viii, 139-148. -----. Des amputations sous-p6riost6es. Cong, period. internat. d. sc. nied. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, ii, Sect, de chir.. 124-128. Aho: Rev. de chir., Par., 1884, iv, 945-951 —Oilier. Des amputations et des desarticula- tions sons petiostees. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1882, viii, 268; 284. -----. Des desarticulations sous-p6rio- st6es et des amputations k lambeau ou k manchette perio- stiques; nouvelle ni6thode g6n6rale de desarticulation. Rev. de chir., Par., 1882, ii, 525; 973.—Podrazky. Zur von Bruns'scben Amputation der Gliedmassen durch Zir- kelschnitt mit vorderem Hautlappen. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1879, xxix, 1331-1334. — Poinsot r- deaux.] 4°. Cahors, 1863. Schlesixuer (E.) * Uebor dio Xachbebantl- lung der Amputationen. Zugleicb eiu Beitrag zur Aniputatious-Statistik. .*-. Strassburg, L-1C). Ainoznn (X.) Note sur mi eerveau d'amput6. J. de nied. tie Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 553. — Bealc (P. T. B.) Gangrene of anterior flap after amputation; subsequent skin grafting. Lancet, Lond.. 1893, i, 651. — Bigniimi (A.) 6c Guarnieri (G.) Ricerche sui eeiitri nervosi d' un amputato. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1887-8, ix, 280-296, 1 pl. —Bourdon. Observation d'un cas d'atro- phie du eerveau consecutive a l'amputation d'un memhrc. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par.. 1883, 2. s., xii, 656-659. — Iti-y. ant (T.) On the causes of death after amputation. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1858-9, xiii, 67-90. Also, Lepriut.— Cocchi (A.) Contributo alio studio delle alterazioui di struttura del midollo spinale negli amputati, e a quello delle eterotopie della sostauza grigia del midollo spinale. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1893, iv, 166; 266, 1 pl.—I»e- jerine (J.) &, .Tlayor (A.) Recherches sur les altera- tions tie la moelle £piniere et des nerfs du moignon chez les amput6s d'ancienue date. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, pt. 2, 23-32.— Dreschfeld (J.) On the cbanges in the spinal cord after amputation of limbs. J. Anat. i. Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, xiv, 424-431, 1 pl.—Dudley (W.) A case illustrating the condition of the nervous system after amputation of an extremity. Brain, Lond., 1886-7, ix, 87-89. — Fere (C.) Note sur les troubles trophiques du bassin consecutifs & l'amputation du membre inferieur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 96-98. — Friedlnnder ( C. ) Sc Krause ( F. ) Leber Veranderungen der Ner- ven und des Riiekenmarks nach Amputationen. Fort schr. d. Med., Beth, 1886, iv, 749-764, 1 pl.—Gerstcr (A.. G. ) Painful cicatrix following amputation of a finger. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., i, 216-218.—Origorjeff (A. V.) Ob izmeneniakh v spinnom mozge poslle anipu- tatsii. [On the changes which occur in the spinal enrd after amputation of a limb.) Yoyenno-med. J.. St. Pe- tersb.. 1894, clxxix, pt. 1, 129-179. Also, travel: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl., 1894, xv, 75-120. — Guarnieri i G. ) Sc Bignniui (A.) Ricerche sui centri ncrvosi di un ampu- tate. Bull. tl. Soc. Laucisiana tl. osp. di Roma, 18s8, viii, 163. — Guerin (A.) Du role pathog6nique des ferments dans les maladies chirurgicales; nouvelle methode de traitement des amputes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1874, lxxviii, 782; 1405. Aho: France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 211; 355. Aho: Rev. m6d.-phot. d. hop. de Par., 1874, vi, 96 - 100. [ Rap. de Gosselin ): Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1875, lxxx, 81-86. Also: Gaz. hebd.de nied., Par, 1875, xxii, 50-52. — Hayein (G.) 6c Gilbert (A.) Xote sur les modifications du systeme nerveux che/. tin ampttte. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., ls»4, 3. s., iii, suppl., 430-443, 1 pl.—Ilomeu (E. A.) Les altera- tions histolojiiques, survenaut a la suite d'amputations, dans les nerfs pi-ripheriques. les ganglions spinaux et la moelle. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, v, 314- 318. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1888, vii, 66- 68. Aho, transl: Finska Liik.-Sallsk. Handl., Helsingfors, 1889, xxxi, 560-575, 2 pl. -----. Veranderungen des Xer- vensystems nach Amputationen. Beitr. •/.. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, viii, 304-351 2 pl --Kt-uu»e iV.) Feber die Behandlung der schaligen inyelojenen Sai konio (Myeloide, Riesenzellensarkome) dutch A iisianmung an- statt durch Amputation. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii, pt, 2, 197-202, 1 pl. — I.a- marque. Cerveau d'ampute. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phy- siol. . . de Bordeaux, 1887, viii, 151-154. Aho: J. domed. de Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 263. — Letievant. ^ Des re- unions immediates dans les amputations. Mem. Soc. tl. so. med. de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, 27-37. — Eiuys (J.) Do la reviviscen'ce do la sensibility du membre amputc, chez un sujet en etat hypnotique. Ann. de psvehiat. et d'hypuol., Par., 1894, n. s., iv, 225-227. Also: Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 576. -----. De la persistance ilea impressions sensitives apres les amputations. Ann. do psychiat, et d'hypnol., Par., 1895, n. s., v. 193-198. — Uc- Kee (A. B.) A case of polymvositis following amputa- tion. (leeidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1891, v, 432-434.— IVlnudillon. Cerveau d'ampute. Bull. Soc, d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi. 241.—Marie (P.) I>« la free,in nee de la tuberculose pulmonaue ein/ lesampu- tes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 324. —iTIarkw. Les amputations au point de vue de la prothesc. Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat,, Par., 1894, vii, 357-361.- :Tlo*»e (A.) Note sur un cerveau d'ampnte. Gaz. hebd. d. se. toed, de Montpel., 1884, vi, 278-281.- !\nnerede. Femoral artery from a case of amputation at the hip joint. Tr. Path. Soe. Phila. (18M -3), 1884. xi, 69. — Outlen (W. B.) The element of use after amputa- tions. Med. Mirror. Si. Louis, 1891, ii, 443-450.—PelliMi (G. B.) Sulle modincazioui che avvengouo nel midollo AMPUTATION. 321 AMPUTATION. Amputation (Sequelce and after-treat- ment of). spinale degli amputati. Riv. sper. di freniat,, Reggio- Emilia, 1892, xviii, 60-80. 1 pl. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xviii, 26-40. —Pitres (A.) Sur les atrophies partielles des circouvolutions cerebrales, conse- cutivement aux amputations aucieunes des mernbres du cote oppose. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol. 1877, Par., 1879, 6. s., iv, 2C-28. — Pollock. A case of sarcoma of the lung following amputatiou of the right thigh sixteen months previously. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 727.—Pol loch (G.) On the changes which occur in bone autl soft tissues after amputation of a limb, and from certain other con- ditions. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 18S5-6, lxix, 275-290, 1 pl. Also [Abstr. 1: Lancet, Lond.. L-86, i, 400. — Baiuca. Des impressions vitales qui survivent k l'amputation d'un membre. Gaz. d. bop.. Par., 1881, liv, 579. — Bnymond (F.) Amputation du bras datant de onze ans; atropine ties accentuee ties circonvolutious frontales et pari6tales ascendantes, du cote oppose k la lesion. Pro- gres med., Par., 1882, x, 459.—Bedlich (E.) Zur Kennt- niss der Riickenmarksveranderungen nach Amputa- tionen. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz & Leipz., 1893, n. F., iv, 1-5.—Beyuolds'(E. S.) On changes in nervous system after amputation of limbs, with bibliog- raphy and recent case. Brain, Lond., 188G-7, ix, 494-509. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i. 45S — Bussell (C. P.) Non-pruritic lichen planus following amputa- tion. J. Cutan. 6c Genito-Frin. Dis., N. Y., 1889, vii, 213- 216.— Schmidt (H. D.) On the structural changes ob- served in the ends of the tibial nerves from the stump of an amputated leg. J. Nerv. 6c Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1884. n. s., ix, 216-231, 1 pl. — Sejjoud (P.) Etude sur les modi- fications du calibre des vaisseaux dans les mernbres ampu- tes. Rev. de chir., Par.. 1p82, ii, 621: 746.—Shaw (E. A.) Amputation of the thigh associated with atrophy of the cortex of the brain in the region of the corresponding leg centre. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1891, ii, 946.—Suzanne. Ab- sence complete d'atrophie du systeme nerveux central chez nn amputl. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol.. . . de Bordeaux, 1884, v. 226. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 383.—Tandervelde 6c Be Ileiiipliune. Recherches sur les alterations de la moelle 6piniere chez un sujet op6r6 d'amputation de la cuisse. J. de med., chir. et Phar- macol., Brux., 1893, 113-116.—Vanlair. Des alterations nerveuses centripetes consecutives a la section des nerfs et aux amputations des mernbres. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1891, 4. s., v. 626-656.—de Vnrigny (H.) Note sur les atrophies cerebrales chez les amputes. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1879, Par., 1880, viii, 883-886.—Verneuil (A.) Suites eloignees des amputations. In hh: Mem. de chir., 8°, Par , 1880, ii, 788- 822.—Veyret. Observation sur la resection de l'os, apres 1'amputation de la cuisse. M6m. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 265-267. Also: Ibid., 2. ed., 1819, ii', 183-185. Aho, transl: Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg, at Paris, Lond., 1759, ii, 243-247.—Vinke (H. H.) Complications arising after an amputation of a leg. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii, 84- 86. — Vvedenski (A. A.) Ob amputatsionnol nevromle. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliv, 381-396.—White (W. H.) Sc Edmunds (\V.) Amputation changes the nerves. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 16-18, 1 pl.—Wigles. worth (J.) A case in which an old amputation of the left upper arm was associated with an atrophied right as- cending parietal convolution. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1886-7, xxxii, 50-52, 1 pl.—Willard (DeF.) Secondary sarcoma of the heart, lungs, and gall-bladder, following amputation for primary deposit in the femur. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 160-163.—Wille (H.) Feber secundare Veranderungen im Riickenmark nach Oberarmexarticula- tionen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1895, xxvii, 554-587, 1 pl- —Williams (H. J.) Amputation and dressings. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xi, 268-284.—'Wood (H. C.) Clinical lecture on a case of violent unilateral chorea produced by amputation. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 53- 55. Amputation (Spontaneous). See, also, Amputation (Intra-uterine); Frost- bite; Gangrene; Leprosy. Hager (W.) * Drei neue Falle von Spon- tanamputation. 8°. Munchen, 1879. Klix (A.) * Zur Casuistik und Aetiologie der Spontanamputation. 8°. Kbnigsberg in Pr., 1889. Schoeler (G.) * De amputatione naturae vi peracta. 4°. Bounce, [1836]. Barry (W. H.) Natural amputation ofthe foot. Hot Springs M. J., 1893, ii, 149.—Buchholz (F.) Freiwillige Amputation. Russ. Samml. f. Naturw. u. Heilk., Riga u. Leipz., 1817, ii, 655-659. — Icnrt. Lettre en reponse au memoire de M. Pujol, sur une amputation naturelle de la jambe; avec des reflexions sur quelques autres cas relatifs a cette operation. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 21 Amputation (Spontaneous). 1775, xliv, 164-181. — Fianeereaux. Clinical lecture on autocopic trophoneurosis; spontaneous amputation of limbs, ainhum, etc. Med. Week, Par., 1894, ii. 481-483.— Morales (R. E.) Amputaciones espoutaneas; curacion. Cr6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1854, ii, 423-427. -----. Nuevo caso de amputacion espontduea. Ibid., 1857, v, 12-16.— Pujol. Memoire sur une amputation naturelle de la jambe, avec des r6flexions sur quelques autres cas relatifs k l'amputation. J. de med., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1775, xliii, 160-172. -----. ficlaircissements en reponse a la let- tie de M. Icart. Ibid., 1776, xiv, 167-185. — Thornton (W. F.) A rare case of spontaneous amputation. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1888, lv, 17-19. Amputation (Statistics of). See Amputation (Cases, etc., of). Amputation in the course of disease. See, also, Gangrene (Amputation in). Cruncher (A. H.) Amputation during the pres- ence of acute phlegmonous erysipelas. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 1174.— Finch (F.) Case of anasarca in which amputation was successfully employed, and the fluid dis- charged by it. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xix. 205.—Grots (F.) Fne amputation chez une syphilitique. M6m. Soc. de med. de Nancy (1878-9), 1880, 25-29. — Pilcher (L. S.) Note on amputations for joint disease when lung tubercu- losis co-exists. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 691.— Simon. Ueber die Entfernung grosserer Glieder und Gliedtheile bei multiplem Auftreten chronischer Krankheiten und in sehr heruntergekommenem Zustande tier Patienten. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 282.-Spencer (W. G.) Fpou amputation in diabetes mellitus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1891-2, lxxv, 395-405. Amputation in infants and children. Almazoff(P.) Amputat. plecha u rebyoka. [Ampu- tation of arm of a child.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1889-90, xxvi, 596-600.—Evans (J.) Ampu- tation at the shoulder-joint in a boy aged six years. Lan- cet, Lond., 1893, ii, 195.— Maddiii (J. W.), jr. Amputa- tion of the thigh of a three days' old girl. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxv, 461.—Mayer (H. N.) Medico-legal rela. tions of amputations iu children. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1891, x, 4.—Powers (C. A.) On conical stump after am- putation in children, with especial reference to its physio- logical causes antl prognosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 641-644. Aho, Reprint. Amputation at joints. Keetley. Amputation through joints of the lower limb. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 464. — Miller (A. G.) An adaptation of the circular method of amputating to disarticulation at the elbow and knee. Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 30-34. 1 pl. — Uhde (C. W. F.) Exarticula- tionen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879. vi, 874-878. Also, Reprint.—Vanderliiulen (O.) De elliptische methode van Soupart in de techniek der amputaties en desarticula- ties. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1895-6, ii, 229-231. Amputation in old age. Chcnoweth (A. H.) Amputation of the right fore- arm, at the middle and lower third, for cancer, with union by the first intention, at the age of 71 years. St. Louis M. Si S. J., 1887, liii, 147.—Kozmin. Vysok. amputat. bedra u 80. liet. starika s ischod. v vyzdorbv. [Amputation at the hip-joint in a man 80 years of age, followed bv recov- ery.J Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1890, xvi, 325-330.—Mon- tcuuis. Amputation de cuisse cbez un vieillard de 75 aus, atteint d'un osteo-sarcome de la jambe datant de trois aus. J. d. sc. m6d.de Lille, 1889, ii, 199-201.—Morris (R. T.) Amputation through the leg, with recovery, in a man, at. 83 years and 4 mouths. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 490-492. —Wharton (H. R.) Two cases of amputa- tion in extreme old age. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 37.—Willis (G. O.) Amputation of forearm for epithe- lioma in a woman aged eighty-six ; recoverv. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, ii, 1031. — Worthingtou (G.) A case of successful amputation of the leg, the patient being in bis seventy-fourth year. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1890, n. s., 1, 469. Amputation in pregnancy. See Pregnancy ( Wounds, etc., during). Amputations (Carpal and metacarpal). See, also, Amputations at wrist joint. Croly (H. G.) Primary amputation of large portion of right hand; thumb and part ot forefinger saved. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882. 3. s., Ixxiv, 356-358. — Buudore (C. A.) Amputation of the metacarpal bone in continuity, for in- juries of the middle and ring fingers. Codex med. Phila., 1894-5, i, 204-206, 1 pl. AMPUTATIONS. 322 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations (Interscapulo thoracic). Bkkgkk (P.) L'amputation dn membre supe- rieur dans la contigui'te" dn tronc (amputation hiterscapulo-thoracique). 8°. Paris, 1887. Keen (W. W.) Amputation of the entire ex- tremity (including clavicle and scapula) for sar- coma following fracture of the clavicle. Exten- sive thoracoplasty by Sckede's method. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1895. Also, in: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 715-718. Sambicy (L.) "De l'ablation totale du mem- bre supdrieur (avec l'omoplate). 4°. Paris, 1883. Solpart (F.) D6sarticulation scapulo-liume'- rale suivie de l'ablation de l'omoplate. Obser- vation recueillie par M. le docteur van Leynseele. 8°. Gand, 187)8. Rein: from : Ann. Soc de m6d. de Gand, 1858, xxxvi [with ndditions]. Berber (P.) Amputation du membre sup6rieur dana la contigui'te du tronc (disarticulation de l'omoplate). Bull, et mem. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 1883, ix, 656. -----. De l'amputation du membre superieur dans la contiguit6 du tronc; manuel op6ratoire. Cong, franc, dechir. Proc.- verb., etc., 1886, Par, 1887, ii, 498-504. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. de chir., Par., isso, vi, 955. — Chavasse (T. F.) Successful removal of 1 lie entire upper extremity for osteo- chondroma. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889-90, lxxiii, 81-99, 1 pl. Also | Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. 6c Chir. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, 3. s., ii, 47-50. -----. 'A clinical lecture on the interscapular thoracic amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii. 471-473. -----. A successful case of removal of the en- tire upper extremity for injury by Berger's method. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 969.—Delormc. Tumeur maligne de I'extr6mit6 superieure de l'huui6rus; amputation intra- scapulo-thoracique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 446-452. — Desprcs. Sur une nouvelle amputation du membre superieur. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 490-492. Also: France med., Par., 1882, ii, 424. — Dubar. Amputation interscapulo-thora- cique pour un ost6o sarcome de l'extremit6 superieure tie HiQmerus et de l'omoplate gauches. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1895, xxxiv, 1-10. — Gupta (S. N. Das). Skewer amputation of the upper extremity, including the scapula and outer half of the clavicle. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1891, xxvi, 147.— Hall (G. C.) Removal of the scapula with the whole of the right upper extremity for sarcoma. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x, 10.—Heath (C.) A case of amputation of the arm and scapula for ossifying sarcoma; recovery. [Abstr.] Proc. Roy. M. &; Chir. Soc. Lond., 1882-3 to 1884-5, n. s., i, 214. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 412. — Houzel (G.) Amputation interscapulo-tho- racique pour ost6o-sarcome de l'epaule droite; guferison. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v, 13-18.—Keen (W. W.) Amputation of the entire upper extremity (including the scapula and clavicle), and of the arm at the shoulder-joint, with especial reference to methods of controlling hemor- rhage; with a report of one caseof the former amputation and four of the latter. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1894, xii, 35-70. — Kcehler (A.) Ein Fall von Exarticulation des Armes mit Entfernung des Schulterblattes und tier lateralen zwei Dreitheile des Schliisselbeins. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 1014-1017. — Lewis (E. A ) On the interscapulo-thoracic amputation, with report of a case. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 88-92. Also [Rap. de P. Berger]; Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, xvi, 98- 100. — McGill (A. F.) Note on a case of amputation of the arm, with scapula and part of clavicle. Brit. M. J. Loud., 1880. ii, 702. — McLeotl (K.) Case of skewer am- putation of tbe entire upper extremity. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 117. — Mawson (J.) Osteosarcome de la tete, de l'humerus propage& la synoviale; desarticulation scapulo- humeral suivie d'une amputation iuter-scapulo-thora- cique; shock operatoire; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1893, viii, 140-148.—May (B.) On amputation of the entire upper extremity in the contiguity of the trunk, by the method of Paul Berger; with two cases of the opera- tion. Ann.Surg., St. Louis, 1888, viii, 434-440 Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 300-302.—Ochsner (A. J.) A further caseof removal ofthe upper extremity together with the scapula and clavicle. Ann. Surg Phila., 1895, xxii, 736-742, 1 pl. — Poggi (A.) Esporta- zionedi tutto I'arto superiore insieme alia clavicolaed alia Bcapola. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 225.—Treves (F.) Two cases of amputation of the en- tire upper extremity. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1158. Amputations (Multiple or consecutive). Delon (P.) *Des amputations siniultane'es dans la continuity des deux mernbres infe"rieurs. 4°. Lyon, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1694. Roesly (Mary). The misfortunes of . . . or the lost arm. A true story. 12°. Boston, 1875. Amputations (Multiple or consecutive). Albers. Stelzfiisse fiir einen beiderseitig Amputirten mit fehlenden linkem Arm. Berl. klin. WcTinschr., 1894 xxxi, 937. — Alexander. Double amputation of leg' Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1881, i, 185.—Alexander (R.) Re! port of acase of primary synchronous triple amputation for railway injury. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1889, i, 1-3.—Allen (T. W. J.) Case of primary triple amputation at left el- bow, left foot, and right leg; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1HM) i, 730.—[Amputation beider Uiiterschenkel.] Aerztl Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1867), 1868, 242.— Armstrong (J. B.) Triple primary major amputa- tions in a boy four years of age; recovery. Arch. Pediat. Phila., 1884, i, 378. — Arnold. Double amputation sous- astragalienne. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1892 xix, 39-43.—Arpal (F.) Un caso de doble amputacion! An. de ciruj., Madrid. 1884, iii, 61-65.—Ashlnu-st (J.), jr! Four cases of double amputation. Med. News, Phila.! 1883, xiii, 241. -----. A case of successful simultaneous triple amputation for railway injury, with remarks on the technique of multiple amputation. Tr. Coll. Phys Phila., 1888, 3. s., x, 298-307. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait. 1887-8, xviii, 441. Also: Med. 6c Surg. Reporter. Phila' 1888, lviii, 423. Aho: N. York M. J.,"18S8. xlvii. 384-386! Aho: J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 459. — Hanker (A. J.) Triple amputation; recovery. Am. Pratt. & News.Xouisville, 1889, n. s., vii. 134.—Bardelcbcn. Re- sectio mantis; amputatio antibrachii; reamputatio hu- meri. Charite-Ann. 1883, Berl., 1885, x, 454.—Blank's (J. H.) Amputation of both legs without the use of ligatures. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1882, xv, 145. — Brny (J. L.) Primary double amputation of the thighs, suc- cessfully and synchronously performed for railway in- juries to the legs. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1879-80, viii, 172-174. — Briggs (C. S.) Amputation of the left arm at shoulder-joint, and the middle finger of the right hand at metacarpo-phalangeal articulation for extensive railroad injury; recovery. Nashville J. M. Sc S., W4, xxxiv, 433-436. — Buchanan (G.) Double amputation for injury to both arms ; recovery. Glasgow XI. J., 1861-2, [3. s.j, ix, 403. Also, in his: Sufg. Cases [etc.], 8°, Glas- gow, 1862, 7. — Buchanan (J. J.) Amputation of both legs antl fracture of the femur; recovery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xiv, 711. — _) Double amputation of lower extremi- rJT' x-.°rl. M. & S. J., 1893-4, n. s., xxi, 161-163, 1 pl.— rremainc t,W. S.) A successful case of quadruple am- putation. N. York .XL J., 1882, xxxv, 38.—Tyson. Dou- ble simultaneous amputation of legs just below the knee- joint; fracture of left humerus; large scalp wound; recov- ery. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 603.—Wallace (G. C.) Quad- ruple amputation; recovery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, | Amputations (Multiple or consecutive). Phila., 1888, lviii, 660. — Wharton (H. R.) Successful simultaneous triple amputation. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila,,, 1894, 3. s., xvi, 72-75. Aho: Med. News. Phila., 1894, lxiv, 350.—Williams (XV. W.) Primary synchronous triple' amputation of left thigh, right leg, and fight arm, for rail- road injury. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 318.—Wins- low (R ) Synchronous amputation of both legs. Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xi, 168. -----. Crush of a leg by a falling bank; primary amputation ; sloughing of stump, and infiltration with pus; secondary amputation; death. from septicaemia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xi, 345.— Woolsey (E. 11.) Synchronous amputation of right thigh and left leg; died from neglect of attendants. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1883-4, 62. -----. Synchronous amputation of both legs at middle; recovery. Ibid., 63.— Zsigmoudy. [Amputation gleichzeitig beider Extre- mitaten.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien, (1875), 1876, 131. Amputations (Quadruple). See Amputations (Multiple, etc.). Amputations (Tarsal and metatarsal). See, also, Amputations at ankle-joint. Autexrieth (A.) * Ueber die funktionellen Resultate der Chopart'schen Fussexarticula- tioneu. 8-. Stuttgart, 1892. Ball (C.) * Ueber die Chopart'sche Operation und ibren tberapeutiscben Wertb. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1878. Berchu (J.-C.) * Sur l'amputation partiello du pied. 4°. Strasbourg, 1815. Brandt (L.) * Ueber die partiellen Amputa- tionen am Fusse, nebst 27 neuen Fallen aus der Freiburger und Wiirzburger Klinik. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1863. Brugueirolle ( F.) * De l'amputation du pied a lambeau dorsal; proc(k!6 de Baudeus. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Fauchox (E.) * Sur un cas d'arthrodese tibio- tarsienne pratiquee dans le cours de l'amputa- tion de Cbopart. 4°. Paris, 1891. Jahx (O.) * Weitere Beitrage iiber die Am- putationen am Fusse. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Koch (E.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der par- tiellen Fussamputationen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1878. Labotjesse (A.-L.-R.) * Amputations par- tielles et totales du pied; 6tude de medecine operatoire. [Bordeaux.] 4°. Brest, 1890. Le Rotjx (A.) 'L'amputation sous-astra- galienne et sa comparaison avec les amputations intra-calcaneennes; e"tude clinique et pbysio- logique. 4°. Lyon, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1891. Pflessing (H. K.) * Zur Casuistik der Ex- articulatio pedis nacb Lisfranc. 8°. Berlin, [1691]. Soxkier (A.-J.-M.) * De la valeur clinique de l'amputation sous-astragalienne. 4 . Nancy, 1690. Weisschedel (E.) * Ueber die Amputatio sub talo. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1893. Widmer (F.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss und Beurtbeiluug dor Amputatio talo calcanea nach Blasius. Aus der Ziircherpraxis des Herrn Prof. Dr. E. Rose. 8°. Zurich, 1881. de Areilxa (E.) Amputaciones irregulares del pie. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1885, xi, 377-384.—Ashhurst (J.), jr. Sub-astragaloid amputation of the foot. Med. &Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 471.—Berger (P.) Amputation m6dio-tarsienne par la methode en raquette. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, xv, 646. -----. Double amputation medio tarsienno par deux proc6d6a differents sur le meme sujet. Ibid., 1892, xviii, 485.— Jtezzi (G.) Carie dell'astragalo e calcagno in soggetto operato 1' anno scorso alia Cbopart. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1888, iii, 36. — Bleltsoff (A.) Otnyanle stopi vidoizmenyonnim sposobom Choparta, [ Amputation of foot by modified Chopart's method.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881. i, 418-422— Blandiu (F.) Memoire sur l'amputation partiello du pied. Bull.Soc. anat.de Par.(lS2S), 1845, iii, 2. ed., 125-134. Aho, Reprint (?). — Bogdauik (J.) Dermoplastyczna amputacyja atopy, f. . . of foot.] AMPUTATIONS. 324 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations (Tarsal and metatarsal). Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1890, xxix, 39. Also, transl: Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 1651-1653. — Bosuians. L'am- putation tie Chopart ou la disarticulation m6dio-tarsienne doit-elle etre conservee dans le cadre des operations chi- rurgicales'. Arch. nied. beiges, Brux., 1881. 3. s., xix, 170-181. — C'nntelli. Disarticolazione medio-tarsea col metodo Chopart modificato. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1883, xxxi, 20-38. Aho, Reprint, — t'alhcait (C. W.) Should partial foot amputations be abandoned? Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 1050. — Chaput. Amputation intra- calcan6enne horizontale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 80-82— U'Ambrosio (A.) Della disarticolazione del calcagno. e del vuotameuto alia S6dillot, dello stesso e di altre ossa del piede. Movimento, Napoli, 1881, 2. s., iii, 29-37.—Demosthene (A.) Desarticulationssimultan^ts de Lisfranc au pied droit, et sous-astragalienne, avec de- capitation de l'astragale, au pied gauche. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc. verh.. etc., 1889, Par., 1890, iv, 476. Also, in his: Travaux pi esdites [Cong, franc, de chir. |, 8°, Par., 1890, 29. — Despres. Amputation sous-astragalienne avec resection du col de l'astragale; procede nouveau. Paris med., 1880, 2. s., v, 361.—Dubourg (G.) Amputation sous-astragalienne; gu6rison. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 418-420. Aho: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1882), 1883. 151-156. — Dnbrueil. Amputation du premier orteil et d'une partie du premier m6tatarsien par la methode en raquette avec lambeau digitoplantaire. Rev. d'orthop.. Par. 1892. iii, 241-244.— Dniuont (F.) Prof. Kocher's Methode der Fussgelenks- resection von einem aussereii Ouerschnitte aus. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl.. lsMi-7, xxxiv, 318-328. Also, Reprint.— Fcrrnloti & Hasslcr. Tuberculose du pied; ar- thrites fongueuses des articulations mediotarsiennes et tarso mctatarsiennes ; disarticulation sous-astragalienne; guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiv, 215-219.— Foulan. Amputation sous-astragalienne; guerison ; coinparaison du resultat definitif avec deux autrvs desarticules du pied. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1880, xxxiii, 142-149.—Hayes (P. J.) Tripier's amputa- tion of the foot. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 303. -----. Tripier's amputation of the foot. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, 3. s., lxxii, 465-472, 1 pl. — Helferieh. Leber die Zulas- sigkeit der Chopart'schen Lxartieulation. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. l'.erl.. 1>89. xviii, pt. 2, 288- 297, 1 pl. Aha: Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl.. 1889, xxxix, 732-741,1 pl. — llol'molil. Cai iesdei Fiisswurzelknochen des rechten Fusses, Chopart'scbe Enucleation; Caries im letzten Interphalangealgeleuke der linken grossen Zehe ; Amputation der Grundphalanx ; fast vollstandige Heilung per primam ; Tod durch Meningitis tuberculosa. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftuns in Wien (1884), 1885, 415. — Keelley (C. B.) "Plastic" amputations ofthe foot. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1888, viii, 441-445. — Kolli- ker (T.) Historische Bemerkung zur Mittheilung von Dr. van Walsem iiber den Verlauf der Gelenklinie bei der Lisfranc'schen Exartikulatiou. Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1887, xiv, 409. — Kiister (E.) Eine neue Amputations- methode im Mittelfuss. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1884, xxxi, 217, 1 pl. — I; abbe (L.) Amputations partielles du pied et amputation sus-maileolaire. In his: Lee. de clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1876, 509-551. — Larger (R.) Des causes de la deformation du moignon k la suite des amputations du pied en g6n6ral; anatomie ties gaines synoviales tendineuses du pied. Rev. mens, de m6d. et chir., Par., 1880, iv, 665-703. Aho [Rap. de Farabeuf]: Bull. etTneni. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s.. vi, 71; 82.— Liichtenbcrg (G.) Chopart's operation. Proc M. Soc. Lond., 1877-9, iv, 41. — Limier (H.) De l'amputation des quatre derniers Amputations (Tarsal and metatarsal). metatarsiens. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1893, i, 257-270__ Oilier. Dela tarsectomie postorieure totale et des am- putations du pied a lambeau talonnier double du perioste calcaneen. Rev. de chir., Par., 1891, xi, 277-307.— O'Shaughnessy (R.i Case of removal of the foot by Chopart's operation. Quart. J. Calcutta M. & Phys. Soc. 1838, ii, 229. — Bayc (J. J. A.) Case of amputation' through the tarsus; subastragaloid; Le Fort's opera- tion. Proc. N. W. Prov. & Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass Allahabad, 1883, ii, 212-216.—Bogers (A. M.) Case of partial amputation of the foot (Chopart's operation) Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv, app.' pp. xxii-xxv. — Boux. Amputation partielle du pieii selon la methode de Chopart, modifiee, 16sion tie l'articu. lation de la jambe avec le pied. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1828-9, i, 66. — Sacchi ( E. ) Di alcune utili operazioni complementari al processo Chopart nella disarticolazione medio-tarsea. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, x. pt. 3, 854- 858.-ScheIkly (W. F. H.) Over ecnige nieuwe resec- tiemethodes van bet voetgewricht en de torsaalgewrich. ten. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1890, xliv, no. 1;.—Scliiel (H.) A case of amputation after a modification of Piro- goff's method. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1888, n. s., x, 97-100.—Schinzinger. Die osteodermoplastische Fuss- amputation. Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 1649-1651__ Smith (R. W.) Bones of the stump, after amputation of a portion of the foot. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 234-236.— Spencer (W. G.) The stump of a Chopart's amputation. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1887-8, xxxix, 450.—Stiuison. Chopart's operation. X. York M. J., 1885, xii, 310.—Stroud (E. L.) Necrosis of the metatarsus; Ilev's operation. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1883-4, i, 7-9. — Tillaiix. Considerations sur les articulations tarso-metatarsiennes au point de vue de l'amputation de Lisfranc. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881. vii, 318-323.—Valerani (F) Disar- ticolazione tarso-tarsea nella linea auti-scafoidea. Os- servatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 449-452. — Vance (Ap M.) The impropriety of the recognized amputations aliout the foot and ankle. Louisville M. News, 1885, xx, 273.— Verneuil ( A. ) Amputations partielles du pied. In his: Mem. de chir., 8°, Par., 1880, ii, 708-772. — Was. static (W. W.) Tripier's modified amputation of tin- foot, Lond. M. Rec, 1880, viii, 134.—Weber (C. 0.) Zur Statistik der Amputationen des Fusses. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1860-61, 52-54. Also: Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1861, 41.—Weiulechncr. Amputation des Vorderfusses nach Lisfranc mit Bildung eines seit lichen innereu Lappens wegen Epitheliom des Fuss- riickens; spaterhin Exstirpation der degenerirten Ingtii- naldriisen, wobei ein kleines Gefasschen uninittelbar am Abgange von der Art. cruralis riss, dessbalb Uuterbin- dung der Art. femoralis; Nachblutung beim Liisen dos Ligaturfadens am peripheren Stumpfe der Arterie durch Compression gestillt; Tod in Folge von Recidive und wiederholten Blutungen an der Stelle der exstirpirten Leistendriisen. Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1886), 1888, 235-237.—Wight (J. S.) Two cases of double amputation of the anterior part of the feet, alter Erichsen. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 543.—Wiuslow (R.) Is Chopart's amputation a justifiable operation! Maryland M. J., Bait., 1881-2, viii, 103-107. Amputations (Triple). See Amputations (Multiple, etc.). Amputations at ankle-joint. See, also, Amputations (Tarsal, etc). Aegexto (G.) Sulla amputazione Pirogoff- Synie. Sc. I'alcrmo, 1684. Bibelje (H.) * Bericht liber, die in den letz- ten 10 Jahren in der Halleschen chirurgischen Klinik ausgefiihrten Amputationen nach Piro- goff. 8J. Halle a. S., 1886. Bollici (P.) Due casi di disarticolazione del piede. b°. [Ferrara, 188'J.] Brcxet (L.[-J.-M.-A. ]) * Amputation de Pi- rogofl". 4C. Paris, 1694. Durbesson (E.-P.) *De la disarticulation tibio-tarsienne a lambeau plantaire et externe: proce'de' de n^cessite. 4C. Lyon, 1895. vox Eichstorff (E. R.) * De methodo cruris, excisopede, per osteoplast longitudine augendi. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1854. Flamaix (V.) *De l'amputation tibio-tar- sienne. 4°. Chdlons-sur-Marne, 1671. -----. The same. t-'. Chdlons-sur-Marne, 1871. AMPUTATIONS. 325 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at ankle-joint. Kestxer (H.) *De l'aniputation tibio-tar- sienne suivaut le proce'de Syme-Pirogoff. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)7. Ludwig (F.) * Beitrage znr Statistik der osteo- plastischen Yerliiugerung ties Unterschenkels nach Pirogoff. 8". Wiirzburg, 1677. Raeis (E). * Des amputations du pied sous le rapport des r^sultats inime'diats et des re"snltats d6finitifs. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Robert (C.-A.) *Des amputations partielles et de la disarticulation du pied. 8°. Paris, 1680. Eoux de Brignoles (G.) Manuel des ampu- tatious du pied. Preface de M. L. Oilier. 8-". Part's, 18U4. Ridel (J.) *Ein Wort fur die primiire Am- putation bei caritis tuberkuloser Fussgeleukser- kraukung. 8-. Berlin, [1883]. Spracel (J.) Considerations cliniques sur l'aniputation tibio-calcan^enne }iar le proce'de de Pasquier Le Fort. 4°. Nancy, 1664. Adam (A. M.) Modification of Syme's amputation at the ankle-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii. 670. — «l'Am- brosio. Disarticolazione dell'intiero piede. Movimento. Napoli, 1881, 2. s., iii, 349-359. — Andrews (C. A.) Am- putation—foot; Syme's method. Madras Month. J. M. Se., 1870, i, 465.—Argento (G.) Modificazione del processo operatorio di Pierogoff per 1' amputazione del piede. Atti tl. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, Chi- rurg. [etc.],439.—Aschenborn ( O.) Exarticulatio pedis (nach Syme). Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1860, xxv, 361.— Ashhurst (J.), .jr. Svme's amputation for disease of the ankle-joint. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3. xiii, 156.—Bar- ter (J. F.) Syme's amputation of foot for a cancerous tumour. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1887. xxii, 44.—Bar- ton (J. K.) Tripier's amputation of the foot. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 343. — Billroth ([C. A.]T.) Amput. (tits Fussgelenks) nach Svme. [2 cases.] In hh.- Chir. Klin. Wien 1871-6. 8D, Berl.,' 1879, 536. -----. Amputatio Pirogoff (des Fussgelenks) (12 Falle). Ibid.. 536. -----. Amputa- tion Pirogoff (der FussWurzel- und Mittelfussknochen und ihrer Gelenke) (3 Falle). Ibid., 540. -----. Sarkom des rechten Mittelfusses: Amp. Pirosoff. Ibid.. 577, 1 pl.— Bimuierman. Resectiopedis naar Pirogoff. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Xederl. Indie, Batav., 1889, xxix. 351-354.— Boccia (S.) Relazione sa di unaoperazione alia Pirogoff con applicazione dei crini di cavallo per la sutura delle ossa e delle parti molli. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1891, xxxviii, 1562-1570.— Bray (C. W.) Report of two cases of amputation at the ankle, as a result of railroad injury. Tr. Maine M Ass., Portland, 1880, vii, pt. 1, 117- 119. — Bnechner ( TV. II. ) The Pirogoff amputation. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 59-61.— Burton (H. G.) Report of a case of gunshot wound, followed by am- putation of the foot at the ankle joint; use of Esmarch's tourniquet followed by profuse capillary oozing; use of mercuric chloride and iodoform. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, VVash., 1885-6, 88. — Butcher (R. G. H.) Syme's opera- tion at the ankle joint; recovery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1859. xxvii, 28-31, 1 pl. Aho, in his.- Rep. Oper. Surg., >P, Dublin, 1859, 28-31, 1 pl. -----. Pirogoff's operation at the ankle joint, in which Svme's had to be substituted ; re- covery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1859, xxvii, 31-42. Aho, in his: Hep. Oper. Surg., 8°, Dublin, 1859, 31-42— C'aeciop- poli (G.) Ln caso di disarticolazione del piede. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1882, vii, 301-310. Aho: Eco d. osp., Napoli, 1883, i, 11-19.—Cordier (P.) Desarticula- tion tibio-tarsienne du pied droit, n6cessit6e par une ulce- tion gangreneuse de la plante da pied consecutive a des chiques. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1895, xliii, 228-230.— Cornaz (E.) Amputation tibio-tarsienne d'apres le pro- cede Pirogoff. Echo med.. Neucbat., 1861, v, 425-432.— Also, Repiint. — Deetrick (J.) A new method of ampu- tion at the ankle joint. Med. Counselor. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1889, xiv, 255-257. — Dickson (.J. X.) The retro calcanean bursae in reference to amputations through the ankle joint. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, iii, 175-178. — Dntlon. Amputation totale du pied et resec- tion des deux mall6oles pour une plaie par 6crasement. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1882), 1883, 87-92. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 322.— Englisch. Ostitis tarsi sinistri; Pes planus; Amputatio nach Pirogoff; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenanst. Rudolpb-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879, 441.— Fowler (G. R.) Caries of the tarsus; Syme's opera- tion. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc, Brooklyn, 1879, i, 3. —;—. Caries of tarsus; amputation at ankle; re-ampu- tation through leg after three months. Ibid., I.5.—Fun- denberg ( G. B. ) Double amputation at the ankle joint. Pittsburgh M. J., 1880-81, i, 323-325. — Oallozzi (C.) Osservazione di un caso di resezione tibio-calcanea Amputations at ankle-joint. alia Pirogoff seguita da felice risultato. Resoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Xapoli, 1878, xxxii, 93-99. Also, Reprint.— C» a ui gee (J. S.) The starched apparatus and Pirogoff's modification of Syme's amputation. Lancet, Loud., 1855, i, 616. — Grechaninotr ( A. A. ) Sluchai Pirogovskoi operatsii. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1884, xxi, 26-32.—Hamilton (W. R.) A new method of performing the amputation at the ankle joint. Pitta- burgh M. J., 1880-81, i, no. 2, 1-8. -----. Amputation at the ankle joint, bv a new method. Railway Surg.,' Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 217-221.—Huntington (T. W.) Re- amputation after Syme's operation. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1889, iii, 532.—Huselton (W. S.) Modified Syme amputation for gangrene. Pittsburgb M. Rev., 1888, ii, 172. — Jaboulay. Observation pour servir au parallele de la desarticulation sous-astragalienne et de l'amputation de Pirogoff. Province med., Lyon, 1890, iv, 544. -----. Parallele d'une desarticulation sons-astraga- lieune et d'une amputation de Pirogoff-S6dillot. Rev. d'orthop.. Par., 1891, ii, 118-129. — Kleinmann ( E. ) Ueber das Annageln ties Fersenhockers bei tier Pirogoff - schen Amputation. Mitth. a. tl. chir. Klin, zu Tubing., 1884, 2. Hft., 298-309.—I> miens tciu (C.) Ein einfacher Weg, das Fussgelenk freizulegen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1890, xix, pt. 2, 69-78. — lie .lloyue (F.) A modification of Pirogoff's amputation. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1894, xxv, 108. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 303.—Lock wood (T. P.) Pirogoff's operation. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1886, 140.— Macdonald (R. J. J. ) Case of malignant tumour of foot; Pirogoff's amputation and recovery (with specimen and sections). Tr. Hongkong M. Soc, 1889, i, 221.— ITIncFarlaiic (J. W.) Advantages of Syme's amputa- tion. Cincin. M. J., 1892. vii, 399. Aho: Sled. Standard, Chicago. 1892, xii, 131.—Mackenzie (R. J.) On ampu- tation at the ankle-joint hv internal lateral flap. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. &'E«linb.\ 1848-9, ix, 951-954. Also, Re- print.— McI.ieod (K.) Syme's amputation for caries of the ankle-joint. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 137. — ITInrcacci ( G.) Due casi di resezio-disarticola- zione tibio-calcanea con modificazione al processo Pirogoff. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1875, xxxv, 475-483. Also, in his: Clin, chir., 83, Firenze, 1875, 13-21.—lYIatveyert" ( A. F.) Novoye vidoizmenenie osteoplasticlieskavo otniat'ia goleni po sposobn. Pirogova. [ITew modification of osteoplas- tic amputation of the foot by Pirogoff'a method.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1893, iii, 220J 1 pl. — IUay ( B. ) On re- traction of the flap after Svme's amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 361. — Meach'cr ( W.) The comparative merits of Syme's and Pirogoff's operations. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin," Appleton. 1885, xix. 74-76. — ITIenger ( R. ) Gangrene of both feet; Pirogoff's operation. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1881, civ, 109. — ITIolHere (D.) Desarticulation du pied. M6in. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, pt. 2, 42-44. — Murdoch (J. B. ) Syme's amputation. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1892, xii, 130. — .Tinrray (J.) Syme's amputation for crushed foot. Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 728. — Xorth (J.) Retraction of the flap after Syme's amputation. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 129. — Pasquier. Ueber die Knocbennabt und ihre Anwendung bei der Pirogoff'schen Amputation. Il- lust. Monatschr. d. iirztl. Polytech., Bern, 1883, v, 51- 53.—Pcrkovski (S. P.) Primien. idei osteoplast, operat. Pirogova-Lc Fort'a posle poln. otniatija nizhuich kontsev kostei goleni. [Ai plication of tho osteo-plastic principle of Pirogoff-Le F'ort after amputation of the lower part of bone of leg.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 555-557.— Polaillon. Epithelioma ties orteils envahissant le pied; desarticulation tibio-tarsienne; mort de broncho- pneumonie tardive. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1893, 8. s., ii, 293.— Poncet (A.) De l'amputation tibio-tarsienne k lambeau dorsal (procede de Baudens). Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1893, iv, 99-108. — Bideuour ( A. W. ) A novel amputation. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1887, vii, 9-12.—Kicdinger. Pes varus, cariesoss. petl.; Operation nach Syme, Lister; Hei- lung. Chir. Klin, im k. Juliushosp. zu Wiirzh., 1879 131- 133. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1880, xv, 195. -----. Caries sammtlicher Fusswurzelknochen; Amputat. nach Syme, Lister; Heilung; Coxitis sacro-iliaca, Sen- kungsabscess am liuken Oberschenkel; Entziindung des Schultergelenks. Chir. Klin, im k. Juliushosp. zu Wiirzb., 1879, 164-166.—Rogers ( W. B. ) Pirogoff's amputation, with report of three cases. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890, i, 318-320. Also: Times Sc Reg., N. Y. & Phila., 1890, xx, pt. 2, 609. Also: J. Xat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne, 1890-91, iii, 113-116. Also: Memphis J. M. Sc, 1890-91, ii, 120-123. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, 202-205. — Rose (E.) Eine Kniichelamputation mit spontaner Nervenregeneration. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1890-91, xxxi, 461-465.—Kydygier. Osteo-dermo- plastische Fussamputation. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1888, xvii, pt. 2, 148-151. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1888, xxxvii, 657-660. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 436.—Syme (J.) Ampu- tation at the ankle-joint. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1844, iv, 647; 650. Also, inhis: Surg. Cases and Ob- serv., 8°, [Edinb., 1844], 7-13. -----. Amputation at the AMPUTATIONS. 326 AMPUTATIONS. Amputation* at ankle-joint. ankle. Lond. & Edinb. Mouth. J. M. Sc, 1845, v, 341- 344. Aho, in his: Surg. Cases and Observ., 8D, Edinb., [1845], 5-8.—Thornton (B.) Amputation of foot, with rapid union in spite of syphilis, gout and delirium tre- mens. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 542. — Treskin (F. ) Zamietka o Pirogovskoi operatsii po povodu dvukb slu- chaveve eja vipolnenija se schastlivim ischodom. [ Piro- goff's operation; successful. ] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 425; 441.—Verneuil (A.) Desarticula- tion tibio-tarsienne; nouveaux faits pour servir a l'histoire de l'amputation tibio-tarsienne. Mem. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1857, iv, 411-450. Aho, in his: Mem. de chir., 8=, Par., 1880, ii, 655-707. — Viiinls ( F. ) De la desarticula- cion del pie; paralelo entre la uperacion de Lisfranc y la de Chopar. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid. 1883, xiii, 506-514. — W. Amputation in den Fusskuochelu nach Seme. Akad. Hosp. d. Univ. Giessen (1848), 1849, 86-88.—Weinlechuer. Caries der Mittelfussknocben; Operation nach Pirogoff; Aunadelu des Fersenstiickes; Exstirpation der geschwellten kasig zerfallenden Subin- guinal-Driisen; vollstiiudige Heilung des Stumpfcs nach 6 Wochen nnd der Driisenwuutleu nach 2J Monaten. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879, 446. -----. Durch Sturz veranlasste Luxation des Fusses nach innen mit Zerreissung der Weichtheile an der Innen- und Vorderliache ties Sprunggelenkes und wei- terEroffnung desselben; conservative Behandlung; lang- wierige Eiterung, die selbst nach 4 Monaten nicbt auf- htirte; die vorgeschlageue primiire Amputation wurde verweigert. Aerztl. Her. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh zu Wien (1886), 1888, 237.—Wheeler (W.I.) Stump after Sy me's amputation. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. s., ix, 79.— While (J. W.) Modified Pirogoff amputation. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, AS].—Wilson (B. F.) A new amputation at tlie ankle. Kansas City M. Index, 1890, xi, 263-265.— Wyelh (J. A.) Caries of the tarsus; ampu- tation at the iibio-tarsal articulation. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881. 2. s . i, 256.—Zsigmondy. Absetzung des Fusses nach I'iro^otf. AerztLBer. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (18711. 1872, 182 -----. [Amputation ties linken Fusses nach Birogorl' in 1863; neuerdings Caries und Gangrau am Stnmpfe; Amputation im oberen Drittheile des Uutersclonktls ( C'irkelschuitt); Heilung.] Ibid., (1875), 1876, 130. Amputations of arm. See, also. Arm (Wounds of) ; Elbow-joint (Diseases of). Aubert (l\) Amputation du bras. Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1876), 1877, xvi, 164-168. — Buglioui (G. B.) Amputazione del braccio per sarcoma pcriostale a cellule rotonde. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiii, 514-516.—Cromplon (D.) Amputation of the arm close to the shoulder-joint; courage of the patient before the days of chloroform. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1887, 3. s., xxix, 143-145. — K stoic (A.) Amputation du braa au tiers superieur avec ligature pr6alable de l'artere axil- laire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1886, viii, 577- 579.— Fnjames (It.) Amputacion del brazo izquierdo por el tercio inferior. Union de 1. cien. nied. Cartagena, 1883, iii, 23.—CJcrdy. Tumeur blanche du coude; amputa- tion du bras; reunion immediate; dechirure de la cica- trice par M. Lisfranc; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1829-30, ii, 37. — Korte (W.) Oberarm-Amputatiou. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 495. — Kiihiie (A.) Eine Oberarm - Amputation unter schwiengen Lnistanden. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 61.—Pezuela (R. A.) Escuro en uu brazo que exigio la amputacion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1879, xxvi, 649. — Ricdiuger. Maschintnvei- letzuug des linken Vorderams; Amputation des Oberarms. Chir. Klin, im k. Juliushosp. zu Wiirzb., 1879, 88.— Saehse. Oberarm-Amputatiou wegen einer vor 9 Jahren im Feld/.uge 1870 - 71 erlittenen Schussverletzuug. Deutsche mil. -iirztl. Ztschr., Berl.. 1879, viii, 567-572.— Net pie (W. G. M.) A curious phenomenon occurring during the amputation of an arm under profound anaesthe- sia. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1888. xxxiv. 66.—Treves (K.) A sixteenth century amputation. Lancet, Lond.. 1887, i, 63.—Vargas (E.) Breves consideraciones leferente'sd dos enternios quo sufrieron la amputacion de brazo en el servicio de la Clinica externa del hospital Juarez. Gac. med., Mexico, 1892, xxviii. 291-299.—Wile (W. C.) Am- putation near the shoulder joint, for gangrene followin" erysipelas; recovery. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford; 1885, 177-179. Amputations at elbow-joint. Kaoll (V.) • De la disarticulation du coude avec resection des saillies articulaires de l'hu- merus. 4^. Paris, 1868. Thoska [(J. P.] M.) * De exarticulatione cu- biti ob tumorein autibrachii facta. 8J. Bero- lini, 1-J.")9. * *'e,,i,c'e arrey. Amputations de l'avant bras. Bull. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1851-2, ii, 562.—Letievaut. R6union par premiere intention chez un aniputa de l'avant-bras. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1875), 1876, xv, pt. 2, 167-170. Amputations at hip joint. See, also, Amputation in old age; Pregnancy ( Wounds, etc., during). Alveknhe (J. ) * De l'hlmostase dans la disarticulation de la hanche. 4J. Montpellier, 1667). Buchanan (A. H.) Amputation at the hip- joint. 8°. Nashville, 167>9. Buuschek (G.) * Casuistischer Beitrag zur Exarticulatio femoris. 8J. Berlin, [16*2]. Coopkk (A.) [Successful operation of ampu- tating at the hip-joint.] 1 pl. [London, 1-^4.] Deycke (G.) "Ueber die Exarticulatio fe- iuoris uud ihre Gefahren mit casuistischen 15ei- triigeu. 8 . Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1693. Eisexberg (M.) * Beitriige zur Exarticulatio femoris. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1666. Fayrkr (J.) Amputation at the hip-joiut. 6''. Calcutta, 1664. Hawekkamp (A.) * Ein Fall vou Exarticula- tio femoris. 8:. Berlin, [1676]. Le Belleglic. Notice sur la description d'un nouveau systeine de jambe artificielle pour lea cas de disarticulation de la cuisse (coxo-femo- rale) [etc.]. cJ. Paris, 18G3. AMPUTATIONS. 327 AMPUTATIONS. Amputation!!) at hip-joint. Lewin (J.) * Die Exarticulation im Hiiftge- lenke. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1677. Li'NiXG (A.) Feber die Blntung bei der Exar- ticulation des Oberschenkels und deren Vermei- tlung. 8^. Zurich, 1876. -----. The same. 8°. Zurich, 1677. Metz (H.) * Ueber die Ltisung des Ober- schenkels aus dem Hiiftgelenke. 8\ Wiirzburg, 1641. Schulz (0.) * Ueber die Hiiftgeleuksexar- ticnlation bei Verbluteuden. 8-'. Berlin, [1883], Simula (G. N.) Sopra un caso di amputa- zione di coscia per grave traumatismo. Confe- renza teuuta agli studenti di clinica chirurgica. 8-. Sassari, 1886. Thoms (C.) * Ueber Oberschenkelexarticu- lationen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von neun durch Prof. Riedel operirten Fiilleu. 8°. Jena, 1893. United States. War Department. Surgeon- GeneraVs Office. Circular No. 7. 1867. A report on amputations at the hip-joint in military sur- gery. [By Asst. Surg. Geo. A. Otis, U. S. A.] 4Z. Washington, 1667. Ahern (J.) Disarticulation de la cuisse par la me- thode de Wyeth. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1892, n. s., vi 225-227.—Alexander (W.) Four cases of am- putation through tbe hip-joint; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii. 544. -----. Successful amputation at the hip-joint. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lviii, 645.—Aniiau- dale (T.) Observations on amputation at the hip-joint. Edinb. M. J., 1869-70, xv, 881-884. Aho, Reprint.—Arm- strong (G. W.) Amputation of the right lower limh after excision of the bip; use of Davy's lever. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1879, ii, 687. Also, in: Davy'(R.) Surg. Lect., 8°, Loud., 1880, 101-105.—A scheuboi-n (O.) Exarticulatio femoris. Arcb. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 355.—Aspil- laga(A.A.) Osteosarcoma de la rodillaizquierda: desar- ticulacion coxo-femoral; curacidn. Rev. med. de Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1889-90, xviii, 539-542. —Badolle. Des- articulation de la cuisse pour nn sarcome du femur. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d.de Lyon (1879), 1880, xix, pt. 2, 275-280.—Baker (W. M.) On'necrosis witb- out suppuration, with a case of intraosseous necrosis of the femur without suppuration, for which amputation at the hip-joint was performed. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond. (1875-80), 1880. viii, 158-161.—Barker (A. E.) Subperiosteal amputation at the hip-joint. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1882-3, xvi, 2.38. — Beatson (W. B.) A case of amputation at the bip-joint performed in the Field Hospital at Rangoon. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1854, ii, 465.— Beck (15.) Zur Auslosung des Femur im Hiiftgelenk. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., -879. xxiii, 654-663.—Berard (A.) Hanche (Operat. a la). Diet, de med., 2. 6d., Par., 1834, xv, 70-84.—Kerger. D6sarticulation tie la hanche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 310- 312.— Billroth ( T.) Exarticulation im Hiiftgelenk. In his: Chir. Kliu. Wien 1871-6, 8°, Berl., 1879, 534.—Bffickel (J.) Osteosarcome cystique du f6mur; desarticulation de la cuisse; reunion immediate; Lister; accidents infectieux graves; gu6rison definitive le41e jour; maintenue jusqu'& ce jour, 1" decembre. Gaz. nied. de Strasb., 1880, 3. s., ix, 133-135 — Boegchold (E.) Exar- ticulationen uud Amputationen des Oberseheukels. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881, xxvi, 441-440.—Boone (H. W.) Disarticulation at the hip-joint; a new method of control- ling hemorrhage during the operation. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 68. Aho, Reprint. — Bordoni (L.) Infelice disarticolazione della coscia. Gior. di clin. e terap., Mes- sina, W4. iii, 369-380.—Bradford (E. II.) A successful case of amputation at the hip-joint. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1884, ex, 257. -----. Subpeiiosteal amputation at tbe hip- joint after hip disease. Ibid.. 1887, cxvi, 180. -----. Am- putation of the hip-joint. Med. Sc Surg. Rep. City Hosp., Bost., 1889, 4. s., 144-149— Braggio (G.) Osteosarcoma del femore destro; disarticolazione a racchetta; guari- gioue. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1886, vi, no. 4, 73-75.—Bramwell (J. P.), Successful ease of am- putation at the hip joint for caucero;is tumour of femur. Edinb. M. J., 1872-3, xviii, 434-437.—Brainier (E. S.) A caseof amputation at the hip-joint. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1891, xxvi, 140-Bi-nlton (W. D.) Round-celled sarcoma of thigh; amputation at the hip-joint; death. Rep. Snperv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889, 273- 275.—Briddon (C. K.) Hip-joint amputation for sar- coma of femur. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 62.—Briggs (W. T.) Coxo femoral disarticulation for eucephaloid tu- mor of thigh; death on 29th day from secondary hemor- rhage. Nashville J. M. & S., 1885, u. s., xxxv, 13-16.— Brown (F. T.) Report of two successful hip-joint ampu- tations, the second of which was performed by a new Amputations at hip-joint. method. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 153-162, 3 pl. — Bryant (T.) Osteo-sarcoma of femur; amputation at hip joint; Davy's lever; recovery; subsequent return of disease in stump and deposit in lungs; death. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 791.—Buchanan (G.) Case of ampu- tation at the hip joint; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1883, xx, 152.—Bueehuer (W. H.) Bloodless amputation at the hip-joint by an old method. Med. Rec, N. T., 1893, xliv, 781. -----. Is the Wyeth method of hip amputation prop- erly named? Ibid., 1894, xiv, 124. -----. Amputation at the hip-joint. Ibid., 256.— Byrd (W. A.) Report of a case of successful amputation of the hip-joint; being the third amputation at tho hip-joint within a year. Weekly M. Rey., Chicago, 1886, xiii, 110-112. Also, Reprint.— Caccioppoli (G.) Disarticolazioneinterilio-addominale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 2, 819; 831.—Carpen- ter (H. W.) Successful amputation at hip-joint for enor- mous enchondroma of the femur. Med. Rec, N. T., 1884, xxv, 86. -----. Amputation at the hip-joint for osteo- chondroma. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., Phila., 1891, 337.—Ca- suso. Osteo-sarcoma del muslo; amputacion; desarticu- lacion coxofemoral; curacion. Progreso m6d., Habana, 1891, iii, 389-391, 1 pl. — t'halot (V.) De la compression digitate directe ties vaisseaux iliaques priinitifs par la voie sous-peritoneale dans la d6sarticulation tie la hanche. As- soc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 44-51.—Ohavasse (T. F.) Clinical remarks on amputa- tion at the hip-joint; with details of three cases at the Bir- mingham General Hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 849. Also, Reprint.—Cocheril. Vaste lipomyxosarcome de la face posterioure tie la cuisse droite k Evolution tres rapide; d6sarticulation coxo-f6morale; shock chirurgical post-operatoire; mort. Bnll. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1892, vii, 198-204.—Colquhoun (F. S.) Chronic disease of the left hip-joint; dislocation of the head of tbe femur onto the dorsum ilii; profuse suppuration; hectic; amputation at the joint with removal of portions of the acetabulum; patient still in hospital. Clin. Leer. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1866, iii, 214.—Curgenven. Sarcoma of femur; ampu- tation at hip-joint; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 813.—Dandridge (N. P.) Report of two cases of am- putation at the hip-joint, in which hemorrhage was con- trolled by transfixion-pins and elastic compression. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 72-75. Also, Reprint. — Davy (R.) Clinical lecture on amputation at the hip-joint; case illustrating a new method of compressing the common iliac artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, 704. Also, in his: Surg. Lect., 8°, Lond., 1880, 75-78. -----. Clinical lecture on amputation at the bip-joint; with cases illustrating the use of the lever for controlling haemorrhage. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 685. Also, in his: Surg. Lect., 8°, Lond., 1880, 79-85. -----. On amputation at the hip-joint; cases illustrating the use of the rectal lever. In his: Surg. Lect., 8°, Lond., 1880, 74-115. -----. On amputation of the bip-joint, with record of ten cases. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xv, 97-102. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 570. Alto [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1099.— Beaver (J. B.) Wyeth's amputation of hip. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, ii, 134-136. -----. Amputation at hip- joint; encysted cartilaginous tumor near subclavian ves- sels; operation on the fifth nerve. Am. J. Surg. Sc Gy- naec, Kansas City, 1892-3, iii, 202. -----. Amputation at hip-joint. Times & Reg., Phila., 1893, xxvi, 383. — De- mons (A.) Observation do disarticulation de la hanche pour une n6crose du femur suivie de fracture spontanee et d une periostite suppur6e tres 6tendue; guerison ; ap- pareil prothetique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 722-728. — Dennis (F. S.) A report of a successful case of amputation at the hip joint for removal of a sarcoma of the thigh. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 558-563. — Domec. De la disarticulation de la hanche. Mouvement med., Par., 1878, xvi, 480-484.—Dn. brueil (A.) Un nouveau procede de d6sarticulation de la hanche. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. ni6d. de Moutpel., 1887, ix, 445.—Dudou. Desarticulation tie la hanche; guerison. Mem. et bull. Soe. tie m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1888), 1889, 363-367.— Dnpont. Desarticulation dc la cuisse. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1879, xiii, 315-321—Encinns (S. G.) Tumor voluminoso; decola- cion del femur; curacion. Genioni6d.-quir.,Madrid, 1883, xxix, 227: 18.S4, xxx, 32.—Erlich (N. S.) K vopr. ob os- teoplast, amputat. bedra. (Osteoplastic amputation of hip.] Zapiski Ekateriuosl. med. Obsh., 1892, ii, 67-76.— Estes (W. L.) [Amputation at the hip-joint; fivecases.] Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1892, xxiii, 160-163. -----. Seven amputations at the hip-joint; the bloodless-gradual-dissec- tiou method; arguments antl observations which led to the use of this method. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1893-4, v, 65-74. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 111-114.— Eve (P. F.) Report of a successful hip-joint amputation. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chatta- nooga, 1889, 105-109, 1 pl. Also: South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1889, xi, 185-190.—Exarticulation des Oberschen- kels. Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1867), 1868, 236-238.—Fayrer (J.) Gunshot wound; amputa- tion at the bip-joint. Indian LI. Gaz., Calcutta, 1867, ii, '270. Aho, in hit: Collect. M. & S. Essays, 8°, n. p., n. d. AMPUTATIONS. 328 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at hip-joint. _____. Amputations at the hip-joint. [8 cases.] Inhis: Clin. A- Path. Obs. in India, 8°, Lond., 1X73. 488-495.— Fidler (L.) Vyluschcnie bedra v dva seansa. |Exar- ticulation of femur in two seances.] Voyenuo-med. J., St. Petersb., 1894, clxxix, pt. 1, 289-298.-Finlay (W. A.) Amputation at the hip-joint for acute disease. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1883-4, n. s., iii, 141. Aho: Edinb. M. J.. 18x3-4. xxix. 1130.—Fontorbc. Ost^osarcome du fe- mur: desarticulation de la hanche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir.'tie Par., 1892. u. s., xviii, 365-370.—Fox (J.) Exten- sive injury to abdomen and thigh; disarticulation of hip. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 724.—Gage (H.) Amputation at the hip-joint for angio-sarcoma of the thigh. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1893, cxxviii, 161.—Garden (R.J.) Amputation at the hip-joint, with the skewer method of securing the vessels. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 12.— Gaston (J. McF.) Wyeth's hip-joint amputation in a case of cystic sarcoma of the thigh. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, i, 132- 137, 1 pl.—Godlee (R. J.) The arrest of haemorrhage during amputation at the hip-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 32.—Gould (A. P.) Case of amputation at the hip joint in which the iliac arteries were compressed per rec- tum. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1X79, xii, 167-177. Also, in: Davy (li.) Surg. Lect.. 8-, Lond., 1880, 90-101.—Gross. Tine" operation de desarticulation coxo-femorale. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy (1878-9;, 1880, 89-112. Also [Ab- str.]: lxxv. Aho: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1880, xii, 257; 295; 339. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 2-6. Also | Abstr. ]: J. Soc. de m6d. et de pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1880, iv, 23.— Gross (S.D.) Successful amputation at the hip-joint for sarcoma of the thigh. Phila. M. Time», 1880, x, 517.— I Haelienberg (G. P.) On amputation at tlie hip-joint. Am. Pract. Sc News. Louisville, 1893, xvi, 453-455. Also, Reprint.— Ilainouic (P.) Sarcome de l'extremite supe- rieure du femur; desarticulation de la hanche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx. 73-76. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 277. — Handyside (P. D.) On amputation at the hip-joint. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1844, iv, 85: 1855, v, 254. Aho. in hh: Cases in Surgery, 8°, Loud., 1845, 18-28. — Hardy (X.) Hip-joint amputation for recurrent lymphosarcoma; preliminary laparotomy and direct compression of the aorta ; recovery. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii 467-469. Also, Reprint.—Hayes (P. J.) Case of disarticulation of the hip for sarcoma of tbe thigh. Med. Press i, Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s . xxxiv, j 4x2-481. — Herrick (C. B.) Amputation at the hip-joint for recurrent sarcoma of the thigh. Med. News, Phila., j 1893, lxiii, 406. — Hip-joint amputation for necrosis of femur. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1882, iv, 85.—Hoes- ley (J. S.) Some remarks on amputation at the hip-joint, with report of a case by Wyeth's method. Med. Rec, N. T., 1895, xlvii, 713-715. Aho, Reprint.—Howse (H. G.) Amputation through thigh preliminary to or iu place of amputation through hip in advanced eases of hip disease. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1100. — Hutchinson (J.) On amputation at the hip in certain desperate cases of dis- ease, of the joint or bone. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885, xviii, 240-243.—Jabonlny. La desarticulation iuterilio- abdominale. Lyon med., 1894, lxxv, 507-510. — Jaeger. Exarticulation des Oberschenkels aus dem Hiiftgelenke mit Erfolg verrichtet. Ztschr. f. tl. ges. Med., Ilamb., 1836, iii, 1-8, 1 pl. — Jnlland. Amputation at tlie hip- joint for sarcoma of the femur. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 793.—Jones (T.) Amputation at the hi]) joint, with case. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1887-8, vii, 213-216.—Jordan (F.) A method of amputating at the hip joint. (Abstract of clinical lecture.) In his: Surg. Enq.. 2. ed., Loud., [1880], , 302-305, 1 pl.—Keetley (C. B.) On disarticulation at the ' hip joint, and on a new mode of doing it. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, ii, 468-477. — Kohler (A.) Osteosarcoma femoris dextr.; exarticulatio femoris; Heilung der Opera- tiouswunde in 2 Monaten ; Tod 3 Monate nach der Opera- tion ; »ro^M- nutatast. Knoteu in den Lungen. Charite- Ann. lx-ii, Iterl., 1888. xiii, 603. — Kiirte (W.) Exarticu- j lation des t IberselunUels. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 497 — Kurbalotr (I. I.) Riedkii sluch. amputat. bedra. [Rare case of amputation at hip-joint.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1889, viii, nos. 3-4. 24-30.—Enn- uelougue. Sur deux cas d'osteosarcome, dont l'un a ne- I cessite la desarticulation de la hanche et a etc suivi de guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 362-371. -----. Desarticulation de la hanche. Inhis: Lee. declin. chir., x •, Par., 1888, 63-80.—Eauphcar (E.) Amputation at the hip-joint; bow should it be performed * Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii, 613-616. Aho, Reprint. -----. Four cases of bloodless amputation at the hip. Am. J. Surg. Sc Gynajc, Kansas City, 1892-3, iii, 182-186.— Earrey(H.) Rapport sur un ouvrage intitule : M6moire sur l'amputation tie la cuisse dans rarticulatiou de la hanche, par M. W. Sands Cox. Bull. Soc. de chir.de Par (1859), 1860, x, 294-306. — Ee Bee. Osteo-sarcome du fe- mur; desarticulation coxo-f6morale. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par., 1888, iii, 562-567.—Eedderhose (G.) Ein Fall von galvauokaustischer Exarticulation des Oberschenkels. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1*&'>, xvii, 559-566. — Eeger (H.) Osteosarcouie du femur- Amputations at hip joint. disarticulation de la hanche; hemorrhagic* secondaires multiples; guerison. Gaz. med. de I'icardie, Amiens, 1883, i, 54; 69.—Euens (It. C.) Amputation at the Ulp| use of Davy's lever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1x79, ii, 984.— Eutz (F. J.) Amputation at hip joint. Tr. M. Asa. Missouri, St. Louia, 1879, xxii, 68-70. Aho: St. Louis M* & S. J., 1879, xxxvii, 560-562. — Mnrnrtuey (I).) Case of amputation at tbe hip-joint lor necrosis of femur re- covery. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xii, 115-117.— Metm-dy f lower extremi- ties, in five, cases of "R. R. crush", with remarks. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1883, 1883, 113-148.—Zwicke. Sehneiischeidensarcom am Uuterscheukel: Amputatio cruris utriusquc (1 Pirogoff); Heilung der Amputations- wuudeu; Tod an chrouischer Lungenschwindsucht. Cha- rite-Ann. 1882, Ber)., 1884, ix, 462. Amputations at shoulder-joint. See, also, Amputations(Intrascapnlo-thoracic); Aneurisms of axillary artery; Aneurisms of subclavian artery; Arm (Tumors of); Arm (Tu- mors of, Cancerous); Arm (Wounds, etc., of); Artery (Axillary, Ligature of); Artery (Axillary, Wounds of); Artery (Subclavian, Ligature off, Humerus (Fracture of, Complications, etc., of); Humerus (Tumors of). Chalky (J. ) * Considerations sur rarunuta- tiou du bras dans 1'articulatiou scapulo-hunie'- rale. 4 . Strasbourg, 1622. Dahl (P. H.) *Pe humeri amputatione ex articulo. 4j. Gotlingw, [1760]. Also, in: Sandifort. Thesaurus diss. [etc.]. 43. Rote- rodami, 1768, i, 35-50, 1 pl. Aho, in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1776, iv, 27-37. Gliku(L.) "De la rejection saanulo-lmnierale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1666. AMPUTATIONS. 332 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at shoulder-joint. Jacobsohx (1j.) * Beitrag zur Frage der propliylaetiscbeu Blntstillung bei Exarticulatio humeri. ^-1. Freiburg i. B., 1&90. Lisi'KAXC (J.j Nouveau prode'de' operatoire pour l'amputatiou du bras dans son articulation scapulo-humerale; proeeM6 applicable a la resec- tion de rt'xtre"mit6 superieure de l'humerus. 8 . Paris, 1815. Venxer(M.-L.-F.-E.) "Contribution al'dtude de la disarticulation scapulo - hume'rule. 4-. Bordeaux, 1^-6. Allis(0. H.) Amputation at the shoulder-joint; hemor- rhage controlled by Wyeth's pin transfixing one flap, and elastic pressure. Tr.Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1894, xii, 71 - 75. — de Almeida (T.) Desarticulaciio escapulo- humeral. Bol. da Soc. de med. e cirug. do Rio de Jan., 1**8. iii, 250-253.—Alvaro (G.) Legatura dell' arteria ascellare in alto per ferita d' arma da punta e taglio e con- secutiva disarticolazione seapolo-oiuerale. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1894, xiii, 311-316.—Andrews (C. A.) Wound from explosion: amputation shoulder-joint. Ma- dras Mouth. J. M.Sc.,1870, i, 472-474.—Arthur (J.) On a case of prolonged endurance: amputation at sboulder; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 414.— Asehenborn (O.) Exarticulatio humeri. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 353-355.—BieltsoflT (A.) Vilusbchen'ie pravoi ruki v plechevom sustavle po slnchayu sarkomi. oslozhniv- Bhelsla zheltukhol; vizdorovlenie.* [Amputation of right arm at shoulder-joint on account of sarcoma, complicated with icterus; recoveiy.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 578; 596. — Bishop ( S. O. ) Amputation at Bhoulder- joint for severe injuries; death. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882. xvii, 296.' — Briggs ( C. S. ) Com- plete avulsion of the arm in its upper third; amputa- tion at the shoulder-joint: recovery. Nashville J. AL Sc S.. 1880, xxvi, 49-53.— Itriggs ( W. T.) Amputa- tion at the shoulder-joint for osteomyelitis; recovery. Ibid., 1893, lxxiv, '.57 - 259. — Briutoii (J. H. ) Two cases of amputation at shoulder-joint in which Wyeth's Sins, to control hemorrhage, wen- used. St. Louis Cour. led., 1893, ix, 1-4. Aho: Times 6c Reg., Phila.. 1893, xxvi, 499-501. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1893, xxviii, 23. -----. The control of haemorrhage in am- putation at the shoulder joint. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xviii, 321.—Brown (G. S.) Three shoulder joint ampu- tations. Med. News, Ph'la., 1*92. lx, 409.—Caries art. cubiti; Amputatio humeri; Empyema sinistrum ; spontaner Durchbruch ; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1862, Wien, 1863, 1*6.—t'herigie. D6sarticulation del'epaule; chute totale et spontanee du cartilage articulaire tie la cavite gleiioide tie l'omoplate; guerison. J. d. sc.med.de Lille, i*92, i, 121-123.—Be (R. N.) A case of sarcoma of the left upper extremity; amputation at the shoulder-joint; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894. xxix, 259.—Bel (■loto ((r.l Contributo alia disarticolazione tlell' omero. Imparziale, Firenze, 1883, xxiii, 495-499.— Bobson (N. C.) Two cases of amputation at shoulder-joint for sarcoma of biceps. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i. 1091.—Bu- brueil (A.) De l'amputation intra deltoi'dieune supe- rieiu-e. Rev. do chir., Par., 1889, ix, 313. -----. De l'am- putation intra-deltoldienne. Gaz. med. de Par., 188), 6. a., iii, 138 ; 155; 171. — Bunlop. Two cases of severe injury to arm; amputation at shoulder; recovery. GlasgowM.J., 1879, [5.1 s., xii, 380.—Dunn (J. H.) Amputation at shoul- der joint for injury received in a train of cog-wheels ; deatb from shock on the fifth dav. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc,St. Paul, 1881, 90-92—Kaglesoii (J. B.) Multiple injury with amputation at the shoulder joint. Rep Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 162, 1 pl — Fornari (F.) Disarticolazione dell' omero; anestesia da cloro- formio; medicatura antisettica. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1**4, 4. s., xxi, 358. — <*allardo (1>.) Amputaciones escapulo-humerales. [4 cases.) Bisturi, Toledo, 1888, i, 29-38.-----. Cinco cases tie desarticulacicjn escapulo- humeral. An. r. Acad, dc med., Madrid, 1891, xi, 113- 115.—Gallozzi (C.) Disarticolazione del braccio per vasto mielo-sarcoma dell' omero, previa allacciatura dell' arteria succlavia; guarigione. Resoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1X88, xiii 151-157, 1 pl.—Ciniua (J. M.) De- sarticulacion del hombro. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1880, i, no. 15, 5-8, 1 pl.—Gamboa (J. A.) Fracturas compli- cadas del brazo y antehrazo izquierdos; desarticulacion del hombro por el procedimiento del Dr. Montes de Oca, modificando el de Larrey. Ibid., 1879, i, no. 4, 2-4; no. 5, 6-9.—Gay. Railroad injury ; amputation at the shoulder- joint. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1881, cv, 589.—CJhose (K. K.) Amputatiou at tbe left shoulder joint. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 43. — Ooopta (B. B.) A ease of shoulder amputation for spreading traumatic gangrene. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 18.— Hargrave (W.) Compound and comminuted fractures ofthe right humerus, forearm, carpus, aud hand, with extensive laceration of the soft parts of this extremity; amputation at the shoulder-joint; recovery. Dublin M. Press, 1863, 1, 382.— Amputations at shoulder-joint. IInu«manu (F.) Exarticulatio humeri. Ann.il.sliidt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1*76-7). 1**1, 296. —Ilelfe- rich. Ein Fall von Exarticulatio brachii ans seltener Ursache. Wien. med. BL. 1892, xv, 25u.— llornbogen (A. W.) A rapid aud safe method of disarticulation at tbe shoulder joint. Med. Sc Surg Rep. Cook Co Hosp. 1890, Chicago, 1891, 107.— Horta ( M. ) Aplastamiento del miembro superior derecho ; decolacion; curacion. Sentido catol., Barcel., 1880, ii. 737-740.—Iluike. Amputation at the shoulder for extensive necrosis of the humerus; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1384. — Humbert. Ecrasement tie la main droite; septicemic gangreneuse; desarticulation de l'6paule; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1887, n. s., xiii, 546.—Jones (R.) Amputation through the shoulder-joint for acute em- physematous gangrene; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii. 975. Also: Prov. M. j.. Leicester, 1894, xiii, 419.—King (G. W.) Amputation at the shoulder joint. Med. 6c Sure. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 553. — Ku- mar. Zermalmung ties rechten Vorder- und einfacheT Brttch desselben Oberarmes, ausgedehute Zerreissuug der llaut der Achselhohle; Enucleation im Schulterge- lenke; Heilung. Wien. med. Bl., 18*5, viii, 1024.—La Faye. Nouvelle methode pour faire l'operation de l'ani- putation dans 1'articulatiou du bras avec l'omoplate. Mem. Acad. roy. dechir., Par., 1753. ii, 239-242. Aho: Ibid., u. ed., 1819, ii, 166-168. Also, transl.: Mem. Rov. Acad. Surg, at Paris, Lond., 1759, ii, 200-206.—I.ardier. Desar- ticulation tie lepaule, sans lambeau; resnltat optira toire. Bull. mod. tl. Vosges, Rambervillers, 1888-9, iii, no. 9,46-50. — Lnrrrr. Tumeur blanche du coude; desarti- culation scapulohumerale. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1829-30. ii, 273.—McC!loskj(A. J.) Control of haemorrhage in ampu- tation at the shoulder-joint. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 13.—iTIeljeod (K.) Amputation through the shoulder joint for sarcoma. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1887, xxii, 130.—iTIarehioli (G.) Sopra di un caso di amputazione omeroscapolare. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1879, 8.8., i, 411-445.— Tlazzoiii (C.) Osteosarcoma dell'omero si- nistro; disarticolazione alia Lisfrauk; guarigioue. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1881, vi, vii, 182.—Melchioi-i (G.) Ferita da arma da fuocoalla regione delloidoa del braccio con frattlira dell' omero ; disarticolazione scapulo-otnerale. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1*67, cc, 381-386. Also, Re- print.—de .TIello (D. A.) Osteosarcoma do brago: des- articulacao seapulo-himieral; cura. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1876, 2. s., i, 256-262. — Vliller (E.) Au amputation of tbe shoulder joint. Med. Herald. Louisville, 1884-5, vi, 285- 287—ITIoorc(E) Anew method for arresting haemor- rhage when amputating at the sboulder-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 796. —.Tloulouguet, lii-mere & C'outy. Desarticulation de lepaule avec un bistouri et 2 pinces. Gaz. med.de Picardie, Amiens, 1895, xiii, 264-268.— Itlur- phy (J. B.) Crushing injury of the arm; amputation at the shoulder. Chicago M. Gaz., 1880, i, 162.—.Tlnrray (J.) Amputation at shoulder for disease. Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 729. — Nasmyth ( T. G.) Amputation at shoulder for compound fracture. Tr. Perthshire M. Ass. 1879-81, Perth, 1882, i, 85— Niimi (G.) Lisarticola- zione omero-scapolaro per mielosarcoma dell' epifisi supe- riore dell' omero destro. Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 1658 —Olano (G.) Contusion del 4° grado en el miembro superior izquierdo; desarticulaci6n consecutiva del brazo por el procedimiento de Larrey : curacion. Crdn. med., Lima, 1*95, xii. 217.—Ortiz y 1'offigny (O.) Desarticu- lacion escapulo-huiueral. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1888. xiv, 289-291, 1 pl. — Parker (R.) Immediate gan- grene of the upper limb, preserved aseptic, autl success- fully amputated at the shoulder-joint six days after in- jury; recovery; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 999.— Perna de Nalomu ( L.) Desarticulacion esciipido- humeral derecha. Crfm. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1888, xiv, 246-248, 1 pl. —Piek \- Bennett. Two cases of pri- mary amputation at the shoulder-joint. Lancet, Lond., 191.ii, 717.— I* u I ill o Pnges (J.; Desarticulacion esca- pulo-humeral por el proceder de Larrey modificado por Verneuil. Rev. tie cien. metl., Habana, 1887, uo. 8, 4.— Rnfiu. Amputation du membre superieur gauche cli-- phantiasique. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, pt. 2, 117-120.—Bobinson (L.) Amputation through the shoulder joint for necrosis ofthe stinnpbone. after a previous amputation of the upper arm. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s , v, 545-548.—Bod- dielt (T. G.) Sarcomatous tumour of radius; amputation at elbow joint; recurrence in humerus; subsequent amputa- tion atshoulder joint: recovery. Montreal Gen. Hosp.Rep. 1880, i, 163-165.-Maehse. Ein Fall von Exarticulation im rechten Schulteigeleuke; nebst Bemerkungen iiber per- manente Irrigation mit essigsaurer Thonerde. iiber Cblor- ziuk-Juteverbande nnd iiber das Wund-Erysipel. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1880, ix, 11-28. —Schwartz (E.) Sarcome kystique telangiectasique de la tete de l'humerus; ligature preliminaire de l'artere sous-claviere entre les scn- lenes ; desarticulation de lepaule. Rev. dechir., Par., 1887, vii, 73*--742. — Singer (H.) Euukleatioii des Oberarmes wegen eines ungewiilmlicli grossen Cystosarkoms. Wien. metl. Presse, 1*80, xxi, 1464-1467.—Souchon. A case of AMPUTATIONS. 333 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at shoulder joint. Larrey's amputation. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1889-90, n. s., xvii, 795.—Stafford (W.W.) Caseof gun-shot wound of arm, followed by gangrene; amputation at the shoulder joint; secondary ii&'inorrhage; successful ligature of the subcla- vian artery. Med. - Chir. Rev., Loud., 1839-40, xxxii, 608- 611.—Stimson (L. A.) Secondary carcinoma of tbe ax- illa; amputationat the shoulder joint; sudden development of hemiplegiawithaphasia; death. N. TorkM. J., 1885, xii, 616. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 637.—Tende- rini (G.) Disarticolazione dell' omero sinistro e riseca- zioue della corrispoudeute apofisi acromion. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1861, 2. s., xl, 191-203. — Tes- son. Observation de disarticulation de l'epaule gauche. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Augers, 1884, n. s., xii, 72 - 82. — Thompson (J. H.) [Paralysis of the right arm due to an enchondroma ofthe shoulder-joint, and an aneurism of the axillary artery; amputation at the shoulder.] Tr. Homceop. M. Soc'Penn. 1892, Phila., 1893, 173-175.—Tif- fany (L. McL.) Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxii, 145-150—Troquart (R.) Fracture compliqiwe du bras gauche; desarticula- tion de l'epaule; h6morrhagies secondaires; mort. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1879-80, ix, 403. -----. Fracture com- pliqu6e du membre superieur; desarticulation de l'6paule; pansement de Lister; gn6rison. Ibid., 18*0-81, x, 52.— Verneuil (A.) De quelques r^formes k iutroduire dans la atatistiqne cbirurgicale a propos d'une s6rie de dix-neuf amputations du bras dans l'article. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1873, 6. s.. xxii, 1; 275. Aho, in his: Mem. de chir., 8°, Par., 1880, ii, 323-394. — Walker (T. F.) Wouud and gangrene of the arm ; amputation at the shoulder - joint. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1874, xxv, *2-84.—Watkins (B. D.) Amputation at the shoulder - joint. Tr. Missis- sippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1892,106-1U8.— Vi'ile(W.C) Am- putation near the sh oulder joint, for gangrene following erysipelas: recovery. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1884-5, iv, 452. —Woolscy (E. H.) Amputation at the shoulder joint; operation during shock; artery tor- tioned by accident: hyperesthesia and special sensations of stump, and accidental discovery of pus cavity. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1884, 58-62.—Wyeth (j. A.) Li- gation of the left subclavian arteries (third division) and trausversalis colli and supra-scapular, with cocaine anaes- thesia,- subsequent bloodless amputation at the shoulder joint. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1*96, xxvi, 1-4. Amputations of thigh. See, also, Amputation in infants, etc; Ampu- tion in old age; Aneurisms of femoral artery; Aneurisms of popliteal artery; Artery (Femoral, Ligature of); Artery (Femoral, Wounds of); Ar- tery (Iliac, Common, Ligature of); Artery (Pop- liteal, Bupture, etc., ofi); Embolism a ndgangrene; Femur (Fractures ofi, Compound, etc.); Femur (Tumors ofi); Knee-joint (Diseases ofi, Cases ofi). Asthoewer (W. L.) * Ueber die Gritti'ache Operationsuiethode. [Bonn.] 6~J. Coin, 1667. Chabrand (A.) *De la desarticulation de la hauche par d&sossenient apres amputation de la cuisse sous la bande d'Esmarch. 4°. Lyon, 1694. Chaussier. Consultation ni6dico-le"gale sur un cas d'amputation de cuisse affecte'e de gangrene, et heureusenient gue"rie. 6°. Paris, Dorffmeister (A.) *Zur Kritik der Gritti'- schen Operation. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1867. Ehriiardt(C. F. R.) * Ueber die Gritti'sche Operationsmethode. [Leipsic] 8°. Dresden, 1869. Ehrlich (N.) * Ueber die osteoplastische Am- putation des Oberschenkels nach Gritti uud eine neue Modification derselben nach Sabane- jeff. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. Flemming ( H. ) * Zur Amputatio femoris transcondylica. 8°. Rostock, 1869. Glogau (G. [R.]) * Zur Casuistik der Ober- schenkelamputation im unteren Drittel nach Gritti. 8°. Berlin, [1888]. Herda ([F. J.] M.) * Ueber die Resultate der Grittischen Amputation bei antiseptischer Wundbehandlung, nebst Mitteilung von 10 neuen Fallen. 8°. Greifswald, 1894. Lecoq (E.) * De l'amputation de la cuisse par la me'thode a un lambeau anterieur. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1864. A111 p u I a I i o 11 * of t h ig h. Nolte (C.) * Zur Casuistik der Oberschenkel- amputatiou nach Gritti. iv. Berlin, [1890]. Ollendorff (A.) * Historisch-kritische Dar- stellung der verschiedeneu bei der Absetzuug des Unterschenkels in der Gegend des Kniege- lenks iu Betracht koiumenden Operatiousmetho- deu mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Funk- tiousfahigkeit des bei denselben erhaltenen Stump fes. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1892. Sciixke ( [K. G.] P.) *Die Resultate der Gritti'schen Operation. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Stokes (W.) On supra-contlvloid amputation of the thigh. 12°. Dublin, 1677). Aschenboru (O.) Amputatio femoris. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 356-358.—von Bnrilclcben (A.) Einige Besonderheiteu bei Oberschenkelamputationen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 717-719.—Barter (J. F.) Amputation at lower third of thigh. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1887, xxii, 44. —Bell (J. B.) Amputation of the thigh for encepbaloid ; haemorrhage controlled by acupres- sure; one silver pin still remaining in the stump; recovery. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1870, Chicago, 1871, xxiii, sect, v, 189-193. — Bergeron (J.-E.) Amputation de la cuisse. Abeille med., Montreal, 1880, ii, 5-7. — Billroth ( T.) Amputationen des Oberschenkels. In his: Chir. Kliu. Wien 1871-6, 8°, Berl., 1879, 533. -----. Amput. femoris. Ibid., 536. — Itlocli (O.) Amputatio femoris subperios- talis for Osteosarkom. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1889, xxi, no. 7, 49. — Boycr (L.) Amputation de la cuisse; etherisation; torsion des arteres. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1847, n. s., iii, 430-440. Also, Reprint.— Braiuanl (D.) Amputation of the thigh for disease of the knee-joint; transfusion of blood. Chicago M. J., 1860, xvii, 116. — Bravo y Piqucras (A.) La sutura pro- funda perdida en las amputaciones de muslo. Rev. cliu. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1889, i, 67-71. — Brickett (G. E.) Report of ten cases of amputation of the thigh. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1882, vii, pt. 3, 472-475. —Briggs (C. S.) Amputation of the thigh. Nashville J. M. & S., 1895, lxxviii, 181-183.—Brigham (C. li.) Painful anchylosis of the knee joint, with ulceration of leg; amputation by Carden's method; sponge dressing; recovery. In his: Surg. Cases, 8°, Cambridge, 1876, 91-93.—Bryant. Dis- ease of the tibia of twenty-seven years' standing, involving knee-joint; progressive phthisis; amputation at the knee by Gritti's method; recovery, with the subsidence of all chest symptoms. Lancet, Loud., 1879, i, 10; 51. — C. B. Um caso de amputacao da coxa. Gaz. d. hosp. mil., Lisb., 1880, iv, 169. — Caccioppoli (G. ) Amputazione della coscia alia Gritti. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1880, v, 391-397. — Castaguone (A.) Amputazione di coscia; guarigioue. Iudipendente, Torino, 1879, xxx, 777-779.— Ceci (A.) Presentazione di un amputate al 3.° superiore della coscia sinistra per ferita penetrante, artromeningite purulenta del ginocchio ed aseesso profondo della gamba j prima intenzioue; quattro medicature. Boll. mens. d. Soc. med.-chir. camerinese, Camerino, 1882-3, i, 29-38.—Ches- ter (G.) A case of amputation of the thigh. Liverpool M. Gaz., Lond., 1833, i, 462, 1 pl. — Chilli (W.) Gritti's supra-condyloid amputation ofthe thigh. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1879, ci, 783.—Coilrington (O.) Amputation of thigh, ligature of femoral artery in Hunter's canal. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1881, Lond., 1886, xxvi, 382.—Collet Sc Poncet. Am- putation de cuisse pour osteomy elite. Mom. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. metl. de Lyou (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 10-12.— Crane (W. E.) Supra condyloid amputation. Dakota M. Brief, Mitchell, 1886, i, 3. — !>'Ambrosio. Cinque amputazioni di coscia a lembo anteriore modificato e metli- catura antisettica alia Lister; guarigioue. Movimento, Napoli, 1881, xiii, 237-252. -----. Disarticolazione del ginoccbio e 1' amputazione alia Gritti. Ibid., 341-349.— Dc Cnpua. Amputazioue al 3.° superiore della coscia sinistra iu seguito a frattura comminuta dell' estremitaxon- diloidea del femore sinistro. Incurabili, Napoli, 1892, vii, 426-429.—Dc Giacomo (A.) Due amputazioni di coscia col metodo a doppio lembo (processo Gallozzi). Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1882, vii, 53-62. Aho: Movimento, Napoli, 1882, 2. s., iv, 137-143.—Delitsiu (S. N.) Opitvi- doizraleneni'a osteoplasticheskol amputatsii bedra. [Ex- perience of a variety (if . .. tho femur.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 669-673.—I>e Kenzi (A. C.) Ligature of tbe ex- ternal iliac artery lor .secondary hseniorrhago after amputa- tion of the thigh. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 470. —De Benzi (H.C.) Case of tubercular ulceration of the leg, necessitat- ing amputation through tbe thigh Westminist. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, xiii, 151. — Oesgnin (L.) Amputation deGritti. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1892, liv, 215.—Du- brueil. Amputation de la cuisse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 553.—Englisch. Amputation im unteren Drittel des Oberschenkels wegen eines Spindelzellensar- koms der Tibia; Lister; Heilung per primam intentionem. Ber. d. k. k.Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftungin Wien (1883), 1884,290.—Evans (J. H.) Gritti's supra-condyloid ampu- AMPUTATIONS. 334 AM ROOT. Amputation!!) of thigh. N. V., 1879, xvi, 511.—Richct. Amputation de la cuisse. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 210.—Rictl (E.) Leber die osteoplastische Amputation des Oberschenkels nach Gritti. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886-7, xxv, 245- 259. — Rieilinger. Gonitis fungosa; Amputatio feni., Lister; Tetanus; Tod. Ibid., 149-151. -----. Gonitis fun- gosa: Amputatio femoris, Lister; Heilung. Ibid., 155-157.— Rioblanc (G.) Des r6sultats de l'operation tie Gritti. Lyon metl., 1895, lxxviii, 527-537. — Ross (J. W.) Three amputations of the thigh; two in the upper third, one at the middle. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 152-155. Aho, Reprint. — Sabauieff (I. V.) Amputatio femoris iuter- condyloidea osteoplastica. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach., 1889, iii [Suppl.], 83-92. Also: Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1890, vi, 14-26, 1 pl.—Salzuiaim. Die Grit- ti'sche Operatiousmethode und ihre Verwerthung in der Kriegschirurgie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 631-690.—Sa mis (H. B.) Sarcoma of leg; amputation of thigh; recovery. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1882, ix, 150.—Saw- tellc (H. W.) Re-amputation of left thigh for conoidal stump ; primary amputation performed by mate at sea. Sacramento M. Times, 1888, ii, 150-154.—Scan (N.) Am- putation of right thigh, lower third, for tuberculosis of ankle and knee joints. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1892-3, i, 44- 49. — Serrano (V.) Amputacion del muslo izquierdo; rapida curacion. Siglo ni6d., Madrid, 1888, xxxv, 21-23.— van Soineren (W.J.) Case of amputation of the thigh; recovery. Madras Mouth. J. M. Sc, 1873, vii, 239.— Spcllini (O.) Case of thigh amputation. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 145.—Stilling (B.) Geschichte einer Amputation des Oberschenkels, wobei die Durch- schlingung der Art. fern., Art. prof. fem. und der Vena fern. in Anwendung gezogen wurde. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1837, ii, 37-66. Aho, Reprint,—(stockard (C C.) Amputation for recuiring hemorrhagic sarcoma. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass.. Jackson, 1886, 125.—Stokes (II. H.) Amputation of the thigh under unfavorable circumstances. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 13. —Terry (C.) Case of sec- ondary amputation of the thigh at about one inch from the insertion of the capsular ligament. Tr. M. Ass. Geor- gia, Atlanta, 1874, xxv, 88.—Vincent (H.) Amputation de cuisse; intention d'urine. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 112.— Voigt (H.) Zur Beurtheilung der Am- putation des Oberschenkelsnach Gritti. Wien.med.Presse, 1888, xxix, 360-362.—Watson (F. S.) Amputation ofthe thigh for sarcoma. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 652.—Weir (R. F.) On Gritti's supra-condyloid amputation of the thigh. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., Syracuse, 1879, 317-336.—Wen- zcl (K.) Zur Casuistik der Gritti'scben Oberschenkel- amputation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18SS, xxv, 38-42.— Westmoreland ( W. F.) Amputation of the thigh. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1884-5, n. s., i, 529.— White (J. W.) Amputation of thigh; consecutive hemorrhage; iodoform tampon ; union by first intention. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 627. — Wight (J. S.) Amputation of the thigh for gun-shot wound of the knee, after twenty-four years. Brooklyn M. J., 1888, ii, 19-21. — Zsigmondy. [Ampu- tation des Oberschenkels ; Sectionsbei'uml: metastatische Abscesse in der Lunge, Bauchfelltuberculose und allge- meine Auamie.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1872), 1873, 176. -----. [Amputation des Ober- schenkels ; Sectionsbefund : die rechte Lunge durch und durch von kleinen, kasigen Knoten durchsetzt und eiterige Phlebitis tier Vena femoralis bis zur Iliaca externa. J I bid., 177. Amputations of thigh. tation of the thigh. Boston M. & S. J., 1880, cii. 21.—Fay- re r (J.) Amputation of the thigh. [37 cases.] In his: Clin. A: Path. Obs. in India, 83. Lond., 1873, 495-521,— Ford (De S.) Report of amputation of the thigh at the middle third, for eucephaloid tumor. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1873, xxiv, 118-121. -----. Amputation of left thigh at junction of superior and middle thirds for disease of knee-joint. Ibid., 1874, xxv, 131. — Fort. Amputa- tion de cuisse par le procede Houze tie l'Auliioit; panse- ment par la methode de Lister; guerison rapide. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1881, xx, 121-124. — Foss. Amputa- tion through the lower third of the thigh ; death from sec- ondary luemorrhage five days afterwards. Lancet, Lond., ls8t, i, s08.— <»ritti. Amputation des Oberschenkels an den Condslen mit Patellarlappen. Verhandl. d. x. inter- nat. metl. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 245. —Ilenrn (W. J.) Four cases of amputation of the thigh ; one for sarcoma springing from the periosteum of the thigh bone about tho iunction of the upper with the middle third. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1893, xv, 270. — Hcrtla. Leber tlie Resultate tier Amputation nach Gritti bei anti- septischer Wundbehandlung, nebst Mittheilnng von 12 neuen Fallen. Miinchen. metl.Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 3-7.— Krmpf (E.) [Laceration by mowing-machine; ampu- tation of thigh; death.] Louisville M. News, 1879, viii, 258. — Koch (W.) K metodik. oper. na konechnost. am- put. bedra po Sabaneyevu. [Amputation of femur accord- ing to Sabaneyeff's method.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 417-419. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 601-603.—Konig. Heilung einer jauchigen Osteo- myelitis durch Amputation des Oberschenkels und desinti- cirende Ausraumung der Markbohle. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, vii, 209-211. — Kortc ( W. ) Amputationea femoris. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 492.— Kraske ( P.) Leber die Carden'sche (transkondylare ) Amputation des Oberschenkels. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., iss[), vii. 561-569.— Kumar (A.) Splitterbrucb des linken Unterschenkels, complicirt mit Zermalmung tier Weich- theile des unteren Drittheiles; primiire Amputation ilea Oberschenkels nach Gritti; Tod an Pyamie nach 47 Tagen. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1878, Wien, 1879, 273-275. — liiibal. Dea amputations de cuisse et principalement de la resorption purulente qui en est souvent la suite. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1861, 2. s., vi, 579-591.— Leontc & Di'ujfescu. C&te-va consideration! asupra amputate! osteoplastics, femuro - rotulienS Gritti. Spitalul, Bucu- resci, 1*93, xiii, 171-181.—I.ysler. Stokes's supra-condy- loid amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 580. —illcljco'd (K.) Case of compound comminuted fracture of thigh, etc.; amputation; death in 75 hours; dissection of aseptic stump and Colles's fracture of right radius. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 255-257. -----. Case of Garden's amputationabovetbeknee. Ibid., 1880,xv, 103.— tlacrac (D.) Supra condyloid amputation. Iowa State M. Re- porter, Dis Moines, 1884-5, ii, 48. Also: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc. 1885-6, v, 146.—McRcddie (G. D.) Case of amputa- tion of thigh. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv,339.— IVIalhci-bc. Amputation de cuisse pour une tumeur blanche du genou ; pneumonie se d6veloppant pendant la suppuration du moiguon ; gu6rison. Inhis: Etudes clin., 8-, Nantes, 1875, fasc. 1, 29-32.—ITIartin Ciii (R.) La am- putacion del capitSn Palacios. Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel., 1894, xvii, 361-367.—Martinez del Rio. Amputacion del muslo. Period. Acad, de med. de M6gico, 1838-9, iii, 17-28. — IVIclchiorj (G.) Caso di amputazione sopracon- diloidea del femore col metodo del dott. Rocco Gritti, cio6 con lembo patellare, per ferita da arma da fuoco; pre- cetluto da altri due, in cui fu conservata la rotella disarti- colando il ginocchio ed amputando ai condili femorali. Ann. uuiv. di metl., Milano," 1867, cc, 368-380. Aho, Re- print. -----. Secondo caso di amputazione f opra condi- loidea del femore con lembo patellare; lett era IIa. Ibid., 1874, ccxxvii, 109-115. Aho, Reprint. —Michael (J. E.) An amputation in the upper third of the thigh for osteo- sarcoma. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi, 382.—IJIoI- liere ( D. ) Amputation transcendyliennc du femur. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, pt. 2, 60- 64. —ITIontalbo ( C.) Una reamputacion del muslo por necrosis del femur. Gac. med., Lima, 1876, ii, 219.—Mur- doch (J. B.) Amputations of the thigh, high up, for limbs crushed by railroad accidents. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 550-552.—IVagle (P. E.) A remarkable recovery. [Amputation of the thigh.] Physician 6c Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1888, x, 441. —lYauliivcll. Four cases of amputation through the thigh. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1217.—IVotta. Amputation f6moro-rotulionne, do Gritti. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882, n. 8., viii, 387- 389.—Offer (J.) Sarcoma cruris; amputatio cruris, nach Gritti. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck (1878), 1879, ix, 117.—Oliva (V.) Die Amputation des Oberschenkels nach < iritti. Beitr. z. klin. Chir.,Tubing., 1890,vi, 229-252.— I'iiiltcrton ( S. II.) Gun-shot wound of leg, gangrene; amputation lower one-third of thigh; death from tetanus on the tenth day. In his: Synops. Clin. Surg., 12°, Salt Lake City, 1893, 104. -----. Gangrene ; amputation upper one-third of thigh; recovery. Ibid., 112.—Rhoads (M. A.) Supra-condyloid amputation ofthe thigh. Med. Rec, Amputations of toes. See Amputations of fingers, etc. Amputations at wrist-joint. See, also, Amputations (Carpal, etc.). Troccon (J.-A.) Nouvelle ru6thode op6ra- toire pour l'amputation du poignet, dans son articulation carpo-inef acarpiennc, [ etc. ]. 8°. Bourg, 1826. Guillcry (A.) De la conservation du pisiforme dans la desarticulation du poignet, Bull.Acatl.roy.de med, de Belg., Brux., 1880, 3. s., xiv, 472-475. — Hashiiuoto. [Lecture on amputation at wrist] [Japanese text.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio (Tedo), 1879, no. 19, Nov. 15.— Rieiliu- ger. Verletzung durch eine Kreissage, Exarticulation der Hand. Chir. Klin, im k. Juliushosp. zu Wiirzb. (18/7- 8), 1879, 87. -----. Caries fungosa oss. metacarp. man. dextr. mit nacbfolgender Exarticulat. manus. Ibid., 92-94. Aniraotic Lunatic Asylum. Annual reports on the . . . in the Hyderabad assigned districts. By the sanitary commissioner and superintendent. 2.-7., 1878-83. fol. Hyderabad, 1879-84. Am root (Bhicajee). A treatise on human anat- omy; compiled from the English, vi (2 1.), 2, 14, 2, 401, 7, 6, 20 pp., 42 pl. 8°. Bombay, 18b3. Marathi text. AMSHOFF. 335 AMULETS. Amslioff (Gerhardus Hozeas). * De omphalo- tomia neonatorum. 2 p. 1., 68 pp.; 4 pp. 8°. Groningw, J. Bbmelingh, [1819]. [Also, in : P., v. 1693".] Alllshoff(M. A.) Wat men in Frankrijk doet voor de lijdende menschheid. Enkele proeven. 8°.'. [". p., n. d.] Cutting. Anislcr ( Charles). Schinznach et les dartres humides (ecz6ma). 32 pp. 8°. Aarau, H. B. Sauerlander, 1860. Allisltr (J.-J.) Les bains de Schinznach en Suisse, vi, 113 pp. 8°. Aran, H. B. Sauerhvii- der, 1846. [P., v. 1651.] Am*teiii (Jules-Amedee) [ -1871]. 4'a tie. Necrologie. J. tl. conn. nied. prat., Par., 1870- 71, xxxvii-xxxviii, 460. Amsterdam. Pharmacopcea Amstelredanien- sis. Senatus auctoritate munita, et recoguita. 6. ed. 107 pp. 32°. Amstelaidami, J. Blaev, 1660. -----. The same. ... in qua medicamenta, quae Amstelodami in usu sunt, artificiose prreparan- tuf ut et eorum vires et doses. 2 p. ]., 189 pp., 9 1., 1 pl. 32°. Lugd. Bat., apud C. Boutestein, 1701. The same. Pharmacopoea Amstelaeda- mensis renovata. 5 p. 1., 164 pp., 8 1. 16°. Amstelaidami, P. van der Bevge, 1726. The same. Pharmacopcea Amstelreda- mensis, of amsterdammer apotheek, in welke allerlei medicamenten, tot Amsterdam in 't ge- bruik zynde, konstiglyk bereyd worden. Als ook derzelver kragten eu manier van ingeven. Negende druk, vermeerdert en verbetert. 103 pp. 18°. Amsterdam, N. de Wit, 1731. ----. The same. 9. druk. 203 pp., 6 1. 18°. V Amsterdam, G. de Groot, 1736. Bound.with: I>ecu warden. De Leeuwarder apo- theek. 18°. V Amsterdam, 1736. ----. The same. 133 pp., 5 1. 24°. Amstelai- dami, sumpt. H. Wetsenii, [1739]. ----. The same. Pharmacopcea Amsteloda- mensis nova, xvi, 210 pp., 1 1. 4C. Amstelo- dami, apud J. H. Brinsberg, 1792. Verslag omtrent de ziekten, welke in het jaareu 1849-59 binnen Amsterdam geheerscht hebben. Namens de 6de commissie (epidemio- logic) van den geneeskundigen kring aldaar uit- gebragt door secretaris der 6de commissie. 8C. Amsterdam, 1850-60. Verslag omtrent den ziektetoestand der stad Amsterdam in 1856, 1857 in verband met de geneeskundige armendienst, uitgebragt door Dr. I. Teixeira de Mattos, secretaris van de stede- lijke geneeskundige dienst. 8°. Amsterdam, 1857-8. -----. Rapport der commissie benoemd door den gemeenteraad van Amsterdam tot het ontwerpen of voordragen van een plan tot reiniging en rein- houding van den boden en de wateren van Am- sterdam. 5, 946 pp., 1 diag., 3 tables. 8°. Am- sterdam, ter Stads druckerii, 1873. ------. Verslag van de commissie van toezicht op den stedelijken geneeskundigen dienst, over het jaaren 1879-83. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1880-84.] Amsterdam. See, also, Blind (Asylums for); Cholera (Asi- atic, History, etc, of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, History, etc., ofi), Hospitals (Descriptions,etc., ofi), Hospitals (Maternity, etc), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), by localities; Medi- cine (Clinical, Cases ofi); Periodicals (Medical), Pest (History, etc., of), Sewage (Disposal of), etc., by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics (Vital), by localities. Berns (A. W. C.) De wenschelijkheid van een gasthuia voor Amsterdam nader. betoogd Amsterdam. vooral met het oog op de aanzieklijke besparino- van kosteu. 8°. Amsterdam, 1886. Eoklixg (L. J.) Bijdrage tot de kennis van den gezondheitstoestand der Stad Amsterdam, in de j are n 1856-60. roy. 8°. [n. p., 1863.] Nieuwenhuus (C. J.) Proeve eener genees- kundige plaatsbeschrijving (topographic) der stad Amsterdam. 4 v. 8°. Amsterdam, 1816-20. Vrolik (G.) Oratio de eo, quod Amstelaeda- menses ad rem botanicam exornandum contule- runt. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1797. Reduin(S.) [Sterftete Amsterdam.] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ueneosk., Amst., 1884-92, 2. IL, xii-xxviii, passim.— Haulo (J.) Jaarverslag tier ijterfte te Amsterdam 1862- 82. Ibid., 1863-83, vii-viii; 2. Pv., i-xix, passim.—Kuauff (M.) Stand tier pneumatischen Equalisation in Amster- dam. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Berl., 1883, vi, 225-232.— Stumpf (E.) The hospital care of the sick and the train- ing of nurses at Amsterdam. Hosp., dispens. & nursing. Internat. Cong. Char, fete] 1893, Bait. & Lond., 1894, 391- 404. Amsterdam, N. Y. Board of Health. Circu- lar No. 1. [On the cleanliness of houses and yards, and disposal of house-waste.] May 1, 1888. 1 sheet, roy. 8°. Amsterdam, N. Y.,'The Sentinel Electric Print, 1888. -----. Sanitary bulletin. v. 1, no. 1. 4°. Amsterdam, N Y., 1888. Annual report of the health officer to the board of health, for the years 1888-9; 1890-91. 8". Amsterdam, N. ¥., 1889-91. Aintliche Berichte iiber die Versammlungeu deutscher Naturforscher uud Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1849 (27.); 1878 (51.); 1883 (56.). 4°. [v. p.], 1849-83. Amtlichc Denkschrift iiber die Choleraepide- mie 1892. 129 pp., 2 tab., 1 map. fol. Berlin, J. Springer, 1892. Amtliclie Lebensmittel-Untersuchungs-Anstalt und chemische Versuchsstation zu Wiesbaden. Mittheilungeu aus der . . . iiber die geschiift- liche und wissenschaftliche Thatigkeit in dem Betriebsjahre 1883-4. Hrsg. von Dr. Schmitt. 2 p. 1., 268 pp., 1 1., 2 pl., 1 plan. 8°. Berlin, R. Friedldnder u. Sohn, 1885. Amtlicher Bericht iiber die internationale thierarztliche Versammlung zu Hamburg am 14.-18. Juli 1863. 58 pp. 4°. Stuttgart, 1864. Amtlicher Bericht iiber den zweiten interna- tionalen Congress von Thierjirzten zu Wien am 21.-27. Aug. 1865. 180 pp. 4°. Wien, 1865. Amtlicher Sanitiits-Bericht aus Btihmen fiir das Jahr 1869. 1. &2. Abth. 16,8 pp. 8°. Leipzig u. Prag, 1872. Bound with: Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Leipz. u. Prag, 1872, cxiii, cxiv. Amuchdstegui (Geronimo). * De la paralisis dift6rica. 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1884. Amulets. See, also, Trephining (History of, etc). Corot (H.) Notice sur l'emploi des hachettes celtiques comme amulettes et talismans. 8°. Dijon, 1889. Genselitjs ( C F. ) *Disp. proponens vim fasciui in corpus humanum medica arte devic- tam. 4°. Erfordics, [1725]. DE Rochambeau. Uu nouveau cachet d'ocu- liste romaiu de"convert h Fontaine-en-Sologne (Loir-et-Cher). 8°. Paris, I860. Repr.from: Eev. archeolog., Par., 1880. TOCHON tfAnneci [ J.-F. ] Dissertation sur ^inscription grecque laaovog Ivmov, et sur les pierres antiques qui servaient de cachets aux mddecins oculiste.s. 4°. Paris, 1816. Anzillion (J.) Des pierres oculistiquea. Montpel. m6d 1890 2. »., xiv, 149-156, 1 pl. Also: Rec d'ophth., Par.,' 1890, 3. s., xii, 94-100.—Brocn (P.) Sur la trepana- tion du crane et les amulettes cranieunes k l'6poche neo- AMULETS. 336 AMY. Amulets. lithique. Kev. d'anthrop., Par., 1877, vi, 1: 193.—Camu- set ( G. ) L'n nouveau cachet d'oculiste gallo-romain. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 1156-1158. — Douati ( G. ) Sopra alcuni amuleti tibetani del Museo nazionaled' antro- pologia di Firenze. Arch, per 1' autrop., Firenze, 1885, xv, 23-30. — Esperandieu ( E. ) Note sur un cachet inedit d'oculiste romaiu (C. Julius Atiliauus). Kev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1890, ix, 529-550. -----. Note sur un cachet anonyme de m6decin oculiste romain. Marseille med., 1894, xxxi, 667-677. — Fischer ( H. ) Ueber die asiatischen Pilger- Amulete. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., etc., Miinchen, 1884, xv, 12. — Fletcher ( R.) On pre- historic trephining aud cranial amulets. Contrib. N. Am. Ethnol., Wash., 1882, v. 1-32, 9 pl. Also, Reprint. Also \ Ahstr. ]in.- Tr. Anthrop. Soc. Wash., 1882, i, 47-51.— Geraon ila C'unlia (J. ) An address on amulets and talismans. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1886-9, i, 378-391.— Giglioli ( E. H. ) Di alcuni ex voto, amuleti, ed altri oggetti litici adoperati nel culto di Krishna, sotto la forma di Jagan - Natha, a Pur'i in Orissa, India. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1893, xxiii, 87-89. — Oiiritz (J. A. ) Besonderes Amuletum wider das Zahn-Weh. Misc. phvs.- raed. math. 1729, Erffurt, 1732, 117. — CJriinwcdel ( A. ) Die Zaubermuster der Orang Semaug, nach den ^lateria- lien des Herrn Hrolf Vaughn Stevens bearbeitet. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1893, xxv, 71-100, 4 pl.—Kncepfier (L.) Ln cachet d'oculiste romain au musee loirain tie Nancy. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1893, xxv, 6-19. — IVlcriudo- lus (A.) Num liceat periaptis seu amuletis ad morborum curationem uti. Inhis: Ars medica., fol., Aquis-Sextiis, 1633, 412-419.—:ileuuier. Paracelse: amulettes des sept planetes et ties douze signes du zodiaque; autres amu- lettes. Praticien, Par., 1888, xi, 265; 277. —Modi (J. J.) Charms or amulets for some diseases of the eye. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1893, iii, 338-345.—de ITIo'rtillet ( G. ) Contribution k l'histoire des superstitions; amu- lettes gauloise et gallo-romaines. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1^76, v, 577-588. -----. Cachettes do l'age de bronze en France. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1894, 4. s., v, 298- 340. — Pallarv (P.) Les amulettes arabes. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1889, 3. s., xii, 26-34. — Schurtz (H.) Amulette und Zaubermittel. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brn- schwg., 1893, xxii, 57-64. — Trousseau (A.) Le traite- ment ties granulations au iie sifecle (d'apres les cachets d'oculistes romaius). Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1889), 1890, xxiv, 107-110.—von Weinzierl (K.) Neolithische Sehmucksachen untl Amulette in Btihmen. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1895, 352-357. Amulius (Marcus Antonius). See Ilonagcns (V.) De concoctione commentarius, [etc.]. 16°. Yenetiis, 1549.— Oribasius (D.) Sardianus. Ad Eunapium tomus tertius, [etc.]. 16°. Basilece, 1557. de Aiiiusco (Juan Valverde). (See Valverde (Juan). Aimiseineiis des eaux de Schwalbach, [etc. ]. See [de Solignac]. Amusia. Bloeq (P.) L'amnsie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1893, 2. s., xl. 86-90.— Amusia (musical aphasia). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1441. Aimissat (Alphonse).fils [1821-78]. De l'em- ploi de l'eau en chirurgie. 90pp. 8°. Paris, G ermer-Bailliere, 1850. -----. Extraction de deux corps Strangers rete- nus dans Puretre. 6 pp. 8-. [Paris, F. Mal- teste 4- Cie., 1855.] [Also, in: P., v. 1900.] Repr.from: Union m6d., Par., 1855, ix. -----. De l'hypbspadias. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris, F. Malteste $• Cie., 1861.] [P., v. 1900.] Repr.from: Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s., x. ------. Cas de st6rilit6 chez l'homme cessant apres la guerison d'un phimosis. 2 pp. 8°. [Evreux, A. Heressey, 1866.] [P., v. 1900.] Repr.from: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1866, 2. s., xxxvii. For Biography, see Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 576 (H. Schweitzer). Aho: Bull. Soc. med.-prat, de Par! (1878-82), 1883, p. xxiv (E. Michel). Amussat (Jean-Zuiema) [1796-1856]. Commu- nications faites a la section de chirurgie dans sa seance du 16 aoilt 1827. 8 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Berthelemy, 1627. Repr.from: J. d. progr. d. sc. med., Par., 1827, v. ------. Communication faite a l'Academie royale de me'decine dans sa stance du 27 de"cembre 1827. [ Lithotomy. ] 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, C. Thuau, 1828?] [P., v. 1575.] Amussat (Jean-Zuldma)—continued. -----. Communication faite h PAcadtSniic royale de me'decine dans sa stance du 29 Janvier 1829. [La taille suspubiSnue. ] 11 pp. y-\ [Paris, C. Thuau, 1829.] [P., v. 1575.] ---—. Nouvelles recherches expe"rimeiitales sur les he"niorrhagies traumatiques, suivies de quel- ques considerations sur Pimportance des vivisec- tions pour former des chirurgiens ope"rateurs; lues dans la seance annuelle de l'Acade'mie ro- yale de me'decine le 7 juillet 1835. 23 pp. 4-\ [Pans,'1835.] Repr. from: M6m. Acad, de med., Par., 1836, v. ------. Quelques reflexions pratiques sur les ob- structions du rectum; faisant suite a la relation de la maladie de Broussais. 27 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste £ Cie., [1839]. Repr.from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi: 1839, 3. s., i. ------. Recherches sur l'introduction accidentelle de Pair dans les veines, et particnliereinent sur cette question: L'air, en s'introduisant spout aug- ment par une veine bless6"e pendant une opera- tion chirurgicale, peut-elle causer subitement la mort? v, 250 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1639. [P., v. 1504.] -----. Lectures on retention of urine caused by strictures of the urethra, and on the diseases of the prostate; edited by A. Petit. Transl. from the French by James P. Jervey. 103 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Hasivell, Barrington .('■ Hasuell, 1640. [P., v. 92.] ------. Troisieme memoire sur la possibilite d'eta- blir uu anus artificiel dans la region lombaire gauche, sans ouvrir le peritoine, chez les enfauta imperfores. 66 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bail- Here, 1643. Repr. from: Exam. m6d., Par., 1842-3, iii, ------. Quelques considerations sur l'hygiene du peuple des campagnes. pp. 251-267. 8°. [Po- rt's, G. Gratiot, n. d.] [P., v. 1763.] Cutting from: Richesse du cultivateur. Amwald ( Georg). See am und vom Wald (Georg) [in 1. s.]. Amy. [Epitre] a Messieurs les docteurs-regena de la Faculte de medecine de Paris, iv pp., 4 1. 16°. [Pans, 1751?] -----. Extrait du livre intitule: Nouvelles fon- taines domestiques, approuvees par l'Academie royale des sciences. 95 pp. 16°. [Pan's, 17511] [P., v. 1402.] -----. Nouvelles fontaines filtrantes, approuvees par l'Academie royale des sciences en plusieurs rencontres, dont quelques-unes sont presentees dans le livre, pour la saute des arniees du roi sur mer et sur terre, et du public, viii, 71 pp., 2pl.; 46 pp., 4 pl. 16°. Paris, A. Boudet, 1752. -----. Suite du livre intitule: Nouvelles fontaines filtrantes, approuvees par l'Academie royale des sciences, lxxxii, 332 pp., 2 1., 7 pl. 16°. Pa- ris, A. Boudet, 1754. Bound with his: Nouvelles fontaines filtrantes, [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1752. ------. Extrait du livre intitule: Nouvelles fon- taines domestiques, approuvees par l'Academie royale des sciences, ou description des vaisseaux necessaires dans les cuisines et sans danger, pour l'eau et la preparation des alimens, eu confor- mite des decisions de la Faculte de medecine de Paris, confirmees par plusieurs morts subites de 1751. Avec deux instructions pour la counois- sance et l'usage des nouvelles fontaines. iv (81.), 95 pp. 16z. Paris, J.-B. Coignard, 1752. Bound with his: Nouvelles fontaines [etc.]. 16°. Pa- ris, 1752. Amy (J.-C.) Poeme sur le cholera-morbus, ses progres, depuis les Indea jusqu'& Paris, au fort de son intensite". 32 pp. 8°. Paris, His, 1882. AMYES. 337 AMYLENE. A III yes (John). A rich store-house,, or, treasury for the diseased, wherein is discovered 69 rare set-rets to cure most diseases, many of them never before in print. Set forth for the benefit of all those that shall make use of them, by a well-wisher of his country. 4. ed. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 10°. London, E. Crouch, 1676. Amygdala amara. Se'e, also, Amarin; Nitrobenzole. Taube (H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung der Aqua amygdalanun amararum. 8 \ Greifs- wald, 1668. Allen (A. R.) A case of poisoning by oil of bitter almonds. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893, ii, 126. —Arm- strong (W.) Fatal case of poisoning -with essence of bitter almonds. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 2U2-2U4. — Baker (J. B.) A case of poisoning by bitter almonds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 12.—Criugnard (L.) Sur hi localisation, dans les amandes et le laurier- cerise, ties principes qui fournissent l'acide cvanhvdrique. Compt. rend. Soc dc biol.,Par.,1890, 9. s.. ii, 55-59.—Green. Case of poisouing by bitter almonds. Med. Times ,fc Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii, 38:—Lauriani (N.) Avvelenamento per decozione viuosii di mandorle amare. Raecoglitore, Fano, 1844, xiii, 386-388.—IVIaschha. Vergiftung mit Bitter- mandelol. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., AVien, 1868, iv, 259.— Robiquet i Koutron. Notice historique des tra- vaux eutrepris sur les amandes ameres. suivie de quel- ques reflexions sur le memoire de Wolher et Liebig, publi6 dans les Annales de chimie et de physique, t. lxiv. J. de pliarm., Par., 1837, xxiii, 589-609. Also, Reprint.— Woehler (F.) 6c Ijiebig (J.) Sur la formation de l'huile d'amandes ameres. Ann. de chim., Par., 1837, lxiv, 185-209. AmygdaJin. Michelson (O.) * Ob amigdaline v korl cheremukhe i semenakh vishni. [On aniygda- lin in bark of rock cherry and cherry stone.] 8:. S.-Peterburg, 1672. Moriggia (A.) & Ossi (G.) L' amigdalina, sperienze fisio-tossicologiche. Memoria letta nella seduta del 5 dicembre 1875. 4°. [Boma, 1677).] Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., mat. e nat., Romu. 1874-5, eclxxii. Fermi (C.) & Jlontesano (G.) Ueber die Dekompo- sition des Amygdalins durch Mikroorganismen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk.. Jena. 1894, xv, 722-727.—Ge- rard (E.) Sur le dedoublement de l'amygdaline dans l'economie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. a., iii, 44-46. Amy I and its derivatives. Cros (A.-F.-A.) * Action de l'alcool amylique sur l'organisme. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Engels (P.) * Ueber isomere Oxime der Amylenreihe. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1890. Malinovski (A.) *Vliyan'ie amilovavo alko- holya na vydielenie zhelieza iz organizma. [Effect of amyl alcohol on the execretion of iron from the organism.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1668. Smith (T.) & Smith (H.) Hydride of amyle. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1856-7, xvi, 604-607. Aho, Reprint. Amy J (Nitrate of). Oppenheim (A.) * O phiziolog. deystvii amil- ovavo nitrata. [Physiological effects of amyl nitrate.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1870. Amyl (Nitrite of). See, also, Angina pectoris, Asthma, Treatment of; Chloroform (Accidents, etc, from); Ear (Dis- eases of), Epilepsy, Fever (Malarial), Head- ache, Neuralgia (Facial), Sea-sickness, Treat- ment of. Delcroix (A.) *Des applications cliniques du nitrite d'amyle. 4°. Lille, 1895. Lahxstein (F.) *Die Beeinflussung unserer Hauttemperatur durch Amylnitrit. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1886. Ozil (P.-F.-S.) * Etude bibliographique et clinique dn nitrite d'amyle. 4°. Lille, 1880. Pick (E.) Ueber das Amylnitrit und seine therapeutische Anwendung. 8°. Berlin, 1874. 22 Amy I (Nitrite of). —---. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Tippel (M.) * Ueber den Eintluss des Amyl- nitrits auf die Blutfiillung des Hirns und auf die vVillensthlitigkeit. [Wurtzhurg.] 8°. Jena, 1684. A my I nitrlt. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stif- tmigin Wien (1875), 1876, 288-291. — Balp (S.) Sc Bro- glio (C.) Sull' azione fisiologica e terapeutica dell' etere nitroso dimetiletilcarbinolico (uitrito amilico terziario). Gior. tl. r. Accad. di metl. di Torino. 1888, 3. s., xxxvi, 44- 75, 6 ch.-Bnuitoii (T. L.) & IColteiiliam (T. J.) On the comparative action of P.ertoni s ether (tertiary amyl nitrite), aiuvl nitrite, and iso-hutyl nitrite. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1892, xxviii, 281-287.—Center (G. F.) Poisoning bv nitrite of amyl. Indiana M. Reporter, Evansville, 1880, i, 70. — D'Ancona (N.) II nitrito tl' amile in terapia. Gazz,. nied. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 33-37. — Dc Renzi (E.) Sulle inalazioni di nitrito di amile. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1883, v, 1-3.— Fill-hue (AV.) Die Wirkungen des Amylnitrits. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz... 1879, 385-416. — Foi-iik (G.) Idiilt mergezes amvlnitrittel. [Chronic poisoning by arnvl ni- trite.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 1113; 1142.— Fox (C. J.) Nitrite of amyl. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1883-4, iii, 507.—Giacosa (P.) TJeber die Wirkung des Amylnitrits auf dasBlut. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb., 1879, iii, 54-57. Also, Reprint. — Goes (A.) Om den salpetersyrliga amyloxiden (amylnitriten). Eira, Goteborg, 1881, v, 581-586.—ililger. TJeber Amyl- nitrit Sitzunssb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1873-4, vi, 106-109. — Houijgschniied (E.) Erfahrungen iiber • Amylnitrit. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv,423.— Jolyet Sc Regnard (P.) Note sur les modifications apportees dans les produits de la respiration et sur le sang par les inhalations de nitrite d'amyle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 214-218. — Keating (J. M.) Internal administration of nitrite of amyl as a stimu- lant in the typhoid state. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81. xi, 167. — Kurz (E.) Zur Anwendung des Amylnitrit. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1881, n. F., i, 65-73.—Macdouald (A. D.) Nitrite of amyl an eliminator of uric acid; a remedy (?) for gout. Med. Press &Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xl, 329.—Ulariuesco (G.) Mecanisme de Taction vascu- lare du nitrite d'amyle. Arch, de pharmacod., Gand et Par., 1894-5, i, 71-76. — Mya (G.) Influenza delle inala- zioni di nitrito d' amilo sulle reazione dell' urina umana normale e patologica. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1885, xxi, 49- 51.—Reed (R. H.) Nitrite of amyl; its history, physio- logical action, and therapeutics. Detroit Lancet, 1879-80, iii, 337-344.—Reichcrt (E. T.) Amyl nitrite, a powerful cardiac stimulant. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiv, 33-40. Aho, Reprint.—Richardson (B. W.) Internal admin- istration of amyl nitrite. Asclepiad, Lond., 1884, i, 165. -----. On the physiological properties of nitrite of amyl. I bid., 1890, vii, 68; 178.—Roesen (J.) TJeber Vergiftung durch Amylnitrit. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888, ix, 777-780. — Roth (M.) Cate-va esperimente cu amyl- nitrit. J. Soc. sc. med. d. Bucuresci, 1879, i, 173-180.— Samelsohn (J.) Zur ophthalmo-therapeutischen AVir- kung des Amylnitrits. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh.. Leipz, 1881, v, 200-204.—Sheather (C.) Nitrite of amyl. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1881, xii, 182-186.— Shoemaker (G. E.) Recovery after swallowing a tea- spoonful of amyl nitrite. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 544.—Mtrahan (S. A. K.) Hypodermic injection of ni- trite of amyl for lumbago, followed by epileptiform con- vulsions. J. Ment. Sc.. Loud., 1884, n. s., xxx, 252.— Teixeira de Souza (J. E.) Da accao physiologica e therapeutica do nitrito de amylo. Ann. Brazil, tie med., Rio de Jan., 1879-80, xxxi, 61-90.—Testa (B.) Sulla pre- tesa azione antagonistica trail nitrito amilico ed il cloro- foruiio; ricerche sperimentali. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1881, xxiv, 361-375. — Upshur (J.N.) Practical remarks on nitro-glycerin antl nitrite of amyl. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, 875-883 — \V. (F.) Some recent therapeutic applications of the ni- trite of amyl. Phila. M.Times, 1882-3, xiii, 580-582.—Zam- pctti (E.) Nitrito tl' amilo; note terapeutiche. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1883, v, 392-395. — ZaMctski (N.) O deystvii amil-nitrita na temperaturu. Voyenno-med. J., St.' Petersb., 1879, exxxvi, sect. 3, 65-72.' Aho, transl. |Abstr.]: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 392, Amylene hydrate. Myer ([C.J H.) * Das Amylenhydrat. Eine pharmakologische Studie. [Halle-Wittenberg.] 8°. Magdeburg, 1893. Peiser (J.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Chlorhy- drats und des Amylenhydrats auf die Stick- stoff'ausscheidung beim Menschen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1892. Scharschmldt (C.) *Tertiiirer Amylalcohol als Schlafmittel. 8°. Strassburg, 1887. AMYLENE. 338 AX.EMIA. Amy Dene hydrate. Yogel (S.) *Tertiiires Amyl-Carbamid als Hypnoticum. 8C. Strassburg, 1890. Yeskoff (S.) *Materiali dlya farmakologii amilenhiilrata (dimetiletilkarbinola). Eksperi- mentalnoye izsliedovan'ie. [On pharmacology of amylene hydrate. Experimental researches.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1666. Avcllis (G.) Ueber Amylenhydrat als Schlafmittel. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1888, xvi, 10. Aho. Re- print.—Buschaii (G.) Ueber das Amylenhydrat (Hyp- noticum). Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1*88, xxv. 228.—Dietz (0.) Ueber Ainylenhydratintoxikation. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1888,'ix, 211.—Giirtlei- (F.) Ueber die AVir- kung des Amylenhydrat als Hypnoticum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1888, xxv, 99.—Haruack. Untersucluuigen iiber chloral- und Amylenhydrat. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1893. xl, 610-612. Also: Sitzungsb.d. Ver.d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1892-3, Miinchen, 1894, iii, 97-101. — Har- tiaek (E.) Sc Merer (H.) Ueber die Wirkungen ties Amylenhydrats. Fortschr. tl. Metl., Berl., 1893, xi, 319- 321.-----------. Das Amylenhydrat: eine pharmakolo- gische Studie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., I'.erl., 1894, xxiv, 374- 413. — leaves (M.) Ueber Amylenhydrat. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 188f, xxv, 415-417.— IJch'iiiaiiii (G.) Zur Wirkung ties Aniylenhvdrat. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1887, vi, 474-476.— Mayer (G.) Ueber Amylenhydrat, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkunsen iiber Sehlaf- und Bernhi- ouii-sinittel. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl.. 1888, ii, 324-827.— von Mci-iuj; (J.) Das Amylenhydrat, ein neues Schlaf- mittel und dessen Anwendung in der Meilicin. Ibid., 1887, i, 249-252.— Richardson (B. W.) Researches on amylene. Asclepiad, Lond.. 1893, x, 407-415. — .*>char- schiiiidt (C.) Ueber die Verwentlbarkeit des Amylen- hydrats ills Schlafmittel, insbesonderebeiGeisteskranken. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1887, i, 329-333. — Vivante (G.) E T idrato di amilene come ipnotico preferibilc alia paral- deide? Terap. mod., Roma, 1890, iv, 209-221. Amyloid bodies. See Corpuscles (Amyloid). Amyloid degeneration. See Degeneration (Albuminoid, etc.). Ainyliim. Heine (L.) Der physiologische Abbau von Amylnm und Clykogen; ein Ueberblick iiber die neueren den Kobleliydralstoil'wechsel betreffenden Arbeiten. Fort- schr. d. Med., Berl., 1895, xiii, 789-800. Am) notion. Pavlow (Marie). Note sur un nouveau crane d'Amy- nodon. Bull. Soc. imp. d. nat. de Moscou, 1893, 37-42,1 pl. Anabiosis. Freyer (W.) Ueber die Anabiose. Biol. Centralbl. Erlaug., 1891-2, xi, 1-5. Aiiaeardinm. Frerichs (F. T.) Ueber die Anwendung des Cardols, als blasenziehenden Mittels. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1852, iv, 229. — I iniiiel. Ueber das Cardol. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1848, ix. 77-80.—Melcro (D. M. de J.) Iuvestigaciones quimico-farmacoldgicas acerca del anacardo occidental. An. r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1871, viii, 463-468. — Nightingale (H. B.) Anacardium poisoning. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 362.—Prentiss (D. W.) Case of poisoning by the Cashew-nut. Auaeardium occidentale. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s., v, 448. Also, Reprint. — Weir (F. Le S.) Anacardium poisoning. Med. Bull., Phila., 1882 iv, 13. Anacker. See Handworterbuch der gesammten Thierheil- kunde und Thierzucht, [etc.]. 8°. Wienu. Leipzig, 1895- Anacker (Hermann). DasPurgatif Oidtmann. 2 pp. 8-. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1887.] Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1887. xiii. Anaemia. See, also, Amenorrhcea; Anasarca, etc.; Ankylostomum duodenale; Auscultation of heart, etc.; Blood-vessels (Murmurs in); Brain (Ancemia of); Chlorosis; Haemoglobinaemia; Haemorrhage; Hypoaemia; Inanition; Mela- naemia; Polyanheemia. Fabre (E.) De l'an6mie et de son traitement par l'eau nimerale du Roucas-Blanc associ6e ii Te-lectricite. 12c. Marseille, 1875. Anaemia. Feilchenfeld (L.) * Ueber die verschiede- neu Formen chronischer Aniimie untl Cachexie 8°. Berlin, 1663. Frf.det (G.-E.) Etude sur l'aue'mie et la chlo- rose, leurs complications et leur traitement par les eaux minerales. 8°. Paris, 1676. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 81. Paris, 18sii. -----. The same. 3. 6d. 8°. I'aris, M)L Fridberg (I.) * Sravnitelniya nablyudeuia nad deistvieni zhelleznikk vod, ferrnm sulphuri- cum i haemogallol'a na kolichestvo heuioglobina i chislo krovyanikh sharikov v krovi nialokrov- uikh. [Comparative observations upon the ac- tion of chalybeate waters . . . and . . . upon the quantity of haemoglobin and the number of blood corpuscles iu the blood of the anteuiic] S'-. Yuryev, 1694. Also, in: Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1895, vii, 54; 86- 118- 137; 155; 165; 182. Friedrichson (A.) * Untersuchungen iiber bestiinmte Veranderungen der Netzhautcircula- tion bei Allgemeinleideu mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Blutbeschaffenheit bei Aniimie und Chlorose. 8°. Dorpat, 1666. Gabourin (F.) * Contribution h l'6tude de l'aneuiie en general; du bruit de souffle anemo- spasmodique de l'artere pulinonaire. 4°. Paris, 1880. Kandaratsky ( M. F.) * Gazoobmieu pri ostroi anemii. [Interchange of gases iu acute anaemia.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Koblaxck (A.) *Zur Kenntnis des Ver- haltens der Blutkorperchen bei Aniimie unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Leukiiuiie. 8C. Berlin, [1889]. Laaciie (S.) Die Aniimie. Universitats- Programm fiir das 2. Semester 1?83. b°. Chris- tiania, 1863. Lailmaxx (H.) Die diiitetische Blutenmi- " schung (Dysiimie) als Grundursache aller Krank- heiten. » Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Krank- heitsdispositiou und Kraukheitsverhiitung. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. -----. Thesame. 2.Aufl. 8'-. Leipzig, 1693. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig,1694 -----. Thesame. 5. Aufl. 12u. Leipz'ig,l697>. Maurel(E.) Traite" de rhvpo-heniato.se. •-iJ. Paris, 1690. Meyer (R.) * Ueber den Sauerstoffbranch und die Kohlensiiureausscheidung bei deu ver- schiedeuen Formen der Aniimie. 8°. Bonn, 1802. Orsi (F.) Dell' anemia, della clorosi e della melanemia. 8°. Milano, 1863. Paull (W.) * Ueber Haemoglobingehalt uud Ziihluug der rothen Blutkorperchen bei aniiini- schen Zustiinden. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1887. Pexkert (L.) * Ueher Aniimie im Allgemei- nen, nebst einem Falle von scheinbar esseutieller Aniimie in Folge eines latenten Magencarcinoins. 12°. Greifswald, 1867. Polyaxhemie: anhe'mie generale, anemic, de"- faut tie sang. 8°. [Paris, 1836, vel subseq.] Viallox (A.) * Anejnie et melancolie chez les jeunes filles; 6tudede cliuique et de therapeu- tique mentales. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Wixiarski ( J. ) * Blutuntersuchungen bei anainischen und kachectischen Zustiinden, ius- besondere bei der Lepra. 8°. Dorpat, 1892. Zeehuisen (H.) * Over temporaire anaemie van spieren en zenuwen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1663. Audeouil (H.) Note sur l'an6mie p8eudo-leuc6mique du premier age. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv, 507-516. — Beuczur (D.) Studien iiber den Hamoglobingehalt des menschlichen Blutes bei Chlorose und Aniimie unter Hamoglobin- und Blutznfuhr. Arb. a. tl. med.-klin. Inst. tl. k. Ludwig-Maxiniilians-Univ. zu Miinchen, Leipz., 1884, i. 626-65*. Also: Deutsehes Arch. f. kliu. Med., Leipz., 1884-5, xxxvi, 365-397.—Itignaini ANAEMIA. 339 AX ^E MIA. Anaemia. (A.) >t Dionisi (A.) Le anemie post-nialariche e le ane- mie tossiclie croniche spei iinentali. Atti d. xi Cong, metl, internaz.. Roma, 1894. ii. Patol. ucn. ed anat. patol., 235- 240.—Kirch-llir.xehfeld. Ueher scbwere aniimische Zustiinde. A'erhandl. tl. Cong, f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892. xi, 15-32. [Discussion], 52-64. — Bohlaud (K.) Le- ber deu respiratorischen Gaswechsel bei verschiedenen Formen tier Anamie. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1893. xxx, 417-420.—Brandeis (S.) Hemoglobinemia and its con- sequences. Am. Pract., Louisville. 1883, xxviii, 129-136.— Browicz. Demonstration von Bewegungsphanomenen an rothen Blutkorperchen iu sehweren anamiseben Zu- standen. A'erhandl. tl. Cong. f. innere Metl., AViesb., 1890, ix, 424-427. Also (Abstr.]: AVien. med. Bl., 1890, xiii, 391.—Bufalini (L.) Sopra un insolito feuomeno cardi- aco in soggetto oligoemico. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Mi- lano. 1885, 8. s., vii, 531-534: 18*6, 8. s.. viii, 41-44.— Ca- vallcro (G.) Sc Biva Boeei (S.) La 1'unzione respira- toria uegli anemici. Lavoi-i d. Conn, tli med. int., Milano, 1891, iv, 365-367. — Chirkoff (V. V.) Kolichestvenuoye opredelien'ie hemoglobina pri auemii, chlorose i dr. patolo- gicheskikh sluchayakh spektro-fotomericheskim sposo- boin. [Quantitative analysis of haemoglobin in anaemia, chlorosis, and other pathological conditions, by the spec- tro-photometric method.1 Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1890, xxxiv, 285-302. — C'oley (F. C.) On chloroana?niia. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1887-8, 144-148.—Conkling (H.) An analysis of one hundred cases of anaemia. Brooklyn M. J., 1889. iii, 168-185.—Co upland (S.) Gulstonian lectures on aim?- mia. Lancet, Loud.. 1881, i. 445 ; 491: 531; 568: 611; 689. Aho: Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1.-81. i, 419: 455; 499: 550: 589; 633. Also [Abstr.] : Med. Press & Circ. Lond.. 1881. n. s., xxxi. 219; 243: 263. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Times 6c Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 398-400.—Crawford (A. K.) [Two cases of anaemia.] Clinique, Chicago, 1895. xvi, 586-588.—Crook (J. K.) A study of chlorotic anaemia, -with special refer- ence to the cardiac and vascnlar auscultatory phenomena. N.York M. J.. 1887, xiv, 645-651.—Currier i A. F.) Clin- ical considerations concerning anaemia in young women, including its treatment. Times 6c Leu.. X. Y. 6c Phila., 1890. xxi, 30-33. — Deecke (T.) Urea and phosphoric acid in the urine in anaemia. Am. J. Insan.. Utica. X. Y., 1879-80, xxxvi, 50-73. Also, Reprint— Deli io (K.) Blut- untersuchungen bei der durch Phthisis pnlmouum, Car- cinoni, Syphilis und Bothriocephalus latus betlingten Ana- mie. St. Petersb. med. AVcbnschr., 1891. n. F.. viii. 1-4.— D-elepiue (S.) Blood-cast ofthe uterus in a ease of anae- mia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 222. — l>e Nasea (G.) Intorno ad un caso di anemia. [From: Ann. clin. d. osp. incur.. Xapoli, 183!).] In his: Coll. de . . . opusc. scient.-mcd., 8;. Xapoli. 1887. 231-237.—Donkin (H. B.) Clinical notes on anaemia and heart disease. AVestminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond , 1886, ii, 59-73.—Duncan (R. B.) Ame- ntia; rapid exhaustion: intravenous injection of goat's milk; death. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 544.— Dunin (T.) TJeber aniimische Zustande. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1895, Xo. 135 (Innere Med., No. 41, 393- 428).—Fhrlich (P.) Leber Regeneration und Degenera- tion der rothen Blutscheiben bei Anamieu. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1880, xvii, 405. Aho: AVien. med. Presse. 1880, xxi, 1124.----. Ueber einen Fall von Aniimie. mit Bemerkun- gen iiber regenerative Veranderungen des Knochenmarks. Charite-Ann. 1886, Berl., 18-8, xiii, 300-309. ----. Ueber schwere anamische Zustiinde. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. in- nere Med., AViesb., 1892, xi. 33-64. — Favilli (G.) Gli albuminoid! del sangue nell' anemia. Arch, per le sc. metl., Torino, 1889, xiii. 415-430. —Finlay. Progressive anaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i. 382.— Finley (F. G.) Two cases of severe anaemia -with absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. Montreal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 10-17.—Fl^ysirup (A.) Anaenii. Metl. Aarsskr., Kjo- benh., 1893, vii, 25-37.—Forhe» (C.) On anaemia: its re- lations to other diseases; ctiologv, symptoms, pathology, and treatment. Med. Times 6c Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1894, xxii, 171.—Forchheimer (F.) The relations of anaemia to chlorosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1889, iv, 174-188. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 421-425.— Foxwell (A.) The Ingleby lectures ou the condition of the vascular system in anaemic debility. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1892, xxxi, 257; 321: xxxii, 16-30. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 753; 799; 851. — FranceMclii (J. M.) Los pozos ferruginosos; decadencia de la familia en la provincia de Buenos Aires y los medios tie atenuarla. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1885-6, xxii, 371-377.— Franeoitt (L. A.) De la anemia. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago, 1856, 342-348. — Franeoi» - Frnnek. He la congestion veineuse encephalique dans l'aneuiie arterii lie par arr6t du cceur (accumulation compensatrice dc sang veiueux). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 223-229— Oalliard (L.) Les anemiesessentielles. Med. mod.. Par., 1895, vi, 41.—Goes (A.) Hum borett formu- lar uppsattas lor iakttagelser ofver och pavisantle af orsa- kerna till den hos oss endemiska blodbristen med dess I fdljdsjukdomar ? Eira, Goteborg, 1883, vii, 463-478—Cola (A.) La anemia en las enfermas del departamento de Santa Maria Magdalena del Hospital provincial. Rev. med.- Anaemia. farm, de Arag6n, Zaragoza, 1892, viii. 1203; 1219; 1235.— llatklev (C. E.) Anaemia, oligemia. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen). N. Y., 1881, suppl., 737-750.— Harris (V.) Observations on antenna. St. Barth. Hosp. lie,})., Lond., 1884, xx. 83-92.—van der Harst (J. J.), jr. Ueber nii- nioglobingehalt uud Meuge der rothen Blutkorperchen bei anamiseben Zustiinden. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1890, xi, 961.—llayem (U.) Des dogres d'anemie. Union med.. Par., 18,,, 3. s., xxiii, 1026; 1037. Aho, Reprint. -----. De la eontractilite des globules rouges et ties pseudo-parasites du sang dans l'aneuiie extreme. Bull, et mem. Soe. med. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 118-123.— Ileiioeque (A.) Des modifications de l'activite de la reduction de l'oxyhemoglobine dans les tissus. chez les cblorotiques et les'anemiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv. 715-720.—Henry (F. P.) A contribu- tion to the study of ananiia. Arch. Med., X. Y., 1882, viii. 137-141. Aho, Reprint. -----. Anaemia. Polyclin., Phila., 1886-7, iv, 3; 40; 72; 108; 136: 168; 199; 236; 300; 321. Also, Reprint. -----. The relations between chlo- rosis, simple anaemia, and pernicious anaemia, including leucocythaemia and Hodgkin's disease. Tr. Ass. Am. Phy- sicians, Phila.. 1889, iv, 160-173. Also: Med.News, Phila,, 1889. lv. 365; 395. Also, Reprint.—limit (J. W.) Observa- tions on the blood in anaemia. Lancet. Lond., 1880, ii, 89-91.— Hutchinson (J.) Congenital feebleness of circulation. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 125.—Hutton (R. C.) Chlor-anaemia in young unmarried women. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1887, n. a'., xi, 205-208.—J annuzzi (G.) L' ipersistolia e 1' ipotermia nell' auematosi globulare. Spallanzani, Roma, 1889, 2. s., xviii, "421—12?. — Kalian (J. A.) Ob otnoshenii krovenosnikb sosudov obezkrov- lennavo k vlitoi v nich indifferentnoi zhidkosti i o deistvii yeya pri ostrom malokrovii. [Relation of blood-vessels of an anaemic organism to the extraneous fluid introduced iu them, aud on the effect of the latter in acute anaemia.] Russ't. Med., St. Petersb., 1888, vi, 263; 279; 295; 311.— Kriigcr (F.) Die Zusammensetzung des Blutes in einem Falle von hochgradiger Anamie nnd einem solchen von Leukamie. St. Petersb. med. AVcbnschr., 1892, n. F., ix, 203-208. — fjaaehe (S.) Die Bedeutung der neueren Untersuchungen tier Blutkorperchen in Bezttg auf die anainischen und leukiimischen Leiden. Cong, period. internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, ii, Sect, de med., 4-10. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 695-697.—I, an in i (A.) Storia tli un caso di notabile deficienza di sangue. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.- fis., Firenze, 1846, iv, 173-178— Lerebou I let (L.) L'ane- mie et les anemiques. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv. 626; 642.—l.eube (W.) Anamie mit eigenarti- gem Blutbefund. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-med. Soc. zu Er- lang., 1879, ii, 218.—von Limbeck (R.) Zur Casuistik schwerer Anamien. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 11; 23. —liitlen (M.) Ueber den Einfluss arterieller Anamie auf die Gefasswande; Erwideruug auf deu Auf- satz des Dr. Joseph von AVerra. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Bed., 1882, lxxxviii, 585-599— I.izarraldc (D.) Descripcion de un caso de hipoglobulia recogido en la clinica medica del Hospital general de hombres. An. Asoc. circ. med. Argentino, Buenos Aires, 1878-9, ii, 455- 468. — Locwenlhal (J. L.) Aniimie und Chlorose. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1892, v, 353-360.—Ludwig (S.) Secondary anaemia. Internat. Clin., Phila,, 1895, 5. s., iii, 29-40.—I, yon (J. F.) Blutkorperzahlungeu bei trau- matischer Aniimie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxiv, 207-247.—Mackenzie (S.) The Lettsomian lect- ures; anaemia, its pathology, svmptoms, and treatment. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiv," 154-213. Also: Brit, M. J., Lond., 1891. i, 51; 163; 271. Also [Abstr.1: Lancet, Loud., 1891, i, 73; 184; 291. Also, transl: Gaz. med. do Par., 1891, 7. s., viii, 40; 52; 88; 133— iH'Phcdr.in (A.) Clinical remarks on cases of anaemia. Canad. Pract., Toronto. 1892, xvii, 99-102.— ITIader. Bedeutende chroni- sche Anamie (Oligocythaniie und Oligokrase) bei einem miinnlichen Individuum ohne nachweisbare anatomische Basis; Besserung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in AVien (1883), 1884, 277.— flon I joinery (E. E.) Anaemia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1894, 3. s., x. 222.—itlya (G.) Sulla rigenoraziono globulare nell' oligoemia pro- dotta dall' acetilfenilidrazina. Gazz. tl. osp., Napoli, 1891, xii, 306. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 2, 229. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891, xv, 467. -----. Sulla rigeneraziono sanguigna nell' anemia da dis- truzione globulare. Sperimentale. Communicaz. e riv., Firenze, 1891, 213-218. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891-2, xvi, 108-112. —von BToorden (C.) Unter- siiehuugeu iiber schwere Aniimien. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1891. xvi, 217-266: 1892, xvii, 202-205: 1894, xix, 143-153.— [Oligaemia (Anaemia).] Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Kxan'lteiih. zu Wien (1876), 1877, 3. —©rshanski (I.) Elektricheskaya vo/.budiinost bolshovo mozga i anemia, [Electrical excitability of hrain in anemia.] Arch, psi- chiat. etc.. Charkov, 1883, i, 135-158.—Faquct (A. H.) La cbloroanemie. Gaz. med. tie Montreal, 1888, ii, 337- 342.—Pinilla (H. R.) Intiuencia de los nioderuos estu- dios sobre el analisis do la sangre en el concepto de la ane- mia, y su tratamiento. [Abstr.] An. Soc. espaii. de ANAEMIA. 340 AN.ExMIA. hidrol. mid' Madrid. 1895, xi, 184-189.-Pollock. Pulsa- teaorta: au;emia: autopsy Med. T.mes .V Gaz., Lond 1881 ii 443 — Fonfick. Ueber Haiuoglobmamio und ihre'l-'oWen. Yerhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., AViesb., 1883 ii '05-926. Aho: Berl. metl. Wchnschr.. 1883, xx, 389-392" Also, transl: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1883, xxviii 129-136.—Bachford(B. K.) Anaemia. N.York MJ 1892, Hi, 119. —Bichct(C) Duree des phenomenes rdflexes dans l'anemie, chez les animaux a, sang froid. Ou.ut rend. Soc de biol.. Par., 1883, 7. s.. iv, 578-581.— Ki< -- (L.) Bemerkungen iiber die Zerfallskorperchen des Llutes nnd ihr Verhiiltniss zur Anii'nie. Berl. klin. AVchnselir 1879, xvi, 696— Bochcster (De L.) Ihe heart in anemia. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 617-620.- Bui* y Namloval (G.) Anemia. Porvemr, Mexico, 1870-71, iii, 160-172.—Sciol la. Parziali ricerche sulle coudizi'oui del iicambio nell' anemia artiflciale. Lavori tl. Cong, di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893), v, 81-86.—Sec ((..) Des"aneniies vraies. Union m6d., Par.. 1888, 3. s., xlvi, 145. ij-o. ----. Anemies et pseudo-aneinies. Ibid., xiv, 285-988.—van Soiucrcn. A case of anaemia. Proc. Hyderabad M. & I'hvs. Soc, Secunderabad, 1853, i, 105- 11)8—Nouthworth (T. S.) The clinical study of the bl.....1 in anaemia. N. York M. J.. 1893. lviii, 624-626.— Stanley (D.) Splenic amemia. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1895, ii I9(j8 —Stockton (C. G.) Anaemia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s.. ii. 6-12.—Stone (A. K.) A study of anemia cases with the aid of the hemometer and blood- counter. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 183; 187.— Tacey (W. G.) The blood-cells in anaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 539—Taylor (J.) Ou nervous symptoms and morbid changes in the spinal cord in certain cases oi profound anaemia. Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1894-5. lxxvm, 151-169 2 pl. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 808- 810. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, l, 699.— Tvwou (J.) The primary or essential anaemias. In- ternat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893, ii, 1-22, 1 pl.—Unna (P. G.) Anamie. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1889, ix 7-17. Aho. transl: Select. Monog. on Dermat., Lond., 1893 1-10.—Weiss (M.) Anamie. Diagn. Lex. f. prakt, Aerzte. AVien u. Leipz., 1893, i, 105-113. -----. Ischamie. Ibid., ii, 747-749. Aho: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xvm, 263.—von Werra (J.) Ueber die Folgett des voriiberge- henden und daurentleu Verschlusses tier Nierenarterie. Arch.'f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, lxxxviii, 197-221. [See, also, supra, Litten.l — Whitticr (E. N.) Cases ot anaemia. Boston M. &S. J., 1886. cxiv, 57-60.—Willcocks (F.) On some points in the pathology of ana-mia. and ou the action of iron and arsenic. Practitioner, Lond., 1883, xxxi 7; 94. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1884-5, xxi, 128-130.— Wolfstein (D. I.) The pathology of the anemias. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvi, 95-103. [Discussion], 105-107.— Zahrtmann (M. K.) Akut Anaemi; lav Temperatur Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1895, 4. R., iii, 769-772. Aiiremia (Causes of). Schulte-Steinuerg (O.) * Ueber parasitare ■ Anamie. 6°. Berlin, [1885]. Zeleneff (I. F.) * K voprosu o siphilitiches- koi i rtutnoi cliloroaneinii. [On syphilitic and mercurial cliloroanseniia.] 8°. Kieff, 1892. A bra in m (A.) Pulmonary atelectasis as a cause of anemia. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1892, 37-40. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 293. -----. Pulmonary atelectasis as a cause of anaemia. Medicine, Detroit, 1895, i, 513-519.—Askanazy (S.) Leber Bothriocephalusana- mie und die prognostische Bedeutung der Megaloblasten im anamiseben Blute. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1895, xxvii, 492-512. — Cabanic. Relation d'une epidemie d'anemie d'origine miasmatique. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1884, iii, 1-9.—Campbell (O. II.) Diseases of tbe lymphatic system as a cause of anaemia. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1888, xxxi, 334-337. Also: South. Clinic, Richmond, 1888, xi, 304-306.—Castcllino. Ueber die Behandlung der durch Hamolyse bedingten Anamien. Klin. Zeit- n. Streitfragen, Wien, 1894. viii, 239-269.— Chipicr (L.) Des causes tie l'anemie dite "des prisons". J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1880, 3. s., ii, 129; 148.—Cot- grave (E. M.) Tho etiology and classification of the anae- mia of puberty. Brit. M. J.,'Lond., 1888, i, 688-690.—Dit- tel. [Universelle Anamie nach wiederholten Blutungen aus einem Aneurysma fusiforme der Art. carotis sinistra.] Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 72; 103. Also: Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1876), 1877, 177-183.— Oabbi (U.) Le cellule globulifere degli organi emopoietici nei loro rapporti con la fisiologia del sangue e con la pato- genesi delle anemie primitive. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano, 1890, iii, 235-239.—OoMsage (A. M.) Splenic anaemia. AVestminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1895, ix, 50.— llaii; (A.) The causation of anaemia and the blood changes produced by uric acid. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1893, ii, lo. -----. The causation of anaemia and the blood changes produced by uric acid. Ibid., 672-676. -----. A post-graduate lecture on further researches on the causa- tion of anaemia and the blood changes produced by uric Anaemia (Causes of). acid. Ibid., 1894, ii, 113-115.—Hebb (B. G.) Jt Wills (AV. A.) On some cases of ana-mia and the "mobile bodies" in the blood. AVestminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, vii, 29-36—Ilclmcr (J.) Acute toxic anaemia. Was it caused by the Coleosporiuni solidaginis, Thuinen (Schciu- mitz) ? •/. Comp. M. 6c Yet. Arch., N. Y., 1893, xiv, 150- 156. — Horwitz (O.) Spinal anaemia, due to syphilis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, xvi, 251-258. Aho, Reprint.— Johnston ( W. W.) Chronic anemia and wasting in newly married women; some of the causes of their per sisteiice and incurability. Tr. Wash. Obst. Sc Gynec Soc (1885-7), [18891, i. 162-175. Also: Am. J. Obst., X, Y., 1888, xxi, 113-122.—Kelsch (A.) Des variations de l'h'emoglobiue dans l'anemie paludeenue. Rec. de mem. do m6d. . . . rail.. Par., 1880, 3. s., xxxvi, 148-165.—Hrii«cr (F.) Ueber die Ursachen tier primiiren oder essentiellen Aniimie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1892, n. I-., ix, 471.—I^acaze (H.) Anemie profondo resultant d'une hypertrophic du foie. Bull. Soc. de rued. prat, de Par., 1887, 96-98. — I>npchinski (M. D.) Sluchai selvoze- nochno-limfaticheskavo malokroviya. [Case of splenic- lymphatic anaemia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 765.— Bauduitz ( R. W.) Zur Debatto iiber dio Anainia pseudoleucaemica. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 43 — Silbermann (O.) Zur Pathogenese der essentiellen Anamien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 473; 492.— Skene (A. J. C.) Anaemia and its relations to the sexunl organs. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 293-295.—Nomina (L.) Sull' anemia splenica infantile ; patologia o clinica. Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1884, ii, 21 : 124 ; 245.—Ntouho- venkoflT. De la chloro-anemie syphilitique et mercunelle. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1892, 3. s., iii, 924-930.- Vanni (L.) Sc Silvestri (T.) Sull' azione anemizzante de«Ii estratti urinosi. Rassegna di sc med., Modena, 1894, ix,°64: 110; 137; 171; 196.—Vlnyeff (G. M.) K vnpr. o znacbenii shirokavo lentetza (botriocephali lati) v etiologii zlokachestvennavo malokroviya. [Part of botriocephalus tatus in malignant anaemia. 1 Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 706; 768; 794; 820. Anaemia (Complications and setptekc ofi). Davidsohn (H.) * Ueber ischiiniiscbc Liili- mungeu und Contracturen. 8°. Erlangen, 1891. Peker (V.) *0 patologo-anatomicheskikh izmeneniyakli elementov golovnavo mozga v zavisimosti ot iskusstvenno vyzvaunavo malo- kroviya. [On pathologo-anatomical changes of elements of tbe brain depending on anaemia arti- ficially produced."] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1887. PiGGOTT (G. W.) Ueber Blutannuth und deren sympathische Storungen in der Leber, im Magen und im Nervensysteme. Aus dem Eugli- schen von Franz Handel. 8°. Weimar, 1879. Stefani (A.) & Cavazzani. Quale azione spiegbi 1' anemia sulle fibre norvose. 8°. Ferrara, 1686. ... Also, in: Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, vin, 449-459. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1888, x, 202-207. Aducco (V.) Action de l'an6mie sur 1'excitability des centres nerveux. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 2. Abth., 70-72. Also: Arch, ital de biol. Turin, 1890-91, xiv, 136-141. — Anderson 10.) Case of anaemia (?) with well marked dropsy ot thei tace and lower extremities. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xxxix, 3.)3.— Baric. Un cas d'anemie et de dyspepsie avec gastralgie. Union med., Par., 1890, 3. s., xlix, 697. - Corrndi ((,.) Due casi di grave anemia complicati da sordita '".;"'- rale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887, vi. 39-.)t».- Dnckworth (D.) On anaemic dilatation of the heart. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1879, xv, 20-23. - Knles (II.) On affections of the retina and optic nerve, oct-ai- ring in general ana-mia. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1*M xxxViii, 278-283. - «oodhart (J. F ) On antennaj m a cause of heart disease. Lancet, Lond., 1880, >,,4IJ: 48'> — Haycm. Anemie et tuberculose; pathogenies traitement, Tribune med., Par., 1895. 2. s. xxvu, 1013- 1016.-IIersman (C. F.) Temporary mitral insufncieuc) in anaemic conditions. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893, n, 341-347 — Linen (M.) Die Veranderungen des Au^en- hintergrnndes bei allgemeiner Anamie. Berl. kliu. \\ enn- scbr., 1881, xviii, 6-8. Also: Verhandl. .1. Berl. nied. b^ sellscb. (1880-81), 1882, xii, pt.2,21-27.-.Ma«ler. H>drops ex anaemia. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiitung in Wien (1879), 1880,319-Mader. Hochgradigc Anamie in Folge volliger Appetitlosigkeit; Besserun- d.-rselben; Auftreten allgemeiner Ecchymosen; Gehirnblutung: i''"- Wien. med. Presse, 1891. xxxu, 1203 -1205. - .nunk (H ) TJeber den Einfluss der Anamie auf die elektrisciie Erregbarkeit des Grosshirns nach Versuchen you Hrm J. Orschansky aus Petersburg. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., ANEMIA. 341 AN-EMIA. Anaemia (Complications and seqitelcv of). ]*.•»:!. 125.—Orshanski (I.) Vliyaule malokroviya na i lektricheskuyu vozbudimost bolsbavo mozga. [Influence of amentia upon the electric excitabilit}' of the brain.) Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1882, iii, 728. -----. Leber den Ein- fluss der Anamie auf die elektrische Erre^barkeit des (Irosshirns. Arcb. f. Physiol., Leipz.. 1883, 297-309.— Saiiudbv (R.) A: Eales (H.) Ou changes iu the fundus iH-uli in anaemia. Ophth. Rev., Lond.. 1881-2, i, 303-306.— Speucer (W. G.) On isehiemiaasa cause of pain rigidity, aud paralysis, aud a warning against ganuivne. AVest- minst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, vii, 17-27. —Wagner (E.) Prurigo bei lyinphatiseher Aniimie. Dontsrhes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885-6, xxxviii, 199-204.—Williamson (R. T.) Cases of anaemia, with great enlargement of the spleen (splenic auamiia) : pathological chnngcs in the spleen. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1893. xviii, 103-115. Anaemia (Diagnosis and symptoms of). IUhky (P.-J.-M.-E.) * Des souffles eardiaques aiit-ini([ues (pathogenie et e"tiologie). 4°. Bor- deaux, 1691. Landkrek (K.) * I'eber Ilerzoeriiusehe bei Aniiiniscben. [\Vurtzbnrg.] ? . Stuttgart, 1666. Pail (C.-T.-C.) t?ur le bruit de souffle unenio- spasuiodique de l'artt-re pulinonaire designee gt?- neralenient sous le nom de bruit aneinitiue de la base du coeur. 8°. Paris, 1678. Eeimkus (F.) 'Ueber das Zustandekoniuien von Heizgeraust hen uud relativer Iusufficieuz bei der Anamie. 8J. Wiirzburg, 1692. Ribeieo de Magalha.es ( B. ) * Dissertacito. Primeira eatleira de clinica medica. Do diag- nostics differencial entre us diverstis especies de anemias, ?:. Bio de Janeiro, l?*l>. ZrMFT\J.) * Klinisch-experimenfelle Studien iiber das Verhalten des Angeuspiegelliefiiutlcs bei chron. Auiiuiie nnd Chlorose und dessen Abhiingigkeit von der Blutbescbaffeuheit. ~c. Dorpat, 1-91. Apetz (II.) Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung des Nonuengeriiiisches fiir anamische Zustiinde. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 1887, cvii. 419-433. Also, Re- print. — Balfour (G. W.) Xote on the position and mechanism of haemic murmur, in leply to the paper by Dr. Russell ot Carlisle. Edinb. M. J., 1882-3. xxviii. 193- 199. — Black well (Ethel). Tests on women of the red coloring neuter of the blood. X. York M. J., 1892. lvi, 570-573. —Boncaud. Considerations sur l'auscultatiou des vaisseaux du cou dans I'aiieiuie elobulaire. J. de med. de Lyon, l.»0s. ix, 49-59— Bramwell (B.) A lecture on the functional cardiac murmurs of anaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond.. lt>83. i. 1213-1215.— Dalaud (J.) The value of the haeruatocrite in the diagnosis of ana-mia. X. York M. J., 1894. lix, 151. — Be Benzi (E.) Yalore semiottico del rumore di trot tola. Boll. d. din.. Xapoli, 1«85. n 329-331.— Buroziez (P.) Bruits chloroanemiqius <-:irdia<|iies et vasculaires. Tribune metl., Tar., 1887. xix, 149.—Bulri- eux (P.-J.) Considerations sur l'anemie et la chlorose; I etude diaguostiipie snr ces deux affections. Ann Soe de m6d. de Gaud, l87o xlviii, 33-103. A ho, Reprint— C»H>moii (G. A.) The cephalic murmur of anaemia. Brit M. J., , Lond., lss'J i. 82. — llaudford (II.) The condition of | the heart iu ana-mia, and the cause of the pulmonary mur- mur. Am. J. M. Se , Phila.. 1890, n. s., c. 558-574.— Hunt (J.) Case of anaemia with mitral post-diastolie and pre- systolic muiinur. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 129. — J on cm (II.) Pyrexia in acute ana-mia. Lancet. Lond.. 1893, i, 930.—Kjcllbcrg (A.) Bidrag till utrethm- det af de s. k. amismiska biljudens frequeus och diagnos- tiska varde inom yngliugaaidern. Forh. v. de Skaudin. Naturforsk., Stockholm. 1865, 606-613. — I.irhtlicini. Zur Kenntniss der pernicioseii Anamie. Miiiichen. med. Welmsclir., 1887, xxxiv. 30u.— .llillcr . xi, 445.—Silvestrini. Respiration d'air comprime dans l'anemie <:rave. France nied., Par., 1883, ii, 568.— Smart (A./ The treatment of anaemia and chlorosis by tlie chief iron preparations commonly in use. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1892-3, n. s.. xii, 264-286. Aho: Lan- cet, Lond., 1893, i, 352: 402-Mtadclmann. Zwei Falle von spontauen Muskelzuckungen bei Anainischen geheilt durch Suggestion nach einmaliger Behandlung. Ztschr. f. Hypnot., etc., Berl., 1894, iii, 19-21.—Stable (E.) Zur Infusion bei acuter Aniimie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 1891, xvii, 726-730. Aho. Reprint. Aho: Mitth. a. d. Tubing. Poliklin., Leipz.. 1892. 97-llu. —Nlif- ler (M.) Die Wirkung reiner einfacher Stahlquellen bei AiiiPinia (Treatment of). Aniimie auf Gruud von Blutkdrperchenzahlungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 247; 279. Also, Reprint.— Stocquart (A.) Du traitement de l'anemie etde la chlo- rose par le peptonate de fer. Arch, de ni6d. et chir. prat., Brux., 1889, iii, 65-72— Strachau (J.) Case of perni- cious anaemia- successfully treated with arsenic Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. ii, 982-984. — Stiihleu (A.) Ueber den Eisengehalt verschiedener Organe bei anamiseben Zustiin- den. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1894-5, liv, 248-261.— Summa (H.) The value of Glide's pepto-man- gan in the treatment of anaemia. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 176. Also, Reprint.—Szuiuan (S.) Wstrzykiwanie roztworu soli kuchenuej przy ostrej niedokrwistosci. [In- jection of solntion of table salt in acute ana-mia.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1883, 2. s.,iii,417-l23.—Taylor (F.) On physi- cal rest in the treatment of chlorotic anaemia. Practitioner, Lond., 1893, li, 161-168.— Tcyssier (J.) Tratamiento de las anemias graves y de las clorosis rebeldes por los ene- mas de sangre desfibrinada. Gac. med. catal.. Barcel., 1884, vii, 33-38.— Thomson (H.) Leber intravenose Kochsalzinfusioneu bei acuten Anamien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 642-646.—Va- ehetta (A.) Iniezioni peritoneali d' albuminato tli ferro a cura dell' anemia cronica. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 107. Aho: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1883, iv, 274.—Van der Stricht (O.) Etude anatomo-patholo- gique tie la moelle osseuse dans l'anemie peruicieuse pro- gressive. (Communication pr61iminaire.) Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1895, 4. s., ix, 243-254. [Rap. tie Crocq], 161-163.—Varela (D.) Anemia tratada por los enemas de sangre desfibrinada: curacion. Genio med.- quir., Madrid, 1882, xxviii, 30.—Vertziuski (U. E.) So- vremennoye uchenle o liechenii tyazholikh form ostravo malokroviya. [ Present views on treatment of severe forms of acute anaemia,] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxii, 297- 303.—Wallu. De l'arsenic et de la meilleure maniere de l'employer dans le tiaitemnet de l'an6mie. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1882, xxvii, 41.—Wilcox (R. W.) Anae- mia; its treatment with a new preparation of iron. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 512-518. Aho, Reprint.—"Wilks (S.) On the tberapeutic value of arsenic in ana-mia and atrophic conditions. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 653.— Willcoeks (F.) Large and small doses of iron in anaemia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, ii, 921. Anaemia (Urine in). von Lichtenfels (F. S.) * Ueber Harnstoff- Ausseheidung bei Anainischen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. C'onti (A.) La peptonuria nelle gravi anemie. Gaze. d. osp., Xapoli, 1892, xiii, 114-117.—Felice (L.) La pep- tonuria nelle grave anemie. Riv. clin., Milano, 1890. xxix, 793-802.— Hunter (W.) Observations on tbe urine in pernicious anaemia. Practitioner, Loud., 1889, xliii, 161; 321; 401. Also, Reprint. — Picchiui (L.) Sc C'onti (A.) La tossicitk delle orine in alcuni casi tli anemia: ricerche. cliniche e sperimentali. Morgagni, Milano, 1893, xxxv, 457-487. Also [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 534-539. Anaemia in children. Dukand (L.) De la rarete" des souffles mor- gan ique.s chez les enfants du premier age. 8°. Lyon, 1691. Glockner (A.) Zur Casuistik der Anaemia spleuica (Anaemia infantis pseudo-leucaeinica). 8°. Miinchen, 1895. Luzet (C.) * Etude sur les ane"mies de la pre- miere enfance et sur l'an6rnie infantile pseutlo- leuce'uiique. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 6°. Paris, 1891. Monti (A.) & Beuggklx (E.) Die chro- nist-he Aniimie im Kiudesalter. 8°. Leipzig,1692. Somma ((}.) Dell' anemia splenica infantile; storia, clinica e terapia. Kelazione letta al 1. Congresso pediatrico italiano in Roma nell' otto- bre dell' auno 1891). *-\ Xapoli, 1890. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in.- Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1891, xxxvi, 345; 357. Alt (M.) Sc Weiss (J.) Anaemia infantilis pseudoleu- caeniiea. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1892, xxx, 433; 450.—Archnmbanlt. De l'anemie chez les enfants etde son traitement. Therap. contemp., Par., 1882, ii. 497- 502. Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 1001; 1018.—Bou- t-hut (E.) De l'anemie des enfants et de sou traitement par les ferrugineux et l'eau d'Orezza. Marseille med., 1884, xxi 161. Aho: France med.. Par., 1884, i, 462-464. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1884, 4. s., xiii, 63.—Brown (C ) Anaemia of children. Omaha Clinic, 1894-5, vii, 393-396.— ■>ciiuuc tR.) [Perniciiise, Anamie im ersteu Kinuesal- ANEMIA. 344 AXJEMTa. Anaemia in children. ter; perniciose Anamie bei reicblicher Anwesenbeit von Spulwiirmern im Darmkanal.] Klin. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Kinderh. . . . d. Jenner'sch. Kindersp. in Bern, 1891, 24- 33. —Bi Lorenzo (G.) Contribuzione alia casuistica e clinica dell' anemia splenica infettiva dei bambini. Arch. ital di pediat.. Napoli, 1890. viii, 175-188.—Elben (R.) Fall von pernicidser Anamie (Sehiippel) bei einem 3jahri- gen Kind. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1881. li. 249.—Escnerich. Ueber perniciose Anamie im Kiudesalter. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 193; 211.— Fede (F.) Sull' anemia splenica infettiva dei bambini; ricerche sperimentali e batteriologiche. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1889, i, 168-173.—Fischl (R.) Ueber Anaemia infantum pseudoleucaemica. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1894, xix, 3-5. Aho: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 241.—Forchheimer (F.) On the treatment of cer- tain forms of anaemia in children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893, x, 883-890. Aho: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1893, v, 135-142.—Gianipietro (V.) Intorno ad una speciale cloranemia dei poppanti e segnatamente su due fenomeni caratteristici della stessa. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1889, xi, 239-242. — Oianturco (V.) & Pianese (G.) Ricer- che batteriologiche, sperimentali e istologiche, in un caso di pSeudoleucemia infantile infettiva (Cardarelli) o anemia splenica (Fede). Gazz. d. clin., Napoli, 1892, iii, 385-310.— Haven (H. C.) Acaseof progressive pernicious anemia in a child aged ten years. Arch. Pediat., Phila.. 1884, i, 756-760.—Holt (L. E.) Pernicious anemia in a child two vears of age. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1891), 1892, 1-3. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 410. — Israel- Rosenthal (E.) Anaemien hos Bern. Med. Aarsskr., Kj<>benh., 1893, vii, 119-143.—Jacobi (A.) Anaemia in infancy and early childhood. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1881, v, 1-27. Aho, Reprint- Also [Abstr.l: Med. Gaz. N. Y., 1881, viii, 90. Aho, transl. [Abstr.].: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 162; 176. Aho, transl [Abstr.]: An. de obst., ginep. y pediat., Madrid, 1882, 2. op., ii, 261-265.— Hjellbcrg (A.) Perniciose Anamie bei Kindern. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1884, v, 181-186.—Koplik (H.) Anae- mia infantum pseudo -leukaMnica. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893, x, 210-215. — Lc Gendre (P.) Pathogenie, diagnos- tic et traitement des aneauies de la premiere enfance. Rev. prat, d'obst. etde pa-diat., Par., 1893, vi, 118-128.—Ii©ngo (N\) Contributo al valore diagnostico delle cellule eosi- noftle nelle varie forme di anemia dei bambini; ricerche cliniche e microscopiche. Pediatria. Napoli, 1894, ii, 72- 86. — I.oos (J.) TJeber das Vorkommen kernhaltiger rother Blutkorperchen bei Anamie der Kinder. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 26. Also, transl.: Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, 184-186.—l.uzet (C.) Quelques mots sur l'hematologie et le diagnostic h6matologiquo des anemies de la premiere enfance. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1891, ix, 199-217. Also, Reprint. -----. L'anemie infan- tile pseudo-leucemiqne. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1891, i, 579-592.—Monti. Ueber Anamie im Kindesalter. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1894, xliv, 401: 464; 511; 560; 613.—Mya (G) & Trauibusti (A.) Contributo alio studio dell' ane- mia splenica infantile. Sperimentale. Mem. orig., Fi- renze,1892,359-388,1 pl.—Momma (G.) & Fede (F.) Dell' anemia splenica infettiva nei bambini. Atti d. Cong, pe- diat. ital. 1890, Napoli. 1891. 88-130.—Slalo attuale degli studi sull' anemia splenica infettiva dei bambini. Pedia- tria. Napoli, 1893, i. 3-6. — Warner (F. M.) Anaemia in children. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 231-233. Anaemia in pregnancy. Graefe ([C] M.) * Ueber den Zusammen- hang der progressiven perniciosen Aniimie mit der Graviditiit. 8J. Halle a. S., I860. Bernhcim. Observation d'anemie pernicieuse pro- gressive puerp6rale. Mem. Soc. de ni6d. de Nancy (1878- 9), 1880, pp. Ixxxvii-lxxxix. Also: Rev. med. tie Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 087-689.—Bischoff (J. J.) Ein Fall von pernicioser Anamie iu der Sehwangerschaft. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1879, ix, 697-702. Aho, Reprint.— Chniiniiis (W.) Notes on anbaemia, principally in its connections with the puerperal state, and with functional diseases of the uterus; with cases. N. Eng. Q. .1. M. Sc S.. Bost., 1842-3, i, 157-188. Also, Reprint. — Delafield (F.) Pernicious anaemia following pregnancy. N York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 190. — Dukate (J. S.) Progressive pernicious anaemia gravidarum. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1891-2, x, 148-151.—Gusscrow (A.) Ueber bochgradigste Anamie Schwangerer. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1871, ii, 218-235. Also. Reprint.— Tlori (G.) Caso clinico di un' anemia profonda, complicata a gravidanza, guarita colle in- jezioni ipodermiehe di citrato di ferro. Ann. di ostet., Mi- lano, 1885, vii, 433-436. -----. Segundo casodi guarigioue avuta dalle iniezioni di citrato di ferro in donna anemica complicata a gravidanza. I bid.. 543-545.-----. Terzo caso di guarigione ottennta dal citrato di ferro in donna sem- plicemente ma profondamente anemica. Ibid., 546. Also [three preceding articles], in: Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1887, iv, 149-159—Oliver (T.) Anaemia of a grave char- acter occurring during pregnancy. Lancet, Lond.. 1894, i, 13.—Osier (W.) Puerperal ana-mia, and its treatment Anaemia in pregnancy. with arsenic. Boston M. A- S. J., 1883, cxix. 454. Also- North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1888, xxii, 359-363.- Quinquaud. Anemie grave d'origine puerperale Gaz. obst,. Par., 1879, viii, 257; 278; 305. - Rogowicz (J.) Kilka sl6w o leczeniu ostrej niedokrwistosei u rod- zaeych (anaemia s. oligaemia acuta, vera, parturientium). Medycyna, Warszawa, 1884, xii, 189; 205.—Tarnier. De l'an6mie pernicieuse chez les femmes enceintes. Bull, med Par., 1894, viii, 1119-1121. Anaemia (Idiopathic and pernicious). See, also, Anaemia (Treatment ofi); Anaemia (Frine in); Anaemia in children; Anaemia in pregnancy; Leukaemia. Barth (F.) *Zur Casitistik der sclnveren es- sentiellen Anamie ; nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Bebandlung derselben mit Eisen. 8°. Erlangen, 1887). Bender (P.) *Zur Kasuistik der proges- siven perniziosen Anamie. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1679. Braune (F.) *De anaemia perniciosa. 8°. Berlin, [1882]. Brunner (O.) Ein Fall von pernicioser Ana- mie, uud seine erfolgreicbe Bebandlung. 8°. Leipzig, 1891. de Castro (J. M.) *Die progressive perni- ciose Aniimie. 8°. Greifsivald, 1879. Chabrut (F.) * Etude critique de l'ane'nrie pernicieuse progressive. 4°. Paris, 1889. Chavez (E. M.) * Anemia perniciosa. 8°. Lima, 1887. Dorn (B. H. A.) *Blutuntersucbungen bei pernicioser Aniimie. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Durr (I.) * Ueber einen Fall von progres- siver pernicioser Aniimie. 8°. Giessen, 1866. Franzen (A.) * Ueber die Leukamie und perniciose Anamie. 8°. Kiel, 1892. Fretjdenstein (G.) * Ueber Fieber und fie- berbafte Komplikationen bei pernicioser Ana- mie und Leukamie. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Guthmann (A.) *Ein Fall von pernicioser Anamie. 8°. Erlangen, 1891. Haeusler (F.) * Ueber einen Fall von pro- gressiver pernicioser Anamie in Folge niultipler Osteosarkome. 8°. Greifswald, 1885. Krebs ([C. A. ] E.) * Kliuisck-liamatologische Studien iiber perniciose Anamie und fiber einen Fall von lvmphatischer Leukiiinie. cP. Berlin, [1692]. Krukenberg (G.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der progressiven perniciosen Anamie. 8°. Halle a. S., 1879. Malkix (S.) * Ueber perniciose Anamie. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Matczyxski ( S. ) * Ueber die progressive perniciose Anamie. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Mixxich ([B.] W.) * Ueber einen Fall per- nicioser progressiver Anamie mit leicbten Spinal- Svmptomen und anatomiscben Veriinderuugen im Biickenmark. 8°. Kbnigsberg, 1691. Musser (J. H.) On idiopathic anaemia. A report of three cases, with remarks; and an analysis of the cases bitherto publisbed in Amer- ica. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. -----. Note on pernicious antenna and chlo- rosis in the negro. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1691, vel subseq.] Paechtxer (W.) * Ueber progressive perni- ciose Anaemic 8°. Wiirzburg, 1894. Planchard (E\-ISr.) # De l'anemie dite perni- cieuse progressive. 4°. Paris, 1688. Also [Abstr.l, in: Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab. de therap., Par., 1889, 177-181. Plumecke (E.) * Ueber dreizehn auf der medizinischen Klinik zu Gottingen in den Jahren 1878-90. beobachtete Fiille von progres- siver pernicioser Aniimie. 8-\ Gottingen, 1892. ANEMIA. 345 AXJEMIA. Anaemia (Idiopathic and jiemicious). Keymoxd (F.) *£tude tie l'aiieniie perni- cieuse progressive. 4 . Lyon, 1687. -----. The same. S:\ Lyon, 1667. Sciu'BERT (1J.) * Beitriige zur Casuistik tier progressiven perniciosen Aniimie. 8°. Breslau, 1881. Ullrich CW.) * Ueber einen Fall von pro- gressiver pernicioser Aniimie. [ "Wurtzhurg. ] 8°. Linshcim, 1667. Vogel (CL F.) * Ein Full vou priiniirer es- sentieller. progressiver pernicioser Aniiniie. 8>'. Gottingen, L--1. Alexeyeff. Sluchai bemorragicheskavo retinita pri progressivnoi zlokachestvennol anemii. [Case of hsemor- rhagic retinitis in progressive perniciousana>mia.] Russk. med., St. Petersb., 1892. xvii. 5; 22. — Allbutl (C.) A case of idiopathic anaemia with retinal haemorrhages. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 627. — Anders (J. M.) Sc I Catlell (II. W.) Hemorrhagic tumor of the pituitary i bodv and infundibulum in a case of pernicious antenna. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1892. xix. 9-13. — Ander- son (M'C.) Case of pernicious anaemia ; recovery under arsenic: unusual complication terminating fatally; post- mortem examination. Glasgow M. J., 1893. xxxix, 91-94. -----. Case of pernicions anaemia: great improvement; death from an intercurrent attack of influenza, with pneu- monia. Ibid., 1895, xliii, 411-414. — Angyan ( B. ) Az anaemia perniciosa progressiva tiinet es korbonc/.tanahoz egyasetkapesan. [Symptomsand ]>athological anatomy.1 Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 1882. xxvi, 3*5; 4U9. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1882. xviii, 396; 420.— Askanazy (S.) Feber einen interessanten Blutbefund bei rapid letal verlaufender pernicioser Anii- mie. Ztschr. f. klin. Metl., Berl.. 1893. xxiii, 80-92, 2 pl.— Asta-Buriinga (L.) Pernicious anaemia; a report of five cases. X. York M. J., 18*7, xiv, 7-11. — Auirccht. Perniciose Anamie. Inhis: Path. Mitt., 8D. Migdeb., 1881. 76—Avtandiloff(P.) K etiologii progressivnoi anemii. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1889, vii, 387; 406; 422. — Ax- tell (E. K.) Report of acaseof pernicious anaemia. X. York M. J., 1889,1, 654-656. — Bagiusky (A.) Ein Fall von pernicioser Anamie. Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1894), 1895, xxv. pt. 1, 37. — Kami (<;.) Contri- buto alio studio delle anemie progressive. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1*81, xlviii, 26; 151. Aho, Reprint. — Bnrtels (J.) Ein Fall von pernicioser Anamie mit Icterus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1*8*. xxv, 45-47. -----. Icterus bei per- nioser Anamie. Ibid., 1889. xxvi, 937.—Bassi ( G.) Di dne reperti istologiei del sangue nell' anemia grave. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 1403-1405. — Batek (L.) Drei Falle von Anaemia progressiva perniciosa. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1**3-4), 1**6. 251-261.— Bayer (K.) Sc El sen berg (A.) Przypadek niedokrwis- tosci zlosliwej samoistnej (anaemia perniciosa idiopathica s. essentialis). Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 18*1, 2. s., i, 525-530.— Bell (J.) Sc Osier (W.) Caseof progressive pernicious anaemia. Tr. Canada M. Ass.. 1877, i. 131-14Q. Aho, Re- print.—Belli (T.) Anemia perniciosa malarica. Raecog- litore med., Forli, 1890, 5. s., ix, 482-488— Bellman (BV) The condition of the eyes in two cases of fatal anaemia; an anatomical investigation. Arch. Ophth., N.Y., 1882. xi, 12- 33.— Bicrwirth (A. M.) Sc Alt (A.) A case of pernici- ous anaemia. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 147-149.— Biruli (F. A.) Kvoprosu ob izmleneniakh tsentralnol nervnoi sistemi pri zlokachestvennom uakostayushtshem malokrovii. [On the changes in the central nervous sys- tem during piogressive pernicious anaemia ] Yrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1894, xv, 321; 353.—Bliiincnau(M.B.) Ketiologii ipatogenezu ziokachestvenuavo narostayusktshavo malo- krovia. [Etiology antl pathogenesis of progressive per- nicious anaemia.] Ibid., 1893, xiv, 1240; 1273.—Bonardi (E.) II proteus vulgaris Hauser in un malato di anemia perniciosa progressiva. Morgagni, Milano, 1895, xxxvii, 50-54. — Bone (K. C.) Short notes of cases of pernicious anaemia (presumed Addison's disease). Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii. 240; 273. — Botliiu (S. I'.) O perni- tsioznoi anemii. In his: Klin, lektsii 1883-4, St. Petersb.. 18*5, no. 1, 48-60. Also: Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 18*4, iv, 81-93. Aho, transl: Arch, slaves tie biol., Par., 1*86, i, 139-158.—Boucaud. A propos d'un cas d'anemie per- nicieuse. Me,m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nie.il. de Lyon (1878), 1879, xviii, 76-83. — Bowman (H. M. ) On'the association of disease of the spinal cord with pernicious anaemia. Brain, Lond., 1894, xvii, 198-213, 1 pl.—Brain- well (B.) Progressive pernicious anaemia. Rep. Proc. Northnmb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Newcastle - upon -T vue, 1876-7, 151-167. [Discussion], 169. -----. Case illustra- tive of the diagnosis of the cause of anaemia; the micro- scopical characters of the blood in pernicious anaemia; precautions to be taken in making a microscopic examina- tion of blood with the object of determining the number and shape of the red blood corpuscles in pernicious anae- mia: Stud. clin. med, Edinb., 1889-90, i, 27-36. 1 pl.— Brigidi (V.) Jc Baudi (G.) Anemia perniciosa pro- Allicballa ((L) Adatok az anaemia perniciosa gyo^vitastihoz. [Contributions to the cure of pernicious ana-mia. | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 551; 573.—Douglas (W. T. P.) Idiopathic or pernicious ana-mia, associated with jaundice. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 140. — Drunimond (W. B.) A case of pernicious anaemia treated with bone marrow. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1085 —Drysdale (C. R.) Case of per- nicious anaemia. ZMd.,1889, i. 15.—Duckworth (SirD.) Clinical lecture on a case of pernicious ana-mia. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1894-5, ii, 88. — Dukes (C.) A compli- cated and fatal case of pernicious anainia: necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 18*9, i, 327. —Duncan (A.). Progressive pernicious ana-mia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, ii, 1061.— Dnniii (T.) Wypadek niedokrwistosci zlosliwej (anae- mia perniciosa pr'ogr.). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 3; 32.—Edes (R. T.) Clinical lecture on a case of idio- pathic ana-mia. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1882, cvi, 457.-----. Cases of idiopathic anaemia, J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 648-652. Aho, Reprint, — Ehrlich (P.) Beob- achtungen iiber einen Fall von pernicioser, progres- siver Aniimie mit Sarcombildung; Beitriige zur Lehre von der acuten Herzinsufficieuz. Charite-Ann. 1878, Berl., 1880, v, 198-205. — Emery (A.F.) Pernicious (?) anaemia. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1888-9. i, 13. — d'Espinc (A.) .v|l»ico« (C.) Contribution a l'e- tude de i'aneniie pernicieuse chez les enfants. Rev. de AX.EMIA. 346 A X.EM I A. AllcClllia (Idiopathic and pernicious). med., Par.. l*9il. x, *59-*67. — Fvans (W. A.) Fatal ane- mia. X Am. Pract,, Chicago. 1*93. v, 145-151.—Ewald (C. A.) Sind (lallensteine Crsache einer pemieidsen Aniimie.' Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887. xxiv. 850-852.— Faber(K.) Pernicijis Ameini som Folge af Tarmlidelso. [Pernicious ana-mia due to intestinal trouble.] Hosp.- Tid., Kjobenh.. 1*95. 4. R.. iii, 601-615.—Fiedeldij (C. E.) Anaemia perniciosa bij ecu kind. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst.. 1*95, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2, 673-679.— Finiay (1). W.) A ease of fatal anaemia. I'rit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii £i;4. — Finley (F. G.) Two cases of pernicious ante- nna. Canada M. Rec, Montreal. 1894-5, xxiii, 267-271.— Finny (J. M.) Clinical lecture on idiopathic ana-mia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i. 5; 43. — Fischel (F.) Sc Adler (R.) Zur Kenntniss tier perniciosen Anamie. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl.. 1893, xiv, 263 - 27*. — Frankcuhauser. Leber die Aetiologie der perniciosen Anamie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1**3, xxi, 49. — Fraser (T. R.) Bone-marrow in the treatment of pernicious ana-mia. Brit. M. J„ Loud., 1894, i, 1172-1174. Also, Reprint.— Friscliniauii (J.) Ein Fall von Anaemia perniciosa progressiva mit Icterus. Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Buda- pest, 1*92, xxviii, 217-221.—Gardner (W.) i Osier (W.) Caseof progressive pernicious anaemia (idiopathic of Ad di.s..ni. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1876-7, v, 385-404. Aho. Reprint. Also, transl. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissen- sch., I'.erl., 1*77, xv, 258-360. Also. Kepi int.—Geiiiinell (S.) \: Hlcvcii (J. L.) Case of pernicious ana-mia. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, I891-3,"iv. 133-136. Aho: Glas- gow M. J., 1*92, xxxviii, 300-303.—Gcorgi (F. E.) Gal- lensteino und perniciose Aniimie. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1**7. xxiv, 822; 846. — Gibson (G. A.) Pernicious ante- nna. Internat. Clin., Phila.. I*'.i3, 3.S.. iii, 1-11.—G la vet- ski (It. O.) Sluchai anaemia- perniciosa- progressiva-. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Ivronstadt, l*7*-9, xvi, 95.—Gossngc (A. M.) Pernicious ana-mia. West- minster Hosp. IU-])., Lond., 1*95. ix, 51-54. — Gottlieb (It.) Ein Fall von echter, pernicioser, progressive! Anii- mie mit pramoitaler Leukocytose. Wien. med. 151. 1886, ix, 505: 537. — Gowers (W. K.) Pernicious ana-mia at 21. Brit, M. J.. Lond., 1891. i, 904.— Grab a in (J. E) Idiopathic anaemia. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1884, ix, 193- 201. — Graves (W. K.) Pernicious ana-mia. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1889, vii, 311-314.—Griffith (j. P. C.) 6c Hus i- (C. W.) The pathology of pernicious anaemia, Tr. Ass Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1891, vi, 239- 250. Also Mem;ii kningi i om denue Sygdom. C. r. Fn cas gucri d'anemie (lite progressive pernicieuse, avec quelques remarques epicritiqiu-s sur cette maladie. Xord. med. Ark.. Stockholm, l**u, xii. no. 1, 1-25: no. 7, 1.—Henry (F. P.) The diagnosia of progressive pernicious ana-mia, with proof that tbe blood in this disease is an instance of reversion to a lower type. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 499-501. -----. Pernicious anaemia; extreme reduction of the number, with alterations of the size and shape, of the red corpuscles; recovery. Med. Xews, Phila., 1886, xlix, 5-7.—Herringhain (W. P.) Subdural haemorrhage in pernicious ana-mia. Lancet, Loud., 1894, ii, 1347.—Hins- dale Ml i A case of pernicious anaemia ; recovery. Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1885, n. s., lxxxix, 482^86.—Hirsch (C. T. W.) Pernicious ana-mia; report of 126 cases of that disease treated during 1893 iu the Rewa district of Fiji. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1274.—Hobson (J. M.) A case of pernicious ana-mia, with remarks and brief notes of forty- five cases ot the same disease arranged in groups. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1883, xxx, 24-37. —von Hoist (L.) Leber perniciose Aniimie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., l*,-tl n. F.. iii, 363; 371.—Holsti. Ett fall af progressiv ptrui- cios aniimi. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1877- 8, xix, 27(1-2-1. — Hopkins (F. G.) Five cases of perni- cious ana-mia, with determinations of the iron in the viscera and some observations on the urine. Guy's Hosp Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 1, 349-384, 1 pl. — Hughes (W. E.) A case of pernicious ana-mia. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. il**i- 5). 1886, xii. 278-280. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 18*3-4, xiv, j 439. Aho: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., lots4, li, 236. Aho: Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1884, n. a., xii, 318.—Hum- ViiHPitlia (Idiopathic and pernicious). phrcys (C. 11.) Progressive pernicious anemia: au- topsy. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, l**u-81, v, 146- 14*. —Hunter (W.) Is pernicious ana-mia a Special tlis- ease' Practitioner. Lond.. 1888. xii, 81-103. -----. An in. vestigation into the pathology of pernicious ana-mia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1888, ii, 555: 608:' 654. — Idiopathic (perni- cious) anaemia. Itcp. Suporv. Surg. Gen. Mar. Hosp, Wash.. 1889, 34.'.— Israel KU.) Fall von pernicioser Anii- mie. Yerhandl. d. I'.erl. mid. Gesellsch. (1890), 1891, xxi, 50-55. —Jacqiicinart. De l'au6inie pernicieuse progres- sive. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Unix., 18*2, lxxv, 17; 2()5; 344; 428.—Jones (L. II.) Progressive- pernicious ana-mia. Practitioner, Loud., 1**11, x\iv, 101-109.—Kast (A.) i UC u in pel (T.) Marrow of bone in pernicious anaemia. In their: Illust. Path. Anat., fol., Lond., 1893, K. pl. la, with text. — Katz ( R. ) Anaemia perniciosa. Objazat. pat.-anal, i/.slied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. 1'niv., 1890, i, 119-126.—Metcher (X.) Sluchai glistnoi j.cnii- tsiosnoi anemii. f IVi nicious anaemia, caused bv intestinal parasites.] Bolnitsch. ga/. Hotkina, St. Petersb., 1890, i, 1019-1027.—King (J. S.) Pernicious progressive ana-mia; with notes of a recent ease resulting fatally. Canada Lan- cet, Toronto, 1881-2, xiv, 383-386.—Kje 11 berg (A.) Per nicios aneini hos ett 5 ars gammalt barn. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1884, xvi.no. 13, 1-6.—Klein (A.) Zur Aetiologie der secundiiren perniciosen Aniimie. Her. tl. k. k. Kraukenaust. Itudolph-Stiftuiig in Wien (1891), 1892, 227-217. Also: AVien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 721; 745.— Knott (T. n.) Clinical remarks on a case of malignant or pernicious anaemia in which a condition of chronic gen- eral osteomyelitis was found after death. Brit. M. .!., Lond., 1890,'i, 232— Koren (A.) Tre Tilfaelde af ukut forlobende pernicios Auaemi intleu samme Husstand. Xorsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk , Christiania, 1891, 4. R., vi, 550-577. — l.achniaun (II.) Zur Casuistik der idiopathi- schen progressiven Anamie. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 101-104.—Lunger iL.) Ana-mia perniciosa pro- gressiva. Metl. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, 490 492. —lianteiicr. Anemie pernicieuse aigue. Rev. med., Louvain, 18*.(, ii, 209-218.—I.cpinclH.) Sur un cas d'auemie grave. Lyon m6d., 1886, Iii, 401-403.—I,cube ( W. 0. ) Ein Fall vou essentieller Aniiniie mit iibermiissiger Eutwicklung der Kdrnchenbilduiigen im Blute. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1*79, xvi, 653-655.—J.ichthciiu. Zur Kenntniss tier pernicio- sen Anamie. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1887, vi, 84-99.—Jiiltle (II. W.) Progressive pernicii us anaemia; a disease of tho vaso-motor system. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1880, xvii, 313-315.—Fovcland (I. A.) Progress- ive pernicious anaemia. N. Lug. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-6, v, 62-65.—Fuzct (C.) Un cas d'an6mie dite pernicieuse; guerison. France metl.. Par., 1890, xxxvii, t5u 454.—.Mackenzie (S.) Anemie pernicieuse progres- sive. | Trad, de l'anglais par le Dr. Spaak.] J. de mi'd. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1880, lxx, 34; 147; 233.—."Mac phail (S. R.) Two cases of progressive pernicious anas- mia. Edinb. M. J., 1884-5, xxx, 1107-1113.— ,TIcI» lied ran (A.) Pernicious anaemia, with a report of five cases. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 362-368. Also, Reprint. ----. Pernicious anaemia. Proc. Sc Tr. Path. Soc. Toronto. 1890- 91, ii, 31-33. Also [with additions]: Internat. Cliu., Phila., 1892, 2. s., i, 39-47.—^lader (J.) Zur Casuistik der per- niciosen Anamie. Wien. med. Bl., 1882, v, 865-869. Aho: Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1882), 1883, 318-320. -----. Hochgradige Aniimie in Folge volli- ger Appetitlosigkeit; Besserung derselben ; Auftreten all- gemeiner Ecchymosen; Gebiriiblutung; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1889). 1890,264. -----. Anaemia progress, perniciosa; Tod. Ibid., 205. -----. Progressive, perniciose Anamie; Tod. Ibid. (1890), 1891, 269-271. -----. Anaemia perniciosa; Tod. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893. i,659.----- Drei Falle von Anaemia perniciosa. Ibid. (1893), 1894, ii, 607.—ITIaixner (E.) Eiu Fall von pernicioser Anamie. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kraukenh. zn Prag (1879), 1881,77- 81. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii, 244 — .TIarcorelli (A.) Anemia perniciosa progressiva da ca- tarro gastro-intestinale cronico. Osservatore, Torino, l*9i>, xii, 675-680.—ITIinnich (W.) Zur Kenntniss der im Ver- lauf der perniciosen Aniimie bi-obachteten Spiualerkrnn- kungeu. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Perl., 1893, xxi, 25; 264, 2 pl.: 1893, xxii. 60-86, 2 pl. Aho, Reprint.—Jlircoli (S.) Con- tributo all' etiologia dell' auemia perniciosa progressiva e del liufoma maligno. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 1338.—ITIitskuner (L. J.) Sluchai glistnoi pemitsiozuol anemii. [Pernicious anaemia from the presence of worms.] Ejened. kliu. gaz., St. Petersb.. 1886, vi. 451-155.—.Honey (A.) Posterior sclerosis antl pernicious an.emla Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 210. — .TIuser (W.) The pathologv of pernicious anaemia. X. Yoik M J., 1894, lx, 81.—.Tlott (F. W.) Free iron in the liver in pernicious anaemia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 18**-9. xl, 127, 11., 1 pl. -----. A case of pernicious ana-mia. Lancet, Loud., 1889, i. 520-522. -----. A case of pernicious anae- mia. Ibid., 1890, i, 287-289. -----. Observations upon the pathology of pernicious anaemia, based upon a study of three cases. Practitioner, Lond., 1890, xiv, 81-93.— AN.EMIA. 347 ANEMIA. AiBtTiiiia (Idiopathic and pernicious). Moyer(S.R.) Progressive pernicious ana-mia. Milwau- kee M. J., 1895, iii, 333-:<36—Mullciidorff. Vier Falle von progressiver pernicioser Anamie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1881. vii. 347-349.—.Tluellci- (F.) Zur Aetiologie der perniciosen Anamie. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1889, xiv, 253-270.—iMiiiIcr (H. F.) Leber die atypischo Bhitbildiing bei der progressiven perniciosen Aniimie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 892-3, li. 282-302. Aho: Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. tl. k. Ludwig-Maximi- lians-Univ. zu Miinchen, Leipz., 1893. iii, 621-641. — .TBuir (R.) Ou the changes iu the bone marrow in pernicious anaemia. J. Path. Sc Bacterid., Edinb. &. Loud., 1*93-4. ii, 354-366, 1 pl.—IHuuk ((',. M.) Dva sltichaya zlokacuest- vennavo malokrovia (ana-mia perniciosa). [Two eases of . . .] Meditsina, St. Petersb.. 1893, v,287; 305; 339.-»ffus- scr (J. H.) Historical note on progressive pernicious or idiopathic anaemia. Med. Xews, Phila., 1882, xii, 404-406. -----. Three cases of idiopathic anaemia, with remarks; aud an analysis of the cases hitherto published in America. Med. i Surg- Reporter, Phila., 18S5, Iii, 550; 577: 613; 646. Aho, Reprint, Aho [Abstr.]: Phila. M. Times. 1884-5, xv, 601.—IVatanson (A. Y.) K simptomatologii i pato- logicheskoi anatomii glistnavo zlockachestvenuavo malo- krovia. [Symptomatology and pathological anatomy; per- nicious anaemia from tape-worms.] Ejened. jour. Prakt. Med.", St. Petersb., 1894, i, 101-107. — Ncusscr. Ein Fall von priniiirer Anaemia perniciosa progressiva. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien 11*89), 1890. 266. Also: Med. Rev. f. int. Med. u. Therap., Wien, 1891, ii, 166.— IVolcn (W.) Bijdrage tot de studie der progressieve pcr- nicieuze anaemic. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1882. 2. R.. xviii. 305-313, 1 pl.—Nonuc (M.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss tier im Yerlaufe der perniciosen Anamie beobachteten Spinalerkrankuugen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1893, xxv, 421-449, 1 pl. —A'olhnagel (H.) Cir- rhotische Verkleinerung tics Magens und Schwnnd der Labdriisen unter dem klinischen Bilde der perniciosen Aramie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1879, xxiv, 353-366. -----. Anemia perniciosa progressiva. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 18*9. vi, 308-316.—Osier (W.) Be- schatfenheit des Blutes und Knochenmarkes bei pernicio- ser Anamie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 498. Aho, Reprint. -----. Feber die Entwickelung von Blutkorperchen im Knochenmark bei pernicioser Anamie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1878, xvi. 465-467. Aho, Reprint. -----. Clinical lectin e ou idiopathic or pernicious anaemia. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto. 18*1, vi, 135-141. Also, Reprint,—Pad ley (G.) Idiopathic (progressive pernicious) anaemia, and its suc- cessful treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 811; 849.— Padovec (J.) Anaemia perniciosa. Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1884, xix, 219.—Pepper (W.) A case of pernicious anemia due to ileo-eolic disease. Med. Xews, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 573-576.—Pcrles (M.) Beobachtungen fiber perniciose Anamie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1*93, xxx, 963-966. Aho: Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1893), 1894, xxiv, pt. 2, 190-201.—Pernicious anaemia, St. Geoi ges Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond.. 1*79. ix, 131.—Peter (M ) Aproposd'un cas d'anemie pernicieuse progressive. Bull. med.. Par., 1*92, vi, 1023. Aho, transl.: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1*93, 3. s., i, 39-43.—Petronc (L. M.) Sulla natura infettiva dell' anemia perniciosa di Biermer. Speri- mentale. Firenze, 18*4, liii, 239-247. Also: Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1884, 2 s.. xviii, 90-93.—Pfaniikiich (W.) Ein eigenthiimlicher Fall von progressiver pernicioser Anamie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879. v, 619.— Philipsou (G. n.) Xotes of a case of pernicious anae- mia. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. Sc Durham M. Soc. Xew- castle-upon-Tyne, 1888-9, 173-176.—Planchard. Un cas d'amemie pernicieuse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1887, cxiii, 124-132.—Podvysotzki (E.) Anainia pro- gressiva (perniciosa) cum bothriocephali lati. Ti udi Obsh. ilietsk. vrach., St. Petersb., 1888, i, 59-72.- Popotl (S. P.) Sluchai zlokachestvennavo malokrovia. [Case of perni- cious anaemia | Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1892-3, x, 148- 151.—Powell (R. D.) Pernicious anaemia; symptoms strongly suggesting carcinoma ventriculi, except for slight pyrexia throughout; progressive anaemia, adynamia; au- topsy; advanced fatty degeneration of the heart. Mid- dlesex Hosp. Rep. 1886, Lond., 1887, 53-55. -----. A clini- cal lecture on pernicious anaemia. Clin. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 241-244.-----. Pernicious anaemia. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond.. 1894, 77.—Pufawski (A.) Przypadek nie- dokrwistosci zlosliwej, sakonczonej wyzdrowieiiiem. | Case of malignaut oligaemia, terminating in recovery.i Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893. n. s., xiii, 542-544.—Pye-Sniith (P. H.) Recent researches on idiopathic (essential or perni- cious) anaemia of Addison. [Rev.] Lond. M. Rec, 1877, v. 314; 437. -----. Report of a caseof idiopathic anaemia of Addison, since called essential, pernicious or progressive anaemia, with a commentary and tables of selected cases. Guy's Hosp. hep., Lond., 1883, 3. s., xxvi, 219-305.— Kake (B.) Pernicious anaemia; obstinate headache. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 913—Kansomc (A.) Sc ITIulcs (P. H.) Progressive pernicious anaemia, a case, with remarks. Ibid., 1883. i, 1112.—Raymond (F.) De l'anemie perni- cieuse. Province nied., Lyon, 1886-7, i, 533; 551. —Re- Ansemia (Idiopathic and pernicious). dtenbncher (L.) Ein Fall von pernicioser Anamie. Her. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung 1886, Wien, 18*7. 200-283. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix, 1057-1061. Also: Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 462-466.— Retslag (W.) Eiu Fall von Combination progressive!- pernicioser Aniimie mit Leukamie. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1887, xxiv. 617.—Reyher (G.) Beitrage zur Aetio- logie und Heilharkeit der perniciiisen Aniimie. Deulsches Arch. f. kliu. Med., Leipz., 1886, xxxix, 31-69. — ISicss (L.) Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie des Knochen- markes bei pernicioser Aniimie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1881, xix, 865-868. — Riudflcisch. Leber den Fehler der Blutkdrperchenbildung bei tier per- niciosen Aniimie. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1890, cxxi, 176-181.—Robinson (B.) Two cases of pernicious ana-mia. Med. Bee., X. Y., 1886, xxix, 218.—vou Roki- lansky (P.) Leber perniziiise Aniimie. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 461; 489: 521. — Roosevelt (J. W.) Pernicious ana-mia; certain questions suggested by cases and autopsies. Med. Bee, X. Y.,'1888, xxxiii, 407-411. Also: Med. \- Mirg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 434-436.— Roseustciu. Ein Fall von pernicioser Aniimie. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 113-115. Also, Reprint,—Ross. Case of pernicious ana-mia at advanced age; improvement under arsenic ; relapse; small blood-counting; death from asthenia; autopsy. Canada M. Sc S. ,L, Montreal, 1884-5, xiii, 25-2*.—Ruuebcrg (J. W.) Till kannedomen om den sakallade perniciosa progressiva Anamin. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1880, xxii, 323-348. Aho, transl: Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880-81, xxviii, 499-520. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Eira, Goteborg 1*83, vii, 607-612.—Russell (W.) The pathology of per- nicious ana-mia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889. i, 70.—Sandoz (P.) Beitrag zurPathologie und Therapie der peiniciiisen Aniimie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1887, xvii, 554-558.—.Sasaki (M.) Leber Veranderungen in den nerviisen Apparaten der Darmwand bei pernicioser Anii- mie und bei allgemeiner Atrophic. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1884, xxvi, 287-301, 1 pl—Satterlh vr aitc (T. E.) Progressive pernicious anaemia; two cases, with one post-mortem examination. Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1887-8, iii, 213-219. Also: Med. Rec.X.Y., 1888,xxxiii, 350-352.— Schollcnbruch (R.) Leber progressive perniciose Anamie. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen, 1882, xxix, 389; 404. Also, Reprint.—Schrotter. Anaemia perniciosa; Tod. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1887), 1889, 53.—Shattuck (F. C.) A case of essential pernicious anaemia. Boston M. dc S. J.. 1886. cxiv. 107.—Shattuck (G. B.) A case of pernicious ana-mia; recovery. Ibid., 1885, cxii, 2-5.—Shiuiauski (E ) ISotriocepha'lus latus, k. k pricbina progressivnavo zlokachvennavo malokrovia. [as a cause of progressive malignant oligohaeniia.] Russk. Med.. St. Petersb., 1889, xiv, 536-538.—Shipcrovich (M. Y.) K voprosu o znachenii glist v proiskhozhdenii pro- gressivnavo zlokachestvennavo malokrovia. [On the in- fluence of intestinal worms in the origin of progressive pernicious anaemia.] Soobsb. i protok. S.-Peterb. med Obsh. (1894), 1895, xii, 292-296. Also: Ejened. jour. "Prakt. Med.", St. Petersb., 1895, ii, 1-3.— Shushliabin (M.) Anaemia perniciosa. Vrach. Yaidom., St. Petersb., 1881, vi, 2645.—Sil va(B.) Contributo alio stntliodeH' etiologia dell' anemia perniciosa progressiva. Riforma med., Xa- poli, 1894, x, pt. 3, 807; 818.—Smith. A case, of pro- gressive pernicious anaemia; changes in the medulla ossium ; vascular hypoplasia; death ; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 132-134.—Smith (W.) Granular kidney; pernicious anaemia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, lxix, 559-563.— Solomka (X. Y.) Sluchai zlokachestvennol progressiv- noi anemii. Vracli. Vaitlom., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 4051- 4054. — Stai-r(L.) Progiessive pernicious anaemia; trans- fusion performed ; blood cells counted with tho ha-inacv- tometer. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 806-808. —Stengel (A.) Xature, diagnosis, and treatment of pernicious anae- mia. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1894, 3. s., x, 376-384. Also, Reprint.—Stewart (T. G.) Some points connected with pernicious antemia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 3. s., iv, 24-28.—Stockman (R.) Remarks on tbe nature and treatment of pernicious anaemia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895, i, 965; 1025; 1083.—Thomas. L'etude de I'aneniie per- nicieuse progressive dans le Xord ; revue critique des tra- vaux les plus recent* sur ce su.jet. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1880, cxiv, 74-98.—Tissier (P.) De I'aneniie per- nicieuse progressive. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 753- 763.—Trcchscl (E.) Sur l'etiologie de l'anemie progres- sive pernicieuse. I tev.m6d.de la Suisse Rom., Genteve, 1888, viii, 329-337.—Trinitatski (A.) Sluchai progressivnoi zlokachestvennol anemii. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1884, xxii, 1073-1076.—Trumbull (C.) Pcrniciousanaeniia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1**5, xiv, 491-499.—Turazza (G.) Anemia perniciosa progressiva. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 396.—I'hle (F. W.) Ein Fall von Anaemia perniciosa,der unter subiiormalen Temperaturen verlief. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 531 -533.—Vilchur (A. I.) Po povotlu odnovo sluchaya zlokachestvennol progressiv- noi anemii. [Unique case of pernicious progressive anae- mia.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 617. 639; 672. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz' AX.EMIA. 348 ANESTHESIA. Anaemia (Idiopathic and pernicious.) u. Berl., 1*93. xix. 715; 754. —Vlayetl' (G. M.) K voprosu o znachenii shirokavo lentetsa (botriocephali lati) v etiolo- gii zlokachestvennavo malokrovia. [Botriocephalns latus in the etiology of pernicious anaemia.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1*9!, xv, 706; 768; 794; 820. Also [Rev.]: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl . 1*94. lxiii, 901.—Wnldstcin (L.) Ein Fall von progressiver Aniimie und dnrauffolgender Leuko- cythiimie mit Knochenmarkerkrankung und einem soge- nannten Chlorom (Chlorolvmphom). Arch. f.path. Anat.. etc., Beil., 1883, xci, 12-38.—Walker (C. E.) Progressive I>ernicious anaemia. [Case.] Physicians' & Surgeons' In- vest., Buffalo, 1*87, viii, 225-229.- Wall is (C.) Fern fall af pernicids protrressiv anatni. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 508-514.—Warfviiis£e ( F. W.") Pernicids progi-essiv nneuii. Arsberatt. f. Sabbatsbergs Sjukh. i Stockholm, (1879), 1880, 171-193: (1880), 1881, 66-69. Also [Abstr.] : Hy- giea, Stockholm, 18*0, xiii, 356-378. -----. Leber die Be- handlung der perniciosen progressiven Anamie, tier Leuka- mie und der pseudoleukamie mit Arsenik. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, Med. int., 9-15.—Wed- dington (S. ('.) Kakonemia, or pernicious anemia. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 18*0, xxx, 35-43.—Weigert (C.) Perniciose Anamie mit ausgedehnterLymphangieeia- sie;. ErfuTluug der Lymphbahneu mit blutahnlicher Lymphe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1880, lxxix. 390-392.—Wcssinger (J. A.) Clinical remarks on pro- . gressive pernicious anaemia, X. York M. J.. 1888, xlvii, 703— Wesibrook. Pernicious anaemia. Ibid., 1*84. xl. 555. — White (W. II.) On the pathology and prognosis of pernicious anaemia. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890, 3. s., xxxii, 149-194. -----. Pernicious anaemia. Internat. Cliu.,Phila,, 1894, 4. s., i, 48-59 — Wilhoil (J. W.) A case of progressive pernicious ana-mia; a disease of the vaso- motor system. Kansas City M. Index, 1892, xiii, 167.— Worcester (W. L.) Four cases of pernicious anaemia. X. Y.i k M. J., 1888, xlvii, 491-493— Khuk (X. X.) Pro- gressivnaya zlokachestvennaya anemia. Med. Vestnik, St, Petersb., 1882, xxi, 683; 700; 713; 731 ; 745. AiiJPiilia (Idiopathic and pernicious) in animals. Mkuix (P.) L'aneuiie pernicieuse des chiens de iiicutt-s, causrc par l'ankylostouie. 8°. Pa- ris, [1661, vel subseq.]. Repr.from: L'Acelimatation; journal des 61evcurs. Rui-ltc (R. W.) Surra, or progressive pernicious anae- mia. Vet. J. Sc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1887, xxv, 5-11. Also: Veterinarian, Lond., 1887, lx, 463-469. -----. Surra; or pernicious ana-mia in the lower animals. Yet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1888. xxvi, 1; 83.—Friedbcrger. Essentielle perniciose Anamie bei einem Maulthier. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1890-91, xvii, 18- 27. — Frohner. Ueber perniciose Anamie beim Pferde. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl.. 1886, xii, 383- 393.—Iinminger. Die progressive pernitiose Anamie der Binder. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Augsb., 1886, xxx, 137-142. Aho: Thierarzt, Wetzlar, 1886, xxv, 179-182. Aho: Centralbl. f. Yet.-Wissensch., Leipz., 1886, iv, 193-196.—Jacobs. Ein Fall von progressiver pernicio- ser Anamie beim Pferde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1892, viii, 145—iTIegnin (P.) M6moire sur une anemie perni- cieuse des chiens de meute causae par un ankylostome aid6 quelquefois d'un trichoc6phale. Rec. de mod. vet. Par., 1883, 6. s., xii, 311-325. AiiH'inia (Tropical). Sec, also, Ankylostomum duodenale. Mascarenhas ( B. C. ) * Hypoemia intertro- pical. 8°. Pio de Janeiro, 1683. de Mello (C. A.) * Hypoemia intertropical. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1883. Fijkman (C.) Over zoogenaamdetropische anaemie. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Xederl. Indie, Batav., 1890, xxx. 339-365.— Jauscn dc Hello. Pathogenia da hypoemia intertropical. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1883-4, 3. a.', i, 262- 272. Aho: Uniao metl., Rio tie Jan., 1884, iv, 123; 152.— de ellonra (J.) O Dr. Davaine e a doutrina para- sitaria da hypoemia intertropical. Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1882, ii, 315-324. Also: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1882-3 2. s., vii, 102-111—Navarre (P.-J.) Sur l'anemie tropi- cale. Lyon med.. 1894. lxxvi. 533; 574: 1894, lxxvii. 47- 71; 108. — Ribciro da J,uz (A. C. ) De l'hypohemie intertropicale. [Transl., in abstr., of his Diss, inattg., Rio de Janeiro, 1*75, by H. Rev.] Arch, de med. nav.| Par., 1883, xxxix, 452-459-van der Schcer (A.) Over tropische anaemie. Geneesk. Tiidsi-hr. v. Xederl. Indie Batav., 1890, xxx, 516-528. — Victorino Pereirn ( M. ) Anchylostoma duodenal; chlorose do Egvpto; hypoemia tintertropical. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1877, 2. s.. ii, 21; 68. Anaerobic bacteria. See Bacteria (Anaerobic). Aativiiiocafloriiiieter. d'Arsoiivnl (A.) L'anemo-calorimetre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 9. s.. vi. 77. Anaesthesia [including analgesia]. Sec, also, -ffisthesiometry; Eye (Anesthesia of); Hysteria; Leprosy; Metallotherapy; Paralysis. JIamaide (J.) * Contribution a Ft-tiide clini- que des anestlit-sics dependant de lesions en foyer de l'ecorce cerebrale. 4 . Paris, 18-6. Kutschbach (W. R. ) *Ein Fall von vorii- beio-i-bender Heniianastliesii- neben Apliasie, Agrapbie u. s. w., bei ausscliliesslicher Liision der llirnriude. s\ Jena. I860. Lai-'FOKGUE (J.-A.) * Etude sur les rapports des lesions de la couche optique avec 1'lienii- anesth^sie d'origine cer6braie. 4°. Paris, ls77. Putxam ( J. J. ) Case of circumscribed anal- gesia. 8°. Xew York, 1677). Adamkiewicz (A.) Ueber den Einfluss des Senftei- greizes auf Anasthesie und normale Emptindung. Berl. klin. AVcbnschr.. 1881. xviii, 161; 182. — Alfhaus (J.) Hemianiisthesie durch congeuitale Gehitnliision vernr- sacht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1886. xii, 38.— Andre. Anesthesie peripheriquo generalisee. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1888, 3. s., xxxiv. 361-365. —Archer (P.. S.) Hemianaesthesia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv. 217- 2.9.—Railey (P.) A ease of general analgesia, with symptoms of sclerosis of the pyramidal tracts and of the columns of Goll. Med. Rec.,' X. Y.. 1895. xlviii, 906.— Rail (B.) Hemianaesthesia removed by static electricity. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 531. — Reaudoiiin. Analgesic et pertedusensthermaldecansec6iebrale'; thermo-analm-sie. Xormandienied., Rouen, 1*91, vi, 337-339.—von Kcclitc rcw ( W. ) Ueber die Wechselbeziehung zwischen tier gewiihnlichen mid sensoriellen Auasthesie (I'uuctionsah- nahme der Sinnesorgane) auf Grund kliniscber und expe- rimeuteller Daten. Xenrol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1894, xiii, 252; 297. — Reevor ( C. E. ) A case of almost complete anaesthesia with ataxia of the limbs. Brain, Lond., 1888-9, xi, 112-114. — Rcrkley ( H. J. ) Two cases of general cutaneous and sensory anaesthesia, without marked psychical implication. Ibid., 1891-2, xiv, 441-464.— It row n - Wci|iiard. Recherches sur la production d'une anesthesie generale ou d'tine anesthesie surtout unilaterale, sous l'inflnence d'une simple irritation pe.riph6rique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1882, xcv, 1369-1372. -----. Production d'anesthesie surtout dans une des tnoities du corps par une irritation du larynx, apres la section d'un des nerfs larynxes superieurs Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv. 816-819. -----. Production d'une anesthesie presque generate sous rinfluence d'une irritation galvanique intense d'un des nerfs larynges superieurs. Ibid., 1883, 7. s., v, 156. ----. Recherches experimentales et cliniques siir le mode de production de l'anesthesie dans les affections organiquea de l'enctephale. Ibid., 417; 454. Also |Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883. xevi, 1760-1769. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 450. -----. Recherches sur la production d'une analsesie gene- rate par des irritations traumatiques ou m6caniques de la peau du cou, de la trachee ou du larynx; par la faradisa- ' tion ou par l'application do chloroforme ou de cocaine an larynx. Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1891, 5. s., iii, 773-787. — Riirlureaiix. Hemianesthesie. Diet. encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 18*8, 4. s., xiii, 177-187. — <'on- cal'o (L.) Convulsioni cloniche, anestesia ed iperalgesia sintomatiche indirette alia metit sinistra tlel corpo. Osser- vatore, Toriuo, 1879. xv, 337; 353; 577. — Debove. Re- cherches sur les heniianestbesies accompagnees d'heniiple- gie motrice, d'hemiehoreo, de contracture et sur leur curability par les agents esthesiogfenes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1879), 1880, 2. s., xvi, pt. 2, 27- 47. — Ronkin ( H. B.) Xote on a case of anaesthesia. Brain, Lond., 1883-4, vi, 497-505. —Rreschfeld (J.) On the application of the electro-magnet for llie cure of anaesthesia. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1880, ii, 203-205.—Drum- ■noiiil ( 1). ) tin ana-sthesia. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. & Durham M. Soc. Xewcastle-upon-Tyne, 1880-81,74: 101; 117; 146. — Dubclir (D.) Otdacha tepla s anesteziro- vannich chastei tiela. [ Emission of heat in ana-sthe- sia. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881. ii, 341. Aho. transl: Wien. med. Bl., 1881, iv, 389. — Fere (C.) Hemiliyper- esthesie sensitive et hemianesthesie sensorielle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 310.— Fer- reira Cardoso. Hemianesthesia de origem cerebral; cura rapida pela faradisac ao localisada. Correio nnd. de Lisb., 1883, xii, 63 ; 72.— vou Frankl-IIochwart ( L. ) Zur Kenntniss der cerebraleii Anasthesien. In- ternat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 326 - 328. — Ga- re I. Double mode de combinaison de l'anesthesie pro- voqm'-e (>t de l'anestb6sie par transfert avec oscillations consecutives. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc med. de ANESTHESIA. 349 ANESTHETICS. Anaesthesia [including analgesia]. Lyon (1879), 1880, xix, pt. 2, 230-232.—Grasset (J.) He- miauesth^sie. Inhh: Malades du syst. nerv., 8°, Mont- pel & Par., 1879, 190-214. Aho. transl. : Sentido catol., Barcel., 1880, ii, 211; 225; 243; 256; 271. — Giocco (P.) Nuovo ricerche suU' azione dei metalli e della pilocarpina in casi d' anestesia. [From: Cliu. metl. di Pavia.] Gazz. nied". ital. lomb., Milano. 1882. 8. s., iv, 69 ; 83. — Ilcync (M.) Ueber einen Fall von allgemeiner cutaner und sensorischer Anasthesie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1890-91, xlvii, 75-88. Also : Arb. a. d. nied.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maxiniilians-Lniv. zu Miinehen, Leipz., 1893. iii, 1-14. [-See, aho, infra, Ziemssen (H.)J -^- IIulcli- insou (J.) Anaesthesia ab into (arterial anaesthesia). Arch. Snrie... Lond., 1889-90, i, 329. -----. Attacks of ar- terial aua-sthesia of the feet, of such severity as to make it difficult to walk. Ibid., 1890-91, ii, 367.—Jacobi (A.) Falle vou Analgen-Behandlung. X. Yorker med. Monat- schr., 1894. vi, 57-61.— '.Tlalecot (A.) Sur un cas d'aues- thesie de l'epaule et de l'avant-bras d'origine retiexe et consecutive & une blessure de lar6gion axillaire -. guerison par l'application successive de vtesicatoires au niveau de fa cicatrice. Bull. g6n. de therap.. etc.. Par.. 1881, c. 259- 262.—Mijgnot. Observation d'h6mi anesthesie. Soc. d. sc. ni6d. de Ganuat. C. r., 1877, xxxi. 43-48. — ITIills (C. K.) Xote on the irregular distribution of aua-sthesia in the face in cases of otherwise complete hemianaesthesia. J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., X. T.. 1892. n. s., xvii, 91. Also: Tr. Phila. Xeurol. Soc, [X. Y.], 1891-2. i, 35.—Oppen- faeini (H.) Zur Lehre der sensorisehen Auiisthesien. Centralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii, 81.— Padgett (II.) General anasthesia. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893 xliv, 459.— Pcrrv. Hemi-anaesthesia following ery- sipelas. Glasgow M. j., 1881, xv, 153-155.—Pronie'r . Tauber (E.) Die Anaesthetica. Eiue Mono- graphic mit besouderer Beriicksichtiguug von zwei neuen aniisthetischen Mitteln. Kritisch und experimentell bearbeitet. 8°. Berlin, 1661. Tolrdes (G.) Recherches sur les substances auesthesiques; l'oxyde de carbone, l'amyleue. 8°. Strasbourg, 1857. Turxbull (L.) The advantages and acci- dents of artificial anaesthesia. Being a niauual of ana-sthetic agents, and their modes of admin- istration, considering their relative risk, tests of purity, treatment of asphyxia, spasm of the glottis, syncope, etc. 12°. Philadelphia, 1-78. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1679. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1690. ------. The new local anaesthetic, hydrochlo- rate of cocaine (muriate of cocaine), aud ether- ization by the rectum. 8°. Philadelphia, 1665. Underwood (A. S.) Notes ou aua-sthctics, with an appendix containing illustrative cases and engravings of anaesthetic apparatus. 16c. London, 1885. Valat(H.) * Des auesthesiques. 4-. Mont- pellier, 1667. van Toorenenbergen ( A. W. ) * De ge- mengde narcose, historisch en klinisch be- schouwd. 8°. Groningen, 1860. Willard (de F.) & Adler (L. H.), jr. Arti- ficial aua-sthesia and anaesthetics. 12°. Detroit, Mich., 1891. Action anesth6sique tin ga'iacol. .T. rle m6tl. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 868-810. — Adrian. Die verschie- denen gebiauchlicben Anasthetica, ihre Wirkungsweise und die Gefahren bei ihrer Anwendung. "Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 377; 420; 465; 502; 543; 584; 625; 668; 704; 744; 800.— Alt (A.) Some experiences with an anonymous new local amesthetic. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1895, xii, 65-70. — Anaesthesia by volatile alka- loids, as illustrated by opium-smoking. Ann. Chem. Med. Lond., 1881, ii, 88-108!—Anaesthetics at the London hos- pitals; opinions of the administrators. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1893, n. s., lvi, 39 ; 62 ; 88.—Angclesco. La respiration et le pouls dans l'anesthesie par l'ether. Mer- credi med., Par., 1895, vi, 253-255. — Aim a ml ale ( T.) Anaesthetics in surgery. Edinb. Clin. & Path. J.. 1883-4, i, 3; 19. — Arloing. Recherches experimentales com- paratives sur l'action du chloral, du chloroforme ct de Tether, avec ai>plications pratiques. [Resume.] J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1879, 3. s., iv, 341; 445. -----. Note sur l'identite- des conditions a r^aliser pour obtenir l'anesthesie gen6rale dans les animaux et les vegetaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., I*ar., 1882, 7. s., iv, 523-525. -----. Sur les conditions d'anesthesie chez les plantes. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1882), 1*83, xxii, pt. 2, 105. — Auban. Appreciations sur quelques nouveaux agents d'anesthesie. Ki-c. de m6iu.de med. . . . mil., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxvii, 307-319.—Alibert (P.) Des conditionstlucalmedansranesth6siecbirurgicale. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1883,7. 8., iv, 282-287.—Bard (C. L.) The advantages of extension of the head during anes- thesia and some other conditions. South. Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles, 1893, viii, 275-286—Barling (H. G.) Theadmiu- istration of anaesthetics. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1883, xiii,97- 106. — Barrett (W. C.) Anesthesia. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1880, xxii, 625-639.— 15arth (A.) Zur Anasthesie bei kleinerenchirurgischen Kmirriffen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1888-9, xix, 231-244.—Beaumont iW. M> Ad- dress on ana;stbetics. Lancet, Lond., 1888. ii, 152.—Ber- jjeret. La saignee, pous6e jusqu'a la syncope, mise en usage comme moyen auesthesique dans la pratique d'un ANESTHETICS. 351 ANAESTHETICS. Anaesthetic*. certain nombre d'op6rations chirurgicales. [From: Bull. Soc. de med. de Besancon.] In his: Obs. de iu6d. et de chir., 8°, Besancon, 1867, 3-12. — Bigelow (H. J.) An- aesthetic agents, their mode of exhibition and physiological effects. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1848, i, 197-221. Also, Reprint. — Bonwill (W. G. A.) Rapid breathing as a pain obtunder in minor surgery, obstetrics, the general practice of medicine, and of dentistry. [From: Scient ilk- Am. Suppl] Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1881-2, 3. s., xv. Ill; 163. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x. 519. Also [Abstr.J : Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soe., Phila., 1879-80, ii, 105. [Discussion], 114.—Bo wd itch (II. P.) Sc ITIinot (C. S.) The influence of amesthetics on the vaso-motor centres. Boston M. ct S. J., 1874, xc, 493-498, 4pl. Also, Reprint. — Braatz (E.) Kaun man die Ge- fahren tier Chloroformnarkose so verringeru, dass wir den Aether in der Chirurgie nicht brauchen? Berl. Klinik, 1893, Hft.62,1-34.—von Bracket (A.) Zumgegenwarti- gen Stande der Narkotisirungsfragc St. Petersb. med. "Wchnschr.. 1894, n. F., xi, 179; 187! — Braine (\V.) An- aesthetics and their administration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884. ii, lotiii-1063. Aho: Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1885, viii, 60-74.—Brcslauer (H.) Sc Joachim (J.) TJeber Schlaf- mittel. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., AVien, 1895, xiii, 449; 513. — Brickner (S. M.) Some remarks on anesthesia from ether and chloroform. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 508-511. — Browne (J. W.) The anaesthetics: chloro- form and ether, their advantages and disadvantages. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1881, 3. s., lxxi, 451-460. —Browne (L.) An- aesthetics for operations on the nose and throat. Wed. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s.. lvi, 136. — Brown-Se- quard. Production d'anesthesie generale sous l'influ- ence de l'irritation de la muqueuse laryngtie par tie l'acide carbonique ou de chloroforme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 799-804. -----. Sur une espece d'anes- thesie artificielle, sans sommeil et avec conservation par- faitedel'intelligence, des mouvementsvolontaires, des sens et de la sensibility tactile. France med., Par., 1885, i, 861- 864. —Bruit Ion (T. L.) An address on the experiments on anaesthetics conducted at Hyderabad. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890, xiii, 261-277. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1890, i, 347-350. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 349. — de Kuek (D.) Eenige woorden over anaesthesie. Metl. Weekbl., Amst., 1894, i, 219-221.—Bullock (T. S.) An- esthetics: a comparison of ether with chloroform. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1888, n. s., vi, 257-259. [Dis- cussion], 270-272. — Burr (C. AV.) Hysterical syncope, hemianesthesia, rapid respiration. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895, vii, 334-338. Aho, Reprint. — Buxton ( D. AV. ) The practice of artificial anaesthesia, local and general, with especial reference to the modes of production, and their physiological significance. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 531-534. Aho: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1885, xxviii, 979; 1019. Aho [Abstr.l : Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 251. -----. Chloroform v. ether. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 587.-----. On recent researches upon nitrous oxide narcosis and their bearing upon the practical question when and how should laughing gas be administered. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1889, x, 619-632. -----. Anaes- thetics; a clinical study. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1891-2, x, 227-246. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1892, xciv, 378-390.— Campbell (G. G.) The pulse and respi- ration during ether anaesthesia with Clover's inhaler. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1894-5, xxiii, 78-81.-----. An- aesthesia in a case with diminished breathing area. Mon- treal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 18. — Cafiedo (R.) Breves con- sideraciones sobre la anestesia en general. Estudio, Me- xico, 1890, iii, 101; 116; 132; 149; 164; 181.—Carhart (J. W.) Artificial anaestbesia during sleep. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 41.— Carle (A.) Sc .VIusso (G.) Sulle modificazioni della circolazione del sangue nel cervello du- rante la narcosi cloroformica e per gli eccitamenti dolo- rosi; studio sperimentale. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1886, 3. s., vi, 1-17, 4 diag. — Cheever (D. AV.) Amesthetics. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, cxxviii, 177-182.—Chiene (J.) On anaesthetics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 539-542.— Chisolui (J. J.) A very valuable lesson for those who use anaesthetics. Med. Rec, N. V., 1888, xxxiii, 63-67. Also, Reprint. Chloroform vs.etber for surgical anaes- thesia; a limited compilation ofthe views of twenty-three leading American surgeons of to-day. Chicago Clin. Rev., 189.5-6, v, 97-109. —Coats (J.) & Ramsay (AV.) et al. [KeportsJ on the action of anaesthetics to the scientific grants committee of tbe British Medical Association. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, 1; 108; 921, 1 pl.—Cochrane (AV. AV.) Report on anaesthesia. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas, Law- rence, 1879, xiii, 96-100.—Cointe (J.-R.) Ether et chloro- forme. Rev. med.de la Suisse Rom.,Geneve,1890,x,73-98.— Corson (J. AV.) Essay on a healthy impulse of the heart as a valuable sign of comparative safety in the use of anaesthetics. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1879, 108- 124. Aho, Reprint. —Couty. De Taction des auesthe- siques sur 1'element musculaire etfl'element nerveux peri- pherique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876. Par., 1877, 6. s., ni. pt. 2, 11-19. Also .- Gaz. med. de Par., 1876, 4. s., v, 110; 122.—Culbertson (H.) Personal reminiscences of the subject of anaesthesia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, Anaesthetic*. 1889, 179-191. Aho: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1889, n. s., xxii, 673-677. Also: Times ct Reg., Phila., 1889, xx, 147-150. Aho, Reprint. — Cushny (A.) Ueber Chloroform- und Aetheraarkose. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen it. Leipz., 1891- 2, n. F., x, 365-404. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1891, i, 593-595.—Cyron (F.) Leber den gegenwiiitigen Stand tier Aniisthesieriuigsfrage. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1895, viii, 513-539. — Dastre (A.) Les anesthesiques; l'ether, le chloroforme, le protoxyde d'a/.ote. Kev. d. deux montles, Par., 1880, 3. s., xiii, 850-885. -----. Des modifi- cations recemment apport6es a l'anesthesie, ehirurgicale. Semaine med., Par., 1889, ix, 431. —Davis (II.) On the choice of an anaesthetic Clin, sketches, Loud., 1895, i, 40.—[Debate on anaesthetics.] J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1889, x, 554; 570. Also [Rev.]: Edinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv, 544-550.—Be Buck & Vanderlinden. Quel- ques mots sur la narcose. Flandre med., Gand, 1895, ii, 33-43.—Be ui me (R.) Die Anaesthetika. Handb. d. Kin- derkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1882, vi, 1. Abth., 17-103.— Biseussion ( A) on the bearing of recent physiological and chemical research on the question of anaesthesia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 933-939.—Discussion on anaesthet- ics. Ibid.. 1891, ii, 1090-1095.—Discussion on anaesthet- ics in the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow. Glas- gow M. J., 1890, xxxiv, 321; 401: lsui, xxxv, 1. Aho, Re- print. Also [in parti: AVood's M. & S. Monog., N. V., 1891, ix, 213-263. — [Discussion oni the proper selec- tion of ether or chloroform as an anaesthetic. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 440-446.—Drozda (J. V.) Ueber das AVe- sen tier Narkose. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. AVien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi, 489; 521. -----. Studien iiber das AVe- sen der Narkose. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880-81, xxvii, 339-386. —Dubois (R.) Contribution a l'6tude de la physiologie gen6rale des anesth6siques. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 625-628.—' Eastcs (G.) The vapours chiefly used for anaesthetic in- halations, and their safe employment. Brit. M. t. Sura;. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 272- 293.— Hewitt ( F. i 6c Shield ( A. M.) Posture in its relation to surgical operations under amesthetics. Biit. M. J.. Lond., IMi5, ii, 1037. Aho: Lancet. Lond.. 1895, ii. 1043. Also: Med. Week, Par., 1»'95. iii. 508.—Hew- son (A.), sr. Rapid breathing. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1881, ii, 105; 125: 169. Aho [ Alistr. | : Am. M. Bi-Weekly. N. Y., 1881, xiii, 221-224.— Ileymans (J. F.) 6c Debuck (D.) Etude experimental sur ruction du chlorine de methylene, du chloroforme et du tetrachloride de carbone. doniies en injection hypodermique chez le lapiu. Arch, de, pharmacod., Gand et Par., 1894-5, i, 1 -69. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux.. 1894, xlvi, 97-100. — Ifiill (L.C.) Ms experience with anaesthetics. Denver M.Times, 1891-.', xi.'585-589.—Minjjstown (W. II.) Certain antes- I thetics. Canada M. RecT, Montreal, 1879-80, viii 225-228. Also, transl..- Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1880. ix, 337-342. —Hirota Kiosai. [The use of ana-sthetics.j Iji Shinlum, Tokei, April 15, 1^83.—Hirschberg ( K.) 1st fiir den praktischeu Arzt Aether oiler Chloroform vor- zuziehen f Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 99; 155.—Holder. Ueher Chloroform- und Aetheruar- kose. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte. Frankenthal. 1894, x, 3- 11.—Hollis (K.) Chloroform or ether* Brit. M. J., Lond.. Is82, i, 287.—Hols (II.) Ueber das Verhalten der Pulswelle m der Aether- und Cliloroformuarkose. Beitr. z. klin. Chir.,Tubing., 1890-91, vii, 43-69. Aho. Reprint.— Howard (B.) Observations on tho upper air-passages in the ana-sthetic. state. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 796-798.— HutchiiiMon (Ji ital. Kther v. chloroform. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1880. ii. 7do.—II uichiiison (W. F.) Elec- tricity as an anaesthetic. Tr. Am. Klectrother. Ass. [N. York'.'], 1X92, 144-155.—IUirl (G. I'.i Anesthetics. Co- lumbus M. J., 1882, i, 145-151.—Jauishedji (F.) Chloro- form investigations in Hyderabad. Lancet. Lund., 180). i, 565. Aho [Rev.]: Laneet. Lond.. 1MI4. i. 629: 1217. Ah', [Rev.]: Lancet, Loud.. 1.-94, i. 109o — Jeauuerel i A.» fither et chloroforme ; danger relat if de h-ur eni])loi comme auesth6siques. Kev.meil.delaSuis.se Rom.. Geneve, 1894, xiv, 308-401.—Jones (H. M.i Report on nuiestlietics. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1881, 3. s., txxi, 150; 225; 336.—Jul- liard. L'ether est il preferable au chloroforme? Bev. med. de la Suisse Kom.. Geneve, 1MU. \i. 81-128. Also: Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse. 1MU, xxiii, 80; 99; 108; 121; 132; 140; 148: 156:163. Also, Reprint.—Kappeler (().) Beitrage zur Lehre von deu Ana-stheticis. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1887, xxxv, 373-402 : 1888, xxxvi, 364-385 : 1890, xl, 844-868. -----. Chloroform versus Aether. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1880. xix, 705-726. — Karewski. Hat die kunstliche Blutleero antesthesirende Wirkung? Therap.Monatsh., Berl. Is8s, ii, 168-171.—Kcefe (I). E.) The effect of amesthetics on tbe pulse. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth.. 48-53. Aho: Prov. il. J., Leicester, 1890. ix, 581-583. Also, Re- print. -----. Studies in anesthesia and am stheties. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1895. exxxiii, 533-536. — KeiuVr. Du moment syncopal dans la narcose. Clinique, Brux., 1893, vii, 481-486. —Kelly (H. A.) The examination of anaes- thesia: its uses and limitations. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 617. Also. Reprint.—Kerr (T. G. D.) Anaesthetics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 528. — Keyes ( A. B.) Arti- ficial anaesthesia from a clinical standpoint. Chicago M. Rec, 1891, ii, 114-120. [Discussion]. 170- 172. — Kiter (A. E.) \etal]. Om Kloroforiri ot: .KCmarkose. L'-esk. f. Lteger Kjobenh., 1895, 5. R.. ii, 5o5 ; "4 . — Kiefer (G. I.) The n.-cs and dangers of anesthetics. Physician cv Suiei., Detroit cV Ann Arbor, 1894, xvi, 1-5. — Kionka ( H.) Leber Chloroforiu- und Aethernarkose; eine Experimental- nntersuchung. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1895, 1, 339-355, 1 pl.-Kiui^'» ( S. T. ) Ethics in the administration of anaesthetics. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1887-8, vii, 296- 298. — Koch (W.) Ueber das Schwiude'u der Sensibilititt in del Nai-ko.se. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1875, ii, 102- 105.—Konisj. DieNarkosenfrage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi. llsil. — Kdrte ( W. ) Zum Veigleiche der Chloroform- und Aether-Narkose. Ibid.. 200: 244. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. d894». 1895. xxv, pt. 2,1-28. | Discussi.mJ. pt. 1, 83-92. — Kreckc. Bei- trag zur Narkotishiiugstrage. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1894, xii, 753; 780; 8o6—Kronecker (H.) Chloro- form- oder Aether-Narkose? Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1890, xx. 710-717—Kupferberg (H.) Chloroform or Aether? Ztschr. f. iirztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. iL, 1894, iii, 260; 294. — f.alloiit. Mort apparente chez les AiiWKthetic*. animaux anesthesias, a la suite d'exeitation du nerf vaeue. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, cii, 695-697.—Lime (L. C.) Anesthetics. Pacific M. A: S. J., San Fran , 1883- 4, xxvi. 49-68. Aho: Dental Reg., Cincin., 1883, xxxvii 407-1.-7.—lianglois (P.) & Kichet (C.) Influence des anesthesiques sur la force des mouvements respiratoires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cviii. 681-683.— f.niiifolnfr (L. G.) Chloroform and ether: some sug. gestioiis lor their safer administration. Brooklyn M. ,L, 1894, viii, 208-223.—Lawric (E.) Chloroform or ether! Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891. i, 1280. -----. The proof that chloroform has no direct action on the heart. Laneet Lond., 1893, i. 289. Aho [Rev.]: Ibid.. 386. Aho |Rejoin- der]: Ibid.. 744. -----. Clinical ana-sthetic notes and re. marks ou a case of carbuncle treated 1>\ excision at the Afzulguuj Hospital. Brit. il. J., I.ond. 1893, ii, 1320. -----. Demonstration of IT \ il.i abtil method of chloro- form administration at the London Hospital, Mav 25, 1894. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1395.— Lcal"(C. Hi Experiments with chloroform aud ether, conducted at Hyderabad, Dec- can. Ibid., 1893, i, 988-091.—Lee (B.) Tlie analgesic ef- fects of rapid ami forcible respiration. Pioe. I'hila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1880. ii, 103-105. Also: Phila. il. Times, 1879-80, x. 498-500.—Le Fevre (E.) General aua-sthesia, with special reference to its use in traumatic surgery. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 270-274. — Leuipricre ( C. L. ) Notes on anaesthetics. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1889, n. s., xi, 150-153. -----. The effect of ami-s- • thetics on the nerves and muscles of the eye. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1891-2, xi, 397.—Liell ( E. N. ) Ana-s- thetics and general anaesthesia. N. York il. J., 1886. \\\v, 539-545— Li n flh (A.) Sammaustaltniug at narko-statia- tiken fran de uordiska landerna for aret 1 mars 1894 till 1 mars 1895. [Collection of statistics relating to aua-nthetica in the north from March 1, 1894, to March 1, 1805] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1895, n. F., v, hft. 4 Girardin (J.) Noticesscientifiquespresentees-- a l'Academie des sciences, belles lettres et arts.. de Rouen. 8°. Bouen, 1848. < Repr.from.- Precis de l'Acad., 1848, Juliex (S.) Substance anesthetique employee en Chine, dans le commencement du iiie siecle de notre ere, pour paralyser momentanement la sensibilite. 8°. [Paris, 1849.] Repr.from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.,|Par., 1849, xxviii. Memorial of the surgeons and physicians of the Massachusetts General Hospital, at Boston, and members of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety, in support of the claim of W. T. G. Mor- ton for the discovery of etherization. 8°. [Bos- ton, 187)2.] Morton Testimonial Association. A repre- sentation to Congress by the . . . covering a por- tion of the new and recently received petitions, memorials, resolutions, and letters from a large number of the American medical associations, scientific societies, proft-ssors and surgeons of tho principal colleges and hospitals, surgeous, offi- cers, and wounded soldiers ofthe Federal Army, etc., urging compensation for the use of anaes- thetics in the Army and Navy. Submitted to- the Thirty-eighth Congress and printed for the- use of its members. 8°. [ Washington, 1864?] Morton (W. J.) Anaesthetic inhalation. Ri- val claimants to the discovery. Dr. Long's claim criticised; the priority of Dr. Morton's an- nouncement maintained. 8°. [New York, 1879.] Repr.from: N. Y. Times. [-----.] Memoranda relating to the "Discov- ery of anaesthesia". 4 galley sheets. [New York, 1895.] Morton (W. T. G.) Memoire sur la decou- verte du nouvel emploi de l'ether sulfurique suivi des pieces justificatives. 8°. Paris, 1847. Raffaele (A.) Degli anestetici, storia, paral- lelo, applicazione; lavoro premiato per concorso dalla Reale accademia medico-chirurgica di Na- poli. 8°. Napoli, 1864. Simpson (Sir J. Y.) Answer to religious ob- jections advanced against the employment of anaesthetic agents in midwifery and surgery. 6°. Edinburgh et chirurgiens au temps de Guy Patio. (iaz. hebd de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii. 1; 17—Fille- brown (T.i History of the discovery <>f modern anaes- thesia. Internat. Dent. J.. X. T. &. Phila., 1895, xvi. 1-11.— Ger«ly!(P.-X.) Etherisation; resultats des experiences de I'auteur sur lui-meme et sur des malades. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1846-7, xii, 303; 350. Aho, in his: Melanges d'anat,, etc., 8°, Par., 1875, i, 609-618. — Ge- schichte (Zur) der Anasthetica. Wien. med. Bl., 1)^0, iii, 71: 118; 143. — Grandy (L. B.) A contribution to the history of the discovery of modern surgical anaesthesia; with some new data relative to the work of Dr. Crawford "W. Long. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 577-588. Aho, Reprint. -----. The discovery of anaes- thesia, and the alleged relations hetween Dr. C. W. Long and Dr. P. A. Wilhite. X. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 79-81.— Harden (W. K.) The discovery of anaesthesia and its claimant. Internat. J. Surg., X. V.', 1*95, viii, 143 ; 167; 201; 307. — Hodgkin. Justice, injustice; the etber contro- versy. Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait.. l'*79-*u, 3. s., xiii, 398-400.— Hubbard ( O. P.) A case of amesthesia by the inhala- tion of nitrous oxide, supposed to he the first on record. Tr. X. York M. Ass. 1888, Concord, X. H., 1889, v, 32-35.— liaboulbene (A.) L'anesthesie. Rev. scient., Par., 1889, xliv, 737-745. — Lagnean (G.) De quelques anes- thesiques anciennement employes en chirurgie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 864-87*. — Lyman (H.M.) The discovery of anaestbesia. Virginia M. Mouth.. Richim.nd, 1*86-7. xiii. 369-392. -----. The invention of anaesthetic inhalation or "discovery of anaesthesia". Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80. vi, 949-985. Aho, Reprint —IHorton (W. J.) "The discoverer of anaes- thesia." Tbe claims made for Dr. Long criticised. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1879, xvi, 428-431. -----. Origin of the term anaesthetic. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi, 799. — Paget (Sir J.) Escape from pain: the history of a discovery. Nineteenth Century, Lond., 1879, vi, '1119-1132. Also: Gaillard'sM. J., X. Y, 1880, xxix, 375-393.—I»erine (G. H.) Anaesthetics and their history. South. Dental J., Atlanta, 1883-4, ii, 133; 177; 221. —Sealj.i (K.) Le iuala- zioni anestetiche usate nel secolo xiii in Italia. Bull. d. r. Accad. metl. di Roma, 1889-90, xvi, 220-224. — Semi-een teunial (The) of modern anesthesia. Dental Cosmos, Plnla.. 1895, xxxvii, 68-74. — ""thaw .) De l'injection du sulfate (le sparteine avaut la chlorotormisation. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s.,i, 551.------------ De l'utilite des injections d'oxysparteine avant l'anesthe- sie chloroformique. Ibid., 1895, cxxi, 263-266. Also: Xouv. remedes, Par., 1895, xi, 400-403.— i-rsi-cr. Xuovo appa recchio per I'anestesia; communicazione fatta dal Mosso. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 18.-1, 3. s., xxix, 736- 739.__L,iell (E. X.) A set of instruments devised to con- tend with tho immediate dangers incident to tho adminis- tration of anaesthetics. X. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 532.— Iiieven. Das Ansaugen der Xasenfli'tgel iu tier Chloro- form-Xarkose. Miinchen. med.Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 411.— Lloyd (R. W.) Practical notes on the administration of etheraud chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 591-593.—ii«»- wenthal (W.) Aethernarcose per rectum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 523. — Lougc (P.) Chloroformisa- tion et injections hypodermiques de cognac. Marseille m6d., 1894^ xxxi, 537-542.— t,ucddeckens. Chloroform- Maske fiir Gesichtsoperationen. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1892. xxxix, 653. Aho: Centralbl. f. prakt, Augenh., Leipz.. 1893, xvii, 10. —McClelland (J. II ) Revolution in surgery. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1895, iv, 331. — IVIagill (W. S.) Xew and rapid method of anaesthesia. Med. Rec, X. Y„ 1894, xiv, 61. -----. A new and rapid method of anaesthesia. Internat. M. Mag., Phila,, 1894-5, iii, 638-650. — iTIalaby (Z. T.) A plea for the expert ail ministration of ana-sthetics. Denver M. Times, 1894-5, xiv, 342-344. — Methods of administering anaesthet- ics. [Discussion.] Brooklyn M. J., 1889, iii, 701-714. — Miller (J. S.) Etheiizatioit hy the rectum; repoi t of four cases by Yversen's method. Proc Phila. C>. M. Soc, Phila., 1*83-4, vi, 373-380. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 792-795. [Discussionl, 808. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xi, 221. [Discussion], 225. Also: Metl. Bull., Phila , 1884, vi, 182-184. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1884, xiv, 72-74. Aho: Polyclin., Phila., 1884-5, ii, 4-6.—Mol- liSre (D.) Xote sur l'etherisation par la voie rectale. Lvou med., 1881, xiv, 419-122. Also: J.d.conn. med. prat., Par., 1884, 3. s., vi, 108.— Morelli (P.) Dei modi di rime- diare alia diflicolla. della respirazione durante 1' anestesia. Eco d. osp., Napoli, 1883, i, 52-58.—IVicaise (E.) De la chloroformisation goutte h goutte. Rev. de chir., Par., 1892, xii, 582-606. — Nienleseu (D. D.) Consideratiunl asupram&sei de stichi pentru narcoz&, a D-lui Dr. G. Vajna. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1895, xv, 109-113. — O'Neill (J. W.) On the use of gauze in place of tongue forceps during the administration of anaesthetics, aud a new mouth gag. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 192. Aho, Reprint — Orci-hoIt (F.) A new chloroform bottle. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xiv, 190. — Pcan. Anesthesie chirurgicale; emploi d'un melange titre de chloroforme et d'air. Gaz. d. hop, Par., 1884. lvii, 1-3. Aho: Medeeiu prat,, Par., 1884, v, 13-20.—Persli (13.) Etherization by tho rectum. Med. Xews, Phila., 1884, xiv, 35. — Peyraiid (H.) Xote sur nne nouvelle methode, dite dosimetrique. pour l'emploi du chloroforme dans l'anesthesie chirurgicale. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 489-494. -----. Xouvelle methode d'anesthesie par le chloroforme. Mem. otbull. Soc. denied. etchir.de Bordeaux (1884), 1885. 112-115. — Pierson (W.) A trial of rectal anaesthesia. Med. Xews, Phila., 1884, xiv, 65.—Poitou-Duplessy. Appareildepoche pour l'anes- thesie chirurgicale, et obstetricale, procurant une plus grande securite, tout eu permettant de so servird'aides ini- firovises, avec application facultative dela methode dos uie- anges tit res de P. Rett. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1889, li, 141-152.—Pollock (A.M.) A new instrument for admin- istering anaesthetics. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1879, xxx, 527-529. — Poncet (A.) Xote sur l'anesthesie rectale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1884), 1885, xxiv, 85-100. Aho: Lyon mod., 1884, xlvi 263; 294. Aho, Reprint. -----. Nouveau bonnet pour l'anesthesie avec l'ether. Lyon med., 1889, lxii, 527-529. -----. Xouvel ap- pareil sacciforme pour l'anesthesie avec l'ether. Province m6d., Lyon. 1889, iii, 589.—Post (A.) Etherization by the rectum. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, ex, 442.—Bagueneau. De l'emploi du bromure d'6tbyle poursupprimer la longue periode pr6anesthesiquede lachloroiormisation. Bull. Soc. de med. do Rouen (1892), 1893, 2. s., vi, 130-136. — Bey- nier. Sur tin nouveau proc6de d'anesthesie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, 546-557.—Kich- ardwou ( B. W.) Tho precise administration of anaes- thetics. Asclepiad. Lond., 189i, x, 45-53.—Ritselil (A.) Eine Modifikation der Juillard'schen Aethermaske. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 1169-1171.—Rogers (B. M. H.) The administration of nitrous oxide as a prelimi- nary to ether anaestbesia. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1895, xiii, 10-13. — Rosenberg (P.) Eine neue Methode tier allge- meineu Xarkose. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1894), 1895, xxv, pt. 2, 251-276. [Discussion] (1895p. 1*96. xxvi, pt. 1, 6-12. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895. xxxii, 14; 34. Aho [Abstr.J; Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1894, xv, Anaesthetics (Methods of administra- tion of). 1119. Also [Abstr.]: Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1894 iv, 801-8(13. — Roscnfcld ( W.) Ein neuer Xarkotisir- korb. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 1215-1217.— Mauudby (R.) The administration of anaesthetics. Lan- cet, Loud., 1880, ii, 81il—Sebiiniiiclbuseh. Maske fiir Chloroforme- und Aethernarkosen. Illust. Monatsehr. d. iirztl. Polytech, Bern, 1890, xii, 203. — Schleich (C. L.) A new method of local anaesthesia (infiltration ana-sthesia), Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., ii, 177-192. — Schonc- iiiann (A.) Ein neuer aseptischer Nareotisirapparnt. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1894, xxiv, 569. — tthcild (M.) Ou theadministration of amesthetics. I'roc. M. Soc. Lond., 1**7, x, 129-148.—Shrudy (G. F.) Anaesthesia by rectal etherization. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1884, xxv, 487__ Shutc (D. K.) Rectal etherization. / bid., 654. — Milk (J. F. W.) Celluloid face-pieces and masks for the admin- istration of anaesthetics. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 98.— Smith (P. B.) A new inhaler for tho administration of ether. Ibid., 1884, ii, 19. — Solovichik (O.) K statis- tike narkotizatsii chirurgicheskikh bolnikh chloroformom pri pomoshtshi snaiiada Junker'a, vidoi'zmienennavo angliskol firmoi Krohne et Sesemann. [Statistics of anaesthetizing surgical cases with chloroform by Junker's apparatus as modified by the English firm . . .] Chir. Lai- top., Mosk., 1895, v, 324^339.—Souchon (E.) A new ap- paratus for administeriuc anaesthetics. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 669-671. Aho, Reprint —Stanton (S. C.) A year's experience withthoCloverinhaler. Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii, 841-844.—Starcke. Aethernarkoso per Roctum nach Pirogoff. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1884, xxi, 433.— Stedman (15.) Rectal ethetisation. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1894-5, iii, 132-135—Tallcy (J. E.) Au improved face-guard. Med. Xews, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 40. Also, Reprint.—Thallon (W. M.) Ether narcosis; with a description of a new inhaler. X. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 6-12. A ho. Reprint.—Thiriar (J.) De l'anesthesie par les melanges titr6s (methode de P. Bert). Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1885, xxxvii, 169-171. — Tyrrell (W.) On some anaesthetic apparatus. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1883, Lond., 1884, n. s., xiii, 277-286.—Vajna (W.) Ein Nar- cotisirungs-Apparat aus Glas. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 73-77. Aho, transl.: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xii, 246-249. — Waitt (J. E.) Anaesthe- sia, and the use of a new ether-inhaler. Internat. Dent. J., X. Y. Sc Phila, 1893, xiv, 401-406. — Wanscher (0.) Kirurgisk Anaestesi ved iEtordamplavemeuter. [Surgical anaethesia by ether vapor in clysters.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjo- benh., 1884, 3. R.,ii, 553-556. Also, transl: Cong, inter- nat. period, d. sc. m6d. C. r. sect, de chir. 1884, Copenh., 1886, ii, 186-190.—Weir (R.F.) On the dangerof inducing amesthesia by the rectum. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1884, xxv, 508.—Werner (MarieB.) Modified Junker inhaler, with points for discussion on ether and chloroform narcosis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii, 388-391. Aho: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxv, 1009.—Wijj;ht(J. S.) A new ether inhaler. X. York M. J., 1891, liii, 579.— Winter (J.) Ein Apparat zur Xarkose bei eroffneten Luftwegen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr , 1890, iii, 870.—Wood- bury (F.) A new inhaler for the administration of ether or chloroform. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 681. Anaesthetics (Methods of administra- tion of). [Patent specifications.] Cooper (S.) Apparatus for administering ether. No. 287098; Oct. 23, 1880.— Kennedy (J. C.) Process of ad- ministering aeriform fluids. Xo. 408723; Aug. 13, 1889.— Lewis (T. G.) Chloroform-mixer. No. 513797; Jan. 30, 1894. — Long (A. M.) Apparatus for combining anaes- thetic agents. Xo. 301377; July 1, 1884. — Sell iniuiel- busch(C) Mask for chloroforming. No. 429287; June 3, 1891). —Smith (M. B.) Device for administering anaes- thetics. Xo. 414454; Xov. 5,1889.—Smithard (W.) Ap- paratus for administering nitrous-oxide gas. Xo. 514628; Feb. 13, 1894.—Thompson (C. S.) Vapor inhaling pad. Xo. 233954 ; Xov. 2, 1880. Anaesthetics (Mixtures of). See, also, Anaesthetics (Local) ; Anaesthetics (Methods of, etc.). Bidot (E.) *Des process mixtes en anes- thetic, et en particulier de l'action combine'e du chloroforme et de l'hypnone. 4°. Paris, 1887. Also, in: H6p. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab.de th6rap., Par., 1889, 110. Colomrel (F.) * Etude expe"rimentale et cli- nique sur un nouveau proce'de d'auesthdsie mixte atropine, morphine ct chloroforme. 4;. Lyon, 1661. Diolsidox [A.-F.-G.-E.] 'Chloroforme et epart6o-morphine: proce"d6 d'anesthesie mixte. 4°. Paris, 1«94. ANAESTHETICS. 359 ANAESTHETICS. Anaesthetics (Mixtures of). Weigek (J.) De aetheris sulfurici connubio cum chlorofortnio ana-stht-siam cito tuto et ju- cundo provociinte. 8°. Patavii, 187A. Ai-loing. Des moyens d'eviter ou d'att6nuer les acci- dents de l'anesihesie; usage de l'anesthesie mixte et des melanges titres. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1889,2. s., xxvi, 462; 476. — Auberl (P.) Anesthesies mixtes par la mor- phine; l'atropine et le chloroforme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 626-632. -----. Anesth6sies mixtes par l'ether, la morphine et l'atropine. Lyon m6d , 1883, xiii, 65-69. A ho: J. de tb6rap., Par., 1883, x', 48-52. — Itcrtcls. O siuichauuom narkozi (Mixtures for narcosis. 1 Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh., 1885, ii, no. 2, 94-98. — Bird (T.) The administrationofrlichlorideof etbedine and ether. Lancet. Lond., 1883. i, 253.—Booth (J. T.) Bromide of ethyl and chloroform ; a new ana-sthetic mixture. The- rap. Gaz., Detroit, 1884, n. s., v, 159.—Chloroform and oxygen as an ana-sthetic.. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 231.— Cole (C. S.) A preliminary report on the use of oxygen gas with ether for ana-sthesia. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlviii, 505-508.—Crombic (A.) On the combined use of morphia and chloroform in producing and maintaining surgical anaesthesia. Practitioner, Lond., 1880, xxv, 401- 411.—Dastre. Sur le procede d'anesthesie mixte (mor- phine, atropine, chloroforme). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 259-263.—Demarqnny. De l'emploi combine de la morphiue et du chloroforme pendant les operations chirurgicales ; nouveau mode d administration de cet agent. Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxv, 474-476.—Dubois (R) Xote sur l'anesthesie par les me- langes de liquides neutres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 441-444.—Dubois (R.) & Bidot (E.) Note sur Taction simultanee de l'hypnone et des melanges titres de chloroforme. Ibid., 1885. 8. s., ii, 760.—Dubro- vin (V. A.) K voprosu o sotscbet. narkozie brom. etil. i chloroformom. [On the combination of brom-ethyl nar- cosis and chloroform.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1894, iv, 749- 761.—Durante (F.) Sui vantaggi dell' anestesia mista. Spallanzani, Roma, 1887, 2. s., xvi, 18-25. — Fischer (F.) Ueber die Xarkose mit Dimethylacetal und Chloroform. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1884-5, xxi, 445-454. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Mem. Soc.demed.de Strasb., 1884-5, xxii, 102-105. — Francois- Franck. Sur quelques avantages et sur certains accidents de l'anesthesie mixte (chloroforme et morphine). [From: Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, iii.] Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 18e2, iii, 347. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, x, 429.—II. (S.) The danger of administering an anaesthetic during or immediately after repeated doses of morphia. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1882, xxii, 274. — Kocher (T.) Ueber combinirte Chloroform-Aethernarcose. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1890, xx, 577-591. Also, Re- print.— Laborde (J.-V.) & IVIcillcrr. L'anestbesie chirurgicale, par un melange nouveau de chloroforme pur et d'ether, dans des proportions determin6es. Bull. Acad. de m6d., Par.. 1894, 3. s., xxxi, 623-626. Aho: Trihtine med., Par., 1894, 2. a., xxvi, 481-483. — .llarkoe (F. H.) Observations on the use of oxygen gas with ether for anaes- thesia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 194-198.—Martin. Association do l'antipyrine a la cocaine pendant l'anesthe- sie dentaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. deLyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, pt, 2, 3.—illorau. Xote sur un fait d'anesthesie generale provoquee par Taction combinee du chlorhydrate de morphine et du chlorbvdrate de cocaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 747-749.— IVorthrop (H. L.) Reasons for the administration of oxygen with chloroform when the latter is the anaesthetic. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn. 1894, Phila., 1895, 74-82. Also : Hahneman. Mouth., Phila., 1895, xxx, 81-88. -----. The chloroform and oxygen combination as an anaesthetic. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1895, xxx, 710-713.—Obaliri- ski(A.) Eine neue Methode gemischtei Xarkose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888. i, 319; 344.— I*oitou-Duplessy. Nouveau procede d'anesthesie mixte. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1892, 112-123. Aho: J. de med. de Par., 1892, 2. s., iv, 296-298. -----. De l'anesthesie mixte par Tassociation du bromure d'ethyle et du chloroforme. Union med., Par., 1893, 3. s., lv, 136-141. — Poncet. Ob- servations sur les proc6des d'anesthesie mixtes (morphine et chloroforme, morphine, atropine et chloroforme). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 287-289.— Quinquaud (E.) Precede d'anesthesie par les solutions titrees d'alcool et de chloroforme. Ibid., 425. — Rnbu- tcau. Des injections sous-cutanees de narc6ine combi- nees avec les inhalations de chloroforme. Ibid., 303.— Reeve (J. C.) General anaesthesia modified by the pre- ceding administration of narcotics. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 627-629. -----. Morphia and atropia by hypodermic injection previous to the administration of anaesthetics. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, ii, 233. -----. The A. C. E. mixture. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1890-91, vi, 393-406. Also, Reprint. Also: Columbus M. J., 1891-2, x, 97-106. Also: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1891, 120-152. — Richardson (B. W.) Administration of alcohol previous to chloroform or methylene bichloride. Asclepiad, Lond., 1884, i. 159- 161. —Rocchi (F. S.) Anestesia atropo-morfino chloro- formica. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma (1891), Anaesthetics (Mixtures of). 1892, xi, 236-259.—Rook (C. W.) New anaesthetic mixt- ure devised by W. A. Byrd; its composition and effects. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 675. — Rugh (J. T.) Anaestbesia by ethyl bromide and chloroform. Med. Roc, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 125. — de Saint-Martin (L.) Pro- duction de l'anesthesie chirurgicale, par Taction combinee du protoxyde d'azote et du chloroforme. [Extr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 1288-1290.—Segond (P.) Sur l'anesthesie combinee avec le bromure d'ethyle et le chloroforme. Bull.et m6m. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 391-398. — Smith (A. L.) The A.'C. E. mixture; the best anaesthetic in obstetrical practice. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1885-6, xiv, 337-341. — Surmay. Sur l'emploi combine de Topi urn et du chloral pour obtenir l'anesthesie chirurgicale, Union m6d., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 337-339.— Terrier (F.) Xouveau prot-ede d'anesthesie mixte par le bromure d'etln le et par le chloroforme. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 626-629. -----. A propos du proces-verbal; sur l'anesthesie combinee par le bromure d'ethyle et le chloroforme. Ibid., 1894, n. s., xx, 400-404. — Truman (E. B.) Anaesthesia by the chloro- form and ether mixture. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 403.— Zmigrodzki (K.I.) Okombinatzii narkosa chloroform. i anestesii kokainom. [Combination of chloroform nar- cosis and cocain anaesthesia. ] Protok. i trudi Russk. chir. Obsh. Pirogova, St. Petersb., 1891, ix, 93-109. Anaesthetics (Sequelce of). Doyeu (J.) *Over albuminurie na chloro- form- en aethernarkose. 8°. Amsterdam, 1894. Dkapier (P.-C.-C.) * Contribution a l'6tude de l'influence des anesthesiques sur la nutrition. 4C. Paris, 1886. Greven (H. [_W.]) * Ueber Acetonurie nach der Narkose. 8°. Bonn, 1697). Romans (J.) Dementia following ether. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1889, cxxi, 110. —Kruinm ( F.) Ueber Xarko- senlahmungen. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1895, Xo. 139 (Chir., Xo. 38, 299-320).—Savage (G. H.) In- sanity following tbe use of anaesthetics in operations. Brit.'M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1199.—Sirus-Pirondi. Des effets secondaires ou attardes de l'anesthesie et plus par- ticulierement de la chloroformisation. Marseille med., 1881, xviii, 208-216.—Terrier. Seconde note relative k la presence de 1'albumine dans les urines 6mises avant et apres Tanesth6sie chloroformique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 221-226. Anaesthetic* (Statistics of). Coleman (A.) Remarks on the administration of anaestbetics at the dental hospital of London, from 1868 to the present time. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii, 529.—Deaths from anaestbetics fin tbe United Kingdom during the eleven years 1870-80]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 997-1000. — Oiiiiii ( R. M.) Statistics of anaesthetics in relation to after-sickness and death-rate. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 107.—Guilt (E.) Zur Xarko- tisirungs-Statistik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1891, xx, pt. 2, 46-65. [Discussion], pt. 1, 124. -----. Zur Xarkotisirungs-Statistik. Ibid., 1892, xxi, pt. 2, 308-366. [Discussion]7 pt. 1, 92. Also.- Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1892-3, xiv, 55-113. -----. Zur Xarkotisi- rungs-Statistik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1893, xxii, pt. 2, 8-45. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1893, xlvi, 139-176. -----. Zur Xarkotisirungs-Sta- tistik. (Vierter Bericht, 1893-1894.) Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1894, xxiii, pt. 2, 11-62. r Dis- cussion], pt. 1, 139-143. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894, xlviii, 223-274. -----. Zur Xarkotisirungs-Statistik. (Fiinfter Bericht, 1894-1895.) Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1895, xxiv, pt. 2, 460-537. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1895, li, 91-168. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ti. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxiv, 35.—Ileusler (O.) Erfahrungen bei 2,000 Aethernarkosen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 740-74::.— Jacob (E. H.) Deaths from anaesthetics in 1883. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 351. -----. Deaths from antestbetics in 1884. Ibid., 1885, i, 887. -----. Deaths from anaesthetics in 1885. Ibid., 1886, i. 489. — Lawric (E.) Clinical anaesthetic statistics for September, 1893; Afzulgunj Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 144.— Prince ( L. H.) Observations in five hundred consecutive anesthesias in the servico of Dr. A. J. Ochs- ner at tho Angustana Hospital. Chicago M. Recorder, 1895, viii, 365-378. Also: Railway Surg., Chicago, 1894-5, i, 539; 546. —Turnbull ( L.) Deaths from chloroform and ether since the Hyderabad commission. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891. xvii, 237-345. Also, Reprint.—Wil- liams (W. R.) The death-rate of anaesthesia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 651. Anaesthetics in animals. Hoffmanx ( L.) Ueber allgeuieine Narkose und lokale Anasthesie iu der Thierheilkuude. 6^. Halle, 1888. 160 ANAESTHETICS. ANESTHETICS. Anaesthetic** in animals. DiHsard (A.) Les phenomenes anesthesiques chez les vertebres aqnatiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 572-574. — Orehant (X.) Anesthesie des rongeurs par l'acide carbonique; application du procede de Paul Bert. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv 52-54. -----• Sur l'anesthesie des rongeurs par l'acide carbonique. Ibid. 153. — Guinard (L.) Les meilleurs proced6s d'anesthesie a employer chez les animaux. J. de med. v6t. et zootech., Lyon, 1895, 3. s., xx, 65-82. — Har- gcr (S J. J.) Anesthesia in the horse. Vet. Mag., Phila., 1895, ii, 337-341. — Hoare (E. W.) On the use of anaesthetics in veterinary practice, and tbe physiological action of chloroform. Vet. J. Sc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1892, xxxv, 393-399.— IVegotin (J.) TJeber die Anwend- barkeit der Anastbetica bei unseren Hausthieren. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1894, vi, 49; 132; 206.— Piitz. TJeber die Anasthesie unserer Hausthiere. Cen- tralbl. f. Thiermed.. Stuttg., 1884, i, 225-232. — Reboul. Anesthesie par defaut d'oxygene chez la grenonille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 390.—Ringer (S.) Influence of anaesthetics on the frog's heart. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1881, xxvi, 436-441: xxvii, 13-25.—Straus. Sur nn moven de provoquer l'anesthesie chez le lapin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 54. Anaesthetics in children. Del Greco (G.) Contributo alia chirurgia dei bam- bini ; la cloronarcosi nei bambini Sperimentale, Firenze, 1888, lxi, 358-362 —Owen (E.) Chloroform anaestbesia iu childhood. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1895, xii, 161-165. — Pi- rovnno (I.) Anestesia cloroformica soportada por un nino recien nacido. Rev. m6d.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1881- 2, xviii, 31. Anaesthetics in dentistry. See, also, Anaesthetics (Local); Anaesthetics (Statistics of). Clendon (J. C.) Ou the use of chloroform in dental surgery. 8°. London, 1849. Paillasson (A.) Sur les principaux anesthe- siques employes dans la chirurgie dentaire, chlo- roforme, ether, protoxyde d'azote. 8°. Lyon, 1866. Sauvez (E.) *Des meilleurs moyens d'anes- thesie a employer en art dentaire. 4°. Paris, 1893. Viau (G.) De l'anesthesie locale obtenue par les injections sous-gingivales de cocaine et d'acide phenique ou d'une solution simple d'acide phe- nique pour l'avulsion des dents; expose de la methode, suivi de 86 observations. 8°. Paris, 1886. -----. The same. Die locale Anasthesie bei Zahnextraktionen. Darstellung eines neuen Ver- fahrens, nebst 86 Beobachtungsfallen. Autori- sierte Uebersetzung aus dem Franzosischen von B. Manassewitsch. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Witzel (A.) Ueber Cocain-Antisthesia bei Operationen in der Mundhohle. 8°. Hagen i. W., 1866. -----. Ueber den Gebrauch des Schlafgases in der zabnarztlichen Praxis. 8°. Hagen i. W., 1889. Rarrett (W. C.) Anaesthesia. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass., Bost., 1879-80, 100-124. Also, Reprint. — Bauer (S.) Kalinin arsenicosum, ein neues Dentin-Anaestheticnm. [Transl. [Abstr.]/rom: Odontosk6p, 1893, nos. 5-6. | Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 220.—Bruguera Marti (S.) jEn las extracciones dentarias es conve- niente, es litil, es indispensable la anestesia? j Es pre- ferible la local ii la general? Agentes 6 medios anestesicos que nos ofrecen menos inconvenientes en au aplicacion; algunos datos en corroboracion de estas premisas. Rev.' de cien. m6d., Barcel., 1879, v, 293; 337; 402; 444; 481. -----. Algunos datos para la historia de la anestesia local en las extracciones dentarias. Ibid., 1884, x, 113-121.__ Custer (L. E.) The Ottoleungni method of anaesthetiz- ing sensitive dentine. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1888. xiii, 577-586.—David ( T.) L'anesthesie et les dentistes. Gd,z.d. hop.. Par., 1885, lviii, 117-119. A tso, Reprint. Aho: Gaz. m6d.-chir. de Toulouse, 1885, xvii, 60 ; 68; 77.—Oru- nert (O.) Ueber allgemeine Betiiubung und ortliche Anasthesie zum Zweck schmerzloser Zahnextractionen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. odont. Gesellsch., Berl., 1895, vi, 323-418 —Ilaineelier (A.) ScbmerzloseZahnoperationen mit ('hluroforiu oder Nitro-Oxygen-Gas. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1886, iv, 240-246.—If amccher (H.) Lacbgas- und Cbloroformnarkose in der zabnarztlichen Praxis. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 39-41.— Harris (J. E.) Anaesthetics in dental practice. Dental Anaesthetics in dentistry. Reg., Cincin., 1888, xiii, 421-431.—Ileider (M.) Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der Aethernarcose in der zahnarztli- chen Praxis. Ztschr. d. k.k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien 1847, i, 229-234-1mlach (F. B.) Observations on the employment of chloroform in dental surgery. Month J M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 165-171. Aho. Re' print.—Kennedy (F.) Die Anwendung des Lustgases in der Zahnheilkunde. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest 1879, xv 1009-1011.—Kozma (A.) Kiserletek az aconitin 6rz6stelenito hatdsarol a dentin 6rz6kenys6g6n61. [Aconi- tine as an anaesthetic in dentistry.] Orvosi hetil, Buda- pest, 1884, xxviii, 987-991.—Lagrange (M.) De l'anes- thesie avec les injections pheniquees et cocai'u6es dans la chirurgie dentaire. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1886, cxi, 555.—Maurice (A.) Some remarks on the use of anaesthetics in dental surgery. Brit. J. Dent. Sc., Lond., 1894, xxxvii, 241-258.—Oudc't. De l'emploi de l'6th6ri.sa. tion pour l'extraction des dents. Union m6d., Par., 1849, iii, 585.— Pinct (C.) & Viau (G.) Essais d'anesthesie locale en chirurgie dentaire au moyen de la tropat-ocalne. Odoutologie, Par., 1893, xiii, 1-12. Also, Reprint.—Reeve (J. C.) Anaesthetics in dental practice. Am. .1. Dent. Sc. Bait., 1888-9, 3. s., xxii, 273-277. Aho: Dental Keg., Lin- ein., 1888, xiii, 473-476. Aho [Rev.]: Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1888-9, 3. s., xxii, 337-349.—Rowel I (G.) On the comparative effects of gas, gns and oxygen, and gas and air, in the same patients. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1894, xxxvii, 733 - 740. — Roy (M.) De l'auesthesie locale en chirurgie dentaire. Rev. internat. d'odont., Par., 1893. ii, 481-491.—Sell a Her (L.) Chloroform in der zahnarztlichen Praxis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 93.—Smith (J.) On the employment of chloroform in dental surgery. Edinb. M. J., 1863-4, x, 399-406.—Tanner (F. L.) Gen- eral anaesthetics in dental surgery. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1892, xxxv, 97; 155.—Wessler(J.) Unangenehme Erscheinnngen nach combinirten Coca'in-Antipyrin-Injec- tionen am Zahnfleische. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 168. Anaesthetics in obstetrics. See, also, Anaesthetics (Local); Chloral in obstetrics; Chloroform (External, etc., use of); Chloroform, Cocaine, Ether (Sulphuric), in obstetrics; Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of). d'Argent (L.-M.-E.) * Contribution a l'etude clinique de l'analgesie obstetricale. 4°. Paris, 1880. Avelixg (J. H.) An address to mothers, rec- ommending the use of chloroform; with refuta- tions of some of the most popular objections. 8°. Sheffield, 1*53. Bainbhigge (W. H.) Remarks on chloroform in alleviating human suffering. Addressed par- ticularly to the female sex, showing that there is no scriptural authority to interdict its admin- istration for the mitigation of physical pain under any circumstances. 8°. London, 1646. Bayk (E.) * Ueber subcutane Aetherinjec- tionen wahrend und uumittelbar nach der Ge- burt. 8°. Miinchen, 1873. Bresgex (A.) *De chloroformi in arte ob- stetritia usu. 8°. Berolini, [1^62]. Bukoyemski (F. V.) Obezbolivanie normal- nikh rodov vdikhaniami elira i chloroforma. [Rendering normal labor painless by inhaling ether and chloroform.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Burwell (G. N.) IV. Of the use of chloro- form in midwifery: read at the aunual meetiug, February, 167>3. 8°. [Buffalo, 1853.] Chaigneau (J.) * Etude comparative des di- vers agents anesthesiques employes dans les accouchements naturels. 4°. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1690. Charlier (J.-B.) *De l'emploi des anesthe- siques durant raccouchement. 8°. Bruxelles, 1879. -----. The same. Del empleo de los anes- tesicos durante el parto. Tesis traducida por Manuel Martinez Espinosa. 8°. Madrid, 18-0. Chavez (E. M.) *Del uso'del cloroformo en los partos. 8°. Lima, 1883. Childbirth: its pains greatly lessened, its perils entirely obviated; being an account of an experiment recently made iu London, with allusions to several cases in this country, and a ANESTHETICS. 361 ANAESTHETICS. Anaesthetics in obstetrics. clear exposition of their philosophy, showing that the pains of childbirth niay be greatly mitigated, if not entirely prevented. 12°. New York, 1647). Despiau (F.) *Etnde clinique du chloro- forme dans les accouchements naturels. 4°. Paris, 1679. Drouet ( H.-A.) * De l'an algesia chloro- formique dans les accouchements naturels. 4°. Paris, 1667. Ducasse (J.-J.) * Essai sur l'emploi du bro- mure d'ethyle dans les accouchements naturels simples. 4C. Paris, 1883. Dctertre (A.-R.-E.) * De l'emploi du chloro- forme dans les accouchements naturels (physio- logic). 4°. Paris, 1662. Faget (J.-C.) L'art d'apaiser les douleurs de l'enfantenient. 8°. Paris, I860. Givel (A.) De l'emploi du bromure d'ethyle dans les accouchements naturels. 8C. Berne, 1863. Gream (G. T.) The misapplication of anaes- thesia in childbirth, exemplified by facts. 8C. London, 1849. -----. On the retention of the mental func- tions during the employment of chloroform in parturition. 8C. London, 1853. Grenser (W. L.) Ueber Aether-Einathmnn- gen wahrend der Geburt. 8-. Leipzig, 1647. Houzelot (P.-C.-X.) Anesthesie obstetricale. De l'emploi du chloroforme dans l'accouchement naturel simple. 8~. Meaux, 167>4. Ho wald (E.) * Ueber die Aethernarkose in der Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie. 8Q. Bern, 1890. Kaufmaxn (G.) Die nenere in London ge- brauchliche Art der Anwendung des Chloroforms wahrend der Geburt. 12°. Hannover, 1853. Koefoed (P.) Om Anvendelsen af Anaesthe- tica under F0dsel ved Naturen. [Ou the em- ployment of anaesthetics in natural delivery.] 8°. Ejpbenhavn, 1683. Kortexhorst (G. P. T.) *Pijnstillende mid- delen in het bijzonder der aanwending in de verlosknnde. 8°. Utrecht, 1876. Latimer (T. S.) Annual oration before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, at its seventy-fourth annual session, held at Baltimore, Md., April, 1873. Anaesthet- ics in midwifery. 8C. [Baltimore, 1873.] Lebert (G.) Des accouchements sans dou- leur par l'emploi du bromure d'ethyle trichlore et rectifie. Conseils anx femmes sur le point de devenir meres. 8°. Paris, 1882. Sallis (J. G.) Der Hypnotismus in der Ge- burtshilfe. 8-. Berlin $ Neuwied, 1888. vox Siebold (E._ C. J.) Ueber die Anwen- dung der Schwefel-Ather Dampfe in der Geburts- hiilfe. 4°. Gottingen, 1647. Repr. from: Abhandl. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Gottingen, iii. Simpsox (Sir J. Y.) Notice of a new anaes- thetic agent as a substitute for sulphuric ether in surgery and midwifery; communicated to the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh at their meeting on 10th of November, 1847. 8°. Edinburgh, 1847. -----. Remarks on the superinduction of anaesthesia in natural and morbid parturition; with cases illu.strative of the use and effects of chloroform in obstetric practice. 8°. Edinburgh f London, 1847. -----. The same. Account of [etc.]. 8J. Edinburgh, 1847. -----. The same. 4. thousand. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1848. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1848. Anaesthetics in obstetrics. -----. The same. 3. Am. ed. 8°. New York, 1648. Allwright (F. W.) The history and use of anaesthet- ics in midwifery. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 983; 1241. [See, aho, infra, Plagiarism.]—Anpal (F.) De la anestesia en los partos. Union m6d. de Aragon, Zaragoza, 1880-81, 2. ep., ii, 215: 220; 239; 247; 257. —Atchison (W. A.) Anaesthetics in midwifery. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1887, n. s., xxxix, 1-17— Alwater (H. H.) Anaesthesia in mid- wifery. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1880, Moutpelier, 1881, 61- 68.—Auvard Sc Secheyron (L.) L'hypnotisme et la suggestion en obstetrique. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1888, xv, 27; 78; 146.—Bailly. De l'anesthesie dans les accouche- ments naturels et d'un nouvel appareil (appareil de Legroux) pour administrer le chloroforme aux femmes en couche. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.). Par., 1878, xciv, 8-18. A ho. Reprint. A ho [ Rev. ]-. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], 1878, xciv, Par., 107-115. Aho [Rejoinder]: Bull. gen.de therap.[etc.], Par., 1878, xciv,153-16u. Also [Sur-re- joinder]: 211-223.— Barker (F.) Is the danger from post- partum hemorrhage increased by the use of anesthetics dur- ing parturition? Tr. M. Soc. N.T., Syracuse, 1887,100-114. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 125-127. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 174-177. Also. Reprint. — Barr (D. M.) Anaesthesia in labor. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 221; 392. Aho, Reprint. —Bis- sieu (E. ) TJeber Aniisthesie und deren Anwendung in der Geburtsbilfe. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 243; 256.— Blot (H.) De l'anesthesie appliqn6e k l'art des accouchements. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1875, ii, 129- 140. Also, Reprint. — Boislinicre. Anesthetics in labor. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv, 70-76.—Booth (D. S.) The use of anaesthetics in instrumental lahor. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1879, xxix, 139-146.__Bontc- quoy. De l'anesthesie obstetricale dans un cas de dysto- cie par rigidite du col. J. de th6rap., Par., 1881, viii, 161- 164.—de Burgos y Beqncjo (J.) jDebenadministrate los anestesicos en obstetricia ? j Que circunstancias teudre- mos presentes en su uso ? Actas de las ses. d. Con«- region de cien. med. 1879, Cddiz, 1882, 781-788. —Butler (G? R.) Note on anaesthesia and heart disease in labor. Brooklyn M. J., 1891, v. 772-785. —Campbell (C. J.) De la nar- cose uterine directe pendant l'anesthesie obstetricale J. de therap., Par., 1877, iv, 561; 614. Aho, Reprint.__ Chailly-IIonore. Des cas on les inspirations d'ether et de chloroforme peuvent etre employees dans l'art dea acconchements, et de ceux qui s'opposent a leur usa«-e. Bull. gen. de therap. [etcl, Par., 1853, xliv, 212 ; 351. Aho, Reprint. — Charpenticr. De l'application des anesthe- siques aux accouchements naturels. J. do med de Par 1889, xvi, 374; 391.— Chunichin (P.N.) Brom. etil v akushcrskoi praktike. [ Ethyl bromide in obstetrical prac- tice.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 491-494.—Clnrhsoii (H. M.) Chloroform and chloral in childbirth. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 680-689. — Coli n"(E.) Ueber AnaesthesirungKreissender. Deutsche med Wchn- Bchr., Berl., 1886, xii, 268-270.—Cory (J. B.) On the nse of anaesthetics in midwifery. Med. & Surg. Reporter Phila., 1885, Iii, 359 ; 388. —Culver (D. M.) Anaesthesia in labor. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1880-81, iii, 339. — David- son (J. P.) Anaesthetics in obstetrics. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv, 250-254. — Oiihrssen (A.) Leber den Werth der Narkose in der Geburtshilfe. Beil. klin. Wchnschr.,1892,xxix,349-352.—Buniontpallier. Anes- thesie obstetricale. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. med. d. hop de Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 3-39. -----. De l'analgesie byp- notique dans le travail de l'accouchement. Compt. rend Soc. debiol., Par., 1887. 8. s., iv, 114-118. Also: Gaz d hop., Par., 1887, lx, 233-235. Aho: Rev. de 1'hypnot exper et therap., Par., 1886-7, i, 257-261.—Eyries. ' Action com- par6c de l'hypnotisme et du chloroforme dans l'accouche- ment. Marseille m6d., 1887, xxiv, 354-360. — Faaton. Choreoptisme, ses applications a l'obstetrique. Marseille med., 1890, xxvii, 598-620. [Discussion], 743-752.—Frai- pont(F.) Accouchement dans rhypnotisme. Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Li6ge, 1891, xxx, 59-67. Also: Rov. de 1'hyp- not. et psycbol. physiol., Par., 1890-91, v, 289-298. — «lis- ton (J. McF.) Extreme anaesthesia for obstetric opera- tions. Atlanta M. &S. J., 1884-5, n. s., i, 1-4. — Hal ber. stadt (A. H.) Ana-sthesia in parturition. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1878, xii, pt. 1,110-115. Also, Reprint.—If en- ■ drixsou ( H. ) Anesthetics in labor. Columbus M. J., 1891-2, x, 193-196.—Ilerriott (K. L.) Report on anaesthet- ics in labor. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1880, xxx, 144- 155.—Hervieux (E.) De l'anesthesie obstetricale. Bull. et m6m. Soc. ni6d. d. hop. dePar. (1878), 1879. 2. s., xv, I9- 60.— Hi ron s (J. D.) Anaesthesia in midwifery. Nash- ville J. M. Sc 8., 1886, xxxvii, 156-161.— Houzelot. Let- tre k M. le president de la Soc. m6d. des hopitaux de Pa- ris sur l'anesthesie obstetricale. Lull, et m6m. Soc. ni6d. d. hop. de Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 138-140.—Johns (R.) Practical observations on the injurious effects of chloro- form ; inhalation during labour. Dublin Quart. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxv, 353-365. [See, aho, infra, Storer.]—King- man (R. A.) Anaestbetics in normal labor. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii, 337-340.—Kingsbury (G. C.) Labour ANAESTHETICS. 362 ANAESTHETICS. Anaesthetics in obstetrics. during bvpnoti.- sh-ep. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 460.- KlikowitsclKS.) Ueber das St lckstoffoxydul als Anaes- theticum bei Celmrten. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1881, xviii 81-108.—Kreutzmann (H.) Einige Bemeikungen zur Lacbgas -Sauerstoff- Anasthesie bei Eutbindungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 334. -----. Die Chloroform-Sauerstotfanasthesie in der Geburtshilfe. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1887, xi, 717-719.—I. [aborde] (J.-V.) Des indications et de l'emploi des anesthesiques chez la femme en travail. Tribune med., Par., 1879, xii, 17- 38- 75- 136.—L.eavitt (S.) Anaesthetics in midwifery. Honioeop. J. Obst, N. T„ 1881-2, iii, 68-78.— I,ebert. Des accouchements sans douleur, ou de l'analgesie obste- tricale parle bromure d'6thyle. Rev. med. de l'est. Nancy, 1882, xiv, 200-206. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1882, ix. 321-327. Aho: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1882. x. 132-134. Also: Concours m6d., Par., 1881, iii, 218-220.—Leonard (H. C.) Anaesthesia in midwifery. Hornceop. J. Obst., N. T., 1891, xiii, 23-28. — liicbeault (A.) Emploi de la suggestion hypnotique en ohstetrique. Rev. de 1'hypnot. exp6r. et the rap., Par., 1886-7, i, 328-332.— Iiucas-Championuierc. Sur l'anesthesie obstetri- cale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 40-48. — tillgcol (P.) Accouchement dans le sommeil hypnotique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 477.—Ijuys (J.) Accouchement en 6tat de fascination; amne.sie complete au reveil. Rev. d'hypnol., Par., 1890, i, 321-323.— Hat an (A. V.) On nitrous oxide as an anaes- thetic in labour. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiii, 233- 238.—lUclUurtrie (G. S.) Anaesthetics in lahor. Den- ver M. Times, 1886-7, vi, 129-135. — Marsdin (J. H. ) Anaesthesia in labor. Homceop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880-81, ii, 434-4.">5 —Jlayw (W.H.) Anesthesia in labor. Pacific M 6c S. J., San Fran.. 1880-81, xxiii, 49-55. Also: West. Lancet, San Fran., 1880-81, ix, 289-295.—Mcisburger. Anaesthetica: Alcohol, Aether, Chloroform, ChloralHy- drat, Stickstoffoxvdul, bei normaler Geburt. Med.-chir. Cor.-Bl. f. Deutsch-Am. Aerzte, Buffalo, 1884, ii, 115-118.— JJIcxnct. Un accouchement dans le somnambulisme pro- voque; deductions m6dico-16gales. Rev. de 1'hypnot. exper. et th6rap., Par., 1887-8. ii, 33-42.—Montgomery (E. E.) The bromide of ethyl as an anesthetic in labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii, 561-570. Aho, Reprint— lTIoorc (K. P.) A plea for a more general use of anaes- thesia in natural labor, -with some physiological sugges- tions upon the rationale of its action, and a reason there- for. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1884, 323-337.—1VItil- ler (P.) Ueber die Anwendung des Bromathyl's in der Geburtshilfe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 673-675. Also: Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Yersamnd. deytsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freiburg i. B., 1884, lvi, 178-181. Aho : Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1883, xxii, 99-102. — Oui. Primipare hysterique; sommeil hypnotique pendant l'accouchement. Ann. de gyn6c. et d'obst, Par., 1891, xxxvi, 374-379.—Pa- jot (('.) Anesth6sie obstetricale. In his: Trav. d'obst. et de gyn6c, 8°, Par., 1882, 425-484.—Partridge (E. L.) Anaesthetics in labor. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 821- 826. -----. The use of auaethetics in labor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 51.—Piachaud. Emploi des anesthe- siques pendant l'accouchement naturel. Cong, period. internat. d. sc. med. C.-r. 1877, Geneve, 1878, 434-455. Also, Reprint.—Plagiarism. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 711. [Sec, also, supra, Allwright ( F. W. )]— Porak. Hypnotisrao pendant raccouchement. N. Arch d'obst. et de gynec. Par., 1886, i, 344-347. —Pri tzl (E.) Eine Ge- burt in Hypnose. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1365-1368.—Baiualdi (R.) Gravidanza e parto prema- tura geniellnre sotto 1' ipuotismo. Boll.d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto, 1887-9, i, 561-580.—Beed (R. H.) The use of anaesthetics in labor. Detroit Lancet, 1880-81, n. s., iv, 243-246. —Reid (W. L.) Anaestbetics in relation to midwifery. Glasgow M. J., 1890, xxxiv, 411-413.—Sallis. Der Hypnotism us in der Geburtshilfe. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1888, iii, 9; 72.—Savill (T. D.) On the use of anaesthetics during labour. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 903. — Scott (W.) Amesthetics in normal labor. Cincin. M. J., 1891, vi, 411-415. — Simmons (G. H.) Analgesia iii labor. Am. Gynaec. 6c Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vii, 126-134.—Simp- son (J. Y.) Anaesthetic midwifery; report on its early history and progress. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1848, ix. 209-251. A ho, Reprint -----. Applications of anaesthesia in midwifery. In his: Works [Dis. of Women], 8°, Edinjj., 1871, ii, 192-252.—Sisca (X.) L' anestesia nel travaglio del parto. Morgagni, Xapoli,iss;,, xxvii, 687-689.—Smith (S.M.) Some remarks on the administration of anaesthet- ics during labour. Intercolon. M. Cong. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 691-697.—Stoi-er (H. R.) On chloroform inhala- tion during labor; with especial reference to a late paper by Dr. Johns, of Dublin. Boston M. .V S. J., 1863, lxix. 49- 54. Aho. Reprint.—von Swiecielti. Zur Stickoxvdul- Sauerstoff Anasthesie in der Geburtshilfe. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1888, xii, 697-699. Aho, Reprint. -----. Transportabler Apparat zur NjO+O-Auiisthesie in der Geburtsbiilfe. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 8. Abth., 73-75.—Todd (S. S.) On the use of anesthetics in labor. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. Kansas City, 1875, ix, 37-61. Also, Reprint.—Van Bibber (W. C.) Anaesthetics in obstetrics. A new suggestion concerning tbe use of chloroform and ammonia in labor Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4. x. 401.— VandeiibiirglX. W.) ' 1'se of anaesthetics in (-Inhibit th; from a religious point of view. Homceop. J. Obst, N. Y., 1886, viii, 434-439. —Verrier (E.) De l'anesthesie eu ob- stetrique. Lull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1864, 50-57. _____. De l'hvpnotisme pendant le travail de raccouche- ment. Rev.obstet. etgyn6c, Par., 1890, vi,219-227. AUo: J. de ru6d. de Par., 1890,2. a., ii, 309-312. -----. L'ancstlie- sie mixte en gynecologic et obstetrique. Cong, period, in- ternat. de gynec. et d'obst. C.-r. 1892, Brux., 1894, i, 8(18- 871.—WarmuIh (H. J.) Anaesthesia in labor. South. Pract,, Nashville, 1880-81, ii, 335-338.—Zauiora (A. R.) La semi anestesia en el parto natural 6 flsiologico. Cron. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1878, iv, 433-449. Aho: Corresp. ni6d., Madrid, 1879, xiv, 22; 29; 37. Anaesthetics in sleep. See Anaesthetics (Jurisprudence of). Anaesthetics (Local). Sec, also, Antipyrin; Atomizers, etc.; Co- caine as an antesthetic; Methylene, etc.; Teeth (Extraction of); Water (Hypodermic use of). Arnott (J.) Ou the remedial agency of a local antesthetic or benumbing temperature, in various painful and inflammatory diseases. 8°. London, 1851. C. (H.) Anesthesie locale. 8-. [Evreux, n.d.] Cornet (J.-C.-M.) * Etude historique et cri- tique des auesth6siques locaux de la vessie. 4°. Bordeaux, 1697). Corning (J. L.) Local anaesthesia in general medicine and surgery, being the practical appli- cation of the author's recent discoveries. 8°. New York, 1886. Desenne (£.) *fitude sur l'analgesie thera- peutique locale de'termme'e par l'irritation de la r6gion similaire du cote oppos6 du corps. 4°. Paris, 1880. Efremovski (I.) * Ob upotreblenii razpi- lenuavo siernavo ethira i ochlazhdayushich smiesei, kak miestno-auestezicheskich sredstv. [Ether spray and cold to produce local anaesthe- sia.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1869. Richardson (B. W.) On local anaesthesia by ether spray, as a means for the entire extinction of pain in operations on the inferior animals, es-. New York, 1868. Rommel (C.) Ueber die anasthesirende Wir- kung einiger organischer Herzgifte auf das Auge. 8°. Greifswald, 1692. Schtelb (W.) *0 miestnoi anestezii voobtsh i o sposobie Richardsona ve osobennosti. [On local anaesthetics and on Richardson's method.] 8°. St.. Petersburg, 1868. Andre (C.) Sur un nouvel anesth6sique local. Odon- tologie, Par., 1895, 2. s., ii, 396; 673. —Arnott (J.) On cold as a means of producing local anaesthesia in surgical operations and certain painful diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1848, ii. 287-289. Also, in his: Pract. Illust.. 8°, Lond., 1849, 42-54. Also, Reprint.—Ayrc« (S.) Local anaesthe- sia by galvanism and the " diffusion electrode". Pitts- burgh M. Rev., 1886-7, i, 267.—Barth (A.) Contribution to the study of anaestbesia in small surgical operations; cocainization; electrical rataphoresis; hypnotism and sug- gestion. [ I'ransl. bv M. Toeplitz.] Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1890, xix, 99-109. — Bellencontrc. L'anesthesie locale par les injections d'huile gaiacol6e en chirurgie oi-ulaire. J. de m6d. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 700.—Biographical sketch of Dr. James Leonard Corning, of New York City, and his recent remarkable discoveries in local aua-sthesia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1885-6, xii, 713-719, port.— Blanchard. Presentation d'un appareil a- anesthesie locale. Compt rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882,7. s.. iv, 238- 241. — Bloch (O.) Local anaesthesia by infiltration. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1895, xiv. 220-225.—Braata (E.) Zur Lokalanasthesie. Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1895, xxii, 617-620.—Brown-Seqiiard. Sur le role des nerfs cutan6s et de la moelle 6piniere dans la production de l'anesthesie, de la stupeur et d'autres phenonienes, apr£s des applications de chloroforme sur la peau. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. 8., ii. 356-358. —-—■ [Effets inhibitoires de l'application du chloroforme et du chloral sur la peau et les muqueuses.] Ibid., 18SI, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 1; 18; 30. Also fAbstr.]: Progres med., ANESTHETICS. 363 ANAGNOSTAKIS. Anaesthetics (Local). Par., 1881, ix, 43.—Bum (A.) Ueber lokale Anastbesi- rnng. AVien. Klinik, ISSti. xii, 293-314. Also, transl: Cliu. di Vienna, Xapoli, 1887, iv, 173-195.—Chandclux. Sur l'emploi «le la bande d'Esmarch dans les auesthesies locales. Lyon med.. 1885, 1, 333-339. —C'holewa. On local anesthesia produced bv intracutaneous injections. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1894, xxii. 778-781.—Clarke (J. J.) Observations on cocaine anaesthesia. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 159.—Corning; (J. L.) Prolonged local auaestheti- zation'by incarceration of the anaesthetic fluid in the field of operation ; employment of cocaine solutions of low per- centasre. X. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 12-16. -----. The painless production of local anaesthesia, and its applica- bility in the treatment of certain painful nervous affec- tions; a new method. Ibid., xliv. 518. -----. Anaestheti- zation with vascular compression. Ibid., 1887. xlvi, 719. _____The localization of remedies about the sensory nerves of the skin; induction of protracted local ana-sthe- sia without mechanical aids. Ibid., 1891, liv, 715.—Con- tcnot (R.) Observation d'anesthesie locale par le bro- mure d'ethyle Bull. Soc. de med. de Besancon (1888), 1890, 3. s, no. 1, 106-110. — Curtis (G. L.) Local anaes- thesia bv nitrous oxide: a convenient method of applying it. Tr.'X. York Odont. Soc. 1890, Phila., 1891. 48-60.— Dandois (L ) l5tudesur l'anesthesie locale. Rev. med., Louvain, 1802, xi, 126; 193; 241. — On ven port (G.E.) Local anaesthesia by tbe infiltration method ; its uses and limitations. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phib... 1895. lxxiii, i 708-711. Aho: Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-tj. ii, 274- 277.—Davy (R.) Observations on some local anaesthet- ics. Edinb. M. J.. 1862, viii, 30-36. Also, Reprint.—Davy [T.G.| Ou local anaesthetics. X. Zealand M. J., Dun- edin, 1889-90, iii, 30-37. — Delassns. La pratique de l'anesthesie par la cocaine. Pratique jour., Lille, 1895, i, 81-87.—Bnjardiii-Beaunietz. Des anesthesiques locaux. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc.. Par., 1885. cix, 529-543. Aho, transl..- Med. Xews, Phila.. 1886, xlviii, 1-5. — Du- inontpallier. Xote sur l'analgesie therapeutique lo- cale determiuee par l'irritation de la region similaire du cote oppose du corps. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 1020. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1879, 2. s., viii, 1137-1139. -----. L'anakesie therapeutique locale par ir- ritation de la region similaire du cote oppose. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1879, 2. s., xvi, 733. — Foy (G.) Operation tinder cocaine anaesthesia. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s.. xlvi. 363— Oi-consfelder (L. A.) Schleich's method of local anaesthesia, with report of cases. Medi- cine, Detroit, 1895. i, 449-454. — Gucrin (J.) Experi- ences sur l'anesthesie caustique et observation d'un cas de squirre ulcere du sein. opere avec I'aide de cette methode. [Extr.j Compt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xcvi. 1119- 1122. Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1883, lvi, 372. Also: France m6d., Par., 1883. i. 568-570. — Gneiiiionprrz (F.) Quel- ques faits relatifs a l'emploi des pulverisations ph6niqu6es comme auesthesique local (plaies contuses avec corps strangers multiples; angines de diverses natures). J. d. sc. med. do Lille, 1881, iii, 470-476. Also: Therap. con- temp., Par., 1881, i, 433-437.—von Hacker (Y.) Zur localen Anasthesie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 174- 176.—Uisch (J. J.) Zur Wiirdigung des Verfahrens: mittelst einer Gefriermiscbung aus Schnee und Salz, be- hufs chirurgischer Operationen, locale Anasthesie hervor- zubringen. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1852, ix, 257-260: 1853, x, 113-115.—Ingcrsoll (L. C.) Pain ob- tundents and local anaesthetics. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1890, iv, 397-404.— James (P.) Substitutes for cocaine. Lancet, Lond., 1885. ii, 10.— Laborde (J.-V.) I. Des pretendus succ6daues de la cocaine comme anesthesiques locaux de l'ceil; la cafeine et la theine. II. De Taction physiologique de la cocaine amorphe, et de la cocaine liquide (de Duquesnel), comparee a Taction de la cocaine cristallisee. Tribune med., Par., 1885, xvii, 195. -----. De l'anesthesie locale, a propos de la communication de M. le professeur Oscar Liebreich. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 403— Laucngtciu (K.) Die lokale Anasthesirung durch Aether. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, vii, 497-500.—I,ec (It. B.) Local anaesthesia. Den- tal Headlight, Nashville, 1894. xv, 105-110.—von l.esser. Demonstrationen iiber locale Anasthesirung. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. Gesel'sch. f. Chir., Berl.. 1881, x, 86-93. Aho. transl: Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s.. i, 565-50«.— Lewis (B.) The infiltration method of local anesthesia in genito-urinary surgery. St. Louis Clinique, 1895, viii, 3J2-325. Aho, Reprint Aho : Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1895, ii, 267-271. -----. An improved syringe for infiltra- tion anaesthesia. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1895/xlviii, 827.— Liebreich (0.) Xote sur l'anesthesie locale. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1888, 8. a., v, 340-342.—Looniim (I. N.) On the supposed anaesthetic influence of electricity. Oglethorpe M. & S. J., Savannah, i, 1858-9, 149-157.— Lund (F. B.) Recent advances iu tbe methods of local anaesthesia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1896, cxxxiv, 134-137. [Discussion], 144.—ITIeiselm (W. A.) Ueber die lokale anastbetiscbe Wirkung des Formanilids. Ungar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1893-4, ii, 195-198.—rVarlya. Quelques ex- periences comparatives du pouvoir auesthesique de la cocaine et de Tantipyrine. Gaz. in6d. d'Orient, Constant, Anaesthetics (Local). 1892-3, xxxv, 342-344.—Ncudorfer (J.) Die lokale Anas- thesie. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1891, v, 1177; 1221; 1265.—Parvin (T.) Schleich's local anaesthesia in surgery. Med. i..... (L. A.) Washbourn (J. W.) Sc Target! (J.II.) Abnormalities observed in the dissecting room of Guy's Ilospital during the sessions 1888-90. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1890, 3. s., xxxii, 299-315. — Heuaton (F. T.) Notes on some ana- tomical anomalies. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1885 iii, 453-456. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s.. lxxix, 50L 503. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.. 1W5 n s xl, 77. —Ii or roc ks (P.), While (\\\ H.) & l.mi'e (\V\ A.) An account of tbe abnormalities observed in the dis- secting room during the winter session 1KN2-3. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1883-4, xiii, 39-48.—Knoll (J. F.) 'On some anomalous structures in human anatomy. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (Science), Dubl., 1877-83, 2. s., 332-334.— Iia<-hi (P.) Alcune variety anatomiche osservate nello Istituto anatomico di Camerino. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1884, ii, 210-214.—Lane (W. A.), Poland (J.) Sc Dunn (L. A.) Abnormalities observed in the dissecting room of Guy's Hospital during the ses- sions of 1885-6 and 1887-7. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1887, 3. s., xxix, 399-412.—Lejars. Muscle symetriqne pharyngo-cutane: glandule salivaire aberrante, a long canal excr6teur s'ouvrant au-dessus du sternum; rentes probables du quatrieiue arc branchial. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 155.—I,cuf (A. H. P.) A re- port of anatomical anomalies. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1882, vii, 215-223. Also, Reprint.—Ijombroso (C.) Sc ITIoii. guidi. Scopertura del canale sacrale in delinquenti. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 771.— Jjiitz. Imperforate anus and urethra, hypospadias, bifid spine, deformed os ilium. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1*85, xlviii. 503.—Merlin (II.) Varietiiten-Beobachtungeu aua dem Innsbrucker Secirsaale. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1X84-6, xv, 1-14,1 pl.—Park (R.) A record of the principal anatomical anomalies noticed during the dissection of one hundred subjects. Ann. Anat. Sc Surg., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1883, viii, 267-270. — Parlthill (C.) Anatomical anomalies. Denver M. Times, 1889-90, ix, 164-167.—Patersou (A. M.) Notes on abnormalities, with special reference to the vertebral arteries. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., l«83-4, xviii, 294-303, 1 pl— Roberta (M. J.) Anatomical geometry and toponymy; an intro- duction to the scientitic study of deformities, with a de- scription of new mathematical instruments; read Febru- ary 3, 1885. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1885, 280-293. Also, Reprint. — Robinson (F. B.) Recollections of anatomical anomalies. Northwest. M. J., Minneap., 1890, xviii, 233; 262.—Rogie. Anomalies musculaires et ner- veuses. Bull. Soe anat.-cliu. de Lille, 1887, ii, 119-122.- Koinili (G.) Varieta anatomiche. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1878-9, iii, no. 22, 1-8, 1 pl. -----. Cenni sulle principali varieta. anatomiche del corpo uinauo, per V. Martini. (Dagli appunti presi alle lezioni del Prof. . ..) Imparziale, Firenze, 1883, xxiii, 5; 91; 244.—Roncoroui (L.) Anomalie riscontrate in 50 uomini e 50 donue bor- ghesi, senza precedenti criminali, ne' psicopatici. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1892, xiii, 106.—Schwalbc (G.) & Pfitzner (W.) Varietiiten-Statistik und Anthropologie. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1889, iv, 705-714.----------. Varie- tiiten-Statistik und Anthropologie. Ibid., 1891, vi, 573- 590.—Shepherd (F. J.) Notes on abnormalities; ob- served in the dissecting-room of McGill University, from Oct., 1875, to May, 1879. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 71-93, 2 pl., 2 1. -----. On some anatomical variations. Ann. Anat. Sc Surg., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1881, iv, 110-114. -----. On some anatomical variations. Ibid., 1882, vi, 164-173. -----. On some anatomical variations, witb re marks on their morphology. Ibid., 1883, viii, 167-178. -----. On anatomical variations: (1.) par-occipital pro- cess occurring in man; (2.) secondary astragalus; (3.) persistence of the left duct of Cuvier in man. Kep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1W4, Lond., 1885, liv, 779.—Smith (J. W.) On some muscular anomalies iu human anatomy. Stud. anat. . . . Owens Coll., Manchester, 1891, i, 239-253.— Smith (W. T.) Anatomical anomalies. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 429.—Stocquai-t (A.) Quelques anoma- lies et vari6t6s anatoniiques observees sur le vivant et sur le cadavre. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1882, lxxiv, 449-454— Sti-uthers (J.) Anastomosis between the coronary arteries: intestinal diverticula. Lancet, Lond.. 1883, 'ii, 864.—Tansini (I.) Delle anomalie ana- tomicbe piu. importanti per la medicina operatoria. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 20; 2S; 35; 43; 52; 60; 66; 84.— Turner (W.) On variability in human structure, with illustrations, from tho flexor muscles of the fingers aud toes. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1864-5, xxiv, 175-189.—Wal« sham (W. J.) Anatomical variations; an account of a few of the more interesting abnormalities that have occurred in the dissecting-rooms during the last seven years; with remarks on their morphological significance, and their bearing on the practice of surgery. St. Barth. ANATOMY. 369 xVXATOMY. Anatomy (Abnormities of). Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1880, xvi, 69-105. -----. Anatomical variations; an account of some of the more interesting abnormalities that have been met with in the dissecting- rooms during the session 1^80-81; with remarks. Ibid., 1881, xvii, 57: 78. —White (YV\ H.), Lane (W. A.) £ Price (J. A. P.) Abnormalities observed in the dissect- ing room of Guy's Hospital during 1883-4. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 1884-5, Lond., 1886, 3. s., xxviii. 63-69.—\Vin*low (R.) Some notes on anomalies of the osseous and liga- mentous s\stems. Tr. M. &. Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1882. 166-173. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). See, also, Abdomen; Embryology; Histol- ogy; and under names ofi parts of body. American Medical Association. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section on surgery and anatomy at the 45. annual meeting of the American Medical Association, held at San Fran- cisco June 5-8, 1894. 12°. Chicago, 1694. Anatomical (An) essay in two discourses: I. Pointing at many things curious and remark- able in the structure of the viscera, with which are intermixt some plain reflections subversive of atheism. II. An anatomical explication of the first six verses of the twelfth chapter of Ec- clesiastes; being more agreeable to the modern auatomy than any heretofore published. l(ic. Edinburgh, 1702. With above is bound: Third (The) discourse, being a short account of some things observable on the organs of generation and production, and propagation of humane race. [No title-page.] Anatomische Hefte. Eeferate uud Beitriige zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen hrsg. von F. Merkel und E. Bonnet. 1 Abth.: Arbeiten aus anatomischen Instituten. v. 1-4; Hft. 1, 2, v. 5. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1691-5. ------. The same. 2. Abth. Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. v. 1-3, 1891-3. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1892-4. Animal mechanics. The perfection of design in the boues of the head, spine, aud chest, shown by comparison with architectural and mechani- cal contrivances. 6°. [n.p., n.d.] Arberius. Discours sur la medecine et sui- tes parties du corps humain: composes en latin par . . . et traduits en francais par D. R. In.- Physique (La) d'uzage [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1664, 1- 12; ,1-91. ArNTk.ecs (H.) Observationes aliquot anato- mica?: ex quibus controversies ruultse medica} et physical breviter deciduutur. Respondente J. Freitagio. 4-. Franeof. Marchionnm, 1610. Azzoguidi (G.) [et al.] Anatomische Schrif- teu. Hrsg. von E. Sandifort. Aus dem lateini- Bchen iibersezt und mit Zusiitzen vermehrt von Heinrich Tabor. 12~. Heidelberg, 1791. BaCCHETTONI (H. L.) *'Ai;r>pw7ro/lo)/a uvaru- yini), sive sermocinatio de corpore humano ejus- demque omnium ac singularum partium anato- mica descriptio. 4°. [Innsbruck, 1720.] Bartholinus (C.) [jr.J. Exercitationes mis- cellaneae varii argumenti inprimis anatomici. 16-. Lugd. Bat., 1675. -----. Specimen historia- auatomicae par- tium corporis humani. 4°. Hafnia:, 1701. Bartholinus (T.) Anatomia ex Caspari Bar- tholini parentis institutionibus, omniumque re- centiorum et propriis observationibus tertium ad sanguinis circulationem reformata. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1651. -----. Historiarum anatomicarum variorum centuriae 1 ct 2. 12°. Hagce Comitum, 1654. -----. The same. 12°. Hafnias, 167)4. ■-----• The same. . . . centuria; 3 et 4. Ejusdem cura accessere observationes auatomi- cae cl. viri Petri Pawi. 12-. Hafnia; 1657. 24 Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, nnd obser- vations on). ------. The same. . . . centurhe 5 et 6. Ac- cessit Joannts Rhodii Mantissa anatomica. 16°. Hafiniw, 1661. —■—-. Anatomia ex Caspari Bartholiui pa- rentis institutionibus, omniumque recentiorum et propriis observationibus tertium ad sanguinis circulationem reformata. Accessit huic postrc- ma- editioui Th. Bartholiui appendix de lacteis thoracicis et vasis lymphaticis.. 12°. Hagce Comitis, 1655. ------. The same. 8- . Haga-Comitis, 1660. ------. The same. o°. Hagas-Comitis, 166)6. ------. The same. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1673. ------. The same. 12°. Lugduni, 1677. ------. The same. Neu-verbesserte kiintz- liche Zerlegung dess menschlichen Leibes, in vier absonderliche Biicher eingetheilet. Darin- nen Gruud-richtig gehandelt wird. I. Von dem Unter-Bauch. II. Von der mittlern Hole dess Leibes. III. Von der obern Hole desselben.. IV. Von den aussersten Gliedmassen und zwar also und dergestalt, dass jedes bemeldter Biicher wieder mit seinem absonderlichen Biichlein ver- sehen ist, worinnen die Blut- Puis- und Spann- Adern, samt den Gebeineu, Krospeln und Sen- nen vorgestellt werden. Denen noch iiber das Johaunis Wabei zwey Send-Schreiben, von der Bewegung dess Milch-Safftes uud Gebluts beyge- fiiget sind. Alles aus der alten und neuen Ana- tomicorum merkwiirdigen Beobachtungen, son- derlich seines . . . Vatters, Caspari Bartholini institutionibus, nach der Harvejanischen Circu- lation oder Auf- und Ablauffnng dess Gebluts, und den Wasser-Gefassen eingerichtet und mit neuen accuraten Figuren von dem Autore verse- hen. Nunmehr aber mit allem Fleiss, zu Nutz denen Wund - Aerzten und Liebhabern dieser Zerleg - Kunst, aus der Lateinischen in die Teutsche Sprache iibersetzet durch Eliam Wall- ner. 4°. Niirnberg, 1677. ------. The same. Twee hondert getal van . . . selfsame ondervindingen ofte geschiedenis- sen, omtrent de anatomia ofte ontledinge. Uyt de Latijnsche in de Nederlandtsche tael overge- set door L. V. B. 16°. Dordrecht, 1657. ------. The same. Anatomia reformata ofte hervormde ontledinge des menschelijcken li- chaems. Onlaughs utyt syn vaders, als oock veler nieu we schrijvers, en eygeue ondervindinge, in'tLatyn t' samen gestelt. Hier zyn bygevoeght des gijls ende bloets, noch een kort verhael van een nieuw gevonden wegh des gijls naer het herte. In't Nederduyts vertaelt door Mr. Thomas Staffard. Den tweeden druck door den selvcn oversien ende doorgaens vermeerdert; daer-en- boven met con beschrijvinge van de nieuw ge- vonden water-vati-u. 8°. in s1 Graven - Hage, 167)8. Beauchene, Rullier, Cloquet A Beclard. Memoires en reponse a l'une des questions pro- posers au concours pour la place du chef des tra- vaux anatoniiques dans la Faculty de me'decine de Paris. 6P. Paris, 1812. [Beddevole (D.)] Essayes of anatomy, in which the construction of the organs and their mechanical operations are clearly explained ac- cording to the new hypotheses. Written origi- nally in French. [Transl. by J. Scongall.] 16°. Edinburgh, 1691. ------. The same. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1696. Bell (G. H.) A short exposition ofthe circu- lation and nervous system, with reference to dis- ease and treatment. ' 8°. Edinburgh, 187)4. Bianchi ( J. B. ) Opera anatomico-practica. 4°. Augusta} Taurinorum, [1715]. ANATOMY. 370 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). ______. Oratio pro solemni instauratione Tau- riuensis archigymnasii; publice habita in aula ejusdem Universitatis, pridie nonas Decembris a'nn. 1720. sm. 4-. Colonite Allobrogum, 1721. ------. Prselectio anatomica, habita in thca- tro idibus Jauuarii 1721. sm. 4°. Colonics Allo- brogum, 1721. ------. Anatomica oratio ad publicum anato- niicum cursum in regia Taurinensi Universitate auspicaudum, habita viii. idus Februarii 1722. sm. 4°. Colonicv Allobrogum, 1723. ------. Oratioues sex anatomical, sm. 4°. Colonial Allobrogum, 1721-3. de Bils (L.) Exemplar fusions codicilli, in quo agitur de vera humani corporis anatomia. 4°. Boterodami, 1659. ------. The same. 4°. Boterodami, 1661. ------. The same. Kopye van zekere ampele acte . .. Rakende de wetenschap van de oprechte anatomie des menschlijken lichaams. sm. 4°. Bolterdam, 1659. ------. Omnibus vera- anatomes studiosis. 4°. Boterodami, 1660. ------. Specimina anatomica, cum virorum epistolis aliquot et testimoniis. Interprete G. Buenio. 4°. Boterodami, 1661. Bimet ( C. ) Quatraius anatoniiques des os et des muscles du corps humain: ensemble un discours de la circulation du saug. 1G-. Lyon, 1664. Boegle ( C. ) Ueber den Mechanismus des menschlichen Ganges und die Beziehungen zwi- schen Bewegung uud Form. 6-. Miinchen, 1885. Boeiimer (P. A.) Observiitionum anatomi- caruni rariorum fasciculus notabilia circa ute- rum humanum continens. fol. Halce Magdeb., 1752. Bokelils ( J. ) Anatome vel descriptio par- tium humani corporis, ut ea in academia Julia quae est Helmsteti, singulis annis publice prse- legi, ac administrari solet. 10°. Helmstadii, 17,66. Burdadh (C. F.) Anatomische Untersuchun- gen bezogen auf Naturwissenschaft und Heil- kunst. 4°. Leipzig, 1814. Calori (L.) Tie osservazioni anatomiche; una, sopra una connessione congenita della milza con le appendici uterine sinistre; altra, sopra un' anomalia del peritoneo; la terza, sopra il rapporto di formazioue e di sviluppamento tra gli arti ed i loro apparecchi nervosi. 4°. [Bo- logna, 1649. ] Cavax (J. G. TV) A Westphal (A.) *Posi- tionum anatomico-pliysiologicarum pars prima, tradens anatomiae praestaiitiam, definitionem ejusdemque historiae periodum primam. sm. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, 1736. Charleton (G.) CEconomia aninialis, novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa et me- chanice explicata. Accessere ejusdem disserta- tio epistolica, de ortu aninue ; et consilium hy- giasticum. 3. ed. 16-. Londini, 1666. Charpy (A.) Etudes d'anatomie applique"e. 8. Paris, 1892. Clemenceau (G.-B.) De la g6ue"ration des 616nients anatomiques. Pre~c6de d'une introduc- tion par M. Ch. Robin. 4°. Paris, 1865. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1867. Cochran (J.) Manual of anatomy. A new and revised edition. 8\ Philadelphia, 1868. Collegium anatomicum . . . Julii Jasoli- nii Tocri, Marci Aurelii Severini Thurii, Bar- tholoma-i Cabrolii Aquitaui. 4-. Francofurti, 1668. Darling ( W.) Anatomography, or graphic anatomy. Motor nerves of the intrinsic muscles of the upper extremity. Motor nerves of the in- All atomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). trinsic muscles of the lower extremity. Muscles divided in cases of amputation. Foraminacom- niunicating with the interior of the cranium. Synopsis of the structure of the heart and the circulation of the blood, oblong 12°. London [n. d.]. Drelincurtils (C.) Praeludium anatomicum, quod Lugduncnsiuni in amphitheatro, suam ad primam anatomes h/xeipnoiv adhibuit. 3. ed. 18:. Lugd. Bat.. 1660. ------. Experimenta anatomica, quibus ad- jecta sunt plurima enriosa super semiue virili, foemiueis ovis, utero, uterique tubis atque fcetu. 18°. Lugd. Bat, 1684. Du Vernoi [Duvkrnoy] (J. G.) Continuatio observationum auatomicarum. 4W. [Petropoli, 1740. ] Cutting from: Comment. Acad. sc. imp. Petrop., 1740, vii, 210-221. Eckhard (C.) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologic, v. 8-12. 4°. Giessen, 1879-88. Elardi (J. C.) *Diss. sistens anatomiae ex- perinientalis partem posteriorem. Franeof. ad T'iadr., 1755. In.- Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1780, xii, 91. Essais d'anatomie, oil l'on explique claireuieut la construction des organes et leurs operations nie'chaniques selon les nouvelles hypotheses. Par. . . docteur en me"diciue. 32°. Leide, hiStf. Fabricils ab Aquapendente (H.) Opera ana- tomica. De formato fcetu, formatione ovi et pulli, locutione et ejus instruments, brutoruin loquela. fol. Patavii, 1625. Falloppius (G.) Observationes anatomic^. 12°. J'enetiis, 1561. -----. The same. 16°. Venetiis, 1562. -----. The same. 16°. Parisiis, 1562. Fantoni (J.) Dissertationes anatomica: sep- tem priores renovatse. 8°. Taurini, 1745. Fasciculus dissertationum ad historiam me- dicam speciatim anatomes spectautium, queni ob raritatem non minus ac utilitatem prodire cura- vit Ern. Godofr. Kurella. 12°. Berolini, 1754. Fournier (D.) L'anatomie pacihque nouvelle et curieuse, conforme k la doctrine d'Hippocrate et de Galien, qui donne les moyens d'accorder les recents avec les anciens, par des experiences nouvelles, principalement touchaut les actions du cceur et des poulmons, et plusieurs ceuvres chi- rurgicales. 4°. Paris, 1768. Gaubius (H. D.) *Spec. inaug. med. exhi- bens ideam generalem solidarium corporis hu- mani partium. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1725. Gaubius (J.) Epistola problematica prima de pilis, pinguetudine, septoque scroti; nee non de papillis pyramidalibus; ut etiam de corpore reti- culari, sub cuticula sito, etc. Resp. F. Ruysch. 4°. Amstclwdami, 1696. -----. Epistola anatomica problematica secunda, ad F. Ruyschium; de artiheiosa scroti humani induratione, ejusque vasorum sanguifer- rorum cursu ac copia; ut etde arteriis percosta- rum periostium, spatia costarum intercartilagi- nea pericardium, etc., disseminatis. Resp. F. Ruysch. 4°. Amstcelodami, 1696. -----. Epistola anatomica problematica tertia ad F. Ruyschium de arteriis per cordis substantiam, ejusque auriculas dispersis, ut et de egressu arteries aortae e cordis thalamo sinis- tro. Resp. F. Ruysch. 4°. Amsteleedami, 1696. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1724. Comprises the three preceding titles. Goedd.eijs (H.) De natura, differentiis usu- que partium in gem-re. sm. 4D. Marpurgi Cat- torum, [1615]. Also, in: Ac;oni.-mata mod. Marpurgensia. 4°. Mar- purgi Cattorum, 1618, 128-132. ANATOMY. 371 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). Giletz (A. H.) Epistola anatomica proble- matica, quinta et decima. De vasorum saugui- neorum extreniitatibus placenta- uterina- mani- marumque structura, etc. Resp. Fred. Ruysch. 4°. Amsteladami, 1704. Gr^etz (J. H.) Epistola anatomica proble- matica sexta. De arteria et vena bronchiali, nee non de polypis brouchiorum ejectis, venae et artenae pulmonalis rauios nientientibus. Resp. F. Ruysch. 4°. Amsteltedami, 1696. -----. Epistola anatomica problematica sep- tima. De pia matre, ejusque proccssibus. Resp. F. Ruysch. 4^. Amsteleedami, 1716. -----. Epistola anatomica problematica oc- tava. De structura nasi cartilaginea, vasis san- guiferis arteriosis membranae et cavitatis tym- pani et ossiculoruni auditus eorumquc periostio. Resp. F. Ruysch. 4C. Amsteleedami, 1718. -----. The same. 4C. Amstela'dami, 1724. Gruber (W.) Bericht iiber die Leistungeu der praktischen Anatomic an der medico-chirur- gischen Akademic in St. Petersburg in den Jahren 1862-3-1867-8. 4-. St. Petersburg, 1868. Haller (A.) * Anatomen primam in cadavere puellae auditoribus suis indicit, nuperas simul observationes de valvula Eustachii communicat. 4C. Gottingce, 1737. [Harder (J. J.) & Peyer (J. C.)] Pa±oniset Pythagorae exercitationes anatomicae et medicae familiares bis L. Hecatombe, nou Hecata-, sed illustri Academiie Naturae curiosorum sacra. 16°. Basilea; 1662. Haktmann (P. J.) De originibus anatomicae. [Pts. i-iv.] 4°. Begiomonti, 1663. Hasse ( C. ) Anatomische Studien. Erster Baud, viertes Heft. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. Hippocrates. De hominis structura. In: Meletils. De natura structuraqne hominis opus [etc.]. sm. 4°. Yenetiis, 1552, 180-184. Holland (G. C.) The constitution of the ani- mal creation as expressed in structural append- ages. 8°. London, 1857. Huber (J. J.) [Pr.] sistens observationes ali- quot anatomicas. 4°. Cassellis, 1763. Also, in: Sandifout. Thesaurus diss. [etc.]. 4°. Ro- hrodami, 17G8, i, 297-309. Aho. in: Weiz (F. A.) JSeue Ansz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1874, ii, 53-59. Hunter (J.) Observations on certain parts of the animal ceconomy. 2. ed. 4D. London, 1792. -----. The same. . . . Inclusive of several papers from the Philosophical Transactions, etc., with notes by Richard Owen. 8C. London, 1837. -----. The same. 8"-. Philadelphia, 1840. Hunter (W.) Medical commentaries. Part I. Containing a plain and direct answer to Profes- sor Monro, jun., interspersed with remarks on the structure, functions, and diseases of several parts of the human body. 4C. London, 1762. -----. The same. 2. ed. 4°. Loudon, 1777. -----. Two introductory lectures to his last course of anatomical lectures ; to which are added some papers relating to Dr. Hunter's in- tended plan for establishing a museum in Lon- don for the improvement of anatomy, surgery, aud physic. 4C. London, 1784. Iconum anatomicarum, quibus praecipuae partes corporis humani exquisita cura delineate continentur fasciculus i. Diaphragma, vagina uteri, medulla spinalis, omentum, et crauii basis. fol. Gottingce, 1743. Jenike ( J.) Institutionum anatomicarum disputatio ii. De partibus similaribus in genere. sm. 4°. Witeberga; 1607. In: Knom.ocu (T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sm. 4°. Wite- bergce, 1608, 4 1. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). Keill (J.) The anatomy of the human body abridg'd ; or a short and full view of all parts of the body, together with their several uses, drawn from their compositions and structures. 16°. London, 1698. -----. Tbe same. 7. ed. sm. 12°. London, 1703. 1738. 1770. The same. 10. ed. 12°. London, The same. 14. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, —. The same. 15. ed. 12°. London, 1771. -----. Essays on several parts of the animal ceconomy. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1717. Knohloch (T.) Disputationes anatomica-ex- plicantes mirificam corporis humani fabneam et usum. sm. 4°. Witiebergce, 1608. -----. Thesame. Disputationes anatomicae et psychologicae, recens editse, et plurimis in locis locupletatae, figuris etiam variis et novis lllus- tratae, additis humani corporis affectibus prae- cipes, cum indice rerum. 12c. [n. p.], 1612. Kweekschool der ontleedkunde. Zynde ver- zamelingen en waarneemingen. Uyt de beste en nieuwste schryvers getrokkeu. Ten dieuste der geene, dio zig in deeze weetenschappen willen oeffenen, 2 v. 8°. Amsterdam, 1772. Lamy (G.) Discours anatoniiques, reveus et augmented de toutes les plus curieuses de"cou- vertes des anatomistes modernes. Avec plu- sieurs lettres du ineme auteur, et ses reflexions sur ses discours. 2. 6d. 18°. Paris, 1685. Leo-Wolf (G.) Tractatus anatomico-patholo- gicus sistens duas observationes rarissimas de formatione fibrarum muscularium in pericardio atque in pleura obviarum. 4°. Heidelbergce et Lipsiw, 1832. Lieberkuhn (J. K.) Dissertationes quatuor omnia nunc primum in unum collecta et edita, cura et studio Joaunis Sheldon. 4°. Londini, 1782. Lobstein ( J.-F. ) Rapport sur les travaux execute's a l'amphith^atre d'anatomie de I'Ecole de medecine de .Strasbourg pendant le premier semestre de l'an XII; pre'sente' a l'assemble'e des professeurs de cette 6cole. 8°. Strasbourg, an XII [1804]. -----. The same. 4°. Strasbourg, 1805. Malpighi (M.) Discours anatomiques sur la structure des visceres, scavoir, du foye, du cer- veau, des reins, de la ratte, du polype du cceur, et des poumons. 2. 6a. 12°. Ports, 1687. -----. Opera posthuma; quibus praefixa est vita, a seipso scripta. fol. Londini, 1697. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelodami, 1698. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelodami, 1700. de Marchettis (D.) Anatomia, cui respon- siones ad Riolanuin, anatomicum Parisieusem, in ipsius animadversionibus contra Veslingium addita sunt. 4°. Patavii, 1652. -----. The same. 2. ed. Patavina correc- tior. 16°. Hardevici, 1656. ------. The same. 3. ed. 16°. Lugd. Bat, 1666. Massachusetts Agricultural College. Ab- stract of lectures on anatomy and physiology given at the . . . 1883-6. 12°.' Amherst, 1886. MaUROKORDATO (D. A.) 'Avaropia tjv av&pu- ■k'ivov aufiaroc. 8°. 'Adr/vat, 1836. Meier ( C. F. G. I. ) *Diss. inaug. sistens idealem organisnii animalis constructiouem. 8°. Ha he, [1604]. Memoirs and memoranda iu anatomy, v. 1. By John Cleland, John Yule Mackay, and Robert Bruce Young. 8°. London cf Edinburgh, 1689. ANATOMY. 372 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). Morgagni (J. B. ) Adversaria anatomica prima. Ab eo nuper in Academia publice lecta, multis deinde accessionibus, uovisque iconismis adaucta. 4\ Bononice, 1706. -----. The same. Adversaria anatomica prima, Bononiae olim in philosophicae academiae qnam nunc institutum scientiarum vocant, pu- blico solemniqne couventu recitata, in hac vero tertia editione ab ipso auctore recensita, et notu- lis in margine plurimis adaucta quibus caetero- rum adversariorum loca indicantur ad honim confirmationem, aut illustrationem pertinentia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 172:'.. -----. Adversaria anatomica altera. Obser- vationes complectuutur distributas in L. ani- madversiones ad librum i. Theatri anatomici cl. v. Jo. Jacobi Mangeti. 4°. Patavii, 1717. -----. The same. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1723. -----. Adversaria anatomica tertia. Obser- vationes complectuntur distributas in L. ani- madversiones ad partem i. libri ii. Theatri ana- tomici cl. v. Jo. Jacobi Mangeti. 4°. Patavii, 1717. -----. Adversaria anatomica quarta. Ob- servationes complectuntur distributas in L. ani- madversiones ad partem ii. libri ii. Theatri ana- tomici cl. v. Jo. Jacobi Mangeti. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1723. -----. Adversaria anatomica quinta. Ob- servationes complectuntur distributas in L. ani- madvcrsiones ad librum iii. Theatri anatomici cl. v. Jo. Jacobi Mangeti. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1723. -----. Adversaria anatomica sexta. Ob- servationes complectuntur distributas in C. ani- madversiones ad librum iv. Theatri anatomici cl. v. Joannis Jacobi Mangeti. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1723. -----. Adversaria anatomica omnia [i-vi] (quorum tria posterioranunc primum prodeunt). Novis pluribus aereis tabulis, et uuiversali accu- ratissimo indice ornata. Opus nunc vere abso- lutum, iuventis, et innumeris observationibus, ac monitis refertum, quibus universa humani corporis anatome, et subinde etiam quae hac pendent, res medica, et chirurgica admodum illustrantur. 4°. Patavii, 1709. -----. The same. Adversaria anatomica omnia (i-vi). 4-. Patavii, 1719. -----. The same. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1723. -----. The same. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1740-41. Morton ( S. G. ) Introductory lecture to a course of demonstrative auatomy; delivered December 11, 1830. 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. Nebei. ( D. ) Exercitatiouum anatomicarum prima, anatomes praeliminaria et partes corporis humani plerasque sistens. Respondeus J. G. Derbach. 4". Marburgi Cattorum, [1696]. Observationes anatomicae selectiores collegii privati Anistelodamensis, figuris aliquot illus- tratae. 24-. Amsielodami, 1667. Pansch ( A. ) Anatomische Vorlesungen fiir Aerzte und iiltere Studirende. Theil 1. 8°. Berlin, 1-84. Paulli (J. H.) Anatome auatomiae Bilsiauae, imprimis circa vasa meseraica uti et labyrin- thum in ductu rorifero. Respondente Christo- phoro Frisio. 4°. Hafnice, [1663]. -----. The same. Accessit. . . Jo. Jac. Wep- feri de dnbiis anatomicis epistola, cum respon- sioue. 16°. Argentorati, 1665. Peyer (J. C.) Parerga anatomica et medica septem ratione ac experientia parentibus con- ct-pta et edita. 8°. Geuerw, 1681. Peyligk ( J. ) Compeudiosa capitis phisici declaratio: priucipalium humani corporis mein- Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). broruni figuras liquido ostendeus. philosophic alumnis admodum profutura. fol Lint-ensi 1499. PHILIPPSON ( L. ) *i"Xt] dvdpunivr). Pais I. De internarum humani corporis partium coimi- tioue Aristotelis cum Platonis senteutiis coinpa- rata. Pars II. Philosophorum veterum usque ad Theophrastum doctrina de sensu. Theopluasti de sensu et sensilibus fragmentum historico- philosophicum,cumtextudeuuorecognito; prima conversio Latina et commeutaria. Aristotelis doctrina de seusibus. Theophrasti fragmenta de sensu, phantasia et iutellectu e Prisciani metaphrasi primum excerpta. 8°. Berolini 1831. Platner (J. Z.) [Pr. ] anatomicas exercita- tiones iu foeminae cadavere indicit. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1736]. Poirier(P.) Quinze lecons d'anatomie pra- tique. Recueillies par MM. Fritau et Juvara. 12°. Paris, 1892. Redi (F.) Le mie riflessioni ben meditate so- pra piu parti del corpo humano. [MS.] 12° [n. p.], 1694. Riolan (J.) tils. Encheiridium anatomicum, et pathologicum, in quo ex naturali coustitutione partium, recessus a naturali statu demoustratur; ad usum theatri anatomici adornatum. 32°. Parisiis, 1648. -----. The same. 12°. Lugd. Bat, 1649. -----. Opuscula anatomica nova quae nunc primum in lucem prodeunt. Instauratio magna physicae et medicinae per novam doctrinam de motu circulatorio sanguinis in corde. Accessere notae in Joannis Wallaei duas epistolas de circu- latione sanguinis. Ejusdem animadversiones in historian! anatomicam Andrea? Laurentii; in the- atrum anatomicum Caspari Bauhmi; iu librum anatomicum do fabrica humana Andreae Spigelii; ad institutiones anatomicas Caspari Bartholini; ad anatomica Caspari Hofmanni; in syntagma anatomicum Joannis Veslingii; in tractatum de diaphragmate iEmilii Parisaui, de monstro nato Lutetiae, liber jam pridemeditus. 4°. Londini, 1649. Rolleston (G.) Scientific papers and ad- dresses. Arranged and edited by William Tur- ner ; with a biographical sketch by Edward B. Taylor. 2 v. 8°. Oxford, 1664. Romiti (G.) Snnto delle lezione di anatomia generale uniana, fatte nella r. Universitadi Siena nell' anno 1878-9; raccolte per cura degli stu- denti Vittorio Mibelli e Dario Baldi. 8°. Siena, 1879. Roth (S.) & Kollmann (J.) Mittheilungeu aus dem anatomischen Institut im Vesaliauum zu Basel. 12°. [Basel, 1692.] Repr. from: Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Basel, 1892, x. Rouhault (P. S.) Osservazioni anatoniico- fisiche. sm. 4°. Torino, 1724. Rudolphi (K. A.) Anatomisch - (ihysiolo- gische Abbaudlungen. 8°. Berlin, 1602. Ruggieri [C] Lczioni anatomiche. CIII. MS. fol. [Venezia, 1804-7.] Schaarschmidt (A.) Anatomische Anmer- kungen, welche bei Gelegenheit der wolverdien- ten Erhohung des Herrn D. Lothenius . . . dern- selben ergebenst darlegt. sui. 4'J. Berlin, 1750. Schulze (J. H.) Ad publicam disscctionem et demonstrationem cadaveris niasculint quo par est officio de observationibus anatomicis paucula praefatus invitat. 4°. Altorfii, [1725]. -----. The same. LPart] ii. 4°. Altorfi Noric., [1727]. ANATOMY. 373 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- j rations on). Scureiber (J. F.) Observationes auatomico- praetiea-. 4°. [Petropoli, 1740.] Cutting from: Comment. Acad. sc. imp. Petrop., 1740, vii, 222-234, 1 pl. Seveiunus (M. A.) Quaestiones anatomica- i quatuor; prima de aqua pericardii, secunda de cordis adipe, tertia, de poris choledochis, quart a, osteologia pro Galeno, adversus arguta- tores epidochae in totidem alias Julii Jasolini. 4°. Francofurti, 1654. -----. The same. 4°. Francofurti, 1668. Slkyogt (J. H.) [Pr.] de corporis humani formatione. 4-. Jence, 1699. Sperling (P. G.) Ad anatomen publicum ca- daveris masculini officiose invitat. 4°. Witten- bergai, [1698]. -----. The same. 4-\ [Wittetergce, 1702.] -----. Thesame. 4°. [ Wittebergce, 1703.] Stexon (N.) Observationes anatomicae, qui- bus varia oris, oculorum et narium vasa descri- buntur, novique salivie, lacrymarum et muci fontes deteguntnr; et novum nobilissimi Bilsii de lymphae motu et usu commentum examiuatur et rejicitur. 24°. Lugd. Bat, 1662. -----. The same. 16c. Lugd. Bat., 1660. Strauss (L.) Conatus anatomiens aliquot disputationibus exhibitus. 4-. Gissa', 1666. Studies in anatomy from the anatomical de- partment of the Owens College. Volume I. Published by the council of the college and ed- ited by A. H. Young. 8 . Manchester, 1891. Tarenetzki (A. I.) Risnnki k 1. vypusku lek- tsii anatomii. [Illustrations to first number of Lectures on anatomy.] 8-. St Petersburg, 1893. Testut ([J.] L.) * Vaisseaux et nerfs des tis- sus conjonctif, fibreux, sereux et osseux, anato- mie et physiologie. 4°. Paris, 18e0. Titone (M.) I nervi e le arterie con tutte le loro anastoniosi rapprest-ntati in quadri sinottici. 8C. Palermo, 1889. Todaro (F.) Ricerche fatte nel laboratoriodi anatomia normale della r. Universita di Roma ed in altri laboratori biologici pubblicate dal ... v. 3, fasc. 1 A 2. Roma, 1893. roy. 8=. Roma, 1893. Todaro (F.) et al. Ricerche fatte nel labora- torio di anatomia normale della r. Universita di Roma nell'anno 1872. [v. 1.] 8^-. Roma, 1873. -----. The same. Fasc. 1, v. 2. 4C. Roma, 1-78. Travaux dn Laboratoire d'anatomie ge"nerale et d'histologie (anu6e 1-80-81), publics sous la direction de J. Reuaut avec la collaboration de M. ... A. Chaudelux. 8°. Paris, 1662. Trew (C. J.) Vertheidignng der Anatomie, durch einen griindlichen Beweiss. dass die Zir- gliederung derer Meuschenund Thiere, sowol ais das Aufbehalten derer menschlichen Theile nicht nur noch alien gottlichen und menschlichen G<> setzen erlaubet, sondern auf an sich selbsten nicht vcriichtlich seye: in einer Rede auf dem Niirnbergischen Theatro Anatomico bey offent- lichen Demonstrationibus eines niannlichen Cor- pers den 21. Jan. 1728 vorgetrageu: nuun aber um vieles vermehret und mit Anmerckungen er- lautert. sm. 4°. Niirnberg, 1729. ------. Dissertatio epistolica de differentiis quibusdam inter honiimm natum et nascendum intercedentibus deque vestigiis divini numiuis iude colligendis. sm. 4&. Norimbergce, 1736. ------. The same. Abhandlung von einigen Verschiedenheiten welche an dem Menschen vor nnd nach seiner Geburt wabrgenommen werden und den dabcv sich aussernden Spuren der All- macht und Weisheit Gottes. Aus dem Latcini- schen iibersetzt und mit einigen neuen Anmc-r- Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). kungen des . . . Verfassers vermehrt. 4°. Niirn- berg, 1770. Trimakchi (A.) Discorso anatomico capricio. sm. 4'-'. Messina, [1044]. Valla Placentinus (G.) De humani corporis partibus, opusculum sane elegaus et perutile. In: Gvinterius Andemacas (Joannes). Institutionum anatomicarum [etc.]. 12°. Bruxellensi, 1585, 129-i4.'i. VekiieVn (P.) Anatomic oder Zerlegung des menschlichen Leibes worin alles was so wohl die alten als neuen Anatomici entdecket und erfun- den haben, leicht und deutlich beschrieben, und in Kupffcr fiirgcbildet wird. Aus dem Lateini- schen ubersetzot. 12°. Leipzig, 1706. A'esalius (A.) Anatomicarum Gabrielis Fal- loppii observationum examen. 4°. Venetiis, 17)64. Weber (F. C. T.) Observationes medicae selecta-. Edidit et appendicem observationum anatomicarum rariorum adjecit Frid. August Weber. 12°. Vratislavicv, 1776. Wesenfeld (C. S. L.) *Diss. sistens anato- miae experimentalis partem primam. 4°. Fran- eof. ad Viadr., 1755. Also, in: TVeiz(F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1780, xii, 86-90. Wilder (B. G.) Iutermembral homologies. The correspondence of the anterior and poste- rior limbs of vertebrates. 6°. Boston, 1671. Repr.from : Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., April 5, 1871, xiv, 154. ------. Fissural diagrams. 8C. [». p.], 1890. Willkofer (J.) Disputatio institutionum anatomicarum i. De hominis praestantia hu- jusque corporis partibus in genere. Witeberqa, 1607. In.- Knobloch (T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sm. 4D. Wite- bergce, 1608, 10 1. Wrisberg (H. A.) Sylloge commentationum anatomicarum I. De membranarum ac involu- crorum continuationibns; II. Nervis arterias ve- nasque comitantibus, et III. De nervis pharyn- gis. 4-\ Gottingce, 1766. Zuckerkandl (E.) Anleitungen fiir deu Sc- cirsaal. 1. Heft. 12°. JFiert, 1891. Beiivenisli (M.) Saggio di notomia fisiologica e pa- tologica delle vene. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1840, xcv, 386; 491. Also [Rev.]: Raecoglitore, Fano, 1841, vii, 49- 57. Also [ Abstr. ] : Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 1842, 3. s.,'i, 126; 315; 379.—Bianchus (J. B.) Anatomica oratio ad publicum solemnemcjue in regise Universitatis theatro aperiendum anatomicum cursum; habita nonis Februarii ami. 1723. Inhis: Anat. oratio ad public. . . . habita viii. idus Feb. 1722, sm. 4°, Colonise Allobrogum, 1723, 33-42.—5 : 529; 545: 553; 561; 569. Also: Osser- vatore med., Palermo. 1KK2, 3. s., xii, 351; 404.—GJriibcr (W.) Beitrage zur Myologie, Angiologie und Splanchuo- lo"-ie des -Menschen. In his: Abhandl. a. d. menschl. u. vcrgleich. Anat., St. Petersb., 1852, 121-158, 3 pl. -----. Anatomische Notizen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1872, liv, 184, 2 pl. : lvi, 425, 2 pl.: 1875, lxiii, 92, 1 pl.: lv, 9, 2 pl.: 1876, lxvi, 447, lpl.: lxvii, 327, 3 pl. : lxviii, 272, 1 pl.: 1877, lxix, 380, 2 pl.: lxx, 128, 1 pl.: 1878, lxxii, 480, 1 pl. : lxxiv, 429, 3 pl. : 1879, lxxvii, 101, 1 pl.: lxxviii, 84, 2pl.: 1880, lxxx, 78, 1 dI. : lxxxi, 442, 2 pl.: Ixxxii, 460, lpl.— IlalbcrlMiua (H. J.) Outleedkundige aanteekeningen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1862, vi, 609-614. Ah" Reprint. -----. Outleedkundige aanteekeningen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, vii, 693- 702. Aho. Reprint, — ■lartmaim (P. J.) Exer- citatio dc iis quaj contra peritiam veterum auatomicam ANATOMY. 374 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and obser- vations on). afferuntnr in "enere. In: Fascic. diss, ad hist. med. [etc] 12°, Bend., 1754, 103-205. — Basse (C.) Spolia anatomica! Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1891 390-394, 2 pl. — Heger (P.) La structure du corps hum'ain et revolution. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1889. lxxxvii, 1-21. — r.esshaft (P.) Sur les lois e6n6rales de l'anatomie ct la maniere de les exposer comme etant lobjet principal de l'etude. Spallanzani, Modena, 1881, 2. s.. x, 453-456.—Jlei-imloliis (A.) De vitalibus et non vitalibus horainum partubus. Inhis: Ars medica, fol., Aquis-Sextiis, 1633. 355-371.—Bcid (J.) Anatomical observations. Edinb. M. & S. J., xlvi, 61-76. Aho, Re- print. — Kettrior (E\ ) Sur le developpement des cavi- tes closes tendineuses et des bourses muqueuses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 70-73.—Bcyburn (R.) Laws of growth of the cell applied to human anat- omy. Marvlanl M. J., Bait., 1893, xxix, 507-510. Aho, Reprint.— Tarenetski (A. I.) Anatomicheskija zami- etki. [Anatomical notes] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb.., 1881, cxiii, pt. 2, 29-44.— Tewtiit. Qu'est-ce que l'homme pour un anatomiste? Rev. scient., Par., 1887, 3. s., xiii, 65-77. Aho: Praticien, Par., 1887, x, 49; 61; 73: 85; 97; 109. Also: Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat, u. Physiol., Leipz., 1888. v, 1; 81.—Vaienti (G.) Le ipotesi in ana- tomia umana. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii. pt. 4, 817; 829. A ho, Reprint. Also: Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med. • chir. di Perugia 1892, iv, 131-143. — Wic21, 1-22 et 1823, Suivi d'un premier supplement au catalogue de son museum anatomique. Imprinie" par ordre de la Faculty. 12c. Strasbourg, 1624. vox Loder (J .C.) Orationes quas in theatro anatomico Caesareae Universitatis Mosquensis publice recitavit. >°. Mosqiue, 16-26. Luchtmans (P.) Oratio inauguralis de anato- micis seculi xviii. incremeutis. 4D. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1760. Ludwig(C.F.) Historiae auatomiae et physio- logic comparantis brevis expositio. 4Z. Lip- sice, 1767. MacGregor (G.) The history of Burke and Hare and of the resurrectionist times. A frag- ment from the criminal aunals of Scotland. e:. Glasgow, 1-84. Major (J. D.) Historia anatomes Kilonieusis prima-. Ad . . . Cliristianum Albertum . . . Academia- suae fuudatoruin. fol. Kiloni, 1666. Molinetti\s(M.A.) Indicantiirlectiones,quas, Deo dante, in universam humani corporis fabri- cans professor publice habebit ad annum 1690. 4°. Patavii, 1640. de Monrava. (A.) Desterro critico das falsas anatomias, que hum anatomico novo deu & luz, em Lisboa, neste presente anno de 1739. 4C. Lisboa. 1739. Monro (A.) The history and progress of anatomy from the earliest ages of the world down to this present time, to which is added tin appendix on the uses of anatomy, and division of the parts of the body. Collected from the lectures of . . . MS. 4°. Edinburgh, 1742. -----. The theory of anatomy, containing a brief account of its rise and progress, from the earliest ages of the world to the present time. Manuscript notes, with annotations on F. Nicholls's Com- pendium anat. cecon. and the works of A. Monro. Nicaise (E.) L'anatomie ct la physiologie au xive siecle. 8°. Paris, 1-92. Aho, in: Rev. de chir., Par., 1893, xiii, 1-11. Pagel. Die Anatomie des Heinrich von Mon- deville. Nach einer Handschrift der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin vom Jahre 1304, zum ersteu Male. t<-. Berlin, 18-9. Poema anatomicum. In: Collect. Salernitana, Naples, 1859, v, 173-198. Anatomy (History and literature of). Pl i Ki-s (F.) Apologia in anatome pro Gaieno, contra Andrt-am Vessaliam [etc.]. 8-'. Venetiis. 1762. Ross (A.) Arcana microcosnii: or, the hid secrets of man's body discovered, in an anatomi- cal duel between Aristotle and Galen concerning the parts thereof, as also by a discovery of the strange and marveilous diseases, symptomes aud accidents of man's body; with a refutation of Dr. Brown's Vulgar errors, the Lord Bacon's Natural history, and Doctor Harvy's book, De geueratione, Comenius, and others ; whereunto is annexed a letter from Dr. Pr. to the author, and his answer thereto, touching Dr. Harvy's book, De generatione. 12°. London, 1652. Sciiulze (J. H.) Diss. acad. sistens historiae anatomica- specimen primum. Respondens J. Khelle. sm. 4-. Altorfii Noric, [1721]. -----. The same. Spec, secundum. Resp. G. N. Stock. 4°. Altorti Norinib., [1723]. Also [both], i».■ Fascic diss, ad hist. med. [etc.]. 12c. Berol, 1754, 392-485. Sebastian (A. A.) Oratio de Batavorum sse- culo decinio septimo de anatome meritis atque inventis in ea praestantissimis. 4C. Groninga; 1832. Stentzel (T. B. CO *De Hippocratis studio anatomico singulari. 4-. Vitembergce, [1754]. Strlthers (J.) References to papers iu anatomy : human and comparative. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1869. Tarenetski (A. [I.]) Kaft-dra i niuzei nor- malnoi anatomii pri Iinperatorskoi Voyenuo- Meditsinskoi (bivshei Mediko-Khirurgicheskoi) Akademii v S.-Peterburge, za sto Het. Istori- cheskiy ocherk. [Chair and museum of nor- mal anatomy at the Imperial Army Medical (formerly Medico-Chirurgical) Academy in St. Petersburg for one hundred years. Historical sketch.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1607). Teichmeyer (H. F.) Diss, sistens vindicias quorundam inventorum meorum anatomicorurn a nonnullis celebratissimis anatomicis in dubium vocatorum. 4°. Jena', [1727]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1749, iv, 369-398, 1 pl. Thomas (A. R.) History of anatomy. Intro- ductory address delivered at the opening of the 45th session of the Hahnemanuian Medical College of Philadelphia, October 3, 1892. 8 \ Philadelphia, [1602]. Trial of William Burke and Helen McDougal, before the high court of justiciary at Edin- burgh, on Wednesday, December 24, 1828, for the murder of Margery Campbell, or Docherty. Taken in short band by Mr. John Macnee. [With appendix.] H~. Edinburgh, 1829. Vater (C.) Cadaveris virilis anatomen et condituram publicum lustraturis intimat. 4°. WittenbergoB, [1693]. Vicary (T.) The anatomie of the bodie of man. The ed. of 1548, as reissued by the sur- geons of St. Bartholomew's in 1577. With a life of Vicary, notes on surgeons in Euglaud, Bar- tholomew's Hospital and London, in Tudor times, an appendix of documents, aud illustrations, edited by F. J. Furnivall and P. Furnivall. Pt.I. 8'-. London, 1666. West Port murderers; or an authentic account of the atrocious murders committed by Burke and his associates; containing a full account of all the extraordinary circumstances connected with them. Also a report of the trial of Burke aud McDougal. With a description of the exe- cution of Burke, his confessions, and memoirs of ANATOMY. 376 ANATOMY. Anatomy (History and literature of). his accomplices, including the proceedings against Hare, etc. 8°. Edinburgh, 1629. Zassils (N.) Epistola apologetica ad mag- num Th. Bartholinuiu . . . de calnmniis . . . Lu- dovico Bilsio arcauorum naturalium scrutatori subtiliss. nee non vivorum ac mortuorum ana- tomico incomparabili, perperam impactis. Ro- mana veste donata per Philalethium. 4C. Bo- terodami, 1661. Ball (J. M.) The anatomical renascence. Cincin. Lan- cet-Clinic, 1895,n.s.,xxxv, 175-177. Also: Med.Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1895. viii, 383-387.—Bai-dclrbrn (K.) Ueber bisher unbekannte anatomische Arbeiten Goethe's. Ver- handl. d. anat. (lesellsch., Jena, 1.-H1, v. 151-157.—Brown (J. M.) The science of human anatomy; its history and development. Edinb. M. J.. 1884-5, xxx, 585-596, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint. — Burssiacvc (A.) Bibliographic. In his: Precis de l'liist. de' l'anat.. 8°, Gand, 1840, 465-498.— Calhcart (C. YV.) Some oi'the older schools of anatomy connected with the Loval College of Surgeons, Edin- burgh. Edinb. M. J.. 1*81-2. xxvii, 769-781, 5 pl.—Char- cot (J.-M.) ^Dccliaiubi-r (A.) De quelques marbres antiques concernant des etudes anatoniiques. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1857. iv. 425: 457: 513. — C'orlicu (A.) L'anatomie a la Faculte de medecine de Paris. Paris med., 1888, xiii, 57-59. — t'oiradi (A.) Tre lettere d'illustri anatomici del cinquecento: Aranzio—Canano— Falloppia. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1883, eclxv, 174- 200. Also, Reprint. — Cunningham (D.J.) Bologna: the part which it has played in the history of anatomy; its octo-centenary celebration. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1888, 3. s., Ixxxvi. 405-484. Also: Internal. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1890, vii, 1-11. — Davidson. Zur Geschichte der anatomischen Abbildnngen ; demonstra- tiver Vortrag. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl., 1861, 3. Hft., 209- 223. — Di-bici-i-c ((.'.) L'anatomie, son passe, son im- portance et son role dans les sciences biologiqaes. Rev. scient., Par., 1888, 3. s.. xii. 68-74. Also: Praticien, Par., 1888, xi, 61; 85; 97. — Bel Gaizo ( M. ) Della pratica della anatomia in Italia sino al ]C>u0. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1892, xlvi, 194-233. — Bix (E.) The trials of an anatomist in the last century. [From: Bos- ton Gaz. , l'histoire de la grossesse et du fcetus, la pathologie; comprenant plusieurs cspi-ct-s des maladies les plus curieuses. 12°. Paris, 1627. Caldani (L. M. A.) Institutiones anatomies. 2 v. ,-c. Venetiis, 1791. -----. Tbe same. Istitnzioni anotomiclie. Tradotte in italiano da Gaetano Castellaui. 2 v. 8-. Brescia, 1807. ANATOMY. 377 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Institutes, schools, and meth- ods of teaching). C'arreha (A. G.) Programa del primer curso de anatomia deseriptiva y general, 1885. 12-'. Granada, [1880]. Catalog der pathologisch - anatomischeu Sammlung des Herzoglichen Collegium Ana- tomico - Chirurgicum zu Braunschweig. 8^. Braunschweig, 167)4. Catalogo delle preparazioni di anatomia umana descrittiva e jiatologica couservate nel gabinetto dello Spedale di 8. Maria di Loreto e raggolte dal direttore Giuseppe Sorrentino. t* \ Napoli, 1617). Catalogue of human skeletons and anatomi- cal preparations, for sale by Henry A. Ward. Natural Science Establishment. Rochester, N. Y. sm. 4-. [Rochester, N. T., 1664.] Catalogue of human skeletons, human and comparative anatomical models, botanical mod- els, busts, and masks. 0. ed. 8-\ Rochester, N. r.,[i8iur|. Catalogue of J. C. & D. Hyatt's grand col- lection of anatomical, pathological, surgical, and microscopic anatomv. 8°. New York, 1851. Catalogue of specimens of comparative oste- ology, for sale by Henry A. Ward, Rochester, N. Y. September, 1880. sm. 4°. [Rochester, N. Y., i860.] Clark (W.) Analysis of a course of lectures on the anatomy and physiology of the human body. 8C. Cambridge, 1822. Cooke (T.) A plea for practical work in anat- omy. 8-. London, 1893. Description of an artificial anatomical figure, constructed by the Chevalier Auzoux, exhibited in 1832 before the king iu London. 8-. Ma- dras, 1834. Deyrolle (E\) Catalogue des pieces d'anato- mie humaine et comparee adopteVs par la com- mission des sciences naturelles pres le uiinistere de l'iustruction publique pour l'enseigneinent secondaire. 8°. Paris, 1889. Ehrmann (C.-H.) Compte rendu h la Facul- te" de medecine de Strasbourg des travaux ana- tomiques executes a ramphithe'atre de cette faculte, pendant les annees 1824 et 1825; suivi d'un second supplement au catalogue de son museum anatomique. 8°. Strasbourg, 1627. .Framoxd. Catalogue d'anatomie comparee et de zoologie. Histoire naturelle complete. 83. Paris, 1879. -----. Catalogue d'osteologie anatomique et d'anatomie humaine. Preparations naturelles et artificielles. Embaumement. 6°. Paris, 1883. -----. Catalogue anatomique. Prepara- tions naturelles et artificielles. Embaumement. 8-. Paris, [n. d.]. Franke. Dr. Franke's Phantom, anatomisch- physiologischer Atlas des Menschen mit Be- riicksichtigung chirurgischer und geburtshilf- licher Operationen. Index von Paul Krause. 8° [1 phantom, life-size; 1 pl., fol., mikro- skopische Priiparate]. Berlin. [1891]. Guy aln6. Anatomie en cir.-, anatomie hu- maine et comparee, phrenologie, histoire natu- relle. [Catalogue of preparations.] 8-'. Paris, 1844. -----. The same. Janvier 1847. 8°. Pa- ris, 1847. -----. The same. Catalogue 1850, conte- nant un supplement aux editions prdcedentcs. 8C. Paris, 1850. -----. Thesame. 8-. Paris, [1850], Anatomy (Institutes, schools, and meth- ods of teaching). Hertwig (O.) Der anatomische Unterricht. 8 \ Jena, 1661. Hungary. Das Anatomische Institut der ktin. ung. Universitiit zu Budapest. Anliisslich der Ausstellung auf dem Gebiete der Hygiene unddesRettuiigswesetis. Berlin 1882, hesohrieben vou Josef v. Lehnhossek und Dr. Geza v. Mi- halkovics. 4°. Budapest, 1-^2. Hyatt (J. C.) a Hyatt (D.) Synoptic table of the complete anatomical model. 8-'. [New York, u. d.} Jacqukmin. Compte rendu de l'anatomie clastique du Dr. Auzoux et de l'influence qu'elle doit avoir sur l'instruction de la cavalerie. 8 . [Paris, n. d.] Koxigliche zootomische Anstalt in Wiirz- burg. Berichte der . . . von C. F. Heusinger. Erster Bericht fiir das Schuljahr 1824-5. [Plan.] 4-. Wiirzburg, 1826. Kotchetoff (O.) Kratkaya plastitcheskaya auatoiniya dlya natchinarjutscht-cb. [ Brief ]ilastic anatomy for beginners.] [Artistic] 8-. ^,. Petersburg, 1893. Kuy (R.) & Co. Price-list of anatomical mod- els of papier macho osteological preparations, i etc. 8 ;. New York, [1894?]. Lohstein (J.-G.-C.-F.-M.) Compte rendu a la Faculte de medecine de Strasbourg sur l'etat actuel de son museum anatomique, suivi du catalogue des objets qu'il renferme. 8 . Stras- bourg, 1620. -----. Compte rendu a la Faculte de mede- cine de Strasbourg sur les travaux auatomiques executes a l'anipuitheatre de cette faculte pen- dant les annees 1821, 1822 et 1823, suivi d'un pre- mier supplement au catalogue de son museum anatomique. 8°. Strasbourg, 1824. von Loder (J. C.) Riech o poize anatomii i o luchshem sposobe uchit i uchitsja onoi, na otkrytiev Iniperatorskom Moskovskom IJni- versitete anatomicheskago Teatra 1819 g. No- jabra 10-go. S latinskago perev. A. Doupiou. [On study of anatomy, and on methods of teach- ing same.] 4C. Moskva, [n. d.]. -----. Index pra-paratoruin aliarumque re- rum ad anatomen spectantium quae in Museo Ca'sarete Universitatis Mosquensis servantur. Ed. altera . . . cui additse sunt dun- orationes iu thcatro anatomico Universitatis palam reci- tatse. 8°. Mosquce, 1826. Maestre de San Juan (A.) Preparaciones anatomicas presentadas eu la exposiciou uni- versal de Paris de 1867 ; rescfia y analisis. 8°. Granada. 166>7. Mayer (A. F. J. K.) Bericht iiber das anato- mische Institut der koniglichcn rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitiit zu Bonn, ent- worfen im Jahre lKIU. 4°. Bonn, 1830. Mercer (J.) Syllabus of lectures on anatomy and physiology, delivered in the School of Anat- omy, Edinburgh. 8. Edinburgh, 1641. Mo.tsisovics Edler von Mojsvar (A.) Leit- faden bei zoologisch-zootoniischen Priiparir- iibungen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1885. -----. The same. Manuel de zootomie, guide pratique pour la dissection des animaux vertebrcs et invertebre"*, a l'usage des cfudiants en medecine et des eieves qui preparcnt la li- cence f-s sciences naturelles. Trad, dc l'alle- mand et aunote par J.-L. de Lanessan. 8C. Paris, 1661. Musee de l'Hopital Saint-Louis. Catalogue des monlages colorie.s. Dresse par les soins de M. le docteur Henri Feulard, chef de clinique dc la faculte. 8^. Paris, 1889. ANATOMY. 378 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Institutes, schools, and meth- ± ods of teaching). Xoi;t<»x (A. T.) The examiner in anatomy; a course of instruction iu the method of answer- ing anatomical questions. 12°. London, 1877. Notice sur les preparations artificielles de M. Auzoux. 8°. Paris, 1825. Otto (A. W.) Einige geschichtliche Erinne- rungen an das friihere Studium der Anatomie in Schlesien, nebst einer Beschreibung nnd Abbil- dung des jetzigen koniglicheu Auatomie-Iusti- tuts als Einladuugs-Programm zu der am 29. September in dem anatomischen Theater durch eine Rede zu feiernden Einweihuug der chirur- gischen Schule. sm. 4-. Breslau, 1823. Pegge (C.) A syllabus of a course of lectures on anatomy and physiology. 8°. Oxford, 1795. Philadelphia School of Anatomy. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1840-41 (2.); 1666-9 (30.); 1H19-70 (31.); 1871-2 to 1874-5 (33.-35.): 18HI-81 to 1882-3 (42.-44.); 1887-8 (07.). 6 . Philadelphia, 1840-87. List of students for the year 1839-40. -----. Announcements for the summer ses- sions of 1869; 1873; 1874. 8-. [Philadelphia, 1809-74.] Queen (J. W.) & Co. Catalogue of anatom- ical models, charts, and osteological prepara- tions. Xo. 221. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. Ragixel (A.) & Co. Catalogue of 1856. Hu- man osteology, comparative osteology; artificial anatomy, soft parts in wax applied on natural bones; anatomy and pathology in wax; clastic anatomy ; clastic comparative anatomy; micro- scopical instruments; microscopical prepara- tions; surgical instruments from M. Charriere, of Paris; various articles in vulcanized india- rubber for surgery aud medicine. 8°. London, 167)6. Rapport sur une piece d'anatomie artificielle du docteur Auzoux, precede d'une uotice sur les travaux anatomiques de M. Auzoux. 8°. Paris, 1631. Rau (J. J.) Oratio inauguralis de methodo anatomen docendi et disceudi. 4^. Lugd. Bat., 1713. Rauber (A.) Ueber die Eiurichtung von Stu- diensiileu in anatomischen Instituten. 8 . Leip- zig, 1895. Robert (A.-A.-J.) & Kuss (£.) Anatomie humaine et comparee, mouiee en platre sur la nature et peinte d'apres les preparations, exe- cutee sur les dissections faites sous les yeux de M. L.-J. Begin. 4°. Strasbourg, 1840. ROmer (A.) Specielles Verzeichniss der anato- misch-physiologischen natilrlichen und Wachs- Prapaiate, welche im Gebiiude der k. k. med. chirurg. Josephs - Akademie aufgestellt sind, nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung des in die- sem Gebiiude inch befiudlichen natur-histori- schen Cabinettes undpathologisch-anatomischeu Sainniluug. 12-'. Wien, 1837. Scarpa (A.) Oratio de promovendis anatomi- carum administrationuni rationibus ad tyrones. 4\ [Ticiui], 1783. Suhultze (C. A. S.) Die anatomischen Sanim- lungeu nud das neue Anatouiie-Gebaude zu Greifswald. 4C. Greifswald, 1856. Siebold (C. C.) Rede von deu Vortheilen, welche der Staat durch oft'entliche anatomische Lehranstalten gevvinut. 4U. Niirnberg, 1766. Smith (J. A.) A syllabus of the lectures de- livered to the senior students in the College of William and Mary, on government; to which is added a discourse, by the same author, on the manner in which peculiarities in tlie anatomical structures affect the moral character. Printed for the university. 12°. Philadelphia, 1817. Anatomy (Institutes, schools, and meth- ods of teaching). de Soemmering (S. T.) Catalogus mnsei anatomici quod collegit . . . Editus a filio Def- mar Wilhelm Soeminerring. 8°. Franeof. a M 1830. Somerville (J. C.) A letter addressed to the lord chancellor on the study of anatomy, etc 8°. London, 1832. Suringar (G. C. B.) Catalogus van de uit- muntend geconserveerde anatomische voorwer- pen nagelaten door Dr . . . 8°. Leiden, 1877. Talrich (J.) Catalogue des modeles anatonii- ques et preparations nouvelles pour les demon- strations de physiologie organique de l'homme, modeles en staff peiut et cire resistante de . 8°. Paris, 1866. -----. The same. Catalogue des modeles anatomiques et preparations nouvelles creees sptlcialement pour servir aux demonstrations de la physiologie organique de l'homme et aux cours sur l'hygiene de l'enfance (pue"riculture), modeleseu staff peiut et cire resistante. 8°. Paris, 18e9. Turxer (Sir W.) Anatomy as taught in the University of Edinburgh; an introductory lect- ure, delivered 4th XTovember, 1867. 8°. 'Edin- burgh, 1667. Vasseur. Catalogue anatomique. Prepara- tion naturelle et artificielle. Embaumement. 8J. Paris, [1863]. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, [1870]. Vater (A.) Museum anatomicum propriiun in quo oninis generis nitidissima pneparata ana- tomica. mira arte et stupeuda industria maguo- que labore ab autore ejus coufecta ex omnibus partibus totius corporis humani, et ut perpetuo dnrent, balsamo condita, atque nitide asservata sunt, ex quibus corporis nostri artificiosissinui fabrica ope injectionum et repletionum vasoruin corporum et humanarum et auiinalium brutoruin, ad modum illustr. et celeb. Ruyschii mirabili- ter illustratur atque explicatur. Accesserutit observationes quaedam autoris- anatomicae et chirurgicae hactenus in publicis disputatiouibus et programmatibus seorsum edita-, cum pne- fatioue Laurentii Heisteri. 4°. Helmstadii, 1750. Vrolik (G.) & Vrolik (W.) Mus6e Vrolik. Catalogue de la collection d'anatomie humaine, comparee et pathologique. Par J.-L. Dussean. 8°. Amsterdam, 1865. Ward (H. A.) Catalogue of cabinet of com- parative osteology, sm. 4C. Rochester, N. Y., 1673. -----. Catalogue of specimens of compara- tive osteology. 4°. Rochester, N. Y., 1875. -----. Thesame. sin. 4C. Rochester, N. Y., 1877. -----. Thesame. sui. 4°. [Rochester, N. Y., 1880.] -----. Catalogue of human skeletons and anatomical preparations, sm. 4°. [Rochester, N Y., 1884.] -----. Thesame. sm. 4°. Rochester, [n.d.]. -----. Thesame. sm. 4°. Rochester, [n. d.]. Wutzer (C. W.) Bericht iiber den Zustand der anatomischen Anstalt zu Minister im Jahre 1830, nebst einer Beschreibung der bei derselben vorhandciien Sainniluug vou Priiparaten. 4'-. Miinster, 1830. Zoja (G.) II gabinetto di anatomia normale della r. Universita di Pavia. Serie B. Osteolo- gia. Serie E. Angiologia. Serie F. Nevrologia. Serie G. Splancnologia. Serie H. Estesiologia. Serie L. Embriologia. Serie M. Anatomia generale. Serie N. Anatomia topografica. 4°. Porta, 1873-87. ANATOMY 379 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Institutes, schools, and meth- ods of teaching). Allen (H.) On the study of comparative anatomy as a part of the medical curriculum. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1880. Salem, 1881, xxix, 551-554. Aho, Reprint. -----. On the teaching of anatomy to advanced medical students. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 736-739. Aho, Reprint.— Anatomieal department ofthe new medical school. Uni- versitv of Edinburgh. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 1032.— Anatomical (The) Iustitute at St. Petersburg. [From : L'lnvalide rnsse.] Ibid., 83.—Baiter (F.) The rational method of teaching anatomv. Med. Rec.. X. T., 1884, xxv, 421-425. Also, Reprint. — Bainbaren ((.'.) Programa detallado y razonado de los curso.s de anatomia descriptiva. Gac. med., Lima, 1878. iv. 97; 219; 252; 287— Bevan (A. D.) What ground should be covered in the anatomical course in American medical colleges ? and what part of this ground should be covered in the first year? what in the second I [Abstr. I Proc. Ass. Am. Anat., Wash., 1894, vi, 47-49.—von Bischoft" (T. L. W.) Das Studium der Anatomie und der anatomischen Anstalteu an den Uui- versitiiten. T.eil. z. Allg. Ztg., Augsburg, 1880, 433-435.— Rlandiu. Rapport sur les nouvelles pieces artificielles d'anatomie, presentees a l'academie par M. le docteur Au- zoux. Commissaires: MM. Cloquet, Baffos, Virey, Ville- neuve, Blandin. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1843-4. ix, 759-7G6. Aho, Reprint.—Browuing(W. W.) Remarks on the teaching of practical anatomy. Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 329-341.—C'arr (W. P.l Systematic use of the eye in teaching anatomy. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892. lx, 179.— C'attell (H. W.) Some anatomical mnemonics. Inter- nat. M. Mag.. Phila., 1894-5, iii. 724 - 727. — Coolie (T.) The teaching of anatomv; its aims and methods. Lancet, j Lond. 1803, ii. 1153: 1350."-----. The teaching of anatomy. ] Med. Times i Hosp. Gaz.. Lond., Is94, xxii, 021. — Dis- cussiou (Al on the relations which examinations in anatomy and physiologvbear to the teaching of those sub- jects. Brit. M. 'J., Lond., 1890. ii, 679-082. —Dwight (T;) The scope and the teachinsi- of human anatomy. Boston M. & S. J., 189H. cxxiii. 337-340. -----. Methods of teach- ing anatomy at the Harvard Medical School: especially cor- rosion preparations. Ibid.. 1891, exxiv, 475-477.—Flavin (B. T.) Teaching anatomv in medical schools. Texas M. J.. Austin. 1893-4, ix, 155-159.— Feettinger. Note sur l'Institut anatomique de Leipzig. Ann. Soc. nied chir. de Liege. 1884. xxiii, 13-22. 1 pl.—Formiea-Corsi (A.) Metodo y plan de eusenanza dc la anatomia descriptiva y exposicion somera de las t'uentes de couocimiento de la misma. Independ. med., Barrel. 1880-81, xii, 137: 153; 189; 267; 280- 349; 433.—Freeborn (G. Cl Anew material for models. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (18911. 1*92, 83-86.— Gerrish (F. H.) The best order of topics in a two years' course of anatomv in a medical school. Proc. Ass. Am. j Anat. 1894. Wash!, 1895. vii, 8-17. Also: Science, X. Y. Sc ! Lancaster, Pa., 1895, n. s., i, 312-318. Also, Reprint.— j Gili* (P.) L'anatomie plastique, ses origines, ses pro- | sir-. X. Montpel. med. Suppl. 1892, i, 276-3U2.—Haw- kins l C. ) Loudon teachers of anatomv; a retrospect. Lancet. Lond.. 1884. ii, 535—Hi* (W.) Ueber Piaparate zum Situs viscerum, refer, af Edw. Clason. Upsala Lii- karef. Forh.. 1879-sO, xv, 102-130. 3 pl.—Holmes (E. \V.) The dissenini; room. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, iv, 420-423. —Holmes (T.) The teaching of anatomy. Lan- cet, Lond., 1S93, ii, 1215.—Human anatomy at Oxford. Brit, M. J., Lond.. 1893. ii, 902. —Keen (W. W.) On the systematic use of the living model as a means of illustra- tion in teaching anatomv. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881. i, 174. — Kciller i W. ) The teaching of anat- atomy. X. York M. J., 1894, lx, 289; 513; 545. Aho, Re- print'.—Koel liber (A.) Die Aufgaben der anatomischen Institute. Verhandl. d. plivs.-nieil. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1883. u. F.. xviii, Xo. 5, 21— liaehi (P.) Come si debba insegnare 1" anatomia umana. Riforma med.. Xapoli, 1891, vii, 409-412. — Langdon (F. \V.) Tlie didactic teach- ing of human anatomy. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887. iii, 147-151. — I.enf (A. II. P.) Proper methods in the teaching of anatomy. Ibid. 224-230. Also: Gaillard's M. J„ X. Y., 1887, xiv. 511-521.—Lockwood (C. B.) An address on the teaching of anatomy. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 18-8. ii. 1372.—.TIaealister (A.) Some characteristics of anatomical teaching in Great Britain. Internat. Monat- schr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Berl 1884, i, 299-304.-----. On methods of anatomical study Brit M. J.. Lond., 1893, ii, 879-883.—May lard (A. E.) A visit to the human anat- omy section of th« Hunterian Museum, Glasgow Uni- versity. Glasgow M. J.. 18*4, xxii, 9-18.—von .Tlilial- kovicslV.) Das neue anatomische Institut in Budapest. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklugsgesch., Leipz.. 1*79, 383-400. ----. Yorstand der ii. anatomischen und enibr\ologi- schen Lehr-Kanzel gibt eine Schilderung iiber die Ein- richtung des unter seiner Leiluug stehendeu neuen Insti- tuts. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1879, xv, 87. — .♦lowlier i EM.> A posture model. Brooklyn M. J.,1*94, viii. i-j*. —Oxford University. Vote of £7,000 for the new department of human anatomy. Lancet. Lond., 1891, i, 12*3.— Parker 1. 8°. Paris, 1851. Budi;e (J.) Die Aufgaben der anatomischen Wis- senschal't. Deutsche Rev., Berl., 1882, vii, 54-65. —Heil- dens (J. W.) The Missouri Anatominal Association ; minutes of the meeting held Sept. 21, 1880; by the secre- tary. St. Joseph M. Herald, 1886, iv, 127. — Thomson (A.) Fourth annual report ofthe committee of collective investigation of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1892-3. J. Anat, Sc Physiol., Lond., 1893-4, xxviii, 63-76. — Verhandlungeu der anatomischen Gesellschaft auf der zweiten Versamniluug in Wiirzburg, den 20.-23. Mai 1888. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 491; 535; 653. Anatomy (Laics relating to). Act (An) for the promotion of medical science by the distribution and use of unclaimed human bodies for scientific purposes, through a board created for that purpose, and to prevent un- authorized uses and traffic in human bodies. fol. [Philadelphia, 1883?] Great Britain. An act for regulating schools of anatomy. [1. Aug., 1833.] 8°. [Edinburgh, 1633.] , , Guthrie (G. J.) A letter to the right hon. the secretary of state for the home department, ANATOMY. 380 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Laws relating to). containing "remarks on the report of the select committee of the House of Commons on anatomy, and pointing out the means by which the science may be cultivated with advantage and safety to the public. 8°. London, 1829. Macau ley (Elizabeth Wright). Miss Macau- ley's letter to Lord Brougham, on the subject of human anatomy, suggesting the means by which a sufficient number of subjects may be obtained without having recourse to the horrid practice of burking. 2. ed. 8-. London, 1832. Xew York (State). Senate. An act to amend chapter 123 of the laws of 1854, entitled "An act to promote medical science''. [Conditions under which dead bodies may be turned over to medical schools.] No. 238. Feb. 10, 1880. In- trod. by Mr. Jacobs, fol. [Albany, 1880.] National Political Union. Proceedings at the . . . respecting legislative interference in the study of anatomy and the supply of bodies for anatomical research. 8C. [London], 1632. Quebec (Province of). Bill. Au act to amend and consolidate the various acts respect- ing the study of anatomy. Xo. 127. 2. sess. 5. Parlt., 46 Vict., 1883. fol. Quebec, 1883. Report of the meeting held by the medical students in the great room of the Waterloo Hotel, on Saturday, Feb. 7, 1-35. [For tbe pur- pose of petitioning the legislature to make such alterations in the anatomy bill as should cause its operating more iu favour of those who are studying medicine in this city.] fol. [Edin- burgh, 183b.] Roberts (W.) Mr. Warburton's anatomy bill, thoughts on its mischievous tendency, with suggestions for an entirely new one, founded upon an available antiseptic process, in an ap- peal to medical practitioners, students of anat- omy, and the public at large, on the injury to medical science and the hindrances to the decent interment of unclaimed pauper bodies now de- livered up for anatomical "examination" con- sequent upon the rejection of such a process. 8°. London, 1843. -----. An address on the necessity for in- vestigating the operation of the anatomy act, with a detail of proceedings as to an invention for facilitating its administration. 8°. London, 1855. Rowley (W.) On the absolute necessity of encouraging instead of preventing or embarrass- ing the study of anatoniy ; with a plan to pre- vent violating the dormitories of tbe defunct. Addressed to the legislature of Great Britain. 8°. London, 1795. Thompson (C.) A letter to the public, on the necessity of anatomical pursuits with reference to popular prejudices and to the principles ou which legislative interference in these matters ought to proceed. 8°. London, 1830. United States. Message from the President of the United States returning Senate bill 349 [entitled "An act for the promotion of anatomi- cal science"], with his objections thereto. 49. Cong., 1. sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 131. 8°. [Washington, 1886.] United States. Congress. An act for the promotion of anatomical science, and to prevent the desecration of graves. 48. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 5650. Jan. 13, 1885. roy. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1885.] -----. Thesame. In S., Jan. 13, 1885. Rep. by Mr. Vance, Feb. 2,1885. roy. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1885.] -----. The same. Report [to accompany bill H. R. 5650]. 4-. Cong.; 2. sess. S. Rep. No. Anatomy (Laics relating to). 1122. In S?, Feb. 2, 1*85. Subm. by Mr. Vance, 8:. [Washington, 18^5.] United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill for the promotion of the ana- tomical science and to prevent the desecration of «raves. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 5650. March 3,1884. Introd. by Mr. Willis, roy. 8J. [Wash- ington, 1684.] -----. [Debate on H. R. 5042, a bill for the promotion of anatomical science and to preveut the desecration of graves in the District of Co- lumbia.] 50. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 4 . [IVash- ington, 18a8. ] Cutting from: Cong. Rec., March 12, 1888. -----. A bill for the promotion of anatom- ical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia. 52. Cong 1. sess. H. R. 5121. Feb. 1, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Hemphill, roy. 8G. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill for the promotion of anatom- ical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 4693. Dec. 13, 1893. Introd. by Mr. Cadmus, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1893. ] -----. The same, Reported April 21, 1894. roy. 8J. [Washington, 1894.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the promotion of anatomical science and to prevent the desecration of graves. 49. Cong,, 1. sess. S. 349. Dec. 10, L-H5. Introd. by Mr. Vance, and rep. by him Jan 25, 1886. 8°. [Washington, 1666.] -----. A bill for the promotion of anatom- ical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2020. Feb. 16, 1888. Introd. by Mr. Morrill, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1888.] -----. A bill for the promotion of anatom- ical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1566. Dec. 20, 1889. Introd. by Mr. Morrill, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1669.] -----. . The same. Rep. bv Mr. Faulkner. March 7, 1890. roy. 8°. [Washington. 1-90.] -----. The same. Report. [To accompany S. 1566.] S. Rep. No. 411. Subm. by Mr. Faulk- ner, March 7, 1890. 8°. [Washington, 1690.] -----. A bill for the promotion of anatom- ical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 834. Dec. 15, 1891. Introd. by Mr. Morrill, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1891.] -----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Gallinger, March 28, 1892. roy. 8;. [ Washington, 1892.J -----. The same. Report. [To accompany S. 834.] S. Rep. Xo. 454. Subm. by Mr. Gal- linger, March 28,1892. 8U. [ Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill for the promotion of anatom- ical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1280. Dec. 14, 1893. Introd. by Mr. Morrill, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1893.] -----. The same. Rep. bv Mr. Gallinger, Jan. 15, 1894. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1694.) -----. The same. Considered and recom- mitted Feb. 7, 1894. Rep. by Mr. Gallinger, March 13, 1894. rov. 8°. [ Washington, 1694.] Anatomical (An)" bill. Atlanta M. S7. -----Recent American anatomy acts. Ibid.. 608-612. ------The present legal status of the study of human anatomy in the United States. Ann. Anat. \- Surg., Brooklyn, 1881, iv, 8-14. -----. European and American anatomy acts compared. Boston M. & S. J.. isSl. civ. 27; 56.—Jeamiel. Proposition ayant pour but de consacrer aus etudes anatomiques les cadavres des suicides. Cong. internat. de med. leg. 187S, Par., 1879, 37-41. -----. Ke- ponse aux objections soulevees dans le Congres de mede- cine legale a la proposition de consacrer aux 6tudes anato- miques les cadavres des supplicies ; exanien de la question des lois repressive* du suicide. Ibid., 254-263.—Knuo- nimilOS ToC 0111-0,1x1x01"' poi TicTTTjpiov. TaArji-bs, 'Atfiji-ai, 1886, xvi, 251 ; 208.— l*<-iiii»ylvaiiin (The) anatomy act. Med. News, Phila , 1883, \liii, 167. — Proposed statute regulating dissection, to be substituted for the existing statute in the revised statutes of Missouri of 1870, section 6309et seq. St. Joseph M. Herald, 1886, iv, 128-130.—.Re- port of committee on anatomv act. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis. 1887, 58-63. — Riley (H. A.) The laws of dis- section. Med. Rec, X.Y.. 1884, xxvi, 486.—Roberts (J. B.) Tho remedy for the annual scarcity of dissecting ma- terial. Med. News, Phila.. 1890, lvi, OS. —Snow (A. P.) &. Me9erve (A. K. P.) Report of committee on anatom- ical bill. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1881, vii, pt. 2, 368-370. Anatomy (Methods and preparations in). See, also, Anatomy (Pathological. Methods, etc.); Embalming: Histology. deBils(L.) Brief aan Th. Bartholijn. sm. 4°. Rotterdam, 1661. vox Bischoff (T. L. W.) Fiihrer bei den Prapaririibungen fiir Studirende der Medicin sowie fiir praktische Aerzte bei Austellung von Sectionen. 3. Aufl., bearbeitet von X. Riidinger. 8°. Miinchen, 1669. Bollard. Manuel du naturaliste preparateur, ou l'art d'empailler les animaux et de conserver les ve>e~taux et les mine"raux. 3. ed. 16°. Pa- ris, 1835. Brunetti(L.) Brevi notizie percoinprcndere i preparati anatomici che io donavo al Museo civico di Padova ed il mio metodo di tanizzazione dei tessuti animali tanto norniali come patholo- gici; scopo dei quali e di facilitare l'istruzione. 8°. Padova, 1891. ------. Pennellata autobiogrufica ed il pro- gramma del mio laboratorio di tanizzazione dei tessuti animali. 4C. [Siena, 1891.] Repr. from: Bull. d. naturalista. Also, transl. [Abstr.Jin: Verhandl. d. x. internal, med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 1. Abth. 150. Burci (E.) Di un metodo rapido di colora- zione delle fibre elastiche. 4C. Pisa, 1691. Cutting from: Proc. verb. d. Soc. tosc. di sc. nat., Pisa, 1891. Capivacceus (H.) De methodo anatomica liber. 4°. Venetiis, 1593. D'Abuxdo (G.) Su d' un nuovo metodo nello studio del sistema nervoso centrale. roy. 8°. Pisa, 1686. Repr. from: Proc. verb. d. Soc. tosc. di sc. nat., 1886. Directions for preserving animals and parts of animals for anatomical investigation, and concerning extraneous fossils. 8°. London, 1809. Dubixi (A.) Trattato di antropotoinia o dell' arte di esegnire e conservare le preparazioni ana- tomiche. 8°. [Venezia, 1848.] Falcoxi. Quelques mots sur la conserva- tion des pieces anatoniiques et sur les embaume- ments. 8C. Paris, 167)3. Repr, from.- Prease medicale. Anatomy (Methods and preparations in). Foekstek (C. G. A. T.) * Quid anatomia pnestet artitici. 8C\ Berolini, [1821]. Giacomixi (C.) Nuovo processo per la con- servazione del cervello. 8°. Torino, [u. d.]. Gomez y Alama (J. M.) Arte do disecar 6 de hacer las preparacioues an.atdmicas del cuerpo humano. Scgunda edicion, ilustrada con figuras, correjida y auineutada con varios articulos, que esplican: las reglas generales para las prepara- ciones niicroscopicas; la nocion y uso del micro- sc6pio y dema's instrumentos niicronie~tricos y mi- crotomicos; los medios de impedir 6 retardar la putrefaccion, con el fin de aprovechar para la diseccion, por mucho tiempo, un solo cadaver ; el meLodo de embalsamiento; y el mejor procedi- miento para las autopsias cadavericas. 8°. Va- lencia, 1872. de Gttschovex (G.) Description de cinq corps embaumez et anatomisez par Louis de Bils. sm. 4J. Bruxelles, [1662]. Kronthal (P.) Schnitte durch das centrale Nervensystem des Menschen, gefertigt, photo- graphiert nnd erliiutert. fol. Berlin, 1892. Leber (F.) Vorlesungen iiber die Vergliede- ruugskunst. 8°. Wien, 1776. [Lettsom (J. C.)] Hints respecting human dissections. 8°. London, 1795. Loyventhal (H.) * Ueber die Verwendung der in Jean Wickersheiuier'scher Conservirungs- fliissigkeit aufbewahrten Praparate zu mikro- skopischen Untersuchungen. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Lumachi (O.) * Delle iujezioni de' piccoli animali. 8-. Pavia, 1845. Major (H. C.) A new method of determining the depth ofthe grey matter ofthe cerebral con- volutions. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Mauchart (B. D.) Progranima anatomicum de injectionibus sic dictis anatomicis ad auspi- candos labores anatomicos et chirurgicos profes- sorales publicos et in\ritaudos Clar. D. D. philia- tros ad binam. subjecti scil. masculiui et fcenii- nini anatomen publicam in theatro anatomico. 4D. Tubingce, [1726]. Maygrier (J.-P.) Manuel de l'anatomiste, ou trait6 meLhodique et raisonn6 sur la maniere de preparer toutes les parties de l'anatomie, suivie d'une description complete de ces memes parties. 2. e~d. . . . augmentee, entre autres, du trait6 des li»ainens et deceluides vaisseaux lymphatiques. 8'. Paris, 1811. -----. The same. 3. eYl., revue, corrigee et considerablement au'gnient6e. 8°. Paris, 1813. -----. The same. 4. e\l. 8°. Taris, 1616. -----. Thesame. The anatomist's manual; or, a treatise on the manner of preparing all the parts of anatomy, followed by a complete de- scription of these parts. Transl. from the 4. French ed. by G. S. Bedford. 2 v. in 1. 12°. London, 1832. ------. The same. Transl. from the last French ed. 12°. London, 1839. Merkel (F.) Anleitung zur Muskelpriipara- tion im Konigsberger Prilparirsaal. (Als Manu- script gedrufckt.) 6\ Ebnigsberg i. Pr., 1664. Monro (A.) Tentamina circa methodum par- tes animantium affabre iujiciendi, easque in- jectas ac rite pra-paratas bene conservandi, ut usibus anatomicis et physiologicis inserviant. Anglir-o idiomate a . . . anctore scripta, nunc vero ob insignem usam latiuitate donata, et notis quibusdam instructa a Joh. Christ. Fried. Bone- garde, qui et addidit figurani siphouis emendati, et methodum prteparandi colorem cajruleum Berolinensem vulgo dictum. 16c. Lugd. Bat, 1741. ANATOMY. 382 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Methods and preparations in). -----. The same. 2. ed. 16°. Lugd. Bat, 1745. N.uvykrck (C.) Sectionstechnik fiir Studi- rende und Aerzte. 8. Jena, 1.-91. Pitzorxo (M.) Nuovo pniQ-sso di conserva- zione a secco del cervello. Nota. 8. Sassari, 1891. Pole (T.) The anatomical instructor ; or, an illustration of the modern aud most approved methods of preparing and preserving the dif- ferent parts of the humau body aud of quadru- peds, by injection, corrosion, maceration, disten- tion, articulation, modelling, etc. 8°. London, 1790. -----. The same. New ed. 8°. London, 1813. Rige (G.) Aulcitnugen zu den Priiparier- ubungen an der menschlichen Leiche. 1. Teil. Allgemeines Muskelsystem, Leibeshohle und die Organe in ihr Kehlkopf, Damni, Uro-Genital- Bystcni. 8°. Leipzig, 1866. -----. Tbe same. 2. Teil. Preparation der Blutgetiisseuud desNerveusysteines. 8\ Leip- zie, 1—-8. Stri'SK.v (J.) Anleituno; zu deu anatomischen Praparir-Uebungen; fiir Studirende der Thier- heilknnde. s°. Wien, 1687. Si'E. Anthropotomie, ou l'art d'iujecter, de disseijuer, d'enibaunier et de conserver les par- ties du corps humain. 2. e"d. 12-. Paris, 1765. Swan (J.) An account of a new method of making dried anatomical preparations. 8\ London, [n. d.]. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 . Lincoln, 1820. -----. The same. 3. ed. - . London, 1833. Timme(J.) Observationes aliquot anatomico- practicie rariores. Oder einige voiLEroffhuugeu verstorbeuer menschlicher Corper hergeuom- nieue, nur sel ten vorfallende Anmerckungen, in welcheu so wohl die in solchen Corpern beschii- digt gefundeue innere Theile, als auch die daraus entsprungeue Ur.-sachen des Todes griindlieh eror- tert werden, nebst einem Tractat in welchemdie Existenz Gottes durch die anatomische Betrach- tung des Riickgrads im Menschen griindlieh er- wit-sen wird. 16°. Bremen, 1735. -----. Collectanea adpraxin anatomes spec- tantia. Das ist: Sainniluug einiger zur anato- niiscben Vorbereitung der menschlichen Corper gehoriger Schrifteu, worin des Lyseri culter ana- toniicus, Casp. Bartholiui deuionstrationes ana- tomic^, wie auch ein Auszug aus des Regntri de Grauf seinem Tractat vom Gebrauch der Spriit- zen in der Anatomie, saiut des Bartholiui Verbes- seruuggedachten Instruments, enthalteu, [etc.]. 16c. Bremen, 1735. YVu kersheimer (J.) Kurze Anleitnng zur Verwendung der Wickcrsheinier'scheu Fliissig- keit fiir anatomische Praparate, mit einem An- hange fiber Metallkorrosiouen. 12-. Berlin, L-'.CJ. Wiitknbergius (B.) Declaratio toti nt pro- palet uuiverso, liovam absque effusione sanguinis dissectiouem atque embamma . . . Ludovici de Bils. sm. 4°. Brugis Flandrorum, 1658. ZiHLKE (II. J.) *l'eber die Ge webs verande- rungen der iu Salzlaken conservierteu Priipa- ratc. 8J. Greifswald, 18-8. Adamkiewicz (A.) Neue Kuckenmarkstinctionen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Mat.-naturw. Cl., Wien. 1884, lxxxix, 3. Abth., 245-2(55, 3 pl—Ainadei (G.) Una scoperta mattoide ; la metallizzazione de' corpi orga- nici di Angelo Motta. Bull. nied. cremonese, Cremona, 18*9, ix, 19-40. A ho, Reprint. -----. Ancora sulla sco- perta mattoide della metallizzazione dei corpi orgauici di Angelo Motta. Bull. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1889. ix, 139-159. — Audriezcu (W. L.) A modified Golgi's Anatomy (Methods and preparations in). method for the study of the human brain. Brit M. J.. Lond., 1S94, i, 909. — Aronntoii (H.) Leber die Anwendung des Gallein zur Farbung des Ccntralm-r- vensystems. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1890 xxviii, 577: 593— Azonlay (L.) Methode de coloration de Weigert rapide et transparonte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1S04, lxix. 302. -----. Methode nouvelle dc colora- tion de la myeline et dela graissc. par l'acide osmiquc et le tauin ou ses analogues. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol Par 1894, 10. s.. i. 629-631. -----. Mecanisnie des impregna- tions ruetalliques dans la methode de Colgi; methode de Golgi sur coupes. Ibid., S39-841. — Kailry (J. AV.) On a mode of giving permanent flexibility to brittle specimens in botany and zoology. Am. J. Sc. Sc Arts. X. Haven, 1854, 2. s.,xviii, 100-102. Also. Reprint.—von Brchtcrcw (W.) Die Lehre vou den Xeurouen und die Entlastungs- theorie. ( Uutersuchungsresultate des XVi veusystems nach der Golgischen Methode.) Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz 1890, xv, 50; 103. — Bt'ldiman fO.) Techuica aii' topsielor; rezumat dupa cursul pratic de anatomie pa- tologicil al D-lui Prot. V. Babes. Spitalnl, Bucuresci 1893, xiii. 90; 137; 200. — Bellarminow. Zur Tech! uik der Korrosion von Celloidinpriiparaten. Anat. Am., Jena, 1888. iii, (i.">0. — Belli......lo ( E. ) Sulla teoria della colorazione uera del Golgi. Kiv. sper. di fre- niat., Reggio-Emilia. 1«88. xiv, 349-359. — Brmln (C.) Eine neue Hartungsinethode besonders fiir das Central- nervensysteiu. < N-nt/ralbl. f. d. med. "Wissensch., Berl., 1888, xxvi, 497.—ISt'iiiinll (II.) Note on a new method of preserving the colours of tissues. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, xiv, 511. — Bcrdal (H.) Sur l'iuip'regna- tion des cellules du systeme nerveux central par ties me- langes de bichromate de potasse et de sulfate de cuivrej methode derivee de la precedente, permettant de colorer k volonte dans les coupes de moelle soit les cellules et lea cylindresd'axes, soit les gaines de myeline. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.,.1895, 10. s., ii, 185.—Bcrgonzoli (G.) La fonnalina quale mezzo di conservazione e di induri- mento dei preparati anatomici. Nota. Boll, scient., Pa- via, 1894, xvi, 18-21.— Berkley (II. J.) The Golgi silver stain with the central nervous system, and its re- sults; a collective review. Bull. Johns Hopkins IIosp., Bait., 1892, iii, 20-30. -----. The medullated cortical fibers with the osmium-copper-haematoxylin stain; a preliminary histological note. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 288-290. -----. Die Osmium-Kupfer-lIaiiiatoxyliu-Farhiuig; cine schuelle Weigert - Methode. Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1892, xi, 270-272. -----. The intrinsic pulmonary nerves by the silver method. J. Comp. Xeurol., Granville, 0., 1893, iii, 107-111,1 pl.—Berlim-r (P.) Farbig-plastische Nachbildungen von pathologisch-auatomischen Prapara- ten. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma. 1894, ii. Pa- tol. gen. ed an.it. patol., .">!l. — Bernard!ni (C.) Sulla reazione uera del (iolgi applicata ai cervelli di epilettici e paralitici. Atti d. Cong. d. A>s. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 139— lilac kbiii-n (I. W.) A method of prepar- ing brains and other organs for anatomical and pathologi- cal demonstration, and tissues for microscopical study. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1*87, iii, 407-409. Alto [Abstr.]: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., X. V.. 1889. xvi, 113.— Bloknsewski. Kin Kopfhalter fur Ohduktioneu. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Bell., 1889, ii. 174 -176. — Born (G.) Die Platteniuodellirmethode. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, ix^t, xxii, 581 '99 -Bouchard (A.) Note sur lea injections conservatrices eu usage a l'Institut anatomique dc Bordeaux. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1*80-7, xvi, 521.— Bovit-i--L.api«-ri-«- (E.i D'un nouveau mode de disso- ciation et de montage des elements anatomiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 797-799. Aho: Lniv.de Lyon. Trav. lab. physiol., 1*^-9, i, 29-32.— Brain preservation, with a resume of some old and new methods. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. Y.. 1894, 101-103.— Broca (P.) Sur la preparation des hemispheres cer6- brailx. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 18*4. 2. s., vii, 385-403.— Broesike (G.) Eine neue Anwenduugsmethode der Wicker.sheimer'scheu Couserviruugsttiissigkeit. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1880. xviii, 17-19.- Bronardel. De 1'utilite qu'il y aurait it autoriser la cremation des corps avant servi a des etudes anatoniiques. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1884, 3.8., xi. 411 -418. — CaNliaux. Liquide conservateur pour les pieces nnatoiniqm-s. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1882, xxi, 80-8-—t'athcarl (C. W.) Fusible metal injections. J. Anat. Sc Phvsiol.. Loud., 1890-91, xxv, 557-561.—C'halol. Nouvelle 'formnle d'in- lection pour la conservation des cadavres. (iaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1882, iv, 315. — C'laylinxki l.—Knltnchitzky (N.) Ueber eine ueue Me- thode der Hematoxylin-Farbuug. Auat. Anz.. Jena, 1889, iv, 223.—Ijanzillotti-Buonsanti (A.) Conservazione dei cadaveri e preparazioni da museo. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, 1-41.—Laskowski (S.) Procede de conservation des cadavres et des preparations anato- miques. (Extrait du memoire couronue par l'Acad. d. sc, arts et belles-lettres de Caen.) Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Leipz., 1886, iii, 109-138.— I.assar (O.) Plastische Praparate. Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1891), 1892, xxii, pt. 2, 302-305.—von L.enlio*sek (M.) Celloidinbehandlung des Gehirus zur llerstellung von Demonstrationspraparaten. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1887, ii, 77-79.—Lewis (W. B.) Methods of preparing, demon- strating, and examining cerebral structure iu health and disease. Brain, Lond., 1880-81, iii, 314; 502: 1881-2, iv, 82; 351; 441: 1882-3, v, 74. -----. The application of freezing methods to the examination of the brain. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz Sc Leipz., 1890, n. F., i, 342-344.—Ijibbey (W.), jr. A new form of constant pressure injection apparatus. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1882, Salem, 1883, xxxi, 521-525. — I.iiiionf, Note ou anatomical injection. Yet. J. Sc Ann. Comp. Path., Loud., 1888, xxvi, 155— List (J. H.) Ueber das Aufstellen von zoologischeu uud anatomischen Praparaten, nebst Angabe einer haltbareu Yerschlussmethode. Auat. Anz., Jena, 1889, iv, 285-288.—E,ays (J.) Recherches sur la structure de l'ecorce cer6brale d'apres la m6thode photomicrogra- phique. Encephale, Par., 1883, iii, 140-155, 1 pl. -----. Des precedes a employer pour l'etude anatomique et pho- tographique du systenie nerveux. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1892, n. s., ii, 129-141. Aho: Bull. nied. Par., 1892, vi, 11-14. -----. Etat anatomique du cerveau d'un sujet ayant succomb6 pendant le colt (precedes de conservation de diverses pieces anatomiques). Anil, de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1894, n. s., iv, 257-259.—I.uys (J.) Sc Natanson. Catalogue d'une collection de cer- veaux momifies offerte par M. le Dr. Luys, a la Faculte de m6decinede Paris pour le Musee Dupuytren. Ibid.. 1895, n. s., v, 33; 65; 97— .TIcFarland (J.) Hematoxylon as a nuclear stain. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 84.— lVlagini (G.) Sull' uso del cloruro di zinco nello studio dell' isto- logia del cervello. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886. xii, 48-53.—Munn (G.) A new fixing fluid for animal tissues. Auat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 441-443.—:TIareus (H.) Die Verweudung der W'eigert'Pal'sclien Farbunga- ANATOMY. 384 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Methods and preparations in). methode fiir in Formol gehartetes Centralnerveusvstem. Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xiv, 4.—.Vlariqne (J.) Expose des methodes et des precedes utilises dan- 1 etude anatomique du svsteme nerveux. Presse med. beige, Brux 1**9 xii 41; 49.—.Tlarshall. Formol as a harden- ing a^eut. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1894. ii, 1429. Also: Lan- cet Lond., 1894, ii, 1485.—Clever (S.) Die subcutane Methyleiiblauuijection. ein Mittel /ur Darstellung der Ele- ment e des Centr.iluerv( nsvstems von Siiu^ethierrn. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1895" xlvi, 282-290, 1 pl.-.?liles (A.) Some applications of the method of injecting witli fusible metal. J. Anat, & Physiol., Lond., 1890-91, xxv, 562-565.— ITIinor (L.) Leber Schnellhartung des Ruckenmarkes vermittelst des elektrischen Stromes. Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1890, ix, 294.—Hishtoldl (A. D.) Konservir. preparat. jivotn. oiganizina, po sposobu Giacomini. f Pre- servation of preparmions of the human body by Giaco- inini's method.] .Med. piibav. k morsk. sb'orniku, St. Petersb., 1886, 207-209.—Morgan (J.) The art of mak- ing anatomical preparations bv corrosion. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1786. ii, 366-383.—IVepveil (G.) Utilisation du liquide des pieces histologiques, specialenient du foie, pour la recherche de l'indol et de l'indican. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1S95, 10. s., ii, 305.—New (A) fluid for the preparation of animal and vegetable tissues. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1880. xvii. 438.—Newell ((). K.) Apparatus for tlie pieparation of bone specimens aud for arterial and other injeetinns Bosrou M. Sc S. J., 1890, cxxii, 299-301. Also. Reprint.—^Vicolas (A.) Sur l'emploi des fluosili- cates pwiir la conservation des cadavres. Gaz. hebd. de nied.. Par.. 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 189— IViemark (J.) Macu- la; uud Crista' acustica- mit Ehrlich's Methvlenblauiue- thode. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1892-3, ii, 205 231, 2 pl.— IXiswl iF.) Ueber Rosin's neue Fiirbemethode des ge- sanmiieii Xervensystems und (lessen Bemerkungen iiber Caii^li' lizi-lbn. Xeurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1894, xiii, 98; 141 —Obei-sU-iner (H.) Die Bedeutung einiger neuerer Ciiter-.uchiuig.-uiethoden fiir die Klarung unserer Keunt- nisse vom Aufbau des Xervensystems. Arb. a. d. Inst. f. Anat. u. Phvsiol. d. Centraluervensyst. an d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. u. Wien, 1*92. 130-117. Also: Jahrb. f. Psychiat.. Leipz. u. Wien, 1892-3, xi. 13u 147 —Obrejjia (A.j Fixi- rungsmethode der Golgi'schen Praparate des e.-ntialen Xervensystems. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., l*9u, cxxii, 387. Also: Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1X90. Berl., 1*91, ii. 3. Abth., 127.—Ohlmacher (A. P.) Some notes on the use of formalin as a mordant iu aniliu- stainini:. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 184.— Oloriz Aj£ail«-i-a (F.) Tecnica anatomica; concepto y defiui- cion; historia, iinportancia, extension, division y sus fun- damentos; consideracioues generales y plan de la disec- cion. Prensamed. deGranada, 1879-80,'ii, 817; 849.—Osier (W.) On Giacomiui's method of preserving the brain. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 315.—Pacifico Pereira (A.) Conservacao dos cadaveres. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1**2-3. 2. s., vii, 54-60. —Fa I ,.}.) Notiz zur Nervenfar- biiug. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1887, n. F., ii, 589-591— Pala- dino (G.) Contribution a une meilleure connaissance des elements des centres nerveux par le procede de l'iodure de palladium. J. de microg.. Par., 1892, xvi, 77; 109.— PaiiM-h (A.) KalteInjectionmitKleisternias.se. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklugsgesch., Leipz... 1877, 480-482. Aho, Reprint. -----. Xoch einmaldie Kleisterinjection. Arch. f. Auat. u. Entwcklugsgesch., Leipz., lssl, 70-78.—Park (K.l [Specimens; process of preparation.] Chicago M.J. Sc Exam., 1**1. xiii, 627. -----. On anew method of making anatomical preparations, and preserving their flexibilitv. Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brooklyn, XT. Y.. 1882, v, 120-122.— Parlsch. Fine bequeme Methode, Kuochen zu maceri- ren. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1884, xiii, pt. 2 312-315. Also: Ar.-h. f. kliu. Chir.. Berl.. 18-4 xxxi. 431-434.—Paterson (A. M.) A method ot inn era . tion; being a description of the method iu use at the Owens Collece, Manchester. J. Anat. jc Physiol.. Lond 1**4-5, xix, 171-177. 1 pl.— Panlli (S.) Modus dealbaudi ossa pio sceletopu-ia. Acta med. et phil. Hafu. (1673). 1675. ii, 42-h;. — Pellizzia (G. B.l -Modificazioui al metodo di Golgi per lo siudio di alcune particolarita della guaina inidollaie delle fibre nei\o,e perifei iche. Ann. di freniat. etc., Torino, 1893-4 iv 234-240.—Peters (H.) Ein Ver- such Leichen zu anatoniUchen Studien zu couservireu. Schmidt's Jahrb.. Leipz., 1*71. cxlix, 1(13-106. Aho. Re- print.— Piitzner iW'.i Erfahrungen iiber das Teich- mann'scbe Knocheuiuazerationsverfahreii. Auat. Anz., Jena, 18*9, jv. 0*7-703. —Plenge (H.) HSrtung mit Formaldehyd und Aiifertigung von Gefrierschnitten. eine fiir die Schnelldiagno.se ausserst brauchbare Methode. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1*90, xliii, 71.— Polak (J.) Kilka s!6w o balsamowaniu trupow z pornoca. sublimatu oraz za ]>omoci| tymolu. [Injectiou of cadaver with sub- limate and thymol.1 Medvcviia. Warszawa, 1**2 2. s ii, 10.".5—Prudden (T. M.) A w\\ pr. -.-rving fluid! Med. Xewo, Phila.. 1888. liii, 183. — Pulido (A.) La diseccion [Abstr.l Bol. de med. nav., Madrid. 1894, xvii, 5-14. — <)ueitschiiis(A. P.) Prudeutia anatomici! sive de c«aitek> in praxi anatoini;e adhibeudis commenta- tio. /// Selecia med. Franeof.. Franeof. ad Viadr., 1747- f. iv, ]r,-,-ji.il. — K. (E.) Nouveau precede de coloration Anatomy (Methods and preparations in). par l'acide osniiquo. l'acetate de cuivre et l'bematoxy. line '.procede de Weigert. accelere* Gaz. med. de Par. 1*92, 8. s., i. 273.—Ramon y t'ajal. Coloracion por el metodo de Golgi de los ceutros nerviosos de log embriones de polio. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1889, xii 6-8. — von Batb (O.) Zur Consorvirungstechnik! Anat. Au/.., Jena, 1895. xi, 280-288.— Kcdfern (J. j.j The "Pal-Exner" method of staining seel ions ,,i the cen- tral nervous system. Brit. M. J., Lond., l*-s. j, 042.— Regand (C.) Sur la technique de la coloration des cel- lules lierveuses par le bleu de methylene (methode d'Ebr- lich). Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1895. iv. 529-544.—Re. gnanlt (F.) De la coloration de la graisse par le heune Bull. Soe. anat. de Par.. 1**8 lxiii. 346. —Keis (0. M.) Ueber eine Art Fossilisation der Musculatur. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Phy.-iol. in Miinchen. 1889, v, 2*^ 33.— Benaut. Nouvelle methode de fixation et d'impre- guation iuterstitielle des nerfs k myeline. Ann. de psy. chiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1895, n. s., v, 16-18.—Bendu (J.) Coloration et durcissement des cerveaux. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, pt. 2, 1*1 - 1*4. — Ret. zins < G. ) O metoderna att konservera hjernor. (On methods to preserve brains. 1 Biol. Foren. Foiliandl. Ver- handl. d. biol. Ver. in Stockholm, 1888-9, i, 11S-13U.—Rez. zonieo (G.) Cerebroporosi da congelameuto. Kiv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia, 1887-8, xiii, Med. leg , 112-119, 1 pl.—Riehardson (B. W.) Discovery of a method of anatomical iujectiou of the blood-vessels through the cerebro-spinal cavity. Asclepiad, Loud., 1*84, i, 45-52. -----. On dehydration and moulding of organic struct ures under water gas. I Ida.. 1.-92, ix. 411 - 429. — Rich- ardson (J. G.i Xew method of preserving tumors and certain urinary deposits during transportation. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3.' iii. 181-1*3 — Ritselil (A.) Die Cathcart'- schen Gelatiue-GlyceriuAb^iisse. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 189u, xvii, 345-348. —Roberts (J. B.) Preserva- tion of cadavers for anatomical purposes. Med. .i; Surg. , Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 165. —Robertson ( W. F.") New methods of imbedding fresh aud hardened tissues. J. Anat. 6c Phy>iol . Lond., 1890. xxiv. 230-235—Robson (A. W. M. i Giacomiui's process of preserving brains. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1882. ii, lu*0. — Rose (C.) Leber die von Koch'sche Vorsteinerungsmethode. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892, vii, 512-519—Roosevelt (J. W.) Simple methods for making corrosion preparations showing the gross anat- omy of large viscera. Proc. X. York Path. Sic. (1889), 1890, 53. Aho: Med. Rec, X. Y., 18*9, xxxvi, 237. ----. Preservation of lungs in an elastic condition. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891. 121. — Roscubacb ( 0. j Eine einfaehe Methode der Hartung und Conservirung des Gehirns zu Demonstrationszwecken. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1889. xii, 164.— Rosenberg (E.) Ue- ber wissenschaftliche Yerwerthung der Arbeit im Prapa- rirsaal. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz , 1894-5. xxii. 561-5*9.— Rosin (H.) Ueber eine neue Farbungsmethode des ^e- sammten X'ervensystems, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Gan- glienzellen und Gliazellen. Xeurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1*93, xii, M13-809. -----. Eutgeguuug auf Xissl's llem«r- kuugeii: Leber Rosin's neue Farbemethode des gesainui- ten Xervensystems uud (lessen Bemerkungen iiber Gan- glienzellen. Ibid., 1894, xiii. 219-214. -----. Demonstra- tion einer neuen Farbungsiuethode des Xervensystems. nebst Bemerkungen iiber Ganglieuzellen und Gliazellen. | Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1894, xxvi, 907-914.—Ro.si (F.) Modificazione al processo del Weigert. Sperimentale, Fi- lenze, 1*8* lxii. 631-633. ----- "Contributo alia colors- zione dei centri nervosi. Ibid., 1b9ij, lxvi. 263-268—Rou- lianlt. Sur les injections anatomiques. Hist. Acad. ioy. d. sc. 1718. Amst'., 1723, Mem., 27*-28L—Ruftini I A.) Lu metodo facile per attaccare in serie le sezioni iu ct-lloi- diua e sopra una modificazione al metodo di Weigert. Mouitorc zool. ital., Firenze, 1894. v, 125-133. —Wan J nan (X.i Una sola palabra acerca del <-mbalsain nnieiito por el metodo de iuyecciones. Gac. med. dc Mexico, 1*75 v 7-9.—Se ha lie i- (J.) Beinerkung zu Kultsc l.itz.ky .-. X- >■ venfiirbung. Anat. Anz.. Jeua. 1899. v, 043 ii4.V "H-hicf- ferdecker i P.j Die Weigert'sche H.iinaio\\ liubhit- laugensalz-Faibung bei anderen als nervosen Teileu. Ibid., 1887, ii, 680-684.—Nrhwalbc (G.) Ueber Herstel- luug von trockenen Gehirnpraiiaraten fiir den nnatoini- schen Unterricht. Ibid., 1886, i. 322-325.— st«-^«-iiiaiiii (E.) En ny kouserveriugsmetod fiir anatomiska prepara- ter. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1873, xv. 209- 212.— Sibthorpe i('.) Ou the preservation of bodies for dissection. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. 1883, xviii, 159-161.- Silbermami (O.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Nacb- weis intravitaler Gclassverstopfungen (lurch die Methode der Selbstfarbung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1>9' cxxii, 574. — Smits (J. ) Zu deu kalten Injektionen i-i- starrender Massen mittelst Irrigatoreu. Anat. Anz. Jena. 1889, iv, 749.— Solger (B.) Ein Lehrmittel (Gipsabgnss eiuer median dim hschnitteueu Kopf- und flalsliallte eines Erwacbsenen mit farbig hervorgehobeuen Kpitliel- bezirken). Anat. Anz., Jena, 1890, v, 607.—Soinmer (K) Photographische Combination von Gebirn- und S< hadel- bild. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. n. Psvchiat., Coblenz u. Leipz.. 1*91. u. V., ii. 461 -404. —Stark. Leber trockene <'<>ii i set viruug des Gehirns. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1884, ANATOMY. 385 ANATOMY, Anatomy (Methods and preparations in). xv, 263. — Stieda (L.) Demonstration von mit Glycerin behandelten Praparaten. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, i, Sect, d'anat., 1- 4.-----Ueber die Verwendung des Glycerins zur Au- fertigung von anatomischen Dauerpraparateu. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1885, 112-119. -----. Eiu neues Verfahren zur Herstellung trockener Hirnpre- parate. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1891, vi, 450-456. -----. Eine neue Methode zur Anfertigung trockener Hirnpraparate. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1892, xi, 130.— Strong (O. S.) On a modification of Golgi's methods. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1894, 815.—Strnthers (J.) On a method of promoting maceration for anatomical museums by arti- ficial summer temperature. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1883^4, xviii, 49-53. -----. On the preservation of bodies for dissection. Edinb. M. J., 1890-91, xxxvi, 297-303.— Teichniann ( L.) Ueber Knochenmaceration. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1887, ii, 461; 495. -----. Ueber die Conserva- tion des Gehirnes mittelst Weingeist und Terpentinol. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 137-140.—Tenth ini (L.) n liquido Pollacci usato per la conservazione dei prepa- red anatomici. Xota prevent. Ann. nniv. di med. e chir., Milano, 1882, cclix. 514. — Thoma ( B. ) Anatomische Sanuulungspraparate mit Erhaltung der natiirlichen Far- bung. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat,, Jena, 1891, ii, 401-403.—Thomas (A. R.) A new preparation of the nervous system. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1889, xxiv, 65-68, 1 pl.—Turner (W. A.) On recent applications of Golgi's method to the studv of the nervous system. Brain, Lond., 1893, xvi, 259-285. — Upson (H. S.) On gold as a staining agent for nerve tissues. J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., K. T., 1888, xv. 685-689.—Van Oieson (I.) Laboratory notes of technical methods for the nervous svstem. N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 57-60. Aho, Reprint. — Variot (G.) Recherches sur la conservation du corps humaiu par les proc6d£s galvano-plastiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. rued, d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 763-773.—Vassale (G.) Una modificazione al metodo Weigert per la eolorazione dei centri nervosi. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia, 1889- 90, xv, pt. 1, 102-105. — Viruboff (X*. A.) Ob okraskle shtshavelevo-kislim kauniuom srlezov mozga, obrabotan- nikh po Pal'yu. [On staining sections of the brain by oxalic acid carmine.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 379.— Weigert (C.) Ueber Schnellhartung der nervosen Cen- tralorgaue zum Zwecke der Saurefuchsiufarbung. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1882. xx, 819. -----. Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der in No. 2 dieser Zeitschrift erwahnten neuen Farbungsiuethode fiir das Centralner- vensystem. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1884, ii, 190. -----. Eine modificirte Methode der Markscheidenfarbung. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1891, xxiii, 594. — Wethered (F.J.) On a new method of staining sections of the cen- tral nervous system. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18*8. i, 510.— Wickersheimer. The conservation of corpses. Transl. by A. G. Vogeler. Pharmacist, Chicago, 1680, xiii, 81-83.— Wikszemski (A.) Eine Modification der von Pansch empfohlenen kalten Injection mit Kleistermasse. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz.. 18*0. 232-234.—Wil- der (B. G.) The removal and preservation of the human brain. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X". T„ 1**3. x, 529-533. ----- On the methods of studying the brain. [Abstr.] Med. Rec, X. T., 1884, xxv, 141; 169; 197; 225; 365; 449; 545. - Wilder (B. G.) Sc Gage (S. H.) On the use of vaseline to prevent the loss of alcohol from specimen jars. Proc Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1883, Salem, 1884, xxxii, 318.— Wilson (E. H.) Technical methods for the central ner- vous system. Brooklyn M. J., 1890, iv, 224 -234. — Wol- kowicz. Mittheilung iiber die Conservirung und Auf- stellnug chirurgisch-anatomischer Praparate. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 127.—515. Etudes hydrotomiques. ficbo du Val-de-Gr&ce, 1848-9, ii, no. 14. — Zander (R.) Die Knochenmacera- tion mittelst Kalilauge. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1886, i, 25- 28. — Zenker (K.) Beitrag zur Darstellung der natiir- lichen Gefassinjection in histologischen Praparaten. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1894, cxxxv, 147.—Ziehen (T.) Eine neue Farbungsiuethode fur das Centralnervensys- tem. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1891, x, 65-68.—Zuckcr- kandl (E.) Das Wesen der anatomischen Methodik in der Gegenwart nnd Vergangenheit. Wien. med. Presse, 18*8. xxix, 1533-1539.—Zumstein (J.) Ueber Corrosions- praparate. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Na- tu rw. z. Marb. (1892), 1893, 77-80. -----. Ueber Conser- virung von Darm nnd Lungen zu Demonstrationen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1895, xi, 421. Anatomy (Models in). See Anatomy (Institutes, etc.). Anatomy (Museums of). See Anatomy (History, etc., of); Museums (Anatomical). Anatomy (Nomenclature of). [Carl (J. S.) ] Ichnographia anatomise no- menclatnram cecouomite animalis tabulis synop- ticia exhibens. 16°. [Budinguw, 1722.] 25 Anatomy (Nomenclature of). Cakple (J. C.) A description of the muscles ofthe human body as they appear on dissection, -with the eynonyma of Cowper, Winslow, Doug- las, Albinus, and Junes, and the new nomencla- ture of Dumas, professor of anatomy at Mont- pellier; with prints and maps, showing the in- sertions of muscles. 4C. London, 1801. Hexnum (J. O.) Anatomiske Termini fra det Norske Landsmal. Tillaegshefte til Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk. 8°. Christiania, 1886. His ( W. ) Die anatomische Nomenclatur. Nomina anatomica, Verzeichniss der vou der ana- tomischen Gesellschaft auf ihrer ix. Versamm- lung in Basel angenommeuen Namen. Eingelei- tet und im Einyerstauduiss mit dem Redactions- ausschuss erlautert. 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Hyrtl ( J. ) Ouomatologia anatomica. Ge- schichte uud Kritik der anatomischen Sprache der Gegenwart, mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung ihrer Barbarismen, Widersinnigkeiten,Tro- peu, und grammatikalischen Fehler. 8°. Wien, 1880. -----. The same. Ouomatologia anatomica. Storia e critica del moderno linguaggio anato- mico. Traduzioue libera italiaua sulla edizioue tedesca del 1880 dei dottori Carlo Pretti e Clau- dio Sforza. 8°. Roma, 1884. -----. Die alten deutschen Kunstworte der Auatomie, gesammelt und erlautert, mit Syno- nymen-Register und alphabetischem Index. 8°. Wien, 1884. Rcfcs Ephesius. De appellationibus partium corporis humani, libri iii; ejusdem tractatus de vesicas ac renum affectibus; ejusdem fragmen- tum libri de medicamentis purgantibus. Horiim librorum primus a J. P. Crasso latinitate dona- tus est reliqui autem duo ab alio. In: Memos: artis principes. fol. [Franeof.J, 1567, i, col. 97-128. -----. The same. De corporis humaui par- tium appellationibus libri tres. J. P. Crasso in- terprete. In: Medici antiqui Gragci Tetc.]. 4°. Basihce, 1581, pt. 2, 1-33. von Bardeleben (K.) Die neue anatomische No- menclatur. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1895, xxi, 425.—Chanssier (F.) Synonymie des os et de leurs differentes parties. In his: Recueil anatomique k l'usage des jeunes gens [etc.], 4°, Par., 1820, 13-28. Also, inhis: Planches anatomiques [etc.], 2. 6d., 4°, Par., 1823, 33-68. -----. Synonymie des muscles. In hh: Recueil anatomique k l'usage des jeuues gens [etc.], 4°, Par., 1820, 29-43. Aho, inhi~: Planches anatoniiques [etc.], 2. ed., 4°, Par., 1823, 125-142. — Finlayson (J.) Eponymic structures in human anatomy. Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliv, 401-416.—Frankel (B.) Die anatomische No- menclatur. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1895, iii, 215-227. — Hewitt (G. A.) A lecture on names and etymologies of the trunk, delivered to the anatomy class at the Saint Paul Medical College, Februarv 15,1888, Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1888, viii, 298; 309.—His (W.) Die anatomische Nomenclatur; Nomina anatomica. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., Suppl.-Band, 1895, 1-180, 2 pl.—Kranse (\V.) On anatomical nomenclature. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1891, Lond., 1892, 682. Also: In- ternat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, ix, 37-39. -----. Die anatomische Nomenclatur. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1893, x, 313-345. Aho, Reprint.—Martin (P.) Die deutschen Namen in der Anatomie der llausthiere. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1895, xix, 337; 385. — tlihalkovio* (G.J Az anat6miai miinevek (nomina anatomica) reforuialdsa. [Reform of anatomical names.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 560.—ITIoore (A. M.) Some remarks on Ara- bic and Hebrew iu anatomy. N. York M. J., 18S0. xliv, 94.—Pellizzari (G.) Sulle riforme della nomemhitura anatomica. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.-fis., Firenze, 1845, iii, 49-52. — Stephenson ( F. B.) Arabic and Hebrew in anatomy. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 92-94. Aho, Reprint.— Toldt (C.) Die Reform der anatomischen Nomenclatur. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 467; 493.—Wilder (B. G.) A partial revision of anatomical nomenclature, with especial reference to that of the brain. Science, N. Y., 1881, ii, 122; 133. -----. The fundamental principles of anatomical nomenclature. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 708-710. Aho, Reprint.-----. Some questions in ana- tomical nomenclature. Froc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1884, Salem, 1885, xxxiii, 528. ANATOMY. 386 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Artistic). See, also, Anatomy (History, etc., of); Anat- omy (Human, General works on), etc.; Anthro- pometry. Albinus [B. S. ] The anatomy of painting, or a short and easy introduction to anatomy; being a new edition, on a smaller scale, of six tables of Albinus, with their linear figures; also a new translation of Albinus's history of that work and of his index to the six tables; to which are added the anatomy of Celsus, with uotes, and the physiology of Cicero; with an in- troduction, giving a short view of picturesque anatomy, by John Brisbane, fol. London, 1769. [Audran (G.)] Les proportions du corps hu- main, mesure'es sur les plus belles statues de l'antiquit^; vingt-six planches dessine"es par De Rinmon, pour l'usage des peintres, sculpteurs et dessinateurs. fol. Paris, [n. d.]. A reproduction of Gerard Audran's work, but omitting 4 plates, viz, pis. 18, 27, 29, and 30. The introduction is the same, but the wording is changed. No credit is given to Audran. -----. The same. Bowles's proportions of the human body, measured from the most beau- tiful antique statues, by Monsieur Audran, en- graver to the late King of France; done from the originals engraved at Paris, fol. London, [1785? J. Bell (C.) The anatomy and philosophy of expression as connected with the fine arts. 5. ed. roy. 8°. London, 1865. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1886. Berger (F.) Handbuch zum Gebrauch fiir das anatomische Studium des menschlichen Korpers besonders fiir bildende Kiinstler und Dilettanten der Kunst. Neue Ausgabe. fol. Berlin, [n. d.]. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. fol. Berlin, 1867. Bottman. Cours d'anatomie, a l'usage des artistes. 16°. Paris, 1788. Bradley (S. M.) The relationship of anat- omy to the tine arts. A lecture. 8°. Manches- ter 4' London, [n. d.]. Brucke (E.) Schonheit und Fehler der menschlichen Gestalt. 8°. Wien, 1891. -----. The same. The human figure; its beauties and defects. With a preface, by Wil- liam Anderson. Authorised translation, revised by the author. 8°. London, 1891. Camper (P.) Discours prononces par feu . . . en l'Academie de dessein d'Amsterdam, sur le moyen de repr6senter d'une maniere sure les di- verses passions qui se manifestent sur le visage; sur l'6tonuante conformity qui existe entre les quadrupedes, les oiseaux, les poissons et l'homme, et enfin sur le beau physique; publi6s par son fils Adrien Gilles Camper, traduits du hollandois par Denis Bernard Quatremere D'isjouval. 4°. Utrecht, 1792. -----. The works of ... on the connection between the science of anatomy and the arts of drawing, painting, statuary, etc.; in two books, containing a treatise on the natural difference of features in persons of different countries and pe- riods of life, aud on beauty as exhibited in an- cient sculpture; with a new method of sketching heads, national features, and portraits of indi- viduals with accuracy, etc. A new ed., by T. Cogan. 4°. London, 1821. Cesio (C.) Eine herrliche Anweisung und wolgegriiudete Fiirstellung von der Anatomie dess gantzen menschlichen Corpers, nebst denen Benahmungen aller Gebeine, Musculorum, Stel- lungen, Anfangen und Enden, wie solche nach ihren Verrichtungen, Bewegungen und Actionen zu erkennen, anzusehen und tiirzubildeu, so weit solche hoclist nothig, und uugemein niitzlich denen recht Kunst-erfahmen Mahlern, Kunst- Anatomy (Artistic). Zeichnern, *Bildhauern, Kupferstechern, Silber- arbeitern, ja audern, dergleichon fiirtrefflichen Kiinstlern. Die von der Mahleren und vou denen davon dependirenten Kunsten absonder- lich Profession machen, welche zuerst in italiii- nischer Sprache herausgekommen anietzo aber aus Liebe gegen die edle Mahler- uud Zeichner- Kunst mit grossem Fleiss in der teutschen Sprache herausgegeben und verlegt vou Joseph Friederich Leopold in Augspurg. fol. Augs- purg, 1708. -----. The same. L' anatomia dei pittori del Siguore . . . das ist: deutliche Anweisung und griindliche Vorstellung vou der Anatomie der Mahler, wie in den Gliedern des menschlichen Leibs die vornehmste Gebeine und Musculn, nach ihren Rahmen, Stellen, Anfangen und Euden auch fordersten Verrichtungen, bey ihren unter- schiedlichen Bewegungen und Handlungeu zu erkennen, anzusehen und vorzustellen seyu; anianglich vou dem ... in netten und deutlichen Tabellen auch kurtzen doch griindlicheu in ita- liiinischer Sprache beygefugten Erkliiruugen an das Licht gegeben: nun aber zu mehrern Attf- nahm der Mahler- und Zeichen-Kuust in das Teutsche getreulich iibersetzet, mitgetheilet von Johann Daniel Preisslem. 7. Aufl. fol. Niirnberg, 1780. Chaussier (F.) Recueil anatomique a l'usage des jeunes gens qui se destincut a l'e'tude de la chirurgie, de la me'decine, de la peinture et do la sculpture; avec des explications suivaut la nou- velle nomenclature me"thodique, et des tables synonymiques. fol. Paris, 1820. -----. The same. Planches anatomiques a l'usage des jeunes geus qui se destiuent a l'etude de la chirurgie, de la ni6decine, de la peinture et de la sculpture; dessin6es par M. Du Tertre, professeur de dessin et cooperateur du voyage d'Egypte; avec des notes et explications'sni- vant la nomenclature m6thodique de l'anato- mie et des tables synonymiques. 2. 6(1. 4°. Paris, 1823. Cuyer (E\) Anatomie artistique du corps humain. Planches par le Dr. Fan, texte avec figures par ... 8°. Paris, 1886 [1885]. Durer (A.) De symmetria partium in rectis formis humauorum corporum libri in Latinum couversi. fol. Norimbergce, 1532. -----. The same. De symmetria partium humauorum corporum libri quatuor e Germanica lingua in Latinum versi. fol. Parisiis, 1">57. -----. The same. Les quatres livres de la proportion des parties et pourtraicts des corps humains. Traduicts par Loys Meigretde langue latine en fraucoise. fol. Arnheim, 1613. -----. The same. Les quatre livres d' . . . de la proportion des parties et pourtraicts des corps humains. Traduicts par Loys Meigret, Lionnois, de langue latine en francoise. Dere- chef reveu et courige" de nouveau. fol. Arn- heim, 1614. -----. The same. Beschryvinghe van de menschelijcke proportion. Begrepen in vier onderscheyden boecken zeer nut ende profijte- lijck voor alle lief-hebbers deser konste. In't Latijn ende Hooghduytsch, tot Nurembergh ghe- druct, tot koste van syne naeghelaten weduvve in't jaer ons Heeren 1527. Ende nu in onse Ne- derlandtsche sprake over-gheset, tot dienste der ghener die de konste beminuen, ende Latyusche ofte Hooghduytsche sprake niet en verstaen. fol. tot Arnhem, 1622. Duval (M.) Pr6cis d'anatomie a l'usage des artistes. 8-. Paris, |"1881]. -----. The same. Artistic anatomy. Trans- lated by F. E. Fenton. 8°. London, 1884, ANATOMY. 387 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Artistic). Esqjjivel (A. M.) Tratado de anatomia pict6- rica, inspeccionado por la real Academia de nobles artes de S. Fernando, y aprobado por el gobierno de S. M. para el estudio de los pinto- res y escultores escrito por . . . habieudo con- sultado para su estracto y dibujos las obras de los mejores autores y el natural. Consta: pri- mero, de la esplicacion de los huesos; segundo, de la de los musculos; y tercero, de las propor- ciones del cuerpo humano, las edades, los tempe- ramentos, las diferentes razas y las pasiones. fol. Madrid, 1648. Fau (J.) Anatomie artistique Alimentaire du corps huniain. 7. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1882. See, aho, supra, Cuyek (E.). Fautras (A.) Tout le moude dessinateur. The"orie des proportions du corps humain. 12°. Paris, [n. d.]. Flaxmax (J.) Anatomical studies of the bones and muscles, for the use of artists, from drawings by the late . . . engraved by Henry Landseer; with two additional plates, and ex- planatory notes by William Robertson. fol. London, 1833. Fletcher (R.) Human proportion in art and anthropometry. A lecture delivered at the National Museum, Washington, D. C. 8°. Cam- bridge, 1883. -----. Anatomy and art. 8°. Washington, 1895. Repr.from: Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash., 1895, xii. Fock (H.-C.-A.-L.) Anatomie canonique, ou le canon de Polyclete retrouve". fol. Utrecht, 1865. Gamelin (J.) Nouveau recueil d'osteologie et de niyologie, dessin6 d'apres nature, pour l'uti- lit6 des sciences et des arts, divise' en deux par- ties. 2 v. fol. Toulouse, 1779. Gautier d'Agoty (J.) Exposition anato- mique de la structure du corps humain en vingt planches imprinie'es avec leur couleur naturelle, pour servir de suite a celles qu'on a deja donnees au public. Elephantine fol. Paris, 1759. Genga (B.) Anatomia per uso et intelligenza del disegno, ricercata non solo su gl' ossi e mus- coli del corpo humano, rna dimostrata ancora su le statue antiche piu insigni di Roma. Deli- neata in piu tavole con tutte le figure in varie faccie e vedute, per istudio della regia Acade- mia di Francia pittura e scultura sotto la direz- zione di Carlo Errard, gia direttore di essa in Roma. Preparata su i cadaveri, cou le spie- gazioni et indice del Sigr. Canonico Gio. Maria Lancisi, gia medico segreto della Sta. Mem0, di Papa Innocentio XI. fol. Roma, 1691. -----. The same. Anatomy improv'd and illustrated with regard to the uses thereof in designing; not only laid down from an examen of the bones and muscles of the human body, hut also demonstrated and exemplified from the most celebrated antique statues in Rome. Ex- hibited in a great number of copper plates, with all the figures in various views. Intended orig- inally for ye use of the Royal French Academy of painting and sculpture, and carried on under the care and inspection of Charles Errard, direc- tor of the same in Rome. The dissections made hy . . . Ber0. Genga . . . the explanations and indexes added by . . . John Maria Lancisi . . . A work of great use to painters, sculptors, stat- uaries, and all other students in the noble arts of designing. First published at Rome by Dom di Rossi, and now reengraved by the ablest hands in England, and republish'd by John Senex. fol. London, [1723]. Halma-Grand. Quelques considerations sur les counaissances anatomiques applicables aux beaux-arts. 8°. Paris, 1830. Anatomy (Artistic). Hartley (J. S.) Anatomy in art: a practical text book for the art student in the study of the human form; to which is appended a description! and analysis of the art of modeling, and a chap- ter on the laws of proportion as applied to the- human figure. 8°. New York, 1891. Hasse (C.) Die Formen des menschlichen Korpers und die Formanderungen bei der Ath- inung. 2. Abth. Text 8°, plates fol. Jena, 1690. Hay (D. R.) On the science of those propor- tions by which the human head and countenance as represented in works of ancient Greek art are distinguished from those of ordinary nature. 4°. Edinburgh cf London, 1849. van Holsbeek (H.) Traite" d'anatomie de- scriptive physiologique et pittoresque a l'usage des artistes (peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs, cise- leurs et dessinateurs), suivi d'une notice sur la phr6uologie. 8°. Bruxelles 4" Leipzig, 1861. Joy (W. B.) On the analogy of poetry and painting. 8°. Dublin, 1821. Julien. New progressive drawing book of the human figure. Drawn from nature; litho- graphed by Thomas Fairland. obi. 4°. London, [n.d.]. Knox (R.) Great artists and great anato- mists; a biographical and philosophical study. 8°. London, 1852. VON Langer (C.) Anatomieder iiusseren For- men des menschlichen Korpers. 8°. Wien, 1884. Lavater (J.-H.) FJeniens anatomiques d'os- teologie et de myologie a l'usage de peintres et sculpteurs. Traduits de l'allemand par Ganthier de la Peyronie, et enrichis de notes et observa- tions interessautes du traducteur. 8°. Paris, 1797. Leveille (J.-B.) M6thode nouvelle d'anato- mie artistique. 8C. Paris, 1863. Lichtensteger (G.) Die aus der Arithme- tic und Geometrie herausgeholteu Grunde zur menschlichen Proportion an das Licht gestellet und verlegt durch . . . fol. Niirnberg, 1746. Lord at (J.) Essai sur l'iconologie medicare, ou sur les rapports d'utilite" qui existent entre l'art du deesin et l'etude de la medecine. 8°. Montpellier, 1833. Marshall (J.) A rule of proportion for the human figure, fol. London, 1879. -----. The same. fol. London, 1880. Mascagni (P.) Anatomia per uso degli stu- diosi di scultura e pittura. Opera postuma. Elephantine fol. Firenze, 1816. Moro (G.) Anatomia ridotta all' uso de' pit- tori e scultori. fol. Vinegia, 1679. Pauquet (H.) Recueil d'anatomie portatif k l'usage des artistes. Alph. St. Martin, 6diteur. 12°. [n.p., n. d.] Pequegnot. Anatomie, ou description des formes de l'homme, exclusivement destined aux peintres, sculpteurs et graveurs, et entierement applique"e aux beaux-arts. 8°. Paris, 1647). Richer (P.) Anatomie artistique. Descrip- tion des formes exte"rieures du corps humain au repos et dans les principaux mouvemeuts. fol. Paris, 1^90. -----. Physiologie artistique de l'homme en mouvement. 8°. Paris, 1895. Rimmer (W.) Art anatomy, fol. London, 1884. Rochet (C.) Le prototype humain. Tableau des douze loia fondamentales de la g6ome"trie des formes dans l'espece humaine et sur les deux sexes. Broadsheet. Paris, [n.d.]. -----. Le prototype huniain donnant les lois naturelles des proportions dans les deux sexes. 12°. Paris, 1664. ANATOMY. 38 Anatomy (Artistic). -----. Explication des trois planches mu- rales donnaut la loi naturelle des proportions hnmaines. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Roth (C.) The student's atlas of artistic auatomy. Edited, with an introduction, by C. E. Fitzgerald, fol. London, 1891. Rubens (P.-P.) Theorie de la figure humaine considered dans ses principes, soit en repos ou en mouvement. Ouvrage traduit du latin, avec xliv planches gravies par Pierre Aveliue, d'apres les desseins de cecelebre artiste. 4°. Paris, 1773. Sarlandiere (J.-B.) Anatomie meLhodique, ou organographie humaine en tableaux synop- tiques, avec figures. A l'usage des university's, pour les faculty's et e"coles de me'decine et de chi- rurgie, les acad6mies de peinture et de sculpture, et les colleges royaux. obi. fol. Paris, 1829. -----. The same. Anatomia methodica sive organographia humana iu tabulas syuopticas, effigiebus ad naturam deliueatis illustratas. Ad usum universitatum, imprimis facultatum et scholarum medicinse et chirurgite, academiarum picturse et sculpturse, nee non collegiorum regio- rum. 2 v. obi. fol. Parisiis, 1830. -----. The same. Systematized anatomy, or human organography, in synoptical tables, with numerous plates. For the use of universities, faculties, and schools of medicine and surgery, academies of paintings, sculpture, and the royal colleges. Translated from the French by W. C. Roberts, oblong 4°. New York, 16:,\7>. -----. Thesame. oblong4°. New York, 1837. -----. Physiologie de Faction musculaire ap- plique"e aux arts d'imitation. 8°. Paris, 1830. Schadow (G.) Polyclet, oder von den Maassen des Menschen nach dem Geschlechte und Alter mit Angabe der wirklichen Naturgrosse nach dem Rheinlaudischen Zollstocke und Meter- maaee. Mit einem Atlas von 30 Tafeln, fol. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1862. Schmidt (C. ) Proportionsschliissel. Neues System der Verhiiltnisse des menschlichen Kor- pers. Fiir bildende Kiinstler, Anatomen und Freunde der Naturwissenschaft. fol. Stuttgart, 1849. Sharpe (J. B. ) Elements of anatomy, de- signed for the use of students in the fine arts. roy. 8°. London, 1818. Simpson (G.) The anatomy of the bones and muscles, exhibiting the parts as they appear on dissection, and more particularly in the living figure, as applicable to the fine arts. Designed for the use of artists and members of the Artists' Anatomical Society. 4°. London, 1825. Sparkes (J. C. L.) A manual of artistic anatomy for the use of students in art, being a description of the bones and muscles that in- fluence the external form of man. Approved by the science and art department, sm. fol. Lon- don, 1866. Squanquarillo ( C. ) Trattato di anatomia pittorica. fol. Boma, 1841. Stevens (W. S.) Homographia; an essay on the proportions of man's body, hitherto un- known or uudescribed; exhibiting the pre- science and reflection of the Deity, and the origin and harmony of numbers; with au appendix ou the monuments of the ancients, etc. 8°. Lon- don, 1806. Tinxey (J.) A compendious treatise of anat- omy, adapted to the arts of designing, paintin"-, and sculpture, ou ten folio copper-plates, and in which the external muscles and bones of the human body are represented as they appear in the best chosen attitudes, [etc.]. fol. London 1827. -----. The same. 2. ed. fol. London, 1842. ANATOMY. Anatomy (Artistic). Tortebat ( F. ) AbreVe" d'anatomie„accom. mode" aux arts de peinture et de sculpture et mis dans un ordre nouveau, dont la iuStliode'est tres-facile, et de"barass6e de tontes les difhcultez et choses inutiles, qui ont toujourseste* un grand obstacle aux peintres, pour arriver a la perfection de leur art. fol. Paris, 1667. -----. The same. fol. Paris, 1760. Trelat ( U. ) fils. Introduction a un cours d'anatomie applique"e aux beaux-arts. 8J. [Po* ris], 1863. da Vinci ( L. ) Tabula anatomica siunmi quondam pictoris e bibliotheca Augustissimi Maguse Britannise Hanno\Teraeque regis depromta venerem obversaui e legibus naturae honiinibus solamconvenireostendens. 4°. Lunaburgi, 1830. Warren (H.) Artistic anatomy of the human figure. 5. ed. 12c. London, 1855. Agcno (L.) Prelezione al corso di anatomia artistica. Rivista, Genova, 1884. iii, 154-160.—Anderson (W.) An outline of the history of art in its relation to medical sci- ence; being the substance of an introductory address delivered at the Medical and Physical Society of St. Thomas's Hospital, October, 1885. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1885, Lond., 1886, xv, 151-181. Aho, Reprint. ----. A discussion on arc in its relation to anatomy. Brit. II. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 349-358.—dn Bois-Keymond (E.) On the relation of natural science to art. Nature, Lond., 1891-2, xiv, 200; 224. Also: Rep. Smithson. Inst. 18110-91, Wash , 1893, G61-682.—Clerenger (S. Y.) Artistic anat- omv and the sciences useful to the artist. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1883, xlvi, 113- 130. — Colas ( E.) Anatomie artistique. Bull, scient. (16p. du nord, etc., Par., 1882, t, 401-417. — Cuyer ( E. ) Anatomie des formes: models determines par l'expansion aponGvrotique du muscle biceps brachial; aspects differeuts du muscle hiceps low de la supination et de la pronation. Bull. Soc d'anthrop. de Par., 1895, 4. s., vi, 212-215. — Duhousset. Canon artistique. M6m. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1873-8, 2. s., i, 309-311. -----. Anthropometric scientifique et propor- tions artistiques. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1889, 3. g., iv, 385-391.—Oerdy (P.-N.) Anatomie compared des formes du corps humain, suivant les kses, les temperaments, les peuples et les climats, les professions, les passions, les actions musculaires, les mouvements et quelques mala- dies. [Extr.from: J. d. Artist., 1830] In hit: Melanges d'anat., etc., 8°, Par., 1875, i, 237-276.—Mantle (W.) Rem- brandt's lesson in anatomy. Contemp. Rev., N. Y. [Loud.], 1891, 271-277. — ljccons ( Les) d'anatomie et les peintres hollandais au xvi" et xviie sifecles. Paris. Par F. Triaire. [Rev.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 125; 13:).— Tlnichnl ( E. ) Les canons artistiques et le livre de M. Mc-p-et. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1894. 3. s., xxv, 407-414. — Object (An) lesson in gymnastic anatomy. Lancet, Loud., 1892, ii, 1403. — Richer (P.) L'anatomie artistique; des proportions du corps humain. [R6sum6, par J.-M. Cyrnos.J J. d'hyg.. Par., 1890. xv, 253; 301. -----. La physiologie musculaire par l'inspection dn nn. Compt. rend. 'Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 371-375. -----. Canon des proportions du corps humain. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1892, v, 310-328. Alio [Abstr.]: Rev. scient., Par., 1892, 1, 558-564. —-- L'auatomie dans l'art; proportions du corps humain; cauons artistiques et canons scientifiques. Kev. scient., Par., 1893, li, 289-300. — Kochet (C.) Quelques conside- rations sur la geometrie des formes du corps humain t-t snr l'emploi qu'en ont fait les artistes grecs. Mem. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par.. 1873-8, 2. s., i, 321-334. -----. L'anthropo- logie des beaux-arts. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 18!)j, 4. s., vi, 10G-116. — Soldi ( E\ ) Sur les proportions des statues grecques et egyptiennes. Ibid., 1*711, 3. s., n, 638-645. — Topinard. Le canon des proportions au corps de l'boinuie europeen. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1889, 3. s., iv, 392-403. Anatomy (Clastic). See Anatomy (Institutes, etc.). Anatomy (Comparative). See, also, Anatomy (Essays, etc.); Anatomy (Institutes, etc.); Animals (Age of); Biology; Embryology; Evolution; Locomotion; Mor- phology; Physiology (Comparative); Zoology; and under names of animals and organs. Albers (I. A.) Icones ad illustrandam ana- tomen coinparatam. fol. Lipsice., 16.18. Albin (B. S.) Oratio inauguralis de anatome comparata. 4-. Lugd. Bat., 1719. Albrecht (P.) Vergleichend auatoniische Untersuchungen. Erster Iyand. Erstes Heft. ANATOMY. 389 ANATOMY. An a to in y (Comparative). Inhalt: I'elier Penis, Penoid und Psendopenis der Wirbelthiere, nebst einem Nachweise, dass die freien Gliedmassen der Amphibien und Am- nioteu, nicht den nieta-, sondern deu mesoptery- gischen Abschnitten der paarigen Selachierflos- seu entsprechen. 8°. Hamburg, 1886. Behrens (W.) * Untersuchungen iiber den Processus uncinatus der Yogel und Krokodile. 8°. Gottingen, 1680. Bell(F. J.) Comparative anatomy and phys- iology. 16°. London, 1667). Bergmann (C.) & Leuckart (R.) Anato- misch-physiologische Uebersicht des Thierreichs. Vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie. Ein Lehrbuch fur den Unterricht und znm Selbst- studium. 8-. Stuttgart, 1852. -----. The same. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1852. de Blaixville (H.-M.-D.) De l'organisation des animaux, ou principes d'anatomie comparee; tome i, contenant lamorphologie et l'aist^sologie. 8°. Paris, 1822. -----. Oste"ographie, ou description icono- graphique compare'e du squelette et du systeme dentaire des mammiferes re"cents et fossiles pour servir de base a la zoologie et a la geologic Ouvrage accompagne' de 323 planches lithogra- phies sous sa direction par J.-C. Werner. Pre"- ce"de" d'une 6tude sur la vie et les travaux de M. de Blainville par P. Xicard. 4 v., 4°; Atlas, 4 v. iu 2, imp. fol. Paris, 1839-64. Blasius (G.) Observata anatomica in ho- mine, simia, equo, vitulo, ove, testudine, echi- no, glire, serpente, ardea, variisque auimalibus aliis. Accedunt extraordinaria in hoinine reperta praxin medicam aeque ac anatomen illustrantia. 12°. Lugd. Bat. et Amstelod., 1674. Bluemberg (K.[G.]) Sekts'ionnaya techni- ka; rukovodstvo k patologo-anatomicheskomu vskrifiu domashnikh zhivotnikh i sostavleniu sekts'ionnikh protokolov. [Technique of dissec- tion ; handbook for post-mortem examination of domestic animals and for preparing reports of their dissection.] 8°. Kazan, 1895. Blumenbach (J. F.) A short system of com- parative anatomy. Transl. from the German by William Lawrence; with numerous additional notes, and an introductory view of the classifica- tion of animals, by the translator. fcc. London, 1807. -----. Handbuch der vergleichenden Anato- mie. 12°. Gottingen, 1824. du Bois-Eeymond (E.) Ueber thierische Be- wegung. 8°. Berlin, 1851. Bonora (D.) Resoconto-programma del corso di confereuze di zootecnia tenute nell' anno 1887 in provincia di Mantova per cura del r. ministro d'agricoltura. 8°. Mantora, 1887. Brandt (A. F.) Kratkii kurs sravniteluoi anatomii pozvonochnych jivotnych. [Short course of comparative anatomy of vertebrate animals.] 8°. Charkoff, 1887. Brandt (E. K.) Uchebnik anatomii domash- nich nilekopityushtshikh jivotnich. [Anatomy of domestic quadrupeds.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1883. -----. Lektsii po sravniteluoi anatomii. Sostavleni i izdani studentom I. Nadporojskim. [ Lithogr. script. ] [Lectures on comparative anatomy collected by . . . 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Braln (M.) Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po anatomii jivotnych. Ukazanija k proizvodstvu zoologicheskich izsledovanii dlja izuchaoutshich estestvennyja nauki, vrachei i uchitelei. Pere- vod s nemetskavo pod redaktsiyeyu E. K. Brandta. [Practical manual of animal anatomy. Guide to assist in zoological researches for use of Anatomy (Comparative). naturalists, physicians, and students. Transl. from the German under the supervision of E. K. Brandt.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Bruhl (C. B.) Zootomie aller Thierklassen fiir Leruende nach Autopsien skizzirt. 39. Lie- ferung. fol. Wien, 1877-86. Camerano (L.) Anatomia comparata. 12°. Milano, [1892]. Camper (P.) CEuvres de . . . qui ont pour objet l'histoire naturelle, la physiologie et l'ana- tomie compared. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1803. -----. Planches pour les ceuvres de . . . qui ont pour objet l'histoire naturelle, la physiolo- gie et l'anatomie (compared), fol. Paris, an XI [1803]. Carus (C. G.) Lehrbuch der Zootomie. Mit stater Hiusicht auf Physiologie ausgearbeitet, und durch zwauzig Kupfertafeln erlautert. 8°. Leipzig, 1818. -----. The same. Erlauterungstafeln zur vergleichenden Anatomie. Hft. 1. fol. Leip- zig, 1826. -----. The same. Erlauterungstafeln zur vergleichenden Anatomie. Hft. 1-3. fol. Leip- zig, 1826-31. -----. The same. Erlauterungstafeln zur vergleichenden Anatomie. In Verbindung mit Adolph Wilhelm Otto und Eduard D'Altou hrsg. von Carl Gustav Carus. In 9 Hfte. imp. fol. Leipzig, 1826-55. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der vergleichen- den Zootomie. Mit stater Hinsicht auf Physio- logie ausgearbeitet. 2. Aufl. 2v. 8C. Leipzig, 1834. -----. Zwanzig Kupfertafeln, nebst deren Erklarung. Zur Zootomie. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] -----. The same. Twenty plates, with ex- planatory references, illustrative of an introduc- tion to comparative anatomy. 4°. [London, 1827.] Cattle ( J. T. ) * Vergelijkend-anatomische en histologische onderzoekingen van de epiphy- sis cerebri der plagiostomi ganoidei en teleostie. [Utrecht.] 8°. Leiden, 1881. Chatin (J.) Organes de relation chez les in- vert6bre"s. 12°. Paris, [1894]. Chauveau (A.) The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Revised and enlarged, with the co-operation of S. Arloing. 2. Eng. ed., transl. and edited by George Flem- ing. 8°. London, 1891. Cornevin (C.) Traits de zootechnie ge"ne"- rale. 1. fasc. 8°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 2. fasc. roy. 8°. Paris, 1891. Cuvier (G.) Lecons d'anatomie compare'e; recueillies et publi6es sous ses yeux par C. Du- meril. 2 v. 8:. Paris, an VIII [1800]. -----. The same. Lecons d'anatomie com- pare'e. 2. 6d. 8 v. in 9. 8°. Paris, 1835-45. -----'. The same. Vorlesungen iiber ver- gleichende Anatomie, gesammelt uud unter seinen Augen herausgegeben von C. Dume'ril. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und mit Zu- satzen versehen von Gotthelf Fischer. 2 v. 8°. Braunschweig, 1801-2. -----. Extraits des aualises des travaux de l'Acade'mie royale des sciences, pendant les anne"es 1819 et 1821, en ce qui concerne l'anato- mie comparative du cerveau, et les lois de l'os- teogenie. 8°. Paris, 1820. -----. Le regne animal distribue' d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'ana- tomie compare'e. Nouv. €&., revue et augmen- ted. 5 v. 8°. Paris, 1829-30. ANATOMY. 390 ANATOMY. Anatomv (Comparative). Dal Lago (A.) *De anatomes comparatae non secus ac veterinaria? artis in medicina colenda exercendaque utilitate. 8C. Patavii, 1636. Dei (A.) Catalogo sistematico del gabinetto di anatomia comparata della r. Universita di Sienna, roy. 8°. Siena, 1880. Detroit (E.) #De organismo deque planta- rum animaliumque organismi differentiis. 8°. Berolini, [1831]. Dewitz (H.) Anleitnug zur Anfertigung und Aufbewahrung zootomischer Praparate fiir Studierende und Lehrer. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Dumortier (B.-C.) Recherches sur la struc- ture comparee et le developpement des animaux et des v6g6taux. 4°. Bruxelles, 1632. Duvernoy [G.-L.] Esquisse des principaux points de vue sous lesquels on peut considerer l'anatomie de l'homme et des animaux dans son etat actuel. 8°. Paris, 1840. Repr.from: Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle. Edwards (H.-M.) Eleniens de zoologie, ou lecons sur l'anatomie, la physiologie, la classifi- cation et les mceurs des animaux. 2. 6a. 8°. Paris, 1840. Ellenberger (W.) Grundriss der verglei- chenden Histologie der Haussaugetiere. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Essay ( An) on comparative anatomy. 12°. London,1744. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12-. London, 1775. Fenner (C. W. H.) De anatomia comparata et naturali philosophia commentatio sistens de- scriptiouein et significationeiu cranii encephali et nervorum encephali in piscibus. 8°. Jence, 1620. Flower (W. H.) Introductory lecture to the course of comparative anatomy, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 8°. London, 1870. -----. An introduction to the osteology of the mammalia. Being the substance of the course of lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1870. 8°. London, 1870. -----. The same. 3. ed., revised with the assistance of Hans Gadow. 12°. London, 1885. -----. The same. Einleituug in die Osteo- logie der Saugethiere. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Fol (H.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mi- kroskopischen Anatomie mit Einschluss der vergleicheuden Histologie und Histogenie. 1. Lfg.: Die mikroskopisch-anatomische Tech- nik. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. Franck (L.) Handbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Pferdes. 3. Aufl., durchgesehen und erganzt von Paul Martin. 1. Lfg. 8°. Stuttgart, 1891. Gavare (E.) Wegweiser in die vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie. Eine Vorschule fiir Studiengenossen und Freunde der Naturwissen- schaft. 12°. Leipzig, 1869. Gegenbaur (C.) Manuel d'anatomie com- paree. Traduit en francais par Carl Vogt. 8°. Paris, 1874. Gerber (F.) Handbuch der allgemeinen Ana- tomie des Menschen uud der Haussaugethiere. 8°. Bern, 1844. Girard (H.) Aide-memoire d'anatomie com- paree. 16°. Paris, 1895. Girard (J.) Traite d'anatomie veterinaire. 4. ed. 8°. Paris, 1841. Girod(P.) Manipulations de zoologie ; guide pour les travaux pratiques de dissection. Ani- maux invertebres. 8°. Paris, 1889. Anatomy (Comparative). Gurlt (E. F.) Anatomische Abbildungen der Haus-Siiugethiere. fol. [Berlin, 1848.] -----. The same. Text zu den anatomi- schen Abbildungen der Haus-Siiugethiere. Sup- plement. 8"-. Berlin, 1848. -----. The same. Handbuch der verglei- chenden Anatomie der Haus-Siiugethiere bear- beitet von A. G. T. Leisering und C. Mueller 6. Aufl. roy. 8C. Berlin, 1885. Harvard University. Museum ofi Compara- tive Zoology. Annual reports of the curator to the president and fellows of Harvard College 1., 1859; 2., 1860; 4.-19., 1862 to 1878-9; 2'i' 1881-2; 23., 1882-3; 25., 1884-5; 29., 1888-9; 30' 1889-90; 32., 1891-2. 8°. Boston & Cambridqe 1861-92. -----. Publications of the .. . 8°. [Cam- bridge, 1890.] -----. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 2 pts., nos. 7 & 8. 4°. Cambridge, 1874-5. -----. Bulletins of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. v. 2, no. 1; v. 3, nos. 17-14; v. 5, nos. 1-3, 15,16; v. 6, nos. 3, 5-9. 8°. Cambridge, 1879-80. Hauchecorne. Anatomie philosophique et raisonnee, pour servir d'introduction a l'histoire naturelle. 8°. Paris, an iT [1796]. VON Humboldt (A.) & Bonplaxd (A.) Beob- achtungen aus der Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie, gesammelt auf einer Reise nach den Tropen-Ltindern des neuen Kontinents, in den Jahren 1799,1800,1801,1802,1803 uud 1804. 4°. Tubingen, 1806. Jones (T. R.) General outlines ofthe organ- ization of the animal kingdom, and manual of comparative anatomy. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1871. Josephi (W. ) Anatomie der Saugethiere. 12°. Gottingen, 1787. Keber (G. A. F.) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Weichthiere. 8°. Ebnigslerg, 1851. Kidd (J.) An introductory lecture to a course in comparative anatomy, illustrative of Paley'8 natural theology. 2. ed. 8°. Oxford, 1826. Kukenthal (W.) Vergleichend-anatoniisclie und entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen an Walthieren. fol. Jena, 1889-93. Lang (A.) Lehrbuch der vegleichenden Ana- tomie zum Gebrauche bei vergleichend anato- mischen und zoologischen Vorlesungen. 9. Aufl, von Eduard Oscar Schmidt's Handbuch der ver- gleichenden Anatomie. 1. Abth. 8°. Jena, 1888. -----. Thesame. 2. Abth. 8°. Je«a,1889. -----. The same. Text-book of comparative anatomy, with preface to the English translation by Professor Dr. Ernst Haeckel. Translated into English by Henry M. Bernard and Matilda Bernard. Part I. 8°. London 4' Keiv York, 1891. -----. The same. Traite d'anatomie com- paree et de zoologie. Traduit de l'allemand par G. Curtel. Fasc. 1 & 2. 8°. Paris, 1891-2. Lawrence (W.) Lectures on comparative anatomy, physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man. With twelve new engravings. 9. ed. 8°. London, 1848. Leisering (A. G. T.) Atlas der Anatomie des Pferdes und der iibrigen Hausthiere. 2 v. 4°. Leipzig, 1866. -----. The same. Atlas der Anatomie dea Pferdes und der iibrigen Hausthiere fiir Thier- arzte und Studierende der Veterintirkunde, land- ANATOMY. 391 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Comparative). wirthschaftliche Lehranstalten und Pferdelieb- haber iibcrhaupt. 2. Anfl. fol. Leipzig, 1885-7. ----, Mueller (C.) & Ellenberger (W.) Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Haus-Siiugethiere. 7. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1890. Longo (T.) Compendio di anatomia ad uso degli student! di medicina veterinaria. 8°. To- rino, 1872. Mandt (M. W.) * Observationes in historiam naturalem et anatomiam comparatam in itinere Grceulandico factie. 8°. [Berolini, 1622.] Martin (H. N.) & Moale (W. A.) Haudbook of vertebrate dissection. Part II. How to dis- sect a bird. 8°. New York, 1863. -----------. The same. Handbook of ver- tebrate dissection. Part III. How to dissect a rodent. 8°. Xew York, 1884. Mayer (A. F. J. C.) Analecten fiir verglei- chende Anatomie. 4°. Bonn, 1839. Meckel (A.) Observationes circa superficiem aniinaliuin internam quas programmatis titulo offert. 12°. Bernce, 1622. Meckel (J. F.) Beytriige zur vergleichenden Anatomie. 12°. Leipzig, 1811. -----. System der vergleichenden Anatomie. 5 v. 8°. Halle, 1821-31. -----. The same. Traite general d'anatomie comparee, traduit de l'allemand et augmentee de notes par MM. Riester et Alp. Sanson, precede d'une lettre de I'auteur. 10 v. 83. Paris, 1828- 36. Memoranda der allgemeinen Anatomie. 32°. Weimar, 1838. Mivart (St. G.) Man and apes, an exposi- tion of structural resemblances and differences bearing upon questions of affinity and origin. 8°. London, 1871. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1874. -----. Lessons in elementary anatomy. 16°. London, 1873. -----. The same. New ed. 12-. London, 1879. Moderno (II) zooiatro, rassegna di medicina veterinaria e di zootecnia. Redattore capo per 1' anno 1890: Salvatore Baldassarre. Num. 1, anno 1, 1890, 10 gennaio. 8°. Torino, 1890. Mojsisovics Edler von Mojsvar (A.) Leitfa- den bei zoologisch-zootomischen Praparirubun- gen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1885. -----. The same. Manuel de zootomie; guide pratique pour la dissection des animaux vertebres et invertebres a l'usage des etudiants en medecine et des eieves qui preparent la licence es sciences naturelles. Trad, de l'allemand et annote par J.-L. de Lanessan. 8°. Paris, 1881. Monitore zoologico italiano (pubblicazioni italiane di zoologia, anatomia, embriologia). Diretto dai dottori Giulio Chiarugi i Eugenio Ficalbi. v. 1-5, 1890-94. 8°. Siena, 1890-94. Moscati (P.) Von dem korperlichen wesent- lichen Unterscheide zwischen der Structur der Thiere und der Menschen. Eine akademische Rede gehalten auf dem anatomischen Theater zu Pavia. Aus dem Italienischen iibersetzt von Johann Beckmann. 16°. Gottingen, 1771. Novopolski (B.) Anatomia doniashnich zhi- votnych dlja zoojatrov i studentov. Vypusk II. [Anatomy of domestic animals for zoologists and students.] 8°. Charkoff, 1887. Nuhn ( A. ) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. In zwei Theilen. I. Vegetative Or- gane und Apparate des Thierkorpers. II. Ani- male Organe und Apparate des Thierkorpers. 8°. Heidelberg, 1878. -----. The same. 2. Ausgabe. 8°. Hei- delberg, 1886. Anatomy (Comparative). Owen (R.) Description of the skeleton of au extinct gigantic sloth (Mylodon robustus, Owen). With observations ou the osteology, natural affinities, aud probable habits of the megatheroid quadrupeds in general. 4°. Lon- don, 1642. Parker (T. J.) A course of instruction in zootomy (vertebrata). 8°. London, 1884. Paulicki (A.) Beitrage zur vergleichenden pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Perkier (R.) Elements d'anatomie comparee. 8°. Paris, 1893. Pettigrew (J.) On the arrangement of the muscular fibres ofthe ventricular portion of the heart of the mammal. 8°. [London, I860.] Repr.from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1860. Peyer (J. J.) Observationes quaedam anato- mice, iu homine non minus post mortem, quam in brutis avibusque viventibus ac mortuis con- templando notata- secando. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1719. Rapp (W.) Vergleichende Anatomie; vorge- tragen im Sommersemester 1834. MS. 4°. [«. p., n. d.] Rathke (M. H.) Abhandlungen zur Bildungs- und Eutwickelungs-Geschichte des Menschen und der Thiere. 2 Theile in 1 v. 4°. Leipzig, 1832-3. -----. Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Geschlechts-Werkzenge des Menschen und der Saugethiere. 4°. Leipzig, 1832. -----. The same. Berichte von der konig- lichen anatomischen Anstalt zu Konigsberg. Neunter Bericht. Mit einem Beitrage zur ver- gleichenden Anatomie des Affen, von Ernst Bur- dach. 12°. Kbnigsberg, 1838. -----. The same. 12°. Kbnigsberg, 1839. -----. Vortrage zur vergleichenden Anato- mie der Wirbelthiere. Mit einem Vor wort von C. Gegenbaur. 8°. Leipzig, 1862. Rawitz (B.) Compendium der vergleichen- den Anatomie. Zum Gebrauche fiir Studirende der Mediziu. 12°. Leipzig, 1893. Rigot. Traite complet de l'anatomie des ani- maux domestiques. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1840-45. Robert y Serrat (J.) Tratado de anatomia descriptiva de los aniinales domesticos. Tomo primero. 8°. Zaragoza, 1876. -----. The same. 2. ed., corregida y au- mentada. v. 2. Sarcologia. 8°. Zaragoza, 1884. Robin (C.-P.) Tableaux d'anatomie, conte- nant l'expose de toutes les parties a etudier dans l'organisnie de l'homme et dans celui des ani- maux. 4°. Paris, 1850. Romer (O.) * Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Wirbeltierbeckens auf Grund der Befunde an Protopterus anuecteus. 8°. Frei- burg i. B., 1889. Rudolphi (K. A.) Vergleichende Anatomie. Vorgetragen von . . . MS. 4°. [Berlin, n. d.] Collegien-Hefte. -----. Ueber den Embryo der Affen und eini- ger anderen Saugethiere. Gelesen in der Aka- demie der Wissenschaften am 12. Junius 1828. 4°. Berlin, '1828. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital aud College. Syllabus of an elementary course of lectures on comparative anatomy, by R. Owen, consisting of twelve lectures, to be delivered in the months of April and May. 8°. [London, 1833?] Santangelo-Spoto (F.) "Sviluppo ed im- portanza della anatomia comparata e sue rela- zioni con la medicina in geuere. 8°. Palermo, 1889. Schmidt (E. O.) Handbuch der vergleichen- den Anatomie. Leitfaden bei academischen ANATOMY. 392 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Comparative). Vorlesungen und fiir Studirende. 8°. Jena, 1849. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1852. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1855. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8 . Jena, 1859. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1865. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1872. Severinus (M. A.) Zootomia Democritsea: id est, anatome generalis totius animantium opi- ficii, libris quinque distiucta, quorum seriem se- quens facies delineabit. Opus, quod omnes omnium bonarum artium studiosos, nedum pro- fessores anatomicos decet. 4°. Noribergw, 1645. Siebold (C. T. E.) Lehrbuch der verglei- chenden Anatomie der wirbellosen Thiere. 8°. Berlin, 1848. -----. The same. Anatomy of the iuverte- brata. 8°. London if Boston, 1854. Stannius (H.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. 8°. Berlin, 1846. Strangeways (T.) Veterinary anatomy. 3. ed., revised and edited by I. Vaughan. 8°. Edinburgh, 1886. -----. The same. 4. ed., revised and edited by I. Vaughan. 8°. Edinburgh, London, New York, Toronto $ Calcutta, 1892. Straus-Durckheim (H.) Traite pratique et theorique d'auatomie comparative, comprenant l'art de dissequer les animaux de toutes les classes et les moyens de conserver les pieces ana- tomiques. 8°. Paris 4' Lyon, 1842. -----. Anatomie descriptive et comparative du chat, type des mammiferes en general et des carnivores en particulier. 4C. Paris, 1845. Sissdorf (M.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Haustiere unter besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der topographischen Anatomie uud der Methodik in der Praparierubungen. Lfg. 1. 8°. Stuttgart, 1891. Treviranus (G. R.) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Sinneswerkzeuge des Men- schen und der Thiere. fol. Bremen, 1628. -----. Beobachtungen aus der Zootomie und Physiologie. Nach dessen Tode hrsg. vou Lu- dolph Christianus Treviranus. 1. Heft. 4°. Bremen, 1839. Uccelli (F.) Compendio di anatomia-fisiolo- gico comparata. 3 v. 8°. Firenze, 1825-7. Universite de Liege Recherches faites au laboratoire d'embryogenie et d'anatomie com- paree do 1' . . . sous la direction de Edouard van Beneden. v. 1. Travaux des annees 1875 et 1876. 8°. Bruxelles, 1876. Valentin (G. B.) Handbuch der Entwicke- lungsgeschichfe des Menschen mit vergleichen- der Riicksicht der Entwickelung der Sauge- thiere und Vogel. 8°. Berlin, 1835. Also, transl. [Abstr. | in: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1836 xiv 393-423. Aho, Keprint. Vielle (A.) *I. Examiner l'organisation generale des mammiferes et les modifications principales qu'elle presente. II. [etc.]. 4° Paris, 1839. Vogt (C.) & Yung (E.) Lehrbuch der prak- tischen vergleichenden Anatomie. 2 v. 8°. Braunschweig, 1885-93. ------------. The same. Traite d'anatomie comparee pratique. -c. Paris, 1888-94. Wagner (R.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. 8°. Leipzig, 1834-5. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Zootomie [etc.]. 2. vollig umgearbeitete Aufl. 8°. Leip- zig, 1843-7. ^ -----. The same. Elements of the compara- tive anatomy of the vertebrate animals, designed especially for the use of students. Edited from the German by Alfred Tulk. 8C. London, 1845. Anatomy (Comparative). ----—. Icones zootomies. Handatlas zur vergleichenden Anatomie nach fremden und eigenen Untersuchungen. fol. Leipzig, 1841. Wiedersheim (R.) Lehrbuch der verglei- chenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere auf Grund- lage der Entwicklungsgeschichte. 2 pts. in 1 v 8°. Jena, 1883. -----. Grundriss der vergleichenden Ana- tomie der Wirbelthiere fiir Studierende bear- beitet. 8°. Jena, 1884. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1893. -----. The same. Elements of the compara- tive anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German, by W. Newton Parker. With addi- tions by the author and translator. 8°. Lon- don, 1886. -----. The same. Manuel d'anatomie conT- pare des vertebres. Traduit sur la 2. ed. alle- inand par G. Moquin-Tandon. 8°. Paris, 1890. Wilder (B. G.) Commentary upon fissural diagrams. Presented in connection with papers upon the brains of a philosopher (Channcey Wright) and of a chimpanzee, to the American Neurological Association, June 6, 1890. 8°. [n. p., 1890.] ----- &. Gage (S. H.) Anatomical technol- ogy as applied to the domestic cat; an intro- duction to human, veterinary, and comparative anatomy. 8°. New York 4' Chicago, 1882. Wils (H. B.) *Diss. coutinens observationes quasdam anatomicas comparatas de Squatina lsevi. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1844. Zaddach (E. G.) Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung und den Bau der Gliederthiere. 1. Heft. Die Entwickelung des Phrygauiden- Eies. 4°. Berlin, 1854. Zoologisch-zootomisches Institut in Wiirz- burg. Arbeiten aus dem . . . Hrsg. von C. Semper. Hft. 1 & 2, Bd. 7; Hft. 3, Bd. 8; Hft. 1 & 2, Bd. 9; Hft. 1, Bd. 10. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1884-91. Allen (H.) On the study of comparative anatomy as a part of the medical curriculum. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1880, Salem, 1881, xxix, 551-554. —Banr (G.) Dino- saurier und Vogel; eine Erwiederung an Herrn Prof. W. Damea in Berlin. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1884-5, x, 446- 454.— Beard (J.) The system of branchial sense organs and their associated ganglia in Ichthyopsida; a contribu- tion to the ancestral history of vertebrates. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1885-6, n. s., xxvi, 95-156, 3 pl. — Bo- janus (L. H.) Bemerkungen aus dem Gebiete der ver- gleichenden Anatomie. Kuss. Samml. f. Naturw. n. Heilk., Kigau. Leipz., 1817, ii, 523-553.—Bonlnrt (It.) Sc Pillk-t (A.) Sur les papilles foli6es de quelques raainmiferes. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 143-146.— Canficld (W. B.) Vergleichend anatomische Studien iiber den Accomodationsapparat des Vogelauges. Arch, f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1886, xxviii, 121-170. — Uarlct (G.) Sur l'orientation des figures anatomiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, "cix, 317-320.—Corneviii & IiC«- brc. Caracteres ost6ologiques differentials de la chi-vre et da mouton. Bull. Soc. d^anthrop. de Lyon (1891), 1892, x, 47-72.—Crie (L.) PieireBelon, duMans, et l'anatomie comparee. Eev. scient, Par., 1882, xxx, 481 - 485. — von Da virion" (M.) TJeber das Skelett der hinteren Glied- masse der Ganoidei holostei und der physostonien Kno- chenflsche. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1880, vi, 125-128. — Fichbaiim (P.) Die geschichtliche Eutwickhmg der Anatomie der Hausthiere. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wis- sensch. Veterinark., Wien, 1881, lvi, 1-30. — Farmer (J. B.) & iVIoore(J. E. S.) On the essential similarities existing between the heterotype nuclear divisions in ani- mals and plants. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1895, xi, 71-80. — Flower (TV". H.) Abstract report of lectures on the comparative anatomy of man. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1879, i, 501; 540; 579; 617; 658; 695; 734; 804; 847: 1880, i, 507; 549; 577; 616; 649; 679; 724; 769.— Fraipont (J.) Recherches sur l'appareil excreLeur des tr6 mat odes et des cestoldes. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1880, i, 415-456, 2 pl.— Fritsch. TJeber die vergleichende Anatomie der elek- trischen Organe und Nerven. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Natnrf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freiburg i. B., 1884, lvi, 138-140.—Greenwood (M.),jr. Aids to zoology and com- parative anatomy. Students'J. & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1882, X, 203; 215: 227; 239; 251; 265; 276; 287; 299; 312; 323; 335; 347; 375; 411; 423; 435; 459; 483; 495; 518: 1883, XI, ANATOMY. 393 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Comparative). 3; 15; 25; 62.— Knlide (G.) Vorlaufigo Mittheilungen iiber Studien am Gastropoden- und am IVctenauge. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1888, xi, 679; 698. — KolliUer (A.) Hen- Paul Albrecht zum letzten Male. I. I)ie Chorda in der Nasenschoidewand des Ochsen. II. Der Zwischenkiefer. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1885, 127- 131. — Krulteiiberg (C. F. \V.) Vergleichend - toxico- logische Untersuchungen als experimentelle Grundlage fiir eine Xerven- und Muskelphvsiologie der Evertebraten. In his: Vergleich.phvsiol. Stud., 8°, Heidelb., 1880, 77- 155, 1 pl.—Kunze 6. de Castro y Latorre (F.) Manual de di- seccion. 2 v. 12°. Madrid, 1877. Caudron ( E. ) Expiicatie van een nieuw spierbeeld, in gips afgegoteu (ter hoogte van 70 Ned. duimen), voorstellende den mensch, ten gebruike van knnstenaars. 8°. Utrecht, 1847. Cheseldex (W.) The anatomy of the human body. 4. ed. With the addition of an appen- dix, which also is printed separately for the use of those who have the former editions. 8°. London, 1730. -----. The same. The anatomy of the hu- man body . . . with forty copper plates engrav'd by Ger: Vandergucht. 6. ed. 8°. London, [1741]. -----. The same. 10. ed. 8°. London, 1773. -----. Thesame. 11. ed. 8°. London, 1778. -----. The same. 12. ed. 8C. London, 1784. -----. The same. The anatomy of the hu- man body. 2. Am. ed. 8C. Boston, 1806. -----. The same. Anatomie des mensch- lichen Korpers. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von August Ferdinand Wolff, nebst einer Vorrede vou J. Fr. Blumenbach. 12°. Gottingen, 1790. [Chixese (A) work on anatomy.] roy. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Chovet (A.) A syllabus or index of all the parts that enter the composition of the human body, in twelve lectures, for the use of those that go through courses of anatomy. 4°. Lon- don, 1732. Chowdhoory (K. P.) Manual of anatomy, descriptive and surgical. 8°. Calcutta, 1880. Sanscrit text. Clelaxd (J.) A directory for the dissection ofthe human body. 3. ed., thoroughly revised by John Yule Mackay. 16°. London, 1888. Clemext (C.) Tables synoptiques et mne- moniques d'anatomie humaine. broadside fol. Paris, 1632. Cloquet (H.) A system of human anatomy: translated from the fourth edition of the French . . . with notes and a corrected nomenclature, by Robert Knox. 8°. Edinburgh, 1828. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1631. -----. Traite d'anatomie descriptive, redige d'apres l'ordre adopte a la Faculte de medecine de Paris. 5 v. 4°. Paris, 1840. Cloquet (J.) Manuel d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain, representee en planches litho- graphiees. 3 v. 4°. Paris, 1825. -----. The same. Manual of descriptive anatomy of the human body. Transl. bv John D. Goodman. 4°. Boston, 1827. A prospectus. Collegium anatomicum . . . trium virorum Julii Jasolini Tocri, Marci Aurelii Severini Thu- Liiatomy (Human, General tcorks on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. rii, Bartholoniaei Cabrolii Aquitani; per quos singulos collatae opera- posteriore paginae facie patescent collect, et promot. Joanne Georgio Volcamero. 4°. Hanov'ue, 1654. Collignon (C.) Tyrocinium anatomicum, or an introduction to auatomy. 8°. Cambridge, 1763. Columbus ([M.] R.) De re anatomica libri xv. 4°. Venetiis, 1559. -----. The same. 12°. Parisiis, 1572. -----. The same. 8°. Francofurdi, 1593. See, also, infra, Posthius (J.). Compendious (A) system of anatomy. In six parts. I. Osteology. II. Of the muscles, etc. III. Of the abdomen. IV. Of the thorax. V. Of the brain and nerves. VI. Of the senses. From the Encyclopaedia. 8°. Philadelphia,180b. Cooke (T.) Tablets of anatomy and physiol- ogy: being a synopsis of demonstrations given in the Westminster Hospital Medical School in the years 1871-5. sm. 4°. London, 1875. -----. The same. With an appendix con- taining most of the new discoveries of impor- tance made known up to the date of publication. Anatomy complete. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1878. -----. The same. Tablets of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy: bones and cavities of face; under surface of base and lateral region of skull. 4°. New York, 1874. -----. Dissection guides, aiming at extend- ing and facilitating such practical work in anat- omy as will be specially useful in connection with an ordinary hospital curriculum. 8°. Lon- don, 1891. Cooper (B. B.) Lectures on anatomy: inter- spersed with practical remarks. 4 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1830-35. Cossar-Ewart (J.) Manual of practical anat- omy, with outline plates engraved by Wm. Bal- lingall. The upper limb. 8°. London, 1879. Cowper (W.) The anatomy of humane bodies, with figures drawn after the life by some of the best masters in Europe, and curiously engraven in one hundred and fourteen copper plates, illus- trated with large explications, containing many new anatomical discoveries and chirurgical ob- servations; to which is added an introduction explaining the animal ceconomy, with a copious index. Revised and publish'd by C. B. Albinus. 2. ed. fol. Ley den 4' London, 1737. Cox (W. S.) A synopsis of the bones, liga- ments, muscles, blood-vessels, and nerves of the human body. 8°. Birmingham, 1831. Craigie (D.) Elements of anatomy, general, special, and comparative. From the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. 7. ed. 4°. Edinburgh, 1831. -----. The same. 4°. Edinburgh, 1838. Crommelinck (C.) Nouveau nianuel d'anato- mie descriptive et raisonnee. roy. 8°. Bruxelles, 1841. Crooke ( H. ) 'MiicpoKoo-poypaibia. A descrip- tion of the body of man, together with the con- troversies thereto belonging. Collected aud translated out of all the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhiuus and Andreas Laurentius. fol. London, 1615. -----. The same. fol. [London], 1618. Cruveilhier (J.) Traite d'anatomie descrip- tive. 5. ed., revue et corrigee avec la collabo- ration de M. See et Cruveilhier tils. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1867-74. -----. Atlas ofthe descriptive anatomy of the human body. With explanations by C. Bonamy. v. 1. Osteology, syndemology, myology, roy. 8^. London, 1844. ANATOMY. 399 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. -----. The same. The anatomy of the hu- man body. The 1. Am. from the last Paris ed. Edited by G. S. Pattison. - 8°. New York, 1844. -----. The same. The anatomy of the hu- man body. 1. Am. from the last (3.) Paris ed. Edited by Granville Sharp Pattison. 8°. New York, 1877). Cuxnixgham (D. J.) The dissector's guide: being a manual for the use of students. Abdo- men. [Pt. 2.] 12°. Edinburgh, 1880. -----. The same. The dissector's guide, being a manual for the use of students. Head and neck. [Pt. 3.] 12°. Edinburgh, 1887. -----. A manual of practical anatomy. Part I. Upper limb, thorax, lower limb. 2. ed., by the author assisted by H. St. John Brooks. 12°. Edinburgh, 1889. -----. The same. Manual of practical anat- omy. 2 v. 12°. Edinburgh 4~ London, 1893-4. Curtius (M.) In Mundini anatomen explica- tio, nunc primum in lucem aedita. 16°. Papios, 1550. -----. The same. In Mundini anatomen commentarius elegans et doctus. 18°. Lugduni, 1551. Cuyer (E\) Atlas manuel d'anatomie eie- mentaire demontree a I'aide de planches colo- riees, decoupees et superposees. 4°. Paris, 1895. Darlixg (W.) & Ranney (A. L.) The essen- tials of anatomy. Designed as a text book for students, and as a book of easy reference for the practitioner. 8°. New York, 1880. Debierre (C. ) Traite etementaire d'anato- mie de l'homme (anatomie descriptive et dissec- tion), avec notices d'organogenie et d'embryolo- gie generate. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1890. Descriptive (The) atlas of anatomy. A rep- resentation of the anatomy of the human body. 4°. London, 1880. de Diemerbroek (I.) Anatome corporis hu- mani; plurimis novis inventis instructa variis- que observationibus, et paradoxis, cum medicis, turn physiologicis adornata. Editio nova. 4°. Lugduni, 1683. -----. The same. The anatomy of hu- man bodies; comprehending the most modern discoveries and curiosities in that art, to which is added a particular treatise of the small-pox and measles, together with several practical ob- servations and experienced cures. Written in Latin by . . . translated from the last and most correct and full edition of the same by William Salmon, fol. London, 1694. Dioxis (P.) L'anatomie de l'homme, suivant la circulation du sang et les nouvlles decout- vertes. 5. ed. . . . avec une ampleedissertation sur la generation et plusieurs explications de faits particuliers, accompagnez de figures nou- velles. 8°. Paris, 1716. -----. The same. The anatomy of humane bodies improv'd, according to the circulation of the blood, and all the modern discoveries. Pub- lickly demonstrated at the theater in the royal garden at Paris. Translated from the third edition, corrected and enlarged by the author, with an ample dissertation upon the nature of generation, and several new systems. With figures of all the parts of the body, and an use- ful index of the principal matters. 8°. London, 1703. -----. The same. Anatomia corporis hu- mani, juxta circulationem sanguinis et recentio- res observationes: in horto regio Parisino ab ipso autore demonstrata. 12°. Amstelodami, 1696. Liiatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. Drake (J.) Anthropologia nova; or, a new system of anatomy. Describing the animal cecon- omy, and a short rationale of many distempers incident to human bodies. In which are inserted divers anatomical discoveries, and medicinal ob- servations, with the history of the parts. Illus- trated writh above forescore figures, drawn after the life; and to every chapter a syllabus of the parts described, for the instruction of young anatomists. 2 v. 8°. London, 1707. Dresserus (M.) De partibus corporis hu- mani et de anima ejusque potentiis, libri duo. 12°. Wittebergce, 1581. -----. The same. 12°. Wittebergce, 1583. -----. The same. De partibus humani cor- poris, et animae potentiis, libri duo, correcti et aucti denuo. Adjectae sunt ad finem morborum et medicamentorum communissimorum appella- tiones. 12°. Lipsice, 1589. -----. The same. De partibus humani cor- poris et animae potentiis, libri duo, correcti et aucti denuo. Adjectae sunt ad finem morborum et medicamentorum communissimorum appella- tiones. 16°. Lipsice, 1593. Dubini (A.) Dell' arte di fare le sezioni cada- veriche. 2. ed. 8°. [Milano, 1817.] -----. The same. 8°. [Milano, 1849.] Duverney (J.-G.) ffiuvres anatomiques. 2 v. 4°. Paris, 1761. -----. L'art de dissequer methodiquement les muscles du corps humain, mis a la portee des commencans. 16°. Paris, 1749. Eisler (P.) Grundriss der Anatomie des Men- schen. Eiu Compendium fiir Studirende. 8°. Stuttgart, 1893. Ellis (G. V.) Demonstrations of anatomy; being a guide to the knowledge of the human body by dissection. 5. ed., revised. 8°. Lon- don, 1861. -----. The same. 8. ed., revised. 8°. Lon- don, 1878. -----. The same. 10. ed., revised and edited by George Dancer Thane. 8°. London, 1887. -----. The same. 11. ed., revised and edited by George Dancer Thane. 8°. London, 1890. -----& Ford (G. H.) Illustrations of dissec- tions in a series of original colored plates the size of life, representing the dissection of the human body. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1882. Eulenburg (M.) & Bkrend (H. W.) Situs sammtlicher Eingeweide der Schadel-, Brust- und Bauchhohle. Leitfaden fiir angehende Aerzte zur Vorbereitung auf die Staatspriifung. 8°. Berlin, 1833. d'Evant (T.) Compendio di anatomia umana redatto sulle opere piu recenti e secondo 1' indi- rizzo dell' insegnameuto ufficiale ad uso degli studenti in medicina. v. 1. 12°. Napoli, 1887. Encyclopedie anatomique; comprenant l'a- natomie descriptive, l'anatomie generate, l'ana- tomie pathologique, l'histoire du developpement, et celle des races humaines; par T.-L.-G. Bi- schoff, J. Henle, E. Huschke, S.-T. Soemmering, F.-G. Theile, G. Valentin, J. Vogel, R. Wagner et G. et E. Weber. Trad, de l'allemand par A.-J.-L. Jourdan. v. 9°. Paris, 1843-7. -----. The same. Enciclopedia anatomica, che comprende 1' anatomia descrittiva, 1'anato- mia generale, 1' anatomia patologica, la storia dello sviluppo e delle razze umane di G. T. Bi- schoff, G. Henle, E. Huschke, S. T. Soemraerring, F. G. Theile, G. Valentin, G. Vogel, R. Wagner, G. ed E. Weber. Tradotta dal tedesco da A. G. L. Jourdan. Prima traduzioue italiaua di M. G. Levi. 8 v. 8°. Venezia, 1844-8. ANATOMY. 400 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including'systems, manuals, elements, etc. Eustachius (B.) Opuscula anatomica. sin. 4°. Venetiis, 1564. Explaxatiox ( The ) of Albinus' anatomical figures of the human skeleton and muscles. With an historical account of the work. Trans- lated from the Latin, to which is added the ex- planation of the supplement to Albinus, con- taining a compleat anatomical description of the blood-vessels and nerves, and the external parts of the human body. 4°. London, 1754. Fabricius (P. C.) Idea anatomiaj practicae ■ exhibens modum cadavera humana rite secandi, cum philiatris communicata. 8;. Wetzlariw, 1741. Falloppius (G.) De humani corporis ana- tome compendium. 16°. Venetiis, 1571. -----. Observationes anatomicae, in quinque libros digestae, certisque capitibus distinctae, et illustratae: opera et studio Johannis Sigfridi, cum praefatione Johannis Bokelii. 16°. Helm- stadii, 17>88. Ford (C. L.) Questions on anatomy, for the use of students. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1865. Fort (A.-J.-A.) Manuel d'anatomie. 2. ed. du Resume d'auatomie . . . contenant la dissec- tion des diften-utes regions du corps, un resume de la description de tous les organes (os, mus- cles, articulations, vaisseaux, centres nerveux, nerfs, visceres, organes des sens) et un resume d'embryologie. 16°. Paris, 1875. -----. The same. Anatomie descriptive et dissection, contenant un precis d'embryologie, la structure microscopique des organes et celle des tissus, avec des apercus physiologiques et patho- logiques. 5. ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. 3 v. 12°. Paris, 1892. Fotherby (J.) [Anatomy.] MS. Elephan- tine fol. [n. p., 1729-30.] de la Fkamboisiere. L'anatomie du corps humain methodiquement dresse en faveur des etudians en medecine et chirurgie; et de tous ceux qui se plaisent en la contemplation du chef d'ceuvre de Dieu. 12°. Rouen, 1680. Fuchs (L.) De humani corporis fabrica, ex Galeni et Andrese Vesalii libris concinnatae epi- tomes pars prima, duos, unum de ossibus, alte- rum de musculis libros complectens. 16°. Tu- binga', 1551. Fyfe (A.) A compendium of the anatomy of the human body, intended principally for the use of students. In two volumes. This edition is prefixed with a compendious history of anat- omy and the Ruyschian art and method of mak- ing preparations to exhibit the structure of the human body, illustrated with a representation of the quicksilver tray and its appendages, which is not in the London edition. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1802. -----. The same. 2 v. 16°. Philadelphia, 1807. -----. The same. A compendium of anat- omy, humau and comparative. Intended princi- pally for the use of students. 7. ed., enlarged and improved, to which is also added, directions for dissectiug the different parts of the human body. 4 v. 8G. Edinburgh, 1819. Gegexbaur (C.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menscheu. 8°. Leipzig, 1883. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 1. Halfte. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1666. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. v. 1. 8°. Leip- zig, 1890. -----. Thesame. 5. Aufl. 2 v. 8. Leip- zig, 1892. Gelee (T.) L'anatomie francoise, en forme d'abbrege; recueillie des meilleurs autheurs qui Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. ont escrit de ceste science. Reveue, corrigee et de beaucoup augmentee en ceste derniere edition, par l'autheur. 16°. Paris, 1632. -----. The same. 12°. Rouen, 1642. -----. The same. Revue et corrigee dans tout te cours du livre, et outre le traite dea valvules, d'un autre des veines lactees; aug- mente d'un discours des v6ritez anatomiques et chirurgicales, par Gabriel Bertrand. 16°. Paris, 1656. -----. The same. Reveue et augmentee dans tout le cours de livre, et outre le Traite des valvules, d'un autre des veines lactees, par G.. Sauvageon. Avec un discours des veritez anatomiques et chirurgicales. Par Gabriel Ber- trand. Derniere edition. 12°. Paris, 1671. Gibson (T.) The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized; wherein all the parts of man's body, with their actions and uses, are succinctly described, according to the newest doctrine and the most accurate and learned modern anato- mists. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1684. -----. The same 6. ed., corrected and im- proved. 12°. London, 1703. ' Gomez y AlamI (J. M.) Compendio de ana- tomia descriptiva y elementos de la general, con nociones de anatomia microsc6pica, seguido de un arte de disecar. 2 v. sm. 4°. Valencia, 1867-8. -----. The same. Tratado elemental de anatomia humana descriptiva, general y mi- croscdpica. 2. ed. 2 v. 8C. Valencia, 1872. Gordon (J.) A system of human anatomy. v. 1. 8°. Edinburgh, 1815. Grainger (R. D.) Elements of geueral anat- omy, containing an outline of the organization of the human body. 8°. London, 1829. GRASECCius ( G.) Examen tov piKponoaumov dedrpov, in quo ceu viva imagine fabrica humani corporis masculum repraesentautis ejusque prae- cipuae partes affabre ry avroipia demonstrantur: cum cuj usque partis quo quaelibet prseter natu- ram aft'ectu tentari potest succincta notatione. Methoda anatomica in unum quasi corpus con- gestum. 16°. Argentina!, 1605. Gray (H.) Anatomy, descriptive and surgi- cal. The drawings by H. V. Carter, M. D., with additional drawings in later editions. 11. ed. Edited by T. Pickering Pick. roy. 8°. London, 1887. -----. The same. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. The drawings by H. V. Carter, with additional drawings in later editions. Edited by T. Pickering Pick. 12. ed. 8°. London, 1890. -----. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical; with an introduction on general anatomy aud development by T. Holmes. The drawings by H. V. Carter, with additional drawings in later editions. Edited by T. Pickering Pick. A new Am. from the 10. English ed., to which is added, Land-marks, medical and surgical, by Luther Holden, with additions by William W. Keen. 8°. Philadelphia, 1683. -----. The same. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. The drawings by H. V. Carter, with additional drawings in later editions. Edited by T. Pickering Pick. A new Am. from the 11. English ed. Thoroughly revised and re-edited with additions by William W. Keen, to which is added, Land-marks, medical and surgical, by Luther Holden, with additions by William W. Keen. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. -----. The same. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. A new Am. from the 13. English ed., ANATOMY. 401 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. edited bv T. Pickering Pick. roy. 8-\ Phila- delphia, 1893. Grevix (J.) Les portraicts anatomiques de toutes les parties du corps humain, grave*z en taille douce, par le cominaudement de feu Henry huictiesine, roy d'Augleterre. Ensemble l'ab- brege d'Andre Vesal, et l'explication d'iceux, ac- compagnee d'une declaration anatomique. fol. Paris, 1569. Groeve (J. G.) Anatomie van den mensch, uaar teekeuingen van Dr. C. Heitzmann, Carl Henning e. a.; ten dienste van hen, die zich voor een examen in de gymnastiek weuschen te bekwamen. Onder toezicht van J. S. G. Disse. roy. 8J. Rotterdam, 1891. Guarxaschelli (S. J.) Anathomiam corporis humani [etc.]. 4C. Ticini Regii, [1769]. Guixterius Andernacus (J.) Institutionum anatomicarum secundum Galeni senteutiam ad candidatos niedicinae libri quatuor. 12°. Bru- xellensi, 1585. Habicot (N.) Semaine ou practique anato- mique, par laquelle est euseigne par lecons le moyen de des-assembler les parties du corps hu- niain, les unes d'avec les autres, sans les iute- resser. 16°. Paris, 1533. -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1660. Hahn (J. G.) De partibus corporis humani externis. sm. 4C. Lipsice, 1715. Halle (J.) A compendious worke of anato- mie, more utile and profitable then any hereto- fore in the Englyshe tongue publyshed. 12°. London, 1565. Hamoxaide (G.) Programmes, epreuves pra- tiques et questionnaires d'anatomie et d'histolo- gie, comprenant toutes les questions posees au deiixteine examen (premiere partie) et recueillies par le docteur . . . 16°. Paris, 1895. Haxdleiding der bijzondere ontleedkunde van den mensch, dienende tot herinnering voor genees- en heelkundigen en studerenden. Naar de vijfde uitgave van de Anatomical Remem- brancer. Verbeterd envermeederd in het Hoog- duitsch overgebragt, en daaruit iu het Neder- duitsch vertaald door A. H. Schoemaker. 12°. Utrecht, 1859. Haxdyside (P. D.) General outlines of the anatomy and physiology of the human body ; being a text-book to his systematic course of lectures. 8°. Edinburgh, 1839. [Harrison (R.)] The Dublin dissector, or manual of anatomy; comprising a concise de- scription of the bones, muscles, vessels, nerves, and viscera, also the relative anatomy ofthe dif- ferent regions of the human body. For the use of students in the dissecting room. By a mem- ber of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. 2. ed. 16°. Dublin, 1629. -----. The same. The Dublin dissector, or system of practical anatomy. 10. thousand. 2 v. 12°. Dublin, [1859]. Hartelius (T. J.) Liirobok i raenniskokrop- pens auatomi. 3. ed. 8^. Stockholm, 1884. Hartmaxx (R.) Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen fur Studirende und Aerzte. Mit 465 in den Text gedruckten zum Theil farbigen Abbil- dungen, grossentheils nach Original-Aquarellen oder a deux Crayons-Zeichnungen des Verfas- sers. 8°. Strasburg, 1881. Hartshorxe (H.) A hand-book of human anatomy and physiology ; for the use of students. sm. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. Harvey ( W. ) Praelectiones anatoniiae uni- versalis. Edited with an autotype reproduction ofthe original by a committee of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians of London. 4°. London, 1886. 26 Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. Haynes (I. s.) A practical guide for begin- ners to the dissection of the human body, ob- long 12°. New York, 1893. Heath (C.) Practical anatomy: a manual of dissections. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1869. -----. The same. 6. ed. Revised by Rick- man J. Godlee. sm. 8°. London, 1885. -----. The same. 7. ed. Revised by Rich- man J. Godlee. 12°. London, lo88. -----. The same. 6. ed. Revised by Rick- man J. Godlee. 12°. Philadelphia, 1885. -----. The same. 7. ed. Revised by Rick- man J. Godlee. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. -----. The same. Edited by William An- derson. 8. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1893. -----. The same. Tikken kaibo gaku. [Translated by Mi ve Genji.] 3 v. 8°. Osaka, 1880. Japanese text. Heister (L.) Compendium anatomicum to- tam rem anatomicam brevissime complectens. Editio quinta Veneta juxtaquartam Altorfinam. Accedit ejusdem auctoris Compendium institu- tionum niedicinae. 12°. Venetiis, 1749. -----. The same. Editio sexta Veneta juxta quartam Altorfinam prioribus longe auc- tior atque emendatior; accedit ejusdem auctoris Compendium institutionum niedicinae. 12°. Venetiis, 1755. -----. The same. 8°. Venetiis, 1755. -----. The same. Editio sexta prioribus longe auctior atque emendatior. 8°. Norim- bergce, 1761. -----. The same. Editio nova. sm. 8°. Edinburgi, 1777. -----. The same. De l'anatomie, avec des essais de physique sur l'usage des parties du corps humain, et sur le mechanisme de leurs mouvements. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1735. -----. The same. Kort ontleedkuudig be- grip, bevattende op de beknopste wyse de ge- heele ontleedkunde. Uit het Latyn vertaalt door Amos Lambrechts. 8°. Amsterdam, 1728. vox Hellwig (C.) Nosce te ipsum, vel anato- micum vivum, oder: kurtzgefastes doch richtig gestelltes anatomisches Werck, worinnen die ganze Anatome, nebst ihrer Eintheilung deut- lich zu finden. Jedwedeu niitzlich, anmuthig und erbaulich zu lesen, nebst nothigen Kupffern, wovon die Invention gantz sonderlich, iu dem man die Viseera heraus nehmen, nach denen Ta- bellen wohl betrachten, sich aus dem Tractat- lein darbey iuformiren und wiederum einsetzen kan, wovon die Vorrede und Information ein mehrers Licht geben. Nebst Beschreibung todt- licher Wunden ; mit angefugtem Register. Auff Begehren zum andemmahl zum Druck befordert. fol. Franckfurth u. Leipzig, [1710], Helwtch (J. F.) "Machinae humanae organa animalia in specie dicta, sm. 4°. Wittenbergce, 1700. Hempel (A. F.) Anfangsgriinde der Anato- mie. 2. Aufl. 8°. Gottingen, 1811. Hexcke (W.) Handatlas and Anleitung zum Studium der Anatomie des Menschen im Prapa- riersaale. Erste Cursus: Muskeln, Knochen, und Gelenke. 2 v. I. Text. II. Atlas, roy. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Hexle (F. G. J.) Grundriss der Anatomie des Menschen, hrsg. von Dr. Fr. Merkel. 3. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Braunschweig, 1888. Herold (J.) & Wimmer (S. J.) Memoranda and tables of human anatomy. With a preface by Prof. James E. Garretson. 24°. Philadel- phia, Pa., 1894. ■•* ANATOMY. 402 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General icorks on), including' systems, manuals, elements, etc. Hervas (L.) El hombre fisico, 6 anatomia hu- mana fisico-filosdfica. 2 v. 8~. Madrid, 1800. Hesselbach (F. C.) Vollstaudige Anleitung zur Zerjiliederungskunde des menschlichen Kor- pers. Myologie. 4°. Arnstadt, 1810. -----. Thesame. Haudatlas und Anleitung zum Studi um der Anatomie des Menschen im Priipariersaate. Atlas Uach Zeichuungen des Verfassers lithographiert von A. Gatteruicht in Stuttgart. Zweiter Cursus: Eingeweide, Ge- fasse und Nerven. roy. 8C. Berlin, 1869. Hildebraxd (F. G.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. Dritte verbesserte Ausgabe. ErsterBaud; zweiter Baud; dritter Band, wel- cher die gesammte Splanchnologieenthalt; vier- ter und letzter Band. 8°. Braunschweig, 1803. -----. The same. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. Vierte umgearbeitete und sehr vermehrte Ausgabe, besorgt von Ernst Heinrich Weber. 4 v. 8°. Stuttgart, 1833-4. Hippocrates. De hominis structura opus. 4°. Venetiis, 1552. Hoffmann (C. E. E.) Lehrbuch der Anato- mie des Menschen. 2. Aufl. der bearbeitung von Qnain's Elements of anatomy. 2 v. 8°. Er- langen, 1878. ----- & Rauber (A.) The same. Lehr- buch der Anatomie des Menschen, in zwei Ban- den. 3. Aufl. 8C. Erlangen, 1886. Hoffmann (J. M.) Anatomen corporis fcenri- nini in theatro anatomico exhibiturus. sm. 4°. Altdorfi, 1682. Holdex (L.) A manual on the dissection of the human body. 8°. London, 1851. -----. The'same. 8°. London, 1859. -----. The same. 5. ed. Edited by John Langton. 8C. London, 1884. -----. The same. 5. ed. Edited by John Langton. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. -----. Thesame. Edited by John Langton. 6. ed. Revised by A. Hewson. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1894. Hollsteix (L.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 4. Aufl. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1865. vax Horne (J.) MiKpoKoapoc, seu brevis manu- ductio ad historiam corporis humani in gratiam discipulornm quartum edita. Accessit huic edi- tioni epistola ad Guernerum Rolfincium per- scripta, observationum in sexus utriusque parti- bus genitalibus specimen exhibeus, et index priore locupletior et auctior. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1675. Horxer (W. E.) Lessons in practical anat- omy, for the use of dissectors. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1827. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1836. * ' -----. The same. The United States dis- sector, or lessons in practical anatomy. Edited by Henry H. Smith. 4. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1846. * ' -----. The same. 5. ed. Carefullv revised and entirely remodelled by H. H. Smith. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. -----. A treatise on special and general anatomy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1826. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°, Phila- delphia, 1830. -----. The same. 2 v. 5. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1640. -----. The same. 6. ed. Philadelphia, 1843. Hueck (A.) Geriiste der Anatomie. Eine Uebersicht der vorziiglichsteu Theile des mensch- lichen Korpers. 8P, Riga u. Dorpat, 1633. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. -----. Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Men- schen. Mit Hinweisung auf Dr. M. J. Webeis anatomischen Atlas. 1 v. iu2Abth. 8°. Riga u. Dorpat, 1835. Human anatomy, compiled from Gray, Hor- ner, Smith, and Wilson. Translated by Daniel W. Chapman, supervised by Samuel F. Green. 6°. Jaffna, 1872. Tamil text. Huxter (R.) A text book of human anat- omy, designed to facilitate the study of that science. 2. ed. 12°. Glasgow, 1638. Hyrtl (J.) Lehrbnch der Anatomie des Men- schen, mit Riicksicht auf physiologische Be- griiudung und praktische Anwendung. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1853. -----. Thesame. 17. Aufl. 8°. Wicn,l>81. -----. The same. 19. Aufl. rov. s -'. Wien, 1887. -----. The same. 20. Aufl. roy. 8°. Wien, 1889. -----. The same. Leerboek van de ontleed- kunde van den mensch, in verband met physio- logie en praktijk; in het Nederduitsch overge- bragt en met aanteekeningen voorzien door P. Peelen ; mit eene voorrede van den hogleeraar F. C. Douders. 8°. Tiel, 1850. -----. The same. In het Nederduitsch over- gebragt en met aanteekeningen voorzien door Dr. P. Peelen. 8°. Tiel, 1850. Ixxes (J.) Eight anatomical tables of the human body, containing the principal parts of the skeletons and muscles represented in the large tables of Albinus; to which are added con- cise explanations, sm. 4°. Edinburgh, 1776. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1779. Isaacs (C. E.) The anatomical remembrancer, or, complete pocket anatomist, containing a con- cise description of the structure of the human body. 2. Am. from the 4. Lond. ed., with cor- rections and additions. 16°. New York, 1855. -----. The same. A new ed., with correc- tions and additions. 16°. New York, 1865. Jenty (C.N.) A course of an atom i co-physio- logical lectures on the human structure and animal ceconomy; interspersed with various critical notes. To which are prefixed two essays on the arts of dissecting, injecting, and making anatomical preparations. 2 v. 8°. London, 1757. -----. The same. 3. ed. 3 v. 8°. London, 1765. [Jollar.] [Anatomie. Suite de 18 planches en bois, donnant la representation de 36 sujets anatomiques avec les explications. Curieuses pteces au point de vue de l'anatomie, de la gravure a cette epoque et des aiueubleinents sur lesquels les sujets sont exposes.] fol. [n. p., 1532. ] JOAXXOS (P.) ''Eyxeipidiov ovoTEfiaTiKTiq avaro- ulag tov iivOpunov. "Endooic devrepa. 'AOijvaiC, 1878. Julien (A.) Bibliotlteque medicate de poche, Aide-memoire d'anatomie; muscles, ligaments, vaisseaux, nerfs. 12°. Paris, 1885. [Keill (J.)] The anatomy of the humane body abridged ; or, a short and full view of all the parts of the body; together with their sev- eral uses drawn from their compositions and structures. 16°. London, 1698. -----. The same. 2. ed. 1GC. London, 1703. -----. The same. 10. ed. 18°. London, 1738. ANATOMY. 403 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including'systems, manuals, elements, etc. ------. Thesame. 15. ed. 12°. London, 1771. Keiku Shoryo. [Measurements of different parts of human anatomy.] MS. obi. 16°. [n.p., n.d.] Japanese text. Kerckringius ( T.) Spicilegium anatomi- cum, contiuens observationum anatomicarum ra- riorum centuriam imam: necnon osteogeniam fcetuum, in qua quid cuique ossiculo siugulis accedat mensibus, quidve decedat et in eo per varia immutetur tempora, accuratissime oculis subjicitur. 4°. Amstelodami, 1670. -----. The same. Opera omnia anatomica, contiueutia specilegium anatomicum; osteoge- niam fcetuum; necnon anthropogenic ichno- graphiam. 2. ed. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1717. •-----. The same. 3. ed. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1729. Kiwaki - Riyo. Kaibo zensho. [Complete anatomy; transl. and edited from Bock, Heule, Quain, Hoffman, Leypoldt, and Kolliker. v. 1. fol. Tokio, 1881. Japanese text. vox Klein (C. H.) Tabulae anatomicae osteo- logiae. 4°. Cincinnati, 1663. -----. The same. Editio emendata. 4°. Cincinnati, 1885. Kolb (C.) Grundriss der Anatomie des ge- sunden menschlichen Korpers. obi. 16°. Stutt- gart, 1661. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 16°. Braun- schweig, 1873. -----. Grundriss der topographischen Anato- mie. 16°. Stuttgart, 1869. Krause (C. F. T.) Handbuch der Mensch- lichen Anatomie. Durchaus nach eigenen Unter- suchungen und mit besonderer Riicksicht auf daa Bediirfniss der Studirenden, der practischen Aerzte und Wundarzte und der Gerichtarzte. 8°. Hannover, 1842. -----. The came. Dritte, neu bearbeitete Aufl. von W. Krause. 3 v. 8°. Hannover, 1676. -----. The same. Manuel d'anatomie hu- maine. Traduit sur la 3. ed. allemaude par Louis Dolls. Fascicule I. Osteologie et arthrolo- gie. 8°. Bruxelles, 1887. Kretzulescu (N.) Anatomia descriptiva. 3v. 8-. Bucuresci, 1878. Kulm (J. A.) Tabulae anatomicae, iu quibus corporis humani omniumque ejus partium struc- tura et usus brevissime explicantur; accesse- runt majoris perspicuitatis causa, annotationes et tabulae aeueaj. 83. Amsteladanii, 1732. -----. The same. 12°. Amsteleedami, 1732. -----. The same. Anatomische Tabellen, nebst dazu gehorigen Anmerkungen und Kupf- fern, daraus des gantzen menschlichen Corpers, Beschaffenheit und Nutzen deutlich zu ersehen, welche den Anfaugern der Anatomie zu beque- merer Anleitung verfasset hat. 3. Aufl. 8°. Dantzig, 1732. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1741. KuRZEsRepetitorium der Anatomie. Als Vade- mecum fiir Colloquium und Rigorosum. Gear- beitet nach den Werken und Vorlesungen von Broesike, Gegenbauer, Henle, Hyrtl, Landois, Langer, Toldt, Zuckerkandl u. A. 12°. Wien u. Leipzig, [n d.]. -----. The same. Kurzes Repetitorium der Anatomie, als Vademecum fiir Colloquium und Rigorosum. Gearbeitet nach den Werken und Vorlesungen von Born, Gegenbauer, [et al.]. 2. Th. 12°. Leipzig u. Wien, [1892]. Breitenstein's Repetitorien, Nr. 10. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. Lacuxa (A.) Auatomica nicthodus, seu de sectione humani corporis contemplat in, Andrea a Lacuna Secobiense authore, in compendium atque adeo enchiridium rcdacta: ubi quicquid boni succulentive probatissinii quique philosophorum de ea scripserunt, appositissime congestuni repe- rias: observata quidem sermonis puritate, at verborum leuociuiis, ac, ut ita dicam, phaleris, non admodum anxie curatis: nam et que latinae voces plerumque non suppeterent, graecis nti praestitit, quam rem in medio relinquere. 16°. Parisiis, 1535. vox Langer (C.) Lehrbuch der systemati- scheu und topographischen Anatomie. 3. Aufl. Wien, 1885. -----. The same. Bearbeitet von Dr. C. Toldt. 4. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1890. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1893. Laskowski (S.) Anatomie normale du corps humain: atlas iconographique, execute d'apres les preparations et sous la direction de I'auteur par Sigismond Balicki. 4° & Elephantine fol. Geneve, 1894. Laurentius (A.) Historia anatomica humani corporis et singularum ejus partium multis cou- troversiis et observationibus novis illustrata. fol. Franeof or ti, [1595]. -----. The same. fol. Parisiis, 1600. -----. The same. Cum indice rerum et ver- borum locupletissima. 12°. Francofurti, 1602. ---'■—. The same. 4°. Francofurti, 1615. -----. Opera auatomica in quinque libros divisa: In quibus historia singularum partium primum accurate describitur, mox quae in ea oc- currunt controversa enodantur, Hippocratis libii anatomici illnstrantur, et a recentiorum pene inuuiueris caluniniis Galenus vindicatur. 12°. Lugduni, 1593. Lauth (A. G.) Neues Handbuch der practi- schen Anatomie, oder Beschreibung alter Theile des menschlichen Korpers, mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf ihre ge^enseitige Lage, nebst der Angabe iiber die Art, dieselben zu zergliedern und anatomische Praparate zu verfertigen. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, 1835. Leber (F.) Praelectiones anatomicas: editio nova; cui nunc primum accessernnt observatio- nes quaedam physiologicae et anatomicae; cu- rante J. Wilson. 8°. Edinburgi, [1790?]. Ledeganck. Anatomie etemeutaire. Texte explicatif pour la demonstration et l'interpreta- tion des modeles anatomiques du Dr. Bock an- note et developpe. 8°. Bruxelles, 1877. Ledwich (T. H.) & Ledwich (E.) The practi- cal and descriptive anatomy of the human bodv. 2.ed. 12°. Dublin, 1864. Lefort (P.) Manuel du doctorat en medecine. Aide-memoire d'anatomie a l'amphitheatre; dis- section et technique microscopique, arthrologie, myologie, angecologie, nevrologie et decouvertes anatomiques pour la preparation du deuxieme examen. 16°. Paris, 1690. Leidy (J.) An elementary treatise on human anatomy. 2. ed. 8 . Philadelphia, 1889. Lemercier (F.-G.) Anatomie de structure chez l'homme. 8°. Paris, [1883'!]. Leonard (C. H.) The vest pocket anatomist; (founded upon "Gray"). Enlarged edition. 18°. Detroit, 1877. -----. The same. Taschenbuch der Anato- mie des Menschen. Vademecum fiir Studirende und Aerzte. Nach der siebzehuteu englischen Auflage iibersetzt, herausgegebeu und mit aus- filhrlichem Sachregister versehen vou Dr. med. Wilhelm Benninghoven. 12°. Leipzig, 1892. ANATOMY. 404 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General tcorks on), including'systems, manuals, elements, etc. Le Pilecr (A.) Le corps humain. 2. ed. 12c. Paris, 1669. -----. The same. Wonders of the human body. From the French. 12°. New York, 1670. Lesshaft(P.) Osnovy teoreticheskoi anato- mii. Pt. I. [Principles of theoretical anat- omy.] 8 . S.-Petersburg, 1892. -----. The same. Grundlageu der theore- •fischen Anatomie. Pt. I. rov. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. -----. Anatomia chelovieka. Zapiski uni- versitetskikh lektsiy; sostavleni i izdani slu- shatelyami pod redaktsiyei professora. [Human ■anatomy. Notes of university lectures; compiled bv those attending the lectures, and edited by the professor.] 1. pt. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Levelixg (H. P.) Anatomische Erklarung der Original-Figuren vou Andreas Vesal samt eiuer Anweuduug der Winslow7ischen Zergliede- rungslehre in sieben Biicheru. fol. Ingolstadt, 1761. -----. The same. fol. Ingolstadt, 1783. Lichtensteger (G.) Vorstellung der Gebeine und Muskelu des menschlichen Korpers. Wobei dieselben iu ihrer natiirlichen Faroe dargestel- let im Teutsch, Lateinisch und Franzosischer Sprache tabellenformig beschrieben sind: nebst einer Einleitung von dem was iiberhaupt von den Gebeinen und Muskelu zu merken ist. Deme auch eine eigene Beschreibung der Pro- portion einer acht Kopf groseu Figur und der Uebereinstimmung seiner Theile beigefiiget wor- ■den. Kiinstlern, Wundarzten und Liebhabern zu Dienst. fol. Niirnberg, 1774. Lizars (A. J.) Syllabus of the course of lect- ures on the anatomy of the human body, deliv- ered by . . . 6°. Edinburgh, [n. d.]. -----. Elements of anatomy, intended as a text-book for students. 2 v. 16°. Edinburgh, 1844. Loder (J. C.) Anzeige eines fiir Liebhaber der Anthropologic zu halteuden Collegiums, iiber die Anatomie und Physiologie des menschlichen Korpers. 12°. Jena, [1784]. -----. Elementa anatomiae humani corporis. 8-. Mosquce, Rigae et Dorpati, 1623. London (The) dissector, or system of dissec- tion, practised in the hospitals and lecture rooms of the metropolis, explained by the clearest rules, for the use of students; comprising a de- scription of the muscles, vessels, nerves, and viscera of the human body as they appear on dissection, with directions for their demonstra- tion. A new edition, corrected and much im- proved. 12°. London, 1808. -----. The same. 1. Am. from the last Lond. ed. To which is added au appendix, containing the Rnyschian art and method of making prepa- rations to exhibit the structure of the human body, illustrated with a representation of the quicksilver tray and its appendages. 8~. Phila- delphia, 1810. Lutze (E. A.) Anatomische Tabellen. Als Anhang zu jedem Lehrbuch und jedem Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen, sowie zum Nach- sclilagen und Repetiren. fol. Cbthen, 1879. Lygaeus (J.) De humani corporis harmo- nia libri iiii. Doctiss. annotationibus et scholiis in physiologia studiosorum gratiam illustrati. [Poem.] 8°. Lutetian, 1555. Lyser (M.) Culter anatomicus, hoc est: Me- tbodus b re vis facilis ac perspicua artificiose et compeudiose humana incideudi cadavera. 16° Hafnice, 1653. -----. The same. 2. ed. Cum prefatione Th. Bartholinse. 16-. Hafnice, 1665. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. -----. The same. 8-". Lugd. Bat., 1726. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Lugd. Bat 1731. " '* Macalister (A.) A text-book of human anat- omy: systematic aud topographical, including the embryology, histology, aud morphology of man, with special reference to the requirements of practical surgerv and medicine. 8°. London 1889. ' Manual de anatomia jeneral 6 histolojia je- neral. 8°. Santiago, 1667). Marchessaux (L.-F.) Nouveau nianuel d'a- natomie generate. Histologie et organogenic de l'homme. 8°. Paris, 1644. Marjolin (J.-N.) Manuel d'anatomie, conte- nant 1'exposition des methodes les plus avauta- geuses a suivre pour dissequer, injecter, con- server les parties qui composent te corps de l'homme; pour proce"der a l'ouverture et a l'ex- amen des cadavres, et a leur embaumement, 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1815. Marshall (J.) A description of the human body: its structure and functions. 2 v. 4°; Atlas, fol. London, 1860. Martine ( G. ) In Bartholomaei Eustachii tabulas anatomicas commentaria. 8C. Edin- burgi, 1755. Martinez (M.) Anatomia completa del honi- bre, con todos los hallazgos, nuevas doctrinns y observacioues raras, hasta el tiempo presente, y muchas advertencias necesarias para la cirugia: segun el ntethodo con que seexplica en nuestro theatro de Madrid, sm. 4°. Madrid, 1726. -----. The same. 8-. Madrid, 1764. Mascagni (P.) Anatomia universale rappre- sentata con tavole in rame ridotte a niinore forme di quelle della grande edizioue Pisana per Antonio Serantoni. fol. Firenze, 1636. Masse (J.-N.) Petit atlas complet d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain, destine a completer tous les traites d'anatomie descriptive. 3. ed. 12°. Paris, 1846. See, also, supra, Castlie (J.). -----. The same. Nonv. ed. 12°. Paris, 1867. -----. The same. Atlas completo de anato- mia descriptiva del cuerpo humano, destinado a" completar todos los tratados de anatomia de- scriptiva. Edicion espaiiola dingida por D. F. Mendez Alvaro. 12°. Madrid, 1845. -----. Traite pratique d'anatomie descrip- tive, mis en rapport avec l'atlas d'anatomie et lui servant de complement. 8°. Paris, 1858. -----. Tableaux synoptiques d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain. 12°. [n.p., n.d.] Matsuo. Jiusi gioraku kago. [Illustrated human anatomy. No. 14.] 8°. [Kioto, 1714.] Japanese text. Matsuyama (K.) & Morisita (I.) Shogaku jinshiu kiuri. [Human anatomy for beginners.] 2 v. 8°. Tokio, 1881. Japanese text. van Mauden (D.) Bedieninghe der anato- mien, dat is, mauiere ende onderrichtinghe om perfectelijck des menschen lichaem t'auatomize- ren, na de leeringhe Galeni, Vesalii, Fallopii eii Arantii, achtervolgende de figureu en charac- teren oft letteren der anatomie Vesalii en Val- verde, van Plantino int Nederlants gedrukt. fol. Antwerp, 1583. -----. The same. Van Plantino anno 1583 ende nu an. 1646 door Cornells Danckertsz, int Nederlants ghedrukt. fol. Amsterdam, 1646. Maygrier (J.-P.) Manuel de l'anatoniiste, ou traite methodique et raisonue sur la mauiere de preparer toutes les parties de l'auatomie, ANATOMY. 405 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including"systems, manuals, elements, etc. suivie d'une description complete de ces memes parties. 2. ed. . . . augmentee, entre autres, du traite des ligamens et de celui des vaisseaux lyuipliatiques. 8°. Paris, 1811. ------. The same. 3. ed., revue, corrigee et cousiderablement augmentee. 8°. Paris, 1813. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Paris, 1818. ■------. Thesame. The'anatomist's manual: or a treatise on the manner of preparing all the parts of anatomy, followed by a complete de- scription of these parts. Transl. from the 4. French ed. by Gunning S. Bedford. 12°. New York, 1832. ------. The same. Transl. from the last French ed. 12c. London, 1839. Mayo (H.) A course of dissections for the use of students. 16°. London, 1825. Meckel (J. F.) Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie. 4 v. 8°. Halle it. Berlin, 1815-20. ------. The same. Manuel d'anatomie gene- rate descriptive et pathologique. Trad, de l'alle- mand par A.-J.-L. Jourdan et G. Breschet. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1825. ------. The same. Manual of general, de- scriptive, and pathological anatomy. Transl. from the German into French, with additions and notes, by A. J. L. Jourdan and G. Breschet. Transl. from the French, with notes, by A. Sid- ney Doane. 3 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1632. ------. Thesame. 8C. London, 1837. Meissner (C.) Imagines et denominationes ossiutn nee non musculorum corporis humani. Dessius et nomenclature des os et des muscles du corps humain. Abbildungen und Benennungen der Knochen und Muskeln des menschlichen Korpers. Izobrashenia i nazvania kostey i mishtz tshelovyetsheskavo tyela. fol. St. Pe- tersburg, 1856. Meyer (G. H.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. Meyraxx. Anthropographie, ou resume d'a- natomie du corps humain, precede d'une intro- duction historiqne, et suivi d'une biographie dee anatomistes, d'un catalogue et d'un vocabulaire analytique. 32°. Paris, 1627. Mishkovskaya (M.) Anatomicheskiy atlas; dlya feldsherskikh i povivalnikh shkol. [Ana- tomical atlas; for schools, for feldshers, and for midwifery, oblong 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Pts. 1 and 2. Mivart (St. G.) Lessons in elementary anat- omy. 16c. London, 1673. -----. The same. New ed. 12°. London, 1879. Moxdino [or Moxdini] da Luzzi [Mundixos deLextiis]. Incipit Anothomia Mundini. Ex- plicit Anothomia Mundini quae emendata fuit per Vincentiura Georgium Licium in gymnasio Patavino. 4°. Venetiis, 1494. -----. Thesame. Anatomia Mundini ad ve- tustissimorum e[o]rundemque aliquot nianu- scriptorum codicum fidem collata, justoque suo ordini restituta per Joannem Dryandrum, [etc.]. 4°. Marpurgi, [1541]. Moxro (A.)1 A course of publick lectures in anatomy. Taken from him during the time of lecturing, by John Redman, student of physick and surgery in the same college. MS. 4C. [Edinburgh], 1746. ------. The anatomy of the human bones. To which are) added, au anatomical treatise of. the nerves; an account of the reciprocal ino- Anatomy (Human, General works on)r including systems, manuals, elements, etc. tions of the heart; and a description of the hu- man lacteal sac and duct. 2. ed. 12°. Edin- burgh, 1732. ------. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1741. ------. The same. 4. ed., corrected and en- larged. 16°. Edinburgh, 1746. ------. The same. Corrected and enlarged in the 5. ed. 16°. Edinburgh, 1750. ------. The same. 7. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1762. ------. The same. The anatomy of the hu- man bones and nerves, with a description ofthe human lacteal star and duct. Carefully revisedr with additional notes and illustrations, by Jere- miah Kirby. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1817. ------. The same. Traite d'osteologie. Trad. de l'anglois par M. Sue. 2 v. fol. Paris, 1759* Monro (A.)2 Elements of anatomy. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Cutting. Moxxet (C.) Anatomie, ou la connoissance du corps humain detailtee dans chaque partie pour la facilite des personnes qui professent te dessin. Composee de 42 planches, d'apres les dessins originaux de . . . et la description generate des muscles faite par Tanude. fol. Paris, [n. d.]. Moxtaxa de Moxserrati (B.) Libro de la anothomia del hombre. . . . En el qual libro set trata de la fabrica y compostura del hombre, y de la manera como se engendra y nasce, y de la* causas por que necessariamente muere. Junta- mente con una declaratio de un sueiio que sono* el illustrissimo Sefior Don Luys Hurtado de Mendoca, Marques de Mondejar. El qual sueno- debaxo de una figura muy graciosa, trata breve- mente la dicha fabrica del hombre, con todo lo de- mas que en este libro se contiene. Dirigido al dicho Sefior Marques, fol. Valladolid, 1551. Morel (C.) & Duval (M.) Manuel de l'ana- toniiste (anatomie descriptive et dissection). 8°. Paris. 1882. Morgagni (J. B.) Epistolae anatomic* duo- deviginti ad scripta pertinentes celeberrimi viri Antonii Mariae Valsalvae, fol. Pativii, 1763. Also, in: Valsalva (Antonius Maiia). Opera. 4D. Venetiis, 1741, i, 7-418: ii, 1-319, 13 pl. Morris (H.) Human anatomy. A complete systematic treatise by various authors, including a special section on surgical and topographical anatomy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. von Mosetig Moorhof, Bitter. Kurze Dar- stellung der Anatomie und Physiologie des menschlichen Korpers; fur gebildete aller Stiinde. 2. umgearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. 12°. Leip- zig u. Wien, 1892. Moyxac (L.) Manuel d'anatomie descriptive. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1880-81. Mukhai- Sukwax. Jendai shinrou. [New- manual of human anatomy.] 8\ Shanghai^ [1852]. Chinese text. Muxxicks (J.) De re anatomica liber. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1697. ------. Anatomia nova qua juxta neoterico- rnm inventa tota res auatomica breviter et dilu- cide explicatur. Editio novissima. 8°. Lug- duni, 1699. N. (M.) Anatomy epitomized and illustrated, containing: I. A couciseand plain description of all the parts of the human body, together with their various uses iu the animal ceconomy. II. A large and choice collection of sculptures, ex- hibiting a just idea of the figure, size, situation, ANATOMY. 406 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General icorks on), including'systems, manuals, elements, etc. connection, and uses of the several parts of the body, in seventeen folio copper-plates. 8C. Lon- don", 1737. Nancrede (C. B.) Essentials of anatomy, in- cluding the anatomy of the viscera, arranged in the form of questions aud answers, prepared especially for students of medicine. 3. ed. With an appendix on the osteology of the human body, the whole based on the last edition of Gray's anatomy. 12°. Philadelphia, 1891. ------. The same. Essentials of anatomy and manual of practical dissection, together with the anatomy of the viscera, prepared especially for students of medicine. 4. ed., revised and en- larged by an appendix, containing hints on dis- section, by J. Chalmers da Costa, based upon the last edition of Gray's anatomv. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1891. Naxnoxi (L.) Trattato di anatomia, fisiologia e zootomia. 3 v. 4°. Siena, 1788. Nauwerck (C.) Sectionstechnik fur Stu- dirende und Aerzte. 8-. Jena, 1894. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 8. Jena, 1891. Neill (J.) Outlines of the veins and lym- phatics; with short descriptions. Designed for the use of medical students. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. -----& Smith (F. G.) A handbook of anat- omy ; with one hundred and fifty-seven illustra- tions. Being a portion of an analytical com- peud of the various branches of medicine. 8°. Philadelphia, 1646. Niciiolls (F.) Compendium anatomicum ea omnia eomplectens qua? al cognitam humani corporis ceconomiam speetant; cui, quo clarius elucescat, quanti sit anatomia in medicina tam diagnostica et prognostica quam practica, ad- jiciuntur praelectiones artem obstetricariam, ac- tioues medicamentorum et proximas mortis causas auatomicis principiis exponentes; in usum Academiae Oxoniensis. 4°. Londini, 1733. Noguez (P.) L'anatomie du corps de l'homme en abrege: ou description courte de toutes ses parties, ou l'on doune l'explication de leurs diflerens usages, tiree de leur structure et des observations les plus moderues. 2. ed. 16°. Paris. 1726. Nourse (E.) Syllabus totam rem anatomi- cam humanam eomplectens, et prselectionibus aptatus annuatim habendis. Huic accedit syl- labus chirurgicus quo exhibentur operatioties quarum modus peragendarum demoustraudus. roy. 8-. Londini, 1748. Novarixus (A.) Anatomie curiosa. Das ist, dess alter furtretniebsten, hochsten und edelsten Geschopffs alter Creaturen, dess Menschen wel- chen Gott der Hochste so hoch gewiirddiget, dass er ihn gar zu seiuem Gottlichen Ebenbild erschaffen hatte. Wahrhafftige Beschreibung und vortreffliche Vorstellung dariunen nach- sinnlich von dess Menschen wuncterbarlich- und hoch-verwunderlichen Ursprung dessen nie genug vom menschlichen Verstand bemerckten Emptaugniss, von dessen iiberartigeu Vortwachs in dem miitterlicben Leib und folgend hochge- fahrlich und schmertzhaiften Geburth. Ferner von alten eiiserlich- und innern Glidern, auss ■welcheu der iiberauss kunstliche Leib zusam- men verfiiget und gesetzet ist . . . Allen denjenigen so die unergriindliche Wunder- werck Gottes und der Natur Wiirckung zu Lob und Ebr dess grossen Schopffers vornemblich aber alien der edlen Anatomi Beflissenen zum Nutz hervor gegeben uud an das offentliche Tagesliecht geleget. 2 pts. fol. Rotenburg, 1682. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. Nuhn (A.) Lehrbuch der practischen Anato- mie, als Anleitung zu dem Prapariren im Secir- sale. 8°. Stuttgart, 1882. Obst (B. H.) Atlas der Anatomie. Separat- Ausgabe aus der zweiten Auflage des Bilder- Atlas. oblong fol. Leipzig, 1876. -----. The same. Schets van de ontleed- kunde van den mensch. Verklarende text be- tworende bij den atlas van de ontleedkunde vau den mensch. Bewerkt door Dr. P. P. C. Hoek. 8°; Atlas, obi. 4°. Leiden, [1887]. Oesterreicher (J. H.) Anatomischer Atlas, oder bildliche Darstellung des menschlichen Korpers. Neu bearbeitet 2. verbesserte Aufl. 8°. Munchen, 1852. -----& Erdl (M. P.) The same. Atlas of human anatomy, containing 197 large plates taken from the original designs from nature. By . . . and many other of the greatest anatom- ists of modern times. With explanatory text hy J. A. Jeancon. fol.; text,8°. Cincinnati, [1879]. Oribasius. To tuv 'OptSaaiov larpiKuv avva- yuyuv ek tov TaTn/rov, dvaro/wca. Oribasii collee- taneorum artis medicae liber, quototius corporis humani sectio explicatur, ex Galeni commenta- riis. 8°. Parisiis, 1556. Greek text. Owen (E.) A manual of anatomy for senior students. 8°. London, 1890. P. Y C. (A.) Curso elemental de anatomia descriptiva. 8°. Madrid, 1847. Palfyn ( J. ) Nauwkeurige verhandeling vande voornaemste handwerken der heelkonst, zoo in de harde, als sagte deelen van's menschen lichaem; zynde een werk seer dienstig voor alle genees-heeren en heelmeesters; met figuren. sm. 4°. Leyden, 1710. -----. Heelkonstige ontleeding van's men- schen lighaam; waar in klaar en onderschey- deutlijk worden beschreven de zelfstandigheyd, plaats, groote, gedaante, getal, maaksel, t'sa- menhang, en gebruvk der deelen, benevens hun ziekten: met noodige aanmerkingen omtrent derzelver genezing. 12°. Leyden, 1718. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Leyden, 1733. -----. The same. Anatomie du corps hu- main, avec des remarques utiles aux chirurgiens dans la pratique de leurs operations. 8°. Pa- ris, 1726. -----. Thesame. Anatomie chirurgicale, ou description exacte des parties du corps humain, avec des remarques utiles aux chirurgiens dans la pratique de leur art. Nouv. ed. 8°. Paris, 1734. Pansch ( A. ) Grundriss der Anatomie des Menschen. 8°. Berlin, 1881. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. Abth. 1 & 2. 83. Berlin, 1666. -----. The same. 3. veriinderte und ver- mehrte Aufl., hrsg. vou L. Stieda. 8°. Berlin, 1891. Pascoli (A.) II corpo umano, o breve storia, dove con nuovo metodo si descrivono in com- pendio tutti git orgaui suoi, e i loro principali ufizi, per istruire a bene iuteudere, secondo il nuovo sistema, la teorica e pratica medicinale. 2. impr. 8'-J. Venezia, 1712. -----. The same. 8 . Venezia, 1739. -----. The same. 4°. Venezia, 1750. -----. The same. De homine, sive de cor- pore humano vitam habente, ratione turn pros- per* turn afflict* valetudinis libri tres. In quibus ad mentem turn veterum, turn recentio- rum theoria, ac praxis medica nova, clara ac brevi methodo exponitur. 8°. Romoz, 1728. ANATOMY. 407 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. Paxtox (J.) Au introduction to the study of 1 human anatomy. 2 v. 8°. London, 1834. -----. The same. New ed. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1641. -----. Thesame. 2. Am. ed., with additions by W. Lewis, jr. 2 v. 8J. Boston, 1835. Peladax (A.) tils. Anatomie homologique. La triple dualite du corps huniain et la polarite des organes splanehniqnes. LEuvre posthume du docteur Adrien Peladan tils, avec uue preface de Josephin Peladan. 8°. Paris, 1866. Peheira-Guimahaes (J.) Tratado de anato- mia descriptiva. 2 v. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, [1883]. Persox (C.) Eieniens d'anatomie raisonnee 2. ed., revue et augmentee d'un traite de la gene- ration, par Jeau-Baptiste Bruuy. 8\ Paris, 1753. -----. Thesame. Elements of anatomy and the animal economy. Corrected and considera- bly augmented; with notes by Samuel Foart Sim- mons. 8 \ London, 1775. Petuxxikoff (A. N.) Natshalinyja osuova- nija anatomii tshelovieka. [Elementary princi- ples of human anatomy.] With atlas. 3. ed. 8°; Atlas, fol. J/osATa,*1874. Pfenxig-Excyklopadie der Anatomie, oder bildliche Darstellung der gesammten menschli- chen Anatomie nach Rosenmiiller, Loder, Carl Bell, Gordou, Bock, etc. Mit erklareudein Texte von Th. Richter. 4°. Leipzig, 1634. -----. Thesame. 2v. 4°. Leipzig, 18[34]- 6. -----. The same. 2 v. 4°. Leipzig, 1841. Piccolhomixi (A.) Anatomicae praelectiones explicantes mirificam corporis humani fabricam, et quae animas vires, quibus corporis partibus tanquam instrumentis, ad suas obeundas actiones utautur; sicuti tota anima, toto corpore. fol. Roma, 1586. -----. Anatome integra, revisa, tabulis ex- planata et iconibus mirificam humani corporis fabricam ad ipsum naturae archetypuui experi- meutibus, cum praefatione ac emendatione Joan- nis Fantoni. fol. Veronal, 1754. Plater (F.) De corporis humani structura et usu libri iii. Tabulis methodice explicati, iconibus accurate illustrati. fol. [Basilem], 1583. -----. The same. Qui libri cum operi prac- tico recens ab eodem autore edito plnriiuum in- serviant, denuo sunt publicati. fol. Basilece, 1603. vox Plenck (J. J.) Primae liueae anatomes. In usum praelectionuni. 3. ed. 8°. Viennce, 1780. Pocket (The) anatomist: being a summary description of the muscles; with a tabular view of the arteries and nerves. Concordant with "the Dublin dissector" and "Harrison on the arteries". 32°. Philadelphia, 1836. -----. The same. 32°. Buffalo, 1850. Poirier (P.) Quinze lecons d'anatomie pra- tique. RecueilliesparFriteauet Juvara. 2. ed. 16°. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. New ed. 8-. London, 1813. Poxtoxoo. Descrizione del corpo umano. In: DI8SERTAZIOM e lett. [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, 1750, ii, 1-23. -----. The same. Description du corps hu- main. In: Pieces iuteressantes sur la inedecine et la physio- logie. 12°. Paris, 1782, 109-146. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. de Porras (M.) Anatomiagaienico-moderna. Dedicada al apostol de las Iudias, Sau Francisco Xavier. 8°. Madrid, 1716. Posthius (J.) Ip Realdi Columbi Cremonen- sis anatomiam, observationes anatomicae. In: Columbus (Mattlui-us Realdus). De re anatomica libri xv. 8°. Franeof., 159;!, 497-519. Prodhomme (A.) Atlas manuel d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain. 16°. Paris, 1890. Quain (J.) The elements of anatomy. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1832. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1834. -----. The same. Edited by Edward Albert Schiifer aud George Dancer Thane. 10. ed. 3 v, 8°. London, 1890. -----. The same. 10. ed. 3 v. 8°. London, 1891. -----. Thesame. 10. ed. 3 v. 8°. London 4- New York, 1892. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Anatomie. Deutsche Origiual-Ausgabe. Nach der 7. Auf- lage des englischen Originals. Bearbeitet von Dr. Carl Ernst Emil Hoffmann. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Erlangen, 1870-72. -----& Wilsox (W. J. E.) A series of ana- tomical plates, with references and physiological comments, illustrating the structure of the dif- ferent parts of the human body. American edi- tion revised, with additional notes by Joseph Pancoast. fol. Philadelphia, 1842. -----------. The same. 3. ed., revised, with additional notes by Joseph Pancoast. 4°. Phil- adelphia, 1845. ------------. The same. 4°. Philadelphia, 1846. Rauber (A.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 4. gauzlich neubearbeitete Aufl. von Quain-Hoffmaun's Anatomie. 1. Bd., 1. Abth., 1. Hft. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. Read [or Rhead] (A.) Suparoypaipia avdpuirivg. Or a description of' the body of man; with the practice of chirurgery, aud the use of three and fifty instruments. By artificiall figures repre- senting the members, and fit ternies express- ing the same. Set forth either to pleasure or to profit those who are addicted to this study. 4°. London, 1634. -----. The manuall of the anatomy or dis- section of the body of man: containing the enu- meration and description of the parts of the same; which usually are shewn in the publick anatomical exercises. 5. ed. 16°. London, 167)7). Rfclam (C.) Der Leib des Menschen, dessen Bau uud Leben. Vortriige fiir Gebildete. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1879. Redman (M.) Human anatomy; forming a complete series of questions and answers for the use of medical students. 2 v. 16°. Lincoln, 1858. Remmklin (J.) Catoptrum microcosmicum suis aere incisis visionibus splendens cum historia et pinace, de novo prodit. fol. Augusta) Vindel., 1619. -----. Thesame. fol. Franeof. a. M., 1660. Repetitorium der medicinischen Wissenschaf- ten. Leitfaden fiir die Staatspriifung der Aerzte in Preussen undBayern. 3. Hft. 12°. Breslau, 1869-77. -----. Leitfaden fiir die Staatspriifung der Aerzte. 3. Aufl. Heft I. Knochen-, Biinder- uud Muskellehre. 12J. Breslau, 1890. Ricco ( D. ) Ristretto auotomico, o sia ale- auzade gl' astri, con 1' huomo, e vegetabili. Fa- tica laboriosa de medici, e chirurghi primati di ANATOMY. 408 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including' systems, manuals, elements, etc. Spagna, ad effetto di sollenare le oppressioni ma- lediche di morbi incurabili, donato all' hospitale di Madrid abeneficio publico. Con cognitioni h medici, chirurghi, barbieri, et ad ogni sorte di persone. sm. 4°. Venetia, [n. d.]. Richardson (T. G.) Elements of human anatomy: general, descriptive, and practical. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Rigaud (P.) Cours d'etudes anatomiques. v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1839. Riolan (J.) fils. Anatome. In: Kiolanus (Joannes) sen. Opera cum physica, turn medica, [etc.]. fol. Franeof., 1611, 439-567, -----. Anthropographia. Ex propriis, et novis observationibus collecta, concinnata. In qua facilis, ac fidelis, et accurata manuductio. ad anatomen traditur, prout ab ipso quotannis publice, et privatim, docetur, administratur, et demoustratur. In celeberrima Parisiensi Acade- mia. sm. 8 . Parisiis, 1618. -----. Schola anatomica novis et raris ob- servationibus illustrata, cui adjuncta est accu- rata foetus humani historia. Postrema editio. 16°. Geneva!, 1624. -----. Les ceuvres anatomiques. Le tout range, corrige, divise, note et mis en francois par Pierre Constant. 2 v. in 1. 4°. Paris, 1628-9. -----. The same. Opera anatomica. fol. Lutetia! Parisiorum, 1650. -----. Encheiridium anatomicum et patho- logicum, in quo ex naturali constitutione parti um recessus a naturali statu demonstratur; ad usuui theatri anatomici adornatum. 16°. Pa- risiis, 1648. -----. The same. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1649. -----. The same. Manuel anatomique et pathologique, ou abrege de toute l'anatomie, et des usages que l'on en pent tirer pour la connais- sance et pour la guerison des maladies. Nou- velle edition, corrigee et augmentee de la sixieme partie sur les memoires et livres imprimez de l'autheur. 16°. Paris, 1661. -----. Animadversiones secundae, ad anato- miam reformatam Thomae Bartholiui. 12°. Pa- risiis, 1653. Roberts (J. B.) The compend of anatomy. For use in the dissecting room, and in preparing for examinations. 12°. Philadelphia, 1881. Roget (P.), Gibson (B.) & Hutchinson (J.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on anatomy and physiology. 12°. Manchester, [1805]. Romiti (G.) Trattato di anatomia dell' uomo. Manuale per medici e studenti. 2 v. 8°. Mi- lano 4- Napoli, [1893?]. Rosen von Rosenstein (N.) Compendium anatomicum, eller en kort beskrifuing om de delar, af hwilka kela menniskans kropp be- star, med nidfogade forsok och anmarckningar, som lagga grunden til liiran om menniskans friska och siukliga tilstand. 8°. Stockholm, 1738. Rosenberg (E.) Eine vergleichende Beur- theilung der verschiedenen Richtungen in der Anatomie des Menschen. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. Rosenmuller (J. C.) Handbuch der Ana- tomie des menschlichen Korpers zum Gebrauch der Vorlesungen ausgearbeitet. 8°. Leipzig, 1819. -----. The same. 4. vermehrte Aufl., hrsg. von Ernst Heinrich Weber. 8C. Leipzig, 1828. -----. The same. 5. Aufl., hrsg. von Ernst Heinrich Weber. 8°. Leipzig, 1833. Rudei (F.) Corso di anatomia descrittiva. 2 v. 8°. Roma, 1886. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. Rufus Ephesius. Universa antiquorum ana- tome tam ossium quam partium et externarum et internarum: tribus tabellis exphcata per Fa- bium Paulinum. Quibus accessit quarta ex Soraui . . . fragmento Graeco nou antehac Latino facto: De matrice. fol. Venetiis, 1604. Ruge (G.) Anleitnngen zu den Praparier- iibungen an der menschlichen Leiche. [1. & 2. Teile.] 8°. Leipzig, 1688. Ruysch (F.) Thesaurus auatomicus. I Het eerste anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1701. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amstelodami, 1721. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelodami, 1739. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. II. Hettwede anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amsteleedami, 1702. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amsteleedami, 1722. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. III. Hetderde anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1703. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amsteleedami, 1724. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. IV. Het vierde anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1704. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amstelodami, 1724. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. V. Hetvyfde anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1705. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amsteleedami, 1725. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. VI. Hetsesde anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1705. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amstelodami, 1724. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. VII. Het sevende anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1707. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amstelodami, 1726. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. VIII. Het achtste anatomisch cabinet. 4°. Amstelaidami, 1709. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amstelodami, 1727. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus nonus in quo varia circa corpus humanum notatu digua, oc- currunt. Het negende anatomisch cabinet, waar in verscheide merkwaardige zaken omtrent's menschen lichaam gevonden werden. 4°. Am- steleedami, 1714. -----. The same. [Latin text only. ] 4°. Amstelodami, 1726. -----. Thesaurus magnus et regius qui est decimus thesauroruin anatomicorum, iu quo praecipuae corporis humani partes, ceu in statu vivo nitidissime praeparatae, reservantur. Het groote en koninglyke kabinet, zyude het tiende der anatomische kabinetten, in't welk de voor- naamste deelen des menschen lighaams seer cierlyk zyn geprepareert en geconserveert. 4°. Amsteleedami, 1716. -----. The same. [Latin text only.] 4°. Amstelaidami, 1729. -----. Thesaurus anatomicus. Pts. 1-10 [in 1 v. ]. 4C. Amstelodami, 1703-22. Ryff(W. H.) Des aller fiirtrefflichsten, hoch- sten unnd adelichsten Gschopffs aller Creaturen, von Got dem Herren, Schopffer alter Ding auff Erden, erschatfen, das ist, des Menschen (oder dein selbst) warhafftige Beschreibung oder Aua- tomi; seines wnnderbarlichem Ursprungs, Eut- pfangkniss, Schopffung inn Mutterleib, und sorg- licher Geburt, sampt kiinstlicher und artlicher Contrafactur, aller eiisserlicher und inuerlicher ANATOMY. 409 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. Glider uund Glidstuck, auss welcheu des Meusch wunderbarlich ziisamen gesetzt . . . erstmals inn Teutsche Sprach verfasset und an Tag geben. Vormals weder gesehen noch geleseu worden. fol. Strassburg, 1541. Sabatier [R.-B.] Traite complet d'anato- mie, ou description de toutes les parties du corps humain. Nou v. ed. 3 v. 12°. Paris, 1781. -----. The same. 3. ed. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1791. Saggi d' anatomia, ne quali cbiaramente si spiega la struttura degli organi del corpo ani- mato, e le loro operationi mecauiche, secondo 1' hipotesi nuovedi . . . dottore in medicina, tra- dotti dalla francese. 24°. Parma, 1667. Salmox (W.) Ars anatomica: or the anatomy of humane bodies, in seven books, representing to the mind a true and compleat idea of the whole humane frame, delivered iu a compendi- ous method; extracted out of the works of the most learned and accurate anatomists, both ancient aud modern, and reformed according to all the later discoveries; illustrated with xxix anatomical sculptures, engrav'd on copper, with their several explications; the most compleat work of this kind yet publish'd in English. 8°. London, 1714. Salomox(E.) & Aulich (C.) Atlas der Ana- tomie des Menschen. fol. Leipzig, 1642. Sarlaxdiere (J.) Anatomie methodique, ou organographie humaine en tableaux synopti- ques, avec figures. A l'usage des universites, pour les facultes et ecoles de medecine et de chirurgie, les academies de peinture et de sculp- ture, et les colleges royaux. obi. fol. Paris, 1829. -----. Thesame. Anatomia methodica, sive organographia humana in tabulas synopticas, effigiebus ad natnram delineatis illnstratas. 2 v. obi. fol. Parisiis, 1830. -----. The same. Systematized anatomy, or human organography, in synoptical tables, with numerous plates. For the use of universi- ties, faculties, and schools of medicine and sur- gery, academies of paintings, sculpture, and the roval colleges. Translated from the French by W*. C. Roberts, obi. 4°. New York, 1835. -----. The same. obi. 4°. New York, 1837. Saxtucci (B.) Anatomia do corpo humano, recopilada com doutrinas medicas, chimicas, filo- soficas, mathematicas, com indices, e estampas, representantes todas as partes do corpo humano, dividida em tres livros. sm. 4°. Lisboa, 1739. Sandri (A.) Preparazioui anatomiche ed operazioni chirurgiche dal corpo umano, esposte in xiv tavole di grandezza naturele del Dr. . . . ed illustrate da una societa Bresciana di medici chirurghi. fol. Brescia, [n. d.]. Sappey(M.-P.-C) Traite d'anatomie descrip- tive; avec figures intercatees dans le texte. 3 v. 12=. Paris, 1850-64. -----. Thesame. Atlas of descriptive anat- omy. Pt. 1. 4°. Paris, 1877. Scarlatixus (O.) Homo et ejus partes figu- ratus et symbolicus, anatomicus, rationalis, moralis, mysticus, politicus et legalis, collectus et explicatus cum figuris, symbolis, anatomiis, factis, emblematibns, moralibus, mysticis, pro- verbiis, hieroglyphicis, prodigiis, simulacris, statuis, historiis, ritibus, observationibus, mori- bus, numismatibus, dedicationibus, signaturis, significationibus literarum, epithetis, fabulis, miris, physiognomicis, et somniis; reflexionibus et declarationibus tam ex sacris, quam profanis auctoribus desumptis opera et studio . . . nunc primum ex Italico idiomate Latinitati datum a Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. MatthiaHoncamp. 2v.ini. fol. Augusta! Vin- delicorum et Deliugai, 1695. Schaarschmidt(A. ) Verbesserte anatomische Tabellen. Neue mit grossen Zusiitzeu vermehrte und mit Kegistern versehene Auflage. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1786. Schexck (J. T.) Strncturam corporis humani artium et scientiarum cumprimis sacrae medi- cinae cultoribus commendat, eosque ad anatomen publicum in cadavere fceminino hodie horis 10. et 4., ante et pomeridianis administrandam humani- ter invitat". 4\ Jeiuv, [1662]. ■-----. Schola partium humani corporis, usum earunideni et actionem secundum situin, con- nexioueni, quantitatem, qualitatem, figuram atque substautiam continens. 4°. Jena, 1664. -----. Exercitationes anatomicae ad usum medicum accommodatae. sm. 4°. Jence, 1662. Schmidt (F.) Compendium der Anatomie. Zum Gebrauche fiir klinische Praktikauten und junge Aerzte. 12°. Leipzig, [n. d.]. -----. A boncztan alapvoualalai; k6rodai gyakornokok es fiatal orvosok szaniaYa; ma- gyarra forditotta Id. Dr. Purjesz Zs. [The principles of anatomy, for the use of junior prac- titioners in infirmaries and young physicians; translated into Hungarian by Dr. S. Purjesz.j 12°. Budapest, 1861. Schwaxx (T.) Anatomie du corps humain. In 2 pts. 12°. Bruxelles, [1855]. Serraxo (J. A.) Curso de anatomia de- scriptiva da Escola medico-cirurgica de Lisboa Programma desenvolvido. 8°. Lisboa, 1886. Shaw (J.) A manual of anatomy; containing rules for displaying the structure of the body so as to exhibit the elementary views of anatomy and their application to pathology and surgery; to which are added, observations on the art of making anatomical preparations. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1822. -----. The same. Revised and with notes by William Anderson. 1. Am. from last Lond. ed. 12°. Troy, 1825. -----. The same. Anleitung zur Anatomie, nebst deren Anwendung auf Pathologie und Chirurgie; mit einem Anhange iiber die Verfer- tigung anatomischer Praparate. Ein Taschen- buch bei'm Zergliedern. Nach der dritten Aus- gabe des Englischen Originals iibersetzt. 8°. Weimar, 1823. Soares Fraxco (F.) Elementos de anatomia. Para uso deseusouvintes. 2 v. 8°. Coimbra, 1618. -----. Thesame. 2 v. [2. ed.] 8°. Lisboa, 1825. Soemmerring (S. T.) Vom Baue des mensch- lichen Korpers. 8\ Frankfurt a. M., 1791-2-6. -----. The same. Neue unigearbeitete und vervollstandigte Original-Ausgabe besorgt von W. Th. Bischoff, J. Henle, E. Huschke, F. W. Theile, G. Valentin, J. Vogel uud R. Wagner. v. 2-8. 8-. Leipzig, 1839-45. -----. The same. Sulla struttura del corpo umano, trattato. Traduzioue italiaua del . . . Gio. Battista Duca. Con note ed aggiunte. 8°. Crema, 1818-23. -----. Icones organornm hnmanorum gustus et vocis. fol. Franeof. a. M., 1808. South (J. F.) The dissector's manual. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] ------. The same. A new edition, with ad- ditions and alterations. 8°. London, 1825. Spigelius (A.) De humani corporis fabrica libri decern, tabulis xciix, aeri incisis elegantis- simis, nee antehac visis exornati. Opus posthu- mum. Daniel Bucretius, [etc.]. 4°. Franco- furti, 1632. ANATOMY. 410 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General icorks on), including'systems, manuals, elements, etc. -----. Opera quae extant, omnia. Ex recen- sione Joh. Antonida- van der Linden. 2 v. in 1. fol. Amsterdami, 1645. -----. 'Ayyeioloyia: or, a description of the vessells in the body of man, of the three kinds, i. e., of the veins, arteries, and nerves, especially of those in the limbs and habit ofthe body; whereof there are also given anatomicall figures (the largest and fairest that ever were published with any English book). In three tractates. Transl. out of the anatomie of . . . by whom these parts are more largely and accurately de- scribed then by other authors; the more ful trac- tation whereof, being a part of anatomie so use- full in order to chirurgicall operations, hath been judged very worthy to be annexed unto this present wrork. fol. London, 1649. -----. The same. fol. London, 1665. Spr3. -----. The same. 3. Am. from the last re- vised Lond. ed. Edited by W. Hunt. 8C. Philadelphia, 1856. -----. The anatomist's vade mecum: a sys- tem of human anatomy. 2. ed. sm. 8C. Lon- don, 1842. -----. The same. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1847. -----. The same. 6. ed. 12°. London, 1854. -----. Thesame. Anatomist's vademecum. A system of human anatomy. 11. ed., edited by H. E. Clark. 6=. Philadelphia, 1692. -----. A system of human anatomy, general and special. Am. ed., edited by P. B. Goddard. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1643. -----. The same. 3. Am. from the 3. Lond. ed., edited by Paul B. Goddard. 6^. Phila- delphia, 1647. -----. Thesame. 4. Am. ed. from last Lond. ed., edited by Paul B. Goddard. 8 . Phila- delphia, 1850. -----. The same. 4. Am. from last Lond. ed., edited by Paul B. Goddard. 8C. Phila- delphia, 1853. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including systems, manuals, elements, etc. -----. The same. 4. Am. ed. from last Lond. ed., edited by Paul B. Goddard. 8°. Phila- delphia, 167)6. -----. The same. A new and improved American, from an enlarged London ed., edited bv William H. Gobrecht. 8°. Philadelphia 1858. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 167,9. Wixslow (J.-B.) Exposition anatomique de la structure du corps humain. 4°. Paris, 1733. —----. The same. Nouv. ed., corrigee de nouveau et enrichie de cinq planches et de l'explicatiou qu'en a donite le ceiebre M. Albi- nus. 4 v. 12;. Amsterdam, 1754-7. -----. The same. Nouv. ed., faite sur un exemplaire corrige et augmente par I'auteur, a laquelle on a joint de nouvelles figures et tables qui en facilitent l'usage, et la vie de I'auteur. v. 1, v. 3 in 2 pts., making 3 v. 12°. Paris, 1766. -----. The same. Exposition anatomique de la structure du corps humain. Nouv. ed. 4 v. 12-. Paris, 1766. -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 12°. Amster- dam, 1757. -----. The same. An anatomical exposi- tion of the structure of the human body. Transl. from the French original, by G. Douglas. 4°. London, 1734. -----. The same. Transl. from the French original, by G. Douglas. 2. ed. 4°. London, 1743. -----. The same. Transl. from the French original, by G. Douglas. 3. ed. 4°. London, 1749. -----. The same. Transl. from the French original, by G. Douglas. 5. ed. 4°. London, 1763. -----. The same. Expositio anatomica strncturae corporis humani. E gallico latine versa. 2 v. 12°. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1753. -----. The same. Esposizioue anatomica della struttura del corpo umano, tradotta dal francese. Si aggiungono gli opuscoli tratti dalle memorie dell' Accademia delle scienze di Parigi una dissertazioue sopra 1' incertezza de' segni della morte e cinque tavole del' Drake colla spiegazione tradotta dall' inglese. 2. ed. 2 v. 4°. Venezia, 1767. Witkowski (G.-J.-A.) Anatomie iconoclas- tique. Atlas coniptementaire de tons les ou- vrages traitant de l'anatomie et de la physiologie humaines, compose de planches decouples, colo- rtees et superposees. (Text inclus.) Atlas, 12 pts. fol. Paris, 1874-88. -----. The same. Zenkei karbo dzukai. [A movable atlas of the human body. Repro- duced bv Masatane Ando.] Superposed pl., fol.; text, 8'-". Tokio, 1-84-6. Japanese text. -----. Anatomie iconoclastique. Le corps humain, grandeur naturelle. elephantine fol. Paris, [1668]. -----. Memento d'anatomie, osteologie, ar- thrologie, myologie, angeiologie. Petits moyens muemouiques. 12°. Paris, [1894]. Wormald (T.) & McWhinxie (A. M.) A se- ries of auatomical sketches and diagrams, with descriptions and references. 4°. London, 1838. -----. The same. 4°. London, 1643. Wreeden [or Wreden] (0. J.) Kurzer u. deutlicher Unterricht von denen Theilen des menschlichen Corpers sowol nach ihrer Structur und Lage, als auch nach ihren Xutzen, was denen festen und fliissigen Theilen, wie auch der Seek- angeht. Denen angehenden Chirnrgia zum Besten entworften. 12°. Hannover, 1737. Yamadzaki (G. ) Ikadzenshiuo kaibohen. [A course of medicine, anatomical section. ANATOMY. 413 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including'systems, manuals, elements, etc. Transl. from the lectures of Miiller and Hoff- mann.] 27 nos. 8°. Tokio, I860. Japanese text. -----. Ikadzeushio kaibohen dzufu. [A course of medicine, based on anatomical atlas of Heitzmanu.] 16 v. 8°. Tokio, 1680. Japanese text. Zabitzianos (K.) 'Avaro/Liia irepiypaipiKi) tov avftpunivov auparog. 2 v. 8°. Kzpuvpai, 1844. a Zeidlerx (S. C.) Somatotomia anthropo- logica seu corporis humani fabrica methodice divisa, et controversarum qutestionuni discus- sionibus illustrata; praeparaute filio Bernardo Norherto a Zeidlern. fol. Pragce, 1666. -----. The same. fol. Vienna', 1692. Zernoff (D.) Rukovodstvo obisateluol ana- tomii chelovleka. [Manual of descriptive hu- man anatomv.] 8°. Moskva, 1890-91. -----. The same. Pt, 3. [4. ed.] 8J. Mos- kva, 1693. Zimmermaxx (J. C. E.) Anatoniische Dar- stellung zum Privat-Studium. Heft 1-8, 10-18. fol. Leipzig, [1828-35]. C'arlet (G.) Sur l'orientatiou des figures anatomiques. France med., Par., 1889, ii, 1195-1198. Anatomy (Microscopical). See Histology; Microscopy, etc. Anatomy (Pathological). See, also, 'Bacteria in the cadaver; Pathology; and under names of diseases, organs, and regions. Baglivi (G.) Tractatus de libra motrice, et morbosa, in quode solidorum structura,vi, elatere, aequilibrio, usu, potestate, et morbis disseritur; nee non de dura? matris constructioue, elatere, ajquilibrio, et in singula quaeque solida oscilla- tione systaltica. Et obiter de experimentis, ac morbis salivas, bilis et sanguinis; de statice aeris, et liquidorum per observationes barometricas, et hydrostaticas ad usum respirationis explicata; de circulatione sanguinis in testudiue, ejus- demque cordis anatome. 8°. Basilece, 1703. -----. The same. Specimen quatuor libro- rum de libra motrice et morbosa; in quibus de solidorum structura, vi, elatere, aequilibrio, usu, potestate, et morbis disseritur; nee nou de durae matris constructione, elatere, aequilibrio, et in singula quaeque solida oscillatione systaltica. Et obiter de experimentis ac morbis salivae, bilis, et sanguinis. De statice aeris et liquidorum, per observationes barometricas et hydrostaticas, ad usum respirationis explicata; de circulatioue sanguinis in testudine, ejusdemque cordis ana- tome. Ed. quarta. 8°. Londini, 1703. Bauquier (H.) * Quelques considerations sur les avantages que la medecine peut retirer de l'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Montpellier, 1824. vox Bergmaxx (E.) & Rochs (H.) Anlei- tende Vorlesungen fiir den Operations-Cursus an der Leiche. 12°. Berlin, 1889. Biblioteca sindptica medica. . . . Patologia general y anatomia patoldgica. Por la Sociedad propaganda cientifica. Edicion hecha 6. la vista de las obras de los mejores autores espanoles y extranjeros. obi. 4°. [Barcelona, n. d.] Blaxcardus (S.) Anatomia practica rationa- lis, sive rariorum cadaverum morbis denatorum auatomica inspectio. Accedit item tractatus novus de circulatione sanguinis per tubulos, deque eorum valvulis, etc. 16°. Amstelodami, 1688. Chicoli (N.) Illnstrazione del gabinetto di anatomia patologica del pubblico macello di Pa- lermo. Memorie sui calcoli. 8J. Palermo, 1882. Anatomy (Pathological). -----. The same. Memorie del Prof. . . . Parte seconda. 1". Novelle ricerche sulla genesi patogene dei calcoli biliari. 2a. Produzioui cor- nee auomali sulla superficie cutanea. 3a. Tras- fusione del sangue animate per la cura dell' ane- mia nell' uomo e negli animali. 4a. Calcoli pan- creatici. 8°. Palermo, 1886. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Colum- bia College, N. Y. Studies from the pathologi- cal laboratory, v. 1-3. For the collegiate years 1890-91 to 1892-3. 8C. New York, 1891-3. Excausse (G.) * L'anatomie philosophique et ses divisions, pr6cedee d'un essai de classifica- tion methodique des sciences anatomiques. 4°. Paris, 1894. Ercolani (G. B.) Descrizione metodica dei preparati esistenti nel museo di anatomia patolo- gica comparata della r. Universita di Bologna, fondato nel 1819 dall' illustre Prof. Cav. Antonio Alessandrini. Memoria 1-2. 4°. Bologna, 1867. Repr. from.- Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna; 2. a.,vi. Fanzago (F. L.) Memorie sopra alcuni pezzi morbosi conservati nel gabinetto patologico dell' i. r. Universita di Padova. Fasc. 1. fol. I'a- dova, 1820. Gaussail. Des progres de l'anatomie patho- logique, considers dans leurs rapports avec l'etude et la guerison des maladies en general, et eu particulier avec le diagnostic, le pronostic et te traitement des maladies nerveuses. Memoire honore d'une medaille d'or par l'Academie des sciences de Toulouse, 1839. 8°. Toulouse, 1841. 's Giiaeuwen (P.) Oratio inauguralis de ana- tomic pathologicae utilitate ac necessitate. 4°. Groningce, [1771]. Also [Abstr.], in: Weber (G. H.) Vollstand. Ausz. a. n. Diss. [etc.]. 8°. Bremen, 1775, i, 91-94.—"Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, 1777, vi, 1-4. Groeser (J.) * De anatomiae pathologicae utilitate. 4°. Argentorati, 1806. Guillot (N.) * De l'influence de l'anatomie pathologique sur la therapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1840. Hjelt(0.E. A.) Catalogus Musei anatomico- pathologici Universitatis Helsingforsiensis. 8°. Helsingfor sice, 1871. -----. Det Finska universitetets patologiskt- anatomiska institution under aren 1871-83. 8D. Helsingfors, 1884. Hollaxd (T. S.) Pathological anatomy consid- ered in its relation to medical science, beiug an address delivered at the Royal Cork Institution, introductory to a course on pathological anat- omy aud histology. 8°. Cork, 1852. Laxge (C.) Eriudringsord til Forelaesninger over almindelig patologisk Anatomi. 8°. Kjf- benhavn, 1878-83. Loxgstreth (M.) Pathological anatomy; its growth, its use, and its methods. An address introductory to the summer course of lectures in the Jefferson Medical College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877. Montixi ( L. ) * Sull' anatomia patologica. 8°. Pavia, [1855]. Nikiforoff (M.) Atlas patologicheskoi his- tologii v fototip'iakh, ispolnennikh po mikrofo- tograficheskim snimkam s patologo - histologi- cheskikh preparatov. [Atlas of pathological histology in phototypes, after micro - photo- graphs taken from preparations of pathological histology.] Pt. 1. 4°. Moskva, 1895. Paris. Conseil general d'administration des ho- pitaux et hospices civils de Paris. Reglement con- cernant les salles d'autopsie dans les hdpitaux et hospices et les travaux anatomiques daus l'ani- phitheatre des h&pitaux. 12°. Paris, 1834. ANATOMY. 414 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological). Perls (il.) Ueber die Bedeutung der patho- logischen Anatomie und der pathologischeu In- stitute. Vortrag gehalten den 31. Januar 1872 zu Kbnigsberg i. Pr. 8 >. Berlin, 1873. Raver (P.) Sommaire d'une histoire abreg6e de l'anatomie pathologique. 8-. Paris, 1818. Robin (C.) Notice sur les travaux d'histoire naturelle d'anatomie et de pathologic 4°. Pa- ris, [167,2]. RoS'i'AX (L.) *Jusqu'a quel point. l'anatomie pathologique peut-elle e"elairer la therapeutique des maladies? 4-. I'aris, 1833. Royal College of Surgeons of England. Ap- pendix V to the second edition of the descrip- tive catalogue of the pathological specimens contained iu the museum, by J. H. Targett. 8 . London, bw!)l. -----. Appendix VI to the second edition of the descriptive catalogue of the pathological specimens contained in the museum, by J. H. Targett. 8°. London, 1892. Rudolphi ( K. A.) Pathologische Anatomie, vorgetraoen von . . . MS. 4°. [Berlin, n. d.] Collegian- Hefte. Sangalli (G.) Della anatomia patologica ri- spetto alle altre discipline mediche. 8°. Milano, 1855. Signor Sarti's Florentine anatomical and pathological models. Description of a female figure, illustrative of thirty diseases of the hu- man body; with interesting details of their ori- gin and progress, forming a complete demon- stration of pathological anatomy. Modelled at Florence by Professor Kicci. Transl. from the Italian, by C. T. Downing. *l'. London, 1847. Thibert (F.) Catalogue of the collection of models of pathological anatomy. 8°. London, [1845, vel subseq.]. Webb (A.) Pathologica Indica, or the anat- omy of Indian diseases, based upon morbid speci- mens, from all parts ofthe Indian Empire, in the museum of the Calcutta Medical College; illus- trated by detailed cases; with the prescriptions aud treatment employed, aud comments, physio- logical, historical, aud practical. 2. ed. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8--. London, 1848. Weber (F.) Kurze Bemerkungen fiber die Section der Leiche zu pathologischeu Zwecken. Ein Gruss au seine Herren Collegeu iu deu Her- zogthiiinern Schleswig-Holsteiu uud Lauenburg. g". Kiel, 1847. ------. The same. 8°. Herzberg, 1847. Western Infirmary, Glasgow. Catalogue of the pathological museum of the . . . compiled by Joseph Coats, M. D. 8-. Glasgow, 1885. Anion. Zwei Sectionen aus der Privatpraxis. Miin- chen. nied. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 1183-1185.—Aranyi (L.) A kdrboucztau rendkiviili tanar.anak szdiuadasa. [List of terms employed in pathological anatomy.] Orvosi Tar, Test, 1845, i, 33; 72. — Bealc (L. S.) A lecture in- augural to the course of pathological anatomy, delivered at King's College, May 5, 1870, [etc.]. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1870, i, 485-513. Also, Reprint.— Bennett (E. H. ) On injuries of the skeleton, and the value of accumulation of specimens. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xl, 118- 120.—Bi-odowaki (W. L.) O vliyauii It. Virchow'a na razvitie patologicheskol anatomii. [Virchow aud his in- fluence ou . . .] Trudi russk. med. Obsh. p. imp. Varshav. Univ., 1892, iii, no. 2, 1-38. — Ccllc (N.) Sulla incertezza della necroscopia onde giudicare della natura flogistica delle malattie. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. rued.-fis., Firenze, 1851, ix, 34; 116; 147; 178 —Charcot. L'enseignement actuel de l'anatomie patlmlouiquo h la faculte. Progres m6d., Par., 1880, viii, 325 - 32*. — C'ohuheiui (J.) TJeber die Aufgaben der pathologischeu Anatomie. In his: Ges. Ahhaudl., 8°, Berl., 1885, 605-622. — Cornil. La chaire d'anatomie pathologique; Faculty de medecine de Paris. Rev. scient., Par., 1882, xxix, 523-527. — Dock (G.) The study of pathological anatomv. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1889-90, vii, 61-63. — Fallot (A.) Cours d'anato- mie pathologique. Marseille med., 1887, xxiv, 257; 333.— Anatomy (Pathological). First (The) postmortem recorded in this country. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 661.—Foa (P.) La seu" ola anatomica patologica nell' Universita di Torino; pre- lezione. Osservatore, Torino, 1881, xx, 737; 753. — Foli- nea (R.) Intorno alia importanza ed i liiniti della notomia patologica applicata alio studio della pratica e della cli- nica. Ateneo, Milano, 1846, i, 15-25. — Frawer (A.) On the position of anatomy in general, and the central ner- vous system iu particular, with lime-light demonstration . of anatomy from the morphological side (macroscopic, minute, and developmental). Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland' Duhl.. 1894, xii, 343-355, 8 pl.—Hairion. Materiel pour l'enseignement; preparations anatomiques. [Rap.] J. d. sc. med. de Louvain, 1880, v, 529-533.— Haimemann (D.) Pathologische Anatomie und Bacteriologic. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 653; 680. — Hektoeu ( L. j A series of necropsies held at the Cook County Hospital Chicago Clin. Rev., 1895-6, v, 212-215—Iljolt ((). E. A.) Vid invigningeu af det Finska Univcrsitetets patologisk- anatomiskaiurattuiug den4 0kt. 1878. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1879. xxi, 14-28. [Resume]. Ibid , 79. Also, Reprint.—Keen (W. W.) A reference in Cicero to dissection. Med. News, Phila., 1882. xl, 256.—Kiiiiin (Ii.) Ueher die Bedeutung der pathologischeu Anatomie fur die Medizin und ihre gegenwartige Entwicklung; ein Wort zur Verstandigung. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 267-271.—ITIarcq (L.) Coup d'ceil sur l'histoiro de l'anatomie pathologique. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1862, vii, 3-11.—Martinotti (G.) L' auatomia patologica e le fonti della medicina (prolusione). Atti d. r. Accad. di fisiocrit. in Siena, 1891, 4. s., iii, 379-398.—Jlelniltow- BaMwcdcnkow. Ueber das Aufbewahren patholo- gisch-anatoinischer Praparate. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1896, vii, 49 —Meynert (T.) Leber di» TJuabgeschlossenheit der grobern pathologischeu Anato- mie. Wien.med. Bl.,1881, iv, 1297; 1329.—Odeninw (M.V.> Deu uya patologiskt anatomiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet. [The new pathologico-anatomical institute in the University of Lund.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1890, xxii, no. 19, 1-30. Aho, Reprint. — Orth (J.) Ber Unterricht in der pathologischeu Anatomie und das patho- logische Institut iu Gottingen sonst uud jet/.t. Arb. a. d. path. Inst, in Gotting., Berl., 1893, 1-99.— Paget (J.) Suggestions for the makiug of pathological catalogues. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 911.—Petrolic (A.) Attualitfk dell' anatomia patologica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli, 1880, n. s., viii, 487-494.— Piniia-Pintor (A.) Note istologiche. Rassegna d'ostet. e giuec, Napoli, 1895, iv, 454; 513; 577; 641; 705.—Pitt (G. N.) & Targett (J. II.) List of specimens added to the pathological museum, dur- ing the year 1888-89. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 18-9, 3. s., xxxi, 465-503. — Qninqtiaud (E.) L'anatomie pa- thologique chiuiique. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1882, Par., 1883, xi, 707-771. — Risueflo D'Amador. Influence de l'anatomie pathologique sur la medecine depuis Morgagni jusqu'a nos jours. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1837, vi, 313-493.—Koscllo i *'er- vei-a (M.) Sobre la influencia que la anatomia patolojica eierce respecto de algunas eufermedades. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago, 1855, 85-97.—Sangalli (G.) Fondazione, costruzione, vicende del Museo di anatomia patologica; raffrouti e deduzioni del medesimo. R Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1890, 2. s., xxiii, 401-413.—Mau- cerotte (C.) De l'influence de l'anatomie pathologique sur les progres de la m6deciue, depuis Morgagui .jusqu'a. nos .jours. M6m. Acad, de med., Par., 1837, vi, 494-604. Aho, Reprint. — Wee (G.) [et al.\ Rapport sur le projet de creation d'une chaire d'anatomie pathologique pra- tique & la Facult6 de iu6deciue de Paris. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxix, 601; 605. — Sibsou (F.) On tho changes induced in the situation and structure of the internal organs, under varying circumstances of health and disease; and ou the nature and external indications of these changes. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Loud., 1844, xii, 307-574.—Spiegelbcrg (H.) Drei seltenere Sectionsbe- funde. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1895, cxiii, 547- 557.—Stilling (H.) Histoire des sciences. L'anatomie pathologique: son but, sa methode. Kev. scient., Par., 1890, xlvi, 769-776. — Suringar ( G. C. B.) Vertegen- woordiging der pathologische anatomie door Gualtherus van Doeveren en Eduard Sandifort; limine amhtgenooten Fredrik Bernhard Albinus eu David van Roijen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, 2. R., iv, 2. Afd., 1- 24. Aho, in his: Bijdr. t. de geschied. v. h. geneesk. on- derwijs aan de Leids. Hoogesch., K°, [Amst.. 1860-70, No. 161. —Vci-ga (A.) Delle autopsie Loria. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1894, 2. s.. xxvii, 458-476.— Virchow (R.) Ueber den Unterricht in der patholo- gischeu Anatomie. Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1890, ii, 75-100.— Voelcker (A. F.) Pathological report, 1K92. Middle- sex Hosp. Rep. 1892, Lond., 1894. 213-378. — Wcichi»el- baum ( A. ) Ueber dio Entwickluug nnd Richtuug der moderueu pathologischen Anatomic. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, vi. 769-773. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1893, xvi, 555; 569. — Wells (S. R.) & Wilson (W. H.) On post- mortem nerve changes. J. Path. &. Bacterid., Edinb. & ANATOMY. 415 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological). Lond., 1894-t;* iii, 482-487, 1 pl. — Winckel (F.) Ueber die Section der Kindesleiche im pathologischen Institut der Charite. Veroffentl. d. Gesellsch. f. Heilk. in Berl. Padiat. Sect., 1879, 46-49. Anatomy (Pathological, General and sys- tematic treatises on). Sec, also, Jurisprudence (Medical, General, etc., treatises on); Pathology. AbaDie-Leroy. Pr6cis e"tementaire d'anato- mie pathologique. 16°. Paris, 1867. Alves (F. A.) Elementos de anatomia pa- thologica geral. 8°. Coimbra, 1869. Axdral (G.) Precis d'anatomie pathologique. 2 v.. 8-. Paris, 1629. —■---. The same. Precis d'anatomie patho- logique. 3 v. 8-\ Paris, 1829-32. -----. Thesame. A treatise on pathological anatomy. Transl. from the French by Richard Townsend aud "William West. 2 v. 8°. Dub- lin, 1829-31. -----. Thesame. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1832. -----. The same. Compendio d' anatomia patologica. Nuova versione italiana del Erme- negildo Cauigiani sull' oltima edizione francese. 8°. Livomo, 1859. APHEXTOULES (T.) Tladoloyinrjc avaropiag iiu- roug. v. 2-3. 8°. 'Ev 'Adgvaic, 1854-6. Araxyi (L.) A korbouctan elemei gydgygya- korte e"s torvduysz^ki orvosok sz^mara Sokratesi modorban ttfrgyalva. [Elements of pathologi- cal anatomy for practicing and public physi- cians, treated after the Socratic manner.] 12°. Buddn, 1664. Atlas (An) of illustrations of pathology. Com- piled (chiefly from original sources) for the New Svdenham Society. Fasc. 1-9. fol. London, 1877-94. Baillie (M.) The morbid anatomy of some ofthe most important parts of the human body. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1807. -----. The same. A new ed. 12°. London, 1830. -----. The same. Trattato di anatomia pa- tologica del corpo umano. Tradotto, ed accre- sciuto di note sull' ultima edizione dal . . . Pietro Gentilini. 8C. Pavia, 1607. -----. The same. Anatomie pathologique des orgaues les plus importans du corps humain. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglais, et enrichi de notes et de planches par M. Guerbois. 8°. Paris, 1815. -----. A series of engravings, accompanied with explanations, which are intended to illus- trate the morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body. Fasc. 1-10, paged consecutively, fol. London, 1799. Bard (L.) Precis d'anatomie pathologique. 16°. Paris, 1890. Birch-Hirschfeld (F. V.) Lehrbuch der pa- thologischeu Anatomie. Zweite vollig umgear- heitete Aufl. 2 v. 8C. Leipzig, 1684. -----. The same. Specielle patholog. Ana- tomie. 3. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. -----. The same. Specielle pathologische Anatomie. 4. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. VON Bischoff (T. L. W.) Der Fiihrer bei den Prapaririibungen fiir Studirende der Medicin, zugleich auch bei Austellung von Sectionen fiir practische und Gerichts-Aerzte. 8°. Miinchen, 1874. Brcnetti (L.) Manuale di anatomia pato- logica. Propedeutica ossia per il dissettore al tavolo di sezione. Libro primo. 8°. Padova, 1881. Anatomy (Pathological, General and sys- tematic treatises on). Coxradi (C.) Anatomia patologica. Trad. dal tedesco con aggiuute dal dottor Giovanui Pozzi. 5v. 8~. Milano, 1804-6. Coyne (P.) Trait6 e'le'mentaire d'anatomie pathologique. 12°. Paris, 1894. Craigie (D.) Elements of general and patho- logical anatomy, presenting a view of the preseut state of knowledge in these branches of science. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh \ [n.p., n. d.] Glasgow Pathological and Clinical Socictv. Transactions. v. 1-4, 18*3-4 to 1891-3. Glasgow, 1884-93. Newcastle and Gateshead Pathological So- ciety. Communications made to the societv dur- ing the sessions 1851-3. 6C. [London, 1851-3.] 27 Anatomy (Pathological, Journal and transactions of societies relating to). New York Pathological Societv. Transac- tions, v. 1-4, 1844-81. -----. Proceedings. . New York, 1876-82. 1887-91. 8-. [Veto York, 188--92.] Pathological Society of Dublin. Proceed- ings. Sessions 1849-41 to 1857-8 ; sessions 1859- 60 to 1861-2, 11. s., pts. 2-4, v. 1; v. 2-9, 1862-82. 8C. Dublin, 1*40-82. Pathological Society of London. Transac- tions, v. 1-45, 1846 to 1893-4. 8-. London, 1848-94. Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Pro- ceedings. 1.-3., 1857-70. 8-. Philadelphia, 1-60-70. -----. Transactions. 4.-15., 1871 to 1889-91. --. Philadelphia, 1874-91. Pathologisches Institut zu Miinchen. Mit- theilungen. Hrsg. von Dr. von Buhl. 8J. Stutt- gart, 1876. -----. Arbeiten. Hrsg. vou O. Bollinger. 8°. Stuttgart, 1866. Pathologisches Institut zu Zurich. Unter- suchungen. Hrsg. von C. J. Eberth. 1.-3. Hft., 1873-5. 4C. Leipzig, 1873-5. Societe d'anatomie pathologique de Bru- xelles. Annates. Nos. 1-30. 8°. Bruxelles, 1859-81. Societe anatomique de Paris. Bulletins. 1826-95, v. 1-70. 8°. Paris, 1826-95. Societe anatomo-clinique de Lille. Bulle- tins. 1.-8., 1886-93. 8C. Lille, 1886-93. Anatomy (Pathological, Methods and post-mortem examination in). See, also, Anatomy (Methods, etc., in); Cada- ver; Organs (Weight, etc., of). Blackburx (I. W.) A manual of autopsies, designed for the use of hospitals for the insane and other public institutions. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1892. Bolrxeville & Bricon (P. ) Manuel de technique des autopsies. 16°. Paris, 1885. Brunetti (T.) La tannizzazione dei tessuti animali che mi appartiene deve essere impiegata dagli anatomici e compresa dai patologhi. 8°. Padova, 1888. Carrington (R. E.) Notes on pathology. A handbook for the post-mortein room. Edited, revised, and amplified by H. Evelyn Crook and Guy Mackeson. 16°. London, 1692. Cassebohm (J. F.) Metbodus succincta se- candi et contemplaudi viscera hominis, in usum niedicinae et chirurgia? studiosorum. 8C. Halce Magdeb., 1740. Cattell (H. AV.) Some practical post-mor- tem points. A paper read before the Philadel- phia County Medical Society, October 25, 1893. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] -----. Notes on the demonstrations in mor- bid anatomv, including autopsies. Pt. 1. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893?] Chiari (H.) Pathologisch-anatomische Sec- tionstechnik. 8°. Berlin, 1694. Cocks (W. P.) Forms for facilitating the records of post-mortem appearances. 8J. Lon- don, 1632. De Angeus Maxgaxo (G.) Tecnica delle autopsie desunta iu parte dalle lezioni del pro- fessore A. Petrone. 12°. Milano, [1893]. Dubixi (A.) DelP arte di fare te sezioni ca- daveriche. 8°. Milano, 1847. Friedlaender (C.) Mikroskopische Technik zum Gebrauch bei medicinischen und patholo- gist-anatomischen Untersuchungen. 4. ver- mehrte und verbesserte Aufl., bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. C. J. Eberth. 8°. Berlin, 1889. ANATOMY. 418 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, Methods and post-mortem examination in). Giaxiurco (V.) Manuale della tecnica delle autopsie e della diagnostica anatomo-patolo- gica. *-'. Napoli, 18y0. Gi'XTHKR ((J. B.) Operationslehre am Leich- naiue. fol. Leipzig, 1843. Harris (T.) Post-mortem handbook, or how to conduct post-mortem examinations for clini- cal and for medico-legal purposes. 12°. Lon- don, 18*7. -----. The same. Manuel d'autopsies, ou ntethode de pratiquer les exameus cadaveriques au poiut de vue clinique et medico-legal. Tra- duit sur la premiere edition angiaise et annofe" par . . . H. Surmont. 12-. Bruxelles, 1888. Heschl (R.) Sections-Technik. Anleitung zur zweckmiissigen Ausfiihrung pathologischer Sectionen und zur Abfassung der Befuudscheiue. Fiir Studireude und praktische Aerzte, besonders Gerichts-Aerzte. 8:. Wien, 1859. Hesselbach (A. K.) Handbuch fiir gericht- liche Aerzte und Wundarzte bei gesetzmiissigen Leicheuoffnnugen: mit der Beschreibung der hierbei nothigen lustrumente und Gerathschaf- ten. 12-. Giessen, 1819. Lebrlx. Nouveau manuel coniptet du mou- leur, ou l'art de niouler on platre, carton, carton- pierre, carton-cuir, cire, plomb, argile, hois, <5eaille, corne, etc.; contenant tout ce qui est rela- tif au moulage sur la nature morte et vivante, au moulage de l'argite, du ciment romain, de la chaux, des cimcnts composes, des matieres plas- tiques nouvellement iu ventres; comprenant en outre un grand nombre de reeettes et de compo- sitions utiles au mouleur, aiusi que l'expose* de ce que les chimistes ont receniment de"couvert sur la nature, te choix et la preparation de ma- tieres premieres, sur les couleurs qu'il est possible de leur donner, sur les euduits hydrofuges, les mastics, les veruis, etc. Nouv. 66.., revue et aug- mented par M.-D. Maguier. 16°. Paris, 1850. Lefort (P.) Manuel du doctorat en me'de- cine. Aide-memoire d'anatomie pathologique, d'histologie pathologique et de technique des autopsies pour la pr6paration du ciuquieme ex- amen. 16°. Paris, 1^91. Loxdox Medical Society of Observation. What to observe at the bed-side and after death in medical cases. 16°. London, 1853. Miura (S.) Fukenbo. [Method of holding post-mortem.] 8°. Tokyo, 1894. Japanese text. Neelsex (F.) Grundriss der pathologisch- anatomischeu Technik fur praktische Aerzte und Studierende. 6°. Stuttgart, 1892. Newth (A. H.) A manual of necroscopy, or a guide to the performance of post-mortem exami- nations, with notes on the morbid appearances aud suggestions for medico-legal examinations for the use of practitioners and students. 16°. London, 1878. North Carolina. State Board of Health of the Slate of North Carolina. Method of perform- ing post-mortem examinations. 8°. Baleigh, Osiander (F. B ) Abhandlung iiber das vor- theilhafteste Aufbewahren thierischer Korper in Weiugeist. Mit Zustizeu von Herrn Hofrath Sommerring. sm. 4C. Gottingen, 1793. Rollestox (H. D.) A: Kaxthack (A. A.) Manual of practical morbid anatomy, being a handbook for the post-mortem room. 8-. Cam- bridge, 1894. Roose (T. G. A.) Taschenbuch fiir gericht- liche Aerzte uud Wundarzte bei gesetzuiassigen Leichenoffnungen. Eutworfeu vou ... 4. ver- Anatoiny (Pathological. Methods and post-mortem examination in). besserte u. mit Zusiitzen vermehrte Aufl., vom Dr. Karl Himly. 16-. Frankf. a. M., 1*11. -----. Thesame. 12°. Frankf. a. M., 1-19. Schema zum Einzeichnen patliologischer Befunde der Brust- und Baucheiugeweide. 2 Aufl. 163. Bern, 1891. United States. War Department. Surgcon- GeneraVs Office. Circular. Form of record of autopsy. [Extract from a report of Dr. Bow- ditch to the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Soci- ety, Feb. 1, 1882, published for the information of the medical officers of the Army.] fol [Washington, 1*82.] Virchow (R.) Die Sections-Technik im Lei- chenhanse des Charite'-Krankenkauses, mit be- souderer Riicksicht auf gerichtsarztliche Praxis. Im Annange, das preussische Regulativ fiir das Verfahren der Gerichtsarzte bei den gericht- licheu Untersuchungen menschlicher Leichen vom 13. Februar 1875. 6-J. Berlin, 1676. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1884. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1*93. See, aho, infra. -----. The same. Post-mortem examina- tions, with especial reference to niedico-legal practice. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by Dr. T. P. Smith. 8°. Philadelphia, 18*0. Westphal (A.) Specimen de injectionibus anatomicis primum, quo pradectiones publicus ac privatas indicit. sm. 4°. [Gryphiswaldiw, 1744.] Aguglia (F.) Moduli per autopsie niedicolegali. Gazz. med. di Torini, 1885, xxxvi, 313-316. [See, aho, infra, Paventa.]—Allison (H. E.) On a general system of re- porting autopsies iu American asylums lor the insane (with form for post-mortem records]. Am. J. Insan., TJtica. K. Y., 1889-90, xlvi, 216-223. Also, Reprint.- Aiibry (J.) Dissection. Diet, encycl. d. sc. iu6d., Par., 1884, 1. s., xxix, 764-779.—Azoiilay. Procede rapide de montage des coupes par la methode de Golgi. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 297.—Babe* (V.) Uehereinige pathologisch-histologische Methoden uud die durch die- selhen erzielten Resultate. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl., 1886, cv, 511-521, pl. — Kai-tholimis (C.) Me- thodus demonstratiouum anatomicarum, cum pr»para- tionibus quibusdam selectioribus. Acta uied. et phil. Hafn., 1680, v, 98-115.—Berliner (P.) Plastische Repro- duction pathologisch-anatomischer Praparate. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 1094.—Ber- tini (L.) Relazione della commissione incaricata della r. Accademia medica di Roma di esaminare il cadavere di una giovinetta, pn-parato con uu metodo specials di conservazione dal dott. Cenni. Bull. cl. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1881, vii, 246-252.—BjcIoiimmow (A. K.) Eine neue Methode von Injection anatomischer Preparate ver- mittelst kalter Masse. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz., 1885, 379-384. — iloilcau (J. I'. II.) Gravimetry in the mortuary.- Oughton's necrometer, etc. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 977. — Bowditch ( H. P.) The lymph spaces in fasciae; a new method of in- jection. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1868-73, viii, 508-510, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint. -----. The collection of data at autopsies. Boston M. & S. J., 1880, ciii, 148.— Bon-lby (A.) A new matt-rial for casts and models. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882. ii, 783. — Brum ui (L.) Eachio- tomia secondo il metodo usato dalla stimla di anatomia patologica di Padova. In his: Scuola di anat. patol. d. r. Univ. di Padova, 8°, 1878, 81-112, 1 pl. -----. Brevi not! zie sul mio nuovo rachiotomo per aprire lo spero verte- brate posteriormente. Ibid., 113-132, 1 pl. — C'athcnrt (C. W.) Material for making casts. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1884-5, n. s., iv, 273-275. Aho i Abstr.]: Edinb. Clin. & Path. J., 1883-4, i, 524.—Cnllell (H. W.) Some special points on the performance of autopsies on the new- born. Ann. Gynsec. & Piediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi 758- 763.—Caudercau. Sur un proc6de nouveau de disso- ciation des glaudes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1^79, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 291-293. Also: Gaz. med. de Par.. 1879, 6. s., i, 577. —Ccrebrotomc du Dr. Gavoy. Conipt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 114.—t'ernf. Vm salle d'autopsie. Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1891. vi, 369- 372.—Chalot. Conservation de la matit-re anatomique; avantages et innocuit6 de l'injection phenoai'Benicaln; de l'appareil Farabeuf; ses avantages et sea iiicoiivenieiils; projet d'un appareil k injection plus perfectionnc. Ment pel! rued., 1883, 2. s., i, '212-217— Clason alton (J. C.) A ready method of making brain sections for post-mortem examinations. Bostou M. & S. J., 1880, ciii, 57. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 134.— Davy (J.) On a new method of preserving anatomical preparations for a limited time. In his: Researches Phys. & Anat., 8°, Lond., 1839, i, 355-375. -----. Some directions for making and keeping anatomical prepara- tions in hot climates. Ibid., 414-425.— Fi-<-<-boi-n (G. C.) A new material for models. Proc. X. York Path. Soc, 1S92, 83-86. Also, Reprint. Aho. in,: Stud. path. lab. Coll. Phys. & Surg. Columbia Coll., X. Y., 1891-2, ii.—Oer- lach (L.) TJeber ein nenes Verfahren, kleinere anatomi- sche Objecte zum Zwecke der Demonstration dauernd zu fixireu und ohno Anwendung von Alcohol zu eonser- viren. Sitzuugsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1881, 13. Hft., 55-62.—Giacomini (C.) Xuovo processo per la conservazione delle sezioni di cadaveri congelati. Gior. di r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 624-641.— Clatter (E.) Leber Leiclienobduction. Ztschr. f. Nat.- n. Heilk. in Ungarn, Pest, 1851-2. ii, 1; 9.—Ctunther (G.) Bemerknngen zu Unna's neuen Farbemethoden. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1895, xxxiii. 29-35.— Israel (0.) Leber Doppelfiirbung mit Orci-in. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1886, cv, 109-172.—von Kahlden (C.) TJeber die van Giesen'sche Farbunsr. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1893, iv, 456.—KeHy (H. A.) On a method of post-mortem examination of the thoracic and abdominal viscera, through vagina, perineum, and rectum, and without incision of the abdominal parie- tes. Med. Xews, Phila., 1883, xiii, 733— Itempf (E. J.) How to make a post-mortem. Am. Pract. & News, Louis- ville, 18-^8, n. s., v, 392-394 —Koolhaas. Eine Beiner- kung zu Yirchow's Sektioustechnik. Deutsche Med.-Ztg , Berl., 1893, xiv, 1083.— Lacroix (E.) De l'emploi du carinin aliine. dans les recherches d'histologie pathologi- que. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1890), 1891, xxx, 63-69. — Lund (E.) A description of a form of craniotome for post-mortem examinations. Lan- cet. Lond., 1858, ii, 520-522.—I.iiyis (J.) Procede pour la conservation et la momiticatiou ties cerveaux a l'etat sec. Encephale, Par., 1881, i, 84-90. -----. De divers modes de preparation et de durcissement du cerveau; anoma- lies morphologiques de cerveau chez une hysterique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xvi, 271-279.— JTlehnert (E.) Bericht iiber die Leichenmessungen am Strassburger anatomischen Institute. Morphol. Arb., Jena, 1894, iv, 1-29 — .Tiers (C. H.) A synopsis of the various points of interest in post-mortem examinations. Med. Age, Detroit, 1893, xi, I-7.-Heyer (A.) Prepara- tions for a post-mortem examination. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893, ii, 32-36.—ITIinor iL.) Ueber die combinirte Pal- ladiumchlorid-Carminrarbung zur pathologischen Unter- suchung des Centralnervensystems. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1882, xx, 38-40.—Mori-i* (M.) The method of making autopsies and their proper interpreta- tion. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 825-828.—Mo- ser (W.) A few words in reference to living tells versus staining. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi. 371.—:TI uja»iio (J.) Byoshi kaifu oyobi ishoku eibai no deiuuatsu. [Post- mortem examination should be made obligatory for the attending physician.] Torin no Siwori, Tokio, 1893, v, no. 9,10-14.—IVeisser (A.) Zur Discussion iiber Plasmazel- len. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph.,"Wien u. Leipz., 1895, xxxi, 387.—Ne w mortuary and post-mortem room at the Middle- sex Hospital. Lancet,Lond., 1889, ii, 1247.—rVobiling (A.) Zur Sektionstechnik. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1893, xliv, 53-55.—Oliver (C. A.) An improved cell of glass and celluloid for the preservation and exhibi- tion of microscopic eve-specimens. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 15-17.'—Oughton (T.) On thenecrome- ter. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1869, Lond., 1871, 520-528, 6 pl.— Pasquier. Emploi des ciseaux de Brnnetti pour l'on- verture du rachis, dans les autopsies. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1882, xxi, 383-386.—Paventa. Moduli per autop- sie ? o tariffe medico-legali ? Lettera aperta all' avv. F. Aguglia. Gazz. med. (li Torino, 1885, xxxvi, 464-469.— Peabody. The vapor of Wickersheimer's fluid for pre- serving specimens. Bull. N. York Path. Soc., 1881, 2. s., i, 168.—Perenyi (J.) Egy uj kemenyito folyadekrol, kii- lonost-u fejlodestaui tanuimayozasra. [A new hardening fluid.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1882, 920-922. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Bndapest, 1882, xviii, 840.— PokrovHki (M.) Ob okraske uprugich volokon v leg- kom. [Method of staining elastic tissue of lungs.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii, 67-70— Kcnard. Considera- tions medico-16gales sur la mani6re de proceder & l'ouver- ture des cadavres, et specialement dans les cas de, visites judiciaires. In: Med. leg., 8°, Par., 1819, 84-134—Kich- Anatomy (Pathological, Methods and post-mortem examination in). ai-dson (B.W.) Temporary preservation of post-mortem specimens. Asclepiad. Lond., 1884, i, 156.—Richardson (J. G.) Xew method of preserving tumors and certain uri- nary deposits during transportation. Phila. M. Times, 1872- 3, iii, 181-183. Also, Reprint.— Sangalli. La metodica sezioue del corpo umano alia ricerca delle sue alterazioni. Gior. di anat. e flsiol., Pavia, 1864-5, i, 135; 295: 1865. ii, 493. -----. Metodo della sezione degli organi della caviti abdominale. Ibid., 1865, ii, 616-626.—Sanitals-polizci- lichen (.Die) Leicheuobductionen. Oesterr. San.-Wes., "VVien, 1895, vii, 183-187.—Segnin (E. C.) An improved method of staining large seel ions of the brain. Med.'Rec., N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 164.—Scveii (A.) Di un modo rapido perdeterminareall'autopsia il peso speciflcodeivariorgani etessuti. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1882, xlix, 580-592.—Slee (lv.) Simple method of retaining the calvarium in place after post-mortem examination. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi. 737. Also, Reprint.—Smith (P.) Preservation of ophthalmic specimens. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880, i, 52.— Strnve (H.) Ueber das Wickersheimer'sche Verfahren zur Conservirung organischer Substanzen. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1880, 3. IL, xvi, 321-331.—Suchard (E.) Technique generale et sommaire des autopsies cliniques. Clin. med. de la Charite. Lecons et mem., Par., 1894,1011- 1056. — Tcichinanii (L.) Kit jako niasa injekcyjna i sposobnastrzykiwauia ta inn3%. [Injecting cavities with cement.] Rozpr. . . . wydz. mateniat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. . w Krakow., 1880, vii, 108-157. Also, transl.: Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veteriuark., Wien, 1883, lix, 157- 191.—Tetamore (F. L.) Directions for the preparation of paramne molds for plaster casts. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885. ii, 478— ITniia (P. G.) Zur Kenntnis tier Kerne. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1895, xx, 597-607.— Virchow (R.) Die Sections-Technik iin Leicheuhause des Charite-Krankenhauses, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf geriehtsarztliche Praxis. Charit6-Ann. 1874, Berl., 1876, i. 689-752: 1878, iii: 1887, xii,passim. [See, also, supra.]— MVrthciin ( G. ) Vorlanflge Mittheilung (betreffend einen Apparat, construirt, um den Druck zu messen, der in geschlossenen, Fliissigkeit bergenden, Hcihlen patholo- gischer Bildung Statt hat). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, 69.— Wilder (B. G.) [Medisected alinjected head of a murderer.] J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1886, n. s., xi, 633. A ho. Reprint. — Wywodzew (D.) Methode der Balsamirung und Conservirung anatomischer Praparate uud Thierleichen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 419; 433. Anatomy (Pathological, Observations and cases in). See, also, Cadaver. Baistrocchi (E.) Prospetti coniparativi del peso e volume dei principali organi del corpo umano a seconda della eta, del sesso e delle con- dizidni morbose. 8°. Parma, 1664. Benivenitjs ( A. ) De abiliti.s nounullis ac mirandis morborum et sanationum causis. 1"2J. Florentue, [1507]. Aho, with: GALEN (C. ) Liber de plenitudine. 4°. [Paris], 1528, ff. 1-21 [follows f. 42b]. Continued in: Puc- CINOTTI (F.) Storia della medicina. 8°. Livorno, 1855, ii, pt. 1, pp. ccxxxiii-cclv. Also, in: Ibid. 8°. Napoli, 1860, ii, pp. xcix-cvi. Bertrand-Rival (J.-F.) Precis historique physiologique et moral, des principalis objets eu cire pre"par6e etcoloriee d'apres nature, quicom- poseut le museum de . . . 8U. Paris, an A[1801], Buttners (C. (}.) Iu vielen Jahren gesanini- lete anatomische Wahrnemuugen. sm. 4°. Kb- nigsberg u. Leipzig, 1769. C lossy (S.) Observations on some ofthe dis- eases of the parts of the human body. Chiefly taken from the dissections of morbid bodies. 8°. London, 17(W. Commentationes variae in memoriam actoruni ecl auuorum. Edidit Universitas Helsinforsien- sis. Festskrift Iran Pathologisk-anatomiska In- stituted 8°. Helsingfors, 1690. CORNING (J. L.) jr. *Zwei Arbeiten aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institut zu Wiirz- burg. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1678. van Doeveren (A.J.) * Observationes pa- tbologico-auatomicie. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 17e9. Duncan (A.) Contributions to morbid anat- omy. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Ehrmann (C. H.) Mnsee de la faculte" de me'- decine de Strasbourg. Observations d'anatomie ANATOMY. 420 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, Observations and cases in). pathologique, accompagnecs de l'histoire des maladies qui s'y rattachent. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843. ------. The same. Xouveau recueil, public" sous les auspices de la faculty, fol. Strasbourg, 1663. Francis (J. W.) Cases of morbid anatomy. Read before the Literary and Philosophical So- ciety of New York. 4°. New York, 1815. I-Ttterer (G.) Abriss der pathologischeu Anatomie; nach in den Jabren 1884-1889 abge- haltenen Ferien-Kursen. 12°. Wiesbaden, 1890. Gibb (G. D.) Unique congenital malforma- tion associated with umbilical hernia, and a pen- dulous artificial anus. An ovarian tumor, weigh- ing one hundred and six pounds, with great elongation of the cervix uteri and vagina, and other contributions to the seventh volume of transactions of the Pathological Society of Lon- don. 8:. London, 1856. Graanboom (J.) * Quantitatieff-scheikundige onderzoekingen von menschelijke organen, in enkele pathologische toestanden. [Freiburg i. B.] ho. Amsterdam, 1881. Hoffmann (J. M.) Disquisitio corporis hu- mani auatomico-pathologica, rationibus et ob- servationibus veterum et receutiorum singulari studio collectis confirmata. 4°. Altdorfi-Nori- corum, 1713. Kerst (J. F.) Waarnemingen in het gebied der pathologie en der pathologische anatomie. 8°. Utrecht, 1639. Key ( A. ) Om deu nya Patologiskt Anato- miska Institutionen i Stockholm. 8°. [Stock- holm, 1669.] Maier (R.) Mittheilungen aus dem patholo- gisch-anatomischen Cursus des Jahres 1862. 8°. Freiburg i. B. Cutting from: Ber. d. naturf. Gesellsch. z. Freib. i. B., iii, Hft. 1, 97-128, 1 pl. ------. Aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institut zu Freiburg. 8°. Freiburg, 1865. Martinetti (P.) Frammenti di lezioni di ana- tomia patologica pratica. 8°. Pisa, 1864. Mayer (H.) & Schweninger (E.) Kurze Mittheilungen aus den pathologisch-anatomi- schen Demonstrationen des Prof. Dr. v. Buhl in Miinchen im Wintersemester 1875-6. 8°. Miin- chen, 1876. Nas.se (F.) Leichenoffnungen. Zur Diagnos- tik und pathologischen Auatomie. Erste Reihe. 8°. Bonn, 1621. Ogle (J.) Description of cases communicated to the Pathological Societv of London, during the session 1859-60. 8°. [London], 1860. Osler ( W. ) Montreal General Hospital. Pathological reports. 1. (1876-7); 2. (1877-9). 8°. Montreal, l878-*0. -----. Extract from Pathological Society of Philadelphia, volumes xii and xiii. 8°. Phila- delphia, [16n7]. Peetz (H.) * Bericht iiber 2625 wahrend der Jahre I.w85-18.*8 im pathologischen Institute zu Munchen vorgenommene Sectionen. 8°. Miin- chen, 1889. Planch (F.) Historia; medicae infirmorum omnium a morte liberatorum, cum observationi- bus iu cadaveribus dissectis adnotatis. MS. fol. [n. p., u. d.] Power (DA.) [Collection of cases from the Transactions ofthe Pathological Society of Lon- don, 18!?7.] 6°. [London, 1887.] Kiolan (J.) fils. Encheiridium anatomicum et pathologicum, in quo ex naturali constitu- tione partum, recessus a naturali statu deinon- Anatomy (Pathological, Obser■rations and cases in). stratur; ad usum theatri anatomici adornatum 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1649. ------. The same. Editio quarta, renovata illustrata, variis tractatibus locupletata et emen- data. Cum triplici indice, tractatnum, capitum ac rerum, accuratissimo. 12°. Parisiis, 167)6. ------. The same. Manuel anatomique et pathologique, ou abr6ge" de toute l'anatomie, et des usages que l'on en peut tirer pour la connais- sance, et pour la guerison des maladies. Nouv. 6d., corrigee et augmentee de la sixieme partie, sur les meinoires et livres imprimez de l'aiilheur 16°. Paris, 1661. Rossi. Osservazioni anatomico-patologiche, con esperienze sopra 1' idrofobia e sopra la rab- bia. 4°. Torino, 1824. Repr.from: Mem. Accad. r. d. sc. di Torino, xxx. Schneider (E.) Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie des Menschen. 4°. [Miinchen, 1832/] Cutting from: Abhand. d. math.-phvs. Cl. d. k. baier. Acad. d. Wissensch. 1829-30, Munchen, 1832, i, 789-807, 4 pl. Schottelus (M.) Casuistische Mittheilun- gen aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institut zn Marburg. 8°. Cassel, 1881. SCHROEDER VAN DER KOLK (J. L. C.) OratlO de anatomise pathologicae praecipue subtilioris studio utilissimo et ad morborum naturaui iuves- tigandam maxime commendando. 8°. [Traj. ad Bhenum, 1827.] -----. The same. 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1827. Warwinsky (I. W.) O vliyanii patologiches- koi anatomii na razvitie patologii voobsktshe i klinicheskoi v osobenuosti. [On the influence of pathological anatomy on the development of pathology in general and especially on cliuical pathology.] 8°. Moskva, 1849. Weber (F.) Kurze Bemerkungen iiber die Section der Leiche zu pathologischen Zwecken. Eiu Gruss an seine Herren Collegeu in den Her- zogthiiniern Schleswig-Holstein und Lauenburg. 8°. Kiel, 1847. -----. The same. 8°. Herzberg, 1854. Werner (P. C. F.) * Observata quaedam iu morbis et sectionibns cadaverum humauorum proponit. 4°. Lipsiai, [1776] . Also, transl. in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1778, viii, 94-102. Bollinger. Bericht iiber die Leichenoffnungen im pathologischeu Institute pro 1878 und 1879. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen, 1886, iii, 295- 302. — Boyd (R.) Vital statistics, and pathological contributions; to which are added, notes on morbid parts, by George Gul- liver. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1843, lix, 29: lx, 110. — Briiim. Resultate der Leichenschau des Jahres 1834 bis 1835 in der Stadt Fiirth. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1836, xxxi, 268-286, 4 tab.— Coi-nil (V.) Conferences sur l'ana- tomie pathologique et la clinique. ( Premiere lecon, rec. par il. Bar.) J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1*79, 3. s., i, 107; 115.™Daniels (C. W.) Notesonaseriesof post-mortems made in the Public Hospital, Georgetown, from 1st April to 31st December, 1893. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1894, vi, 79-107.—Dnchaussoy. Surprises que certaines autopsies uous r6servent. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1891, 387-392. —Eisenlohr (L.) Bericht iiber 3749 wah- rend der Jahre 1878-1884 im pathologischen Institut zu Munchen vorgenommene Sectionen. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zu Munchen, Stuttg., 1886, 462-4W1.—E*kridj{e (J. T.) Specimens from a man who died from brain, lung, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, and bladder troubles. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 217-224. — Firltet(C) Observa- tions anatomiques recueillit-s dans le service d'autopsies dt- 1 Universite de Liege. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1*82, xxi, 24; 55; 99; 145; 178; 209: 313; 345. 1 pl.- II a u ff. Beitrage zur pathologist -lien Anatomic. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1837, iii, Hft. 1, 1 - 22. - II«-l»b (R. G.) Report of the post-mortem exiiminalions made in 1887, with short notes and remarks. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, iv, 175-183. — Hertz (H.) Aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institut des Athenaeums zu Amsterdam. Arch. f. path. Auat. [etc.], Berl., 1869, 21 ANATOMY. ANATOMY. Anatoaiiy (Pathological,Obser vat ions and cases in). xlvi, 233-243, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint. — Iljelt (O. E. A.) Ofversigt af Sjukvarden vid Alliniinna Sjukhnsets patho- logiskt-anatomiska afdelning under aren 1861-0*. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors. 1869-71, xi, 73-210. -----. Patologiskt-anatomiska institutionen i Helsingfors. Ibid., 1881, xxiii, 297-322, 3pl. Also. Repriut. Also: Nord. metl. Ark.. Stockholm, 1882, xiv. no. 9, 1-20, 3 tab. — Hoff- mann (C. K.) Eenige pathologisch-anatomische waarno- mingen, gemaakt bij de lykopeningen, verricht in het Krankzinuigtiigesticht Meereuberg, van 1 July 1866 tot 1 July 1807. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1808. 2. K., Afd. 2, 102-134. Aho, Reprint. -----. Pathoh.gisch- aiiatomische mededeelingen. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst.. 1870, 2. R., vi, Afd. 2, 70-89. Also, Reprint.— Howship (J.) Appendix. Descriptive catalogue of the collection of specimens in pathological anatomv. In hh: Pract, Remarks [etc.], 8°, Loud.. 1840. 323-400."— In- gerle (S.) Bericht iiber 3596 wahrend der Jahre 1*.">4- 1804 in derpathol.-anatom. Anstalt zu Miinchen vorgenom- mene Sectionen. Arb. a.d. path. Inst, zu Miinchen, Stuttg., lt<8t>, 403-431.—Jaeobson (H.) Mededeelingen nit het pathologisch-anatoiuisch institut van het Athenaeum illus- tre te Amsterdam. Xederl. Tijdsehr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1872. 2. R., viii, Afd. 2, 142-155, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Kholslieniilioff (P. X.) Otchot po anatomicheskomu te:itru Kronstadtskavo Hospitalya za 1888-93. (Report of the anatomical theatre of the Marine Hospital at Kronstadt for 1888-93.) Med pribav. k morsk. sboruiku. St. Petersb., 1890-95, passim.—Kijewski (F.) Sprawozdanie z sekcyj wykonan. w pracowui anatomo-patolog. Prof. Brodowski- ego w drug, polroczu 1884 r. [Work performed in the anatomo-patkological laboratorv of Prof. Brodowski.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1**5, 2. s.. v, 536; 554; 575; 598.—Kitt- steiuer (W.) Bericht iiber 3846 wahrend der Jahre 1865- 1874 in der patholog. - anatomisch. Anstalt zu Miinchen vorgenommene Sectionen. Arb. a. d. path. Inst, zu Miin- chen, Stuttg.. 1886. 432-461. — Klob (J.) Pathologisch- anatomische Casuistik. Wien. med. BL, 1879, ii, 1; 37; 81: 107: 157; 225: 277: 347. Also, Reprint.—Koch (T.) &. Schliiwser (W.) Kurze Febersicht der im Jahre 1851 im Petri-Paulshospitale in St. Petersburg angestellten pathologisch-anatomischen Beobachtungen. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1852, ix, 193; 201; 209—Ki-ann- hnls (II.) Bericht aus dem allgemeinen Krankenhause zu Riga iiber die im Jahre 1883 vorgeuommeuen Leicheu- offuungen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i 355: 363; 371: 383; 391; 397; 409. -----. Bericht aus dem allgemeinen Krankenhause zu Riga iiber dieim Jahre 1884 ausgefiihrten Leichenoffnungen. Ibid., 1885, n. F., ii, 3*5; 393:401 ;409;417.—I^abonlbt-nc (A.) Anatomiepatholo- gitjne ; lecon d'ouverture. Rev. d. cours scient., etc., Par., 1805-6, iii, 761-768. — I.itteu (M.) Pathologisch-anatomi- sche Beobachtungen. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1876, lxvi. 129-144,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—I.ukin (M.A.) Iz pa- talogo-anatom. teatra Kronstadskago morskago hospitalja 1881-7. Med.pribav.k. morsk. sboruiku.St.Petersb.,1882-9, passim.—.Harique & Dallemngne. Hopital Saint- Jean. Revuetln servicedt-s autopsies. J. tie metl., chir. et Pharmacol.. Brux.. 1880, lxxxiii, 534-543.—>'aa«-l (E.) Pa- thologisch-anatomische Merkwiirdigkeiten. Ztschr.f.Nat.- u. Heilk. in Lngarn, Pest, 1>."»0-51. i.237.—Nobiliiii.'. Ei- nige interessante Sectimi.-ergebnisse. Wien. metl. Bl., 1885. viii, 1149; U8u. — Oileiiiu* (M. V.) L)en nya pato- logiskt anatomiska institutionen vid Lunds Lniversitet. Xord. med. Ark.. Stockholm 1890. xxii, no. 19, 1-32, 2 pl.— Osier (W.) Notes of the second demonstration in the morbid anatomy course in McGill College. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1881, vi, 350-353. -Oilapcnko (A. P.) Patologoanat. i patol.-histol. tecknika izsliedov. trupov domashnich zhivotnych. [ . . . technique in the examina- tion of bodies of domestic animals.] Vet. Vestnik,Charkoff, 1891, ix, pt. 6, 1-54. — Peterson (F.) Report of the pa- thological results of two hundred and fifteen post mortem examinations. Buffalo M. & S. J.. 1^84-5, xxiv, 212-217.— Phdbu«*(P.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad nat. curios., 1835, xvii, 659-674. 2 pl.— Portal (A ) Beobachtungen aus der pathologischen Anatomie und Praxis. Samml. auserl. Ab'uandl. z. Gebr. prakt. Aerzte, 8°. Leipz., 1806, xxiii, 3-200. — Porter (A.) Notes on pathology. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1877, xii, 85; 113; 144; 175; 201.— Power IDA.) [Pathological specimens, with reports of cases.] Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886. xxxvii. 12; 54; 55; 57: 62; 60; 67; 240; 369; 372; 377; lpl. Aho. Reprint. — Ranby (J.) Some curious ob- servations made in the dissection of three subjects, 1728. In: Beckett (W.) A collection of chirurgical tracts, 8°, Loud., 1740 09-79[77-79| [paged wrongj.—Bobinson (B.) Observations on the abdominal viscera in seventeen au- topsies. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1895, xxxi, 101; 121; 141; 161.—Sniignlli (G.) La scienza e la pratica dell'anato- mia patologica; nota con presentazione di un opera. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc e lett Rendic, Milano, 1873, 2. s., vi, 799- 801. Also. Reprint. -----. Note atatistiche sull' inflatn- mazione. sul cancro. sulla cirrosi, sulla tubprcolosi e sulla piemia R 1st Lomb di see lett. Rendic, Milano. 1881, 2. B., xiv, 36-46.—Scheriliu (A.) Redogcirelse for obduk- A il a to ill y (Pathologica 1, Obser cations and cases in ).* tioner vid Sabbatsbergs sjukhus under fir 1879. [Postmor- tem examination made at S. Hosp.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1880. lxii, 433-439.—Schweninger (E.) Bericht iiber die Leichenoffnungen in dem unter Professor v. Buhl's Leitung stehenden pathologischeu Institute pro 1876 u. 1877. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1870-7), 1881, 348-416. Also, in hh: Ges. Arb.. 8=, Berl.. 1880, i, 152-230.-Sibson (F.) On the changes induced in the sit nation and structure of the internal organs, under varying circumstances of health and disease ; and on the nature and external indications of these changes. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass.. Lond., 1844, xii, 307-574. Aho, in his: Collect. Works, 8°, Lond., 1881, i, 1-238. — Nonthsiek (J. W.),.jr. [et al.\. Iteport of the pathological department of Bellevue Hospital Bellevue tfc Char.'Hosp. Pep., N. Y., 1870, 323-377.—.*itillins. Le- §on d'ouverture d'anatomie pathologitpie. Discours et lee. prononces a. l'ouvert. d. cours de l'Univ. de Lausanne (1890), 1891, 165-187. — Ntocqiiait. Notes d'anatomie pathologique; de la ponction en cas d'ascite. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1894, 793-796. — | Three cases in which post-mortem examination showed no adequate cause for death.1 St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 213.—Toild (R. B.) Pseudo-morbid appearances. Cycl. Pract. M. (Twecdie), Lond., 1834, iii, 332-543. Ibid.. Phila., 1845, iii. 723-, 33. Also, Reprint of Lond. ed.—I'wkoff (X. V.-) Otchet po anat. patolog. kabinetu Kalink. Morsk. Gospital. za 1885 g. [Report from the anatomo-pathologi- cal cabinet of the Kalinkin Marine Hospital for the year 18*5.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1886, 143-157. -----. Xieskol. otvietov s sekzion stola klin. [R6ponse & quelques questions de clinique d'apres les r6- sultats obteuus 4 la table de dissection.] Arch, de sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1893, ii, 2-91, 1 chart, 3 pl. [Text Rus- sian and French.] — Vasjatkin. Ocherk patologoanat. izsliedov., proizved., za 1889 g., v Kazan, okrujnoi lecheb- nitsie. [ Report on the pathologo-anatomical researches made in 1889 in the Kazan district hospital.] Arch, psi- chiat., etc, Kharkov, 1891, xvii, no. 3, 16-27.— Verord- nnni; der Grossherzl. Mecklenb.-Schwerin'schen Re- giernng, dio Ablieferung menschlicher Leichname an das anatomische Institut zu Rostock betreffend. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1860, ii, 153. — Virchow (R.) Be- richt iiber das Leichenhaus des Charite- Krankenhauses des Jahres 1875. Charite-Ann. 1875, Berl., 1877, ii: 1887, xii, passim. Also, Reprint for 1875.—Viti (A.) Resoconto anatomo patologico dell' anno accademico 1887-8. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1889, 4. s., i, 89 ; 207; 355; 621.—Wallis ( C.) Redogorelse for obduktionerna vid Sabbatsbergs Sjukhus under trenne ar fnin den 13 april 1**1. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 243; 318; 471; 541.— Waters (G.) Review of the pathological work done in the mortuary of the Grant Medical College, during the year 1882. Tr. M. &. Phys. Soc. Bombay (1883), 1884, n. s., No. iv, 26-38.—Weber (H.) Communications to the Pathologi- cal Society of London during the session 1866-7. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xviii, 73; 121; 133; 206; 274; 277, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint. — "Welch (F. H. ) Tabulation of cases from the uecrological register of the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Xetlev, with slight explanatory remarks. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1870, Lond., 1872, xii, 381: 1871, Lond., 1873, xiii, 281: 1873, Lond., 1875, xv, 338, 1 pl. Anatomy (Plastic). See Anatomy (Institutes, etc.). Anatomy (Popular). Allen (C. B.) & Allkn (Mary A.) Ous won- (lorscht)oiit' huis en hoe het in stand te houden. Met afbceldingen van de voornaamste deelen, waaruit het samengesteld is. Naar het Engelsch bowerkt door Dr. S. fir. Corouel. l'i°. Amster- dam, 1687. Burke (W.) The popular compendium of anatomy ; or a concise description of the human body; with the pliysiology or natural history of the various actions aud functions of its different organs and parts. Containing also an article ou suspended animation, with the proper means to be used for the recovery of drowned persons. 8°. London, 1805. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1813. Cutter (C.) Anatomy and physiology, de- signed for academies and families. 6. ed. 12°. Boston, 1847. -----. A treatise- on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene: designed for colleges, academies, and families. Revised ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 167)2. ANATOMY. 422 ANATOMY, Anatomy (Popular). -----. *The same. [Transl. from the work of Calvin Cutter by Samuel Fiske Green.] 12°. Madras. 167)7. Text Tamil. Dux it >x (G.) Anatomy, scientific and popular. 2. ed. With an appendix, containing a complete alphabetical list of the muscles, briefly aud plainly described. 8-. Boston, Mass., 1692. Edwards (H. M.) Outlines of anatomy and physiology. Transl. from the French by J. F.\Y. Lane. 8°. Boston, 1841. Haxxixg (J.) Lecture od anatomy and physi- ology from the most approved sources; replete with information aud necessary for all families. 8°. Baltimore, 1636. Hitchcock (E.) & Hitchcock (E.), jr. Ele- mentary anatomy aud physiology, for colleges, academies, and other schools. Revised ed. 8C. New York, 1671. Hollick (F.) Outlines of anatomy and phys- iology, illustrated by a new dissected plate of the human organization, and by separate views. Designed either to convey a general knowledge of these subjects in itself, or as a key for explain- ing larger and more complete works. 4°. Phila- delphia, [1-^16]. Lambert (T. S.) Systematic human physi- ology, anatomy, and hygiene; being an analysis and synthesis of the human system, with practi- cal conclusions. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1873. Le Roy (J. J.) De nienschelijke bewegings- toestel. Ontleedkunde voor het gymnastiekon- derwijs. 8°. Groningen, 1891. Lesshaft (P.) Kratkii kurs obshtshei ana- tomii cheloveka, razbor prostych lizicheskich nprazhuenii i opisani schkol dlja prigotovlenija nchitelci gimnastiki. Dlja armii v gosudarst- vach zapadnoi Evropy. [Short course of gen- eral human anatomy; guide for the examination of physical development and for gymnastic exer- cises in schools. For armies of principalities of western Europe.] 12°. St. Petersburg, 1666. Loomis (J. R.) Elements of the anatomy, phvsiologv, and hygiene of the human system. 12°. New York, 1860. -----. The same. 8°. New York. 1867. Martixdale (J.C.) Human anatomy, physi- ology, and hygiene; a text-book for schools, [etc.] 8-. Philadelphia, 1873. Naumoff (J.) Kratkit nchebnik anatomii i fiziologii cuelovieka. Kurs srednich ucheb. za- vedeuii. [Short manual of anatomy and physiol- ogy of man for high schools.] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 16^6. Pekrier (E.) Elements d'anatomie et de physiologie animates; quatrieme annee; con- 1 forme aux programmes de 1882 pour l'enseigne- ment secoudaire special. 8°. Paris, 1884. Rexxer(H.) Menschenlehre. BauuudPflege des menschlichen Korpers und das Notwendigste ausderSeeleulehre.furVolks-undBurgerschulen. 8°. Bernburg, 1667). Ruschenberger (W. S. \Y.) Elements of anatomy and physiology; prepared for the use of schools and colleges. From the text of Milne Edwards and Acnille Comte. 8°. Philadelphia, 167)2. Schreber (D. G. M.) Anthropos. Der Wmi- derbau des menschlichen Organismus, sein Leben und seine Gesundheitsgesetze. Ein allgemein fassliches Gesammtbild der menschlichen Natur fiir Lehrer, Sehiiler, sowie fur Jedermaiin, der nach grundlicher Bildung und korperlich geisti- ger Gesundheit strebt. 8°. Leipzig, 1859. Scott (C.) Etymological outline of the ele- ments of physiology and anatomy. 24°. Dixon, HI., 1600. Anatomy (Popular). Smith (.1. Y. C.) The class-book of anatomy, designed for schools, explanatory of the first principles of human mechanism, as the basis of physical education. 8°. Boston, 1834. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8J. Boston, 1KS6, -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Boston, lsiu. Spillmax (W.) Simplified anatomy, for the use of families and those who have not the advantage of a teacher; in which the different parts of the human system are explained. . . . To which is annexed a copious glossary. 16°. Madisoiivillc, 1635. Sto well (T. B.) Syllabus of lectures in anatomy and physiology, for students of the State Normal aud Training School, at Cortland, N. Y. 8-. Syracuse, N. Y., 1877. Wollsox (V.) Chelovecheskii organism i yevo zhizn. Kratkii kurs anatomii i fiziologii chelo- veka dlja srednich uchebuich zavedenii i uclii- telskich institutov i seminarii. 2. isprav. izdanic. [Human organism aud its functions. Short course of anatomy and physiology of man for high schools, normal institutions, and semina- ries. 2. improved ed.] 8°. Moskva, 1667. Anatomy (Regional, surgical, and topo- graphical). See, also, Arteries; Surgery (Operative); and ■under names of regions, as, Axilla, etc. Axtoxelli (G.) Istituzioni di anatomia topo- grafit-a. v. 2. pt. 1. 8°. Napoli, 1890. Arpal y Daixa (F.) Programma de anatomia quinirgica, operaciones, apositos y vendagcs. Curso de 1880 & 1861. 8°. Zaragoza, 1880, Artigalas (C. ) S6m6iologie de l'aire de Traube. 8°. Paris, 1869. vox Bardelebex (K.) & Haeckel (II.) At- las der topographischen Anatomie des Menschen fiir Studierende nnd Aerzte. 128 giiisstenteils mehrfarbige Holzschnitte und 1 lithograpliisdie Doppeltafel mit erliiuterndein Text. H°. Join, 1894. Bell (C.) Darstellung der Arterien zum Un- terricht fiir Aerzte und Wundarzte bei chirur- gischen Operationen uud insbesondere fiir Die- jeuigen welehe auatomische Priifungen zu bestehen haben, uach. der dritten Originalans- gabe bearbeitet nnd mit praktischen Bemer- kungen begleitet von Heinrich Robbi. Mit einer Vorredo von Johann Christian Rosenmiiller. 8°. Leipzig, 1819. -----. The same. Descriptio arteriarum ico- nibus illustrata. Latio donata et in usum studio- sa? juveututis accommodata ab Henrico Robhi. 8°. Lipsice, 1619. Bellamy (E.) The student's guide to surgical anatomy. A description of the more important surgical regions of the human body, aud an in- troduction to operative surgery. 12u. London, 1880. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1687). Blaxdix ( P. - F.) Trait6 d'anatomie topo- graphique, ou anatomie des regions du corps hu- main, considered spccialement dans ses rapports avec la chirurgie et la ntedecine operatoire. h^. Paris, 1626. Bobroff (A. A.) Rukovodstvo k khirurgi- cheskoy anatomii. [Manual of surgical anat- omy.] 8°. Moskva, 1693. Bock (A. C.) Der menschliche Korper nach seinem aussern Umfange, oder die Eintheiluug und die Regionen desselben, mit drei Abhil- dungen gestochen von Schroter. 4C. Leipzig, 1824. -----. Tabula? ehirurgico-anatomica? sen icones partium corporis humani, ratione per- petua habita morborum et operationum chirur- ANATOMY. 423 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Regional, surgical, and topo- graphical). gicaruni. Edidit et figurarum turn Germanicam turn Latinam descriptionem adjeeit . . . fol. Lipsiw, 1833. Brass ( A. ) Tat'eln zur Entwickelnngsge- Bchichte und topographischen Anatomie des Menscheu. Ein Supplement zu dem vom Ver- fasser neu herausgegeheuen anatomischen Atlas weil. C. E. Bocks und zu den sonst gebrauch- lichen Lehrbiichern und Tafelwerken der de- scriptive!! Anatomie. 1. Hft. 8-. Leipzig, 1890. Brauxe (W.) Topographisch - anatomischer Atlas. Nach Dnrchschuitten an gefroreuen Cadavern. fol. Leipzig, 1867-72. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 2.-4. Lfg. fol. Leipzig, 188(1-7. ------. The same. An atlas of topographical anatomy after plane sections of frozen bodies. Transl. by E. Bellamy, roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1677. ------. Der mannliche und weibliche Korper im Sagittalschnitte. [With atlas.] 8- it fol. Leipzig. 1>72. Extract from his: Topogr.-anatom. Atlas, fol. Leip- zig. 1867-72. Burxs (A.) Observations on the surgical anatomy of the head and neck. 8 . Edinburgh, 1811. ------. The same. 2. ed. With a life of the author, and additional cases and observations, by G. S. Pattison. >°. Glasgow, 1824. Burt (J. G. M. ) Illustrations of surgical anatomy, -with explanatory references, founded on the work of M. Blandin. 4^. Edinburgh, 1831. Calvo y Martix (J.) Programa indicador para la asignatura de anatomia quiriirgica, ope- raciones y apositos; es un resiimen descriptivo de lo mas esencial y necesario para el arte qui- rurgico. 12°. Madrid, 1>76. Charpy (A.) Etudes d'anatomie appliquee. 8:. Paris, 1^-92. Chausoff (M. D.) Lektsii topograficheskoi anatomii chelovieka. [Lectures on human topo- graphical anatomy.] Pts. 1-3. 8°. Varshara, Wil-9:>. Chixxi CL.) Appunti di anatomia topografica per uso degli studenti e dei medici, redatti suite lezioni del corso privato del Prof. Lucca Chinni dal Dott. Lamberto Medori. 16°. Napoli, I6[i7,. Cock (E.) Practical anatomy of the nerves and vessels supplying the head, neck, and chest: intended its a guide for the use of students in the dissection of those structures. 10°. London, 1646. Cooke ( T. ) Esquissc d'une anatomie opera- toire. 8'. Chartres, 1870. ------. Aphorisms in applied anatomy (or anatomy for the final examinations) and opera- tive surgery, including 100 typical viva voce questions in surface marking, etc., being notes of demonstrations to his surgery class. 12°. London, 1601. Creus (J.) Tratado elemental de anatomia nie'dico-quirurgica 6 sea anatomia aplicada & la patologia y & la terapeutica me'dica y quiriirgica, ii la obstetricia y £ la medicina legal. 2. ed. 8J. Madrid, 1872. Cryer (M. H.) Regional anatomy. In: American (The) system of dentistry, roy. S°. Philadelphia, 1^80, 35-:rjl. Dutt (K. C.) Surgical and descriptive anat- omy in the Bengali language. 8°. Dacca, 1676. Bengali text. Dwight (T. ) Frozen sections of a child. Fifteen drawings from nature by H. P. Quincv. roy. 8°. New York, 1861. Lliatomy (Regional, surgical, and topo- graphical). Edwards (H.-M.) Manuel d'anatomie chirur- gicale, ou description du corps humain, divise" en regions, avec des considerations sur l'influ- ence que hi structure, la forme et les rapports de nos organes exercent sur la frequence, les symp- tomes et le mode de traitement des principales maladies chirurgicales. 24°. Paris, 1627. Favaloro (S.) Manuale di anatomia topo- grafica con le sue somniarie applicazioni. 2. ed., riveduta, eorretta e considerevolinente accre- sciuta. 8°. Napoli, 1879. Fischer (G.) Topographische Anatomie. An- geborene Kraukheiteu. Unterbindungen. Ver- letzungeu. In: Handb. d. allg. n. spec. Chir., Erlang., 1871, iii, 1. Abth., B., Abschn. iv, Xo. 1, 120, 1 pl. Fort (J.-A.) Atlas d'anatomie chirurgicale, contenant les principales regions du corps hu- main. fol. Paris, 1668. Gexga (B.) Anatomia chirurgica cioe istoria anatomica dell' ossa e muscoli del corpo umano, con la descrizzione de' vasi che scorrouo per le parti esterue, e in -particolare per gl' articoli, e un breve trattato della circolazione del sangue in questa seconda impressione riformata, ed accrescinta di molte riflessioni pathologiche chi- rurgiche. 16°. Boma, 168C. vox Gerlach (J.) Handbuch der speciellen Anatomie des Menscheu in topographischer Be- handlung. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Bediirfnisseder artzlicheu Thiitigkeit. 8°. Miin- chen u. Leipzig, l-^Jl. Gine y Partagas (J.) Compendio de anato- mia medico-quirurgica, 6 sea extracto de las lecciones de esta asignatura, dadas en el Insti- tute ntedico de Barcelona durante el verano de 1871. roy. 8°. Barcelona, 1673. Gruber (W.) Yier Abhandlungeii aus dem Gebiete der medicinisch-chirurgischen Anato- mie. 8°. Berlin, 1847. Heitzmaxx (C.) Die descriptive uud topo- graphische Anatomie des Menschen. v. 1. 8°. Wien, 1870. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. roy. 8°. Wien, 1875. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1884-."). -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1686. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1890. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 1.-5. Lfg. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1893. -----. The same. Anatomy, descriptive and topographical, in 625 illustrations. English ed. by L. Heitzmann. 8°. New York, 1887. Hexke (W.) Topographische Anatomie des Menschen in Abbildung und Beschreibung. Lehrliuch mit fortlaufender Verweisung auf den Atlas. 8°. Berlin, 1884. -----. The same. Atlas of surgical anat- omy. A series of plates illustrating the appli- cation of anatomy to medicine and surgery. Transl. and edited by W. A. Rotbacker. fol. Cincinnati, [n. d.]. Hexxixg (C.) Systeniatisch-topographischer Atlas der Anatomic ties Menschen mit Riicksicht auf angewandte und mikroskopische Anatomie in Autotypographion. 1. Lieft-rnng: Knochen- systetn. 8 -'. Wien, 1886. Hexschex (S. E.) Om synbanans anatomi ur diagnostisk synpunkt. 8°. Upsala, 1893. Hildebraxd (O.) Grundriss der chirurgisch- topographischen Anatomie mit Eiuschluss der Untersuchungen am Lebenden. Fiir Aerzte und Studirende. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Franz Kdnig. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1694. Holdex (L.) Landmarks, medical and surgi- cal. From 2. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878. ANATOMY. 424 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Regional, surgical, and topo- graphical). -----. The same. 3. ed. Assisted by James Shuter. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881. Also in: Guay (H.) Anatomy, etc. A new Am. from 10. Eng. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883, 941-990. -----. The same. Acotacioues nieclico-qui- riirgicas. Yersion directa del ingles por D. Ser- vaudo Talon y Calvo. 8°. Madrid, 1694. Hughes (A.W.) Manual of surgical anatomy. 12°. Edinburgh, 1690. Hyrtl (J.) Handbuch der topographischen Anatomie und ihrer praktisch-medicinisch-chi- rurgischeu Auwendungen. 2. Aufl. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Wien, 1853. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1882. -----. The same. Handbook der topogra- phische ontleedkunde en harer toepassing op praktische genees- en heelkunde. 2. druk, naar den 4. Hoogduitschen druk ouder toezigt van H. J. Halbertsma vertaald en met aanteekeningen voorzien door E. Hanlo. 1. deel. 8°. Schiedam, 1664. Illustratioxs of the principal regions of the human body, in relation to surgical anatomy. fol. New York, 1829. Jaxxucci (D.) Manuale di anatomia topogra- fica. 12°. [n.p.], 1669. Jarjavay (J.-F.) Traite d'anatomie chirurgi- cale, ou de l'anatomie dans ses rapports avec la pathologie externe et la medecine operatoire. 2 v. 8C. Paris, 1852-4. Joessel (G.) Lehrbuch der topographisch- chirurgischen Anatomie mit Einschluss der Ope- rationsiibungen an der Leiche. 1. Theil. Die Extremitiiteu. roy. 8°. Bonn, 1884. -----. The same. 2. Theil. 1. Abth. Die Brust. 8°. Bonn, 1869. Kenwood (H. R.) The essentials of medical anatomy. 12°. Edinburgh 16. Rudinger (X.) Topographisch-chirurgische Anatomie des Menschen. 1.-4. Abth. [With Supplementband.] roy. 8C. Stuttgart, 1873-9. -----. Cursus der topographischen Anato- mie. 2. Aufl. 8C. Miinchen, 1892. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8-. Miinchen, 1894. -----. The same. Precis d'anatomie topo- graphique. fid. francaise, avec notes et addi- tions par Paul Delbet. Pr6face par A. Le Dentu. 8:. Paris, 1894. Schuller (K. H. M.) Die chirurgische Ana- tomie in ihrer Beziehung zur chirurgischen Diag- nostik, Pathologie und Therapie. Heft I. Die obere Extreniitat. 8°. Berlin, 1885. Sheild (A. M.) Surgical anatomy for stu- dents. 12°. Edinburgh $• London, 1891. -----. The same. 12-. New York, 1891. Sosex Murakami. Youketsu benkai. [ A system of topographical anatomy.] 2 v. 8'-. Yedo, 1742. Japanese text. Southam (F. A.) Regional surgery, includ- ing surgical diagnosis. A manual for the use of students. Pt. I. The head and neck. 12'-. London, 16>2. -----. The same. Pt. II. The upper ex- tremity and thorax. 12-. London, 1884. -----. The same. Pt. III. The abdomen and lower extremity. 12°. London, 1666. Syllabus seu index omnium partium corporis hnmani figuris illustratus. In usum chirurgia? studiosorum qui in uosocomiis Petropolitauis aluntur ptiblica auctoritate conscriptus et vul- garis, sm. 43. Petropoli, [1743]. Symixgtox (J.) The topographical anatomy ofthe child, fol. Edinburgh, 1887. Tables illustrating surgical anatomy, fol. [n. p., n. d.] Thomas (W. II.) The surgical aud descrip- tive anatomy of the bones, ligaments, and joints. 8C. London, 1634. Treves (F.) Surgical applied anatomy. 12°. Philadelphia, Pa., [1883]. -----. Thesame. [3. ed.] 12-. Philadel- phia, [1888]. Yax Wetter (A.) Anatomie des regions pe- riplteriques du corps humain. 1. & 2. fuse. roy. 6\ Gand, 1872-3. Yelpeau (A.-A.-L.-M.) Traite complet d'ana- tomie chirurgicale, generate et topographic)ue, du corps humaiu, ou auatomie considered dans Anatomy (Regional, surgical, and topo- graphical). ses rapports avec la pathologie chirurgicale et la utedeciue op6ratoire. 3. e"d. 2 v. 8U ; Atlas, fol. Paris, 1837. -----. The same. Abhandlung der chirur- gischen Anatomie oder Anatomie der Gegenden des lnenschlichen Korpers, in Bezug auf (lie Chi- rurgie betrachtet. Aus dem Franzosischen. 2. Abth. 2 v. [paged consecutively]. 8°. Weimar, 1826-8. -----. The same. 3. Abth., die Nachtriige zur orston Aufl. und die Zusatze iiber Anatomie der Briiche und desPeriniiunis, nach A. Thomson, cnthaltend. 8?. Weimar, 1837. -----. The same. Trattato complete di anatomia chirurgica generale e topografica del corpo umano, ovvero anatomia nelle sue relazioni colla patologia chirurgica e la medicina opera- tiva. Trad, italiaua sull' ultima ed. francese. 8°. Venezia, 1835. ----- & Beraud (B.-J.) Manuel d'anato- mie chirurgicale gendrale et topographique. 2. ed., entierement refondue. 12°. Paris, 1862. Yitale (E.) Ricordi di anatomia utili alia clinica chirurgica. 12°. Napoli, 1887. Wixdle (B. C. A.) A handbook of surface anatomy and landmarks. 8°. London, 1666. Wolkoff (A.) Kratkoe rukovodstvo topo- graficheskoi anatomii. (Po Richet, Tillaux, Bo- broff, Seriiovu, Tarenetskomu.) [Short manual of topographical anatomy.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1893. Yoxge (E. S. ) Aids to surgical anatomy. 12°. London, 1895. -----. The same. 16°. Neiv York, 1895. C'liiilot (V.) De la determination des points d'enier- gence tits arteres fessiere, ischiatiqur et honteuse interne pour la ligature de ces vaisseaux. Gaz. hebd. (1. sc. nied. de Montpel., 1884, vi, 388; 422. — Gaston (J. McF.) Surgical relations of the ileo-csecal region; read in the surgical section at the thirty-seventh anuual meeting of the American Medical Association. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1886, vii, 392-399. Aho, Keprint.—Oilis (P.) Les sciences anatomiques et l'anatomie des regions. Gaz. hebtl. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1886, viii, 545; 559.—rVi- caise (E.) Des insertions de l'apon6vrose du grand oblique les ligaments de Fallope et Gimbernat n'existent pas. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1889, xxv, 562- 569. — NnutcsMon (C. G.) Utkast till bestammande af den topographiska anatomiens begrepp, dess studium och fbrhallande till ofriga hituorande kunskaps-arter, jemte bidrag till auatomien af regio perinaei hos nianueu. [Skt-tch denning term of topographical anatomy, its study aud relation to science, -with contribution to anatomy of re- gio perina3i of man.] Svens. Lak.-Siillsk.n. Handl., Stock- holm, lS44,iv, 115-184,1 pl— So ut-lion (E.) Ou the siugi- cal branch of the main arteries. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 18S-7-8, n. s., xv, 686-695. — Staui-«-nghi JO.) Annotazioni di anatomia topografica. Morgagni, Xapoli, 1887, xxix, 347; 415. 1 pl. -----. Concetto, tecnica, viconde storiche ed importanza applicativa dell' anatomia topografica. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1894, 7. s., v. 457; 522.—Tillaux. Traite d'anatomie topographique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 423. Anatomy (Veterinary). See Anatomy (Comparatire). Anatomy. Pts. 1-6. 12°. Edinburgh, E. 4' S. Livingstone, 1889-91. Catechism series. Anatomy (The) of the brain, adapted for the use of students; comprising directions with re- gard to tbe method to be pursued iu its dissec- tion, conformable to the mode practiced by most anatomists, iv, 162 pp. sm. 8°. London, Cal- low cf Wilson, 1824. Anatomy epitomized and illustrated, [etc.]. SceN. (M.)2 [in 1. s.]. Anatomy (The) of the humane body, [etc.]. See Keill (James) [in 1. s.]. Anatomy (The) of humane bodies epitomized. See Gibson (Thomas) [in 1. s.]. ANATOMY. 426 ANDAMAN. Anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. [Trans- lated from the'work of Calviu Cutter by Sam- uel Fiske Green. ] 204 pp. 12°. Madras, Am. Mission Press, 167)7. Tamil text. Anatomy. Proceedings at the National Politi- cal Union, respecting legislative interference in the study of anatomy and the supply of bodies for anatomical research. 24 pp. 8°. [Lon- don], Barnes, 1832. Anatto. .Sec Annotto. de Anaya (Manuel). Observations on the im- portance of the American Association of Public Health, and its relations to the science of hy- giene. 9 pp. 8-. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, [1892]. Am. Pub. Health. Ass. Pep., Mexico, 1892. Ancelet (E[douardJ) [18-28- ]. Des vegeta- tions viiivo-anales des femmes enceintes. 8 pp. 8-\ Paris, F. Savy, i860. Ancelin (Albert). * Considerations sur les frac- tures spontanees dans Fataxie locomotrice. 57 pp. 4°. Paris, 1681, Xo. 358. Ancell (Henry) [1*02-63]. History of a re- markable case of tumours, developed on the head and face, accompanied with a similar dis- ease in the abdomen. 22 pp., 2 pl. «D. Lon- don, P. Kinder, 1842. Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1842, xxv. -----. Liebig's Thierchemie nud ihre Gegner, ein vorziiglich fiir praktische Aerzte berechneter ausfiihrlicher Continental", zu dessen physiolo- gischen, pathologischen und pharmakologischen Ansichten. Nach dem Englischen bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen vermehrt von Dr. A. W. Krug. xvi, 1«5 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Pesth, C. Gei- bel, 1844. Ancelon (Etienne-Angnste) [1806- ]. * Con- siderations gonerales sur les fractures. 1 p. ]., 31 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1826. -----. * Sur les fractures de la machoire iiife"- rieure. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1>28. -----. La vaccine devant le Congres de Bor- deaux. Discours prononce dans la section des sciences me'dicales, le 18 septenibre 1861. 15 pp. 4-\ Bordeaux, librairie Lafargue, 1851. -----. Philosophie niathematique et me'dicale de la vaccine, 'xii, 94 pp. yc. Paris, Me'quignon- Marris, 1857. -----. The same. 2. £d. 161 pp. 12°. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1859. [P., v. 927.] ----- & Pari sot. Memoire sur l'etat de la ve~g<5tation dans les terrains saliferes, et sur les moyens d'ameliorer le.s terres par le chlorure de sodium. 12 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, Firmin Di- dotfteres, 1847. [P., v. 1732; 1748.] Ancelon (Francois-Sylvestre). * Sur labrulure. 1 p. 1., 19 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1626. Aiiceni*. Sec Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of). Aiicliinia. Kowuli v»ky (A.) & Baiiois (T.) Materiaux pour st-rvir a 1 lustoiro de l'anchinie. J. de l'anat. et phvsiol etc., Par., 188.'{, xix, 1-23, 3 pl. Aiicliylostomiasi*. See Ankylostomum duodenale. Aiichylostom um. See Ankylostomum duodenale. Anchylosis. See Ankylosis. Anciens (Les) et renomme's aucteurs de la me\le- ciue et chirurgie. Hippocrates, des ulceres, des fistules, des playes de la teste, avec les com- mentates de Guy-Vide sur cbaque livre. Hippo- crates, des fractures, des articles, de l'officine du chirurgien, avec les commentaires de Galien. Anciens (Les) etrenommes [etc.]—continued. Galien, des bandes. Orihase, des lacqs, des machines et engius. Le tout traduict fid ele- ment du grec et du latin en francovs. 3 p ] 1342 pp. 16°. Lyon, G. Borille, 1555. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 1148 pp., 20 1. 12°. Paris, P. Menard, 1634. Ancient surgical instruments found in Ilcrcu- laueum and Pompeii. Review of Profrs.sor Vulpes' work, entitled: Illnstruzione di tutti gli strumenti chirurgici scavati in Ercolano e in Pompei e che ora couservansi nel real Museo Borbonico di Napoli. 16 pp. 8°. [Edinburqh, Murray <>■ Gibb, 1853.] [P., y. 1520. | Repr.from: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1853, ix. [Ancillon (Charles).] Traits des eunuques, daus lequel on explique toutes les diff6rentes sortes d'eunuques, quel rang ils ont tenu, et quel cas on en a fait, etc. On examine princi- palement s'ils sont propres au mariage, et s'il leur doit etre permis de se marier. Et 1'on fait plusieurs remarques curieuses et divertissantes a l'occasion des eunuques, etc. Par M D ['Ollincau]. 9 p. 1., 187 pp. 16°. [Paris], 1707. Ollincan is an anagram of Ancillon. -----. The same. Eunuchism displayed; ae- scribing all the different sorts of eunuchs; the esteem they have met with in the world and how they came to be made so, wherein princi- pally is examin'd whether they are capable of marriage, and if they ought to be suffer'd to enter into that state, etc. Written by a person of honour. xxiv, 240 pp. 12°. London. E. Curll, 1716. Ancoats. See Manchester, England; Statistics (Vital), by localities. Ancona. Regolamento d' igiene. 35 pp. fol. [Ancona, tipog. del Commercio, 1881.] Ancona. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Insane (Asylums for), Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Orsi (G.) Studi di topografia igienica e sanitaria della provincia d' Ancona. Ass. med. marchigiana. Atti del ii" Cong. 1889, Ancona, 1890, 79-122. Ancona (Province of). Tavole statisticheillus- trate del Manicomio Auconitano per gli anni 1865-70, per G. B. Mencucci. 4°. Ancona, G. Cherubim, 1868-71. Tables for 1865-70 hound in 1 v. d'Ancona (Napoleone). L' ospiziomarino ita- liano di fronte all' umauita e alia scieuza. 21 pp. 8°. Padova, G. B. Bandi, 1888. Repr.from.- Atti e mem. r. Accad. di sc, etc., Padova, iv. Ancona (Virginio). Quattro allattamentirego- lari F uuo all' altro immediati sostenuti da una sola nutrice. 11 pp. 8°. Venezia, 1686. Repr.from: Riv. veneta di sc. med., 1886, iii. Anrylii*. tie Ijacaze-Duthiers. Sur les organes de la repro- duction de TAncylns fluviatilis. Compt. rend. Acad. A. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 560-566. Andaincia (La) me'dica. Revista meuico-qui- riirgica fotogralica y de ciencias accesorias. Di- rector: R. del Castillo y Qnartiellers. v. 1-16, 1876-91. 8'"-. Cordoba. v. 5-6 contain a supplement: Kevisra especial de elec- troterapia. Continued as: Anales tie oftalmologia. Andalusia. -See Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Andaman Islands. See. also, Port Blair [in 1. s.]. Andaman (The) Islands; with notes on Bar- ren Island. [Being the report of a committee ANDAMAN. 427 ANDERS. Andaman Islands. appointed Nov. 20, 1857. to select a site for the establishment of a penal settlement. F.J. Mouat, M. D.: G. R. Playfair, M. D.; Lieut, J. A. Heath- cote, I. N., committee.] 8-. Calcutta, 1S59. Kraiider (E. S.) Remarks on the aborigines of the Andaman Islands. Pipe Roy. Soe. Edinb.. 1878-80. x, 415-424 1 pl. -----• On diseases of tlie Andaman Islands. Edinb. M. J.. 1880-81. xxvi. 393-4"1. — Dob»on (G. E.) On the Antlanians and Andanumese. J. Anthrop. Inst., Loud., 1874-5, iv, 457-467, 3 pl—Flower (W. II.) On tbe osteology and affinities of the natives ofthe Andaman Isl- ands. Ibid.. 1879-80, ix, 108-135, 1 tab., 4 pl. -----. Ad- ditional observations on the osteolosryof the natives ofthe Andaman Islands. Ibid., 1884-5, xiv, 115-120.-Fox (A. L.) Observations on Air. Alan's collection of Andanianese and Mcobarese objects. I)>id., 1877-8, vii, 434-469, 5 ph — ja»or (F.) Neuer Bericht iiber die Andamanesen. [Extr.J Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1883. 69-72. — l.apicque. Snr les kjokken - nioddinsi des lies Andaman et la pretendue industrie de la pierre dans ce pavs. Bull. Soe. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1804. 4. s., v. 360- 369.—JTIaii (E. H.) On the aboriginal inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. J. Anthrop. Inst,. Lond.. 1882-3. xii, 69. 1 map. 1 pl.; 117, 2 pl.: 327. -----. On the Andaman Islands and their inhabitants. Ibid.. ]S84-.">. xiv. 253-272.— Ret-In* (E\) Les Andameiies on Jliiicopies. Rev. inter- mit, d. sc. biol., Par., 1882. ix. 120-148. —Keid (J.) Topo graphical report ou the Andaman Islands ami Port Blair. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 18s.', xvii, 33: (!.">—Thomson (A.) Description of Andanianese hone necklaces. J. Anthrop. Inst,. Lond., 1881-2, xi, 295-310. [d'Andecy (Poulain).] Auzias-Tnrenne, sa vie, .sou cenvre. Notice Liographique, suivie de la table analytique des matieres contenues dans 1'uMivre du Dr. Auzias-Turenne. Ed. de 1-7-v xl pp. ^-\ Paris, (ifrnier-Bailliere <$• Cie., 1676. Repr.from: Auzin-»-Tureiiiie (J.-A.) La syphili- sation. 8D. Paris, 1878. Andeer (Justus). * Die Anwendung des Resor- cin bei Magenleiden. [Freiburg i. B.] 15 pp. 8-\ Berlin, L. Schumacher, [1881]. van Andel (A[ruoldus] H[ugo]). Eene door- geslikte vork verwijderd door abscesvorming in de niaaustreek met opvolgende genezing. * pp. 8C. [Amsterdam, 1666] Repr. from: Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1866, 2. R., ii,'2. Afd. ------. Krankzinnigen-kolonien. 16 pp:, 2 plans. 6C. [ Amsterdam, 1667.] Repr. from : Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, 2. R., iii, 2. Afd. ------. Een microcephaal of zoogenaanid aap- mensch. 16 pp., 1 pl. 8C. [Amsterdam, 1673.] Repr.from: Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1873, 2. R., ix, 2. Afd. ------. Ueber die hypodermatiscbe Anwendung des Ergotins in einzelnen Fallen acuter Manic. 7 pp. --. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1~74. Repr.from: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1875, xxxii. ■------. Johannes Nicolaas Ramaer, 20 April 1817- 20 April 1887. 4 pp. 8°. [Utrecht, 1667.] Repr from: Psychiat. Bl., Utrecht, 1887, v. ------. Levensbeschrijving van Dr. J. N. Ra- maer. 7 pp. 8°. [ Amsterdam, 1887.] Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, 2. R., xxiii, 2. D. Attdelot. See Fever (Typhus, Histerry, etc., of), by locali- ties. Anderegg (Ernst). * Generationswechsel bei Insekten. 58 pp. 8°. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1892. Anderegg (Joh.) *Die Radicaloperation der Hernien. Bearbeitung der an der Baseler Kli- nik gemacliten Erfahrungen. [Basel.] 119 pp. ■-°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfield, 1886. Andereya (Max [Josef Hubert]) [1868- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre von der reinen cerebralen Pseudobulbiirparalyse. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Aiiderjoa. t'lai-ene. Anderjoa, a so-called specific for dysentery. [Transl. [ Abstr.] from: Bull. Soc m6d. del'Isle Maurice.] Therap. Cnz, Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 604. Andei'iini (Lucio Francesco). L' anatomico in Parnasso, osia compendio delle parti del corpo umano t-sposto in versi. viii, 112 pp. 8U. Pe- suro, N Garelli, 1739. d'Andei'loni. See Scni-pn (A.) Traite pratique des hernies, fete.]. fol. Paris, 1823. Anders (Howard S.) Public sanitary aid indis- pensable to the general health. 7 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, Univ. Penn. Press], 1892. Repr.from: Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1892, vii. -------. A case of third attack of typhoid fever; with remarks on recrudescence, relapse, and re- currence in typhoid fever. 21. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1607). Repr. from: Codex med., Phila., 1894-5, i. ------. A case of uremic convulsions; venesec- tion; recovery; remarks. 4pp. 8°. Charlotte, 1895. Repr. from: Charlotte (N. C.) M. J., 1895, vi. ------. Present status of the sanitary movement for the adoption of the individual communion cup. 2 1. 8\ Philadelphia, 1897). Repr.from .- Codex med.. Phila., 1895-6, ii. ------. Two cases of gastric cancer, with interest- ing clinical features. 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1895. Repr. from: Codex med., Phila., 1895-6, ii. Anders (James M.) Sanitary influences of for- est growth. 15 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, 1867). Repr.from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1885-6, vii. -------. House-plants as sanitary agents; or, the relation of growing vegetation to health and disease. Comprising also a consideration ofthe subject of practical floriculture, and of the san- itary influences of forests and plantations. 1134 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott . [p , v. 1049; 1056.] Anderson (J. C.) Trophic surgery. A paper read before the post-graduate class, New York City, January, 1888. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1668. 28 AXDEKSOX Anderson (Jacobus). * De sanitate milituni tuenda. 3 p. 1., 66 pp. 8-\ Edinburgi, C. stew- art, 1610. Anderson (James). A few facts and observa- tions on tbe yellow fever of the West Indies. By which it is shewn there have existed two species of fever in the West India Islands for several years past, indiscriminately called yel- low fever, but which have proceded from very different causes. With the success attending the method of cure. 47 pp. 8'-. Edinburgh W Mndie, 1796. [P., y. 1174; 1879.] Anderson (James) [1853-93]. Some ocular and nervous affections in diabetes and allied condi- tions. 41 pp. 8°. London, W. Eider <)'■ Son, 18-;). Repr. from: Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1889, viii. ------. Medical nursing, notes of lectures given to the probationers at the London Hospital. Ed- ited by Ethel F. Lamport, with an introductory biographical notice by Sir Andrew Clark, xii 184 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1804. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 500-562. Also- Metl. Mag., Lond., 1892-3, i, 921-928 (R.W. Burnet). Also- Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1892-3, lxxi, 31-33 (Sir A. Clark). Anderson (J[ames] Wallace). The essentials of physical diagnosis of the chest and abdomen. viii, 156 pp. 12°. Glasgow, J. Maclehose 4 Sons, 1669. Anderson (John) [ -1804]. A preliminary introduction to the act of sea-bathing; wherein is shewn its nature, power, and importance,with some necessary hints for the attention of visit- ers at the watering places, previous to and dur- ing a course of bathing. 28 pp. 8-. Margate, C. Dilly, 1795. Anderson (John). A catalogue of books in anatomy, medicine, surgery, midwifery, chem- istry, botany, etc. 1 p. 1., 83 pp. 16°. London, 1814-15. Anderson (John). An essay on the Rhus toxi- codendron, pubescent poison oak, or sumach,with cases shewing its efficacy in the cure of paraly- sis, aud other diseases of extreme debility. 1 p. 1., 34 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Hull, Bawson 4' Co., [n. d.]. [P., v. 1998.] Anderson (John Ford). On provident dispen- saries; their object aud practical working, With discussion at the Metropolitan Counties Branch Meeting of the British Medical Associa- tion, April 29th, 1870. 18 pp. 8°. London, [Richards], 1870. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i. Anderson (Joannes Wilson). *De medicauien- tis qua±, in sensorium aguut. 2 p. 1., 25 pp. S~. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1820. Anderson (Keith). Researches on the daily ex- cretion of urea in typhus fever. With remarks. 12 pp., 2 ch. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver Sr Boyd, 1866. Repr.from: Edinb. M. 3„ 1865-6, xi. Anderson (M. B.) Extract relating to out-door relief. 32 pp. 8 . Albany, Weed, Parsons 4 Co., 1875. Repr.from: Rep. State Bd. Char. N. Y., Albany, 1875, viii. Anderson (M. F.). •See Phosphates (The) in nutrition [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Xew York, 1879-85. Anderson (Patrick). See Historical (An) narrative of the Grana angelica [etc.l [in 1. s.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863. Anderson (P. L.) Abnormities of the nasal sieptum and their treatment in the cure of ca- tarrh. 6 pp. 12°. [New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1895.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1895, lxi. Anderson (Richardus). *De colica. 1 p. 1-, 21 pp. 4J. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans, 177o. [P., v. 1006; 1923.] ANDERSON. 429 ANDES. Anderson (Thomas). A probationary essay on tropical fever, as observed iu the island of Trini- dad, during uninterrupted practice there, from the year 1816 up to 1838. 24 pp. 6-\ Edinburgh, Edinburgh Print. Co., 1639. [P., v. 1214; 1513.] Anderson (Thomas) [1819-74]. Ou the consti- tution and properties of picoline, a new organic- base from coal-tar. 18 pp. 8-'. Edinburgh, Neill 4 Co., 1646. [Also, in : P., v. 1203.] ' Repr.from: Edinb. X. Phil. J.. 1846. _____.. Note on the constitution of the phosphates of the organic alkalies. 6 pp. 8 . [London, 1649, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1203.] _____.. On the effects of the internal administra- tion of belladonna in poisoning by opium. 8 pp. b-\ Edinburgh, 1854. [P., v. 1990.] ----- & Bate 111 an (John Frederic). Report on the means of deodorising the sewage of Glas- gow, addressed to the sanitary committee of the town council. 26 pp. 8°. Glasgow, G. Bichard- son, 167)6. [P.. v. 1487.] See, aho. Chemistry. Plan of the system of chemical instruction [etc.]. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1850.] Anderson (Thomas A.) The practical monitor, for the preservation of health and the prevention of diseases, xx.253, vpp. 8C. Knoxville,Tenn., F. S. Heiskell. 1-31. Anderson (T[homas] M'Call)[ 1836- ]. On the parasitic affections of the skin, ix (1 1.), 152 pp. 8-. London, J. Churchill, 1>61. -----. Cases illustrative of diseases of the ear. No. IV. Polypi, pp. 25-35. 8->. [Glasgow, W. Mackenzie, 1863.] [P.. v. 1497.] -----. A practical treatise upon eczema, includ- ing its lichenous, impetiginous, and prurigiuous varieties, ix, 134 pp. 8~. London, J. Churchill 4 Sons, 1863. -----. A short sketch of the principal forms of obstruction ofthe Eustachian tubes, including a description of Politzer's new mode of treatment. 16 pp. 8°. Glasgow, W. Mackenzie, 1664. [P., v. 1497.] Repr.from: Glasgow M. J., 1864-5, xii. -----. Syphilitic pemphigus in the adult; is there such a disease? 7 pp. i-. Glasgow, W. Mackenzie, 1664. [P., v. 1497.] Repr.from: Glasgow M. J., 1864-5, xii. -----. On psoriasis and lepra. 1 p. 1., xii, 65 pp. 8Z. London, J. Churchill a Sons, 1-65. Contributions to dermatology, Xo. iii. -----. Contributions to dermatology. On the non-identity of the parasites met with iu favus, tinea tonsurans, aud pityriasis versicolor. 20 pp. 8-. Glasgow, W. Mackenzie, 1866. [P., v. 1497.] -----. Clinical lectures on the curability of at- tacks of tubercular peritonitis and acute phthisis (galloping consumption), vi (1 1.), 56 pp. 8C. Glasgow, J. Maclehose, 1-77. -----. Address on the treatment of pulmonary consumption, delivered at the Glasgow Patholog- ical and Clinical Society, 14th November, 1882 : with note of a visit to Davos-Platz. 38 pp. 8°. Glasgow, J. Maclehose 4" Sons, 1663. ■-----. A treatise on diseases of the skin, with special reference to their diagnosis and treat- ment, including an analysis of 11,000 consecutive cases, xviii, 639 pp., 5 pl., 1 chart. 8 . Lon- don, C. Griffin 4- Co.,1667. ■-----. The same, xviii, 19-662 pp., 4 pl. 8-. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4" Co., 1887. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. xx, 761 pp., 6 pl. 8J. London, C. Griffin

    64. Alfidiade {Agustin) [1836-86J. [Obituary.] Gac. m6d., Mejico, 1886, xxi, 53*. de Andrade (Amaneio Joao Cardoso) [1848-02 J. IVeci-oloijia. Gaz. nied. da Bahia, 1891-2, 4. s.. ii, 429. de Andrade Fiallio (Adeodato) [1858- ]. * Des manifestations rhumatoides de la dvseutd- rie. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1684, No. 217. d'Andrade (Filippe Jose). See I*nris ( J.-F.) [in 1. s.]. Memoria a respeito da peste. ls°. Lisboa, 1738. de Andrade Lima (Francisco Gomes). * Fe- bre aniarella. 3 p. 1., 44 p., 1 1. 4-. Bahia, J, G. Tourinho, ls71. AndradillS (Joachimus Navarrus). See Na- varro de Andrade (Joaquim). Andrae (Georg) [1807- ]. * Leber trauina- tische Luxation des Nervus ulnaris am Ellho- gen. 24 pp. S-. Greifswald, J. Abel, 18,-9. Andriias ( Conrad). Zur Diagnostik und Symptoniatologie der Syphilis. 40 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Weiss, 1867. Aildral (G[abriel]) [1797-1876]. *An anti- quorum doctrina de crisibus et diebus criticis adniittenda ? an in curandis morbis et pnesertim acutisobservanda? 51pp. 4--. Paris, A. Belin, 1624. ----. Precis d'anatomie pathologique. 2 v. x, 579 pp.; 906 pp., 11. 8^. Paris, Gabon, 1629. Another copy has two volumes bound in three. ----. The same. A treatise on pathological anatomy. Transl. from the French by Richard Townsend and William West. 2 v. xii, 698 pp.; xxii, 808 pp. 8°. Dublin, Hodges if- Smith, 1829-31. -----. The sauie. 2 v. viii, 4-424 pp.; xviii, 4-507 pp. 8-. New York, S. Wood d'- Sons, 1632. -----. The same. Compendio d' anatomia pa- tologica. Nuova versione italiana del . . . Er- menegildo Canigiaui sull' oltima edizione fran- cese. iv, 5-590 pp., 3 1. 8 . Livorno, libreria (Unnha, 1839. -----. Projet d'un essai sur la vitality, ou sur le principe des phenomenes de l'organisation. Precede d'un rapport fait a l'Acaddniie de me- decine. x, 307 pp. 8:. Paris, D. Cavellin,l-37>. -----. Lecture on the grippe, or epidemic influ- enza. Transl. from the French byT. F. Betton. In: Dunglison's Am. M. Libr. 8°. *Phila.. 1838, 143- 148. -----. Observations on the treatment of typhoid fever by purgatives by M. De Larroque. Report of Messrs. Louis, Bricbetau, Bouillaud, Double, Bouilly, and Andral, reporter. Transl. from the French by J. R. Atkinson. In: Duxglisox's Am. M. Libr. s:. Phila., 1838, 279- 292. -----. Clinique medicale, ou choix d'observa- tions recueillies a l'Hopital dela Chaiite' (clini- que de M. Lerminier). 4. ed. 5 v. 8-. Paris, Crochard 4' Cie.; Fortin, Masson 4' Cie., 1839-40. CONTENTS. v. 1 & 2. Maladies de l'abdomen. v. 3 & 4. Maladies de poitrine. v. 5. Maladies tie l'encepliale. -----. The same. The clinique medicale; or reports of medical cases. Condensed and trans- lated, with observations extracted from the writ- ings of the most distinguished medical authors, by D. Spillan. xiii (1 1.), iv, ii, ii, ii, 1014 pp. 8°. London, H. Benshaw, 1636. -----. Beobachtungen iiber die Krankheiten der Brust. Nach der 2. Ausg. bearbeitet von Dr. Fr. A. Balling, xviii, 640 pp. -:. Landshut, G.J- Manz, 1632. A translation of v. 3 and 4 of preceding. ------. Medical clinic: diseases of the enet-pha- lon, with extracts from Ollivier's work on dis- eases of tho spinal cord aud its membranes. Condensed and translated, with observations, AKDRAL. 431 ANDliE.E. Andral (GLabriel])—continued. by D. Spillan. iv, 13-303 pp. 8-. Philadel- phia, E. Barrington 4' Alger, V. Aillaud 4- Cie., 1672. See, aho, Rizzoli (F.) [in 1. a.]. Clinique chirurgi- cale. 8°. Paris, 1872 -----.Thesame. 8". Paris, 1877 -----. The same. Clinica quiriirgica. roy. 8°. Madrid 1880. Alldreilii (Vincenzo) [1787-1847]. Operation de deux cataractes congenitales sur une jeune tilie de six ans. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris, Mignert 1825.] ' Repr.from: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1825, vii. ------. Prospetto della clinica chirurgica eserei- tata dal primo luglio 1828 a tutto giugno 1829, nello Spedale di Su M" Nuova di Firenze. 39pp! 8-. Firenze, L. Ciardetti, 1829. [P., v. 905.] ------. The same. 48 pp. 8°. Firenze, L. Ciar- detti, 1631. [P., v. 905.] ------. The same. Dal primo gennajo a tutto dicembre 1831. 54 pp. 8°. Firenze, L. Ciardetti, 1632. [P., v. 905.] ------. Istoria di una operazione d' aneurisma al poplite. 22 pp., 1 1. 8-. Firenze, L. Ciardetti, 1830. For Biography, see Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.-fis., Firenze 1848, vi, 7-12 (C. Paoli). -----, Gallizzioli (Filippo) & Pucinotti (Fraucesco). Consulto medieo-legale sopra una monomania omicida avauti la corte regia in Firenze. pp. 893-914. 8°. [Firenze, 1837.] Cutting. Andrenelli (Vincenzo). La febbre tifoidea in Recanati. 12 pp. 8°. Becanati, R. Simboli, 1880. -----. Condizioni igieniche delle abitazioni nelle Marche. Relazione al Congresso medico di Ma- cerata 1891. 26 pp. 12°. Recanati, R. Simboli, 1891. Andrerey (Paul) [1863- ]. *De la flevre typhoide chez les cardiaques. 31 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1868, Xo. 74. Andres (E. A.) Zaikanio i yevo lechen'ie. Prak- ticheskoye rukovodstvo dlia roditelei, vospita- telei i dlia sainoobuchenia. [Stammering aud its treatment. Practical manual for parents, educators, and for self-instruction.] ii (1 1.), 96 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, N P. Karbasnikoff, 1887. Andres y Espala (Gregorio). La higieue militar en Fraucia y Alemania. 124 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Madrid, imp. y lit. d. dep. de la guerra, 1887. —:-- & Alabern y Rasnall (Jose). Laa iuoculaciones antirrtibicas segiin el metodo de Pasteur. 56 pp. 8°. Madrid, R. Fe, 1688. Andresen (Adolf). * Ueber die Eudoskopie der Harnrohre mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der akuten und chronischen Blennorrhoe. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1884. Andresen (Gamborg). See Tiriemaml (A.) El m6todo ortopedico, [etc.]. 8°. Cddiz, 1880. Andresen ([Georg] Julius) [1815-82]. Der Arzt und seine Heilmethoden unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Xaturheilkraft und Was- sercur. 3 1., 184 pp. 12°. Flensburg, C. F. Hu- wald, 187)7. , Andresen (J.) *Ein Fall von Carciuom der Schilddriise, nebst Lympkdriisenmetastaso histo- logisch bearbeitet. 22 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1892. Andress (Heinrich). * Ueber Invcrsio uteri completa infolge eines im Uterusfundus sitzeu- den gestielten Myoms. 23 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. Vollrath, [1893]. Alldresse ([Peter Ludwig] Wilhelm) [1789- 1865]. Die Lustseuche in ihrem Ucberhand- nehmen begriffen,und wie man sich ihren Folgen eutzieben kann. Gemeinniitziger und zuver- liissiger Rathgeber, sich vor Ansteckung mog- ANDEESSE. Andresse ([Peter Ludwig] Wilhelm)—cont'd. lichst sicher zu stellen, und weun dieselbe den- noch erfolgt, deren Folgen schnell, sicher und ohne deu Korper fiir ewig siech und elend zu niachen, zu beseitigen; unter geuauer Darstel- luu"- aller, die Lustseuche hezeichnenden Syinp- tonie und ihrer maunigfachen Modificatioiien, selbst derjenigen welchen kleine Kinder unter- worfeu sind. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der die Geschlechts-Organe des Frauenzimmers afficirenden Krankheiten, welche mit der Lust- seuche verwechselt werden konuen. 2. Aufl. 146 pp. 12°. Berlin, L. Schlesinger, 1847. Andret (Louis) [1858- ]. *Des manifesta- tions cutanees de la blennorrhagie. 44 pp., 2 diag. 4C. Paris. 1884, Xo. 159. Andreil (J.-F.-M.) *De l'iufluence des pas- sions sur l'ecouoniie animale. Ip. 1., 52 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, an NI [1603], Xo. 55. Andreucci (Ottavio). Gli orfanotrofi. Cenni storici. 442 pp. 16°. Firenze, G. Mariani, 1855. -----. Delle quarantine considerate nei loro rap- porti politici, sociali ed igienico-sauitari. Pro- legomeni storici documentati al Dizionario d' igiene quarantenaria e navale. 2 v. xiv, 448 pp.; 608 pp. 8C. Firenze, F. Bencini, 1866-9. -----. Del vajuolo e della sua profilassi. Cenni storici e pensamenti ecouomico-igicnico-sauitari. 1 p. 1., 213-338 pp. 8C. [Firenze. 1866.] [P., v. 1132.] Reprint from v. 1 of the preceding. And re li X (Charles Maurice). *Du traitement mecanique et chirurgical dans les affections cu- tanees. 93 pp. 4°. Nancy, 1880, Xo. 117. AlldreilX (E.) *I. Comment parvieut-on a ex- traire l'arsenic metallique du sulfure d'arsenic, melange avec de la matiere animale f II. [etc.]. 27 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1641, 2. s., Xo. 77. Andrevetan [Claude-Francois] [1-U2- ]. Code moral du medecin. Poeme en six chants. 358 pp. 8-\ Paris, Laville, 1p42. -----. The same. Chants vii, viii, ix et x. 249-358 pp. 8-. Paris, P. Dupo7it, 1867. Andrew (Edtcyn) [ -1887]. Pollock (G. D.) Obituary notice. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1887, lxx, 30. Andrew (J.). See Apothecary [pseud.]. Observations on [etc.]. 8°. London, 1765. Andrew (James). A case of poisoning by atro- piri. 4 pp. az. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4 Knox, [1852]. Repr.from: Month. J. M. Sc., Lond. &. Edinb., 1852, xiv. ------. On the relations between disease and regulating nerve centres. The Cavendish lect- ure for 1-^-9. Delivered before tbe West London Medico-Chirurgical Society on Friday, June 7, 1~;9. 24 pp. 8°. London, 18-JJ. Aho, Editor of: Saint Bartholomew's Hospital reports, 1868-76. ■------. See, also: Testimonials in favor of Dr. James Andrew, F. R. C. P., a candidate for the situation of one of the physicians of the Royal Infirmary, Edin- burgh [in 1. s.]. 8-. [Edinburgh, 1841.'] Andrews (C. N.) Divinity, law, and medicine. Anniversary address of tbe Illinois State Medi- cal Society. Delivered before the society, and citizens of Jacksonville, June 3, 1652. 24 pp. 8°. Peoria, B. Foster, 1852. Andrews (E[dniund]) [1824- ]. Improved methods of treatment in joint and spinal dis- eases. 14 pp. 8°. Chicago, M. Hofiman, 1865. -----. The mortality of surgical operations in the Upper Lake States, compared with that of other regions. By . . . assisted bv Thomas B. Lacey. iv, 123 pp. 8°. Chicago, Hazlitt 4- Beed, 28 ANDEEWS. Andrews (E[dmund])—continued. -----. Injuries of the joints. In: Intkknat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N.T., 1883, iii, 643-740. ------. The same. Le&ions traumatiques des ar- ticulations. In: Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1885, iv, 395-498. For Portrait, see Chicago Clin. Eev., 1893, ii, no. 3. ----- A. Andrews (Edward Wyllys). Rectal and anal surgery, with a description of the secret methods of the itinerants, ix, 111 pp. 8°. Chicago, W. T. Keener, 1666. -------------. The same. 2. ed. xiv, 140 pp. 8 , Chicago, W. T. Keener, 1869. Andrews (Edward Wyllys). Sec Andrews (E.) & Andrews (E. W.) Rectal and anal surgery, [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1888. Andrews (George P[ierce]) [1838- ]. Puer- peral pyrexia. 32 pp. 12°. [Detroit, 1886.] Repr.from: Am. Lancet, Phila., 1886, n. s., x. Andrews (Horace), jr. Report on the sewerage of Mount Vernon, AYestchester County. 15 pp., 2 pl. 8C. [Albany, 1885.] Repr.from: Rep. Bd. Health N. T. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. Andrews (Joseph A[lfred]). Trachoma and the etiology of jequirity ophthalmia. 40 pp. 8-. [New York, 1884.] Repr.from: Arch. Med., N. T., 1884, xi. ------. Contagious conjunctivitis; its causes, pre- vention, and treatment. 24 pp. 16°. [New York, 1885.] Repr. from: 2f. York M. J., 1885, xcii. ------. Contagious eye-disease. 20 pp. 8°. [New York, 1886.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv. ------. The electric light as an illuminator. The effect of strong light on the eye. 15 pp. 12°. [New York, 18-6.] Repr.from: Med. Rec, !NT. Y., 1886, xxx. -----. Successful removal of two osteomata of the orbit: one originating in the frontal, the other in the ethmoidal cells. With a history of osteomata of the neighboring pneumatic cavities of the orbit. 56 pp. 12°. New York, Trow's Co., 1887. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii. -----. Enucleation of the eyeball during puru- lent panophthalmitis. Twelve consecutive enu- cleations of the eyeball during purulent panoph- thalmitis, in all of which the course of healing was uninterrupted by unfavorable symptoms. 11 pp., 1 tab. 12°. [New York, 1668.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii. -----. A new portable apparatus for sterilizing eye instruments by boiling in water. An alumi- nium shield for protecting the eye after cataract extraction. 4 pp. 12c. [New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1893.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1893, lviii. Andrews (Judson B.) [1834-94]. The phys- iological action and therapeutic uses of the "acidnm phosphorieum dilutum". 17 pp. 8°. [Utica, N. Y., 1869.] Repr.from: Am. J. Insau., Utica, N. Y., 1869-70, xxvi. ------. Exophthalmic goitre with insanity. 15 pp. 8°. [Utica, N. Y., 1870.] Repr.from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1870-71, xxvii. ------. The physiological action aud therapeutic use of chloral. 24 pp. 8°. Utica, N.Y., Roberts, 1871. Repr. from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1871-2, xxviii. ------. Case of Charles Stockley, convicted of murder. Plea: temporary insanity. 17 pp. 8°. [Utica, N. Y., 1663.] Repr.from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1883-4, xl. ------. Urethran. 9 pp. 8°. Utica, N. Y., [1886]. Repr.from: Am. J. Insan., Utioa, N. Y., 1886-7, xliii. ANDREWS. 434 ANDRIEU, Andrews (Judson B.)—continued. -----. The case of Peter Louis Otto: a medico- legal study. 14 pp. 8°. Utica, N. Y., 1888. Repr.from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1888-9, xiv. For Biography, see Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1894, xi, 646- 653 (W. D. Granger). Andrews (L. F.) Lighting and seating school- houses; defects and remedies. Kead at a meet- ing of the Iowa State board of health, Des Moines, Mav 14, 1885. 45 pp. 8°. [Des Moines, 16-7).] Andrews (R. R.) Address delivered before the Massachusetts Dental Society, at its twelfth annual meeting, December 14, 1876. 18 pp. 8°. Salem, 1877. Andrews (Thomas). On the heat disengaged during the combination of bodies with oxygen and chlorine. 28 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [London, 1848.] - [P., v. 1201.] Repr.from: Phil. Mag., Lond., 1848, 3. s., xxxii. -----. Ou the continuity ofthe gaseous and liquid states of matter. Bakerian lecture. (Abstr.) 4 pp. 8-. [London, 1809.] Repr.from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1869. -----. Address delivered at the Glasgow meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, September 6, 1876. 21 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Taylor 4' Francis, 1876. Andrews (Thomas H.). [Biography.] X.York M. Exam., 1892-3, ii, 163, port. Andrey de Sierra (Jose). Programa siuop- tico de obstetricia teorica y clinica. 264 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Santiago, M. Mirds y Alvarez, 1876. Andreyeff (Nikolai). * O krovyanom sharikie v histologicheskom otnosheuii. [Histology of blood corpuscles.] 48 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, I. Trei, 1862. Andreyeff (Nikolai Nfikolayevich]) [1852- ]. * Acetanilid (antifebrin). Materiali dlia yevo farmakologii i terapevticheskavo primienenia. [Contributions to its pharmacology aud thera- peutics.] 43 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, R.Laferentz, 1,-88. Andreyevski (Ivan Ujimovich) [1831- 91]. VcdroflT (S. V.) [et al.]. Posvyashtshen pamyati. . . [In memory of. . .] J. russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdra- vija, St. Petersb., 1891, no. 11, 1-20, port. Andreyev ski (P. V.) * 0 sposobakh izslledo- van'ia prodazhnavo i razbavlennavo vodoyu mo- loka. [On the methods of investigating milk offered for sale and mixed with water.] 31 pp. 8:. S.-Peterburg, B. G. Yanpolski, 1883. d'Andria (Edmond) [1853- ]. * De la dacryo- c.ystite chronique et de son traitement par la dilatation forcee du sac lacrymal. 40 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 287. Andria (Nicolao) [1748-1817]. Physiologic ele- menta, editio altera. 2 v. in 1. xx, 207 pp.; viii, 272 pp. 12°. Neapoli, ex off. V. Manfiredii, 1801. Andrian (Ferd.) Priihistorische Studien aus Sicilieu. 92 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Berlin, Wiegandt, Hempel 4" Parey, 1878. Alidrier (F.) Eaux minerales alcalines d'Evian et minerales, ferrugineuses, acidules d'Amphion (Savoie). 2. ed. 78 pp. 12°. Geneve, P.-A. Bonnant, 1846. [P., v. 1420.] Andries (P.) Der Vegetarismus und die Ein- wiinde seiner Geguer. 2 p. 1., 182 pp. 12°. Leipzig, K. Leutze, 1893. Andriessen (Jacobus Joh.) * De maternarum iniaginatiouuni et animi pathematum in fcetum efficacia. 1 p. 1., 58 pp., 3 1. 4°. Traj. ad Bhe- num, J. Broedelet, 1748. [P., v. 1944.] Andriessen (W. F.). See Finlay (R. F.) Het hypnotisnie. 8°. Utrecht, 1892. — Gocthals (E.) De geneesmethode Pastoor Seb, Kneipp. 12°. Utrecht, 1892. Andrieil. Avis aux citoyens, sur les causes, lea divers caracteres et les vrais remedes de l'aveu- glement, delasurdite et des principalis accidena veneriens; maladies tres frequentes et rarenient bien gueries, etc. 86 pp. 8°. Paris, Be'hn, 1780 [P., v. 1078.] -----. Agenda anti-siphilitique pour connoltre et bien guerir les maladies veneriennes sans equi- voque et sans violence; maladies d'autant phis facheuses qu'elles sont tres-etendues aujourd'hui sonvent cachees, meconnues, ou mal gueries, et par cela nieme existantes a l'incu des personnes qu'elles affectent, notamment dans le manage, Avec une digression pratique sur quelques-unes de ces maladies dont la guerison est en general difficile, penible et mal entendue par tous lea traitemens ordinaires. 48 pp. 16°. Pan's, 1786. Andrieil (Alain). * Recherches sur les fonctiona des nerfs pneumogastriques. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, 1837, v. 70. Andrieil (E[dmond]) [1833- ]. Pieces jus- tincatives a l'appui de la petition relative a l'exercice de l'art du dentiste, presentee au s6nat avril 1876. 50 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Coccoz, 1876. -.-----. Lecons cliniques sur les maladies dea dents, faites a I'Ecole dentaire de France pen- dant l'annee scolaire 1884-5. 234 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1886 [1885]. -----. Projet de discours sur la reglementation de l'exercice de l'art du dentiste. 19 pp. 83. Paris, O. Doin, 1887. -----. Traite de prothese buccale et de mecani- que dentaire. xvi, 593 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1887. -----. Monographic de la dent de six ans. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1887. Repr. from: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., "Wash., 1887, v. -----. Tlie same. Monographic des sechsjahri- gen Zahnes. Autorisierte Uebersetzung von B. Manassewitsch. 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, Heuser, 1668. In: Abhandl. a. d. zahnarztl. Praxis. 8°. Berlin, 1890. -----. Thesame. 35 pp. 6^. Berlin 4'Neuwied, L. Heuser, 1888. Hft. 2 of: Zahnarztl. Abhandl. aual. Autoritaten. -----. Traite de dentisterie operatoire. xv, 655 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1889. See, also, Harris (C.-A.) & Aiistrn (P.-H.) Traits theorique et pratique de l'art du dentiste, [etc.). 8°. Pa- ris, 1874. Andrieil (Gabriel) [1859- ]. * Considera- tions generales sur les reactions constitution- nelles dans les maladies. 112 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 361. -----. Des influences modificatrices de l'orga- nisme dans leurs rapports avec la maladie. 114 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4" E> Lecrosnier, 1885. Andrieil (Henri-Cyrille-Marcellin) [1852- ]. * De l'emploi de l'acide pyrogallique dans le traitement des ulceres veneriens. 86 pp. 4°. Pans, 1881, No. 274. Andrieil (J.-A.) * Essai sur l'etiologie et le traitement de la rage spontauee. These pour le diplome de medecin-veterinaire. 36 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Caillol 4~ Baylac, 1868. Andrieil (Jules). Chiromancie. Etudes sur la main, le crane, la face. 151 pp. 24°. Paris, J. Taride, 1860. Andrieil (Louis). Lecons progressives de gym- nastique appliquee, a l'usage des ecoles conunu- nales d'apres les manuels officiels de gymnasti- que et en rapport avec les appareils du gymnase scolaire portatif. xv, 60 pp. 12°. Briers, Vialette, 1886. Andrieil [d'Alnas (Charles-Emmanuel)]. See Pericr (J.-A.-N.) [in 1. s.]. Instructions pour le littoral [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1864. ANDKIEUX. 435 ANDRY. AndrieilX (Ferdinand-Victor) [1841- ]. * Etude sur le developpement de la legislation sanitaire en France et ses principales disposi- tions. [Paris.] 2 p. 1., 82 pp., 1 1. 4°. Dijon, 1692, Xo. 95. AndrieilX [J.] de Brioude. Maladies chroni- ques ; notice sur l'etablissement hydrotherapique d'Auvergne, suivie d'un resume des resultats obtenns dans cette maison de sante, fondee et dirigee a Brioude (Haute-Loire). 56 pp. 8°. Pans, V. Masson, 1857. [P., v. 892.] _____. The same. Notice sur l'etablissement central d'Auvergne a Brioude (Haute-Loire). 2. ed. 127 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fills, 1664. d'Andriniont(J.) Notice sur les installations ouvrieres de la Societe civile des charbonnages du Hasard a Micheroux. pros de Liege. 23 pp., 5 pl. Sc. Lie'ge, L. de Thier, 1875. Andrioli (Heuricus Augustus). * De puerperio. 26 pp. 8°. Viudobonce, typ. vidua A. Strauss, [1630]. [P., v. 906.] Andrioli (Luigi). La igiene universale, ovvero il romanzo della natura. 360 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ve- rona, J. Rossi, 1871. Andrioli (Michael Angelo) [1672-1713]. 'Tyivrjc concilium veterum et neotericorum de conser- vauda valetudine seu de morborum causis pro- catharticis, in quo rationes experimentorum suf- frages discusse exarantur. Opusculum omnibus utile. 48, 352 pp. 8°. Lugduni, J. de Lupia, 1693. -----. Domesticorum auxiliorum, et facile para- bilium remediorum tractatus quinque. Primus, de regimine in morbis acutis; secundus, depotu- lentis segrorum; tertius, de regimine in morbis chronicis; quartus, de regimine senum, et con- valescentium; qnintus, de regimine praegnan- tium, puerperarum, et iufantium. Appendix prima ad concilium veterum, [etc.]. 9 p. 1., 373 pp. c-. Venetiis, apud H. Albriccium, 1698. -----. Enchyridium practicum medicum seu ad manus libellus; atque appendix secunda ad libel- lnm de conservanda valetudine, in quo domestica, et usitatoria auxilia recentiorum, pro universis morbis curandis exarantur. Sex particulis, seu sectionibns dissectum. In prima, pro morbis muliernm auxilia proponuntur; in secunda, pro morbis capitis; in tertia, pro morbis pectoris; in qnarta, pro morbis abdominis; in quinta, pro fe- bribus, ac earum symptomatibus; in sexta, pro morbis ad chyrnrgiam spectantibus. 5 p. 1., 323 pp. 8°. Venetiis, apud H. Albriccium, 1700. -----. De febribus et morbis acutis, febrem an- nexam habentibus. 176,2 pp. fol. Venetiis, H. Albrici, 1711. Andriolliis (Michael Angelus). See Andrioli. Andromachus, senior. See rVolto (J.) [in 1. s.J. Discursns medicus, [etc.]. 4°. Lubecce, 1706. — Tidicaeus (F.) [in 1. s.]. De the- riaca [etc.]. 4°. Thoruii, 1607. Andromeda Japonica and andromedo- toxin. Plugge(P. C.) Ueber Andromedotoxin, den giftigen Bestandtheil der Andromeda japonica Thunberg. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1883, 3. 11., xxi, 1-17. Aho: Pharm. Ztschr. f. Rnssland, St. Petersb., 1881!, xxii. 593; 609; 625. Aho: Ztschr. d. allg. o.-terr. Apoth.-Ver., Wien, 1883, xxi, 97; 113; 131. -----. H. G. de Zaaijer, Onderzoekingen over aurlrometoxine, het giftige bestanddeel der Ericaceae. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, 2. R., i, 161-174. Aho, transl: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1886-7, xl, 480-500. -----. Andromedotoxin. Verhandl. d. x. inter- nat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 4. Abth., 28-33.—Ta- knhnahi (J.) 1»]. Denenx (L.-C.) Necrologie. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1822, lxxx, 398-400. Aneedota Oxoniensia. Texts, documents, and extracts chiefly from manuscripts in the Bodlei- an aud other Oxford libraries. Mediaeval and modern series. Vol. I, Part II. Alphita. A medico-botanical glossary, Edited by J. L. G. Mowat. vii, 243 pp. 4°. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1687. Anecdotes historiques, litteraires et critiques, [etc.]. See Sue (P.) [in 1. s.]. Anecdotes de medecine. xi, 343 pp. lbv. [Pa- ris], 1762. Anecdotes -de medecine [etc.]. See [Dumon- chaux] [in 1. s.]. Anelli (Livio). Patologia della scrofula nelle sue varieta tubereolare, racbitico-tubercolare e sifilitica. 72 pp. 4C. Piacenza, frat. Bemardi, 1 >92. Anenia. Een uurtje bij de somnabule. Onder- zoek eu uitgave ten voordeele van het Fonds voor arme doctors weduwen. 34 pp. 8C. 's Gravenhage, J. Brunt 4' Zoon, [n. d.]. All cm a (Pieter). *De zetel der alkaloiden bij enkele narkotische planten. 2 p. 1., 94 pp. 8~. Utrecht, J. G. van T\rveen 4- Zoon, 1892. c. Aneniaet (Jacobus). *De mirabili, quae mam- mas inter et uterum intercedit sympatbia. 1 p. 1., 90 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. et J. Honkoop, 17,-4. [P., v. 1476.] Aho, in: Schlegbl (J. C. T.) Sylloge select, opusc. [etc.]. 8°. Lipsiw 1787, 357-4.">4. Aneinaniio (L'), giornale di medicina omiopa- tica, per cura del dottor Errico Pelillo. v. 1-3, 1857-9. 8C. Napoli. Want pp. 1-64, v. 1; pp. 225 et seq., v. 3. Anemometer. Marvin (C. F.) Anemometry. A circular of general information respecting the theory and operation of typical instruments for indicating, measuring, and automatically recording wind movement and direction, with detailed instruc- tions for the erection and care of those instru- ments of the Weather Bureau pattern. £- Washington, D. C, 1893. Emmerich (R.) burgi, 1820. Beyer (C. T. G.) * De varice aneurysmatico et aneurysmate varicoso, cujus prioris morbi ca- sus adjectus est memoratu dignus. 8°. Jena, [1833]. BORG (G. F.) 'Om utvecklingen af spontana aneurismer. 8°. Helsingfors, 1864. Bresselle ( P. ) * Guerison spontan6e dea anevrysnies. 4°. Paris, 1886. Broicher (J. G. W.) * De aneurysmate. r . Berolini, [1859]. Brouillet (U.-M.) * Considerations sur l'anc- vrisme vrai. 4^. Strasbourg, 1-31. Bystroff [J.] *De anevrysmate in genere. 8 . Mosques, 1838. ANEURISM. 437 ANEURISM. Aneurism. Cabral de Mello (J. W.) * Dos aneurysmas em geral. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. Copin (G.-J.) * Propositions relatives a l'ane- vrisme. 4°. Strasbourg, an Nil [1804]. Cronheim (A.) * Beitrag zur Histologie und Entstehung der spontanen Aueurysmen. 8J, Greifswald, 1892. Dltlain (J.-B.) Des aue'vrysnies et de leur traitement. 12°. Paris, [1894]. Frenken (W. [J. B.]) * Ueber Aneurysma und die chirurgische Behaudlung desselben. 8^. Bonn, 1886. Hammerle (I.) * Ueber die Schlagaderge- schwulste. [Wurtzbnrg. ] 8G. Miinchen, 1835. van der Heyden (H. A. J.) * De aneurisnia- tibus in genere. 8C. Lugd. Bat., 1839. Ille (0. [F. K.]1 * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Aneurysmen. ^ . Berlin, 1894. Jasinsky (L.) * De generali anevrismatum notione, eorum pathologiam et therapiam spec- tante. 8°. Mosquce, 1829. Jauvy(F. X. P.) *De anevrismate. 8:. Mons- pelii, 1789. Krafft ( E. ) * Ueber die Entstehung der wahren Aneurysmen. 8°. Bonn, 1-77. Kremers ( F. ) * De aneurysmatibus. 8 . Berolini, [1852]. Lamure (F.) Examen animadversionum cla- rissimi Petiot in parergon de aneurysmate, con- scriptum a . . . 4°. [Montpellier, 1749.] See, aho, infra. Lancisi (J. M.) De motu cordis et aneurys- matibus. Opus postumum in duas partes divi- sum. 4°. Neapoli, 1738. -----. The same. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1740. -----. The same. 4-. Bomce, 1745. Langenfels (F. G.) *Nonnulla de aneurys- matibus. 8-'. Berolini, [1853]. van Leeuwen (D. H.) *Diss exhibens ho- diernam ancurysmatum doctrinam. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1843. Levi (M. G.) Saggio teorico-pratico sugli aneurismi interni. 8J. Venezia, 1822. Lorentzen (T.) *De aneurysmatibus spon- taneis nonnulla. 8Z. Kilice, 1850. Maunoir (J. P.) Memorias physiologicas, e practicas sobre o aneurisma, e a ligadura das arterias; traduzidas por Jose" Soares de Castro. 16°. Bahia, 1815. Morel (A.-E.) * Essai sur les aneVrismes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1812. Mylius ( A. 0. ) * De aneurysmatibus non- nulla. 8G. Berolini, [1864]. Niemann (H. F. ) *De aneurysmatis non- nulla. 8°. Kiliw, 1853. Nockher (W.) * De aneurysmate. 4°. Duis- burgi, 1816. Nutzel (C.) * Ueber Perforation von Aneu- rysmen. [1890.] 8°. Erlangen, 1891. Ottow (F. [E. G.]) * De aneurysmate spon- taneo. 8°. Berolini, [1859]. Petiot (H.) In clar. Lamure parergon de aneurysmate, animadversiones. 4°. Montpellier, 1749. See, also, supra. de Przyiemski (A. [F. J.]) *De aneurys- matibus. 8°. Berolini, [1857]. Reich (J.) *De aneurysmate, maxime ejus divisione. 8°. Berolini, [1858]. Euini (H.) * De aneurysmate. 4C. Genua;, 1810. Sammlung einiger Abhandlangen von Scarpa, Vacca Berlinghieri und Uccelli iiber die Puls- ader-Geschwulste. Als Nachtrag zu D. Christian Friederich Harles Uebersetzung von Scarpa's Werk iiber die Pulsader-Geschwulste. Aus dem Aneurism. Italienischen iibersetzt mit Zusiitzen von Burk- hard Wilhelm Seiler. 4°. Zurich, 1822. Scarpa (A.) Sull' aneurisma, riflessioni ed os- servazioni anatomico-chirurgiche. [Abstracted in German.] 16°. [Gottingen, 1808.] -----. Thesame. Reflexions et observations anatomico-chirurgicales sur l'au^vrysme. Trad. de l'italien par J. Delpech. 2 v. 8° & fol. Pa- ris, 1809-13. Also, transl. in: Biblioth. f. d. Chir., Gotting., 1808-9, ii, 46; 197. Schlosser (H.-G.) * Essai sur les au6vris- mes. 4'. Montpellier, 1826. Schmidt ( [ F. ] J. ) * Zur Entstehungsge- schichte der Rupturaueurysinen. 8 . Halle a. S., 1890. Sixvaticus (J. B.) De aneurysmate tractatio. 4°. Vincentia', 1595. -----. The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1600. Stamm (C.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von den Blutgefassgeschwiilsteu. 8°. Gottingen, 1891. Texier (J.) Diss, chirurgicale sur les diffe"- rentes especes d'aneurismes. 8°. Paris, 1787. Townsend(E.) * De aneurysmate. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1622. Verbrugge (J.) *Dissertatio anatomico- chirurgica, de aneurysmate. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1773. Aho, in: Script, lat. de aneurys. collect. 4°. Argent., 1785, 359-468, vii pl. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1776, iv, 164-194. Wahlstab (C. P. A. F.) *De aneurysmate. 8°. Berolini, [1852]. Wardrop (J.) On aneurism, and its cure by a new operation. 8°. London, 1826. -----. The same. Ueber die Aneurysmen und eine neue Methode sie zu heilen. Aus dem Englischen. 8 . Weimar, 1829. Wowczerk ( N. ) * Periphere Aneurysmen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1885. Harwell (R.) Aneurism. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1883, iii, 375-544. Also, transl.: En- cycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1884, iii, 495- 680. — Hillroth (T.) Eigene Erfahrungen iiber Aneu- rysmen an den Extremitaten unci am Halse. "Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 897-904, 1 pl.— Breschet (G.) Re- cherches et observations sur ranevrisnie faux consecutif du cceur et sur l'anevrisme vrai des arteres. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1827, iii, 183-212. Also, Re- print. — Cabot (A. T.) Aneurism. Cvcl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1881 (Suppl.,,378).—Caufield (W. B.) Aneurism. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., ii, 48-58.— Cartier (L.-V.) Des anevrisines. Inhis: Precis d'obs. de chir., 8°, Lyon, 1802, 121-128.— t'oalc (W. E.) A prac- tical essav on aneurism. Boston M. &, S. J., 1861, lxv, 189; 212; 265; "364; 3*5; 406; 465; 516: 1862, lxvi, 124; 168; 193. Aho, Reprint.—Del afield (F.) On aneurisms. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 469-472. — Fere (C.) Note sur des anevrysmes des arteres del'aire vasculaire de l'embryon tie poulet. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 688.—Flajani (J.) Ueber die Schlagaderge- schwiilste der untern Gliedmassen, und bosonders im Knie- gelenke. In his: Prakt. Beobacht.. etc., 8°, Niirnb., 1799, 49-128. — Franeois-Franclt. Mi-sure du volume des tumeurs anevrysmales faisant saillic a lext6rieur; deter- mination du volume inaxiniuui absolu ct des variations rythmees avec le cceur et la respiration; appareils volu- m6triques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 751-755.—Gould (A. P.) The classification of aneurisma. Hospital, Lond., 1895, xviii, 161.-----Aneurysm. Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila., 1895, i, 585-661.— Hashimoto. Ueber Aneurysmen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1885, xxxii, 22-27.—Hawkins (C. H.) Clinical lecture on an- eurism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., v, 317-324. Also, in his: . . . Path. & Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874, ii, 324-337.— Heath M.) Clinical lecture on aneurysm. Lancet.Lond., 1890, i, 227-230.— King (K.) Aortic and innominate an- eurism. I'roc. M. Soc. Lond., 1877-9, iv, 70-75.—Lozano (Japan on (E.) Aneurismas espontaneos. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1881, xvi, 248; 256— Manchot (C.) Ueber die Entstehung der wahren Aneurysmen. Arch. f. path. Anat.,etc., Berl., 1890, cxxi, 104-154, lpl. Also, Reprint.— Meyer (P.) Anevrysmes multiples des arteres de moyen et petit calibre ; pr6sentation des pieces pathologHjiies et des preparations histologiques. Proc.-verb. . . . Soe. de med. de Strasb., 1880. xiv, 8-14.— UIolli«re (D.) Snr les anevrysmes. Cong, frang. de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., 1889, ANEURISM. 438 ANEUEISM. Aneurism. Par., 1890, iv, 252— Morton (T. S. K.) Iliac and femoral aneurisms. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, M12-804.—Mii- zell (F. H. L.) Von einem Anevrismate vero und zugleich >]Hiri'i welches durcb cine Yerwundungzuwege gebracht, unil curiit worden. In his: Med. u. ehir.Wabrnehm., 12°, I'.erl.. 1764, 2. Samml., 37-49.— IN'eudorfer (J.) Entste- hun«r uud Beliandlung der Aneurysmen. Klin. Zeit- u. Strtitfragt-u, Wien, 1894, viii, 61-162.—IVoth nagel. Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Aneurvsmen. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 361; 404. — Palletta (G.) Osservazioni patologico-chirurgiche suU' aneurisma. In his: Diss, di chir., 4°,Venezia, 1796, ii, 3-42. Aho, transl.: Gior. per serv. a. storia rag. d. med., Venezia, 1798, xi, pt. chir., 1; 25 ; 49; !'.',. — Petit. Observations anatomiques et pathologique3, au sujet de la tumeur qu'on nonime ane- vrisnie Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1736, Amst., 1740, Mem., 338-354. 2 pl. — Robison (J. A.) Remarks on aneurism, and exhibition of a large specimen of an aneurismal sac of the arch of the aorta, involving the aortic valves. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chieago,1884 iii,298.—Saez Domingo (J.) Estudio de la patogeuia y tratamiento de los aneurisnios arteriales i-spontaneo.s. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1882, viii, 158; 182; 2et;. — Saluiade. Estratto di osservazioni relative alia storia degli aneurismi. (Abstr.] Gior. per serv. a storia rag. d. med., Veuezia, 171)9, xii, 281-284.— Sch lege! (A.) Ueber Aneurismen. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh.. Winnenden, 1876, xxvii, 1; 97; 189; 285.—Seriba (J.) Beitriige zur Aetiologie und Therapiedes Aneurysma. DeutsclieZtsclir. f.Chir.,Leipz., 1883,xxii,513-552.—Smith ( A. II. j Aneurism. Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. X. Y. Post- Grad. M. School .v TTosp., N. T., 1880-7, ii, 213-220.-Spi- zharniy (I. K.) K m-ln n ob anevrizmach. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxvi, 1093-1103. — Mliuson (L. A.) Aneu- rysm. Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, ii, 367-434.— Tlioma (R.) Untersuchungen iiber Aneurysmen. Arch. f.path. Anat..etc.,Berl., 1888,cxi,76-113: cxii,-259; 383: cxiii, 244; 505, 3 pl. -----. Feber das Aneurysma. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz., 1889, xv, 309; 340; 361; 380. Aho, Reprint.—Thorbiirn (W.) Abstract of a clinical lecture on aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 909.— Van Knnlroord (R.) The causes of rupture of cerebral and aortic aneurisms during sleep. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1889, xxxv, 287. Aneurism (Arterio-renous). See Aneurism by anastomosis, etc. Aneurism (Cases and statistics of). See, also, under names of arteries. Uloch (L.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Aneu- rysmen, mit Benutzuug aller Eiille, welche auf der chirurgischen Klinik iu Zurich iu deu Jahren 1870-lt^l dem Dr. Rose zur Beobachtung kamen, mit Einschluss der Falle aus dessen Privatpraxis. K-. Zurich, 1681. Bologna (G.) Esame del braccio d' uu uomo statu operato per aneurisma col metodo della legatura teniporaria e due storie d' aneurismi, uno dei quali complicato a pattura dell' omero, con riliessioni analoghe. fol. Padova, 1832. Bosdorff (C. H. E.) * Ueber Hiiufigkeit und Vorkoinineii der Aneurysmen nach deu Ergebnis- sen von 3108 Sectionen. 8°. Kiel, 1889. Emmerich (O.) * Ueber die Hiiufigkeit der inneren Aneurysmen in Miiuchen. 8~. Munchen, 18*8. Glerant (J.-A.) * Quelques cas d'ane'vrisuies chirurgicaux observ6s a l'hopital maritime de Brest. Leur traitement. 4-. Bordeaux, 1891. Guattanps (C.) Historic dua- aueurysma- tum, quorum alterum in brachio per chirurgi- cam operationem sauaturn, in femore alterum paucos intra dies lethalc fuit, aniuiadversionibus et figuris illustrate. 4-'. Boma, 1745. Lallemami. Observation sur une tumeur ane'nrismale, accompaguee d'une circonstance insolite. Suivis d'observations et dc reflexions sur des tumeurs sanguines, d'un caractere equi- voque, qui paraissent etre des anevrisines des arteres des os, par G. Breschet. 4°. Paris, 1627. Mt'LLER (C.) #Ein Fall von Aneurysma ar- teriae femoralis traumaticum und gleichzeitigem Aneurysma arcus aorta?. 6-. Jena, 1689. Porter (J. H.) Cases of femoral and poplti- eal aneurisms. 12°. Dublin, 1^75. Aneurism (Cases and statistics of). Abbott (K. C.) Aneurysms. St. Thomas's riosp Rep., Lond., 1894, n. s., xxii, 252; 37.">.—Anilei-Mon (W) A case of inguinal aneurysm successfully treated bv liga. tnre of the external iliac artery; with popliteal aueiirvsm in the opposite limb, treated by compression and galvauo- puncture; necropsy eighteen months after operation Lancet, Loud., 1887, ii, 414-416— Aneurism. [Seven cases, with autopsies.] St. George's Hosp. K?p. ]877_^ Loud., 1879,ix, 191-195.—Aneurysm. [Ninecases.] Rep Superv. Surg.^Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889, 361-365.— Angelini (A.) Storia di uu aneurisma. Gazz. d. osp. Milano, ]j-*2, iii, 707; 722; 731.—Battle (W. II.) Aneu- rysms of the vertebral and internal carotid arteries. Ti Path. Soc. Lond., 1*92-3, xliv, 42.—Boughter (J. F.) & Cones (E.) Report of a case of multiple aneurism of the external iliac and femoral artery; treatment by pressure, partially successful; recurrence of the disease and sub- sequent discharge of the patient from service. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army,AVash.. 1885-6, 106.—C'aiitimi. Aneu- risma multiplo." Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1885, ii. 177.— C'avazzani (G.) Cinque casi di aneurisma. Riv. ve- neta di sc. med., Venezia, 1890, xiii. 27-44.—C'oclterill (R. W.) Cases of aneurism. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1871, iii, 248-250.—Courtade (A.) Deux eas d'anevrys- mes. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1883, xxx, 418-422.— Czerny (V.) Zwei Beobachtungen vou Aneurysmen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 188(1, Berl., 1881 ix, pt. 2, 179, 1 pl. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 188u, xxv, 943, lpl.—1> u n lop (J.) A case of multiple aneu- rysm. Tr. Glasg. Path. &, Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 117-119.—Eldridge (S.) Occurrence of internal aneu- rysm in European residents of Japan. N. York M. J., 1894, lix. 165-168. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Okiugai I.ji Shinpo, Tokio, 1*94, uo. 340, 1; no. 341, 25; no. 312, 23.— Feiign- (C.) &. Liec (E. W.) Six cases of aneurism. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1882, xxxiv, 1-17. Also: Am. M. Weekly, N. Y., 1882, xiv, 605; 629. Aho [Abstr.]: Chi- cago M. J. &. Exam., 1882, xliv, 291-295.—Fere (C.) Trois anevrysmes de la crosse do l'aorte ct un anevrysme du tronc brachio-cephalique sur lememo sujet; formation de caillots fibriueux stratifies remplissant toutes les po- ches; peut-etrc sous 1'influence dune pneumonie. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 166-169. Aho: 1'rogres med., Par., 1881. ix, 650.—Grossi (C.) Sulla cura degli aneu- rismi della succlavia e della brachio-eefalica. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 760; 770; 7*2.—Harris (G. F. A.) Notes on some cases of aneurism. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1*84, xix,? 316-326.—Harli«aii ("W.) Notes on five cases of aneurism. Tr. Hongkong il. Soc, 1889, i, 213-220.—Hughes (W. E.) A series of cases of anenrism. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 101; 131.—Jcssop (T. R.) A completed case of multiple aneurysm in which one brachial and both external iliac arteries were ligatured. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1142.—Jones (S.) Cases of an- eurysm of the lower extremities. Ibid., 1890, i, 852.— Kirmisson (E.) Note sur quatre cas d'an6vrysmes arteriels. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.) 1889, Par., 1890, iv, 239-242. —J,e l>entu. Sur un memoire de M. Qu6uu concernant deux cas d'anevrisuie, l'un de l'artere iliaque externe, l'autre de la femorale commuue existant sur le meme sujet, traites par M. Quenu au mo- yen de l'extirpation. [Rap.l Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 509-513.—Lewis (H. W.) Aneurysm of right femoral and left popliteal arteries. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1893, viii, 193-197.-L,iston (R.) Cases of aneurism. Edinb. M. im i.J.) Rupture traumatique de la portiou horizon- tale dela crosse de l'aorte; anevrysme dissequant; epanche- ment de sang dans la plevre gauche de2,575grammes; mort k bout de iieuf jours. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 666-669.—Oliver (T.) Dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, the innominate and common iliac arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 1068- luTO —Pcabody. Dissecting aneurism of the aorta; rupture into right pleu- ral cavity. Med. Rec, N. T., 1880, xviii, 326. -----. Dis- secting aneurism, with rapture of the aorta into the peri- car.rium. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi. 634.—Poulaillon iv I.ejjry. Anevrvsme dissequant de l'aorte. Bull. Sue. auat. de Par., 1889. lxiv, 491-494.—Rindflci«ch (E.) Zur Entstehung und Heilung des Aneurysma dissecans aortas. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1893, exxxi, 374-378.— Rollcstou VH. D.) Traumatic dissecting aneurysms, of Aneurism (Dissecting). the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xliv, 38-41__ Roth. Aneurysma dissecans aortee. Cor.-UI. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1894, xxiv, 769.— Schmuziger (F.) Aneu- rysma dissecans arcus aortas; alte Perforation in dio Trachea; Tod unter den Symptomen eines Asthma bron- chiale. Ibid., 1881, xi, 375-378.— BtokcM (W.) Dissect- ing aneurism of tin- aorta. Proc. Path. Soe. Duld., 1852- s iii. 242-245.—Synies(G.R.) Dissecting aneurism. Ibid 1862-5, n. s., ii. 83.—Tamson (J. A.) Een geval Tun aneurysma dissecans van de aorta descendons. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1890, xsx, 102-114.— Tauszk (F.) Adatok az aneurysma dissecans k6rtnna- hoz. [Contribution to pathology of . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1894, xxxviii, 25; 38. Aho. transl. [Abstr.]! Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1X94, xxx, 313-317__ Turner (F. C.) Rupture of the aorta; dissecting aneu- rysm ; perforation of the pericardium. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 152-156.—Wenzel (H. P.) Thoracic aneurism, with a case of dissecting aneurism of the infe- rior surface of the aortic arch. Chicago M. J. A Exam 1887, liv, 111-139,1 tab.—West (S.) Dissecting aneurysm of the first part of the arch of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 65. Aneurism (False and traumatic). See, also, Abscess connected with blood-vessels; Aneurism by anastomosis, etc.; Arteries ( Wounds of, Treat ment of). Horeau (A.-J.-C.) * Sur le traitmeut de 1'aneS- vrisiue traumatique par la meSthode d'Auel ou de Hunter. 4-\ Strasbourg, 1834. Kirscii ( B. ) * Ueber trauniatische Aneu- rysma. 6:. Breslau, [1877>], Liston(R.) Ou a variety of false aneurism. 8-. [London, 1642.] Ltndex (A. (J. G.) * Observationes patholo- gicae circa aneurysma spuriuin circumscriptum casu illustratum. 8°. Helsingfors, [1>47]. Pestalozzi (H.) * Ueber Aneurysmata spu- ria der kleinen Gehirnarterien und ihren Zu- sammenhang mit Apoplexie. 6°. Wiirzburg, 1849. Reipex (J.) "Aneurysma trauniaticum uach Scbussverletznngen. 8°. Bonn, 1872. Salomon (R.) "Eiu Aneurysma trauiliati- cum. [Jena.] H\ Braunschweig, 1--1'. Amable Cade. Anevrismo faux primitif du pli do bras, coufondu avec un phlegmon de cette region. Rec. d.trav. Soc. med. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1857, 40.—Arigo (S.) &. Lucca. Un aneurisma falso della retro-bocca; rapido suo decorso, ed esito esiziale. In: Arigo (S.) Al- cuni scrit. di med. e chir., 8°, Lodi, 1885, 212-217.—Bacza (C. E.) Ein Unicum auf dem Gebiete der traumatischen Aneurysmen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 61.— Berger. Anevrisme faux consecutif gueri par l'applica- tion continue do glace sur la tumeur. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, h34-837.—Bcrtolrio (G.) Caso di aneurisma falso in seguito a ferita di coltelio. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1860, 2. 8., xxxix, 21)7-221. — Billroth (T.) Traumatische Aneurysmen (Art. femoralis; 3 Fiille). In his: Chir. Klin. Wien 1871- 6, 8°, Berl., 1879, 587. — Brijjham ( C. B. ) Trau- matic aneurism of the wrist: free incision into the sne; sponge dressing ; recovery. Inhis: Surg. Cases. 8"1, Cam- bridge, 187C, 63. - Brunno de aneury8- collect. 4°. Argent, ———. The same. Anweisung wie die aus- serlichen Pulsadergeschwulste auf eine ge- Aneurism (Treatment of Operative). schickte "Weise von den Wundarzten zu curiren siud. 16°. Altenburg, 1777. -----. Thesame. Aauwyziugomdeuitwen- dige slagadergezwellen op eene gemaklyke wyze te geneezen; vertaald en vermeerderd met een aanhaugsel van waarneemingen om de wonden der uitwendige slagaderen te geneezen, meeren- deels alleen door net bezwagtelen van het ge- heele deel, door Jacob van der Haar. 8°. Rot- terdam, 1779. ------. The same. Degli aneurismi esterni e loro trattamento; di alcuni aneurismi iuterui; della esofagotomia e di trerare osservazioni cbi- rurgiche. Libera traduzioue dal latiuo, con una prefazione sui pregi dell' opera del dott. Giosue" jgMarcacei. roy. 8°. Roma, 1880. Kubler (E.) * Ueber die Exstirpation vou Aneurysmen. 8°. Tubingen, 1892. Linon (A.) * De la ligature au catgut daus le traitement des auevrysuies. 4J. Paris, 1888. Mallie (J.-A.) * Etude sur la double ligature peripherique dans le traitement des auevrysuies intra-thoraciques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1882. Matjnoir (C.-T.) * Sur la section de l'artere entre deux ligatures, dans l'operation de 1'aneu- risme. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1804]. ------. The same. Memorias physiologicas, e practicas sobre o aneurisma e a ligadura das arterias; traduzidas por Jose Soares de Castro. 16°. Bahia, 1617). Mitscherlich (C.) Ueber Amussat's Methode fiir die Operation der Pulsadergeschwulste. (Methode par refoulement de la membrane in- terne et moyenue de l'artere; methodus per in- versiouem membranse interna? et media? arteria- rum.) 12°. [n. p., n. cl.] Neuiiaus (L. E.) *Die Brasdorsche Methode zur Heilung der Aneurysmen. 8°. Bern, 1841. Scarpa (A.) Memoria sulla legatura delle principali arterie degli arti, con uua appendice all' opera sull' aneurisma. 4°. Pavia, 1817. ------. The same. Memoria e lettere sulla legatura temporaria delle principali arterie, degli arti per la cura dell' aueurismo esteruo, e sul modo piu spedito di sciogliere detta lega- tuTa, con 1' appendice alia sua opera sull' aneu- risma. fol. Pavia, 1825. Schultze (M.) * Ueber Exstirpation von Aneurysmen. 8°. Berlin, [1886]. Harwell (R.) Aneurism treated by the use of the catgut ligature. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 395. — Beeckel (J.) Traitement des anevrysmes des membrea par la liga- ture antiseptique. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1889, xlviii, 137.— C re us. Ligadura de aneurismas con cuerda fenicada. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1880, ii, 36-38.—Detainer (T.) Ueber eine praktische Aenderang an der Deschamps- 'schen Aneurysinanadel. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1890, xvii, 417. — Deronbaix (L.) An6vrysme du pli du coude; ligature de l'artere huurerale; amputation du bras. Ann. dc l'Univ. de Brux. Fac. de med., 1881, ii, 58. — Ileintze. Die Exstirpation peripherer Aneurys- men. (Ein Fall vou Aneurysma art. tibialis anticae und ein Fall von Aneurysma art. popliteae.) Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1892, xxix, 1102-1104. —von Horoch (C.) Ueber die Bebandlung der Aneurysmen nach der Methode dea Antyllus. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1883, xxviii, 184; 192.— Hunter. Modified aneurism-needle. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 519.—Hutchinson (J.) Distal ligatures of arteries for thoracic aneurism. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1892- 3, iv, 353.—Kubler (E.) Ueber dio Exstirpation von Aneurysmen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibiug., 1892-3, ix, 159-186.—Lane (J. R.) Catgut ligature in the treatment of aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 519. — Lane (L. C.) Ligations done for the cure of aneurism. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran.. 1883-4, xxvi, 145-153. Aho, Reprint.—Iiit- Ibuood (II.) Treatment of aneurysm by removal of the sac. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 15. -----. The treat- ment of aneurysms of arteries of the extremities by ex- tirpation of the sac. Lancet, Loud., 1894, ii, 1143-1145.— Loreta (P.) Di un aneurisma traumatico della aorta addominale. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1884-6, 4. 8., vi, 215-226. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Med.con- temp., Lisb., 1885, iii, 115. — iUackellar (A. O.) Ab- stract of a clinical lecture on a case in which succea- ANEURISM. 443 ANEURISM. Aneurism (Treatment oj, Operative). sive aneurvsms were treated by ligature of four large arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1262-1264. — Modlin- ski (P. I.) O chir. lechen. anevrism. [Suigical treat- ment of aneurism.J Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii, 289- 299. — IVanerede (C. B.) Surgical treatment of cervi- cal thoracic, and abdominal aneurism. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1893, xi. 115-128. Aho: Am. Surg., Phila., 1893, xviii, 2S3-292. Aho, Reprint. — Pran. Du pince- ment des arteres des mernbres, affectees d'anevrysmes traumatiques. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1889, Par., 1890, iv, 263-266. — Post (A.) Four cases of aneurism treated by the old method. Boston M. t>7. van den Kieboom (B. J.) De behandeling der aneurismata door galvano-puuctuur. 8 . Dor- drecht, 1849. Lissner (N.) *De electropuncturte usu in aneurysmate et varice. 8°. Berolini, [1858]. Malag6 (P. P.) Storia di un' aneurisma cu- rata colla semplice agopuntura. 12c. Ferrara, j 1850. Robin (L.-A.) * De l'eiectro-puncture dans la cure des anevrysmes iutra-thoraciques; etude experimentale et clinique. 4". Paris, 1-8H. Abbe (R.) Aneurisms treated by the introduction of catgut, or of wire, wiib electricity. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 307-317. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1,397- 401. Aho: N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 412-416. — Alberti (A.) Consideraciones sobre un caso de aneurisma de la aorta tor&cica descendente, curada por el metodo Baccelli. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892, xv, 14-35.— Rail. Anevrvsme dela crosse de l'aorte traite par l'elcc- tro puncture. Bull. Sec. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 92- 100. — Ralp (S.) Sull' azione della correute galvanica, esternamente applicata sui sacchi aueurismatici. Rev. clin.. Bologna, 1886, 3. s., vi, 760-769.— Harwell (R.) Clinical lecture on a case of thoracic aneurysm treated by a novel method. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 1058-1060. Aho [Abstr.|: Bnt. M.J., Lond., 1886, ii, 675. - Rertonelli. Aneurisma de la subclaviaizqnierda; electro puntura ; sua benefices efectos. Gac. med., Lima, 1876, ii, 353-357.— Rianchi (A.) Delia elettro-ago-puntura nella cura degli aneurismi nortici. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880, xlvi, 282- 294.—Rlack. Case ot aneurysm oi the thoracic aorta, treated by galvano-puncture ; death. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 1093. — Roui-get. Auevrisme de l'aorte descendante traite par la methode de Baccelli. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1892, xii, 325-329.—Rraneaccio (F.) Un caso di aneurisma dell' aorta ascendente curato con la gal- vano-puntura; contributo alia terapia. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1884,1,73-79 -----. Reperto anatomo- I patologico di un caso di aneurisma curato con la galvano- ' Aneurism (Treatment of) by acupunct- ure, galvano-puncture, electricity, inser- tion of wire, etc. punctura. __ Med. contemp., Napoli, 1886, iii, 609-611.— Rrunelli (C.) Galvanopnntura in nn caso di aneurisma dell' arco aortico. Arch, di med., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1870, iii, 269-275. — Rucquoy. Sur le traitement des ane- vrysmes par la met bode de Baccelli. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xx, 8 is. — Cannon (R.) Case of gal- vano-puncture in aortic aneurism ; successful result. Lan- cet, Lond., 1881, ii, 701.—Cayley (W.) A case of thoracic aneurism treated by the introduction of steel wire into the sac. Med.-Chir. Ti-., Lond., 1886, lxix. 267-274. Aho [Ab- str.J: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 399. — Chambers (T. R.) Subclavian aneurism treated by needling and galvano- puncture. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 196-204. Also [with additions]: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. a., Ixxxvi, 447-454.—C'liurton. Aneurysm of the thoracic aorta treated bv galvano-puncture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 978. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1886, n. s., xii, 449.—Ciniselli (L.) [Osservazione tli aneu- rismi dell' aorta trattati coll' elettropuutura.] Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1872, 3. s., xii, 418-430.—De Sa- boia. Contribution k l'etude clinique des anevrysmes de l'aoiteau point de vue de leur traitement par la methode romaine ou la methode du Pr Guido-Baccelli. Progres med., Par.. 1892, 2. s., xvi, 76-78: 1893, 2. s., xviii, 51.— Dubai- (L.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte; ane- vrysme faux consecutif; traitement par 1 electrolyse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 386-399. Aho: Progres med., Par., 18*0, viii, 32-35. Aho [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1880, 2. s., ii, 90.—Diijai-iliii-Besin- metz. Sur le traitement des anevrysmes de l'aorte par l'electropnncture. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., isso, xcix, 1-18. — Dujardin-Reaumetz & Proust. Sur le traitement des anevrysiueade l'aorte par l'eiectro-puncture. (Extr.) Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1878, Par., 1879, vii, 928-934.—Duncan (J.) On the galvano- puncture of aneurisms. Read before the Medico-Chirurgi- cat Society, 7th March, 1866. Edinb. M. J., 1865-6, xi, 920- 923. Aho, Repriut.—Falcone (T.) IImetodo Baccelliper la cura degli aneurismi dell'aorta. Gazz. d. osp , Milano, 1887, viii, 170-172.—Fort. Contribution au traitement dea anevrysmes, de l'aorte tlioracique par l'eiectro-puncture. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1882, cii, 67-72. -----. Ane- vrisme de la portion asceudante de ia crosse de l'aorte; ap- plication del*61ectropuncture; guerison ou au moinsgrande amelioration. Ann. Brazil, de med., Rio de Jan., 1882-3, xxxiv, 260-264. — Gajkiewicz (W.) O leczeniu te.tnia- k6w aorty piersiowej (aneurysma aortas thoracica;) za poiuoca. elektrycznosci (elect ro-galvano-punctura). Gaz. lek., "Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 751-759. — Gallico (E.) Aneurisms dell'aorta ascendente extra-pericardico, curato con sei operazioni di ago-elettro-puutnra. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova,' 1881, xxiv, 437. — Gallozzi (C.) Aneurisma spontaneo del tronco brachio-cet'alico con par- teeipazione dell' origine delta carotide primitiva, guarito con la correute elettro-galvanica; metodo Gallozzi-Vizioli. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1889, i, 67-74.—€5 ros (C.) Observation d'an6vrysmo de l'aorte tlioracique de- scendante, compliquee d'epancbement pleuretique; elec- tro-puncture; mort par rupture de l'auevrysme dans la plevre. Alger med., 1880, viii, 375-384. Also, Reprint.— Ilabran & Ileni-ot (H.) Anevrysme de l'aorte; elec- trolyse. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 67-77.—Heath (C.) On a case of aneurism of the sub- clavian artery treated by amputation at the shoulder joint and the introduction of needles into the sac. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1880, lxiii, 65-78. Also [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 205. Aho [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1880, viii, 450. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 168.—Helot. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte, traite par l'electro-poncture. Union nied. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen, 1881, xx, 57-67.—II uIke (J. W.) A case of aneu- rism at the root of the neck aud in the upper part of the chest, in a very advanced stage; treated by the introduc- tion of steel wire. Med.-Chir. Tr.. Loud., 1887, lxx, 289- 300.—Kerr (W. W.) Treatment of aortic aneurism by Lo- reta's method combined with electrolysis. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1889, iii, 1-4.—Lange. Aneurism of the abdominal aorta treated by tbe insertion of wire into the sac. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 582. — I.ecadre neveu. Contribution k l'etude de l'electropnncture dana le traitement desauevrymes. Assoc, fraug. pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1877, Par., 1878, vi, H0o-*02. — I.epine (R.) Sur deux cas d'anevrysme de la ciosse de 1 aorte traites par la methode de Moore. Lyon med., 1887, lv, 143- 146.—OTacewen (W.) An address ou aneurysm ; its cure by inducing the formation of white thrombi within the sac. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1107; 1164. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1086-1092.—Machndo (V.) Aneurisma da aorta thoracica (porcao ascendente) curado pela galvano- punctura. Correo med. de Lisb., 1885, xiv, 207.—Machta- relli (P.) Elettro-agopuntura in voluminoso aneurisma dell' arco aortico, manifesto come grosso tumore fuori del petto. Gazz. med. ital. lomb , Milano, 1880, 8. s., ii, 349- 351.—HI a more (B.) A electro-thcrapia nos aneurismas; ANEURISM. 444 ANEURISM. Aneurism (Treatment of) by acupunct- ure, galvano-puncture, electricity, inser- tion of ivire, etc. interpretacao de nm caso recente. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1877. 2. s., ii, 213-215.—Marcacei ((J.) Aneurisma dell' arco dell'aorta trattato colla correute galvanica; comuni- cazione del saccocol tronco venosobrachio-cefalico sinistro. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1881, n. s... iii. 1109- 1145.—Marsh (H.) A caso bearing on the treatment of aneurysm by the introduction of steel wires or other material into the sac; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 120-122— .Tledail. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte traite par la galvano-puncture; amelioration: autopsie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 274-277.—.Tloglia (C.) Contributo alia cura degli aneurismi aortici con 1' elettro- agopuntura. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1883, 6. s , xi, 289-310. — ITIolliere (H.) Anevrysme de l'aorte pectoralo traite par la galvano-puncture (mono-puncture positive); mort par decbirure interne du sac; etude du mode de formation des caillots. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1882), 1883, xxii, 34-45, 1 diag. Aho, Re- print. Also: Lyon med., 1882, xxxix, 521-531, 1 pl.— ITIoikIhii. Observation d'anevrysme de l'aorte abdo- minale traite par l'eiectro-puncture. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1878), 1879. xviii. pt. 2, 183- 194.— ITIorsc (J. F.) Cure of abdominal aneurism by Loreta's method. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1887, xxx, 65-67.—.Morton (T. G.) Aneurism of the subclavian artery; introduction of horse-hairs; sloughing of sac; death. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 188'), 59. —Ord (W. M.) A case of aneurysm of tbe aorta treated by galvano- puncture, with some observations on thoracic aneurysms. Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1879-81, v, 96-110. Also: .St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1879, Lond., 1880, n. a., x, 103-137. Aho, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 450.— Paul (C.) Traitement des anevrysmes par 1'electrolyse. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de therap. 1879, Par., 1880, 2. s., vi, 31- 33.— Peiiua (J.) Un caso de aneurisma de la aorta tora- cica, tratada por g&lvano-puntura. An. Asoc. Circ. med. argent.. ISuenos Aires, 1877-8, i, 197-214, 1 diag. Also : Rev. nied., Rio de Jan., 1877-8, xiv, 4_'l-423. -----. Trata- miento dr los aneurismas de la aorta torac-ica por el metodo de Baccelli; dos casos pr&cticos. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Ail es, 1883-4, vii, 10; 73.—Pertusio. DelV elettro- puntura degli aneurismi; memoria letta all'Accademia medica in occasione di un rapporto suit' opera del dottore Ciniselli. Gior. tl. r. Aeead. nied. chir. di Torino, 1861, 2. s., xiii, 385-404.—Petit (L.-Il.) Resultats du traite- ment des anevrysmes de l'aorte tlioracique par la galvano- puncture. Assoc frang. pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1880, Par., 1881, ix, 950-057.— Pcli-cquiu. Suite et fin du memoire couceruant une nouvelle methode pour guerir certains anevrysmes sans operation, & I'aide la galvano- puncture. (Voir le 2' trimestre 1845, pages 61 et sui- vantes.) Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1845, 117-122. — Philippe (C ) Traitement des auevrys- mes par l'introduction de, corps etrangers dans la poche anevrvsmale. Frogres med., Par., 1889, 2, s.. ix, 493-496: x, 3: 20. — Pringlc (J. J.) A case of aneurism of the abdomiual aorta treated by laparotomy and the introduc- tion of steel wire into the sac. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1887, lxx, 261-276. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 828. Also [Abstr ]: Proc. Roy. M. 8. Svexsson (C. A. I.) *Om aneurysmers be- handling med kompression. 8Q. Stockholm, 1677. WoGE (H. ) * Ueber die Anwendung der Flexion der Extremitaten bei Behandlung von Aneurysmen und arteriellen Blutungen. 8-\ Dorpat, 1861. A. (G.) La compresion indirecta en el tratamiento de los aneurismas. Bol. de med. y cirug. de Jaen, 1879, i, 25- 27 —Rarlemont (IS.) Note sur la compression digitale coinme traitement des anevrysmes; k propos d'un fait recueilli dans le service de M. Demarquay. Gaz.med.de Par., 1865, xxxvi, 412-414. Also, Reprint.—Reach (H.H. A.) Compression in the treatment of aneurism, with the description of a new appliance. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, exxv, 100-102. Also, Reprint.—Cowell (G.) Substance of a clinical lecture on two cases of aneurysm, axillary and popliteal; treatment by digital compression and ligature. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1013-1015.—Esmarch (F.) Hei- lung zweier Aneurysmen durch Stangendruck. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879, vi, 65-68. Also, Reprint.—Fischer (G.) Historische Notiz zur indirecten Compression bei Aneurysmen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868, xx, 117-120. Also, Reprint.—Oiacich. Due casi di applicazione della compressione digitale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Yenezia, 1885, ii, 287.—Gould (A. P.) On the modus operandi of Esmarch's elastic bandage employed in the treatment of external aneurism. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, ii, 209-222.— Hassan (S.) On the treatment of aneurism by Esmarch's bandage. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta. 1883, xviii, 276-279.—Hunt (W.) Cure of a case of aneurism by digital compression and the tourniquet com- bined. Med. Bull., Phila., 1882, iv, 15. — Hutchinson (J.) Four cases of popliteal and femoral aneurism suc- cessfully treated by Esmarch's bandage and digital com- pression. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1879, xii, 55-58.—Laplace (E.) Tbe treatment of external aneurism by a new method of applying partial direct compression. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 102-107. [See, aho, supra.]—de M«> raes Jardiin (J.) Duas observacoes de aneurismas tratados pela compressao digital indirecta, entre o tumor e o coracao e pelo torniquete. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1887, i. 173; 180.—Oilier. Du traitement des anevrysmes arteriels par la compression digitale. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1863, 3. s., xi, 231-246.—Pareja Oarrido (J.) La compresion por medio del torniquete es preferible a la compresi6u digital en el tratamiento de los aneurismas. Gac. med. de Granada, 1887, vi, 577 - 584.—Parsons (H. C.) Pressure treatment of aneurism. Canad. Pract, Toronto, 1893, xviii, 278-280.—Pi zc (L.) Du traitement des anevrysmes par la compression digitale. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1880, xcviii, 249; 305; 344; 403; 451.— Poinsot. Note sur la compression elastique apphquee au traitement des anevrismes arteriels. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. dePar., 1881, n. s.,vii, 42-53— Redtenbacher (L.) TJeber die Anwendung des iutermittirenden Finger- drucks zur Heilung von Aneurysmen. Mitth. d. Wit-ii. med. Doct.-Coll., 1878, iv, 198; 205; 216,-Retd (W.) The forms of aneurism, in which treatment by Esmarch s elastic bandage is applicable, and the method by which a cure is effected. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Loutl., 1881, n, 207- 209.—Richards ( G. L.) The treatment of aneurism by digital compression. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc.1888, Providence, 1889, iii, pt. 6, 545 - 551— Rodman (W. L.) Treatment of idiopathic aneurisms by compression. Am. ANEURISM. 446 ANEURISM. Aneurism (Treatment of) by compres- sion, flexion, and position. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1889, n. s., vii, 257-260.—Segay. Sphygmographie appliquee au traitement d'un anevrysme gueri par la compression. Mem. et bull. Soc. n ed.-chir. d. hop. tie Bordeaux, 1868, iii, 463-474. — Stange (V. A.) Prijatie verchnei poloi veny anevrism. voschod. aorty. [Diuital compression in aneurism of ascending aorta.] S..<.!,-li. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh., 1890, viii, 3-11, 1 pl —Stimsou (L. A.) On tbe treatment of aneurism by the elastic bandage. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 321-329.— Watson (P. H.) On the treatment of aneurism bv compression, with two cases of its successful application' Edinb. M. J., 1869, xiv, 961-982. Aho, Reprint. Aneurism (Treatment of) by injections. Baum (G. G.) *De lsesionibus aueurysmati- ] busque arteriarum glut.-ese et ischiadic*. Ac- cedit descriptio aneurysiuatis per anastoniosin dictarum arteriarum liquoris ferri sesquichlorati iujectioue sanati. r-c. Berolini, [1859]. Boehr (M. L. A.) * De liquoris ferri sesqui- chlorati usu in aneurysmatibus sauandis. 8°. Berolini, 1855. Burggraeve & Graux. De l'emploi dn perchlorure de fer et uu chlorure de sodium k l'interieur, dans le traite- ment ties anevrysmes. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1864, 2. s., vii, 189; 262. Aho, Reprint.— Dutoit. Heilung eines Aneurysma tier Arteria subclavia sinistra durch subcutane Ergotin-Injectionen und Digital-Compres- sion. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1871, xii, 1070-1078.— Gould (A. P.) Thetreatmentof aneurism by the introduc- tion of coagulants. Ann. Surg.. St. Louis, 1886, iv, 47-51.— vou Langenbcck (B.) Ueher hypodermatischo Ergo- tiii-Iujectiouen bei Aneurysmen. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 117-119. Aho, Reprint. —Plnggc (T.) Fall von Aneurysma arteria- femoralis mit Ergotiu-Injection be- handeb. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1873, xviii. 441-443.— IMessiug (E.) Heilung eines Aneurysma racemosum arteriale durch subcutane Alcoholhijectionen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886, xxxiii, 251-254.—[Raoult-Des- longchainps.] Cas de guerison d'lin anevrisme sus- orbitaire par l'injection de perchlorure tie fer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 177. A ho, transl.: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 571.—Smith (T.) Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta; injection with solution of tannin. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1891, xxvii, 257-260. Aneurism (Varicose). Si e Aneurism by anastomosis, etc. Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and \ varicose. See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications, etc., of); Aneurisms (Aortic) with anastomosis; Angioma, etc.; Naevus. Cascio-Cortese (G.) Lettera sopra 1' estir- pazione di un grosso tumore spugnoso sangui- guo del dottore . . . diretta al celebre A. Vacca Berlinghieri. 8°. Pisa, 1825. Delbet (P.) *Prouostic et traitement des anevrysmes arterio-veineux externes. 4 . Pa- ris, 16t~9. Dienemann (F.) * Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der arteriell-venosen Aneurysmen. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1692. Ferrari (P.) Contributo alia patologia e terapia dell' aneurisma cirsoideo. 6-. Bergamo, 1890. Guillemin (P.) * De Paneurysine cirsoide de la tete. 4C. Nancy, 18e53. Hammesfahr (A.) *Das Aneurysma arte- rioso-veuosum. [Bonn.] M . Wald, 1893. Lickaga (E.) Varice aneurismal en el miem- bro superior izquierdo. * . Mexico, 18-4. Aho, transl. in: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par. 1888, ii, 649-651. Mink (P. J.) "Over het aneurysma cirsoi- I deum van de hand. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1885. ] Reinhold (R.) * I. Blutcyste aus einem Aneurysma varicosum eutstanden. II. Aueu- I rysina venosum traumaticuin der Vena femora- lis dextra. 8°. Marburg, 1882. St hrokder (W.) * Das Aneurysma cirsoides. 8 . Breslau, 1676. Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose. Termes (J.-H.) * Contribution a l'e'tiule des anevrysmes arte"rio-veineux. du membre inft- rieur. 4 . Lyon, 1892. Anderson (W.) Varicose aneurysm at bend of el- bow; ligature of radial, ulnar, and brachial arteries after failure of compression ; cure. Lancet, Loud., 1888, ii, 104,_ Arlerio venous varix of face and head. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1882, Peudleburv. Man- Chester, 1883, ii, 116.—Ranks (C. E.) A case of aneuris- mal varix involving the external iliac and femoral vessels with general observations on the disease. Rep. Superv' Surg.-Gen. Mar.-Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1882, 141-150. — Ba. rreiio ( A.) Estirpacion del saco en los aneurismas iirte- riales y arterio-venosos tie los niiembros. Cr6u. med.-quir. dela Habana. 1891, xvii, 571-574. — Bazy. Anevrysme cirsoWe on varice anevrysmale tie la main et du membre superieur droit. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 1363. Alto [Rap. de Routier] : Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par 1889, n. s., xv, 779-785. — Reatson. Arterio-venous aneurism in the right thigh. Glasgow M. J., 1888, xxix, 429-431.—Reneilict (A. L.) Aneurismal varix involving femoral artery antl vein. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1891, lxvii 49-51. — Berger. Anevrisme arterioso-veineux do Tor- bite; communication de l'artere carotide interne aver le sinus caverneux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1881, U.S., vii, 899-902. -----. Des tumeurs cirsoldes arterioles! Praticien, Par., 1882, iv, 556-558. -----. Cas d'auevricnie cirsoide de la main. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par 1884, n. s., x, 309-315.—Reyer (H. G.) Case of varicose aneurism; one of the sinuses of Valsalva communicating with the cavity of the right ventricle. Med. Rec, X. Y 1882, xxi, 200-202.— von Bonsdorff (II. ) Arterielt- veuost aneurysma pa l&ret behaudladt med exstirpation. [Case of arterio-venous aneurysma of thigh treated by ex- tirpation.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1895, xxxvii, 89-93. — Rose (K. C.) Cirsoid aneurism of tho scalp. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1891, xxvi, 148-150.— Rramann (F.) Das arteriell-venose Aneurysma. Ver- handl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1885, xiv, pt. 2, 273-379. Also: Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1886, i, 55-161. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886, xxxiii, 1 - 107. — de Rrainbilln (A.) Dissertation sur I'anevrisme veineux. Actes Acad. c. r. Josephine med.- chir. tie Vieune, Montpel., 1792, i, 100-120.—Brandau ( J. W.) Aneurism by anastomosis. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1892, lxxii, 195-197.—Rranhani (H. H.) Aneurismal varix of the femoral artery and vein following a gunshot wound. Internat. J. Surg., N. T., 1890, iii, 250.—Bronx- ses. Anevrysme cirsoide du poiguet. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 105.— Byrii ( W. A.) Aneurism by anastomosis. Prac- titioner, Bait., 1880, i, 18. — Cahen. Ein Fall vou Aneu- rvsma cirsoides. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889-90, xvi, 199. Aho: Verhandl. d. med. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888-9, Leipz., 1890,205.—Ca rati (J.-M.) Ane- vrysme arterio - veineux de l'artere etde la veine femorale superflcielles ayant subi les modifications suivantes: com- munication de l'artere avec la veine et avec nn sac; suppression de la communication avec le sac; ces- sation de la phlGbarterie; gangrene de la poche; ouver- ture; mort. Bull. Soc. anat, tie Par., 1881, lvi, 706-713. Aho: Programed., Par., 1882, x, 582-584.—Carson (N. B.) Diffused aneurism; ligation of tbe brachial. St. LouisCour. Med.,1883,x, 517-519.—Castex. Anevrysme. arterio-veineux (aorta et artere pulinonaire). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 805. — Cazin ( M.) Varice anevrysmoide irreductible de la sapbene interne au voiai- nage tie son embouchure. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., Wt4, lxix,368-372.—Combalat. Notes sur un cas d'anevrysme arterioso-veineux de l'aisselle. Marseille med., 1879, xvi, 612-619. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Hi, 1003-1005.— Cox (W. J.) Case of aneurismal nrevus successfully treated by ligature. Lancet, Lond., It52. i, 193.—Cresp* (K.i Varices arteriales. Rev. de med. y cirug. priict., Madrid, 1879, iii, 312-314. —Crosslanil (J. C.) A case of aneurism by anastomosis. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1894, xlix, 161-163.—Curtis (B. F.) The treatment of ar- terio-veuous aneurism, with two cases treated bv extirpa- tion. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n. s., ci, 142-158. Also. Reprint.— Oainainville. Aneurism by anastomosis of face and orbit, right side; electrolysis performed on face; ligature of right common carotid artery. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 639. Also : N. York M. J., 1883. xxxviii, 637. — Datnasehino Ac I.avin. Note sur un cas d'ane- vrysme arterioso-veineux de la crosse aortique et de la veine cave superieure. France med., Par., 1882, i, 805; 819. — Davies-Colley (N.) In a case of aneurysmal varix of the thigh of five years' standing treated by oper- ation. Guy's Hosp. Rep.,' Lond., 1888, 3. s.. xxx, 347-364.- Deeanips (H.) Anevrysme arterio-veineux de la femo- rale dans le canal de Hunter. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 188H, lxiii, 603-606.— Decoud (D.)i Aneurisma arteno- venoso. Au. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1894, xvii, 97-105.—Delbet (P.) Anevrysme arterio-veineux ANEUKISM. 447 ANEURISM. Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose. du creux poplite; cure radicale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 36-38. Aho.- Gaz. nied. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 42.— Denuce. Anevrisme cirsoide. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. etchir.de Bordeaux, 1872, 378. [Discussionl, 518-524.— Despres. Anevrisme cirsoide du luediuset dela pulpe de l'indicateur droit;amputatioudu doigt; resection de 4 cen- timetres delacubitalekl'avant-bras. Bull, etmem. Soc.de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 298-303.—Ou fly (F.) Arterio- venous aneurism of the posterior auricular artery. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1883, xi, 329-332. — Duplay (S.) Anevrysme arterio-veineux tie la carotido primitive et de la jugulaire interne. Presse meet., Par., 1895, 493. — Du- piiy. Anevrisme arterioso-veiueux traumatique du pli du coude; compression digitalo; Liuerison. Cnionnied.de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1860, v, 447-450. — B-urbessou. Anevrysme arterio-veineux du sinus caverm-ux et de l'ar- tere carotide interne. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. tl. sc. nied. de Lyon (1892), 1893, xxxii, pt. 2, 24-27. — Kbciiau, Zur Symptomatologie des Aneurysma arterio - veuosum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 19-21.—Edmunds (W.) Case of cirsoid aneurism on the dorsum of the foot; with remarks on the disease. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1885, lxviii,31-36. Aho [Discussion]: Proc. Roy. M. A: Chir. Soc. Lond., 18s~), n. s., i, 282.—Eve (F. S.) A case of so-called aneurism by anastomosis of the ear. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 88-90, 1 pl.—Eaguet. Anevrysme arterio- veineux de l'artere peroniere gauche. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . 'J3. xiv, 43-46. — Ferguson (G. B.) Case of aneurism by anastomosis on tbe bead, treated by ligature of the common carotid artery, and sub- sequent local ligation. Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 608. — Fer- rari (A.) Aneurisma arterioso-venoso traumaticoespon- tanee ; considerazioni anatomo-patologiche e mezzi tera- Seutici. Spallanzaui. Modena, 18~.3, 2. s., xiv, 31-52.— Ferrari (P.) Aneurisma cirsoideo voluminoso della re- gione temporo-parietale destra. In his: Sala chir. . . . d. Osp. magg. di Bergamo, 8°. 1891, 32-41.—Ferrell (H. V.) Spontaneous cure of cirsoid aneurism. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xvii, 127-130. — Forbes (W. S.) Successful treatment of a large cirsoid aneurism of the scalp. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. 663. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1895, xvi, 168.—Fort. Observation d'anevrysme arterio-veineux du cou. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par. (1885), 1886,111-118.—Frusei. Varice aneurismatica del cavo ascellare sinistro in seguito a ferita d' arma da fuoco. Incurabili, Napoli, 1891, vi, 337-342. -----. Aneurisma artero-veuoso del collo (carotide primitiva e giugulare in- terna sinistra); operazione; guarigioue. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1892, ix, 4-12.—Gallerand. Anevrysme arte- rioso-veineux de l'artere et de la veine crurale droites. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1882, xxxviii, 146-153, 1 pl.— Gallozzi (C.) Aneurisma varicoso della femorale. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 562-565. -----. Aneurisma artero- yenoso; gonartrocace. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1883, iv, 34. -----. Aneurisma artero-venoso. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.: Xapoli 1884, n. s., vi. 322-325. — Gehle (H.) Ein Fall vou Amimsma arterio-venosum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 18*7. xxiv, 299-301. — Geschwind. Deux cas d'anevrisme arterioso-veineux traumatique del'aisselle traites par la compression directe unit- a la compression indirecte; un succes et un insucces. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1890, xvi, 296-300.—God win (C. II. Y.) A case of varicose aneurysm of tho femoral artery and vein. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*87, i, 1271. —Gomez Pamo (M.) Aneurismas en la flexura del brazo. An. de ciruj., Madrid, 1882, i, 42-46. Aho.- Siglo metl.. Madrid, ln*2, xxix, 286. Aho [Rev. |: Siglo med., Madrid, 1882, xxix, 430. Also [Rejoinder]: An. de ciruj., Madrid, 1882, i, 171-175.— Goodhart. Aneurysmal varix between splenic artery and vein. Brit. M. J.', Lond., 1889, i, 1056. — Halla (A.) Aneurysma varieosum der Aorta und Vena cava superior. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1882, iii, 122-147.—Hamilton (XV. D.) A case of cirsoid aneurism; ligature of tbe common carotid artery. Tr. Ohio M. Soc,Toledo, 1894. xlix, 158-160. Also: X. York M. J., 1894,lx, 550. — Hawkins (C. H.) Clinical remarks on two cases of aneurism bv anastomosis of the lip. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s , iv, 938-942. Also, inhis: . . . Path. & Surg.Writings, 8°, Loud., 1874, i, 249- 255.—van Iterson. De behandeling van het aneurysma cirsoideum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1888, 2. R., 2. d., xxiv, 345-350.—Jordan (G. P.) Case of aneu- rismal varix. Tr. Hongkong M. Soc, 1^9, i, 135-138.— Kniumcrer (F.) A case of arterio-venous aneurysm of the upper extremity. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 173.— Karewski. Vorstellung eines Knaben mit Aneurysma cirsoideum des Hinterhauptes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 853. — Keen (W. W.) Arterio-venous aneu- rism of the common carotid artery and internal jugular veins; double ligature of both vessels; recovery. Am. J. Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose. M. Sc, Phila,, 1892, n. s., ciii, 613-617.—Keyes, Hutchin- son (J. C), [et al.]. [Discussion] on arterio-venous aneu- rism. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1881, xx, 159-161. — Keyes (E. L.) Arterio-venous aneurism. Virginia M. Month., Rich- mond, 1881-2, viii, 645-659. Also, Reprint. — Kotschau (J.) Ein Fall eines operativ geheilten, grossen Aneu- rysma cirsoide?. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., I8'.t3, xix, 125-127. — l.adroitte. Anevrysme' cir- soide; abces du cerveau. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, 4. s., vii, 13-16.— I, nnnelongiie. An6vrysme cirsoide da cou, de la fate, du plancher do la boucho et de la langue, trHite par la methodo selerogeue. Bull. m6d., Par., 1896, x, 39. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., lf-96, cxxii, 18-23. Aho: Rev. do therap. med.-chir., Par., 1896, lxiii, 35-38.—Cewpinasse. Anevrysme cirsoide du cuir che- velu. Bull. Soc. d'anat, et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 105.—iTIneConnell. Venous aneurismal sac removed from a Hindoo male. Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1880, i, 173- 175.—IVIneCormick (A.) Aneurism by anastomosis, involving tin- occipital, posterior auricular", and temporal arteries. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 39-41.— .flaefarlane (J.) Aneurism by anastomosis—tumour pendulous—cured by temporary ligature. In his: Clin. Rep. Surg. Pract. Glasg. Roy. Infirm., 8°, Glasgow, 1832, 23. -----. Aneurism by anastomosis; ligature of the tumour. Ibid., 24. — illcl.eod (K.) Traumatic venous aneurysm; iueision; ligation of vein ; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 1067.—Markoe (T. M.) A case of cirsoid aneurysm treated by simultaneous ligature of the external carotids. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 301. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 270.—IHayne (R.) On spontaneous varicose aneurism. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xvi, 257- 269, 2 pl. Aho, Reprint. — Ulenocal (R.) Aneurisma arterio-venoso del brazo derecho; extirpacion del saco; curacion. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1889,161.—Meyer (W.) Excision of cirsoid aneurysm of the temporal re- gion. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 214. — Morales Perez. Aneurisma cirsoideo situado en las regiones occipital, pa- rietal y mastoidea. Rev. de cien. m6d., Barcel., 1881, vii, 247.—Jlynter (H.) Extensive cirsoid aneurism of scalp obliterated by multiple ligatures. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 93-95.—Paulicky (A.) Aneurysma cirsoideum mehrerer Eudaste der Carotis dextra. Deutsche mil.- iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 18-<2, xi, 255. Aho, in his: Ueber congen. Missbild., 8^, Berl., 1882, 33.—Pepper (W.) & Griffith (J. P. C.) Varicose aneurisms of the aorta and superior vena cava. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1890, v, 45-80. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1890, n. s., c, 329- 357. Also, Reprint.—Petit (L.-H.) An6vrysme arterio- veineux de la carotide primitive et de la jugulaire interne. [Rev. crit.l Rev. do chir., Par., 1885, v, 239-251.—Pick (T. P.) Clinical lecture on a case of arterio-venous aneu- rysm. Med. Times i Gaz., Loud., 1883, ii, 677. — Plu- yette (E.) Des anevrysmes arterio-veineux de la carotide primitive et de la jugulaire-iuterne. Rev. de chir., Par., 1886, vi, 275-288.— Polaillon. Rapport sur une observa- tion d'anevrisme arterio-veiueux devenu purement art. M. & S. J.. 1829, xxxi, 66-72, I pl. Aho, Reprint.—Thorndike (AV. H.) Cirsoid aneurism of the forearm; ligature aud excision of brachial artery for secondary hemorrhage; pya>mia; diphtheria; death. Metl. &. Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1882, 3. s., 262— TichoflT (C.) Aneurysma cir- soi'des nasi. Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1894, iv, 226-243.— Trelat. Anevrisme arterio-veineux do la cuisse gauche, traumatique; compression directe et indirecte; transfor- mation en an6vrisme arteriel; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 332-334. -----. Ane- vrysme aiterio-veineux des vaisseaux poplite.-;; extirpa- tion; guerison. Ibid.. 1889, n. s., xv, 153-157.—Turner (G. R.) A case of aneurysm by anastomosis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xxvii, i60-162. Aho [Abstr.l: Lancet, Loud., 1894, i, 864.—Tyson (W. J.) Traumatic aneurism of the scalp. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 987-989.—Ver- neuil. Anevrisme arterio-veineux ducreux poplite. Se- maine med., Par., 1882, ii, 81.—Wagner (A.) Ueber das arterielle Raukeu-Augiom an der oberen Extremitiit. Beitr. z. kliu. Chir., Tubing.. 1891, xi, 49-79.—vou Wahl (E.) Exstirpation eines arteriell-veuiisen traumatischen Aueurysmas von den grossen Gefassen des Oberschenkels; Heilung. St. Petersb! med. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 53-55.— Wedeliinil (G.) Ein Fall von Aneurysma arterio-veno- sutu traumaticuni der linksseitigen Scliliisselbeingefasse. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 257. — Weiss (W.) Aneurysma cirsoideum regionis temporalis dexlrae. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1880), 1882, 101. -----. Aneurysma cirsoid frontis. Ibid., (1881), 1883, 168— Widenmann (A.) Aneurysma arte- riovenosum (Varix aneurysmaticus) der oberen Extremi- tat. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1893, x, 349-368, 1 pl.— Wood (J.) A case of arterio-venous aneurism of the scalpof thirty years'standing; operation; cure; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 255.—Wright (G. A.) Cirsoid aneurysm; excision; recovery. Ibid., 1888, i, 669.—Wyeth (J. A.) Varicose aneurism of the hand. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 684. — Zoegc von ITIauteuflel. De- monstration eines Praparates von Aneurysma aiterioso- venosam ossificans der Art. femoralis profunda. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1*95, xxiv, 167-170. Aho [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxiv, 147. Aneurism in children. Silberman (A.) * Die diffuse Sklerose der Aorta, nebst Bernerkuugeu iiber das Tractions- aueurysma der Kinder. S-\ Dorpat, 1691. Bose (K. C.) Traumatic aneurism in a child under one year. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 209.—Jacobi (A.) Aneurism in early life. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1888-9 [ Phila.], 1890, i, 227-237. Aho: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1890', vii, 161-171. Aho: Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890. Berl., 1891, ii, 6. Abth., 1.5-24. Aho. Reprint.—Keen (W. W.) Two cases of aneurism in girls of eighteen and eight years of age; with a list of reported cases under twenty years of age. Med. News. Phila., leS7 li, 725- Aneurism in children. 729.—Mac Keen (R. A. H.) Aneurism of the aorta in a child of four and a half years. Med. News, Phila.,18!i2, lxi, 272. Aho: Practitioner's Month., Kingston, N.Y, 181)2-3 i, 262.—Moore iN.) Aneurysms in children. Tr. Path! Soc. Lond., 18*2-3. xxxiv, 71. — Pendin (A.) Ein Fali |von Aneurysma aortae ascendentis bei einem 12jaliri^-en Madchen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, n. F., vii, 195. —Rie (O.) Aneurysma der Aorta ascendens bei einem Sjahrigen Kinde. Mitth. d. Wien. metl. Doct.-Coll., 1889, xv, 134.—Roger (H.) Observation d'anevrysme de l'aorte chez un enfant de dix ans. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop de Par. (1861-5), 1865. v, 499-503.—Sarnie. De l'anevrysme de l'aorte et de l'atberomasie aortique dans l'eiifiincf. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1887, v, 56-63.—Smith (A. A.) Aneurism of the aorta in a b<>v, aged eighteen Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 349.—Thibierge (G.) Ane^ vrysme de la crosse de l'aorte chez une jeune lille de 17 ans. France med., Par., 18-1, ii. 913-917. Aho: Bull. Soc. clin. dePar. (1881), 18j-2, v. 212 217.—Voelcker (A.F.) Aneu- rysm of the aortic valve in a child. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xiv, 51.—Willett (E.) Aneurysm (?) of aorta in a child of four. Ibid., 1891-2, xliii, 38-40. Aneurisms (Abdominal). See Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal); Aneu- risms ofi cozliac axis; Aneurisms ofi gastric arte- ries: Aneurisms of hepatic artery; Aneurisms of mesenteric artery; Aneurisms of renal artery; Aneurisms ofi splenic artery. Aneurisms (Aortic). See, also, Aneurism in children; Aneurisms (Intrathoracic); Aorta (Dilatation ofi); Aorta (Rupture of). Becker (L.) * Ueber das Aortenaneurvsma. 8°. Miinchen, 1871. Browxe (O.) Aneurysms of the aorta, with especial reference to their position, direction, aud effects. H:. London, 186b. de la Cueva(A.) Contribution a l'6tude dea an^vrysnies de l'aorte; des an6vrysines multi- ples. 4°. Paris, 1861. Dekowski (C. [G. F.]) * Ueber Aortaaneu- rysmen. 8C. Greifswald, 1894. Gotz (A.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Aor- tenaneurysmen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Guigon (B.) * Contribution a l'6tude des anevrysmes de la crosse de l'aorte. 4. Paris, 1693. Imans. Bijdrage tot de kenuis van de aneu- rysmata der arteria aorta descendeus. 8-. [n, p., n. d.] Koelschtzky (F.) * Em Beitrag zur Lehre von den Aneurisuien der Aorta thoracica. :". Marburg, 1886. Legkxdre (P. E.) * Anevrysmes spontanea de l'aorte ascendante. [Paris.] 4°. Le Mans, 1863. Moore (W.) On the diagnosis and treatment of thoracic aneurism. 8-. [n. p., n. d.] Noverre (G.-P.) * Sur les an^vrismes de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1620. -----. The same. e°. Paris, 1820. Petrovitch (S.) * Contribution a l'6tude des anevrysmes diffus conse"cutifs de l'aorte et par- ticulieremeut des anevrysmes diffus thoraciques. 4C. Paris, 1690. -----. Thesame. 8 . Paris, 1890. Schelle (A.) * Zur Casuistik des Aneurysma der Aorta descendeus. cP. Wiirzburg, 1-93. Simon (P.) * Quelques faits d'ane'vrysmes de l'aorte. 4°. Nancy, 18k2. Sterx (B.) * De aneurysmate arcus aortse. [Gottingen.] 8°. Vienna, 1857. Vallois (F.) * Des anevrysmes de l'aorte tho- racique descendants. 4°. Paris, 1864. Verbrugge (J.) *De aneurysmate: oblata, notabile aorta? aneurysma divulgaudi, occasione. 4-. Lugd. Bat., 1773. Yielle (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des ane- vrysmes de l'aorte tlioracique. 4r. Bordeaux, 1889. ANEURISMS. U\) ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic). "Wendt (G. ) * Ueber Aneurysma der Brust- aorta mit Berucksichtiguug zweier Fiille. 8°. Berlin, [1674]. Ail a mi (J. G.) Aneurism of lower end of the thoracic aorta. Montreal M. J., 1895-C, xxiv, 87-9(1. -----. Aneu- rism of the arch of the aorta. Ibid., 410-413. — Augyau (B.) Ein interessanter Fall von Aneurysma aortse. IVst. med.-eliir. Presse, Budapest, 1895, xxxi, 402. — Aortic aneurisms; their present status with regard to treatment, medical and surgical. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1895-G, xxviii, 82; 118. — Babcork (R. H.) Aneurism of the as- cending aorta. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., iii, 105- 112.— Bernard. Anevrysme de la crosse do l'aorte. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol.. . . de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 1-7.— Ton Breuning (G.) "Feber die Casuistik der Aorta- Aneurysmen. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1888, xxiii, 13.— Bristow (A. T.) Aortic aneurisms; their present status with regard to treatment, medical and surgical. Brooklyn H.J., 1895, ix, 611-627.—C'ontribiirao para o estudo dos aneurysmas da aorta. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1890-91, 4. s., i, 97-107.—Crawford (Sarah M.) A case of aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 263.— Cur§chiuann (H.) Besserungs- und Heilungsvoreange bei Aneurysmen der Brustaorta. Arb. a. d. med. Klin, zu Leipz., 1893, 275-293.—B-ieulafoy. Quelques considera- tions sur l'anevrysme aortique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 417 ; 434. —Esquerdo (P.) Diagnostico y terapeutica de los anenrismas aorticos. Rev. de med., ciruj. y farm., Barcel., 1890, iv, 156-164. —Foot (A. W.) Thoracic aneurism. JAbstr.l Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, 3. s., lxviii, 404-410.—Oiol del Valle (I.) Aneurismas de la aorta. Siglo med., Madrid, 1894, xii, 306; 322; 342.— Goldenberg ( B.) Zur Casuistik der Aortenaueurys- men. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1891, n. F., viii, 363.— Good li art (J. P.) A clinical lecture on aneurysm of the arch of the aorta. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vi, 1-6.—Gi-im- ghaw (T. W.) Aortic aneurism. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875-7, n. s., vii, 153-155, 1 pl. — Heiulein ( H.) Zur Anatomie der Aortenbogen-Aneurvsmen. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1S89, iii, 1505-1508.—Herrick (J. B.) Aneurism of the aorta; thoracic aneurism; abdominal aneurism. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., iii, 113-121.— James (P.) Death from a ruptured aortic aneurism. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1895, viii, 76, 1 pl. — Johnson (Gr.) On thoracic and abdominal aneurysm. Med. Exam., Lond.. 1876, i, 203. Also, in hh: Med. Lect. & Essays, 8°, Lond., 1887, 559-587.—Kohler (A.) TJeber Aneur\ sma arcus aortse. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1888, xxviii, 245-249. — Litten (M.) Aortic aneurism; a case of tumor within the thorax; remarks on aneurism of the aorta and its treatment. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 70-81.—ITIatani (A.) De aneurysmaticis praecor- diorum morbis animadversiones juxta exemplar Liburnium reensa?. In: Script lat. de aneurys. collect., 4°, Argent., 1785, 235-358. — .Tieudez (J.) Aneurismas de la aorta. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892, i, 322-329.—Mcy (E.) Zur Casuistik des Aortenaneurysmas. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1893, n. F., x, 321.—IViua Rodrigues. Os aneurismas da aorta na Bahia. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1891 -2, 4. s., ii. 9; 62. — Pansini (S.) Sopra un caso di aneurisma dell' aorta. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1895, n. s., xvii, 481-497. — Pappc (G.) Sull' aneurisma del! aorta toracica. [Transl.1 Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 593-595. — Pel (P. EL.) Aneurysma aortse. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2, 1073-1D76, 1 pl. — Piazza-Tlarlini (V.) Contributo alio studio degli aneurismi del! aorta endotoracica. Sici- liamed., Palermo, 1890, ii, 28; 89.—Powell (R. D.) Re- marks on the diagnosis and treatment of aneurysm of the aorta. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 4-8. [Discussion]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1336; 1394. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1228; 1283.—Puppe (G.) Untersuchungen iiber das Aneurysma der Brustaorta. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 854; 874.—Raymond (F.) Anevrysme de l'aorte. Progres med.. Par., 1882, x, 885; 923.—Romero (J. M.) Aneurismas de la aorta tordcica. Monitor med., Lima, 1888-9, iv, 11; 27.—See (G.) Des anevrysmes de l'aorte. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 2. »., xx, 275-295. — Serre*. Observations sur les ane- vrismes de l'aorte. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, i, 77.— Serullaz. Considerations sur les anevrismes de l'aorte et particulierement sur ceux de sa portion descendante. J. de med. de Lyon, 1864, ii, 26-36.—Sourris (J.) Con- tribution k l'etude des anevrysmes de la crosse de l'aorte. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxii, 399-422. — .Stewart (J.) The diagnosis and treatment of intrathoracic aneurism. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, 49-54.— Taylor (S.) Post-graduate lecture on aneurysm of the, arch. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s.. lix, 663-665.—Tyson (J.) Remarks on aneu- rism of the aorta. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 162-164. — Villani (G.) Contributo alio studio degli aneurismi dell aorta. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 3, 433; 446; 459; 471 -Wilson (A. C.) Aneurysm of the aortic arch in a young woman; necropsy. Lancet, Loud.. 1895, i, 990.—Zavadski (Z. A.) Aneurysma aottse ascendentis. Protok. zasaid. guber. zemsk. vrach. soveta • ■ Kursk. 1887, iv 185-193. 29 Aneurism* (Aortic, Cases of). Arnaud-Esi'axiion (A.-M.) * Kecherches sur nn fait d'anatomie pathologique. 4J. Stras- bourg, an N [1602]. Ceccarel(M.) * Dell'aneurismo dell' aorta toracica, con tie casi clinici della detta malattia. [Padua.] 8°. Treviso, 1862. Chiarugi (V.) Lettera di . . . scritta all' Au- tonioDurazziui. 12°. Firenze, 1783. Gijsbertus van iterson (F. H.) 'Aneu- rysma van den rechter sinus Valsalva? der aorta. 8J. Leiden, [1871]. Hooymaxn (J.) * Ein Fall von Aorteubogen- aneurysma. 8°. Bonn, [1890]. Lettre 6crite a Monsieur . . . sur la maladie de Madame . . . [an6vrisme de l'aorte]. 16°. Parts, 1710. Littre. Observation von einem Pulsaderge- schwulste. (Auevrysma.) 8°. [n. p., 1707.] Cutting [believed to be]/rom; K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Paris. Phys. Abhandl. 1692-1741, Bresl., 1707, iii. med. Th., 97-106, 1 pl. [See, aho, infra.) Loreta (U.) Di un aneurisma dell' aorta ascendente. 8°. Bologna, 1893. Mina' Morici (G.) Su d' una aneurisma dell' arco dell' aorta. Memoria letta all' Accademia Peloritana li 14 marzo 1836. 8°. Napoli, 1836. Repr.from: Filiatre-sebezio, Napoli, 1836. de Perrot (A. E.) *Over een geval van aneurysma van den arcus aorta?. [Utrecht.] 8J. Amsterdam, 1869. Stephani (A.) * Ein Fall von Aneurysma der Aorta thoracica. 8°. Gottingen, 1864. Valcarenghi (P.) De aortse aneurysmate observationes binae cum animadversionibus. S-. Cremona, 1741. Werner (J.) * Aneurysma verum aorta? as- cendentis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Anderson (J.) Clinical and therapeutical notes of two cases of aortic aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 12-14.— Anderson (McC.) Abstract of a clinical lecture upon a case of aneurism ofthe arch of the aorta; fatal from haem- orrhage. GlasgowM. J., 1883, xix, 60-63.—Aneurism at the junction of the transverse with the descending portion of the arch of the aorta. Med. Rec, N. T., 1879, xvi, 488.— Aneurism of aorta; five cases thoracic, one case ab- dominal. Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp. 1884-5, Wash., 1885,140-142.—Aneurism; thoracic aorta. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 258-263, 2 pl.— Aneurism of aorta; fatal cases, with necropsies. Ibid., 1890-91, xix, 213-217.—Anglesio (M.) Sopra sei casi di aneurismi spontanei dell' aorta ascendente; studio critico. Osservatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 801; 817. — Aortic aneu- risms. [Five cases.] Bellevue & Char. Hosp. Rep., X. Y., 1870, 342-344.—Archer (R. S.) Clinical remarks ou an interesting case of aneurism of the descending aorta. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 47. — As- wieeff (V. I.) Sluch. anevrizmy voschod. chasti i dugi aorty. [Case of aneurism of ascending part and arch of aorta.] Protok. zasaid. guber. zemsk. vrach. soveta . . . , Kursk, 1886, iii, 157-168. — von Bamberger. Aneu- rysma der Aorta ascendens. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 18*4, xxix, 322. — Banks (J. T.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1862-5, n. s., ii, 81. -----. Aneurism of the aorta. Ibid., 188-192. -----. Aneurism of the aorta. Ibid., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 133. -----. Aneu- rism of the thoracic aorta. Ibid., 241. — Barbon (L.) An6vrysme de la portion terminate de la crosse de l'aorte et de l'aorte thoracique. Bull. Soc anal, de Par., 1884, lix, 171. Also: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 721.— Barker (A. M.) A case of aneurism of thoracic aorta. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 451-455.— Bean. Aneurism of aorta. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 624.— Bennett (E. H.) Thoracic aneurism springing from the aorta, at its origin from the heart. Proc. rath. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 141-143, 2 pl.—Bcrgeuson (I. Y.) K kazuistiko aortalnich anevrizm. Soobsh. i protok. S.-Pe- terb. med. Obsh., 1884, i, 341-344. — Bernard. Ane- vrysme de la crosse de l'aorte. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 533.—Be*aneon. An6vrysme de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.,'1891, lxvi, 194. — Biggs (3. M.) Some observations on aortic aneurisms, with report of cases and autopsies. Med. Rec, N. T., 1888, xxxm, 365-367. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889,n. s., xcvn, 219- 229.—Itimar. ' Note.sur un anevrysme de la crosse do l'aorte. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1880, u, 471- 473.—Blake (J. G.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, cv, 129. -----. Aneurism of ascending aorta. Ibid., 1884, ex, 61. —Botkin (S. P.) ANEUPJSMS. 450 AN E UK I SMS. Aneurism* (Aortic, Cases of). Ob anevrizmacb voschodjatshei aorti; lektsii. [On aneu- rvsm of the ascending aorta: lecture.] Ejened. klin. i'\\7. St. Petersb., 1**4, iv, 273: 289: 305. Aho, in his: Kliu. lektsii, St. Petersb., 1885. no. 1, 110-133.— Boiil- lot-lie (IV) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte; acres dr suffocation: ti ac iienTomie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888. lxiii, 640-642. — Boyer. Anevrysme de la ciosse de l'aorte. Ibid.. 18-17, xxii, 381-391. — Brakenridjje (D. J.) Clinical lecture on illustrative cases of thoracic and abdominal aneurism. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 18,9 ii, 467-470.—Bramwcll (B.) Cases of aneurism of the aorta. Rep. I'roc Xorthumb. & Durham M. Soc. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1*70-7, 58-76, 1 chart. -----. Case of aneurism of the thoracic aorta, in which the tumour pro- jected for seven or eight year.s through the front of the thorax, the patient during this period following his em- ployment as the foreman of a lame manufactory. Edinb. M. J. 1887-8, xxxiii, 831-895. Also: Stud. clin. nied., Edinb., 1889-90, i, 123-125. -----. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Stud. clin. med., Edinb.. 1889-90, i, 104; 107.—Breflfeil. Anevrysme de la portion ascendante et transverse de la crosse'de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1893, xiv, 199.—Bi-esslcr (F. C.)' Report of case and exhibition of specimen of aneurism of arel: ot aorta. Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1892, xxvii, 731. — Bi-oadbcnt. Aneurism of the arch of the aorta; symptoms of pressure on the trachea and recurrent laryngeal nerve; relieved. Med. Times p., Milano, 1893, xiv, 339- 341.—Cardarelli (A.) Aneurisma dell' aortaesplicatosi nella regione sinistra del collo. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1880, vii, 68-71.—[Cases.] tt Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Heilk., Hamb., 1830, i, 378-386, 1 pl.—Castex. Ane- vrvsme de l'aorte ascendante. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1879, liv, 806.—(hapl (J.) Nephrite interstitielle; ane- vrvsme de la crosse de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii. 789— Char ties (I. S.) Sacculated false aneu- rism of the thoracic aorta below the termination of the arch. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s.. iv, 233-242.— Chavalit*. Observation d'anevrysme de l'aorte tkora- cique. Loire med.. St.-Etienne, 1882, i, 33-:;5.—Cilley (J. L.) A specimen of aneurism of the descending thoracic aorta. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1881. n. s., vii. 133.— Clarke (J. M.) A caso of varicose aneurysm of the as- cending aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 155.—Clay (W. R.) An extensive aneurism. Austral. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1887, vii, 59.—Collins. Aneurism ofthe intra-pericardial por- tion ofthe aorta: sudden death from rupture; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., k-s;(, ii, 327.—C'ominger (J. A.) Clinical lecture on aneurism of ascending aorta. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1889-90, xvi. 339-344.—Coneato (L.) Un aneurisma all' aorto ascendente. Gior. cl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1881, 3. s., xxix, 155 - 176.— Coskery. Three specimens of aneurism ot' aorta. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3. ix, 470.—Crook (J. K.) Thoracic aneurism. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890, xxi, 381-384.—Da Costa (J. M.) Aortic aneurism. Med. Rec, N. T., 1880 xvii 221-223.—Degli Occhi (C.) Aneurisma dell' arco dell' aorta. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1892, v, 33-42. Also. Reprint.—Delafield (F.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta; a clinical lecture. Med. Gaz., N. T., 1883, x. 169- 171.— Delavan. Aneurism of arch of aorta. Med. Rec, X". Y., 1880, xviii, 102.—De Benzi (E.) Aneurisma sac- c-iforme periferico dell' arco aortico. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Xapoli. 1883, iv, 83-85. -----. Aneurioiua dell' aorta ascendente e dell'arco aortico; ipertrofia concentiica del ventrieolo sinistro; autopsia. Ibid., 1885. vi. 0">.—Desir «le Foi-tuuet ill.) Note sur un cas d\mevrysnie de laorte. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se. med.de Lyon (1886), 1887, xxvi. pt, 2, 118-122. Also: Lyon med., 1886, Hi, 479-483.—Didion. Anevrvsme de laorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1882. 4. s., vii, 106. —Donnelly (C.) Aneu- rism of the arch of the aorta. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1886, xxix. 2o9.—Drei Fiille von Aortenaneurysma. Rev. .1. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1875. Wien, 1876', 202- 207.—Drozda. Aneurysma aortse ascendentis mit sehr betrachtlichen Stauungszustiiuden, gegen welche sich nur Aneurism* (Aortic, Cases of). die Calomeltherapie erfolgreich erwies;Tod. Jahrb d Wien. k. k.Krankenanst. (1892), 1893, i, 803-805.—Dubois' Cas d'anevrisme de la crosse de l'aorte. Ann. Soc. d'anat" path.deBrux., 1880, xxix, 55-61.—Du Cazal. Anevrysnie j de l'aorte; mort par asphyxie. Union med., Par.,188'' I 3. s., xxxiv, 1071-1073. Also: Bull, et mem' So"' med. d. hop. de Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s., xix, 228-231.-|»H. champ. Anevrysme de l'aorte. Mem. Soc. <1. sc in.. de Lyon (1871), 1872, xi, pt. 2, 104-109.—Dmiavmii (H. C.) Sacculated aneurism of thoracic aorta. Mis sissippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1884, iv, 15:;._ Duneau (J. F. ) Aneurism of the thoracic' aorta Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1859-62, n. s., i, 147. _____. Tim' racic aneurism. Ibid., 1861-2, n. s., i, 243-245.—Durnml (E.-P.) Observation d'anevrysme de 1'origine de laorte. Meni. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1883), 1884 xxiii, pt,2,109-117. Also.- Lyon nied., 1883^ xliii, 52(i-533._ Diii-iiiiil-Fai'iliI (R.) Anevrysme de l'aorte en arrien- d'une valvule sygmoi'de. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 188!! lviii, 380-388. Also: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 314.—1 Durich. Caso notable de aneurisma de la aorta tordcica. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1890, xvi, 100-101.—Euiiu-»i Aneurism of the aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., lMi«-71, n. s., iv, 155-157.—Ekecrantz (W.) Fall af anenrvsm' Svens. Lak.-Siillsk. n. Handl.. Stockholm, 1885, 73-76.- Eliot (L.) Aneurism of the ascending arch ofthe aorta. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 841-840.— Esliner (A. A.) Large aneurism of the thoracic aorta Med. Xews. Phila., 1892, lxi, 494. Aho. Reprint. — En* (H.) Aortic aneurism. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1881, i, 105-108.—FeilclienfeliL Aneurysma der Aorta abdominalis. Verhandl.d.Berl. med.Gesellsch. (1894), 1895. xxv, pt. 1, 81).—Fellows (H. B.) & Craw- ford (A. K.) A case of thoracic aneurism. Clinique Chicago 1886, vii, 377-385.—Ferguson (F.) Aneurism ofthe arch ofthe aorta. Med Rec. N. V.. 1883, xxiii. 388. -----. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1887), 1888, 155- 157. —Finlay (D. W.) Case of aneurism of the ascending aorta. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1882, xv, 151-156.—Finny (J. M.) Aneurism of the de, scending aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vii, 6-11. -----. Aneurism of the aorta'. Ibid., 18-23. ----. Thoracic aneurism. Ibid., 1877-80, n. s., viii, 113-115.— Flctt (W. S.) Intra-thoracic aortic aneurism ofthe third part of the arch. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1**~>, n. s., vii, 248-252. —Foot (A. W.) Thoracic aneurism. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1877-80, n. s., viii, 115. -----. Thoracic aneurism. Ibid., 125.—Foy (M.) Aneurism of the aorta. Ibid., 1875-7, n. a., vii. 4-6.—Freeman (R. G.) Aneu- rism of the arch of the aorta. Proc. N. Tork Path. Soe. (1890), 1891, 38. — Fuentes (J. B. ) Aneurisma volumi- noso de la aorta descendente (porcion tordcica). Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1889, 53. —Fussell (M. H.) Aneu- rism of thoracic aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, 108-110.—Gaston (J. McF.) A case of aneurism of tbe arch of the aorta. Internat. Clin., Phila,, 1893, 3. s., i, 115- 121. — Gee (S.) Aneurism of the ascending part of the arch of the aorta taking the natural position of the heart. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1894, xxx, 1-4— Gennuell ( S.) & Ntcven (L.) Specimen of aneurysm of the arch of the aorta. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv, 155- 157. — Gintrac (E.) Observation sur un anevrisme de I l'artere aorte. In his: M6m. et obs. de med. clin., 8°, Bor- deaux, 1830, 101 -107.—CUuck (T.) Ueber zwei Falle von Aortenaneurysmen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Naht der Blutgefasse. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1882, xi, pt. 2, 198-205, 1 pl. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1882, xxviii, 548-555, 1 pl.—Godfrey (J. G.) Fusiform aneurism of the aorta; extracted from the mia utes of the Mobile Medical Society, Dec. 6, 1879. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1880, xxxiii. 398-400.—Good- ridge (H. F. A.) Ill effects of a small aneurism of the aortic arch illustrated. Bristol M.-Chir. .T-. 1887. v. 3U- i 36. — Goi-dinici- ( H. C. ) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Med. Rec, N. V., 1888, xxxiii. 635.-----• Aneu- rism of the thoracic aorta, with necropsy. Med. >ews, N. V., 1896, lxviii, 205. — Gordon (S.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Duhl.. 1862-5, n. s.,n, 13. -----. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Ibid., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 141. — Grant (J. A.) Case of aneurism of the tho- racic aorta, Canada M. & S. J., Mont real, 1885-6, xiv, 193- 196. — Greene (J. S.) Aneurism of the arch of the aortii. Boston M. & S. J., 1888, cxviii, 273.—de la Guanlin (V.) Caso notable de aneurisma de la aorta ascendente i y del cayado. An. r. Acad, dc cien. med. . . . de la Ha bana, 1887-8, xxiv, 114-117. — Gudilen (R. <-'•). > c»8e of aortic aneurism, and one of aortic endarteritis, witu autopsies. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xiii, 491 -493.- Guinon (L.) Deux anevrysmes de l'aorte ascendante. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 438-443. - Gupta (K. P.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 224. — Hadden (A.) Aneurism oi the thoracic aorta. Tr. N. Tork Path. Soc. 18.-1, 2. »■■ i. 50-52.—Haig (A.) Intrapericardial aneurysm oi aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 183. - Hall (F. de H.) Intrathoracic aneurysm. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1885, i, 131-133.-----Case of aneurism ANEUEISMS. 451 AXEUKIS3IS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). of the aorta. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1886, ix, 195-205.— Hamilton (J.) [Aneurism of the arch of the aorta.] Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 163-165.—Ham- nio nil (0. N.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 544.—Hare (H. A.) Two cases of thoracic aneurism. Med. Rec, N. T.. 1886. xxix, 558.— Ilnnnrd. Case of intra-thoracic aneurism; treatment of pleural effusion. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 985— Hay- den (T.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta. Proc Path. Soe. Dubl., 1862-5, n. s., ii, 173-177. -----. Aneurism of the aorta. Ibid.. 1865-8, n. s., iii, 32-36, 1 pl. -----. Aneu- rism of the thoracic aorta. Ibid., 1868-71, u. s., iv, 3-6. _____Aneurism of the false consecutive kind, engaging the upper part of the arch of the aorta. Ibid., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 159-162. -----• True aneurism of the aorta. Ibid., 1875-7 n. s.. vii, 14-16. -----. Intra-thoracic aneurism. Ibid., 145-147.—Hebb (H. G.) & Wills i\Y. A.) Three cases of aneurysm of the aorta. Westminst. Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1890, vi, 111-123. — Heuiiue. Et Tilfelde af Media'stinalsvulst (Aneurisma arcus aorta;). Biblioth. f. Larger, Kjobenh., 1870, 5. R„ xx, 113-123.—Henry (F. P.) Intrathoracic aneurism. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 104. -----. Sacculated aneurism of aortic arch. Ibid., 1889-91, xv, 147.—Hinsdale (G.) Case of aneu- rism of the arch of the aorta. I bid. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 90.— Hirsclifelder (J. O. i Thoracic aneurism. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, 55-73. 2 pl.—Hogerstcdt (A.) Ein selteuer Fall von Aneurysma aorta; ascendentis. St. Petersb. nied. Wchnschr., 1889. n. F., vi, 147; 157.— Hoferer (F. P.) Aneurysma aorte. (2 Falle.) Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen, 1886, iii, 67-70.— Holmes (\V. A.) Aortic aneurysmal dilatation, rupture. cause, and necropsy. Lancet, Loud., 1886, ii 814. — How- ship. Case of aneurism of the aorta. Med.-Chir. .1. ..v Rev., Lond.. 1816, ii, 94-96.—Jaccoud (S.) Sur uu cas d'anevrysme de l'aorte ascendante. In his: Lecons de clin. med., 83, Par.. 1885, 129-161. Also, transl.: E.jeui. jour, prakt. med.. St. Petersb., 1887, iii. 1-24. -----. Deux cas d'anevrysme de l'aorte ascendante. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1886, lix, 718.------. Anevrysmes aortiques. In his: Lee. de clin. med. 1885-6, 8°, Par., 1887. 518-551. -----. Auc-viistne de l'aorte. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90. i. 749-751. -----. Anevrysme de l'aorte ascendante. Semaine med., Par., 1890, x, 182. Aho: France med., Par., 18-J0, xxxvii, 513-515. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1890, iv, 321; 329.—Jelks (X. P.) A case of aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Med. Age, Detroit. 1893, xi, 393-396.— Jennin«s (W. B.) Aortic aneurism. I'roc. Path. Soc. Dubl.. 1805- 8, n. s., iii, 253-258, 1 pl.—Johnson (G.) A clinical lect- ure on aneurysm of the aorta. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii, 875-878.—Johnson (il.) Case of aneu- rism of the descending aorta. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1884, Loud., 1886, xxvi, 365. — Kant (A.') Ac Bum pel (T.) Aneurysma des Anfangsteiles der Aorta. In their: Path.- anat. Tafeln . . . Hamb. Staatskrankenh., Wandsbek- Hamb., 1892, Hft. 2, 1 pl. (ci). Aho, transl. in their: Illust. Path. Anat,. fol., Lond., 1893, c, pl. no. 1, with text.— Kennedy (H.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, 2o4.—Kiemaim. Aneurysma aorta? ascendentis: Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880, 392. -----. Aneu- rysma aortse ascendentis: vitium cordis; Tod. Ibid. ("1883), 1884, 331-333.—Kioenig. Ein heme: ken-worther Fall von Aneurysma des Aorti-nbogens. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 390—Lajjana ill.) Un caso d'aneurisma della pa i etc posieiioie < 1 • - i 1 aorta. Movi- mento, Napoli, 1884, xvi, 12-20.—Landonzy. Histoire d'un anevrysme de l'aorte. France med., Par., 1884. ii, 1409-1412.—Lang. Sluchai anevrizmi dugi aorti. Pro- tok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt, 1883, 45-50.— Langc (J. C.) [Three cases of thoracic aneurism.] Internat. Clin , Phila., 1892, iv, 39-45.—Law (R.) True aneurism of the ascending aorta. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1852-8,235-237. -----. [Aneurism of tbe ascending aorta.] Ibid., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 157-160.—Lees. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Ibid., 1852-8, 9.—Lepidi - Chioti (G.) Aneurisma aortico. Ann. clin. cl. osp. incur., Napoli. 1881, vi, 179-186. — Lepiuc. Anevrysme de l'aorte. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1890), 1891, xxx, pt. 2, 272-274. -Levy (R.) Report of a case of aneurism of the aorta. Denver M. Times, 1893-4, xiii, 370.—Lewis (B.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta; autopsy. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xviii, 34-36.— Leyden. Ein Praparat von einem Aneurysma des Aor- tenbogeus. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1877-8), In 9. ix, 34.—Litten. Fall von ungewohnlich grossem Aortenaneurysma, welches weniger der Circulations - Er- scheinungen weiren Interesse verdient, als namentlich wegen seiner Form uud seines Sitzes. Ibid. (1892), 1893, xxiii, pt. 1, 35. — Little ( T. E.) [ Aneurism of the thoracic aorta.] Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 153.—Littre. Observation sur un ane- vrisme. Hist, Acad. roy. d. sc. 1707, Amst, 1708, Mem., 21-31. 1 pl. -----. Snr un anevrisme vrai. Ibid., 1712, Amst, 1715, Mem., 102-112. —Loomia (A. L.) Thoracic aneurism without cardiac hypertrophv; compression of trachea; death from asthenia. N. York M. J.,1880,xxxi,48.— Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of. Lo Re (G.) Uu caso di aneurisma aortico. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1880. 3. s., x, 46-55.—Lorcuztitti. Aneu- risma dell' aorta. [2 cases] Resoc. san. d. osp. di Trieste (1877), 1879,v, 146. — Lyman. Aortic aneurism. Extr.Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880, vii, 108-110.-----. Enormous aneurismal dilatation of the aorta. Ibid.. 71-73.—Lyons (R. D.) Aneurism ofthe thoracic aorta, occupying at least six inches of the vessel. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1847-52, 194-196. -----. Aneurism ofthe thoracic aorta. Ibid., 232-234. -----. Aueurism ofthe aorta. Ibid.. 1852-8, 306-308. -----. Aneurism of the thoracic artery. Ibid., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 1-3. -----. Thoracic andabdoin'inal aueu- rism. Ibid., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 3-6. -----. Aneurism ofthe aorta. Ibid,, 1875-7, n. s., vii, 164-166.—Lyster. Aneu- rism of the arch of the aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 694.—MaeDoiuit-ll (K. L.) Localized unilateral sweat- ing in thoracic aneurism. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1888, n. s., xcv, 251-255. -----. The further histiry of a case of aueurism of the thoracic aorta of unusually large size, attended with localized unilateral swelling. Ibid., 1890, u. s., xcix, 598-600. -----. Aneurism of the aorta; a clini- cal lecture. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 161-163. -----. A case of aneurism of the aorta. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, i, 208-275. —M'Dowel (B. G.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1847-52, 265. -----. Aneurism of the aorta. Ibid., 1859-62, n. s., i, 72-75. -----. Aneurism of the thoracic and abdomiual divisions of the aorta. Ibid., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 142-145.— McGanuon (M. C.) Aneurism of the aorta. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 555. — MacLachlan (J. W.) Aneurism of aorta; two cases. N. York M. Times, 1890-91, xviii, 238.—McPhcdrait (A.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1888-9, xxi, 129-131.— MacSwiney. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1871-4, n. s., v, 4-8. — Madcr. Aneu- rysma aort. ascend.; Compression des linken Bronchus; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung iu Wien (1886), 1887, 354.—Major (G. W.) Note* ou an inter- esting case of aneurysm. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1890, N.Y.,1891,xii 18-22. Also: N.York M.J.,r890,lii,427. Also, Reprint,— Mali bran. Anevrysme de l'aorte. France med., Par.. 1881, xxviii, 545-547. Also: Bull. Soc clin. de Par. (1881). 1882. v, 112- 114. — Tlansou (P.) Aneurism of the ascending aorta. China. Imp.Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1882, no. 22, 1. — ITIarkoiiet (G.) Anevrizma dugi aorti. Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v. Mosk., 1881, iv, 162- 166.—Marvin (J. B.) Aneurisms of the ascending aoita. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1885-6, vii, 172-174—Matthieu (I. D.) Een geval van aneurysma aortaedescendentis sac- catum met doodelijken afioop. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1881, v, 838-845. — Mayne (R.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1847-52, 270. -----. Aneurism of tho thoracic aorta. Ibid., 1852-8, 11-13. -----. Large aueurism of the thoracic aorta. Ibid., 1862-5, n. s., ii, 3-6.—Meigs (A. V.) Aneurism ofthe de- scending portion of the thoracic aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 120-125. Also .- Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1889-90, ii, 487-489. — Mejia (D.) Aneurisma de la parte intra-pericavdica de la aorta. Gac. med. de Mexico,"1875, x, 81-84.— Mcrcaiidino (F.) Caso raro ed iuteressante di aneurisma dell' aorta ascendente. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1883, 3. s . iii, 161-169.—M inchin (H.) Aneurism of the aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl, 1862-5, n. s., ii, 192-195.— Tlitcliell (J. K.) Case of an enormous aueurism. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1893, 3. s., xv, 178-180.—Moore (J. \V.) Aortic regurgitation; aneurism of the ascending thoracic aorta, corbovinum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875- 7, n. s., vii, 16-19. -----. Aneurism of the aorta. Ibid., 155-157. -----. Euormous thoracic aneurism, rendering the aortic valves incompetent. Ibid., 1880-82, n. s., ix, 98- loo. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiii, 154-156.— Moore (W.) Aortic aneurism. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 14-16. ------. Aortic aneurism. Ibid., 16. — Morison ( R. B. ) A case of thoracic aneurism. Maryland M. J.. Bait, 1880-81, vii, 404-407. —Mottram (C. V.) A specimen of sacciform aneurism of the aorta. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas, Lawrence, 1879, xiii, J16.—rVeir (J. S.) Aortic aneurism and emphysema. ('oil. &. Cliu. Rec, Phila., 1888, ix, 231-234. — rVeilson (W. H.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Milwaukee M. J., 1893, i, 12-16.— Nixon (('. J.) Aneurism of aorta. I'roc, Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 154. — lYodei. Anevrysnie de la crosse de l'aorte; autopsie. Mem. et. compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc med.de Lyon (1878), 1879, xviii, pt.2, 109-174. —O'Fcr- rall. Aneurism of the aorta, Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1847-52. 257.—Olivier. Anevrysme de la portion ascen- dante de la crosse de, l'aorte. J. de mGd. de Lyon, 1868, x, 490-493.—Osier (W.) Cases of aneurism of the aorta. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 260-265. — Oxley (T.) Case of aneurism of the aorta. India Reg. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1848, i, 369-372 —Paret. Observation d'anevrysme de la crosse aoriiipie. Loire med.. St.-Etieimo, 1883, ii, 281-284.—Patterson (G. II.) A ease of rapidly growing aneurism ofthe arch of the aorta; death. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 828.—Paulet. Anevrysme de l'aorte tlioracique. Mem.et compt rend. Socd. sc' med. de Lyon (1880), 1881, xx, pt. 2, 160-162.—Peabody (G. L.) Aneurism of the ANEURISMS. 452 ANEURISMS. Aiieiii'i«iu« (Aortic, Cases of). thoracic aorta. Tr. X. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 84. Aho: Med. Rec, X. Y. 1881, xix. 382.—Pepper (W) Vneurism of the descending arch of the aorta. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 449. -----. Case of double aneurism of the aorta, and description of treatment of in, ternal aneurisms bv eleetrolvsis. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1880- xviii, 541.— Pepper (W.l £- Savcry (W.) Enormous an- enrisin of thoracic aorta. Tr. Path. Soc Phila., 1880, is. 34- 36.—Persirhetti (E.) Un caso di aneurisma ampollare del margine interno dell' aorta ascendente. Medicina e la chir. Roma. 1881, iii, 177; 191, Aho: Salute: Italia med., Genova, 18-i'. 2. s.. xvi, 43-47. — Porter (W.) Caseof thoracic aiu-mi-m. Mod. Press >fc Circ. Lond., 1885. n. s., xxxix, 105.—Poynder (G. F.) Ca.-e of aneui ism of aoita. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. ^82, xvii, 150. —Pramberger (H.) Leber eiuen iutoreSsanten Fall von Aneurysma .. 1893-4. lx, No. 4, 6-20. — .Smart (A. R.) Aneu- rism of the arch of the aorta. Toledo M. & S. J., l.-sil iv 132-134. — Smith (W. G.) Aneurism of tho aorta. Tr' Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl., 1883. i, 200-202. -----. Th» racic aneurism. Illust. il. News, Loud., IsM). v, 173.— Spadiui (P.) Aneurisma dell' aorta. Statist, d. sez med. n. sped, di Faeuza (1869-78), ls87, i, 401-407.—Spang. ler (A.) Sluchai anevriztni grudnoi aorti. Vracli, St. Petersb., 18.-5, vi, 504. — Spitz. Traumatisches Aneti- rysma der Aorta thoracica descendens. Breslau. iirztl. Ztschr., 1882, iv, 49-51.—Stampacchia (R.) Un cased] aneurisma dell' aorta toracica. Moviiuento, Napoli, 1884, xvi, 49-76. — Sloieescu. Anevrisinul ciosei aorte. Cli- nica. Bucuresci, 1890, i, 133-138. — Stockcs. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1859-02, n.s., i, 150-152.—Styan (T.G.) Cases of aortic aneurism. St' Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1885, xxi, 211-223.—Suckling (C. W.) Thoracic aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Loud., les:, j, 929.—Suzuki (S.M.) A caseof aorticaneurism; antousv! Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1890, ix, 1-4, 1 pl.—Symes (6. R.) Aneurisma of the aorta. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl. 1862-5, n. s., ii, 1-3.—Tarbell. Aneurism of the acuta. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880, vii, 84.—Taylor (J. Y.) Recollections of some cases of thoracic aneurism, Brooklyn M. J., 1889, iii, 119-125.—Taylor (W.E.) Cases of aneurism of the aortic arch. Pacific M. &. S. J., San Fran., 1880. xxix, 205-209.—Taylor (W. T.) Death from rupture of an aneurism of the aorta. Proc. Phila. Co. 31. Soc, Phila., 1883-4, vi, 153. Aho: Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1884, n. s., xii, 40. Aho: Maryland M. J., Bait, 1883-4,1, 631.—Thompson (CM.) [A case of thoracic aneurism.] Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, l.-s9-90, iii, 236-238, 1 pl.—Thompson (S.) Aneurism, involving the whole ascending aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 735.— Thomson (E. S.) A specimen of aneurysm of the as- cending aorta. Proc M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 187-189.— Thue(K.) Tveude Tilfselde af Aneurysma aorta;. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1891, 4. R., vi, 791-797.— Timermans (G.) Un tumore aneurismatico dell' aorta ascendente. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1872,3. g., xii, 237-243. — Tiuiinski (S. L.) Sluchai auevrizmi nischod. ehasti aorti. Protok. zasaid. Dunabnrg. med. Obsh., 1884, i, 116-120. — Tishevski (N. E.) Sluchai anevrizmi grudnoi aorti. [Aneurism of thoracic aorta.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1880, xvii, 67-71.—Tison. Anevrvsme de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1889, lxiv, 1.— Trait (A.) Three cases of aneu- rism of the aoita. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 291-293.— Tuteur. Aneurism of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 102.—Tyson (J.) Aneurism of the ascending aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 110.—Tzi- movieh (V. G.) Sluch. anevrizmy voschod. tachasti i tin-ii aorty. [Case of aneurism of arch of ascending norta.J Med. Sbornik varshav. Ujazd. voyenn. hosp., Yarshav.n, 1890. iii, pt. 2, 69-82. — Underwood (J. C.) A case of thoracic aneurysm. Lancet, Loud.. 1896, i, 228. — Vnn- sant (E. L.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta '1 hue a & Reg., N. Y. & Phila., 1890, vii, 460.—VeljaniiuoMT cX. A.) Dva sluch. anevrizm aorty. [Two cases.] SoolMi. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh., 1890. vii, pt. 2, 129-131.- Vergely. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorto compriuiaut la trachee; acces d'oppression; pas d'autres symptomes. Bull. Soc.d'anat.et physiol. . . .deBordeaux, 1889, x, 111.— Vogler. Specimens "of aneurism of arch of aorti and of renal abscess, with notesof the cases. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1882-3, v, 109. Aho: Phila, M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 553.—Wall is (C.) Fyra fallaf aortaaneurysra. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi. 243-258. —Webster (G. W.) Aneu- rism of the thoracic aorta. Chicai:o Cliu. Rev.. 1893-4, iii, 391-398.—Wendt (E.C.) Aneurism of the ascending por- tion ofthe arch with excessive dilatation of the aortic ori- fice and semilunar valves, with great attenuation of their cusps. Tr. X. York Path. Soc, 1881. iv, 301—Wiek (L.) Aneurysma der Aorta ascendens. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 1900, 2002.—Weiuer (R. G.) Aneurism of the transverse portion of the arch of the aorta. Bull. X. York Path. Soc, 1S81, 2. s.. i. 220.— Willard ill.- F.) Traumatic aneurism of the tlunai-iu aorti. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1885, xiii. 505. — Williams (C. T.) Two eases of thoracic aneurism. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1880, ii. Mi. -----. Case of partially consolidated thoracic aneurism. Pice. M. Soc. Loud., 1887, x, 28-32. -----. Anomalouscase of aortic aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 890.- Williams (J.) Two specimensof aneurism of the aorta. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 162-165. ——-. Notes of a case of aneurism of the aorta. Ibid., 266-268. -----. Aueurism of aortic arch. Ibid.. 1884, n. 8., vi, 444-447.—Witthauer (K.) Eiu seltener Fall vou Aorten- aneurysma. Therap. Monatsh., Berl, 1892. vi. 172- !■'■ Aho [Abstr.]: Sitzuugsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. N 1891-2, Munchen, 1893. ii. 47. — Worthington (T. B.) Sudden death from rupture of a thoracic aueurism in * case of melancholia. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1882, n. s., xxvin, 375-378. ANEURISMS. 453 ANEURISMS. Aneurism* (Aortic, Causes of). Alexander (B.) Az aorta felhago es ivi reszletcnek elekteleutto belbartya lobjaval kapcsolatos szivburkon beliili s abba szakadO iitertagulat [Aneurysm of the as- cending aorta, and especially the arch, caused by inflamma- tion of the peritoneum extending to the pericardium, and to the dilatation of tbe artery | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 556. — Rarbe. Anevrisme de l'aorte d'ori- gine syphilitique. Bull. Soc. cliu. de Par.. 1884, viii, 43- 48. Also: France med., Par, 1SS4 i, 061-666. — R re ton. Anevrisme de l'aorte consecutif a uu coup de pied de che- val. Arch, de med. et pharm mil., Par., 1891, xviii, 58.— Gautier. Rupture de la tunique nioyenne de l'aorte pres de son origine; anevrysme mixte externe en voie de formation; signesphysiques d'insuffisaiu-e aortique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 753-757. — ,]. Kraussold (T.) * Ueber emeu Fall von Aneu- rysma der Aorta mit Perforation in die Pulmo- nalarterie. 8°. Erlangen, 180.'J. Aneurisms (Aortic, Complicatitms and sequelce of). Levy (M.) * Ueber rechtsseitige Stiinniband- liihinung bei Aortenaneurysmeu. 8°. Strass- burg, 1697). Marcot. Anatomische Beobachtung von ei- nem Seliwulst der grossen Pulxader, der ein Pulsadergeschwulst und Polypos war. 6°. [n. p., 17-24.] Cutting [believed to bei from: K. k. Akad. d. Wissen- sch. in Paris. Phys. Abhandl. 1692-1741, Bresl.. 1724, vi, Med. Th., 358-369, 2 pl. [See, also, infra.] Plaisant (E.) * Contribution a lV'tude des auevrysuies de l'aorte; de l'anevrysme arterio- veineux de l'aorte pericardicpie et do l'oreillette droite. 4°. Strasbourg. 1669. Saxdifort (E.) Heel- en ontleod-kundige verhandeling over eenen slagader-brt-uk in de groote slag-ader, uitwendig opengebarsten. 8°. 's Gravenhage. 1765. "Wellmer (R.) * Zwei Falle von Aneurysmen der Aorta thoracica descendeus mit starkeu Zer- storungen derhintercn Brust wand. 6~. Berlin, [1692].' Zuurdeeg (D. [B. P.]) * Ueber Verlauf und Entstehung eines Aneurisma aortse mit Perfora- tion in den rechten Vorhof. 8°. Berlin. 1663. Allen. Aneurism of descending aorta; complete ero- sion of the spine. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883. n. s., v, 71-73. -----. Aneurism of descending thoracic aorta, opening into the oesophagus. Ibid., 1884, n. s., vi, 215.— Anderson (J. A.) A case of aneurism of the aorta per- forating the pulmonarv artery. Glasgow, M. J., 1888, xxx, 283-288. — Anderson (j. \V. ) Aneurism ofthe aorta extending along and occupying the greater part of the root of the right lung. Ibid., 1886, xxvi, 311-314.—Anderson (McC.) Clinical lecture on aneu- rism of the aorta, with almost complete absence of di- rect symptoms. Lancet. Lond., 1883, ii, 805-808.—Aneu- rism ; absence of physical signs; rupture into a primary bronchus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xvi, 489.—Aneurism of the arch of the aorta involving the innominate. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1891-2, Wash., 1693, 229.— Archer (R. S.) Aneurism of the descending aorta, pro- ducing a communication between the oesophagus and the left bronchus from "pressure; a congenital cord arising from one of the aortic semilunar valves and stretching across to the opposite wall of the vessel. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, 3. s., lxix, 392-397.— Arlile (C.) Sc Bradford (J. R.) A case of aortic aneurysm rupturing into the de- scending vena cava. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xxii, 69- 75, lpl. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1387. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 624.—Amoulil. Anevrysme de l'aorte thoracique; mort dans les accidents uiemiques; vaste poche anevry smale creusee dans les ver- tebres de la region dorsale nioyenne. Bull. med. du nord, Lille. 1879, xviii, 401-408.—Aubry. Anevrysrue aortique oblitere par des caillots fibrineux, recueillis k l'autnpsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1878-9, Par., 1879, ii, 70. — Au- gusiiu (I.) Arterio-sclerosi; dublu anevrism al aorte toracu-e. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1895, xv, 179-187.—Ayiollo. Anevrysme de l'aorte; broncho-pneumonie chronique du cote gauche. Bull. Soe. anat de Par., 1884, lix, 156-161.- Aho: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 740. — Bailhache ( P. H. ) Remarkable case of aneurism of aorta; pa- tient lived three days after rupture. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1893, Wash., 1894, i, 35. —Bam- berger ( E.) Aueurysiua der absteigenden Aorta; Sehrumpfung und Brouchiectasien der linken Lunge. Ber. d. k. li. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1891), 1892, 294.—Barker (L. F.) A case of healed aneu- rism of the aorta. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1894. v, 31. — Beales (IL). jr. Double aneurysm of as- cending and transver.se aortic arch. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 109.—Bcini** (J. II.) Thoracic aneu- rism with spontaneous recovery. N. Orl. M. &. S. J., 18S5-0, u. s., xiii, 1-12. — Berbcz (P.) Hemoptysie fou- droyante; anevrysme de l'aorte ouvert dans une dilatation pnlnionaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 53-55. Also: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 258.—Berge (A.) An6vrysme sacciforme de laorte ascendante rompu dans la plevre droite. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 525- 527.—Bernard. Anevrisme de la crosse de l'aorte; ein- physeme pulinonaire g6neralise. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.-lttienne et do la Loire (1877-80), 1881, vii, 302-312.— Bernheim. Anevrysme de la crosse aortique; acces d'oppression par compression des nerfs vagues et recur- rents; tuberculose secondaire. Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1886, xviii, 335-337.—Berlin! (B.) Caso di straordinario aneurisma dell' aorta alia sua origine. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1840, vii, 20-29. — Beschorner. Doppelseitige ANEITKISMS. !54 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications and sequela of). Paralyse der Glottis-Erweiterer in Folge von Druck eines Aorten-Aneurysmas auf deu N. recurrens sin.; Ruptur jenes; Tod. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1887, xxi, 121- 1124.—Biggs (G. P.) Aneurism of the aorta with multi- ple thrombi. Med. Bee, N. T., 1895, xlviii, 167,-Bogc- hold. Perforation eines Aneurysma des Arcus aorta in die Trachea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 58.— Ilouchet (V.) Guerison spontanee d'un anevrysme de l'aorte: dilatation atheromateuse de l'aorte; anomalie des trones arteriels. Loire med., St-Etieune, 1888, vii, 124- 126.—Ron-lby (A. A.) Aneurysm of the aortic arch as- sociated 'with abductor paresis ofthe right cord. Brit. M. [J.. Lond.. 18U5, i. 80—Braiuwcll (B.) Enormous aneu- rism ofthe ascending and transverse portions of the aortic arch, entire absence of symptoms, death from rupture into the left pleural cavity. Ibid., 1888, i, 893. Also: Stud. clin. med., Edinb., 1889-90, i, 125-128. — ISi-ault (A.) Enorme anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte ayant effondre |h- sternum, les clavicules et les cotes superieures, occu- (pant le^ parties anterieures et laterales du cou, atteignant piesque le bonl infeiietirdu maxillaire. Bull. Soc. anat. |de Par., 1890, l\v, 4U5-40S.—Bre«i«en (M.) Ein Fall von Spasmus glottt iilis, bedingt duieli Aortenaneurysma. Berl. kliu. Wiliti-.. in-., l*i-7, xxiv. i;;2.—Bret A: I.e'piue. Anevrvsme de l'aorte ayant provoque un retreeissement de la trachee. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de t.yon (1893), 1.-94. xxxiii, pt 2, 132-134. — Bi-oadbenl. Aneurism of tin- ascending aorta; acute enteritis and peri- tonitis; death. Med. Times &. Gaz., Loud.. Ismi, i, iui._ Browne (W. R.) Case of aortic aneurysm. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1889, iii, 33-35, 1 pl. -----. Sequel to a case of aortic aneurism. Ibid. 59, 2 pl.—Bruce (A.) Rupture of au aortic aueurism into the superior vena cava. Edinb. M. J.. 1894-5, xl, r90 -9u2. 2 pl.— Buchanan til. M.) Specimen of aneurysm of the aorta rnptmiug into the (esophagus. Tr. Glasg. Path. .V Clin. Soe., 1893-5. v, 138-141. Aho: Glasgow M. J., \*'M, xiii. 377-380. — ltuclnvalil (A.i Ueber syphilitisches . Aorteuaueurvsma,nebst Benu-rkuneeii iiber Herzsvphilis. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Leip/,., ls.s<). -vv, 1057-1U60.— Burrc*i(P.) Tre casi di aneurisma intratoracico. Speri- mentali- Firenze, 1880, xiv, 2:i9; 40" — (apart. Ane- vrisme de l'aorte thoracique eompiiniant la brouche gauche et l'a-sophage; rupture de lane\ristne dans la brouche. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., Is76, xxv, 57- 02.—Caria* (A.) Paralysie double des crico-arytenoi- dieus posterieurs i l.i us un cas d'anevrisme de l'aorte. Arch, internat de laryngol., etc., Par., 1891, iv, 109-202. Aho, Reprint.—Caylcy. Small aneurysm of descending aorta, compressing and ulcerating through left bronchus; gelatinous pneumonia of left lung; rupture of aneurism into left bronchus; autopsy. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1,-80, Loud., 18s~, 18-5U. Chaplin (A.) Gangrene of the lung resulting from tbe pressure of an aneurysm. Abstr. Tr. Huuterian Soc, Lond.. 1*92-3. 38.—Chavassc (T. F.) A rare form of aonic aneurism Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1882. ii, 376.—Cheiiantai* tils. Aue\ i ysine de la crosse de l'aorte ouvert dans l'a;sophage; gastron liagie; mort. Bull. Soe. anat de Xantos 1876-8, Par., 1879, i 37.— Che- ron (P.) Anevrysmes diffus et ruptures de l'aorte. Union med., Par., 1892, 3. s., liv, 133; 325; 337.—(burton (T.) Aortic aneurism (arcb), galvano-puncture five years ago; formation of subcutaneous outgrowth (recent)) gal- vano-punctures; death twenty minutes after last puncture from rupture of first aneurism into bronchus: soft clot only in second sac Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., IsaO, xix, 201- 265. —Ch voMtrk (F.) Aneurysmader Aorta thorac desc. mit Compression der Trachea und des liuken Bronchus; plotzlieher Tod durch Perforation desselben iu die linke Pleurahohle. Wieu. med. Bl., 1881, iv, 325; 359.—Cipri- anis Aneurisma voluminoso dell' arco intra ed extra- perieaidi.uu dull' aorta e del tronco arterioso brachio-ceta lico Raecoglitore med.. Forli, 1800, 5. s., ix, 209-220.— Coals tJ.i Aneurism of the aorta, perforating the peri- cardium. Glasgow M. J., 1883, \x. 456. Also: Tr. Glas" Path. Jc Clin. Soc, 1883-4, i 4. -Coleman (W.) Dis- secting aneurism of the aoi t.i, rupturing into the periear dium. Med. Rec, N. Y.. Is'jr,. xlviii, 713. - Colliiiy* (C. DA.) Case of sacculated aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta opening into the left bronchus. Lam tf Loud., 1884, ii, 317. - t'o»s) (J.) Considerations sur un cas d'anevrysme spnntaue de l'aorte ascendante ouvert dans la veine cave superieure. Arch. gen. de med.. Par 1845, 4. s., ix, 33-5.v Aho, Reprint. — Couplanil tS.) Compression of bronchus by a "cured aortic aneurysm ; collapse of lung; bronchiectasis leading to ulceration of pleura aud pectoral abscess; death. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 18*4. ii, 13. — Cri»lianu (C.) Obstaeol in cireulatiuue.i venei cave sup. si a venei azigos prin anevrisiuui aortel ascendente; anevrism art.-venos.: ne- cropsie. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1887, vii, 74-79.— Crook (J. K.) A case of concurrent aortic regurgitation and thoracic aneurism Post-Graduate. >J. Y, 1893, viii, 343- 347, 1 pl. — Culler iE. G.) Aneurism of the aorta, just above the aortic valvi -, the size of a pigeon's egg .- rupture Alieurisills (Aortic, Complications and sequela' of). into the left auricle. Med.Vfe Snrg. Rep. Bost City Hosr. 1882, 2. s., 377 —Ballon (H. C.) A unique case of aneii'. rism of the thoracic aorta. St. Louis M. &. S. J., 1891, hi 84.— Dn vezac. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte ouvert dans le pericarde. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. Jo Bordeaux, 1882, ii, 246-249. Also: J. de med. dc Bordeaux 1883-4, xiii, 77— Dcuiange (E\) Anevrysme de l'aoric thoracique; hemoptysie, rupture dans la cavite, ph iu;d>- Mem. Soc. de med. de .Nancy (1878-9), 188U, lxxix. Heni. son (C.) A combined fusiform aud sacculated am-uiMu of tho descending aorta. Denver M. Times I.-*:;, ii, 65-71. — Dickinson. Aneurysm of arch of aoita embolism of abdominal aorta: necropsy. Lancet, bond. 1884, ii, 368. — Domiuguez y Boldau (F.) ' Aneu- risma de la aorta toracica eon dos proiongacioncs ub- dominales. Progreso med., Habana. 1894, vi, 209-211.— Draper (F. W.) Sudden death by the rupture of thoracic aneurisms previously unrecognized. Boston M [Sc S. J., 1895, cxxxii, 245-249. Aho: Med. .v Surrv«-347.— Gordon (J.) Death from hsemorrhage into the pericardium. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 17.—Gordon (S.) Aneurism ofthe aorta, opening into the pericardium. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8. 45.— Goyarts (J. B. A.) Aneurysma arcus aortas, hypertro- phia excentrica ventriculi cordis sinistri: hvdrothorax. In his: Diss. med. inau-., 8?, Lugd.-Bat, 1849. 1-16.— Grautllioiniiit- i A.) Anevrvsme de l'aorte thoracique desceudante; accesdedyspn.ee; ouverture dans labronche gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. Is80. lxi. 51-54. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886. 2. s., iii, 269.—Graser. Aorten- aneurysma mit Perforation in den Pulmonalarterien- stamm. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1883, xxxiii, 437-440. Also, Reprint.— Grasset. Histoire d'une pleu- re.-ie hemorrhagique et d'un anevrisme de l'aorte tho- racique ; pleuresie hemorrhagique gauche sans tubercules ui cancer; thoracentese; anevrisme meconnu de l'aorte thoracique a sa partie iuferieure; mort par rupture dans la pie vie droite. X. Montpel. med., 1893. ii, 3c5; 405.— Green (A. W.) Aneurysm of arch of aorta rupturing into pericardial sac Tr.'Path. Soc. Lond. (1880-7), 1887, xxxviii, 119. — Grigoi-yeff (I).Y. i Sluch. aortaluoi ane- vrisiny. oslozhneunoi podkozhnoicuifisemoi. [Caseof aneu- rism of aorta complicated by subcutaneous emphvsema.J Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb., 1894. iv. 1161-1109.— Gros.smauu (M.) Ueber die laryngeab-n Ersclieiiiungen bei einem in der Brusthohle sich en t'wickel nd en Anein \ sm;t. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1894. ii, 254-259— G ni- iiaid(A) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte; abces entre la tumeur et la tracheae; ouverture de l'abces dans la tra- chee; acce3 de suffocation; autopsie. Bull. Soc anat. de Par.. 1882. lvii. 266-268. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 110.—Guinness* (II. C.) A case of aneurism of the aorta rupturing into the pericardium. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 1112—Habei-shoii (S. H.) Case of aneurysm at the junction of the transverse and descending portion of the arch of the aorta which ruptured into the pericar- dium; death in flftv-six hours. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9 xi. 62-66. Also [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J., Lond., 18M, ii, 1040.—Ilalipre. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte avec indarterite obliterante de ]a sous-c hi, n-i e g;utclie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix 971. — Hall d'. de 11.) Aneurism of the ascending and transverse portions of the arch of ihe aorta, pressure on the trachea and bronchi, on the left recurrent and (?) left vagus; paresis of the crico- arytsenoidei postici. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 80-87. Also: Med. Press &. Circ, Lond.. 1885, n. s., xl, 552. Aho: Med. Times &. Gaz. Lond.. 1.-85. ii, 851. Also: Brit M. J, Loud., 1885, ii, 1160— Hamilton (J. B.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta and subclavian artery. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1888. xi, 7ou.—Ilampelu (P.) Ueber das Rrust-Aneurysma und seine Beziehung zu Lungenblu- tuugen. Perl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 10CO-1004 — II a a dio ril (H.) Aneurysm of aorta (transverse part of arch) rupturing into the oesophagus; no previous ceso- ------------------------------\____ Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications and sequchc of). phageal symptoms. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 118. -----. Aneurism oi the aorta communicating with the pulmonary artery. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 695-700.—Hairis (G. F.)' Case of aortic aneurism ter- minating in rupture into tin- left pleural cavity; abnormal condition of aortic arch and large vessels. Indian M. ,7., Calcutta. 1886. v, 441-446, 1 pl.—Hartevelt (A. C.) Een geval van aneur\ sunt der aorta asceudens met complica- ties. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1890, 2. R., xxvi, 369-373. — Ha w kins (F. H.) Aneurysms above and involving the sinuses of Valsalva; death from rupture of one into the pericardium. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890- 91, xiii, 74-76.—Ileatou. Aortic aneurism; granular kidney; pleuritic effusion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 850.— Hebb (R. G.) Aneurysm of aorta opening into pulmonary artery. Tr. Path". Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 134.—II !i-ktocn](L.) Thoracic aneurism; varicose dilata- tion of subcutaneous thoracic and abdominal veins; rupt- ure; death. Med. A Surg. Pep. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1890, 124-131. —Henderson (E.) Sudden death from aneurism by internal rupture. [8 cases. 1 Edinb. M. J., 1879, xxiv, 1093-1099: xxv, 21-26. Also, Reprint. —He- resell (P.) Insuilieienta aortel, arterio sclerose generali- sati: auevrism sacciform-disecaut la origina aortel tora- cice descendinte: necropsie. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1890, x, 156-16.').— Hoilder (H'. W.) Case of aneurism of the thoracic aorta; rupture iuto tho oesophagus. Madras Mouth. J. M. Sc, 1871, iv, 344. —Hodeupyl (E.) A rare aortic aneurism [perforating into the pulmonary artery]. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliv. 155.— Hob lei n (N.) Ein Fall vou Aneurysma der Aorta asc mit Durch- bruch in den linken Yorhoi'. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1893, n. F., x, 11-13.— Hughes (YV". E.) Aneurisms of the aorta; empyema. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 839.-----. Aneurisms of the aorta; empyema. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 88-90.—.Jaccoml. Anevrysmes multi- ples de l'aorte. Bull. med.. Par., 1888. ii, 1515.—Jackson (C. B.) Aortic aneurism: lucmorrhage into pericardium. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875-7, n. s., vii, 147-149.—Jac«|iici (L.) Atherome arteriel: nephrite senile; uremic-: hemor- rhagic cerebrale; rupture de l'aorte et anevrysme disse- quantde l'aorte et de l'artere pulinonaire; epanchement san- guin dans le pericard"; autopsie. Progres med., Par., 1884, xii. 208.—.layle. Anevrysme art6rioso-veineux de l'aorte et de la veine cave superieure. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 540.—Jeinlrassik (E.) Mellkasi aneurysma s/.okatlan esete. [An unusual case of aneurysm oi' the chest.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 169-171.— Johnson (G.) Aneurysm of the aorta with paralysis of the abductor of the right vocal cord; sudden death. In his: Med. Lect. & Essays, S°, Lond., 18»7, 577.—Johnson (R.) Falso aneurism of thoracic aorta, 'with psoas hema- tocele: autopsy. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1891, iii, 207-2O9. — Jones (H.) Aneurism of the first part of the arch of the aorta communicating with the right ventricle. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880, i, 477.—Katzenbnch (W. H.) Aneurysm of the transverse portion of the thoracic aorta, associated with organic disease of the heart, greatly relieved by iodide of potassium. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv. 12. —Kidd tl'.i Aueurism of the aorta; extravasation of blood into the posterior mediastinum, compressing the (esophagus and vagus nerves, and rupture into the abdominal cavity, associated during life with frequent vomiting. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 18-0. xix, 266- 269. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 979.—Kieuinnn. Aneurysma aortas ascendentis et insnff. valv. aorta); nephritis parenchymatosa; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 393. -----. Ruptur eines Aneurysma der Aorta asceudens mit con- secutiver lliimon hagie in deu Herzbeutel; Tod. Ibid. (1886), 1.-87, 353. —Kraus il-'.) Ueber einen Fall von Aneurysma vancosuiu der Aorta und der Vena cava superior. Pras. med. Welmsclir.. 1888, xiii, 119; 130.— I.anile & Gintrae (II.) Anevrysme considerable de l'aorte thoracique et abdominale; mort subite; necropsie. Mem. et bull. Soc. med. chir. d. hop. (le Bordeaux, 1871, vi, 81-98.—lyavcraii. Anevrysme de l'aorte ouvert dans la plevre gauche. (Presentation des pieces anatomiques.) Bull, et ru6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1891, 3. s.. viii, 349-352. Aho: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1-91, lxiv, 894.— Law (W. P.) [Triple aneurism of the thoracic aorta.] Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1892, 222-224. — I>azarus- Itai-low (W. S.) Case of aneurysm of the descending aorta bursting into the muscles of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 38.—Ledisird (II. A.) Unusu- ally large aneurysm of the ascending portion of the arch of the aorta which burst externally. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1879, xxx, 284-286.— I-ciieiulre. Tumeur ane- vrysmale de l'aorte thoracique: pheuoinoues de compres- sion vers plusieurs organes. Union nied., Par., 1854, viii, 458. Also: Bull. Soc. meal, d. hop. de Par., 1803, ii, 288- 292— la-mi hcii (.1. M.) (Aneurysma trnnci anonynii et aorta- ads< endentis.) Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. u. Handl., Stockholm, 1843, iii, 351-307, 1 pl.—I.elieune. Ane- vrysme de l'aorte thoracique chez uu syphilitique. (Ne- vriilgieloinbo-abdominale; ensellure lonibaitv.) Bull. Soc. ANEUKISMS. 456 ANEUEISMS. Alieurisills (Aortic, Complications and sequehe of). anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 623-626.— Leudet (E.) Re- cherches sur les h'-sisns de I'resophage causees par les anevrismes de l'aorte. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1804. 3. s., v, pt. 2, 165-180.— Lop (P.-A.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte ouvert dans le pei icarde. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 22-25.—Lucas (J. R.) Aneurysm of tlie thoracic aorta bursting into the oesophagus .just above the diaphragm, causing fatal hasmatemesis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 66.—I.iiiih (J. R.) Three cases of sud- den death from bursting of aortic aneurysms. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882. i, 819.—Macharg & Brown lie. Speci- men of dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta. Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliv.372-375.— Mackenzie (J. T.) A case of an- eurism ofthe aorta, followed by lobular pneumonia. Tr. M. A Phys. Soc I'..nubay(1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv, app., pp.vi-ix.— M'lJachlau (I). > Caseof dissecting aneurism of the aorta bursting into the pericardium. GlasgowM.J., 1833, n. s., i, 1-6.—binder (J.) Dysphagie in Folge eines gestielten Aortenaneurysmas da's zu perforativer Communication von Oesophagus und Trachea fiihrte ; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 395. -----. Aneurysma am Aortenbogen, Schlingbeschwerden, Stimmbandlahmung; terminales Hautempbysen durch Einreissen der Bronchiiilschleimhaut beim Husten; Vor- theil der OesophagusiintersuchunK mit dem weichen Ma- genschlauch; Tod. Ibid. (1887), 1888,325. -----. Aneu- rysma der absteigenden Aorta, oft ere Schuttelfroste; Berstimg in dieliukePleurahohle; plotzlicher Tod. Ibid., 326.- .Vlaixner (K.) Aneurysma der Aorta combinirt mit Tracheostenose uud Liihmung des Nervus recurrens. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1879), 1881, 108-111. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl., YYien, 1882, xvii, 364.- Marrhiafava. Comunicazione di un aneurisma dell' aorta cull arteria polnionare. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1879. v, 90-9.. — Mai-col. Observation anatomique sur une tumeur auevrismalo et polypeuse de l'artere aorte. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc 1721, Amst, 1731, Mem., 594-611, 2 pl. [See, also, supra.]—Martinotti(G.) Una rara forma di aneurismi dell' aorta ascendente. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1880, xxiv, 193,2 pl.; 214; 231; 241 — Mathicu (A.) Anevrysmes de la crosse de l'aorte, lesion du nerf recur- rent. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1885, 3. s., vii, 209-211.— Mayne (R. St. J.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta, com- plicated with phthisis. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1852-8, 78-sl.—Maya (T. J.) > Report of autopsy on a case of thoracic aneurism in a patient presented to the society for diagnosis some months before death. J. Nerv. & Ment. His., X. Y.. Is92. xix, 314-317. Aho: Tr. Phila. Neurol. Soc, [X. V.], 1891-2, i, 63-05.— Mcrcandino (F.) Aneu- risma varicoso aortico-venacava superiore. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1893, xliv, 517; 537; 555; 575.—Meriwether (F. F.) Report of a case of aneurism of tin; ascending aorta, involving the innominate secondarily, operated upou by simultaneous ligation of the common carotid and sub- clavian; cure. Tr. South. Surg. Sc Gynec. Ass. 1888, Bir- mingh., 1889, i, 161-165. Aho: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1888-9, n. s., v, 677-681.—Mickle (W.J.) Aortic aneu- i\sm and insanity. Brain, Lond., 1889, xii, 117-128.— Mikulicz Sc Zcinann, Feber einen Fall von Kom- prcssion der Trachea durch ein Aneurysma der Aorta. Wien. raed. Presse, 1880, xxi, 1404— Millard. Rapport sur un cas d'anevrysme de l'aorte descendante communi- quant avec 1'cesophage par une perforation ancienne. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 422-439. Also, Reprint— Mirallie (C.) Anevrvsme de l'aorte; ouverture dans la brouche droite. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 378- 380.—Montanari (L.) Relazione sopra un caso d' aneu- risma all arco dell' aorta sporgente al difuori della cavitA toracica, della enorme grossezza della testa di un feto a termine, con distruzione della parte media e quasi supe- riore dello sterno e delle estremita articolari sternali delle quattro prime coste vere; proposta della galvanopuntura non messa in opera; morte della ammalata senza rottura del sacco aneurismale; ritiessi e conclusioni: esperienze. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1861, 2. s., xii, 454- 464: xiii, 7-28.—Moore iT.YV.) Aneurism of aorta; com- pression of trachea: collapse of lung, with hydrothorax e vacuo. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., lt-75-7, n. s., vii, 25-27. -----. Aneurysm of tbe aorta opening into the left lungand plenra. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1892-3, xi 367-370 Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1892, xciv, 496-498. -----. Thoracic aneurysm perforating the nericardium. Dublin J. M. Sc 1893, xcv, 224, 1 ch., 1 pl. —More (J.) Thrombosis of the external .jugular and subclavian veins, caused by aneurism of ascending aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 6*5.—Morelli (P.) Aneurisma dell'aorta toracica discendentc; sintomi d' occlusione intestinale per probabile paralisi di Pfluger; morte. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1885, vii, 161-107.— Morgan (J. H.) A case of aneurism of the descending aorta producing caries of the dorsal vertebrae; death by rupture ofthe sac. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1882, Provi- dence, 1883, ii, pt. 6 484-486.—Miiller (A. F.) Aneurism of arch of aorta; ulceration of trachea. Tr. Path. Soc Phila., 1889-91, xv. 141.—Murray (H. M.) Four saecu lated aneurysms arising fiom dilated aortic arch. Tr. Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications and sequehv of). Path. Soc Lond., 1889-90, xii, 62-64. Also: Brit M J Lond., 1890, i, 894.—Musser (J. H.) Atheroma, dilata- tion and aneurism of the aorta; atheroma of some of its branches; death from rupture of the aneurism iuto the left pleural cavity; congenital deformity of the stomach; mal- position of tho transverse colon and right kidney, im-cu. lar shape of the kidney,- anomalous origin of the renal ar- teries and of the ureters. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (Isks-5), 1886, xii, 80-82. -----. Aneurism of the aorta; sac filled with firm laminated clot; no physical signs on auscultation or palpation; pressure symptoms; death from acute pleu- risy; autopsy. Ibid., 1885-7, xiii, 93. — rVaiier. Ane- vrysme de l'aorte gu6ri et passe inapercu pendant la vie. J. de mexl. de Bordeaux, 1885-0, xv, 429.—Neff (J. S.) Aneurism of the aorta causing perforation of the sternum, with unusual symptoms. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii' 136.—Oi'd (W. M.) Aortic aneurysm communicating with superior vena cava. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1890-91 xiii 71-74. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 407.—Orlebar (H. G.) A case of three aneurysms arising from the de- scending aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879, xxx, 286-2*8.— Oser (L.) Berstung eines Aorten-Anenrysma in den Oe- sophagus. Wien. med. Bl., 1884, vii, 1567.—Osier (W.) Aneurism of aorta; rupture into left bronchus. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1883-4, xii, 98. -----. Aneurism of arch of aorta, with rupture into the trachea in two places and perforation of the oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 110-113. Aho: Boston M. & S.J., 1885, cxii, 480. -----. Small aneurysms of arch of aorta; com- pression and perforation of trachea; death from suffoca- tion. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 74. -----. Aneu- rism of thoracic aorta; perforation into left pleura. Ibid., 95. -----. Multiple aneurisms of aorta; external rupture. Ibid. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 124. -----. Multiple aneurisms of aorta. Ibid., 126.-----. Aortic aneurism; hemorrhage from the lungs. Phila. M. Times, 1888-9, xix, 223.—Pa»- teur (W.) Aortic aneurysm and mitral stenosis. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1886, xxxvii, 183. — Patzki (J. H.) Report of a case of double aneurism of the ascend- ing and thoracic aorta, resulting in death by rupt- ure of the sac. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 99-101.—Peacock (T. B.) Case of aneurysm ofthe arch of the aorta which opened externally. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1878, xxix, 68-72.—Peau. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte chez un syphilitique; acces de suffocation et he- moptysies prises pour des accidents d'abord de tuberculose pulmonaire etensuitede syphilis laryngee; tracheotomie; autopsie; perforation de la trachee par l'aiievrysnie, inte- grity du larynx et absence de tuberculose des poumons. Gaz. med. de Par., 1886, 7. s., iii, 423. Aho, in hh: Lecons clin. de chir., Par., 1888, vi, 666-671.—Penncl (P.) Ane- vrysme de la crosse de l'aorte communiquant avec la tra- chee depuis plusieurs mois; expectoration puriforme et sanguinolente; absence de signes d'auscultation'; mort dans un acces de suffocation; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, lvii, 274-279. Also: Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 147.—Pepin (J.) Rupture de l'aorte ascendante; anevrysme dissequant; ouverture dans le peritoine; h6mi- pl6gie transitoife. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 127-141.— Pepin (J.-C.) Rupture de l'aorte ascendante; anevrysme dissequant; ouverture dans le pericarde; hemiplegie transitoire. J. do med. de Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 211-215.—Pepper (W.) Concealed aneurism of the arch of the aorta, associated with bronz- iii2 of the skin. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 191-194.- Perry & Newman (D.) Aneurism of the aorta ruptur- ing into the trachea. Tr. Glasg. Path. 6c Clin. Soc, 1884- 6, ii, 30-33. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1885, xxiii, 68-70.- PctersHon (O. V.) Sc Sundberg (C.) Fall af aorta- aneurism med. bristning i hogra pleurabalau. Upsala La- karef. Forh., 1889, xxiv, 455-460.— Philipsou. |Aneu- rism of the transverse portion of the thoracic aorta; of spe- cial interest from its contents being solid and laminated.] Rep. Proc.Northumb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Kewcastle upon- Tyne, 1883-4, 11.—Porter (G. H.) Aneurism of the aorta and of the axillary and popliteal arteries. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 139. — Poulalion (A.M.) Anevrysme sacciforme de la premiere portion de la crosse aortique; ectasie considerable des deux autres portions; emprisonnement du nerf pneumogastrique et du recur- rent gaucbes dans du tissu sclereux tresdui; alternatives de paralysie et de contracture de la corde vocale gauche; phenomenes d'angine de poitrine; mort subite pendant le sommeil. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 9-19.—Pou- ■neau-Dclille. Anevrysmes de l'aorte thoracique de- scendante et de l'aorte abdominale; necropsie. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1867, ii, 307-312.— Powell (R. D.) Sacculated aneurysm projecting from the back of the arch of the aorta: disorganisation of part of the left recurrent nerve, with partial atrophy of the muscles of the larynx on that side; a second small pouch, arising from the left subclavian artery near its origin, which had become recently consolidated by laminar clots. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii. 85-90—de Pradel (E.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte, gueri; mort pat AXELTRISMS. 457 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic. Complications and sequela' of). tuberculose aigue. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885. lx. 401- 404.—Kabaiue. Anevrysme double de la crosse de l'a- orte: tendance k la guerison spontanee. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1884, v. 19-24. Aho: J. de med- de Bordeaux, 1883-4. xiii. 548.—Rake (B. X.) Spon- taneous cure of thoracic aneurysm in anaesthetic leprosy. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud. (1886-7). 1887, xxxviii, 120. — Ramos (J.) Dilatacion aneurysmal de la aorta ascendente; aorti- tis supnrativa: inuerte por pioheuiia; diagnostico con- firmado por la autopsia. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1879- 80, i, no. 17, 10-17.—Ranzier (G.) Sc Ilouel (E.) Rup- ture sous-cutanee d'une tumeur anevrysmale develop- pee aux depens de l'aorte ascendante. In: Grusset (J.) Lee. clin. med. 1886-90, Moutpel., 1891. 733-75!, 1 pl. — Raymond (P.) Anevrysme sacciforme de l'aorte as- cendante: compression de l'oreillette droite; anasarque. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 18S5, lx, 207-210. Aho: Progres med., Par.. 1886. 2. s., iii. 137. -----. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte : osteite des corps vertebraux et des par- ties correspondant-s des cotes. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 18S7. lxii. 445— Read (I. B.) Rupture of aueurism ofthe aorta, after successful ligation of both femoral arteries for popliteal aneurism. Gaillard's M. J., N. T., 1**7, xliii, 65. — Regnanlt. De l'epanchement pleuretique ayant pour cause l'anevrysme de l'aorte. Gaz. hebd.d. scmed. de Montpel.. 1889, xi. 280-282. — Rendu. Gros anevrvsme latent de la partie interieure de l'aorte thoracique; grippe; pseudo-pneumonie; hemorrhagic foudroyante: lesions interessantts tronvees ,\ l'autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890. lxiii, 413-415.—Richardson (B. Y\M Aneurism of the arch of the aorta and arteria innominata. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, 173. -----. A remarkable case of aortic-innominate aneurism. Proc. M. Soc. Lond.. 1880, ix, 99-115. Aho: Asclepiad, Lond.. 1886. iii, 158-175.— Robin (A.) Sc Manny. Anevrvsme de l'aorte thora- cique gueri spontaneraent: cirrhose biliaired'originecalcu- leuse. n'ayant donne lieu a aucun symptome pendant la vie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1880. 3. s., iii, 177-182.—Rolleston (H. D.) Saccular aneurysm of aorta in a woman: rupture into left bronchus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 76. — Rosborg (C. A.) .fc Key (A.) Ruptura anevrismatis rami ascend, aortfe cum haemorrh. sacci pericardii; mors subita. hvens. Lak.-Siillsk. Forh., Stockholm, 1881, 125-131.—Rowland (E. D.) Aneurism of descending aorta and left subclavian artery, with rupt- ure of the first-mentioned into the left bronchus. Brit Guiana M. Ann., Demerara. 1891. 133-136. — Sarard. Anevrysme de l'aorte; compression du pneumogastrique gauche: ouverture dans la trachee. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par.. 1879. liv, 287. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 983— Scheimn (G. C.) A case of aneurism of the aorta, associated with insufficiencv of the aortic valves. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 297. — Schmidt ( H.) TJeber das Yerhalten des Herzens bei Aneurysmen der Aorta thoracica. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. klin. Med., Leipz., 1*87. 299-311.—Schneckenilorf (I. L.) Aneurysma des Arcus aortas mit betrachtlichem. beinahe faustgrossem Thrombus, welches lange Zeit bestanden. jedoch wahrend des Lebens des Patienten nicht diagnosticirt wurde. In hh i *Drei seltenere pathol.-anat. Beobacht. 8°, Marburg, 1876. 9-14, 1 pl. — Schriitter. Aneurysma sacciforme aortae ascend, et arcus aortas et arter. anouymae. tracheam comprim-ns. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien i'18-io. 1888, 22-24.—Schuehardt. Grosses Aneu- rysma der Aorta asceudens uud des Arcus aortas mit Usur der vorderen Brustwand and Bildung eines machtigen extrathoracischen Sackes; Tod durch Verblutuug aus Ietzterem. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaturl. Kult 1882. Bresl.. 1883. lx, 48-59.—Schwab (A.) Anevrysme enorme de l'aorte descendante. avec poche secondaire ayant detruit nne portion de la cage thoracique. et ayant donne naissance k une tumeur dans le dos; mort par rup- ture dans la plevre gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894. lxix, 757-760.—Scott. An aneurismal clot weighing two pounds seven ounces. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1884. xlvi. 166-172—Selter (P.) Ueber Druckgeschwiire in Tra- chea nnd Bronchus, hervorgerufen durch Aneurysmen. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc.. Berl., 1893, exxxiii, 51-66.—Si- mon (F.) A case of aneurysm of the thoracic aorta with repeated perforations in the cesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1876-7). 1877. xxviii, 76-85. Also, Reprint. — Sec Sent (E.) Anevrvsme de la crosse de l'aorte; rupture a 1 exterieur. Bull. "Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 51-57.— Shannon (W. C.) Report of a case of aneurism of the ascending aorta, with occlusion of proximal portion ofthe superior vena cava and rupture of aneurism into theunob- nterated distal portion of the superior vena cava. Rep. S|irg.-Gen Army. Wash., 1885-6.101.—Sinclair. Double tii oracic aneurysm autopsy. Lancet. Loud, ls-5, i, 614.— Si«ley (R.) A case of aneurism of the ascending part of the arch of the aorta; rupture into the superior vena cava. Lancet. Lond., 18*9 i. 11*4. [See. aho. supra, Ewart(W.)] — Smith (G.) Lung change consequent on aneurismal pressure on the bronchus. Proc M. Soc Lond.. 1877-9. iv. 169-177.—Smith (T. F.H.) Rupture of aneurism into pe- Alieurisiils (Aortic, Complications and , sequelce of). ricardialcavity. Ibid., 1887, x, 213.—Solles. Dilatation I anevrysmale de la crosse de l'aorte et du tronc brachio-ce- pbalique. Bull. Soc d anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891. xii. 23.—Soulier. Anevrysme de l'aorte avec mort subite causee par la rupture du sac dans le pericarde. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de L\ on (1873). 1874. xiii, pt. 2.79-81.— Soupault (M.) Sc Sainton (P.) Anevrysme de la crosse de laorte; double poche anevrysmale; obliteration de la I carotide gauche par le caillot: pas d'hypertrophie du cceur. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1892 lxvii, 431-433.- Spinal (R.) Case of aneurism of the arch ot' the aorta, pressing upon the left bronchus, and annihilating the ordinary physical indications of pneumonia; with remarks. Lond. & Edinb. I Month. J. M.Sc, 1842, ii, 35-41. Aho, Reprint.—Staekler (H.) Anevrysme de l'aorte; mort par compression de la trachee. Bull. Soc. anat. (le Par., 18*0. lv. 2*5-2*8. Aho: Progres nied., Par., 1880. viii. 1057.—Steven (J. L.) Three cases of thoracic aneurism, illustrating pressure ou the recurrent laryngeal nerve; death by rupture into tlie peri- cardium, etc, with anaccountof the post mortem examina- tions. Glasgow M. J., 1888. xxix. 1-10. 2 pl.—Stiller (B.) Mellririaneurysmaiiak nehfiny ritkdbb esete.J A remark- able caseof thoracic aneurism.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, J8-U, xxx, 57-63. Aho, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, .1886. xxii, 97; 120; 140. — Stocquart. Ane- vrisme de la crosse de l'aorte, termine par.rupture k l'ex- terieur du thorax. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1893, xiv, 173- j 175—Stokes( W.) Aneurismof the arch of aorta: ossifica- tion of the sac. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.. 1852-8, 97. -----. | [Aneurism of the aorta, originating in one of the sinuses of Valsalva opened into the right ventricle, immediately be- lowthe valves of the pulmonary artery. J Ibid., 1808-71, n. s.. iv. 260-263.1 pl.—Takaki (K.) Thoracic aneurism per- forated into the trachea and cesophagus. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., TOkyo, 1890, ix, 177; 206. — Tandoff (N. S.) Anevrizma voskhod. aorti, soobshtsha. ynshtshayasa s Hgoch. arteriei. [Aneurism of ascending aorta, conjointly witli pulmonary artery.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxvi, 473-479.—Taylor (F.) Cases of aortic aneurysm opening into the pulmonary artery. Guy's Hosp. Rep'., Lond., 1883-4, xiii, 391-427.— Tliiroloix (J.) Dilatation anevrysmatique de la crosse aortique; pas de souffle; dyspnee continue, cornage; acces de suffocation; crises sudorales; hfimoptysic fractionnee de plusieurs jours de duree; mort; dilatation considerable de toute la partie initiale de l'aorte; compression de la trachee; alteration du pneumogastrique gauche; fistule aortico- tracheale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 198-202.— Thomson (R. S.) Aneurysm of aorta with early pres- sure symptoms, and with obliteration of left carotid. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv. 109-111. Aho [Abstr.J: Glasgow M. J., 1892. xxxviii, 48.—Timcrmaiis (G.) Un tumore aneurismatico dell' arco dell' aorta, quale compri- nieva la vena cava discendeute, e specialmente i due tronchi venosi brachiocefalici. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1872, 3. s., xii, 228-232.—Tison. Anevrysme de l'aorte thoracique descendante; pleuresie gauche: mort subite par hemorrhagic pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 127-129.—Tollemer (L.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte ouvert dans la trachee; anevrysme en bissac devenu diffus. Ibid.. 1893, lxviii, 566-.")ii'l.—Town (F. L.) Report of a case of double rupture of an aneurism of the ascending aorta, with survival of the patient for several weeks subsequent to the primary rupture; final result, death. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 98 — I Ti-astour. Anevrysmes multiples de l'aorte; pathogenie j du bruit musical au second temps k la base du creur. .1. de med. de Toiiest. Nantes, 1882. xvi, 60-70. —Trekaki. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte; rupture dans la plevre; mort subite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 173-175.— True (H.) Observation d'anevrysnies multiples de la crosse aortique. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1885). 1886, xxv, 201-210. Also: Lyon med., 1885, 1, 135-143. Also, transl.: Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1885, ii. 333- 330.—Turner (F. C.) Aneurysm of the aorta opening into the cesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud.. 1884-5, xxxvi, 150.—Turner (W.) Two cases of aneurism of the de- scending thoracic aorta, producing obstruction of the thoracic duct Edinb. M. J., 1858-9, iv, 1003-1007. Also, Reprint. — Valal. Anevrysme de l'aorte thoracique: hemorrhagic duns la plevre gauche et mort. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1878), 1879. xviii, pt. 2,150-156— Vanderiiieersch. Anevrysme de l'aorte descendante thoracique ouvert dans l'oesophage; autopsie. Bull. Soc anat.-clin. de Lille, 1887, ii, 282-284. —Vander Poel (S.O.i, jr. Aneurism of thoracic aorta, causing death bv coin pressing the cesophagus. Med. Ann., Albany, 1*11, ii, 5e - oo. — Vaughan (G. T.) Spasmodic asthma caused by aortic aneurism. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago 189G, xxvi, 69. —Verdalle Jt de Coquet. Anevrysme de l'aorte ouvert dans It- poumon droit; mort par lieniopty- sie foudrovante. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux.'1*89. 118-125. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 501-503. — Vinnna ( R. 1 [et al.]. Aneu- risma das arterias aorta thoracica e abdominal; com- muuicacao com o rim esquerdo a custa do qual se formou ANEURISMS. 458 ANEURISMS. Alieurisills (Aortic, Complications and sequelce of). nm sacco. quo d. sen ate a virilha: rotnrapara a cavidade da pleuia esqueida. J. Soc d. sc med. de Lisb., l*-2. xlvii. 27:: 279. - Virchow. Aneurysma der Aorta, das nut einem Sat com iu uiiuiittelbareinZusanimenbauge steht. Verhandl. '1 Beil. med. Gesellsch. (1889), 1890. xx, 13.— Voeleker(A. F.) Aneurysms of aorta: rupture into the (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1893-4. xiv, 48-51. -----. Aneurysm of aorta (left siuus of Valsalva) rupturing iuto the right ventricle. Ibid.. 54.— Voyel. Spontanheilung eines Aortenaneiirysmas. Berl. kliu. "Wchnschr., 1889. xxvi. 10.—Wagstaflfe (W. W.) Aneurysm of the aorta bursting into the pericardium; popliteal aneurysm cured four months previously. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud.. 1878, xxix, 72-77. 1 pl — Waldenburg (L.) A trophie des Recur reus durch Aneurysma anus aortas. Charite-Ann. 1879, Berl.. 1881, vi, 297-311. —Water* (W. E.) Report of a case of aneurism of the arch of the aorta, accompanied by phthisis pulmonalis and gangreue of the luug, resulting in death from exhaustion. Rep. Surg.-Geu. Army, Wash., 1885-0 97.—Weinlechuer. Zweil'austgrosses, mehiere Kippcu und das Sternum usurirendes. von del Aorta asceudens ausgehendes und ein zweites apt'elgrosses. 2 Wirbelkiirper usurirendes Aneurysma des Arcus aortae; Ruptur des erstereu uud Kntsichiing eines Anem.\ »iua spuriuiu unter der Haut der linken Brustseite und der liuken Achselhohh-j: Tod durch Ame-mie. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien il*s0i. 188*, 21*. — Wendt (E. C.) Excessive- dilatation of aortic orifice and semilunar valves, with great attenuation of their cusps, in a case of aueurism of the ascending portion of the arch. Med. Rec. X Y.. 1881, xx. 717 — We«*t iS.) Aneurysm of the middle part of the arch of tin- aorta: death from embolism of the aorta, detached from the left ventricle. Tr. Path Soc. Lond.. 18*2-3. xxxiv, 02. -----. Aneurism of the aorta, rupturing; iuto the pulmonary artery. Ibid., 04.— %Vetterdal (11.) x W:illgi-eii (S.) Aneurysma aorta-nied perfoiatiou till ven:-, ea\a superior. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1*84-5 xx, 325-,;;-; Also [Kev.]: Upsala Lakaief. Forh., 18.84-5, xx, xvi.— Wheeloek iG.G.) Aortic aneurysm bursting iuto au adherent pericardial sac: obscure symptoms. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 253. — Wliipham (1.) Aneurysm of the aorta pressing upon the left recurrent 1 iiyngeal nerve and eaidiae plexus, and causing bilateral uarahsis of the vocal cords. Tr. Path. Soc Loud l*8l-2."xxxi'ii, 82-85.— While (W. II.) Case of aneurism of the aorta with dis- seminated sarcomata. Proc. M. Soc. Loud.. 1**0. ix, 1*8- 195. — Wickham i L.) Anevrysme de laugh- supero- anterieure de la crosse de laorte; large perforation ster- nale; ouverture de l'auevrysme dans h ti-su cellulaire ante-sternal: anevrysme secondaire cireoiiserit-: perfora- tion cutance et rupture de Tane-vi-vsine. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., ls-9. lxiv, 51-55. — William* (K. P i Aneurism ofthe ascending aorta with erosion of the ribs. Montreal M. J., I-93-4, xxii, 057-659. — Wilson (J. C.) Aneurism of the ascending aoita pertbratiug the chest wall and forming au external pulsating tumor iu the right pectoral region. Tr. Path. Soc Pliiia., 1885-7. xiii, *1 - *0. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. 18m; n s., xci. 162-168. Also: Semi- month. J. Proc Path. Soc Phila., Wilmington. 1880. i, 9- 12.—Wood (C. A.) Aneurism of thoracic aoita; perfor ition of ussopli.igu-. Med. Xews, Phila., 18-2, xl, 251.— von Wmist-lilicim. Ueber einen Fall von Perforation eines Aorteu nieiu vsiuas in den rechten Vorhof. Piag. rued. Wchnschi.. L-iU, xviii. 175— Zaliu d'. W.) Ueher einen Pall vou ulccidser Eutziiudung der Trachea und des liuken Bronchus m Folge eines Aneurysmas des Aorteii- bogens mit Durchbruch dieses in die Trachea, Arch. f. path. Auat., etc. Berl.. 1891, exxiii, 220-229. Aneurisms (Aortic, Diagnosis and symp- toms of). See, also, Aneurisms [Aortic, Complications, etc., of). ArciriER (L. > * Coutributiou a l'etude du diagnostic des anevrvsmes de la crosse de l'aorte 4-. Paris, 1—2. Dresdxer ( M. ) 'Zur Diiierential. Thoxkk (R.) ■ L'eher die diao-uostischen Schwierigkeiteu bei Aneurysma der Brustaorta. :T. Berlin, [1693]. Aneurisms (Aortic, Diatjnosis and symp- toms of). Zawerthal (W.) La diagnosi degli aneu- rismi dell' aorta toracica e il valore pratico della laringoscopia nel riconoscerli. Studi clinieo- anatomici. s . Bologna, W7. Andemon (T. McC.) Case of aortic aneurism pre senting only indirect symptoms. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila. 1890, n. s.. c, 477. -----. Clinical lectures ou illustianon's ofthe variability ofthe symptoms of aneurysm of tin- ar.-h ofthe aorta. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, i, 1179 : 1251. —Kul. four (G. W.) Cases illustrativeof some difficulties in the diagnosis of aneurism close to the heart. Edinb. M. J., 1-71. xvi, 704-715. Aho, Reprint— Baric (E.) Des se- eousses traclieales comme sigue d'une\ r\ sine de l'aorte (signe d'Oliveii. Rev. gen. de clin. et de theiap.. Par 1893, vii, 417.—Bran (C. E.) Aneurism of the aorta diag! nosed by means ofthe laryngoscope. Louisville M. News, 1881, xi, 3.-'. Bcaiio (F. D.) Case of aneurism of tbe arch of the aorta: intense dyspnoea: absence of reeunent l.irvngeal pnahsis: peculiar difficulties in diagnosis- au- topsy. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 101-1 Mi. _ !$,... bie (J. W.) Case of aneurysm of the aorta with l.uyu- geal spasm, in which tracheotomy was performed, unh remarks. Read to the Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., Nov. 8, 1857. In: Select, from the works of [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1882' 103—10".—Berfoeroflf (L.) K simptom. anevrismy aorty! Meditsina. St. Petersb., 1889,i, no. 37. — Bliuttncharjee ( H. M.) Fusiform aneurism of aorta and the difficulty in diagnosing it. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 105.— IS on i-ri on (I. ) Note sur l'aphonie qui survient dans l'anevrysme de l'aorte. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1822, vii, 57-60.—KozzoloiC.) I'u nuovo segnodiagnostioo degli aneurismi lut-iatoraeici. Atti d. Ooug. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1881). ii 10-1.:. —Bradley (C-. F.) Curious situation of aneurism of thoracic aorta; an interesting aus- cultatory sign. Med. Rec.N. Y . is-*2. xxi, 66.—Bi-ond- sjeent (P. Q.) Bijdrage tot de diagnose van aneurysma ar- cus aortic Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 181)3, 2. R., xxix.pt. 2, 533-538.—Cautalnmessa (I.) Del polso lariugeo discendente negli aneurismi della concavity dell' arco aortico e del suo valore diagnostieo. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 18ss. 6. s., xxii, 78-87.—Cantilena (P.) Tu- more mediastiuico; diagnosi dubbia di auevrisma della parte coneava dell' arco aortico. Riv. veneta di sc. nied., Venezia. 1884 i 505-511.—Cardan Hi (A.) G-lianeurismi latenti ed oscuri dell'arco aortico. Riforma med., Roma, 1889, v. 296: 302. -----. Sulla pulsa/.ione del tubolaringo- tracheale negli aneurismi dell' aorta, trior, internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 361-372. Aho: Iucurablli, Napoli, 1894, ix, 553-566. [See, uhu. infra De Renzi. ] -----. Sulla pulsazione del tubo lanugo tracheale come segno di certi aneurismi dell1 arco aortico. Gior. interna/. d. sc. ined., Napoli, 1894, n. s.. xvi, 4sl-4.sU.—Cocchi tA.j Sospetto d'aneurisma del cuore odell' aorta. In hh. Con- sulti med., 8°, Milano. 18J4. 231-234.—Coskery (0. J.) A case of aneurysm of the aorta principally diagnosed frutu the nervous svmptoms. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car.' [Wilming- ton 1. 1888 xxxv. 210-219. Also. North Car. il. J., Wil- miugton, lsss, xxii, 196-199.—Dauclicz ill.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte ayant simule un auevrysme de lai- ten- carotide primitive; disparition temporaire de la tu- meur par la ligature de la carotide primitive; recidive suivie de mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 18»1, lvi, 572- 575.— Davison (J. T. R.) Tracheal tugging in aoitic aneurysm. Laneet, Lond.. 1891, ii, 1436.—Weaver (J. 15.) A case of aneurism ofthe arch of i he aoita with marked symptoms dependent upon the anatomical situation of the tumor. Med. News, Phila 1 ss_- xii. 233. — Delbeeq. Des modifications du pouis fi-moral dans lis cas d au6- vrisrnes de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. auat -cliu. de Lille, 18-7, ii, 97-101. Aho: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 18*7, ix, 505-509.- I>e Rcnzi(E.) Sulla pulsazione del tubo laringo-trachc- ah- negli aneurismi dell' aorta (lettera aperta al prof. Car- daielli). Riv. cliu. e terap.. Napoli. 1*91. xvi, 337. —Dock (U-.) Aneurism of the aorta simulating cardiac valvular ", disease. Med. \- Sum. Repoiter. Phila., 1889. lxi, 687-689. Aho, Reprint.— Doiijjln* i A II.j Substernal aneurism: cases and obsei vations on its diagnosis aud relation to dis- ease of the heart. Edinb. M. J . 1863, ix, 289; 401. Also, Reprint.—1> uc It won li on. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta: great difficulty in the diagnosis. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1859-62, n. s., i, 153-155.— Jamie* sou (J.) Cases illustrating the diagnosis of tlioiacie an- eurism. Austral. M. .7., Melbourne, 1894. n. -.. xvi. 371- 1)79. — Kcyt (A. T.) The influence of aortic aneurism and aortic insufneienev, singly and combined, on the retarda- tion of the pulse/ Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1880, ciii. 315-318.— Knight (F.I.) Two cases of suspected aneurism of the aorta. I bid.. 1891. exxiv, 89. — Lafleur. Thoracic aneu- rism presenting unusual svinptoius. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait.. 1889-9u, i. 47— l.. Jacob (H.) *Die peripherische Unterbin- dung der HalsarD-rien bei Aneurysmen des Ar- cus aortte u. der A. anonyma. 8°. Berlin, 1692. Joseph (L.) "Beitrag zur Behandlung vou Aortenaneurysmen. 8°. Gottingen, 1867. Ortiz (P.-A.) *Du traitement chirurgical des anevrysmes du tronc brachio-cephalique et de la crosse de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1892. Alexander. Aneurism of the aortic arch after liga- ture of the carotid and subclavian arteries. Liverpool M -Chir J 1884 iv, 20. — Ally. Ueber einen Fall von N.NEUIJISMS. 460 AXE PRISMS. Alieurisills (Aortic, Treatment of). Aneurysma der Aorta asceudens. bei dem die Arteria -uscln\ia und Carotis communis unterbiinden warden. Deiitsele- nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x. 349. — .4«.h- hui-oi (.1 )..ir. Case of simultaneous ligation ofthe right carotid and rh'ht subclavian arteiies for aonic aneurism. I'niv. M. Mag., Phila.. 1889-90, ii, 171-173—Balfour (G. AV.) On the treatment of aneurysm of the aorta byiodith of ,,ota.ssium. I'.rit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1220-1222.— It alp (S.) Su di un casodi aneurisma dell' aorta toracica curato eolla correute elettrica esternaiuente applicata. Riv. clin., Bologna. ]ss7, 3. s., vii, 435-443, 2 pl Also. transl.: France med., Par., Iss7, ii, 14J4-141*.—Harwell (R.) On derivation, for aortic aiieuriMn. of tbe light ctl- lotid and mihclaviau arteries with a new species of liga- ture. M.d. Chir. Tr.. Lond., 1879, lxii, 393-406. Also [Abstr. |: Proc Roy. M. .v Chir. Soc Lond., 1879. viii, 412- 414.—Bret. Anevrysme de l'aorte; traitement de Val- salva; amelioration, puis rupture de la poche au dehors. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc med. de Lyon (1893), 1894. xxxiii, pt. 2, 126-131. — lironowxlti (S.) Kilka mySli dotvezip-ych leczenia tetniakow aorty. |Some thoughts on 'treatment of aneurism of aoita.\ Mcdvcvna. War- szawa, 1891. xix, 801 ; 817. — t'oiisillw (J. W.j Case of aneurysm ofthe aorta and innominate artery ; simultane- ous ligature of carotid and subclavian arteries. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1S94, i. 14. — C'urMeliiuniiu. Fall von Ane- urysma des Aortenbogen. bei dem auf seinen Wunsch Heir Schede und /.war mit eiitsehiedenem Erfolgdie linko Carotis unterbunden hatte. Deutsche med. Wchnsc.br., Berl., 1884, x, 350. — Daurhrz (II.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte ayant simule un anevrysme de l'artere carotide primitive; disparition temporaire de la tumeur par la ligature de la carotide primitive: recidive suivie de mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881. lvi, 572-575. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1882, x, 366.—Fold (II.) Anevrysme intra-tlioraciqne traite liar la nieilmde de Moore: phleg- mon ; hemorrhagic; mort. Bull, mi '•.—l.ediard (H. A.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta: ligature of tlie carotid and subclavian arteries. Brit. M. J., Lond., Is8u, ii, ^77.— Viae Lie (W. J.) Influence of position in the tn atincnt of thoracic aneuryism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii. 124.—Marsh ill.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta; ligature ot the ught subclavian and carotid arte- ries; death 1>\ rupturcnf the sac ou the fiftv-firstday after tbe operation. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1883, lxvi, 81-91. Aho [Abstr.l : Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1883. i, 311. Also [Ab- str.] : Med. Times i Gaz., Lond., 188:i, i, 226. Aho [Ab- str.]: Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc Lond., 1882-3, n. s., i, 63.—iVIedail. Anevrysme de la crosse de laorte traite par la galvano-puncture; autopsie. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 176-185.—.Meriwether (F. T.) Report of a case of aneurism of the ascending aorta, involving the innominate secondarily, operated upon by simultaneous ligation of the common carotid and subclavian arteries; cured. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec Ass. 1888. Birmingham, Ala., 1889, i, 160-16". Also: Ann Surg.. St. Louis, ls89, ix, 326-330 — .Tloi-ris (II.) A case of aneurism ofthe arch of the aorta involving the innomi- nate artery ; with remarks on the distal ligature. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., lss:t. Kvi. 93-106, 2 pl. Aho [Abstr I- Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1883, i. 312-314. Aho [Abstr.l: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. lsS3. i. 226. Aho [Abstr.] : Proc Roy. M. i- Chir. Soc. Loud., 1882-3, n. s., i. 64-73. — rVian (J. B.) Thepiospectsof success in the treatment of aneu- rysm ofthe thoracic aorta. Practitioner, Lond., 1890, xiv, 110-116.—Palmer (J. M.) Aneurism of the aorta and innominate artery; successful simultaneous ligature of right subclavian and right common carotid arteries. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1880, ii, 875-877.—Petit. Anevrysmede la crosse de l'aortetraite par rintroduction dans iii poche dun fll de catgut. Hull. Soe. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux 1887, viii, 100.—Pick. (Case of thoracic aneu- rism, in which the common carotid artci v was ligatured.] St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 334.—Pitt (G.N.) Ou the value of venesection for the relief of cer- tain symptomsin eases of thoracic aneurysm. Med. Press Aneurisms (Aortic, Treatment of). Sc Circ. Lond.. 1893. n. s., lv, 477-479. Aho [Abstr.]: Ab- str. Tr. Hunterian Soc. Lund.. 1*93-4. 45-47. — Potain. Du traitement des aiievrysnn-s d< l'aorte. France nied" Par., 1890, xxxvii, 2.- Baiisohou" (J.) Aneurism of tlie im oniinate and aorta: ligature of tbe carotid and sub- clavian arteries; death on the seventh dav. Am. J M Sc.. Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxx, 352-359. — Itosenstirn (J.) Die Brasdor'sehe Operation bei Aneurysinen ilea Arrua aorta- uud der Anonyma. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886-7, xxxiv, 1-56. —Saunders (E. H.) ( ase of thoracic aneurysm relieved without operation. Lancet. Lond. 1886, i, 588. — Sehivardi. t'na quistiom- progiudiziale sulla cura elettrica degli aneurismi dell1 aorta. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 18^2. iii 169; 185; 201. — von Schrottrr! Leber die Therapie des Aortenaneurysma. AVien. med Bl., 1883, vi, 1475-1477. -----. Beitrag zur Therapie des Aortenaneiirysmas. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz 1884, xxxv, 139-147.—Stewart (II. A.) Tho case of aneii- rism of the ascending aorta, for which the common ca- rotid was tied by the late Dr. Sanders, Belfast, umh r tho impression that the innoininata was the vessel affected [Dr. S.'s MS. is dated April 8, 1839.] Tr. Belfast Clin. & Path. Soc, 1854, 43-45. — Tornu (E.) Aneurisma del eayado de la aorta; compresion y tentativa de ligadura teinporaria de la aorta toracica, peuetrando por el medias- tino posterior. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892. xv, 149-161.—Villar. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte; de la ligature temporaire de l'aorte thoracique; voie de penetration chirurgicale dans le nicdiastiu post6- rieur. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 20-31. Alio: J. de med. do Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 317-319.—Wells (J. A.) Aneurysm of the arch of the aorta or of tbe innominate artery ; simultaneous liga- tion of the right common carotid and right subclavian arteries ; recovery. N. York M. J., 1888, lviii, 373.—Wil- son (J. G.) (.'ase of mixed aneurism of aortic arch, simu- lating aneurism of left carotid, with remarks. Glasgow M. J., 1854-5, 3. »., ii, 407-419. Aho, Reprint.— Wyeth (J. A.) Ligature ofthe right subclavian (third division) and the right common carotid arteries, at a single operation, on account of aortic aneurism; with a condensed history of the distal ligature for aneurisms near the heart. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 155-185. -----. Deliga- tion ofthe left common carotid and left subclavian arteries, for aneurism of the aorta; death. Med. Rec, N. ST., 1889, xxxvi, 171. Aiieiiri*ni* (Aortic) icith anastomosis. Chaboud. Observation d'un anevrysme arterioso-vei- neux de la crosse de l'aorte dont la pocbe communique avec le tronc bracbio-cephalique veineux gauche. Mem. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 2, 163-169.— Dreyfus - Itrisac. Anevrvsme arterio-veineux de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.', 1879, liv, 431.—Glasgow ( W. C.) Vaiicose aneurism of the aorta communicating with the superior vena cava. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xi, 407: 1885, xiii, 1-7. 2 pl.—Gulliver (G.) Aneurysm of arch of aorta communicating with superior cava. Tr. Path. Soc Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 120.—Henry (F. P.) Aneurism of first portion of the arch of the aorta, communicating with the pulmonary artery (spontaneous varicose aneurism of Thurnam). Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 111-114. Also: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i. 565-567. — Kcltner (G.) Feber einen Fall von Aneu- rysma varirosum der Aorta und Cava superior. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 829.—Pepper (W.) Varicose aneurism of arch of aorta. Med. Press West. X. York, Buffalo, 1889, iv, 221-223— Sehnauhert (V. N.j Aneu- risma varicosum aorta? ascendentis et vena; cava; sup- thrombosis vense cavte sup. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Pe- tersb., 1881, i, 81; 105.— Turner ( F. C.) Aneurysm of the ascending aorta communicating with the superior vena cava. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 148. Aneurism* (Aortic, Abdominal). See, also, Aneurism (Treatnient of) by acu- punvtiire, etc.; Aneurism (Treatnient of) by cold, etc.; Aneurism (Treatment of) by injection, etc. Abee (E.) *Ein Fall von Aneurysma der Aorta abdoniinalis. *J. Marburg, 1^76. Bouel (P.) "Contribution a l'etude ties aue- vrysuies de l'aorte abdominale. 4 . Paris, 1890. -----. The .same. t»c. Paris, 1-»J0. Darquet (0.) "Coutributiou a l'etude du diagnostic des an6vrysines de l'aorte abdominale. 4~. Paris, 1699. Monro (A.) Observations on aneurism of the abdominal aorta. 8-. Edinburgh, 1627. Simonpietri (V. ) *Note a propos d'un cas d'anevrysme de l'aorte abdominale. 4-. Paris, 1687). Adam (G. R. W.) A case of aneurism of the abdomi- nal aorta. Australas. M Gaz. Sydney. 1*82-3, ii, 29.— ANEURISMS, 461 ANEURISMS. Alieurisills (Aortic, Abdominal). Alauiartine (L.) Anevrisme de l'aorte descendante, erosions profondes de la colonne vertebrale; mort brusque par perforation de la poche. Loire med. St.-fitienne. 1889, viii, 61-07.—Amoroso (G.) Di un caso rarissiruo di aneu- risma del primo tratto dell' aorta ventrale o del tronco della celiaca, formante uu unico cavo aneurismatico. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, ls7G. n. s . i, 327-343. — Anderson (M'C.) Aneurysm ofthe abdominal aorta. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xii, 166.—Aneurism of abdominal aorta! Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1893, Wash., 1894 i 143. — Aneurism of abdominal aorta involving cceli'ac axis. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1892, Lond., 1894, 45.— Anisimoff (A. F. ) Sluch. anevrizmy br.vush. aorty. [Case of aueurism of abdominal aorta.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 753-758— Arnianguc (J.) Aneurisma de la aorta abdominal; ataseaniieuto intesti- nal por paresia de los intestinos.- autopsia. Independ. med. Barcel., 1881-2, xvii, 169; 195. Also- Rev.de cien. med., Barcel.. 1882, viii, 11; 38. —Backhouse (J. B. ) Case of sacculated aneurism of abdominal aorta, ruptur- ing into left pleural cavity. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884, n. s., vi. 301.—Hailey (T. R.) Notes on a case of anenrysui of the abdomiual aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 12._Bailey (W. E.) Case of abdominal aneurism rupt- uring into the psoas muscle. Ibid., 1882, ii, 314. —Bard (L.) & Tellier (J.) Anevrysmes de l'aorte abdominale; leur ouverture dans la plevre. Lyon med., 1887, liv, 421- 427.—Beevor. Abdominal aneurysm showing peculiar symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1895, 'ii, 1623. — Berunc- chi (L. ) Sopra un caso di aneurisma dell' aorta addominale perforatosi nel duodeno. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, i, 174-176. — lU-riiheiiii. Snrun cas d'anevrvsme de l'aorte abdominale. Mem. Soc. de med. de Xancy (1878-9), 1880. 81-88; pp. lxxviii. —Bc- zancon (P.) Anevrysme de l'aorte abdominale ouvert dans le peritoine; hemorrhagic cerebrale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1889, lxiv, 130.—Biggs (G. P.) Abdominal aneu- risms. Med. Rec, N. T.. 1895, xlviii, 713.—Bond (A. K.) Aneurism of the abdominal aorta, bursting into pleural cavity; a mass of tissue plugs the opening; patient rallies and dies two hours later. Tr. M. Sc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1889, 244-248. Aho: Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1889, xxi, 145-147.—Bonuzzi (P.) Due voluminosi aneurismi sacciformi della parete posteriore dell' aorta addominale, tra loro comunicante. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Pa- dova, 1883. xxvi, 129-134, 1 pl. — Bouygues. Rupture d'un anevrysme de l'aorte abdominale; kystes du paro- vaire. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par.. 1>80. lxi, 180-185. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s.. iii, 518-520. — Brain well (B.) Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 490. — Brancaccio (F.) Aneurisma sacciforme dell'aorta addominale che mentival' aneurisma dell'arteria celiaca. Morgasni. Napoli, 1881, xxiii, 860-870. —Bran- nan ( G. W.) Rupture of an aneurism of the abdominal aorta into tbe duodenum. Med. Rec, N. T.. 1893, xliii, 90—Bristowe ( J. S. ) Three cases of sudden obstruc- tion of the abdominal aorta bv aneurism; with remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i. 131: 166. — Bimcarlet. Ane- vrvsme de 1' aorte abdominale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 230-234.—Cargill (J.) Aneurism of the abdom- inal aorta, attaining an unusual size, and involving inipor- tantorgans Newcastle Ac Gateshead Path. Soc. Commu- nicat., Lond.. 1*51-2, 38-43. — Comic Flore*. Sobre un caso de aneurisma dela aorta abdominal. Gac. med. de Cara- cas, 1895 iii,81.—Coupland. Abdominal aneurism ;; rupt- ure into duodenum. Med.Times Sc Gaz.,Lond., 1883,ii,65.— Dana (I. T.) A case of aneurism of tbe abdominal aorta. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila.. 1*87 ii, 115-119. Also: Boston M. Sc S. J.,'l8>7, cxvi, 573. —Barby. Dila- tation of the abdominal aorta. Pioc Path. Sue Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 124, 1 pl.— Bavidson (A.) Case of ab- dominal aneurism, treated by compression. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1885. v. 193.—Beeliens (A. H.) A case of aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxii. 520—Bel Chiappa(G.) Osservazioni criticbe sulla relazione della malattia e morte del Cavaliere Vincenzo Bruuaeci. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1833, lxv, 417-456. Aho, Reprint— Bidion (P.) Observation d'anevrysme de l'aorte abdominale. Mem. Soc de med. de Nancy, 1882-3. 19-24. Aho: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1883, xv, 328-334.— Bixon (G. A.) Aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 23.— Brewry (W. F.) Rupture of aneurism of abdominal aorta and perforation of diaphragm. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1889-90, xvi, 264-266.— Uger jun. Beitrag zum Aneurysma aortic abdoniinalis. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 281-285.—Uremia & Marincscu. Despre anevrismal aortel abdominale. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1886, vi, 464-469, 1887, vii, 22-26. - Ferguson. Aneurism of the abdominal aorta, involving the superior mesenteric artery. Med. Rec, N. T.. 1882,' xxii, 635.—Foot (A.W.) A case of aneurism of the abdominal aorta in a female. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, li, 85-93. Also. Reprint. Also: Tr. Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl., 1887, v, 266-269.—Francois- Francis. Diagnostic des anevrysmes de l'aorte abdomi- nale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 276—Fulton. Aneurism of abdominal aorta bursting Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal). into the sub-peritoneal tissue. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v, 496.—Fyan (J. G.) Een geval van aneu- rysma aorta? abdoniinalis. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1895-6, ii, 105.—Oarel (J.) De la sciatique causee par un ane- vrysme de l'aorte abdominale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d.'sc. med. de Lyon (1879), 1880, xix, pt. 2, 246-256 Also: Lyon med., 1880, xxxiii, 162-171.—Ociii (\Y.) Aneurysm of the left side of the abdominal aorta bursting into the bladder and simulating an affection of the caecum. Lan- cet, Lond., 1884, ii, 870. — Ooodridge (11. F. A.) On a case of aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 104. — Hamilton (E.) Aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1859-62, n. s., i, 146.— llaulf (T.) Aneurysma der Aorta descendeus ab- doniinalis, nebst chroiiisch-'entzundlichen Leiden der Wir- belsaule. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1844. i, 307- 309.—Hart (C. A.) A case of obscure abdominal aneu- rism ; diagnosed by aspiration. Med. Rec, N. V., 188], xix, 68.—Hanlen (T.) Aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl. 1877-80, n. s., viii, 5-8.—Hesbcens. Anevrisme de l'aorte abdominale. Presse m6d. belsic, Brux., 1891, xliii, 391.—Hinsdale (G.) Case of aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta and left common and external iliacs. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 93. Also: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 632.—Hon sz (E.) Anevrysme de l'aorte abdominale; mort par rupture dela poche. Alger meal., 1881, ix, 269-274.—Irvine (J. P.) Aneurysm of abdominal aorta; rupture and forma- tion of a traumatic aneurysm (left kidney and left renal vein compressed by the latter; albuminuria). Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1878, xxix, 79-85. — Jerinyn (D.) Gangrene and rupture of a mesenteric vein caused by pressure if an abdominal aortic aneurism, also aneurism of the right common iliac artery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 169-172. —Johnson (G.) Two cases of abdomi- nal aneurysm in which the liver lay in front of the tumour and rendered the diagnosis difficult. In his.- Med. Lect. & Essays, 8°, Lond., 1887, 584-587.—Jones (H.) Aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta. Med. Rec, N. T., 1881. xx, 486.—Joslen (H.) Acaseof abdominal aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 542. — Kalloch (P. C.) Aneurism abdominal aorta, saccular; recovery. Rep. Superv. Surg.- Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1888, 241. — I.ange. An oper- ation for abdominal aneurysm. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 641.—liarder (H.) Aneurysm of abdominal aorta, open- ins into the right pleural cavity. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1880, xxxvii, 185 — Lauderdale (J. V.) Report of a case of aneurism of the abdominal aorta, resulting in death from rupture of the sac; disease supposed to have origi- nated from a gunshot injury of the arterial coats. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 102.—f.ediard pez Asin (J.) Sc Congrains (E.) Aneurisma adit ico abdomiual abierto en la pleura deiecha; pleuiv.-ia consecutiva. Cron. med., Lima. 1894. xi, 114- 117— Bcdiuoiid (J. M.) Diffuse false aneurism of ab- dominal aorta Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. s., ix. 100. Also: Lancet. Lond., Iss2 i, 437. — Nal a man (S. M.) Sc Machellar (E. D.) Case of abdominal aneurism. Lancet, Lond., Is8i. ii, 792. -----. On a case of abdomi- nal aneurism. Ibid., 1882, ii, 262. — Manta Maria y Bustainente (M.i De los pseudo-aueurismas dela aorta abdominal. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1892, xv, 153-157.— Seliulz ( R. ) Aneurysma der Aorta abdominalis. Deutsehes Arch. 1. klin. Med., Leipz., 1.-84. xxxv. 461- 464.—Sears (M. H.) A case of aneurism of the abdoini* nal aorta, with notes of post-mortem examination. Chi- cago M. J. Sc Exam., 1884, xlix, 22-26. — See I ye (W. H.) Aneurism of abdominal aorta. Med. A: Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1883, xlix, 178.—Ser vier. Sur les anevrysmes de l'aorte abdominale. Uaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 745; 762.—Sibley >K.) Abdominalaneurism. Clin. J., Lond.. 1895, vi, 397.—Silcock (A. Q.) Case of diffuse aneurysm of the alidoininal aoita Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 18sl'-3. xxxiv, 68-71. — s;iniih (A. A.) Some considera- tions in the diagnosi.-, and inognosis of abdominal aueu- rism. Med. Rec, N. V., 1886, xxix, 17s — Stevenson (W. F.) A case of abdominal aneurysm treated by laparotomy and the introduction of wire into the sac : death. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 22 1 pl. — Stiller (]>. > A hasi fiiggcr ane- ui-ysma.jdnak kczdetlencs tiiueleiriil. [Aneurism of ab- dominal aorta. 1 Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 1879. xxiii, 1033- 1039. Aho, transl. ■ Pest, nied.-ehii. Presse, Budapest. I.s79, xv, 983: 1003.—Stoieeseu. Anevrismul aortel ah- doiniuale. Spitalul, Bueiirescl, 1892, xii, 601-608. — Sto- Iter (T.) Aneurism of the abdominal aoi ta. Proc Path. Soc Dubl., 1877-80. n s., \iii Hi; I2u. Also: Dubliu J. M. Sc, 1880, lxx, 250-253. - Slohes (\V.i Aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Pn.c Patli. Soc Dubl., 1852-8, 14. -----. Aneurism of the abdominal aoita. Ibid., lstjs-71, n. s., iv, 6— Mymouds (H.) A case of very large aneu- rysm of the abdominal aorta. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889. xxv, 249-251. — S> uis (P.) A case of cured aneurysm of the alidoininal aorta simulating a solid tumor. Ann. Surg.. Phila.. 1893. xvii, 314 -317. — Therese (L.) Anevrysme de l'aorte abdominale diagnostique pendant la vie: autopsie. Fiance med., Par., 1890, i, 35. — Toinp- liins (W. W.) Aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 82. — Tuflnell (J.) Aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Proc Path. Soc Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 1. -----. Aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Ibid., 1875-7, n. s.. vii, 19-21. — Wallace (Q. M.) A ease of abdominalaneurism: rupture; suppression of urine: au- topsy. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 381-392.— War- den (J. R.) Diffuse aneurism of the abdominal aorta. In his: Oontrib. Path. & Pract. Med., 8°, Loud., 18x3. 613- 015.—Willi- (V.) Ueber das Aneurysma der Bauchaorta. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1881, xxxi, 2; 15; 25; 35; 59; 79; 112. Alieurisills (Aortic, Multiple). See Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications, etc., of). Aneurisms (Aortic, Varicose). See Aneurisms (Aortic) with anastomosis. Aneurisms (Ilio-femoral). See Aneurisms of groin. Aneurisms (Inguinal). See Aneurisms of groin. Aneurisms (Intracranial). See Aneurisms of cerebral, etc., arteries. Aneurisms (Intrathoracic). See. also, Aneurisms (Aortic); Aneurisms of innominate artery; Aneurisms of pulmonary ar- tery; Aneurisms of subclavian artery. Thienhaus (CO.) 'Ueber Coinpressions- stcuoseu der Trachea vei ursacht durch Aneurys- men der Aorta uud des Truncus anonyiuu.-,. e . Berlin, 1^-94. Burresi (p.) Tie casi di aneurisma iutratoracico. Sperimentale, Firenze, ls-u, xiv, 34: 239; 465. Also: Osser- vatore med.. Palermo, 1880, 3. »., x, 29-45.— Hamilton (E.) Intrathoracic aneurism. Proc Path. Njc Dubl., Aneurisms (Intrathoracic). lt-tM-8, n. s.. iii. 18-20 —Short (T. S.) Clinical notes or, four cases of thoracic aneurism. Clin. J., Lond. 1895 vi | 125-130. ' ' I Aneurisms (Meningeal). Sec Aneurisms of cerebral, etc., arteries. Aneurisms (Miliary). See Aneurisms of cerebral, etc., artirie*. Aneurisms (Ophthalmic and orbited). Hanlo (A. A. M. ) 'Over aueurysniatisehe uitzctting der ooo.slagader. .*•-. Leyden, W>;i. d'Aliueida (J.) Aneurisma arterio-venoso na orbits com inrlueiicia funesta sobre o nervo optico, e musculos extriuseeos do olho, curado pela laqueacao da carotida pri- mittiva. Med. contemp., Lisb.. 1887, v, 240. — lt< ii«oii (A. II.) Aneurysm in the right orbit cured bv digital compression. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1889. ii, 716.—< tirllug (T. B.) Case of traumatic aueurism of the ophthalmic artery, consequent on injury of the head, ( und bv ligature of the common carotid artery. Med.-Chir. Tr. Lond., 1854, xxx\ii. 221-226. Aho, Reprint. — Mempoi-i tA.) I Caseof oilural aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond . 1.-86. i, 541- 54:t.—Brnlie-Broekmau. Orbital aneurysm Ibid., 169. — Fuehs (E.i Aneurysma arterio-vennsiuu u-lina Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., Iss2. xi, 44u-444 lpl -«nli-. zowski. Sur deux cas d'anevrysme, l'un de l'arten centrale de la re tine, l'autre de l'orbite. Cong, period. internat. d'ophth. 1872, Par., 1*73. iv, 67-69. — t^aiii im. Anevrvsme orbitaire double, gueri spontauement. Assoc. franc, poui l'avance. d. sc Compt.-rend. 1s83, Par., 18-4, xii, 7s.ii -791. — aiii-eii?i (L.) Aneurisma trauma- tico per ferita dell' ascellare destra e legatura della suc- clavia. Arch, di nied., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1871, v, 207-211.— Little ( T. E. ) Axillary aneurvsni; ligature of subcla- vian artery. Brit. M. J.,'Lond., 1883, i, 671.—McCarthy (J.) Case of aneurism of axillary artery, probably rupt- ured, treated by antiseptic ligature of third part of sub- clavian arterv: partial restoration of lumen of vessel. | Absti. | Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc Loud., 1881, ix, 29.— MaeConnae (W.) Large axillary aneurism; ligature of the subclavian artery; recovery. ' Lancet, Lond., 1883, i. 11.—Mackenzie (R. J.) Case of aneurism of the up- per pair of the axillary artery, attended by certain pecu- liarities, and unsuccessfully jtreated by ligature of the subclavian arterv. Month, d. M. Sc. Lond. Sc Edinb. 1852, xiv, 110-124. Aho, Reprint. — McMurtry (L. S.) A case of traumatic aueurism of the axillary artery ; liga- tion ofthe subclavian; subsequent incision ofthe sac, fol- lowed by recovery; with remarks. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1885, v, 38-40. Also, Reprint. Also: South. Pract.. Nashville, 1885, vii, 349-353.—Marsh (H.) Aneurism of the third part of the left axillary artery; ligature of the subclavian ; rupture of the sac on the 17th day; amputa- tion at the shoulder-joint; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1882, xv, 168-172. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1882, i, 317.—May (B.) On ligature of the subcla- viau artery for axillary aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 612-614.—Morales (A.) Aneurisma de la arteria axilar; ligadura de la arteria subclavia; curacion. Rev. de nied. y cirug. pract., Madrid. 1884. xiv, 193-201. — Morison (J. R.) Case of axillary aneurysm; ligature of third part of subclavian artery with chromicised catgut: cure. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882. i, 576. — rVcugebauer ( F. ) Aneu- rysma arteriae axillaris. Mitth. d. Ter. d. Aerzte in Steier- niark, Graz, 1895, xxxii, 101-108. — Osier (W.) Case of arterio-venous aneurism of the axillary artery and vein of fourteen years' duration. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 37-40.—Barry (L. D.) A complicated case of traumatic axillarv aneurism. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney; 1890-91. x, 78.—Palzki (J. H.) Report of a case of aneurism of the left axillary treated by compression of the subclavian, and followed by an aneurism of the thoracic aorta; patient discharged from service; result unknown. Rep. Surg.- Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 105. — Pereira da Costa. Cura de um aneurisma da arteria axillar por injeccoes hy- podermicas de eruotina. Com:, brazil, de med. e cirug., Rio de Jan., 1889, i, 182-184 -l*«iebert (H.) Ueber die Aneurysmen der Hirnarterien; eine Abhandlung in Briefen an Dr. Fre- richs in Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii jiiii- 2'19- 249; 281; 336; 345; 386; 402. Also, Reprint,— l„c- Fort (L.) Anevrysme art 6rio-veineux de l'artere carotide dans le sinus caverneux; ligature des deux carotides primitives Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xx, 683-688. —IJC«g (J. W.) Sc Onuerod (J. A.) Aneuiysm of tlie antermr communicating cerebral artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1878, xxix, 106.—I^indboc (A.) Anevrisma i venstre A. fossse. Forh. Xorsko med. Selsk. i Kristiania, 1885, 111- 114.—Ijowenfcld (L.) Zur Lehre von den Miliaianeu. rysmen des Gehirns. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii 1521-1525.—Ijoppe. Anevrysme de l'artere sylvienne gauche; ramollissement trfes eteudu; rupture de la poche. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1885, lx, 24. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 236. —McSwincy (S. M.) Aneurism of the superior cerebellar artery. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 145-147. — Itladcr (J.) Aneurisma der Arteria Corp. call, (cerebr. anter.) dextra; Berstuug des- selben mit Durchbruch in die Ventrikel; allgerneine Con- vulsioneu; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftungin Wien (1882), 1883, 457. -----. Embolie der lin- ken Arteria fossaj S.ylv. nach einer Entbindungohne nach- weisbare Herzaffection; Hemiplegia dextra, Aphasie, etc.; Besserung. Ibid. (1887), 1888, 328. — Mitchell (S. W.) Aneurism of an anomalous artery, causing antero-poste- rior division of the chiasm of the optic nerves, and pro- ducing bitemporal hemianopsia. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. T., 1889, xvi, 44-62.—Jtlolt (F. W.) Aneurism follow- ing embolism of the anterior cerebral; rupture into the right lateral ventricle. Brain, Lond., 1889, xii, 149—!Vis- sen. "Vorstellung eines geheilten Falles von artericll-ve- nosern Aneurysma der Carotis cerebralis und des Sinus cavernosus. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1891, xx, pt. 1, 176-178. —Ord (W. M.) Aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery of the circle of Wil- lis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 65.— Osier (W.) Four cases of intracranial aneurism. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 268-275. -----. Aneurism of anterior com- municating artery. Cauada M. Rec, Montreal, 1883-3, xi, 133. -----. Aneurism of the anterior cerebral artery. Ibid., 241. -----. Aneurism of the larger cerebral arte- ries. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 87-93. Aho.- Can- ada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1885-6, xiv, 660-666. -----. An- eurism of the left middle cerebral artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 117.—Pcnnato (P.) Aneurisma dell' arteria Silviana sinistra, Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1894, xx, 197-210, 1 pl. — Puzcy (C.) A case of intra-cranial aneurysm successfully treated by ligation of the common carotid artery. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 368.— Begis (E\) Un cas probable d'auevrvsme intracrfinien. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 515; 534.—Bidlon. Aneurism of middle cerebral rupturing into the h-ft ven- tricle. Med. Rec, X. T., 1880, xviii, 579. — Boss (G.) Aneurism of anterior communicating artery. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 251. —Sato (S.) Dobu no tomyakurio oyobi hetsubin. [A case of aneurism of the cerebral ar- tery.] Jundendo Ijikenku Kwai Hoko, Tokio, 1893, no. 149, 9-19.—Sharkey (S. J.) Case of meningeal haemor- rhage due to rupture of an aneurism on the left middle cerebral artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lend., 1886, xxxvii, 3-5.— Simon Thomas (P. H.) Een aneurysma van dentwee- den tak der linker arteria fossae Sylvii. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1892, 2. R., xxviii, pt. 2, 385-389.- Smith (H.) A case of intracranial aneurvsni. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1882, xviii, 359-361. —Smith (R. W.> Cerebral aneurism. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 131-141, 1 pl.—Spencer (H. X.) A case of aneurism of the middle meningeal artery, from traumatism. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. (13. meet), Bost., 1880, ii. 374-378. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, X. T., 1880, xviii, 296.—Spiljinann (P.) Contribution a l'etude des anevrysmes d'origine sy- philitique des arteres cerebrales. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1886, 2. s., vii, 641-659. — Spitzka (B.C.) Miliary aneurismal disease, etc. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. Wash., 1887, v, 264-266. Also: Am. J. Insan., Ptica, N. Y., 1887-8, xliv, 235-238. — Thiroloix (J.) & Biipn*- quicr. Aplasie arterielle; nephrite intorstitielle; ane- vrvsmes miliaires des arterioles cerebrales pcripheriflues et'centrales; hetnorrhagies cerebrales. Bull. Soc auat.ae Par., 1892, lxvii, 071-673 —Vasilcflf (A. I.) Sluchai pred- polagaemoi anevrizmi art. fossas Sylvii. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 400-403. - Verco (J. C.) Aneurism of left middle cerebral artery; rupture into the ventricles; coma with general tonic spasm; death. Australas. Ji. Gaz., Sydney, 1887-8, vii, 6.-Vergely. Dilatation an* vrysma'le de l'artere sylvienne gauche. Mem. et bull. soc. ANEURISMS. 467 ANEUKISMS. Aneurisms of cerebral and intracra- nial arteries. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1874, 513-516. — 'Watson (T. A.) Aneurysm of basilar and middle cerebral arte- ries; hemiplegia ■. double optic atrophy ; necropsy. Lan- cet. Lond., 1888, ii, 718.— 'West (S.) Aneurysm of the left posterior communicating artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881. xxxii, 66. -----. Aneurysm of middle cerebral ar- tery in a boy of twelve, rupturing into the descending coiiiu of the lateral ventricle. Ibid., 69. -----. Symmet- rical aneurisms of the middle cerebral arteries; vessels thin; no cause for the aneurysms found. Ibid., 1889-90, xii, 59.—White (W. H.) Symmetrical intracranial aneu- rysms of the vertebral arteries, producing symptoms re- sembling cerebro-spinal meningitis. Ibid., 60-62. -----. Two cases of intracranial aneurysm in young subjects un- affected with svphilis or malignant endocarditis. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii,'913. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lviii, 396. Aho: Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1895, xxviii, 5-9. Aneurisms of cceliac axis. Aneurysm; cceliac axis. Rep. Superv. Snrg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 265. — Bruen (E. T.) Aneurism ofthe cceliac axis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879- 81), 1882, x, 99-101. Aho : Phila. M. Times, 1880-81. xi, 272.—Cleveland (J. L.) Aneurism of the celiac axis. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1884. n. s., xii, 259-264.—Cutler (E. G.) Aneurism of the cceliac axis; rupture. Med. Sc Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp.. 1882. 3. s., 376. -----. Aneu- rism ofthe cceliac axis; rupture into the abdomen. Ibid., 377. — Donkin (H. B.) Case of abdominal abscess and aneurysm of a branch of the cceliac axis. Westminst. Hosp.'Rep., Lond., 1888. iv, 265-270.—Federici (C.) Di nn solo aneurisma sviluppato dalle arterie celiaca e mesen- terica; storia e osservazioni. Rev. cliu. di Bologna, 1881, 3. s., i, 577-589, 1 pl. — Irvine (J. P.) Aneurysm of the cceliac axis, caused by diffuse suppuratiou in the retro- peritoneal tissues, consequent on concretions in the kid- nev; pvaemic changes in the lungs and elsewhere. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1878. xxix, 85-90.—Kolisko (A.) My- cotisches Aneurysma der Arteria coeliaca, veranlasst durch eine verschluckte Schweinsborste. "Wien. klin. Wchn- schr.. 1892, v, 321-323. — l.origa (G.) Aneurisma dell' arteria celiaca. Spallanzani, Roma. 1887, 2. s.. xvi, 249- 251.—Lyman. Aneurism of the cceliac axis. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880. vii, 142—Bichardson (B. W.) Aneurism of the creliac axis ; a clinical study. As- clepiad, Lond., 1884, i, 97-113. — Swift (L. C.) Caseof aneurism of the cceliac axis, treated medicinally, with ap- parent success. Iowa State M. Reporter, Dea Moines, 1883. i, 39-41. Aneurisms of coronary artery of heart. Buchxer (W. F.) "Aneurysma der Arteria coronaria cordis sinistra. [Leyden.] 8°. Am- sterdam, 1867. Ha let. Aneurysm of coronary artery; rupture; ne- cropsy; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii,'67. Aneurisms of coronary artery of stom- ach. See Aneurisms of gastric arteries. Aneurisms of facial artery. See, also, Aneurisms of angular artery. Aussct. Anevrysme de la coronaire labiale supe- rieure. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1889. x, 30.—Bankart. Aneurismal varix of the facial; ligature above and below the sac; recovery.. Lancet, Lond., 1831, ii, 829.—ITIunoz (J. M.) Tumor aneurisma- tico de la arteria facial, para cuya cnracion se practic6 sin fruto la ligadura, y que se curb completamente con una segunda operacion ; descripcion del metodo. Cr6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1853, i, 374-376. — Sympsou (T.) Case of traumatic aneurysm of the facial artery, successfully treated by pressure upon the facial artery with hare-lip pins. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1296. Aneurisms of femoral artery. See, also, Aneurisms of groin; Artery (Femo- ral), Artery (Iliac, Common), Artery (Iliac, Ex- ternal), Ligature of. Brandis (B.) Heilung eines rechtsseitigen Aneurysma femorale durch Instrumental-Com- pression and Galvanopunktur. Operirt in dem evaugelischen Krankenhaus in Aachen. 8°. Aachen, 1673. Buchner (A.) *Zur Behandlung der Aneu- rysma der Arteria femoralis. [Jena.] 8°. Weimar, 1891. Also, in: Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, "Wei- mar, 1891, xx, 169-182. Aneurisms of femoral artery. Caldoxe (P.) Relazione al uiagistrato; un caso di aneurisma traumatico dell' arteria femo- rale della coscia sinistra ; diagnosi e consulta- zione chirurgica; prognosi, cura ed autopsia. 8°. Matera, 1885. vox Putiatycki (F.) * Aneurysma der Art. femoralis in der linken Leistenbeuge mit Eroff- nung des Hiiftgelenkes. 8C. Berlin, [1880]. Alexander (W.) Aneurism in Hunter's canal occur- ring in a lunatic ; ligature of femoral sac opened surrep- titiously by the patient; pya-miaaud death; post mortem-. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond, 1884, i, 246. -----. Aneurism of common femoral; ligature of external iliac; cure; subsequent death and post mortem. Ibid., 247. — Aneu- rism of the common femoral artery; suppuration of sac. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1895, xxxv, 305.—Aneu- rism of femoral artery. [Two cases.l Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1883,239. — Aneurism of the femoral artery, gangrene and death. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass. Jacksou, 1886, 144. — Aneurisma sacciforme del terzo medio femorale; compressione digitale alia Van= zetti; guarigioue. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1881, vi- vii, 106.—Aneurisma voluminoso dela femoral izquierda; causas; desarrollo rapido; abertura expont&nea del tu- mor; estado del interior del saco; curaci6n. [Edit.] Gac. med. de Granada, 1883, i, 102-104.— Arvidsson (P. A.) In aneurysma femoris observationes. In: Script. lat. de aneurys. collect., Argent., 1785, 4°, 497-545.—Ash- hur.st (J.), jr. Aneurism of tbe femoral artery. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 172—Audain (L.) Anevrisme da la femorale. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pr. i, 622.—Bainbridge (G.) Case of aneurism of the femo- ral artery; Antyllus' operation; recovery. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1886), 1887, n. s.. no. ix, 1-3. — Bal- liugall (G. R.) Aneurism of the femoral artery, cured by pressure. Ibid. (1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv, 16-18.—Banks (C. E. ) Femoro-popliteal aneurism; ligation; recovery. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. Wash., 1882, 159— Bartleet (T. H.) Aneurysm of the femoral artery; ligature of the common femoral and external iliac; recov- ery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 732. -----. Aneurysm ot the superficial femoral artery in Hunter's canal, preceded by aneurysm of the common femoral of the opposite limb, both treated-by ligature. 'Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 521.— Batchelor (F. C.) A case of diffused aneurism of the common femoral artery; operation: cure. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 529-532. — Bax. Anevrysme traumatique de l'artere femorale; ligature de l'artere an- dessns et au-dessous; ouvertuVe du sac; gu6rison. Gaz. m6d. de Picardie, Amiens, 1889, vii, 373-375. — Beaney (J. G.) On a Caseof aneurism of the femoral arterv. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 77-80. — Bell (J.) Aneurism ofthe femoral artery treated by ligature of the external iliac artery. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1894-5. xxiii, 271. Aho: Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii, 936—Ben- nett (W. H.) Femoral aneurism, in which the sac had been laid open before the patient's admission ; ligature of the femoral artery; gangrene ; amputation of the thigh; recovery. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1879, Lond., 1880, x. 158-160.— Bernard. Appareil pour la compression dea anevrysmes de l'art&re femorale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d'. sc. med. de Lyon (1881), 1882, xxi, pt. 2. 98-100.— Borelli (G.) Intorno ad un voluminoso tumore aneuris- matico al terzo inferiore della coscia trattato colla galvano- puntura. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1847, xxx, 40-58. — Bressler (F. C.) Traumatic aneurism of the femoral artery following gunshot wounds. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889,'xxi, 304-306.—Brown (B.) Femoral aneu- rism cured by direct compression, while the patient was taking active exercise; death from peritonitis six years afterwards; with an account of the post-mortem appear- ances by H. H. A. Beach. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. Im- prove., 1880, vii (app.), pp. vi-xiii, 1 pl— Bruckmniin (C. P.) De aneurismate arteria cruralis in cartilagincni et osmutato. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.J, 12°, Leipz. ii. Budi.ssin, 1773, v, 61-04. — Bryant (T.) Right femoral aneurism in Scarpa's [triangle] ; ligature of external iliac, sloughing over outer side of right leg; necrosis of right fibula: sequestrotomy; cured. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xiv, 57.'— Buchanan (G.) Case of traumatic femoral aneurism, treated by pressure, afterwards by ligature at the seat of injury. Glasgow M. J., 1862-3, [3.] s., x, 6-12. Also, Reprint. -----. Remarks on aneurism of common femoral artery, extending into the iliac fossa; simultaneous ligature of the external iliac, superficial femoral, and profunda arteries; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 875. — Buc- quoy. Anevrysme de l'artere crurale consecutif a une endocardite ve'getante latente, probablement d'origine puerperale; traitement par la m6thode de Baccelli (intro- duction d'un ressort de montre dans le sac aneurysmal); aphasie et h6mipl6gie droite par embolie de l'artere sylvi- enne. Bull, et mem. Soc m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 197-207. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 290-294.—rou Buugtier (O.) TJeber eine sog. ANEURISMS. 468 ANEURISxMS. Aneurisms of femoral artery. Spontanrnptur der Arteria femoralis mit Anenrysmabil- dung bei einem 17,iahrigen Knaben. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1890, xl, 312-345.—Burr (A. H.) The spontaneous cure of femoral aneurism, with presentation of a case. Chicago M. Recorder, 1895, ix, 245. — Buzzell (J. M.) Femoral aneurism. Mass. M. J., Bost.. 1891, xi, 145-148— C'asati (E.) TJn caso di aneurisma della femorale al tri- angolo di Scarpa in un bambino di 13 anni. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1889, 5. s., viii. 545-548. — C'hapiit. Ane- vrysme femoral traite par 1 incision du sac. Semaine med., Par., 1895, xv, 508.—C'heever (D. W.) Traumatic [femo- Tal] aneurism. Med. ic Surg. Rep. Bost. City IIosp., 1882, 3. s., 138. — Chrnowrtli (J. S.) Operation for ruptured traumatic aneurism of deep femoral artery. Cincin. M. J., 1894, ix, 557 - 563. — Cheyne (W.) Case of aneurysm of the superficial femoral artery which had ruptured; in- cision into the aneurysm; ligature of the femoral artery above and below the opening in the vessel; removal of the greater part of tho sac; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892. i, 271. — C'lutton ( H. H.) A case of femoral aneurism, treated by ligature of the external iliac arterv ; reeoverv. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1880, xiii, 193-196. Also [Abstr.']: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 449. Also [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 518. -----. Aneurism of femoral artery cured by compression; subsequent death from rupture of an aortic aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 441.— C'ombalat. Anevrisme de l'artere femorale au niveau de l'arcade. crurale; ligature de l'iliaque externe; mort a la suite d'accidents cardio-pulmonaires, dix mois apres sa guerison; autopsie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 194; 431. [Rap. de Pollaillon], 429-431.— Common femoral aneurism. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. 1884, Lond., 1885, 23. — Cui-^i-nvi-u. Aneurism of right superficial femoral urteiy ; ligaiure of external iliac; recovery. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1879. ii. 693.—Beaver (J. B.) Aneurism of the femoral artery, treated by digital pressure; recovery, i Reported hyS. P. Kagh-ton.] Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 350. — Beroubuix (L ) Ane- vrysme de l'artere femorale; ligature. Ann. de l'Univ. de Brux. Fac. de med., 1881. ii, 53-58. Aho, in his: Clin. chir., etc, 1877-9, 8°, Brux.. 1881, pt. ii, 53-58.—Bespres. Anevrisme diffus de la femorale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 253- 258 — Bobson ( N. C. ) Large aneurysm of the left femoral at the apex of Scarpa's triangle. Lancet, Lond., 1885. i, 984.— Driiupelmann (K. V.) Aneurisma traumatica diffusa art.- femoralis dex- tra-. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1889, xv, 742-745. — Bu- brueil (A.) Anevrysme inguinal; ligature de l'iliaque externe; guerison. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1882, iv, 219, 231; 243. — Bu«an ( W. C. ) (Traumatic femoral aneurism; removed.] Cincin. M. J.. 1895, x, 113- 118. — Biincan (J.) Femoral aneurism; ligature of ex- ternal iliac; cure. North. J. M., Edinb., 1845, ii, 282-285. Also, Reprint. — Bupuytrcn. Anevrisme de l'artere femorale; ligature de cette artere a- la distance de pres d'un pouce de l'art ere profoude. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, i, 50.—Encina» (S. G.) Aneurisma no'traumatico, primi- tive y circunscrito de la arteria femoral; operacion por el metodo de Antilus; heiiorragia consecutiva; ligadura de la iliaca externa; curacion. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1880, xxvi, 34-36.— Espada (J. M.) Aneurisma de la arteria femoral derecha eu su tercio superior; curaci6u del mismo sin intervencibn quiriirgica. Bol. cliu. de la "Cuiiuta del Rey", Habana, 1884, ii, 69. — Fstlander. Ett fall af aneurysma p& laret. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 188i, xxiii, 28-30. — Estor (E.) Anevrisme spontane de l'artere femorale droite datant de 15 ans; dia- gnostic : fibro-lipome du triangle de Scarpa; dissection et ouverture suivie d'hemorrhagie grave; extirpation; gu6- rison. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Moutpel., 1891, xiii, 445- 447. — Femoral [aneurism] in Hunter's canal. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1887, Lond., 1888, 27.— Venn (C. M.) Femoral aneurism cured by deligatiou of • he artery after two failures by compression; the ligature falls from erosion (calcareous)' a f ter sixty-two days. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 292-294—Festa' «7.) Aneurisma traumatico spurio dell' arteria criual. siuistra; legatura dell' iliaca esterna; amputazione dell 3° iuferiore della coscia col processo Gritti. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1895, xliii, 10-14—Fly (A. W.) Aneurism of femo ral artery, as the result of a pistol-shot wouud, thirteen and a half years ago, resulting in embolism of plantar arch, causing gangrene and spontaneous amputation of the foot: septicaemia and death. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Aus- tin, 1888. xx, 72-74—|Foriiieiil© (F.) Aneurism ofthe lower femoral; ligature of the middle third; abscess of the aneurismal cavity; incision and counter opening; re- covery. N. Orl. M. A S. J.. 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 773-777.— Fornos ( S.) Sc Bodds ( It. ) Dos casos de aneurisma falso de la femoral. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1885, viii, 79-84.— Freeman (S. A.) Report of a case of aneurism of the right femoral artery, treated by ligature of the external iliac; result, cure: subsequent death from a hemorrhage iuto the pericardium. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash.. 1885-6. 106. — French (P.) Aneurism of the femoral arterv ; ligation of common fem- oral; recovery. J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne, Aneurisms of femoral artery. 1889-90, ii, 373-377. Aho: St. Louis Clin. Phys. Sc Sure 1889-90, iii, 154- 157. — Gallois. Anevrisme sacciforme de l'artere ftmorale a la partie nioyenne; hemorrhagie spontanee; vaste foyer hemorrhagique pris pour un abcis et ouvert au bistouri; intoxication septique cons6cutive- large ouverture du foyer, drainage; ligature de l'aitire lemorale au-dessus du sac, chute de la ligature au dix- huitieme jour; pas d'accidents du cote du membre oper6; eschare sacree tres etendue avec vastes decollcments; es- chare trochanterienne gauche; mort plusieurs mois apr£a l'operation. J. Soc de med. et pharm. de ITsere, Greno- ble, 1882-3, vii, 52-54. — Gallozzi (C. I Tre osservazioni d' aneurisma spoutaneo del! arteria crurale. Resoc Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1879, xxxiii, 254-260, 1 pl. ____' [Sucli aneurismi della crurale.] Atti Cong. gen. d Ass med. ital. 1880, Genova, 1882, ix, 243-245. -----. Consiih-' razioni su di nn caso di aneurisma della crurale, o di altro vasto aneurisma della femorale. Resoc Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1880, xxxiv, 69-73. -----. Una quinta osserva- zione d' aneurisma spontanea dell' arteria crurale sinistra; allacciatura dell' arteria iliaca esterna nel suo terzo su- periore; guarigioue. Ibid., 1882, xxxvi, 19-25. Also: Morgagni, Napoli, 1882. xxiv. 181-186. -----. Aneurisma traumatico della crurale: allacciatura della iliaca esterna. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli. 1887, viii, 9. — Gaston (J, McF.) Supplementary report of ligation of external iliac for aneurism of femoral artery. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1887, xvii, 186.—Gellens. La compression digitale dana uu cas d'anevrysme arterioso-veineux de l'artere femo- rale gauche. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1886, 3. s., xxii, 111-116.—Gillette. Anevrvsmes de l'artere crurale. Diet, enc.xcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1879, xxiii, 604-742.— Godlee (R. J.) Case of aneurism, first of one femoral artery, then of the other ; ligature of both with carbolised catgut, and antiseptic treatment; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1881. i. 495-497.—Goldsmith (M.) Case of aneurism of the femoral artery cured bv ice. Tr. Soc. Ahuiiui Coll. Phys. & Surg. Univ. State' N. York., N. Y., 1842, no. 1, 6.—Gross (S. W.) Aueurism of the femoral artery cured bv pressure. Med. News. Phila., 1882, xl, 26. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 186.—Guillet. Anevrysme dc l'artere femorale au niveau du canal de Hunter; com- pression digitale pratiquee pendant 24 hcures; guerison suivie de recidive au bout de deux mois et drini; ligature de l'arteie audessus du sac; accidents cerchraux; mort. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], 1889, Par., 1890, iv, 248-252.—Guthrie. Aneurism of the femoral artery in the groin ; external iliac artery tied. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1831, vii, 328-335.—Hamilton (J. B.) Traumatic an- eurism of the femoral artery. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., ii, 202-205.—Hard (A. D.) An interesting case of femoral aneurism cured bv digital compression. Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1883, v, 494.—Hawliim (W. H.) Diffused traumatic aueurism of the femur, with operation. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 119- 121.—Heath (C.) Aneurism of the left superficial fonio- ral artery; ligature of external iliac; ha-maturia; iucision into sac; secondary haemorrhage; gangrene of tues; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 300. -----. Aneurysm of the common femoral; digital compression on two occasions, for twelve and six and a half hours, respectively, with five days' interval; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 300.— Heuao (J. T.) Aneurisma espontauco de la porcidn in- guinal de la arteria femoral; ligadura de la iliaca externa; curacion. An. Acad, de med. de Medellin, 1887-9, i, 47- 54.—Hochencgg (J.) Eiu Fall von Aneurysma sou- riuin der Arteria femoralis bedingt durch ein zehn Jahre getrageues Projectil. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i,698- 700.—Hodgen (J. T.) Aneurism of the femoral artery. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1880, xxxviii, 629-633—Holmes (T.) Substance of a clinical lecture on a case of feiuoro poplitj eal aneurism, which had been laid open by mistake, and in which the old operation (that of Antvllus) was per- formed. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 41—Hubbard (V. B.) Report of a case of aneurism of the femoral artery, resulting in cure by spontaneous rupture of the sac ami obliteration of the vessel. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 107—Hutchison (J. C.) A ease of recurrent femoral aneurism treated with success by catgut ligature of the external iliac: return of the aneurism after four aud a half years; cure bv laying open the sac. Am. J. >'• Sc, Phila.,' 1880, n. s, lxxx. 455-458. - Jacobsen (J.) Aneurisma difuso de la femoral derecha. Rev. de cn-ii. med., Habana, 1888, no. 46, 8—Jamison (D) Iran- ruatic aneurism of the femoral ami \. N. Oil. M. &•» J., 1884-5, n. s., xii. 399— Karvonen (J. J.I Aueurysiua traumaticum diffusum femoris. Duodecim, Helsinki, UU-. viii, 98-102.—Knox (D. N.) Case of traumatic aneurysm of the common femoral cured by ligature. GlasgowM.J., 1893, xl, 340. -----. Patient from case of traumatic aneu- rysm of the common femoral, cured by ligature Ibid., 379. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. &. Clin. Soc, 1893-5, v, 2-4.- Laimdon-n (F..-P.) Aneurysm of femoral arttry curea by digital pressure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, Mis- l.atinicr (H. A.) High aneurysm of iemoral artery; ligature of external iliac artery; care. Lancet, ^"»^t 1887, i, 71.—Lbwmd (G.) Aneurysm of the superficial A>TEUKISMS. 469 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of femoral artery. femoral artery in Scarpa's triangle; ligature of the1 exter- nal iliac artery; recovery. Ibid., 1890, ii, 280.—Lieclerc (E.) Anevrysme diffus consecutif de l'artere femorale gauche; ligature de l'iliaque externe; guerison. Arch.de med. nav., Par., 1886, xiv, 383-388— Liceaga (E.) Aneu- risma dc la arterial femoral, tratada por la ligadura de la iliaca externa. Gac. med, Mexico, 1894, xxxi, 231-233.— McBurney. Aneurysm of the femoral artery; liga- tion of the external iliac; cure. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 251.—IlacCorninc (W.) Aneurism of the femo- ral artery in Hunter's canal; digital compression for twenty-four hours; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 405.— Maclean (D. ) Traumatic aneurism of the common femoral artery; ligature of the external iliac artery; re- co\ery. Med* Rec, N. Y., .1882. xxi, 33—Mneiiamnra. Diffused femoral aneurysm: ligature of external iliac ar- tery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1327.—Maitlaud (J.) Femoral aneurysm. Tr. South. Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1884-6, Madras, 1887, i, no. 8, 5—Marsh (II.) Aneurysm of the right femoral in the middle of the thigh, and subsequently of the lowest part of the left popliteal, or of the commencement of the posterior tibial; both fem- oral arteries tied in two places and divided in the interval; recovery; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1333. -----. A case in which spontaneous cure of au aneurysm of the femoral artery toolc place, apparently by inflammatory ac- tion. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv, 234-236.—Miitas (R.) Enormous traumatic aneurism of the common femo- ral; laparotomv; ligation of the external iliac N. Orl. M ous de 1 arcade, trait6 sans succ6s par la compression digit.de, gueri par la ligature. Bull, ct mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 258-262. — Picquc. Anevrysme volumineux de l'artere femorale au pli de l'aine; ligature de l'artere iliaque externe; guerison. Cong, fra 119. de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par., 1888, iii, 558-562.— Poinsot. Anevrisme de l'artere femorale; application de la bande d'Esmarch, suivant la methode de Reid, a deux reprises, avec resultat incomplet; insucces de la compression in directe; ligature antiseptique; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 570; 577. — Porter (J. H.) Femoral aneurism, left side: failure of treat- ment by compression aud application of Esmarch s baud- Aiieurisilis of femoral artery. age; ligature of left external iliac artery, and recovery. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1877, Lond., 1879, xix, 200.—Pren- grueber. Gravite des anevrysmes de la femorale pro- fonde. Bull, med., Par., 1893, vii, 1097. — BuiisohoflT (J.) Aneurism of the femoral artery; deligation of the superficial femoral; cure. J. Med. Coll. Ohio, Cincin., 1891, ii, 5. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvi, 529-531.—Batton (J. J. L.) Femoral aneurysm. Tr. South Indian Blanch Brit. M. Ass. 1884-6, Madras, 1887, i, 110. 6, 12-14. — Bedtenbacher (L.) Aneurysma art. femoralis et popliteie sinistra;; Heilung durch die iudi- recte and intci inittirende Digitah ompression. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1872, Wien, 1874, 162—Rich- nrdsou (T. (J.) A peculiar form of traumatic aneurism of the femoral artery; with exhibition of the specimen. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1883, i, 453-460. -----. Clinical report of a femoral aneurism. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1884-5, n. 3., xii, 536-540. -----. A femoral aneurism cured by elevation and flexion of the limb. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1887, v, 345-347. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv, 605.—Bivington (W.) Two cases of ligature of the external iliac arterv for femoral aneurism. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xl, 470. Aho.- Med. Time? & Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 715.—Boberts (W. O.) Aneurism of the femoral arterv; ligatiou of the external iliac; cure. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1883, xxviii, 193-197. Aho, Re- print.— Rogers (W. B.) Aneurism of the femoral artery successfully treated by ligature of external iliac; clinical lecture and operation. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1881, i, 49-56.—Rose (W.) Recurrent aneurism of the superficial femoral artery after ligature of the ex- ternal iliac, treated bv excision of the sac. Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1883-4. vii, 75-78. Aho: Lancet, Loud., 1883, ii, 1082. — Buether. Operation eines Aneurysma der Art. rruralis. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen 1843, Minister, 1845, 127 - 129. — Salvia (E.) Aneurisma spontaneo della crurale destra. Progresso med., Napoli, 1890, iv, 302; 431.—Sancho (M.) [Un aneurisma de la femoral en la parte media y superior del muslo izquierdo.] Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1882, xxviii, 86-88.—Sanotzki (A. S.) Neskolko slov po povodu sluch. travmat. anevrizmy bedren. arterii; extirpat. anevrizmy; vyzdorov. [Some remarks on a case of traumatic aneurysm of femoral artery; extirpation; recovery.] Med. Sbornik varshav. U.jazd. voyenu. hosp., Varsh'ava, 1888, i, pt, 2, 37-53.— Sawtellc (II. W.) Femoral aneurysm, beginning imme- diately under Poupart's ligament treated by digital com- pression-, recovery. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 225-227.— Schmidt (H. D.) An observation on the mode of forma- tion of the fibrinous clot of an aneurism of the femoral artery. Ann. Anat, Sc Surg., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1882, v, 51- 78.—Sheen (A.) Two cases of aneurysm of the femoral artery, with ligature of the external iliac artery; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 720. — Siblhorpe (C.) Case of traumatic femoral aneurysm Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8, Madras, 1888, ii, 495-500.—Simons (M.) A case of aneurism and arterio-venous aueurism of the femoral artery and vein produced by gunshot injury- operatiou and recovery. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charles; ton, 189(1, 125-128.-----. [Aneurism of the femoral artery caused by a pistol wouud; artery being tied in Hunter's canal; gangrene; amputation.] Ibid., 1892, 51-53.— Son- chon (E.) Simultaneous double aneurism of the femorals on the same side, and of the femorals and popliteal on the same side; also cases of simultaneous triple and quadruple aneurism on the same lower limb. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 401-431.—Southam (F. A.) Ruptured femoral aneurysm cm ed by ligature of external iliac artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 818. -----. A case of femoral aneurysm treated by injection of fibrin-ferment, and sub- sequently by ligature of the external iliac artery. Ibid., ii, 321.—Spencer (C. G.) Notes on a case of aneurysm of the right femoral artery, successfully treated by ligature ofthe external iliac artery, at the Herbert Hospital, Wool- wich. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1893, Loud., 1893, xxxv, 364.— Sliinson (L. A.) Femoral aneurysm; rupture; extirpa- tion. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 311. — Sliriiinn (W. F.) An aneurism of femoral artery. Am. Pract, Louisville, 1881, xxiii, 341-343.—Svensson (I.) Spoil taut anevrisin. Nord. med. Archiv, Stockholm, 1883, xv, no. 14, 19-21.— Takagi (Iv.) A case of femoral aneurism. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi, 201-205—Thompson (J.) Aneu- rysm of femoral artery; ligature oi external iliac artery; recovery. Brit. M.J.,'Lond., 1885. i, 889.—Thornton (W. F.) Traumatic femoial aneurism. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1888, lv, 75— Thouvenet (A.) Anevrysme diffus primi- tif de l'artere femorale consecutif a un traumatisme. Limousin med., Limoges, 1894, xviii, 19.—Tiirany. Trau- matic aneurism of the femoral artery; the sac opened and a ligature applied above and below. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4. x, 185.—Trapenard (G.) Anevrysme faux consecutif dune branche, de la femorale a la cuisse gauche: suite de blessure profonde; guerison; mort au ser- vice mililaire par une flevre typhoide contracted a I'hopital d'Ajaccio. .Soc.d.sc.med.deGanuat. Compt.-rend. 1882-3, Par'.. 1883. xxxvii, 57-59.—Verjauchlea traumatiachea AXEUBISMS. 470 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of femoral artery. Aneurysma der Art. femoralis. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d Spit, zu Basel (1891), 1892,135—Voss (P.) Aneurysma art femoralis traumaticum. Norsk Mag.f.La-gevidensk., Christiania, 1882, xii. 7:15-739—"Watson [J. R.] Case of femoral aneurism; ligature; recovery- Glasgow M. J., 1882, xviii, 296-298. — Watson ( S. ) A case of an- eurism of the femoral artery in Hunter's canal; elastic ligature- compression of femoral in Scarpa's triangle; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 952. — Weeks (S. H.) Aneurism of femoral arterv. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1884, viii, pt. 2, 325-32*.— Weil (K.) Aneurisma der Arteria femo- raiis' sinistra von ungewohnlicher Grosse; erfolglose Be- handlung mit verschiedenen Compressionsmethoden; Phlegmonose Entziiuduug der Umgebung; Septicaemie; Tod. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 143-146— Whcaton (C. A.) Hemorrhage from a femoral aneurism, treated by ligation of the external iliac arterv. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1881,52-54. Also: Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1882, 157-159— Williams (H. J.) Cir- cumscribed traumatic aneurism of tbe hft femoral ar- tery; ligation of the external iliac artery; gangrene of the leg", and death on the 40th day. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1894. xxiv, 1-4.—Wright. Ruptured femoral aneurysm in Hunter's canal; ligature of the femoral artery; cure; subsequent death from heart disease; necropsy; remarks. Lancet, Loud., 1886, i, 1113.—Wylock (W. S.) Femoral aneurism and ligature of the external iliac. Indian Lancet, Lahore, 1860, ii, 227.—Young (J. K.) Ligation of the ex- ternal iliac arterv for femoral aneurism. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 483. — Zwicke. Aneurysma arteriae femoralis dextra.-; Febris recurrens; Unterbindung der Art. iliaca externa dextra; Transfusion; Tod. Charite- Ann., Berl., 1882, vii, 574. Alieurisills of foot. Cocke rill (R. W.) Traumatic aneurism of the arte- ries of the left foot. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1871. iii, 250-252.—Bubrueil (A.) An6vrysme traumatique de la plante du pied: gue-rison. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. uied.de Mont- pel., 1886, viii, 62-64.—Emery (A. F.) Aneurism of dor- salis pedis artery. Maiitime il. News, Halifax, 1888-9, i, 33.—Finney. Aneurism of the dorsalis pedis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1893, iv, 27—Gouley (J. "W. S.) Traumatic aneurism of the dorsal artery of the right foot; ligature of the vessel above aud below the tumor, and excision of the sac. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 777- 779. — Ilenop (W.) Zwei Falle von Aneurysma der Arteria pediiea. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879, xii, 477-480. — Masson. Anevrysme faux consecutif de l'artere plantaire externe; ligature de la tibiale postc- rieure; guerison. J. de med. de Lyon, 1867, vii, 411-416.— Bnmon. Aneurisma de la pedia: curacion. Clinica, Zaragoza, 1*77, i, 63.—Thorburn (W.) A caseof aneu- rysm of the dorsalis pedis artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1147.—Walsh a in. A case of traumatic aneurysm of the internal plantar artery of the left foot following the division of the plantar fascia for talipes equinovarus treated by pressure ; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 171. Aneurisms of gluteal artery. sione di quattro aglii; morte per disfacimento del trombo e setticoemia. In his: Clin, chir., Roma, 18S1, vi-vii, 109.— Montaz (L.) Des anevrysmes de la region fessiere Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc]. Par., 1891, v, 444- 448. Aho: Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1891, xv, 105-111.— Thigpcn (J.) A huge gluteal aneurism; injection of per- chloride of iron. Tr. M. Ass. Alahaina Montgomery. 1880, xxxiii, 395. — Torracchi (Z.> Cenni storici intorno ad uu aneurisma nella regione "lutea (iazz.toscd.se. nied.- fis., Firenze, 1844, ii, 241-213. — Trepper. Eiu Beitrag zur Casuistik der traumatischen Glutasal-Aneurismen. Deutsche mil.-iiiztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1883, xii, 229-241.— Turner (G. R.) On a case of gluteal aneurism. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1884, xvii, 172-179. Aho [Abstr.]: L;in- cet, Lond., 1884,i, 798. Aho [Abstr.]: Med.Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 425. — Watson (E.) Caseof aneurism of gluteal artery. Glasgow M. J., 188), xvi, 291- 293.—Willett(E.) Embolic aneurysm of gluteal artery. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 403.—Williams (L. L.) Gluteal aneurysm; ligature of the internal iliac artery. N. York M. J.,* 1892, lvi, 211. Aneurisms of groin. Mitscherling (L) * Beitrag zur Casuistik ties spontauen Inguiualaueurysnia und seiner Therapie. 8'. Dorpat, 1890. Verdier (P.-L.) Memoire sur uu appareil couipressif do l'artere iliaque externe, daus le cas d'anevrysme inguinal; lu a l'Acade'mie ro- yale de mddecine, section dc chirurgie, le 7 fe- vrier 1622. 8°. Park, 1823. Bazy. An6vrysme inguinal enorme et enflamm6; douleurs atroces; extirpation; reunion primitive dans la plus grande etendue de la plaie; gu6rison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 31-39. Aho, transl: Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1891, xvi, 268-275. — Berry (W.) On a case of ilio-femoral aneurism, treated by instrumen- tal compression; cure. Lancet, Lond., 18«5, i, 472.— liristowe Sc Jones (S.) A case of ilio-femoral aneu- rysm, with gaugreue of the foot, developed in a patient suffering from cardiac disease and albuminuria, and in which ligature of the external iliac artery and amputation of the thigh were performed. Ibid., 1883, i, 97.—Bryant. Inguinal aneurysm (traumatic); ligature of external iliac artery; cure. Ibid., 1885, ii, 64.— Butcher (R. G.) On ligature of the iliac artery for the cure of inguinal aneu- rysm; and on excision ofthe knee joint. Dublin Q. J. -M. Sc, 1872, liv, 329-360. Also, Reprint, -----. Enormous inguinal aneurysm cured by ligature of the external iliac artery high up; death of patient eight years after the op- eration ; short history of the case and trie post mortem ap- pearances, and the condition of the vascular system in both limbs, illustrated by a beautiful plate taken most ac- curately from the preparation in my museum. Dublin J. M. Sc,'l881, 3.8., lxxii, 371-376, 1 pl—C'hiappini (A.L.) ftguinal aneurism; ligature of the right common iliac ar- tery ; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 729. — t'ran. Anevrysme inguinal volumineux; ligature de l'iliaque externe; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir.de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 737-739.— Benucc. Observation d'un cas d'anevrisme inguinal; ligature de l'artere iliaque externe. Union med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1856, i, 282-289. Aho, Reprint.— Holmes (T.) On a caso of iliofemoral aneu- rism, in which the iliac artery whs tied with an animal lig- ature (Mr. Bai-well's), after the failure of compression ap- plied to the common iliac artery, and during the progress of gangrene of the leg aud foot; recovery after amputa- tion, first of the leg, and then of the thigh; intercurrent double pleurisy and thrombosis of the other leg. St. George's Hosp' Rep. 1879, Lond., 1880, x, 483-495.—Kir- misson (E.) Memoire sur les anevrismes inguinaux et sur la ligature de l'artere iliatique exterue. Bull, et m£ni. Soc. de chir. de Par., 18.^4. n. s., x. 478-507. [Rap. de P. Berger], 471-478. — .llact'oi-uiick (A.) A case of leak- ing ilio-femoral aneurism; ligature of the external iliac artery aud old operation. Australas. M. Gaz., S>duey, 1891-2, xi, 99.—ITIaltins. Inguinal aneurysm treated by- ligature of the external iliac artery bv the intra-peritomal method. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1328 —Moiillin (CM.) Traumatic inguinal aneurism; rupture of sac ; ligature of the common femoral and external iliac arteries. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 137-139. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 447. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 444. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1886, n. s., xii 192.—Parker (R.W.) Case of spontaneous inguinal aneurism iu a boy aged 12 years 8 months for which the external iliac artery was tied; with notes of the other recorded cases of aneurism in young persons. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, n. s., i, 161-168. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii. 9V3. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1.--84, lxvii, 51-66.-Siuclnir (M.) Case of inguinal aneurism, in which the external iliac artery was tied with success. Lancet, Lond., 1832-3 ii, 658-660. Aho. Reprint.—Sogliano (S.) Storia di un aneurisma alia piega dell' inguine destro, esteso alia fon-a iliaca. Clinica, Napoli, 1875, ii, 13— Sojo. Aneurisma Aneurisms of forearm. s>e Aneurisms of radial artery; Aneurisms of ulnar artery. Aneurisms of gastric arteries. Merry (E. P.) A case of gastric aneurism. Boston M. \ S. 3., 1885, cxiii, 199.—Powell (R. D.) Small aneu- rism of the coronary artery iu au ulcer of the lower curva- ture of the stomach. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1878, xxix, 133-135.—Nulotr (S. A.) A case of aneurism of the gas- tric arterioles. Peoria M. Month., 1883-4, iv, 267. Aneurisms of gluteal artery. Dorveacx (P.) *Du traitement des ane- vrysmes de la fes.se. 4\ Xancy, 1^-0. Aneurysm; gluteal artery. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 266. — Carmiehael (W.) A case of gluteal aneurysm treated successfully by Macewen's method in Mr. A. G. Miller's wards; death from abdominal sarcoma. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 117.— Belanp (S. P.) Report of a case of spontaneous gluteal aneurism. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1*95-6, u. s., xxiii, 257-264.— Benuis (F. S.) Laparotomy in the treatment of spon- taneous gluteal and sciatic aneurisms. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 565-571. Aho, Reprint. — Ileustis (J. F.) j Gluteal aneurism; ligature of the internal iliac artery and subsequently of the gluteal; death from septicaemia. Tr. I M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1881, xxxiv, 504-506.— Ileydenreieh (A.) Anevrysme traumatique de la fesse; gucii-tou spontanee par inflammation de la poche. M6m. Sue de med. de Nancy, 1880, pp. h-lvii, 86-93. Also.- Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, l-f-0. xii. 577-584. — Howe (A.J.) Traumatic aneurism of the gluteal arterv. E( lect. M.J., Cincin. 1892, Hi, 9-17 — .llackcllar (('. K.) A case of aneurism of the gluteal artery. Australas. M. Caz., Syd- ney, 1881-2. i, 147.—flazzoiii (C.) Aneurisma falso con- secutive dell'arteria glutea sinistra; elettrolisi; intromis- ANEURISMS. 471 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of groin. inguinal circunscrito sacciforme; ligadura de la artpria iliaca externa; curaci6n. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1887, x, 711; 7*3 —Staples (F. P.) Case of ilio-femoral aneu- rism successfully treated by rapid complete pressure. Lancet, Loud., 1879, ii, 791/ Aho: Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii, 139". — Varick ( T. R.) Distal compression applied in a case of inguinal aneurism, with a suc- cessful result. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxii, 140. Also, Reprint.— Walsh am (W. J.) A case of in- guinal aneurism ; ligature of the external iliac artery with two kangaroo-tail tendon ligatuies and division of the ar- tery between them ; suppuration of the sac ; ultimate re- covery. Tr. Cliu. Soc Lond., 1885, xviii, 254-267. Aho f Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 373. Aho [Abstr.]; Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 893. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 799. Aneurisms of hepatic artery. Niewerth (A.) * lTeber einen Fall von Aneu- rysma der Arteria liepatica. 8C. Eiel, 1894. Sauerteig (A.) * Ueber das Aneurysma der Arteria liepatica. 8°. Jena, 1693. Caton (R.) Case of aneurism of hepatic artery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1886, xix, 275-278. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xii, 494. Aho .- Brit. M.J., Loud., 1886, i, 1063.—Brasche. Ueber Aneurysmen der Leber- arterie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 1017; 1043; 1072. Also, in hh: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 359- 371.—Irvine (J. P.) Aneurysm of hepatic artery in the cavity of an abscess of the liver; perforation of the stom- ach and rupture of aneurysm into it. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1878, xxix, 128-132. — Blester (B.) Das Aneu- rysma der Arteria liepatica. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1895, xxviii, 93- 111, 1 pl. — Schmidt (M. B.) Tbdtliche Blutung aus einem Aneurysma der Leberarterie bei Gal- lensteinen. Deutsehes Arch. f. kbn. Med., Leipz., 1893-4, Iii, 536-540.— Weinlechuer. Rascher Tod in Folge , Ruptur eines Aneurysma der Arteria hepatica bei einem seit 15 Tagen an Osteomyelitis femoris leidendeu Jiing- linge. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu "Wien (1882), 1883, 269. Aneurisms of iliac arteries. See, also, Aneurisms of groin; Aorta (Abdom- inal, Ligature, etc., of); Artery (Iliac, Common, Ligature of). Diez (M.) * Ueber einen Fall von Aneurysma traumaticum der Arteria iliaca externa. 8°. Erlangen, 1892. Wedekind ( G. ) * Aneurysma der Arteria anonyrna iliaca sinistra. S-. Jena, 1^92. Aneurism (external iliac). North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1887, Lond., 1888, 27.—Barker (A. E.) Remarks on a case of aneurysm of the external iliac ar- tery; digital and instrumental compression; complete enre. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1371.—Bennett (W. H.) Iliac aneurism; compression of common iliac ; ligature of iliac (external); gangrene; amputation; recovery. St. George's ITosp. Rep. 1879, Lond., 1880, x, 160-163.—Brail- ford (E. II.) Incision of a false iliac aneurism. Boston M. & S. J., 1*91, exxv, 593.—Bryant (J. D.) A case of large aneurism of the external iliac artery apparently cured bv Macewen's method of needling. Ann. Surg., Phila , 1893, xvii, 312. — Butlay (K.) Septikus embolus Altai okozott iitoertdgulat egy eseterol. [Aneurism of iliac artery induced by a septic embolus.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1889, xxxiii,'91; 105; 117. Also, transl: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891, x, 187-203,1 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 468. — Caldas (M. M. P.) Aneurisma da ar- teria iliaca externa esquerda curado pela ligadura da iliaca primitiva correspondente. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1876, 2. s., i, 201-213. — Clutton (H. II.) Case of traumatic aneu- rysm of the external iliac artery in a boy six years of age. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xxvi, 7-10. Aho [Abstr.J: Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 941.—Cock (E.) Aneurism ofthe external iliac artery; ligature of common iliac; subse- quent suppuration of sac Guy's Hosp. Rep , Loud., 1883-4, xiii, 4-6. — Biipuyti-en. Anevrisme de l'artere iliaque externe, hypertrophic du coeur, rupture du sac anevrismal; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, i, 73.—Ed- wards (A. M.) Case of a ruptured external iliac aneu- rism, treated bv ligature of the common iliac arterv. Ed- inb. M. J., 1858, ii, 600-603. Also, Reprint.—Eyre (E. W.) Aneurism of external iliac; cured by galvanopuncture. Med. Rep., etc., Madias, 1855, 229; 447— Qouley (J. W. S.) Beport of a case of ligature of the right primitive iliac ar- tery for diffuse aneurism of the external iliac; death from pyaemia on the twenty-first dav. Tr. N. Tork M. Ass. (1884), 1885, i, 489-499. — Hinsdale (G.) Case of aneu- rism of the common and external iliac arteries. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 91-93. Aho: Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 632.—Hughes (J.) Iliac aneu- rism. Proc. Path. Soc.Dubl., 1852-8,147-149 —Jameson Aneurisms of iliac arteries. (L. S.) Successful ligature of common iliac artery for aneurysm of external iliac; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 444. — Ijitlle (T. E.) Note on a specimen of aneurism of the internal iliac artery. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1883, i, 4-7.—Montillicr. Anevrysme de l'artere iliaque primitive droite. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 455. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 1016.— Opisso (A.) Aneurisma de la iliaca externa. Gacmed. catal., Barcel., 1882, ii. 129-132.—Owen (R.) An account of the dissection of the parts concerned in the aneurism, for the cure of which Dr. Stevens tied the, internal iliac artery, at Santa Cruz, in the year 1812 ; communicated by Benjamin Travels, esq., F. R. S. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1830, xvi, 219-235. Also Reprint. — Bacheeo Vargas (B.) Aneurisma de la arteria iliaca externa al nivel del ligameuto de Falopin; curaci6n. Cron. med., Lima, 1893, x, 370-372.—Pitt (G. N.) Arterio-venous aneurysm con- nected with the iliac vessels at their origin. Tr. Path- Soc Lond., 1892-3, xliv, 53-57.—Plascneia (I.) Aneu. risma de la arteria iliaca derecha; curacion por la liga- dura. An.r. Acad.de cien. nfed. . . . de la Habana, 1885-6, xxii, 228-235. Also: Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1885, xi, 514-518,1 pl.—Bey (H.) Anevrisme de l'artere iliaque droite; ligature; giferison. Courrier nfed., Par., 1886, xxxvi, 152-154. — Bichter (M.) Aneurism of external iliac; ligation of common iliac. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1880-81, xxiii, 505-507.—Sands (H. B.) An account of two cases of pelvic aneurism. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 366-373. — Stevenson (W. F.) Sc Mi- chael (II. J.) A caseof transperitoneal ligature of the common iliac artery for diffuse traumatic aneurysm of the external iliac and common femoral arteries; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 224. — Synionds (H. P.) A case of aneurysm of tbe external iliac arterv cured by com- pression.' Ibid., 1891, i, 80. — Williams (J. T.) Aneu- rism of the external iliac Med.Herald, Louisville, 1883-4, v, 196-198. Aneurisms of innominate artery. See, also, Aneurism (Treatment ofi); Aneu- risms (Aortic, Cases ofi); Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications, etc., of); Aneurisms (Intra-tho- racic); Artery (Carotid, Ligature of'). Poivet (J.) Traitement chirurgical des ane- vrismes de l'artere innoininee par la methode de Brasdor. 4°. Paris, 1893. Richter (J. E. K.) * Ein Fall von Aneu- rysma der Anonyrna uud der Carotis communis dextra. 8°. Greifswald, 1890. Alarco. Aneurisma del tronco braquio cefalico. Gac. nfed., Lima, 1875, i, 94-96. — Aneurysm ; innominate ar- tery. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889- 90, xviii, 266.—Arnaldo (A.) "Aneurisma del tronco bracchio-cefalico", guarito colle iniezioui di ergotina. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1882, Modena, 1883, x, 241- 243— Harwell (R.) On three cases of distal ligature of the carotid aud subclavian arteries for aneurisms involv- ing the innominate artery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1879, lxii, 217-231. -----. Case of double simultaneous distal ligature for innominate aneurysm. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1885, lxviii, 123-133. Also 1 Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1882-5, n. s., i, 330-335. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 204.—Beach. Innominate aneurism. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1880, cii, 249.—Beaney (J. G.) On aneu- rism of the innominate artery. Australas. M. Gaz., Syd- ney, 1884-5, iv, 1-5. -----. Aneurism of the innominate artery; pain and difficulty of breathing when lying down; consecutive deligation of the carotid and subclavian arter- ies; recovery. Ibid., 31-34. Also [Abstr.]: Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884, n. s., vi, 316-318, 3 diag.—ron Berg- man u. Aneurysma der Art. anonyrna; Uuterbindung der Art. carotis and subclavia. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1883, xii, 67-69. — Blackmail (J. G.) Diffused innominate aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 928.—Blake (J. G.) Aneurism of the innominate. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1882, cvi, 418. —Browne (H. W. L.) Successful case of simultaneous ligature of the subclavian and carotid arteries for innominate aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 780. -----. A successful case of simulta- neous ligature of the carotid and subclavian arteries for innominate aueurism. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1882, lxv, 21- 24.—Bryant. Innominate aneurism ; ligature of left ca- rotid; arteritis deformans of aorta; oedema and gangrene of the left lung; death. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 546.— Buchanan (R. M.) Aneurysm ofthe innominate ar- terv; Macewen's operation; formation ot a stratified thrombus. Glasgow M. J., 1891, xxvi, 280-285.—Butcher (A. H.) Innominate aneurism. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 188C, v, 150.—Cameron. Aneurism ot the arch ol the aorta and innominate artery; simultaneous ligature ot right subclavian and carotid arteries; recovery. Ir. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882, xv, 186-189. Aho: Glasgow M. J., 1883, xx, 465-468. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond. 1884,1, 62.— Cardarelli. Aneurisma della brachiocefalica. Gazz. ANEURISMS. 472 ANEURISMS. 4 ne u ris ins of xnnominate artery. ,' Milano 1893, xiv, 1155-1157.-----Aneurisma ella b'rachiocefalica guarito quasi perfettamente con a te dosi di loduro di potassio; diagnosi tra 1' aneurisma de la Wbio-cefalica el' aneurisma aoi tico, esphcato nel collo. r^r internaz d. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 1-13.- Ch vostek. Ein Fall von Aneurysma der Arteria anony- mahund d'es untersten Stuckes der r. Carot.^ Aug. Wien med Zt£., 1882, xxvu, 71; 80.—Glegg (W. 1.) A case oi tubular aneurism ofthe high innominate artery Liver- poo M.-Cbir. J., 1892, xii, 246,-Cross. (C. Su di un caso ?aro di aneurisma del tronco brachio-cefabcoN. scuo a med. napol., 1893, x, 33-44 -Culpepper (V G.) Aneu- rism ofthe innominate artery compressing the trachea; croupous pneumonia; laryngotomy followedbyameliora- tionof thrsvinptoms; death sixteen hours after the opera- tion Hull. X-York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 297-301—Ba t'osta (J M-) A case of innominate aneurism. Llin. Xews Phila., 1880, i, 577-579. Also: Michigan M. News, Iletro'it, 1880, iii, 77-79.-Bemaria (E. B.) Aneurisma del tronco braquiocefalico; tratamiento antisinlitico; me- ioria. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1896, in, 3-5. -.»«•« (C T) Acaseof innominate aneurism treated by simulta- neous distal ligature of the carotid and subclavian arteries; with remarks on the behaviour of a tendon ligature. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1881, 2. s., xlvi, 231-240 11 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. &Chir. Soc. Lond., 1881 ix no. 2 61. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond., 1881, i, 501. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 469.-Be Bcnzi ) Aneurism of the innominata and carotid. Lancet, Loud., 1828-9, l, 187-190. Aho, transl. in: War- drop (J.) Ueber die Aneurysmen [etc.], b°, "£}maT< 1829 69-77.__Fereol. An6vrysme du tronc brachio-ce- phalique a marche insidieuse, et ayant determine une asphvxie rapide en quelques jours. Bull, et nfem. Soc. med.'d. hop. de Par (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 179-181.-Fergu- son ((LB.) Aneurysm of the innominate and aorta; liga- ture of the common carotid; temporary recovery. St. Barth Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886, xxii, 235-238. — French (P ) Double distal ligation for the cure of innominate aneurism. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1892, 203-209.— Gay (G. W.) Aneurism of innominate artery; ligature of common carotid and subclavian arteries; recovery from operations; death several months later; partial autopsy. Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost., 1889, 4. 8., 207.— Givre. Anevrysme du tronc brachio-cephalique. Lyon med., 1888, lix. 132. — Griinwald (L.) Aneurysma des Truncus anonymus; tiefe Trachealstenose, etc Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 494. — Guidi (A.) Aneu- risma dell' arteria innominata da processo ateromatoso elettroago-puntura; miglioramento progressive; storia clinica per 1' allievo. Arch, di med., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1870 iii, 42-50. — Guinard (A.) Anevrysme du tronc brachio-cephalique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 710. -----. Traitement des anevrismes du tronc brachio- cephalique par la ligature simultanee de la carotide primi- tive et de la sous-claviere droites. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc], Par., 1894, exxvi, 49; 124; 181.—Hare (H. A.) ^ A case of spurious aneurism of the innominate artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 105. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 388. — Hartley. Innominate aneurysm; distal ligature of carotid and subclavian. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886,ii,766. — Head (H. H.) Aneurism of the innomi- nate artery cured by the method of Tufnell. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.', 1877-80, n. s., viii, 2-5, 1 pl.—Heath. Liga- ture of the common carotid and subclavian arteries for in- nominate aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 721. — Heine- mann ( H. A. ) Innominate aneurism. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 295-297. — Innominate aneu- rism. North Lond. or TJniv. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1888, Loud., 1889 29. — Johnston ( W. G.) Aneurism of the innomi- nate artery. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 102.— Kohler (A.) Vorstellung eines Falles von Aneurysma der Anonyrna. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1892, xxi, pt. 1, 52.—Kiilin (G.) Seltener Fall von Aneurysma des Truncus anonymus. Wien. med. Bl., 1880, iii, 1133; 1160.—I>e Bcntu. Anevrysme du tronc brachio-cephalique et de la carotide primitive, traite par la ligature p6riph6rique simultanee de la sous-claviere et de la carotide primitive droite. Bull, et nfem. Soc. de chir. de Par., i891, n. s., xvii. 562-573. Aho: Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 721-725. -----. Anevrisme du tronc brachio- cephalique et de la crosse de l'aorte traite par la ligature peripherique de la carotide primitive droite, de la sous- claviere droite et d'une volumineuse artfcre de la region sus-claviculaire gauche; considerations relatives au traite- ment chirurgical de ces sortes d'anevrismes par la nfethode Aneurisms of innominate artery. de Brasdor ou de Wardrop. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 198-215.—layman (G. H.) Case of aneu- rism of the innominate; treated for fourteen months by rest, diet, pressure, and iodide of potash, with subsequent ligature of the carotid and subclavian arteries; autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 393-395 - Lynch (J. S\) Aneurism of the innominate artery. Indepeud. Pract , N. T., 1882, iii, 295-299.—McBurncy (C.) Case of aneu- rysm of the innominate artery treated by ligature of the carotid and subclavian. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv. 191._ McCann (C.) Aneurism of the innominate. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 102.—M'Bowcl (B. G.) Aneurism of the arteria innominata. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.. lsi;.»- 71 n. s., iv, 38-40.—Marriott (C. II.) A case of innom- inate aneurysm treated by simultaneous ligature of the subclavian and carotid arteries. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1892, ii( 1233__Martel. Anevrysme du tronc brachio ceplia- lique- signes et traitement. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.- verb., etc., 1885, Par., 1886, i, 616-624. Also [Abstr.]: (biz. d. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 411.—May (B.) A caso of saccu- lated innominate aneurysm, treated by simultaneous distal ligature of common carotid and axillary arteries. Lancet' Lond., 1884, i, 1066-1068.—Morelli (G. B.) Sc Melegnri (A.) Aneurisma del tronco brachio-cefalico, curato cull' elettro-ago-puntura. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1882, 3. s., ii, 152-156. — Moutard-Martin. Anevrysme bracbio- ceuhalique traite par l'electrolyse. Bull, et mem. Sue de therap. 1879, Par., 1880, 2. s., vi, 69.—Musser (J. H.) Aneurism of the innominate artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Pliila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 91-95. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi 211-213.__Mynter (H.) Aneurism of the innominate artery treated with ligature of the right carotid and sub- clavian arteries. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 507-509. Aho, Reprint.—Ollive. Anevrysme du tronc brachio- cephalique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1876-8, Par., 1879, i, 25.—Packard (J. H.) Report of a case of innominate aneurism in which ligation of the right common carotid and subclavian arteries was performed. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1888, vi, 439-442.—Partridge (E. L.) Aneu- rism of the innominate artery. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 293-295. Also: Med. Rec, N. T., 1881, xx, 717,-Lpercival. Aneurysm of the innominate artery; simultaneous ligature of right subclavian and carotid arteries; arrest of the disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, H61._Pettus (W. J.) Aneurism of innominate and ritfht carotid arteries; ligation of common carotid and sub- clavian; improvement. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1889-90, v, 50.—Praegcr (E. A.) Aneurism of innominate artery;' simultaneousligaturo of common carotid and sub- clavian arteries; hemiplegia; death. Prov. M. J., Leices- ter 1886, v, 396. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 673. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 509.—Bamalters. Anevrisme du tronc brachio-cephalique. Alger med., 1884, xii, 35-41.— Bichardson (P.. W.) Case of aneurvsni of the innom- inate artery. Lancet, Lond.. 1886, i, 18. — Boscnstern (J.) Simultaneous ligature of the subclavian and common carotid arteries for aneurism of the inuoniiuata; recovery. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1883-4, xxvi, 397-401.- Bossoui (E.) Aneurisma della innominata. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1885, xi, 12-17.-Sabatier. Ane- vrysme arteriel spontanedu tronc brachio-cephalique; liga- ture de la carotide primitive; mort un an apres. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1879), 1880, xix, 21o- 234— Schaeffer (M.) Aneurysma der Aorta aiionyma. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1887, xxi, 12-Smith (T.) Aneurysm of the first part of the axillary artery and ot the innominate; injection of the axillary aneurysm with perchloride of iron solution; death. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 253-257.—Stiinson (L. A.) On simul- taneous ligation of the common carotid and of the sub- clavian in its third portion in the treatment ot supposett aneurism of the arteria innominata, with a case. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxx, 52-08. -----. Autopsy in a case of aneurism of the innominate and subclavian arter- ies, treated by double distal ligation three years heiore death. Ibid.', 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 192-194. ——- Consecu- tive ligation of the common carotid and subclavian arteries for supposed aneurism of the innominate; autopsy three years after the last operation. Ibid., 453-406. - -. Aneurism of the innominate artery, in which the tumor solidified perfectly after the simultaneous h-ation ot tne common carotid and subclavian arteries. Boston M. Sc a. J. 1881 cv, 546. -----. Simultaneous ligation ot the carot- id and subclavian arteries for aneurism of the liinoniinaty autopsy twenty-one mouths after the operation. Am. •). M. Sc.'. Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiii, 128-130.-Snckling a Bendy (W.) A case of innominate aneurysm ; death alter inhalation of chloroform: necropsy; remarks. Vm('*',,; Lond., 1885, ii. 245.-Talamon (Cl (..impression^iu pneumo-castriquc droit par un anevrysme «u tro"° brachio-cephalique: broncho pneumonic suppuree_cliii pou- mon droit Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1879, liv, 6o2-6o8.- Thomson (R. S.) & Dnlziel. Case of aneurysm ot the innominate arterv treated by Macewan s method, ir. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv. 19-28. Also f Abstr.J. Glasgow M. J.. 1891, xxxvi, 453-456-Vinay. Anevmne du tronc brachio-cephalique. Mem. Soc. d. sc. mea. ae ANEURISMS. 473 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of innominate artery. Lvon (1872), 1873, xii, pt. 2, 40-42. —Warren (J. C.) Simultaneous ligature of common carotid and axillary for aneurism of innominate. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxx, 529.—Wharton (H. R.) Report of a case of innominate aneurism treated by simultaneous distal ligation of the richt common carotid and subclavian arteries; recovery. Tr Coll. Phys. Phila., 1887, 3. s., ix, 95-104. Also: Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi, 478-480. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii, 496-498. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1887, viii, 456-458. Aho [Abstr. ]: Med. News, Phila., 1887,' 1, 414.— White (H.) Aneurism of innominate artery, rupturing into apex of lung. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.,' 1883, i, 122.—Winslow (R.) Simultaneous distal ligation of the right common carotid and right subclavian arteries for supposed innominate aneurism. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1891, 23-44. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiii, 336-355.—Wright (W.) Observation on the treatment of aneurism of the arteria innominata, bv ligature of the right common carotid artery. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1856, iii, 361-372. Aho, Reprint. Aneurisms of intercostal artery. ^YELTINUS (J. J.) * De aneurysmate vero pec- toris externo hemiplegias sobole. Basilece, 1750. In: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1755, ii 581-603, 1 pl. Also, in: Script, lat. de aneurvs. collect. 40. Argent., 1785, 469-496, 1 pl. Aho, in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1783, xvii, 107-110. Bipoll. Observation d'anevrisme d'une artere inter- costale. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1881, xv, 321-326. Aho [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de med. . . . de Toulouse (1881-2), 1882, 30. Aneurisms of internal mammary artery. Soinmer & von Zoeckel. Aneurisma der Arteria manimaria interna, am Dr. Sommer beobachtet. Russ. Samml. 1. Naturw. u. Heilk., Riga u. Leipz., 1817, ii, 175- 192. Aneurisms of internal maxillary artery. Oux (K. E.) * Uuderbinding af carotis com- munis lor aneurysma arter. maxillar. intern. Ett fall frau kirurgiska kliniken i Helsingfors. 8°. Helsingfors, 1867. Aneurisms of internalpudic artery. Murray (F. W.) Aneurysm of the internal pudic artery. N. York M. J., 18*8, xlviii, 3. Aneurisms of interosseous artery. Aneurysma arteriae interosseae sin. Jahresb. d. erst. chir. Klin. d. Prof. Albert in Wien (1887), 1889, 199-202. Aneurisms of mesenteric arteries. B'Evelyn (F. W.) Aneurism of the superior mesen- teric Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1893, xxxvi, 612.— Gal- loway (J.) Aneurysm of superior mesenteric artery; extravasation into mesentery; haemorrhage into perito- neal cavity. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 78.— dc Gimard (M.) Rupture d'un an6vrysme m6senterique. Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iii, 560.— Lazarus. Aneu- rysma der Arteria mcsenterica superior. Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 389.— OTarcJiiafava (E.) & ITIariotti (U.) Sopra un caso di aneurisma embolico dell' arteria mesente- rica superiore. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1887, vii, 246-251— O'Ferrall. Aneurism of the supe- rior mesenteric artery; physical signs: pulpy degeneration of the kidnevs, cardiac disease. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1847-52, ii, 212-214. Aneurisms of obturator artery. Lange. Aneurysm of the obturator artery(?). N. Tork M. J., 1886, xliv, 639; 642. Also [Abstr.'J: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 580. Aneurisms of occipital artery. Baruch (S.) Traumatic aneurism of left posterior occipital artery; ligation of left primitive carotid; recov- ery. Richmond & Louisville M^ J., Louisville, 1868, v, 378-381.—Biez Salazar (J.) Aneurisma de la arteria occipital izquierda; curacion por la compresi6n directa. Cron. med., Lima, 1892, ix, 349-351.—Falcone (T.) Dois casos de aneurisma traumatico da occipital. Med. con- temp., Lisb., 1886, iv, 298-300. Aho, transl.: Lyon med., 1887, lvi, 269-275.—Simes (J. H. C.) Aneurism of the oc- cipital artery. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 116. Aneurisms of phrenic artery. Bean. Aneurism of the left phrenic artery. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1884, xlvi, 347-349. Aneurisms of popliteal artery. Axdreini (V.) Lstoria di una operazioue (P aneurisma al poplite. 8°. Firenze, 1830. Aneurisms of popliteal artery. Augener(F. W. E.) * Ueber die chirurgische Behaudlung vou Poplitealaneurysmen. 8°. Ber- lin, [1893]. Aya (R.) * Ueber die Behaudlung der Popli- teal-Aneurysmen. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Claude (A.) * Quelques considerations sur le traitemeut de l'an6vrysine poplite" spontane*. 4C. Strasbourg, 1667. Egger (O.) * Ueber Aneurysmen der Arteria poplitea mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines Falles von Aneurisma traumaticum Arteriae po- pliteie dextrae 8°. Cassel, 1882. Gandulla (L.) * Tratamiento de los aneu- rismas de la poplitea. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1884. Graxberg ( J. P, ) * Casus aueurysmatis poplitei. sm. 4°. Aboce, [1815]. Leriche (L.) * Contribution a l'etude des anevrysmes art^rioso - veineux des vaisseaux poplitei. 4°. Paris, 1888. Manzoni (L.) Storia d' un' aneurismo al poplite operata coll' allacciatura temporaria. 6">. Verona, 1622. Medoro (S.) Storia ragionata d' un' aneu- risma al poplite operata coll' allacciatura. 8°. [Treviso, 1822.] Repr. from: Gior. sc. e lett. delle provincie Venete, No. ix. Mehlhausen (F.) * Ein Fall von Aneurisma der Arteria poplitsea, welches durch Stangen- druck geheilt wurde. 8°. Kiel, 1884. Oulie (H.) * Traitement de l'au6vrysme de l'artere poplit6e par l'extirpation du sac. 4°. Paris, 1888. Rautenberg (A.) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der operativen Behandlung der poplitealeu Aneurysmen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Sawyer (A. F.) Popliteal aneurism treated by a new method of compression. 8°. [San Francisco, 1879.] Werner (J. L. K. G.) * Ueber das Aneurisma popliteum und seine Behandlung. 8°. Marburg, 1893. - Agnew (D. H.) Popliteal aneurism; cure bypressure. Mecir& Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xiv, 151. — -„—. Poplit- eal aneurism; cure by ligation. Ibid., 152. — Akerinan (N.) Berattelse om en operatio aneurismatis poplitei. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Handl., Stockholm, 1822, viii, 201-209.— Alessandro (F.) Un altro caso cospicuo di aneurisma dell' arteria poplitea guarito colla flessione forzata del ginocchio. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1895, xvii, 117-122.— Allen (C. A.) Popliteal aneurism following amputation. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 495.—Allen (H. 13.) Diffuse aneurism of popliteal artery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 121. —Anger (B.) Anevrysme poplite bi- lateral (anevrysme arteriel de lapoplit6e gauche; ancien an6vrysme, aujourd'hui gueri, de la poplitee droite). Me- decin prat, Par., 1883, iv, 78-82. Aho: France med., Par., 1883, i, 110-113.—Annandalc (T.) On thooperative treat- ment of popliteal aueurism. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1885-6, n. s., v, 34-42. Also: Edinb. M. J., 18S5-6, xxxi, 715- 721.—Arpal (F.) Aneurisma de la arti-ria, poplitea; liga- dura de la femoral; curacion. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1885, xxxii, 643. — Ashhurwt (J.), .jr. Popliteal aneurism. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 29-31.—Bainbriilge (G.) Caseof popliteal aneurism. Tr. M. & .Phys. Soc. Bombay (1886), 1887, n. s., No. ix, 4-7.—Baker (M.) Popliteal an- eurysm; cure by ligature and division of the femoral ar- tery, after the failure of compression. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 1150. -----. A case of diffused popliteal aneurism; treated first by compression, aud subsequently by ligature of the superficial femoral artery iu Scarpa s triangle. Lan- cet, Lond., 1884, i, 424.—Baker (M.) & Clarke (13.) A case of double popliteal aueiirv sm; ligature of both femoral arteries; recovery. Ibid., 1886, i,489.—Bnllance (C. A.) Popliteal aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, 11, 1341.— Bariio lie So'boia. Aneurisma traumatico falso conse- cutivoda poplitea; compressaomecauicu indirecta da femo- ral • cura. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da Fac. de med. do Rio de Jan., 1886, iii, l»num., 29-32.-----. Aneurisma da poplitea esquerda; compressao raecanica; cura. I bid., 31- 34. -----. Aneurisma espoutaneo da poplitea; ligadura da femoral; autopsia. Ibid., 34-39.-Barbosa (A. M.) Aneurisma popliteo curado pela compressao total da arte- ria femural feita com o compressor de Lister, auxiliada pela anesthesia. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1880, xliv, ANEUKISMS. 474 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of popliteal artery. 47-51.— Barker (A. E. J.) Aneurysm ot the popliteal artery • digital compression ; cure within nine hours. Brit. M J! Loud., 1883, i, 1279. -----. Aneurysm of the pop- liteal artery : cured by digital compression in six hours and a quarter 'after failure of instrumental compression and ligature. Ibid., 1884, i, 947. — Barling (G. ) Popliteal aneurism, ligature of superficial femoral by the stay knot; cure. ISirmiugb. M. Rev., 1892, xxxii, 160-162.—Harwell (R.) A case of popliteal aneurism; operation; cure; re- marks. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 1033.—Battle (YV. H.) A casein ■which adiffuse aneurysm developed in the calf of the leg simulating abscess; recovers' after removal of jiartsof the popliteal and tibial arteries. Tr. Cliu. Soc Lond., 1890, xxiii, 66-74. Also [Abstr.l: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s. xlviii, 627-629. Aho [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J., Lond , 1889, ii, 1391. Also [Abstr. |: Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1281.— Bayle** (G. "NV.) Popliteal aneurism cured by compres- sion. Richmond Sc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1868,vi, 180- 183.—Bax. Anevrysme de l'artere: poplitee; extirpation du sac; guerison. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1889, vii 359-361.—Beatsou. Aneurism of the popliteal artery cured by ligature. Tr. Glasg. Path. A- Cliu. Soc, 1884-6, ii, 58. Also : Glasgow M. J., 1885, xxiii, 369-371.—Bellamy. Popliteal aneurism; failure of pressure: ligature of femo- ral arterv; rapid recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1880, i, 248. -----. Two eases of popliteal aneurysm treated by liga- ture of tlie superficial femoral artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i. ss-' —Benson (P. II.) Popliteal aneurysm. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1881-0, Madras, 1887, i, no. 8, 2-5. — Beutley (E.) Report of a case of aneu- rism of the left popliteal artery; treated by ligature of the femoral artery; result, cure; subsequent discbarge from service. Rep. Surg. -Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 109.T Bergh (C. A.) Aneurysma popliteum sinistr. traumati- cum; ligatura arteriaj 'poplitea?. Eira, Stockholm, 1891, xv, 453. — Bernabeo (G.) Tre casi di aneurisma spon- taneo dell arteria poplitea, gnariti col metodo di Anel. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1892, viii, pt. 2, 364; 376. —Berns. Ein Fall vou I'nterbindung der Arteria femoralis wegen Aneurysma popliteum. Centralbl. f.Chir., Leipz., 1879, vi, 857-859. — Bertoloni (G . i Aneurisma spontaueo dell' arteria popliiea suaiiio <■<>1 la compressione mediaute 1' ap- parecchio ib-1 doit. Post. Mini Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1881, ii, 388-391. — Billroth iT.p Spontane Aneurvsmen der Art. poplitea (5 Falle). In his: Chir. Klin. "Wien 1871-6, 8°. Berl., 1879, 589-591.—Iii alter. Two cases of popliteal aneurism. Laneet. Loud. 1883, i. 591. — Blcynic (L.) Anevrisme de lai tete poplitee. Limousin med., Limoges, 1891, xv, 82. — Bloxnni (J. A.) Case of popliteal aneu- rysm. Tr. M. Soc. Lond , 1894-5, xviii, 367—BoufHeur (A. T ) Pojditeal aneurism; ligation with removal of sac; rec ..\ .-r\. Chicago Clin. Rev, 1892-3, i, 32-34. — Bour- sier (A.l Anevrysme poplite tiaite sans succfes par la compression et par la ligature; amputation de la cuisse; guerison. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 18S5. vi, 43-53. A {.so: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 89; 9d —Boursier fils. Anevrysme poplite gueri par la compression indirecte. M6m. et bull. Soc de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1884), 1885, 31-33.—Boutelle (J. T.) Rapid cure of popliteal aneurism by the use of the elastic band- age; two cases, with remarks. Med. News, Phila., 1883. xliii, 88. — Bowlby (A. A.) On ligature ofthe popliteal artery for the cure of aneurysm in the ham. Brit. M. J., Lond.,18'J0. ii, 1237.—BradNhaw (J. II.) Popliteal aneu- rism cured by persistent compression. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii. 626.— Braneo(A.) Aneurisma popliteo; com- pressao com o apparelho de Broca; cura. Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1802, 595-601.—Brier ley (J. B.) Rapid cure of a popliteal aneurism by digital compression of the femoral ar- tery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 118. —Bryan. Popliteal aneurism ; ligature of femoral after failure of compression; oedema of leg; aneurism cured. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 51.— Briaiit (T.) Aneurysm of both popliteal arteries; one cured by pressure, the other by means of Dr. Fleet Speir's artery-constrictor, after the failure of Esmarch's bandage, the operation being conducted uuder strict antiseptic pre- cautions. Brit.Al. J., Loud., 1882. ii, 721. -----. Popliteal aneuryism treated by digital compression for twenty-two hours; euro after previous failure of Esmarch's bandage and electi ol vsis before admission. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1230. — Bryce (C. A.) Popliteal aneurism; ligation of femoral artery ; death. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1884, vii, 201-203. — Cabot (S.) Popliteal aneurism. [Case; cure by compression.] Boston M. &. S. J., 1882, cvi, 395. — Calilas (P.) Aneurisma da arteria poplitea; ligadura da femoral no meio da coxa; cura. Gaz. med. da Bahia 1886-7, 3. s., iv, 49-61. — Cauiilleri (E. S.) Aneurisma popliteo; allacciatura della femorale al triangolo di Scarpa. Boll, med.-chir., Tunisi. 1894, i, 87. — Carleton (E.) Aneurism. Homceop. Phys., Phila., 1891, xi, 380-387.— Carter (H.V.) Popliteal aneurism; treatment by flexion aud subsequent amputation; recovery. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1884), 1885, n. s., No. vi, 52-56.—Castro (A.) Curacion de uu aneurisma de la poplitea por desariollo de otro de la femoral comun; ligadura de la iliaca externa y curacion del segundo. Informe Au. hosp. cliu. cap. Buenos Aires, 1884,anexo M, pt, 1-4, lpl, —Casus© (G,) Aueu. Aneurism* of popliteal artery. risma de la arteria poplitea; ligadura de la crural; cura ciou. Progreso m6d., Habana, 1892, iv, 155. -----. Aneu- risma difuso de la poplitea; ligaduia supra e infra aneu- rismatica; abertura y evacuaciou del saco; curaciiiu. Ibid., 335.—Cauchoix. Sur un cas d'anevrysme poplite bilateral; indications du traitement par la flexion et par In compression; ligature des deux temorales; .imputation consecutive de la cuisse d'un cot6 ; guerison. Xorimmdie m6d., Rouen, 1888, iii, 389; 407; 435. — Chalfant (CD.) Peculiar case of popliteal aneurism. Med .s, Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1883, liii, 173. — Ciattajjlia (C.) Aueu. risma popliteo sinistro curato coll eb-ttru puntura, con alcune osservazioni pratiche. Arcb. di med., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1871, v, 59-65. — Clarke (J.) Diffused popliteal aneurism; ligature of tho femoral artery after a short trial of compression ; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 911.— Coilrington (O. ) Popliteal aneurism; amputation. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1884, Lond., 1886, xxvi, 382. — Cop. pinker. Popliteal aueurism cured by voluntary flexion of the limb. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 12.—t'ourel Armesto (L.) Aneurisma traumatico de l.i poplitea, ligadura antis6ptica de la femoral; curacion. Rev. de med. y cirug. priict., Madrid, 1882, x, 02-05.—Creus y Manso. Un caso de aneurisma popliteo, tratado por el metodo de Reid v curado con la ligaduia anliseptica. Gac. d. 1. hosp., Valencia, 1883, ii. 145-151. Continued in: Au. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1883, v, 193-195.— Ci-eux. Aueiuisma popliteo, curado en pocas boras por la coin- presion. G6uio med.-quir., Madrid, 1884, xxx, 405-407.— CiiuiuiingM (G. II.) Popliteal aneurism. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1892, xi, 59-63.—Cunningham l B. M.) A caseof popliteal aneurism. Internat. M. Mas., Phila. 1894-5, iii, 113. — B'Alcssanilr© (K.) Cn altro caso cospicuo di aneurisma spontaueo dell' arteria poplitea guarito colla flessione forzata del ginocchio. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1894, n. s., xlviii, 348-336.— B'Ambrosio (A.) Cnaltrocaso cospicuo di aneurisma della poplitea guarito con la flessione forzata del ginocchio. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 1, 51-54.—BantU-iil^e (N. P.) A case of popliteal aneurism, in which the liga- ture was successful after the failure of digital compres- sion ; with tracings, which show the value of the spliyg- mograph in the diagnosis of aneurism. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1881, xx, 115-119. — BaVinson (R.) Case of popliteal aneurism and operation. Madras Q. M. J., 1843, v, 165- 167.—Belbet (P.) An6vrysine arterio-veineux du creux poplite ; cure, radicale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 30-38. — Bennis* (F. S.) Popliteal aneurysm cured bv digital pressure. N. Tork M. J., 1894, lx, 246. — Be Benzi. Aneurisma popliteo da ateromasia guarito colla compressione digitale. Gior. di med. mil., Roma. 1884, xxxii, 796-799. — Berr (E. Z.) A case of popliteal aneu- rism, successfully treated by means of Esmarch's bantlagd and digital compression. Med. Rec, XT. Y., 1881, xx, 485.—Bieulafoy. [Anevrismodel'artere poplitee, gueri par la ligature de la crurale] S6ance pub. de hi Sue my de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1839, 38-42. —Bob- sou (N. C.) Simultaneous aneurvsni of both popliteal arteries. Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 983. — Builon. Ane- vrysme spontau6 situ6 au niveau du creux poplite gauche. J.'de m6d.de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 374. -----. Anevrysme spontan6 volumineux de l'artere poplitee gauche; insucce.a de la ntethode de Reid; ligature antiseptique de l'artere femorale; giterison. Ibid., 1883-4, xiii, 2-5. —Bunlop. Popliteal aneurism ; operation. GlasgowM.J., 1880 xiv, 414. — Bupuytren. Anevrisme de l'artere poplitee; operation Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, i, 193.—Esqucrilo (A.) Aneurisma sacciforme de la arteria poplitea; liga- dura de la arteria femoral en el couducto del tereer ad- ductor. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1886, ix, 7-12.—Estcvcs (J. A.) Aneurisma popliteo; ligadura; euracion. Rev, argent, de cien. m6d., Buenos Aires, ls8ii, iii, 368-371.— Fayi-er (J.) Traumatic aneurism of the popliteal ar- tery. In his: Cliu. Sc Path. Obs. iu India, 8°, Lond., 1873, 171-178. — Fcsscudcn (C. S. D.) Traumatic popliteal aneurism; compression; gangrene; amputation. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1882, 160-162. -----. Popliteal aneurism treated bv compression of the femoral arterv. Ibid., 1883, 145. — Fisher (F. B.) Pop- liteal aneurysm; ligature of femoral arterv; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. '1*85. i, 1155.—Fleming (C.) Pop- liteal aneurism. Proc Path. Soc Dubl. 1865-8, n. s., iii, 117-119.—Folinea(F.) Aneurisma dell'arteria poplitea; allacciatura della femorale e guarigioue. Aim. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1882, vii, 95-107.—Fort. Aneurisma popliteo curado por la compresion. Rev. ra6d. de Chile, Sant, de Chile, 1885-6, xiv, 10-12.-C!allozsi. Aneu- risma popliteo ; gangrena consecutiva. Riv. clin.d. Univ. di Napoli, 1883, iv, 86. -----. Aneurisma della poplitea destra; compressione digitale; guarigioue. Riforma med., Napoli, 1885, i, nos. 206; 207; 208. -----. Postuun di aneurisma dell'art. poplitea; amputazione della coseia. Terap. clin., Napoli, 1895, iv. 582. -----. Aneurisma dell' arteria poplitea destra. / bid., 1896,v, 52.—Gandolfc (A.) Aueurismadelapoplitea; ligadura; curacion; idem.idem; ligadura; reproduction; inuerte. An. d. Circ. ni6d. ar- gent,, Buenos Aires 1883-4, vii, 2o7-209, — Gascon ANEURISMS. 475 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of popliteal artery. Roman (M.) Aneurisma de la poplitea curado r&pida- meute por la compresion. Clinica, Zaragoza, 1884, viii, 243. — Gay (C. C. F.) Popliteal aneurism ; treatment for eight days by compression with the elastic bandage; liga- tion of tho superficial femoral artery; secondary hemor- rhage ; recovery. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1880-81, xx, 546- 548.°—Gay (G. W.) Popliteal aneurism ; femoral artery tied with catgut; union bv first intention. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1882, 3. s., 265. — Giirger (0.) Case of femoro-popliteal aneurism. Australas. M. Gaz., Syndey, 1885-6, v, 297. — Goodsall (D. H.) A case of popliteal aneurysm cured by Esmarch's bandage. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1879-81, v, 155.—Gray. Aneurysm of the popliteal artery cured by ligature of the superficial femoral artery; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 1140.— Cirossi (F.) II primo caso di aneurisma popliteo, gua- rito in Italia colla fasciatura elastica dell' Esmarch. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1879, xxvii, 810-815. — Ilabcr- sang. Krankeugeschichte einer wahreu, ausgebreite- ten Pulsadergeschwulst in der Kniebeuge. J. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Berl., 1800-1, i, 295-338. — Hall (G. C.) A case of ligation of the femoral artery for popliteal aneurysm; recovery. Proc. N.-W. Prov. & Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass.," Allahabad. 1883, ii, 216.— Hamilton (J.) Popliteal aneurism. Proc Path Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 7-9.— Hamilton (J. B.) Pop- liteal aueurism; ligation and excision. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., iii, 177-182.—Harrison (C. E.) A case of traumatic aneurysm of the popliteal artery ; ligature of artery above and below the wound, followed by gangrene and secondarv haemorrhage ; amputation: recovery. Lan- cet, Lond., 1893, i, 130-132. — Hatch (W. K.) Caseof popliteal aneurism. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc Bombay, 1883, [3.] s., 25-34, 1 diag.—Harvard (W.) A case of poplit- eal aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 1037.—Hayes (P.J.) Case of popliteal aneurism treated hy ligature of the superficial femoral artery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxx, 111. — Heath ( C. ) Two cases of popliteal aneurism, cured by the application of Es- march's bandage. Tr. Clin. Soc Loud., 1880, xiii, 151- 155. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1880, i, 248. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 289. -----. Two cases of popliteal aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 439.— Heath (F.) Three cases of popliteal aneurysm. Brit. M. J.,Lond.,lS84,i,314.— Hector (e\M.) Aneurisma de la poplitea derecha, curado por la compresion digital. Cr6n. me.d.-quir. de la Habana. 1885, xi, 202-2u5. Aho: Voz de Hipocrates, Mexico, 1885, iii, 156. -----. Didtesis aneu- iismdtica; aneurisma traumdtico circunscrito de la po- plitea izquierd a; tratado por la compresidu indirecta; me- todo "manual instrumental"; curacion. Rev. de cien. nied., Habana, 1890, v, 121 -124. —Hcustis (J. F.) Pop- liteal aneurism cured by a very simple means. Gaillard's M. J., X.Y., 1881, xxxii, 255. —-—. An extraordinary case of popliteal aneurism. Med. News, Phila , 1883, xliii, 508.— Hochhciiuer (E.) Amputation of thigh for diffuse popliteal aneurism; death on twenty-first day. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 55.—Holmes (T.) Clinical remarks on primary or immediate ligature of the femoral artery in popliteal aneurysm, aud on the division of the artery between two ligatures. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1106- 1108. — Homaiis (C. D.) Ligature of femoral artery for popliteal aneurism ; recovery. Med. Sc Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp. 1882, 3. s., 264 —Ilosack (A. E.) Case of popliteal aneurism cured by compression with a new instrument. N. York J. M , 1848, n. s.. i, 18-21. Aho, Reprint.—Houston (J. B.) Popliteal aneurism; liga- tion of the femoral artery: recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 684. — Howe (J. AV.) Popliteal aneurism; ligation of the femoral artery. Ibid., 1882, xxii, 610.— Hutchison (J. C.) Opening the sac in popliieal aneu- rism. Ibid., 1880. xvii. 523. — Irwin ( F. ) Popliteal aneurism treated by digital compression. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1890-91, xix, 124. — Ja- boulay. Role du courant arteriel des nerfs grand scia- tique et sciatiques poplites, dans les pltenontenes sub- jectifs qui accompagnent "l'obliteration de l'anevrysme poplite". Province med., Lyon, 1*88, iii, 103.—James. Case of popliteal aneurism; ligation of superficial femoral artery: cure. Austral. M. J., Melbourne 1882, n. s., iv, 126-128.—Jimenez (L. M.) Aneurisma falsa consecutiva de la region poplitea. Gac med. de M6xico, 1875, x, 41- 51.—Johnston (G. B.) Ligation of the femoral artery for popliteal aneurism. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 715-717. Aho [Abstr.] : Sooth. Clinic, Rich- mond, 1879-80, ii, 53.—Jones (S.) Popliteal aneurism cured by the use of Esmarch's bandage, followed by digi- tal pressure. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 1030. -----. Right popliteal aneurysm occurring four years after cure of left popliteal aneurysm; ligature of femoral at two places with division between ; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 719.— Kalloch (P. C.) Aneurysm of the popliteal artery; li- gation of the femoral at Scarpa's triangle. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1891-2, Wash., 1893, 118. —Ken- nard (C. P.) [Popliteal aneurism treated by ligature of the femoral artery in Scarpa's triangle : cure, j Brit. Gui- ana M.Ann., Demerara, 1892, 37.—Iliiuura (S.) Extir- Aiicuri»nis of popliteal artery. pation of popliteal aneurism. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1890, ix, 245-249.—King (J. I.) Popliteal aneurism cured by digital and instrumental compression. Med. A: Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 344.—Kirby (E. R.) A suc- cessful case of ligation of the superficial femoral artery for popliteal aneurism. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6,'viii, 198. — Kirmissou. Anevrisme de l'artere poplitee. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 128- 130.— Kispcr (G.) Aneurisma traumatico de la popli- tea; ligadura do la femoral; curacion. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1882, xxviii, 509-511. — Knox & Beatsou. Case of double popliteal aneurism. Glasgow M. J., 1888. xxix, 420-429. — ICoehler. Total-Exstirpation eines Aneurysma popliteum. Charite-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1886, xi, 545-574. — Kiister (E.) Fall von hoclist unge- wohnliclier Entstehung eines Aneurysma traumaticum arteriae poplitea-. Yefbandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1888, xvii, 99— Lallan (T.) Popliteal aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1559. -----. Popliteal aneurysm; ligature of femoral; death from pyaemia.' Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 211. — liargean (R.) Du traitement des anevrysmes poplites par la methode d'Antyllus. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1885, i, 297-314— Leachman (A."W.) Case of popliteal aneurism; failure of compression; Es- march's bandage and genuflexion; ligature of femoral arterv; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 906. — Lcn- taignc. Three cases of popliteal aneurysm cured by ligature of femoral arterv. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1894, xcviii, 55-57. Also: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894, xii, 187-193. — Leyden ( E.) TJeber einen Fall von Throm- bose der Arteria poplitea sinistra. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 313-320. Also: Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin. zu Berl , 1891, ii, 98-117.—Little. Double popliteal aneu- rysm, successfully treated. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 513.— Limu (J. R.) A case in which the superficial femoral artery was ligatured for popliteal aneurism with- out rupture of the coats of the vessel. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 188.-!, xxi, 152. -----. Popliteal aneurism; ligature of femoral artery in Scarpa's triangle with goldbeater's skin. Ibid., 1893-4, xvii, 330-332.—McBurney (C.) Traumatic popliteal aneurism. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila,, 1895, xiii, 506. —M'Carthy (J.) A case of traumatic aneurism of the popliteal artery, with successful ligature of the vessel. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 8. — M'Bonnell (R.) Popliteal aneurism. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 10, lpl. — Macfarlanc (J.) Popliteal aueurism; ligature of the femoral; hemorrhage on the nineteenth day; cure. Inhis: Clin. Rep. Surg. Pract. Glasg. Roy. Infirm , 8°, Glasg., 1832,13-15. -----. Aneurism of the right popliteal and anterior tibial arteries: ligature of the femoral; return of pulsation in both tumors on the twelfth day; cure. Ibid., 15-18.—McGann (T.J.) Popliteal aneurism. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1884-6, Madras, 1887, i, no. 8,1.—Mackenzie (J. K.) Popliteal aneurism. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1889, iii, 6.— Maciinmara. Pop- liteal aneurism, cured by the application of Esmarch's bandage. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 539.—Madelung. TJe- ber einen Fall von Popliteal-aneurisma. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat,- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1879, 90- 92. — Maitland (J.) Case of ruptured popliteal aneu- rysm. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1889, iii, 14-16.—Mazziotti (G.) Aneurisma spontaueo della poplitea driita guarita con la flessione forzata della gamba. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli. 1877, n. s., ii, 127-139.—Mazzoni (C.) Aneurisma dell' arteria popli- tea destra; compressione digitale alia Vanzetti; amputa- zione al terzo inferiore della coscia; setticoemia; morte. Inhis: Clin, chir., Roma, 1881, vi-vii, 108. -----. Aneu- risma della poplitea destra; compressione alia Vanzetti; allacciatura della femorale; guarigioue. Ibid., 1884, viii- x, 121.—Mejia (11.) ; dial ntetodo es mejor para la cura- cion de las aneurismas de hi arteria poplitea? La compre- sion, 6 la ligadura por el metodo de Auel? Porvenir, Me- xico, 1870-71, iii, 303-316.—dc Mello (D. A.) Aneurisma da arteria poplitea; compressao digital; cura. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1876. 2. s., i, 535-540. — Mcnocal (R.) Aneu- risma de la arteria poplitea; ligadura xxi' pt. 2, 188-198, 1 pl. [Discussion], pt. 1, 97-99. ~\Uo Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl.. l«92, xliv, 809-820. 1 pl.- KIm p- herd (F. J.) An obscure case of popliteal aneurism which simulated sarcoma. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1885. n s Ixxxix, 52-57. —Si mo. Un caso de aneurisma de In poiili'. tea tratado por la galvanopuntura. Cron. mt-d.-qnir ile la Habana, 1882, viii. 49-57.—Smyly (P. C.) Popliteal an- eurisni. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., I852-8, iii, 177.— Won. neuburg (E.) Die Exstirpation des Aneurysma i-opli. teurn. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. Isso, xxiii. 13i-135. Alio: Verhandl. d. Berl. med.Gesellsch. (Is85-(i), 1887. xvii, pt.2 61-67.-Spenee (J.) Popliteal aneurism. In his- Hrn Clin. Cases. 8'. Edinb., 1859, 12. -----. [Of popliteal an' eurisni.] Recurrence after ligatui e of superficial femoral; treatnient bv compression unsuccessful; cure by flexeii position of leg. Ibid., 13-17.—Mtoue (J. X.) "Case of popliteal aneurysm ; ligature of femoral artery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1890, i. 232.—Syme iG. A.) Xoloson a case of diffused popliteal aneurism. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1-89, n. s.. xi. 559 502. —Syme . Also.m his: Surg. Cases(fcObserv., 8°,[Edinb., n.d.],7-9.— Talley (R. P.) Caseof popliteal aneurism successfully treated l>y Esmarch's bandages, genu, digital and hammer- handle compression. Proc. Texas M. Ass., Galveston 1880, xii, 48-51. Also: Texas M. & S. Rec. Galveston' 1881, i, 161-167.—Terrier i h\) x II art ma an (H.) Aue- vrysme diffus do la popliteo consecutif ii la perforation de l'artere par une exostose aigue de la ligne a pre: incision; ligature des deux bouts; guerison. Rey. de chir., Par., 1893, xiii, 310-317.—Tinicelli. Heureuse application de la nouvelle methode de M. Petrequin pour la galvano- puncture arterielle dans un cas d'anevrysme poplite. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1845-6, xiii, 246.—Tom ii«cnd (T.J.) Popliteal aneurism. Am. Pract., Louisville. 18M, xxx, 89.—Trelat. Anevrisme poplite gauche diffus; in- sucees de la compression; ligature de la femorale; gueri- son. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s.,x,326- 332.—Tseidler (G. F.) O podkolleunikh anevrizmakh i ikh leeheuii. [On popliteal aneurisms ami their treat- ment.] Russk. chir. arch.. S.-Peterb., 1895, i, 1-41.— Turner (AAr. K.) Report of a case of aneurism of the left popliteal artery, treated by compression with an iron ring; rc-.ult.ciue. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army.. AVash., 1885-6, 109.—Verehere (F.) Quelquesreniarquesapioposd'une obser\ation d anevrysiue poplite traite avec sucees par la bande d'Esmarch. Rev. 74-9), 1880, vii, 63.— Watson (W. S.) A case of left popliteal aneurism oc- curring abont fifteen months after the cureof an aneurism of the right femoral; compression of femoral with ligature of ox aorta; cure; remarks. Lancet. Lond.. 1883. ii, 081.— Webster (A. I.) A case of popliteal aneurism. Brit. M. J., Loud., Is93. i, 174.—Weinlechiier. [Aueurisma der linken Art. poplit.: der Krauke starb am 8. Tagonarb der Operation au Septichaemic] Ber. d. k. k. Kiauken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung iu Wien (18781, 1879, 3-2-384. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1881, xvi, 231. -----. Spon- taues, dem Aufbruche nahes Aneurysma der liuken Knie- kehle, mit Parese des Peronens und Tibialis, web-lies nach dreimonatlicber Behandlung rait Kalte, Eiuwiekelungen mit elastischen Binden vou der Fussspitze bis iiher das Knie binauf, Compression der Arteria femoralis (Schiot- beutel, Finger, Tourniquet) gebessert und scbliesslich dutch die Unterbiudungder Femoralis. uuterhalbder Pro- funda femoris geheilt wurde. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1885), 1**6, 209-211. -----. Ein Fall von Heilung eines Aneurysma tier Arteria poplitea. Wien. med. Bl., lt-87, x, 76-78.—Weir (R. F.) Popliteal aneu- rism treated with Esmarch's bandage. X. York AL J., ls.-o. xxxi, 637-639. -----. Popliteal aneurysm treated with Esmarch's bandage. Ibid., 1883, xxxvii. 432.—Weiss (T.) Anevrvsme poplite traite sans sucees par la methode deReid; ligature de la femoiale: guerison. Alem. Socile nied. de Xancy (lsso-9i. 1890. 1-7. Aho: Rev. med. de lest, Xancy, 18e8. xx, 708-714.—White i.l. AA'.) Popliteal aneurism treated by digital cutnjiressiou, cure. Univ. M. Mag., Phihi., 1891-2, iv, 443.—Wilks (S.) The first case of popliteal aneurism treated by pressure. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 1, 1-6— William* iL. L.) Dif- fused popliteal aneurism; ligation of femoral artery aud subsequent incision of sac; recovery. Rep. Superv. Surg.- Gen. Mar. Hosp.. Wash., 1890-91, xix, 111.—Znnnetti (P. F.) Allacciatura dell' arteria femorale superficiale per aneurisma della poplitea. Gazz. tosc. d. ,-c med.-lis., Fi- renze, 1843, i, 31-33.—Zwicke. Aneurysma popliteuraj 2 Falle. Charite-Ann. lesl Berl., 1883. viii, 491. ----• Aneurysma popliteum sacciforme; Operation nach ^n,v|' lus; Amputatio et reamputatio cruris. Ibid., 1884, Berl., 1886, xi, 533-535. ANEURISMS. 477 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of popliteal artery (Compli- cations and sequelce of). Ainsworth (F. C.) Report of a case of aneurism of the left popliteal artery; treatnient by ligation of the su- perficial femoral, followed by gangrene of the leg and sub- sequent amputation; recovery; also a note of resuscita- tion from impending death bv anaesthetic narcosis. Rep. SuV.-Gen. Army, Wash., 18*5-6, 109-111. —Baker (O.) Notes of a case of ruptured aneurism of the right poplitea] arterv in a Bnrinan. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1895, xxx, 226.—Harding (G.) Fusiform popliteal aneurysm, from a'case of senile gangrene. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 18.— Barling (G.) Popliteal aueurism ; ligature of superfi- cial femoral artery; cure of aueurism; gangrene of toes. Birmingh. AI. Rev., 1891, xxx, 30.—Barrenechea (M. J.) Anerisma popliteo; ligadura de la femoral; inuerte, por eangrena del miembro, a los 69 dias. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1885-6, xiv, 507-512. — Harwell (R.) Caseof double popliteal aneurysm, with lemarks. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1884, i, 555. — Bennett (AV. H.) Popliteal aneurism; ligature of the femoral artery; gan- grene- amputation of thigh; recovery. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1879, Lond., 1880, x, 157.—Butcher (A. H.) Popliteal aneurysm; enteritis; necropsy. Brit. M. d., Lomb, 1887, i, 62— Buyo (E.) Sc Tanaka (T.) Miato- kusei sitsukokuto iniakuto miakuriu. [Aueurism of the poplitealarteryinasyphilitic patient.1 Chiugai IjiShinpo, Tokio, 1891, 2i9. 10-13. —C'haput. Anevrisme poplite: ligature de la femorale a l'auueau de Hunter, suivie de dedouleurs nevralgiques du mollet; extirpation secondaire de l'anevrisme adherent au nerf sciatique poplite interne; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx 376-379. Aho: Gaz. d. bop.. Par.. 1894, lxvii, 472.— Croft (J.) Constitutional syphilis; popliteal aneurism; treatment by iodide of potassium, rest, and interrupted elastic bandages; recovery; subsequent aneurism of innom- inate artery: death. Brit. AI. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 15.------ Aneurism of the popliteal arterv complicated with sar- coma Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1889-90, xii, 65-70. Aho [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 422. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 403.—Ehrmann (J.) Anevrysme poplite gueri par la compression; persistance, apres deux anset neuf mois, d'nne paralysie des extenseurs, survenue au cours du traitement. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. 1889, n. s., xv, 650-656. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1890, xlix, 25. —Gay ( G. AV. ) Popliteal aneu- rism; ligature of femoral artery in Scarpa's triangle; re- covery from operation; gangrene following exposure; am- putation of leg; recovery- Med. Sc Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost., 1889, 4. s., 209. — Godlee ( It. J.) Arteries of tbe lower limbs from a patient in whom both the femoral arte- ries had been ligatured with catgut for popliteal aneu- rysm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2. xxxiii, 94-96.—Gold- i'ng-Bird. A case of double popliteal aneurysm treated bv "compression. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 74.—Gordon (S.) Aneurysm of both popliteal arteries; cure by liga- ture of the femoral arteries at three years' interval; death from malignant disease of the stomach thirteen years later; dissection of femoial vessels. Ibid., 1883, i, 661.— Humbert. Rapport sur une observation de M. E. Schwartz: Anevrysme fusiforme de l'artere poplitee; ath6rome et arteriosclerose gen6ralis6o; ligature dela fe- moiale a l'anneau du 3e adducteur; mort 18 jours apres l'operation avec accidents cardiaques et cerebraux; au- topsie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1886, n. s., xii, 819-834.— Hutchinson (J.) Spontaneous cure of an unrecognized aneurism of the popliteal; subsequent de- velopment of an aneurism in the fellow limb. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1890-91, ii, 57. — JLonghui-t (A. E. T.) Case of popliteal aneurism in a patient the subject of locomotor ataxy; cured by pressure. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 205-208. Aho: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1886, i, 645. A (ao: Lan- cet, Lond., 1886, i, 640.— MacUormick (A.) Ruptured popliteal aneurism. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 138. — Macfarlane (J.) Aneurism of both popliteal arteries; ligature of both femorals; gangrene of both limbs; death. In his: Clin. Rep. Surg. Pract. Glasg. Roy. Infirm., 8°, Glasg., 1832, 1-9. -----. Popliteal aneurism; ligature of the femoral; erysipelas and gangrene of the limb; amputation; death. Ibid., 9-13. — iTIadrazo. Anevrisme de l'artere poplitee ouvert dans I'aiticulation feiuoro-tibiale chez un garcon de quinze ans. Echo iu6d., Toulouse, 1888, 2. s., ii, 93-97.—Morgan. [Patient who had been the subject, first, of ruptured popliteal aneu- rism, and, second, of diffuse femoral aneurism.] Rep. Proc. Northumb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-npon Tyne, 1876-7, 32-34.—Reid (W.) A case of double poplit- eal aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 23. — Routier (A.) Gangteue subite du pied et de la jambe due a, un ane- vrysme arteriel circonscrit de l'artere poplitee; amputa- tion dela cuisse; mort par thrombose generalises k tout le systeme de la veine cave inferieure. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb.. etc.,1889, Par., 1890, iv, 266.—Saea (A.) Aneurisma verdadero de la arteria poplitea izquierda; ligadura por dos veces, con la distancia de 17 dias de una aotra; seis hemorragias; amputacion del muslo; curacion. Ci6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1857, v, 194-202. — Sagrandi Alieurisills of popliteal artery (Compli- cations and sequelce of). (H.) Anevrisme de Tartere poplitee (portion inf6rieure) survenu brusquemeut & la suite de marches prolongees; traitement par la flexion forcee; guerison de rauevrisme; ankylose fiureuse du genou & angle droit; redressement progressif, puis brusque du membre; guerison complete. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1889, xiii, 295-297.— Seott (R. J. H.) A case of popliteal aneurysm followed by embolism of the posterior tibial artery and gangrene of the loot. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xxvii, 281-284.— Targett (J. H.) Popliteal aneurysm; death from pul- monary embolism. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 84. — Toogood ( J. ) Case of popliteal aneurism unsuc- cessfully treated by compression; sloughing of the tumor, and ligature of the femoral artery; mortification of the limb aud amputat ion ; recovery. In his: Remiu. Med. Life, 8°, Taunton, 1853, 103- 105. — White (I. H. ) Popliteal aneurism; ligation of superficial femoral arterv, followed by abscesses along the track of the posterior tibial. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1882, v, 86. — Whitehead. Case of popliteal aneurism; rupture into knee-joint; amputation through the thigh; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 682.— Willett. Popliteal aueurism; ligature of femoral artery; gangrene; amputation; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 835. Aneurisms of profunda artery. See Aneurisms of femoral artery. Aneurisms of pulmonary artery. Cornf.T (J.) * Coutributiou si l'eTude des aue- vrysuies dc l'artere puluiouaire. 4-. I'aris, 1667). A ristoflf (V. F.) Sluch. anevrizmy liokhochnol arterii. [Case of aneurism of pulmonary artery.] Med. priliav. k morsk. sboruiku, St. Petersb., 1891, ii, 367; 439.—Bennett (E H.) Aneurism of the pulmonary artery. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 265-267, 1 pl. — Coats (J. ) Aneurysm in a pulmonary cavity; death from hemor- rhage. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 31-34. — Damaschino. Recherches sur le contenu du sac dans les anevrysmes des branches de l'artere pulmo naire chez les phthisiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1879), 1880, 2. s., xvi, 130-140, 1 pl. — Rucastel. Anevrysme de Rasmussen; heiuoptysie mortelle. Ibid., 1884, 4. s., i, 154. — Dulneld (J. F.) Aueurism of right and left pulmonary arteries; pulmonary insufficiency; di- latation of the right ventricle. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiii, 77-82.— Franks (K.) Aneurism of the pulmonary artery. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875-7, n. s., vii, 1-4.' Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1876, lxii, 56-59, 1 pi. Also, transl: J. de med., Brux., 1877, lxiv, 28-32.— GrigorielF(N. I.) Anevrizma liokhochnol art.; tromboz art poplitea;. ( Aneurism of pulmonary artery ; throm- bus of popliteal artery.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxv, 3_7._Haushaller. TJn cas d'anevrysme d'une branche de l'artere pulinonaire, dans le coins d'une tuberculose pulmonale. Rev. de med., Par., 1889, ix, 368-372.-Hast (A.) Sc Rumpel (T.) Aneuiy.-ma einer Pulmonalarterie bei Lungensehwindsucht. In their: Path.auat. Tafeln . Hamb. Staatskrankenb., "Wandsbek-Hamb., 1892, lift. 2(pl R No. iii). Aho, transl.in their: Illust. Path. Anat., fol., Lond., 1893, R.pl. Mo. iii, with text.—ICidd (P.) Un- usual cases of pulmonary aneurysm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 98-100. — Kinie (J. AV.) Tuberculous pul- monary aueurism; rupture, death in early stage of the disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 398. — Mioton ( E J.) Aneurisms of the pulmonary artery iu caverus. N. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 712-718.—Osier (AV.) Aneurismal dilatation of branches of pulmonary artery on the walls of phthisical cavities; death from haemop- tysis. Montreal Gen. nosp. Path. Rep., 1877, l, 30. _____Aneurism of a branch of the pulmonary artery iu a phthisical cavity. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv 116.—Poupon. Des anevrysmes de l'artere pulino- naire et des lteruoptvsics incoercibles. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par 1884 viii 19 30. Also: France med., Par., 1881, l, 687 "699- 714; 72 — Kosncr (M.) Aneurysma der rech- tenArteria pulnionalis; Ruptur, plot/.licher Tod. AVien. med. Wchnschr.. 1889, xxxix, 1043.-West (S.) Oueof aneurysm of a branch of the pulmonary artery; death from hamiorrhage. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond , 1878 xxix:, 41. _____. Aneurysm of tho pulmonary artery. I bid., i»»i xxxii 67 ___—. Two cases of pulmonary aneurysm ot large'size, with profuse recurrent hemoptysis for twelve and forty-five days respectively with ^'^yj' monary aneurysms in general. Ibid.,.1»&>-*. *iVii:...«■ Aho [Abstr. : Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 70 - Williann (C. B ) A study of aneurism of the pulmonary artery. Coll. &Clin. Reef, Phila., 1890, xi, 49. - Williams (J ) A,, account of a case of sudden death from hsemoptysis in consequence of the rupture of an aneurism of a branch of the pulmonary artery, with remarks on similar forma- tions. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1881 n. s., iu, 349-353— Wolfram (A.) Przypadek tetmakowego, prawdopo- ANEURISMS. 478 ANEURISMS. Aneiirisius of pulmonary artery. dobnie wrodzonegn rozszerzenia plucnej. Miazdzyca ga- lezi tetnicy plucnej znaczuego stopnia. [Aneurism of pul- monary artery, probably congenital ; branches gradually dilated] Gaz. lek.,AVarszawa. 1883, 2. s., iii, 447; 466. Aho: Zbior prac z klin. lek. Korcyiiskiego, 8°, AVarszawa, 1883, pt. ix, 69-83. Aneurisms of radial artery. Adams (J. A.) Traumatic aneurism of the radial ar- tery. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xviii, 353.—Alessi (M.) Aneu- risma dell' arteria tadiale guarito colla compressione digi- tale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, J88s ix, 70.—An- licevich (G.) Ein Fall vou Aneurysma spurium des peripheren Endes der querdurcbsehnittenen Arteria radi- alls. AVien. klin. AVchnschr.. 1890. iii, 993-995.—Billroth (T.) Aneurysma Art. radial is. [2 cases.] In his: Chir. Klin. Wien 1871-6, 8"', Berl., 1879, 468. — Denuce. Anevrysme traumatique de l'artere radialo; compression digitale exerc6e au-dessus et au-dessous de la tumeur; guerison. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par. (1859 ), 1860, x, 306- 309.—Hey uzhinski (S. F.) Sluch.anevrismy art.radialis mantis sinistra?. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1S94, v, 353-363. —Eve (D.) Aneurism of the radial ar- tery; operation. South. Pract., Nashville, 1880, ii, 10.— Fischer. Beobaehtung einer Pulsadergeschwulst. Mu- seum d. Heilk., Zurich, 1794, ii, 276-278.—Gayraud (E.) I"n cas d'anevrisme traumatique de la radiale a la partie inferieure de l'avaut-bras gu6ri par la ligature de l'artere au-ibssus de la tumeur. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Mont- pel., Is89, xi, 577-579. — Maylard (A. E.) A specimen of a traumatic aneurysm of the radial artery, removed by ex- tirpation. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv, 157- 159. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1892, xxxviii, 333-335.—IVoir. An6vrisme faux primitif de l'artere radiale; ligature du vaisseau au dessus du lieu d'61ection: guerison. Soc. d sc. med.de Gaunat. Compt. rend., 1877, xxxi, 40-42.—Tur- pi!! (T. J.) A case of secondary aneurism of the radial artery. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, vi, 516.—Waller (C. B.) Traumatic aneurism of radial artery, leading to re- peated attacks of secondary hemorrhage. Med. Bull., Phila., 1885, vii, 301. Aneurisms of renal artery. Armstrong (S. T.) Aneurism of an arteria interlo- bularis renalis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1885, n. s., xc, 453.— Gruber (A.) Eiu Fall von Aneurysma arteriae renalis sinistra. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 1646-1649— Hochenegg (J.) Aneurysma traumaticum arteriae re- nalis dextra). AVien. klin. AVchnschr., 1891, iv, 512-515.— IIIith (A.) Di un caso di aneurisma dell' arteria renale per trauma, operate con pieno successo. Riforma med., Napoli, 191, vii, pt. 2, 481. — Oestreieh (R.) Das aneu- rysma der Kiereuarterie. Bell. kliu. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 1042-1044__Turner (F. C.) Traumatic aneurysm of a branch of the renal artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 277. Aneurisms of retinal artery. See Aneurisms (Ophthalmic, etc.). Aneurisms of sciatic artery. Guelliot. Anevrysme de l'artere ischiatique. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1895, n. s., i, 31. Aneurisms of spermatic artery. Oliver (J. C.) Report of a caseof traumatic aneurism of the spermatic artery. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx, 197. [Discussion], 201. — Walley. Diffuse sper- matic aneurism [in a bull]. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1878, v, pt. 1, 118. Aneurisms of splenic artery. Ahrexs (M. [L. A. G.]) * Zwei Falle von ge- borsteuen Aneurysmen der Artt. lienalis uud lie- patica. 6°. Greifswald, 1692. Ayer (J. B.) Death from rupture of an aneurism of the splenic artery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1883, cviii, 148.— Beaussenat. Un cas d'anevrysme diffus de l'artere spleuique chez un vieux paludeen. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 266-270.—Havidsou (A.) Aueurism of splenic artery. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1884, iv, 210.—Good- heart (J. F.) Arterio-venous aneurism of splenic ves- sels, with thrombosis of mesenteric veins aud localized acute colitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 67-70.— iTIayet. I'u cas de mort rapide par rupture d'un petit anevrysme de l'artere spl6nique. Ann. Soc. de in6d. de Lyon, 1879, 2. s., xxvii, pt. 2, 44-48.— Osier (AV.) Aneu- rism of splenic artery; perforation into transverse colon. Montreal Gen. nosp. Rep., 1880, i, 266-268. -----. Aneu- risms ofthe splenic artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891. xiv, 127.—Turner (F.C.) Aneurysm of the splenic artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 151.—Wei- gert (C.) Indie Milzvene geborstenes Aneurisma einer Milzarterie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1886, civ, 26- ?0—West (S.) Aneurysm of the splenic artery ruptur- ing through the stomach. Lancet, Lond.,1885, i, 518. Also: Aneurisms of splenic artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 595. — Zannini (L.) Reperto anatomico di un caso speciale di aneurisma. Gazz. med ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1880, xxiii, 296-298. Aneurisms of subclavian artery. See, also, Aneurism (Treatment of) by acu- puncture, etc.: Artery (Subclavian, Ligature of). AneuryMina spurii.iu diffusum arteria? subclavia- Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1880, AVien, 1881, 132.— Harlow (T.) Case of cured subclavian aneurysm. Tr Clin. Soc Lond., 1888-9, xxii, 310-313- Berger'(P.) Sur une observation communique^ par AI. le Dr. Charles AIo- nod, intitulee: Anevrysme de la sous-claviere (3r portion); ligature simultanoe de la sous-claviere imme-diatement au dessus de la clavicule etde la carotide primitive; gueri- son. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 97-105. — Billroth (T.) Aneurysma Art. subclavia (2 cases). Inhis: Chir. Klin. AVien 1871-6, Berl., 1879,468— Bolbot (S.) Sluchai zamiechatelnoi anevrizmi podkl- yuchichnoi art.; opit primienenija elektrop. [Aneurismof subclavian; application of electro-puncture.J Voyeuuo- med. J., St. Petersb., 1881, cxiii, pt. 3, 67-76—Bryant (J. D.) The operative surgical treatment for aneuiisin of the first two portions of the subclavian. Tr. X. Voik Acad. M. (1891), 1892, 2. s., viii, 49-68. Also: .Med. Rec. N. T., 1891, xxxix, 305-309. — Bulhdcs (0.) (Caso do graude aneurysma da sub-clavea esquerda, por elle ope- rado, pelo processo de Bacelli, exito fatal.] Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1887, ii, 67; 92; 100—Cabled (I).) Aneu- risma de la sub-clavia derecha. An. Asoc. Circ ni6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1878-9, ii, 337-351.—Cases of aneu- rism of the sub-clavian artery. Indian Ann. AI. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1854, ii, 461. —C oburn. Aneurism of subclavian compressed by adhesive straps and elastic bandage. Ci- nad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 188), vi, 277—Coppinger. Sul). clavian aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 327.—Cruz P. (R.) Aneurisma de la arteria subclavia derecha. Rev. med., Bogota, 1883-4, viii, 100-103—Hibrell (J. A ), jr. Successful deligation of the left subclavian artery for an- eurism of the axillarv arterv. J. AI. Soc. Arkansas, Lit- tle Rock, 1890-91, i, 388-390.—Gerster. Aneurysm of the right subclavian artery. N. Tork M. J., 1884, xl, 618. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xiv, 660. — Hamilton. Subclavian aneurism. Proc Path. Soc Dubl., 1852-8, iii, 263-265— Heath (G.) The sac of a large aneurism, aris- ing from the left subclavian artery. Newcastle the first part of the axillary artery being also involved.; ligature of the subclavian artery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 152.—Morton (C. A.) A caso of subcla- vian aneurysm ; circulation controlled in the sac by digital pressure on the first part of the vessel; Alaoewen s opera- tion ; amputation at the shoulder-joint. Brit. M. J.. Lomi., 1894, i, 1070-1073.—Nelaton (C.) Rapport sur une ob- servation d'un cas d'anevrysme de l'artere sous-claviere gauche, traite par les courants coutinus, par le Dr. Vaua- dares. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. 8., xv 115.—Oliver. Subclavian aneurism spontaneously cured by sloughing. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, ANEURISMS. 479 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of subclavian artery. Newcastle-upou-Tyne, 1890-91,14-16. Aho.- Lancet. Lond., 1891, i, 8-10.—Osorio (N.) Aneurisma de la arteria sub- clavia! Gac. m6d., Bogota., 1865-6, i, 46.—Page. Aneu- rism ofthe right subclavian artery (?). Rep. Proc North- man. Sc Durham AI. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1885-6, gg_71.__Partridge. Anevrysme de l'artere sous-claviere droite; ligature en dedans du scalane. Examinat. med., Par., 1841, i, 95.—Pye-Smith (R. J.) A fatal case of traumatic aneurism of aberrant right subclavian artery. Quart.M. J.,Sheffield, 1894-5, iii, 227-231, lpl.—Richard- son (T. G.) Synopsis of the treatment ot a case of aneu- rism of the left subclavian artery, in which three methods were successively employed ,- followed by death. Tr. Am. Sure Ass., Phila., 1887, v, 341-344. Aho [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 527.—Rose (AV.) Aneurism of the subclavian artery; amputation at the shoulder-joint. Brit, M. J., Loud., 1880, i, 924— Sheen (A.) Left subcla- vian aneurysm cured by large doses of iodide of potassium and rest in bed. Ibid., 1895, ii, 9—Souchon (E.) Opera- tive treatment of aneurisms of the third portion of the sub- clavian artery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 545; 743. Aho, Reprint. -----. Two additional cases of aneurism of the third portion of the right subclavian artery. Ibid., 1896, xxiii, 255.—Spencer (YV. G.) Experiments on liga- ture of the innominate by a median incision with regard to the failure hitherto of the ligation in continuity for aneurysm of the second or third part of the right sub- clavian. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 73-77.—Subclavian aneurism." North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1888, Loud., 1889, 30.—Thomson (YV.) On a case of ligature of the arteria inn>minata for subclavian aneurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 722-731.— Tnfiiell. Subclavian aneurism. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1871-4, n. s., v, 8-11, 2 pl.—Twynam (G. E.) Traumatic subclavian aneurysm ; ligature of innominate and carotid arteries; death. Lan- cet, Lond., 1890, i, 1352.—Tyson (J.) Aortic regurgitation with aneurism of the subclavian artery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 161.—Veiel. Eiu Fall von aneu- rysma arterio-venosum traumaticum circumscriptum der rechtsseitigen Schliisselbeingefasse. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1895, lxv, 122-124—Waldo (H.) Successful termination of a large aneurism, without surgical interference. [Subclavian.] Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1883, i, 232-234.—Wardell (J. R.) Subclavian aneurism. Prov. M. & S. J., Loud., 1848, 378; 516; 544. Aho, in his.- Cases in Private Prac, 8°, Worcester, [1848 ?|. 35-41. Aho, in his: Coutrib. Path. & Pract. Med., 8°, Lond., 1885, 594-605.—Waters (AV. E.) Successful ligation of the sub- clavian artery for aneurism. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, AVash., 1894-5, 76—White (C. B.) Sc Huntington (D. L.) Report of a case of aneurism of left subclavian, suc- cessfully treated by ligation of that artery; subsequent death of the patient from aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Ibid., 1885-6, 104.—Wilson (J. C.) Aneurism of the root of the subclavian artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 56.—Wyeth (J. A.) Aneurism of the third portion of the right subclavian artery. Internat. J. Surg., N. T., 1890, iii, 237-239. Aneurisms of submaxillary artery. von Stubenrnuch. Aneurysma der linken Sub- maxillargegend. Miinchen. med. AVchnsetir., 1894, xii, 625. Aho: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1894), 1895, iv, 89. Aneurisms of subscapular artery. McGraw (T. A.) A caseof traumatic aneurysm of the subscapular artery. N. Tork M. J., 1885, xii, 569-571. Aho, Reprint. Aneurisms of supraorbital artery. Murray (W.) An aneurysm of tbe supra-orbital ar- tery cured by pressure applied by the patient's thumb. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 1239. — Ravn' (G.) Voluminoso aneurisma traumatico dell' arteria sopraorbitale guarito spontaneamente in seguito alia sua accidentale crepatura sottocutanea. Ann. di ottal., Milano, 1880, ix, 288-294. Aneurisms of temporal artery. See, also, Aneurisms of auricular artery. Brandt (J.) TJeber einen geheilten Fall eines Aneu- risma traumaticum der Arteria temporalis profunda ante- rior. Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 113-115. -----. Noch ein- mal "Ueber einen geheilten Fall eines Aneurysma trau- maticum der Arteria temporalis profunda anteror" als Entgegnung auf die Nachtragsmittheilung des Docenten Herrn Dr. Freih. v. Eiselsberg in der " AViener kliuischen Wochenschrift" 1891, Nr. 21. Ibid.. 477. — Calvert (J. T.) Notes on a case of aneurism of anterior division of superficial temporal artery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii, 75—Cheever'(D. AV.) Temporal aneurism. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1882, 3. s., 134-138.— Fleming (YV. J.) Traumatic aneurism of the temporal; subcutaneous compression; cure. Glasgow M. J., 1881, xvi, 191-193.—Gallozxi (C.) Aneurisma cirsoideo trau- matico della regione teraporo-parietalo destra; operazione alia Terrier; guarigione. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1891, iii, 127-136, 1 pl.—Metz. Aneurisma eines Aneurisms of temporal artery. Astes der Art. temporalis durch Unterbindung geheilt. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1837, Koblenz, 1839,125.— rVotta (M.) Des anevrysmes de l'artere temporale su- perticielle. Union med., Par., 1885, 3. s., xxxix, 397-401.— Robinson (B.) Traumatic anenryism of the anterior temporal artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1424.— Roeha Ca«tilla (R.) Aneurisma traumatico de una rauiificacion do la arteria temporal superficial; ligadurade la arteria; curacion. Gac. med., Bogot.4, 1866-7, ii, 34.— de Nauii (L.) Des tumeurs anevrysmales de la region temporale. Arch. gen. de iu6d., Par., 1884, ii, 543 ; 679 : 1885, i, 172. — Tschudi. Traumatisches Aneurysma der Arteria temporalis sin. AVien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 1390. Aneurisms of thyroid artery. Bi-oiiMScs. Sur un cas d'anevrysme spontanea de l'artere thyroitlienne interieure. Rev. de chir., Par., 1891, xi, 777-793. Also [Rap. de Chauvel]: Bull. Acad.de med., Par., 1891, 3. s.. xxv, 523-530. — Ilnxthaiiseu. Aneu- risma arteriie thyreoideie und Unterbindung des Truncus anonymus. Gen,-San.-Ber. v. Schlesien 1832, Bresl., 1834, 129—Soest. Aneurysma Arteria? thyreoidese superioris mit todtlichem Ausgang. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1829, Koblenz, 1832, 96. Aneurisms of tibial arteries. Schmidt (R. [A. K.]) *Ein Fall von Aneu- rysma der Arteria tibialis postiea. 83. Greifs- wald, 1890. VfezES (J.) * Anevrysmes des arteres de la jambe. 4:. Paris, 1899. Aunequin. Etude sur l'an6vrysme arterio-veineux 'de l'artere tibiale posterieure. Arch, do med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 259-283.—Armstrong (W. S.) Aneu- rism of the posterior tibial artery. Tr. Al. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1880, xxxi, 83.—Arnaudet. Anevrisme diffus de la tibiale anterieure dans une fracture de jambe; appa- rition tardive; mort. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. de Par. (1889), 1890, xxiv, 98-102. Also: Union nted., Par., 1889, 3. s., xlviii, 545-548.—Battle (W. H.) A case in which a dif- fuse aneurysm developed in the calf of the leg simulating abscess; recovery after removal of parts of the popliteal and tibial arteries. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1890, xxiii, 66-74.— Bell (J.) Aneurysm of the anterior tibial artery; cure. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 793. — Jamison (D.) Trau- matic aneurism of the anterior or posterior tibial artery. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 119. — Hinloch (R. A.) Case of supposed spontaneous aneurism of the poste- rior tibial artery; ligature of femoral; incision into sac one month after] followed by serious hemorrhage; ampu- tation through the thigh ; recovery; also, a resume of the literature of the subject. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, lxxxiv, 147-154. Also: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1883,1, 9-18.—Locquin. Recidive eloignee d'une tumeur ane- vrysmale. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1882, liii, 501— i/udoviNi. Un caso di aneurisma dell' art. tibiale post. curato colla ligatura della femorale. Bull. d. Soc. Lauci- siana d. osp. di Roma, 1883, iii, 129-133.— Lydston (G.F.) Diffuse idiopathic aneurism of the anterior tibial artery ; tetanus following amputation of thigh. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1881, xliii, 132-135. — MacSwinncy (G. H.) Aneurism of posterior tibial artery ; laid open by mistake; attempt to tie tho artery ; amputation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 126. — itlonod (E.) Sur un cas d'anevrisme arte- rioso-veineux de la tibialo posterieure gueri par l'extirpa- tion. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s.. xvii, 5J4—Morales (A.) Ligadura de la arteria femoral para ei tratamiento de un aneurisma de la pierna; curacion. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1879, v, 491; 533.— Packard (J. n.) Traumatic aneurism of the posterior tibial artery. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 187. — Page. Diffused traumatic aneurysm of the anterior tibial artery of ten weeks' duration: attempted ligature; amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 522—Peabody (G. L.) Traumatic aneurism of the leg, following the lodgement ot an em- bolus aud valvular heart lesions. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1888), 1889, 38. - Roberts (AV. O.) A case of trau- matic aneurism of the posterior tibial artery. Med. Her- ald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 410-412.—White (J.W.) Notes of a case of cure of aneurism of the posterior tibial artery through position after failure of digital compression. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 679-682. Aho, Reprint. Aneurisms of ulnar artery. Alquie. Anevrisme traumatique de l'artere cubi- tale, datant de vingt-six jours. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1853, xxvi 487 —Harwell (R.) Clinical remarks on traumatic consecutive aneurism of the ulnar artery; delegation of the brachial artery with catgut; failure of ligature; ves- sel tied again with ox aorta; cure. Lancet, Loud., 1881,n, 165.— Bellamy. Traumatic aneurysm of the ulnar artery; operation; recovery. Ibid., 1885, i, 796.—Berger (P.) ' Sur une observation " d'anevrysme traumatique de l'artere cubitale", coimnuniquee par M. le Dr. Lecert. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, ANEURISMS. 480 ANGELIQUE. Aneurisms of ulnar artery. 102-104.__Carter. Traumatic aneurism of the ulnar ar- tery. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1884, n. s., No. v, 66.— I>evis (R. J.) Rare case of aneurism of the ulnar artery, simulating malignant disease, apparently cured by liga- tion of the brachial artery, with antiseptic precautions. Med. Rec, N. T., 1881, xix, 39.— Logan (S.) Case of traumatic aneurism of the ulnar arterv. N. Orl. M. & S. J 1889-90, n. s., xvii, 418. — Owen (E.) Case of aneu- rvsni of right ulnar artery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 11 i■—Sch wartz (E.) Anevrysme de la cubitale; (du traitement ties anevrysmes de l'avant-bras). Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1894, xiii, 2. sem., 205-207.— Treves (F.) Aneurisms of both ulnar arteries. Lancet, Lond.. 1881, ii, 998.—Vincent (E.) Anevrysme de l'artere cubitale; traitement par la ni6thode de Reid sans resultat; guerison par l'ouverture du sac. Alger med., 1886, xiv, 242-246. — Volpcrling. Aneurisma arteria? ulnaris. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1840, Berl., 1843, 155.— Weinlechner. Traumatisches Aneurisma der Arteria cubitalis; durch die Compression mit elastischen Binden und Digitalcompression und schliessliche Ligatur nach Hunter nur gebessert. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879, 380-382. Aho: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1881, xvi, 219. Aneurisms of uterine artery. iUars (A.) Przypadek tetniaka tetnicy macicznej. [Case of aueurism of left uterine artery.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1891, xxx, 601-603. Aneurisms of vertebral artery. Matas (11.) Traumatisms aud traumatic aneu- risms of the vertebral artery and their surgical treatment, with the report of a cured case. 8°. [JXew Orleans, 1693.] Audertou. Aneurism of both vertebral arteries. Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, iv, 180. — Aneurisma trau- matico dell' arteria vertebrale sinistra; guarito. Resoc. San. d. Sped. civ. di Trieste (1891), 1893, xix, 103. — Cat- tolica. Deux observations d'anevrismes de l'artere inter- vertebrale, suites de plaies, termines par la mort. [Transl. from: II Severino, sjiorn. med.-chir.] Gaz. med. de Par., 1836, 2. s.,iv, 425. — Fcnger (C.) Vertebral arterial liga- tion'in vertebral aneurism. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1887, i, 33-35. — Guyeuet. Anevrysme de l'artere vertebrale. item, et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi pt. 2, 55-57. — Holmes (T.) Vertebral aneurisms. Lancet, Lond., 1X73, ii. 105-107. — Kocher (T.) Ueber Verletzung und Aneurisma der Arteria vertebralis, nebst Mittlu-ilium eiues gliicklich verlaufenen Falles. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1870-71, xii,867-884.—Leclairc Sc Van- dam. (as d'anevrysme de l'artere vertebrale. Ann. Soc d'anat. path, de Brux., 1876, xxv, 104-107. — 'I alas (R.) Traumatisms and traumatic aneurisms of the verte- bral artery and their surgical treatment, with the report of a cured case. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893. xviii, 477-521, 1 pl. Also: Tr. Pan Ani. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt, 1, 624-650. 1 pl. Aho. transl..-' Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1894, ii, 584-598. — IVunciante (I.) [Deux observations d'anevrysme faux cons6cutif de l'artere vertebrale. ] [Transl. from: II Filiatre-sebezio, aun. 3, fasc. 2.] In: Chassaignac (E.) Traite clin. etprat. d. op. chir., 8°, Par., 1811. i, 334-336.—Romaglia. Anevrysme traumatique de l'artere vertebrale primitivement anormale. [Transl. from: II Filiatre-sebezio, avril 1834.] Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1834, 2. s., v, 138-140. — Simes (J. H. C.) Trau- matic aueurism of the vertebral artery, the result of a gunshot wound. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 78.—Weir (R. F.) Traumatic aneurism of the vertebral artery, cured by compression. Arch. Med.. N. Y., 1884, xi, 157-162. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 140. Aho [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1-84, xxxix, 103. Anfiilloff(J[akob Afanasyevich]). * Ob izme- neniakh v tsentralnoi nervnoi sisteme zhivotuikh pri lakirovanii kozhi. [Ou the changes in the central nervous system when the skin is var- nished.] 104 pp., 11. 8-\ S.-Peterburg, 1687. Ajlfiteatro (El) auat6mico espanol; peri6dico de medicina, cirugia y cieucias auxiliares. v. 8. fol. Madrid, i860. In Jan., 1881. merged in: Revista de medicina y ciru- gia practicas. Anfosso (Carlo). Dei fattori probabili dell' azione terinale. 16 pp. 8J. [n.p., L. Scovazzi], 1885. -----. Alcune osservazioni igieniche sui saponi e sui cosmetici. 5 pp. 8-. [Piacenza, G. Fa- vor i, 1866.] Repr.from : Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1886, vi. Anfosso (Carlo)—continued. -----. Sull' esame microscopico della cosiddetta polvere da pane. 4 pp. 8->. Venezia, T. Anto- nelli, 1666. Repr. from: Atti r. Ist. Venete di sc, lett. ed arti, 1886, 6. s., iv. -----. Di una falsincazione del cioccolato. 2 1. 6C. [Milano, 1-86.] Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Soc.ital.d' ig., Milano, 1886,viii. -----. Istrumenti medici. Strumeuti per la di- aguosi, per la medicina, per la chirurgia, per 1' anatomia, per la fisiologia, per 1' igiene. 91 pp. sm. fol. Torino, Vnione tip.-editrice, 1866. Repr. from: Enciclopedia d. arti e Industrie. ------. Troppi veleni. 8 pp. 8:. Piacenza, G, Favari, 1886. Repr.from: Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1886, vi. ------. L' iusegnamento dell' igiene nei licei e nelle scuole uormali. 12 pp. 8J. [Torino, n.d.] Repr. from: Eco d. Ass. naz. fra gli insegn. d. scuole second., iii. See, also, Annuario delle scienze mediche, Anno xvi, 1886. 12°. Milano. AnfOSSO (Luigi). Atlante geografico della crimi- nalita. Studi e ricerche. 1 p. 1., 5 maps. fol. [Torino, 1667.] Angeai' (J. J. M.) Locating the ball in a case of gun-shot wound in the cervical region. 12 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1891. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xviii. Angebliche (Die) Inferioritat der Xeger-Race. Cutting from: Mag. f. d. Literatnr. d. Ausl., Berl., 1865, xxxiv, 165-167. Angeioma. See Angioma. Angel (A. Martinez). Rotura de los ligamentos vertebrales. Con un prdlogo del . . . Federico Rubio. 232 pp., port. 12°. Madrid, B. Fe1, 1894. Angelby (Albert) [1855- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de l'ascite chez le foetus. 104 pp. 4°. Paris, 1687, No. 107. d' Angreli (Felice). L' igiene a Ferrara e il bilancio comunale. Studi e proposte. 68 pp. 8°. Ferrara, tip. Bresciani, 1686. Angeli (Luigi)~[1739-1829]. Dell' autichita de' cimiteri e de' vantaggi, che dalla loro istituzioue ne sono derivati alia umauita; memoria diretta a suoi coucittadiui. 28 pp. 8°. lmola, 1821. -----. L' abiiBo del salasso condannato dall' autorita de'sommi pratici, dalla ragione, e dalla sperienza. Memoria iudiritta specialniente a giovani medici. 64 pp., port. 8°. Imola, 1624. -----. II medico giovane al letto dell' aninialato, istruito nei doveri di medico politico e di uomo morale. Lezioni. 4.ed. 2 v. xvi, 236 pp.; 1 p. 1., 128 pp. 16°. Padova, 1825. -----. Thesame. Der juuge Arzte am Krankeu- bette nach dem Italienischen des... fur deutsche Aerzte nach der dritten Autlage bearbeitet von Ludwig Choulant. Nebst einer Saniinlung iirzt- licherVorschriften aus der Klinik der Universitiit Padua, xxxi, 176 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C. Cnobloch, 1623. -----. The same. De jonge arts aan het ziekbed. Naar de Hoogduitsche uitgaaf van Dr. L. Choulant. Vrij vertaald en vermeerderd door Dr. A. Moll. Met eenige der voornaamste recept- formules uit het clinicum aan de hooge school van Padua, xxiv, 1 1., 144 pp. 8°. Gonnchem, I. Yoorduyn, 1627. Angelin (Olaus). *Diss. causae morboruin epi- demicorum generatim inquirens. 1 p. 1., 17 PP- sm. 4°. Londini Golhorum, C. G. Berling, [176o]. Angelini (Alessadro). Ouiiopatia e allopatia nella cura del morbo acholera. 34 pp., 1 1- fc~- Livorno, E. Pozzolini, 1866. [P., v. 1459.] Angelique (Gilles de 1'). See L'Angelique. ASGELIS. 481 ANGEREE. de Anseli* (Stejriianus) [1C23- J. PatinusiC.) [Biography.] In his: Lyceum patavin. 4=. Patavi, 1682, 41-44, 1 pl. Angel Island. Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, Cal., June 30, 1869. Special sanitary report. Edwin Beutley, Asst. Surg., U. S. A. MS. fol. 1869. Angell (Arthur). The science of sewage treat- ment. 10 pp. 8C. London, Pennymore Bros., 1886. [P., v. 2041.] Angell (Edmund R.) Sanitary examination of drinking water. 19 pp. 8°. Concord, X. H., The Bepub. Press Ass., 1664. Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health X Hampshire, Concord, 1884, iii. An»ell (Emerson C.) Hot air bathing; its phi- losophy and advantages in health and disease; illustrated with numerous cases. 32 pp. 8L. Xew York, 1677k Aiiffell (George T.) Protection of animals. [Read at the annual meeting of the American Social Science Association, 1874.] 16 pp. 8 '. Xew York, Hurd $• Houghton, 1-74. Repr.from: Publ. Am. Soc. Sc. Ass., X. T., 1874. Angell James B.) The higher education; a plea for making it accessible to all. An address at the annual commencement of the Michigan Uni- versity, June 26, 1879. 19 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1879. * Ang:ell (John). Elements of animal physiology chiefly human, viii, 9-184 pp. 12°. Xew York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, [1873]. Angelo (Monteverdi). Vita e morte: segni e mezzi per distinguere la morte vera dall' ap- parente ed in particolare delle iniezioui ipoder- rniche di ammoniaca. xv, 3-0 pp., 6 col. pl. 8°. Cremona, tip. d. "Provincia", 1892. Angelot [1796-1869], Caffe. Xecrologie. J.d. conn.med.prat., Par., 1870-71, xxxvii-xxxviii, 16. Augelot (Eugene). * De la maladie d'Isambert; sur une forme clinique sne"ciale de tuberculose denomuiee par Isambert tuberculose miliaire aigue pharyngo-larynge'e. 40 pp. 4-. Paris, 1883, No. 420. Last page is called 38. Aligelrotli (Otto). * Ueber die Aetiologie der Kuocheu-Xekrose. 45 pp. 8C. Erlangen, A. rollrath, 1891. Aligelucci (Alessandro). Gestione morale am- ministrativa dello Ospedale di S. Giacomo in Augusta durante T anno 1874. 35 pp. 4°. Boma, 1875. *l AiigelHcci(Arnaldo). Osservazioni sulle altera- zioni dei gangli intervertebrali in alcune malat- tie della midolla. 15 pp., 1 pl. fol. Boma, tip. Salriucci, 1878. Repr.from.- Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Eoma, 1877-8, 3. s., ii. —---. Ricerche istologiche sull' epitelio retinico dei vertebrati. 27 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Boma, Sal- riucci, 1*78. Repr.from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat, Roma, 1877-8, 3. 8., ii. -----. Sullo sviluppo e struttura del tratto nveale anteriore dei vertebrati. 31 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Boma, Salriucci, 1880. Repr.from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Boma, 1879-80, 3. s., vii. -. Dall'Istituto della clinica oculistica della r. Universita di Cagliari. Una nuova teoria snlla visione; terza comunicazione preventiva. it Feazioni nell° strato a mosaico della retina all azione combinata delle luci cromatiche con 1 elettricita e il calore. II. L' influenza riflessa dei metalli, delle correnti magnetiche del suono b« gli elemeuti retinici visivi. 10 pp. 8°. Cagliari, tip. Alagna, 1886. 31 llgclucci (Arualdo)—continued. ----. Untersuchungen iiber die Sehtliiitigkeit der Netzhaut und des Gehirns. 127 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Giessen, E. Both, 1890. Repr. from: Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, xiv. Aho, F.ditor of: Archivio di ottalmologia, Palermo, An^ellicci (Gianditimo) & Picrsicciiii (Ar- .naldo). Manicomio provinciale di Macerata. Di alcuni lavori artistici eseguiti da alienati. Contributo alio studio dell' arte nei pazzi. x, (1 1.), S3 pp., 22 phot. 8°. Macerata, Stab. Lib. Bianchini, 1694. Angclucci (Theodoro). Ars medica ex Hip- pocratis Gak-nique thesauris potissimum de- prompta, ac singulari quodain et perspicuo scu- tentiarum ordine exposita. 11 p. 1., Ill ff. sm. 4°. Venetiis, apud P. Meiettum, 1588. -See, aho, Donatellies (J.) [in 1. 8.]. De febre maligna disputatio. 4°. Yenetiis, 1593. Angelns (Joh.). -See Petraeus (Henricus) [in 1. s.]. De lue venerea. In: Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Marpurqi Cattorum, 1610, ii, 416-428. Angelns Abbatius (Baldus). See Abbatius (Baldus Angelns) [in 1. s.]. Angelns Politianus [14.")4-94]. See Alexander Aphrodiseus. Super nonnullis physi- cis quiestionibus solutionum liber. 4°. Basilece, 1520. Angelutins (Theodorus). See Angelucci. Allgelvin (Lucieu) [1865- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des fractures sus-condyliennes du f€- mur. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, Oilier-Henry, 1893, No. 239. Allgelvin (Lucien). * Programme des produits chimiques et pharmaceutiques prepares dans le laboratoire de I'Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Montpellier et dont la discussion publique aura lieu dans la stance du 8 decembre 1894. 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Marseille, 1894, No. 563. Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Montpellier. Anger. See, also, Chorea (Causes of). Clavillart (L.) *De ira noxa atque ejus utilitate. 8°. Monspellii, 1744. Hiisson. Observation d'une mort causae par un vif chagrin. Annuaire m6d.-chir. d. hop. de Par., 1819, i, 239-241.—Manning (Helen L.) Physiological effects of anger. J. Hyg., N. Y., 1895, xiv, 324^-326. Anger (Benjamin) [1838- ]. * De l'etraugle- ment intestinal. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, Germer- Bailliere, 1865. [P., v. 2048.] -----. * Plaies penetrantes de poitrine. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. E. Martinet, 1866. [Also, in : P.,v. 2060.] Concours. -----. Conferences de clinique chirurgicale faites a l'Hdpital Saint-Antoinc (anne"e 1874). 1 p. 1., 79 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1875. [P., v. 2052.] -----. * Les chylif eres. Notice sur les prepara- tions anatomiques presentees. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, V. A. Delahaye 4' Cie., 18778. Concours. ----- & Woi'thington (L. S.) Meianomes. 46 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1866. [P., v. 2060.] Angerant (Henri) [1861- ]. *Les grands lavages de l'intestin (etude historique, critique et experimentale). vi, 107 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 378. Angerer (Ernst). * Bericht iiber das stadtische Krankenhaus Weilheim vom Jahre 1882 bis 1885. [Wurtzhurg.] 40 pp. 8°. Weilheim, Gebr.Boeg- ler, 1886. Angerer (Ottmar) [1850- ]. Ueber Ampu- tationen und Exartikulationen. 16 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1884. Repr.from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, v, ANGERER. 4S2 ANGINA. Angerer (Ottmar)—continued. _____, Die neue chirurgische Klinik in Miinchen. Mit inner Rede: die Entwicklung der Chirurgie in Miiuchen gehalten bei der Eroffnungsfeier. 30 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Miinchen, M. Bieger, 1892. Der hohe Steiuschnitt uud seine Bedeu- tung fiir die Extraction von Fremdkorpern ans der Blase. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, [1893]. Repr.from: Ann. cl. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miin- chen, 1893, vi. -See. aho, Handbuch der speciellen Therapie innerer Krankheiten. 8°. Jena, 1894. Angermaiiii (F.) Das Stotteru, sein Wesen und seine Heilung. Fiir Aerzte und Padagogeu. v, 82 pp. 8°. Berlin, Trowitzsch <$■ Sohn, 1853. Angers. See Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Mala- rial, History, etc., of), by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Angerstein (E[duard]) & Eckler (G.) Haus- Gymnastik fur Gesunde uud Kranke. Eine An- weisung fiir jedes Alter und Geschlecht, durch einfache Leibesiibungen die Gesundheit zu er- halten und zu kriiftigeu sowie Kraukhafte Zu- stiinde zu beseitigen. 2. Aufl. vi, 103 pp., 1 pl. broadside 8°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1667. -----. Thesame. 6. Aufl. vi, 103pp., lpl. broad- side 8°. Berlin, T. C. E. Enslin, 1887. .-----. The same. La gymnastique a la maison, a la chainbre et au jardin. 152 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere $ fills, 1892. -----. La gymnastique des demoiselles. 168 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cffils, 1892. Angerstein (W[ilhelm]). See Hamlworterbuch der offentlichen und privaten Gesundheitspflege [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1890. Anghelovici (Michel-J.) [1864- ]. *Des divers traitements de la tuberculose et du ga'iacol en particulier. 74 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 61. Angioand (H.) [1807- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la tuberculose verruqueuse de la peau. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1691, No. 281. Angiectasis. See Aneurism by anastomosis, etc.; Angioma; Neevus; Varix. Angier (Carolus). *De rheumatismo acuto. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1791. [P., v. 1541.] Angier (Henry-Albert-Marie) [1861- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude des acces pernicieux algides. Mer des Antilles. 48 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1667, No. 82. Angileri (Salvatore). Resoconto clinico della sezione chirurgica dal 1° gennaro 1885 a 31 di- cembre 1888. 53 pp., 11. 8°. Marsala, L. Gili- berti, 1669. -----. Estirpazione totale dell' utero; guari- gioue. 14 pp. 12°. Marsala, L. Giliberti, 1890. -----. Ventrofissazione dell' utero per prolasso; guarigioue. 10 pp. 12°. Marsala, L. Giliberti. 1890. Angina. See, also, Croup; Diphtheria; Erysipelas (Pharyngeal); Glottis (CEdenia of); Laryngis- mus stridulus; Larynx (Inflammation of); Pha- ryngitis; Scarlatina (Complications, etc., of); Tonsils (Inflammation of). Bolman (Y.) *De angina. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1733. Boom (J. E.) *De angina vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1739. Brian (C.-E.) *Sur l'angine inflammatoire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1828. Collot (G.-L.-J.) * Sur l'angine inflamma- toire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1806. Angina. Coxstaxtinkscc (J.) * De la contagiosity et des complications pleuro-pulmouaires dans les angiues aigue's. 4C. Paris, 1891. de DiEU (L.) *De angina. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1693. Fay&elek (P.) * Sur l'angine seche. 4~. Pa- ris, 1863. Ferte (J.-G.) *Sur l'angine gutturale. 4-. Paris. 1816. Fischer (J. F.) *De angina, sm. 4-. Erfor- dice, [1727]. Flaminius (G.) *Deangina. 4-. Lugd.But., 1643. Flaust (M.-C.) * Sur l'angine iuflammatoire. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Gerner (A.) * De angina exquisita. sm. 4C, Argentorati, 1638. s' Gravesaxde (I.) * De angina vera ct spu- ria. 4C. Lugd. Bat, 1691. Huberus(J.U.) *De angina. sm.4c. Duis- burgi ad Bhenum, [1721]. Jacob (P.) *De angina vera. 4°. Monspelii, 1783. Klose (F. W.) *De angina, sm. 4°. [Lip- sice, 1696.] Lacombe (L.) *Sur l'angine gutturale. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Macdonell (P.) * De syncope anginosa. 8-. Edinburgi, 1620. de Max (L. A.) *De angina in genere. 4-. Gandari, 1824. Moura- Bourouillou. Angine aigue ou grave, origine, nature, traitement. 8°. Park, 1870. Panelli(F.) Delle angine e loro trattameuto omeopatico. 8~. Xapoli, 1874. Perie (J.-B.) * De angina. 8°. Monspelii, 1789. de Ram (P.) *De angina. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1666. Schade (P. L.) *De angina, sm. 4°. Mar- burgi-Cattorum, [1705]. Schramm (G. G.) *De angina, sm. 4-. Lugd. Bat, 1665. Sturm (M. E.) *Aerem anginse causam effi- cientem . . . examiui sistit. sm. 4°. Altdorff, 1699. Vieillard (P. M.) *An angina? spuria; pe- riodice recurrenti catharsis? Presses F. T. de Bussy. 4°. [Paris, 1767.] Welsch (C. L.) * De angina, sm. 4°. TTir- teberqce, [1691]. Admiral (D. J.) Een zeldzaam gevul van angina. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1883, six, 917-920.- Bareggi (C.) Sull' angina di Plaut. Atti d. Ass. nied. lomb., Milano, 1895, 193-201.—Bezichungen (Ueberche) zwischen Angina unci acuteni Gelenki heuuiatisuius. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1895, n. F.. xiv. 270-272. — Blumer (G.) Notes on some cases of angina treated with Behrmg a antitoxine. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.. Bait., 189a. vi, 158-164.— Boulensjier (O.) Quelques considerations pratiques relatives auxangines. Pressemed. beige, Brux-, 1893. xiv, 241-246. [Rap. de Larnelle].313.-Bourge» (H.) Paralysie consecutive a. une angine pseudo-iiieinbraneuse reconnue comme non diphtt-rique k l'exanieu V^cte™'?' gique. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., leas, vii 17-24. -----. Les angines pseudo-diphteriques. h'j- maine med., Par., 1895, xv, 293-297. Also, transl. .-Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 421-426. — Buckingham (L. M) A clinical study of cases of angina resembling diphtheua in which the bacilli are reported absent, Arch. Peciiai, N. T., 1895, xii, 899-904. — Castellan ( P. V.) I. De an- gina. In his: Exercitationes med.. 4°. Tolosas, U>\b,, }- 119— Chanceral (V.) De l'angine et de ses vanetes. Bull. Soc. med. homiep. de France, Par., 1801, v, —; J»'. 556; 613: 657. Aho, Reprint.-Chauffard. Desangin" ab'ues. Ann. de ni6d. scient. et prat., Par., 1892, u, vi- 99 — Belpec-h. Observation d'angine cedemateuse, re- cueilli. a I'hopital St.-Eloi, k Montpellier. Bulb d. sc. med., Par., 1829, xvi, 203-223.-Florman (A. H.) in sallsynt angina supputoria, aumarkt ar 1-90 iiti uaria crona. [Angina purulenta.] K. Vetensk. Akad. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1790, xi, 310-316— Fruenkel (B-) ANGINA. 483 ANGINA. Angina* Angina. Real-Encycl. d. ges. Heilk., 2. Aufl., 8°, AVien u. Leipz., 1885, i, 438-452. Also, Reprint. Aho: Real-Encycl. d. ges. Heilk., 3. Autl., 8°, "Wien u. Leipz., 1894, i, 590-596.— Francotte (X.) De lar6sine de galae dans le tiaitement de l'angine catarrhale aigue et sub-aigue. Ann. Sue. nrt-d.- chir.de Liege, 1893, xxxii, 14. — Get acrt (C.) Des an- gines pblegiuoneuses. Flandre med.. (land, 1894, i, 273- 281. — Gliickradt (C.) De angina exquisitissima. In: Agonismata med. Marpurgeusia, 4°, Alarpurgi Oat- torum, 1618, 285-297.—J ansscii (H. A.) Over angina. Kederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Leiden, 1892, xvi, 1-10.— Korybut-Daszkiewiez (B.) Przyczynek do kwestyi leczeuia miaiszowego zapalenia gardla (Augiua pareh- chymatosa). Gaz. lek.,"Warszawa, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 635-637.— Le Grix. Angina infecciosa coniplicada y cou recidiva; contribucidn al estudio de la yugulaeion patologica por la defervescencia rapida en medicina dosimetric.-!. Dosi- metria, Barcel., 1895, i, 88; 112. —liopez Arroyo (L.) Caso raro de angina interniitente. Siglo nied.. Madrid, 1883, xxx, 124.—Madaille. Angine sciot'nlense ma- ligne; adherence de l'cpiglotte. Marseille med., 1883, xx, 321-325.—IVIcndel. De i'angiiie granuleuse. Med. mod., Par. 189."), vi. 129. — Xeviezhin (V. 1.) Angina ulcero- menibrauosa. Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach., Mosk., 1894. ii, 86-92. — Noir (J.) Injection de seruni anti-diphterique pour une angine au debut de la scarlatine. Progres nied., Par., 1895, 3. s., ii, 145. — Osorio (N.) Productos que se fornian en la gai sranta, en las anginas agudas que pueden llamarse especificas. Kev. nied.. Bogota. 1876-8. iv, 312- 314— Rousiseau-Saint-Philipi><>. Le diagnostic des angines. J. de med. de Bordeaux. lMi:i, xxiii, 453-456.— Ruaull (A.) Sur une varicite peu connue cl'angiue phleg- nioneuse. Arch, internat. de laryngol., etc., Par., 1892, v, 8; 94— Seifert (0.) Ceber Angina lacnnaris. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880. xxxvi, 1333- 1337. — Trapt-iiartl pere. Angines aigues, traitees par le calomel ii dose re- fractee et gueries a peu pres constamment en quarante-huit henres. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1873, xxvii, 126-133.—Treuiols (J. A.) Angina pseudo mem- branosa no difteiica. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 138-143 — Tschaikovaki (I.) Ozaraz. proischod. perv. ostroi katarral. jabv. [Origin of primary acute catarrhal angina. 1 Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1888, xxix, 1041-1047.— Vansaut (E. La R.) Fragaria virginiana angina, or strawberry sore-throat. Phila. Polv- clin., 1895, iv, 293. Angina (Causes of). Veillon (A.) * Eecherches sur l'etiologie et la pathogenie des angines aigues non diphte- riques. 4°. Paris, 1894. Vernet (J.) *Sur la coexistence d'une an- gine pseudo-membraneuse atypique et d'un mi- crobe nouveau. 4°. Lyon, 1897). Barbier (H.) Note sur les angines pseudo - membra- neusesi streptocoqnes ; forme benigne. Rev. mens.d. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1892, x, 513-524. — Bernabei (C.) Sulle forme dell' angina da 8treptococco. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano, 1891. iv. 372. — Delearde. Un cas d'angine grave k streptocoques associes aux bacilles de la diftSrie; traitement par le serum de Roux combine au s6- run> antistreptococcique de Marmorek. Nord med., Lille, 1894-5, i, 175-178. — Jaecoud. De l'angine k strepto- coqnes. Union med., Par., 1894, 3. s., lviii, 13-15— I.an- nouzy (L.) Clinique microbiologique des angines. Pressemed., Par., 1895, 289-294.—I,e Daman) (P.) Sur les formes cliniques et les varietes bacteriologiques dea anginespseudo-membraneuses. Ibid., 187.—Raoult (A.) Observation d'angine et de stomatite k streptocoques avec purpura; arthropathie et endocardite legere. Ibid., 1892, d. s., Im, 652. — Scndziak (J.) Contribution to the eti- ology ot the so-called follicular angina. J. Larvngol., Lond., 1894, viii, 234-238. - Troisier (E.) & Achalmc (v.) hur nne angine parasitaire causee par une le.vure et cuniqnement semblable au muguet. Arch, de nied. exper. etd anat. path., Par., 1893, v, 29-37. Angina (Herpetic). See Pharyngitis. Angina (Ludwig's). -See Neck (Abscess, etc., ofi). Angina maligna (Epidemic and gangre- nous). See, also, Throat (Inflammation ofi, Epidemics, etc., of). ,J?EXIXI (M-) *De angiua ulcerosa maligna. 12°. Ticini Begd, 1841. Browx (G.) * De cynanche phlogistica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1770. Buettner (C. L. F.) *De nova specie angi- nae gaugrajuosse. 8J. Berolini, 1839. I Angina maligna (Epidemic and gangre- nous). Darlaixg (J. A. J.) * Diss, pathol. de angina. imprimis gaugramosa. 4°. Duaci, 1782. Eggkk (J. M.) *De angina maligna, sm. 4°. Altorfii, [1734], ° Fothekgill (J.) An account of the sore throat attended with ulcers. 3. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1751. Grant (W.) A short account of a fever aud sore throat which began to appear in and about Loudon in September, 1777; in a letter to Wil- liam Saunders. 8°. London, 1777. See, aho, infra. Guillemeau. Rapport fait a M. de Saint- Georges, pr6fet des Deux-Sevres, sur une angine gangremeuse qui a re'gne" 6pide"miquenieut dans la commune d'Echir6, depuis le ler mars 1844 jusqu'au 8 avril de la ineme anue"e. 8°. Niort, 1647). Heller (J.-M.) *Sur Pangine gangre'neuse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1816. Hinds (J.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1804. Huxham (J.) Dissertation sur le mal de gorge avec ulceres malins. 12°. Paris, 1763. Also, in: Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834- 46, 7. div., [v. 4], 449-462. ------• An essay on fevers. ... To which is now added a dissertation on the malignant ulcerous sore-throat [etc.]. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1757. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1764. Also [Rev. ], in.- Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1829, xv, 169- 395. ------. The same. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1767. ------. The same. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1769. ------. Thesame. 8°. London, 1782. ------. The same. Essai sur les differentes especes de fievres . . . Nouv. ed., augmented de trois ouvrages du memeauteur; le premier, sur les maux de gorge avec ulceres malins. . . . 12°. Paris, 1764. ------. The same. Nouv. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1766. ------. The same. 12°. Paris, 1776. Also, transl. in his: Lib. de febribus [etc.]. 3. ed. 8°. Yenetiis, 1786, 223-250. Le Maitre (H. J.) *De angina gangrenosa seu maligna. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1816. Murphy (C.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1805. Read [A.-P.] Histoire de l'esquinancie gan- gre"neuse p6te"chiale, qui a re'gne" dans le village de Moivron au mois de novembre 1777. On y a joint un essai sur les affections vaporeuses, et un ine*moire sur les bronchoceles ende'niiques du pays inessin du meme auteur. l(i°. Metz, 1777. Rowley (W.) The causes of the great num- ber of deaths amongst adults and children in putrid scarlet fevers and ulcerated sore throats explained; with more successful modes of treat- ing those alarming disorders, as practiced at tlie St. Mary-le-Boue Infirmary. 8°. London, [1793]. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1793. Saunders (R.) Observations on the sore throat and fever that raged in the north of Scotland in the year 1777, in a letter to Dr. William Grant. 8°. London, 1778. Sevkrinus (M. A.) De padanchone maligna, seu de theriomate fauciuni pestis vi pueros pra- focante. Cui accessit commentarius Thcniaj Bartholiui. sm. 6-'. [Xeapoli, 1653.] Stoker (J.) *De angina maligna. 12°. GlasgiKv, 1771. Walker (II.) "De cynanche maligna. 8J. Edinburgi, 1787. ANGINA. 484 ANGINA. Angina maligna (Epidemic and gangre- nous). ISai-ford (J. G.) Wellington College sore-throat. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 159; 275: 716: 888. — Chiari (0.) Feber die Localisation der Angina phlegrnonosa. Wien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 8-0-82:;.- Cleveland (J. L.) Epidemic infectious tonsillitis or pharyngitis and diphthe- ria. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvi, 37. [Discus- sion], 44. — Cohen (J. S.) Common membranous sore throat, N. Ymk M. J., 1889, xl, 317-319. -Uso. Reprint.— Cozzoliuo (V.) Augina cangrenosa secondaria. Kiv. clin. e terap , Napoli, 1**1, vi, 223-227. Aho, Reprint.— Df t'ourcy (J. ().) Maliguant sore thioat and its treat meut. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1895, xiii, 43-46.—DentlniidcN (L.) L'angine gangieueuso et le croup, cnusiiieres sous le rapport de l'etat local qui les constitue, sout-ils ideuti- ques? _ J. d. progr. d. se. med., Par., 1827, i, 152-200.— Dickinson (J.) Observations on that terrible disease, vulgarly called the throat distemper, with advices as to the method of cure, in a letter to a friend, Boston, 1740. In: Wickes (S.) History of medicine in New Jersey, 8°, Newark, N. J., 1879, 87-99.—Discussion sur l'angine gangrlncuse. Bull. Soc. m£d. d. hop. de Par. (1856-8), 1864. iii, 432-436—Frankel (B.) An- gina lacunaris nnd diphtheriea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 265; 287. Also: Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karls- ruhe, 1886, xl, *-."-87.—. Blein (C.) * Sur l'angine de poitrine. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835. Bouill'aud (J.) * Suut-ne asthma et angina pectoris symptomaticat sunt-ne essentialia? 4°. Parisiis, 1626. Crocq tils. Nature et traitement de l'angine de poitrine. Aveo une introduction de II. Rendu. 8°. Bruxelles, 1893. -----. The same. 8-\ Paris, H93. Fitzpatrick (N.) * De angina pectoris. 8°. Edinburgi, 1830. Gelineau. Trait6 de l'angine de poitrine b°. Paris, 1887. Glas (O.) Om angina pectoris. Delen 1-2. Utgit'veu af C. W. Eugelbrecht och C. K. Aker- inan. 8C. Ipsala, 1851. Kolbk (J.) * Ueber einen Fall von Angina pectoris. 8°. Halle a. S., 1886. Angina pectoris. Lekebvre (A.) * Contribution a rctuile de Taugine de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1>69. Maclntyre (G.) * De angina pectoris. .--. Edinburgi, 1811. Marchant (A.) * Pseudo-angine de poitrine- diagnostic et traitement par la suggestion, l ■' Xancy, 1895. Marchesini (J.) *Do angina pectoris. Ticini Begii, 1841. Miciiaut (A.) * De l'angine de poitrine. 4-. Paris, W8. Parry (C. H.) Untersuchung der Symptome und (Jrsachen der Syncope auginnsa, gewohnlich Angina pectoris genanut. Nebst erla'uterndeu Leichenofnungen. Aus dem Englischen iiber- setzt uud mit einigen Anmerkungen versehen von Friedrich Gotthelf Friese. 8°. Breslau, Hirsch- berg u. Lissa, 1801. Revilla (E. K.) * Consideracioues sobre un caso de neuritis del plexo cardiaco; sinonimia: angor pectoris, neuralgia cardiaca, gota diafrag- m£tica, estermalgia, enfermedad de Hunler neuritis diafragui&tica, isquemia cardiaca. 8-'. Buenos Aires, 1679. Schaeffer (G. B.) * De angina pectoris vulgo sic dicta. 12°. Gottingce, [1787], de Tikomikoff (A.) Contribution a l'6tude des formes cliniques de l'angine de poitrine et en particulier de la forme mixte. 8°. Paris, 18115. Ai-iiautl (H.) Nature de l'angine de poitrine. Rev.mtid. de lest, Nancy, 1883, xv, 242-248—Asla-Biu-uaga (L.) A case of angina pectoris. N. Tork M. J., 1886, xliv, 545.—Balfour (G. "W.) Upon paroxysmal augina pecto- ris aud other forms of cardiac pain, with some remarks on the diagnosis of fatty heart. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 769-783, lpl.—Barr. Angina pectoris. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1881, i, 204. -----. The heart in angina pectoris. Med. Press & Cire., Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 280.—de Berger (J. J.) Ron om den sa kallade angina pectoris. [Observations on the so-called angina pectoris.] K. Ve- teusk. Akad. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1780, i, 67-74—Ber. trand. Deux cas d'angine de poitrine suivis de mint, chez deux fieres. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1892, 3.8., xiii, 359-362.— Bieganski (W.) Uwagi nail dnsznica. bolesua, ( stenocardia, angina pectoris]). Medvcyua, "Warszawa, 1894, xxii, 255; 275; 295; 315.—Bixby (H. D.) Angina pectoris. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 347-349.- Bonchnt (E.) M6moire sur la marche et la nature de l'angine de poitrine ou nevrose du cceur. Rev. me-d. franc. et etrang., Par., 1841, iv, 329-332. Also: Ann.de med. beige, Brux., 1842, i. 80-86. — Bouthi-licr. Otrocasoile angina de peelio. (J6nio med.-quir., Madrid, 1882, xxviii, 409-411.—Bi-iMNiiiiil (E.) Angor pectoris et augoisse la- ryngee. Tribune med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxii, 181; 196.— Browne (J.) Twee gevalleu van augina pectoris. Ne- derl. Ti.jd.sehr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1886, xxii, 109-143. Aho, Reprint.—Briiiitou (T. L.) On cardiac paiu and angina pectoris. Practitioner, Lond., 1891, xlvii, 241-260.— Bui I i-i- (G. R.) A caseof angina pectoris. Tr. Brook- lyn Path. Soc. 1885-6, N. Y., 1887,94. -----. Angiospastic angina pectoris. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, 1887, lvi, 265.— liignat (L.) Uu cas d'angine de poitrine chez, le cheval. Arch, vet., I'm:, 1883, viii, 481-483.—Cagnelln (T.) An- gina pectoris. Ann. clin. d. Osp. d. incur, in Napoli, 1887, 11-23.—Campbell (K.W.) Angina pectoris. Brit. Am. J, Montreal, 1862, ii, 324-331. Aho, Reprint.—I 'ardarelli (A.) Angina pectoris. Scuola med. napol, 18hl, iv. 175; 223; 369; 426; 472; 524; 561; 609. — CarHcre. I)e l'an- gine de poitrine. Gaz. mCd. de Strasb., 1847, vii, 121- 135. Aho: Auu.de med. beige, Brux., 1847, ii, 79-90.- di- Castclla. Observation d angine de poitrine. Bull. Soc. d. se. nat de Neuchatel (1846), 1847, 395. —Cazeiiave de la Boehe. Trois cas mortels d'angine de poitrine, uu casd'art6rio sclerose en tiaitement, vraiseiiiblableiiieiit d'origine bacterienne, observes dans une nieine i.unille. Tribune med., Par., 1895, 2. »., xxvii. 832.— Cliaiin ill.) Observation d'angine de poitrine. Ann. Soc. de incl. .) Angina pectoris. Mc-a. Gaz., N. Y., 1881, viii, 254.—Cubit! (W. R.) Remarkson angina pectoris. Lond. M. & S. J., 1830. iv, 143-156 — Dabncy ( W. C.) Angina pectoris. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, iv, 80-86. -Davy (II.) On cardiac apuu-a, formerly called angina pectoris. In hh: Clin. Hist.. * , Loud., 1866, 214-254.—Debate on angina pectoris. Lan- ANGINA. 485 ANGINA. Angina pectoris. eel Loud.. 1891, i, 370; 488; 602. Aho: Brit.M. J., Lond., 1.-91. i. 355: 462: 582. Also [Rev.]: Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, gli.'_ Debove. Angine de poitrine tabetique. Med. moil Par.. b-95. vi, 769— Wesplnl* (H.) Des angines de poitrine. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1883, v, 849-861. — Bil- tricli. Die wahre Herzstenose. erlautert durch einen Kraukheitsfall. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1849, i. 157-180.—Dreschfcld (J.) Ou angina pectoris and pseu- do-angina. Practitioner, Lond., 1890, xliv. 28-40.—B-rcy- fus-Brisac (L.) De l'angine de poitrine. Gaz. lu-bd. denied.. Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 750-752.—Dubois. Angine de poitrine (sensibilit6 acier). Compt. rend. Sue. debiol., Par.. 18.-2, 7. s., iv, 552. ------. Angine de poitrine et bur- qnisme. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens. 1884. ii, 56-60.— Fracnkel (A.) Augina pectoris. Verhandl. d. Conn. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1891, x, 228-257. [Discussion], 274- 289.—von Freygang. Geschichte der Brustbriiune. an wehher der kaiserliche Leibarzt . . .litt; vou ihm selbst aufgezeichnet. Russ. Samml. f. Natnrw. u. Heilk., Riga u. Leipz., 18L6, i, 521-529.—Oantier (L.) L'n cas d'an- gine de poitrine consecutive a une m-vialgie cervicale droite; urticairo et c!61ire quiuiques. Rev. ni6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1885. v. 356-360.—CJooilliart (J. F.) Cases of angina pectoris. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1S87, 3. s.. xxix, 335-354. -----. A lecture on angina pectoris. Clin. J.. Lond., 1893-4, iii, 353-357.—Ooodwin (H. T.) A case of angina pectoris and pnenmo-hemothorax. Louisville M. Month., 1895-6, ii, 415-417.—Hall (l)e H) Remarks on angina pectoris and allied conditions, -with cases. "Westminst. Hosp. Rep.. Lond.. 1888. iii 81-103.— Harris (V.D.) Remarkson anginapectoris. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. Lond., 1879, xv. 85-91: 1,-80, xvi, 127-133 — Hcwett (R. C.) Angina pectoris : an account of the death of Judge Bland Ballard, of the United States district court. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i. 191-193.— Hood (1).) Case of angina pectoris immediately followed bv pericarditis. Tr. Clin. Sue. Lond., 1884. xvii, 82-85.— Aho [Abstr.]: Brit, M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 222. Also [Ab- str.l: Lancet, Lond., 1884, i. 205. — Ilugucs. Revue critique de quelques travaux recents sur l'angine de poitrine. Nice-ni6d., 1880-81, v, 1-7.— Jackson (W. R.) History, causes, and treatment of angina pectoris, with clinical report. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, 883-891.— Jakubovski (S. E.) Grudnaja zhaba (Angina pectoris. angine de poitrine, Brustbranne). Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersh.. 18.-::. viii. 3867-3870.— Jen- niugs. Angiua pectoris. Proc. Path. Sue. Dubl., 1861-2, n. s., i, 225-228.—Johnston (W. F.i Angina pectoris. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1891, 159-167.—Jurine (L.) M6moire sur l'angine de poitrine, qui a remporte le prix au concours ouvert sur ce sujet par la Soci6t6 de me- decine de Paris le 31 octobre 1809; prix qui fut adjuge le 2fevrier 1813. In: Encvcl. d. sc. med.. 41 v.. 8"-, Par., 1834-46, 7. div., [v. 13], 381-474.— Handles (S.) Uepi- it-tuxr? Kvvayxr}<; GTrjSow;. Ta\iqvbs, \\8rjvai, 1889, xix, 265- 267.—Ketli (K.) A szivfonatzsdba (angina pectoris, neu- ralgia plexus cardiaci). Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 18i2. xvi, 749; 765; 789.—Lancrreaux, Aortite et angine de poi- trine. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1894, 2. s., viii, 313-315. Also, transl: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1894, viii, 825-829.—Landonz)'. De l'angine de poitrine envisagee comme symptome et clans ses rapports avec le nervosisme arthritique. Progress nied.. Par., 1883, xi, 689; 710. Aho: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par.. 1883, 3. s., v, 289; 314.—Langer (L.) Angina pectoris, ein Fall. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, 527.—Lam nice. De 1'angine de poitrine. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1890, n. s., iv, 281.—Eieflairc lE.i Des angines de poitrine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 37-45.—Lrlion (C.) Angine de poitrine. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1882, 2. s., xix, 657.— Licvashoff (S. V.) K kazuist. angina- pectoris. Eji-ned. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv, 297-304. —I-icgeois (C.) Etiologie. pathogenie et traitement de lan gine th- poitrine. Bull. med. cl. Vosges, Rambervillers, 18,-7-H, ii, no. ti, 37-51. —---■ Nouvelle contribution al'6tude de l'angine de poi- trine; angine de poitrine organique a siege epigastrique et k forme pseudo-gastralgique de Huchard, et angine de poi- trine oxy-carbonique de Renaut. Ibid., no. 7, ii, 27-32. -----. De l'angine de poitrine, (Memoire couroune.) Rev. med. de lest. Nancy, 1882, xiv, 737: 1883. xv. »; 44; 78; 110. — Lorut. Deux observations d'angine de poitrine. Soc.d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1866. xx, 65-75.— Mays (T. J.) Angina pectoris. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1893. 2. s., iv, 26-47. — de Tlijjnot (P.) De l'anxiodynie. Bull. med. deBordeaux, 1844-5,xii, 1J3; 233; 257. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux.. 1845, ii, 343: iii. 11; 189; 308. —.Miil- berger (A.) Zur Casuistik und Behandlung der Angina pectoris. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1882, n. F., ii, 150-155.— Namias (G.) Intorno all' angina del petto e ail' uso del ferro ne' morbi cardiaci e vascolari. Lettera al professore Giovanni Maria Zecchinelli. Gior. per serv. aiprogr. d. pa- tol., Venezia, 1837, vii, 536-563. Also, Reprint.—Nothna- gel. Ueber Angina pectoris. Internat, kliu. Rundschau, Wien, 1891, v, 1009; 1061; 1101.—Penn a (J.) Anginadel pecho. An. d'. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1882-3, vi, 287-289.—Pot ii in. Des differeutes formes de l'angine de poitrine. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 188U. liii, 761-763. ------. Sur Angina pectoris. un lait d'angine de poitrine. Semaine med., Par.. 1889, ix, 89. ------. Les angines de poitrine. Union med.. Par., 1894, 3. a., lvii, 181-183. ------. De l'angine de poitrine d'origine tabagiquo. J. de med. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 571-5i3.—Powell (R. D.) Angina pectoris, its nature and treatment. Tr. M. Soc. Loud., 1890-91, xiv, 261-292. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1891, xlvi, 241-257. ------. A clinical lecture on a case of augina pectoris and chronic heart failure. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 65-69. -----. An- gina pectoris. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1892, Lond., 1894, 70. ------. A clinical lecture on a case of angina pectoris and chronic heart failure. Clin. J., Loud., 1895, vi, 313-317.— Putnam (J. J.) Angina pectoris. Cycl. Pract. M. (Zienissen), N. V., 1881 (suppl., 604-006).—Rcgiiaull (V.) Angine de poitrine. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 519-521.—Rendu. Des formes de l'angine de poi- trine. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1890, lxiii, 3. Also, transl: Pro- gresso med., Napoli, 1890, iv, 17-21.—S< lioll (T.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Angina pectoris. Deutsche Med.Ztg., Berl., 1888. ix, 423: 435; 449; 459— Scliutz. Ueber Angina pectoris. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 95: 124; 136.—Sec (G.) Cardiacalgies dites fausses an- gines de poitrine. Inhis: Traite malad. du coeur, 8°, Par., 1889, i, 549-561. Ah», transl: Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 1159; 1201; 1238.—Simon in (J.) Auginedo poitrine: mort rapide (thrombose de l'artere corouaire ant oronaire autenenre : mort subite. Ibid., 1886 lxi, 324-320. Also: Pio-re^ med.. Par., 1886, 2. 8., iv, 7e4.—I.oomi* (It. P.) A lieait from |ease of angina pectoris. Proc X. York Path. Soc. (1889). 1890, 97-99. Also: Med. Rec, X. V.. 1890, xxxvii. 306.—.Tlmiuvii-. Angina pectoris iu Folge von Podagra nud Rlieuinatisinus. [Transl. from. Moskov. vratrheb. iv.] Med. Ztg. Rus-lands, St. Petersb., 1850, vii, 394 -ties- uard. Uu cas d angine depoitrinecauseepar I'atlieioiiro des arteres coronaires. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m£d. de Bor- deaux, 1886, vii, 551-554.—Molliere (H.) Etude clinique sur un cas de compression du grand sympathique abdomi- nal ayant determine dea acces d'angine de poitrine. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii, 70-77. Also: Lyon ined., 1887, liv, 493-499. — Moore (J. W.) Angina pectoris in the heart-palsy of acute infective "J . diseases. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890 viii •>- 43. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, ls9u, lxxxix 12!>-143.'— Tior- isou (A.) The blood pressure in angina pe< toris. I iimi, Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 250-267.—I\i-w ton i K. C ) lh, ,,"! currence of angina pectoris and epilepsy in varying forms in the same subject; with a brief coiisidetntiou of the alleged identity of these maladies Meil ]{,.,. N. Y., 1893, xliii, 527-5:9. Also, Reprint -Noll iF) pa! thologiscb - anatomischer Befund bei Angina peciorj'a Deutsche Med. - Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 1091. — ObolenJ ski (I. X.) Blnzhdayushtshiy nerv. i grmluayn zliaki [Pneumogastric nerve and angina pectoris | Vracli Si Petersb., 1889, x, 897; 925. Aho, transl: Berl. klin Wcl'm' schr., 1889, xxvi, 1125-1128. Also, transl. I Abstr |- Times . Age, Anniston, 1888-9, i, 14,-Brunton (T. L.) On the iuse pi nitrite of amyl in angina pectoris. Lancet, Lond.. 188i.li. 97. A ho, Reprint. -----. Nitrite of aiii.sl in angina |« „■ toris; communicated bv J. Burdou Sanderson, li Uiu. Soc. Loud., 1870,iii. 191-200. Aho. kepi int. —«'niililcn« (P.) Anginapectoris; inutilita della nitroghcei ma. >i»n- mentale, Firenze, 1880, xiv, 348-354.— I'arrieii-. Aotesur l'application des inhalations anestbcsiMiii s an traitement de certaines nevroses des appareils respirawire et clrcul, toire, et notamment a celui de 1 angine de poitrine. «""• g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1852, xliii, 145-152.-1 art wright (S. S.) The treatment of quinsy. Med. n>< ..*■ Y., 1894, xlvi, 111.-Collier (W.) A case of angina pecio- ANGINA. 487 ANGIOMA, Angina pectoris (Treatment of). ris treated with nitrite of sodium. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 901. — Eloy (C.) Le traitement arteriel cie l'angine de poitrine. Gaz. hebd. de niecl., Par., 1887, 2. s , xxiv, 531-534.—E vaii9 (T.W.) Anginapectoris ; its cause, and the use of nitrite of amyl. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1879-80. iv. 247. — Evans ("W.) Sparteine sulphate in angina pectoris. Cniv. M. Mag., Phiia., 1892-3, v, 116.— Gi-ipouilleau (A.) Observation sur un cas d'angine de poitrine; traitement antiphlogistique. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1857, 27-29. — Oiinzburg (L.) Angina pectoris nnd deren Behandlung. Wien. nied. Presse, 18sl. xxii, 1509-1511— Hay (M.) ' Xitrite of sodium in the treatment of angina pectoris. Practitioner, Lond., 1883, xxx, 179-194. Also, Reprint. -----. The value of some nitric, nitrous, and nitro compounds in angina pectoris. Practitioner. Lond., 1883, xxx, 321-330. Aho, Reprint. -----. TJeber die Wirkung der Xitrite und des Nitroglycerin bei Anginapectoris. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1884. x, 441-443.—Herz (L.) Ueber Anwen- dung des Ichthyol bei Angina. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 61. Aho, Reprint. — Hm-lim-d (II.) Nature et traitement enratif de l'angine de poitrine vraie Union med., Par., 1885, 3. s., xl. 529; 541. Aho: Bull. gen. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1885, cix, 241-254. Aho, Reprint. Also: Courrier nied., Par.. 1885. xxxv, 358: 366. Also, transl: Gaillard's M. J., N. T., 1887. xliii, 67; 136. Aho [Rev.): Ann. med.-chir. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1886, ii, 161-166. -----. Sur la curabilite de l'angine de poitrine vraie par la medication iodnree. Bull, et mem. Soc. rn6d. d. hop. de Par., 1887. 3. s., iv, 189-199. -----. Le traite- ment de l'angine de poitrine. In his: Traite clin. inalad.de cceur et des vaisseaux, 2. ed., 8°, Par., 655-692. Also .- Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 1025-1035. Also: Province med.. Lyon. 1892,vi, 469: 481; 493; 505.— Jaknbovski iS.) Vi- burnum, opulum protiv angina pectoris. Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 4086. — Jaim^oii (G.) Nitro- glycerine in angina pectoris. Lancer. Lond.. 1879. i, 578.— Laschkevitch (W.) Traitement dc la stenocardie par I la cocaine. Rev. de med.. Par., 1886, vi, 699-702. —I.e. nioinc (G.) Traitement de l'angine de poitrine par le bien de methylene. Nord med.. Lille. 1894-5, i, 185. — Loweufeld (L.) Zur Electrotherapie der Anginapec- toris und verwandter Zustiinde. Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Miin- chen, 1881. xxviii, 419-421.—.Ylaugubi. Viburnum opu- lum pri angina pectoris. Russk. Meil.. St. Petersb., 1885, 123.—.Tlarjoliu Sc i*iorry. Symptomes tres graves et intermitteuts d'angine de poitrine, chez un homme atteint d'une hypercardiotrophie (hypertrophic du cceur du cote gauche); guerisou par le sulfate de quinine, les drastiques et l'abstinence des boissons. Bull, clin.. Par., 1835-6, i. 177- 180 — llartia (E. D.) A caseof augiua pectoris success- fully treated with antipyrine. N. <)rl. M. Sc S. J.. 1889-90, n. s., xvii, 340-342.—ITIoizard i: Bouchard. Cncasd'an- gine non diphtcirique traite par le serum, suivi de mort. Bull, med., Par., 1895, ix, 635-637.- Ulurrell (W.) Nitro- glycerine as a remedy for angina pectoris. Lancet. Lond., j 1879, i, 80; 113; 151; 225. -----. Die systematise-he Be- | handlung der Angina pectoris mit Nitroglycerin. Therap. Monatsli., Berl., 1890, iv, 532-535. Also, Reprint. — von rVoonleii. TJeber Anwendung des Cocain bei steno- cardischen Anfallen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1880. xxiii. 890.—Page (C. E.) Water treatment of angina pectoris N. York M. J., 1893,lviii. 394.—Peudola. y Romero (J. B.) La electro-terapia en la angina de pecho. Consulta, Cadiz, 1882, i, 25-34. — Propos* (A) d'nn cas d'angine non dipbt^rique traite par le serum et suivi de mort. Monit. therap.. Par., 1895, xxii, 141-143.—Randolph (N A.) On the dietetic factor in the treatment of angina pectoris. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. T., 1884, n. s., ix. 036. Aho: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li, 734. Also: Poly- clinic, Phila., 1884-5, ii, 106. —Sawyer (J.) [Nitro-glyce- rine in the treatment of angina pectoris.] Practitioner, Lond., 1831, xxvi, 41.—Schott CI.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Angina pectoris. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1888, ix, 423; 435; 449; 459. Also [Rev.]: Rev.g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1888, ii. 507. Also : J. de roCd. de Bordeaux, 188^-9, xviii, 25. — *«'■<- (s-Hasse (V.) " Das Angioma arteriale raceuiosum speciell der oberen Extreuiitat. 8°. Erlangen, 1888. Kuktschmann ( F.) * I>ber das Angioma arteriale raeemosum. 8°. Halle a. S., 1881. Lichtknstf.ix (S.) Ueber diffuse Gefassge- sebwulste der oberen Extremitiit. 8°. Berlin, 1889. LiNROTir(K.) *Blodkiirlsvulsterna och deras behandling. [Angioma and its treatment.] s"". Earhkrona, 1879. Merkexs (W.) * Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von den cougenitalen Harnaugiomen. 8°. Eiel, 1894. Pasternak (Elysa) * Traitement des angio- mes par l'extirpation. 4°. Paris, 18^3. Pflug (C) * Spec, exhibens ideam generalem augiectasise, cum aunexis observationibus. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1821. Schmidt (F.) * Die Teleaugiectasie der Haut und ihre Behandlung. [ Wurtzburg. ] 8°. Darmstadt, 1887. SchOck (P.) * Ueber das Weseu und die Ent- stebuug des Angioma arteriale raeemosum. 8°. Berlin, [1687)]. Toi'kxeret (C.-A.) * De l'angiome et de son traitenieiit. [Nancy.] 4 . Strasbourg, 1873. Voiot (K.) * Ueln-r zwei Fiille vou Angioma cavernosuiu. 8°. Greifswald, 1693. "Walter (C. F.) * De telangiectasia. 8°. Berolini, [1851]. Angioma. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1889, Lond., 1891, 41. — Audain ( L. ) Angiomes. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893,Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 61F Baeialli (P.) Du caso di angioma. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1887, 3. s., vii, K44-847. — Bagnoli (C.) Sovra un caso di angioma. Spallanzani, Modena, 1879, viii, 59.—Handler (A.) Ein ungewbhnlich grosses Angioma cavernosum am Stamme. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xiii, 70.—Ba«tiauelli (R.) Intorno alia cura di un vasto angioma della faccia. Bull. cl. Soc. Lancisianad. osp. di Roma, 1888-9, ix, 5-16.—Beck (C.) A case of cirsoid angioma. Chicago M. Rec, 1896, x, 32-34. — Bonncau (C.) Contribution il l'histoire du traitement des angiomes simples. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1883, xvii, 217-228.— Bottini (E.) La terapia chirurgica degli angiomi cavernosi della guancia. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1890, lxv, 603-613. — Boulai. Angiomes veineux multiples. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 290-293.— Briiuner. Zur Behaudlung der Augiome mit Eisen- chlorid. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1881, xxxv, 121-123.— Oauipnna ( R. ) Cura di alcuni angiomi. (Frammento di scritto in corso di pubblicazione.) Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 629-635.—Ceccherclli (A.) Due casi di angioma curati con la compressione e la gal- vano-puntnra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 660.—Coley (W. B.) Congenital angeiomata of the left forearm and \fingers, with a largo lipogenous angeioma of back; opera- tion; recovery. K. York M. J., 1891, liv, 229. — t'oruil. Formation de grains et nodules fibreux calcifies dans uu angioine. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 225-227.— Didii-r (H.) Des injections coagulautes dans le traite- ment des angiomes. Therap. contemp., Par., 1887, vii, 718: 733. —Huhring ( L. A. ) Angeioma with sarcoma- tous degeneration. Tr. Rath. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 223-226.— Fiorani (G. ) Un mezzo di cura desli angiomi senza operazione. Ann. uuiv. di med. e chir., Milano, 1882, cclix, 481^92. -----. La cura degli angiomi. R. Ist. Lomb. d. sc. e lett. Rendic Milano, 1894. 2. s., xxvii, 194.—Fleiwchl von Mai-vow (E.) Ueber deu Tumor cavernosus. Med. Jahrb.. Wien. J872, 229-237. Also, inhis: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Leipz., 1893, 44-52. —Folet. Augiome caverneux dn membre superieur gauche. Bull. mC-d. du nord, Lille, 1882, xxi, 62-64.—(iiiMton (P.) Augiome congenital progressif d'appareuce variqu.-use. Bull. Soc. frauc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, v, 194.—Gay. A case of telangiectasis. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 135. — 4«<-»»n<-r. Angeboreues Angiom des rechten Armes. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- nak.. Stuttg., 1895, xxxiii, 160.—Geraert (G.) Du traite- ment des angiomes chez l'enfant. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1894, 597-601.—Gilbert (J. L.) An- gioma of skin; report of case with specimens. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1b!)4, vi, 21:; Jl - IliliU-biaiul. Ueber multiple cavernbse Angiome. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1889-90, xxx, 91-98, 2 pl. — Hinti-i »toi«»t-r (H.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der cavernosen Augiome. Wien. khu. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 384- 386. - Jolly (J.) Etude auatouio-patbologique d'un angiome sarcomateux. Arch. de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1895, vii, 021, 1 pl.— Kiuiiciir (H.N.) A case of venous angeiomata. Cleve- Angioilia and ctngicctasis. land M Gaz., 1891-2. vii, i:7i--28L- Krriiu !i. ii, 55.- fiel.rod (K.) Large venous angioma of arm ; operation- recovery Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 1066.- lllarcy ( H. O. ) A new method of treatment of angeiomatons growths Arch Pediat., Jersey City, 1884, i, 289-291.- M.iiuei- (F.) Kin Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Angiosareome. Arch f path Anat.,'etc. Berl.. 1*79. lxxvii, 346-363, 1 pl. — .Uo (C.j Sopra alcuni casi di angiomi. Osservatore, Torino. 1x8-1 xx, 113-121.—ITlonod (C.) Angiomes douloureux. Bull! et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1Ki9. n. s., v, 652-658.- ;nj0i nod (E.) Angiome snns-cutane circonscrit dc laicginn peetorale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. metl. de liurdeanx, ]8.^j'7iii, 6-8.—xon IVIosetig-Moorliof. Zur Behandlung caver noser Bluttreschw iilste. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889 xxxix, 3-0.—III ii Her (II.) Ein Fall von arteriellein Ran' kenangiom des Kopfes. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1891-2, viii. 79-91, 1 pl. — IVovaro (G. F.) Angiomi trat- tati col setaceum candens. Osservatore, Torino, 1st,- xiv 417; 449; 753; 769.—Pean. Des angiomes des ineinlires'. In his: Lecons de clin. chir., etc., Par., 1890, 1-21.—IN'-ro. eliaud (fcdeljarabrii-. Angioine volumineux tie la tarn chez un enfant en has age; traitement par l'electropuiie- ture; guerison. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1890-91, ix, 63 — l'olaillou. Augiome lypogene; ablation suivie il hi■ morrhagie secondaire et de phlegmon ditfus; ph^nomenes generaux paiaissaut se rattacher k une affection hepatiipic. France med.. Par., 1881, xxviii, 522-524. — Reclus. Sin une observation d'angiome caverneux en communication directe avec, la veine jugulaire. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1882, n. s., viii, 342-347. Aho, in his: Clin, et crit. chir., 8°, Par., 1884, 299-306. — liiehardii-re. Angiomo lipog≠ ablation suivie d'h6morrhagie secondaire et lie phlegmon diffus; ph6nomenes g6n6raux paraissaut se rat- tacher a une affection h6patiquo. France m6d., Par., 1S,»1, i, 522-524. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1881), 1882, v, 105- 108.—RielieloS (G.) De l'extirpation des augionies pul- satiles. Bull, et ni6in. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s.. vii, 637-647.—BobiiiKou (II. B.) Cavernous angeioma from the leg. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1889-90, xii, 309.—Hough- ton (E.) On blood turnouts (angeiomata and angeitisar- comata) of bone. Proc Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1889- 90, 3. 8., ii, 41-45. —Kubio (F.) Del angioma agudo de las superficies cruentas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1881, xxviii, 37; 52. — Seigneur (1>.) Du traitement des tumeurs erectiles par l'electrolyse. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 437.—Siejjiiiuiid (A.) Zur Beliandlung des Angioma arteriale raeemosum, besonders des Kopfes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893-4, xxxvii, 236-267. —Mini Hi (S. W.) The early use of the knife in angiomatous najvi, as compared with other methods of treatment. Tr. N. York M Ass. (1884), 1885, i, 400-412. — Smith i.T.) An- giectasis of the hand and fingers. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1882, xv, 198, 1 pl.—Tenia (R.) L' angioma e V etilato tli sodio. Scuola med. napol., 1878-9, ii, 171-175. — Tiffany (L. McL.) Case of angioma of tho right upper extremity. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi,«137. — Varrelli (E.) Telangiectasia alia regione giugulare destra; cura colla legatura elastica; gnarigione. In hh: Osserv. di eliir., 8°, Torino, 1879, 28. — Weinlccliuer (J.) Dio Beliand- lung der Angiome. Wien. med. Bl., 1882, v, 1043; 1<>67; 1103; 1131; 1162; 1192. Aho, in: Haudb. d. Kinderkr. (Ot-r- hardt), Tubing., 1887, vi, 1. Abth., 151-182.—While (J.C.) A case of so-called angioma serpiginosum. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1894, xii, 505-518. Also, Reprint. -----. Angioma serpiginosum (Crocker). Tr. Am. Der- mat. Ass., N. Y., 1894, xviii, 75-90. An^ioiieiirosis. See Nervous system (I'asomotor, Pathology of). Augiopteris. FariiM-i- (J. B.) On the embryology of Angioptcria evecta, Holm. Proc. Roy. Soc Loud., 1892, li, 471-474. Aiigio-»arcoma. See Tumors (Sarcomatous), etc. A ngiosclerosi*. See Blood-vessels (Diseases of). Auglada (Charles) [1809-?^]. I See Anglada (Joseph) Trait6 ch-toxicologic generale ! [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1835. All£'lada (Jean-Simon-Alexandre)[l~tV±- 1850]. Boilart(A) Notice biographique. Rec d. trav. boc. med. dTndre-et-Loire, Tours, 1855-6, 66-71. ANGLADA. AHgla4- ]. * De la pneumonie massive, ou de 1'oliliteratiou des grosses bronches par concr6tion fibrineuse dans la pneumonie. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1>81, No. 101. Angle (Facial). See Craniometry. Angola. See, also, Fever (Yellow, History, etc., ofi), by localities. de Azeredo (J. P.) Ensaios sobre algumas enfermidades d'Augola. 16°. Lisboa, 1799. Darnis (A.) Les Angolais a Paris. Nature, Par., 1888-9, xvii, pt. 2, 131-133.—Topinard. Les Angolais. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1890, 114-120. Angora. See Pest (History, etc., of), by localities. Angostura. See Fever (Yellow, History, etc., ofi), by localities. AilgOt(A.) [1>55- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des luxations congenitales de la hanche. 56 pp. 4C. Paris, 1683, No. 426. Ailgot(Casimir-Cle'ment). * Cauterisation medi- ate, modification apportee a cette cauterisation. •21 pp. 8°. Toulouse, J. Pradel # Blanc, 1667. AllgOt (Edmond) [1866- ]. *Du traitement des typhlites aigues. 82 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, H. Joure, 1693. No. 343. Angraecum fragrans. Plane lion (L.) Les orchid6es k Coumarine: le faham et ses succedanes. [Angrsecum fragrans Dap. Th., ou faham.] N. Montpel. med., 1892, i, 903; 931. Angi urn (J. L.). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Angstrom (Joh.) [1814-79]. [Necrology.] Eira, Goteborg, 1879, iii, 95. Anguilla. Cope (E. D.) On the contents of a bone cave in the island of Anguilla. 4C. Washington, 18-3. Allguillara (Luigi). Semplici dell' eceellente . . . liquali hi piu pareri a diversi nobili huomini ecritti appaiouo et nuovaniente da M. Giovanni Marinello mandati in luce. 304 pp., 16 1. 12 . Vinegia, V. Yalgrisi, 1561. Angtiillula. See, aho, Diarrhoea (Cochin-China); Worms (Intestinal, etc.). C»olgi (C.) & ITIonti (A.) Intorno ad una questione elraintologica. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano. 1884, 2. s.. xvii. 285-288. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 218.—Lindner (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Biolo- AXHALT. Aiignilliila. gie und hygienisehen Bedeutung der mit Vorliebe den Essig bewobnenden Anguilluliden. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 1890, xi, 25-29. — Teissier (P.) Contribution a l'etude de l'anguillule stercorale; de la p6n6tration dans le sang des embryons de l'anguillule stercorale. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1895, vii, 075-700, 1 pl. Angllisola (Antonio). Ordini d? osservar.si circa la cognitione, et cura de fattnrati, et spiritati, con il modo di scoprire li malenei, et streghe. 6 1. 18°. in Brescia, per G. Britannico, 17)66). Bound with his: Compendium simplicium [etc]. 18°. Placentiiv. 1587. -----. Compendium simplicium et compositorum medicanientoruiu quorum estfrequeus usus apud medicos et pharmacopolas ex peritorum philo- sophorum et medicorum monumentis collectum: in quo nomiua, natura, loca, et iutegritatis no- t;e et substitutorum, una cum medicamentorum compositorum descriptione, et numero pro usu idoueo, brevibus, ridissimeqne explicantur; ad philosophic niedicinneque studiosoruin gratiam, pharuiacopolarum commodum, et ntilitatem pu- bli cam editum. JTi.s annectitur unicornis celeber- rinii quadrupedis historia, antehac a neinine ita diffuse, lucide, et fideliter exarata; cujus occa- sioue omnia cornigera nominatim recensentur, et nonnulla scitu digna, jucunda, et utilia enarran- tur de natura orygis, bisontis, asini Indici; rhi- nocerotis; equi Iudici; bovis Indici; camphurae; et bruti, quod vnlgo dicitur la gran bestia; ran- giferique; semptentrionalis tricornis. 15 p. 1., 198 pp., 5 1. 18°. Placentice, ex typ. J. Bazachii, 1587. Angus (Charles). Trial (The) of Charles Angus, esq., on an in- dictment for the wilful murder of Margaret Burns . . . taken in shorthand by William Jones, jr. 8°. Liverpool, [1808]. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8C. Lirerpool, 1-08. Aug list lira baric. Account (An) of the medical properties of a bark lately procured from South America. Ex- tracted from the London Medical Journal, 1789, [x, 154-161]. Part the second. With tlie copy of a letter since communicated on the same sub- ject to Mess. Taylor and Davy. 8°. [London], 1769. Blumexberg (C. F.) * De cortice Angusturse. sm. 4°. Vpsaliod, [1793]. Brande (A. E.) Experiments aud observa- tions on the augustura bark. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don. 1793. Meyer (F. A. A.) *De cortice Angusttme. 6°. Hotting a; 1790. Neiii:ix<; (P.) * Ueber bie Bestandtheile der Angosturarinde, der Riude von Cusparia trifo- liata Engler. [Erhuigeu.] 8°. Helmstedt, 1891. Aiilialoniiiin. I.amlrv (S. F.) Notes on Anhalonium Lewinii, embelia ribi-s. and" i-ncillaiia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s., v, 16.—Lcwiii (L.) Ueber Anhalonium Lewinii. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz... 1887-8, xxiv, 401-411. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 231-237.— Prciitix* (D. "W.) & Morgan (F. P.) Auhalonium Lewinii (mescal buttons); a study of the drug, with espe- cial reference to its physiological action upon man, with report of experiments. ' Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s., xi 577-585. Aho, Reprint,—Rusby (H.H.) Anhalonium Lewinii, Henuiiig. Drug. Bull., Detroit, 1888, ii, 126. Aniialt (Duchy of). Dienstauweisuug fur die Wiirter und Wiirteriiiuen der Herzoglich Auhal- tischen Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt zu Beruburg. 8 pp., 1 1. 12°. Dessau, Weniger cf Co., 1875. -----. Liindcs-Hi-il- und Pflegeanstalt fiir Gei- steskranke in Bernburg. Statut der ... 38 pp. 8°. Dessau, Weniger cf Co., 1875. -----. Landes-Heil- und Pflegeanstalt fur Gei- Bteskrauke bei Bernburg. Aus den Jakres-Be- ANHALT. 490 AM LINE, Allhalt (Duchy of)—ciuitinue.l. richteu iiir die Jahre Wti. 1^77, eingereicht bei der Laudarmen-Direction in Dessau. [Von Dr. M. 0. Fraenkel.] 15, 11 pp., 1 tab. > . Bern- burg, A. Meyer. 1677-;*. Anlialt-Bernburg. Medicinal-Ordnnng fiir das Ilerzogthum Anhalt-Bernburg. 96 pp. 4-. Bernburg, 1820. Aiilialtenden (Die) Fieber. See Jager (Job. Baptist). Anlieisser (Max). Catalog Nr. 35 des anti- quarischen Biicherlagers. Inhalt: Medicin. 66 pp. H°. Stuttgart, 1669. Aii hydration. <»iard (A.) L'auhydrobiose, on ralentissement de3 pheuomenes vitaux sous l'influence de la d£shydratation progressive. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., l, 497-500. AnikieflT (P. A.) Uchebnik anatomii i fiziologii c-helovh-ka i zhivotnikh, s kratkim ocherkom zhizuedleyateluosti rasteniy. [Manual of human and animal anatomy and physiology, with a short sketch of the biology of plants.] [3. ed.] j v, 27-J, iv pp. 8C. Sanktpeterburg, 1885. Aniline colors antl derivatives. See. also, Bacteriology [Staining methods in); j Chorea; Epilepsy (Treatment of); Fuchsine; Histology; Methyl-blue ; Microscopy ( Ma- j nipulations, etc., in); Pyoctanin ; Wine (Colora- tion of ). Beckh(A.) * Feber die antibakterielleu Wir- kuugen einiger Aniliufarbstoffe. [Erlangen.] j 61-. Xiimberg, L-~i». Beroerox ((i.) it Clouet(J.) Note sur l'in- nocuitd absolue des melanges colorants a base de fuchsine pure. 3. eel. f°. Bouen, 1676. CunniAX (W.) * Ueber Anilido-uudOxyacri- | din. [Frlangen.] 8-. Giessen, 1H91. Geoffroy (E.) "Aniline et fuchsine. 4-. Montpellier, L~-7. Jae.sschin ( [C. H.] H.) * Ueber das Verbal- ten vou Azoverbindungen beim Erhitzen mit Anilin und p-Toluidin. ~°. Greifswald, l6[)l. Kahx (M.; * Ueber die Einwirkung von Nor- nialbutylaldthyd auf Anilin bei Gegenwart von ! raucheiidcr Salzsiiure. 8°. Miinchen, 1667). Neupert(R.) * Ueber die antiseptische Wir- kung der Aniliufarbstoffe. [ Erlangen. ] 8°. Ma rid Bed wit:, 1890. Prioux (C.) " Contribution a l'e'tude du pou- voir antiseptique des drive's de l'aniline et de leur valeur therapeutique. 4C. Paris, 1 ^'91. I Kochexbach(T.) * Untersuchung eines nicht basischeu Anilin- und eines ebensolcheu Tolui- j din-Nachlaufes. [Erlangen.] f-'. Stuttgart, 1^-9. Salzmaxn (S.) *Zur Frage iiber die Consti- tution der Anilsiiuren. 8°. Bern, 1888. Stilling (J.) Anilin-Farbstoffe als Antisep- tica und ihre Anwendung in der Praxis. 1.-2. Mitth. ;s . Strassburg, 1890. Kernabei. Le aniline nella ehimico-clinica dei pig menti bihari ed ematici, della glncosuria, e degli acidi mi- neraligastrici. R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb., 1895, 21-24.— Biuet (P.) Recherches physiologiques sur quelques anilidc-s (t'ormanilide, methylformanilide, iu6thyi ac6tanilide). Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1M89, ix. 187; 263. — Capezzuoli (S.) Sulla fucsina usiita a colorire bevandu e comtucstibili. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884. liv, 183-199. -Carl (A.) Ueber die Anwendung der Aniliufarbstoffe als Ajitisc-ptica. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1890, viii, 371-374. — Ejjasse (E.) Les nouveaux autise-p- tiques, les couleurs dauiline. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Pat., 1891, cxx. 493-527. — Feasler (J.) Erfahrungen iiber die bacterientbdtende Wirkung der Anilinfarbeu. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 434. — Filelinc (W.) Ueber die Wirkungen des Xitrobenzols und des Anilius. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlaug., 1878, 49-51. — vou ili-r Oollz (E.) Anilin als Antisepticum. Med. Monatschr.. N. Y.. 1890, ii, 342-345. -----. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber Anilin als Antisepticum. Ibid., 470- 480. — tirnutlhoiuiue. Die Theerfarben-Fabriken der | Aniline colors and derivatives. Herren Meister, Lucius Sc Briining zn Hoclist a. Main in sanitarer unci socialer Beziehung. Vrtlischr. f. "eiichtl Med., Berl., 1880, n. F., xxxii, 120; 280: n. F., xxxiii, 7s' 6 pl.—Herczel (M.) Az anilin, acetanilid eg kamforani- lin hatasarbl. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, ls*7. xxxi, 1626- 1659.—Hirt (L.) Die Einwirkung des Anilius aiif dio Arbeiter. Handb. d. Hyg. u. d. Uewerbekrankh. v. Pet- teukofer und Ziemssen, Leipz., 18*2. ]it. 2, 4. Abth., 126- 130. Aho: Mitth. cl. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien 1885, xi, 101-104. — Hugouncnq & Kiuuil. Action dc certaines matieres coloiantes derivees de hi houille, gur le d6veloppemeut et la virulence de quelques microbes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 151-155.-1 Janssen (II. A.) Over het therapeutisch gebruik van anilinekleurstoffen. Nederl. mil. gt-neesk. Arch., etc Lei- den, 1893, xvii, 30-40.—lietlu-by (II.) On the physiologi- cal properties of nitrobenzole and aniline. I'roc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1862-3, xii, 550-559. — ITIoi-nu. Sur l'action anti- septique des couleurs dauiline. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1891. 9. s., iii, 181.—.Uiiller (G.) Die Anilin- farbstoffe als Antiseptica uud ihre Anwendung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz.. 1890-91, xvii, 121-132. —No- gues (P.) De la valeur antiseptique des couleurs d'ani- line et de leur emploi en ophtalmologie. M6d. mod., Par. 1889-90, i, 665-668— Orlandini (C.) Della fabbricazione dei colori ricavati dal catrame di carbon fossile. Igea, Milano, 1864, ii, 145; 161; 225. — 1>< n?oMl. ITeber die antibacteriellen Wirkungen einiger .Aniliul'aihsttitl'c (nach Versuchen des Dr. August Beckh aus Niirnberg). Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1889-90, xxvi, 310- 313.—Si-c (G.) & itlorcau. Note sur le pouvoir antisep- tique tie quelques derives de la se-rie aromatique de l'aniline. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 389.----------. Le pouvoir antiseptique des couleurs d'anilim-et leur emploi en th6- rapeutique. Ibid., 5i>u-,~>t;:{—Slilliiij; (J.) Les couleurs (V aniline comme anti.-eptiqiies it hm "emploi en therapeu- tique. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1890, ix, 145-158. Aho, transl: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1890-91, xix, 123-143. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 9G5: 1891, i, h72. -----. Ueber die Anwendung der Aniliufarbstoffe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 531-533. -----. Ueber ilia therapeutische Verwerthung der Aniliufarbstoffe. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 201. -----. Ueber die Einfiih- ruug vou Auilinfarbstoffen in das Blut. Ibid., 263. ----. Ueber Anilinfarbstotfe als Antiseptica. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxviii, 351-354. ----. Ueber Aniliufarbstoffe und ihre Anwendunc. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1892, xviii, 205. -■ Ti»«ier (P.) Sur les proprietes physiologiques et therapeutiques des couleurs d'uniline et en particulier de la pyoctauine(violet de m6thyle) et du bleu de methylene. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1891, i, 59-62. — Techirvinski (S. O.) Odieistvii anilina i gaulterovago masla na zhivot. or giiu. [Effect of aniline and essence of wintergreen iu ani- mal organism.1 Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii. 277; 353; 367.—Valude Sc Visual. De la valeur antiseptique des couleurs d'aniline. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1890, x, 435-441. Also, Reprint. Aniline colors and derivatives (Toxicol- ogy of). See, also, Methyl-blue. Dupays (L.) * Kecherches sur la toxicity des sels de pararosaniliue et des fuchsines commer- ciales. 4°. Lyon, 1892. von Engelhardt (R.) 'Beitrage zur Toxi- kologie des Anilin. 8°. Dorpat, l6rS. Korsunski (A. E.) *K voprosu o patologo- anatomicheskich izmienenijach pri otravleui- jach anilinoni. [On the anatomo-pathological changes in poisoning by aniline.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1691. Krefting (E.) * IJeitriige zur Kenntniss der Anilin vergiftung. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1890. Vaccari (A.) Di alcune particolarita chimi- che e niicroscopiche riscontrate negli avvelena- menti sperimentali per anilina e pirodina. Tesi di laurea. 8°. Modena, 166>j. Also, in: Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 1718; 1724. de Almeida e Azcredo (L.) Um caso de envene- namento pelos derivados de anilina. Coimbra med., 1^2, ii, 149-152.—Bailey (J. S.) Caseof poisoning by aniline. Med. Ann., Albany. 1880-81, i [Tr. M. Soc. County Albany), 67— Klasehkow (A.) Eine Erkrankung bei Arbeitern in Auiliufabriken oder Theerfarbenfabriken. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1890), 1891, xxi, 89.-----Die Hauterkrankungen der Anilinarbeiter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1241; 1265.—Cameron (Sir C. A.) Note on illness caused apparently by confections coloured with aniline dves. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890-91, ix, 447-449.—Cnzeneure (P.) La fucta- ANILINE. 491 ANIMAL. Aniline colors and derivatives (Toxicol- ogy of). sine au point de vue de la toxicologie et do l'hygiene. Lyon ni6d., 1892, lxx, 245-251. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1892, 5. s., xii [3. s., xiii], 241-244.—Charvet (P.M.- H.) Etude sur une epidemic qui a s6vi purmi les ouvriers einplov6s k la fabrication de la fuchsine. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon, 1864, iii, 223-253.- I)<-hio (K.) Ein Fall von Anilinvergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr.. 1888. xxv, 11-15.—l>olIfiiM (A.) Sur uncasd'empob sonnementproduit par b-s viipeursd'aniline. Monit. scient., Par., 1871. 3. s., i. :iui.—Drzcwiecki (.1.) A case of poi- souing by methyl-blue. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliii, 202.— Fci-rand. Influence sur la sante publique de la fabrica- tion de l'aniline et des produits qui en d&rivent. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1866, 2. s., xiv, 45-70. —Filippi (A.) Sulla velenosita o meno della fucsina pura; parere medico legale. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia, 1884, x, pt. 2, 193-221— Goran (\Y.) Case of aniline poisoning. Gail- lard's M.J., X. Y.. 1886, xii. 158— Hnseiiiaiin. Anilisme. Diasrn. Lex. f. prakt. Aerzte 1892, Wien u. Leipz., 1893, i, 145. Also, transl: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1892, xxxi, 165.—JTacobson (D. E.) Tilfaelde af dodelig For- giftning med Martiusgult (Manchestergult). [Poisoning with fatal result by aniline color] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1893. 4. R., i, 765-770.—r.cloir ill.) Recherches cliniques et experimentales sur l'empoisouuement par laniline. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 315; 341. Aho [Abstr.l : Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 904.—I.iud- berger (V.) Ett fall af anilinforgiftning jemte iakttu- gelser om antifebrinets ode inom "rganismen. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1880-7, xxii, 443-445.— I.itlen (M.) Ver- giftung durch mit Anilin verunreinigtes Xitrobenzol. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1881, xviii, 23-25. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81). 1882, xii. pt, 2, 34-41.— ?Ii-rklen. Empoisonnement aigu par l'aniline; guerison. France mecl., Par., 1880, xxvii, 771. Also: Bull. Soe. clin. de Par. (1880), ]8>1, iv, 150-153—.llillard. Case of acute aniline poisoning; core. Mecl. Press i: Circ, Loud., 1880, n. s.. xxx, 498.—IVIullcr (F.) T"eber Anilin-Vergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 27.—Pearce (A.) Poisoning by an aniline pencil. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1886, ii, 763.—Point-are. Snr les dangers de la fabrica- tion et de l'emploi des couleurs d'auiliue. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. 1884. La Have, 1885. ii, 252-273. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1885, 3. s., xiv, 21-45.—Rayner (\V.) Cvanosis in newlyborn children caused bvnniline marking ink. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 294— Silbenuann (O.) Leber das Anftreteu intravascularer Gerinnungen nach Intoxication durch Anilin unci chlorsaure Salze. (Eine Erwidernng an Herrn Dr. W. Falkenberg in Marburg.) Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz., 1891, xvii, 899-901.— Smith (F. J.) A case of aniliue poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 89.—Staiijjeyeff (F.) Sluch. parench. ne- frita s veroyatnoyu zavisimostyu ot lechen. anilin. po sposobu Prof. Kremyanskavo. [Case of parenchymatous nephritis probably in consequence of treatment by ani- line following method of Prof. Kremyanski | Ejened.klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1*87, vii, 520-523.—Stilling (J.) Sur l'emploi des couleurs d'aniline. Rev. ueu. d'opht., Par., 1890, ix, 241-244— Sryallovxki (V. V.) Proizvodstvo auilinovikh krasok v sanitarnoru otnosheuii. (Kraski iz kamennoug. dlokhtya Tbeerfarbenindustrie.) [Manufac- ture of aniline colors in sanitary relation, j Voyeiino-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1889, clxv, pt, 3, 201-218. Also', Reprint.— Thompson (J. T.) Superficial keratitis induced by ani- line violet. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 836. Anilocra. Mossix (J. K.) * Ueber die Anilocra mediter- ranea. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cyiuothoaden. 6\ St. Petersburg, 1670. Animadversiones anatomico-pathologicae de cholera niorbo Most)use grassante. v, lxxxxiv pp. 4°. [Mosquw, 1630.] Bound with: Maekus (F. C. M.) Rapport sur le cho- lera morbus [etc.]. 4°. Moscou, 1832. Animadversions on a late pamphlet. See Phileleiitherua Academicus. 8°. London, 1754. Animadversions on a late treatise on the kink-cough. See [Kirkland (T.)]. Animal effluvia, heat, magnetism, me- chanics, etc. See Effluvia, Heat, etc., Animal. Animal extracts. See, aho, Anthrax (Treatment ofi); Spermin; Testicle and ovary, Thyroid gland, Juices ofi. Melville (H.) Guide pratique pour la pre- paration et l'injection des liquides organiques (me'thode Browii-Sequard). 8°. Paris, 1893. Animal extracts. d'Ai-Honvnl (A.) Sterilisation k froid des liquides or- ganiques par l'acide carbonique liquefie ; nouveaux perfec- tionnemeuts apportes aux appareils sterilisateurs et k la preparation des ex traits liquides destines aux injections soiis-c-utanees therapeutiques. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1892, 5. s., iv, 374-378.-----. De l'injection des extraits liquides provenant des differents tissus de l'organisme, comme methode therapeutique; technique do la preparation do ces extraits. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 250-262. -----. Ilistorique de la methode therapeutique bas6e sur l'injection des extraits organiques. Ibid., 858-861.—Bra. Des liquides d'extraits d'organes. Pratique med., Par., 1892, vi, 183-186.—Brown.Srquard (C. E.) On a new therapeutic method consisting in the use of organic liquids extracted from glands and other or- gans. Brit. M. ,1., Lond., 1893, i, 1145; 1212. — Brown. Sequard Sc d'Arsonval. De l'injection des extraits liquides provenant des glandes et des tissus tie, l'organisme coniiue methode therapeutique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 248; 265.----------. Des injections sous-cutan6es ou intra-veineuses d'extraits liquides de nombre d'organes, comme methode therapeutique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1892, cxiv, 1399-1405. Also: Nice- med., 1891-2, xvi, 129-135.—V. Injezione di estratti liquidi provenienti da tessuti diversi; preparaziono di tali estratti; cura della neurastenia mediante la trasfusione nervosa. Gazz: meth lomb., Milano, 1892, li, 101; 111; 121; 133.— ChriMtidis (A.) De l'emploi therapeutique des tissus, des secretions et des excrements animaux. Rev. med.- pbarm., Constant., 1891, iv, 154; 170; 190.— Combe. Glandes k secretion interne et leur emploi therapeutique (organotherapie). Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv, 250-263. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. tie Bor- deaux, 1895, xvi, 284; 294. — Dauriac (J.) La methode de Brown-S6quard et les injections de liquides retires ties divers tissus de l'organisnie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 713-721. — Dnfoiirnicr (L.) Des injections do liquides organiques au point de vue physiologique et therapeu- tique. Semaine med., Par., 1893. xiii, 17-21.— Egassc (E.) Des injectionsdeliquidesorganiqiies; revue g6nerale. Bull. gen. cie therap., etc., Par., 1892, exxiii, 337; 407; 443.— Gniiiard (A.) Note sur les dangers des injections sous- cutaiit'-es de liquides organiques quand ces liquides ne sont pas parfaitement limpides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s.. v, 261.—Hammond (\V. A.) Car- dine; the extract of the heart; its preparation anti physio- logical and therapeutic effect. X. York M. J., 1893, lvii,'429- 431. Also, Reprint. -----. A further contribution to the subject of " animal extracts ". N.York M. J., 1893, lviii, 14. A ho. Reprint.—Linn (T.) On the treatment of disease by the injection of liquids drawn from the various organs and tissue's of the body. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892. i, 472- 474.—Loiiiiaun (G.) Ueber die Anwendung thierischer Organsafte, insbesondere des Brown-Sequard'schen Hoden- extractes als Heilmittel. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 181; 192. — Marrchal. Sur Taction ties extraits des glandes d'animaux injeetees hypodermiquement. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1892, xliv, 365-367.—Nuijens (F.) La m6thode Brown-S6quard par les extraits d'organes ani- maux. Ann. Soc. cie m6d. d'Anvers. 1895, lvii, 103-142.— Oliver (G.) & Schafer (E. A.) On the physiological action of extracts of pituitary body and certain other glandular organs. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1895-6, xviii, 276-279.—OniniiiH (E.) Emploi therapeutique d'extraits animaux dans le traitement des maladies. (Methode de Brown-Sequard.) Marseille m6d., 1891, xxviii, 643-645. -----. Effets g6n6raux des injections des liquides orga- niques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 820.—Roger. Toxicite des extraits de tissus normaux. Ibid., 189b 9. s., iii, 727-729.—Shiperovich (M. V.) Tera- pevticheskoye znachenle organicheskikh (zhivotnikh) vi- tyazhek. [Therapeutic value of organic (animal) extracts.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (1894),1 895, xii, 334- 363.—ThoiiK-Ncu & Qhcorghiu. Injeetiiinile de sub- stanta nervoasa in cate-va maladil mentale. Spitalul, Bucu- resci, 1892, xii, 583; 609. Animal magnetism delineated by its professors. A review of its history in Germany, France, and England. 52 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1839. [P., v. 1564.] Repr.from: Brit. Sc For. M. Rev., Lond., 1839, vii. Animal (The) magnetiser; or, history, phe- nomena, and curative effects of animal magnet- ism, with instructions for conducting the mag- netic operation. By a physician. 94 pp. 18°. Xew-York, B. Marsh, 1853. Animal mechanics; or, proofs of design in the animal frame. The perfection of design in the bones of the head, spine, and chest, shown by comparison with architectural and mechanical contrivances. 63 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] [Also, in: P., v. 1866.] ANIMALS. 492 AXISiTM. Animals. Sic. also, Anatomy (Comparative) ; Hygiene; Medicine ( Veterinary); Morphology; Pathol- ogy, Physiology, Comparative; Surgery (Vet- erinary) ; Zoology; and undtr names of animals. ^Eliaxus. Ylepi (,uuv 16i6t^toc 6i6/ua iC,. JEA\- aui de natura auiiualium libri xvii, cum aniuiad- versionibus Couradi Gesneri, et Danielis Wil- lielnii Trilleri, curante Abrahamo Grouovio qui et suas adnotationes adjecit. Juxta exemplar Londini. In 2 pts. 4C. Heilbronnce, 1765. Avicexna. De auinialibus, per niagistrum Michai-lein 8cotuin de Arabico in Latinum trans- latus. roy. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Baraxski (A.) Thierproduction. Die Ziich- tungslehre. III. Theil. s3. Wien, 1-91. Stark (B.) *De auimalium et terra natorum siniilitudine. 6C. Edinburgi, 1799. Tenicheff (W.) L'activite' des animaux. Traduit, du russe par M. Gourovitch. 8-. Pa- ris, 1699. Fere (C.) Les gestes m6tapboriques chez les ani- maux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s. ii, 270. Animal* (Age of). Cornevix (C.) & Lesbre (X.) Traits de l'age des animaux domestiques d'apres les dents et productions epidenniques. 8C. Paris, 1694. Hi'idekoper (R. S.) Age of the domestic animals, being a complete treatise on the denti- tion ofthe horse, ox, sheep, hog, and dog, and on the various other means of determining the age of these animals. 8-. Philadelphia ], ISiclyavski. Zapiska po povodu 7 smertnikh slu- chayev ot npotreblenia v pislitshu surkov, porazhounikli chumoyu v poselkt- Roktuyevskom. [Note concerning seven deaths from the use as food of marmots affected with the plague in Soktngev.] Vestnik obsh. hig. sml.li i prakt, nied., St. Petersb., 1895, xxvi, 9. sect., 1-6. —Dn- pont. Mortalite des jeunes animaux pendant l'allnite- ment. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. Bordeaux, 1871-2, 196- 220.—Park (A.) Some of the diseases of animals' com- municable to man, or commoh to both. Rep. Australas Ass. Adv. Sc. 1892, Ilobart, 1893, iv, 758-760. — Pt-ech (R.) Essay on diseases communicable from the lower ani- mals to man. Vet. .1. & Ann. Comp. Path. Lond.. Is'.)', xl 233; 313 — KieshotiiikoflTfA.) 0 chnme tarba^aiiov' pereneoyonnsl na lvudei. [On theplagueof marmot xtrans' mitted to man.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med St. Petersb., 1895, xxvi, 9. sect., 6-9. — Vilain (J.) The diseases of wild animals. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y 1879-80 xvi, 11-13. Animation (Suspended). See Asphyxia; Catalepsy; Death (Ap- parent); Respiration (Artificial); Syncope; Trance. Animism. Ste, also, Materialism. Yater (C.) [[Pr.] animae nostra immortali- tas.]_ 96.] Aljovin CM.) El animismo & la luz de la historia. Gac. ni6d., Lima, 1877, iii, 188; 207; 245. de Alii no (Paul). Le gatt, plante de I'Arabie, specifique contre le cholera et la peste. 20 pp. 8°. Constantinople, 1865. ------. Suite h, la brochure, Le gatt, plaute d'Arabie, spe"cifiqne contre la peste-cholera. Plus de paroles, mais des actes contre les fleaux indiens. Le Saclowa hygienique et humani- taire. Droit do contiole des empereurs de Tur- quie, de France et de Russie sur les revenus de la grande Mosquee du Caire, etc. Suivi d'nu travail intitule": Une colonie de la Frauce domi- nant Ormoux et les bouches de l'lndus. Colonie oubli6e par M. Thiers dans son Histoire du Con- sulat et de l'Empire : Un oubli fait dans le traite de 1856, une note de la Russie demandant des r€- formes en Turquie, et reclamant l'execution du hatti-houmayoun et des traites iuteruationaux. 1 p. 1., lviii, 3-1092 pp. 8°. Constantinople, 1668. Aniridia. See Iris (Abnormities ofi). Anise. See Anisum. Anisins (Ericas Joachimus). *De ophthalmia in genere, ejusque specie veneria dicta. 14 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat, C. Wishoff, [1725]. [Also, in: P., v. 1917.] Anisomeria. Vasqucz. Analisis del pircum, anisomeria dr&stica, de la fam ilia de las phytolaceas; observaciones sobre el tauino del algarrobillo, de la familia de las legumiuosas. An. Uuiv.'de Chile, Santiago, 1861, xix, 764-766 —Ouzat A. (D.) Estudios sobre el jenero anisomeria. [From: An. Univ. de Chile.] Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1882-3, xi, 241-250. Anisometropia. See Eye (Accommodation, etc., of, Disordered). Anis ii iii. Cadeac & Tleunier (A.) Action comparative de l'essence de fenouil et de l'essence d'auis. Lyon m6d., 1889, lxi, 336-338.-----------. Contribution a 1 etude physiologique de l'essence d'ani* Ibid., 514-518.—Or- velli. IJn caso di avvelenamento per auici. Gior. nu-d. tl. r. est-rcito, etc., Roma, 1890, xxxviii, 431-436. — Bo- n« nil a hi (H. V.) Fructus anisi stellati och dess forials- kniu^ai. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1882, xliv, 9-17. ANISYL. 493 ANKLE-JOINT. Anisyl. Meister (F. C.) * Ueber die Monoxime des Auisils. 8°. Erlangen, 1895. Steixhart ( O. J. ) * Ueber einige Auisyl- aniine. 8°. Erlangen, ls?7. Alike (Nieolaus). Philologisch-medicinische l>e- merkuugen. l.Hft. ix, 81 pp., 11. 12°. Mosk- ica, Univ. Buchdr., 1846. Also, Editor of: Mittheilimgen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde, Leipzig. 1845. Anker (Martin). * Ueher das Vorkoninien in- tennittirenden Fiebers hei chronischen Krank- heiten ohne Eiteruug. 57 pp. 8--. Strassburg, M. Dumont-Schauberg, 1690. Ankersniit (H. Jan.) * Ueber das Pheuanthri- din. [Bern.] 51pp. 8-\ Zurich, J. Schabelitz, 1691. AnkiiidinoflT (Mitrofan [Matveyevich]) [1>fi8- ]. * Ovliyanii perevyazki mochetochnikov na otdlelenie i sostav zheludochnavo soka. [Influence of ligation of ureters upon secretion and composition of the gastric juice.] 64 pp. 6C. S.-Peterburg, P. P. Soikin, 1895. ink la an. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Ankle (Amputations at). See Amputations (Tarsal, etc.); Amputa- tions at ankle-joint. Ankle (Fractures of). See Ankle-joint ( Wounds, etc., of). Ankle clonus. See Reflexes. Ankle-joint. See. aho, Astragalus; Foot; Malleoli. Albert (E.) Zur Mechanik der menschlichen Sprung- beiugelenke. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ter. in Innsbruck (1879), 1889, x, 102-106.—I.ane (AV. A.) The movements of the ankle-joint. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1887-8, xxii 408-422.—IVancrede (O.B.) Some new observations upon the anatomy and functions of the ankle and tibio- fibnlar joints. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1880, ii, 69- 71. Also: Phila. AI. Times 1*89, x, 316-318. -----. An answer to Dr. Randolph Wmslnw's "reply" to Dr. Nan- crede's paper upon the tibio-tihular and ankle ioint. Ma- ryland il. J., Bait., 1880-81, vii, 76-78.—Winslow (R.) A reply to tbe article' by Dr. C. B. Nanci ede of Phila., en- titled "Some new observations upon the anatomy and functions of the ankle and tibio-fibular joints ". Ibid., 28. Ankle-joint (Diseases of). See, aho, Amputations at ankle-joint; Ampu- tations of leg; Ankle-joint (Surgery of); As- tragalus; Foot (Diseases of). Oudar (R.) * Des arthropathies de l'articu- lation tibio-tarsienne. 4\ Paris, 166',. Acute pulpy disease of ankle; Pirogoff's amputation. Abstr. M. Sc 8 Cases G-en. Hosp. Sick Children, Pendle- bury. Manchester (1885), 1886, v, 170.—Andrew* (E.) Extension by pressure in chronic inflammation of the an- kle joint Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1877, xxvii, 190- 193— Bouquc (E.-F.) [Une artlnita puruleute du cou- de-pied.) In his: Clin, chir.de IFuiv. de Gand 1873-5, 8°, Gand & Par., 1877, ii, 30-34. — It ut-hanan (G.) Dis ease of the bones of the ankle-joint. Glasgow M. J., 1887, xxvii, 379-381.—Castagnone (A.) Artrocace dell' arti- colazione tibio-astragalea e tarsotarsea; amputazione. Indipendente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii, 518. — Chipault. Arthrite tibio-tarsienne aiguii due k la penetration articu- laire d'un s6questre tibial tuberculeux. Bull. Soc. anat de Par.. 1890, lxv, 211— Collie* (M. H.) Disease of tbe ankle joint and tibia. Prut-. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, iii, 161— Corn-rent (P.) Osteo-arthrite de l'articulation ti bio-tarsienne. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1888. x. 48L486.—Diseases of the ankle. Med. & Surg. Rep Child. Hosp., Bost,, 1869-95, 198-203.—Duhamel. Osteo- arthrite fongueuse de l'articulation tibio-tarsienne ; ampu- tation. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1887, ii, 298-300 Aho: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1888, xi, 103-106.—Foster (C. C.) A case of caries of tbe ankle treated conserva- tively. Tr Am. Ortlmp. Ass., Phila., 1889, ii, 49-52. Aho, Reprint.—Fungus nrticult. talo cacaneae; Injection von Jodoformather; Heilung und vollkommene Wiederherstel- lung der Functionsfahigkeit, Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wie- den 1*87, Wien, 1888, 200.—Gaueher. Observations d'ar- Ankle-joinf (Diseases of). tbropathie tabetique du cou-de-pb-d droit .(tabes syphiliti- que). Ann. tie dermat. et svph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 1280.— (.nueher (E.) Sc Dullocq (P.) Arthropathie tihio- peroneo-tarsieniie muuhe tabetique. Rev. de med., Par., 1884, iv, 419-423.—Gibuey (V. P.) Caries of the ankle in children; the results of expectant treatment from a study of thirty cases. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1880, 127-153. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1880, xiii, 434-4">7. Aho, Reprint. -----. Ankle-joint disease in children. In- ternat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 715-719. — Oomez JPnino. Artritis traumatica, de la articulacion tibio-peroiieo-tarsi- ana; caries consecutiva; amputaciou de la pierna; cura- cion. Clinica. Madrid, 1866, 2. ep., iii, 208-210. -----. C&ries de la articulacion tibio-tarsiana; rcum&tica? am- putacion; hemuiTa<_'ia, gangrena; reseccion ; curacion. Ibid., 301-304. —Hawkins (C. H.) Clinical remarks on some diseases of the ankle joint, Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1854, n. s., viii, 255-257. Also, in his: . . . Path. & Surg. Writings, 8°, Loud., 1874, ii, 445-452.—Hoegli (K.) Some remarks about tuberculosis of tbe ankle joint. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1893, xiii, 285-288.—Kin'loeli (R. A.) Clinical lecture on chronic strumous disease of the ankle-joint, antl upon methods of amputation of the leg. North Car. M. ,L, Wilmington, 1887, xix, 1-6.— Kirmissou (E.) Manuel operatoire et r6sultats de l'arthrodese tibio-tarsieune. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1896,vii, 128-145.—f.osjraiidfA.) Tumeurblanchedel'articulation tibio-tarsienne gauoho; double carie du calcan6um; guerison apr6s un tiaitement d'un an par les oxycles d'or et les pre- parations de noyer. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par.. 1862, 71-73.—Nicaise. De l'arthrite fongueuse tibio-tarsienne Gaz. metl. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 265-267. -----. Des par ticularit6s relatives a, la tumeur blanche tibio-tarsienne. Praticien, Par., 1884, vii, 149-151.— Phoeas (G.) Tu- berculoses localisees multiples; tumeur blanche tibio- tarsienne. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1891, ix, 104- 118.—Richelot. Rapport sur une observation de M. Millot Carpentier, d^irthrite suppur6e tibio-tarsienne Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1883, n. s., ix, 12.— Roberts (M. J.) The treatment of ankle-joint disease and the mechanism of its cure. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884 xxv, 619.— [Rossander (C. J.)] Arthroitis tuberc. art. tibiotarsalis. Rap. f. k. Serafimerlasar. 1886, Stockholm, 1887, 48— Rubio (F.) Dos casos de artritis supuratla. de la muheca y de la articulacion tibio-tarsiana. Siglo in6d., Madrid, 1884, xxxi, 201-203.—Saavedra (L.J.) Tumor fibroso en la articulacion tibio-astragaliana del pie iz- quierdo; extirpaciony curacion. Anflteatro anat., Madrid, 1879, vii, 27— Sattci-thwaite (T. E.) [etal] Reporton the various methods of treating caries of the ankle-joint, the result of chronic disease; whether by excision, swing- ing (chiseling or spooning), extension, rest, or the expect- ant plan. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 407-411. Also [Ab- str.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1«80, xvii, 126. -----. Suppura- tive disease of the ankle in children and young adults. Med. Rec, 1ST. Y., 1880, xviii, 197-202. Aho, Reprint— Sayrc (L. A.) Chronic disease of the ankle-joint. Mecl. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 181-184. Also: Mecl. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1884, 1, 520-523.—Scuddcr (C. L.) A re- port of eighteen cases of chronic disease of the ankle and tarsus, with observations upon the operative treatment. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass.; Phila., 1889, ii, 53-75. ---—. The clinical course and the principles of treatnient of chronic ankle joint disease in childhood. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, exxv,' 59-61.—Shaffer (N. M.) The pathology, symp- toms, antl diagnosis of ankle-joint disease. Ann. Anat. Jc Surg., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1882, v, 3-21. Also, Reprint, -----. The prognosis and treatment of ankle-joint disease. Ann. Anat. & Surg.. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1882,v, 195-213. Aho, Reprint.—Still man (C. F.) A suggestion in the me- chanical treatment of acute inflammatory conditions of the ankle joint. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xiv, 373. -----. Strumous synovitis of the ankle (white swell- ing). X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 241; 298—Ticho- miroff(V.V.) K kazuist. belych opucholei. [Two cases of tumor albus.] Med. Obozr.', Mosk., 1887. xxvii, 807- 875.—Tuberculose des Fussgelenks, 7 Fiille; 2 M., 5 W. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1889), 1899, 169-172.—Tuberhulose des Sprunggelenks, 9 Falle. Ibid. (1892), 1894, 136-138.—Tuberhulose des Sprungge- lenks, 3 Falle. Ibid. (1893), 1894, 147.—Tuberkulose des Sprunggelenks, 2 Fiille. Ibid. (1894), 1895, 163.— Wat-kerhugen (G.) A case of tubercular disease at the, an kit) joint. Brooklyn M. J., 1889, iii, 671-673. Ankle-joint (Dislocations of). See, also, Astragalus (Dislocations of); As- tragalus (Fracture ofi); Excision of ankle; Fibula (Fractures of). Billatjx (J.) * Etude sur la luxation du pied en arriere. 4°. Lille, 1864. Poinsot (G.-C.) De l'intervention chirurgi- cale dans les luxations conipliquees du cou-de- pied; ouvrage couronne' par la Societ6 de chi- rurgie de Paris. 8°. Paris 1877. ANKLE-JOINT. 494 ANKLE-JOINT. Ankle-joint (Dislocations of). ThoVISTK (J.-M.) "£tude sur quelques lu- xations rares de l'articulation tibo - tarsienue. [Lyous.] 4-'. Bourgoiu, 1663. Thabct (L.'i * D'une nouvelle luxation du cou-de-pied. 4 . Montpellier, 1676. Vandek Biest(J.B.) * De luxatione pedis ab externa causa producta. 4-'. Gandavi, 1627. Ashinead (G.) Dislocation of the lower end of the tibia forwards or of the foot backwards. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 9.—Babeoek (J. L.) A caseof primary disloca- tion' at the ankle. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891, xxxix, 653.— Bartleli-ben. Luxation des Talus nach Innen mit Fractur des Malleolus extern us; Exstirpation des Talus. Charite-Ann. 1883, Berl., 1885, x, 456.—Bauer. Luxa- tion der Tibia resp. des Fusses uach innen und Fractur der Fibula mit sehr spat erfolgeuder Consolidation. Ztschr. f. Wundar/te u. Geburtsh., Winnenden. 1874-5, xxvi, 164-167. —Bock (A. F.) A case of dislocation of the foot backwards, or forward tibio-tarsal luxation. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1887, Hi, 336-339. — Brown (C. W.) Dislocations of the ankle. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1886, Concord, N. IL, 1887, iii, 188-201. — Chautcim-sse (A.) Luxation du pied en dehors compliquee de fracture; ery- sipele gangreneux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 441- 445. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 262.—Cooper (A.) On dislocations of the ankle-joint. Surg. Essays (Cooper & Travels). Lond., 1819, pt. 2, 95-103.— Crocker (M.) Dislocation of ankle, with displacement of tbe foot forwards. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1282. — Daggett (W. G.) A case of backward dislocation of the fot>t with- out fracture. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 684.—David (K.) Dela luxation incomplete, du pied en arriere avec fracture; son traitement. Ga/.. m6d.-chir.. Toulouse, 1379, xi, 185; 193; 201; 209.— Duplay. Tiaitement de la frac- ture de Dnpuytren. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1893, lxvi,733; 761.— Florain. Sur la luxation de l'articulation tibio-tar- sienne en avant. Soc. d. sc. mc'-d. de Gannat. Compt. rend. 1883-4, Par., 1884, xxxviii, 31-35. — CJentilhoinmc. Luxation sous-astragalienne gauche, en avant et avec reu- versenii-iit do l'os; irreductibilit6, gangrene du pied; am- putation de la jambe an tiers inferieur; guerison. Fnion m6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1881, v. 118-121.—Giri (G.) Lussazioni spontanee dell' articola/.ione tibio-fibulo- astragaleaed atteggiameuti viziosi del piede nelle artritidi fiinuose. Karcoulitoro med., Forli, 1887, 5. s.. iii, 353-366.— Hagstrom ( V. | Komplicerad vrickuing i fotleden (luxatio complicata art. tibiotarsalis sin. cum fract. colli ossis astragali). Eira, Goteborg, 1882, vi, 354.— Holmes (J.) Dislocation of ankle by rotation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1049.— Iluguicr. Coiisid6ratious sur les luxa- tions du pied en avant ou de la jambe en arri6i%. [Extr. J Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1868, lxvi, 92— Joi-io (G. B.) \et al.]. Rapporto su la memoria del Dott. Salvatore Cappa intorno ad una inveterata lussazioue anteriore del piede, felicemente riortlinata. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1857. xi, 27-29.—Keisser. Observation d'une luxation du pied en dehors. Mem. Soc. med. d'6mulat. de Lyon, 1842, i, 252-254.— Kofiuann (J.) Zur Luxation und Resektion am Eussgelenk. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi. 25-29.— Lande. Luxation tibio-tarsienne en dedans et en arri&re; reduction quinze jours apres lacci- dent; complications diverses; appareil en platre; gueri- son. Mem. et bull. Soc. m6d.-chir. d. h6p. de Bordeaux, 1868, iii, 453-462.—Lediard (TI. A.) Old partial disloca- tion of the ankle backwards. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 281. — .TIasse. Den luxations du coup-de-pied. (Jaz. hebd. cl. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1881, ii. 847-849.— iTInurice. Observation de luxation du pied en haut on intratibio-p6ron6ale. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.-Etienneet de la Loire, 1872. iv, 389-391.—Morris (R. T.) A case of old dislocation of the ankle joint. Eastern M. J., Worces- ter, 1887, vii, 117.—IVcwnham, A case of dislocation of the foot backwards from a bicycle accident; reduction; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1880. ii, 576 —IVoquet. Luxa- tion tibio-tarsienne en avant complete sans fracture des malleoles. Bull. med. du nord Lille. 1*82, xxi, 361-363.— Kowbotham (H. C.) Dislocation of tibia forwards at ankle-joint; fracture of internal malleolus and of tibia and fibula at junction of middle and lower thirds. Med. Times & Gaz.. Loud., 1879, ii, 562. — Schwartz. Frac- ture de la mal!6ole interne k sa base; fracture du pferon6 au J sup6rieur; luxation du pied en haut eutre le tibia et le p6ron6 6cartes l'un de l'autre. Progres m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 671. — Serre (St.-H.) Luxation tibio-tarsienne en dehors; observation et reflexions. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med.de Montpel., 1889, xi, 529-532— Vernaison. Ob- servation de luxation complete de l'articulation tibio-tar- sienne droite. Rap. g6n.d. trav. Soc. d. sc.med.de Gannat, 1853-4, viii, 16-21.—Wood (E. A.) A deformity which in certain cases follows dislocation of the foot outwards at the ankle joint. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1.^3, xv, 210- 214 — Woodward (R. M.) Forward dislocation at ankle joint with fracture of fibula. Rep. Superv. Surg. -Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1891-2, Wash., 1893. 126. Ankle-joint (Dislocations of, Corn- pound). See, aho, Excision of ankle. Lister (J.) Remarks on a case of compound dislocation of the ankle with other injuries, illustrating the antiseptic system of treatment. 8°. Edinburgh, 1870. Berghmau (G. S.) Fallaf komplic. luxation af tibio- tarsalleden jemte fraktur af astragalus och malleolus in- tern. Forh. Sveus. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1881. 85-88. — Binkerd (A. D.) Complete compound dislocation of the tibia with fracture of the fibula; re- covery with neaily perfect use of the joint. Med. Kec, N. Yi, 1885, xxvii, 515. -----. Compound fracture and dislocation of the ankle, with recovery and subsequent use of the joint. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1889, n. s., xxii, 222-224.—Bray ton (F.) Compound dislocation at the ankle-joint; with a history of two cases. Toledo M. Sc S. J., 1883, v, 1-6. — Bi-inIon (J. II.) The treatment of compound dislocation of the ankle-joint. Phila. M. Times, 1880, x, 595-598. — Cameron. Compound dislo- cation of ankle; removal of astragalus; antiseptic treat- ment. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xii, 39. — Casseday (P. F.) Compound dislocation of the ankle joint, with fracture of the fibula; reduction; recovery. Am. llomoeop., Phila., 1881, vii, 117.—Clements (B. A.) Case of compound dis- location of the ankle-joint, with fracture; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xvi, 342-345.—Cole (F.) Compound dislocation of ankle joint. Tr. Illinois M. Soe, Chicago, 1880, xxx, 122-124. — Croly (II. G.) Compound luxation of the ankle-joint; illustrated by cases with special refer- ence to the preservative surgery of the foot. Tr. Roy. Acad. M.Irekind.Dubl., 1890,viii. 149-164, lpl. Aho: Illust M. News, Loud., 1890, vi, 73-80, 1 pl. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 83: 1890, xlix, 35.— Davison (J. T.) Compound dislocation of the ankle- joint, with eversion and backward displacement of foot. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 263.—Discussion on the management of compound dislocations of the ankle joint. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1887, Concord. X. IL, 1888, iv, 84- 128.—B-udon. Luxation tibio-tarsienne couipliquee de fracture des mall6oles, de d6chirures de la peau et d'issue des os de la jambe; resection immediate partiello; gue- rison. M£m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1878, 150-162, 3 pl. Aho: Gaz. ined. de Bordeaux, 1878, vii, 182; 200. — Ejjau (R. R.) Recovery, without suppu- ration, from a compound dislocation of the ankle, in a patientof forty-five. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 312-314.— Fowler (W.) Two cases of complete outward disloca- tion of the ankle-joints without fracture ; simple and com- pound. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 406.—Gnl- lois. Luxation du pied en dehors ; issue complete de l'astragale; mort. Ann. Soc. tie med. de St.-Etienne et de la Loire. 1872, iv, 195-196.—Garde (II. C.) Case of com- pound dislocation of ankle joint with fracture of astraga- lus per se, and resection of the same. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 300.—Gay (C. C. F.) Compound dislocation of the right tibia astragaloid artic- ulation ; reduction ; recovery with scarcely any deformity or impairment of motion. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1881-2, xxi, 515. — Gibbons (R. H.) Conservative treatment iu com- pound dislocations of the ankle joint. N. York M. J., 1890, Ii, 455.—Gray. Inward compound dislocation at the ankle-joint, with fracture. Laucet, Lond., 1880, ii, 935.— Gupta (K. P.) Compound dislocation of ankle with fracture of tbe fibula. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 19.—Ili-itz (V.) Note sur un cas de luxation du pied par rotation en dehors. Rev. med. de la Franche- Comte, Besancon, 1892, i, 23-30.— Henilcrson (T.) Com- pound dislocation of right ankle.joint. Boston M. &S. J., 1879, ci, 462.—Hopkins (W. 11) A case of compound dislocation of the ankle, followed bv death from cerebral thrombosis. Polyclinic, Phila., 18K6-7, iv, 180-182.-L.ee (E. A.) Compound dislocation of the ankle joint. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1884, 27-31.—L.cet (N. Y.) Re- port of a case of compound dislocation of the ankle joint, together with fracture of both malleoli, and the astrag- alus, with recovery. Railway Surg., Chicago. 1894, i, 333.— TOcArthur (D. S.) A case of compound complicated dislocation of the ankle joint. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Appleton, 1885, xix, 82—Macewi-n (W.) An interesting pathological observation ou the. life of bone, seen in a com- pound comminuted fracture of tibia and fibula at lower third, accompanied by a compound dislocation of the ankle joint; treated 'antiseptic-ally; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, (-95-897. -----. Compound dislocation and fracture of ankle joint. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiii, 416.— .Vliicfnrlaiic (J.) Compound dislocation of the right ankle; oblique fracture of the tibia extending into the joint; comminuted fracture ofthe fibula; cure. Inhis: Clin. Rep. Surg. Pract. Glasg. Roy. Infirm., 8°, Glasgow 1832. 204. — TIason (L. D. ) Compound dislocation of ankle-joint: seeontlarv amputation ; n-eovei v. Ann. Anat. Sc Sun:., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1881. iii, 48— II < I don. Case of compound dislocation of the ankle joint. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxiix, 73. — Uurdoch (J. B.) A^KLE-JOINT. 495 ANKYLOSIS. Ankle-joint (Dislocations of, Com- pound). Compound dislocation of ankle-joint treated by antisep- tics, exclusion of air, and rest. Louisville M. News, 1879, vii. 54. — Mynter (II.) Compound dislocation of the anklejoint and its treatment. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1888, iii, 9-15. Also, Reprint. — Oulteii (W. B.) Compound dislocation of right ankle joint, fracture of right fibula at lower third, fracture of inner malleoli.with complications. J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne, 1890-91, iii, 149 — Ozanne (G.) A case of compound'dis- location of the ankle-joint; recovery with anchylosis. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara. 1892,' 171. —Post (A. ) Two cases of compound fracture and dislocation at the ankle-joint. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1S92, cxxvi, 335.—Prich- ard (J. E.> Compound dislocation ofthe tibia and fibula at the right ankle: also compound fracture of the left foot. N. York M. J., 1888. xlviii, 92.—Rodman (\V. L.) Com- pound dislocations of the ankle-joint. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1887. n. s., iii, 103-109.—Scudder (C. L.) The management of compound dislocations of the ankle-joint. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 334. 1 chart.—Smith (A. J.) Compound dislocation of the ankle joint; Pott's fract- ure. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1885-6, iv. 233-236. — Ste- nieu i(\ B.) Compound dislocation of ankle joint. [Cases.] Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1886, vi. 106-110. — Stephens (L. 0.) A case of compound dislocation of the ankle joint. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1888. 147.—Taylor (J. M.) Compound complicated fracture of the anklejoint. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1887.vii.433-435.— Van Bavegeni. Luxation complete du tibia, avec fracture et dechiremeut des tendons et des tegumens, re- mise et parfaitemeut gu6rie. Actes Soc. de ni6d., chir. et pharm., Brux., 1797, i, 165—17!.—Vast. Note pour servir a la statistique des luxations til>io-tarsiennes compliquees de plaies. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, 908-914.—Wharton (IT. R.) Compound dislocation of ankle with fracture of malleoli: excision of joint; recov- ery, with useful limb. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi. 718.— Wilcox (S. F.) A case of compound dislocation of the anklejoint with comminuted fracture of the tibia and fibnla. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y., Rochester, 1890, xxv, 77-79.—Williams (C. B.) A compound dislocation of the left ankle, and fracture of the internal malleolus ; as- tragalus and internal malleolus excised. Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila.. 1893, lxix, 131.—Yater (CM.) Compound dislocation of ankle inward. Nashville J. M. & S., 1892, lxxii, 97-99. Ankle-joint (Sprains of). Philip (A.) * Contribution k l'e'tude des para- lysies cons6cutives aux entorses tibio-tarsiennes. 4°. Montpellier, 16-2. Dnkeman (W. II. j The treatment of sprained ankle by adhesive strappings. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1895, viii. 3. — Gibney (V. P.) Sprained ankle; a treatment that involves no loss of time, requires no crutches, and is not attended with any ultimate impairment of function. N. York M. J., 1895. lxi. 193-197. — Macdonnell (R. L.) The treatment of sprained ankle. Canad. J. M. Sc, To- ronto, 1881, vi, 45-47—.TIarsee (J. W.) Sprains and con- tusions of the ankle joint. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1887- 8, vi, 169-171.— Townsend ( W. R. ) Sprains of the ankle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 180-183. Ankle-joint (Surgery of). Cadroy (E\) * De la rejection tibio-tarsienne dans les luxations du cou-de-pied en dedans. 4°. Bordeaux, 1^85. Trouillet (A.) *De l'ablation de l'astragale dans l'osteo-arthrite tibio-tarsienne. 4°. Lyon, 1666. Bogdanik (J.) Eine neue Schnittniethode zur Re- sektiou des Sprung- oder Fersenbeines. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1892, xix, 89- 91. — Chauvel. Resection tibio- tarsienne chez un vieillard de 63 ans, par le Dr. F. Roux. [Rapport ] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893. n. s., xix, 337-339. — Lane (W. A.) Two cases illustrative of an operation of complete erasion of the ankle-joint. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xxvi, 15-17. —MacCormac (SirW.) Miknlicz's resection. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xii, 286-288.-Oilier (P.) Resections tibio-tarsien- nes. Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1895, viii, 164- 170. — Phocas ( G.) De rarthrode.se tibio-tarsienne. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc. verb., etc., Par., 1892, vi, 368- 378.— Piechaud (T.) Arthrodese du cou-de-pied; ma- nuel operatoire. Ibid., 365- 368. — Roersch (C.) Deux cas d'arthrodese tibio-tarsienne. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Li6ge, 1892, xxxi. 294-299. — SabanicjcfT (I. ) Osteo- plastich. rezektsija golenotaran. sochlen. s zadnim losku- toni. [Osteoplastic resection of tibio-tarsal articulation with posterior strip.] Priloj. k protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach., Kiev, 1887, 71-74. —Schapps 07. 0.) A combination of steel nnd plaster of Paris for fixation of ankle aud tarsus. Brooklyn M. J., 1891, v, 701 7n::-Sc-nn (E. J.) A esse of osteomyelitis of the anklejoint, illus- trating the utility of bone-chip implantation. Med. News, Ankle-joint (Surgery of). Phila., 1*95, lxvi, 432.— Van Hook (W.) Laueustein's method of opening the ankle-joint. N. Am. Pract., Chi- cago, 1892. iv. 202-205.—Weiss (T.) Sur la resection tibio-tarsienne de cause pathologique. Rev. med. de lest Nancy, 1883, xv, 658-667.—'Wilson (B. F.) A new osteo- Slastic operation at the ankle-joint. Kansas City M. In- ex, 1890, xi, 163. Ankle-joint (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Ankle-joint (Sprains of) ; Leg (Wounds of, Complications, etc., of); Tendo Achillis (Bupture, etc., of). Bain (F. D. ) Injuries near the ankle-joint. Colum- bus M. J., 1894-5, xiii, 137-141. — lialih ( F. G. ) Five eases of compound fracture of the ankle-joint. Boston M. ifc S. J.. 1894, exxxi, 210. Aho, Reprint. — Barbosa y Sabatcr (A.) Herida de arma de fuego complicada de la articulacion tibio-tarsiana izquierda; erisipela trauma- tica de todo el miembro inferior; abscesos consecutivos; estraccion de 21 esquirlas y 49 perdigones; dictanienes fa- cultativos; utilidad de la cirujia conservation; curacion. Siglo med.. Madrid, 1880. xxvii, 168-171. — ISoikjim (E. F.) [Fracture de la malleole interne, avec plaie pene- trante et avec esquilles; l'articulation tibio-tarsienne est ouverte de ce cote.) In his: Clin. Chir. de l'Univ. de Gand, 1873, 112-116. — von Burckhardt (H.) Ueber die Behandlung der Knbchelbriiche. Mecl. Cor.-Bl. cl. wurttemb. arztl. Yer., Stuttg., 1891, lxi, 217-227.—Dehor* (G.) Chute d'un endroit eTeve; ouverture de l'articula- tion tibio-tarsienne sans fracture. Limousin m6d., Limo- ges, 1895, xix, 5. — Duplay ( S. ) Des fractures de la malleole externe. Pratique med., Par., 1892, vi, 423-425. -----. Du traitement des difformites eons6cutives aux fractures bimalleolaires (fractures de Dupuytren) vicieuse- ment consolid6es. Union med., Par., 1893, 3. s., lv, 589- 592. Aho: Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1893, vi, 209-214.— Finch-IVoycs (A. W.) A case of compound comminuted fracture of the ankle-joint; gangrene; sec- ondary amputation and secondary haemorrhage; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1886, viii, 337-339.—Fitzger- ald (T. N.) Compound comminuted fracture into~ the ankle-joint; successful resection. Ibid., 1881, n. s., iii, 263. — Gerdy (P.-N.) Ties-large dechirure de l'articula- tion tibio-tarsienne, traitee par l'irrigation; guerison. In his: Melanges d'anat., etc., 8°, Par., 1875, ii, 515.—Gipps (A. G. P.) Wound dividing the tendo Achillis and open- ing the ankle-joint; suture of tendon; result. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 16.—Halstcd. A suppurating, compound, comminuted fracture into the ankle-joint treated without drainage. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1891, ii, 160.— Hammond (C. B.) Case of compound, comminuted fracture of the right ankle-joint, and the left, first, and second metatarsal bones; good recovery, without amputa- tion. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1882, 105-107.— Harrietts (F. M.) Injury to ankle joint; gangrene,- am- putation; septicaemia; recovery. Austral. Pract., Syd- ney, 1877-8, i, 229-231. — Kempf (E. J.) Compound, com- minuted, complicated fracture of the ankle-joint. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881, iii, 371.—Levis (R. J.) Fracture of lower end of tibia, with great deformity, requiring division of tendo Achillis prior to reduction; drunkard's fracture of the ankle-joint. Phila. M. Times, 1879. ix, 252.—IVIader. Contusion des linken Fussgelenkes; Knie und Fussklonus am kranken Bern; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst, Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 334.—itlanley (T. II.) Traumatic osteo-arthritic lesions which involve the proximal segment of the ankle-joint; their pathological anatomv and treatment. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1892, ix, 39-59. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s., xxix, 687-697. Also: Mecl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvii, 913-921.—Pilcher. Presentation of a case of compound fracture of the ankle, with removal of internal malleolus and part of astragalus. Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix, 502.—Pratt (E. H. L.) Compound comminuted fract- ure of the ankle; recovery, with a good leg and some movement of the joint. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 289. — Prcwitt ( T. F. ) Lacerated wound of ankle- joint; recovery, with perfect use of joint. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, i. 390.—Richards (V.) Compound fract- ure ofthe right anklejoint; amputation; recovery. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 98.—Nay re (L. A.) On the serious consequences which result from the neglect of slight injuries of the ankle-joint. Bellevue i Char. Hosp. Rep., N. Y., 1870, 107-128. — Weichsclbnum (A.) Schussverletzungen des Sprunggelenks. Feldarzt, Wien, 1879, 5. — Wiener ( A. C.) Treatment of fractures and sprains of the ankle by massage. Mecl. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 371-374.— Woods (J. T.) Ankle injury. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, 1889, 63-80. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Stand- ard, Chicago, 1889, vi, 72-74. Also [Abstr.]: Cleveland M. Gaz., 1888-9, iv, 320-325. Ankylosis. See, aho. Diseases (Feigned); and under names of individual joints. Bkodhurst (B. E.) On anchylosis and the treatment for the removal of deformity and the ANKYLOSIS. 496 ANKYLOSTOMUM. Ankvlo*i*. restoration of mobility iu various joints. 4. ed. 6 . London. L-^1. ' Brogi(J. A.L.) * De ancvlosi. 8°. Berolini, [1-16]. Cami'KMin (V.) * Recherches anatomiques et cliniques sur l'entorse des ankyloses. 4°. Paris, 1.-79. Lackoix (L.-E.) De l'ankylose. roy. 6 . Paris, 1643. Willf.ms (A.) * Ueber knorpelige Ankylose. 6°. Bonn, 1-80. v.\X de Wyxpersse (J. T.) * De ancylost-os patuologia i-t curatioue. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1783. -----. De ancylosi, sive pra-ternaturali art i- culorum obrigescentia, singularibus observa- tionibus et liguris illustrata. 4°. Lugd. Bai., []'-:?]. Albert (E.) Versuch zur Herstellung einer Ankylose des Sttiulter- und Ellbogeugelenkes bei spinaler Lahmung der oberen Glietlmasse. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 1649— Barton (J. R.) On tbe treatment of anchylosis bv the formation of artificial joints. X. Am. M. Sc S. J., P'hila., 1827, iii, 279; 400, 1 pl. —Block (J.) A possible danger in the forcible treatment of ankylosis. Kansas Cits XI. Itec. 1884, i, 251-253.—Bonnet. Memoire sur la rupture de l'ankylose et sur la eombinaisou avec des sec- tions sous-cutantes. Gaz. med. de I'ar., 1850, xxi, 395; 414; 449; 505; 527. Aho: Ann. de med. hel^e. Brux., 1850, ii, 285; 408 : iii, 125: 282 ; 403. — Broriliurst ( B. E.) Ou tie' restoration of motion by the rupture of the uniting nu-thum of partially ancbylosed surfaces. Med. Times ic tin'., l.oml.. ls.">8 n. s.. xvi, 550; 597; 049. Also, Repriiu —ISriiomc (»>. YV.) Remarks on the surgery of anchylosis. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, ls88, xvii, 34*1.— D'Ambrosio (A.) Anchilosi angolare di ambedue le ginoit-hia ed auchilosi di ambedue le mani nel medesimo sou.) Faradism as au analgesic in the loosening of .joint-adhe- sions. Practitioner, Loud., 1893, li, 110-115.—[Guyou.] Les raideurs articulaires Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 18MI. 2. s.. xxvi, 395-398.—Gwyer (F. \\\) Electrolysis in the treatment of fibrous anchylosis. Auu. Surg., Phila., 1893, i xviii, 208-217.—vau der llovvrn (■!.), jr. Over anky- losis Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Aiust., 1861. v. 298- 301. Aho, Reprint. Itrukeubt-rg (H.) Die Behand- lutiir vou Gelenksteifigkeitc-n mittt Is meiner Pendelap- parate. Deutst lie med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, j xix. 1381-1386.— Tlalocl. Observations sur une especc tlankilose, accompagnee de circonstances siugulieies. list. Acad. roy. d. sc. 172s. Amst.. 1732, Mi-ui., 283-295.— I ITlanley (T. II.) Traumatic anchyloses; their morbid | anatomv diagnosis, and treatment. Railway Surg.. Chi cago, 1894. i, 275-2*5—.Marsh (H.) On the pathology and clinical history of some rare forms of bony aukvlosis. Brit M. J., Loud., 1895, ii, 1087-1091).—.Millikeu (S. E.) Congenital anchylosis of sixteen joints; report of a case. Texas M. J., Austin, 1893-4, ix, 154. Hoi :■!<-> iR. E.) Absceso fleiuouoso en la estremidad pelviaua dert-clia, au- qililosis iiicuiupletil; curaciou; caso not.ilile. Cron. de 1. hosp.. Math id, 1*58, vi, 100-106. llorison (A.i A case of extensive anchylosis of the skeleton, with diaphragmatic breathing. Tr. Cliu. Soe. Loud.. ls8s-9. xxii, lu-14. Also [Abstr.|: Brit. M. J., Lond., Isps. ii, 880. Ah<> fAbstr.]: Lancet. Loud., Isss, ii, 708. Also [Ab-lr.]■ Med. Press & Circ , Loud., 188s. u. s.. xlvi, 388. — Vliillrr i E ) Akute Eiterung nat-L Urisement force I'.eitr. ■/.. kliu. Chir., Tubing.. Is*,, iii. 339-342— Obci-st iM.) Vier Falle von aknten Eiterungeu nach Brisemeut force. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1*85. xii, 361-369.—Pattcson (R. G.) Tho pathology of ankylosis. [Abstr.] Metl. 1'ress i Circ, Lond., 1889, u. s., xlviii, 459. — Pli«*oii il'.-K.) Traite- ment des ankyloses, au moyeu d'une machine a pression et k extension simultances; premieres reiuan|iie, k ce sujet; exposition des faits: reflexions finales. J. ii. conn, niecl prat., I'ar.. 183!i-4n, vii, 101: 142; 168 — Ki-ibiiiavr (A.) Die Behandluiii; tier Aukylosen uud Kontrakturen mit Massage uud elasrUcliciu Zuge. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 795; 829.—Buebsaiu (J. E.) Apparatus for the treatment of ankylosis. Xo. 439255; Oct. 28. 1890.— ». Eine Anzahl falscher Anclivlosen. Akad. Hosp d. 1'niv Giessen (1848), 1849, 143-100.—Therapeia* MUpi) Tiof &taopiov Turn aptlputv &v9^]. Testi (A.) L' auchilostomiasi nei mattonai del Faentino. r> . Faenza, 1H-7, Tosatto (E.) L'auchilostomiasi e sua cura coll' estratto etereo di felce maschio nell' Ospi- tale civile di Pisogne. 6°. Bergamo, 1682. Trossat (F.) *De l'ankylostonie duodenal; aukylostomasie et au6mie des inineurs. 4J. Lyon, 16>7). Abbamonili (L.) Sc Cipollone (L. T.) Un caso di anemia di anchilostoma duodenale con presenza di larve di dittero (Sarcophaga hiemorroidalis). Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1894, xiii, 513-531.—Aguoli (J. 1!.) Consideraciones sobre dos cases de anemia por aukylo- stoma duodenal. Cron. med., Lima, 1893. x, 6-25. Aho, Reprint.—Anchilostoma (L) duodenale nei lavoranti in mattoni. Gazz. d. osp., Milauo, 1894, xv, 213. — Arslnn (E.) L'anemie des miui-urs chez les enfants. Rev. mens. cl. mal. de l'enf.. Far., 1802, x. 555-561. —Alias (A.) Anchylostomum duodenale Med. Press & ("in-., Lond., 1894, n.s., lviii, 497—Azrvedo Moil re. Ank\ loMoiniase ou hypoemia intertropical. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1892, 9; 17; 57; 65: 73. — Baiuuler (C.) Ueber die Abtreibung der Anchylostomum duodenale. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1881. xi. 481-485. -----. Ueber die Verbreitinig des Anchylostomum duodenale auf der Darmschleimhaut uud iiber die WirksaiukeitderDoliarina ee^endiesenParasiteu. Ibid., Is85, xv, 3-7. Aho, Reprint.—Baker (0.) The anchylostomum duodenale: its wide prevalence, and connec- tion with jail de-biliu Indian M. Gaz..Calcutta. 188s. xxiii, 353-355.—Ballota Taylor (R.) El alcantai illa.lo y las endemias iufecciosas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1889, xxxvi, 242- 244.— Barrgyi (C.) Auchilostomiasi coutrattaa Venezu- ela (America meridionale); storia clinica e considerazioni. Gazz.cl.osp., Milano. 1882, iii, 276-278.—Barth ill.) Lan- chylostome duodenal et ran6miedesmineurs. Union med., Par.,1884, 3. s., xxxvii, 525-530.—Bernheim( A.) Ein Fall von Anchylostomum duodenale bei einem Ziegelarbeiter iiu Grossherz'ogthutn Baden. Deutsche med AVchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893. xix, 305.—Bem-lit-liuuiiu Sc Fischer. Aucbvlostoma duodenale, bei einem tleutschen IVi ginaiin. Ibid.', lsiiJ. xviii 1130. Aho [Kev.]: ibid., 1893, xi\ 629.— Biaucbi i A ; I. incliilostoma Dubiui; patogenesi, tera- pia, protilassi Spt rimentale, Firenze, 18-1, xlviii, ;V>S- 014.—Blaucliaril iK.) L'anemie des miueurs eu lime grie. Compt. reml. Sue. de biol., Par., 1885. 8. s ii. 713- 715 — Blitkliahu i\V. L.) A case of ankylostomiasis Med. News, l'liila., 1893, lxiii, 662. Aho, Reprint —Boli- lautl (K.) Leber die Eiweisszersetzung bei der Anehylo- stomiasis. .Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 901-904 — Itoiiuzv.i iP.) L' auchilostomiasi e 1' anchilostoma nella proviuri i tli "Verona. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Pa- dova. le,-4, xxvii, 281; 289; 302; 323; 331— Borgnerini (A.) L anchilostoma nella proviucia di Padovu. Ibid., 1881, xxiv, 163; 178.—Bozzolo (C.) L' anchilostoniiasi e 1' anemia che ne couseguita (auchilostomoanemiaj. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., .Napoli. 1879, n. s.. i, 1054; 1245. ---•- • La doliarina contro 1' anchilostoma Dubiui. Osservatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 17-19. Aho, transl: Centralbl.!'. kliu. ANKYLOSTOMUM. 497 ANKYLOSTOMUM. Ankylostommil duodenale and anky- lostomiasis. Med., Bonn. 1880-81, i, 673-675.—Britto (A.) Traitement sp6citique tie l'ankylostomiase par le thymol. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1894-5, 4. s., v, 296-302.—Bi-uui (C.) II terzo caso di auchilostomiasi nelle provincie meridionali del con- tinente italiano. Riforma nied., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 2, 723-726.—Burresi (P.) Due casi di anemia del Gottard. Sperimentale, Firenze. 1883, Iii, 153-160. Aho [Rev. 1: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 302—C'nlan- druccio (S.) Primo caso d' anchilostomaneinia in Sicilia. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 552-555. -----Secondo caso di anchilostomanemia in Sicilia, se- guito da gnarigione. Riv. clin. e therap., Napoli, 1886, viii, 508-513.—C a in mare ri (V.)- Due casi di aucliylosto- miasis a Messina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 485^487.— Cauali & Biva. Sull' anchilostomiasi nella provincia di Parma e sopra un dittero parassita dell' intestino umano. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1889, 3. s., xxxvii, 535- 537.—Cattani (C.) Contributo alia geografla dell' auchi- lostomiasi. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1891. xv, 57- 60.—Chatin (J.) Sur la r6viviscence de l'anchylostome duod6nal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 503.—Cliiari (H.) Ueber einen in Prag secirten Fall von Ankylostomiasis bei einem Kruneger. Prag. mecl. Wchn- schr., 1893, xviii, 531-534. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. mecl. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 1980-1982.—thiariittini (E.) Ane- mia da anchilostoma. Riv. veneta di sc. med..Venezia, 1888, viii, 272-274.—Concato (L.) & Perroncito (E.) Sur l'anchylostomiase. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1880, xc, 619.—Coneal vi (G.) H primo caso di anchilostomiasi nelle provincie meridionali del continente italiano. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1890, n. s., xii, 869-884. Also, Reprint. Aho [Rev.]: Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1891, xi, 159-161. Aho [Rejoinder]: Ibid., 237-240.—Cre- inagnani(G.) Due casi dianchilostoanemia in provincia di Bergamo. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, li, 395; 408; 418. — Crisafulli (G.) Ricerche sulla produzione della anemia da anchilostomi in occasione di un caso seguito da morte. Riv. clin., Milano, 1892, xxxi, 524-539. Aho [Ab- str.] : Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893],v, 524- 526.—D'Allocco (O.) Anchilostomiasi nel territorio di Fermo e suoi dintorni. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 521-542.—Dobson (E.) Special report on anchylostomiasis. Rep. Prov. Assam 1892,Shillong,1893,63- 108.-----. Notes regarding the prevalence of the dochmius duodenalis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii, 354: 1893, xxviii, 1; 40; 68; 262.— Dubiui (A.) Nuovo verme intestinale umano (anchylostoma duodenale), costituente nu sesto genere dei nematoidei proprii dell' uomo. Ann. nniv. di med., Milano, 1843, cvi, 5-13. -----. Abito cereo: palpitazione di cuore con rumore di soffio peiisistolico; tensione e dolore all' epigastrio; lingua pallida, liscia e asciutta; poi subdelirio, stupore, e nell' ultimo giorno 6 respirazioni per minuto, battendo ancora il polso 78 volte nello stesso spazio di tempo; un centinajodi anchilostomi nell' intestino duodeno e nel digiuno, screziatura gialla della sostanza del cuore, edema dei polmoni. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1843, ii, 345-347. — Dubois (V.) Ankylosto- miasis in Liniburg. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, xxii, 268-270. —Ebernian (A. L.) Anchylostoma duodenale, ot grechesk. aynvKo, krouchek, axo/ua, rot, der Hakenmund. Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (18831,1884, i, 271-275. — Erauu & Trossat (F.) Note sur l'ankylostome duod6nal. Province m6d., Lyon, 1887, ii, 677.—Ernst (J.) Einige Falle von Ankylostomiasis, nebst Sectionsbefunden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1888, xiv, 291-294. Also, Reprint. — Fabre (P.) Du r61e des entozoaires et, en particulier, des ankylostomes dans la pathologie des mineurs. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend. 1882-3, Par., 1883, xxxvii, 119-138,1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. Compt. rend. 1882, Geneve, 1883, ii, 342-349'. — Facciola (L.) Su di un caso d' anemia per anchilostomi, seguito da morte. Mor- gagni, Milano, 1888, xxx, 245-268. ---■—. Un altro caso di morte per anchilostomi nell' ospedale di Messina. Ibid., 1889, xxxi, 61-64. — Felice (L.) Contributo alia patoge- nesi dell' anemia da anchilostomiasi. Riv. clin., Milano, 1890, xxix, 759-776.— Ferguson (J.E.A.) Aspects of anchvlostomiasis. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1892, 140-166. -----. On anchylostomiasis. Ibid., 200-213.— Ficoine (Dela) ou doliarine contre l'an6mie produite par l'anchylostome duodenal. Paris med., 1881, vi, 233.— Finzi (G.) L' anemia da anchilostomiasi tra i foruaciai del comune di Baruchella (Provincia di Rovigo). Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1893, 7. s., iv, 756-760. — Firket (C.) Note snr plusieurs cas d'anchylostomasie observed en Belgique. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1884, v, 581-609.— Fischer. Die ersten Falle von Anchylostoma-Auamie bei deutschen Bergleuten und der Einfluss dieser Erkran- kung auf das Auge. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Ge- sellsch., Stuttg., 1892, xxii, 26-34. — Foa (P.) Un caso di anchilostomiasi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iv, 10.— Frankel (A.) Ueber Anchylostomum. Mitth. d. Ver. d, Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1885, xi, 249-251. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 443-445.—Gal- vagni (E.) Anemia grave da anchilostoma duodenale. 32 Aiikylostoiliiuii duodenale and anky- lostomiasis. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 866-868. — Giles (G. M.) Notes on anchylostomiasis, being, for the most part, a re- sume of a report on the diseases known in Assam as kala- azar and beriberi. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1892, xxvii, 170; 193.— Giuflrc (L.) L' anchilostomiasi e 1'anemia dei solfatari in Sicilia. Atti xii. Cong. d. Ass. mecl. ital. 1887-, Pavia, 1888, i, 381-385—Grassi (B.) Intorno ad un caso d' anchilostomiasi. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1878-9, iii, no. 20, 1-12. -----. Anchilostomi ed anguillnle. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 325. -----. Un' ultima pa- rola al prof. Perroncita. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1883, 8. s., v, 260-262. Also [Rev. ]: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1883, 8. s., v, 379-384. -----. Un' altra nota sulle anguillule e sugli anchilostomi. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 119-121. — Gratiaen (E.) Notes on some cases of anchylostomiasis, in accordan Je with scheme for recording cases in Lutz's report. Ceylon M. J., Colombo, 1887-8, i, 135-139.—Grawitz (E.) Beob- achtungen iiber das Vorkommen von Anchylostomum duodenale bei Ziegelarbeitern in der Nahe von Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 939-941.— Graziailci (B.) II timolo nella cura dell' anchilostomanemia. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1882, 3. s., xxx, 821 -855. — Guttmaun (P.) Anchylostoma duodenale. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.,1885, xi, 486.—Hawclburg. Con- tribuicoes ao estudo e tratamento da ankylostomiases Bra- zil-med., Rio de Jan., 1895, 11-14. — Hogg (J. B.) A case of death from anaemia due to the ankylostomum duode- nale. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 133.— In- loi-no ad una questione parassitologica. [Edit..] Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1883, 8. s., v, 259.—Kamliiiuui-a (K.) Juniji mushi ni zakuro no neo narau darn siken. [ Treatment of Anchylostoma duodenale by extract of pomegranate root.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 317, 1-3. -Katz (O.) Ueber Wesen, Ursache und Ver- breitnng der Bergwerker-, Tunnel- und Ziegelbrenner- krankheit. Jahresb. d. Mannh. Ver. f. Naturk. (1885-8), 1889. lii-lv, 101-111. — fianger (J.) Zur Ankylostomi- asisfrage. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 555; 571.— licichtenstern (O.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Anchy- lostomum duodenale bei den Ziegelarbeitern in der Umge- bung Reins. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, vi, 195-198. -----. Ueber Anchylostoma duodenale bei den Ziegelarbeitern in der Umgebung Kolns. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 484; 501; 523. -----. Zur Ent- wicklungsgeschichte von Ankylostoma duodenale. Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886, vii, 132. -----. Fiitte- rungsversuche mit Ankylostomalarven; eine neue Rhab- ditisart in den Faces von Ziegelarbeitern; Berichtung. Ibid., 673-675. -----. Weitere Beitrage zur Ankylostoma- frage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 173; 194; 216; 237. -----. Einiges iiber Ankylostoma duode- nale. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 565; 594; 620; 645; 669; 691; 712. -----. Ueber Ankylostoma duodenale mit Demonstrationem Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1889, lxi, 108-112. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 849-851. Also: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1888, ii, 1641-1647. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 410; 422.— Liopez (C. S.) Sobre un caso de ankylostomasia en los ninos. An. d. Circ. m6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892, xv, 790-794.—Lntz (A.) Novas dbservacoes e experiencias relativas ao estudo da aukylostomiase e do seu tratamento. Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1882, ii, 359-386. -----. Ueber Ankylostoma duodenale und Ankylostomiasis. Samml. klin.'Vortr., Leipz., 1880-86, [Innere'Med., No. 88,2295-2350, 1 pl.]. Aho, transl: Gaz. metl. da Bahia, 1887-8, 3. s., v, 487; 541: 1888-9, 3. s., vi, 60; 113; 157; 254; 315; 410; 451; 516; 555: 1889-90, 3. s., vii, 58; 132; 158. Also, transl: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1887, ii, 56; 73; 99; 144 ; 152 ; 160; 179; 186: 1888, iii, 2; 26; 33; 49; 69; 73; 89; 101; 114; 139; 155; 163; 180. -Mc€01111 ell (J. F. P.) On dochmius duodenalis (sclerostouia vel anchylostoma duodenale) as a human parasite in India. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 96.— iUacdonald (J. D.) Anchylo.stomiasis. Ceylon M. J., Colombo, 1887-8, i, 23.—ltlaggi (L.) Sugli 'studj di C. Parona e G. B. Grassi intorno all' anchilostoma duodenale dub. R. Ist. Lomb. disc, e lett. Rendic, Milano.1878,2. s., xi, 428-438.—Maj (I.) L' olio etereo di felce maschio nell' anchilostomia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1881, 8. s., iii, 361.-----. Cura dell'anchilostomia. Ibid., 1882, 8. s., iv, 225-227.—LTIanouvriez (A.) Note sur l'an6mie des mineurs et l'ankilostome. Loire nied., St.-Etienne, 1884, iii, 241.— ITIarchiafava (E.) Anchilostoma duodenale. Bull. d. r. Accad. med.di Roma, 1881, vii,51-57.—ltlasius Sc Francottc (X.) L'anchylostome duodenal, dans le bas- sin de Li6ge. Bull. Acad. roy. de metl. de Belg., Brux., 1885, 3. s., xix, 27-49.---------'■—. Nouveaux cas d'anchylo- stomasie, observes chez les houilleurs du bassin de Liege. Ibid., 180-194. —ITIatsumoto (R.) Kanshi (distoma) oyobi juniji shokobio no sitsuken. [Clinical note on the Distoma h'epaticum and Ankylostomum duodenale. Chiu- gai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1891, No. 282, 9-12.-lTIayer (G.) Ein zweiter Fall von Anchylostomum duodenale in der Rhein- provinz. Centralbl. f.' klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, vi, 145- ANKYLOSTOMUM. 498 ANKYLOSTOMUM. Aiikylostoiliiuii duodenale and anky- lostomiasis. 14H._____Zur Anchylostomumfrage. Ibid., 265-267.— IVIazzof ti (L.) L' anemia da anchilostomiasi nel territorio bolognese. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1891, 7. s., ii, 333- 361.—ITIcgniu (P.) Du role des ankylostomes et des tri- chocephales dans le developpement des anemies -perni- rieuses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s.. iv, 172- 177. -----. O ankylostomo duodenal, as anguillulas ester- coral e intestinal, a trichina espiral e as molestias por estes entozoarios produzidas. [Transl. by Silva Arau.jo.] Uniao med., Riode Jan., 1882, ii, 152-160.—iTIeissncr (H.) Feber die parasitare Aiiiimie. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1881, clxxxix, 81-90. — ??li-ii<-hc (II.) Anchylostomum duode- nale bei der Ziegelbrenneranamie in Deutsehland. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883, vi, 161-172. Also [Abstr.] : Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Med., Bonn, 1882, iii, 161. — Moricuval. Anemie grave de nature vermineuse (ankylostomasie probable). Gaz. m6d. de Picardie. Amiens, 1891, ix, 84.— IMoi-iinoto (B.) Juuiiiso sonohatsusei to jiho no soko ni zukete. [On the prevalence of a duodenal parasite in cer- tain localities.! Shimane Shikwai Zashi, 1893, no. 43, 11- 17.—IVecessita di misure atte ad impedire la diffusione della malattia da anchilostoma. Salute pubb., Perugia, 1891. iv, 193-200.—Non.....-a (Y.) Juniji shoju binhetsu. [ Duodeual parasite in ana-mia.] Mino Igakkwai Hoko, 1893, no. 1, 38-48. — Oddi Baldeschi (G.) Dell' anchi- lostomiasi. Salute pubb., Perugia, 1890, iii, 132-135.— Onishi (K.) Juniji sosho binhetsu ni kenin suru shishin komaumaku ren no itjire. [Neuro-retiuitis in a case of ana-mia caused by Auchylostomum duodenale.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, xiv, no. 4, 2-13. — Ortolani (V.) Secondo caso di anchilostomiasi nelle provincie meridionali del continente italiano. Morgagni, Milauo, 1891, xxxiii, 512-516.—Ozzard (A. T.) Notes on tho Anchylostomum duodenale. Georgetown Hosp. Rep. 1887, Demerara, 1888, 73-75. -----. Some further notes on the Anchylostomum duodenale. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1890, 83-92.— Paolucci (G.) Tre altri casi di anchilostoma-anemia nei dintorni di Napoli. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 375-378.—Parona (E.) L' estratto etereo di felce maschio e 1' anchilostomiasi dei minatori del Gottardo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1881, 3.S., xxix, 72-91. Aho. Reprint. -----. L' anchilostomiasi nelle zolfare di Sicilia. Ann.uuiv. di mecl. e chir., Milano, 1886, cclxxvii, 404-408.—Primato (P.) Anemie da anchilostoma nei minatori, e nella nostra provincia; trasfusione intra-peri- toneale. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1882, xxv, 311-316. — Pcrniee (B.) Tre casi tli anchilostomiasi nei zolfatari. Morgagni, Napoli, 1886, xxviii, 403-409. -----. Anchilostomiasi ed anemia nei zolfatari in Sicilia. Boll. d. Soc.ci' ig. di Palermo, 1887, ii, 97-109.—Perroncito (E.) La malattia dei minatori. [Transl. from the Hungarian.] Indipendente, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 457-462. -----. Gli an- chilostomi ed altri strongilidi iu rapporto collo sviluppo dell' antrace, delle febbri di malaria e di altre malattie in- fettive. Osservatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 103-107. -----. Storia clinica di un caso di anemia per infezione da anchi- lostomi, avvenuta probabilmente nelle risaie del Manto- vano; cura coll' estratto etereo di felce maschio e guari- gione. Ibid., 170-174. -----. HelminthologischeBeobach- tungen beziijilich der unter den Arbeitern am St. Got- thard-Tunnel aufgetretenen endemischen Krankheit. Un- tersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1881, xii, 532-562, 1 pl. -----. L'anemie des miueurs au point de vue parasitologique. [Transl. [Abstr.] from: Ann. r. Accad. di agric. di Torino, 1880, xxiii.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1882-3, ii, 315: 1883, iii, 7-22, 1 pl. -----. L' anemia dei minatori in Ungheria. Osservazioni alia nota del Prof. R. Blanchard. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1885, 3. s., xxxiii, 816-832.—Pistoni (G.) Sull' importanza dell' anchilostoma duodenale. Riv. clin. di Bologna. 1882. 3. s., ii. 352; 428; 750: 1883, 3. s., iii, 119; 330. — Polatti (P.) Anchilostomiasi in un bambino. Boll. d. cliu., Napoli, 1884, i, 228-230. — Poletti. Anchilostoniiasi; estratto etereo felce maschio; guarigioue. Osservatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 312-314.—Porter (A.) Notes ou Anchvlostoma duodenale. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8 Madras, 1888, ii, 41; 74. Also [Abstr.]: Indian M. Gaz. Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 313-316.—Bake (B. A.) Anchylo- stomum duodenale: intestine and parasite from a patient infected with the above. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 111. -----. Sudden death from ankylostomiasis! Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 656. -----. Intestine and liver from a case of ankylostomiasis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 135. -----. A note on the percentage of iron in the liver in ankylostomiasis. J. Path. & Bacteriol. Edinb. & Loud., 1894-5, iii, 107-109. —Bampoldi (R.) Quelques notes sur les accidents oculaires dans l'anchi- lostoiuiasis. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. C.-r. 1880, Milan, 1881, vi, 283-285. -----. Anchilostoma duodenale ed emorragie retiniche. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1892-3, xxi, 357. — Beuiuaun. Vorlauflge Mittheilung iiber das Auftreten des Anchylostomum duodenale in den Banater Werken der osterr.-ungar. Staatseisenbahn-Ge- sellschaft. Internat. Cong. f. Hjg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, Hft. 36, 108.—Rho (F.) Un caso di ane- Aiikylostoiliiuii duodenale and anky- I lostomiasis. mia da anchilostoma in un marinaio messinesp. Gior di med. mil., Koma, 1885, xxxiii, 1139-1145 —Koilriguez Mendez. Anquilostoma duodenal. Clinica Zaragoza 1882 vi, 294; 302.—Romaro (V.) Sull' am hilostoniinsi' Riv. veneta di sc. metl., Venezia. 188s, ix, 577-579. —Ko^ senfeld (G.l Ueber Anchylostoma duodenale. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv, 27;! 277.—Bntgers (J.) Anchylostomum duodenale. V,' derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, xxii, 328-330, 1 pl— Sacchi (M.) L' anchilostomiasi nel cirenndatio di Perugia. Ann. d. Univ. libi ra di Perugia. Fac. mecl. chir., 1880-7, ii. 22-30.—.Salomon! (A.) Osservazioni cliniche ed anatomiche sull' anchylostoma duodenalis e su altri parassiti umaui in rapporto all' anemia. Bull. d. Comit. metl. cremonese. Cremona, 1881, i, 108: 1882, ii, IG; 47; 75; 102. — Sandwith (F. M.) Observations on four hundred cases of anchylostomiasis. Lancet, Lund., 1894, i, 1362-1308. — Sangalli (G.) Annotazioni eritiche sull'' anchilostoma duodenale. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Ren- dic, Milano, 1878, 2. s., xi. 400-467.—Sata (A.) Junijiso ni kansuru sitsuken. [Clinical observations on Aiicbylo- stomum duodenale.] Ztschr. tl. Tokvo med. (Jesellst-li 1893, vii. No. 16, 6: No. 17, 23. -----. On Anchylostoiuuni duodenale. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1894, xiii, 22; 66; *:>■ 102. — Scblegtcndal. Die Ant-hvlostonieuKmuklieit! Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1890, n. F., Iii, 119-138.- Schoubarhler. Anchvlostoma duodenale. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1881, xi, 408-411. — Schopf (J.) Az anchylostomum duodenale-rol. Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1888 xxxii, 721-721. Also, transl.: Wien. ined. Presse, 1888, xxix, 1232-1234. Aho, transl. [Abstr]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 701—Sclniltliess 1 (W.) Noch ein Wort iiber Ankylostoma duodenale. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 737; 812.—Seifert (O.) Le- ber Ankylostomum duodenale. Sitzungsh. d. phvs.-nicd. Gesellscli. zu Wiirzb., 1887, 113. -----. Ueber Ankylosto- mum duodenale. Verhandl. d. phvs.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1888, n. F., xxi, 283-294, 1 pl. — Seifert (0.) Sc IVIiillcr (F.) Ueber des Vorkommen von Anchylosto- mum duodenale in der Umgebung von Wiirzburg. Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, vi, 457-459. — Snyci-s (E.) Relation de quelques cas d'ankylostomasie (aiieinii- pernicieuse). Progres m6d., Par., 1886, 2. s., iii, 105.— Sondereggcr. Ankylostoma duodenale. Cor. 111. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel,'1880, x, 646-648.— Sonsino (P.| Sull' anchilostomosi. Imparziale, Firenze, 1880, xx, 641- 643. -----. Anchilostomiasi complicante clorosi. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1888, lxii, 404-407. -----. SuU'anchilo- stomiasi. Lavori d. Cong, di mecl. int. 1888, Milano, 1889, i, 381-383. -----. Sull anchilostoma duodenale nell' uomo nella provincia di Pisa. Gior. cl. Soc. florent. d'ig.. Fi- renze, 1889, v, 213-230. Also, Reprint.—Sotis (A.) Plus- trazione di un caso di anchilostoma duodenale. Gior. metl, d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1887, xxxv, 1182-1195.—Staui- inesbau* (W.) Over het voorkomen van anchylosto- mum duodenale (dochmius duodenalis) in de darnieu van beri-beri- en andere lijken. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav.. 1882, xxii, 117-125, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.- Strachan (H.) Ankylostomum duodenale in Jamaica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 1291.— Takeo (M.) Juniji soso oyobi sono yebo shiryobo ni zukete. [Prevention and treatment of Anchylostoma duodenale. | Rikukun Kuni- gaku Kwai Zashi. Tokyo, 1894, no. 66, 7-25, 1 pl. — Testi (A.) L' anchilostomiasi nel mattonai del Faentino e nella Romagni. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1887, 5. s., iv, 513- 525. — Thoi-nliill (H.) Anchylostoma duodenale; is it widespread iu India, Assam, and Ceylon, and is it a harm- less or a harmful parasite? Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1895, xxx, 339; 382; 422. Also: Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1895, iii, 587; 616. -----. Anchylostomiasis; re- plies to criticisms and objections. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1895, xxx, 409-412. — Tinozzi (S.) II primo caso di auchilostomo-anemia in Napoli. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 2, 170; 183. — Tosatto (E.) 11 felce maschio nell' anchilostomiasi. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Pa- dova, 1881, xxiv, 127-130. -----. Sopra un caso tli proba- bile auchilostomiasi. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1882, iii, 339- 341. Aho, Reprint. — Trossat Sc Eraud. Kecherches sur le role 6tiologique de l'ankylostomo duodenal dans l'aneuiie des mineurs de St.-FAieiine. Lyon m6d., 1882, xl, 217; 253. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1882). 1883, xxii, 120-139. [Discussion], pt. 2. 67. -----. L'ank\ lostome duodenal et l'anemie, des mineurs. Loire med., St.-filienne, 1885, iv, 197-199.—Van ni iL.) II primo caso d' anchilostoma osservato in provincia ch Fi- renze. Gazz. d. osp . Milano, 1885, vi. 547; 555: 502; 571.— Viilckcrs (G,) Ueber die Auchylo>t.mien-Endemic in dem Tiefbau der Grube Maria zu Mbiigeu bei Aachen. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1885. xxii, 573-576,-Watsuji <>•) Juniji shosun byo kausha no hetsuyaku kensliatsu, etc. [Clinical notes on anchilostomnm. etc.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1894, no. 346, 4*. — Williani* (C. II.) On the prevalence of the Anchylostoma duodenalis in Madjas. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. 1895, xxx, 175. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 192.—Zappcrt (J.) Neuerliche Beobacn- ANKYLOSTOMUM. 499 ANNALES. Ankylostoiinuii duodenale and anky- lostomiasis. tnngen iiber das Vorkommen des Ankylostomum dnode nale bei den Bergleuten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 347-350. AnleitUllg" zum chirnrgischen Verbande. See [Henckel (J. F.)] [in 1. s.]. Anleitung' zur ersteu Hilfeleistung bei plotz- licben Uutlillen fiir Militiir- uud Civil-Lazareth- gehilfen, Heildiener, Baufuhrer, Telegraphen- bau-, Babn-, Polizei-, Berg-, Hiitten-, und Fa- brikbeamte, Werkmeister, Feuerwehrleute u. 8. vr. Unter Mitwirkung von L. Mehler, hrsg. von Joseph Herr. 93 pp., 2 1. 16°. Frankfurt a. M., H. Bechhold, [1894]. Anleitung' zu wissetischaftlichen Beobach- tungen auf Reisen in Eiuzel-Abhandlungen ver- fasst von P. Ascherson, A. Bastian [et al.], nnd hrsg. von Dr. G. Neumayer. 2. Aufl. 2 v. xiii (11.), 655 pp., 2 maps: i p. 1., 627 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, B. Oppenheim, 1668. Anmarkiiiiigar vrid en af Herr Bonsquet [etc.]. See Odhelius (Joh. L.) [in 1. s.]. [Anna Maria-Elisabetta Teresa . . . una creatura nata con due teste, tre braccia, quattro mani, e un corpo . . .] 11. 4°. [Milano? n. d.] An etching on copper of a double-headed monster, ex- hibited at the marriage of "Duke Ferdinand", at Milan. Engraved description beneath. Annaberg. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., ofi), by locali- ties. Ann acker (Ernest) [1861- ]. *ZnrBehand- luug der extrauterinen Schwangerschaft. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [188?]. Annaes da Academia de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Publicados sob a redaccao dos Drs. Affonso Pinheiro e Francisco de Castro. [Quar- terly.] 6. s., v. 1-4; nos. 1-3, v. 5, 1885-90. 6°. Bio de Janeiro. A continuation of: Annaes Brasilienses de medicina, which formed the 5. s. Annaes brasilienses de medicina. Jornal da Academia imperial de medicina do Rio de Ja- neiro. Redactor em chefe: Dr. Fernando Fran- cisco da Costa Ferraz. [Monthly.] Nos. 8-12, v. 22; v. 23-36, Jan., 1871, to June, 1885. 8°. Bio de Janeiro. Title of v. 1-4-was: Annaes de medicina braziliense. In July, 1876, "brasilienses'' changed to "brazilienses". In v. 33 Dr. j. E. Teixeira de Souza became editor. In July, 1885, continued as: Annaes da Academia de medi- cina do Rio de Janeiro. Annaes brazilienses de medicina. Was title of: Annaes brasilienses de medicina in July, 1876, to June, 1885. Annaes do Conselho de saude piiblica do Reino. Tom 1-8 bound in 4 v. 8 . Lisboa, 1838-42. Annalecta uit buitenlandsche tydscbrifteu. pp. 32-52. 8°. [n.p., 1863.] Cutting. Annalen der allgemeinen sclrweizerischen Ge- sellscbaft fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaf- ten. Hrsg. von Fr. Meisner. v. 1-2, 1824-5. 8°. Bern u. Leipzig. Annalen der Electro - Homceopathie und Ge- sundheitspflege. [ Monthly. ] v. 2-4, 1892-4. 8C. Genfi. Annalen der Gesammtmedicin des In- und Auslandes. Red. von Dr. Siegmund Franken- berg. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1844. 1 v. 768 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. F. Hartknoch. Annalen zur Geschichte der Klinik nach dem Laufe der Zeiten. Enthaltend : den Witterung- stand [etc.], von Johann Anton Sebald. Theil 1-2, 1781-4. 8°. Prag, E. Barth, 1797-1803. v, 2, 1784, edited by Johann Ambrosi. Annalen der Irren-Heilanstalt zu Siegburg. Hrsg. vou M. Jacobi. v. 1, 1837. 8°. Koln. Annalen des kliniscben Institute an der kaiser- lichen Uuiversitiit zu Wilna. Von Joseph Frank. Aus dem Lateiuischen iibersetzt von Joseph Meyer, v. 1-2, 1810. 8G. Berlin. Annalen der Pbysik und Chemie. N. F., v. 8-53, Aug., 1879-94. 8°. Leipzig. -----. Namenregister zum 1.-35. Baud ( 1877- 1888) zusannnengestellt von J. Klug. lv. 63- pp. 8C. Leipzig, 1689. -----. Namenregister zum 151.-160. Band (1874- 1877), nebst Ergiinzungsbanden 7 und 8 der Pog- geudorft'sclien Reihe, und zu Band 1-50 (1877- 1893) der Reihe vou Wiedemann. Zusammenge- stellt von P. Spindler. 1 v. 117 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, 1694. Annalen des physikalischen Central-Observa- toriums. Hrsg. von H. Wild. Jahrg. 1870-86. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1873-87. Russian and German text. Annalen der stadtischen allgemeinen Kranken- hauser zu Miinchen. Im Verein mit den Aerzten dieser Anstalten hrsg. von Prof. Dr. von Ziems- seu. v. 2-6. 8°. Miinchen, 1878-94. Annates* (Journal de me'decine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologie.) v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8°. Bruxelles. Current. A quarterly supplement to: Journal de m6decine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologie, Bruxelles. Annates du Cercle medical (ci-devant Academie de me'decine de Paris). R6digees par une com- mission designee par les mernbres de cette so- cie'te", et composed de MM. Chardel ain6, Chardel jeune et Delondre. v. 1-3, 1820-23. 8°. Paris. Annates de chimie et de physique. [Monthly; 3 v. annually.] 5. s., v. 18-30, Sept., 1879-83; 6. s., v. 1-30, 1884-93; 7. s., v. 1-7, 1894-6. 8°. Paris. Current. Want number for Oct., 1884. Edited succes- sively by Chevreul, Dumas, Pasteur, Berthelot, Friedel, Mascart. Annates de chirurgie et d'orthope"die. Journal mensuel, fonde" et public" par le docteur M. Bil- haut. Nos. 1-2, v. 9, Jan. to Feb., 1896. 8°. Paris. Current, v. 1-8 under title: Annates d'orthop6die et de chirurgie pratiques. Annates de la clinique interne. See Univcrsite de Li6ge. Annales [etc.]. 8°. Liige, 1886. Annates cliuiques de la Soci6t6 de m6decine- pratique de Montpellier. Title of v. 1-9, 2. s., 1818-20, of: Journal de m6decine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou annales . . . de Mont- pellier. Annates du Conseil de salubrite" publique de la province de Lie"ge. v. 1-6. 8°. Liege, 1844- [73?]. Established in 1836. For continuation, see: Societe de salubrite publique de la province de Liege. Annates du Conservatoire imperial des arts et metiers. No. 1, v. 11, 1879 ; 2. s., v. 1-2,1889-90. 8°. Paris. Annales de demographic internationale. v. 4-6; nos. 1-2, v. 7,1880 to June, 1883. roy. 8°. Paris. In 1882, v. 6, Jacques Bertillon became editor. Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie. 2. s., v. 1-10, 1880-89; 3. s., v. 1-7, 1890-96. 8°. Paris. Current. In 1880 it became quarterly ; in 1882 became monthly. In 1880 E. Besnier added as editor. Annates de l'e'cole de plein exercice de me'decine et de pharmacie de Marseille, publie'es sous les auspices de la municipality. Anne"e 1892. 172 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1893. Annales d'e"lectricite" et d'hydrologie me"dicales. Title of v. 16,1875-6, of: Annales de l'electricite medi- cale, Bruxelles. Annales de l'enseignement superieur de Greno- ble. Publie'es par les Facultes de droit, des sciences et des lettres et par l'ecole de m6decine. ANNALES. 500 ANNALES. Annales de l'enseignement [etc.]—continued. v. 1 (nos. 1-2), 1889. 1 v., 459 pp. roy. 8°. Grenoble, F. Allier. Annates de gyne"cologie (maladies des femmes, accouchements). v. 13-45, 1880-96. 8-\ Paris. Current. In 1882 A. Penard added as editor; in 1889 H. Varnier and H. Hartmann became editors. In 1885, v. 23, title on covers became: Annales de gyn6cologie et d'obst6trique. Annales de gynecologic et d'obste'trique. Title on covers, in 1885ecseg., of: Annales de gyn6- cologie, Paris. Annates d'hygiene publique et de me'decine legale. [Quarterly; 2 v. annually.] 3. s., v. 3-35, 1880-96. 8°. Paris. Current. In 1876 became bi-monthly; in 1879 became •monthly. In 1879 P. Brouardel became editor. Annates de l'iniprimerie. 28 pp. 8\ Paris, imp. Bailly, Divry .—Leniirc (C.) Les tours Kiamsde la province de Binh-Dinh (Annam). Rev. d'ethnog., Bar 1887, vi, 383-394. -----. Nouvelles observations sur les tours Kiams de la province de Binh-Dinh (Annam) Ibid 1888, vii, 215-222—illassie (T.) Note sur un gisenn-iit de houille observ6 dans le voisinage do Lang-Son. Aivh de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1888, xi, 312.—illondicic (A.-T.) Notes sur l'anthropologie, la demographic et la pathologie de la race annamite. Mem. Soc. d'aiithron tie Par.,lh7::-8. 2. s., i, 233-259, 1 pl------. Monographic de la femine annamite. suivie de recherches sur les femnu-s Chinosis, Minh-Huonjrs. Cambodgiennes. Ibid., 1875-82 2. s., ii. 437-516.—Paris (M.-C.) L'Annamite, s'es carac- teres ethniques. Anthropologie, Par., :891, ii, 185-200.— Stephenson (F. B.) Congenital spots on Annamites- a means of racial identification; and remarks on linguistics in connection with migration of peoples. N. York M ,7 1895, lxi, 269. Annandale (Thomas) [1,-38- ]. On the closure of congenital fissures in the hard and soft palates. 8 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Olliver n the absence of the sense of smell. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1891-2, iv, 407- 411. — Klamann. Ein Fall von Anosmie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, lvi, 369. — McSherry. (Case of [loss of] sense of smell.) Maryland M. J., Bait., 1878- 9, iv, 294.—Parker (F. L.) Case of anosmia, associated with bony stenosis of vomer with contracted inferior me- atus of the nose,- operation by drilling, followed by im- provement iu smell. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1885, 59-63. — Pockels. Anaesthesia nervi olfactorii. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1858, v, 41. —Quincke (H.) Anosmie bei Hirndruck. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1882, xii, 471-473.— Nth a lek (E.) A case of anosmia. Med. Rec, N. T., 1892, xii, 292. — Zwaardemaker (E.) Anosmie; eine kliuische Analyse. [Transl.] Berl. Klinik, 1890, Hft. 26, 1-28. Another Eowland for an Oliver. See Dancer (Thomas) [in 1. s.]. Anoutchine (D[mitri] N.) O geograhcheskom raspredielenii rosta muzhskavo naseleni'a Eossii (po daunim o vseobshtshei voinskoi povinnosti v imperii za 1874-1883 gg.) sravnitelno s ras- predieleniem rosta v drugikh stranakh. [Ou the geographical distribution of stature among the male population of Eussia (after data of the general military service in the empire for 1874- 83), as compared with that of other countries.] 184 pp., 10 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, V. Bezobrazoff cyKomp., 1889. Aiiover dc Tajo. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Anquiei* (Louis). * Contribution & l'e'tude du diagnostic des anevrysmes de la crosse de l'aorte. 73 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 316. von Anrep (B.). See Weyl (T.) & von Anrep (B.) Ueber die Aus- scheidung von Hippursaure (etc. 1. 8°. [Berlin, 1880.] Anrep (V[asili Konstantinovich] ). *Vliyani'e kristallicheskavo akoniiina Duquesnel'va na organizm zhivotnikh. [Effect of Duquesnel's crystallized aconitine on animal organism.] I p. 1., 151 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. Feldmann, 1881. -----. Ribniy yad. [Fish poison.] 20 pp. 8°. Kharkov, B. V. Khavkin, 1885. Also, Co-Editor of: Kalemlar dlya vrachei vslekh vledomstv., 1886-92; 1895. 16°. S.-Peterburg, 1886-95. See, aho, Sboruik rabot proizvedTonnikhvlaboratorn V. K. Anrepa. 8°. Kharkov, 1886-7. Aniiqiiez (Henrico Jeorge). See Enriqucz (H.J.) Retrato [etc.]. 12°. Sala- manca, 1595. van Anrooy (Anthonius Joh. Gualterus). * De bronchotomia. [Leyden.] 1 p. 1., 64 pp. 8°. Zalt-Bcemelice, J. Nomanetfil, 1843. van Anrooy (Henri). *Deoogen der studenten aan de Eijks-Universiteit te Leiden. 21.,59 pp. 8°. Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1884. ANSALONI. 506 ANSWEH. Ansaloni (Albert) [lHiO- ]. * Considerations sur le traitement des polypes fibreux del'utdrus. 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 83. Ansbach (Principality of). Hochfiirstl. Bran- denburg - Ouolzbachische Mediciualordunng, nebst dazu gehiirigeu Instruction, d. d. 8. April 1780. 16, 12, 16, 7, 15, 16 pp. fol. Onolzbach, J. D. Messerer, [1780]. CONTENTS. Instruction fiir die Physicos auf dem Lande. Ordnung und Instruction fiir die Apotheker. Ordnung und Instruction fiir die Accoucheurs und Ge- burtsbelfer. Ordnung uud Instruction fiir die Chirurgos. Ordnung und Instruction fiir die Hebammen. Ansehiitz (Richard). * Vergleichende Studien iiber die Desinfectionskraft desTysol und Saprol auf Flic-alien augewendet. 28 pp. 8°. Bostock, Adleis Erben, 1693. c. Anscll (Charles), jr. On the rate of mortality, at early periods of life, the age at marriage, the number of children to a marriage, the length of a generation, aud other statistics of families iu the upper and professional classes, ii, *-8 pp., 10 tab. 8-. London, C. geles, 1894, ix, 121-133. —Barker (A. E.) A clinical lecture on a case of true anthrax. Clin. J., Loud., 1895 vi, 91-93.—Bayer (J.) Ueber den Milzbrand. Osten. arztl. Tereinsztg., Wien, 1881, viii, 172; 196: 220.—BcIm- wacnger ( H.) Zur Yc-ibreitung des Milzbraudes in Wiirttemberg. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1890, viii, 179- 188, 2 maps.—Berg (J.) Om en Miltbrands-Enzooli i Xarheden af Varde og et Par Bemaukninger om Milt- brandsemfysem. [Splenic fever epizootic in neighbor- hood of Varde, and remarks on emphysema in charbon.) Tidsskr. f. Vet.. Kjobenh., 1886, xvi 235-269.—Betli (F.) II carbonchio. Bull. tl. Com. sper. d' ig. d. niuni- cip. tli Boma, 1882. iii, 353-374.—Billing (S.) Om mjaltbrand. [On anthrax.] Sven.s. Lak.-Sallsk. Hsmill., Stockholm, 1827, xi, 291-336.—Bollinger (O.) Ueber eigenthuniliche Kcirperchen in deu feinen Arterien dea Intestinaltractus bei Pferden. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1869, i. P., xlvii, 89-95, 1 pl. Bourguet (E.) Ob- servations pour servir a l'etude des formes et des varife- tes du charbon, de son mode de transmission et de son traitement. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882, n. »., viii, 392-422.—Brniiell. Versuche und Untersuchungen betreffend den Milzbrand des Menscheu und der Thiere. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1857, n. F., xi, 132-144.- Brosseau. Considerations generates sur l'anthrax. Union mt-d. du Canada, Montreal, 1885, xiv, 49-51.— Brusawco (L ) La durata della garauzia nel carboncliio od antrace, volendosi la medesima inferire dal relativo periodo di incubazione, deve <-stemlei m ad uudici gw"2J'- Medico vet., Torino, 1880, xxvii. -JM-Iiuo -Burke (R, \\) Anthrax in India. Vet. J. «t Ann. C«>m]>. Path., Lond., 1887, xxiv, 73-78. -----. Remittent anthrax. Ibid., xxv 241; 343; 407—thauveau. Charbon: petite epideniie observeedaus une brosserie de Marcq-enBaroeul (Nonl). I Rap. ] Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1893, Melun, 1894, xxiii, 30-33.—C'hernogoroff (A.) *■ voprosu obautraksesviuel. [On anthrax iu hogs.] tcnen. ANTHRAX. 509 ANTHRAX. Anthrax. zapiski Kazan Vet. Inst., 1895, xii, 105-164, 11., 1 pl.—l>c Jong (D. A.) Miltvnur. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1894, i, 99-154.—Delamottc. En- zootic de charbon bacterien sans tiwneurs ext6rieures. Rec.de med. vet., Par., 1884, 6. s., xiii, 96-104. -----. Les maladies charbonneuses et les troupeaux en Alg6rie. Gaz. m6d.de l'Algerie, Alger, 1890, xxxv, 147; 154; 162; 172; 179- 187: 1891, xxxvi, 27; 66; 99; 125; 141; 148; 150; 156; 164- 169; 178: 186: 1892, xxxvii, 28; 58; 67; 114; 122; 131; 171- 177; 186: 1893, xxxviii, no. 2, 2; no. 3, 2; no. 4, 3; 35; 41;'G8; 77; 91; 114; 157; 186: 1894, xxxix, 11; 19; 25; 33.— Diienmp (A.) Le charbon. N. Montpel. med., 1895, iv, 45-55.—Eberth (C.) Ueber den Milzbrand. Samml. klin. Vortr. (Inn. Med., No. 71), Leipz., 1882, 1879-1906.— Eu gel (H.) Milzbrand bei Hunden. Wchnschr. f. Tliierh. u. Viehzncht, Augsburg, 1881, xxv, 245; 253.— Evans (J. G.) Anthrax in Cacbar and Manipur, India. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Loud., 1882, xv, 298; 377: 1883, xvi, 23; 99. — Feser. Milzbrand bei trachtigen Thieren. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Augsburg, 1879, xxiii, 53.—Foui-niC- (£.) Analyse des recents tra- vaux sur lo charbon. Rev. iu£d. franc, et Strang.. Par.. 1880 ii, 109; 145.—Frank (G.) Ueber Milzbrand. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1886, i, 369-378.—Frcnkel (H.) Influence du systeiiie nerveux sur revolution de l'infection charbon- neuse. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 704- 707.—Gcrlier. Le charbon dans un village du pays de Gex. J. de rued. v6t. et zootech , Lyon, 1894, 3. s., xix, 389-399. Also: Rev. m6d.de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv, 221-231.—Gherardi (L.) Sulle conseguenze di una epizootiacarbonchiosa, osservata in alcuni pnnti della Valle di Nievole 1'anno 1841. Gazz. tosc. d.sc.med.-fis., Firenze, 1843, i, 77.—Goring. Der Milzbrand. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzncht, Augsburg, 1881, xxv, 209.—Gon- Isharoff (A.) K kazuist. sibireyaz. septitsemii. [Cases of anthrax.) Vrach. Zapiski, Mosk., 1894, i, 277; 297.— Graham (D. W.) Carbuncle: its etiology, pathology, aud treatment. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt.l, 531-534.—Greenfield (W.S.) Abstracts of lectures on further investigations on anthrax and allied diseases in man and animals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880. ii. 1007: 1881, i, 3; 81. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 965; 1881, i, 3; 91; 163.—Hoffa (A.) Zur Lehre der Sepsis uud des Milz- hrandes. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii, pt. 2, 94-119.—Huber. Ueber Milzbrand und verwantde Infectionskrankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 702.—Hutchinson (J.) Infection of anthrax from foreign oats. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1896, vii, 73.—In- dutny (P.) K uchen. sibirskoi iazvi. [Study on the Sibe- rian plague.] Russk. Med , St. Petersb., 1886,'iv, 445-447.— IsakoflF (M. A.) K vopr. o borbie s sibirskyu jazvoyu vPermskoigub. [On tbe strife with anthrax (carbuncnlns sibiricus) in the Perm government.] Uchen. Zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1891, viii, 46-55, 2 tab.—von Jaworaki (J.) & von IVencki (L.) Milzbrandinfection. kliuisch Werlhofsche Krankheit vortauschend. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 692-694. —Jepson (W.) Clinical lecture ; anthrax. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1895, ii, 528- 535.—JohniiM-ii (A.) Atter et Tilfselde af Miltbrand. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1895, 4. R., iii, 869-876.—Jolyet & lie Nabiaa. Influence de rhypertbermie artificielle sur le charbon des animaux. Bull/Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 3-8. —Kachanovski (P. S.) Sluchai sibirskoi yazvi u chelovleka. [Case of anthrax in man.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1894-5, xxxiii, 17.—Kolesnikoff (N. F.) Material k ucheniyu o sibirskoi yazvie. (Klin., patol.-anat. i eksperi- nient. izsliedov.) [Study on Siberian plague. (Clinical, pathologico-anatomical experimental researches.)] Arch. vet. nauk., St. Petersb., 1889, ii, pt. 5, 65 -100. -----. Si- birsk. yazva na Novgorod, gubernii. [Siberian plague in Novgorod government.] Ibid., 135-178.-----. Izsliedov. sibirskoi yazvy v Peterburg. gubernii. [Investigation of the Siberian plague in the government of St. Petersburg.] Ibid., 1890, i, pt. 5, 20; 55; 119: ii, 8; 37: 1891, ii, pt. 5, 126; 171. — Koranyi (F.) A pokolvar. [Anthrax.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1870, xiv, 397; 413; 465; 481; 517; 529; 617; 633.—Kotskovski (A. D.) K kazuistike kombinatsii ^ibi- reyazvennoi septitsemii s krupoznoi pnevmoni'yey. [Case of septic-aim ia from the Siberian plague combined with crou- pous pneumonia.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1895, xx, 88- 90.—Kovalevski (I.) Intermittens carbunculosa equi; anthrax acutus et carbuncnlosus rogatavo skota. Arch. vet. nauk., St. Petersb., 1889, i, pt. 5, 7; 64.—Krabbe (H.) Miltbrandens Forekomst i Danmark i de senere Aar og dens Afhaengighed af Aarstiderne. [Anthrax in Den- mark last year, and its dependence on seasons.] Tidsskr. f. Vet., Kjobenh., 1893, 2. R., xxiii, 40-43.—Kubasoflf (P.I.) 0 Sibirskoi yazvie. [On Siberian anthrax.] Vest- nik. obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1889, i, pt. 2, 1; 63, 1 pl.—I,afoN*e. Quelques apercus compara^ tifs sur le charbon de l'homme et des animaux. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1881, xv, 353-369. — Li an ge. Sibirskaya yazva; anthrax. [Siberian plague.] Uchen. Zapiski Ka- zan. Vet. Inst., 1893, x, 117-125, 2 pl.—Law (J.) An- thrax. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. V., 1881 (suppl., 193-203).—liee (D.D.) Carbunculusin horses. J. Comp. Anthrax. M. & S., N. V. & Phila., 1887, xiii, 363-367,—Lengycl (E.) Pokolvar-k6r. (Morbus carbnncularis, anthrax.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1857, i, 337; 353; 367.—I.evonevski (P. K.) [Case of carbuncle. 1 Protok. Omsk, nied Obsh., 1892-3, x, 219-221, 1 pl— Locatelli (E.) Alcune rifles- sioni sul carbonchio animale, in confutazione a quelle del dott. C. Rusi inserite nel Raecoglitore med. di Fano, serie 2, vol. xvi. Raecoglitore med. di Fano, 1857, 2. s., xvi, 505; 548.—"I^ootliana", or anthrax fever, in Madras. Vet. J._& Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1879, viii, 305-310.— Euigi (S.) Enzoozia carbonchiosa in Mestre. Gior. di med. vet., Torino, 1880, xxiv, 219-231.—MeCulIoch (C. C.) Two cases of anthrax in the human subject. Rep. Snrg.Gen. Army, Wash., 1894-5, 39.—lTIacindoe (A.) On the occurrence of anthrax in swine: notes of a case. Vet- erinarian, Lond., 1894, lxvii, 500-504.— lfl'Earen (L.) An outbreak of anthrax in a city byre. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. &Lond., 1894, vii, 180-182.— lTlatarazzo (G.) II carbonchio in Sicilia. Riv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1894, xiv, 338-340.—Meissner (H.) Ueber das Wesen und den Zusammenhang des Milzbrandes und der Pustula maligna. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1864, Ixxxvi, 113-132.—Meredith (J. A.) Report on the recent outbreak of anthrax at Mhow, C. I., among the horses, VIth Regt., Dragoon Guards, "TheCarabineers". Quart. J. Vet, Sc. in India, Madras, 1888-9, vii, 136-174, 5 pl., 4 plans, 2 tab. Also: Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1889, xxix, 76; 162 ; 246.— Metzgcr (J.D.) Ueberden Milz- brand. Krit. Jahrb. d. Staat'sarzuk., Berl., 1806, i, 124- 153.—IHicc (L.) Conference sur le charbon. J. de m6d. cie Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 448; 457; 470 — ITIilzbrandent- schadigung (Ueber). Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1894, ii, 1-4.—Jrliillcr (K.) Der Milzbrand der Ratten. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1893, xi, 225; 309; 351; 391; 475; 515; 555; 597. Aho, Reprint.—de Nabias .—Biirri (R.) Ueber einen milzbrandahnliclien Bacillus aus siidamerikaiiischem Fleischfutternielil Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1894, iv, 339-342.—<'aro (0 j Delia maniera in cui i bacilli del carbonchio si coinportauo nel latte nelle prime 24 ore. Gior. di med. pubb., Napoli 1893, xxiv, 114-122. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, j\-' pt. 2, 99-102. -----. Della maniera eon cui i bacilli dei carbonchio si comportano nel latte nelle prime ventiqunt- tro ore. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894. Koma 1895, vi, Igiene, 12.—Chan viau (A.) De la preparation et du mode d'emploi des cultures attt>nu6es par le cusiuf fage, pour servir aux inoculations preventives contre le charbon. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xcvii 1397-1400.— C'oronado (T. V.) Kecouformacion'experi- mental de la bacteridia patogenade la pustula maligna oh- Bervada en la isla de Cuba. Arch, de la Soc. estud cliu de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 276-287, 2 pi—Emlerleii (E.) Ueber den Durchtritt von Milzbraudsporen durch die intacte Lungenoberflache des Schat'es. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1889-90. xv, 50-56.—Evans (P. C.) Note on the action of ipecacuanha upon the bacil- lus anthracis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond, 1890, 3. s., xxxii 19.—E wart (J. C.) On the life history of bacillus an- thracis. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1878, n. s., xviii, 101- 170.—Fokker (A. P.) Dc- beteekeuisder organismeii bij niiltvuurinfectie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst 1881, xvii, 49; 293:1882, xviii, 209-216.—FraiiltlniidiP F ) , ix, 533- 574. — iflnrtinotti (G.) Sc Tedesehi (A.) Ricercho sugli effetti dell' inoculazione del carbonchio nei centri nervosi. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv, 243-264. Also: Sperimentale. Mem. orig., Fi- renze, 1891, xiv, 493-517. Aho [Abstr.]: Gazz. med. di Toriuo, 1891, xiii, 466. Aho, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1891, x, 545; 593; 635.—I?Ia**ol (L.) Sur la resistance des spores du bacillus anthracis a la chaleur sfeche. Arch, de med. exp6r. et d'anat. path., Par., 1889, i, 458-460. — I?Iaumus, 1'abbe. Sur la trans- formation de lamidon vegetal en sucre par le bacille du charbon. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 107-109.—IVoe (J.) Action de la bacteridie charbonneuse snrl'inuline. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 750. — Osborne (A.) Die Sporenbildung des Milz- hrandbacillus auf Nahrboden von verschiedenem Gehalt an Nahrstoffen. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1890- 91, xi, 51-59. Aho, Reprint.—Pane (N.) £ Realc (E.) L'emoglobinuria nell' infezione carboncbiosa sperimentaie. Gazz.d. clin., Napoli, 1891, ii, 385-388.—Pasteur Sc Jon. bert. Etude sur la maladie charbonneuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se. Par., 1877, lxxxiv, 900-906. — Pawlowsky (A. D.) Heilung des Milzbrandes durch Bakterieu und das Verhalten der Milzbrandbacillen im Organismus; ein Beitrag zur Lehre der Bakteriotherapie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1887, cviii, 494-521, lpl. — Pcrdrix (L.) Sur la transformation des matieres azot6es dans les cnltures de bacteridie charbonneuse. Ann. de l'lnst. Pas- teur, Par., 1888. ii, 354 - 303. — Perroncito ( E.) Sur la tenacite de vie du virus charbonnenx dans ses formes de corpuscnle-germe (spore) et de bacillus anthracis de Colin. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1882, ii, 231: 1883, iii, 321. Also, transl: Rev. f. Thierh., Wien, 1883, vi, 99; 161. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1882, ii. 389. Aho, transl [Abstr.]: Arch, per le sc. med., To- rino, 1882, vi, 324-327. Aho, transl. [Abstr.J: Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1883. i, 293-301. -----. Azione dell' alcool assoluto sulle spore del bacillus anthracis. Ras- segna di sc. med., Modena, 1886, i, 22-24. -----. La vacci- nazione carbonchiosa ed il Laboratorio Pasteur in Italia. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1895, 3. s., xliii, 103- 117. —Phisalix (C.) Nouvelles recherches sur la mala- die charbonneuse; production experimental^ d'un charbon chronique. Arch, de med. exp6r. et d'anat. path., Par., 1891, iii, 159-196. — Pianese (G.) Colorazione della cap- sula del bacillo del carbonchio. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 595-597.—Prnzinow»kil A.) His- toryja rozwoju i morfologija pra.tka wa.glikowego (bacillus anthracisCohn). Rozpr.... wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. w Krakow., 1884, xii, 87-113, 1 tab. — Bodet (A.) Contribution k l'etude exp6rimeutalo du charbon bacteri- dien. J. de med. v6t. et zootech., Lyon, 1881, 3. s., vi, 451; 507; 576; 622. -----. Sur la rapidite dela propagation dela bacteridie charbonneuse inocul6e. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.Par., 1882, xciv, 1060.—Bodet (A.) Sc Paris. De Pin- fluence exerc6e sur le bacillus anthracis par certaines varia- tions simples dans le mode de culture, en particulier par la culture en milieu pauvie. Compt.rend. Soc.debiol., Par., 1894, 9. s., vi, 101-103. — Bossi (F. G.) La bacteridia de Davaine en Cuba. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Ha- bana (1890-92), 1895,v, 287-299.—Sabrazes (J.)& Colom- bo!. Action de la bacteridie charbonneuse sur un poisson marin, l'hippocampe. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 696-705—Sabrazes (J.) s passage chez le chieu et chez le lapin vaccine. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1890, iv, 520-542.— Pasteur. Charbon et virulence. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 253-262.— Phisalix (C.) R6g6n6ratiou experimentale de la propriete sporo- gene chez le bacillus anthracis qui en a 6te pr6alableinent destitu6 par la cliah-.ur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 746-718. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8.S., if 425. -----. Transmission h6r6ditaire de caracteres ac- quis par le bacillus anthracis sous l'influence d'une tem- perature dysg6nesique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 258-260. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1892, cxiv, 684 - 686.-----Influenco de la chaleur sur la propriete sporogene du bacillus anthracis-, abolition persistaute de cette fonction par Ii6r6dit6 des caracteres acquis. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1893, 5. s., v 217-225. -----. Variabilite dela fonction sporogene du bacillus anthracis. Ibid., 257-264. — Pinna (G.) Sul niodo d' agire dell' acqua di mare sulla viruleuza dei bacilli c*rbonchiosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 1325-1328. -----. Sul potere attenuante dell' acqua di mare. Arch. ANTHRAX. 512 ANTHRAX. Anthrax (Bacillus of, Variability and virulence of). ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1894, xxxiii, 315-324.—Roger. Influence des produits solubles du B. prodigiosus sur l'infection charbonneuse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 375. — Boux (E.) Bacteridie char- bonneuse asporogene. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1890, iv, 25-34. Also: Ann. de m6d. vet., Brux., 1890, xxxix, 252-263.—Sadovshy (I.) Ob odnom iz uslovii, sposob usilen. virulent, svoist. oslaben. kultur kantagija anthrax'a. [On one of the conditions which strengthens the virulence of attenuated cultures of bacillus anthra- cis.] Shorn, trud. Charkov. vet. Inst., 1889, ii, 343-355.— Surmont (H ) & Aruould (E.) Recherches sur la frnduction du bacille du charbon asporogene. Ann. de Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 817 -832. — Tsiklinski (Mile.) Recherches eur la virulence de la bacteridie. Ibid., 1892, vi, 465-477. An tli rax (Bacillus of) in mill-. BeryozolT. () vliyanii 2oi sibireyazvennol vaktsini na funktsiu molochnol zhelyozi. [On the influence of re- inoculation with the virus of the Siberian plague upon the function of the mamiuarv gland. ] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1895, xxv. pt. 2, 67-69. — C'hambrelent (J.) & Itloussous (A.) Experiences sur le passage des bact6- ridies charbonneuses clans le lait des animaux atteints du charbon. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 18SJ, iv, 200-205. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc, Par., 1883, xcvii, 1142-1145. Aho: J. de med.de Bordeaux, 1883- 4, xiii, 403-405. Aho: Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1884, xxxiii, 62-66. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1884, xi, 78-82. Aho: Paris med., 1884, ix, 169-172. Also: Rev. m6d., Louvain, 1884, iii, 165-167.—Roger. Action de la bacte- ridie charbonneuse sur le lait. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v. 309-312. Anthrax (Causes and prevention of). See, also, Anthrax (Bacillus of): Anthrax (Preventive inoculation of); Anthrax in 7nan. (i.MuiN (T.) Les maladies contagieuses eu g6neral et les affections charbonneuses eu par- ticulier eonside're'es au point de vue de la nature du virus. H'-'. Saint-Quentin, 1879. IIoffa (A.) Die Natur des Alilzbrand-Giftes. 8C. Wiesbaden, 1866. Leblaxc (C.) Rapports faits h la Soci6te" centrale de ni6deciue ve"terinaire, au nom de la commission charged d'^tudier la question des af- fections charbonneuses. 8°. Pavis, lr*8"2. Li'Eit (O.) sen. Der Milzbrand. Entstehung und Bekampfung desselbeu speciell erlautert. 8'-'. Hirschberg i. Schl., 1-81. Thouvenkl (P.) * Du charbon; attenuation du virus charbonnenx daus la terre. 4°. Nancy, 18e6. Toepper (P.) Die neuereu Erfahrungen iiber die Aetiologie des Milzhrandes. 8°. Jena, 1^63. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- 8tntatices. A bill appropriating five thousand dollars to be expended by the Commissioner of Agriculture in the investigation of the origin and spread of charbon in animals. 47th Coug., 1st sess. H. E. 3959. Feb. 6, 1882. [Introd. by Mr. King.] roy. 8=. [ Washington, 1882.] Archangclnki (A.) K ucheniyu o kontagie sibir- skoi yazvi. [Contagion of anthrax, j Vrach. St. Pe- tersb., 1883, iv, 241. Aho, transl: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1883, xxi, 257-261. Aho, transl: Ann. Soe. de med. de Gaud, 1883, lxi, 101-1U5.—Behring. Beitrage zur Aetiologie des Milzbraudes. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz.. 1889, vi, 117; 46~>: vii, 171: 1890, viii, 201. —Belli (F.) II carbonchio ne' grandi animali douiestic-i; rities- sioni politicosanitarie. Bull. d. Com. spec d' ig. d. muni- cip. di Roma, 1881. ii, 113-120. — Bollinger (O.) Zur Aetiologie des Milzhrandes. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen, 1885, i, 21-26. -----. Ueber die Regeiiwiirmer als Zwischentrager des Milz- braudgiftes. Arb. a. d. path. Inst, /.u Munchen, Stuttg., 1886, 209-214. Aho, Reprint. — Bruxaaco (L.) Car- bonchio; piu convenienti provvedimeuti profilattici e di polizia sanitaria per arrestarne lo aviluppo negli animali e la trasmissione all uomo (cremazione e vaceinazioue). Medico vet., Torino, 1882, xxix, 241-296.—Buchner (H.) Versuche iiber die Entstehung des Milzhrandes durch Eiuathmung. Sitzungsb. d. math.-pbvs. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. "Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1880, 414-423. -----. Neue VerSuche iiber Einathmuug von Milzbraudsporen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 1027-1030. Aho: Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Moiphol. u. Physiol, in Miin- chen (1887), 1888, iii, 134-146. -----. Ueber IlemmuDg der Anthrax (Causes and prevention of). Milzbrandinfection und iiber das aseptische Fiebei. Berl klin. "Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 216-218.—Biu-liuer (H.) & Fiiderlcn (E.) Inhalation vou nasszerstaubten Milz. braudSporen und -Stabchen und von Huhncicholerahiteil- leu. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 18SH, viii 190- 217.— Buchner (n.) Sc IVIerkel (F.) Veisuche'iibtr Inhalation tiocken zerstiiubter Milzbraudsporen. Ibid., 165-190—Cash (J. T.) Further report on mercury as a means of prophylaxis to anthrax. Rep. Local Gov. lid., Lond., 1885-6, xv, 185-188. — Chamberland (C.) lie'. sultats pratiques des vaccination.-! coutro le charbon et le ron get en France. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 161-165. — Collin (L.) Le la genese des maladies char- bonneuses et de hi doctrine cryptogaiuique. Rec. de iiii-d v6t, Par., 1870. 6. s., iii, 11;7-1145. -----. fitiob.gie du charbon et spontaneite des maladies contagicuses. F.clio d.soc.et ass. vet. de France, I.you, Ismi, ii, 145; 249. Aho- Rec. de m6d. vet., Par., 1880, 6. s. vii, 72; 177. -----. Nou- velles experiences sur la culture des bacteridies charbon- neuses dans le sol. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1881, 2. s. x, 103-128. [IMscussiouJ, 169-176.—Dcperain(C.) Rela- zione dei risultati ottenuti dagli esperimenti fatti sopra due vaccho morte di carbonchio col metodo descritto nella memoria avente per titolo: Nuovo trattainentodei cadaveri per distruggero i germi infettivi che possono contenere. Atti r. Ist. d' incorag. a. sc. nat. . . . di Napoli, 1884, 3. s., iii, no. 5,1-4,1 pl.—Dessart. I£tuder6sum6edelamaladie charbonneuse c0— l.uilwig (E.) Ueber einen Fall von Milzbrandcarbunkel und die putrido "Wundinfection. Med. Cr.r.-lll. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, xv, 177-181.—Xicaiwe. Anthrax malin de la r6gion paroti- dienne; degen6rescence kystique des deux reins ; hydro- cephalic ventriculaire; mort. Bull. Soc. clin.dePar. (1883), 1884, vii, 130-133.— Pitt (G. M.) Anthrax oedema of stomach. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 108. — Pu- lawshi (A.) Ein Fall von voriibergehender Psychose | im Verlaufe eines Anthrax der Nackengegend. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1S90, iv, 1685-1687. — Bogcr Sc Crochet. H6morragiem6ning6e d'origine charbonneuse. Bull, et mi m. Soc. m6d. cl. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 143- 146— Sick (C.) Milzbrandpustel mit Oedem. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1889, Leipz., 1890, i, pt. 2, 265-267.—Thicry (P.) & Beretta. Metastasepurulente ' de l'anthrax. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., Par., 1891, v, 262-267.—Verneuil. Des abces profonds et Iointains, cons6cutifs h, l'anthrax. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 112-116. Also: Franco med., Par., 1883, i. 145-148.—Waroux. Anthrax malin de la levre saperienre; complications de phlebite et de m6ningite; mort. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1888, 3. s., xxxiv, 315- 319.— Welch (W. H.) Cirrhosis hepatis anthracotica. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1891, ii, 32. Also, Re- print. Anthrax (Pathology of). Griffini (L. ) Kicerche micologiche sul sangue carbonchioso det bovini. 8°. Messina, 1684. Repr. from: Arch, trienuale del Laboratorio di botanica crittogamiea, 1871-3. Kolokoloff (V. V.) * MoiTologicheskia iz- mieneni'a krovi pri sibirskoi yazve, krovopuska- nii i .sovmiestnoiu deistvii na organizm tovo i drugovo agenta. [Morphological changes of the blood in the Siberian plague, blood-letting, aud the combined action of both agencies upon the organism.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1693. Maxotskoff (N. I.) 'Ob izmeiienii chimi- cheskavo sostava moloka u ovets pri privivanii im sibirskoi yazvy. [Changes of chemical com- position of milk of sheep after inoculation of Siberian plague.] 8'. S.-Peterburg, 1883. Palm (C.) * Zur Histologic des ausseren Milz- brandkarbunkels. b°. Tubingen, 1687. Barker (A. E.) On some points regarding the distri- bution of bacillus anthracis in the human skin in malig- nant pustule. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1886, lxix, 127-134, lpl. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 16-18.—Boccardi (G.) Ricerche su la permeabilita del glomerulo malpighiano al bacillus anthra- cis. Resoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di ^Napoli, 1888, xiii, 135. -----. Su la permeability del glomerulo malpighiano al bacillus anthracis. Riforma med., Roma, 1888, iv, 782; 788.— Bollinger (O.) Zur Pathologie des Milzbraudes; vorlauflge Mittheiluug. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1872, x, 417-420. — Braucll. Weitere Mittheilun- gen iiber Milzbrand und Milzbrandblut. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1858, xiv, 432-466. -----. Zur Milzbrand- Frage. Ibid., 1866, xxxvi, 292-297.—Ceni (C.) Ricerche sull' artificiale diminuzioue dell' alcalescenza del sangue nell' iufezione carbonchiosa. Bull. cl. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1892-3, xix, 263b-276b.—Oavaine (C.) Sur la na- ture des maladies charbonneuses. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1868, 6. s., xi, 144-148. Also, Reprint. — Feldt- uiami. Ueber das Milzbrand - Contagium. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi, 290. — Fewer. Un- tersuchungen und Versuche mit vergrabenen Milzbrand- cadavern. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz.. 1878, iv, 23-51. —Frank (G.) & r.ubarsch (O.) Zur Patho- genese des Milzbraudes bei Meersweinchen und Kauiu- chen. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1891-2, xi, 259-278. — Gu- bler (A.) Note sur la composition des gas qui inflltraient le tissu cellulaire dans un cas d'affection charbonneuse chez l'homme. et sur leur analogic avec les gas marais. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 173-175. Aho, in his: Contributions a, la chimie physiologique, &>, Par., 1856, 1- 8. — Hammerschlag (L.) Zur Histologie des Milz- brandodems. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1895, xxi, 157-166, 1 pl. — Heliner. Ueber das Milzbrand- contagium. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825, xviii, 471- 476.—Klein. Further observations on the pathological relations of bacillus anthracis. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1883, Lond., 1884, xiii, 158-166. —E, audi (L.) Albu- mose prodotto dal bacillo del carbonchio tossiche e vacci- nanti? Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1891, iii, 467- 469. -----. Sur les substances toxiques produites par la bacteridie charbonneuse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 632.—-Tlall'ucci (A.) & Sirleo (L.) Ri- cerche sperimentali sul legato nei inorbi infettivi; carbon- chio o tubercolosi iniettati nella vena porta del conigfio. Policlin., Roma, 1893-4, I-C, 547-562. Aho, transl: Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1895, v, 342-352.— Martin (S.) On the chemical pathology of anthrax;. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1890, Lond.,'1891. xx, 255- 266. -----. A chemical examination of a case of anthrax in man. J. Path. Sc Bacterid.. Edinb. & Lond., 1892, i, 21-25 — ?lartinotti (G.) & Barbacci (O.) Ueber die Physiopathologie des Milzhrandes. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1891, ix, 371; 411; 451, 2 pl. — IVlaaiug. Krank- heitsgeschichte und Sectionsprotokoll eines Falles von Pustula maligna. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1875, n. F., v. 252-254. — lTIaurel (E.) Note sur la cause do la mort dans l'infection charbonneuse. Midi m6d., Toulouse, 1893, ii, 160.— Neyding (J.) Beitrag zur pathologischen Ana- tomie der Pustula maligna beim Menschen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1889, x. 241-261. — Pozsei (S.) Pustule maligne grave sans bacteridie dans le sang. Bull. et m6m. Soc. de chir. de I'ar., 1883, n. s., ix, 571.—Baiiu- hert. Anatomic pathologique de la pustule maligne. J. de, med., chir. ct pharmacol., Brux., 1859, xxix, 105-115.— Sanson (A.) Sur les conditions de la virulence charbon- neuse. France m6d., Par., 1869, xvi, 98-100. — Semmer (E.) Zur Pathologie ties Milzhrandes. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lv, 251.—Werigo. Developpement du charbon chez le lapin d'apres les tableaux microscopiqiies du foie et de la rate. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 1-53, 3 pl. 33 ANTHKAX. 514 ANTU1UX. /Ill 111 rax (Preventive inoculation of). See, also, Immunity, etc.; Virus (Attenuation of)- Ciiamberlasd (C.) Le charbon et la vac- cination charbonneuse d'apres les travaux re"- cents de M. Pasteur. 8-. Paris, 1833. Cossavella (G.) Sopra le scoperte di L. Pas- teur e lavaccinazione carbonchiosa. 6°. Cuneo, 1682. De-Capitani (X.) & Fraxckschi (G.) Sulle vaccinazioni carbonchiose nei boviui eseguite nelle vicinauze di Milano. 16°. Milano, 1666. Repr.from: Bull. d. agricol., no. 42. Grawitz (E.) " Experimentelle Beitrage zur Milzbraudimpfung. 8°. Berlin, [1882]. Koch (R.) Ueber die Milzbraudimpfung. Eine Entgeguung auf den von Pasteur in Genf gehaltenen Vortrag. 8 \ Kassel 4' Berlin, 1662. -----. The same. L'inoculation pr6veutive du charbon. 8°. Kassel u. Bevlin, 1663. Mf.ciixikoff (I.) Vopros o predokhranitel- nikh priviokakh sibirskoi yazvi. [Preventive inoculations of anthrax.] 8°. Odessa, 1>M6. .Neushtube (S. T.) Proizvodstvo predokhra- nitelnavo privivania sibirskoi yazvi ovtsam i drugim domashnim zhivotuim po nietodu prof. Zenkovskavo. [The prophylactic inoculation of the virus of anthrax in sheep and other do- mestic animals according to the method of Prof. Zenkovski.] 8\ S.-Peterburg, 1893. Nosotti (I.) Pclazione sulle esperienze di vaccinazione carbonchiosa eseguite nella pro- vincia di Pavia per cura della commissione. 8°. Pavia, 1883. Perroncito (E.) II carbonchio e le vaccina- zioni carbonchiose. 8°. Torino, 1862. Repr. from: Ann. d. r. Accad. d' agric. di Torino, 1882, xxv. Russia. Department of the Interior. Zhurnali osobikh sovyeshtshaniy proi'skhodivshikh pri veterinarnom koniitete s 14-vo po 17-e Iunya 1881) goda dlya obsuzhdenia voprosa o privivanii sibirskoy yazvi domazhnim zhivotnim. [The journals of special conferences that took place in the veterinary committee from the 14th to the 17th of June, 1889, to consider the question of in- oculating domestic animals with the Siberian plague.] 8G. S.-Peterburg, 1869. Altara (G. M.) Sulle vaccinazioni carbonchiose ese- guite nel comunediBitti nel 1889, e sui lororisultati pratici. Spallanzani, Roma, 1889, 2. s., xviii, 566-570. — Ainbrosi (A.) Uno squardo retrospettivo alia vacciuazione carbon- chiosa. Raecoglitore mecl., Forli, 1883, 4. s., xx, 52-57.— Bernard (J.) Experiences sur l'inoculation preventive contre le sang de rate, par la methode de M. Chauveau. J. de m6d. v6t. et zootech., Lyon, 1886, 3. 8., xi, 69-75.— Bleuler. Ueber den Milzbrand beim Menschen und die .Milzbraudimpfung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, 153 ; 182. — Bonier (P.) Pasteur's Schutzim- pfung gegen den Milzbrand vor der deutschen Kritik. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 697.—Bouley. Les (16couvertes de M. Pasteur dovant la medecine. Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxi, 439-443.—Chaniberland. Les vaccinations preventives contre le charbon. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1887, iv, 156-158. -----. Resultats pratiques de la vaccination charbonneuse. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887, i, 301-307. — Chauveau (A.) Etude exp6ri- mentale des conditions qui permettent de rendre usuel l'emploi de la methode de M. Toussaint pour att6nuer le virus charbonneux et vacciner les eapeces animales sujettes au sang de rate. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1694-1698. Also: J. de m6d. v6t. et zootech., Lyon, 1882, 3. s. vii, 337-343. -----. Application a l'inoculation preventive du sang de rate, ou flevre spl6nique, de la me- thode d'att6nuation des virus par l'oxygene comprime. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 45-49.—C'oulier. Sur les resultats dc la vaccination charbonneuse. Rec. de iu6d. vet., Par., 1889. 7. 8., vi, 149-153— Delamotte. La fievre charbonneuse et la vaccination pasteurienne. Ibid., 1886, 7. s., iii. 514-525. — Fcltz. Sur les vac- cinations aiiticliailiiuiueuses. Kev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1882. xiv, 47::. — Ganialcia ( N.) Etude sur la vac- cination chailiouin use. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888. ii, 517-551.—Gomez (J. L.) Inoculaciones preven- tivas de la fiebre carbonosa. Gac. ni6d., M6xico, 1890, xxv, 101-108.— Gotti (A.) Sopra alcuni esperimenti di Anthrax (Preventive inoculation of), inoculazione carbonchiosa preservativa nei bovini. Mem Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1883, 4. s., v,' 734-7:i,« -----. Delle inocnlazioni preservative contro il carbonchio enfisematoso e di una recettivita eccessiva pel virus del medesimo rescontrata in una razza di bovini. Ibid., 1891 5. s., i, 461-4,0.—Hamlet (W. M.) Anthrax in Australia with some account of Pasteur's method of vaccination' demonstration at Junee, X. S. W. Intercolon. M Cone Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 522-535. — Henao (J. T.) Va' cunaeion carbuncosa. An. Acad, de med. de Medellin 1889-90, ii, 245-253.—Hosycs (E.) A Kolozsvari lepfeiit-' gyogykiserletek. [The Klauseuburg experimental station for anthrax.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1882, xxvi, ]i'.'>7- 1266.—Ititt (T.) TJeber Rauschbrandschutzimpuiiig mit Reinculturen. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Moi-phot n Physiol, in Munchen (1893), 1894, ix, 118-131.— Kniiiltci- (F.) Beitrag zur Milzbrand - Schutzimpfnng. Oesterr Monatschr. f. Thierh., AVien, 1883, viii, 73. —Koch (A.) Ueber Milzbrand unci Milzbrandimpfuug. Tagebl. ii. Versamml. deutsch. Naturl". u. Aerzte, Salzb., 1881. liv, pt. 2, 115.—Koch (R.) La vaccination charbonnc-usc! Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxi, 65-74—K[oster] (\V.) Het miltvuur en bet praeventief inocuheren daarvan. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk\, Amst., 1883, xix, 93-98.— Krajeivski (A.) Giinstige Resultate von Schutzim- plan gen gegen den Milzbrand. Centralbl. f. cl. mecl. "Wis- sensch., Berl., 1886, xxiv, 1.—Kutzleb. Zur Geschichte der Schutzimpfungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1882, viii, 309-311.—flange (I.) K istorii predo- khraniteluikh privivok anthrax'a i postroiki bakteriol. stantsii pri Kazan. Vet. Inst. [History of preventive in. oculations of anthrax and of the bacteriological station at the Kazan Veterinary Institute.] Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Vet.Iust.,1890,vii, 515-532.—I.e»lty (J.) Die Pasteur'sche Milzbrand-Schutziuipfung. Oesterr. Monatschr.f.Thierh., Wien, 1888, xiii, 49-56.—I.ingard (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Schutzimpt'ung gegen Anthrax. Fortschr. d.;Med.,Berl.,1889, vii,293-295.—I,oir(A.) La vaccination charbonneuse en Australia. Rev. scient., Par., 1891, xlvii, 338-340.—I.ydtin. Ueber die Entstehung uud Verbri-itung des Milzhrandes und dio Schutzimpfung gegen denselben. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Danzig, 1880, liii, 295-300. Also: Thieiiirztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe, 1880, xv, 117-138.—iU'Fadyeaui J.) Vaccination against anthrax. J. Conip. Path. Sc Therap., Edinb. & Loud., 1894, vii, 325-332.—.Wari (X.) llesultaty borby s tshumou Kazan, zemstva. | lb-suits of labors to suppress cuttle plague in Kazan district.] Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1887, iv, 59 - 72.—Clause (E.) Les vaccinations charbonneuses de Talais (Giroude). Gaz. hebd. cl. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 282; 300; 406; 433; 445.— raetchiiikoff (Mme. O.) Contribution a l'etude de la vaccination charbonneuse. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1891, v, 145-157.— TletMihnikotr (E.) Entgegnung auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn AVysokowicz iiber die Milz- brandschutzimpfungen. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1889, vii, 101— ITluller. Die Milzbrandimpfungen in Packisch. Arch. f. wissensch. u. pract. Thierh., Berl., 1882, viii. 319- 338.—IVocard. Encore le charbon; nouveaux resultats; MM. Chauveau, Coliu, Pasteur et Toussaint. Arch, vet., Par., 1880, v, 545-570.—Novaya postanovka vopr. o silii- reyazvennikh privivok. [Xew features respecting the in- oculation of anthrax.] Vestnik obsh.vet.,St. Petersb., 1889, i, 289; 305. — Pasteur. Le vaccin du charbon. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1881, 5. s., iii, 542-545. Aho: Arch. v6t., Par., 1881, vi, 417-419. -----. R6sultats des vaccina- tions charbonneuses pratiqu6es pendant les mois de jnillet, aout et septembre 1881. [Communiques & la Soc. d'agric. de Melun, le 26 Janvier 1882.] Arch. v6t., Par., 18i-2, vn, 177. -----. [La vaccination charbonneuse.] Reponse au docteur Koch par . . . Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxi, 74-84. Aho: Semaine m6d., Par., 1883, iii, 13-15.-----La vac- cination charbonneuse. Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxi, 493- 495. -----. Sur la vaccination charbonneuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xevi, 979-982.-----Lea doctrines dites microbiennes et la vaccination charbon- neuse. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1883, 2. s., xii, 509-514. Also: Arch, vet,, Par.. 1883, viii, 281-287.—Pavlovulu (A. D.) K uchen. o bakterioterapii. Lechenie silnrsk. yazvi (anthrax). [Treatment of Siberian plague.] Uussk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 353; 369; 383; 401.—Perron- cito (E.) Relazione sulle primo esperienze ch vaccina- zioni carbonchiose fatte in Italia colle relativo prove cletm- tive. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1882. 2.8., xvi, 129; 1«. Aho [Abstr.]: Osservatore, Torino, 1882, xviii, 265. ——-■ La vaccination charbonneuse. Rev. scient., Par., lww, xxxi, 557. -----. Le vaccinazioni carbonchiose in f1"'1*- Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 340- 348. -----. Le vaccinazioni carbonchiose in Italia. Oior. di med. vet., Torino, 1893, xiii, 55-62. Aho: Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1893, 3. s., xii, 103-109. Alto, transl: Rev. scient., Par., 1893, li, 722-724. - Pon- inoliiiofl. Bericht iiber die 1893 im Chersson scheu Gouvernement ausgefiihrten Milzbrand-Schutzimptungeii. Arch. f. .wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., fieri., 1894. xx, -JOJ- 319 —Poels (J.) Ineutiug tegen boutvuur. lijdschr.v. veeartsenijk. eu veeteelt, Utrecht, 1890, xvn, 244-2o-.- ANTHRAX. 515 ANTHRAX. Anthrax (Preventive inoculation of). Pririvanie sibirskoi .jazvy, kak vet.-san. rniera. [In- oculatiou of Siberian plague as a veterinary-sanitary measure.] Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Tetersb., 1889, i, 33; gp.__Relazione della commissione per lo studio sulla vaccinazione carbonchiosa. Gior. di anat., tisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1883. xv, 3-33.—Kcmy (I.) Inoculation du charbon bacteridien. Anu. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1886, lxv, 40-50.—Koloflf (F.) Ueber die Milzbrandimpfung und die Entwickelung der Milzbrandbacterien. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh.. Berl., 1883, ix, 459-470.— Snake. Versuche iiber die Scluitzimpfung gegen Milz- brand nach der Pasteur'schen Methode. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzncht. Augsburg, 1882, xxvi, 349-354.— Schalanclmikolf (A.) Ocherk rabot prof. Cienkov- skago po predoch. priviv. sibirsk. jazvy. [Review of Prof. Cienkovsky's works on vaccination of Siberian plague.] Shorn, trud. Charkov. vet. lust., 1889. ii. 361- 429, 12 diag.—Seiiiim-r (E.) Der gegenwiirtige, Stand- punkt der Lehre iiber den Milzbrand mit Beriicksichtigung der Schutzimpfungen gegen denselben. Rev. f. Thierh., AVien, 1882, v, 145; 161; 177: 1883, vi, 12; 57; 68.—Thierry (E.) Des vaccinations anti-charbonneuses faites par M. Pasteur k Pouilly-Le-Furt, pres Melun. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Tonne 1881.'Auxerre. 1882. xxii, 89-106. Aho, Re- print.— Tonclli (A.) Risnltati delle vaccinazioni car- bonchiose praticate Bell' anno 1889 nella provincia di Belluno. Gior. di med. vet., Torino, Is'.'O, xxxix, 370-375.— Vysokovitch (V.) O resultatakh posllednikh predo- khraniteluikh privivok sibirskoi yazvi proizvedlonnikh v M. Bielozerke Khersonskavo uye/.da. [Ou the latest re- sults of the preventive inoculations of Siberian plague.] Vnich, St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 21-24. .1!^., transl.: Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1889, vii. 1-5.—IVillach (P.) Rauschbrand- Schutzimpfuugen in Baden. (Xach amtlichen Quelleu.) Deutsche thierarztl. "Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1895, iii, 257- 259. Anthrax (Treatment of). Audie (A.-J.) * De l'anthrax au point de vue du traitement appuye sur des statistiques. 4C. Bordeaux, 1662. Baduel (A.) * Etude et avantages du traite- ment des aifectious charbonneuses par les anti- septiques. 4°. Paris, 1~~1. Chabert (P.) Traite" du charbon ou anthrax dans les animaux. 8Z. Pavis, 1762. Chtpault (A.) Du traitement des maladies charbonneuses chez l'horame par les injections sous-cutanees d'iode eu solution. 8°. Paris, l«-i0. Kleemaxx (G.) Schutz gegen Milzbrand und Blutseuche. 12°. Weimar, 1884. Lecaille (A.) * Considerations sur le traite- ment de l'anthrax. 4-. I'aris, 1890. Taxguy (H.-M.) Instruction populaire sur les maladies charbonneuses des betes bovines. 2. eU 60. Morlaix, [1660]. Andeer (J.) Resorciu bei Anthrax. Aerztl. Int.- Bl., Munchen, 1883, xxx, 6. — Areuskii (S.) K Heche- niyu sibirskoi yazvi i chumi. [Treatment of malignant pustule, and plague.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1879, iv, 158. — Aruozan (X.) [et al.]. Sur deux cas d'anthiax gueri par les injections sous-cutanees d'acide phenique. J. de rn6d. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 413; 423. — Baudouin (M.) O tratamento do anthraz nos hospitaes de Paris. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1893, 96- 98.— Behring. Der antiseptische "Werth der Silberld- sungen und Behandlung von Milzbrand mit Silberlosun- gen. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 805; 830. Also, Reprint. — Beugnies-Corbeau. La medi- cation iodee et la pustule maligne. Gaz. med. de Par., 1886, 7. 8., iii, 592-594. — Bryant. Seven consecutive cases of charbon treated successfully by excisiou. Lan- cet, Lond., 1887, i, 367; 416.—Calderai (D.) Le therino- cantere dans le traitement de l'anthrax. Rev. gen. de l'antiseps. m6d. et chir.. Par., 1895, viii, 49; 150.—tlaine- lot (E.) Deux cas d'anthiax traites avec sucees par l'emploi du thermocauter^ Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1891, vi, 97-100.—C'asNon (J. II.) Three cases of anthrax treated successfully by the hvpodermic injection of mer- curic perchloride. ' Brit. M. j., Lond., 1890, ii, 16.—Chi- panlt (A.) Du traitement des maladies charbonneuses chez l'homme. Reveil m6d.. Par., 1880-81, i, 174; 181; 198 ; 214.—Chor (S.) Traitement du charbon par le bicarbo- nate du soude d'apres la methodo ib- M. Fodor. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1891, v, 337-348. — Crow (W. A.) Treatment of the carbnncular anthrax, with report of cims. Sonth. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1891, xxi, 232-235.— Dam-t. De l'emploi des injections hypodenniques de f-'beo-phenique dans l'anthrax; du traitement abortif du phlegmon. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1890, 134- 143—Darezac. Injections interstitielh-s d'acide plie- Anthrax (Treatment of). niqne dans la pustule maligne et l'anthrax. Mem. (t bull. Soc. de meil. et chir. de Bordeaux (1893), 1894. 55C-56.">.— I>avie»-<'olley (J. X. C.) Notes of two cases of ma- lignant pustule, together with a table of seventeen cases treated at Guy's Hospital. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1882. lxv, 237-247. -----. Report of cases of anthrax or malig- nant pustule; with notes upon the treatment of this affec- tion by the external and internal use of ipecacuanha. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, 3. s., xxxii, 1-19. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1891, ii, 872— Diujoii. Pustule maligne; excision; cauterisation; guerison. Mem.et bull. Soc.de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1878, 342 345.—Buret. Deux cas d'anthiax traites avec succfes par l'emploi du thermocautere. Courriermed., Par., 1891, xii, 393.—Egidi (A.) Ancora della pnstola maligna curata coll' unguento mercuriale. Raecoglitore nied., Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiv, 309- 312. — Fminerieh (R.) Die Heilung des Milzhrandes. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1887, vi, 442-501,1 pl.— Felice (L.) Pnstola maligna curata e guarita rapida- niente colla elettrolisi. Boll. d. Soc. med. prov. di Bergamo, 1894, v, 25-31. — Felix (J.) De 1'ichthyol dans le traite- ment de l'anthrax. Arch, de nied. et chir. prat., Brux., 1887-8, ii, 37-39.— Gabriele (A.) Cura speciflca dell' antrace. (From: Arch. cliu. di Roma.] Osservatore med., Palermo, 1879, ix, 97-116.—Ghosal (R. X.) A large carbuncle treated successfully with carbolic acid. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1895, vi, 348.—«onyayeff(P.) Acidum salicyl. prilechen. sibirskoi yazvi u chelovieka. [Salicylic acid in the treatment of Siberian plague iu man.] Zems- kaja med., Mosk., 1886, ii, 13-15. — firabowslsi (W.) Kwas karbolowy w leczeniu czarnej krosty (pustulae ma- ligna?). [Carbolic acid in treatment of . . .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1891, 2.S., xi, 274-280.—Graniatchikofl"(A.) Recherches sur l'influence des extraits de thymus et des testicules sur l'infection charbonneuse. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1893, vii, 812-819.—Ilallopeau (II.) Sur le traitement de l'anthrax par l'huile pheniquee. France med., Par., 1892, xxxix, 769. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1893, v, 40-42. — Hosack (D.) A case of anthrax; successfully treated. Reposit., N. Y., 1810, 3. hexade, i, 112-115. Aho, Reprint.—Hutton (J. A.) A case of anthrax successfully treated by excision and mercurial irrigation. Lancet, Loud., 1891, ii, 658.— Jeanncl (S.) Du charbon chez l'homme traite par les cauterisations ponctuees superficielles. Montpel. med., 1883, 2. s., i, 85-96, lpl.—Johnson (A. B.) A case of an- thrax; excision of infected tissue ; recovery. Med. Rec, N.V.. 1891, xxxix, 597.—Kostyurin (S. D.) & Krainski (N. V.) O lechenii sibirskoi yazvy u zhivotnikh gnilost. toxinami (vityazhkami). [Treatment of Siberian plague in animals bv an extract of the putrid poison.] Vracn, St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 461-464. Also: Vet. Vestnik, Cbar- koff, 1892, ix, 1-13. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. n. Parasitenk., Jena, 1891, x, 553; 599.—Kovalevski (I.) K vopr. o primien. podkozhnikh iuyektsiy rastvorovsulio- my i karbol. kisloty prilechen. .inthrax'a. [Application of subcutaneous injections of solution corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid in treatment of anthrax.] Vestnik Obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1891, iii, 99-101.—I.afueute (E.) Pus- tula maligna multiple; nuevo triunfo del cloruro de sodio. Corresp. m6d., Madrid, 1893, xxviii, 138-140.—I, nude [et al.]. Guerison de deux anthrax par les injections sous- cutanees d'acide ph6nique. Mem. et bull. Soc. de mecl. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1889, 130-149. — lie Fort. Du traite- ment de l'anthrax par le procede du curage. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 303-306. — lie- niaili-e. Note additionuelle au memoire sur le reinede Prieuret contre le sang de rate. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne, Auxerre, 1862, 111-113. — lievanturyeff. K terapii sibirskoi yazvi (pustula maligna) podkozhnim vpriskivaniem karbolovoi kislotoyu. [On the treatment of Siberian plague by subcutaneous injection of carbolic acid.] Protok. Obsh. Omsk, vrach., 1884-5, ii, 24-32.— little (J.) Kiserletek a 16pfeno gy6gyitasara. [Experi- ments in treatnient of charbon.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1880, xxx, 1017; 1080. Also, transl. (Abstr.]: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 945-047.—I.owe (T.P.) Ou two cases of anthrax successfullv treated by excising the pustule. Lancet, Lond., 1892. i, 191. — Marchonx (E.) Serum anticharbonneux. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1895, ix, 785-810. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895. 10. s., ii, 710-712.—IHatveycff(A. F.) Nablludenia nad lieeheni'em sibirskoi yazvi v Riazanskol gub. zem. bolnitso za 1890-94. [Observations on the treat- ment of the Siberian plague iu the hospital ofthe Riazau "government, Zemstvo.l Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1894, iv, 951-957. — Meier. Creolin als Heilmittel gegen Milz- brand. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr.. 1891, vn, 291-293. [Discussion], 301. — J?Iitrojiol*ki (LA.) O lechenu si- birskoi yazvv u chelovleka. [Treatment of Siberian plague in man. 1 Voyenno-san. dido, St. Petersb., 1887, vn, 265.—Molliere (D.) Traitement do l'anthrax sans inci- sion par la methode antiseptique. Meni. et compt.-rend. Soc. d.sc. meil de Lyon (1886), 1887, xxvi. pt. 2, 3-o. Also: Lyon med., 1886, li,'273-275.—Moore (W. H.) Acaseof malignant pustule treated successfully by excision and the external and internal use of ipecacuanha. Lancet, Lend. ANTHRAX. 516 ANTHRAX. Anthrax (Treatment of). 1893, ii, 1309. — Muskett (E. B.) On the specific treat- ment of anthrax and anthraca-mia and of carbuncle, j Ibid., 1888, i, 269.—Ufargaud. Reflexions au sujet du traitement de l'anthrax par les pulverisations pheniqul-es. Bull. Soc. de med. de Besancon (1889), 1890 3. S.. no. 2, 5- 11.—Nissen (F.) Ein expeiiinenteller Beitrag zur Frage der Milzbrandbehaudlung. Hcutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 1891, xvii 1425-1427. — Parker (It.) On the ex- tirpation of i arbuncle. I'rov. M. J.. Leicester, 1893, xii, 176. — FavlovNky (A.) O letshenii sibirskoi yazvy iskiisstven. Le.ukotz'itozom. [Treatment of anthrax by artificial lem-ocvtusis.] Bussk. Med.. St. Petersb., 1894, ix, 257-260. .\lsii,'transl: Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, 165-169. — Polaillou. Traitement de l'anthrax par les Heches caustiipies au chlorure de zinc. Bull. Soc. cie med. de Par. (18871, 1888. 3. s., xxii, 158. Aho : Courrier m6d., Par., 1887, xxxvii. 344. -----. Tiaitement de l'anthrax. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, do Par., 1MM), 156- 160 — Reclus (P.) Traitement des anthrax. IiiIlIs: Clin. chir. de l'Hotel-Dieu, S°, Par., 1888, 83-95. — Rich- ardson (T.) The local treatment of carbuncle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 210. — RudneffCX.) Tri sluchaya sihirskoi jazvi, lecheniye bolshimi dozami karbolovoi kisloty i okonchivshiyesa polnim vyzdorovleuiem [Three cases [of Siberian plague treated by large doses of car- bolic acid and followed by complete recovery.] Med. Sbornik varshav. Ujazcl. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1891, iv. 2. pt., 29-38.—Nchreincr (L.) Dous casos de extir- pacau de anthraz. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1892, 41- 43. — Selavo (A.) Sulla preparazione del siero anti- carbonchioso. lliv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Roma, 1895, vi. 841- 843. Aho, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1895, 1. Abth., xviii, 744.—Ne gay. Traitement de l'anthrax par l'eau pheniquee. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1888), 1889, 321-324.—Stessarevski (A.) O liecbenii .sibirskoi yazvi sullomoi. [Treatment of Siberiau plague by sublimate.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, iv, 508. — Strizover (M.) K lecbeuiyu sibirskoi yazvi u chelovleka. [ Treatment of Siberian plague in man.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 438.— Teini (C.) II siero degli animali a sangue freddo nella infezione carbonchiosa. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, 13. — Thevenot. Uu cas de pustule maligne trait6e par la teiuture d'iode. Hull. Soc. de m6d. do Par. (1881), 1882, xvi, 175-179.-Thomas (W. T.) Excision of carbuncle; case: merciirialisiu from the use of cyanide gauze; arsenicalism from administration of small closes of liquor .-usenicalis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1895, xv, 422- 424. — Van der Eupt (V.) S"r le. traitement de l'an- thrax. J.de 11161I.. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1888, Ixxxvi, 201.—Vinke (H. 11.) Anthrax and its treatment by iodo- form. St Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiii, 123-127.—Vi-eilen (R. R.) K llecheniu karbunkula. [On the treatment of carbuncle.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895. v, 558.—Walton (P.) Traitement de l'anthrax ; dangers de 1'incision au bistouri; pvo6inie externe. Flandre med., Gand, 1894, i, 381-389. — Zhnrnovski (I. V.) MIestuaya sibirskaya yazva u chelovieka iyey a ratsionalnoye liechenle. [Local malignant anthrax aiid its radical treatment.] Vracli, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 769; 791. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882. ix. 111-113.—Zvyagiutacff (G.) 0 novelshikh sposobakh llecheni'a Sibirskoi yazvi i kharaktere techenia yeya u chelovleka. [On the most recent methods of treatment of charbon, and the charac- ter of its course in man.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 527-529. jLnthrax in man. See, also, Anthrax (Complications of); An- thrax (Intestinal); Anthrax (Treatment of); Rags; Wool-sorters' disease. Eschweileu (R.) *Drei Fiille von Pustula maligna heim Menschen. « . Bonn, [1893]. Fabke ( F. ) 'Quelques considerations cli- niques sur les anthrax. 4°. Montpellier, 1863. Fischer (M.) "Milzbrand beim Mi-useheu. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 1669. Hendokee ( W.) *Der Milzbrand beim Men- schen (Pustula maligna). 8°. Wiirzburg, i860. Jacobi (K.) * Vier Fiille von Milzbrand beim Menschen. [Freiburg i. B.] 8 . Berlin, l6[h). Also, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1890, xvii, 400-428 lpl. Knoll (M.-X.-D.-L.) "Des affections char- bonneuses chez l'homme et de leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1*8.5. Pi'tegnat. Considerations cliniques sur le charbon malin et la pustule maligne. 8 . Pa- ris, 1-60. .Schwab (K. L.) Einige Fiille von Anthrax- Vergiftung. h . Munchen, 1-544. Anthrax in man. Seine (D6 partem cut dc- la . Prefecture de po- lice. Conseil (Vhygibne publique et de salubrite. Le charbon (pustule maligne, cedeme malin) observe a Saint-Denis chez les crinicrs et \VH m^gissiers (1-75-90). Par M. le Dr. Alexandre Le Roy des Barres. 4-. Paris, 1^90. ------. The same. (1*90-93.) Dc-iixiciuo rapport. Par M. le Dr. A. Le Roy des Bancs 4°. Paris, 1693. Tho.massin. Dissertion sur le charbon malin de la Bourgogne, ou la pustule maligne. Dijon, 1780. ------. Thesame. 2. 6d., augmented-avec-uu examen de l'avcrtissement et des notes de l'edi- teur du trait6 de l'anthrax de M. Chambou. 8°, Basle, 1782. ------. Thesame. Traitement des gangrc-ues en ge'ne'ral, et du charbon en particulier. 2. e\l., augmentee. 6°. Berne, 1792. Adler (J.) Apoplexia carbuncnlosa; Milzbrand; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1887), 1888, 293-295.—Allan (W.) On a case of anthrax. Dub- lin J. M. Se., 1*84, 3. s., lxxvii, 374-377.— Armstrong (H. E.) An outbreak of charbon in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M". Soc, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1876-7, 42; 107.—Bee© (L.) A propos de deux cas de pustule charbonneuse observes dans une fabriquo de brosses. Ann. Soc. med. chir. de Liege, 1894, xxxiii, 432- 446.—Bell (J. H.) On anthrax and anthracsemia in wool- sorters, heifers, and sheep. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 656.—Bellini (G.) Pustola maligna sotto la braneades- tra della mascella inft-riore guarita con metodo urotico mediante potassa caustica. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.-fis., Firenze, 1852. x, 65.—Benson. Case of anthrax in a woman. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1890, n: s., xlix, 37.— Blumer (G.) Sc Young (II. II.) A caso of anthrax septicemia in a human being, associated with acute anthrax endocarditis and peritonitis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1895, vi, 127-132. Aho, Reprint. — Bottez (0.) FAude clinique et therapeutique sur la pustule ma- ligne. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1893-4, vii, 138; 171: 1894-5, viii, 7; 33.—Boudet. Observation de pustule maligne. Soc. cl. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend.. Par., 1880, xxxiv, 38-42.—Bi-acci (G.) Carbonchio e chinino. Baccoglitore med., Forli, 1880, 4. s., xiv, 505- 525.—Browne (H. L.) A case of anthrax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 69.—Burrell (II. L.) The report of a case of anthrax. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila., 1893. xi, 309- 328. Aho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xviii, 605-622, 2 pl.— 1'aMNini. Carbunco y pustula maligna. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1880, xxvii, 369; 401; 449; 801: 1881, xxviii, 161; 241; 337; 401; 465; 481; 497; 513; 529; 545.— Chauveau (A.) Sur les dangers que le charbon (anthrax) fait courir aux ouvriers des diflerents corps de metiers. Tr. In- ternat. Cong. Hvg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892. iii, 203-211. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1891, 3. 8., xxvi, 497-510. ----. Sur clivers cas de charbon qui se sont manifestos danu l'arrondissement de Morlaix et qui ont et6 attribii6s k l'im- portation de peaux venant de Chine. Ibid., 1892. 3. 8., xxviii, 130-136. -----. Epidemie charbonneuse dans une brosserie k Marc-q en-Baroeul (Nord). Ibid., 1893, 3. »., xxix, 224-227.—Wavies-t'olley (N.) Anthrax of face. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3. xxxiv, 291-293, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 459.—Brozila iT. V.) Zwei Fiille von inutrem Milzbrand bei Menscheu, Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 754-756.—Buguid (W.) Anthrax and its relations to workers in various trades. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Deniog. 1891, Lond.. 1892, iii, 211-221.—E Mass koniglicher Begic-ruug zn Oppeln vom 6. Miirz 1883, betreffend Uebertragung des Milz- braudes von Thieren auf Menscheu. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f.off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg , 1883. xv, 695-697.—Fereol. Sur un cas de pustule maligne. ('onipt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1865, 4. s., ii. 165-167.—Ferguson (W.N.) Cam-of anthrax. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 773.— Foa (P.) Un caso di carbonchio interno nell' uomo. Gior. .1. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1894, 3. s.. xiii. 109 — Fraser (J. A.) Outbreak of anthrax in cattle, and five men infected. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 69fi. — Friedbersj (H.) Todtlicher Milzbrand eines Menschen in Folge von Beriihrung der Lunge und des Herzens einer milzbrand- kraukeu Kuh. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1882. xc, 26-32.— Oi rode (J.) Charbon humain inocul6 par une brosse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1893, 9. s.. v. 325- 327.— Goldsehmidt (F.) Ein Fall von Anthrax homi- nis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr, 1893, xl, 729.—Guinea Aguirre. Sobre un caso interesante de p&stula maligna. Siglo med., Madrid, 1893, xl, 292-294—ll«iiiuiiii« (J. H.) Two cases of charbon or malign.mt pustul'-, dire, tly inocu- lated from a cow suffering with .splenic fever; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884 ii 560— Hofuioltl. Anthrax an der Nasenspitze; Geheilt. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. ANTHRAX. 517 ANTHRAX. Anthrax in man. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1881), 1882. 397— Ivnnovski (A. V.) Sibirsk. yazva na kozbevennikh i shubiioovcbin- nikh zavodakh. [Siberian plague in tanneries and pelt fac- tories.) Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Pe- tersb.. 1894. xxi, pt, 2, 1-22.—.lotlioy (A.) Deux eas de pustule maligne; examen mieroscopique des pustules etdu sang; inoculation. Compt. rend. Sue. ile biol. 1873, Par., 1874. 5. s., v, 5-8.—Joliansen (A.) To Till'reldeaf Milt- brand. Hosp.-Tid.. Kjobenh.. 1892. 3. R., x, 1057-1065.— Klein (A.) Ein geheilter Fall von Milzbramlerkran- kung. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 633.— Koneeny A: "Walter. Zwei todtlich abgelaufenoMilz- brandtalle beim Menschen; ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Infectionen dureii animales Gift. Wien. nied. Presse, 1888, xxix, 1889; 1934.—KurlotT. Feber eine im Laborato- riuni acquirirte Milzbrandinfection, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Therapie des Milzhrandes. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 188.--9, xliv, 287-297. 1 pl.—I.eeellier. Des dangers auxquels s'exposent les personnes etraugch-es a la medecine eu faisant des ouverturesd'aiiimaux morts de maladies contagieuses, notamment du charbon. D6p. de la Seine-Inf. Cons, centr. d'hvg. [etc.] 1869, Rouen, 1870. 149-152.—Ijerch (A.) Ein Fall von Milzbrand. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 1916-1918. —I^e Roy des Bar res (A.) Lechaibon (pustule maligne, u-tlenie malin), observe, k Saint-Denis chez les criniers et les ine- gissiers (1875-90). Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1890, 3. s., xxiii, 496-548.-----. Note sur cinq cas de pustule maligne. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1894, xvi. 344-354. —I.ewin (A.) Ueber den Milzbrand beim Menschen. Centralld. f. Bakteriol. n. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xvi. 081; 731.— I.oehner. Ein Fall von Milzbrand beim Menschen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1881, xxviii, 91.—Lutz (C.) Eine Milzbrand- epidemiebeim Menschen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Uebertraguug des Milzbraudes durch die Lungen. Ibid., 227-231.—M'Gill (A. F.) Two cases of charbon. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 994—IHagjjioli (O.) Sobre um caso de anthraz. Brazil-med.. Rio de Jan.. 1889. iv, 213.— Iflaxiniovich (I. I.) Sc Grigoricff(A. V.) Dva sluch. zarazhenia sibirsk. yazvoyu u lyndei; nlekot. nablyudeni'a nad virulent, bacilli anthracis. [Two cases of contracted anthrax in man ; some researches on the virulency of . . .] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1891, clxxii, pt. 3. 109-123. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893. xxx, 374-378.— l?Ierkel(F.) EinFallvon Gehirn-Milzbrand. Sitz.-Pro- tok. d. iirztl. Lokalver. zu Niirnb. 1.-92. Munchen, 1893, 35; 70. — .llorozoff (D.) Cbetire sluch. miestnoi sibirskoi yazvi u cheloveka. [Four casesof endemic Siberian plague in man.] Ejened. klin. gaz.. St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 136; 165.—JTIiiller (B.) Der aiissere Milzbrand des Men- schen. Deutschemed.Wchnschr.. Li ipz. u. Berl.. 1894. xx, 515; 535; 688; 706: 916; 955; 977.—Jlugnerot. Observa- tion suruncasde charbon. Union med. et scient. du nord- est. Reims. 1886 x, 42-47.—.11 array (F. W.) Anthrax maligna. X. Vork M. .1., 1889. xlix, 144-147. Aho, Re- print— \.izaroff, Sibirsk. yazvanalyudyakh vNovola- dozhskom uyezde, vvolostyakii: Gorodishtshenskoi [etc.], v 1884g. [Siberian plague among the inhabitants of New Ladoga countrv in the vear 1884] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 730-735. — Plochiuski (N.) Pustula maligna glandularum bronchialiuni. Objazat. pat.-anat. i/.slind. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 189:!, ii, 260-270. — Poel- rhau. Ein Fall von innerem Milzbrand. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1895, xvi, 361 - 308. — Proust (A.) Pustule maligne transmise par des peaux de che- vres venant de Chine; presence au milieu de ces peaux d'un certain nombre de Dermestes vulpinus vivants; existence dans leurs coques et leurs < w< l ements d'une quantite considerable de bacteridies charboiine.iises. Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1894. 3. s.. xxxi, 57-66— Pustey (C.) Two_cases of charbon. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 188li. i, 154.— Raiiubert. De la spoutaneite des maladies charbon- neuses chez l'homme. Cong. nied. de Fiance 1865, Par., 1866, 294-307.—Rayniondaml iE.i Des affections char- bonneuses en Limousin, & propos d'un cas de pustule ma- ligne. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Ilaiite-Vienne, Li- moges, 1881, v, 184-188.—Reiehert. Drei Fiillc vou Milz- branderkrankung bei Menschen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1881, li. 65-67. —Ricou (B.-J.-F.) Observations sur le danger qu'il y a de manger de la chair et de toucher des animaux p6ris de la maladie contagieuse telle que le quartier du charbon. Museum d. Heilk., Zu- rich, 1795. iii, 11-18.—Rosenblath (AV.) Ueber einen Fall von Milzbrand beim Menschen (Miscbinfection mit Mikrokokken). Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1889, cxv, 384-396—Sabatier (A.) Polymorphic clinique des affec- tions charbonneuses. Lyon m6d., 1889, lx, 85; 128.— Schnitzler (J.) Der aiissere Milzbrand des Menschen ; Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze von Dr. K. Miiller in No. 24 und 25 dieser Wochenschrift. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 763.—Spear (J.) Oil the ocenrrenc-e of anthrax amongstpersons engaged in the Lon- don hide and skin trades. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1882, Lond., 1883, xii, 98-131, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Memorandum on the occurrence of anthrax in the human subject and in animals at Arnesbv, in the Lutterworth rural sanitary district, during 1886-7. Rep. Med." Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1887, Lond., 1888, xvii, 103-105.—Spring- A 11 Ui rax in man. Ihorpe (J. W.) A case of anthrax oedema in a Victorian stock-owner. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 190- 193.—Straus (I.) Casde charbon mortel. Arch.de phy- siol. norm, et path.. Par., 1883. 3. s.. i, 298-311.—Suriuont (H.) Sc A mould (E.) Une epidemie de charbon chez des ouvriers biossiers. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1893, xv, 193- 203— Syiuond* (C.) A fatal case lit'anthrax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 837.—Szekely (A.) Tizenket lepfenes po- kolvareset. [Twelve cases of anthrax. | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1891. xxxv, 154. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 389.—Talainon (C.) Sc Derignac (P.) Deux eas do charbon (infection bacteridienne) chez l'homnie, etudies suivant la methode de Pasteur. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1881, i, 393-408.—Tol- derlund. Et Tilfa-lde af Miltbrandsmitte overli/it ved Obduktion af Dyre-Kadavere. [Charbon propagated from dissecting animals.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh.. 1881, iii, 4. R., 367.—Tomes (A.) Three eases of external an- thrax. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii. 265.— VItkc. K kazuist. i lccheniu Sibirskoi yazvy (pustula maligna). [Case and treatnient of ...] Mecl. Sluu-nik vnrshav. I'juzd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1894, vii. 7-9.—VoronkoflT atis (M. R.) Sulla trasmissione del carbonchio dalla madre al feto. Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 842. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1890, i, 89. | Preliminary papers.J -----. Sulla trasmissione del carbonchio dalla madre al feto e sulle alterazioni dei vasi che produce il carbonchio. Rassegna cli sc. med., Modena, 1891, vi, 389; 445. Aho, transl: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena. 1891, x, 148-168, 1 pl. — iTlarehand (F.) Ueber einen merkwiirdigen Fall von Milzbrand bei einer Schwan- geren mit todtlicher Infection des Kindes. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl , 1887, cix, 86-120.—Perroncito (E.) De la transmission du charbon des m6res aux foetus. [Transl. in abstr.] Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1883, iii. 58-62. -----. Sul passaggio del bacillo carbouchioso dalla madre al feto. . Gior. d. r. Accad. cli med. cli Torino, 1889, 3. s., xxxvii, 337-344. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 496-498. — Rosenblath (W.) Ueber die Uebergangsfahigkeit der Milzbrandbacillen von der Mutter auf den FStiis. Arcb. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1889, cxv, 371-383.—Sangalli (G.) Bacterj del car- bonchio nel feto di giovenea inorta per questa malattia. R. 1st. Lomb. d. sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1882, 2. s., xv, 668-680. — Straus (I.) Sur lo passage de la bacteridie charbonneuse ib- la mere au foetus. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol.. Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 409—Straus (I.) Sc C'liamber- laud (C.) Passage de la bacteridie charbonneuse de la mere au foetus. Ibid., 1882,7. s., iv, 804-810. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 1290-1293. Also: Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 167. Anthrax (Intestinal). See, aho, "Wool-sorters' disease. Borissox (G.) * Contribution h l'e'tude du charbon intestinal humain. 4°. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. Contribution a l'6tude du charbon intestinal humain. 8°. Paris, 1690. Haase (R.) * Die Milzbraud-Erluankung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Anthrax intes- tinalis. 8\ Wiirzburg, 18D4. Vierhuff (J.) # Ueber Anthrax intestinalis heim Menschen. 8C. Dorpat, 1885. Balp (S.) Tre casi di carbonchio umano. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1891, 3. s., xxxix, 448-457.— Rouisson (G.) Note sur un cas de charbon intestinal chez l'homme. Arch, de n«W>xi>6r.ct d'anat.path., Par., 1889. i, 834-843. — DittriO^P.) Primare Milzbrandin- fection des Magendai nicanales. (Verdacht einer Wurst- venlftung.) Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 880-883.— ANTHRAX. 518 ANTHRAX. Anthrax (Intestinal). Ooldselimidt. Ein Fall von Anthrax intestinalis beim Menschen. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr.. 1891. xxxviii, 107. — Ileri-iusiiiii (FJ Zur Diagnose des Anthrax in- testinalis. Si. Petersb. nied. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 195.— Kel«<-h (A.) Contribution a l'histoire du charbon chez l'homine; note sur un cas de charbon intestinal sans lesions externes (mycose intestinale des Allemands). Rev. de med.. Par., 1881, i. 529-540. — Kolesnikoff (N. F.) K kazuistike kishechnoi formy sibirskoi yazvy u chelovieka. i [Cases of intestinal anthrax in man.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xi, 587; 600; 616; 634; 648; 666; 680.— Korytin (P. S.) K statistike zabol. zhelud.-kischech. fornioi sibirskoi yazvy. [Statistics of diseases of gastro- intestinal form of Siberian plague (mycosis gastro-intesti- nalis).] Voyennosan. dielo, St. Petersb , 1*89, ix, 580; 597; 613; 630. — Kruinbholz. Zur Pathologie des mensch- lichen Darm-Milzbrandes. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1894,xvi, 240-246.—Oil i vier (A.) Note sur uu cas de charbon interne chez un enfant de cinq mois. Rev. mens. cl. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1891, ix, 193-199. Also, Re- print. — Perroncito (E.) Annotazioni relative al car- bonchio. Gior. d. r. Accad. cli med. di Torino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 199-210. -----. Sulla trasmissione del carbonchio col mezzo delle vie digerenti. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1883-4, vii, 311-318.' Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1884, v, 178-184.—Poland (J.) Internal anthrax; affection of stomach, intestines, and lungs; extensive meningeal infiltration; cerebral and spinal ha-morrhages into skin: delirium and tetanic spasms. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 18i«6, xxxvii, 550-555. — Prato (D.) Breve rela- zione di varj casi di carbonchio. Gior. di anat.. tisiol. e I patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1879, xi. 297-299. — Wagner (E.) Die Intestinalmykose und ilne Beziehung znni Milzbrand. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz.. 1*74, xv, 1-43. — Zorkendorfer (('.) Ueber einen Fall von priinarem Darmmilzbrand beim Menschen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 191. Ant Ii ra v (Symptomatic). Hattistini ( ('•. ) Carbonchio sintoniatico (Fnrhsou) inuesto pn-veutivo e cremaziono. Coufert-iiza teuuta uc-lla sala del comizio agrario di Rimini il 17 marzo 1668. 70. >-\ London. Ended, v. 1 complete in 3 nos., May, Aug., and Xov. 1863; v. 2-8 commenced In Jan. each year; v. 8 complete in 2 nos., Jan., April. 1870. Journal of the Anthropologi- cal Society of London was issued with distinct pagination, title-pages, and indexes, in same covers with this journal, under title: Anthropological (The) Review, and Jour- nal of the Anthropological Society of London. With no. 12, Jan., 1866, commenced: Popular (The) Magazine of An- thropology, also 'with distinct pagination, title-page, and index, ceasing at end of 1866. Dr. Hunt died Aug. 29, 1869. Followed by: Journal of Anthropology. Anthropological Society of Washington, D. C. Abstract of transactions, with the annual address of the president for the first year, end- ing January 20, 1-80, and for the second year, ending January 18, 1881. Prepared hy J. W. Powell. 150 pp. 6Z. Washington, D. C, Na- tional Republican print, 18-1. -----. Transactions, v. 1-3, Feh. 10, 1879, to May 19, 1885. 83. Washington, 1682-5. -----. By-laws of . . . with a list of its officers and members. 18 pp. 8°. Washington, Judd 4" Detweiler, 1888. t -----. Special papers. 8-. Washington, 1694. Xo. 1. Status of the mind problem, by Lester F. Ward. Xo. 2. The earth the home of man, by W. J. McGee. See, aho, Saturday lectures. 8°. Washington, 1882. Aho: American (The) Anthropologist. 8°. Washing- ton, 1**S, et seq. Anthropologic (L'). Mate"riaux pour l'his- toire de l'homme—Eevue d'anthropologie— Re- vue d'ethnographie r^unis. Sous la direction de MM. Cartailhac, Hamy, Topinard. [Bi-month- ly.] v. 1-7, 1890-96. 8°. Paris. Current. Formed by the union of: JIateriaux pour l'histoire. . . de l'homme with: Revue d'anthropologie and: Revue d'ethnographie. Anthropologic abstracted: or the idea of hu- mane nature reflected in hriefe philosophicall and anatomicall collections. 3 p. 1., 201 pp. 12°. London, H. Herringman, 1655. Aiithropologisclie Gesellschait in Wien. Mittheilungen. v. 10-25., 1880-1895. 8°. Wien, 1880-95. -----. Jahresbericht des Prasidenten fiir das Jahr 1892. Erstattet in der Jahres-Versammlung am 14. Miirz 1893. 12 pp. roy. -:. Wien, 1693. Repr. from: Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1895, xxiii. Allthropologischcii (Die) Privat-Sammlun- gen Deutschlands. I. Catalog der im Anatomi- schen Institut der Universitat Leipzig aufge- stellten craniologischen Sammlung des Dr. Emil Schmidt. Nach dem Best ancle vom 1. April 1886 zusammengestellt von Emil Schmidt, viii, 181 pp. 4°. [Braunschweig, F. Vieweg it. Sohn, 1666.] Suppl. to: Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1887-8, xvii. Allthropologischcii (Die) Sammlungen Deutschlands; ein Verzeichiiiss des in Dentsch- land vorhaudenen anthropologischen Materials nach Beschluss der deutschen anthropologischen Gesellschaft; zusammengestellt unter Leitung des Vorsitzenden der zu diesem Zwecke ernanu- tenn Commission, H. Schaatt'hausen. 4°. Braun- schweig, F. Vieweg 4' Sohn, 1877-93. Appears as supplement to the: Archiv fiir Anthropo- logie, Braunschweig, as indicated below: contents (so far as published). I. Bonn. Die anthropologische Sammlung des anato- mischeu Museums der Universitiit Bonn am 1. Marz 1877, von H. Schaaffhausen. (Suppl. to: 1877-8. x.) II. Gottingen. Die von Blumenbach gegriindete an- thropologische Sammlung der Universitat Gottingen auf- genommen im Jahre 1871 von J. W. Spengel. (Suppl. to: 1878-9, xi.) III. Freiburg i. B. Catalog der anthropologischen Sammlung der Universitat. Nach dem Stancle vom 1. April ls78 zusammengestellt von Alexander Ecker. (Suppl. to: 1878-9, xi.) IV. Kcinigsberg i. Pr. Schadel und Skelette der an- thropologischen Sammlungen zu Kbnigsberg i. Pr., bear- beitet vein C. Kupffer uud F. Bessel-Hagen. Xebst einem Berichte iiber die anthropologischprahistoriscbe Samm- lung der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Ko- nigsberg in Preussen von O. Tischler, uud einem Auszuge des Katalogs der Sammlung der Alterthumgesellschaft Prussia daselbst von Dr. Bujack. (Suppl. to: 1879-80, xii.) V. Berlin. Das anthropologische Material des Anato- mischen Museums der koniglichen Universitat. I. Theil. Zusammengestellt von G. Broesike im Mai 1880. (Suppl. to: 1880-81, xiii.) 2. Th., 1. Abth. Zusammengestellt von H. Rabl-Riickhard im Jahre 1881-2. (Suppl. to: 1883-4, xv.) 2. Th., 2. Abth. Zusainmengestellt von R. Hart- mann im Juni 1892. (Suppl. to: 1893-4, xxii.) X. Miinchen. Die Rassen-Schadel und Skelette in der konigl. anatomischen Anstalt in Munchen, bearbeitet - von Dr. Riidinger nach dem Bestande vom Jahre 1889. (Suppl. to: 1891-2, xx.) XII. Breslau. Die anthropologische Sammlung des anatomischen Instituts der Universitat Breslau, bearbei- tet von G. AVieger im Sommer 1884. (Li: 1885,xv, Suppl.- Bd.) Anthropologischcr Verein zu Graz. Jahres- Berichte. 1.-2., 1878-9. 8°. Graz, [1879-80.] Anthropologischcr Verein in Schleswig-Hol- stein. Mittheiluugen. 1.-5. Hft, 1888-92. 8°. Kiel, 18-8-92. Anthropologist (The). A journal for think- ers, devoted to the science of anthropology and to philanthropy. Published monthly by the Buchanan Anthropological Society, Boston, Mass. v. 1, April, 1890, to April, 1891. sm. 4°. Boston. Ended. Each number paged separately. Anthropology. See, also, Acclimation; Agnosticism; An- thropometry; Anthropophagy; Apes; Ar- chaeology; Body (Human, Decorations, etc., of); Burial places; Craniology; Darwinian theory; Degeneration; Dolmens; Dwarfs and giants; Evolution; Folk-lore; Games; Genitals (Op- erations on, Ceremonial, etc.); Heredity; Lake- dwellings; Language; Man (Prehistoric, etc.); Marriage; Museums (Anthropological, etc.); Pigmies; Psychology; Sacrifices (Human); Surgery (Prehistoric); Tattooing; Trephining (History of, etc.); and under names of parts of body, as Hair, Teeth (Ethnology of); and under names of peoples and places, as Annam, Aryans, Australians, Indians (North American), etc. Ammon (O.) Die uatiirliche Auslese beim Menschen; auf Grand der Ergebnisse der an- ANTHROPOLOGY. 520 ASTHIJOPOLOGY. Anthropology. throjiologischen Untersuchungen der Wehrpflich- tigon in Baden und anderen Materialien darge- stellt. rov. 8°. Jena, 1693. DE ARANZADI (T.) & DE HOYOS SAINZ (T.) Lecciones de antropologia ajuetadasal programa v cxplanaciones del profesor de la asignatura Don Manuel Anton. 12-. Madrid, 1893. von Baer (K. E.) Vorlesungen iiber Anthro- pologie, fiir den Selbstunterricht. 1. Theil [with atlas fol.]. -\ Kbnigsberg, 1624. ------& Wagner (R.) Bericht iiber die Zu- sammenkuuft einiger Anthropologen im Septem- ber 1861 in Gottingen zum Zwecke gemeinsamer Bespxechungen. 4°. Leipzig, 1861. Beddojie (B.) *De hominum varietatibus et earum causis. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1777. Biazzi (F.) Sull' unita della specie umana; considerazioni di antropologia fisica e morale. 8°. Torino, 1889. Blair (W.) Anthropology: or, the natural history of man; with a comparative view ofthe structure aud functions of animated beings in general. 12°. London, 1803. Blumexbach (J. F.) The anthropological treatises of . . . with memoirs of him by Marx and Floureus, and an account of his anthropo- logical museum by Professor K. Wagner, aud the inaugural dissertation of John Hunter, M. D., ou the varieties of man Translated and ed- ited from the Latin, German, and French origi- nals, by Thomas Beudyshe. 8J. London, 18(>5. Bray (C.) The science of man, a manual of anthropology based on modern research. 2. ed. 8°. London, [1663]. Broca (P.-l\) Memoires d'anthropologie. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1871-7. ------. Instructions ge'ne'rales pour les re- cherches anthropologiques a faire sur le vivant. 2. e"d. 8:. Paris, 1879. Brixton (D. G.) Analytical catalogue of works and scientific articles. 8°. [n. p., 1892.] Catalogue of zoological and palaeontologk-al works offered for sale by Dulau & Co. Part XI. Mammalia. Part XII. Homo (anthropology aud ethnography). 16°. London, 1-90. Cels (A.) Elements d'anthropologie. No- tion de l'homme comme organisme vivant, et classification des sciences anthropologiques fon- damentales. v. 1. 8°. Bruxelles, 188-1. -----. The same. 8-. Paris, 1686. County folk lore. Vol.1. 1. Gloucestershire, edited by E. Sidney Hartland. 2. Suffolk, col- lected and edited by Lady Eveline Camilla Gor- don, with introduction by Eduard Clodd. 3. Leicestershire and Rutland, collected and edited by Charles J. Billson. 8°. London, 1895. Dictioxxaire des sciences anthropologiques, anatomie, craniologie, arclie"ologie pr6histori- que, ethuographie (mceurs, lois, arts, Industrie), de"mographie, langues, religions, public" sous la direction de MM. Ad. Bertillon [et al.], avec la collaboration dc MM. Bellucci [et al.]. A-G. 4°. Paris, [1884?]. Drummond (H.) The Lowell lectures on the ascent of man. 12-. New York, 1894. Exposition universelle [interuationale] de 1889, a Paris. Ministc-n- du commerce ct de l'industrie, direction ge"n6rale de Sexploitation. Exposition retrospective du travail et des sci- ences anthropologiques. 8°. Pavis, 1888. -----. Ministere du commerce ct de l'indus- trie, direction generale de Sexploitation. Expo- sition retrospective du travail et des sciences anthropologiques. Reglement general. [Paris, 16-9.] Firmix (A.) De Se'galite' des races humaines (anthropologic positive). 8-\ Paris, 188"). Liithi'opology. Fletcher (R.) *Paul Broca and the French school of anthropology. s-\ Washington, ]s-,> Aho, in: SATURDAV|Leet.. "Wash., 1882, 113—14J.' Gkrardix (L.) L'homme, elements de ]iliy. siologie, d'hygiene, de prdhistoire et d'etlnio- graphic Ouvrage inscrit sur la listc des livres fournis gratuitemeut par la ville de Paris a ses Ecoles. 12-. Paris, 1890. Gould (B. A.) Investigations in the military and anthropological statistics of American sol- diers. >o. Xew Tori; 1669. H[aworth] (S.) 'AvdpoTroAoyia: or, a philo- sophic discourse concerning man. Being the anatomy both of his soul and body. Wherein the nature, origin, union, immateriality, immor- tality, extension, and faculties of the oue, aud the parts, humours, temperaments, complexions, functions, sexes, and ages, respecting the other, and concisely delineated. 12°. London, ll'-U. Heinroth (J. C. A.) Lehrbuch der Anthro- pologie. 2. Ausg. t°. Leipzig, 1*31. Henle (J.) Anthropologische Vortriige. I. Hft. 8°. Braunschweig, 1876. Hkusinger (C. F.) Grundriss der physischne und psychischen Anthropologie fiir Aerzte und Xichtiirzte. 8J. Eisenach, 1829. Heyfelder (O.) Die Kindheit des Menscheu. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie und Psychologic. 2. Aufl. 8-. Erlangen, 1858. vax der Hoe vex (C. P.) Anthropologisch onderzoek. 4 v. in 2. 8 . Leiden, 1851-53. de Hoyos Saixz (L.) Te"cnica antropoldgica. Prologo del Doctor Anton yFerrdndiz. Dibujoa del Doctor Aranzadi. 12°. Madrid, 1893. Huxt (J.) Anniversary address delivered be- fore the Anthropological Society of London, Jan. 5,1864; with the first annual report. 8-. Lon- don, 1864. Huxley (T. H.) La place do l'homme dans la nature; avec une preface de I'auteur pour l'^dition francaise. 12°. Paris, 1-91. vox Jhering (H.) Mittheilungen aus dem Gottinger anthropologischen Vereine. 1. Hft. 8-. Leipzig 4' Heidelberg, 1874. Kupffer (C.) & Bessel-Hagen (F.) Schadel und Skelete der anthropologischen Sammluugen zu Konigsberg i. Pr. 4°. Braunschweig, 1880. Lawrence (W. ) Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man, deliv- ered at the Royal College of Surgeons. 8°. London, 1619. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1822. [Lubach (D.)] Anthropologie en ethnologic. t 6°. [n. p., n. d.] Maxtegazza ( P. ) Gli amori degli uomini. Saggio di una etnologia dell' ainore. 2 v. 12°. Milano, 1666. ------. Thesame. L'amonr dans l'humanite'; essai d'une ethnologie de l'amour. Trad, par Emilien Chesneau. 12c. Paris, 1886. Mason (O. T.) What is anthropology.' A lecture delivered in the National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. -J. Washington, 1662. Aho, in: Saturday Lect.. Wash.. 1882, 25-43. Aho,in: Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1882, Wash., 18S4, 633-C73. [Meyer (A. B.)] Dell' ambra preistorica la- vorata di Sicilia. (Tradotto dal tedesco da P. Strobel.) 8-. Parma, 1887. Cutting from: Bull. d. paletnol. ital., 1887. xih.no. 1- 2, 21-24. ------. Der sog. Jadeit Piz Longhin, Bergell, Schweiz. tc. Dresden, 1869. ------. Ueber Jadeit mit niedrigem specifi- schen Gewicute von Bamo in Banna. <-?- Ge- nova, 1692. Cutting from: Ann. d. Museo civ. d. storia nat. di Ge nova, 1892, 2. s., x. 1012-1014. ANTHROPOLOGY. 521 ANTHROPOLOGY. Anthropology. -----. Intorno a del material© preistorico del tipo ambra scoperto in Sicilia. (Tradotto dal teili-sco da P. Strobel.) .--. Parma, 1693. Cutting from: Bull. d. paletnol. ital., 1893, xix, no. 4-fi, 105-1U9. -----. Intorno alia nefrite di Sicilia. 8°. Parma, 1-93. Repr.from: Bull. d. paletnol. ital., 1893, xix. no. 7-9. Morgan" (L. H.) Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family. 4°. Wash- ington. 1671. Noyes (I. P.) The refining lines of civiliza- tion. Read before the Anthropological Society of Washington, D. C, Xov. 1, 1892. 8°. Wash- ington, 1692. Parrot. Soci6t6 d'anthropologie de Paris. Discours prononce" par . . . en prenant possession du fauteuil de president pour 1881. S°. Paris, 18-1. Perty t.M.) Die Anthropologie als die Wis- sensc-hat't von dem korperlichen nnd geistigen Weseu des Menschen. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig 4' Heidel- berg, 1874. Petri (E. J.) Antropologia. T. I. Osnovy antropologii. [. . . V. I. Principles of . . .] s . St. Petersburg, 1890. de Quatrefages (A. ) Recueil de rapports sur les progres des lettres et des sciences en France. Rapport sur les progres de l'anthro- pologie. 8°. Paris, 1667. Quetelet (A.) Sur l'homme et le developpe- ment de sc-s facultes. ou essai de physique so- ciale. 2 v. in 1. 16°. Bruxelles, 1636. -----. Thesame. Physique sociale; ou essai sur le developpement des faculte's de l'homme. 2v. 8C. Bruxelles, 1869. Ranke (J.) Der Mensch. 2 v. 8°. Leip- zig u. Wien, 1888-90. Riboli (T.) Prelezioni di antropologia com- parata o abbozzamento di una nuova filosofia. 8:. Torino, 1^55. Riccakdi (P.) Saggio di un catalogo biblio- grafico antropologico italiano. Con cenni sto- rici intomo alia antropologia; e biografici in- torno ad alcuni autropologi italiani. 6D. Mo- dena, 1863. Salmon (P.) Precis d'anthropologie par Abel Hovelacque et Georges Herve. Compte rendu. roy. 8=. Paris, 1687. Schaaffiiatsen (H.) Anthropologische Stu- dien. 8\ Bonn, 18.";"). Schmidt (E.) Anthropologie. Die Anthro- pologie in der Hauptstadt der Vereinigten Staa- ten, das Bureau of Ethnologv. 8°. [Leipzig], 1885. Cutting from: Kosmos, Leipz., 1885, i, 380-393. -----. Anthropologische Methoden. Anlei- tung zum Beobachten und Sammeln fiir Labora- toriuin und Reise. 12. Leipzig, 1686. Schwalbe (G.) Feber einige Probleme der physischen Anthropologie. 8-. Strassbnrg, 1893. Aho, in: Stiftungsf. d. K.-Wilh.-Univ., Strassb., 1893, 13-38. Scott (J.) The origin and formation of man ; or, what is man anatomically, physiologically, and phrenologically considered? 8°. London, [n.d.]. Skrgi (G.) Antropologia e scienze antropolo- giche. Darwin e S antropologia; presente ed avvenire dell' antropologia; S uomo terziario in Lombardia; S antropologia biol6gica; la soeio- logia e 1' organismo delle societa- umane; fra gl' Indiani d'America: costumi funerarii; snlla na- tura dei fenomeni psichici; la stratificazione del carattere e la delinquenza; natura ed origine della delinquenza. 8°. Messina, 1669. Anthropology. Sharpe (W.) Tlie cause of color among races and the evolution of physical beauty. Xew ed. 12 . New Tork, 1861. Smith (H. 1.) Work in anthropology at the University of Michigan for the year 1.-592. l(i°. Ann Arbor, 1694. Repr.from: Univ. Record, 1894, 98-100. Sokding ( E. ) Catalog 31. Anthropologie. Ethnologic, Uigesehiehte. 8J. Wien, 1869. Starckk (C.-N.) La faniille primitive: ses originc-s et son developpement. 8°. Paris, 1*91. Topinakd (1'.) L'anthropologie. Avec pre- face du Prof. Paul Broca. 12°. Paris, 1876. -----. Tho same. Anthropologie, nach der 3. franzosisclien Auli. iibersetzt von Richard Neuhauss. 2. Ausg. 8°. Leipzig, 188[(i]-8. -----. Elements d'anthropologie generale. 8°. Paris, 1667). Tylor(E. B.) Anthropology, an introduction to the study of man aud civilization. 12-. New Tork, L-94.' Verzkichniss der anthropologischen Litera- tur. 4°. Braunschweig, 1697). Waring (J. J.) Natural lawrs vs. political is- sues. A lecture delivered to the graduating class of the National Medical College, Feb. 21, 1801. 8°. Washington, 1861. Weinberg (J.) * Die Gehirnwindungen bei deu Esten. Eine anatomisch-anthropologische Studie. 8-. Jurjew (Dorpat), 1894. Wn.sox ( D.) Anthropology. With an ap- pendix on archaeology, by E. B. Tylor. 6J. New Tork, 1885. Anthropology at the British Association. Nature, Lond., 1894, 1, 439.—Ai-tliaiul, Discours d'ouverture; le.s tendances autisoeiales de l'anthropologie moderne. Notice il. trav. Soc. de med. de Bordeaux, 1847, 7-24 — Bercnger-Fcrauil. La maye de l'rovence. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1883, 2. s., vi, 480-483. — Bollaert (W.) Contributions to an introduction tothoanthr pology of the New World. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. (1865-6), 1806, ii, 92-152.—Rein ton (D. G.) Tho nomenclature and teach- ing of anthropology. [With discussion bv J. W. Powell.] Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1892, v, 203-271. "■-----. Address 1 by the president: Tho "nation" as an element in anthro- pology. Mem. Internal. Cons;. Anthrop. 1893, Chicago, 1894, 19-34. Also: Rep. Smithson. lust. 1893, Wash., 1894, 589-6U0. -----. The aims of anthropology. Pop. Sc. Month., X. T., 1895-6, xlviii, 59-72. Also: Science, X. Y. & Lancaster. Pa., 1895, n. s., ii, 241-252. — Broca (P.) Anthropologic). Diet, encycl. d. sc. nied., Par., 1866, v, 27<;-:;. .1 Z.s-o, in his: Mem. d'anthrop., 8°, Par., 1871, i, 1-41.—It ii jack. Auszug aus dem Catalog der Sammlung dei Altciiliiiiusgesellschaft Prussia. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1879, xii. [App.], 75-89.—Byrd (II. L.) Pre- adamite races of men. Independ. Pract., Bait., 1881, ii, 1-9.—Cai-ric-i-c; (G.) Deruiers temps de l'epoque neo- lithiquo dans lAi-doolie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dc Lyon (1891), 1892, x, 25-36. — Im-imoii (I».) [The study of anthropology in India.1 J Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1890, ii, 117-146.'— Kanitz (F. ) Die Ethnographic der Pariser, 'Exposition des sciences anthropologiques". Mitth.d.anthrop. ftesellsch. in Wien, 1880, ix, ausserord. Beil., 1-26.—KoUnnt-i (K.) Kenkukai no kaifu in zukete. [Anthropological study of the roof of the mouth.] Ilokuetsu Ikwai Kwaiho. 1894, no. 63, 1-10.—Kollmaiiii (J.) [Anthropological litera- ture: reviews.| Arch. f. Anthrop., Bruschwg., 1893-4, xxii, 270-273.—Ijaca»-.aync (A.) Methodes et tendances de l'anthropologie eontc-mporainc. Kev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiii, 401-404.—de I,;i|:oiii;<> ((j.) L'anthropologie et la science politique. Iicv. d'anthrop., Par., 1887, 3. s.. ii, 136-157. Also, Reprint. — I.etouriieau ( C. ) La pre- histoire vivante. Kev. scient., Par., 1885, xxxvi, 706-713.— liivi (K.) Saggio di antropometria militare. Atti di Soc. rom. di anti-op., Konni, 1894, i, 292-307.— Tlac ali>l« r (A.) Anthropology. [President's address, j Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1892, Lond., 1893, 886-895. Also: Nature, Loud., 1892, xlvi, 378-382. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892-3, xiii, 303-318. - tlcCee ( \V. J.) Comparative chronology. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1892, v, 327-344, 1 chart. — IVIachadeau. Les races humaines pretiisto- ricpies, par Philippe Salmon; compte rendu. Bull. Soe. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1888. vii, 201-209, 1 pl., 1 map — Maim (E. C.) Anthropological science. Med. Reg.. Phila., 1888, iii, 553: 577.—.VI a nou vriei- (L.) Sur la force des muscles flechisseurs des doigts chez l'homme et chez la femme, et comparaison du poids do rencephalo k differents termes anatomiques et physiologiques. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. lie Par., lfvvi, .;. s., vi, 645-649.—.Vlantcgazza (P.) I cauoni scientifici dell' arte drammatica. Arcb. per V antrop., Firenze, 1892, xxii, 89-99. -----. L' antropologia nell' in- segnamento universitario e 1'antropometria nella scuola. Ibid.. 1^5-190—Mason (O. T.) The scope and value of anthropological studies. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1p83. Salem, 1884, xxxii. 367-383. Abo, Reprint. Also: Science, Cambridge, 1883, ii, 358-365. Also, transl [Abstr.l: Rev. scient.. Par., 1883, xxxii, 676-681. -----. Progress of an- thropology iu 1890. Rep. Mnithson. Inst. 1889-90, Wash., 1891, 527-6i'8. 4 pl. -----. The progress of anthropology in 1892. Ibid., 1*92, Wash., 1893. 465-512. -----. Similarities in culture. Am. Anthrop.. AVash., 1895, viii, 101-117.— Matthew* (W.) A study in butts aud tips. Idnct.1892, v, 345-350. — Meyer (A. B. ) The nephrite questiou. Ibid.. 1888, i, 231-242.- VIilll«-i- (J. H.) [et al.]. Verzeich- uiss der autliropnhigischeu Liteiutur. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., li-.vi, xiv, App., 161.—de \a«laillac [liar- quis). Les sciences anthropologiques a l'expo.sition uni- verselle de ltc9. Nature, Par.,"18~8-9, xvii, pt. 2, 7-10. Anthropology. -----. Les progres de l'anthropologie. Compt. rend, du Cong, scient. internat. d. catholiques, Par., 1891, Sect, viii 5-35.—Nikolski (D. P.) Obzor russkikh rabot po antio'. pologii za posllednie tri goda. [Review of the Russian works on anthropology for the last three years. ] I rudi antrop. Obsh. p. imp. vovenno-med. Akad. 1893, S .pfi. terb., 1894, i, 105-149. Aho, Reprint.—."Voire (L.) Tlie problem of anthropology. [Transl. from the German by M. B. Bonner.] J. Speeul. Phil., N. Y., 1884. xviii. 337. 355.—Pengelly (W.) Department of anthropologic : ;in address. Nature, Lond., 1883, xxviii, 524- 529. - IVn-ic (W. M. F. ) Anthropologv. Rep. Brit. Ass. Ad\ S, Lond., 1895. lxv, 816-824.—Piette (E.) Etudes d'tlliim' graphie prehistorique. Anthropologie, Par.. 1895, vi, 27ti- 292.—Pommerol (F.) Le squeletto humain de Giave- noire. Rev. mens, do I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1892, ii, 269-272.—Primer-Bey. Reponse k M. Broca sur la no' menclature anthropologique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. do Par., 1862, iii, 332-338. — Raymond ( P.) Le prehisto- rique le long de la riviere d'Ardeche. Ibid., 1892, 4. s., iii, 151-156.—BejjiianIt (F.) Des beguins. Ibid.. 1890, 4.s„ i, 662-680.— Beich (E.) Die Einheit des Menschen und der innere Zusammenhang von Anthropologie, Ilygieine und Socialwissenschaft. Athenaeum d. ftegenwart, Miin- chen, 1892, 1-5. —Beinaeli (S.) La situle de Kuflainc-t les vases dtTEdeuburg. Anthropologic, Par., 1893, iv, 182- 191. -----. Le mirage oriental. Ibid., 539-578.—Ki»l< > , (H. H.) Progress of anthropologv in India. J. Antlirop. Soc. Bombay, 1893, iii, 88-93. — Riviere (E.) Sur trois nouveaux squelettes humains decouverts dans les grottcs de Meuton, et sur la clUparitiou des silcx tailles et leur remplacement par des instriiiueiits en grcs et en calcairo. Compt. reud. Acad. d. sc. I'ar. 1874. lxxviii, 569-573. Also, Reprint. — Roberts ( C. ) The life-history album. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 1166.—de Koi h< hrinie ii.. T.) De l'emploi des mollusques chez hs peuphs amicus et modernes. Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 1882, i. 465: 1 rH::, ii, 311. — Rolleston (G.) Address on anthropology, delivered to the anthropological department of the Brit- ish Association for the Advancement of Science. Hep. Biit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1875, Lond., 1876, xiv, 142-156. Also: Nature, Loud., 1875, xii, 382-386. Also, in his: Scient. Papers Sc Addr., h~, Oxford, 1884, ii, 880-906. — Roule (L.) Sc Rejjnaiilt (F.) Fn maxillaire inferieur hu- main trouve dans une grotte des Pyrenees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1895, cxxi, 141-14;. —Sabatiei-. De l'ediication des peuph-s conquis: de Taction du peuple edueateur etudiee dans ses conditions d'efficacitfi et dans ses effets. L'lloiiime, Par., 1887, iv, 33-46.— Scliaaflfhauseii. Sur l'anthropologie pre.historii|in-. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. 1872, Brux., 1873, vi, 535-549. -----. Der Kanipf des Menscheu mit der Natur. In his: Anthrop. Sludien, 8°, Bonn, 1885, 327-354. -----. Ueber die anthropologischen Fragen der Gegenwart. Ibid., 411-432. -----. Feher den Zusammenhang der Anthro- pologie mit der Ethnologic und Frgeschichte. Ibid., 645- 660. — Sebrader (F.) De l'influence des formes ter- restres sur le developpement humaiu. Rev. mens, de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1893, iii, 205-219. — Schwartz (W.) Der Zaubcr des riickwarts Singens und Spielens. (Mit einem Nachtrag voin Todteufiihrmaun und tier Schatteuwelt.) Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl, 1883, xv, 113- 122.—Scrgi (G.) Sulla classittcazione naturale in antro- pologia. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, 75-81.—Spatuzzi (A.) Relazioni tra 1' igiene e 1' an- tropologia; quesiti pratici che ne derivano ed applica- zioui alio sviluppo di statura. Morgagni, Napoli, 1887, xxix, pt, 1, 509: 1888, xxx, pt. 1, 269.—Stark (J.) On the supposed progress of human society from savage to civilized life, as connected with the domestication of ani- mals aud the cultivation of the cerealia. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1841, xv, 177-210. — Starr (F.) Anthropological work in Europe. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892, xii, 54-72. -----. Anthropological work in America. Ibid., 289- 307. — Sticda (L.) Feber die Anwendung der Widir- scbeinlichkeitsrechnuug in der anthropologischen Statis- tik. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1882-3, xiv, 167-182. Aho, Reprint. — Testut (L.) Anthropologie; qu'est-co que 1'hommo pour un anatoiniste ! Kev. scient., Bar.. 1887, xxxix, 65-77. -----. Kecherches anthropob>gii|ues sur le scpielette quaternaire de Chancelade (Doidogne). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon, I8f9,viii, 131-246, 10 pl. I I>i«- cussion], 1890, ix, 21; 24; 39- Tliulie. Rappoit sur 1* s societes d'anthropologie et l'enscignemeiitde l'antbiopoin- gie. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1878. 2. s.. i, 699-703. —Topi- 11 a id (P.) L'art et l'anthropologie. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1876, Par., 1877, v, 618-624.----- Histoire de l'anthropologie de 1800 k 1830. ( Monogenics, polvgenistes et trausformistes.) Rev. internat. d. *<-., Par., 1878. i. 65;, 129. -----. Rapport sur l'anthropologie anatomique, bio'logique et pathologique. Cong, internat. d. se. anthrop. 1878, Par., 1880. 29-35. -----. Les sciences anthropologiques. Rev. scient., Par., 1881. xxvii. 19-25. Aho: Alger med.,1881,ix, 1; 36 ; 97.-----. The hist,stages in the genealogy of man. Pop. Sc. Month . N. "V ., 1*88, xxxiii, 821-832. -----. Un mot sur l'histoire de l'anthro- pologie en 1788. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1888. 3. s., in, AyTHKOPOLOGY. 523 xxNTHROPOLOGY. Anthropology. 197-201. -----. L'anthropologie a l'exposition de 1889. Sciences biol. k la tin du NIX* siecle. Par.. 1893,100-106. .-----L'anthropologie aux fitats-Unis. Antln opol., Par., 1893, iv, 301-351. -----. Quelques conclusions et applica- tions de l'anthropologie. Ibid., 657-696.—Tylor (E. B.) American aspects of anthropology. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1884-5, xxvi. 152-168. Also [Abstr.]: Scien.ce, Cam- bridge, 1884, iv, 217-219. Aho. transl.: Rev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiv, 545-553. -----. How the problems of Ameri- can anthropologv present themselves to the English mind. Tr. Anthrop. Soc. Wash. (1883-5), 1885, iii, 81-95. Also: Science. Cambridge, 1884, iv, 545-551. -----. Anniversary address. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1891-2, xxi, 396-4li. -----. Stone age basis for oriental study. Rep. Smith- son. Inst. 1893, Wash.. 1894, 701-708— Vaiidei-kiiiilere. L'enquete anthropologique en Auti iche. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Brux., 1884-5, iii, 373-383.—Van Overloop. Communication sur une methode a suivie dans les etudes pre-historiqnes. Ibid., 20-32. — YerzeieluiiKw der an- thropologischen Literatur. Arch.f. Anthrop.. Brnschwg., 1885-6, xvi, No. 4, 1-135.—Virchow (R.) Abscbluss der Schulerhebungen in Betreff der Farbe der Augen, der Haare unci der Haut in Treussen. Yerhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1870, 16-18. -----. Neue statis- tische anthropolische Untersuchungen. Ibid.. 1877, 39- 41. -----. Ueber Darwin und die Anthropologie. Cor.- Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Miuicheii. 1882, xiii, 80-89. Also, transl: Rev. scient, Par., 1882, xxx, 417-421. -----. Anthropologische Excursion nach Feldberg. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1884, 390-397. -----. Schema zu anthropologischen Auf- nahmen. Ibid., 1885. 99-102. -----. Gesammtbericht iiber die von der deutschen anthropologischen Gesellschaft veranlassten Erhebungeu fiber die Farbe der Haut, der Haare und der Augen der Scbulkinder in Deutschland. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1885-6, xvi, 275-475, 5 maps. ----. Die Anthropologic in den letzten 20 Jahren. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1889. n. F., ix, [57-68]. -----. Das vom StaVarzt Dr. L. Wolf hinterlas- sene anthropologische Material. Yerhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1889. [766-784], lpl. -----. Les pro- blemes de l'anthropologie. Rev. scient., Par., 1892. 1, 589- 591. Aho, transl: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892-3, xiii, 373-377. -----. Die heutigen Probleme der anthropolo- gischen Alterthumsforschung. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop. [etcl, Munchen, 1893. xxiv, 74-79. ----. Ueber den vermeintlichen ^ophokles Schadel und iiber die Grenze zwischen Anthropologie und Archao- logie. Yerhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1894, 117-125. -----. Eroffnungsiede. Cor.-Bl. cl. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Miinchen, 1894, xxv, 80-87.— Vivien. Recherches sur l'histoire de l'anthropologie. Mem. Soc. ethnol., Par., 1845. ii, 45-75.—Wake (C. S.) The primitive human family. J. Anthrop. Inst.. Lond., 1879, ix, 3-19.—Walhouse (M.J.) Rag-bushes and kin- dred observances. Ibid.. 97-106.— Ward (L. F.i Rela- tion of sociology to anthropologv. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1895, viii, 241-256. — Weikard (M. A.) Uebersicht der Geschichte des Menschen. Phil. Arzt, Frankf. a. M., 1798, i, n. Aufl., 1-27. — Weis«erber ( H.) Excursion anthropologique au Sahara rlsMi). Kev. d'anthrop., Par., 1880, 2. s., iii, 651-668.—White (A. 1>1 The fall of man and anthropology. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1890-91, xxxvii, 577-590.—Wild (J. J.) Outlines of anthropology. Rep. Australas. Ass. Adv. Sc. 18s8. Sydney, [1889], i, 442- 446.—Windle (W.) [et al.\. Anthropometric work in schools. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Loud., 1894, 439-443.— Ifadrintweflf (N. M.) Kochevol bit narodov i yevo znachenie v istorii cheloviecheskoi kulturi. [The no- madic life of nations and its meaning in the history of hu- man-calture.] Protok. zasaid. Russk. antrop. Obsh. 1890- 91, St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 64-69. Anthropology (Criminal). See, also, Anarchists; Auricle; Crime, etc.; Criminals, etc.: Degeneration; Identity; In- sane (Dangerous), etc.; Insanity (Homicidalj: Prisoners (Diseases, etc., of); Prisons; Prosti- tutes; Sexual instinct (Perversion, etc., of). Acollas (£.) L'anthropologie et le droit. 8C. [Paris, 1874.] Allikvo (G.) Lombroso e Wahltncb, ossia fisiologismo e filosofia. 8°. Torino, 1687. Aubry (P.) La contagion du meurtre. Etude d'anthropologie criminelle. Pre'ceMe' d'une pre- face dc M. le Dr. A. Corre. 2. e"d. 8°. Path. 1894. Baer (A.) Der Verbrpcher iu anthropologi- schcr Beziehung. 6Z. Leipzig, 1693. Also [Abstr.], in: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 893. Baudin (L.) Folie et criminality. Les cri- minels sont-ils des fous? Examen critique des Anthropology (Criminal). nouvelles doctrines de Lombroso et tie l'e'cole italienne, dite d'anthropologie criminelle. 8°. Bi saneon, 1668. Benedikt (M. ) Anatomische Studien an Verbrechcr-Gehiruen fur Anthropologen, Medi- cincr, Juristen und Psvchologen bearbeitet. 8°. rFiYH, 1879. Biklilovski (K. A.) *K voprosu ob antro- pologicheskom tipe prestupnika. [On the an- thropological type of criminal.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1697). Bonvixciiiato (E.) Sulla iii edizione. dell' Uomo delinquent**, del Prof. Lombroso e sull' applicability del metodo antropologico al diritto penale ed alia medicina legale. 8-. Venezia, 1884. Braxcaleoxe-Eibaxiio (P.) Studio antro- pologico del militate delinquente, con prefazione di C. Lombroso. 8". Boma, Torino, 1891. Chizh ( V. ) Kriminalnaya antropologia, [Criminal anthropology. ] 12-\ Odessa, 1607>. Colajaxxi (N.) La sociologia criminale. 2 v. HO. Catania. 1889. Aho [Rev.], in: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1889. xv, pt. 2, 259-272. -----. Ire e spropositi di Cesare Lombroso. 1-2 . Catania, 1690. CORRE (A.) Le crime eu pays Creoles. (Es- quisse d'ethnographie criminelle.) 8:'. Paris, [I860]. -----. Les criminels; caracteres physiques et psyt-hologiques. 12J. Paris, 1-89. -----. L'ethnographie criminelle d'apres les observations et les statistiques jndiciaires re- cueillies dans les colonies francaises. 12°. Pa- ris, 1896. Dugdale (E. L.) "The Jukes", a study in crime, pauperism.disease, and heredity ; also fur- ther studies of criminals. With an introduction by Elislia Harris. 8°. New Tork, 1677. Feijri (E.) Socialismo e criminalita. ^°, Boma, 1683. -----. Delitti e delinquenti nella scienza e nella vita. P!0. Milano, 1889. -----. Sociologia criminale. 3. ed., com- pletamente rifatta dei nuovi orizzonti del diritto e della procedura penale. 8:. Torino, 1892. Fraxcotte (X.) L'anthropologie criminelle. 8. Bruxelles, 1890. Repr.from: Rev. d. quest, scient., 1890. -----. The same. [With additions.] P2 . Paris, 1691. Gabelli ( F. ) ITmanitarismi morbosi. 16-\ Verona 4' Padova, 1887). Gahoiai.o CIJ.) Ciiminologia; studio sul de- litto e sulla teoria della repressione. 2. ed., in- teramente riordinata e nfata dall' autore e con uu' appendice di L. Carelli. 5°. Torino, 1691. Gexod (C.) * Le cerveau des criminels. 4°. Lyon, 1693. Gould (G. il.) The modern Frankenstein. 12-. Chicago, [1889]. Ghaziadei (P.) L' antropologia, la libertu e la responsabilita morale. L' uomo di galera. 8°. Caserta, 1866. Koch (J. L. A.) Die Frage nach dem gebore- nen Verbrecher. 8J. Bavensburg, 1894. Krui-.LLA (H.) Naturgeschichtc des Verbre- chers. Gruudziige der criminellen Anthropo- logie und Criminalpsychologie. Fiir Gerichts- arzte, Psychiater, Juristen und Venvaltungsbe- ainte. 8-'. Stuttgart, 1893. Laurent (E.) Les habitue's des prisons de Paris, e"tude d'anthropologie et de psychologie criminelles. Preface de M. le Dr. A. Lacassagne. 8°. Lyon, 1890. AXTIIKOPOLOGY. 524 ANTIIKOPOLOGY. Anthropology (Criminal). ------. L'umour morbide. Etude de psy- chologic pathologique. .-:. Paris, 1-91. ------. L'anthropologie criminelle et les nouvelles theories du crime. ^r. Paris, 1-91. ------. Les suggestions criminelles. Viols. Faux et captation. Faux temoignages. Viols moraux. Les suggestions en amour. Gabrielle Fenayron ct Gabrielle Bompard. .-". Lyon, 1-91. ------. The same. 2. 6(1., revue et ties aug- mentee avec nombreux portraits hors texte. de criminalist es francais et Grangers. 8-. Paris, [1-93]. Lefoht (E. ) *Physionomie du crimiuel d'apres les .savants et les artistes. 4\ Lyon, 1-9-2. Lombroso ((J.) L' uomo delinquents in rap- jiorto all' antropologia, giurisprudeuza ed alle discipline carcerarie. Aggiuntavi la teoria della tutela penale del F. Poletti. 2. ed. 8 . Boma, Torino, Firenze, 1878. ------. The same. Delinquente-nato e pazzo morale. 3. ed. - . Boma, Torino, Firenze. 18-4. ------. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. r . Torino, 1869. CONTENTS. v. 1. Delinquente-nato e pazzo morale. v. 2. Ui-linqueute epilettico, d' impeto, pazzo e crimina- loide. ------. The same. L'honime crimiuel. Crimi- nel-nd; fou moral: £pileptique. Etude anthro- pologiipie. Trad, sur la 4. ed. italienne par .MM, Regnier et Bournet et proce'de d'une preface du Dr. Cli. Letonrneau. 2 v. (one of which is an atlas). 8°. Paris, 18^7. ------. The same. Der Verbrecher in an- thropologischcr, iirztlicher und juristischer Be- ziehung. In deutscher Bearbeitung von il. O. Fraenkel, mit Vor wort von Kirclienheini. 2 v. 8-. Hamburg, 1—7-90. Aho [Rev.J, in: Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1888-9, xxx, 84; 192. ------. L'anthropologie criminelle et ses re"- cents progres. 1'2:. Paris, 1890. Also [Abstr.J, in: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat. Coblenz u. Leipz., 1890, n. F., i, 5; 63 ; 102. ------. Les applications de l'anthropologie criminelle. 1'2°. Pavis, lr-9'2. ------. Nouvelles recherches de psychiatrie et d'anthropologie criminelle. 12^. Paris, 189^. ------. Le piu recenti scoperte ed applica- zioni della psichiatria ed antropologia criminale. 8\ Roma, Torino, 1893. ------. The same. Neue Fortschritte in den Verbrecherstudien. Autorisierte llebersetzung aus dem Italienischen von Hans Merian. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. -----& Fekrero (G.) Das Weib als Ver- brecherin mid Prostituirte. Authroiiologische Darstellung der Biologic und Psychologie des normaleu Weibes. Autorisirte Uebersetzung von Dr. . . . H. Kurella. 8°. Hamburg, 1894. See. aho, infra. ------ ------. The same. Tlie female of- fender: with an introduction by W. D. Morrison. 8°. London, 189."). ------& Laschi (R.) II delitto politico e le rivoluzioni in rapporto al diritto, all' antropo- logia criminale ed alia scienza di governo. Bi- blioteca antropologico-giuridica, serie i. vol. ix. 8°. Torino, 1890. -------------. The same. Le crime politique et les revolutions par rapport au droit, a l'an- thropologie criminelle et a la science du gouver- nemeut. Traduit par A. Bouchard. 2 v. 8 . Paris, 1692. LrccniNi (L.) L'e'cole anthropologique en matiere de criminality. Lettre a Charles Lu- cas. 8°. [Paris, 1—-.] Anthropology (Criminal). MacDoxald (A.) Abnormal man; being es- says on education and crime and related sub- jects, with digests of literature and a bibliog- raphy. <-°. Washington, 1-93. -----. Criminology; with an introduction by Dr. Cesaie Lombroso. ]•> . Xew York 1 -93. -----. Le criminel-type dans quelques formes graves de la crituiualitc*. Traduit de l'anglais par le Dr. Henry Coutagne. - . Lyon, 1-9:1. Aho [Abstr.j, in: Arch, dc l'anthrop. crim., Par 189-> vii. 037: 1893, viii, 40; 277. ------. Abnormal woman; a sociologic and scientific study of young women, including let- ters of American and European girls in answer to personal advertisements, with a bibliography. P2-. Washington, 1*97). Maupate (L.) " Recherches d'anthropologie criminelle eliez l'enfant. Criminality et de'ge'iie- resceuce. [Paris.] 4°. Lyon, 1.-93. ------. The same. 8°. Lyon 4' Paris, [1893]. Makro (A.) I caratteri dei delinquenti. Studio antropologico-sociologico. Opera premi- ata al coucorso iuternazionale di antropologia criminale indetto dalla direzione della Rivista Carcerarie. 8°. Roma, Torino, Firenze, l>67. Biblioteca antropologico-giuridicii, 1. s., iii. Nacke (P.) Verbrechen und Wahnsiun beim Weibe, mit Ausblickeu auf die Criminal -An- thropologie iiberhaupt. Klinisch-statistisclie, anthropologisch-biologische und craniologische Lntersuchungeii. 8C. Wien u. Leipzig, 1694. Orsha.nski (I. (i.) Nashi prestupniki i uche- nieLombroso. Medico-psichologicheskiyoclierk. [ Our criminals and Lombroso's teaching. Med- ico-psychological sketch.] P-i-. St. Petersburg, 1.-91. ' Proal(L.) Les me"decins positivistes et les theories moderues de la criminality. 8°. Paris, 1890. Repr. from: Correspondant. Pegliese (G. A.) Sul Congresso cli antropo- logia criminale. Lettera all' . . . Bovio. 8 . Giorinazzo, l-8(i. Repr.from: Riv. d. ginreprudenza. Rossi (V.) (Studi sopra una centuria di crinii- nali, cou prefazione del Cesare Lombroso, e nio- nografie degli avvocati *• dottori Ansennino [et al.]. .-'. Roma, Torino [etc.], 188S See. aho, infra. ------. Glossario alfabetico per la antropo- logia criminal*' e la medicina legale ad nso dei giuristi. 8 . Torino, 1-89. Saixt-Aubin (J.) Le crimiuel et l'anthropo- logie criminelle (6coh- italienne). Discours pro- nonc6 a l'audience soiennelle de rentree de la cour d'appel de Gren >ble, du Iii octobre 1 S-^'J. 8-. Grenoble, 16-9. Scia.manxa (E.) Guida nelle ricerche auato- miche e antropologiche sui cadaveri dei condan- nati. 4 . Roma, 1664. Repr. from: Riv. di discipline carcerarie, Roma,. 1884, xiv. Texchini (L.) Cervelli di delinquenti (sh- perhcie meto-pic-a). Ricerche di anatomia. 8°. Parma, 1-85. ------. The same. (Snperneic parieto-tem- poro-occipitale.) Memoria seconda. 8-. Par- ma, 1667. ------. Tlie same. (Superfine interna.) Me- moria terza. 8 . Parma, 1691. Vidal (G.) fitat actuel de l'authropologie criminelle (a propos d'un ouvrage de M. Luc- chinO. - . Toulouse. 1892. Wf.y (II. D.) Criminal anthropology. 8°. Ehnira, 1-90. ANTHROPOLOGY, 525 ANTHROPOLOGY. Anthropology (Criminal). Zl'CCARELLl (A.) Degenerazione e delin- quenza. Siiggi di antropologia criminale. Rac- colta di osservazioni. 8. Napoli. 1601. Also [Abstr.], in: Anomalo, Napoli, 1889, i, 110-113. Abbott (A.) The physiology of tin- rogue. Sanita" rian, X. Y., 1888, xx, 289-303.—Aljjeri (G.) (iii en-ilidel delitto, della pazzia, dell' alcoolismo. Atti d. Cong. d. Sue. freniat. ital. 1880, Milano, 1887, v, 81. — Aliene* (Les) criiuinels et les mesures k prendre contre hs dclinquauts irresponsables. [Abstr.] Courrier med., I'm-., 1-H5, xiv, 342; 346.—Amadei (G.) Sopra un cranio di ladro. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1885-6, xi, pt. 2, 208-213, 1 pl.—Anfosso (L.) II segnalamento dei delinquent! ed il nuovo antropometro popolare. Arch, di psichiat., etc. Torino. 1888, ix, 363-374, 1 pl. — Angiolella (G.) Sullo stnto attuale dell' antropologia criminale a proposito di un recente lavoro del kirn. Riv. sper. di freniat., Regn-io- Emilia, 1895, xxi, 173-182.—Ardii IE.) Sull' indice era- nio-mandibolare dei delinquent!. Ibid., 1893, xiv, lf>-24.— Aruo (C.) Principali anomalio riscontrate su 151 mino- renni detenuti alia Generala (Torino). Ibid., 1890. xi, 97.— Aubry (P.) Fne faiuille de criminels; note pour servir k l'histoire de 1'heredite. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1892, 7. s., xvi, 429-441. — Autlibt-rli (G.) Tipi cli criminali nati. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1884, v, 115-119.— JBadik (J.) Biiuteny 6s a KSzponti idegrendszer szabiilytalan miikodese. [Crime aud irregular function of tbe'brain.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 1373- 1379. -----. A biintevok osztdlyozisa azok kopony- 4in 6s agyvelein (agyburkokkal egyiitt) lelt abnormitdsok Bzerint. [Skulls anil brains of the criminal classes, indi- cating abnormities of mind.] Ibid., 1884, xxviii. 575-578. ----. Eintbeilung der Verbrecher in vier Typen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1884. xcvii, 254-259.—Baer, Criminal-Authropologie. Yerhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1894, 125 - 134. — Bajenoff. Etude an- thropologique sur les criminels. Encephale, Par., 1884, iv, 738-742. — von Bardeleben. Felier sogenannte Verbrechergehirue. Tagebl. d. Ycrsamnil. deutsch. Na- tnrf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 237-240. Aho: Deutsche Rev., Berl., 1883. viii, 209-221.- Bntrmiui (.sir F.) On criminal anthropologv. Ediub. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix. 697- 702. Aho: Med.-Leg. j., X. Y., 1893-4. xi, 428-435. — Item - dikt (M.) Zur Anthropologie der Yerbreehen. Inhis: Zur Psychophysik der Moral [etc. J, 8°, Wien, 1875, 15-28. ----. Demonstration eines Yerbrechergehirnes. Mitth. (1. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., Is-:;, ix, 153-157. -----. Der Schadel des Eaubmorders Schimak. (Anatomische Mit- tbcilung.) Med. Jahrb., Wien. 18S8. n. F., iii, 169-182, 1 diag. -----. Anthropologische! Befund bei dem Morder Hugo Schenk. Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 1-3. -----. An- thropologischcr Befund bei dem Muttermorder Raimund Hackler. Wien. med. Presse, 1891, xxxii. 1693-1698. -----. Apercu des applications de l'anthropologie crimi- nelle. [Rap. | Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1892. Brux., 1893, iii, ls3. -----. Anomalie della superficie dell' encefalo nei criminali. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, ls95. iv, Psichiat. [etc.], 83-86. — Benedikt (M.) Sc Bcneilikt (H.) Les grands criminels de Yienue: etnde anthropologique des cerveaux et des cranes de la collection Hoffman. Arch, del'anthrop.crim.,Par.,1891, vi, 237: 1892, vii, 237: 1893,viii,225, 4pl.: 1896, xi,14-36. — von Bentivegni(A.) Anthropologische Formeln fiir dus Yer- breclierthum : einekritische Studie. Schrift. cl.Gesellsch. f. psycho], Forsch., Leipz., 1893. ii, Hft. 6, 1-45.—Berry on criminal anthropology.] Arch, psichiat., etc., Cbar- kov, 1892, xx no. 2. 104: 1893, xxii, no. 3, 105: 1894, xxiv, 96- -----. K uchen. ob organ, prcstupuosti. [A study of organic criminality.] Ibid., 1893, xxi, no. 1, 137-176.— t'iccarclli (A.) Tarde e la respmisabilita morale. Ano- malo, Xapoli, 1889, i. 28!)-293.—Clonslon (T. S.) The developmental aspects of criminal anthropology. J. An- throp. Inst.. Lond., 1893-4, xxiii, 215-225.—C'or'aini (E.) Emicenturia di crauii di delinquenti. Atti d. xi Cong. mecl. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, Med. leg., 71-73.—Coro- ■ninas (E.) Memoria distinguida con accesit eu el cou- Ailthl'opology (Criminal). curso do premios do" 1890, sobre el siguiento tema: Si las condiciones anatomicas del organismo humano pueden in- fiuir en los actus del hombre, ;qu6 reglas ha dictado la ciencia para distingiiir las acciones criminales de las meri- torias? An. r. Acad, do med., Madrid, 1892, xii, 5; 244; 293.—C'ori-c (A.) Mceurs criminelles et judiciaires retro- spectives d'apres les archives des anciennes cours ct juri- dictionsprovinciales; I'.retagne: Leonet Cornouaille (xviie et xviiie siecles): geneialitcs; juridictions, appels, magi- strats et officiers de justice; procedures et peualites, graces et remissions. Arch, del'anthrop. crim.. Par., 1891, vi 585- 629.—da Costa Dorea (J. R.) A idado e osexo em ma- teria cnmiiiaL (Ja/,. med. da liahin, 1893-4, 4. s., iv, 385; 433.—C'n^iiii (A.) Sopra centoqiiaranta cranii di delin- queuti. Atti (1. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, Med. leg., 79-81. — « uyliis. L'origine morbide des ca- racteres reconnus chez h-s criminels-nes. Actes Cong. internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1892, Brux., 1893, iii, 240-244. —D. L'homme ciiminel. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1890, xxxv, 59-62.— Daniel (F. E.) Castration as a treatnient for crime, not as a punishment. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago 1896, xxvi, 239.—Be Bella (A.) Anormalila- dei delin- quenti. Anomalo, Napoli, 1889, i, 65-68.—Debersaqnes (C.) Note sur 1 anthropom6trie criminelle. Ann. Soc. do med. de Gand, 1890, lxix, 64-72— Dcdichen (H.) I'orbry- delse og Degeneration. [Criminality and degeneration'.] Fgesk. f._Lasger, Kjobenh., 1894, 5. R., i, 453; 477.—De Nil vest ri (E.) Osservazioni di antropologia criminale nei bambini. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1895, xvi, 177- 182, 1 pl.—Discussion d'un projet d'enquete anthropo- logique sur les delinquants. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brnx., 1883-4, ii, 202-212.—Drill (D.) Des principes fondamen- taux de l'ecole d'anthropologie criminelle. [Rap.) Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1892, Brux., 1893, iii, 37-40. [Discussion], 258-332, 2 pl.—Ersliofl" (S. M.) Fizichesk. i psichichesk. osobennosti prestupnikov. [Physical and psychical peculiarities of criminals.] Yestnik obsh. big. sudeb. i prakt. mod., St. Petersb., 1889, i, pt. 3, 53-65.— Fallot (A.) Le cerveau des criminels; notes sur les deux assassins Esposito et Tegami. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par.,1889, iv, 289-319,3pl.—Fallot (A.) &Ales:ais. Le cr&ne et le cerveau des deux assassins Esposito et Tegami. Marseille med., 1888, xxv, 705-733, 2 pl.-Fau- velle. Dela frequence des crimes et debts chez h-s int'6- lieurs. L'Homrne" Par., 1885, ii, 161-165. -----. Des mysti- fications dans les sciences anthropologiques. Ibid.. 1887, iv, 651-657. -----. Photographies de crimiuel. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 957-959.—Fere (C.) De- gen6rescence et criminalite. Rev. phil., Par., 1887, xxiv, 337-377. Aho, Reprint [with additions].—Ferrcro (W.) Pathological and congenital anomalies in brains of crimi- nal women. Lancet, Loud., 1894, i, 699.—Ferri (E.) Sludi di antropometria su criminali, pazzi e saui. Arch, di psi- chiat., etc., Torino, 1883, iv, 110-118. Also: Arch, per 1' antrop.. Firenze, 1883, xiii, 37-47. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1883, iii, 368-380. -----. 11 contegno dei delinquent!. Arch, cli psichiat., etc., Torino, 1884. v, 81-91. -----. L'anthropologie criminelle en 1885. Rev. scient., Par., 1886, xxxvii, 33-39. -----. Rapport sur les travaux du premier Congres international d'anthropologie criminelle. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1886, vii, 3-18. -----. Sur la classification des delinquants d'apres leurs caracteres essentiels, organiques et psychiques. Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1885, Rome, 1886-7. i, 116- 132. Aho, transl [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 716.-----. Sur la valeur relative des conditions intli- vidnelles, physiques et sociales qui determinent le crime. Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1889, Lyon et Par., 1890, ii, 42-46.— Fiorretli (G.) Sc Fa^lin (F.) Sur l'applicatiou de l'anthropologie aux legislations et aux questions de droit civil. Ibid., 113-122. — Flesch (M.) Zur Casuistik anomaler Befuude an Gebiriien von Verluv- chern und Selbstmbrdern. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1885, xvi, 689-097.—Flelelier (R.) Tho now school of criminal anthropology. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1891, iv, 201-236. Also, Reprint.—Flint (A.) Thecomingroleof the medical profession in the scient i lie treatment of crime and criminals. N.York M. J., 1895, lxii, 481-490. Aho, Reprint.- Forna- sari di Verce (E.) Istrnzione e criminalita. nella Nova Galhs del Sud. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1895, xvi, 190-197.—Foville (A.) Lo crimiuel au point de vue ana- tomique et physiologique Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880,3. s., iv, 319; 411.— Fowler. Are brains of criminals anatomi- cal perversions.' Tr. N. York M.-Chir. Soc. (1878—81), 1882, 1, 49-51. Also, Reprint.— Frisjerio. Stupratori ed inceudiaii. Arch, cli psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1883, iv, 513. -----. L'orecchio degli alienuti e dei criminali. Ibid., 1888, ix, 296.-----. Atrolia dell' emisfero destro in un pazzo criminale mancino. Raecoglitore med. Forli, 1892, 5. s., xiv, 61-66.—Frijjerio >v Ollolcnjjlii. Organeset fonctions des sens chez les criminels. Actes Cong, inter- nat. d'anthrop. crim. 1889, Lyon et Par., 1890, ii. 64-72.— Furlani (G. B.) Due tipidi delinquenti abituali. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1884, v, 334-336.—Furnkawa (Yei). [A study of the weight and measurements of the prisoners in the Tokio penitentiary.] Tokei M. J., Tokio, 1886, no. 427, June 5. — Ciaclie (S.) Antropologia crimi- ANTHROPOLOGY. 526 ANTHROPOLOGY. Anthropology (Criminal). nal relaciones cou la medicina legal. An. d. Circ. med. argent.. Buenos Aires, 1887, x. 404-414. — Gallon (F.) Address delivered at tbe anniversary meeting of the An- thropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Jan- uary 22, 1889. J. Anthrop. Inst.. Lond., 1888-9, xviii, 401- 419. -----. Criminal anthropology. The criminal, by Haveloek Ellis. Illustrated. (London: W. Scott, 1890.) [Rev.] Nature, Loud., 1890, xiii, 75.— Gallon (F.) (et al]. Table showing the stature aud weight of adult male crimi- nals anil lunatics, compared with that of the general popu- lation. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1883. Loud., 1884, liii, 272. — darofalo ill.) L'anomalie du criminel. Rev. phil.. Par., Iss7, xxiii. 225-261. -----. Lorsqu'uu individu a £te reconnu coupaldc, peut-on etablir, par l'anthropolo- gie criminelle, la classe de criminels k laquelle il appar- tient.' Actes Cong, internat. cl anthrop. crim. 1889, Lyon et Par., 1890, ii, 73-78. ----. New theories of criminology. Prevent. . . . crime. Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.], Bait. & Lond., 1894, 48 57.—(iarofalo (R.) iv von Liszt (F.) Influenza sul diritto pcuale degli studii

  • -ltJ3, -----. Programme d'etudes nouvelles en anthropologie criminelle. Ibid., 18!U, vi, 565-568. -----. Du dept-vo^e criminel au point de vue anthropologique. Bull. Sor. d'au- throp. de Lyon. 1888, vii, 47-70, 2 tab., 3 pl.— ■>:■«< hi (K.) Delinquente-nato grassatore ed omicida. Arch, iii ps'i. chiat.[etc], Torino, 1894,xv, 108-111.—Lanpls. EuquetH sur les functions cere.brales normales ou devices. Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon& Par., 1895, x, 609-615. — I. a in-cut (F. ) Les degeneres dans les prisons. Arch, de lautlirop. dim., Par., 1888, iii, 564-588. Aho, Reprint. -----. L'an- thropologie criminelle en 1889. Science biol. k la fin du XIX* siecle. Par., 1893, 511-533. -----. Fne famille de dege-nercis incendiaires. Ann. meil.-psych., Par., 1889, 7. s., x, 355-362. Aho, Reprint. -----. Les maladies de la voloute chez les criminels. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1892, 7. s., xvi, 404-428. Also, Reprint— I.<^i:iiiiI. Vnn colonie penitentiaire: la Nouvelle-Calecbmic . Arch, de l'anthrop, crim.. Par., 1893, viii, 93-104.—Leti ((}.) Pro stituzione e delinquenza. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1894, iv, 284-292.—von Liszt (F.) Apercu des applications de l'anthropologie criminelle. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1892, vii, 5;o-">:;s. — Lockhart (J. W.) Should criminals be castrated? St. Louis Cour. Med., 1895, xiii, 136.— Loiubi-ODO (C.) L'anthropologie et la criminalit6. Rev. scient., Par., ]p*4, xxxiii, 303-308. -----. Pro unaschola! Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1884, v, 92-104. -----. En quelles categories doit-on diviser les delinquants et par quels caracteres essentiels, organiques et psychiques. peut- on les distinguer? Actes Cong, internat. (l'anthrop. crim. 1885, Rome, 1886-7, i, 57-99. -----. Nuovo carattere speciale degli epilettici e analogia coi criminali. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1887, viii, 520, 1 pl. -----. Cranio criminale medio col metodo Galtiano. Ibid., 1888, ix, 416, 1 pl. -----. I criminaloidi. Ibid., 1889, x, 121-140,1 diag. -----. Les derniferes recherches d'aiithropolo^ic criminelle. Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1889, Lyon & Par., 1890, ii, 25-27. -----. Rugheauomale specialiai criminali. Ibid., 1890, xi, 96. -----. Homo delinquens. [Transl.from the Italian.] Wien. med. 151., 1899, xiii, 87; 103; 119.----. Illustrative studies in criminal anthropology. Monist, Chicago, 1890-91, i, 177; 336. -----. Tatto, sens'ibilita gene- rale e doloriflca, o tipo degenerativo in donne normali, cri- minali e alienate. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. cli Torino, 1891, 3. s., xxxix, 79-88. Aho [Abstr.J: Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1891, xii, 1-6. -----. Criminel d'occasion et crinii- nelle-nee. [Eyraud.] Arch, di psichiat. [etc.],Torino, 1892, xiii, 87-90. -----. Applicazioni pratiche dell' antropologia criminale. Scuolapositlva, Xapoli, 1892,ii,353-365. ----. Das AVeib als ATerbrecherin uud Prostituirte; A'orwort zu der soeben erschieneuen gleichuamigen Schrift des Verfas- sers und G. Ferrero's. Wien. med. Bl., 1893, xvi, 615. | Re- print of introduction. See supra.] -----. II tipo criminale nei i ei salvaggi. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1894. xv, 571, 1 pl—Lombroso (C.) & Laschi (R.) II delitto politico e le rivoluzioni in rapporto all' antropologia ed al diritto criminale ed alia scienza di stato. Anomalo, Na- poli, 1890, ii, 97-100.—Lombroso (C.) Sc OtloleiiKhi (S.) La donna delinquente e la prostituta. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1891, 3.S., xxxix, 833-862. ---- -----. Die Sinno der Verbrecher. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891, ii. 337-360.— Luco (A.) Anomalies crauiennes dans cinqcriminelsde Santiago. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1893,xiv, 333- 344—Lydston (G. F.) A contribution to the hereditary and pathological aspect of vice. Chicago M. J. &. Exam., 1883, xlvi, 131-148. -----. A study of a series of degener- ate and criminal crania. Chicago M. Rec, 1891. i, 203- 224. [Discussion], 200-205.—Lydslon (G. E.) i Talbot (E. S.) Studies of criminals; degeneracy of cranial and maxillary development in the criminal class, with a series of illustrations of criminal skulls, and histories typical of the physical degeneracy of the criminal. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1891, xvii, 903-923. Aho: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1891, xii, 556-612.— tlcC'lelland (Sophie). Heredi- tary criminality, etc., vs. education. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1890-91, viii, 16-41. -----. Criminals the productof heredi- tary degeneracy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 96-100.- ITI'Cnllorh ((). C.) The tribe of Ishmael: a study in social degl.elation. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char., Bost., 1888, I54-150. — .Tlniiouvricr. Existe-t-il caracteres anato- miques propres aux criminels '. Les criminels preseiitent- ils en nioyenne certains caracteres anatomiques particu- liers? Comment doit-on interpreter ces caracteres? Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1889, Lyon Sc Par., 1890, ii, 28-35. Also, transl.: Anomalo, Napoli, 1889, i, 294-301. -----. L'atavisme et le crime. Rev. mens, de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1891, i. 225-240. -----. Questions pre alabb-s dans l'etude comparative des criminels et des bon- net es gens. Ibid., 1 e92, ii, 277-290. Also Arch, de l'an- throp. crim., Par., 1892. vii. 557-574. — Uaranilon de IVIontyel (E.) Contribution ii l'etude clinique des rai>- ports de la criminality et de la degenerescence. Arcb. de fanthrop. crim., Par., 1892, vii, 264-293.—M.arr© (A.) ANTHROPOLOGY. 527 ANTHROPOLOGY. Anthropology (Criminal). Sui caratteri della donna criminale. Arch, di psichiat. |etcl. Torino, 1889, x, 570-580. —ITIarro (A.) A Lom- broso. Album di criminali tcdescbi. Ibid.. 1883, iv, 127 - 130, 2 pl. ----- -----. Fisionomia delle donne criminali. Ibid.. 370-374, 1 pl. — Tlartinez Bncn (F.) Sc Veigara ( M. ) I criminali del Mcssico studiati au- tropologicaniente. [Abstr.] 1 bid., 1895, xvi, 29-56, 1 pl.— Massiinino & Lombroso.. Sui caratteri fisionomieo- ci-iminali di 818 uomiui viventi in liberta. Ibid., Is83, iv, 230.—.'layr (J.) Criminelle Anthropologie und gericht- licl-c Medicin. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., ls-87. xxxviii. 275-200.— ~VIilIs (C. K.) The brain of a negro murderer. _ Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 215.—?Iingazziiii (G.) Osservazioni anatomiche sopra cervelli e crani di delinquenti. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii. 108-174. Aho [Abstr.J: Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1887, viii. 521-523. -----. Sul signi- ficato delle anomalie di H'supei ticie dell'encefalo nei crimi- nali. Atti d. xi Cong. nied. interna/.. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, Psichiat. [etc.], 70-75. ( Discussion], 83-86—.Tlorel (.7.1 & Km-ella (H.) Xeue Beitrage zur criniinellen Anthropo- logie. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. 1'svchiat.. Coblenz Sc Leipz., 1891, u. F., ii, 521-528. —Morse (E. S.) Natural selection and crime. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892, xii, 433- 446. Aho, Reprint. Xiiclic (P.) Die anthropologisch- biologischenBeziehungen zum Yerbrechen und "Wahnsiun heim "Weibe. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1892-3, xlix, 540-613. -----. Zur Methodologio einer wissenschaf t- lichen Criminal-Anthiopologie. Centralbl. f. Nerveuh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz Sc Leipz., 1893, n. F., iv, 449-458. -----. Die Criniinal-Anthropologie, ihr jetziger Standpunkt, ihre ferneren Aufgaben und ihr Yerhaltniss zur Psvchiatrie. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1894, xxxvi, 33-43. Also: Allg.Wien. med. Ztg., 1894, xxxix, 353; 364: 372. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1894, xxix, 493-496.—Obolonski (X. A.) Cherepa prestupnikov. [The skulls of criminals.] Yest- nik obsh. hig. sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1890, vii, pt. 3, 1-10, 1 tab.—Ottolengbi (S.) L' occhio dei delin- quenti. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1886, vii, 543-554. ----. Colore dell' iride nei criminali. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, ls89, ii, 352. -----. II ricambio materiale nei delinquenti-nati; sunto. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1S88, ix, 375-379. -----. L' olfatto nei crimi- Dali. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1888, 3. s.% xxxvi, 427-436. Aho: Arch.di psichiat. [etc.]. Torino, 1888. ix, 495- 499. -----. Caratteri antropologici di 100 rei per rivolta. Ibid., 1890, xi, 204. -----. Delinqueuti-nati. Ibid., 1891, xii, 495-497. -----. Sulla sutura lacrimo-etmoidale nei de- linquenti. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1895, lviii, 155.—Ottoleughi (S.) «fc Rruni (G.) Applicazione dell' antropologia criminale nelle istruttorie penali. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1894, iv, 241-247.—Oltoleiiglii (S.) Sc Carrara (M.) II piede prensile negli ahenati e nei de- linquenti. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino. 1892, xiii, 373- 381. — Ottolcnghi (S.) Sc Roncoroni iL.) Cento autop- sie di criminali. Gior. d. r. Accad. di meil. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 215-240.— Pcllacani (P.) Cranii di grassatori oroicidi del Museo anatomico di Boiogna. Att i d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, Med leg..22-29.— Pen la (P.) Di alcune piu. importanti anomalie e del loio signifi- cato re versivo nelle manie nei pnihdei delinquenti. Ann. di nevrol., Xapoli. 1894, xii, 403-425. Aho: Arch, di psi- chiat. [etcl, Torino, 1895. xvi, 328-338. Also: Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1894, xlviii, 285-304, 2 pl.— Processo criminale studiato autropologicamente. Cron. (1. manic, di Ancona, 1895, vi, 137-141.—Puglia (A.) S. Bonaventurael'autropologiacriminale. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.],Torino, 1883, iv, 125.-----. Osservazioni sopra alcune | tipi di delinquenti. Ibid., 404-4U7.—Pugliesc. Le pie- ces criminel au point de vue de la sociologie. Actes Cong. internat. d'anthrop. crim. 1889, Lyon Sc Par., 1890, ii, 106- 112.—Ransom (J. B.) Shall insane criminals be impris- oned or put to death ? Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895, 224- 244, 3 pl. —Reeve (C. H.) The philosophy of crime. Prevent. . . . crime. Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.], Bait. Sc Lond., 1894, 28-47.—Riccardi (P.) Note antropologiche fatte intorno ad alcuni giovani della r. casa di custodia in Bologna. Arch, perl'antrop., Firenze,1882,xii,279-285.— Roncoroni (L.) Crimiuali-nati e d'occasione. Arch.di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1892, xiii. 419. —■---. La criminality femminileall'estera. Ibid., 1893, xiv, 350-364. -----. Ano- malies histhologiques du cerveau des epileptiques et des criminels-nes. Ibid., 1895, xvi, 568-570. Aho, transl: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psvchiat.. Coblenz Sc Leipz., 1895, n. F.,vi, 540-542.—Rossi ((}.) & Ottolcnghi (S.) Tipi di criminali nati. Arch.di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1890, xi, 91-93.—Kossi (Y.) Sensibilita dei criminali all'esteiso- metro. Ibid., 1886, vii, 189. -----. Tipi di criminali-nati e d' occasione. Ibid., 1887, viii, 399-408. -----. Studi sopra una centuria di criminali. Ibid., 1888, ix, 270; 392. [See, aho, supra.] -----. Studi sopra una seconda centuria di criminali comparati con quelli della prima ceuturia. Ibid., 1894. xv, 321-345.—Roussel ( T. ) L'enfant k ten- dances criminelles ou plac6 dans un milieu criminel. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond.. 1892, iv,170- 175.— Schwekendiek (E.) Untersuchungen an zehn Gehimen von Verbrechcrn und Selbstmordern. Verhandl. Anthropology (Criminal). A. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu VTiirzb.. 1881, n. F., xvi, 243- 303. 2 pl. Aha, Reprint.—Nei a in in an a (E.) Sur l'op- portunite d'etablir des regies pour les recherches d'anthro- pometrie etde psychologie criminelles dans les hopitaux d'alic'-nes et dans les prisons. Actes Cong, internat. d'an- throp. crim. 1889, Lyon & Par., 1890, ii, 36-41 .—Nemal. De la liberation conditionnelle. Ibid., 79-85.—Shutc (D.K.) Racial anatomical peculiarities. Am. Anthrop., "Wash., 1896, ix, 123-132. - Sialic I. ( S. ) La coppia criminale. Arch, di psichiat. [etc. ], Torino, 1892, xiii, 157; 348; 505. —----. Lastatisticadel delinquente associato. Ibid.,1893, xiv, 219-240. -----. Cnpavs de criniinels-nes. Arch, d'an- Ihrop. ci iim, Lyon Sc Par., 1895, x, 570-594,1 pl.—Si allele (S.) \ Ferri (E.) Intelligenzaenioralitadellafolla ; lettera aOabrieh-Tarde. Scuolopositiva, Roma, 1894, iv,721-734.— Milio y fortes (C.) La criminality nella Spagna. Ibid., 1892, ii, 161-167.—Sorel (G.) La position du probleme do M. Lombroso. Rev. scient., Par., 1893, li, 206-210. -----. La femme criminelle d'apres M. Lombroso. Ibid., Iii, 463- 467.—Wtaricrini (II.) Sopra tie scheletri di delinquenti. Arch.di psichiat. (etc.], Torino, 1892, xiii,495-504.—Strain- bio (A.) [et al.\. Tipi di criminali-nati e , v. 11, Sept., 1--9. - . Mendon, III., 16-0. Anthropological Society of London. Regu- lations, l*ti:i. .-'. London,'[1863]. Anthropological Society of Washington, D. C. Abstract of the transactions, with the an- nual address of the president for tlie first year ending Jan. 20, 1-80, and the second vear end- ing Jan. 16, 1861. .- . Washington, lr81. -----. Transactions, v. 1-3, l)-79-.-.">. 8. Washington, 18-2-.">. • Continued as: American (The) Anthropologist. Antkopologk heskoye < )lislitshestvo pri im- perii forsko! vovenno - meditsiuskol akademii. [Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of the Imperial Army Medical Academy.] Trudi . . . 1893. v. 1, pt. 1. 8". S.-Peterburg, 1804. Anthropulogie (L'). Paraissant tons les j deux mois sous la direction de MM. Cartailhac, Hainy, Topinard. v. 1-7. 8-. Paris, 1890-96. Current. Formed by the union of: .Vlaferianx pour Phistiire primitive et naturelle de rhomme with: Revue d'anthropologie and: Revue d'ethnographie. Anthropologischer Vereiu zu Graz. Jahres- Bericbte. 1.-2.. 1-7.--9. c . Graz, [1879-.-0]. Barthelemy(1.) Lee Congres internatiouaux d'anthropologie prehistoric]tie et de zoologie a Moscou. en 1602. 8°. Nancy, lr-93. Repr.from: Bull. Soc. de sc. de'Xancy. Bloxam(G. W.) Index to the publications of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland U^F!-!)!]. Iucludiug the journal and transactions of the Ethnological Society of London [1S13-71], the journal and memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London [1863-71], the Anthropological Reviev,-, and tlie journal of the Anthropological Institute [1.-71-91]. &-. London, 1-93. Congres international d'anthropologie et d'archeologie prehistoriqties. Couipt.-rendu des sessions 2-9, 1-67--0. ,--. [v. p.], l-ti---4. ———. Rapport sur la session de Lisbonne par Emile Cartailhac. roy. .-■-'. Paris, 1—0. ('ungues international d'anthropologie crimi- nelle. Actes du premier . . . Biologie et socio- logie. Pouie, novembre 1—r>. 8. Turin, Borne, Florence. 16-6-7. Congres international des sciences anthro- ]iologii|iies, tenu a Paris du 16 au 21 aoilt 1-7^ f- . Pari*, 1-MJ. ; Deitsihe anthropologische Gesellschaft. Festschrift der . . . zur xxvi. allgemeinen Yer- sammlung zu Cassel gcwidniet von der Residenz- Stadt Cassel. 4 . Cassel, l807>. I Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic, Ethuologie und Urgeschichte. Allgemeiue Ver- Alll Ill'Opolog'y and ethnology (Journals congresses, and societies relaii'nq to). samnilnngen. 4.-6., l-73-o. 4-. Braunschweig u. Miinchen, l-74-,~>. See. also, infra, Festschrift zur Begriissung der Theilnehmer an der geinciusamen Vei sammlung der deutsch,.,, und Wiener anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Innsbruck 24.-26. August 1-94. Hrsg. von tier authropologischeu (usellschafc in Wien, rt-iljgirt vou Franz Heger. 4. [ Wien, 1,-94.] International Congress of Anthropology. Memoirs of the . . . Edited by ('. Stauilaiid Wake. 8-. Chicago, 1-94. International Congress of Prehistoric Ar- chaolooy. Transactions of the 3. session, at Norwich, 1-6-. 8 . London, 1-69. Jciernal (A) of American Ethnology aud Ar- cba-ology. Editor: J. W. Fewkes. v. 1-3, 1-91- 2. 8-. Boston .)'• New Tork; 1-91-2. .Ioirnal (The) of the Anthropological Society of Bombay, v. 1-2, 18-6-92; uos. 1-7. v. 3, 1-93-4. 8 . Bombay, 1691. Mi'nchener anthropologische (.esellscliaft. Verhandlungen der . . . Nov. 3 to Dec. 26, l-ss. 4-. Miinchen, 1---. Issued with v. 8, 1888-9, of: Beitr. z. Anthrop. u. Urge- sch. Bayerns. lliinchen. N.vtcreorschende Gesellschaft in Dillizig. Sitzuugw-Berichte der authropologischeu St ctiou der ... v. 1-6, 1863--7; Hft. 2-3, v. 7, 1-^^-90; lift. 3-4, v. .-, 1894. 8 . Danzig, W.3-94. Revue mensuelle de I'Ecole d'anthropologie de Paris. Publie"e par les professeurs. v. 1-6, 1-91-6. ■--. Paris, l-91-.">. KrssKoVE Autropologicheskoye obshtshestvo pri Imperatorskom S.-Peterbnrgskom rniveisi- tete. Protokoli. v. 1,1-88; v. 3, 1890-91. -. S.-P. 6-. Tokyo, 189:!. Japanese text. I'.mversitat Breslau. Die anthropologist-lie Sammlung des anatomischen Iustituts. Bear- beitet von (i. Wieger, im Summer 1^-84. 4-. [Braunschweig. 1687). ] Universitas. Mouatsschrift fiir Hygieine, Anthropologic uud sociale Medicin. Yon Eduard Reich. Nos. 4-6, v. 1, April to Juue, lfe9. 6J. Berlin, [n. d.]. Women's Anthropological Society. The or- ganization aud the constitution of .. . Founded 1667). 6-. Washington, [n. d.]. ANTHROPOLOGY. 529 ANTHROPOMETRY. Anthropology and ethnology (Journals, congresses, and societies relating to). Ymer. Tidskrift utgifven af Svenska Siillska- petfor Antropologi och (ieogran. Red. af Simon Nordstrom, v. 1-8, 188 1-8. 8-. Stockholm. Antliropolojjischc Gesellschaft in Wien ; Jahres- berichte 1883-93. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, Sitzungsb., 1884, xiv: 1894, xxiv, passim. Aho, Reprints of 1890, 1892, 18H3.—Bericht iiber die xviii. allgetneine Versannulung der deutschen anthropologischen Gesell- . schaft zu Niirnberg deu 8. bis 12 August 1887; nach steno- graphischen Aufzeichnungen redigirt. von J. Ranke. Cor.- Bl. (1. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., etc., Miinchen, 1887, xviii, 73- 18s. — Broca (P.) Histoire des travaux de la soci6te de 18i>."> a 1867. Kev. d. cours scient.. etc., Par., 1860 — 7, iv, t;o9—618. Aho, transl: Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1808, 376-391.—C'oiijjr«-.«t international lies sciences anthropologiiiiies: stance d'ouvei ture le IG aout 1878; dis- cours du pu'-sident et rapports des commissaires. Rev. d'anthrop.. I'ar., 1878, vii, (192 - 744,. Aho, Reprint.— Deutsche Gi-sellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologic undUrgeschichte; allgemeine Versainnilungen 7-24, 187C- 93. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Munchen, 1876-7 to 1893-4, ix-xxiv. — Kirkor (A. H.) Sprawozdanie i wykaz zabytk6w zlozonych w Akad. Frniej. z wycieczki archeol.-antropol. w roku 1878. [Re- port of the archaeological-anthropological sectiou of Acad- emy of Sciences of Crakow.] Zbior wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umiej. w Krakow, 1879, iii, 12-45,3 tab.—Kol 1 man n (J.) Der xi. internationalo Congress liir Anthropologie und rrgeschichte in Moskau vom 8. bis 20. August 1892. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1892, xxi. 507-512: xxii, 131- 140.—Much (M.) Bericht iiber tlie Versanmilung oster- reichischer AiilliropologenundFrgeschichtsforscberam28. nnd 29. Juli ls79 zuLaihach. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in TVien, 1880. x, 1-5.—Ranlic (J.) Bericht iiber die xiii. allgemeine Versammlung der deutschen anthropologi- schen Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt a. M. den 14., 15., 16. und 17. August 1882. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. An- throp., etc., Brnschwg., 1882. xiii, 65-234, 5 pl. -----. Be- richt iiber die xiv. allgemeine Versanmilung der deutschen anthropoligischen Gesellschaft zu Trier den 9., 10., 11. uud 12. August 1883: nach stenographiscben Aufzeichnungen redigirt von . . . Ibid., Munchen, 1883, xiv, 69-182, 1 pl.— Sergi (G.) Relazione del congresso di antropologia e di archeologia preistorica di Mosca. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1893, xxiii, 65-79.— Thulie. Rapport sur les soeietes d'anthropologie et l'euseiguement de l'anthro- polnjiie. Coug. internat. d. sc. anthrop. 1878, Par., 1880, 24-28. Anthropometric ( L') judiciaire a Paris en lC8'J. Installations et plans des locaux; re~cents perfectiouneuients; une experience de sociologie hureaucratique. 26 pp. 8°. Lyon 4' Paris, A. Storck 4- G. Steinheil, 1890. Anthropometry. S>e, a ho, Anatomy (Artistic)', Anthropology (Criminal); Arm; Armies (Bientiling of), etc.; Body (Human, Growth, etc., of); Body (Human, Proportions of); Body (Human Symmetry, etc., of); Body (Human, Weight of); Chest (Meas- urement of); Craniometry; Crime, etc. ; Growth; Identity; Prostitutes; Respiration and height. Beyer (H. G.) The growth of the U. S. naval cadets. 8"'. [ Annapolis], 1895. Repr. from: Proc. C S. Naval Inst., xxi, no. 2, whole no. 74. Brauxe (YV.) & Fischer (O.) Ueber den Schwerpuukt des menschlichen Korpers mit Riicksicht auf die Ausriistung des deutschen In- fanteristeu. 8Z. Leipzig, 1889. Cutting from: Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. "Wissensch., Leipz., xv, No. vii. Fletcher (R.) Human proportion in art and anthropometry. A lecture delivered at the Na- tional Museum, Washington, D. C. 8°. Cam- bridge, \663. Livi (R.) Sulla statura degli Italiani. Stu- dio statistico antropologico. 8°. Firenze, 1884. Maschkovski ( M. ) * Izmierenia diametrov grudi u lyudei zdorovykh i stradayusshtskhikh llokhochnoi bugorchatkoi. [ Measurements of diameter of chest of healthy aud of tuberculous persons.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1889. Riccardi (P.) Di alcune correlazioni di svi- luppo fra la statura umana e 1' altezza del corpo 34 Anthropometry. seduto: studio di antropometria. fol. Modena, 1891. Repr. from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc, lett. ed arti di Modena. Sez. di sc, 2. s., viii. Rollet(£.) De la mensuration des os longs des mernbres dans ses rapports avec l'anthropolo- gie, la clinique et la inedecine judiciaire. 4°. Lyon, 1866. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1888. Date on cover: 1889. See, also, infra. Sciierzer (K.) & Schwarz (E.) On measure- ments as a diagnostic means for distinguishing the human races. A systematic plan established aud investigated . . . for the purpose of taking measurement in individuals of different races during the voyage of H. I. R. M.'s frigate "No- vara" round the world. 4°. [Port Jackson, 167)6.] Thoma (R.) Untersuchungen iiber die Grosse und das Gowicht der anatomischen Bestandtheile des menschlichen Korpers, im gesunden uud im kranken Zustande. 8°. Leipzig, 1862. YVeisbach(A.) Korpermessuugen verschiede- uer Menscheurasseu. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Also [Abstr.l, in.- Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl , 1877, ix, 1-8. Also [Kev.], in: Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in "Wien, 1879, ix, 267-288. van Albnda (B. L.) Bijdrage tot de kennis der ver- houdiug tusschen romplengte en vitale capaciteit en hare beteekenis voor de keuring. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Leiden, 1894, xviii, 41-76.—Alves Branco. Algu- nias palavras sobre proporcoes do corpo humano. Correio med. de Lisb., 1882, xi, 192-194.—Ainadei (G.) La capa- city del cranio in rapporto alia statura. A rch. per 1' an- trop., Firenze, 1883, xiii, 291-315. — Ambrosioni (P.) Osservazioni sul peso degli ammalati che nel quinquennio si poterono assoggettare a questa misura. Rendic. statist. san. d. osp. civ. di Sampierdarena 1874-8, Genova, 1880, 134-144. —Amherst College (physical education depart- ment). On some relations of human stature to muscular strength. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1892-3, iii, 347- 349.—Antony. Etudes anthropometriques sur la taille, le pe.rim6tre thoracique et le poids des homines de 20 k 25 ans. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, Chir. e med- mil., 81.—Bcnsenger (Nr.) Ot cheto zavisit rost chelovieka. [On what the length of the body of man depends.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1882, xxi, 430; 446; 479; 525.—Bernard (P.) Considerations m6dico-16gales sur la taille et le poids depuis la naissauce jusqu'& l'&ge adulte. Arch, do l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1887, ii, 213- 225.—Bertillon (J.) La taille en France. Rev. scient., Par., 1885, xxxvi, 481-488. -----. Taille. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1885, 3. s., xv, 581-649. — Bertillon (Jeanne). L'indice encephalo-cardiaque. d'apres les docu- ments laisses par le docteur Parrot. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1887,3. s., x, 149-158.—Boas (F.) Remarks on the theory of anthropometry. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1892-3, n. s., iii, 569-575. Aho: Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist., Rome, 1895, viii, 274-278. -----. Tbe correla- tion of anatomical or physiological measurements Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1894, vii, 313-324.—Boultou (P.) Some anthropometrical observations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 280-282.—Bradford (E. II.) The effect of recumbency on the length of the spine. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1883, cix, 245. — British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the anthropometric committee. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1876, Lond., 1877, xlvi. 266: 1877, Lond., 1878, xlvii, 231: 1878, Lond., 1879, xlviii, 152: 1879, Lond., 1880, xlix, 175: 1880, Lond., 1881, 1, 120: 1881, Loud., 1882, li 225: 1882, Lond., 1883, Hi, 278: 1883, Lond.. 1881, liii, 253, 15 pl. Aho, Reprint of 1881 and 1883. — Broca (P.) Sur quelques questions relatives au reel uteineiit de l'arm6e et a l'appreciation dela taille des populations. Inhis: Mem. d'anthrop., Par., 1871, i, 435-447, 2 maps.—t'. B. Anthro- poinetria medica. Gaz. d. hosp. mil., Lisb., 1882, vi, 281: 1883, vii, 3; 15; 28; 38; 49; 62; 74; 86; 98; 111; 124; 278: 1884, viii, 14; 26; 39; 62; 7.3; 86; 134. — Baffiier (F.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Eutwicklung der Korpergrosse und des Kopfumfanges. Arcb. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1883-4, xv, 37-44. -----. Ueber Grosse Ge- wicht, Kopf- und Briistumfang beim maunlicbeu Indivi- duum vom 13. bis22. Lebensjahre, nebst vergleichender An- gabe einiger Kopfmaasse. / bid., 1885, xv, Suppl., 121-126.— DurchMchnittlichc Korpergrosse. Ber. a. cl. Baude- putat. zu Frankf. a. M. . . . cl. Schulbiinke [etc.], 1871, 8-15. Aho: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1872, iv, 301-303.—Enebiislie (0. J.) An anthropometri- cal study of the effects of gymnastic training on American women. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1892-3, n. s., in, 600-610. Aho: Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist., Rome, AXTUKOPOMETEY. 530 ANTIIKOPOMETRY. Anthropometry. 1895 viii. 292-299. — Fere (C.) Essai d'anthroporocHrie (comparaisou des diametres bi-troehanterieu et biiliaque). Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1880, 2. s., iii, 193-202. -----. La taille daus la station et dans le decubitus dorsal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891. 9. s., iii. 020. -----. Xote sur le rapport de la longueur du tronc a la taille. Anlhro- pologie, Par., 1893, iv. 697.— Francesehi (G.) Intorno alia grande apertura il clle braccia. d alia si at in a. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1890, 7. s., i, 607-019.—Frohlieh (H.) Kbrperliingc. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xiv, 396; 418. Aho. Reprint. — Gallon (F.) Range in the height of males at each asre and in tlie several classes. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1**1, Lond.. 1882. li, 250-254. -----. Range in the strength of arm of males at each age. Ibid.. 260. -----. Measurements of men. [From: Fortnightly Rev.] Pop. Sc. Month., X. V.. 1882, xxi, 53-60. -----. Some re- sults ofthe anthropometric laboratory. J. Anthrop. Inst., Loud., 1884-5, xiv, 275-2*7. -----. President's address: "Hereditary stature". Ibid., 1885-6, xv, 489-499. -----. Familv likeness in stature; with an appendix by J. D. H. Dickson. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1886, xl, 42-73.----- Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, January 24, 1888. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1887-8. xvii, 346-354.-----. Co-relations anil their measurement, chiefly from anthropometric data. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1888, xiv, 135-145. -----. Head growth in students at the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Nature, Loud., 1888, xxxviii, 14. Also:'J. Anthrop. Inst., Loud., 1888-9, xviii, 155, 1 diag. -----. On the advisability of assigning marks for bodily efficiency in the examination of candidates for the public services. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc 1889, Lond., 1890, lix, 471-473.-----. On tho principle and methods of assigning marks for bodily efficiency. Ibid., 474-477. -----. Retro- spect of work clone at my anthropometric laboratory at South Kensington. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1891-2, xxi, 32-35. -----. Communication on international anthro- pometry. Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist.. Rome, 1892, vi, 1. livr.. 10-12.—Gallon (F.) Sc Somerville (A. A.) On the principle and met hods of assigning marks for bodily efficiency. Nature. Lond.. 1889, xl, 649-653. — Garson (J. G.) 'Anthropometry. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1883, Lond., 1884, liii, 569. -----. Report of the committee . . . appointed for the purpose of calculating the anthropolog- ical measurements taken at Bath. Ibid., 1889. Lond., 1890, lix, 423-435. -----. Report of the committee for the pur- pose of carrying on the work of the anthropometric labo- ratory. Ibid., 1892, Lond., 1893, lxii, 618: 1894, lxiii, 654. -----. Anthropometric laboratory. Ibid., 1894, lxiv, 444- 453.—Garson [etal.]. Report of the committee appointed for the purpose of calculating the anthropological measure- ments taken at the Newcastle meeting of tlie association in 1889. Ibid., 1890. Lond., 1891. lx, 549-552. — Green- leaPs (Dr.) new table of physical proportions. [Kev.] Bait, Finite-writer, 1890, xliii. 303.—Griinaldi (A.) Le oscillaziom giornaliere della statura nei pazzi. Manico- mio mod., Nocera, 189f), vi, 321-338. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Pop. Sc. Month.. N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 314-323.—Hartwell (E. M.) A preliminary report on anthropometry in the United States. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1892-3, n. s., iii, 554-568. Aho: Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist., Rome, 1895, viii, 263-273. — Hui-d (Kate C.) On anthro- pometry. Times Sc Beg., N. Y. A- Phila., 1890. vii, 506- 511. — jesscii (E.) Der Fninss des menschlichen Kor- pers. Ztschr. f. Biol..Munchen. 18*2, xviii, 60-77, 1 diag.— Knbcheriieii (Die) Merkpunkte in deu verschiedenen Gegenden der Korperoberflache; eine anatomische Studie zum Zweck der Anfertigung von Unfallgutachten. Cor.- Bl. cl. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1892, xxi, 353-376. — Koperniclii (I.) Physical characters of Casnnirthe Great. J. Anthrop., Lond., 1870-71, 51-56.— LucaKNagnc (A.) Sc D-oubre (P.) Rapports de la taille debout et do la taille assis, de la taille debout et de la grande euvergure. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1883, ii. 141-144, 3 diag. — Langer (C.) Ueber Form- unci Maassverhaltnisse des Kcir .ers. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 18*o, xxx, 1357; 1389. — Lesgafl (P.) Autropometri- cheskie materiali. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. russk. vrach. v St. Petersb., 1876-7, iii, 136-148. — r,eva«*eiir (E.) La taille et la race. Ami. du Conserv. d. arts et metiers, Par., 1889, 2. s., i, 27-50.—f ,ombi-o»o (3.) De l'influence de 1'orographic sur la stature. [Transl. from: Ann. di statist.] Ann. do demog. internal., Par., 1879, iii, 59-75. -----. Sull' influenza dei terreni sulle stature e dei rap- porti tra la statura e la mortality. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1881, n. s.,iii, 878-89). 2 maps.—Wlaennlay (T. B.) On the relation between the height and weight of men. J. Inst. Actuaries, etc., Lend., 1881-2, xxiii. 62 05.— IVIaestrelli (D.) La nuova dispo.sizione ministeriale sulla misurazione del torace in rapporto alia statura nella visita degli inscritti di leva, e i suoi effetti. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1881, xxix, 1011-104* — fflajer (J.) Zgodnosc oscylacyi liczby os6b przy rozdzielaniu rozii6j ludnosci wedlug wzrostu. | Variation of dimensions in people and nationalities.] Rozpr. . . . wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej.w Krakow., 1880, vi, 1-37. 4 pl. — Manouvrier (L.) Sur la valeur de la taille et du poids du corps comme Anthropometry. termes de comparaisou entre la masse de l'encephale et la masse du corps. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 18-2, 3. s. v. 85-105. [DiscussionJ, 125-141. -----. Determination de la taille d'apre-s les grands osdes inembres. Rev. mens .le I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par. 1892, ii, 227-233.—ynii ;tlansvelt (('. (i.) A liieming van lichnaaiusgewiclit in den winter. Ncdeil. Ti.jilsehr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 2. d., 465-469. — Itlni-li* for physical efficiency' Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890. i, 793. — tlatv. vevii i Vlera ('.".) Fizicheskoye razvitie dletel Peterbui-gskikh gnrodskikh shkol. [Physical development of tbe chiblieu of the St. Petersburg public schools.] Vrach. St. Petersb., l*!lo xvi, 918: 941. — Jleeh (K.) Obcrflachenmessiiiigen dc-s menschlichen Korpers. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen, 1879, xv, 425-458. 3 tab. -----. Volmnmcssiingeii des mensch- lichen Korpers und seiner einzelnen Theilo in den ver- schiedenen Altersstufen. Ibid., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1894 n. F., xiii, 125-147, 1 diag. — ITIerkel. Feber tagliche Grossenschwankungen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch f. Chir., Berl, 1881, x, 124 - 127. — VI i*limr»liy ( V. ) K izliedov. rosta, obyoma grudi i vicsa. | Examination of stature, circumference of chest, aud weight ] Voycnuo- san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1**9, ix, 2*1.-----. K opredel. udel- navo vlesa tlela cheloveka (po vychislen. obyoinu). [De- termination of specific gravity of human body (in tho cal- culation of volumes).] San. dielo, St. Petersb., 1892, ii, 3.— JVlizaldus (A.) De hominis symmi-tria, proportions et comniensuratione. In liis: Opusculorum pars prima, 8°, Parisiis, 1607, ff. 131. —di- Hoi-tillet (G.) Mesnre des mains. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de I'ar., 1890, 4. s., i, 207- 211.—Pagliani (L ) jfitudesanthropometriques. Cong. internat. d. sc. anthrop. 1878, Par., 1880. 02-72. ----. Lo sviluppo irmano per etk, sesso, condi/.ione sociale ed etnica studiato nel peso, statura, circonferenza toracica. capacity vitale e forza muscolare. (nor. il. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano. 1879, i, 357; 453; 589, 4 tab. —Poids (Sur le) mo- yen de l'homme. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx. 370.— Porter (W. T.) On the application to individual school children of the means derived from anthropological meas- urements by the generalizing method. [Abstr.] Ilull.de l'lnst. internat de statist., Borne, 1895, viii, 270-281.—9. — Virchow (R.) Apparat zur Korpermessung. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., etc., Munchen, l*c4. xv, 171.—von Voit (C.) Ueber (lie Periodicitiit im Gewichte der Kinder. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 129-131. Also, Reprint.—Witkowski. La taille de l'homme. J. de la sante, Tar., 1895, xii, 272; 291.— Zoja (G.) Proposta di una classificazione delle stature del corpo umano. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Mi- lano, 1881, 2. s., xiv, 46-54. -----. Misure della forza mus- colare dell' uomo. Ibid.. 1887. 2. s., xx. 190-204. -----. Note antropometriche. I. Statura e tesa. Boll, scient., Pavia, 1886, viii. 81-89.—Zuelzer. Ueber einige Bestiin- mungen des Eigengewichtes des menschlichen Korpers. Yerhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1884, iii, 369- , 371. Anthropometry (Methods and instru- ments for). Beale (L. S.) Chest forms for recording physical signs. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1678. Collix. Instruments et appareils pour l'an- thropologie. 12°. Paris, [1-66]. Descriptive (A) list of anthropometric appa- ratus, consisting of instruments for measuring and testing the chief physical ^characteristics of the human body. Designed under the direc- tion of Francis Galton. 8°. Cambridge, 1887. -----. The same. 3. ed. Xo. 3, Febr., 1689. 8Z. Cambridge, Eng., le-9. ■ Exposition Internationale de Paris en 18?-*. Exposition des sciences anthropologiques. 6°. [Paris, 1878.] CONTENTS. ** Instructions pour l'anthropologie et la craniologie, par Paul Topinard. Instructions pour l'ethnographie, par Girard de Rialle [Dmitri Stephauowitsch]. Instructions pour la de-mographie et la geographic medi- cale, par Bertillon. Galtox (F.) Anthropometric laboratory ; ar- ranged by . . . for the determination of height, weight, span, breathing power, strength of pull and squeeze, quickness of blow, hearing, seeing, colour-sense, and other personal data. 8°. Lon- don, 1664. Also, in: J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1884-5, xiv, 205-221, 2 pl. Hitchcock (E.) & Seklyk (H. H.) Amherst College. An anthropometric manual, giving tlie average aud physical measurements and tests of male college students, and method of securing them. Prepared from tlie records of the depart- ment of physical education and hygiene in Am- herst College during the years 1-S61-2 and 1886-7, inclusive. 6°. Amherst, 1887. -----. The same. 1861-2,1887-8. 2. ed. 8 . Amherst, Mass., 18-9. Anthropometry (Methods and instru- ments for). Mathieu (L.) Catalogue des instruments anthropologiques. 8°. Paris, 1673. Sargent (D. A.) Anthropometric apparatus, with directions for measuring and testing the principal physical characteristics of the human body. 8\ [Cambridge, 1887. J -----. The Sargent anthropometric charts. 8°. [n. p.], 1693. Bnllnntync (J. W.) Note on a portable infant- weigher. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1890-91, xvi, 165-169. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1891-2, xxxvii, 321-324. —Bertillon (J.) Sur un questionnaire anthropom6trique a remplir dans les ecoles du departement de Loiret-Chcr. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 169-177.— Konomi (J.) A new instrument for measuring the proportions of tho human body. [Abstr.] J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1872-3, ii, 180-183.—Browne (C. R.) Some new anthropometri- cal instruments. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl., 1891-2, 3. s., ii, 397-399. — C'haiitre ( E.) Nouveau compas. glissiere anthropologique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xii, 83-85.—Cher vin (A.) Procede rationnel et methodiquo pour la niise en serie des moyennes pro- portionnelles. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 134-147.—Bavin (e Albcrli» (0 ) Autropometria di uu indigene del Brasile. Rivista, Genova, 1889, viii, 59-64.— Deniker. Rapport sur le.s mesurations des diff6rents peuples de la haute vall6ede l'lndiis envoyes par M. de I'.jfalvy. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 18S2, 3. s , v, 73-78.—Dun (W. A.) The police standard of Cincinnati; with some sta- tistics compiled from the first thousand examinations of applicants. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1887, n. s.. xviii, 131-135. -----. The police standard of Cincinnati; more statistics, with comments from the first 1,000 examina- tions of police applicants. Ibid., 767-769. — Dwiglit (T.) Statistics or variations with remarks on tlie use of this method in anthropology. Anal. Anz., Jena, 1895, x, 209-215. — Fallot & Alezain. Notes sur I'autopsie d'un Iudien d'Amerique et dun Negn- de la Marti- nique. Anthropologie, Par., 1890, i, 656-678.—Fairr (\V.) [etal]. Table showing the actual, average, and mean height of 10,651 boys and men between the ages of 10 and 50 vears. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1880, 1, 128. -----. Table showing the average height in inches at each of the under- mentioned ages of persons of the different grades of coun- try origin. Ibid., 138. -----. Table showing the average height in inches at each specified age of persons of differ- ent grades of town origin. Ibid., 138.— Gallon (F.) [et al.]. Table showing the stature, weight, chest-girth, and strength of 8,585 adult males (age from 23 to 5(1) of the population ofthe United Kingdom, arranged according to place of birth. Ibid., 1883, Lond.. 1884, liii, 256. -----. Table showing the stature, weight, and complexion of 8,614 adult males (age from 23 to 50) of the population ot tlie United Kingdom, arranged according to birthplace iu counties in the order of greatest stature. Ibid., 202. 5 maps. -----. Table showing the stature of adult males of the British Isles relative to that of other races and nationalities, arranged in the order of greatest stature. Ibid., 269-271. —dcCJocje (C. H.) Statistiek overzicht over de aandeKweekschool voorZeevaart te Leiden opge- leide .jongens, ged. de jaren 1879-1881 en lste gedeelte vau 1882, met betrekking tot leefti.jd. lengte, gewicht. ontwik- keling bij aankomst en vertrek. ti.jd van verblijf, ziekte waaraau geledeu. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1882, vi, 759-785. — Hitchcock ( E.) Compara- tive study of measurements of male and female students at Amherst, Mount Holyoke, and Wellesley Colleges, U. S. A. Physique, Lond.. 1891, i, 90-94. -----. Anthropo- metric statistics of Amherst College. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1892-3, n. s., iii, 588-599. Aho: Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist., Rome, 1895, viii. 282-391. — IIore- 1 acq lie (A.) La taille dans uu canton l'gure. Rev. mens. de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, vi, 51-56. — Jajjor ANTHROPOMETRY. 533 ANTHEOPOMETEY. Anthropometry (Statistical data of). IF ) Sc Koerbin (G.) Messuugen an lebenden Indiern. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1879, xi, 1-116, 2 tab. — Kirch- hoff(A.) Zur Statistik der Korpergrosse in Halle, dem Saalkreise und dem Mansfelder Seekreise. Arch. f. An- throp., Brnschwg., 1892-3, xxi, 133-143, 3 ch.-K.itt9 (E. J ) Tables of caste measurements. J. Anthrop. Sue. Bombay, 1892, ii, 483-503: 1893, iii, 61; 113.—KuprianofT (I. D.) 0 rostle nizbnikh chinov vo vremya prokhozhde- niasluzhbii ob otnosbenii viesa k rostu, okruzhnosti grudi i drugim iziulereuiam chelovlecheskavo tlela. [On the growth of privates during military service aud on the re- lation of weight to size, capacity of chest, and other meas- urements of the human body. J Protok Omsk. med. Obsh., 1888-9, vi, 99-122. — I>acas*agne (A.) Rapports de la taille et de la grande envergure; 6lude anthropologique sur 800 homines criminels. Bull. Soe. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1881-2, i, 219-226, 2 diag.—fjivi (R.) Sulla interpretaziono delle curve seriali in antropometria. Aiti d. Soc. roni. di antrop., Roma, 1895, iii, 21-52.—iVIaschen (L.) La statura dei Trentini confrontata con quella dei Tirolesi e des. li Ita- liani delle Provincie Venete, Lombarde e Piemontesi. Atti d. Soc. roni. di antrop., Roma, 1893, i, 77-84. —iHeiwsuer. Zur Statistik der Korpergrosse der Schlesw iger YVehr- pflichtigen. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1882-3, xiv. 235- 250, 1 chart. -----. Die Korpergrosse der Wehrpflicbtigen im Gebiete der Unterelbe, insbesoudere in Holstein. Ibid., 1888-9, xviii, 101-133, 1 map. -----. Ueber die Korper- grosse der Wehrpflichtigeu in Sehleswig Holstein, ein Bei- trag zur Anthropologie der jetzigen Schleswig-Holsteiner. Mitth. d anthrop. Ver. in Schlesw.-Hoist., Kiel, 1889, ii, 3- 27.-----. Die Korpergrosse der "Wehrpflichtigeu in Meck- lenburg. Arch. f. Anthrop.. Brnschwg., 1890-91, xix, 317- 329.—itliwa (X.) Honbanjin kakunen taiju no josba sei- jiku. [Investigation upon the body weight of Japanese at different ages.] Ztschr. d. Tokio rued. Gesellsch., 1893, v, vii, Xo. 9, 10-18. — Mourson (J.) Recherches authropo- metriques sur les apprentis canonniers. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1881, xxxv, 5; 102.—O'Goruinii (P.W.) Notes on comparative heights and weights in prisoners. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1895, xxx, 337. — Pcli (G.) Sulle mi- sure del corpo nei Bolognesi; ricerche antropometriche; con un' appendice storica sull' antropometria del Prof. C. Taruffi. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 18^0, 4. s., ii, 421-434, 43 tab. Aho, Reprint.—Powell (J. W.) On limitations to the use of some anthropologic data. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1879-80, Wash., 1881. i, 71-86. — Preii- gruebcr (A.) Anthropometi ie; medecine 16gale. La determination de I'&cce des indigenes en Kabylie bas6e sur les nioyennes annuelles de la croissance des differeutes re- gions du corps. Alger med., Is88. xvi, 153-185.—Quetc- Ict (A.) Taille de l'homme k Tenise, pour l'age de vingt ans. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg.. Brux., 1869, 2. s., xxvii, 196-233. Aho, Reprint.—Reise he I (G.) Zur Sta- tistik der Korpergrosse in den drei preussischen landrath- lichen Kreisen Erfurt, Weissensee und Eckartsberga. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1888-9, xviii, 135-150, 1 map. — Riccardi (P.) Studj intorno alio accrescimento della statiira in ispecie nella citta e nei dintorni di Modena. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1882, xii, 207-271. -----. Statura e condiziono sociale studiate nei Bolognesi con- temparanei. Ibid., 1885, xv, 97-125, 8 tab., 4 diag. -----. Statura e intelligeuza studiate nei Bolognesi contempo- ranei. Ricerche antropometriche e statistiche. Ibid., 1886, xvi, 3-16, 5 tab. -----. La grande apertura delle braccia in rnpporto alia statura studiata specialmente ne' Bolognesi. Bull. cl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1886, 6. s., xviii, 209-228.—Roberts (C.) Table showing the stature (with- out shoes) of the general population of Great Britain. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1881, Loud., 1882, li, 236.— Scheibcr (S -H.) Recherches sur la taile nioyenne des hommes en Hongrie. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. 1876, Bu- dapest, 1877, viii, 601-611. -----. Cntersuchungen iiber den mittleren Wuchs der Menschen iu Ungarn. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1880-81, xiii, 233-267. — Toldt (C.) Die Korpergrosse der Tiroler und Vorarlberger. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1891. n. F., xi, 69-78, 1 map.—Topinard. Carte de la repartition de la taille en France. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3 s., vii, 825.— Troquarl. Tableau graphique de pes6es. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1891, 57-60. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, xx, 306, 1 blank form. Anthropometry in children. Danielbekoff (A.) * Materiali k voprosu o viesie i obyomie golovnovo i spinnovo mozga dietei oboyevo pola v vozraste nizhe goda. [Weight and volume of brain aud spinal cord of children of both sexes under 1 year of age.] 815. S.-Peterburg, 1885. Hinds (Clara B.) Child growth. Woman's Anthropological Society, Washington, D. C, 1886. 8°. Washington, [1886]. Soames (H. A'.) The scientific measurement of children. 16°. London, 1891. Anthropometry in children'. Vahl (M.) Mittheilungen iiber das Gewicht nicht erwachsener Madchen (1874-83). 8°. Co- penhagen, 1884. Also [with additions], in: Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iii, Sect, de p6- diat., 120-125. IS. (J.) Statistique anthropometrique et medicale des 616ves des 6coles priiuaires de Bruxelles. Ann. de demog. internat., Par., 1879, iii, 221-226.—Babanasjantz (Z.) K vopr. o vc-se i dline douoshen. novorozhden. [Weight and size of new born infants at term.] Nauch. Besedy vrach. zakavkazsk. Poival. Inst., Tiflis, 1886, i, 121-152.— Reaudoniii. Pes6es quotidiennes et alimentation d'un enfant ne avant teriue. Noriuandie in6d., Rouen, 1888, iv, 231-236.—Boas (F.) The growth of children. Science, N. Y., 1892, xix, 250. -----. On Dr. William Townsend Porter's investigation of tin- growth of the school chil- dren of St. Louis. Science, N. Y. Sc Lancaster, Pa., 1895, n. s., i, 225-230. -----. The growth of first-born children. Ibid., 402-404.—Borri (L. ) La dimensioue delle ossa lunghe degli arti del feto nell' ultimo trimestre della vita endouteriua cousiderata in rapporto con la lunghezza to- taledelcorpo. Sperimentale. Sez. clin., Firenze, 1895, xlix, 302-307.—Rouchut (E.) Accrescimento dei bambini e cambiameuto di nutrice per 1' uso del pesa-bambini. [Transl. by G. Soiuma. ] Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1884, ii, 116-119.—Bowditch (H. P.) The growth of children, studied by Galton's method of percentile grades. Rep. Bd. Health Mass. 1889-90, Bost., 1891, xxii, 479-522.—Camerer ( W. ) Untersuchungen iiber Massenwachsthum und Langenwachsthutn der Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893, xxxvi, 249-293. — Chaillc ( S. E. ) In- fants, their chronological progress. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv, 893-912. Aho, Reprint. — Chapin (H. D. ) A plan of infantile measurements. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 649-651. — Dik (A.) Materiali k izsledovaniyu roste, viesa, okruzhnosti grudi i zMzuen- noi yomkosti liskhkickh detskavo i yunoshesk. vozrastov. [Examination of stature, weight, circumference of chest, vital capacity of lungs in children and young people. ] Yoyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1883, cxlvi, pt.2, 223; 363,14 tab.—Dobodchikoff(K. K.) Narod. schkoly Romanov- Borisoglebskavo uyezda i ich ucheniki. [Public schools of Romanov-Boriso^leb district and their pupils. (Anthro- pometry.)] Vestnik. obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Pe- tersb., 1890, viii, pt. 1, 1-35.—Budrewicz (L.) Pomiary antropolog. dzieci Warszawskich. [Anthropological mea- surements of children iu Warsaw.] Zbior. wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umie.j.w Krakow, 1882. vi, pt.2, 3-23.—Farago (G.) Az ujsziiiott gyermekek neh&ny retiexe. [Some re- flections on new-born children (as to weight).1 Gyogvds- zat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 205.—Farr (W.) [etal ]. Table showing the relative statures of b'>ys at the age of 11 to 12 years, under different social and ph j sical conditions of life. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1880,1, 127. -----. State- ment of the height, without shoes, of boys in Marlborough College, showing the average, maximum, and minimum at each year and quarter of a year of age, between 9 and 20. ' (Taken in 1874-8) Ibid., 148.—Fergus (W.) &. Rod- well (G. F.) On a scries of measurements for statistical purposes, recently made at Marlborough College. J. An- throp. Inst,, Lond., 1S74-5. iv, 126-130, 1 pl. Aho [Rev.]: J. Anthrop.Inst, Lond., 1874-5, iv, 130-135.—Gallon (F.) Proposal to apply for anthropological statistics from schools. J. Antlirop. Inst., Lond., 1873-4, iii, 308-311. -----. On the height and weight of boys aged 14, in town and eouutry schools. Ibid., 1875-6, v, 174-181.—Gal toil (F.) [et al.]. Table showing the height (length) and weight of infants of both sexes at birth. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1883, Lond., 1884, liii, 286.—Gcissler (A.) Messuugen von Schulkindern in Gohlis-Leipzig. Ztschr. f. Schul- gsndhtsplig., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1892, v, 249-253.—Green- wood (J. M.) Heights and weights of children. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1891, Concord, 1892, xvii, 199- 204. — Hesse (W.) Bestimmung'-n des Gewichtes und Mcssungen der Korperlange bei einem Kinde im ersten und zweiten Lebensjabre. Arch. f. Gynaek, Berl., 1881, xvii, 150-152.—Kosmowski (W.) O wzroscie i wadze dzieci klas biednvch w Warszawie. (De la grandeur et du poids des enfants de pauvres classes k Varsovie.) Medycyna, Warszawa, 1894, xxii, 105; 125; 153; 173.— liorey (C.) Ueber Gewicht und Mass noimal entwi- ckelter Kinder in den ersteu Lebensjahren. (Vorschlag zu Sammelbeobachtungen.) Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1887-8, n. F., xxvii, 339, 1 tab. — lTIanouyrier ( L.) Commission chargee d'examiner le projet d'une statis- tique anthropologique k faire dans les ecoles primairea de la ville de Paris. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 572-579.—Martinez Vargas (A.) Pedi- metriay pedibarometria; crecimento en la infancia. Gac. med., Mexico, 1890, xxv, 301-325, 3 pl.-Mcrezlikovski (K.) O zadach. i metod. izslied. flzichesk. razvit. dietei. [Problems and methods of examining the physical devel- opment of children.] Med. pedagog. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1886, ii, no. 1, 63-97; no. 2,53-76. Also, Reprint.—Morse (\V. H.) The baby's growth. Virginia M. Month., Rich- A N THKOPOMETKY. 534 ANTIFEBKIN. Anthropometry in children. mond 1886-7, xiii, 392-395.—.tljers (It. P.) Large foetus. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 18MI-M iii 174.—Ogston (F.), jr. On tbe aveia"e length nnd weight of mature newborn Scotch children. "Edinb. M. J.. 1880-81, xxvi, 6U3-615.—Peters. son (O. V.) Om vigt-ifdrhallaudena hos spada barn under forsta lefnadsaret. [Ri-lalive weight of infants under 1 year of age.] I'psala Lakaref. Forh., 1882-3, xviii, 1-31. _____. \ttei ligare om vigts forhallaudena hos spada barn under'forsta b-fnadsaret. [Relations of weight of children in flr.-t year of age.] Ibid., 1887-8, xxiii, 399-411.—Pfeif- fcr il-: l Bemerkungen betreffend Waehsthum und K6r- perwagungen der Sauglinsie. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz, 18H2, n. F., xix, 142-117.—Porter (W. T.i Ou the appli- cation to individual sch >ol children of the mean values derived from anthropological measurements by the gener- alizing method. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost , 1892-3, n. s., iii. 576-587. -----. The growth of St. Louis childreu. Tr. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, 1894, vi, 263-380, 40 diag. Aho [Rev.J: N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 417-423— Rieeardi (P.) Note antropologiche fatte intorno ad alcuni giovani della r. Casa di custodia in Bologna. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1882, iii, 151-156.—Rnnia (R.) Antroponiet. ma- teriali dlja opredielenija phizieh. razvitija uchashichsja. [Anthropometry; school children.] Shorn, socbin. po sudebnoi med.,' St. Petersb., 1880, iii, pt. 2, 95-131 — Schmidt (E.) Die Korpergib.-i.se uud das Gewicht der Schulkinder des Kreises Saalt'eld (Herzogthum Meinin- gen). Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1892-3, xxi, 385-434.— Mn ilk in (M.) Nablyud. nad koh-bau. viesa novorozhden. dietei v prodol. poivavo miesjatsa ich zhizni. [Researches on fluctuations of weight of infants during first month of life.] Med. otchet Imp. S.-Peterb. Vosp. Doma, 1873, 151- 178, 1 tab. -----. Mateiialy dlia izuchen. rosta dietei pcr- vych nedel zhizni. [. . . investigation of growth of infants in first week of life.) Ibid.. 1877, 184-210.—Stage (G. G.) Ueber Korperwiigungen wahrend der Dentitionspe- riode. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1883, n. F., xx, 4z5- 438.—Stockton-Hough (J.) Statisticsrelating to seven bundled births (white), oeeuning in the Phil.nlelphia Hos- pital (Bleckley), between 1805 and 1S72. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6. xvi, 92-91.—Siiligowski (F.) Kilka slow o po- miatach antroponietryczuyeh nilodzii /y gimuazyum mez- kiego w Radomiu. [The anthropometi ic- nieasiireinentsof pupils in the gymnasium of Rationi.] Mcdvevna, Warsza- wa, 1887, xv, 512; 528; 544; 559; 641— Vari-entrapp (G.) Bericht an dio Baudeputatiou zu Fiaukfurt am Main zur Beantwortung der Frage iiber die Zweckmassigste Ein- richtung der Schulbanke und Sehultische, 1887, 4, 16 s. [Rev.] [Contains measurements of 3,459 boys and 2,448 girls.] Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndht.spflg., Brnschwg., 1872, iv, 298-3U6.—Voronoff (N. G.) K voprosu o razni- tsie uablyudayemoi v narostanii vie-a u grudnich dietei s bolshiiu inialim viesoin. | Maximum and minimum weight and growth of infants at the breast. J Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1883, xx, 324-340.-West ( G. M. ) Antliropometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Schulkinderiu Worcester Mass. Amerika. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., ^93, xxii. 13- 48. -----. Worcester school children; the growth of the body, head, and face. Science, N. Y., 1893, xxi, 2-4.----—. The anthropometry of American .school children. Mem. Internat. Cong. Anthrop. 1893, Chicago, 1894, 50-58.— Windle (B. C. A.) Anthro].....utric work in schools. Med. Mag., Lond., 1893-4, ii, 631-04.1. — WoinarsUi (S. E. A. Z.i Some statistics of the length and weight of children born in the Lying-in Hospital, Melbourne, during the first four months of 1879. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. ]879, n. s., i, 415-420.—Zacharias (O.) Ueber I'eriodicitiit ill der Gewu-htszunahnie bei Kindern. Mouatl. Mitth. a. d. Gcsaiinntneb. d Naturw., Berl.. lf-88-9, vi, 35; 57.—Ze- lenslii i.M.) Nauch. metod dlia opred. znaeh. vesa tela. kak pi iznaka zilorovya iii boliez. organ. [Scientific method of ascertaining weight of body (of infants) and its impor- tance in indicating health or diseased organism.] Trudi vtor. s\e/.da nissk. vrach. v Mosk.. 1887, ii. Ped., 18-29.— Xhtikovski il.i O vzvleshivauii grudnikb dietei, kak mienliu ikh v../iastanla. [On weighing infants at breast as an indication of their growth.] Shorn, sochiu. po sudebuoi med., St. Petersb., 1880, ii, pt. 1, 71-98. Anthropometry in recruits and sol- diers. See Anthropometry (Statistical data of); Armies (Becruitiug of), etc. Anthropophagy. Baubastk. De l'lioniicide et de l'anthropo- plia^ie. 8°. Paris, 167)6. Anthropophagy. |Edit ] Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 185-187 —Barrow (H. W.) On aghoris and aghora- panthis. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1893. iii, 197-251.— Beauregard (O.) L'anthropophagie a Madagascar. Bull. Soe. d'anthrop. de Par., 1888, 3. s.. xi, 234-237.— Bordier. L'anthropophagie. Ibid.. 62-71.—Browne (W. A. F.) Necrophilism. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1875. xx, 551-560.—Debatte sur l'anthropophagie dans les temps prehistoriques. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. 1867, Par. Anthropophagy. 1868, ii, 158-163.—Dehoux (J.-B.) Du sacrifice humain et de l'anthropophagie dans le Vaudou. Bull. Soc dan. throp. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 206-216. — tiiraril Sulle reazioni dell' ace- tanilide. Mem.d.r. Accad. med. diGeuova(1887), 1888,250- 252.—Demicville (P.) De l'antifebrine comme nervin. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1887, vii, 305-317. — Denizes (G.) Nouvelle i6action de l'acetanilide ou anti- febrine. J. de nied. de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 118.—Dc- strce (E.) & Slossc (A.) De l'emploi de l'antilebrine; etude clinique et expeiimentale. Clinique, Brux., 1887, i, 733-742.—Dicci (U.) Osservazioni cliniche sull' antifeb- brina. Rassegna di sc. med , Modena, 1887, ii, 330-335. Also, Reprint. —Discussion sur l'emploi th6rapeutique de l'antipyrine et de l'acetanilide. Bull. Acad, de med., Par. 1888, 2. s., xix, 225; 239— Dujardin-Bcnuitictz. De l'acetanilide comme medicament sedatif dn systeme nerveux. Bull. g6n. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1887, exii,241- 246. — Dulacska (G.) Az acetanilid hat&s&rol. Gy6- gydszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 193-196. Also, transl: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 444-446.— Edwards (W. A.) Acetanilid as au antiseptic suigical dressing. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1895, x, 306- 308. Aho, Reprint. — Eiscnhart (H.) Beobachtungen iiber das Antifehrin. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 851. -----. Beobachtungen iiber das Antifehrin. Ibid., 1887, xxxiv, 448-450.—E vans (E.) Notes on anti- pyrin and antifebiin. CanadaM. ScS. J., Montreal, 1887-8, xvi, 402-404.—Evans (E. W.) The antipyretic action of antifehrin. Therap. Gaz,., Detroit, 1887, 3. s., iii, 237; 379. Also, Reprint. — Faldella (P.) & Bulla ( L. ) Osser- vazioni cliniche sull' antifebbrina. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 409-419. — Faust ( W. ) Ueber Antife- hrin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887. xiii, 328; 358.—Fnvrat (A.) Ueber Autifebrinisation in refracta dosi beim Typhus abdoniinalis und bei Lungenphthise. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1889-90, xlvi, 511- 541. Aho, Reprint. — Fclclti ( R.) SuU' azione anti- termiea dell' acetanilide (antifebbrina). Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1886, 6. s., xviii, 377-391. — Fisher (T. C.) Remarks on antipyrine and autifebrine. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1886-7, vi, 241. — Frotliinghaiu (L.) Sc ■M-att (J. H.) The auti-baclerial action of acetanilid. Am. J. M. Se., Phila.,'1895, ex, 146-156. — Garcia Bijo (R.) Uso de la antifebrina. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Ha- bana, 1887, xiii, 700-709.—Gordon (J.) Antifehrin as a hypnotic for children Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 13.— Gloss (I. J. M.) Antifebrine and antipyrine and kindred chemical products. Georgia Eclect. M.'j., Atlanta, 1890- 91, xii, 21(1. — Grave (II.) Om antifehrin. I'psula La- karef. Forh., 1880-7, xxii, 139-150. — Greene ( VY~. S.) Failure of antifehrin as an antipyretic. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 228. — Gut I maun (G.) Antifehrin, iu seiner mannigfaltigen Wirkungsweise. Berl. klin.Wchn- schr., 1887, xxiv, 942-945.— Haichctt (B.) Observations on the effects of antifehrin. Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1888, 56-59.—liei n acl hi a n n (II.) ZurCasuistik der Antifebrinbehandluiig. Munchen. mecl. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 36-40.—Hcnocquc (A.) Mode (Paction de l'acetanilide (antifebrine) sur le sang et suiT'activite dela reduction de l'oxyhemoglobiue. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8.'s., iv, 498-502.— Ilcrcsecl (E.) Ueber Acetanilid. Centralbl. f. d. nied. Wissensch., Berl., 1887, xxv. 546-551. -----. Ueber die Wirkung des Anilin, Acet- anilid (Antifehrin) und Kampberaniliu. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1021; 1057. Also, transl: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi. 1626; 1659. Also [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 133; 151.— Herrmann (E.) Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkungen und die Anwendungsweise des Antifebrins. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 1890, xi, 805: 875. Aho. Reprint.— Ilii-Hch (R.) Ueber die schnierzstillende Wirkung des Antifebrins und Autipyrins. Therap. Monatsh, Berl., ANTIFEBRIX. 536 AXTIFEBRIX. Antifehrin. 1**8 ii, 453-459.—Huber (A.) Ueber Antifehrin. Cor.- Bl f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1887, xvii, 2-9. — Ivanofl" (X ) Antifehrin. Vovenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1887, clviii, pt. 1, 55-78. — Jafle (M.) & Hilbert (P.) Ueber Acetanilid und Acettoluid und ihr Verhalten im thieri- schen Stoffwerhsel. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1887-8, xii, 295-321. — Kell (J. B.) Antifehrin as a hyp- notic. Med. Rec., X. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 199.—Koritin (P. S.) Ob antifebrinie. Protok. Obsh. Donsk. vrach., Novo- tcherkask, 1*89, iii, 143-168.—Ko vacs (J.) Az antifehrin (pbenylaeetamid) hat&s&rol. [Effect of phenylacetamid as an antifehrin. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 1413 1455; 1490; 1887, xxi, 36; 128; 156. Aho, transl. [Abstr.] Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1887, xxiii. 569.— Krieger (G.) Antifehrin (Aeetanilin) als Antifebrile uud Antisepticum. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886, vii, 761-704. —Kronecker. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Xebeu - Wirkungen des Antifebrins. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl. 1888, ii, 426-428.- Lacker (lv.) Zur Frage der Autifebrinwirkung. Milth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Stciennaik 1*87, Graz, 1888, xxiv, 83-96. 1 diag.—Lang (T.) Ueber die Wirkung des Antifebiin. Wien. med. Presse. 1887, xxviii, 768-770. — van l.eer (S. A.) Over antifebrine. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii. 2. d., 308-310.—Ecpine (R.) Sur l'action de lace tanilide (antifebrine). Semaine mH„ Par., 1886. vi, 473. Aho: Rev. de nied., Par., 1**7. vii, 306; 520. Aho [Ab- str.J -. Lyon med., 1886,liii, 209-271. Also [Abstr.J: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se. med. de Lyon (1886), 18*7, xxvi, pt.2, 186-188. Aho. transl: Gazz. med. ital. lomb.,Milano, 1886, 8. s., viii, 485-487. -----. Sur l'alteration du sang pro- duite par l'acetanilide et par la dioxynaphtaline. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol., Par., 1887, *. s., iv, 517-519.- —. Ac- tion de l'acetanilide sur la nutrition. M6m. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii.pt. 2. 42.— Livicrato (P. E.> Azione dell' acetanilide (antifebrina) sul ricambio matei iale nell' uomo sano. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova (l*87i. 1888. 118-132. Aho : Lavori d. 1st. di clin. med. d. r. I'niv. di Genova (11-80-7). 18*8, 15-27.— I.iriei-nto (P. E.) Sc Predazzi (P.) Sull' azione biolo- gica e terapeutica dell'acetanilide (antifebbrina). Ibid., 137-206.— l,o wen thai iL.) Zur Wirkung des Antifehrin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii. 428 — Uac.TIullen 1.1. Cl On the action of acetanilide. Australas.il Gaz., Sydney. 1886-7, vi, 209 —Love il. X.) One v. ar of acet- anilide in pediatric practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 437-441. Also: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889, vi, 559-568. Aho, Reprint— .Tlatusofszky (A.) Ueber den Heilwert des Antifebiin. [Transl. | Abstr. ] from : Orvos- termeszettud. Ertesitii. 1887, 1. lilt.] Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18*7. xxiii, 465-46'.> — Jlorm-r (K. A. H.) Stoffweehselproducte des Acetanilids im menschlichen Korper. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem . Strassb., 1888-9, xiii, 12-25. — .tloi-tou (I).) Antifebiin as an analgesic. Am. Pract. .v Xews, Louisville, 1888, n. s., v, 33-36.—Morton (T. S. K ) Acetanilid as an antiseptic; with observations upon its use in one thousand surgical cases. Phila. Poly- clin., 1895, iv, 61-64.—Mil Her (E.) Oni Antifehrin og dets Virkuinger. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1887, 3. R , v, 913; 937. — .11 iii lei- (J.) L'antife-brine, un nouvel antipy- retique. Mem Sue. de med. de Strasb. (1886-7), 1887, xxiv, 82-*7. Aim: Gaz. med de Strasb., 1886, 4. s., xv, 128.— IVewth (A. II.i Acetanilide (antifehrin) as an external application. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 681.—Osier ( W.) Antifehrin. Therap., Gaz., Detroit, 1887, 3. s., iii, 163- 167. Aho, Reprint. — Ott (A.) Ueber Acetanilid als Xerveiimittel. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xii, 893.— Park (R.) The comparative therapeutics of anti pyrin and antifehrin. Laneet, Lond., 1888, ii, 311. — Pavai- Vnjnu (G.) Az acetanilid vagy antifebiin patdsdi-61. [On the effect of acetanilid or antifehrin.] Orvosi hetil., Biidap.-.st. 1887, xxxi. 1361; 1403; 1464; 1498. Aho. transl: Centralbl. f.d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1887, v, 417; 481. Aho, transl [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887. xxiii. 916: 933; 948. — Pavesi (C.i Sul passaggio dell' antifebbrina m-lle urine. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Ge- nova (18*7). 1**8, 233-237. Also: Lavori d. 1st. di clin. | med. d. r. Univ. di Genova (1880-7), 1***\ 131-136. Also [Abstr.J: Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 18S7. Pavia, 1)-89, ii, 13. — Penzoldt. Einige Wirkungen der Acetanilido- und Formanilidoessigsaure (nach Versuchen des Dr. P. William Weber aus Gobatis in Si'ulAfrika). Arch. f. exper.Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1889-90, xxvi, 313-315.— Predazzi (P.) Sc Pavesi (C.) Dell' azione dell anti- febbrina sui vasi. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova (18«7i, 1888, 238-249. -Queirolo (G. B.) Influenza della antipii ina e della anti-febbrina sui vasi cerebrali. (Cotnu- nieazione preventiva.) Ibid., 1**8. 73.—Reyes y Sar- dinar (A.) Contrilintion a l'6tude physiologique et therapeutique de l'acetanilide sur le systeme nerveux. Hop. Cochin... Compt. rend. d. trav. dn lab. de th6rap., Par., 1889, 112-115. — Richards (J. T.) On the use and dose of antifehrin for children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i. 1001.—Riese (H.) Zur Wirkung des Antifehrin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1886, xii. 835-837.—San- toliquido(R) & Vitone (V.) Dell'acetanilide. Terap. mod., Xapoli, 1887, i, 369; 433; 497.—Scott (J. T.) Some Antifebriu. peculiar results following the use of acetanilide in typhoid fever; report of three cases. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890 n. s., xxiv, 65— Secretan (L.) Note sur l'antifebrine Kev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1887, vii, 29-lis -1 Seifert (O.) Ueber Antifehrin als Nervinum. \Viin med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1145-1149 — Ncmbril/ki Zur Wirkung des Antifehrin. Therap. Monatsh. berl" 1889, iii, 267. —Sievers (R.) Om antitebrin, ett nvtt antipyreticum. Fiuska lak.-sallsk. handl., Htlsiii.'. tors, 1887, xxix, 24-31. — Simpson ( F. i\ ) Smm> notes on antifehrin. Med. Rec.. X. V., 1**7, x\xii 700—Sippel (H.) Ueber Antifebiiubehandlung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1**7, xxxiv, 215-219.— Mayers (P.) De Paction antipyr6tique et anti-rhuniatismnle de l'anti- f6brine. Ann. Soc. m6d.-rhir. de Li6ge, 1886, xxv, 469- 507, 2 tab.—Stachicwicz (T.) Antifebriu (phenil aceta- mid) przeciw goraczee w gruzlicy pluc. [. . . in phthisis 1 Wiadomosci lek., Lwtiw, 1886, i, 166-170: 1*87. i, 193-205.— Stein (J.) Zur Kenntniss des Antifebrins und seiiier Dosirung_. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xiv, 559.—Ten- cbinski (P. S. i Vliyanie acetanilida (antifcbrinai na povysh. temperaturu. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 111 - 113— TrusheinikoflT. Terap. znachinie antife- brina. Russk. Med.. St. Petersb., 1886, iv. 754; 774.—Tse- lios(A.) 'H avrnrvpivq Kara riiv iXia&uvnvpcTwv. Ta\i)vbf Afliji-oi. 1887, xvii 586; 599; 615. — Ward (M R.) Ami- febrin as an antipvretic. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1*8' -7 i 241-243. -Warfvinge (F. W.) Om aeetfenetiilin ('eh acetanilid. Hy-iea, Stockholm, 1888, 1, 554-500.— Weill (S.) De Taction pbysiologique et th6iapeutique de line. tanilide. Bull. gen. de therap. |etc.J, Par., 1887, cxii, 150- 166. ]------. fitude sur l'action physiologique et les ap- plications th6rapeutiques de l'acetanilide ou antifelnine. Nouv. remedes. Par., 1887, iii, 27; 55. Aho: Hop. Cochin. Compt rend. d. trav. du lab. de thfrap.. Par.. 1889, 89- 100. — Weinstein (X.) Ueber Calomel; Antifehrin; Kawa. Wien. mid. Ill . 18*7. x 169; 206; 270; 304; 337; 369; 404; 436; 468. — Wemlriiier. Ueber die Zersct- znng des neuen Fiebeimittels Antifebiin'' im Kiiiper. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1**7. lvi, 1.—Woods (G W.) The use of acetanilid iu medicine and suigeiy. with special reference to its surgical applications, including illustrations of its use in minor surgery, and its anion in two important cases involving other important features. Addr. . . . sect. surg. Sc anat. 45. meet. Am. M. Ass.. Chi- cago, 1894, 353-362. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chirago, 1894, xxiii. 100-103. Aho: Rep. Surg.-Gen. Xavv, Wash.. 1894, 83-87.—Zavoljski (.1.) O terapevt. primen. art-tinilin. iii antifebrina. [I herapentical application of aeetanilin and antifehrin.] Ejem. jour, prakt. med., St. Petersb., 18*7, iii, no. 5. 94-98." Antifebriu (Toxicology of). Allison ( W. R. ) A case of poisoning by antifebiin; recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 18*9. xii, 103.—Bell (G. ) Vier Falle von Antifebi iuveigiftung. Mnnora- bilien, Heilbr., 1894-5, n. F., xiii, 535-5i.7 — Bokenham ( T. J.) Sc Jones ( E. L. ) On two case- of poisoning bv anilides (exalgine and antifehrin). Brit. M..)., Lond., 18!>6, i, 288. Also, Reprint.—Davis (J. S.) A report of tin ce cases of addiction to coal tar derivatives. Am. Med.- Surg. Bull. N. Y.. 1894, vii, 1490-1493. — Ehrle (J.) Ein Fall von Antifebrinvergiftung beim Pferde. Monaub. f. prakt. Thierh.. Stuttg., 1893-4. v. 193-198. — Ferri* (A. W.) Poisoning with acetanilid. Med. Rec.. X. Y. 1890, xxxvii, 5*7. —Freund ((.'. S.) Eiii Fall von Antifebi in- vergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 18*8. xiv, 834. — Frolmcr. Toxikologisehe Untersuchungen iiber den Grad der Giftigkeit des Antifebrina bei den Hans- thieren. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh.. Stuttg., 1*93-4, v, 145-170. — Gibbous (J. E. ) Poisoning bv antifehrin. Man land M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi. 183. — CSrier ( W. F.) The toxic effects of antifehrin complicat- d with alcohol- ism. Med. Rec, X V., 1892, xiii, 511. — llartge (A.) Eine Antifebrinvergiftung. St. Petersb. med. Wclnisihr., 1890, n. F., vii, 69-71. —nation (J. B.) Some uutowatd effects from antifebiin. Med. Snr l'etat du sang dans l'intoxication par 1 'acetanilide. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1886). 18*,, xxvi. pt. 2, 188-190. Aho: Lyon med., 1880. liii. 316-318.— ITIahnerl ( F.) Ueber Intoxicationen mit Antifebiin. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1889-90. n. F., ix, 321-328 Also: Med. chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 534-536.- .II"re- cti mix. Ein Fall von acuter Antifebnnvei -lining. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 84.V- Tleyer. Fall von Antifebrin-Intoxication. Allg nod Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1889, lviii. 805. — Morehouse i(). E.) Antitebrin rash. Montreal M. J., 1890-91, xix, 46 —Newton (li. a:nttifebrix. 537 ANTIMONY. Antifehrin (Toxicology of). C ) A case of poisoning from the external use of acet- anilid. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1896, xlix, 333.—Pnuschinger. Ein Fall von Antifehrin-Vergiftung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 332.—Kook (C. W.) Poisoning bv acetanilid. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi. 239.— Itoscnberger (R. C.) A case of acetanilid poisoning; recovery. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv. 460.— Sauter (C.) Cyanotic symptoms after local application of acetanilid. Louisville 'M. Month., 1895-6, ii, 341. — Scliolz. In- toxioatio cum Antifebrino; Heilung. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k all". Krankenh. zu Wien (1891), 1893, 71. — Suttle (I. K) Case of antifehrin habit. X. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1889-90, n. s., xvii, 896. —Taylor (W. H.) Report of toxic effect of acetanilid. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 083. [Discussion], 694. — VierhuflT ( J.) Ein P'all von Anti- febrinvergiftung. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, n. F., vii, 139. — Warfvinge (F. W.) Forgiftningsfall & Sabbatsoergs sjukhus. Antifehrin. Hyciea, Stockholm, 1892 liv, 238-242. — Wolff (J.) Ein Fall von Antifebrin- vci Jittung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 535-537. Antigalactics. See, also, Lactation (Prevention of). Hale (E. M.) On the value of ergotine in preventing the flow of milk into the breast. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1879, xiv, 145. AntigontlS Carystius. See Marbodus. Liber lapidnm seu de gemmis [etc.]. 8=. Gottingce, 1799. Antigua. See Fever (Yellow, History, etc.), by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Antigiiedad Diez (Felix). See i Son antagonistas la caquexia paludica y la tisis 1 [in 1. s.]. 8°. Cartagena, 1884. Aiitikanmia. Antikamnia, its pathological and physiologi- cal action ; also its use in general practice. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Sullivan (J. J.) An eligible combination. Xotes on new pharmaceutical product. 24c. [New York], 1894. Aiitikanmia. |Edit.] Am. Pract. Sc Xews, Louis- ville. 1891, n. s.. xii. 177.—Kngel (H.) The therapeutical effects of antikamnia. Med. Summary, Phila., 1892-3, xiv, 171-178. Aho, Reprint.— [Sullivan (J. J.)] Antikam- nia and codeia as a substitute for morphine. Med. Trib- une, X. T., 1893, ix, 41-43. Antikamnia, its pathological and physiologi- cal action; also its use in general practice. 16 pp. 16c. [n. p., n. d.] Antilles. See West Indies. Antimony and its compounds. See, also, James's powder. de Alpruni (S.) * De usu antimonii ejus- demqne praparatoruni. [Innsbruck.] 12°. [ Vindobona, 1780.] Balfour (W.) Illustrations of the power of emetic tartar in the cure offerer, inflammation, and asthma, and in preventing consumption and apoplexy. 2. ed. 8'-. Edinburgh, 1819. -----. The same. 8°. Lexington, By., 1823. Barbet. Des preparations d'antirnoine et en particulier de ces combinaisons oxygen6es. 8°. Bordeaux, 1847. Belugou (L.) * L'antimoine au point de vue clihnique. 4C. Montpellier, 1884. Boxafos-Siau (E.) Dissertation me'dico-chi- mique sur l'antimoine. 12°. Montpellier, 1792. Chartier (I.) La science du plomb sacre", ou de l'antimoine, oil sont de"crite ses rares et parti- culieres vertus, puissances et qualitez. 4°. [Paris, 167)1.] A ho, transl. in: Theatrum chemicum. 12°. Argento- rati, 1661, vi, 569-599. Copus (M.) Das Spissglas Antimonium odor Stibium gcnandt, in ein Glas gegossen, es sey geel oder rodt, das man Vitrnm antimonii nen- net, ein warhafftige Gifft und gantz gefehrliche schedliche Artzney sey. Und derhalben von der Obrigkeit in Wolbestellten Policeyen, billich die Antimony and its compounds. Landtfehrcr, so es den Leuten feil bieten, nicht gelitten werden. Was auch die rechte Medicina sey, in gedachtem Miuerali, da es jemand brau- chen wolte. 4°. [n. p.], 1569. Coze (V.) * Etude sur un nouveau mode d'em- ploi externe du tartre stibie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. "" Cream (E. C.) "On the chemical history and physiological aud therapeutical action of tartar- ized antimony. S°. Edinburgh, 1835. Derouen (T.-A.) 'Observations sur le ker- nies mineral. 4°. Paris, 1848. Durand (P.-B.) * Observations relatives a la preparation de l'oxide d'antirnoine. Sur un nouveau compose" d'iode. 4°. Paris, 1842. Also, in: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1842, 3. s., i, 364- 379. Duriez (L.) * Dissertations de pharmacie et do chimie sur l'antimoine et la belladone. 4°. Paris, 1866. Evans (P. N.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Autimonpentachlorid. [Erlangen.] 8°. Bonn, 1889. Garox (A.) Sur l'6m6tique ou tartrate f„nti- monie de potasse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1817. Gille (N.) Sur les falsifications et les autres de'fectuosite's du kermes mineral. Extrait des lecons donne^es a I'Ecole de me'decine ve"te"ri- naire. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Gintrac [ J.-M.-H.] Etudes sur les effets the- rapeutiques du tartre stibie a haute dose. 8°. Bordeaux, 1851. Hoffmann ( F. ) Exercitatio medico-chy- mica de cinnabari antimonii, ejusque eximiis vi- ribus, usnque in morbis secretiori, quo ipso via ex ilia veram pauaceam conficieudi aperitur. Adjecta sunt experimenta ac ratiocinia varia curiosa. 24°. Lugd. Bat., 1685. Jacquet. Discours, ou histoire abrege"e de l'antimoine, et particulierement de sa prepara- tion. 16°. Paris, 1767). -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1767. -----. The same. 18°. Paris, 1784. Kubeler (R. [L.]) * Beitrag zar Pharmaco- dynamik des Antimonwasserstoffes. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1890. Aho [Abstr.], in: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmacol., Leipz., 1890, xxvii, 451-458. Lehmann (J. C.) * De terra foliata t&rtari antimoniata ejusque viribus medicis. sm. 4°. Hala, 1778. Lemery (N.) Traits de l'antimoine, conte- nant ruualy.se chymique de ce mineral, et un recueil d'un graud nombre d'operations rappor- tees a l'Academie royale des sciences, avec les raisonnemens qu'on st, crus necessaires. 12c. Paris, 1707. -----. The same. Trattato dell' antimonio, che contiene 1' analisi chimica di qnesto minerale [etc.]. Traduzioue dal linguaggio francese nell' italiano di Selvaggio Cauturani.. 12°. Venezia, 1717. Nicolai (E. A.) [Pr.] de virtutibus sulphu- ris antimonii aurati. [Cum vita candidati Tho- ma? Reindel.] sm. 4°. Jence, [1763]. Norris (T.) A short essay on the singular virtues of an highly exalted preparation of anti- mony: or Dr. . . . antimonial drops; to which is added a catalogue of cures, incontestubly prov- ing the sovereign efficacy of this great medicine in fevers and many other disorders. 8°. [Lon- don], 1770. Papillaud (L.-H.-A.) Etudes sur les medica- tions arsenicale et antimoniale et sur les mala- dies du cceur. 8°. Paris, 1867. -----. Essai sur l'action therapeutique de l'arseuiate d'antirnoine (granules antimouiaux) ANTIMONY. 538 ANTIMONY. Antimony and its compounds. contre cert nines affect ions du cceur et des pou- mons. .Suivi d'un memoire sur le traitement de la chlorose et des diverses maladies dues a l'ap- pauvrissenientdu sang par l'associationdel'arse- niate d'antirnoine et du fer (granules antimonio- ferreux). f'\ Paris, 1867. -----. De l'arseuic et de ses divers composes en therapeutique, et particulierement de l'arse- niate d'antirnoine et des preparations. 12°. IParis], 1660. Papili.ai d (L.-H.-A.) A: Mousnier (E.) Ar- seniate d'antirnoine, son emploi therapeutique sous forme de granules. Rapport favorable de l'Academie de medecine de I'aris dans les seances des 8, 15 et 22 novembre 1870. 8°. Marennes, 1872. Pepe (V.) Metodo facile, e sicuro per otte- nere la vera polvere del Sig. James. 8°. Napoli, 1809. Philosophical (A) aud ehyniical analysis of antimony; giving a rational account of the na- ture, principles, aud properties of that cele- brated drug, its various ehyniical preparations and particularly one that is not only an effectual cure for the present distemper among the cattle, but a preservative from their being infected. With directions how to manage them while un- der cure, and several critical remarks on the modern authors who have treated of antimony. 15v an eminent physician. 2. ed. 8-. London, 1747. Poiillat (A.-P.) *Du kermes et du soufre dore d'antirnoine. 4°. Paris, 1-71. Redmond (W.) The principles and constitu- ence of antimony. 8°. London, 1762. Renatdot (E.) L'antimoine justifie et l'an- timoine triompliant, ou discours apologetique faisant voir que la poudre et le vin emetique et les autres rcmedes tires de l'autinioine ne sont point veneneux, mais souverains pour gu6rir la pluspart des maladies, qui y sont exactement expliquees. Avec leurs preparations les plus curieuses, tant de la pharmacie que de la chymie. 4-. Paris, [1653]. Renault- (R.-G.) "Histoire de l'antimoine. 4°. Paris, 1-68. Schoppe (M.) * Verbreitung von Blei, Chrom, Arseu und Autimon in Gebrauchsgegenstauden 8°. Wiirzburg, 1890. Thali.ixus (H. P.) Basilica antimonii, in qua antimonii natura exponitur et nobilissinne remediorum formulas, quae pyrotechnica arte ex eo elaborantur, quam accurate traduntur: ma- uuali experientia comprobata et conscripta. 4°. Francofurti, 1618. Tofioli (L.) Sopra i tartari emetici; disser- tazione chiniico-medica. *c. Bassano, 1818. Pnunad (J. C.) * De vi delcleria fumi cinna- baris antimonii. 4°. Franeof.ad Viadr., [1725]. van der Vlist(A. T.) "De tartari emetici usu interno, cum evacuaute turn alterante, spe- ciatim in peripneumonia. 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1630. Vuillot (C.-P.-J.) Considerations sur le tar- trite autimouie de potasse. 4°. Strasboura 1811. "" Witting (C. F.) *De tartari emetici pra- paratione et viribus medicis. 8°. Gottingw, 1788. Antoniades. Ilepi Tjj? intriK^ rpvyos \v't. IaTpiKi) MeAio-cra, 'Adjjvai, 1853-4, i, 504 — Bellini (R ) Ricerche sperimentali: degli apprezzabili cambiamenti a cui il tartaro emetico, l'antimonio metallieo ed i suoi prin- cipah preparati insolubili vanno incontro nello animale organismo. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1886, xvii, 177- 385- 513: xviii, 75: 233; 348. Aho, Reprint.—Bertini (C. B.j Lffetto singolare del tartaro emetico impiegato per via en- dernuca. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1841, x, 449.—Bona- Miy (E.) Etudes sui hs effets physiologiques et therapeu- tiques du tartro stibie. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Lone-Inl., Nantes, 1843, xix, 60; 146; 181; 230; 287. Also: Antimony and its compounds. Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, iii, 113; 211- iv 1- 1844 Sfv"-24:',^. 231—Cbarrier. Be l'antimoine dans les affections thoraciques et rhuniatismales. Premierepnrtie lies maladies thoraciques. Dans quelles circoiistam-ea des maladies thoraciques ou des affections rhuniatiMiuiil»s les preparations d'antirnoine pounaient-elles et re in elerei-i aux autres moyens therapeutiques? Bull. Soc. nied -nr-it de Par., 1840, no. 30, 1-38. -----. Des preparations' ntb moniales dans le traitement des affections thoraciques et rhuniatismales. Deuxieme partie. Ibid. 1841 no 3-' 5- 40.— Chittenden (R. H.) & Blake (J. A.) ' The rela- tive distribution of antimony in the organs and tissues of the body under varying conditions. Tr. Connect Acu' Arts & Sc, N. Haven, 1885-8, vii, 274-29" Aho- sti'ul' Lab. Physiol. Chem. 1885-6, N. Haven, it*;, ii, i;« *i;'___ -----. Influence of antimonious oxide on metabolism Tr Connect. Acad. Arts & Se., N. Haven, 1885-8, vii 293-300 Aho: Stud. Lab. Physiol. Chem. 1885-6, N. Haven', 1887 ii' 87-94.------------. Some experiments on the influence of arsenic aud antimony on glycogenic function and fatty de- generation of the liver. Stud. Lab. Phvsiol. Chem. 1H87-8 N. Haven, 1889, iii, 106-114.—Clarke U VoiSIN (A. R.) De antipathia hu- niaua. In.- Fascic. diss. med. select. (Zvingerus). 12°. Basi- lece, 1710, 1-55. Aiitiperiodics. See, aIso, Arsenic; Cinchona; Eucalyptus; Fever (Malarial, Treatment of'); Quinine; Sali- cine; Spider ( Web of); Warburg's tincture. IVIettnuer (J. P.) Anti-periodics. Richmond & Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1868, vi, 601-609. Antiphlogistic* and antipyretics. See, also, Acid (Salicylic); Aconite, etc.; Antifebrin; Antipyrin; Antimony, etc.; Ar- senic (Physiological, etc., Effects of); Bloodlet- ting; Cinchona; Cold as a remedy; Exalgin; Inflammation (Treatnient of); James's powder; Kairine; Phenacetin; Temperature (Animal, etc., Effects of drugs on); Thallin. Biacii (A.) Die neueren Antipyretica. 6°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1889. BoGOLYtuoFF(M.) Noviyaantipyretica. An- tifebrin; autipyrin; antithermin; benzanilid; exalgin; hydracetin; methacetin; phenacetin; thallin. sm. 8°. Moskva, 1890. Cabitto (G. 13.) Antipertermici. 12°. .S'«- vona, 1866. Caillard (J.-L.) * Expose des experiences faites sur les febrifuges indigenes, h la clinique de M. le professeur Bourdier. 4C. Paris, 1600. Exxdiu'xz. * Ueber antipyretische Therapie. 8J. Freiburg i. B., 1666. Fothergill (J. M.) The depressants of the circulation aud their use. 12°. London, 1674. Frafel (J. J.) * Experimentelle und kliui- sche Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Antipyretica auf die Zahl der rothen Blutkor- perchen. 8°. Bern, 1889. Hacot (G.-L.) * Etude sur la valeur thera- peutique des medicaments antitherniiques. 4° [with supplement, 8°]. Lille, 1690. Hartmann (H.) * Ueber deu Einfluss anti- pyretischer Mittel auf die Zersetzuug der Ei- ■\yeissubstanzeu mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Antifebrin. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1687. Lorenz(0.) * Ueber Antipyretica. 8-. Jena, 1692. May (K.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Autipyre- tikaauf Blutverteilungund Zahl der roten Blut- korperchen. 8J. Wiirzburg, 1890. Ott (I.) The modern antipyretics: their ac- tion in health and disease. 8°. Easton, Pa., 1691. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Easton, Pa., 1892. Pasternatski (F.) *K voprosu o dieistvii zharoponizhayushtshikk talliua, antipiriua i antifebrina na temperaturu vnutrennuyu i naru- zhnuyuu i na poteri tepla kozheyu likhorady- ashtsbavo organizma. [Influence of the anti- pyretics, tliallin, autipyrin, and antifebrin on internal and external temperature and on the loss of heat by the skin in feverish affections.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1688. Pisemski (K.) *K voprosu o patologo-anato- micheskikh izmeneniyakh pri deistvii protivo- likhoradoehuykh sredstv: autipirina, tallina i antifebrina. [Changes under the effect of anti- pyretics. Antipyrin, thallin, and antifebrin.] 86. [St. Petersburg], 1887. Schneider (A.) * Ueber Autipyrin uud Anti- febrin als Nervina. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1868. Schuchardt (H.) * Die Nebenwirkungeu der Antipyretica. [Freiburg i. B. ] 8°. Wittenberg, 1890. Seisser(R.) * Feber Einwirkungenniehrerer Antipyretika auf den Froschorganismus. 6C. Wiirzburg, 1887. Steinacker (H.) * Ueber antipyretische Arz- neimittel. [Tiibingen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1-66. Tereg(J.) Die neueren Antipyretica. 8 . Leipzig, 1690. ANTIPIILOGISTICS. 540 ANTIPIILOGISTICS. Antiphlogi«tics and antipyretics. Wagner (K.) *Giebt es Arzneimittel, welche die Korpertemperatur zu steigeru im 8tande Bind? 8- Wiirzburg, 1666. \-on Ziemssen (H.) Kliuische Vortriige. Zweiter Vortrag. II. Allgemeine Therapie. 1. Antipyrese uud antipyretische Heilinethoden. 8-'. Leipzig, 1887. Also, transl in: Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. T., 1889, i 559-582. Aguilar (J.) Apnntes para el estudio de la accion nsiol6gicn y terapeutica de los niedicamentos llamados 'antipiretico.s". Cliuica, Zaragoza, 1881, v, 3; 10; 19; 33; 57; 66; 74: 82; 92; 98; 113; 121; 129; 138; 145; 162; 169. — Antilliermieos analgpsicos. Med. contemp., Lisb.. 1M15, xiii, 282-287. — Aphel (F.) Studio rompara- tivo sopra alcuni antitermu i e sulla associazioue di vari antilerniici. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii, 745-756.— AI Iii ■■ hoii (A.) A clinical study of various antipyretics and aiitiperiodics. Charlotte [N. C.] M. J., 1894, iv, no. 2, 22-34.—Bauerjee (R. P.) Antipyretics, a comparative trial. Indian M. Rec., Calcutta, 1892, iii, 75.—Bard (I, ) De 1'action antip.yr6tiq.ue des badigeonnages de gaiacol. Lyon meil., 1893, l'xxiii, 137-144. —Bernheini. Des anti- [licnniques analgesiqnes. Bull, med.. Par., 1890, iv, 1127— 1130. Aho : J. (1. sc. med. de Lille, 1H90, ii, 601-613.—Ber- tlieraml (A.) De quelques nouveaux agents febrifuges. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1877, xxii, 30; 43.-*- 1SMiller (O.) Ueber Fiebert's Febrechthrin. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 181.—Binz (('.) On the action and uses of antipyretic medicines, including the influence exerted by medicines administered internally, upon septicaemia aiid allied conditions. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. Lond., 1881, i. 454-459. — liokai (A.) Kurze Beitrage zur Pharmako- djnamik des Antifebrins. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887. xiii, 905.—Briefer (L.) Ueber die antipy- retische Wirkung des Chiuoliuum tartaricum. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1882, iv, 296. —Cain (J. S.) The use and abuse of antipyretic remedies. Tr. M. Soc. Tennes- see, Memphis, 1890, 49-66. Also: X. Ain. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii. 251-261.—Caldwell (W. C.) Antipyretics. X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1892, iv, 225-232. — Cantani (A.) Ueber Antipyrese. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, i, 152-170. Also, Reprint, Also: Met!.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 545; 561; 573. Also: Med. Rev. f. Balneol., Wien. 1890, i, 77; h«; 95. Aho: Wien. med. Bl., 1890, xiii, 536; 550. A ho: Wien. med. Presse. 181(0, xxxi,. 1289; 1335. Aho, transl: Wood's M. Sc S. Monog., N. T. 1891, x, 715-735. Aho, transl: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1891, n. s.. xiii, 1-19. Aho, transl [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. bop., Pur., 1890, lxiii, 874.— Crombic (A.) Notes on the comparative value of anti- pyrin, antitebrin, aud phenacetin as antipyretics. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 193-200. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1889, xliii, 266-282. —Davy (T. G.) On antipyret- ics: with special reference to some recently-discovered bodies belonging to the aromatic series, having antipyretic effects, together -with some general allusions to certain other aspects of their therapeutics and pharmacology. N. Zealaml M. J., Dunediu, 1888-9, ii, 26; 65. 1 pl.—Be Bo- miiiit-i* (N.) Considerazioni generali intorno alia tera- pia della intiaramazioue ed agli autipiretici. Terap. mod.. Napoli, 1S8S, ii, 193; 257.—De Oraziu. Sull' antipiresi per azione propulsiva. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi. pt. 3.625. Also: Terap. clin., Napoli, 1895, iv, 409. — Des- pint* (II.) Utilite dela medication antipvretique (ka'i- line, antipyrine, thalline). J: d. sc. med. de Lille, 1886, viii, 1; 33. Also, Reprint. -----. De la medication et des medicaments aiitipyretiqnes. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1889, ii, 193-199. — Dictaiueuett de seccion de medicina acerca do cuatro memoriales pivseutadas en el concurso de 1890, optando al premio Alvarez Alcahi, sobre el siguiente tenia: "Valor terapeutico de los medicamentos llamados nntiterniicos en las pirexias". An. r. Acad. de med., Madrid, 1890. x. 289-346. — Di«kuHsioii iiber die antipyretische Behaudlungsniethnde. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 635; 666. — Drobner (II.) Ueber Autitherinin. Ibid.. 1892, xxxiii, 540; 581— Dujardin- Beaumetz. Sur les medicaments antitherniiques con- sideres comme s6datifs au systeme nerveux. Bull. Acad. denied., Par., 18*7, 2.S., xviii, 306-312. -----. Des analge- siqnes antitht-rmiques; constitution ehimique de ces corps, relations entre la fonction ehimique et la fonction physiologique; actions physiologiques gen6rales et spe- cials de ces corps, leur classification fouctiounelle, leurs applications cliniques. Nouv. remedes, Par., 1889, v. 391- 394. — Eloy (C.) Les antitherniiques comme medica- ments nervins. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 564-568. -----. Les dangers et la toxicite des anti'- thermiques analgesiqnes de la familledes anilities. Ibid 1889, 2. s.. xxvi, 590-594. — Filehne (W.) Ueber neue Mittel, welche die fieberhiifte Temperatur zur Norm bringen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882. xix, 681-683._____. Ueber Antipyrese. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1886 xxi 134: 146; 158; 170 — Fisclil (J.) Ueber Antipyrese. Kritische Studie iiber die neueren antipyretischen Mittel --='.- «>«-rBin» (Ji.) Die Anti- Mitziebung. Deutsche Med Ztir — «;iienr> (E.) Coiitiibutiou 4 iques .' Clinique, Brux., 1K94 viii I Antiphlogistic* and antipyretics. und Methoden. Klin. Zeit- u. Strcitfingeu Wien Ifiss j ii, 43-82, 1 I -Fokker (A. P.) Die WirM.'ng der'Anti- pyretica. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Loud., 1^81, i, 459-46''_ fJnt(« (M. F.) A comparison of antipyretica. I>h7l« M. Times, 1888-9, xix, 229. - icbermei'nter (C. ) Antipyretische Heilme- thoden. In: Handb. d. allg. Therap. [ Ziemssen |, 8°, Leipz., 1880, i, Theil 2 Sc 3. viii, 1-141. Aho, transl. in: HanrtD. of Gen. Therap. [Zeitussen], *:, Loud.. 18K5, n, 1-161.— liivierato ( P. E.) Mode di comportarsi del ricambio materiale sotto 1' azione di diverse sostanze antipireticbe. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1885, 3.s., v. 748-769.—JlacAli-ter (D.) Abstract of tbe Croonian lectnres on antipyretics. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 1330; 1373: ii. 6; 68. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1888, ii, 4; 54. Aho: Med. Press Sc Circ., Loud., 1888, n.s., xiv, 629; 655: xlvi, 1; 27; 53.-j»I'L.acn- ANTIPHLOGISTICS. 541 ANTIPYKIN, Antiphlogistic* and antipyretics. Inn (W. A.) On tbe antipyretic action of antipyrin and antifebrin. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xxxix, 108-112.—Martin (P.J.) The modern antipyretics. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1887 3. s., iii, 289-297. Also, Reprint. —ITlnsucci (A.) Sul valore reale degli antipiretici. Gior. med. d. r. eser- cito etc., Roma, 1889, xxxvii, 259-286. — lTIaurcl. Re- cherches cliniques snr les anlithermiqiies; extrait d'un memoire lu k la Societe de therapeutique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de th6rap., Par., 1881, xiii, 177-195. [Discussion], 105.— Mays (T. J.) On the principles of antipyretic action. N. York M. J., 1877, xxv, 120-147. — >on .tiering ( J. ) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Antipyretica. Therap. Mo- natsh., Berl., 1893, vii, 577 - 587. — .Yloutefusco ( A.) I uuovi rimedii antifebbrili. Gazz. di med. pubb., Napoli, 18^5, xvi, 321; 353: 1886, xvii, 3. — itloorliead (S. W. ) How shall we reduce high temperature ! X. Orl. M. & S. J„ 1890-91, u. s., xviii, 341-350.—Itlosso (V.) La dottrina della febbre in rapporto coi centri ternuci cerebrali; stu- dio sull' azione degli antipiretici. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1889, 3. s., xxxvii, 134; 184. Aho, transl. [Ab- str.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1890, xiii, 450-483. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1889-90, xxvi. 316-340. — Murri (A.) Sur l'anti- pyrdse et les antipyretiqucs. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. ni6d. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, ii. Sect, de mod., 117-124, 5 diag.—de >a*cu (G.) Rapporto intorno al po- tere della polvere touica, antifebbrile del chimico farma- cista Giuseppe Acampora. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. 1871, xxv, 63-66. — ObraztzoflT (X. V.) Zharo- povyshajuschee letshenie. [Treatment of fever bv heat.] Bolnitsch gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1894,v, 382 : 416; 447.— Ott (I.) The antipyretics; acetphenetidin and antither- ■min. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. T., 1888, xv, 597 - 607. — Parker ( D.) The antipyretic treatment of disease. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1894-5. xii, 323. [Discus- sion], 340: 1895-6, xiii. 17. — Peinado (J. de D.) Valor dela medicacion antitermica. Gac. med. de Granada. 1889, viii, 249; 290.—Podauowsky (W.J.) & Popoff (S. A.) Zur Theorie der Wirkung der Autipvretica. Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 2057-2060.— Pott ( R. ) Ueber den Werth der Antipyrese bei den Infectioiiskrankbeiten. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888. ii, 489: 539.—Raven (T.F.) The antipyretic treatment of acute disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1894, liii, 1 - 7. — Reick ( L. ) Xehanv Idzellenes szer egymdssal valo osszehasonlitasarol es a laz theorid- jarol. f Comparison of some antipyretic remedies and theory of fever.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1893, xxxvii, 424; 438. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 1089-1093.—Richardson (B. W.) Properties of a true antipyretic; and on chloral hydrate as an antipyretic. Asclepiad, Lond., 1894, xi, 48-50.—Rieas (L.) Ans dem Gebiet der Antipvreselehre. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 18r9-90, xlvi, 173-186, 3 ch — RoberlNon (F. I).) The indiscriminate use of modern antipyretics. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Burlington, 1894, 205- 212.—Roniaro (V.) Xote suU'antipiresi chimica. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1895, xxii, 65-78. — Samuel (S.) Zur Antiphlogose. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1892, exxvii, 457-466. — Schmitt. Les antitherniiques analgesiques. [Rap.] Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1895, xiii, 389-395. Also: Courrier med., Par., 1895, xiv, 316; 321. Also: Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1895, xxvii, 615; 641. Aho: Semaine med.. Par., 1895, xv', 365-368. — Smith (A. A.) Are antipvretics in the treatment of acute diseases use- ful and safe? Med. Rec, N.T., 1886, xxix, 237. — Wmith (J. T.) How shall we use antipyretics? Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 258-260.—Sormnni (I.) Antipiresi ed antipiretici secondo il coucetto model no della medicina e patologia. Boll. d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1890, i, 212- 221.— Soulier (II.) De I'antipyrese par action propul sive. Lyon med., 1895, lxxix, 561-569. — Sokoloff(D. A.) Ovliyan. zharoponizhaynshtshikh (antipirina, anti- febrina, fenacetina, chinina i salitsil. natra) na koshuoe ispar. u normal, i lichord. dietei. [Action of antipyretics, antipyrin, antifebrin, phenacetin, quinine, and salicylic natron in perspiration of skin in normal and feverish chil- dren.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 385; 451; 606.— Ntein- ncker(H. ) Leber antipyretische Arzneimittel. Meil. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl.'Ver., Stuttg., 1886, lvi, 35; 41; 49; 57; 81.—Tauszk (F.) Sc Vas (B.) Kis6rleti adatok egyestijabb antipyretikumoknak a szivrc gyakoralt hat&- sdhoz. [Experiments on influence of some antipyretics on heart.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1891, xxxv, 189; 202; 214. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 489-491. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung einiger antipyretischer Mittel auf den StotF- wechsel. TJngar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1892, i, 204-222.— Thomas. Ueber den Nutzen der Antipyrese. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1889, n. F., xxix, 161-165.—Trcupel (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Antipyretica und Antal- gica. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 222-224. — Tross ( O.) Haben bei den Infections- krankheiten die antipyretisch wirkenden Droguen den innen zugeschriebenen Werth 1 Ibid., 1893, xix, 325-328.— Unverricht. Antipyretische Versuche. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz , 1890, xvi, 22-24.—Warfvingc (F. W.) Oui antipyres, JLrsberatt, f, Sabbatsbergs Sjukh. i Stock- Antiph logistics and antipyretics. holm (1885), 1886, 46-112. Also: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 265; 330; 410.—West (F. E.) Note on the thera- peutics of certain modern antipyretics. Brooklyn M J., 1893, vii, 352 - 365. — Whittier ( E. N. ) Antipyretics. Boston M. &. S. J., 1889, cxxi, 425; 454. Aho: Med. Com- municat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1889, xiv, 495-526. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1889, xxiv, 336-357.—Win- ternitz. Ueber wenig beachtete Wirkungen der hydria- tisehen Antipyrese. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1886, v, 499-514. Aho: Wien. med. BL, 1886, ix, 734; 771. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 681.-683.—Xi^ui-elli (S.) Rapporto sul liquore antifeb- brile sedatti. Resoc. Accad. nied.-chir. di Napoli, 1877, xxxi, 106. Antiplionse, psalmi, preces, et orationes, ad usuui supplicatiouum tempore pestis. 21 if. I5'JJ. Mediolani, apud Pacificum Pontium, 1576. Antiplitliisin. Harbour (L. H.) Antiplitliisin. Med. News, N. V., 1896, lxviii, 199-203.—Denison (C.) Antiphthisin. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 78 - 81. — Trudcau ( E. L. ) & Raldwiu (E. R. ) A chemical aud experimental re- search on anti-phthisin (Klebs). Dietet. Sc Hyg. Gaz., H. Y., 1896, xii, 93-97. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y.,' 1895, xlviii, 871-874. Antipyoiiin. Holland (E.) L'antipyonine, son emploi en therapeu- tique oculaire. Bull, et iu6m. Soc. fran9. d'ophth., Par., 1894, xii, 233-239. Antipyretics. See Antiphlogistics, etc. Antipyrin. See, also, Angina pectoris (Treatment of); An- tifebrin; Antiphlogistics; Diabetes (Treat- ment of); Phthisis (Treatment of, Antipyretic); Rheumatism (Treatment of); Rheumatism (Treatment of) by antipyrin; Thallin; Urticaria (Treatment of). Ahduin (L.) * Contribution a l'e'tude thera- peutique et physiologique de l'antipyrine. 4°. Paris, 1687). Bach (L.) * Ueber Antipyrin als Nervinnni iu subcutaner Iujection. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Landau, 18-9. Ballacey (P.) *Etude sur l'autipyrine. 4°. Montpellier, 1885. BouiSSON (J.) De l'antipyrine dans certaines affections nerveuses de l'enfauce, coqueluche, chor6e et enure'sie. 4°. Lyon, 1890. Bousquet (H.) # Etude de l'influence de l'an- tipyrine sur les propriet6s des fermeuts pancr^a- tiques. 4C. Lyon, 1892. Breton (V.) * Etude pbysiologique et thera- peutique de l'antipyrine. 4°. Montpellier, 1867). Caravais (S.) * Recherches exp6riinentales et cliniques sur l'antipyrine. 4°. Paris, 1887. Casimir (H.) *De l'influence de l'antipyrine sur la secretion urinaire. 4°. Lyon, 1666. Cesari (G.) Sull' azione emostatica dell' an- tipirina; nota preventiva. 8°. Modena, 1869. Also, in: Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1891, vi, 49-65. Cuinier (L.) *De l'action thdrapeutiqne de l'antipyrine dans les otites et les cystites. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Denux (M.) * Etude sur la valeur therapeu- tique de I'lintipyrine.. 1°. Paris, 1884. Devaux (A.) "Etude sur l'antipyrine. 4°. Nancy, 1885. Engel (C.) * Ueber die antifebrile und anti- zytnotische Wirkung des Antipyrin. Ein Bei- trag zur Lehre von der Eutheberung. 6:\ Wiirzburg, 1885. Aho, in: Mitth. a. d. med. Klin, zu Wiirzb., Wiesb., 1886, ii, 91-152. Ferreira (C.) Contribution a Peptide clini- que des applications th6rapeutiques de l'anti- pyrine. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1885. Fraty (L.-C.) * L'antipyrine et les convul- sions epileptiques. 4°. Lyon, 1868. AXTIPYKIN. 542 ANTIPYfilK. Antipyrin. Cki'tiiek (T.) *Zur Kenntniss des Xitroso- Antipyrins. -'\ Jena, 1893. Groth (B.) * Etude clinique sur la valeur de l'antipyrine, sp&rialemeut appliquee a la thera- peutiqiie infantile. 4 . Lyon, 1886. IIerz (}[.) * Die Wirkungen desMonochloral- antipyrins (Hypuals) verglicheu mit denen des t'hloralbydrats und Antipyrin. 8°. Breslau, [1692]. Ignatoff (E.) "L'antipyrine dans les dou- leurs cardiaques. 4 \ Paris, 1687. KxoiiR. Scientific reports on autipyrin, col- lected from the principal medical publications of tlie world. 8°. London, 1690. Krey (\V.) * Ueber einige Condensations- product e des Antipyrius mit Aldehyden. 8°. Jena, 1692. Lehmanx (H.) * Ueber dio neueren Antipy- retica mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des An- tipyrin. 8-. Berlin, [1864]. Lejeuxe (R.-R.) * Considerations sur l'emploi de l'antipyrine eu the'rapeutique. 4'-. Bordeaux, 1-87. Marcourt (D.-J.-E.-E.) * Etude ehimique d'un nouveau compose" do l'antipyrine et do l'aldehyde formique. Formopyriue. (Travail fait au laboratoire des travaux pratiques de chimie medic-ale.) 4~. Bordeaux, 1895. Morton (T. S. K.) Acetanilid as an anti- septic; with observations upon its use in one thousand surgical cases, f'. [Philadelphia, n.d.] Repr. from .- Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1894. Reyes y SardiSa (A.) * Contribution a l'etude physiologique et therapeutique de l'acetanilide sur le sy.stenie nerveux. 4°. Paris, 188~. Rondot(E.) L'antipyrine. Lecons tirees dn cours de therapeutique, professe a la Faculte de medeciue de Bordeaux eu reniplacemeut do M. lo professeur de Fleury. 8°. Bordeaux, 1692. Saktokuts (E.) *Antipyrin in der Kinder- praxis. * . Erlangen, 1885. Soctakis (C.) * Recherches experimentales et cliniques sur le mouochloral et le bichloral antipyrine. 4°. Paris, 1890. Tattoxi (A.) Autipirina e igiene nell' ileo- tifo. s~. Cagli, 1667. Tai'fkirch (H.) * Ueberfiihrung des Anti- pyrius in das ,^-Methylamidokrotonsaureanilid. Ein Hi itrag zur Konstitutionsfrage des Anti- pyrins. 6n. Jena, 1893. Tilman.v (O.) * Antipyrin das neueste Anti- pyreticum. 8-1. Berlin, [1884]. *Tonx (J.-B.-L.-J.-F.-N.) 'Contribution a l'etude des proprietes analgesiques de l'antipy- rine, 1°. dans la migraine; 2°. dans les tranchees uteriues des suites de couches. 4C. Bordeaux, 1888. Valenti (S.) Snll' azione terapeutica dell' antipirina nel dolore e specialtnente nella cefa- lalj4, liv. 382-408—Bidaud. Physique et ehimique dc l'anti- pvrine. Bull. Soc. de med. de Toulouse, 1892, ii, 125-135.— BielMt-howsky (E.) Beitrage znr Antipyrin Hi-hand- lung. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1*84. vi, 193-195. — Billrt (C.) Contribution a l'etude de l'action clinique de 1 anti- pyrine. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1888, xi, 188- 196 —Blanchard. Sur Taction de l'mitipj fine. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1886, vi. 281. — Klniur- ii an (L.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Antipynns auf das Xervensystems. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xii. 439.—Bocqiiilloii-I.iiiioiiHiii. Antipyrine; prepara- tions ; modes d essais. Bull, et mini. Soc. de therap.. I nr.. 1887. 2. *.. xiv. 208-212— Bodin (L.) Eruptions bulleusea pemphigoides dues a lautipvrine. Presse med.. Par.. 1n»5 487-489.— Bokenham (T.J.) Some therapeutic usesol antipyrin. Practitioner, Lond., 1888. xl, 266-270,-Bonn- maixoii (L.) Contribution a l'etude de 1 antipyrine comme medicament nervin. Moutpel. m6d., 1888, 2. * , x, 341-352. — Bonoiuo (L.) Contributo clinico sulla azione autiglicogena dell' autipirina. Gior. med. d. r. e8eioito,etc, ANTIPYRIN 543 ANTIPYEIN. Antipyrin. Roma, 1890, xxxviii, 13-16. — Bourgoin. Dimethyloxy- quinizine, antipyrine. analgcsino. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par. 1888, 2. s., xix, 558. — Bovet. Observation relative kla tol6rance de l'antipyrine par la voie stomacale. Bull. et m£m. Soc. de med. prat, do Par., 1888, 271-277.—Bran- caleone (G.) & Alc**i (G.) Influenza dell' antipirina gull' eliminazione dell' acido carbonico e sul! enioglobina. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli. 1885. n. s., vii, 661- 669.—Brooks (W. T.) Xotes on antipyrin. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1888. i, 1052-1054.—Brouardcl (P.) Sur Taction physiologique de rantipyrino. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xviii,852.— Brusnsco (L.) Antipirina; azioue fisiologica e terapeutica; sue applicazioni; niodo di aiu- ministrazione e dose. Gior. di nied. vet., Torino, 1887, xxx\i, 90-96. — Bunjjcroth. Beobnchtuiuren iiber das AntipyrinbeiinfectibseiiErkrankiingen tier Kinder. Oha- ive-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1880, xi, 599-019.— BiincIi (A.) Zur atiiilebrileu Wirkung des Antipyrin. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1884, xxi. 424— Caravias (S.) & c- caye (P.) Antipyrine. X. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1886, xl, 47-56. — Drmme (R.) Physiologische und therapeutische Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Antipyrius. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1884, ii, 057; 689. —• Deniuth. Das Antipyrin als Autipyreticum. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- chen, 1884, xxxi, 551; 566. — Descroizilles. L'emploi (le l'antipyrine chez les enfants. Bull. Soc. mid.-prat, de Par. (1884-5), 1886, n. s., i, 154-156. —Dcstrce 6.">. — May (F.) Autipyrin, das neueste Autipyreticum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884. x, 369; 387; 405. — Mcrkel (F.) Ueber subcutane Antipyrin-Injectionen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv,"551-554. — Miller (J. A.) Antipyrine and sweet spirits of nitre. Buffalo M. >.V S. J., 1888-9, xxviii, 453.— Mingazzini (G.) Sull' azione dell' antipirina ammini- strata per iniezioui ipodermiche. Spallanzani, Modena, 1884, 2. s., xiii, 647-053. Also, Reprint. -----. Sull' azione mista dell' antipirina e della cairina. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1885, xi, 29; 55; 101; 127. Also, Reprint. — Misrachi (M.) ^ Contribution clinique k l'etude de l'emploi de l'anti- p\ line en obstetrique et en gynecologie. Arch, dc tocol., Is89, xvi, 505; 573. -----. De l'emploi de Tautipyrine en obstetrique. Rev. gen. de elm. et de therap., Par., 1890, iv, 297-299.— Mitchell (J. K.) Note on antipy- rine. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 176. — Mitro- polski (X. A.) Antipirin pri bryiishnoni tile i krupozuoi pncYinoiiii. [. . . in typhoid fe\er . . .] Med. Obozr., Mosk., Is84, xxii, 821-823.—Moncorvo. De Tautipyrine dans les maladies enfautiles et le traitement de la chore.e. Rev. mil. do clin. et de therap., Par., 1888, ii, 349-351. — Monti (C.) Osservazioni pratiche sull' azione dell' anti- ]iiriua. Bull. d. sc. nied. di Bologna, 1885, 6. s., xv, 145-163.— lTIoseley (E.J.) Antipyrine and sweet spirits of nitre; a caution. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1888, xi, 176.— Mom-11 it (A.) Contributo alio studio delle vie di assorbimento e di eliminazione dell' antipirina. Oior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Xapoli, 1887, u. s., ix, 562— Miillcr (F.) Beobachtungen uber_Antip\rin. Centralbl. f. kliu. Med., Leipz., 1884, v, 569-5,2 —.\cufeld (J.) Autypiryua, nowy lekprzeciwgo- mczkowy. | Anti]iyrin, a new febrifuge.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 18M. 2. 8., iv, 764-769.—JVeiiiiian (J.) Autipyrin als Lokalauastketikuni fiirden Kehlkopf und Raehen. Un- gar. Arch, f. .Med., Wiesb., 1893, ii, 76-81.—von rVoorden (C.) Zur Wirkung des Antipyrius. Berl. kliu. Wchn- schr., l^v-4. xxi. 503.—Xorlon (II. G.) Antipyrine a eon- tra-indication iu menstruation. Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 5^7.—©echini (F.) Brevi considerazioni sugli an- tipiretici e spccialmeiite sull' antipirina quale, anestetico, emostatieo ed anti.settico. Spallanz&ni, Roma, 1890, 2. s., xix, 433-440.—OrtaI. Note sur l'emploi de l'antipyrine k bold du Marengo. Arc h. de med. nav., Par., 1888, i, 430- 433. — Fapabasileos (B.) ,Ai-TtirupiVT)-a»'aA-yr;(7u-7) yeai av-rfjs $tpantvTLKai itpapuoyai. raAqcof, 'A0jji>ai, 1888, xviii, 51; 70; 87; US: 295— Pntein (G.) Constitution et propri- 6t6s physiologiques de Tautipyrine. Monit. scient., Par., 1890, 4. 8., iv, 389-391.—Pavay (G.) Ueber einige neuere Arzneimittel und deren Anwendungsmethoden. I. Das Antipyrin. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 563; 095; , Antipyrin. 634. — PavlinolT (S. I.) Fiziolog. deistvie antipirina po sravneuiu s kairinom. [Physiological effects on antipuiu compared with kairin.) Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxiii 1203-1208.—Peabody (G. L.) Antipyrine as an antipy- retic. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 107.—Pccnnlia. Anti- jivriua. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da i ac. ile med. do Rio de Jan., 1887, iv, 1" sein., 95-104.—Ferret (S.) i Givre. Recherches cliniques sur Telimiuatiunde l'antipy- rine chez les enfants. Memi.etcompt.-rend. Sued, sc 11163 de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, 12-19. Also: Lyon med., 189]' lxvii, 177-184. — PetrolT(X. V.) Ob anti'piiine. Otchet o zasaid. lecbeb. russk. vrach. v Voronejo, li-8t;, 21-35.— Pinzani (E.) Azione deJT antipirina sull' utero durante il parto ed il pueiperio. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1889, 6. s., xxiii, 96; 164, 1 tab. -----. Soil' cliininazionc dell' antipirina per la glandola mammalia nella donna kit Unite. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1890, 4. s., xi, 81-92 — Pribram (A.) Ueber das Autipyrin. Prag med Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 389; 413; 421.—Proprietes (Lis) ],£. mostatiques de l'antipyrine. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.), Par., 1888, cxiii, 2-4.—Pusinelli. Leber Antipyrin! Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Bell., 1885, xi, 145; 165.— Queirolo (G. B.) L' antipirino, sua influenza sulla teni- peiatura normale, sul jiolso, sulla prcssiono arteriosa e sul calibro dei vasi. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1884, 2. s., xviii, 201-205.—Kami a zzo (G.) Sul .salicilato di anti' pirina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1890, xi, 466-468.—Knnli (C.) Leber den therapeutischen Werth des Antipwiu. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berk, 1884, x, 373. — Kanin (E.) Xotice sur l'antipyrine. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1884, iv, 404; 532.—Keihlcn (M.) Leber Antipyrin; nach Leobachtungeii aus dun sliiilt. Krankcn hause zu Niirnberg. Deutsehes Aich. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885-6, xxxviii, 534-553.—Richardson (A.J.) On anti- pyrin. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 790.—Robertson (T. S.) Antipyrine in migraine, pyrexia, etc. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1887, xxxi, 517.—Itobin (A.) L'anti]>yi-iue, son action sur la nutrition, ses indications g6nerales. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xviii, 701-725. A ho, Reprint. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1887, 7. s., iv, 589-593. -----. Les pro- priety antiseptiques de Tautipyrine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. a., iv, 295. — It oh mer. De l'anti- pyrine. Mem. Soc de m6d. de Strasb., 1884-5, xxii, 89-92.—Ross (T. H.) Effect of autipyrin on the secre- tion of milk. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 645. — ile Saint -CSermain. Des propri6t6s h6uiostatii]iies de Tautipyrine. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., WJ, vii, 361-369. — ttnint - Ililuirc (E.) Demonstration des proprietes auesth6siques locales do l'antipyrine; du son emploi dans certaines affections de la gorge et du larynx. Arch, internat. de laryngol., etc., Par., 1891, iv,*265-267.—Sanchez Hcrrcro (A.) La antipirina; contribucion al conociiuiento de su accion terapeutica. Correo med. castellauo, Salamanca, 1885, ii, 137-146,5 diag.— Sanders (H.) Ervariugeii omtrent bet antipyrin inde prakti.jk. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1885, xxi, 153-156. —Santa Maria (M.) Propiedades dialoreticaa de la antipirina, su utilidad en el tratamiento de la ph-urexia serosa. Rev. de cliu., terap. y farm., Madrid, 1893-4, vii, 209; 278.—Schmitt. Contribution k l'etude expfrimen- tale du mono et du bichloralantipyrine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 427-429.—Sec (G.) Sur di- verses applications therapeutiques de Tautipyrine; com- paraisou avec Tantif6briue. Bull. Acad, de ni£d., Par., 1887, 2. s., xviii, 340-354. Aho: Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliv, 349; 361. ------. L'antipyrine en injections sous- cutan6es, substitute a. la morphine. Conipt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 18b7, cv, 103-105. Aho: France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1031-1033.------. De l'antipyrine contre la douleur. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 1085-1088. Aho: France med., Par., 1887, i, 573-576.—Scifert (O.) Ueber Antipyrin als Xervinum. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1887, viii, 649-652.—Shattuck (G.B.) The results of the use of antipyriuo at the Boston City Hospital. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii, 78-80. —Siel.oUi (F.) Autypiryn jako Srodek kojacy bole porodowe. f Antipyrin as a_seda- tive in labor pains.] WiadomoSei lek., Lwow, 1887-8, ii, 289.—Million (C. E.) Sc Hoch (A.) Physiological action of antipyrin. Johns Hopkins Uosp. Bull., Bait., 1889-90, i, 50.—Snycrs (P.) De Taction antifebrile de Tautipyrine. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege, 1884, xxiii, 381-386, 2 ding. ------. De Tautipyrine. Ibid., 472-477, 2 diag. — Spica (P.) Sulla pretesa incompatibilita dell' autipirina col salicilato sodico e sul salicilato d' antipirina. Atti r. Ist. Venetod. sc, lett. ed arti. 1889-90, 7. s., i, 303-312. Aho: Orosi, Firenze, 1890, xiii, 145-152. Aho: Terap. mod., Roma, 1890, iv, 153-161. -----. Sul salicilato (T auti- pirina. Terap. mod., Roma, 1890, iv, 429. -. Spiroi (A.) Antipirina contra durerii. |'. . . in pain.. ] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1887, vii, 141 - 143. — Stern ( S.) Antipyrin. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1885, xxix. 169 - 172. — Striiutm. Zur Wirkung des Antipyrius. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 562.—Tappeiner (II.) Ueber die phannakologische Wirkung der I'henyldiniethylpyrazolsulfosaiire uud die diuretische Wirkung des Antipyrins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz., 1892, xxx, 231-240.—Umbnch (C.) Ueber den Einfluss dea Antipyrins auf die Stick- A5TIPYRIX. 545 ANTIPYKIN. Antipyrin. stott'ausscheidung. Ibid., 1886, xxi, 161-168. Aho, Re- print. — Urtoler (C..) Studio critieo sull' antipirina. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza. 1889, ix. 116; 141.— Vnlude (E.) Dun effet do Tautipyrine dans certaines formes d'atrophie du nerf optique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop- de Par., 1893, 3. s., x, 540-546.—Vaiidcrlin- dcu. A propos do Tautipyrine. Arch.m^d. beiges. Unix., ]885. 3. s . xxviii, 73-88: 1886, 3. s.. xxix. 73-87: xxx, 145- . jgo._Viauna (A.) Estudos expeiiinenlaes sobre a accao antiseptica poderosa da antipyrina solue os bacillos da febre typhoide, do mormo, do pus azul, da diphteria e coli communis. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1892-3, 4. s., iii, 4-10.— Vieira de Mello. Da antipyrina (dimethyloxyquiui- zina) e de suas applicacoes, pai ticulariuente na tuberculose pulmonar. Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1885, v, 149; 205; 253.—Vignerou (E.) L'antipyrine coinme analgesique vesical. Ann. d. mal. d. org. uc intoiirin., Par.. 1894, xii, 348-354, 3 pl.—Tinny (C.) Antipyrine et bains froids. Lyon med.. 1885. 1. 375-382.—Walkin* (W.) Antipyrin ; results following its administration. Lancet. Lond.. 1889, ii^ 903.—Welch ( W. M.) Clinical note on the use of an ti'pyrin. Med. Xews. Phila., 1880, xlviii, 9.— Wcllcrdal (Hi) Om antipyrin och dess verkningar, enligt andras och egua iaktta'gelser. Upsala Lakaref. Forh.. 1885, xx, 210-239. Aho [Rev.] : Ibid., p. xiii.—Wibin. Reflexions sur Tadministration de l'antipyrine; comparaisou de cet agent antithermique avec le sulfate de quinine dans la fievre typhoide, et le salicylate de soude dans le rhuma- tisme articulaire aigu. Arch. nied. beiges, Brux., 1887, 3. 8., xxxii, 224-235.—Wiczkowslti (J.) Doswiadczenia nad antipyrynem, jako srodkiem przeciwgorqczkowym z uwzgledn. jego wplywu na przetuiane. materyi. [Experi- ments with antipvrin as a febrifuge, aud its relative effect.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1885, xxiv, 425; 437; 447; 459: 480; 487; 501; 525; 547; 612. — William* ( O. L. ) Some therapeutic hiuts about antipyrine. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1887, 129-131. — Wilson (J. C.) Xote on antipvrin as an analgesic. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1888, xiii, 40-43.—Wising (P. J.) Om biverkningar af antipyrin. Hygiea. Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 716-720.—Wolff (A.) Ueber subcutanelniectionen von Antipyrin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888. ii, 279-282. — Wood (H. C.) Iso- nitroso-antipyrin. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s., v, 90-92.—Wright (AV. F.) The uses of antipyrin other than as an antipyretic. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1887, xxxii, 814.—Wroblewski [W.i O zastosowaniu antypiryny jako srodka znieezulajaeego w chorobach nosa, gardzieli i krtani. [Antipyrin and its application as anaesthetic in diseases of the nose, oesophagus, and larynx.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1893, 2. s., xiii, 1067-1071. Aho, transl: Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rbinol., Berl., 1893-4, i, 363-368.— Wurtz (F.) Sur l'antipyrine. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1884, cvii, 563— Zasietski (X. A.) Xieskolko slov ob antipirinie. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884. v, 411.— Zitcke (J. X.) Antipyrine. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i,517-519. — Zonghi (T.) SulT azione emostatica dell' antipirina. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1888, 5. s., v, 281- 292. Antipyrin (Toxicology of and accidents from). Arxs ( E. ) * Ueber Autipyriuintoxication. 8°. Bonn, [1890]. Gouiux (E.) *Des accidents dus a l'antipy- rine. 4°. Paris, 1893. -----. The same. 6~. Paris, 1893. B. (H.) The danger of antipyrin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 431.—Ballin. Description d'une assez bi- zarre Eruption antipyrique. Lyon me,d., 1895, lxxx, 388- 392.—Barber (C. F.) Some toxic effects of antipyrine. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 14.—Bans. Death after tlie use of antipyrin ; necropsy; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i. 382. Aho, transl [Abstr.J: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 18^5, vi, 194.—Benzler. Ueber Arznei- exanthem, besondersnachAntipyrin. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, xxiii, 241-355.—Bcorchia-iVigris (A.) Sulla tossicitd, dell'antipirina o degli altri antipire- tici. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1895, 4. s., xxi. 97- 99.—Biggs (H. M.) Notes on a case of poisoning bv an- lipyrine. X. York M. J., 1891, liii, 35. — Boucher. Eruption due k Tantip\ line. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Rouen (1889), 1890, 2. a, iii, 29.—Bourns (D. C. G.) Unusual effects of antipyrin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 819.— Brasch (M. ) Zum Capitel der Antipyrinexanthenie. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1894, viii, 565; 622.—Brocq (L.) Eruption 6rythemato-pigmentee fixe due a Tautipyrine. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 308-313. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1894, v, 86-91.—Brodberg (.1. A.) Toxic effects from acetanilid applied topically. Med. News, Phila.. 1895, lxvii, 664.— €ahn (A.) Ueber Antipyrin und Antipyrinexanthem. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884,' xxi, 569-571.—Capitan (L.) Sc Oley (E.) De la toxicite de Tautipyrine smvant les voies d introduction. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1887, 8. ,s.. iv, 703.—Oappcllctti (L.) Un caso di antipi- 35 Antipyrin (Toxicology of and accidents from)/ rinoniania. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1893, xix, 100-108.—C'attani (G.) DelT esantema antipirinico. Gior. ital. d. mal. veil., Milano, 1886, xxvii, 129-142.— Cerne. Accidents dus a Tautipyrine. Xonnandie med., Rouen, 1893, viii, 273.—Chilcle (C. P.) Rash caused by taking antipyrin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 944.—Clom- bemale. On cas d'antipyrinisme chronique. Bull. nied. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx. 304-308.— Bocbncr. Ein Antipyrinausschlag. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1884, xxxi, 571. — Brasche (A.) Ueber die Nebenwirkungen des Antipyrins. AVien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 571; 593. Also, in his: Ces. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 587-595.— Bubrcuilh (W.) Erythema fixe cause par l'antipy- rine. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1895, iv, 383.—Dnffiis (J. C. G.) Parotitis caused by antipyrin. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1890, ii, 733. — Diirauil (J.) Eruption scarlatiui- lorme causee par Tautipyrine. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1888, ii, 225—Eichhorst (11.) Zur Kenntniss des Anti- pyriiiexanthems. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1892, vi, 381.— Ernst ( P. ) Antipyriiiexantbeni. Centralbl. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1884, v, 521-524. —Fournier (A.) Pseudo- syphilide palmaire determinee par Tautipyrine. Bull. Soc franc de dermat. et syph , Par., 1894, v, 175-178.— Fournier (II.) Notes pour servir k T6tude des erup- tions detenninees par Tautipyrine. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph.. Par., 1892, iv, 488-507.—Frcudcnberg (A.) Oe- dematbse Scliwellung des Praputium als Nebeuwirkung des Antipyrin. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1893, xiv, 97-99.—Criorgieri (C.) SulT eruzione cutanea per T uso dell' autipirina. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1885, 8. s., vii, 273. — CSlcy (E.) Sur la toxicit6 du niouo et du bichloral-antipyriue. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1890, 9. a., ii, 371-374.—Gliazstein (I.) K kazuist. t. n. lekarst. sypei. [So-called drug exanthem.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1891, iii, 405. — Gonzalez y Campo (J.) Intoxicaci6n por la antipirina ii dosis terapeutica. Rev. de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1895, xxxvi, 209-211.— (i raiiflclemcnt. Indications etdangers de l'antipyrine, a propos de T observation dun malade chez lequel Tautipy- rine provoque des plaques (Tecchy nioses. Lyonm6d., 1889, lx, 414-417. Also: M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. m6d. de Lyon(1889), 1890, xxix, pt. 2, 6-10.—IIaim (F.) Eiu Fall von Antipyrinexanthem. Centralbl. f. kliu. Mecl., Leipz., 1889, x, 849-853. Also .- Med.-cbir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 127-129.—Hartzell (M. B.) Urticaria following the administration of antipyrin. Arch. Pediat., N.Y., 1894, xi, 371—Hayes (H. W. McC.) A case of poisoning bv anti- pyrin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 269.—Hays (G. D.) A caution as to the use of antipyrine. N.York M. J., 1887, xiv, 100.—Hays (J. M.) Sloughing following a hypoder- mic injection of antipyrin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 486.—Henderson (R. B.) Two cases of poisoning from antipyrine and mix vomica. Ibid., xxxi, 95. — Hood (J. J.) Toxic symptoms produced by antipyrin. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894. xiii, 150.—Jenning (O.) On poi- soning by antipyrin. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 364.—Laache (S.) EinFallvon "kontrarer" Antipyrinwirkung. Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886, vii, 545-548. — X.eitz- man u (G.) Eine Nebeuwirkung des Antipyrin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 531. — Lemoiuiier. Ery- thfeme scarlatiniformedu k l'antipyrine. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. a., iii, 734.—JLepine (R.) L'antipy- rine est-elle toxique? Semaine m6d., Par., 1889, ix, 57. -----. Sur les accidents produits par Tautipyrine. Ibid., 1894, xiv, 121. Also, transl.: Med.Week, Par., 1894, ii, 219- 221. — Macdonald (A.) Antipyrin and idiosyncrasy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 296.—Martini (V.) Oiticaria per antipirina. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc med. n. r. Accad. d.fisiociit. di Siena, 1887, v, 114-120.— Masetli (E.) Le alterazioni del midollo spinale nell' avvelenamento cronico sperimentale per autipirina. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reg- gio-Emilia, 1895, xxi, 668-677, 1 pl.—itlnzzotti (L.) Esan- tema antipirinico per iniezioni sottocutanee d' autipirina ed eruzione di herpes zoster sopra di esso. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1888, xxix, 210-212. — Melville (S.) Domestic drugging: a case of antipyrin poisoniug. Lan- cet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1515— Mocllcr (J.) Zur Keuntuiss des Antipyrinexanthems. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1892, vi, 580. —■---. Zur Kenntniss des Antipyriii-Exanthems. Ibid., 1894, viii. 565. Morel-Lava lice (A.) Placards pigmentes indelcbih-s cons6cutifs a tin erytheme antipy- rine recidivant sur place. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895 3. s., vi, 325-331. Aho: Bull. Soc. friuig. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895. vi, 116-122. — Miiller (H.) Ueber toxische Nebenwirkungen des Antipyrin. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1888, xviii, 681-690. Also: N. Yorker med. Presse, 1888, vi, 258 -267. — IVorthrup (W. P.) A ease of antipvrin poisoning. Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 461-463. — !\ole on collapse following autipyrin. In- dian M. J., Lahore, 1887, vii, 273. — I»aterson (D. 11.) The untoward effects of antipyrin, acetanilide, aud phena- cetin. Practitioner, Lond., 1893, li, 241-249.—Pcrret (S.) 97). KurKOViTCii (I. H.) *0 vliyairii ozona i chlora na gniyenie. [Action of ozone and chlo- rine on putrefaction.] S-\ S.-Peterburg, 1662. Leonardi (P.) Cenni sopra 1' azione degli au- tisettici: teoria del colera e metodo per coinbat- terlo. s'-'. Venezia, 1666. Repr. from : Ateneo. Veneto. 1886. -----. The same. Notions sur Taction des an- tiseptiques. Th6orie du cholera et methode pour le conibattre. 3. 6d., 1884. 12 '. Venise, 1692. Li'scHER (F. ) *Bacteriologische und kli- I nisclie Versuche iiber Sozol uud Lvsol. 8-. Bern, 1892. Okolofp (E.) *0 vlijanii salitsilovoi i ben- zoinoi kislote na gnienie i Lrojenie. [Effect of salicylic and benzoic acids on putrefaction and fermentation.] 8-\ St. Petersburg, 1676. O'Xial. The relative power of some reputed antiseptic agents. 12c. [London, 187.">.] Baxieri (A.) Sull' azione dell' acido arseni- oso col solfato d' allumina e potassa sulle sos- tanze animali, seguite da on rapido sguardo su- gli ultimi progressi della chimica sul pus, sulla putrefazione e sulla conservazione delle sostanze organiche. 8:. Napoli, 1^55. Reyle general de l'antisepsie medicale et chirurgicale. 8°. l-;8il-0.">. Continuation, in 1880, of: Rev. spec, de l'antiseps. ni6d. et chir., Par. Beyle spe"ciale de l'autisepsie meMicale et chirurgicale. Journal mensuel pour la vulgari- sation des me'thodes antiseptiques. Re"dacteur en chef: Dr. De Backer, fol. Ac 4°. Paris, 1668. Rottensteix (J.-B.) &, Bourcart (E.) Les antiseptiques; e"tude comparative de leur action diffe'rente sur les bacteries. 8°. Paris, 1891. Schuler (C.) * Ueber die antiseptischen Ei- genschaften des Bisniuthurn subnitricum und ei- niger auderer Korper. [Bern.] >°. Leipzig, 1885. Viquerat (A.) * [Vergleichendes Studiuni iiber den antiseptischen Werth der Doppeltiod- quecksilber-,Doppelchlorquecksilber- unci kiesel- saurer Fluornatrium-losungen.] [Bern.] 8~J. Moudon, 1689. Aho, transl. in: Ann. de microg., Par., 1888-9, i, 219; 275. Wernitz (I.) * Ueber die Wirkung der Anti- septica auf ungeformte Fermente. 6°. Dorpat, 1880. Anagnostakcs (A.) 'H dvTKnjTrriKr) /ue'SoSos napa tois apxaiois. Va\r)i>os, Aflij^ai, 1889, xix, 177-186.—Antisepsie (L') simple et pratique k la campagne. Gaz. d. ho])., Par., 1896, lxix, 59.—Antiseptik. (ZuiAbwehr. ) [Edit.] Wien. med. Iii.. 1880, iii, 49. — Arloing. De la chaleur comme adjuvant des antiseptiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. «., ii, 275. — IS a Mi (D.) Sull' origine delle sostanzedella serie aromatic a nell' organismo. Terap. mod., Napoli, 1889, iii, 147-136.—Barrt" (F.) A new anti- septic compound, and its application to the preservation of food. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1881-2, xxx, 516-526. — Bar- kait (L.) The most impoitant antisepsis. X. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 516.—Baxter (G.) Baxter's portable steam sterilizer for instruments and dressings. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 637.—Behring. Leber die Bestim- mung des antiseptischen Werthes chemischer Praparate mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung einiger Quecksilber- salze. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 837; 869; 8,84. — Bci-gonzini (C. ) Sc Frignani ( 11. ) Sul valore comparative! di alcuni autisettici. Rassegna disc. med., Modena, 1*86. i, 345; 398; 450; 511; 537. —Berlioz (P) Les antiseptiques. 7m his: Manuel de th6rap., 3. i ed„12°, Par., 1892. 37-91. Also: Dauphine nied., Grenoble, JM2, xvi, 102: 134; 158; 178; 193; 240: 1893 xvii, 15.— Bethel (L. P.) Some experimental tests with sterilizing agents. Ohio Dent. J., Toledo, 1895, xv, 9-18.—Biscaro (G.) Studio del miscuglio d" ipoclorito di calcio commer- ciale ed acido fenico, usato in Padova nell' estate 1881 come antisettico. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1885-6, 6. s., iv, 663-671. — Blanc (G.) "What is the na- ture of antiseptics, and how do they operate ? Kead 1775. Diss. memb. Roy. M. Soc, Edinb., 1892, 15-31. —Black (G. V.) Table of results of experimental tests of the value of antiseptics. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1889, iii, 128- Antise|>tic§. 156. Also, in: Prince (D.) [Reprints], 8°, [n. p.. n. d.], 15.—Blaizot Sc Caldagut-s. Pouvoir bactericide de quelques essences. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s„ v, 1001-1004.— Koillat (F.) Contributions to the study of antiseptics. [Transl] Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., N. Y., 1885, xxxiii, 428-432. — Bolshcsolski (P. K. ) Aseptika iii antiscptika. Protok. i trudi Obsh. Archangel, vrach., 1892, ii, 9-14. — Boulton (I'.) The chemical incompatibility of antiseptic agents. Lancet, Lond.. 1888, ii, 862. — Boxall (R.) The chemical incom- patibility of antiseptic agents. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1888, i, 898. —Buchanan (C. M.) Antisepsis and antiseptics. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1893. xxviii, 201: 1891 xxix. 21; 81 -. 241; -JS1; 431; 433: 493: 1894, xxx. 1: 21; 61; 81: 101— B■■(-liner (II.) & Nepali (M.) Leber gasfoimige anti- septische Wirkungen des Chloroform, Forimihlelivd uud Creolin. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 341.— Bnfnliiii (G.) .Sul valore antisettico dell'acqua ossige- nnta, dell' acido jodico e dell' nt-qua di cah-e. (Jazz. nied. di Torino, 1884, xxxv, 49-33. — (adi-ac Sc .Mcnnicr (A.) Recherches experimentales sur Paction antiseptique dea essences. Ann. de Must. Pasteur, Par., 1889, iii, 317-326. Aho: J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1889, 3. s , xiv, 337- 347.—Cameron (C. A.) On some'antiseptic experiments in a mortuai v vault. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4, Dubl., 1884, ii, 472-474. Also: Dublin J. M. Se., 1884, 3. s., lxxvii, 408-410.—dim brie (C.) Sur un antiseptic pie gazeux; son action sur la bact6rie pyogene de l'inlection uiinaire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, cxi, 748-75(1.— Cham- berland. Les essences au point de vue de leurs proprie- tes antiseptiques. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887, i, 153-164.—I'hibret. Ltude comparative des pouvoirs an- tiseptiques du cyanure de mercuie, de l'oxycyanure de merenre et du sublim6. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 119.—Chirone (V.) Di un nuovo criterio per determinare con rigore scientifico il valore relativo dei di- versi autisettici; ricerche sperimentali. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1880, 6. s., vi, 5-24 —de Christmas Sc Be- •pant. Kotos sur les antiseptiques composes. Compt. reud. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 41-43.—I'ltiandi- Bey. Sur h-s proprietes antiseptiques du snlfure de car- bone. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcix, 509- 511.—Corson (H.) Antiseptics. J.Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1891, xvi, 765-770. — Dongall (J.) On putrefiers and antiseptics. Glasgow M. J., 1872-3, [5.] s., 41; 145. Aho, Reprint.—Drakin (J.N.) Terapevticheskoye pri- mleneie niekotorikhnovieishikh antisepticheskikh sredstv. [. . . application of some of the latest antiseptics.J Trudi Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. (1893), 1894, ii, 266-331.—Dioh- bach (G. P.) Gasformige Antiseptica. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 2042.— Duncan (J.) An accidental experiment with antiseptics. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1881-2, i. 80-84. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 901- 907. — Ellington (A.) The practical values of certain antiseptic agents. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 1047-1050.— Kga«»<- (E.) Les nouveaux antiseptiques. Bull. gen. de' therap. [etc.]. Par., 1891, exx, 399-419. —Emmerich (R.) Oxychinaseptol oder Diaphtheriu, ein nines Anti- septicum. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi, 355.—Evans (P. C.) Experiments on some an- tiseptics and disinfectants. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890, 3. s., xxxii, 195-252.—Fiilni-. (F.) Sull' azione antiset- tica e disinfettante della aniifebbrina, della esalgmae della fenacetina. Bull d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1891, 7. s., ii, 660- 669.—Faklor (F.) Leber die antiseptische und physio- logische Wirkung des Kieseltluoi ammoniums. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bblim. Ge.-ellseh. d. Wissensch. 1888, Prag, 1889, 348-355. — Fci-nbach (A.) De l'absence -le germes vi- vants dans les conserves. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888, ii, 279.—Fincke. Die Kohlo als Antisepticum. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 685; 704.— Eootc (C. J.) The value of creolin, hydronaphthol, and sodium fluosiiicate as germicides. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1889, n. s., xcviii, 243-247. — Fornc (F.) Contribution ft l'e-tudo des essences au point de vue de bins proprietes antiseptiques, essencedeniaouli, essencedecaji put. Aim. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1893, vii, 529-536.—<1<- Frendcn- rcich (E.) Do ruction antiseptiquede quelques essences sur les bacilles de la tuberculose, du charbon et du cho- lera. Ann. de microg., Par., 1888-9, i, 497-505.—Ceppert (J.) Zur Lehre vou den Antiseptieis. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1889, xxvi, 789; 819.— «laser (G.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der antiseptischen Sulislan/.en. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1878, viii, 583-587. Also, Reprint.— (.lossclin Sc Bergeron (A.) Premiere et [deuxieme note sur les effets et le mode (Taction des antiseptiques; diets sur le pusj. Gaz. mecl. de Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 534; 627. -----. Recherches sur ia valeur antiseptique de cer- taines substances, et en particulier do. la solution alcoolique de gaultheria. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1881, 7. s., viii, 16-29.—Oottbrecht (C.) Leber die fiiulnisswidrige Wir- kung der Flusssaure. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 411-415. —Gottstcin (A.) SubliniatLauolin als Anti- septicum. Ibid., 102-106. — «rimin (F.) Tribromphe- nol als Antisepticum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1121-1123.—Harlan (A. W.) Antiseptics and disinfectants. Tr. Illinois Dent. Soc, Chicago, 1886, xxii, 67-89.—IIills. Erfahrungen iiber aseptisches uud anti- ANTISEPTICS. 55( Antiseptics. septisehes Operiren in der Landpraxis. Therap. Monatsh., Berl. 1895, ix, 608; 662.—Kingzett (C. T.) A new anti- septic. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 971. -----. On the com- parative antiseptic values of chlorides, nitrates, sulphates, and other chemical substances. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889. viii, 451-453.—Kortiug. Preisverhaltnisse antisep- tischer Losuiigen. D, utsolie mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1890, xix. 122-126. —Krajewski (A.) Leber die Wirkung der gebiaiiehliehsteii Antiseptica auf einige Contagien. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1881, xiv, 139- 148, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint. — Buhner (A.) Zur Antisep- tik. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1890, xxxi, 97-104. — Eaab (A.) Glatte Heilung zweier heterogener Krankheitsfalle unter Anwendung des Antisepticums; Natrium chloro- borosum. 1. Fall: ausgedehnte Schnitt-Risswunde; 2. Fall: schwere Rachendipbtherie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1892, xxvii, 616; 632.— Lamarchia (L.) A che servono gli autisettici? Gazz. med. di Torino, 1895, xlvi, 943-946. — Eaws (J. P.) Note on the comparative anti- septic action of the phenvl-substituted fatty acids. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1894,'xvii, 360-363. — I-e Bon (G.) Snr deux nouveaux antiseptiques; le glyceborate de cal- cium et le glyceborate de sodium. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 145. Also: France med., Par., 1882. ii, 137.—licmmon (R. H.) Some experiments upon the ferments, with reference to thoir value in surgery, etc. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878, v, 558-564.—I.e pine (R.) Surl'utilite de l'association de substances antisep- tiques. Rev. do med., Par., 1886, vi, 784.—Eevis (R. J.) Notes on the new antiseptics, hydronaphthol and the po- tassio-mercuric iodide. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 59.— I.iborinx (P. F.) Izslcdov. nad obezzaraj. de- istviem izvesti. [Ou the antiseptic effects of lime. ] Med. prihav. k morsk. shorniku, St. Petersb., 1887, 220; 285.— McC'askev (G. W.) The inhibitory action of antisep- tics. Med. Rec. N. T., 1889, xxxvi, '34. — iTIairet (A.), Pilatte Sc C'onihemal. Contribution a l'etude des an- tiseptiques; action des antiseptiques sur les organismes superieurs; iodure et chlorure mercuriques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1885, c, 1411-1414. -----. Contribution & l'etude des antiseptiques; action des antiseptiques sur les organismes superieurs; acide thymique. Ibid., 1547- 1549. -----. Contribution k l'etude des antiseptiques; ac- tion des antiseptiques sur les organismes sup6rieurs; acide phenique, resorcine. Ibid., ci, 267-269. -----. Action des antiseptiques sur les 01 -ganismessuperieurs; iode, azo- tate d'argent. Ibid., 514-516.— tl a leave AT (I. I.) Sutsh- nost obezgnilivanija (antiseptiki). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 524; 545. Also: Trudi Ohsh. russk. vrach., St. Petersb., 1885. ii, 231-239. —1TIaudi (M.) A dihydroxyl- beuzolok hatflsdr61 a l&zas biintalmakiial. [Antiseptic effect of dihydroxylbenzole.] G\ ogydszat, Budapest, 1881, xxi, 617: 633: 649; 669; 685. — Marcus & Pinet. Ac- tion de quelques substances sur les bacteries de la putr6- faction. Compt. lend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 718-724.— tlaiicns (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Antiseptica. [Extr.] Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1888, cxii, 341-371. —ITIcunicr (A.) Les anti- septiques rendus injectables. Lyon med., 1887, liv, 15- 18. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1886), 1887, xxvi, pt. 2, 233-236. Also: Province m6d., Lyon, 1887, ii, 5. -----. La plus grande partie des antiseptiques rendus injectables. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1886), 1887. xxvi, pt. 2, 222-227. -----. Nouvelle note sur les antiseptiques in- jectables. Lyon med., 1887, liv, 432-435. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii, pt. 2, 9-12.—Mielck (W. H.) Sebum ovillnm carbolisa- turn. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 431. —Miguel (P.) Sur les antiseptiques. Bull. gen. de th6rap. [etc], Par., 1884 cvii, 80-95. -----. Antiseptiques et bacteries. [From: Annuaire 1116t60rol.de 1884.] Monit. scient., Par., 1884, 3. s., xiv, 170-178.—Munk (J.) Noch einmal Lysol nnd Kreolin. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1895, viii, 97-107.— Neiidorfcr. Riickblick auf ein Vierteljahrhundert An- tiseptik. Kliu. Zeit- u. Streitfragen, Wien, 1893, vii, 1-83.— Miles (E. P.) Antiseptics and their application in sur- gery. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1895, vii, 718-721.—Noyes (R. F.) Evolution of antisepsis. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1894, Providence, 1895, v, 17-33.—von Nussbaum (J. N.) Einfluss der Antiseptik auf die gerichtliche Medi- cin. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1880, xxvii, 203; 215.— Pane (N.) Sull' azione antisettica dell' acqua ossigenata e sul! influenza della temperatura nelle disinfezione. Bull. cl. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1889-90. xi, 61-82. Also: Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1890, xii, 10-21. Aho: Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Lniv. di Roma, 1890, ii, 47-68. -----. Sulle condizioni che modificano il potere antisettico di alcune sostanze. Ibid., 69-97.—Park (R.) The testing of anti- septics. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiv, 59-72.—Pel (A. V.) Aseptika i antiseptica pri prigot. vrach. sredstve. [Aseptics and antiseptics in the service of pharmacy.] Ejem. jour, prakt. med., St. Petersb.. 1887, iii, no. 5, 73-76.— Penues (A.) Sur une mixture antiseptique. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc ], Par., 1881, ci, 360. — Perroncito (E.) Sur les insecticides. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1895, xxiii, 47.—Pick (A.) On antiseptic powder. N. York M. J. ANTISEPTICS. Antiseptic*. 1894, lix. 432.—de Pietra Santa. Du role etde lavcnir des antiseptiques eu medecine et en hygiene. J d'live Par., 1880, v, 217: 229.- Plevani (S.) Prepaia/.ioue economica di alcune medicature antiseltiche. (la/.z. d osp., Milano, 1884, v, 340. Also: Orosi, Firenze, 1884 vii' 202-204.—Poggi (A.) Ricerche sperimentali sul valore della nebbia t'enicata come atmosfera asettica; sul! azione dell' aria nei processi fermentativi, e intorno alia posMihilo mancauza del processo di decomposizione putrida nei tes- suti animali estratti dal corpo se non intervengouo i germi o i fermenti esterni. Comunic prevent. Bull. d. sc med di Bologna, 1882, 6. s., ix, 145- 159.—Pokrovski (D. I.j O vlijanii niekotor. sred. na razvitio i lost, aspci-o-iihis fumigatus. [Action of certain remedies ou development and growth of Aspergillus fumigatus.] Klin, sbornik gosp. terap. klin. imp. Varshav. Univ., 1890, ii, 374-424. —Popoli (W.) Zur Frage iiber die therapeutische Bedeutung den Trichlorophenol. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883, x°125- 427.—Pouchet (G.) Sur l'emploi de l'acide benzoique pour la conservation des substances alinientaires et des boissons, notamment de la bi6re. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1S89, 3. s., xxi, 413-416. — Bicci (A.) Dei migliori antisettici moderni nella pratica medico-chirurgica. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1893, 5. s., xvi, 257-270. — Bichardsoii (B. W.) Ammonia, chloroform, and ammoniated chloroform as antiseptics. Proc M. Soc. Lond., 1884,vi, 299.—Itieillin (G.) Versuche iiber die antiseptische Wirkung des Iodo- forms, der atherischen Oele und einiger anderer Substan- zen und iiber (las Eindringen gasformiger Antiseptica iu Gelatine. Arch. f. Hyg., Miiuchen u. Leipz., 1887, vii, 309-339.—Bobin (E.) Observations g6n6rales au sujet de la mani^re dont on agit, concernant ma d6couverte du pouvoir neutralisateur que, suivant moi et quand ils pene,- trent en temps utile dans la circulation, les anti-pntrides convenables exercent sur les matieres organisees nnisililcs par leur alteration ou leur 6tat de vie. (R6ponse k II. Burcq.) Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie. Alger, 1884, xxix, 92; 98; 106.—Bosc (A.) Some remarks on antiseptics, especially yellow oxide of mercury and acetate of alum. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s.,'i, 724 - 732. — Bouth ( C. H. F.) The employment of a new powder for antiseptic anil pre- servative purposes. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1877-9, iv, 279.— Salkowski (E.) Ueber die antiseptischo Wirkung des Chloroformwassers. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 309-311.—Saltier (H.) Ueber den antisepti- schen Werth des Jodoforms und Jodols. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1887, v, 362-376.—Schachlcr (M.) Az anti- sepsis irodalma. [Antiseptic literature] Gybgydszat, Budapest, 1886, xxvi, 321-335.—Schaffer (L.) Zur Ver- allgemeinerung der Antiseptik. (Einheitlichkeit derselben durch Gebrauch des Quecksilbers.) Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1885, xxx, 130; 142; 154; 189.- Schmitt. Sur quel- ques nouveaux antiseptiques. Mem. Soc. de nied. de Nancv, 1891-2, 99-114. Also: Rev. med. do l'est, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 33; 82; 149; 182; 219.—Schultz (H.) Die an- tiseptischen Eigenschaften der Citronensaure. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 398.—Schwartz (N.) Ueber das Verhalten einiger Antiseptica zu Tabacksinfus- bacterien. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland. St. Petersb.. 1880, xix, 610; 641; 673.—Soulard. Du coton iode. Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Bordeaux, 1895, xxxv, 204-211.—Spensjler (A.) Le parachlorophenol, comme curatif local dans les affections tuberculcuses du larynx, et comme d6sinfectant des cultures pures de bacilles tuberculeux et des crachats phtisiqnes. Arch. d. sc biol., St.-P6tersb., 1895, iv, 1-29.— Surveyor (N.) & Barley (V.) The actiou of beta- naphthol and bismuth subnitrate as intestinal antiseptics. Brit.M. J.,Lond.,1895, ii, 1483-1485.—Tnruier & Vignal (W.) Recherches experimentales relatives a l'action (le quelques antiseptiques sur le streptocoquo et le staphylo- coque pyogenes. Arcb. de meil. cxp6r. et d'anat. path., Par., 1890, ii, 469-497.—Toms (S. W. S.) Bufalini's cam- phorated carbolic acid as an antiseptic agent. Med. Rec, N. V., 1893, xliv, 231.—Trambusti (A.) Contributo sperimentale alia legge dell' adattamento dei iiiicrorganismi ai mezzi antisettici. Sperimentale, Mein. orig., Firenze, 1892, xlvi, 29-39.—Valudc. Ln nouvel antiseptique: l'aldehyde formique. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1893, ex, 19-27.- dc Varigny (H.) La vie aseptique. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 41—Verhoogcn (R.) Sur un nouvel antisep- tique: rozo-permanganate. Clinique, Rrnx., 1890, iv, 389- 391.—Vigual (W.) Notes sur Paction de quelques sub- stances antiseptiques sur le bacillus niesenteiieus vul- garis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 236- 238.—Weeks (J. E.) The relative germicidal value of the so-called antiseptics. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 113-116.—Weir (R. F.) How antiseptics are used in the New York Hospital; a demonstration. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 105-107.—Wheeler (J. B.) Modifications in antiseptics. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1881, St. Albans, 1882, 113-123.—Williams (N. II.) Some expeiiments with bacteria, showing the antiseptic properties of a few reagents. Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1883, v, 4-7 — Woodhead (G. S.) Simple method of testing the etlic acy of antiseptics. Proc Roy. Phys. Soc Edinb., 1885-7; ix. 386-390, 1 pl.-Wright (W.) The antiseptic virtues of vegetable acid and marine salt combined, in ANTISEPTICS. 551 ANTONIXI. Aniiseptiesc various disorders accompanied with putridity: communi- cated in a letter to John Morgan, M. 1).. F. R. S.. and pro- fessor of the theory and practice of phvsic. at Philadelphia. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila.. 1786, ii. 284-289. — Voting (A. G.) A practical point in the use of ili-iufectants and antiseptics. Sanitarian. N. V., 1895, xxxvi, 47-51.— Zabitsanos (G. N.) 'H Supauis Tail' avTia-rjjrTiicdii' khio t« yeuirepa ireipatf-a to" Miqllel. Ta\rivb<;, '.\.8i)vai, 1884, xii, 17; 33: 70. — /.weifel (P.) Untersuchungen iiber die wissenscbafilieho Grurdlage der Antisepsis und die Ent- stehung des septischen Gifts. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Krlang., 1881-2, xiv. 61-92. Also.- Ztschr. f.'physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882. vi, 386-421. Anti-Smoker (Tbe) and Progressive Temper- ance Reformer, v. 1-3, 1^4*2—1:>. 12-. Leicester cj- London. Ended. Antispasmodic*. Godar ((L-L.) Dissertation sur la nature, la mauiere rt'ngir. les especes et les usages des anti- spasinodiques proprement dits, qui a, remportd le prix de l'Acade'mie des sciences et belles-lettres de Dijon eu 1764. 8C. Dijon, 1767). Anti-Tobacco (Tbe) Journal. By Tbomas Reynolds, secretary of tbe Britisb Anti-Tobacco Society. [Monthly.] v. 1-6, Xov., 1858. to Oct., 1864. 8". London. Antitoxin (Das) und die Dipbtberie. Gedauken dariiber von einem Arzte. ■* pp. 12-. Olden- burg, A. Schwartz, [n. d.]. Antitoxins. ■See, also, Alexins; Blood serum as a remedy, etc.; Cancer, Diphtheria, Treatment of, by serum, etc.; Tetanus bacillus; Tetanus (Treat- ment of) by serum, etc. Anlfle (J.) The physiological role of antitoxine and nnclein. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 84-86.— Brieger. Le- ber Antitoxine und Toxine. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz.. 1895-6. xxi 259- 2G8. — Clini-i-iu (A.) Les antitoxines. J. de jiliaiiu. et chim., Par., 1895, 6. s., ii, 481-488.—I)i»n of antitoxin. Tr. Am. Pediat. Sue, N. Y., ls'i'i, vii. 48-60. — Hewlett (R. T.) Antitoxin treatment and serotherapy. Practitioner, Lond., 1895, lv, 559-571. —Kortrijjht (J. L.) Practical experiences with antitoxin. Brooklyn M. J., 1896, x, 87-loL — Schwarz- kopf (().) The horse as a producer of antitoxines. Am. Vet. Kev.. N. Y.. 1895-6, xix. 391-396. Also: Vet. Mag., Phila.. 1895, ii, 474-478. — "White (A. C.) Antitoxin; in- dications for its use and mode of administration. Brook- lyn M. J., 1890, x, 80-86. Anti-Vaccinator (Tbe) and Public Health Journal. Edited by John Pickering. [Fort- nightly.] X. s., v. i, April 15, 1872, to May 1, 1873. sin. 4°. London. v. 1, n. s., last published. Anti vivisection. See Vivisection. Antoine (A.) Plus de me'decins! plus de morts. Achetez le regene'rateur de la vie. Monologue- Boniment. 8 pp. 12-. Mont-sur-Marchienne (Belgique), Z. Demoulin, [1893]. Antoine (Dominique-(Jaston) [1869- ]. * Des he~inoptvsics arthritiques. 52 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1-93, Xo. 27. Antokoiicnko (Grigori Lvovich) [1859- ]. * Ob izmienenii morfologiclieskavo sostava krovi i niekotorikh izmieneniakh kostnavo mozga trnbehatikh kostei pod vKanieui bolsbikh krovo- puskaniy ; ( experimentalnoye iz.sliedovanie). [On the changes in the morphological composi- tion of the blood, and on several changes in the marrovf of the long bones, as affected by large bloodletting.] 77 pp. 6°. S.-Peterburg, A. Mnchnik, 1693. Aiitokonoiiko(V[asili]L[vovich])[18:>8- ]. * Ob usvoyi-nii zhirov pri t.sirroze peeheui. [Ab- sorption of fats in cirrhosis of liver.] 68 pp., 2 1. 83. S.-Peterburg, A. Mnchnik, 1891. A n torn in arc hi (F[rancesco]) [ 1780-1838 ]. Derniers momeus de \apoleon. 2 v. viii, 401 pp.; 295 pp. 8-. Paris 4' Londres, H. Colbum, 1825. AII to 111 in ai'C hi (F[raneesco]) —coutinued. ---1—. Memoires sur la non-existence de commu- nication normale des vaisseaux lymphatiques et des veines, suivis du rapport fait ii, l'Acade'uiio des sciences pour le prix de physiologie expe"ri- nientale decerue a M. Lippi. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Didot. [1629]. [P., v. 1686.] -----. Memoire et observations sur le chole'ra- morbns regnant a Varsovie. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, Bawois Vaine, 1631. [P., v. 1043.] Anton (Bombard). * Feber Storungender Func- tionen der Harnblase bei Spondylitis. 50 pp. 8r. Wiirzburg. A. Iloeglev, 1666. Anton (Carl Christian ). Yollstandiges, patholo- gist geordnetes Taschenbuch der bewahrtesten Heilformeln fur Frauen- und Kinderkrankhei- ten. Mit therapeutischen Einleitungen nnd den nothigen Bemerkungen iiber die specielle An- wendung der Recepte. Fiir praktische Aerzte, Gebnrtshelfer und Wundarzte. x, 544 pp. 12°. Leipzig, I. 1. Waller, 167)2. Anton (G[abriel]). Ueber die Aufgaben der neuren Psychiatric und die Lehre von der Verer- bung von Nervenerkrankungen. 16 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1692. Repr. from: "Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv. Anton (Job. [Otto Christian]) [1857- ]. * Fe- ber hereditare Syphilis. 52 pp. 8°. Berlin, F. W. Baade, [I860]. cl' Antona. See D' Antona (Antonio). Antonacci (Pietro). Regolamenti preservativi e curativi del cholera morbus asiatico. 8 pp. 8-. Boma, Bourlie, 1854. [P., v. 8."i3.] Antonelli (Andrea). Cenni storici sull' origine e sulle vicende dello Spedale civile di Padova e rendicoiito morale-economico per gli anui 1872- 83. 242 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Padova, L. Penada, 1885. Antonelli (Francesco). See fiippi (R.) Eisposta alle riflessioni critiche [etc.], 8°. Firenze, 1842. Antonelli (Giovanni). Istituzioni di anatomia topogratica. v. 2, pt. 1. 264 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1890. Antonelli (Italo). Delle ernie interne retro- peritoneal! (duodeno-digiunali). Compilazioue, cou la contribuzione di un caso originate e di ricerche anatomiche sulle estroflessioni perito- neali. 57 pp., 7 pl., 2 1. roy. 8°. Padova, B. Stab. Prospering 1894. Antonenko (A[lexandr Fedorovich]). * Kriti- cheskiy obzor sovremennikh russkikh voyeuno- mediko-statisticheskikh izsliedovaniy otuositel- no mirnavo vremeni. [On contemporary medico- statistical investigations by the Russian army concerning times of peace] iv, 234, 143 pp., 6 tab. 8j. S.-Peterburg, A. Tvanshel, 1882. Antoni (Ludovicus Jercmias). * Actionem ven- triculi in comminuendis cibis . . . proponit. 4^ pp. 4°. Giessce, typ. H. Mullvri, 1712. Alltoiliailes(Aposfolos). *Die HimhyperaBinie als Causulmoment der Epilepsie. 22 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Tluin, 1678. Antonio [or Anthonie] (Fr.). See Collectanea chymica. '24°. London, 1684. Ailtonilli (Attilio). Manuale di dissezione pra- tica ad uso degli studenti di veterinaria. vi, 121 pp. 8°. Pisa, tipog. T. Nhtri .,' &, 1869. Ailtonilli (Antonino). Feblue ed antipiresi; studio critico. 32 pp. 8°. Perugia, V. Santucci, 1690. Ailtonilli (Carlo Persicbetti). Rettiiicazione di un giudizio sopra tin caso di chirurgia. 8 pp. 8'>. Napoli, G. De Angelis cf figlio, 1861. -----. Ai lettori della rettificazione di un giudi- zio sopra un caso di chirurgia, in risposta all' opuscolo del Giovanni Sciorio. 10 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Napoli, G. De Angelis $ figlio, 1881. ANTOXJXI. 552 AXTKUM. Ailtonilli (Giuseppe). I sitofobi fuori ed entro i liiniii della follia. 23pp. 8°. Bergamo, 1894. Antonio (Giuseppe). Sulla piogenia. 42 pp. - . [n.p., frat. de Bonis, n. d.] [P., v. 1137.] Antonio (Giusta Giovanni). Le. aequo acidulo- salinc di St. Vincent iu Yal d' Aosta, loro virtu o niodo di usarle. Relazione iuvita dal municipio alia prima esposizione italiana, che ebbe luogo in Firenze 1' autunino dell' anno 1861. 12 pp. 6 . Aosta, D. l.yboz, 1-62. [P., v. 1430.] Antonius al> Aragonia (Petrus). See Bartolus (S.) Thermologia Aragonia, [etc.]. 15°. Neapoli. 1679. Antonius ab Eisscn. See I-:\|M-riiii«-iiloi-iiiii docimasiam pnlmonum [etc.]. 1 . ViMUue, JnL'J-5. Antonius (Joannes) Canqx'iius. Directorium sumiuie suniniarum medicime. In: Ulstadiis (P.) Ccelum philosophorum. 18D. Lug- duni, 1557, 374-431. Alltonilltti (Carlo). La qiiestione di sequestri delle pcrsoue nei casi di malattie contagiose. A proposito di una circolare del jm-fetto di Ve- nezia. 15 pp. 8°. Treviso, tip. Nardi, 1891. Anton j (Francesco). See ISirtanner (C.) Trattato sopra le malattie vene- ree. 8°. Yenezin, 1801-2. Alltonoft i Alexandre). * Contribution a l'etude de l'ery 1 heme et du purpura hemorrhagique dans le rhuinatisnie aigu. 1 p. 1., 45 pp., 1 1. 4°. Nancy, 16-3, Xo. 162, A. Ailtonoflf (A[lexandr Gavrilovich]). Hapsals- kiy Kurort. [Hapsal: health resort.] 27 pp. 12-. Bevel, 1601. Antonoff(K. V.) Fizicheskiy trud kak sredstvo lechenia dushcvno-bolnikh. [Manual labor as a method of treating mental diseases.] 2. ed. 71 pp. 8J. S.-Peterburg, D. V. Chichinadze, 1689. AiltonoflT(M. A.) Sbornik zagrauichnikh sani- tarnikh postanovleniy i uchrezhdeniy. [Collec- tion of foreign sauitary regulations and institu- tions.] viii, 195 pp., 4 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1'. S. Ettinger, 16\)4. Ailtonoflf O'hulimir [Yermolayevich]) [1859- ]. * Yazvi gortaui pri brlushnom tife. [Fl- eers of tbe larynx during typhoid fever.] 33 pp. !■" . S.-Peterburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 1.-87. Antoiisei (Enrico) [ -1890]. Ascoli (V.) Commeroorazione del defunto socio dott. Enrico Antoiisei. Bull. d. Soc. Laucisiana d. osp. di Roma (1889-90), 1891, x, 104-116. Alltonovski (Nicolal). *Sravnitelniy vzgliad na upotrebitelnie sposobi iskustvenuavo voz- buzhdenia prezhdevremennikh rodov. [Com- parative view of the usual methods of producing artificially premature births. ] 63 pp., 12 tab. 8?. S.-Peterburg, I. Trei, 166)4. Alltoniicci (Giuseppe) [1753-1836]. Rapporto su la lebbre petecchiale curata nell' istituto clinico della regia Universita degli studj di Napoli nell'anno 1*17. Compilato dal . . . Do- inenico Rotoudo. 157 pp., 11. 4°. Napoli, 1^18. -----. Prospetto clinico che contiene le osser- vazioni degli anni scolastici 1820, 21, 22, e 23 per servile di contiuuazione all' altro prospetto dell' anno 1819; compilato da' medici ajutanti . . . Doinenico Rotondo e Nicola Antouucci. 295 pp., 2 tab. r-'. Napoli, tipog. di Porcelli, H-24. Bound vith: Brocchi (G.) Dcll'o state fisico del suolo di Koma. 8°. Roma, 1820. Antonucci (Nicola). See Antouucci (G.) Prospetto clinico [etc.]. 8°. Xa- poli, 1 >_'4. Antony (Ubaldo). .S'i-e Landi (P.) Notizie e descrizione di calcoli orinari [etc. J. fol. Pisa. 1887. Anton y Fernandiz t Manuel). .See tie Aranzadi (V.i A. de IIovon Sainz (L.) Lee- cioni-s do antropologia. 12". Madrid. ]s<»:j._de lloyon Saiuz (L.) Tecuiea antiupologicu. 12°. Madrid ],-!i:; d'Antraygues (A.-Baudiere). * Traitement de la cystite du col par l'essence de santal citrin. 52 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, li-WO, No. 18. Antrick (Otto). * Ueber einige Verbindungen von Diacetonamin mit AldehydeD. 2ii pp., l ]. 8 . Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1-64. Ant rii ill. Bolrgois (L.-F.) * Etude anatomique et pa- thologique sur le sinus maxillaire dans ses rap- ports avec les dents. 4 :. Lille, 1,-85. Littal'R (E.) " Das Antrum Highniori, seine Gestalt, Grosse und Zuganglichkeit. 8° Ber- lin, [1-94]. Reschreiter (C.) Zur Morphologie des Sinus maxillaris. 6°. Stuttgart, 1676. Bourgois (L.) Note sur le developpement du sinus maxillaire et sur les rapports que cette cavit6 affecte avec les dents chez l'enfant. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1885 vii 811-814.—«oodwillie (D. II.) The antrum of High'- more, and some of its diseases. Mod. News, Phila. 187*4 xiv, 317-320.—Oruber (W.) Ueber Fiille von Theiluug des Sinus maxillaris durch ein Septum osseum perfectum in zwei von einander vollig abgeschlossene Sinus maxil- laris secundarii mit separaten Oeffnungen in den Meatus narium medins. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1888, cxiii, 530-533, 1 pl.—I.iagiieM»c (G.-E.) Nolo surl'oiigine du sinus maxillaire et de ses glandes chez l'embrvon. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, Bi".::. — I'aul- sen (E.) Ueber die Schleimhaut, besondrrs die liii'iM-n, der Oberkieferhohle. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1888, xxxii, 222-232, 1 pl. — Mudduth (W. H.) Tho antrum of Highmore iu its relation to vocal resonance. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 751-755. Antrum (Abscess of). ■See Antrum (Inflammation, dc, of). Antrum (Diseases of). Bi'ttgen (J.) *De morboruni antri Tligli- mori varietate atque diagnosi. 4°. Bounce, [1626]. Giraldes. *Des maladies du sinus^ maxil- laire. 4 . Paris, 1851. Gleize (A.-A.) * Etude sur les fistules du sinus maxillaire. 4C. Paris, 1882. Lecler (J.-A.) * Des maladies du siuua maxillaire. 4°. Paris, 1849. Runge (L. H.) Diss, med.-chir. de morbis pnecipuis sinuum ossis froutis et maxilhe supe- riors. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1777, vii. 1-26. Schwartz (E.) * Beitrag zur Lehre iiber die Erkrankungen der Oberkieferhohle. [Breslau.] 8°. (lliewitz, [1892]. Also,in: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1892, xxvi, 246; 281. Aho, Reprint. Abbott (F.) Diseases of the antrum. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. T. 1883, Rochester. 1884, xv, 89-94. -----. Disease of the antrum due to dental complications, and its treatment. Dental Cosmos, Phila.. 1889, xxxi, 81-88. Aho, Reprint.— Ambler (C. P.) Empyema of the maxillaiv sinus. Cleve- land .1. M., 1896, i, 48-53.—Antral empyema of tubercu- lous origin. Lancet, N. T., 1895, 31^.—Baker (C. H.) A unique case of combined antrum and mastoid disease. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1895. xlvii, 303. — Blat-kadcr (AD.) Dropsy of the antrum; punctured and drained: cure. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1882-3, xi, 648-650.—Blake (C. J.) Two illustrative cases of antrum disease. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, 1895, vi, 222-225. —Borck (E.) Diseases of the maxillary sinus. Indiana M. Re- porter. Evansville, 1880, i, 162-165.— Bosworlh ( F. H. ) Some practical suggestions in regard to antrum disease. Boston M. Sc'8. J., 1890, cxxii. C27 - 629. — Biii-liele. Geschichte einer, durch eine Ansammlung vou Schleim entstandenen, grossen Ausdehnuug der Kinnbackenhohle. Museumd. Heilk., Zurich, 1795. iii, 130- 133.—Butzke. Seltene Form der ti ichomatischen Dys- crasie. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Konigsb. (1841, 1. Sem.), 1842, 54-56.— l'air ("W.) Diseases of the antrum. J.Am. M. Asa., Chii ago, 1889, xiii, 879-882.— C1att(E.) Diseases of tho antrum. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1890, xliv, 269-274. — Coulter (J. H.) Empyema of an- trum. Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 40-43. — Bavis (J. D. S.) Abscess of maxillary sinus caused by ">pliilis. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1883, viii, 230 — l>i*«-HM- ofthe antruni of Highmore from a medical standpoint: symp- toms, signs, and diagnosis. Am. J. Dent. Se Halt.. 1895- 6. 3. s., xxix, 349-356.—Dmochow«ki (Z.) Hydrops an- tri Higniuori pochodzeuia zapalnego. [... from iuflanima- ANTRUM. 553 ANTRUM. Antrum (Diseases of). tory origin.1 Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 519-523. __".—. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie und Aetiolo- gie der eiitziindlichen Processe im Antrum Higlimori. Arch, f. Laryngol. u. Rhiuol., Berl., 1895, iii, 255-353.— Dubois (P.) Affections du sinus maxillaire. Oilontolo- gie, Par., 1889, ix, 194-204. — Fan-ar (J. N.) Antral dis- ease : instruments for its treatment. Troc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1881-2, vi, 219-224.—Freeman (TV. J.) Operative treatment of purulent disease of the antrum of Highmore, with exhibition of now instruments. J. Am. il. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 940-9-1::.—4* liiclt lithe Heilung einer Krankheit der obern Kinnbackcnhiihlo. welche von venerischem Gifte vernrsacht worden war. X. .lour. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Berl., 1820, i, 139-141. — Cci-adenijjo (G. ) Sull' empiema latente del scno mas- cellare. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz . 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, Laringol., 178-180. — Gupta (Iv. P.) Case of injury to the antrum of Highmore. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 18s0, xv, 272. — Ho wish ip (J. ) On disease in the an- trum maxillare. Inhis: Pract. Remarks [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1840, 2-0. — Hudson ( G. TV.) Diseases of the antrum Highmorianum ; with report of two cases. J. Am.il. Ass., Chicago. 18S5. v. 53ti-538.—Knoll. Tuberculose dor kno- chernen Kopfhohlen. Berl. thierarztl. "Wchnschr., 1890, vi, 91. — Mackenzie |.T. N.) Preliminary report on asper- gillus mycosis of the antrum maxillare. Tr. Pan-Am. II. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 15G8-1700. Aho: Johns Hopkins Hosp.Bull., Bait., 1893, iv. 9. -----. Aspergillus mycosis of the antrum maxillare. Tr. Am. Laryngol."Ass. 1894,X.Y. 1895. xvi,46-49. Aho: X.York M. J., 1894,lx,238- 240. — Magitot. Kystes et abcSs du sinus maxillaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1888, n. s., xiv, 29C. — ITIeans (W. J.) Tuberculosis of the antrum. Colum- bus M. J., 1894-5. xiii, 353.—IVeuiiiayer (H.) Ein Fall von Mnnd-, Kieferhohlen- und Xasentuberculose. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1894, ii. 260-262.— Newland-Pedlcy (F.) On the treatment of suppura- tion ofthe maxillary antrum, especially with regard to the use of a permanent opening in obstinate cases. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 1894, Lond., 1895, 3. s., xxxvi, 85-95.—Papsch (A.) Leber eine Behandlung des Antrum Higlimori mit consecutiverCvstenbildung. Atti d. xi Cong. med. inter- naz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, Odont., 49.— Partsch (C.) Die Erkrankungen der Kieferhohle. Diseases of the antrum. Handb. d. Zahnheilk., 1892, ii, 2. Abth., 420-438. Also, transl: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1893, xcv, 321 -33C. -^ Price- Brown. Diagnosis and treatment of suppuration of the antrum, with history of eases. Ann. Ophth. & Otol.. St. Louis, 1896, v, 189-198.—Richet. OstSoperiostite syphili- tique du sinus maxillaire. Gaz. d. hop.,Par.,1879,lii,641.— Rwzinger (V.) A Highmor-barlang bdntalmdnak es a felso fogmedri liter vSrzesenek egy ritka esete. [Rare case of disease of antrum with bleeding of superior al- veolar artery. 1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 979- 981. Aho, transl. [Abstr.l: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Bu- dapest, 1883, xix, 983.—Sallzuian. [Hydropisk utgjut- ning i antrum Higlimori.i I'm ska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1885, xxvii, 12*. — Schmidt (M.) Zur Diag- nose und Behandlung der Erkrankungen des Antrum Highmori. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 1012. —Schu- mann (H. H.) A brief treatise on the common diseases of the maxillary sinus. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1889, xliii, 265-281.—Sibson (A. B.) Antral disease. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1893, xxxvi, 337-347. — Smith (J. S.) Mucoid or puruloid engorgement of the antrum. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li, 424. — Siiim-i-a (P.) Due casi di sifllide dell' antro di Higmoro. Arch, internaz. d. spec. med.-chir., Xapoli, 1891, vii, 289-298. —Taft (J.) An- trum of Highmore; diseases and treatnient. Tr. Inter- nat. M. Cong.. Lond., 18*1, iii, 573. — Xarniko ( C. ) Aspergillusmykose der Kieferhohle. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz., 1891, xvii. 1222.—Zcrciiin (V.) Kbro- nicheskoye hemorragicheskoye vospnh-me Highmore' oval polosti. [Chronic hemorrhagic inllammation of the antrum of Highmore.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliv, 397- 402. Antrum (Exploration of). See, also, Antrum (Surgery of). Ciiaxey ( E. ) * Ueber den diagnostischen Werth der Durchleuchtung bei Empyema antri Highmori. 6 \ Heidelberg, 1894. Ballance (C. A.) Empyemaof maxillary sinus, illus- trating the value of Hervng's method of transillumination. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1893-4, xxvii,286, 11., lpl.—Burg-er (H.) Znr Diagnose der Kieferhohleneiterung. Monat- schr. f. Ohrenh., Berl.,1893, xxvii, 323-330. Also, Reprint.— Davidxohn (H.) Die elektrische Durchleuchtung der Gesichtsknochen, ein sicheres Hilfsmittel fiir die Diagnoso (les Empyema antri Highmori unter Beriicksichtigung der Form des harten Gaumens. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 665; 697.— Freudcnthal (W.) Translumiuation . of the larynx and of the antrum of Highmore, with dem- onstrations. J. Respir. Org., N. Y., 1890, ii, 103-106. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 558.—«arcl (J.) Sur un Antrum (Exploration of). signe complementaire dans le diagnostic de l'empyemo de l'antre d'Highmore par l'eclairage Slectrique par transpa- rence. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1893, xix, 109-113.—CJrant (D.) Case of antral disease illustrating transillumination. Tr. Brit. Laryngol. & Rhinol. Ass. 1892, Lond. Sc Phila., 1893, ii, 69.—Ilcryng (T.) Die elektrische llurchleuchtung der HighmorshoTo bei Empyem. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 774; 798. Ah<>, transl.- Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1890, xvi, 1-18. Aho, transl [Abstr.l: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1S89, xxxii, 893-902. —iTIcCawkej (G. W.) Case of antral disease; electric light in diagnosis of antral dis- ease. MeCaskey's clin. stud., Fort Wayne, 1892-3, i, 9- 13.—'Iii wo in. Du diagnostic do l'empyemo du sinus maxillaire au moyen de la transparence de la face. Mar- seille nied., 1892, xxix, 81-86. [Discussion], 103-105.— :H> <;iu97). Gapix (C.) * Contribution a l'etude des abces des sinus maxillaires. 4\ Paris, 1691. Gexsoul (J.) Lettre chirurgicale sur quel- ques maladies graves du sinus maxillaire et de l'os maxillaire inferieur. 8°. Paris, 1833. IIausmaxx (IT.) * Beitrag zum Empyema antri Highmori. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1893. Jeaxty (J.-B.-M.) *De l'euipyeme latent de l'antre d'Highmore. Etude .-icconipagnee de vmgt-deux cas ineilits de cette affection. 4°. Bordeaux, 1801. ------. Thesame. 8C. Bordeaux, 1891. Kaiser (J.) "Feber das Empyem der High- morshohle. ~J. Greifswald, 186h. Kri'UKXUECKEK (A.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Therapie des Empyema antri Highmori. [Wurtzhurg.] e -. Berlin, 1^92. Also, in: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Perl., 1892, xxvi, 57; 93; 123. Luc. Des abces du sinus maxillaire d'apres les travaux rdcents public's sur la question. 8°. Paris, H-9. de Madec (R.) *Des abces du sinus maxil- laire. 4-. Paris, 1881. Xordmanx (A.) * Leber das Empyem der Oberkieferhohle. d" . Strassburg, 1890. Repp (AY.) * Empyema antri Highmori. [Zu- rich.] = . Darmstadt, 1^02. Scheff(G.) Ueber das Empyem der High- j nioishiible und seinen dentalen Urspruug; ana- ■ tomisch-klinische Studie. 8C. Wien, 1891. Silitcii ( L. ) Yospalenie Highmorovoi po- losti. [Inflammation of Highmore's antrum.] 1-2 . Moskva, 1890. Tremoikeix (V.) * Pathoge'nie des abces du sinus maxillaire. [Paris.] 4J. Commercy, 1,-H). Wilson (I. P.) Abscess of the antrum, with rases and treatment, r- . [n.p., 1891, vel sub- teg. ] Zander (A.) * Ueber Empyema antri High- mori. - . Halle a. S., 1694. Amocdo (().) Abceso del seno maxilar. Cron. med.- quir. de la Habana, 1888, xiv, 490-492.—A vellis. Einige kurze klinische Bemerkungen zur Lehre vom Kiefer- hohleueiiipYi m. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl. 1894-5, ii, 303-3U9. —Babcock (VV. D.) Empyema of the antrum of lliglnnoie from a medical standpoint. South. Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles, 1895, x, 127-133.—Baker (a! W. W.) Abscess of the antrum. J. Brit. Lent. Ass., Lond., 1889, \. 92-96. —Bauer. Leber Highmorsbohlen- Eiteruug. .Sit/..-Protok. d. arztl. Lokalver. zu Xiirub. 1892, Miinchen, 1-9:;, 1 — Bayer (C.) Ein Fall vou Kie- ferhohleneiterung mit auf ungewohulichen Lmwegen stattgefundener Entleerung uach Ausseu. Oesterr.-un«ar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1886, ii, 128-134.—BayerVjL.) Contribution k l'etude et au traitement de lViupyenie de l'antre d'Highmore. Rev.de laryngol. [etc.], I'ar.J1889. ix, 1: 33. Alsc, transl: Leutsche med. Wchnschr. Leipz 1889, xv, 187-190. Aho, Reprint. Also [Rejoinder]': Deutsche med. \Vchu ,ehr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 329. 'Aho, Re- print.—Bazy. lies abc4s du sinus maxillaire. France med., Par., 1881, xxviii, C45-648. — Benson (A.) Ab- scess (?) of right antrum, with intense optic neuritis and proptosis. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 18>2. ii, 1084. — Birkett (H. S.i Etnp\a-ma of the antrum ot Highmore. Montreal M. J., 1892-3, xxi, 050-002. — Bloth (F. ) Beitrag zur Antrum (Infanimation and abscess of). Therapie der Empy erne des Antrum Highmori. Miinc'lim. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 587-589. — Bordenave! Summary of observations on the diseases of the. maxillary sinus. Obs. surg. dis. head Sc neck. Select. Mem. Buy. Acad. Surg, of France, Lond., 1848, 133-200. — Bom. worth (F. H.) A case of unilateral paralysis of the ab- ductors of the larynx, the result of an attack of bulbar disease with unusual symptoms, and which was appar- ently caused by suppurative disease of tho antrum. Tr Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1890, N. Y., 1891, xii, 69-7G. — Bros- gen (M.) Zur Behandlungder EiterungderNebenhiiulrn der Nase, insbesondere der Oberkieferhohle und deren Probeeioffuung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1889, xxvi, 68.— Brounei- (A.) The local treatment of i-mpjemaof the maxillary sinus. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, ::C0 3iis.—Brown (M. R.) Suppuration of the antrum of Ilinhmore. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 62-65. Aho, Reprint. -----. Lm- pyema of the maxillary sinus and its relation to diseases ofthe antrum of Highmore. Kansas City M. Index, 1893, xiv, 262; 286. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1893, xliii, 393-397. Also: Am. J. Surg. Sc Gynaec, Kansas City, 1893-4, iv, 28- 34. Also: J. Laryngol., Lond., 1893, vii, 214-221.—Brynn (J. H.) Diagnosis and treatmentof abscessof the ant ruin. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 478-483. Also, Reprint. -----. Some recent advances in the diagnosis and treat- ment of abscess of the antrum of Highmore. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, 18-30. Aho, Reprint.— Burger (IL) Du diagnostic do la suppuration du sinus maxillaire. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1894, xiv, 1-10. -----. Das Empyem der Highmorshohle; Symntomatulo- gie und Diagnostik. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1894, Xo. Ill (Chir., No. 31, 143-108). Aho, transl.: Ge- neesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1894, i, 155-174.—C'arlaz (A.) Du traitement d< s suppurations rebelles du sinus maxillaire. Arcb. internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1892,v, 258-266. Aho.- Rev. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1892, xii, 446-453. Also, Reprint. -----. Du traite- ment des abefes du sinus maxillaire. Rev. de laryngol, [etc.], Par., 1893, xiii. 385-396. A ho. Reprint. Aho: Kev, internat de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par., 1893, iii, 109- 114.—C!a*Nclberry (W. E.) Empyema ofthe antrum of Highmore. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 3. s., iv, 330-336.- C'hiari (O.) Sur deux cas d'empy&me de l'antre d'High- more. [ Transl. by Natier. ] Rev. mens, de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1888,viii, 625-629. -----. Ueber das Empvema antri Highmori. Wien. klin.Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 920; 943. [Discussion], 928. -----. Leber die Erfolgo der Beliand- lung des Empyema antri Highmori. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1892, xvii, 233; 247; 264. Aho, transl: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx., etc., Par., 1892, xviii, 395—42i). — Claoue ( R.) Empyeme du sinus maxillaire gauche; infection aigue secondaire des sinus sus-nasaux gaudies; accidents meningitiqnes; mort. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1895, xv, 805-810. — (line (L. C.) Suppuration of the antrum of Highmore. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1890-91, ix, 171. — t'oakley (C. G-.) Empyema of the antrum of Highmore. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 377.— Combe (A.) .Note sur le eatarrhe du sinus maxillaire; sa curabilite; son traitement par les poudres antisep- tiques et en particulier par l'iodol. Cong, franc, dechir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1886, Par., li»87, ii, 670-072.— Courtndc (A.) Etude historique sur l'empyemo du sinus maxil- laire. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1893, xix, 497-506. — I>aly (W. H.) Catarrh of the an- trum of Hiulimore, and its treatment. Tr. Am. Laryn- gol. Ass., X. Y., 1882, iv, 102-109.— Despre*. Abces et tistules du sinus maxillaire. Bull, et mem. Sue. de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s., xiv, 275-277.—Dniochowski (Z.) Przyczynek do etyologii i anatomii patologicznej spraw zapalnych w jamie Highmor'a. [Coutributiou to etiology and pathological anatomy of inflammation iu antrum of Highmore. ] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1894, xc, 581; 927. -----. Hydrops antri Highmori entziind- licher Natur. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. ii. path. Annt. Jena, 1895, vi, 177-181.—Duncan (W. F.) Abscess of the antrum, with chronic discharge; treatment and cure by use of a new drainage-tube. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 423. — Enipyeui der rechten Highmorshohle durch aberrirte Zahne. Jahresb. ii.d. chir. Kliu. d. Lniv. Greifs- wald 1889-90, Leipz., 1892, 12.—Eyssaulier. Empyinie latent du sinus maxillaire. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1890, xiv, 268-273. [Discussion], 274— Farmer (I.) Sup- puration in antrum Highmorianiim. Inhis: Select Cases in Surg., 4°, Lond., 1758, 20-22.—Ferron. Abces du sinus maxillaire; presentation de malade. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'opbtal. ... de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, Bordeaux & Par., 1892-3, i, 66-69.—Finkelkraut (M.) Ob empicme Highmorovoi polosti. [ On empyema antrum of Hnja- more.] Zubovrach. Yestnik, St. Petersb., 1892, xiv, 31 i- 326. Aho. transl: Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1893, xiv, .153- 364—Flatau (T. S.) Sur un cas anormal d'empyeme du sinus maxillaire. Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryn- gol., Par., 1893, iii, 169.— Footer (H.) Empyemaof the maxillary antrum with only nasal symptoms. Kansas Citv M. Rec. 1891, viii. 398-400. Aho: Weekly M. Rev., St.'Louis, lc91, xxiv, 442-444— Frankel (B.) Ueber daa ANTRUM. 555 ANTRUM. Antrum (Inflammation and abscess of). Empyein der Oberkieferhohle. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, 'xxiv. 273-278. Aho: Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1887), 18s8, xviii. pt. 2. 53-68. Aho, transl..- Brit. J.Dent. Sc, Lond., 1887, xxx. 1101; 11G4.—Frias (R. ) Abces du sinus maxillaire; [resume]. Gaz. hebd.de med., Par., 1881. 2. s.. xviii, 511.— Frie, i, 137. — Godlee. Suppura- tion in the left antrum with symptoms indicating dis- ease of frontal sinus. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii, 432. — Godou (C.) Perforation et abeds du sinus ma- xillaire d'oiigine dentaiie. Odoutologie, Par., 1888,viii, 63- 68.—Gooilwillie (I). H.) Case of suppurative disease of the antrum of Highmore, with dislocation of cartilag- inous septum, of twelve years' standing. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1880-81, ix, 134-136. Also, Reprint,— Gra- denigo (G.) Sur l'empyeme latent du sinus maxillaire. Ann. d. nml. de l'oreille. du larynx, etc., Par., 1894, xx, 451-454.—Gradlc (II.) Personal experiences in empyema of the maxillary sinus. T. Am. il. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 773: 1893. 'xx, 7. — Griffin iL. II.) Abscess of the antrum of Highmore, with cases and their treatment, Med.Rec. X. Y., 1894, xiv, 393. Aho, Reprint. — Gnbb (A. S.) Case of suppuration in the antrum. Med. Keg., Phila., 1877. i. 2G0.—Giiement (M.) Ln cas (l'empyemo de l'antre d'Higmore; ouverture du sinus par la methodo deDesault. Ann. de la policlin. de Bordeaux. 1891-3, ii, 2C5-273.—Guichard. Observations sur quelques com- plications iles empveiiM-s du sinus maxillaire. Rev. dc laryngol. [etc], Par., 1895. xv, 800-804. — Ilajek (M.) Diiferentialdiaguose der Hohlenempyeme; kombinirte Eni- pyerao. Internat. kliu. Rundschau, Wieu, 1892, vi, 2113- 2il8.—Elalbeis (J.) Leber Mukokele und Empyem der Highinors-und Stirnhohle. Med.-chir. Centralbl!, Wien, 1890, xxv, 237 : 253. — tlm c6niou*Li (A.) Hydrops in- flammatorius antri Highmori. Gaz. lek., Warzau a, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 1230-1237.—l-evy (R.) The diagnosis of empy- ema of the antrum of Highmore. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, LVnver, 1892, 194-198. Also: Denver M. Times, 1892-3, xii, 93-90. -----. The treatment of empyema of the an- trum of Highmore. Tr. Colorado M. Soc,, Denver, 1894, 113-117.—IiinIt (I.) Zur Behandlung des Empyems der Highmorshohle. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 981.— I.loyd i >. i Empyema of the antrum of Highmore, and An 1 rnna (Inflammation and abscess of). its surgical treatment. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895, 316-338. — Luc. Des abces du sinus maxillaire d'apres les travaux recents publies sur la question. [Rev. crit.) Arch, do laryngol., de rhinol. [etc.l, Par., 1889, ii, 145; 204. -----. Ln eas d'empyenie de l'antre d'Highmore dd au streptocoquo de l'crvsipele. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.l, Par., 1891, iv, 73-79. Aho, Reprint. Also: Franco med., Par., 1891, xxxviii, 307-311. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1892, xviii, 167.—McBride (P.) Empyema of the superior maxillary antrum with onlv nasal symptoms. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 887- 891. Also: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb., 1887-8, n. s., vii, 99-105.— McDonagh ((!. R.) Empyasma of the maxillaiy sinus or antrum; a case. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1894-5, xxvii, 231.—.Hackcnzic (H.) Case of empyema of the antrum of Highmore, with ozama. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 7C,3._ .Tlai-tindale (J. H.) Empyema of the maxillary sinus. Xoithwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 408-410.— ,rlai-viii (A. H.) Report of caso of empyema of tho max- illary sinus; cure following removal of necrosed bone in nasal cavity. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1894-5, x, 572. — iTIer- luod. L'empyemo du sinus maxillaire. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom.. C.enevc. 1894, xiv, 453-463. — Mil- noiiii. Enipyenie iiu sinus maxillaire. Marseille med., Is90, xxvii. 478-484.—JJonat (H.) Abcesso do antro de Hygmore direito, perforacao e drainago polo alveolo de primeiro premolar correspondente. Gaz. d. hosp., Rio de Jan., 1883, i, 140-142.— Uloxhain (M. C.) Acute inflam- mation of the antrum of nighmore alter influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 408. —Natier (M. ) Ln cas d'em- pyeme do l'antro d'Higmore gauche, avec secretion do pus fetide; ouverture du sinus ; guerison au bout de quarante- cinq jours. Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par., 1892, ii, 13-15. Also: France med.. Par., 1892,'xxxix, 337-339. — Nicolai (V.) Contributo alio studio dell' em- piema dell' antio d'Highmoro. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol., etc., Firenze, 1892, i, 195-197. -----. Contri- buto alio studio dell' enipiema del seno mascellarc Gior. d. Ist. Xicolai, Milano, 1893, no. 2, 24-36.—Pana*. Em- pyeane du sinus maxillairo complique d'osteo-periostite orbitaire, avec perforation de la voute; abces du lobe frontal et atropine du nerf optique; mort. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1895, xv, 129-137. Aho: Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 290-297. Aho: Rev. internat, do med. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, vi, 205-208.—Pcdlcy ( R. D. ) Suppuration of tho antrum, secondary to caries of a tem- porary canine tooth. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 324. — Petit. Inflammation du sinus maxillaire; ponction sous cutanee; guerison. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 18G1, 225-229.— Pinder (G.) A caso of empyema of the antrum of High- moro of seven years' duration. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 979.— Plummet* (J. W.) A case in practice; abscessed an- trum. Arch. Dent, St. Louis, 18S9, vi, 297.—Radcliflc (Sue). Abscess of the antrum, with necrosis of the su- perior and inferior maxillary bones. Bull. M. Soc. Wom- an's M. Coll. Bait., 1894, i, 3. — Richet. Des abces du sinus maxillaire. France med., Par., 1881, xxviii, 557-561.— Robinson (B.) Inflammation of the antrum. Tr. Am. Larvngol. Ass. 1886, N. Y., 1887, viii, 175-182. Also: X. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 374-376.—Rudaux. Empyemo du sinus maxillairo chez un enfant do trois somaines. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.l, I'ar., 1895, xxi, pt. 2, 239-241.—Schiffcrs. Du traitement du catarrho du sinus maxillaire. Ann. Soc. me-d.-cliir. de Li6ge, 1S87, xxvi, 283- 289. Also: Rev. mens, de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1887, vii, 289-296. — Schneider. Empyem der Kieferhohle, nach zweijahrigem Bestehen binnen fiinf Wochen geheilt. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1890, viii, 467-471.— Schiitz (G.) Beitrage zur Lehre vom Empyem der nigh- morshbhlo. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1890, xxiv, 19S; 231; 275. -----. Beitrago zur Lehre vom Empvem der Highmorshohle; Xachtrag. Ibid., 341-344—afSchultcii ( M. W. ) Oni empyema antri Highnioii. Finska liik.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1890, xxxii, 373-387.—Semon (F.) Some points in the etiology, diagnosis, aud treatment of empyema of tho antrum. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1890, n. s., xxii, 5-48. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 30; 57. Also: Brit, J. Dent, Sc, Lond., 1889, xxxii, 1085-1092:1890, xxxiii, 1-11.-----. Acute inflammation of the left antrum of Highmore after influ- enza; a personal observation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 237. — Scwill (II.) The etiology of empyema of the an- trum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., li, 168.— Hhuliz (L. A.) Abscess of the antrum; necrosis of the superior maxillary, nasal, and malar bones. Clinique, Chicago, 1892, xiii, 521-523. — Shmuklcr (I. K.) Enipi- ema Highmore'ovol polosti, siiiiuliiovavshaya gnolniy katarr nosa. [Empyema in the antrum of nighmore, simulating purulent catarrh of tho nose.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1895, ii, 677.—Sicbenmann. Leber Spontanheilung von Empyem der Highmorshohle. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh.^Berl.,1892,xxvi,308. Aho, Reprint.— Sniale (M.) Chronic suppuration in the antrum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 780.—Smith-Hozier (C. H.) Em- pyema of the antrum of Highmore. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 109. — Spitzcr (B. B. R.) Em- pyem der Highmorshohle, veraulasst durch das Hin- ANTRUM. 556 ANTKUM. Aaati'iana (Infammation and abscess of). cinwachsen eines Mahlzahnes in dieselbe. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889. xxxix, 1962; — Staiigeiibcrjj (E. ) Om kroniskt empvem i antrum Highmon. ilvgiea. Stockholm, 1893. lv, 60-89. — Stillman ( F. L.) Em- pyema of the maxillary sinns. Columbus M. J., 1892- 3, xi, 385-391. Also: Dental Reg., Cincin., 1893, xlvii, 53- (;"). — Stoci-k. Ueber die lokale Behandlung des Empy- ems der Higliinorshiihle. AVien. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi, 14331430. — Strazza. La diagnosi o la cura dell' i nipiema dell' antro d' Highmoro. Boll. d. r. Accad.med. di Genova, 1891, vi, 79-88. Also: (ia'zz. med. lomb.. Mi- lano, 1891, 1, 329; 338.—Su**. De la suppuration du sinus maxillairo. France med., Par., 1878. xxv, 337. — Talbot (10. S.) Empyema of the antrum, aud how to treat it, J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1894, xxiii, 788-790. — Thomson (W.) On two cases of abscess of tho antrum. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiv,16-21. —Todd (A.) Abscess of antrum after influenza complicating polypi. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 127 — Trifiletli (A.) Contribuzione alia patogenesi ed etiologia dell' empiema dell' antro di Hig- moro. Arch. ital. (li laringol., Kapoli, 1889, ix. 141-149. Also: Boll. (1. clin., Milano, 1890, vii. 101-168. — Warner (F.) Abscess of the antrum of Higlunore. Cincin. Lan- cet Sc Clinic, 1884, n. s., xiii, 288.— iVeiulechuer. Zur Behandlung des Empyema und des Hydrops der Ober- kieferhohle. Wien. klin..Wchnschr., 1888, i, 198.— White (J. W.) Empyema of the" autrnin simulating solid growth. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii, 131. — Wicbe. Das Empyem der Kieferhohle. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. 1". Xat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1889-90, 3-6.—Wincklcr (E.) Diir- fen die therapeutischen Eingriffe, welche zur Beliandlung einer Oberkieferhohlen-Eiterung als kunstgerechte in Fi age kommen konnen, auch bei der gleichen Erkrankung des Sinus frontalis angewandt werden? Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1894, xxviii, 33; 79. Also, Reprint,—Wit- ziu;;ci- (M.) Bemerkungen iiber das Empyem der High- morshohle. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1890, vi, 13-22— WolfeiiNtein (j.) A case of acute em- pvema of tbe antrum of Highmoro of nasal origin. X. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 143-145. Also, Reprint,— Wiede- mann (H. V.) Report of a case of suppurative disease in the maxillary antrum, complicated with abscess of the lower eyelid, and attended with septicemia. Ann. Ophth. & Otol.] St. Louis, 1894. iii. 255-257. — Znamenski (X. N.) K lech, empiemy Highmorovoi polosti. [Treatment of empvema of antrum.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1891, xxxv, 614-647. AiQlfi'mni (Surgery of). Sec, also, Antrum (Exploration of); Antrum (Tumors of). Berndori-er ( I. ) * Zur Beliandlung der Einpyeme der Highmorshohle. 8°. [Erlangen, IS'J'J.'j Daly (W. H.) A plea for early operation in diseases of tlie antrum of Highmore. Read be- fore the American Laryngological Association at its sixteenth annual congress. 8°. [n. p., 1694.] Krantz (W. [G. A.]) * Ueber die verscliic- denen Operationsnietbodoii bei Empyema antri Highmori. 6°. Berlin, [1891]. Wkixhold(C. A.) BeleuchtuugeinerSchmah- scbrift (desLeibchirurgusIIedenns). 8°. Halle, 1822. Biophj (T. W.) [et al.]. Treating a diseased antrum. Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1892-3, 3. s., xxvi, 29-40.—Bryan (J. II.) Surgery of the maxillary sinus. Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. Sc Surg., X. Haven, 1894, iii, 217-222.—4'hiari (0.) Experiences relatives a la ponction exploratrice et au la- vago explorateur de l'antre d'Highmore. Rev. de laryn- gol. fete], Par., 1892, xii, 572-578.—Daly (W. H.) A plea for early operation in diseases of the antrum of Highmore. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1894, N. Y., 1895, xvi, 20-30." Also ■ X. York M. J., 1894, lx, 586-589. — Downie (J. W. j Chronic suppuration in antrum of Highmore; operation; removal of necrosed bone and of tooth growing from up- per part of outer wall of antrum; cure. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xxxix, 71.—Dunn (J.) Concerning the treatment of long standing cases of empyema of tho maxillary an- trum and frontal sinus; a plea for a largo opening and dry treatnient. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 465-469.—Eder (A.) Hydrops antri Higlimori mit spon- taneiu Durchbruche und Jauchung; Heilung nach par- tidler Resection der knochernen Wand; vom Prof. Wein- lechner operirt. In hit: Aerztl. Ber. 1875. 8:, Wien, 1876, 97.—FygMuuticr. Curettage du sinus maxillaire pour un cas rebelle d'abces chronique de cette cavit6. Dau- phine med., Grenoble, 1890, xiv, 158-168.— Ferreri (G.) Sulla cura chirurgica degli empiemi dell' antro mascellare. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], Torino-Palermo, 1894, ii, 437-463.— Allfl'lilll (S'trgery of). Grant(l).) Liehtwitz's method of exploratory puncture and inigalion of the antrum through the inferior meatus Tr. Brit. Laryngol. & Rhinol. Ass. 1891, Lond. & Pi,j|a ' 1892, i, 59-63. Aho: J. Laryngol., Loud., 1891, v. 485-48')' -----. Suppuration in the antrum of Highmore treated bv means of Krause's trocar. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1894 viii 798-801. Also: Tr. Brit, Laryngol. ty Rhinol.'Ass. 1894' Lond., 1895, 05-69.—Bdrope dell' antro d' Hygmoro sini- stro; vuotamento con escissiono endobucealo della parete nnteriore dell' antro; guarigione. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni) Roma, 1884, viii-x, 158. — Jelcnfly. Leber Anssiiiihing der Oberkieferhohle, nebst einer Ant wort an Dr. Uniich Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18S9, xxvi, 234. -----. Zu, yrtl„Q der Ausspulung der Higlimoishohle. Ibid., 777 -77!)'< "L. Eticlhauscr ( H. ) Das nasalo Empyem des Antrimi Highmori und dessen operative Behandlung. [Frow Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien.J " Zahnarztl Wchnbl., Hamb., 1895, ix, 75. — I.,ichtwitz. Dn dial gnostic do lcmpyeme "latent" do l'antre d'Highmore init- io lavage explorateur. Bull. m6d., Par., 1890, iv, 949-9521. Also, Reprint.-----. De la frequence do l'empyei'ne latent bilateral de l'antre d'Highmore, et de la necessite du la- vage explorateur methodique de cette cavit6 dans le.s cas de blennorrhea nasale. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1892, xviii, 97; 156. Also, Reprint. Also transl: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 155; 107. _! Iiink (I.) Frzyczynki kazuistycznc do operacyjnego leczenia nagromadzenia ropy w jamie Highmora wedlug sposobu prof. Mikulicza. [ Operative treatment of ab- scess in Highmore's cavity by Mikulicz's method. Przegl. h-k., Kraktfw, 1888, xxvii," 65.—Luc. Des soins conse.cu- tifs & l'ouverture buccale du sinus maxillairo atteintd'em- pyeme et uotamment d'un mode de lavage tres simple de cette cavite. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par., 1891, iv, 5-8— itlajor (G. W.) An improved method of drain- ing the antrum of Highmore. N.York M. J., 1893, lviii, 197. Also: Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1893, X. Y., 1894, xv, 120-123.—de Ularion (G.) De la prothesu dans le traite- ment des flstules chirurgicales du sinus maxillaire. Arch. internat, de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1895,viii, 15-17.—Miltu« licz. (J.) Zur operativen Behandlung des Empyema der Highmorshohle. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch'. f. Chir., Berl., 1886, xv, pt. 2, 178-186, 1 pl. Also: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1886, vii, 257-265, 2 pl. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886-7, xxxiv, 626-634, 1 pl. Aho, transl: Turn. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1886, lxxxii, 251 - 262, 4 pl. — IVIilligan (W.) Anew antral (maxillary) drainage tube. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1894, viii, 007.—IVIoiirc (J.) Sur un nouveau mode de perforation de l'antre de Highmore. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'ophtal. . . . de Bordeaux et du Sud- Onest, Bordeaux Sc Par., 1892-3, i, 24-30. Also: Lev. do laryngol. |etc], Par., 1893, xiii, 59-63. — ) * Ueber Atresia ani und ihre Behaudluug. t» . Bonn, 1666. Cremer (M.) * Atresia aui. 8U. Wiirzburg, 1889. Dresciiee (E.) *De atresia ani congenita. 8°. Halle a. S., 1666. Duros (P.-E.) *Hi! l'imperforation de l'anua avec abouchement congenital du rectum dans le vagin. 4°. Paris, 1689. GOtze (F.) * De atresia ani congenita. .*\ Bostock, 186:L Ltji>evy1g (A.) * Ueber eineu Fall vou spon- tauer I )armruptur bei Atresia ani. f-\ Greifs- wald, 1891. Ret/lake (II. C. ) * Leber einen Fall you angeboreuer Ai'tersperre. 8°. „ Marburg, [n. d.]. Ricateau ( A. ) * Quelques observations d'anus vulvaires. 4°. Montpellier, 1881. Rothschied (M.) ''Ueber Atresia ani. -.'. Wiirzburg, 1885. Sciiutz (R.) * Ueber Atresia ani bei Neuge- boreuen. f-. Wiirzburg, 1888. Szekalski (8. [A.]) *Ein Beitrag zur Casu- istik der Atresia ani vaginalis. 8°. Greifswald, 1890. AVenner (M. L.) * Atresia ani vesicalis, singulari observatione illustrata. 4-. Upsala, 1794. Allaben (J. E.) Musical anus. Weekly M. Kev., St. Louis, 1892, xxv, 511.—Auaheles (I.) Atresia aui vesti- bularis. Protok. zasaid. akush.-giuec. Obsh. v Kieve, 1894, vii, 125.—Aschenborn (O.) Atresia aui congenita. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 177. — Ayer. Im- perforate anus. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880, vii, 60-62. — Ballanlyne (J. W.) Foetus with imperfo- rate auus Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1893-4, xix, 49.—Beach. Imperforate anus. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880, vii, 62.—Bedenchi <i anaux et de leur traitement. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., Iss7, 2. s., xxiv, 257-260. Aho, in his: Clin. chir. de l'Hotel-Dieu, r^, Par., 18*8, 362-374. -----. Des abces de la region ai.o-rectale et de leur traitement. Nice- ined., 1893, xvii, 103-171. Aho, in hh: Clin. chir. de la Pilie. s>, Par.. 1.-94 357-370.—Boux (G.) Du traitement des abces extra .-phinct6rieus dc la marge de l'anus: avan- tages ile l'incisiou au thermo-cautfere. Marseille ui6d., ls-8. xxv, s-21 —Wyman (H. C.) Peri rectal gangrene. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1892, n. s., xvi, 244-210. Allll* (Cancer of). Sec Anus (Tumors of). Aim* (Dilatation of). Sec Anus (Surgery of). Allll* (Diseases of). Sec, also. Rectum (Diseases of). lit roctu6 (G.-L.-X.) * Sur la constriction spasniodiquo du sphincter de l'anus. 4"-j. Stras- bourg, 1629. Matrixghkm ( A. -A. - L.) * Des collections purulentes et des flstules bilatexales de la region anale. 4 . Paris, 1—5. Andronieo (C.) Patolo.-ia e terapia delle ulceri anali yenereo-sitilitiche. Osservatore, Torino, lss7, xxxviii, 49 : 7o - Blot. Observation de contracture du sphincter de A 91II* (Hist uses of). l'anus avec symptomes insolites; toux rehelle: guerison ra- pide k I'aide de la dilatation hi usque. Rec il trav. Soc med. d Iutre-i tl.oiie. Tours, 1855-6. 72-74 — ('am-cr'ni'the anilS: anah Ileal sununarv of 8 cases for the seven yens 1881-lr88. "Middlesex Hosp. Rep. J888. Loud.. I8j.il. ir,0- 154. — C'liaumierj L. ) Ln cas de vegetations anales chez uue fille de 1/ mois. J. de clin. et'de therap iuf Par., 1894, ii, 829-831.—Coulhon (P.) Affections anales- histoire dun chancre mou tie lan us. Gaz. d. hop P-ir ' 1890, lxiii, 193-195. —Oardel. D( n\ fails de nevroseiinn' vesicale opiniAtre sans cause materiel], apprt ciable. J de med. de Lyon, 1-67, viii, 267-276 —Uerville (L.) Des ulcerations tuberculeiisi s de 1 ami-. .1. d. sc med de Lille, 1890, i, 361-369— 4Jood»all (D. H.) Lis, a>n of the anus. Practitioner, Loud., 1895, lv, 350-358.— 4*on»elin. Ulceration tuberculeuse ile l'anus. fraz. med. de Pn- 1880, 0. s., ii, 157. Also f Ab-u ' : Kev de therap mi d chir., Par., 1880, xlvii, 204. — Hare ill. A.) Aspi i-illns ofthe anus. Univ. M. Mag , Phila., 1888-9, i 525. - linn. in nil ii ( H.) Contribution a l'etude de la tuberculo.se anale. Cong. p. l'etude de la tuberculose ls93. Par , 1894. iii, 509-524. -----. Contribution k l'etude ih la lulieicu' lose anale. Rev. de chir., Par., 1894, xiv, 1-49. --Ilehir (P.) Atresia ani of fifteen years' standing. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vii, 137.—Hon -hip (J.) Permanent and painful spasm of the sphincter ani. In his: Pi net. Remarks [etc. J, i>", Lond., 1840 253.— Kramer ( W.) Eine selteno Form von Analtubi ilulo-e. Centralbl f Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 363-365.— Myrtle (A. S.) Some common affections of the anus often neglected by medical men and patients. Brit. AL J.. Lond., 1883. i, 1061.— Pretty. Spasmodic constriction of the sphincter, and its effects considered in ha■mori bonis, and the value of the bougie in such eases. Med. limes, Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 538-540.— Boutier Sc Toiipet. Tuberculose k tonne papilloniatcuse de la region anale. Cong. p. l'etml.id' la tuberculose 1893, Par., 1894, iii. 506-508. — fieluiix ,.i.) Einiges iiber die Krankheiten der Regio ani. Prag. med. AVchnschr., 1*79, iv. 521-524. — Mve nssou (I.) Studieri anal sjukdomar. [Studies in anal diseases.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894. lvi. 1 -22 — Teale (T. P.) A clinical lect- ure ; spasm of the sphincter ani and its treatment by forci- ble dilatation. Med. Times A: Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 729- 732. Also : Maiylaud M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 139-142 — Von Klein (C. H.) Spasmodic contraction of the imal sphincters. Cincin. Lancet ic Clinic, 1883, n. s., x, 149. Allll* (Fissure of). STREXiiKi.i. (K. A.) * Om lissnr a iiudtarnicns sleinhinnn. [ . . . of mucous membrane of rec- tum.] 8°. Helsingfors, I860. Adler (L. H.), jr. Anal fissure: its etiology, sympto- matology, physical extraction, diagnosis, and 'prognosis. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv. 815-822. Also: Physic. Leisure Libr.. sm. 4°. Detroit. 1892, 1-21.—Bangs (L. B.) On spasmodic urethral stricture from anal fissure. Post- Graduate, X. Y., 1889-90, v, no. 1, 1-4. — Becker (A. R.) Iodoform in fissure of the anus. Boston M. Sc S. J., lso3, cix, 354. — Blandin. Tenotomie anale par la methodo sous-cutanee appliquee au traitement de la fissure a Ian us. Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1817, iii, 246-252 — <'hwnt. Demonstration eines Instruments zur Opciation der lis- sura ani. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. Berl., 1879, viii, 127. — Cl lines* (\V. R.) Anal fissure: smiu: practical observations on itsimportanceand treatment. Pa- cific M. ,!c S. J., Sau Fran., ls.-2-3, xxv, 1-11.— Dcligiiy (L.) Do la fissure k lanus. [Memoire courouue par la Soc. de med. d'Amii ns, 18sl.] Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1883, i, 54; 175. — Beniiue. Leber das Vorkommen von Fissura ani ct recti im Kiudesalter. AVien. meil. Bl., 1883, vi, 37-39. — <»lcuerrau (G.) Sur le traitement ib- la fis- sure k l'aiius. Bull. gen. de therap. fete], Par.. Is8(), xcix, 269. — Ooodall (F. 'W.) Chronic fissure; or. initable ulcer of the rectum. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, St. Albans, 1879, 28-33.—4«t-iiiiui (A.) Fissures of the anus a cause of masturbation iu childhood. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, lc9o, n. s.. xxv, 309. — Lara (A.) Nuevo tratamiento de la fisura del ano. Cron. med., Valencia, ls79, ii, 481-486.— itla»carrl (J.) Du traitement de la fissure a. ranussims operation. France iu6d.. Par., lssi, xxviii, 758. — Beeal (B.) Iodoform iu fissure of the anus. Meil. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 238-240— Richet. Pathologic et therapeutique de la fissure anale. Abeille m6d., Par., 1MS0, xxvii, 49-51. Aho: Praticien, Par., 1j-7s-9. i, 618-622. Aho: Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxix. 2-6. — Savage (G. C.) Fissure of tho anus. Med. Bull., Phila.. 1*81 iii, 202.— Mutton (K. S.) Remarks on the importance of anal fissure iu the treatment of diseases of women. Meil. Sc Surg, lb-porter, Phila., 1879, xl, 485-489: 1881. xiv, 60-63.—Thouinn. De la fissure k l'anus chez l'enfant Rev. gen. ch- elm. etde therap.. Par., 1893, vii, 401. — Tliomp»ou (J i A ual fis- sure. Med. Ann., Albany, 18-4. v 257 'U-Tillaux. Des fissures anales. Lnion nied., Par., 1893. :; s lvi 49- 51.— Yarrclli (E.) Ragade all' ano curata col metodo di Bover modificatodal Lallemand; guarigione hi his: Os s.-i'v. di chir., 8°, Torino. 1879, 29-31. - Wright (J VV.) Fissure of the anus. Med. Gaz., N. V., I8e0. vii, 587-589. ANUS. 561 ANUS. Anus (Imperforate). See Auus (Abnormities of). Anus (Prolapse of). See Rectum (Prolapse of). Aim* (Pruritus of). Adler (L. H.), jr. The etiology and symptomatology of pruritus ani. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, 'iv, 396. Aho, Reprint, which includes the two following. -----. The constitutional treatment directed toward the relief of pruritus ani. Phila. Polycliu., 1895, iv, 435-437. -----. The local treatment of pruritus ani. Ibid., 506-508. — Bidie (G.) Pruritus ani successfully treated by applica- tion of unguentum conii. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 485.— Bridgewater (S. C.) Pruiitus ani fiom the use of cof- fee. Med. Rec, N. T., 1886, xxx, 630. — Coolt (G. J.) Pruritus ani. Tr. Indiana M. Sec, Indianap., 1884, xxxiv, 164-174. Also: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1884-5, iv, 225-235. Aho: Indiana M. J., Indianap.. 1884-5, iii, 11-1". — Ore li- nen (C. T.) The {etiology and treatment of pruritus ani. Hot Springs M. J., 1895, iv, 240-242.—CJrellety. Traite- ment du pruritanal. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap.. Par., 1886, 2. s., xiii, 59-65.— Packard (J. H.) Pruritus ani. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 218. — Wright (J. TV.) Pruritus ani. Med. Gaz., N. V., 1880, vii, 574- 577. Anus (Surgery of). Cripps(H.) The treatnient of imperforate anus. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, i, 1197. -----. A demonstration on anal fissure or ulcer. Ibid., 1895, ii, 121.—Jobert. [Amas de matures fecales d'un volume enorme; incision du sphinc- ter.] Bull. Soc.anat.de Par., 1828, iii, 91.—Kelsey (C. B.) On division of the sphincter ani muscle as a therapeutic measure. N.York M. J., 1880, xxxi. 587-592—Quenu (E.) Etudeexperimentale snrladilatation de l'anus. Gaz. m£d. do Par., 1895, 9. s., ii, 37-39—Weichselbaum (A.) Ent- wickelung eines tuberculosen Geschwiires aus einer Ope- rationswunde am Anus. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftnng in "Wien (1883), 1884, 383. Allll* (Tumors of). See, also, Condyloma; Haemorrhoids; Rec- tum (Tumors of). Albert. Papillomata ad anum ; Kauterisation nach Paquelin ; Heilnng der Operationswunde. In: Eder (A.) Aerztl. Ber. 1888,TVien, 1889, 66. — Bodenhamer (TV.) The polymorphic exciescences or vegetations of the mar- gin ofthe anus; their nature, cause, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. X. Tork M. J., 1895, lxi, 813-819.—Booth (J. M.) Case of papillary tumour of anus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 890.—Bruiieau (A.) Sur Involution d'un carcinome hepatique presume, survenu k la suite d'une operation de sarcome anal; urolo^ie : formation spontanee de cristaux de leucine dans l'urine. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1895, xxxiv, 108-116. — C'reu*. Papiloma en las mdrgenes del ano. G6nio m6d.-cjuii.. Madrid, 1880, xxvi, 51. — Bu Castel. LJn cas de sarcome anal. Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 117.—Egea (R.) Papiloma peri anal, extirpado con el terroo cauterio; cura- cion. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1880, xxvii, 666.—Fourmenux (L.) Sur un cas de kyste dermolde de la marge de l'anus. Bull. Soc. anat.-cliu. de Lille, 1893, viii, 71-77. — Franks (K.) Anal fibroids, unusually large. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 975.—Heurtaux. Kyste dermolde de la marge de l'anus. Bull. Soc anat. de Nantes 1880, Par., 1881, iv, 101. Also: J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1881, xv, 308.— Legucu Sc ITIaricn (A.) Note snr un epithelioma h6- t6radenique de la region r6tro-anale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 661-664.—,11 artfn Gil (R.) Vegetaciones, peri-anales y subcutaneas en un. . . hombre. Gac. m£d. catal., Barcel., 1894, xvii, 425-428.—Pilliet (A.-H.) Epi- thelioma des glandes anales chez le chien. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 1033— Stalpart vandcr Wicl (C.) Anns maligno ulcere exesus. Inhis: Obs.rar. med. anat. chir., 10°, Lugd. Bat., 1687, 374. Ami* (Ulcer of). See Anus (Surgery of). Anus (Vegetations in). See Anus (Tumours of); Condyloma. Anil* (Artificial). See, also, Anus (Abnormities of); Anus (Pre- ternatural); Colotomy; Enterostomy. Bourcart (A.) * De la situation de l'S ilia- que cbez le nouveau-ne" dans ses rapports avec l'6tablissement d'un anus artificiel. 4°. Pa- ris, 1863. Didot (A.) Histoire d'une operation d'anus artiticiel par l'enterotomie lombaire, d'apres le proce'de' de Callisen modi fit- par M. Amussat. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1847.] 36 Ami* (Artificial), Tcn(;i:l (C.) Ueber kunstliche Afterbil- dnng. k°. Kiel, 1853. AimiKMat (J.-Z.) Sur la possibility d'etablir un anus artificiel dans les regions lombaires, sans ouvrir le peri- toine. Examinat. med., Par., 1841, i, 170; 183: 194: 1843, iii, 195; 211; 229. Aho, Reprint, in part. — Barker (A. E.) A suggested improvement in Dupuytien's ope- ration for artificial anus, and a successful case treated by it. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 970. — Brachial (A.) Ano accidentals per ferita del tenue; laparotomia; rese- zione dei monconi; enterorafia. Tribuna med., Milano, 1895, i, 50-52.— Braquehaji- (J.) De l'anus iliaque en deux temps par le procede do Mavdl et de Colley. J. denied, de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 304. Also: Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 7-11.—Bry- ant (J. D.) Enterectomy and the formation of an artifi- cial anus in a patient upon whom cceliotomy was performed four times; rest in the treatment of rectal prolapse, after the formation of an artificial anus. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i, 196-200.— Buchanan (G.) Case of the artificial anus successfullv treated bv Dupuytren's entero- tonie. Edinb. M. Sc S.J., 1868-9,' xiv, 865-869. Also, Reprint. — Ruckmnalcr (A. H.) Formation of arti- ficial anus at its natural location for congenital recto- vaginal fistula, wilh absence of the lower third of the rectum. N. Tork J. Gymec. Sc Obst., 1892, ii, 556-559. {Discussion], 603. Also (Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1892, xxvi, 408. — diasaaignac (C.) Artificial anus; cured. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1885-0, n. s., xiii, 779-783.— C'icchoniNlii (A.) & Jakovrski (M.) Ungewohnlich lange dauemder kiinstlicber After, nebst chemisch-bac- teriologischen Untersuchungen iiber den Inhalt der Diinn- darme. Arch. f. klin. Chir;, Berl., 1894, xlviii, 136-163.— C'outeaud. Ln cure d'anus artificielle. Arch, de m2.— Chsiput. Sur le traite- ment de l'anus contre nature. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 54-62. Aho [Abstr.]: Rev. g6n. do clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1890, iv, 506-509. -----. Nouvelles methodes operatoires ponr la cure des anus contre nature et flstules stercorales. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1890, i, 151; 271. -----. Nouvelles methodes do traitement des anus contre nature. Bull, ni ed., Par., 1890, iv, 165-168. -----. Etude histologique expC-ri- meutalo et clinique sur la section de l'eperon dans les anua contre nature par la pince ou l'ent6rotome. Arch. g£n. de med., Par., 1890, ii, 129; 297. -----. Sur un nouveau procgy, pathology, and treatment of intestinal fistula and artificial anus. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx, 321-347. [Discussion]. 387-389. Aho: Chicago M Recorder, 1894, vii, 168183.—We*In viii (M. P.) Anus praeternaturalis et fistula vesico-intestinalis. Protok. za- said Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, J886-7, xxiii, 268-271.— Soboroff (S. I.) Obrazovanie iskusstvennago zadujago Aiqiis (Prccternatural). prochoda po sposoby Amussat (anus prseternaturalis). Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1881, iv, 182-187 [282- 287].—SoiiiiiK-i-brodt (M.) Lanzenstich in den Bauch, Anus praeternaturalis; wiederholte erfolglose Operationen; Tod (au Inanition?) nach 29 Jahren. Deutsche mil.-arztL Ztschr., Berl, 1883, xii, 126-130.—Tauber (A. S.) O re- sektsii kishechuika pri anus praeternaturalis. [Resection of colon in anus praeternaturalis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, iii, 319-323. Also, transl.: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.j, Berl., 1882, lxxxix, 537-548, 1 pl. — Tclcky (H.) Ueber den mechanischen Verschluss des Anus praeternaturalis. Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 257 - 260. — Thiriar (J.) De l'anus contro nature accidentel et de son traitement. Clinique. Brux., 1890, iv, 705-711: 1891, v, 81; 97. -----. Contribution au traitement de l'anus contre nature acci- dentel par l'ent6rectomie. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 556-559. — Trelat. De l'anus lombaire. Semaine nied., Par., 1882, ii, 11. Aho: Medecin prat., Par., 1882, iii, 63; 75. -----. Guerison d'anus contre nature consecutif a une hernie 6trangl6e. Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 637-643.—Vclpeau. Memoire Bur les anus contre nature d6pourvus d'eperon, et sur une nouvelle mauiere de les traiter. J. hebd. d. progr. d. so. et inst. med.. Par., 1836, iii, 5; 33; 65. Aho, Reprint.— Wittclshofcr (11.) Anus praeternaturalis; Heilung durch Euteroraphie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 65. — Xnncai-ol. Deux observations d'anus contre na- ture; operation; guerison. Bull, et in6ui. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 690-693. Anviisning til at laere den spedalske Sygdom og dens Aarsager at kjende. [Contribution to tbe study of leprosy and to tbe knowledge of its cause.] 8 pp. 8°. Christiania, F. Steens, 1854. [Also, in: P., v. 1991.J Anvisning til at behandle mindre Ulykkes- tilfadde i B0mekamnieret f(Ar Laigens Ankomst. Efter det Engelske bearbejdet af eu dansk Lrege. [Instructions for tbe treatment of children in minor accidents until arrival of a physician. From the English by a Danish physician.] 1 sheet folded in 8°. kfibenhavn, W. Prior, 1892. Anvisning till igenkauuande af sjukdomen cholera (cholera morbus), jemte uppgift a. iorva- riugs- och boteinedlen for denua farsot; eller nagra sniiirreRyska skrifter i detta timne. Ofver- satte af Carl Fredrik Gulling. [Instructions as to the nature of cholera morbus, with advices on preservative and curative remedies in this plague, or some minor publication on this ques- tion by the government. Translated by Giilling.] 32 pp. 16J. Helsingfors, G. O. Wasenius, 1631. Published by the medical council in St. Petersburg. Anwandter (Ernst). * Ueber einige neue De- rivate des Eugenols. [Erlangen.] 31pp. 8°. Stuttgart, J. B. Metzlerschen, 1887. Anweisung" zum Desinfektions-Verfahren bei Volks-Krnnkheiten. Amtlicbe Ausg. 24 pp. 16°. Berlin, A. W. Hayn's Erbcn, 1690. Anweisung zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit uud Verhiitung der Ansteckung bei etwa eintretender Cholera-Epidemie. Neue revidirte Ausg. 128 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler, 1831. [P. v. 1975.] Anweisung, wie den Menschen, welche im Wasser, oder von Kiilte erstarret, oder erhenket und erdrosselt, oder auch von schadlichen Diin- sten entkriiftet, gefunden worden, zu helfen sey, um sie bey Leben zu erhaltc-n. 2. Aufl. 38 pp. 16°. Braunschweig, fiirstl. Waisenhaitsbuchhandl., 1770. Anweisung' zur Spectro-Colorimetrie der Zu- ckersui'te nach Professor v. Vierordt's Methode. 18 pp. 8'-'. Berlin, C. Feister, 1873. Anweisung: zur Verhutung uud Behandlung der Ruhr, vi, 32 pp. 8°. Bern, 1794. Anweisung' zu dem die Zerstoruug des [etc.]. See Vcrordnung iiber das Verfahren [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. (Berlin, 1831.J Anwyl(GulielmusWatkin). * Disputatio medica quaedam de arsenico eomplectens. 2 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy et Walker, 1813. [P., v. 862.] ANXIETY. 564 AORTA. Anxiety. Rovkks (W. J.) *De auxietate. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1607. , . . Hcclcer (E.) Skrytoe i abortiv. sostvianie toski l Btracha pri neurastenii. [Obscure feeling of anguish and phantophobia in neurasthenia.] Arch, psiehiat., etc., Charkoff, 1894, xxiii, no. 2, 53-62.—J antro witae. Bemer- kungen zur Therapie der Angstzustaude. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat,, etc., Berl., 1879, xxxvi, 602. Anzaig und Bericht der Statt Niirmberg veror- denten und geschvrornen Doctorn der Artzney, die jetztregierende geverliche Haubtkrankheit belangend, woher die selbig vermutlich ent- [, springt, uud wie sich dariunen, auch sonst zu- verkomung derselben zuhalten sey, aussBevelch eiues Erbern Ruths daselbst, irer Burgerschafft und Uuterthanen zu gutein gestelt, im Jar nidlxxii. 14 1. sm. 4J. Niirmberg, D. Gevlatz, 17)72. Anzaldi (Alfonso). Compendio di ostetricia. 4 pts. in 2. 92, 132 pp. 8°. Napoli, tipog de Bu- berto, 1629. CONTENTS. Pt. 1. Anatomia. 2. Fisiologia. 3. Patologia. 4. Terapia. Anzeiger der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. [A supplement to Medizinische Jahrbii- cher von S. Strieker.} l-<80-8s. 8-\ TFien. A irs. i a n ■ (Jean-Marie). * Essai sur le diagnostic des retre'cissenieiits du diametre sacro-pubien. 1 1., 44 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 244. Anzio. Regolamento di edilita pubblica. 16 pp. 12°. Velletri, tip. Stracca, 1887. -----. Regolamento di pulizia urbana. 43 pp. 12c. Velletri, tip. Stracca, l667>. -----. Regolamento sanitario. 64 pp. 12c. Vel- letri, tip. Stvacca, 1887>. Aorta. See, also, Heart. Bkneke (F. W.) Ueber die Weite der Aorta thoracica nnd Aorta abdoniinalis in den ver- schiedenen Lebensaltern. Ein dritter Beitrag zur Lehre vom Blutdruck, von der Pubertiitsent- wickelnng und Senescenz, sowie zur Pathologie der Carcinome, nebst Schlussbetracbtungen. 4°. Cassel, 1679. Hartog (J.) *Bijdrage tot de physiologie van den bulbns aortae van het kikvorschhart. 8°. Utrecht, [1861]. Hiller (R.) * Ueber die Elasticitiit der Aorta. 8C. Halle a. S., 1664. Richter (A. R. W.) * Ueber die Beteiligung der Aorta an endocarditischen Prozessen. 8°. Kiel, 1691. Schwabe ( M. E.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Anatomie und Genese einer am aufsteigenden Teil der Aorta constant vorkomnienden leisten- foriuingen Prominenz (Crista aortica). 8°. Halle a. S., 1687. Turstig (J.) Uutersuchungen iiber die Ent- wickelung der primitiven Aorten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Beziehungcn derselben zu den Anlagen des Herzens. 8°. Dorpat, 1684. -----. 'Mittheilungen iiber die Entwicke- lung der primitiven Aorten nach Untersuchun- gen an Hiihnerembryonen. 6°. Dorpat, 1886. Vekhoeff (J. J. W.) * Histiologische en phy- siologische bijdragen tot de keunis van den bul- bus aortae van bet kikvorschhart. 8°. Utrecht, 1682. von Zwixgmaxx (A.) * Das elastische Gewebe der Aortenwand und seiue Veranderungen bei iSklero.se und Aneurysma. 8~. Dorpat, 1891. von Anrep (B.) Ueber Aortenunterbiudung beim Frosch. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 91".—vail Bemmclcn (J. F.) Over de ontwikkeling der kienwzakken en aortabogen bij zeeschildpadden, onderzocht aan embryonen van Chelonia viridis. Versl. Aorta. d. . . . wis-en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v. WVtcn^oli Amst., 1892-3, 204-206.—Boy-Tei»sier Sc Itlnrrellin. De Penregistrement des pulsations de l'aorte. Lev de med., Par., 1893, xiii, 776-805. Aho: Marseille med.. l.-iu, xxxi, 449; 481.—Fredericq (L.) LeberihisKai-diogranini und den Klappeiischluss am Anfang der Aorta. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien. 1887-8, i, 1-4. Aho: Univ.de Liege. Inst, de physiol. Trav. du lab. de L6on Fredericq Par.; Liege, 1887-8, ii, 163-167.—Hartog (J.) Bijdrage tot de physiologie van den bulbus aorta- van het kikvorsch- hart. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht Hoogcsch., 1881, 3. r.. vi. 362-418, 1 pl.—Ilcricourt (J.) Sc dc "Varigny (H.) Note snr l.i pulsation aortique chez l'lioiiiiiie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 381-385. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. u. Wien, 1888-9, ii, 81-84.— Jourdain (S.) Transformation des arcs aortiques chez la grenonille. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxix, 98-100.—Keith (A.) The modes of origin of the carotid and subclavian arteries from the arch of the aorta in some of the higher primates. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1894-5, xxix, 453-458.— Kcy-Abcrg (A.) Ueber den Bau der Tunica intinia ihr Aortenwand bei dem erwachsenen Menschen. Biol. Untersuch., Stock- holm, 1881. i, 27-50, 3 pl.—Marcacci (G.i Delia piega aortica del professore Concato. Spcrhncntale, Firenze, 1885, lv, 509-515.—Peter. Les precedes d'exploration de l'aorte. Lnion med., Par., 1890, 3. s., 1, 1-5.—Rattone (G.) Presenza di corpuscoli di Pacini nelle pareti dell' aorta toracica dell' uomo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di nied. di Torino, 1888, 3. s., xxxvi, 492.—Schwnrz (H.) Lutersn- chungeu iiber die chemische Beschaft'enheit der elastisclieu Substanz der Aorta. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1893-4, xviii. 487-507.—Stroganow. Recherches sur l'existence de canaux lymphatiqiies dans la tunique interne do l'aorte de l'honime. Eeole prat. d. hautes 6tudes. Lab. d'bistol. du Coll. de Frauce. Trav. 1*76, Par., 1877, 63-69, 1 pl.—Vialleton (L.) Developpement des aortes posterie.ures chez l'embi-von de poulet. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii. 426-428. Aho: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, sxxi, pt. 2,105-107.-----. D6veloppement des aortes chez l'embryon de poulet. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1892, xxviii, 1-27, 2 pl.—X. The isthmus of the aorta. Med. Rec, X. T., 1895, xlviii, 788.—Young (A. H.) On the termination of the mammalian aoi ta, with observations on the homolo- gies of the pelvic arteries. Stud. auat. . . . Owens Coll., Manchester, 1891, i. 209-225. 1 pl. Aorta (Abnormities of). See, also, Aorta (Contraction, etc., of); Arte- rial duct; Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of); Heart (Abnormities of). Beisso (T.) & Giuria (P. M.) Varieta dei rami dell' arco dell' aorta. Ricerche anatomica. 4°. Genova, 1866. vox Decker (A.) *Zwei Fiille von Isthmus Aortie persistens. 8°. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1890. Girard (E.) * Ueber einen Fall, von congeni- taler Communication zwischen Aorta und Arteria pulmonalis [Zurich.] 6°. Biel, 1895. Goddard (J.) *Kunstmatig opgewekte ge- breken aan het ostium aortae. 8°. Leiden, 1879- v. • u ,. Abbott (F. C.) Specimen of left aortic arch with ab- normal arrangement of the branches. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit, & Ireland, Lond., 1892, pp. xiii-xv.-Alamar- tine (L.) Note sur un cas d'absence congenitale d line valvule sigmoide de l'aorte. Loire med., St.-Etiene, 18»8, vii 205-209. — Brodie (G.) Abnormality of the aortic arch. Proc. Anat. Soe. Gr. Brit. & Ireland. Lond., I?8*"9; p. vii. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 971— C'antani (A. SViluppo difettoso dell' aorta ascendente: apertura del condotto di Botallo; apertura o mancanza del setto inter- ventricolare; cianosi (morbus cceruleus). Gazz. d.osp., Milano, 1893, xiv. 585; 598.—Combes (R.H.) Sc C hriBlo- pliercton ( C. ] Transposition of the aortic arch. ht. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1884, xx, 273-277^1>eaver (J. B.) Anomalies of the arch of the aorta. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 40— Dittrich (P.) Ueber einige Varum- tenbildungeu im Bereiche des Arcus aorta?, ^elir. I. Heilk., Prag, 1886, vii, 65-72,1 pl.-Ep«tcin (A.) trans- position der Aorta uud Pulmoualarterie »"«« bePtu""£ feet; Persistenz des Isthmus aortae und des Uuctus arte- riosus. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1886, vii, 293-308, 1 pl.- Etlingcr (I.) Trauspositio aortas et art. pulmon.; ste- nosis conus arter., delectus septi; ductus Botalh apertus; pneumonia, Med. otchet Imp. S.-Peterb. Vosp. Donia 1881 147-152.-----Stenosis isthmi aortas conf^ ■ ductus Botalli apertus; broncho-pneumonia duplex, loxa., 154-160-Cottschau (M.) Zwei seltene Varietaten der Stanmie des Aorteubogens. Arch. f. ^nat. u. Entwck Ingsgesch., Leipz., 1885, 245-252, Also: Gdnkschr. z. Eibffu. d. Vesalianum, Leipz., 188a, 77-84.-----*-">« AOETA. 565 AOETA. Aorta (Abnormities of). seltene Aorten Anomalie. Anat, Anz., Jena, 1887, ii, 37- 39.—Haga (J.) Eene anomalie van den aorta-boog. Ge- neesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1881, n.s.,x, 653, 1 pl. — lierringham ( W. P. ) An account of a case where a right aortic arch passed behind the cesophagus to the left side, and becoming dilated killed the patient by Blow compression of the trachea. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv, 46-48.—Holsti. Fall af dubbel aorta desceii- dens. Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1887, xxviii (Supplhft), 42J-4J5—Jawtschinsilii (S. N.) Ob uklon. glavnyeb vet vei dugi aorty s uiorfolog. tochki zrieni.ja. [On the anomalies of principal branches of aorta from a morphological point of view.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xvii, 631 - 634. — I.eboucq ( H. ) Anomalies de la crosse de l'aorte et de ses collaterals. Ann. Soc. de nied. deGaml, 1894, lxxiii, 87-94— I,e Double (A.) De la re- Sreduction d« la formule aortique de l'orang, du gibbon, e tons les autres singes et des carnassiers chez l'homme. Bull. Soe. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 555-557.— UI'Ardle (J. S.) Anomaly of the aorta. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1885, iii, 437. Aho [Abstr. ]: Biit. M. J., Lond., 1885. i, 841. Aho [Abstr.]: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s., lxxx, 68. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ., Lond,, 1885, n. s., xxxix, 309. — Oddo. Anomalies de l'aorte. Marseille med., 1892. xxix, 735-748. — Primrowr. Un- usual arrangement of the branches of the aortic arch. Proc. Sc Tr. Path. Soe. Toronto, 1889-90, i, 33.—Segre (R.) Due casi di due valvole all' oriflcio aortico. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1891-2, 53-58, 1 pl. — Smith (J. H.) Transposition of aorta and pulmonarv arterv. J. anat. & Physiol.. Lond., 1881-2, xvi, 302.—Ta'gnchi (K.) Taido- miaku konshi shosei no hakaku no misetsu no mononi zu- kete. [On tin-supernuiuerarv branches of aorta.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1892, no. 304, 1-3. Also: Ztschr. d. To- kio med. Gesellsch., 1892, vi, no. 23. 8-13, 1 pl.—Terinen (E.) Transpositio aortfe et art. pulmonalis. Med. otchet Imp. S.-Peterb. Vosp. Doma, 1872, 218-225. — Thomson (A.) Description of tbe dissection of a case of right aortic arch; with remarks on this and allied malformations. Glasgow M. J., 1863-4, [3.] s., xi, 1-16,1 pl. Aho, Reprint. ----. Variation in the arrangement ofthe branches aris- ing from the arch ofthe aorta. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1892-3, xxvii, 189-192.—LTche (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Casu- istik der Klappenanomalien der Aorta. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895. cxi, 206-208. Aorta (Aneurism of). See Aneurisms (Aortic). Aorta (Contraction an obstruction of). See, also, Aorta (Abnormities of); Aorta (Ab- dominal, Ligature, etc., of); Aorta (Tumors of'). Burwixkel (J.) *Ein Fall von Stenose des Conns arteriosus der Aorta und Pulmonalis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1668. Exss (H. [H.]) *Zur Casuistik und Diag- nostik der Aorteusti nose. 8°. Berlin, [1689], Knierim (H. P.) *Ein Fall von Stenose der Aorta in der Gegeiid der Insertion des Ligamen- tum arteriosum. 6°. Marburg, 1880. Maxneberg (I. ) * Ueber die Stenose und Obliteration der Aorta iu der Gegend der Inser- tion des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. 8°. Breslau, 1864. Martens (G. C. T.) *Zwei Fiille von Aorten- Atresie. 8-\ Greifswald, 1669. Ralchfcss (K. A.) *0 vrozhdennom zara- sht.slieuii ustja aorty. [On congenital closure of opening of aorta. J 8'-. St. Petersburg, 1869. Alezais & Oi IIy. Retr6eissemeut congenital de l'aorte descendante. Marseille med., 1887, xxiv, 594-608.—Bab- cocli (R. H.) An instructive case of atheromatous nar- rowing of the ascending aorta, with resulting changes in the heart. X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 202-205.—Ba- raban (L.) Obliteration cong6nitale de l'oriliee aortique. Rev. nied. de l'est, Nancy, 1889, xxi, 417-430.—Baric (E.) Du r6tr6eissement congenital de l'aorte descendante. Kev. denied.. Par., 1880, vi, 343; 409; 501. — Ciagliriaki (K.) Przypadek wrodzonego zwezeuia aorty. [ Case of con- genital constriction of the aorta.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1H94, 2. s., xiv, 740-744. — Clacaseii. Casuistischer Bei- trag zur Lehre von der Stenose des Isthmus aorta-. In- ternat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1894, viii, 113; 196—Col- •on. Recherches physiologiques sur l'occlusion de l'aorte thoracique. Univ. de Liege. Inst, de physiol. Trav. du lab. de Leon Fredericq, Par.; Liege (1889-90), 1890, iii, 111-164. Aho: Arch, de biol., Gaud & Leipz., 1890, x, 431- 484.—Colt am (G. G.) Coarctation of the aorta associated with stenosis and incompetency of the aortic valves; a case. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894. v, 25. — Be, Benzi (E.) Stenosi aortica in seguito a violento sforzo museo. Aorta (Contraction and obstruction of). lare. Morgagni, Milano, 1890, xxxii, 280.—Dumontpal- lier. Du i eti ecissoment aortique au niveau de l'abouche- mentdu canal arteriel; m6moire lu k la Societe de biolo- gie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1857, 3. 8., xii, 52; 188; 295. Aho, Reprint. — Ein Fall von lange bestehender Stenosirung des Aortenlumens im Bogen derselben mit todtlichem Ausgango. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, 1873, Wien, 1874, 153. — Henry (F. P.) Aortic stenosis, complicated with phthisis. Polyclinic, Phila., 1887-8, v, 260. — ron HofMtcu (S.) Fall af aortastenos. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 19-24.—Hutchinson (J.) Cases of thora- cic obstruction simulating Raynaud's phenomena. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1891-2, iii, 23-28.— Jacobi (Mary P.) Case of aortic stenosis followed by left hemiplegia in a child of six. Arch. Pediat, Phila., 1885, ii, 710-719— Jaurnud. Thrombose et obliteration de l'aorte thoracique; paresie des mernbres inferieurs, k deux reprises diffiferentes; ath£- rome generalise tres-prononcc aux coronaires; hypertro- phic et dilatation du coeur: d6generoscence granulo-grais- seuse de la fibre cardiaque; accidents asystoliques. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 466-470.—Karsrh. Zur Be- handlung der Aortenstenose. Vereinsbl. d. pfiilz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1890, vi, 179. — Keating (J. M.) Case of aortic stenosis and regurgitation with atheromatous aorta in a woman aged 103. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1882, n. s., viii, 337. — Kicinanu. Stenosis ostii aortae; tubercu- losis chronica pulmonuin et intestinum; otitis media sinis- tra suppurativa; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1880), 1881, 372.—Krctz (R.) Ein seltener Fall von Stenose am Isthmus der Aorta. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 24. — Laboulbene (A.) & Claisse (P.) R6tr6cissement congenital de l'aorte de- sceudaute, k sa partie superieure, vers raboiichement du canal arteriel. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 945-947.—.demoinc (G.) Retrecissement aortique avec roulement presystolique. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 385-394.'— L.c IVoir. Retrecisse- ment sous-aortique du ventricule gauche et r6tr6cissement aortique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.,'1886, lxi, 185.—I.essc- liers ( L. ) Cas remarquable de r6tr6cissement, de la crosse de l'aorte. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gaud, 1882, lx,45- 60. [Rap. de Verstraeten]: Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1882, xlix, 105-110. [Discussion], 187-199.—I.ciialet (T.- E\ ) Recherches anatomiques et cliniques sur le retre- cissement de l'aorte au niveau de la terminaison du canal arteriel. In his: Etudes depath. et de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1891, ii, 72-87. — f.eyden (E.) Ein Fall von angeborner Enge des Aortensystems. Charit6-Ann., Berl., 1889, xiv, 151-157. — liiiidman (J. H.) Ein Fall von Stenose des conus arteriosus aortas. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880, xxv, 510-517, 2 pl. — Lock wood (C. B. ) Obliteration of the arch of the aorta at the level of the ductus arteriosus. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, xiv, 352. — fiOriga ( G.) Stenosi ed obliterazione con- genita dell' aorta. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1887, 3. s., vii, 529- 569. — Liideritz ( C.) Versuche iiber den Ablauf dea Blutdrnckes bei Aortenstenose. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xx, 374-396, 1 pl— ITIader. Stenosis ost. Aor- tas; ungeheilt. Bei. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stif- tung in Wien (1891), 1892, 313. — Hailens (G.) Zwei Falle von Aortenatresie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1890, cxxi, 322-335, 1 pl.—Martin (R.) Beschryving van eenige, in been veranderde, deelen van den grooten boog van de groote slag-ader. Geneesk. Verhaudel. a. de k. Sweed. Acad. (Sandifort), Leiden, 1776, iii, 313-328. —vou lVoordcn ( C. ) Zur Diagnostik der Aortenstenose. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1890, xv, 185-187.—Ortner (N.) Zur angeborenen regelwidrigen Enge des Aortensystems. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolf-Stifuing iu Wien (1891), 1892, 214-227. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 2; 27.— Pnliauf (A.) Ein Priiparat, eine vollkommene Oblitera- tion des Isthmus aortas darstellend. Anz. d. k. k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1887, 5. — Peter. Aortite et n6vrite du plexus cardiaque. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 265-269.—Pitt (G. N.) Thrombosis of aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 74, 1 pl. — Potain. Retre- cissement congenital de l'aorte. Gaz. hebd. de ni6d., Par., 1892, 2. s., xxix, 292-295. — Preisz ( H. ) Theilweise Obliteration des Aorten begins und zwei Defecte in der Kammerscheidewand eines Herzens. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1891, n. F., xxxiii, 40 -46. — Roland & Fraty. Observation de st6nose congeuitale des arteres aorte et pulinonaire. Loire med., St.-fitienne, 1887, vi, 209-216.— Schabcrt (A.) Die allgemeine Enge der Aorta (Angua- tia aortas), als Ursachc von Herzleiden. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, n. F., vii, 283-287.—Singer (J.) Ueber die Veianderuiigen am Riickenmark nach zeitweiser Ver- schliessung der Bauchaorta. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1887, Wien, 1888, xevi, 136- 155, 2 pl. — Smith ( W.) Narrowing of aorta; enlarged bronchial glands. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl, 1875-7, n. s., vii, 27 - 29. — Sommerbrodt ( M.) Typischer Fall von Obliteration der Aorta thoracica in der Gegend der Ein- miindung des Ductus arteriosus. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1883, xci, 492-499. Also: Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1883, xii, 55-62. — Steiner ( R. ) Stenose der Aorta au der Insertiousstelledes Ductus Botalli; Tod. AORTA. 566 AORTA. Aorta (Contraction and obstruction of). Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1893), 1894, ii, 715.— Tedeschi (A.) Occlusione dell'aorta per aortite verru- cosa acuta. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1894, ix, 311- 319.— Vcrgcly (P.) Retrccissement de l'aorte et de l'ori- fice auriculo-ventriculaire gauche datant de l'enfance; apoplexie pulmouaire; mort. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux. 1882. iii, 11-21. — Wallia (C.) Ettfall af aorta-fortrangning med kousekutiv hjertbypertroti och bihlning af occluderande thromb i • aorta abdomiualis. [Obstruction of aorta with consecutive hypertrophy of lieart and formation of thrombus in abdominal aorta.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1S87, xlix, 59-63.—White (AV. n.) A case of co-aretation of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1884-5, xxxvi, 178-182. Also [Abstr.]: Brit, M. J., Lond., 18K4. ii, 909. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 826.— ui«c ( T. A.) Congenital closure of the descending aorta, terminating fatallv by the rupture of its ascending portion. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bengal, Calcutta, 1838-40, 65-68. Aho, Reprint.—Witthaucr (K.) Beitrag zu den Ursacheii der Aortenstenose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1892, xviii, 788-790. Aorta (Dilatation of). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic). Besancon. Ectasie de l'aorte et de la sous-claviere; compression des filets radiculaiies du plexus brachial. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1888. 47-53. Also: France m6d., Par., 1888, ii, 1373-1378. —C'asabiancn. Dilatation de l'aorte. Marseille m6d., 1891, xxviii, 8UH-8I2. — C'hanf. fard (A.) Atheromasie et dilatation cylimlrique de la crosse de l'aorte; anevrysme do l'artere sous-claviere; com- pression du plexus brachial; atrophic musculaire dn mem- bre correspondant; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, 4. s., vii. 188-192. Also: Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 11- 13. — <»ingcot. Dilatation de l'aorte; obliteration de l'artere sous-claviere gauche; atrophic du membre supe- rieur correspondant. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1889, 3. s., vi, 335-341. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 463-466. — CSucncau de VliiH«y (N.) Recherches sur la dilatation cylindiique de lie.rte ascendante et sur le caractere tympanique du .second bruit cardiaqm- dans cette affection". In his: Clin. m6d., 8° Par., 1,-8:.. iv, 470-479. — IBenrot (IL) Dilatation aor- tique. Lnion med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 39. —Henry (F. P.) Specimen of dilated aorta. Tr. Path, j I Soe. l'hila., lsWl-91, xv, 14*. — Hnchard (n.) La mala- die de Hodgson. (Son diagnostic, sa pathogenie, son ;traitement.) Union m6d., I'ar., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 205- 209.—I.oppc. Dilatation de l'aorte; ath6rome: rupture , dans b- pericardii. Bull. Soc. auat.de Par., Is's."., lx, 21-24. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 18*5. 2. s , ii, 236. — l.oivndt (T. M.) A case of dilated aorta with unusual respiration. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 31-33.—IVicollc. Dilata- tion aortique de volume considerable, avec tumeur k l'ex- ti rieur; double souffle, et immunitedel'oiifice aortique et de l'aorte thoraco-abdominale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par 1888, lxiii, 1039-1044. — Packard (K. A.) Dilatation of tin- aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., ]c89-91, xv, 150-152.— Perorhaud. Un cas d'aortite chroniquo; maladie de Hodgson; affection cardio-aortique. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1887-8, vi, 25-28 —Poupon. Dilatation enorme do l'aorte avec deux pocbes anevi vsmales dont l'lineouverte dans la branche gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 127. Also: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 485. Aorta (Diseases of). See, also, Aneurism (Aortic); Angina pecto- ris; Angina pectoris (Causes, etc., of); Aorta (Rupture of); Heart (Diseases of); Heart ( Val- vular diseases of). Cailli-:t(P.) *l)e l'insuffisance aortique con- se"cut i ve a I'atherouie oc- veren (A. J.) De erosione oesophagi, vichneque aoitie, hujus porro vasis ruptura cum effiisione omnis sanguinis inventrieulum. Inhis: Observ. path, anat., 4°, Lugd. Bat, 1789, 8-22. — D-uflcy (G. F.) Rupture of the aorta. Proc. Path. Soe. Dubl., 1865-8. n. s., iii. 1-3. — Durnnd- Fardcl (R.) Rupture de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 321. — Ferrarcsi (O.) Un caso di rottura circolare deli' aorta. Bull. d. Soc. Laucisiana d. osp. di Roma (1889-90), 1891, x, 280.— Festal. Ruptura iutra- pericardique de l'aorte. J. de in6d. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, xx, 429. Aho: Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1891, xii, 103-105.—Foot (A. W.) Transverse lacer- ation of tbe aorta; hemorrhage into the pericardium. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 154-156. — Fiit- terer (G.) Ueber einen Aortenriss mit Bildung einer falschen Klappe. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1886, civ, 397-400, 1 pl. — Oautier. Rupture de la tuuique nioyenne de l'aorte pies do son origine; anevrysme mixte externe eu voie de formation; signes physiques d'iusutti- sance aoi tique. Bull. Soc. anat. de I'ar., 1879, liv, 753-757. Also: Progres med.. Par.. 1880, viii. 585. — Ileinricius (G.) Plbtslig dod under fiirlossning (ruptura aorta;) ; ex- traktiou efter doden af lefvande foster. [Suddeu death during delivery (rupture of aorta); extraction of living foe- tus.J Finska lak.-sallsk. haudl., Helsingfors, 1882, xxiv, 141-145. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1883, vii, 1-3. Also, transl.- Arch, de tocol, Par.. 1884, xi, 29-31.— Knineu (L.) Aortenruptur auf tuberculoser Grundlage. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1895, xvii, 416- 419. 1 pl.—I..cvcque(E.) Rupture de l'aorte ascendante; irruption du sang dans le p6ricarde. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 443-446. Aho: Progre.s med., Par., 1-84, xii, 400.—I.ion (G.) Rupture spontanee de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 869-872,1 pl—I.oppe. Dila- tation de l'aorte; ath6rome; rupture daus le pericarde. Ibid., 1885, lx, 21-24— Marshall (H.) Case of rupture of aorta. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1885, iii, 178-180.—ITIartin- Durr. Mort subite par rupture spontanee de l'aorte; considerations anatomiques et cliuiques. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1891, i, 148; 302. Aho I Abstr.l: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 38-40.— Martinez y Sanchez (P.) Informe en un caso de muerte por ruptura de la aorta. Trab. Com. d. med. leg. 6 hig. pub. de la Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1874, iii, 129-135. Aho [Abstr.]: An. r. Acad, de Jcien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1874-5, xi, 281.— 'lassary. Rupture fissurale spontanee de l'aorte ascendante; hemorrhagic dans le pericarde. Ball. Soc. anat. do Par., 1893, lxviii, 98. —Mo Hie re (II.) Observa- tion dc rupture spontan6e de l'aorte thoracique. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1880), 1881, xx, pt. 2, 252-256, 1 pl. Aho: Lyon m6d., 1880, xxxv, 524-528, 1 pl — Moore (N.) Rupture of the aorta within the pericar- dium. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1879, xxx, 283.—Mosny (E.) Aorta (Rupture of). Rupture spontanee de l'aorte dans l'cesophage. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 356-358.—Muselier (P.) Un cas de rupture spontan6e de l'aorte abdominale. Gaz. in6d. do Par., 1892, 8. s., i, 255-258. — Newman. Two cases of rupture of the first part of the aorta. GlasgowM.J 1883 xx, 457-459. Aho: Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin 's(,c' 1883-4, i, 6-8.—Papillon (P.-H.) Rupture spontanee et incomplete de l'aorte k son origine; mort subite. Hull Soc. anat. dePar., 1891, lxvi, 557-560.—Paul (F. T.) Runt! ure of aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886 xxxvii, 173. _ Peabody. Rupture of aorta; disserting aneurism Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 434.—Pilliet (A.) Rupture spontan6e de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1889, lxiv, 494-499. — Piorry. Hemoptysie mortelle eu quelques minutes; rupture de l'aorte dans les bronches. Caz. d h6p., Par., 1829-30. ii, 171. — Forges. Fin seltener Fali vou Aortenruptur. Vien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 645- 647. — Posner (C.) Ein Fall von intrapericardialer Zer- reissung der Aorta. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz., 1889, xv, 498.—Kecamier. Au6vrisme actif avec dilata- tion des deux ventricules; rupture de l'aorte k sa base; mort subite; necropsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1829-30, ii,309.— Ko I les ton (II. D. ) Spontaneous rupture of inner and middle coats of aorta; leakage into pericardium. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xliv, 37.— Rupture of the aorta. Bellevue & Char. Hosp. Rep., N. Y., 1870, 344 — Magnet. Rupture spontan6e de l'aorte dans sa portion hitraperiiai. dique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 97-99. — ttpchl. Uu cas de rupture de l'aorte. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1879, xxviii, 52-55.—Sullivan (J. D.) Atheroma of tbe aorta; rupture; granular disease of the kidneys. N. York M. J., 1884, xl, 524. — Tedeschi (*A.) Un caao di rottura dell' aorta e tre casi di anomalia delle valvule semilunari aortiche. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1894, ix, 274-281. —Turner (F. C.) Perforation of the aorta; syphilitic aortitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 1*56. — Van Santvoord. Rupture of the arch of the aorta. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1888), 1889, 93.—Velliiti (F.) Sulla rottura dell' aorta intraperieardica. Kiv. clin., Milano, 1891, xxx, 616-638.—White (\V. H.) Laceration of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 158.— Winge (E. ) Ruptura Part, ascend. Aorta; in pericar- dium. Norsk Mag. f. Loegevidensk., Christiania, 1886, 4. It., i, 405.—Yeo (G.) Rupture of the aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 139-141. Aorta (Syphilis of). Doeiile (P.) * Eiu Fall von eigentiinilicher Aortenerkrankung bei einem Syiilitischen. 6°. Kiel, 16675. Jakob (C. ) * Aortitis syphilitica (?). 8°. Erlangen, 1891. Beadles (C. F.) Syphilitic (?) disease of aorta, with dilatation of the heart and occlusion of the left subclavian artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xliv, 43-45.— Can- tileua (P.) Ulcera sifllitica dell'aortaapertasi nel bronco sinistro; sifllide del polmone sinistro; pleurite ed iilro- pericardite. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1887, iv, 529-535. Ah": Riv. veneta disc, med., Venezia, 1887,vii, 332-340— Diililc. Ueber Aortenerkrankung bei Syphilitischen und deren Beziehung zur Aneurysmenbildung. Deutsehes Arch, f. klin. Med. lv. Festsciir. .. F. A. von Zenker [etc.], Leipz., 1895, 190-210, 2pl — Irujo (M.) Estrechez a6rtka sifl- litica; curacion. Crou. med., Lima, 1888, v, 409-411.— Jaccouil. Aortite et an6vrysme de l'aorte d'origine syphilitique. Semaine m6d., Par., 1887, vii, 9-11— Jona (G.) Sopra una rara forma di aortite sifllitica. Biforuia med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 3, 194-198. — IVikiforoff (M.) Sluchai stenosa aorti sifllit. proischojd. Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1885, vi, 72.—Pyc-Snuth. Syphilitic arteritis of the ascending aorta. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 213. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 232. Aorta (Ttimors of). Knips-Macoppe (A.) De aortae polypo epis- tola medica; qua, ejusdem abditissimum mor- buui a polypo arteriam magnain insideute de- peudere, demonstratur, ac de ejus natura, dig- notione et curatione disseritur; cum ejusdem cadaveris historia anatomica eveutum conipro- bante. 8°. Brixiw, 1731. Sauber (G. P.) *De steatomatibus in prin- cipio arteriaa aortie repertis et horum occasioue de cysticis iu genere excrescentiis. 4°. Yitem- bevgtv, [1723]. Tlinra (M.) Das primiire Riesenzellensarkom der Aorta thoracica. Internat. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. R. Virchow . . ., Berl., 1891, ii, 247-255, 1 pl Aorta (Wounds, etc., of). Zk.mp (E.) *Zur Kasuistik der Herz- und Aortenwunden und der dabei vorkoinmenden histologischeu VorgiLnge. 8°. Zurich, 1094. AORTA. 569 APES. Aorta (Wounds, etc., of). B inde in a n n. Eine Selmssverletzung der Aorta ab- doniinalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 828.—<' a iisse (S.) Plusieurs coups de couteau dans le dos ; blessure de l'artere aorte; mort foudroyaute; blessure k la joue, faite apres la mort. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s.. iii, 441-446.— Daniel (C. F.) Vou einer uuvermeidlichen todllichen Brustwunde eines Mamies, dem durch einen Stich die Aorta verletzt wordeu, dass er sogleich todt zu Boden ge- fallen. In his: Samml. med. Gutaeht. [etc.l, 8°, Leipz., 1776, 32-35. — Dcsplats (H.) Perforation de l'aorte par un corps etranger ile livsophage. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 188', v, 181-184.—Eininert (C.) Ueber Verletzungen der Aorta innerhalb der Brnsthohle. Friedreich's Bl. f. ge- richtl. Med., Xiirnb., 1880, xxxi, 129-149.—J celts (C.) A case of bullet wound ofthe abdominal aorta, in which the bullet remained within the lumen of that vessel. Lancet, Lond.. 1890, i, 800.— Ijangier. Plaie penetrante de la portion ascendante de la crosse de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 188i. lviii, 110. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1883, xj 734._L.igh tburnc (E. A.) Perforation of the aorta by a bony ont-growth from the sixth rib. Laneet, Lond., 1896, i, 99.—I.owe (T. P.) Punctuie of the first portion of the'arch of the aorta. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884. i, 456.— yicC'arthy (J.) Rupture of the arch of the aorta from injury. Tr! Path. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 54. Bagaino. Coup de couteau penetrant ft travers le corps d'une verte- bre dorsale traversant l'aorte et interessant le pericarde. J d. conn. iu6d. prat., Par.. 1841-2, ix, 197.—Tripier (L.) Plaie de l'aorte. Mem. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1872), 1873, xii, pt. 2, 153-159.—ZilIner. Eine Stichverletzung der Aorta ascend. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte iu Wien, 1881, 31. Aorta (Abdominal). Mongiidi (C.) Topografia dei principali rami viscerali dell' aorta addominale (con appli- cazioni alia chirurgia). 8°. Milano, [1*93]. Bassi (G.) Contribuzione alio studio dei soffi arteriosi addominali. Riv. clin., Milano, 1890, xxix, 299-301.—Far- nan (R. P.) On the level of bifurcation ofthe abdominal aorta. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1894, xii, 403.— Hochstetter(F.) Ueberdie urspriinglicheHauptschlag- ader der hinteren Gliedniasse des Menschen und der Saugethiere, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Entwicklnng der Endaste der Aorta abdoniinalis. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1890, xvi, 300-318, 1 pl.— tBartin (P.) Das Sphyg- mogranim der Banchaorta unserer Hausthiere. Deutsche Ztschr.f.Thiermed., Leipz., 1889-90. xvi, 255-272.—Peers- Smith (P.) Report on the level of bifurcation of tbe ab- dominal aorta. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894, xii, 390-395.—Pispoli (R.) Di un caso di ectasia dell' aorta addominale. Gior. med. d. r. esercito. etc., Roma, 1892, xl, 164-174. — Tyrie (C. C. B.) Axial rotation of abdominal aorta with associated abnormalities of the branches. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1893-4, xxviii, 281- 287. Aorta (Abdominal, Ligature and obstruc- tion of). See, also, Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of). Meyxard (J.-X.) "Etude snr ^'obliteration de l'aorte abdominale par embolie ou par throm- bose. 4°. Paris, 1863. Roussel (L.) * Etude sur les embolics de l'aorte abdominale. 4-. Lyon, 1693. Barth. Observation d'nne obliteration complete de l'aurte abdominale, recaeillie dans le service de M. Louis suivie de reflexions. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1835, 2. s., viii, 26-52, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Borgherini (A.) Obli- terazione dell' aorta addominale. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1882, xxv, 33-37.—t'amescasse. R6- trecissement congenital de l'aorte: dilatiou et hy pertrophie du cceur; asystolie. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 535- 537. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. 8., i, 422.—€'am- m;ir<-1-i (V.) La obliterazione dell' aorta addominale; stndio patologico-clinico. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 1; 113.—Cipriani (E.) Quarto caso di allacciatura dell' aorta addominale eseguitadal Dr. Canido Borgis Monteiro di Rio Janeiro. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. nied.-fis., Firenze, 1843, i, 44 — Janushevshi (J. I.) Sluchai endarteritis ulce- rosa s posledovateluoi zakuporkoi broushnoi aorti. [Re- sult of obstruction of the abdominal aorta.) Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv, 281-284.— Hnm (A.) Die Lnteibindung der Banchaorta. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879, xii, 405-437, 2 pl—JLiebrecht (P.) Ane- vrysme traumatique de l'aorte abdominale (traduit de 1 italien). De la ligature de l'aorte abdominale avec la sta- tistique complete de tous les cas publi6s jusqu'a present. J.d. accouch.. Liege, 1885, vi, 169; 181; 192: 201; 216; 226; 238; 252; 264, 275. Aho. Reprint.—.TInceweii (\V.) A mode of controlling the circulation through the abdominal aorta. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 1-3, 1 pl.—Hilton (H.) Ligature of the abdominal aorta for ruptured aneu- rysm of that vessel; death. Lancet, Lond., 1891, 1, 85.— Aorta (Abdominal, Ligature and obstruc- tion of). Sarbo (A.) Ueber die Riickenmarksverandemngen nach zeitweiliger Verschliessung der Bauchaorta; ein neuer Beitrag zur Pathologie der Ganglienzellkerne. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xiv, 664-671.—Stokes (W.) Ilio-femoral aneurism; ligation of aorta. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 28-34. Aortitis. See Aorta (Inflammation of). Aosta. Denza (P. F.) Studi sulla climatologia della valle d' Aosta. 12°. Torino, 1877. Marguerettaz. L'eau Borgetti aAoste. Con- siderations hygi&iiqnes. 8°. Aoste, 1667. Santencra (V.) Brevi cenni sulle acque mineral! ed in particolare sulle acque di Courmayeur e Pres St.-Didier nella valle d'Aosta. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1879, 3. s., xxvi, 370-375. Apai'd (Lucieu) [1863- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la thoracoplastie (operation de Letie"- vant-Estlander) dans les pleur6sies suppure'es totales. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1686. Aparici (Jos6 Maria). See Araldi (A.) El problema de las letrinas [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1883. Apnricio (T.). Co-Editor of: Gaceta medica del Norte, Bilbao, 1895. Apel ([Otto Theodor] W[ilhelm]) [1859- ]. * Beitrag zur Anatomie nnd Histologie des Pria- pulus caudatus Lam. und des Halicryptus spi- nulosis v. Sieb. 76 pp. 8°. Gottingen, 1885. Apelquist (Pehr Fredr.). See Romanson (H. TV.) Mvologiska dissectioner [etc.]. XVIII. 4°. Upsala, 1820-38. Apelt (Karl). Die Arnikatinktur. Eine Anwei- sung zu ihrer Bereitung und Anwendung bei einer Menge Krankheiten der Menschen uud Thiere. Ein unentbehrliches Handbuch be- sonders fur Laudbewohner, welche eutfernt von arztlicher Hilfe sich dadnrch in schnellen Krank- heitsfallen selbst helfen konneu. 2. Aufl. viii, 45 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Leipzig, C. H. Beclam sen., 1851. Apercu sur la litt6rature medicale danoise des dernteres vingt-cinq annaes. 20 pp. 12°. Co- penhague, I. Cohen, [n. d.]. Apery (Pierre). Contribution a P6tude de la iievre dengue. 29 pp. 12°. Constantinople, A. Christidis # Cie., 1869. -----. Annuaire oriental de pharmacie. Premiere anne"e pp. 24°. Constantinople, A. me'decine et de 1892. viii, 440 Christidis >$• Cie, Cranium; Embryology; 1692. Apes and monkeys. See, also, Brain Spinal cord. Duvernoy. Des caracteres anatomiques dea grands singes pseudo- anthroponiorph.es. fol. Paris, 1855. Eisler (P.) *Das Gelass- und periphere Nervensystem des Gorilla. Eine vergleichend anatomische Untersuchung als Habilitations- schrift. 4°. Halle a. S., 1889. -----. The same. 4°. Halle, 1890. Gabriel (B.) Der Eutwicklungscyclus von Troglodytes zoster. 8°. Leipzig, 1875.. Garner (R. L.) The speech of monkeys. 12°. London, 1692. Giacomini (C.) Sul cervello di un chimpanse. 8°. Torino, 1889. Also, transl. in: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1890, xm, 25. Hartmaxn (R.) Der Gorilla. Zoologisch- zootoniischeUntersnchungen. 4°. Leipzig, 1880. Heusinger (C. F.) Vier Abbildungen des Schadels der Simia satyrus, von verschiedenem Alter, zur Aufklarung der Fabel vom Orafi utan. fol. Marburg, 1838. 70 APES. APES. Apes and monkeys. Kneeland (S.) On the skeleton of the great chinipanze'e, Troglodytes gorilla. Read before the Boston Society of Natural History, April 21, 1852. s;. Boston, 167)2. Cutting from: Boston Soc. Nat. History, 1852, 336-348. Lattke (C. J. G.) *De Lemure nigrifronte Geoff'r. Parsi. Sectio i. 4°. Vratislaviee, [1850]. Lordat (J.) Observations sur quelques points de l'anatomie du singe vert, et r6flexious physio- logiques sur le meme sujet. 8C. Paris, an Nil [1*04]. Mohnike (O.) Affe und Urmensch. 8°. Minister, 1686. Natukyn issenschaftlicher Verein zu Ham- burg-Altona. 3, Bolau, H. (und Pansch, Ad.), Ueber die menschenahnlichen Affen des Ham- burger Museums. Den Mitgliedern und Theil- nehnieru der 49. Versammlung deutscher Natur- forscher und Aerzte als Festgabe gewidmet vom naturwissenschaftlichen Vereiu. 4°. Hamburg, 1676. Also |Rev.], in: Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1877, ix, 117- 128. Popovski (I.) Podkozhnaya muskulatura oranga i innervatsia yeya. [The subcutaneous muscular system and its innervation in the orang- outimg.] 8°. Tomsk, 1693. Iiepr. fiom: Izvesfia Imp. Tomsk. TJniv., 1893. SCHHOEDER VAN DER KOLK (J. L. C.) & Vrolik (W.) Note sur Pence"phale de l'orang- outang. rt-\ Amsterdam, 1H61. Iiepr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., xiii. Slack (J. H.) Monograph of the prehensile- tailed quadrumaiia. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1862.] Iiepr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., Nov., 1862. Tysox (E.) Orang-outang sive homo sylves- tris. Or the anatomy of a pigmie compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man. To which is added a philological essay concerning the pig- mies, the cynocephali, the satyrs, and sphinges of the ancients. Wherein it will appear that they are all either apes or monkeys, and not men, as formerly pretended. 4C. London, 1699. -----. The same. 4°. London, 1751. Virchow. Ueber den Schadel des jungen Gorilla. 8-'. [Berlin, U80.] Cutting from: Monatsber. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. zu Berl., 1880, 516-543, 11, 2 pl. Vrolik (W.) Recherches d'anatomie compa- ree sur le chimpaus6. fol. Amsterdam, 1641. Waldeyer ([H.] G. [G.]) Das Gorilla-Rii- ckeninark. 4°. Berlin, 1889. Repr. from: Abbandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Berl.. 1888. Wilder (B. G.) Contributions to the com- parative myology of the chimpanzee. 8°. Cam- bridge, 1861. Cutting from: Boston J. Nat. Hist., 1861, vii. Barnard (W. S.) Observations on the membral mus- culation of Simia satyrus (orang) and the comparative inv"logy of man and the apes. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 187.".. Salem, 1876, xxiv, 112-142. 2 pl. Aho, Reprint,— Barnstou (J.) Description of, and remarks upon, a chimpansei-, which died lately, while exhibiting: in Mon- treal. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1855, ii, 253-260.—Benhnin ("W. B.) A description of the cerebral convolutions of tbe chimpanzee known as "Sally"; with notes on the convo lntions of other chimpanzees and of two orangs. Quart. J. Micr. Sc,Lond., 1895, xxxvii, 47-85, 5 pl—von Bischoft' (T. L.W.) LntersucbungderEingeweideunddesGehirns des im "Winter 1875 in Dresden verstorbenen Chimpanse- AVeibchen. Mitth. a. d. k. zool. Mus. zu Dresd., 1877, 249-260. -----. Ueber das Gehirn eines Gorilla und die untere oder dritte Stirnwindung der Affen. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. bayer. Akad. cl. TVissensch. zu Miinchen, 1877, vii, 96-139, 4 pl. -----. Die dritte oder untere Stirnwindung und die innere oder Scheitelbogen- windung des Gorilla. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1881, vii, 312-322.-----. LeberBrachycephalie und Brachyencepba- lie des Gorilla und der anderen Affen. Sitzungsb. d. niath.-phys. Cl. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. "Wissensch. zu Miin- chen, 1881, xi, 379-390, 1 pl.—Brooks (H. St. J.) On the Apes and monkeys. short muscles of the pollex and hallux of the anthropoid apes, with special reference to the oppenens hallucis. J Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1887-8, xxii, 78-95, 1 pl— Iiu, U. ■nan (S. S.) Babies and monkeys. [From: Nineteenth Cent,] Pop. Sc. Month.. N. Y., 1894-5, xlvi, 371-388.- C'avanna(G) Sulla splacnologiadi an Troglodites niger. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1875-6, v, 210-215.—Cluing man (H. C.) On the structure of the oraug-oiitiiiig Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1880, 160-175, 7 pl Aho [Abstr.]: Science, 1ST. T., 1880-81, i, 320-328. _____. Ob- servations upon the brain of the gorilla. Proc. Acad Nat Sc, Phila , 1892, 203-212— C'lnidzinski. Quelques ob- servations sur la splanchnologie d'un orang-outang, bico- lore, adulte rofile, mort au jardin d'acclimatatiou eii 1879 Bull. Soc d'anthrop. de Par., 1881, 3. a., iv, 19-24.____\ Le moule complet dun jeune gorille. Ibid., 172. -____' Sur les muscles peaussiers du cr&ne et de la face, observ6s sur un jeune gorille inale. Ibid., 1885, 3. s., viii, 583-594.— I>clisle(P.) Sur l'osteologie des orangs-outans. Compt. rend. Acad d. sc, Par., 1894, cxix, 241. — Beniker (J.) Sur un fetus de gibbon et son placenta. Ibid , 1885, c 654-656. Also: Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1885, 3,'s.] viii, 529-535. -----. Ln ftetus de gorille. Bull. S«-.' d'an- throp. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 447-451. -----. Le develop- pement (le.s muscles de la face chez le gorille. Compt rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 448-451. — Deni- ker (J.) Sc Boulart ( R. ) Sur divers points de l'anatomie de l'orang-outan. Compt. rend. Acud. d. sc Par., 1894, cxix, 235-238.—Duckworth (W. L. H.) Va- riations iu crania of Gorilla Savagei. J. Auat. & Physiol, Loud., 1894-5, xxix, 335-345.—Fiublcton. Tbe anatomy of a young chimpanzee. Anthrop. Rev.. Lund., 1863, i, 394-400. — F. (J.) Chimpanzees and dwarfs in Central Africa. Nature, Lond., 1890, xiii, 296.—Fere (C.) Con- tribution k l'6tude de la topographic cranio cere-bralo chez quelques singes. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1882, xviii, 545-563 -----. Deuxieme note sur la topographie cr&nio-cerebiale chez les singes. Ibid., 1885, xxi, 298- 303.—Ficalbi (E.) Contribuzioni alia couoscouza della angeologia delle scimraie. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1889, 4. s., i, 425-456, 1 pl. — Fick (li.) Ver- gleichend anatomische Studien an einem erwaebsenen Orang - Lttang. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1895, 1-100, 3 pl. -----. Beobachtungen an einem zweiten erwachsenen Orang Lttang und einem Schimpan- sen. Ibid.. 289-318.— Forbes (W. A.) On the external character and anatomyof the red uakari monkey (Bracby- urus rubicuudus); with remarks on the other species of that genus. [From: Proc. Zool. Soc. [Lond.], 1880, 627.] In his: Collect. Scient. Papers, 8°, Lond., 1885, 105-126, 3 pl.—Garrod (A. II.) Notes on the anatomy of Gelada meppelli. [From: Proc Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, 451.] Inhis: Collect. Scient. Papers. 8°, Loud., 1881, 505-511, 1 pl.—GaudryfA.) Ledryopitheqnc. Nature, Par., 1889- 90, xviii, pt.2, 65.—Gliddbn (G. R.) On the geographical distribution of tbe simia.- iu relation to tbatof some inferior types of men. In: Nott (J.C.)Sc Gliddon (G. R.) In- digenous races of the earth, 4°, Phila., 1857, 638-650, 1 ch. — II art ma ii ■■ ( R. ) Leber die weiblichen Ge- schlechtstheile der anthropoiden Affen und die Rrunst der Affen im Allgemeinen. Verhandl. d. Berl. (iesell- sch. f. Anthrop., 1887, 431-433— Haughton (S.) On the muscles of some of the smaller monkeys of the genera cercopitbecus and macacus. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl , 1861-4, viii, 467-471. -----. Further comparison of the hip joint and knee joint muscles in the cercopitbecus, cynocephalus, and macacus. Ibid., 1864-7, ix, 287-294.— IIcape ("W.) The menstruation of Semnopitbecus entel- Jus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, liv, 169-172. —Hep- burn (D.) The comparative anatomyof the muscles and nerves of the superior and inferior extremities of the an- thropoid apes. J. Anat. Sc Physiol. Lond., 1891-2, xxvi, 149. lpl.; 324, lpl.—Hermes (0.) Die antbropomorpben Affen des Berliner Aquarium. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1876, 88-93. -----. Aus dem Ge- fangenleben des Gorilla. Ibid., 1892, 576-582. — Herve (G.) Observations sur deux squelettes de jeunes orangs. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1889, 3. a., xii, 378-391. -----. Les pr6tendus quadruraanes. Ibid., 1889, 3. s , xii, 680- 717. — Hocrnes (R.) Dryopithecus Foutani Lartet und seine Beziehungen zum Menschen und zu den anthropo- morphen Affen. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1890, n. F., x. [68-71]. —von Iloflmaun (G.) Leber die weiblichen Genitalien eines Schimpanesen. Ztschr. f. Ce- burtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1878, ii, 1-8, 2 pl.—Ilorinchi (K.) Beobachtungen liber deu Genitalapparat tines zwei- jahrigen "Weibchens von Chimpanse Ber. d. naturf. G>" sellsch. zu Freib. i. Br.. 1893, vii, 153-168. Aho, transl.: Osaka Igaku Kcnkukwai Zashi, 1893, no. 16, 1; no. 17, 4.— llunauld. Examen de quelques parties d'uu singe. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1735, Amst., 1739, Mem., 516-523, 1 pl. — Kolliuann ( J. ) Ler Levator ani und der Coccygeus bei den geschwanzten Affen und den Anthro- poiden. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1894. viii, 198-205. — krao, or the "missing link". Leonard's Il- lust. M. J., Detroit, 1884, v. 23. — l.efcvrc. Sur la resistance k Taction du froid cbez le singe. Compt. APES. 571 APHASIA. Ape* and monkeys. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 097-699. -----. De la puissance et de la resistance therniogenetiques du since, comparees k celles de l'homme. Ibid., 724- 726?— Eiconard ( C. II.) "Kra-o", or " tbe missing link" again. Leonard's Illust, M. J., Detroit, 1881, v, 41.— Luzj Tf. ) Sul sistema digerente di uu Cynocepbalus haniadryas. Boll. d. Soc. rom. per gli stud, zool., Roma, 1895, iv, 183-191, 1 pl—Mncalislcr (A.) The muscular anatomy of the gorilla. I'roc. Roy. Irish Acad.. Dubl, 1870-79, 2. s., i, 501-506,1 pl— Maggi (L.) II eanale cranio- faringeo negli antropoidi. R. 1st, Lomb. di sc. e lett. Ren- dic, Milano, 1891, 2. s., xxiv, 138-149, 1 pl. -----. Sopra una'varieta morfologica delle ossa nasali e interniascellari nell'orango. Ibid., 401-415, 1 pl. -----. Sopra uua dimi- nnzione numerica dei denti nel! orango (Satyrus orang). Ibid., 586-593, 1 pl. -----. Intorno alia forma primitiva delle ossa nasali nel! orango (Satyrus). Ibid., 808-820, I pi,_____I mesognati asincbiti nei giovani antropoidi. Ibid., 993-999. -----. La sutura endonu-sognatica alia su- •perflcie facciale degli interniascellari nel Si-inuopitbecus entellus. Ibid., 1892, 2. s., xxv, 89 1 pl.—Meyer (A. B.) Notizen iiber die aiitbropomorphen Alien des Dresdener Museums. Mitth. a. d. k. zool. Mus. zu Dresd.. 1877, 223- 247, 13 pl- -----• Krao. Yerhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop.. 1885 241-246. — von Tliklucho - ITIacIay (N.) Leber die Oraiiu-Semang und Orang-Sakai. Ibid.. 1876, 226.—ITIilchell (('. P.) Notes with commentations, on the psychology of the chimpanzee (Troglodytes niger). now in e'aptivitv at the Central Park Menagerie. New Tork. J. Comp. M. \- S., N. T.. 1885. vi, 38-53.—IVIoller (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Autbropoiden-Gehirns. Abhandl. u. Ber. d. k. zool. u. anthrop.-ethnol. Mus. zu Dresd. 1890-91, Berl., 1892, no. 5, 1 p. 1., 1-18, 2 pl— Ifliiller (J.) *Zur Anatomie des Chimpausegehirns. [Freiburg i. B.] Arcb. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1887-8, xvii. 173-187, 2 pl. — Nisslc (C.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss dersogeuannteuantropoinorpben Affen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1876, viii, 46; 130, 1 tab— Oustalct (_E.) Singes. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 1881. 3. s.. ix, ,44-7.4.—de Pousargues (E.) Sur l'appareil genital male del'orang- outan, Simia satyrus (L.i. Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxix, 238-240.— Kaiikc (J.) Leber die aufrechte Korperhaltung derineiischeiiahnlichen Affen und iiber die Abbangigkeit der aufrechten Kbrperbaltung des Men- schen vom Gehirn. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. An- throp. [etc.], Miinchen, 1894. xxv, 154-157. Also : Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1894. n. F., xiv, [144-147].— Romanes (G. J.) On tbe mental faculties of an Anthro- popithecus calvus. Nature. Lond., 1889, xl, 16C-162.— Boyer ill me. Clemeneei. La domestication des singes. Rev. d'anthrop.. Par.. 1>87. 3. s., ii 170-181.—Rugc (G.) Leber die Gesichtsmuskulatur der Halbaffeu; eine ver- gleichend anatomische Studie. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1885-6, xi, 243-315. 3 pl. -----. Die vom Facialis innervir- ten Mnskeln des Halses, Naekens und des Schadels eines jungeu Gorilla ( ■Gesichtsnniskeln'). Ibid., 1886-7, xii, 459-529. -----. Der Yerkiirzuugsprocess am Rumpfe von Halbaffen ; eine vergleicbend-aiiatoiiiische Lntersuchung. Ibid., 1891-2, xviii, 185-326. 4pl—Mcianiaima (E.) Re- lazione sulla scimmia operata dal professore Biancbi. Atti d. xi Coiii;. med. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895, iv. Psichiat. [etc.], 155-15*.—Spitaka (E. C.) The peduncular tracts of the anthropoid apps. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. Chicago, 1879, n. s., iv, 461-4*7. —Elevens (H. Y.) Sc Virchow (R.) SchadelundHaarOrang Panggangin Malacca. Ver- handl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1892, 439-444.— Struthers. On the articular processes of tbe vertebrae in the gorilla compared with those in man. and on costo- vertebral variation in the gorilla. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1892, Lond.. 1893, lxii, 906.—Sutton (.7. B.) On some points in the anatomy of tbe chimpanzee. J. Anat, Sc Phy- siol, Lond., 1883-4. xviii, 66-85.—Symington (J.) Ob- servations on the mvologv of the gorilla and chimpanzee. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc 1*89, Lond., 1890, lix, 629.—Vir- choir (R.) Antbropoido Affen (Orang-Ltan und Gib- bons). Yerhandl. d. Berl Gesellsch.f. Anthrop., 1879, 384- 388.—von Wcnckstcrn ( A. ) Orang-Ltangs von der Ostkiiste von Sumatia. Cor.-Bl. (1. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc. ]. Miinchen, 1891, xxii. 30-32.—Wiegcr (G.) Schadel und Skelette der anthropolden Affen. Anthrop. Samml. d. limit. Inst. d. Univ. Bresl., Brnschwg., 1*85. 39- 45.—Wilder (B. G.) The relative position of the cere- brum and the cerebellum in anthropoid apes. [Abstr.) Proc Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Salem, 1884, xxxiii, 527.— Witt- man n iR i Die Schlagadern der Verdauungsorgaiie mit Berucksic litigung der Pfortader bei dem Orang, Chim- panese. Gorilla. Arch. f. Anthrop. Brnschwg., 1891, xx, 83-104, 2 pl. — ZaborowMki, Histoire de laconnaissance relativemetit aux grands singes daiisl'antiquit6 et au mo- yen age. Rev. internat. d. sc biol , Par., 1880, vi, 539-552. Apes and monkeys (Diseases of). Schmidt (M.) Die Krankheiten der Affen. 8 . Berlin, 1670. Inhis: Zoologische Klinik. 1, 1. Abth. Baft*i (R.) Die alcune luferiuitii dell' orang-outang. Medico vet., Torino, 1885, xxxii, 151-154. — Bischoff. Apes and monkeys (Diseases of). Observations de carie chez les singes anthropomorpbes. Compt. rend. Acad, de sc, Par., 1866, lxii, 1236-1239.— Bollet (15.) Les maladies osseuses des grands singes. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. do Lyon (1891), 1892, x, 84-103. Also [Abstr.] : Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1891, cxii, 1476- 1478. Aho [Abstr.]: Rev. scient., Par., 1891, xlviii, 203- 206. — Sutton (J. B.) Bone disease in monkeys. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1883-4, xxxv, 468-472, 1 pl. -----. The diseases of monkeys. Lancet, Loud., 1883, ii, 276. Apctz (Heinrich). * Ueber die Einwirkung der Salpetcrs-iure auf Aldehyde nnd Ketone, iusbe- soudere auf Dimethylketon. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig [Briangen], G. Pock, 1894. Apetz (Reinhold). * Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung des Nonnengerausches fiir aniimische Zustiinde. [Jena.] 15 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl, 1887, cvii. ApfeB (Samuel). * Anwendung nnd Bedeutung der Gliihhitze bei Erkraukuugeu der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgaue. 16 pp., 1 1. 8C. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1886. Apfelsteclt (Carl). * Beitrag zur Kasuistik tier Missbildungen des iiusseren Ohres. 37 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1892. Aphakia. See Lens (Absence of). Aphasia. See, also, Alexia; Amnesia; Apraxia; Brain (Abscess of, Traumatic); Brain (Diseases of); Em- bolism (Cerebral); Epilepsy (Accidents, etc., of); Handwriting (Left-handed, etc.); Paraly- sis (General); Paralysis with disordered speech; Speech (Disordered). Ballet (G.) Le langago intcrieur et les di- verses formes de l'aphasie. 8°. Paris, 1886. -----. The same. Die innerliche Sprache und die verschiedenen Formen der Aphasie. Autorisirte Uebersetzung von Dr. Paul Bongers. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, 1890. Bateman (F.) On aphasia, or loss of speech in cerebral disease. 8°. London, 1666. -----. The same. On aphasia, or loss of speech, and the localisation of the faculty of ar- ticulate language. 2. ed. 8°. London, [1890]. Bernard (D.) * De l'aphasie et de ses di- verses formes. 4°. Paris, 1887). -----. The same. 2. 6d., avec une preface et des notes par Ch. Fe"re\ 8°. Paris, 1889. Brock (G.) * Ueber einen Fall von transcorti- caler motorischer Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Cantaranno (G.) Lezioni cliniche sopra tre casi di afasia. 8°. Napoli, 1891. Colombe (P.-J.) *De l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1882. Cramer (K.) * Zur Lehre von der Aphasie. [Marburg.] 8°. Berl in, 1890. Also, in: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1890, xxii, 141-159. Dieckhoff (M. [H.]) * Ueber drei Fiille von Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1894]. Fayrer (J.) A case of aphasia. 8°. [n.p., 1669, vel subseq.] Fkrijand. Le langage, la parole et les apha- sies. Physiologic, pathologie et psychologie, avec schema eu couleurs. 16°. Pavis, 1H94. Freld (S.) Zur Auffassung der Aphasien; eine kritische Studie. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, 1891. (Josskx (H. [IJ.]) * Ueber zwei Fiille von Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Also, in: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl, 1893, xxv, 74-123. Hartmann (A.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aphasie. H°. Kiel, 1H89. Hecht (G.-L.-E.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'aphasie. 1°. Nancy, 1887. Hei.mhold (R.) * Casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Aphasie. [Jena.] 8J. Eisfeld, [1893]. C. APHASIA. 572 APHASIA. Aphasia. Jong (W. F.) * Over aphasie. 8°. Leiden, 1876. Kuxtze ([.k] M.) * Ueber zwei Fiille von Aphasie. 8C. Berlin, 1893. L6pez (M. J.) *Zwei Fiille von Aphasie. 8C. Berlin, 1895. Moser (G.) * Ueber zwei Fiille von Aphasie. [Erlangen, 1890. ] 8°. Augsburg, 1891. Nemann (J.) * Beitrage zur Pathologie und Therapie der corticalen Sprachstorungen. 8C. Berlin, [1-84]. van Rhijx (A.) * Aphasie. [Leiden. ] 8°. Amsterdam, Wi8. Rickexbach(J.) * De l'aphasie. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1667). Silvestrini (G.) Delle afasie od alterazioni della favella nei loro rapporti colla scienza del linguaggio. s°'. Parma, 1664. Widenmaxx (A.) * Zur Symptomatologie der cerebralen Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1666]. Ziemanx (H. [R. P.]) * Ueber Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Vi-iiinigiinc. IJn cas curieux (l'aphasie. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1883), 1884, 424- 428.—Ai-mniii;iie (G.) Casi di afasia ed antonomasia. Indipeudente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv, 193-207. Also, transl: Rev. de cien. med.. Barcel., 1883. ix. 13; 84.—Bnginmky, Aphasie in Folge schwerer Nierenerkrankungen; Lra- mie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 429; 439.—Baker (J. M.) A case of aphasia. North Car. M. J., Wilming- ton, 1885, xvi, 7-9.—Ballet (G.) Le diagnostic des apha- sies complexes. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1894, viii. 265-208. Aho, transl: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1894, viii, 633; 719. — Ballet (G.) & Boix (E.) Aphasie motrice. pure avec 16sion circonscrite. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1892. xxiv, 231-238, 1 pl — Balzer (F.) Con- tribution k l'etude de l'aphasie. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1884, 7. s.. i. 97; 121.—Banti (G.) Afasia e sue forme. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1886, lvii, 261; 361. Aho, Reprint— Bassi (U.) Contribuzione alia patologia del linguaggio; afasia motrice. Riv. veneta di sc. med.! Venezia, 1886, iv, 267-282. —Bastian (H. C.) On different kinds of apha- sia, with special reference to their classification and ulti- mate pathology. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1887, ii, 931; 985. Also, Reprint.-----. London post-graduate lectures ou some cases of aphemia, aphasia, and amnesia. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1893. n. s., lv, 503; 531. Also: Cliu. J., Lond.. 1893, ii, 33-42. — Bcrnlicim. Contri- bution k l'6tude des aphasies. Rev. de med., Par., 1891, xi, 372-388. -----. Des aphasies. |Rap.] Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xxxi, 537-543.—Bern heim [et al]. Des aphasies. Cong, franc, de med. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 248- 321.—Bezy. Contribution a l'etude, clinique de l'aphasie. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1888, xxii, 91-100. — Bleuler. Zur Auffassung der subcorticalen A phasien. Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1892, xi, 562. — Bloeq (P.l De l'aphasie. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1893, iii, 51; 58; 73; 90.—Blondcan. Observation (l'aphasie suivie de gueri- son. Bull. Soc. de nied. de Par. (1866). 1867, ii, 165-168.— It ■ix.MiKl. Sur l'aphasie (l'articulation et l'aphasie d'in- touation, a propos d'un cas (l'aphasie motrice corticale sans agraphie. Semaine nied., Par., 1894. xiv, 341-343. Aho, transl: Med. Week, Par., 1894, ii, 421-424.— Bris- towe (J. S.) Case of aphemia of nine months' duration, in which speech was restored by the education of the or- gans of articulation. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1870. iii, 92-103. Aho. in his: Clin. Lect. Sc Essavs, 8°, Lond.. 1888. 93-103.— Broadbent (Sir W. H.) Xote on Dr. Hinshelwood's communication on word-blindness and visual memory. Lancet. Lond., 1896, i, 18.— Brown (A. P.) Aphasia and agraphia. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med.. Fort Worth, 1883-4, i, no. 8,5-9.—Bi-owu-Sequard. 1'ei sistance de la parole, dans le chant, dans les reves et dans le delire. chez les apha- siques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt.2, 256.-----. Remarques sur un ouvrage du Dr. Batenian sur l'aphasie. Ibid., 1890, 9. s., ii, 537.—Brugia (R.) Di un caso di afasia; contribuzione alio studio della patologia del linguaggio. Arch. ital.per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1884. xxi, 92-143. — Cantilena (P.) Contribuzione alia casistica delle afasie. Riv. veneta di sc. nud., Venezia, 1886, iv, 347- 354—t'ai-o (L.) Leber Aphasie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz.. 1888. xliii, 145-164. — Carson. Syphilitic aphasia St Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv. 165-167.—Cnutlcy (E.) Aphasia and allied conditions. St. Barth Hosp. Rep.. Loud., 1889, xxv, 263-270.— C'eraai (F.) L' afasia per Bifilide; osservazioni e studi. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1880, vi, 141; 153. Also, Reprint. — Cliarpentier. Suspen- sion presque complete du langage pendant vingt ans, sui- vie de la r6apparitiou subite de cette faculte ; presentation du malade. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1880. 7. s., iii, 265- 271.—Cliauflfnrd (A.) Note sur un cas (l'aphasie. Aphasia. France med.. Par., 1881, ii, 625-627. Also ■ Bull Soc clin de Par. (18811. 1882, v. 221-224. A ho \ A bstr.] : Kncepli-ile Par., 1882, ii, 112.—Cliervin. Essai ,1,. classification drs troubles de la parole. Cong, internat. d'otol. et de larva gol, Par., 1889, 43-52.—C'oe'u (L.) De l'alalie idiopatliinue Rev. internat. de rhinol, otol. et laryngol, Par., 1895 v L—Coen (R.) Ueber Sprachstorungen und deren Be'. handlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiv, 1308; 1353 — Copland (J.) A case of aphasia; recovery. 'Lancet Lond., 1883, ii, 896. — Com-cl y ArmeMo (L.) Notns clinicas sobre la afasia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1894, xii 99- 103.— Crafts (L. M.) Aphasia and associated 'disturb- ances. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 182-185. —I»n Costa (J. M.) Aphasia; re-education of adult hniin Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 74.— Diivin ((*' H. S.) A case of aphasia. N. Eng. M. Month Neutowii (Conn.), 1881-2, i, 161.—Bean (D. V.) Aphasia and agra- hia with progressive improvement. Alienist & Neurol. t. Louis, 1880, i, 40-43. -----. Aphasia and agraphia'- cases. Ibid., 1882, iii, 260-272, 1 pl. — Debove. Des aphasies. M6d. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 1. — Dejerine (J.) De l'aphasie et de ses differeutes formes; eludes de sfnieio- tique etde phvsiologie pathologique. Kcraiiiuemed. Par 1884, 2. s., iv, 421; 449.—Dejerine (J.) & Mii-iillie ((;.) Sur les alterations de la lecture nu-ntale chez les apha- siques moteurscorticaux. Compt. reud. Soc. de biol. Par 1895, 10. s., ii, 523-527.—Dc Renzi (E.) Due casi di af?' sia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 3, 171; 184. — De Rode (L.) Deux observations cliniques relatives k l'a- phasie. Bull. Soe. de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand, 1891 no. 61, 207-213.—Dobic (D. R.) Case of aphasia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1892, i, 85.—Dorrenbei-y (O.) Ein Fall vim experimentell zu erzeugender Aphasie beim Menschen. Schweizerhof, . . . f. Nerv.- u. Psych. -Kranke weibl. Geschl, Berl., 1893, ii, 52. — Down' (L.) Aphasia and aphemia. Lancet, Loud., 1884, i, 386.— Drutel. Cas (l'a- phasie liee a des accidents 6clamptiqnes chez une femme enceinte; guerison. Ann. Soc.de m6d. de Lyon, 1864, 2. s., xii, 82-96.—Duiiiiii (S. C.) Report of four rases in which aphasia was a prominent svmptom, with comments. Co- lumbus M. J., 1882-3, i, 295-300.—Duval (M.) L'aphasie depuis Broca. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1887. 3. ».. \, 743-771. Aho: Rev. scient, Par., 1887, xl, 769-779.—Ei- senlolir (C.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Aphasie. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 1889, xv. 737-742.— Faber (J.) Drei Falle von Aphasie. Veieinsbl. il. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1894, x, 241-244. — Fame*. Aphasie chez une tactile. Encephale, Par., 1887. vii, 515- 553.—Fayrcr (J.) Two cases of aphasia. Inhis: Clin. Sc Path. Obs. in India, 8°, Loud., 1873, 616-637.—Fere (C.) Remarques sur le traitement pe-dagogique de l'aphasie mo- trice (k propos de la communication de MM. Thomas it Roux). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. h., ii, 735-737. -----. Le traitement pedagogique de la sunlit6 et en particulier de la surdite verbale. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1895. ii, 577-587. - Fieber (F.) Aphasia. [3 cases.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1873), 1874, 244. — Flint (A.) Aphasia. Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1881, xiv, 41-43.— Fort (S J.) Apha- sia; due to shock of severe consecutive epileptic spasms. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait, 1889, 222-228.— Friedenreicli (A.) Et Tilfselde af Ataxiaf Talebevae- gelserne hclbredet med Galvanisation. [Aphasia treated by galvanism.] HospvTid., Kjobenh., 1879, 2. R., vi, 935- 939.—Gairduer (W. T.) Remarks on aphasia. Iirit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 309-316. -----. Aphasia occurring suddenly in a patient who had undergone amputation of the thigh. Glasgow M. J., 1885, xxiv, 302-307. — Gevnl (Een) van aphasie, als bijdiage tot de pathologie van (le spraak. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1885, xxxix, no. 9.— Giigoii. Aphasie chez uu visuel. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. (VAugers, 1887, n. s., xv, 157-104.—Gimeno (J.) La afa- sia. su significacion y sns lesiones. Clinica., Zarsgoza, 1880, iv, 205: 273: 281; 321; 329; 337. —Girard. De l'a- phasie. Marseille med., 1884, xxi, 594-598.—Goldschei- der (A.) Bemerkunsren iiber einige Falle von Aphasie. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1894, xix, 111-125.—Cirafe (A.) Note sur deux cas reccnts (l'aphasie. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1893, xiii, 525-531.—Grant (J. A.) Aphasia or alalia. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1880-81. xiii, 289-292.—Grenet (A.) De l'aphasie uW-mioue. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1895, lxviii, 1470- 1473. — Ilallopeau (H.) De l'aphasie. Lnion med., Par., 1884,3.8, xxxvii. 369-376. — Hammond (G. M.) A case of cerebral congestive aphasia. N. York M. J-, 1884, xxxix, 550.—Hand (S. M.) A caseof aphasia, with remarks. Phila. M. Times, 188(5-7. xvii. 88 : 112.—BInrdy. De l'aphasie. Rev. med. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1881, l, 622-627. —Heboid (O.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aphasie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat.. etc., Berl, 1893-4. 1, 499-525— Heiiizelnianii. Ein Fall von Aphasie. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr.,1887, xxxiv. 222. — HenaeheiKS. E.) Till larau om afasi. Upsala Lakaref. Forh.. 1885-6, xxi, 380-393, 3 pl —Herman!. Ln cas d'aphasie post-epilep- tique. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1893, 4. s., ii, 29-38.- Ileiz (L.) Aphasia gvogyult esete. [. . . cured.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1893, xxxvii, 576. Aho, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 605-607. Aho, transl. APHASIA. 573 APHASIA. Aphasia* [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx,83.— llerzen (V.) Ln cas d'aphasie (aph6mie) congeuitale chez un garcon de cinq ans. Rev. nied. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv, 600-603.—Hirschfelder (J. O.) Apha- sia. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1881-2, xxiv, 549-556. ._____Two cases of aphasia. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1890 xxxiii, 385-390. — Holmes (E. W.) Aphasia. N. Tork M. J., 1891, liii, 269-272—Hota (B.) Sbitsugosei no sitsuken. |On aphasia.] Jundeudo Ijikenku Kwai Hoko, Tokio, 1893, no. 164, 23-27. — Hubbard (S. G.) Some observations upon aphasia as a symptom ; with a record of two illustrative cases. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1888,n. s..iv, 144-150.—Javier dc Hoyos. De la afasia: su signitieado clinico. Gac. med. de Sevilla, 1880, ii, 345- 348.—Jelgersma(G.) Een geval van aphasie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, 2. R., xxii, 473-480.— J ii dee. Recheiches psychologiques sur l'aphasie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 444-446. Also: Tribune med.. Par.. 1883, xv, 320. Aho, Reprint — Kahler. Casuistische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Apha- sie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, 149; 162. — Kelp. Aphasie. Irrenfreund, Heilbr.. 1880, xxii, 71.—King (J. T.) Aphasia. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1892, xxvii, 639- 642.—Koch (R.) Ein zweiter Fall von Aphasie ex Ana- mia. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 188), xvii, 229. — Koenig. Ueber eine anfallsweise auftretende Sprachstdruug bei einer an Dement, paralyt. leidenden Fran. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz & Leipz., 1891, n. F., ii, 341.—Kolian (A.) & Slembo iL.) Ein Fall von motori- scher Aphasie nach Influenza. St. Petersb. nied. Wchn- schr., 1894, n. F., xi, 172.—KornilotT (A. A.) K vopr. ob aphasii. Vestnik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1893, x, pt, 1, 260-271.— Kostenitsch (J.) Leber einen Fall von motorischer Aphasie. zugleieh ein Beitrag zur Frage nach der anatomischen Grundlage der Pupillenstarre. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1893, iv, 369-376.—Kiichler (II.) Eiu Fall von Wiederer- langung der Sprache nach neun Jahre alter Aphasie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 507; 520; 535.—Kuss- iii mi I. Entgeguung [an C. Wernicke], die Aphasie be- treffend. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1883. i, 309-313.—Eia- croiz (E.) Sur un cas d'aphasie motrice et sensorielle. Lyon med., 1890,lxv, 107-117.—Ceegaard (fj.) Om afasi. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1890, 4. R., v, 777; 881.—Lepine. Aphasie traitee par la trepanation. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. ni6d. de Lyon (1889), 1890, xxix, pt. 2, 184.— lievy eite. Sobre um caso do aphasia motora funccional em uma menina de 11 annos de idade. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1888, iii, 334; 342.—Trei- tel (L.) Ueber Aphasie im Kindesalter. Samml. klin. Yortr., n. F., Leipz., 1893, No. 04 (Innere Med., No. 22. 629-654).—Fchermann (V.) Drei Falle von Stummheit (Aphasie) ohne Taubheit, LahmungoderGeistesschwache (zwei angeboren und einer durch Scbreck im Alter von 2J Jahren erworben), sowie ein durch Scbreck verursachter Fall von Taubstummheit, ein Fall von verschwindender angeborner Taubstummheit und ein Fall von Stummheit durch Zungenparalysis. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1890- 91, xxi, 313-322. Aphasia in relation to music and sing- Aphasia (Amnesic or sensory) [includes word-blindness and word-deafness]. 1885, v, 625-637.—Bianchi (L.) Ln caso di sordita ver- bale; il metodo pedagogico nella cura della stes»a. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 188G-7, xii, 57-71. Also- Progresso med., Napoli, 1887, i, 3; 49. -----. Contributo clinico ed anatomo patologico alia dottrina della cecita ver- bale (afasia ottica). Ann. dinevrol.. Torino, 1891, ix, 321- 358. Aho [ Abslr.]: Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli 1892, xlvi, 174-186. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Berl.klin. Wchn- schr., 1894, xxxi, 333.— Biegariski ( W. ) Przyczynek do symptoiuatologii zboczc-n mowy (amnesia, alexia et agraphia verbalis). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., iv, 398-403. — Bi lot perc. Observation d'amnesie topo' graphique, visuelle, du langage artieuhS, auditive, dont le debut remonte k dix ans environ, sans melange aucun de phenomenes paralytiques; amendement des troubles. du langage articul6 et auditif; persistance des troubles visuels et topographique. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. etchir. de Bordeaux (1887), 1888, 545-552. — Bleulcr (E.) Ein Fall von aphasischen Symptomen, Hemianopsie, am- nestiseher Farbenblindheit unci Seeleulahmung. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1893, xxv, 32-73, 1 pl— Broniwcll (B.j Two cases of word blindness. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb (1886-7|, 1888, vi, 226-241.—Brunelle. Cecite verbale et hemianopsie homonyme laterale droite. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1890. xxix, 633-648.— [Bruzelius (It. M.)] Fall af amnestisk afasi. Rap. f. k. Seraflmerlasar. 1887 Stockholm, 1888, 111-126. — Charcot (J.-B.) Des diffe- reutes formes de l'aphasie. II. Aphasie motrice (type Bouillaud-Broca). Progres m6d., Par., 1883, xi, 441; 469- 487; 521; 859. Aho [Abstr.l: J. de la saute pub., Par., 1883-4, ii, no. 30, 3-5. Also, transl: Arch. med. ital, Torino, 1883, ii, 695-726. Aho. transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 263; 285; 303; 325; 347: 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 21. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 8:;4; 868; 897. -----. Sur un appareil d6stin6 k 6voqner les images motrices graphiques chez les sujets atteints de c6cit6 verbale; application k la demonstration d'un centre moteur graphique fonction- nellement distinct. Compt. rend. Soc de biol, Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, pt. 2, 235-241. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1892, 220-228— Cou Hade (D.) Note sur un cas d'aphasie d'origine syphilitique caract6ris6e par de l'aphemie, de l'agraphie, (le la snrdite verbale, et un cer- tain degre de c6cit6 verbale. Enc6phale, Par., 1887, vii, 222-228.— Cremen (P.J.) A case of amnesic aphasia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 14.—Crippen (H. H.) Sc Cas- seday (F. F.) Notes on word-blindness and its concomi- tants. J. Ophth., Otol. & Larynsrol., N. Y., 1892, iv, 359: 1893, v, 89; 178— Culberlsoii (L. R.) Report of a case of mind-blindness with auto-word-blindness. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1895, xii, 197-203. — Dejerine (J.) Aphasie et c6cit6 des mots. Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 62i. -----. Sur un cas d'aphasie (surdit6 et cecit6 ver- bales) suivi d'autopsie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 167-173. -----. Surun cas de c6cit6 verbale avec agraphie, suivi d'autopsie. Ibid., 197-201. Aho: Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 232. Aho, transl.: Andalucia med., C6rdoba, 1891, xvi, 75-80. -----. Contribution a 1'6- tude auatomo-pathologiqno et clinique des diffiirentes va- rices de c6cite verbale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, pt. 2, 61-90. -----. Des aphasies sensori- elles. Bull nied., Par., 1895, ix, 265-268. Aho, transl: Internat M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, iv, 521-530.— Deje- rine (J.) & Vialet. Contribution k l'6tude de la locali- sation anatomique de la c6cit6 verbale pure. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 790-793. — Del- briicli. Amnestische Aphasie. Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw., 1886, 91-98. — Demaiige (E.) Aphasie avec surdite des mots; 16sion de la 3' cir- convolution frontale gauche par thrombose de la sylvienne. Eev. nied. de l'est, Nancy, 1883, xv, 531.— Dor (H.) Sur une forme particuliere d'aphasie de transmission pour la denomination des couleurs. Arch, ophth. de Lisb., 1887, viii, 65-68.—Ferrari (D.) Afasia per amnesia verbale; annotazioni cliniche. Spallanzani. Modena, 1881, 2. s., x, 28-32. — Fraukel (B.) Ein Fall von Worttaubbeit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 501. Also, Reprint— Fraser (D.) Case of word-deafness. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 70. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1887, xxviii, 302. -----. On a case of sensory aphasia or word deafness, with the clinical and pathological record. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xxxix, 81-88.—Freund (C. S.) Leber optische Aphasie und Seelenblindheit. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl., 1888-9, xx, 276; 371. Aho [Abstr.]: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat, etc., Berl, 1887-8, xliv, 661—Fuinagalli (A.) Un caso di sordita ver- bale. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1890, xvi, 485-488.— Glynn (T. R.) A case of word blindness. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1890, x, 166-182.—Goldscheider & mil Her (R. F.) Zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Lesens, Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1893, xxiii, 131-167.— Grashey. L'eber Aphasie und ihre Beziehungen zur Wahrnehmung. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1W, xvi, 654- 688. Aho [Abstr.]: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. liesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1884, 129-132.—Grasset. Contribution clini- ing. Brazier. Du trouble des facultes musicales dans l'aphasie; etude sur les representations mentales des sons et des symboles musicaux. Bev. phil, Par., 1892. xxxiv, 337-368. — Cantalamessa (I.) Sopra un caso di afasia musicale motoria e sensoiiale; contributo clinico alia dot- trina delle localizzazionicerebrali. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1891, 57-63. Aho: Boll. d. clin., Milano, J891, viii, 534- 538. — Fdgren (J. G.) Amusi (musikalisk afasi). Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1894,lvi. 456; 521. Also, transl.: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1894, vi, 1-64.—Kast (A.) Leber Storungen des Gesangs und des musikaliscben Ge- hors bei Aphasischen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen. 1885, xxxii, 624-627.—Oppenheim (H.) Leber das Verhalten der musikaliscben Ausdrucksbewegungen und des musi- kaliscben Verstiindnisses bei Aphatischen. Charit6-Ann. 1880, Berl., 1888, xiii, 345-383.— "Wallaschek (R.) Die Bedeutung der Aphasie fiir die Musikvorstellung. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1893. vi, 8-32. Aphasia (Amnesic or sensory) [includes word-blindness and word-deafness]. Berlin (E.) Eine besondere Art der Wort- blindheit (Dyslexie). 8°. Wiesbaden, 1887. Caro (L.) * Ueber Aphasie; im Anschluss daran: Ein Fall von Aphasie bedingt durch er- sclnverteErregbarkeitundYerkiirzungderDauer sauinitlicherSinnesvorstellungen. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1888. Fischer (H.) *Durappel de la parole chez les aphasiques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1867. Girault (M.-J.-B.-E.) * Contribution a Y6- tnde des ce'eite's verbales. 4°. Bordeaux, 1688. Simon (J.) * Ueber amnestische Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Skwortzoff (Nadine). *De la ce"cite" et de la snrdite" des mots dans l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1861. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch, de neurol, Par., 1881, ii, 215- 232. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 426. Adams (S.S.) Amnesic aphasia; scarlatina anginosa; pneumonia crouposa. Arch. Pediat, N. Y., 1895, xii, 737- 742. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y.. 1895, vii, 136- 141.—Adler. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der seltneren For- men von sensorischer Aphasie. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz. 1891, x. 294; 329.- Anion (G.) Ueber einen Fall von Worttaubheit Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 780-782.— Armaignae. De la cecite des mots. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1882), 1883, 190-201. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 454-457. Aho: Rev. clin. d'ocul, Bordeaux, 1882, ii, 73-81. — Arnaud (H.) Contribution a l'etude clinique de la sunlite verbale. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1887, xiii, 177; 366.—Ball (A. B.j A contrilintion to the study of aphasia, with special refer- ence to word-deafness" and "word-blindness". Arch Med., N. Y., 1881, v, 136-161. Also, Reprint—Ballet (G.) & C'hauflard. Discussion sur un cas de cecite et surdite verbales pr6sente par MM. d'Heilly et Chante- messe. Progres med., Par., 1883, xi. 266. — Bastian (H. C.) Abstract of a postgraduate lecture on aphasie and amnesic defects of speech. Lancet, Lond., 1890 i, 1163-1165.—Bateuian (F.) La surdite et la cecitt verbale. Arch, de neurol, Par., 1889, xvii, 208-225.__ Benn<>11 (A. H.) Sensory aphasia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. i, 339-342.—Berlin. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber Dyslexie nut Sectionsbefuud. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl. 1887, xviii, 289-292.—Bernhardt (M.) CasiiiatischerBei- trag zur Lehre von der Worttaubheit oder der sensorischen Aphasie. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1882, v, 249- 254.—Bernheini. Contribution a l'etude de l'aphasie, de la cecite psychiqne des choses. Rev. de med., Par., APHASIA. 577 APHASIA. Aphasia (Amnesic or sensory) [includes icord-blindness and ivord-deafness], que a l'etude des aphasies (cecite et surdite verbales). Moutpel. med., 1884. 2. s., ii. 29-50. 1 pl— Gueueau de iflussy (N.) Contribution k retudepathologiqueotphysio- lo^ique de l'as6miognosie optique appelee encore c6cite verbale, amblyopie aphasique. Bee. d'ophth.. Par., 1879, 3. s.. i, 129-142. Aho, Reprint. Aho, in his: Cliu. m6d., 8°, I'ar., 1885, iv, 556-586.—Hamilton (A. McL.) A case of word-blindness, with impairment of the faculty of space association. Med. News,^Phila., 1884, xliv, 92-95. Also, Reprint.—Ilaiinion, A propos d'un cas de cecite ver- bale publie par M. Lauglet. Bull See. meet de Reims. 1895, n. s , i. 22-27. — d'Heilly (E.) & C'hanleniesse (A.) Note sur un cas dc- cecite et surdity verbales. Pull. Soc. anat de Par., 1882. lvii. 324-338. Also: Progres nied.. Par., 1883, xi, 22-25.—Ilerve (G.) A qui appartient la decouverte de la cecite verbale? Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1889. 3. s.. xii, 172-170.—Hoisholt (A. W.) A case of pure word blindness. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 189:1. vii, 483-487.—Jacobi (Mary P.) Note on the special liability to loss of nouns iu aphasia. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis.,N.Y., 1887, xiv, 94-110.— Keniston (J.M.) Report of two interesting cases of word-blindness; localized mus- cular spasms illustrating cerebral localization. Am. Med.- Snrg. Bull., N. Y.. 1895, viii, 664-667. Also, Reprint— Knecht. Amnestische Aphasie mit Schriftbliudheit bei einem Paralytiker: ataktische Aphasie bei einem Kinde. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1887. xiii, 809- 811. Aho, Reprint.—LandoltlE.) Dela cecite verbale; lesion isoh-e de l'image visuelle du mot, dissemination possible des centres visuels graphiques et moteurs dans les deux hemispheres, localisation corticale du sens chro- matique. Feestbundel a. F. C. Donders [etc.], Amst., 1888, 418-433.—fjanglet. Apropos d'un cas de c6cit6 verbale. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1895. xix, 145- 154.—f.annois & Tournier. 1° Cedt6 verbale sans 66cit6 litterale et sans hemianopsie; 2° Hemianopsie d'ori- gine hysterique chez un trepan6 atteint de crises epilepti- formes. J. de med. dePar., 1896, 2. s., viii, 117. Also: Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1896, n. s., 1-13. — Lnnzoni (F.) Un caso di afasia per amnesia verbale da sifilide cerebrale; (guarigione completa); storia clinica, diagnosi e cura. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1876, 4. s., vi, 185- 205. Abo, Reprint.—Leegaard (C.) Orddovhed (surdi- tasverbalis). Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk., Christiania, 1890, 4. R., v, 881 - 888. — I.ow< nfeld (L.) Ueber zwei Falle von amnestischer Aphasie-. nebst Bemerkungen iiber die centralen Yorgange beim Lesen und Schreiben. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz , 1891-2, ii, 1-41.— I.nys. Au sujet de la communication de M. Dejerine, snr un cas d'aphasie sensorielle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par., 1891, 9. s.. iii, 187.—Mabille (H.) Aphasie et agraphie avec cecite verbale et cecite musicale. Bull Soc. de med. et chir. de La Rochelle. 1891, 97, 1 pl.—McBride (T. A.) A case of verbal blindness with right lateral hemianopsia. Am. J. Neurol. Sc Psychiat., N. Y., 1883, ii, 511-513.—Machado (Y.) Aphasia (com cegueira verbal). Correio med. de Lisb., 1884, xiii, 135.—ITIagnan. Apha- sie; cecite des mots ou c6cit6psychique; en avant, lacunes multiples au niveau du pied de la troisieme circonvolution frontale gauche; en arriere, vaste foyer de ramollissement comprenant la r6gion du pli courbe. Compt rend. Soc. de biol,Par., 1883, 7. s.,iv, 319-322.—Iflaric (P.) De l'apha- sie (cecite verbale, surdite verbale, aphasie motrice, agra- phie). Rev. de med., Par., 1883, iii 693-702. -----. De l'aphasie en general et de l'agraphie en particulier, d'apres l'enseignement de M. Charcot. Progres med., Par., 1888, 2. s., vii, 81-84.—ITlocli (C.) Leber Aphasie bei Wahr- nehmung der Gegenstande durch das Gesicht Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 377-381.—O'Connor (J. T.) A case of alexia and aphasia in a left-handed individual with right-hand agraphia. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1895, xxx, 357-360.—Osier (AY) A case of sensory aphasia; word-blindness with hemianopsia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n. s., ci, 219-224.—Pacetti (G.) Nota clinica sopra un caso di cecity verbale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 4, 256-260.—Ferret (S.) Surdite verbale; apb6- mie; hemianesthesie corticale. Lyon med., 1886, li, 149; 181. -----. Aphasies de reception; surdite verbale. In hit: Clin. med. de l'Hotel-Dien de Lyon, 8°, Par., 1887, 134-151.—Pick (F.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den literalen Schreib- und Lesestorungen. Prag med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 457-459.—Prevost (J.-L.) Aphasie (c6cit6 et surdite verbales). Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1883, iii, 616; 666.—Prince (M.) How a lesion of the brain results in that disturbance of consciousness known as sensory aphasia. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1885, xii, 255-268. Also, Reprint—Reimer (N. K.) Sluchai ochagovavo porazhenia, kori Hevavo polusharia bolshavo mozga (aphasia amnestica c. coccitate verbale, agraphia et alexia). Zemskaja med., Mosk.. 1886, iii, 20; 36.— Rosenthal (A.) Eiu Fall von corticaler Hemiplegie mit Worttaubheit. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1884, vii, 1-5. -----. Przyczynek do nauki o afazyi zmyslowej. [Sensory aphasia.] Medycyna, Warszawa. 1886. xiv, 191; 212. -----. Ein neuer Fall von sensorischer Aphasie mit 37 Aphasia (Amnesic or sensory) [includes word-blindness and word-deafness]. • Worttaubheit. Centralbl. f. Nervenh.', Leipz., 1889, xii, 738-740. —Searano (L.) Contributo alia quistione della sordita, verbale. Gior. nied. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1893, xii, 155-167.— Ncppilli (G.) Sulla sordita verbale. Atti d. Cong. d. Soe. freniat. ital. Milano, 1883, iv, 286-295. -----. La sordita verbale od afasia sensoriale. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1884, x. 94-125.-Serieux (P.) Note sur un cas de cecite verbale avec agraphie suivie d'autopsie-. Compt. rend. Soc-. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, jit. 2, 13-18. -----. Sur un cas do surdite verbale pure! Rev. de med., Par., 1893, xiii, 733-750. — Shaw (E. A.) Tbe sensory side of aphasia. Brain, Lond., 1893, xvi, 492-514. — Nimpsou (F. T.) A case of amnesic, aphasia! with lemarks on ir-tiology. N.York M. J., 1890. lxiii, 279.__ Mprachamncsic (Die). Saml. v. Beob. a. d. Ar'zney"-. u. Naturk., Niirdl., 1770, ii, 109-182.—buckling. Sen- sory aphasia due to embolism (word-blindness and word- deafness). Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1886, i, 691.—Tambelli (G.) Un caso di sordita- verbale in soggetto demente. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 724.—Thomscn. Eiu Fall von voriibergehender, fast completer "Seelenblind- heit" und "Worttaubheit". Charit6-Ann. 1883, Berl 1885. x, 573-579.— Thomson (W. H.) Case of word- blindness ; classification ofthe forms of aphasia. Med Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 291-293.—Tomkins (H. H.) A case of sensory aphasia, accompanied by word deafness, word blindness, and agraphia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894. 1 907.—Turner (J.) Word-deafness; softening of posterior- portion of first temporo-sphenoidal gyrus and part of supramarginal and angular gyri. Ibid., 1885, ii, 700.— Vanheuverswyn. Heruiparesie droite; troubles intel- lectnels; c6cite verbale; agraphie chez une femme de 29 ans; autopsie. Bull. Soc anat.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, 172-178.—dc Wattcville. Note sur la cecite verbale. Progres med , Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 226-228. — Weiss (N.) Ein Fall von Aphasie mit Worttaubheit. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1882, xxxii, 333-336. — Weisscnberg (S.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Lesestorungen auf Grund eines Falles von Dyslexie. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1890-91, xxii, 414-436.—Wiglesworth (J.) A case of sensory aphasia, with necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1886. ii, 116. Also [Abstr.]: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1887, vii, 215.— Wright (W. C.) Case of successful treatment of am- nesic aphasia. Coll. Sc Clin. Bee, Phila., 1885, vi, 81. Aphasia (Emotional or functional). Bouyssou CL.) *De l'aphasie pneumonique passagere. 4°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1894. Chereau (R.) *Sur quelques cas d'aphasie transitoire chez des fumeurs. 4°. Paris, 1894. Ebers (P..) * Zur Kasuistik der hysterischen Sprachstorungen. [ Erlangen. ] 8°. Munchen, 1890. Ball (B.) Un cas d'aphasie intermittente. Ence- phale, Par., 1883, iii, 185-189.—Bateman (F.) A caseof intermittent epileptic aphasia. Alienist & Neurol, St. Louis. 1887, viii, 328-340.—Briggs. Hysterical aphasia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xvi, 66-74.—Butler (A.) Afa- sia paliidiea. Cr6n.m6d., Lima, 1884, i, 173.—Chevalier. De i'aphasie transitoire. Arch. med. beiges. Brux., 1891, 3. s., xxxix, 239-240.—Dargelos. Un cas d'aphasie post- grippal transitoire avec agraphie, cecite verbale. hemi- anesthesie et hypothermic passagferes du c6te droit, sans h6uiipl6gie correspondante; discussion pathogenique. N. Montpel. m6d., 1895, iv, 567-575.—Dem me. Ein Fall von mehrere Tage daueruder, durch beftiges Erschrecken be- dingter Aphasie. Wien. med. BI, 1884,vii, 1605.—Drozda (J. V.) Ueber temporare aphatische Zustande. Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 861; 901 : 933; 964; 995; 1063; 1142; 1171; 1194; 1227; 1261; 1321: 1385; 1418; 1452; 1483.—Bu- noyer. Aphasie transitoire toxique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 461. — Oibcrl. Ln cas d'aphasie fonction- nelle. Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1891, vi, 1-3.—Goix. (A.) Sur la distinction de l'amnesie verbale et de l'aphasie sen- sorielle; accfts d'amnesie verbale chez une hysterique. Bull. Soc. (1. sc m6d. de Lille (1893), 1894, 27-35 —Jacob (E. H.) Remarks on functional aphemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890. ii, 622.—Ladame (P.) L'attaque hysterique d'aphasie et la simulation. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psy- chiat, Coblenz & Leipz., 1892, n. F., iii, 241-246.—Lautre. Plusieurs exemples d'aphasie spasmodique ou fonction- nelle transitoire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 418-420.— I>eite (S.) Sobre um caso de aphasia motora funccional em uma doente de 11 annos de idade. Brazil-med., Rio do Jan., 1888, iii, 41-43. — f.eoni ( E.) & Troinbetti (G.) Sopra un caso di afasia isterica. Morgagni, Milano, 1891, xxxvi, 671-682.—licvy (E.) Observation d'aphasie totale datant de trois mois, guerie, subitement par le passage d'un courant faradique. Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1881, xiii, 425-431.— Ii utaud. Note sur un cas d'aphasie passagere. Bull. Soc. m6d. prat, de Par. (1883), 1885, 43-46—Maxson (E. R.) Functional aphasia. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, APHASIA. 578 APHOXIA. Aphasia (Emotional or functional). 182-184.— Tlignol. Alalie intermittente. Soc-. d. sc. mt'-d. de Gannat. Compt rend., 1869, xxiii, 13-18.—Niswim cl.) Des troubles de la parole dans les nevroses (hysteric, cho- ree, paralvsie agitante). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 439- 446. — B^gis. Aphasie transitoire neurasthenique; pre- sentation de malade. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (18931, 1894, 365-368.—Rosenbach (0.) Ue- ber functionelle Lahmung der sprachlichen Lautgc-bung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1890, xvi. HW9- 1012—Botch (T. M.) Two cases of temporary aphasia; Bright s diathesis. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 402; 481. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soe. M. Improve. (1880-82). 1883, viii. pp. clxxxv-excviii. — Sclnvai-z (A.) Ein Fall von ReriVxaphasie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 221-224. Aho. transl.: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 390-392.—Scrre (St.-II.) De l'aphasie hysterique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1880, ii, 241; 255; 266. -----. De l'aphasie nerveuse, transitoire ou spasmodique. Ibid., 1881, iii, 254-25S.—Slutski (M. B.) Sluchai afasii, obuslovlennoi halliutsinatsiejei. [Aphasia, depending on hallucinations.] Arcb. psichiat., etc., Kharkov, 1884, iii, no. 3, 30-40. — Strassiuanu ( A. ) Ein Fall von hyste- rischer Aphasie bei einem Knaben, combinirt mit Facialis- paralyse, Trismus und Spasmus. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.,"Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 188-190.—Tilley (H.) Case- of functional aphonia in man; treatment, etc.; with spe- cial reference to so-called varicose veins at the base of the tongue. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 412. — Trapeznikoff (A. Y.) Sluchai aphasii istericheskavo proiskhozhdeni'a. [Case of ... of hysterical origin.] Russk. Med., St. Pe- tersb., 1893, xviii, 7-9.—Uclicrmaiiu (V.) Tretilfaeldeaf stumhed.(afasi) uden dovhed. lainnielse eller aandssvag- hed, deraf 2 medffidte og 1 erhvervet veil skraek i 2J aars alderen. [Three cases of aphasia without dumbness, par- alysis, or imbecility, two of which were congenital and one acquired through fright at an ago of 2| years.] Tidsskr. f. prakt Meet. Kristiania, 1889, ix, 313; 425. Aho, transl: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1891, xx, 321-331. Aphasia (Traumatic). Heinkmann(T.) * Ein Eall vou Aphasie und ein Fall von Aphasie mit Agraphie nach trau- matiseller Lasion der linken Grosshirn-Hemi- sphiire. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. HuNDiiAtrsEN ( M. ) * Ueber traumatische Aphasie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1890. Mullkr (C. R.) * Ueber Aphasie nach Kopf- verletzungen. 8°. Berlin, [1886]. Tomforde (H.) * Ueber traumatische Apha- sie. 8°. Wiirzbury, I860. Angerer. Ein Fall traumatischer Aphasie. Sit- zungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1882, 24-30.— Bancel (C.) Aphasie d'origine traumatique due k une contusion du lobe ant6rieur de l'hgmisphdre gauche, avec fracture du parietal; guerison. Mem. Soc. demed. de ' Nancy, 1880, pp. xlix; 81-85.—Bee vor (C. E.) On a case of aphasia from a fall on to the left side of the head. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xvi, 272-277. — Bcnizelos (S. T.) Tpav/u.oTiKijs ac|>ajp7)cris Sevrepa. Ta\rivbs, "A6?ivai, 1894, xxiv, 307-312. — Beam well (J. P.) Case of traumatic aphasia; recorded bvthe patient; with re- marks by . . . Brit, M. J., Loud., 1867, ii, 180. Aho, Re- print. — Bribach (B.) Traumatic aphasia relieved by trephining. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii, 220. Also [with additions] : Arch. Med., N. Y., 1884, xii, 233-236.— Burns (J. H.) A case of motor aphasia from injury, without paralysis of any of the limbs. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 617.—Carter (H. V.) Case of traumatic apha- sia. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1884. n. s., No. v, 53.— Cole (F.) Amnesic aphasia, resulting from railroad acci- dent. Peoria M. .Month., 1883-4, iv, 339-341.— Lamson (D. L.) Report of a case of injury of the brain, resulting in aphasia. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1881, vii, pt. 2, 304- 308.—liiickc. Aphasia traumatica. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1868, v, 216. Also, Reprint.—Picard Sc itloreau (P.) Aphasie consecutive k un traumatisme chez un en- fant de donze ans. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1880, 6. s., iv. 42-45.—Pucci (P.) Un caso di afasia motrice trau- matica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 498; 506; 515.— Kansohoff (J.) Traumatic aphasia. Ohio M. J., Cin- cin., 1892, iii, 41-43. — Roscnbergcr. Traumatische Aphasie mit Amimie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 282. — Schmidt (C. H.) Traumatic aphasia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iii, 379. — Winder (J.) Ein Fall von traumatischer Aphasie und Monoplegie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xii, 41.—Turner ((}. 11.) A case of aphasia following a depressed fracture of the left side of the head. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 116-118. — Valentin (M.) Sur un cas d'aphasie d'origine traumatique; epi- lepsie Jacksonienne. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1880 xii 169-180. — Verrall (T. J.) Aphasia after injiirv. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1884, ii, 609. — Wibo (E.) Cas d'aphasie artielh- (paraphasie) suite de lesion traumatique. Bull. oc de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand, 1884, no. 33, 22-26. Aho [Abstr.): Rev. med., Louvain, 1884, iii, 115-117. Aphemia. See Aphasia. Apheiitoules (Theodor) [1824-93]. Ila0o;io- yiKgc avarou'iar iiviToprj. v. 2 & 3. 400 pp.; 608 pp. 8°. 'Ev ' Adgvair, typ. J. Aggedopoulou, 1S."iI-6. ------. QapfiaKOrioyia tjtoi nepl (j>vaeug Kai dvva- /neue nal xpgaeuc (papu&nov. "E/aWf Setirepa. 3 v. 8°. 'Ev 'Adrjvaic, 2. HLovaavAivov, 1.-^3. For Biography, see TaAiji'bs, 'Afloat, 1893, xxiii, 247. Aphides. Witlaczil (E.) Zur Anatomie der Aphiden. Arb a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien, 1881-2, iv, 397-441, 3 pl. Aphonia. See, also, Aphasia ; Aphthongia. Ehrmann (J.) Note sur l'aphonic consecu- tive a, la ligature tie l'artere carotide. 8°. Paris, 1,-06. Osann (G.) * Ueher Aphonia spastica s° Wiirzburg, 1662. Verbeek (W. J. L.) Bijdrage tot de ken- nis en therapie der aphonia nervosa (nerveuse stemraeloosheid). 8-. [n. p., 1845, vel subseq.] Ziegi.er (F.) * De aphonia periodica e ver- niibus orta. sm. 4°. Basilem, 1724. Arnold (J. D.) Two cases of aphonia. Tr. M Soc Calif., San Fran., 1887, 222-228.—Baron (B.J.) Hoarse^ uess and loss of voice. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1887, v, 163- 176.—Behrens (B. M.) Loss of speech from a complica- tion of atrophic catarrh with lues. N. Am. Pract., Chi- cago, 1892, iv, 201.—Biauchi(L.) g. Monatschr., Ilerl., 1892, 97-102.—Bufalini (L.) Due casi di afonia parziale para- litica da cause reumatiche. Arch. med. ital, Torino, 1882, i, 90-107.— Cancel berry (W. E.) Simple aphonia. In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 1892. 2. s., i, 337-340.—Cohen (J. S.) Apsithyria. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlix, 508; 533. Aho, Reprint. — C'orratlo (C.) L'afonia ner- vosa; due casi di guarigione. Riv. veneta di sc. nied., Venezia, 1888, viii, 159-170, 1 pl. — Beaplats (H.) Xote sur le traitement des aphonies nervenses par l'electricite. J. cl. sc. med. de Lille, 1882, iv, 161-172.— DcNvci-uinc (C.-M.) De l'influence cl s tractions linguah-s sur cer- taines aphonies nerveuses. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1893, xix, 688-698. — Bid ay (P.) Note sur une forme peu connue d'aphonie syphilitique. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Lyon. 1859, 2. s., vii, 293-301. —Kaloii (F. B.) Pseudo-hysterical aphonia. J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 452. — Fauvel (C.) Aphonie alhiuninuriqiio; presentation d'un laryngoscope. Cong, med.-chir. do France, Par., 1863, i, 33-37.—Flcury (C. M.) De l'aphouie nerveuse a frigore. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de St.-lttieiine et de la Loire (1877-80), 1881, vii, 265-291.—Fritsche (M. A.) Zur Casuistik der Aphonia spastica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 214; 230.—Oarel (J.) De la gymnastiquo vo- cale dans le traitement de la voix eunucholde et de l'apho- nie hysterique. Province m6d., Lyon, 1886, i, 51-54.— Grossmaim (M.) Die diagnostische Bedeutung der Aphonie. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 374; 418.— llamon. Aphonie alcoolique. Rec. d. proc.-verb. . .. Soc. de med. prat., Par., 1860, 26-29.—May ward (C. W.) Three cases of aphonia. J. Ophth. cfc Laryngol, N. T., 1892, iv, 121-126. — Johnson (G.) The chief causes of hoarseness and aphonia, with hints on treatment. In hh: Med. Lect. & Essays. 8°, Lond., 18*7, 386-392.—Jon- quierc (G.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des phonischen Stinim- ritzenkrampfes; ein Fall von Aphonia spastica hysterica. Cor.-Bl f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1883, xiii, 169-174.-----. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss des phonischen Stimmiitzen- krampfes bei Hysterischen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1883, xvii, 121-127. -----. Dritter Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Aphonia spastica. Ibid., 1890, xxiv, 177-180.— Knight (F. I.) Case of aphonia spastica. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. Y., 1882, iv, 100. Aho: Arch. Laryn- gol., N. T., 1882, iii, 370. — Krause (H.) Aphonia und Dyspnoea (laryngo-) spastica. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 557-560.—Ki-oni(L) Aphonia paralytica. Protok. zasaid. Dunaburg. med. Obsh.. 1885, ii, 30.—Ijandgrnf. Ein Fall von Aphonia spastica. Charit6-Ann. 1885-6, Berl, 1887, xii, 234-243. — Tiiegcoig (C.) Plusieurs cas curieux d'aphonie. Bull. ni6d. d. Vosges, Rambei villers, 1887-8, ii, no. 8, 44-48. — Mauucci. Afonia spistica. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir.. Roma. 1886, ii, 46-50.— ITIeiijot (A.) De aphonia. In his: Febriummalig.bist., etc.. 4=, Par.. 1662, 189-195. Also: Ibid., 1665, i, 294-303.- itlieluiel (J.i Aphonia und Dyspnoea spastica. Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 1288; 1317.—Morgan (E. C.) APHONIA. 579 APHTHAE. Aphonia. Aphonia due to chronic alcoholism; paralysis of the late- ral cricoarytenoids. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 622. A ho. Reprint.—.Tloure (E.-J.) Sur un cas d'apho- nie siuiulee et un fait d'aphonie nerveuse chez des enfants. Rev. mens, de laryngol [etc.], Par., 1885, v, 341-344.— Nicolni. Ein Fall vou spastischer Aphonie. Deutsche mil.-iir/.tl. Ztschr., Berl, 1882, xi, 78-85.— \ortou (A. T.) Hoarseness and loss of voice. Med. Press \- Circ., Lond., 1884, n. s.. xxxvii, 178; 199.—Oliver (H. K.) Cases of aphonia from paralysis of intrinsic muscles ofthe larynx; treatment by external manipulation of the organ and re- storation of the voice in a single sitiing. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1870, n. s., lix, 305-317. — On oil i (A.) Aphonia spastica. Pest, med.-chir. Presse. l'.uclapest, 1892, xxviii, 737. -----. Aphonia et dyspnoea spastica. Ibid., 738.— Perfllyeff(M. O.) Sluchai vne/.apno isi hezuuvshelapho. nil [Aphonia; sudden disappearance. | Med. Yestnik, St. Tetersb., 1882, xxi, 409. — Pi-imeniiii (W.) The naso-pharynx in relation to voice. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1896, xvi, 136-142. — l»eyri*sac (E.) Aphonie nerveuse "afrigore" chez un enfant. Ann. de la polyclin. de Bor- deaux, 1889. i, 20-22.—lMiilipcaux (R.) Cas d'aphonie gueri par 1 excitation eloctriqne du nerf larvnge inferieur. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1866. 2. s., xiv, 283-286.-----. Aphonie complete guerie spontanement par l'excitation electrique du nerf larvnge inferieur. Ibid., 1868, 2. s., xvi, 129-133. — Porter (W.) Aphonia; its causes and treatment, St, Louis M. & S. J., 1876, n. s., xiii, 12; 69. Aho, Reprint. — Semon (F.) A case of aphonia spas- tica (spasm of the tensors of the vocal cords). St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1883, n. s., xii, 121.— Sniyly (P. C.) Cases of aphonia treated by the direct application of electro-galvanism to the vocal cords. Dub- lin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 244-246. Aho. Reprint.— Spaak. Du traitement de l'aphouie par l'electricite. J. de med.. chir. et pharmacol.. Brux., 1887, lxxxiv, 74-81.— Straight (H. S.) A case of aphonia due to hvpertrophic rhinitis. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliv, 684. — Thrasher (A. B.) Three eases of aphonia. Cincin. M. & Dent. J., 1885-0. i. 353-357. Aho: Progress. Louisville, 1886-7, i, 126-128. — Torrance (B.) Complete aphonia of nearly five vears' standing, cured by the repeated application of faradisation to tlie vocal cords. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 735. Aho, transl: Encicl. ni6d.-farm., Barcel., 1881, v, 260. Aphonia (Emotional, hysterical, and re- flex ). Blrghart (H. [G.]) * Ueber functionelle Aphonie bei Miitmeru nnd Simulation der Stiinmlosigkeit. v:>. Berlin, [1692]. Andrieil (C.) Aphonic nerveuse, zone hysterog6ne et doulonreuse datant de cinq semaines; guerison apres cinq minutes d'hypnotisation. Gaz. med. de Picardie, A miens, 1887, v, 23-25.—Bach (J. A.) Hysterical aphonia, with especial reference to a plan of treatment, and with the re- port of cases. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 263.—Ballet (G.) & Sollier (P.) Sur un cas de mutisme hysterique avec agraphie et paralysie faciale systematisee. Rev. de med., Par., 1893, xiii, 532-545.—Bolaud. Quelques cas d'aphonie nerveuse gueris par suggestion k l'etat de veille. Ann. Soc. med.-chin de Liege. 1887, xxvi, 199-203.— Cheat- ham (W.) Nervous aphonia. Louisville M. News, 1882, xiii. 53.—Coi-radi (C.I Alcuni casi di afonia nervosa. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze. 1889, vii, 73; 106.—Dainieno (A.) Un caso di afonia isterica mi- gliorato coll ipnotismo e guarito col massaggio. Gior. internaz. il. sc. med., Napoli, 1891, n. s., xiii, 698-701. Aho, Reprint.— Duhoiiicaii. Les eaux sulfnreuses et la ni6tallotherapie a propos d'un cas d'aphonie nerveuse guerie k plusieurs reprises par les eaux de Cauterets. Ann. Soc, d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1880-81, xxvi. 303-410. Aho. Reprint.—Ficano (G.) Supra un caso di mutismo isferieo. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol, etc., Firenze. 1892, i, 210-213.—Gerhanlt iC.) Ueber hysteri- sche Stimmhandlahmung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1878. iv. 40— Oriffin (E. II.) Hysterical aphonia with a perfect singing voice. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 558.—Oualdi (L.) Afonia isterica e sua cura speciale. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1882, viii. 275-290. Aho, Reprint,—Iugals (E. F.) Hysterical aphonia, or paraly- sis of the lateral crico arytenoid muscles. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 92-95. Also [Abstr.]: Kansas City M. Index, 1890, xi, 203-206. Aho [Abstr. | : Times Sc Reg., N. Y. Sc Phila., 1890, xx, pt. 2. 006.—Jones (K.) Functional aphonia. Mississippi Valley M. Mouth., Memphis. 1883, iii, 153-156.—LicgeoiN (C.) Un cas d'aphonie n'-flexe a stoniaeho laeso. Tribune m6d., Par., 1883, xv, 352-354.— lVI'C.'ullough (II.) Functional aphonia. Tr. Indian M. Soc, Indianap., 1891, 64-67.—Major (G. W.) Pbonation on inspiration a cause of hysterical aphonia. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882. iii, 60-62". Also, Reprint.— Tlarlel (E.) Un cas d'aphonie datant d'un an, gu6ri instantan6- ment par lelectrisation endolaryngienue. Rev. internat. d. sc. m6d.. Par., 1888, v, 113.— ITIichelscu (F. J.) Nou- velle methode de traitement de l'aphonie hysterique. Aphonia (Emotional, hysterical, and re- fer). Ann. d. mal. do l'oreille, dn larynx |etc], Par., 1895, xxi, pt. 2,65.—.Tli I som (C.) Aphonie nerveuse; gu6rison par suggestion. Ibid., 1889, xv, 215.—Onodi (A.) Aphonie et dyspnea spasmodiques. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1892, xii, 547-549. Aho, transl: J. Ophth., Otol. Sc Lar- yngol, N. Y., 1892, iv, 346.— PosthuimiK lTIeyjew (W.) Behandeling van de functioneele aphonic Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1892, 2. R., xxviii, pt, 1, 478-485.— 1'olain. Aphonic nerveuse et iaryngite glanduleuse; hysterieethystericisiue. Rev.nied.franc. et.6trang., Par., 1882, ii,187-191. — t'rzcdborski (L.) Bezgloshisteryc/.ny, skurcz wdechowy, wywolanie cierpiciiiem jam nosowych. [Hysterical aphonia, contracted inspiration.] Gaz. iek., Warszawa, 1886, 2. s., vi, 611-610—Itueda (F.) Afonia isterica. [Transl] Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1894, xii, 82-85.—Havill (T. D.) A case of hysterical aphonia in a woman aged seventy-one; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 314.—Sehadle (J. E.) Nervous aphonia cured by the local use of cocaine. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 385— S< liciiimaiiu (J.) Die suggestive Tonmethode zur Bebandlung der Aphonia hysterica. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1889, xv, 418. Also, Reprint.—Scheppegrcll (W.) Hvster- ieal aphonia. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 313-317.— Schnilzlcr (A.) Ueber funktiouelle Aphonie, unddercn Behandlung (lurch Hypnose und Suggestion. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wieii, 1889, iii, 405; 457; 494; 583. Also, Reprint,—Seifert. Die Behandlung der hysterischen Aphonic Berl. kliu.Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 1068.—Traite- ment (Le) de l'aphonie hysterique par la suggestion hypnotique. Arch, de m6d. et chir. prat., Brux., 1887-8, ii, 119-121.—Trifilctti (A.) Afonia e sordita isterica. Arch. ital. di otol. I etc.], Torino-Palermo, 1895, iii, 320- 324.—Wal-ford (W. G.) Functional aphonia in a boy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 676. Aphonia (Jurisprudence of). IT I artel. Contribution k l'etude de l'aphonie simul6e. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1880, vi, 125- 130. -----. Observations d'aphonie eimulee. Ibid., 1882, viii, 315-32).—O'Lcary (T. C.) Case of feigned dumb- ness. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1872, Lond., 1884, xiv, 430. Aphorism*. See Medicines (Aphorisms of). Aphrodisiac*. Meibomius (J. H.) De flagrorum usu in re veneria, et lumborum renuinque officio. 32°. Londini, 1665. -----. The same. A treatise of the use of Hogging in venereal affairs, also of the office of the loins and reins. 8°. London, 1761. -----. The same. De l'utilite" de la flagella- tion dans la me'decine et dans les plaisirs du mariage et des fonctions des lombes et des reins; ouvrage singulier, traduit du latin de . . . 8°. Londres, 1801. Aphthae. See, also, Cattle (Foot and mouth disease of); Intestines (Aphtha! of). Berg (F. T.) Om torsk hos barn. 8°. Stock- holm, 1846. Bompard (L.) *Etiologie du muguet; obser- vations du muguet de l'cesophage chez l'adulte. 4°. Paris, 1880. von Bonsdorff (K. E.) * Om torsk hos barn. 8°. Helsingfors, 1860. Cami\set (J.-B.) * Essai sur le muguet des nouveau-nes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837). Cramer (8.) * De neonatorum aphthis. 8C. Lugd. Bat., 1838. Eikexd.vl (P.) *De aphthis. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1796. de Frevbersdorff (P. F.) * De aphthis. 4'-. Lugd. Bat., 1741. Gkasset (H.) "Etudes sur le muguet. 4°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1894. Hirschfeld (A.) * O pliesennoi molochnitse novorozhdennikh i gruduikh dietei. [On mouldy thrush in new-born infants and those at the breast.] 8°. Sankpeterburg, 1859. Hodenpyl (A. G.) *De aphthis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1759]. APHTIL1]. 581 Aphthae. Isebree (A.) *De aphthis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1743. de Jonoh (J.) *De aphthis. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1779. Ketelaer (V.) Commentarius medicus de aphthis nostratibus, seu Belgarum sprouw. 16°. Amstelodami, 1717). Also, in: MORTON (R.) Opera med. 4°. Zugduni,YJ37, ii, sig. (*) L, 81-102. Kettenes ( C. ) *De aphthis. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1666. Kneppelholt (J.) * De aphthis, 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1733. Middendorp (H. A.) *De aphthis neonato- rum. 8°. Groningce, 1616. Migxot (A.-K. ) Me~moire sur la contagion du muguet. 8°. Paris, 1857. Minette. De la Iievre aphteuse, ou cocotte. 12°. Compiegne, 1891. Putman (J. A.) *De aphthis. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1747. Steiniiaeusek (J. F.) * De aphthis. 4°. Vitebergir, [1802]. Tordeus (E.) Essai sur le muguet des nou- veaux-nes. 8°. Bruxelles, 1882. Achnlme (P.) Le champignon du muguet. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 453-460. — Archambnult. Le muguet et son traitement etiologique ou hygienique et medical. Praticien, Par., 1882, v, 341-343. — Audry (C.) Sur revolution du champignon du muguet. R6v. de med., Par., 1887, vii, 580-595.—Aufrecht. Zur Behandlung des Soors in der Speiserbhre uud iin MaUo*sdorf. Ein Fall von Aphthongie. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1880, iii, 2-6. Also [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1878-9, 83-85. Apiamis (Philippus). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Apiciau morsels; or, tales ofthe table, kitchen, and larder: with reflections on the dietic pro- ductions of early writers; on the customs of the Romans in eating and. drinking; on table cere- monies, and rules of conviviality and good breed- ing; with select Epicurean precepts, gourmond maxims and medicines, etc. viii. 348 pp., 1 p]. P20. London, Whittaker, Treacher <$■ Co., 1634. Apicius CopIeiis. De opsoniis et condimentis, sive arte coquinaria, libri decern. Cum annota- tionibus Martini Lister, et notis selectioribus, variisque lectionibus iutegris, Humelbergii, Bar- thii, Reinesii, A. van der Linden, et aliorum, ut et variarum lectionum libello. Ed. 2. Front., 17 p. 1., '277 pp., 21 1. 12°. Amstelodami, apud Janssonio- Waesbergios, 1709. Apinus (Joh. Ludovicus) [1668-1703]. Febris epidemica? anno 1694 et95; in Noricie ditionis oppido Herspruccensi et vicino tractn grassari deprebensae, tandemque, petechials redditre, historica relatio, in observationum semi-centu- riam digesta, praevioqne discursu, morbi aetio- logiam et curandi rationem novam, earn vero expeditissimam complexo. 7 p. 1., 312 pp., 1 1. 12°. Noribergce, A. Ottonis, 1697. For Biography, see Aerztl. Inr.-BL, Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 421 (M. Salomon). Also, in: Salomon (M.) Biog.hervor- rag. Aerzte. 8°. Miinchen, 1885. 50-53. For PortraiU, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Apiiius (Sigismundns Jacobus). Diss, ex jure naturae an liceat brutornm corpora mutilare et speciatim, ob es recht sey dass man den Hunden die Ohren abschneidc, variis observationibus aucta et a nonnullorum obje(;tionibus vindicata. 112 pp. sm. 4°. Altorphi Noricorum, lit. J. G. Eohlesii, 1722. Apiol. See, also, Amenorrhoea (Treatnient of). Joket & Homolee. Me"nioire sur l'apiol (principe actif du persil) conside're' coinme febri- fuge et comme emnienagogue. Historique, pre- paration, caracteres physiques et chimiques, proprie'te's phvsiologiques et therapeutiques. 8°. Paris, 167)5. de Soyije. Des applications de l'apiol dans l'ani^norrhe'eetladysme'norrhe'e. 8°. Paris, 1687). Ciaramelli (G.) L' apiolo come emmenagogo. Riv. ital. di terap. ed i2., Piacenza. 1881, i, 287-289. — Ciami- cian (G.) Sc Silber (P.) Ricerche sull' apiolo. Ann.di chim. e di farm., Milano. 1888, 4. 8., vii, 217-219. ----- —----. Intorno alia costituzione dell' apiolo e dei suoi de- rivati. Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1890, 5. s., i. 197-218. A pi ii in. See, also, Apiol. Antipuretikes (Ilepi) iSiottjtos toC aniov nerpoo'cKivov Kai tou a7rioAov. 'IaTpiKT) Me'A«r. Apolliliaris (Q[uintns]) [pseud.?]. Kurtzs Handtbiiclilein uund Experiment viler Arzneyen, durch den gantzen Ciii per des Men schens, vou dem Haupt hiss auff die Fuss. Sampt lebendiger Abcontrafactur etlicher gemeiner Kreiitter, und darauss inancherlcy Gebraudteu und distillierten Wassern, Krafft und Tugendt. Jetzundt von nevrem gemehret unnd gebessert sampt einem niitzlichen Register. 1 p. 1., civ 1., 6 1. 16°. Strassburg, J. 1,'ihel, 17)63. -----. The same. Mit vielen Krauter und Expe- rimenten gemehret und gebessert. Samt den Ex- perinientbuchlein von zwanzig Pestilentz Wur- tzeln dess hochgelehrten Tarquiiui Ocyori. 1 p. ]., ccxii 1., 16 1. 16 . Strassburg, J. Gvddel, 1677. ■-----. Ein ausserleseu schon Artzney- und Krau- ter Buch, von niancherley bewehrten Experi- menten und Artzneyen, dadurch dem mensch- lichen Corper, in zutrnycnden Fallen, da man die Medicos nicht haben kan, vom Hiiupte an hiss auff die Fusse mag Ruth schaffeu. Jeder- menniglichen zu Dienst in drey Biicher abgethei- let, uuter welchen das letzte absonderlich von Pestilentz Kriiutern handelt. Erstlich durch deu . . . D. . . . bewehrt befunden undzusammen getragen, jetztundt aber von neuen iibersehen, und mit lebendiger Abcontrafactur der furneni- steu Krauter, neben Beschreibung der Krafft, deren daraus gebraudteu Wasser, gebessert unci vermehret. 1 p. 1., 140 pp., 2 1. 4°. Erffurdt, durch T. Fritzschen, 1629. -----. Von bewehrten Experimenten das ander Buch: darinnen beg;rifteu huifdert und vier und sechtzig der fiirneinbsten, heilsamsten uud nntz- barliclisten Kriiuter, so mehrentheils dem gcnn-i- nen Mann bekandt sind, sampt derselbigen le- bendigeu Abcontrafactur, auch Beschreibung der Krafft und Tugenden und derer daraus gedistil- lierten Wasser. Mit eigendlichem Bericht, wie der Mensch in bevorsteheiiden seinen Leibes Schwachheiten und Miiugcln, solche distillirte Wasser eusscrlich oder iunerlich tin seinem Leilx- ihme zu Nutz gebrauchen konne. Aus vielen bewehrten Autoribus zusamnien getragen, auffs new iibersehen und dem gemeineu Manuzu Xutz in Druck gegeben. 141 pp., 7 1. 4 . Erffurdt, T. Fritzschen, 16'29. -----. Das dritte Buch dess Hand-und Experi- ment Buchs, welches ist warhafdtige Beschrei- bung aller furnchme Pestilentz Krauter und Wnrtzeln, deren an der Zahl zwantzig, uund durch der Artzney hocherfahrnen D. Tarquinium Ocyorum, alias Schnellenberg von Dortmund, auss lieissiger Xachforschuug wider die abschew- liche Seuche der Pestilentz dienlich und. bewehrt befunden sind. Jetzundt auffs newe iibersehen, nnd mit aussfuhrlichem Bericht, wie ein jedes Experiment mit Nutz gebraucht werden kan, verbessert. Neben gemeldter Krauter uud Wurtzcln Contrafacturen, uud zu End beygr fiigten niitzlichen Register. 77 pp., 1 1. ' 4 . Erffurdt, durch T. Fritzschen, 16'29. -----. Bericht vom Urin. Aus Hippocrate, Ga- leuo, Avicenna, Isaaco, etc., kurtzlich zusain- inen geschrieben. 7m: May (T.) Lrin-Biichleiu. 16°. Hamburg 1738 73-107. " -----. Manual Buchlein. Vou allerhandt Gifft, Wunden, unnd Feldt Kranckheyten eyn kurtzer Bericht. 4 1., Ixxi ff., 1 1. sm. 4°. Strassburg, M. J. Cammerlander, [n. d.]. Pencil note on fly-leaf says: "Erste Ausgabe (1530) mit Holz.v linitten vou H. Baldung Gruu uud Lrse Geaf". ■See, also. AIlx-rtiiM (Magnus) [in 1. s.]. Vou Weiberu nnd Geburten der Kinder feto. J. sin. 4°. [Augspurg], 1608. -----. Ein newer [etc.]. sm. 4°. [ Auqspurg J, 1567. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Franckfurdt um Magn, [n. d.\. Apolliliaris (The) spring, valley of the Ahr Rhenish Prussia, Germany. 15 pp., 12 pl. go] London, Spottisivoode pp. f*°. London, [1875]. Apolliiiaris-Briuincii (Der) im ArthuJe, seine Bestandtheile und Ileilkriifte. 31 pp' 18°. Ahrweiler, P. Plachner, 1869. Apollo mathematicus [etc]. See [Eizat (Ed- ward)] [in 1. s.]. Apollo static us, or the art of curing fevers by the statics, invented by Dr. Pitcairn and pub- lish'd by him in Latine; now made English by a well wisher to the mathematics. 4 p. 1., 24 pp 16°. Edinburgh, J. Wardlaw, 1695. Contains an English translation of A. Pitcairn's "Diss. de curatio febrium " [etc.J. Apollonius Citiensis [circa 50 Ii. C.]. Tijc nepi apOpuv Trpaypareiac to a, 3', }. In: Apollonii Citiensis (et al]. Scholia in Hippocra- tem et Galenum. 8°. Kegimonti Pr., 1834, i, 1-50. Apollonius von Pergae. See Kaehlbrandt (Julius). DasBriihrungsprobleni des... 8°. Dorpat, 1868. Apologie (Die) der Heilkunst, eine griechische ►Sophistenrede ties fiinften vorckristlichen Jalir- hunderts, bearbeitet, iibersetzt, erlautert nnd eingeleitet von Theodor Gomperz. 196 pp. «-. Wien, F. Tempsky, 1890. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. cl. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Phil.-hist. Cl, cxx. Apologie du jeilne. 121 pp. h-. Geneve, 17>7. Apolysin. I\ cue Iii (L.) -. Niori, 1642. Apoplexy. van Cooth (L. F. G.) *De apoplexia san- guinea. 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1844. Cuyper (J. H.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1699. Dechesne (N.-L.-J.) * Sur I'apoplexie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1807. Deiglmayr (F.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Mo- nachii, 1631. De Muy.nck (J.-J.) *De cordis et ventriculi in producendam apoplexiam actione. 4°. Gan- davi, [16-29], Derivaux (G.) * Essai sur I'apoplexie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1824. Dksir (A. A. J.) *Tentamen pathol. de apo- plexia. 4°. Duaci, 1792. Duchaine (F.) Des ruptures de l'artere m6- ninge"e nioyenne. 8U. Paris, 1890. Dyrrhils (J.) De apoplexia, seu, ut latini vocant, morbo attonito : Pars I. Theorica. sm. 4°. Tubingw, 1594. Fabretti (C.) L'emorragia cerebrale negli animali domestici. 8°. Perugia, 1890. von Flammerdinge (J.) De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1671. Ferriere (A.) * Contribution a. l'e'tude de l'6tat mental chez les apoplectiques. 4°. Pa- ris, 1889. Gelez (P. J. F.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Duaci, 1763. Graux (A. J.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Duaci, 1792. Grillo (F.) Prattico lavoro suLV apoplessia. 6°. Avelliuo, 1867. Hoffmann (FO Appendix de modo insultum apoplecticum curaudi lethifero ob salutem pu- blicam ad iucipientium practicorum et aliorum informationem et ex ejusmodi cura orientis ma- joris mali evitationem. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, 1668. Hopf (C. G.) Versnch eines Umrisses der Hauptgattungen des Schlagflusses und ihrer Behandlung. 12°. Stuttgart, 1816. Huygens (N.) *De apoplexia sanguinea et pituitosa 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1769. Jackson (J.) A probationary essay on apo- plexy. 8°. Glasgoiv, 1835. Jacouitz (E.) * Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen Trauma und Apoplexie. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Jazdzkwski (L.) * Sur I'apoplexie (■ere'brale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833. Lamare-Picquot (F.-V.) Recherches nou- velles sur I'apoplexie c6r6brale, ses causes, ses prodromes, nouveau moyen pr^servatif et cura- tif. 8°. Paris, I860. Leger (C. V.) *Suutue varia? cerebri ant aliorum organorum laesiones pathologicae quae apoplexiam iuferre aut mentiri possiut ? 4°. Parisiis, 1624. Leighton (F.) #De apoplexia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1827). Lightenvelt (F. G.) *De apoplexia in ge- nere. 4-. Lugd. Bat, 1789. McCann (L. ) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [177:>]. McCartnkv (J. W.) M)<- apoplexia pletho- rica. 8 \ Edinburgi, 1787. Miciiaelis (J. C.) Nova, utilis ac curiosa apoplexiam seu morbum atlonitum curaudi me- thodus, una cum observationibus lectu dignis, quibus medici vulgares e veterno excitabuutur. 4°. Hildesia: 1667). Molinarils (J. B.) De apoplexia specimen. 4°. Vienna-, 177)3. Montain (J.-F.-F.) aine" & Montain (G.-A.- C. ) jeune. TraitS de I'apoplexie, contenant l'6nu'm6ratiou des causes de cette maladie, la de- APOPLEXY, 584 APOPLEXY. Apoplexy. scription de ses differentes especes, son traite- nii-nt et les moyens de la prevenir. 8C. Paris, 1811. Moulin (E.) *Sur I'apoplexie, ou hemorrha- gic c6r6brale; considerations nouvelles sur les hydroc6phales; description d'une hydropisie ce-- rclirale particuliere aux vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1819. -----. The same. Trait6 de I'apoplexie. 8°. Paris, 1619. de Muynck (J.-J.) *De cordis et ventriculi in producendam apoplexiam actione. 4°. Gan- davi. [1629]. Nonnenmann ( J. ) * Diss, sistens observa- tionem apoplexise ex nimiis animi contentioni- bus ortie. 4°. Argentorati, [1771]. Nymmanus (G.) De apoplexia tractatus, in quo hujus gravissimi morbi turn curatio, turn ab illo praeservatio perspicue proponitur, clareque demonstratur, istius mali caussam non tarn esse, ut vulgo docetur, nervorum obstructionem et spirituum animalium interceptionem, quam duc- tuum quorundam, cerebri spiritum vitalem ve- hentiuni praeclusionem ejusque inde dependen- tem subsidentiam. sm. 4°. Wittebergce, 1670. Obermeyer (F.) 'Apoplexies dues a la (16- g6n6rescence graisseuse des vaisseaux c6re"- braux. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Offermans (P.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1732]. Olivier. Nouvelle id6e sur I'apoplexie avec les moyens de s'en preserver et d'en gue"rir. 4°. Lyon, 1752. Oudenhoff (E.) *Diss. med. exhibens casus apoplexiae selectos, in nosocomio academico ob- servatos. 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1848. Rewinkel (G.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 167)3. Riciielmi (P.) Essai sur I'apoplexie, ou pa- thologie, s6m^iotique, hygiene et therapeutique de cette maladie, coiiside"re~e dans ses diffe'rentes especes. 8°. Marseille, 1811. -----. The same. Versuch einer Abhand- lung iiber die Apopiexie, ihre Natur, Patholo- gie und Higyene. Aus dem Franzosischen frei iibersetzt, mit Anmerkungen und Literatur ver- mehrt von Eduard Adolph Graefe. 8°. Ber- lin, 1821. Richond (T.-J.-R.-A.) De l'influence de l'es- tomac sur la production de I'apoplexie, d'apres les principes de la nouvelle doctrine physiolo- gique, nie"moire couronne" par la Soci6t6 royale de me'decine de Bordeaux. 8°. Paris, 1824. Rochoux (J.-A.) Recherches sur I'apoplexie. 8°. Paris, 1614. Schorer (C. ) Bedenken, wie man sich, nechst Gottlicher Hulff, vor dem Schlag, oder Gewalt Gottes, vorsehen und bewahren solle. Sampt einem kurzen Bericht, was im Nothfall, und in Abwesenheit eines Medici bey einer vom Schlag getroflfenen Person zu thun seye. Den Gesundheitliebenden zum besten geschrieben, jetzunder vermehret, und zum dritten Mal ge- druckt, 24°. In Vim, 1665. Stalins (P.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Gandce, [1823]. Thomas (G.) * De apoplexia. 8 . Edinburgi, 1820. Triplett (T.) * An inaugural dissertation on apoplexy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1796. Unger ([F. A.] P.) "Beitriige zur Aetiologie der Apoplexia cerebri mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung vorausgegangener Lues. 8°. Ber- lin, [1693]. Walsh (R. V.) *De apoplexia sanguinea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Apoplexy. Weissmann (R.) seih Ueber Nervenkrank- heiteu uud Schlagfluss (Apopiexie—Hirnlah- mung); Vorbeugung und Heilung. 16. Aufl 16°. Vilshofen, 1887. Wepfer (J. J.) Observationes anatomica1, ex cadaveribus eorum, quos sustulit apoplexia cum exercitatione de ejus loco affecto. l(i . Schaff- husii, 1658. -----. The same. Novas editionc accedit acluarinm historiarum et observationum simi- liuni, cum scholiis. 12°. Amsteladami, 16"!. Wilhelm (R.) * De apoplexia. 16°. Vienna! [1763]. Aho, in: Eyeeel. Diss. med. [etc.]. 8°. Vienna; 1788 i, 302-344. Wittich (J.) Consilium apoplecticum, sen de subitanea morte; das ist: ein niitzlicher JKath- schlag und griindlicher Bericht, vou der sclinel- len, schweren, und gar schrecklichen Kranck- heit, so man in deutscher Sprach den gehenden Todt, Schlag, uud Hand Gottes pflegt zu nen- nen; von Urspruug des Namens: was solche Kranckheit sey, wovon sie verursacht; was vor Zeichen vorher gehen, unnd wie man sich durch guedige Hulff Gottes, mit gantz heilsamen und krefftigen Mitteln darfiir prseserviren m6ge; item was sich ein Christ bey der erschrecklichen Krauckheit des Schlags, nnd andern schweren Todesfallen erinnern; und wie er nach Anwei- sung gottliches Worts, sich darzu schicken und bereiten soil. Zuvor niemals au Tag konimen, sondern in Geheim gehalten worden, jetzt aber mit sonderlichem Fleiss gestellet. 16°. Leipzig, 1593. -----. The same. 24c. Leipzig, 1602. de Wullen (G. A.) *De caussis cur quibus- dam apoplexiae speciebus difficilius medicina pa- retur. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1776. Atlamkiewicz (A.) Ueber den apoplectischen An- fall. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1891, c, 229-248, 1 pl. Aho, transl.: Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1891, xxx, 349; 364; 379.—Apoplexia inter- meningealis recens, hypt-rtrophia cordis excentrica, carci- noma flbrosum ventriculi exulcerans subsequente hydro- thorace bilateral! Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1873. Wien, 1874, 130-132.—Bartholow (R.) Pathological specimen; brain from a case of apoplexy with right hemi- plegia and temporary aphasia. Coll. Sc Clin. Kec, Phila., 1881, ii, 233.—Bax. Sur quelques accidents apoplecti- formes observ6s pendant l'hiver 1879-80. Soc. nied. d'Amiens. Bull. (1880-81), 1882, xx-xxi, 101-117. Aho: Union m6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1882, vi, 49-62.— Beinlin (V.) Apoplexia meningealis cerebri et tuber- cula absoleta pulmonum. Ob.jazat. pat.-anat. i/lied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1892, 43-50.—Berner (G. E.) Dissertatio medico-practica de apoplexia cum catarrho suffocative Inhis: Exercitatio phys.-mid. deapplicatione mechanismi ad medicinam fete], 12°, Amstelodami, 1720, 385-492.—Bibber (R. D.) An unusual case of apoplexy. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland. 1895. xiii, 176.—Biirger. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Sohlaganfalle zu Luftdruekund Windrichtung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1881, li, 121; 129. — Binges* (I).) A severe apo- plectiform seizure, apparently simple—i. e., not dependent upon any old or recent gross nervous lesion. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1893-4, ii, 213-217.—Campbell. Apoplexy. Canad. Pract,, Toronto, 1885, x, 356.—Clarke (J. M.) A clinical lecture on a case of apoplexy. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 135-137.—Da Costa (J. M.) A clinical lect- ure on a case of apoplexy, with a post-mortem examina- tion. Med. Rec, X. T.', 1879, xvi, 580-582. —---. Re- marks upon two cases of cerebral apoplexy; one with apha- sia; contrasted with alcoholic dementia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 532-536. -----. Clinical lecture on a case of apoplexy; and on the use of cocaine as a heart-tonic and stimulant in typhoid and other low forms of fever. Phila, M. Times, 1886-7, xvii, 301-304.—Oaniel (C. F.) Von einer Fran, die an einem Schlagflusse, 'lags nach gehabter Scliliigerey gestorben. In hh: Samml. med. Gutacht. [etc.], 8°, Leipz., 1776,101-105.—Dietrich. Besondere Krankheit der Gediichtnisskraft durch einen Schlagfluss veranlasst, Arch. d. prakt, Heilk., Bresl, 1799-1800, i, 180-186.—Dodoiineiis (R.) De apoplexia fortissima. In hit: Med. obs. exempla rara, 16°, Colonise, 1581, 19-24.—Donovan ( W.) Case of abortive apo- plexy. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1883, n. 8., xxxv, 31.— APOPLEXY. 585 APOPLHXY. Apoplexy. Ewen (II. W. ) Rupture of middle meningeal arterv. Brit. M J-, Lond., 18S8. i, 899.—a Fonsecn ( R.) Pro | syderatione cerebri. In his: Consult, med.. fol., Vene- tiis, 1622, ii, 272-274.—Foot (A. W.) Apoplexy; death on the thirteenth day. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.. 1880-82, n. s., ix, 40. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, 3. s., lxxii. 343.— Fox (R. F.) The prognosis of apoplexy. Brit. M. ,L, . Lond., 1895, i, 1201.—Oavasei ( F. ) Intorno ad una perniciosa apopletica; consultazioni due. Raecoglitore, Fano. 1842, x, 97-106.—<5ei gel (R.) Lie Mecbanik des apoplectischeu Insults bei Embolic Centralbl. f. Ner- venh. u. Psychiat,, Coblenz Sc Leipz., 1890. n. F.. i, 147- 150.—<5oniwns (J.) De apoplexia et epilepsia. In: Warenius ill.) Xosologia, 8°, Lipsiae, 1605, 68-77.— Grain ma n n ns (M.) De apoplexia. In: Agonisniata med. Marpurgensia. 4°, Marpurgi Oattoruni, 1618, 337- 345— Griswold ((}.) Irregular apoplectic attacks, due to other causes than haemorrhage and embolism. uys (1.) l5tat anatomique dn cerveau d'un sujet ayant succeiube pendant le coit. Compt. nnd. Soc. debiol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 622-624. —.HeC'asUey (G. W.) Apopletic congestion of the brain, with report of a case. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1893-4, ii. 4-8. — IPDowei ( B. G.) Apoplexy; hypertrophy of the left cavities of the heart. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl.,' 1852-8, 25. — Madev ( J. ) Apo- plexia cerebri; Herzverfettung; Pulscurve wie bei Herz- hvpertrophie; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1887 ), 1888, 306. -----. Zweimaliger apoplektiseher Anfall mit voriibei gehender linksseitiger Hemiplegie in einem hochgradig tuberculoseu Individuum; Tod: keine nachweisbare Gehirnlaesion. Ibid., 307.— Melleri ( G. ) Osservazioni sulle varie cause dell apo- pk-ssia e sul metodo di curarla adattato alle medesime. In: Diss, d' argomento med.-clin. [etc.], 8°. Padova, 1821, 97-116.— Mendel (E.) Leber die Apoplexia cerebri san- gninea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 577-582. [Dis- cussion], 594. Aho: Verhandl d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1891), 1892, xxii, pt. 2, 65-80. [Discussion! pt. 1, 193-197. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 534-537. Aho [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 761.— Tlii coli (S.) Pneinonitorium apoplecticum. Riv. clin., Milano, 1889. xxviii. 474-480.—Uloyer (H. X.) Pro- gressive cerebral apoplexy. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1895, vii, 65-67.—IVicolle. Phenomenes apoplectiformes; cedeme et lesions am ienms du cerveau etde la protube- rance; kystes du foie et des reins. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 112-115. — l\'oir. Apopiexie cerebrale com- pliquee; troubles trophiques; apopiexie eneepbalique; decubitus aigu du cote gauche, paralysie; gangrene de la main etde la moitie de l'avant-bras du o6t6 droit deter- mines par une erabolie. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.-Etienne et dela Loire (1877-80), 1881, vii, 143-147.—Peabody (G. L.) Two unusual cases of apoplexv. 'with anatomical demonstrations. Med. Rec, X. T., 1885, xxvii, 371.—Pe- reira. A case of apoplexy, in an insane, from sudden pain caused to the eye; recovery; amendment of themiud. Tr. M. Sc I'll vs. Soc. Bombay, 1871, n. s., xi (App.), pp.xxx- xxxiii—Pershing (H. T.) Some cases illustrating the principal forms of apoplexy. DenverM. Times, 1892-3, xii, 444-454.—Felia-iis (II.) *De apoplexia,respondente Jo- hanne Keuchenio. In: Xosol. harmonica dogmat. et her- met, 4°, Marpurgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 124-155.—Pitcairn (A.) De apoplexia. Inhis: Op. omn., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1737, 79-90.—Prentiss iD. W.) Three cases of cerebral apoplexy, one casi- of progressive coma, and one of rheu- matic meningitis following grip. Med- Xews, Phila., 1891, lix, 231-233. Aho, Reprint— P nee It (P.) Apopiexie progressive et hemorrhagic ventriculaire. Progres m6d., Par., 1889, 2. s., ix, 309-312.—Beimaiin f.L A.) Special- Xachricht und Abhandlung voii der epiiletnisclieii Apo- plexia in Epperies. Samml. v. Xat.- u. Med.- . . . (iesch. 1719, Bresl, 1720, vii, 41-46.—Rutherford (D.| Ot apo- plexy ; read 1770. Diss. memb. Roy. M. Soc, Edinb., 1892, 1-8.—Bchiitzcn berger (C. ) Etude pathologique sur I'apoplexie. [ Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., v, 1866. 1 Inhis: Fragments d'etudes path, et clin., 8°, Par., 1879,151-253.— Apoplexy. Sbvoi-lzoll (N. P.) Apoplexiasubmeningealis; hemipa- rapleuia; vyzdorov. [...recovery.] Med. Sbornik varshav. Ljazd. voyeun. hos])., Varshava, 1888, i, ]it. 1, 51-55.—Sor- goni (A.) Cenni sulle cause dell' upoplessia, e sulle pre- cauzioni necessarie ad adversi contro questo malore. Rae- coglitore, Fano. 1847, xix, 150-158—Stainpacehia (R.) LTn caso di iperemia cerebrale apoplettica con itteriziaed ipereniia pulmonale. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Xa- poli, 1886, iv, 329-334.—Stein (0.) Leber den Mechanis- mus des apoplektischen Insults, nebst therapeutischen Beiiierkungeii. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 583. Also: Sitz -Protok. d.iirztl. Lokalver zu Niirnb. 1890, Munchen, 1891, 20-23.—Stnrge (A.) Case of paralysis of both third nerves after an apoplectic attack. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 829.—Thompson (A.) Case of apoplexy, ensuing upon tbe rupture of a .small aneurism of a branch ofthe middle cerebral artery. Lond. M. &. S. J., 1831, vii, 4(4-413.—Vanhciiverswyn. Ictus apoplectiformes successifs et rapproches precetlant I'apoplexie cerebrale. Bull. Soc anat.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, 286-293. Aho: J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1889, i. 97-104. — Wnldron. Two cases of apoplexy. Midland M. &S. Li-porter, Worcester, 1830-31, ii, 60-63.—Walker (I. C.) Final illness of Dr. James S. Athon; post-mortem examination, and remarks upon the preventive treatment of apoplexv. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1876. xxvi, 122-132.—Wardell (T.R.) Apopiexy. In his: Contrib. Path. Sc Pract. Med., 8°, Lond., 1885,242-248. — Zenner (P.) Some remarks on apoplectic attacks. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1884. n. s., xiii, 713-716. [Discussion], 722-725. Apoplexy (Diagnosis and symptoms of). Steixcke (R.) * Ueher die Temperatnr hei apoplectischen und apoplectiformen Aufallen. 8°. Wiirzburg, I860. Betti (T.) Prasmonitorium apoplecticum. Raecogli- tore med., Forli, 1890, 5. s., x. 265-270. — Dana (C. L.) Tin- apoplectic pulse and its treatment, Post-Cratluate, X. Y., 1893, viii, 276-278, 2 pl. -----. Apoplexy in its rela- tion to the temperature of the body, with a consideration of the question of heat-centres. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii, 652-663. Also: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1894, ix, 144-158. -----. Some new observations upon the causes, mode of onset, and prognosis of apoplexy. Med. Rec, X. V., 1895, xlvii, 225-227. — Dana (I. T.) Apoplectiform seizures: diagnosis of the dill'erent forms, and their treatment, Tr. Maine M. Ass.. Portland. 1889, x, 126-138. -----. Seizures characterized by shock aud sudden coma. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila,, 1890, v, 93-107. Also: Boston M. & S. J.. 1890. exxiii. 289-293.— Dowse (T. S.) On the diagnosis and treatment of apo- plexy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 505; 524. A ho, Reprint.—Gem (W.) Retention of urine pre- ceding apoplectic attacks. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1014.— Ilomen (E. A.) Fall af hog temperatnr stegring efter apoplexi. Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1885, xxvii, 264—lioeb (M.) Glycosurie bei Gehirnapoplexie. Prag.'med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 615— Lyman (H. M.) Apoplectic seizures; their diagnosis and treatment. Med. Rec. X. V., 1884, xxv. 29-34. — Mills (C. K.) The diag- nosis of apoplexy. Phila. Polyclin., 1893, ii, 127-130.— Tlircoli (S.) Pra?monitorium apoplecticum. Monitore med. marchigiano, Loreto, 1889-90, iii, fasc. 11. 145-150. Also: Riv. clin., Milauo, 1889, xxviii, 474-480.—Preston (G J.) Clinical notes on tho diagnosis and treatment of apoplexy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894, xxxi, 179-182. Aho, Reprint.— Bonssean. Du refroidissement dans les attaques apoplectiques. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonue 1886 Auxerre, 1887, xxvii, 82-88. Aho: Encephale, Par., 1887! vii, 145-150.—Savage ( (1. II. ) Mental symptoms, precursors of an attack of apoplexy. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., ]883-4,n. s., xxix, 00-92. — Seheiber ( S. H. ) I<]e"k6rtani kiizlemeny apopletikus robauiok utaii eszlel- beto nemely ritkfibb tiinemenvekrol egy igen compli- ciilt es tobb'miis idegk6rtani eset kapesan. [Upon some unusual symptoms following apoplexy . . .] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1885, xx, 1185; 1213; 1252; 1274. Aho, transl: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1886, cvi. 166-205. Also, transl Abstr.]: IVst. nied.-ehir. Presse, Budapest, 188o, xxi 370-372.—Nehiitx (E.) Leber das Vorkommen tran- sitorischer Olycosui ie nach apoplectischem Insult. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 613-615. -Soutliworth (C. T ) Electrical phenomena occurring in apoplexy, with ease Detroit Lancet. 1883-4, n. s., vii, 110-112.—Triglia (P.) Sulla diagnosi dell apoplessia cerebrale Spi-ninen- tale Sez. clin.. Firenze, 1895, xlix, 664; 681-1 ertlos (P ) Estudio do los feiiomenos apopleticos bajo el punto de vista de su determinacion neur6sica. Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel., 1881, i, 585-589. Apoplexy (Treatment of'). Billebault (A. N.) An apoplexia? guttaa Monspelienscs? 4°. [Monspelii, 1710.] Cazaubox(V.) *Des moyens les plus pro- pres a favoriser le retour du mouvement dans APOPLEXY. 586 APOSTOLI. \ pop Sexy (Treatment of). les paralysies consecutives aux attaqnes (I'apo- plexie cerebrale. Sc. Bordeaux, 1885. Elwekt(G.) * Ueber deu Aderlass hesonders bei Apoplexia cerebri. 6. Tiibingen, 1866. Gailhardus (J.) De vensesectione disquisi- tio ubi quiestio an in apoplexia sit vena secanda, solidis argumentis confirmatur. 24°. Hafniozet Lip^ia; 1(599. Ginestet (C.-A.) La vielle medecine et ses dangers, surtout dans I'apoplexie; la fluxion de poitrine; les fievres typhoides et cerebrales. 8-'. Nicort, [n. d.]. Barbier de Lyon (C.) Xote sur nn nouveau moyen de therapeutique chirurgicale contre I'apoplexie. [By tre- phining and bloodletting.] J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1842-3, x, 293-295 —Rartlctt (C.) The treatment of apo- plexy. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1892, xxvii, 849-853. A ho. Reprint. — Bell (C.) Of bleeding in apoplectic at- tacks, and the different effects of drawing blood from the artery and from the vein. In his: Pract. Essays, 8°, Edinb., 1841, 27-45.— Bird (J. F.) Antimony bypoder- micallv fur apoplexy. Med. Bull, Phila., 1890, xii, 243.— Blackwell (E. T.) The abstraction of blood in threat- ened apoplexy. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, lv, 72. — Bowles ( R.) Stertorous breathing in apoplexy, and the management of the apoplectic state. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1881, i, 845. — De Kenzi (E.) Snlla cura elettrica dell apoplessia cerebrale. Riv. cliu. e terap., Na- poli, 1893, xv, 1-4. — Drelincoiirt (C.) An apoplexiie ranularum sectio? In his: (finest, quat. cardinales, 4°, Monspelii, 1655, 11-13. — Forsbrook (W. H. R.) Xote on a caseof apoplexy treated successfully bv venesection. Lancet, Lond., 1892,'i, 1181. — Greisvker de Wandel- bni-g (A.) D'un prt'-.juge sur le danger des saignfies chez une personne venant de manger avant une attaque d'apo- ph-xie. In his: Mem.de med. et chir., 8°, Par., 1881, 67.— .TIeyers (II. IL) Case of cerebral compression treated by lib-eding and calomel. Lancet., Lond., 1882, ii, 159.— .Tli^not. Observation sur le traitement de I'apoplexie cerebrale. Socd.se med. de Gannat. Compt. rend.. Par., 1880. xxxiv, 73-77.—Nchoenheider (.7. H.) Beobachtung bey einem siobenzig.jahrigeu Mann, der zehnmal dutch ein Brechraittel von einem apoplektischen Zufafl befreyt wurde. In: Merkwiiidige Krankengesch. retc.J. 8°. Halle, 179."), 21-24.—Teale (J. W.) Stretching the sphincter in apoplexy. Lancet. Lond.. 1887, i, 1024. — Westcott (W. A.) Cerebral apoplexv: venesection; recovery. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 7.—Williamson (J. H.) Venesec- tion in a cerebral case. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892-3, xvii, 34. Apoplexy in children and infants. Bray (C. W.) A case, of apoplexy in a girl thirteen years of age. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1884, viii, pt. 2, 322-324.—Harrison (G. B.) Fatal apoplexv before puberty. Tr. Wash. Obst. Sc Gynec Soe. 1887-9.' [X. T., 1880]Ji, 218-223. Also: Am. J.'Obst., N. V., 1889, xxii, 275-2i9.—Jones (T.) A case of apoplexy and aphasia in a boy ten years old. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, ii, 201.—.?Ie."Vutt (Sarah J.) Apoplexia neonatorum. Am. -T. Obst. X. V., 1885. xviii, 73-81. Aho, Reprint.—Schnl- ler (\V.) Leber Apopiexie in's subcutane Zellgewebo am behaarten Kopfe, unter die Galea aponeurotica, Dura ma- ter, in den Arachnoidealsack und Gehirn. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1855-6, i, 267; 308. Apoplexy (Bulbar). See Medulla oblongata (Hcemorrhage in, or on). Apoplexy (Hysterical). See Apoplexy (Nervous, etc.). Apoplexy (Xervous, hysterical, and se- rous). Aciiard (C.) * De I'apoplexie hysterique. 4-\ Paris, 1887. Maeltzer (T.) * Ueber Pseudoapoplexieen des Gehirns. 8\ Breslau, 1661. Mckllek (0.) * De apoplexia ischamiica. 6°. Berolini, [1861]. TouitNiEii (C.) * De I'apoplexie se"reuse. 4C. Lyon, 1602. [Zulianus-Gibellixi ( F. )] De apoplexia ]ira-sertiin nervea commentarius. 8C. Bonnie 1789. Aciiard (Cl De I'apoplexie hvsterique. Arch. gen. demed.. Par.. 1887. i, 39: 181— Biseliod i E.) Ein Fall von hysteriscbei Apopiexie: Hemiplegie mit Facialislah- mung. Wien. klin.Wchnschr., 1894 vii, 327-331.—Blaek (J. G.) Xotes on cerebral apoplexy [serous (?)] in the gouty Apoplexy (Xervous, hysterical, and se- rous). constitution. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 398-401__ Claude (II.) Troubles oculaires multiples conseciitifs k une attaque (I'apoplexie hysterique. Bull, et iih'-ih. Sue m6d. d. hop. do Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 765-772__Comb) (J ) Apopiexie hysterique avec hemiplegie gauche survcuuo pour la premiere fois k lasuite d'une fulguration: troisifeme attaque; guerison eu moinsde quinze jours par le repos et l'61ectrisation. Bull, et m6m. Soc. meil. d. hop. de Par 1894, 3. s , xi, 346-350. Also: Lnion nied., Par., 1894, 3. s ' lvii, 716-718. — C'onti (P.) Della diagnosi di apoplessia isterica (eon un caso clinico). Gazz. med. ital. lomb. Mi- lano, 1888, xlviii 3; 31. —Debove (M.) De I'apoplexie hysterique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1886 3. s., iii, 370-372. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 3886. 2, s., xxiii, 554. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1886, xviii, 4:iii' Also: Lnion med., Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 532. — Duniont- pallier. Apopiexie et hemiplegie hysteriques. Bull.et m(-ra. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1887, 3. s.. iv, 140-146.— Figneira (M.) Apoplexia serosa; polypo fibrinoso da valvula initial; autopse. Gaz. metl. de Lisb., 1862, 33; 61.— Higicr(IL) Beitrag zur hysterischen Apopiexie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 323; 347: 383. —.Tlartinenq (L.) Cas (I'apoplexie hysterique avec autopsie. Anu. med.-psychol., Par., 1887, 7. s., v, 254-259.—jtlathieu (A.) Apopiexie s6reuse; nephrite interstitielle. France med Par., 1882, i, 697-701. — Philipson (G. H.) Notes on a case of so-called serous apoplexy. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1885-6, 170- 172.—Rendu. Apopiexie hysterique: liithrultes du dia- gnostic differentiel entre cette apopiexie et l'liemiplegie c6i-6brale. Semaine m6d., Par., 18(14. xiv. 389. — Vilroq (J.-M.) Apopiexie hysterique,; hemiplegie motrice avec hemianesth6sie sensitive sensorielle du cote gauche; aboie- ment hysterique. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par.. 1887. xi, 50-55. Also: Courrier med.. Par., 1887. xxxvii. -JOO-202. Also: France med., Par., 1887, i, 453-457— Wiglesworth (J.) Case of apoplectiform cerebral congestion, or serous apo- plexy. ,7. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1884-5, xxx, 551-553, Apoplexy (Puerperal). See Puerperal apoplexy. Apoplexy (Pulmonary). Sec Lungs (Hemorrhage in). Apoplexy (Serous). See Apoplexy (Nervous, etc.). Apoplexy (Spinal). See Spinal cord (Hcemorrhage in). Aporti (Lodovico). * Delle modificazioni che offre 1' organizzazione nei diversi individui. 32 pp. 8°. Pavia, eredi Bizzoni, [185">]. [P., v. 141(5. ] Aporti (Maximus). *De acnibus. 23 pp. 6°. Ticini Begii, ex typ. Fusi et soc, 1642. Apostoli (Georges). Sur une nouvelle applica- tion de l'electiicite apres les accouchements. Communication faite a l'Academie de me'decine de Paris dans la stance du 19 avril 1881. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, [imp. Fac. de m6d.], 1861. Repr.from: Ann. de gynec, Par., 1881, xv. -----. Sur un nouveau traitement de la m6trite chronique et en particulier de Fendom6trite par la galvano-eaustique ehimique intra-uterine. 66 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1887. The same. On a new treatment of chronic metritis, aud especially of endometritis with intra-uterine chemical gnlvnno-cauterizations. Transl. by A. Lapthorne Smith. 2 p. 1., 119 pp. 12°. Detroit, G. S. Paris, 1668. ----. The same. Ueber eine neue Behandlung der chronischen Metritis und insbesondercder En- dometritis vermittelst der intra-uteriuen cheini- schen (Jalvanokaustik. Deutsch von Eichholz. 30 pp. ho. Bevlin J- Neuwied, L. Husev, 1690. Repr. from: Frauenarzt, Berl, 1890, v. ----. On some novelties in my electrical treat- ment of uterine fibroids, with answers to objec- tions. Paper read at the congress ofthe British Medical Association, Glasgow, August, 1888. Transl. by Woodh.un Webb. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, C. Schlaebev, [1888]. Des contributions nouvelles du traitement 61ectrique faradique et galvanique au diagnostic APOSTOLI. 587 APPEAL. Apostoli (Georges)—continued. en gynecologic. 2V lecture faite au Congres in- ternational de gynecologic de Bruxelles, lo sep- tembre 1892. 1 i. 4C. [n. p., 1692, vel subseq.] _____, Xote sur les applications nouvelles du courant alternatif sinusoidal en gynecologic. Premiere lecture faite au Congres international de oynecologie de Bruxelles, 15 septeuibre 1892. 1 1. 4 \ [n.p., 1892, vel subseq.] _____.. Travaux d'electrothe'rapie gynecologique. Archives semestrielles d'e"lectrotherapie gyneco- logique fondees et publiees par ... v. 1, fasc. 1 & 2. vii, 720 pp. 8°. Paris, 1694. See. aho, Bijjelow (H. R.) Gynaecological electro- therapeutics [etc.l. 8:>. London, 1889. -----. The same. Elektrotherapie [etc.]. 8°. Breslau. 1890. -----. Del6- tang. Du traitement des fibromes uterius [etc.]. 8°. Pa- ris, 1889. — Jakubowska (Felicia). Des resultats im- mediats et ebugnes [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1890. — Tenies- vary (R.) Leber die Anwendung der Elektrizitiit bei Fraueukrankheiten. 8°. Wien, 1890. ----- & Laqiierriere. Lie l'influence du courant continu sur les microbes et particuliere- ment sur la bacteridie charbonneuse. 30 pp., 1 1. 8?. Paris, imp. Noizette, 1691. Repr.from: Repert. de police san. vet. et d'hyg. pub. Apostolic (The) decree at Jerusalem proved to be still iu force, both from scripture and tra- dition : iu answer to the question about eating of blood stated, etc., and the true sense and meaning of it enquired into and considered. To which is added, an appendix containing the tes- timonies of fathers, councils, etc., in their original languages, down to the 13th century. Also re- marks upon the enquiry about the lawfulness of eating blood. 83 pp. 8-. London, C. Boivyer $■ L. Gillivev, 1734. [P.. v. 1995.J Apostolides (B.) Meningite c6re"bro-spinale, epidemique du cheval observed en figypte en 1-76. 36 pp. 8°. Alexandrie, A. Moures, 1~80. Apothecaries. Nee Pharmacy (History, etc., of); Pharmacy (Legislation on). Apothecaries' Society of London. The origin, progress, and present state ofthe various estab- lishments for conducting chemical processes and other medicinal preparations, at Apothecaries' Hall, iv, 5-21 pp. 8 . London, B.Gibbert, 1823. [P., v. 723.] "Apothecary (An)" [pseudon.] [a pamphlet, by Dr. J. Andrew, entitled:] Observations on the state of the dispute between a physician and an apothecary concerning a prescription of Syd- enham, in which a vindication of this author's character as a scholar is attempted and his method of curing the dysentery by injections of milk and venice treacle, is confirmed by facts and experience. 29 pp. 8°. London, W. John- ston, 1765. Apothecary (The). Edited by Oscar Oldberg for the Illinois College of Pharmacy. [Quarter- ly.] v. 1-4, August, 1891, to April, 1895. -°. Chicago, Apothecary (The) displayed : or, an answer to the apothecary's pamphlet, called Frauds de- tected in drugs, wherein his profession and im- portant character is truly considered. 44 pp. *°. London. 1746. [P., v. 12:56.] Apothecary's (The) mirror [etc.]. See "Dis- criminator". Apothekeilfrage (Zur). Drei Gutachten erstattet vom pharmaceutischen Fiinfer-Aus- schuss in Wiirttembcrg. 31 pp. 8 . Stutt- gart, C. Griininger, 1874. Apothekerkalender fiir das deutsche Reich auf das Jahr 1891 [also for 1893 and 1894]. v. 9, 11-12. Hrsg. von Friedrich Kober. 12°. Leipzig, E. Giinther. Apotheker-Taxe fiir Kurhessen. 50 pp. -L. Cassel, Hof- u. Waisenh.-Buchdr., 1827. Apothekervresnct, som Statsinstitution af eu Farinaceut. Et eventnelt Overskud ved Sal- get af denne Piece vii, Tilfalde "Farmaceiitisk Underst0ttelsesselskab". 19 pp. 16°. Kjpben- ham, J. D. Quist <$• Komp. (A. Lavsen), 1894. Apotheker-Zeitung:. ('oin-spondenz-Blatt fur Apotheker, Aerzte, Droguisten und Chemiker. Redaction von M. Biechele und B. Kohlmann. [Weekly.] v. 15, 1880. fol. Leipzig, Eichsldtt, Stuttgart. In 18fl continued as: Dentaclic Apotbeker-Zeitung. Apotlieker-Zcitlliig. Organ des deutschen Apotheker-Vereins. Hrsg. vom deutschen Apo- theker-Verein. [Twice 'a week.] v. 6-8, 1891- 3. 4°. Berlin. Has supplement: Kepertoriimi der Pbarmacie. Apotliekei'-Zeitiuig' fiir Mittel-Deutschland. Correspondenzblatt fur Apotheker, Droguisten, Chemiker und verwandte Fiicher. Die Redac- tion: G. Heppe. [Weekly.] v. 1-5, April 3, 1866, to Dec. 30, ls7<). fol. Leipzig. Appalaelliail Mountains. Chickeriiig (J. TV.), jr. Contrasts of the Appala- chian Mountains. Saturday Lect., Wash., 1882, 41-59. Apparate und Instrnmente fiir den Unterricht. 19 pp. 8°. Bevlin, B. Talbot, 1883. Apparatus. See Air (Moistening of), etc.; Antiseptic sur- gery; Aspiration, etc.; Bacteriology; Bacte- riology (Apparatus, etc.); Bandages; Beds; Chemistry; Chemistry, Disinfection, Dislo- cations, Electricity, etc., Apparatus for; Ex- tension; Fractures( Treatment of); Furniture; Instruments; Limbs (Artificial); Orthopee- dia; Physiology (Experimental); Prisms; Spine (Deformities of, Treatment of); Splints; Surgery (Aseptic); Tables; Temperature (Beg- istration of); Trusses. Apparatus for sterilization and steam disinfec- tion. 6 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. [New York, u. d.] Appareil protecteur des cicatrices. 2 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Martinet, 1870.] Repr. from: J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1870, 3. s., xii. AppareilS a- fumigations. Description des ap- pareils a fumigations, etablis, sur les dessins de M. d'Arcet, h I'hfipital Saint-Louis, en 1814, et successivemeut dans plusieurs hopitaux de Pa- ris, pour le traitement des maladies de la peau. [Rapport fait au conseil general des hospices, par M. Morgue et M. le due de la Rochefou- cauld, sur les droits respectifs de MM. Gales et d'Arcet, a l'invention et a la propriete' des appa- reils a. fumigations.] 30 pp., 9 pl. 4°. Paris, Mine. Huzard, 1818. [Also, in: P., v. 1715.] Apparico Feio (Martinho Cesar). *Algumas palavras sobre a febre puerperal. 72 pp., 3 1. 8°. Lisboa, typ. Lisbonense, 1872. Apparitions. See, also, Hallucinations. Remarks on some passages in the "Literary recollections" of the Rev. Richard Warner. In a letter to a friend. 8°. London, 1831. Myers (F. W. IL) On recognised apparitions occur- ring more than a vear after deutb. Proc. Soc. Psych. Re- search Lond., 1889-90, vi, l.'S-OTi. —Philosophy (On Ihe) of apparitions. Glasgow M. J., 1857-8, [3.] s., v. 381-412. Aho, Reprint. — Kyiiioml* (J. A.) On apparitions. In his- Misc., 8°, Lond., 1*71, L'i)9-^(i4. — Theory (A) of ap- paritions. Prou. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1884-5, [n], 109; 157. Appeal (Au) to the British nation, by Robert Lathrop Murray, esq., late captain in the first regiment, or Royals, and captain of the royal wagon train. Containing all the documents, the ecclesiastical and legal opinions, and the -whole ArPEAL. 588 APPENDICITIS. Appeal (An) to the British nation, [etc.]—cont. of the proceedings relative to his late extraor- dinary trial for bigamy. 54 pp. 8°. London, J. Swan, 1815. Appeal (An) to humanity, in an account of the life and cruel actions of Elizabeth Brownrigg, who -was tried at the Old Bailey on the 12th of September, 17(17, and sentenced to be hanged at Tyburn on Monday the 14th of the same month, for cruelly beating and starving Mary Clifford, a parish girl, her apprentice, giving a true and circumstantial account of that barbar- ous transaction. To which is added the trial of Elizabeth Branch and her daughter for the mur- der of their servant maid, etc. 64 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Harrison c. Sc l'tediat., Phila., 1889-90, iii, 471-473. -----. Tbe etiology and treat- ment of appendicitis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1894, xvi, 443- 449.—Andain (L.) Appendicite et pt'-iiappendicite. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895. pt. 1, 619.—Ax tell (E. R.) Appendicitis; cured tuberculosis. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 15. — Barbier (II.i Lie l'uppeiiilicite et en particulier de la colique aprendieulaire. Unz. meil. de Par., 1892. 8. s.. i. 133-138.—Karford (J. G.) Suppu- ration in tin- appendix vermiformis. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 99.—Barling (O.) Cases of appendicitis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1892, xxxii, 30-36. -----. Appendicitis (typhlitis or perityphlitis). Ibid., 1893, xxxiii, 330-345, 1 pl. ----. The Iuglebv lectures on appendicitis. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1895, i, 1133; 1253; 1312. Also: Birmingh. M. Kev., 1895, xxxvii, 321-341: xxxviii, 19-57. — Basltettc (W. II.) Ap- pendicitis. Nashville J. M. & S.. 1893. Ixxiv. 241-256.— Bayer (C.) Appendicitis. Prag. meil. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 59; 72.—Beco (L.) Sur un cas (l'appendicite. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1891, xxx, 235-243.—Bei I. Ab- scess following perforation of the appendix, complicated with iodoform mania. Med. News, Phila., 1888. Iii, 531.— Benoit (E. P.) Appendicite sub-aigue ; traitement me- dical; guerison. Lnion med. du Canada, Montreal, 1894, n. s., viii, 121-126.—Bevan (A. D.) Appendicitis. Pa- cific M. Rec, Portland, Oreg., 1893, i, 263-269. -----. Ap- pendicitis obliterans. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1894, xvi, 65. — Bigelow (I. S.) Appendicitis. Vis med., Des Moines, 1891, i. 113-121.— Biggain (W. H.) Appendi- citis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892. xviii, 277-259.— Biggs (H. M.) Sloughing of the tip of the vermi- form' appendix. Proc. N. Tork Path. Soc. (1888). 1889, 52. -----. Perforation of the vermiform appendix. Ibid., 53.— Binnie (J. F.) Appendicular colic. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 672 - 676.—Boldt (U. J.) Perforation of the vermiform appendix. Proc. N. York Patii. boc. (1889), J890, 63. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y.. 1889, xxxvi, 3U4.— Bomiing (C.) Appendicitis; its medical aud surgical treatment.' Phvsicbm Sc Surg., Detroit Sc Ann Arbor, 1894, xvi. 481-483— Booth by (A.) Some remarks on ap- pendicitis. N. Eng. M. Gaz.. Bost, 1892. xxvii. 333-339.— Braine (P.) De l'appendicite. Ann. de la Policlin. ne Par.. 1892. ii, 305-315.—Briddon (C. K.) Group of cases of appendicitis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 197-205.- Bridge (N.) Inflammation of the appendix and ccecum, APPENDICITIS. 589 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis. {Including ulceration and perforation ofthe appendix.} and the dutv of the physician regarding them. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1890. v. 27-44. 'Also: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 549-554.—Briggs (T. H.) Rupture of the appendix vermiformis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1886, iv, 441.—Broca (A.) Appendicite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 385.—Brown (A. M.) A series of cases of appendicitis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s., xxix, 763- 765.—Bryant (J. D.) Some interesting cases of appen- dicitis. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1894, xi, 37-49.—B> ford (H. T.) Appendicitis. Am. Surg. & Gvna-c., Kansas Citv, 1893-4, iv. 198-203. Also: Kansas CitvM. Index, 1894, xv,'133-138.—Cale (G. W.) lb-current appendicitis. St. Louis Clinique. 1892, v, 45.—Campbell (O. I!.) Appen- dicitis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Columbia, 1895, xxxviii, 273-282. Also: "West. M. Sc S. Reporter, St. Joseph, 1895, vii, 145-148.—C'arinalt (W. LT.) Report of a case of ap- pendicitis presenting some peculiar and instructive fea- tures. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1896. ii. 113-1.15. Also, Re- print.—Carpenter (Gr. P.) Appendicitis. Cincin. Lan- cet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv, 145-148.—Cai-slcus (J. H.) A case of appendicitis. Harper Hosp. Hull., Detroit. 1893, iv, 7-10. -----. Acute peritonitis means appendicitis. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1895, iii, 303-312. -----. Remarks ou appendicitis. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1895, xxv, 816.— Case (F. D.) Inflammation in the right iliac fossa, and its non-surgical treatment. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893, 174-187.—Caspersohn. Zur Casuistik der Wurm- fortsatz-Erkrankungen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 808.—Cheever (D. W.) Perityphlitic abscess. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1887, cxvii, 6.—Chronische Perityphlitis (und Appendicitis), 3 Falle. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, zu Basel (1892), 1894, 61-63.—Clark (G. E. ) Hy- drotherapy in appendicitis. Tr. M. Ass. Centr. N. Y. 1894 Buffalo, 1895, 19-24. Also: Buffalo M. Sc S. J., is-14-5, I xxxiv, 2S2-287.—Clarke (E. AY.) A case of appendicitis, with some remarks on the aetiology of the disease. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., 'lvii, 386-388.—Coe (H. C.) Appendicitis as a complication of disease of tin- ad- nexa. N. York Polyclin., 1894, iv, 73.-Coplin (W. L.) Appendicitis -with perforation. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91,xv. 52.—Cordier (A. H.) Appendicitis: protean types. J. M. Ass., Chicago. 1896, xxvi, 353-355.—Cotton (C. L.) Appendicitis. Montreal M. J.. 1891-2, xx, 268- 272. [Discussion], 305.—Crandall (T. V.) Appendi- citis. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila.. 1891, xii, 75.— I Crofford (T. J.) Some anomalous cases of appendicitis. ' Memphis M. Month., 1896. xvi, 68-70.—Cruikshaiik (W. J.i A case of perforation of the vermiform appen- dix; general peritonitis. Brooklyn M. J., 1-89, iii, 392- 401.—Ci-utelier (IL) Appendicitis; a personal experi- ence. J. Orifie. Surg.. Chicago, 1893, ii, 211-215. Aho, Reprint. — Czci-ny. Zur Beliandlung der chronischen Entziindung dc s Wuinit'oi tsatzes. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. lb-il.. 1895, xxiv, pt. 1, 104-110. Also: Ber. ii. d. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895. xxiv, 98-103.—Daltou (H. C.) Three unique cases of suppurative appendicitis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1889, 91-1H2. Aho: St. Louis M. & S. J.. 1889, lvii, 145- 154. -----. A report of four cases of appendicitis aud one of perityphlitis. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1890, xxi, 401-403.—Dandridge (X. P.) Appendicitis. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cinciu.. 1893, 158-167. Also: Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxxi, 173-177.—Dansenx. Appendi- cite aigue par presence de corps etranger; perforation de l'appendice en un point eloigne du corps etranger; peri- tonite aigue; autopsie. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par.. 1893, lxviii, 359-361.— Dardignae. A propos du tiaitement medical des typhh-appendicites. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1895, xiii, 67; 79. — Davis (J. D. S.) Management of cases which have recovered from appendiceal abseess in which the appendix was not removed. Med. line, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 781.—Davis (J. S.) Au anomalous cure of appendicitis. Alabama M. Sc S. Age, Anniston, lf-93-4, vi, 192-199.—Day (W. H.) A case of perfora- tion of the vermiform appendix. Proc. M. Soc. Lond.. 1884, vi, 138.—Deaver (J. B.) Acute appendicitis. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 533; 566. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1894, 3. s., xvi, 134-167. -----. Further observations upon the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic appendicitis. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 591-595. Aho: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1894, 3. s., xvi, 230-253. Also, Reprint.-----. Chronic appendicitis. Tr. M. Soc Penn., Phila., 1894, xxv, UO-118. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1894, Jxiv, 655- 657. -----. Appendicitis. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1895, xxv. 46-50. Also: Richmond J. Pract. 1895, ix,254- 263. Also, Kepi int. -----. Some salient points in the di- agnosis, pathology, and treatment of appendicitis. Med. News, Phila.. 1*95. lxvii, 673-677. Also. Reprint. — De Buck. Perityphlic; terminee par suppuration; gan- grene de lappi-iidice ilio-cu-.cal; perforation. Ann. Soc de med. de (land, 1**7, lxvi. 46-57. — Diagnosis (The) and treatment of intiammatioiis of the appendix; a discus- sion. Med. Couiiniinicat. Mass. M. Soe., Bost, 1891, xv, 529-560. — Dibrell (J. A.), jr. [Cases of appendicitis] Appendicitis. {Including ulceration and perforation ofthe appendix.] J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1894-5, v, 347-355. - Dickey (W. A.) Appendicitis from the standpoint of the general practitioner. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1894, x, 279-282. — Dienlafoy. A propos de l'appendicite ex'- perimentale. Bull et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii, 160. — Discussion on the treatment of appendicitis. Tr. N. York M. Ass., N. Y., 1893, x, 235- 256.—Dixon (A.) Au atypical caseof appendicitis. ' Am Pract. A-. News, Louisville, 1895, xx, 201-206.—Dock ((;.) Notes on the appendix vermiformis : anatomical and clini- cal. Med. Ago, Detroit, 1892, x, 397-402. — Dodge (W. T.) Six eases of appendicitis. Med. News, Phila., 1894 lxiv, 508-510. Aho, Reprint. — Doerller (H.) Beitra" zur Behaudlung der Perityphlitis seu Appendicitis. Miiii^ chen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 306 ; 331. — Donltin. Caseof ulceration of the vermiform appendix. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 372.— Downcs (A.J.) Perforated appendix. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91, xv, 78. — Drcyfus-ltrisnc (L.) Appendicite et peritonite appendiciilaire. [Rev. gen.] Gaz. hebd. de med. Par 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 493-495. — Dunn (J. H.) Observations on appendicitis, with a brief review of thirty-eight con- secutive cases. Northwest. Lancet, St Paul, 1894, xiv, 405-417.—Dunning (L. H.) Appendicitis. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1893, xliv, 63-73. [Discussion]. 230- 239.'— Duret (H.) Des appeudicites. J. d. sc. med de Lille, 1893, i, 529; 577; 597: ii, I; 25.—Edcbohls (G.M.) Report of five cases of acute appendicitis. N. York J Gynaec. Sc Obst., 1894, iv, 132-138. Also, Reprint—E in- born (H.) Leber Perforationen des Processus vermi- formis und des Ccecums. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr 1891, xxxviii, 121; 140.—Ekcliorn (G.) Redogbrelse fo'r nagra fall af appendicit. [Report on some cases of ap- pendicitis. 1 Hygiea, Stockholm, 1895, lvii, pt. 1, 433- 465.—Eliot (G.) Appendicitis from tbe point of view of the physician. Proc. Counect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1893 194-199. Aho: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxix, 269.—EU liot (J. W.) Appendicitis; summary of cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, exxvii, 111-113.—Emerson (N. W.) A study of appendicitis. Tr. Am. Inst. Honioeop.. Phila 1895,'li, 582-587. — Eskridge (J. T.) Sc Campbell! Perforation of the vermiform appendix. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1880, ix, 29-31.—Evans (Z. H.) A favorable ter- mination of a much neglected case of suppuration of the appendix vermiformis. Ann. Gvnasc. Sc Paediat, Phila , 1892-3, vi, 744-747. — Fairchild (D. S.) Some observa- tions on the treatment of appendicitis. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Omaha, 1893, xi, 67-71. Also: Omaha Clinic, 1893-4, vi, 252-256.—Feild (E. E.) Medical and surgical aspects of appendicitis. Tr. M. Soc.Yirg., Richmond, 1894, xxv. 42- 56. Also: Virginia M. Month..Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 727- 743. — Eenger (C.) Remarks on appendicitis. Am. J. Obst. N. Y.V 1893, xxviii, 161-199. Also, Reprint Aho: Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc, N. Y., 1892-4, ii, 86-124.—Feu- wick (S.) Cases of difficult diagnosis; perforation of the appendix vermiformis. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 987; 1039. — Field (J. T.) Recurrent appendicitis; appendix perforated during the fourth attack. Texas ('our.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1893-4. xi, 133. — Figueira (M.) Latent- appendicitis. Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix. 273-279. — Fitz (K. H.) Perforating inflammation of the vermiform ap- pendix; with special reference to its early diagnosis and treatment. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1886, i. Iu7- 144. Aho, Reprint Also: Aiu. J. M. Sc, Phila., 18m;, n. 8., xcii, 321-346.-----. Appendicitis; some of the results of the analysis of seventy-two cases seen in the past four years. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, cxxii, 619. — Flcischoicr (II.) [et al]. Appendicitis. Proc Connect M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1894, 89-111, 1 tab— Fouilloux. Gangrene de l'appendice il6o-ccecal. Bull. Soc anat. de Par.. 1870, xiv, 217-219. — Fowler (G. II.) A study of twenty- eight cases of appendicitis. Brooklyn M. J.. 189], v, 302-310. -----. Three cases of left-sided appendicitis. Meil. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 604. -----. Observations upon appendicitis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 4; 146; 327; 474; 546, 3 pl. Aho, [revised] Reprint. -----. Ap- pendicitis. N. York Polyclin., 1895,v, 133 ; 202 : [viJ, 232.— French (S. \Y) Appendicitis. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Madison, 1892, xxvi, 96-103.—Gable (H. G.) Perforative appendicitis. Chicago M. Times, 1894, xxvi. 241-243.— Gallet (A.) L'appendicite. Clinique, Brux., 1892, vi, 737- 745. -----. Perforation of vermiform appendage. Mod. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 161-164.-----'. Another ease of perforation ofthe vermiform appendage. Ibid., 551-553. -----. Pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of perforation ofthe appendix vermiformis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 262-266. Also, Reprint. — Gay (G. W.) Appendicitis. Boston M. & S. J.. 1890, exxiii, 557-559. -----. Appendicitis. Internat Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., ii. 20-26. ----- Ten additional cases of appendicitis. Boston M. &S. J., 1893, cxxviii, 494-497. -----. Appendi- citis; some impressions derived from an experience of 44 cases. Ibid.. 1894, exxx, 508-513 — Gcrster (A. G.) Es- say upon the classification of the various forms of appen- dicitis and perityphlitic abscess, with practical conclu- APPENDICITIS. 590 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis. [Including ulceration and perforation ofthe appendix.] sions. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 6-14.—Gibbons. Gan- grene of the vermiform appendix. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1893, xxviii, 149. — Glueck. Perforation of the vermiform appendix. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 260.— (^oldschmidt (D.) Perityphlite; tiaitement par la glace ; gu6rison ; expulsion par le rectum d'un calcul ster- coral ib- l'appendice verniiculaire. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1886, xxiii. 159-165. Aho: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1886, 4. s., xv, 91-93.—Gordon (S. C.) Salines in appen- dicitis. Boston M. & S J., 1893, exxix, 557. Aho, Re- print.—Goulcy (J. W. S.) Tvplilenteritis versus ap- pendicitis. Tr. N. Yoik M. Ass., 1894, xi, 78-83.— Goul- lioud. Peritonite diffuse appendiculaire; guerison. Lyon med., 1895, lxxix, 500-503.— Goullioud Sc Ade- not. Perforation de l'appendice ileo-caecal. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, 20-30, 1 pl.—Graham (J.) The medical treatment of appendicitis and its limitations. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. s., viii, 797-8no. Also, Reprint. — Graudiu (E. H.) Appendicitis in the female. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1893, iii, 544-548. -----. Notes on appendicitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 689.—Grant oblc (C. P.) Appendicitis of mild tvpe. Am. Gynasc. Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vii, 115-117. [Dis- cussion!, 146-153. A ho, Reprint.—IVorris (J. C.) Perfo- ration of the appendix vermiformis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 33-35. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1880, x, 261. — IVoycs (R. F. ) Remarks on appendicitis. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1889-91, Providence, 1890-92, iv, 313- 323.— ^nlt (G. D.) Appendicitis. N. Albany M. Her- ald, 1894, xiv, 51. — Obraztsoff (V. P.) Klinicheskia formi vospalenla chervevidnavo otrostka. [Clinical forms of appendicitis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 549-552.— Oliver. Perforation of appendix vermiformis. Rep. Pioc. Northumb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon- Tyne 1886-7, 149. —Osier (W.) Perforation of appendix vermiformis; circumscribed abscess; perforation of ileum; haemorrhage from bowels. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 313.—Ostrom (S. C. J.) Appendicitis in general practice. Physician Sc Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1894, xvi, 193-197.— Owen (A.M.) Unique case of suppurative appendicitis with hepatic abscess, and other similar cases. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890, i, 221.—Paget (S.) An un- usual case of sloughing of the vermiform appendix. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv, 155.— Paratyphlit.; Ab- scess nach Perforation eines Typhusgesc.hwiirs des AVurm- fortsatzes. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1891), 1892, 68. — Parkin (A.) Cases of suppurative peritonitis caused by disease of the appendix. Quart. M. J, Sheffield, 1894-5,'iii, 231-236.—Paulsen (F.) Afsted- ning og Afgang af Process, vermiformis. Lgesk. f. Laa- ger, Kjobenh., 1882, 4. R., v, 373. — Pearse (H. E.) Ap- pendicitis. St. Louis Clinique, 1893, vi, 104— Perfora- tion of the appendix simulating venereal bubo. ArmyM. Dep. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1895, xxxv, 302-305. — Piechaud. Appendicite. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1891, xii, 115. — Piersol (G. A.) Obliteration of the appendix vermiformis. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, vii, 893-899.—Pilcher. Perforation of the appendix ver- miformis. Proc M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1880- 81. v, 34.— 1'il I id Sc Gosset. Appendicite et abces de la fosse iliaque; abc^s ateolaires du foie cons6cutifs. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 641-644.—Pla (E. F.) Apendicitis superada que euro sin la interveiicion quiriir gica. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1892-4), Appendicitis. {Including ulceration and perforation of the appendix.] 1895, vi, 143-152.— Plumiiier (C. G.) A recent case of appendicitis. Med. Pec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 541.—Porter (C. V.) Case of peritonitis appendieularis. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1880, ii, 457.— Porter (M. P.) Some moot points in the treatment of appendicitis. Med. IS'ews, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 289.—Potherat. Appendicite; peritonite par perforation ; mort Bull. Soc. auat de Par., 1892, lxvii, 338.—Potter (T. E.) Appendicitis. AVest. M. Sc S. Reporter. St. Joseph, 1893-4, v, 21-23. — Price (M.) Report of a case of appendicitis. Ann. Gymec Sc Paediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 199.—Prouty (I. J.) 'Appen- dicitis; a year's experience. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1893, 100-116. — Quenu. Indications therapeu- tiques et traitement operatoire de lappenilicite aigue. Gaz. med. de Par., 1895, 9. s., ii. 349-352.— Ramsey (A. C. L.) Appendicitis, with report of one case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 344— Rausohoff (J.) Report of a caso of appendicitis. Cincin. Lancet-Cliuic, 1893, n. s„ xxx, 675. [Discussion], 681. — Ransom (W. W.) Personal experience with appendicitis. Alabama M. & S. Age, Annistou, 1890-91, iii, 335-337. — Ratcliffe. [Perforative appendicitis.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 817. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1892, i. 917. — Rectus (P.) Des appendicites. Rev. de chir., Par., 1890, x, 799-810. -----. Traitement des appendicites. Bull et mem. Soc. ile chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 125-132. |Discussion], 100; 185; 219; 232; 258; 282; 390; 410; 438. -----. Traite- ment des appendicites. In his: Clin. chir. de la Piti6, 8°, Par., 1894, 334-343.— Reichard (A'. M.) Perforation of the vermiform appendix. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890, xxiii, 479-484. —Rcinckiiig (H.) Perforative appendi- citis. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxiv, 352-354.— Richardson (M.H.) The use of salines in appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxix, 335. -----. Gangrenous and perforated vermiform appendix. Ibid., 492. -----. Remarks upon appendicitis, based upon a personal expe- rience of one hundred and eighty-one cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii, 1-23. Also, [revised] Reprint.— Richelot (L.-G.) De l'appendiculite chez la femme. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, 625-630. Also: Lnion med., Par., 1890, 3. s., 1, 625-629. -----. Re- marques sur l'appendicite. Lnion med., Par., 1895, 3. s., lix, 13-17.—Richmond (N. G.) The treatment of ap- pendicitis; a conservative view; illustrative eases. Buf- falo M. Sc S. J., 1892-3, xxxii, 1-11—Rishmillci- (J. H.) Consideration of appendicitis in the female, with the data of a case. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1895, xv, 121-124.— Ritchie (J.) Perforated vermiform appendix. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1892-3, n. s., xii, 213.—Robinson (F. B.) Appendicitis. Mathews' M. Quart, Louisville, 1894, i, 36-50. Aho: N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1893, v, 545-554.— Robinson (W. L.) Appendicitis. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1894, xxv, 57-64. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 802 - 809. — Roger .v. Shepherd (F.J.) Perforating appen- dicitis. Ibid., 1888, liii, 540.—Ross (J. F. W.) Inflamma- tion of the vermiform appendix; symptoms, causes, and treatnient. Canada Lancet, Toronto,' 1892-3, xxv, 345-357.— de Ron ville. Quelques reflexions sur le diagnostic et le traitement de l'appendicite aigue. N. Moutpel. med., 1895, iv, 965-973.—Range (E. C.) A personal experience with appendicitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 461.—Rupture of vermiform appendix; peritonitis ; obstruction of bowels. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1886, Lond.,1887, 51.— Rycrson (J. G.) Some recent views on appendicitis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark. 1891, 109-117.—Saundby (R.) The medical treatment of so-called perityphlitis, or inflammation of the appendix vermiformis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1891, xxx, 129-145.—Saxtorph (S.) Perityphlitis; Appendicitis. Med. Aarsskr., Kjobenh., 1892, 202-218.— Schell (\V.) Appendicitis. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 495- 499. Also : West. M. & S. Reporter, St Joseph, Mo., 1895, vii, 60-65.—Schooler (L.) Appendicitis perforatis [sic]. Med., News, Phila.,1890, lvii, 421-423.—Schiitxeuberger (C.) Ulceration de l'appendice ileo-ccecal; p6ritomteconse- cutive; mort. Inhis: Frairmentsd'etudespath.etclin., 8°, Par., 1879, 449-452.—Shepherd (F. J.) Perforated vernii- form appendix. Montreal M. J., 1890-91, xix, 839.—Smith (J. L.) Death from peritonitis following perforation of the appendix vermiformis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxv, 469.— Smith (M. L.) A case of gangrenous appendicitis. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1894, vii, 139-143.—Soderbaum (P.) Fall af appendicitis och periappendicitis. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1893, xxviii, 220-227. — Soniienburg. Pathologie und Therapie der Perityphlitis (Appendicitis simplex und perforativa). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893-4, xxxviii, 155-295. Aho: Atti d. xi Cong. APPENDICITIS. 592 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis. {Including ulceration and perforation of the appendix.] med. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895, iv, Chirurg. [etc.], 128.— Hollas. App< ndiciteperforanteprimitive. Prance me-d., Par.. 1894, sli -19-53.—Spalding (A. E.) My experience in appendicitis Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 43-4i; Spun Ion (\V. D. i Xotes of a case of abscess in the groin containing the vi rmiform appendix. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18.S9. i. 126.--Npecht (J.) Perforation of the vermi- form appendix. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 72- 74. .*>ledinan (('. E) Two cases of appendicitis, one- fatal Boston M. .v. S. J., 1888. cxix, 241-243.—Steduian (J.) Perforation of the vermiform appendix. Ibid., 1881, civ, 443.—Steel I (G. 1 Perforation ofthe vermiform appen- dix; suppurative peritonitis; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1890. i, 165. — Sicwai-I (J. T.) Appendicitis. Tr. M Soc Calif., San Fran.. 1895, xxv, 139-144. Aho: South. Calif. Pi act.. Los Angeles, 1895, x. 374-377.—Stimson (I.. A.) A contribution to the study of appendicitis. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii. 449-456. A ho,"Reprint. -----. Appendicitis. X. York M. J.. 1891, liii, 314.—Stokes (W.) Fatal per- foration of the vermiform appendix. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl, 1880-82, u. s., ix, 115-117. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s.. lxxiii, 450-454.—Stone (I. S.) Appendicitis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. 1895-6, xxii. 261-265. f Discussion |. 349-351.— Stone (P. M.) Appendicitis from the standpoint of the general practitioner. KansasM. J., Topeka, 1892, iv. 539-542. Ah»: Med. Age, Detroit, 1892, x, 65-68.—Study (J. X.i Appendicitis; death in toit\- two hours. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1891, x\xix. 166.—Suite do la discussion sur lappt-udiritc. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi. 523-515.—Sullivan (J. I).) Clini- cal observations on appendicitis, with report of cases illustrating different tonus of the disease. X. York M. J., 1893. lvii, 409-413. Aha. Reprint.—Summer* (J. E ) The treatment of appendicitis., with illustiati\ e cases (In.aha Clinic. 1891-2, iv, 195-201. Aho. Ucpriui.— Nnnin |J.) Appendicitis. Bristol M.-Chir. J.. 1894, xii, 9-25. — Wyers. A case of ulceration of the vermiform ap- P-mlix: incropsy; remarks. Lancet, Loud., 1890, ii, 720.— Talamon (('.)' Appendicite et npblite. Med. mod., I'ar. 1889-90, i, 504-546. -----. Appendicites niedicales. Ibid. 1894, v. 1461-1166. -----. Het edite do l'appendicite. Med. mod.. Par , 1896. vii, 67. —Taylor (II.) Heredity of appendicitis. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1895. ii, 972. — Terrier (F.) Traitement de l.'appemlicite. Mercredi med.. Par., 1892, iii, 281. — Terry ( M. O.) Appendicitis; the non- operative measure for its early cure by the use of sweet oil. X. York M. Times, 1892-3, xx, 298.—Thompson .Sc Bailer. Two cases of fatal enteritis, caused by hard- ened feculent matter in tbe appendix casci. Laneet, Lond., 1833-4. i, 855.—Traube (L.) Ein Fall von Durch- bohrung des Wiirnifortsat^es mit Kothbrecheu : Bcitiag zur Lehre vom Ileus uud zum Verstandniss der Wirkung i des Mercurius vivos, la his: Ces. Beitr. z. Bath, u! | Physiol.. Berl., 1871. ii, pt. 1, 351 302.—Trotimotl' (X. P.) Yospab-nle clier\ coliia/.navo otrostka s probixb-iiiem vevo (appendicitis pel fi.iativai. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii 1079-1082. — Tllllle (A. II.) A iapi.ll^ fatal case of appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892, exxvii, 432.__ Typhlitis, Peiforation des Wuiiuloi tsatzes, allgem. Peritonitis; 2 Fiille. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1891), 1892, 67. - Vnuder Veer (A.) Appendici- tis; the relation of the physician and the surgeon in the care of cases. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1891, 258-261. Aho. Reprint.-----. Appendicitis; suggestions for a more uniform and simple classification to aid the general practitioner, with report of a few cases to illustrate some of the points presented iu this paper. Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1895, xxxii. 732-744. Aho: Intel nat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1*95.viii, 33.5-337.- Van Lciiik p (W B.i Appendicitis. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1893. xxviii, 71s-729. Also. Re- prim.-----. Appendicitis, wiih especial leference to its diagnosis aud the indications for opei atiou. Hahneman. Month, Phila., 1895, xxx, i-22. Aim. lb-pi int. — Van Slyck (I). 15.) Appendicitis. South. Calif. Pract. I.os Angelo. 1894, ix, 483-487. — Vieltcry (II. F.) Appendi- citis, with report of cases. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1888, cxviii, 39 — Voclchcr i A i Bupture of vermiform appendix'. Tr. Path. See. Lund.. IWiu-'.l, xiii, 127.—Vrijheid (J. A.) lets over appendii itis. Med.Weekbl, Amst.. 1894. i. 173- 177.—Wallis (C.) Om appeudiciterna och peiityfliteuia som dodsorsak vid Sahbatsberers sjukhus under aren 1-79- 91. [Causoof ihaih from appendicitis aud perityphlitis in I Sabbatsberg hospital from 1879-91.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 578-595. — Warner oc, Burlington, 1893 137-156. Also: X Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1893-4, xiii, 105-111 — Appendicitis. {Including ulceration and per for at ion ofthe append ix.[ Whitnker (H. W.) Concerning the medical treatnient of appendicitis. Columbus M. J.. 1893-1, xii, 44i-444._ White (J. W.) An address on appendicitis. Thei-m Gaz.. Detroit, 1894, 3. s.. x, 385-402. — Wilcox (S. f| Three eases of appendicitis (}); no appendix. Tr. Homo-. op. M. Soc X. Y., Rochester, 1892, xxvii. 345-351.— Wil. Iiams (D. H.) Inflammation starting in the cecum anil vei mi lot in appendix. Am. .I.Obst. X. Y.. 1893, xxviii, 2fio- 205. —Winslow (J. R.) A case of diffuse .suppurative peritonitis tollowiug perforation ofthe appendix vernii- formis. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 174. —With <('. E) Peritonitis appeuiHcularis eller den ved ITccialioi! oi' Perforation af appendix ileo-cocalis fremkalilte Peiiton£ tis. Festskr. . . . d. hegevidensk. Fak. v. Kjobenh. Lniv Kjobenh., 1879, no. 5, 1-84.—Worcester (A.) The treat- nient of appendicitis. Boston M.,v S. J., 1892, exxvii, 101- 105. -----. Appendicitis. Ibid., 18!i3. exxix, 506; 535.— Wright (A. K.) Appendicitis. [Three eases. | X. Am J. Homceop., X. Y. 1894, 3. s.. ix, 144. — Wright (li. p.j Appendicitis. Ontario M. J.. Toronto, 1-92, i, 107-lli. [Discussion |. 112-114. Also: Montreal M. J., 181)2 3, xx' 422-436. — Wy in an (Ii.('.) Appendicitis. N. York M J., 1893 lvii. 215 218. — Vales (W. X.) An anomalous case ol appendicitis. M.-d. Pe\.. St. Louis, 1893, xxviii 402. —Young (J. YV.) Relapsing appendicitis, with re- port ot case. Med. Herald, St. Jos, pli. 1 »l»4. n. s., xiii 531-537. Aho: Med. Lev., St. Louis, 1894, xxix, 2-5.— Young (L. B.) Appendicitis: withaph-a for less surgi- cal interference in its management. Med. Pec, N. Y. 1892, xiii, 213.—Young (P. A.) A case of gangrenous ap- pendicitis; with note bv C. W. Cathcart. Edinb. Hosp Rep., 1894, ii. 523-526. Appendicitis (Causes and pathology of). Pulling (A.) * Ueber durch Kothsteine he- dingte. Perforation des Processus verniiforniiH. 8C. Miinchen, 18i-2. Le Gierx (J.) " Contribution a l'etude de rappemlicito par corps strangers. 4\ Paris, 1603. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1893. Lehmanx (M.) *P>eitrag zur Pathologie des Processus verm i form is. f- . Strassburg, 1-{K>. Margery (L.) *De l'appendicite infectieuse aigue sans perforation ni gangrene de l'appen- dice. 4 . Lyon, 1892. Morris (R. T.) Infectious appendicitis. Paper read at the Pau-Anieiican Medical Con- gress, September, l6[)3. « . [n.p., 189:3.] Voi-Z (A.) Die durch Kothsteine bedingte Durchbohrung des Wurinfortsatzes, die liiiung verkannte Ursache einer gefahrlicheu Peritoni- tis, und deren Behandlung mit Opium. &-. Carlsruhe, 1>1('i. Atlenot. L'appendicite et le bacterium coli commune. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1891, 9. s.. iii. 740-742. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1891, 7. s., viii, 58li.—Aulouiolli (C.) Sull' appendicite e titlite semplice e tubi-n-olure. Raecoglitore med., Forli. 1894. 5. s xvii, 363; 388; 410; 522: xviii, 4; 69; 90 — AnIiiiiciuI (A. S.) Immunity to appendicitis. Med. Xews, Phila , 18S3, lxiii, 417.— AtliiuKou ((5. A.) A note ou etiology of appendicitis. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895, i. 1439.—Barker (P. C.) Is ap- pendicitis a primar\ or a secondary disease ' X. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 72. —Berry (K. J. A.) The pathology of the vermiform appendix. J. Path. Sc Bacterid!, Edinb. Sc Lond.. 1894-5, iii, 160-175.—Biggs (H. M.) Impaction of a foteign body in the vermiform appendix. Meil. Pec., N. Y., Is88 xxxiii, 721. -----. Tuberculosis ol ibe vermi- form appendix. Proc. X.York Path. Soc. (188m, 1n-9, 104.— Bio in field (J. E.) The etiology of appendicitis. Brit. M. .}., Lond.. 1895, ii. 658.— Brazil (\V. II. i Two cases of appendicitis associated with i lieiiniatisin. Ibid., i, 1142.—ilarllcilgc i A. M.) Appendicitis: pathology and varieties. Am. Piact. Sc Xews, Louisville, 1891. n. s..xviii, 129-137. Also: Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1894. u. s., iii. 73 84. — Chapnl. Perforation de l'appendice ileo- ccecal (par corps etrange); p6ritonite suppure-e; ph£no- nidnea d'etranglement: laparotomie; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, lvii. 279-284. Also: Progi earned., Par., 1883, xi, 103-105.—Coleman (YV.) A piece of bone in the appendix vermiformis. Med. Rec., X. Y.. Ic95, xlviii, 639.—Colmcr (P. A.) Perforation of appendix ca-ci by a pin; general peritonitis, ending in sudden death. Lan- cet, Lond., 1895, i. 745.—Craig (YV. H.) A case of con- cretion, composed of bciry seeds and fa-cal material, in appendix vermiformis, with consequent ulceration, per- foration, peritonitis: autopsv. Albany M. Ann.. 1887, viii. 279-281.—Crchorc (C. F.) A possible cause for the APPENDICITIS. 593 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis (Causes and pathology of)- present prevalence of appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893. exxix, 151. — Crutcher (H.) Appendicitis; two more deaths. Hahneman. Advoc, Chicago, 1895, xxxiv, 254-257.—Da I ziel (T. K.) Three specimens of vermi- form appendix removed by operation. Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliv, 209-214.— Dupertuis. Peritonite suraigue, produitc par un calcul contenu dans l'appareil ececal. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1863. 63.—KUeliorn (G.) Bacterium coli commune, en orsak till appi ndicit. Lpsala Lakaref. F6rh., 1892-3, xxviii, 113-150.— Ferrier (J.) Perforation de l'appendice ileo-coecal delerniinee par la presence d'un corps etranger. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phy- siol. . . • de Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 272-275. Also: J. de meil. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 162.—Firltel (C.) Llceration de l'appendice venuiculaire par un noyau de fruit; per- foration, peritonite aigue geueralisee. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. de Liege, 1882, xxi. 25 —Formnd (II. F.) Two cases of perforation of the vermiform appendix due to foreign bodies. Tr. Path. Soe. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 81.—Fowler (G. R.) A preliminary note upon the rela- tion of the bacterium commune coli to appendicitis. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 434.—Fraser. Foreign body in vermiform appendage; perforation: peritonitis; death. Glasgow M. J., 1883. xx. 381.—Frazer (J. E.) Rheu- matic appendicitis. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1895, i, 1320.—fSan- tier (L.) Quelques faits de corps etrangers de l'appen- dice cu-cal simulant l'etranglement interne. Rev. ni6d. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1883. iii, 133-149— CSouraud (X.) Sc :Martin-Durr. Un cas de typhlite ou appendicite cause par des ascarides. Gaz. d. bop., Par.. 189;;. lxvi. 754.— Grant (W. YV.) Appendicitis; report of six cases. Tr. Colorado M. Soc. Denver, 1895, 191-200. — Heeker (A.) Perforations-Peritonitis in Folge von Perforation des Wurnifortsatzes (lurch eine weisse Bohne. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr.. Berl, 1893, xxii, 61-75. — llildebrnndt. Perforation des Processus vermiformis durch einen Koth- stein. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr.. Leipz., 1888, xiv. 564.— Hodenpyl (E.) On the a-tiology of appendicitis. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 777-785. Also, Reprint. — Jegu. Appendicite stercorale simple; diagnostic et traitement medical Med. mod., Par., 1889-90. i, 739-742.—Kales (J. W.) Foreign bodies in the appendix. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 446. — l.ciinander (K. G.) Bacterium coli commune, en orsak till appcudicit. [ ... as cause of. . .] Lpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1893, xxviii, 250-253. — I,eudet (T.-E.) Recherches anatomo-pathologiques et cliniques sur l'ulceration et la perforation de l'appendice ileo-ccecal. Arch. gen. de ni6d., Par., 1859, ii, 139; 315. Also, in his: Etudes de path, et de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1891. iii, 500-529.— McPhedran (A.) & Caven (J.) Lodgment of a for- eign body, a piu. iu the appendix vermiformis; death from pyaemia. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1895, xx, 180-182.— Man Icy (T. H.) Various types of appendicitis; opera- tive and non-operative, ten cases; four operations, two deaths; six treated hy palliative measures; all recoveu-d. N. York M. Reporter, Rochester, 1895-6, ii, 342. — ITIan- rin. Gangrene et perforation de l'appendice i'6o-ccecal par une petite masse de matieie fticale dossechte et dur- cie; p6ritonite consecutive. Bull. Soc.anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 203-206.— Maury (J. M.) Appendicitis; -with re- port of cases. Memphis M. Month., 1895, xv, 433-440.— Monod (C.) Vingt-deux cas d'appendicite; reniarques sur le diagnostic et le traitement. Assoc, franc. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.J 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 206-212.— Morris (R. T.) Infectious appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, exxx, 133.—Myuler (H.) On the pathology of ap- pendicitis. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiii, 225-232.— Naiuiotti. Considerazioni cliniche e bacterioscopiche sopra un caso di tiflo-appendicite tubercolare. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1892, iv, 336-341.—IVuding (YV. II.) Recurrent appendicitis, followed by unusual complica- tions. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1895, vi, 30-33.—Olilmachcr (A. P.) The Proteus vulgaris in a case of appendicitis, complicated with inguinal hernia. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1893-4, ix, 511-519.—Oliver (J. C.) Tlie pathology of ap- pendicitis. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893,168-173.—l»nrk (R) Two cases of foreign bodies, pins, found in the ap- pendix. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1895,-xlvii, 345. — PecKham (F.E.) Appendicitis, with apparent resolution ol abscess; relapse; autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxx, 61.— Pepper (W.) Small intestinal concretion in the appen- dix vermiformis caeci; ulceration and probable perfora- tion ofthe appendix ; general peritonitis; death after five days' duration of the acute symptoms. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s„ liv, 416-418. —Petersen (O.) Ein Fall von Ruptur des Wurmfortsatzes in Folge von Obturation durch einen Darmstein. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., W80, v, 327. — Pilliet & Costes. Etude sur lap- pendicite folliculaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 19-38. —Porter (YV. H.) The pathology of ap- pendiceal, perityphlitic, and paratypblitic inflammations and suppurations, with an interesting history and post- mortem. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 88-94. Also: Post- Graduate, N. V., 1889-90, v, no. 3,11-26— Bcclus (P.) Ty- pblite et appendicite tuberculeuses. In his: Cliu. chir. 38 Appendicitis (Causes and pathology of). de la Pitie, 8°, Par., 1894, 317-333.— Richelot (L.G.) Sur l'appendicite vulgaire et la typhlite tuberculeuse. Lnion med., Par., 1892, 3. s., liii, 459;'469. -----. Apropos de la typhlite et de l'appendicite tuberculeuse. Ibid., 1893, 3. s., lvi, 17-19. — Bickard*. Inflammation of the vermiform appendix from ftucal accumulation, causing deatli by general peritonitis. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880, ii, 924.—Bobb (H.) A ease of associated streptococcus infec- tion of tlie vermiform appendix, and Fallopian tube. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait., 1892, iii, 23-25. Also, Re- print.—RobiiiHon (li.) Rheumatism as a cause of ap- pendicitis: points in its medical treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1895, xlviii, 373. -----. The appendix and caecuui in one hundred and twenty-eight adult post-mortems, with a new theory as to the cause of appendicitis. Ibid., 757- 762.—Rollcston (H. D.) Vermiform appendix (with two dilatations, due to ulceration). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1893- 4, xiv, 88.—Koux. Appendicite experimentalo; recher- ches sur le mecanisnie de la perforation de l'appendice ver- mifornie. Assoc, franc, de chir. Pi-oc.-verb. [etc.] 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 213-217.—Schwartz (E.) Diagnostic et traitement de l'appendicite perforante. Rev. g6n. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1895, ix, pt.2, 339-342. — Service (J.) A case of fatal perityphlitis from perforation of the vermi- form appendix by an orange pip. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 286.—Sharkey (S. J.) Perforation of vermiform appen- dix by a calculus; acute peritonitis. Tr.Path.Soc.Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 243.— Shoemaker (G. E.) A common pin in the vermiform appendix, with secondary abscess of the liver. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 214-216.— Stearns (H. S.) Tubercular appendicitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 25. —Sled in a n (O.) A case of peritonitis from perforation of the vermiform appendix by a faecal concretion; death from haemorrhage. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 1061.—Sutherland (G. A.) Some cases of appendicitis associated with rheumatism. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 109-115. -----. Appendicitis and rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 457-459.—Talamon (C.) A propos de la pathogenie de l'appendicite. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., xiii, 199. — Thompson (G. H.) Appendicitis of unusual etiology. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1895, ii. 273-275.—Treatment (The) of appendi- citis. Med. YVeek, Par., 1895, iii, 511.—Van veils (J.) P6ri-appendicite suppuree; perforation; p6ritonite geuera- lisee. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 137-140.—Weir (R. F.) Cases of appendiceal abscess of unusual germ ori- gin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 348.— Whipham (T.) Perforation of the appendix ca;ci vermiformis aud caecum by a pin; abscess external to the cacuni; pyaemia; empy- ema; paracentesis; tube, which was introduced to evacu- ate the contents of the pleural cavity, passed into an ab- scess lying beneath the liver. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1879, xii, 58-64, 1 tab.—Williams (O. L.) Faradic electricity in appendicitis. Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1895, xxx, 451-454. Appendicitis (Complications and se- quelce of). See, also, Appendicitis in pregnancy. Bekthelin ( L. ) Complications hepatiques de l'appendicite. 8°. Paris, 1895. Couraud (A.) * De la psoite d'origine appen- diculaire. 4°. Lyon, 1694. Croizat (A.) De la pleuresie droite comme complication de l'appendicite, de la typhlite et de la pentyphlite. 6-. Lyon, 1892. Sallet (E.) * Des abces p6ri-h6patiques d'origine appendiculaire. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Sal/kde (F.) *£tranglenient i lit erne conse- cutif a une perforation de l'appendice caical. 4°. Paris, 1871. Abbe (R.) Appendicitis complicated with intestinal obstruction. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 677.—Aciiard (C.) Infection du foie corupliquaut l'appendicite; patho- genie des abces areolaires. Mercredi med., Par., 1894, v, 569-572.—Baldy (J. M.) Chronic abscess due to appen- dicitis. Ann. Gvnaec. Sc Paadiat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 88-92. [Discussionl, 113-116. — Barfoat (J. H.) Acaseof ap- pendicitis followed by abscess. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1892, xxxv, 527.—Barrows (C. C.) Gangrene ofthe ap- pendix vermiformis. K. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 664.— Binkley (J. T.) The relations between salpingitis aud appendicitis vermiformis, and their importance to the gynecologist. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxix, 474; 493. Also: Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc, N. Y., 1892-4, ii, 270-279.- Black (J. M.) Appendicitis; rupture of the sac and escape of its contents into the abdominal ca-. ity. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 499. — Cordicr (A. H.) Appendicitis; protean types. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1895, xxxii, 181- 184. — Beaver (J. B.) Inflammation of the right iliac fossa, associated with lesion of the cecum, the vemiifoim appendix and adjacent tissues. Med. News, Phila., 1892, APPENDICITIS. 594 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis (Complications and se- quelce of). lxi, 141-146. — Bejace (L.) Abc^s cons6cutif k une ap- pendicite ouvert par la region lombaire. Ann. Soc. m6d.- chir. de Liege, 1894, xxxiii, 282-285. — Dupre (E.) Gan- grene de l'appendice ileo-ccecal; peritonite purulente en- kyst6e, perihepatite, pleuro-pneumonie droite suppuree; necropsie. France med., Par., 1888, i, 25-31. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1887), 1888, xi, 183-189. — Feltz. Ap- pendicite compliqu6e d'abces ar^olaires du foie. Bull et m6m. Soc. nied. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 321-326.— Finlay (D. TV.) A case of perforation ofthe vermiform appendix with peritoneal abscesses; death after a long in- terval from pyaemia. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885. xviii, 16- 20. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 762. Aho [Abstr.l: Lancet. Lond., 1884, ii, 680.—Firket (C.) Ad- herence de l'appendice vermiculaire au peritoine dela fosse iliaque; perforation h travers les adhSrences: inflamma- tion dissequant le tissu sous-peritoneal sur une trfes grande fetendue, sans peritonite; lesions diphth6ro!des de la ves- sie et du vagin ; pneumonie batarde. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Li6ge, 1882, xxi, 26-29—Golding-Bird (C. H.) Par- tial obstruction (chronic) from adhesions after appendici- tis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xxvii, 202-204. — CJun- tcrmanu (P.) Appendiceal abscess opened through the vagina. Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxviii, 127.—Ham- mond (L. J.) A case of appeudicitis in a man seventy- two years of age, in which the pus had found its way through the abdominal wall and was evacuated; recovery. Med. Sews, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 508. Aho, Reprint.—Ilai-le (R. H.) A case of pyaemia due to appendicitis. Am. Lan- cet, Detroit, 1894, n. s., xviii, 294. Aho .- Denver M. Timi s, 1894-5, xiv, 61-63. Also: Kansas City M. Index, 1894, xv, 278-280. Aho: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894, xxxi, 320. Aho: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1893-4, xiii, 616. Also: Bichmond J. Pract., 1894, viii. 209-211. —Jo- rand (A.) Appendicite perforante, avec pyl6phlebite suppur6e et abc^s ar6olaires du foie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 300-303.—Kclynack (T. N.) Notes from the post-mortem room: acaseof perforative appendicitis with formation of extensive intra-peritoneal abscess. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892-3, xvii, 96-98.—Leidy (J.) Three cases of glycosuria complicating attacks of appen- dicitis, with the report of a case illustrating nature's role in effecting a cure. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 357.— l.emaricy. Appendicite; abces iliaque avec fusee pu- rulente dans la paroi scrotale; pleuresie sero-purulente. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 1318-1320.— Lewis (J. C.) An unusual case of perforating appendicitis; death from hemorrhage due to rupture of the common iliac vein. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 463.—McBurncy (C.) The treat- ment of the diffuse form of septic peritonitis occurring as a result of appendicitis; with cases. Ibid., 1875, xlvii, 385- 390.—iHaedoiigalt (J. A.) On perforation of the vermi- form appendix in its relation with attacks of peri-typhlitis. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 565; 611-ITIaclicll (H. T.) Ap- pendicitis with suppurative pylephlebitis. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1890, xv, 537-543.—Mix ter (S. J.) Two cases of appendicitis, one associated with uterine fibroid, the other with pregnancy. Boston M. & S. J., 1891; exxv, 697. [Discussion], 7i'9. — Overly (J. E.) Late spontaneous opening in an abscess from appendicitis. Columbus M. J., 1895, xv, 595. — Perforating appendicitis; purulent peritonitis; fatal case, with necropsy. Rep. Superv. Surg.- Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1890-91. xix, 233.—Polaillon. Rupture de l'appendiceil6o-ccecal pendant un effort; peri- tonite s'accompaguaut des signes d'une occlusion intesti- nale; etablissement dun anus artificiel in extremis; au- topsie. Lnion ru6d., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii, I4_i7._p0|- losson (M.) De l'6tranglemeut herniaire de l'appendice il6o-csecal. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, 135-142.—Porter (M. F.) Some moot points in the treatment of appendicitis. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 289. Also, Reprint.—Bobinson (G. S.) Ul- ceration of the appendix vermtformis, followed by pyae- mia. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 333.—Roger* (W. B.) Ap- pendicitis ; report of fifteen cases. Memphis J. M Sc 1892-3, iv, 297-303. Aho, Reprint. — SavostjaiioflT (a! I.) Sluch. gnoin. vospal. petcheni posle appendicita u re- benka. [Purulent inflammation of tbe liver after appen- dicitis in an infant.) Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1893, xxxix, 938-943. —Schooler (L.) Appendicitis perforatus. Tr! Iowa M. Soc, Dubuque, 1886-9, vii, 300-304.—.Senn (M.) Appendicitis obliterans. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 403-411. Also, Reprint. — Shepherd. Abscess in right lumbar region; operation with resulting ftecal fis- tula; primary affection probably appendicitis; recovery Montreal M. J., 1892-3, xxi, 110-112. — Shoemaker (G. E.) Suppurative pylephlebitis and hepatic abscess sec- ondary to appendicitis, with a report of two cases. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 397-410. Aho, Reprint. — Sour- dille (G.) Perforation de l'artere iliaque externe au cours d'une appendicite perforante; hemorrhagic; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 447-451. — Straight (J. W.) Report of case of suppurative appendicitis with discharge of pus into the intestine. Omaha Clinic, 1892-3 v, 365-367.—Taylor (W. W.) A unique case of appendi' Appendicitis (Complications and se- quelce of). citis. N. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 562. — Thacher (T P, \ Appendicitis with perinephritic aud subdiaphragmatic abscesses and perforation through the lun" Pmr v York Path. Soc. (1891), 1892, 71. - Tamer. "Abces nrl vesicanx par appendicite. Semaine med., Par. 1894 xiv 557.—Weir (R. F.) Remarks on sub-diaphragmatic and rectal abscesses of appendical origin. Med Rec X Y 1892, xii, 173-175.-von Winiwarter (A.) Appendicite avec perforation de 1 organe, suivie de peritonite aiguo generalisee el d'occlusion intestinale par uu volvulus Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1896, xxxv, 58-61. Appendicitis (Diagnosis and symp. toms of). Baruch (S.) Pathognomonic signs of perforating ap- pendicitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, 489. — Beck (C ) Notes on diagnosis of appendicitis, especially the suppu- rative form. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1894, vi, 205-210 — Bryant (J. D.) The relations of the gross anatomy of the vermiform appendix to some features of the clinical history of appeudicitis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893 xvii 164-180. [Discussion], 200-205. -----. Appendicitis- the connection between its symptomatology and the gross anatomy of the appendix'. Tr. M. Soc! N. Y. Albany 1894, 109-115. Also.- Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 225-227'. Aho, Reprint.—Edebohls (G.M.) Diagnostic palpation of the vermiform appendix. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. Albany 1894, 116-122. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvli' 487-492. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s lviii' 207-209.— Edebohls (G. M.) Sc Hodgman (W. II.) McBurney's point. N. York M. J., 1890, Hi, 549-551.— Gibbons (R. H.) The " McBurney point". Ibid., 1891, liii, 452-454. — Hammerer (F.) Zur Prognose der Ap- pendicitis. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1895, vii 213- 222.— Krafft (C.) "Diagnostic diflerentiel de la perity- phlite appendiculaire stercorale perforatrice. ltev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1889, ix, 177-186.-----. Pausse appendicite. Ibid., 1892, xii, 796-800. — Liiipiaiiez (G.) Enclavamiento de un enterolito en el apeiidice vermicular del ciego; apendicitis y peritiflitis consecutivas; flem6n pelviano; error de diagiiostico. Rev. m6d. de Sevilla, 1895, xxiv, 227-229.—ITIonod (E.) Appendicite aigue survenue apr6s un curettage; difficult^ de diagnostic. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1895. xvi, 126-129.— Minnie (P. F.) Appendiceal abscess in the female simulating intra- peritoneal or true pelvic abscess. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 378.—Shrady (G. F.) Some points in the diagnosis of appendicitis. Ibid., 1894, xiv, 1-4. — Talninon (0.) Causes d'erreur dans le diaguostic de l'appendicite. Med. mod., Par., 1892, iii, 13: 28. — Vinebcrg (H. X.) Notes on acute appendicitis in women with special reference to- the differential diagnosis. Charlotte [X. C.) M. J., 1895, vii, 17-26.—Wilcox (S. F.) Three cases of appendicitis; no appendix. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1893, 3. s., viii, 158-162. Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). See, also, Appendicitis in children; Peri- typhlitis; Typhlitis (Surgical treatment of). Bernardy (E. P.) Ten attacks of appeudi- citis within eleven months; operation; cure. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr.from: Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1889. Challiol (E.) *De la resection a froid de l'appendice vermiculaire du ccecuiu dans les ap- pendicites chroniques a repetition. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Chognon (B.) Des adhe"reuces de l'appen- dice vermiculaire avec les organes avoisinants dans les operations intra-abdominales. 6°. Lyon, 1894. Damaye (L.) Du traitement chirurgical de l'appendicite a repetition dans l'intervalle des crises. 8°. Paris, 1895. Dittmann (E.) * Ueber Wurmfortsatzperito- nitis' und deren operative Behandlung. [Er- langen.] 8°. Niirnberg, 1890. Elliot ( J. "YV.) Papers on appendicitis. I. Appendicitis: a year's experience in private practice. II. Appendicitis: summary of cases. III. Excision of the vermiform appendix be- tween the attacks in a case of chronic appeudi- citis. 8°. Boston, 1892. See, also, infra. Krafft (C.) * Essai sur la necessite" de trai- ter chirurgicalement la perityphlite appendicu- APPENDICITIS. 595 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). laire stercorale perforatriee. [ Zurich. ] 8°. Geneve, 1666. Aho, in: Rev. nied. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1888, viii 603-616. Also, transl. in: Samml. klin.Vortr., Leipz., 1889, No. 331 (Chir., No. 101), 3111-3122. MouRis (R. T.) Appendicitis. Clinical lect- ure at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School, February 11, 1893. 12-. [New York, 1893. Xouailles ( L.-J.-L. ) * Contribution a l'e'- tude du traitement chirurgical des appendicites. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893. Page ( 0. ) Laparotomy consecutive to an operation for suppurative appeudicitis. 8°. [Valparaiso], 1894. Transl. from: Rev. m6d., Santiago. Abbott (F. C.) Appendicitis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Bep.. Lond., 1894. n. s., xxii, 380.—Adenot. Traitement chirurgical de quelques cas (l'appendicite. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1895, iv. 709-711. Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1895, lxviii, 1312.—Albers (E. M ) Suppurative appendi- citis; operation; recovery. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1892-3, viii, 495-497.—Albrecht. Eiu im Garnison-Laza- rethzuHildesheim beobachteter Fall von Erkrankung des Wurmfortsatzes mit nachfolgender Operation. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1889, xviii, 263-272.—Allen (D. P.) Appendicitis; thirty consecutive operations during one year, with one death. Tr. Ohio M. Soe., Toledo, 1894, xlix, 131-157—Allinghani (H. W.) Ruptured suppu- rating vermiform appendix; laparotomy; removal of ap- pendix; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1891, xxiv, 112- 115.—Allis (0. II.) Note on drainage through the rectum of pelvic abscess due to appendicitis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 272-274. [Discussion], 298.— Aunaudalc (T.) On the removal of the vermiform appendix. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 568-573.—Armstrong (G. E.) Appendi- citis; operation; death on the tenth day. MontrealM. J., 1891-2,xx,27-29. Aho: CanadaM. Rec'., Montreal, 1890-91, xix, 217. -----. Appendicitis with median abscess tu- mour. Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii, 425.—Ashlini-st (J.), jr. Appendicitis; operation. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxv, 161.— Ashby (T. A. ) Appendicitis in the female. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1891-2, xxvi, 155-159.— Ash ton (W. E.) The surgical treatment of appendicitis anil its limits. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. s., viii, 793- 797. Aho, Reprint. -----. A case of appendicitis result- ing from the fin of a fish lodging in tbe appendix; opera- tion; recovery. Med. Bull., Phila., 1894, xvi, 85-87. -----. The rational treatment of appendicitis. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1894, vii, 181-184— Daillet (M.) Valeur de la laparotomie dans le traitement de la typhlite simple. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v, 19-23.— Baldy (J. M.) Three cases of appendicitis; operation; recov- ery. Med. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 579-581. Also, Re- print.— Barker ( A. E.) A note on the technique of removalof the vermiform appendix. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 863.—Barling (G.) Appendicitis; an analysis of sixty-eight cases, with comments and a summary of the conditions requiring operation. Ibid., 1893, i, 83^-841. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 321.—Barlow (T.) Sc Godlee (R. J.) A caseof suppu- ration around the vermiform appendix treated by abdomi- nal incision. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 88-94.— Barton (J. M.) Operations for appendicitis without re- moving the appendix. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1893, xi, 265-270. -----. Freedom from recurring appendicitis after evacnation of abscess; retention of appendix. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 173-175. Also: Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1894, xxviii, 164-166. Aho: Denver M. Times, 1894, xiv, 89-93.— Battle. Modified incision for removalof the vermiform appendix. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1360.— Beach (H. H. A.) Appendicitis: with a report of tliree cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxxi, 107-109.—Beck (C.) On some difficulties in reference to the early surgical treatment of appendicitis. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1895, xxv, 1132-1136.—Becker (J. N.) Tre Tilfaeldo af Peri- tonitis appendicularis, behandlede ved Incision. Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenb., 1890, 3. R., viii, 873-877.—Bell (J.) A year's experience in appendicitis. Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii, 177-189. — Berger (P. I Du traitement chirugi- cal de l'appendicite et de la perityphlite. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, 612-625. -----. Peri- tonite snppur6e diffuse consecutive a, une appendicite perforante; laparotomie, lavage et drainage du peritoine; guerison. Ibid., 1894, n. s., xx, 625-630.—Bernays (A. C.) General septic peritonitis from perforation of the vermiform appendix; laparotomy after fifty-four hours followed by recovery, Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894, v, 393-397. Also: Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1894, v. 506-510.- Betts (C.) Kcport of a case of appendicitis. Toledo M. Sc S. Reporter, 1896. ix, 27. — Black (J. F. ) Ap- pendicitis. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1896, viii, 1-8.— Bowlby (A.) A case of relapsing catarrhal inflamma- Appcndicitis (Surgical treatment of). tion of the vermiform appendix; treated by operation. Clin. J., Lond., 1894-5, v, 76.—Brenner (A.) Laparoto^ mie bei Perityphlitis; Resection des Wurmfortsatzes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 216-219.—Briggs (C. S.) Appendicitis; laparotomy; death. Nashville J. M. i S., 1891, lxx, 210-213.—Bryant (J. D.) A case of perfora- tion of the appendix vermiformis; laparotomy. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1887, xliii, 134-136. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 33. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1887,1,19. -----. Interesting cases of appendicitis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 661-664.—Bull (W. T.) Observations ou chronic relapsing appendicitis; twelve operations in the quiescent period, with one death. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 321-326. -----. Some obser- vations on chronic relapsing appendicitis; eighteen cases, with one death; list of four hundred and fifty operations. Med. Repr., Lond., 1894, v, 81-84. -----. Further obser- vations on chronic relapsing appendicitis; eighteen eases, with one death; list of four hundred and fifty operations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 385-389. Also, Reprint.—Bull (W. T.) [et al.]. Is excision of the appendix vermiformis iustifiable in cases of recurring appendicitis? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 477-481.—Km-reII (II. L.) The after- treatment of operations f r appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, exxx, 433.—Bush (I.J.) A caseof suppurative ap- pendicitis; operation; recovery. Mississippi M. Month., Meridian, 1892-3, ii, 335. — By id (W. A.) Abdominal section in tho treatment of ulceration and perforation of the ca-c.um and tho appendix vermiformis. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 433-437. Aho, Reprint.—Cabot (A. T.) A case of relapsing appendicitis in which the appendix was removed in an interval between the attacks; with recovery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1891, exxiv, 57. [Dis- cussion], 68. -----. Cases of removal of the appendix vermiformis between attacks of relapsing inflammation. Ibid., 1893, exxix, 89-92.-----. Observations upon relaps- ing appendicitis, with a record of thirty-two operations without a death. Ibid., 1895, exxxiii, 641-644, 1 tab.— Cameron (H. C.) Specimen of a vermiform appendix which had formed a communication with the bladder, and been successfully removed by operation. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xiii, 143-147. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc, 1893-5. v, 123-126.—Carmalt (W. H.) A brief considera- tion of the cases of appendicitis occurring in the, practice of. . . Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1894, 112-125. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of a case of appendicitis presenting some peculiar and instructive features. Yale M. J.. N. Haven, 1895-6, ii, 113-115.—Carstens (J. H.) Another case of appendicitis. Harper Hosp. Bull., De- troit, 1893-4, iv, 29-32.—Cartledgc (A.M.) Is operation demanded in all cases of appendicitis? The best time to operate. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 144-146.-----. Surgical technique in appendicitis. Louisville M. Month., 1894-5. i, 141-145. — Cauthorn (P.) Appendicitis; a clinical report. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1894, ii, 43-49.—Chcyne (\Y. W.) On the operative treatment of early acute appendicitis. Clin. J., Lond., 1894-5, v, 152- 155.—Chislctt.(II. K.) Appendicitis. Clinique, Chicago, 1894, xv, 7-16.—Clark (A.) Two cases of excision of the vermiform appendix. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891, xxiv, 124-126. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 410; 523.— Clarke (A. P.) Some points in the surgical treatment of appendicitis. Canada Med. Rec, Montreal, 1893-4, xxii, 28-32. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Ian-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 484-488.—Clarke (J. M.) & Wmith (J. G.) Case of removal of the vermiform appendix (dur- ing a quiescent period) for recurrent attacks of inflamma- tion. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 956-958.—Clutlon (II. H.) A clinical lecture on the surgical aspects of appendicitis. Clin. J.. Lond., 1895-6, vi, 36-42.—Coc (H. C.) Appendi- citis. N. York Polyclin., 1893, ii, 165.—Collins (G. L.) A case of appendicitis, with removal of the appendix. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence, 1889-93, iv, 546.— Cordier (A. H.) A plea for the early surgical treatment of appendicitis. Kansas City M. Rec, 1893, x, 1-6. -----. Appendicitis; perforation; operation; recovery. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1893, v, 293.—Collam (G. G.) Appendi- cectomy; three instructive cases. Meil. Rev., St. Louis, 1894, xxx, 201- 'J0:i —Cruikshank (W.J.) A plea for early operation iu disease of the vermiform appendix. Brooklyn M. J., 1891, v, 357-386.—Crutcher (II.) Ap- pendicitis: a timely operation. Med. Cm reni. Chicago, 1894, x, 419-424. Also, Reprint — Culler (K. 11.) Eleven cases of operation for appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1889, exx, 554-556.—Damaye (L.) Trois cas (l'appendi- cite a repetition, avec resection a froid de lappi-mlico vermiformo. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 13-19.— B-andridge (N. P.) Appendicitis. J. M. Sc, Port Wayne, 1893. xiii, 201-209.—Daniel (J.) Appendicular abscess burst into abdominal cavity during examination; operation; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 531.— Davega (S. M.) ' Removal vermiform appendix. Char- lotte |N. C] M. J., 1892, i, no. 2, 19-21.—Baviw (G. W.) The question of operation in perityphlitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 133.—Dnvisson (J. H.) Appendicitis with perforation. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 203-205.—Dawbaru (R. H. M.) A study in technquei APPENDICITIS. 596 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). of operation upon the appendix Internal. J. Surg., N. Y., 1895, viii, 139-141. -----. A curious case of appendi- citis- with a discussion of certain points in operative technique. Med Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii. 289-294. Also, Reprint.—Beaver (J *B.) Treatment of appendicitis. Tr Am. Surg. Ass , Phila., 1893, xi. 253-263. Also, Reprint, Aho: Lniv. M. Mag., Phila 1892-3, v 885-893. Aho, Re- print. -----. Further observations upon the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic appendicitis, with the report of sixty-one chronic cases operated upon, with one death. Med. News. Phila., 1894, lxv, 591-595. -----. Some salient points in the diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of appendicitis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1895, 3. s., xvii, 138-153.—Deflenbaugh (W. 15.) Appendicitis. J. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1891-2, ii, 385-391.— Delonue. Insuccesdela laparotomie dansle traitement de l'appendicite. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s.. xix, 638-641.—Demoulin (A.) Perforation de l'ap- pendice ileo-caecal par corps etranger (coprolithe); perito- nite aigue generalises; laparotomie; guerison. Arch. gen. de med.. I'ar., 1894, i, 710-717.—Dennis (F. S.) The pro- priety of the removal of the appendix vermiformis during the intervals of recurrent attacks of appendicitis. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1890, viii, 135-166. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi. 698-704. — Bibrell (J. A.), jr. Laparotomy for appendicitis, septic peritonitis, septic pa- resis and gangrene. J. Arkansas M. Soc., Little Keck. 1892-3, ii, 156-158. — Discussion (A» of appendicitis. Buffalo M. Sc S. J.. 1891-2, xxxi, 257-299. — Bixon (A.) Laparotomy for inflammation of the vermiform appendix with ulcerative perforation, followed by recovery. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1888, viii, 23-28. -----. An atypical case of appendicitis. Tr. Kentucky M. Sue, Louisville, 1895, n. s., iv, 199-205. — Bodge (W. T.) A clinical report on appendicitis and intestinal anastomosis. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1894, xviii, 272-300. Also: Med. News, Phila.. 1894, lxiv, 508-510. — Duckworth (Mr 1).) Sc liangton (J.) Removal by operation of a gangrenous appendix vermiformis containing a focal concretion; sec- ondary laparotomy through the linea alba for suppurative peritonitis; recovery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889, lxxii, 433-439. [Discussion], Proc Roy. Med.-Chir. Soc, Loud., 3. s., 1, 141-148. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 1347. — Dngnii (W. C.) Two cases of appendici- tis; femoral aneurism. Cincin. M. J., 1895, x, 110-118. -----. Operation for appendicitis in the quiescent stage. Ibid., 622-626.—Duncan (J.) The operation for inflam- mation of the appendix vermiformis. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1892-3, n. s., xii, 227-237. Aho: Edinb. M. J., 1893-4, xxxix, 110-114. — Duret. Des indications opera- toires dans l'appendicite. Bull. Soc. d. sc med. de Lille (1893), 1894, 49-61.—Eastman (J.) Operation for appen- dicitis. Kansas City M. Index, 1895, xvi, 143.—Edebohls (G.M.) Inversionof the vermiform appendix. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n.s., cix, 650-656.—Eisendrath (D.N.) Report of cases of appendicitis treated iu tlie surgical wards ofthe Cook County Hospital of Illinois, during the year 1891. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1892, xv, 355-368.—Elliot (J. W.) Perforation of the vermiform appendix, causing an intra-peritoneal abscess and general adhesive peri ton itis; laparotomy and drainage; recovery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1888, cxviii, 92.-----. Excision of the vermiform appendix between the attacks in a case of chronic appendicitis; the appendix being found in an ileo-caecal fossa. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n. s., ci, 556-560. Aho, Reprint. -----. Appendicitis; a year's experience in private practice. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1891, exxiv, 499-502. Aho, Reprint.— Ellison (W. A.) Perityphlitis with abscess of appendix vermiformis ; operation ami recovery. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1889-90, v, 376-380. — Eisner (S. L.) Report of a case of appendicitis, without preceding pain or fever. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 469-474.—Estes (W. L.) Ll- cerative appendicitis; operation; recovery. Lehigh Val- ley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1893-4, v, 26-28'. — Evans (E.) Appeudicitis. Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii, 7-12.—Fol- som (C. F.) A case of appendicitis. Boston M. & S. .I., 18!)4. exxx, 342.—Foster (B.) Early diagnosis and opera- tion in a caseof ulcerative appendicitis. Ibid., 1889 cxxi 256. — Foster (W. D.) Clinical contribution to the sur- gery of the appeudix vermiformis ; right inguinal hernia ; operation; recovery. Med. Arena, KansasCitv, Mo., 1894 iii, 225. Aho, Reprint.—Fowler (G. R.) The opeiative technique of appendicitis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila 1891 245-252. Aho: Ann. Surg.. St. Louis, 1891, xiii, 276-283 — Fi-iiiilicl (A.) Leber die Folgen der Perforation des Processus vermiformis und deren Behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 293. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.. Leipz., 1891, xvii, 137-141.—Frink (F. L.) Opera- tion for appendicitis on the plains. Louisville M. Month 1894-5, i, 104, 1 pl—Gable (H. G.) Perforative appendi- citis. Chicago M. Times, 1894. xxvi, 241-243. — Gallo- way (W. C.) Appendicitis North Car. M. J., Wilming- ton, 1891, xxviii, 194-203.—Gant. Case of ulceration and Serf ration of vermiform appendix; lumbar abscess; ab- oniinal section: death. Med. Press 2 lv,. 210. -----. Excision of gangrenous appendix followed by intestinal ob struction. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xjXi 682-084 — Giles (\V. A.) Notes on appendicitis. Australas M Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 482-485. — Gillelle (\V J j Appendicitis, with a report of two operated cases Toledo M. & S. Repoiter, 1892, v, 477-482. [Liscussiou], 504-506 — Goodman (H. M.) Appendicitis gangrenosa; opera- tion; recovery. Am. Pract. A News, Louisville, 1893 xv 450-453. — Gordon (S. C.) Recurrent appendicitis'- re- moval of the appeudix in the interval of attack; eight ope- rations with eight recoveries. Tr. Maine M -\ss lwt land, 1892-3, xi. 294-303. Also- Boston M. Sc S. J.' 1893 exxviii, 592-594. Aho, Repnut —Goullioml. Perioral tion de l'appendice ileo-csecal; peritonite geueralisee due au bacillus coli communis; mort. Lyon med., 1891, lxvii 245-254, 1 pl—Grant (H. H) The'techniqiie of apnea'- dixectomy. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. Louisville, 18*)4, n.s. iii, 89-108. Aho: Am. Pract. Sc News. Louisville.' 1894] xviii, 141-147. -----. Four cases of atypical appendicitis! Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1895.'ii 23-''8 — Grant (W. W.) Appendicitis. N. York M. Times. l-!L--:i, Xx, 296-298. — Graser (E.) Leber Winiiifortsatzperitouitis und dei en operative Behandlung. Yerhandl. <|. ileutech Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl, 1890, xix. pt. 2, 269-28:1 Aho- Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1891, xii, 277-291. Aho [Abstr ]• Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890. xl, 749.— Graves (S. C.j Perforative appendicitis, with report of a case treated by laparotomy. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1890, 82-91 Also: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 105-108. ----. An analysis of twenty-five cases of appendicitis. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1895, xix, 211-217.—Gray (P. D.) A case of perforative appendicitis with general purulent peritonitis; operation; recovery. Med. Rec. K. Y., 1895, xlviii, 375.— Guest (J. W.) A clinical note on perfora- tive appendicitis. Mathew's M. Quart., Louisville, J895, ii, 29-32.—Hadra (B. E.) A case of relapsing appendi- citis; removal of appendix : recovery. Med. Rec, X. Y. 1890, xxxvii, 269.—Hall (R. B.) Clinical report of four cases of appendicitis; operation and recovery. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx. 382-386. [Discussion], 400-405. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, I894, n. s., xxxiii, 216-222.— Halsled (W. S.) A postscript to the leport nn appendi- citis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait., 1894. v. 113.— Ilnydeu (A. M. ) When shall we operate in cases of appendicitis? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 1130. — Hickman (W. E.) Successful operation for appendicitis. Louisville M. Month., 1894-5, i, 68.—IIorig- inal! (W. H.) Appendicitis: operation: post-niurteiu. N. York M. J.. 1892, lvi, 406-4U- -Ilofliiiaini (J) Sur- gical appendicitis. Tr. Am. Ass Obst. \- liwiec. 1894, Phila.. 1895, vii. 145-172.—Ilolmau 7_6->9 1 pl.—Jones (T.) Surgical aid in appendicitis. Med. Chron.. Manchester, 1891-2, xv, 217-223— Julliai d (G.) Appendicite perforante; peritonite purulente geue- ralisee- laparotomie; guerison. Rev med. de la Suisse Roni., Geneve, 1895, xv, 534-536. — Kakels ( M. S.) A case of septic peritonitis following acute gangrenous appendicitis: operation; recovery. N. York M. J., 1895, lxii 11- Ateo, Reprint.—Kammerer (F.) Appendi- citis; [perforated vermiform appendix that he had tied off oil the third day of a perityphlitic attack]. Ibid., 1892, lv, 583. — Keefe (J. W. ) Twelve consecutive and' successful operations for appendicitis. Tr. Rhode Iskmd M. Soc, Providence, 1889-93, iv. 548-561. Also: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, exxx. 282: 306. Also: R. I. Med. Sc. Mouth., Providence, 1894. ii, 189-200. -----. Four operations for appeudicitis; three recoveries; one death from a verv small concealed abscess. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc Phila'., 1891. xii, 281-297. Also. Reprint. Also: Buf- falo M. A: S. J., 1891-2, xxxi, 269-275. Also: Times & Reg., >T. Y. Sc Phila., 1891, xxiii, 306-308. -----. Discussion on appendicitis: the indications for early laparotomy. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila.. 1891, 227-235. Aho, Reprint. Also .- Ann. Surg.. St. Louis, 1891. xiii, 255-263. Aho. Reprint.— Kelynack (T. N.) Cases of acute perforative appendi- citis. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892-3, xvii. 247-251. — Kendall (H. W.) Acute perityphlitis and appendicitis. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1893.'vi, 81. —Kennedy (J.) Two cases of appendicitis: operation; death. N. York M. J., 1891, liv. 630.— King (A.) Contraindications to operations for appendicitis. Tr. Maine M. Ass.. Portland, 1892-3, xi, 284-288.—Kiugsley (B. F.) A case of ulcera- tive appendicitis illustrating and emphasizing the neces- sity for early surgical interference. Brooklyn M. J., 1891, v, 201.—Kirinisson. Typhlite et appendicite avec dou- lenrs coxo-femorales; perforation; peritonite generalisee; gnerison apres laparotomie et lavage du peritoine par le Dr. Menard. [Rap.J Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix. 743-745.—Kirinisson (E.) Appendicite aigue; volumineux abces pelvien : laparotomie; guerison. Ibid., 1895, n. »., xxi, 620-628. — Krecke ( A. ) Die chi- rurgische Behandlung der vom Wurmfortsatze ausge- henden cirenmscripten nnd allgemeinen Peritonitis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipi., 1889-90, xxx, 257-284. — Kiimniel ( H. ) Zur Radikalbehandlung der Perity- phlitis durch friihzeitige Resektion des Proc. vermi- formis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890. xl, 1151. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl, 1890, xl, 618-629. -----. Die radicale Heilung der Perityphlitis. Atti di xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895, iv, Chirurg. [etc.], 129.— l.aidlev (L. H ) Suppurative appendicitis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Jefferson City, 1893, 3)5-323. Aho: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gynec. 1893, Phila., 1894, vi, 290-297, 1 pl. — I. a lie (W. A.) Case of acute general suppurative Seritunitis secondary to appendicitis; removal of appen- ix; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xxvii, 104- 106. — Lange (J. C.) Appendicitis. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1895, lxxii, 226; 242.— Laniard. Sur un cas d'appendicite avec abces perityphlique op6re par un nouveau proc-ede. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1895, iv, 712- 717. — Leech ( D. O. ) The importance of early and prompt operative treatment in appendicitis. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894-5, xxxii, 277-282. — Lees (D. B.) Four cases of perforation of the appendix vermiformis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xxv, 135-143.—Lcnnander (K. G.) Ett fall af progredient, varig peritonit efter perfo- ration af piocessus vermiformis; operation ; helsa. Lp- sala Lakaref. Forh., 1890, xxv, 530-546. -----. Bidrag till den kirurgiska behandlingen af appendicit och perityflit. Ibid., 1891-2, xxvii, 87-103. -----. Om appendicit och dess komplikationer fr&n kirurgisk synpunkt. Ibid., 1892-3, xxviii.37-62. Aho,transl.: Samml.klin.Vortr.,n. F.,Leipz., 1893, Xo. 75 (Chir., No. 19, 437-460). -----. Om appendicit medre(log6nelsefor68fall, som opereratsyia kirurgiskakli- nikeni Lpsala. Sept. 1888; Julil893. C. r. Sur l'appendicite, avec relation de 68 cas operes k la clinique chirurgicale d Lpsal, de sept. 1888 k juilht 1893. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1893, n. F., iii, no. 5, 1-49; no. 6, 1-65.—Le- vings (A. H.) An operation for appendicitis followed by unusual complications. Milwaukee M. J., 1893, i, 241.— Levison (C. G.) An interesting case of perforative ap- pendicitis with acute dilatation of the stomach; opera- tion; recovery. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1895, ix, 131. — Leyden ( E. ) Leber einen Fall von Perity- phlitis durch Perforation des Processus vermiformis; Operation: Heilung. Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl. (1888-9), 1890, 130-138. — Link ( H. H. ) Appendicitis; object lessons in abdominal surgery from the operating table of Drs. Joseph and Mordecai Price. Virginia M^ Month., Richmond, 1893-4 xx, 232-238—Iii n ley (H.) A few remarks ou appendicitis. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1896, viii, 137, _ Littlefleld ( H J.) Report of a case of ap- pendicitis; operation and recovery. Med. Sentinel, Port- Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). land, Oreg., 1895, iii, 13-15. —Logan (M. H.) Appendi- citis; report of a ease. Calif. M. J., San Fran., 1896, xvii, 114.—Loison (E.) Contribution k I6tude pathog6nique et therapeutique de l'appendicite ulc6ro-perforante et de la peritonite suppur6e, localis6e ou geu6ralis6e, consecu- tive. Rev. de chir., Par., 1895, xv, 1-25. —Long (F. A.) An operation for appendicitis in country practice. Omaha Clinic, 1893-4, vi, 336-338. — Long (J. W.) The indica- tions for operations in appendicitis^ Med. Rev.. St. Louis, 1894, xxx, 441-445. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Virg.. Richmond, 1894, xxv, 61-81. Also, Reprint.—Lord (J. P.) Appen- dix in great sacro sciatic foramen. Omaha Clinic, 1895-6, viii, 294.—Lucas (A.) Three cases of appendicitis. Bir- mingh. M. Rev., 1894, xxxvi, 293-295. — Lylc (S. H.) A case of recurrent appendicitis; operation in the quiescent stage. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1893, lxxiv, 9-11.—McRur- ney (C.) Experience with early operative interference in cases of disease of the vermifoim appendix. N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 676-684. -----. The indications for early lapa- rotomy in appendicitis. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiii, 233-254 -----. The incision made in the abdominal wall in cases of appendicitis, with a description of a new method of operating. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xx, 38-43. -----. Appendicitis. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii,508.---—. A cute appendicitis. Med.News.N.Y.,1896, lxviii, 270.—If IcC all um (HA.) Four cases of appendicitis presenting some points of interest. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 681. — McC'iinlock (J. C.) Perforate appendicitis. OmahaCIinic,1893-4.vi, 39.—McDonald (W.O.) Appen- dicitis. N. Am. J. Homceop., N.Y., 1894. 3. s., ix, 428-443.— MncDougall (J. A.) Appendicitis; abscess: secondary rupture into peritoneum ; laparotomy. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 593-600. -----. 1 erforative appendicitis; lapa- rotomy. 2&id.,592.—McGuire (E.) Surgical treatment of appendicitis. Richmond J. Pract., 1894, viii, 246-252.— McGuire (H.) Seventeen cases of chronic (relapsing) appendicitis, treated by operation. Med. News, Phila., 1895. lxvii, 564: 601. Also: VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 885-903.—McKclway ( G. I. ) An obscure case of appendicitis masked and complicated by ovarian adhesions; operation and recovery. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila, 1892, lxvii, 602. Also, Reprint. — Macon (A. J) A case of appendicitis. South. Pract., Nashville, 1895, xvii, 24.—Macrae (D.) Some thoughts on appendi- citis as a purely surgical disease. Med. Herald, St. Jo- seph, 1895, n. s.. xiv, 483. — McRae ( F. W.) Appendi- citis, with report of cases. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xi, 193-199.—vou Mandach jr. Fiinf Falle operativ behandelter Perityphlitis suppurativa. Cor.-Bl f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1891, xxi, 329-335. — Marcy (H. O.) Re- current appendicitis with adhesive bands about the head of the colon ; operation followed by cure. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1891, exxiv, 524.—Mason (D.) Appendectomy. N.Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xxii, 570-572.—May lard (A. E.) A case of four attacks of appendicitis in one year; ex- cision of the appendix; absence of any further symptoms a year afterwards. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 13. — Meek (H.) Hematoma in locality of appendix vermiformis diag- nosed as abscessof appendix; operation followed by death on third day from secondary hemorrhage. N. York Poly- clin., 1895, 210. — Miller ( D. J. M. ) Perforated vermi- form appendix removed by operation from a case of peri- cecal inflammation. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 73. — Monestie. Ln cas (l'appendicite suppuree, trait6e par l'ouvei ture precoce, suivie de rapide gu6rison. Bull Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1893, viii, 66-68. — Monks (G. H.) A case of appendicitis in the scrotum; removal of pus by aspiration ; excision ofthe appendix during a re- mission ■ recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1890, cxxii, 543. Aho, Reprint.—Monod. Appendicite suppuree chez un enfant en traitement pour une osteite tuberculeuse du pied; foyer median, probablement dans la cavite de Ret- zius; incision ; mort trois jours apres de meningite tuber- culeuse. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de I'ar., 1894, n. s., xx, 636-638. — Moore ( J. E. ) Recurrent appendicitis. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1892, xii, 17. -----. A typi- cal case of recurrent appendicitis operated upon in the in- terim. Ibid., 1893, xiii, 449. — Morison (R.) Acute ap- pendicitis, with peritonitis; removal of appendix; recov- ery; patient of Dr. Martin. Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 615- 617.__Morris ( R. T. ) Infectious appendicitis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xviii, 365-378, 3 pl. -----. The iuch- and-a-half incision and week-and-ahalf confinement in ap- pendicitis. Mathews' M. Quart,, Louisville, 1894, i, 50-53. -----. The inch-and-a-half incision and wcek-and-a-half confinement in appendicitis. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 375-377.-----. The inch-ami -a half incison aud week- and-ahalf confinement in appendicitis. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 97. -----. The iiich-and-a half incision and week- and-a-half confinement in appendicitis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1894,123-127. -----. Notes on a series of one hun- dred consecutive operations for appendicitis. Am. Med.- Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, ix 243. |Discussion!, 270-272.— Morton (T. G.) The diagnosis of pericajcal abscess, and its radical treatment by removal ot the appendix vermi- formis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 733-739. Aho, in: Smith (H. H.) The appendix vermiformis [etc.], 12°, APPENDICITIS. 598 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). Chicago, 1888, 25-44. -----. Perforative appendicitis; ab- dominal section; excision of the appendix vermiformis. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 654-656. -----. Inflammation of the vermiform appendix: its results, diag- nosis, and treatment; together with the reports of seven cases of excision of tbe vermiform appendix for perfora- tive appendicitis, with exhibition of five of the patients. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1890, 3. 8., xii, 1-36. -----. Peri- touitis from'perforation of the appendix: periosteal ab- scess: excision of appendix; recovery. Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter. Phila.. 1891, lxv, 962. -----. [Two cases of ab- domiual section for removal of the appendix vermiformis; the first was that of a pericaecal abscess.1 Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 271. -----. Chronic or relapsing appen- dicitis; removal of the appendix in an interval between attacks. Ibid., lix, 606.-----Two recent cases of ex- cision of the vermiform appendix for chronic relapsing appendicitis in the interval. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xi, 71-74.—Morton (T. S. K.) The operative treat- ment of appendicitis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1891, xii, 261-269. Also, Reprint. Also: Buffalo M. Sc S J., 1891-2, xxxi, 275-284. Also: Coll. Sc Clin. Pec, Phila., 1891, xii, 263-268.— Muiuford (J. G. ) Appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, exxxi, 110. — Monro (J. C.) A case of recurrent appendicitis; operation; recovery. Ibid., 1892, cxxvi, 653. —Murphy (J. B.) Two cases of appen- dicitis in contrast. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1892-3, i, 116-118. -----. Appendicitis with original report; histories and analysis of one hundred and forty-one laparotomies for that disease under personal observation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 302; 347; 387; 423. Also: Tr. Pan- Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 488-518. -----. Some remarks on appendicitis, based upon one hundred and ten laparotomies and experimental investigation. Kansas City M. Index, 1894, xv, 40-42. -----. When shall we operate in appendicitis? Richmond J. Pract., 1894, viii, 355-357. -----. Appendicitis; deductions from two hun- dred and seven cases operated on, with tabulated report. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 433; 482. -----. Ap- pendicitis; further consideration of this subject, with tabulated report of cases not previously published. Med. News, Phila.. 1895, lxvi, 1-8. Also, Reprint. Also: N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1895, vii, 15-27,1 tab.—Murray (F. W.) A case of recurrent appendicitis ; removal of the ap- pendix in the period of quiescence. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 564-566. — Mycr (W.) When shall wo operate for ap- pendicitis? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 289-295.—Mylcs ( T.) Appendicectomy, with notes on two cases. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lviii, 637-639.— Nancrcdc (C. B.) Shall all cases of appendicitis be treated by lapa- rotomy? Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich.', 1890, xii, 49-59. Also: Tr. Detroit M. Sc Libr. Ass., 1890, 67-77. [Discussion], 78-80.—Napier Sc Maylard. Ap- pendicitis; removal of appendix for recurring attacks. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 284-288. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1022. Aho [Abstr.J: Glasgow M. J., 1891, xxxvi, 66-69. —IVeely (E. A.) Appendicitis; its surgical treatnient. Memphis M. Month., 1891, xi, 529-535.—Nicolson ( W. P. ) A case of relapsing appendicitis, with ulceration, and ab- scess opening externally; operation in the interval be- tween attacks. J. Surg. Gynec. Sc Obst., Atlanta, 1893, i, 6-8, 1 pl — Niniier (H.) De rintervention chirurgicale dans h-s phh-gmasies cons6cutives aux affections de l'ap- pendice iK-o-csecal. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1887, ii, 20- 28.— Noble (R. W.) Report of a caso of appendicitis with accumulation of pus in abdominal cavity. Memphis M. Month., 1894, xiv, 399. — Nolan (H R.) A case of acute peritonitis, due to perforation of vermiform appen- dix; operation; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 218.—O'Kcef (P.) Appendicitis. Milwaukee M. J., 1894, ii, 312-314.—Page (H. W.) A case of acuto appendicitis; removal of appendix iu the twelfth week; prolonged suppuration; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1891-2. xxv, 144-149. -----. A case of relapsing appendi- citis; removal of kinked appendix; recovery. Ibid., 150- 154. -----. Five cases illustrating the diseases and the surgery of the appendix vermiformis. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 257; 322 —Park (R.) Removal of vermiform ap- pendix. Internat, M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 200-206.— Peck (G. S.) Report of four cases of appendicitis surgi- cally treated in thirty-seven consecutive hours; together with others so treated at longer intervals. Tr. Am. Ass Obst. Sc Gynec 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 115-130, 5 pl, 1 ch. Also.- Ann. Gynjrc. & Pa-diat, Phila., 1894-5, viii,'81-94, 2 pl.—Pcltzcr. Perforation des Proc vermiformis; Er- guss in die Bauchhohle; Punction mit Aspiration und nachfolgender Salicyl-Auswaschung; Heilung. Deutsche mil. arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1882, xi, 411 — Penrose (C. B.) A case of intestinal obstruction fiom appendicitis, fol- lowed by perforation of the bowel above the scat of ob- struction Med. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 578. — Percy (J. F.) A case of perforation of the vermiform appendix; ante-mortem; death. West. M Reporter, Chicago, lslio, xii, 7-9.—Perinan (E S.) Nagi a kasuistiaka bidrag till den kirurgiska behandlingen at appendicit och perityflit Hygiea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 163-195 — I* inker ton (S H Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). Appendicitis; operation; recovery. In hh Sviioi.s Clin Surg., 12°, Salt LakeCity,1893, 33-Polail Ion. iVuptnre de l'appendice il6o-ccecal pendant un effort; peritonite s'ac- compagnant des signes d'une occlusion intestinale; eta- blissement d'un amis artificiel in extremis; autopsie Bull Soc. dem6d. de Par. (1883), 1884, xviii, 207-212.—Polls (A j Un cas de perforation de l'appendice vermiculaire. Ami Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1891, xxx, 148-153.—Ponrrt (A.) De la resection k froid do l'appendice verniiciilaii-o dans les appendicites chroniques k rechutes (6 operations 6 guerisons). Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xii, 614-617' Also, Reprint.—Porter (C. B.) Two cases of relapsing appendicitis; operation between attacks; removal of ap- pendix ; recovery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, exxiii, 611-613. -----. In recurring appendicitis is excision of the appen- dix during a remission a justifiable operation ? And if so in what class of cases, and how should it be done? Ibid ' 1891, exxiv, 325-329. Also, Reprint.—Porter (M. F.) A contribution to tbe study of the treatnient of appendici- tis, with a tabulation of four hundred and forty eight cases, including seven cases of the writer's. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi, 649-654. -----. Two cases oi' appendicitis, with unusual and interesting features. Fort Wayne M. Mag., 1894, ii, 317-321.—Poulton (B.) Cases of appendicitis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 485-487.—Price (J.) The propriety of, ami the indict tions for, the resection of the appendix vermiformis (luring the quiescent stage of chronic relapsing appendicitis. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiii, 356-361. -----. Report of cases of appendicitis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila 1891, xii, 270-280. Also: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1891-2, xxxi, 257-268.—Quenu. Appendicite a repetition; interven- tion dans l'intervalle des crises; liberation du caecum sans resection de l'appendice; gu6rison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 678-680. — Ramsay (A. C. L.) Appendicitis; operation; recovery. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1890, x, 106. -----. Appendicitis; peri- typhlitic abscess; operation; recovery. Ibid., 367.— Ramsay (F. W.) Case of recurrent appendicitis; exci- sion of appendix cseci. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lviii, 293. —Rand (H. W.) The question of early operation in disease of the vermiform appendix. Brook- lyn M. J., 1891, v, 160-169. -----. Report of a case of re- current appendicitis, due to concretions; operation; re- covery. Ibid., 445-448. — Ransohotl i-I.l Recurrent appendicitis; laparotomy; fecal concretion, with bullet for a nucleus. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1893, iv, 235.—Rectus (P.) Traitement des appendicites. Bull, et mem. Snr. de chir. de Par., 1890, n. s.. xvi, 558-566. -----. Traite- ment des appendicites. Ibid., 1892, n. s., xviii, 125-132. [Discussion], 160; 185; 219; 232; 258; 282; 290; 410. ----. Traitement des appendicites. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 1105-1107. —Reed (K. H.) The surgical treatnient of chronic catarrhal appendicitis. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1891, 58-80. Also, Reprint. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii, 39-43. [Discussion], 52-59. Also: Co- lumbus M. J., 1891-2, x, 154-159. — Rcgnier. Appendi- cite; phlegmon intra-p6ritoueal; peritonite ciiconscrite; laparotomie; guerison. M6m. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1891-2, 77-85. Aho: Rev. med. de Vest, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 513-521, 1 diag.— Richardson (M. H.) Two cases of appendicitis with abscess, successfully treated by rectal puncture. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 261-263. ---—. Remarks on the surgical treatment of appendicitis. Ibid., exxvii, 105-111. Also, Reprint. -----. Ten days'experi- ence with inflammations of the vermiform appendix. Ibid., 1893, exxviii, 277-281. -----. Cases of appendicitis pre- senting unusual features. Ibid., 1894, exxx, 232-237.— Ricketts (E.) Operation for appendicitis. Am. Gvnrr. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 274-278. Aho, Reprint, — Bob- bers. Leber Appendicitis und deren chirurgische !'><- handlung. Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Chir. u. Med. d. prakt, Lebens, Wiesb., 1893, 287-296.—Roberts (J. 15.) Burrowing abscesses of the abdomiual wall aud pelvis due to ulcerative appendicitis, treated by removal of the ap- pendix and drainage. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 686.— Roberts (W. O.) Appendicitis, with report of a case. Am. Therapist, N. Y., 1894-5, iii, 32. -----. Operation for appendicitis. Cincin. M. J., 1896, xi, 27. Aho: South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1896, xxvi, 5.—Robitzsch. Zur opera- tiven Behandlung der Perityphlitis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 302-305.—Robson (A. W. M.) Re- current appendicitis, with report of case treated by re- moval of appendix. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 354. ---—• On recurrent appendicitis or recurring appendicular colic, with eases treated by operation in the quiescent period. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1608-1610.— Rogers (YV. B.) Ap- pendicitis ; report of five cases operated on. Memphis J. M. Sc, 1891-2, iii. 328-336. -----. Appendicitis; report of fourteen cases. Ibid., 1892-3, iv, 297-303— Rosenheimer (M.) Peanuts in the vermiform appendix ; operation ^com- plete removal of the appendix; recovery. Med. ^>e^8; Phila., 1892, lxi, 377. Aho, Reprint.—Rosen wasser (M) Appendicitis due to ftecal concretion; operation during the quiescent stage; recovery. Cleveland M. Oaz., 1K9.-3, viii. 68-72. — Routier (A.) Traitement chirurgical des appendicites. Presse med., Par., 1895, 97-99.—de Rou- APPENDICITIS. 599 APPENDICITIS. Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). ville (G.) Appendicite gangreneuse ; p6ritonite enkystee suppnr6e p6riappeiidiculaii(-; peritonite purulente geue- ralisee an debut; laparotomie; incision de l'appendice ; la va"eduperitoine: drainage du foyer ; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1892, lxvii, 354-357. — Royster (II. A.) A brief resuin6 of the treatment of appendicitis. Charlotte [X. C.J M. J., 1896, viii, 151-155— Rushmore (J. D.) Some surgical thoughts on appendicitis from a clinical standpoint. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 576-585.— Russell (L. E.) Appendicitis; [laparotomy]. Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass., N. Y., 1892-3. xx, 241-244. — Ruth (C. E.) Appendix stump. Mat-hews' M. Quart.. Louisville, 1895, ii, 234-236. —Sands (II. B.) Laparotomy for perforation ofthe vermiform appendix; two cases. N. York M. J., ]S88. xlvii, 607.—Schou (J.) To Tilfa-lde af Appendi- citis; Laparotomi med Exstirpation af Processus vermi- formis; Helbretlelse. Uneskr. f. La?ger, Kjobenh., 1895, 5. R., ii. 553-561. — Schullcr (M.) Allgemeine acute Peritonitis in Folge von Perforation des Wurmfortsatzes ; Laparotomie und Excision des Wurmfortsatzes. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1889, xxxix, 815-859. — Well wart v.. Ap- pendicite k rechutes; trois abces sous-ombilicaux ; extir- pation de l'appendice pendant une periode de calme; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par.. 1894, n. s.,xx, 620-625.—Semi (N.) A plea in favor of early laparotomy for catarrhal and ulcerative appendicitis, with the report of two cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18S9, xiii, 630- 636. Aho, Reprint, — Shears (G. F.) Surgical appendi- citis. Clinique, Chicago, 1895, xvi, 1-11. — Shepherd (F. J.) Appendicitis; laparotomy; recovery; with re- marks on case by Dr. R. L. MacDounell. Montreal M. J., 1889-90, xviii, 561 - 565. -----. Perforated vermiform ap- pendix. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1890-91, xix, 193.— Siraud (Y.) Appendicite infectieuse aigue sans perfo- ration, avec p6ritonite suppuree i:en6ialisee; it-section de l'appendice; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 643- 615. — Smith (C. N.) A case of appendicitis. Am. Gyn- ec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 721-724.— Smith (J.) Two cases of acute appendicitis successfully treated bv operation. Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 402-413, 1 pl.—Soderbaum (P.) Om operation for appendicitis och periappendicitis. Lpsala Lakaref. Forh., 1894-5, xxx, 245-252.—Spalding (A. E.) My experience in appendicitis. Northwest. Lan- cet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 43-46.—Stabb (E. C.) Perforative appendicitis; general suppurative peritonitis; abdominal section: removal of appendix; recovery. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1^93, xxi, 189-192. —Stediuan (C. E.) Appendicitis; operation; hernia; recovery. Boston M. rativo interference was successful. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1894, n. s., xvi, 113-120. — Symonds (C. J.) On a case in which, at the suggestion of the late Dr. Mahomed, he had removed a calculus from the vermiform appendix for the relief of recurrent typhlitis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xviii, 285-291. Also [Abstr.l: Lancet, Lond., 1885. i, 895. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 653. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 422. — Symonds (H. P.) Perityphlitis; excision of ver- miform appendix. Lancet, Lond'., 1892, i, 24.—Tealc (T. P.) Case of recurrent typhlitis; removal of diseased ver- miform appendix; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 110.—Ten cases of typhlitis. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1894-5, 65-75. — Thomas (J. D.) Appendicitis associated with intussusception and adhesive constriction of the bowel. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 637. Aho: N.YorkM. Reporter, Rochester, 1895-6, ii, 25.— Thorburu (W.) A case of perforation ofthe appendix vermiformis, with general peritonitis ; laparotomy. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1890-91, xii, 13-16. — Tiplady (W.) A case of perityphlitis. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 524.— Toms (S. W. S.j Appendicitis; illustrative cases with histories of their course; results of medical and surgical treatment compared. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 537- 548. — Traitenieiit des appendicites. [Discussion.] Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1892, xviii, 131; 160; 185; 219; 232; 258; 282; 390; 410. [See, aho. supra, Re- clus(Pi| Aho [Rev.]: Brooklyn M. J., 1893, vii, 542- 546. — Treves (F.) & Swallow (J. D.) A case of re- lapsing typhlitis treated by removal of the vermiform ap- pendix. 'Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 267-269. — Tuffler. Ap- pendicite avec p6ritonite generalis6e ; laparotomie; drai- nage; fistule stercorale temporaire; gu6rison. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 52.—Vance (A. M.) Determination for operative interference in appendi- citis. Am. Pract. Sc News, Louisville, 1894, xviii, 138-141. Aho: Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. Louisville, 1894. n. s., iii, 85- 88.—Vandcr Veer (A.) Appendicitis vermiformis, peri- Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). appendicitis and perforative appendicitis ; with report of cases and remarks. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1889, xiv, 265-271. -----. Discussion on appendicitis; the relation of the physician and the surgeon in the care of cases. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila , 1891, 258-261.—Van l>eunep (W. B.) Perforative appendicitis; abscess covered by intes- tine ; laparotomv. Hahneman. Mouth., Phila., 1890. xxv, 648. -----. Appendicitis. Ib d.. 1893, xxviii, 718-729.— Villar (F.) Deux cas (l'appendicite; intervention chi- rurgicale. M6m. et bull. Soc de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 330-335. Also : J. de ra6d. do Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 293. —Wackcrhajjcn (G.) Report of a case of ap- pendicitis. Brooklyn M". J., 1891, v, 642-646. — Wallis (('.) Om appendiciieriia och perityfliterna som dodsorsak vid Sabbatsbergs sjukhus under &ren 1879-91. [On ap- pendicitis and perityphlitis as causes of death in Sabbats- berg hospital from 1879-91.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 162-185.—Wai-bassc. Acute appendicitis, in which a rapid pulse rate followed an iodoform dressing. Brook- lyn M. J., 1895, ix, 242-246. — Watkins (C.) Two cases of appendicitis, with operation. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1895-6, vi, 256-259. — Webster (C. E.) Re- port of case of perforating appendicitis; operation; re- covery. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1890, x, 316-318.— Weeks (S. II.) Relapsing appendicitis operated on dur- ing the interval of attacks. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1892, x, 179-182. -----. The indications for and the opera- tive technique of operations for appendicitis. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1892-3, xi, 278-283. — Weir (R. F.) Laparotomy for suppurative peritonitis from acute per- foration of appendix vermiformis. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 78-81. Also [Abstr.J: N.York M. J., 1887, xiv, 316. -----. A plea for earlier operations in perityphlitic ab- scesses, with a case of laparotomy for perforation of the appendix vermiformis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 652- 657.-----. Laparotomy for perforation of the appendix vermiformis fifteen hours after the onset of the acute symptoms; recovery. Ibid., 1889, xxxv, 449. -----. On the treatment of the so-called perityphlitic abscess. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1889, 283-301. Aho: Med. News, Phila,, 1889, liv, 449-456. -----. Remarks on intermediate laparotomy for appendicitis in its quiescent stage. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 226. -----. Discussion on ap- pendicitis ; on the resection of the appendix vermi- formis during the quiescent stacre of chronic relapsing ap- pendicitis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1891, 252-257. Aho: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiii, 362-368. —"Wheeler (J. B.) The necessity of prompt operative treatment in ap- pendicitis. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 563. Aho, Reprint.— White (J. W.) Perforative appendicitis ; death. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 521. -----. Laparotomy for suppurative appendicitis; recovery. Ibid., 1892-3, v, 25. -----. Appendicitis; recovery. Ibid., 1893-4, vi, 377. -----. An address on appendicitis. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, 1894, 3. s., x, 385-402. Also, Reprint. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 389-394. -----. Should the appendix here- moved in every case of appendicular abscess ? Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 389-398.—Whitehead (R. H.) Two cases of appendicitis. North Car. M. J., Wilming- ton, 1894, xxxiii, 1-4.—Whitney (H. J.) Three cases of appendicitis with recovery from operation. Med. Senti- nel, Portland, Oreg., 1895, iii, 99-101. — Winslow (R.) Gangrenous appendicitis; operation; cure. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894, xxxi, 477. —Woodbury (F.) Perityphlitic abscess ; amputation ofthe vermiform appendix; recovery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliv, 296. — 'Wor- cester (A.) Eight cases of appendicitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, cxxii, 97-100.-----The treatment of appen- dicitis. Ann. G yiia-c. Sc Paediat., Phila., 1891-2, v, 449-454. Also, Reprint. — Wyeth (J. A.) Removal of the vermi- form appendix. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1890, iii, 104. -----. The present status of the surgery of the vermi- form appendix. Ibid., 1892, v, 170-174. -----. Surgery of the appendix vermiformis. N. York Polyclin., 1893, i. 63- 70.-----. Appendicitis strictly a surgical lesion. N.York M. J., 1894, lix, 801-803. Also: Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894, v, 185-190. -----. An instructive case of appendi- citis necessitating an unusual method of operation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 928— Wyiiinn (H. C.) Perforation ofthe appendix vermiformis by a white bean; removal of the appendix and a part of the omentum. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 305. -----. Operation for appendi- citis with improved technique; separation of abdominal muscles without cutting, and subperitoneal palpation. Internat, Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., ii, 231-234.—Zerenin (V ) Sluch. vospal. cherveob. ostrostka (appendicitis). Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1892, ii, 678-682. Appendicitis in children. See, aho, Perityphlitis in children. Alliii<"ham (H. W.) An obscure case of acute ab- dominal obstruction in a boy, aged 10; laparotomy; re- moval of the suppurating appendix vermiformis; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 782. - Revan (A. J.) Fatal case of appendicitis in a girl iliree years old. Arch. Pe- diat N. Y., 1894, xi, 828. — liny. Case of inflammation APPENDICITIS. 600 APPENDIX. Appendicitis in children. of ihe appendix vermiformis in a boy fourteen years of age, followed by peritonitis and death. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 352. — Reaver (J. B.) Appendicitis in children. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 342-346. Also, Reprint. Aho: Phila. Polyclin., 1893, ii, 279-287. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1357-1364. — Ilauck (L ) Laparotomy iu a child sixteen months old; appendicec- tomy; recovery. Med Rev., St. Louis, 1895, xxxi, 463.— Para (J.) Appendicite perforante chez une fillette de dix ans, guerie par les moyens medicaux, sans interven- tion chirurgicale. Med. inf., Par., 1895, ii, 160-163.—Fer- ret. Note sur quatre cas (l'appendicite chez les enfants. Lyon med., 1892, lxx, 279-290. Also .- Gaz. d. hop. de Tou- louse, 1892, vi, 225. — Summers (J. E.), jr. Removal of the vermiform appendix from a child twenty-two months old, for suppurative appendicitis; recovery. Med. News, Phila,, 1891, lix, 513.—Weiss. Appendicite localis6e chez un enfant de trois ans; laparotomie; gu6rison. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 641-646.—Whitman (R.) A case of appendicitis in a child ; operation; recovery. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1888, cxix, 551. Appendicitis in pregnancy. Rayley(N.B.) Appendicitis during pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 342. — Hirst (B. C.) Symptoms during pregnancy simulating those of suppurating appen- dicitis. [Repr.from: Ann. Gynaec. & Pa-diat.] Proc. Phila, Obst. Soc, 1890-91, 75-79. — UIcArthur (L. L.) Gestation complicated by appendiceal abscess. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 181-185. Aho : Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv, 214-216.—1TIunde (P. F.) Pre- mature delivery of a dead child, induced by acute appen- dicitis, with remarks on appendicitis in women. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 678. Also: N. York Polyclin., 1895, v, 78-81.-----. Appendicitis during pregnancy and labor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 609-611. — Peterson (R.) A case of appendicitis occurring on the seventh day fol- lowing labor; rupture in tho bowel; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 515-517. Also, Reprint. -Por- clier (F. P.) Miscarriage and death resulting from in- flammation and suppuration caused by the presence of medicinal substances imbedded in the walls of the appen- dix vermiformis. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1879, iv, 375.—Thoiunson (J. W.) A report of a case involving the question of diagnosis and of the proper treatment of appendicitis in pregnant women. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 407-409.—Wiggin (F. H) A case of perforative appendicitis complicated by pregnancy. Ibid., 1892, xii, 109. AppendicuBaria. Klaatsch (H.) Leber Kernveranderungen im Ekto- derm der Appendicularien bei der Gebiiusebildung. Mor- phol Jahrb., Leipz., 1895, xxiii, 142-144.—I.efcvre (G.) The vertebration of the tail of Appendiculariae. Johns Hopkins Lniv. Circ, Bait., 1893-4, xiii, 57. AppesBdix vermiformis. Rerry (It. J. A.) The anatomy of the vermiform ap- pendix. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894-5, x, 761-769.—dado. Appendice caecal; anatomie; embryologie; anatomie com- paree; bacteriologie normale et pathologique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, pt, 2, 133-172.— Dock (G.) Notes on the appendix vermiformis: ana- M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n.s., ci, 61.—Gaston (J. McF.) The appendix vermiformis; its functions, pathological changes, and treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 777- 782.—Hen-son (A.) The anatomy of the vermiform ap- pendix. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi, 185-190.— Jonnesco Sc Juvara. Anatomie des ligaments de fossae round the ca;cum, aud the position of the vermiform appendix, with special reference to retro-peritoneal hernia. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1891-2, xxvi, 130-148, 1 pl— McLean (A.) Vermiform appendix: anatomy, and rela- tions iu disease. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, i895, vi, 30- 36, 3 pl.—Morris (R. T.) Length and position of the ap- pendix. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 862.—Plummer (R. H.) The vermiform appendix. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt, 2, 1166-1168, 3 pl.—Ribbert. Bei- trage zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie des Wurmfortsatzes. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl, 1893, cxxxii, 66-90.—Rogie. Sur l'anatomie normale et patho- logique de l'appendice il6o-coecal. [Abstr.J Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1893, viii, 238-252. Aho: J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1893, ii, 241: 265.—Smith (H. H.) The appendix vermiformis; its function, pathology, and treat- ment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 707-714. Aho, Reprint.—Taylor (H. M.) Thoughts on the anatomy of tlie appendix. Richmond J. Pract., 1895, ix, 308-311.— Turner (G. I.) K anatom. slepoi kischki i cherveobraz. otrostka v otnosch. k patolog. "peritiphlita". [Anatomy Appendix vermiformis. of caecum and vermicular process with relation to nathnl ogy of perityphlitis.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb 180-'' viii, 267; 405; 507, 1 pl, 8 tab.-Wileox (S. F ) How the appendix disappears. Hahneman. Mouth pi.iio 1893, xxviii, 461-463.-Williams(H.) Normal and sunn' cal anatomy of the vermiform appendix. Med News Phila., 1895, lxvi, 483-489. Aho, Reprint. - ziichcr kandl (E.) Ueber die Obliteration des Wurmfortsatzes beim Menschen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1894, iv 99-124 4 pl ' Appendix vermiformis (Abnormities and displacements of). Alti (S.-A.) 'L'appendice iLSo-ccecal et ses hernies; considerations chirurgicales cliniques et therapeutiques. 4°. Paris, 1894. Oehl (E.) Sulla parziale ed innata occlu- sione dell' appendice verinifornie nell' uomo 4°. Torino, 1865. Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino. Classe di sc. fis. e mat., ser. 2, xxi. Biggs (H. M.) Long vermiform appendix. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 720.—Kdebohls (G. M.) Inversion of the vermiform appendix. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila. 1895, 67-75.—Ely (J. S.) Abnormal positionof the vermi- form appendix. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891, 55. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 540.—Fawcett (E.) An uuusually large terminal vermiform appendix, with recurved small conical caecum; accompanied by some re- marks on the peritoneal pouches. J. Anat. Sc Physiol, Lond., 1894-5, xxix, 498-500.—Harrington (F. B.) A displaced appendix caeci giving rise to symptoms supposed to be due to an ovarian tumor. Boston M. Sc S. J, 1891, exxv, 624.—Mott (F. W.) Two anomalous vermiform appendices. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 105.—Re- medi (V.) Sul prolasso dell' appendice verniii olare. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1890, 4. s., ii, 97- 108.—Schmid (H.) Der Processus vermiformis mit einem Fremdkorper als Inhalt eines Brnchsackes. Fest- schr. z. . . . Prof.-Jub. v. Walter Heineke, Munchen, 1892, 139-141.—Shoemaker (G. E.) Displacement of the ver- miform appendix; dilatation of the ureters. Ann. Gvnaec. &Pa2diat., Phila., 1890-91, iv, 45.—Stimson (L. A.) Pecu- liar forms of the appendix. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 186. — Slot-quart (A.) Les anomalies de l'appendice cascal chez l'homme. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1892-3, xi, 58-74, 2 pl—Swan (J. M.) A case of congeni- tal absence of the vermiform appendix. Lniv. M. Mag1., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 194-196.—Thoyer. Appendice ileo- cascal s'ouvrant dans l'intestin gr61e. Bull. Soc anat. ile Par., 1893, lxviii, 205.—Zdekauer (A.) Leber eine Her- nie des Processus vermiformis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 340. Appendix vermiformis (Diseases of). See, also, Appendicitis. Bockel (L. [F. ]) * Beitrag zur pathologischen. Anatomie des Processus Yenniformis. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Kelynack (T. N.) A contribution to the pathology of the vermiform appendix. 8°. London, 1893. Lafforgle (£.) * Des tumeurs primitives de l'appendice vermiculaire. 4°. Lyon, 18911. Merling (F.) * Diss, sistens processus vermi- formis anatomiam pathologicam. 4°. Ileidel- bergw, [1836]. Schwartz (H.) * De anatomia pathologica processus vermiformis. 8°. Eilice, 1847. Steiner (L.) * Zur pathologischen Anatomie des Wurmfortsatzes. b°. Basel, 1662. Affleck (J. O.) Observations upon disease of the ap- pendix vermiformis and its results. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1892-3, n. a., xii, 214-227.—Baillet. Kyste de l'appendice ileo-csecal. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 67.—Ball (C. B.) The limits of medicine and surgery in disease of the vermiform appendix. Tr. Boy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1891-2, x, 109-120. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1892, xciv, 193-199.—Beger (A.) Ein Fall von Krebs des Wurmfortsatzes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 616- 618.—Bieihotr (C.) Beitrage zu den Krankheiten des Wurmfortsatzes. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880-81, xxvii, 248-267.—Biggs (G. P.) Strictures of the vermiform appendix. Med. Kec, N. Y„ 1893, xliii, 536.— Butruille (T.) & Dubreuil (W.) Epithelioma de la partie inferieure de l'S iliaque ayant donn6 lieu k quelques signes cliniques d'une tumeur peri-uterine. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 86-90.--Carstens (J. H.) Colic of the appendix. K York M. J., 1894, lx, 240.—Caven (J.) Sc Baiuhai't (W.) Appendix vermiformis. Canad. APPENDIX. 601 APPETITE. Appendix vermiformis (Diseases of). Pract., Toronto, 1895, xx, 168-173.—Collins (W. M.) A case of calculus of the ca?cal appendix, with remarks. Lancet. Lond., 1879. ii, 870.—Combemnle. Hydropisie de l'appendice vermiculaire. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx. 223-225.—C'ondamin (R.) Appendice ileo- cecal. Province med., Lyon, 1891, v, 89-91.—Draper (F W.) Colloid cancer of the appendix vermiformis. Boston M. ,v S. J., 1884, ex, 131.—Olazebrook (L. W.) Ca*e of endothelial sarcomata of vermiform appendix. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 211.—Gult- uinun (P.) Hydrops des Processus vermiformis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 260.— Hektoen (L.) Lesions connected with the vermiform appendix. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 272-280. Also: Tr. Chicago G.\nec. Sec, X. Y., 1892-4, ii, 142-150.— Henrotiu (F.) Again the appendix; a clinical disserta- tion. Chicago Clin. Rev.. 1894-5. iv, 327 - 346.—Uaydl (K.) Die klinische Erscheiuung des Hydrops processus vermiformis iljokitansky). Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii, 465; 4,7.—.TIaylnrd. A retention cyst of the vermiform appendix. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv. 111.—Osier (W.) Cases of disease of the appendix aud caecum. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888. lix, 419-422.—Parker (C. B.) Diseases of the appendix ver- miformis. Cleveland M. Gaz.. 1892-3, viii, 263-269.— Rochaz (G.) De3 calculs appendiculaires. Kev. med. de la Suisse Bom., Geneve, 1894, xiv. 637-674, 2 pl.— Shoemaker (D.) Cystic condition of the appendix dis- covered post-mortem, and not giving rise to symptoms during life. Occidental M. Times. Sacramento,' 1892, vi, 387.—gtimson (L. A.) Cancer of the appendix vermi- formis. Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1896, xxiii, INi-Talamoii (C.) Colique appendiculaire. Med. mod., Par.. 1889-90, i, 837-839.—Viniont. Meucocele de l'appendice iieo-ccecal tronv6 k l'autopsie d'une femme op6ree d'ovariotomie double pour kystes ouverts dans le peritoine. Bull Soc. anat. de Par.. '1887. lxii, 608.—Wasdin (E.) How shall we treat the appendix? Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charles- ton, 1892, 197-204.—Weir (R. F.) Cystic degeneration of the appendix vermiformis. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1880, xvii, 44. Appendix vermiformis (Excision of). See Appendicitis (Surgical treatment of). Appendix vermiformis (Foreign bodies in). See Appendicitis (Causes, etc., of). Appendix vermiformis (Inflammation, ulceration, and perforation of). See Appendicitis. Appendix to the Italian Journal of Venereal and Skin Diseases, compiled and directed hy G. B. Doresina. v. 1. February. Year x. 29 pp. 16°. Milan, A. Giuliani if- Co., 1876. Appendix to a publication entitled: Xew inven- tions and directions for ruptured persons [etc.]. See T. (W. H.) [in 1. s.]. 8°. London, 1802. Appenzellei* (G. F. A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Erblichkeit des grauen Staars. 27 pp. 8=. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 18b4. Appert [Charles], L'art de conserver, pendant plusieurs anne"es, toutes les substances animales et vege"tales. xxxii, 11G pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Patris et Cie., 1810. [P., v. 1817.] Appert CM.). See Cooper (T.) A treatise of domestic medicine. 8°. Reading, 1824. Appert (Ren6) [1862- ]. * Du role de l'orga- nisme dans la pathoge'nie de quelques maladies infectieuses. 130 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 83. ■-----. The same. 130 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1893. Appetite. JLasegue. Des app6tits en g6n6ral et de l'app6tit di- gestif en particulier. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 10. Aho,inhis: Etudes m6d., 8°, Par., 1884, i, 413-419. Appetite (Abnormal, depraved, or ex- cessive). See, also, Anthropophagy; Chlorosis; Dys- pepsia; Insane (Feeding of); Stomach (For- eign bodies in). Heunisch (A. F.) *De fame canina. sm. 4°. Wittenbergce, [1699]. Appetite (Abnormal, depraved, or ex- cessive). Mergiletus (A.F.) #Depica. sm. 4°. Ar- gentorati, [1701]. Oostwoudt (J.) *De fame canina. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1694. Petr.kts (H.) *Devitiis appetitus aliincn- tarii. Resp. Thom. Hoffmann. In his: Kosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 414-432. von Yogkl (S. (}.) *De polyphago et litho- phago Ilfeldiu nupcr mortuo ac dissecto com- mendatio hist; 147. Also [Abstr.J : Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 633. — Edge (A. M. ) A case of anorexia Bcrvosa. Lancet, Lond."; 1888, i, 818. — Oull (Sir W.) Anorexia nervosa. Ibid., 516. -----. Anorexia nervosa (apepsia hysterica, anorexia hysteria). In: Collect. Pub- lished Writings of . . ., 8°, Lond., 1894, 305-314.—Inches (P. R.) Anorexia nervosa. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1895, vii, 73-75. — Bisel (A. A.) (Anorexia nervosa) u db-vochki 11 Het. [. . . in a girl 11 years old.] Med. Obozr., Musk., 1894,xlii,410-416.—Marshall (C. F.) A fatal case of anorexia nervosa. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 149. — itlen- jot (A.) De inappeteutia. Inhis: Diss, path., 4°, Far., 1665, ii, 499-546. -----. De vacuitate sitis. Ibid., 577- 588. — Playfair (W. S.) Note on the so-called anorexia nervosa. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 817.—So I Her (P.) L'ano- rexie mentale. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1895, xxv, 429- 432.—Stephens (L.) Case of anorexianervosa ; necropsy. Lancet. Lond., 1895, 31.—StichI (A.) Anorexie mentale. In: Gugl Sc StichI: Neuropath. Stud., Stuttg., 1892, 65-67. Appia (Louis) [1818- ]. De l'ceil vu par lui- ineine. 18 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Geneve, J. G. Pick, 1853. Repr.from: Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. de Geneve, 1853, i. -----. Examen me'te'orologique et m6dical du printeinpsde 1857. 6pp. 8°. [Neufclidtel,1657.] Repr.from: Echo mod., Neufchdtel, 1857. ■-----. Examen in6t6orologique et m6dical de l'e'te'de 1857. 19 pp. 8°. [Neufchdtel, 1858.] Repr. from: l5cho m6d., Neufch&tel, 1858. -----. Les maladies r6gnantes du canton de Geneve en 1858. (D6cembre 1837 a Novembre 1858.) Rapports pre"sent6s a la Societe" ni6dicale de Geneve. 20 pp. 8°. Neufchdtel, F. Marolf, 1359. Repr. from: licho med., Neufch&tel, 1859. ■-----. Les blesses de la bataille de Bezzecca dans la valle"e de Tiarno (Tyrol) 21 jnillet 186(5. 66 pp. 16°. Geneve, Soullier, Landskron & Wirth, 1866.. Apping: (Georg). * Untersuchungen iiber die Trehalamanna. 54 pp. 11. 8°. Dorpat, Schna- Icenburg, 1885. Applausus gratulatorii honoribus clarissimi, piiestantissinii pariter ac doctissimi viri, Joh. Jacobi Schychzeri; cum ille praemisso, non sine laude, examine, die 21 Junii anni 1669 Lug- duni Batavorum medicina? doctor rite designare- tur, erecti ab amicis et conterraneis. 5 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et hceredes J. Elsevirii, 1669. [P., v. 1949.] AppSedore. Thorne (R. T.) Report on the sanitary con- dition of Appledore and Northam, April 12, 1871. fol. [London, 1871.] Applegartll (E[dward] C[arey]). See ITlartin (H. Newell) Sc Applegarth (E. C.) On the temperature limits [etc.]. 8". [Baltimore, n. d.] Apples. Pfeil (T.) * Chemische Beitrage zur Pomolo- gie. 8 ». Dorpat, 1880. liattiuiore (S. A.) Report of public analyst on exam- ination of dried apples. Rep. State Bd. Health N. T Al- bany, 1886, vi, 379-385. Applctoii (D.) & Co. An illustrated catalogue of medical works. 41 pp. 8C. New York, 1883. -----. The same. 64 pp. 8°. New York, 1890. -----. The same. 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. j^ew York, 1691. -----. The same. 61 pp. 8°. New York, 1892. -----. The same. 52 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton J- Co., 1893. AppletOB (John Howard) [1844- ]. Chemis- try: developed by facts and principles drawn chiefly from the non-metals. 232 pp., 14 pl. 12c. Providence, E. A. Johnson ay Co., 1664. -----. The laboratory handbook. 3. year. 20 pp. 12°. Providence, G. Boscoe $• Co., 1887). -----. Thesame. 4. year. 32 pp. 12:. Provi- dence, G. Boscoe 86-7. Appleton'S Popular Science Monthly. Title, after Oct., 1895, on covers of: Popular (The) Science Monthly, New York. Appleton-Street Chapel, Boston. Annual re- ports of tbe minister in charge, and the treasurer. 1.-6., 1883-4 to 18-8-9. 12°. Boston, 1864-9. Apprentice schools; third annual report ofthe Association for Promoting Education among Workmen, Apprentices, etc. 22 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Anderson cy Bryce, 1848. [P., v. 1053.] Approbirte Land- und Feld-Apothecken. See F. (G. O.) 24°. Franckfurt a. M., 1690. Approximations to truth, n a tune novum or- ganou. 11, 126 pp. 16°. London, Mann, 1861. Appuliu (August). * Beitrage zu der Lehre von den traumatischen Verrcnkungen des Hiift- geleuks. 61 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1884. AppiiDin (Fritz). * Ueber den therapeutischen Wert subconjunctivaler Sublimat-Injectionen. 38 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. d. S., O. Hendel, 1895. Appuuti sulla questione della fognatura il Ber- gamo. 48 pp. 12°. Bergamo, Gaffuri e Gatti, 1867). Repr. from: Gazz. prov. di Bergamo. Apraiz (Ramon). Discurso-meinoria leido el dia 30 de octubre de 1882 en la primera sesion ptiblica 6 inaugural del curso de 1882 £ 1883 de la Academia de ciencias me'dicas de Vitoria. 20 pp. 8°. Vitoria, D. Sar, 1882. -----. Causas del actual malestar que esperi- menta la clase me'dico-farinace'utica y medios de combatirlas. 34 pp. 8°. Vitoria, D. Sar, 1883. Issued with.- Rev. m£d. vasco-navarra, Vitoria, 1883, ii. Apraxia. See, also, Aphasia. Zeimer (P.) Apraxia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx, 464. Aprosexia. Downie (W.) Aprosexia, convulsions, and adenitis dependent on pathological changes in the faucial, lingual, and pharyngeal tonsils. Glasgow M. J., 1896, xiv, 19-28. [Discussion], 295-297.—Guye (A. A. G.) Aprosexia (van 7rp6' tov vobv), belemmeringinhetvestigen vandeaan- dacht op een bepaald onderwerp, onder anderen door nasale stoornissen veroorzaakt. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Nat.- en Ge- neesk. Cong. 1887, Haarlem, 1888. i, 162-168. Aho.- Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 2. afd., 381 -386. Aho, Reprint. Also, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii, 934. Also, Reprint. -----• Wei- tere Mittbeilungeu zur Aprosexia als Folge von nasalen Storungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl, 1888, xiv, 815-817. -----. On aprosexia, being the inability to fix the attention and other allied troubles in the cere- bral functions caused by nasal disorders. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 709-711. Aho, Reprint. — Shaw (E. A.) Aprosexia in children. Practitioner, Loud., 1890, xiv, 8-11. APSEUDES. 603 AEAOHNOID. Apseudes. Bom (J. E. V.) Bemerkungen iiber Apseudes; zur Abwehr gegen Prof. Claus. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1885-6, xi, 112-116. — Clnu* (C.) Ueber Apseudes La- treillii Edw. uud die Tanaiden. Arb. a. d. zool. lust. d. Univ. Wien. 1883-4, v, 319-332, 2 pl. -----. Zur Beurthei- lnug des Apsendes-Artikels des Herrn Boas. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1885-6, xi, 316-320. Apsitliyria. See. also, Aphonia. Peltesohn (F.) Ueber Apsithyria. Berl. klin.Wchn- schr.. 1890, xxvii. 681-685. Apstein (Carl). * Bau nnd Function der Spinn- driisen der Araneida. [Kiel.] 50 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. Berlin, Nicolai, 1669. Apt (Leo). * Ueber deu Fcttgehalt pathologi- scher Organe. 34 pp. 8C. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1883. Aptcryx. Parker (T. J.) Observations on the anatomy and de- velopment of Apteryx. Phil. Tr. 1891, Loud., 18 J2, clxxxii (B), 25-134, 17 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. £9C. Lond., 1889-90, xlvii. 4.">4-459. -----. Additional observations ou the development of Apteryx. Phil. Tr. 1892, L^nd., 1893, r clxxxiii (B), 73-84, 2 pl. Apuleius (Lucius) Barbaras. De herbarum virtutibus. In: Claooii Galexi liber de plenitudine. 4°. Basilece, 1528, ff. 15-33. Aho, in: Re (De) medica huic volumine insnnt. fol. Basihce, 1528. ff. 99-123. Also, in: Medici antiqui omnes qui latinis, etc. fol. Yenetiis, 1547, ff. 211-222. The copy in Galen is composed of 131 chapters, while the other two copies contain but 130 chapters each. Aquapunctiire. Verrier (E.) L'aquapuncture, ou douche flliforme, en gynecologic et en neuropathologie. Rev. ni6d.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes. Par., 1895, xvii, 202-208. Aquarium. Wii.sox (G.) On the artificial preparation of sea water for the aquarium. 8C. [Edinburgh, 1855.] Repr.from: Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1855, i. ^lalaMwez. Cages pour petits animaux; aquariums pour grenouilles. Arch, de m6d. exp6r. et d'anat. path., Par., 1891, iii, 409-415. Aquarum (De) omnium natura, ex Hippocrate et Galeno. In: Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Yene- tiis, 1553, ff. 439-470. Aqueducts. See Water (Supply of). Aqueous humor. Albertotti (G.) & Tartuferi (F.) Sulle variazioni del valore di R. conseguentemente all' evacuazione dell' nraor acqui-o; note clinico-sperimentali. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1881, 3. s., xxix, 577-588. — Deutsch- ■nann (R.) Ueber die Quellen des Humor aqueus im Auge. Arcb. 1 Ophth., Berl, 1880, xxvi, 3. Abth., 117- 134, 1 pl. — ■lei-rath (F.) Ueber die Abflusswege des Humor aqneus, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigurig des sogenannten Fontana'schen und Schlemm'schen Kanals. Ibid., 1. Abth., 202-243, 1 pl—Nieati (W.) La glande de l'hiimeur aqueuse. glande des proces ciliaires ou glande uvee. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1890, x, 481-508, 4 pl.: 1891, xi, 24; 152. Aho, Reprint. de Aquila Padue (Joh.) [ -1510]. See Gcntili* ile Fulgiueo. Utram febris sit calor. [Incipit.] fol. Padue, 1486. Aquilaiius (Joannes). See Petrus ile Aba no. Conciliator, [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1521. Aquilaiius (Sebastiauus). See Sebastianua Aqnilanus [in 1. s. ]. d'Aquiii (A.). See Vallot (A.), d'Aquin (A.) & Fagon (G.-C.) (in 1. s.]. Journal de la sante [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1862. d'Aquin (Henri-Charles). * Parallele du typhus et de la Iievre typhoide. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, Xo. 106. d'Aquino ( Raffaele). Intorno al colera di Potenza, in agosto e settembre 1854. 8 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Potenza, V. Santanello, 1854. [P., v. 1115.] Arahinochloralose. Ilnnriot (M.) Sc Richct(C) Des effets bypnotiques de liirabinochloralose. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 791. Arabia. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities ; Medicine (History, etc., of), by nations, etc.; Pest (History, etc., of), by localities; Vac- cination (History of). [Arif & AVatrix (E.)] Exploration de la c6te me'ridionule de I'Arabie, au point de vue sanitaire. Rapport de la commission ottomaue. 8°. Constantinople, 1870. Naturanschauitng (Die) nnd Naturphiloso- phie der Araber im zehnten Jahrhnndert. Aus den Schriften der lantern Briider iibersetzt vou Fr. Dieterici. 8°. Posen, 1864. C'olvill (W. H.) Sauitary report on Turkish Ara- bia. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1871, n. s., xi, 32-73.— Gaudier de t'laubry (Isabell'e). Note sur le voeabu- laire des couleurs chez les Arabes d'Algerie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., ix, 698-710. —Hull (E. G.) Domestic remedies of the Arabian desert: with ethnologi- cal notes, etc. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 734. Arachnactis. Vogt (C.) Des genres Arachnactis et Cerianthus. Arch, de biol, Gand & Leipz., 1888, viii, 1-41, 3 pl. Arachnides. See, also, Spiders; Scorpion. MacLeod (J.) Recherches sur la structure et la signification de l'appareil respiratoire des Arachnides. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1884, v, 1-34, 2 pl. — Saint-Kemy (G.) Recherches sur la structure des centres nerveux chez les Arachnides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1886, ciii, 525-527. Arachnidin. Abella (M. R.) Una p&gina para la historiade aracni- dina. Corresp. ni6d., Madrid, 1881, xvi, 363.—Liafuente (E.) Contestacion al articulo, una pdgiua para la historia de la aracnidina. Ibid., 387-389. Arachnitis. See Arachnoid (Diseases of). Arachnoid. Karika ( A. ) Egyszerii vagy giimos agykerlob? [Tubercle of arachnoid.] [Is the tunic of the arachnoid simple?] Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1881, xxi, 665-668.— Lniisiloii (F.'\v\) The arachnoid of the brain. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 177. Arachnoid (Diseases of). See, also, Meningitis; Psammoma. Laxgerhans ([E.] R.) * Vier Fiille von cys- toider Degeneration der Arachuoides. 12°. Ber- lin, [1884]. Parent-Duchatelet (A.-J.) & Martinet (L.) Recherches sur rinllammation de l'arach- noide c6r6brale et spiuale, ou histoire the"o- rique et pratique de l'arachnitis. [Avec im rap- port fait a l'Institut de France, par MM. Portal, Pelletan, Halle" et Dum6ril.] 8°. Paris, 1821. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1825. Van Coetsem (C-A.) Recherches cliniques et anatomico-patliologiques sur l'inflammation aigue de l'arachno'ide c6r6brale, sur l'bdmorrha- gie circonscrite et sur le ramollissement du cer- veau. 8°. Gand, 1830. Bank* (J. T.) Cerebro-spinal arachnitis, with paraly- sis of the right third nerve. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1865- 8, n. s., iii, 62-65.— ISurlou ( F. H. M. ) Case of osteo- phytes of the arachnoid. Lancet. Loud., 1887, i, 1084.— FiiHie (L.) Mehinotisches papilla-res Endotheliom der Arachuoides. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.l, Berl., 1884, xcvii, 172 1 pl —Freyer (M.) Ueber arachnoideales Emphy- sem. Ztschr. f. Med.-Reamte, Berl, 1888, i, 14-19.— IIutchiiiHOii ( J. ) Symptoms of arachnitis after a fall on the head; recovery under treatment by mercurv. Arch. Surg.. Lond., 1889, i, 65. — Lancereanx. He- matome de l'arachnoide comprimant la moitie gauche de la moelle epiniere au niveau du renfleniont cervical; paralysie alterne du mouvement et de la sensibilite k la douleur et k la temperature, avec conservation du tact; eschares au sacrum (decubitus acutus); pneumonie scle- reuse avec bronchite fetide. Kev. m6d. frang. et etrang., Par., 1879, i, 22-25. — Paresi (P.) Considerazioni sopra ARACHNOID. 604 ARANZANA CALVO Y CESPEDES. Arachnoid (Diseases of). nuovi casi di cecita parziale negli aracnidi. E. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1881, 2. s., xiv. 131-136. — I»eeblcw (TV. B.) Arachnitis; cerebral agenesia. Proc. Path. Soe. Dubl., 1862-5, n. s., ii, 224-227. — Reymond (E\) Sarcome primitif de l'arachnoi'de. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 694-698. Arad. See, also, Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Arad sz. kir. varos kozeg6szse'gi miivei e"s mii- veletei. Les travaux et les organisations hygie"- niqucs de la ville libre et royale d'Arad. 4°. Arad, 1694. Hungarian and French text. Billner (I.) Orvos-gyakorlati adatok nemes Arad- vdrmegye borosjenei j&r&sa res/.6rul folyo ev 1849 elsd fele- biil. [Medical topography of the wine districts of Arad.] Orvosi Tar, Pest, 1840, ii, 145; 161. — ITIunlcaesy ( M. ) Tekintetes Arad v£rmegye filtal sz. kir. Arad varos&ban alapitott k6rh£z leir&sa. [Review of Arad district and Arad city hospital] Ibid., 1841, i, 193; 209. Arad sz. kir. varos kozeg^szse'gi miivei 6s niiive- letei. Les travaux et les organisations hygie"- niques de la ville libre royale d'Arad. 40 pp. 4°. Arad, I. Gyulai, 1894. Hungaraian and French text. Aradas(S.) & Condorelli-lVIaiig'eri (A.) Primo saggio di hatterio-tersipia in Sicilia. 11 pp., 2 diag. *°. Catania, C. Galdtola, 1866. Arago (B[uenaveutura]). Plantas alimenticias. El trigo y demas cereales, su cultivo y refornias de que es susceptible; importanciade estas plan- tas, y aplicaciones 6 industrias & que dan origen. 2 v. xxiv-616 pp.; 67G pp. 8°. Madrid, L. P. Villaverde, 1662. Aia^o ( [ Doniinique-]Francois[-Jeau] ) [ 1786- l-sv.'i. See Itarral (J. A.) [Biographical notice.] 4°. Paris, 1853. — Dallet ( G. ) Le centenaire de la science, 1789- 1889. roy. 8°. Paris, 1890. Arago (Jacques[-Etienne]) [1790-18.">.">]. Une niaison de fous. (Maisou du docteur Blanche.) pp. 197-225. *°. [Paris, 1832.] Cutting from: Paris, ou le livre des cent et un. 8°. [Paris, 1832, iv]. ------. Comme on dine a Paris, xviii, 21-291 pp. 16°. Pans, Berquet $• Potion, 1842. Aragon (Rene") [1867- ]. *De l'incision transversale dans la nephrectomie. 61 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 383. Arai (Genkei). Shoku motsu honzo. [The bot- any of food plants and vegetable poisons.] 8 v. in 7. 8C. Yedo, 1693. Aiai (Kobo). *Eiu Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chorea gravidarum. 40 pp. *c'. Erlangen, A. Vollrath, 1895. Arai (S.) The treatment of leprosy; a lecture. 5 pp., port. 12°. Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, [1892]. Arai mo (Errico). Sopra due casi rari di gomina sililitica, con un breve ceuuo sulla gomina del cellulare sottocutaneo. Contribuzione alio stu- dio clinico delle lesioni del periodo terziario della sifilide costituziouale. 19 pp. «°. Napoli, L. Guerrera, 1889. Araki (Trasaburo). * Ueber die Bildung von Milchsaure uud Glycose im Organismus bei Sauerstolt'mangel. 38 pp. 8C. Strassburg, E. J. Triibner, 1691. Araldi (Antonio). El prohlema de las letrinas en los cuarteles y edificios militares. Traducido por Jose" Maria Aparici. 40 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8° Madrid, 1883. Araldi (Michele) [1740-1*13]. Esarae di uuo fra i diversi dubbj messi dal celebre d' Alembert ai principj dell' ottica; con alcune considerazioni sopra la teoria psicologica della visioue. 4°. Bologna, 1606. Repr. fmm: Mem. 1st. nazional. ital. Cl. di fisica, Bo- logna, lwitf. i, pt. 2, 451-485, 1 pl. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Aramendin y Bolea (Fe"lix). Estudios fun- dameutales de patologia medica. Nosotaxia: sus procedimieutos 16gicos; sus bases: su utili' dad. xiv, 344 pp. 8°. Zaragoza, lff*4. Araini (Louis-Jules-Henri) [1*52- ]. *De l'extension continue avec demi-flexion dans le traitement des fractures du corps du fe"mur. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, Xo. 280. Aram on. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. Arail(F[rancois]-A[niilcar]) [1*17-61]. Manuel prati(]ue des maladies du cceur et des gros vais- seaux ; ouvrage destine" a faciliter et a propager l'etude de ces maladies. 1 p. 1., 222 pp. sm. 6°. Paris, J. Bourier, 1842. ------. * Des morts subites. 82 pp. 8°. Paris, Hennuyer, 1853. [Also, in: P., v. 1654.] Concours. ------. Note sur nue fissure conge'uialo du sternum qui permet d'e'tudier presque a nu les battements du cceur. pp. 17-24. 8°. [Paris, F. Malteste & Cie., 1*55.] [P., v. 2032.] Repr. from: Union nied., Par., 1855, iii. See, also, Bennet (J. H.) Trait6 pratique [etch 8°. Paris, 1850.—§koda (J.) [in 1< s.]. Trait6 de percussion Letc.J. 8°. Paris, 1854. For Biography, see Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 120. Aho: Uniim nied., Par., 1801, ix, 417. Araaicla (Marcelino) [1808-78]. Ulloa (J. C.) Xecrologia. Gac. iu6d., Lima, 1878, iv, 121-126. Aranda cie Duero. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Araneina. See Spiders. Arango (Antonio Villegas). See Villegas Arango (Antonio). A rango y JLamar (Andre") [1848- ]. #Des phenonienes prlmonitaires de la colique h6pa- tique de quelques-unes des manifestations cli- niques de la lithiase biliaire; symptomatologie; diagnostic; traitement. 98 pp., 11. 4°. raris, 1860, No. 204. Arango y Ulolilia (Rafael). Contribucion i, la fauna rualacoldgica cubana. 2*0, 35 pp. 8J. Habana, G. Montiel y Co., 1676. Sign. 6 (pp. 41-48) wauting. Aran Islands. Hatlilon (A. C.) & Brown (C. E.) The ethnography of the Aran Islands, county Galway. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl, l«91-3, 3. s., ii,' 768-830,' 3 pl. de Aranjo y Cucllas (Angel Alvarez). See Aniiario de medicina homeopatica. 8°. Madrid, 1862. Arano (Enrico). Numerosi casi di rabbia iu un branco di auimali bovini. 15 pp. 8J. Torino, G. Bruno e C, 1694. Arantius (Julius Caesar) See Aranzi. Arauyi (Lajos). A kdrbouctan elemei gyogy- gyakorld e"s torve'ny8z6ki orvosok szauiara So- kratesi modorban targyalva. [ Elements of pathological anatomy for government physicians treated after the Socratic method.] 7 1., 383 pp. 12°. Buddn, 1864. de Aranzadi [Telesforo]. See Anton y Ferrandiz (M.) Tecnica antropold- gica. 12°. Madrid, 1893. de Arauzadi (T[elesforo]) & de Hoyos Saiiiz (L.) Lecciones de antropologia ajus- tadas al programa y explicaciones del prolesor de la asignatura Don Manuel Anton. 500 pp. 12c. Madrid, J. Bravo, 1893. de Aranzana Calvo y Cespedes (Edu- ardo). Cuadros sinopticos de patologia qui- riirgica, recogidos de las hrillantes explicaciones ABANZANA CALYO Y CESPEDES. 605 ARBEITEN. dc Aranzana Calvo y Cespedes (Edu- ardo)—continued. del distinguido Doctor D. Andres del Busto, etc. 1 p. 1., 100 pp., 1 1. ohl. 12°. Madrid, M. Tello, 1871. Aranzi [ Arantius] (Giulio Cesare) [1530-89]. Iu Hippocratis librum de vulneribus capitis commentarius brevis. Ex . . . lectionibus col- lectus per Cl. Porralium, una cum ejusdem aunotatiunculis marginalibus. 130 pp. 12°. Lugd. Bat., apud L. Cloquemin, 1580. -----. The same. 179 pp. 18°. Lugd. Bat., ex officina J. Maive, 1639. -----. De humano fcetu libellus. 50 pp. 16°. Lugd. Bat., F. Lopes de Haro, 1664. Bound with: Plazzoxus (F.) De partibus generationi fete.]. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1664. See, also, Corrradi (A.) Tre lettere d' illustri anato- mici [etc.l. 8°. Milano, 1883. For Biography, see Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 457 (At. Salomon). Aho. in: Salomon (M.) Biog. her- vorrag. Aerzte. 8°. Miinchen, 1885, 53-56. Arapahoe County. Annual report of the board of education of school district No. 1, Arapahoe County, Colorado. 19., 1892-3. 26 pp. *°. Denver, Apj)-Stott Print. Co., 1893. Arapahoe County Hospital, Denver, Colorado. Annual reports of the superintendent to the board of comity commissioners. 1.-4., 1*91-4. 8~. Denver, 1892-5. Arariba. Goldstein (M.) * Ueber den anatomischen Bau der Kinde von Arariba rubra Peckolt im Vergleich zu dem von Arariba alba Peckolt und einiger anderer Rinden aus der Gattung Sickin- gia. 8C. Berlin, 1892. Arassan. Solo in in (P. A.) Analiz Kopalo-Arasanskikh mine- ralnikh vod. [Analysis of the mineral waters of Kopal and Arassan.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1886-7, iv, 258-264. Arata (Pedro N.) Relaciou de los trabajos practicados por la olicina quimica municipal de la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante el ler aiio de su existencia, 1884. 34 pp. 83. Buenos Aires, M. Biedma, 1885. -----& Canzonari (Francisco). An investi- gation of the genuine Winter's bark (Drymis Winteri, Forster). Transl. from: An. Soc. cient. argent., Buenos Aires, 1686, by H. H. Rushy. 16 pp. 16°. [Detroit, 1*89.] Repr.from: Drug. Bull., Detroit, 1889, iii. Arata (Pietro). See Qenoa. Municipio di Genova. Commissione per 1' impianto di uno spedale per le malattie epidemico-conta- giose. fol. Genova, 1888. Aratlis [circa 270 B. C.]. See Toaldo (J.) [in 1. 8.]. Essai m6t6orologique sur la veritable influence des astres, [etc.J. 4°. Chambery, 1784. d'Araujo (Jose" Pedro). "Hemorihagias puer- peraes. 3 p. 1., 57 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Lobao, 1883. de A ran.jo Carneiro (Heleodoro Jacinto). Reflexoens, e observacoens, sobre a pratica da inoculacao da vaccina, e as suas funestas conse- quencias: feitas em Inglaterra. 4 p. 1., xii, 136 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Londres, Cox filho Sf Baylis, 1H08. de Araujo Mai a (Joaquim). * Peritonite. 3 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1878. d'Araujo e Silva (Manoel Cesario). O hospi- tal de S. Jos<5, e annexos em 1853; opusculo. Ill pp. 8C. Lisboa, typ. da Lmprensa, 1853. [P., v. 1249.] Arbacia. Garman (H.) & Colton (B. P.) Some notes on the development of Arbacia punctulata. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Blat., 1882, ii, no. 2, 247-255, 2 pl. Arbaild (Achille-Francois). *Un cas de spina ventosa chez l'adulte. 40 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1886, No. 68, 1885-6. Arbe. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Arbeiten aus dem Ambulatorium und der Pri- vatklinik fiir Ohren-, Nasen-und Halsleiden von Stetter. Hft. 1 & 2. v, 105 pp.; iv, 107 pp. 8°. Ebnigsberg i. Pr., Thomas <£• Oppermann, 1893-5. Arbeiten aus dem bacteriologischen Institut der technischen riochschule zu Karlsruhe. Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. L. Klein und Prof. Dr. W. Migula. Hft, 1&2. v. 1. 238 pp., lpl. 8°. Karlsruhe, O. Nemnich, 1894-5. Arbeiten aus dem bakteriologischen Laborato- rium der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Hrsg. von Walther Kruse. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1883, xii, 3. Hft. Arbeiten aus der chirurgischen Klinik der koniglichen Universitat Berlin. Hrsg. von Ernst von Bergmann. Pts. 1-9. 8°. Berlin, 1*86-95. Arbeiten ans der chirurgischen Universitats- PoliklinikzuLeipzig. Hrsg.vonBennoSchmidt. 1. Hft. 8°. Leipzig, 188*. Arbeiten aus Dr. Uuua's Kliuik fiir Hautkrank- heiten iu Hamburg. 1892-3. Hrsg. von P. G. Unna. 3 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1694. Repr.from: Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1892-3. Arbeiten aus der ersten medicinischen Klinik zu Berlin. Hrsg. von E. Leyden. 2 v. vi, 273 pp.; vi, 492 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschivald, 1890-91. Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der pathologischen Anatomie und Bacteriologie aus dem patholo- gisch-anatomischen Institut zu Tiibingen. Hrsg. von P. Baumgarten. v. 1. Hft. 1. 2 p. 1., 222 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Braunschweig, H. Bruhn, 1891. Arbeiten aus dem hygienischen Institut zu Gottingen. Jahresbericht 1884-85. Mitgetheilt von C. Fliigge. 1. Abth. 177 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. Arbeiten aus dem Institut fiir Anatomie nnd Physiologie des Centralnervensystems an der Wiener Universitat. Hrsg. von Heinrich Ober- steiner. 1 p. 1., 147 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1892. Arbeiten aus dem Institute fiir allgemeiue Pathologie zu Florenz. Hrsg. von Alexander Lustig. In ■ Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1893, xiv, 2. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem Institute fur experimentelle Pathologie in Innsbruck. Hrsg. von M. Lowit. In ■ Beitk. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891 x, 3. Hft. Arbeiten und Jahresbericht der k. k. ersteu chirurgischen Universities - Klinik zu Wien. Schuljahr 1*88. Hrsg. von Dr. Eduard Albert. 2 p. 1., 343 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1889. Arbeiten aus dem Kaiser- uud Kaiserin-Fried- rich-Kinderkrankenhause in Berlin. Festschrift Herrn Rudolf Virchow zum 70. Geburtstage 13. October 1891 gewidmet von Adolf Baginsky. viii, 299 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1891. _____. The same. v. 2. Herrn Dr. Rudolf Vir- chow zum fiinfzigsten Doctor-Jubilaum am 21. October 1893 gewidmet von Adolf Baginsky. viii, 358 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1893. Repr.from: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1893, xv. Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesuudheitsamte. v. 1-11. 4°. Berlin, 1885-95. Arbeiten aus der koniglichen Frauenklinik in Dresden, v. 1 & 2. 8°. Leipzig, 1893-5. ARBEITEN. 606 ARCACHON. Arbeiten aus der medicinischen Klinik zu Leip- zig llrs". von H. Curschmann. 1893. xx, 331 pp. 8-'. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1893. Arbeiten aus dem ruedicinisch-klinischen Insti- tute der k. Ludwigs-Maximiliaus-Universitat zu Munchen. Hrsg. von H. v. Ziemssen und Jos. Bauer. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1864-93. Arbeiten aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institute zu Miiuchen. Hrsg. von Dr. Bollinger. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, vi, 2. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institute zu Turin. Hrsg. von Pio. Foa. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, v, 2. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institut in Gottingen. Herrn Professor Rudolf Virchow zur Feier seiues funfzigjahrigen Doctor-Jubi- lauins am 21. October 1b93 gewidmet von Prof. Johannes Orth. 2 p. 1., 267 pp., 3 pl., 3 1. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1893. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Heidelberg. Hrsg. von Julius Arnold. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, viii, 1. Hft.: 1891, x, 1. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Konigsberg in Preusseu. Hrsg. von E. Neumann und P. Baumgarten. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Physiol, Jena, 1887, ii, 2. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Leipzig. Hrsg. von Dr. Birch-Hirschfeld. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1891, ix, 3. Hft,: 1894, xvi, 2. Hft, Arbeiten ans dem pathologischen Institute zu Marburg. Hrsg. von Dr. Marchand. v. 1. 1 p. 1., 276 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1893. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1888, iv, 1. Hft.: 1889, v, 1. Hft.: 1891, x, 4. Hft.: 1893, xii, 2. Hft.: xiii, 3. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institut zu Miinchen. Hrsg. von O. Bollinger, viii, 542 pp., 1 1., 7 pl., 2 ch. *°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1686. Continuation of: Mittheilungen aus dem pathologi- schen Institut zu Munchen, Stuttgart, 1878. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Ziirich. Hrsg. von Dr. Klebs. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, iv, 5. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem pathologisch-histologischeu Iustitute zu Wien. Hrsg. von A. Weichselbaum. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, vi, 4. Hit, Arbeiten des pharmakologischen Institutes zu Dorpat. Hrsg. von R. Robert. Pts. 1-13. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1*88-96. Arbeiten aus der speciell physiologischen Ab- theilung des physiologischen Iustituts der Uni- ' versitat Berliu, geleitet von Hugo Kronecker. Jahrg. 1883. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Arbeiten aus dem Stadtkrankenhause zu Dres- den. Hrsg. von Dr. Neelsen. In: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889 vi 5. Hft. Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universitiit Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. v. 1-10. 8°. Wien, 1878-93. Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen-zootomischen Institut in Wiirzburg, Hft. 1-2, v. 7; Hft. 3, v. 8; Hft. 1-2, v. 9. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1884-9. Arbel (Jean-Ferdinand). * Essai sur l'influence du climat sur l'homnie. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1811, No. 328. Arbel (Luc) [1863- . ]. * Contribution a l'e'- tude de la galactophorite. 59 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1890, No. 48. Arber (Edward). See James VI of Scotland, I of England [in 1. b.]. The essajs of a premise [etc.]. 12°. London, 1869. Arberins. Discours sur la me'decine et sur les parties du corps humain: composed en latin par . . . et traduites en francais par D. R. In: Physique (La) d'uzage [etc.|. 16°. Paris, 1664, Arbey (F.) *Coup d'oeil sur l'amputatiou des mernbres et les cas qui la ne'eessitent. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*05. Arbo (Nicolaus). See Drei Abhandlungen [etc.]. 8°. Altona, 1797-9. Arboro. Regolamento di polizia rurale pel co- mune di Arboro. 11 pp. 8°. Vereelli, G. Fran- cesco, [1878]. Arbre (Frauciscus de L'). See de L'Arbre (Frauciscus) [in 1. s.]. Arbroath. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Arbnekle (Joseph). Practical remarks on her- nia trusses; being a communication made to the Royal Scottish Societv of Arts on the 24th of March, 1862. 13 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, W. L. Bollo, 1862. [Also, in: P., v. 896.] Arbutlinot (John) [1667-1735]. An essay con- cerning the nature of aliments and the choice of them, according to the different constitutions of human bodies. In which the different effects, advantages, and disadvantages of animal and vegetable diet are explained, xxxii, 232 pp. 8°. London, J. Tonson, 1731. ------. The same. 2. ed. 11 p. 1., 430 pp. 8°. London, J. Tonson, 1732. ------. The same. Essai sur la nature et le choix des alimens, suivant les diff6reutes consti- tutions; ou on explique les diff6rens effets, les avantages et les de"savantages de la nourriture animale et ve"g6tale. Trad, de l'anglois. xxiv, 330 pp., 31. 12°. Paris, Ve. Carelier effils, 177)7). ------. An essay concerning the effects of air on human bodies, xi (2 1.), 224 pp. 8°. London, J. $ B. Tonson (y S. Draper, 1751. ------. The same. Specimen edfectuum aeris in humano corpore, quod primum ex Anglico idio- mate interpretatus est Gallico Boyerus, mox vero Latine reddidit, atque additionibus, auctariisque illustravit, ornavit, auxit F. Fortunatus de Fe- lici. 10 p. 1., 335 pp. 4°. Neapoli, excud. J Baymundi, 1753. ------. The same. Essai des effets de l'air sur le corps humain; traduit de l'anglois avec des notes par M. Boyer de Pebrandie-. xxiv, 320 pp. 12°. Paris, J. Barois, 1742. See, also, Richardson (B. TV.) John Arbuthnot, M. D., F. R. S., the medical scholar. Asclepiad, Lond., 1887, iv, 142-171, port, 1 pl. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Arbiitin. Feibes(E.) * Ueber das Schicksal desArbu- tins im menschlichen Organismus. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1**4. Laukentz(H.) * Beitrag zum forensisch-che- mischen Nacbweis des Hydrochinon und Arbutin im Thierkorper. 8°. Dorpat, 1**6. Zhuravleff (A. A.) * K kharakteristike arbutinnoy gliukozi. [On the characteristics of arbutin glucose.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1692. Knnkel (A.J.) Ueber das Arbutin: Schicksal im Organismus; neue Darstellungsmethode. Miinchen.med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 891-893. — Menche (H.) Baa Arbutin als Arzneimittel. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., I.eipz., 1883, iv, 433-436. — Schmitz (A.) Beitriige zur Kennt- niss der Wirkung des Arbutins. Ibid., 1884, v, 777-781. Arcachon. Boxnal (F.) Arcachon. Notice medicale hie au Congres scientifique d'Alger (avril 1*81). 2. e"d. 12°. Bordeaux, 1661. Dechamp. Arcachon, son climat, ses indi- cations therapeutiques. 16°. Paris, 1894. ARCACHON. 607 ARCET. Arcachon. Hameau (G.) Notes de climatologie medicale sur les stations du midi de la France et en par- ticulier sur la saison d'hiver a Arcachon. 8°. Bordeaux, 1666. ------. Le climat d'Arcachon et le sanatorium (ville d'hiver). 8°. Paris, 1867. Lalesque (F.) Arcachon, ville d'ete, ville d'hiver. Topographie et climatologie meMicales. 8°. Paris, 1686. Pereyra (E.-L.) Des bains de mer d'Arca- chon. De l'influeuce des bords de ce bassin sur les tubercules pulmonaires et les maladies du cceur, et de l'habitatiou de cette place, pendant l'hiver, par les personnes atteintes de maladies chroniques. 8°. Bordeaux, 167)3. Ha mean (G.) De l'influence du climat d'Arcachon dans quelques maladies de la poitrine. Uuion med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux. 1866, xi, 31; 177; 212. Also, Reprint. ----. Le sanatorium d'Arcachon. Union mikl., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 601-606.-----Le climat medical d'Ar- cachon. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C. r. 1886, Par., 1887, i, 344-350. — I.alesque (F.) Le climat d'Arcachon 6tudie k I'aide drs appareils enregistreurs. Cong, internat. d'hvdrol. et de climatol. 1889, Par., 1890, ii, 403-416. Arcana Fairfaxiana manuscripta; a manuscript volume of apothecaries' lore and housewifery nearly three centuries old, used, and partly written, by the Fairfax family; reproduced in fac-simile of the handwritings; an introductory by George Weddell. xlviii (1 1.), 206 pp. 4°. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Mawson,Swan $• Morgan, 1890. Arcana microcosmi; or, the hid secrets of man's body discovered, [etc.]. See R. (A.). Arcari (Angelo). Amhulatoria di ortomorfia diretto dal Dr. Pauzeri. La cura delle devia- zioni rachitiche degli arti iuferiori. 29 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Bechiedei, 18*3. Arcari (Giovanni). See Orsi (F.) [in 1. s.]. Lezioni di patologia e terapia [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1878-9. de Arce y Luque (Jose"). Memoria acerca de las vicisitudes que bajo el punto de vista de la medicina 6 higiene de la cirugia y la farmacia ban ocurrido durante el ano de 1874 en el Hos- pital provincial de Madrid escrita en cumpli- miento del acnerdo de la excema. diputacion provincial de Madrid de 22 de enero de 1875. 260 pp., 1 pl., 19 tab. *". Madrid, qficina tip. del hospicio, 1876. Arcelaschi (G.). Editor of: Tribuna (La) medica, Milano, 1895. Arcclin (Petrus). * An aqua vita? aqua mortis? Prreses Ludovico Petro le Hoc. In.- Sigwart (G. F.) Qusest. med. Par. 4°. Tu- bingce, 1789, i, 135-140. ■-----. Starene potest visio absque cristallino ? Josepho-Maria-Francisco de la Sone . . . prseside. Parisiis, 1743. In: Haller. Disp. anat. select, [etc.]. 4°. Gottingat, 1749, iv, 157-162. -----. The same. Parisiis, [1743 ?]. In: Sigwart (G. F.) Quaest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 10-14. See. aho, Baeet (H.J.) An infantum vagitus cuna- rnm, etc. 4°. Parisiis, 1771. d'Arcet (Antoine). * Propositions sur quelques accidens produits par la presence d'une canule dans le canal nasal, viii, 9-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*30, No. 46, v. 230. ------. Quelques observations sur les eaux mine- rales de Saint-Christan. 67 pp. 8°. Pau,J.-H. Tonnet, 1*54. [P., v. 1651.] d'Arcet (Felix). Nouveau proce'de' pour obtenir le gaz acide hydriodique en grande quantite" et parfaitement pur. (Note lne a la Socie'te' philo- matique le 5 avril 182*.) 3 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Thuau, 1828. [P., v. 1687.] Repr.from: Ann. de chim. et pbys., Par., 1828. d'Arcet (Felix). * Recherches sur les abces multiples,, et sur les accidents qu'ameue la pre- sence du pus dans le systeme vasculaire, suivies de quelques remarques sur les alterations du sang. 85 pp. 4°, Paris, 1842, No. 98. ------. Recherches sur les ophthalmies puru- lentes. 108 pp. 8C. Paris, Bignoux, 1844. d'Arcet (Jean) [17- ]. Darcet. See l.avoiMiri- (A.-L.) [in 1. s.l. Traite elSmentaire de chiinir [i-ti-.J. 8°. Pa ris, 1789. For Biography, see I>izo (M.-J.-J.) Precis historique sur la vie et les travaux de Jean d'Arcet. 8°. Paris, an X[1802]. d'Arcet (Jean-Pierre-Joseph) [1777-1*44]. Con- seil de salubrite. Instruction sur les souffroirs, approuvee le 24 mai 1821 par M. le ministre d'etat, pret'et de police. 12 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Ver- sailles, Marlin, 1*21. [P., v. 1817.] ------. Rapport fait a l'Academie royale des sciences sur le sel gemme de la mine de Vic (de- partement de la Meurthe). 15 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, jSverat, 1823. [P., v. 1807.] ------. Precis sur la mine de sel gemme de Vie, departement de la Meurthe, et sur les principales mines de sel de FEurope; suivi du rapport fait a l'Academie royale des sciences. 86 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, Ererat, 1*24. [P., v. 1819.] ------. Premiere note pour servir a l'histoire des eaux thermalcsde Vichy, departement de l'Allier. 19 pp. 8°. Parfs, Feugueray, 1826. [P., v. 1808.] Repr. from: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1826, xxxi. ------. Description d'une salle de bains preseu- tant l'application des perfectionnemens et des appareils accessoires convenable a ce genre de construction. 11 pp. 4°. [Paris, Huzard-Cour- cier, 1827.] [P., v. 1711; 1715.] ------. Instruction relative a l'art de l'afnnage, redig€e au nom du conseil de salubrite de la ville de Paris et du departement de la Seine. 19 pp., 3 pl. 4C. [Paris, Huzard Courcier], 1*27. [P., v. 1711; 1715; 1716.] —:---. Description d'un fourneau de cuisine [etc.]. 2. ed. 30 pp., 2pl. 8°. Paris, Bachelier, 1828. [P., v. 1789.] ' ------. Note sur la preparation et l'usage des pastilles alcalines digestives contenant du bi- carbonate de soude. 2. ed. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, Bachelier, 1828. [P., v. 1746.] Repr.from: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1826, xxxi. ------. Seconde instruction relative a l'art de l'affinage. 28 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, Bachelier, 1828. [P., v. 1716.] ------. Instruction sur les precautions a prendre pour bien couduire l'appareil servant a extraire la gelatine des os de la viande de boucherie. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Paris, fiverat, 1829.] [P., v. 1633; 1789.] Repr.from: Bee. industriel, Par., 1829. ------. Memoire sur les os provenant de la viande de boucherie, dans lequel on traite de la con- servation de ces os, de l'extraction de leur gela- tine par le moyen de la vapeur, et des usages alinientaires de la dissolution geiatineuse qu'on en obtient. 66 pp., 2 pl. 8C. [Paris, 1829.] [P.,v. 1633.] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1829, x. ------. Note sur l'assainissement des salles de spectacle. 17 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Cosson, [1829]. [P., v. 1819.] Repr.from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1829, i. ------. Recherches sur les substances nutritives que renferment les os, ou memoire sur les os provenant de la viande de boucherie, sur les moyens de les conserver, d'en extraire de la ge- latine par la vapeur, etc., et memoire sur l'ap- plication speciale de ce procede a la nourriture des ouvriers de la monnaie royale des medailles AKCET. 608 ARCET. d'Arcet (Jean-Pierre-Joseph)—continued. et sur les applications generates qu'il pent rece- voir, par M. A. De Puymaurin. xi, 164, 16, 9 pp.,'.5 pl. 8°. Paris, Mme. Huzard, 1829. [P., v. 1777.] -----. Note sur la preparation du bi-carbonate de sonde, au moyen de l'acide carbonique des eaux thermales et gazeuses de Vichy, departe- ment de l'Allier. 7 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Parts, Fain, 1830.] [P., v. 1744.] ■-----. Note relative a l'emploi de l'appareil ser vant a preparer, a l'hospice de la Charite, mille rations de dissolution geiatineuse par jour. 7 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Laguionie, 1830. [P., v. 1633; 1789.] -----. Xote relative a l'extraction de la gela- tine des os de la viande de boucherie, et a son emploi, en grand et pendaut toute une annee, dans le regime alimentaire de I'hopital Saint- Louis. 15pp. *-. [Paris, Everat, 1830.] [P., v. 1633.] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1830. -----. Tbe same. 16 pp. 8C. [Paris, H. Four- nier, 1*30.] [P., v. 1777.] -----. Notice sur la fabrication des biscuits ani- malises au moven de la viande de boucherie. 4 pp. *-. [Paris, Evevat, 1830.] [P., v. 1633; 1*09. ] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1830, xv. -----. Notice relative a la source d'acide carbo- nique de Montpensier, pres d'Aigue-Perse. 11 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Paris, Gaultier-Laguionie, 1830. ] [P., v. 1744.] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1830, xv. -----. Recueil de diverses notes publiees a l'ap- pui de son memoire sur l'extraction de la gela- tine des os au moyen de la vapeur. 25 pp. 8°. [Paris, imp. Gaultier-Laguionie, 1830.] [P., v. 1633.] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par. ■-----. Resume concernant l'emploi alimentaire de la gelatine des os de la viande de boucherie. 7 pp. 8°. [Versailles, Martin, 1830.] [P., v. 1633.] Repr.from,: Rec. industriel, Par., 1830, xvi. -----. The same. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, [1830]. [P., v. 1777.] -----. Note sur l'emploi alimentaire de la geia- tiue des os, en r6pouse au memoire et a la lettre que M. Donne a lus a l'Academie sur le meme sujet. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, Ererat, [1831]. [P., v. 1633; 1777.] Repr. from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1831. -----. Resume de ce qui a ete fait depuis deux ans pour aineiiorer le regime alinu-ntaire des pauvres en y introduisaut l'usage de la gelatine des os. Lu le 28 avril, a la seance generale de la Societe des etablissemeus charitables. 16 pp. 8°. [Paris, Evevat, 1831.] [P., v. 1633; 1777; 1*09.] Repr. from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1831. -----. De la composition des soupes ecouomi- ques, et de la necessite de les animaliser et de les rendre plus nutritives. 4 pp. *-\ [Paris, Evevat, 1832.] [P., v. 1633; 1777.] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1831. -----. Note sur l'emploi de la geiatiue des os, pour la nourriture des pauvres de la ville de, Reims, pendant les hivers de 1*30 a 1831 et de 1831 a 1*32. 7 pp. 8C. [Paris, Everat, 1832?] [P., v. 1633; 1809.] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1832. xxi. -----. Note relative au bouillon que l'on fait, en aromatisant la dissolution geiatineuse au moyen de la viande de boucherie. 3 pp. 8C. Paris, Evevat, [1832?]. [P., v. 1777; 1809.] Repr. from.- Rec. industriel, Par. d'Arcet (Jean-Pierre-Joseph)—continued. -----. Resultats de 1'emploi alimentaire de la gelatine des os, continue sans interruption, a l'hdpital Saint-Louis, pendant trois ans et trois mois. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, P. Dupont $■ Laguionie, 1633.] [Also, in: P., v. 1633; 1745.] -----. Conseil de salubrite. Instruction sur les fondoirs de suit", approuvee, le l.~> Janvier 1835, par M. le couseiller d'etat, preTet de police. 16 pp., 2pl. 8-. Paris, 1835. [P., v. 1*17.] -----. Considerations generates sur l'emploi de la ventilation forcee dans les magnaneries. 21 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. royale, 1*37. [P., v. 1*19.] -----. Note sur l'emploi de la gelatine pendant sept annees, dans le regime alimentaire de l'hd- pital Saint-Louis. 16 pp. *c. Versailles, Mar- tin, 1837. [P., v. 1*07.] Repr.from: Rec. industriel, Par., 1837. -----. The same. Note sur l'emploi contiuu et regulier de la gelatine, pendant huit annees, [etc.]. 19 pp. 8°. Paris, Everat 4-Cie., [1836], [P., v. 1633; 1819.] -----. Thesame. Suivi de quelques autres docu- ments relatifs a la meme question. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Fournier 4- Cie., [1839]. [P.. v. 1772.] -----. The same. 37 pp., 1 tab. 8C. Paris, Mine, de Lacombe, [1840]. [P., v. 1737.] -----. Note sur la construction et l'emploi dea silos dans le nord de la France. 16 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, L. Bouchard-Huzard, 1841. [P., v. 1737.] Repr. from: Ann. d. agric. franc., Par., 1841. -----. Collection de memoires relatifs a I'as- saiuissement des ateliers, des edifices publics, et des habitations particulieres. Revus par I'au- teur et mis en ordre par Philippe Grouvelle. v. 1. xxxvi, 292 pp., 27 pl. 4°. Paris, L. Mathias, 1843. -----. De la conservation des meubles, des gra- vures, des livres, etc., dans les maisons de cam- pagne qui ne sont pas haMtees pendant l'hiver. 7 pp., 1 pl. *°. Paris, [1*43]. [P., v. 1774.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1843, xxx. -----. Des rapports de distances qu'il est utile de maintenir entre les fabriques insalubres et les habitations qui les eutourent. * pp. t°. [Paris, P. Benouard, 1843.] Repr.from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1843, xxx. -----. Amelioration du regime alimentaire des hopitaux, des pauvres, et des graudes reunions d'hommes vivant eu comnmn. 27 pp. 8\ Pa- ris, H. Fournier Ly Cie., 1844. [P., v. 173*.] -----. Changemens a faire dans les procedea actuels de saponification, ou vues nouvelles sur le meilleur mode d'organisation des grandes sa- vonneries. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, Mme. de Lacombe, [n. d.]. [P., v. 1757.] -----. Note sur le degorgement d'une conduite d'eau de 218 metres de longueur par le moyen de l'acide hydrochlorique. 7 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, Mme. Huzard, [n. d.]. [P., v. 1715 & 1716.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'encouragement, I'ar., No. celxii. See, also, Appareils k fumigations, [etc.l. 4°. Paris, 1818— Commesny. Extrait de deux lettres. 8°. [Pa- ris. 1831.]—1> 11111 aw & Payeii. Discours prononcts aux funerailles de M. d'Arcet. 4°. Paris, 1844.—Girardia (J.) Notices biographiques. 8°. Rouen, 1844.— Iifioux, Dubois | etal.]. Rapport fait en 1814 sur un travail [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1814. — TlichoU-t (A.) Analyse des re- cherches ... 8°. Paris, 1829. For Biography, see Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1845, xxxiii, 5-20 (A. Guerard). ----- & Parent - Dnchatelet [A.-J.-B.] De l'influence de I'assaiuissement des salles de dissection. 89 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, E. Cro- chard, 1831. ----- & Til en aid [L.-J. ] De l'emploi des corps gras comme hydrofuge, dans la peinture sur pierre et sur platre, dans I'assaiuissement dea ABCET. 609 AKCLL/EOLOGY. d'Arcet (J.-P.-J.) & Tlienard [L.-J.]—cout. lieux has et humides, dans les citernes et reser- voirs destines a contenir les liquides; pour la conservation des statues et bas-reliefs exposes aus injures de l'air, et description du fourneau du doreur. 23 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Bachelier, 1826. [P., v. 1789.] d'Arcet (Joannes). *An variolis narcotica? Pra-ses: Leandrus Peaget. 4 pp. 4°. Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1763. See. aho, I»npuy (B.) *An praestet medicum diversas exercere medendi methodos? 4° [Paris, 1767.]—ITIillic (J.-S.) [in 1. s.]. *Utrum a gangliis [etc. ?J. 4°. Parisiis, 1764. Arch.. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Archaeological Institute of America. Bulle- tin ofthe School of Classical Studies, at Athens. Report of AVilliam W. Goodwin, director of the school [including the report of the managing committee. ] 1., 1882-3. 29 pp. 8°. Boston, Cupples, Upham <$• Co., 1883. -----. Annual reports adopted at the annual meetings ofthe council of the institute. 7.-10., 1*85-6 to 1888-9. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson# Co., 1686-9. Archaeological ( The ) Review. A journal of historic and pre-historic antiquities. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-4, March, 1888, to Jan., 1890. 8°. London. United with: Folk-Li ore (The) Journal, forming: FolU-I.ore. Archaeologist (The). Editor: A. F. Berlin. [Monthly. ] Nos. 7,9-12, v. 1, July to Dec, 1893. bc. Waterloo, Iowa. Archaeology. Ste, also, Anthropology; Archery; Dolmen; Lake-dwellings; Man (Primitive). Akerman ( J. Y.) Roman and other sepul- chral remains, discovered at the village of Stone, near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. Communi- cated to the Society of Antiquaries. 4°. Lon- don, 1851. Repr.from: Archaeologia, xxxiv, 21. Arch^ological Institute of America. Bulle- tin of the School of Classical Studies, at Athens. Report of William W. Goodwin, director of the school [including the report of the managing committee]. 1., 18*2-3. 8°. Boston, 1883. -----. Annual reports adopted at the annual meetings ofthe couucil of the institute. 7.-10., 1*85-6 to 1866-9. 8°. Cambridge, 1886-9. Cowper (B. H.) Ancient earthworks in Ep- ping Forest. 8C. [n. p., 1876, vel subseq.] Gaillard (F.) Les monuments megalithiques et les fouilles de 1883 a ce jour. Erdeven; Plou- harnel; Carnac; Quiberon; Locmariaquer. Guide et itineraire avec indication des acquisi- tions, et des restaurations faites par l'Etat. 3. ed. 12°. Tours, 18*9. Green (S. A.) The report of the council of the American Antiquarian Society, made Oct. 21, 1875, at Worcester. 8°. Worcester, 1*76. Harvard University. Peabody Museum of American Avchceology and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass. Annual reports of the trustees to the president and fellows of Harvard College. 1.- 24., Nov., 1866, to Dec, 1893. v. i-vii; nos. 1-4, v. iv. 8°. Cambridge, 1868-93. -----. To the friends of American Archae- ology- [A circular in regard to explorations ear- ned on under the auspices ofthe museum in the Ohio Valley.] 4°. Cambridge, 1888. Holmes (W. H. ) Textile fabrics of ancient Peru. 8°. Washington, 1889. Kemble (J. M.) The utility of antiquarian collections, as throwing light on the pre-historic 39 Archaeology. annals of the European nations. An address delivered to the president and members of the Royal Irish Acadeniv, at their meeting, Feb. 9, 1857. 8°. Dublin, 1*57. Loening ( E. ) Oratio. Subjectae sunt G. Locsclikii de basi quadam prope Spartam re- perta observationes archaeologies. (Ueber die Reliefs der altspartauischen Basis.) 4C. Dorpati Livon., [1*79]. Loeschckius (G.) Subjectae sunt observa- tiones archa-ologicae. 4°. Dorpati Livon., 18*0. Meyer (A. II.) Die Nephritfrage kein ethno- logisches Problem. 8°. Berlin, 1883. Aho, transl. [Abstr. ] in: Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1888, i, 231-242. [See, aho, infra.] Munter (F.) Om malerior paa vaser og oni andre konstva-rker, som forestille memnons his- torie. 4°. [n. p., 1829, vel subseq.] Cutting from: Sel. hist, og phil. Skr.,iv. Deel, 307-346, 3pl. Ontario. Annual archaeological report and Canadian Institute, session 1888-9, [and] 1891, being an appendix to the report of the minister of education, Ontario. 8°. Toronto, 1889-91. Putnam (F. W.) Conventionalism in ancient American art. 8°. Salem, 1887. Cutting from: Bull. Essex Inst., 1886, xviii, 155-167. -----. The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. 8°. [Cambridge, 1891?] Rat; (C.) The archeological collection of the United States National Museum, in charge of the Smithsonian Institution. 4°. Washington, 1876. -----. The Palenque tablet in the United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. 4°. Washington, 1879. Revue arche"ologique ( antiquite et moyen age). Publiee sous la direction de MM. Alex. Bertrand et G. Perrot. [Monthly; 2 v. annu- ally.] 3. s. v. 3-6, 1884-5. 8°. Paris, E. Le- roux. Simpson (Sir J. Y.) Archaeology: its past and its future work, being the annual address to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 8°. Edinburgh, 1861. Smithsonian Institution. Circular in refer- ence to American archaeology. 8°. Washington, 1878. Spang ( N. ) Catalogue illustrating the choicest specimens in' archaeology, including amulets, banner stones, discoidal stones, pipes, axes, celts, spearheads, arrow points, etc. 8°. Boston, 1888. Stokes (W. ) Inaugural address delivered before the Royal Irish Academy, at the stated meeting held on Monday evening, Nov. 30, 1874. 12°. Dublin, 1874. Thomas (C.) Catalogue of prehistoric works east of the Rocky Mountains. 8°. Washington, 1891. -----. The Maya year. 8°. Washington, 1894. University of Aberdeen. Catalogue of the books in the Wilson Archa-ologieal Library in Marischal College, roy. 8°. Aberdeen, 1894. Willie (Lady [ J. F. S. ] ) Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland. Contributions to Irish lore. 12°. London, 1*90. Wilde (Sir W. R. W.) An essay on the un- manufactured animal remains in the Royal Irish Academy : illustrative of the ancient aui- mals of Ireland. 8°. Dublin, 1860. Abbott (C. C.) Archaeological frauds Pop. Sc. Month. N. T., 1885, xxvii. 308-310.—von Alton (F.) Ei- nige Nachrichten iiber Eisenschmelzstatteu mi Herzog- thum Oldenburg. Ztschr. f. Ethnol Berl 1882, xiv 1- 9— A ml ice (K.) Aggri-Perleu. Ibid., 1885. xvn 110- 115.—Arnold (H.) Denkmale des Jupiter Dohchenus zu ARCHEOLOGY. 610 ARCHAEOLOGY. Archaeology. Pfiinz uud Faimingen. Beitr. z. Anthrop. n. Urgesch. Bayerns. Miinchen, 1889, viii, 179-201, 3 pl. — d'Aiilt tin .Tli-«nil & Capitan. Recherches geologiques ct pal- ethnologiques sur le loess des environs de Roueu. (Xote preliminaire.) Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1893, 4. s., iv. 304-308.— BabcocU (W. H.) Games of Washington children. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1888. i, 243-284. — Ba- chiller y ITIoralcs (A.) Una hacliadepiedrapulidare- cientemente hallada en Cuba. Bol. Soc autrop. de Cuba, Habana. 1879-86, i, 78-83. — Barlels (M.) Die Gemme vmi Alsen und ihre Yerwandten. Ztsclir. f. Ethnol, Berl, 18-2, xiv. 179-207: 1883, xv, 48-61. — BasJian. Ueber neue Erwerbungen des kiinigl. Museums. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., Berl, 1882, 516-518, 1 pl.— Bataillard (P.) Sur les anciens ni6tallurge.s en Grece. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 532-557. —ile Baye (J.) Contribution k l'etude du gisement paleoli- tbique de San-lsidro, pies Madrid. Ibid., 1893, 4. s., iv, 274-286. — Bchla. Ueber die im mittleren Oder- uud Spreegebiet -icliniileiien Bronzewagen. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1882, 43-53.—Belck (W.) Archiio- lngiseho Forschungen in Armenien. Ibid., 1893, 61-82.— Bcllucci (G.) Su talnni utensili litici rinvenuti nel Pe- riigino- Arcii. per I antrop., Firenze, 1883, xiii, 57-66,1 pl. -----. Sopra due pintaderas rinvenute nel! Umbria. Ibid.. 18*8, xxiii, 17-24. 1 pl.—Bercnjicr-Fcraud. Re- cherches sur la Maye de Provence. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 624-647. -----. Xote sur les cas- tellets (petits amoncellements de pierres) de la .Montagne de la Sainte-Baume. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 188S, %. s.. iii, 49-58. -----. Contributions aux superstitions populaires des Provencaux: le passage d'un enfant malade a travers un tronc d'arbre. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 895-904. -----. Contribution a l'etude des vestiges des pratiques religieuses do l'antiquit6 chez les Provencaux de nos jours: Vimmcrsion de la statue du saint. Ibid., 1891, 4. s.. ii, 305-312.—Beroud (Vabbe). Etude sur un cimetiere gallo-romain a Toussieux (Aiu). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1887, vi, (iii- 71. — Bei-tholon (L.) Notice sur l'industrie megalithique en Tunisie; son passe; sesimportateurs; les continuateursmodernes Ibid., 1888, vii, 78-89, 1 pl.—Kerti-aiiil (A.) L'introduction des ru6- taux en Occident. Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 1883, ii, 231-255.— Boissicr (G.) Promenades archeologiques. Les tombes etrusques de Corneto. Rev. d. deux moudes, Par., 1882, Iii, 779-813. — Bi-iliat (A.) Contribution a l'etude des temps pri'-historiques dei'Auvergne. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1890, ix, 85-89.—Brinton (D. G.) The Ta Ki, the Svastika, and the cross in America. Proc. Am. Phil. Sue, Phila.. 18.-9, xxvi, 177-187.— Bruckner. Bericht idler eine Excursion uach denjeiiigt-u Uferpunkten der Tollcnx uud Lieps, an welclien die I.age von Retina ge- suchtworden ist. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. An- throp., 1883, 34-48. —Bryce (J.) The migrations of tbe races of men considered historically. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1893, Wash., 1894, 567-588. —Burton (R. F.) & Cameron (V. L.) On stone implements from the Gold Coast, West Africa. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1882-3, xii, 449-454,1 pl.— Capitan Sc Jainin. Station neolithique de Hogues, pres Yport (Seiue-Iuferieure). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1893, 4. s., iv, 269-274.—Capitan (L.) Les Pierres- Closes de Charras, commune de Saint- Laurent - de-la- Pr6e, arrondissement de Rochefort (Charente-Inf6rienre). Rev. mens, de l'ficole d'anthrop. de Par., 1893, iii, 220- 226.—Cartailhac (E.) Notes sur l'arch6ologie prehis- torique en Portugal, d'apres les travaux de MM. Pereira da Costa. Ribeiro Delgado, etc. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1881, 3. s., iv, 281-307. -----. L'or gaulois. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1889, 3. s., iv, 272-292.—Cels (A.) Con- siderations sur les meules pn'-historiques. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Brux., 1892-3, xi, 76-85. — Chan tre (E.) Ori- gine et auciennete du premier Age du fer au Caucase. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1892, xi, 104-123.—de Cha- rencey (H.) Recherches sur la calendrier Zotzil. Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 1884, iii, 398-401. —Chaniay (D.) La ville Lorrillard au pays des Lacandons. Ibid., 1883, ii, 481-503.—Clicvei-s. The physician's leisure; a plea for the study of archaeology. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 367-371. Also, Reprint.— Corncviu. Concor- dance de l'usage du bronze et de la domestication du che- val. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1881-2, i, 116-133. [Discussion], 137; 144. — Crombie (J. W.) History of the game of hop-scotch. J. Anthrop. Inst.. Lond., 1885-6, xv, 403-408, 1 pl.—Cinuont. Sur des instruments en ob- sidieune rapportes du Mexique par M. Jules Leclercq. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1885-6, iv, 22-24.— Dc Haas (W.) Archaeology of the Mississippi Vallev. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1868, Cambridge, 1869, xvii, 288- 302.—B-olbeselieff (W.) Arcbiiologische Forsclmngen im Be/.irk des Terek (Nordkaukasus). Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl.. 1884, xvi, 134; 145, 1 pl.: 1887, xix, 101; 153.—Dow- gird (T.) WiadnioSc o zabytkach przedhistorvcznych w pow. mlawskiin, z bad an dokonanych w r. 1886. [Notes on prehistoric monuments of antiquity, collected in differ- ent provinces at the end of the year 1886.] Zbi6r. wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umiej. w. Krakow., 1889, xiii, 20-33, 2 tab.—Diireyricr (H.) L'anneau de bras des Touareg. Archaeology. Kev. d'ethnog., Par., 1883, ii, 507-512. — Fiigelhardt. Xotice sur les statuettes de l'fige du bronze iiii Musee (It- Copenhague. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. 1869, Copenh 1875, iv, 397-402.— Ernst (A.) Veiiezuelaiiisi-h','. Thongefas.se und Thoufiguren aus alter und neuer Zeit Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Leiden, 1890, iii, 169-175. 1 pl -----. Notes on some stone-yokes from Mexico. Ibid 1892, v, 71-76, 1 pl—Fischer (II.) Begleitworte zu dei Karte iiber die geographische Verbreitung der Beile huh Nephrit, Jadeit uud Chloromelanit in Europa. Arch, f Anthrop.. Brnschwg., 1885-6, xvi, 563-590, 1 map.— Fletcher (R.) Myths of the robin redbreast in early English poetry. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1889, ii, 97-lls, Aho, ltepriut.—Foi-stcmanii (E.) Zur Maya -Chrono- logic Ztschr. f. Ethnol, Berl, 1891, xxiii,'141 -145._ Foote (R. B.) On quartzite implements of pala-olithic types from the laterite formation of the east coast of Southern India. Internat. Cong. Prehist. Arcbteol. 18U8 Lond., 1869, iii, 224-239, 1 pl.—Fraas (O.) Bie prabisto- rischenBildschnitzereien mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das benutzte Rohmaterial im Kessleiloch bei Thayiifen Ztschr. f.'Ethnol, Berl, 1878, x, 241-251. — Franks (a! W.) Notes on the discovery of stone implements in Ja- pan. Internat. Cong. Prehist. Archaeol. 1868. Lond.. lMi!) iii, 258-266, 1 pl.—Friedel (E.) Ueber symbolieche Kro- ten und Verwandtes. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellse'i. f. Anthrop., 1883, 145-149. — Giglioli (E. H.) Notes on a remarkable and very beautiful ceremonial stone adze from Kapsu. New Ireland. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Leiden, 1890, iii, 182-l8(i, 1 pl. -----. La ti ebbiatricc ^uer- nita di selci taglienti (Tribulum degli antichi) tuttura in uso a Cipro, nel S. E. dell' Europa, in Asia minore e nell' Africa boreale. Arch, per 1'antrop., Firenze, 1893, xxiii, 57-64, 1 pl. -----. Di alcuni strumenti di pietra e di osso tuttora adoperati in Italia nella lavorazione delle pelli e del curio. Ibid., Napoli, 1894, xxiv, 245-250. — Girard dc Rialle. Sur la signification de la croix dite svastika et d'autres emblemes de meme nature. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 13-17.—Goehleit (Y.) Die religiosen, politischen und socialen Verhaltnisse in Noricum zur Zeit der Romerherrschaft; erortcrt auf Grund der daselbst aufgefundenen Stein - Inschrif'ten. [Nach dem Cornus inscript. latin, edit. Th. Monnnsen, torn, iii, 2.] Ztschr. f. Ethnol, Berl., 1880, xii, 126-131.— Go mine (G. L.) Totemisin in Britain. Archaeol. Bev., Lond., 1889, iii, 217; 350. -----. The conditions for the survival of archaic custom. Ibid.. 1889-90, iv, 422-438.— II amy (E. • T. ) Decades americanas; memoires d'ar- clu-ologie et d'ethnographie americaines. Rev. d'eth- nog., Par., 1884, iii,' 51; 150; 508, 1 pl. -----. Etude sur les peintures ethniques d'un tombeau thebain de la XVIIP dynastie. Ibid., 273-294. -----. Procede Stahl pour la consolidation des objets brftles. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dePar., 1885, 3. s., viii, 11.—Ilartmnmi (A.) Becherstatuen in Ostpreussen und die Literatur der Be- cherstatuen. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1802-3, xxi, 253-303, 1 pl.—Haverficld (F.) Roman remains in Car- niola, etc. Archaeol. Bev., Lond., 1889, iii, 272-275.—Ilein (W.) Die Verweudung der Meuschengestalt in Flecht- werken. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1891, n. F.t xi, 45-56. — Helm (O.) Chemische Untersuchung westpreussischer vorgeschicbtlicher Bronzen und Kupfer- legirungen, insbesondere des Antimongehaltes derselben. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1895, xxvii, 1; 37.—Hochzcits- branch (Ein) in Siidrusslaud. [Transl. (by Dr. O. As- bbth)/ro»i: Zapiski imperat. russk. geog. Obsh., 1878, viii, 161.] Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1880-81, xiii, 317-321 — Hocrnes (M.) Eine priihistorische Thonflgur aus Ser- bieu und die Anfiinge der Thonplastik in Mitteleuropa. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1891, n. F., xi, 153-165. -----. Grundlinien einer Systematik der prahistorischeu Archiiologie. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl, 1893, xxv, 49-70.— Hoffman (W. J.) Grammatic notes and vocabulary of the Pennsylvania German dialect. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1889, xxvi, 187-285.—Holmes (W. H.) Ancient pottery of the Mississippi Vallev. I'roc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sc. (1882-4), 1886, iv, 123-196.—Hostmaiiu (C.) Die Metallarbeiten von Mykena uud ihre Bedeutung fiir die allgemeine Geschichte der Metallindustrie. Arch. f. An- throp., Brnschwg., 1880, xii, 431-448.—Interesting dis- coveries in Clinton County, Ohio. Kansas City Bev. Sc & Indust., 1880-81, iv, 236^238.— Jacob (G.) Ueber eine Eisenfigur in der Sammlung des Henneberg alterthunist. Vereins zu Meiningen. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1892-3, xxi, 209-214, 1 pl. -----. Vorgeschichtliche \Yallo und Wohnplatze in den frankischen Gebietstheilen der Herzogthiimer Sachsen-Meiningen und Coburg. Ibid.. 1894, xxiii, 77-95. — Jolmsscn (II.) Das Wikingerschitf von Gokstad. Ibid.. 1880-81, xiii, 127-131.—Jones (C. C), jr. Bird-shaped mounds in Putnam County, Georgia, U. S. A. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1878, viii, 92-96.— Kauitz (F.) Der prahistorische Bleiwagen aus deu Tumuli zu Rosegg in Kamten. Mitth. d. anthrop. Ge- sellsch. in Wien, 1884, xiv, 141-145. — Kariier (P. L.) Kunstliche Hohlen in Xiederbsterrcich. Ibid., 1880, ir, 289-342, 2 pl.: 1882, xi, 113-169. 4 pl.—Kohn (A.) Das archaologische Cabinet der Jagiellonischen Universitat in ARCHEOLOGY. 611 ARCHEOLOGY. Archaeology. Krakau. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1877, ix, 151-155.- Krause (P. G.) Ueber Spuren menschlicher Thatigkeit aus interglacialeu Ablagerungen in der Gegend von Ebers- walde. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1893, xxii, 49-55.— Kusiiczow (S. K.) Leber den Glauben von Jenseits und deu Todteucultus der Tschereniissen. Internat. Arcb. f. Ethnog., Leiden, 1895 viii. 17-23.— I.nudi-iii (A.) ficri- ture figurative et comptabilitc en Bretagne. Bev. d'eth- nog., Par., 1882, i, 369-380.—I.epic. Recherches sur la restitution des instruments en silex et en bronze des ages prehistoriques. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par , 1873-8, 2.8., i, 55-62, 2 pl—Ijctoiii-iicaii (C.) Les signes alphabeti- foimes des inscriptions niegalithiques. Bull Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1893, 4. s.. iv, 28-45.—Lorel (V.) Sur une ancienne flute egyptionne decouverte dans les mines de Panopolis. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon (1893), 18H4. xii, 91-101.—Low (('. E.) [et al]. Aichieological explorations near Madisonville. Ohio. J. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1880- 81, iii, 40; 128; 203, 3 pl —von l.uschan (F.) Bogen- spannen. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1891, 670-678.—Mallcry (G.) Manners and meals. Am. An- throp., Wash., 1888. i, 193-207. — .llaspcro (G.) Les forgerousd'Horus. Anthropologic, Par., Is91, ii, 401-407.— Matlhov* (AV.) Navajo silversmiths. Rep. Bureau. Ethnol. 1880-81, Wash., 1883, 171-178. 5 pl—Meyer (A. B.) Ein weiterer Beitrag zur 'Nephritfrage'. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien. 1885, n. F., v. 1-12. [See, aho, supra.J — .TIeyer (A. G.) |«(«/.]. Bericht iiber die nach Feldberg in Meklcnburg gei ichte Excursion. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesel)>ch. f. Anthrop., 1882, 435-440.—ITIcyiicrs d'Fsli-cy. fitude ethnographique sul le lezard che/ les peuples malais et polvnesiens. Anthropologie, Par., 1892, iii, 711-719.—Meynicr n.laillac. La poterie cbez les anciens liabitantsderAmcriquc. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1881, 2. s., iv. 639-680.-----. Les pierres k cupules. 7bid., 1886, 3. s.. i, 93-110.—Naue (J.) Die 8ilberueSchwert8cbeide vonGutenstein(Grossherzogthum Baden). Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1889, n. F., ix, 118-124. -----. L'age de bronze dans la Hante- Baviere. Bull. Soc, d'anthrop. de Lyon (1891), 1892, x, 215- 230, 14 pl.—Netto (L.) Apoutameutos sobre os Tembet&s (adornos labiaes dc pcdrai da colleccao archeologica do museu nacional. Arch, do mus. nac. do Rio dc Jan., 1877, ii, 105-164, 2 pl.—IVeyinau (C.) Notatki archeologiczne z Podola rosyjskiego. [Archa-ological notes on Russian Podolia.] Zl)i6r. wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umb-j. w Krakow., 1889, xiii, 34-44, 1 tab.—Nicaise (A.) Etude sur les dicouvertes de l'6poque du bronze dans les ib-parte- ments de l'Aube, Seiue-et-Marne, Scine-et-Oiso. <)ise-et- Marne. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Coiupt.rend. 1880, Par., 1881, ix, 805-810.—Nicholson (C.) On some rock carvings found in the neighbourhood of Sydney. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1879, ix, 31-35.—Nodot. Une visitc a la grottede Fouvent (Ilaute-Saone); ossemeuts fos- 8ilesetd6brisdel'industrie humaine. Me.m. Acad. d. sc.de Dijon, 1858-9. 2. s., vii. pt. 2,113-143, 2 pl. — Olinefalscli- Richter (M.) La croix gamm6e et la croix cantonnee k Chvpre. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par.,1888, 3.s.,xi,669-682.— Olshausen (O.) Chemische Beobachtungen an vorge- schichtlicheu Gegenstiinden. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f Anthrop., 1884, 516-538, -----. Technik alter Bronzeu. Ibid., 1885, 410-458. -----. Zweite Mittheilung iiber den alten Bernsteinhaudel und die Goldfunde. Ibid., 1891, 286-319. -----. Die angeblichen l-'unde von Eisen in steinzeitlichen Grabern. Ibid., 1893, 89-121.—O'rYeill (W.) Discovery of Roman remains. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 1097.—Ossowski (G.) Osada i odlewiarnia brouzriw przedhistorycznych w Zariczjii. [Shaft of a column and prehistoric bronze casts iu Zariczje. | Zbi6r. wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umiej. w Krak6w. 1889. xiii, 45-55.— Ouvaroff. Apercu sur les tumulus des M6rianes dans les gonvcrncments de Jaroslaw et de AVladimir. Cong. internat. d'anthrop. 18C9, Copenh., 1875, iv, 372-394.— Archaeology. Paris (C.) Les mines tjames de Tra-K6ou, province de QuaiiLMiam (An nam). Anthropologie, Par., 1891, ii, 283- 2;~8.—Feci (S. D.) Geographical distribution of monu- ments. Am. Antiq. &. Orient. J., Mendoii, 111., 1889, xi, 267-292, 1 pl—Perkins (G. H.) On some fragments oi pottery from Vermont. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1876, Salem, 1877, xxv, 325-335.—Felit (A.i Becherches sur la decouverte k Boyat des substructions d'un etablisseiuent thermal galloromaiu, analyse par I.erov. Bull. nied. du nord, Lille, 1884, xxiii, 300-305.—Pctric (W. M. F.) On the mechanical methods of tho ancient Egyptians. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1883-4, xiii, 88-lu.'J, I pl—Phillips (IL), jr. A brief account of the more important public collections of American archicology in the United States. Proc. Am. Phil, jsoc., Phila., 1883-4. xxi, 111-119.—Pietre- ■uent. Note sur la valeur des renseignements que les ancieunes point tires egyptiennes peuvent fournir aux na- turalistes, aux i-thnogi-apb.es ct aux historiens. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1883, 3. s., vi, H55-808. — Pictte (E.) Sc dc liSipoi-lci-ic (J.) Sur des lvoires sculptes provenant de la station quaternairede Brassempouy(I.anilesi. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxix, 249-251— Putnam (C. E.) Elephant pipes and inscribed tablets in the museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Davenport, Iowa. Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sc. (1882-4), 1886, iv, 253-347. Also, Reprint.— Rail (0.) Aboriginal stone-drilling. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1881, xv, 536-542. -----. Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures iu the Old World and iu America. Contrib. N. Am. Ethnol, Wash., 1882, v, 7-112, 35 pl.—Reber (B.) Die vorhistorischen Sculpturen iu Salvan, Kanton AV allis (Schweiz). Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1891-2, xx, 325-337, 3 pl. -----. Die vorhistorischen Denkmaler im Eintischthal (AYallis). Ibid., 1892-3, xxi, 305-320, 5 pl—Reboux. L'ambre pi-6- historique. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1873-8, 2. s., i, 4ti2-469, 2 pl.—Rey (P.) Sur les inscriptions sur pierre du Rio-Doce (Bresil). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 732-736.—Reyer (E.) Die Kupferlegirungen, ihre Darstellung und Verwendung bei den Vblkern des Alter- tliums. Au-h. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1883. xiv, 357-372.— de Rochcbrunc (A.-T.) De l'emploi des mollusques chez les peuples anciens et modernes. Bev. d'ethnog.. Par., 1882. i, )(i5-4t>2.—Budler (F. W.) On the source of the jade used for ancient implements iu Europe aud America. .1. Anthrop. Inst , Lond., 1890-91, xx, 332-342.— Salmon (P.) La fabrication actuelle des pierres a feu en France. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 775-782. -----. Age de la pierre; division iudustrielle de la periode paleolitbiquo quaternaire et de la periode neoli- thique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon (1891), 1892, x, 13-18, 34 pl., 2 tab.—Schliciimiiu (H.) Untersuchung der Termopvlen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. Berl, 1883, xv, 148-150.— von Schi-oedei- (L.) Ueber die Entwicklungder Indolo- logie in Europa und ihre Bcziehungen zur allgemeinen Volkerkuude. Mitth. d. antlirop. Gesellsch. in Wien. 1895, n. F., xv, 1-8.—von Schulciiburg (\V.) Die Gicbelver- zierungen in Norddeutschlaud. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1880, xii, 27-30, 1 pl. -----. Ueber den Brabmoer Scbloss- berg und den weudischen Kbnig. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1883, 55-66. -----. Das Spreewald- liaus. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl, 1886, xviii, 123-144.— Schumacher (K.) Barbarische uud griechische Spie- gel. Ibid., 1891, xxiii, 81-88.—Schwartz (W.) Mytho- logisclie Beziigo zwischen Semiten und Iudogerniaueu. (Mit einem Excurs iiber die Stiftsbiitte.) Ibid., 1892, xxiv, 157-176.—Seler (E.) Der Charakter der aztekischen und der Maya-Ilaiid.schriften. Ibid., 1888, xx, 1; 41. Also, transl. : Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 1889, viii, 1-113.-----. Ueber altmexikanischeu Federschmuck. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthiop., 1893. 44-59.—Senf (K.) Das beidni- schc Kreuz und seine Verwandten zwischen Oder und Elbe. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1891, xx, 17-42, 2 pl.— 4-9. Edited under the orders of the Hon. Secretary ofthe Navy, by Prof. J. E. Nourse, U. S. N., U. S." Naval Observatory, 1879. 4-. Wash- ington, 1679. Hayes (I. I.) Physical observations in the Arctic seas. Made on the coast of North Green- land, the vicinity of Smith Strait, and the west side of Kennedy Channel, during 18U0 and 1861. Reduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott. 4°. Washington, 1867. vox der Horck (A. H. von H.) Meine Expe- dition nach dem Polarmeer und die Riickreise von Vadso durch Lapplaud und Fiuuland. 8J. Berlin, 1876. ARCTIUM. Arctic expeditions and regions. ------. Meine Reise nach dem Polarmeer und iiber die Bewohner der Nordkiiste 8° Bei I'm [1676]. Repr.from: Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthron 1876. F-' See, aho, infra. Internationale Polar - Konferenz. Bericht iiber die Yerhandlungen und Ergebnisse der 3. internatioualen Polar-Konferenz, ahgehalten iii St. Petersburg in den Tagen vom 1. bis 6. August 1881. 4°. [St. Petersburg, 18fl.] German and French text. Kane (E. K.) Tidal observations in the Arctic seas. Made during the second Grinnell expedi- tion in search of Sir John Franklin, in 1853, 1854, and 1855, at Van Rensselaer Harbor. Re- duced and discussed by Charles A. Schott. 4°. Washington, 1864. Kumlien (L.) Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America. Made in connection with the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877-8. 8°. Washington, 1879. Letters written during the late voyage of discovery in the western Arctic sea. By an officer of the expedition. H-. London, 1621. McClintock (F. L.) Meteorolgical observa- tions in the Arctic seas. Made on board the Arctic searching yacht Fox, in Baffin's Bay and Prince Regent's Inlet, in 1857, 1858, and 1859. Reduced aud discussed by Charles A. Schott. 4°. Washington, 1664. Smithsonian Institution. Circular to the officers of the Hudson's Bay Company. 8°. Washington, 1862. Snellen (M.) Carl Weyprecht, de ontwerpen van het internationaal plan tot wetenschap- pelijk onderzoek der poolstreken. (Overgedrukt uit "Mannen van beteekenis in onze dagen.") 8°. Haarlem, [1681]. Stout (A. B.) Arctic discovery. Read be- fore the California Academy of Sciences, June 16, 1879. 8°. San Francisco] 1679. United States. International Polar Expedi- tion. Report on the proceedings of the United States expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grin- nell Land, by Adolphus W. Greely. 2 v. 4C. Washington, 1888. United States. Navy Department. Report of board of officers to consider an expedition for the relief of Lieut. Greely and party. By au- thority ofthe Secretary ofthe Navy. 8°. Wash- ington, 1884. AlinqniNt (E.) Helso- och sjukv&rden under Nor- denskjoldska ishafsexpeditionen. [Supplies for sick and for hygienic purposes in N/ordenskiold's expedition. ] Tidsk'r. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, i880, v, 249-267. — Berlin (A.) Groulands expeditionen 1883; medicinska anteckningar. Ibid., 1883, viii, 391-409. — Couteaud. Bacteriologie de la zone glaciale. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par.. 1893, lix, 119-124. -----. Bacteriolo-rie de la zone glaciale. Rev. scient, Par., 1893, li, 109.—Oreen (E. H.) Medical report on the condition of the survivors of the Greely party when rescued bv the relief squadron. Med. News'. Phila., 1884, xiv, 260-264. Also, Reprint. Aho: Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy 1884, Wash., 1885, 284-289. — Gyl- lencreulz (R.) Svenska Spetsbergsexpeditionen 1882-3; Rapport till Medicinalstvrelsen. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1*84, ix, 109-110. — ron der Horck (A. H. von H.) Ueber die Lapplander. Verhnndl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop.. 1876, 47-60, 1 tab. [See, aho, supra.]— Nealc (YV. H.) The Arctic expedition in the "Eira". Lancet, Lond., 1882. ii. 329. — Turner (T. J.) Sugges- tions upon the food of Arctic explorers. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1884, xii, 308-311.—Walsh (J. E.) Some common dis- eases observed north of the Arctic Circle. J. Pract. M, X. Y., 1895-6, vi, 334-339. Arctostaphy los pungens. Vlm-illo (L. G.) Breves apnntes sobre la Pinguica. Estudio, Mexico, 1891-2, iv, 234; 254, lpl. Arctium. Sa: Burdock. AECrLAXUS. 619 ARDOUIN-BEY. Arculamis [Arrolaui, Ercolani, Iler- ciilaillis | (Joannes). Joannis Herculnni sui temporis niedicoruni ac philosophorum principis expositio optima in quarti canonis principis feu primam feliciter incipit. [ F. 1.] [In fine:] Et in hoc tinitnr expositio fen priinai quarti canonis Aviceume edita per divinuin magistruin Joanueni Herculanuin Yeronenseni famosis- simum vivo Hercule duce seeundo imperantc. Annoanatali christiano octuagesiino nono supra quadringentesiniuni et niillesimuin, arte ac ini- pensa Andrea? Galli divinnm opus hoc ex pro- prio ipsius originali diligentissinie extractuni iu incluta Ferracke civitate inipressuni est die 24. Jauuarii. 271 1. fol. 1489. _____. The same. Joannis Herculani expositio in primam fen quarti canonis Aviceume. [F. 2.] [Infine:] Et in hoc finitur expositio fen prinise quarti canonis Avicennse edita per divinuin ma- gistruin Joannem Herculanuin Veronensum doc- torem famosissimum. Mandato et expensis no- bilis viri Domini Octaviani Scoti civis Modoe- tiensis 1486, sexto kalendas Novembris Venetiis per Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensem. 148 ff. fol. Bound with: Geaoi (J. M.) Practica noviter correcta. fol. Venetiis, 15u2. -----. The same. [In fine:] Et in hoc finitus exposifio fen prima quarti canonis Aviceume, per doininum Joannem Herculanuin doctorem faniosissinium perqnam emendatissinie inipressa Venetiis per Philippum Pincium mantuauum anno doniini 1512 die 23'Junii. 147 ff. fol. ------. Practica Joannis Arculani. [F. 2 incipit:] Expositio noui libri Almausoris edita a claris- siinoviro Joanne Arculano cive Veronensi. [In fine:] Noui Almausoris libri finem: cum quo et Joannis Arculani Veronensisexpositionesutillinie in euudein paucis admodum capitulis ab eo morte preveniente non explaiiatis felici.ssinie adepti; Deo optiino maximo gratias aganius: atque om- nibus medicis prsesentibus futurisque congratu- lemur quod non modicum et honoris et utilitatis ex tali ope expectant . . . Venetiis mandato et expensis nobilis viri Q. Octaviani Scoti civis Modocciensis per Bonetum Locatellum Bergo- mensem quarto decennio kal. Octob. 1497. 177 ff., 11. fol. ------. Thesame. Practica Joan. Arculani. Cla- rissimi prothomedici Joan. Arculani divinuin opus in nonnm Rasis ad regem Almansorem li- brum, practicis perque necessarinru, melius que antea emendatum, et floribus marginalibus illus- tratum, novissimeque summa cum diligentia im- pressum. [In fine:] Papie per Jacob de Burgo- franco. Anno Christiferi partus quingentesimo decimo-septimo supra millesimum, die vero 19 mensis Decembris. 177 ff., 1 1. fol. Bound with.- Yai.escus de Tharanta. Philoneum au- reum ac perutile opus practice medicine, [etc.l. fol. [Yenetiu, 1521.] ------. Lucidissima in nonum Raxis ad regem Almansorem librum expositio. Practica uni- versalis, a capite usque ad pedes medicis omni- bus tain theories quam practicae exercendis per- qnam necessaria. 3 p. 1., 203+ ff. fol. Vene- tiis, apud H. Scotum, 17)7)3. Bound with: de Gradi [or GradibusJ (J. M.) Con- silia secundum viam Avicennae ordinata. fol. Lugduni, 1535. ■-----. In Avicenna- quarti canonis fen primam dc febribus commentaria, quae ad balnea pertinent. In: Balneis (De) omnia quse extant [etc.J. fol. Yene- tiis, 1553, f. 418. ------. Ex Rasi ad Almansorem, et Herculani commentanis in eundem excerpta, qua3 ad bal- nea pertinent. In: BALXEis(De) omnia quse extant [etc.]. fol. Yene- tiis, 1553, f. 320. Arculariiis (Joh. Henricus). See Sebizius (M.) [in 1. s.j. Galeni ars parva vi, xvii, xxx. 16°. Argentorati, 1632. Arc un senilis. See Cornea (Fatty degeneration of). A i*«l a Iii I. Sir, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Ardeber (£mile-Jean-Louis) [1863- ]. * Etude sur le traitement de la choree par l'antipyrine. 7)3 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888. 1888-9, no. 9. d'Ardemic (L[e"on]). De l'allaitement artifi- ciel. Ouvrage recompense' par l'Acade'mie de medecine (concours de 1879, prix de la commis- sion de l'hygiene de l'eufance). 319 j>p. 8U. Paris, J.-B. Baillihe , typ. P. Ehri- chii, [1698]. Arens (Max John Albert) [1859- ]. * Sta- tistik der geburtshiilllicheu Operationen an der konigl. gyniikologischen Uuiversitiitsklinik zu Konigsberg in Pr. vom 1. Januar 1866 bis 1. Januar 1886. 31 pp., 3 tab., 2 1. 8-. Ebnigs- berg, B. Leupold, 1887. A rents (Alcxauder). *De erysipelate. 18 pp. 4C. Gandavi, P. F. de Goesin-Verhaeghe, 1825. [P., v. 957; 1376.] Arentz (F. C. H.). See Duluth. Annual report of the board of public works for 1891-2 (5.). 8°. Duluth, 1892. Arentzen (Andreas). *De cancro. 19 pp.,3 1- 4=. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, [1719]. ' [P., v. 1917.] Areola (Mammary). See Albinos, etc.; Eczema; Pregnancy (Signs of) ARESKISE. 621 ARGENTERIUS. Areskine (Robert). Heine (M.) [Biographical sketch.] Med. Ztg. Russ- lands, St. Petersb., 1847, iv, 212. Aretaeos (Theodoras) [1830- ]. * Dc ecze- matis pathologia et therapia. 76 pp., 2 1. 12°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1855]. _____. Ueber einen sehr seltenen Fall von Para- siteninissbildung mit Einscbliessung: Parasitus pentadymus encranius. (Vorgetragen iu der konigl. medicinischen Gesellschaft in A then.) 6 pp., 1 ph 8°. [Berlin], G. Reimer, [18<>2]. Repr. from: Arch.f.path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1862, xxiii. Arctanis Capjjadox. De balneis. In: Balneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Ye- netiis, 1553, f. 480. ------. Libri viii. Ruffi Ephesii de hominis parti- bus lib. iii. Junio Paulo Crasso Pataviuo inter- prete. Accessere que in Crassus non vertit Are tan aliquot capita. Ruffi liber de vesica? ac reiium aifectibus. Ejusdem de medicamentis purgauti- bns. Adnotationes locorum iu quibus ab inter- prete Grseca discrepant. 7 p. 1., 553 pp., 7 1. 24°. Parisiis, apud G. Morelium et J. Puteanum, 1554. ■-----. Uepi airiuv Kai agpeiov, [etc.]. De causis et signis acutorum et diuturnornm morborum libri quatuor. De curatione acutorum et diutur- nornm morborum libri quatuor. Cum MSS. duo- bus, Harleyano et Vaticano, contulit, novamque versionem dedit, Joh. Wigan. Accedit praefatio, dissertationes, [etc.]. xxxiv, 151pp., 50 1.; 168 pp., 8 1. fol. Oxonice, typ. Clarendoniano, 1723. Greek text. -----. The same. On the causes and signs of acute and chronic disease. Transl. from the Greek by T. F. Reynolds, x, 157 pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. Pickering, 1-37. -----. The same. Delle cause, dei segui, e della cura delle malattie acute e croniche. Libri otto volgarizzati da Francesco Puccinotti. xxviii, 276 pp. 8-. Firenze, Bicordi e Compagno, 1636. ------. Libri septem. Nunc primum e tenebris eruti. A Junio Paulo Crasso Patavino accuratis sime in Latinum sermonem versi. Ed. novis- sima. 3 p. 1., 280 pp. 16°. Patavii, typ. P. M. Frambotti, 1700. ------. Aretaji Cappadocis qua? supersunt. Re- censuit et illustravit Franciscus Zacharias Er- merins. 9 p. 1., lxvi (11.). 503 pp. 4 ;. Traj. ad Bhenum, apud Kemink eljilium, 1847. Greek and Latin text. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. ------. See, also: Ernieiins (F. Z.) [in 1. s.]. Continuatio epimetri ad editionem Hippocratis. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1867. — Kiilia (C. G.) Epistola ad Chr. Fr. Ludwigium. Insunt qiuedam de dubia Aretaei aetate constituenda; novaeque editionis ejus specimen. In his: Opusc. acad. med. et philol., 8°, Lips., 1827. i, 13-40. — Levin (A. M.) Aretci Kappadok. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 845; 872; 932; 944.—Manginas (S. A .) 'Ape-raios 6 Ka.mra.8og. raArjvos, 'AflJji/at, 189(1, xx, 493-49*. Al'etino (Andrea Cesalpini) [1.519-1603], For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Aretius (Benedictus). See Conlu* (V.) In hoc volumine continentur anno- tationes [etc.]. fol. [Argentorati, 1561.] Arey (Clarence 0.1 Toxic effects of trikresol. 3 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1897). Repr.from.- Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii. Arezzo. Statuto per gli spedali riuniti S. Maria sopra i Ponti di Arezzo. Approvato con r. dc- creto del 1° settembre 1872. 8 pp. fol. Arezzo, tip. Bellotti, 1872. ------. Regolamento generale intorno degli spe- dali riuniti di Arezzo. 68 pp. fol. Arezzo, tip. Belotti, 1874. ------. Congregazione di Carita di Arezzo. Re- golamento per il servizio dei sussidi di latte. broadside. Arezzo, lip. Bellotti, 1880. Arezzo. Fnrnlli. II clima e le condizioni igieniche della pro- vincia di Arezzo. Idrologiu, Firenze, 1887, ix, 233; 261, 292: 1888, x, 20; 45; 241; 297; 316: 1889, xi, 18; 76; 184; 237. AlTsteil (Newton). *Die Carbolsaure und ihre giftigeu Eigenschaften im Anschluss an eine Carbolsaure-Vergiftung. 37 pp. 8C. Miinchen, J. B. Grassi, 1686. de Algacz (Enrique) [1858- ]. * Essai sur la dilatation adynainique de l'estomac (forme douloureuse). 78 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 341. ------. The same. 78 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Paris, Asselin 4' Cie., 1884. ------. Sur un cas insolite de compression du plexus brachial (paralysie du nerf ine'dian). 12 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, 1884. Repr.from: J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1884, li. Argan. Cotton (S.) iStude sur la noix d'argan; nouveau prin- cipe imm6diat; l'arganine. Lyon ni6d., 1888, lviii, 199- 202. Arg'as. Borilier (A.) L'Argas persicus. J. deth6rap., Par., 1882, ix, 131-133. —I^aboulbene Sc Megnin. "Sur les argas de Perse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 577. Argelasehi (Garibaldi). II servizio sanitario in Gallarate. Critiche e proposte. 43 pp. 12°. Gallarate, tip. M. Bellinzaghi, 1891. Argelstta, (Petrus de). Cirurgia magistri Petri de largelata. [F. 2.] Incipit liber primus Ci- rurgie magistri Petri de Largelata de bononia artium et medicine doctoris. [In fine f. 128:] Prestantissimi artium et medicine doctoris ma- gistri Petri de Largelata chirurgie finis. 131 ff. fol. [Venetiis, 1499.] Bound with: Alsaharavius. Liber theorieas nee non practica-. fol. [Auguste Yindelicorum, 1519.] Argellier. *Note a propos des amputations de la jambe. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 89. Argemone. Charbonnier (T.) * Recherches pour servir a l'histoire botanique, ehimique et physiologique de Fargemone du Mexique. 4°. Paris, 1868. Argent (Jacquerez). *De partu quodam natu- rali laborioso propter gangrsenam in utero pr;e- existentem et rupturam. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1778, viii, 90-93. d'Al'Ifeilt ( L.-M.-Eugene ). * Contribution a l'etude clinique de l'analgdsie obst6tricale. (59 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 352. de Arjrenta (Vicente Martin). See IVaquet (A. J.) [inl. s.J. Compendio de quimica legal. 8D. Madrid, 1873. Argentamine. Gundrizer (R. F.) *Obezzarazhivayushtsh'ia svoistva azotuokislavo serebra i argentaniina (etilendiamiufosfornokislavo serebra). [Disin- fecting qualities of argentic nitrate and argen- tamine.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Argon■ nc and argeiitiuniiie. Hospital. Lond., 1895-0, xix, 13.—Meyer (li.) Ueber die bactericide Wirkung des'Argentuin-Caseins (Argonin). Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. In- fectionskrankh., Leipz., 1895, xx, 109-118. Argenterio (Giovanni). See Argenterius. Argenterius (Joannes) [1513-72]. Medici de morbis, libri xiiii. Ad magiianimum principem Cosinum Medicem Florentinorum ducem. Libro- rum catalogum et quid accesserit ex* secunda hac teditione proxima docebit pagina. 358 pp., 13 1. fol. Florentice, 1556. .------. Opera, quorum nonnulla jam ante excusa, plurima vero a nemino hucusque visa, avidissime tamen desiderata, tandemque ab haaredibus ip- sius re]>erta et in lucem prolata sunt. Omnia nunc pridem ex exemplari Veneto diligentius re- AKGKNTERIUS. 622 AMiON. Arjfenteriiis (Joannes)—continued. \isa, ex divisis quatuor partibus iu unum volu- men collecta, ae ab iunnineris, quibus biuc inde scatebant, niendis emaculata. In quibus prseci- pua?, difficilesque materiae, tain medica-, quam philosophies, et praesertini hac tempestatc adhuc controverste, non docte minus, quam snbtiliter et enucleate elucidantur, ipsiusque habit* sani- tatis tuenda3 et amissse pariter recuperandse ra- tio pleuissime traditur. Acces.sit ad haec Fabii Paulini iu libros artis medicinalis Galeni ])er tabulas eeconomia. 11 p. 1., 2597 columns, 14 1. fol. Hanoriiv, typ. Wecheliani* apud hevredes Clau- dii Maruii. 1610. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Argentine Republic. Annual report of the Argentine meteorological office, for the year 1874. 18 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1875. -----. Annual report of the Argentine national observatory and meteorological office for the year 1874. 18 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1*75. -----. Catalogue of the Argentine Republic, International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 83 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1876. -----. Resultados del observatorio nacional ar- gentino eu Cordoba. Benjamin A. Gould, direc- tor. Vol. I. Uranometria argeutina. 2 v. xv, 3-5 pp., 1 1., 4°; Atlas vol., imp. fol., 14 ch. Buenos Aires, P. E. Coni, 1877-9. -----. Anales de la oficina meteorologiea argen- tiua por su director Benjamin A. Gould. Tomo II. Clinias de Bahia y corrientes. 442 pp., 15 pl. 4°. Buenos Aires, P. E. Coni, 1881. Argentine Republic. Departamento nacional de higiene. Boletiu mensual. v. 1, nos. 1-24; v. 2, nos. 25-48; v. 3, nos. 49-54. fol. [Buenos Ayres, 1*82-7.] ------. Resultados del observatorio nacional ar- gentino en C6rdoba. Benjamin A. Gould, direc- tor. Vol. XIV. Catalogo general, xv, 650 pp. 4°. Cordoba, publicados por el Observatorio, 1886. See, also, Hospital de clinicas de la capital, Buenos Aires [in 1. s.]. Argentine Republic. Ministerio de guerra y marina. Servicio de sanidad. Reglameuto del cuerpo de sanidad del ej6rcito. 50 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1890. ------. Manual del enfermero militar. Compilado sobre la base del manual adoptado por la saui- dad miiitar de Francia, por Tadeo Sztyrle, ciru- jano di reginiiento. 68 pp. 16°. Buenos Aires, J. Bcuser, 1893. ------. Servicio de sanidad de campana. Regla- meuto present-ado £ la inspeccion jeneral de sani- dad, por el cirujano de division Dr. Francisco de Veyga. xvi, 159 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1894. ----—. Ejexcito Argentino. Cuerpo de sanidad militar. Consideraciones sobre el c61era en los ejercitos, su produccion, propagaciou, morbili- dad, mortalidad, profilaxia y tratamiento. Com- piladas por ordeu de la inspeccion general de sanidad por el cirujano de eje'reito Dr. Jose" Ma. Cabezon. 36 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, Moreno y Defensa, 1895. ------. [Blank forms used by the medical depart- ment of the army.] v. s. [Buenos Aires, 189-.] Argentine Republic. Srr. also, Army (Argentine); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of). Education (Medical), etc., by localities; Parana; Quarantine (Reports on, etc.), by localities; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Vaccination (History of), by countries. Coxgkks international d'hygiene et de demo- graphic. Publications de la Republique Argen- tine exposees par le Dr. fimile R. Coni. 6Z. Vienne 1867. Argentine Republic. Coni (E. R.) Demografia Argentina. Movi- miento de la poblacion de la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante el ano 1*79. Iumigracion y enn- gracion; niatriinonios; nacimientos, mortalidad* estadistica m6dica; meteorologia; asistencia publica; vacuuacion. 8^. Buenos Aires, 1**0. ------. The same. Durante el alio 18*0, Quinto ano. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1881. ten Kate (H.) Contribution a la craniologie des Arancans argentius. 8°. La Plata, 1893. Repr. from.- Rev. d. Museo de La Plata, iv. Napp (R.) The Argentine Republic; -written in German by . . . assisted by several fellow- writers for the central Argentine commission on the Centenary Exhibition at Philadelphia. 8J. Buenos Aires, 1*76. Ilanxen (F. P.) On quarantine in the Argentine Pp. public. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1894-5, xv, 552-556.—Roselti. Kesiimen de las observaciones meteorologicas practicadas en el Colegio nacional de Bueno.? Aires, bajo la direccion del Sr.....durante el ano 1877. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1877-8, xiv, 599-611.—Wien. Die Indianer in Ar- gentinien. "Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. Berl., 1881, 169-179. Al'gcnto (G[iovanni]). Sulla amputazione Pi- rogoff-Synie. Considerazioni chirurgiche e cli- niche. 30 pp. 8°. Palermo, 1884. ------. Sulle legature delle arterie. Considera- zioni anatomo-chirurgiche. 96 pp. 8°. Palermo, tip. dello "Statuto", 1884. ------. Sulle ferite dal petto. Studi sperimentali e clinici. 161 pp., xxxix. 8°. Palermo, tip. dello "Statuto", 1886. See, also. Palermo (Province of). Sulla profilassi del colera. fol Palermo, 1886. Argentoff (Fiodor Ivanovich) [1859- ]. *K voprosu o vlianii goryaehikh vozdushnikh (rimskikh) vanu na vies tiela, kozhnodiokho- chniyapotieri, temperaturu tiela, dikkan'ie, puis, arterialnoye davlienie, zhiznennuyu youikost liokhkikh, silu vdokha i vidokha, mishechnuyu silu i kozhnuyu chuvstvitelnost u zdorovikh lyudey. [On the question of the effect of hot air (Roman) baths upon the weight of the body, waste by skin and lungs, temperature of the body, breathing, pulse, arterial pressure, vital capacity of the lungs, intensity of inspiration aud expiration, power of the muscles, aud sensi- tiveness of the skin, in healthy men.] 47 pp. 8-. S.-Peterburg, A. Muchnik, 1893. Ardent tun. See Silver. de Argilngos (Francisco). Classification sur les maladies internes de l'ceil re"v616es par I'ophthalmoscope. 23 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Versailles, Beau jeune, 1862. See, aho, Vauquelin (F.) [in 1. s.]. Rapport fait & la soci6t6 d'ophthalmologie [ete.]. 8°. Versailles, 1861. Argini (Gli) del Tevere e la loro influenza sulle acque sotterranee di Roma. 126 pp. 8°. Boma, tip. ArtigianeUi d. S. Giuseppe, 1889. Arginin. Mehulze (E.) Sc Slcigcr (E.) Ueber das Arginin. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1886-7, xi, 44-65. Ai'g;o (Carl) [1862- ]. * Ein Fall von Bron- chiektasie. 31pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1891. Argolus (Andreas). De diebus criticis et segro- rum decubitu libri duo, ab auctore denuo recog- niti, ac altera parte auctiores, pameque novi. 3 p. 1., 371 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Patavii, apud P. Fram- boltnm, 1652. Argon. Ai-jjoii. Nature, Lond., 1894-5, li, 337.—Bouchard ((.'.) Sur la presence de l'argon etde 1'belium dans cer. tames eaux minerales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc Par., 18!i:>, cxxi, 392-394. Aho • France med.. Par.. 1895, xiii, 581. Aho: Semaine med., Par., 1895. xv, 4U'2-t'rookes i\V'.» On the spectra of argon. Chem. News, Lond., ARGON. 623 ARISTOL. Arson. 1S-.M. lxxii, 66-69.—Hill (E.A.) Argon, Prout's hypothe- sis and the periodic law. Am. J. Sc, K. Haven, 1895, n.s., xlix, 405-417.— >ewall (H. F.) Xote on the spec- trum of arson. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1895, lviii, ;>40- 350.—Rayleigh (Lord) Sc Ramsay (\Y.) Ar. 8°. New York, W. H. Schieffelin cf Co., 1891. Aristolochia. I'laxchox (L.) *Les aristoloches. Etude de matiere m6dicale. 4C. Montpellier, 18(J1. Aristolockia (La) mexicana. Estudio, M6xico, 1890, iii, 385.— Pokl (J.) Ueher das Aristolochin, einen gifti- Aristolochia. gen Bestandtheil der Aristolochia-Arten. Arch. t. exper Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxix, 282-302, 1 pl J Pnente (F.) De la Aristoloquia clematitis, y'sus vii-. tudes m6dicas. Peri6d. Soc. med.-quir. de Ciidiz, 1824, iv Al'istoteles [384-322 B. C.]. Problemata Aris- totelis determiuantia mnltas questiones de va- riis corporum humanorum dispositionibus valde audientibus suaves; cum ejusdem Aristotelis vita et morte metrice descripta; subjunctis uietrorum cum interlineali glossa senteutialibus expositionibus. 43 1. sm. 4°. Paris, A. De- mourant, 1500. ------. Thesame. Problemata Aristotelis ac phi- losophorum medicorumque compluriuni. Marci Antonii Ziinarae Sanctipetrinatis problemata, una cum trecentis Aristotelis et Auerrois propo- sitionibus. Item Alexandri Aphrodisei, super quassionibus nonnullis physicis, solutionuni li- ber. Angelo Tolitiauo interprete. 287 pp. 16°. Lugduni, L. Cloquemin 4' S. Micha'ilis, 1573. Bound with: Albertis Magnus. De secretis mulie- rum. 16°. Lugduni, 1571. ------. The same. Problemes d'Aristote, et au- tres filozofes ni6decins selon la composition du corps humain. Avec ceux de Marc Antoine Zimara. Item, les solutions d'Alexandre Aphro- disee, sus plusieurs questions physicales. 3 p. 1., 252 pp., I 1. 16°. Lion, J. de Tournes, 1554. This translation has been attributed to George de la Boulhidre. ------. The same. Les problemes d'Aristote. CEuvre fort agre"able et utile aux chirurgiens, et a tous ceux qui veuleut aprendre les aduiira- bles secrets de la nature. 240 pp. 16°. Rouen, G. Machuel, 1683. The same as the preceding with slight verbal variations. ------. The same. Problemata Aristotelis, das ist: Grtiudtliche Erorterung und Aufflosung mancherley zweiffelhafftiger Fragen, des hoch- beriihmbten Aristotelis, und vieler anderer be- wehrter Naturkiiudiger, fast niitzlich und kurtzweilig, allerley fiirgebrachte Fragen ei- gentlich und scheinbarlich zu entscheiden. 190 pp. 12°. Hamburg, M. Frobenius, 1604. ------. Problemata qua? ad stirpium genus, et oleracea pertinent. In: Eobamus Hessus (E.) Bonse valetudinis prae- cepta. 16°. Parisiis, 1533, 58-64. ------. De aquis et balneis, ex problematibus. In: Balneis (De) omnia qua> extant [etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis, 1553, 470-473. ------. Ta o-u^o/xeva. Operum Aristotelis Stagiri- tae philosophorum omnium longe principis nova editio, Graece et Latine. Graecus contextus quam emendatissime praster omnes omnium editiones* est editus, adscriptis ad oram libri et interpretum veterum n-centiorunique, et alio- rum doctorum virorum emendationibus: in qui- bus plurimae nunc primum in lucem prodeunt, ex bibliotheca Isaaci Casauboni. Latinos iu- terpretationes adjectte sunt quae Gra-co contex- tui melius respondent, una cum iis quae antehac in hoc opere desiderabantur, partim recentio- rura, partim veterum interpretum: in quibus et ipsis multa nunc emendata atque illustrata eduntur. Aceesserunt huic editioni Kyriaci Strozse libri duo politicorum graecolatini, in quibus ea quae ab Aristotele in 8 libris explicata non fueruut persequitur: insuper addita sunt ex libris Aristotelis qua? hodie non supersunt frag- menta quaedam. Adjecti sunt etiam indices duo perutiles, quorum alter noniina auctoruin qui in Aristotelem scripserunt, continet: alter quid sit a quoque in singulas librorum ejus partes scrip- turn indicat, necnon alius index rerum omnium locupletissimus. 2. v. [Additional title to 2, v.] Librorum Aristotelis qui non extant. ARISTOTELES. 625 AEKANSAS. Aristoteles—continued. frao'uieuta quaedam. Item, indices duo, [etc.], 9 p° 1., 946 pp.; 846 pp., 28 1. fol. Geneva;, apud Petrum di la Boviere, 1605. _____, Libro intitolato 11 perche. Tradotto di latiuo in italiano dell' medico ed astrologo M. Gieronimo de' Maufredi. E dall' istesso in inolti luochi dilucidato, ed illustrato con mostrar le cagioni d' infinite cose, appartenenti alia sanitii, con la dichiarationo delle virtu d' alcune herbe. Di nuovo ristampata, o ripurgata da quelle cose che havessero potuto offendere il semplice animo del lettore. 14 p. 1., 314 pp, 16°. Venetia, appresso % Guerra, 1607. _____. Naturgeschichte der Thiere; iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Friedrich Strack. xxiv, 616 pp. 16°. Frankfurt am Main, J. C. Hermann, 1816. -----. Traite' de la ge"n6ration des animaux. Traduit eu francais pour la premiere fois et accompagne de uotes perp6tuelles par J. Barth6- lemy-Saiut-Hilaire. 2 v. 1 p. 1., cexxxiii [11.], 124 pp.; 552 pp., 1 1. roy. ?~. Paris, Hachette 4 Cie., 1667. See, aho, Aller (Das) edlest unnd bewertest Regiment der Gesnndtheit, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Augspurg, 1530.—Ban. hiniis (C.) Institutioues anatomicae corporis [etc.]. 16°. [Bash], 1596. — Borilegatiiu (M.) Tremata dis- sertationum logicarum. 4°. Patavii, [n. d.\. — ile la Cliambre (M. V.) Novse methodi [etc.] specimen. 4°. Parisih, 1655. — Eobniin** Hessiis (E.) Bonae Tale- tudinis conservaudae praecepta. 16°. Parisiis, 1533.— Guastariuius (J.) Comraentarii in priores decern [etc.J. fol. Lugduni, 1608.— Hofiiinimiis (C.) Varia- rum lectionum [etc.]. 16°. Lipsice, 1619.—Inniiila na- turae secreta [etc.]. fol. Papioe. 1518.— I^antlniaim (F.) *Die physiologischen Auschauungen des Aristote- les. 8°. Greifswald, 1890.—Itlarboilns. Liber lapidum seu de gemiuis [etc.]. 8°. Gottingce, 1799.—IVitzscli (F.) Luther und Aristoteles. Festschrift zum vierhundert- jahrigen Geburtstage Luther's. 8°. Kiel, 1883.—Phi- lippaon (L.) YAij av0pu>irivTi [etc.]. 8°. Berolini, 1831. Aristotle [pseud.]. Aristotle's master-piece com- pleted iu two parts. The first containing the secrets of generation in all the parts thereof. The second part being a private looking-glass for the female sex. v, 130 pp. 18°. New York, 1793. -----. The works of Aristotle iu four parts, con- taining: I. His complete-masterpiece, displaying the secrets of nature in the generation of mau; to which is added the family physician, being ap- proved remedies for the several distempers inci- dent to the human body. II. His experienced midwife; absolutely necessary for surgeons, midwives, nurses, and childbearing women. III. His book of problems; containing various questions and-answers relative to the state of man's body. IV. His last legacy; unfolding the secrets of nature respecting the generation of man. A new ed. iv, 5-411 pp. 16°. Lon- don, 1796. •-----. The experienced midwife: absolutely necessary for surgeons, midwives, nurses, and childbearing woman. New ed. 100 pp. sm. 8°. Philadelphia, 1799. -----. The works of Aristotle, including his master-piece and important advice to females. 142 pp. 16°. London, 1883. Ariza y Espejo (Rafael) [1826-87]. Escritos medicos. [With biography by A. M. Fabi6.] 3 v. 8°. Madrid, E. Teodoro, 1886. For Biography, see Bol. de med. y cirug., Madrid, 1887, v, 321-324, port. Also: Rev. m6d. de Sevilla, 1887, xi, 201- 206 (R. de la Sota y Lastra). Also: Internat. Centralbl. f. Laryngol, Rhinol. [etc.], Berl, 1887-8, iv, 429 (G6ngora (fcSeiifinon). Also: Rev. de laringol. [etc.], Barcel., 1887-8, iii, 73-81 (F. Rubio). Arizona. Hamilton (P.) The resources of Arizona . . . A manual of reliable information concerning tbe Territory, compiled . . . under authority of the legislature. 8°. Prescott, Arizona, 1881. 40 Arizona. Anderson (C. L. G.) Arizona as a health-resort. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxviii, 8-10.—Hibbard (W. W.) The climate of Arizona. Ibid., 1893, xliii, 111.—Liggett (G. S.) Arizona; a winter climate for consumptives. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 367.—Mearns (E. A.) Some birds of Arizona. The Auk, N. Y., 1886, iii, 289-307. — Stern (L.) Central-Arizona als Sanitarium fiir Tuberculosis, Rheumatisiuus uud Asthma. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1893, v, 387-393. — Wroth (J. H.) The climatology of New Mexico aud Arizona. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 166. Arizona Territory. Report of the governor of Arizona, made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year 1877-8. 11 pp. "8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Off., 1876. Arizona Territory. Territorial Prison of Ari- zona, at Yuma. Territorial prison report [in- cluding the annual reports of the superintendent and prison physician] for the year 1890. 26 pp. 12°. Phoenix, Arizona Gazette, 1891. Established Feb. 12, 1875. Report for 1890 only>ne printed to date. Arkansas. List of pardons and remissions granted by the governor of the State of Arkausas for the years 1-^7 and 1888. Also, report of the physician of the State Penitentiary. 71 pp. 8°. Little Bock, Press Printing Co., 1889. Arkansas. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities; Hot Springs ; Little Rock; Quaran- tine (Beports, on, etc.), Statistics (Vital), by lo- calities. Epler (E. G.) Little Rock and Fort Smith, Ark., cli- mate and rate of mortality. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1894-5, v, 241-255. Arkansas. Arkansas Deaf-Mule Institute, at Little Bock. Biennial reports of the board of directors and officers to the governor of the State. 1.-3., 1868-9 to 1873-4; 8.-12., 1882-3 to 1891-2. 8°. Little Bock, 1871-92. Incorporated July 17, and opened in Dec, 1868. -----. History ofthe Arkansas Deaf-Mute Insti- tute, compiled from the official reports. 5 1. 8°. Little Bock, Deaf-Mute Optic print, 1887. Arkansas. Arkansas Industrial University, Med- ical Department, Little Bock. Annual announce- ments and catalogues for the sessions of 1879-80 to 1894-5 (1.-16.). 8°. Little Bock, 1879-94. Organized in 1879. List of students and graduates for the sessions of 1879-80 to 1893-4, in announcements for sub- sequent years. List of graduates from 1880 to 1893, in an- nouncement for 1893-4. Arkansas Institute for the Education of the Blind, at Little Bock. Biennial reports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 3.-4., 1862-8; 6.-10., 1870-71 to 1879- 80; 14., 1886-7 and 1887-8; 15., 1888-9 and 1889- 90. 8°. Little Bock, 1868-91. Organizedin Feb., 1859. Suspended in Sept., 1863. Trus- tees reorganized in the fall of 1866, and the institution was reopened in Feb., 1867. Third report for 5£ years, from Oct., 1862, to March 31, 1868; 4. report for 7 months ending Oct. 31, 1868. Removed to Little Rock, by act approved July 22, 1808. Arkansas. Arkansas State Lunatic Asylum, Lit- tle Bock. Eeport of the board of trustees [from organization, April 6, 1881, to Dec. 31, 1882] to the governor of the State. 14 pp. 8°. Little Bock, Mitchell 9. Frontisp., 148 pp., 1 ]., 1 fac-simile. roy. 8°. Lyon, Pitrat nine', 1889. -----. Cours Alimentaire d'anatomie ge"uerale et notions de technique histologique. R6vis6 et publi6 par X. Lesbre. iii, 453 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin 4' Houzeau, 1890. -----. Lecons sur la tuberculose et certaines septice"niies. Recueillies par J. Courmont. viii, 512 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Asselin 4" Houzeau, 1892. -----. Les virus, viii, 380 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1891. ARLOING. 627 ARM. Arloing (S.)—continued. -----. Analysenr pour la determination du nom- bre des microbes coutenus dans l'eau. 12 pp. 8°. [Lyon, n. d.] See, aho, Fnsari (R.) & IVIouti (A.) Compendio di istologia generale, fete.], roy. 8°. Torino, 1891.—Chan- veaii (A.) The comparative anatomy of the domesti- cated animals. 8°. London, 1891.—Rodet (A.) De la variabilit6 dans les microbes au point de vue morpholo- gique et physiologique [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1894.—Koux (Gabriel). Precis d'analyse microbiologique, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1892. —---& Tripier (Leon). Des conditions de la persistence de la sensibility dans le bout peri- pherique des nerfs sectionue's. 67 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1676. Repr. from.- Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1876, 2. s., viii'. ArlotllS (Pompeius). De tempore secandi ve- uam in febribus intermittentibus opportuno. Opinio nova, ratione, auctoritate, et experientia comprobata. Ubi quam plurima de sanguinis missione non minus utilia, quam scitn neces- saria artis medicae Tyronibus propoiiuntur. 7 p. 1., 99 pp., 8 1. 4°. Regij, F. Bartholo, 1627. von Arlt ([Carl] Ferdinand) [1812-87]. Die Krankheiten des Auges, fiir praktische Aerzte. 4. Abdr. 3 v. 8C. Prag, F. A. Credner, 1858-9. CONTEXTS. v. 1. Die Krankheiten der Binde- und Hornhaut. v. 2. Die Krankheiten der Sclera, Iris, Chorioidea und Linse. v. 3. Die Krankheiten des Glaskorpers, der Xetzhaut, der Augenmuskeln, der Augenlider, der Thriinenorgane und der Orbita. -----. Ueber die Ursachen und die Entstehung der Kurzsichtigkeit. iv, 77 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1876. -----. Des blessures de l'ceil au point de vue pratique et nieclico-le'gal. Traduit par le Dr. G. Haltenhoff. xiii, 224 pp. 12°. Paris, Germer- Bailliere 4" Cie., 1877. ■ The same. Injuries of the eye and their medico-legal aspect. Transl., with the permis- sion of the author, by Chas. S. Turnbull. vii, 13^198 pp. 12-. Philadelphia, Claxton, Bemsen 4 Haffelfinger, 1676. -----. The same. De las heridas del ojo bajo el punto de vista practico y ni6dico-legal. Vertido al castellano por Rodolfo del Castillo Quartie- llerz. viii, 9-156 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barcelona, J. Miret, 1679. -----. Zur Lehre vom Glaucom. 1 p. 1., 142 pp., 6 pl. 8J. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1684. -----. The same. Clinical studies on diseases of the eye, including those of the conjunctiva, cornea, sclerotic, iris, and ciliary body. Transl. by Lyman Ware, viii, 9-325 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Y. J. Pentland, 1885. -----. The same, viii, 9-325 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4" Co., 1885. -----. Meine Erlebnisse. 144 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1887. See, aho, Bericht iiber die Augenklinik der "Wiener Universitat. 8°. Wien, 1867. For Biography, see Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1887, xcviii, 5-24 (E. Meyer). Also: Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1887, 63-67 (Bergmeister). Also: Berl. klin.Wchn- schr., 1887, xxiv, 211 (Uhthoff). Aho: Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien. 1887, v, 161 (Konigstein). Also: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1887, xlix, 265-269 (C. J. Rassander). Also: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1887, xxv, 133-148 (II. Sattler). Also: Rev. esp. de oftal., sif. [etc.], Madrid., 1887, xi, 145-150, port. (A. Garcia Cahler6n). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Aho: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1887, xxxiii, 2. Abth. Arlt (Paul) [1850- ]. * Beitrag zur Prognose tier Perforation. [Breslau.] 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Trebnitz, C. Maretzke, 1874. Aliunu - :>57. — Boege- holdfE.) Ein Fall vou Lipoma sarcomatosum. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1880, lxxix, 561-563. — Borck. Medullary cancer of the arm. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1884, xlvi, 64 -66. — [ CJases. ] Multiple Melanosarcome in der Haut des 1. Vorderarmes; theilweiso Exstirpation. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel, 1877, 64.—Me- lanosarcom der Haut des 1 Oberarmes; Eecidiv; meta- statische Lymphdrusentumoren in der 1. Axilla; Exstir- pation; Heilung. Ibid. (1879), 1880, 72.— Melanosarcom des linken Oberarmes; metastatische Tumoren der 1. axil- laren und chiviculareu Driisen (Recidiv). Ibid. (1880), 1881, 97.— Fibroneurome des r. Armes, 1 Fall. Ibid. (1884), 1885, 114.—Sarcoma following superficial periostitis of the -arm. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children, Peudlehury, Manchester (1885), 1886. v, 141.—Trennungs- neurome des Olierarms, 2 Falle. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. ■d. Spit, zu Basel (1886), 1b*l, 104. — Ch an vel. Ablation au bistouri d'une tumeur du biceps; exanieu histologique. [Rap.J Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, xx, 62.— 1'ollis (M. H.) Fibrous tumour. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl, 1865-8, n. s., iii, 102.—t!ripps (YV. II.) Cartilaginous tu- mour of arm. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1879-80, xxxi, 287, 1 pl.—Dcroa (C.) Lipome tr6s volumineux au bras droit; Evolution trds lente; difflcultes de diagnostic; operation; guerison. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1886, xxxviii, 145- 148.—Vayrrr (J.) Epithelioma of the arm; amputation at the shoulder-joint; recurrence and fatal termination of the disease bv haemorrhage. Inhis: Clin. Sc Path. Obs. in India, 8°, Lond., 1873, 563-568.—Festal (A.) Lipome -■>< laboHt. Ex- periences faites a la prison de Uoueu sur un biscuit k la viaude propose comme aliment de r6serve pour les soldats en campagne. Eev. d'hyg., Par., 1887,ix, 280-295.—[mil- itary school of Japan.] [A study ofthe diet ofthe mili- tary cadets.) Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1886, no. 198, July 5.— IVIitropolski (I. A.) Meniene o normal, raskla'd. pi- sh tshe v. pripasov dlja voisk. [On the normal relative di- gestion of rations in the arm v.] Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 42; 54— iTIiti-opolski (I. I.) Dva go- tov. (narod.) kouserva dlja prodov. russ. armii v voyennoye vremja. [Two new popular conserves for the use of the Russian army in the field.] Ibid., 333; 345. — dc lVIon- tety (J.-L.) De la ration alimentaireen general; applica- tion uu soldat. Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab. de therap., Par., 1889, 140-143.—Mori (R.) [On the diet of the Japanese soldier.1 Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1886, no. 192, May 5. Also: Tokei M. J., Tokio, 1886, no. 425, May 22.— ITliuiriy (J.) Ueber Nahrungsmittel und Festsetzung der Diiit fiir verwundete Krieger. Bl. f. Mil.-Hyg., Wien, 1868, i, L—IVotter (J. L.) The soldier's food, with refer- ence to health and efficiency for service. J. Roy. M. Ser- vice Inst., Lond., 1889, xxxiii, 537-565. — Parmcntier (A.-A.) Rapport iuedit sur le pain des troupes, annot6 par M. Poggiale. Rec. do m6m. de m6d. . . . mil. Par., 1856, 2. s., xviii, 406-450. Also, Reprint. — Pelcgri Camps (E.) Intervencion del cuerpo de sauidad militar en el aprovisiouamiento del ejereito. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1880, vi, 235-238. — Perdigao (J. T.) Duas pa- lavras sobre a alimentacao do soldado. Gaz. d. hosp. mil, Lisb., 1879, iii, 218. — Pitta Simdcs (J. M.) Alimenta- cao das tropas. Ibid., 1881, v, 98. — Playfair (L.) On the food of the royal engineers stationed at Chatham. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1862-6, v, 421-423. — Kuijsch. De veldrations, kruidenextracten en veldkeuken van Dr. Kallmann. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1880, iv, 521-534, 1 pl—Saez Domingo (J.) Alimenta- ci6n del soldado. Bol. de med. y cirug., Madrid. 1885, iii, 71-90. Aho: Gac. de sanid. mil, Madrid, 1880, vi, 326- 331. — Schindlcr (C.-A.) L'alimentation variee dans l'arm6e. Arch, de meil. et pharm. mil, Par., 1885, v, 365; 413; 461. —Schmoulewitsch (I.) Ueber die al- koholischeu Getriinke als Bestandtheil der Ration des Sol- daten und des Matroseu. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de ni6d. mil, 32- 38.—Smith (J. R.) On the best ration for the soldier. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 33-47. Also, Re- print.—Stern (A.) Csereviszony a katonai egeszs6giigy 6s 61elmez6s kozbtt. [Relations between tho health of the soldier and his rations. J Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1885, xxv, 697-702. — Superchi (V.) L' alimentazione del soldato italiano. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig . Milano, 1882, iv, 225- 240.—Sylvcn (O.) Om infanteriets marschdietetik och marschsjukdomar. [Diet and diseases of the march 1 Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1883, viii, 169-182.— Thorpe (P. J.) Army cooking and messing J Roy U. Service Inst., Lond., 1891, xxxv, 239-279. — Tulloch. Soldiers' food. Ibid., 1885, xxviii, 879-905. — Viry (C.) De quelques documents receuts relatifs k l'alimentation du soldat. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 339-351.—Vivcs (I.) De la sal comuu, ajo, cebolla, hojas do laurel, perejil, pi- mentou y azafran, considerados como condimentos del re- gimen aiimenticio do los enfermos militares. Gac. de sa- nid. mil, Madrid, 1882, viii, 604; 632. - Wintle (A. T.) The dietarv of troops. Tr. vii. Intemat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Loud., 1892, viii, 144-150. — Woodruff (C. E.) The U. S. army ration and military food. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1892, xix, 651-663. Aho, Reprint. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 12-24. Armies (Habitations of). See Barracks. Armies (Medical organization and medi- cal supplies of). See, also, Armies (Becruiting of), etc.; Phar- macy (Military); "Wounded (Care of) in war; and under Army, as, Army (Argentine, etc.). Congkks international sur le service medical des amides en campagne, tenu a Paris les 12, 13 et 14 aollt 1878. 8°. Paris, 1879. ARMIES. 632 ARMIES. Armies (Medical organization and medi- cal supplies of). Didiot (P.-A.) La guerre contemporaine et le service de saute" des arnie'es; n6cessit6 d'aug- ruenter la puissance des moyens de conservation et de secours. 6?. Paris, 1866. Gbassi (G. A.) Medicina iuilitare e navale in rapporto alia reclutazione ed ascrizione marit- tima volontaria o forzosa. 8°. Napoli, 1844. von Haiuowicz (H.) Die Annee nnd das Sauitiitswesen in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehun- gen. 6°. Wien, 1666. Aho [Rev.], in: Bl. f. Mil.-Hyg., Wien, 1868, i, 42; 47. Hermaxt (E. ) Nouveaux modeles de sac d'ambulance et de sacoches a medicaments pour la cavalerie. 6°. Bruxelles, 1872. Italy. Ispettorato di sanitd militare. Eegio esercito italiano. Riproduzione fotografica del materiale sauitario da guerra. 58 pl. fol. [Boma, 1691.] Italy. Ministero della guerra. Elenco ge- nerale e tariffa dei medicinali e delle sostanze accessorie. 1. juglio 1889. 8°. Boma, 1889. Knorr (E.) Entwickelung und Gestaltung des Heeres-Sanitatswesens der europaischen Staaten; vom militarisck-gesckichtlichen Stand- punkte. 2. Aufl. 1. Hft. 8°. Hannover, 1883. Legouest. Conference sur le service de sante" en campagne. 18°. Paris, 1868. Pantyuciioff (I. I.) Meditsinskie katalogi niekotorych armiy. [Medical supply tables of different armies.] 12°. Sanktpeterburg, 1888. Senac y Vicente (C.) El progreso en el armamento y la necesidad que crea en el servicio sanitario de vanguardia. 8°. Madrid, 1892. Agosti (G.) II miglioramento del corpo sanitario mili- tare richiesto dal progresso dei tempi. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1872, 3. s., xvi, 311 -341. — Aldcn (C. H.) The special training of the medical officer, with brief notes on armv medical schools abroad and at home. Proc. Ass. Mil. Siirg. U. S., Wash., 1894, iv, 675-689.—Alix (E.) Le role du m6decin dans l'ann6e. Medecin prat., Par., 1881, ii, 289; 301; 313. Also: Kev. scient., Par., 1881, 3. s., i, 761-764.—AphoriMinen liber Militair-Medicinal-Wesen. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aeiztc, Brnschwg., 1846, iv, 118-120.— B. (J.) Be la pratique civile des medecins niilitaires. Gaz. ined. de Liege, 1894-5, vii, 495.—Bnrofflo (F.) No- zioni sul servizio sanitario militare. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 18-!0, 3. s., xxvii, 50-84. — Befreiungs- titel (Die) von der Wehrpflicht nnd Aehnliches. Alili- tiirarzt, Wien, 1879, xiii, 19-22. — Bcna. Skizzirte Dar- stellung eines zeitgemassen MilitarSanitatswesens. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1870, xi, 145; 153. — Borgerlioff Mulder. Eenige opmerkingcn aangaande de uitoefening van den militair-geneeskundigen dienst te velde; naar aanleiding van N. Pirogow. Das Kriegs-Sanitatswesen, etc., auf dem Kriegsschauplatze in Bulgarien, 1877-78, en E. Knorr. Das russische Heeres-Sanitatswesen wahrend desFeldzugs 1877-78. Xederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.] Utrecht, 1884, viii, 361-394. —Evatt ( G. J. H.) On the medical organisation of the base of operations in war time Prov. M. J.. Leicester, 1885, iv, 327; 372; 423; 467. -----. Medical corps organization of continental armies. Med. Rec, Calcutta, 1890, i, 225-230. — Fallot (L.) No- tice sur le service sanitaire des arm6es en Angleterre et en Hollande Bull. m6d. beige, Brux., 1841, n. s., i, 352-361. Aho, Reprint.—Gaiubcrini (P.) Commentario pei me- dici e chirurghi militari, ossia, istruzioni pel servizio degli umciali sanitari militari in tempo di pace ed in tempo di guerra Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1849, xxiii, 161-182.— Gegenviai-tige (Die) Stellung der Militararzte in Frankreich gegeniiber derjenigen in Oesterreich. Mili- taerarzt Wien 18S2, xvi. 73-76!— Glatter (E.) Statis- tische Streifziige auf dem Gebiete des Militar-Santitats- wesens. Mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1863, 37; 42; 47.—Gleich- berechtigung (Zur) der Militararzte. Militaerarzt Wien, 1881, xv, 75-79.—Godwin (C. H. T.) The duties of the medical staff of an army engaged in active opera- tions in the field. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 771.— Haneiikaiiipf. Vortriige iiber das Militair-Sanitats- wesen im Fall eines Krieges in den Armeen Russlands, Deutschlands, Oesterreichs, Amerikas, Fraukreichs. [In's Deutsche iibersetzt, etc., von Dr. J. Grimm.) St. Petersb med. Ztschr.. 1872-3, n. F., iii, 381 -468. — Hcsaelbach (A. K. ) Ueber die zweckmassigste Einrichtung des MilitarSanitatswesens. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk. Er- lang., 1848, lvi. 287-326. — von Hlavac (J.) Ein Ruck- blick nach Bosnien mit Riicksicht auf die auf dem Gebiete Armies (Medical organization and medi- cal supplies of). des MilitarSanitatswesens gemachten Wahrnehmuneen Militaerarzt, Wien, 1880. xiv, 69; 88.— HoHT(J. Van R i Outlines of the sanitary organization of some of the great armies of the world. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. s. Wash 1894, iv, 426-514. Aho: Med Age, Detroit, 1895 xiii 514'. 545; 577; 605; 646; 681; 709; 741. Aho, Reprint.-Jar o- shevski. Nieskolkosloboroli voyennich vrachei vainiii [On the character of military surgeons in armies.] Vo- yenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb. 1883 iii, 403 —Koechci- (J. K.) Evakuatsia voyenno vrachebn. zavedenii pud Paris'- em iPlevnoivvoinach 1870-1871 gg. i 1877-1878 gg. [Evac- uation of military medical establishments under Paris and Plevna during the wars . . .] Ibid., 1885, v, 161; 173- 197. 209; 221, 2ch. — I.anda y Alvarez (N.) Estndios'sobre la tdctica de sanidad militar. Gac.desanid.mil Madrid 1879, v, 492; 547; 556; 585; 609.—M. Zur Stellung der Mili- tararzte zur Civilpraxis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl 1882,viii, 635.—JTIetzl. DieMilitiir-Sanitatseinrichtuncen fremder Staaten. Militararzt, Wien, 1872, vi, 49; 89; 1)7• 116. — IHilitar-SanitatstvcNcii (Ueher das). Wien' med. Wchnschr., 1860, x, 540; 571; 604; 621; 677; 694; 82oi 833.—lTIoore (S.) On the special training of subordinates (whether civil or military) for service with the medical de- partment of the army in the field; and the question of bringing supplies to the ground during, or immediately after, an engagement. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Loud., 1881, ii, 571-576.—dc Moot (C.) Graphisch overzicht van per- soneel en materieel van den geneeskundigen dienst bij eene divisie te velde, volgens het voorschrift betreffende den geneeskundigen dienst in tijd van oorlog. Geneesk. Cou- rant, Tiel, 1886, xl, no. 18. —Morachc ( G.) Service de sant6 militaire. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 1874, 2. s., viii, 73-204. Aho, Reprint.'—von iTluiidr (J.) Ans den Vortragen des . . . fiber das Militar Sanitatswesen. Mili- taerarzt, Wien, 1867, i, 362-366. -----. Die Militarsanitat der Zukunft. Ibid., 1881,xv, 171; 181; 187; 196; 204; 213. Aho, Reprint.—Noel. Effectifs rationnels des medecins militaires en temps de paix et en temps de guerre. Bull. m6d., Par., 1894, viii, 481-485.—Organisationen (Oni) af militarlakareviisendet i frammande lander. [Organization of corps of military-medical officers in foreign countries.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1881, vi, Bil. i, 1-118.— Peyton (J. L.) An improved method of carrying hand- ages in action. Proc. N.-W. Prov. Sc Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 1883, ii, 87.—Both. Uebersicht iiber die neuesten Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete des Militar- Sanitatswesens. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1880-81, 65.— Service (Le) mfedical en cam- pagne. Congr&s international du service medical des ar- m6es en campagne. Kev. scient., Par., 1879, 2. s., xvii, 564-567. — Shniulevitch (J. M.) Kratki obzor istorich- eskago razvitija i sovremennoi organizatsii voenno-sani- tarnoi tchasti v Evropeskich gosudarstvach. [Military sanitary organization in European states; compiled from E. Knorr and others.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1*7!), exxxv, 7.sect., 163; 247; 406: exxxvi, 7. sect., 1; 133.—Ul- nier. Zum Sanitatsdienst im Feldo. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1870, iv, 9; 25; 33; 41; 49.-----. Ueber die iiiilitararztUche Stellung in verscbiedenen Staaten. Militararzt, Wien, 1878, xii, 175-177. — dc Vcrdy dn Vcrnois. El cuerpo de sanidad durante el combate. (Trad, del Dr. Landa.) Gac. de sanid. mil, Madrid, 1880, vi, 29-35.—von Wcde- Itind. Militarsanitats-Reglement fiir das Grossherzog- thum Hessen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1821, ii, 359: 1822, iii, 102; 450: iv, 176; 418: 1823, v, 133.—Wci»cr ( M. E.) Militararztliche Hilfstruppen; ein neues Pro- gramm zur Completirung der militararztlichen Blanche. Feldarzt, Wien, 1879, 73. — Y . . . La m6decine militaire francaise et le service sanitaire de l'arm6e allemande en 1881. Union med., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 577-582. Armies (Medical department of). See Army medical schools. Armies (Medical statistics of). See, also, Army (Austrian, Bavarian, etc.). France. D4partement de la guerre. Instruc- tion du 9 juin 1888 pour l'exe'cution de la loi du 22 Janvier 1851 portaut creation de la statis- tique nnklicale de l'arm^e. 8°. Paris, [1668], Repr. from: Bull, officiel dn miniature de la guerre, par- tie rdglementaire, no. 36. France. Instruction ponr l'ex6cution de la loi du 22 Janvier 1851 portaut creation de la statistique mfedicale de l'arm6e. Bull, du serv. de sant6 mil, Par.. 18*S, xxxvii, 321-402.— Frolich (II.) Krankheit und Tod im oster- reichisch ungarischen und im deutschen Heere. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 108-110.—Krocker. Kiinnen die Krankenrapporte und Sanitiitsbericuteder verscbiede- nen Armeen nach einem im Wesentlichen einheitlichen Schema abgefasst werden, behufs Gewinnnng einer im wis- senschafthchen Sinne vergleichsfiihigen Statistik der Er- krankungen, Verwundungen und Todesfiille in den Frie- ARMIES. 633 AEMIES. Ai'Hlies (Medical statistics of). dens- und Kriegsheeren? Verhandl d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl, 1891, v, Abth., xviii, 134-141. Also, Re- print. — Sarnow. Krankeniibersicht fiir ein Rapport- schema der Armeen. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl, 1891, v, Abth., xviii, 141-145. Also, Reprint. Armies (Recruiting of) and recruits. Aitken (AV.) On tlie growth of the recruit aud young soldier, with a view to a judicious se- lection of growing lads for the army, and a reg- ulated system of training for recruits. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1687. Alvarez Losada (J.) * En conformidad cou lo que previene la ley, les posible erear un apa- rato de medicion para las quintas, que produzca resultados tau ciertos como aquella exige? 8°. Madrid, 1850. Articles. L'arme'e, son hygiene morale; son recrutement. 8°. Paris, 1667. Austria. K. k. Beichs-Eriegs-Ministerium. Instrnktion zur iirztlicheu Unu-isuehung der Wehrpflichtigen. H-. Wien, 1663. -----. Thesame. 3. And. 8C. Wien, 1667. Baroffio(F.) Considerazioni sulla necessita di modificare il tipo fisico militare. 8D. Fi- renze, [1865]. Repr. from: Riv. mil. e gior. di med. mil. -----. Le imperfezioni della rifrazione e del visus in relazione al servizio militare. 8°. Bo- ma, 1885. Bartholow (R.) A manual of instruction for enlisting and discharging soldiers, with special reference to the medical examination of recruits, and the detection of disqualifying and feigned diseases. 12°. Philadelphia, 1863. Baulin (B.) * Materialy k izmierenijam u zdorovych soldat rosta, viesa, objenia grudi, zhiz- nennoi emkosti legkich, sily ruchnych kistei vmie>tie i sily podjema. [Measurements of growth, weight, circumference of chest, capacity of lungs, strength of wrists aud instep in healthy soldiers.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, ISO. Beaupre (M.) M6moire sur le choix des hom- ines propres au service militaire dans l'arm^e de tern-, et sur leur visite devant les conseils de re- vision. 8°. Paris, 1620. Bircher (H.) Die Rekrutirung und Ausmns- terung der schweizerischeu Armee. 4 -. Aarau, 1866. Capdeville (L.) Consideraciones sobre la talla, medida del pecho y peso de los reclutas, bajo el punto de vista de la aptitud fisica para el servicio militar. Traducido al castellauo por R. Hernandez Poggio. 8°. Sevilla, i860. van Dommelen (G. F. ) Geschiedenis der militaire geneeskundige dienst in Nederland, met inbegrip van die zijuer zeemagt en over- zeesche bezittingen, van af den vroegsten tijd tot ap heden. 8°. Nijmegen, 1857. Enciclopedia me'dico-farmaceutica. Folle- tin. Ley de reclutamiento y reemplazodel eje'r- cito. 8°. Barcelona, 1878. France. De'partement de la guerre. Comptes rendus sur le recrutement de l'arme'e pendant les annaes 1831; 1844 ; 1864. 4 '. Paris, 18:5-2-60. -----. Instruction du 17mars 1890sur l'apti- tude physique au service militaire. 8°. Paris, 1690. Cutting from: J. mil. off., Par., 1890, 1. sem., no. 14. Instruction pour servir de guide aux officiers de sant^, dans l'appreciation des infirmit6s ou maladies qui rendent impropre au service mili- taire. 8°. Senlis, [1845]. Italy. Camera dei deputati. Disegno di legge presentato dal ministro della guerra (Pel- lonx) il 2 marzo 1891. Modificazioui all' obbligo Armies (Recruiting of) and recruits. del servizio niiltaire, stabilito dalla legge sul reclutamento dei r. esertito. fol. [Boma, 1891.] Italy. Ministero della guerra. Elenchi delle imperfezioni fisiche e delle infirmita esimenti dal militar servizio approvati con R. D. 8 settembre 1881 ed altre istruzioni emanate iu consegut-nza di essi. 16°. Boma, 1881. -----. Direzione generale delle leve e della truppa. Della leva sui giovani nati uegli anni 1861; 1862, o delle vicende del r. esercito dal 1881-2; 1882-3. Relazione del tenente generale Federico Torre a. S. E. il ministro della guerra. fol. Boma, 1883-4. Kerst (J. F.) Gedachten omtrent de mili- taire geneeskundige dienst bijzonder met het oog op het it-ts over de militaire geneeskundige dienst voorkomende in den Nienwen Spectator zesde Jaargang, No. 10. 8°. Utrecht, 1852. Korperliche (Die) Grosse der Ersatzmann- schaften des Mecklenburg-Schwerinschen Bun- descontingents. [Nebst Nachtrag.] 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Korting. Alphabetische Anordnung der bei der Uutersuchung Wehrpflichtiger in Betracht kommendeu Fehler, mit Bezugnahme auf die Rekrutirungsorduung vom 28. September 1h75 und die Dienstamveisungvom8. April 1877. Zum Gebrauch beim Ersatzgeschiift und bei Einstel- lungen zusammengestellt. 8C. Berlin, 1880. -----. The same. . . . mit Bezugnahme auf die Heerordnung vom 22. November 1888 uud ihre Abauderung vom Jahre 1893. Zum Gebrauch beim Ersatzgeschiift und bei Einstellungen zu- sammengestellt. 4. umgearbeite Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1894. Kuprijanoff (I. D.) *0 roste nizhnich tchi- nov vo vremya prochozhdenija sluzhby. [Stat- ure of recruits during the time of their military service.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1891. Aho, in: Voyenno-med. J., St.Petersb., 1891, clxxii, pt. 3, 1-42. Lagneau (G.) Du recrutement de l'arme'e sous le rapport anthropologique. 8°. Paris, 1667. Law by which the recruiting of the French army is now regulated. 8°. [London, n. d.] Lerma (J.-G.) * Sur le choix des homines ap- pele\s au service militaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1828. Livi (R.) Saggio dei resultati antropome- trici ottenuti dallo spoglio dei fogli sanitarii delle classi 1859-63 eseguito all' ispettorato di sanita militare. fol. Boma, 1894. See, also, infra. [Loxgmore (T.)] Instructions on the exam- ination of recruits, on the information to be re- corded in the recruits' register, and on other matters connected with the duty of recruiting. For the use of surgeons on probation at the Army Medical School. 8°. Southampton, 1862. Macpherson (C. H.) On the recruiting of the army. The distinctive characters of re- cruits from the different divisions of the Em- pire, aud different districts of the country. The proper standard, with reference to the average height of the nation, the most eligible age for enlistment, with a view both to home aud for- eign service, and the defects or disqualifying circumstances. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1845.] Marshall (H.) Hints to young medical offi- cers of the army on the examination of recruits, and respecting the feigned disabilities of sol- diers ; with official documents, and the regula- tions for the inspection of conscripts for the French and Prussian armies. 8°. London, 1828. Orloff (K. V.) Osnovy diagnostiki iskusst- veuuych i pritvornych bolieznei u prizyvaye- ARMIES. 634 ARMIES. Armies (Recruiting of) and recruits. mvch k voyeunoi sluzhbie i soldat s prilozhe- niem opisanija razlichuych sposobov uklonenija yevreyev ot voinskoi povinnosti. [Principles of diagnosis of artificial and simulated diseases at the summons for military duty of recruits and soldiers, with an appendix describing different methods of evasion of military duty by Jews. [2. improved aud enlarged edition.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1604. Peraqui ( A. ) Repertoire alphabetique des maladies, infirniit6s ou vices de conformation qui rendeut impropre au service militaire. (In- struction du 27 fevrier 1877.) 8°. Part's, 1888. Pjaskovski (N.) * Material! k voprosu ob otnosheuii antropometrii k sanitarnim izsliedo- vaniam v voiskach. [Anthropometric relations in sanitarv investigations in the army.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1886. Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1886, clvi, pt. 7, 29-70. Prussia. Kriegsministerium. Instruktion fiir Militair-Aerzte zur Untersuchung uud Benrthei- lttng der Dienstbrauchbarkeit oder Uubrauch- barkeit Militairpflichtiger, Rekruten resp. Sol- daten, so wie zur Beurtheiluug der Invaliditat im Dienst befindlicher oder eutlassener versor- gungs-berechtigter Soldaten. Vom 9. December 1858. -^ Berlin, 1859. -----. Dienstanweisung zur Beurtheilnug der Militiir-Dienstfahigkeit und zur Ausstellung von Attesten. Vom 8. April 1877. 8'-'. Berlin, 1677. -----. Erster Nachtrag zur Dienstanwei- sung zur Beurtheiluug der Militar-Dienstfakig- keit und zur Ausstellung von Attesten. Vom 8. April 1877. 8°. Berlin, 1879. -----. Zweiter Nachtrag zur Dienstanwei- sung zur Beurtheiluug der Militiir-Dienstfahig- keit und zur Ausstellung von Attesten. Vom 8. April 1877. 8°. Berlin, 1882. -----. Dienstanweisung zur Beurtheilnng der Militiir-Dienstfahigkeit und zur Ausstel- lung von militar-arztlichen Zeugnisseu. (D. A.) Vom 1. Februar 1894. 12°. Berlin, 1894. Richon. Etudes statistiques sur le recrute- ment dans le departement de la Moselle. 8°. [n. p., 1666, vel subseq.] Spain. Ministerio de la gobernacion. Regla- mento y cuadro de exencioues. 8°. [Madrid, 1674.] Speyer (A. F.) Systematische Darstellung der arztlichen Untersuchung des menschlichen Organismus; ein Leitfaden zur richtigen Beur- theilnng und Entscheidung zweifelhafter Ge- sundheitszustaude im Allgemeinen, als in beson- derer Beziehung auf Rekrutiruug uud Militar- Entl.assung. 8°. Hanau, 1833. Switzerland. Eidg. Militdrdepartement. All- genit-iues Reglemeut iiber die Auswahl der Re- kruten und die Abhaltung der eidgenossischeu Militurschulen fiir die Spi-zialwaffeu. Vom 25. Wintermouat 1857. 12°. [Bern, 1857.] -----. Instruction sur la visite sauitaire des recrues et la reTonne des militaires devenus im- propres au service militaire. (Approuvee par le Conseil federal, le 22 sept. 1875.) 12°. [Berne, 1875. J The same in German. -----. Arrete" du Conseil f6de"ral modifiant l'instruction du 22 septembre 1875 sur la visite sanitaire des recrues et la reToruie des militaires. (Du 31 jnillet 1877.) 8°. [Berne, 1^77.] The same in German. -----. Instruction sur le liceucienient des recrues pour cause d'iucapacite" iutellectuelle. Berne, le 19 Janvier 1881. 8°. [Berne, 1881.] The same in German. Armies (Recruiting of) and recruits. Switzerland. Eidg. statistisches Bureau. Mittheilungen betreffend die arztlichen Unter- suchungen bei der Rekrutiruug fiir die Jahre 1878; 1879. 4°. Berne, 1879. Tonnet (J.) Tableaux des iufirniite\s et mala- dies qui rendent iuhabile au service militaire 8°. Niort, 1643. Tripler (C. S.) An epitome of Tripier's manual, for the examination of recruits. [Pre- pared by Major Charles R. Greenleaf.] 6C. Washington, 1884. United States. War Department. Adjutant- General1 s Office. Regulations for the recruiting service of the Army of the United States, both regular and volunteer. Dec. 1,. In62. 12-. Washington, 18ti2. -----. Instructions to govern the special regimental recruiting service. Circular, No. 7. June 16, 1892. 12°. [ Washington, 1602.] United States. War Department. Provost- Marshal-General. Statistics, medical and an- thropological, of the Provost-Marshal-Geueral's Bureau, derived from records of the examina- tion for military service in the armies of the United States during the late war of the rebel- lion of over a million recruits, drafted men, substitutes, and enrolled men, compiled under direction of the Secretary of War, by J. H. Bax- ter. 2 v. 4°. Washington, D. C, 1875. Vincent. Du choix du soldat, ou etude sur la constitution des honimes de 20 ans, appliquee au recrutement de l'arin^e. 8D. Paris, 1661. Zaporin (F. A.) Rukovodstvo dlja vrachei i chlenov prisutstvii po voinskoi povinnosti pri osvid. lits v goduosti k voyennoi sluzhbc i opred. sposobnosti k lichnomu trudu. [Manual forphy- sicians and commissioners of recruiting in exam- ination as to fitness for service, and determining capacity for individual labor. ] 8°. lzium, 1884. -----. Spravochnaja kniga dlja vrachei i prisutstvii po voinskoi povinnosti pri osvidie- telstvovauii litz v goduosti k voyennoi sluzhbie. Sastavil . . . [Reference book for physicians aud recruiting commissions with regard to ex- amination of recruits as to fitness for military service.] 8°. Izjum, 1686. Abkovitch (R.) 0 viesie i linei. mierio tiela novo- bantz. [On weight and linear height of recruits.] Vo- yeniio-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1889, ix, 493; 516; 530; 545; 557.—Aniat (C) Du diagnostic de la i'aiblesse de consti- tution au point de vue du recrutement militaire. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1888, 7. s., v, 259.—Amnion (O.) Wieder- holte Wiigungen nnd Messuugen von Soldatt-n. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1893, xxii, 337-370, 3 diag.— Antony. Etudes statistiques et medicales sur le recrute- ment dans le departement de la Maine. Union ni6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1884, viii, 73; 105; 148; 177. Aho [Rap. de Lagneu (G.)]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 18*2. 2. s., xi, 610-619.—Ai-agon (A.) La insuficicncia de desa- rrollo yla debilidad general como causaseximentes del ser- vicio militar. Rev. de san. mil, Madrid, 1887, i, 137-140.— A year t (L.) Breve estudio de las lesiones oculares conside- radas como causa de exencion para el servicio de las arnias. Cr6u.espi-c. med.-quir., Cadiz, 1886, iii, 16; 41; 65; 97; 161.— Bciickc (F. AV.) BestinimungeuderKorperlaugeunddes Korpergewichtesder Maunschaftendesxi.Jiigerbataillons in Marburg. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1881, lxxxv, 177-180.—Ootly weight of the force in the imperial navy. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi,93, ldiag.—Bornhnrdl (A.) Die Kiirperwaguugen der Einbeiiifein-u als Mittel zur Bestimmung der Tauglichkeit zum Militardienst. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1886, n. P.. iii, 108. Aho, transl. .- Russ. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, iv, 2o6.-----■. Die Kbrper- wagungen der Einberufenen als Mittel zur Bestimmung der Tauglichkeit zum Militardienst; Nachtrag. St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr., 1886, n. F., iii, 196. -----. Ueber die Bezeichnung der Korpei-beschaffenhcit durch Zifl'ern. Ibid., 1888, n. FT, v, 413-416.—Bonchcrcau (A.) Modi- fications survenues pendant la premiere anueu il<-service dans la taille, le poids, le p6rimetre thoracique des jeunes soldats incorpores au 22' regiment d'infanterie et au 3e r6- giment do hussards. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1890, xv, 16-21. — RurlMchrr (H.) Betrachtungen iiber das Ergebniss der Recrutirung der iii. Division im Jahre 1879. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, x, 193-198,1 tab.— ARMIES. 635 ARMIES. Armies (Recruiting of) and recruits. BnsclnijeflT (V. F.) K vopr. ob ispytuyemich. [The ex- amination of recruits. | Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv,997- 999.—Carlier. Les consents des cantons d'Evreux-Nord et d'Evreux-Sud eousideres au point de vuo anthropolo- gique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1893. 4. s., iv, 470- 478.—Clmuvcl (J.) Statistiquo de service et desexann-ns de la vision pratiques depuis 1882. Arch, do med. et pharm. mil. Par., 1886, vii, 65-103.—Costa. Eludes sta- tistiques et medicales sur le recrutement dans le departe- ment du Nord. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil. Par., 1880, 3. s., xxxvi, 230-250, 3 maps. [Rap. de Lagneau (G.)]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1880, 2. s., ix, 607-614.—Craw- ford (T.) Observations on the examination, and on tin- physical disabilities of recruits. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1862, Lond., 1864, iv. 524-556. Also, Reprint. — DaflTiier (F.) Statistische Beitrage zur Beurtheiluug der (iriissen-, Brustunifang- und Gewichts-Verhiiltnisse der Recrnten. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1879, xxvi. 556-558. -----. Ue- her das Verhiiltniss der Griisse, des Gewichtes, des Kopf- und Brustumfanges bei Soldaten. Ibid., 1882, xxix, 255- 259.— Daniianoviclic (E.) Talla y aniplitud toracica enelej6rcitoargentino. (Dela memoria de sanidad militar.) Bol.de san. mil, Buenos Aires, 1891, i, 774-784.— Dc Van- cleroy. Rapport sur les recherches de M. le Dr. Titeca conceinant la taille, leperimetre thoracique et le poid.s du corps des miliciens. B"ll. Soc. d'ahthrop. deBrux., 1883-4, ii, 61-73.—Doubre. fitude d'anthropometrie medicale. au point de vue du recrutement des cuirassiers et de leur apti- tude au service. Rec. de num. de inert. . . . mil., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxviii. 529-577.—Dnponclirl (E.) Contribution k l'6tnde du diagnostic de la faiblesse de constitution au point de vue dn recrutement militaire; deux nouveaux signes confirmatifs. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1887, x. 177-187. —Egcling (L. J.) Vitiligo blik op de vrijstellingen van do nat. niilitio wi-gens ligchaamsgebre- ken, verleend in de Prov. Xoord-Holland i. d. j. 1841-55. Tijdschr. d. Xederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. (ieneesk., Arn- hem, 1856, vii, 1. Afd., 206-226.— Elcnclii delle imperfe- zioni fisiche e delle infermita esimenti dal servizio mili- tare. Gior. med. d. r. esercito fete. |, Roma, 1890, xxxviii, Suppl., 69-100. — Estrada Caloyra (F.) La nueva ley de reclutamiento y reemplazo del ejercito; observaciones & la regia 10 del art. 70. Gac. de saiiid. mil., Madrid, 1885. xi, 550; 594; 670.— Ening (C. B.) The selection and physical examination of the recruit. Tr. Ass. Mil. Surg. Nat. Guard. F. S. 1893, St. Louis. 1894, iii, 166-192. Also: Med. Rec, X. T., 1894, xiv, 329; 355.—Finzi (E.) Rela- zione sugli inscritti delle classi 1857 e 1S5S pervenuti al lu reggimento fanteria negli anni 1878 c 1879. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1879. xxvii, 1121-1139. — Flashar. Die iirzt- liche Untersuchung der Militarpflichtigen im Musterungs- geschr'ft. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1886, xv, 80- 91. —Fox (A. L.) Xote on the chest measurement of re- cruits. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1875-6, v, 101-106.— Frillcy (G.) Rapport d'ensemble sur les modifications snrvenues, apres sept mois d'iucorporation, dans la taille, le poids et le perimfetre thoracique des jeunes soldats de la classede 1885, incorporesdansle xviecorps d'armee. Arch. de m6d. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1888, xi, 81-91. — Frolicli (H.) Ueber die ausseren Bedingungen physiscberKriegs- starke. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1883, xvii, 25; 33; 45; 53; 75; 94; 100. — Fra:lich (L.) Le recrutement dans la Suisse italienne. Rev. med. de la Suisse, Rom., Geneve, 1893, xiii, 194; 248: 293.—G. lets over het geneeskundig onder- zoek van manschappen voor den krijgsdienst. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1887, xi, 074-683.— Gattic ( W. M. ) The physique of European armies. Fortnightly Rev., Loud., 1890, n. s., xlvii, 500-085.— Gentis. Simulatie, aggravatie, exaggeratic. provo- catie van ziektcn en gebreken door militieplichtigen. Xederl.mil. gi-nee.sk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 18h2, vi, 593- 595. — HasNi- (C.) Sc Dohner. Unsi-re Tru]ipen in korperlicher Beziehung. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwiklngs- gesch., Leipz., 1893, 249-256. — van lfassclt (A. W. M.) Militaero gi-necskundo; over het visiteren van bij zien- den. Nederl Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., 1858, ii, 81-85.—Hcr- tcr. Augenuntersuchungen bei Rekruten. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1878, vii, 33-40. — Idclson (E.) K sravnitel. otsenke vzveshiv. s i/.meren. rosta u novo- brantzev. [Comparative estimation of weight and height in recruits.] Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 542; 554. -----. Po vopr. ob oprediel. fizitschesk. god- nostilyudei v voyennoi sluzhbe. [On tlie determina- tion of physical capacity for military service.) Trudi Kazan, voyenno-san. Obsh., 1892, 62-75. — Igh inn. Chiamata degli inscritti sotto le armi, so sia indiffe- rente mandarli subito da un estremo all' altro del regno; primo malattie che travagliano I'inscritto; quali ne sono le cause? Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1881, xxix, 723-728.—Indications k snivro pour l'etablissement des travaux sur le recrutement. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil, Par., 1888. xi. 257-204.—Inlii-iiiiU-s et maladies don- nant droit k l'exeniption soit definitive, soit temporaire du service militaire; d6l'ectuosit6s de la vue. Presse med beige, Brux., 1880, xxxii, 41-45. —Instruction sur l'apti- tilde physique an service militaire. [ J.M., l.sem.. 1894. p. 365. J Bull, du serv. de saut6 mil., Par., 1894, xliii, 274-333.— Armies (Recruiting of) and recruits. Janovski (M. V.) Xaskolko osnov. dovody v pol izmier. okruzh. grudi, kak metod. dlia opred. vdzmuzhalosti i sily organ. [Measurement of circumference of the breast as method ot ascertaining virility and vigor of recruits. | Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1893, xvii, 343 ; 359.—Janscii (A.) Etude d'anthropometrie medicale au point de vue de l'aptitude au service militaire. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1882, vii, 1-56. Also [Abstr.']; Rev. internat. d. sc. biol., Par., 1883, xi, 168-182. Also [Rap. de ltairion|: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1881, 3. s , xv. 965-993.—Japan. Minister of War. Army Medical Bureau. Kinyei seilietai taiju kensatsu hoko. [Report on the inspect ion of the body weight of the Imperial Guard.] Rikukun Kunik Kai Zaiji, Tokio, 1891, lxiii, 41-44. — Johnston (T.) Tlie selection of soldiers. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Wash., 1894, iv. 184-192.— Kccfcr (F. R.) Observations on the physical examina- tion of the recruit. Tr. Ass. Mil. Surg. Nat. Guard U. S. 1893, St, Louis, 1894, iii, 203-209. — Kolokoloft (M.) 0 goduosti molodichlyudeizap. Sibiri k voyennoi sluzhbie. s. 1874 po 1880 gg. [Fitness for military service of the young men of eastern Siberia.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb.. 1885, cliv, pt. 7, 51; 177: 1886, civ, 11.—Kos- inovslii (J. A.) O znaclienii opredclenija vesa u novo- brantsev i soldato. [Importanceof determiningthe weight of recruits and soldiers.] Russk. Med., St, Petersb., 1885, x, 74-79.—I.aiincau (G.) De quelques recherches anthro- pologiques sur les consents et les soldats. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1869,2. s., iv, 572-600. Also, Reprint. -----. Du recrutement dans le departement de Tarn-et-Garonne. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 1608-1614. -----. fitudes statistiques et medicales sur le recrutement dans le departement du Calvados. Ibid., 1884, 2. s., xiii, 1071- 1085. -----. Remarques anthropologiques, medicales et d6mographiques sur la validite du soldat, et sur la duree du service militaire, Ibid., 1886, 2. s., xv, 27-51. Also, Reprint.—dehnibecher. Dio Bedeutung des Schulter- gurtel-Beckenumf'anges fur die Beurtheilimg der Militar- dienstfiihigkeit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1886, xv, 207-227.—Civi (R.) Essai d'anthropoinetrie militaire; r6sultats obtenus du depouillement des feuilles sanitaires des militaires des classes 1859 k 1863, fait par l'inspection de sante militaire de l'arm6o italienne sous la direction du Dr. R. Livi, capitaiue medecin. Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist., Rome, 1893-4, vii, 273-285. [See, aho, supra]— ljonibai-d (H. C.) sen. Le recrutement de l'arm6e Suisse d'apres les documents les plus recents. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1886, vi, 137-143. — Conguct (R.) Eludes sur le recrutement dans l'lsfere. Lyon m6d., 1884, xlvi, 342 ; 377. -----. Etudes sur le recrutement dans la Haute-Savoie (1873-1885). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1885, vi, 417; 449. —Mackicwicx (II.) Essai sur la valeur des indications fournies par lo poids, les peri- nifetres thoraciques sous-pectoral et bi-axillaire, le peri- metre des 6paules et le perimetre du bassin, pour juger de l'aptitude au service militaire. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1888, xii, 161-180.—Ministcrio de la gotiernacion. Ley de reclutamiento y reemplazo del ej6rc,ito. Independ. m6d., Barcel, 1878-9, xiv, 8; 22; 33; 43; 56: 68; 80; 91; 103. Also: Rev. de cien. med., Barcel, !878, iv, 470; 514: 1879, v, 44; 372; 426. Also [Abstr.]: Gac. m6d. do Cataluiia, Barcel, 1878, i (suppl), 1-24. — ?l ishnevski (V.) Zamietka ob ubyli lyudei po srokam sluzhbv. [Signs of decrease in number of men at recruiting age.'] San "Dielo, St. Petersb., 1890, 189-192. — Modifications tl apporter k la loi sur le recrutement de larmte lianeaise en ce qui concernolesetudiants en mede- ciue. Rev. de metl. leg., Par., 1893-4, i, 53.—IVctolitzky (A.) Die Inslruktion zur arztlichen Untersuchung der Wehrpflichtigen. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 19; 91; 124; 187; 279. — !\(>uiloi'f;r (J.) Militiirarztliche Apho- rismen. I. Bi-reitung der Mannschafts-Menage mit Riicksicht auf Zeit. Rauni und Qualitiit. Wien. med. BI, 1887, x, 89; 125.—^ficati. La vue devant les conseils de revision. Rec. d. actes du Comit6 med. d. Bouches-du- Rhone, Marseille, 1879-80, xviii, 106-114— Paulicky (A.) Ueber congenitale Missbildungen; Beobachtungen beim Musterungsgeschaft und Beurtheiluug derselben in Bezie- hung auf die Militar-Dienstfiihigkeit. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl.,1882, xi, 199 ; 255.—Pcrdigao (E.) As jnntasderevisaodorecrutameiito. Rev.demcd. mil., Porto, 1886-7, i, 33 ; 257.—PjaskovskL. K vopr. o pereosvide- tel. novobran. i kritika sushtshest. nyne sposob. stetome- trii. [On the, question of reexamining recruits, and a criti- cal examination of present stetliometric means.] Voyenno- san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1887, vii, 141-144.—PortugaloflT (V.) Rekrutskii nabor v Krasuoufimske v 1869 g. Arch. suih-bnoi mod., St. Petersb., 1870, vi, pt. 1, 57-74.—Priscl- kolT (V. I.) Voiiiskajavsesoslovnaja povinnost v Rossii. Zadachi antropologii i'med. statistiki pri riesheuii voprosa o tipie novobrautsa goduago dlja armii. [General obliga- tory military service in Russia, Anthropological and medico-statistical problem in the solution of the ques- tion of finding types of recruits suitable for the army.J Vracli. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 4335; 4351.— Rampal. La loi de recrutement examinee k un point de vue medical. Marseille ni6d., 1884, xxi, 513-519.— ARMIES. 636 ARMSTRONG. Armies (Recruiting of) and recruits. Kciflamento aprobado por S. A. el Regente del Reino para la declaracion de exenciones fisicas del servicio mili- tar, yretlexiones sobre elmismopor F de P(aula] G(arcia|. An. d. Inst. med. de emulac, Madrid, 1842-3. i, 58-66.— Rrglnniento aprobado por S. M. en 10 de febrero ultimo, & que alude la real 6rden inserta en la Gaceta del 8 de mar zo de 1855, para la declaracion de las exenciones fisicas del servicio militar. Cron. del. hosp., Madrid, 1855, iii, 178- 185.—Reglamcnto para la declaracion facnltativa, dc las esenciones fisicas del servicio militar propuesto al Gobierno por la direccion general del cuerpo de sanidad del ej6rcito, e incluido en el capitulo 17 de la nueva ley de reeniplazos sancionada por S. M. la reina (Q. D. G.) en 18 de junio de 1851. Bibliot. med.castr. espin., Madrid, 1851, i, 1-25, 1-60, 1-32.— Rcglamcnto para la declaracion de exenciones del servicio en el ejeicito y en la marina por causa deinutilidadfisicia. Clinica, Zaragoza, 1882, vi, 116; 123; 132.—Kcich (M.I.) Projekt srochnoi voyenno-oku- list, otchetnosti. [Project to define the limits of admissi- bilitv to military service on account of defect of vision. J Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 30-33. —Rigal. Etude sur le recrutement des homines du 12e bataillon de chasseurs, de leur degre d'aptitude aux exercices militaires et plus particulierement aux marches en pays de mon- tagnes. Rev.mil.de med. etchir., Par., 1881-2,'i, 561; 641. Also Reprint.— de Sampaio (F.) As juntas de revisao do recrutamento. Rev. ile med. mil., Porto, 1887, ii, 138- 142. — Shepilcvski (A. A.) Voinsk. povinnost v Fin- liandii v sravnonii s voinsk. povinnost, v Rossii. [Military conscripts in Finland compared with those in Russia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 696; 719; 753; 769. — Smo- lensk! (P. O.) O raspredeleniinovobrants. po rodam orn- zhija. [The assignmentof recruits according to their mili- tary arms. J [From a sanitary point of view.] Voyenno- san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1885,'v, 68; 77.—Snellen (H.) Over het nieuwe refinement op het geneeskundig ouderzoek omtrent de geschiktheid voor do krijgsdienst te land en te water. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, vii, 481-485. Also [Rev.]: Ibid., 1864, viii, 5-11. Also [Re- ioinderj: Ibid., 129-132. Aho, Reprint—.Straub (M.) De keuring van militieplichtigen. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1887, xxiii, 457-461. —Sndakoff (A.) Sostojanie zdorovja prizivayemich k voyennoi sluzbie v Rossii, Austrii i Germanii. [Sanitary condition of the men called into military service in Russia, Austria, and Germany.] Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1883, iii, 399- 401.—Titcca. Levee de milice de 1879 ; recherches rela- tives a la taille, au perimetre thoracique et au poids du corps. [Rap.] Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1880, 3. s., xvii, 89-130.-----. Levee do milice de 1880; nouvelles re- cherches relatives a la taille, au perimetre thoracique et au poids du corps. Ibid.. 1881, 3. s., xix, 97-116, 11 tab. -----. Levees de milice de 1881 et de 1882; nouvelles recherches relatives ilia taille au perimetre thoracique et au poids du corps. I bid., 1883, 3. s., xxiii, 73-8!>, 24 tab. -----. Levees de milice de 1883 et de 1884 ; nouvelles recherches relatives k la taille, au perimetre thoracique et au poids du corps. Ibid., 1885, 3. s., xxvii, 145-156, 4 tab.— Virchow (R. ) Ueber Reerutirungs-Statistik. [ Internat. statist. Congr. in Berl. Prog. d. 5. Sitzungsperiode, 1863. Berl., p. 121. Rechenschaftsbericht ii. d. 5. Sitzungsperiode d. internat. statist. Congr in Berl, 1805, Bd. I, p. 121.] In his: Ges. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. off. Med., 8°, Berl., 3879, i, 577; 617.—Wintrich (M. A.) Offenes Sendschreiben an Hrn. Dr. F. Kuehenmeister in Zittau, den Verfasser einer Bro- schiiro: Ueber das Xonnengerausch in der Jugularis in- terna nnd seinen Werth bei Rekrutirung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1850, ii, 159. — /nnarih-makei-. Ge- wicht en afmetingen van 300 recruten, die de kern uit- maken der te Amsterdam vereenigde militie. Xederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1885, ix, 161-178.-----. Het anthropometrisch volkstype als maatstaf bij de militie- keuring. Ibid., 179-195. Armieux [Louis-Leon-Cyrille] [1819- ]. (Statistique m6dicale de l'Hopital militaire de Toulouse, pp. 124-138, 2 tal). 8°. [Toulouse, 1666.] Cutting from: Mem. Acad. d. sc. Armiger (T. J.) Rudiments of the anatomy and physiology of the human body; consisting of tables, etc., compiled for students of those sciences beginning their researches. Pt. 1. xii, 52 pp. 8°. London, E. Cox 4- Son, 1816. Ai'illi jo (Francisco de P.) [1821-73]. See Liabastida (S.) Apuntes biogrdficos. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1875, x, 162-164, port. Armillei (Gaetano). See C'onaulti medici [etc.]. sm. 4°. Yenezia, 1743. Arm in (Phil.). See Olimion (F.) [in 1. s.J. A treatise of the rickets. 12°. London, 1668. Armirail (Maurice). * Contribution a retude du traitement des fractures de la rotuh- par la suture osseuse des fragments. 45 pp., 11 4 Paris, 1666, No. 238 Armitage (T[homas] R[hodes] ) [ 1-<24-.;i<>], Hydropathy as applied to acute disease. Il- lustrated by cases. 178 pp. 8°. London J Churchill, 1852. -----. The education and employment of the blind; what it has been, is, and ought to lie. 2. cd. ix, 216 pp. 8°. London, Harrison ,,- Sons, 1886. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1039 Arm ley. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Armor (Samuel Glasgoiv) [1819-85], Beloved (The) physician; a tribute to tne memory of the late Samuel G. Armor. 8°. Xew York, [1885]. In memory of Dr. Samuel C Armor. Born Jan. 29, 1819 ; died Oct. 27, 1885. H". [Cleve- land, 1886.] Report of the obituary committee on the late Prof. Samuel G. Armor, M. D., LL. D., adopted by the Medical Society of the County of Kings, Dec. 15, 1885. 8°. Brooklyn, 1886. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1885, v, 503. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 504. Also: X. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 490. Arms. See Missiles; Weapons. Arms (The) of Tilly. The virtues and effect of the remedy named Medicamentum gratia pro- batum, id est, the remedy approved by grace. 11. 4°. [Haarlem, J. Enschede, n. d.] Armsby (James H.) [1810-75]. Hospitals, their rise and. progress; an address delivered before the Albany County Medical Society, at its semi- anual session, Nov., 1851. 21pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1852. [P., v. 848.1 See, aho, IVIcIVaiigliion (J.), Boyd (J. P.) Sc Arnis- by (J. H.) The last illness of Dr. Allien March. 8°. [n. p., 1869, vel subseq.] For Bioaraphy, see Tr. M. Soc. County Albany (1870-80), 1883. iii, 349, port, (W. G. Tucker). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Armstrong (Abraham). *De tetano, 3 p. 1., 29 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy et Walker, 1817). Armstrong-(George) [ -1781]. An essay on the diseases most fatal to infants. To which are added, rules to be observed in the nursing of children ; with a particular view to those which are brought up by hand. 2. ed., with additions. 2 p. 1., 188 pp. 16°. London, T. Caddell, 1771. -----. An account of the diseases most incident to children. To which is added an essay on nurs- ing, with a particular view to infants brought up by hand. Also, a short account of the dispen- sary for the infant poor. A new ed., with many additional notes, by A. P. Buchan. xxxi (2 1.), 242 pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell

    ucvo i El) reglamento austro-hungaro del servicio de sanidad en campana. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1881, vii, 400; 436; 451; 485; 508.—Organisatiou<-ii (Oni) af niili- tarJakarevasendet i frammande lander. (' 1stei rike-Ungern. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1881, vi, Bil. i. 108-118.— Orgaiiischc Bestimmungen fiir das militar-arztliche Ofticiers-Corps. Feldarzt, Wien. 1883, 1.—Podratzky. Die osterreichische Militarsanitiits - Organisation im Kriege. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxxvi, 177; 215.— Post (A. E.) Korte mededeelingen over den militairen geneeskundigen dienst in het Buitenland (Oostenrijk). Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1879, iii, 228- 244.—Rapp (L.-A.) Reglemeut austro-hongrois sur le service de saut6 en camiiagne. Kev. scient. d. m6d. d. armees, Par., 1882, x, 317-372.—Reform (Zur) des Mili- tar-Saiiitiits-Wesens. Feldarzt, Wien, 1879, 41.—Rcgi- mcntsai-zSe (Die) in der k. u. k. Armee. Wien. med. Bl, 1892. xv, 527; 541. — Rcorganisationsnoth (Zur) im militararztlichen Standc; von einem k. k. Militararzte. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1882, xvi, 189-192.—Sanilatswcsen (Das) der osterr.-ungar. Annee im Felde. Ibid., 1871, v, 9; 41.—Stellung (Zur; der Militararzte. [Fdit.j Ibid., 1887, xxi, 8il— Sk-IIiiii^ (Die) der ileutschen Militararzte. Ibid., 1892, xxvi, 201-2. -----. Adjudication de la fourniture des m€- dicanieuts. Exercice 1887. fol. [Bruxelles, 1666.] -----. Instruction sur le materiel. Charge- nient et service du materiel hospitalier de l'ar- mde de campagne. 16°. Bruxelles, 1686. -----. Reglemeut sur le service de saute" en campagne. 16°. Bruxelles, 1687. -----. Service de sante' de l'arm6e. Indem- nitds allouees aux officiers de sant6 charge's de visiter, dans un but d'hygiene: les locaux occu- pe"s par la troupe dans les forts de la Meuse. 27 mars 1894. Xo. 13. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1604.] -----. Pharmacie centrale de l'arm6e. [Nos. 1-16; 19; 22; 23; 27,.] [Blank forms used by . . . ] v. s. [Bruxelles, 16---188-.] -----. Service sanitaire de l'arme'e. Nos. 69-79; 106-109; 144-150, 1880 to Feb. 15, 1H85 8°. [Bruxelles, 1880-85.] Asscmblees generates de la federation medicale et des caisses de pension et de secours du corps medical beige. Scalpel, Liege, 1884-5, xxxvii, 89. — Om organi- sationen af militarlakarevasendet i frammande lander. Belgien. [Organizatiou of corps of military medical offi- cers in foreign countries. Belgium.] Tidskr. i mil Hel- sov.. Stockholm, 1881, vi, Bil. i, 10-13.— Roth (W.) Ue- ber das Medicinal-Weseu der koniglich helgischen Armee mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die .Medicinal Verpflegung. In his: Mihtairarztliche Studien, 8°, Berl., 1864, 65-90.— Service (Le) de sante de l'armee pendant la guerre. (Re- ponse au journal le Scalpel.) Arch. in6d beh'es Brux 18,1, 3. s., xiii, 217-250. Also, Reprint — Verhaeglici Camp de Beverloo. Rapport medical (annee 1879) sur les periodes de tir de l'infanterie et la p6riode de cavalerie Arch med beiges. Brux., 1880,3. s., xviii, 89-127. — Zn- bcrid.j Etat sanitaire de l'armee beige. Arch, de med et pharm. mil., Par., 1884, iii, 118-120. Army (Brazilian). •le Oliveira (M. J.) Contribuicoes para oestudo das molestias da guarnicao da Corte. Ann. Brazil, de med Rio de Jan., 1883-4, xxxv, 35-109 Army (British). See, also. Army medical schools ; Barracks. Armv (The) iu its medico-sanitary relations 8C. Edinburgh, 1859. Army (British). Ballingall (Sir G.) Letter to the right hon- ourable the secretary of war on tbe medical de- partment of the army. 8°. Edinburgh, ls">4. Brown (F. J.) Comments ou the recommen- dations of the committee appointed to inquire into the position of the medical officers of the army and navy. 8C. London, 1666. Chadwick (E.) An imperial police force as an available reserve military force. A letter ad- dressed to the editor of the "Times", June 18 1888. 8°. London, 1888. Evatt (G. J. H.) Army medical organization. A comparative examination of the regimental and departmental systems. 3. ed. 8°. London 1676. ' -----. Tho same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1683. -----. Plan of the medical arrangements of au English army corps. Strength: 36,000 men, 12,900 horses, 90 guns, 280 carts, aud 1,153 wag- ons. 1 broadside fol. [Leicester, 1883.] Issued with the January number of the Midland Medi- cal Miscellany. [See, also, infra.] -----. On the organization of a division of the volunteer medical staff corps. 8°. [Allaha- bad, n. d.] Extracts from the report of the committee appointed by the secretary of state for war to inquire into army medical organization. fol. [London, n. d.] Form of exercise arranged for the information of the candidates for commissions at tho army medical school to assist in carrying out the in- structions iu the medical regulations respecting the examination of recruits, together with sup- plementary notes for filling up the recruits' reg- ister, required by general order indifferent corps of the army. 8U. Southampton, 1870. Grant (j. J.). Report to the Right Hon. Lord Panmure [ou the location ofthe British German legion in the colony of the Cape of Good Hope. And appendices 1-7. Cape Town, 14 July, 1856]. fol. [London, 1856.] Great Britain. Army. Report of the com- mission to inquire into the supplies of the Brit- ish aroiy in the Crimea, with the evidence an- nexed, fol. London, [1856]. -----. The same. Appendix to the report. fol. London, [1856]. -----. Draft of proposed additions to in- structions for officers of quartermaster-general's department, fol. [London, 1857(?).] -----. Report of a committee appointed by the secretary of state for war to inquire into the administration of the transport and supply de- partments of the army, fol. London, 1667. -----. Minutes of Colonel Erskine's commit- tee upon transport carriages under trial at Al- dersbot, including memoranda upon the wheeled transport employed in the Abyssinian campaign; upon that iu use in the French and American armies; upon the merits of the Madras and wrought-iron wheels aud wrought-iron travelling carriages; dragshoes; and a lubricating sub- stance (vegetable wax) prepared in India, 1868-9. fol. London, 1869. -----. Manual of military law. War office, 1884. 12°. London, 1684. -----. [Collection of printed forms in use in the British army.] v. s. [London, 1884-7.] -----. Report and evidence taken by the committee appointed to inquire iuto the pay, status, aud condition of service of medical offi- cers of the army, with evidence concerning the Indian service, and some of the more important appendices. April, 1890. fol. London, [1890]. -----. Further correspondence relative to the status of medical officers of the army. (Iu ARMY. 641 AKMY. Army (British). continuation of command paper, C-0282.) fol. London, 1891. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Instructions for the regulation of military hos- pitals and the sick with divisions of the army of the Peninsula under the command of Field Mar- shal the Marquis of Wellington. 8°. Lisbon, 1613. -----. Draft regulations for nurses [in mili- tary hospitals], fol. [London, 187>7(t).] ■-----. Draft regulations for the duties of inspectors-general of hospitals; for the duties of staff and regimental medical officers ; for the or- ganization of geueral, regimental, aud field hos- pitals; and for the duties of officers, attendants, and nurses; for sanitary measures and precau- tious for preserving the health of the troops; for the duties of sanitary officers attached to armies; aud for drawing up sanitary and medical statis- tics and reports, fol. [London, 1857(?).] -----. Extracts from the queen's regulations, bearing on the duties of medical officers, fol. [London, 1857(f).] -----. Instructions regarding the surgical inspection of recruits, fol. [London, 1857.] -----. Instructions for medical officers re- garding the invaliding of soldiers at home and abroad, fol. [London, 1857(?).] -----. Instructions regarding returns and accounts of medical comforts, fol. [London, 1857(f).] -----. Instructions to medical officers in making up annual reports. fol. [London, 167,7.] -----. Memoranda for the medical officers serving in China. Extracted from documents in the office of the army medical department, July, 1857. fol. [London, 1857.] -----. Memorandum. [Letter from Dr. A. Smith, director-general, A. M. D., to Dr. Fraser, on the establishment of a hospital at Suez.] Nov. 27, 1857. fol. [London, 1857.] -----. Programme of lectures and observa- tions on chemistry and pharmacy applied to army purposes, fol. [London, 1857.] -----. Regulations for the duties of inspec- tors-general and deputy inspectors-general of hospitals ; for the duties of staff and regimental medical officers; for the orgauization of gen- eral, regimental, and field hospitals, and for the duties of officers, attendants, and nurses; for sanitary measures and precautions for preserv- ing the health of the troops; for the duties of sanitary officers attached to armies, and for drawing up sanitary and medical statistics and reports. 8°. London, 1859. -----. Return to two addresses of the House of Commons, dated 22 and 23 Feb., 1877, for "Return, in tabular form as under, of the num- ber of medical officers in each rank under that of deputy inspector-general or deputy surgeon-gen- eral serving on full pay on the 1st day of Janu- ary, 1868, on the 1st day of January in each sub- sequent year, showing the annual increase or decrease in number". "Return showing how many vacancies exist in the list of officers of the military medical department, according to the number in last year's estimates." 6 March, 1877. fol. [London, i877.] -----. Regulations in regard to the exami- nation of surgeons and surgeons-major. To be substituted for the regulations issued with clause 159, army circulars, 1884, and to form Appendix A before Appendix I of the regulations for the army medical department, 1878 (Army Regula- tions, vol. vi). 8C. [London, 1884.] 41 Army (British). -----. Regulations for tho medical depart- ment of Her Majesty's army. v. 6. 12°. Lon- don, 1885. -----. Manual for the medical staff corps, 1885. By authority. 12°. London, 1885. -----. Army form N. 1458, medical staff corps (at home). Quarterly pay list. Forms 1 to 51a (book). June, 188(5. fol. [London, 1880.] -----. Army form B. 134, medical staff corps. Recruiting poster. Aug., 1886. broadside, 18 by 22 inches. London, [1886]. -----. Army medical staff. No. 6. June, 1888. 8°. [London, 1888.] -----. Regulations for army medical serv- ices. Pt. 1. 12°. London, 1890. -----. The same. Pt. 2. Manual for the medical staff corps. 12°. London, 1890. -----. Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 2 July, 1890, for "Return of memorials and communications received from the principal medical licensing corporations of Great Britain and Ireland, urging the Govern- ment to adopt the recommendations of Lord Camperdown's committee on the army medical department". 15 Aug., 1890. fol. London, 1890. -----. Regulations of the army medical de- partment mess, at Netley. 12°. [Southampton, n. d.] Great Britain. Parliament. Army (annual) act, 1884. 12°. [London, 1885.] Herbert (S.) The sanitary condition of the army. 8°. London, 1859. Repr. from: Westminster Eev., Jan., 1859. Keate (T.) Observations on the fifth report of the commissioners of military enquiry, and more particularly on those parts of it which re- late to the surgeon-general. 4°. London, 1808. MacCormac (W.) Remarks on the proceed- ings of a committee appointed by the secretary of state for war to inquire into hospital manage- ment in the field, fol. [London, 1883?] Repr.from: Rep. of the committee appointed by the secretary of state for war. Monthly supplement to the Indian Medical Journal. [Army medical staff, name, rank, and station.] Nos. 6 (June), 11 (Nov.), 1888 ; nos. 13 (Feb.), 14 (March), 1889. 8°. [London, 1888-9.] " Philostratiotes" [pseudon. ]. The sanitary reform of the British army. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1859. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1859. Pringle (Sir J.) Observations on the dis- eases of the army in camp and garrison. In three parts, with an appendix containing some papers, of experiments read at several meetings of the Royal Society. 8°. London, 1752. -----. The same. 2. ed., corrected, with ad- ditions. 8°. London, 1753. -----. The same. [To which is prefixed an appendix containing experiments upon septic and anti-septic substances; postscript concern- ing some remarks made on the preceding work, and a general index to the observations, experi- ments, and notes.] 3. ed. 8°. London, 1761. ------. The same. 4. ed., with appendix. 8°. London, 1764. -----. The same. 5. ed. 4°. London, 1765. -----. Thesame. 6. ed. 8C. London, 1768. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1774. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1775. -----. The same. New ed. 8°. London, 1810. ---—. The same. 1. Am. ed., with notes by Benjamin Rush. 8°. Philadelphia, 1810. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1812. ARMY. 642 AKaIY. Army (British). ----—. Thesame. Observations sur les mala- dies des arni6es dans les camps et daus les garni- sons, avec des m6inoires sur les substances sep- tiques et antiseptiques, lus a la Soei6t6 royale. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois sur la secoude edi- tion. 2v.ini. 16°. Paris, 1755. ------. The same. 2. e"d., sur la 7. e"d. an- gloise. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1771. ------. The same. Et la reponse a de Haen et a Gaber. 2. ed., revue, corrigee et augniente'e sur la derniere 6dition angloi.se. 12-"'. Paris, 1793. Aho, in: Encycl. d. se. m6d. 8°. Paris, 1837, 7. div., viii, i-xii, 13-137. The same. Beobachtungeu iiber die Krankheiten einer Armee, [etc.]. Aus dem Eng- lischen iibersetzt von Johannn Ernst Grediug. 8C. Altenburg, 1754. ------. The same. Nach der neuesten Aus- gabe iibersetzt von A. E. Braude. 8°. Alten- burg, 1772. ------. The same. Aanmerkingen over de ziektens by eeu heirleger; verdeelt in drie dee- len. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, na den ver- nieerden derden eu laatsten druk, eu met aau- tekeningen verrykt door Jau Hendrick Her- mans. 8°. Middelburg, 1763. ------. The same. Verhandeling over de legerziekten, behelzende eene beschryving van de oorzaaken, aart, voorbehoeding en geneezing der ziekten, die in de legers eu garnizoenen voor- vallen. Naar deu laatsten druk, uit het Engelsch vertaald, met de nieuwste waarneemiugen ver- rykt, en vermeerderd met een geneeskundige beschryving der hospitaaleu van den Heer Donald Monro. Mede uit het Euglsch vertaald door L. Bicker. 3 v. 8C. Amsterdam, 1785-8. ------. The same. Osservazioni sopra le malattie d' armata in campagna e in guarnigione, con un appendice . . . Tradotta dalla seconda edizione di Londra del 1753 da Francesco Serao. 4°. Napoli, 1757. ------. The same. Edizione novissima arric- chita d' un nuovo trattato del Signor . . . Gerardo Van Swieten sopra le malattie della annate e del metodo de curarle. 4°. Venezia, 1762. ------. The same. 4C. Bassano, 1781. Public (The) medical services. The army, navy, and Indian medical services, what they are and what they are not, being hints to candi- dates for commissions on the choice of a service entrance London examination ; outfit; life and work at Netley; the final (Netley) examination ; outfit for India; cost of living iu India; to which is added a vocabulary of Hindustani medical terms; list of medical works, etc.; examination papers; a list of Indian staff appointments and salaries; regulations for admission into the army, navy, and Indian medical services. 8°. London, 1878. Raikes (G. A.) The history ofthe Honourable Artillery Company. 2 v. 8°. London, 1878-9. Smart (W. R. E.) Notes towards the history of the medical staff of the English army prior to the accession of the Tudors. Enlarged from a paper read before the public medicine section at the annual meeting of the British Medical Asso- ciation, in Birmingham, Aug., 1872. 8°. [Lon- don], 1873. [Soldiers' Home, Cape Town.] Under can- vas, or another year of work among our soldiers at the Cape. [Being the annual report of the home for the vear 1882-3 (2.). By Mrs. M S Osborn. 16°. [London, 1883.] Alleged (The) breakdown of the army medical depart- ment in Egypt. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 755.—Analysis of statements by medical officers of the army medical de- partment of their views on the rank question. Ibid., 1887, Army (British). ii, 11*7, 1243. Aho, Reprint.— Army (The) medical crisis. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 395-397.-Army (Tl.H medical service one hundred years ago. Ibid., 1894) i ->jj 256.—Army (The) medical staff and the ratepayers Meif Press & Circ., Loud., 1886, n. s., xii, 12; 31.—Armv (The) medical staff and the ratepayers. Ibid., ir>7._A ,.,„. , j j medical staff; correspondence between Sir Andrew Clark and the secretary of state for war. Brit M J I nnd 1891, i, 36S.-Army (The) medical staff; further cone spondence between Sir Andrew Clark and the Secretary of state for war. Ibid., 717-721.—Armv (The) medical service. Lancet, Loud., 1894, ii, 1360.— Army (The) medi cal staff. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1107.—Army (T]ie> medical warrant. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1879 j, 637.—Army (The) and Navy Gazette on the medical'de- partment of tho army. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884. i too") _ British (The) army medical officer. [Edit.] J. im M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 435. — Doctor's (A) life iii the army. Med. Mag., Lond., 1893-4, ii. 37- 150- *>5i. --it 459; 550; 069; 770; 848; 981; 1051: 1894-5. iii'175•' 240- 400; 4.78; 589: 1895, iv, 141. — Does it pay? or, tho financial aspects of the army medical service. Hosp Gaz. Sc Students' J., Lond., 1886, n. s., ii, 208; 219.— Duties (The) and pay of the medical staff. Brit M J., Lond., 1888, i, 485-487. — Espala (G. A.) El cuer- po de sanidad militar en Inglaterra. Gac. de sanid mil., Madrid, 1881, vii, 85-90, 5 tab.—Evatt (G. H. J.j The medical arrangements of an English army corps in war, with suggestions as to volunteer help. Tr. Med - Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1885-6, n. s., v, 20-33. [See, also, supra') -----. A diagram of the medical department with au English army corps in the field. Brit. M. J., Lond., lssv> i, 423. Also, transl.: Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb. 1886, vi, 141. -----. Diagram of the medical corps of ai'i English army in the field. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 33.—Evidence (The) taken by Lord Camperdown'a committee. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 800.—Examina- tions for promotion in the medical staff of the army Ibid., 1884, ii, 743— Fallot (L.) Notice sur 1'organis'a- tion du service sanitaire de l'armee en Angleterre. Bull. m6d. beige, Brux., 1841, n. s., i, 352-361. Also, in his: Notice sur le service sanitaire des armies, etc., 8°, Brux. 1841, 3-12.—Gore (A. A.) Connexion of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons in Ireland with the army medical staff. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s., lxxix, 254-202.—Grievances (The) of army medical officers. Brit. M. J., Lond 1893 ii, 589; 641; 748; 1107.—Gurlt (E.) Beitrag zur Kennt- niss des englischen Militar-Medicinnl-YVesens. Preuss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Berl, 1801, ii, 92: 106: 130; 140. Aho, Reprint.— Health report of tho Egyptian army in 1884. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 961.—House of Commons.—Sat- urday, August 9th. Supply: Army estimates. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 424-426.—j acobsen (L.) Eftearetnin- ger om Medicinalvaesenet veil den engelske Armee i Siad- land i Oct. 1807. [Reminiscences of the English army medical department in Zealand in 1807.] Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kjebenh.,1809,i,26-8L—Longnel (R.) Le service de sante anglais en Egypte. Union med., Par., 1882, 3. »., xxxiv, 367; 448; 511; 592; 774; 878.—1H'Far I and. Recruiting. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1S82, 3. s., Ixxiv, 255-258.—Maclean (W. C.) Truth on the medical department of the army. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1357. Also, Report.—Memo- rand a for amendments in the conditions of service in the army medical department, at home and abroad. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1893, i, 1047-1051.—Memorials to the secretary of state for war on the army medical department. I bid., 1890, ii, 807.—Mr. Stanhope and the army medical staff; a brief analysis of the recommendations of Lord Caiiiperdown's committee. [Edit.] Ibid., i, 676.—New (The) army medi- cal reserve warrant. Ibid., 1888, i, 599.—IVcw (The) army medical warrant. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 847-850.—IVisbet ("W.) On the medical department of the army. Med. Obs., Lond., 1808, iii, 60-85.—Om organisationen af mili- tarlakarevasendet i frammande lander. England. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 188!, vi, 15-22. — On the re- cruiting of the army. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1894, Lond., 1896, xxxvi, 27-31.—Present (The) and future of the army medical department. [Edit.] Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv, 162.—Rank of aitny medical officers; concession of substantive rank and compound titles. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1247.—Rank (The) of army medical officers; report of resolutions of the council of the British Medical Association. Ibid., 1888, i, 265.— Relative rank; Mr. Stanhope and the army medical staff. Ibid., 1890, i, 566; 631. — Relative rank; dep- utation to the secretary of state for war. Ibid., 1887, i, 689-691. —Relative (The) rank question; by by A. M. D. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1008.—Remediable defects of the army medical staff. Med. Mag., Lond., 1895, iv, 24—44.—Report of Lord Camperdown'a commit- tee. [For investigation into the pay, status, and condi- tions of service of medical officers of the army and navy.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 491.—Rogers (J. G.) Notes on the medical organisation of the Egyptian army. Ibid., 1890, i, 446.—Royal (The) warrant as regards the army medical department. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, 645-648.—Royal warrant; alteration of ranks of, AEMY. 643 ARMY. Army (British). and grant of sick leave to, officers of the medical staff. Brit/M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 442.—Volunteer medical regulations. Prov. M. J... Leicester, 1888. vii, 362; 403; 552.—Westcnra Sainbon (L.) Notizie e considera- zioni sul servizio sanitario delT esercito inglese. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc.. Koma, 1892, xl, 1297-132!). — Why the army medical service is not contented. Med. Mag., Lond., 1894, iii, 407 -477.—Wood hull (A. A.) Observa- tions upon the medical department of the British army, abridged from an official report of observations made in 1891. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Wash., 1894, iv, 514-074. Also, Reprint. Army (British, Reports and statistics of). £tude d'hygiene publique sur l'etat sanitaire, les maladies et la mortality des arniees anglaises de terre et de mer en Angleterre et dans les colo- nies; traduit de l'anglais d'apres les documents officiels. 8°. Paris, 1846. Great Britain. Army. Annual reports of discipline and management of the military pris- ons for the years 1671; 18715-5; 1887-8. By Major E.F. DuCane. 8°. London, 1872-89. -----. General annual returns of tho British army for tho years 1872, 1874, 1875, with ab- stracts for the years 1861 to 1875, inclusive. Pre- pared by order of his royal highness, the field marshal commaudiug-in-chief; for the informa- tion of the secretary of state for war. Horse Guards, War Office. 8°. London, 1.-74-6. -----. Abstract of annual returns of volun- teer corps, dated 1st November, 1*75; in alpha- betical order of counties. War Office, December, 1875. 8r. London, 1676. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Eeports for the years 1859 to 1893. With appen- dices, v. 1-35. *D. London. 1.-1)1-95. -----. Army medical statistics, etc. Return (in part) to an address of the House of Commons, dated 10 June, 1861, for "Copy of report of the committee on the preparation of army medical statistics, etc., and of the first annual report of tbe statistical branch of the army medical de- partment ". 8C. [London, 1861.] -----. Army (medical staff corps in Egypt and Soudan). Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 12 August, 1885, for "Re- turn showing the (approximate) distribution and organization of medical staff corps (during recent campaign in Egypt and Soudan) in each stationary hospital, field hospital, based hos- pital, general hospital, hospital ship, and bearer company, in their ranks and duties as sergeants- major (ward masters, quartermasters), sergeants (ward master, steward, compounder, cook, clerk, etc.), corporals (steward, cook), ward orderlies, pack storekeeper, clerk, messenger, washerman, supernumeraries, etc.); where and how trained; advancements for good nursing; reductions for bad nursing; and regimental orderlies, have any, and how many, been taken out of the ranks", fol. London, 18^5. -----. (Nile expedition casualties.) Return to an address of the House of .commons, dated 30 July, 18*5, for "Returns of the total num- ber of cases of sickness, death, and admission to hospital for wounds in action, and deaths from wounds in action, and deaths from drowning, in the Nile expeditionary force, from the date of the return in the war office on 12 March (vary- ing from 23 January to 13 February, according to the distance of the different stations from the base) up to the present time, in continuation of the return dated 13 March, 1885 (sessional pa- per, No. 115); and of the total number of cases of sickness, death, and admission to hospital for wounds in action, and deaths from wounds in action, in the Suakin field force during the pres- ent year". fol. London, 1885. Army (British, Reports and statistics of). -----. Report of the committee appointed to enquire into the pay, status, and conditions of servire of medical officers of the army and navy. Aug., 1*89. fol. London, 18*9. Marshall (11.) Historical details relative to the military force of Great Britain, from the earliest periods to the present time. 8°. [w. p., n. d.\ Repr.from: United Service Jour. Asplaiid (A.) An examination of the report of the commissioners to inquire into the mortality of the army. Tr. Manchester Statist. Soc, 1858-9, 69-108. Also, Re- print.— ISoiU-aii (J. P. H.) Statistics of the army medi- cal department. Indian M. J., Allahabad, 1884, iii, 40- 53.—Eyr«- (E. "W.) Medical report ol the 18th Regiment K. I. for the year 1847. Med. Rep. [etc.], Madras, 1850, 106-152. 1 tab. — Farr. The health of tlie British army, and the effects of recent sanitary measures on its mortality and sickness. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1861, xxiv, 472-484.— ITI'Dowell (E. G.) Medical report of the Eastern Sou- dan expeditionary force. 1X84. Armv M. Dep. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1884, xxiv, 261-272. — Ularsliall (H.) Contribu- tion to statistics ofthe army. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1833, xl, 36-44. Also, Reprint. — Porteous (J. E.) Tlie medical transactions of the C troop of horse artillery for the year 1842, whilst on service in China. Madras Q. M. J., i844, vi, 1-13. Army (British Indian). Account (An) ofthe origin, progress, and con- sequences of the late discontents of the army on the Madras establishment. 8°. London, 1810. Appeal (An) from the surgeons of the Indian medical service. 8°. Lahore, 1884. Army medical reform. Letter from a medical officer of the Indian army. 8°. Iverness, 1*55. Autobiography of an Indian army surgeon; or, leaves turned down from a journal. 8~. London, 1854. Bird (J.) Remarks on the examining medi- cal board for Indian appointments, as consti- tuted from younger members of scholastic medi- cal establishments in the metropolis, and un- aided by the advice and experience of Indian army medical officers at home. In a letter to Sir Charles Wood. 8°. London, 1854. Bombay Presidency. Code of regulations for the medical department of . . . 8°. Bombay, 1838. -----. Medical and sanitary report on the native army of Bombay. Framed on the month- ly and annual returns, on the reports of regimen- tal medical officers, and on the inspection reports of the deputy surgeons-general. With statisti- cal tables. (Compiled in the office of the sur- geon-general, I. M. D.) fol. Bombay, 1879. Brief (A) sketch of the past and present con- dition of the Bengal medical service. By a sur- geon ofthe Bengal army. [With an appendix.] fol. Calcutta, 1865. Bryden (J. L.) Vital statistics of the Ben- gal Presidency . . . for the ten-year period 1860-69. 3 v. fol. Calcutta, 1871-4. Comparative statement of the medical serv- ices of Her Majesty's Indian and English armies as affected by the new warrants. 8°. Calcutta, 1859. Fort St. George. Presidency. Code of regu- lations for the medical department of . . . 8°. Madras, 1833. -----. Statistics of the medical department under the Presidency of Fort St. George, from 1786 to 1840, inclusive : forming a compilation of tables, with remarks in illustration of its decrement from mortality, retirements, etc., with computations on the probable period of succes- sion to the medical board, etc. [By G. Hard- ing.] 8°. Madras, 1840. Francis (C. R.) An enquiry into the suitable- ness of certain articles of army hospital equip- ments for India. 4°. Rochester, 1867. AKMY. 6U ARMY. Army {British Indian). ---—. The Indian medical officer's vade me- cuni; containing all the G.G. OS., G. OS. C.C., and circular memos., etc., affecting medical officers; together with forms of procedure under various circumstances; and general observations, from a medical officer's entrance into the service till his final retirement. 8°. Calcutta, 1874. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. East India. (Sickness, mortality, and invaliding of European forces.) Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 31 July, 1*75, for "Abstracts of returns for all India and for each presidency, from 1861 to 1873, inclusive, of: 1. Invalids from india ... 2. Admissions into hos- pitals ... 3. Average number daily sick . . . 4. Ages of troops and deaths at different ages. 5. Average strength of several arms and of all arms". War office, 9 Aug., 1875. Printed by order of H. of O, 11 Aug., 1875. fol. [London, 1*75.] Great Britaix. Secretary of State for India. East India (medical reports). Return to an ad- dress of the House of Commons, dated 4 Aug., 1873, for "Copies of the resolution of the govern- ment of Bombay, in military department, No. 3492, dated the 7th day of Dec, 1863, calling for a report on the sanitary state ofthe Bombay army "; "Of report of Deputv Inspector-General Leith, dated the 11th day of June, 1864"; "Of Dr. Leith's letter, No. 202, dated the 6th day of June, 1865 . . . and of despatch of government of Bombay, dated the 19th day of July, 1865, to the Secretary for India, forwarding the above report". 23 April, 1874. fol. [London, 1874.1 McXally (C. J.) The Indian army: actual defects and proposed remedies. 8°. Madras, 1875. McPherson (J.) Notes on the condition of the Indian medical services. [From 2. ed. of the "East Iudia Army Magazine and Military Re- view", No. 1.] 8~. Calcutta, 1853. Madras Presidency. Report on the medical topography and statistics of the presidency di- vision of the Madras army, including Fort St. George, and its dependencies, within the limits of the supreme court. Compiled from the rec- ords of the medical board office. (Published by order of government.) 8°. Madras, 1842. -----. Report on the medical topography and sttitistics of the centre division of the Madras army. Compiled from the records of the medical board office. (Published by order of govern- ment.) 8°. Madras, 1843. -----. Report on the medical topography and statistics of the southern division of the Madras army. Compiled from the records ofthe medical board office. (Published by order of government.) 8°. Madras, 1843. -----. Eeport on the medical topography and statistics of the Mysore division of the Madras army. Compiled from the records of the medical board office. Published by order of govern- ment. 8°. Madras, 1844. -----. Medical reports selected by the medi- cal board from the records of their office and published under the sanction of government. 8C. Madras, 1*50. -----. Medical and sanitary reports of the native army of Madras for the years 1876-8. Framed on the annual returns, on the reports of regimental medical officers, and on the inspec- tion reports of deputy surgeons-general of the Indian medical department. (Compiled by the secretary to, under the orders of, the surgeon- general.) fol. Madras, 1877-80. Army (British Indian). -----. Sanitary reports of British troops iu the Madras command during the years 1885- 1886. fol. [Madras, 1886-7.] Madras Presidency. Military Department. Sanitary reports and returns. From surgeon- general, her Majesty's forces, Madras, to the sec- retary to government. For the years 1*7(1-** fol. 'Madras, 1877-89. -----. From adjutant-general to the secre- tary to government. [Forwarding the sanitary reports on British troops serving in the presi- dency. ] For the years 1880-83; 1**7-8. fol [Madras, 1881-90.] * Madras (The) medical service in 1*67. *-. Madras, 1867. Medical ( The ) service warrants, obi. *°. Calcutta, 1*59. Repr. from : Bengal Hurkaru. Mouat (F. J.) The death tribute of England to India: being an examination of the deaths and invaliding of officers of H. M. British forces serving in India, from 1861 to 1870, inclusive, considered with special reference to the question of the present value of European life iu Iudia. 8°. London, 1875. Notes on military pensions. East India Com- pany's military forces. 8°. [London, 1830.] Repr. from: United Service Jour., pt. 2, Oct., 1830. P. (J.) [Exposition of the grievances of the Indian medical services.] 8°. [Bombay, I860.] Sutherland (J.) Sanitary report of the 8th Regiment Native Infantry from 1st April, 1855, to 31st March, 1856. 8°. Dinapore, 1856. Webb (H.) Remarks on the health of Euro- pean soldiers in India. 8°. Bombay, 1864. -----. The same. 8-. Bombay, 1864. Alphabetical list of the officers ofthe medical estab- lishment in India at the Bengal Presidency; from the year 1764 to the year 1838. Indian M. J., Calcutta, 1885, iv, 335; 390: 453; 514; 579. —Katho (J. E.) Annual re- port of the 26th Rest. N. I. for the year 1857-8. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv, 281-287.—Bird (J.) On the vital and sanitary statistics of our European army in India, compared with those of French troops under like conditions of climate and locality. J. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1863, xxvi, 384-405. — Boileau (J. P. H.) Statistics of the army medical department. Proc. N.-W. Prov. Sc Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 1883, ii, 343; 357; 405; 462; 526. Continued in: Indian M. J., Al- lahabad, 1883-4, ii, 40; 86; 161. Also [revised and enlarged], Reprint.—Carter (F. C.) On mountain warfare: India. J. Roy. IT. Service Inst. Lond., 1895, xxxix, 1071-1100, 11 pl. — Clark (H.) Abstract of medical history of First Battalion of Artillery, Dum-Dum and Agra, 1843. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 160-171. —Collier (C. F.) Xotes on the medical topography of Sind, being portions ofthe annual medical report on the Sind division of the army. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1861), 1*62, n. s., vii, app., pp. xxxiii-xlii.—Costello (D.) Annual report of the 1st Bombay European Regiment, fusiliers (headquarters), for the year 1857-8. Ibid. (1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv, 288-298.— Dempster (T. E.) Xotes on certain preliminary medi- cal arrangements for field service. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 365-368, 1 pl. — Dc Kcuzy ( A. C. C.) The sanitary .state of the British troops in northern India. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc Loud. (1882-3 ), 1883, n. s., ii. 21-45. Aho [Abstr.]; Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 228.— Dix (V.) Sc Thompson ( YV. M.) Medical reports of Her Majesty's 94th Regiment, from its first arrival in India. Madras Q.M. J., 1843, v, 208 - 244. — E v a It (G. J. H.) Some notes on the interior economy of armv hospitals in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1887, xxii, 103-105.— IS wart ( J. ) The causes of the excessive mortality among the women aud children of the European soldiers serving in India. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 962. — Full text of the order for the re-organization of the Indian medical service issued in the Gazette of Saturday, 31st July, 1886. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1*86. xxi, 347-349.— Gore (A. A.) Medico-statistical sketch of a draft of the 1st East Lancashire Regiment during their first year's residence in the Indian hills, illustrating the effect of these climates on our vonng soldiers, etc. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, 3. s., lxxvii, 39-54.—Gorrin«<■ (J.) Annual re- port ofthe 1st Battalion, 4th (The King's Ownl Regiment, stationed at Ahmedabad, in Gujarat, for 1860. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1861), 1862, u. a., vii, 105-14.3—Grant ARMY. 645 ARMY. Army (British Indian). (J. P.)*[<■' al]. A medical narrative of the detachment of Madias artillery, which was employed in tho late war in China in 1840-42; compiled from reports of the medical officers employed. Madras Q. M. J., 1843, v, 357-380.— Oriei-woii (D-) Annual report of the depot of the 1st Bombay European Regiment (fusiliers) at Kurrachee, for the vear 1857-8. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1857-8), 1859. n. s., iv, 306-313. -----. Special considerations on the health of European troops. Ibid. (1861), 1862, n. s., vii, 1-44.—Hart (E.) Parliamentary bills committee of the British Medical Association; draft letter to the secn-tary of state for India, concerning certain grievances ofthe In- dian medical department of the army. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1883. ii, 136.—Indian (The) medical service in 1S87. In- dian M. J., Lahore, 1888, viii, 57 -05. — Inn is ( F. W. ) Quarterly summary repoi t of prevailing diseases and medi- cal transactions in Her Majesty's 4th (King's Own) Regi- ment, stationed at Secunderabnd, from 1st July to 30th September, 1843. containing a brief account of epidemic dysentery at that station. Madras Q. M. J., 1844. vi, 105- 176.—Khyber Line. The Indian field hospital; its or- ganization and working. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1891, ii, 290; 332; 307; 470; 536: 1892, iii, 4.—Lawrence (J.) Annual medical report ofthe 34th Regiment X. 1. (or CL. I.), for the year 1842, containing a brief description of the climate and diseases of Coorg. Madras Q. M. J., 1843, v, 393-401.—yict'osh (J.) Report ofthe medical history of the 31st Regiment X. I., at Lahore, for the year 1847, with remarks on the climate. Iudia Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 343-354.—SlacGregor (J.) Annual report of sick and wounded, of detachments of H. M. regiments in the depot hospital atPoonamallee, from 1st April. 1841. to 31st March, 1842. Madras Q.M. J., 1844, vi. 2i>5-234.—military (Tlie) medical service in India. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1891, ii, 72-74.—Miller (J. R.) Annual report of the 23d Regt. X. L. I. for the year ending 31st March, 1858. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv, 268-280.—Moore (Sir VT.) On the present method of recruiting the Anglo-Indian army. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1891, i, 490.—Mouat. The British soldier in India. J. Roy. U. Service Inst.. Lond., 1866, x, 347-386.—Nichol- son (B.) Medical history of H. M. 54th Regiment, from the date of its disembarkation at Madrasa from service in Arracau in 1820. until its departure for Europe in 1839. Madras Q. M. J., 1843, v, 1; 97. -----. Tables shewing the comparative prevalence and mortality of the principal classes of disease amongst Her Majesty's troops serving at the difftrent stations in the Madras Presidency from the year 1826 to 1843, inclusive, with a general table for the whole command for thesame period. Ibid., 1844, vi, 297-311.—>'icholson (E.) The water supply of troops in India. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health, Lond., 1883-4, 15-28.— Papers for the examination of asst. surgeons. I. M. D., prior to promotion, August, 1871. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1872, v, 72.—Parry (W.) & Peter It in (J.) Medical reports and returns of il. M.'s 4th (King's Own) Regiment, from its first arrival in India, in October, 1837, until March, 1842. Madras Q. M. J., 1842, iv, 105-149: 1843, v, 304-357.— Preston (J. B.) Annual medical report of the general depot for European pensioners of Cuddalore, for the year 1842. Ibid., 1843, v, 245-255.— Replies to certain in- quiries from the royal commission on the sanitary state of the Indian army. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1861), 1862, n. s.. vii. 235-277.—Report of a committee of the Statistical Society of London, appointed to collect and to enquire into vital statistics, upon the sickness and mor- tality among the European and native troops serving in the Madras Presidency, from the year 1793 to 1838. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1840, iii, 113-143.—Report on the health of European and native troops in the Bombay Presidency for 1800. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1861), 1862, n. a., vii, 278-285.—Second' report of a com- mittee of the Statistical Society of London, appointed to collect and enquire into vital statistics, upon the sick- ness and mortality among the European and native troops serving in the Madras Presidency. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1841, iv, 137-155. — Selections from the records of the Indian medical department, Fort Wil- liam, the 29th Xov., 1786. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1*83, xviii, 44 - 47. — Sibthorpe (C.) Personal equipment of medical officers on active, service. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1880, xv, 151-154 —Stephen (A.) Annual returns of the European army of India and of the native army and jail population. Rep. San. Com. India 1881, Calcutta, 1882, xviii, pt. 2, pp. i-i v, 1031.-----. Annual returns of the European armv of India and of the native army and jail population for'the year 1882. Ibid., 1882, Calcutta, 1883, xix, following p. 172. -----. Annual returns of the Euro- pean army of India and of the native army and jail popu- lation for the year 1883. Ibid., 1883, Calcutta, 1885, xx, pp. i-v, 98 1—Stephenson (T. G.) Yearly sick report of convalescents of II. M.'s service, sent for the recovery of their health to the sanitarium on the Xeilgherry Hills, from 1st January to 31st December, 1832. Madras Q. M. J., 1843, v, 259-268.—Strachan (J.) [etal]. Proceedings of a medical committee, held at Masulipatam, in the year 1833, to enquire into the circumstances relating to the sick- Army (British Indian). ness of*H. M. 62d Regiment. Ibid., 118-145.—Sykcs (W. H.) Vital statistics of the East India Company's armies in India, European and native. J. Statist. Soc Lond., 1847, x, 100-131. -----. Mortality and chief diseases of tho troops under the Madras government, European and native, from the years 1K42 to 1846, inclusive, compared ■with the mortality and chief diseases of 1847. Ibid., 1851, xiv, 10U-142. Aho, Reprint.—Taylor (J. R.) Report of killed and wounded in Her Majesty's 29th Regiment, with the army of the Sntlej in 1*45-40. India Reg. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1848, i, 603-628. - Thompson ( W. M.) Annnal reports on diseases, and medical transactions in H. M. 94th Regiment, from 1st April, 1840, to 31st March, 1842. Ma- dras (). M. J.. 1813, v, 220-244.—Thornton (J. H.) The Black Mountain expedition, 1888. Indian M. J., Lahore, 1888, ix, 93, IU. —Trail (D.) Annual medical report of the 31st Regiment X. I for the year 1842. Madras . M. J., 1843, v, 174-193.—Watson (J. W.) Annual reports of sick of Her Majesty's 03il Regiment of foot, from 1st Janu- ary, 1837, to the 31st, of March, 1839. Ibid., 1844, vi, 13- 50.—Wilkie (D.) Table showing the sickness and mor- tality among the European troops of the army of India during the year 1892, and the prevalence of the principal diseases in each month of the year. Rep. San. Com. India 1892, Calcutta, 1894, pt. 2, 5. — Yeld (II. P.) Report on the health of the troops forming the Vitakri field force, and upon an outbreak of scurvy amongst them. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880. xv, 10-12. -----. Appendix to the report on the health of the troops forming the Vitakri field force. Ibid., 178-180. Army (Chilian). San Cristobal (D.) Bases para la reorganizacion del servicio sanitario del ej'6rcito. Rev. rn6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1882-3, xi, 389-399. Army (Danish). Ingerslev (V.) Danmarks Lseger og Lsege- vtesen fra de aeldste Tider indtil Aar 1800. En Fremstilling efter trykte Kilder. 2 v. 12°. Eji)benharn, 1873. M0ller (A. P.) Sundhedsvsesenets Ordning ved den danske Iter paa Garnisonsfod. Syste- matisk fremstillet efter de gjteldeude Forskrif- ten. f°. Nyborg, 1883. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Nyborg, 1891. Wendt (J. C. W.) Uehersicht des Medicinal- wesens der diinischen Armee. Nebst einer Dar- stellung der im Jahre 1812 verordneten neuen Einrichtung wegen der Versorgung der Kranken des yiilitiirs mit Arzneimitteln. 8°. Eopenha- gen, 1826. J)j0i-np. Om de sanitaere Forhold ved den danske Armee i 1864. [ Sanitary department of Danish army. ] Bihlioth. f. Lseger, Kjobenh., 1865, 5. R., x, 1-70. —Han- nover (A.) Die danischen Invaliden aus dem Kriege 1864 in arztlicher Beziehung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1870, xii, 2. Hft., 386-431. Also, Reprint.— Miller (J.) Army medical organization. Denmark, med. organ., hyg. & demog., Copenh., 1891, 9-17.—Organisationen (Om) af militarlakarevasendet i franimande lander. Danmark. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1881, vi, 13. Army (Finnish). Wnlilbci't;. Sanitatsviisendet vid den finska arnnhi under 1K)8 och liiOil ars krig. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1880, xxviii, 338-349.— Winter (G.) Xagra ord om varnpligten i Finland. [On military duty in Fin- land. ] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1880, v, 225- 238. -----. X&gra ord om varnpligten i Finland. Sani- ti-tsviisi-ndet. [Sanitary regulations for recruits.] Ibid., 351-358. -----. Redogiirelse ofver helso-och sjukvarden vid finska militaren uuder ar 1882. [Report on health and diseases of Finnish army.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1883, xxv, 81-120. Army (French). See, also; Armies (Recruiting of), etc. Aknocld ( J. ) Consideration sur le degre" d'aptitude physique du recrutement de I'Ecole spe"ciale militaire pour l'aune'e 1874-5. 8°. Pa- ris, 1877). Bouloumie (P.) Manuel du candidat aux divers grades et emplois de nie'decin et pharcua- cien de la reserve et de l'arme'e territorial (r6- dige"e conformement aux programmes niiuiste"- riels); avec un r&sunii- d'hygiene, de me'decine, d'epidemiologie, de chirurgie militaire et de la simulation dans l'arniee. 12°. Paris, 1890. ARMY. 646 ARMY. Armv (French). du *Cazal (L.) & Martixo (E.) Aide me- moire administratif du metlecin militaire 8°. Part's, 1883. Chassagne (A.) Aide-memoire du meMecin auxiliaire de l'armee. Preparation a I'examen d'aptitude d'apres le programme officiel du 22 juillet 1883 et les conferences faites aux e"tu- diants a 12 inscriptions de la Faculte" de mede- cine de Paris. 18°. Paris, 1884. -----. Medecine et medecins militaires de l'armee francaise en 1888. (Armee active, re- serve, armee territoriale.) 8°. Paris, 1688. -----& Emery-Desbrousses. Publication de la reunion des officiers. Armee active; re- serve; armee territoriale. Guide medical pra- tique de l'officier. Generaux et chefs de corps; hygiene militaire; grandes epidemies d'armees; hygiene des champs de bataille. Officiers de tous grades; apercu de l'organisme humain; premiers secours aux blesses sur le champ de bataille (he- morrhagies, fractures, transport a l'ambulance); conseils d'hygiene de combat; guide medical de l'Algerie; guide des petitos indispositions pour h-s detachements sans medecin; officiers de re- crutement et mernbres des conseils de revision ; choix des recrues, poids, age, perimetre thora- cique; de l'aptitude aux differeutes amies. La France au point dc vue des dechets de contin- gent ; premieres applications du service obliga- toire 1873-4 ; recrutement des armees etrangeres. 8°. Paris, 1676. France. Departement de la guerre. Eegie na- tionale des hopitaux militaires de l'interieur et des armees. Instructions aux economes et au- tres comptables des h6pitaux militaires sur le service interieur et snr le mode d'administra- tiou et de comptabilite. 12°. [Paris, an VII [1799].] -----. Formulaire pharmaceutique, a l'usage des hdpitaux militaires; presente par les in- specteurs generaux du service de sante des annees de terre, et approuve par le ministre directenr de l'administration de la guerre. 8°. Paris, 1812. -----. The same. 8°. Dresde, 1813. -----. Reglement fixant le mode d'enseigue- ment applicable aux eieves ingenieurs des pou- dres et salpetres et les conditions d'aptitude pour leur passage au grade de sous-ingenieur. fol. [Paris, 1878.] -----. 7e direction. Service de sante. Bu- reau des hopitaux. Manuel de l'iufirmier mili- taire. 16°. Paris, 1882. -----. Reglemeut sur le service de sante de 1'arniee. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1864. -----. 7e direction. Service de sante. Sec- tion technique. Manuel du brancardier mili- taire. 16°. Paris, 1886. -----. Autonomy of the medical service of the army of France. Report of the commission ordered to report upon the bill modifying the law of 16 March, 1882, regulating the adminis- tration of the army, and having for its object the giving a complete autonomy to the military medical service, brought before the Chamber of Deputies at the meeting of 4 April, 1889, by M. Gadaud, deputy. 8°. [Paris, 1889.] -----. Instruction du 17 mars 1790 sur l'apti- tude physique au service militaire. 8°. [Paris, 1890.] Cutting from.- J. mil., Par., 1. som., 1890, no. 14, 663-725. -----. Service de sante. Rapport de la com- mission chargee de rechercher et d'etudier a l'exposition universelle de 1889 les objets, pro- duits pouvant interesser l'armee. Fasc. No. VIII. Sous-commission du service de sante dc l'armee. Lcmardeley, rapporteur. 8:>. Paris, 1890. Army (French). -----. Regleinent snr le service de sante de l'armee. Premiere partie. Service de sante a l'interieur. 2 v. 8°. [Paris 4' Limoges, 1889.] -----. Service medical de la gendarmerie. Nomenclature et tarif des medicaments founds aux militaires de la gendarmerie et a leurs families. (D'apres la note ministerielle du 23 jirin 1889.) 8°. Paris tj- Limoges, 18H9. -----. Instruction du 3 mai 1892 sur l'orga- nisation et de fonctionnement des stations lialtes- repas et sur l'alimentation pendant les trans- ports strategiques. 8°. Paris 4' Limoges, 1892. Repr.from: Bull, officiel, 1892, no. 29. -----. Decret dn 28 mai 1895 portant regle- inent sur le service des armees en campagne. 8°. Paris, 1895. France. Departement de la guerre. L'Bcole d'adminis tra tion militaire de Vincennes. Instruc- tion pour le service interieur. Ed. 1881. 8°. [Paris, 1881.] -----. Programme detailie des connais- sances exigees des candidats. 8°. Paris, 1667). Repr.from: J. mil. off., Par., partie reglementaire, 1. sem., 1885, no. 3. -----. Le 21 jnin 1888. Programmes d'en- seignement. fol. [Parts, 1888.] France. Departement de la guerre. Ecole iTapplication de Vartillerie et du genie. Recueil des programmes des cours. Approuves par deci- sions miuisterielles des 12 juillet 1882, 30 septem- bre 1883 et 9 aout 1885. sm. 4°. [Paris, 1885.] France. Departement de la guerre. Ecole d:'application de medecine et de pharmacie militaires. Programme de l'enseignement. Cours et confe- rences, fol. [ Paris, 1892.] France. Departement de la guerre, Ecole d'ajjplication du service de sante militaire. Regle- meut sur le service interieur. 16°. Paris, 1894. -----. Periode de l'enseignement de l'annee 1895. broadside. Paris, 1895. France. Departement de la guerre. Ecole militaire de Vartillerie et du genie. Programmes des cours modifies conformement aux proscrip- tions de la depeche ministerielle, No. 2162 du 22 avril 1888. Approuves par le ministre dc la guerre, le 6juin 1888. sm. 4°. [Paris, 1888.] France. Departement de la guerre. Ecole militaire d'infanterie de Saint-Maixent. Decret du 22 mars 1883, portant reglement sur l'organi- sation. 8°. Paris, 1883. Repr.from: J. mil. off., Par., partie reglementaire, 1. sem., 1883, no. 28. -----. Reglemeut sur le service interieur. Approuve pour la decision ministerielle du 11 juin 1884. fol. [7^8,1884.] France. Departement de la guerre. Ecoles militaires priparatoires. Regleinent sur le ser- vice interieur. (Execution du decret du 3 mars 1885.) 8°. Paris, 1666. France. Departement de la guerre. Ecole normale de gymnastique et cTescrime. Instruction ministerielle du 30 aout 1882, relative aux cours de 1' . . . fol. [Paris, 1862.] -----. Reglement du 30 aout 1882, sur l'or- ganisation et le fonctionnement. fol. [Paris, 1882.] France. Departement de la guerre. Ecole poli/technique. Decret portant reorganisation. 15 avril 1873. fol. [Paris, 1873.] -----. Extrait du reglement sur le service interieur. Reimpression du ler sept. 1882. fol. [Paris, 1662.] -----. Dispositions du detail pour l'execu- tion du reglement pour le service interieur de 1' . . . anetees par le general commandant en execution des articles 49 et 239 du reglement. Oct. 1882. fol. [Paris], 1882. ARMY. 647 ARMY. Army (French). -----. Programme de l'enseignemeiit inte- rieur de 1' . . . arietes par le conseil de perfec- tionnenient et approuves par le ministre de la guerre, fol. Paris, 1666. -----. 2C division. le anneo d'etudes. An- nee scolaire 1887-8. obi. broadside. [Paris, 1888.] -----. le division. 2e annee d'etudes. An- nee scolaire 1887-8. le et 2e p6riodes. obi. broadside. [Paris, 1888.] ■-----. Instruction pour l'admission en 1888. fol. [Pan's, 1888.] -----. Programme des connaissances exigees pour l'admission eu 1888. fol. [i'aris, 1888.] France. Departement de la guerre. ficole speciale militaire a Saint-Cyr. Reglemeut sur le service interieur. fol. [Paris, l88ti.] -----. Instruction du 28 Janvier 1888, pour l'admission a I'Ecole speciale militaire en 1888. !~. [Paris, 1888.] France. Departement de la guerre. Prytanec militaire, a La Fliche. Reglement snr le service interieur du pry tan6e militaire. fol. Paris, 1676. -----. Instruction pour l'admission au pry- tanec militaire en 1888. Le 22 fe"vrier 1888. 8P. [Paris, 18.-8.] Gama (J. P.) Proposition d'un projet de loi pour la creation Pd'un directoire des hopitaux militaires avec ses divisions ou dependauces; 2° d'un nouveau corps de medecins militaires. 8°. Pan's, 1846. -----. Service de saute dans l'armee. Me- moire justificatif du decret du 3 mai 1848, redr- ganisant ce service. (Xou execute jusqu'a ci: jour, 6 decembre 1848.) Pour le coniite des me- decins niilitares. 8C. [Paris, 1848.] Gavoy. Role du medecin-chef de la division pendant le combat. 8\ Paris 4'Limoges, 1691. Great Britain. [Report of commission on the organization and administration adopted in the civil departments of the French army. Signed, "YV. Knollys, Maj.-Gen'l; Geo. Maclean, Com.-Gen'l; R. M. Loffon, Capt,, R. E.] March 5, 1855. (Confidential.) fol. [London, 1855.] Great Britain. Army. Notes on organiza- tion, etc., of the French military train, from observations at Chalons camp, and the depot at Vernon in 1865. By "YV. H. Goodeuough.] fol. [London, 1869.] Instruction ministerielle sur l'aptitude phy- sique an service militaire. 12°. Paris, 1691. Jcdee (C.-M.-M.) Reorganisation du service de sante militaire 12°. Pavis, 1673. Judee (H.) Apcrcus nouveaux sur la tac- tiqne. 8°. Paris, 1877. Larrey (F.-H.) Projet de loi sur l'admiuis- tration de l'armee. ft°. Paris, i860. Levy (M. ) Des conditions de la medecine militaire, discours prononce le 18 octobre 184b a la distribution des prix du Val-de-Grace. 8°. [I'aris. 1848.] Maillot (F.-C.) Du cadre de reserve penn- ies mspecteurs du service de sante de l'armee. 8:. Paris, 1666. Note sur le service v6te"rinaire de l'armee et les ameliorations qu'il couviendrait de porter a la position des v^terinaires militaires. 4C. [Paris, 18-0, vel subseq.] Petit (A.) Guide du medecin et du pharma- cien de reserve de l'armee territoriale. sm. 8°. Paris, 1884. Reorganisation de l'administration de l'ar- mee. Intendants ct medecins. 8°. Tours, [1880]. DE Rieucourt (Comte). Les blesses onblie.s. Les pensions militaires pour blessures et inlir- mites. 8C. Abbeville, 1882. Army (French). Salle (G.) Code manuel des officiers du ser- vice dc sante militaire. 8°. Paris, 1666. Trelat (U.) fils. La medecine militaire et le projet de loi sur ['administration de l'armee. 8°. Paris, 1880. [vox Zalcskowsky.] Algerien eine Schule der Franzosen fiir den Krieg. Vorlesnng gehal- ten in der militarischen Gesellschaft zu Breslau. 8°. Breslau, 1862. Ailmissiou (Del) et de l'avancement des medecins et pharmaciens civils dans le cadre des officiers de reserve et di- l'linnce territoriale; ministro de la guerre; rapport au President de la Republiqne francaise. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 41.—Aktenstiick (Ein), um den Geist der jet/itren franzosischen Kriegsarzneywis.senschaft ken- nen zu lernen. [Text Latin aud German'.] Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzh., 1798, i, 49-54. —A ma I (C) Des conditions d'ap- titude physique au ser\ ice militaire; 6tude critique de l'instruction du 17 mars 1890. Gaz. med. de Pur., 1890, 7. s., vii, 397; 412; 42G. — Annuaire du corps de sante do l'armee de terre 1894. Lull, du sery.de sante mil, Par., 1894, xliii, no. 41G, 1-239. — Applications (Les) de la nouvelle loi militaire au corps medical. J. de med. de Par., 1889, xvi, 451.—Anlonomie (L') du corps de sant<5 militaire. [Copy of new law.1 Prance m6d., Par., 1882, i, 769-773.—Autonomic (L) du corps do sante militaire et l'administration de l'anuec. J. do med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1880, li, 289-293.- Autonomic du corps de sant6. Eapport fait au nom de la commission chargee d'examiner le projet de loi modifiant la loi du 16 mars 1*82 sur 1 admi- nistration de l'arm6e et ayant pour but de donner une auto- nomic complete au service militaire do sante; depose k la Cliambre des (16put6sdans la seance du 4 avril 1W-9 par M. Gadaud, depnt6. Bull, du serv. de sante mil, Par., 1889, xxxviii, 2041-2045.— Ballanu. La suppression des phar- maciens militaires. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1886, 5. s., xiv, 209-213.—Biefel (It.) Aus der Kriegspraxis in Al- gier; nach Bertherands Mittheilungen. Preuss. niil- iirztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, iii, 116; 129. Also, Reprint.— Komlin (J.-C.-M.) Resume des dispositions 16gales et rfeglementaires qui president aux operations medicales dn recrutement, de la reformo et de la retraite dans l'armee de terre. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1854, 2. s., ii, 178-215. Aho, Reprint. —Boulomiiic (P.) Quelques mots.sur l'organi- sation du service de sante militairo au Tonkin. Union m6d., Par., 1885, 3. s., xl, 805-811. -----. Service de sant6 militaire; son recrutement et son organisation. Ibid., 1887, 3. s., xliv, 795; 914: 1888, 3. s., xiv, 213; 224; 444; 648. -----. Medecins de la r6serve et de 1'armGe territoriale. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1890, 110-112. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1890, 3. s., xlix, 197. — Bourneville. La loi sur l'administration militaire de l'arm6e. Progres m6d., Par., 1881, ix, 215-217.—Kronardel. Du maiutien des officiers de sant6; du service militaire des m6decins. Gaz. d. hop., I'ar., 1888, lxi, 1173. Aho: Impartiality med., Par., 1888, viii, 781.—Bulletin officiel des lois, de- crets et reglements qui regissent l'armee dans ses rapports avec le service de sant6. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil, Par., 1883, i, pt, 2, 1-124.—Cas (Le) du Dr. Boyer. J. de m6d. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 161-163. -Cas (Le) du me- decin-major Boyer d6vant le SGnat. Bull. m6d., Par., 1892, vi, 714—710.—flu Cazal. Guide administratif du mede- cin militaire. Bev. mil. de m6d. et chir., Par., 1881-2, i, 819-859. Aho, Reprint. — Circulaire ministerielle por- tant envoi de l'instruction nour l'admission k l'ecole dn servicedesant6 militaire en 1896. Bull, du service desantS mil., Par.,1896, xiv, 669-672.—Clcvcr-de-iTInldigiiy. Pe- tition et iu6moire adresses k M. le marechal ministre de la guerre par MM. le chirurgien major et les aides majors du 40'' regiment de ligne, pour l'amelioration de la positiou des chirurgiens militaires. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1833-4, i. 252.— Coclint (A.) Le probleme de l'armee; reorganisation dc la force militaire eu France. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1867, lxvii, 645-677.— Coniptabilite (La) du service de sant6 en leiii]is de paix. Caz. d. h6p., I'ar., 1S95, lxviii, 29-32.—Coi-nil (V.) Sur le service de sante de l'armee de terre. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 187!), 3. s., i, 367; 383; 391. — Corps de sante militaire; rapport au President de hi Bepubliqiie francaise. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 18K2, lv, 497-499. — Corre (A.) Apercu gene- ral de la criminalite militaire eu France. Arch, del'an- throp. crim., Par., 1891, 115-178.—Dally. L'hygiene des ages an point do vue des devoirs sociaux, lis dangers de la prematuration. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1883, v, 205-221. [Discussion], 332-346. — Decision du ministre dc la guerre, portant organisation ct fonctionnement de la sec- tion technique du service de sante. Caz. franc, do nied. it pharm., Par., 1886, ii, no. 28, 4-6. — Decret portant re- glement d'admiiiistration publique pour l'ex6cution de la loi du 7 juillet 1877, relative i\ !organisation des services hospitallers de rarmee dans les hopitaux militaires et dans les hospices civils. [J. M., reglem. 1879, p. 42.J Bull, de la med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1880, vii, 631-639. — Decret qui regie le fonctionnement du service de sante de l'armee AKMY. 648 AEMY. Army (French). 1877, v, 4.3(> —Piosji-aiiimc d'un concours pour l'admis- sion aux emplois d'eleve du service de saute militant- et d'un exameu d'aptitude a 1 emploi de ni6ilecin et de pharma- cien stagiaires. Bull, de lamed, et pharm. mil. Par., 18K> xxxi. 973-979. Also: Gaz. d.hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 401-403.— Program me d'un concours pour l'admission aux em- plois deleve du service de sante militaire. Gaz. d hop' Par., 1884. lvii, 257-259.—Projet de loi modifiant la loi iiii 16 mars 1882 sur l'administration de l'armee, et ayant pour objet de donner une autonomic complete an service de sante. Bull, do l'intend., etc., Par., 1887, viii, 1310-1313.— Projet (Le) de loi sur l'administration de l'armee et le service de sante militaire. L'nion med., Par., 18S2. 3. s. xxxiii, 340-342. —Projet de loi adopte par le Seniit sur l'administration de l'armee. Bull, de l'intend., etc.. Par. 1882, vii, 581-600.—Projet (Le) de loi sur l'administratioii de 1'armGe devant la chanihre des deputes: organisation du service de sante militaire. Tribune med., Par., 1880 xiii. 301; 313. — Rapport adresse au President de la R6- publique par le ministre de la guerre, relatif a la limite d'&ge des officiers du corps de sant6; decret eon forme. Rev. scient. d. nied. d. armees, Par., 1887, x, 1582.—Rnp- port et decret concernant le recrutement du corps tie sante de l'armee. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 25- 29. — Rapport au President de la Republiqne et de'eret modifiant: 1° l'article 3 du decret du 27 mai 1SS2 qui re"le le fonctionnement du service de sante dans l'armee *2t> l'article 2 du dGcret du 27 mai 1882 portant creation de la direction du service de sante. Bull, du serv. de saute mil Par., 1887, xxxvi, 1301-1303. — Rdgleiuent du 22 juillet 1883, relatif aux medecins et aux pharmaciens militaires. Bull. off. d. lois . . . qui regisseut l'armee dans ses rap. avec le serv. de sante, Par., 1883, i, 305-309.—Regleinent sur le service des armies en campagne. [Extr.] Ibid., lstsl, ii, 10; 31. — Revue retrospective. Le bilan de l'annee pass6e. Les resolutions encore attendues; le projet de re- organisation du service de saute mDitaire. Tribune ra6d. Par., 1882, xiv, 13; 25. — Roth (W.) Das Lager von Cha- lons sur Maine im Sommer 1863. Skizzen aus dem Sani- tiitsdienste in der franzosischen Armee. In his: Militair- arztliche Studien, 8°, Berl., 1864, 1-63, 1 pl. -----. Das Verwaltungsgesetz in der franzosischen Armee von 25. Marz 1882. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1882, xi, 281-284. — Service de sante militaire; rapport au Pre- sident de la RGpublique francaise. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, liii, 609-611. — Thibaudin. Le ministre de la guerre k MM. les gouverneurs militaires de Paris et de Lyon, les generaux commandant les corps d'armee et le corps d'ocu- pation de Tunisie: Examen des medecins et des pharma- ciens majors de deuxieme classe. Ibid., 1883, lvi, 508- 510.—Trelat (U.) Le projet ministeriel sur l'orgauisa- tion du service de santi militaire, jug6 par le Prof. . . . Tribune med., Par., 1880, xiii, 873-376. — Troisfou- taines. De la mortalite des arm6es en temps de guerre et de la situation du corps de sante militaire francais. Scalpel, Liege, 1881-2, xxxiv, 265; 273. — timer. Das franzosische Militar-Sanitatswesen. Xach dem Buche '' Avant la bataille " dargestellt. Militaerarzt. TVien, 1886, xx, 193; 201.—X. Le service m6dical pendant la iuohili- sation du 17e corps. Bull, med., Par., 1887, i, 983.—X. Sc V. Art militaire; le service de saute de l'armee francaise en 1886. Rev. scient., Par., 1886, xxxvii, 161-171. Army (French). (J. M.,*reglcm., 1. sem.. 1882, p. 277). Bull, de l'intend., etc., Par., 18*2, vii, 565-568.—Decret relatif il l'emploi, en cas de mobilisation, des officiers de sante. des pharmaciens de deuxieme classe et des etudiants eu medecine. Alger med., 1883, xi, 321-328. — Decret relatif au recrutement du corps de sante militaire. Bull, de la med. et pharm. mil, Par., Is80, xxix, 774-777. — Decrets (Les) relatifs k l'autonomie du corps de sante militaire. Tribune med., Par., ]s82, xiv, 291-295.—Dispositions relatives au re- crutement et k l'instruction des iuflriniers, des hrancar- diers regimentaires et des brancardiers d'ambulance. De- cision ministerielle du 3 octobre 1883 (J. M. off., 2. sem., 1883, p. 301). Bull. off. d. lois . . . qui regissent l'ai-mee dans ses rap. avec le serv. de saute, Par., 1883, ii, 402- 406.—Ex aniens d'aptitude des medecins et des pharma- ciens-majors de 2" classe. Ibid., 1883, i, 210-215.— Fallot. Kotice sur l'organisation du service sanitaire de l'armee en France. Bull. m Ueher das Feld-Me- dicinahveseu der franzosischen Armee in Algier. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1847, iv, 9-14.—Instruction des infirmiers de visite; creation de commis aux Gcritures et d'infirmiers do visite complementaires. Decision mi- nisterielle du 5 octobre 1883. (J. M. off., 2. sem., 1883, p. 297.) Bull. off. d. lois . . . qui regissent l'armee dans ses rap. avec lo serv. de sante, Par., 1883, ii, 406-410. — In- struction pour l'admission a I'Ecole du service de saute militaire en 1896. Bull, du service de sante mil, Par., 1896, xiv, 652-668.— Kdrtin;;. Ueber die Erganzung und Ausbildung des Sanitiitspersonals der franzosischen Ar- mee. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1884, xiii, 341- 3(!7. -----. 1'eber den Sanitatsdienst in der franzosi- schen Armee im Frieden. Nach dem: Reglement sur le service de sante de l'arm6e. I. Service de sante k l'interieur. Paris, 1884. Ibid., 1885, xiv, 215-235. — I,a Vieille [et al.]. Proposition de loi sur l'administra- tion militaire. Bull, de l'intend., etc., Par., 1880, vii, 353- 372.—IiO Fort (L.) Le service de sante et la nouvelle loi militaire. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1887, lxxxi, 640- 669.—liereboullct (L.) Le service de sante en Tunisie depuis le commencement de la guerre. Tribune med. Par., 1881-2, xiii, 493-499. -----. Situation faite aux etu- diants en mGdecine par la loi sur la reorganisation de l'armee. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 629.— ■ iOi du 7 juillet 1877 relative k l'organisation des services hospitaliers de l'armee dans les hopitaux militaires et dans les hospices civils. Arch, de in6d. et pharm. mil, Par., 1883, i, 145-147. — Iioi modifiant la loi du 16 mars 1882 sur l'administration de l'armee et ayant pour hut de donner une autonomic complete au service militaire de santG. [Le 1" juillet 1889.] Bull, du serv. de sante mil, Par 1890, 1-4. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 685.—Mak- simovitch (I. I.) Stranitzy iz istorii avtonomii franzusk. voyenno-vrach. soslovija. [A page from the history of au- tonomy of the French army medical corps.] Voyenno- san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1890, x, 102-114. _____. Nov. franz. reglament. voyen.-san. sluzhby v voyen. vremya. [New French regulation of the military sanitary ser- vice in times of war. J Yoyenno-med. J., St. Petersb 1894, elxxx, 117-220. —Marjjaine. Rapport sur la loi d'administration de l'armee. Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 167. — Marmottan [et al.]. Proposition'de loi sur le service de sante de l'armee, pr6sentee k la Chambre des deputes, dans la seance du 17 Janvier 1880. Tri- bune med., Par., 1880, xiii, 97; 121.—Marshall (II.) Ab- stract of a royal ordonnance which was promulgated on the 12th August, 1836, relative to the organization of the medical department of tho French arniy.^ Edinb. M. & S J., 1840. liii, 68-78. Also, Reprint.—Medecine (La) mili- taire en Algerie; le cas du Dr. Boyer. Rev. de med. leg. Par.. 1895, ii, 35-39.— Medical (The) service in the French army. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 650. — Mcrcier (A.) Instruction technique sur le service de sante de la brigade d'occupation de Madagascar. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1895, xxvi, 329-335. — Ministere de la guerre! Rapport au President de la Republique francaise. Gaz d hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 914-918.—Note ministGrielle relative k l'equippement des infirmiers regimentaires ties troupes a pied. Bull, du serv. de sante mil., Par., 1887, xxxvi, 884 - 893. — Note ministerielle relative aux engagements volontaires des etudiants en medecine ou en pharmacie pour les sections d'infirmiers militaires. Ibid., 1888, xxxvii, 221. — Note ministerielle relative aux medica- ments et au materiel que les corps de troupe sont auto- rises a tirer des etablissements du service de saute pour l'approvisjonnement des infirmeries regimentaires. Ibid., 18s9, xxxviii, 804-833. — Organisationcn (Oni) af militarlakarevasendct i frammande lander. Frankrike. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov. Stockholm. 1881, vi, 23-32.—Pro- griinniie d'un concours pour l'admission aux emplois deleve du service de sante militaire. Progres med., Par., I Army (French, Reports and statistics of). See, also, Bone. Boudix (J.-C.-M.) Etudes d'hygiene publique sur l'6tat sanitaire, les maladies et la mortality des armees de terre et de mer, d'apres les docu- ments officiels. 8:'. Paris, 1846. France. Departement de la guerre. Statis- tique medicale dc l'arme'e pendant les ann6es 1863-9; 1872-84. 4~. Paris, 1867>->7. Guintran (A.-A.) * Pathologie des troupes a la Guadeloupe et specialement au Camp-Jacoh. 4°. Montpellier, 1676. Renoiston de C'liateaimeuf. Essai sur la morta- lit6 dans l'infanterie francaise. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1><33, x, 239-316. Aho, Reprint.— Rurlurea'ux (C.) Utat sanitaire de l'armee francaise en 1887. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1889, xiv, 471-479.—Capitan. La mortalite dans l'arm6e francaise en 1891. Med. mod., Par., 1892, iii, 9.—Deel. Statistique ni6dicale de rarmee peu- dant l'annee 1872. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1874, 87-91.—Lagneau (G.) Mortalite des militaires francais dans les colonies. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1889, 3. s., xii, 157-161.—I. onguct (R.) De la mortalite dans larm6e francaise depuis 1M>2 a 1888. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890. 1035-1047.—Maillot (J.-F.) Morbidite et mortalite ile l'armee. en France et eu Algerie. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie. Alger, 1884, xxix, 34: 97. Aho: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1884. lvii, 209; 603.— Marshall (H.) On the mortality of the infantry of the French army. Edinb. M. Sc S. J.. 1834, xiii, 34-49. Aho, Reprint.— Marvaud (A.) £tude statistique sur la mor- AEMY. 649 AIJMY. Army (French, Reports and statistics of). bidite et la mortalite dans l'armee francaise (pGriode quinqueniiale 1875-9). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 338; 432; 500. —Saucerotle (C.)' Etudes hygieniques et m6dicales sur Luneville et sur la division de cavalerie. Rap. g6n. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Meurthe 1856-7, Xancy, 1858, iv, pt. 2, 1-120. — Schneider. De l'influence de l'hygiene sur la moibiilite et la mortalite dans l'armee francaise. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891. v, 18. Abth., 151-156.— Mtatixliqiic medi- cale; rapport sur l'etat sanitaire de rarmee a l'interieur pendant 1883-6. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1883, i. 18o7, ix, passim. Army (German). liiseHOFF (C. H. E.) Ueher das Heil-AVcsen tier deutschen Heere. Ein Beitrag zur Begriin- dung seiner kiiuftigen befriedigenden Anord- nung und Vcrsuch aus dem Gebiete der hoheren Staatsarzueikunde. 8°. Elberfeld, 1815. -----. Zur Zeit des Belrciungs - Kriegcs der tentschen General-Staabs-Arzt dt-s fun ft en teutschen Armee-Corps uud ln-rgischer Staabs- arzt. Urkundliche Darstellung seiner Riickkehr in den koniglich-prt-ussischen Staatsdienst, als haudschriftlicher Abdruck fiir die hohen oberen und staatsdieustlicheu Verhaltnisse des Verfas- sers, nicht fiir die qffentliche Meinung und als Klage, nicht Anklage. 8-. Darmstadt, 1627). vox Coler. Ansprache des Generalstabs- arztes der Armee an die Festversammlung bei der Stiftungsfeier der militartirztlichen Bil- dungsanstalten zu Berlin am 2. August 1881). 6C. Berlin, [18>9]. -----. Ansprache an die Festversammlung bei der Stiftungsfeier der militararztlichen Bil- dungsanstalten zu Berlin am 1. August 1890. 8°. Berlin, 1-90. Frolich (H.) Geschichte des konigl. sachs. Sanitiitskorps. 6:. Leipzig. 1866. Germany. Kriegsministerium. Armee-Verord- nungs-Blatt. 23. Jahrgang. Xr. 8. 4^. Berlin, l88(J. -----. Dienstanweisung zur Beurtheiluug der Militiir-Dienstfahigkeit und zur Ausstellung von militararztlichen Zeugnissen. (D. A.) vom 1. Februar 181)4. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Hoffmann (A.) Entwurf einer Medicinal- Ordnnng fur deutsche Heere mit begriindenden Erltiuterungen. 12°. Pforzheim, 167)1. Jahx (B.) Vollstiindiges Verzeichuisse der activen Sanitats-Officiere des deutschen Reichs- Heeres und der kaiserlichen Marine, mit ge- nauer Angabc der Beforderungen in die einzel- nen Kangstufen zusammengestellt. 1.-3. Jahrg. j 6-. Burg, 188-2-4. Know (C.) Instruktion fiir inilitiirische Kran- kemvarter. 8°. Berlin. 1883. Moore (S.) Notes with a Prussian Sanitats detachment in the Loire campaign, 1^70. sm. 6-. London, 1672. Prussia. Kriegsministerium. Das koniglich- preussische Feldlazareth nach seiner medicinal und okonomischen Verfassuug, der zweiten Ar- mee, im Kriege von 1778 und 1779, und dessen Mangel aus Dokumenten crwiesen, nebst dem Dispensatorio, das bey der in Schlesien gestan- denen preussischen Armee eingefuhrt war. 8°. Leipzig, 17-0. -----. Allergnadigst confirmirtes Reglement fiir die Invaliden-Pensions-Casse slimtlicher Ba- taillons-Chirurgen des dritten Musquetier-Ba- taillons in der koniglich preussischen Armee. Den 10. Marz 1796. fol. Berlin, 1796. -----. I. Instruktion fur die Feld-Lazareth- Inspektoren. 16". [Kbnigsberg, 1812.J -----. II. Instruktion fiir die Ausseger oder Revier-Inspektoreu bei den Lazarcthen. 16°. [Kbnigsberg, 1612. ] ----—. III. Instruktion fiir die Krankenwar- terbcidenLazaretheu. 16c. [Kbnigsberg, 1612. ] Army (German). -----. IV. Pflichten der Koch-Weibcr bei den Feld-Lazarethen. 16°. [Kbnigsberg, 1612.] -----. V. Pflichten der Wascli-YVeiber bei den Feld-Lazarethen. 16°. [Kbnigsberg, 1612.] -----. VI. Instruktion fiir die Rendanten bei den Feld-Lazarethen. 16°. [Kbnigsberg, 1612.] -----. VII. Instruktion fiir die Secretaire bei den Feld-Lazarethen. l(ic. [Kbnigsberg, 1812.] -----. IX. Instruktion nach welcher bei den Feld-Lazarethen der koniglichen preussischen Armee alle Bi-diirfnisse angeschafft uud bcrech- net werden sollteu. 16°. [Kbnigsberg, 1809.] -----. XII. Tages-Befehlc des Gencral-Krie- ges-Commissairs. 16°. [Kbnigsberg, 1812.] -----. XIII. Instruktion fiir die Dirigenten der Feld-Lazarethe in Betreif der Vcrtheilung der eingegangenen Geld-Beitriige fur die Blessir- tcn und Kranken. 16°. [Mitau, 1812.] -----. XVII. Tarif iiber die Lohnungs-Ab- ziige fiir die in den Lazarethen befindlichen Kranken und Blessirten. 16°. [Altenburg, 1613.] -----. XVIII. Instruktion fiir die bei den Feld-Lazarethen angestellten Offizicre. 16J. [Hauptquartier Strehlen, 1813.] -----. Ueber die Versorguug der Armee mit Arzneien und Verbandmittelu. 8°. Berlin, 1637. -----. Militairarztliche Bemerkungen aus dem Feldzuge 1866 gegen Oi-streich uud den deutschen Bund. MS. fol. [w. p., 1867.] -----. Alphabetisches Sachregister zu der Militlir-Ersatz-Instruction fiir den norddeutschen Bund vom 26. Marz 1868. Auf Veranlassnng des koniglich preussischen Kriegs-Ministeriums. 12°. Berlin, 1868. -----. Militar-Ersatz-Instruction fiir den norddeutschen Bund vom 26. Miirz 1868. 12°. Berlin, 1866. -----. Verordnung iiber die Organisation des Sanitiits-Korps vom 20. Februar 1868 uud In- struktion zur Ausfiihruug derselben, vom 27. Miirz 1868. 6°. Berlin, 1866. -----. Instruction fiir die Militair-Aerzte zum Unterricht der Krankentragcr. Vom 27. Januar 1869. 8°. Berlin, 1869. -----. Instruktion iiber das Sanitatswesen der Armee im Felde vom 29. April 1869. 8°. Berlin, 1669. -----. Zusammenstellung der wesentlichsten Bestimmungen, durch welche die Militiir-Ersatz- Instructiou fiir deu norddeutschen Bund vom 26. Miirz 1868 abgeiindert und ergtinzt wordeu ist. 12°. Berlin, 1872. -----. Zusammenstellung-der Nachtrago zu der Instruktion fiir die Militararzte zum Unter- richt der Krankentriigcr void 2f>. Juni l87f>. 1. Nachtrag. Dec. 18, 1876. 8°. [Berlin, 1876.] -----. The same. 2. Nachtrag. Oct. 31, 1878. 8-. Berlin, 1676. -----. The same. Den 13. Miirz 1879. 8°. [Berlin, 1879.] -----. Zweiter Nachtrag zur Instruktion zur Ausfiihruug der arztlichen Rapport-und Bericht- crstattuiig vom 15. Februar 1873. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Repr.from: Armee-Verord.-Bl, 1882, Ko. 7. -----. Kriegs-Sanitats Ordnung vom 10. Ja- nuar 1878. 8°. Berlin, 1878. -----■. Thesame. Neuer Abdr. 6°. Berlin, 188?. -----. Unterrichtsbuch fur Lazarethgehiil- fen. 8°. Berlin, 1886. IJAUL-Iii'-CKHARD (J. J. N.) Bericht iiber die Entwickelung und die Fortschritte des preussi- ARMY. 650 ARMY. Ae'iaiy (German). schen* Militair- Sanitiitswesens. 8°. [Berlin, 1875 ?] Riedel. Die Dionstverhaltnisse der konig- lich-preussischen Militar-AerzteimFrieden. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Dienstverhalt- nisse der Aerzte des Beurlaubtenstandes nach den neuesten Bestimmungen zusammengestellt und bearbeitet. 8°. Berlin, 1876. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Roth (W.) Denkschrift iiber nothwendige Reformen in der Organisation des Sanitiits-Dien- stes des deutschen Heeres. 8°. Dresden, 1872. -----. Veroffentlichungen aus dem konig- lich siichsischen Militair-Sanitiits-Dienst. 8°. Berlin, 1879. Scheller (C. F.) Die amtlichen Circulare welche vou dem Chef des Militair-Medicinal-We- sens der konigl.-preussischen Armee erlassen worden sind; nach ihrem Inhalte alphabetisch geordnet. 3 Theile in 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1842-56. Wasserfuhr (A. F.) Kritik des Werkes von Herrn Doktor Bischoff: "Ueber das Heil-Wesen der deutschen Heere". 8°. Berlin, 1816. WERNicn ([A. L. ] A.) Lehrbuch fiir Heildie- ner mit Beriicksichtigung der Wundenpflege, Krankenaufsicht und Desinfection. 8°. Berlin, 1664. -----. Thesame. Lehrbuch zur Ausbildung von Heilgehiilfen (gepriiften Heildienern). 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1687. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1692. Espala (G. A.) Organizacion del servicio sanitario del ej6rcito aleman en campana. Gac. de sanid. mil. Ma- drid, 1880, vi, 309-320.—Frolich (H.) Oeffentliches Sani- tatswesen: Grosse und Gliederungdes deutschen Reichs- heeres und insonderheit seines Sanitatspersonals. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1875, n. P., xxiii, 103-139. -----. Die Erganzung des deutschen Reiehsheeres und insonderheit diejenige seines Sanitatspersonals. Ibid 1876, n. P., xxiv, 330-356. -----. Die Bekleidung und Ausrustung des deutschen Reiehsheeres und insonderheit diejenige seines Sanitatspersonals. Ibid., 1878, xxix, 122- 143. -----. Ueber die Pensionirung der deutschen Sani- tats-Officiere. Feldarzt, Wien, 1878,17; 26; 34; 42. _____. Die Geldverpflegung des deutschen Reiehsheeres inson- derheit diejenige seines Sanitatspersonals. Vrtljschr. f gerichtl. Med., Berl, 1880, n. P., xxxii, 266-279. _____. TJeber die Rechtsverhaltnisso im deutschen Sanitatscorps. Ibid., 1882, n. P., xxxvi, 147; 300: xxxvii, 115. _____. Grundzuge des Sanitatsdienstbetriebs im deutschen Heere; fiir angehendo Militararzte zusammengestellt. Ibid., 1885, n. P., xiii, 404: xliii, 150. -----. Der Frie- densdienst des Chefarztes nach Erfahrungen im konigl. Garnisonlazareth Leipzig. Ibid., 1887, ri. F. xlvi 13->- 375: xlvii, 326: 1888, xlviii, 147: xlix, 130. -----. Die a"l- testen Heeres - Sanitatseinrichtungen der Deutschen. ^Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv. 910. _____. Ueber die Entwicklung des recrutirungsarztlichen Dienstes in der Vergangeuheit nnd Zukunft. Wien. klin. Wchnschr 1895, viii, 757-760.—Gnrlt (E.) Die Kriegs-Sanitats-Ord- nung vom 10. Januar 1878. Kriegerheil, Berl, 1878, xiii, 17; 29; 41.—Hoist (A.) Det preiissiske Felts'anitetsva?'- sens seneste Ordning. Forh. Norske med. Selsk i Kris- tiania, 1878-9, 90-114. Aho, Reprint. — Knoevenagel. Dienst und Aufgaben des Divisionsarztes in Friedenszei- ten. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1885, xiv 255-''88 1 map.— Loewenharilt (P.) Skizze iiber die Einrich- tung des Sanitatsdienstes im Kriege bei der konigl. preuss Armee. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1865, ii, 26; 37; 49- 58- 69; 78. Aho, Reprint.— Militararzt und Komhattant! Militararzt, Wien, 1879, xiii. 41-43. — Niinier (H.) De quelques 16sions professionelles du soldat dans l'armee al- lemande. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil, Par., 1890, xv 381-392. — Organisationen (Om) af militiirlakareva- sendet l frammande lander. Tvskland. Tidskr. i mil Helsov., Stockholm, lf81,vi, 97-108.—0«tmann. Werth der militiirischeu Ausbildung des Infanteristen fiir seine korperliche Durchbildnug. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr Berl, 1887, xvi, 475-482. — Outline of the organization of the sanitary corps of the German army. Transl hy W. T. Parker. N. Eng. M. Month.. Danbury. Conn. 1887-8, vii, 491; 543. — PantynklioflT (I. I.) Meditsin- skie katalogi germanskol armii na voyennoye vremya. [Medical catalogues of the German army in tirne of v.ar. Voyenno-san. di-lo, St. Petersb., 1886. vi, 518; 532; 543- 586; 604. Also, Reprint. — PartKeh. Dio neue Krie-'s- oamtats-Ordnuiig. [Rev.] Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., l*8(i, viii,-153-lo6.-Personalstatistik der activen Sanitats- Army (German). offiziere der preussischen armee, Deutsche mil -iirztl Ztschr., Berl., 1887, xvi, 55-57.— Port. Gedanken iiber den Ausbau der Kriegskrankenptlege. Miinchen. med Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 9.—Th. (L.) Les chirurgiens du Grand Fr6deric; origines de la m6decine militaire eu Prusse. Abeille m6d., Par., 1881, xxxviii, 161; 170- 177. 185. — Torres (A.) Sc del Castillo (J.) Algunas indi' caciones sobre la intervencion del cuerpo de sanidad mili- tar aleman en las operaciones de reclutaih 11 jercito. Gac de sanid. mil, Madrid, 1883, ix, 482; 513. —VirehoVr (R.'j Instruction fiir die Krankenvrarter des Reserve-Lazaretts des Berliner Hiilfsvereins fiir die Armee im Felde. Ber- lin, 1866. In his: Ges. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. off. Med 8°, Berl, 1879, ii, 131-142. '' Army (German, Reports and statistics of). Germany. Kriegsministerium. Erster Nach- trag zur Dienstanweisung zur Beurthcilung der Militar-Dienstfiihigkeit und zur Ausstellung von Attesten. Vom 8. April 1877. 8°. Berlin, I879. -----. Thesame. Zweiter Nachtrag. Vom 8. April 1877. 8°. Berlin, 1882. -----. Sanitats-Berichte iiber die koniglich preussische Armee, das xii. (koniglich siiclisi- sche) und das xiii. (koniglich wiirttembergi- sche) Armeecorps fiir die Berichtjahrc vom 1. April 1874 bis 31. Miirz 1892. Bearbeitet von der Medizinal - Abtheilung des koniglich preussi- schen Kriegsministeriums. 8 v. 4°. Berlin, 1880-95. -----. Sanitats-Berichte iiber die deutschen Heere im Kriege gegen Frankreich, 1870-71. Herausgegeben von der Militar-Medizinal-Ab- theilung des koniglich preussischen Kriegs- ministeriums unter Mitwirkung der Militiir- Medizinal-Abtheilung des koniglich bayerischen Kriegsministeriums, der koniglich sachsisclien Sanitiits-Direktion und der Militiir-Medizinal- Abtheilung des koniglich "wiirttemhergiscbeu Kriegsministeriums. 8 v. 4°. Berlin, 1881-90. -----. Die Seuchen bei den deutschen Ilet-ren im Kriege gegen Frankreich 1870-71 unter Be- riicksichtigung der entsprechenden Verhtiltuisse bei den franzosischen Armeen, bei deu kriegsge- fangenen Franzosen und bei der Civilbevolke- rung der kriegfiihrenden Staaten. Hrsg. von der Militar-Medizinal-Abtheilung des . . . unter Mitwirkung der Militar-Medizinal-Abtheilung des konigl. bayerischen Kriegsministeriums, der konigl. sachsischen Sanitiits-Direktion und der Militar-Medizinal-Abtheilung des konigl. \viirt- tembergischen Kriegsministeriums. 4°. Berlin, 1886. -----. v. Volkmann'sche Sammlung kriegs- chirurgischer Praparate, Abbildungen und Kraukengeschichten aus dem Kriege 1870-71 (nebst einigen Praparaten u. s. av. aus friiheren Feldziigen). 4°. Berlin, 1890. Repr. from: San.-Ber. ii. d. deutsch. Heere im Kriege gegen Frankr. 1870-71, iii. Bd., allg. Th. -----. Grossere Operationen im Kriege 1870- 71. 4°. Berlin, 18y0. .Be^ir. from: San.-Ber. ii. d. deutsch. Heere im Kriege gegen Frankr. 1870-71, iii. Bd., allg. Th. -----. Sanitiits-Bericht iiber die deutschen Heere im Kriege gegen Frankreich 1870-71. Hrsg. von der Medizinal-Abtheilung des konig- lich preussischen Kriegsministeriums unter Mit- wirkung der Militar-Medizinal-Abtheilung des koniglich bayerischen Kriegsministeriums, der koniglich siichsischen Sanituts-Direktion und der Militar-Medizinal-Abtheilung des koniglich wurttembergischen Kriegsministeriums. Achter Band. Eegigter, Litteratur-Verzeichniss der Mit- arbeiter, Erganzungen, Nachtriige und Berichti- gungen. 4°. Berlin, 1891. Pirogoff (N.) Bericht iiber die Besichtigung der Militair-Sauitatsanstalten in Deutscbland, Lothringen und Elsass im Jahre 1870. Mit Gc- nehmigung des Vcrfassers ins Deutsche iibersetzt von N. Iwanoff. 8 . Leiozia, 1871. ARMY. 651 ARMY. ArillV (German, Reports antl statistics of). Prussia. Bestimmungen iiber die Aufuahme in die lnilitaiiirrzlichen Bildungs-Anstalten zu Bcrliu. 1G°. [Berlin, n. d.] Prlssia. Kriegsministerium. Statistische Ve- teriniir-Sanittits-Berichte iiber die preussisehe Annee fiir die Rapportjahro 1686; 1890-93. .[■-. Berlin, 1887-94. Antony. Sanitary state of the German army, 1889- 90. Med. Mag., Loud., 1894, iii, 596: 1895, iv, 148; 284; 477.—Casper (J.L.) Die Sterblichkeit in der koniglich- preussischeu Annee. _Inhh: Deukw. z. med. Statist..8°, Berl, 1840. 195-213.—Etat (L) sanitaire de l'armee prus- sienne. [Kev. by C. Zulier.] Arch, de nied. et pharm. mil, Par., 1883. ii, ln3-l IS. — Kvers. Dio sanitiiren Ver- haltnisse d^s xii. (koniglich siichsisehen) Armee Corps in den Jahren 1878-81 ; nebst einem vergleichenden Riickblick auf das Jahrzehnt von 1872-81. Ztschr. d. k.-siielis. sta tist. Bureau's, Dresd., 1S82, xxviii, 17.">-183. 1 diag. Also, Reprint.—von Krnnz. Die iirzllicheUntcrsucliung der Militarpflichtigcn im Ausheluuigs ■ Geschal't. Urnt-elie mil. arztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1887, xvi, 226-246.— I.oiijjiiet (R.) fitat sanitaire de l'arniee allemande (annees prus- sienne. saxonue et 'wurtembergeoise). (Sanitiits-Bericht iiher die koniglich preussische Armee. etc.. fiir die Be- richtsjahre. vom 1. April 1882 b. 31. Miirz 1884. 1889, in- 43. 193 p. et table.) Au-h. de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par.. 1890, xvi, 49; 213. — Nrhon, TJebersicht der Krankheiten in der konisl. siiehs. Armee im Jahro 1820. Ztschr. f. Kat.-u. Heilk.. Diesel., 1-J3-4, iii. 161-214. —Service (Le) de sante de l'annee allemande pendant la guerre de 1870-71. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil, Par.. 1883. i. 36S-3S3.— Vir- chow (R.) Die Morbilitat. Invaliditiit und Mortnlitiit der Militiirhevolkerung. [Internal, statist. Consjr. in Berl. Progr. d. 5. Sitzuugsperioiie. 1863, Berl, p. 1'_'8. Rechen- schaftsbericht ii. d. 5. Sit/nng>peric>yllenrani (H.) Fran mobiliseringen i Grekland 1880-18*1. [Recruiting in Greece.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stocklinlm, lf>.'{. viii. 183-201.—Organisationen (Om) af iniiitiirlakarevasendet i frammande lander. Grekland. Ibid., 1881, vi. 32-34. — Service de sant6 dans l'armee grecque en 1879. Rev. scient. d. m6d. d. armees, Par., 1880, x, 99-101.—Sontzo (P.) Quelques notions sur la morhidite et l.i mortalite dans l'arm6e hell6nique. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. m6d. C.-r. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de med. mil, 118-123. Army (Italian). Avanzamexto (Sull") del corpo sanitario mili- tare. 8G. Torino, 1687. Bonalumi (G.) Esposizione sommaria del servizio sanitario in guerra sccondo i piu recenti ordinamenti. 8D. Milano, 1-80. Italienische (Die) Armee in ihrer gegenwar- tigen Uniformirung. Nebst Mittheilungen iiber Organisation, Eintheilung und Starke der italienischen Annee. 12-. Leipzig, [181)4]. Italy. Ministero della guerra. Servizio sani- tario militare. ER. dcterminazioni e regola- menti del 4 giugno 1833 pel servizio sanitario militare dell' armata di terra in tempo di pace. Coll' aggiunta delle disposizioni successive ri- masteinvigoreatuttoill^OO. 8°. Torino,166)0. -----. Relazione medico-statist ica sulle con- dizioni sanitario dell'esercito italiano negli anni 1874--9; 1891. Conipilata dall' ispettorato di sanita militare (ufficio statistico). 8°. Boma, 16-76-92. -----. Qnadro d' anzianita del corpo sani- tario militare e dei farmaciste militari al 1° raaggio 188"). 8°. Boma, 188.">. -----. Norme sanitarie pei medici delle truppe in Africa. 28marzol885. 16c. Bo ma, 1885. -----. Regolamento del servizio sanitario militare. (3 aprile 1887.) 16°. Boma, 1687. -----. Direzione generale servizi amminis- trativi. Divisione sussistenze. Capitoli d'oneri per la fornitura dei viveri alle r. truppe. Luglio 18*!). roy. 8°. Boma, 1889. Army (Italian), -----. Direziono generale servizi amniiuis- trativi. Divisione sussistenze. Capitoli d' oneri per la fornitura del foraggio ai cavalli del r. esercito. Luglio 1889. roy. 8°. Boma, 1889. -----. Direzione generale servizi amminis- trativi. Divisione sussistenze. Capitoli d' oneri per la fornitura del pane alio r. truppe. Luglio 1889. roy. 8 \ Boma, 18>9. -----. Riasuiito medico statistico delle con- dizioni sanitarie del r. esercito italiano durante il decennio 1882-1.-91. (Ufficio statistico.) Prc- sentato in omuggio ai membri della xiv sczione del xi Congresso medico internazionale (Roma, 1894). 8°. Boma, 1894. Naples. Ordiiian/.a della aniministrazione militare del regno delle due Sicilie. fol. Napoli, 1624. Note sul corpo sanitario militare. 8°. Boma, lS8. 3. s., xiii, 185-285.— .Tlanayra (P.) Du corps et. du ser- vice de sante militaire eu Italic Inst. san. eu Italie, Mi- lan, 1885, 70-97.—Notizic sommario sulla statistica sani- taria del r. esercito per 1' anno 1894. Gior. med. d. r. eser- cito, Roma. 1S95, xliii, 1139-1157. Aho, Reprint.—Orga- liinationen Mini) at' militarlakareviisendet i friinimaiule lander. Italien. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1881, vi, 34-48. — Ostino (G.) Del niorbillo nell esercito italiano e nella divisione militare di Torino. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1895, xliii, 162-184, 1 ch.—Pnnara ( P.) L' ospedale da campo in Massaua e lo vicende sani- tarie ''el corpo di speilizione dal fehbraio al settemhre 1885. Ibid., 1886, xxxiv, 439; 527, 2 pl. — Sforza ( C. ) Cenni sulla morbosita in tempo di pace nell' esercito itali- ano dall anno 1876 all' anno 1892. Ibid.. 1895, xliii, 257- 261.—Mormani ( G. ) Relazione medico-statistica sulle condizioni sanitarie dell' esercito italiano nell' anno 1877. Ann. di statist., Roma. 1881, 2. s., xxi, 1-8. -----. Mor- talite et causes de deces dans l'annee italienne de 1881 k 1888. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 186-194.—Stnmpf (R.) Das Medicinal- weson in dem romischen Heere. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1894, lxiii, 94; 105; 117; 128; 140; 153; 164. Also, Reprint. Army (Japanese). See, also, Army medical schools. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Report on the medico-military arrangements of ARMY. 652 ARMY. Army (Japanese). tlie Japanese army in the field, 1894-;"). fol. London, 189"). Japan. Minister of War. Rikukunskio dai- , clxxxii, 3. sect., 133-15i.—Roth. Die Veroffentlichuugender kaiser- lich russischen Regierung iiber den russisch-tiirkischeu Feldzug 1877-8. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1886, xviii, 404-477. — Schaper. Ueber den Gesuudheits-Dienst im russisch-tiirkischen Kriege. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1891, xx, 97-128.— Winter (G.) Om sanitara forhallanden vid lifgardeis, Finska skarpskyttebataljon under turkiska falttaget 1877-8. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1879, xxi, 32-53. [R6sum6], Ibid., 85. Army (Russian, Reports and statistics of). Axtonenko (A.) * Kriticheskiy obzor sovre- mennikh russkikh-voyeuno-mediko-statistiches- kikh izslledovaniy otnositclno mirnavo vremeni. [On contemporary medico-statistical investiga- tions of the Russian arniy concerning times of peace.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1862. Russia. Department of the Army. Voyenno- meditsinskiy otchet po Kavkzskoi armii voiui s Turtsiyeyu 1877-8 gg. [Military medical re- ports of the Caucasian army during the war in Turkey, 1877-8.] 2v. roy. 8°'. S.-Peterburg, 1884. ------. Voyenno-ineditsinskiy otchet za voinu s Turtsiyeyu 1877-8 gg. Sostavlen po offitsial- nym dannym pod rukovodstvom i pri neposredst- vennom uchastii N. Kozlova. [Military medical reports of the war in Turkey, 1877-8. Compiled from official documents under the direction and immediate participation of N. Kozloff.] 3 v. roy. 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1885-7. ------. Otchet o sanitarnom sostoyanii russ- koy armii za 18rt9-lK5 gg. O sanitarnom sosto- yanii voysk; o sanitarnom sostoyanii loshadey v voyskakh. [The sanitary condition of the Rus- sian army; the sanitary condition ofthe troops; the sauitary condition of the horses.] 5 v. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891-5. Frants. K voprosu ob usilennoi bolleznennosti v volskakh Turkestanskavo voyennavo ok ruga. [On the excessive disease rate among the troops of the military circuit of Turkestan.1 Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiii, 3. sect., 37-74.—Gedroila-Yuraga (V. P.) Sanitarno-statisticheskiy ocherk 3-vo uchastka sibirskavo kazachyavo voiska (1878-87 gg). [Sanitary statistical sketch of the third division of Siberian Cossack troops.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1889-90, vii, 117-180. —Her- tzenstein (G. M.) Materiali k meditsinskol geografli i statistike Rossii; ocherk sanitarnavo sostoyania russkol armii za pyatilletle 1880-84 gg. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 129; 186. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1887, x, 294-301.—Kocher. Ueber den Gesundheitszustand unserer Truppen und ihre Verluste im Feldzuge 1877-8; auf Grundlage officieller Berichte, eigener Aufzeichnungen und verschiedener Mittheilungen in Zahleu dargestellt. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 412; 438. — Kratkiy obzor bolieznei, poyavlyav- shikhsa v volskakh delstvuyushtshel armii v techenii 1842 goda, t. e. s 7-vo noyabr. 1841, po 1-e noyabr. 1842 goda. [Short report of the diseases among the troops of the op- rating armv during 1842.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1843, xii, 375-396. Also, transl [Abstr.l: Med. Ztg. Russ- lands, St. Petersb., 1844, i, 62. — Kulanaovaki (A. I.) Bolieznennost i smertnost v Kavkazskoi armii v 1879 i 1880 g. [Diseases and deaths in Caucasian army.] Pro- tok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1881, xvii, 49- 65, 3 tab., 2 charts. — PantyukhoflT (I. I.) Odesskiy lager v 1884 g. [Camp of Odessa.] Voyenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1885, v, 17: 23; 45; 55; 69; 80. Aho, Re- rint.—Russia. Otchet glavnavo voyenno-hospitainavo omiteta. 1877-83. [Report of the chief military hospital committee.J Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1879, exxxv, 7. sect., 17-96: 1880, exxxviii, 7. sect.. 33-102: 1881, cxli, 7. sect., 31-92: 1882, cxliv, 7. sect.. 357-418: 1883, cxlvii, 7. sect, 1-60: 1884, cl, 7. sect.. 1-64: 18*5, el, 7. sect., 1-60.— Shuiulevich (J.) Materiali dlia voyenno-meditsinskoi ARMY. 655 ARMY. Army (Russian, Reports and statistics of). I statistiki. [Materials for military medical statistics.] Ibid., 1882. cxliv, pt. 7. 81: 235. -----. Sanit. sostoyan'ie russkoi armii za pyatilletie s 1880 po 1884 g. Voyenno- san. dielo. St. Petersb., 18s7, vii. 165-167. Army (Spanish). Avecilla (P. A.) Lejislacion militar de Es- pafia. 4 v. in 2. 16r\ Madrid, 1842. Disousiox parlameutaiia de la enmienda pre- sentada por el diputado ti Cortes, D. Modesto Martinez Pacheco, al "proyecto de ley sobre re- forma de la actual organizacion del ejercito". 8°. Madrid, 1662. Garcia Camison. Discurso pronunciado por el Sr. . . . en las Cortes con motivo de la discu- sion del presupuesto de guerra. 8°. [n. j>., 1892, vel subseq.] Orlaxdo (A. M.) Ordenauza de hospitales militares del ano 1739, seguida del reglamento general para el gobierno y r6gimen facultativo del cuerpo de sanidad militar del aho 1829. Adi- cionada de varias reales drdenes, modelos y tari- fas que aclarau y facilitan el conoeiniiento de este importante ramo de administracton militar. 8°. Barcelona, 1644. Spain. Ministerio de la guerra. Direccion gene- ral de sanidad militar. Uteusilios. Tarifa para el ajuste del carbon que corresponde £ cada plaza de tropa para cocer los ranchos, con arreglo 6, la real orden de 15 de marzo de 1856. 8°. [Ma- drid, 1856?] -----. Reglamento para el regimen y go- bierno interior del laboratorio central y deposito de medicamentos del cuerpo de sanidad militar. Aprobado por el gobierno de la republica en orden del ministerio de la guerra de 10 de octubre de 1874. 8°. Madrid, [1874]. -----. Reglamento para el orden, gobierno y contabilidad del parque sanatorio de Madrid. Aprobado por real orden de 18 de junio de 1875. 8J. Madrid, [1"7.">]. -----. Reglamento de la Academia de sani- dad militar. Aprobado por real orden de 5 octubre de 1877. 8-. Madrid, 1677. -----. Reglamento para las academias del cuerpo de sanidad militar de las capitales de los distritos militares. Aprobado por real orden de 13 noviembre de 1877. 8°. Madrid, 1677. -----. Real orden modificando el sistema de ascensos de las clascs de tropa de las brigadas sanitarias. 12°. [Madrid, 1878.] -----. Reglamento de exenciones para de- clarar en definitiva la utilidad 6 inutilidad de los individuos de la clase de tropa del ejcrcito, que se hallen en el servicio militar. 8°. Ma- drid, 1879. -----. Reglamento organico del cuerpo de sanidad militar de 1° setiembre de 1873, con notas que contienen las modificaciones intro- ducidas en el mismo por disposiciones poste- riores. 8°. Madrid, 1879. -----. Subinspeccion de sanidad militar. Seccion 2a estadistica. Estado general compa- rative de los individuos iuvalidos y muertos de fiebre amarilla en los hospitales militares de la Isla de Cuba, durante los afios 1851-79. MS. obi. fol. [Habana, 1880.] -----. Catalogo de los articulos medicinales y efectos de inmediato consumo que comprende el servicio del laboratorio central, laboratories sucursales y olicinas de farmacia de los hospi- tales militares. 8°. Madrid, 1884. -----. Reglamento de hospitales militares. Aprobado por real drden de 18 de agosto de 1884. 8°. Madrid, 1664. -----. Reglamentos de las brigadas sanita- rias . [Royal Sanitary College's notification on the changes relating to appointments, extra allowances, and duties of military surgeons.] 4°. Stockholm, 1677. Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1855, no. 40. -----. Kongl. Maj:ts nadiga forordning, an- gaende hwad i afseende pa armeens sjukvard under falttjenstgoring ar att iakttaga; gifven Stockholms Slott den 13 Juni 1855. [The King's orders concerning what, in consideration of the care of the 6ick of the army, is to be provided for the field service.] 4°. Stockholm, 1855. Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1855, no. 73. -----. Kongl. Maj:ts i nader faststiillda in- struction for de vid armeen i fait tjenstgorande lakare; gifven Stockholms Slott den 12 Januari 1856. [His Majesty's orders for military sur- geons with armies in the field.] 4°. Stockholm, 1856. Swensk Forfattniugs-Samling, 1856, no. 9. -----. Handbok fiir svenska armeiis lakare., utgifven af svenska militarliikare-foreningen. I. Handledning i tjensten, utarbetad af C. M. Appdberg och H. W. Hiilphers. 12°. Stockholm, 1SS4. -----. Militar Helsovardsstatistik tir 1884. (Ofvertryck ur medicinal-styrelsens underd. bertittelse om helsb- och sjukvarden.) 4C. [Stockholm, 1866.] Wahlberg (C. F.) Opyt kratkago rnkovod- stva po taktike sanitarnych voisk. Elementar- naja taktika. Perevod so Schvedskago. [Short manual of instruction in military tactics. Trans- lated from the Swedish.] 16°. St. Petersburg, 16W. Wklander (E.) Om morbiditeten och mor- taliteten inom kongl. andra lifgardet under aren 181)6-77 samt lnftundersokuingar i regimentets kasern. ~°. Stockholm, lr-80. YVistrand (A. H.) Ny minuesbok vid tillsy- neu oni soldatens helso- och sjukvard, med sars- kild hiinsyn till den Svenska armeen. [New memorandum book on the inspection as to health and care in sickness of the soldier, especially in the Swedish army.] 16-. Stockholm, 1871. Appelberg (C. M.) Sc Hiilphcr» i IL W.) Handbok for svenska armens lakare, utgifven at Svenska Militiir- lakareton ningeu. Utarbetad af . . . R. f. af A. J. Bruze- lius. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, lssj, x. 36-39.— Arinc'-ilagoi-der den 25. April 1887 om instruktion for s.jukbaiaieafileliiingarna vid infanteriet. [Instructions for the litter-carrying sections with infantry, j Jbid..ls87. xii, 226-235. 1 tab. — Armeeua och flottans sjukvard, | -----. Reglemeut und Iustructionen iiber den Gesundheitsdieust bei der eidgenossischen Armee. 16°. Bern, L»61. 157 ARMY. ARMY. Army (Swiss). -----. Thesame. Reglemeut et instructions stir le service de sante de l'armee federale. 16-'. Berne, 1862. -----. Ueber Yerbesserungen und Erspar- nisse im eidgenossischen Webrwesen. Bericht an die bundesrathliehe Ersparniskonnuission von J. Stiiniplii. Nationalrath. 8°. Bern, 1666. -----. Das Sanitats-Material der schweize- rischen Armee. Beschluss des schweizerischen Bundesrathes vom 9. Miirz 1870. 4°. Schaff- hausen, 1670. -----. The same. Materiel du service de sante de l'arme'e Suisse. (Ordonnance du Con- seil fed6ral du 9 mars 1870.) sui. 4°. Schaffouse, 1670. ■-----. Lehrbuch fiir die Frater und Kran- kenwiirter der eidgenossischen Armee. 2. ed. 12c. Bern, 1671. ■-----. The same. 3."ed. 12°. Bern, 1679. -----. Ordonnauz»des Sanitatsmaterials bei den Truppeucorps der schweizerischen Armee. Beschluss des schweiz. Bundesrathes vom 1. April 1874. 12-. Bern, 1874. -----. Buudesgesez iiber Militarpensionen und Entschadiguugen. (Tom 13. Wintermonat 1874.) S\ [Bern, 1674.] -----. The same. Loi federale concernant les pensions militaires et les indemnites. (Du 13 nov. 1874.) 8-\ [Berne, 1-74.] -----. Reglement snr le service sanitaire (personnel medical) de l'armee federale. (Ap- prouve" par le Conseil federate, le 7d6c 1875.) 8°. [Bevue, 1875.] The same in German. [See 1. s., v. 1.] -----. Kreisschreiben an die Militarbehiir- tlen der Kantone, sowie an die Kommandanten uud Aerzte siimmtlicher Rekrutenschulen und Wiederholuiigskurse. Den 20. Miirz 1876. 8°. [Bern, 1676. ] -----. The same. Circulaire adresse'e aux autorites militaires des cantons et aux comman- dants et nie'deciiis des 6coles de recrues et des cours de repe"tition. (Du 20 mars 1876.) 8°. [Berne, 1676. ] -----. Avis aux medecins militaires. Berne, le 29 mai 1876. 4-. [Berne, 1676.] -----. The same. Bekanntmachung betref- fend Militar-Receptur. 4°. [Bern, 1676.] -----. Kreisschreioen an die Militarbehorden der Kantone. Den 12. Januar 1-78. fol. [Bern, 1678.] -----. The same. Circulaire aux autorite's militaires cantonales. Berne, le 12 jan. 1878. fol. [Berne, 1878.] -----. Regulative iiber die Einrichtung der Eisenbahn-AVaggons zum Militiirkrankentrans- port, nnd Ordonnanz fiir die Ausriistung der Sanitiitsziige. (Vom 27. Augustmonat 1878.) Den 27. Augustnionat 1878. 8°. [Bern, 1878.] -----. The same. R&glements concernant I'ame'nagement des voitures de chemins de fer pour le transport des militaires malades et or- donnances sur l'equipement des trains militaires. (Du 27 aout 1878.) 12°. [Berne, 1678.] -----. Instruktion betreffend die Verpfle- gung von Militarkranken in Civilspitalern in Friedenszeiten. (Vom 11. September 1880.) 8°. [Bern, 16*0.] -----. The same. Instruction concernant le traitement des militaires malades dans les h6pi- taux civils en temps de paix. (Du 11 sept. 1880.) 8 . [Berne, 18^-0.] -----. Arzuei-Taxe fur eidgenossiscne Mili- tiir-Lieferungen. Vom eidg. Militardepartemeut genehmigt am 4. Miirz 1881. 8°. Bern, 1881. German and French text. 42 Army (Swiss). -----. Militiirischer Sanitatsvereiu von Aa- rau und Umgebung. Statuten des . . . sm. 8°. [Bern, 1661.] -----. Schweizer. Militar - Sanitatsvereiu. Central-Statuten. 8e'. Aarau, 1882. French and German copy. -----. [Blank forms used by the medical de- partment of the Swiss army. French and Ger- man text.] v. s. [Berne, 1867-81.] l>mnoiil (J.) Lettres de Suisse et d'Allemagne. Union med., Par., 1886, xii, 1029-1033. Also [Abstr.J: Rev. scient. d. meil. tl. armees, Par., 1887, x, 492-494. — Kvntt (G. J. H.) Notes on the medical corps ofthe Swiss army. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 828-830.— dc la Harpc (K.) Note sur l'alimentation du soldat Suisse. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Roni., Lausanne, 1880, xiv, 205-2(18, 1 tab.— Oi'guiii*atioii<-ii (Om) af militarlakarevasendet i friim- mande lander. Schweiz. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov.. Stock- holm, 1881, vi, 74-82.— Perdigao (J. T.) O servico sanitario em campanha na Suissa. Rev. de med. mil., Porto, 1886-7, i, 142-147.—Service de saut6 dans l'armee suisse. Rev. scient. d. m6d. d. armees. Par., 1880, x, 94-99. — Ziegler (A.) Die arzneiliche Ausriistung des Sanitatsmaterials der schweizerischen Armee. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1885, xv, 201; 232; 261. Army (Turkish). Knorr (E.) Der Heeres-Sanitiitsdienst der Turkey in den Jahren 1875-8. sm. 4°. Hanno- ver, 1880. -----. The same (only 1. Hft.). 2. Aufl. 1. Hft, 8°. Hannover, 1883. Kowalk. Das arztliche Bildungs- und Sani- tiitswesen der tiirkischen Armee. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Fenykiivy. Der sanitare Dienst und die sanitaren Verhaltnisse der tiirkischen Armee. Wien.'med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 472; 507; 811; 840. — Organisationcn (Om) af militarlakarevasendet i frammande lander. Turkiet. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1881, vi, 95-97.-Par- do. Service sanitaire de l'armee en Turquie. Gaz. d. hop. de l'Euipire Ottoman, Constant., 1887, i, no. 2, 1-4; no. 3, 3 ; no. 4, 1. Army (United States). Army Mutual Aid Association. Constitution and by-laws, as amended April 19, 1892. 16°. Washington, 1892. Hamersly (T. H. S.) Complete regular army register of the United States, for one hundred years (1779 to 1879); together with the volun- teer general staff during the war with Mexico, and a register of all appointments by the Presi- dent of the United States in the volunteer ser- vice during the rebellion, with the official mili- tary record of each officer; also, a military his- tory of the Department of War, and of each staff department of the army; with various tables re- lating to the army and other important military information, compiled from the official records. 8°. Washington, 1880. -----. The same. Complete army and navy register of the United States of America, from 1776 to 1887. Arranged in alphabetical order. Containing the names of all officers of tho army and navy who have entered the service from the time of the revolutionary Avar to the present time (1776-1^87), containing the official record of each officer as on file at the War and Navy departments, showing the dates of their original entry, of their progressive rauk, and in what manner they left the service, if not now in it. Together with the volunteer general staff dur- ing the war with Mexico, and a register of all appointments by the President of the United States in the volunteer service during the rebel- lion, with the official military record of each of- ficer. Also, a military history of the Depart- ment of War, and of each staff department of the army, with numerous statistical tables and other important information. Compiled from the official records. 8°. New York, 1888. AEMY. 658 AJJMY. Army (United States). United Status. Congress. Revision of the United States statures. Titles: XIV. The Army. XV. The Navy. As reported to Congress by Charles P. James, Benj. Vaughan Abbott, Victor C. Barringcr, the commissiouers appointed for that purpose, roy. 8°. Washington, 1672. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatiees. Revised Army regulations. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs to whom was referred the revised Army regulations. Rep. by Mr. Coburn. 43. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Xo. 67). March 1, 187:i. 8-. [JVashington, 1873.] -----. Militia of the United States. Report. [To accompany H. R. 5039.] 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Rep. Xo. 619. March 23, 1894. Subm. by Mr. Meyer. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill re- lating to the detail of retired officers of the Army at institutions of learning. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1614. Feb. 16, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Mander- son. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1894.] United States. United States Military Acad- emy. Official register of the officers and cadets for the years 1850; 1874-6; 1878; 1881-2: 1882- 3; 1886-7 to 1890-91; 1892-3. 12°. Neiv York, 1850-93. United States. War Department. Annual reports of the Secretary of War to the President, for the years 1853-4 ; 1863-4 to 1865-6; 1867-8 to 189:1-4. 157 v. 4° &■ 8°. Washington, 1854-95. -----. Official Army registers. 1880-94. 16°, 12°, & 8°. Washington, 1880-94. -----. Regulations of the Army of the United States and geueral orders in force on the 17th of February, 1881. Codified and published by order of the Secretary of War . . . With an appendix containing all military laws in force February 17, 1881, not contained in this code. 8°. Wasii- ington, 1881. -----. The same. Abridged ed. 16°. Wash- ington, 1881. -----. The same. 8°. Washington, 1869. -----. The same. 8°. Washington, 1895. -----. The soldier's handbook; for the use of the enlisted men of the Army. Prepared by direction of the Ailjutant-General of the Army, by N. Herschler. 12°. Washington, 1884. United States. TTar Department. Adjutani- GeneraVs Office. Index of general orders and cir- culars. 1867; 1884; 1885. 3 v. 8°. Washing- ton, 1868-86. -----. United States Army directory. List of military commands and posts, general officers and officers of the staff corps, and alphabetical list of officers and their post-office address. Is- sued on the twentieth of each month. Aug., 1891, to March, 1892; May, 1892, to Jan., 1893; March, 1883, to Oct., 1895. 8°. Washington, 1891-5. -----. Rules aud articles of war and kindred statutes, with general orders and decisions re- lating thereto, amended to date. Nov. 30, 1892. 12°. Washington, 1692. United States. War Department. Bureau of Engineers. Survey of water-May from Lake Michigan to the Illinois River. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, with a copy of a report from an officer of the Corps of Engineers upon the sur- vey of a water-way from Lake Michigan to the Illinois River. 51. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. Ex Doc. No. 264. Pts. 1 & 2. 8-. Washington, 1890. United States. War Department. Ordnance Office. Instructions for making quarterly returns of ordnance and ordnance stores, as prescribed by the general regulations of the Army; includ- ing directions, respecting the evidence required Army (United States). in settling the ordnance property accounts of officers leaving the service; prepared at the Ord- nance Bureau under the direction of the Chief of Ordnance. 8°. Washington, 1865. United States. War Dapartment. Paymas- ter-General's Office. Army paymaster's manual, for information of the officers ofthe pay depart- ment of the United States Army, revised to in- clude Juue 30, 1884. 8°. [ Washington, 1864. -----. A compendium of the pay of the Army from 1785 to 1888. Compiled by Thomas M. Ex- ley, chief examiner, Paymaster-General's Office, 1888. 8-. Washington, 1666. United States. War Department. Quarter- master-General's Office. List of distances, com- piled for the information and guidance of officers doiug duty in the quartermaster's department in making payments for mileage. General orders No. 66. Approved by the Secretary of War, Nov. 27, 1867. 8°. Wasliington, 1868. -----. Regulations for the Quartermaster's Department. Property and money accounts; clothing; camp and garrison equipage; trans- portation. 1871, 1872, and part of 1873. 8°. Washington, 1873. Army (United States, Medical Depart- ment of). Act (An) to fix the rank and pay of hospital | stewards of the Army. 4°. [n. p., 1876?] Grace (W.) The army surgeon's manual, for the use of medical officers, cadets, chaplains, and hospital stewards; containing the regulations of the Medical Department, all general orders1 from the War Department, and circulars from the Surgeon-Geueral's Office. From Jan. 1st, 1861, to April 1st, 1865. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1865. Grant (J. H.) Register of hospital stewards, U. S. Army, January 1, 1883, with a brief history of their orgauization. 8°. San Antonio, Tex., 1883. Greenleaf (C. R.) A digest of current orders and decisions, with extracts from Army Regula- tions relating to the medical corps of the U. S. Army. Compiled under direction of the Sur- geon-General. 12°. Washington, 1690. Jarvis (E.) The sauitary condition ofthe Army of the United States. 8°. [n.p., 1862.] Cutting from: Atlantic Monthly, for Oct., 1862. Lyman (G. H.) Some aspects ofthe medical service in the armies of the United States dur- ing the war of the rebellion. 8°. Boston, 1691. Nagle (J. T.) The status of acting assistant surgeons of the United States Army who served in the civil war. Being a reply to the ruling of the War Department in a communication sent by L. A. Grant, Assistant Secretary of War, to Hon. E. J. Dunphy, member of Congress, March 28, 1892. 8°. Neiv York, 1893. Perot (T. M.) & Co. Description of Perot & Co.'s improved medical wagon. 8°. [Philadel- phia, 1864.] Smith (J. R.) [Report of . . . medical di- rector department of Texas, for year ending June 30, 1883. 8P. San Antonio, 1683.] -----. [Report of . . . medical director de- partment of Arizona, for the year ending June 30, 1891. 8°. Los Angeles, 1891.] Toner (J. M.) The medical men of the revo- lution, with a brief history of the medical de- partment of the Continental army; containing the names of nearly twelve hundred physicians. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. United States. Congress. An act to pro- vide for the appointment of hospital stewards in the United States Army aud to fix their pay ARMY. 659 ARMY. Army (United States, Medical Depart- ment of). and allowance. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1119. In II. R., May 15, 1886. Rep. Jan. 19, 1887. roy. 8J. [ Washing ton, 1867.] -----. An act to establish the order of pro- motion in the Medical Department of the Army. 49. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 7819. In S., Feb. 2, 1887. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1887.] -----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Manderson, Feb. 4, 1887. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1887.] -----. An act to define the standing of con- tract surgeons during the late war. 51. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9601. In S., Jan. 7, 1891. roy. 8-\ [ Washington, 1891.] -----. An act to define the grade of certain medical officers of the Army. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1039. In H. E., March 21, 1692. Ref. to the II. Cal., March 28, 1892. rov. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1692.] -----. Joint resolution authorizing all offi- cers of the medical corps of the Army and Navy who may be members of the Association of Mili- tary Surgeons of the United States to wear the badge of that association on all occasions of cere- mony. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. R. 82, May 4, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Lodge, rov. 6J. [Washington, 1694.] -----. Joint resolution relative to the offi- cers ofthe medical corps of the Armv and Navv. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. Res. 171, May 3, 1894. Introd. bv Mr. Caruth. rov. 6~* [Washington, 1894.] United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatives. A bill to provide for a better com- pensation and to fix the rank and define the du- ties and responsibilities of hospital stewards of the United States Army. 44. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 4240. Introd., Dec. 18, 1876, by Mr. Kidder. roy- ~ • [Washington, 1876.] -----. A bill in relation to acting assistant surgeous of the Army of the United States. 46. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 4408, Feb. 9, 1880. In- trod. by Mr. Thomas Ryan, roy. 8°. [Washing- ton, 1880.] -----. A bill to prevent the employment of contract surgeons iu the United States Army until all the commissioned surgeons are assigned to duty. 40. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 5491. March 29, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Dibrell. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1880.] -----. A bill fixing the pay of hospital stew- ards. 47. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 2707. Jan. 9, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Upson, roy. 8'-. [Wash- ington, 1882.] -----. A bill for the assignment of retired officers of the Medical Department of the Army. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 1784, Jan. 7, 1884. Introd. bv Mr. Rosecrans. roy. 8-. [Washing- ton, 1664.] -----. A bill to authorize tlie appointment of certain officers in the Medical Department of the United States Army. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 3373. Jan. 14, 1884. Introd. by Mr. Jor- dan, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] -----." A bill to change the designations and titles of certain officers of the Medical Depart- ment of the Army. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 5711. March 10, 1884. Introd. by Mr. Rose- crans. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1884.] -----. A bill to authorize the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to grant to the apothecaries of both Army and Navy, a com- mission. 48. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 8017. Jan. 19, 1885. Introd. by Mr. Randall, roy. 8°. £ Washington, 1865. ] Lrmy (United States, Medical Depart- ment of). -----. Hospital stewards. U. S. Army. Eeport of the committee on military affairs [to accompany bill S. 1119], to whom the bill had been referred. 49. Cong., 2. sess. Rep. No. 3658. Subm. by Mr. Bragg, Jan. 19, 1887. 8 \ [Washington, 1887.] -----. A bill to commission acting assistant surgeons of the, United States Army who served as medical officers during the late war. 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 278. Jan. 5, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Dunphy. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill to define the grade of certain medical officers of the Army. 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 3604. Jan. 13, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Belknap, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill to remove certain disabilities ofthe late acting assistant surgeons. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 5837. Feb. 16, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Richards, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1894.] -----. A bill to properly recognize the ser- vices of acting assistant surgeons of the United States Army who served in the late civil war. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 7448. June 14, 1894. Introd. bv Mr. Cummings. roy. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1894.] -----. A bill to fix a proper military status of acting assistant surgeous of the United States Army who served in the late civil war. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 7696. July 12, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Talbott. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1894. ] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to equalize the pay of hospital stewards in the United States Army with that of others of the same relative rank. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1814. March 11, 1884. Introd. by Mr. Logan, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1884.] -----. A bill to define the title and duties of certain officers of the Medical Department of the Army. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1559. Feb. 15, 1884. Introd. by Mr. Logan, roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1884.] -----. A bill to provide for the appointment of hospital stewards in the United States Army, and to fix their pay and allowance. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1119. Jan. is, 1886. Introd. by Mr. Manderson. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1886.] -----. The same. Pep. by Mr. Manderson. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1666. ] -----. The same. Report [to accompany bill S. 1119]. S. Rep. No. 84. Subm. by Mr. Manderson, Feb. 8, 1886. 8°. [Washington, 1886.] -----. The same. Report [to accompany bill S. 1119]. 49. Cong., 2. sess. Rep. No. 1883. Subm. by Mr. Manderson, Feb. 15, 1887. 8°. [Washington, 1887.] -----. A bill to authorize the promotion of certain assistant surgeons of the Army after twenty years'service. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 80. Dec. 4, 1889. Introd. by Mr. Dolph. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1889.] -----. A bill to fix the status of acting as- sistant surgeons of the United States Army, or contract surgeons, who served in the war of the rebellion. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1096. Dec. 11, 1889. Introd. by Mr. Manderson. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1889.] -----. A bill to fix the status of acting as- sistant surgeons and contract surgeons iu the Army service of the United States. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1292. Dec. 16, 1889. Introd. by Mr. Turpie. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1889.] -----. A bill to define the grade of certain medical officers ofthe Army. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 545. Dec. 10, 1891. Introd. by Mr. Hawley. roy. 8J. [Washington, 1891.] ARMY. 660 ARMY. ArillV (United States, Medical Depart- ment of). -----. A bill to commission acting assistant surgeous of the United States Army who served as medical officers during the late, war. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 774. Dec. 14, 1891. Introd. by Mr. Manderson. roy. 8\ [ Washington, Mil.] -----. A bill to define the grade, of certain medical officers of the Army. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1039. Dec. 16, 1891. Introd. by Mr. Proctor. roy. 8C. [Washington, 1891.] '-----. The same. Introd. and rep. by Mr. Proctor, Feb. 8, 1892. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1692.] -----. A bill to remove certain disabilities of the late acting assistant surgeons. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1594. Feb. 12, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Palmer, roy. 8-. [ Washington, 1894.] -----. Adverse report. [To accompany S. 1594, to remove certain disabilities of the late acting assistant surgeons.] 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. rep. Xo. 373. May 3, 1894. Subm. by Mr. Davis. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] United States. War Department. Surgeon- GeneraVs Office. Additioual regulations for the Medical Department of September, 1818. May, 1819. 12°. Washington, 1619. -----. Regulations for the Medical Depart- ment. [Corrected to July, 1832?] 12°. [Wash- ington, n. d.] Repr.from: General reg. for the Army, 1825. Art. 73. -----. The same. 12°. Washington, 1856. -----. [Collection of circulars, circular let- ters, circular orders, general orders, special or- ders, reports, and memoranda from Jan. 14, 1863, to Xov. 9, 1882.] v. s. [Washington, 1863-82.] -----. Annual reports of the Surgeon-Gen- eral to the Secretary of War, for the years 1877-8 to 1894-5. 8 •'. Washington, 1878-95. -----. Proposed regulations aud forms of the Medical Department, United States Army. Sur- geon-General's Office, Washington, D. C., Aug. 31,1867. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1867.] -----. The same. July 15, 1871. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1871.] -----. Circular No. 6. May 9, 1867. Stand- ard supply table of the Medical Department, United States Army. 8°. [Washington, 1867.] -----. The same. Circular No. 1. July 1, 1871. 8°. [Washington, 1871.] -----. The same. Circular No. 3. Dec. 13, 188:1. [Amendments to standard supply table of the Medical Department of the United States Army, 188:5.] 8°. [ Washington, 1883. ] -----. The same. Standard supply table of the Medical Department of the United States Army, 1883. 8°. Washington, 1883. -----. The same. August 26, 1892. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. The same. Supply table of the Med- ical Department, United States Army. April 25,1894. 8-. [Washington, 1894.] -----. Circular orders No. 3. For the guid- ance of medical officers. Digest of orders issued during past ten years in reference to surgical reports. 8°. [ Washington, 1875.] -----. Station list of officers of the Medical Department and hospital stewards of the hos- pital corps, United States Army, at date of last report received at this office. April 1, 1880, to July 1. 1886; March 1, 1887; Jan. 1, 1888; April 1. 1888: Sept., 1888; March 1, 1889; Nov. 30, 18x:>; March 31, 1891; Xov. 1,1891; May 1,1892; Dec. 1, 1892; April 1, 1893, to April 1, 1894. 8°. Washington, 1881-94. -----. Circular Xo. 3. Sept. 1, 1883. In- structions for the government of medical officers ArillV (United States, Medical Depart- ment of). in preparing the medical and surgical reports of the United States Army Medical Department. War Department, Surgeon-General's Office Washington, D. C.,. Sept. 1, 1883. All orders and circulars from this office in conflict with these instructions are hereby annulled. 8°. [Washington, D. C, 1883.] -----. List of medical officers, arranged by departments, giving the dates when they re- ported for duty iu the several departments, fol. [Washington, 1885?] -----. Reports of tho medical director to tho adjutant-general, Department of Texas, for the years 1885-6; 1886-7. 8°. [San Antonio, 1886-7.] -----. Memorandum. [For the information of persons desirous of entering the medical corps of the U. S. Army.] 8°. [ Washington, 1888.] -----. Circular of information for medical men who may be desirous of entering the United States Army Medical Department. Dec. 12, 1889. 12°. [ Washington, 1890.] -----. Report of Col. J. R. Smith, medical director, Department of Arizona, for tho year 1890-91. 8°. [Los Angeles, 1891.] -----. Circular [giving directious relative to the keeping of reports of sick and wounded]. April 19, 1892. 12°. [ Washington, 1692.] -----. Circular of information for candi- dates seeking appointment in the medical corps of the United States Army. Feb. 1, 1893. 12°. [ Washington, 1893.] -----. [Blank forms used by the Medical Department, United States Army. 12 v. v. s. [Washington, v. d.] -----. The same. [Forms, numbered and uot numbered. ] 4 v. v. s. portfol. [ Washing- ton, n. d.] -----. Form No. 30. Report of sick and wounded. [ With notes. ] 11. 16 by 19 inches. [Washington, 1892.] -----. World's Columbian Exposition, Chi- cago, HI., 1892-3. War Department exhibit. Medical Department, United States Army, Xo. 8. Standard supply table of the Medical Depart- ment, United States Army. 8°. Chicago, 1893. -----. Petition on behalf of the medical corps of the Army [for equality in rank with the other staff corps of the Army, or with the medical corps of the Navy]. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, fol. [n.p., n. d.] Vollum (E. P.) [Report of. . . medical di- rector, Department of Texas, for year ending June 30, 1887. 8°. San Antonio, 1687.] Woodiiull (A. A.) The place of the Medi- cal Department iu the Army. 8~. Governor's Island, N. Y., 1890. Repr. from: J. Mil. Serv. Inst., N. T. Ascli (M. J.) The Array medical service. N.YorkM. J., 1883, xxxvii, 203. — Brown (J. B. ) The second examination in the Army medical corps. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1881, xxv, 138. — Cochran (J.) Medical depart- ment of the Revolutionary armv. Mag. Am. Hist., N. Y., 1881, xii, 241-2C0, port. — Couch ( E.) Tlie treat- ment of science hy tlie military method. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1883, xxiv, 341-343. — Corifrcy (.1. ) The treatment of science hy the military method. Ibid., 527. — Ham- ilton ( fc\ 11. ) The armv surgeons. Buffalo M. & S. J„ 1885-6, xxv, 297-304. Aho, Reprint.—Health of the United States Army during November. 18s4. [Abstr. from: Month. Sick Rep. Med. Off] San. Engin.. X. Y., 1884-5, xi, 193. — Health of the United States Armv for August, 1886. Sanitarian, N.Y.. 1887. xviii, 13-20. —lloff (J.Vault.) The military medical officer in peace and war. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, exxxi, 549; 573; 601.— Himnon (E. L.) Tho status and duties of the army medical officer. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1895-6, ii, 23-28.—IVaglc (J. T.) The acting assistant surgeon of the United States Army in the war of the rebellion. Mud. Rec. N.Y., 1890, xxxvii, ARMY- 661 ARMY. Army (United States, Medical Depart- ment of). 119-123. Also, Reprint. — Organisntioneii (Om) af militarlakarevasendet i friimniande hinder. Xord-Ameri- kas Foreuta Stater. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm 1881. vi, 1-10. — Paikir (\V. T.) Sc Dawbarn (It. H. M.) The proposed reduction in the Armv medical service. Boston M. & S. J.. 1894, exxx. 430.—Shufclrit (R. W.) The United States medical service. Meil. Rec X. Y., 1883, xxiv, 200-204.—Small (C.) Medical Depart- ment of tho Armv. Tr. Ass. .Mil. Surg. Xat. Guard U. S. 1893. St. Louis. 1S94. iii, 193-203. Aho .- J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, X. Y. H., 1892-3, xiv, (I92-70S. -----. The Army Medical Museum and the library of the Surgeon Generals Office. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv. 577-5-0.—Smith (H. H.) The influence ofthe geo- graphical and social peculiarities of the Lnited States upon its military service, especially its medical staff. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., AVasli., 1887, 'ii, 11-20. Also .- Med. Re;:., rhila.. 1887. ii, 385-390. Aho: Brit, M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 704-.e8.—Smith (-1. R.) Sickness and mortality in the Army. Tr. Am. M. Ass., rhila., 18*2, xxxiii, 3.11- 315. ----. Sickness and mortality in the Army of the United States. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1891, xvii, 283- 287. — $urgcoii-Geiici-al'M (The) attitude toward the medical profession. [Edit.] Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1882. iv, 437-441. — Sm-gi-oii-Ocncral Sternberg's an- nual report. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 769-772. Army (United States, Hospital corps of). United States. Congress. An act to estab- lish companies of the hospital corps. 52. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9925. In S., Jan. 21, 1893. Rep. by Mr. Proctor, Feb. 21, lb93. roy. *c. [ Wash- ington, 189:?.] United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill relating to the hospital corps of the Army. :>2. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 329. Jan. 5, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Outhwaite. roy. S-\ [Washington, 1-92.] -----. The same. Rep. Feb. 5, 1892. roy. 8:. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill to establish companies of the hospital corps, United States Armv. 52. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9925. Dec. 17, 1-92. Introd. by Mr. Outhwaite. roy.*-. [ Washington, 1892. ] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to amend the act approved March 1, 1887, concern- ing the pay of hospital stewards, United States Army. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2661. April 10, 188*. Introd. by Mr. Manderson, and rep. by hi in Sept. 20, 18**. roy.*=. [ Washington, 1668.] -----. The same. Report [to accompany bill S. 2(161]. Re]>. Xo. 2264. Subm. by Mr. Manderson, Sept. 20, 1*88. 8:. [Washington, 1866.] -----. A bill to amend the act approved March 1, 1887. relating to the hospital corps of the Army. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 378. Dec. 4; 18-9. Introd. by Mr. Hawley. roy. 8-'. [ Wash- ington, 1889.] -----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Manderson, Dec. 19, 18-9. roy. 8. [Washington, 1689.] -----. A bill* to amend the act approved March 1, 18*7, relating to the hospital corps of the Army. 52. Cong.. 1. sess. S. 552. Dec. 10, 1891. Introd. bv Mi. Hawley. roy. 8 . [Wash- ington, 1891.] United States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. The manual of drill for the use of the hospital corps, United States Army. Published by authority ofthe Secretary of War. 18°. Washington, 1-91. -----. Circular of information for persons desirous of enlisting in the hospital corps, United States Armv. Dec. 15, 1891. 8C. [Washington, 1891.] -----. The same. [Ang. 25, 1892.] *°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. The same. [May 16, 1893.] *c. [Washington, 1893.] -----'. The same. [Oct. 2, 1*94.] 12°. [Washington, 1694.] Army (United States, Hospital corps of), ------. Circular. Jan. 16, 1893. [Regula- tions governing the appointment of hospital stewards and the detail of acting hospital stew- ards of the hospital corps, United States Army. Approved.] 12°. [Washington, 1693.] -----. Hospital corps drill regulations, United States Army. Published by authorit v of the Secretary of War. July 17, 1893. 24°. Washington, 1*93. Al'lliy medical reform. Letter from a medical officer of the Indian army. 2-11 pp. 8°. Iver- ness, Courier Office, 167)7)." [P., v. 894.] Army (The) in its medico-sanitary relations. 84 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland <,-' Knox, 1859. [P., v. 921.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. J., 1857-8, iii: 1858-9, iv. Army medical schools. Alden (C. H.) The special training of the medical officer, with brief notes on army medical schools abroad and at home. An address deliv- ered before the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, at Washington, *D. C, May 3, 1894. 8\ Washington, 1694. Ballingall (G.) Introductory lectures de- livered to the class of military surgery iu the University of Edinburgh, May 1, 1855. 8°. Edinburgh, 1855. van den Broek. Nog een woord aangaande de kweekschool voor militaire geneeskundigen. 8-\ Utrecht, 1867. Dondeks (F. C.) De kweekschool voor mili- taire geneeskundigen, in verband beschouwd met de staatsbegrooting voor het dienstjaar 1867 en met de regeling van het hooger onderwijs. 8°. Utrecht, 1867. -----. Nog eens: de kweekschool voor mili- taire geneeskundigen. Autwoord op sommige bedenkingen. 8°. Utrecht, 1867. Fles (J. A.) Het betoog van den hoogleeraar F. C. Donders kritisch getoetst. 8°. Utrecht, 1867. France. Departement de la guerre. Ecole d'application de medecine et pharmacie mili- taires. Anu6e scolaire 1887 - 8. broadside. Paris, 1887. Frolich (H.) Geschichtliches iiber die Saui- tatsverfassung des konigl. Armeecorps, iusbe- soudere iiber die Ausbildung der Militararzte. 8°. ["• P--. ■"• d.] Cutting from.- "Wissenschftl. Berichten d. k. siichs. Sanitiits-'Dienstes, Berl., 1879. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Questions for the examination of surgeons-major. Oct., 1884. fol. [London, 1**4.] Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Medical School at Netley. Examination of sur- geons on probation for the medical stall' of tho British army and for H. M.'s Indian medical service. Questions in military hygiene; in mili- tary medicine; in military surgery; iu pathol- ogy; practical examination iu hygiene; in pa- thology. 43. session, Jan. 30 to' Feb. 4, 18*2; 44. session, July 24 to 29, 1^82; 47. sessions, Jan. 28 to Feb. 1, 1881; 48. session, July 28 to Aug. 1, 1**4; 49. session. Jan. 26 to 31, 1885; 50. session, May 25 to 30, 188."); 50. session, second half, July 27 to 31, 1885; 51. session, Jan. 25 to 30, 1886; 52. session, July 22 to 28, 1886; 53. session, Jan. 31 to Feb. 3, 1887; 54. session, July 21 to July 26, 1**7; 55. session, Jan. 25 to Jan.28,18*8; 56.session, July 23 to July 30,1888; 57. session, Jan. 28 to Feb. 2, 1**9; 58. session, July 27) to July 30, 1*89; 59. session, Jan. 27 to Jan. 31,1890; 60. session, July 23 to July 31,1890; 62. session, July 22 to July 27, 1891; 64. session, July 21 lo July 27, 1892. S-. [«. p., 1812-92.] AKMY. 662 ARNAUD. Al'lllV medical schools. ----—. Organization of the army medical school, fol. [London, ls57 ?] -----. British medical service. List of sur- geons on probation in the medical department of the British army who were successful at both the London and Netley examinations. 8-'. [n.p., 18*6.] -----. Fifty-second, or summer session, 1886. List of surgeons ou probation. British medical service, and Indian medical service, fol. Lon- don, 1*86. Kweekschool (De) voor militaire geneeskun- digen. Betoog, strekkende ter beantwoording der voorstellen tot hare opheffiug, welke van verschillende zijden zijn gedaan en ter aan- wijzing der noodzakelijkheid van hare instand- houding voor Nederland. Door de gezamentlijke officieren van gezondheid [etc.]. 8°. Utrecht, 1851. Kweekschool (De) voor militaire geneeskun- digen verdedigd. Naar aanleiding van het be- toog van F. C. Donders, tegen het behoud dier school gericht. 8-'. Utrecht, 1867. Willemier (Q.) & van Hasselt (A. W. M.) Budget van oorlog. (Gelden voor de Kweek- school van militaire geneeskundigen.) 8°. [ Utrecht, 1867.] Woord (Een) over de opleiding der kweeke- lingen bij 's rijks Kweekschool voor militaire geneeskundigen, bestemd voor de dieust in de kolonien. 8°. Utrecht, 1867. Ai-ibd v medical examination papers at the recent exami- nations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 671.—Army medical school; closing exercises of the first session. Ibid.. 1894, xxii, 352-354.—Army (The) medical school and the prospects of the British and Indian medical .ser- vices. Brit. M. ,L, Lond., 1888, ii, 1054.—Army medical school, Netley. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 24s,—Ballingall (G.) Introductory lecture delivered to the class of'mili- tary surgery in the University of Edinburgh, May 2, 1854. Month. J. M. Sc, Kdinh. Sc Lond., 1854, xviii, 55]-."i59. Aho, Reprint.— Bet-ieht iiher die militararztlichen Ope- rationskurse heim 12. konigl. siichsischen Armeekoips im Winter 1890-91. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1891, xx, 554-5G3.—Ecole (L') du service de sante militaire. J. denied, de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 214-21G.—Ecole "<>i' also, Keole de pleiu exercice de medecine et de pharmacie de Marseille [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1892. Arnaud | de Rousil] (George) [1698(?)-1774]. Iustructions simples et aisees sur les maladies dc l'urcthre ct de la vessie, mises a la portee des personnes qui en sout affligees, et pour l'avan- tage des jeunes chirurgiens. xxviii, 308, 4 pp. 12-. Amsterdam, F. Changuion, 1764. See, aho. . S-8-90.— FiflTartl (H. G.) ' Arnica eruption and its possible cause. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1880, n. 8., i, 91.—Thorn (}Y. A.), jr. Arnica poisoning; dose, one ounce of the tincture. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1883-4, x. 409. —White (J. C.) The poisonous action of tincture of arnica upon the skin. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii (app.), pp. i-v. Vrn iii ii. Ippoliti (E.) Sul! azione biologica dell arnicina. Progresso med., Napoli, 1894, viii, 49; 97. Ai'iiim (Anna Leffler). Health maps. A com- plete series of prescribed exercises of the body for daily use, for maintaining the health in a state of integrity, for correcting any tendencies to functional irregularities, and for resisting the encroachments of disease. 5 v. obi. 12J. Lon- don. Swan, Sonnenschein, Lowry 4' Co., 1887. Arning-(E[duard]) [1855- ]. * Ein Fall vou Pyometra lateralis mit epikritischen Bemerkun- gen zur Differentialdiagnose eomplicirter Fiille. 37 pp. 8-\ Strassburg, B. Schultze cf- Co.. 1880. -----. Beitrag zur Emmet'schen Operation der Cervixrisse. Nach Erfahrungeu an 21 Fallen aus der Praxis vou Dr. A. Martin in Berlin. 5 pp. fol. [Wien, 1661.] Repr.from: "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xii. ArilissetlS (Henniugus) [ -163(5]. Observa- tiones aliquot anatomica?, ex quibus controver- sial multse medicie et physica- brcvitcr deiidun- tur. Respondente Joh. Fn-itagio. 11 1. 4J. Francofurti Marchionum, J. Eichorn, 1610. AENIS/EUS. 605 AENOLD. Aril isa'us (Ilenningus)—continued. ..---.—. Disquisitioncs de partus humani legitimis terniinis, ejusdemque observationes ct contro- versy anatomica-. 292 pp. 16°. Francofurti, apud J. D. Zunneritm, 1641. For Biography, see J amis. Bresl, 1848, iii, 305 (Liiwen- stein). Arnold & Sons. Arnold & Sons' "Simplex" enema. Specialties, etc. 16 pp. 16-'. London, [1672]. -----. Catalogue of surgical instruments, xxvi, 660 pp. 8J. London, 1885. -----. Specialties [surgical appliances and in- struments]. 24 pp. 8\ London, 1694. Arnold (A[braham] B.) 11820- ]. Manual of nervous diseases and an introduction to medical electricity. vii. 170 pp.. 11., Dpi. 8 . New Tork, J. H. Vail d Co., 1885. ------. Circumcision. 22 pp. 8-'. New York, 1866. Repr.from: J\. Tork M. J.. 1886, xxxix. Arnold (A. F.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Reptilien-Ovarinms. [Erlangen.] 39 pp. 8°. Waldshnt, H. Zimmermann, 1892. Arnold (B.) * Dissertation sur la colique vul- gairement appelee colique des peintres, colique de Poitou, etc. 1 p. 1., 47 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, F.-G.Levrault, 1.-17. Arnold (Carl), Repetitorinm der Chomie. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der fiir die Medizin wichtigen Verbindungen sowie der "Pharma- copcea Germanica'' namentlich zum Gebranche fiir Mediziner und Pharmazeuten. xiii. 584 pp , 11. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1885. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. xii, 572 pp. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1887. The same. 3. Aufl. xii, 589 pp. 12°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1890. ------. The same. Mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der fiir die Medizin wichtigen Verbindun- gen sowie des "Arzneibuches fur das Deutsche Reich". 4. Aufl. xii, 612 pp. 8~. Hamburg ■u. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1891. ------. The same. 5. verbesserte und ergjinztc Aufl. x, 609 pp. 8-. Hamburg u. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1893. See, also, Tierarztlichcs Arzneibuch [inl. s.]. 3 v. 12°. Berlin, 1890-92. Arnold (Edmund S[amuel] F[oster]) [1820- ]. On medical provision for railroads as a humani- tarian measure as well as a source of economy to the companies. In two papers. Read, respec- tively, before the Xew York State Medical So- ciety, Feb. 5, 1862, and the surgical section of the New York Academy of Medicine, Oct. 28, 1862. vii, 47 pp. 8°. New York, Bailliere Brothers, 1862. -----, Bozcinan (X.) A: Flint (A.), jr. State- ment [in relation to Dr. Fordyce Barker]. 2 1. 4°. New York, 1885. Arnold (Ernest). See Rlendinger (A.) *De cancro. sm. 4°. Erfurti, [1677]. Arnold (Friedrich) [1803-90]. Ueber den Ohr- kuoten. Eine auatoniisch-physiologische Ab- handlung. 54 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. sm. 4°. Heidel- berg, C. F. Winter, 1828. ------. Memoire sur le ganglion otique, public" par G. Breschet. 31 pp., 1 pl. 4J. Paris, E. Durergev, 1830. Repr. from: I%6pert. g6n. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1829, viii. ------. Bemerkungen iiber den Ban des Hirns nnd Riickenmarks, nebst Beitragen zur Physio- logie des zehnten und eilften Hirnnerveu, melircrn kritischen Mittheilungen so wie ver- schiedenen pathologischen und anatomischen Beobachtungen. 218 pp., 2 1., 3 pl. 8°. Zu- rich, S. Hbhr, 1838. [P., v. 1562.] Arnold (Friedrich)—continued. ------. Tabuhe anatomicas quas ad naturam ac- curate descriptas in lucem edidet . . . Fasc. i, ii, [pt. 1 of] iv. fol. Turici, imp. Orellii, Fuess- lini et sociorum, 1838-43. CONTENTS. Fuse. I. Icones cerebri et medulla; spinalis. 25 pp.,20 pl. Fasc. II. Icones orgauorum sensuum. 40 pp., 22 pl. Fasc. IV, pt. 1. Icones ossium. 32 pp., 13 pl. ------. Abbildungen der Gelenko und Bander des menschlichen Korpers. 27 pp., 14 pl. fol. Stuttgart, P. Calz, 1842. Same as Fasc. iv, pt. 2, of: TabuLx- anatomicae. ------. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Physiologie und praktische Medicin. 2 v. in 3. vi, 2 p. 1., 732 pp.. 8 pl.; vi, 1364 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Freiburg im Breisgau, A. Emmevling u. Herder, 1844-51. ------. Ueber das Verhiiltniss der Kraft zur Ma- terie in den thierischen Organismen. Rede zum Geburts-Feste des . . . Karl Friedrich von Baden und zur akademischen Preisvertheilung am 22. November 1854. 26 pp. ' 4°. Heidelberg, G. Mohr, 1854. ------. Die physiologische Anstalt der Universi- tiit Heidelberg von" 1853 bis 1858. iv, 158 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1858. ------. Icones nervorum capitis. Ed. altera at- que emendatior. 34 pp., 18 pl. fol. Heidel- bergev, sumi. J. C. B. Mohrii, 1860. For Biography, see Anat. Anz., Jena, 1890, v, 397-405 (K. Bardeleheu). Arnold (Georg). * Ueber das zeitliche A^erhiilt- niss der Ovulation zur menstruellen Blutung. 22 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1687. Arnold (Georg. Christianus) [1747-1827]. Trac- tatus de partu serotino ccexxiiii. dierum ex oedemate uterino cum singulari graviditate et puerperio. 134 pp. 16°. Lipsiw, C. G. Hilscher, 1775. Arnold (George Jerome) [1835-83]. Obituary. Boston AT. Sc S. J., 1883, cix, 503. Arnold (H[erbert] A.) Cholera. How shall Ave escape it? An address delivered at the 12th an- nual convocation of the Funeral Directors, Asso- ciation of the State of Pennsylvania, Si-iantou, June 22, 1893. 13 pp. 8C. Scranton, 1893. Arnold (Howard Payson). Memoir of John Col- lins "Warren, M. D. Prepared at the request of the Xew England Historic Genealogical Society, and privately reprinted from their volume of memoirs. 74 pn. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson 4' Son, 1882. -----. Memoirs of Jonathan Mason "Warren. viii, 329 pp. 8C. Boston, 18H6. Arnold (Job. Fridericns). *De visus obsenra- tionc a partu. 28 pp. sm. 4 . Hala> Magde- bnrgicce, tijp. J. C. Hendelii, [1732]. [P., v. 1386.] Arnold (Job. Willi.) [1801-73]. Feber die Ver- ricbtung der AYurzeln der Riickenmarksnerven. Physiologische und pathologische Untersu- chungen zur Wiirdigung der Bell'scheu Lehre. v, 142 np. 8°. Heidelberg, K. Groos, 1844. Arnold (J[ohn] W[illiam] S[chmi(lt]) [1846- ]. Catalogue of the medical and scientific library of Dr. . . . sold by M. Thomas A. Sons. 22 pp.* 6n. Philadelphia, 1669. Arnold (Julius) [1835- ]. *Die Bindehaut der Hornhaut und der Greisenbogen. iv, 56 pp., 7 pl. 8 \ Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, I860. [P., v. 1442.] ------, Untersuchungen iiber Staubinhalation und Staubmetastase. vi, 204 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1885. ------. Ueber den Kampf des menschlichen Kor- pers mit den Bakterien. 2. Abdr. 46 pp. 8°. Heidclbeni, C. Winter, 1889. Ser, also, de Wecker (I..) A- liamlolt (E.) [ml. s.]. Traite complet d'ophthalmologie. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1880. Alt NOLI). g66 ARNOLDUS DE VILLA NOVA. Arnold (Philippus Jacobus). 'Diss, regrum exliiliens clavo capitis periodico laborantem. 34 ])]>. 1 . Erford'uv, typ. J. H. Groschii, 1704. Arnold (Richard D[cnnis]) [1808-76]. An essay upon the relation of bilious and yellow fever. Read before the Medical Society of Georgia, at Macon, April 9,1856. 24 pp., 3 id. 8°. Augusta, J. Morris, 1856. [P., v. 207.] -----. Addendum to the "Essay on the relation of bilious and yellow fever". 6 pp. 8°. [Au- gusta, 1677.] [P., v. 207.] Repr. from: South. M. &. S. J., Augusta, 1857, n. s., xiii. Arnold (Samuel). *De verbena. 28 pp., 1 1. sm. 4 . Jena1, 1721. Arnold (Thomas) [ -1816]. Observations on the nature, kinds, causes, and prevention of in- sanity, lunacy, or madness. Vol. I, containing observations on the nature and various kinds of insanity. Vol. II, containing observations on the causes and prevention of insanity. 2 v. xv, 324 pp.: vi (3 1.), 541 pp. 8°. Leicester, G. Ire- land, 1762-6. See. also, Fowler (T.) [ml. s.]. Medical reports of the effects of arsenic. 8°. London, 1786. Arnold (Thomas). A method of teaching the deaf and dumb speech, lip-reading, and lan- guage; with illustrations and exercises, xlvi, 156 pp. 4°. London, Smith, Elder 4' Co., 1881. -----. Education of deaf-mutes: a manual for teachers, xv, 382 pp. 8°. London, Wertheimer, Lea 4' Co., 1686. Arnold (Wilhelm). See Wet-bet- ("W. J. A.) Sc Arnold (\Y.) [in 1. s.]. Verzeichniss von "Werken. 8°. Freiburg i. Baden, 1874. Arnold (WillF.) Concerning tho employment of light in the treatnient of disease. 6 pp. 8°. [Nashville, 1602.] Iiepr. from: South. Pract., Nashville, 1892, xiv. ------. A modification of Hediu's hematokrit. 8 pp. 12 \ Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 4'- Co., 1894. Iiepr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1894, lxv. ------. Some observations on gonorrhoea in the male. 6 pp. 6°. Nashville, 1894. Repr.from: South. Pract., Nashville, 1894, xvi. ------. Two cases of unclassified infection. 7 pp. 8°. Sacramento, Calif., 1894. Repr.from: Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1894, viii. Arnold (William). An essay on the progress and cure of ophthalmia, viii, 9-27 pp. 8°. Ed- inburgh, J. Collie, 1821. [P., v. 1617.] Arnold! (Carolus Guilielmus). De cariei den- tiuni origine et prophylaxi commentatio. 2 p. 1., 22 pp. 8°. Confluentiw, sumt. J. Hblschev, 1839. Arnoldi (Richard) [1849- ]. * Ueber Chorea gravidarum. 32 pp. 8°. Bevlin, 0. Lange, [1873]. Arnolds (Alfred) [1870- ]. * Zur Lehre vom Tetanus. 24 pp., 2 1. 8 . Bonn, Hauptmann, 1894. c. Arnoldus Catalanns. .See Arnoldus de Villa Nova. Arnoldus de Villa Nova [1235(?)-1312]. [Tractatus de bouitate memoria?. Phlebotomia. De confectionibus. De decoratione.] MS. 11 pp. 4°. [n. p., 1480?] -----. [F. 1:] Incipit tractatus de virtutibus herbarium [F. 2A:] Arnoldi de nova Villa Avi- cenna. 2 p. 1., 150 ff.,2 1. 4C. [n.p., n. d.] Imperfect. Probably edition printed at Vinceuza,"1491. ------. The same. [Ad ftnem:] Finit qui voca- tur herbolaruin de virtutibus herbarium 4 p. L, cl ff., 17 1. [with wood-cuts]. 4°. Venetiis, per Joannem Bubeum et Bernardinum fratres, 1509. ■------. Incipit tractatus de virtutibus bcuedicte quercus in foliis, glandiuibus, capulis et lisco atque gallis. [u. p., 1496.] In: Tractatus descriptionum morborum in corpore humanoruiu existentium. sm. 4°. [n. p., 14901, 1 10-11. ' Arnoldus de Villa Nova—continued. -----. The same. In: Tractatus Parisieusium. 4°. [n. p.,n. d.\, 1. 6-7. ------. Breviarium pratice Reinaldi de Villanova medici quondam s. d. d. nostri pontificis a capito usque ad plantain pedis cum capitulo gem-iali de urinis et tractatu de omnibus febribus peste epialaetliparia feliciter incipit. [Infine:] Laus deo et suis Sanctis. 95 1. fol. [ I'ap'uv, 1488?] Bound with: Guainerius Antonius. Incipit tractatus de egritudinibus capitis [etc.]. fol. Fapiie, 14*8. ------. Practica medicina-. Prologus. Brevia- rium practice excellentissimi Arnaldi de Villa- nova medici quondam suninii Pontificis, a capite usque ad plantas pedis cum capitulo gcnerali de urinis et tractatu de omnibus febribus, peste ein- piala et liparia. 66 1. fol. Venetiis, impvessnm per Otinum Papicnsem de la luna, 1497. Bound with : Contenta in hoc volumine. fol. Yene- tiis, 1497. ------. The same. Practica medica. Ein fiir- treffliche Kunst lang zu leben. In zwey sonder- bare Biichlein uuterscheyden. Deren erster ein bewerthes Mittel den menschlichen Leib bey er- Aviiuscbter Gesundheit, auch ohne Verletzung der Sinne-Verstandts und Gedachtnuss biss auff das hochste Alter zu erhalten. Das an der, wie alle des menschlichen Leibs Gebrechen, vom Haupt an biss auff die Fusssohlen, zu sampt den viel uud mencherley Fieberu, Pestilentz, hinlal- lenden Seuch, Podagra und sonderlich alle Rinder Kranckheiten zu curieren und zu heylen. 316 pp., 61. 16°. Franckfurt, N. Stein, 1619. ------. Haec sunt opera Arnaldi de Villa Nova, quae in hoc volumine continentur. Speculum niedicinae, de humido radicali, de ententionibus medicorum [etc.]. [Ad finem:] Opus pra-cla- rum magistri Arnaldi de Villa Nova, impendio nobilis viri Balthasaris de Gabiano, summa cum diligentia Lugduni impressum anuo salutis do- minicaB quarto supra millenarium et quinqua- genarium, per Franciscum Fradin artis impres- soriae magistrum, regnante . . . Ludovico duo- decimo, rege Francorum. 14 p. 1., 398 ff. fol. Lugduni, Balthasar de Gabiano, 1504. -----. Thesame. Nuperrimerecognitaacemen- data diligentique opera impressa. 9 p. 1., 317 ff. fol. [Lugduni, impressum per Franciscum Fradin, 1509.] ------. Liber de conservanda juventute et retar- danda senectute. Liber de couferentibus et no- centibus principalibus membris nostri corporis. 22 1. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, impressum per Baccalau- reum Wolfgangum Monacensem, anno Domini 1511. ------. De sanitate conservanda regimen. In: Pictorius (G.) Sanitatis tuendae methodus. 12°. Basilem, 1561, 60-102. ------. De febribus liber. In: Febribus (De) opus sane aureum [etc.]. fol. Ye- netiis, 1576, 240 b-254. ------. Tractatus de fleubothomia secundum Ar- noldum de Villa Nova. In: Magnini Mediolanensis. Regimen sanitatis. 4°. [n.p., n. d.], ff. 86l,-891'. ------. Incipit tractatus de vinis, editus a Magis- tro Arnoldo de Villa Nova. In: Magnini Mediolanensis. Regimen sanitatis. 4°. [n. p., n. d.], ff. 105b-114\ ------. Tractatus magistri Arnaldi de Villanova de arte cognoscendi veuena cum quis timet sibi ea ministrari. [F. 3, Un. 4:] Explicit libellus de venenis magistri Arnaldi de Villanova. [F. 3, Un. 26:] Incipit tractatus de epidemia et peste domini Valasti de Tarenta Regis Francise prothomedici excellentissimi prologus. [F. 11:] Et sic est finis totius tractatus. 11 ff. sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] See, also, Avicemia. [Libri quinque canonis de medi- cina et antidotarium.] 4°. Yenetiis, 1486.—Joannes de ARNOLDUS DE VILLA XOVA. 667 AUNOULD. Arnolriii* dc Villa Nova—continued. Rupescissa. De considi ratione quinta- essentia; rerum omnium, [etc.l. 16°. Basilea>, l.V.)7. — I.ibnviii* (A.) [tnL s.J. Novus de medicina veteruni [etc. |. 12-\ Fran- cofurti. lJU'J. —de Ijougevillc Hnreouet. Histoire des personnes qui out vecu plusieurs sii-ek-s. 1C°. Paris, 1715.—.Tlatiiiiiii Mediolanensis [in 1. s.]. Regimen sani- tatis— Pictoriii* (G.) [in 1. s.]. Medicinte turn simplicis quam composite [etc.]. 12°. Basitea', 1560. Aho: Saler> ituut [School of | [in 1. aud 2. s.]. Regimen sanitntis [etc.|. -----• i^e conservanda bona valetudine. -----. Medicina Salcinitana [etc.]. -----. Schola Salernitana [etc.l— litiiist (J. P.) A Sobratlo (A.) 1'reguutas rela- tives al celebre Arualdo de Villanova. Bol. de nied., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1836, iii, 390 [Contestacion de A. Chin- chilla]. 454; 47."); 499. — Peset (J. £.) Datos sobre Ar- ualdo de Vilanova. Siglo ni6d., Madrid, 1886, xxxiii, 610; 058: 1887, xxxiv. 19. For Biography see Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 501-503 (M. Salomon). Also, in: Salomon (M.) Biog. hervorrag. Aerzte. 8°. Miinchen, 1885, 56-62. Arnott (Archibald) [1771-1855]. An account of the last illness, decease, and post mortem ap- pearances of Napoleon Bonaparte. To which is added a letter from Dr. Arnott to Lieutt nant- General Sir Hudson Lowe, giving a succinct statement of Napoleon Bonaparte's disease and demise. iv, 39 pp. 8C. London, J. Murray, 1622. Arnott (George Arnold liYallcer) [1700- 1S(>8]. Obituary. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 131-133. Arnott (James). Appendix to an essay on ther- apeutical inquiry; containing the application of plans of treatment and suggestions noticed therein to the practice of midwifery, viii p. 1., 35 pp. 16°. Brighton, H. S. King, "1845. -----. On cold as a means of producing local amesthesia in surgical operations, and certain painful diseases. [42]-54 pp. 8°. Brighton, J. F. Eyles. [1818]. [P., v. 1033.] Repr. from .- Lancet. Lond., 181s. ii. -----. Practical illustrations of the treatment of the principal varieties of headach by the local application of benumbing cold; with re- marks ou the remedial aud anaesthetic uses of congelation in diseases of the skin and surgical operations. 54 pp. 6,-. Brighton, H. S. King, 1640. [Also, in: P., v. 1033;*1204.] -----. On the treatment of erysipelas by severe cold or congelation, with remarks on the superior- ity of this agent as a remedy of external inflam- mation. [29]-41 pp. 8°. [London, 1849.] [P., v. 1033.] Repr.from: Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, xliii. -----. Ou neuralgic, rheumatic, and other pain- ful affections, with notices of improved modes of treatment, iv, 5-38 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill. 1851. Bound vith his: On the remedial agency [etc.]. «"->. London. 1851. -----. On the remedial agency of a local ana-s- thetic or benumbing temperature, in various painful and inflammatory diseases. 54 pp. 8J. London, J. Churchill, 1851. -----. On the treatnient of cancer by the regu- lated application of an anaesthetic temperature. iv, 5-32 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1851. Bound vith his: On the remedial agency [etc.]. 8°. London, 1851. -----. Contributions to practical medicine and surgery; including the treatment of cancer; of stricture of the urethra; of rheumatic, neural- gic, and epileptic affections; and of surgical hemorrhage. 2. ed. vii, 58 pp. 8'. London, J. Churchill 440, lxxxvii pp. 8-. Lille, L. Danel, 1663. See, also, Pol in (H.) Sc I.nbil (H.) Examen des ali- ments suspects. 12°. Paris, [n. d.]. Also Van ITIen-iw (C.) [in 1. s.]. La scrofule et les bains de mer. 8°. I'aris 1886. For Biography, see Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1894, xxxi. 477. Also: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1894, 156. Aho: Progres med.. Pur.. 1894, i, 247. Also .- Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1894. xvi, 281(E.Vallin). ----- &- Coyne (Paul). Memoire sur une serie de cas d'ictcre grave observes dans la garnison ile Lille en juin 1877. 75 pp. 8C. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cv fills, 1-79. ArnonUl (Lucien-Louis-Augnste). "Contribu- tion a retude de la structure intime du plexus saere envisaged- surtout au point de vue de l'agencement de ses fibres nerveuses motrices. 4* pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1692, Xo. 32. Anionts (Joannes). *Disp. nied.-inaug. posi- tiones varias continens. 3 1. 4'. Lugd. Bat. apud viduam et hceredes.I. Elsevivii, 1670. [P y' 1949.] Ai'llOUX (G. Basso). Note sul massaggio, sugli siabilimenti di terapia meccanica e sulla gin- nastica pedagogica in Stocolma. 59 pp., 1 pl. -c. Torino, L. Boux e C, 1892. AniO/.an (H.) Du lupus de la joue consecutif aux lesions tuberculeuses de la muqueuse nasale par I'intermediaire d'une fistule laeryniale. 11 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1-91]. Repr. from: Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1891. Araiozan (Pierre- Cor cut in- Alfred) [1815- 88J. Sous. [Biography.] M6m. et bull. Soc. de in6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1889, 4-6- Arnoznil (X.) *Des lesions trophiques con- scciitives aux maladies du systeme nerveux. 255 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880. Concours. ArilS (Christophorus) [1830- ]. *De diphthe- ritic!-. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1857]. Arils (Egon). *IYber Antipyrinintoxication. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, Hauptmann, [1600]. Arnsberg. Das ofl'entliche Gesundheitswesen im Rcgierungsbezirke Arnsberg. Gesainintbe- richte erstattet von den Regierungs- und Medi- cinal-Riithen. 1.-4., 1880-91. 8 . Arnsberg, 1884-94. Reports for 1880-82, bySchonfeld; 1883-5, bv Kauterbau; 1886-91. by Cenholt. Four reports for 12 years: 2.. 188::-.""., reads: Yerwaltungsbericht, etc. Ai'iiscliillk (Ludwig). * Ueber Resorption der Fette. [Zurich.] 20 pp. 8C. Miinchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1890. c. Anistaclt. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc, of), by localities. AIii-i-ikIn. Monatlicher Nacbweis der Bevolkernngs- voriitiu^e der Stadt Amstadt. Veioffentl. d. k. deutsch. Usiidlitsamtes, Berl., 1881,v, 63.—IVIortalitatgatatistik von Arnstadt fiir das Jahr 1879. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Leipz., Is80. ix, 49. Al'llSteill (Joseph) [1861- ]. * Feber einen Fall von Priniarem retroperitonealen Sarcom. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Fraucke, [1882]. A ill IZ (Emil Christian Albert) [1869- ] "Feber Camphoioiisilure und Camphoransiiure. 65 ]ip. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1895. A I'll t/: (Hermann) [1861- ]. * Ueber den Ein- fluss des Chinins auf Warineabgabe und Wiirine- jiroductiou. 50 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1663. Arntzenius (Alexander Karel Willem) "Over de sluiting van bloedvateu in wondvlakten. [Utrecht,] 1 p. 1., 83 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Weduwe G. H. van Kuelen, 1872. ------. Dc pneumatische therapie. viii, -0 pp. 8 ". Amsterdam, Scheltema 4' Holkema, 1-87. ------. De geneeskundige pneumatische inrich- ting te Amsterdam. Ervaringen op het ge- bied der pneumatische therapie. 70 pp. 12J. Amsterdam, Scheltema 4' Holkema, I860. ------. Prospectus van het Amstel - Badhnis, Amsterdam. 23 pp. 24°. Amsterdam, Kotting 4- Co., [1804]. Arntzenius (D[iderik] j[oh.] A[gathus]) [1800-48]. Commentatio de causis pradispo- nentibns herniarnm abdominalium. 141 pp., 1 1. 8? Traj. ad Bhenum, J. Altheer, 1827. [P., v. -'(173. ] AKXTZEXIUS. 669 ARONOWITSCH. Arntzenius (D. J. A.)—continued. -----. De orgauische gebreken der urethra. Uitgegeven door het proviuciaal Utrechtsche Genootsehap vau Kunsten eu Wetenschappen. x, 3 p. 1., 443 pp., 1 1. 8°. Utrecht, J. Altheer, 1840. See, aho, Toeliebtinsj van den brief [etc.] [in 1. s.). 8°. Amsterdam, 1832. Arntzenius (Thomas). * Eenige ouderzoe- kingen op het gebied van croup eu diphtheritis. 3 p. 1., 78 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leiden, P. Somerwil, 1-70. Aril li (Xieolaus) [1629- ]. Paliims (C.) [Biography.] In his: Lyceum pata- vini. 4°. Patavii, 1682, 121, 1 pl. Aruuard (Philippus Henricus). *De chirurgia curtorum. 34 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. Beckii, 1713. Ariilis (Manuel). Historia topografica, quimica y medica de la Puda de Monserrat, precedida de alguuas generalidades de hidrologia general y balnearia. 230 pp. 8°. Barcelona, 1663. Aroeira. tla Iittz (A.) A molestia da aroeira. Brazil-med., Bio de Jan., 1888, iii. 67-69. Arokeum Pillay (S.) An epitome of hygiene, or easy lessons ou tlie elementary principles of the laws of health. Specially designed for popu- lar use and for the use of vernacular schools. 2. ed. 6 p. 1., 159 pp. 8°. Bangalore, Central Jail Press, 1683. Sanscrit text. Aromatic series. Bouda (K.) * Ueber Massenwirkungen aro- inatischer Basen. 8~. Erlangen, 1893. Caxtzler (A.) * Zur Kenntnis der Isocya- nate der aromatischen Reihe. 8°. Heidelberg, 1891. Calsse (H.-E.) * Action des aldehydes sur les phenols polvvalents; ace"tals aromatiques. 4C. Paris, 1893.' De Buck. La s6rie aromatique en thera- peutique. le partie. Les medicaments a compo- sition simple et de"finie, a l'usage des e'tudiants en medecine et des praticiens. Avec preface de Mr. le Dr. Verstraeten. 12°. Gand, 1890. Hahx (H.) * Ueber Condensationsprodukte aroinatischer Basen. 8°. Erlangen, 1889. Kaeswirm (A.) * Ueber Condeusatiouspro- dncte aroinatischer Basen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Munchen, 1-86. Kaustkxs (H.) * Ueber die aromatischen Diamide und eine neue Darstellungsmethode der Auilide. [Bern.] 8°. Heidelberg, 1892. Kokolchuk (A. I.) * Ob otnoshenii zhivot- navo organizma k niekotorim aromaticheskim oksiketonam. [Relation of animal organism to some aromatic oxyketones.] 8°. Yuryev, 1894. Kossack (M. [C. W.]) * Beitrag zur Herstel- lung aroinatischer Siiuren durch Oxydation. 8C. Berlin, 1893. Kuzel (H.) * Ueber die Bildung von Stick- Btoff-Kohlenstoff-Ringen in der aromatischen Gruppe. 8-. Wien, [1883]. Michaells (L.) *Bromierung der aromati- schen Hydrazine, Amine uud Phenole. 8°. Berlin, [1603], Mi'LLER (H.) * Ueber 1. 2. Diketoverbin- dungen der aromatischen Reihe. [Erlangen.] 8-. Miinchen, 1689. Pinkus (G.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von Trimethylenchlorbromid auf Thiamidc und aromatische Amide und Amine. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Provot(H.) *Des aiitipyretiqnes de la s^rie aromatique. 4°. Montpellier, 1886. Aromatic series. SiiuisKXKO (G. 8.) "Materiali dlya farmako- logii i fannatsii niekotorikh veshtshesto aro- matickeskavo ryada. [Materials for the phar- macology and pharmacy of some aromatic substances.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Tauber (E.) Das Verhalten der aromati- schen Verbindungen im thierischen Organismus mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Oxydation. 8°. Jena, 1878. Wacker (L.) *Zur Kenntniss aroinatischer Niirosobasen. 8°. Erlangen, 1868. |{;ii'ic des (ieruchs. 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, Veit 4- Co., 1886. -----. Ueber contrare Wirkung Fieber erregcn- der und Fieber hemmeuder Mittel. 11 pp. 8°. Berlin 4' Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1888. Repr.from: Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Berl.. 1888, xiv. -----. Kunstlich erzeugtes Asthma beim Men- schen. 4 pp. 8"\ Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, [i860]. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv. Aronsohii (Oscar) [1870- ]. *Ueber Here- dittit bei Epilepsie. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Axb [1894]. Aroiison (Alexander). * Corpus alieuum in broncho sinistro. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, M. Hermsdorfi, 1879. Aroiison (Hans) [1865- ]. * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der centralen und peripheren Nerven- enditiungen. 31 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, 0. Dreyer, [1886]. -----. Die Grundlagen und Aussichten der Blut- serumtherapie. 42 pp. 8J. Berlin, Fischer, 1893. Forms Hft. 63, Berl. Klinik, 1893. -----. Ueber Diphtherie-Antitoxin. 2 1. 4°. Berlin, 1804. Aroiison (Moses). *Zur Ruptur, Vereiterung und Axendrehung von Ovarialcysten. 1 p. 1., 139 pj). 8~. Zurich, Zurcher 4' Furrer, 1883. Al'OiiSSOhll [Jacques-Le"on] [1793-1861]. See Traite sur les eaux minerales du duch6 de Nas- sau, etc. [in 1. a.]. 8°. Wiesbade, 1853. Aronssolui (Jules). See Villard (A.) [in 1. s.]. Le cholera [etc.]. 8°. [Marseille, 1865.] Aronsson (J. C.) Die Kunst das Leben des schonen Geschlechts zu verlangern, seine Schon- heit zu erhalten, nnd es in seinen eigenthiim- lichen Krankheiten vor Missgriffen zu bewahren. Neue Aufl. xii, 318 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin $ Leipzig, 1807. Arosa. Foxwell (A.) Arosa: a hamlet in theGrisons, Switz- erland. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1888-9, Lond., 1890, n. s., xviii, 223-231, 1 map. Arpal y Daina (Francisco). Programma de anatomia quiriirgica, operaciones, apdsitos y vendages. Curso de 1880 £ 1881. 85 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Zaragoza, F. Leon, 1880. ------. Leccioues de terapeutica quiriirgica gene- ral. 566 pp., 2 1. 8°. Zaragoza, Z. Rodriguez, 1889. d'Arpentigny. See Beamish (R.) The psychonomy of the hand. [etc.]. 4°. London, 1865. Arqiiata - Scrivia. Regolamento di igiene pubblica del coinuuedi Arquata-Scrivia. 19 pp. roy. 8 . Nori-Ligare, tip. Camusso, 1876. Arrack. "Went (F. A.F. C.) & Prinsex Geerligs (H. C.) Beobachtungen iiber die Hefearten und zuckerbildenden Pilze der Arackfabrikation. 8°. Amsterdam, 1895. Repr.from: Yerhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst, 2. *., iv, no. 2, C'alniettc (A.) La fabrication des alcools de riz en extreme-Orient; 6tude biologique et physiologique de la levftre ehinoise et du koji japonais. Arch, de m6d. nav. Par., 1KT> lxiv. 264; 342.—Eijkmann (C.) Mikrobiolo- gisehes iiber die Arrakfabrikation in Batavia. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1894, xvi, 97-103, 1 pl. Arraga (Antonio). * Electricidad aplicada ii la medicina infantil.' 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Buenos Aires, impr. la Nacion, 1664. Arragoil (Aristide) [184(5- ]. * Documents re*latifs a la fievre jaune. 56 pp. 4°. Paris 1888, No. 280. Arragon (Henri) [1860- ]. *£tude sur les angiomes des muqueuses. 50 pp., 1 1 3 pl. 4° Paris, 1883, No. 243. Arragon (Matthajus). *Utrum a mutuo san- guiferorum lactiferorumque uteri vasorum nisu, menstrua nnilierum purgatio? Praeses Antonio Pepin. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris], typ. Quillau, [1740]. [ArragfOiii (Antouio).] Jasimeccauica, o trat- tato dei rimedj naturali meccanici. 2 pts. 3 p. 1., 266 pp., port.; 282 pp., 1 pl., port. 16°. Lodi, eredi di JY. Trabatti, 1775. Arragosius (Guilielmus) [1513-1610]. See Oeritts (C.) [in 1. s.j. De hvdrargyri natura, [etc.]. 12°. [Basilew, 1710.] Arrah. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., ofi), by local- ities. Arrais (Edward Madeira). See Madeira Arraiz (Duarte). Arrangements of vegetable tissues and or- gans, analyses of natural orders, and other tables for the use of students of botany. 25 pp. 8J. Edinburgh, T. Constable, 1846. [P., v. 1029; 1503.] Arreat (F[raucois]-G[aspard]-Charles) [1804- ]. Elements de philosophie in6dicale, ou th6orie fondamentale de la science des faits m6dico-biologiques. xvi, 17-656 pp. 8J. Paris, Gernier-Bailliere, 1858. Arrcn (Eouis) [1869- ]. * Essai sur les cap- sules surrenales. 101 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 376. -----.• The same. 101 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1894. Arrest du conseil d'Etat du roi concernant lea eaux minerales du royaume. Du ler avril 1774. Extrait des registres du conseil d'Etat. 3 pp. 8C. [Paris, G. Desprez], 1774. Arrest du conseil d'Etat du roy, portaut regle- ment entre la Facult6 de m6deciue de Paris et les maltres en l'art et science de la chirurgie de la meme ville. Du 4 juillet 1750. Extrait des registres du conseil d'Etat. 8 pp. 4°. Paris, imjL royale, 1750. [P., v. 1406.] Arret de la cour supreme touchant le magu6tisme animal, M. J.-J.-A. Ricard, professeur de magne"- tologie, et Mlle Virginie [Plain], somnambule niagne'tique. 72 pp. 12°. Paris, 1843. Arretes et regleniens^concernant I'Ecole ve'te'ri- uaire de Turin. See Ecole v6t6rinaire de Turin. Arretes royaux portant I'approbation de la pharmacopee beige re'vise'e, et des nouvelles in- structions pour les medecins, pour les pharma- ciens et les droguistes. 20 pp., 1 ch. 8°. An- vers, J. Dirix, 1885. Repr.from: J. de pharm. d'Anvers. Arriglietti (G[iovanni]). See ITIaunoury (C. A.) & Salmon (P. A.) [in 1. s.]. Manuale di ostetricia [etc.]. 8°. Genova, 1851. Arrigo. Regio manicomio di Alessandria. Reso- conto finanziario e morale per 1' esercizio, 1885; 1887. 31 pp.; 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Alessandria, tip. Jacquemod, 1887. [Arrigoni (Antonio).] Osservazioni intorno alia malattia della rabbia e sur i diversi riniedj per cura della medesima. 3 p. 1., 83 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Galeazzi, 1767. Arrigoni (D. R.). See Spremjel (K. [P. J.]) [inLs.]. Storiaprammatica della medicina. 2. ed. italiana. 8°. Torino, 1840-51. Arrigoni (Enrico). Ceuno sulla zoppina lom- barda, 2U pp. 8C. Pavia, 16.69. ARBIGONI. 671 AEROW. Arrigoni (Eurico)—continued. -----. 811II' intossicamento mercuriale dei bo- vini. 13 pp. 8C. Pavia, 1889. Al'l'ivot [i860- ]. ■* Seinoiologie medicale des doigts. 95 pp. 4C. Pavis, 1666, No. 116. Al'l'izabalaga (Francois-Louis-Gerard) [1869- ]. * Du traitement des re"tro-deviations ute"- rines par la fixation de l'ute'rus a la paroi vagi- nale antcrieure: colpohvsteropexie antcrieure. 84 pp. 4\ Paris, 1894, *No. 237. Arroe Island. Ste Scarlatina (Epidemics ofi), by localities. Arrojo (Lucio Lopez). See Lopez Arrojo (Lu- cio). Arrone. Regolamento pel servizio mortuario e del cimitero. 21pp. roy. 8 \ Tevni, F. Borri, 1679. Arronet (Heinrich). * Quantitative Analyse des Menschenblutes, nebst Untersuchungen zur Con- trolle und Vervollstaudigung der Methode. 71 pp. >-. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1667. Arrott (James). Remarks on the present mode of chirurgical attendance in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Submitted to the consideration of the Royal College of Surgeons. 14 pp. 4°. Edinburgh, A. Neill 4- Co., 1800. [P., v. 1183; 1623.] -----. To the governors of the Dundee Infirm- ary. 6 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] [P., v. 1022; 10:23.] Arrott (James) [1807-83]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond.. 1S83. ii, 353. Arroil (Joseph) [1861- ]. * Circulation arte- rielle du testicnle (anatomie compared). 54 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1693, No. 114. -----. The same. 54 pp. 8C. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1893. See, aho, Trelat (U.) file [in 1. s.]. Clinique chirurgi- cale. 8°. Paris, 1891. Arrow poison. See, also, Akazga; Antiaris toxicaria; Ar- row wo un ds; Curare; Strophanthus. vox Boehlendorff (N.) * Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung des amerika- nischen Pfeilgiftes auf die Nerven. 8 . Dorpat, 166b. Cathelineau (H.) "L'ouabaio (poison des Somalis). 4;. Paris, 18-9. Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Paris. Aho, in: Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1889, cxvii, 107-113. Chalvet (J.-P.) * Etude sur les Heches eni- poisonne'es de l'Indo - Chine. 4C. Bordeaux, 18-8. Fontaine (G.) *Des poisons de fleches et d'^preuve en gen6ral et de l'ine'e en particulier. 4°. Montpellier, 1667. Gartner (C.) Beobachtungen iiber die phy- siologische Wirkung eines neuen Pfeilgiftes, des- sen sich die Negritos auf der Insel Luzon (Phi- lippinen) bedienen. 8°. Erlangen, 1895. van Hasselt (A. W. M.) Tweede mededee- ling over het gebruik van vcrgiftigde boog-pijlen in Oost-Indie (Mentaweh-Eilanden). 8°. [Am- sterdam, 167)9, vel subseq.] Iiepr. from .- Vers! . . . d. k. Akad. v. "Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1859, xi. Lagneau (G.) De l'usage des fleches empoi- sonnees chez les anciens jieuples de l'Europe. 8°. [Paris, 1^76.] Repr.from: Compt.-rend. Acad. d. inscript. et belles- lettres. Arnaud. Sur la matiere cristallisee active des filches empoisonn6cs des (^oniahs, extraite du bois d'Ouabalo. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 1011-1014.—Ro- chefontaine, Peris (13.) & ITIarcus. Note sur un poison de fleches des Foulahs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 498-501.— Rochm (R.) Ueher das Echujin; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der afrikanischen Arrow poison. Pfeiigifte. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1889, xxvi, 105-176.—Koinet (U.) Sc Hedon (E.) Etude experimentale du poison des fleches du Tonkin. Arch, de physiol. norm, ct path., Par., 1891, 0. s., iii, 373-381.— Christy (T.) Haya poison. In his: New Conimerc. Plants and Drugs, Lond., 1889, no. 11, (Hi-63. — Codring- Ion (II. H.) [Poisoned arrows.] In Ids.The Melanesiana |etc], Oxford, 1891, 306-313.— Collomb. Note sur deux cas de mort consecutive a. des blessures par fleches empoi- sonn^es du Soudan. [Abstr.) Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1886, lxv, 133-135.—C'ritzmnnn. Le poison des fleches. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiv, 314-322. Aho: Rev. scient., Par., 189."), 4. s., iv, 752-754. —de la Croix (J. E.) [Poisoned arrows.] Rev. d'ethnog.. Par., 18S2, i, 331-334.— Perre Sc Rusquct. Sur Taction physiologique d'un poison des fleches du Soudan francais. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 232-235.-----------. Des fil- ches empoisonu6esdu Soudan francais; etude ehimique et physiologique. Arch, de physiol. norm, ci, path., Par., 1895. £. s., vii, 801-815. — Frascr (T. R.) & Tillie (J.) Preliminary notice on the arrow-poison of the W'a Nyika and other tribes of East Equatorial Africa, with special reference to the chemical properties and pharmacological action of the wood from which it is prepared. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1893, liii, 153-160.—Callois & Hardy. Re- cherches chimiques et physiologiques sur un poison des fleches, T6corce de mancone et sur le couminga. Compt. rend. Soe. debiol. 1876, Par., 1877, 0. s., iii, 177-180.—(1 ley (E.) Sc l/apicqne (L.) Recherches sur l'action physio- logique d'un poison de fleches (l'inee ou strophantus hispi- dus). Ibid., 1887. 8. s., iv, 421-425.—Harnack (E.) Ue- ber ein digitalinartig wirkendes Glykosid aus eiuem afri- kanischen Pfeiigifte. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1884, xviii, 1-5. — Hoffmann (W. J.) Ueber die Zubereitung des Pfeilgiftes durch die Pai-I'ta-Indianer von Nevada. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1880, 91. -----. Note sur les filches empoisonnees des In- diens de l'Amerique du Nord. Hull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1883, 3. s., vi, 205-213. [Discussion], 274-278.—Ja- got-. Das Pfeilgift der Ainos. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1878, 431.—Jones (A. C.) Arrow poison. Nature, Lond., 1892, xiv, 343. — I^abortle (J.- V.) Etude experimentale de l'action physiologique: 1° d'un poison do fleches des negritos (Sakayes) de la presq'- ile malaise; 2° du poisou des Wakamba (Zanguebar); de- ductions de physiologie gen6rale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv. pt. 2, 37-63. [Discussion], Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., xi, 194-196.—I.aborde (J.-V.) Sc Rondeau (P.) Les fleches einpoisonn6es du Sarro (haut Niger); 6tude et determination exp6rimentale de Taction et de la nature du poison. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1891, 4. s., ii, 706-721. Aho: Rev. mens, de l'ficole d'anthrop. de Par., 1892, ii, 12-19.—Lagneau (G.) Re- marques toxicologiques sur certaines substances emplo- yees par les anciens peuplesde l'Europe pour empoisonner leurs filches et autres armes de jet. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1877,2.s., xiv, 789-805. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Soc. de m6d. 16g. de France. Bull, Par., 1877-8. v, 381.— Lednntcc. Origine tellurique du poison des fleches des naturels des Nouvelles-Hebrides (Oceauie). Ann. de TInst. Pasteur, Par., 1890, iv, 716-721: 1892, vi, 851- 853. Also: Arch, do m6d. nav., Par., 1893, lix, 5-17.— l.enbiiNelici- ( G. ) Untersuchung eines aus Borneo stanimenden Pfeilgiftes. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1890, xvii, 97-104. — Lewin (L.) Ueber das Haya-Gift und das Erythrophlaeiu. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 61-63. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 113-118. Also: Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1888, lvii, 114; 133. Aho : Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1888), 1889, xix, pt. 2, 1-9.-----. Ueber einige Acokanthera-Arten und das Ouabain. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1893,exxxiv, 231-247. -----. Die Pfeiigifte; historiache uud experi- mentelle Untersuchungen. Ibid., 1894, exxxvi, 83; 403: lxxxviii, 283. -----. Ueber Pfeiigifte. Verhandl. il. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1894, 271-281. — Licbreich (O.) Ueber die Wirkung der N-Cassa-Rinde und des Ery- throphloeins. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 161-166. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1888), 1889, xix, pt. 2, 28-44. —lTIittra (N. C.) A caseof poisoned arrow wound; trismus; death. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, vi, 76.—dc Morgan (J.) Poisons. [Arrow poison.] Homme, Par., 1885, ii, 620-623.— Parke Arse- nic in chorea, diabetes, and asthma. Laucet, Lond., 1893, i, 406.—Nicholson (B. H.) Susceptibility of a patient to a small dose of arsenic. Ibid., 297. — ©wen (S. H. ) A case of chorea in which the administration of arsenic was attended with bronzing of the skin. Med. Chron. Man- chester, 1886, iv, 117. — Paschkis ( H. ) Die therapeu- tische Anwendung des Arseniks im Allgemeinen und der (lubeiquelle von Srebrenica (Bosnieu) im Besonderen Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 941.—Pasehkis (H.) & Obertnayer (F.) Ueber die Resorption des metallischen Arsens. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1888, n. F., iii, 117-124.__ Popofl' (P. M.) Ueber subcutane Injectionen der Fow- ler'schen Arseniklosung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 29-32.—Ringer (S.) Sc Sainburg (H.) Observa- tions on the physiological and therapeutic action ofthe element arsenic in tlie form of arsenite and arseniate. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1134; 1193.— Romberg (E. ) Zur Kenntniss der Arsenikwirkuug auf das Lymphosar- kom (Billroth). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 419. —Roussel. De l'arsenic dans la methode hypodermique. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par. (188C), 1887, 66-68.—Santoliquido (R.) Sull'assuefazione all' arsenico. Terap. mod., Napoli, 1887, i, 305-312.—Mchulz (H.) Weiterer Beitrag zur Theorie der Arseuwirkung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1880-81, xiii, 256-264. [See, also, supra, Binz Sc Schulz.] -----. Vierte Abhandlung zur Theorie der Arsenwirkungen. Ibid., 1881 - 2, xv, 322 - 336. -----. Ueber den therapeutischen Werth des Arsens. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1864, x, 453-455.—Selmi (F.) Tolleranza degli animali domes- tici per 1' arsenico e sua distribuzione nell' organismo; frammento di un lavoro inedito. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1883, i, 321-326. Also, transl: Arch, ital de biol, Turin, 1884, v, 22 - 26. — Sevcri (A.) Ricerche sul tempo di eliminazione dell' arsenico dall' organismo animale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 748; 759. -----. Ricerche sperimentali sulla sorte ultima del! acido arsenioso nell' organismo animale. Ibid., 1893, ix, pt. 4, 386: 399. -----. L' ipotesi di Chapuis sull' azione tossica del burro arsenicale. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1894, ix, 159-163. —Simon (J.) Th6rapeutique infantile; de l'arsenic. ProgrSs med., Par., 1879, vii, 813; 827; 894; 918. Aho, transl. [Abstr.] : Sentido catol., Barcel., 1880, ii, 60; 69. — Stadler (C.) Arsenik als Gift nnd Heilmit- tel zugleich. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 85.— Toogood (J.) Caseof recovery from taking two drachms of arsenic. In his: Remin. Med. Life, 8°, Taunton, 1853, 46.—Tozzetti (A. T.) Alcune esperienze che escludono 1' assorbimento dell' acido arsenioso nelle piante in stato fisiologico. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med. fis., Firenze, 1845, iii, 193-198. — Vitali (D.) Contributo alio studio delle tras- formazioni dell' anidride arseniosa nell' organismo. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1893, 5. s., iii, 507-520.— Wigur (J.) Eilka spostrzefen nad dzialaniem przet- worow arsenowych. [Effect of arsenical preparations.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1882, x, 355-360. — Wood (E. S.) Contribution to the study of the eliminatiou of arsenic. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, c'xxviii, 414. Arsenic (Poisoning by). See, also, Arseniuretted hydrogen; Bismuth (Toxicology of); Candles, Cigars, Poisonous. Bertram (P. E.) Toxikologische Untersu- chungen iiher einigo neue Orgauische Arsen- Vorhindungen. 8°. Bonn, [1610]. Dupasquier (A.) Dissertation medico-16gale sur les signes et sympt6uies de l'enipoisoiineinent par l'acide arse"nieux, sur la valeur de ses carac- teres, etc., en reponse a uu memoire a consulter relatif a une accusation d'enipoisonnement por- t6e devant la cour d'assises du d6partement de l'Ain, contre Mme d'A * *, nee Josephine B * * 8°. Lyon, 1830. Fabrege (P.) Guide du meclecin dans l'em- poisonnement par l'acide ars6meux, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1841. Gerdy. Discours prononce"s a l'Academie royale de medecine, daus la question de l'arsenic a ia suite du rapport, fait par M. Caventou, sur un travail de MM. Danger et Flandin, et resume' historique de la discussion par le redacteur l'Ex- penence. 8°. Paris, 1841. Memoire sur 1'empoisonnement par l'arsenic. 8°. Paris, 1842. 43 AliSKXIC. 674 AESEXIC. Arsenic (Poisoning hy). I'ai'adakls (G.-C.) "Contribution a 1 etude de i'intoxiciition ai-enicale aigue. 4\ Paris, 1X-3. Travail (J.-B.-F.) *Des einpoisonnements par l'arsenic. 4C. Paris, 1830. Vri.iens (A. M.) * Onth-rzoekingen over intra- veneuse arsenik-intoxicatie. 6°. Amsterdam, 1661. Also, tiansl. [Abstr.] in: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1881, 2. s., viii, 780-796. Zijnen (T. D. V.) Het arseuicuni album (aciduui arsenicosuni), beschouwd als giftige en doodelijke zelfstandigiu-iu. 8°. [w. p., 1644.] Abbott (S. W.) Some historical and statistical facts pertaining to the use of arsenic as a poison. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1888, ii, 1-9. Also: Boston M. 9, and follow- ing days. Miuutes of evidence, printed from the short-hand notes ol Messrs. Burnett and Buck- ler, short-hand writers to the court. 8C. Lon- don, 1859. Genuine (The) trial and affecting case of Eliza Fenning, who was convicted of attempt- ing to poison Mr. Turner and family by mixing arsenic in yeast dumplings; containing the full- est particulars from her committal to Newgate; her behaviour while there; her execution and last moments; correct copies of the whole of the numerous and affecting letters written by her to her parents, her lover, etc.; with the affidavit of Davis, the turnkey of Newgate; her father's answer and complete refutation of the same, including many original documents never before made public. 12". London, [181b]. Holland (P. H.) A report of the trial and acquittal of Mary Hunter, for the alleged mur- der of her husband by arsenic ; with arguments in proof of her innocence; strictures upon some parts of the medical jurisprudence of this coun- try. 8°. Manchester, 1843. James (C. ) Empoisonnement de Soufflard; rapport fait a l'Acade'mie de medecine de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1839. Letter (A) from a clergyman to Miss Mary Blandy, now a prisoner in Oxford Castle, with her answer thereto. As also Miss Blandy's own narrative of the crime for which she is con- demned to die. 8°. London, 1752. Macdougall (A. W.) The Maybrick case; a treatise on the facts of the case, and of the pro- AKSBNIC. 675 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Poisoning hy)—Cases and trials. ceedings in connection with the charge, trial, conviction, and present imprisonment of Flor- ence Elizabeth Maybrick. 8 . London, 1891. Massachusetts. The official report of the trial of Sarah Jane Robinson, for the murder of Prince Arthur Freeman, in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, from notes of Mr. J. M. W. Yerrinton. Published by the attorney-gen- eral, under chap. 214 of acts of 1886. 8°. Bos- ton, 1666. Newton (A.) The case of Thomas Smethurst, M. D. His trial, sentence, respite, and pardon for wilful murder, and prosecution for bigamy. With origiual documents of great interest, not yet published. Being a vindication of the course pursued by Her Majesty's government. 16°. London, 1869. Paillet [A.-G.-Y.] Plaidoyer pour Marie Fortunee Capelle, veuve de Charles Pouch La- farge, accused d'empoisonuemeut sur la personne de son mari, (levant la cour d'assises de la Gor- reze. Sept. 1^40. 4°. [Paris, 1640.] Quelqles Veritas nouvelles sur le procl-s La- farge, avec un fac-simile de Bayen; par un pau- vre villageois 8°. Toulouse, 1847. Raspail ( F.-Y. ) Accusation d'enipoisonne- ment par l'arsenic; memoire a consulter, a l'ap- pui du pourvoi en cassation de dame Marie Cap- pelle, ve Laffarge, sur les moyens de nullit6 que presents.l'expertise ehimique, dans le cours de la procedure, , cxv, 301. - Donnelly (E.) Arsenical poisoning; a re- markable case. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1880-81, xxiii 70-73—Dryer (C. R.) An interesting case in toxi- cology. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc., 1881-2 i, 79-83.-Duffield (J F') Paris green poisoning. Med. Gaz., JN. ¥•, i»hu, vii 516 —Durell (T. M.) The Somerville cases ot arseni- cal poisoning. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1888 n, 37-41. Also: Boaton M. Sc S. J., 1889, cxxi, 200-201.— AltSEXiC. 676 AKSENIC. Ar*diic (Poisoning by)—Cases and trials. Diipiiy. Cas d'empoisonnement par un bain arsenical. l-.ull Soe de med. prat, de Par.. 1868, 62-65. —Expertises (Lesi inedico-legales; la question de l'empoi.soniiement li-ir 1 'arsenic k propos de l'affaire Danval. Tribune med., Par. 1878, x, 253: J77; :i01; 325.—Fcltz. Accidents ob- serves dans' de nombrenx cas d'empoisonnements par l'arsenic France med., Par., 1880, xxvii, 274. Aho: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 61-64.—Fereol. Intoxi- cation arsenicale suraigue; [examen niicroscopiqne par V. Cornil]. Lnion nied., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxi, 265-268. Also: Bull, et mem: Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1880), 1881, 2. s., xvii, 321; 378.—Filoiiiiisi-Guelfii (G.) Sopra un caso di avvelenamento per arsenico in donna gravida. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli. 1888, u. s., x, 392-404.—Fin- lay (D W.) A rapidly fatal case of arsenical poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 943.—Fresehi. Rapporto della commissione incaricata di esaminare tutte le carre e docu- ment presentati alia reale Accademia medico-chirurgica di Torino nella sua tornata del 2 inaggio 1851 dal socio Demarchi, sopra un caso singolare di avvelenamento per 1' arsenico. Cior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1851, 2. s. xii 3-30.— Gnrcia (G. M.) Informe con el fin de averi- guar si los esposos S. . . . estaban sometidos & la accion del &cido arsenioso y si eran propios y acertados los reactivos empleados para descubrir el veneno. Trab. Com. d. med. le". e hig. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Ha- bana, 1873. i, 202-275.—Gerard (A.) Empoisonnement par l'arsenic, rcmarquable par l'absenco do symptomes violens, et suivi cependant de la mort cinq heures apr^s l'ingestion du poison. Rev. m6d. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1822, vii, 105-107.—Gessner (J. A.) Medicinische Rela- tion von einem, der sich durch Arsenicum selbst urns Le- ben gebracht. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1725, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1727, xxxiii-xxxiv, 337-340.—Gli a s- vala (B. E.) A peculiar case of poisoning. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 10.—Goodman (H. M.) The official investigation of the Suook-Herr poisoning. Am. Pract. Sc News, Louisville, 1891, n. s., xii, 129-141. Also, Reprint.—Greenley (T. B.) The Higbee poisoning cases. Am. Pract. \; News, Louisville, 1891, xi, 193-201.—Harri- son (M.) A case of corpuscular toxaemia, produced in a horse by the subcutaneous introduction of arsenic; the disease transmitted to man. Arkansas M. Month., Little Rock 1880-81. i, 160-162.—Heddle (J. F.) [Poisoning hy arsenic-. 2 cases.] Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1836-7), 1838 i 297-304.—Heebncr (T. F.) Suicide bv "rough on rats".' Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 187.— Heiueuway (H. B.) Poisoning by two drachms of ar- Benic; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 456.—Herz (A.) Arsenmergez6s kovetkezmenyei. [Fortunate end- ing of an acute case of poisoning by arsenic. ] Gyogy£szat, Budapest, 1888, xxviii, 557. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 1193. — Ilofntann (J.) Anklage wegen Arsenikvergiftung; Untersuchung einer mehrere Jahre beerdigt gewesenen Leiche, geringer Werth der sogenannten Mumifikation. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlanff. 1860, lxix, 392-427. Also, in his: Aus dem Ge- richtssaale, 8°, Erlangen, 1860, 4. Hft., 106-141.— Hogg (J.) Arsenic and arsenical domestic poisoning. MetL Press 9.-Moreira (J.) Arsenical affections of the skin. IS. it. J. Dermat., Lond., 1895, vii 378-382.- M iii lei- (F.) Zur Symptomatology und Differentialdi- acnose der Arseniklahmung. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, ARSENIC. 678 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Poisoning hy, Chronic). xxxv 509; 606.—Nicholson (B. H.) Diffuse erythema produced by the internal administration of arsenic Brit. J Dermat, Lond., 1893, v, 178— Owen. Bronzing of skin caused by arsenic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 985.— Parsons (A. li.) Arsenical multiple neuritis following the application of a cancer cure. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1895, c 199--M3.—Payne(J. F.) A case of arsenical keratosis. Brit, j" Dermat." Lond., 1895, vii, 249-251.—Peterson (F.) A case of arsenical paralysis, with symptoms of locomotor ataxia, Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 124.—Potts (C. S.) A ease of multiple neuritis caused by arsenic used in the treatment of chorea. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi, 469.—Purser (C.) Two cases of peripheral neuritis fol- lowing the use of arsenic. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893 xii 285. -----. Two cases of peripheral neuritis due to arsenic. Ibid., 1895, xiv, 230-232.—Putnam (J.J.) On motor paralysis and other symptoms of poisoning from medicinal doses of arsenic. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1888, cxviii, 046-649: cxix, 1-4. — Putzel (L.) Arsenical paralysis; multiple neuritis. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 601.—Basch (C.) Contribution k l'etude des dermatoses d'origine arsenicale. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 150-166. — Bichardicrc. Pi"-mentation de la peau dans l'arsenicisme. Bull, et m6ni. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 257-262.— Bo I let (J.) Des eruptions et des lesions arsenicales pro- fession nelles de la peau et des muqueuses nasale et oculaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1880, 2. s., i, 1-15.—Schlc- singer. Ein Kranker mit Pigmentation der Haut durch Arsenik gebrauch. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 694.— Scolozbuboflf. Paralysie arsenicale. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1884, 3. s., iv, 323-336.—Sccligmiil- let-(A) Ueher Arseniklahmung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.. I'.erl., 1881, vii, 185; 200;' 217. — Segtiiti (E. C.) Myelitis following acute arsenical poisoning (by Paris or Se'hweinfurth green). J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1882, n. s., vii, 665-680. Aho, Reprint. ' A ho [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, "NT. Y., 1882, xxii, 499. —Scntple (A.) A case of chorea treated by arsenic followed hy paralysis and pig- mentation of the skin. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1300.— Shattuck (F. C.) Some remarks on arsenical poisoning, with special reference to its domestic sources. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 589-595. Also, Reprint.—Smith (L.) Arsenical pigmentation. Montreal M. J., 1888-9, xvii, 691.—Stanly (A. L.) Report of a case of arsenical poisoning followed by general paralysis. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1890, n. s., xiv, 446.—Stark (H. S.) Multiple arsenical neuritis, with report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 703.—Well I an (L.) Pigmentation of the skin after the internal use of arsenic. Ibid., 409.— Welaiuler (E.) Fall af kronisk arsenik-forgiftning. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1880, xiii, 238-240.—White (J. C.) Cases of arsenical dermatitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1884, cxi, 433-435. Aho, Reprint.—Whittakcr (J. T.) Ar- senical paralysis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886, lvi, 571.— Wyws lO.) Ueber Arsenmelanose (Pigmentation der Haut nach innerlichem Arsengebrauch). Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1890, xx, 473-483, 1 pl. Arsenic (Poisoning by, Pathology of). See, also, Arsenic (Poisoning by, Chronic). van Enschut (F. P. T.) Commentatio, qua respondetur ad quaestionem medicam . . . iu Academia Rheno-Trajectina propositam: "Ac- curate exponautur signa, cum pathologica, turn chemica, quibus veneficium arseuicale, in foro, certo probari possit. Quse vero ex chemia pe- tuntur signa, ipsius auctoris experimentis etiam illustrari cupit facultas". 8°. [Traj. ad Bhe- num, 1836.] Heim ( L. ) * Ueber die Veranderungen im Magen nach Vergiftung mit Arsenik. 8°. Er- langen, 1880. Heinz (R.) Natur und Entstehungsart der bei Arsenik-Vergiftung auftretenden Gefass- Verlegungen. 8°. Breslau^ 1891. 1 Also, in: Arch. f. path. Auat. [etc.], Berl., 1891, cxxvi, 495-516, 2 pl. Pistouius (H. [C. L. ]) * Beitrage zur Patho- logie der acuten Arsenikvergiftung. [Marburg. ] 8". Leipzig, 1662. Bailey (E. H. S.) On the distribution of arsenic in the bodies of animals poisoned with this substance. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 206.—Bose (C.) Deposit of yellow arsenic on the endocardium in a case of arsen- ical poisoning. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii 142.—Brown (J. C.) Sc Davie* (E.) On the yellow pigment found in the intestines in cases of arsenical poi- soning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 506. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1884. i. 421. Also: Med. Times & Caz., Lond., 1884, i, 319.—Caillol de Ponry (0.) & .Livon ( C. ) Arsenic (Poisoning by, Pathology of). Kecherches sur la localisation de l'arsenic dans le eer- veau. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 202-205. Aho (with additions]: Marseille nnd., I8r-6| xvii, 285-291. Aho, Reprint.—Chapui* (A.) Influence des corps gras sur l'absorption de l'arsenic. Ann. d'hvg Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 411-419. — Chitlciidcn (it. 11.') &. Stnith(H.£.) Absorption ofarscnic by the brain. Med- Leg. J.. N. Y., 1885-6, iii, 145-148.—Draper (F. W.) Tho anatomical appearances resulting from poisoning by ar- senic. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1888, ii, 17-24 Aho: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1889, cxxi, 125-128. — Filelnte (W.) Ueber die Entstehung der pathologisch-anatoini- schen Yeranderung des Magens bei Arsenikvergiftung und iiber die chemische Theorie der Arsenikwirkung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1881, lxxxiii, 1-15.— Georganta (A.) 2v/n/3oAij eis Tr/v K\iviKr)v (nrov&riv -riv Sid Ttov Sia(f>6p(ov to0 a.p-8ij. viii, 179.—Leroy (F. G.) Nouvelles observations de pharmacie pratique sur l'hy- drate ferrique comme contre-poison de l'acide arsenieux. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1862, 2. s., v, 535-, 540. Aho, Reprint.—Link ill.) Case of arsenical poi- soning successfully treated extemporaneously. Proc. Ne- braska M. Soc 1881-2, Omaha. 1882. 152.— Ilnclajjan (D.) On the action of the hydrated sesquioxyde of iron on arsenic. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1840, liv, 106^112. Also, Reprint.—.Ilayol y Jorda. Una sospecha sobre los anfidotos del arsenico. Sentido catoL, Barcel., 1879, i, 294.—Pannill (VV.) Tr. ferri muriate precipitated with a saturated solution of the commercial sodium bicarb, as an antidote to poisoning by arsenious acid; report of five cases. Tr. TexasM. Ass., Austin, 1888,198-200.— Rnnke (H.) Mittheilung eines Falles von Arsenvergiftuug, in welchem als Gegenmittel Liquor ferri sulphurici oxydati anstatt des Autidotum arsenici verabreicht wurde: nebst einigen Experinienten iiber die Wirkung des schwefel- sauren Eisenoxyd's auf Thiere. Friedreich's Bl. f. ge- richtl. Med., Niirnb., 1881, xxxii, 273-285.—W"!*' (W- C.) A case of arsenical poisoning relieved by dialyzed iron. N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 18*5-0, v, 167. Arsenic (Tests for). See, also, Arsenic ( Poisoning by, Pathology ofi); Arsenic in air, etc. Berlinski (X. V.) *K voprosu ob otkritii mishyaka pri sudebnokhimicheskikh izslyedo- vaniakh putyom electroliza v apparatye Mar- sha. [Concerning the detection of arsenic in chemico legal investigation by means of electrol- ysis in Marsh's apparatus.] 6-. S.-Peterburg, 1690 . Beaumont (L.) * Elimination de l'arsenic. 4 . Paris, 1874. Bergmann (T.) Abhandlung von dem Arse- nick. 16c. Altenburg, 1776. Bigsby (J. J.) "Quaedam de vi arsenici exi- tiosa eomplectens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1814. Arsenic (Tests for). Borodin (A.) * Ob analogii mishyakovoi kis- loti s phosphornoyu v chiinicheskoni i toksikolo- gicheskoin otnoshen'iakh. [Analogy of arsenic with phosphoric acid in chemical and toxicologi- cal respect.] 8°. Sanktpeterbnrg, 1858. Boudaisd (A.) Memoire sur la recherche de l'arsenic dans le corps de l'homme. 8°. Cla- mecy, 167)3. Camet (E.) * Recherche do l'arsenic dans quelques medicaments et dans les substances qui servent a les preparer. 4°. Monipeltiev, 1884. Caventou. Sicherste Methode die Anwcsen- heit des Arseniks bei Arsenikvergiftungen zu er- mitteln. Im Auftrag der konigl. Akademie der Medicin zu Paris bekannt gemacht von Husson, Adelon, Helletier, Chavalier und Caventou'. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von Dr. Wal- ther und hrsg. von R. H. Rohatzsch. 1*2-. Miin- chen, 1842. Christexsex (M.) *De exploratione vene- ficii cheniica arsenico facti particula prior. Re- spondeute T. F. G. Bricka. 8°. Harniw, 1836. Christison (R.) On the detection of minute quantities of arsenic in mixed fluids. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Clary (A.-J.) * Des proprietes physiques, chi- miques ct toxiques de l'arsenic et des moyens de le reconnaitre dans un cas d'empoisonnement. 4°. Paris, 1840. Considerations sur les methodes employees jusqu'a ce jour dans les recherches de chimie legale, et expose d'une methode nouvelle, appli- cable aux empoisonnemens simples et com- plexes, avec indication d'un nouveau mode d'isolement de l'arsenic. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Dana (E. S.) Microscopic examination of samples of commercial arsenic aud the practical results to which it leads. 8°. Jersey City, N. J., 1880. Ducher (L.) * Emploi nouveau des sulfures alcalins dans la purification des acides sulfurique et chlorhydrique arsenicaux; destines a la pre- paration de quelques produits chimiques m6di- camenteux et alimentaires. 4°. Lyon, 1869. Feuchtwanger (L.) Remarks on arsenic, with drawings of the color of its precipitates formed by reagents applied to them. 8°. [New Haven, n. d.] Repr.from: Am. J. Sc. Sc Arts, N. Haven, xix, no. 2. Garxier (L.) * Experiences sur la recherche toxicologique de l'arsenic. 4°. Nancy, 1880. Gerdy. Discours prononces a. l'Academie royale de medecine dans la question de l'arsenic a la suite du rapport, fait par M. Caventou sur un travail de MM. Danger et Flandin, et resume" historique de la discussion par le redacteur de l'Experience. ft0. Paris, 1841. Giaxnelli (G.) Discorso intorno a un nuovo mezzo per iscoprire 1' avvelenamento commesso coll' acido arsenioso trovato e proposto dal . . . Letto alia reale Accademia Lucchese nella te- nuta di 2 giugno 1843. 8°. [Lucca, 1843.] Cutting. Girardix (J.) Faits pour servir a l'histoire technique de l'arsenic. 8°. [Lille, 1664.] Repr.from: Mem. Soc. d. sc, agric. et arts de Lille, 1864. Herbst(H.) * Leber Arsentetroxyd. [Bern.] 8°. Miinchen u. Leipzig, 1894. Heydar (A.) * L'arsenic et ses combinaisons. 4°. Montpellier, 1885. Hillairet (J.-E.) Notice historique sur l'em- poisoiiiieinent par l'arsenic, sur l'emploi de l'ap- pareil de Marsh, et des autres moyens de doser ce toxique. 8°. Paris, 1847. AKSENIC. 680 AESEXIC. Arsenic (Tests for). Hoermanx (G.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pyro- und Meta-Arsensaure, sowie einiger Salze derselben. 8-\ Erlangen, 1619. Lepetit (L.) * Etude de l'arsenic sous le point de vue ehimique et toxicologique. 4C. Paris, 1646. Lixdes. Ueber die Auffindung des Arseniks bei gerichtlich-chemischen Uutersuchungeu. 4°. Berlin, 1646. Marshall (J.) Five cases of recovery from the effects of arsenic; with the methods so suc- cessfully employed for detecting the white me- tallic oxide, in which the very delicate and sat- isfactory tests peculiar to Mr. Hume were princi- pally adopted, as well as some others of a more crude nature formerly in use. To which are annexed many corroborating facts, never before published, relative to the guilt of Eliza Fen- ning. 6°. London, 1815. Michaelis (P.) * Beitrage zur gewichtsanaly- tischen Bestimmung des Arsens und dessen Tren- nung von anderen Elementen. 8°. Berlin, 18U4. Mokrocsofe (I.) * Materialy k voprosu o kolichestvenuoni opredelenii myshjaka v trupach zhivotnych, im otravlennych. [Materials for quantitative analysis ofarsenic iu animal body by poisoning.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1860. Orfila. Rapport sur les moyens de constater la presence de l'arsenic dans les empoisonne- ments par ce toxique, au nom de l'Academie royale de medecine par MM. Husson, Adelon, Pelletier, Chevallier et Caventou, rapporteur, suivi de l'extrait du rapport fait a l'Academie des sciences sur le meme sujet, par MM. Th6- nard, Dumas, Boussingault et Regnault, rap- porteur, et d'une refutation des opinions de MM. Magendie et Gerdy sur cette question. [Rev.] 8-. Paris, 1841. See, aho, supra, Caventou. -----. Recherches medico-iegales et thera- peutiques sur 1'empoisonnement par l'acide ars6- nieux, precedees d'une histoire de l'arsenic m6- tallique et de ses divers composes, et suivies d'une discussion sur le peroxide de fer, consider comme contre-poison. Recueillies et redigees par le docteur Beaufort. 8°. Paris, 1842. PerPer (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der arse- nigsauren Salze. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Prussia. Verordnnng wegen Aufbewahrung und Dispensation der Arseniksolution. Pots- dam, den 16. Feb. 1813. Konigliche Kurmiir- kische Regierung. fol. [Berlin, 1813. ] Quix (F. H. F.) *De arsenico. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1620. Read (A.) * Recherches de l'arsenic dans les cas d'enipoisonnement. 4°. Paris, 1867. Sanger (C. R.) The quantitative determina- tion of arsenic, by the Berzelins-Marsh process, especially as applied to the analysis of wall papers and fabrics. 8-. [m. p., 1891.] Cutting from: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sc Sc, Bost. & Cambridge, 1891, xxvi, 24-45, 1 pl. Aho, in: Am. Chem. J., Bait, 1891, xiii, 431-453,1 pl. Selmi (F.) Di un processo delicato e sicuro per la ricerca tossicologica dell' arseuico e di alcune osservazioni sul detto metalloide. Me- moria. 4°. Boma, 1679 Repr.from: Atti d. r. Accau. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma, eclxxvi (1878-9). Sider (A. * Razsmotrienie dostoinstva spo- sobov otkrytija myschyaka pri sudebno-chimi- cheskich izsliedovaiiijach. [Examination into the value of methods to discover arsenic iu legal- chemical investigations.] 8°. Eharkoff, 1856. Todd (R.) * On arsenic. 8°. Edinburgh, 1840. ' Hi ii ;r. if.) Die Oxydation der arsenigen Siiure durch Oi-anMii'fe. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phannakol.. Leipz., Arsenic (Tests for). 1895, xxxvi, 275-284.—Binz (C.) Sc Ncluilz (H.) Dio Ar- sengiftwirkunge vom cbemischen Staiiilpunkt betraehtet Ibid.. 187!), xi, 200-230. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: J. Am. Chem' Soc, X. T., 1880, ii, 115-117— Bouquet Veg« (W.) Arsenic. In his: Obs. Relating to the Science [etc.], 8-. Lond., 1851, 144-148. Arsenic (Toxicology of). See Arsenic ( Tests for). Arsenic (Suljihurct of). Chabenat Sc I^cpt-iiicc. Empoisonnement subaigu par l'arsenic a I'aide d'un pommade a base arsenicale (orpiment). [Rap.] Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull, Par., 1890, xi, 330-344. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiv, 360-375.— Crawford (J.) Poisoning bv "king's vellow". Glasgow M. J., 1850-7, iv, 49-60. Aho. in his: Xotes Med.-Leg. Cases, 8°, Glasg., 1856, 17-28.—Jlanoti- vriez (A.) Intoxication par l'orpiment introduit dans une tumeur cancereuse de l'aisselle: mort. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1880, xix. 435-440. Aho [Abstr.] : Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1881, liv, 331.—OssikovszUy (J.) Az arsenk6neg mint m6reg, 8 annak szerepe torvenyszeki kerdesekben. [Sulphide of arsenic as poison. 1 Kiizeg. 6s T6rv6ny. Orvos., Budapest, 1880, 65-70— Mcheuthauer (G./ Ver- giftungdurch Auripigmeut bei einem (il Jahre alten Weibe. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1807», 1808, 287. Arsenic in coloring matters, ivall-papers, etc. Jokban ( N.) * Vergleichende Untersuchun- gen der wichtigeren zum Nachweise von Arsen in Tapeten und Gespinnsten empfohlencn Me- thoden. 8C. Dorpat, 18-9. Wood (E. S.) Arsenic as a domestic poison. 6Z. Boston, 1867). BiibiiolT (S. F.) Sanitar. znachenie myshjakov. pro- trav na bumazhnych tkan.jacb. [Sanitary importance of arsenic mordants in cotton textures.] Shorn, rabot hvg. lab. Moskov. Univ., Mosk . 1888, ii, 69-80. —Cadogan- IUastei-inaii (G.) Arsenic as a cosmetic. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 534.—Chevallier. Rapport sur un memoire de Ozanain: Existe-t-il de l'arsenic dans la ma- ture des tubes de verre blanc? Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xi, 224-239.— Clarke (J. H.) Arsenical wall-papers. Homu-op. World, Lond., 1880, xv, 147; 250; 296; 354.— Crafts (J. M.) Evidence as to the injuriousness of arsenic as a domestic poison. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1891, exxv, 71.—Bonliin (H.) Poisoning bv arsenical wall- paper. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 681. — Kiitfluas (Leber den) holier Temperaturen auf mit Schweinfurter Griin gefarbte Lampenschirme. Jahresb. d. chem. Centrallstello f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Dresd., 1878,vi-vii,72-75.—Gassncr. Vergiftung von Rindvieh durch arsenikhaltige Tapeten. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1894, ii, 127.— Gosto (B.) Azione dei micronti sui composti arsenicali fissi. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Roma, 1891, ii, 715-719. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. nbias (Ii.) Sur l'action physiologique de l'hydrogene arseni6. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, ex, 660— Schiekhardt. Ein Fall von Arsen-Was- serstoff- Veriiiftiing. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 26.—Sui-y-Bicnz. Todtliche Vergiftung durch Arsenwasserstoif. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1888, n. F.. xlix, 349-352. -----. Fiinf Fiille von gleichzeitiger Vergiftung durch Arsenwassertoff. Ibid., 353. Arsil. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. d'Arsonval (A.) [1851- ]. Galvanoinetres aperiodiques de grande sensibility. 7 pp. roy. 6-j. Paris, G. Carre, 1866. Repr. from: Rev. internat. d'electricite,, 1880. ------. Note sur la pr6paration de l'cxtrait testi- culaire concentr6, suivie de regies relatives a l'einploi du liquide testiculaire par MM. Brown- Sequard et d'Arsouval. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 16[)3. Repr. from: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path", Par., 1893, 5. s., v. See. aho, Brotvn-Seuunrtl ,fc d'Ai-sonval (A.) Preparation iles extraits liipiides [etc.]. 8-. Paris, 1891. ----------. Recherches sur h-s extraits liquides retires des glandes [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1891. For Bioqraphy, see Rev. internat. d'electroth6r., Par., 1893-4, iv, 321-333. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, Sup- pl, 413. Art. Nee, also, Anatomy (Artistic). Brimmer (M.) An address delivered at Bow- doiu College, upon the opening of the Walker art building. 8°. Boston 4' New York, 1894. Lordat (J.) Essai sur l'iconologie medicale, ou sur les rapports d'utilit6 qui existent entre l'art du dessin et l'e'tude de la me'decine. 8°. Montpellier, 1833. Augelucci (A.) La funzione dei vecchi e i suoi ef- fetti sull" impiego del colore in pittura. Arch, di ottal, Palermo, 1894-5, ii, 3; 69; 155; 399. — Fenoaltea (A.) Gli effetti della visione monoculare nella pittura, desunti specialrnent e dai quadri di Pietro D'Asaro, nittore del xvii" secolo. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1895-6, iii, 14-33.— failles de la Tourctte. Un bas-relief d'Alfred Bou- cher: Tobie rendant la vue k son pere. X. iconog. de la Salpetriere, far., 1892, v, 263, 1 pl. — ITIeiijc (II.) Les peintres de la medecine (ecoles tlaiuancle et hollandaise) ; les operations sur la tete. Ibid., 1895, viii. 228-204, 3 pl. ; 291-322, 4 pl. -----. Les peintres de la medecine (pein- tures murales de I'ompeii: Enee blesse. Ibid., 1890, ix, 36-48, 2 pl—Scoti (0. A.) Sex and art. Am. J. Ps\- chol., Worcester, 1895-6, vii, 153-226. Art (L') de conserver la sante des princes, [etc.]. See Ramazzini (B.) [in 1. s.]. Art (L') culinaire. Revue de la cuisine et de la | table. Le gerant: H. Lesne. [Semi-monthly.] Xo. 16, v. 5, Aug. 31, 1<~87. sm.fol. Paris. Art (The) of feeding the invalid. A series of chapters on the nature of certain prevalent dis- eases aud maladies ; together with carefully se- lected recipes for the preparation of food for in- valids. By a medical practitioner and a lady professor of cookery, viii, 264 pp. 8°. London, Scientific Press, [1692]. Art (L'j de turner et de priser sans deplaire aux belles enseigne" en 14 lecons. Avec une notice e"tyinologique, historique, dogmatique, philoso- phique, politique, hygienique, scientifique et Art (L') de fnmer et de priser [etc.]—continued. lyriqne, sur le tabac, la tabatiero, la pipe et lo cigare, par deux marchands de tabac qui ont mange" leur fonds. xv, 17-123 pp. lb°. Paris, 1627. Art (L') 'iatrique, poeme en quatre chants. See Bourdelin (L.-H.). Art (The) of invigorating and prolonging life [etc.]. See Kitchiner (William). Art (L') de jouir. See de La Mettrie (Julicn- Offray). Art (L') me'dical. Inte"rets sociaux, scientifiquea et professionnels. F. van Eoosbroeck, direc- teur-g6raut. Paralt le ler et le 3me dimanche de chaque mois. v. 15-24, 1880-88. 8°. Bru- Euded. No. 22, v. 24, Dec, 23, 1888, last published. Art (L') me'dical. Journal de m6decine generale et de me'decine pratique. Re'dacteurs: J.-P. Tessier [and 11 others]. Comit6 de redaction: J. Davasse, F. Gabalda, A. Milcent. [Month- ly; 2 v. annually.] v. 50-82, 1880-96. 8°. Paris. Current. In 1880 P. Jousset became editor. Art (L') me'dical; on les veritables moyens de parveuir en me'decine; poeme accompagne" de notes; par I'auteur de la Physiologic philoso- phique. 255 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bail- liere, 1843. Art (The) of nursing: or, the method of bringing up young children according to the rules of physick, for the preservation of health, and pro- longing life. 2. ed., to -which is prefixed an arcutio, with its dimensions, used abroad to pre- vent the overlaying of children. 7 p. 1., 172 pp. 12°. London, J. Brotherlon, 1733. Art (The) of preserving the feet; or, practical in- structions for the prevention and cure of corns, bunnions, callosities, chilblains, etc. ; with ob- servations on the dangers arising from improper treatment, advice to pedestrians, etc. To which are added, directions for the better management of the hands and nails. By an experienced chiropodist. 3. ed. xvi, 239 pp. 12°. Lon- don, H. Colburn, 1818. Identical with 1. ed. in 1. s., hut has 3. ed. on title-page. Art (The) of preserving health: a poem. See Armstrong (John) [in 1. s.]. The art of preserv- ing health. 4°. London, 1744. Art (The) of preserving the sight unimpaired [etc.]. See Beer (Georg Joseph). Art (L') de saigner, accommode' [etc.]. See [Meu- risse (Henri Emmanuel)]. Art (L') de teindre sans danger les cheveux et la barbe selon leur couleur et nuance primitives. Forniules et analyse ehimique de toutes les tein- tures pileuses connues et secretes. Examen du proceil6 chinoi3 dont il a et6 rendu compte a. l'Institut. Art d'arreter la calvitie et de r6g6- ne'rer les cheveux perdus depuis longtemps, par une m6thode endermotonique dont le lecteur appre"ciera l'efficacit6. 59 pp. 8°. Paris, 1850. [P., v. 1260.] Art (L') de se traiter soi-meme dans les maladies veueriennes, [etc.]. See M. [in 1. s.]. Artarine. Cciacosa (P.) Cenni sull' azione fisiologica dell' arta- rina. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1889. x, 257-267. Also, Reprint. Aho, transl.: Arch. itaj. de biol., Turin, 1890, xiii, 444-450. Artaud (Frank E.) Acute hepatitis, resulting from the presence of biliary calculi, found in the parenchymatous structure of the right lobe of the liver; cure effected by operation. 4 1. e°. [New Orleans, 1661. Repr.from: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1880-81, viii. Artaud (G.) [1857- ]. * Etude sur l'etiologie de la fievre typhoide. (Bacille de la fievre ty- AETAUD. 683 ARTERIES. Artaud (G.)—continued. phoi'de.) 42 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 210. Artaud (Jean) [1867- ]. * Contribution h l'etude de l'action physiologique des toxines niicrohiennes. 144 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1047. _____. Les toxines niicrohiennes. Contribution a l'etude de leur action physiologique. 142 pp. 8-". Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4: fits, 1895. Artatllt (Stephen). Drogues chimiques de la matiere me'dicale. 189 pp. 12°. Paris, Oilier- Henry, 1667). _____. Recherches bacte'riologiques, niycolo- giques, zoologiques et nie'dicales sur l'ceuf de poule et ses agents d'infection. 328 pp., 6 pl. 4°. Paris, Oilier-Henry, 1893, Xo. 301. Arteaga (Alberto) [1857- ]. * Plaies du tes- ticule. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1663, Xo. 38. Artegiani (Angiolo). Descrizione dello schele- tro esistente nello studio del Antonio Rossi, es- tesa in una lettera diretta all' Antonio Vallis- neri. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol., Venezia, 1732, vi, 261- 280, 1 pl. Arteijo. Salvador v Gamboa (M.) Banos de Arteijo. Bol. de san., Madrid 1888. ii, 214-226. Arte mia. Brauer (A.) Znr Kenntniss der Reifung des parthe- nogenetisch sich ent-svickelnden Eies von Artemia salina. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 1894, xliii, 102-222, 4 pl. Arteillidorus Daldianus. 'Aprefiidcopov oveipoicpi- tikuv jt6'/.ia ttevte. Ilepi evv-viuv Hvveaiov uc M- yovow. Artemidori de somniorum interpretatione libri quinque. De insomniis, quod Synesii cujus- dam nomine circumfertur. 164 ff. 24°. Yene- tiis, in cedibus Aldi, et Anderce soceri, 1513. -----& Acllinet/. Sereim. Oueirocritica. As- trampsychi et Xicephori versus etiam oneirocri- tici. Xicolai Rigaltii ad Artemidorum notae. 5 p. 1., 269 pp., 9 1.; 20, 65, 275 pp., 8 1. 6J. Lu- tetian, M. Orry, 1603. Greek and Latin text. Artemisia. Maxdruzzato (S.) Della facolt& febbrifuga e delle altre virtu medicinali del santonico, Ar- temisia crerulescens Linn. Discorsi due. 8°. Udine, 1805. Reilingh (D. de V.) *De artemisia vulgari, nostra a-tate potissimum in epilepsia laudata. 8Z. Groninga>. [1826]. Rislek (\V. G. S.) *De epilepsia et nonnulla de radice Artemisia? vulgaris, sm. 4°. Kiliee, 1825. Artemisia Absinthium. See Absinth. Arteinyeflf (Afleksandr] P[avlovich]) [1844- ]. Rukovoditel povivalnoi bahki po ukhodu za beremennimi, rozhenitsami, mdilnitsami i no- vorozhdennimi, a takzhe i po okazan'iu pervo- nachalnoi pomoshtshi pri otravlen'iakh i razlich- nikh sluchayakh obmirania, so vklyiichcn'icm zakonopolozheuiy, kasayushtshikhsya povival- nikh babok. [The midwife's guide, showing how to take care of the pregnant, the parturient, both before and after delivery, and priniipara-; also how to administer first aid in cases of poi- soning, and various accidents of fainting; in- cluding legal enactments which concern mid- wives. J 191, vi pp. 8°. Bryansk, 1892. -----. Thesame. Guide pratique pour les sages- fennnes. 213 pp. 16°. Lausanne, F. Bouge; I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere 4~ fills, [1895]. Artephius [A'77. century]. See C'hevrcul (M.-E.) Examen critique au point de vue de l'histoire de la chimie [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1807. Arterial duct. See, also, Aorta (Abnormities of). Brocq (L.) Etude sur les communications entre l'aorte et l'art ere pulinonaire autres que celles qui tesultent de la persistanee du canal arteriel. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1885, v, lu4(i: 1886, vi, 786. — Daricr (J.) Persistanee du canal arteriel chez une femme do 51 ans. Bull. Soc. anat. de I'ar., 188"), lx, 55-58. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 272.—Gilbert. Un cas de persistanee sim- ple du canal arteriel. France med., Par., 1886, ii, 1062. Also: Bull. Soc. clin.de Par. (1886), 1887, x, 105-107.— Hoe hh mi* (H.) Ueher das Offenbleiben des Ductus Botalli. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892-3, li, 1; 25; 334, 1 pl—Katniro ITIoiileiro (A.) Persisten- cia do buraco de Botal com symptomas de lesao do coracao direito; erro do diagnostico. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1880- 81, 2. s., v, 108-127. Arteries. See, also, Aorta; Pulse; and under regions. Arthaud. Dissertations snr la dilatation des arteres et sur la sensibilit6; appuyees de plusieurs experiences faites sur les animaux vivans, auxquelles on a joint deux observations sur l'hydropisie du peritoine. 8°. Paris, 1771. Balm (H.) *Die Arterienanastomosen des Huudes und die Bedeutung der Collateralen fiir den thierischen Organismus. [Erlangen.] 8°. Dresden, 1869. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1888-9, xiv, 273-316. Bell (C.) Engravings of the arteries, illus- trating the second volume of the anatomy of the human body, by J. Bell; and serving as an introduction to the surgery of the arteries. sm. 4°. London, 1601. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1806. -----. The same. 1. Am. from the 3. Lond. ed.r corrected. 8°. Philadelphia, 1812. -----. The same. Descriptio arteriarum Latio donata et in usum studiosse juventutis ac- comodate ab Henrico Robbi. 8°. Lips'uv, 1619. Bexeke (F. W.) Ueber die Weite der Iliacae communes, Subclavia? und Carotiiles communes in den verscbiedenen Lebensalteru. Ein zwei- ter Beitrag zur Lehre vom Blutdruck von der Pubertatseutwickelung und Seuescenz sowie zur Pathologie der Carcinome. 4°. Cassel, 1679. Bonsdorff ( E. J. ) Bidrag till blodkiirl- systeinets jeinporiinde anatomie. I. Det arte- riella karlsystemet hos paddan (Bufo cinereus, Sclmeid.). 4°. [n. p., 1847.] Blchhaue (R.) Descriptionis arteriarum corporis humani prseparati particulam disquisi- tioni publicse submittet, respondente Petro Jere- inia? Moller. 4°. Hafnice, 1764. Cooke (T.) Tablets of auatomy and physiol- ogy. Anatomy: arteries of the head aud neck. 4°. New York, 1874. Corbett (J. H.) The descriptive and surgi- cal anatomy of the arteries, and relative anat- omy of the veins and nerves of the human body. 12°. London, 1855. Eiikenkeicii (P.) * Ueber den Ban und das Wachsthnm der innersten Artericnhaut und die Pathogenese der Endarteritis chronica. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Flood (V.) The surgical anatomy of the ar- teries, and descriptive anatomy of the heart: together with the physiology of the circulation in man and inferior animals. 8J. London, 1839. Goddard (P. B.) Plates ofthe arteries, with references; for the use of medical students. 4°. Philadelphia, 1839. Guinard (J.-B.) * De quibusdam arteriarum proprietatibus. 4°. Gandavi, 1824. Hallman (J. G.) Descriptio arteriarum cor- poris humani in tabulas redacta, cujus partem quartam et ultimam publice ventiteudam exhi- bet, 4°. Upsalia, [1783] Harrison (R.) The surgical anatomy of the arteries of the human body: designed for the AKTEKIES. Arteries. use of students in the dissecting room. 2 v. 8°. Dublin, 1824. Hiddinga (J.) * De vi et effectu arteriarum in tluida contenta. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1753. Imada (T.) Domiyaku ichiran dzukai. [II- luslrated conspectus of the arterial system.] folding 16-. Tokio, 1678. Japanese text. Kaei'ki; (N.) * Zur Methodik der Elastici- tiitsiiH-ssungen an der Gefiisswaud. 8°. Dorpat, 1691. Laxdt (J.) Commentatio in qnaestionem: Qua-ritur seutentiarum, qua- anatomicis, tain antiquioribns, quam recentioribus, de arteria- rum structura fuerunt, historia critica; porro pathologica morborum, qui iisdem accidunt, ex- plicatio, in penitiore structure cognitione fun- data: denique hujus notitiae usus, cum in curan- dis illis morbis, tuni in nonnullis operatiouibus chirurgicis. In: Oeationes vir. in med. [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1841, 1-80. Lick (A.) * Ueber Elasticitatsverhaltnisse gesunder tind krauker Arterienwande. 8°. Dorpat, 1889. Macintyre (P.) * De causis arteriarum, post mortem, vacuitatis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Maxciiot (C.) Die Hautarterien des mensch- lichen Korpers. fol. Leipzig, I860. Moxdixi (C.) * De arteriarum tunicis. Dis- sertutio posthuma. 4°. Bononiw, 1617. Also, in: Opusc. scient. 4°. Bologna, 1817, i, 161-168. Murray (A.) * Descriptio arteriarum corpo- ris humani in tabulas redacta. Pts. 1-4. sm. 4-. Upsalice, [1780-83]. ------. The same. 4°. Upsalice, 1798. ------. Thesame. A description of the arte- ries ofthe human body, reduced into the form of tables. Transl. from the Latin under the in- spection of James Macartney. 8°. London, 1801. Neill (J.) Outlines of the arteries: with short descriptions. 8-''. Philadelphia, 1845. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 167)2. Nikiforoff (I. A.) * Ob otnoshenii kalibra arterii k Aesu i obyoruu organov i k vesu tchastei tela. [Relation of calibre of arteries to weight aud volume of organs, and to weight of parts of body.] 6P. S.-Peterburg, 1883. Pekeliiakixg (C. A.) Over woekering van endothelium-cellenin slagaderen. 8°. [Utrecht, n. d.] Repr. from: Onderz. Physiol. Laborat., Ltrecht, 4. R., 1. DI. Poletik (M.) *Materialy k voprosu ob elas- tichnosti arterialuych steuok. [On elasticity of arterial wall.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1884. Poletti (L.) Su la condizione delle arterie nei vertebrati e sopratutto nell' uomo. Esperi- enze ed osservazioni. 12°. Bologna, 1833. Popowski (J.) Arterialnaya sistema u obez- yau sravnitelno s raspolojeniem eya u tschelo- veka. [Arterial system in the monkey compared with the arrangement in man.] 8°. Tomsk, 1894. See, aho, infra. Poskwitz (J. F. S.) Physiologie der Puls- adern des menschlichen Korpers. Nebst einer vorausgeschickten Beschreibung des Herzens, und einer tabellarischen Uebersicht der beyden arteriosen Svsteme. Erster Theil. '-;. Leipzig, 17«i:.. Power (J.H.) Anatomy of the arteries of the human body, descriptive and surgical, with the descriptive anatomy ofthe heart; with illustra- tions by B. Wills Richardson. 12°. Dublin, i860. AKTERIES. Arteries. ------. The same. 8-\ Philadelphia, 1863. Reixarz (C. T.) *De irritabilitate arteria- rum propria. 4°. Bonnw, [1821]. Risse (A.) * Observationes quaedam de arte- riarum statu normali atque pathologico. r--■. Begiomonti Pr., 187>3. Ruckert (W.) * Ueber die Lumina der ar- teriellen Gefiisse. 4°. Marburg, [1*70]. Schulmaxn (T.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Structur des elastischen Gewebes der gesunden und kranken Arterienwand. 8^. Dorpat, 1*92. Sciiielk-Wiegaxdt (V.) * Ueber"Wanddicke und Unifang der Arterien des nieuschliehen Kor- pers. [Bern.] 8 . Berlin, 1**0. Also, in: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1680, lxxxii 27-39, 1 tab. SiMciiowrrz (S.) * Ueber die Beziehung der erblichen Belastung zur Entwickelung des Ge- fiisssystems. 8"-. Jena, 1889. Smith (N. R.) Surgical anatomy of the arte- ries. 4:. Baltimore, 1832. Tiedemaxn (F.) Plates of the arteries of the human body, after Frederic Tiedemann . . .; engraved by E. Mitchell, under the superintend- ence of Thomas "Wharton Jones, surgeon; the explanatory references translated from the orig- inal Latin, with additional notes by Dr. Knox. lecturer on anatomy. 3. ed. 4°. Edinburgh, 1637). Yialletox (L.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'endartere de l'homme et des animaux nianinii- feres. 4°. Lyon, 1885. Weickert (E.) Gunther's Methoden der Auf- suchung der Arterien am menschlicheu Korper, nebst kurzen topographisch-anatoniischen Be- merkungen. 213. Leipzig, 1*47. ------. The same. Leerwijze tot lii-t opzoe- ken der slag-aderen aan het menschelijk lig- chaam, van Prof. B. Gunther; benevens korte topographisch-anatomische aannierkingcn. nie- degedeeld door Dr. Eduard Weickert. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door A. S. van Nierop, jr. 8°. Amsterdam, 1847. Westphalen ( H. ) * Histologische Unter- suchungen iiber den Ban einiger Arterien. 8°. Dorpat, 1866. Awelioir (A.) Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgcschichte der Arterien beim menschlichen Embryo. Morphol. Arb., Jena. 1S9J-3, ii, 1-35, 3 pl.—Baker (F.) Remarks on the morphology of arteries, especially those of the limbs. Abstract eta paper read before the Montreal meeting ofthe American Association for the Advancement ol' Science. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1883, xvii, 5n."i-511, 4 pl— llelliiii. Observations et notes sur le tiajet des ai teres. Lull Soe. anat. de Par.. 1894, lxix, 090-702.— Boa* (J. E V.) Ueber die Arterienbogen der "Wirbelthiere. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1887-8, xiii, 115-118, 1 pl.—Bonnet. Leber den Bander Arterienwand. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. n. Berl, 1895, xxii, 2.—Curtis (F.) Sur les modifications de structure que subissent les parois arterielles & lorisrine des collaterales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v. 377-379.—Fiek (A.) Ueber die Form der Blut- vrelle in den Arterien. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1804, ii, 785. Also, Reprint. -----. Die Geschwin- digkeitskurve in der Arterie des lebenden Menschen. Untersuch. a. d. physi 1. Lab. d. Zurich. Ilochsch.. Wien, 1869, Hft. 1, 50-70. Also, Reprint, — Herz I M) Ueber sicht- und fiihlbare Arterienpulsationeu. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1895, xl, 3G5t 377.—Hoorweg (J. L.) Ueher die Blutbewegung in den nieiisi-hlichen Arterien. Arch. f.d. ges. Physiol. Bonn. 18S9-90. xlvi, 115-1,-8: 1890, xlvii. 439- 453.—Hutchinson (J.) On large arteries in elderly per- sons. Arch. Surg., Loud., 1890-9!. ii. 308. -----. Senile arteries of verv large size with good health ; temporals not enlarged. Ibid., 1892-3. iv, 171.—Johnson (SirG.) The Lumleian lecture? on the muscular arterioles; their structure and function in health and in certain morbid states. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1877, i, 443: 473: 503; 539: 577. Aho, Reprint. -----. The influence of the arterioles iu heallh and disease. Med. Press & Circ. Lond.. 1893. n.s., lv, 243.—Jolyet iF.) De la tension arterielle chez les animaux vertetnes. Caz. hebd. d. se. med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 51--.fi.— I,eN«hart (!'.) De la loi generale qni preside h. la distribution (les arteres dans le corps de l'homme. [Traii-d. into French by C. Goutcharotf. 1 In- ARTERIES. 685 AETEEIES. Arteries. ternat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Berl., 1885, ii, 234- 244, 1 pl— Mncalister (A.) The morphology of tho ar- terial system in man. (Part I.) J. Anat. 'Sc Physiol, Lond., 1885-6, xx, 193-200.—Mackay (J. Y.) The de- velopment of the branchial arterial arches in birds, with special reference to the origin of the subclavians and carotids. Phil. Tr. 18S8, Lond., 1889, clxxix, 111-139, 4 pl. Aho [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1887, xiii, 429-432.— Malnsscz. Xote sur rauatomie generale de l'endar- tere. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1878, Par.. 1880, 6. s., v, 136- 138.—Mason (J.J.) Peristaltic arterial action; objec- tions to this theory. X. Y'ork M. J., 1873, xviii, 602-609. Also, Reprint.-----. Peristaltic arterial action. Second article. N. York M. J., 1874, xx, 41-44. Also, Reprint.— iTIoni-oy <»onzalcz (F.) Anastomosis arterinles. En- sayo med.. Caiacas, 1883-4, i, 85; 95; 111.—Vloi-pur^o (B.) Ueber die Entwicklung der Arterienwand. Sit- zungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1884, Wien, 1885, xc, 231-253, 2 pl.—Popowsky (J.) Phylo- genesis des Arteriensystems der unteren Extiemitaten bei den Primaten. Auat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 657-665. [See, also, supra.]—Bojecki (F.) Noto sur des plexus arteriels observes chez les makis et les singes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1887, 8. 8., iv, 541.—Roy (C. S.) The elastic properties of the arterial wall. J. Physiol., Lond., 1880-sl, iii, 125-159, 3 pl.—Souchon (E.) tin the surgical collateral branches of the main arteries. Tr. In- ternat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, iii, 194-199.—Soulier (H.) Du fremissemeht art6riel. J. de nied. de Lyon, 1867, viii, 169-175.—Stahel (H.) Ueber Arterienspindeln und iiher dieBeziehung der Wanddickeder ArterieuzumBlutdruck. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1886, 45; 307, 1 pl, 1 diag.—Stieda. Un paragon© fra le arterie dell' avambraccio e quelle della gamba. Gior. d. Ass. napol. dimed. enat, Napoli, 1894-5, v, 157-166.—Thotna (R.) &. Kaefer (N.) Ueber die Elasticitat gesunder und kranker Arterien. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1889, cxvi, 1-27.—I'rlichs (K.) Ueber die Elastieitats-Ver- haltnisse der Arterien bei verticaler Elevation. Verhandl. a. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1880, Berl., 1881, ix, pt. 2, 189-196. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881, xxvi, 1-8 Arteries (Abnormities of). See, also, Aorta (Abnormities of); Artery (Axillary); Artery (Brachial); Artery (Carotid, Abnormities of). vox Baer (K. E.) Ueber die Geflechte in welche sich einige grossere Schlagadern der Saugethiere friih auflosen. (Gelesen den 13. Miirz 1833.) 4°. [n. p., 1833.] Cutting from: [Acad. nat. curios, ephem. ?]. Loder (J. C.) [Pr.] in quo recensentur non- nullse arteriarum varietates. Jenas, 1781. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1782, xv, 27-32. Schavalbe (E.) * Ueber die Varietaten der menschlichen Arteria mediana in ihrer atavisti- schen Bedeutung. 8°. Heidelberg, 1895. von Siebold (R.) "Ueber anomalen Ur- sprung und Verlauf der in chirurgischer Bezie- hung wichtigen Schlagaderaste. 8°. IViirzburg, 1837. Oppermaxx (E.) * Ueber zwei seltene Anoma- lien der grossen Gef assstiimme. 8". Eiel, 1886. Vixcext (A.) * Contribution a l'6tude des anomalies arterielles conside're'es dans leurs rapports avec le systenie veineux normal. 8°. Geneve, 1676. Bcaumanoir. Anomalies des arteres de la base de l'eneephale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, lvii, 317. -----. Anomalies arterielles trouv6es a l'autopsie d'un sujet (mort en d6ceinbre 1881, a I'hopital maritime de Brest). Ibid., 317-321. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 222.— Carrier (A. E.) Peculiarities in the origin and course of arteries of upper extremities. Toledo M. & S. J., 1880, iv, 365-367.—€asini (M.) Di due rari casi di ano- malia della carotide e della vertebrale. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 1060-1063.—ChansoflT (M.) Sluchai nklonenija arterii. [Anomalies of arteries.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, iii, 851 -854. — €©usin. Anomalies arterielles. Rec. d. actes du Comite m6d. d. Bouches-du- Rhone, Marseille, 1879-80, xviii, 100-103.—Davy (J.) Notice of a case in which the arteria innominata and the left subclavian and carotid arteries were closed without loss of life. In his.- Researches Phys. & Anat., 8°, Lond., 1839 i 426-436.—Dean fM. H.) Arterial anomalies. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 384.—von Frisch (II. R.) Angustitas arteriarum congenita; nephritis heemorrhagica acuta; Tod. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893 i 822 —CJrnber (W.) Untersuchungen uber die Arterieu-Anomalien der oberen Extremitiit. In his: Ab- Arteries (Abnormities of). handl. a. d. menschl. u. vergleich. Anat., St. Petersb., 1852, 127-154, 3 pl.—Howe (L.) Unusual position of the arteria angnli nasi. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1880-81, xx, 495- 498.—Jacques (P.) Quelques anomalies arterielles (sous- claviere droite, tronc cceliaque, poplit6e). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 252-255.—Keess (J.) Arterial varieties. Madras J. M. Sc, 1853-4, iii, 183-186. — l.iitticli. Zwei praktisch wichtigo Gef'assanomalien. [Obliteration of aorta.] Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1870, xvii, 70-90. Also in: [Wunderlich (Sehiiler von). Gratulationsschriftl, 8°, Leipz., [1876], 92-112. —Mackay (J. Y.) Cases of ab- normality of the arteries of the upper limb. In: Mem. [etc.l in Anat., 8°, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1889, 137-145, 1 pl— Montero (M.) Anomalias arteriales. Cron. m6d., Lima, 1884, i, 255. -----. Anomalias de las arterias que nacen de la convexidad del cayado de la aorta; ausencia del tronco braquio-cef&lico. Monitor m6d., Lima, 1896, xi, 33.— Net ter. D6veloppement irr6gulier des arteres, cause de divers etats morbides. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1883, ii, 537-548.—Ozenue. Anomalie d'origine de la carotide droite et de l'artere sous-claviere du meme cote. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 108. Also: Progrfes m6d., Par., 1883, xi, 734.—Popowaky (J.) Ueberbleibsel der Arteria sapheua beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 580-583.—Porter (M. F.) Abnormalities of the arterial system. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic. 1882, n. s., ix, 411.—Richmond (W. S.) New abnormalities of the arteries of the upper extremity. J. Anat. Sc Physiol, Lond., 1879-80, xiv, 351.—Rossi (U.) Anomalie arteriose. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1890, lxv, 3-14.—Savory (W. S.) Case of a young woman in whom the main arteries of both upper extremities and of the left side of tho neck were throughout completely obliterated. Communicated by Edward Stanley, F. R. S. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1856, xxxix, 205-219. Aho, Reprint.—Schwcgel. Ueber einige Gefass-Varietaten des menschlichen Korpers mit Bezugnahme auf Chirurgie und Physiologie. Vrtlj- schr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859, lxii, 125-130.—Sebas- tian (A. A.) De arteria supracostalis, eene nog niet he- schrovene slagader van den mensch. Nederl. Lancet, 's Gravenhage, 1847-8, 2. s., iii, 431-437, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Thomson (A.) Case of origin of the superior thyroid, lingual, and facial from the common carotid by a common trunk. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond., 1884-5, xix,'328. -----. Case in which the artery to the corpus cavernosum penis was derived from an irregular obturator artery. Ibid., 329.—Walsh am (W.J.) The right sterno-thyroid arising from the left as well as from the right side of the sternum, and crossing the front of the trachea; the left sterno- thyroid rudimentary. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1880, xvi, 70-72. -----. The anterior circumflex, the posterior circumflex, the subscapular, the superior profunda, and the inferior profunda arising from 1 he axillary by a com- mon trunk. Ibid., 91.—Webber (S. G.) Abnormal dis- tribution of arteries at base of brain. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1882, cvii, 543.—Williams (J. T.) Abnormal distribu- tion of arteries. Med. Herald. Louisville, 1879-80, i, 476.— Zuckerkandl (O.) Zwei Falle von Collateralkreislauf. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1885, xv, 273-285, 2 pl. Srteries (Compression and constriction of)- See, also, Acupressure; Aneurism (Treatment of) by compression. Corning (J. L.) La presion continuada de la arteria cartitida primitiva como agente terapeutico. Repert. med., N. Y., 1883, i, 101-103.—Palmer (IS. R.) Compression of arteries. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1880, xii, 161.— Signoroni (B.) Sopra il nuovo compressore delle arterie. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1838, lxxxvii, 352-378, 1 pl.— Tedenat (E.) De la n6vrite du sciatique consecutive & la compression do l'artere femorale au pli de l'aine. Mont- pel. ni6d., 1881, xlvii, 34-43. Arteries (Dilatation or obstruction of). See, also, Aneurisms; Embolism; Gangrene. Gi:osser(G. [H.C.]) *De arteriarum oblite- ratione. 8°. J'ratislavice, [1843]. Pp.ioleau (L.) * Contribution a l'e'tude ana- tomo-pathologique et clinique du r6tr6cissement generalise' des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1887. Toussaint (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de l^etasie arterielle generalisee. 4°. Nancy, 1687. -----. Tho same. 8°. Nancg, 1887. Wilke(S. [C.]) *De arteriarum obturatioue. 8°. Berolini, [1857]. Bastard (H.) Sc Chatellicr (H.) Dilatations ar- t6ri( lies multiples chez uu homme affecte de tubercubsa- tion pulmonaire et de cancer intestinal; autopsie. Irauce med.! Par., 1882, ii, l45-147.-Cabot(A. T.) Obliteration of the arteries. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., Ie81 (suppl, 379).—Hagen-Tom (O.) O pulse l kroyonapol. sosud. pri stenose aorty. [On pulse and mass of blood in AKTEBIES. 686 ARTERIES. Arteries (Dilatation or obstruction of). vessels in arterial stenosis.J Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1890, xxxiii 238-242. —Hutchinson (J.) On spontaneous ob- literation of the femoral aud other large arteries. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1896, vii, 29-38.—I, a my. De la claudication intermittente par obliteration arterielle. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1892, 2. s.. xxix, 555-558. — L,e Dcntu. Re- trecissement g6neralis6 du syst&ne arteriel. Bull, et m£ra. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1886, n. s., xii, 498-502.-I.cn. det (E.) Contribution a la semeiologie du retr6cisse- ment des artdres du membre sup6rieur. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1887, i, 49-53. Also, in his: Etudes do path, et de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1891, ii, 156-163.—Kenanlt (A.) Sc de Bottville (G.) Retre- cissement generalise du syst^me arteriel. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. hop. do Par'., 1890, 3. s., vii, 921-928.—See- mnnn (C. L.) General arterial dilatation, especially marked in the right subclavian, probable aneurism of arch of aorta ; large effusion in left pleural cavity. N. Orl. M. Sehnerveu- veriinderungen bei Arteriosclerose. 8 . Berlin, 1893. POHLlts (J. C.) [Pr.] de ossificatione vasoruin prseternaturali. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1778, viii, 103. Pruvost (E.-M.-J.) * De la steatose arterielle generalis6e. 4°. Paris, 1889. Sarazin. Considerations sur les causes gene"- rales de l'anevrisme, et de la rupture spontanee des vaisseaux sauguins arteriels. 8°. Paris, an YIIL [1800]. Schneckendorf (I. L. ) * Drei seltenere pathologisch-anatomische Beobachtungen. Mi- tralklappeuaneurysma. Aneurysma des Aorteu- bogens. Ruptur der Intima der Arteria eruralis durch Schenkelkopfluxation. 8°. Marburg, 1876. Schroeder ([F. ] A. r H. ]) * Ueber soge- nannte Atheroinatose kleinerer Arterien beson- ders der Arteria coronaria cordis. 8°. Breslau, 1892. Straube (F.) * Ueber die Bedeutung der atheromatosenArterien-Erkrankung. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1892. Thiebaut (H.) * Des lesions veineuses chez les arteriosclereux. 4C. Nancy, 1890. -----. Thesame. 8°. Paris, 1890. Trost (J.) *Eiu Fall von Endothelioma intravasculare melauoticum. 8J. Halle, 1884. AriGUiER (P.) * Essai de diagnostic clinique de la localisation de i'arterio-Ncl6rose sur le cceur ou sur le rein. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Zweiboehmer'(F.) *Die Consecntivprocesse nach obturirender Arteriosclerose in den ver- schiedenen Organen. [Wurtzhurg.] 8°. We- sel, 1879. Allen. Atheroma and calcification of arteries; fibroid degeneration of the left ventricle; dry gangrene of the toes. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1887, n. s., ix, 461.— de Almeida Magalhaes (P.) Da dor epigastrica na arterio-esclerose generalisada. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1893, 143-145. -----. Dos ruidos de sopro cardiacos no de- curso da arterio-esclerose generalisada. Ibid., 1894, 233; 249; 265; 289; 313; 337: 1895,41; 49; 57; 73; 89.—Ashtoa (T. G. ) The use of nitro-glycerin in arteriosclerosis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s., ix. 736-738. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 460-463.— Ateromasia vascolare; leggera stenosi aortica; leggera ipertrofia e dilatazione del ventricolo sinistro; pleuro- polmonite essudativa destra; versamento nel cavo pleu- rico destro; asistolia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 203.—Atkinson (I.E.) Arterial sclerosis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., ii, 45-53. — von Basch. Ueher latente Arteriosclerose und deren Beziehung zu Fettlei- bigkeit, Herzerkraukungen und anderen Begleiterschei- nungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 761; Hix-. 848; 891; 1062; 1102; 1142; 1184. Also, Reprint.—Bemi*s (S. M.) On some diseases of the large blood vessels. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1878-9, n. 8., vi, 549-556. — Benarentc (D.) Arterio-esclerosis generalizada. Bev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1888-9, xvii, 70 ; 171.—Berkley (H. J.) A case of extreme arterial atheroma. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi, 324-326. — Berlin ( E.) La dimiuuzione dei cibi liquidi come mezzo terapruticonella arterio-sclerosi. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. nnd. in Palermo (1893), 1894 139-143.— Bei-nheim (II.) Sc Simon (P.) Atlierome arteriel; hemiplegie gauche persistante, suivie de contracture avec Ii6mian6sth6sie passagere; fevers de ramollissement dans les corps optostrics. In their: Lee. de faits clin. 1883-6, Par., 1890, 42-4."). — Bie^anski bete<'ed6se. [Diseases of arteries. ] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest 18»8, xxviii, 327; 339. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 997; 1021.— Dupaquier (E. M.) Some observations on latent cases of arterial sclerosis. N. Orl. M. & S. J.. 1893-4, n. s., xxi, 86-98— Bnpasquicr (C.) & Thiroloix (J.) Arterio- sclerose geueralisee; aortite totale; dilatation tres pro- noncee dans les deux tiers inf6rieurs, empietant 16gerement sur la portion abdominale; rupture de la poche; epanche- ment sanguin daus la plevre gauche; usure de la colonne vertebrale daus le point d'appui de la dilatation; pas de lesions renale et cerebrale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii 194-196 — Ely (J. S.) Tuberculosis of an artery. Proc! N. York Path. Soc. (1889), 1890, 71-75. Aho: Med. Bee, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 657.—Engcl (H.) A well-known case that has given rise to many a dispute, with letter from Prof. Heuhner. Med. Bull, Phila., 1886, viii, 221 -226.— Eshuer ( A. A. ) Arterio-capillary fibrosis. Ir. Phila. Co M Soc Phila., 1891, xii, 116-122. Aho, Reprint. Aho : Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxiv 412-414.— Fcrraro (P.) Experiences et nouveaux resultats sur fa phvsio-pathologie des arteres; appendice au travail sur le diabete sucr6. Arch.ital.debiol, Turin, 1884, v, 293-315.— Fisher (H M.) Arterial degeneration; cardiac hyper- trophy- Brighfs disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891 xiv 143-151.—Foot (A. W.) Diffuse atheroma of the arteries.' Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3 ), 1874, n. s., v, 148.—Fraenkel (A.) TJeber die klinischen Erscheiuuu- gen der Arteriosclerose und ihre Behandlung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1882, iv, 1-39. - Fraenkel (E.) Bei- tra«-e zur Pathologie des GefassSystems. lestschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. allg. Krankenh. zu Hamli.-Kppendort, Hamb., 1889 95-108— Friedenwald ( II.) Report on the oph- thalmoscopic examination of Dr. Preston's cases. J-Am. MAss Chicago, 1891, xvi, 622. Aho. in: Preston (G. J.) The effect of arterio-scierosis [etc.], 12° Chicago 1891, 17- 20 — G-tlliard (L ) Ath6rome ancien des arteres des mernbres avec int6grite presque complete de l'aorte et des gros troncs. Bull. Soc. anat. dc, Par., 1880, lv 4o4 457. A ho: Progres med Par., 1881 ix, 264 - Gcr- hardt. Die Krankheiten der Hirnartenen. Berl. klm. Arterie* {Diseases of). AVchnschr., 1887, xxiv. 317; 342. — Ghcury. Arterio- sclerose geueralisee. Clinique, Brux., 189."), ix, 33-38.— Girodc (J.) Uremie infantile suraigue k forme bul- baire: rarterio-sclerose dans le jeune age. Rev. mens. d. mal. d. l'enf., Par., 1889, vii, 241-252.— Gluziiiski. O zmianaeh w nerwach obwodowych zaleznych od mia- zdzycy tetnic. [Changes in peripheral nerves from ather- omatous arteries. | Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1895, xxxiv, 201; 220; 233.—Goldzichcr (W.) Ueber einen Fall von Endoarteriitis obliterans retinas und Retinitis punctata nebst einigen I'.enicrkungen iiber Augenspiegelbefunde bei Arteriosclerose. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 361-365.— Gritushaw ( T. W.) Arterio capil- lary fibrosis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1873-5, n. s., vi, 9- 11. — Oroedel. Biider bei Arteriosklerose. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl, 1895, xvi. 307-310. Also, transl. (Abstr.]: Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.J, I'ar., 1895, vi, 315. — Grubcr (W.) Leber seltene Arteiien-Abweichungen. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. se. de St.-Petersb., 1870, vii. 439-452, 1 pl.—Gull (Sir W. W.) Sc * niton (H. G.) The changes in the spinal cord and its vessels iu arterio-capillary fibro- sis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1877, xxviii, 361. Aho, in: Collect. Published Writings of . . ., 8°, Lond., 1894, 391-414, 131., 13 pl.—Hall (G. R.) The causes, symptoms, and prevention of degenerative diseases ofthe circulatory sys- tem. Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix, 477-485. —Haydei'i (T.) Atheroma of the arteries; angina. I'roc. Path. Soc. Dubl, 1875-7, n. s., vii, 11-14.—Iler'rick (J. B.) Arterio-sciero- sis ; contracted kidney; senility; secondary purpura; scurvy 1 Chicago Clin. Rev., 1895-6, v, 26-29.—Hnchard ( H. ) De l'art6rio-scierose. [ Resume. ] France nied., Par., 1885, i, 749; 761. Also [ Rev. 1: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 490-492. -----. Causes et pathogenie de rarte- rio-sclerose. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 219-225. Also, inhis: Malad. du cceur et des vaisseaux, 8°, Par., 1889, 192-210. -----. L'arlerio-sclerose subaigue et ses rapports avec les spasmes vasoulaires; emploi de la trinitrine. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1887, i, 625-627. -----. Les causes de rarterio-sclerose et des car- diopathies arterielles. (Leur origine alimentaire et leur traitement pr6ventif.) Ibid., 1891, v, 637: 654. -----. iStude clinique de la cardio-sclerose (arterio-sclerose du cceur, cardiopathies arterielles). Rev. de med., Par., 1892, xii, 421, 588; 687. -----. Arterites chroniques et arterio- sclerose (etiologie et pathog6nie). Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1892, 2. s., xxix, 302; 314; 331; 342. Aho, in his: Malad. du cceur et des vaisseaux, 2. ed., 8°, Par., 1893, 119- 153. Also, transl.: Internat. klin. Rundschau, AVien, 1892, vi, 1094; 1186; 1221; 1262; 1305; 1377; 1424; 1462; 1503. -----. Art6rio-scl6rose et brightisme. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1893,vii, 433-435. Also, transl.: Inter- nat, klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 1121; 1233; 1317. -----. Le retrecissement mitral des arterio-sclereux. Cong, franc, de med. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 817-822.—Hutch- insou (J.) Diseases of the arteries. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1889-90, i, 323, 1 1, 1 pl.: 1890-91, ii, 54. -----. Ou senile conditions of the arteries; local limitation of calcareous changes. Ibid., 1891-2, iii, 255-257. -----. Senile hyper- trophy of arteries; no evidence of cardiac or visceral dis- ease. ' Ibid., 1892-3, iv, 185. — Ijiiialjeff ( M. ) Sluch. revmat. vospal. naruzh. obol. arterii. [Rheumatic inflam- mation of external coat of arteries.] Protok. Obsh. Mo- ghilev. vrach., Moghilev., 1889, 69-71. — Jarnovski (I. V.) Bezkrovnoe liechenie ateroni. [Bloodless treatment of atheroma.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 807. —Jones (C. H.) Observations on morbid conditions of the cerebral arteries. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1882-3, xxxiv, 55-62, 1 pl.— J osserand (E.) L'art6rio-scleroso a. I'hopital de la Croix- Rousse. Lyon ni6d., 1893, lxxii, 439-450. Also: Mem. et couipt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. do Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, S4 - '.xi. — ICirtikar (K. R. ) Notes on arterial disease. Ti. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1883, [3.] a., 77-87.—Kiseh (E. H.) Fet'th-ibigkeit uud Arteriosklerose. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 371. — Kovalcnko ( P. ) Panarte- ritis cum ossificatione arteriarum; atrophia granulans renum et cysto-pyelonephritis suppurativa. Objazat. pat.- anat. izslie'd. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1893, i, 17- 31— Lancereaux (E.) Atherome arteriel et affections cardiaques. Lnion iu6d., Par., 1885, 3. s., xl, 205-210. -----. L'enilarteiito ou arteriosclerose g6neralisee. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1893, i, 5; 164.—Caiicial & I.enys. Arterio-scl6rose gen6ralis6e et n6phriteinterstitieile; apo- piexie pulinonaire; pleuresie diaphragmatiqueenkystee et pericardite consecutive; uremie. Bull. Soc. anat.-cliu. de Lille, 1887, ii, 148-155.—Caw iermeijer. Arterioskle- rose en haar invlo.il op cerehrimi. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1896, 1, no. 4. — Paul (F. T.) A note on calcareous degeneration of aiteii.s. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 216, 1 pl.—Peabody (G. L.) Relations between arterial disease and visceral changes. Tr. Ass. Am. Phy- sicians, Phila., 1891, vi, 154-178. — Pckelharing ( C. A.) Leber Eudothelwucherung in Arterien. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, viii, 245-262, 1 pl. — Pepper (W.) Atheroma of the arteries. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 133.—Pern ire (B.) Aterouia dell' aorta e sclerosi del miocardio. Arch, per lesc. med., Torino, 1887, xi, 1-16. Also, Reprint. — Per- rier. L'arterio sclerose k Euzet-les-Bains durant la sai- son 1892. N. Montpel. med., 1893, ii, 393; 433; 449.— Preston (G. J.) The effect of arterio-scierosis upon the central nervous system. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 618-622. Also, Reprint. [ See, also, supra, Friedenwald (H.)]—Kachlmami (E.) Ueber ophthal- moskopisch sichtbare Erkraukung der Netzhautgefiisse bei allgemeiner Arteriosklerose, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Sklerose der Uirngefasse. Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Berl., ^89, xvi, 606-654,1 pl—Kattone (G.) Sulla infiammazione dell' arteria poliuouare con speciale ri- guardo all' aterouia della medesima. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1885-6, ix, 33-52.—Ross (G. T.) Arterio-scierosis. Canada M. Rec, Montreal. 1891-2. xx, 481-487. Aho: Montreal M. J.. 1891-2, xx, 895-904. — Sc liii tz. Zur Lehre der Krankheiten der kleinen Arterien. Priig. med. Wchn- schr., 1881, vi, 493; 502.— Sec (G.) Arteriosclerose et la plethore. Bull, med., Par., les!), iii, 339-341. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 592; 680; 721. — Serpent. Arteriosclerose geueralisee; mort par uremie consecutive k une sclerose r6uale lieo a une hyper- trophic do la prostate. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 261-266. —Sevcreano (C.) Du catheterisme des arteres. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894. Roma. 1895. iv, Chi- rurg. [etc.], 275-277. — Stnakovski (A. V.) K vopr. o terap. sertl. slabosti pri arteriosklerose. [Treatment of weakness ofthe heart in arteriosclerosis. | Meditsina St. Petersb., 1893, v, 322-324.—Spill mail n (P.) Des le- sions veinenses chez les arterio-sclereux. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1890. 2. s., xxvii, 480-4*2. —Stengel (A.) Some consequences of advanced general atheroma: a rare kid- Lev anomaly. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1889-91. xv, 154-157. ■ 1 pl.—Siepheii*ou(F.B.) A summary of Holsti's views on ait. i io capillary sclerosis. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 570. Also, Reprint.—Ter-Abiaiiiianz (T.) Arterio- sclerosis; degeneratio atheromatosa et myxoniatosa. Oh- j jazat. pat.-anat. izsiied. stud.-med. imp. Charkov. Univ. 1892, 389-394. — I'hoiua (R.) Ueber die Abbangigkeit der Bindegt websneubildung iu der Arterieiiiutiina von den mechanischeu Bedhigungen des Blutumlaufes. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1883, xciii, 443-505: 1884, xcv, 294-336: 1886, civ. 209; 401: cv. 1; 197: cvi,421,7pl. -----. | Ueber Arteriosclerose. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, u.F.,vii, 300. —----. Leber Gefass- uud Biudegewobsueu- Arteries (Diseases of). bildung in der Arti rienwand. Beitr. z. path. Anat u z allg. Path.. Jena. 1891, x. 433-448, 1 pl. -----. Lehe'r das elastische Gewehe der Arterienwand und die Angioma. lacie. Yerhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1,-95 xiii, 465-46!i.— I'oioL (L.) Az atheromdk keletkezeserol! [On the origin of atheroma.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, ls90 xxx. 413. Aho, transl.: Pent, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest] 1890. xxvi, 1057-1060. —Tinny. Atherome des arleiesj retiecissement valvulaire extreme de l'orifice aortiqm-; retrecissenient annulaire moyen de l'orifice mitral; liv- pertrophie et dilatation du veiitrieiil.- gauche: asystolie tardive. Mein. et compt.-lend. Soc. cl. "sc. med. de Lyon (18*6). 1887, xxvi, pt. 2. 12-18. — Weber (F. P.) On the pathology of arteriosclerosis. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila . Is94, U.S., cviii,286-291. Also, Reprint. — 1Vt-i»ztimiiii (F.) A; IVeuiuaiiu (S.) Leber Veranderungen der c lastisrlieu Fasern iu den Gefiisswanden infolge von Arteriosclerose. [Extr.] Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv. 291; 304.— Wood (H. C.) General atheroma of the arteries, with probable thrombosis of a cerebral vessel. Med. News Phila., 1f85. xlvi, 141-143. — Zaniboni d',.) Della con- trazione provocata del polso aiterioso; contribuzione alia patologia delle arterie. Riforma nied.. Xapoli. 1891, vii, pt. 2, 697-700. — von Zocgc-JTIaiiU-uflfcl. Leber Arte- riosclerose uud Rheumatismus un den unteren Extremita- ten. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.,Berl., 1892, xxi, pt. 2, 477-482. Arteries (Inflammation of). See, also, Arteries (Syphilis of). Bordes-Pa<;es(A.) * Do l'arteritt- chronique, et eu particulier de l'aortite dans la paralyse ge'ne'rale. 4;. Paris, 1667. De-Giovanni (A.) Xote cliuiclie sulla endo- arterite deformante. ~ . Milano, 1877>. Kostek (W.) Die Pathogenese der End ar- terii tis. <--. Amsterdam, 1-7-1. Repr.from: Versl. d. . . . wis- en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v. Weteusch., Amst., 2. R., DI. iv. Leroy (G.) * Contribution b, l'etude des souf- fles dans l'artere crurale (arterites toxiques; arterites infect nouses). 4 . Paris, 1^04. Poursaix (J.) * Les arterites infectieuses; essai de nosographie. 4-. Paris, l-^'Jl. -----. The same, ri . Paris, 1p'J4. Rombach (F. K. A.) Bijdrage tot de kennis der endarteriitis chronica. 8°. Utrecht, l~6f>. Tauzin (V.-B.) * I. Du traitement de l'arte- rite. 11. [etc.]. 4-. Paris, 1641. Therese (L.) * Etude anatomo-pathologique et experimentale des arterites secondaires aux maladies infectieuses. 4J. Paris, 1893. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1893. Trompetter (J.) ' Ueber Endarteritis. s°. Bonn, 1676. Ailing. Endo-arterite ulcereiise. Bull.Soc.anat.de Par.. 1*09. xliv, 131.—Anlde (J.) Was it chronic end.irte- ritis? Med. Bull., Phila., 1883, v. 64.—Benni. Emlartt- rite hypertrophique, cause de gangrene. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 518-5-n.—Blachcz. Endart6rite gene- ralisee. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par.. Is8.">, 3. s.. ii, 335-337.—Bond (B. W.) Obliterative ml. litis in a hoy fourteen years of age. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 15U.—Cnn- fieid (YV. B.) Some complications of chronic endarteritis. Med. Rec, X. V.. 1887, xxxii, 4.-1 483. Aho, Reprint.— Clark iS. T.) Report of a case of chronic endarteritis. Buffalo M. ..v S. .L, lss6-7, xxvi, 19-23.—Co-ur. Aphasie et gangrene de la jambe par arterite grippale. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. med. tl. hop. do Par.., 1895, 3. s.. xii, 5-10.— Crocq tils. Contribution a l'etude experimentale ties arterites infectieuses. [Abstr.l Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path.. Par., 1894, vi, .>3-Uno.—D«--4»iov:iiuii iA.j Intorno ad un caso di endoarterite diffusa in soggetto be- vitore. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete. Padova, is81. xxiv, 94; 109. Aho, Reprint. -----. Di alcuni fenomeni vaso- motor! ; coutribuziono alia diagnosi dell' arterite. Riv. clin. e terap., Xapoli, 1886, viii, 11-19. Aho, Repriut. -----. Sull' arterite. sue forme cliniche e sua patogenesi. Coll. ital. di lett. s. nied.. Milano, 1882, ii, 333-385. Aho, Reprint. -----. Sulla diagnosi dell' arterite. A tti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887. Pavia. 18-9 ii 41.—l>i«cn*- siou sur 1 arterite. Bull. Soc. med.d. hop. tie Par. (1850-8), 1st,4 iii. ::tij; 374.—Doiuingiiez y Itoldau (F.) Las arteritis. Rev. de cien. med.. Habana, 1895, x, 173-175.— Endarteritis obliterans. Xorth Lond. or Lniv. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1885, Loud., 18,-0 30.—Fabre (A.) La di- versite d'aspect des arterites. In his Iiamuents tie clin. med., 8°, Par., 18.-1. 91-140. —Frisjo < t\ i Xota sulla im- portauza dello studio dell'aiteiite capillare. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887, vii, 37."-J8fi. -----. Contiihu- ARTERIES. 689 ARTERIES. Arteries (Inflammation of). zioue all' eziologia dell' arterite. Ibid., 1889, xi, 14-19.— FiiMtner. Zur Diagnostik der Arteriitis obliterans durch den Augenspiegel; zugleich eiu Beitrag zur Locali- sation der llirnherde. (Herd in tier inneren Kapsel.) Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1881-2, xxx, 534- 546.— Galitski (S. P.) Sluchai arteritidis ohliteiantis. Yrach. Zapiski, Mosk., 1895, ii, 169-178.—Gilbert (A.) & I j ion (G.) Arterites infectieuses experimentales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1889, 9. s., i. 583.—Ciould (A. P.) Acaseof spreading obliterative arteritis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1884, xvii. 95-104. Also | Abstr.] : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884. i, 316. Aho [Abstr.J: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884. n. s., xxxvii, i'37. -----. Further notes of a caseof obliterative arteritis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud. (1886-7), 1887, xx, 252.—iladdcu (W. 15.) A case of obliterative arte- ritis. Ibid., f884, xvii, 105-107. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1884, i, 297. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1884, i, 317. -----. Xote on three cases of obliterative arteritis. Lancet. Lond., 1888. i, 208.—Hatch. A case of oblitera- tive arteritis: operations; tetanus: transfusion; death; remarks. Ibid.. 1885. ii, 16.—Hnivkins (H. P.) Case of general arteritis ipulnionary ami systemic) in a child, possibly the result of congenital syphilis; death by infarc- tion of lungs, thrombosis of renal arteries with unemia, aud cerebellar ha-morrhage. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 46-49.—Hutchinson (J.) On a peculiar form of thrombotic arteritis of the aged which is sometimes pro- ductive of gangrene. Arch. Surg.. Loud., 1889-90, i, 323- 329,11., lpl. ---■—■ Senile arteritis with dilatation. Bbid., 1891-2, iii, 260-264.—von I&nhldt-u (C ) Ueber Periarte- riitis nodosa. Beitr. z. path. Anat. _u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1894, xv, ")81-001, 1 pl. — Key-Aberg (A.) Bidrag till kaunedomen om hetydelsi n af endarteritis chronica de- formans sasom orsak till plotslig dod. C. r. Contributions Ala counaissance de l'importance tie l'endarteritis chron. deformans comme cause de mort subite. Xortl. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1887, xix, no. 11, 1-53; no. 15. 1-46. 1 diag. Aho, transl.: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl., Berl.. 1888, n. F., xlviii, 113; 404.—Kingsford (E. C.) Chronic gen- eral arteritis ; necropsy. Lancet. Loud.. 1888, ii, 766.— Kotelnikoflf (K.) Sluchai ostr. vospalen. vnutren. oho- lochki arterii. [Acute inflammation of arterial iutima.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St.. Petersb., 1886, vi, 207-209.—I.ance- reau.xE.) Arterite geueralisee : faits cliniques ; lesions artei lellis et visc6rales; desordres I'onctionnels, 6vohi- tiou: diagnostic et traitement. Union metl. Par.. 1881. 3. s., xxxii, 121; 169; 194; 253. -----. Endarterite geue- ralisee et s.-s effets sur les reins, le cerveau et le cceur. Inhis: Lee. de clin. med. ... la Pitie, 8=, Par., 1886-90,1- 28. — daveran (A.) Observation d'endarterite oblite- rate avec gangrene des extremites inferieures. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxi, 191-202. — t,avista « tulle. Arte- rite chronique L'eneralisee ; hypertrophic> cardiaque; ne- phrite iuterstitielle ; uremie (forme delinmtc chronique). France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 705-707. Also. Bull Soc. cliu. de Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 200-207. — I.ilicn iM.) Le- ber circuniscripte gitterfoimige Endarteritis. Deutsche nied.Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 145-148. Aho, Reprint.— Martin (H.) Recherches sur la nature et la pathogenie des lesions viscerales consecutives a l'endarterite oblite- rante et progressive (scleroses dystrophy ucs). Rev. de med.. Par.. 1881, i, 369-392. — ITIaN«..-iloiigo (R.) Dell arterite cronica generalizzata ; studio patologico clinico. Riv. veneta di sc. nied., Venezia, 1884, i, 465-494: 1885, ii, 22; 137 ; 246.—.Uaubrac. Un cas (l'arteritt- panetale, au d6cours d'une flevre typhoide ; mort. Gaz. med. de Par., 1885, 7. 8., ii, 363-365. — Ha yet. Dilatation anevrysmale due k une endarterite atberomatcuse. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (18*6), 1887, xxvi, pt. 2,91- 95.—ITIcigM (A. V.) Chronic endarteritis and its cluneal and pathological effects. (Chronic Brighfs disease.) Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1889, 3. s., xi, 159-181, 1 pl. Aho: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 197-202. — JWcllzcr. Eduard Lasker's Tod. [Endarteritis obliterans! Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 95.—ittikhailofl" (X. A.) Sluchai mnozhestvennavo obliteriruyushtshavo arteriita. [Multi- ple obliterating arteritis.] Vrach. Zapiski, Mosk., 1895, ii, 246-248. — morgan (J. H.) Case, of progressive pain- ful inflammation of arteries. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1881, xiv, I8:;_ls(i. Also [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J., Lond, 1881, i, 644.—I*ea body (G. L.) A contribution to the symptoms and pathology of endarteritis obliterans. .Med. Rec, N. T. 1886 xxx, 65-67. [Discussion], 79. — I'ernice (B.) Sull' etiologia dell' endarterite cronica; ricerche batte- riologicue. Boll. d. Soc. d' ig. dl Palermo, 1888, iii, 341-349. 44 Arteries (Inflammation of). Also: Rifoima med., Roma, 1888, iv, 830; 836. -----. Sull' etiologia del! endarterite cronica. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1889, i, 573. -----. Intorno all' etiologia dell' arterite (arte- rite sperimentale di origine raicrobica). Cazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 1275-1279.—Pick (E.) Ueber die Rolle der Endothelien bei der Endarteriitis post ligaturam. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1885, vi, 459-466, 1 pl — Kaltoue (G.) Dell' arterite tifosa. Morgagni, Napoli, 1887, xxix, 577; 641. — RindflciMch. Leber Endarteriitis oblite- rans. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb ,1888, 117-120. — Mnmiflby (R.) Obliterative endarteritis and the inflammatory changes in the coats of the small vessels. J. Anat. i Physiol, Loud., 1882-3, xvii, 180-187, 1 pl.— Wch iv n i-1 * (E.) Rapport sur un travail du Dr. Routier, intitule: Nouveau cas de letiocissement generalise du systeme arteriel cause par l'endarterite. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. tie I'ar., 1887, n. s., xiii, 526-532.—Sciaman- nn (E.) L' credita nellaendo-ai teiite cronicadeformante. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1881'., xii, 250; 265. — She wen (A.) Case of acute general endarteritis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 175.—ftircdcy (A.) Rapport au nom de la commission du prix Ligneie. [Question: Des arte- rites dans les maladies infeclic uses.] Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par.. 1894, 3. s., xi, 139-142.—Spillmann. Observation d'aiterite chronique g6n6ralisec, avec hy- pertrophic du cceur, nephrite iuterstitielle et gangrene spontanee du membre inferieur gauche. Mem. Soc. ile m6d. de Nancy, 1880, p. xxiv. — Starkey (II. A.) Arte- ritis followed by embolism and paralysis. Times Sc Reg., N. V. Sc Phila., 1890, vii, 610.—Stroganow. Recherches sur l'origiue des elements cellulaires dans l'endarterite de l'aorte. Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1876, Par., 1877, 53-62, 1 pl. — Thoiua (R.) Ueber die compensatorische Endarteriitis. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.J, Berl, 1888, cxii, 10-16. — Vul- pian. Xote sur dpux cas d'arterite. (Resume.) Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1884, ii. 91-99. — AValwIinin (W. J.) Acute obliterative arteritis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 304-306. -----. Obliterative arteritis. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 571.—Zahn (F. YV.) Ueber Vascularisation der Media und Intiina bei Endarteritis chronica. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl, 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 123.—ZciN*l (M.) Ein Fall von Obliteration der Arteria brachialis sinistra bedingt durch Arteriitis syphilitica. Wien. med. 151., 1879, ii, 562; 581; 644. Arteries (Ligature of). See, also, Aneurism (Treatment ofi, Operative); Arteries (Wounds, etc., ofi); and under names og separate arteries. Akgknto (G.) Sulle legature delle arterie. Considerazioni auatomo-chirurgiche. 8°. Pa- lermo, 1884. Auerbach (B.) * Ueber die Obliteration der Arterien nach Ligatur. 8°. Bonn, 1877. Belmas (D.) *Convenifc, an non, in singulis casibus, arteriarum ligatura secundum metho- dum IL Augel instituta? 4J. Parisiis, 1824. Bottciikh (G. C. O.) 'Untersuchungen iiber die histologischen Vorgiiuge und das Verhalten des Blutes in doppelt unterbundenen Gefiissen. [Kiinigsbefg.] 8°. Jena, 1887. de Castko y Latorre (F.) Manual de liga- duras. 8°. Madrid, 1877. Chalsoff (M.) *0 tronibe pri ligature. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1668. van Dock cm (D.) Commentatio, qua re- spoudetur :id quu-stionem medicam ... in Acade- mia Kheno-Trajectiua propositam: "Qiueuam mutationes pathologica; iiiducuntur arteriis per ligaturam; hiuc, expositisvariiseam instituendi modis, quid singuli valeant, concludatur". 8°. [Traj. ad Bhenum, 1834.] Fano (>S.) Tableaux des operations qui se pratiquent sur l'homme, ou resume" analytique des regies principales qu'il couvient de suivie pour ex6cuter les diverses operations chirurgi- cales. I. Ligature des arteres. 12°. Paris, 167)6. Fohmann (V.) Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Verbindung der Saugadern mit den Venen. Mit einer Vorrede von F. Tiedemann. 16°. Heidelberg, 1821. Gruzknberg (S. O.) Perevyazka arteriy na izbrannikh miestakh; posobi'e dlia uchashtshikh- sa. [Ligature of arteries iu selected places.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. AKTERIES. 690 AETEKIES. Arteries (Ligature of). 1Iasslaler(L.) * Ueber temporare Ligatur- methoden grosser Gcfassstamnie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der prophylaktisehen tenipo- rareii Ligatur der Arteria iliaca communis bei exarticulatio coxa-. 8-'. Wiirzburg, 1894. Kozlovski (M. ) K voprosu o preduprezh- tlnyushtshel posliedovatelniya krovotecheniya perevyazke arteriy. [On ligating arteries in order to prevent subsequent hemorrhages.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, I860. Lampiasi (I.) Chirurgia sperimentale e fatti clinici. Parte I. Alcune ricerche sulle legature delle arterie relative alle quistioni: 1) Sesipossa applicare il laccio sul sito di biforcazione di una branca arteriosa. 2) Snlla causa del ranmioli- mento cerebrale in -seguito alia legatura della carotide primitiva. Parte II. Ricerche sulle su- ture delle arterie. Parte III. Ricerche sulla or- gauizzazione del trombo bianco. 4°. Palermo, 1891. LoxGO (G.) Ricerche storiche sulla legatura delle vene e delle arterie da Celso a Dionis. 8°. Torino, 1864. MacCoumac (Sir W.) Surgical operations. Pt. 1. The ligature of arteries. A short descrip- tion ofthe surgical anatomy and modes of tying the principal vessels. 8°. London, 1885. _____. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1891. Massot (P.) * Essai sur la ligature des ar- teres. 4-. Montpellier, 1823. Xikolayeff (G.) * K voprosu o zaroshtsheniy arteriy poslie perevyazki. [On the healing of arteries after ligation.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1871. Notta (A.-H.) * Recherches sur la cicatrisa- tion des arteres, ii la suite de leur ligature, sur la production des heAnorrhagies arterielles secon- daires, et sur leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1850. Popoff (V.) Perevyazka arteriy, vilushtshe- ni'a, auiputateii i resektsii. [Ligature of arteries, excisions, amputations, and resections.] 12°. S.-Petcrburg, 1885. Pkamhehg (.1. B.) De ligandarum torquen- darumque arteriarum ratione et usu commenta- riolum chirurgicuni. Pro sunimis in medicina honoribus . . . submittent O. A. Oblsson, F. H. Bunth, C. F. Kjcllberg. 8°. Lundce, 1830. Scarpa (A. j Memoria sulla legatura delle principali arterie degli arti, con una appendice all'opera sull'aneurisma. 4°. Pavia, lull. Shakspeare (E. O.) The nature of reparatory inflammation in arteries after ligature, acupres- sure, and torsion. 8°. Washington, 1879. Sokoloff ( A. ) *■ Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber die Veranderungen der Geftiss- wand bei doppelter Unterbindung der Arterien. 8°. Dorpat, 1892. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1893, xiv, 11-32, 1 pl. Timm (C. ) * De arteriarum ligatura. 8°. Edinburgi, 1624. Warren (J. C.) Provisional report on heal- ing of arteries after ligature. 1G°. Cambridge, 1664. Aho, in: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1884, ex, 418. -----. The healing of arteries after ligature in man and animals. 8C. New York, 1886. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. roum. de in6d. et chir., Par., 1887-8, i, 245-262. Weiss ( J. ) Instrument for passing a liga- ture round a deep-seated artery, invented hy Mr. Weiss, London. 8°. [Londonr 1823.] -----. The same. Weiss's improved instru- ment for passing a ligature round a deep-seated artery. 8°. London, [1623]. Apollonio (C.) Mikroskopiscke Untersuchungen iiber die Organisation des Unterbindnngs-Thrombus in den Arterien. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, Arteries (Ligature of). 1888, iii, 263-270, 2 pl.—Ballance (C. A.) & Edmund* (W.) The ligation of the larger arteries in their continu- ity an experimental inquiry. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond. 1885-6, lxix, 443-472, 3 pl. Aho [Abstr.J: Brit. Al. J., Lond., 1886, i, 928. Also [Abstr.l: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 922. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 112-116.—Baron (J.) Az iiter-leholesrol. [On ligation of arteries.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1885, xxix, 5-11. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1885, xxi, 77 ; 100. Also, transl.: Wien.med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 109; 139.—Bennett. Ligatured artery. Proc. Path. Soc. LJulil., 1861-2, n. s., i, 215. — Blmlt (J.) On the deligation of large arteries by the application of two ligatures and the division of the vessel between them. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 705.—Bceckel (J.) Do la liga- ture antiaeptiqno des gros troncs arteriels daus la con- tinuite. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb. (1879-80), 1881. xvii, 50-63. Aho: Mem. Soc. de med. de Xancy, 1880, 37-46. Also: Rev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1880, xii. 'JO.'!; 242. Aho: Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1880, xxxix, 51-56.—Boone (IL W.) A new clamp-forceps, for securing and ligating deep-seated arteries. Med. Rec, N. T., 1890, xxxvii, 571.— BumIi (J. P.) Short reports of twelve cases of ligature of some of the main arl eries occurringd uring the past few months at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1884, ii, 110-121.— Cameron (H.IL) Oncasesof antiseptic ligature of arte- rial trunks in their continuity. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.,1882, xv, 179-191. Also [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882,i,660. Also [Abstr.J: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1882, i, 508-510.— Cascio-Corte*e (G.) Cenno sulla legatura delle arterie ed osservazione e rifiessioni sopra una legatura dell' arte- ria carotide primitiva, iu accidente di emorragia secundaria. In his: Rac. di mem. chir., 8°, Palermo, 1844, 149-210.— Ceei. L' allacciatura delle grandi arterie col catgut. Rendic. somni. d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. di Genova, 1885, i, 35_38.—Chretien (H.) Procede operatoire conimun k la ligature des arteres retro-pelviennes. Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 736-738.— Clark (F. Le G.) Ligature of arteries. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1883, n. s., xii, 29-31.—Delcpine (S.) On the organization ofthe thrombus foimed in an artery after ligature. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 408.—Belepi'ne (S.) dc Bent (C. T.) On tho changes observed in healthy medium-sized arteries and in tendon ligatures during the first four weeks after liga- tion. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1890-91, Ixxiv, 367-440. Aho [Abstr.J: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1890-91,3. s., iii, 151-158. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1175. — Fancon (A.) Traitement des plaies arterielles du membre thoracique par les ligatures au catgut pheni- que. J. d. sc. nied. do Lille, 1882, iv, 815; 905.—Flenry. Quelques considerations sur les ligatures des .-uteres et en particulier sur cello de l'artere tibiale anteiieure. Bull. et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, vi, 500-503.—Gallozzi (C.) Due osservazioni d' allacciatura dell' arteria ascel- lare in basso, o della succlavia. Resoc. Accad. med. chir. di Napoli, 1885, xxxix, 179-186.— Gay (C. C. F.) An in- quiry into the source and cause of secondary or recurrent hemorrhage, after ligation of arteries for aneurism. Buf- falo M. Sc S. J., 1882-3, xxii, 159-167. —ron Horoch (K.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Gef assresection. Allg. "Wien. med. Ztg., 1888, xxxiii, 459; 485; 497; 520; 544; 607. -----. Unterbindung der Gefasse in der Conlinuitiit. Ibid., 1889, xxxiv, 413; 427; 499; 534; 547.— Jeinoli (P.) La le- gatura dello arterio nella continuity. Clin. Chir., Milano, 1893, i, 399; 445.—Iioelilcr (R.) Einfluss der Unterbin- dung zuluhrcnder Gefasse auf pathologische Processe. Charit6-Ann., Berl, 1889, xiv, 606-009. —Miniley (T. H.) Torsion nnd the homologous ligation of divided arteries. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1893-4, xxxiii, 257-272. Also .- Railway Surg., Chicago, 1894, i, 49-55.—iTIni-cliewnno (V.) Lega- ture delle arterie. Sicilia med., Palermo, 18*9, i, 665-678 — lVIarsicani. Uebereine neue Methode dei Ai tei iopies- sur als Ersatzmittel der Ligatur in der Coutinuitiit. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl. 1807, v, (if 1-043.—.Mar- tel (O.) Ligature des arteres; hemorrha^ies ht-condaires. C0ng.fran9.de chir. Proc.-verb, [etc.] 188'.. Par., 1886, i, 624-628. — lTIiildelnoi-nf. Die percutane Unistechiing der Arterien in der Conlinuitat, eine neue Methode der Unterbindung. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Abth.f.Naturw.u.Med.,Bresl.,1861,340-344.—Kan. Ligature successive des arteres de l'avant-bras et du bras. J. de ni6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, Hi, 501.— 0»nIoii (A.) On the comparative strength of arteries secured by the methods of ligature, acupressure, and torsion. In his: Contrib. to Med. Sc, 8°, Aberdeen, 1869, 18-24. [Nee, also, inl. s.] — Paci (G.) Proposta di un nuovo metodo di chiusura dei vasi sanguinanti. Sperimentale. Sez. din., Firenze, 1894, 141-148. — Paekard (J. 11.) On the liga- tion of arteries in cases of malignant disease. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1895, xxvi. 310-312.—Parona (F.) L' arte- ria omerale (iii inferiore) la radiale e V ulnare, loro allacci- atura. Ulustrazione, Novara, 1880, i, no. 1, 1 pl. with text. -----. L' arteria omerale ed ascellare, loro allacciatura. Ibid., no. 6, 1 pl. with text.—Petrequin. Nuovi pro- cessi operatorii per ligare le arterie aScellare sciatica e _pu- denda interna. Ateneo, Milano, 1846, i, 34. — Piccinini (G.) Allacciatura dell' arteria tibiale posteriore e della ARTERIES. 691 ARTERIES. Arterie* (Ligature of). femorale con guarigione. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1884, x, 148-150. — PiijjIi (T. J.) Subcutaneous ligature of an ar- tery. Daniels Texas M. J., Austin, 1892-3, viii, 1.— Ren«« (L.-M.) De la ligature antiseptique des gros troncs arteriels. J. de th6rap., Par., 1880, vii, 542-549.— Riviugton (\V.) Ligature of the first part of the axil- lary artery, first part of subclavian and innominate arte- ries. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 1040. — Roliei l* (J. B.) The proper method of ligating arterial trunks in continu- ity. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlix, 589-591.— Sew a 11 (C. A.) Two cases of ligature of the dorsalis pe- dis artery for hemorrhage. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 127.—Smith (S.) The ligature of arteries. Tr. N. York M. Ass.. 1890. vii, 231-253. —Smith (T.) Account of a case in which the superficial femoral, the deep femoral, and the popliteal arteries, with their corresponding veins, were tied iu the course of au operation without damage to the vitality of the limb. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1894, xxx, 223-225.—Sorye (G.) Alcune legatnre di vasi. Llii- ciale san.. Napoli. 1895, viii, 151-155. —Spcucc (J.) Re- marks on some points connected with the Heat lire of arte- ries. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, iii, 500-505. Also, Reprint.— Stahl (D.) Remarks on a new method of tying divided arteries. West. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Cin- cin.', 1837. x, 634-636. — Treves (F.) A ease' illustrating the condition of large arteries after ligature under anti- septic and non-antiseptic measures. [Abstr] Proc. Roy. M. cfe Chir. Soc. Loud., 1880-82, ix, 25-28. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M.J., Lond.,1881, i, 232. —Uncle (C.AV.F.) Unter- bindung von Arterien in der Continuitat. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1881, xxvi, 840 — Wal»li.-im (W.J.) Some remarks on the deligation of large arteries by the applica- tion of two ligatures and the division of tlie vessel hetweeu them. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1883, i, 660: 906: ii, 109.—War- ren (J. C.) The healing of arteries after ligature. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1885, iii. 141-162. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 623. -----. A comparison of the changes in arteries after ligature, in the ductus arte- riosus and umbilical arteries after birth. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 75-80. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 551-553. Aho: N. Tork M. J., 1885. xiii, 585-587. Also: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1885, cxiii, 513-515.—Weil (K.) Leber die Unterbindung grosser Gefassstamme in der Continuitat. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 121; 133; 143; 153; 164.—Wright (D. F.) The therapeutic effect of the ligation of great arteries. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nash- ville, 1885. 63-69.—Zahn (F. W.) Untersuchung iiber die Veruarhung von Querrissen der Arterieuintimaund Media nach vorheriger Umschniirung. Arch. f. path. Anat. fete], Berl, 1884, xevi, 1-15, 1 pl. Arteries (Murmurs in). .See Blood-vessels (Murmurs in). Arteries (Xerves of). See Nervous system ( Vasomotor). Arteries (Obliteration of). See Arteries (Dilatation, etc., ofi). Arteries (Obstruction of). See Arteries (Dilatation, etc., of). Arteries (Sclerosis of). See Arteries ( Diseases ofi ). Arteries (Surgery of). See, also, Acupressure; Aneurism (Treat- ment ofi); Arteries (Ligature of). Dermott (G. D.) Illustrations ofthe arteries connected with aneurism, and surgical opera- tions. These plates are intended to explain the relative position of the arteries, in respect to the surrounding parts, and the organs to be met with in such operations both externally and in- ternally to their sheaths, fol. London, 1824. de Dieterichs (M.) * De torsione arteriarum. 12c. Dorpati Livonorum, 1836. Dieffenbacil Torsion des arteres. 8°. [Epernay, 18110, vel subseep] Repr. from: Diet, de chir. de Rust, ii, pt. 1. [See, also, infra.} Jassinowski (A.) * Die Arteriennaht. Eine experimentell-chirurgische Studie. 8°. Dor- pat, l?-w9. Schrader (C. A. C.) *De torsione arteria- rum. 8°. Berolini, [18:30]. -----. The same. * De la torsion des ar- teres. Trad, du latin par A. Petit. 8°. Pa- ris, 1831. Arteries (Surgery of). Werner (A.) *Diss. unicum problema circa arteriotomiam occurrens, continens . . . expouet, sm. 4°. Jenw, [1<>7:SJ. Brigjjw (F. M.) Torsion, with description of an auto- matic forceps for rapid torsion. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, cxxv, 541-543. Also, Reprint.—Dennia (F. S.) Surgery of the arteries and veins (exclusive of aneurysm.) Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895. ii, 435-459.— Die Hen bach. Arteriarum torsio, das Drehen oder Umdrehen der Arte- rien. Theor.-prakt. Handb. d. Chir. . . . Rust, Berl, 1830, ii, 283-292. [See, also, supra.}—I>iNoG tuv ap-rrjptcii/. TaKrivos, 'A6r)vai, 1894, xxiv, 465- 467. — Wnn- ■cher (O.) Om torsion af arterier. C. r. Memoire sur la torsion des arteres. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1882, xiv, no. 1, 1-34; no. 7, 1-3. Arteries (Syphilis of). Aune (C.) * Essai sur les gangrenes des mernbres cons6cutives a l'arterite syphilitique. 4°. Lyon, 1890. Baroux (P.-E.-J.) * De l'arterite syphilitique et specialement de sa forme aigue. 4°. Baris, 1664. Dupret (H.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des lesions arterielles dans la syphilis et des ane- vrysmes en particulier. 4°. Paris, 1680. Le Roux (P.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'arterite syphilitique. 4°. Paris, 1888. Also, transl. in: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1891, xci, 490-506. Barbcret & t'houet. Contribution &l'6tudedel'art6- rite syphilitique; anevrysmes syphilitiques multiples de l'aorte thoracique et abdominale ; mort subite par l'ouver- ture daus le peritoine de l'anevrysme abdominal. Rec. de mem. denied. ... mil, Par., 1879,'3. s., xxxv, 486-495,3 pl — Blocq (P.) Des arterites syphilitiques. Ann. de m6d. scient. et prat., Par., 1894, iv, 145; 153.—Bruce (A.) On syphilitic nodose periarteritis. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1893-4, n. s., xiii, 190-202, 2 pl. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1894- 5, xl, 293-303, 2 pl—Brunelle (J.) La syphilis arterielle. Nord m6d., Lille, 1894-5, i, 73-77.—Carson. Syphilitic lesions of the arteries. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 190.—Charcot. Sur un cas de claudication intermit- tente par obliteration arterielle probablement d'origine syphilitique. Bull. med.. Par., 1891, v, 1105-1108. Also, transl: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvi, 361- 365.—foi'iiil. Art6rite syphilitique (atherome de l'aorte; anevrysme de la crosse; insufflsance aortique; angine de poitriiie). J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1886, 3.8., viii, 41.— Daly (E. O.) A case of syphilitic disease of cerebral arteries. Brain, Lond., 1885-6, viii, 392-396. —Ford (W. H.) Arterial lesions in syphilis. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri, 1878, i, 92-94.—Cat-flYicr. Arterite syphilitique pr6voco des arteres dela base du cerveau; thrombose du tronc basilaire. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1883), 1884, vii, 51- 60. Aho: France m6d., Par., 1883, i, 884; 899. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1883, 2. s., iv, 446-450. — Gra- ham (J. E.) Syphilitic arteritis. Proc. & Tr. Path. Soc. Toronto, 1889-90, i, 6. — Iliulelo (L.) Arterites syphili- tiques. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1893, 2. s., xl, 386-391.— Hutchinson (J.) A syphilitic gumma around the fem- oral artery; permanent obliteration of the vessel; details of the arterial anaesthesia which attended the onset of the at- tack. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1891-2, iii, 258-260.—Lavcran (A.) Arterite syphilitique; accidents cer6braux rapide- ment mortels. Bull, et m6m. Soc. nied. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 512-516. — licmlet (T.-E.) Do la curabilite de l'arterite syphilitique. Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii 625-629. Also, in his: Etudes de path, et de clin. m6d., 8°, Par., 1891, iii, 280-287. Also [Abstr.]: Semaine m6d., Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 358. — IVIauriac (C.) Art6rio- pathies syphilitiques. Arch. gen. de meil., Par., 1889; i, 513; 683. —Schwartz. Rapport sur la candidature do M. Brault. [Lne variete interessante de lesions syphili- tiques des :u teres.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 420- 423.—Shai-kcy (S. J.) A case of syphilitic arteritis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii. 124,11., 1 pl.—Smith (R. P.) Syphilitic arteritis from a case of general paraly- sis of the insane. Ibid.. 1887-8, xxxix, 87— Sokolowaki (11.) Przypadek zapalenia przyniiotowego tetmc m6z- ARTEEIES. 692 ARTERITIS. Arteries (Syphilis of). gowia (arteriitis syphilitica). Gaz. lek., "Warszawa, 1883, 2 s iii 948-950.—Sweeney (A.) Syphilitic endarter- itis." Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1893, xiii, 231-233.— Weber (CO.) Syphilom der Arteria pulmonalis. Ver- handl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u.Westphal, Bonn, 1863, xx, 171-174. Arteries (Tension of). See, also, Blood (Pressure of). Cazes (F.) *De la tension arterielle dans quelques etats pathologiques. 4°. Paris, 1690. Bnlp (S.) Sul modo di comportarsi della tensione arteriosa nell' uomo, nella cianosi artiflciale e nell' auto- trasfusione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 355— Blake (E.) Recent British researches on arterial tension. Med Times Sc Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, xxiii, 29.—Bramwell (J P.) On hyper-arterial tension; causation and treat- ment. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 812-825.—Ilaijj (A.) Uric acid as a cause of high arterial tension and its conse- quences. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 947.—lluchard (H.) Les maladies de l'hvpertension arterielle. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de th6rap.,"Par., 1890, iv, 569;'604; 619.— fflarey (E.-J.) Recherches sur la tension arterielle. In his: Physiol, exp., 8°, Par., 1880, 175-216. —Bey (E.) Sc Aducc'o (V.) La pressione arteriosa in rapporto con 1' eccitamento del capo centrale del vago. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886-7, xiii, 188. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, xlvii, 379. Arteries (Torsion of). See Amputation (Methods of); Arteries (Lig- ature ofi); Arteries (Surgery ofi). Arteries (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Aneurism (False, etc.); Fractures (Complications, etc., ofi); Haemorrhage (Surgical etc.); and under names ofi separate arteries. Beck (K. J.) Ueber die Anwendung der Ligatur an einer verwundeten Arterie oder des entsprechendenArterieustammes. 8J. Freiburg, 1836. Bkkxhard (il.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von den Schussverletzungen der Arterien. 8°. Breslau, [1667,]. Buengner ( O. ) * Die Schussverletzungen der Arteria subclavia infraclavicularis und der Arteria axillaris. 8°. Dorpat, 1885. Defrance (F.) * Contribution a l'etude de la dechirure partielle des parois des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1889. VON Exgelhardt (A.) * Casuistik der Ver- letzungen der Arteriae tibiales und der Arteria peronea, nebst einer Studie iiber die Blutung als Primarsymptom bei den Schlussverletzungen dieser Arterien. 4°. Dorpat, 1885. Guthrie (G. J.) On wounds and injuries of the arteries ofthe human body; with the treat- ment and operations required for their cure. 8°. London, 1846. Jaxxsen (E.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Verletzungen der Arterien des Unterschenkels und desPoplitealgehietes und deren Behandlung. 8°. Dorpat, 1881. Lubnitzky (Sophie). *Die Zusammensetzuug des Thrombus iu Arterienwunden in den ersten fiinf Tagen. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, 1885. Aho, in: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1885, xix, 185-208, 2 pl. Morand. Von den Aendernngeu, welche den ahgesclinitteuen Pulsadern wiederfahren, darinii gezeigt wird, dass die zu der Hemmung des Blut- eturzes das Ihrige wesentlich beytragen. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Cutting [believed to bo from]: Der k. Akad. d. "Wis- sensch. iii Paris, phys. Abhandl, 1692-1741, Brest, ix. med. Theil, 301-310. [See, also, infra.] Schmoll (G.) * Ueher Arterienwunden und arterielle Hiimatome. 8°. Bonn, [1880]. Vigen (C.) * Lesions des arteres de la jambe. 4°. Bordeaux, 1882. von "Wahl (E.) Die Diagnose der Arterien- verletzuug. In: Samml. klin, Vortr., Leipz., 1885, No. 258 (Chir., No. 81, 2239-2258). Arteries (Wounds and injuries of). vox Zoege Mantelffel (W.) Experimen- telle Studien iiber Gerausche bei Gefassvei- letzungeu. 8-"'. Dorpat, 1666. Bonamli (S.) Rottura dello arterie da trauma nidi- retto. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1894, 5. s., xvii, KK-94.— Broca (A.) Note sur les plaies par 6crasement des ar- teres. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 70-72. Also- Progrfes m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 276. — Burci (E.) Ri'- cerche sperimentali sul processo di riparazione delle ferite longitudinali delle arterie. Atti d. Soc. tosc. di sc. nat. Mem., Pisa, 1891, xi, 50-66. -——. Del processo di ripara- zione delle ferite arteriose trattate colla sutura. Ibid., 424-441, 2 pl. -----. Sul modo di comportarsi delle arterio per lesioni traiimatiche estese della guaina e della tunica avventizia. Ibid., 1893, xii, 310-352, 1 pl. Aho [Abstr.]: Atti Cong. gen. (1. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1*93. xiv, 196-200. — C'aiiwsc (S.) Blessure de l'artdre auriculaire posterieure gauche dans une rixe : hemorrhagica graves; guerison. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., iii, 353-356.— Clement! (G.) Trapiantazione di pezzi di tubi arteriosi per invaginamento. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. )*!)4, Roma, 1895, iv, Chirurg. [etc.], 295-297. — Delpeuch. Plaies arterielles gu6ries par la compression directe, la flexion forc6e et la compression indirecte intermittente; trois observations. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1*69), 1870, v, 82-87. — E sin arch (F.) Die Behandlung der Gefass- verletzungen im Kriege. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1881-3, ix, 35-39. Also.- Deutsche, med. "Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 190. — Fabbii (G. B.) Al- cuni casi di ferite d' arteria curate col metodo di Hunter. Raecoglitore. Lano, 1-41, viii, 97; 127.— Ferrari (A.) Dei rumori che si sentono neile ferite dei vasi. Ateneo nied. parmense, Parina, 1887, i, 293-300. — <» reliant Sc Qiiinqiiand. Mesure de la rupture laterale des ai teres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1885, 8. s., ii. 203.— York, 1876. Beauregard (H.) L'artere carotide interne chez le mouton. Compt. lend. Soc. de biol, Par , 1892, 9. s., iv, 930.—Binsvranger (O.) AnatomischeUntersuchungen iiber die Lrspi ungstelle und den Anfangstheile der Caro- tis interna. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1879, ix, 351-368. Also, Reprint.—Flench (M.) Ein weiterer Fall von Thei- lung der Arteria carotis interna in der Schadolhoble. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1886, 151- 155.—Garroil (A. H.) On the carotid arteries of birds. [From: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1873, 457.] In his: Col- lect. Scient. Papers, 8°, Lond., 1881, 161-178. -----. On a peculiarity in the carotid arteries, and othei points in the anatomy, of the ground-hornbill (Bucornus ahyssinicus) [From: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1876, 60.] Ibid., 316.— Hill (L.) A ITIoorc (B.) The effects of compression of the common carotid artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 962.—Hernice (B.) Su di un caso di ohliterazione della carotide primitiva sinistra; contributo all'istologia pato- logica dei vasi aanguigni. Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 1443; 1448. Artery (Carotid, Abnormities of). See, also, Arteries (Abnormities of). Anderson (J. H.) An anomalous right external ca- rotid. Med. Rec, N. T., 1889, xxxvi, 683.—Beisso (T.) Anomalia della carotide esterna. Rendic. somm. d. r. Ac- cad. d. sc. med. diGenova, 1885, i, 89 — Clarke (J. J.) A specimen showing a communication between tho left in- ternal carotid artery and a dilated sphenoidal sinus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2. xliii, 41. —Beaver (J. B.) Anomalies of the carotid artery. TJniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 360.—Flemming (Mrs. E. E.) Absence of the Artery (Carotid, Abnormities of). left internal carotid. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ireland Lond., 1895, p. xxiii.—(xiovanardi. Alcune anomalie arteriose della carotide. Spallanzani, Modena, 1880, ix 130.—Hochstcltcr (F.) Ueber zwei Fiille einer selle'nen Varietat der A. caiotis interna. Arch. f. Auat. u. Ent- wcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1885, 396-400. — Hnlke. Great tortuosity of the common carotid artery simulating an aneurysm. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1385. — liiingc ( F.) Dislocation of the common carotid artery. X. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 250.—Stimson (L. A.) Abnormality of the internal carotid artery. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 415.—Tarenetski (A.) Pryamoyesoyedineni'e vnutren- nel sonnol aiterii s osnovnol. [Direct union of tho internal carotid with the basilar artery.] Voyenno-med. J., St Petersb., 1880, exxxviii, 2. sect., 169-172.'— Tigri (A.) Pa- tologia e tcratologia dell' arteria carotide interna. Osser- vazioni anatomiche e cliniche. Gior. med. di Roma, 1866, ii, 321. Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic); Aneurisms of carotid artery; Aneurisms of cerebral, etc., arte- ries; Aneurisms of innominate artery; Aneu- risms of internal maxillary artery; Aneurisms of occipital artery; Aneurisms (Ophthalmic, etc.); Neck (Tumors of); Neuralgia (Facial, etc., Treatment of). Boeck (W. [F. O. A.]) *Eiu Beitrag zur Casuistik der Unterbindung der Carotis commu- nis. 8°. Berlin, [1888]. Buenger ( C. H. ) Prima carotidi commuui utrique corporis humani prospero cum eventu applicata ligatura, qua vita a?gri servata et aneurysma ejus late diffusum arteriae temporalis superficialis sinistra? totius, partisque arteria? frontalis et occipitalis plane est sanatum. 4°. Marburgi, 1838. Flatten (J.) *Ein Fall von Aneurysma der Art. ophthalmica und Carotis int. geheilt durch Ligatur der Carotis communis. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Friedlaender (J.) * Ueber die Ligatur der Carotis. 4°. Dorpat, 1881. Kolomnin ( S. P. ) Pcrevyazka naruzhnoi sonnol arterii; dvukh- storonuaya yeya pere- vyazka pri novoobrazovairi'akb. [Ligature of the external carotid artery; ligature of both arteries in tumors.] 8°. S.-Pelerburg, 1883. de Lang (A. H.) *Over de gevolgen deron- derbinding van de arteria carotis communis. [Utrecht.] 8°. Leiden, 1874. Lipps (IT.) * Ueber die Unterbindung der Carotis externa. [Marburg.] 8°. Diisseldorf, 1892. Aho, in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1893, xlvi, 1-34. da Luz (J. L.) Observacao de hum ca.so de laqueactio da arteria carotida primitiva para suspender a hemorrhagia da arteria carotida externa, ferida no centro da glandula parotida. 8°. Lisboa, 1825. Nieten (P.) * Zur Unterbindung der Carotis communis. 8°. Bonn, 1893. Eels (S.) * Ueher die nach Unterbindung der Arteria carotis communis vorkommendeu Ge- hirnerscheinuugen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1667). Schmitt ( J. ) * Statistische Bemerkungen iiber Ligaturen der Carotis communis, nebst einem Fall von gliicklich verlaufener Unter- bindung derselben. [Wurtzhurg.] 8°. Fran- kenthal, 1867. Ashhurst (J.), jr. Epileptiform convulsions following ligation of the carotid artery. Med. Rec, N. V., 18S2, xxi, 232.—Bailey (W. W.) Ligature of the carotid artery for aneurism of the ophthalmic Ibid., 1891, xxxix, 78.— Bainbridge (G.) Ligature of left common carotid ar- tery for aneurismal tumour of face. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1883), 1884, n. s. [3.], iv, 90-93.—Balling'nll, (G. R.) Ligature of the common carotid artery for aneurism. Ibid. (1855-6), 1857, n. s., iii, app., pp. xx-ixii. — Battey (R.) Secondary hemorrhage from the superior carotid space; ligation of the common carotid artery; recovery. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1880, xxxi, 70-72.—Black- man (G. C.) On the physiological effects produced upon the brain by the ligature of both primitive carotid ar- AETEEY. 695 AETEEY. Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). teries, with the statistics of this operation. "West. Lancet, Cincin., 1855, xvi 515-528. Also, Reprint. — Block- (O.) Ligatura carotis communis. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1889, xxi, no. 7, 61. — Bornhaupt (F. K.) Pere- vyazka sonnol arterii. [Ligature of the carotid artery.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 393-397. — Bryant (J. D.) Three cases of ligature of the external carotid arteiy, iu two of which both vessels were tied simultaneously; with remarks on the history of the operation. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 542-546.' [Discussion], 554. Also: N. Tork M. J., 18S7, xiv, 552-556. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 115-126. -----. Simultaneous ligation of both external carotids for myxosarcoma of flu- naso-phar- ynx. N.York M. J., 1891, liii, 436.—Bnechner (W. H.) Ligation of the first part of the common carotid artery Cleveland M. Gaz., 1894-5, x, 308-310. —Byrne (W. S) Aneurism (?) of oesophagus; profuse haemorrhage; liga- ture of common carotid; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 18*4-5, iv, 213.—Cameron. A patient in whom the right carotid and subclavian arteries were tied for aneurism of tho innominate artery. Glasgow M. J. 1883 xx, 465-469. Also.- Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1883-4^ i, 13-17.—van Cam pen (J.) Eenige gevallen van euro tisonderbinding in de Amsterdamschekiiniekeu Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi. pt. 2, 931- 937. — raimizzaro (S.) Legatura della carotide primi- tiva sinistra vicino la sua origine. Gior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Napoli, 1884, n. s., vi, 353-369. — Chalot (V.) La ligature pr6alable de l'artere carotide externe; son emploi syst6matique et sa valeur pratique, d'apres 16 observa- tions et 20 op6rations personnelles. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. fete], Par., 1893, vii, 455-467. — Chas- saignnc. Ligature de l'artere carotide. Bull.Soc.de chir. de Par. (1859), 1860, x, 83-87. — Cruveilhier. Rap- port sur une observation de ligature des deux carotides, par Albert Demons. Bull, et 1116m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, vi, 375-379.—Beak in (C. V*. S.) Ligature of com- mon carotid artery and internal jugular vein. Indian M. J., Allahabad, 1884, iii, 556.—Belpech. Observation do ligature de l'artere carotide pratiquee k l'occasion d'une tumeur sanguiue d6velopp6e dans le sinus maxillaire gauche. Riev. med. frang. et etrans.. Par., 1822, ix, 113- 127.—Bnbrneil (A.) Hemiplegie et mort survenues k la suite de la ligature de la carotide externe. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882, viii, 515-518. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Moutpel, 188-_'. iv, 133-135. -----. Quelques reflexions sur la ligature de la carotide externe. Gaz hebd. cl. sc. med. de Moutpel, 1882. iv, 363. — Ehr- mann (J.) Des effets produits sur l'encephale par l'ob- literation des vaisseaux arteriels qui s'y distribuent. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1860, v, 1; 17; 37; 57; 96; 121; 134; 149. Ateo, Reprint.—Ekstrom (C. J.) Berattelse om en underbindning af art. carotis communis. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Handl., Stockholm, 1823, ix, 168-176.—Eyre (G. G.) A case of ligature of the carotid artery for aneu- rism. South African M. J., East London, 1888-9, iv, 91.— Farabeuf. La ligature de la carotide externe et la grande come de l'os hyoi'de. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1882, viii, 520-527.—Fredericq (L.) Verschluss der vier Kopl'selilagadern beim Kaninchen ohne Kussmaul- Tenner'sehe Krampfe. Centralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. u. "Wien, 1894,viii, 625.—Gattai (R.) Iutorno ad un caso di lesatnra della carotide primitiva sinistra. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1882,1, 266-275.—Ghose (K. K.) Ligature of tho common carotid artery (right) for secondary haemorrhage. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 43.—Gray (J. P. M.) A case of ligation of the common carotid artery. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1865, n. s., ii, 211. — Gray (W.) Caseof liga- ture of the common carotid. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bom- bay, 1876. n. s., xii, 284-288.—Gregory. Ligature of the carotid artery. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1879-80, xxxviii, 547. — Helmuth (W. T.) Ligature ofthe common ca- rotid below the omo-hyoid, for erectile tumor of the face. In his: A Dozen Cases Clin. Surg., 8°, Albany, 1876, 21, 1 pl.—Hewetson (H. B.) A case of haemorrhage due to erosion ofthe left internal carotid artery, associated with malignant disease of the temporal bone and necrosisof the middle ear; ligature of common carotid ; necropsy. Lan- cet. Lond., 1888, i, 1026.—Holmes (F.) On a case of dis- tal ligature of the left carotid artery for [supposed] aortic aneurism. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1875-6, ix, 114-122: 1876-7, x, 97: 1888, xxi, 146-148, 1 pl. Aho (Ahstr.] : Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 420. — Ilyinski (P. I.) Perevyazka art. carot. externae prizaglotochnom novoo brazovanii. [Liga- tion of ... in retropharyngeal tumor.] Dnevnik obsh. vrach. g Kazani, 1886, x, 249-254.—Johnson (J.T.) Liga- tion of primitive carotid artery for traumatic aneurism. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1884, xiv, 1-5. — Jones (S. E.) Successful ligature of common carotid for secondary haem- orrhage from internal maxillary: transfusion of1 saline solution. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1301.—Keen (W. W.) Ligation of the common and external carotid ar- teries and the jugular vein, for arterio-venous aneurism of the internal carotid and jugular; with division of the optic nerve, on the opposite side, the result of a gunshot wound. Coll & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1894, xv, 95. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894, lxx, 380.—Knott Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). (M. O'M.) Ligature of right common carotid for aneurism by anastomosis in right parietal aud temporal regions. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 4.—Lapsley (F. L.) Successful ligation of the left common carotid artery. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 267. Aho, Re- print. — liaurcnzi (L.) Casi notevoli di legature delle arterie carotidi. Spallanzani, Roma, 1886, 2. s., xv, 15-17.— liiden ( II. ) Lndeibindning af arteria carotis sin. for blodmug efter kiotomi. [Ligature of carotid artery for ha-monhage after tonsillotomy.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1880, xln, 256-260. — liiiiMiuaycr ( L.) Heftige subjective Ohrgerausche; Ligatur der rechten Carotis interna; Tod an Hemiplegie und Pneumonie nach fiinf Tageu. Wien. med. Bl, 1893, xvi, 113; 130. — McBurney. Simulta- neous ligature of the right carotid and subclavian arteries for innominate aneurysm. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 496.—lVIaragliano (E.) Temperatura cerebrale in sug- getto nel quale fu allaceiata la carotide primitiva. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1880,2. s., xiv, 153. Aho, transl.: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1880-81, xiii, 133. — March c- snno (V.) Carotide esterna. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1889, i, 679-686. — Markoc. Ligation of both external ca- rotids. N. York M. J., 1889, i, 524. — Mcssiter (M. A.) Case of ligature of the left common carotid artery for haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 61.—Moriarty (M. D.) Ligature of the right common carotid artery for sup- posed aneurism, the tumour really being pulsating enceph- aloid. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 55. —Mor- ris (E. H.) Ligation ofthe carotid artery. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1895-6, xix, 767-769.—Morris (H.) On liga- ture of the external carotid, and on a case in which both arteries were tied simultaneously for the arrest of haemor- rhage. Med. Week, Par., 1894, ii, 3-7. —IVepveu. Con- tribution k l'histoire de la carotide primitive et des acci- dents consecutifs k la ligature de ce vaisseau. Assoc frang. pour l'avance. d. sc Compt. rend. 1875, Par., 1876, iv, 1131-1138. — O'lYciII (H.) A case of ligature of the left common carotid artery for haemorrhage; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 252. — Parker ( R. ) Excision of sterno-mastoid sarcoma, and ligature of the three right carotids. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1881, i, 181.—Patterson (A.) Ligature of common carotid artery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xii, 311.—Pepper (A. J.) Scar- let fever; secondary sorethroat on 54th day; severe bleed- ing on 58th; ligature of left common carotid on 59th; hoarseness followed by suddeu aphonia on same day as haemorrhage; bursting of retro-pharyngeal abscess after application of ligature; recovery, with fixation of left vocal cord. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1882-3, xvi, 21-25. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 892. — Polak (M.) Twee carotis-onderbindingen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1895, 2. It., xxxi, pt.2, 992— Postcmpski (P.) Allacciatura della carotide primitiva sinistra per ulcerazione della carotide interna da fleiiimone tonsillare. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1887, xiii, 73-76.— Bansoholf (J.) Ruptur der Arteria meningea media ohne Fractur; Liga- tur der Arteria carotis communis bei secundiirer Blutung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1891, xiii, 229-236.—Beverdin (A.) Ligature de l'artere carotide primitive pour un trau- matisme; guerison. Cong, frang. de chir. Proc.-verb., etc, 1886, Par., 1887, ii, 535-542.—Bivinjjton (W.) A case of ligature of the left common carotid artery, wounded hy a fish-hone which had penetrated the pharynx; with re- marks and an appendix containing forty-five cases of wounds of blood-vessels by foreign bodies. Med.-chir. Tr., Lond., 1885-6, lxix, 63-95. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1885-8, n. a., ii, 7-9. Also [Abstr.1]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 832. Aho [Abstr.J: Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 805.—Bobertson (J. A.) Case of rupture of an aneurism of the common carotid, and ligature of that artery near its origin from tho innominata. Dublin .1. M. Sc, 1837-8, xii, 335-340. Aho, Reprint.—Bokaku Kin- kichi. [Successful ligation of common carotid for sec- ondary haemorrhage.] Tokei Iji Shinshi, Jan. 15, 1881.— Botvland (E. D.) Aneurism of tho light external ca- rotid; ligature of the common trunk; recovery. Brit. Gui- ana M. Ann., Demerara, 1891, 143— MalishtsheflT (E. G.) Khirurgicheskaya anatomia i perevyazka naruzhnoi son- nol arterii in loco electionis. [Surgical anatomy and liga- ture of tho external carotid artery . . ] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1886, vii, 817; 857; 875; 895.—Sapelier. Ulcera- tion de la carotide externe apr^s ligature. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 339. Aho: Progres m6d., I'ar., 1884, xii, 273. — Schwartz. Sarcome pulsatile de la r6gion fronto-orbitaire; epistaxis r6petees; ligature de la caro- tide primitive. Union med., Par., 1895, 3. s., lix, 409-411.— Sherwood (H. A.) Successful ligation of the common carotid arteiy for traumatic aneurysm. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 41- 43. — Spence (J.) Case of ligature Of the common carotid for haemorrhage from ulceration of the face. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843. iii, 439-443. Aho, Reprint. — Stadelmann. Eine Carntisunterbin- dung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr, 1886, xxxiii, 635.— Sutherland. Ligature of the common carotid for arte- rio-venous aneurism. Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 415.— Treves (F.) On the treatment of carotid haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 71. — Triboli ( L.) Allacciatura AETEEY. 696 AETEEY. Arterv (Carotid, Ligature of). della carotide primitiva eseguita dal . . . Raecoglitore, Fano 1845, xvi. 49-55.— Turazza (G.) Sopra un caso di lezatura della carotide primitiva sinistra. Clin. chir.. Milano 1893 i 438-444.—Ty tier (P.) Punctured wound of internal maxillary arterv; ligature of common carotid ar- tery recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i. 587.-Velya- minoflT (X. A.) Dvadtsat-odin sluchai perevyazki obsht- shel sonnol arterii. [Twenty-one cases of ligature of the common carotid artery.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1881, n, 749; 77!_____Yeshtsho 12 sluchayev perevyazki obshtshei sonnoi arterii. [Twelve additional cases of liiratureof com- mon carotid.] Ibid., 1882, iii, 490-492 .— Wnrdrop (J.) Third report of the case of aneurismal disease in the tem- poral arteries, in which . .. tied the common carotid artery. Lancet,Lond.,1827-8,i,24-26. —Wcinlechner. Neuralgie des linken Nerv. inframaxillaris; Resektiou uach Pallavi- cini; heftige Blutung, die mehrmals rezidivirte und die Un- terbindung der Carotis nothweudig machte, auf welche Un- besinnlichkeit, Gedaehtnisssehwache, Aphasie und recht- seitige Lahmung fol»te; Heilung. Wien. med. Presse,1878, xix,"49-52. -----. Lnterbindung der Carotis communis weireii blutung aus einer Tonsillar-Abscesshohle. Wien. med. Bl., 1885. viii, 1624.— Wyelh (J. A.) A successful case of ligation of the common carotid artery with a carbolized nerve. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1882, vii, 267-273. -----. Liga- tion of the external carotid artery; a synopsis of five suc- cessful cases. N. York M. .1., 1887, xiv, 329-332. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887. vi, 111-114. Aho: Med. News, Phila, 1 -87, 1. 312-314. [Discussion], 329. -----. Deliga- tion of both external carotid arteries for arrest of hfeiuor- rhao-e from tumor of the nasopharynx; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889. xxxvi, 172. — Zeissl ( M. ) Unterbin- dung der linken Carotis communis, gefolgt von rechtsei- tiger Parese und Aphasie; Heilung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1882. xxvii. 324.— Ziiiiiiici-inaini (W.) Ueber die Gehirnerweichung nach Unterbindung der Carotis com- munis. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1891-2, viii, 364-420. Aho, Reprint. Artery (Carotid, Wounds and injuries of). Berry (J.) Incised wound of left common carotid ar- tery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xiv, 42. — Hodgcn. Paralysis from injury of the carotid. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1880, iv, 390. — Kuzniik (P.) Carotis communis s.'riil6s6nek esete. (Caseof lesion of . . .] Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1894, ix, 645. Aho, transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 542.—Liicnard (E.G.) Plaie arterielle interessant selon toute probability la caro- tide • xterne droite ; hemorrhagies multiples ; ligature suc- cessive de la carotide primitive, puis de la thyroidienno sup6iieure et de la carotide externe; guerison. Arch, do m6d. et pharm. mil. Par., 1880, viii, 464-467 —I,owe (G.) Wound of the internal carotid artery. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 55. — Maag (H.) Tilfailde af lethal ILeniorrhagi fra Art. carotis interna. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1884, 4. R., x. l-:;.-Ma»rhka. Stich in die Carotis externa; Toddurch Verblutung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1879, n. F., xxx. 236-238.—Poncet (A.) Plaie par coup de couteau de l'artere carotide ex- terne droite,; mort par hemorrhagic Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 567.—Postcmpski (P.) Aneurisma falso trau- matico della carotide primitiva sinistra; resezione della carotide; guarigione. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1889-90. xvi, 435. —Pozzi (A.) Plaie dela carotide gauche par balle de revolver ; heniorrhagie dans la plevre; sec- tiou du pueumo-uastrique gauche; plaie penetrante de rabdoinen avec perforation du foie et de 1'estoiiiac. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 300-302.—Bivington (W.) Wound of external carotid bya stab in the parotid region ; recurrent attacks of haemorrhage; temporary ligature of carotid trunk combined with ligature of external carotid at the seat of injury.' Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud.. 1884, xvii, 79- 81. Also [Abstr.l : Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, i. 222. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1884, i, 205. — Sokolski (N.) Sluchai smerteluavo krovotechenia iz ukha vstledstvle izyazvleuia A. carotidis interna?. [ Fatal hemorrhage from ear resulting from ulceration of internal carotid artery.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 18X0, exxxix, 3. sect., 73- 80— Sutphcu (T. Y.) Rupture of the internal carotid aite.rv, subsequent to necrosis of the temporal bone; au- topsy. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1886, xv, 295-298. Artery (Central) of retina. See Artery (Hyaloid). Artery (Cerebral). See, also, Aneurisms of cerebral, etc., arteries; Artery (Basilar); Brain (Blood-vessels of, etc.); Embolism (Cerebral). Decker (F.) Ueher eine selteue Varietal dei Arte- rien der Hirnbasis. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1886, 38-43.—Hcdon (E.) ~Sc I.abougle (J.) Vari6t6 dans h- trajet et la distribution de l'artere cele- brate anterieure. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1888-9y xviii, Artery (Cerebral). 297. Aho: Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 27.—Heger Sc Be Boeck. De la structure des arteres c6r£brales. Bull. Soc. de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1894, 389-401. Artery (Cceliac). Koster (W.) Anomalie in de vertakking der arteria cceliaca. In his : Kleine mededeelingen [etc.], 8°, [n. p., n. d.], 1-3.—Thane. Obliteration of cceliac axis. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. Sc Ireland, Lond., 1888, p. xvii. Artery (Coronary). Baro'n (T.) *An duni contrahitur cor, dila- tentnr arteria? coronarne? 4°. [Parisiis, 1741.] Martin (II.) * Recherches anatomiques et embryologiques sur les arteres coronaires du cceur 'chez les vert^bres. 4C. Paris, 16[)4. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1694. Michaelis (M. [H.]) * Ueber einige Ergeb- nisse bei Ligatur der Krauzarterien des Herzens, 8°. Berlin, [18911]. Also, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1894, xxiv, 270- 294, 1 ch. Kkbatel (F.) Recherches exp^rinientabs sur la circulation dans les arteres coronaires. b°. Paris, 1^72. Bettelheim (K.) Ueber die Storungen der Herzme- chanik nach Compression der Arteria coronaria sinistra des Herzeus. Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Berl, 189'J. xx, 436- 443.—Biauehi (S.) Le arterie coronarie del cuore. Spe- rimentale, Firenze, 1885, lv, 277-281. — Giering (P. S.) De situ ostiorum arteriarum coronarium cum annexis ra- tiociuiis. Selecta med. Franeof., Franeof. ad Viadr., 1747- 8, iv, 39-45, 1 pl.—Jaja (F.) Sulla circolazioue coronaria del cuore. Riv. cliu., Bologna, 1887, 3. s., vii, 273-J97.— ITIartin (H.) Note sur le premier developpement des arteres coronaires cardiaques chez l'embryon du lapin. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol, Par., 1894, 9. s., vi, 83-85.— .11 ;i it in (H. X.) \- Sedgwick (W. T.) Observations on the mean pressure aud the characters ofthe pulse-wave in the coronary arteries of the lieart. J. Physiol., Cam- bridge. 1880-82, iii, 165-174, 3 diag. Aho: Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. Hiol. Lab., Bait., 1881-3, ii. 315-325. 3 diag. Also: Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Lniv.. Bait., 1895, iii, 107-116, 3 diag.—IVovi (I.) Su la circolazioue corona- ria del cuore. Riv. cliu. di Bologna, 1884. 3. s., iv, 320- 343. — Oestreieh (R.) Plotzlicher Tod durch Verstop- fung beider Krauzarterien. Deutsche med. Welmsclir., Leipz. u. Berl, 1896, xxii, 148— Porter (\V. T.) On the results of ligation of the coronary arteries. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1893, xv, 121-138, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. — West (S.) The anastomosis of the coronary arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 945. Artery (Coronary, Abnormities of). Brooks (II. St. J.) Two cases of an abnormal coro- ' nary artery- of the heart, arising from the pulmonary ar- tery, with some remarks upon the effect of this anomaly in producing cirsoid dilatation of the vessels. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1885, iii, 447-4,9, 1 pl. Aho: J. Anat. Sc Phvsiol., Lond., 1885-6, xx, 26-29, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. a., lxxx, 69; 257. Aho [Abstr] : Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1885, n. s.. xxxix, 309: xl, 77. Aho [Abstr.J : Brit. M. J., Lond., 188.V i, 841— Coleman CVV.) Abnormal origin of the coronary artery. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (1891), 1892, 86.—Hepburn (D.) A rare abnormal arrangement of the caidiac coronary arteries. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1894-5, xxix, 459-462. — Tur- ner (F. C.) A case of abnormal development of the coro- nary arteries ofthe heart. Ibid., 1884-5, xix, 119. Artery (Coronary, Diseases of). See, also, Aneurisms of coronary artery of head; Angina pectoris (Causes of). Hofmax (I.) * K patologicheskoT auatomii serdtsa pri skleroze vienechuoi arterii. [Patho- logical anatomy ofthe heart in sclerosis of coro- nary artery.] f°. S.-Peterburg, 1666. Wieczokik (P.) * Ueber die Erkrankungen der Kranzarterien des Herzens. rt°. Greifswald, 1891. Brault (A.) Sc Marie (R.) Modifications du coeur consecutives k l'oblite-i-ation des arteres coronaires. Presse m6d., Par., 1896, 97-100.—Butte. Obliteration des arteres coronaires; mort subite par arr6t du cceur. Bull. Soc auat.de Par., 1882, lvii, 126-128. — Chase (J. YV.) Em- bolism of the coronary artery, with symptoms of angina pectoris. Boston M. & S. J., 1875, xcii, 598. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii, 22.—< olm- heini (J.) Sc ron Schiilthews-Bcchbcrjj (A.) Ueber die Folgen der Krauzarterieuversehliessuug fiir das Herz. ARTERY. 697 ARTERY. Artery (Coronary, Diseases of). Arch f. path. Anat. [etc.l, Berl., 1881. lxxxv, 503-537, 1 vl. Aho. in: Cohuheim (J.) Ges. Abhandl, 8=, Berl, 1885, 623- 654, ldiag.—Comini (E.) Stenocardia da stenosi ateronia- tos'a dell™origine dello arterie coronaiie. Gaz/.. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1882, 8. s., iv, 453. — Behio (Iv.) Steno- cardie in Folge von Verschluss der linken Coronararterie des Herzens. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 391- 394.__Besplats. Atresie des coronaires consecutives a tine aortite; angine de poitrine; mort. Bull, et mem. Soc m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 548-553. — Fenoglio (I.) & Drogonl (G.) Osservazioni sulla chiusura delle coronarie cardiache. Spallanzani, Roma, 1887, 2. s., xvi, 519-525, 3 ch. — Fremj (K.) Stenosis arteria; coronaria; cordis med Puis paa 8 Slag i Miuutet. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1893, 4. R., viii, 757, 1 diag.— von Frey ( M.) Die Folgen der Verschliessung von Kranzarterien. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1894, xxv, 158- 160. — Freyer (S. F.) Case of occlusion of the mouth of the right coronary artery in the course of general athe- roma, with aneurismal dilatation of the arch of the aorta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 76.—Grion (K.) Et Tilfa-lde af Sklerose af Arteria coronaris cordis med konse- kutiv Myokardit; pludselig Ded. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevi- deusk., Christiania, 1885, 3. R., xv, 11-27.—Hammer (A.) Ein Fall von thrombotischem Verschlusse einer der Kranz- arterien des Herzens: am Krankenbettekoustatirt. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 97-102. Also, Reprint.— Hazlchurst (S. F.) Heart with atheromatous coronary arteries, from a case of aiurina pectoris. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884. xi, 63. — Hektoeu (L.) Embolism of the left coronary artery; sudden death. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 210-212. Also, Reprint. — Holmberg. Ett tall af ateromatos degeneration af coronarartererna. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1881, xxiii, 67.— Hnchard (H.) Angine de poitrine coronarienne (pre- sentation de pieces anatomiques). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de I'ar., 1894, 3. s., xi, 821-824. — lluchard (II.) 4 ii. F., i, 327; 335.—Bail- haclie (P. H.) Traumatic diffused aneurism; ligation of femoral artery ; gangrene; degeneration of os calcis; am- putation; recovery. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 101.—Banks. Case of ligature of the femoral artery for popliteal aneurism; condition three years after operation. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1881, i, 184.— Barton (J. M.) Ligation of femoral artery for poplit- eal aneurysm. Med. Xews, Phila., 1882, xii, 234. — Bar- well (R.) Case of abdominal and of femoropopliteal aneurysm in which the superficial femoral artery was tied with au ox-aorta ligature. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 187-192.—Bcatty (T. E.) Ligatured femoral ar- tery. Proc. Path. Sue. Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 126.—Ben- jamin (D.) Ligation of femoral artery and vein in lower part of Scarpa's triangle after failure of digital pressure, for the cure of popliteal aueurism. Med. Bull, Phila., 1892, xiv, 12.—Bimar. Au6vrisme consecutive k une blessure de l'artere femorale; ligature de ce vaisseau; guerison; mort accidentelle qninze ans apr^s; autopsie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel, 1885, vii, 387.—Blanks (J. H ) Ligation of the femoral artery and vein. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1881, xiv, 114.—Ita-ckcl (J.) Ecmsetuent du membre inferieur; hemorrhagic grave; ligature antiseptique de la f'6morale au soramet du triangle de Scarpa; sucees op^ratoire; accidents dus au traumatisme primitif; amputation de la cuisse; mort au bout de deux mois. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1880, xii, 242-246— Briddon (C. K.) Antiseptic ligature of right and left femoral arteries in the same subject, for double popliteal aneurism, with successful result in both in- stances. Med. Rec, N. V., 1881, xix, 93.-€ainp (C. F.) Ligation of femoral artery and vein. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1880. Montpelier, 1887, 190-192. — Clunesw. A case in ■which he ligated the femoral artery tour successive times. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1886, xxix, 638.—Be Gia- como (A.) Sopra una ligatura della femorale superflciale per aneurisma dell' estremo inferiore di quest' arteria e della poplitea; operato felicemente; relazione del Dott. V. Ciampolillo. Morgagni, Napoli, 1883, xxv, 441-445, 1 pl— Budon. Anevrysme spontan6 volumineux de l'artere poplitee gauche; insucces de la ni6thodedeReid; ligature antiseptic] node l'artere f6morale; guferison. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1883), 1884, 115-122.— TNmarcli. Ostitis tarsi chronica suppurativa; Ampu- tatio cruris; wiederholte Blutungen; Unterbindung der Art. femoral, unter dem Lig. Poup.; Transfusion von 250 Ccm. Blut in die Art. brachia'is; ausgezeichneter Erfolg; Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 625.—Fornari (F.) Allacciatura della femorale destra: anestesia da clo- roformio ; medicatura antisettica. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1884, 4. s., xxi, 406.—Galenzowski. Aneurisma dohle de la arteria poplitea, curado por la ligadura de la arteria femoral. Period. Acad, de med. de Megico, 1837-8, ii, 362-364. —Gaston (J. McF.) Ligation of the femoral arteiy in sanguineous effusion below the popliteal region. iTtery (Femoral, Ligature of). Gaillard's M. J , N. V., 1883, xxxvi, 241-243. -----. Liga- tion of the femoral arterv in a caso of feinoro-popliteal aneurism. South. M. Rec, Atlanta. 1887, xvii, 57-61.— Gerdy (P.-N.) Rapport juridique et reflexions cliniques sur une plaie pr6sumee de l'artfere crurale et sur sa ligature qui a 6t6 suivie de gu6rison. In his: Me) uges d'anat. [etc.], 8°, Par., 1875, ii, 527-536. —Gibbs (W. II.) Liga- tion of femoral artery followed hy prompt arrest of gan- grene; a case from the "war records". South. Clinic, Richmond, 1886, ix, 133.—Gillette. Compression, liga- ture, torsion de l'arteref6morale. Diet, encycl. d. sc iu6d., Par., 1879, 1. &., xxiii, 742-775.—Grimes (G. J.) Liga- tion of tho femoral artery for traumatic aneurism. At- lanta M. Reg., -1881-2, n. s\, i, 641— Hofmokl (J.) Vul- nus pnnctum femoris dextri; Aneurisma spurium trauma- ticum ; Ligatura arteria; et venie femoralis; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1891), 1892, 373-375.—Holmes (T.) The effect on the femoral artery of ligature at the apex of Scarpa's triangle. Lancet, Lond'.. 1887, i, 98.—Norton (S. M.) Report of a caseof aneurism of the anastomotica magna; treated by ligature of the artery one inch from its origin; subsequent ligature of the femoral; result, death from an intercurrent pneumonia. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 108.— Howe (J. W.) Ligation of the femoral artery under co- caine ; secondary hemorrhage; transfusion of Little's solu- tion; recovery. Proc. N. Tork Path. Sue. (1887), 1888, 127-129. Also: Med. Rec, N. T., D-87, xxxii, 200.— Idziuski (W.) Rownoczesne wyeiecic tetnicy i iyly udowej powyz'ej odejs6iagala.zek gleliokich; wyzdrowienie. [Ligature and excision of femoral artery and vein of de- scending profound branch.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1891, xxx, 277; 291. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 537; 580.—Johnston (H. M.) Ligature of the common femoral artery for wound; cure Brit. M. J., Lond , 1882, i, 577.—Kemper (G. W. IL) Ligation of the femoral artery. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1881, xxiii, 206.—l,amli (P.) Duplice legatura della femorale per aneurisma traumatico della tibiale anteriore e per emor- ragia consecutiva alia caduta del laccio. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1875, xxxviii, 65-70. Also, Reprint.—lb una (J. K.) A case in which the superficial femoral artery was ligatured for popliteal aneurysm, without rupture of the coats of the vessel. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxi, 152. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 467.—ITIercer (A.) Two cases of ligature of the femoral artery. Tr. M. Sue N. V., Syracuse, 1885, 176-180.—lTIontcils. Double, ligature de l'artere crurale et de l'artere iliaque externo droites. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1887, xiii, 77-80.— Morclli ( I'. ) A proposito di un' allacciatura della fe- morale superflciale. Morgagni, Milano, 1890, xx\ii, 407- 422— Packard (J. H.) Sebaceous cyst; ligation of the femoral artery. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, ii, 193.—Porter (G. H.) A new mode of delegating tho femoral artery. In his: Contrib. to Op. Surg., 8°, Dubl, 1860, 1-13, 1 pl —Sands (H. B.) Ligature of the femoral artery; a surgical clinic. Med. Gaz., N. V., 1883, x, 196.—Sa- roi) (\V. S.) On the effect upon the femoral artery of its ligature for the cure of popliteal aneurysm. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1887, lxx, 139-147. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1214. Aho [Abstr.l: Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii. 1176.—Scalzi (F.) Un caso di legatura della femorale superflciale e profon-la. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1875-6, i, 119-127. Also, Reprint. — Scarcnzio (A.) Sc Mnzzucchclli (A.) Varice aneurismatica al poplite destro da ferita da punta; legatura dell' arteria fe- morale superflciale; gaugrena dell' arto; amputazione di coscia; guarigione. Ann.univ.di med.echir., Milano,1879, ccxlix, 451-462.—Schimlel (O. M.) Ligation ofthe femo- ral artery for femoral aneurism. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1881-2, viii, 472-474.—Shepherd. Ligature of the femoral for popliteal aneurism; subsequent gangrene of leg; ampu- tation with satisfactory result. Montreal M. J., 1893-4, xxii, 118-120. — Sibthorpe. A case of traumatic aneu- rysm ofthe right thigh; ligature of the femoral; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 886.—Simon. Lacerated wound of the thigh and leg; subsequent ulceration of the pop- liteal artery; hemorrhage; transfusion; deligation of the femoral arterv; amputation; second transfusion; au- topsy. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 481—Slone (W.) Ampu- tation of the mamma, and ligature of the femoral artery. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1845-6, ii, 113.—Storry. Ligature of the femoral. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 419.—Tappey (E. T.) Division and ligature of the common femoral artery. Harper Hosp. Bull, Detroit, 1893-4, iv, 17.—Teofili (R.) L' allacciatura dell' arteria femorale profonda e 1' ematoma arterioso diffuso. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 602; 613.—Tiffany (L. McL.) A contribution to the history of ligation of the common femoral arterv. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. 1884, Phila., 1885, ii, 237-248. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xiv, 3-6. Also, Reprint.—Tseidlcr ((I. F.) K perevyazke bedrennikh arterii i vlen. [Ligature of femoral arteries and veins.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1890, i, 653; 720.—Ulrich. Unterbindung der Arteria cruralis und tibialis postica. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1832, Koblenz, 1833, 172.—Williams (H. J.) Circumscribed traumatic aneurism of a tibial artery; liga- AETEEY. 699 AETEEY. Artery (Femoral, Ligature of). tion of the femoral artery; recovery. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1891-2, n. s., viii, 9-14.—Wright (P. H.) Ligation of the femoral artery. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1879, xxx, 197— Wynian (H. ('.) Ligation of femoral artery and vein for stab wound. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 300-302. Arterv (Femoral, Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Artery (Femoral, Ligature ofi). Mahe (Y.-M.) * Sur les plaies siniultanees dc l'artere et de la veine femorale. 4 \ Paris, 1KU. Rosenberg (C.) *r>ie Verletzung dor grossen Sehenkelget'iisse nnd ihre Folgen. 8-\ Er- langen, 1600. de Vaxdexesse (U.) * Aii, vulnerata crurali arteria, al) amputatione auspicanduin? Prseses A. N. Guenault. 4C. Parisiis, 1?P,\ Aho, in: Hallek. Disp. chir. [etc.l. 4--. Lausanna?, 1756, v, 155-160. Also, in: Sk.wakt (G. 1-'.> Qua?stiones med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 180-188. Babacci (V.) Della cura meccaniea nelle ferite e ne»li aneurismi dell' arteria femorale. Raecoglitore med., Foili. 1883, 4. s., xix, 293-303. — Brainard (L. L.) A consideration ofthe diagnosis and treatment of-wounds of the femoral artery. Tr. Homceop. M. Soe. X. V.. Roches- ter, 1887, xxii, pt. i, 126-128.— Briggs (('. S.) Traumatic aneurism of the femoral artery in Hunter's canal from gun-shot wound; ligation of the artery followed by morti- fication: amputation of the thigh. Nashville J. M. A S., 1891, lxx. 213-216. — Bryant. Contused femoral artery; occlusion of vessel; recovery. Lancet, Lond , 1881, li, 88. -----. Occlusion of right femoral artery from severe con- tusion; recovery. Ibid., 18 = ", ii, 65. — t'orley (A. H.) Spontaneous rupture of the femoral artery. Dublin J. M. Sc, ls84. 3. s.. lxxvii, 357. Also: Brit. M. J.. Loud.. 1884, i, 419.— Bestol. Rupture de l'artere fenmi ale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lyon (18911. 1>92. xxxi, pt. 2, 107. Aho: Lyon med., 1891, lxvii, 399.— Bibrell (J A.), jr. Gun-shot-wound ofthe femoral artery. [Two cases.] Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas. Little Rock, 1889, 50.— Doyon (M.) Rupture de l'artere femorale. M6m. et compt.-rend. Sue. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, pt. 2, 77.—E sin arch. Ein einfaches Verfahren ... die Di-?. n. a., Ii. 359-364. Aho (Abstr.]: Brit. M. J Lond , 1888 i,696.- Weinlcclincr. Fine die Art. und Vena femoralis tren- nende Stichwunde, deren Blutung nach Lnterbindung der Arterv (Femoral, Wounds and injuries of)- Art. fem. ober der Abgangsstelle der Profunda fern, un- verandert fortdauerte, so class wahrend der Aniimisirung die Gefassenden an der Stichstelle selbst aufgesucht und unterbunden werden mussteu ; als Ursache der hartnacki- gen Blutungstellte sich derkuappe Ahgang eines Zweiges am centralen Ende der Fem. heraus: wiederholte Naeh- blutungen aus der Fein, au der Ligaturstelle unter dem Poupart'schen Bande machten am 19. Tage die Ligatur der Iliaca ext. tl nothwendig; der Kranke starb an Pya- niie 32 Tage nach der Verletzung. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in AVien (1880), 1881, 315-317. Artery (Gluteal, Ligature of). See, also, Aneurisms of gluteal artery. Campbell (G. W.) Ligature of tlie gluteal arterv for traumatic aneurism. 8°. [Montreal, 1662'] Lindner. Uuterbindiing der Arteria glutaea in der Incisur wegen Stichwunde. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1883, xii, 241-244.—.TIcGraw T. A.) Ligation of the gluteal artery for traumatic aneurism; Cubes' fracture of the radius; autopsy. Detroit Lancet, 1880-31, n. s., iv, 241-243. — Matlakowski (W.) Podwiazanie tetnicy posladkowej prawej w jamie miednicy z powodu rany klu- tej. [Ligature of gluteal arterv in wounds of pelvic cav- ity.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889, 2. s., ix, 051-655. Artery (Hepatic). See, also, Aneurisms of hepatic artery; Artery (Co'liae). Be Boininicis (N.) Osservazioni sperimentali sulla le-atura dell' arteria epatica. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di'Napoli, 1891, iii, 164-168.—Fawcett (E.) An interest- ing abnormality ofthe hepatic artery, with explanation of the condition. J. Anat. Sc Physiol.. Lond.. 1895-6, xxx, 206 - 208. — J acquemet ( M. ) Trois cas de duplicite de l'artere hepati17 :____ Persistent hyaloid vessel and choroido-retinal changes. Ibid., 1883-4, iv, 352.-.Uitval»ky (J.) Ein neuer Fall von Lenticonus posterior mit theilwei3er I er- sistenz der Arteria hyaloidea. Centralbl. t. prakt Au- genh., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 65-70.-Bemak. Drei seltene Fiille von persistirender Arteria hyaloidea. ( cntralbl. t. prakt. Aiueuh., Leipz., 1885, ix, 9-14.-von Ben** (A.) Sieben Fiille von sogenannter Arteria hyaloidea per.sistens. AVien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 265; 310.-Bisley (ft D.) A case of persistent hyaloid artery, l.mv. M. Mag., Phila. 1890-91, iii. 766-771.—Biiiii«zcwicz(Iv.) Prze- trwauie tetnicy cialku szklislego (art, hyaloidea perseve- res) M.-dycvna, Wars/.awa, 1881, ix, 417-420.-Sncll ( S) Remains of hyaloid artery. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U Kingdom bond 1883-4, iv, 349.— Tanseman (L. W) P, rsisl "lit hyaloid artery. Arch. Ophth., N. Y, 1888, xvn, ->70_->75 —William* (C. L.) Case of persistent hyaloid artery.' Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1891, xxvi, 365. ARTERY. 700 ARTERY. Arterv (Hypogastric). Cianflone (F.) Memoria intorno ad nn fatto di lega- tura dell' arteria ipogastrica per aneurisma nella natica. Morn-:i"ni Nanoli, 1857, i. 358-370, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint.— Ja»'t»cliiii»ki i S. X. ) Die typist-hen Verzweigungs- fornien der Arteria hypogastrics, Internal. Monatschr. f. Anat, u. Physiol. I.e'ipz., 1891, viii, 111-127, lpl. Artery (Iliac, Common). Unman ii (C. A.) Common iliac artery. [Anomaly.] Lniv. M. Mag., Phila, 1892-3, v, 185.—Onler. Atherom- atous abscess and aneurism of the right iliac artery; general atheroma. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl. 250. — TIioiiinoii (A.) The level of the bifurcation of the com- mon iliac arteries. LRep.] J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond., 1894-5, xxix, 52-60. Artery (Iliac, Common, Ligature of). Ser,a'lxo, Aneurisms of femoral artery; Aneu- risms of gluteal artery; Aneurisms of groin. Hakbosa (A. M.) Memoria sobre a laqueacao da arteria iliaea primitiva a proposito d'esta ope- racfto praticada em 7 de fevereiro de 1*?:! no Hospital de S. Jose de Lisboa. 4°. Lisboa, 1874. M'Kixlav (W. B. ) Case of successful liga- ture of common, iliac artery. Read before tlie I Mcdico-Chirurgical Society, bth Jan., 1-64. 8 . J Edinburgh, 1864. Annnndale (T.) On intraperitoneal ligature of tho iliac arteries, with notes of a successful case. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii, 513-515. —Baseh (F.) Ein Fall von Lnterhinduiig der Art. subclavia mit daranffolgender Transfusion und ein Fall von Lntei bindung der Art. iliaca. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1873 xv. 475-484.—Banks (W. M.) Ligature of the iliac arteries through tin-peritoneum, j Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 1163.—t'halol (V.) De la li- | gature des arteres iliaques en dehors du peritoine et k tra- vels le peritoine; simplification neee>saiiv (laz. hebd. d. sc. mGd. de Montpel , 1884, vi, 16: 25.—Colloid tumor of thetibiaat seat of former fracture; successive operations; removal of tumor, amputation of thigh, two ligations of the femoral, ligation of the external and of the common iliac; death. Med. Caz., X. Y., 1880, vii, 132—Bceoud (D.) Ligadura de la iliaea primitiva. An. d. Circ. m6d. argent.. Buenos Aires, 1890, xiii, 34-37.—Fliihrer (W. F.) | A ligation ot the. common iliac artery for aneurism of the external iliac; death on the seventh day from acute ne- phritis. Med. Rec , X. V., 1886, xxx, 454 457. —Gouley (J. W. S.) Report of a case of ligature of the right primi- tive iliac aitery for diffuse aneurysm of tin- external iliac : death Irom pwemia on the twenty-first day. X. Vol k M. J., 1885, xii, 239-241.— Itiimnicll ( II.) Die Unterbiii- dunewbi««iiig (W.) Case of inguinal and popliteal aneurism, cured bv tying the external iliac ar- terv. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1816. xii, 71-76. Aho, Reprint.— O'ShaughneMtiy (R.) Case of ligature of the external iliac artery. Quart. J. Calcutta M. Sc Phys. Soc, 1838. ii, 223-226.—Bivinaton (\V.) Two cases of ligatuie of the external iliac artery. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond.. 1886, xix. 45- 52. Also [Abstr. J: Brit, M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 969.— Boiimc. Case of consecutive aueurism, treated hy liga- ture of the external iliac, and afterwards of the femoral arterv. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879. ix, 262— Muadaro (C.) Allacciatura dell iliaca esterna per ferita d anna da fuoco, eseguita dal Prof. A. 1) Antona. Morgagni. Xapoli, 1885, xxvii, 259-263.— Ta»«i (E.) Al- lacciatura dell' iliaca esterna, con pieno succesao. Gu- AETEEY. 701 AETEEY. Artery (Iliac, External, Ligature of). gliebno da Saliceto, Piacenza. 1879-80, i, 219; 246.—Ton- koff (V. X.) O razvitii anastomozov poslle perevyazki art. iliaca- externa". I Development of anastomoses after tying of...] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1895, xx, 122.— Williams (J. T.) Ligature of the superficial femoral and the external iliac arterv for popliteal and femoral an- eurysm. Brit. M. J., Lond.1, 1893, i, 11]L — Wood (J. R.) Ligation of the external iliac artery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 325-328. Artery (Iliac, Internal). Bwnn (J. A.) Sudden death, with necropsy, show- ing rupture iu the internal iliac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1270— liCdwich. Absence of the internal iliac artery. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1887. 3. s., lxxxiii, 480. Also [Abstr.l : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 733. Artery (Iliac, Internal, Ligature of). See, also, Aneurisms ofi gluteal artery. Gallozzi (C.) Considerazioni su d' un caso di guarigioue di legatura dell' arteria iliaca in- terna eseguita uella clinica chirurgicadi Napoli. 8-\ [Xapoli, n. d.] Bardeaux ( A. ) Allacciatura dell' iliaca interna. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 280.—Chew (W. L.) On the question of how shall the internal iliac artery be ligatured in general, and on ligation of the internal iliac for spontaneous gluteal aud sciatic aneurysms in particu- lar; with report and study of cases. X. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 570-573.—Laudi (P.) Legatura dell' aiteria iliaca interna per ferita di un ramo della glutea. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1875, xxvii, 12; 121. Aho, Reprint. — Poncel (A.) Ligature de l'iliaque interne. Me-in. et compt,- reud. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1883), 1884, xxiii, pt. 2, 70- 72.—Rochard (J.) Rapport sur une observation du Dr. Poncet. relative a un cas de ligature de l'iliaque interne droite par une tumeur pulsatile de la fesse correspondante. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xix, 14-16.—Wherry (G.) A successful case of intra-peritoneal ligation of the internal iliac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 136. Artery (Infra-orbital). ■ wnai-di (L.) Sopra un caso di emorragia infrenabile del! a. infraorbitaria curato colla legatura dell' arteria. Osservatore, Torino, 1889, xl, 839-843. Artery (Innominate). Ekdmaxx (A. C.) * Descriptio anatomica ar- terite inuominatte et Ihyroidete imse. In: Wkiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1773, v, 112-114. Absence of innominate artery. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 189u, 3. s., xxxii, 299. — Annandalc (T.) On compression of the innominate arterv ; with notes of a case. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 481— Tliinii (W. P.) Entire absence of the innominate artery. Chicago M. J. & Ex- am., 1889, lviii, 284.—Poinaot (G.) Sous-claviere et in- nominee (arteres). X. diet, tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1882, xxxiii, 379-444.—Steven (J. L.) Specimen illustrat- ing complete occlusion of the innominate artery. Glasgow M. J., 1884, xxi. 127-131. Aho: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1883-4, i, 30-34, — Walker (E.W.J -Gun-shot wound of the innominate arteiy. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1881, n. s., vii, 49-51.—White (W.) An affection of arteria in- nominata simulating aneurism. Indian Lancet, Lahore, 1859, i, 69. Artery (Innominate, Ligature of). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Treatment of); Aneurisms of subclavian avtery; Aneurisms of thyroid artery. Smyth (A. W.) The collateral circulation m aneurism. Eeport of the successful ligation of the innominate, the common carotid, the verte- bral, and the internal mammary arteries, iu a case of right suhclavian aneurism. 8°. Xew Orleans, 18/7. Repr. from.- New Orleans Charity Hospital Report, 1876. Ullrich (V.) * Zur Casuistik der Unterbin- 1. Aiiderwon (R. J.) A palatine branch from the mid- dle meningeal arteiy. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond.. 1880- 81, xv, 136-138.— voii Fillenbaum.' Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Verletzungen der Arteria meningea media. AVien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890. iii, 263-265. — Steiner (R.) Zur chirurgischen Anatomie der Arteria meningea media. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1894, xlviii, 101-126,1 pl. — Well* (AV. li.) Ligation of middle meningeal artery. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1889. 201. Artery (Mesenteric). See, aho, Aneurisms of mesenteric arteries. Councilman (W. T.) Three cases of occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxx, 410.—Tangl (F.) Sc Barley (V.) Xotiz iiber einige anatomische Veiauderungen uach Unterbindung der drei Darmarterieii. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., I'.erl.. Is95 xxxiii, 673-675.—Taylor (F.) Obstruction of tlie mesenteric artery and vein, followed by intestinal and peritoneal ha-morrhage, with rapidly fatal termination. Tr. Path. See. Loud., 1881, xxxii, 61-65. — Tschejfolcn" (M. G.) Sluch. raspoz. pri zhizni zakuporki verch. bty- zheyechnoi arterii. [Closure of superior mesenteric artery recognized during life.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1891, xxxv, 531-536. Artery (Obturator). See, also, Aneurisms ofi obturator artery. KuusciiE (A.) * Anatomische Untersuchun- gen iiber die Arteria obturatoria. 8 . Dorpat, 1867). Harlmniin (H.) Sc Chevalier (E.) Quelques re- marques a propos d'une double anomalie de l'artere obtu- ratiiee. bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 865-869.— JnMlNchinski (S.) Die Abweichungen der Arteria ob- turatoria. nebst Erkliirung ihres Eutstehens. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1891, viii, 367; 417, 1 pl. — Liachi (P.) Sulle variety di irigiue dell' arteria otturatrice. [Prom: Poll. d. Soc. E istachiana di Came- rino.] In his : Oss. anat., 8°, Camerino, 1885, 5-7.— I.cnf (A. H. P.) Xote upon certain bilateral anomalies of the obturator artery. Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brookly.i, X. Y., 1**4, iv, 208. — t'fitziiri' (W.) Ueher die Ursprungsver- baltuisse tier Arteria obturatoria. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1889, iv, 504; 52s.— Rochard (E.) Anomalie de rapports de l'artere ohturatrice. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 145-14*. Aho: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1887, xlvii. 380- 383.—Tuffier. Xote sur deux cas d'anomalies de l'obtu- ratrice. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 50-52.—Wal- deyer. Bemerkungen zur Auatomie der Art. obturato- ria. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch. iu Basel, Jena, 1895, ix, 100-1U4. Artery (Occipital). See, k/mi, Aneurisms ofi occipital artery. Valette (T.) Memoire sur la possibility de lier l'artere occipitale pres de son origine. r\ Paris, 1-.V.2. Grubi-i- ( W. ) Duplicitat der Arteria occipitalis. Arch. f. path. Auat. [etc.). Berl., 1880, lxxxii, 474.—I.ock- wood (C. B.) Ligature of the occipital artery; a dissect- ing-room operation. Bri.\ M. J., Loud., 1883, ii, 13. Artery (Omphalo mesenteric). Ravu (E.) Ueber die Arteria omphalo-mesenterica der Ratten und Mausc. Auat. Anz., Jena, 1893-4, ix, 420- 424. Artery (Ophthalmic). See, also. Artery (Carotid, ligature ofi). Fawcett (E.) The origin and intra-cianial course of the ophthalmic artery, and the relationship they bear to the optic nerve. J. Anat. &. Physiol., Lond., 1895-0, xxx, 49-52.—ITluiNgrpve (J.) Origin of the ophthalmic artery from the middle meningeal. J. Anat. Sc Physiol, Lond , 1892-3, xxvii, 279-281. Artery (Orbital). iTleyc'r ( F.) Zur Anatomie der Orbitalarterien. Mor- phol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1886-7, xii, 414-458, 2 pl. Artery (Palmar). .Vlingnzzini (G.) Anomalia dell' arcus volaris sub. limis. (Jazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 235. — Baab (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Hohlhaudarterien. Med. Jahrb., AVien, 1880, 179-186, 1 pl. Artery (Pharyngeal). Foncher. Anomalie de l'artere pharyngienne ascen- dante. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1896, xxv, 17- 19. — Stoller ( F. C. ) Eiu falscher Pulsaderhruch der Pulsader des Schlundes auf der linken Seite, welcher mit hesondern Zufalleii den Tod verursachte. Inhis: Beob. u. Erfahr. [etc.], b<. Gotha, 1777, 101-110. Artery (Phrenic). See Aneurisms ofi phrenic artery. Artery (Plantar). See Aneurisms ofi foot. Artery (Popliteal, Ligature of). Bennett {K. IL) Popliteal arterv closed hy catgut ligature. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl, 1877-80, n. s.j viii, 10- 12.—Howard (J. W.) Ligation of the popliteal artery. Proc. Oregon M. Soc, Port laud, 1881, viii, 38-40. — [I,ii- cas-]Championnierc (J.) Ligature de l'artere popli- tee au-dessus et an dessous du sac pour uu anevrbuie arterio-veineux; plusieurs cas de ligatures au catgut, dont une de l'iliaque externe. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s., xiv, 39-42.—Maclean (D.) Ligature of the popliteal artery. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Lansing, 1884, viii, 492-494. Aho: Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, ilich., 1884, vi, 540-542—Wa'rd (E. J.) Ligation of the poplit- eal artery for elephantiasis arabum. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1887, 276-J78. Artery (Popliteal, Ruvture and wounds of)- See, also, Aneurisms of popliteal artery. Anderson (A. R.) Rupture of the popliteal artery; successful transfusion. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 739; 929. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, i, 363.— Brnnner (C.) Zur subcutaneu Verletzung der Arteria poplitea. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886-7, xxv, 99-111.— Bietcrlen (C.) Contusion de l'artere poplit6e sans plaie des t6gnmeuts; thrombose consecutive. France med., Par., 1882, i, 854-857. Aho: Bull Soc. cliu. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi. 160-164. — Garrard ( W. A. ) Xotes of three cases of injury to the popliteal artery, each ending in am- putation of the.thigh in from ten days to thirteen months afterwards. Med. Press & Circ, Lend., 18i*7, n. 8., xliii, 292.—Jackson (Ar.) Rupture of the popliteal aitery and vein; amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 523.—Keeling (J. IL) Case of ruptuie of the popliteal artery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.. 1888, n. s., xiv, 269. — Kiinlcr ( E. ) Schussverletzung der Art. poplitea; ortliche Unterbin- dung; Heilung. Inhis: Kin chir. Tiienu. 1876-8, 8°, Kas- sel u. Berl, 1882, 262. — Laiiijlon (J.) Osteotomy of fe- mur; wound of popliteal artery with spicule of bone; ligature; gangrene: amputation: death. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 564. — liCiidct (T.-E\) llemoirhagie mortelle cau- s6e par une ulceration de l'artere poplit6e. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1852, Par., 1853, iv, 96-100. Also, in his: Etudes de path, etde clin. med., 8°, Par., 1891, iii, 607-612.— Niiilez. Medicina legal; herida de la poplitea. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1880-81, xvii, 229.— Picon (R.) Contusion de l'art&re poplit6e gauche, rup- ture, de sa tunique interne, iliromhose, gangrene de la jambe; amputation de la cuisse au tiers interieur. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1895, lxx, 260-266. — Smutny ( F. 1 Rottura dell' arteria poplitea in uu caso di frattura del! estremo superiore della tibia. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Geneva, IssO, ii, 12-14.—Teale (T. P.) Wound of poplit- eal artery and vein during an opeiation for necrosis of fe- mur; recovery without gangrene. Lancet, Loud.,1887, i, 12. Artery (Profit nda fem or is). See Artery (Femoral, Abnormities ofi). Artery (Pudic). TMchaiiMMon (M.) Anomalien der Art. pudenda com- munis; 5 Fiille; Bemerkungen iiher die Entstehung der Anomalien dieser Arterie im allgemeinen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1886, i, 86-92. ARTEEY. 703 ARTERY. Artery (PuImonary). Bromhieest (P. Q. ) Over pathologische veranderingen tier arteria pulmonalis en van hare khipvliezeu. 8\ [n. p., n. d.] Belitzin ( S.) Beobachtungen iiber die vierte Halb- mondklappe in der Arteria pulmonalis. Arch. f. Anat. it. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1892, 107-112, 1 pl —Joel (J.) Ein Teratom auf tier Arteria pulmonalis innerhalb des Herzbeutels. Arch. f. path. Auat. [etc.], Berl., 1890, cxxii, 381-386.—Knoll (P.) Der Blutdruck iu der Arteria pub monalis bei Kaninchen uud seine respiratorischen Schwan- kungen. Sitzuugab. d. k. Acad. d. AVisseusch. Math.- natorw. Cl. 1888, Wien, 1889, xcvii, 207-222. 2 tab.—Nixon (C. J.) On functional murmur in the pulmonary artery. Dublin J. M. Se., 1881, 3. s., lxxii, 193-203. Also, Re- print.—Patella (V.) Delia semejologia dell arteria pol- monale; suo valore nelle anemie e nella febbre. Ann. univ. cli med. e chir., Milano, 1888, eel xxxiii, 210; 241.— Pinna (G. P. ) Osservazioni comparative intorno alia struttura delle nltime diramazioni delle arterie pulmo- nari. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. cli Bologna, 1880, 4. s., i, 417-420, 1 pl. Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of). See, also, Aorta (Abnormities ofi). Barbacci (O.) Una rarissima anomalia sull' arteria polmonare. Arch, per le sc. metl., Torino e Palermo, 1891, xv, 1-13.—BnrgcMN (A. J.) Prenatal closure of the pul- monary artery. Med. Xews, Phila., 1893, lxii, 437. Aho, Reprint. —Foot (A. AV.) Pulmonary artery with two valves. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 389- 391. 1 pl. Aho:' Dublin J. M. Sc, 1888, 3. s., Ixxxvi, 100.— Jloore (W.) Congenital malformation of the pulmonary artery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1892, n. s., xiv, 115.— Slintzing (R.) Ueber eine seltene Anomalie der Put nionalklappen. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888-9, xliv, 149-158.—Zahn (F. W.) Ueber ein eigen- thiimliches congenitales Xetzwerk in der linken Pulmo- nararterie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1889, cxv, 58- 60, 1 pl. Artery (Pulmonary, Diseases of). See, also, Aneurisms of pulmonary artery. Ri-nen (E. T.) Dilatation and atheroma of the pul- monary artery, wilh au opening through the interven- tricular septum. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 78-80. — B-uckworth (Sir D.) A case of pulmonary arterial reflux. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888, xxi, 18-21, lpl— Bnroziez (P.) De la dilatation de l'artere pulmonaire. Uniou med., Par., 1891, 3. s., li, 882-885. Aho: Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1891), 1892, xxvi. 54-57. — Houze. Un cas d'endarterite pulmonaire vegt-tante et ulcereuse; in- fection streptococcique. Presse ni6d. beige, Brux., 1893, xiv, 81-84. — [Klob (J.)] Endarteriitis pulmonalis de- formans. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien 1865, Wien, 1866, 185. —Ulayct. Xote snr un cas d'alteration pur arterite ilelotmantedes branches del'artere pulmonaire. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 2, 43-47.—Mounter (L.) Athe'iome tie l'artere pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, 4. s., vii, 114. Aho: Progres med., Par., l>-82, x, 819. — Battone (G.) Sulla infiammazione dell' arteria polnionare, con speciale riguardo all' ateroma della niedesima. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. cli Torino, lr85, 3. s., xxxiii, 85. Also: (Jazz, di clin., Torino, 1885, xxi, 81.—Romberg (E.) UeberSkle- rose der Lungenarterie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891-2, xlviii, 197-206. Also: Arb. a. cl. med. Klin. zu Leipz., 1893, 303-312.—Turner (F. C.) Miliary tuber- cles in branches of the pulmonary artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1886, xxxvii, 139, 1 pl.— WiilianiH (C. B.) A study of aneurism of the pulmonary arterv, -with the re- port of a case. Maryland AI. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii, 321- 327. [Discussion], 333. Artery (Pulmonary, Obstruction of). See, also, Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of). Achilles (C. ) *Ein Fall vou Pulmonal- steuose. 6D. Wiirzburg, 1679. Durey-Co.mte (P.) "Contribution a le"tude de re'tre'eissement congdnital de l'artere pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, l6r?7. LociJAui) (M.) * £tude sur les ldsious du sys- teme veineux dans un cas de rdtrdcissement de l'artere pulmonaire. 4\ I'aris, 1862. Luzzatto (II.) Embolia dell' arteria polmo- nale. 6P. Milano, l8b0. Mayer (M.) * Ueber einen Fall von Stenosi- rung der Pulmoualartcrie iu Folge vou acuter Endocarditis der Semiluuarklappeu. [Frei- berg.] b°. Leipzig, 1679. Artery (Pulmonary, Obstruction of). MoNMKit (J.) * Sur le retrecissenient con- genital de l'artere pulmonaire accompagne" d'au- ircs vices de ddveloppement. 4°. Part's, 1890. Moschkowsky (J.) * Ueber congeuitale Ste- nose der Pulmonalis. 8°. Kihiigsberg, 1872. Schantz (E. P. C.) *Ein Fall vou Atresia der Arteria pulmonalis. 8°. Marburg, 1680. Schmidt (J. [L. O.]) * Ueber angeborene Stenose der Arteria pulmonalis. bJ. Bonn, 1892. Stkrz (A.) * Ueber Verstopfung der Lungen- arterie. 8°. Berlin, 1674. Stolkkr (C.) * Ueber angeborne Stenose der Arteria pulmonalis. 8°. Bern, 1864. Athanasios (M.) Neos is. Yei>eTrjs kvo.vu>tik6<;. 2re- vuhtk; avyyivii. 1838-9, iii, 29-32.—Monti. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre der Arterii is uinhilicalis. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1880-81, ii. 4ii5-4ii9.— Tschaussow (M.) Anomalien der Art. umbilicalis; 2 Fiille; die Arteria spermatica interna accessoria. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1886, i, 93-95. Artery (Vertebral). See, also, Aneurisms ofi vevtebral artery. Anderson (R. J.) A new abnormality in connection with the vertebral artery. J. Anat. Sc Physiol, Lond., 1879-80, xiv, 249-251. — Boehstetler ( F. ) Ueber die Entwicklung der A. vertebralis beim Kaninchen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Entstehung der Ansa Vimssenii. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz.,1890, xvi, 572 586, 1 pl.-.Haekay (J. T.) The vertebral artery of the emuiiioii seal (Pboca vitulina). In: Mem. [etc.] in Anat, 6J, Lund A Edinb., 1889, 178. ABTEKY. 707 AKTICELLA. j^vtevy (Vertebral, Injuries and ligature of). See, also. Artery (Subclavian, Ligature ofi). Bonx (1.) * Anatoniisehe und klinische Stu- dien iiber die Unterbindung der Arteria verte- bralis, nebst Mitteilung eines neuen Operations- verfahrens nach Professor Helferich. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1692. Gray (J. L.) Ligation of the vertebral arte- ries for the relief or cure of epilepsy. 8°. Chi- cago, 1666). Nuxciante (I.) Memoria sulla legatura dell' arteria vertebrale ne' casi di aneurisma e di fe- rite della stessa. S-. Xapoli, 1845. Alexander (W.) Observations on the effect of liga- ture of the vertebral arteries in certain diseases of the spinal cord. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1882, ii, 232-242.—Ber- nays (A. C.) Ligationof the vertebral arteries ; a physi- ological experiment upon" tho human subject. St. Louis M A S. J., 1886, li, 77-79.—de Josseliu 'dc Jong (R.) Un cas rare de lesion de l'artere vertebrale. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, 339-344.—King. Wouud of verte- bral artery; recovery. Lancet. Lond., 1885, ii, 993.— Kocher (T.) Ueber Verletzung uud Aneurysma der Ar- teria vertebralis, nebst Mittheilung eines gliicklich verlau- fenen Falles. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1871, xii, 867- 884.—Matas (It.) Traumatisms and traumatic aneurisms of the vertebral aitery aud their surgical treatment, with the report of a cured case. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xviii, 477-521. Aho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.]: X. Am. Pract.. Chicago, 1893, v, 503-510. Also [Abstr.] : X. Oil. M. A S. J., 1893-4. it. s.. xxi, 336-345.—Pieot. Sur un cas d'obliteration tie i'artere vertebrale daus le cr&ne. Gaz. hebd. cl. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 907; 918. Artesian Water Company, Memphis. [Collec- tion of documents on the sanitarv value of pure water.] 31 pp. 8:. [Memphis, S. C. Toofi $ Co., 1-8.] von Artlin (Jos. Hasner). Entwurf einer ana- tomischen Begriindung der Augenkrankheiten. vii, 261 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. ~?. Prag, J. G. Calve, 1647. Arthaud. Dissertations sur la dilatation des arteres et sur la sensibilite; appuyees de plu- sieurs experiences faites sur les animaux vivans, auxquelles on a joint deux observations sur l'hy- dropisie du peritoine. x, 62 pp. 8°. Paris, P.- G. Cavelier, 1771. [P., v. 910.] Art ha tl(l [Charles]. Discours prononc6 a l'ou- verture de la premiere stance publique du Cercle des Philadelphes, tenue au Cap-Francois le 11 mai 17-5; avec une description de la ville du Cap, pour servir a l'histoire des maladies que l'on y observe dans les diffe"rentes constitutions. 55 pp. 8:. Paris, 1767). Artliaiul (G.). Co-Editor of: Annales de la Policlinique de Paris, 1890. -----»t Buttle (L.) Du nerf pneumogastrique (physiologic normale et pathologique). Dia- bete; albuminuries n6vropathiques (asthme; ne>ropathie c6rebro-cardiaque, etc.). iv, 211 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1892. Artiiaild ( Jeau-Henn-Gabriel) [ 1855 - .]. * Etude sur le testicule senile. 35 pp., 1 pl. 4". Paris, 1885, No. 303. Arthaud (Joseph) [1813-83]. Lacour. Le docteur . . . souvenirs biographiques. Lyon med., 18*4, xiv, 422; 459. Arthaud de Viry (Jean-Baptiste-Arthur). "Considerations historiques, philosophiques et critiques sur cette question: Quelle pent etre l'applicatiou de la th6one a l'art tie gu6rir con- sid£r6 dans ses v6ritables foudemens? viii, 9-5'J pp. 8°. Montpellier, Marlel aine, 1626. Al'then (Peter). * Ueber Nicrenhyalinose. 27 pp. 8 . Marburg, C. L. Pfieil, 1666. Arthralgia. See Hysteria; Joints (Diseases of); Rheu- matism. Arthritis. See Q-out; Joints (Diseases of); Rheuma- tism. Arthritis (Suboccipital). See Atlas, etc. (Diseases of). A rthrog*ry posi*. See Joints (Contractions, etc., ofi). Arthropod a. Dor (II.) De la vision chez les arthropodes. 8°. [Geneve, 1861.] Iiepr. from: Arch. d. sc. phys. et nat., Geneve, 1861, xii. van Bciiedcn ( E.) Existence d'un double appareil et de deux liquides sanguins chez des artbropodes. Bull. Acad. roy. d. se. de Belg., Brux., 1880, 2. s., xlix, 5.—Fer- nald (II. T.) Tbe relationships of arthropods. Johns Hopkins Lniv. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1887-90, iv, 431-513, 3 pl. — Fnclix (S.) Leber einige neuere Fortsihritte in der Anatomic unci Physiologie der Arthropodenatigen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. cl. Siunesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1892, iv, 351-378.—Korotncflf (A.) Zur Entwick- lung des Milteldarmes bei den Arthropoden. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1894, xiv, 433.—I^ist (T.) Morphologisch- biologische Studien iiber den Betvegungsapparat der Arthropoden. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1894-5, xxii, 380- 440, 5 pl. — Patten ( YV.) Studies on the eves of arthro- pods. J. Morphol., Bost., 1888-9, ii, 97-190, 7 pl—Scgond (L.-A. ) Geuealogie abstraite des arthropodes. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1891, xxvii, 1; 134; 234.— Watasc (S.) On the morphology of the compound eyea of arthropods. Johns Hopkius Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1887-90. iv, 287-334, 7 pl.—Wheeler (W. M.) Neu- roblasts iu the arthropod embryo. J. Morphol., Bost,, 1890-91, iv, 337-343. Arthrotomy. See Joints (Surgery ofi). Arthrodesis. See Joints (Wounds, etc., of). Arthuis (A.) Traitement des maladies nerveu- ses, affections rhuniatismales, maladies chro- niques. 3. e\l. 151 pp. Sc. Paris, V. A. Dela- haye if Co., 1660. -----. The same. Treatment of nervous antl rheumatic affections by static electricity. Transl. from the French by J. H. Etheridge. 144 pp. 8-. Chicago, W. B. Keen. Coolce <$• Co., 1674. -----. L'electricit6 statique et l'hyste'rie. Me- moire pr6ce"tl6 d'une lettre a M. le professeur Charcot, viii, 9-72 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Doin, 1661. -----. Electricity statique. Manuel pratique de ses applications medicales. iv, 188 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1684. -----. Thesame. 3. e\l. iv, 188 pp. 8'. Paris, 0. Doin, 1887. Arthur (Charles). Pharmacopoeia of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, xvi, 131 pp. 24°. Edin- burgh, J.~ Thin, 1892. Arthur (Kobert). A popular treatise on the teeth: embracing a description of their struct- ure, the diseases to which they are subject, and their treatment, both for the prevention aud cure of those diseases; together with an account of the usual methods of inserting artificial teeth. xii, 13-187 pp. 12°. Xew York, E. Ferrett«,- Co., 1845. -----. The same, xii, 13-187 pp. 12^. Phila- delphia, Lindsay ucli welches in fiintf unterschiedene Tlieil abjreteilet word en. Was sind im ersten Theil Artzneymittel zu befiuden fast fur alle Kranckheiteii vom Haupt biss auff die Fusse. Im andern Theil vor diese Kranckheiteii denen das weibliche Geschlecht unterworfen : auch von Kranckheiten Kinder. Im dritteu Theil vor Fieber und fiebrische Kranckheiteii, alss Rose, Pestilentz, uudt etwas von Giefft. Im vierdten Theil wird gemeldet von Wundartzney und sind Mittel darinnen zu befiuden, Wunden, Stiche, Schusse, gefallene iiiwendige und ausswendige Schiiden, brandtentzundete Schiiden, wiitten- der Hiinde und anderer Thieie Biss und erfiorte Glieder zu heilen. Item das Bludt und Glied- massen zu vorstellen, Pnlver zu leschen uud harte, hitzige Geschwiir aussgehend zu waschen. Im fiinfften Theill sind zu bennden, allerley herliche Wasser, Mandelmilch, und Juleb, auch wie etliche Ohll zu machenn. Item wie und wen die Kreuter, Sahmen und Wurtzeln zu samlen. Ferner was fiir gebraute Wasser an die Hand zu haben, vonnoten sein will, und endlich Erkliirnng etlicher Krauter und Wurtzeln. MS, 320 1. 4'J. [n. p , n. d.] Artznei Buchlein fiir mancherle gebrauchen. MS. 34 pp. 16°. Bound with: Arzneybuciilin [etc.]. 10 Gebrechen zu [n. p., n. d.] [n p.' 1671. Artzeney Buech; wariunen vill unerschidlich guete Hausniitl zu liuden. Fran Anna Maria Stockhlin. MS. 180 pp. fol. [n. p., 16th cen- tury. ] Artzrouny (Vahan) [1857- ]. *De l'cedenie carpo-m6tacarpien rhumatismal et de sa patho- ge'nie. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 43. Arneas. Blanco (J.) Topografia m6dica de la villa de Aru- cas. Uorresp. m6(L, Madrid, 1883, xviii, 188. lru iii. Bertherand (E.-L.) L'arum italicum au point de vue botauique, bromatologique et m6dical. 8°. Alger, 1889. Wedelius (G. W.) [Pr.] de pane Dyrrachino Julii Cyesaris. [Cum vita candidati Joh. Ernesti Rauschebach.] sm. 4°. Jena, [1701], Alliott (A. J.) Arum maculatum. [Case of poison- ing.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, G68.—Forssman. Ett forgiftningsfall [Arum odorum.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1872, xiv, 34. — Knrata, Ittoku. [Tliree cases of poisoning by fruit of Arum peiitaphyl- lum.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1885, no. 109, Sept. 15.—ITIur- rell (W.) Arum maculatum. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 720.—dc Soiihesmes (G.) L'arum italicum (le pain des pauvres). Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1889-90, xxxii, 98; 114: 146. Arustamoff (M[arkar] I[oanessovich]) [1853- ]. *K voprosu o pro'iskhozhdenii i kliui- cheskoi bakteriologii krupoznavo vospalen'ia Hokhkikh. [Etiology and clinical bacteriology of croupous pneumonia.] 1 p. 1., 130 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, I. Trei, 1889. Arutinyantz (S[erapion] M[oiseyevich]) [1847- ]. *0 chimicheskom izsliedovanii indiiskoi konopli. [Chemical investigation of Indian hemp.] 78 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, D. G. Maliss, 1881. Arvedi (Hieronymus). *Disquisitiones de an- gioitide intermittente qua causa proxima fe- brium intermittentium. 16 pp. 8°. Patavii, typ. seminarii, 1832. Arvidssou (Petrus Afzelius). * Historia- morbo- rum, observationibus practicis illustrate. 12-f- pp. 4°. Upsalice, J. Edman, 1784. Incomplete. _____. The same. In aneurysmata femoris ob- servationes. In: Script, lat. de aneurys. collect. 4°. Argent, 1785, 497-545. Arviset (Lexm). 'Contribution a l'6tude du tissu 6rectile des fosses nasales. 61 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1887, No. 383. Aryans. Beauregard (0.) L'ethnique "arya", ses origines, sa signification. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. 8., vii 754-775. — Brulle. Recherches sur les origines aryennes. M6m. Acad. d. sc. de Dijon (1862), 1863-4, 2. s., xipt. 2 193-256.—Ploix. Sur le nom des aryens. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 725-732. Arzeneikunst (Ueber) und Aerzte: ein Pro- gram bei Gelegenheit einer gelehrten Disputa- tion zweier Berliner Aerzte am Krankeubette. 23 pp. 12°. Berlin, E. Felisch, 1796. [Arziieiouch (Ein). Deutsche Handschrift aus dem 15. Jahrb. in Holzband. Enthalt miraculose Blutstillnngen, Pilaster, Salben, Krauterkuren, Wundermittel.] MS. 316 1. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] Arzneimittel (Die) der Apotheken [etc.]. See Schmidt & Stocker. Arzneimittel welche in dem Arzneibuch lur das Deutsche Reich, 3. Ausg. (Pharmacopoea Germanica, ed. iii.), nichtenthalten sind. Bear- beitet uud hrsg. von dem deutschen Apotheker- Verein vi, 320 pp. 8' . Berlin, 1891. Arzueitaxe (Die) fur Aerzte. Eine Anleitung zum billigen Verordnen von Arzneien. Hrsg. im Auftrage der vereinigten Krankenkasseu des Kreises Stormarn fiir den Gebrauch der Kasseniirzte von Dr. E. Cl. Schreiber (Dr. E. ARZXKITAXE. 710 ASCARIDES. Arzueitaxe (Die) fiir Aerzte—continued. L'la.-M-n, Ar/.tL 2 p. 1., 85 pp. 16°. Frankfurt a. M., J. Alt, 1607). Arznei-Taxe fiir das Jahr 1893 zur osterreichi- schen Phannakopoe vom Jahre 1889. xxiv, 59 pp. 8°. Wien, k.-k, Bofi- u. Staatsdr., 1892. Arziieiverordmiug'en fiir den arztlichen Ge- brauch mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung billiger Verschreibungsweise. Hrsg. von E. Cl. Schreiber (E. Clasen). 2. Teil. 2. Aufl. iv, 240 pp. 16°. Frankfurt a. M., J. Alt, 1893. Arziieiverordnung'en zum Gebrauch fiir Klinicisten und practische Aerzte. Zusam- mengestellt von S. Rabow. 12. Aufl. vi (1 ].), 99 pp. 16°. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, 1667. ------. The same. 13. Aufl. vi (1 1.), 100 pp. 16°. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, 1887. ------. The same. 14. Aufl. vi (I ].), 104 pp. 16°. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, 1866. ------. Tbe .same. 15. vermehrte untl verbesserte Aufl. vi (1 1.), 105 pp., interleaved. 10°. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, i860. ------. Tlie same. 16. Aufl. vi (1 1.), 105 pp. 16c. Strassburg, G. F. Schmidt, 1890. Interleaved copy. ------. The same, vi (1 1.), 105 pp., interleaved. 16°. Strassburg, G. F. Schmidt, 1890. ------. The same. 19. vermehrte und verbesserte Aufl. v (1 1.). 107 pp., interleaved, 1 pl. 16°. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, 1602. Ai'Ziieiverordnungeii in der Kinderpraxis; auf Grundlage ties Arzneibnchs fiir das Deutsche Reich, fiir Studirende und Aerzte; bearbeitet von Hermann Guttniann. iv, 97 pp. 16°. Ber- lin, [1891]. Arziieiveroi'duuiigcii fiir der arztlichen Ge- brauch mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung billi- ger Verschreibungsweise. Hrsg. von Dr. E. Cl. Schreiber. Erstcr Teil. Die Arzueitaxe fiir Aerzte. 3. Aufl. 16°. Frankfurt a. M., J. Alt, 1895. Arziieiverordmuig gegen die orientalische Cholera, angegeben von einer Somnanibiile im niagnetisclien Schlai'e; mit Vorbemerkungen be- gleitet, und herausgegebeii von ihrem Arzte. 31 pp. 8°. IViirzburg, J. Dovbath, 1831. Arziieybiiclllill von mancherlejT bewarthen und erfahrnen Arzneyen, fiir allerley Zuf'alle und Krankheiten des menschlichen Leibs dienst- lich. 129 pp. MS. 16°. [n. p.], 1671. Arzt (Der) der Frauenzimmer. Eine medicini- sche Wochenschrift. v. 1-3, 1771-3. 12°. Leip- zig. von Arztlieim (Valentin). Beytrage zur Erkenntuiss ties Wesens und der Heilmethode der gegenwartig epidemisch herrschenden Brech- ruhr nnd der Schutzmittel dagegen. Den Aerz- ten zum Nachdenken, dem Publikum zum Troste. 36 pp. 8C. Troppau, A. Trassler, 1831. Al'Zt (Guilelmus). * De in aeris in venas ingressu in operatiouibus chirurgicis. 34 pp. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. Xietackianis, [1839], Arzt iind Patient. Winke fur Beide. 44 pp. 8;. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1884. Asada Koretsune. Nanbio benjo. [A treatise on obscure diseases.] 3 v. 8°. Yedo, 1856. Jajiancsc text. Asada Sohaku. Kokoku meii. [Biographies of celebrated physicians.] 3 v. 8°. Tokio, 1850. Japanese text. ------. The same. Continued. 3 v. 8°. Tokio, 1871. Asaftrticla. Dexiau (P.-C.-F.) * Le silphium (asafcetida). Precede" d'un memoire sur la famille desombelli- feres conside>e"e au point de vue clconomique, medical et pharmaceutique et d'observations sur les gommes-resines. 4°. Paris, 1-G8. Asaftetiria. Tomas (H.) * De asafcetida. 8°. Lund Bat 1649. Planchon (G.) Sur l'histoire du mot "asa firtida" ■J. de pharm. ct chim., Par., 1893. 5 a., xxvii, 401 - 40."._^ Warman (X.) Asafcetida in der geburtshiilflichen und gynakologisclien Praxis. Therap. Monatsh., Berl. lh'J5 ix, 18-21. Aho: Frauenarzt, Berl, 1895, x, 353-359.' Asaprol. Bompart (A.) * Etude sur l'asaprol et ses proprietes th6rapeutiques. 4°. Paris, 18;)-j. Action (Sur 1 ) therapeutique de l'asaprol. Bull, ^n. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1894, exxvii, 544^;")49. —DnjarifinJ Beanmetz Sc Staekler. Kecherches thC-rapeiitiipies 9ur un deriv6 soluble du naphtol £ (asaprol). Ibid., 1WI3, cxxv, 1; 49; 126. —Kicjjlcr (E.) Asaprol; t-iu Reagenz auf Eiweiss, Albumosen. Peptone unci Pepsin. Wien. klin. AVchnschr., 1894, vii, 981. -----. Aseptol und Asa- prol in ihrem Verhalten zu den Eiweisskorpern. Wien. med. Bl, 1895, xviii, 551.—Slaeklcr. Xote sur l'asaprol. Bull. g6n. de th6rap. fete.J, Par., 1892, cxxii, 497-503. Also: France med., Par., 1892, xxxix, 609-612.—Wilcox (R. "W.) Asaprol; a soluble antiseptic. Epit. Med., N. Y., 1893, x, 289-292. Asarin. Jakabhazy (S.) Ueber die "Wirkung des Asarin's und des salzsauren Asarin's. [Transl. [ Abstr. \from .- Er- tesito, 1893.] Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894 xxx, 411-414. Asbestos. Landi (U.) Dissertazioue intorno all' anii- anto recitata nell' Accademia medico-tisica mate- matica nell' anno 1725. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1733 ix, 381-403. Asbrand (Ernst) [H68- ]. * Ueber die Einwirkung von Brom auf Methylsenfol. 45 pp., 1 1. 12°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1894. Asbury Parfe. Boavd of Health. Record of sanitary inspection. Form xii. 1885. 2\. 4°. [Asbury Bark, 1867).] ------. The sanitary code of the borough of As- bury Park, N. J. Adopted March 22, 1667, Rules and regulations of the board of health. Local sanitary conditions and the progress of health protection in Asbury Park. 32 pp. 8°. Asbury Park, Asbury Park Printing House, 1887. ------. An ordinance to regulate the storage and collection of garbage and offal. Adopted Nov. 10, 1893. 1 sheet. 12°. [Asbury Park, 1893.] ------. Annual report to the mayor and council. 1892-3; 1893-4. 15 pp.; 15 pp. au. [Asbury Park] cy Trenton, 1894-5. Ascarides. See, also, Anus (Pruritus of); Embryology; Oxyuris. Duval (J.) * Contribution si l'e'tude de l'as- caride lombricoide; un an et demid'observation a Indret. 4°. I'aris, 1860. Macalister (A.) Ou the anatomy of Asca- ris (atractis) dactyluris (Rud.). 8°. [Dublin, 1865.] Magnus a Tengstrom (J.) "Commentatio- nnm in Aetii Amideni medici dvvKihra speci- men primum, sistens libri ix:ni cap. xii:mum. Hspi aanapidiov. 4°. Aboa', 1817. van Phklsum. Historia physiologica ascari- duni. 8°. Leovavdice, 1762. ------. The same. Natuurkundige verhan- deling over de wormen welke veeltyds in de daruien der menschen gevonden worden. 8'". Leeuuardeii, 1763. Schroder (C.) * Perforation des Darmes durch Ascaris lumbricoides. 8°. Halle a. S., 1687. Alston (H.) Ascarides lumbricoides. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 296 -----. Ascarides lumbricoides. Ibid., ii, 807. —Apathy (S.) Das leitende Element in den Muskel- fasern von Ascaris. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1894, xliii, 886-911, 1 pl — Bergiuaim (W.) Ueber den Be- ASCAiUDES. Ascarides. fund eines Ascaris lumbricoides in der PeritonealhShle. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 617.—Klyiiineiinii (M. ]>.) K voprosu o patologieheskom znaclienii struntsev (Ascaris lumbricoides). [On the pathological significance of...] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894. xv, 1288; 1313.—Cal- derone (C.) Intorno all' azione di alcune sostanze usate contio gli ascaiidi lombricoidi. Arch.di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1893, i, 513-527.—Chanson (V.) Contribution h l'etude des accidents produits nar les ascarides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1896. 10. s.. iii. 38-40.— C'liatin (J.) fitude anatomique ct zoologique deTascai ide du lion. Ibid. (1877), 1879. 6. s., iv, 266. -----. Etude anatomique et /oologiipu- Mir l'aseat ide de 1'oraug-outang. Ibid., 384- ::S7.—Demnteis (P.) Le ascaiidi nella lebbre. Gior. d. r. Accad. (li nied. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., 191-199. Also, trans!.: Ceniialbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xi 653-660.—Ocwitsb (.1.) Ou the hygiene of ascaris in- fection. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1891, 3. s., vii. 812-814.— Draselie. Selfsame Wanderungen der Spulwiirmer. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1285; 1381.—Epstein (A.) Leber die Uebei tiagung des menschlichen Spuhvurmes (Ascaris lumbricoides). Yerhandl. d. Versaininl. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1891, Wiesb.. 1892. ix, 1-16.—Oeraril (.LA.) Quelques obser- vations sur l'anatomie et la physiologie de l'aseai ide, lom- bricoide. Soc. Linne-ennc de Lyon. Compt. rend. (1841), 1842, 45-78.—Mil Iyer t \V. IL) Death from the irritation of ascarides. Lancet. Lend.. 1892. ii. 773.— Jammes (L.) Sur la constitution histologique de quelques nema- todes du genre Ascaiis. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890. cxi, '65. — Karpii'iMlti (.1.) Ascaris lumbricoides w .'.) K patologiches- komu znacheni'u struntsev (ascaris lumbricoides). [On tho patholo-ical significance of. . .] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1895. vii, 52-54.—Stringfielri (C. P.) Acase of Ascaris lumbricoides, with obscure symptoms. N. Am. Pract. Chicaco, 1889, i, 207. — Van Kenetlcn (E.) L'aii]»areil sexuel femelledelascaride megalocepbale. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1883, iv, 95-142, 1 pl. — Van Beneilen (L.) Sc Jlllin (C.) La spermatogenese chez 1 ascnridi; nii-galoce- phale. Bull. Acad. roy. (1. sc. de Belg., Brux.. 1884, 3. s.. vii, 312-342. — Znehniias (O.) Ueber Abtotung und Farbung der bier von Ascaris megalocephala. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 24-27. — Zur Stias«en (O.) Em- bryonalentwickelung der Ascaris megnlocepliala. Arch. f. Entwcklugsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1896, m, >7-10o, 5 pl. 711 ASCHENBRANDT. Ascension Island. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of); Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by localities; Small- pox (History, etc., of), by countries. Ascll. Sec CJerdy (P. X.) Yollstandige practische Chirurgie, [etc.|. 8°. Breslau. 1852. Ascll (Adolf). *Zur pathologischeu Anatomie und Therapie bei Patellarfracturen. 26 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1668. Ascll (Ernst [Alexander]) [187)6- ]. * Ueber die Ablagerung von Fett und Pigment in den Stcrnzellc-n der Leber. 34 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Bonn, C. Ceovgi, 1664. See. aho. i;«linjjei I, 1 Lnqnri- (L), Aseh (E.) & Knoblauch (A.) Elektrotherapeutische Streiti'ragen [etc. |. K°. Wiesbaden, 1892. Ascll (Julius). * Zur Pathologie der chronischen Darminvaginatioueu. [Strasburg.] 32 pp. b°. Mainz, C. Hellermann, I860. Ascll (Max) [1855- ]. * Ueber das Verhalt- uiss des Teniperatur- und Tastsinns zu den bi- lateralen Functionen. 30pp., 11. 12°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1670]. Ascll (Morris J.) A new operation for deviation of the nasal septum, with a report of cases. 6 pp. 8-\ [Xew York, 1600.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1890, Iii. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Ascll (Petrus Ernestus). * De natura spermatis observationibus microscopicis indagata. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1776, v, 52. Ascll (Robert) [1859- ]• * Ueber Prolaps- Operationen. 1 p. 1., 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, Lindner, 1666. , -See. aho, ISigelow (H. R.) Elektrotherapie [etc.]. I 8°. Breslau, 1890. Ascll (Sigismuudus) [1825- ]. * De melanosi. 2 p. 1., 52 pp. 8°. Tratislavia>, typ. Grassii, Barthii et socii, [1847]. Ascliaflfenbiirg. ReuNM. Ueber die von der Herbst-Tag- und Nacht- gleiche des Jahrs 1827 bis zur Friihlings Tag- und Nacht- gleiche des Jahrs 1830 herrschend ge^veseue allgemeine Krankheits-Constitution und den allgemeinen Charakter (Diathesis) der in dieser Zeit in Aschaffenburg und der umliegenden Gegend herrschend gewesenen besonderen Krankheiten. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1832, viii, 375-406. Ascbaflfeilburg (Gustav). * Ueber die Symp- toinatologie des Delirium tremens. [Strasburg.] 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1890. Ascliail (Carl Woltor) [1861- ]. * Zur Kennt- niss der Homopiperidinsaure. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Streisland, 1601. Asclienbacli (Hermann). Stahlbad Kiefer- nadelbad und Molkeukurort Lobenstein im reussischen Oherlande 1503 Fuss ii. d. M. Die ortlichen und klimatischen Verhaltnisse, Kur- einrichtungeu und thera]»eutische Anwendniig. 2. Ausg. vi, 30 pp., 1 map. 8°. [Lobenstein, C. Teich], 1870. -----. Die Untersuchungen iiber die physiolo- gische Wirkung der Moorbiider, speciell der in hoheren Badett inperatureu zur Anwendung kom- nicndeii Moorbiider in Bad Lobenstein (Reuss- Siid thiiringeu). 8 pp. 8'-. [Lobenstein, C. Teich, 1687). ] Repr.from .- Thiiringer Saison-Nachrichten, 1885, Ko. 11. Asclienbacll (Rudolf Hermann Georg) [1864- ]. *Ein Fall vou Ruptur der Symphisis pubis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8C. Berlin, G. Schade, [1888]. Asclienborn (Georgius Carolus). * De radice 1 InfCARTHKUSERbT. F.) Diss, phys.-chym.-med. 12°. Franeof. a. V., 1774, 1-50. Ascliciibramlt (Theodor). * Ueber den auf | Coiijunctivalreizung auftretenden Speichellluss ASCHENBKANDT. 712 ASCITES. Aschciibraiult (Theodor)—continued. sowie iiber Gewiimung isolirten Driisenspeichels. [Wurtzhurg.] 14 pp., lpl. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1661. -----. Die Bedeutung der Nase fiir die Athmung. (Aus dem physiologischen Institute zu Wiirz- burg.) 25 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1866. -----. Das Ganglion nasopalatinum s. incisivum der Nagetiere. 20 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, 18-6. Repr. from: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1886, n. P.. xx. Ascheildorf (H.) Mededeelingen omtrent vier oencesmiddelen aan het Bentheimsche bad. 17 pp. 8-. Gorinchem, J. Xoorduyn en Zoon, 1847. -----. Aanteekeningen en opmerkingen oyer eenige chronische ziekten en hare behandeling in de badplaats Beutheim. 2 p. 1., 92 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, Seyffardt, 1855. Asclier (Bernhard). Vorschliige zur Verbesse- rung der staatlichen Beaufsichtignng der Irreu- anstalten in Preussen. 12 pp. 8°. [Coblenz, Kindt u. Meinardus, 1892.] Repr. from: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., 1892, n. F., iii. -----. Zur staatlichen Beaufsichtignng der Ir- reuanstalteu. 36 pp. 8-. Berlin, S. Karger, 1893. Asclier (Eduard). See Parkes (R.) [inl. s.]. Ueber Strangulation des Omentums [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1883. -----. Ueber Perfo- ration und Brand des Darmes [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Asclier (Julius) [ 1859- ]. * Die Antisepsis bei Augenoperationen. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1885. Asclier (Seinmi). * Ueber die subcutanen Mus- kel- und Nerven-Verletzungen. 33 pp. 8°. Er- langen, E. T. Jacob, 1867. Ascherl (Wenzeslaus). *Zwei Fiille von reci- divireudes Augesmuskellahmung bei Tabes dor- salis. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1697>. Aschern (H. ) * Ueber tlie Almensche Blut- probe. 20 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Aschersoil (Ferdinand Moritz) [1798-1879]. De fistulis colli congeuitis adjecta fissurarum branchialium in niamtualibus avibusque historia succincta. 22 pp. 4°. Berolini, C. H. Jonas, 1*32. [P., v. 1589.] -----. The same. On congenital fistulas of the neck, with a succinct history of the branchial fissures in mammals and in birds. 16 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. H. Jonas, 1832; Manchester, W. Irwin, 1848. -----. Pharmaceutische Botanik in Tabellen- Forin. Eine kurzgefasste Anleitung zur Kennt- niss sammtlicher, in der fiinften Ausgabe der preussischen Pharmakopoe aufgefilhrten, und vieler andern mit ihnen verwandten Pflanzen. Nebst einer fasslichen Darstellung der offizinel- leu Pnauzeufamilien nach Jussien's natiirlichem System, iv, 82 pp., 11., 2 pl. 4°. Berlin, Schup- pel, 1831. Ascherson (P[aul]). See Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen [etc.]." 8°. Berlin, 1888. Ascllke (Paul). * Beitrag zur Myomotoniie. 20 pp., 1 1. 8-. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1869. Asclikinass (Emil) [1873- ]. * Ueber das Absorptionsspectrum des fliissigen Wassers und iiber die Durchlassigkeit der Augenmedien fiir rothe nnd ultrarothe Strahlen. [Berlin.] 35 pp., 1 1., 1 diag. 6°. Leipzig, A. Meiner, 1895. Aschkinazi (Eugene) [1866- ]. * Le ste"- r6sol (vernis antiseptique) et ses applications sperialenient dans la diphte~rie. 54 pp., 11. 4C. Paris, 1692, No. 2. Aschoflf (Albrecht). * Beitrag zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte tier Arterien beim menschlichen Embryo. [Strasburg.] 35 pp., 3 col. pl. 8J. Jena, \i. Fischer, 1892. Aschoff(Albrechtus). * De pemphigo acuto et chronico. 31 pp. 8°. Marburgi, typ. Elwertii, 1835. AschoflT (Carl). * Ueber die- Bedeutung des Chlors in tier Pflanze. [Erlangen.] 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 3pl. 8°. Berlin, Gcbv. Ungev, 1669. Asclioff (E[mst] F[riedrich]). Anwi-isung zur Priifung der Arzneymittel auf ihre Giite, Aecht- lieit und Verfalschung, nebst practisc-hcr An- leitung zu einem zweckmassigen Verfahren bei den Visitationen der Apotheken und einem Ver- zeichnisse der gebrauchlichsten chemisclien Reagentien, zum Gebrauche fiir Physici, Aerzte, Apotheker und Droguisten. 2. verniehrte und verbesserte Aufl. x, 232 pp. 8°. Lemgo, 1835. -----. The same. Anvisning till lakemedlens priifning, jemte eu praktisk handledning vid anstallandet af Apotheksvisitationer for lakare och apothekare. 218 pp. 8J. Xorrkbping, Col- lin cl I a Valle (A.) Recherches sur l'anato- mie des ascidies composees. Arcb. ital. de biol, Turin, 1882, ii, 9-49, 3 pl. — Driesch ( H.) Von der Entwicke- lung einzelner Ascidienblastomeren. Arch. f. Entwck- lugsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1894-5, i, 398-413, 1 pl.—Oi- ai-d (A.) Note sur quelques points de renibryog6nie des ascidies. Assoc, frang. pour l'avance. tl. sc. Compt.- rend. 1874, Par., 1875, iii, 432-458. -----. Sur l'embryoge- nie des ascidies du genre lithom'-phria. Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1881, xcii, 1350-1352.— Julin (C.) Re- cherches sur l'organisation des ascidies simples; sur 111y- pophyse et qiu-lques organes qui s'y rattachent, dans les genres corella. phallusia et ascidia. Arch, de biol, Gaud, 1881, ii, 59-120, 4 pl— Itlelcalf (M. M.) Notes on tuni- cate morphology : the sub-neural gland in ascidians. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1895, xi, 277 - 280. — Morgan (T. H.) The origin of the test-cells of ascidians. J. Morphol., Bost., 1890, iv, 195-204, 1 pl. — ltlanriee ( C. ) Etude monographique d'une esp6ce d'ascidie compos6e (Fraga- roides aurantiacum.n. sp). Arch.de biol., Gand & Leipz., 1888, viii, 205-495, 7 pl.—Sluiter (C. P.) Ueber einen in Ascidien schmarotzenden Wurzelkrebs. Natunrk. Tijd- schr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1884, xliii, 201-224, 1 pl. -----. Ueber einige einfaeben Ascidien von der Insel Bil- liton. Ibid., 1886, xiv. 160-232, 9 pl— Van Beneilen (E.) Sc Julin (C.) Le systfeme nerveux central des ascidies adiiltes et ses rapports avec celui des larves uroddles. Arch, de biol, Gand, 1884, v, 317-367, 4 pl.----------- Recherches sur la morphologie des tuniciers. Ibid., 1885, vi, 237-476,10 pl. Ascites. See, also, Abdomen (Milky fluid in); Abdo- men (Paracentesis of); Alcoholism (Complica- tions, etc., ofi); Heart (Diseases ofi, Complications, etc., of); Liver (Diseases of, Complications, etc., ofi); Ovary (Tumors ofi, Diagnosis ofi); Perito- nitis (Tubercular, etc.); Uterus (Tumors ofi, Com- plications, etc., ofi). ASCITES. 713 ASCITES. Ascites. Baird(P.) * De hydropis origine. 8 . Edin- burgi, 1?25. Beeckmax (A.) * De hydrope ascite. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1716]. Berchelmann (J. P.) De hydrope ascite. 4\ Gissa*, 175:?. Bessirard (*L.-E\-A.) * Etude clinique sur l'aseite hemorrhagique. 4C. Paris, 1662. Blaxdix (P.-E.) * Diversie in abdomen liqui- dorum eftusiones. 4C. Paris, 1627. Botta (J.) * Sur l'hydropisie. 4-. Genes, 1808. Coexraets (C.) * De hydrope ascite. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1750. Coze (E. M.) " De l'hydropisie, consid6ree comme maladie- consecutive ou secondaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1817. Delclislr (J. J.) * De hydrope in genere et prascipuis hvdropis speciebus. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1792. Dioszegiics (S.) * De hydrope, pars prior. 4C. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1727. -----. * De curatioue hydropis, pars poste rior. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1727. Dobbelaer de Wixi>(8.) * De ascite. 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1841. Eddowks (G.) * De hydrope. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1751. Edixgii (X.) * De ascite. 4C. Lugd. Bat., [1716]. vax Emdex (S. A.) * De hydrope. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1767. Frits (T.) * De ascite. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 17-20. Grasso (J. B.) *De hydrope ascite. 4°. Harderorici, 1755. Grau (H.) * De ascite. 8°. Duisburgi ad Bhenum, [1776]. Grimstox (T.) * De hydrope. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Griveal (C.) * Etude clinique et pathoge"- nique sur l'aseite dite idiopathique, et en par- ticulier sur l'aseite des jeunes filles. 4°. Paris, 18-^2. Groexex(A.) * De hydrope ascite. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1715. Hafexreffer (J.) * Disp. medica de hydrope ascite. sin. 4-. Tubingce, 1676. Harlaxd (G.) * Dc ascite. 8'-. Edinburgi, 1820. - Koole (J.) * De ascite. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1755. Kuttixger (C.-F.) * Dissertation sur l'aseite ou l'hydropisie du bas-ventre. 4°. Strasbourg, an XII [1804]. vax Kuyl (M.) * De liydrope. 4°. Harde- rovici, 1743. Maas (J.) * De hydrope. 4C. Traj. ad Bhe- num, 1763. Magan (O.) *Diss. quo nonnulla de liydrope et de paracentesi proponuntur. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1758. Marsch (O.) * Zur Diagnose des Ascites, nebst einem Beitrage zur Kenntniss der durch tuberculose Ulcerationen bewirkten Darmsteno- sen. 6\ Berlin, 1880. Mehl (L.) * Dissertation sur l'hydropisie du bas-ventre. 4°. Strasbourg, an XII [1804]. vax Moorsel (F.) * De ascite. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1820. Notkix (I. A.) * K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii bryushnoi vodvanki. [On the origin of ascites.] 8'-. Kieff, 1890. Pally (P.) * De hydrope. 4°. Traj. ad Bhe- num, 1704. Payne (C.) * De hydrope ascite. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1655. Piorky (d.) "Snr l'hydropisie ascite. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Poirier DE Narcjay. * De l'aseite congeui- tale. 4°. Paris, 1884. van Reckelingiilyskn (J.) * De morbo hy- dropico. 4°. Harderorici, 17(i0. ROTARit) ( S. ) Inseguamento primo del me- dico padre ai suoi ligliuoli intorno a quella spe- zie tl' idropsia, che va col nome d' ascite. 8°. Verona, 1724. Rovf.rs (N.) *Do ascite abdominali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1761. Nchepman (T.) *De niedii ventris liydrope. 4C. Zutph., 1739. Sciirotteringk ( G. ) * De hydrope. 4°. Eilonii, [1756]. de Spixosa (J.) * De hydrope. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1720]. Spooxer (G.) * De ascite abdominali. H3. Edinburgi, 1785. Sri inecke(B. D. F.) *Diss. sistens hydropis ascitis semiologiam. 4°. Gottiuga;, 1764. Stuck (C.) * Ueber Hydrops saccatus. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Syex (A.) * De hvdrope ascite. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1659. Torfs (P.) * De hydrope ascite. 8 . Lugd. Bat, 1819. Toulze (A.) *De l'aseite essentielle. 4°. Paris, 1864. Tripier (R.) Sur le diagnostic de l'aseite au moyen du toucher vaginal. Commuuication faite a la Socie'te' des sciences medicales. 8°. Lyon, 1886. Turxbull (A. ) * De ascite saccato. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Vax Der Espt ( H. L.) * De ascite. 4°. Gandavi, 1826. vaxder Veecken (J. T.) * De hydrope. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1784. Verpoorten (G.) *De hydrope ascite. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1693. van der Viciite (F.) * De hydrope. 4°. [Lugd. Bat., 1734.] vax Walre (P.) * De hydrope ascite. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1824. Winge (E.) Om Ascites og specielt den saa- kaldte Ascites idiopathicus. 8°. [Kristiania, 1866.] Bard (L.) Du Hot lotnbo-abdominal dans les epanche- ments peritou6aux. Lvon med., 1895, lxxix, 417-419. Also: Gaz. med. do Par., 1895, 9. s., ii, 373.—Barker (T. IL) A case of ascitic distention of the abdomen mistaken for pregnancy. Times & Reg., Phila., 1894, xxviii, 98-100.— Barth. Diagnostic des ascites (cancer de l'abdomen). Mercredi med., I'ar., 1890, i, 1-3.—Boulev. Snr l'ascife dite essentielle. Bull. Soc. clin. tie Par. (1883), 1884, vii. 110- 12i). Aho: France m6d., Par., 1883, ii, 301; 313; 325.— Brielii-ll (J. B.) Ascites; rupture at the umbilicus. South. Pract., Nashville, 1894, xvi, 104.—«Je Bnt-lt (D.) Ken gcval van ascites, met beinerkingen. Med. Weckbl., Amst., 1894-5, i, 592-594.—Calv© (J.) Intbicncia de las evaeuaeiones urinarias abundantes en las hidropesias. An. d. Inst. med. de emulac, Madrid, 1842-3, i, 67-74. — Cer- vello (V.) Ascite ed idrotoraco chiliformi. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 229-232. — 17 he roil (P.) Sur l'aseite. Lnion m6d., Tar., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 929; 941. — Chorazc- wieza (M.) Niektore mysli owodnych pucblinach i opi- sanie przvpadku wodney puehliny mozgu, pomysbiie ukonczonego. [Un dropsies, aud description of a caseof oedema of tho brain ; fatal end.] Pain. Lek. Warszaw, 1829, ii, 506-525. — Coca (F.) Dos curaciones de ascitis peritoneal. Gac. m6d. de Sevilla, 1881, iii, 148-150.—Das- sier (A.) De l'aseite essentielle, observations et refle- xions. J. do med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1851. n. s., iii, 176-184.— Ba.iwow (C. M.) Berigt van eene water- zngt in deu liuik. welke, na dat bet water vier maalen uit denzelven was afgetapt, gelukkig geneezen is Geneesk. Verhandel. a. de k. Sweed. Acad. (Sandifort), Leiden, 1775, i, 308-317.—Bcbonrge (J. B.) Ascite. Ann. Soc d. sc. ni6d. et nat. de Brux.. 1842, 18-20— Bcbroise. Note sur un cas d'ascite dite idiopathique. Lnion med.. Par , 1881, 3. 8.. xxxi, 661-663.—Be GiovaHiii (A.) Sulle cause degli edemi preascitici secondo il prof. L.Vanni. Morgagni, ASCITES. 714 ASCITES. Ascites. .Milano 1895, xxxvii, 555.—Discussion (A) on the prog- nosis and treatment of ascites. Brit. M.J. Lond., 1892, n, 1102-1106.—Donaud. Ascite. Lnion med. delaGironde, Bordeaux, 1871, xvi, 129-134i—Dumas. De I ascite purii- leute Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1885 40-44 — Bmiean (J M.) On hydroperitoneum. Med Times & Gaz Lond. 1879, ii, 547-549.—Bnnoyer. Lu cas d'ascite ion 'euitale Limousin med., Limoges, 1892 xvi 39-42.— E'olkin (J. A.) Experi- nieiite zur Lehre vom Ascites. Wien med. Bl., 1888. xi, 1488-14'.hi. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, l, 700.— Oliver i-L) On free fluid in the abdominal cavity of the female. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 708-711. -----. The phe- nomena concerned in the production of abdominal dropsy. Ibid., 1894, ii. 1210. ----. Selected cases of ascites in women. Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 32-35.-Para (J.) fitude clinique sur l'aseite. Qtiiuzaine nied.. Par., 1884. iii, 711; 727: 743; 760; 790; 805. — Fye-Sinilh (P. H.) Dropsy. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1892. 2. s.. ir 21-35.— Qneirolo (G. B.) Sulle modifirazioni encolatcrie che si producono nell' ascite. e loro importanza nella produzione degli edemi esterna nella epatite interstiziale atroflca. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital 1887. Pavia, 1889, ii, 27. -----. Sulle alterazioni circolatorie che si verificano nel! Ascites. ascite. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1888, 1-22. Aho: Riv. clin., Milano. 1889, xxviii, 59-76. — Qnincite (H.) Ueber Ascites. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1881-2 xxx, 509-579. —Kespingerus (J. H.) Oh servatio anatomica hydropis pentomei. Acta Ilelvet.. Basileae, 1751 i, 52-57. —Sakurai (I.) Fukushiu nokenin ni zukete. [Causes of abdominal dropsv.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokyo, 1894. no. 343 5-7.-Spender (J, K.) A case of ascites, and its successful treatment. Practitioner Lond., 1878, xx, 4-10.-.»>iittoii (J. B.) Clinical lecture on a case of hydroperitoneum. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 777. — Talma ( S. ) Ueber Hydrops inflaminatiirius! Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1895^ xxvii, 1-30.— Tli.-inn (L.) Note sur un cas d'ascite hemorrhagique. Nice meil, 1877, i, 198. — Trapenard. Anasarquo et hydropisie actives par metastase. Rap. g6n. d. trav. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat, 1851-2. vi, 38-45.—Tripier (R.) Sur le dia- gnostic de l'aseite au moyen du toucher vaginal. Lyon mecl. 1886, liii. 67; 105. Also: M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1886), 1887, xxvi, 114-125.—Ver- gauwen. Ascite idiopathique. Arch. nied. belies, Brux., 1880, 3. s., xviii 457-467.—Vidal (U.) De la trans- mission ties bruits thoraciques jusquo dans la partie iufe- rieure de l'abdomen chez les malades atteints d'ascite. Gaz. nied. do Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, 453. Aho [Rap. do Woille/.|: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1880, 2. s., ix, 935- 942.—Voj;cl (R. A.) Spec, pract. de hydrope perbonuli saccato, memorabili casu confirmato. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.], 12°, Frankf. u. Leipz., 1774, ii, 60-79.— Waldo(H.) Clinical lecture on ascites. Clin. J.,Lond., 1895-6, vii, 289-292.—Walker (J. M.) A case of ascites; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1893. ii, 1185.—White (W. E.) The cause and prognosis of ascites due to alcoholic cirrho- sis of the liver, to perihepatitis, and to chronic peritonitis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, xlix, 1-42.—Wilson (H. P. C.) Circumscribed peritoneal dropsy simulating ova- rian dropsy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 417-420. Aho [Abstr.l: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 362.— Wroblewski (L.) Eine Bauchwassersucht geheilt (lurch freiwilliges Bersten des Nabels. [Transl. [Abstr] from: Die neuesten med.-prakt. Beob. einiger Aerzte. Hrsg. v. Adamowitsch Practyczne Najn6wsze Postrzeze- nia niekt6rych lekarzy zebrane nrzez A. F. Adamowicza, Wilna, 1846.] Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 255. Ascites (Treatment of). Axt (I. C.) *De paracentesi in liydrope. 4°. Helmstadi, [1670]. Bright (R.) Practical observations on tbe nature and symptoms of dropsy, in all its forms; in which a new aud more correct plan of treat- ment is proposed and explained; with several cases illustrative of its success. 8°. London, 1839. Dragacci (D.) *Dn traitement de certaines ascites par les injections iodees. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1680. Heidemann ([J.] M.) * Ueber die Todes- Ursache nach der Ascites-Punction bei Leber- Cirrhose. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Hixkichs (O.) * Ueber Punctionen bei Hy- drops ascites. 8°. Wiirzburg, [n. d.]. Langlois (J. B.) *Utrum in ascite para- centesi in tardare malum? Prseses P. Querenet. 4\ [Paris, 1766.] Lauda (T. J.) Beschreibung einer Opera- tionsweise, um dem in der freien Bauchhohle kraukhaft erzeugten Wasser (lurch den Mast- darm einen ununterbrochenen Abtiuss zu ver- schaffen. 8°. Prag, 1830. Legros (M.) *De la paracentese abdomi- nale et des liquides de l'aseite. 4°. Paris, 1679. Munier (M. Z.) * Utrum in ascite paraceute- sim tardare, malum? Prseses C. C. Caille. 4°. [Por is, 1776.] Eennekt (O.) *Die Scarification des Unter- hautzellgewebes bei Hydrops. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1878. Snip (F.) *De hydropis per chirurgiam cura- tione. 4°. Franequertr, 1755. ltauuies. Rapport fait & la Societe de m6decine pratique, sur les ohservations relatives it l'utilit6 de l'operation de la paracentliese, dans les cas d'ascite simple, ou compliqnee (l'anasarque, envoyees par M. Perussault, ancien chirurgien-major en chef, dans la ma- rine. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel, 1806, viii, 433- 440.—Iforgiotti (F.) La foguatura permanente della ASCITES. 715 ASCLEPIAD. Ascites (Treatment of). cavil ii peritoneale nelle asciti da cirrosi epatica. Boll. tl. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. cl. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1888, vi, 125-133.—ISoueautl. Note sur un cas d'ascite ancienne traitee et guerie par l'injection iodec; peritonite consecutive traitee par la glace. Mem. Soc. d. se. nied. de Lyon (1875), 1876, xv, pt. 2, 196-200.— C'agerc. (F.) Sur la cure radicale d'uno hydropisie ascite, suivie (I'apoplexie. Ann.clin..Montpel, 1811,xxv.27-33.—t'aide (A.) Perma- nent drainage for ascites, N.YorkM. J., 1886, xliii, 232-235. [ho. Reprint. Aha [Abstr.]: Boston M. A S.J., 1880, cxiv, 18 -182. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Pec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 192.— Clarke (A. P.) Early and repeated tapping in cases of ascites. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18S0,vi, 396-398.— li-.tb- nev(T. S.) Treatment of dropsy. N. Oil. M. &S. J., 1880- 81. "n. s., viii, 701-711.—Dorsey (G. Y.) The treatment of ascites by alidoininal compression. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1879, n. s., ii, 245.— Itrimimoiid (E.) On the im- portance of early paracentesis in the treatnient of ascites. Practitioner, Lond.. 1885. xxxv, 1.—Drysdnlc (C.) A case of ascites successfully treated by repeated lapping. Med. Pi ess & Circ. Lond.. 1890.11. s.,xl'ix. 420. —ElioI (L.) Permanent drainage for ascites. N.York M..L. 1880, xliii, 722. Also, Reprint.— Everson (il.) Abdominal ascites due to cirrhosis of tbe liver, treated by tapping. Brooklyn M. J.. 1895. ix, 628-630.—E wald (C. A.) Leber friihz'ei- li^e Punction bei Ascites. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1885, xxii. 241-244. Also: Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1884-5), 1880. xvi, pt.2, 88-97. [Discussion], pt. 1, 127; 160. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1885. xi, 224.—Faulkner (A. S.) Apleafor the operation of para- centesis abdominis in the treatment of ascites. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 721. —Fiiasen (N. R.) Den Bc-handling og Forebyggelse af Ascites. [Treatnient and prevention of ascites.] Lgrsk. f. L.eger, K jiibeiih.. 1804, 5. It., i, 890; 909.— Flint (A.) On eaily tapping in cases of ascites. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1883. ii. 505-567. Also: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1,-83. i, 289-292. Also: Denver M. Times, 188.'!. iii, 139-147.— Frees. L'eber die opeialive IVhantilung des tuberku- liisen Ascites. Ber.d.obeiboss.Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk., Giessen, 1895, xxx, 207-286.— Gcraghly (J.) Ascites cured by a single paracentesis. Brit. 51. J., Lond.. 1884, ii, 301.—4»iehrl. Ueber radikale lleiluiig der Sack- und Bauch-Wa>>ersu(hten (lurch die Paracentese. N. med.- chir. Ztg.. Miinchen. 1844. n. F... iii. 1-3.—(iiirault. Ob- servations il ascites trait c-es par hs injections d'ether. Uaz. med. dc Bordeaux. 1877. vi, 400-405.—<» lax. Leber die elektrische Behandlung des Ascites und iiber Herzstill- stand bei Faradisation der Baucbinuskeln. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1892, x. 041-048.—Giiyeiaot. Injec- tion iodec dans une ascite: guerison. J. ile med. do Lyon, 1866, v. 129-135—Hieks (It. I.) Case of ascites treated hy drainage. Tr. M. Soe. Yirg., Richmond. l.-Mi. 226-228. Aho: Practice, Richmond, 1889, iii, 213-215.—Blutchiu- sou (J.) Recovery from ascites, after paracentesis, in a young man, the subject of disease of the liver; good health seventeen years afterwards. Brit. M. J., Loiul.,1886, ii.61.— Kopp (Iv.) Ueber die mechaniscbe Behandlung des Hydrops durch Drainage des Unterhautzellgewebes uach Sduthey; nach Beobachtungen auf der II. med. Klinik. Ann. d. stadt, allg. Kiankenh. zu Miinchen (1876-7), 1881,550-582.—Eopes Vieira (A. X.» Case of ascites cured by paracentesis and compression. Edinb. M. J., 1878, xxiv, 415- 418. —.Mackenzie (S.) The treatment of ascites by alidoininal compression. Brit. M. J., Lond., Is78, i, 563. — itlcICie (T. .T. ) Strychnia as a cura- tive a»ent in the treatment of ascites. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1894, xliv, 137-140. — .'3 ieeli (A.) Trentaquattro paracentesi in un caso di ascite per m- freddatura. Riv. clin. o terap., Napoli, ]88i, ix. 412- 415.—Murray (C. F. K.) Ascites; a clinical review, advocating earl vand more freniientparacentesiaas a met hod of treatment. South African M. J., East London, 1886. ii, 8(i; 89 — .Yaidu Jagaiiathum i.M.) A case of ascites of three years and live months standing; treated by the juice of solauum nigrum; recovery. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1872, vi, 95-99.—>i.\on (C. J.) Ascites; para- centesis abdominis, erysipelatous peritonitis. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl. 1877-80, n. s., viii. 15o 153. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, 3. s., lxx, 255-257. — I'c-noliizzi (I.) Dell idrope ascite curata con lo in.jczinni jodate nel sacco del peritoneo. Comniuiiicaziouc ii. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1850, i, 73-92: 1853, 2. s., i. U; 152; 419: 2. s, ii 12-40. A ho. Reprint. Also [Lev. I: Raecoglitore med. (li Fano, 1850, 2. 8., ii, 135- 141. — Piqunrd (L.) Ascite d'originepaludeeiinoguerieparlesiillatedi•ipunine. Kev. med. do la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1892, 1, ,.>-i8.— Popoir (V. A.) Faradizat.si.ja jivota pri brioushno vod- jankie. [Faradization in dropsy.] Vracli, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 361. — Keiss (P.) Zur Behandlung des As- cites- Anweiiiliiii'; dei Oompriinir-Methode. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien,'"l880, xv, 52. — Kendu (II.) Aseito tuberculeuse guerie par la ponction abdominale. suivie d'une injection de naphtol caniphie. Bull, ct mem. Soc nied. d. hop. de Par., 1*04. 3. s., xi. lo2-L,8. - Btichard- sou (B W ) On tapping for ascites. Asclepiad, Lond., LMi, iii,' 149-151,-Kiehler (CM.) A new treatment ot ln-piitic ascites by pilocarpi.,. AV ost. Lancet, San Iran., Ascites (Treatment of). 1883, xii, 154-159.—Rixzi (A.) Contributo alia terapia dell' ascite. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, li, 435; 445.— Kuseoni. La fognatura permanente della cavita, neri- toneale nei casi di ascite. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1887,Viii, 761-764.—Sehliepi-r (P.) Calomel bei Ascites infolge von Leheiatf'ectionen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv, 282. Also, Reprint— Sigrist (V. F.) Novii sluchai izlieehenija vodjauki zhivota Faradizatsie. [New case of ascites treated by faradization.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 147. Aho, transl.: St. Petersb. meil. Wchnschr., 1880, v. 141— Solfniielli (P.) Ascite curata col metodo jatio-elettrieo. Gior. nied. di Roma, 1866, ii, 31-33. — !«ipiei;eH>ei-jj (().) ISeitriige zur diagnostischen Punction bei aliiloniinellen Fliissigkcitsansammluugen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1871-2, iii, 271-282. Also, Re- print—Mlovnll (J.T.) Ascites; paracentesis abdoniinalis performed ten limes: recovery. Am. M. Li-Weekly, N. Y., 1881-2, xiii, 50-52. — Teissier. Nouvelles et heureuses applications dc l'injection iodee a des cas d'ascitcs symp- toniatiipn-s dans les maladies organiques graves. Ann. Soc de med. de Lyon, 1857, 2. s., v, 395-410.—Thier- felder. Zwei Fiille von Heilung der freien Bauchwas- sersucht durch die Paracentese. Suiiiin. cl. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. u. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1842, n. F., xx, 903- 967.—Thomas (T. G.) A plea for explorative- incision in ascitis in women. N.York J. Gynaec.& Obst., 1892, ii, 1-8.— Thorowjjood. Ascites successfully treated by tapping with Southey's fino trocar. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 364. Aho: Med. News Sc Abstr., Phila., 1880, xxxviii, 334.— Tratlaineuto (Sul) antipolisarcico colla sottrazinne di acqua dal corpo o precipuamente col metodo di Oertel. Arch, internaz. d. spec. nied.-chir., Napoli, 1895, xi, 256- 260.—Trion (E.) L'iodure de potassium, administrc nar la bouche, detruit certaines causes de l'aseite et gueiit celle-ci. Arch, do la med. beige, Brux., 1849. xxviii. 45- 60. — Eebel-laufTciidcr (Von) Cur der Wassersucht (lurch die Salivation. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1717-18,Bresl., 1718-20, 1874-1877.—Walker . 8C. London. ASCLEPIADES. 716 ASH BY. Asclepiades Bithynus [ -96 B. C.]. La me- dicina d' Asclepiade per ben curare le malattie acute, raccolta da varii frammenti greci e la- tiui. 2 p. 1., cxxvii pp., 1 pl. 8°. Venezia, Pasquali, 1769. The preface of this book is signed by G. F. Biancbini. ------. 'Tyietvd napayytlpara. Gesundheitsvor- schriften, nach den vorhandenen Handschriften zum ersten Male vollstiindig bearbeitet und er- lautert, sowie mit lateiuischer Paraphrase nnd deutscher Uebersetzung im Versmasse der Ur- schril't versehen von Robert . . . von Welz, viii, 49 pp. 12°. Wiirzburg, Vogt .y Mocker, 1842. ----. Sec, also: Cocchi (A.) Discorso seoondo non finito so- pra Asclepiade. In: Puccixotti (F.) Storia della medicina. 8°. Ka- poli, I860, i, 239-249. Hapless (C. F.) Praemittitur medicorum ve- terum Asclepiades dictorum lnstratio historica et critica. 4°. Bounce, [1628]. Asclcpiadeus Androphilus [pseud.]. Li- ber in quo pauca explicantur quorum scitu sa- nitas conservari et vita hominis ab ignorantia medicorum poterit esse seenra. Juxta exem- plar Neostadii in Austria. 2 p. 1., exxxiii pp. 1C>J. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1747. Asclepias. Ricakdou (J.-M.) * Contribution a l'etude des asclepiadace'es. 4°. Paris, 1893. Sallefkaxque (J.-L.-M.-A.) #Etude analy- tique sur l'ascldpiade blanche. (Asclepias vince- toxicuni aselepiadaeees.) 4C. Paris, 1870. "Wolkp ((>. (J.) * De vincetoxico. 4C. Jence, [1720]. Fraser (J. H.) Asclepias incarnata. Birmingham M. Rev., 1884, xv, 176.—dram (C.) TJeber die wirksamen Bestandtheile von Asclepias curassavica, Asclepias incar- nata und Viucetoxicuin officinale. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1885, xix, 389-402.—Hansen (C. W.) Asclepias curassavica (bloodflower). Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1880, n. s., i, 64.—Ribeiro Guimaraes (E. A.) Nota sobre a aecao physiologica da asclepias curassavica, eonhecida vulgarniente pelo nome de official da sala. Lniao med., Bio de Jan., 1881, i, 372-374.—Sawyer (A.) The therapeutics of subnitrate of bismuth and Asclepia tuberosa. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 123. ■ AscoBi Piceno. Amali (R.) Relazione igienica della provincia di Ascoli Piceno. Ass. med. marchigiana. Atti del ii" Cong. 1889, Ancona, 1890, 161-174. Ascoli-Piccno ( Province of). Delle malattie nientali curate nel manicomio provinciale in Pernio nel triennio 1870-72. Relazione del Dott. Roberto Adriani, medico-direttore. 59 pp. 8°. Fermo, C. Ciferri, 1873. Ascomycetes. See Fungi. Ascona (A.). See JSayle-Rnrelle (G.) Degli insetti nocivi all' uomo, [etc.]. 12°. Milano, 1824. AscorilCt (Rene"-Marie) [1870- ]. * Traite- ment des ulceres variqueux par les plaques me"- talliques et la compression. 54 pp., 1 sheet. 4C. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 30. Ascot. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. "Aseriptio" [pseud.]. "Os potens", or the sayings of Professor Cerealus. 21(5 pp. 12°. London, Xichols <,- Co., [1892]. Asdale (W[illiani] J[ames]) [1842- ]. La- paro-hysterorrhaphy as a means of cure of cases of extreme prolapse, or retro-displacenient of tho uterus. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1891. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii. An< ||j|,s (Gaspar) [1581-1626]. De lactibus sive laeteis venis quarto vasorum niesaraicornm ge- nerc novo invento dissertatio, qua sentential AscllillS (Gaspar)—continued. anatomicae niultas, vel peip.-ra receptae convel- luntur, vel parum perceptae illustrantur. 10 p. 1., 79 pp., 4 col. pl., port. sin. 4C. Mediolani, apud J. B. Bidellum, 1627. [Also in: P v 1424.] -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 104 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. 4° Lugd. Bat., J. Maire, 1640. [P., v. 197-.] ------. The same. Ex recensione Job. Antonidae van der Linden. xxxv pp., 1 ]., 4 pl. fol. [Amsterdam), 1645.] In: Spigf.lius (Adrianus). Opera quae extant, omnia. fol. Amsterdami, 1845, i. For Bionraphy, see Cerioli (G.) Elogio storico di Gaspare Asellio. In: Opusc. scient., 4°, Bologna 18'':! iv 167-178. Aseptic surgery. See Surgery (Aseptic); Wounds (Treatment of, Antiseptic, etc.). Aseptol. Can-eras Sanchis (M.) Un nuevo antiseptico; el aseptol 6 dcido ortoxifenilsulfuroso. Diario ni6d.-farm Madrid, 1884, i, nos. 223, 224.—Ilneppe (F.) Leber die desinficirenden und antiseptischen Eigenschaften des Aseptol. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1886, xxiii. 009.— Trail. ser (E.) Ln nouvel antiseptique: l'aseptol, ou acide orthoxyph6nylsnlfnreux. Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 549; 558.—Ville (J.) L'acide sozolique ou asep- tol devant l'hygie-ne ; sa recherche daus les boissons ali- nientaires. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. iu6d. de Montpel., 1888, x, 97-100. Aseptolin. irlailden (J.) & Durant (G.) Dr. Edson's aseptolin; a criticism. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1896, xlix, 353-355. Asll (Joannes) [1723-98]. Oratio anniversaria in theatro collegii regalis medicorum Londinensi- um, ex Harvaei instituto habita, A. D. mdeexc. Festo divi lucaa. 38 pp. 4°. Londini, J. Bobson, 1790. Ash (Thomas Linnington). Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the Holsworthy rural sanitary authority. Containing the vital statistics of the condition of the district. 5., 1878; 6., 1879. 26 pp., 46 sheets. 6~ & fol. Holsivorthy, 1879-80. Report for 1879 in MS. Ashanti. Climate (The) of Ashanti. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1314. Asliburner (John). See von Keichenback (K.) (in 1. a.]. Physico-phys- iological researches ... 8°. London, 1851. AsllburtOll and Buckfastleigh Cottage Hospi- tal. Annual report ofthe committee to the sub- scribers. 8., 1883. 14 pp. 12°. Ashburton, 1664. Asllhy (Alfred). Grantham, Newark, autl Slea- ford combined sanitary district. Sec. 1. Precau- tions against the spread of infectious diseases. 2. Directions for disinfection. 3. Penalties for the neglect of precautions ... 4. Direc- tions for rendering house drainage free from danger. 5. General directions for the preserva- tion of health. 21pp. 8°. Grantham, T. Bush- by, [n. d.]. [Asllby (E.) A collection of formula1 and do- mestic remedies.] MS. 373 pp. 4°. • [n. p., circa 1710.] Aslll>y (Henry). Xotes on physiology. 3. ed., thoroughly revised, xi, 282 pp. 18-. London, Longmans [and others], 1681. ------. The same. 4. ed. xi, 344 pp. 12°. Lon- don, Longmans [and others], 1664. ------. The same. 5. ed. xi, 362 pp. 16°. Lon- don, Longmans [and others], I860. See, also, Six introductory lectures [etc.] [inl. s.]. 12°. Manchester, 1884. ----- A Wright (G[eorge] A[rthur]). The diseases of children, medical and surgical, xix, 6^1 pp. 8°. London, Longmans [andothers], 1669. ASH BY. 717 ASHHURST. Asllby (H.) & Wright (G. A.)—continued. -----------. The same. 2. ed. xxii, 757 pp. 8°. London if- Xew York, Longmans [and others], 1692. -------------. Tho same. 3. ed. xxiii, 814 pp. 12\ London, Xew York .)'• Bombay, Longmans [and others], 1696. Asllby (Thomas A.) On some of the uses of anti- sept ies m obstetrics and gynecology. 13 pp. 8°. Baltimore, i860. Repr.from : Maryland M. J., Bait., 1879-80, vi. ------. Observations on the part the obstetrical forceps plays iu the induction and prevention of perineal lacerations. 6 pp. 8C. [Baltimore, 1862.] Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., HSS1-2, viii. ------. A contribution to the study of neglected lacerations of the cervix uteri aud perineum. 11 pp. H-\ [Baltimore], 18K1. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x. -----. Observations and suggestions in regard to the method of operating during the same an- esthetization for lacerations of the cervix uteri and ruptured perineum. 10 pp. 12°. Balti- more, Journal Publ. Co., 1666. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv. .-----. A contribution to the study of the opera- tion of shortening the round ligaments: Alexan- der's operation. 20 pp. 16c. Baltimore, Journal Publ. Co., 1667. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi. ------. Xote on the treatment of amenorrhoea with permanganate of potash. 12 pp. 16°. Baltimore, [1^7]. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xvii. ------. Syphilis of the endometrium. 16 pp. 16c. Baltimore, 18>»7. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1687-8, xviii. ------. The animal suture in intravaginal plastic surgery. 16 pp. --. Baltimore, Journal Publ. Co., i860. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait, 1889, xxi. ------. Laparotomy for ascites. 11 pp. wC. Baltimore. 1869. Repr.from: Am. J. Obst., X. T., 1889, xxii. ------. The origin and treatment of pus accumu- lations in the female pelvis. 23 pp. 18°. Bal- timore. Journal Publ. Co., 18-9. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii. ------. The value of laparotomy in the diagnosis and treatment of minor forms of intra-abdom- inal and intra-pelvic diseases. 26 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 18-9. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Gynecol. Soc, Phila., 1889, xiv. ------. Clinical observations on salpingitis. 21 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1690. Repr.from.: Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1890, xxiii. See, aho, Extra-uterine pregnancy. 8°. Baltimore, 1890. Ashdowil (Herbert Harding) [1859-93]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 975. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1094. v Ashe (Isaac) [1834-91]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1314. Ashendeii (Charles). Annual reports on the health, sanitary condition, etc., of the borough of Hastings, by the medical officer of health. Por the years 1879; 1^80. 3 1.; 2 1. fol. [Hast- ings, 18*0-81.] Asher (Asher). The Jewish rite of circumcision, with the prayers and laws appertaining thereto. Translated into English with an introductory essay, vi (1 1.), -">0, xxxix pp. 8°. London, P. Vallentine, 1H73. , Aslier (Willie). * Das Krankheitsbild des trau- matischen Diabetes vorwiegend vom forensischen Standpunkt im Anschluss an emeu Fall von Aslier (Willie)—continued. trauinatischem Diabetes beider "traumatischen Neurose". [Jena.] 57 pp. 8 . Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1894. Repr. from: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1894, 3. F., viii. Aslieville. CileitNinami (J. W.) Asheville, N. C, und seine Vorziige als Curort fiir Lungenkranke. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., Is92, iv, 449-460. Also, transl.: J. Balneol, N. Y., 1S93, vii, 22-31. Also, Reprint. — Peterson (F. ) Some Southern health resorts. [Asheville.] N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 127.—von Kuck (K.) Asheville, N. C.,antl its climate, with some general considerations upon the climatic treatment of pulmonary phthisis. Olimatologist, Phila., 1891, i, 109-118. — Taylor (II. L.) Tho situation and climate of Asheville, N. C. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891. n. s., xxvii, 530-533. Also, Reprint, -----. Asheville, N. C, as a winter resort; a reply to some notes on South- ern health resorts by Frederick Peterson. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 127.—Welch (H. E.) Asheville, N. C, as a health resort. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1892-3, viii, 399-402. Aslieville (The) Medical Eeview. F. T. Meri- wether and H. L. Taylor, editors and proprietors. Monthly. Nos. 1, 2, 4, v. 1, August to Novem- ber, 1890. 8°. Asheville, X. C. Ended. "Want no. 3, October, 1890. Ashford (Francis Asbury) [1841-83J. Memokiam (In) . . . [Proceedings of direc- tors of Children's Hospital.] 8°. Washington, D. C., 1883. Memoriam (In) . . . [Proceedings of various societies. J 8°. Washington, D. C, 1883. Proceedings of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, at a special meeting held May 26, 1883, to take action upon the death of Dr. F. A. Ashford. Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1883-4, x, 417-421. See, aho, Mealy (P. F.), Ashford (F. A). & Tim- in i UN (Patrick J.) [inl. a.]. Addresses delivered at the twenty-ninth annual commencement, [etc.], 8°. Wash- ington, D. C 1878. Ashford (Mary). See Holroyd (E.) Observations upon the case of Mary Ashford. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1819. Ashhurst (Francis) [1844-85]. Pari i*li (J.) Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, New- ark, 188G, 156-158. Ashhurst (John), jr. [1839- ]. De la lapa- rotomie, ou section abdominale, comme moyen de traitement de 1'intussusception. Traduit par le Dr. Lutaud. 23 pp. fc°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1877,. Repr. from: Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1875, 6. s., xxv. ------. Amputations. In: Intkrnat. Encycl. Surg. [Ashhurst], K. Y., 1881, i, 551-702. Also, transl. in: Encycl. Internat. de chir. (Ash- hurst), Par., 1883, ii, 311-464. ------. The principles and practice of surgery. 3. ed., enlarged and thoroughly revised, xxxvii, 33-1064 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea's Son Les migrations ethniqnes en Asie cen- trale uu point de vue g6ographique. Anthropologic, Bar., 1894, v, 35-53.—Ha^cn (B.) Einiges iiber Waehsthums- verhaltnis.se ostasiat i-cher Volker. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1889, n. F., ix, Sitzungsb., 31.— Sen rail*-r (F.) Cours de g6ographie anthropologique; l'Asie. Rev. menu, de l'ficolo d'anthrop. de Par., 1895, v, 105-116.— Si.....ioiin (D. B.) Medical and sanitary notes on the. foreign settlements of eastern and southern .Asia. Med. Rec., X. Y., 1882, xxi, 38G-38S.—««• Ujfalvy. L'm- fluence du milieu sur les peuples de l'Asie centrale. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dePar., 1887, 3. s., x, 436-457. — Woldt (A.) Die Kulturgegenstande tier Golden und Gil.jaken. Inter- nal. Arch. f. Ethnog., Leiden, 1888, i, 92-107, 2 pl. A»ia Minor. Japhet. fitude sur les eaux inine'rales de l'Asie. mineure. 8°. Paris, 1878. ■Sent. Ib-port of the committee . . . appointed to in- vesti-'ate the habits and customs and physical character- A*ia Minor. istics of the nomad tribes of Asia Minor, and to excavate on sites of ancient occupation. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1889, Lond., 1890, lix, 176-186. — IVeophytos (A.-li.) Le grec du nord-c-st de l'Asie mineure au point de vue an- thropologique. Anthropologie, Par., 189i, ii, 25-35. Asiago. Regolamento di igiene pubblica del conuine di Asiago. 33 pp. 12°. Asiago, tip. Sette-Comuni, 1686. See. also, Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Asiatic (Tho) Journal and Monthly Register for British India and its dependencies. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-28, Jan., 1816, to Dec., 1829. 8°. Asiatic (The) Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India, China, and Australia. [Monthly; 3 v. annually.] N. s., v. 1-21, Jan., 1830, to Dec, 1836. 8°. London. Want v. 15, 1823. Asiatisclie (Die) Cholera. 59 pp. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] Asiatisclie (Ueber die) Cholera. Aus den Pro- tocol len derRigaerAerzte. [Hannover, deu 14ten October 1831. Konigliche Iinmediat-Commis- sion gegen die Cholera.] 98 pp. 4°. Hannover, 1831. Asile d'alie"n6s de Qu6bec. See Quebec Lunatic Asylum, at Beaufort [in 1. s.]. Asile des ali6ue"s du Betton. Etudes m6dicales faites dans les asiles d'alie"n6s les mieux orga- nises de France, d'Alleiuagne et de Suisse; sur les dispositions d'interieur d'un asile d'aliene"s. Rapport lu aux conseils d'adniinistration danssa stance du 20 juillet 1854, par M. le docteur F. Fusier, m6decin de cet asile. 70 pp. roy. 8°. Chambery, imp. du gouvernement, 1855. Asile des alilne'es de Marseille. Compte-rendu du service me'dical et du service adniiuistratif de l'Asile des alienes de Marseille [de 1841 a 1849]. Par le directeur M. Tholozau et le 1116- decin eu chef le Doct. Aubauel. 379 pp. 12°. Marseille, imp. Sene's, 1850. Asile des ali6n6s de Poitiers. See Vienne (Departement de la) [in 1. a.]. Rapport surl'asile [etc.]. 8°. Poitiers, 1845. Asile des aveugles a Illzach, pres Mulhouse. Rapport a Messieurs les mernbres du coniite", presente" par Alphonse Koechlin. 3., 1859-60. 20 pp. 12J. Mulhouse, J. P. Bisler, 1860. Asile des aveugles de Lausanne. Rapports pre"- sentes au conseil g6n6ral par le comit6 et Le di- recteur de cet dtablissenieiit pour l'aun6e 1862. 48 pp. 8D. Lausanne, Genton, Voruz ty Dutoit, 1863. Asile departemental d'ali8. -----. Monografia. Alumino-zheliezistiy glei (Timofeyevskaya glina) (argilla alumino-f'erru- ginosa Timofeefi), kak novoye liekarstvo protiv zastarielavo revmatizma, khrouicheskikh na- kozhnikh sipei i drugikh bolieznei. [. . . as a new remedy in old rheumatism, chronic cuta- neous eruptions, and other diseases.] 134 pp. 8°. Verkhnednieprovsk, X. I. Guberman, 1886. ■-----. Zaklyuchitelnoye slovo o vrachebnom deistvii aluminio-zheliezistavo gleya (glina g. Timofeyeva) vo vsiekk khrouicheskikh i chastiu v ostrikh boliezniakk. [Last word on therapeu- tic value of alumiuio-chalybeate clay (alumin- ium Timofeeff) in all chronic and some acute diseases.] 279 pp. 8°. Verkhnednieprovsk, X. I. Guberman, 1889. Aslanian (A.) [1854- ]. *De la phthisie aigue pulmouique. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, Nos. 379 & 410. Aslanian (T.) [1855- ]. * De la tuberculose pulinonaire accompagnee d'acces pseudo-asth- matiques; e"tude clinique. 42pp., 11. 4C. Paris, 1883, No. 84. Asmail (Conradus). *De aneurismate. 1 p. 1 , 35 pp. 4°. Groningee, H. Spandaw, 1773. [Also, in: P., v. 1943.] Also, in: SCRIPT, lat. de aneurys. collect. 4°. Argent, 1785, 581-624. Asians (Eduard) [1863- ]. * Ueber Cornu cutaneum, insbesondere dessen "Vorkommen an der Glaus penis. [Bonn.] 32 pp., 21., 4 pl. 8°. Ebln, J. Lulsdorff, 1888. -----. Ueber Syringomyelic. 25 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Cassel, T. G. Fisher .—C'rou- zel (E.) De l'odeur sp6ciale communiquee si l'urine par l'ingestion des pointes ou turions d asperses. Gaz. cl. hop. de Toulouse. 1893, vii, 193. — <*abi-iel (S.) Zur Frage nach der Bedeutung des Asparagus als Xahrungsstoff. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen ti. Leipz., 1892-3, n. F., xi, 115- 128.—Oiintz (J. E.) Miliaria-Ausschlag in Folge von Beiiihrung mit rohem Spargel (Asparagus i fficinalis). Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., 'Wien, 1880. vii, 65. — Kiiiiig (J.) Die Bedeutung des Asparagins fiir die Ernahrung. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1890, xxviii, 849-852.— Kuuze (R. E.) Asparagus officinalis, Linua-ns. Tr. Eclect. M. Soc. N. T., Albany, 1878-9, xii, 50-55.—[ron ■jiebisc (J.)] Ueber das Asparamid und die Asparamid- saure von Boutron-Charlard und Pelonze. Ann. cl. Pharm., Heidelb., 1833, vi, 75-88. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1833, liii, 416-421.—.Ha ml liner (J.) Ueber deii Einfluss ties Asparagins auf den Umsatz des Eiweisses beim Fleischfresser. Ztschr. f. Biol, Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1891-2, n. F., x. 507-517. -Munk (I.) Der Einfluss des Asparagin auf den Eiweissumsatz und die Bedeutung desselben als Niibrstoff. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1883. xciv, 436-454. -----. Nachtrag zu meiner Mittheilung: Ueber den Einfluss des Asparagin auf den Eiweissumsatz. Ibid., 1884,xcviii, 364. — Piutti (A.) Una nuova specie di asparagina. Orosi, Firenze, 1886, ix, 198-202.-----. Recipreca trasformazione delle due asparagine rotatorie. Ibid.. 1SS7. x, 1-3. -----. Un'altra sintesi dello asparagine. Boll. d. Sue. di nat. in Napoli, 1890, iv, 139-143.—Politic (G.) Ueber die Bedeutungdes Asparagins als Xahrungsstoff. Ztschr. f. Biol, Miinchen u. Leipz., 1891-2, n. F., x, 492-5015.—Balfc (C. H.) The action of asparagus on tbe kidneys. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1645.— tod Voit (U.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Aspa- ragins als Xahrungsstoff. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-baver. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Munchen (1883), 1884, xiii, 41)1-405. — Weinke (A.) Die Bedeutung des Aspara- gins fiir die Ernahrung. Centralbl. f. d. rued. Wissensch., Bed., 189(1, xxviii, 945.—Weinke (IL) Ueber die Bedeu- tungdes Asparagins fiir die Ernahrungen der Herbivoren. Ztschr. f. Biol. Miinchen n. Leipz., 1893-4. n. F., xii, 254- 27*.— Weinke (II), Kennepohl (G.) &. Schulze __.Sehulz (I!.) Aspermatisnius in Folge von Atro- phia prostata-. Ibid., 1864. xiv, 68; 83 — Sillies (J.H.C.) Aspermatism. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 113. - Winter (J.) Ein Fall von temporarem Asperinatisnius. Wien. metl. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1681-1684. Asphalt. District of Columbia. Annual report ofthe inspector of asphalt and cements of the District of Columbia. 4., 1889-90. 8°. [ Washington, 1691.] Badean ( A. ) Asphalt and asphalt trade of Cuba. Rep. Consuls U. S. on commerce, etc., Wash., 1883, no. 31, 71-76. 46 ASPHODEL. 722 ASPHYXIA. Asphodel. Che vail ier (A.) fils. Note sur les tuberculea de l'aspho- dele et sur ses emplois, suivie dune notice historique et chronologique sur les divers emplois du gland en France et h l'etranger. J. de chim. ni6d. fete. ], Par., 1855, 4. s., i, 353-362. Also, Reprint. A*pliyxia [including suffocation]. See, also, Air-passages (Foreign bodies in); Bronchial glands (Tumors, etc., ofi); Oases (Ir- respirable) ; Infant (Xew-born). Artigalas (C. ) *Des asphyxies toxiques. [Paris.] 4C. Tarbes, 1883. Brouardel (P.) Les asphyxies par les gaz, les vapeurs et les auesthesiques. 8°. Paris, 1896. Carminatus (B.) De animalium ex mephiti- bus, et noxiis halitibus iuteritu, ejusque propio- ribus caussis. Libri tres [in 1 v.]. 4°. Laude Pompeja, 1777. Carrette (E.-J.) *De asphyxia, ejusque medendi methodo. 4°. Lovanii, [1820]. Dore (P.) Instructions a l'usage des ouvriers puisatiers, indiquant les causes d'asphyxie; les moyens de reconnaitre leur nature et de les detruire; les premiers secours a donner aux as- phyxias dans ces circonstances. 12°. Paris, 1857. Drkyfus-Bhisac ( L. ) * De l'asphyxie non toxique. 4C. Paris, 18K5. Fothergill (A.) A new inquiry into the sus- pension of vital actiou in cases of drowning and suffocation; being an attempt to concentrate into a more luminous point of view the scattered rays of science respecting that interesting though mysterious subject, to elucidate the proximate cause, to appreciate the present remedies, and to point out the best method of restoring anima- tion. 3. ed. 8°. Bath, [n. d.]. Gardane (J.-J. ) Avis au peuple, sur les aspbyxies ou morts apparentes et subites, con- tenant les moyens de les pr6venir et d'y reme"- dier. Avec la description d'une nouvelle boete fumigatoire portative. Publie par ordre du gouvernenient. 16°. Paris, 1774. -----. Cate'chisme sur les morts apparentes, dites asphyxies; ou instruction sur les manieres de combattre les diff6rentes especes de morts apparentes, par demandes et par reponses, fon- dle sur Pexpe'rieuce, et mise a. la portee du peu- ple. sin. 8°. Pans, 1781. George (E.) * On asphyxia from submersion, in which also are considered the causes of as- phyxia in general. 8°. Edinburgh, 1835. Gilgencrantz ( J.-J.-X.-P. ) * Quelques re- flexions physiologiques ayant rapport a l'asphy- xie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1824. Glass (L.) * Ueber Asphyxie uud deren Be- handlung. 8°. Xaumburg a. S., 1866. Gloster (J.) *De asphyxia. 8. Edinburgi, 18u7>. Goodwyn (E.) The connection of life with respiration; or, an experimental inquiry into the effects of submersion, strangulation, aud several kinds of noxious airs on living animals, with an account of the nature of the disease they pro- duce, its distinction from death itself, and the most effectual means of cure. 8-. Philadelphia 1807). -----. Thesame. 8. Philadelphia, 1808. -----. The same. La connexion de la vie avec la respiration, ou recherches experimentales sur les effets que produisent, sur les animaux vi- vans, la submersion, la strangulation, et les di- verses especes de gaz nuisibles, avec une defini- tion pr6cise du genre de maladie qu'en resulte, sa difference d'avec la mort, et les meilleurs moyens d'y remedier. Traduit de l'anglais par J.-N. Halle. 8°. Paris, an VI [1798]. Graf(M.) * Sur l'asphyxie. 4:. Strasbourg, I an XI [1803]. "" Asphyxia [including suffocation). Gvozdeff (I.) * Materiali dlja izuchenija as- fiksii. [Ou asphyxia.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1868 van Hasselt (A. W. M.) Handleiding tot de leer van den dood en van den schijndood, ten ge- bruike bij het onderwijs aan's rijks kweekschool voor militaire geneeskundigen. 1. Deel. Al"-e- meen gedeelte. 8°. Utrecht, 1861. Johnson (G.) An essay on asphyxia (aiuircal 8-. London, 1889. ' l h Kurze Abhandlung von den scheinbaren Todesarten ertrunkener, erhenkter, erstickter schlagfliissiger, erfrorner und erdriickter Per- sonen; nebst den eigentlichen und wirksainsten Geuesungsiiiitteln. Von dem Ckurfurstl. Col- legio Medico in Miinchen verfasst und herauso-e- geben. 12 :. Miinchen, 1775. Panthel (C. C.) * De morte snffocativa. 8. Gottingce,1844. Philippi ( J. ) * Ueber den Erstickungstod 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Pickert ( M.) " Ueber Erstickungstod. 8D Halle, [1869'J. Planteau (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des troubles nerveux moteurs, sensitifs et trophiques consecutifs a l'asphyxie ]>ar les vapeurs de char- bon. 4°. Bovdeaux, 1883. Portal (A.) Rapport fait par ordre de l'Aca- demie des sciences, sur les effets des vapeurs mephitiques daus le corps de l'homme, et priuci- palement sur la vapeur du charbon; avec un precis des moyens les plus efficaces pour rappel- ler a la vie ceux qui out 6te suffoques. 16°. Pavis, 1775. -----. The same. 3. ed. 16°. Melz, 1776. -----. The same. 6. ed. [Enlarged.] 8:. Pavis, 1767. _-----• The same. Bericht iiber die mepki- tischen Dampfe und vorziiglich des Kohlen- dampfs auf den menschlichen Korper, nebst einer kurzen Nachricht von deu wiirksamsten Mitteln Erstickte Avieder zum Lebeu zu bringeu. Auf Befehl der konigl. Akademie der Wissen- schaften aufgesetzt und aus dem Franzosischen nach der funften Ausgabe iibersetzt, nebst einem beygefiigten Anhang. 1. Von der Ursache des Todes der Ertrunkenen, die Mittel sie wieder zum Lebeu briugen. 2. Bemerkung iiber die vortheilhafteste Art, Kinder die todt geboren scheinen wieder zum Leben zu bringen. 16°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, 1776. Schoenfeld (PL) L'asphyxie, ses differents genres, leur mecauisme et leurs reinedes. 8°. Bruxelles, 1680. Siebert ( E. ) * Beitrage zur Casuistik des Erstickungstodes. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Giessen, 1878. Smirnoff (G.) *Studier i den patologiska qvafveomsiittningen. [Pathololgical changes in suffocation.] 8°. Helsingfors, 1876. Troxler (T.) * Ueber das Wesen des Schein- todes und den durch Aether und Chloroform er- zeugten Zustand. 12°. Bern, 1648. Valdivia y Sisay (J.) La asfixia en las mar- chas y su tratamiento. 8-. Madrid, 1691. Wallace. On insensibility arising from a deficiency of oxygen in the air. Read before the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 15th Novem- ber, 1882. 8:i. [Glasgow, 1882.] Wright ( S. ) Pathological researches on death from suffocation and from syncope; and on vital and post-mortem burning; suggested by the case of the alleged Bridgnorth matricide. 4J. London, 1850. See, aho, infra, Alleged (The), etc. Alison (W.P.) Noticeofsomeexperimentsonthevital properties of arteries leading to inflamed parts, and on the immediate cause of death by asphyxia. Edinb. M. & S. ASPHYXIA. 723 ASPHYXIA. Asphyxia [including suffocation], J., lS36rxiv, 98-116.—Alleged (The) Bridgnorth matri- cide. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xx, 147. [.sec, aho, supra. "Wright (S.)]—Amoiaii \- Plante an. Etude experi- mentale des troubles nerveux consecutils a l'asphyxie par les vapeurs de charbon chez la grenouille ; ane'stliesie; paraplegie: escbares. J. de m£d. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 367.—Asphyxiated in a cesspool. San. Engin., Lond., 1881-2, vi, 9.—Auseher (li.) Sc I^apieqiie (L.) Hvperglobule experimentale. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol, Par., 1895, 10. s.. ii, 406.—Bellrend. Erstickungstod durch Aspiration von Speisebrei. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1868, iv, 112.—Bergwall (J. E.) Egen- domligt fall af gvaf'uingsddd. [Peculiar case of suffoca- tion.]' Eira, Gciteberg, 1883, vii, 740 - 742. — Bert (P.) Notes pour servir a l'histoire de l'asphyxie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v. 206-210 — Bidi-ag til Lieren om den apparente Dbd. [Doctrine of apparent death.] Biblioth. f. La-ger. Kjobenh., 1863, 5. R., vi, 337- 367.— ISiyy- (H. M.) .v Jenkins (W. T.) Accidental suffocation as a cause of sudden death. N. Tork M. J., 1890. Iii, 29-32.—Binner. Ein Pall von Selbstmord durch Erwiirgen. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl, 1888, i, 364- 368.—Blum (Louise S.) Axphyxia caused by a plate of artificial teeth impacted in the trachea; death. N. York M. J., 188."), xiii, 217. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, liii, 67.—Bottazzi (F.) Di alcuue alterazioni de- terminate dall' astissia nelle emazie. Sperimentale. Sez. biol, Firenze, 1895, xlix, 417-425.—Branniyau iR.) Prolonged suspended animation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 581.—Brouardel. Causes et meeanisme de l'asphyxie. Lnion nied.. Par., 18»5, 3. s., xxxix, 506- 511.—Burekhardt (L.) Prognosis and therapy of the asphyxia of the newborn. Fort "Wayne M. Xlag., 1895, iii, 247-255.—Cavazzani (A.) Dell' azione dell astissia sui vasi cerebrali. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino e Palermo, 1892, xvi, 225-240. Also: R. Lniv.di Padova. Lav. d. lab. difisiol., 1891-2, ii, 225-349. Aho, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol, Turin. 1892, xviii, 54-62.—lectherelli (A.) As- tissia per gas acido carbonico ed avvelenamento perossido di carbonio. Imparziale, Firenze, 1880, xx, 151-155.— Colin. L'asphyxie; le temps necessaire a l'asphyxie pour determiner ia mort; des signes k distinguer la mort apparente de la mort reelle; l'intervalle qui separe ces deux etats; traitement. Bull. Acad, de meed., Par., 1886, 2. s., v, 761-782.—Costa (J. R.) Estudio sobre la astixia. An. asist. piib., Buenos Aires, 1891-2, ii, 235-244.—Crii- gerns (J.) De virgine in incendio Sprembergensia l'umo tetro et vapore quasi mortua. In his: Casus iii med., 4^, Budissje, 1708, 57-64.—B-astre (A.) De l'influence du sang asphyxique sur le fonctionnement du cceur et des vaisseaux Sanguin-;. Bull. Soc. philomat. de Par., 1879-80, 7. s., iv, 113-117. — DnNlre (A.) Sc 'loint. L'influence du sang asphyxiijue sin les organes moteurs dela circulation. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880. 7. s., i, 310.— Desroiint. Note sur un accident mortel du a une dispo- sition vicieuse dun tuyau de funot-e. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. s.. v, 161-165. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1881, iii, 44-50.— I>i-.*ar par l'ether, le chloroforme, la submersion, le charbon, etc.. et tons les genres d'asphyxie et de syncope. 8-\ Paris, [1850], Damico (F.) Secours aux noyes, asphyxias et blesses. Organisation du service a Paris et dans le departement de la Seine (1740-1894). Preface de . . . Aug. Voisin. 8°. Paris, 1895. France. Departement de la marine. Instruc- tions sur les secours a donner aux asphyxias. 8°. [Pavis, 1*33.] de Gardanne. Cat6chisme sur les morts ap- parentes, elites asphixie's; ou instruction sur les manieres de combattre les differentes especes de morts apparentes, par demandes et par r6ponses, fondle sur l'exp6rience, et mise a la portee du peuple. sm. 8G. Paris, 1761. -----. The same. 12c. Angers, 1761. Gyselynck (P.-H.) *De salvandis asphycti- cis. 4 . Gandavi, 1826. Humane Society of Massachusetts. Direc- tions for restoring the apparently drowned, and instructions for saving drowning persons by swimming to their relief. As adopted hy the United States Life-Saving Service in 1877. [Re- printed by permission. ] 8~. Boston, 1681. Kite (C.) An essay on the recovery of the ap- parently dead. Being the essay to which the Humane Society's medal was adjudged. To which is prefixed Lettsom's address on the de- livery of the medal. 6P. London, 1768. Laborde (J.-V.) Le traitement physiologique de la mort. Les tractions ry thni£es de la langue. Moyen rationnel et puissant de ranimer la fonc- tion respiratoire et la vie. Determination ex- perimentale du mode d'action ou mecauiqne du procede. 12°. Paris, 1894. DE Labohdette(A.) De l'emploi du specu- lum laryngien dans le traitement de l'asphyxie par submersion, etc. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1875. Lambert (T. S.) They are not dead. Restora- tion, by the "heat method", of ihose drowned or otherwise suffocated. 8°. Xew York, 1879. Londe (C) Lettre a M. le redacteur en chef de la France medicale snr la morte apparente; les consequences reelles des inhumations precipi- t6es; le temps pendant lequel peut persister l'aptitude a etre rappeie a la vie. 8°. Paris, 1854. Manni(P.) Manuale pratico per la cura degli apparentemente morti, premessevi alcune idee generah di polizia medica per la tutela della vita negli asfittici. 4. ed. 8°. Xapoli, 1835. _____# The same. Praktisches Handbuch zur Behandlung der Scheintodten. Mit Voraus- schickung einiger allgemeinen Betraclitungen fiber die Massregeln, welche von Sciten der medicinischen Polizei zum Schutze des Lebens Asphyxia (Treatment of). bei Scheintodten zu treffen sind. Nach der vierten Originalausgabe Deutsch hearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. August Franz Fischer. 8°. Leipzig, 1839. Marc (C.-C-H.) Nouvelles recherches sur los secours a donner aux noyes et asphyxies. 8". raris, 1835. -----. The same. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Hiilfe bei Scheintodten. Deutsch bear- beitet von Dr. G. Weylaud. 8°. Leipzig, 1836. Methodo de restituir a vida a's pessoas ap- parentemente mortas por affogamento ou suffo- cacsio; recommendado pela Sociedade humana deLondres; e descripcao e figura do respirador de Mudge, cirnrgiao em Plymouth; com a ma- neira de usar delle, e hum summario dos seus ef- feitos nas tosses catarraes recentes, e noutros achaques do hofe; publicado tudo e impresso por ordem do Scnhor Diego Ignacio de Pina Manique. 12°. Lisboa, 1790. Mothe (A.-A.-A.) * De l'acupuucture dans la mort apparente des asphyxies. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1878. Murray (C) Avisos interessantes ii humani- dade, ou colleccao de alguns artigos concernentes & restauracao da vida dos affogados, e outros casos de morte apparente, ou aniniacao suspensa; extrahidos dos escriptos publicados em Ingla- terra por ordem da Sociedade humana, insti- tuida na corte, e cidade de Londres em 1774. Trad, do original inglez por Francisco Mauoel de Oliveira. 16°. Lisboa, 1788. Pennsylvania. State Board of Health and Vital Statistics. Circular No. 34. The treatment of the apparently drowned or suffocated. 8°. [Harrisburg, 1892?] Portal (A.) Instruction sur les traitemens ties asphixies par le mephitisme ; des noyes, des personnes qui ont ete mordues par des animaux enrages, des enfans qui paroissent morts eu nais- sant, des personnes qui ont ete reduites a l'etat d'asphixie par le froid ; avec des observations sur les causes de ces accideus, et sur le.s signes dc la . mort reelle pour la distinguer de celle qui n'est qu'apparente. 12°. Paris, an IV [1796]. -----. The same. 24°. Commercy, an V [1797]. -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 12°. Paris, an XIII [1807)]. Proposals for recovering persons apparently dead by drowning, and suffocation from other causes. 8°. Xew Castle, 1729. Roksler ( C.) *Diss. sistens experiments circa resuscitationem animalium aqua suffoca- torum. 4°. Tubingw, [1814]. Schouten (H. J. ) Verhandeling over de oorzakeu waarom drenkelingen, verstikten en verhaugenen, na uit den schijndood tot het leven teruggebragt te zijn, dikwerf kort daarna eene prooi van den wezenlijken dood worden; benevens de behandeling eu middelen, welke tot voorkoming van dit ongeval dieneu aauge- wend te worden. 8. Amsterdam, 1822. Seine (Departement de la). Prefecture de police. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite'. Instruction sur les secours a donner aux noyes et asphyxies. 4°. Paris, 1891. Simula (G. N.) Tracheotomia e parto prema- tura artificiale praticati per pericolo d' astissia. 8°. Sassari, 1892. Targioni Tozzetti (G.) Raccolta di teorie, osservazioni, e regole per hen distiuguere, e prontamente dissipare le asfissie o morti appa- rent dette anche morti repentine, o violente, prodotte da varie cause si interne che esterne formata per istruzione del pubblico. 8°. Fi- renze, 1773. ASPHYXIA. 726 ASPHYXIA. A*l>hyxia {Treatment of). de Villiers. Methode pour rappeler les noyes a la vie, recueillie des meilleurs auteurs. 4-. Strasbourg, 1771. -----. The same. 12°. Metz, 1771. Wilfroth (J. C.) *De resuscitatione semi- mortuorum medica. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1725]. Wilson (G.) On the employment of oxygen as a means of resuscitation in asphyxia and otherwise as a remedial agent. rD. Edinburgh, 1647). Repr. from : Tr. Royal Scottish Soc. Arts, 1845, iii. Ai'oiinoii (H.) Ueber Apnoe bei Kaltbliitern und neugeboreuen Sangcthieren. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz.. lsS.l, 207-274.—Ashmead (A. S.) Rhythmic tractions of the tongue in asphyxia from charcoal fumes, and report of a case of asphyxia neonatorum revivified by Laborde's method. Med.'News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 407. — Bcconr. Asphyxie des nouveau-n6s; tractions rythmees de la langue. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1893, xxxii, 497.—Beer (B.) Ueber die kiinstliche Athmung. Wien. med. Bl., 1894, xyii, 367. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1894, xxix, 421. —Bernheini (M.) Le traitement de l'6tat de mort apparente des nouveau-n6s, et en particulier par le proc6de de Laborde. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gyn6c, Par., 1893, viii, 396; 463.—Billot. Application du proc6d6 de traction de la lamnie, on pioeede de la langue au traite- ment de l'asphyxie par les gaz dan egouts ; deux sucees. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv. 1257.—Bleycr (J. M.) Res- piration, suffocation, and resuscitation ; the main physio- logical factors which play the role in . . . and the authors' method of pneumatic artificial respiration. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 437; 472; 503.—Bowles (R. L.) The resuscitation of the apparently drowned. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889, lxxii, 407-431. Also [Abstr.l: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond , 1889, 3. s., i, 136. [Discus- sion], 137-140. — Ualliano (C.) Sul grande valore cura- tivo della respirazione aitificiale, riscontrato in un caso gravissimo d' avvelenamento per morfina. Gazz. d.osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 921-923.—Cobos (F.) La respiration artificielle hypoderniique. Eev. d'hyg. therap., I'ar., 1890, ii, 67; 131. — Delinean (M.) Rappel a la vie par les tractions rythmics de la langue (procede Laborde) dans trois cas de mort apparente. Atti d. xi Cong. med. inter- naz., Roma, 1894, iii, 137-142. — Delitzin (S. N.) Oh iskusstven. dychanii. [ Artificial respiration. ] Chir. Testnik, St. Petersb., 1893, ix. 484 ; 632; 737; 857.—Fell (G. E.) Forced respiration; history; report of six cases; apparatus; effects of, on narcotised human subjects; adaptability of, in cases of drowning or shock. Tr. N. Tork M. Ass. J888. Concord, N. H., 1889, v, 36-65. Also [Abstr.]: Buffalo M. &.S. J., 1887-8, xxvii, 145 ; 345. Also [Abstr.] : Med. News, Phila., 1**8, liii, 600-667. -----. Forced respiration; an address delivered before the Buf- falo Medical and Surgical Association. Jan. 5, 1891. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 325-330. [Discussion], 353. Aho, Reprint. -----. Two interesting cases of forced respiration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 805. Also, Reprint. -----. Fell method; forced respiration ; report of cases resulting in the savingof twenty-eight human lives ; history and a plea for its general nse in hospital and naval practice. Canada M. Rec. Montreal 1893-4, xxii. 73; 97; 121. Aho: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893. Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 309-324. — Fothcrgill (.L) Observations on a ease pub- lished in the last volume of the Medical essays, etc., of recovering a man dead in appearance, bv distending the lungs with air. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1745, 249-254. — Foy (G.) Forced respiration. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1894. n. s., lvii, 331—CJanlier (V.) Asphyxie par le charbon; in- halation d'oxyg&ne. Rev. med. de la Suisse-Rom., Ge- neve, 1887, vii, 475-477.—Grctscher ile YVandelbnrg (A.) Du gaz dans le sang dun asphyxie rappele a la vie par une saigm'-e. hi his: Mem. de med. et chir., 8°, Par., 1881, 55-57.—Hall The rationale of the fatal ten- dency of tlie warm bath in asphyxia. Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, 6s5—Ilai-lshorne (IL) On a method of abdominal traction and its applications. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 239.—Howard (15.) Treatment of suspended animation. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 70. — Hunt (H.) Resuscitation after submersion. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 555.— Instruction sur les secours a donner aux asphyxies et noyes. Sante, Brux., 1850-51, ii, 128; 141; 149; 164; 174.— Jennings (C. E.) Artificial circulation as a means of resuscitation after apparent death. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 245; 289. — Kupfler (A.) Das Verhalten der Druckschwankungen und des Athmungsquantums bei kiinstlicher Respiration nach den Methoden von Schultze, Silvester, Pacini und Bain. Ber. u. Arb. a. d. Univ.- Frauenklin. zu Dorpat, Wiesb., 1894, 315-336. — La- borde (J.-V.) De la mort apparente k la suite de l'asphyxie par submersion on noyade. et d'un moyen in- connn on jusqu'a. pr6sent inapplique d'y rem6dier. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii. 9-19. Aho: Tri- bune m6d., I'ar., 1892, 2. s.. xxiv, 421-425. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 735-737. -----. Contribution nou- Asp h v x ia (Treatment of). velle k 1 etude et aux applications pratiques du proc6d£ de tractions rytlmiees de la langue dans les diverses asphy- xies et dans la mort apparente qui en est la suite; d6termi- nation experimentale du mode d'action ou ni6eaiiisme de ce procede. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1893, 3. s.. xxix 51-80. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1893, 8. a., ii. 460: 47l! -----. Contribution nouvelle k l'application du procC-d6 des tractions rythmees de la langue dans les diverses asphyxies. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, 505- 582. '-----. Nouvelle application du proc6d6 des tractions rythmees de la langue k l'asphyxie avec mort apparente k la suite de tracheotomie dans le cas de diphtei it- crou- pale. Ibid., 624-627. -----. Les tractions rythmees de la langue dans l'asphyxie et la mort apparente k la suite de l'introduction d'un corns etranger dans les voies respi- ratoires. Ibid., 1894, 3. 8., xxxi. 106-109. -----. Traite- ment physiologique de la mort apparente; application des tractions rythmees de la langue k l'asphyxie par pendaison. Ibid., 481-483. -----. Sur les tractions rythm6es de la langue et leur m6canisme, dans le rappel du r£flexe respi- ratoire et de la vie dans les diverses asphyxies et la mort apparente. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 424-426.— Laborde (J.-V.) & Billot (C.) Application du proc6de de traction de la langue, ou proc6d6 tie la lan- gue au traitement tie l'asphyxie par les gaz des 6gouts; deux sucees. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1X92, 3. s., xxviii, 718-723.—Laborde (J.-V.) Sc Tarnirr. Sur un cas de goitre suffocant, dyspn6e paroxystique, mort apparente; gu£ri par les tractions de la langne (proc6d6 Laborde), communique par M. le Dr. Camus . . . [Rap.] Ibid., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 377-380.—I.anccreaux. Sur le proc6d6 dea tractions rythmees de la langue. Ibid., 1894, 3. s., xxxi, 66-68. — Licuf (A. II. P.) Resuscitation after apparent death. Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 97 99 —liimouwiii. Traitement de l'asphyxie par les inhalations d'oxygene. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1871, 94-98. -----.'Em- ploi de l'oxygene dans les cas d'asphyxie. Assoc, frang. ponr l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1883, Par., 1864, xii, 1042- 1045.—Mace wen (W.) Clinical observations on the intro- duction of tracheal tubes by the mouth instead of perform- ing tracheotomy or laryngotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 122; 163. — irisit-itliiiiii (J.') Artificial respiration in cyanosis from plugging of tlie bronchial tubes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 332—Malicl!" (J. M.) O narod. sposohe ojiv. mnimoum. posred. "otkatchivanija". (R6s. Ueber das beim Volk bei Wiederbelebungsversuchen Scheintod- ter gebrauchliohe Verfahren vennittelst des "Schan- keln".) ZapisUi Lralsk. med. Obsh. v. g. Ekateriiiburge, 1893, ii, 22-24.—BI a reach al (H.) Note sur les secours k donner aux noy6s et asphyxias et en g6n6ral aux person- nes en 6tat de'mort apparente. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 394-404.—Martin (E.) The Laborde method of artificial respiration. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s., xi, 793- 798. — Moyen inconnu ou jiisqu'& pr6- sent inappliqu6 de rem6dier a la mort apparente k la suite de l'asphyxie par submersion ou noyade. [Edit.] Arch. denied, iiav., Par., 1892, lviii, 154.— Northrup (W. P.) Apparatus for prolonged artificial forcible respiration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 697. -----. Artificial forcible respiration, Fell-O'Dwyer apparatus. Tr. Ass. Am. Physi- cians, Phila., 1895, x, 123-140. — O'Bwyer (J.) An im- proved method of performing artificial forcible respira- tion. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, [Phila.], 1892, iii, 121 -128.— Olivier (A.) Un nouvel insufflateur. Ann. de la Poli- clin. de Par., 1892, ii, 477-487. — Osborn (T. C.) A case of drowning. Texas M. J., Austin, 1893-4, ix. 373-378.— Perry (A. W.) Treatment of impending death from asphyxia in acute diseases. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1880-81, ix, 148-150. — Physiological action of oxygen in asphyxia, more especially in coal mines. Brit. M. J , Lond., 1893, ii, 914.—Picar'd. Du proced6, dit de la lan- gue, [pour rappeler k la vie les noy6s et tous ceux qui ont 6t6 asphyxias par des gaz deleteres]. Rev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1893, xxv, 83-88.—Bichardson (B. W.) An in- quiry into the possibility of restoring the life of warm- blooded animals in certain cases where the respiration, the circulation, and the ordinary manifestations of organic motion are exhausted or have ceased. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1865, xiv, 358-371. -----. Researches on resuscita- tion, from some states of suspended life, by the process of artificial circulation. Asclepiad, Lond., 1885, ii, 171-187. -----. Artificial respiration: the theory and the practice. Ibid., 1890, vii. 201-224. -----. New bellows for artificial respiration. Ibid., 1894, xi, 53.— BousncI (A. E.) Tbe lingual traction method (Laborde) of artificial respiration, with a report of two successful cases. Therap. Gaz.. De- troit, 1895, 3. s., xi, 505-508. Also, Reprint. — Silvester (H. IL ) A new method of restoring persons apparently drowned or dead; and of resuscitating still-born children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 576-579. Also, Reprint.-----. On the impropriety of the inversion of patients in appa- rent death from chloroform, drowning, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 861.—Mini Hi (W. T.) Suspended animation. Tr. N. ILampshire M. Sue, Concord, 1880, 63-74 —Soulagnes (II.) Insufflation et tractions rythmees de la langue. N. Montpel. mecl, 1895, iv, 178 - 181. — Struthcra ( J. ) On jugular venesection in asphyxia, anatomically and experi- ASPHYXIA. 727 ASSADA. Asphyxia (Treatment of). mentally considered, including the demonstration of valves in the veins of the neck. Read before the Edinburgh Medico-Chir. Soc. Edinb. M. J., 1856-7, ii, 418-431. Also, Reprint.—Taltahashi ( T.) Prochownickshi shoseia gosei sitsu. | Lrochownick's method of artificial respira- tion.! Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1894, no. 342, 4-7.—Tes- levin (G.) Une asphyxie au M'zab: traitenieiit de l'as- phvxiee paries injections hypodei imbues d'ether; gueri- soii. Alger med., 1887, xv, 78-90. —Thiei-y (I>.) Sur un nouveau eas de rappel k la vie par linsufilation directe, dans le traitement de l'asphyxie aigue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 174-177. -----. De la tracheotomie sui- vie d'insufflation directe, dans le traitement des cas graves d'asphyxie au cours de 1'auesthOsie generale. Ibid., 1117.—Thomson (W. E. F.) The physiological action of the inhalation of oxygen in asphyxia, more especially in coal mines. [ Report. ] Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1893, Loud., 1894, lxiii, 551.—Tractions (Les) rytb.nie.ea de la langue dans le coup de chaleur. Tribune m6d., Par., 1895, 2. s., xxvii, 435.—Traiteiuent physiologique de la mort apparente. Ann. med.-psycho!, Par.. 1896, 8. s., iii, 137- 139. — Vamlerburg (C. R.) A device for forcing respi- ration, with a report of its use in three cases of opium narcosis. Med. Rec, X. T., 1890, xxxvii, 144-147.—Vi- berl. Les secours a donner aux noyes et asphyxies; rap- port sur les modifications k apporter a. l'instruction du conseil de salubrite du 9 fevrier 1872. Ann. cl hvg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 418-433.—Waterman pidn3periuine. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 18e4. 3. s., vii, 131-153, 2 diag. —(.iutmaun (G.) Ueber Wirkung und Anwendung verschiedener Aspidospermin- praparate. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1881, xiv, 451-464. Aspinwa.ll (George). *A dissertation on the cynauche maligna. 20 pp. 6°. Dedham, Mann 4' Adams, 1796. Aspiration ana" aspirators. See, also, Chest (Paracentesis ofi) by aspiration. As.smaxn* (K.) Aspiration apparatus invented by . . . Constructed by R. Fuess. 4-\ [Berlin, n. d.] Dieulafoy (G.) De l'aspiration pueuniatique sous-cntaiiee. Me'thode de diagnostic et de trai- tement. 8?. Paris, 1^70. -----. The same. On sub-cutaneous pneu- matic aspiration as a method of diagnosis and of treatment. 6°. London, 1^70. -----. The same. 6°. [London], 1673. -----. The same. 6°. [London], 1677. de Giovanni (A.) Aspii'azioui nel metodo della indagiue clinica. Prelezione. 8-. Mila- no, 1879. Kahnt (C.) * Die Aspirationsmethode. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Aspiration and aspirators. Pittarelli (E.) Nuovo aspiratore-inietta- tore. 8°. Campobasso, 1890. Bensel (W.) Aspiration, from the patient's stand- point. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 689. — Bouvicr. Sur ['invention de la methode d aspiration pour 1 evacuation dos liquides 6paiiches clans les cavit6s closes du corps hu- main; reclamation en faveur de M. G. Pelletan. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxv, 721.—C'antalamessa (I.) In proposito della memoria del Prof. Alberto Riva sugli aspiratori e iniettatori. Riv. elm. di Bologna, 1883, 3. s., iii, 289-295.—Cory (J. B.) On the use ofthe aspira- tor. Kansas M. Index, Fort Scott, 1880, i, 131-136.—Cous- ins (J. W.) Remarks ou paiaccntesis and aspiration; a new aspirator, and a knife especially adapted for the oper- ation of incision ofthe chest. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1884,n.s..xxxviii,814. Also: Brit. M. J.,Lond.,1884,ii,902.— Czyrniariski (J.) Aspirator zur Thoracopunction und gegen Galaetosta.se. Therap. Monatsh., Berl, 1887, i, 304.— Evacuating aspirator. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886,ii, 928.— Foureur. Aspirateur iraprovis6. Arch, de naed. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 398-403.—Gueri n (J.) Recla- mation do priorite d'une note de M. Dieulafoy, sur l'aspira- tion des liquides pathologiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxv, 499.—If a mi lion (J. B.) Notes on aspirat- ing and aspirators. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv,250- 252.—II irly. (E.) Nouvel appareil aspirateur. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1893, 3. s., x, 572-577.— Jackson (A. R.) Fatal pelvic hemorrhage following the use of the aspirator needle. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1884, xlix, 385-387.—Jessctt (F. B.) On aspirators; their use as a means of diagnosis and treatment in disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, ii, 850-854. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1884, xiv, 329-346. — Kozierowaki (E.) O pobocznych zastosowaniach aspiratora Jaworskiego. [Lateral applica- tion of Jaworski's aspirator.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1893, xxxii, 657-659.—KronccUer (H.) Ueber die Aspiration von Blut und Luft. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1882, viii, 725.—KuczynsUi (A.) Tani i prosty aspira- tor. [A cheap and simple aspirator.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1894, 2. 8., xiv, 759-761.—Laflfau (T.) On the field of the aspirateur. Metl. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., 1, 650.—liivierato (P. E.) Una modificazione all' aspira- tore di Potain. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 1004.— Marconi (E.) Nuovo modello di aspiratore-iniettatore a rubinetto unico. Gazz. metl. di Roma, 1888, xiv, 440-443, 3 pl. Also: Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1889, iv, 11-14. Aho: Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1889, 5. s., vii, 113-118.— Moore (J. W.) On an aspirator for use in thoracentesis, invented by Dr. Vald. Rasmussen, of Copenhagen. Dub- lin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Iii, 60-62,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Mos. ler. Capillar-Aspirator. Illust. Vrtljschr. cl. arztl. Poly- tech., Bern, 1880, ii, 9-11.—Nelson (C. E.) The use of the aspirator in practice. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, .Conn., 1883-4, iii, 349-351.—Palm (T. A.) Some experi- ences with the aspirator. Edinb. M. J.,1880-7, xxxii, 398- 403 — Partsch. Ein Apparat zur Aspiration unci Injec- tion. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1889, xi, l.-Pavone (M.) Modificazioui all' aspiratore del Bigelow. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc mecl. in Palermo (1894), 1895,103-106. Also, Reprint.— Phelps (A. M.) A new form of aspirator aud needle. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 82.—Putnam (S.) Two cases of fatal use of the aspirator. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1880, Montpelier, 1881, 68-73. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1880, cii, 404.—Beeve (J. C.) A case of sudden death from the introduction of an aspirator needle. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 6. Also: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1887 xii 71. —Biva (A.) Dell'aspiratore-injettatore Pao- letti'. Riv. ital di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1881-2, i, 101-104. _____ Sugli aspiratori-iniettatori; nota critica e considera- zione cliniche. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1883, 3. s., iii, 241-288. Also [Discussion]: Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1882, Modena, 1883, x, 103-108.—Boy (G. Cl On a modified method of using the aspirator. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 162. Aspirators [Patent specifications for], Autcnrieth (YV.) Aspirator. No. 229796; July 13, 1880.— Borchcrs (W.) Aspirator aud air-injector. No. 49301"- March 7, 1893.—Hanlin (C. B.) Surgical aspira- tor No 297989; May6,1884.—Buault (A. E. A.) Surgi- cal aspirator, etc. No. 350895; Oct. 12, 1886. Ass. TT L . . A Gotthard (J. C.) Vollstandiger Unterricht iu der Zuclit, Wartung und Ptlege der Esel und Maulthiere, Benutzuug derselben, Kenntniss nnd Heilung ihrer Krankheiten. 16°. Erfurt, 1809. . , . .. . . Lesbre (F.-X.) Des proportions du squelette du che- val, de l'aneet du niulet; variations des proportions sui- vant les ages. J. de m6d. vet. et zootech.,!jL.yon, 1894, 3. s., xix, 150; 208. Assada (Joseph). * Rachitisme et syphilis os- seuse; essai de diflerenciation anatomique et clinique. 110 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1886,1. s., No. 333. ASSAKY. 728 ASSEGOXD. Assaky (Georges) [1855- ]. *De la suture des nerfs a distance. 79 pp. 4° Baris, 1686, No. 149. Also, Editor of: Clinica, Bucuresci, 1890. — ■nslitu- tul de chirurgie. 1890-91; 1891-2, Bucuresci. Assaliiii (Paolo) [1795-1840], Observations sur la maladie appelee peste, le flux dissent£rique, l'ophthalmied'figypte, et les moyens de s'en pr6- server. Avec des notions sur la fievre jaune de Cadix, et les projet et plan d'un h6pital pour le traitement des maladies e"pid6miques et con- tagieuses. xxi (11.), 166, 22, 36 pp., 3 pl. 16°. Paris, an IX [1801]. -----. The same. Observations on the disease called the plague, the dysentery, the ophthalmy of Egypt, and on the means of prevention. With some remarks ou the yellow fever of Cadiz, and the description and plan of an hospital for the reception of patients affected with epidemic aud contagious diseases. Transl. from the French by Adam Neale. x, 218 pp. 12c. London, J. Maw- man, 1804. -----. Ricerche sulle pupille artificiali. 59 pp., 5 pl. 8C. Milano, 1811. -----. Manuale di chirurgia. 2 v. 6 p. 1., 192 pp., 4 pl.; 168 pp., 3 pl. 16°. Milano, G. Pi- rola, 1612. -----. The same. 16. ed. 12°. Xapoli, G. Bus- coni, 1840. -----. The same. Taschenbuch fiir Wundarzte und Aerzte bey Armeen. Von dem Verfasser nach seinem Handbuche der Chirurgie neu bear- beitet und aus dem Italienischen iibersetzt von Dr. Ernest Grossi. xvi, 307 pp., xx, 4 pl. 12°. Miinchen, J. Lindauer, 1816. -----. Nuovi stromeuti di ostetricia e loro uso. ix, 11-44 pp.; iv, 5-60 pp.; 23 pp., 1 tab., 4 pl. BJ. Milano, stamp, reale, 1611. -----. Ricerche sulle pupille artificiali. 2. ed. 35-72 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Xapoli, V. Lipomi, 1818. Bound with: Portal (P.) Su 1' uso de' nuovi stromenti [etc.]. 8°. Napoli, 1818. Assaltus (Petrus). See I.ancisi (J. M.) (in 1. s.]. Opera quse hactenus prodierunt omnia [etc.]. 2 v. 4°. Genevce, 1718. Assam. Annual report on the dispensaries of Assam. By the deputy surgeon-general, Dacca Circle, to the secretary to the chief commis- sioner for the year 1874. 14 pp., 1 1. fol. Shil- long, Secretariat Press, 1875. -----. Administration reports on the jails of As- sam. By the inspector-general of jails to the secretary to the chief commissioner for the years 1874, 1876-80. 8° & fol. Shillong, 1875-81. Reports for 1874, 1876, in 8°. -----. Annual sanitary reports of the province of Assam. By the sanitary commissioner to the chief commissioner ofthe province for the years 1877-82; 1886-93. fol. Shillong, 1878-94. -----. Report on the treatment of leprosy with gurjun oil. From the officiating deputy surgeon- general, Dacca Circle, to the secretary to the chief commissioner of Assam. 2d Oct., 1876. 3 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1879.] -----. Annual vaccination reports of the prov- ince of Assam for the years 1881-2; 1883-4 ; 1885- 6 to 1893-4. By the principal medical officer and sanitary commissioner to the secretary to the chief commissioner, fol. Shillong, 1882-94. -----. A report of an investigation into the causes of the diseases known in Assam as kala- asar and beri-beri. By George M. Giles, iii, 156, 2 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. 8°. Shillong, Secretariat Press, 1890. Assam. Tezpur Lunatic Asylum. Annual reports ofthe surgeon-colonel and of the superintendent to the secretary to the chief commissioner for the years 1877-H1; 1883-5; 1888-93. fol. Shil- long, 1*78-94. Assam. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Bishnath; Gowhattee; Statistics « (Vital), by localities. Assam. Anuual report on the dispensaries of Assam. By the deputy surgeon-general, Dacca Circle, to the secretary to the chief commissioner of Assam, for the year 1874. fol. Shillong, 1875. -----. Annual sanitary reports of the prov- ince of Assam for the years 1877-82; 1886-93 fol. Shillong, 1878-94. Bichards (V.) An outbreak of cholera amongst As- sam emigrants. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1884, xix, 6. Assaildro (M.) Relazioni morali ed economiche sui saggii di cure climatiche alpine gratuite e cooperative tenutosi col approvazione dell' au- torita tutoria dal r. Ospizio di beneficenza sul Moncenisio. 1., 1891; 2., 1891-2. 8°. Bologna y Torino, 1892-3. Assault (Indecent). See, also, Criminals (Mental condition, etc., ofi). Brouardel (P.) Des causes d'erreur dans les expertises relatives aux attentats a la pudeur. Memoire lu a la Socie'te. de m6decine 16gale. 8°. Paris, 1883. Aho, in: Soc.de m6d. 16g. de France. Bull, Par., 1885, viii, 129-169. Attentate auf die Sittlichkeit. (Aerztliches Gutach- ten.) Irrenf'reund, Heilbr., 1885, xxvii, 70-75.—Oibb (W. T.) Indecent assault upon children. In: Hamilton & God- kin. Syst. Legal Med., 8°, N. Y., 1894, i, 649-657. — Jolly. Superarbitrium der k. wissenschaft. Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen vom 7. Januar 1891, betreffend Unzucht mit Kindern. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1891, 3. F., ii, 1-5.—von Kraflft-Ebing. Unzuchtsdelikte, be- gangen von einem Schulleiter an seinen Schiilerinnen; Alkoholismus chronicus; fragliche Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1894, xiv, 321- 330.—Lop (P.-A.) Attentats kla, pudeur conimis par des femmes sur des petits garcons; blennorrhagie commu- nique. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon Sc Par., 1895, x, 37- 42.—iTlarnmlon de ITIontyel (E.) Attentats k la pu- deur commis par un alcoolique; delirium tremens post6- rieur a Iain-station. Enc6phale, Par., 1885, v, 286-301.— IVIasbrenier. Attentat a la pudeur par nn alcoolique sur ses enfants. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 255- 258.—3Iotet. Outrage public k la pudeur; condamna- tion; appel: confirmation. Ibid., 1886, 3. s., xv, 202-213.— Ottolenglii (S.) Nuove ricerche sui rei contro il buon costume. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.]. Torino, 1888, ix, 573- 577.—Niinon (P.) Des preuves indirectes fournies par l'expertise m6dicale dans les attentats k la pudeur commis sans violence sur les enfants. Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1894, xxvi, 225-228.—Vcrgchen (Die) gegen die Sittlich- keit. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1860, xi, 323-363.— Viazzi (P.) Offesa pubblica al pudore. Arch, di psi- chiat. (etc.], Torino, 1895, xvi, 36-56. Asschenbergh (Gysbertus). *Defurtis. 2 p. 1., 17 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Lucht- mans, 1786. [P., v. 1010.] Assclier (Emanuel Benjamin). *De plumbo ejusque prreparatis. 1 p. 1., 37 pp. 8°. Amstelw- dami, M. H. Binger, [1848]. Assega (Cosimo). Manuale pratico patologico- terapeutico di medicina semplice ad uso dei seminari, delle scuole elementari, tecniche e femminili ed anche dei comnni agricoli e delle famiglie in generale. 319 pp. 16°. Torino, C. Triverio, 1666. Assegoild (Albert). Manuel hygi£nique et the- rapeutique des bains de mer, contenant l'expose" des precautions qu'on doit prendre, avant, pen- dant et apres l'usage de ces bains; lenr maniere d'agir; les effets primitifs et secondaires qu'ils d^terminent; l'indication des maladies quire"cla- ment leur emploi etcelles qui en contre-indiqueut l'usage, suivi d'un apercu ge"n6ral sur les pro- prietes physiques, chimiques et me'dical des eaux minerales naturelles de la France. Nouv. 6(1. 184 pp. 16°. Bruxelles, H. Dumont, 1835. ASSELIN. 729 ASSMANN. Asselin (Michel). * Considerations sur les tu- meurs des bourses, ou capsules muqueuses du genou, et sur le traitement de quelques ulceres fistuleux. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, an XI [1803], No. 47. -----. Examen analytique de la topographic et de la constitution ni6dicale de l'arrondissement de Vire, departement du Calvados, ii, 347 pp., 4 1. 8°. Caen, F. Boisson ; Vire, Adam, 1819. Asselin (Stephane) [1^57- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude de l'6tiologie de la fievre typhoide spe"- cialement dans les petites locality. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 345. -----. The same. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil. 1694. AsseniDlee generale des ouvriers. Compte rendu dc 1' . . . du 4 juin 1865. 27 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Duport, 1865. [P., v. 1611.] van Assendelft (Cornells Deutz). *De pro- bationibus. 3 p. 1., 84 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1751. [P., v. 994.] Assendelft (Edmund). 'Chirurgische Erfah- rungen eines Landarztes. Bericht fiber das im Jahre lr72 im Gouveruement Nishni-Nowgorod, Kreis Sergatsch, von B. A. Paschkow gestiftete Privathospital zu Wetoschkino, vom 10. Juni 1.-79 bis 15. Miirz 1883. 1 p. 1., 139 pp., 3 1., 1 tab., 3 pl. 4C. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1883. van Assendelft (Nit-olaes). See Fabricius Hilanus (G.) Aanmerkingen rakende de genees- en de heelkonst. 4°. Rotterdam, 1656.—Har- vey (TV.) Van de beweging van 't hert ende bloet. 24°. t'Amsteldam, 1650.— Waloeii* (J.) Twee brieveu van de beweginge des chyls [etc.]. 24°. t' Amstelredam, 1650. Assendelft (Simon). *De febre quadam epide- mia. 11 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et hce- redes J. Elsevirii, 1668. [P., v. 1949.] Assezat (J[ules]) [1832- ]. See de La .llettric (J. O.) [in 1. s.]. L'homme ma- chine, sm. 4°. Paris, 1865. Assfalil (Eugen). *Ueber die Erniihrung grii- ner Pdanzenzellen mit Glvcerin. [Erlangen.] 30 pp. 8D. Stuttgart, A. Bonz1 Erben, 1893. d'Assi|rny. See D'Assigny. As-Sililiall. By Hasan Beg Eafgi [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1887-8. 8°. Buldq [Cairo]. Arabic text. Assimilation. Bokorny ( T. ) * Studien nnd Experimente fiber den chemischen Vorgaug der Assimilation. Habiltationsschrift. 8°. Erlangen, 1686. Pallop (O.) * Klinicheskiya izsliedovaniya nad dieistviem iskusstvennych mineralnych vod Karlsbada i Vichy na azotistyi metamorfoz. [Clinical researches on action of artificial Carls- bad and Vichy mineral waters upon assimila- tion.] -:. Jurjeff, 1894. I>e Dantec (F.) L'assimilation fonctionnelle. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1895, cxxi, 950-953. -----. A pro- pos de l'ns-imilation fonctionnelle. Ibid., ]896, exxn, 538- 541 —Viiillemiu (P.) Assimilation et activite. Ibid., 411. Assink (Hendrik Jan). *Meletemata inangu- raiia physiologici, chemici et therapeutici argu- menti. 17 pp. 4°. Harderorici, E. Tyhoff, [1798]. [P., v. 1946.] Assirelli (G. P.) II medico coudotto, V ufficiale 'sanitario, la levatrice ed il veterinario comu- nali, cou accenno al medico provinciale; con oltre 160 massime di giurisprudeDza. 221 pp. 12°. Torino, L. Bouxe C, 1893. de Assis L.opes Martins (Joao). * Disserta- cao. Seguuda cadeira de clinica cirurgica de adultos. Ponto n. 9. Das indicacoes e contra- indicacoes da operacao d'Estlander nos casos de empyema. Proposicoes tres sobre cada uma das cade'iras da Faculdade. 3 p. 1., 66 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Laemmert Sr C, 1666. d'Assis e Souza Vaz (Francisco) [1797- 1870]. *De l'influence salutaire du climat de d'Assis e Souza Vaz (Francisco)—cont'd. Madere (lie portugaise) dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire, et la superiority de cette influence snr celle des climats du sud de la France ot de l'ltalie. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 205. -----. Relacao historica, statistica. e medica da cholera-morbus em Paris, precedida da topogra- phia desta capital, iv, 372 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. b°. Paris, J.-P. Ailland, 1833. Noticia sobre o estado actual da casa da Roda da cidade do Porto; seguida de algumas eonsideracoes hygienicas applicaveis a este e outros similhantes estabelecimentos offerecido ao Ellin0. Snr. Antonio Joaquim Pereira. 16 pp. 8°. Porto, imp. aos Lavadouros, 1834. [P., v. 1258.] ----. Instruccao acerca da vaccina. 2 1. 8°. Porto, A. Bibeiro, 1835. [P., v. 1244.] Memoria sobre a inconveniencia dos en- terros nas igrejas, e utilidade da construccao de cemiterios. 51 pp. 8°. Porto, imp. Gandra y Filhoi, 1835. [P., v. 1248.] Dos enterros precipitados seus inconve- nientes e providencias que reclamao. Conside- racoes hygienicas. pp. 43-63, 2 tab. 8°. Porto, 1836. [P., v. 1251.] Cutting from: Ann. Soc. lit. portuense, Porto, 1836. Descripcao de hum feto monstruozo ex- posto na caza da Roda da cidade do Porto. 105- 120 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Porto, A. Bibeiro, 1837.] [P., v. 1258.] Cutting from: Ann. Soc. lit. portuense, Porto, 1837. Elogio de Antonio Jose" de Souza. Noti- cia historica lida em sessao extraordinaria da Sociedade literaria portuense. 16 pp. sm. 8°. [Borio], A. Bibeiro, 1838. [P., y. 1258.] Exposicao £ camara municipal da cidade de Porto acerca d'expostos, em 30 de dezembro de 1839. 8 pp. 8°. Porto, Gandra e Filhos, 1840. [P., v. 1258.] Da verifica$ao dos obitos. 38 pp. 8°. Porto, typ. da Eevista, 1845. [P., v. 1258.] -----. Addiccao ao opusculo da verificacfio dos obitos. 19 pp. 8°. Porto, typ. commercial, 1845. [P., v. 1258.] -----. Os expostos; hospicio do Porto. 61 pp. 8°. Porto, typ. da Bevista, 1848. [P., v. 1258.] See, aho, Chateauncuf (B.) Algumas paginas acerca de expostos. 8°. [Porto, 1841.] For Biography, see Ayres ile CJotivea Osorio (J. F. A.) Noticia biographicado couselheiro Francisco d'Assis Souza Vaz, e notas historicas acerca do ensino da cirurgia no Porto. 8°. Porto, 1873. Assistance (L'). Bulletin officiel de la Poli- cliuique de Paris. Re"d. en chef: Dr. Lucien Butte [Monthly.] v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8°. Paris. Current. In 1893 became semi-monthly. Assistance (L') aux mutil^s pauvres. Bulletin trimestriel. No. 2, juillet 18e3; no. 3, octobre 1883; no. 4, Janvier 1884. 8°. Paris, 1883-4. Organe de l'ceuvre fond6e en 1868. Assiter (Harry G.) Some notes on the new pub- lic health act for London. (The public health (London) act, 1891.) With appendix: 1. The Loudon smoke aud fog nuisance. 2. Sanitary appliances. 3. Ventilation of factories. 4. The collection of house refuse. 52 pp. 8°. London, C. Lockwood 4- Son, 1692. Assmailli (Henricus Daniel.) *Diss. exhibens hetnitritaeum sive tertianam malignam gravissi- mani et vexatissimam compositarum febrium speciem. 24 pp. 4°. Erfiordiw, typ. Groschianis, [1726]. [P., v. 1915.] Assmann (Richard). Wetterwarte der Magde- burgischen Zeitung. Meteorologische Station I. Ordnung. 8 pp. 4°. Magdeburg, Faber, 1883. -----. Das Klima. 57 pp. 8°. Jena, 1894. In v. 1, 1. Abt., of: Handb. d. Hyg. ASSMANN. 730 ASSOCIATION. Assmailli (Richard)—continued. -----. Aspiration apparatus invented by . . . Constructed by R. Fuess. 2 1. 4°. [Berlin, n. d.] Assmiis (Carl). * Ueber einen Fall von ange- borner Stenose des Conus arteriosus dexter bei offner Kammerscheidewand des Herzens. (De- fect des hiutern Theils des vorderen Septums. Rokitansky.) [Gottingen.] 56 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1«77. Repr. from: Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xx. Assmuss (Eduard). Die Parasiten der Honig- biene uud die durch dieselben bedingten Krank- heiteu dieses Iusects. Nach eigenen Erfahrun- gen und dem neuesten Standpuukt der Wissen- schaft. 1 p. ]., 56 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Berlin, E. Schotte 4- Co., 1865. Associate Institution for Improving and En- forcing the Laws for the Protection of Women, London. Remedies for the wrongs of women. Published by order of the committee. 5. ed. <»4 pp. 8C. London, Hatchard 4' Son, 1844. Associated Charities of Boston. Constitution. Adopted by the society Dec. 9, 1879. 8 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1879.] -----. Report of the Ward vi. Work-rooms for the summer of 1879. 18 pp. 12°. Boston, B. Hildreth, 1670. -----. A director of the charitable and benefi- cent organizations of Boston, together with "legal suggestions", "health hints", "sugges- tions to visitors", etc. Prepared by the Asso- ciated Charities, xii, 182 pp. 12°. Boston, A. Williams 4- Co., 1880. -----. Practical hints for the repression of pau- perism. 1 sheet. 12°. [Boston, 1880.] -----. Annual report of the directors to the as- sociation. 1.-15., 1879-80 to 1893-4. 8°. Boston, 1860-94. -----. [Appeal for funds for the year 1881. Jan. 1,1881.] 1 sheet. 8°. [Boston, 1881.] -----. Associated charities. Immediate duty of every city to organize its charities on a wise and thorough system, to deal in the best way with every varying need. Address at the bureau of charities, at Brooklyn, March 31,1881, by Robert Treat Paine, jr. 20 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1881.] -----. [Circulars.] CONTENTS. No. 2. Rules and regulations for visitors of the Associ- ated Charities. Dec, 1879. Revised Dec, 1880. 44 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1880.] -----. The same. Revised Nov., 1882. 2 1. 8°. [Boston, 1882.] No. 8. Feb., 1880. Essays by Octavia Hill. District visiting. A few words to volunteer visitors among the poor. A more excellent way of charity. A word on good citizenship. Effectual charity. 34 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1880.] [Repr. from: Our Common Land.] No. 9. Feb. 20, 1880. The relation of private alms-giv- ers to the Associated Charities. 1 sheet. 8°. [Boston 1880.] No. 11. Feb. 16, 1880. Hints to a conference. 4 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1880.] No. 13. Feb. 9, 1,-8(1. Report from the conference of ■Wards xvii and xviii. 3 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1880.] No. 14. April 26, 1880. Visiting during the summer. Visiting families that become self-supporting. Mutual benefit societies. 1 sheet. 8°. [Boston, 1880.] No. 16. June, 1880. Cost of funerals. 1 sheet. 8°. [Boston. 1880.] No. 17. "Not alms, but a friend." The work of volun- teer visitors of the Associated Charities among the poor. Its limitations, allies, number of workers, aims and grand results. By Robert Treat Paine, jr. Read Sept. 10, 1880, at tlie socbil science conference at Saratoga. 19 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1880.] No. 18. First annual report for 1879-80. 8°. Boston, 1880. No. 19. Feb. 23, 1881. [Report of Ward viii, read at the general conference of the Associated Charities, Jan. 10, 1881.] 2 1. 8°. [Boston, 1881.] [Published for infor- mation only. The central executive committee are not re- sponsible for the ideas expressed.] Associated Chanties of Boston—continued. No. 20. March, 1881. Truant officers. 1 sheet. 8? [Boston, 1881.] No. 21. March 18,1881. The best way to deal with cliil- dren taken from homes of vice or neglect. Life in a fain ily vs. large institutions. By Mrs. Clara T. Leonard. (Substance of an address made to the Associated Charities of Boston, at a general conference on Feb. 14, 1881.) 15 pp. 8°. Boston, 1881. No. 23. March 18, 1881. Rogues, vagabonds, idjers, etc. General statutes, chap. 165, sect. 28. Vagrants. Statute of 1866, chap. 235. 1 sheet. 8°. [Boston. 1881.] No. 24. May 16, 1881. Report of the committee- on in- dustrial training. Read before the general conference, May 16, 1881. 8 pp. 8°. Boston, 1881. No. 26. By-laws. Nov., 1881. Revised Nov., 1882. 2 1. 8°. [Boston,'1882.] No. 27. Second annual report for 1880-81. 8°. Boston, 1881. No. 30. March, 1882. Alms. [Principles which the board of directors believe should govern alms-giving.] 4 pp. 12°. [Boston, 1882.] Nos. 31, 35, 38. 3.-5. annual reports, 1881-2 to 188JJ-4. 8°. Boston, 1882-4. No. 39. April, 1885. The district conference and its executive committee. 11. 8°. [Boston, 1885.] No. 40. April, 1885. Directions for the work of an agent. 1 1. 8°. (Boston, 1885.] Nos. 42, 45, 47, 49. 6.-9. annual reports, 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8°. Boston, 1885-8. No. 51. Laws applying to tenements in the city of Bos- ton. 1889. 13 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1889.] Nos. 52-55, 59, 60. 10.-15. annual reports, 1888-9 to 1893-4. 8°. Boston, 1889-94. Associated Charities of Cambridge. Annual reports of the directors. l.,1883; 5., 1886-7; 8., 1889-90. 8°. Cambridge, 1883-90. Organized Dec, 1881; incorporated Jan. 16, 1883. Associated Charities of Cincinnati. Annual report of the provisional central board to the society. 1., 1879-80. 42 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Walden -95. -----. Abstracts of papers, to be read at the 10. annual meeting, to be held in Washington, D. C, May 30, 31, and June 1,1895. 10 pp. 8-. [n.p., 1607).) Association amicale des internes et des anciens internes des hopitaux de Paris. [Statuts, pro- cess-verbaux et meinbres. ] 23 pp. 8°. [Paris, A. Parent, 1885.] Association for Befriendiug Children and Young Girls, Xew York City. Annual reports of the managers to the friends and public. 1.-8., 1870-71 to 1877-8 ; 10., 1879-80; 14., 1883-4. 12-. Xew York, 1872-84. Opened March 25, 1870. Association beige contre l'abus des boissons alcooliques. Bulletin de 1'. . . 1. annee, 1882-3; nos. 1-2, 2. annee, 1883. 8°. Bruxelles, 1882-3. Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans, New York City. Annual reports of the man- agers to the patrons and subscribers. 26., 1861-2; 27., 1862-3; 29., 1864-5; 41.-46., 1876-7 to 18-1-2. 8-. Xew York, 1863-83. Association for the Blind, Leicester. Annual reports of. 8.-11., 1866-9; 13., 1871; 16., 1874; 1-.-22., 1876-80; 24., 1882. 12c & 8°. Leicester, 1867-83. Association for the Care of Colored Orphans, Philadelphia. Annual reports of the managers to their patrons and friends. 4., 1839; 9., 1844; 11., 1846; 14., 1849; 21., 1856; 24., 1859; 28., 1863; 30., 1865; 33.-39., 1868-74; 41.-53., 1876-88. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840-89. Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Health statistics of women college graduates. Report of a special committee of the . . ., Annie G. Howes, chairman, together with statistical tables collated by the Massachusetts bureau of statistics of labor. 78 pp. 8°. Boston, Wright #Potter Printing Co., 1885. I Association of the Directors of the Poor of the State of Pennsylvania. Annual convention of the... 6., 1880. 64 pp. 8°. Pittsburgh, G. L. Follansbce, 1880. Association de I'Ecole odontotechnique. Ecole et clinique dentaires. Enseignemeut profession- al libre. Dispensaire gratuit pour les maladies des dents. Programme des dtudes et reglements, 1893-4. 34 pp. 12°. Paris, [imp. de St.-Denis, 1604]. -----. Resultats des dix dernieres anne'es de foiictioiinenieiit du ler Janvier 1884 au 31 deceui- bre 1893. 11 pp. 8°. Saint-Denis, H. BouiUant, 1604. Association de dames francaises. Bulletin de 1' . . .; secours aux militaires blessds ou malades en cas de guerre; secours aux civils en cas de calamitd publiques et de ddsastres. No. 2, 1. annde, ddcembre 1886. pp. 33-64. 8°. Amiens, 1886. Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario. Reports of the annual meetings. 5., 1890; 6., 1891; 8.-10., 1893-5. 8-. Toronto, 1691-7), Eighth report contains the contents of the annual pro- ceedings from 1887 to 1893. Association of Ex-Resident Physicians of the Pennsylvania Hospital. List of members, 1888. 10 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, W. F. Fell 4- Co., [n. d.]. Association francaise pour l'avancement dea sciences. Compte rendu. 3.-12. session, 1874-83. 8-". [v. p.], 1875-84. Association francaise de chirurgie. Proces- verbaux, mdrnoires et discussions. 7.-8. con- gres, 1893-4. xx, 869 pp.; xx, 903 pp. 8'~. Pa- ris, F. A lean, 1894-5. Continuation of: Congres francais de chirurgie. Association francaise contre l'abns du tabac et boissons alcooliques. Bulletin de 1' . . . Anne'es 1-15, 1869-83. 8°. Paris, 1869-83. AY ant no. 4, 1882. Association francaise contre l'abus du tabac. Compte-rendu de la stance publique annuelle, 1870. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1670. Repr. from: Bull, de l'assoc. Association (L') fraternelle des dtndiants en me'decine de Paris. Projet de statuts dlabord par uue commission nominee par les dtudiants le 1" mai 1861. Rapport presente' au 110m de cette commission a l'assemblde gdudrale des etudiants en me'decine, par M. Regnard. 24 pp. 8C. Pa- ris, E. Martinet, 1864. Association gdndrale d'approvisionnemeut et de consommation. Exposd des motifs. 16 pp. *-. Paris, Dubuisson 4' Cie., 1864. Association gdndrale pharmaceutique de Bel- gique. Extrait du proces-verbal de l'assemblde des pharmaciens beiges, sous les auspices de 1'.. . (Enseigneinent pharmaceutique). Sdancedu 18 Janvier 1885. 7 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1885.] See, also, Federation medicale beige. Expose des motifs du contre-projet de loi sur la police et la discipline medicales. roy. 8°. ' [Liege, 1880.J Association gdndrale des mddecius de France. Society locale de Loir-et-Cher. Fondee le 25 a6ut 1857. 1857-87. 29 nos. 8°. Blois, 1857-87. Want annee 1879. -----. Association de prdvoyance et de secours mutuels des mddecins de la Vienne. Assembled gdndrale ordinaire (elude des diverses questions a 1'ordre du jour de l'Association gdndrale) tenue a Poitiers le 6 juillet 1*85 et reunion extraordinaire (suite de la discussion du projet Snrmay) tenue le 21 octobre 1885. 42 pp. 8°. Poitiers, Oudin, 1885. -----. Association des medecins de la Gironde, fondee le ler juillet 1859. Assemblies generates ASSOCIATION. 732 ASSOCIATION. Association gdndrale [etc.]—continued. des 1" juillet, 25 novembre 1888 et 10 mars 1889, prdsidees par M. Hameau. 71 pp. <--. Bor- deaux, G. Gounouilhou, 1889. -----. Socidtd locale des mddecins du ddparte- ment de Lot-et-Garonne. Sdance annuelle tenue le 15 septembre 1869. 16 pp. 8°. [Agen, P. Xoubel, 1869.] -----. Socidtd de la Loire-Infdrieure. Compte- rendu des sdauces des 27 juillet 1869 et 25 Janvier 1870. 52 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Xantes, Ve. C. Mellinet, 1-7H. Association gdndrale de prdvoyance et de se- cours mutuels des mddecins de France. Socidtd locale de la Haute-Vienne. Assemblde gdudrale tenue a Limoges le 17 mars 1870. 24 pp. 8°. Limoges, Ve. H. Ducourtieux, 1870. -----. Vingt-septieme assemblde gdndrale (2 et 3 mai 1886). Compte rendu gdndral sur la situa- tion et les actes de 1'Association pendant l'aunde 1885, par M. le Dr. Foville, sec. gdn. 19 pp. 8°. Pavis, Alcan-Le'vy, 1886. -----. Revision du ddcret du 18 juin 1811 rdglant les honoraires des expertises mddico ldgales. Rapport de la commission nonimde par le conseil gdndral, prdsentd a l'assemblde gdndrale dans la sdance du 14 avril 1890, par M. Motet. 33 pp. 8\ Paris, Alcan-Le'vy, 1890. -----. Societd locale de Loir-et-Cher. Statuts. 11 pp. 8°. Blois, J. Marchand, 1875. Association of Hospital Physicians and Sur- geons of Philadelphia. '20 pp. 16°. [Phila- delphia], 1893. Association for the Improvement of the Con- dition of the Poor. Address to the public; con- stitution and by-laws; and visitor's manual, New York, January, 1844. 34 pp. 12°. Xew York, J. S. Taylor 4- Co., 1644. Association for the Improvement and Exten- sion of the Scottish Universities. Report by the acting committee to the general meeting of the association, held at Edinburgh, 7th November, 1857; resolutions adopted by the meeting, etc. 18 pp. 8-'. Edinburgh, B. Hardied'-Co., 1857. Organized March, 1854. Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Per- sons. Proceedings of sessions. 3-7, 1878-82; 11 & 12, 1887-8. 8. Philadelphia, 1879-89. Three and 4, 1878-9, in 1; 6 and 7,1881-2, in 1; 11 and 12, 1887-8, in 1. Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane. Proceed- ings of annual meetings. 8, 1853; 22, 1878; 26, 1872; 30, 1876; 32, 1878; 39. 1885; 41. 18-7; 44, 1890. 8°. Utica, 1853-90. -----. History of the project of the law for reg- ulating the legal relations of the insane, recom- mended by the . . . Boston, June, 1868. 13 pp. MS. fol. 1868. Association des mddecins du ddpartement d'Alger. Proces-verbal de l'assemblde gdndrale tenue le 3 Janvier 1885. 21 pp. 8°. Alger, A. Jourdan, 1885. Bound with: Alger m6d., 1885, xiii. Association des mddecius du ddpartement de j la Seine, fondde a Paris le 19 juillet 1833, sous le nom d'Association de prdvoyance des mddecins de Paris; reconnue comme dtablissement d'uti- litd publique, le 16 mars 1851. Statuts honio- loguds de la socidtd. 8 pp. 8J. [Paris, Plon fireres, 1851.] Continuation of following. -----. Reconnue comme dtablissement d'utilitd | publique, par ddcret en date du 16 mars 1851. Assemblde gdndrale annuelle. 8°. Paris, 1852- 80. Want 1871. I Association des mddecins [etc.]—continued. -----. La sdance gdndrale annuelle aura lieu le dimanche 28 jauvier 1866. [List of members; also financial exhibit for 1865.] 39 pp. 8° [Paris, 1866.] -----. Statuts. 16 pp. 8°. [Paris, n.d.] Association de mddecins de Paris. Assemblde gdndrale annuelle. 1839-40, 1842-51. Continued as preceding. -----. Statuts. 12 pp. 8°. [Paris, Bethune &■ Plon, 1843.] -----. Rapport fait a l'assemblde gdndrale du 26 Janvier 1845. Au nom de la commission gdndrale de 1844; M. Vosseur, rapporteur. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris, Bethune 4-Plon, 1845.] -----. Mdmoire relatif au projet de loi sur l'en- seignement et l'exercice de la mddecine. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, Plon fir eves, 1647. Association des mddecins du Rhone. Assem- blde gdndrale annuelle. Le samedi 28 mai 1870. 32 pp. 8C. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1870. Association medicale de Loir-et-Cher. Fondde le 22 juin 1857. Sdance du 26 octobre 1875. 4 pp. 8°. Blois, J. Marchand, 1875. Association of Military Surgeons of the Na- tional Guard of the United States. Transac- tions of annual meetings. 1.-3., 1-91-3. 8°. Milwaukee 4~ St. Louis, 1891-4. -----. Proceedings of annual meeting. 4., 1894. lxxx, 712 pp. 8C. St. Louis, 1894. -----. Report of committee of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States on the proposed act of Congress for the protection of the insignia and name of the Red Cross. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 177, May 12, 1894. Presented by the President pro tern. 2 pp. 8°. [ Washington, 1894.] Association for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, Loudon. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 2., 1874-5; 5.-7., 1877-9; 10.-15., 1882-7; 18., 1890; 20.-22., 1892-4. 12°. London, 1-75-95. Established in 1871. Opened July 15, 1872. School for children and training college for teachers. -----. Speech delivered by the Prince of Wales, when presiding at the dinner given iu aid ofthe ... on 13 March, 1877. 1 sheet. 8°. [London, 1877.] -----. Constitution. 7pp. 8°. [London, Wert- heimer, Lea 4' Co., 1878.] -----. [Objects, general and special regulations of the normal school.] 7 pp., 11. -°. [London, Wertheimev, Lea 4- Co.], 1878. -----. Thesame. 8 . [London, M. H. Myers], 1682. -----. Oral instruction of the deaf and dumb. 35 pp. f°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons, 1684. Internat. Health Exh. Confer., Xo. 5. CONTENTS. Oral instruction of the deaf and dumb. By "William Van Praagh. Education of incurably deaf children. By "W. B. Dalby, F. R. C. S. -----. [Appeal to the public for support.] 4 pp. 8°. [London, n. d.] Association philotechnique pour l'instruction gratuite des ouvriers. Annde scolaire le-60-til. Distribution solennelle des prix, mentions, md- dailles, etc. 46 pp. 8°. Pan's, J. Claye, 1862. [P., v. 1771.] Association pour prdvenir les accidents de fa- brique, fondde en 1867 sous les auspices de la So- cidtd industrielle de Mulhouse. Instructions sur les premiers secours a donner en cas d'accidents. Rdsumd des chapitres ii et iii de l'ouvrage de MM. E. Ferrand et A. Delpech. Extrait du compte-rendu du 21e exercice. 16 pp. roy. 8°. Mulhouse, Veuve Bader 4' Cie., 1669. ASSOCIATION. 733 ASSOCIAZIONE. Association de prdvoyance des mddecins de Paris. Assemblde gdndrale annuelle. 1836-8. 8°. Pavis, 1836-8. Continued as: Association de ni6decins de Paris. Association de prdvoyance et de secours mil- tuels de mddecius du ddpartement du Nord. [As- semblde annuelle, I860.] 30 pp. 8°. [Lille, imp. Lefebvve-Ducrocq, 1861.] Bound with: Bull. m£d. du nord, Lille, 1861, 2. s., ii. Association de prdvoyauce et de secours mil- tuels des mddecins du Haut-Rhiu. Assemblde gdndrale ordinaire sous la prdsideuce du docteur Marquez. 17 pp. 8°. Montbe'liard, P. Hoffman, 1676. Association de prdvoyance et de secours mu- tuels des mddecins de la Meurthe-et-Moselle. Actes de . . . Exercice 1869-84. 8°. Xancy, 1870-85. Association for Promoting Education among Workmen, Apprentices, etc. Annual report of the directors to the subscribers for the vear 1846-7. 8C. [Edinburgh, 1847.] Report for 1846-7 in P., v. 1053. Association for Promoting the General Wel- fare of the Blind. [Circular. Feb. 3, 1857.] 14 pp. 8°. [London, 1857.] -----. Annual reports of the committee to the members of the association. 15., 1871; 26., 1882; 27., 1883: 29., 1686: 34., 1893; 35., 1894. 8°. London, 1872-95. Fifteenth in P., v. 973. Established 1856. Furnishes trained workers with employment; teaches blind persons who are ineligible fr.im age for ordinary schools for the blind in industrial occupations, and grants, also, small pensions to the blind unfit to work. ■-----. [Price list of articles manufactured by the inmates.] 31. 6°. London, Spottisivoode 4 Co., [18-7?]. Association for the Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Children in Boston. [Circular of committee aud by-laws.] 20 pp. 16°. Bos- ton, Bitot Press, 1864. -----. Annual reports to the subscribers and the public. 2., 1865; 4., 1867; 9., 1872; 10., 1873; 13., 1875-7; 15. & 16., 1879-80. 8°. Boston, 18,36-81. Organized May, 1864 t incorporated May 11, 1864. No re- ports printed for 1868-71. Thirteenth, forthree years, 1875- | 7. It contains synopsis of the labors of the association from its organization. Fifteenth and 16. in one. Association for the Protection of Dogs and Prevention of Rabies and Hydrophobia. The object of the associatiou is the repeal of the law for muzzling dogs ; also to publish information concerning rabies and hydrophobia. 11 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1878.] Association for the Relief of Aged Indigent Females, Boston. See Home for Aged Women, Boston. Association for the Relief of Jewish Widows and Orphaus of New Orleans. Annual reports of the officers to the members of the association. 26.-29., 1880-81 to 1883-4; 31.-36., 1885-6 to 1890- 91. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1881-91. Association for the Relief of Respectable, Aged, Indigent Females, New York City. An- nual report of the managers to the public. 45., 1857-8. 36 pp. 12°. New York, J. F. Trow, 1858. Organized 1813. Incorporated 1814. Association for the Supply of Pure "Vaccine Lymph, Loudon. [Circular relating to their (patented preparation).] 2 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Lon- don, 1884.] Association pour la surveillance des chaudieres a vapeur, constitude le 30 ddcembre 1872. Rap- port sur l'exercice 1885. Note sur les explosions de locomotives. 205 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, imp. Vve. Monnom, 1886. Association syndicate professionnelle des mdde- cins de la Seine, autorisde par arretd prdfectoral du 17 juin 1891. Statuts. 6 pp. 12°. Paris, Vve. Butot, 1691. Associazione di carita per le consultazioni e medicature gratuite in Lucca. Regolamento dell' ... 10 pp. 16°. Lucca, Baolino, 1888. Associazione dei cavalieri italiani del so- vrano militare ordine di Malta. Statuto dell' . . ., pel servigio sanitario militare in guerra. 20 pp. 12°. Boma, tipog. della S. C. di propa- gande fide, 1884. Associazione dei cavalieri italiani del so- vra.no ordine Gerosolimitano. Rapporto del servizio sanitario prestato in Gattinara dall' . . . presso il 1° corpo d' armata durante le grandi mauovre. Alessandro Ceccarelti. 26 pp. fol. I Boma, tip. Bomana, 1661. Associazionc chimico-farmaceutica fiorentina, fondata nell' anno 1877. Statuto della . . . Modificato nell' assemblea generale del 27 aprile 1883. 19 pp. 8C. Firenze, 1884. . Associazionc della Croce Bianca per la pub- blica assistenza in Roma. Resoconto morale del Carlo Palomba, presidente, all' assemblea generale del 23 aprile 1887. 15 pp. roy. 8°. Boma, tip. Frankliniana, [1887]. -----. Statuto e regolamento della ... 56 pp. 12°. Boma, tip. Prasca, 1887. -----. Relazione sull' audamento morale ed economico dell' associazioue durante 1' anno 1890 letta dal presideute Cav. Avv. Prof. Dionigi Conte Sicuro all assemblea generale dei soci. 16 pp. roy. 8°. Boma, tipog. Elzeviriana, 1891, Associazioue della Croce Ros"sa italiaua. Sotto comitato di sezioue di Brescia. 15 pp. 8°. [Brescia, tip. Savoldi, 1891.] Associazione della Croce Tnrchina. Pubblica Assistenza della Croce Turchina, Velletri. Statuto. 11pp. 8°. [Velletri, D. Molinari 4-C, 1892.] Associazione economiae previdenza. Regola- mento sanitario dell' . . . socio alto protettore S. A. R. il duca di Genova. 7 pp. 12°. Napoli, F. Giannini e Figli, 1684. Associazione farmaceutica Bolognese. Reso- conto morale ed economico dell' anno 1887. 3 1. 8°. [Bologna, 1888.] -----. Relazione morale ed ecouomica dell' anno 1888. 2 1. 8°. Bologna, 1889. Associazione farmaceutica italiaua. Statuto. 2 p. 1., 8 pp. 8°. Boma, Va. Prasca, 1887. -----. Atti della la assemblea generale tenuta a Bologna nel giugno 1888. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bologna, X. Zanichelli, 1868. -----. Atti del 2. congresso farmaceutico tenuto in Roma, 1889. 91 pp. 8U. Torino, 1890. Associazione industriale e commerciale di Firenze. L' acqua potabile e le condizioni sani- tarie di Firenze. Relazione della commissione nominata nell' aduuanza straordinaria del dl 31 ottobre 1891 e presentata all' assemblea generale del 25 novembre 1891 che ne deliber6 la stampa. 9 pp. 8°. Firenze, G. Civelli, 1891. Associazione italiana della Croce Rossa. Sotto comitato di sezione di Padova. Resoconto morale ed economico del presidente. Rapporto dell' economo cassiere. Anno 1886. 26 pp. 8°. Padova, F. Sachetto, 1887. -----. Sotto comitato di sezione Cremona. Reu- diconto morale ed economico dal 1864 al 1867. Letto dal segretario, Angelo Monteverdi, nella eeduta tenutasi il 15 febbrajo 1887. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Cremona. Bonzi 4" Signori, 1887. Associazione italiaua della Croce Rossa in soc- corso ai malati e feriti in guerra. Bollettino dell' Pubblicato per cura del comitato centrale. No. 1, gennaio 1879. 32 pp. fol. Boma, 1879. ASSOCIAZIONE. 734 ASSUERUS. Associazione italiaua [etc.]—continued. _____. Disegni del materials sanitario. Treni o.spedali pef trasporto sulle ferrovie dei malati e dei feriti in guerra composti con vetture A: della rete Adriatica. B: delle reti Mediterranea e Sicula. 3 1., 24 pl., 2 plans, obi. fol. Boma, 1st. Cartograf. Ital, [1892]. Associazione italiaua della Croce Rossa in soccorso ai militari feriti o malati in tempo di guerra. Relazione a cura del comitate) locale di Crema. 11 pp. 8°. Crema, F. Ferre, 1-84. Associazione italiaua di soccorso ai feriti o malati in guerra. Comitato milanese. Rendi- coiito morale ed economico. 8. (biennio 1876-7). 69 pp., 1 1. 8:. Milano, tip. editrice Lombarda, 1878. Associazione medica italiaua. Atti del con- gresso della ... 2, 1863: 4., 1868; 6., 1874; 8.-14., 1878-91. 10 v. 8:. [v. p.], 1864-93. Atti of 13. congress not published. -----. Atti del congresso provinciale di Cuneo, 1<72. 26 pp. 8°. Cuneo, Galimberti, 1873. -----■. Su le riforme desiderabili pel migliore ordinamento degli ospedali. 7 maggio 1873. Giulio Bastianelli, relatore. 34 pp. 8°. Boma, C. Barloli, 1873. -----. Comitate provinciale anconitano della . . . Commissione centrale vaccinica. La vacci- nazione. Consigli e norme. 16 pp. 6-. Ancona, E. Sanzani e Comp., 1881. -----. XII. Congresso medico ed esposizione. Pavia, settembre 1887. 43 pp. 8°. Pavia. Bizzoni, 18-7. -----. Regolamento del comitato Padovano dell' .... approvato nella seduta del giorno 18 luglio 1-88. 5 1. 8°. Padova, P. Prosperini, 1888. -----. XIII. Congresso, Padova. Esposizione medica, congresso ed esposizione d'igieue. Bol- lettino N. 2. 24 pp. 8C. Padova, stab. Pros- perini, 1-89. -----. XIII. Congresso, Padova. Esposizione medica congresso ed esposizione d' igiene. 20 pp. 8-\ Padova, stabilimento Prosperini, 1869. -----. See, also: Occasione (In) del secondo Congresso medico- italiano in Napoli. [Carme.] 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Bncchi Sc Piei-azzini. Congrfes mfedical de Turin. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1877, xxix, 114-121.—Barduzzi (1).) Kesoconto sommario dell' ottavo Congresso tenuto jn Lisa dal 22 al 29 settembre 1878. Comment, clin. di Pisa, 1878. ii, 493-533.—CSallarini. Quarto Congresso dei me- dici condotti a Milano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1877. 7. s„ iv, 358; 3C7; 376.—Griffini (K.) II terzo Con- gresso generale della Associazione medica italiaua. tenu- tosi in Firenze nell' ottobre 1866. Ann. univ. di med., Mi- lano, 18G(i, exeviii, 668.—Polto (S.) Relazione dei lavori della sezione di medicina del Congresso tenutosi in Napoli il settembre 1845. Gior. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1845, xxiv, 300; 385. — Prcparativi del Consrresso medico di Torino. Indipendente, Torino, 1876, xxvii, 145-160. — Re- soeoiilosonimai io dei Congressi medici di Pisa. Raccogli- toie med., Forli, 1878, 4. s., x, 291-308. — Rizzo-Matcra (S.) Dei Congressi medici e speciabnente del ix Congresso dell'Associazione medica italiana, tenutoin Genova nel set- tembre f880. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1881, 3. s., xi, 57- 83.—Sewlo Congresso del! Associazione nazionale dei me- dici cominunali, tenuto in Napoli del 24 al 30 settembre 1879. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1879, 8. s., i, 467; 477 ; 486; 497; 507; 518. Also: Indipendente, Torino, 1879, xxx, 742; 762; 790; 822; 843. Associazione medica Lombardia. Atti della . . . Nos. 1-2, 1891; nos. 1-6, 1892; nos. 1-4, 1893; nos. 1-4, 1894; nos. 1-5, 1895. 8°. Mi- lano, 1891-5. Associazione medica Marchigiana. Atti del 11° Congresso in Ancona, 1° al 4 settembre 18-9. 336 pp. roy. 8°. Ancona, A. G. Morelli, 1890. Associazione medica della provincia di Gir- genti. Bollettino della . . . Anni 1-3, 1892-4; nos. 1, 2, 1895. 8°. Girgenti, 1892-5. -----. Progetto di statuto per 1' . . . 4 pp. roy. 8J. [Girgenti, tip. Formica e Gaglio, 1892.] Associazione medico-farmaceutica circonda- riale. Bollettino dell'.. . Nos. 1-4, anno 1. 8°. Caltagivone, 1602. Associazione nazionale dei medici eomunali. Atti del vi Congresso dell' Associazione dei me- dici eomunali tenuto in Napoli dal 24 al 30 set- tembre 1879. 136 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Xapoli, 1880. -----. Regolamento per il comitato Valdarnese. 10 pp. 12°. S. Giovanni Valdarno, M. Bighie C, 1866. Associazione ottalmologica italiaua. Atti dell' Associazione ottalmologica italiaua; re- unioue di Napoli, settembre 1879. 85 pp., 1 1. 8~. Milano, 1879. -----. Rendiconto del xxii Congresso della . . . Riunioue di Palermo (12-14 aprile 1892). 180 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Pavia, 1893. Repr. from.- Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1892-3, xxi-xxii. Associazione Padovana per gli ospizi inarini. Resoconti niorali e conti consnntivi per gli anni 1882-3 a 1888-9; 1890-92. Relazione dei revisari dei conti. 12°, 8°, & 16°. Padova, 1886-93. Prior to 1888 the title reads: Associazione degli ospizi marini: Comitato di Padova. -----. Statuto dell' .. . 14 pp. 12°. [Padova, stab. Prosperini, 1889.] -----. Prima statistica decenniale degli esiti otteuuti sui fanciulli sottoposti alia cura marina (1881-91). 68 pp. 8°. Padova, L. Crescini 4- C, 1893. Associazione per la pubblica assistenza in Roma. Discorso del Carlo Palomba, presidente dell' . . . letto all' assemblea generale del 19 lu- glio 1886. 16 pp. 8°. [.Roma. 1886.] Associazione sanitaria permanente d' ambn- lanza iii Venezia. Relazione morale. 32 pp. 12°. Venezia, Longhi 4' Montanari, 1688. -----. Statuto dell' ... 41. 8°. Venezia, Fer- rari, Eirchmayr 4" Scozzi, 1868. Associazione fra i sanitari delle Romagne Bollettini dell' . . . Nos. 1-3, 1893; nos. 1-12; 1894: nos. 1-5, 1895; nos. 1-2, 1896. 8\ Fa- enza, 1893-6. Associazione veterinaria Romagnola. Sta- tuto-regolamento della . . . Approvato nell* adunanza generale del 27 febbraio 1892. 5 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini 4" Parmeggiani, 1892. Asson (Michelangelo) [1802-77]. Intorno al principio cholerico e al modo cou cui questa opera sull' organismo vivente; osservazione, sperienze, ragionamenti per servire alia etiolo- gia, fisiologia, patologia e terapeutica del cholera asiatico-europeo. 72 pp. 8°. Padova, tipi d. Minerva, 1836. Repr.from: Coment. di med. (G. F. Spongia), 1836. -----. Sulla frattura del collo del femore e sopra un nuovo apparecchio per la cura della mede- sinia. 28 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Venezia, Andreola, 1858. Repr. from: Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1858, 2. s., xii. See, also, Fabre (A. F. H.) Biblioteca del medico pra- tico [etc.]. 8-. Venezia, 1847-55. -----, Cortesi [et al.]. Intorno alia prima in- vasione del cholera-morbus iu Venezia. 74 pp. 8 . Milano, Lampano, 1836. [P., v. 942.] Repr. from.- Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1836, lxxviii- lxxix. Assuerns (Joannes). *De calculo. Respon- dente Christiano Smilovio. 42 1. sm. 4°. Bo- stochi,J. Pedanis, [1617]. [P., v. 508.] -----. Dissertatio iatromathematica. In qua de mediciuse et astronomic praestantia, deque utriusque indissolubili conjugio disseritur: tuna vero ipsa etiam astrologia, qua? pars est astro- noniise (qnatenus quidem arti medica? inserviens, et rationibus physicis, et gravissimorum homi- num observationibus, procul omni superstitione. ASSUBRUS. 735 ASTHENOPIA. Assuertis (Joannes)—continued. nititur) a contemptu quornndam vindicatur. 2. ed. 311 pp., 3 1. 16 \ Bostochi, hodredum Bi- chelianorum, 1629. Assm* (David). # Diss, sisteus nuituriie alimen- tariie lineamenta ad leges chemico-dynamicas aduinbrata. 59 pp. sm. 4°. Goitlnga', J. C. Baier, 1809. Assurance (The) Magazine, and Journal ofthe Institute of Actuaries. [ Quarterlv. ] 6 nos. forming 1 v. v. 10-13, Oct., 1861, to July, 1867. 8°. London. Continued as: Journal of the Institute of Actnaries and Assurance Magazine. Assyria. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., ofi), by locali- ties. A*1acu§. Bkalx (M.) * Ueber die histologischen Vor- giinge bei der Hautung von Astacus flnviatilis. 8-\ Wiirzburg, 1875. Haeckel (E.) *De telis quibusdam astaci fluviatilis. 8°. Berolini, [1857]. Asta - Biivnaga (Luis). Las ambnlancias civiles. 8istema existeute en Nueva York y su posible implantaciou en Santiago. 19 pp. 8^. Santiago de Chile, inq>. nacional, 1666. -----. El nuevo hospital de San Agustin y los seudo-hijieuistas. 8 pp. 8-. Valparaiso, 1694. Astaix (J.-B.) * Essai sur la theorie des sti- pules. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, Poussielgue, 1641. [P., v. 1698; 1837.] ficole de pharmacie. Astarins (Blasius). Opusculum breve et utile de curandis febribus ab Aben Haly super pri- mam quarti traditum. In: Gatixaria (M.) De cnris egritudinnm [etc.]. 8°. [Bononie, 1517], sig. A, ff. 1-19. Aho, in: -----. Thesame. 16°. Lu gduni, 1542, 82-104. Also, in his: De remediis morborum [etc.]. 24°. Yenetiis, 1575, 570-686. -----. Consilia quaedam valde utilia . .. uoudum inipressa feliciter incipiunt. In: DE Gkadi [or Gradibus] (Jo. Matth.) Consilia secundum viam Avicennae ordinata. [Ed. 2.] fol. Lug- duni, 1535, ff. 101-106. Astasia and astasia-abasia. Cahen (G. ) * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'astasie-abasie. 4-. Paris, 1-90. Jolly (P.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'asta- sie-abasie. 4°. Lyon, 1892. ------. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1892. Maigre (P.) * Quelques considerations sur l'astasie-abasie. 4C. Paris, 1892. Baronrca (S.) Un caz de astazie-abazie. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1895, xv, 351-35:;. — Benedikt (M.) Ein Fall von Abasie und Astasie. Mitth. d. Wien. Doct.-Coll., 1W2, xviii, 85.—Berthct. Sur un casd'astasiei-t d iibasie. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1S89). 1890, xxix, pt. 2, 93; 202.—Beltcnconrt Fcrreira (L> Sobre nrn caso de astasia abasia. Med. contemp., Lisb., Is95, xiii, 236.—Binswangcr (O.) Leber psychiscbe bedingte Storungen des Stchens und des Gehens. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 441; 473— Bloeq (P.) Sur une affection caract6ris6e par de l'astasii- et de l'abasie. (In- coordination motrice pour la station et pour la marche (Charcot et Richer); ataxie motrice hysterique (V. Mitchell); ataxie par d6faut de coordination automatiquo (Jaccoud).) Arch, de neurol, Par., 1888, xv, 24; 187.-----. De l'astasie-abasie. Kev. g£n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1889. iii, 165.—Bonaniaimon (L.) Deux nouveaux cas d'astasie-abasie. Arch, de neurol, Par., 1891, xxii, 93- 97.—Borgiotti (F.) Sc Bordoni (L.) Astasia, abasia isterica. Atti d. r. Accad. di fisiocrit. in Siena, 1891, 4. s., iii, 405-409.—Bo u oh a ml (J.-B.) Astasie-abasie: 1" k forme intermittente; 2" a forme saltatoire. J. d. sc. med de Lille, 1892, ii, 603; 627. Also: Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille (1892), 1894, 188-203.—Bremer (L.) A case ot hysterical astasia-abasia suing for damages, with remarks on the nature of this disease and the hysterical tempera- ment. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xx, 13-26. Also. Reprint —Britlo (A.) Duas observacoes de abasia paralytica. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1891-2, 4. s., ii, 56; 271. Also:' Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1891, 367: 1892, 59. -----. Endo-epideraia de abasia choreiforme na Bahia. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1891-2, 4. s., ii, 109; 174.—Ccnas. A propos Astasia and astasia-alasia. d'un cas d'astasie-abasie symptomatique; troubles de l'equilibre proyoques par les tumeurs du lobe frontal. Loire ni6d., St.-Etienne, 1895, xiv, 59-70.—Den uce. Des troubles de la marche (asfasie-abasie) cons6cutifs au phi- mosis congenital. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1894, xxiv, 146 • 161; 175; 185; 196.—Be Benzi (E.) L' astasiae 1' abasia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 172-176.—Doin (N. F. E.) Over een geval van astasie-abasie en mntismus hystericus. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2, 885-890.—Donadieii-l.avil. Un cas d'astasie-abasie hysterique. N. Montpel. m6d., 1894, xxxvii, 680-685.—Duprat. Syndrome de Jaccoud (asta- sie-abasie). Ann. de m6d. scient. et prat., Par., 1893, iii, 233-237,—Kslevcs (J. A.) Astasia-abasia y al(eraci6n especial do la palabra, consecutiva k la influenza. Rev. Sue. nied. argent., Buenos Aires, 1893, ii, 77.—Francois. Astasie-abasie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1893, 4,'s., i, 165-168.—Fricdlitiider (R.) Ueber Astasie-Abasie und ihre Behandlung. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1894, xiii, 354-359.—Hammond (G. M.) Astasia and abasia, with the presentation of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 261. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M.J., 1890, Iii, 612.—Knapp (P. C.) Astasia-abasia; with the report of a case of par- oxysmal trepidant abasia associated with paralysis agitans. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. T., 1891, xviii, 673-703. Aho, Re- print.— Kovalcvski (V. I.) Astasia-abasia. Arch, psi- chiat. [etc.], Charkov, 1891, xviii, no. 1, 83: 1892, xix, no. 3, 38: xx, no. 1, 82-94.—Lailainc, Un cas d'abasie-astasie sous forme d'attaques (attaque abasique). Arch, de neu- rol, Par., 1890, xix, 40-48—I^ecgaard (C.) Astasi-Abasi. Norsk Mag. f. Liegc-vidensk., Christiania, 1892, 4. R., vii, 1451-1464.— Lehiiinnn (L.) Zwei Falle von Astasie unci Abasie durch Oeynhansen's Bader geheilt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1893, xix, 502.—Levy (II.) Ein Fall von Astasie-Abasie. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. ii. Psy- chiat., Coblenz & Leipz., 1892, n. F., iii, 396-399.—Mar- fan. Paraplegie hvst6riqne ou asfasie-abasie. Bull. m6d., Par., 1896, x, 139— lVIingazziiii (G.) Intorno alia cosi detta stasobasofbbia ~( Debove). Bull d. r. Accad. ined. di Roma, 1894, xx, 29-37. —Nina Ro- drigues. A abasia choreiforme epidemica no norte do Brazil. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1890. v, 333; 341. Also: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1890-91, 4. s., i, 396; 452.—Oli- vier (A.) Note sur un cas d'astasie-abasie. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1890-91, 538-542.—Paudini (E.)_ 'Ao~ra- tria. r) afia pp. 1(>C. Firenze, [1893]. Repr.from: Boll, d' ocul., Firenze, 1893, xv. Asteracantliion. See Embryology. A*teridea. <»rimtliM (A. B.) On the renal organs of the Aste- ridea. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1891-2), 1893, xix, 200-202. Astlieiiometer. Ferri (L.) Di un nuovo astenometro. Osservatore, Torino, 1883, xix, 696. Asthenopia. See, also, Astigmatism. Higgkxs (C.) A form of muscular astheno- pia. 8C. [n-P-, n. d.] Landolt (E. ) De Fastb6nopie musculaire. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] ASTHENOPIA. 736 ASTHMA. Asthenopia. Abadie (C.) De l'asthenopie nerveuse. Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1885, xciv, 23-29.—Agnew (C. R.) A preliminary analysis of ten hundred and sixty cases of asthenopia. Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong. 1876, N. Y., 1877, 214-227. Also, Reprint. — Ay res (W. C.) Asthenopia; local and general headache, caused by muscular weakness of the eyes, and how such headache is to be cured. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1887-8, n. s., xv, 347-357.—Bates (W. H.) A case of asthenopia where gold spectacles were injurious. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1893, xliii, 237. -----. Gold spectacles as a cause of asthenopia. Ibid., 1895, xlviii, 571. — Borthen (L.) Astenopiens Va;sen og setiologiske Momenter. Tidsskr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania, 188C, vi, 1-14.— Brailey (W. A.) An example of a rare form of muscu- lar asthenopia. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1880- 81, i, 188-191. -----. A case of muscular asthenopia in a child. Ibid., 1882-3, iii, 287. -----. Case of asthenopia relieved by the use of a prism placed vertically. Ibid., 288. — Bronner (A.) Nervous ocular asthenopia in school children. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1382. — Bui ler (F.) The present status of asthenopia. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1894, xi, 327-333. Also: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 720-724. Also: Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii, 170-176. — IS lire hard I. Schwacbsichtigkeit in Folge von Nichtgebrauch des Anges. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1892, xvii, 474. — Collica-Accordino (V.) Due casi cli astenopiaaccomodativa, non dipendeute da iperme- tropia, e qualche cenno sulla prescrizione degli occhiali, speciahnente nelle anomalie della refrazione. Boll, d' ocul, Firenze, 1887, ix, 121-126.— Collins (W. J.) The asthe- nopia of neurasthenics. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889, xii, 324-328.—Considerations pratiques sur l'astheno- pie musculaire. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1881, ix, 56.— Cross (F.R.) Asthenopia and ocular headache. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1893, xi, 73-84. — Faton (F. B.) The physi- ology of certain oculomotor phenomena with respect to some recent theories of asthenopia. J. Atu. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1894, xxiii, 329-337. Also [Abstr.]: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1894-5, iv, 144-151.—En ko (P.) K ucheniou o mishcchnom sokrashenii. [On disease of muscular force.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1880, (xxxvii, pt. 2, 91-108.— Fano. Documents pour servir & l'histoire de l'astheno- pie musculaire. J. d'ocul. c-t chir., Par., 1880, viii, 221-224. -----. Asthenopie; un point peu connu de l'etiologie de cette affection. Ibid., 1889-90, ix, 141-143.—Faueonicr. De l'asth6nopie accommodative. Scalpel, Liege, 1893-4, xlvi, 162-164. —Fuclis (E.) Eigenthiimliche Form mus- c-nlarer Asthenopia. Arch. f. Augenh., "Wiesb., 1884-5, xiv, 385-391. — Oiraud-Tculon. The graphoscope as an instrument for the diagnosis of asthenopia. [Transl. by A. H. Jacob.] Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxix, 474; 495.—Graddy (L. B.) Mechanism and pres- ent status of the treatment of asthenopia. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1894, lxxvi, 7-22— Cradle (H.) The neurolog, ical aspect of asthenopia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 806-808. — de ©racfe. Sur l'asthenopie musculaire. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. 1802, Par., 1863, ii, 93-97.— Hale (G. W.) So-called muscular asthenopia. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1894, 144-153.—Hall (G. P.) As- thenopia, its causation and treatment. Louisville M. News, 1883, xv, 97-100. —Hansen (E.) Grade's Asthe- nopia musculaiis eller Insufficient af Mm. recti interni. Bibliotli. f. Larger, Kjobenh., 1863, 5. R., vi, 309-336.— Hazcn (E. H.) Asthenopia. Tr. Iowa M. Soc. 1879-80, Des Moines, 1880, iv, 125-136. Aho, Reprint.—Hi I gart- ner (H. L.) Asthenopia, due to muscular insufficiency. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1892, 261-265.—Hobby (C. M.) Asthenopia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii. 377. — HiibKclicr (C.) Motorische Asthenopie bei trau- matischer Neurosc. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1892, xviii, 376-379.—Jameson (J. C.) Asthenopia and eye-strain in their relation to systematic conditions. Columbus M. J., 18!)5, xiv, 152-160. — Jennings (J. E.) Asthenopia: nn strain. Med. Fortnightly. St. Louis, 1894, vi, 499-502.—blasters (J. L.) Asthenopia. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1895, xlvi, 75-84.—lTIoi-riaon (F. A.) Asthenopia and peripheral aben at ion. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1896, v, 52-54.—Morton (IL McT.) A careful report of four cases, suffering with severe asthe- nopia, eutirelyrelieved by rhythmic exercise after the fail- ure of other plans for treatment. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1893-4, iii. 342-345.—>'©rris (W. F.) Some remarks on as- thenopia and the changes in refraction in adolescent and adult eyes. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 1886, iv, pt. 2, 369-384. Also, Reprint.—Noyes (H. D.) On the tests for muscular asthenopia and on insufficiency of the external recti muscles. Cong, internat. period, d. sc. m6d. C. r. sect, d'ophth., Copenh. (1884), 1886, iii, 162-207. Aho, Re- print.— Fage (It. ('. M.) A case of diabetic asthenopia. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1894, xiv, 54. — Pomeroy (O. D.) On some points in the management of asthenopie symptoms in emmetropic and aiuetropic eyes. Ibid., 1880, xviii, 281; 309.— Pooley iT. R.) Asthenopia not dependent upon errors of refraction or insufficiency of the ocular muscles. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1893), 1894, 2. s.. x, 609-637. Aho: N. York Polvcliu., 1894. iii, 1-10. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1894, xiv, 53.—Bampoldi (R.) Sulle cause Asthenopia. meno frequenti dell' astenopia d' accomodazione. Ann. di ottal, Pavia, 1882, xi, 318-326. — Boberts (P. F.) Pre- scription de leutes en uu caso de astenopiaacomodativa por astigmatismo compuesto y anisometropia. Rev. m6d.- quir., Buenos Aires, 1879-80, xvi, 198; 227; 367. —Boosa (D. B. St. J.) Muscular asthenopia. Ophth. Rev., Loud., 1890, ix, 281-286. -----. Constitutional conditions com- bined with ametropia the cause of asthenopia. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 353-356. -----. The causes of asthenopia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Phila., 1891, 365-372. Also, Reprint. -----. Asthenopia dependent upon occupation. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 4. s., iv, 300.—Sclinltz (G.E.) Ot aste- nopii. Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1894, iii, SOS- SOS.—dc Schwcinitz (G. E.) A note on asthenopia and intranasal disease. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 378. Aho, Reprint.—Sinclair (A. G.) Asthenopia. South. Pract.' Nashville, 1880, ii, 277-279.— Stewart (J. H.) A caseof asthenopiadue toansesthesiaof theretina. Am. J. Ophth St. Louis, 1888, v, 184-186. —Theobald (S.) Subnormal accommodative power in young persons, a not infrequent cause of asthenopia. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1891, vi, pt, 1, 12J-140. — Thomas (C. H.) Muscular astheno- pia and its treatment by graduated tenotomy. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1894, xxv, 173-180. Also, Reprint. Also: Mecl. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894, lxxi, 180-184. Aho: Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 3f 1-314. Also: Maryland M. J. Bait., 1894, xxxi, 361-365. — Thompson (J. W.) Obser- vations on asthenopia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1884- 5, iv, 177-180.— Trapenard (G.) fils. Fatigue de l'ac- conimodation ou asthenopie; pai6sie du muscle accommo- dateur. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. C. r., 1872, xxvi, 110-116.—Valnde. Sur h-s asth6nopies. Bull. Soc. m6d.- prat, de Par. (1886), 1887, n. s., ii, 177-182.-----. Des as- th6nopies. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 766; 824. — Ve- lardi (E.) Dell'astenopia accomodativa. Boll, d'ocul. Firenze. 1881-2, iv, 117; 133; 158; 179: 1882-3, v, 14; 33; 77.— Waddick (J. M.) Asthenopia. Med. Compend., Toledo, 1889, v, 17-20.—Webster (D.) An obstinate case of asthenopia. N. York Polyclin., 1893, i, 70-72. -----. Asthenopia following acute nephritis and diphtheria, re- lieved by glasses, correcting hypermetropia and astigma- tism. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 364.—While (J. A.) Relations of refractive errors and muscular defects in as- thenopia or weak eyes, ocular headache, and other reflex neuroses. Tr. M. 'Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1890, 214-222. -----. The practical value of low-grade cylinders in some cases of asthenopia. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1894, 153-168.—Wilbrand (H.) Ueber neurasthenische As- thenopie und sogen. Anaesthesia retina?. Arch. f. Au- genh., Wiesb., 1882-3, xii, 163; 263; 4 pl. -----. Leber nervose Asthenopie. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Ge- sellsch. 1891, Stuttg., 1892, xxi, 178-188. —Woodward (J. H.) Muscular asthenopia. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 152-155. Asthma. See, also, Curschmann's spirals; Hay-fever; Nose (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of). Akessox (A. E.) * Cort af handling oni asthma nervosum (idiopathicum). 8°. Helsingfors, [1647]. Armstuong (J.) * Tentamen medicum de asthmate. 4C. Monspellii, 1769. Bauer (G.) Das Asthma, seine Entstehung, Wesen und Heilung Gemeiuverstandlieh darge- stellt. 6-. Berlin W., 1887. -----. The same. Het asthma, zijn ont- staau, zijn aard en zijne genezing, voor leeken uiteeugezet. 8°. Amsterdam, [1888]. Bekgson (J.) Das kranipfhafte Asthma der Erwachseneu. 8°. Nordhausen, 1^59. Bekkart (J. B.) On asthma; its pathology and treatment. 8°. London, 1876. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8D. London, 18-9. Boom (J. N.) * De asthmate spasmodico. ?°. Lugd. Bat., 1832. Boudant. Des diverses especes d'asthme et de leur traitement aux eaux du Mont-Dore. 8C. Monlins, 1864. Bowie (G.) * De asthmate. 8°. Edinburgi, 1812. Bree (R.) A practical inquiry into disordered respiration; distinguishing the species of con- vulsive asthma, their causes aud indications of cure. 3. ed. 8C. London, 1803. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8C. London, 1807. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1811. ASTHMA. 737 ASTHMA. A«tluiia. -----. The same. Praktische Untersuchung iiber kraukhaftes Athemholen, besonders iiber das kouvulsivische Asthma, seine eigenthum- lichen Ursacheu und Heilauzeigen. Aus dem Englischen mit Anmerkungen iibersetzt von K. F. A. S. 8°. Leipzig, 1600. BkI gelmaxx (W.) Ueber Asthma, sein We- seu und seine Behandlung. 8°. Berlin, 1866. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1697). Bltter (T.) * De asthmate. 8°. Edinburgi, 1816. Chicotius (I.) De asthmate, seu suspirioso auhelitu dissertatio. Dialogus: Cleodenius, Clirysippus. 12°. [Parisiis, 1669.] Cousin (J.) Novum asthma novis signis no- vam causam arguentibus novissiine detectum. 24\ Parisiis, llu'A. Davidson (J.) * De asthmate. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1616. Dobell ( H.) On asthma; its nature aud treatment, containing an entirely uew and com- prehensive working hypothesis, suggestive of new remedies and of the more efficient applica- tion of old ones. 4D. London, 1666. D'Orell (H.) "Disp. med. inaug. continens casum de astmate. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1669. Duchier (J.-J.) * De l'asthme. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1612. Eustache (A.-L.-J.) *De l'asthme nerveux et de sou traitement par l'electricite" statique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1667). Fisher (J. T.) A familiar treatise on asthma, difficulty of breathing, wheezing, and winter cough, containing, with other information, ex- plicit directions for the use of the stramonium herb. 2. ed. 16°. London, [1810]. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1811. -----. The same. 6. ed., corrected. 8°. London, 1811. [Floyer(J.)] A treatise ofthe asthma. Di- vided iuto four parts. In the first is given a history of the fits, and the symptoms preceding them. In the second, the cacochymia which disposes to the fit, and the rarefaction of the spirits which produces it, are described. In the third, the accidental causes of the fit and the symptomatic asthmas are observed. In the fourth, the cure of the asthma lit, aud the method of preventing it is proposed. To which is annexed a disgression about the several species of acids distinguish'd by their tastes. And'tis observed how far they were thought convenient or injurious in general practice by the old writ- ers, and most particularly in relation to the cure of the asthma. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1717. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1726. -----. The same. Traite" de l'asthme, con- tenant la description, les causes et le traitement de cette maladie. Traduit de l'anglois. 16°. Paris, 1761. -----. The same. 12'-\ Paris, 1771. -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1785. Goffres (J. -M. -A. ) * Considerations sur l'asthme. 8°. Montpellier, 18:55. GriLD (J. H.) A practical treatise on spas- modic asthma . . . together with a full descrip- tion of the only rational mode of cure. 8°. But- land, 1869. -----. The same. 8°. Butland, 1873. Hellaine (L.-M.-E.) *De l'existeuce d'un asthme essentiel. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866. Hellenics (W.) * De asthmate. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1668. 47 Asthma. Holscher (R.[F. A.]) * Ueber die Beziehun- gen zwischen Psoriasis und Asthma. 8°. Eiel, 1893. Also [Abstr.], in: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1893, xvii, 458-461. Hoffhaler (J. G.) Ueber die Erkenntniss und Kur des Brustkrampfs Erwachsener. 8°. Leipzig, 1626. Jarriau (A.) * Consid6rations g6n6rales sur l'asthme. 4 . Paris, 1853. Knight (L. A.) Asthma, its cause and cure. Hay fever, nose cold, and catarrh. 12°. [Cin- cinnati, 1862.] Kof.nig (H. P.) *De asthmate. 4°. Argen- torati, 1810. Lefevre (A.) De l'asthme. Recherches me- dicales sur la nature, les causes et le traitement de cette maladie. 8°. Paris, 1847. Lipscomb (G.) Observations on the history and cause of asthma; and a review of "A prac- tical inquiry on disordered respiration", in a letter to Robert Bree, M. D., the author of that work. 8°. Birmingham, 1800. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1805. Loque (M. ) *Coutribution a. l'6tude de l'asthme essentiel, envisage" surtout dans sa pathog6nie. 4°. Paris, 1894. Macleod ("YV.) Brouchitic and peptic asthma; their successful treatment. 8°. Edinburgh, 1860. Millar (J.) Observations on the asthma and on the hooping cough. 8°. London, 1769. -----. The same. Bemerkungen iiber die Eugbriistigkeit uud das Huhnerweh. Nebst ei- nem Auhange von der stinkenden Asa. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. 8°. Leipzig, 1769. Moritz (E.) Ueber Asthma bronchiale. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1884. Also, in: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i, 277; 285. Murphy (P.) *De asthmate. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Perrier (F.) Considerations sur l'asthme, sa nature, son traitement. 8°. Nimes, 1885. Pertsch (S. C.) * Diss. med. de asthmate. 4°. Lipsice, 1684. Pierce (R. V.) Asthma or phthisic. Anew rational and successful treatment. Part xiv. 12°. Buffalo, N. Y., [1884]. de Poorter (S.) * De asthmate idiopathico. 4°. Gandavi, 1828. Ronstorf (E.) *De asthmate. In: Leidenfkost (J. G.) Opus. phys.-chem. et med. 12°. Duisb. ad Rhen., 1797, i, 135-204. Rupitz (V. C.) *De asthmate. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1670. Sagrandi (P.) * De l'asthme permanent. 4G. Paris, 1884. Salter (H. H.) On asthma; its pathology and treatment. 8°. London, 1860. -----. The same. 1. Am. from last Eng. ed. 8°. New York, 1882. Schleussner (P. ) * Ueber eine besondere Art von Bronchialasthma. 8°. Ebnigsberg, 1872. Seguy (F.) * Essai sur l'asthme. 8-\ Mont- pellier, 1835. Steavenson ( W. E. ) * Spasmodic asthma. 8°. Cambridge, 1879. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Cambridge, 1882. Talbert (M.) * De l'asthme. 4°. Paris, 1859. Tassin (N.) * Sur l'asthme. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827. Teulon (R. B.) *De asthmate. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1820. Thorowgood (J. C.) The Lettsomian lect- ures, delivered at the Medical Society of Lou- AST LIMA. 738 ASTHMA. A*tluna. don, 1879, on bronchial asthma: its causes, pa- thology, and treatment. 12-. London, 1679. ----—. The same. 3. ed.. with a chapter on asthma in relation to gout. 12°. London, 1687. i Aho, in: Woon'S M. & S. Monog., N. Y., 1890, vi, 643-720. Valentin (C. F.) *Spec. exhibens asthma- tis pathologicam considerationem'. 4°. Eilia; [1751]. Velloso da Cruz (F.) * Essai sur l'asthme. 8D. Montpellier, 1*35. Vogel (R. A.) * Observationes binae de asth- mate siugulari ex cartilaginum costarum osse- scentia. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1776, v, 132. Walter (A. A.) *De la coexistence de l'asthme essentiel et de l'insuffisance aortique. 4°. Baris, 1666. Withers ( T. ) A treatise on the asthma. To which are added, cases and observations iu which the asthma is complicated w-ith the follow- ing diseases: Catarrhs, humoral asthmas, tuber- cles in the lungs . . . hysteric fits, general con- vulsions. 8°. London, 1766. An-iidl (A.) Zweckmassiges Verfahren, die Paroxys- rcen Asthmatischer zulindern; ein Beitrag zur Therapie des Asthma. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St, Petersb., 1849, vi, 81; 94. — It:ilx-i- (E. C.) Remarks on the theory of bronchial asthma. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 247.— Berg. Ueber Bronchialasthma. Yeroffentl. d. Gesell- sch. f. Heilk. in Berl. 1883, viii, Balneol. Sekt. v., 118- 124. — Bcrkart (J. B.) The treatment of asthma. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 917; 960: ii, 79; 201.—Bcrte- uoflT (N. A.) Sluch. polup. leg. (asthma bronchiale paralyticum). Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1892, iv, 410; 426; 442. — Bociining ( H. C. ) Two interesting cases of asthma. Coll. Sc "Clin. Rec, Phila., 1882, iii, 78. — Bos- chetti(F) Dell' asma nell' uomo e negli animali. Mod. zooiatro, Torino. 1892, iii, 320; 341.—Botworth (F. H.) Asthma, with an analysis of eighty cases, with especial reference to its relation to local diseases of the upper air tract. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1888, n. s„ xcv, 246-257.— Boni-H (W. H.) Association of erythema with asthma. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1891, i, l'-'82.—Bresgen. De l'asthma, de ses rapports avec le catarrhe nasal chronique, et du traitement local de ce dernier. Rev. med., Louvain, 1882, ■ i, 239-244. Aho: Samml. klin. Vortr.. Leipz., 1882, Xo. 216 [Inn. Med., No. 73, 1933-1954].—Bi-iigelniaiiii (W.) Zur Kenntniss von dem Wesen und der Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Badearzt, Wien, 1881, 25; 29. -----. Ueber die Entstehung und die Behandlung des Bronchial- asthma. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, ii, 25; 37. -----. Ueber Bronchialasthma. 1bid., 1885, i, 534-536. [Discus- sion], 546. Aho, Reprint. -----. Ueber neurasthenisches Asthma. Therap. Monatsh., Berl, 1892, vi, 282; 351.-----. Zwei Fiille von complicirtem Asthma Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl, 1892, lxi, 2065-2069. Aho, Reprint. -----. Zur Aetiologie nnd Therapie des Asthma. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl, 1893, lxii, 265. Also, Reprint.—Castellus (P. V.) De asthmate. In hh: Exercitationes med., 4°, Tolosae, 1616, 229-304.—fliicotin* (J.) De asthmate seu suspi- rioso anhelitu dissertatio; dialogus: Cleodemus, Chrysip- pus. In his: Posterion-s cogiitationes [etc.], 12°, Par., 1669, pt.2, 1-22.—C'oeclii (A.)' Asma. In.- Cons. med. di varii autori, 12°, Venezia, 1839, i. 237-245.—Coiubemale. Mort subite dans l'asthme. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1890, xxix, 461-405— Cnraclimann (H.) Ueber Bron- chiolitis exsudativa und ihr Verhaltniss zum Asthma nervosum. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1882-3, xxxii, 1-34, 2 pl. -----. Ueber Bronchialasthma. Ver- handl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1885, iv, 223-250. [Discussion], 275; 367. Aho [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1885, iv, 38-42. -----. Einige Bemerkungen zur Arbeit des Prof. G. S6e: Ueber Pneumobulbares Asthma. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1886, xii, 35-37.—Dcsider i u* (P.) De tnssi et asth- mate. In: Warenius (IL) Nosologia, 8°, LipsUe, 1605, 98- 107. — Dieulafoy. Diagnostic de l'asthme. Ann.de m6d. scient. et prat., Par., 1893, iii, 81 ; 89. —Binknssioii iiher Bronchialasthma. Wien. med. Presse, ls^j, xxiii 800; 830.—Dougan (D. H.) Asthma. Tr. Colorado M. Soc. 1880-81, Denver,1881,94-97.—Duke (E. T.) Asthma. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1896, xv, 97-99.— Finfhoven (W.) Sur Taction des muscles bronchiques, fitudic-e suivaiit une nouvelle m6thode, etsur l'asthme ner- veux. Arch, iieerl. d. sc. exactes [etc.], Harlem, 1892, xxvi, 1-90, 3 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Nederl. Tijdschr., v. Geneesk., Amst., 1893, 2. R., xxix, pt. 2, 469-495. 3 pl— Fedeli (F.) Intorno ad alcune forme cliniche dell' asma ed alia loro natura. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1886, iii, 337- 349.—Finny (J. M.) Asthma, with peculiar enlargement Asthma. of liver. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl, 1875-7, n. s., vii, 192.— Foot (C. J.) The pathology of asthma. Line. Connect M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1893, 200 -208.—Fothergill (J. M.j Asthma. Med. Rec, N. T., 1S8.V xxviii, 141-143 — Franceschi (G.) Dell' asma e delle cure che meglio jili convengono. Raecoglitore med. di Fano, 1860, xxi, 3*5; 433.—Qoldschmiilt. Ueber Initialsyniptome bei Asth- ma nervosum. Veroffeutl. d.Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Iieil. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1892, xiv, 70-76.—Goodhnrt. Spas- modic asthma. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1297.—Gi-im. wold (R. W.) Somewhat on asthma; effect of chloral ou the disease. Louisville M. News, 1885, xix, 17-19.__ Groasmann (M.) Eutgegnung auf die Arbeit Eiiitho- ven's: Leber die Wirkung der Bronchialmuskeln, uacli einer neuen Methode uiitersucht, und iiher Asthma ner- vosum. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1892, Iii, 567-589.— Haig (A.) Some points in the pathology and treatnient of asthma. Internat. Clin , Phila., 1893, 3. s., iii, 31-39. -----. The pathology and treatment of asthma considered with reference to the changes in the circulation of tho lungs produced by uric acid. Ibid., 1894, 3. s., iv, 57-65.— Hall (Do 11.) The causes and treatment of asthma. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890, vi, 37-50.—Hardy. L'asthme et son traitement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 922; 945. — Ilni-tmaiin. Asthma nocturnum period! cum. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1840, Berl, 1843, 81.—Hunter (J. W.) Asthma, its causation and treat- ment, with reports of cases. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1894-5, xii, 235-240. Aho, Reprint.— J acobsohn (P.) Ueber die Complication von Asthma bronchiale und Tuberculosis pulmonum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892 xxix, 1216-1219. — Jakovlefi* (A. A.) Sluch. upornoi nervnoi astmi na pochve nevrastenii. [Obstinate nervous asthma following neurasthenia.] Arch, psichiat. [etc.], Charkov,"1880, vii, no. 3, 49-56.—Kuli (E. J.) The etiol- ogy and cure of asthma. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1887, liv,279-285.—Lazarus, Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Lehre vom Asthma bronchiale. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 852.— Lelimumi (J. C.) Om Pathogenesen af Asthma hos Voxne. [Pathogenesis of asthma in adults.] Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1866, 5. R., xiii, 281-346. — Levi (G.) Del fenomeno inspiratorio nella bolsaggine. Clin, vet., Milano, 1887, x, 296-304.— Leyden (E.) Ueber Bronchialasthma. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1886, xv, 515-538, 1 pl.-McKee (E. S.) Asthma. Columbus M. J., 1890-91, ix, 241-248.— IVIader (J.) Asthma mit voriibergehendem Emphysema pulru.; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1888), 1889, 357. -----. Asthma nerv.; wahrscheinlich zusammenhangend mit Syniptomen von Morbus Basedowi; Ib-ilung des Asthma. Ibid., 358.— Mays (T. J.) Asthma. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, ii, 57-64.— IVIoncorge. Trois prodromes 61oign(-s de 1'asthme. Loire nied.. St.-Etienne, 1895, xiv, 299-303.— IVIoniii (E.) De l'asthme. J. de la saute, Par., 1895, xii, 145-148. — Morton. The analogy between croup and asthma. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887,' i, 159. — Miiller (H. F.) Zur Lehre von Asthma bronchiale; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der electiven Leukotaxis. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat.. Jena, 1893, iv, 529-541.— Hiilhcron (J.J.) Asthma. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1880, n. s., i, 30- 33.— von Noorden (C.) Beitrage zur Pathologie des Asthma bronchiale. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1892, xx, 98-106, 1 pl.—Norman (S.) Asthma or vaso-motor bronchitis. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1892, 13- 28. — Nothnagel. Asthma bronchiale, a. nervosum. Internat. klin. "Rundschau. Wien, 1890, iv, 1969; 2098; 2137. — Nuel (J.-P.) De l'asthme, pathog6nie et traite- ment, Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1893, 4. s., vii, 165-170.—del Papa (G.) Asma convulsiva. In: Cons. med. di varii autori. 1'-'°, Venezia, 1839, i, 175- 177.— Pasta (A.) Asma umoi-ale. Ibid., 343-353.— Pitcairn ( A.) De asthmate. In his: Opera omnia med., 4°, Lugd. Bat, 1737, 125-127. — Potain. De, l'asthme. Semaine m6d., Par., 1892, xii, 193. -----. L'asthme essentiel. Union m6d., Par., 1893, 3. s., lvi, 505- 508. Also: Scalpel, Liege, 1893-4, xlvi, 320.—Richard- son (J. J.) Asthma. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1891, 830-830.—Biegel. Ueber Bronchialasthma. Ver- handl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1*85, iv, 250-275.— Biegel (F.) Sc Fdinger (L.) Experimentelle Unter- suchungen zur Lehre vom Asthma. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1882, v. 413-434.—Bitter. Ueber Bronchialasthma. Jahresb. tl. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1885-6, 112-118. — Bobinson (B.) Some observations on tho causation and treatment of asthma. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889, vi, 139-158. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 225-231.—Rockey (A. P.) A peculiar case of asthma, Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvi, 109.— von Rokitansky. Ueber Asthma bronchiale. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1894, xxxix, 527; 538; 552.—Knmino (G.) Asma e sue diverse forme cliniche; patogenesi e terapia. Terap. clin., Pisa, 1893, ii, 3; 120.—Snllei-ini (G.) L' asma nervoso e bronchiale. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 367-370. — Saundby (K.) Notes on asthma. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1884, xvi, 109-117.—Maun- ders (H. J.) Asthma. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1896, xxi, ASTHMA. 739 ASTHMA. Asthma. 161-166. — Schaefler (M.) Asthma nnd seine Behand- lung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 403; 418. Also, Reprint.—Schech (P.) Leber Asthma. Miinchen. med. AVchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 772: 795. — Scbmidt (A.) Demonstration mikroskopischer Praparate zur Pathologie des Asthma. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi, 364-367. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Spu- tunis, insbesondere des asthuiatiscb.cn, und zur Pathologie des Asthma bronchiale. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1892, xx, 476-500, 1 pl. — Sebinidtborn (H.) Ueber Asthma nervosum. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1889. No. 328 (Inner. Med., No. 110, 2995-3006). — Sebnitzler (J.) Kasuistische Beit rage zur Pathologie und Therapie des Asthma. Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi, 109; 457; 629.— Sebiitz (E.) Ein Fall von Asthma bronchiale. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880. v, 261; 275. —See (G.) De l'asthme permanent. Union nied., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxv, 385-389.— Seifert. Ueber Asthma. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1892, 36-4:!. Also, Reprint. — Slia- poshnikoflf (B. M.) Asthma cordiale. Ynzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1895,iv,229; 249; 264.—Spiers (H. II.) Asthma with emphysema vs. tuberculosis. Cincin. Lan- cet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxv, 439-441. — Stanclli. Die Bedeutung und das wahre Wesen des Asthma. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1882, li, 429; 441.—Stockton (C. G.) Asthma. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s, ii, 92-94.— Sverzhevski (L.) O morfolog. izmenen. krovi pri bron- chial, astme. [Morphological examination ofthe blood in bronchial asthma.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xiii, 143- 152.—Thorowgood (J. C.) Cases of asthma at the City cderinan (M.D.) Asthma consequent to nasal irritation, with report of two cases.- N. York Polyclin., 1894, iii, 136-139. — I;erat (F.) Rapports de l'asthme et des maladies du nez. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1882-3, i, 131.— Ijcwy (B.) Ueber die Beziehungen der sogenannten Spiralfiiden und Asthmakrystalle zum Asthma. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1885, ix, 522-504. Also: Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, vi, 233- 235. — I,ord (J. W.) Sc Kintzing (P.) A case of spasmodic asthma due to aneurysm. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 124—l.iiblinski (W.) L'asthme etles affections nasales. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larvnx, etc., Par., 1886, xii, 306-316. — Luc. Sur l'asthme dans ses rapports avec les lesions nasales. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1887, 110-115.—Mahaux. Sur la pathogenie de l'accfes (l'asthme; memoire pos- thume. J. de meil., chir. et pharmacol, Brux.,1881. lxxiii, 205-216. — Mannut (P.) Manifestacion asmatica del herpetismo; curacion. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel, 1882, viii, 173-178. — ITIandragora (D.) Un caso di asma bronchiale riflesso del naso. Puglia med., Bari, 1894, ii, 146-149.—Ulasini (O.) Contributo alia patogenesi dell' asma. Imparziale, Firenze, 1882, xxii, 345-352. -----. Un caso di asma per un corpo estraneo nell' orecchio destro. ASTHMA. 740 ASTHMA. Astlima (Causes of). Arch, internaz. di otojat, rinojat. ed aeroterap.. Napoli, 1885, i, 26-32. Aho, Reprint. — JVIeissrii. Leber das Vorkommen der Leyden'schen Asthmakrystalle. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 332. — .Tl eel ler. Du role des cristaux de Leyden dans la pathogenie de l'asthme broncliique. Presse med. beige. Brux., 18*2, xxxiv, 329.— IVIulhall. Asthma from nasal disease. St. Louis M. & S. J. 1882, xiii, 274-278. — Nose (The) and asthma. J. Laryngol, Lond., 1890, iv, 101 - 106. — Olynto. De asthma infantil de origem nasal. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1894, viii, 225- 228. — Packard (J. H.) A ease of renal asthma. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 740. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1881-2, Phila., 1x82. iv, 185. — Feyer (A.) Asthma and diseases of the gene- rative organs. [Transl. 1 Clin. Lect. . . . bv German authors, Lond., 1894, 269-300.—I'fulil. Asthmakrystalle ohne Asthma. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1887, xvi, 103-109.— Philipp (P. J.) Bemerkungen iiber das Asthma im Gef'olgo des chronischen Bronchialka- tarrhs, Commentar zu einor Stelle in Laenuec's Lehr- buch der mittelbaren Auscultation. Deutsche Klinik, Beil., 1854, vi, 37-41. Aho, Reprint.—I'ortela Gonza- lez (J.) Asma reflejo de origen nasal. Gac. med. do (Yuli,i, 1895. iii. 28; 33; 41; 49. — Potiquet. L'asthme ct h- nez. Med. mod , Par., 1889-90, i, 409. — Potter (F. H.) Reflex asthma, especially of nasal origin. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1889-90, xxix, 403-468.—Beed (C. A.L.) The genital origin of asthma in women, with report of cases. Cincin. M. J., 1890, v, 181-185. — Kizzo Matera (S.) Sulla patogenesi e 1' etiologia del! asma. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1885, 6. s., xv, 236-269. — Boc (J. O.) Nasal disease a frequent cause of asthma. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 295-298. — Bosenfeld (G.) Ueber Asthma syphiliticum. Med. Cor.-Bl. cl. wurttemb. iirztl. Yer., Stuttg., 1882, Iii, 297-301.—Salomon (M.) Ein Fall von pneumo-bulbarem Asthma. Deutsche nied. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1893, xix, 522.—Sanilmann (G.) Beitrage zur Aetiologie des Volumen pulmonum auctum nnd des asthiuatischen Aufalls. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 28-31. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1887), 1888, xviii, pt. 2, 263-271. —Schnbad (T.) O ser- dech. astme (asthma cardiale). Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxviii, 128-136.—Schadle (J. E.) The relation of .spas- modic asthma to chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 9l'. — Schlemmcr (G.) Des theories palhog6niques de l'asthme. Union m6d., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, 293; 306; 317. — Sebnitzler (J.) Ueber Asthma, insbesondere in seinen Beziehungen zu den Krankheiten der Nase. Wien. med. Presse, 1883. xxiv, 633; 665; 697; 793; 889; 953: 1126; 1257. Also [Abstr.]: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1883, ix, 279-282. Also |Abstr.]: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii. 912. -----. Ueher den Zusammenhang zwischen Urticaria und Asthma. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1565. — See (G.) Asthme experimental. Tribune m£d., Par., 1885, xvii, 484 ; 495. -----. La nature de l'asthme. France ni6d., Par., 1885, ii, 1101; 1414. -----. Pneumo-bulbares Asthma. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 700; 719.— Sliui-ly iE. L.) The relation of the nasal and neurotic factors in the etiology of asthma. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 184-192. — Smith.Ilozier (C. H.) Case of asthma cured by infra-nasal treatment. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 111. — Swain (H. L.) Asthma; its intra-nasal origin and surgical treatment. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1892, lxvii, 287-294. — Ungar (E.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Leyden'schen Crystalle fiir die Lehre vom Asthma bronchiale. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1882, i, 162-198. — Verstraeten (('.) Sur l'asthme des fabricants do biscuits de seigle. Cong, internat, d'hyg. et de deniog. l*8f. La Haye, 1885, ii, 227-233.—Wei«s (M.) Zur Kenntniss des Asthma urse- micum und zur Berechtigung einer Aimahme desselben. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1881. ii, 79-106. — Wright (H. A.) | Asthma cured by circumcision.] Is this a peculiar case? Prnc. Oregon M. Soc. 1890, Portland, 1891, xvii, 31.— Zi*iiian (L.) Sluch. bronchijal. astmy i chijatel. nevrosa ot vdych. tabackuoi pyli. [Case of bronchial asthma and neurotic sneezing from inhalation of tobacco dust.] Vracli, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 926. Asthma (Treatment of). See, also, Air (Compressed) as a remedy. | Ai'kkee. Nouveau traitement curatif des asthmes nerveux et muqueux. 8°. Bennes, 1669. Heschorxek. Subcutane Injectionen von Co- caiu. salicylic, bei Asthma und nervosem Hus- ten. 60, [lUrlin, n. d.] Boldant (M.) Des diverses especes d'asth- nics et de leur traitement aux eaux du Mont- Dore. - . Clermont-Ferrand, 187:1. Caton (T. M.) A popular treatise on the pre- vention and cure of the different stages of asth- Asthma (Treatment of). ma; vvith practical ohservations on the benefi- cial use ofthe stramonium and its preparations as directed hy Surgeon Fisher iu those affect ions as well as the hooping-cough; including remarks on the nutritious properties of the sassafras nut in diseases of this class. 8°. London, 1-11. Garnier ( Mine. ) Description des plantes utiles au traitement de l'asthme. 16°. Ar'ninon 1840. Hack (W.) Ueher eine operative Ifadical- Behaudlnng hestimmter Formen von Migniue Asthma, Heufieber sowie zahlreicher verwandter Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Naseuki ank- heiten. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1884. -----. The same. Du traitement operatoire radical de certaines formes de migraine, asthme, fievre de foin, ainsi que d'un grand nombre de manifestations connr-xes. Trad, de l'allemand par Auguste Muller-Schirmer. 8°. Paris, 1687. Pridham (T. L.) Observations on the result of treatment of nearly one hundred cases of asthma. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1881. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, i. Salter (H. H.) On asthma, its pathology and treatment. 1. Am. from last Eng. ed. 8°. New York, 1882. Schaefer (I.) *Zur Behandlung des Asthma hronchinle mit subcutauen Injectionen von Co- caiuum salicylicum. 8°. Greifswald, 1686. Silvia Nunes (S.) De la lobeline dans la th6- rapeutique de l'asthme. M6moire pr6sente* au ler congres bresilien de me'decine et chirurgie. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1889. Aman (L. A.) Om anviindning af rokgubhar for enifyseruatisk astma. Eira, Goteborg, 1885, ix, 247.__ Aphel ( F.) La tiutura di lobellia inflata ad alta dose nell' asma idiopatico. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii, 845-850.—Arnstein (F.) Przyczynek do sprawy leczenia dychawicy oskrzelowej za pomoca. zabiegow rynologicz- nych. Traitement rhino-chirurgical do l'asthme hron- chique. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1894, xxii, 359; 380.— Bernard. Sur le traitement de l'asthme. Mi-decin, Par., 1881, vii, no. 26. — Bonibelon. Grindelia robusta gegen Asthma. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1881, vii, 048.—Bosworth (F. H.) Tho result of treatment of the upper air passages in producing permanent relief in asthma. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1891, N. V., 1892, xiii, 37- 44. Aho: N. Tork M.J., 1892, lv, 346.— IS rower (D. R.) Iodide of ethyl in astlima. Chicago M. .1. & Exam., 1880, xii, 68. — Briigelmann ( W. ) Psychotherapie und Asthma. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Berl., 1893-4, ii, 84; 107. Also, Reprint— B rugia (R.) Ui un caso di asma bron- chiale guarito cou V ipnotismo. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1893, 5. s., xv, 97-110. Aho: Boll. d. manic. Flenrent. e riv. di psichiat., Aversa, 1892, xviii, 101-107.—Bufaliui (G.) La chinoidina nella cura dell' asma. Rimedii nuovi, Roma, 1888-9, i, 177. -----. Sulla cura dell' asma colla chinoiodina. Trogresso med., Napoli, 1889, iii, 223-226.— Billiard (J. H.) Dangers of inhalation of smoke pow- ders in the treatment of asthma. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angel,9, 1892, vii, 471-476. — Bn»ey (S. C.) The oil- silk jacket in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 415. — Carndee (T.), flls. Ac- cess (l'asthme tr£s violent gu6ri par une injection hypo- dermique de morphine. Union m6d., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 472. — Cazalit* (J.) Note sur le traitement de l'asthme sec au Mont Dure. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1882-3, xxviii, 428-466. — Chencry (E.) Points in the treatment of asthma. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, [3. s., i, 738.— Chivot. De l'emploi de la pyridine dans l'asthme. Gaz. m6d. de Picardio, Amiens, 1890, viii, 30. — Clark (A.) The treatment of asthma and hay fever. Med. Gaz., N. T., 1880, vii, 67. —Cohen (S. S.) Strychnine and quebracho in the treatment of a-tluna. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 64-67.—Courtin (E.) De l'emploi des bains sulfureux dans l'asthme, avec quel- ques considerations sur la nature et les symptomes de cette affection. Gaz. med. de Par., 1x47, 3. s.. ii, 961; 984; 1021. Aho, Reprint.—Creed (J. M.) A case of asthma treated by hypnotic suggestion. Australas. M. Gaz.. Syd- ney, 1893, xii, 199.— Crook (J. K.) Observations on tlie therapeutics of bronchial asthma. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1893, viii, 173-180.— Bemree. Un medicament nouveau contre l'asthme, l'euphorbia pilulifei a. Presse m6d. beige Brux., 1885, xxxvii, 153; 161. —B«i«lge (J. L. ) Antipy- rine in asthma. N. York M. J., lSRL xlvii, 185.—Drob. ner (H.) Zur symptomatischen Theiapie von Asthma nervosum. Wien. med. Bl, 1892, xv, 517 — Kuiond (E.) ASTHMA. 741 ASTHMA. Asthma (Treatnient of). Quelques considerations sur l'asthme et son traitement aux eaux du Mont-Dore. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1881-2, xxvii, 182-205. Also, Reprint. -----. Du traite- ment de l'asthme au Mont-Dore. Bull. g6n. de th6rap. [etc. ], Par., 1885, cviii, 463-468. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Lan- cet, Loud., 1885, i, 1161-1163.—Faulkner (R. B.) Treat- ment of spasmodic asthma Med. Rec, N- Y., 1880, xviii, 360. -----. The treatnient of asthma. Ibid., xxiii, 163. Also, Reprint. -----. The cure of asthma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 95.—Frensdorf. Jodkali gegen Asthma. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1883, xxiv, 241-244.—Griffith (M. M.) Crude petroleum iu asthma. Boston M. & S. J., 1880, cii. 453. — Ilaek ( W. ) Leber chirurgische Behandlung asthmatischer Zustiinde. Yerhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1885, iv, 70-85. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885 xxii, 332; 353. Aho [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Yerhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Leipz., 18S5, iv, 12.—Ilorioye Toshinori. [Treatment of spasmodic asthma by iodoform.] Tokei Iji Shinshi, June 11, 1881.—IikIo Gentoku. [The treatment of nervous asthma.] Koi Geppo, Tokio, Jan. 1, 1883.— J nines (S. E.) A novel remedy for asthma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 48.— .lenkiiis (J. F.) The treatment of spasmodic asthma. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1891, xvi, 743.— Jores(T.) Menthol bei Asthma. Therap.Monatsh., Berl, 1889. iii, 169.—Knight (F. I.) The climatic treat- ment of bronchial asthma. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1889, vi, 159-164. Also. Reprint. Aho: Med. News, Phila., 1889. lv, 253.----—. The rational treatment of bronchial asthma. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, cxxii, 80-82.—Koch* (W.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Yerbrennnngsprodukto des Salpeterpapieres und der Ursachen des Asthma bron- chiale. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880. vii, 689-694.— Krusc. Zur Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale, s. ner- vosum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 953; 997.— Lawrrnrf (R. M.) Three cases of asthma treated with iodide of ethyl. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 685.—Laza- rus. Zur Asthmatherapie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 110-115. [Discussion], 42; 05. Aho: Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1885-6), 1887. xvii. pt, 2, 288-303. Also [Abstr.]: Prag. nied. Wchn. — Dauchez (II.) Considerations sur l'asthme infantile (pathogenie. classification, pronostic, 6volution et traitement) (d'apres 29 observations). Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf'., Par.. 1894, xii, 306; 357. — EfteseroiziHes. De deux cas (l'asthme infantile. Ibid., 1889, vii, 337-3.11. Also, beprint. — Don It in (H. B.) A clinical lecture ou asthma in childhood. Clin. J., Lond.. 1894, iv, 341-344.— Khebald. Asthma bronchiale bei Kindern. Memorabi- lien, Heilbr., 1884, n.F., iv, 3.1.1.—r>. — Aiiilogs&i (N. I.) Sc DolganoflT (V. X.) Klin, zamietki ob astig- matisme i yevo isprav., v sviazi s upotreb. oftalmometra Javal-Schiotz'a. [Clinical relation of astigmatism and its rectification in connection with and application of Javal- Schiiitz s ophthalmometer.] Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1894. xv, 988; 1014. Also, transl: Ann. d'ocul., Par.. 1894. cxil, 296- 316.—Aslijjmometre de De Weckeret Massclon. Ann. d'ocul., Briix.. 1882. lxxxviii, 44-46. — Ay res (W. C.) Notes on the focal lines in astigmatism. X. York M. J., 1881, xxxiv, 476-483. — Kaiardi (P.) Della visione negli astigmatici. Ateneo med. parmense, Parma, 1890, iv. 193- 199.—Banister (J. XL) A caseof marked astigmatism unmasked by injuries received in a fight with a bear; acuteness of vision in right eye reduced to I in conse- quence, and raised to ; by proper glasses. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 423-425. — Bate* (\V. II.) A suggestion of an operation to correct astigmatism. -Irch. Ophth., N. Y., 1891, xxiii, 9-13. Aho, Reprint. Also, transl..- Arch. f. Augenb., Wiesb.. 1894, xxx, 51. —Berlin (R.) Leber ablenkenden Linseu-Astiamatismus und scinen Einfluss auf das Empfinden von Bewegung. Ztschr. f. vergleich. Augenh., Wiesb., 1887, v, 1-20. — Beitreinieux (P.) Notes cliniques sur l'astigmatisme. Arch, d'opht.. Par. 1887. vii, 513-525. -----. Etiologie et curabilit6 de l'astig- matisme corn6eu. J. d'ocul. du nord de la France, Lille 1892-3, iv. 69-76. — Boasalino (I).) Sul tempo della percezione delle forme negli astigmatici. Gior. d. r. Accad. ASTIGMATISM. 743 ASTIGMATISM. Astigmatism. di med. di Torino, 1894, 3. s., xiii, 189-199.—Boncheron. Notation horaire de l'astigmatisme. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1887, v, 25.—Kourln-z. Astigma- tisine mixte, vertical de plus de 4 dioptrics, horizontal de moins de 2 dioptries. Arch, de nied. et pharm. mil, Par., 1885, vi, 481-485. — Bravnis. Du diagnostic ophthalmoscopique de lastigmatisme. Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1875), 1876, xv, pt. 1, 49-56.—Buck I in (C. A.) Astigmatism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 179. — Bull (G.-J.) L'asth6nopie des astigmates. Bull.etm6m Soc franc, d'opth., Par., 1892, x, 128-138. -----. Du rap- port dc la contraction irr6guliere du muscle ciliaire avec l'astigiuatisme. Ann. d'ocul, Par., 1892. cvii, 109-123. Also, transl: Ber. ii. d. Versaniml. d. ophth. Gesellsch 1891, Stuttg., 1892, xxi, 145-168. — Bin nell (S. M.) Re- fraction in the principal meridians of a triaxial ellipsoid ; with remarks on the correction of astigmatism by cylin- drical glasses; and an historical note on corneal astigma- tism ; with a communication on the monochromatic aber- ration of the human eye in aphakia, by Prof. W. Hark- ness. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1883, xii, 1-21. Aho, Reprint. -----. Character of the focal lines in astigmatism. Arch Ophth., N. Y., 1883, xii, 310-314. Also, Reprint. -----. The action of cylindrical glasses in the correction of regu- lar astigmatism. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1885. ii, 275- 277. -----. Regular astigmatism following cataract ex- traction. Ibid., 1889, vi, 361-365. -----. Lenticular regu- lar astigmatism. Med. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 281-284.— t'hibret. La notation de l'astigmatisme. Arch, d'opht., Par., 18-,, vii. 421-423. -----. Astigmatisme selon et contre la regie ; resultats compares de I'examen obiectif (keratometrie, skiascopie) et de 1 examen subjectif. Ibid., 1890, x, 357-362. Aho, Reprint. Also [Rev.] : Arch. d'opht., Par., 1890, x, 445-451. Aho, Reprint.-----. Contribution a l'etude des astigmatismes corneen et total. Rev. gen. d'opht.. Par.. 18dl, x, 289-291. -----. Ln cas de correction astigmatiipie du cristallin. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1894, xiv, 275-279. -----. Etiologie des astigma- tismes inverses. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht.. Par., j 1894, xii, 275-281. — t'hisolin (J. J.) Astigmatism; a very common aud often unrecognized cause of headache. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, i, 328-339. — Vlark (E. S.) Irregular astigmatism ; with report of cases. Tr. M. Soc. ' Calif., San Fran., 1894, 241.—Coggin (D.) Notes on the centennial anniversarv of tho discovery of astigmatism. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, cxxviii, 136.—Cornwall (F.) Why astigmatism of low degree should be fitted with dif- ferent lenses for the near point and for distant vision. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1885, ii, 219-221. — Couper. Sur l'cphthalmoscope employ6 comme optometre dans l'astigmatisme. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. 1872, Par., 1873, iv, 120-132. — Cuignct, Dn cas d'astigma- tisme avec ses consequences myopiques, keratoscopiques, r6tinoscopiques et fonctionnelles. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1880, 3. s.. ii, 520-524.— €'uIbcrtson (H.) On the use of cylindrical glasses in compound astigmatism. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 14-19, 1 pl. -----. Some thoughts on astigmatism curvature. Ibid., 114-121. -----. Binocular astigmatism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 622-625. Also, Repiiut. Also: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis. 1888, v, 117- 123.— Dabney (S. G.) Effects of astigmatism of low ih-giee. Am. Pract. Sc News, Louisville, 1887, n. s., iv. i;5- 68. — Bennett (W. S.) Astigmatism; the fundus of astigmatic eyes; an attach- ment to the ophthalmoscope. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1876, v, 505-507. Aho, Reprint. -----. The Stokes' lens for measuring astigmatism. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Bost., 1885, 106-110. — Bejnard (A. B.) Tho value of Javal's ophthalmometer for the correction of as- tigmatism where marked amblyopia is present. Post- Graduate, N. Y., 1891-2, vii, 479-483. Also, Reprint.— Bobrovolski (V.) O raziichnich izmeneni.jakh astig- matizma pod vlijaniem akkommodatsii. [Changes of as- tigmatism under the influences of accommodation.] Vo- yenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1868, ciii, pt. 3, 34; 104.—Bodd (C. W.) Headache-astigmatism; the keratoscope. Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxv, 759-763. -----. Prev- alence of astigmatism. Ibid., 1891, n. s., xxvii, 463-465. -----. Astigmatism of twenty-eight dioptrics. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxv, 674. Also: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1895-6, v, 229.— Bonders (F. C.) Astigma- tisme en cilindrische glazen. Vers! . . . Nederl. Gasth. v. Oogli.jders, Utrecht, 1861, pp. x, 1-136. [See, also, supra.] -----. Recherches sur l'astigmatisme. Cong, period, in- ternat. d'ophth. 1862, Par.. 1863, ii, 196-199. -----. Sur rastigmatisme. Gaz. hebd. do m6d., Par., 1863, x, 637- 040. — Dor, Astigmatisme irregulier. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1893, vii, 43. — Emerson (J. B.) A caseof progressive hyperopic astigmatism. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1888, v, 60-62.—Exncr (S ) Deberden normalen irregularen Astigmatismus. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1888, xxxiv, 1. Abth., 1-22, 1 pl.—Faber (E.) Operatievo behandeling van astigmatisme. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1895-6, ii, 337. Aho: Nederl. Tijdschi. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 2, 495. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenli., Leipz., 1895, xix, 262-264. — Ferguson (R. M.) A remarkable case of astigmatism. Louisville Astigmatism. M. News, 1883, xvi, 369.-Ferret. Quatre cas d'astig- matisrae myopique. Bull. clin. nation, opht. de l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts, Par., 1885, iii, 47.—Foster (M. L.) Com- pound hyperopic astigmatism with relatively oblique axes. Refractionist, Bost., 1894, i, 20. — Fox ( L. W. ) A new astigmatic test chart. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, Tenn., 1892-3, ii, 332. Also, Reprint.— Fredericq (L.) Sur un symptome subjectif de lastigmatisme. Univ. de Li6ge. Inst, de physiol. Trav. du lab. de Leon Fredericq, Par.; Li6ge (1889-90), 1890, iii, 165-167.—Frost (W. A.) On the chief methods at present in use for estimating astigma- tism. Specialist, Lond., 1881, ii, 57. — Frotliingham (G. E.) A case of static lenticular astigmatism acquired by the long-continued use of spectacles having a faulty position. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 595-597.— Fulton (J. F.) Astigmatism; a report of cases. North- west. Lancet, St. Paul, 1882, ii, 3-6.— Galezowski. Du diagnostic de rastigmatisme irregulier et de sa correction k I'aide des verres cvliudro-coniques. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1890, 3. s., xii, 722-726. -----. De la contracture partielle hysterique du muscle accommodateur determinant l'astig- matisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 293-295. Also: Union med., Par., 1892, 3. s., liii, 559.— (iravarret (J.) Astigmatisme et ophtalmometrie. Rev. scient., Par., 1882, xxx, 74-80. Also: M6m. d'ophtalmom., Par., 1890, 1-14. —Gould (G. M.) A new device for measuring astigmatism. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1889, xviii, 435-437. -----. A temporary change iu the axis of astig- matism. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 598. Also, Re- print.—Green (J.) On the detection and measurement of astigmatism. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., liii, 117-127. Also, Reprint. -----. Test-diagrams for the detection and measurement of astigmatism. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1878, ii, pt. 4, 467-473, 6 pl — Guilloz (T.) Sur le diagnostic ophtalmoscopique de rastigmatisme. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1895, xv, 372-377.—CJullstrand (A.) En praktisk metod att bestiimma hornliinnans astigma- tism genoin deu s. k. denivelleringen af de oftalmometris- ka bilderna. [Practical method to define astigmatism of cornea by the so-called denivellation of ophthalmometry; pictures.] Nord. ophth. Tidskr., Kjobenh., 1889, ii, 93- 104. -----. Om brannlinier vid astigmatism. Ibid., 1890, iii, 1-18. -----. Bidrag till astigniatismens teori. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1890, xxii, no. 2, 1-64; no. 8, 1-38, 1 pl. Aho, transl.: Skandin. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1890, ii, 269-359, I pl. — vanHaaften (M.W.) Het bepalen van astigmatisme. Versl. . . . Nederl. Gasth. v. Ooglij- ders, Utrecht, 1878, xix, 03-88,17 tab., 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Harlan (G. C.) Additional note on the use of toric lenses in astigmatism. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1891-3, vi, 215. -----. Statistics of the direction of tho principal meridians in binocular astigmatism. Ibid., 315.—Hay (G.) Some additional remarks on the theory of the astigmatic pencil. Ibid., N. Y., 1883, iii, 549-556.— Hewetsou (H. B.) The relation between sick head- aches and defective sight, chiefly resulting from astigma- tism ; their pathology and treatment bv glasses. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 375-378. Also [Abstr.): Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 27.—Hintzy (C.) Proposition d'un nouveau proced6 d'astigmom6trie. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil, Par., 1889, xiv, 201-203.— Hobby (CM.) Astigmatism; cause and statistics. Ophth. Rec, Nash- ville, 1893-4, iii, 457-463. — Hotz (F. C.) A simple and reliable astigmometer. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 420-424. -----. On some modification of my astig- mometer and on its efficiency iu the examination for astig- matism. Ann. Ophth. Sc Otol, St. Louis, 1894, iii, 21-25. -----. Ou the alleged action of the oblique muscles in oblique astigmatism. Ibid., 1895, iv, 101-108. — Howe (L.) Note on lid pressure as a cause of astigmatism. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1894, xi, 257-260.—Jackson (E.) Symmetrical aberration of the eye (meridional astigmatism). Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1888, v, 141-150. -----. Progressive hyperopic astigmatism. Ibid., 1888-90, v, 676-689. A ho '[ Abstr. ]: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 329.—Java! (Ii.) Dc l'astigmatisme au point de vue de l'hvgicne. Bull. Soc. de m6d. pub., Par., 1880, iii, 327-336. 'Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, ii, 990-999. -----. Mesure de 1'astigraatisme corneen; me- sure de l'astigmatisme; prescription des verres; des ver- res dans rastigmatisme irregulier; des causes qui influent sur le rayon de courbure de la cornee; de l'astigmatisme dans l'anisometiopio. Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1883, xc, 105- 120. -----. Sur h-s variet6s de rastigmatisme regulier. Bull. etjn6m. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par.. 1887. v, 3-5. Also: Mem. d'ophtalmom., Par., 1890, 257.—Kilburu (H. W.) Analysis of eight hundred cases of astigmatism with re- gard to the principal axes. Boston M. &S. J.,1896, cxxxiv, 188.—ICnocpflci- (L.) Considerations sur le traitement et la correction do lastigmatisme. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1891-2, 33-49. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 172; 244. Also: Arch, d'opht., Par., 1892, xii, 679-692. — Koller (C.) The form of retinal images in the astigmatic eve. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford 1892, \i, 425-437.— Kugel (C.) Ueber die Wirkung schief vor's Auge gestellter spharischer Brillenglaser beim regelmiissigen Astigmatismus. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., ASTIGMATISM. 744 ASTIGMATISM. Astigmatism. I 1864, x, 1. Abth., -:ii6-Lambert (W. E.) Retim>seo]>\ as a means of estimating astigmatism. N. York M. J , 1892, lvi. 239-243. Aho. Reprint.— I.nndesberg iM.) | Ueber das Auftnten von regehniissigein Astigmatismus bei "c-wissi n Rcl'i actions- und Accommodationsanoina- lien." Arch. f. Ophth.. Berl., 1881, xxvii, 2. Abth., 89-98. _____. Leber das Auftreten von regelmassigem Astigma- tismus bei gewissen Refractions- und Accommodations- Anomalien. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1883, vii, 362-367. Aho, Reprint. -----. Regular astigmatism. Med. Bull, Phila.. 1881, iii, 256-258. ----- Some new facts about astigmatism. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., j 1883-4. \i, 112-120. Also: Maryland M. J., Halt., 1883-4, j x, 59u "92. Aho: Med. A: Surg. Reporter, Phila. ls;-4. 1. 77-79. Aho: N. York M. J.. 1884. xxxix, 27— I.aulen- bach (L. J.) The value of the ophthalmometer in the de- termination of the axis and the amount of astigmatism. Ibid., 1893, lviii, 156.— L-eroy (C.-J.A.) Sur la theorie de l'astigniaiisme. Rev. gen. d'opht., I'ar., 1882. i, 129; 177.—Little i W. S. ) A tabular report exhibiting the position of the axis of the cylinder in simple, compound, and mixed astigmatism; the myopic and hypermetropic form compared : with remarks. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. T., 18r-0. iii. 67-76.------A combined visual aud astig- | matic test card of words made up of letters confusing to theastigmaticeye; remarks on astigmatism, characteristic j mannerisms, j. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 209-212.— I.,oiseaii. Contribution a l'astiguiometrie et notation | de l'astigmatisme. Ann. d'ocul, Brux.. 18.s9. ci, 99-102.— Lown i J. B.) Tberetinalimagesiu oblique astigmatism. ] Ophth. Lee. Nashville, 1895-6. v, 41-4s.-Ilarlow f F. W.) Temporary hypermetropic astigmatism following an attack of measles'. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1892, xxi, 107-109— .Mar- tin (G.) Etuilessurlescontractionsastigmatiquesdu inn- scleciliaire. Ann. d'ocul, Brux..1886, xcvi, 5-38. Aho, Re- i print. -----. De lastigmatisme associ6. Bull. Acad. rov. | de ni£d. do Belg., Brux., lssn. 3. s., xx, 908-968, 4 tab. Also. Reprint. -----. Croissants de la papille ;t contractions astigmatiques. Bull, et nnkn. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 18*7, v, 12-25, 2 tab. Aho, Reprint. Aho: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., | 1887, xcvii, 166-180. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1887. vi, 195-198. Aho [Abstr.l: Bull, et mem. Soc franc, d'opht., Par., 1-.-8, vi, 210-213. ------. Migraine et astigmatisme. Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1888, xcix, 24; 105. Also, Reprint.-----. De l'amblyopie des astigmates. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1890, ciii, 5-22. [Rap. de Java1.], Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiv, 320. ------. De la correction astigmatique. Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1891, cv, 139-158. -----. Iustabilit6 et 6tiologie de rastigmatisme corneen. Bull, et mem. Soc franc d'opht., I'ar., 1891, ix, 146-154. -----. Traitement de l'astigmatisme corneen. Ibid., 1892, x, 331-339. Ahu: Ann. d'ocul, Par., 1892, cvii, 422-429. Also [Abstr.]: J. d'ocul. du nord de la France, Ldle, 1892-3, iv, 29. -----. Astigmatisme dans l'epilepsie. M6m. et bull. Soc de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1893), 1894, 61-81.—.Tlatlhiesseu ( L.) Ueber tlie Form der astigniatisclii n Biider selir kleiner gerader Linieu bei schiefer Incidenz der Stralili-n in ein unendlich kleines Segment einer biechemleii spharischeu Flache. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1883, xxix, 1. Abth., 147-149. Aho [Rev.]: Rev. gen. d'opht., Par.. 1883. ii, 385. -----. Die Brenn- liuien eines unendlich diinnen astigmatischen Strahlen- bundels nach schiefer Incidenz eines homocentrischen Strahlenbiindels iu eine Krumme Obertiache und das Strahlenconoid von Sturm und Kunimer. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1884, xxx, 2. Abth., 141-154, 1 pl. — IVIeiigiii. Note sur un phenomeue subjectif procfuit par un as- tigmatisme myopique compose. Rec d'ophth., Par., 1.-82 4. s., iv, 7-9. — Hitclnil (Sj, jr. Simple hyperme- tropic astigmatism of high degree. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889 xxxv, 292. -----. A novel method of correcting astigma- tism. Ophth. Rec, Xaslnillc. 1893-4, iii, 471. -----. A case of astigmatism where the contour of the cornea? indi- cated the axes. Ann (lohth. Jc Otol., St. Louis, 1894, iii, 146-148.—^Montgomery i W. T.) Progressive hyperme- tropic astigmatism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 756.—lloore (YV. O.) A-iigiiiati.-ni. cans-nig severe head- ache. Planet, N. Y., 18.-3, i ss — Tlotlai*. 1'ince-nez pour hs astigmates. Rev. gen. d'opht.. Par., 1885,iv, 253.— Murrell (T. E.) Some observations on the correction of low degrees of astigmatism. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1890, xv, 564-567— ."Vorrie (G.) Akut uiegelniasssig lin- seastigmatisme. (Three < ases of acute irregular astigma- tism of lens.] Nord. ophth. Tidsskr., Kjobenh.. 1888. i. 211-215. —Oliver (C. A.) Description of a revolving astig- matic disk. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 373. Also, Re- print.— Parent. Diagnostic et determination objective de l'astigmatisme. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1881, 3. s., iii, 229; 293.-----. Notation de rastigmatisme. Bull, etmeru. Soc. franc, d'opht.. Par., 18,-7. v, 228-235. — Berry (C. H) As- tigmatism ; according to, and contrary to the rule. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1895-6, v, 49-55. Aho, Reprint. ----- Rotation in oblique astigmatism. Ibid., 175-178. — Peter- son i A.C.I The therapeutic value of gelsemium in astig- matism J. Ophth., Otol, &: Laryngol., N. Y., 18»9, i. 133- 137. Pf'alz. Ophthahuometriscue Untersuchungen iiber Coruealastigmatismus; mit dem Ophthalmometer vou Ja- Astigiiiatism. val und Schidtz. Arch, f Ophth.. Berl.. 1.-85. xxxi 1 Abth., 201-228. — Presa* (J i Relacionos entre el astig niatismo objetivo v el snbjetivo. Gac med. catal. Bar- cel.. 1894 xvn, 193: 232 26-.-Prince (A. E.) Some aids to accuracy in the correction of astigmatism, with a cut of a triple trial cylinder, and one ot an axis-indicator. Ann Ophth. A: Otol.. St. Louis, 1894. iii. 40- Is — ProudU M.) Pathogenie de rastigmatisme regulier produit par la cor- nee. J Soe de med. et pharm. de ia Haute-Vienne Li- moges, li-8o iv 66-68. —Rnniost (J.) Nota sobre una forma rara de astigmatisme lenticular Gac. nied Mexico. 1889, xxiv 425-430, 1 pl. — Keyiuond :;-8.V> — milling (J.) Sphiiroidische Glaser gegen Astigmatismus. (Yntralhl. f. prakt. Au- genh., Leipz., 1880. iv, 273-275.— Strawbridge (G.) An additional method for the determination of astigmatism. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. V.. 1871. viii, 100-104. Aho, Re- print.—Snare* de .tlcndoza (L.i Sur la notation de I astigmatisme. Bull, et inctu. Soc. fiany. d'opht., Par..1888, vi 242-255. Aho: Ri cd ophth., Par.. Is.-s 3. s., x. 539-553. Alsv: Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1889, cli, 114-117.-*ulzer (D.- E.i La correction optique du keratocone. de lastigma- tisme iriegulier et de l'astiguiatisme. c icatriciel Ibid., 1892, cvii. 321-328. -----. Correction optique du kerato- cone et de l'astigmatisme irregulier. J. d'ocul. du nord de la France, Lille. 1892-3, iv, 10.—Swanzy (II. R.) On uni- formity in the designation of the u.ei Mian iu astigmatism. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1886, v, 2us-211.—Swasey (E.) As- tigmatism as an element of lcfiaction, and its objective study by the ophthalmometer of Javal and Sehiotz (model of 1889). Boston M. A: S. J.. 1892. cxxvi. 232-230. —Sz Hi (A.i Astigmatismus fundi. S/.cineszct. Budapest. 1.-.-8, 73-78. — Tenney (.LA.) nvpeiinotropic astigmatism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxv. 543 -Theobald (S.i Notes of three cases of progressive astigmatism. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 1885, 29-33. Aho: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 188,5, ii. 133- 136. -----. Some instructive cases of a>tigmatisiu. Maryland M. J.. Bait. 18-16-7. xvi, 400-402.— Thompson (J. H.) Compound myopic astigmatism. ASTIGMATISM. 745 ASTRAGALUS. Astigmatism. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1886, iii. 340-342.—Tseherning. L'aberration de sphericite de l'reil humain. Bull, et mem. Soc franc, d'ophth.. Par., 1892. x, 403-411.—Tun mer (J. R.) A case of astigmatism, having a myopic and a hyper- metropic shadow, in the same meridian of the same eye. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1424. -----. A means of facilitat- ing the comprehension of some of the phenomena of as- tigmatism. Ibid., ii, 393.—1'gai-le (M. C.) Estudio esta- distico del astigmatisme Bob ch- med., Santiago de Chile, 1888. iv, 22-33.—I lit hod'. Demonstration eines Refrac- tionsophthalmosUops zur Bestinnnung des Astigmatismus. Ber. ii. d. Yorsnmml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1882. xiv, 167.— Vaeher ( L. ) Sur lastigmatisme considere comme une des causes de la cataractc. Gaz. hebd. denied.. Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 463. — Valk (F.) The diagnosis of astigmatism with tin- ophthalmoscope. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xxix. 673-676. — Vau Fleet < F.) Astigmatism: its location and detection. N. Yoik M. J.. 1892, lvi, 42-44. -----. Astigmatism and the ophthalmometer. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1894, xxiii, 50-60. — Venneman. Deter- mination de rastigmatisme d'apres un procede nouveau. Bull, et mem. Soc'franc, d'opht.. I'ar., 1885, iii, 335-339.— Wallace (J.) An improved astigmatic chart. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 13-15.— Webster (D.) A case of mixed astigmatism, supposed to have been caused by the sucking of the eve bv an infant. Med. Rec, N. Y.. ! 1880, xviii, 38.—dc Wee Iter Sc IVlasaelou. Modifica- tion apportee a l'astigiuoinetro. Ann. d'ocul. Brux., 1883, lxxxix, 138-143. — "Wetland (C.) Description of anew optometer for the correction of astigmatism by distant tests. Ann. Ophth. A. Otol.. St. Louis, 1894, iii,' 29-34.— ■Wilder (A. M.) Astigmatism, with a demonstration of some of its most marked peculiarities. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1876, 91-97, 1 phot.— Wilxm (IL) A note on tlie action of the oblique muscles in astigmatism. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1894, xxiii, 276-281. -----. An experimen- tal note upon the alleged rotation of the imago in oblique astigmatism. J. Ophth., Otol, Sc Larvngol., N. Y., 1895, vii, 227-233. Aho: Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1895, li, 737-739, 5pl—Wolfskehl (P.) Leber Astigmatismus in Thieraugen und die Bedeutung der spaltformigen Pu- pille. Ztschr. f. vergleich. Augenh., Leipz., 1882, 1. Hft., 7-16.—Wiirdeniann (H. T.) "What may be considered normal corneal astigmatism I From keratometric meas- urements of three hundred eyes. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1892, xix, 243-248. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1892, ix, Hi.- -171. Aho [Abstr.]: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1892-3, ii. 58 -63. — Wylie (D. B.) Hyperme- tropic astigmatism, and its relation to "nervous sick head- ache", with report of a case. Memphis M. Month., 1890, x. 8-10. — Zchcndcr. Zur Astigmometrie. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1883, xv, 29-32. Astolfi (Alessandro). * Pochi cenni sulla fisiolo- gia dell' encefalo. 16 pp. *-. Padova, A. Bian- chi, 1>56. Astolfi (Saute). See Settc (L.) [in 1. s.]. Opinione sulla causa del cholera-morbus [etc. ]. 8°. Venezia, 1854. Aston Manor. Annual reports on the health of Aston Manor, by the medical officer of health of the Aston local board. 6.. 18*0 : 9., 1**1; 11., 16-:',-. 13., 1667). By Henrv May. 6-. Birming- ham, 1881-6. Aston Manor. See Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Aston Union. Annual reports on the health of the rural district of Aston, bv the medical officer of health, for the years 187r>; 1877-81; 18-4-9. 8-. Birmingh am, 187(5—90. The district includes the parishes and hamlets of Sut- ton Coldfield. Hill, Boldmere, "Walmley, Erdington, Wit- ton, Little Bromwich, Water Orton, Castle Bromwich, Saltley and Washwood, Curdworth, Wisbaw, and Min- worfh'. Salthy and Washwood withdrew from the union in 1876, and Hill, Sutton-Coldfield, Boldmere, and Walm- lev in 1886. Eeports for 1875, 1877, 1878-81, by James Hickinbotham; for 1884-9, by A. Bostock Hill. Astor Library of the City ol New York. Animal reports of the trustees to the State legislature. 25.-32., 187:5-80; 34., 18-2; 36., 1884; 39.-46., 1887-94. ft-. New York, 1*74-95. •-----. Recent accessions. [Quarterly.] July (1879); Jan. (1880); July (1885). 12°. [New York, 1879-85.] -----. Catalogue of the Astor Library. (Con- tinuation.) Authors and books, A-Z. 4 v. roy. 8°. Neiv York 4- Cambridge, 1*86-8. Astori (Joannes). * De quibusdam essentialibus morborum complicationibus animadversiones. !•-! pp. 8°. Ticini Begii, typ. Fnsi et soc, [1832]. Astoria. Doxan (P.) Astoria; the peerless maritime metropolis of the golden Northwest. 1(P. [Buf- falo, N. Y, 1604.] Astounding revelations concerning supposed massage houses, or pandemoniums of vice, fre- quented by both sexes, being a complete expose" of the ways of professed masseurs and masseuses. Action by the home secretary. 15 pp. 8°. Lon- don, T.Skeats, [1*95]. Astragaleae. See, also, Syphilis (Treatment of). Ott (I.) The physiological action of Astragalus mollis- simus, one of the "loco" or crazy weeds of the West. New Remedies, N. T., 1882, xi, 226. Also, Reprint.— I'lanchoii (G.) Sur les astragales. J. de pharm. et do chim., Par., 1891, 5. s., xxiv, 473-479. Astragal! iis. See, also, Ankle-joint. Morse (E. S.) On the identity of the ascend- ing process of the astragalus in birds with the intermedium. 4°. Boston, 18*0. Bennett (E. H.) On the ossicle occasionally found on the posterior border of the astragalus. J. Anat. &. Physiol., Lond.. 1886-7, xxi, 59-65. — Fawccll (E.) Two unde- scribed facets on the astragalus. Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 987-990. — ■jciuoignc (A.) Cenni auatomo flsiologici sull' astragalo. Gior. di mod. vet,., Torino, 1874-5, xxiii, 279-283. Also, Reprint. — fflorestin (H.) Note sur une facette de los astragale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1S94 lxix, 730-733. — Shepherd (F. J.) Note on the ossicle found at the posterior border of the astragalus. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond., 1886-7, xxi, 335. — Sutton (J. B.) A case of secondary astragalus. Ibid., 333.—Turner (W.) Note of another case of secondary astragalus. Ibid., 334. Astragalus (Disease of). See, also, Ankle-joint (Diseases of). Poux (E.) * M6thode scl6rogene; son appli- cation au traitement des osteo-arthrites tubercu- lenses du cou-de-pied. 4°. Baris, 1602. Maclean (D.) Caries of astragalus. Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arhor, Mich., 1888, x, 449. — Jlyirs (T. H.) Caries necrotica of the astragalus. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891, 43. — Nancrcdc (C. P..) Caries of the astragalus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (ls8'!-5), 18s6, xii, 6.— von IVoortlen (W.) Osteome tier Perse. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1887-8, iii, 485-488.—Kobert. Osteite tu- berculeuse de l'astragale; r6section ile cet os: guerison. [Rap. de Chauvel] Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir.de Par., '1884, n. s., x, 17-23.— White (S. ) Sarcoma of right astragalus. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1895-6, iv, 139, 1 pl. Astragalus (Dislocation of). See, also, Ankle-joint (Dislocation of); Ankle- joint (Dislocation of, Complications, etc., of). GROSS (F.) * Ueber isolierte, nicht compli- cierte Luxation des Talus. [Strasburg.] *". Landau, 1*94. Glxter (F.) * Ueber Luxationen des Talus und ihre Behandlung. 12°. Wiirzburg. 1**7. Hi'KM (AV.) Ein Fall von Veiiciikung des Sprungbeins, mit Bemerkungen iiber den Me- chanismus dieser Luxationen. 8°. Bonn, 1673. Albert! (A.) Contribucion al estudio y tratamiento de las luxaciiuics completas del astnigalo. An. d. Circ. me-d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1893, xvi, 2*8-300.—Atkinson (E.) Dislocation of the astragalus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884"; ii, 1142. -----. Compound dislocation of astragalus. Ibid., 1885, i, 994.—Ay res (D.) Two cases of forward and out- ward dislocation of the astragalus, with mode of reduc- tion and result. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1891, viii, 266-276.— Barton. A caseof simple dislocation of the astragalus; [excision]. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 1880, 338.—IJindy (J.) A case of compound dislocation of the astragalus. Tr. Michigan M. Soc, Lansing, 1880, no. 4, vii, 552-556.— Byrne (P. D.) A case of dislocation of the astragalus. Iowa State M. Reporter, Des Moines, 1885-6, iii, 1-4.— Cnnalis (P.) Contribuzione alia casuistica delle lussa- zioni complete dell' astragalo. Osservatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 8-1L—Colledge (T. R.) A case of complete dislo- cation of the astragalus. Quart. J. Calcutta M. & Phys. Soc, 1838, ii, 266-269.—Cookery (O. J.) Dislocation of the astragalus. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 424.— ASTRAGALUS. 746 ASTRAGALUS. AstrayaSus (Dislocation of). DevoininM. Luxation de l'astragale, avec renversc- ment complet. Concours med., Par.. 1883, v, 235-238. Aho. Reprint Twith additions]. — Fairbank (F. R.) Dislocation of the astragalus. Lancet, Loud., 1880, i, 745.—Oernrd Ulnrchaiit. Luxation de l'astragale en avant ct en dehors sans fracture de la malleole ex- terne; extii-pation dr l'astragale: guerison. Rev. d'or- thop., Par., 1892, iii, 168-171.—Gore (R. T.) Disloca- tion of the astragalus (simple). Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 622.—CJripat (IL) Observation dc luxation sous-astra- galienne sans plaie. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Anger (1877-8), 1879, n.s., lxxx-lxxxii, 181-185. — Landcrer. Exstir- pation des Talus bei Luxation. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii, 609-611.—fiCbrun (A.) Luxation et fracture de l'astragale; fractures des deux malleoles. J. de med.. chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1881, lxxiii, 525-529.—I.loyd (R.) Simple dislocation of the astragalus forwards and out- wards; reduction. Lancet, Lond., 1882. ii, 352.—M'Phc- dran. Partial dislocation of the right astragalus for- wards. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1890, xv, 145.—VI ah on (J.) Compound dislocation of the astragalus. Indian Lancet, Lahore, 1860, ii 371—Tlarini (E.) Lussaziono dell' astragalo con lesione delle parti molli; guarigione. Riv. clin. o terap., Napoli, 1885, vii, 551.—.tlar.xh (II.) Removal of dislocated astragalus. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1884, xvii, 242.—iVIonnici- (L.) Quelques considerations sur lo traitement des luxations do l'astragale a propos d'un fait de ce genre. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 010-618.—IVIoi-ton. Compound dislocation of astragalus; recovery. Olasgow M. J.. 1881, xyi, 62. —-Vlorlon (T. G.) Compound dislocation of the astragalus without fracture; the only case on record. Med. Index, Kansas City. 1885, vi, 461.—rVaudin. Do la tarsotomie appliquee aux cas de luxations de l'astragale. Therap. contemp., Par., 1887, vii, 34-38.—IVorris (B.) Dislocations of the astragalus. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. Phila., 1883, i, 265-284. Also, Reprint,— Pick (T. P.) Case of subastragaloid dislocation. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1880. xiii, 132-137. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 170. -----. Case of compound dislocation, with version, of the astragalus; removal of the bone; re- covcry. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 689.—Pied. Luxation do l'astragale; issue d'une partie de Fos par la peau ib'-chiree ; extirpation. Lull. Soe. med.de l'Yonne 1881, Auxerre, 1882, xxii, 48-51. — Pollock. Complete dislocation of the astrag- alus. St. (k-orge's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 255.— Pre will. Dislocation of the astragalus. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 167-170.—Itegnier. Luxation totale do l'astragale par rcnverseuicnt sans plaie; arthrite tibio- tarsienne ; Enucleation de l'astragale; resection de la mal- leole externe; gu6rison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1892, xix, 112-115.—Boehet (V.) Du mScanisme des iuxations doubles de l'astragale (enucleation). Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1890, i, 269; 401.—Sklifosovski (N. V.) Polniy vivich tarannoi kosti, izsiechenie yeya. [Complete dislocation of the astragalus; its excision.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 221-223.—Sokoloff (N.) Sluchai vivi- cha tarannoi kosti. [Dislocation of astragalus.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1885, i, 762-766. —Stephenson. Compound dislocation of astragalus forwards and inwards; excision. Lancet, Lond.. 1882, ii, 441.—Stimsoii (L. A.) A case of fracture and dislocation of the astragalus. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 594-596. Aho: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 405-408.—Tiffany (L. McL.) Complete dislocation of the astragalus forward; reduction. Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1883-4. x, 851.—Toogood (J.) Case of dislocation of the astragalus. In his: Remin. Med. Life, 8°, Taunton, 1853, 76-78.—IThthoff (J. C.) Simple dislo- cation of the astragalus (reduced). Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 701.—Vitrne. Luxation double de l'astragale en avant et en dehors; enucleation totale de cet os. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 192.—War- ren (J. C.) Compound dislocation of astragalus. Boston M. ,y S. J., 1881, cv, 421.—Wciws (T.) De l'extirpation immediate de l'astragale dans les luxations irreductibles de cet os. Rev. m6d. de l'est. Nancy, 1884, xvi, 67-74.— While (J. "W.) Compound dislocation of astragalus; fracture of internal malleolus; tenotomy of tendo-Achillis ; recovery with useful foot. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 27.—Whitehead (W.) Compound dislocation of the astragalus. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880, i, 520—Wight (J. S.) Two cases of dislocation of the astragalus. Brooklyn M. J., 1889, iii, 273-276. Astragalus (Excision of). See, also, Ankle-joint (Surgery of'); Astrag- alus (Dislocation of). Bektraxd (L.) * Contribution h l'etude de l'extirpation de l'astragale. 4°. Paris, 1892. Crlssakd (E.) * K6sultats 61oignds de l'astra- galectomie chez les enfants pour lesions iuflam- matoires spoutauees du cou-de-pied. 4-. Luon, 1892. AuguNtoni (A.) Ventitre casi (li estirpazione dell astragalo per la correzione del piede torto. Arch, di or- top., Milano, 1888, v, 172- 182. — Barret de IVazari*. Astragalus (Excision of). Extirpation de l'astragale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux. 1891, xii, 70-73.—Burn* (R.l Report of a case of excision ofthe astragalus. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1894, 104-110.— C'atliu is.) Kemoval ofthe astragalus after injury to foot and anklejoint. lie - troitClinic, 1882, i, 54.—C'hristovilch (M.) Lxtirpation de l'astragale. Bull, g6n.de therap. [etc.]. Par.. 1888 cxiv 319-322. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., ]»8, viii, 779-781.— Diikcman (W. H.) A case of excision of the astrag- alus ; recovery, with almost perfect use of the foot. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 210.—Ferrnton (L.) Extirpation de l'astragale dans l'arthrite tuberculeuse du cou-de-pied. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil, Par., 1893, xxii, 59-74.—Fe- vrier (C.) Osteo-arthrite tuberculeuse du cou-de-pied & forme douloureu.se; astragalectomie; guerison. Arch, do med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiv, 312-310.— fSenly (l\- N.) Extirpation d'une tumeur ossetise, ou plutot dun os surnnmerairc <16velopp6 sur la face interne dc l'astragale; dechiriire d'une capsule articulaire; guerison. In his: Melanges d'anat. [etc], 8°, Par., 1875, ii, 513-515.—I*t:i, par To moyen de l'alliance de sept pianettes douiina- trices, conservatrices, et protectrices des corps humains, ve"rifi6e par les admirables vertus ct effets miraculeux de la confection Ang61ique. Remede donn6 du ciel pour laguarison des mala- dies extremes, et pour asseur6 pr6servat.it contre les ennemis de nostre sant6. Avec rabrege des experiences d'icelle, sur les maladies extremes, et oil les remedes ordinaires n'ont eu de pouvoir. 16°. Paris, 1622. Assueius (J.) Dissertatio iatromathema- tica. In qua de niedicinae et astronomiae pra>- stantia, deque utriusque indissolubili coujugio disseritur: turn vero ipsa etiam astrologia, quae pars est astrononiiae (quatenus quidem arti medica- inserviens, et ratiouibus physicis, et gravissimorum hominnm ohservatiouibus, pro- cul ouini superstitione, nititur) a coutemptu quorumdam vindicatur. Editio secunda. 16°. Bostochi, 1629. Baktiiolinls (C.) Astrologia seu de stella- rum natura, affectionibus et effectionibus. Ex- ercitatio qua difticultates pra-cipuae de stella- rum definit tone, causis, ordine, divisione, quanti- tate, coloribus, luce et lumiue, motu ingemto, distantia a terra, scintillatione; de calore ccelesti, iulluentiis, predictionibus astrologicis, eclipsi- hus, de maculis lunae, via lactea, de sfella magis exhihita, de novis nostri seculi stellis, etc., enc- einte et nervose expediuntur. Cum indice qutestionum. Editio sexta. 18°. [n.p.], 1616. ASTROLOGY. 748 ASTROLOGY. Astrology. Broughton (L. D.) Remarks ou astroiogy and astro-medical botany. 16°. New York, [1678, vel subseq.]. -----. Introductory remarks to a pamphlet entitled ""Why I am an astrologer ", and reply to Richard A. Proctor's article on the "Humbug of astrology", published in the "'Now York World", Feb. 6, 1887, with criticisms on the "New York World", Mr. Proctor, and. Judge John Jay Gordon. 16°. New York, 1687. C. (G.) A treatise of matheniaticall physick, or a hriefe introduction to physick, by judicial! astrologie, in treating very exactly and com- pendiously of the nature aud quality of all dis- eases incident to humane bodies by the naturali influence of the celestiall motions. 8C. London, 1653. Cardaxls (H.) Libelli duo. Unus de sup- plemento almauach. Alter de restitutione tein- porum et motuum ccelestiuni. Item geniturse lxvii, insignes casihus et fortuna, cum exposi- tione. sin. 4°. Norimbergce, 1543. Collimitius Taxstetekus (G.) Artificium de applicatione astrologia} ad medicinani, deque convcnientia earundem, canones aliquot, et qnieduni alia, quorum catalogum reperies in proxima pagella. 16-\ Argentorati, 1531. Cooke (C.) Astrology in a nut-shell. A let- ter to Mr. Alderman Humphrey on occult phe- nomena connected with the death of H. R. H. the Prince Consort. 8°. London, [1862]. Cilpepper (X.) Culpeppei's astrological judgment of diseases from flic decumbiture of the sick, much enlarged. 1. From Aveu Ezra by way of introduction. 2. From Noel Duret by way of direction. Wherein is laid down the way and manner of finding outthe cause, change, and end of the disease; also whether the sick be likely to live or die, and the time when re- covery or death is to he expected; with the signs of life or death hy the body of the sick party, according to the judgment of Hippocrates. Whercuuto is added a table of logisticall loga- rithnies, to finde the exact time of the crisis. Hermes Trismegistus upon the first decumhiture of the sick; shewing the sigus and conjectures of the disease, and of life and death, hy the good or evil position of the moon at the time of the patients lying down, or demanding the question; infallible signs to know of what complexion any person is whatsoever; with a compendious trea- tise of urine. 18°. London, 1655. Dariott (C.) Dariotus redivivus; or a hriefe introduction conducing to the judgement of the stars, wherein the whole art of judiciall astrologie is briefly and plainly delivered, by which a determinate judgement may be given upon any question demanded. Written at first hy . . . at present much inlarged, and adorned with diverse types and figures, hy N. 8. Also hereunto is added a hriefe treatise of mathemat- ical phisick, written hy G. C, together with divers ohservations both of agriculture and navi- gation, very nsefull both for merchants aud hus- bandmen, hy N. S. 8°. London, 1(153. De l'Isle. Des talismans, ou figures faites sous certaines constellations pour faire aymer et respecter les homines, les enrichir, gue"irir leur maladies, chasser les hestes nuisibles, destoumer les orages, et ticcomplir d'autres effets merveil- leux. Avec des ohservations contre le livre des cnriositez inouyes de M. J. Gaffarel, et uu traict6 de Punguent des armes, ou unguent sympathe"- tique et constelle", pour scavoir si Ton en pcut gue'rir une playe l'ayant applique" seulement sur l'espe'e qui a fait le coup, ou sur un haston en sanglante", ou sur le pourpoint et la chemise du Astrology. hi esse. Le tout tire" de la seconde partie de la science des choses corporelles. 12°. I'aris, 1636. Ficixus (M.) De vita ccelitus comparanda. Florentia;, 14~!1. In: Hasfirtus (J.) De cognoscendis et medendis mor- bis [etc.]. 4°. Yenetiis, 1584, ff. 158-190. Fontanls (J.) De ;istrologia medica Iiher, in quo ex principiis naturalibus et corpori hu- mano iusitis prohatur evidentissiuie vaua esse ea omnia quae astrologi judiciarii de honiinuni nio- rihus, iustitutis, morbis, crisibus et illorum mor- borum curationibus asserueruut. 18°. Lugduni 1620. Galen. Proguostica de decuhitu ex mathe- niatica scientia. Liber Galeno ascriptus. Ja- coho Antonio Mariscotto Florentino medico in- terprete. In: IIasfurtus (J.) De cognoscendis et medendis morbis [etc.]. 4°. Yenetiis. 1584, ff. 119-127. Gaxivetls (J.) Amicus medicorum; cum opusculo, quod inscribitur: Cceli enarrant; et cum abhreviatione Ahrahami Avenezrae de lunii- naribus, et diebus criticis. Quibus adjeciiuus astrologiam Hippocratis. 24°. Lugduni, 1550. -----. The same. Omnia primum a Gondi- salvo Toledo . . . iu lucem einissa. Nunc vero denuo revisa et utilissimis annotatiuuculis in margine locupletata." 16°. Francofurti, 1614. Goclenius (R.) Acroiclcution astrologicum, triplex honiiuum genus circa divinationeui ex astris in scenam producens, falsainque astrolo- giam a vera, rationibus, exemplis et experimen- tis distinguens, contra novas criminatioues. Au- nexus quoque est tractatus integer correctior quam fuit ante Cypriani Leovitii. . . deconjunc- tionibus niagnis, eclipsihus solaribus et cometis, cum eorundem effectuum historica expositione, oh exemplarium raritatem, rerumque et histori- aruni memorabilium excellentiam hoc loco dig- nissimus. 4Z. Marp>urgi, 1618. Hippocrates. Opusculum repertorii prouos- ticou in mutationes aeris tarn via astrologica quam metheorologica uti sapientes experientia comperieutes voluerunt, post quam utilissime ordinatum incipit sidere et primo iirohemium. [At end:] A Petro de Ahhano in latinum tradu- citur. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1467). ------. De signification!- mortis, et vita-, se- cundum niotuin lunae, et aspectus planetarum, Gulideolo Mordico interprete prisco. In: Ganivetus (J.) Amicus medicorum. 24°. Lug- duni, 1550, 551-585. ------. Hippocratis libellus de medicorum astrologia incipit; a Petro de Ahhano in Lati- num tr.-iductus. [Venetiis, 1487).] In: Bovio (Z. T.) Alelampigo [etc.]. sm. 4°. Verona, 1595, ff. 86-96. Hodierna (J.-B.) Menologiae Jovis compen- dium seu ephemerides medb teoruni. 4°. Pa- normi, 1656. —;----■ Medicaeorum elaboratae ephemerides in sinu Jovis lucidissimo circumgredientum et colludentium. Ad mentis raptum in profundum altissimi opificis contemplationem, exhibitis ob- servationibus suh meridiano xxxvii Palinae Li- cuhe. 4°. Panormi, 1686. ------. Canonum ac tahcllarum astrouomi- carum series, index et usus, ad computandas medicaeorum longitudincs cum simplices, tuin et apparentes; earumque ah invicem latitudines comparandas, vel etiam, pro lihitu,ad condendas ac producendas medicaeorum ephemerides celitus jam deducendas. Introductionum, pars tertia. 4°. Panormi, 1656. Lemxius (L.) De astrologia liber unus; in quo obiter iudicatnr, quid ilia veri, quid ficti falsique habeat, et quatenus arti sit hahenda fides: in quo denique multse rerum physicarmu ASTROLOGY. 749 ASTRUC. Astrology. abditae anuenissimaeque causae explicantur; turn pioverbii origo : quarta luna nati. In his: Similitudinum ac parabolarum . . . explicatio. 18°. Francofurti, 1626, 257-288. Leovitius a Leonicia (C.) De conjunctioni- bus magnis insiguioribus superiornm plaueta- rum, solis defectiouibus, et cometis. in quarta nionarchia, cum eorundem efteetuum historica expositione. His ad calcem accessit prognosti- con ab anno Domini 1564 in vigiuti sequetites annos. 4°. Marpuvgi, 1618. Math (J. C. G.) Speculum astrologicum. Das ist, Xativitat-Spiegel. Worinnen ktirzlich und auf das deutlichsfe eutworften, (1) die Priu- cipia nud das Fundameut der Astrologie; (2) Wie eine rechte Nativitat zustellen, und (3) Wie man sichderselbeu gebranchen und zu Nutz macheu konne; samnit andern niitzlichen uud curieusen Sachen so zur Astrologie gehoreu; nicht nur alleiu denen Astrologis, sondern auch alien in Erforschuug der Natur zu rechten Nutz und ohne Aberglauben bestissenen, theils zur Nachricht, theils zu ferneren Nachdencken, aus gutem naturlichen Gruud und Erfahrung, mit Beyseitsetzuug der gemein uugrundlichen Re- guln. 16°. Frankfurt ,(• Leipzig, 1693. Mizaldus (A.) Harinoifia codestiuin corporum et humauorum, dialogis undecim astronomice et niedice elahorata et demonstrata. 16°. Franco- furti, 1599. Paracelsus (A. P. T.) Operum medico-chi- inicorutu sive paradoxorum tomus genuinus pri- mus, etc. 11 v. in 4. 4°. Francofurti, 1603-5. -----. The same. Opera omnia, medico- chemico-chirurgica. Ed. novissima. 3 v. fol. Geneva', 1658. -----. The same. Opera, Bucher und Schriff- ten, so viel dereu zur Hand gehracht; und vor wenig Jahren, mit und auss ihren glaubwtirdi- geu eygener Haudgeschriebenen Originalien col- lacioniert, vergliechen, verbessert; und durch Joh. Hnserum Brisgoium in zehen underschied- liche Theil, in Truck gegeben. Jetzt von neuen mit Fleiss iibersehen, auch mit etlichen hisshero umhekandten Tractaten gemehrt, und umb mehrer Bequemlichkeit willen, in zwey Tomos uund Theil gehracht, deren Begrifi' und Ordnung, nach der Vorrede zu linden, sampt beyder Thei- len fleissigen und volkomeueu Registern. fol. Strassburg, 1516. Quekcetaxus redivivus, hoc est, nrs medica dogmatico-hermetica, ex scriptis Josephi Quer- cetani . . . tomis tribus digesta: quorum i. ars medica medicatrix; ii. ars medica auxiliatrix; iii. ars medica practica. Opera J. Schroderi. 3 v. in 1. 4°. Francofurti, 1648. -----. The same. Hac antem 2. ed. juxta exemplar Schroderianum revisa variisque in locis correcta et aucta. 3 v. in 1. 4°. Francofurti, 1679. Scholl(J.) Astrologiae ad medicinam adplica- tio brevis; deque convenientia eorundem canones aliquot ex probatissimis quibusque, etastrologiaj et niedicinae, authorihus vigilautissime collecti, restaurati et nunc primum in lucem aediti. Post hos fasciculus totius medicina; sequitur, theses aliquot rei medicae et niaxime simplitioris hre- vissime eomplectens, opera et diligentia . . . nu- per integritati astronomicae restitutus. sm. 4°. Argentorati,. 1537. Torrella Valentinus (H.) Opus praeclarum de imagimhus astrologicis non solum medicis verum etiam litteratis viris utile ac amceuissi- inum. sm. 4-. [ Valentia; 1596. ] DE Torres Villarokl (D.) Libros en que estan reatados difi-rentes quadernos physicos, medicos, astrologicos, poeticos, morales, y inys- Astrology. ticos, que aims passados dio al publico eu pro- ducciones pequenas. 2 v. iu 1. 4°. Salamanca, 1752. -----. Respuesta & una carta do D. Joseph Herrando, sobre el atisvo, que vau & hacer por el mundo, de el passo de el plaueta Venus por el disco solar, los astrologos, que han salido de Pa- ris, Roma, Iuglaterra, y otras partes; y de camino escribe de el terremoto de el dia 31 de marzo de i-ste aho de 1761, ypone los pronosticos, y seiiales ciertas, que sueleu anteceder £ los temhlores fu- tures tie la tierra. 4°. Madrid, [1761]. -----. El mercurio celestial y terrestre. Noticias indefectibles de lo que passa en los pai- ses altos del cielo, y sospechas prudentes de lo que puede tronar en los haxos de la tierra; sou sucessos, y casos de los que se dexan ver muy de tarde eu tarde en el uno, y el otro mundo. Los da 6, la imprenta . . . [en la] ciudad de Sala- manca ... 4°. Madrid, [1762]. Hoffmann (F.) De siderum influxu in corpora hu- mana. In his: Opusc. theol.-phys.-nied., 4°, Hate, 1740, 219-247.—1*. A. I*. Ragionamento accadeniieo sopra gl' iuflussi de' corpi celesti recitato nell' adunanza dellacolonia Alfea. In: Dissertazioni e lett. [etc.], 8°, Firenze, 1750, ii, 103-130. d'Astros (Leon). Corps strangers des voies aeriennes chez l'enfant. 9 pp. 8°. [ Paris ], G. Steinheil, [1890]. -----. L'hydrocephalie he're'do-syphilitique. 34 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1891]. Astruc (John) [1684-1766]. Tractatus de motus fermentativi causa novam et mechanicam hypo- thesin continens. 5 p. 1., 177 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 24°. Monspelii, apud H. Pech Begis, 1702. -----. Memoire, sur la cause de la digestion des alimens. 24 pp. 4°. [Montpellier, ches H. Pech, 1711.] -----. Trait6 de la cause de la digestion, ou l'on refute le nouveau sisteme de la trituration et du hroiement, et ou l'on prouve que les alimens sont digerez et convertis en chile par une veri- table fermentation. 9 p. 1., 400 pp., 20 1. 12°. Toulouse, A. Colomiez, 1714. -----. Dissertation sur l'origine des maladies 6pid6miques, et principalement sur l'origine de la peste, ou l'on explique les causes de la propa- gation et de la cessation de cette maladie. 2 p. 1., 118 pp., 1 1. sm. 8°. Montpellier, J. Mar- tel, 1721. ■-----. Dissertation sur la contagion de la peste, ou l'on prouve que cette maladie est v6ritable- ment contagieuse, et ou l'on re"pond aux difficul- tez qu'on oppose contro ce sentiment. 6 p. ]., 152 pp. sm. 8°. Toulouse, J.-J. Desclassan, 1724. Bound with his: Dissertation sur l'origine des maladies 6pidemiques, [etc.]. sm. 8°. Montpellier, 1721. -----. A treatise ou the fistula of the anus, written originally in Latin; to which are added several valuable pieces upon the same subject, collected from the writings of Fabricius ab Aquapeudente, Peter de Marchettis and others, the most celebrated surgeons and operators of their time. Adorned with a copper-plate de- scribing a new instrument for performing the operation on the fistula of the anus when it is incomplete, invented hy John Freke. viii, 199 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, J. Brotherton, 1738. -----. De morbis venereis libri sex; in quibus disseritur turn de origine, propagatione et conta- gione horumce affectuum in genere: tuni de singulorum natura, aetiologia et therapeia, cum brevi analysi et epicrisi operum plerorumque quae de eodem argumento scripta sunt. Editio prima Veneta post tertiam Lugduneusem aucta et emeudata. xxxi, 639 pp., 16 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud J. M. Lazzaroni, 1741. ASTKUC. 750 ASTRUC. Astruc (John)—continued. _____, lie morbis venereis libri novem. Editio secunda Veneta, post quartain Lngduuensem, auctior et emendatior, iu qua addita sunt duae dissertationes novae. 2 v. xx, 590 pp.; 642 pp. 4°. Venetiis, T. Bettinelli, 1746. -----. The same. In hac novissima editione praeter novas duas auctoris dissertationes acce- dunt epistolae tres Gerardi L. B. Vans-Wieten, de specifico ab ipsomet invento, et experimentis probato ad profligandani luem veneream absque pthyalismo; nee non dissertatio cl. viri Josephi Marias Xaverii Bertini de usu interno et externo mercurii ex italico in latinum sermonem con- serva. 2 v. xx, 420 pp.; 471 pp. 4°. Venetiis, T. Bettinelli, 1760. -----. The same. 2 v. xx, 423 pp.; 464 pp. 4°. Neapoli, expensis S. Manfredl, 1768. -----. The same. 2 v. xvi, 362 pp.; 388 pp. 4°. Venetiis, typ. P. J. Gatli, 1790. -----. The same. Traits des maladies v6n6ri- ennes; ou, apres avoir explique l'origine, la pro- pagation, et la communication de ces maladies en g6ne~ral, ou deerit la nature, les causes et la curation de chacune en particulier. Traduit du Latin. 3 v. 16°. Paris, G. Cavelier, 1740. -----. The same. 4. ed., revue et augmentee de reniarques par M. Louis. 4 v. 16°. Paris, P.-G. Cavelier, 1777. -----. The same. A treatise on the venereal dis- ease ; being chiefly designed as a translation and abridgment ofthe practical part of Dr. Astruc's work. 2. ed., to which are added the improve- ments with regard to the use ofthe sassaparilla, mezereon, anrt sublimate; as, also, an account of Mr. Plenk's method of cure. By Samuel Chapman, xxv (1 1.), 490 pp., 5 1. 8°. Lon- don, W. Owen, 1770. -----. Tractatus therapeuticus. Ed. secunda. 5, 383 pp. 16°. Geneva}, apud Fratres Cramer 4' Cl. Philibert, 1750. -----. Traite des tumeurs et des ulceres, oil l'on a tach6 de joindre a une theorie solide la pra- tique la plus sure et la mieux 6prouvee: avec deux lettres: I. Sur la composition de quelques re- medes, dout on vaute Futility, et dont on cache la preparation. II. Sur la nature et le sucees des nouveaux remedes, qu'on propose pour la guerison des maladies v6n6riennes. 2 v. xvii (1 1.), 478 pp.; 454 pp., 1 1. 16°. Paris, P.-G. Cavelier, 1759. -----. The same. Abhandlung von Geschwiil- sten und Geschwiiren, nebst zween Briefen, worinnen: I. Die Zuhereitungen gewisser he- riihmter Arzneymittel entdeckt uud untersucht werden. II. Wo von der Natur und dem Erfolgt einiger Mittel wider die geile Seuche gehandelt wird. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von Georg Ludwig Rumpelt. 2 pts in 1 v. 394 pp.; 15 p. 1., 345 pp., 11 1. 12°. Dresden 4' Warsch.au, Grbllischen Buchhandl., 1761. -----. The same. Tractatus de tumoribus et ulceribus solidam theoriam, atque tutiorem pra- xim eomplectens. Accedunt epistola; duae. I. Circa compositionem quorumdam remediorum, quorum mirabiles effectus jactant, sed praepara- tionem abscondunt. II. Circa naturam, et vir- tutem quorumdam remediorum, quae adversus luem veneream nuper proposita sunt. Ex Gal- lico sermone in Latinum versus, viii, 240 pp. 4°. Venetiis, typ. N. Pezzanas, 1766. -----. Recueil de plusieurs pieces concernant: Le traits des tumeurs, et des ulceres, et l'extrait qu'on en trouve dans le Journal de me'decine de M. Vandermonde. 115 pp. 12°. Paris, P.-G. Cavelier, 1759. Another copy bound with his: Trait6 des tumeurs, [etc.], 16°. Pari'*, 1759. Astruc (John)—continued. -----. Traite des maladies des femmes, ou Ton a taehe de joindre h une theorie solide la pratique la plus sure et la mieux eprouvee. 6 v. 12°. Paris, P.-G. Cavelier, 1761-5. -----. The same. Avec un catalogue chronolo- gique des medecins qui ont ecrit sur ces mala- dies. 3 v. 8°. Avignon, par les Lihraires asso- ci4s, 1763. -----. The same. 2. ed. 7 v. 12°. Paris, 1\- G. Cavelier, 1770. -----. The same. A treatise on all the diseases incident to women; containing an account of their causes, differences, symptoms, diagnostics, prognostics, and cure. Translated from a man- uscript copy of the author's lectures read at Paris, 1740. vi, 480 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, M. Cooper, 1743. -----. The same. Tractatus de morbis nnilie- rum, solidam theoriam praxi certiori et experi- entiis comprobatam eomplectens. Accedit cata- logus chrouologicus medicorum, quorum scripta de iis morbis extant. Gallico sermone conscrip- tus nunc Latino versus. 2 v. xxiv, 388 pp., 1 pl. ; viii, 212 pp. 4°. Venetiis, typ. N. Pezzanas, 1763-7. Pars altera has additional title: Accedunt dissertationes duse; altera tuetur systema appendicum et vermicularium uteri, adversus dnbitationes nonnullas celeber Van Swiet- tenii. Altera perf'ringit criticas quasdam pbilologicas ani- madversiones ad hoc opus, attinentes, qua; in diario lite- rario ann. 1762. repertae sunt. -----. The same. 2 v. xxiv, 388 pp.; viii, 212 pp., 2 ill. 4°. Venetiis, typ. et imp. J. A. Pez- zance, 1783. Another copy has two volumes in one. -----. L'art d'accoucher rednit a. ses priucipes, oil l'ou expose les pratiques les plus sures et les plus usit6es dans les difierentes especes d'accou- chemens. Avec l'histoire sommaire de l'art d'ac- coucher, et une lettre sur la conduite qu'Adam et Eve durent teuir h la naissance de leurs pre- miers enfans. lx, 312 pp. 16°. Paris, P. Cave- lier, 1771. -----. The same. Elements of midwifry; con- taining the most modern aud successful method of practice in every differeut kind of labour, with a short history of the art of midwifry, and an answer to a casuistical letter, on the conduct of Adam and Eve at the hirth of their first child. Translated, with additions and explanatory notes, hy S. Ryley. xlviii, 196 pp. 8°. London, S. Crowdev, 1766. -----. The same. The art of midwifery reduced to principles, in which are explained the most safe and established methods of practice in each kind of delivery; with a summary history of the art. Translated from the French original, to which is added an appendix hy the translator, containing illustrative remarks on conception and pregnancy, and on those particulars taught hy Dr. Astruc, which vary from the methods adopted hy the hest accoucheurs here. 35, 36, 362 pp., 9 1. 8°. London, J. Nourse, 1767. -----. The same. Ars obstetricia ad sua princi- pia redaeta, tutiorem praxim multiplici partui accommodatain eomplectens. Accedit hujus provinciae historia. 96 pp. 4°. [Venetiis, 1767.] Bound with his: Tractatus de morbis mulierum. 4°. Venetiis, 1763-7. -----. The same, viii, 96 pp., 1 pl. 4U. [Ve- netiis, 1783.] Bound with his: Tractatus de morbis mulierum. 4°. Venetiis, 1783. See, also, Bourdier dc la lTIoulioi-c (C.) *Anex anatome subtiliore ars medica certior? In: Sigwart (G. (F.) Qna-stiones med., Par., 4°, Tubingte, 1789, i, 220- 228.—iTlcmoire pour Louis Charbonniere, [etc.]. 4°. [n. p., n. d.]—Petit (A.) Reponse d'un chirurgien de S. ASTKUC. 751 ASYLUMS. Astruc (John)—continued. f'usiiic k la premiere lettre de M____[etc]. 4°. [Paris, 1737. | — QtiCNiiay (F.) Lettres [i-xii] sur les disputes, [etc.]. 4°. [n.p., 1737-8.] Asturias. t'ovirin y Junco (R.) Apuntes para la geografia nieilica de Astiirias. Kev. asturianade cien. m6d., Oviedo, 1880, iii, — ; 41 ; 121; 237 ; 242; 317; [217] ; 265. Asuero y Cortezar (Vicente ). Programa Ac auipiiacion de la terapeutica e hidrologia medica. lxxxvii pp. 8°. Madrid, M. Alvarez, 1666. Aswilduroff (K.) * Neuritis ischiadica chro- nica asceudens. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Jena, Hossfeld u. Oetling, 1661. A*}'i fur Gehirn- und Nerveukrauke, in Bendorf bei Cobleuz. [Prospectus.] 11. 4C. [Neuwied, W. Striider, n. d.] Privat-Anstalt des Dr. Erlenmeyer. Asyl (Das) Hornheim, die Beholden und das Pu- hlikum von Dr. P. Jessen. 123 pp. 8\ Eiel, E. Homann, 1862. Asyl der Stephanie-Stiftuug, im Sehlosse Bider- mauusdorf. Erster Jahresberieht des Vereines zur Griindung eines Asyls fiir Erziehung und Pflege schwachsinniger Kinder *'Stephanie-Stif- tung" fiir die Zeit vom 29. Mai 1880 bis Eude des Jahres 1883, iiher die Bildung und hisherige Wirksamkeit des Vereins, sowie iiher die Er- richtung und Eroffnung. 65 pp. 8:'. Wien, M. Salzer, 18>4. Asyle Bendorf und Sayn hei Coblenz. Bendorf- Sayu. Asyl fiir Gehirn- und Nerveukranke, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Curmittel hei Irren von Dr. C. M. Brosius, Director des Asyles. 32 pp., 2pl. t?;. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1667. Frivat-Asyl des Dr. Brosius. ------. Asvl fiir Gehirn- und Nervenkranke zu Bendorf, Jahresbericht. 12., 18(58. Von C. [M.] Brosius, Director. 2 pp. 8-. [ Berlin, J. Sitten- feld, 1669.] Repr.from: Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1869, vi. Asylum for Criminal Lunatics, Kingston. See Ontario. Asylum for the Insane, Eingston [ in 1.8.]. Asylum for the Cure of Scrofulous and Glandu- lar Diseases, under the direction of Mr. Charles Whitlaw. [With report of committee to raise a fund for the asylum. Feb. 28, 1822.] 32 pp. 8°. London, 1822. Established Feb. 28, 1822. Opened Xov. 14, 1822. The word "Glandular" -was substituted for " Cancerous" in report for 18-3-4. -----. Annual reports of the committee upon the medical principles of Mr. Charles Whitlaw to the governors and subscribers. 2., 1823-4; 4., 1825-6. vi, 7-30pp.; viii, 9-47 pp. 8°. London, F. Warr, 1624-6. Extracts from the reports of the . . . upon the medical principals, and under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Charles Whitlaw. xi, 9-64 pp. 8°. London, F. Warr, 1826. See, aho, West London Medicated Vapour Bath In- stitution. Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb of the State of Kansas. See Kansas Institution for this Educa- tion of the Deaf and Dumb, at Olathe [in 1. s.]. Asylum for Fatherless Children, Reedham, near Croydon, Surrey. Annual reports of the board of management, to the subscribers. 24., 1867-8; 25., 1868-9. 12°. London, 1868-9. Instituted Mav 15, 1844. 24., in P./.v. 968; 25., in P., v. 971. Affords a home, maintenance, and education to fatherless children whose parents were above the condition of paupers. Admission is by election, from earliest in- fancv- Boys remain until they are 14 years of ago, girls untii they are 15. Asylum for Female Orphans, Westminster Road, Lambeth (now Beddington, Surrey). Au ac- count of the ... in the county of Surrey, with Asylum for Female Orphans—continued. a list of the guardians. 15 pp. 12°. London, J. H. Muller, 1865. [P., v. 967.] Instituted 1758. Asylum for Idiots, Earlswood. Second visit to Earlswood (the Asylum for Idiots), May 17, ad- journed to June 8, 1861. 30pp. 12°. [London, UnwinBros., 1861.] [P., v. 968.] Annual reports of the board of manage- ment aud medical superintendent to the sub- scribers aud the public. 18.-23., 1864-5 to 1869- 70: 25.-38., 1871-80 to 1884-5; 43., 1890; 44., 1891; 47., 1894. 12°. London, 1865-95. Instituted Oct. 27, 1847. Incorporated 1862. Reports for 1871-2 to 1881-2 bound in lv. Nineteenth in P., v. 968; 20. aho in; P., v. 968. -----. Address by the Rev. Andrew Reed, [being an appeal iu behalf of the asylum]. 11. 12°. [London, n. d.] [P., v. 968.] —. Tho same. [With selections from the rules and bye-laws.] 19 pp. 12°. London, 1867. [P., v. 968.] —. The same. 18 pp. 12°. London, 1870. [P., v. 971.] Asylum for the Insane, Hamilton. See Ontario. Asylum for the Insane, Hamilton. Asylum for the Insane, Kingston, Ontario. See Ontario. Asylum for the Insane, Eingston, On- tario [in 1. s.]. Asylum for the Insane, London, Ontario. See Ontario. Asylum for the Insane, London [in 1.8.]. Asylum for the Insane, Somerville, Mass. [In- sane Department of the Massachusetts General Hospital.] Rules and regulations for the ad- mission of boarders. 2 1. 4°. [Boston, n. d.] Asylum for the Insane of the State of Kansas. See Kansas. Eansas State Lnsane Asylum, at Osawatomie [in 1. s.]. Asylum for the Insane of the Territory of Wash- ington. See "Washington Territory. Hospital for the Insane of the Territory of Washington, at Steilacoom [in 1. s. ]. Asylum for the Insane, Toronto. See Ontario. Asylum for the Insane, Toronto [in 1. s.]. Asylum for the Insane Poor of the County of Norfolk, Thorpe, near Norwich. See Norfolk (County of). Asylum for the Insane Poor, etc. Asylum for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of their Reason, Philadelphia. See Friends' Asylum for the Insane, Philadelphia. Asylum for Respectable Aged and Indigent Fe- males. See Home for Aged Women, Boston [in l.s.]. Asylum and School for the Indigent Bliud, Nor- wich. See Norwich Asylum and School for the Blind [in 1. s.]. Asyl una (The) investigation. Dr. Tourtellot's testimony finally completed; the evidence of present and former managers; the investigation temporarily closed. Cutting from: TJtica Morning Herald, April 10, 1883. Asylum (The) Journal. Conducted by the medical superintendent of the Public Lunatic Asylum for British Guiana, Robert Grieve. [Monthly.] v. 1-5, 1881-5. sm. 4°. Lunatic Asylum, Fort Canje, Berbice, Br. Guiana. Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Children, Albany, N. Y. Annual report of the managers to the society. 3., 1832. 15 pp. 8°. Albany, Packard, Hoffman a- White, 1833. Asylum at Walnut Hill, Hartford. Annual reports of the executive committee to the cor- poration. 1., 1874-5; 2., 1875-6; 4., 1877-8. 8°. Hartford, 1875-8. Asylums. See Foundlings, etc.; Idiots; Insane. ASYMMETliY. 752 ATAXIA. Asymmetry. See. also, Body (Human, Symmetry, etc., of); Face (Atrophy, etc.. of). CIokici-. Asymetiie acquise entre les deux moiti6s laterales du corps' humain. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 958:973.—LrDrntu. Sur un travail de M. le Dr.Clozier. .. intitul6: Asyin6trie acquise entre les tleux moities du corps humain. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxii, 297-302. — iHi I n<- (J. B.) On tbe case of a child affected with congenital asymmetry of the two halves of tbe body. Quart. M? J., Sheffield, 1894-5, iii. 243-249. 1 pl. Ataide (Enrique). See Orfila (P.-Matthieu-Joseph-Bonaventure) [in 1.s.]. Tratadodemedecinalegal, [etc.]. 4 v. 8°. Madrid, 1847. Ataliba (Florence). See Florence (Ataliba) [in 1. «.']. Ataliba (Jose Yieira de Faria Aragdo) [1804-53]. de Queiroz (J.) Tracos biographicos do Dr. Ataliba. [Extr.] Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1882, 2. s., vii, 163-109. Atanasijevi£ (Svetozar) [1851- ]. *Zwei Fiille von Syphilis des Gehirns. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1879]. Atavism. See Heredity. Ataxia. See, also, Alcoholic neuritis, etc.; Astasia and astasia-abasia; Diphtheria (Complications, etc., of); Diphtheria (Paralysis from). Laxgner (E.) * Ueber diphtheritische Ata- xie. 8°. Eroloschin, [1878]. Arnold (A. B.) A caseof traumatic ataxia. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Lis., X. Y., 1884, n. s., ix, 08.—Babinski (J.) Tabes benins. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 336-340.—ISai-bc. Observation d'ataxie alcoolique; guerison. Prance med., Par., 1885, xxxii, 713-715. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Pur., 1885, ix, 124-127.—Bcucdikt. Ein Pall von Ataxie spasmodique. "Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1894, xii, 2237.—Boucher (L.) Ataxie fruste trau- matique. Normandie med., Rouen, 1888, iv, 82-86.— Cli avail in. Observation d'ataxie d'origine traumatique. Loin- nn'-il.. St.-Etienne, 1888, vii, 297-306.—Dor (L.) Un cas d'ataxie diphtheiitiqiie. Province med., Lyon, 1890, iv, 4.—llitzii; (Iv) 'lube traumatica e sua patogenesi in generale. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, 117-119.—Knapp (P. C.) Hereditary and trau- matic motor tabes. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, cxxv, 348- 352.—Lloyd (J. H.) Porms of pseudo-tabes due to lead, alcoliol, diphtheria, etc. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3.S., xiv, 58-67.— Rudisch (J.) Sc Jacoby (G. W.) Two cases of diphtheritic spinal ataxia. Arch. Med., N. Y., 188-J, viii, 249-259. Also, Reprint.—Bybalkin (J. V.) Dva sbicbavn disbasii. [Two cases of dvsbasia.] Bol- nitsch. gaz.' Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv, 1041-1047.— T«-i**i«-i- (J.) De l'ataxie musculaire. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1861, 2. s., ix, 203-244. Ataxia (Hereditary). See, also, Paramyoclonus multiplex. de Beauregard (L. M.) * Ueber eineu Fall Friedreichscher Krankheit mit Storuugen der Seusibilitat. 8°. Berlin, [1894], Besold (G.) *Klinische Beitrage sur Kennt- niss der Friedreich'schen Krankheit. [Erlan- gen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Fuanz (li.) *Kliuische Beitrage zur Fried- reich'schen Tabes. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1893. Hanel (P.) * Feber eine Form vou noch nicht heschriebeuer hereditiirer neurotischer Muskelatrophie. 8°. Jena, 1890. Pai-exhausex (C.) "Feber Friedreich'sche Krankheit. ft . Berlin, [1888]. Peksexaike (J. B. C.) - Ueber Friedreich's hereditare Ataxic. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Zivolle, 1600. Pubel (L.) * Contribution h, l'etude de la ma- ladie de Friedreich. 4°. Paris, 1694. Eosexulatt (I. ) * Ueber hereditare Belas- tung bei Tabes dorsalis. .s:. Berlin, [189;jj. Rouffixet (G.) * Essai clinique sur les trou- bles oculaires dans la maladie de Friedreich et ear le r6tre"cissement du champ visuel dans la syringomyelic et la maladie de Morvan. 4°. Paris, 1691. Ataxia (Hereditary). Sola (F.-V.) * Elude clinique sur la maladie de Friedreich. 4■'. Paris, 1668. Anderson (J. W.) Friedreich's ataxia. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, 108-174.—AiimcIm-i-(lv) Sur mi cas tie mala- die de Friedreich (sclerose nevroglique pure), suivi d'au- topsie (etude histologique dela moelle epiniere. et desneifs cutanes). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., i'ar., 1890, 9. s., ii, 475-479. -----. Sur nn cas de maladie de Friedreich, avec autopsie. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1893 5. s., v, 340-350, 1 pl—Babayeflf (A. N.) Sluchai nas- liedstvennoi spasmodicheskoi sphinoi sukhotki v svyazi s istericheskimi formamitoi zhc boliezni. [Hereditary spas- modic locomotor ataxy combined with the hysteiica'l luiin of the disease.] Protok. /.asaid. Kavkazsk. med. Ohsb Tiflis, 1894-5, xxxi, 693-716. —Baldes<-lii ((;.) Di mi caso di malattia di Friedreich; sun trattamento con la sospensione. Riforma med., Napoli, 1890, vi, 1328. — ISuhmi (G.) Un caso di malattia del Friedreich. Gazz. d. osp. Milano, 1893, xiv, 1290-1296.—Bniimil (L.) Clinique in- fantile; considerations cliniques sur la maladie de Fried- reich. Mercredi med., Par., 1891, ii, 49-52.—Brntliall (W.) A case of Friedreich's disease. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1893, i, 1163.— Bcrbcz (P.) Tabes precoce et heredite ner- veuse. Progrds nied., Par., 1887, 2. s., vi, 59-62.—Bcwold (G.) Klinische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Friedreich'- schen Krankheit (hereditare, resp. juvenile Ataxie). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1894, v, 157-187.— Blot-q (P.) Un cas de maladie de Friedreich. Arch, de neurol, Par., 1887, xiii, 217-221. -----. Les nouveaux faits de la maladie de Friedreich. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1888, 62-68.—Blocq (P.) Sc Mariiiest-u (G.) Sur l'ana- tomie pathologique de la maladie de Friedreich. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 118-120.—Botkin (J.) Sluchai Fridreichovoi boh-zni. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxiii, 32-38.— Boui-haud. Maladie de Friedreich; amblyopie ; persistanee du refft-xe rotation. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1895, i, 313-323. —Bramwcll (B.) Friedreich's disease. J?i his: Atlas of Clin. Med., fol., Edinb., 1891-2, i, 28-48. -----. Xotes of tliree new cases of Fried- reich's ataxia. Ibid., ii, 178. -----. Cases of Friedreich's disease with main-en-griffe. Ibid., 1892-3, ii, 70. -----. Two cases of Friedreich's ataxia in which the knee jerks are not lost. Ibid., 22.—Bramwcll (H.) Notes on a case of Friedreich's disease, and of two other cases occur- ring in the same family. Bep. Proc. Nortliiuub. Sc Dur- ham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1890-91, 132-136.— Brock (E. H.) Tliree cases of Friedreich's disease. Lan- cet, Lond., 1893, i, 139.—Brown (C. H.) Two cases of Friedreich's disease. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1890, xvii, 657-668.—Brown (E. H.) Friedreich's disease. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, xxv, 330.—Brown (S.) A report of a series of twenty-one cases of hereditary ataxy. Chicago M. Rec., 1891-2, ii, 500-516. [Discussion], 553. Also: N.Am. Pract., Chicago, 1892, iv, 1-15. Also: Brain, Lond., 1892, xv, 250-282. Also [Abstr.|: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 434-437.—Buriugh Bockhoudt (II.) Bijdrage tot de casuistiek der Friedreich'sche tabes. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1892, 2. 11., xviii, pt. 1, 561-571. —Burr (C. W.) A case of Friedreich's ataxia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1892, xvii, 450-456. Aho: Tr. Phila, Neurol. Soc, [N. Y.], 1891-2, i. 109-114. -----. A contribution to the pathology of Friedreich's ataxia. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4, vi,'598-604. Aho. Reprint— Burr ( L. B.) Friedreich's ataxia in legal medicine. Med.-Leg.J.,N.Y.,1891-2,ix, 123-128.—Cardosi (S.) Con- tributo alia forma rudimentale del morbo di Friedreich. Gazz.d.osp..Milano, 1895,xvi, 1587.—Chauffai-d(A.) Ma- ladie de Friedreich avec attitudes atheto'iiles. Semaine med., Par., 1893, xiii, 409-411. Also, transl: Gazz.d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 1231-1233.—Clarke (J. M.) An account of three cases of Friedreich's disease, or hereditary ataxia. Lancet, Loud., 1889, i, 570.-----. A case of Friedreich's dis- ease, or hereditary ataxy, with necropsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1294-1297. — Collins (J.) A contribution to the study of hereditary cerebellar ami hereditary spinal ataxia, with the history of an atypical case of the first-named dis- ease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 805-871. — Debove. Maladie do Friedreich. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 1005- 1067. — Drjerinc (J.) Note sur l'anatomie pathologique de la maladie de Friedreich (a propos de la communication de M. Auscher). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 479. -----. Sur les causes probables de l'integiite,do la sensibility dans la maladie de Friedreich. (Tabes et maladie de Friedreich; analogies et differences anatomo- pathologiques entre ces deux affections). Ibid., 105-108. -----. Sur la difference de l'6tat de la sensibilite dans la maladie de Friedreich et dans la maladie de Duchenno. Ibid., 120. -----. Sur tine forme particulie-re de maladie de Friedreich avec atropine musculaire et troubles dela sensibilit6. Ibid., 9. s., ii, pt. 2. 43-43. Aho: Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 477-484. — Bcjcrine (J.) Sc Lctulle. Etude sur la maladie de Friedreich (sol6rose nevroglique pure des cordons post6rieurs). Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 321-328, 1 pl. Aho [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 127-135. Also [Abstr.]: Semaine meil.. Par., 1890, x, 81.—DescroizillcN. Un cas d'ataxie h6re- ditaire. Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 569-572. Aho, ATAXIA. 753 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Hereditary. transl: Lev. med. de Sev'illn, 1880. ix, 39-48. — Desl rec (E.) Un cas de maladie de Friedreich. J. dc nu'-d., chir. et pharmacol., Unix.. 1892, 773 781. — Brcschfeld (J.) [Two cases of Friedreich's disease.] Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1014. — Ktvnrt. Friedreich's disease, with increased kueejerk. Ibid., 1891, i. 991.— Fiorioli dclln l.cun (F.) Due casi di malattia del Friedreich ; trasfusioni ner- yese nel piii avauzato di essi cou modihcazioiie del metodo cli C. Paul : niigliorameiito cousiderovolo. Morgasiui. Mi- lano, 1892. xxxiv. 630-652. — Friedeiiicicli (A.) Et Til- fielde af heredita-r Ataxi (Friedreich's Svejloni). Hosp.. Tid.. Kjubeiih.. 1891, 3. IS., ix. 25; 49. —Fry (F. It.) Fried- reich's ataxia; two cases. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis 1893. iv. 038-640. 2 pl. — <5eijjcl (IL) Leber Friedreich's hereditare Ataxie. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-nied. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1892, 9u-92.-«lvim (T.R.)' Caseof Friedreich's disease. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1887, vii. 191.—v Cai-pcnter (G.) Cases of hereditary ataxia (a faniily of five). Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxi, 2(18-276, 1 pl.—Goni-i-s (W. R.) A family affected with locomotor ataxia. Ibid., 1880-81, xiv, 1-5. Also [Abstr.]; Lancet, Lond.. 1880, ii, 018. — <* rancher. De l'heiedo- ataxie cerebelleuse. Independ. m£d., Far., 1895,1.—CSrif- nlli (J. I'. C.) A contribution to the study of Friedreich's ataxia; with exhibition of cases. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 188s. 3. s.. x 196-273. 1 tab. [Discussion]. 279-281. Aho, Reprint.—tp mi -i case of Friedreich's ataxia. With exhibition Ot ^tient T,'. ('oil. Pbys. Phila., 1888. 3. s.,_x 277.-O..I- mont i- Knmond. Maladie de Friedreich et h6redo- atax" <:e.ebelleuse. Mercredi med., Par., 1895, vi, 97-99.- Ataxia (Hereditary). Packard (F. A.) A case of Friedreich's ataxia. J. Xerv. A Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1892, xvii, 168-170. Also: Tr. Phila. Xeurol. Soc. [ X. Y.l. 1891-2, i, 42-44. — Ran- ziei- (G.) De la maladie de Friedreich. X. Montpel. med., 1893, ii, 725; 748. —Kook (C. W.) Sc Dana (C. L.) Reports of six cases of Friedreich's ataxia, occurring iu three different families. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1890, xvii, 173-180.—de M:i (H.) Ataxia hereditaria de Friedreich. Brazil-med.. Rio de Jan., 1888, 366. Also: Bol. da Soc. de nied. e cirurg. do Rio de Jan., 1888, iii, 307- 313. Schultze (F.) Erwiderimg auf den zweiten Arti- kel von Senator iiher hereditare Ataxie (Friedreich'sche Krankheit). Berl. kliu. AVchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 760-764. -----. Leber die Friedreich'sche Krankheit und ahuliehe Kiankheitsforinen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber nystagmus- artige Ziickiiiigen bei Gesunden. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1894, v, 27; 103, 1 pl — Weejjaard (C.) Friedreich's Svgdom (heredita-r Ataxi). Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk..Christiania, 1892, 4. IL, vii, 4-14-457.—Sena- tor (H. ) Ueber hereditare Ataxie (Friedreich'sche Krankheit). Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1893, xxx, 489: 1894, xxxi, 039. Also [Abstr.]: Internat. klin. Rundschau, AVien, 1894, viii, 1125. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1893, xviii, 111-410— Neppilli (G.) Atas- sia ereditaria o malattia di Friedreich. Riv. sper. di fre- niat., Iteggio-Emilia, 1883, ix, 335-340.—Sinklcr (AV.) Two cases of Friedreich's disease. Med. News, Phila., 1885. xlvii, 3-6. -----. Report and exhibition of four cases of Friedreich's disease. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1888, 3. s , x. 274-276. —Small (S. I.) Friedreich's ataxia, with cases. Med. fSec, X. V.. 1895. xlviii, 85-87. Aho: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1895, xix,472-479, lpl.—Smith (W. E.) Hereditary or degenerative ataxia: six cases in one family; death of one case and autopsy. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1885, cxiii, 361-308. Also, Reprint.-----. Microscopical prepa- rations of the spinal cord from a case of Friedreich's ataxia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 99-101. -----. Postero lateral spinal sclerosis (generic origin), or generic ataxia: a name suggested in place of hereditary ataxia, or Friedreich's disease. Boston M. &. S. J., 1888, cxviii, 213- 215. Ateo, Reprint —Slawell (IS. R.) Two cases of Fried- reich s disease. Austral. M. J., .Melbourne, 1895, n. s., xvii, 452-400.—Suckling (C. W.) Hereditary ataxia, or Fried- reich's disease. Illust. M. Xews, Lond., 1889, iv, 257-259. Aho | Abstr. | : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 1119—Surmout ill.) Xoto sur une nevropathie heriiditaire (maladie de Friedreich k marche retardee). Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1889, xxviii, 265; 288; 311.—Szczypiorski. Maladie de Friedreich accompagnee de troubles'" trophiques chez un imbecile 6pileptique. Ann. med.-psych., Par.. 1892, 7. s., xv, 404-407.—Taylor (J.) Two cases of Friedreich's ataxy. Practitioner, Lond., 1894, liii, 335-342.—Taylor (J. M.) Two cases, brothers, of Friedreich's ataxia, asso- ciated with symptoms of spinal chorea. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis. X. Y., 1892, xvii, 166-168. Also: Tr. Phila. Neurol. Soc' [X. Y.], 1891-2, i, 40-42.—Tonoli (S.) Malattia di Friedreich. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, li, 191; 207; 217; 227; 237; 252; 260.—Tresitldcr (W. E.) Three cases of hereditary ataxy (Friedreich's disease). Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 301.—Vcr'hoogen (IS.) Deux cas de maladie de Friedreich. J. de med.. chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1895, 33-4(i.—WiiHe (H.) Zwei neue Falle von hereditiirer A taxie. < 'or.-III. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, 33-36.— Wells (E. F.) Report of a group of five cases of Friede- reich's disease. Tr. Indiana M. Sue, Indianap., 1888, xxxix, 152a-152d. — Wilson (H.) Friedreich's ataxia case. Liveipool M.-Chir. J., 1889, ix, 442. — Wilson (T. S.) Notes on Friedreich's disease. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1893, xxxiv, 193-206.—Yushtshenko (A. I.) Sc Plokhinski (X. AL) Paramyoclonus multiplex (Friedreich'a). J. nied. ihig., Khark'off, 1894, ii. no. 2, 37-160. Aho, Reprint.— Zcniicr (P.) Friedreich's disease; hereditary ataxia. Ohio AI. -L, Cincin., 1884, v, 177. Ataxia (Locomotor). ISoKiiKitKMY (M.) *Des Amissions 1'ataxic, locomotrice. 4°. Paris, 1664. [Rap. de Florain (L.)J in: Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt, rend., Par., 1885, xxxix, 28-30. Colella (R.) Sur uuo forme du tabes dor- salis pas encore de"crite. fitude clinique et anatomo-patholooi<|ue. 8°. [n. p., 1895 ?] Fkiedrichsex (F.) * Ueber Tabes dorsalis lu-iin weiblichen Geschlecht. 8°. Berlin, [1693]. Herzog (J.) * Vierzig Falle von Tabes dorsa- lis aus dem Basler Biirgerspital. [Basel.] 8°. Solothurn, 1693. Hili>ei?kandt (A. [A.]) * Ueber Tabes dor- salis in den Kinderjabren. 8°. Berlin, [1692]. Lucas. # Considerations sur la marche et la dur^e de l'ataxie locomotrice. 4°. Paris, 1884. dans 48 ATAXIA. 754 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor). Miliotti (D.) Della tabe dorsale (atassia lo- comotrice). 8°. Milano. [1866). MoBlUS (P. J.) Neurologist-lie Beitriige. 3. Hft. Zur Lehre von der Tabes. 8-\ Leipzig, 1K)5. Pfkiffer (li.) *Zwei Fiille von Tabes iuci- piens. S-. Eiinigsberg i. Pr., 1892. Tacussel (A.) ~ Essai sur le tabes moteur. 4°. Lyon, 1667. Vspkxski (P.) * Ataxie locomotrice progres- sive. Progressivnoye unichtozhenie koordina- tsii dvizheniy. SJ. Sanktpeterburg, 1^06. Allbutt (T. C.) Remarks on the phenomena of loco- motor ataxy, with an appendix relative to discussion thereon. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 157-159. Aho. Re- print.— Ataxia (La) locomotriz [en el negro |. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1892, xviii, 47-50. — Bccvor (C. E.) Locomotor ataxia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., iii, 112-117.—Blackaflcr (A. D.) A case of ataxia in a child twelve vears of age. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1888-9, [Phila.], 1890,'i, 191-194. Also: Montreal M. J., 1889-90, xviii, 050-659. Also: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1890, vii, 85- 88. ISoonnrkcr (II. J. M.) Geval van tabes dorsalis. Statist, overz. d. b. h. Nederl. leger. . . behand. zieken, Leiden, 1S93, 243. — Borgherini (A.) Sur la naturo syst6matiquo du tabes dorsal. Rev. neurol.. Par., 1893, i, 282-289. — Boulter (II. 15.) Locomotor ataxia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond , ls79, xv, 170 - 178. — Biadsha\v (T. R.) Two cases of locomotor ataxv. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1893, xiii, 439.—ltrakcnriilsi- (D. J.) Clinical lect- ure on locomotor ataxia. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1,-79, ii. 857; 887. — Brisiowc. Locomotor ataxv in a woman. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1880. i. 634.—Et rower (D. R.) Lo- comotor ataxia; its diagnosis and treatnient in the pre- ataxic stage. J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1885. iv, 373. [Dis- cussion], 384. Also: Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1885, xi, 272-275. Aho [Abstr.]: X. York M. ,L, 1885, xii, 392. -----. Suggestions on the pathology and treatment of lo- comotor ataxia. Yerhandl. d. x. internat. nied. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iv, 9. Abth., 1-4. Also: X. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1890-91, n. 8., xviii, 741-745.— Burr (CAY) The fre- quency of locomotor ataxia in negroes. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1892. xix, 278-281. 'Aho: Tr. Phila. Neurol. Soc., IX. Y.]. 1S91-2. i, 74-77. — Buzzard (T.) Clinical lectures on locomotor ataxia. Lancet, Lond., 1880. i, 41; 235; 670. — Canticld (II. M. > Remarks on locomotor ataxia. Ibid.. 1.-85, ii, 110-112.—Cantaui (A.) Atassia locomotrice progressiva. Boll. d. clin., Xapoli, 1884, i, 145- 148.—Ca|i(iz/.i, Ln caso di atassia locomotrice. [From-: \ Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Xapoli.] Progresso med., Xa- poli, 1888, ii, 794-806.— Carpenter (A.'M.) Locomotor ataxia; case; recovery. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1883, xlvi, 28-3U.—Charcot (J.-M.) Deux eas d'ataxie locomo- trice. Semaine. med., far., 1890, x, 197.—Chai-pcnticr. Observation d'ataxie locomotrice consecutive a des acci- dents de decomposition brusque par rupture d'un sca- puandre. Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxvi, 261-266.— Clark (L. P.) Tabes dorsalis in a woman twenty-three years old. Med. Rec, X. Y. 1.-94, xlvi. 379.—Clarke (J. L. ) On locomotor ataxy. Brit. M. L, Loud., 1869, ii, 4; 121; 344; 629. Ah'), Reprint.—Cleveland. Locomotor ataxy occurring in an individual seventy years of age. Cincin. Lancet >v Clinic, 1884, n. s., xiii, 6-9.—Coe (H. AV.) Locomotor ataxia. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg,, 1895, iii, 351-353. — Cran-cour (■!. L.) A case of locomotor ataxia; apparent recovery. X. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 452.—Debove (M.) Sc Boudet (M.) Recherches sur l'incoordination motrice des ataxiqucs. Arch, de neu- rol, Bar., 1880-81, i, 39-49.—De Castro (J. C.) Case of progressive locomotor ataxia. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1882, ii, 274. — Dc Crceft. Ataxie locomotrice. Arch. med. beiges. Brux., 1890, 3. s., xxxviii, 230-234. — Deia- mare. Observation d'ataxie locomotrice. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil, Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxvii, 342-348. — De Benzi (E.) Sull' atassia locomotrice. Boll. d. clin.. Xa- poli, 1884, i, 249-251. —De IVattevillc (A.) A new theory of locomotor ataxy. Brit. M. J., Lund.. 1884, ii, 1102.— I)oiii;l:>" (A.) Xotes on tabes dorsalis. Med. Press Sc Circ.,' I.nnd., 1894, n. s., lvii, 31-34.—Di-cschfcld. Locomotor ataxy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 592.— Di-iiiiimoud (D.) On two cases of rapidly developed unilateral ataxy. Ibid., 1881, ii, 156.-----. [Three cases of locomotor ataxia.] Rep. Proc. Northumb. Sc Durham M. Soc, Xewcastle-upon-Tyne, 18,-7-8, 8.—Erb (YV.) Zur Lehre von der spinal en Ataxie. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1885, iii, 25-31. —ICskridae (J. T.) Ataxia. Internat. Clin.,"Phila., 1892, iv, 2s(i-3uo. Also, Reprint.—Finny (J. H.) Locomotor ataxy. Tr. Rov. Acad.M.Ireland. Oiihl, 1888, vi, 404-407, lph —Flood (S.) Case of locomotor ataxy of over 10 vears standing. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 18S7-8. vii,'220.—Foot (A. AY.) Geueralised lo- comotor ataxy Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, 3. s., lxxxi, 392- j Jul. — Cri^nani (R.) Sopra un caso di atassia locomo- tiicu piugrcssiva. Spallanzani, Modena, 1882, 2. s., xi, 539- ' Afa\ia (Locomotor). 545 — <». Ilepi toiv airiuv Tijs Kii-rjTiif^ „rn(in<;. TaX-qvos, '.Wii'ii. 1885, xiv, 292; 309; 325: 339: 355.-Marnier (P.) i- Vallon ( C. ) Ataxie locomotrice el folic sinnih'-es Arch, de neurol., Par.. 1896. 2. s., i, 28-33. —Gerne (P I Elude sur quelques points de l'ataxie locomotrice (symp- tomes, diagnostic et traitement). Concours med. Par 1882, iv, 162; 186.—Giani ill.) Dell' atassia locomotiice in rapporto coni' anestesia nella tabe dorsale. Movimento, Xapoli, 1885, xvi, 473-478.—Ciittcrmunn. Ueber Tabe> dorsalis. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Beil.. 1894, xv, 155-158.— Goldschneidcr ( A. ) Leber Ataxic und Miiski-lsinn Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 491-491. -----. Leber den Muskelsinn und die Theorie der Ataxic. Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Berl., 1888-9, xv, 82-101 — <*<>■ 5. 8. s., ii, 156-160.—Tjiiy.i (J.) Note pour servir k l'etude his torique de l'ataxie locomotrice. Ann. de psychiat. et . d'hypnol. Par., 1895, n. s., v, 321-324. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 674.—.Uagnin (L.) Ataxie loco- motrice chez le cheval. Rec. de m6d. v6t., Par., 1891, 7. 8., viii, 341-346. — iTIauu (E. C.) A case of progressive locomotor ataxia (posterior spinal sclerosis). Alienist Sc Neurol, St. Louis, 1886, vii, 206-208. — Menchc ( H.) Casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre vom Muskelsinn und der Ataxie. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Bonn, 1881-2. ii, 625-027.—LTIetller (L. H.) Is locomotor ataxia a con stitntional disease? Chicago M. Rec, 1891-2. ii. 533-544. [Discussion], 558-560. -----. On the nature of locomotor ataxia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 200-270.— IWichaelis (II.) Zur Geschichte der Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche nod. AVchnschr.. Leipz. u.Berl., 1893, xix, 1309.— MohinsiB. .1.) TJeber Tabes bei AVeihern. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz &. Leip/... 1893 n. F.. iv, 401-406. -----.' Neuere Beobachtungen iiber die Tabes. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1894. ccxli. 73-92.— IVIoorc (X.) Locomotor ataxy and partial paraplegia in children. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893. xxix, 261-203.— JTIiinzer (E.) Zur Lehre von der Tabes dorsualis. Prag. med. AVchnschr., 1894, xix, 153; 166.—Ormerod (J. A.) [etal.]. A discussion on ataxia, and the diseases of which it is a symptom. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1894, ii. 1289-1294.—Oxley. Two cases of ataxia in children. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Loud., 1882, i, 410.— Parry (L. D ) Notes on a case of locomotor ataxia (?). Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890- 91, x, 137. — Pierre (Mariei. L'ataxie locomotrice. J. de la sante, Par., 1895, xii. 5n 1-503. — Pierrct (A.) Ab- stract of communication on locomotor ataxia. Tr. Inter- ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor). nat. M. Cong., Loud., 1881, i, 399-4U2. — Pooley (J. H.) Locomotor ataxia. Med. &, Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1883, xlix, 169-173.— Porter (A\\ IL.) Locomotor ataxia; two cases: one a case of so-called spinal arthropathy; the other acute tabes dorsalis. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1887, xiv, 236-246. — I»ui^ y Bnlanso. Ataxia locomotriz progresiva. Rev. de cien. med., barcel. 1880. vi, 253- 256.—Putnam (0. E.) Ataxia locomotriz. Bev. nied. Bogota, 1883-1, viii. 207-211.— Ken (T.) Considcra/ioni sulle diverse specie dell' atassia locomotrice. Osservatore. Torino, 1888, xxxix, 132: 155. —Kozenbauni. O redkoi forme spin, suchotki i o prich. ataksii. |On a rare form of spinal tabes and the cause of ataxia.] Russk. Med., St. Pe- tersb., 1887, v. 387-390.—Kuiniuo (G.) Su di un caso non commie di tabe bulbare primitiva e sulle forme che deviano dal tipo descritto da Duchenuo di Boulogne col titolo di atassia locomotrice progressiva. Med. contemp., Xapoli, 1884, i, 184-192. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lnion med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii. 980-9.-9. — Mnundby (R.) Illustrations of locomotor ataxv. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1886, xx, 193; 241.—SchofieM i E. L.) Locomotor ataxia. Practitioner, Lancaster, 1883, i 37. —Schulz (R.) Ataxie im Kindes alter. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz. 1882, v, 73-77. -----. Xachtrag zur "Ataxie im Kiudesalter'. Ibid., 1883, vi, 266. — Mchumpert (T. E.) Locomotor ataxia, with report of a case cured. Mod. Rec. X. Y., 1894, xiv, 629. — Sienve >oj;iieira (M.) Xoticia de um caso de ataxia locomotora progressiva. Coimbra med.. 1884, iv, 70-73.— Minkler ("VYl The tendency towards recovery in certain cases of tabes dorsalis. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1895, 5. s., ii, 140-145. — Ktcphcu«oii (J.) Acute ataxia. Med. Chron., Manchester. If i'4. n. s., i, 255-258.—Ktctvart (11. S.) Ataxo-spasniodic tab.- (ataxic paraplegia), oc- curring in a case of primary dementia. J. Ment. Se. Lond.,' 1887-8, xxxiii, 82-89. — Tabes dorsalis. Xorth Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 18,-9, Lond., 1891. 31.— Thistle (AY. B.) Locomotor ataxy in a girl of fourteen, with probable mode of origin. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1893. xviii. 502-504.— Thomas (F. S.) Tabes dorsalis. Tr. Iowa M. Soc. Omaha, lt-93. xi, 39-41. — Tommasi. Atassia locomotrice progressiva. Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1885. ii, 393; 401. -----. Sull atassia locomotrice. Gior. di cliu., terap. e nud. pubb., Xapoli, 1888. xix, 3-7. Aho : Boll. d. clin., Milano, 18-8. v, 49-52. — Toi-ncro Olmos (J.) "Una observacion del primer peiiodotk- ia ataxia lo- comotriz piogresiva. Rev. med. de Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1882-3, xi, 223-230. — Townsend iE. II.) Locomotor ataxia. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. Madison, 1892, xxvi, 133- 139.—Ti-cvclyan. An unusual caseof ataxia. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1895. i. 1,. —Turner (IL F. D.) Locomotor ataxy. Lancet. Lond., 1890. ii, 920. — Tweedy (H. C.) Locomotor ataxv. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dub].. 3883, i. 119-123. — Van SaiUvoord (R.) Locomotor ataxia. ('yd. Pract, M. (Ziemssen >, X. Y., 1881 (suppl.. 585-588).— Vaughan ( O. T. ) Locomotor ataxia. A'irginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, CU3-614. — Verbitzki (M. K.) Ataxia locomotrica progressiva s. tabes dorsalis. Rnssk. Med., St. Petersb , 1894, ix, 453; 409. — Vicrordt (O.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ataxia. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr.. 1886, xxiii. 333-335. — Vuectic (X.) ZurCasuistik der Tabes dorsalis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg:, 1892, xxxvii, 442; 454. — Webber (S. G.) Cases of locomotor ataxia. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis.. X. Y., b-83. x, 439-418.—Weil (M.) Eiu Fall von Tabes incipiens. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1894, xxvi, 745-769, 1 pl. — Wood (II. C.) Three cases of locomotor ataxia. Med. (Ja/.., X. Y., 1881, viii, 210-212. -----. Locomotor ataxia; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; lateral sclerosis. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1885, cxiii, 457-459.— Wood (H.C.i it Dei-c..... (F. X.) Locomotor ataxia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, L--5, 3. s., i, 155-157.—/riiiii'i-d'.) Locomotor ataxia. Med. Xews, Phila., L-83, xliii, 393; 449; 479. Ataxia (Locomotor, Causes and pathology of). Auscher (E.) *Deux cas tie tabes combin6 suivis d'autopsie. 4-. Paris, 1694. -----. The same. >°. Paris, 1 .-[).">. Borgkii ([C. AY.] II.) * Zur Aetiologie der Tabes dorsalis. 6'J. Greifswald, 1^94. Cacciola (S.) Sopra un caso di atassia da lesioui ci-rebellari; osservazioni anotoino-patolo- giche. 8°. Padova, 1667). C'avl.v (V.) H*T">tii(le critique sur le rapport 6tiologique de la syphilis et de l'ataxie. 4-. Bordeaux, 1662. Eccabd (\V.) * Ueber die pathologisch-ana- toinisclicn Veriinderungen im Riickenmark bei Tabes dorsalis. 50. Erlangen, 1692. Fournier (A.) De l'ataxie locomotrice d'ori- gine syphilitique. ri°. Paris, 1676. 755 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Causes and pathology of). Hitzig (E.) Ueber traumatische Tabes und die Pathogenese der Tabes im Allgeineincii. roy. Sl . Berlin, 1691. Repr from: Pestschr. d. Fac. z. 200jahr. Jubelf. d. 1 mv. Halle. Leyden (E.) Die neuesten Untersuclmngen iiber die pathologische Anatomie uud Physiolo- gie der Tabes dorsalis. Zwei Vortriige". S-. Berlin, 1604. Plichox (A.-F.) * Le tabes dorsal est-il d'ori- giue syphilitique.' ■!-. Paris, 1892. -----. Tin- same. Sc. Paris, 16{)2. AVestkxiiokikei! (M.) * Tabes dorsalis und Syphilis. !--. Berlin, [1894]. Wollenberg (K.) * Untersuchungen liber das Verhalten der Spinalganglien bei der Tabes dorsalis. 8-'. Berlin, 1892. Abadie (C.) L'ataxie locomotrice est-elli- d'origine syphilitique? Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1882, 2. s., xix, 785- ,87. Also: Union nied.. Par., 1883, 3. s.. xxxv,' 289- 292. Also- Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1882), 1883, xvii, 209-217.—Arnaud (F.-L.) LTn cas d'ataxie locomotrice d'origine syphilitiijue, avec troubles intellectuels. Ence- phale, Par., 1887. vii. 452-458. — Bcln^on. Kecherches sur les causes de l'ataxio locomoti ice'progressive. Pro- files med., Par., 1885, 2. s.,ii.I49: 171.-Bennett (A. H.) A case of locomotor ataxy, without disease of the poste- rior columns of the spinal cord. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885 xviii, 168-176, 2 pl. Aho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.J:' Bi it M. J.. Lond , 1885, i, 487. — Bertoyc (II.) Xote sur un cas d'hemiataxie locomotrice progressive d'orijrine profes- sionnelle. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1885). 1886, xxv, 192-200. Also: Lyon mod.. 1885. 1. 77-85. Alio, transl..- Boll.d. clin., Xapoli. 1885, ii, 321-32L —Bird- sail (W. It.) Statistics relating to the association of syph- ilis with locomotor ataxia. J. Xerv. & Mint. Dis.. X] Y.. 1883, x, 522-525.—Blanchard (R.) Xote sur les modifi- cations anatoniiques que pr6sentent les os dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., ].<^2. 7. s., iii, 60-02. Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1881, liv, 147. Also ■ Gaz. nied. de Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, 125 —Korgherini (A.) Atassia locomotrice di origine cerebellare. Riv. sper. di freniat,, Reggie-Emilia, 1887-8, xiii, 425-435, 1 pl. -----. Etiologia della tabe dorsale. Atti d. xi Cong. med. inter naz., Koma, 1894, iii, Med. int.. 410-413. -----. Snlla etio- logia e sulla patogenesi della tabe dorsale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia. 1894, xxi, 352; 417. Aho, transl: Klin. Zeit- it. Streitfragen, Wien, 1894, viii, 311-345.— Boiicliard (C.) De l'ataxie locomoti ice progressive au point de vue de ses lesions anatomiques et de ses rapports awe d autres maladies peu conniu-s de la moelle epini^re. ,f. de med. de Lyon, 1864. ii, 325-339. —Boucher (L.) Sur un cas d'ataxie locomotrice d'origine syphilitique. Lnion med. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen, 1883, xxii, 53-64. -----. Ataxie locomotrice frnste, peut-etre d'origine syphili- tique; ut iii te prohahle d'un traitement d'epreuve. Ibid., 09-74. — Bra in well (B.) Xotes of a case of locomotor ataxy, with post-mortem examination. Edinb. M. J.. 1880- 81, xxvi, 615-020, 4 pl. — llrcgmaii (E.) Obecny stan szeezy o wiadzie rdzenia. [I'resent views as to theory of tahcs'dorsalis.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1894. xv. 433; 513; I pl.—CJardarelli. Un importanti- caso di atassia cero- bellosa prodotta da probabilo neoplasma del cervello. Boll. d. clin., Xapoli, 1885, ii, 105-1(17. -----. Influenza della sifilido nell' atassia loconiotricc. Ibid., Milano, 1895, xii, 529-530. Aho: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli, 1895, n. s., xvii, 521 -532. — Cliai-pcnticr. Observation d'ataxie iocomotrice consecutive a des accidents de de- composition brusque par rupture d'un scaphandre. Bull Soc. de m6d. de Par. (1883), 1884, xviii, 57-67. — Damn. Bchino. Des lesions de lanioelleet du bulbedans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Encephale, Par., 1884, iv, 129- 140, 2 pl. — Darkshcvich (L. O.) Spinuaya. sukhotka, kak aifiliticlu-skoye stradanie nervnoi sistenii. [Tabes dorsalis as a syphilitic disease of the nervous system.) Dnevnik Obsh. vracli. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1895, 1-11.— I>c Francesco (G.) Contributo alio studio della etiolo- gia e delle forme frnste di tabe dorsale. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1893, xiv, 738-740.— Dejerine (J.) Sur rcxistence d'alterations des nerfs cutaiies che/, h-s ataxiques. et sur le role que ioiient ces alterations dans la production des troubles de la sensibilite eutanee, que I'm observe chez les malades. Compt, rend. Sue. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s.. iv, 114; 215. -----• Des alterations des nerfs cutan6s chez les ataxiques, ih- leur nature peripheriquft ct du role joue par ces alterations dans la production des troubles de la sensibilite quo ton observe chez ces malades. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1883, 3. s., ii, 72-92. -----. FJtude sur le nervo-tahes peripherique (ataxie locomotrice par nevrites peripheriques, avec inte.grite absolue des racines posterieures, des ganglions spinaux et de la ATAXIA. 756 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Causes and pathology of). moelle 6piui6re). Ibid.. 1884, 3. s., iii, 231-268. Also [Ab- str.l: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xcvii, 914-916. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Par., 1883, 6. s., v, 523. Also [Abstr.]: France med., Par.. 1883, ii, 605-607. -----. Con- tribution a l'6tude de l'ataxie locomotrice des mernbres superieurs (tabes cervical). Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1888, 4. s., i, 331-343. -----. Du role jom§ par les 16sions des racines posterieures dans la sclerose medullaire des ataxiques. Semaine ni6d., Par., 1892, xii, 501-503. Aho, transl: Med. Week, Par., 1893, i, 1-3.— Dcsnos. Les differents degres d'alterations anatomiques des cordons m6dullaires post6rieurs consideres daus lenrs lapports avec la curabilit6 de l'ataxie locomotrice. Bull. et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s., xx, pt. 2, 10-13. Aho: Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxvi, 565-567. — Diaz Albertini (A.) Ataxia locomotriz in- cipiente de origen sifllitico. Rev. de cien. nied., Habana; 1887, no. 12, 3.—Dinkier (M.) Tabes dorsalis incipiens mit Meningitis spinalis syphilitica; ein klinisch-anato- mischer Beitrag zur Lehre von den atiologischeu Bezie- hungen zwischen Syphilis und Tabes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1892-3, iii, 319-342, 1 pl. —Dowse (T. S.) Ou syphilitic ataxia, and the pre-ataxic stage of loco- motor ataxia. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxx, 427; 449.-----. On ataxia and the pre-ataxic stage of lo- comotor ataxia. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Loud., 1881, ii, 403- 408.— Dubois. Ataxie locomotrice d'origine syphilitique. Bull Soc. de m6d. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1887, 4. s., 122- 124.—Duchcnne (de Boulogne). Kecherches cliniques sur l'6tat pathologique du grand sympathique dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Gaz. hebd. de m£d., Par., 18G4, 2. s., i, 116; 147. Also, Reprint.—Duplnix. Ataxie loco- motrice, avec insuftisance aortique; syphilis; sclerose des cordons posterieurs : scleroses viscerales; arteriosclerose g6neralis6e. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1884, 2. s., v, 219-222. — En gel (H.) Descending sclerosis of the tract for tactile sensations and coordination, locomotor ataxia; its anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment. Am. Specialist, Phila., 1881, ii', 81; 102.—Erb (W.) Die Aetiologie der Tabes. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1892, Xo. 53 (Innere Med., No. 18, 515-542).— JEstorc (A.) Un cas d'ataxie locomotrice d'origine syphi- litique. Assoc, frang. pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1880, Par., 1881. ix, 904-909. Also: Montpel. m6d., 1880, xiv, 212-218.—Fedoroff (M. I.) K vopr. o sifilit. tabes dorsalis. [On syphilitic tabes dorsalis.] Xevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1894, ii, pt. 3, 85-100. — Fisher ( H. M.) Case of locomotor ataxia. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv, 218.—Fournier (A.) De l'ataxie locomotrice d'origine syphilitique (tabes sp6cifique). Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1882, 2. s., iii, 1; 88. Aho [Rev.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 278. — n- gent (G. P. L.) Case of locomotor ataxy, with speci- men of Charcots disease. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894, xii, 305-314, 2 pl. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1894, xcviii, 276; 449. — Paranl (Y.) Etude sur la pa- ralysie gen6ralo consecutive a l'ataxio locomotrice. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1879, xiii, 465-485. — JPearcc (F. S.) Locomotor ataxia; sudden onset and unusual symptoms; posterior sclerosis of similar symptomatology in patient's wife. J. Nerv. . Bechard (A.) * Contribution a l'6tude de quelques troubles trophiques dans l'ataxie loco- motrice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1662. Bonieux (H.) "De la chute des ongles, de la chute des dents et des douleurs neVralgiques dans l'ataxie locoinotrice et dans le diabete. [Paris.] 4C. Poissy, 1863. Buiuier (H.) 'Die laryngealen Storungen tier Tabes dorsalis. [Freiburg i. B.] s-\ Lei- den, 1691. Coles (W.) Piogressive locomotor ataxia . .. with special reference to differential diagnosis. 8-. [Louisville, 1866.] Repr.from: Louisville M. J., 1867, vi. Collet ( F.-J. ) *Les troubles auditifs du tabes et la reaction edectrique du nerf auditif. 4'-. Lyon, 1694. -----. Thesame. 8 . Lyon, 1694. Dejerine (J.) Sur l'afiophie musculaire des ataxiques (nevrite motrice peripherique des ataxiques). Etude clinique et anatoino-patho- logiqne. 8°. Paris, 1-69. Delecluze (P.) *Des troubles oculaires dans l'ataxie locoinotrice. 4C. Paris, I860. Duruc (J.) *Des douleurs fulgurantes tabe- tiques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1692. Felix ( H. ) *Des troubles gnstriques dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 4°. I'aris, 1660. Galezowski ( X. ) Des troubles oculaires dans l'ataxie locomotrice: paralysie des nerfs niotenrs; atrophic des nerfs optiques; nevrite de la cinquienie paire; traitement. Lecons faites a l'Fcole pratique de la Faculte" de medecine, re- cueillies et redigeVs par F. Dcspagnet. 8°. Paris. 16-4. Gauch (K.) " Dc quelques symptomes inso- lites de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 4°. Montpellier, 16*4. Germaix (C.) Troubles oculaires dans l'ata- xie locomotrice. 8-. Paris, 1890. Gruet (E\) * Etude clinique sur les troubles intellectuels dans l'ataxie locomotrice progres- sive. 4°. Paris, 1662. ATAXIA. 759 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Semeiology of j. Hagen ( C. ) * Feber Mtiskelnfrophieen im Verlauf der Tabes dorsalis. ^-\ Bonn, [1^9:1]. Hamilton (A. McL.) The value of absent tendon-reflex as a diagnostic sign in locomotor ataxia; with an analysis of eight cases. 8°. Cambridge, 1679. Harel (£.) "Des crises gastriques dans l'a- taxie locomotrice. 4°. Paris, 166-2. Hay-Margirandiere (T.-H.) * Contribution a l'etude de quelques troubles trophiques de l'ataxie locomotrice (chute spontau^e des dents et des ongles). 4°. Paris, 1663. Jauijert (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des lesions eardiaques dans l'ataxie locomotrice. 4°. Paris, 1661. Jolenne (E.-A. ) * Contribution a l'etude statistique des troubles oculaires dans l'ataxie. 4°. Bordeaux, 1666. Lerat (P.-E.) * Contribution & l'etude des henioptysies et des hemorrhagies par l'anus, liee> aux crises douloureuses progressives tho- raciques et rectales de l'ataxie locomotrice pro- gressive. 4-. Paris, 1692. Magnan (A.) *Des symptomes pharynge's du tabes vrai. 4-. Lyon. 1-^4. Ollier (A.) * Du laryngismi- chrouique dans le tabes dorsal. 4~. Lyon, 1893. Orschansky (L.) *t"eber die rinarisanalge- sie als Tabessymptom. 1"-2J. Berlin, 1897). gi'EUDOT (C.-C. ) *Des crises douloureuses qui peuvent se moutrer sur les voies uriuaires et dans les organes genitaux au cours de l'ataxie locomotrice. 4-. Paris, 16-2. Riviere (G.-E.) * De l'anesthesie et de l'atro- pine testieulaires daus l'ataxie locomotrice pro- gressive. 4-. Bordeaux, 1->Pi. Roestel ([L. W.] F.) * Beitrage zur Patho- logie uud Therapie der Crises gastriques hei Tabes dorsalis. 6'~. Berlin. 1693. Schayer (E.) * Rectale und urethrale Krisen bei Tabes dorsalis. ~D. Berlin, [1893]. Tatartscheff (B. [S.] A.) *Die Urogeni- talstorungen bei Tabes dorsualis. 8°. Berlin, [1692]. \ p:illeau (M.-A.) * Crises visce"rales de l'ata- xie locoinotrice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1687). AlthaiiN (J.) The diagnosis of tabes spinalis (loco- motor ataxy). Med. Press Sc Lire., Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 283 ; 305. -----. A new symptom and a new I heory of locomotor ataxv. Brit. M. J.,' Loud., 1884, ii, 708; 1212. Also: Xorth Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1884, xiv, 280-289.— Arcliina■-fc Clin. Soc. (1880-91), 1892, iii, 61.— lai-iiioiia y Valle (M.) Incoordination des mouve- ments daus le tabes dorsalis. Atti d. xi Cong. nied. inter- naz., Roma, 1894, iii, 214-218—t'athclincasi. Crises gastriques du tabes; urologle et eliimisme stoniacal. Arch. g6n. dem6d., Tar., 1894, i, 405-418. — Charcot (J.- M.) Amaurose tabetique; douleurs fnlgurantes; crises gastriques; vertige de Meniere; epilepsia spinale salta- toire. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1881, liv. 50-52. -----. La peri- ode preataxique du tabes: 1. forme atrophique ; 2. forme hypertidphique. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1892, ii'. 57: 1893, iii, 265. Aho, transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lvi, 493-496. -----. Lo syndrome pa- ralysie labio-glosso-Iar\ ngee progressive dans le tabes. Progres med . Par.. Is93, 2. s., xvii, 449-453. — 4'hareot (J.-M.) & Bouchard ( O.) Douleurs fulgurantes de l'ataxie sans incoordination des mouvements; sclerose oominencante des cordons posterieurs de la moelle epi- niere. Compf. rend. Soc. de biol. 1866, Par., 1867, 4. s.. iii, 10-16. Also, Reprint. — (liiirauunz. Ph6nomeues laryuges et lesions articulaires chez une ataxique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 138.— Chvostclt (F.) Ein Fall von Tabes mit Bulbarsymp- tomen. Xeurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1893, xii. 762-769.— C'lozici- (IL) Atropine de la papille et alterations si- multanees de la cinquienie paire dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1880, 3. s., ii, 531-541.— Collet. Les troubles auditifs du tabes. Cong, franc, de m6d. 1894, Par.. 1895, i, 445. — C olliux (J.) Progressive muscular atrophy associated with locomotor ataxia. J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1894, xxi, 92-96. -----. A case of tabes associated with post hemiplegie athetosis and uni- lateral it-Hex uidoplegia. Ibid., 1895, xxii, 294-304. [Dis- cussion]. 320-323. — Coiii-nioiit (J.) Crises de spasme pharynge chez les tabctiques. Rev. de med.. Par., 1894, xiv, 80i-80i.— Behove. Xote sur l'ataxie locomotrice frnste (douleurs fulgurantes sans incoordination motrice). Bull, et m6ni. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1879), 1880. 2.S., xvi, 187-190.— Behove A Bondct (de Paris). Xote sur l'incoordination motrice des ataxiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s.. it 85. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s.. ii, 163. — Bejcrinc (J.) De la varia- bilite des nevrites cutanees des tahetiques dun malade k Fautre, et chez le meme inalado suivant les points de la peau que l'on examine. Couipt. rend. Soc de biol, Par., 1884 8. s.. i, pt. 2, 405-408. -----. E"tudc clinique et anato- mo-pathologique sur l'atropine musculaire des ataxiques (u6vrite motrice p6ripheriqne des ataxiques). Rev. de med.. Par., 1889, ix, 81; 208; 294. — Bejcrinc (J.) & Sollier (P.) Nouvelles recherches sur le tabes periphe- rique (ataxie locomotrice par n6vrites peripheriques). Arch, do med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1889, i, 251-266, 1 pl. — Beniangc (E\) Chuto spontanee des dents et crises gastriques Ct laryngees chez les ataxiques ; 16sions anatomiques. Rev. do inert., Par., 1882, ii, 217-253. Also: J. rt. conn, inert, prat., Par., 1882 3. a., iv, 131; 140.— Dreyfus-Brisac (L.) lies accidents laryuges dans lo tabes dorsal. Caz. hebd. de med., Par., 1882. 2. s.. xix, 586-589. Also, transl: Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1883, xlviii, 281-283. -----. De quelques troubles tro- phiques et viiso-moteurs dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1883. 2. s., xx, 622— Dumoiit, Pa- ralysie do la 3e paire gauche chez un ataxique. Bill clin. nat. opht. de l'hosp. d. (^lin/e-Vingts, Par.. 1886, iv, 138.— Farge. Troubles vaso-nioteurs dans l'ataxie locomo- trice' Bull. Soc. de mcd.d'Angeis, 188.5, n. s., xiii, 41-47. — Felici (F.) i'aralisi e crisi hiringee come contributo alia diagnosi del! inizio del! atassia locomotrice. Arch. ital. ATAXIA. 760 TAXI.A. Ataxia (Locomotor, Semeiology of). di laringol. Xapoli, 1887, vii, 67-73.—Ferrier. A case of amblyopic ataxy. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1881, ii, 937.— Fondicr. Troubles oculaires dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Lnion med. du Canada, Montreal, 1882, xi, 566-572. — Fournier (A.) De la periode preataxique du tabes. Therap. contemp., Par., 1884, iv. 297; 329; 361; 394; 441; 506 ; 522. -----. Les crises gastriques dans le tabes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1894, lxvii, 37. Aho: Tribune ni6d., Par., 1894 2. s., xxvi, 26-29. -----. Recherches de l'ataxie nais- sant'e. Clinique, Montreal, 1895-6, ii, 156-164.—Fren- kel. Fehlen des Ermudungsgefiibls bei einem Tabi- ker. Xeurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1893, xii, 434-436.— <»alczowshi. Des troubles oculaires dans l'ataxie loco- motrice; paralysie des nerfs moteurs de l'ceil. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1884, 3. s., vi, 334; 447. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 475; 491; 508.-----. Des symptomes ini- tiaux d'ataxie locomotrice et en particulier de la paralysie d'accommodatiou. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 161-164.-----. Sur les sigues prodromiques de l'atrophie ataxique des papilles et sur la cause syphilitique de ln maladie. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1892, 3. s.. xiv, 513-522.— Galippc (Y.) Xote sur les alterations des dents dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s.. iii. 231-234. Aho: France med., Par., 1886, ii, 1064- 1067. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 225.—di arel (J.) Crise laryngee dans l'ataxie locomotrice avec lesion des cordes vocales inf6rieures. M6m. et compt.- rend Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lvon (1882), 1883, xxii, pt. 2, 186- 190. Also: Lyon med., 1883, xiii, 15-19.—«ee (S.) Motor ataxia of legs'; diplopia; paralysis of orbicularis oris. St. Barth. Hosp. Bep., Lond., 1880, xvi, 42.—<»cndron. Note sur un symptome de la periode preataxique du tabes. Xormaudio nied.. Rouen, 1885-6, i, 214-216.—CJcrmaix (C.) Des troubles sensitifs dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1890, xiv. 4; 70; 100; 189; 240. -----. Troublesdc la sensibilite speciale dans l'ataxie locomotrice; oni'e; gout: odorat ; sens genital. Ibid., 1896, xx, 22-26.—Oiraudeau iC.) Tabes bulbaire, ulce- rations trophiques du nez et des oreilles. Presse m6d., Par.. 1894, 341.—.-i« hr (M.) Ueber Sensibili- tatsstorungen bei Tabes dorsalis und ihre Localisation. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl, 1895. xxvii. 688-756.—I^ciinhach (R.) Statistisches zur Symptotnatologie der Tabes dorsa- lis. Deutsche Ztschr. f.Xervenh., Leipz., 1895, vii, 493- 503. — liepine (R.) Sur une forme particuli&re de crises gastriques non gastralgiques daus l'ataxie locomotrice pro- gressive. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc m6d. de Lyon (1882), 1883, xxii, pt. 2, 108-114. Aho: Courriernied., Par., 1882, xxxii, 373-375. Aho: Lyon med., 1882, xii, 83-88. Also .- Tribune med., Par., 1882, xiv, 523-525. -----. Troubles glos.so-laryng68 dans le tabes. Lyon m6d.. 1894, lxxv, 233.— licwis (M. J.) A case of locomotor ataxia with loss of teeth and alveolar processes. Med. Xews, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 216.—liino Alarco (J.) Atrofia de la papila; ataxialo- comotriz. Gac meil., Lima, 1875, i, 142; 153; 159.—liizc. Xotes sur quelques symptomes laryngo-bronchiques de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive et sur certains accidents bulbaires ii debut rapide. Union in6d., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii. 114-116.— Marie (P.) & Walton (G.-L.) Des troubles vertigineux dans le tabes (vertige de Meniere tabetique). Rev. de m6d., Par., 1883, iii,42-59.— Mcdail. Ataxie locomotrice progressive a evolution rapide- debut par des troubles vesicaux ; grossesse intercurrente; dou- leurs fulgurantes; ecchymoses tabetiques; spasmes laryng6s; atropine musculaire; autopsie. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 231-240. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1880-7, xvi, 28-31. — Mitchell (J. K.) A case of locomotor ataxia beginning in the arms. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii, 420-422.—Mitchell (S. W.) Locomotor ataxia confined to tho arms ; reversal of ordinary progress. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1888 xv, 221-224. 'Also: Med. News, Phila., 1888,Iii, 428. -----. Motor ataxia; ataxia in a child of three years, with re- tained muscle reflexes; hysterical ataxia, with retained muscle reflexes. Med. Xews, Phila., 1894,lxv, 1-6.—Mol- liere (H.) Un cas d'ataxie locomotrice avec debut par des troubles trophiques. Lyon med., 1887, lv, 377-385. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1887), 1888, xxvii, 159-168.— Money (A.) On the dilata- tion of the pupil in locomotor ataxy. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 170.—Mott (F. W.) Early ocular symptoms in locomo- tor ataxia, with four cases. Internat. Cliu., Phila., 1895, 5. s., i, 123-129.—TVegro (C.) Crisi olfattorie in un ta- betico. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1894, xiv, 181-188. —Olli- vicr (A.) Xote sur quelques troubles trophiques dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxvi, 421-428. -----. Sur quelques troubles trophiques de la peau dans l'ataxie locoinotrice. Assoc, fran^. pour l'a- vance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1883, Par., 1884, xii, 791. Also: Gaz. m6d. dePar., 1883, 6. s., v, 417. — Oniiniis. Symp- tomes anormaux dans un cas d'ataxie locoinotrice. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Par. (1875), 1876, x, 89-94. — Osier (W.) Preataxic tabes dorsalis. Med. News. Phila.. 1-83. xliii, 197-199. Also Repi int.— Peterson (F.) A case of loco- motor ataxia associated with nuclear cranial nerve palsies and with muscular atrophies. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. Y.. 1890. xvii, 450-457. Also, Reprint, -----. Tabes with homonymous hemianopsia. X. York M. J., 1894, lix, 824.— Pic (A.) Noce sur un cas de laryngisme chronique dans le tabes. Province med., Lyon, 1893, vii, 253-256. — Pier- ret. Xouvelles recherches sur les n6vrites periplu'-riques ohservees chez les tabetiques vrais. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1886, cii. 1581-S5S3. Aho: France m6d., Par., 1886, ii, 992-994.—Pities (A.) De la chute spontanee des ongles chez les ataxiques. Progres nied., Par., 1882, x, 139. -----. Sur quelques troubles vaso-moteurs et secr6- toires qui peuvent survenir au (16but ou dans le coins de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1883), 1884, 545-561. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 280; 289; 301. ----:. Des crises de courbature musculaire au debut de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Progres nied., Par., 1884 xii, 559. -----. Des crises clitoridiennes et des crises de cour- bature musculaire au d6but de l'ataxie locomotrice pro- gressive. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 170-177. Also: J. de nied. de Bordeaux. 1884- 5, xiv, 79-81. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1884 xii. 729-731 Also, transl.: X. York M. Abstr., 1884. iv, 361-363. Aho. Beprint. -----. Sur quelques perversions sensitives et ATAXIA. 761 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Semeiology of). sensorielles ohservees chez des ataxiques. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 273-275. Also: Xico-iued., 1885-6, x, 51-56. -----. Degli attach! apoplettifortni nell' inizio • dell' atassia locomotrice progressiva. Med. contemp., Xa- poli, 1885, ii, 17-23. -----. Gangrene spontanee des orteils chez un tabetique. Rev. neurol, Par., 1893. i, 202-208.— Pities (A.) &. Yaillard (L.) Contribution k l'etude des nevrites peripheriques che/. les tab6tii|iies. Rev. de med., Par., 1886, vi. 574-610. — Poncct (K.) 1? tat des nerfs optiques et de la letine dans un cas de cecite remon- tant a dix ans, chez un ataxique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1882. 7. s., iv, 117-119. Also: Gaz. d'ophth., Par.. 1882, iv, 503. Also: Rev. nud. franc, et etrang., Par., 1882, ii. 4-6. Aho [Abstr.| : Progres nied.. Par., 1882. xj 145.—Popow (X.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Sehnerven'- verandeiungen bei der Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche Ztschr. f.Xervenh.. Leipz., 1893-4, i v. 270-276.—Porta iC. I Due casi di tabe dorsale complicati a niovimenti atetosici della mano destra. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1892. v, 97- 103.— Prince (M.) A case of spinal ataxia without loss of sensation and with increased patellar-tendon reflex; a coutributiou to the study of spinal ataxy. Boston M. i S. J., 1885. cxiii, 371-374. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885 v, 480-483—Priolean (L.) Cas de dystrophic des ongles dans l'ataxie locomoti ice. ,T. de nied. de Bordeaux, 1882-3. xii, 552; 563; 578. -----. Deux cas nouveaux d'a- taxie locomotrice avec dystrophic ungutale. Ibid., 1883-4, xiii. 100-103.—Putnam i,L J.) The diagnosis of locomo- tor ataxia in the early stages. Boston M. -in an (H. M.) Dry cupping and rest considered as means of relief in a case of locomotor ataxia. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1882, xxii, 373. Also: Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1883, xlvi. 98-101. -----. On the treatment of pro- gressive locomotor ataxia with rarefied air. after the method of Junod. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X'. Y., 1887, xiv, 409-415.— Mitchell (S. W.) An improved form of suspension in the treatment of ataxia, etc. .Med. Xews, Phila., 1889. liv, 399. -----. Suspension in locomotor ataxia. Univ. M. Mag., Phila,. 1889-90, ii, 341-345. IVIonissct. Xote sur le traitement de l'ataxie par la suspension. Lvon mod.. 1889, lxi, 501-514. Aho: Mem. et compt.-rend. Sue il. sc med. de Lyon (1889), 1890, xxix, 244 - 258.— Tlomot (F.) Un cas d'ataxie locomotrice traite par des injectlns de liquide testiculaire. Bee. de med. vet,, Par., 1894, 8. s., i, 337-34N. — Oliver Sc Page. Locomotor ataxia; nerve- stretching; no improvement. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 571.— OwtankolF (P.) Znatshenii- nietoda Frenkel'ya v ternpii tabes dorsalis. [Belatiou of I-'i enkel's method to treat- ment of tabes dorsalis.] Xevrol. Yestnik, Kazan, 1894, ii, pt. 3, 109-116.— Personal! iS.) La sospensione nella cura della tabe dorsale e suo valore. Boll. d. r. Accad. ATAXIA. 763 ATHETOSIS. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of). med. di Genova, 1890, v, 31-40. — Schuster. Bemerkun- gen zur Beliandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, ii, 46-59.—Potts (C.S.) A case of locomotor ataxia successfully treated bv suspension. Univ. M. Mag., rhila.. 1890-91. iii. 775.—Kosenbaiim (G.) Leber die subcutane Injection des Aethylendianiin-Silberpbos- phats (Argentamin K. Schering) bei Tabikern. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 627. — Konth (lv. H. F.) Locomotor ataxv treated by l'.rown Seipiaid's fluid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 1425— Mauudby (K.) Suspension in the treatment of locomotor ataxy. Ibid., 1889. i, 409.—Shaw (A. B.) The treatment of locoinotoi ataxia by suspension, etc. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 149-151.—Spencer (II.E.) Case of locomotor ataxy ; stretching of the sciatic nerve. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1882, i. 116.—Slciihoiisc (YV. M.i The suspension treatment of locomotor ataxy. X". Zealand M. J., Dunedin. 1889-90, iii, 25-29.—Stewart (J.) Case of locomotor ataxia, where right sciatic was stretched for relief of "lightning pains '. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1882, vii, 251-253. A ho. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1882-3. xv. 4 - 6. — Slillinan ( C. F. ) Stretching of the spine as a method of treatnient in loco- motor ataxia. Weekly M. Kev., St. Louis, 1890, xxii, 181- 187—Suckling (C. \V.) Antipyrin as an anodyne in lo- comotor ataxy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1273.— Yerrier (E.) De la reeducation des muscles dans l'ataxie des meinbres superieurs. Progres nied., Tar,, 1895, 3. s., ii, 164- 167.—Wniizfcldcr ( E. ) "Suspension'' in the treat- ment of locomotor ataxia. Med. Lee, X. Y., 1889, xxxv, 629.— Weiss iM.) Ein Leitrug zur Therapie der Tabes dorsalis. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1894. xii, 65- 69.— Wernicke ( R. ) Estiramiento de nervios en la ataxia locomotriz. An. d. Circ med. argent., Buenos Aires. 1,-81-2. v. 256; 314. -----. Un caso de ataxia loco- motriz tratado por el estiramiento de un ciatico. Ibid., 261-275.—Winslow (F.) Locomotor ataxy treated by phosphaiic injections. Lancet, Lond.. 1893. ii. 1246.— Wolfe (S.) The Bonuzzi treatment ot locomotor ataxia; remote effects of injury to the lumbar -pine. Internat. Cliu., Phila.. 1894, 4. s, ii', 131-136.—Wyeth i.L A.) Xerve stretching in locomotor ataxia; elongation of both sciatics; recovery with marked improvement. Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brooklyn, X. Y., 1882, v, 223. Ataxia (Muscular). See Thomsen's disease. Ataxy. See Ataxia. Atrliisoil (T. A. ) Faculty valedictory of the medical department of the University of Nash- ville and Vanderbilt University, delivered be- fore the graduates, session of 1677)-6. 15 pp. •?3. Xashrille, 1-76. Repr.from: Xashville J. M. Sc S., 1876, n. s., xvii. Atchur-Ade. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Atelectasis. See Anaemia (Causes of); Lungs (Atelectasis, ete., ofi). AtCllCO (L') medico Parniense. Rivista nazio- liale di scienze mediche, diretta dal Prof, (iiu- sejipe Silvestrini [et al.]. [Quarterly.] v. 1-4, 1-S7-1H). 8j-. Parma. AteilStsedt (Curt). *Zw.-i Fiille von Fibroma cvsticum des Uterus. 37 pp. 8L. Tiibingen, F. Pietzcker, l8'J:5. Alliunassio (Alex.) (1663- ]. * Des troubles trophiques dans rhysterie. 236 pp. 4-. Paris, 18*.Ml, No. 162. -----. The same. Preface de M. le professeur Charcot. 2:5(5 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, E. Lecros- nier ,y Babe, 1600. Atheism. Maxson (E. S.) The human body against atheism. 16°. New York, 1895. Repr.from: X. York M. J.. 1895. AtlM'UHMlill der Gegenwart. Mouatsschrift fiir Anthropologic, gesuuimte Ilygii-ne und sociale Wissensch aft en. Von Eduard Peich. No. 1, v. 1 \pril-Mny, l-9'-;. 8'-. Miinchen, (.'. Mehrlich. AtlH'iiaeiis Xaucralita. See Ho fin ami (Casp.) Yariarum lectionum hh. vi, HP Lipsiii'. 1619. Atlicnins (Guglit-lnius). See ,'lcicni-inlis (Hieronvmus) [in 1. s.]. Praelec- tiones 1'atavinas fete], fol. 'Yenetiis, 1603.-----. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1627. Atlienry. Sie Small-pox (History, etc., ofi), by countries. Athens. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of). Edu- cation (Medical), etc., Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hos- pitals (Maternity, etc.), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), Pest (History, etc., of), by localities. Atheroma* See Aorta, Arteries, Diseases of. Atherton. Ncc Scarlatina (Epidemics of), by localities. Atllt'l'toil (Gertrude). The Leland Stanford Junior University. pp. 286, 28!). 4>. [Xew York, 1888. ] Cuttings from: Harper's Weekly, X. Y., 1888, xxxii. Athetosis. Bernhard (H.) * Ueber Athetose. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1664. Beyer (G.) *Zur Lehre von der Athetose. >°. Bnslau, 1676. Friedexreicii (A.) "Bidrag til den nosolo- giske Opfaftelse af Athetosen og de denned lie- shegtede Kranipeformer. 8°. Ejipbenharn, 1670. Gerlixg (K.) * Ueher Athetosis. 8-". Kiel, 1687. Herrich-Schaeffer (A.) * Ueber Athetose. [Erlangen.] 6-. Wiirzburg, 16[)4. Hertz (B.) *Ein Fall von Hemiathetosis spastica mit eigentiimlichen Renexkriimpfen. 8-. Bonn, 1892. Massaloxgo (R.) Dell' atetosi doppia, ca- suistica e riflcssioni. 6~. Milano. [18c9]. Michailowski (D.-I.) * Etude clinique sur l'athetose double. 4°. Paris, 1892. Also [Abstr.], in: X. iconog. dela Salpetriere, Par., 1892, v, 57; 185; 251; 292; 5 1, phot. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Alienist Sc Xeurol., St. Louis, 1892, xiii, 593-632. Mills (C. K.) Myotonia and athetoid spasm. Clinical lecture delivered at the Philadelphia Hospital. 6^. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Nagel (G. ) * Ueher Athetose. 8°. Berlin, [18,81]. Proxk (A. A.) * lets over athetose. 8 . Lei- den, I860. Sciiaede ( M. ) * Ueber Athetose. [.Stras- burg.] 8°. St. Johann a. d. Saar, i860. ScniLsox (P.) * Leber Athetose. 8 . Bonn, 1601. Wis/wianski (A.) * Beitriige zu der Lehre von der Athetose mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung ihres Verhaltnisses zu der Chorea und andern ephlieniiplegischen Bewegungsstorun- gen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1669. A tin ill ( I'. ) Atetosa. Spitalul. Bucuresci, 1887, vii, 34G-34S — IiImimii (II.) Bidrag til kasiiistiken af den "dobbelte Atetose '. Hosp.-Till.. Kjobenh., 1880, 3. P., iv, 1153; 1177. —Aleleltoir (A . X.) K kazuistike hemi- atetoza. [Statistics of liciiiiatlu-tosis.J Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliii. 654-66H. — Allium*. Atlietosis after syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 989 — Bariaro (C.) Contributo alio studio ed alia cura dell' atetosi. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1894. xxxiii, 42; 281.— Bans (A. G.) A case of bi-lateral atlietosis. Med. Times £ Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 144.— Beach ( F. ) On cases of atlietosis. Brit. M. L. Lond., 1880, i, 882-S85. -----. An account of the microscopical appearances in a caseof athetosis. Ibid., 967. — Beevor (C. E.) A case of athetosis. Proc. M. Soc. Lond.. 1886, ix, 120-122.-----. Case of athetosis in a young man aged twenty. Ibid., 1887, x, 103. -----. Atlietosis affecting the face after injury. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890, xiii, 51:!? —Bernhardt ( M'. ) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Athetose und den vasoniotorischen Xeurosen der Ex- treinitiiten. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1881, xii, 495-501.— Bczy. Contribution si retude de l'athetose double. Med. inf., Par., 1894, i, 194-202.— Biegaristki (AV.) Przypa- dek hcuiiathetoscos post uiouoplegiaiu. Gaz. lek., War- ATHETOSIS. 764 ATHETOSIS. Del! atetosi. 251. — Carrier (A.) et compt.-rend. Soc. i 124-131. [Discussion vation d'athetose gc Athetosis. s/.awa. 1883, 2. s., iii, 510-513. -----. Hemiathetosis sinis- tra. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1890, xviii. 433-437 —Blocq (P.) L'athetose double. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par.. 1892, 2 s. xxix. 35U-354.—Blocq (P.) A Blin (E.) Xote sur un cas d'athetose double.. Rev. de nied., Par.. 1888. viii, 79_91 —Itliniiciiaii (M. B.) Sluchai atetosa. [Case of athetosis. 1 Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xii, 929-935.— Bourneville Sc Pilliet. Deux cas d'athetose double avec inibecillite. Arch, de neurol, Par., 1887, xiv, 386- 405. 4 phot, pl.: 188s, xv, 433-439. Aho: Kecherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1887. Par.. 1888, viii. 161- 186.—Hrainwcl! (B.) [Example of athetosis.] Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 455. — BreHeil. Hemiathetose droite. J. de med. tie Bordeaux, 1894, xxiv, 275.— Bris- saud (E.) Sc Hallioii (L.) Athetose double. Bev. neurol., I'ar., 1893, i. 314-318.-----------. Sur un cas (l'athetose double. Ibid., 409-413.-----------. Choree chrouio.ue infantile et athetose double. Progres med., Par., 1893, 2. s.. xviii, 1. — Brounxc (A. ) Quatre nou- veaux cas d'athetose. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt. rend. 1,-79. Par., 1,-80, viii, 902-907. -----. Un nou- veau cas d'athetose double. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel. 1888. x, 409-411. — Brnni (F.) Sopra un caso d' atetosi da coiigestione cerebrale con esito di guarigione. Riv. veneta di sc. med., A^enezia, 1891, xiv, 245-249. -----. Un caso d' atetosi da congestione cerebrale con esito di guaiiuion, . Boll. d. cliu., Milano. 1891, viii, 407-410.— ('nlnbrcsc (A.) Contributo alio studio della atetosi; tre osservazioni cliniche. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xa- poli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 681; 733. — Capozzi (D.) Dell' ate- tosi. Riforma nied., Xapoli. 1892, viii, pt. 3, 521; 531. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1894, xi. 241- Sur un cas d'hemiathetose. M6m. 1. sc. med. de Lyon (1879). 1880. xix, pt. 2, 75-77.—1'havanis. Obser- eralisee. Loire nied., St -Etienne, 1891, x, 77-81. —i'hni-cli (A.) Athetosis, with clinical cases. Bev. Insan. Sc Xerv. Dis., Milwaukee, 1891-2, ii, 257-267. At*o, Reprint. Also: Chicago M. Rec., 1891-2, ii, 316-522.—Coats (J.) Case of athetosis iu a child, with undue smallness of hand and arm : no previous paralysis. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiv, 333.—Combe. Contribution k l'etude de riiemiathetose pi imaire. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1892, xii, 686-696.—C'omby. Observation d'athetose. Bull, et m6ni. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 145. —4 onto ( M. ) Sobre um caso de monoathe- tose postparah tica de origein cortical. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1889, iii, 25; 33.—Davidson. Caseof athetosis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1883, iii, 130.—Dawson (J. L.), jr. Athetosis, with report of a case. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lxi, 466. —Wcjcrinc (J.) Sc Sollier (P.) Premier cas d'autopsie d'aiheiose double dataut dela premiere enfance ; absence de lesions des centres nerveux ; anomalies des cir- convolutions ; asvm6trie des hemispheres, du cervelet et du bulbe. Bull.'Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 601-603.— Dclogu (G.) Un caso di atetosi con etiologia accertata; guarigione. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma. 1895, xliii, 1048-1070. — Dcuiicc. Un cas de hemiathetose. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1881, ii, 198. — Be Benzi (E.) ' Sull' atetosi. Boll. d. clin., Xa- poli, 1884. i, 273-275. -----. Uu caso di emiatetosi. Riv. cliu. d. Lniv- di Xapoli, 1889, x, 73-76. Aho [Abstr.] : Riv. clin. e terap., Xapoli, 1889, xi, 337. Aho ]Abstr.] : Morgagni, Milano, 1890, xxxii, 275-277.—Douillct. Ob- servation d'athetose double cGrobrale infantile. Dauphiue med., Grenoble, 1893, xvii, 228-236. — D re wry <\V. F.) Double athetosis; report of two casts. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1H95-6, xxii, 201-207. — Du C'azal. Observation d'hemi-athetose avec aphasie. Lnion med. Par., 1.-80, 3. s., xxx, 1054-1057. Aho: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. do Par. (1880), 1881. 2. s., xvii, 325-329— Dy- son. Athetosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 418.-Kicii- horst (H.) Ueher Athetose. Arch. f.path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1894, exxxvii, 100-1'J". — Eitlciiburg (A.) Leber Athetose. "Wien. med. I're-sc, ls89, xxx. 289-294. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1.-.-9, xxiv. 380; 398. —Fcrcol. Athetose avec atrophie, sans anesthesie, chez un jeune homme de viugt-ciuq ans. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 129-132.—Ferguson (J.) Atheto- choreic movements. X. York M. j.. 1892, lv, 657. Also, Reprint. — Fischer (D. ) Tvanne nervfall (athetosis post ha-ruiplegiam spast. infant.). Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 455-459. — Fornario (G.) Nuovo contributo alio studio dell' atetosi. Psichiatria, Xapoli, 1890, viii, 82-96. 3 pl. —dowers (AV. It.) On athetosis aud post- hemiplegic disorders of movement. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1875-6, lix, 271-325, 1 pl. Also, IU print.-Green- lecs (T. D.) Notesof a case of athetosis associated with insanity. Brain, Lond., 1,-87-8. x, 483-1.-7. — <»i-cidcu- bergd!. S.) Chetire siuchava ateloza. [Four cases of atheio-i.s.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 81o: 823; 845; 863. Also, transl.: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr.. 1882.vii, 201; 209; 217. -----. Xoviy sluchai atetoza. [Case of athetosis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, iii, 667-669. — ISrocco (P.) Studj clinici sull' atetosi. Ann. univ. di med. c chir., Milano, 188.', cclix, 3-35.—Ha«an (H.) A case of general athetosis. X. York M. J., 1,-92. lv, 71. — Ilaiu- Atlietosis. mond (G. M.) A case of athetosis cured by nerve stretching. Am. J. Xeurol. & Psvchiat., X. Y." 1882, i, 517-521. Aho [Abstr.]: Boston M! dc S. ,L. 1,-82. cvii. 13. -----. Athetosis, its treatment and pathology. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1886, xiii, 730-742. —Ifio'lli* (W A.) Athetosis: with remarks. Practitioner, Lond., 1883, xxx, 434-439.—II [ornbogeiij (A. II.) Posthemiplegic hemi- athetosis. Med. Sc Surg. Rep. Cook Co. Hosp.. Chicago, L-90, 135.—Hughes (C. H.) A unique case of bilateral athetosis. Alienist Sc Xeurol. St. Louis. 1887. viii, 388- 395. Also, Reprint. Also: Weekly M. Rev. St. Louis, 1887, xv. 653-656. Aho: X. En- M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn.. 1887-8, vii, 164-168.— Kelly (A. O. J.) Atheiosis. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv. 233-236. A ho, Reprint— li ire h- lioti. Acnte linksseitige Hemiathetose? ohne Under- krankung. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Bell., 1882, xiii, 582-389.— Kouovaloflf (J.) Sluchai atetoza v sudebno-med. praktike. [Case of atlietosis in medico-forensic piactice.j Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb.. 1882. vii, 3080-30,-2.—von Kt-aflTt-Fbing. Ein Beitrag zur Athetosis iiliopathica bilateralis. "Wien. kliu. AVchnschr.. 1889. ii, 311.—Kn- retla. Athetosis bilateralis. Centralbl. f. Xervenh., Leipz., 1887, x, 385-398. — I.cube ("W. O.) Beitrage zur Pathogenese und Svmptoinatologie der Chorea und zur Beurtheilung des "\ erhiiltnissi s derselben zur Athetose. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880, xxv, 242- 258.— I.owentlial (H.) Ein Fall von acut entstan- ileiier Heuiiparese mit hemiathetotischen Bewegungen. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz.. 1889. xv. 290. Aho, Reprint.—Macaldowie (A. Jl.) Case of piiniarv athe- tosis. Brain, Lond., 1888-9, xi, 228.— Mcft illieiiddy (T. J.) Athetosis. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii. 395. Also : 'Sled. Repr., Lond., 1894, v, 50.—31 ansa Ion go (R.) Atetosi sue- cessiva a morbillo. Riforma med.. Xapoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 615-617.—Mcnsi (E.) Contributo alio studio dell'atetosi doppia. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1894, xiv, 321-323. Aho: Attid. xiCong. nied. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895. iv, Psichiat. [etc.1,33.—Mitchell (R.B.) Athetosisandathetoidmove- ments in the insane. Edinb. M. J.. 1881-2, xxvii 971-975.— Miibius (P. J.l Ileiniathetosis e hemiatrophia cerebri. Memorabilien, Heilbr.. 1881, n. ¥.. i, 213-215.—TIoii»»ous (A.) Un cas d'athetose double. Mem. et bull. Sue. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 565-571. Also: J. de in6d. de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 203-205.—JI iii ler. Ein seltener Fall von Hemiathetose. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1880, Graz, 1881, xvii, 119-121.—."Very (M.) Athetose dupla. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan.. 1894 305-307.— IVorhurv (V. P.) A case of athetosis bilateralis. Med. Fortnightly. St. Louis, 1892, i, 219. Aho, Reprint.—Or- rego Ijiico (A.) Un caso de atetosis. Lev. med. de Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1881-2, x. 412-415. —Fen jjra (C. P.) A case of athetosis. Boston M. &. S. J.. 1,-88. cxix. 80.— Pennato (P.) Sull' atetosi bilaterale. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1893, xxxii. 703-723. — I'errv. Caseof athetosis. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiv, 154-157—Putnam (J. J.) Athetosis. Cvcl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen). X. Y., 1881 (suppl.. 634-639).—Putnam (J. W.) A caseof com- jilete atlietosis, with post-mortem. J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1892, xix, 124-126.—Kailton (T. C.) On a caseof atlietosis. Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1887, vi, 59-61.—Re- mak (E.) Doppelseitige progressive Athetosis als aty- pische Chorea hereditaria. Xeurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1891, x. 361-367.—Renault (A.) Hemiathetose sans pa- ralysie. ni anesthesie, ni atrophie appreciable chez une jeune fille de seize ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. nied. d. hop. dePar., 1888, 3. s., v, 191-194.—Rendu. De l'hemiathe- tose. Praticien, Par., 1884. vii, 401 -403— Robertson (A.) Caseof mobile spasms (atli.-tosisi. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc. (1886-91). 1892. iii. 138. Also .- Glasgow M. J., 1889, xxxi, 61.— Roscioli (R.) Un caso di emiatetosi (con sezione cadaverica). Gior. di neuropatol.. Xapoli, 1886, iv, 297-3U7. Also, Reprint.—Ross (G.) A case of athetosis, or unilateral, slowly - moving, spasm. Mon- treal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 188J. i, 57-62. — Sabrazcn. Athe- tose de la main gauche; ph6nonienes choreiformes du pied correspondant; desharmonie mentale; autopsie. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1889. x, 40-42. Also: J. demed. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 79.—Sato (S.) Atetose kansa. [Athetosis.] Jnndendo Ijikeuku Kwai Hoko, Tokio, 1893, no. 163, 1-8. — Scheibcr (S. II.; Leber einen Fall von Athetosis spastica. Aicli. f. Psvchiat., Berl.. 1890, xxii, 220-229.—Schiitz ( E. i Casu'istischo Beitriige zur Lehre von der Athetose. I'rag. med. Wchn- schr.. 1882, vii, 21; 35.—Secligiiiiiller (A.) Ueber Athe- tose; uach der deutschen und auslandischen Literatur zusammengestellt. [ With bibliography. ] Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1881. clxxxix, 193-213. — Simpler (L.) On functional athetosis and incoordination of movement. Brain, Lond., 1880-sl, iii. 402-407, 1 pl—Sharkey iS. J.) An unusual case of athetosis. Ibid.. ls85-6, viii, s.5-s7.— Silbcrmniiii. Ein Fall von Athetn-e. Jahresb. d. schles, Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1882. Bresl.. 18-3. lx. 37- 39. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr.. 1882, iv, 232. —Simp- son (J. C.) Case of congenital spastic paraplegia, bilat- eral athetosis, and mental defect. Edinb. M. J.. 1890-91, xxxvi. 134-141.—Sinkler (W.) Athetosis S\.-t. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1886. v, 457-460. — Theodore (L.) ATHETOSIS. 765 ATKINSON. Atlietosis. Observation d'un cas d'athetose prise dans le service de M. le Dr. Mollien. Gaz. nied. de Picardie, Amiens, 1895, xiii, 135-137.—Tison lE.) Relation d'un cas d'athetose des niembres inferieurs gueiis par les courants continus. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1879, Par., 1880, viii, 929-934.— Vizioli (R.) Ln caso di atetosi gua- rito colla corrente costante. Gior. di neuropatol., Napoli, 1882-3, i, 229-233.—Waliter (S.) Athetosis. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. 1884-6, ii, 11-15. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1884. xxii, 457-462. Also [Abstr.]: Lrit. M. J., Lond., 1884. ii, 1143— Warner (F.) Cases of athetosis, l'.rain, Lond., 1881-2, iv, 114-120. Also. Reprint. — Weir (J.) Case of athetosis. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 369.— Wolf- eiiden (R. X.i Atlietosis occurring after diphtheria. Practitioner. Lond.. 1886, xxxvii, 439— Workman (C.) Two cases ot athetosis. Glasgow M. J., 1890, xxxiii, 342- 350, 2 pl.—Vniunsnki(S.) Athetosis bio sitsuken. [Clin- ical ohservations on . . .] Tokio med. Wchnschr., 1892, no. 758, 5-13. Atliill (Jacobus). * Exercitatio med.-iuaug. qusedam tie ventriculo colligeus. 28 pp. lu. Lugd. Bat., firatres Murray, 1782. [P., v. 1268.] Athletes and athletics. See Exercise. Atlion (James S.) [1811-75]. Walker (I. C. ) Obituary. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1876, xxvi, 122-132. Athrepsia. See Infants (Xew-born, Atrophy, etc., ofi). Atithassentos [pseudon.]. Contradiction! or, English medical men and manners of the nine- teenth century, vi, 129 pp. 8°. London, Bail- Here, Tindall cj- Cox, 1-77. -----. The same. Concord! or, medical men and manners of the nineteenth century. 2. cd. 1 p. 1., 179 pp. 8\ London, Bailliere, Tindall <$• Cox, 1-79. Atjeh. Li libbers (A.) Eene bijdrage tot de anthropologie der Atjehers. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Xederl. Indie, Batav., 1890, xxx. 635-644.—de Tlooy (C.) Herinneringen aan miin verblijf te Atjeh. Xederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1882, vi, 75; 181, 2 pl. Atkiii (George). Thernionietric, barometric, and other tables, for the reciprocal conversion of the numbers of the scales iu more frequent use. 12 pp. fco. Edinburgh, A. £• C. Black, 1^37. [P., v. 1172.] Repr.from: Edinb. X. Phil. J., 1837, xxm. Aikin (George). See British (The) and foreign homoeopathic medical directory and record. 12°. London, 1853. Atkins (Francis IT.) The health of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Written for and published in the "Medical Eecord" of April 28, 1666. Re-written January, 1-90. Also the death-rate of Las Veo-as, New Mexico. Written for and published in the Las Vegas "Daily Optic" of Jan. 7, 1889, and January, 1-90. 8 pp. 6-. Manhattan, Kan., 1890. -----. A bird's eye view of New Mexico. 8 pp. 10-. [Chicago, 1893.] Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx. Atkins (John) [10-r,-17r,7]. The navy surgeon; or, practical system of surgery. With a disser- tation on cold and hot mineral springs; and physical observations ou the coast of Guiney. 24 p. 1., 378 pp., 3 1. 8°. London, H. Woodgate Atkinson (Isaac Edmondson). The etiology of congenital syphilis, histologically considered. 16 pp. 8°. Xew York, D. Appleton $ Co., 1875. Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1875, xxi. ------. Early syphilis in the negro. 12 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. H. Foster, [1877]. Repr. from: Maryland. M. J., Bait., 1877, i. ------. Aii account of acaseof syphilis inherited through two generations. 5 pp. 8-. Xew York, (i. P. Putnam's Sons, 1877. Repr.from: Arch. Dermat., X. Y., 1876-7. iii. ------. The botanical relations of Tricophyton tonsurans. 17 pp. 8:. Xew York, D. Apple- ton cy Co., 1676. Repr.from: X. Tork M. J., 1878, xxviii. ------. The pigmentary syphiloderm. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, Bulletin Print. Co., 1878. Repr.from: Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1878, xxxvii. ------. Some phases of cerebral syphilis. 15 pp. Sc. Bichmond, J. W. Ferguson 4'- Son, 1870. Repr.from: Virginia AL Month., Richmond, 1879-80, vi. ------. A clinical lecture upon cutaneous epithe- lioma. 16 pp. S-. [Bichmond, 1661).] Repr.from: VirginiaM. Month., Richmond. 1879-80, vi. ------. May iodide of potassium excite Bright's disease? 14 pp. 8'. [Philadelphia, 1881.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxii. ------. On "kerion Celsi", a variety of tinea tonsurans. 20 pp. 8°. [Xew York, i-81.] Repr. from: Arch. Dermat., X. T., 1881, vii. ------. .Notes of a case of erythematous lupus, complicated by the tubercular syphiloderm. 6 pp. =-. [Baltimore, 1683.] Repr.from: Med. Chron., Bait,, 1882-3, i. Atkinson (Isaac Edmondson)—continued. ------. Brighfs disease of malarial origin. 18 pp.' 8°. [Philadelphia, 1-81.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1884. n. s., lxxxviii. ------. Carcinoniaoftheperitoueum. 14 pp. 8°. ■ [Xew York, 1864.] Repr.from: Arch. Med., X. Y., 1884, xii. ------. Scarlatina and scarlatiniform eruptions, following injuries and operations. 6 pp.. 8 . [Baltimore, 1666. ] Repr.from: J. Cutan. 5: 12., 1S-0: 14.-19., 1888-93. -^ Atlanta, 1—4-94. ------. Rates, rules, and other valuable informa- tion for those who use city water. Atlanta water works. November, 1889. 7 pp. 24c. [Atlanta], B. L. Bean cp C, 1669. ------. Annual reports of the committees of council, officers, and departments of the city of Atlanta, showing the condition of municipal affairs. For the vears 1891-4. 4 v. 8-. At- lanta, 189-2-4. Contains reports of the board of health, chief of police, city engineer, commissioner of public works, park com missiou. police commissioners, water commissioners, and the Grady Hospital. Atlanta. .See Education (Medical), etc., by localities; Sewage (Disposal of), etc.; Small-pox (History, etc., of), by countries; Statistics (Vital), by local- ities. Atlanta. Board of Health. Annual reports to the ma vor and general council. 4.-14., 18-2- 92; 16.," 1-91. 8C. [Atlanta, 1882-95.] Atlanta (The) Clinic. A monthly journal of progressive medicine and surgery. Edited by J. Arthur Childs. [2 v. annually.] v. 2-4, July, 1894-.'). 8°. Atlanta, Ca. Current. Want v. 1, 1894. Atlanta College of Pharmacy. Animal an- nouncement for the session of 1893-4 (3.). 2 1. 8°. Atlanta, Franklin Ptg. Co., 1893. Atlanta Medical College. Annual announce- ments for the sessions of 1876-7 (9.); 1878-9 to 188.VG (21.-28.); 1888-9 (31.); 1889-90 (32.); 1891-2 to 1^94-5 (34.-37.). 8°. Atlanta, 1676-94. Alphabetical list of all the jriaduates of the institution from 1855 to 1*88-9, 1890-91, in annual announcements for 1889-90. List of students for the sessions of 1876-7 to 1S84-5. 1887-8, 18*8-9, 1890-91 to 1893-4, in announcements for subsequent years. Atlanta Medical Register. (Atlanta Medical and Smoical Journal.) Editors: Jno. Thad. Johnson," James B. Baird. [Monthly.] N. s. [2.], v. 1-3, Oct., 1881, to Jan., 1884. 8-. At- A continuation of: Atlanta Medical and Surgical Jour- nal which formed 1. w. In v. 2 J. N. Logan became edi- tor.' In Mairli 1884, continued as: Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal, 3. s. Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited l>\ Joseph 1'. Logan and W. F. Westmoreland. [Monthly.] v. 17-19, April, 1879, to Sept., 1881. 8\ Atlanta, Ga. -----. The same. A monthly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Edited by W. F. Westmore- land, H. V. M. Miller, and James A. day. N. s. [3.], v. 1-13, March, 1884-9G. 8^. Atlanta, Ca. Current. Title of 2. s. was: Atlanta Medical Kegis- ter. In 1895 Luther 15. Gray became editor. Atlantic City. See, also, Sewage (Disposal of), etc. l.uxnox (li. A.) Atlantic City as a winter resort, comprising meteorological statistics con- cerning temperature, humidity, amount of rain- fall, etc.; compiled from official reports and local observations of the United States Signal Service. 8 . Philadelphia, [1885]. Rled (B.) Winter health-resorts. The cli- mate of Atlantic City, and its effects on pul- monary diseases, roy. 8L. [Philadelphia, 188U.] Repr". from: Pbila. M.'Times, 1880-81, xi. ------. The same. At hint ic City as a winter health resort; embracing official reports, meteor- ological tables, etc., concerning the climate of At- lantic City, N. J., the testimony of eminent phy- sicians as to its effects on various forms of dis- ease, hygienic hiuts for invalids at the seashore, and information about the sanitary condition of Atlantic City. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1681. Buinm (J.'H.) Atlantic Citv as a health resort. Do- minion M. Month., Toronto, 1894, ii, 98-100.— Reed (B.) Atlantic City as a winter resort. Med. Bull., Pbila., 1880, ii, 111-113.-----. Winter health-resorts; tbe climate of Atlanl ic City, and its effects on pulmonarv diseases. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 161-107. [See, also, supra.] -----. What Atlantic City can do for consumptives. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 325-331. -----. Improved sewer- age and sewage utilization at Atlantic City. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xv, 492-494. Also, Reprint. -----. The sanitary condition of health resorts, with some pertinent facts about Atlantic City. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii. 123-125. -----. The classes of invalids most bene- fited at Atlantic City. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1894, 3. s., x, 6-8. Aho, Reprint. Atlantic (The) Hotel, Morehead City, N. C. R. B. Raney & Co., proprietors. 31 pp. 8°. Baleigh, X. G, E. M. Uzzell, 1867>. Atlantic Journal of Medicine. Robert B. Stover and Henry G. Houston, editors and proprietors. [Monthly.] v. 1; nos. 1-7, v. 2, Aug., 1883, to Feb., 1885. 8-. Bichmond, Va. ]S'o. 7, v. 2, Feb., 1885, probably last published. Atlantic Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Was title of no. 1, v. 1, of: Atlantic Journal of Medi- cine. Atlantic (The) Medical Weekly. A journal of reform and progress in the medical sciences. Edited by J. F. Haller [et al. ]. [2 v. annually.] v. 3-5, 1896. 8-. Providence, P. I. Current, v. 1-2 under title: Khoilc Island Medical Science Monthly. Atlantic Ocean. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., ofi), by local- ities. Alia* and axis. Sciikibler (J. F.) * De novo invento osteo- logico brevis commentatio. [Groningen.] 4°. Stargardiw, [1768]. Seller (T. C. F.) *Neun neue Fiille von As- similation des Atlas an das Hinderhaupt. 4°. Halla a. S., 1888. » Wikth ([H.]A.) *Zur Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte des Atlas und Epistro- pheus. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. Albrecht (P.) Der Processus odontoides atlantis bei denurodeleii Ainphibien. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1878, xvi, 7H5. — Birniinshaiii (A.) Xote on os- sified transverse ligament of atlas. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl, 1891-2, x, 457. — Chiarngi (G.) Per la I storia dell' articolazione occipito-atlo-assoidea. Momtore ATLAS. 768 ATLAS. Alia* and axis. zool. ital. Sienna, 1890, i, 90; 226; 243. — Choulant (L.) Vei bildung des Epistropheus und Atlas. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1837, iv, 225-227. — Gerlach (L.) Ueber Schnellbewegungen in dem Gelenke zwischen Atlas und Epistropheus. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1879. ii, 211-217.—Irlacalister (A.) Notes on the devel- opment and variations of the atlas. J. Anat. & Phvsiol, Lond., 1892-3, xxvii, 519-542.—Petei- (K.) Ueher die Be- deutung des Atlas der Amphibien. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894-5, x, 565-574. — Romiti (G.) Osso odontoideo ab- normemente saldato con 1' atlante nell' uomo. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1886, iv, 99-105, 1 pl— Sludc (D. D.) Abnormal attachment of the atlas to the base of the skull. Boston M. £ S. J., 1895. exxxiii, 57- 02. — Tsoillioukas (K. P.) Ilapa fyvoiv avva.pjj.oyr) tov arAai'TOS Tpos to Kpaviov. Ta,kr\vos, 'Adr/vai, 1882, vii, 331- 33:i.—Turner (Sir W.) Human neck with the odontoid process distinct from the body of the axis vertebra. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1889-90, xxiv, 358. — Water- house (H.) Atlas vertebra with anomalous ossification. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1893, p. xxxiii.— Zoja (G.) Intorno all' atlante; studj antropo-zootomici. Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Cl. di lett. e sc. matemat. e nat.. Milano, 1881, 3. a., v, 269-299, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. Atlas and axis (Diseases of). Gelsam (J.) * Ueber drei Falle von Atlas- ankylose. 8D. Kiel, 1895. Goichet (L.) * De Parthrite occipito-cervi- cale. 4°. Strasbourg, 167)3. Lemanski (S.-H.-J.-L.) * Du traitement du mal sous-occipital a I'aide d'un appareil platre". 4°. Paris, 1883. Sogxet (P.-T.) * Essai sur Parthrite sous- occipitale. 4°. Xancy, 1674. ArnaB. Contracture des muscles de la partie post6- rieure du coli carie de la premiere et de la deuxidiuc verte- bres cervieales; compression de la moelle par l'apophyse odontoide: mort subite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1829-30, ii, 285. —Ballaiice (C. A.) Acute inflammation of the oc- cipilo-atlantal joiuts, accompanied by pyiemia; death on the fifteenth day. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 888. — Bern- heim. Communication sur un cas de carie des articula- tions oecipito-atloido-axoidiennes. M6m. Soc. de med. de Nancy 11878-9), 1880, lxiii-lxvi. — Bidwcll. Acute ne- crosis of the atlas. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. Lond., 1889-90, 112. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 299.— Buchanan (G.) Disease of occipito-atloid cartilages; actual cautery. Glasgow M. J.. 1878, n. s., xi, 142.— Dauc»i (G.j Istoria di un caso di artritide semplice delle due prime articolazioni vertebro-cervicaii. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1879, xliii, 630-634. — Dcardcn (J.) Caseof caries of the atlas aud axis. Laucet. Lond.. 1882 ii. 508. — l>c (wniiick, Carie occipito-atloido-axoidieime ou spondylarthrocacc cervicale. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path. de Brux., 1874, xxiii, 54-56. — Duplouy. Resection de l'apophvse transverse de l'axis. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, iii, 600-004. — Fischer (L.) Svphilitisehe Nekrose des Atlas; Heilung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xxii, 420-421. — Fontaine. Un cas d'arthrite suppuree de l'articulation atloldo-axo'i- dienne. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1895, 4. s., vi, 93-96.— Hertz (H.) Ein Fall von Erweirhungsherd in tier Me- dulla oblongata, bedingt (lurch Hypertrophic und abuorme Stellung des Processus odontoideus epistrophei. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., LS74. xiii, 385-402.—Langer- han* (It.) Leber Atlas-Ancliylose. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl, 1*90, cxxi, 373-375.— Lucaa (R. C.) Acute necrosis of the posterior arch of the atlas, with abscess; escape of cerebro-spinal fluid, meningitis and septicaemia; necropsy. Lancet, I.ond., 1889, i, s83.—Roddick (T. Gr.) Caries of the atlas aud axis: retropharyngealabscess; a case illustrating the necessity for caution in tbe applica- tion of tbe plaster jacket; remarks on the antiseptic treat- ment of retropharyngeal abscess. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep.. 1880, i, 141-149. — Sanders (C.) Fulminating atlo- axoid disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887. i, 1386.—Somiucr (W.) Zur Casuistik der Atlassynostosen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., is.-:;, xciv, 12-22.—Fy I ter hoe veil (A.) Mort par compression du bulbe raehidien duo a une carie scrofuleuse de l'atias. Inhis: Melanges do chir., d'ophth. et d'hyg. pub., 8°, Brux., 1859. 52.— Wiugc (E.) Fibro- sarcoma epistrophei, pludseligt Tryk paa Rygmarven, Paraplegia brachialis. [. . . sudden pressure of spinal cord . . .] Klin. Aarbog, Kristiania, 1884. 19-38. Atlas and axis (Dislocation of). Debexais (A.) * Etude clinique de la luxa- tion pathologique de l'atias. 4°. Montpellier, 1663. IIowison (W.) A probationary essay on dis- location of the processus dentatus. 8°. Edin- burgh, lspj. Atlas and axis (Dislocation of). Krlkenmeyer ( H. [G.]) *Ein Fall von Luxation des Atlas unter dem liilde einer Apo- piexie. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Eichon des Brus (L.-C.-R.-A.) * Considera- tions in6dico-]£gales sur le.s luxations de la pre- miere vertebre cervicale sur la deuxieme. 4°. Paris, l-'22. Annis (E. L.) Dislocation at the occipito-atloid artic- ulation. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxiii, 562.— JBi-iick (M.) Malum Rustii, a felso v6gtatok paraplegid- i&val, hvitelen halal a fognyiijtvAny ficzama folytiin. [. . . with paraplegia of the upper extremities: sudden death in consequence of dislocation of the odontoid pro- cess.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 639. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, L-88, xxiv, 503.— David. Luxation de l'atias sur l'axis; frac- tures des 5', 6e, et 7e vertdbres cervieales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 910. — Faucoii (A.) Des luxations traumatiques de l'atias sur l'axis (variete anterieure). J. d.sc. meil.de Lille, 1880, ii, 228; 457.—Ferrer (L.) Luxa- cion atloideo-axoidea seguida de telnnos. Correo m6-\ Xa2)oli, [18K1]. Jncobelli (A.) Confcreuza sperimentale sull' atmio- metro; apparecchio per la cura topica diretta delle ma- lattie nelle cavita noimalio patologiche comunicanti all' cslerno. Morgagui, Napoli, 1883, xxv, 550-575. Atmometer. Khiolas (C.) * Versuche mit dem Atmome- ter. 8\ Halle a. S., 1^69. ScHtfiniAHDT (C. W. T.) * Versuche mit dem Ehrhardt'scheu Atmometer. .- . Halle a. S., 1667. lrLRicn ([A.] P.) * Versuche mit dem Atmo- meter. .- \ Halle a. S., 1-90. Erliardt C\Y.) Atmometer (Verdunstungsmesser). Centr.-Bl. f. chir. u. orthop. Mech., Berl., 1885, i. 23. Atmosphere. Set Air. Atomic theory. Boullav (P.) *Sur le volume des atomes, et sur les modifications qu'il subit dans les combi- naisons chimiques. ln- these. 8J. Paris, 1830. Higgins (H. II.) On the individuality of atoms and molecules. A paper read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, during the seventy-seventh session, 1.~'87 —ti. [With a note on the foregoing by Oliver J. Lodge.] 8". [Liverpool/ 1666.] HiHEAUX (J.-P.) * Essai sur la theorie ato- mique, les Equivalents chimiques et les propor- tions multiples, pr6c6de d'une introduction conte- nant quelques mots sur l'histoire de la chimie moderne, et les principal!x systemes auxquels ont donne' lieu les atonies, et suivi de considera- tions sur le role du lliiide electrique dans la nature. 4°. Paris, 16 13. Thomsen (J.) ludbydelsesskrift til Kj0beu- havnsUniversitets Aarfest til Erindriug om Kir- keus Reformation. Heri: Om Molekuler og Atonier. sm. 4°. Kjpbenharu, 1684. WuiM'Z (C.-A.) La theorie atomique. 8°. Paris, 1679. -----. The same. The atomic theory. Transl. by E. Cleminshaw. 8°. Xew York, 1881. It In Ice (J.) Sur les relations entre l'atomicite des 616- meuts inorganiiiues et leur action biologitpie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 1250-1252. -----. Sur les rapports cut re l'atoiuicite des elements et leur action biologique. Arch de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1888, 4. s., i, 445-458—.Hallet (J. \Y.) Jeau-Scrvais Stas, and the measurement ot the relative masses of the atoms of the chemical elements. J. Chem. Soc. Lond., 1893, lxiii, no. 369, 1-56, 2 1. — Wurlz (A.) La th6orie des atomes daus la conception generale du monde. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. cl. so. Compt.-rend. 1871, Par., 1875, iii, 7-21. Atomizer* ami spray apparatus. See, also, Anaesthetics (Local); Inhalation. JiEATsON (G. T.) On spray producers as used in Lister's antiseptic system; with an account Atomizers and spray apparatus. of their origin, aud with hints lor their selection and management. ^?. Edinburgh, l^cO. Huglet(H.) Nouveau systeme d'inhalations et de pulverisations sulfureuses, aromatiques, balsamiques et antiscjitiqucs ozoue"es. 8°. Pa- ris, 1887. Pxel-ma-chemic (The) multiple comminuter. 8L. [Washington, l*9f>.] Bax. Quehpies considerations sur les topiques pulv6- rulents. Soc. med. d'Amiens. Bull. (1880-81), Ism.', xx- xxi, 129-142 —Beni-Bardc. Pulverisation. [Atomi- zers] X. dii-t. de nied. et chir. prat.. I'ar., 1881, xxx. 147- 167. — Be Oasparis (A.) Sul pulviscolo atniosferico. Gior. di clin., terap. e med. pubb., Napoli, 1890, xxi, 39- 42. — Bel Grcro. Apparecchio semplice ed economico per la polverizzaziono a vapore dei liquid! Imparziale, Firenze, 18sl, xxi, SO-83. Also, Keprint. — Edson (C.i A new spray producer. Med. Kec, N. Y., 188-1 xxvi 306.—Flullrer (W. F.) A new design foi a spray-pro- ducer. X. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 151-153.- Hay* (j. XI.) Improved spray-producers. Med. Kec, X. Y., 1890. xxxvii, 341).—HoilgkiiiKOii. A new spray-producer. Brit m! J.. Loud., 1880, i. 119— l^anzi (M.) ll polviscolo aereo. Arch, di med., chir. ed ig., Koma, 1871, v, 49; 257.—New earbolic_ hand spray-producer. Lancet, Lond., 1880. ii, 777.—Aieaiwe. Petit pulverisateur k vapeur avec robi- net sur le tube (Inspiration du liquide Bull, et nieni. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1888. n. s., xiv, 683.— Oliver's atomizer. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 697-699. — Patent flexible throat spray. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1880. ii, 253. — Seiler ( C. ) A new air com- pressor for ilie atomi/.i-r. Med. Xews, Phila., 1883, xliii, 554. — WiniHi (A. II.) The principles involved in tbe con- struction of spray-tubes. X. York M. J., 1885. xiii. 603. Also, Kepi int — Mtrounc (A. X.) Ein neuer Spray-Ap- parat. (Hauptsachlich zum Gebrauche der fettigen und oligen Medicameute in den verschiedenen Theilen des Kespirationstractes.) N. Yorker nied. Wchnschr., 1891, iii, 309. — Teissier (J.) Sur un abaisse-langue pulveri- sateur. Lull. gen. de therap. [etc.], I'ar.. 1882, ciii, 76-79.— Teufl'cl (J.) Dampf-Zerstauber fiir chirurgischen Spray. Illust. Vrtljsclir. d. iirztl. Polytech., Bern u. Leipz., 1880, ii, 65-67. — Thomas (H. M.) Topical treatment of the air passages, with exhibition of a new atomizing vaporizer. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 973-975.—Lrima (P. G.) Ein regulierbarer Zerstiiuber. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Ilamb., 1888, vii, 21-28. — Wcthcrbee (K.) A new aseptic atomizing tube. Med. Kec, N. Y., 189L xl, 2S3. — Wile (W. C.) A new spray apparatus. X. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 338. Also: X. Eng. M. Mouth., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1883-4, iii, 8-10. — William* i:; Feb. 26, 1889.—Kassel (K. T.) Atomizer. No. 446256: Feb. 10, 1891.—lvciiuisli (W.) Atomizer. No. 282090 ; July 31, 1883.—Knenper (G.) Atomizer. No. 363247; May 17, 1887. -----. Atomizer. No. 380041; March 27, 18.-8. -----. Atomizer. No. 394775; Dec 18.1888..-----. Atomizer. No. 401355 ; April 16, 1889. — Kuode (R. S.) Atomizer. Xo. 399539; March 12, 1889.— Kollinn iP.i Atomizer. No. 406288; June 2, 1889.—Iiaubcusdorlcr (G.) it liipp ( F.) Atomizer. No. 474605; Mav 10, 1892.—IjeslieiA.) Atomizer. No. 461349; Oct. 13, 1891. — l.ighthill (A. P.) Atomizer. No. 365265 ; June21.1887.— liOcbmanii (P.) Atomizer. No. 254988: March 14.1882.— Lockwood (K-) Atomizer. Xo. 251720; Jan. 3. 1882. -----. Atomizer. No. 453650: June 9,1891. -----. Atom- izer. No. 454055; June 16, 1891. -----. Atomizer. Xo, 478118: July 5, 1892. -----. Atomizer valve. Xo. 557589; April 7, 1896.— UIcElroy (P. J.) Atomizer. No. 433954; Aug. 12, 1890. -----. Atomizer. Xo. 493512; March 14, 1893. — .tlnger (J. K.) Convertible atomizer and sprayer. No. 482407f Sept. 19, 1892.— Wilclicll (F. J.) Atomizer. No. 371615; Oct. 18, ISsi. -----. Air forcing and com- pressing apparatus for atomizers or other device. No, 435043: Aug. 26. 1890.—ITloreboiisc (C. L.) Atomizer. No. 485396: Xov. 1. 1892. —Ocbs (J. J.) Atomizer. Xo. 384777; June 19, 1888. —Oarain (T. E.) Atomizer. No. 478940; July 12. 1892. -----. Atomizer. Xo. 533489; Feb. 5,1895.—Palmer (A. J.) Sc Palmer (G. H.) Atomizer. Xo. 366022; July 5, 1887.-----------. Combined atomizer and inhaler. Xo. 386025: July In. 1888 — Panic (W. II.) Atomizer. Xo.507160; Oct. 21, 1893. — Pond (1-2. A.) Ap- paratus for spraviug. Xo. 307330; Oct. 28. 1884.—Bees (PLC.) Atomizer. Xo.526741; Oct,2,1894.—Beicbardt (F. A.) Atomizer. Xo. 345659: July 13. 1886.—Bobert- son(J.) Atomizer. No. 549822; Xov. 12, 1895.—Bobin- son (H.) Atomizer. No. 456205; July 21, 1891.—Bosett (J.) Atomizer. No. 532911: Jan. 22,1>95.—BnppoIt(C) Atomizer. Xo. 553,65: Jan. 28.1896.—Busscll (S ) Atom- izer. No. 539961; Mav 28.1895.—Sallatlc iM.L.) Atom- izer. No. 359288; March 15. 18s7.—Scharling (J. H. ) Atomizer. No. 515504: Feb. 27, 1894. — Wt blanch (G.) Atomizer. No. 243163: June 21, 1881.—Schlesingcr (A. D.) Atomizer. No. 587370; Aug. 7. 1888.—Schoctti (J.) Atomizer. No. 442785; Dec 16, 1890. -----. Atomizer. No. 451643; May 5, 1891.—Shnrtlcff (A. M.) Atomizer. No. 338367: March 23, 1886. -----. Atomizer. No. 379611; March 20, 1888. -----. Atomizer. No. 397315; Feb. 5.1889. -----.Atomizer. Xo. 447064; Feb. 24,1891. -----.Atom- izer. Xo. 451078; April 28, 1891. -----. Atomizer. Xo. 451 n79: April28. 1891. -----. Atomizer. Xo. 524958; Aug. 21, 18H4.—Smilli (II.) Atomizer Xo. 394888: Dec 18, 1888. — "stern (II. i Atomizer. No. 507603 ; Oct. 31. 1893.— Snltou i B. I .) Atomizer. No. 281942; July 24, 1883.— Taylor (G.i Needle or spray bath. No. 335785; Feb. 9, ljsO.—Thomas ( H.) Combined inhaler and atomizer. No. 335322; I'eb. 2, 1886.—Turner ("W. A. ) Atomizer. No. 27694U: May 1, 1-83. -----. Atomizer. No. 335550; Feb. 2, 1886. — Tu I Ion (A. P..) Atomizer. No. 347750; Aug. 17. 1?86. — Vant Woud (V. C.) Atomizer. Xo. 474035; May 3, 1892. — Wajjncr l C. l Atomizer. No. 544143; Aug. 6, 1895— Wcldcn CSV. K.) Vaginal atoiui zer. No. 445579; Feb. 3. 1891. — Wiginorc ( W. II.) Atomizer-valve. No. 554432: Feb. 11. 1*96. —Wimlolph (J. F.) Atomizer. No. 423198; March 11, 1896—Wirlhs l SI.) Bulb-guard for atomizers. No. 477345; June 21, 1.-02.—VTootten (J. L. i Atomizer. No. 396449; Jan. 22, 1889. Atomizing and inhaling appliances. 12 pp. -~. Columbus, Ohio, A. C. Berlin cf Co., [1891 ?]. Atraetis. Hallez (P.) Anatomic de l'Atractis dacty- lura (Duj.). 6^. Paris, 1887. Repr.from: Mem. Soc. d. ac. de Lille, 1886, xv. Atractyli*. Lei banc (E.) Etude botanique, ehimique et toxicologique sur l'Atractylis gummifera (el heddad des Arabes). 6:-. Paris, 1666. C'ourcenet (H.) Deux cas d'empoisonnement par l'Atractylis gummifera (el heddad des Arabes). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1892, xix, 303-307. Atreya. Punarvasu. See « haraka-Sumhita [etc.]. 8-. Calcutta, 1877. Atropa Mandragora. See Mandragora. Atrophy. See, aho, Age (Old): Face (Atrophy, etc., ofi); Infants (Xew-bom, Atrophy, etc., ofi). BinxiLvciiEft (G.) * Drei Beobachtungen iiber Verkiimmerung. 8". Kbnigsberg in Pr., 16.91. Atrophy. I'.i.ckdau (L.) "Dc atrophia. 1'2J. Berolini, 1642. LE Caxdele (J.) *De atrophia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1671. Huetei; (G. G.) * Siugularis cujusdam atro- phia- casus nonuulli. 4°. Marb. Catt., [1848]. Kxobloch (G. G.) *De atrophia, sm. 4-. Franeof. ad Viadr., [1684]. Saaubourg (C.) * Atrophie uud Hypertrophic in ihrer benignen Bedeutung fiir die Oekonomie des Organismus. 8°. Berlin, [1674]. Til-Landz (E. E.) *De atrophia. 4-. Lugd. Bat., 1670. Itruee (N.) A case of atrophia, accompanied with obstinate aud long continued constipation. X. Med. Sc l'bys. J., Loud., 1812. iv, 1-6— Oclienne (A.) Xote sur les pseudo-atrophies. Union med.. Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, 511-515.—.Vlarincsco (G.) Atropines tertiaires d'origine ceiitripete. Coinjif. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 240-242.—IVIcnjot (A.) De atrophia. In his: Februm Malv. hist, [etc.],' 4^, Par., 1662, 239-245. Aho: Ibid., 4°, I'ar., 1665, 369-37'.). — .Mills (C. Ii.) Dystrophies. Med. Xews, Phila., 1889, liv, 22-24.— Ohlmullcr (YV\) TJeber die Abnahmo der einzelnen Organe bei an Atropine ge- storbenen Kindern. Ztschr. f. Biol, Miinchen, 1882, xviii, 78-103.— Park (R.) A study of atrophy. Tr. Am. Or- thop. Ass., Pbila., 1891, iv, 95-107. Aho: Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lix, 557-562.—Picqitc. Des atrophies. Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 255; 323; 37o.— Sangalli (G.) Atrofla e degenera/.ionc: osservazioni critiehe. R. 1st. Lomb. disc, e lett. Rendic, Milano. 1879, 2. s., xii, 433-438. — Schmitt, Atrophie geueralisee, cirrhose de l'estomac avec disparition des glandes k pepsine. Rev. med. de l'est, Xancy, 1881, xiii, 235-242.—Sharkey (S.J.) Two cases of general atrophy treated by the Weir- Mitchell method. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep.'1883, Loud., 1884, u. s., xiii, 65-74.—Virchow (R.) Feber neurotischc Atrophie. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1880, xvii, 409-412. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1879-80), 1881, xi, pt. 2. 169-180.—Weiss (H.) Em Fall von Atrophia neuro- tica. "Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 243-246. Atrophy (Muscular). See, also, Atrophy (Unilateral); Deltoid (Atrophy ofi); Paralysis (Anterior spinal); Ser- ratus magnus (Atrophy of). Boye (A.) *Etnde comparative sur certains troubles trophiques des extr6mit6s. 4°. Pari,, 1894. Dlschamps (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des atrophies musculaires a distance, appelees en- core atrophies reflexes. 4°. Paris, 1863. Ewn (E.) * Beitrage zur Lehre Aron der Mus- kelatrophie. 8~. Berlin, 1694. Gaboiuaud (L.) * Essai sur la pathogenie des amyotrophies. 4°. Paris, 1887. GriCHARD (H.) * Contribution a l'etude des atrophies musculaires r6flexes. 4°. Bordeaux, 1861. Klipj-el (M.) Des amyotrophies dans les ma- ladies generules chroniques, et de leurs rela- tions avec les lesions des nerfs p6ripheriques. 8°. Paris, 1889. Mekrem (C. LB.]) * Ueber cerebrale Muskel- atrophie. 8°. Berlin, 1897). Noellneb (L.) * Ueber die histologischen Vcranderungen der Muskulatur bei Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. tK Heidelberg, 1888. Paklsi it (P.) * Pathogenic des atrophit-o mus- culaires. 8 -. I'aris, 1686. Patella (V.) * Delle atrofie muscolari secon- dare a malattie nervose, a malattie generali ed i n f'etti ve, loro patogenesi e diagnosi differenziale. 8'-'. Padova, 1886. Rickek ((L j * Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber Muskelatiophie. 8°. Ikrlin, [1693]. Koth(V. K.) Mishechuayasukhotka. [Mus- cular atrophy.] v. 1. roy. 8°. Moskva, 1895. Steg.maxx (A.) * Versuche iiber Muskelatio- phie und Massage. 8°. Berlin, 1693. Adainkicwicz. Atrophia musculorum acuta regrcs- siva. Pra<-. med. Welmsclir., 1893. xviii, 12-15.— Ala- mai-tine (L.) Xote sur deux cas d'atrophie musculaire dite retiexe, observes dans le service de M. le docteur ATROPHY. Atrophv (Muscular). Garaud. Loire med . St.-Etienue. 18«8. vii. 233-239. [Dis. cussiou], 2i:i. — Arnaud (J.I Amyotrophic d'origine douteuse. Mais.-ill.- nied.. 1*8*. x\v. 2l-3o. — Bnbiuwlii. Atrophie musculaiie d'origine cerebrale. avec integnte des I comes ant6rieures de la moelle el des mrfs uioteurs. I Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1886, 8. s..iii, 76-78.— Bar- low. Extensive primary atrophy ofthe muscles ot tin limbs and trunk with lordosis and some contraction ofthe Lips. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1157.— Itartholow iR.j Acute muscular atrophy. Clin. News. Phila., 1880, i, 61.— Bazr. De l'atropine musculaire comme cause de dou- leurs articnlaires. Progrfes nied., Par.. 1*80. 2. s., ix. 213- 216.—Bennett (F. II.) Atrophy of the muscles from disuse. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl, "1868-71, n. s.. iv. 119- 121.— Bciiooii. Caseof wasting palsy. Dublin M. Press, 1800 xliv. 199.— Bloxam (J. A.) Wasting of the mus- cles Mipplied by the h-ft ulnar nerve; resection of nerve, j Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1*87. n. s., xliv, 444. —Boari (E.) Dill atrofia muscolare precoce aouta da lesione cere- brale. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1894), 1895, 24- 26. — Borghcrini (A.) Di uu caso di atrofia muscolare | precoce da lesione cerebrale. Kiv. sper. di freniat.. Reg- gio-Emilia, 1890, xvi, 465-478, Aho, transl .- Xeurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1890, ix, 545-556— Brittan. Case of wasting palsy; atrophie progressive musculaire. Med. Times &. Gaz'.. Lond., 1870, ii, 423. —Bun- (C. W.) Idio- pathic muscular atrophy. Med. Xews, Phila.. 1*91 lxv, i;o4-6(M'i. Aho, Reprint. — RiitalcoflT 11.1 Sluchai nepro- gressivnol mishechnoi atrolii. [Case of non-progressive muscul.ir atrophy 1 Vestnik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St. IVtersb., ]***, v. pt. 2, 54-96.—C'antani. Sull' atrofia muscolare. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1883, iv, 89. — C'eci i A > .v Smutny (F.) Muskelatrophie (lurch Fntiitigheit allcin mid durch Lntiitigkeit und Ver- kiirzung des Muskets bedingt. Centralbl. f. d. nied. Wis- sensch.. Berl, 1*87. xxv. *ui-*03. — Cenas Sc Douillct. Deux cas de myopathic atrophique type Laudouzy-Deje- riue et un cas d'atrophie musculaire type Aran-Duehenne daus la meme famille. Loire med., St.-I\tieune, 1885, iv, 169; 201, 1 phot. pl. — Chabbci-t i L.) Formes cliniques ile l'atrophie musculaire.. Echo med., Toulouse, 1891, 2. s., v, 529; 541.—Charcot. Sulle amiotrotie paralitiche. [Transl] Riforma med., Xapoli, 1*«7, iii, 278; 284.— ChanHard (A.) Xote sur un cas d'atrophie muscu- laire et osseuse du membre superieur gauche, resultant d'uue monopl^giehystero-traumatique chez un adolescent. Bullet mem. Soc. ni6d. d. hop. de Par., 1886. 3. s., iii, 213- 218. Also: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 341- 343.—t'hanve. Observation d'atrophie musculaire dans un cas de contractures hystOriqiu-.s k fonu« hemiplegi- que. Loire med., St.-Etieimc. 1*96. xv, 11-14. — t'lcmcut. Amvotrophie secondaire. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med.de I.von (1871), 1872, xi, 148-101. [Discussion], pt.2.143-145.—C'lillC (J. D.) A ease of waiting palsy. Canada M. Rec, Mon- treal, 1874-5, iii, 527.—t'oincyys. Amyotrophy. Cin- cin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1880, n. s., iv, 338-341.— Dahn- hard!. Bemerkungen zur Lehrevon der Muskelatrophie. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1890, ix, 675 -679— Dejerine (J.) Sur la deformation dela cage thoracique dans cer- taines atrophies mnsculaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par.. 1891, 9. s., iii, 508-511. -----. Atrophie musculaire des ataxiques: syphilis medullaire precoce. Ann. de med. scieut. et prat., Par.. 1892, ii, 73-7". — l>c Renzi (F.) Contribuzione alio studio delle atrotie muscolari. Gior. di neuropatol. Xapoli, 1884, ii, 245-253.—I»es»nos, I* in aid Sc Jofli-ov, Sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire des quatre niembres, ii Evolution ties rapide, snrvenue pendant la grossesse et coiisecutivenieut a des vomissements incoer- I cibh-s. Lnion m6d., Par., 1889, 3. s., xlvii. 134; 160.— Breachfeld (J.) Rare forms of muscular atrophy. Brit. M. J., Loud., 18*3, i, 1069. -----. On some of the rarer forms of muscular atrophies. Brain. Loud., 1885-6, viii, 164-190: 1*86-7, ix, 178-195. — Bubicililh culaires d'origine spinale produitespar des lesions peripherique-. Ibid., 1881, lvi,233- 250.—.Tl. (V.) Atrophia muscular. Corrcio med. de Lisb., 1885, xiv, 1; 11; 93,-McGrew (F. A.) A cas.- of simple idiopathic muscular atrophy. Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vii, 109. —Mader. Muskelatrophie des linken Amies. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879. 455. -----. Ausgedehnte Atrophia muscul. corubinirt mit Lichen ruber universalis; ungelicilt. Ibid. (1882), 18*3, 504-506. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1884. vii, 455- 457. -----. Atrophia muscul. extraemitat. infer, ex Xeu- ritide perif. Tubercul.; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Ktankeiiaust. Rudolph-Stiftung iu Wien (1891), 1892, 30*.— Vlai-nin (A. R.) Uuo studio sulle amiotrofie; esposizione e discussione cliuica di tre casi di atrofia muscolare. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1885, lvi, 352; 457.—Mangalongo ilt.) L' atro- fia muscolare nelle parali.si isteriche. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1886, n. s., viii, 903-909. -----. Contributo all' unita delle miopatio atrofiche primitive. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1889, x, 570; 579; 586.—.Tlitautscs (T. A.) Ilept tuc hia$6pb)v ci&u)V tjjs Tun* /xnwc arpoLa^ itai tt)s ra^tvojuijirea)? auTau/. TaATji'bs, 'ASrjvat, 1895, 705—713. — Jib" bius (P.J.) Leber verschiedene Formen der Muskel- atrophie nach neueru Untersuchungen. Schmidt's Jahi h, Leipz., 1**4, cciii, 81-90.--.Tloi-ozolf (M. S.) Sluch. mishetshnoi atrofii konech. s koutraktur. [Muscular atrophy of extreinith-s with contractions.] Protok. i soobsh. Obsh. vrach. Xovgorodsk. guber. za 1*93 g.. X'ov- gorod, 1894, 71-82.—-Vlimcular atrojihy; fatty degenera- tion. Rep. Superv. Surg. (leu. Mar. Hosp., Wash., I*s8, 3*7.—."Vc»s (R. Bi Patient exhibiting marked muscular atrophy of hands and fore-arms. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc, 1893-5. v, 205-210. Aho [Abstr.J: Glasgow M. J., 1B95, xliv, 130.— rVotlntagcl (H.) Vier fiille von Amyotrophic. Wien. nud. Bl, 1.^*4, vii, 1471-1475 -----. Atrophia musculorum. Allg. Wien. lued.Zt^.. 1**0 xxxiv, 272; 284; 296; 344; 3*1, 417; 429; 443.—Ormerod (J. A.) Cases to illustrate varieties of muscular atrophy. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, xxiii, 89-108. —Osier (W.) On a case of simple idiopathic muscular atrophy, involv- ing the face aud tho scapulo-humeral muscles. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, n. s., xcviii, 261-265.—Pershing ill. T.) Simple idiopathic muscular atrophy beginning in the flexors of the hips: Blizzard's form. Ibid., 1*03, n. *., cvi, 59-02. — Fclcmon (F.) Sonio of the forms of chronic muscular atrophy. K I. Med. Sc. Mouth., Providence, 1894. ii. 20*-216.— Folitakcs (A.) Mi-txai a-rpcxfuai. TaArjcbs, 'AOrivai. 1**6. xv, 33; 49; 65. -----. lit pi ^vikuiv arpotpioiv. Ibid., 1888, xviii, 671-686.— I'rceloriiis (A.) Atrophie musculaire aigue simple. Ann Soc de m6d. d'Anvers, 1**8. xlix, 143-150.—Putnam (J. J.) A case of rapid and wide >pwa.l muscular wasting without disease of the spiual cord. J. Xerv. \ Ment Li- X. Y., 1881. n. s., vi, 201-210. Aho, Repiint. -Quincke (11.) Leber cerebrale Muskelatrophie. Deutsch- Ztschr. f. Nervenh.. Leipz., 1893-4, iv, 299-311 - l£;iin-hilI. Caseof wasting palsy. Med. Times a. Ct/. Lond l*6n. ii 532. ----- Case of wasting palsy. Ibid. 1*61. i, 46!i.— Kin niond (F.) Atrophie musculaire partielle des muscles du moUet gauche, paraissant reconnaitre pour cause une excitation douloureuse de la face interne du tibia ATROPIiY. 773 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular). gauche et de la svnoviale du tendon d'Achille. Prngros nied., Par., 1882| x, 495-498— Keinhold (II.) Leber einen ungewobnlichen Fall von myopiuiiischer Muskel- atrophie mit Betheiligung des Gesichts und "bulbiirer " Mtiskelgebiete. und negativem Befund am Xcrvensystem. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1893-4, iv, 189-199.— Kcvuoldw (,L R.) Case of incipient wasting palsy cured. Lancet. Lond., 1862, ii. 34.-Kieder (IL) Myo- iiathische Form der Muskelatro]>hie. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (18*0-841, 1889. iv, 142-144.-Ri- paiuouti (A.) Delle amiotrofie. Roll. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1890, iii, 172: 210.—Schultze (F.) Ueber Mus- kelatrophie. Yerhandl. d. ualurb.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1*82, n. F.. iii, 136-142.—Sciamaiina (E.) Sopra un caso di atrofia muscolare diffusa. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano, 1890, iii, 313-322. —Nee (G.) Note sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire protopathique. Progres med., Par., 1*7*. vi, 856. Also, transl [Abstr.l : Lond. M. Rec, 1879, vii, 473.—Nc|i|»illi (G.l Le amiotrofie. Riv. sper. di freniat., IU -gejo -Km ilia, 1*87. xiii. 105-121.—Ne veri (A.) Ln caso di atrofia muscolare a tipo scapolare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 103.—Se venire Sc IMcry. Amyo- trophia chez un enfant, paraissant pouvoir etre rattach6e k la l£pre. Bull, et mem. Soc nnd. d. hop. de Par., 1893, 3. s.. x, 96-107. — Nkirviiijj (R. S.) On a case of idio- pathic niuscnlaratrophy. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 41'.. — Spender i.i. lv.) On a case of wasting palsy. Brir. M. J.. Lond.. 1*6:!. ii. 417. —Mlulkcr (A. M.) Muscu- lar atrophy of cerebral origin. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii. 411-419.—Takacs iF-.l Li her die vcrschiedeuen For- men der Muskelatrophie. l'est. med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest. 1S85, xxi, 242. -----. Az izomsorvaddsok kiilonbozd alakjai es izomsorvaddssal j&ro bantalmak korismeje. [Difference between muscular atrophy and progressive atrophv of muscles.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 18*5. xxix, 605; 643. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1**5, xxi, 545; 570. —Talamon. Sur une forme speciale d'atrophie musculaire debutant par les mernbres iuferieurs. France med.. Par. 18*2. ii, 121; 133.—Targett (J. H.) Symmetrical hemiatrophy of the gastroi neniii muscles. Tr". Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 465.—Tommnsi (S.) Fn caso non commie di atrofia muscolare. Morgagni. Napoli, 1*82, xxiv, 1-3.—Turri (R.) Contributo alio studio delle amiotrofie. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1894, lxvii, fasc. 1, 1-15.— Vilcoq. Deux cas d'atrophie musculaire: paraplegie d'orh-iue nevritiqne et amyotrophic articiilaire. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1892, xvi. 261-270.—AVeincr (A.) Report upon a case of progressive muscular dystrophy, with especial reference to improvement bv treatment. J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y..l*96. xxiii, 123-126.—Wcrdnig (G.) Feber einen Fall von Dystrophia musculorum mit positivem Riickeimiaiksbefunde. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890 xl. 1796-179*. —Wilkins. Muscular atrophy. Canada M. Rec. Montreal, 18*2-3. xi. 222.—Zhukovski (V. P.) Mishechnaya psevdobipertrofia s izlozlnnieni so- vremennavo uchenla ob atrofiakh voobshtshe. [Muscular pseudohypertrophy, with an account of modern views of atrophies generally.] Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach. v S.-Pe- terb., 1890, v, 52-67. Atrophv (Muscular, Arthritic). Dlboche (P.) * Etude clinique et experi- mentale sur les amyotrophies reliexes d'origine articiilaire. 4-. I'aris. L~9U. dn Cazal. Fn cas curieiix d'amyotrophie consecu- tive k une arthrite traumatique avec pheiiomenes medullo- bulbaires con*.'-cutifs. Tribune mbd.. Par., 1*90, 2. s., xxii. ID.—Charcot. Sur l'atrophie musculaire consecu- tive an rhumatisme articiilaire chronique. Progres med.. Par., 1882. x, 475-477. — Darkshevich (L. O.) Atrofia mish'ts pri stradanii sustavov. (Atrophia muscularis ar- thropathia.) Yestnik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nevro- patol St. Petersb., 1891, viii. no. 2, 159-170. Also, transl. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1891, x. 353-361.- Mcboyc. Note sur les atrophies musculaires d origine articiilaire. Proves m6d., Par., 1880, viii, 101L—Oercnm (F. X.) A caseof arthritic muscular atrophy of gonorrba-al origin. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y.. 1888, xv, 789. — Diclnara (F.) Atrofia progressiva dei muscoli della coscia e della gamba destra per artrocace traumatica del ginocchio cu- rato con la correute continun. Gazz. clin. di elettroter. Palermo, 1885, iii, 129-139. — Griffith (J. P. C.) Caseof arthritic muscular atrophv. J. -Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., ?>. J., 18*8 xv 787-789. — Holla ( A. ) Zur Pathogenese der arthiitis'cben Muskelatrophien. Samml. klin. Vortr. n. F Leipz 189-' No. 50 (Chir.. No. 13. 275-286). Aho [ Ab- str 1 • Verhandl d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl, 1892, xxi pt 1 93 — 'tinder (J.) Ausgcdehute Muskelatro- phien an'scheinend in Caiisalnexns mit vorausgegangeuem feheuniatismus articilori.in ; Lessening-.Ber. d k. k. Kr-mkenanst, Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (188/), 1888, 36,.— Moore (W L ) Muscular atrophy consequent on certain articular lesions Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1894, viii 529-5'4 —l»elrone (L. M.) Contribuzione cliniche e sperimentali sull' atrofia muscolare per artrite icuinatica Atrophy (Muscular, Arthritic). acuta. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1883, li. 492-507. — Revil- lout (Y.) Atropine musculaire consecutive & un rhunia- tisine articiilaire chronique. Abeille nied., Par., 1878. xxxv, 3-i5-349. — KobcrtNoit (A.) Patient with rheu- matic muscular atrophy. Tr. Glasg. Path. Sc Clin. Soc, 1892-5,v, 80-82.—Striiinpell (A.) Feber Muskelatrophie bei Gelenkleiden uud iiber atrophische Muskellabmungen nach Ablauf des acuten Gelenkrheuniatistnus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 211-213. Atrophy (Muscular, Congenital, Heredi- tary, and Juvenile). Bhossard (J.) * Etude clinique sur une forme lie"reditaire d'atrophie musculaire progressive ddbutant par les mernbres inferieurs (type femo- ral avec griffe des orteils). 4°. Paris, 1666. ------. Thesame. s \ Paris, 1666. Also [Abstr.], in: Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab. de therap., Par., 1884-9, 123-129. COHN (M.) * Casuistische Beitriige zur Kennt- nis der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. [Er- langen.] 8°. Berlin, 1893. Czech ( B. } * Ueber hereditare (familiiire) progressive Muskelatrophie. 8°. Greifswald, 1664. Exgels (G.) * Ueber einen Fall von Dys- trophia muscularis progressiva infantum mit Pseudohypertrophic. 8°. Berlin, [189*2]. Flaxdre (li.) * Contribution a 1'eLnde de la niyopathie atrophique progressive, myopathic here'ditaire, sans neuropathic. 4°. Paris, 1693. Hanel (P. ) * Ueber eine Form von noch nicht beschriebener hereditiirer neurotischer Muskelatrophie. 8°. Jena, 1690. Helring (L.) * Ueber die juvenile Form der progressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Helmsiedt, 1886. Hoeffel (T.) * Dystrophia muscularis pro- gressiva. 8°. Strassburg, 1891. Hotte (C.) Ueber Complicationeu bei Dys- trophia progressiva. 8°. Bonn, 1693. Israel (A.) * Ueber Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. [Freiburg i. B.] 8:. Hamburg, [1890, vel subseq.]. Ley (H.) * Ueber einen Fall von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva (juvenile Muscelatro- phie). 8D. Wiirzburg, 1892. Mary (L.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dys- trophia muscularis progressiva (Erb ). 8°. Strassburg, 18-'<). Me.vut (A.) *De l'atrophie musculaiie pro- gressive mvopathique (type Landouzv-Deje- rine). 4°. "Lyon, 1890. Oppenheimf.r (E.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. [Stras- burg.] 8=. Mannheim, 1888. Prager (M. ) * Casuistische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Dystronhia muscularis progressiva. [Erlangen. J s\ Fiirth, 1691. Reit.maier (C<.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1693. Schmki.zer (W.) *Neurotische Muskelatro phie der Hiinde und TTnterarme bei einem Kna- ben. 8°. Bonn, [1690]. ScHrtNEUERG (A. [W.]) * Dystrophia muscu- laris progressiva. 8J. Berlin, [1692]. Sciilmacher ([J.] J. [H.]) * Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Dystrophia muscularis progres- siva. 8'. Bonn, 1692. de Sofza (A. V. [A.]) *Zwei Fiille von "ju- veniler Form der Muskelatrophie" (Erb). Eiu Beifrag zur Lehre von der "Dystrophia muscu- laris progressiva". 8°. Kiel, 1666. Also, transl. in: Ann. Gynac A- Pasdiat., Phila., 1891-2, v, 625-638, 2 pl. Steiir (P. A.) * Beitriige zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. 8°. Erlan- gen. l—'fi. ATROPHY. 774 ATKOPIIY. Atrophy (Muscular, Congenital, Heredi- tary, and Juvenile). Trkmrfr ([C. A.] H.) "Casuistische Bei- triige zur Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. 8C. Berlin, [1393], Wextzel (G. ) *Ein Fall von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva juvenuiu mit Gesichts- beteiligung. ?-. Berlin, [1694]. Aruohl. Fin Fall von juveniler Muskelatrophie. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1893, lxiii, 33-30. — Bcnnet (J. W.) Hereditary progressive mus- cular atrophy. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1887, 61-G6.—Beriilinrilt (M.) Ueber einen Fall von (juve- nilen progressiver Muskelatrophie mit Betheilignng der Gesichlsinuseulatur. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 703-705. — Biclschowsky. Feber Dystrophia muscu- laris. Jahresb. d. schles. Ge^-llsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1889, Bresl. 1890, lxvii, 43.—Biotuli i A ) L'atrofia muscolare progressiva (forma giovanile di Frb). Incurabili, Xapoli, 1*90. v, 41-49.—Bourguet (L.) Amyotrophie primitive progressive (forme juvenile de Erb). Gaz. hebd. d. sc nied. de Montpel., 1889, xi. 209-214. Aho, in: Gr asset (J.) Li c de clin. nied. 1886-90, Montpel, 1891, 696-707, 1 pl.— Itu«.s (O.) Zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. Berl. klin. AVchnschr.', 1887, xxiv, 49-53.— < nzohlt. L. i.er- gangsform der Dystrophia muscularis progressh.i Erb's. Miinchen. med. AVchnschr., 1«*6, xxxiii, 273.—Prnuloia (V.) Sc Klienne (G.) Fn cas de myopathic progressive primitive ii type facio-seapulo humeral chez un enfant de sept ans. Rev. de med., I'ar., 1893, xiii. 635-642.—Kcinak (E.) Leber die gelegeutliche Betheilignng der Cesichts- musculatur bei der .juvenilen Form der progressiven Mus- kelatrophie. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1884, iii, 337-341.— Roviglii i A.) Sulla distrofia muscolare progressiva. Lavori d. Cun1.. cli mod. int., Milano, 1891, iv, 207. —Rovi- Sjbi ('A. 1 &; I.i-vi ( V. ) Contribuzione alio studio della distrofia miiscnbuo progressiva. Riv. spi r. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1*91, xvii, 492-502. — Kycliliriski ( K. ) Przypadek t. zw. "dystrophia musculorum progressiva". Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894,2. s., xiv, 362-370.—Saiitcsxon (C.G.i Fall af distrophia muscularis progressiva med mikroskopisk uudersiikuing jainfe dfversikt af liii an om " uiuskelspolarna" och oiu nybildning af muskeltradar. [Cas d'atrophie luiiscuhiire progiessive ni.Mipiiiliiquc. avec recherches microseopiques sur les muscles ct la moelle I'pinieae; revue de la litterature sur le renouvellemeut des fihrcs musculaires striees et sur les " fuseaux musculaires" (Muskelspindeln, Kuhnel] Xoid. nied. Ark Stockholm, 1891. n. F., i. no. 3, 1-47. 1 pl. ; no. 7, 13-16. — Ncbiile iA) Ein Fall vou juveniler Dystrophic (auf heicditiiier li.isis) mit Betheilignng des Gesichts. Deutsche, Ztschr. f. Ner- venh., Leipz.. 1891, i, 528- 531. — Scliiillzc. Hereditare Muskelatrophie. uud I'seudoln pci-trophic tier Muskeln. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1884, iii, 529-533. — Mirlori. Contributo alio studio della forma giovanile dell atrofia muscolare progressiva. Riv. cliu., Milano, 1*92, xxxi, 513- 523.—Stem ill.i Ein Fall vou progressive!- Muskelatro- phie < juvenile Form. Erb) mit halbseitiger Betheilignng des G- siehts Mitth. a. d. med. Klin, zu Kdnigsb.. Leipz,. 1*88, L84-2JC—Stewart (J.) Abstract of a cliuical ha- ATROPHY. 775 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Congenital, Heredi- tary, and Juvenile). ure on a case of the juvenile form of progressive muscular atrophy (Fib's dystrophia muscularis progressiva). Can- ada Laiicet, Toronto, 1884-5, xvii, 7-11— Siilinonclli (F.) Fn caso di distrofia muscolare progressiva, tipo Landouzy- Dejerine. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893), v. 470-479. — Tlioihnoh (J.) [A case of progiessive idio- pathic muscular atrophy in a young child J Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc Edinb., 1889-90, u. s., i\. 34. — Thomson (J.) & Bruce (A.) A case of progressive muscular at rophy iu a child, with a spinal lesion. Edinb. Hosp. Bep.. 1S93. i, 361-:i83. 3 pl.—Tooth (H. II.) On hereditary progressive muscular atrophv. commencing in the lower extremities. St. Barth. Hosp.'Rep.. Lond.. 1889. xxv, 141-149.— Values Anciano i J. A.) Considernciones sobre un ca.so de dis- trofia muscular de fornia pseudo-hipertrotica. Cron. med.- quir. de la Habana. 1895, xxi. 261-269. — Werdnig (G.) Ein Fall von juveniler hereditarer Muskel-Atrophie mit Riickenmarksbefuud. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steier- mark 1890. Graz, 1891, xxvii, 48-51. -----. Zwei fruhiufan- tile hereditare Fiille von progressiver Muskelatrophie unter dem Bilde der Dystrophic, aber auf neurotiseher Grund- lage. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl, 1890-91, xxii. 437-481,1 pl— \Viersma (E.) Dystrophia muscularis progressiva met ontaardings-reactie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1892. 2. R., xxviii, pt. 2. 808- *10. — WillinniHOii 75. Bode CB.) "Casuistische Beitriige zur Aetio- logie, Syniptomatologie und Diagtiose der pro- gressiven Muskelatrophie. S". Halle a. S., 1681. Bujakowsky (T.) * De atrophia mirsculorum progressiva. 1*2:. T'ratislavice, 167>8. Charcot (J.-B.) Contribution a retude de l'a- trophie muscnlaire progressive, type Duckeuue- Aran. -r. Paris, 1 -95. Also [Abstr.], in : Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1895, vii, 441-4S7. 3 pl. Cherpitel (C.j * Contribution h l'etude de l'atrophie musculaire progressive. 4 . Xancy, 1667,. Comba (D.) Alcune considerazioni sulla pato- genesi dell' atroiia muscolare progressiva. 6°. Genova, 1-66. Clxze (U.) "Beitrag zur Lehre von der pro- gressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Bevlin, [1883]. Duchexxe. Etude comparee des lesions ana- toniiques daus l'atrophie musculaire, graisseuse progressive et dans la paralysie g6nerale. 8°, Paris, 1-5:5. -----. De la valeur de l'61ectrisation loca- lised comme traitement de l'atrophie musculaire progressive. s°. Paris, [n. d.]. Dumexil (L.) Atrophie musculaire grais- seuse progressive; histoire critique. ~ \ Bouen, 1667. Evrard (E.-L.) # Considerations sur l'atro- phie musculaire progressive, ou paralysie muscu- laire atrophique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Garbscii ([F.] G.) *Die DilTerentialdiagno.se der progressiven Muskelatrophie. 83. Berlin, [1800]. ° Gerhardt (C.) MJi-burt bei progressiver Muskelatrophie. 6\ Jena, 1664. Gkaxdox (C.) * Etude clinique sur les rela- tions de l'atrophie musculaire progressive de l'adulte avec la paralysie infantile. 4. Paris, 1693. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). Hammer ( C.) * Zur Kasuistik der myopa- thisi-hen und derspinalen Form der progressiven Muskelatrophie. [Jena.] i-ic. Weimar, 1890. Aho. in: Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringeu, TVei- mar, 1890, xix, 351-374. Hoffmann (E.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der spiunleii uud priniar niyopatiscben progres- siven Muskelatrophie. 81". Bonn, 1893. Hui.semaxn (G.) * Ueber einen Fall von progressiver neurotiseher Muskelatrophie. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Jurgexs (A.) * Zur Casuistik der Atrophia musculorum progressiva. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1881. Kiefer (A.) * Ueber einen Fall vou progres- siver spinaler Muskelatrophie. [Freiburg i. B. ] •K Zelli. W., 1694. Krcger ([F.] R.) * Ein Beitrag zur progres- siven Muskelatrophie und ihren Couiplicationen. 6-'. Berlin, [1692]. Legerlotz (G. G. B.) * Ueber progressive Muskelatrophie. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Lemmer (F. A. J. R.) *De musculorum atro- phia progressiva. 6°. Berolini, [1853]. Marklsy (H.) * Zur Lehre von der progres- sives Muskelatrophie und progressiven Bulbiir- paralyse. ^°. Breslau, 1874. Motet (A.) Atrophie musculaire progressive. . 8-. Paris, 1866. Cutting from.- Guide de med. praticien, Valleix, 5. 6d., 1866, i, 997-1028. Peleorix (H.) * Essai sur la diminution de Puree dans l'atrophie musculaire progressive, consequences qu'on petit en d6duire au point de vue du siege de la formation de l'uree dans l'or- ganisme. 4°. Paris, 1661. Reverchon (A.) * Contribution a Peptide de l'atrophie musculaire progressive, type Arau- Duchenne. 4°. Paris, 1664. vax Roox (K.) * Over chronische en progres- sieve atrophie van spieren. 8°. I'trechl, 1669. Roth (C.) * Ueber Atrophia musculorum pro- gressiva. 8°. Miinchen, 1881. Roth (V. K.) Patogeuez mishechnikh atroliy. 1. Obshtshiy obzor. 2. O patogeneze progres- sivnoi mishechnoi atrofii. [Pathogenesis of mus- cular atrophy. 1. General sketch. 2. Patho- genesis of progressive muscular atrophy.] 6°. Moskva, 1691. Repr. from: Trudi IV syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova. Also, transl. [of 2. pt.] in: Beitr. z. path. Auat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1893, xiii, 1-12. Sciiaper (K.) *Z"\vei Fiille von progressiver Muskelatrophie. 8'~. Gottingen, 1892. Schirmeyer ( F. ) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der progressiven Muskelatrophie. [Gottingen.] 8D. Osnabriick, 1684. Shlter (J.) Au inquiry concerning the na- ture and causes of the diseases described by Cruveilhier as progressive muscular atrophy. 8°. London, 1875. Strcckmkyer (P.) *Ein Fall von progres- siver Muskelatrophie. 6om Gottingen, 1691. Stcde ([J. H.]H.) *ZurDifferentialdiagnose der progressiven neurotischen Muskelatrophie. ,- . Berlin, [1692]. Tooth (II. H.) * The peroneal typo of pro- gressive muscular atrophy. [Cambridge.] 8°. Loudon, 1666. Alzheimer (A.) Feber einen Fall von spinaler pro- gressive!- MusUelatrophie mit hiuzutretender Erkrankung bulbiirer Kerne und der Rinde. Arch. f. l's.\ e.biat., Berl, 1891, xxiii, 459-485, 1 pl. — Anderson (M'C.) Two cases of progressive, muscular atrophy. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiii 318-321. — Andronieo (C.) Sull af iolia muscolare progressiva. Kiv. internaz. di med. e chir., Xapoli, 1884, i 8F7-824. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Union med.. Par., 1885, 3. s. xl, 327-329.—Andry. Atrophie musculaire progres- sive a ivpe Araii-Diielieiine, aeeoiupagnee de symptomes race's, et terminee rapidemciit par la suppression des mus- ATROPHY. 776 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). cles respiiateurs. Lyon med., 1887, lvi, 135-148.—Anf- reehl. Pro-ressive* Muskel -Atrophie. In his: Path. Mitt., 8-, Magdeb., 1-81. 188-193.—Batten (F. E.) Notes of three cases of progiessive muscular atrophy associated with loss of sensation to beat and cold St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1*92. xxviii. 211-220. — Bernhardt (M.) Abnornie electrisehe Erregbarkeitsverhiiltnis.se in einem Falle von (piogressivei; Muskelatrophie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl 1882. v, 127-131. -----. Klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der progressiven spinalen (nicht hereditii- ren) Muskelatrophe. Ibid., 1890, xvii, Suppl.-JIft.. ."i4-66.— Berl het. Atrophie musculaire progressive d inside table- men! amelioree par le massage et l'£hctricite. Mem. et compt. rend Soc.d.sc. med. deLyon (1889), 1890, xxix.pt. 2, 105-]o7—Bird»all(W. Ii.) Report of a case of progressive musculai atrophy with bulbar symptoms; the atrophy limit- ed to the left upper extremity, the abductor indicis of the right hand, aud the tongue, which is affected bilaterally, predominantly on the lett side. J. Nerv. & Ment. Bis.. X.Y., 1887, xiv, 256-259. —BIoeq (P.) De l'atrophie musculaire progressive, (laz hebd. de ni6d., I'ar., 1892. 2. s., xxix, 37-42.— Itorcolni'i (A.) Atrofia muscolare progressiva. Rassegna disc, med., Modena. 1887, ii. 182.— ltondet. Ile la contracture dans l'atrophie musculaire progressive; etude sur certaines contractures dites essentielles, leur traitement pari-bromure de potassium. Ann. Soc. de mfed. de Lyon, 18(i-. 2.s .xvi.257-273.—Booth (J.A.) Progressive muscular atrophy, with anaesthesia. Med. Pec, X. T., 1888, xxxiv, 230-238.—Bouelinnd. Atrophie musculaire progressive uivupatbique. J. d. sc. nied. de Lille, 1894, ii, 401-409.— Bramwell (B.) A case of pro- gressive muscular atrophy nith unilateral atrophy of the tongue. Brain. Lond.. 1sm-s1, iii, 396-399. — Brush (A. C.) An acute case of progressive muscular atrophy. Med. Kec. X. V., 1891, xxxix, 708.— Bniseii (S.) Atrofia muscular progressiva. Siglo med., Madrid. 1882. xxix, 163-165. — C:ij;iic> (J.) Case of pioen-ssive muscular atrophy, wiih commencing bulbar paruH sis- Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lvii, 22!.—Cnpozzi (II.) So- pra un caso di atrofia muscolare progicssiva Scuola med. uapol, 18,-2, v, 337-344: 18s3, vi, 57-66. — Charcot. Re- vision nosographique des atropines musculaires progres- sives. Progres m6d., Bar., 1885, 2. s., i, 179-183.—C'liar- leriai (M.) Clinical remarks on progressive muscular atrophy. Lancet. Lond., 1883, i, 626. — Clarke (J. M.j Progressive muscular atrophy with recovery. Bristol M.- Chir. J., 1888, vi, 195-197.—C'onti (P.) Sulle amiotrofie primitive o miopatie atrofizzanti progressive. Ann univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1886, cclxxv, 329-378. — Covin (Xj Atrofia muscolare progressiva. Riv. veneta di sc. nnd., Venezia, 1885, ii, 551-575. — Cramer (A.) Die patholo- gische Anatomie der progressiven Muskelatrophie; zu- sammenfassendes Refirat. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1895, vi, 552-611. — Dam iw. Case of progressive muscular atrophy. Buffalo M. Sc S. J.. 188(1-7, xxvi, 26-29—Da n n (A.) Progressive musculai atrophy; osseous growth in the sterno-mastoid muscle. X. York M. J., 1886. xliii, 727. —Debove A: Krnnut (J.) Xote sur les lesions des tii-caux priinitifs des muscles volon- taires dans l'atrophie uiusculaire progressive et dans la paralvsie saturnine. (lompt. rend. Sue de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. 8.. iii, 49-52. — De-Giovanni (A.) Paralisi ed atrofia muscolare discendenti. progressive a forma irrego- lare. Salute: Italia med.. lb-nova! ls«l, 2. s., xv, 177-180. -----. Atrofia muscolare progressiva. Boll. d. cliu., Mi- lano. 1894. xi,81-94.—Dejerine. Deux cas d'atrophie mus- culaire progressive type Aran-Duchenne par poliomy61ite chronique, suivis d'autopsie. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. Par., 1895. 10. s.. ii, 188- 190. — De Renzi (E.) Atrofta muscolare progressiva; forma miopatica iparalisi pseudo- ipi-rtronea). Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1886, viii. 58. -----. Ln caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva. Gazz. d. clin., Xapoli, 1*91, ii. 2-9. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1891, viii, 481-4es. -----. Sclerosi laterale amiotrofica e atrofia muscolare progressiva. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1895, xii. 433-437.— D'Evchii (F. YV.) Progressive muscular atrophy. Pacific M .7.. San Fran., 1889, xxxii, 265-268.— Donath (J.) Ein Fall von progressive!- Muskelatrophie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18*5, xxi, 981-983. -----. Ein Fall von progressiver Muskelatrophie, begiunend an der Lnterextreiiiitat. Ibid., 188'.) xxv, 592. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 18s9 xxx, 1489.— DryMilale (C. R.) Pro- gressive muscular atrophy. Med. Press \- Circ., Lond., 1880, n. s., xxx, 196.—Dutil (A> Xote sur un cas d'atro- phie musculaire progressive, .secondaire. dGveloppt-e chez un sujet priniitiveinentatteint de paralvsie infantile. Uaz. mecl. de Par.. 1888, 7. s., v, 4-7 Dntil (A.) Sc Charcot (J.B.) Xote sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive spinale (type Duchenne-Aian). suivi d'autopsie Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par , 1894. lo. s.. i, 61 i-614.— Eilyren (J. (i.) Om den progicssiva muskelatrofiens s. k. neurala form. Hygiea. Stockholm, 1893, lv, pt. 2, 541-555. Also, transl: Rev. gt-n. de cliu. et de therap., Par., 1896, x, 81- 84.—Finny (J. M.) Cases illustrating the essential Men- tity of progressiva muscular atrophy and progressive bul- bar paralysis. Tr Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl, 1884, ii. 67-78. Aho: Brit.M. J., Loud., 1884, i, 1132; 1196. Also 'Abstr.]: Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). Dublin J. M. Sc.. 18s4. 3. s., Ixxvii, 555-557. — Flora ml (A.) Atrophies musculaires progressives. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1886, ii, 465: 591.—Fox K patoloaii progressivnoi inischeehnol atrotii Yrach. St. Petersb., 1889, x. 1(197; 112s; 1145. Aho. transl (with additions]: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Xervenh.. Leipz., 1891-2, ii. 139-176 3 pl.—lAchtheim. Zum einleiteuden Vortrag fiir die ATROPHY. 777 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). Discussion des eisten Themas. [Leber progressive Mns- kel-Atropbic.j Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Xa- turf. u. Aerzte 1883. Freiburg i. B.. 1884, lvi. 154.— I.iil/- llieim. Feber progressive Muskelatro]ihie. Breslau. aeiztl. Ztschr., 1883. v. 227.—l.nssnna (F. ) Cura sti icnica nella atrofia muscolare progi essiva. Boll. d. Soc. nied. prov. di Bergamo. 1894. v. 79-81.—iVI'lMiedrau (A.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy. Canad. I'ract., Toronto, 1888,'xiii, 356.— .Under. Progressive Muskel- atrophie spinalen Lrsprungs: Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in AVien (1890), 1891, 298-300.— Marinesco (G.) Conti ibutiou a l'etude de l'amyotro- phie Charcot Marie. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., I'ar., 1894, vi, 921-963, 2 pl.— Vlarro (A.) Sull' elimina- zione del fosfato di magnesia nell' atrofia muscolare pro- gressiva. Ann. di freiniat. [etc.l. Torino, 1888-9, i. 227.— Vlnrviil (J. B.) Progressive muscular atrophy begin- ning iu tlie legs. Am. I'ract. A News. Louisville, 1886, n. s., ii. 31-33. Aho, Reprint.— flai/nno (F.) Su di un caso di atiolia muscolare progressiva del tipo Leyden. Gior. di clin.. terap. e med. pubb., Napoli, 1889, xx, 50- 56.—Mclotti (G.) Le moderne teorie dell atiolia musco- lare progressiva. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 513; 521; 529; 537. — JIo bins iP. J.) Progressive Muskel- atrophie mit ungew iihnliclu m Beginhe. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1881, n. F., i. 212.— .Vlontcsano (G.) Sopra una forma anomala di atrofia muscolare progressiva. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895. xi, pt. 2. 328-331.—.Morton ess (K. B. ) Case of marked muscular atrophv of hands and forearms; progressive muscular atrophy? GlasgowM.J.. 1895, xliv, 96-99—rSotluinjjcl. Fall von typischer progressiver Muskelatrophie (Aran- Ducheniie). Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1884-5. 31-35.—l'alnin (c 1 Osservazioni cliniche sopra tre casi di atrofia muscolare progressiva e sopra altri tre casi di paralisi pseudo-ipertrorica. \Froni: xxix" Reso- conto delle malattie curate nell'Ospizio del Monte della Misericordia in Casamicciola d' Ischia.] Gior. di neuro- patol., Napoli, 1882-3, i, 305-309. -----. Identita di forma clinica dell atrofia muscolare progressiva con la paralisi pseudo-ipertiotieani 11 ultiinafase. JZ»i'd..lSs4. ii. 260-263.— Peterson (F. 1 Progiessive muscular atrophv and dys- trophy. Am. Med.^Surg. Bull.. X'. Y.. 1894, vii. 325-329.— Praiitois 1V.) Sc Klienne i( r.) Troubles trophiipies. os- seux et arti cui aires, cbez tin homme atteint d atropine mus- culaire myelopatbique. Kev. de med., Par., 1894, xiv. 300- 305.—Progressive Muskelatrophie. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenh. Wieden 1881. Wien, 1882,340.—Putnam (J..L) Pro- gressive museiihir atrophv. Cvcl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), X. Y., li-8l iSuppl.. 6o'.i-6]2i.—9]. ue Chamisro (H. F.) * De atropini vi my- driatics ejusque usu ophthalmiatrico. S-. Be- rolini, 187)7). Eiillixc (A.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Atropinchlormethylat. ^~. Kiel, 1*97). Hafkmasn (W.) * Pharinacologisehe Studien am iholirten Eroschlierzen, mit besonderer Be- riieksiclitigutio des Atropius und des Kupfers. *-. Halle a. S., 1663. Haktmaxn if.) * Vergleichende Versuche mit Atropin, Daturiu und Hyoscyamin. [Got- tingen.] -":. Xordhausen, 18/D. Hlxut([L.]C. [F.]) * Ueber die Darstel- lung optisch aktiver Tropasiiure und optisch aktiver Atropine. Ein Beitrag zur Anfkiiirung tier Beziehungen zwischen Atropin und II voscya- miu. <-">. Kiel, 1890. IvADiiXAi'M (B.) * X voprosu o sravnitelnom soderzhanii atrophia v kultivirovannoi i dikoro- stu.shtshei sonuoi nduri (Atropa belladonna L.). [Comparison of atropine from wild and culti- vated belladonna.] lvT. S.-Peterburg, 1673. KC'.stkr (G.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis tier Wir- kung des Atropin. -5 . Kiel, 1*92. Atropine. Mehxeki'(J.) * Ueber die Atropinausscliei- dung duich die Magenschleimhaut. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1603. Miller (E.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Atro- pin auf das gesunde nud kranke menschliclie Herz. 8-. Dorpat, 1891. Orlowski (E.) * Ein experimcnreller Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Einwirkung des Atropius auf die Respiration. 8-. Dorpat, 1691. Pesci(L.) Ricerche sull'atropina. 4 . Boma, 1661. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., mat. e nat., Roma, 1880-81, eclxxviii. Ressayre (A.) * De l'atropine. 4°. Mont- pellier, 18-4. Zeiss (R.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Atropins auf den Ruls. 8C. Jena, 1677). Accion de la atropina sobre el corazdn normal. So- malia nied., Buenos Aires, 1895, ii, 409-413. — Alvarado (E.) Estudios coniparativos de los efectos toxicos pro- ducidos por la atrophia y duboisina. Fraternidad med., TaHad., 1879-80, i, 145-147.—Bech in ami (E.) Leber die TitaM'scbe Reaction zum Nacbweis des Atropins. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1886, 3. R., xxiv, 481 -484. —Berlioz. De l'atropine; action physiologique, th6rapeutique tC" H"AzC)3). J. Soc. de med. et pbaim. de l'Isere, Grenoble, 1882, vi, 80-89. — Bernabei (C.) Azione dell' atropina sul cuore umano. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1880, 2. s., x, 81.— ltinz (C.) Leber die erregenden Wirkungen des Atro- pins. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 21-24. Aho: Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Mecl, Leipz., 1887, xii, 174- 177. — Klnniennu (M. 15.) K krovoostanav. dieistvijou atropiua. [On the ha-iuostatic effect of atropine.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxvii, 838- 840 — Carpenter (C.) Unusual effects from the use of atropine and homatropine eye-drops in infants. Lancet, Lond., 1892. ii, 307.— C' I • i - - olm (J. J.) An illustration of bow atropia acts when aiiplied to the cornea. Med. Rec, N. T., 1891. xl, 537.— C'zerm:il< (J.) A nadragulyal (atropin) hatiisa a s/ivar- v:in\ hiirtvara. [Action of atropine on pupil. | Orvosi hetil, Budapest, I860, iv, £6; 121. — Deliio (K. ) Ueber den Einfluss des Atropin auf die arbythmisclie Herzthatigkeit. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1893. Iii, 97-102. — Derby (II.) On certain dangers attend- ing the use of atropine, and the employment ol a new my- driatic. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1893, exxix, 640.—Dixon (A.) Phvsiological and therapeutical action of atropia. Indi- ana M. Reporter, Evansville, 1880, i, 1-10.—Dmiti'ieff(A. N.) Atropin, kak kroveostouavlivayushtsbeye. [Atro- pine as a sedative. | Vracb, St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 1121.— Elliott (W. S.i Idiosyncrasy to atropine. Brit. M. J., Loud., ls*8, ii, 990. — Fano. Le santonated'atropine; son action comparee a (•clin du sulfate (l'atropine. J. d'ocul. et chir., I'ar. 1885-6, vii, 231-233.— Finlay. Inconvenientes de la atropiua. An. r. A cad. de cien. med... . de la Habana, 1876-7, xiii, 495-509. — Fraser . .1. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y.. 1893, xx. 779-782. Also, Kepi int. Also: Tr. Pau-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, 1237.—Percy (S. R.) Atropia: its chemical, physiological, aud therapeutic action; together with experiments instituted to ascertain its toxicological properties. N.YorkM. J.,1868-9,viii, 242- 286.—Poole (T. W.) Fallacies of physiological experi- mentation reminding atropia. Med. Rec, N. V.. 1881, xix, 255-258. —Beat i I. I..) Atropia, in some forms of genito- urinary diseases. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago. 1894. xliv, 221-228. — Keit-h (M.) Eine merkwiirdige Atropinwir kung. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 111. — Beichert (E. T.) Notes on certain physiological actions of atropine. Lniv. M. Mag.. Pbila.. 1890-91, iii, 207-223.— Bossbach i.M. J.) A Frohlich (C.) Unter- suchungen iiber die physiologischen Wirkungen des Atro- pin und Physostigmin auf Pupille und Ilerz. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1874. n. F., v, 1-79. Also- Pharmakol. Untersuch., Wiirzb., 1873-4, i, 3-81.— Biimino (G.) Azione fisiologica e meccauisnio dell atro- pina e sua applicazione nelle malattie cardio-vascolari. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1889, Milano, 1890, ii, 72-76. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 1616. — Byerson (G. S.) Tbe eccentricities of atropine. Mecl. Rec, N. Y., 1883. xxiii, 457. —Sabbatani (L.) Ricerche sull'azione dell atropina. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, 52-54. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891, xv, 196-202. -----. SuU' adattamento del! organismo all azione pro- lnngata dell'atropina. Riforma med., Napoli. 1891, vii, 63-65. -----. Sull' adattamento dei varii organi all' uso prolungato dell'atropiua. Sperhneutale. Mem. orig., Fi- renze, 1891, xiv. 115-134. Aho [Abstr.J: Riforma nied., 1891, vii, pt. 2, 851. — Sehenltl. Ueber Atropiuvaseline. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 18,-2, vii. 4; 15. — Seely (\V~. W.) Prevention of the irritating effects of atropia. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1881, n. s.. vi, 284. — Sharp (G.) The atropine groupe; an experimental and critical note. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895, ii, 1:547-1549. — Smith (T. C.) Atro- pia: some points in its physiology and therapeutics. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882. xlvi, 617-622— Mzpilinnu (J.) Spostrzezenia dotyczacedzialaniaatropiny. [On the action of atropine.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s.. i, 685; 717. — Taiijjciiian (C. W.) Atropine and similar bodies in general ami special practice. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, 1884, n. s., v, 247-251.— Taylor (G. B.) A clinical study of the action of atropine. Lniv. M. Mag., Pbila., 1891-2, iv, 130-134.—Trousseau (A.) Note sur le santo- nate (l'atropine. Union med., Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 919.— Veniiemau (E.) L'atropine. Lev. med., Louvain, 1882, i, 546: 1883. ii, 65: 161; 321; 561.—Walti (L.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Atrophia auf die Hai nsocretion. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1*95. xxxvi, 411-430.— Will (W.) Ueber Atropin uud livoscyamin. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1888, 550-552. — Williams. Peculiar effect of atropine. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1883, xiv, 63-69.— Wood (H. C.) Physiological action of atropine. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii, 315. Atropine (Toxicology of). Deltscilmaxx (F.) * Beitrao• zur Kenntniss der Atropinveroiftuno-. 8°. Gottingen, 1861. Feddersex (I. M.j * Beitrag zur Atropin ver- giftung. 6U. Berlin, [Isw4]. de Ferry de la Belloxe. Empoisonnement par l'atropine. Relation me'dico-legale de l'af- faire des grives empoisounees. 8°. Avignon, 1667. Liebkeich (E. ) Instrument destind a, ein- pecher Fempoisouiiemeut par l'atropine. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Sauberzweig (J.) * Ueber Atropin vergiftung mit liesonderer Beriicksiclitigung eiiies neuen Falles. 8'J. Halle a. S., 1892. Sklmi (F.) Studio chimico-tossicologico per la ricerca dell' atropiua, quando si applica il processo generale per 1' estrazioue degli alcaloidi Atropine (Toxicology of). venetici. Memoria approvata per la stainpa negli atti dell'Accademia nella seduta del 2 gen- iiaio 1676. 4°. [Boma, 1876.] Cuttiny from: Atti cl. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., mat. e nat., Roma, [1876], Allaire F . . . ct B . . . Homicide par imprudence et infraction a-l'article 5 de l'ordonnance du 29 octobre 1846, sur la vente des substances ven6neiises. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 155-157.—Alt (A.) An unusual case of atropine poisoning. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1885, ii, 34-36. — Anili-ew (J.) A case of poisoning by atropin. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. vV Edinb., 1852, xiv, 34-37. Also, Reprint—von Anrep (B.) Leber cbrouische Atropin- vergiftung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1880, xxi, 185- 212. -----. De l'empoisonnenient chronique par l'afropino; experiences faites au laboratoire de l'Institut pharmacol. de Wurzbourg; analyse par neger. J. de med.. chir. ci Pharmacol, Brux., 1880, lxx, 370-373.—A troniin-crjjif- Ihiijj. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1867. iii, 117.— A tropin vcr^iflun:; ; drei dem k. Meilieinal-Comite vorgelcgene Fiille. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl, 1891, 401-405. — Ax tell (E. R.) Sulphate ot atro- pine: two-fifths of a grain h\ poderinicallv. X. York M. J., 1890, li, 146. —ile Beanvais (G.) Rapport sur un memoire de M. lo docteur Lutaud: Note sur l'enipoisonne- meut accidentel par le sulfate neutre (l'atropine employe eu collyre. Bull. Soc. de mc'-cL de Par. (1878), 1879. xiii, 184-194. Also [with additions] : Soc. denied. Ieg.de 1-ranee. Bull., Par.. 1880-81, vi, 406-423. —Bentzen (G. E.) To TlltVelde af Kriminel Atropinforgiftiiing. Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk., Christiania, 1885, xv. 497-500.—Kin* (C.) Drei Falle von Vergiftung durch Atropin. Ceniialbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1893, xiv, 25-35. -----. P3in Fail arznei- licher Vergiftung (lurch Atropin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1895, xxxii, 997. — Borden (B. F.) Report of a case of atropia poisoning and its management. Alabama M. Jc S. Age, Anniston, 1893-4. vi, 413-415. — Brinkiiiaiin. Atropin- oder Fleischvei-giftung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1895, viii. 497-499.—Bnehncr (L. A.) Ueber Atro- pinvergiftiingen in strafrechtlicber Beziehung. Fried- ieich'8 Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb.. 1887. xxxviii. 130- 138. — Cantlie (J.) Case of poisoning by the use of sul- phate of atropia in the process of tooth stopping. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1890, n. s., 1. 58.—Carpenter (J. G.) Belladonna poisoning. St. Louis M. Sc S.J., 1882.xliii. 93.— Coo-bin (T. W.) Case of atropia poisoning. Proc. South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Adelaide, 1882, 20.—Cortis ( YV. R.) Accidental poisoning by sulphate of atropia treated by subcutaneous injections of pilocarpine. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1891-2, xi, 129. — Cotter (11. O.) Three cases of poisoning by atropine. Ophth. Rec, Nash- ville. 1891-2, i, 330.—Cowley (11.) Sospechas de envene- namiento atropico. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1880-81, xvii. 68. — Cox (J. B.) Atropia-poison- ing; morphia as antidote. l'hila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 377. — Curric (C. E.) A rare case of poisoning by atro- -pine. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1884, xlviii. 73.—Donatio (J.) Ekzem in Folge von Atropineiiitraurlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 313-316. — Unnlap (R.) A case of atropine poisoning. Am. Pract. cV Xews, Louis- ville, 1887, n. s., iii, 230-232.— Eliot (L.) Poisoning by sulphate of atropia; successfully treated with hypoder- mics of sulphate of morphia. Meil. Rec. N. Y.. 188:!. xxiv, 372. -----. A case ol' poisoning by sulphate of atro- pia; recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1888, xi 298-300. A ho. Reprint. — Em inert ( J. \L ) Atropia poisoning. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Cedar Rapids, 1892, x, 59-65. —Fabri* (L.) Alcune osservazioni intorno alia ricerca tossicologica dell' atropina. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1891- 2, 7. s., iii, 121-124.—Fanzlcr (L.) Zwei Fiille von Atro- .-* pinvergiftung. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1880-81, xvi, 436-445. — Fiel«l*ta«l (A. H. ) A remarkable case of atropine poisoning, with some remarks ou the antagonism of poisons. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895. xiv, 131- ; ; 135. — Fitzinaurice (T.) Case of accidental poisoning by sulphate of atropia: recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1881. ii, 4i4. — Flynu (J. W. ) Atropine poisoning successfully treated by morphine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 375.— Foster (T. A.) Toxic effects of atropine. Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lix, 666. — Frana: ler (L.) Atropin-mergezes ket esetc [Case of poisoning by atropine.] Szemeszct, Budapest, 1880, 49-54.—Frawer (T. R.) An investigation into some previously undescribed tetanic symptoms pro- duced by atropia in cold-blooded animals. I'roc. Roy. Soc. Edinb.,'1866-9, vi, 434-438. — GcrardN (J. H. M.) Atro- pine-vergiftiging. Geneesk. Couraut, Tiel, 1890. xliv, no. 20.— Grape (A.) Tva- fall af atropintorgiliiiing. Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 637.— Guerra (A.) Um caso de atropinismo no decurso de uma affeccao ocular. Arch, ophth. de Lisb.. 1881. ii, 3-7. — Houcr»tcai, 1881. vi. 302.—Kelynaclt (T. N. I Atro- pine poisoning bv absorption from the conjunctiva. Brit. I M. J.. Lond., 1890. i, 121. — Kci-iiiy. Eine Atropinver- yil'tuiig. St. Petersb. med. \V< hnsclir., 1883, viii, 238.— lijcllMrg (A.) Fall af atropini tirgiftning hos ett 7 ars g.iiniiialt liai n. C. i. Cas dVmpoisonnemeiit par l'atropine che/ un enfant de 7 aus. Xo. 28. Nord. med. Ark..Stock- holm, 1*81, xiii, no. 28, 7-10. Aho, transl: Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii. 435-438.— Mn a pp ( H. ) Ein I-all von voriiliergeheiider Vergiftung uach Eiiitraufelung weniger Tropfen eiuer Atropinlosung iu einen gesunden Geborgang. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh , Wiesb., 1882, xi, 293. Aho, transl: Arch. Otol, X. \'., Is82. xi, 23— liobner. Leber einen Fall von Atropinvergiftungserscheiuungen, von der Vagina ausgeheud. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult.. Bresl., 1866, xliii. 139.—Horner (T.) Fall von Atropinvei git'tang. Ibid.. 147.— Mi alter (J.) He- obachtungeii und Untersuchungen iiber die Atropin-Ver- giftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl.. 1886. xliv. 52 95, 2 pl.— I.aii«le*bcrjj (M.) Atropia poisoning. Med. Bull, Phila., 1881, iii, li. — rink. Ein Fall von Atropin- Vergiftung. Memorabilien, Heilbr.. l8s3. n. F., iii, 327- 329. — I.oomiM ( H. P.) Report of a case of atiopim- poisoning. Med. Rec, X. Y.. Is8\ xxvii, 235.—Lull <.A I'.l A case of atropine poisoniug. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 19.— TleCnrtuey (J. IL ) A case of atropine- poisoning without dilatation ofthe pupils. Med. News, Phila., 1892. l\i, 306. — Maehiavelli (P.) Avveb-na- nn-nto col soliato uentro di atropiua guarito iu brevi giorni. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1880, 8. s., ii, 339. - ltlclntvre (A. S.) A case of atropine poisoning. Med. Age, Deu oit, 1896, xiv, 142. — TIcKone (J. J. ) Two cases of atropine poisoning. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, lss8. xi. 3(H.—.Timlin (R. S.) Recovery from poisou by a large dose of sulphate of atropia. Med, Bull.. Phila.. 1888. x, 150. Aho: .Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iii, :;47— itleltzer (S.J.) Eine Atropia-Iutoxication nach epidormalisclu-iu Gebrauch einer Belladonna-Salbe. Med. Monatschr.. X. Y.. 1892, iv, 216-219. Also, Reprint. — .Hills ( T. W. ) Clinical note on atropine poisoning. Canada Ml. & S. J. Montreal, 1880-81, ix. 19.—Money (A.) ( ellnlitis of eye- lids and face after atropin drops. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1888-9, i, 294. — lTIonteverili (I.) Avvelenamento acci- dentale per atropina in bambina da tre anni; contri- buto alia dottrina dell' antagonismo terapeutico fra la rnortina e 1' atropina. Arcb. ital. di pediat., Napoli. 1893, xi, 119-128. — rVagada (S.) Atropine .jutoku sit- suken. [Clinical observations on atropine poisoning.] I Monatsh. zu d. gerichtl.- u. san. - pol. Med.-Beamten, Tokio, 1893, no. 9. 307-316. — >iuiiicley (J.) Cases of atropine jioisoniug in iritis. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1890, ii, 1121. — OggleNby. Toxic effects after using strong solution of atropine. Lancet. Lond., 1880. i, 682. — Oliver. A case of atropine poisoning; remarks. Ibid. 1889, ii, 1003.—Osbeclt (F.) Fall af atropinfiirgiftning. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1885, xlvii, 311.—Oatcrinsiyer (M.) Az atropin 6s duboisin csillapito es altatd batasardl. | The sedative and soporific effect of atropine and duboi- sin. J Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1890, xxxiv, 400; 417. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, ls9o, xxvi, 1009-1012.—Olt (L.) A case of atropiii-poisoiiing in which one grain was taken : recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lwii, 628.—Owens (S. M.) Notes on two cases of atropine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 44:;. — Pc eanba tin Silva. Observacao de um caso de euveue namenio polo sulphato neiitrode atropina. Ann. Brazil. demed., Uio de Jan., 1871-2, xxiii. 266-268.—Fed igo (L. G.) Case of atropia poisoning successfully treated with amyl nitrite, with remarks on treatment. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1888-9, xv, 81-87.—Pouehet iG.i Empoisonnement accidentel par le sulfate neutre d'atro- pine: responsabilite, du mC-decin et du pharmacien; affaire F . . . et B. . Soc. de nied. leg. de France. Bull, Par., 1889, x.22s-246. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1889. 3.8.. xxi,139- ! 157 —Piirjesz (Z.) ifj. A hatoauyagok kolcsonosantago- nismiisaiol. kiilouos tekintettel a sosavas pilocarpinum Cs ! kensavasatropinumra. |Mutuallyantagonistic substances, I especiallyin respect to hydrochlorate of pilocarpine and sul- phateof atropine.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1879, xxiii. 1057; 1081. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg.. 1882. xx, 82 KaiiMclicr. Atropin vergiftung. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med.. Niirnb., 1891. xiii. 400- 4u6. — Beiul (C.) Zwei Falle von Attopinvergiftung. Piag. med. Wchnschr., 188H v, 195. — Ki-inz J i Ein Fall asutor Atropinvergiftnng. Wien med Wchnschr., 1881, xwi. 97-99. —Bhoiles (II.) A ca.se of alnmiii poisoning. Sheitield M. J., 1892-3, i, 213 Kiel,ar.l-.on (F. W.) Notes on a case of atropia poisoning Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul 1890. x, 150.—Bichet (Ci De la resistance du singe a I'l-uipoisoiinetiient par l'atropine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1892 9. s.. iv. 238.—Boteh (T. M.) Cases of atropine and opium poisoniug in early life. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 231— Banners (H.j Pilocar- Atropilie (Toxicology of). pint- bi.i atropine-vcrgit'tiging. Xederl. Tijilschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst.. 1882, xviii, 711— Hehiiler. Ein Fall von Atropinveigiftung, durch Morphiiim subcutan geheilt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1880, xvii, 658.—Scnrjjent (A.) A case of atropia-poisoning successfully treated by eserine. Louisville M. News, 1881, xii, 99. — Nlepjnu'in (G.) Tsclietyrc sluch. ottav. atropin. [Foui cases ot poison- ing by'. . ] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxii, G2U-625.— Mpi iiijjtliorpc. Notes on a toxic dose of atropine. Au-trai. M. J., Melbourne, 1888, u. s., x, 264. -----. Two cases of jioisoniug. Ibid., 1889, n. s., xi, 365-371.— Mxell (L.) Atropin-mergezes. pilorui-pinnal kezelve. [Pilocar- pine an antidote to atropine.] Orvosi hetil. Budapest. ]8mi. xxiv. 29.—Thompson (It.) A few notes on six cases of atropine jioisoniug in ophthalmic practice. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 298.—Travel-* (E. A. O.I Recovery from a large dose of sulphate of atropine. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, i, ]o51.-- TroisioiitaiiieM. In. toxication consecutive a une inject ion sous-cutanee de sul- fate (l'atropine; guerison. Ann. Soc. uigd.-ehir. de Lilge 1885. xxiv. 381-38.-..—Tyson (W. J.) Toxic cifects of atropine drops. Brit. M. .L, Loud., 1889, ii. 921.—Verco (J. C.) Poisoning by instillation of liq. atropia-. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1882-3, ii, 28. Also: Proc. South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Adelaide, 1883, 23— Wade (A. S.) Two cases of poisoning by atrojiine. Montreal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 280.-Wallace (A. W.) Caseof slight poisoning from tlie external ajiplication of atropia. Med. Press A Circ, Loud., 1882. n. s., xxxiv. 69.—Wal- lace (J.) A case of erysipelatous eruption from the local us- of atropia. Univ. M. Mag., Phila.. 1891-2, iv, 298.— 'Warfviuue (F. W.) Forgiftningsfall k Sabbatsbergs sjukhus: atropin. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892. liv, 247.— Waujjbop (I. W.) Cerebellar apoplexy or atrojiine— which ' M.d. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1894, ii, 207-215.— Westcolt 4]. Binz (C.) Mnrjdiin und Atropin. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., Ih92, xiii, 82-88.—Fnrnsworlh (P. J.) Antagonism of atropine and morphine. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Dubuque, 1886-9, vii, 330-338.—Lenhnrtz. Ueber den Aiitagonismus zwischen Morphin und Atropin vom klini- schen und experinientellen Staudpunkt. Deutsche med. Welmsclir., Leijiz., 1886, xii, 712—I.oclcridye (J. E.) Atropia versus morphia. Am. Pract., Louisville. I88U. xxi, 111 11 -MameUobii (J.) Noch einmal iiber Atropin und Morjibin. Centralbl. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1893, xiv, 225 229—Sticker (<>.) Feber symptomatischen Antago- uisnius zniscben Morphiiim und Atropin. Ibid.. 1892, xiii. 233-240.—Thompson (W. H.) Verlaugsameii Atro- pin uud Morphin die Absouderung des Hams? Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1894, 117 127— In v« 11 iclit. Zur Lehre vom Antagoiiisinus zwischen Atropin uud Morphiiim. Centralbl. f klin. Med.. Leipz., 1891 xii. 849-852. Also: Med.-chir. Centrallil . Wien, 1892, xxvii, 547. Also [Ab- str] : Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1892, lxi. 961. -----. Atropin uud Morphium. Centralbl. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1892, xiii. 49-52. Attacks on tbe Murdoch- liquid food company with their defence and challenge. 14 pp. S°. Boston, [1***]. Attariun-Caracacli (A.) "Etude clinique et statistique sur le traitement des has.sins vicie"s depuis l'antisepsie obstetricale. 74 pp., 1 1., 4 tnb. 4 . Paris, H. Jouve, 1692, No. 66. Attempt (An) to ascertain the causes of tbe K—»'s present illness; with a new method of treating it, applicable to all who suffer in like manner: most humbly recommended by a duti- ful subject. 13 pp. 4°. London, J.' Bobson, 176-. Aftt'iisamer (Hermann). *Zur Aetiologie des NubelKCumirgerauscb.es. 36 pp. p -'. Wiirz- burg, Stahel, 1865. Attention. See, also. Hypnotism. An^clI i.T. R.) Sc Pieree (A. H.) Experimental re- search upon tin- plienonieua of attention. Am..!. Psychol, Worcester, 1891-2, iv. 528-541—Oelabnrre (E.-B.) L'in- fluence de l'atteiitiou sur les mouvenients 11--pir.itoiiTS. Rev. phil., I'ar. 1892. xxxiii, G39-649 — I>e M:iiieti» (S.) ATTENTION. 7S1 ATTI. Attention. Lo studio sperimentale dell' attention". Build. Soc. Lan- cisiana d. osp. di Roma (1894). 1895, xiv, fasc. 2, 22-41, 1 cb.— Fere^ (C.) Xote sur la pbysiologie de lattention. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1890, 9. s., ii. 484-488. Aho: Rev. pbil., Par., 1890. xxx, 393-405— <;< r«ly (P.-N.) Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la pbysiologie de I'ententlement (ouvrage termine). Bull. Acad, de nud., Par., 1842-3, viii, 1088-1118. Also. Reprint. — II ibbeii (J. G. ) Sensory stimulation bv attention. Psychol. Rev., N. T. A Lond!', 1895, ii, 369-575. Aho: Princeton Contrib. Ps\chol., Princeton, L-95. i, 87-93.— .Hac l>oiiynll i It.) The'physi- cal characteristics of attention. Psychol. Rev.. N. Y. ,.v Lond., 1896, iii, 158-180.— de ,VI:in:iceiiic (Marie). Le rautagonisme qui existe entre cluupie effort de latten- tion et des innervations motrices. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma. 1894, ii, Fisiol., 48-56, 1 pl. Also- Arch. ital. debiol. Turin, 1894-5. xxii, 241- 251. — I'atrir.i (M. L.) La gratica psicoinetrica dell attenzione. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.]. Torino,1895, xvi,100-107,1 ch. Aho, transl. .- Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1894-5, xxii, 189-196, 1 pl. Aho [Abstr.]: Atti d. xi Cong. nied. interna/., Roma, 1894, ii, Fisiol., 226-228. Aho [Abstr.l: C-ior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1894, 3. s„ xiii, 2n t-JMV — Kninwn y 4'sijnl (S.) Algunas conjeturas sobre el mecanisnio anatomico de la ideacidn, asociacion y atencion. Lev. de med. \ cirug. prAct., Madrid, 1895, xxxvi, 497-508. — Keniiii-lcs on Mr. Sullv's paper on the psvcho-pln sical pi oo-ss in attention. Brain, Loud.. 1890-91, xiii, 348-35.").— It ihot (T.) Le nie- canisme de Lattention. Rev. pbil. Par. 1887. xxiv. ,'178; 490: 1888, xxv. 170— Ricenrdi (P.) Di alcuni studj in- torno alia fisiologia <- alia espressioue dell' attenzione nell' uomo. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1879, 2. s., xii. 259-265. — St n din ti (C.) Sul fenorueno psicolo- Cicodell' attenzione; annotazioni tisiologiche. Gior. inter- na/., d. sc. med., Xapoli, 1881, n. s., iii. ::;i7-:;47.—Swift (E. J.) Disturbance of the attention during simple mental processes. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1892-3, v, 1-19. Attention (Defect of). See Aprosexia. Attenuation of virus. See Virus (Attenuation ofi). Attfield (John). Chemistry: general, medical, and pharmaceutical, including the chemistry of the British Pharmacopoeia. A manual on the general principles of the science, and their ap- plications in medicine and pharmacy. 11. ed. xxiv, 670 pp., 4 tab., 3 pl. 8-. London, J. Van Voorst, 1667). ------. The same. 10. ed., specially revised by the author for America, xvi, 13-727 pp., 2 tab. 6 . Philadelphia, H. C. Lai's Son $■ Co., j 1883. -----. Thesame. 14. ed. xx, 13-794 pp., 4 tab. 12. Philadelphia. Lea Brothers cf- Co., Ir94. ------. The place of saccharin in pharmacy, with forruuhe. 16 pp. 6-. London, Wilson, Salomon 4- Co., 16-9. ------. A paper on an imperial "British pbarma- copteia". 12 pp. 8°. London, McCorquodale rf Co.. 1-91. Read at a meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1894. See. aho. Report* on Van Houten's cocoa [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. [London, 1888 ] For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Attfield (John) [ 1637,- ]. Lectures on the British Pharmacopoeia, delivered before the members of tbe Pharmaceutical Society, April j 13 and 20,1864. 31pp. 8°. [London, 1*64.] [P., v. 1031.] Repr. from: Pharm. J. Sc Tr., Lond., 1863-4, 2. s., v: 1864-5, 2. s., vi. ■------. A pamphlet on the relation to each other , of education and examination, especially with regard to pharmacy in Great Britain; with an introduction, letters from leaders in pharmacy, appendices, and an index. 2. ed. 97 pp. 8°. London. McCorquodale .")-6 to 1857-8; 28, 1872 ; 34-41, 1878-85. 8°. Milano, 1856-85. Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia di scienze naturali in Catania, 3. s. v. 11, 1877: v. 13-15, 1870--1. 4°. Catania, 1877-81. Atti dell' Accademia medica di Roma. v. 5, 1-79. 8-. Boma, 1879. Continued as: ltiillettino della reale Accademia me- dica cli Koma. Atti della Accademia delle scienze medicin' e naturali in Ferrara. v. 67-68, 1894. 8C. Fer- rara, 1804. Continuation of: Irlemorie della Accademia delle sci- enze mediche e naturali in Ferrara. Atti dell' Accademia delle scienze di Siena detta de' fisiocritici degl' anni 1760[-1841]. 10 v. 4°. Siena, 1761-1841. Alti d< 11a Associazione medica Lombardia. 1891- 95. 8-. Milano, 1891-95. Atti dell' Associazione ottalmologica italiaua. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Milano, 1879 Atti del Congresso della Associazione medica ita- liaua. v. 2-14, 1863-91. 8° As sm. 4°. [v. p.], 1863-91. v. 13 not published. Atti del iv Congresso della federazione delle So- cieta- italiane d' igiene tenuto in Palermo dal 16 al 21 maggio 1892. viii, 402 pp. 8W. Palermo, 1894. Atti del Congresso internazionale di beneficenza di Milano. Sessione di 1880. v. 1. 8°. Mi- lano, 1882. Atti del xi Congresso medico internazionale, Roma, 29 marzo al 5 aprile 1894. v. 1-6. 8°. Boma, L-94-u. ATTI. 782 AT WOOD. Atti del Congresso pediatrico italiano, tenuto in Roma nei giorni 16-19 ottobre 1890. 369 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Xapoli, 1891. Atti del Conoicsso della Society freniatrica ita- liaua, v. 4-6, 1,-83-90. 8 . Milano, 1884-91. Atti del Conoresso della Societa italiaua di lariu- oologia, d' otologia e di rinologia. v. 1, 1892. 8 . Firenze, 1-92. Atti della fondazione scientifica Cagnola. Reale Istituto Lonibardo di scienze e lettere. v. 6-9, 1-72--9. 8-. Milano, 1872-90. Atti dell' Istituto antirabico fondato in Bologna nel nidccelxxxix. 22 pp., 1 pl. 8J. Bologna, ditta X. Zanichelli, 1869. Atti del primo Congresso naziouale iV idrologia e di climatologia di Bologna, L-8r. 181 pp. 8°. Torino, L—9. Atti della r. Accademia dei fisiocritici di Siena. 4. s., v. 1-5. 8 \ Sima, 1^89-93. Alti della r. Accademia dei Lincei. 3. s. Memo- rie del hi classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. v. 4, 1^78-0. 4°. Boma, 1879. Alti della r. Accademia medica di Roma. v. 2-5, 1883-6 t<. 1890-91. 4\ Boma, 18-6-91. Continuation of: ?Iemorie della r. Accademia medica di Boma. Atti della r. Accademia di medicina di Torino, v. 5-6. 4-. Torino, 1869-84. Atti della r. Accademia niedico-chirtiroica di Na- poli. Anni 46-49, 1.-92-5. b. Xapoli, 1892-5. Continuation of: Resoconto della reale Accademia niedico-chirurgica di Napoli. Atti della r. Accademia medico-chirurgica di To- rino, v. 2-4. 4°. Torino, 1 .-46-50. Atti della r. Accademia delle scienze mediche in Palermo, per gli anni 1889-94. *°. Palermo, 1*90-97). Alti della r. Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Disp. 2", v. 21, 1^8-y. *\ Torino, 1889. Atti del r. Istituto cl' incoraggianieiito alle scienze naturali, economiche e tecuologiche di Napoli. 2. s., v. 15-1-, 1878-80; 3. s., v. 3-5, 18.-1-6. fol. Xapoli, 1878-80. Atti del r. Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. 5. s., v. 4-8, 1677-*. to 18,-1-2: 6. s., v. 1-7, 1882-3 to 1888-9; 7. s., v. 1-6, 1889-90 to 18>)3-4. !-->. Venezia. Atti <■ rendiconti della Accademia medico-chi- rurgica di Perugia, v. 1-6, 1889-94. 6\ Peru- gia, 1889-94. Atti della reunione d' ioienisti italiani. v. 1, 18.-1 ; v. 3, 1888. H'-'. Milano, 1&81-8. Atti della Societa medico-chirurgica di Torino. v. 1, 1p44. 4 -. Torino, 1-11. Continued as: Atti della reale Accademia medico-chi- rurgica di Torino. Atti della Societa romana di antropologia. v. 1-3, 1893-5. 8 . Boma, 1893-5. Atti della Societa toscana di scienze naturali, re- sidente iu Pisa. Memorie. v. 11-12, 1891-3 f . Pisa, lt-91-3. Atti ufficiali dell' Istituto omiopatico italiano. Title of fasciculi 2-3, 1886, of: Ouiiopatia (L') in Ita- lia, Torino. Attica. See Pest (History, etc., ofi), by localities. Attitude. St-t, also: School-desks, etc.; Spine. JSianchi (A.) Prelimiiiari alio studio clinico delle impronte plantari; esperimenti intorno alia variety di produ/ione delle ornie nella stazione assisa ed eretta e nella dcambulazioue. Sperimentah-. Kinnze ls88 lxii 40-7. — Billiard (W. X.) Sc Kraclielt (L. ii., Static equilibrium. Boston M i S. J., 1,-siv c.wiii, 132.— Uar- roil (A. 11.) On the mechanism of tin- intervertebral sub- stance, and on some effects of tbe erect position of man. [From.- 1'ioc. Zool. Soc. Lond.. 1877. 4s.] In lis: Collect. sco-nt. Papers, s.3, Lond., 1881. 40S-410. — WiInoii i.L) Our erect attitude: an casav. Glasgow M. J., 1888, xxix, Attitude. 17-27, 1 pl. -----. Supplementary note on "Our erect at- titude". Ibid., 234-236.— Winn'low. K6flexions anato- micjnes sur les incommodit£s, innrmites, etc., qui ani vent au corps humain k l'occasion de certaines attitudes et de certains habillemens. Hist. Acad. Roy. d. sc [de PatisJ 1740. Amst., 1745, M6m., 84-93. Attlcbol'Ollgll, Mass. Report of the -water de- partment of the town of Attleborough, Mass. 1., 1893. 40 pp. 8°. Providence, J. A. t,- B. A. Beid, 1894. AttOlliyr (J.I Beitrage zur (homoopathischen) Arzneimitteliehro. 1. lift. Das Fettgift. 47 pp. 8 . Wiin, W. Braumiiller, 1851. ------. Primordien einer Xaturgeschichte der Krankheiten. 2 v. iv, 655 pp.; vi (1 1.), 403 pp- 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1851. CONTENTS. v. 1. Gehirn und Riickeumark. v. 2. Angesicht, Auge, Obr, Nase. Mundhoble. See, also, KiicLcrt (Ernst Ferdinand). Traitement houneopathiiiue des maladies de la peau, [etc.]. 16°. I'aris d- Dijon, 1838. Attraction. Eisiiioml (J.) Einige Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Attractionsspbjiren und der Ceutrosomen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894, x, 229; 262. Attractions (The) of Poultney, Fair Haven, Castleton, Hydeville, Middletown, and Wells, Yt., and Granville, N. Y., for business, health, und pleasure. 28 pp. «'-. Poultney, Vi., C C. Xewman, ptr., 1869. Attlimonelli [Michele] [1753-1826]. Me- moire sur les eaux minerales de Naples, et sur les bains de vapeurs, avec des dissertations pa- thologi(|iies et pratiques sur le traitement de di- verses maladies par leur moyen et par les eaux minerales en general. Le rapport que l'on en a fait, a eu l'aprobation de l'ficole de medecine et du ministre de l'interieur. (In a ajoute' a la fiu de l'ouvrage les rapports faits a l'Institut na- tional des sciences et arts et a la Societ6 de in6- deciue. 168 pp. 8°. Paris, Soc. de med., an XII [1*04]. Atwater (Caleb) [1778-1*6?]. The general character, present aud future prospects of the people of Ohio. Au address delivered at the I'nited States court house, during the term of the United States circuit court in Columbus, Ohio, December, 1826. 21 pp. 8-. Columbus, P. II. Olmstead 91. -----. The same. 16°. Lugduni. 1600. -----. A lireefe aunswere of . . . 16°. London, 1591. -----[in 1. s.J. La pharmacopee des dogmatiqnes reformec [etc.]. 'J. ed. 16°. Par is, 16110. Alibert (L.) See Aubert-Roche v Louis-Reiny). Alibert (L.) Etiologie et prophylaxie de la scrofule dans la premiere enfance. 35 pp. <- . Paris, ii'. Steinheil. 1886. Repr.from : Lev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1880, iv. Alibert (Louis). Emploi du fer et de la fonte dans les constructions, l'locedes nouveaux de disposition et d'ussemblnge. Seconde partie. Architecture ntivaleet forritication*. 17 pp. 8'-. Paris. F. Didot t'rires, 1-56. [p., v. 1786.] Alibert (Lonis-Albeit-Heiiri) [ l-(i?- ]. •Con- trilintion a l'etude des erythemes de la region fessit-n- chez les enfants en bas-age. 95 pp. 4°. Bordtcux, l6'.K>, No. 39. Alibert (Louis-Marie-Leo). "Etude des affec- tions pubnonaires produites paries poussieres et en particulier de hi siderose. 1 p. 1., 45 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 1-69, 3. s., No. 233. Alibert (P.) Kecherches sur la liletinoirhagie. Des injections methrales dans la blennorrhagie. De la blennocele. Blennorrhagies de famille. 21 pp. - . Lyon, F. Plan, 1**6. Repr. [with additions] from: Lyon med., 1885,1: 1886. li. Alibert (Pierre) [1860- ]. * De l'endocardite* ulcereiise vegetante dans les infections biliaires. 64 pp. 4C. I'aris, 1-91, No. 313. Alibert (Pierre-Francois). * Du chancre intra- uteriu. 38 pp., 3 1. 8-. Montpellitr, L. Cristin cf Co.. 1867. [P., v. 1672.] Alibert (Pierre-Leoncc). *Organoge"nie de la tieur dans le genre salix et 6tude sur les sanies et la saliciue au point de vue botanique, ehi- mique et therapeutique. 86 pp., 1 1. 4'-. Pa- ris. F. Pichon, 1873. [P., v. 1709.] licole de pharmacie. Alibert (Rene), Vabbe de T'ertot. The history of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusa- lem, styled afterwards the Knights of Rhodes, and at present the Knights of Malta. Transl. from the French of Mens, l'abbe deYertot. 5 v. 12-. Edinburgh, A. Donaldson. 1770. Alibert (Th.) [1861- ]. * Etude sur les ahce* arenlairesdu foie. 78 pp. 4°. Paris, 1891. No. 28o. Alibert-Roelie (L[ouis-R< HorsphareundOhrbewegungen. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz., 1891, 227-235.—Beau regard (H.) Note sur le role de l'appareil de Corti dans l'audition. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1892, 9. s.. iv, 524-527. — Bechterew (W.) Zur Frage iiher den Ursprung des Hdrnerven und iiber die physiologische Bedeutung des N. vestibularis. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1887, vi, 193-198. — Bell (A. G.) Ex- periments relating to binaural auditiou. Am. J. Otol., N. Y., 1880, ii, 169-179, 2 pl.— Bernstein (J.) Ueber das angebliche Horen labyrinthloser Taubcn. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1895, lxi, 113-122.—Bezold (F.) Einige weitere Mittheilungen iiber die continuirliche Tonreihe, insbesondere iiher die physiologische obere und untere Tongrenze. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., "Wiesb., 1892, xxiii, 254- 267. -----. Demonstration der continnirlichen Tonreihe in ihrer neuen von Dr. Edelmann verbesserten Form. Ibid.. 1893-4, xxv, 66.—Bing (A.) Zur Lehre von der Kopfknochenleitung. Wien. rned.BL 1892. xv, 485; 501.— Blake (C. J.) Selection of test words according to their logojrraphic value. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1881, ii, pt. 5. 505-507. — Bonnier (P.) L'audition cliez les in- vert6br6s. Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xlvi, 808-810. Aho, transl.: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 832-837. -----. De la nature des phenomiines auditifs, refutation de la thfeorie de Helmholtz. Bull, scient. de la France et dela Belg., Par., 1893, 4. s.,iv, 367-397. -----. Sur l'iuertie des milieux anriculaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 61-66.— Boudet dc Paris. Determina- tion de la sensibilite auditive; mesure des excitants au moyen du pont diff6rentiel. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1882, viii, 301-314. — Brendcl (J. G.) De anditn in apice conchse. Inhis: Opusc. math, et med.. etc., 4°, Gottingas, 1769, i, 117-120.—Breschet. De l'audition consid6r6e sous le rapport physiologique. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1834, lvi, 294-29G.—Broeckaert (J.) Ke- cherches experimentales sur le centre cortical de la pho- nation. Eev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol, Par., 1895, v, 169-173.—Brunner (G.) Contribution a I'utilisa- tion des limites inf6rieure et superieure du son, ainsi que de l'6prenve de Rinne et de Schwahach. Pratique m6d., Par., 1896, x, 49; 65; 81; 97. —Chalant. De l'acuit6 auditive. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1888, 3. s.. xxxiv, 378- 387.—C!ori-adi (C.) Znr Priifung der Schallperception durch die Kuochen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1890, xxx, 175-182.—Dennert. Zur Analyse des Gehororgans durch Tone in ihrer Bedeutung fur dasselbe. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1881, xviii, 251; 267. — Eitelberg (A.) "Welche Bedeutung kommt dem Rinne'schen Versuche in der Dif- ferentialdiagnose der Erkrankungen des schallleitenden und des scballperzipirenden Apparates zu ? Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 761; 805; 850; 886; 925; 1045; 1088; 1127.— Elsberg (L.) Sound and hearing. In: N. Y. Tribune, Lecture Sheet No. 6, p. L—Fano (G.) & IMasini (G.) Intorno ai rapporti funzionali dell'apparec- chio auditivo col centro respiratorio. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1894, ix, 33-39. — Flechsig (P.) Er- widerung auf Forel's Bemerkungen " Zur Acusticusfrage ". Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1887, vi, 33.—Forcl (A.) Zur Acusticusfrage. Ibid.. 31-33. — Fournic (£.) iStude physiologique snr l'audition. Union m6d., Par., 1870, x, 1-6.—Oelle. Etude de la mobilite du tynipan ; mensura- tion du mouvement, au moyen du trac6 graphique ; appli- cations k la physiologie, de l'audition et a la clinique oto- logique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 304-306. -----. De la dur6e de l'excitation sonore n6ces- saire k la perception ; acoumetre has6 sur cette notion. Ibid., 1886, 8. s., iii, 38-40. Also: Trihune m6d., Par., 1886, xviii, 62-65. Also: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1886, xii, 108-112. -----. Bole de la sen- sibility dn tympan dans l'orientation au bruit. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 448. -----. La valeur s6niiotiquo de l'audition de la parole snivant les ages. Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliv, 760. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 1268. -----. De l'audition au milieu du bruit; 6tude critique experimentale. liev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1889, ix, 341-355.—Oilbcrt (J. A.) Experi- ments on the musical sensitiveness of school children. Stud. Yale Psychol. Lab., N. Haven, 1892-3, 80-87.— <*radenigo (G.) Campo uditivo e acuity uditiva. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1895, iii, 72. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii, 121-123. Also, transl.. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., "Wiesb., 1894, xxvi, 163-168. — Ouyc. Dc l'ombre sonore comme cause d'erreur dans la mesure de l'acuit6 auditive. Rev. mens, de laryngol. [etc.], Pur., 1888, viii, 561-566.— Ilensen. Vortrag "gegen den sechsten Sinn. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1893, xxxv, 161-177. — Hermann (L.) Zur Theorie der Combinationstiine. Arch. f. cl. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1891, xlix, 499-518. — Iluijsman (A.) De afstonipiiig der gehoorzenuw door geluidsindrukken. On- derzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1884 ix 87-142.—Imbert. Sur l'acuit6 auditive. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. metl. de Montpel, 1890, xii. 529— Ke«»cl (J.) Ueber die Verschiedenheit der Intensitateines linearerreg- ten Schallcs in verschiedenen Richtungen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1882, xviii, 129-136. -----. Ueber das AUDITION. 788 AUDITION. Audition. Horen von Toneu und Gerauschen. Ibid., 136-151.— Knapp (H.) Some remarks and ohservations on bone conduction. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, 13. meet., Bost., 1880, ii, 407-415. — von Kries (J.) Leber das absolute Gehor. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891-2,'ih, 257-279. — I.adreit de Lacharriere. De l'audition et de ses rapports avec le langage. Union med.. Par., 1887, 3. s., xliv, 927-930.— Lannois. De 1'hy- peracousie dans la paralysie faciale et dc- l'intiuence de la mastication sur lacuite auditive. Lvon m6d., 1887, lv, 203-208. — Lichtenberg (K.) Allgenieines iiber Gehor- sc-nsationen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1882, xviii, 1029: 1883, xix, 133; 153. -----. Aus der Welt des Hdrens. Deutsche Rev., Bresl. & Berl, 1892, xvii, 202- | 215.—L.ove (J. K.) An inquiry iuto the limits of hearing. Glasgow M. J., 1888, xxx, 137; 218, 1 pl. Also (Ahstr ] : J. Anat. A: Physiol, Lond., 1888-9, xxiii, 336-339.—Mag- gioi-ani (C.) Continuazione degli studi sugli effeti flsio- logici delle vibrazioni sonore; esenipio d' interferenza ner- vosa; digressioue sui sordomuti. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1881, vii, 151-206. — Mingazzini (G.) Sul tempo di reaziono degli stimuli acustici e intorno al senso nuricolarc dello spazio. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino- Palermo, 1893, i, 277-280. — Ostmann. Die Wurdigung des Fettpolsters der laterah-n Tubenwand; ein Beitrag zur Frage der Autophonie. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1892, xxxiv, 170-189.—Poll (C.) L' audito nei neonati. Arch. ital. di otol [etc. ] .Torino-Palermo, 1893, i, 358-364.— Popoff (N. M.) O khode volokon nervnavo puchka, izviestuavo pod imeneni conductor sonorus. [ On the course of the fibrilla; of the bundle of nerves known as . . .) Nevrol Vestnik, Kazan, 1895, iii, no. 1, 17-22. —Priestley (J.) Some observations relating to the sense of hearing. Med. Reposit., N. V., 1801, iv, 247.—Pm-ves (W. L.) Observa- tions ou the determination of the hearing power. Guv's Hosp. Rep.,-Lond., 1883-4, xiii, 357-360. — Bonenbnch (O.) Mechanischer Schutz vor stoienden Gehorserre- guugeii. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 770-772.— Hutherford (W.) A lecture on the sense of hearing. Lancet, Loud., 1887, i. 2-6.—Sapolini (G.) Comel'onda souofagiungaal ceutroacustico; studj anatomo-flsiologici. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano. 1882, cclix, 36-50. Also [Abstr.J: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii, 418-428.— Siuai-t, Note sur la linnte de la perception des sons graves. Anu.d. chim. et phys., Par., 1831, xlvii, 09-74.— Seliaefer.(K. L.) Zur mteraureah-u Lokalisation dio- ti.-eher H'ahriiehiiiuugen. Ztsch. f. Psychol, u. Physiol. d. Siunesurg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, i, 300-309. -----. Ein Yersnc.h iiber die intrakranielle Leitung leisester Tone von Ohr zu Ohr. Ibid., 1891, ii, 111-114. -----. Beweise gegen Wundt's Theorie von der Iuterferenz akustischer Erregungeu im Ceutralorgan. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1895, lxi, 544-550. — Scripture (E. W.) 1st eine cerebrale Entstehung vou Schwebuugen nioglich? Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1892-3, viii, 638 - 640. — Sexton (S.) False hearing and autophony in singers, speakers, and pet form- ers on certain musical instruments. Med. Gaz., N. Y.,1881, viii, 100.—Smith (G.) How do we detect the direction from which sound comes? Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892,n. s., xxviii,542-544.—Stewart! A.D.) The percentage registra- | tion of the sensitiveness of the conductive apparatus ofthe ear to resonant impulses of minimum intensity. Glasgow M. J.,1879,[5.js.,xi,353-359.—Thoinas(C.H ("Researches on hearing through the medium of the teeth and cranial bones. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 269-273. Also, Reprint. Also: Pioc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1880, ii, 44-48.— Turnbull (L.) Report of committee on defective hearing of locomotive engineers, firemen, and conductors. Tr. M. i Soc! Penn., Phila., 1882, xiv, 269-273. — L rban tmbitnc-Ii | (Y.) On the influence of head-movements ou audition. Transl. hy J. M. Booth. Edinb. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 971-979. -----. Zur Lehre von der Schallempfindung. Arcli. f. d. ges. Physiol , Bonn, 1880-81, xxiv, 574-595. -----. Ueber subjective Scbwankungen der Iutensitat ncustischer Em- pflndungen. Ibid., 1881-2, xxvii, 436-453.—Maamann (E.) Zur Frage nach dem GehorsveiuioLiu der Ameisen. Biol Centralbl. Erlang., 1891-2, xi, 26—\Vundt(W.) Ist der Hornerv direct durch Tonschwingungcu erregbar? Phil. Stud., Leipz., le92-3, viii, 641-652.— Zwaardenia- kcr (IL) Ecu wet vau ons gehoor (verlies der hoogste toneu van den toonladder met den leeftijd). Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1890, 2. R., xxvi. pt. 2, 737-750, 1 pl. -----. De omvang van het gehoor als analogon van het gezichtsveld. Ibid., 1892, 2. R.. xxviii. pt, 1, 502-517. -----. Gchoorscherpte. Ibid., pt, 2, 293-313. -----. Der Fmfang des Gehors in deu verscbiedenen Lebensjahren. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz,, 1894, vii, 10-28. Audition (Abnormal and disordered). See, also, Audition (Colored); Deafness. Capedek (C. J.) * Zur Casuistik der Dipla- cusis binauralis. LBasel.] 6'-. Basel, 1895. Kunn (C. G.) Die Tontaubheit uud der Mu- sikunterricht. tr. Wien, 1892. Audition (Abnormal and disordered). van Selms (A.) * Zur Casuistik des Doppelt- horens (Diplacusis binauralis). 8°. Berlin [1889]. Barth (A.) Ueber Doppelthoren. Sitzungsb. d. Ge- sellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. z. Marb. (1892) 1893 81-85.—Bleyer ( J. M.) Cecit6 acoustique (tone-blind- ness) et leducatiou de l'oreille: 1° Eu taut qu'agent pra- tique dans l'etude de l'acoustique; 2° Avec remarques preparatoires k l'6ducation de la voix et k l'6tudc- de la musique. Rev. internat. de rhinol, otol. et larvngol Par., 1894, iv, 253-259. Also [Rap. di Massei]: Atti d. r! Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1895, u. s., xlix, 130-136 — Block (E.) On binaural hearing. Arch. Otol, N. V. 1895, xxiv, 166-169.— Boueheron. Surdites pour les harmoniquis de la parole daus l'otoph-sis. Bull. Soc. med de l'Yonne 1888. Auxerre, 1889, xxix, 27-30. _____. Opera- tion de la surdite otopi£sique. Ibid., 39-45.—Baae (II.) Om Dobbeliborsel. Res. Sur l'audition double (diplacou- sie). Norsk Mag. f. Liegevidensk., Christiania, 1893,4. R. viii. 525-531. Aho, transl.: Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1894 xxiii' 283-290. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1893-4^ xxv, 261-268—Oelle. Analyse de quelques troubles de l'audition aux differents Ages de la vie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 659.—tilaucrt. Ein Fall von Doppelhoren. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 714-716 —Gradenigo ( G. ) On monaural dinlacusia! [Trausll Arch. Otol.. N. Y., 1894, xxiii, 280-282.-HH. bert ( R. ) Zur Kenntniss der sogeHaunten Doppelem- pflndungen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895, xxxi, 44-48.— Kayser. Ueber Diplacusis. Veihandl. d. x. internat med. Cong. 1890, Berl, 1891, iv, 11. Abth., 132-136.—ITIoos ( S.) Ueber das combinirte Yorkommen mangelhafter Perception gewisser Cousonanten sowie holier nmsikali- scher Tone und deren physiologische Bedeutung. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1874-5, iv, 165-167. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth. & Otol, N. Y., 1875, iv, 469-477. :-----. Anffallend gesteigerte Hiiracharfc fiir tiefe Tone in einem Fall von Lahmung des rechten Gesichtsnerven. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 221. Also, transl.: Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1880, ix, 33. -----. Doppellhoreu in Folge einer Jodkaliumkur. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1881-2, xi. 52. Aho, transl.: Arch. Otol, X. Y., 1882, xi, 27. — Pollak (J.) Zur Bebandlung der subjectiven Ge- borseuipfiudnngen. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1892, x, 513-223.—Pomeroy (O. D.) Diplacusis binau- ralis. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 437.—Begin. Halluci- nations unilat6rales de l'oule. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1894), 1895, 177-183.—Spalding (J. A.) Diplacusis binauralis; self-observation. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1880. ix. 330-332. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb.. 1881, x, 143-146— Nteinbriigge (H.) Ein Fall von Diplacusis. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1881-2, xi, 53-55. Also, transl: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1882, xi, 15-18.—Urbantsehitsch (Y.) Ueber Wechselbezie- hungeu zwischen beideu Gehororganen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1893, xxxv, 1-27.—Wmid! (W.) Akustische Ver- suche an einer labyrintlilosen Taube. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1893-4, ix, 496-509. — Zwaardemaker (H.) Preshya- kusis voor sisklanken. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1896, 2. IL, xxxii, pt. 1, 115-122. Audition (Testing of). Maillard (C.) * L'audiouietre et ses applica- tions. 4-. Xancy, lt-80. Boke (J.) Ueber die Untersuchung der Gehorcapaci- tat bei Siuiulanteu und iiber deren diagnostische und prog- nostische Verwertung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1892, xxviii, 1003.—Brown (A. G.) The sense of touch as a standard of comparison for hearing power. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, iii, 392.—Coomes (il. F.) How to test the hearing. Med. Herald, Louis- ville, 1881-2, iii, 21.—Oorradi (C.) Iniportanza diagnos- tics della percezione dei suoni per la via craniense ed ae- rea nelle malattie auricolari. Atti d. Cong. d. Sm-. ital. di laringol. [etc.], Firenze. 1892, i, 76-182 —Deuuert [etal.]. Discussion iiher Hdrprufung. Yerhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl, 1*91, iv, 11. Abth., 89.—Oelle. S6m6iotique; signes tir£s de la comparaisou des n'-sultats de l'audition et do l'auscultation du diapason vertex pen- dant la deglutition et les divers autres modes de mobilise!- l'appareil auriculaire. Ann, d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1890, xvi, 589-604.—Koblrauneli (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Empfindlichkeit des (ichors- sinns. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz., 1879, n. F., vii, 335.—Eiangendoriff (O.) Ein Yerfahreu zur Ansteliung physiologischer Zeitiuessungen. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1879 i, 137-139.—Magnus (A.) Ueber Methoden zur Bestimmung der Hdrschiirfe. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 477; 485.—Rene (A.) L'audiouietre; applica- tion du t616phone k la mesure de l'acuite auditive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, liii, 644.—Ricliardaou (B. W.) Some researches with Professor Hughes' new instrument for the measurement of hearing; the audiometer. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1879, xxix, 65-70. — Vierordt ( K.) Die Messung der Schwachung des Schalles bei dessen Durch- AUDITION. 789 AUDITORY. Audition (Testing of). gang durch Theile des lebenden Menschen. Ztschr. f. Biol, Miinchen, 1883, xix. 101-113.—Weil (E.) Die Re- sultate der Untersuchung der Ohren uud des Gehiircs von 5905 Schulkindern. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1881-2, xi, 106-128. Also, transl.: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1882, xi, 33-56. Audition (Colored). Flournoy (T.) Des ph^nonienes de synopsie (audition coloree); pbotisines; schemes, visuels; personniucations. 8-. Parii ,(■ Geneve, 1893. Baratoux (J.) De l'audition coloree. Progres ni£d., Par., 1887, 2. s., vi, 495; 515; 538. Also: Pratique m6d., Par., 1888, ii, 25; 53; 66; 811. Aho [Abstr.]: Rev. mens. de laryngol. [etc.], Bordeaux. 1883, iii, 65-69. Aho [Ab- str.] : J. d'hyg.. Par., 1883, viii, 023-625.—Itinet (A.) Le probleme de l'audition coloree. Rev. cl. deux mondes, Par., 1892, cxiii, 586-614. Aho, transl.. Med.-padagog. Monatschr., Berl, 1893, 5; 51; 353. Also, transl. [Ab- str.J: Pop. Sc. Mopth., N. Y„ 1893, xliii. 812-823.—«'ol- iuau (\v. S. i On so-called colour hearing. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 795; 849.—Colour-hearing. Lond. M. Rec., 1881, ix, 493-495.—Oelstunche (C.) Liu- observa- tion (l'audition coloree. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1891, xvii, 394. — F. (G. A.) Color hearing. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1881,U.S.,vii,430-432.— Farbeuhdreu (Das). [From: Neue freio Presse. 1881, Juh-28.j Med. Neuigk.. Erlang., 1.-81, xxxi, 265-268.— Fere (('.) La vision coloree ct l'equivalence des excita- tions sense>rielles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 791-795. — Giraudeau (C.) De l'audition colo- ree. Enc-6phale, Par.. 1885, v, 589-597. -Grazzi (Y.) L' udizione colorata. Boll. d. mal. d' orecchio. d. gola ed. naso. Firenze, 1883, i 41-46. Aho: Imparziale, Firenze, 1883, xxiii, 317-322.—Gruber (£.) L'audition coloree et les phenomenes similaires. Rev. scient., Par., 1893, li, 394-398. -----. L'audition coloree au point de vue psy- chologique et medical. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895,iv,Psichiat. [etc.], 153-155.—Kaister(H.) Association der Worte mit Farhen. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1882, n. F., ii, 524-536. — Klinckowiitrom (A.) Trois cas d'audition coloree daus la meme famille.. Biol. 1-dreu. Forhandl. Yerhandl. d. biol. Yer. in Stockholm, 1891, iii, 117. — I-inuret. L'audition coloree; observa- tions nouvelles. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1885. vii, 543; 557. — Laurel .ote on color-hearing. A.u. J. Psychol.. Bait.. 1892-3, v 416-418. Aho Reprint.—Suarez de Itlendoza (F.) L audition coloree; 6tude sur ies fausses perceptions sensorial es secondaires physiologiques, et particul^remeut sur les pseudo-sensations de couleurs, associees aux perceptions objectives des sons. Bull, et m6m. Soc. franc, "opht., Par 1890, viii, 228-304. Aho, Reprint. Also [Abstr.] : Rev.'de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1890, x, 553-561. — Thorp (G E.) Coiour audjtiou and its relation to the voice. Edinb. M. J-, 1894-5, xl 21-25. - Underwood (BF) Association of colors with sounds Science, NY., 1893, ■r^i wi Velnrdi IE.) Delia udizione colorata. Gior. internaz d sc"med., Napoli, 1884, ... s., vi, 557-572.- Wah]-tedMJ. C.) Tvanne fall af •farghorseL'.Ou.di- tion coloree). B>»1. FSren. Forhandl. Yer. in Stockholm, 1890, 111, 12-20. Auditory canal (External), See, also, Auricle. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesh., Yerhandl. d. biol. Fit'elberg (A.) Ueber die Temperatnrverhaltnisse Auditory canal (External). xiii, 89-99.—Ffirst (C. M.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Spina supra n.eatum. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1895, 11. F., v, Hft. 3. No. 15. 1-6.—Gruber. Einiges zur Anatomie des Gehorganges. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii, 1136.—Hei 111 a ii (T.) Przypadek zboczenia rozwojowego usz6w. [ Abnormal development of auditory canal. J Medycyna, Warszawa, 1890, xviii, 449-453. — Mayet. Quelques consid6rations sur le d6veloppement du conduit auditif externe. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894. lxix, 952- 957.—IVoble (G. H.) Pressure in the external auditory meatus; a new treatment. Atlanta M. Reg., 1881-2, i, 519. Auditory canal (External, Atresia and obstruction of). See, also, Auditory canal (External, Cerumen impacted in). Cave (H.-E.) * De l'imperforatiou congeui- tale du conduit auditif externe. 4J. Paris, 1677. Amick (W. R.) Deafness from obstruction in the ex- ternal auditory canal. Cincin. Lancet & Clin., 1878, n. s., i, 35.—Bishop (S. S.) Imperforate auditory canals. J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 430. A ho, Reprint.-----. On atresia of the external auditorv meatus. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl."; 1891, iv, 11. Abth., 114- 117. Also: Times &. Reg., N. Y. &. Phila., 1890, xxi, 283.— Blake (C. J.) Accumulations of epidermis in the exter- nal auditory canal. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cviii, 433.— Blower. ' Imperforate external auditory meatus. Liv- erpool M.-Chir. J., 1887, vii, 2o7.—Bobone . B.) The ex- pulsion of insects from the external auditory canal. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 752. —K. (A. X.) Death, alter sev- eral years, from a spider in the ear. San. News, Hamil- ton, Ohio, 1881-2, i, 38. — Gelle. Pentastome tivnioni'de dans l'oreille du chien. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1877, Par., 1879. 6. s., iv, 394.—Gomez de Garrau (J.) Cuer- nos extraiios animados del couducto auditivo; caso clinico de insectos en el oido. Rev. m6d. vasco-navarra. Yito- ria, 188_', i, 296-2','S. — Hardy (J. A.) Notes of a case of lodgment of insects in the ear. Austral, il. J., Melbourne, 1881, n. s., iii. 7.—Kondratovieh (A.) Liehiuki muscae carnariae v narii/.hnom slukhovom prokhode. [Larva? of flies iu the external auditory meatus.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1867, vii, 353-356. — .Tluuson (G. S.) A case of maggots in the middle ear. Med. Ann., Albany, 1881, 'ii, 113. — Parker (F. L.) Case of severe otalgia; henii crania, and orbital neuralgia, with ear cough, occasioned by a fit a on the tympanum; removal after six months; prompt recovery. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1881, xxxi, 112-119. — Pedlar (A.J.) Live worms in au- ditory canal; removal. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1878, xxi, 259. — Richardson (C. W.) A case of living larva? in normal auditory canals. Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1895, xxiv, 290-292.— Rojie (F.) Medikanient zur Austreibung von lebenden Wurmern, Maden u. dgl. aus dem Grunde de* Meatus auditorius externus. Wien. nied. Presse, 1878, xix, 1481. — Routh. Caseof maggots in the ear. Proc. Westminster M. Soc, Lond., 1848-9, 72.'— Seely (W. W.) Horn-bug in tlie external meatus auditorius for 54 years. Cincin. Lancet -8. 109 pp. 8J. Chambe'ry, Imprimerie Xouvelle, 1689. Alldollent (Paul) [1862- ]. * Etude critique sur l'emploi de l'acide fluorhydrique dans les affections pulmonaires. 53pp., 11. 4 . I'aris, 1888, N„. 321. Alldoil (Laureutius). * An una eademque res pra-tcr naturam possit esse n.orbus, causa morbi et syniptoma? 16 pp. 12w. Monspelii, 1710. [P., v. y04.] Audouard [Math.-Francois-Maxinie ] [1776- 1856]. Nouvelle tb6iapeutiqne des fievres in- terinittentes, exposde dans trois memoires qui traiteut: 1°. D'un nouveau febrifuge propre a remplacer le quinquina dans la titration des lievres intennittentes. 2°. De l'utilite des siua- pisnies contre les lievres iutermittentes aucien- ues, particulierement contre les lievres quartos qui ont r^siste) au quinquina. 3°. Des c£pba- lalgies periodiques d6termin^es par l'insolation, et de leur analogic avec le.s fievres intennit- tentes. viii, 111, 96, 32 pp., 1 1. 8J. Paris, A. Meepiignon Vainefills, 1612. ------. Relation historique de la fievre jauue, qui a re'gne au Port-dn-Passage en 162'i. 41 pp. 8-'. [Paris, P. Gueffier, 1624.] [P., v. 926.] Repr. from: Rev. m6d. Irang. et Strang., Par., lt-24, iii. ------. Considerations sur l'origine et les causes de la fievre jaune, d'apres l'observation de cette maladie a Barcelom- en 1821, et au Port-du- Passaoc-en 1823. -19 pp. 8^. [Paris, P. Gueffier, 1*24.] [P., v. 92*.] Repr.from: Lev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1824, iii_ ------. Considerations hygieniques sur le typhus nautique ou fievre jaune, provenant priucipale- ment de l'infection des batimeiis n^griers. 40 pp. 8°. [Paris, Gueffier, 1-24.] [P., v. 928.] Repr. from: Rev. nied. franc, ct Strang. Par., 1824, iv. ------. Recueil t'e indmoires sur le typhus nau- tique, ou fievre jaune, provenant priucipale- nient de l'iufiction des batimeiis negriers. 12 pp. 8^. 7'ori.i, Gueffier, 1825. [P., v. 928.] ------. Apercus generaux sur Tin lei-tion et la contagion dans la peste et la fievre jauue. 36 pp. 8°. [Paris, Gueffier, 18-.6. ] [P.,v. 928. ] Repr.from: Rev. med. frang. et etrang., Par., 1826, ii. ------. Exaiueu critique des opinions qui out re'- gne sur l'origine et les causes de la Iievre jauue. f.2pp. 8°. [Paris, Guegier, 1*26.] [P., v. 928.] Repr. from: Rev. med. frang. et etrang., Par., 1826, iii-iv. ------. Discours snr la fievre jauue, a l'occasion des documents de M. le Dr. Chervin sur cette Audouard [Math.-Franc.-Maxime]—cont'd. maladie, et du rapport auquel iIs out donne" lieu a l'Academie royale de medecine de Paris, le 15 mai 1827. 40 pp. 8-. Paris, Crapelet, 1-27. [P., v. 92s.] Repr. from . J. gen. denied., chir. et pharm., Par., 1827. e. See, also. Chervin (Nicolas). R6pouse au discours de i M. le Dr. Audouard [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1827. -----. De la nullity des pteteudus faits de contagion [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1827. Audouard (Olympe) [1833- ]. Gynecolo- gic. La femme depuis six mille ans. La femme dans l'ludoustan, (bins la Perse, l'Assyrie, l'E- gypte, la Grece, dans le theatre d'Aristophane, K Rome, eu Germanie, dans les temps bibliques et dans le monde chretien. 332 pp., 2 1. 12-. Paris, E. Dentu, 1873. Alldoiliil (A.-Y.) * Essai sur les tuberculeux an point de vue de la curability. 65 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1880, No. 25. Alldoiliil (Frauyois). * Recherches sur l'etiolo- gie et la therapeutique de la gale. 1 p. 1., 19 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1814, [No. 435]. Alldoiliil (Jean-Victor) [1797-1841] & Ed- wards (Henry Milne). Recherches anato- miques et physiologiques sur la circulation dans les crustat-es; presentees a l'Academie iovale des sciences, daus la seance du 15 Janvier L-27. viii, 88 pp., 9 pl. 4°. Paris, C. Thuau, 1627. Repr.from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1827, ii. ------ ------. Recherches pour servir a l'his- toire naturelle du littoral de la France, ou re- cueil de memoires sur l'anatomie, la physiologie, la classification et les mceurs des animaux de uos cdtes. Voyage a Granville, aux lies Chau- sey et a Saint-Malo. Prospectus. 7 pp. 8-. Paris, Crochard, [1829]. Audouiu (Paul) & Berard (Paul). Etudes sur les divers bees employes pour l'eclairage au gaz, et recherches des conditions les meillenres pour sa combustion. 75 pp., 2 pl. 8Z. Paris, Mallet-Baihelier, 1862. [P., v. 1764.] Repr.from: Ann. dechim. etphys., Par., 1862, 3. s., lxv. Audouiu (Pierre-Hector) [1869- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude du traitement de la pleuresie tuberculeuse par la serotherapie. 42 pp., 1 sheet. 4". Bordeaux, 1607), No. 77. Audouit [Edmond] [ -1859]. Du progres en therapeutique par l'homceopathie. Deuxieme let- tre adressee en reponse au docteur Perrv. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1856. [P., v.*1445.] Repr.from: J. Soc.gallic.denit-d. homceop., Par., 1856,vii. ------. Etudes pathogenetiques et therapeu- tiques sur rhvdrocotyle asiatica. 16 pp. 8-\ Paris, J.-B. Bailliere # fits, 1857. [P., v. 1446.] Repr.from: J. Soc. gallic, de m6d. homceop., Par., It57, 2. s., i. Alldouy (Jacques-Louis). *Des sigues des ma- ladies till coeur en general, fouruis par l'auscul- tation, la percussion, l'iuspectiou et la mensura- tion. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 71. Alldra (Eugene). Histoire des hospices d'Au- gers. 2 p. 1., 108 pp. 16°. Angers, Lachese iy Dolbeau, [1880, vel subseq.]. Audrain (Jules) [1867- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la tricophytie tonsuraute. 77 pp. 4-. Paris, 1892, No. 2(54. Audrain (V.) Memoire sur l'emploi du gluten dans la fabrication gconomique du paiu. 4 pp. 4°. [Xantes, A. Gueraud <.f Cie., 1853.] [P., v. 1723.] [Audran (Gerard)] [1640-1703]. Les propor- i tious dn corps humaiu, mesurees sur les plus belles statues de l'antiquite; vingt-six planches dessiuees perDe Rinuion, pour l'usage des pein- tres, sculpteurs et dessinateurs. 12 pp., 26 pl. fob Paris, Delarue, [n. d.]. A reproduction of G£i aid Audran's work, hut omitting four plates, viz: pl. 18, 27, 29, aud 30. The introduction .AUDKAN. 795 AUFGEDECKTEN. [Audi an (Gerard)]—continued. is the same, hut the wording is changed. No credit is given to Audran. ------. The same. Bowles's proportions of the human body, measured from the most beautiful autique statues, by Monsieur Audran, engraver to the late King of France; done from the origi- nals engraved at Paris. 1 1., 27 pl. fol. Lon- don, C. Bowles, [1785?]. Alitlry (Camille). *Ln Iievre typhoide a I'ho- pital de la mariue de Rochefort, pendant l'annee 1882. 42 pp., 11. 4-. Monipellier, 1883, No. 62. Audry (Charles) [1865- ]. * Les tuberculoses du pied, ix, 234 pp. 4C. Lyon, 1690, No. 534. ------. Des recidives aberrautes et tardives des kystes de l'ovaire. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1890]. Repr.from: Ann. de gyn6c. etdohst., Par., 1890, xxxiv. ------. Notes sur une serie de vingt-cinq sections peritoneales. 6 pp. 8-. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1890]. Repr. from.- Ann. de gynec. et d ohst., Par., 1890, xxxiv. -----. Precis des maladies blennorrhagiques. 313 pp. 12-. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1894. Audry (Jean). * Etude sur l'hydropneuinoperi- carde. 100 pp. 4C. Lyon, 1883, No. 171. ------. Etude de pathologie nerveuse. L'athe- tose double et les chorees chroniques de l'eu- fauce. xi, 411 pp., [1 pl., 2 phot., paged-in text]. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cy fits, 1*92. And u be it (A.-L.) [1855- ]. '*Des fievres iutermitteutes dans le departement de la Cor- reze. 71 pp. 4;. Paris, 18*2, No. 90. Audubert (J.-Octave) [1859- ]. ."Dn point de cote dans la pleuresie. 88 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1884, No. 25. Audubon (John James) [1780-1851]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Lihr.). Audureau (Cl.) * Etude sur l'obstetrique en Occident pendant le moyen age et la renais- sance. [Paris.] xii, 193 pp., 1 1., 17 pl. 4°. Dijon, lnyi, No. 36. ------. The same, xii, 194 pp., 1 1., 29 pl. roy. 8°. Dijon, imp. Darantiere, 1892. Auenbrilgger (Leopold) [1722-1809]. Inven- tum novum ex percussioue thoracis humani ut siguo abstrusos iuterni pectoris morbos dete- geudi. [1761.] In: de Wasserbeug. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Yin- dob., 1775, i, 316-361. ------. Thesame. Nouvelle methode pour recon- naitre les maladies internes de la poitrine par la percussion de cette cavite. Ouvrage traduit du latin et conmiente par J.-N. Corvisart. [1808.] In: Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8=. Paris, 1834-46, 7. div., [v. 12J, 177-347. ______. Thesame. Trattato della percussione di . suo inventore. Prima versioue italiana col testo a fronte, del dott. Giovanni Piccardi. 77 pp 11 8- Milano, presso la libreria Bravelta, 1844. [P., v. 1418.] Latin and Italian text. ______De iuvrendige razernij, of drift tot zelf- niord, als eene wezenlijke ziekte beschouwd; met oorspronglijke Avaerueemingen, en aeiimer- kitx'en bevestigd, uit het Hoogduitsch vertaeld, en met verscheiden aentekeningeu vermeerderd door Lambertus NolsL iv, 129 pp. 8°. Dor- drecht, J. Krap, A. Z., 1766. .... See also Essai sur les maladies et les lesions organi quesdu cceur, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1855. Aiier (Engelbert). * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Carciuoine am Uterus, im Besondern das A er- balte.n des Portioepithels bei besteheudem Cer- vixcarcinom. [Wurtzhurg] 29 pp., 4 pl. 8. Marburg, F.Sbmmerwg, 1691. . Aucr (Ludwig). Wiener antiquariscber Anzei- ger Nr H Iubalt: Wisseuschaftliche und popu- Auer (Ludwig)—continued. hire Medizin, etc. 30 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Lang- guth, [n. d.]. Alierbacll (Alexander) [1852- ]. * Zur Pa- thologie und Therapie der Adhasionen bei Ova- rialtumoren. 48 pp. 12°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1674]. Alierbacll (Benjamin) [18.w- ]. * Ueber Obliteration der Arterien uach Ligatur. 41 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8~. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1877. Alierbacll (Friedrich) [1870- ]. * Ueber ein neues Collidin und eine Pipecoliucarbonsanre. 1 p. 1., 41 pp., 1 1. 8C. Breslau, A. Schreiber, [1-93]. Alierbacll (H[ermann] M.) Rademacln-i's Heilmittel. Fiir den Praktiker zusammenge- stellt. viii, 76 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirschuald, 1851. -----. Thesame. 2. Abdruck. viii, 76 pp. 12c. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1852. Alierbacll (Job. Leopold) [1866- ]. * Ueber die Iudicationeu zur Empyemoperation. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Bath /I %ve., 1890. Alierbacll (Leopold)1 [1828- ]. De ventri- culo carnoso avium. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Vvatis- lavice, typ. Grassii, Barthii et socii, [1863]. -----. Ueber den Bau der Lymph- und Blut- Capillaren. 1 1. 8°. [Berlin, H. S. Heimann, 1865.] [P., v. 1891.] Repr.from: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 186o, iii. -----. Organologische Studien. 1. und 2. Heft, in 3 Abschiiitten. Zur Charakteristik und Le- beusgeschichte der Zellkerne. 8, 262 pp., 1 b, 4 pl. 8°. Breslau, E. Morgeustern, 1874. Alierbacll (Leopold)2. * Ueber den Eiufluss erhohter Temperatnr auf die nervosen Central- organe. 28 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Homing, 1880. c- Auerbach (L[udwig]) [ -1889]. * Ueber Carotiscompression bei Trigeminusneuralgie. 52 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1881. Auerbach (Norbert). * Die traumatische Hys- terie beim Manne. [Strasburg.] 32 pp. 8-. Berlin, L. Simion, [1869, vel subseq.]. Auerbach (Salomon). * Ueber Ectopia pupillaj congenita (Corectopie). 29 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1883. Auerbach (Sigmund) [1860- ]. * Zur Lnt- wickelungsgescbichte der Leibuitzschen Mona- denlebre. [Berlin.] 2 p. b, 49pp. 8C. Dessau, L. Belter, 1884. Auersberg. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Aufeniiauii (Otto) [1869- ]. * Ueber Leu- coplakia lingualis et buccalis. [Bonn.] 52 pp. 8-\ Witten, E. Konetzky, 1893. Allftret (Charles[-Jacqnes-Emile]). Manuel de dissection des regions et des nerfs, precede d'uu guide de l'anatoiniste a l'amphitheatre. xv, 4/1 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1881. _____, Observations sur les restauratious de la face'a propos d'un cas de cancroide a base de lupus. 27 pp. 8C. Paris, O. Doin, 1868 Repr.from: Arch, demed. nav., Tar., In88, xlix. _____. Resnm6 des travaux de la clinique chi- rurgicale de Brest (semestre d'hiver, 1889). 30 pp°3pl. 8°. Brest, Uzel-Caroff A-fids, 1800. Auff-uud zugemachte Schnupff Tabacks Biichse, neben einer lustigen Invention vom Taback- Trinckeu. 21 pp. sm. 4°. Xiesenburg, [1694]. Bound with: Pkchi.in (J. N.) Theophilus hibaculus, [etc.l. sm. 4°. Kilonii et Franeof., 1684. Aufsredeckten (Die) Gassnerischen Wuntler- kuren. Aus autbentischen Urkunden beleuch- tet, und durch Augeuzeugeu hewieseu ... 2. AUFGEDECKTEN. 796 ArGENlUS. Aufgedeekten (Die) [etc]—continued. nut dem Katecliismus von der Geisteslehre ver- mehrte Anti. "-8 pp. 16J. [n.p.], 177b. Aufklarungen der Arzneywissensehaft aus den neuesten Eutdeckuugen in der Pliysik, Clienne und andern Hiilfswissenschafteu. Hrsg vou C. W. Hufeland und I. F. A. Gottliug. Pts 1-3, v. 1, 1793. 8° irejmar. Aufmkolk (Fridencus Wtlhelmus). * De cor- tice canbieo cortici peruvtano substituendo. 39 pp., 2 I. 8-. Gottiugas, H. M.Gvape [1793]. Allfrecllt (Emanuel) [1844- ]. * De syphi- litic viseerali. 31 pp. 8~. Berolini, G. Schade, [1666]. ------. Ueber die Genese des Biudegewebes, nebst einigen Bemerkuugeu iiber die Neubilduug quer- gestreifter Muskelfasern und die Heilung per primam intentioneni. 24 pp. 8-. [Berlin, G. B eimer, 1-68. ] Repr. from • Arch f. path. Anat. [etc. 1. Berl, 1868, xliv. ------. Pathologische Mitteilungeu. Hft. 1-4. 8~. Magdeburg, A. $ B. Faber, 1881-7. CONTENTS. Hft. 1. Leliersichtlicbe Zusammenstellung der im Jahre 1880 in der inneren Station des M a side burger Kranken- hauses hebandelten Kranklieiten. |etc.]. vi. 216 pp. Hft. 2. Zur Histologie des hvpertrophischen Herzens, [etc.|. 92 pp. Hft. 3. Die experimentelle Erzcugniig der Endometritis iliplitberica puerperalis. nebst einigen Sililu.s>folgerungen fiir das mcii--i bliche I'uerperalfleber, [etc |. 72 pp. lift. 4. Dik Luugenschwindsiicht mit besonderer Itiick- sieht auf die Behandlung derselben. 2 Aud. 1 p. 1, 116 pp. ------. Ueber die Anwendung von Salicylsaure und Salol beim acuten (Jolonkrhemnatisnius. 4 pp. - \ [ Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1 *66. ] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 18SS. xiv. ------. Ein Contentivverband aus Blecbstreifen und Gazebinden. 2 pp. 8J. [Berlin, J. Sitten- feld, 1688.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., ls>8. xiv. Auf rere (Duveruny). * Essai sur les pertes ut-6- rincs qui airivent apres l'accouchement. vi, 7- 19 pp. 4 . Pavis, 1811. No. 116, v. 66. Aufrirhtige (Der) und sichere Arzt, [etc.]. See L. (C. M.) [in 1. s.]. Alliruf zur Bildnug eines Vereines fiir laud- wii'tliscbaftliche Wettetkunde. Gerichtet an die laiuhvirthschaftlicben Vereiue der Provinz S.iclisen, des Herzogthums Braunschweig, des Herzogthunis Auhalt und der siichsischeu Her- zogtbiiiner. 24 pp. 8 . Magdeburg, A. Ly B. Faber, 1--1. vou Alifschnaiter (Otto). Die Muskelbaut des mensclilichen Magens. (Vorgelegt m der Sitzimg am 19. April 1894.) 22 pp., 2 pl. 8-". Wien, l-'.Jl. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl.. Wien. ciii. Augagneur (Victor). Tumeurs du mesentere. 19- pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye d- £. Le- crosnier, l88ti. -----. La prostitution des lilies nnneures. 20 pp.. 1 diag. 8-. Lyon, A* Storck; I'aris, meme maison, 1***. Repr.from . Arch, de 1 anthrop. crim., Par., 1888, iii. ------. Pathogenie et traitement de la kerato- conjonctivite pblyctenukure (ophtalmie des scrofuleux). 30 pp. 83. Lyon, Vitte <.y Perrus- sel. I**-. Repr.from . Province med., Lyon, 1888, ii. Augnrde (Lotus) [1-09- ]. *l)i-8 blessures di- riibdomen sans lesion apparente ties parois. 1 p. 1., 94 pp 4- Lyon, 1895, No. 1027. Allge (Auguste) [1855- ]. * De rinflnence de la premiere dentitiou^stu- le-developpement Allge (Auguste)—continued. de la blepharo-conjouctivite. 59 pp., 1 1. 4C. Paris, 1*81, No. 422. A livelier ([Friedrich Wilhelm] Eduard) [1869- ]. * Feber die chirurgische Behandlung von Popiiti-alaneurysmen. 30 pp., 1 1. 8C. Berlin, G. Schade, [1*93]. Augeil-Heilanstalt fiir Arme in Coin. See Kolner Augenlieilanstalt fiir Arme [in 1. s.]. Allien -Heil -Anstalt fiir Arme, in Posen. Jahresberichte iiber die Wirksamkeit. Mit- getlieilt von Dr. B. Wicherkiewicz. 1.-8., 1877-8 bisl8<>; 10.-12., 1887-9. - . Posen, 1879-90. First report is for 18 months, ending Dec. 31. 1878. Augenlieilanstalt fiir Arme in Wiesbaden. Jahres-Berichte. 3., 1678; 4., 1*7)9; 18., 1873; 29.. 1-84; 31.-39.. 1-86-94. 12J. Wiesbaden, i8;,9-<);,. Augen hei I anstalt in Basel. Jahresberichte im Auftrag des Coniite veroffentlicht von Prof. Schiess-Gemuseus. 9.-12., 1872-5; 15.-18., 1 .-78-si; 21.-26., 1884-9; 31., 1894. 8°. Basel, l-73-9,->. Allgenheilanstalt in Constantinople. Bericht iiber die .fabre 188U und 18-1. 1. und 2., von Ed- win van Millingen. 20 pp., 2pl. 8J. Salzburg, Zannrith, 18-3. Augen-Heil-AllStalt vou Dr. Oscar Pincus- in Posen. Jahresbericht iiber die Wirksamkeit der ... 1., 1890-91; 2., 1891-2. 10 pp.; 8 pp. r--. Bosen, M. Mars, 1891-2. Augenlieilanstalt [zn Frankfurt am Main]. Jahresbericht. 1., 1845-6. 12pp. ■--. [Fiank- fiurt am. Main], 1846. AugeuheilaiiSta.lt zu Heidelberg. See Knapp (Jakob Hermann). Augenheilaustalt in Ludwigsburg. Jahres- Ijericht iiber die . . . Gegeben von dem Vor- stande derselben, Reginientsarzt Dr. Hiiring. 2., 1860-61. 8 pp. 8 . Ludwigsburg, F. Biehm, 1661. Augenlieilanstalt zu Luxemburg. [Bericht vou Dr. Zartmaun. 1., 1-67--. j 22 pp. 8 . Luxemburg, P. Biick, 1666. Augen-Heilanstalt fiir deu Regierungsbe- zirk Aachen. Berichte des dirigirenden Arztes der Augen - Heilanstalt fur den Regierungs- bezirk Aachen. 1.-4., 1879-82. 8J. Aachen, 18-U--3. Augenlieilanstalt in Salzburg. Bericht iiber das Jahr 1—0 uud iiber ein zweites Hundert Staar-Extractioneu nach v. Grade's Methode von Rosa Herschbauuier und Friedrich Hersch- baumer. 68 pp. r-. Salzburg, Mayr, 1881. -----. Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit in den Jahren L--3-9U. Aon Dr. Rosa Kersehbauuier. 59 pp., 1 pl. - . Salzburg, H. Berber, 1892. Augenlieilanstalt zu Zittan. Jahresberichte iiber die . . . 2.-6., 1870-75: -.-11., 1877-83; 13.-14.. 18-6--9. c-. Zittan, 187-2-90. Keports for 1^70-75, 1877-83, 1886-7, by Otto Jnst; 1888- 9, hy F. Ruckert. 9.-11., 13 , and 14., for 2 years each. Augen ins (Horatius) [1527-1603]. Epistola- rum lnedicinalium libri xii. Omnibus non me- dicis modo, sed etiam bonarum literarum stu- diosis, admodum utiles. 5 p. 1., 509 pp. sm. 4 . Augustie Taurinorum, apud heredes X. Peuilaque, 1579. De sanguinis missioue libri tres: in qui- bus non solum quid sit illud, quod vere indicat niissiouem sanguinis, et de plenitudine ]iraeter recentiorum medicorum opinionem, disputatur, sed etiam maxinue qua?que difricultates ad hoc negociuni pertinentes, diluenlantur. Nuuc pri- mum in lucem editi. 7 p. b, 74 ff., 1 1. 12°. Venetiis, 157(1. Bound with his.- Quod homini certuiu [etc.J. 12°. Yenetiis. 1595. AUGENIUS. 797 AUGUSTA. Augenius (Horatius)—continued. -----. Quod homini certnm nou sit nascendi tempus libri duo. Adjecimus einbryon putre- factuiu tirbis Senonensis; cum levi, et suceineta exercitatione de hujus indurationis causis natu- ralibus. 11 p. b, 295 pp. 12°. Venetiis, apud J. B. Ciotum, 1595. -----. The same. 99 pp., 2 1. fol. Francofurti, apud heredes A. Wecheli, C. Marnium et J. Aubri- um, 1597. Auger (Camille). *Du rhumatisme consecutif a. l'erysipele. viii, 9-44 pp., 11. 4'. Montpel- lier, 1884, No. 57. Aiigereau (Alfred) [1860- ]. *Du dosage de l'acide chlorhydrique dans le sue gastrique: critique des methodes de Sio<|wist et de Winter. 50 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1604. No. 62. Allgey (Auguste-P.) * Essai sur les sympathies qui out rapport a la medecine. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1627), No. 41. [P., v. 1576.] Augias (Alfredo). La scarlattina ; studi ed os- servazioni a proposito dell' epidemia avvenuta nel comune di Montesicuro nell' estate del 1888. 43 pp. sin. 4. Tveviglio, Stabil. soc. tipog. edit., 1889. Allgier (Carolus-Josephus). Prolusio medica an iuoculatio tutissima sit prophilaxis, adversus instans a variolis periculnm? 16 pp. sm. 4°. Arausione, S. Xicolau, [1783]. Bound with.- Enchikid. ou manipul des miropoles. sm. 4°. Lion, 1561. Augier (Daniel) [1867- ]. * De la thyro'i- dectomie partielle comme traitement du goitre parenchymateux. 77 np., 11. 4-. Lyon, 1892, No. 726. Augier [G.]. See Gurrmonpi-ez &. Augier. L'actinomvcose en Flandre. 8°. Lille. 1892. — Ziegler (Ernst) (in 1. s.]. Trait6 d'anatomie pathologique g£uevale et sp6ciale. v. 1. 8°. Bruxelles, 18[89-]92. Augier (G.-L.) "Programme des preparations chimiques et pharmaceutiques eflfectudes dans le laboratoire de I'Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Montpellier comme epreuve pratique du 3e examen probatoire. (2. partie.) 33 pp. 4C. Montpellier, 1691, No. 497. ficole de pharmacie. Allgier (L.) [1856- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du di verticule de 1'ileon ou diverticule de Meckel. [Paris.] 109 pp., 4 pl. 4'-. Havre, 1866, No. 199. Augier du Fot [ Anne-Amable] [1733-75]. Cate*cbisme sur l'art des accouchemens pour les sages-femtues de la compague, fait par 1'ordre et aux de"pens du gouvernement. xxiv, 90 pp., 2 1. 12°. Soissons, chez les libraires; Paris, Vincent [et dl.], 1775. Augi€ras ( Leonide-Guillaume) [1850- ]. *Sur la tracheotomie dans le cancer du larynx. 04 pp. 4:. Paris, i860, No. 127. AllgiS (Marie- Francois- Em ile -Auguste) [1860- ]. * De l'instillation de nitrate d'argeut dans les affections de 1'urethre et de la vessie de nature blennorrhagique. 65 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888, No. 52. AllgiS (Paul[-Joseph]) [1863- ]. * Des sels d'ammonium a acides mineraux employes en pharmacie. 48 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1887, No. 420. ficole superieure de pharmacie. ------. * Des autoplastics r^paratrices de la maiu. [Bordeaux.] 40 pp., 3 1., 1 pl. 4°. Tours, 1892, No. 61. Augry (Charles-Armand) [1861- ]. * Du pneumothorax cause par la rupture de vesicules emphyse'iuateuses au cours de 1'emphyseme pul- monaire chronique. 40 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 74. Augsburg. Pharmacopoeia, seu medicamenta- rium pro rep. Augustana. Cui accessere simpli- cia omnia offlcinis nostris usitata, et antiota- tioues in eadem et composita ab Adolpho Occone diligenter congesta et omnia nunc denuo recog- nita. 702 pp., 15 1. 24°. [Augusta} Vindili- covum, G. Wilier, 1574.] -----. The same. Pharmacopcea Augustana auspicio amplissimi senatus cura octava collegii medici recognita, Hippocratica et Hermetica mantissa locupletata. 7 p. 1., 83, 795 pp., 45 b, 4 tab. 16c. Augusta, K. F. Wolf, 1643. -----. The same. Pharmacopceia Augustana renovata, revisa et appendice aliquot mediea- mentorum selectiorum aucta. 7 p. b, 28, 326 pp., 6 1., 1 pl. fol. Augusta} Vindelicorum, typ. et sumpt. J. J. Lotteri, 1734. -----. Das Yolks-Schulhaus mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Verhaltnisse auf dem Lande und in kleinen Stadten. Von Dr. Wilhelm Ku- by, k. Bezirksgerichtsarzte in Augsburg. Fur Verwaltungs- und Genieinde-Behorden, Bautech- niker, Aerzte, Scbulmanner und Eltern. vi, 48 pp., 14 plaus. 8°. Augsburg, M. Bieger, 1875. -----. Uebersicht der Sterbefalle und Geburten in der Stadt Augsburg wahrend des 1. Semes- ters 1885. 1 sheet. 4°. Augsburg, 1885. -----. Uebersicht der Sterbefalle und Geburten in der Stadt Augsburg wahrend der Quartale 2.-3., 1885. 4°. Augsburg, 1885. -----. Uebersicht der Sterbefalle uud Geburten in der Stadt Augsburg Aviibrend der Mouaten Mai bis November 1885; April, Mai, 1886. 4°. Augsburg, 1885-6. ----—. Uebersicht der Sterbefalle in der Stadt Augsburg wahrend der Jahreswocben. 1885, 9-15, 22-51; 1886, 16-22, und der Geburten der Vorwochen. 4°. Augsburg, 1885-6. -----. Taxa, sive pretium medicamentorum simplicium, et compositorum, in officiuis phar- maceutic^ Augnstanis usualium. 39 pp. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Botmd ivith: Pharmacopceia Augustana. fol. Au- gustas Vindelicorum, 1734. Augsburg. See, also, Education (Medical), etc., by locali- ties; Medicine (Clinical, Cases ofi); Pharmaco- poeias; Small-pox (History, etc., ofi), by coun- tries. Barrels (M.) Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sanitatsver- haltnisse Augsburg im Anfange des xvii. Jahrhunderts. Deutsehes Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Grog., Lripz., 1881, iv, 350-364. Also, Reprint.—Fikentsrlier. Ucbt-r- sicht der Gehnrts- u. Sterblichkeitsverbaltnis.se der Stadt Augsburg wahrend der Jahre 1879-83. Veroffeutl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl, 1880-84, iv-viii, passim. AugStein (Carl) [1852- ]. * Ueber Storting des Farbensinns bei Neuritis. [Berlin.] 31pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Danzig, E. Groening, [166;)]. de Ailgiibio [or de Eugubio] (Hierony- mus). See Bartholomaens [de Phis], Bartholomai phi- sici servi Papa) apologia [etc.]. 4°. Romce, 1519. Auguiu (E.). See Gross (Frederic). Manuel du hrancardier. 12°. Nancy, 1884. Augury. Kazavkr (C. S.) Exercitatio academica de extispiciis veterum in quantum ad indolem et temperiem regionis diaguoscendam valent occa- sione ex Vitruvii, lib. i, cap. iv, desumta. 4°. [Altdovf, 1711.] Augusta, Georgia. Mayor's message, depart- ment reports aud accompanying documents, with reports of the board of health. For the years 1884; 1885; 1891-4. 8°. Augusta, 1885-95. Contains reports of the hoard of health, city engineer. city hospitals, police commissioners, superintendent of streets, and the water works, j AUGUSTA. 798 AVLtfE. Augusta, Georgi*. Boni-d of Health. By-laws ami rules of the . . . together with the acts of the legislature and the ordinances of the city council of Augusta concerning the same. 30 pp., 1 1. 6'-\ Augusta, Chronicle <|- Constitution- alist, 1*60. ------. Annual reports to the mavor and city council. 3.-11.. 18-0-8-i; 14 ; j^jj . 15^ 1.^,0 - . Augusta, 1881-93. ------. By-laws, rules, and regulations. 30 pp. • -\ Augusta, Chronicle ■ Printing Establishment, I-64. . . A11 £ii«1 a, Georgia. Sie. also, Education (Medical), etc., Scarla- tina (Epidemics of), by localities; Sewage (Dis- posal of), etc.; Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Handbook of Augusta, Ga. A guide to the priucipal points in and about the city. 8°. Augusta, 1*76. Augusta, Maine. Ordinances of the city of Augusta, relating to public health. 2 sheets. -\ [Augusta, Maine Farmer Job Print, 1885.] Aligustenliilfe in Ebingen. Rechenschafts- Beiicht der Augustenhilfe iii Ebingen. 33., 1872-3. 31 pp. 12°, Ebingen, B. Gbbel, 1873. Augusteii-Kiuderliospital in Breslau. See Wilhelm-Augusta-Hospital in Breslau [in 1. s.]. Allgustijil (Pieter Frederic). * Abscessus parie- tis uteri. 2 p. b, 70 pp. 8°. Leiden, Blanken- berg .,- Co., [1893]. Aiigustin (Fridericns Ludovicus) [1776-1854]. *l)e spina ventosa ossium. x, 51 pp. 4°. Halo;, typ. F. A. Grunertipatr., [1797]. ------. Medizinisch-ohirurgisches Taschenbuch fiir Feldwundiirzte, oder Anweisung, die, im Kriege vorkominenden, Verletzungen und plotz- licben Zufalle zweckmassig zu behandeln. x (1 b), 338 pp. 12°. Berlin, J. W. Schmidt, ],»07.~- ----—. Pharmacopcea extemporanea, exhibens coiupositiones medicamentorum, ad observata et principia recentiorum accommodatas, pro usu tain interno quam exteruo, cum earundem viri- bus, dosibns et medicorum experieutissimorum (jnibus cointneudantur testimoniis; addita ap- pendice iudictnn, qua loci, ubi medicamenta simplicia pharinacopceae Borussicte in pharma- coptt'am extemporanoam recepta sunt, nee non morbi, in toto opere commemorati, ordine alpha- bet ico euumerantur. 2. ed. 1 p. b, 352 pp. - . Berolini, apud J. G. Schmidt viduam, 1822. Aho, Editor of: Repertoriiim fiir dieoifentliche und gerichtliche Arzueiwissenschaft, Berlin, 1810-12. See. also, L.attn (James). System der praktischeu Wundarzneikuii(h), [etc.]. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1801-3. de Augiistinis (Antonio). See De Augus- tinis. de Ailgustis (Quiricus). Lumen apothecario- rum cum uonnullis expositionibus noviter im- pressum. xl ff. fol. Venetiis, per Bemardinum Vercellensem, 1504. Another copy bound with: de Manliis de Boscho (J. J ) Luminare niajus. fol. Venetiis, \n. d.\. ------. Thesame. xliiji ff. fob [Adfinem: Im- pressum Lugduni, per J. Moylin alias de Cambraii, 1525.] J' Bound irith: Manliis de Boscho (J. J.) Luminare niajus. fol. Lugduni, 152§. ------. The same. Incipit libellus intitulatus Lumen apothecarioruni. , /"•'„DK Manliis de Boscho (J. J.) Luminare niajus. 1 fol T>ji./ii* ,n. «( J, ff. 74-98. See. aho. 7. [P., v. 1799.] Repr.from: Unionm6d.de laGironde, Bordeaux, 1857, ii. Aulas (Claudien). Des eruptions septicemiques. 33 pp. e\ .Paris, V.-A. Delahaye $• Co., 1878. [P., v. 2054.] ' Allld (Alexander] G[uim]). Tlie pathological histology of bronchial affections, pneumonia, and fibroid pneumonia; an original investigation. vi (1 b), 207 pp. 8-. London, J. J- A. Churchill, 1891. Aulde (Johnb Papoid, vegetable pepsin. 8 pp. 12-. [Philadelphia, 1*86.] Repr.from: Med.. Reg., Phila., 1888, iii. ------. Syrup of hydroidic acid. 16 pp. 8°. [Xew York, 1~9(>.] Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1890, li. ----:—. Clinical reports ou arsenite of copper. [Also: Arsenigsaures Kupfer bei acuten Er- krankungen des Darmes, von Hugo Schulz.] 8 pp. 8"-. [Philadelphia, 1*90. ] Repr.from: .Med. News, l'hila., 1889, lv. and: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Ber).. 1890, xvi. ------. The use of rims toxicodendron. 15 pp. 12\ [Philadelphia, 1-90]. Repr. from.- M*', also, Shoemaker (Jnhn Y.) & Anlde (John). A treatise on materia medica |eto.]. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia <£ London 18M». Auler (Julius [Max]) [1868- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Lungenbriiche. 53 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Aulieh (Carl). See Salomon (Eduard Julius Ludwig) & Aulieh (Carl) [in 1. s.]. Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen. fol. Leipzig. 1842. Auliscus. Rntirny (J.) A revision of the genus Auliscus Ehrb. and of some allied genera. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1888, xi, 861-920, 5 pl d'Aulnay. See Richard d'Aulnay (Gaston). Allll. See Shone (Isaac) A uit & Donaldson (William) [in 1. 8.]. Sewerage of Lower Thames valley. 8°. London, 1884.-----------------The same. 8°.' London, 1885. A ii I u*. See, also, Syphilis (Treatment of) by natural waters. Alriq (A.) Les eaux d'Aulus; leurs effets physiologiques, leur action aur le grand aympa- thique et sp^cialemeut sur la circulation de la veiue porte et les e"tata morbides symptoma- tiques d'un trouble de oe Byatfcme (dyspepsie, constipation, he'nmrrhoides, hypochondrle, en- gorgements du foie et de la rate). 8°. Paris, 1879. Repr. [with additions] from: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1878-9, xxiv. -----. Du role des eaux d'Aulus daus le traitement de l'ecze"ma constitutional. 16°. Aux d'Aulus (Ariege), 1890. Bordes-Pagks. Rapport sur l'histoire et les propri6t6s the"rapentiqueB des eaux minerales d'Aulus, adresse" au pre"fet du ddpartement de l'Arriege, daus le but dc faire declarer d'utilite' publique cet dtablissement thermal. On y a joint une notice historique 6ur le Conserans (au- jonrd'hui arrondissement de Saint-Girons). 8°. Toulouse, 1*7)0. Alriq. Ohservations recueillies k Aulus. Ann. Soc, (llivdnil. med. de Par., 1878-9, xxiv, 394-410. [See, aho, supra.] -----. Les eaux d'Aulus au point de vue de leur action sur les principes normaux de l'urine, et sp6ciale- ment snr l'ui-6e et l'acide urique. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1882-,'t, xxviii, 359-372. -----. Du captage actuel des sources minerales d'Aulus, au point de vue de leur composition et de leur action therapeutique. Conjr. internat. d'hydrol. et de [climatol. Compt. rend, lc'89. Par.. 1890, ii,'351-354. — Borden-Page*. Sur les eaux minerales d'Aulus au cours des travaux de captage sue- cessifs. i-t sm leurs propri6t6s therapeutiques. Ibid., 354- 360.— ivillin (E.) Analyse des eaux min6rales d'Aulus (Aiie-'e) Kec . d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. puh. de France, Par., 1879, viii, 393-396. Auiuaitre (Gustave) [1856- ]. * Des pause- ments antiseptiques chez les anciens et chez les modernes. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, Xo. 169. Auniont (Ant.) [1864- ]. * Etude sur lo chancre syphilitique des paupieres. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*9:5, No. 397. d'Aumont (Arnulphe) [1720-82]. See IVIenuret de Chanibaud (Jean-Jacques) [in l.s.]. Essais snr l'histoire m6dieo-topographique de Paris, etc.l. 12°. Paris, 178(5. -----. The same. Nouv. 6d. 2°. Paris, an XIII [1804] [in this series]. A lllie (Charles) [1866- ]. * Essai sur les gan- grenes des mernbres consecutives a l'arterite syphilitique. 90 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1890, 1. s., No. .,72. Alliie (Henry) [1854- ]. * Effets physiolo- giques des inhalations d'oxygene d'apres des ex- p6riences exdcuttSes sur lui-meme par I'auteur. 36 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 109. Aliuis (Guy-Ernest-Louis-Ferdinand) [1867- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical des anevrvsmes des mernbres. 120 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 67. Aunt Betsy. Home rule "wrinkles" for la- dies. 102 pp. 24°. London, S. Sonncnschein, Lowrey $ Co., 1867. Aunt Peggy. Hints to mothers on the proper management of children in infancy, childhood, youth, and womanhood. With an appendix containing the rules for the general management of infants recommended by the Obstetrical Soci- ety of London. 64 pp. 16°. London, W. Ste- vens, 1871. Auracher (T. M). See Berger (A. M.) & Auracher (T. M.) Des Ben- venutus Grapheus "Practica oculoruin". 8°. Miinchen, 1884. Auramin. Bllmeu ( H..) * Derivate des Auramins. Ueber die Konstitution des Benzoresorcins. 8°. Bevn, 1894. Auraild (Louis) [186C- j. *Des resultats e"loigne~s de l'iuterventiou et de la non-interven- tion dans les cataractes traumatiques; 6tude sta- tistique. 64 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1894, No 99*3. Auregail (Pierre-Marie) [1868- ]. * Etude sur les he"matomes musculaires. 104 pp., 1 pl. 4C. Bordeaux, 1891, No. 7. Aurelianus (CaBlius). De morbis acutis et chronicis libri viii. Soli ex omnium methodico- rura scriptis superstites. Jo. Conradus Amman recensuit, emaculavit, notulasque adjecit. Ac- cedunt seorsim Theod. Janss. ab Almeloveen in Cadium Aurelianum nota? ot animadversiones tain propria?, quam quas ex doctor, viror. lucu- brationibus bine inde collegit, ut et ejusdem lexicon Caelianuin. Ed. uova. 728 pp., 1 pl. sm. 4°. Amsteleedami, ex off. Wetsteniana, 1722. -----. Tbe same. Ed. nova. 32, 728 pp. 4\ Amsteleedami, ex off. Wetsteniana, 1755. -----. The same. Ed. prima Veueta. 545 pp., 2 b, 1 pl. 8°. Vmeliis, typ. F. Storti, 1757. See, aho, Pujol (Alexis) \in 1. s.]. Ahhandlnng iiher diejenige Krankheit des Gesichts [etc.]. 16°. Niirnberg 8°. Emden $ Berlin, W. Haynel $ H. Kornfeld, 1887-90. Auricli. See Statistics ( Vital), by localities. AURICII. 800 AUItlCLE. Auricle. See, also. Anthropology; Auditory canal. , Sciiroeder (J. H.) '* Untersuchungen iiber ; das Blutgefiiss-Systeni des ausseren Ohres. t". Jena, 1*92. Birmingham (A.) The muscles of the external e<»r. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Duhl, 1894, xii. 369-387. 2 pl— I Konliaiid (IL) Des plis du pavilion de l'oreille au point de vin-de lideutite. Limousin rut-d., Limoges, 1892, xvi, j 153-1."'f*. — IIrendel (J. G.) De concha auius humana-. In his: Opusc. ninth, et mecl. (etc.), 4°, Gottiuga-. 1769, i, I 121-126, 1 pl — Brown (A. Ci.) The acoustic potentials of the human auricle. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lund.. 1881, iii, 430. — C'ocheril. Vaisseaux du pavilion de l'oreille. J. d. sc. med. .le Lille, D-95, i, 206-211.— Dow lin:; < F. > The external ear appendage. What are its plnsiologiral uses? Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1889, n. s., xxii. .'iii8. —Fere (Cl & Lam) (H.) Xote sur la physio- logie du pivilloii dt- l'oreille. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 188!). lxiv 237-239.—Fere (C.) & Sejjlas (J.) Contribu- tion a 1 etude de quehpies varietes morphologitjnes du pa- vilion de l'oreille humaiii. Rev. d'anthrop.. Par., 1886, 3. s. i. 226-239. — Urnilenigo (G.) Lo sviluppo delle forme del padiglione dell' oieccliio con riguardo alia m<>r- fologia v teratologin del medesimo. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino. 18*8, xii, 267-278. Aho, transl: Centralbl. f. d. nied. Wissensch., Herb 1888. xxvi, 82 ; 113. -----. Lacon- formazione del padiglione dell' on-c. hio nei normali. negli alienatie nei delinquenti. Arch, di psichiat. (etc.), Torino, 1890, xi, 258-261. Also, transl: Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 18'JO, xxx. 230-235,1 pl. -----. Contribution a l'etude mor- phologique de l'anthulix dans le pavilion humain. Ann. d. mill, de l'oreille, du larvnx [etc.], Par., 1890, xvi, 614- 616. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh.. Wiesb.. 1890-91, xxi, 2sd. Also, transl: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 189i, xx. 219. -----. Leber die Conformation der Olirniuscbel bei den Verbrechei innen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1891-2, xxii, 179 182 —IIis (W.) Die Formentwickeluug der mensch- lichen Ohrmnsehel. Cong, internat. d'otol. C. r. 1884, Rale, 1885, iii. 149-157. -----. Zur Anatomie des Ohrlapp- chens. Aieh. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch.. Leipz , 1889, 301-::08, 1 pl. —Killian (G.) Zur vergleichenden Ana- tomie und vergleichenden Eutwickeluugsgeseliichte der Olirmiiskeln. Anat. Anz, Jena 1890, v, 226-229. — Lan- noix (M.) Pavilion de l'oreille chez les sujets sains. A i.h. de l'anthrop. crim.. Par., 1892, vii. 393-397.—L,oe we. Ueber die Anfange der Ohrmuschelbildung hei einem menschlichen Embryo von 1 Ctin Koi-pei hinge. Arch. f. Ohrenh.. Leipz. 1877-8, xiii, 196-199. —IHaeh iE.i Bemer- kungen iiber die Function der Ohrmuschel. Ibid,, IsT-l-."), ix, 72-76. — Schwnlbc ( G. ) Leber die vergleichende Anatomie und Ent « i. k.-lungsges. hiehte des Ohi'knot-pels. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1889, xv, 303. Aho, Re- piint.-----. Inwieferu ist die meuschliche Ohrmuschel ein riidiiiientares Organ? Arch. f. Anat. u. Entweklngs- geseli . Leipz., 1889, Suppl.-Bd., 241-269, 1 pl. —Slein- briigge (IL) Ein Beitrag zur Topographie der mensch- lichen Yoihofsgebilde. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1881, x, 257-261, 1 pl. Auricle (Abnormities of). See, also, Anthropology (Criminal). Api'ki.stkdt (C.) * Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Missbildungen des ausseren Ohres. 8:. Jena, 1602. Eylk (P.) * Ueber Biblungsanomalien der Ohrmuschel. H-. Zurich, l-Ul. Kratz (J. J. H.) "Ueber Fistube nssune brjinchialis prinne congenita (fistula auris cou- genitii). 8°. Bonn, I860. Kukss (B.) "Ueber Missbildungen des aus- seren Ohres. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1600. Itnllaiityiic (J. W.) A case of preauricular or bran- chial appendage. Teratologia, Lond. &. Edinb., 1895, ii, 14-17, 1 pl. -----. The pathogenesis of preauricul u- ap- pendages. Ibid., 65-78.— Ilremer (V.) Oni atresia au- riculai-is externa. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. Is77, I . ix, no. 2, 1-44, 2 pi. — t-assells (J. P.) Caseof inalforma- tiou of left auricle. Glasgow M. J., 1880. [5. | s., xiii, 104-100. — CJaverly (C. S.) Another case of congenital malformation of the ear. Med. Lee, X. Y., 1886, xxx, 460. — Clarke ( W. B. ) Supernumerary auricles. Il- lust M. News. Lond., 1888, i, 321.—Corson ( E. K.) A caseof rudimentary pinna and absence of external audi- tory meatus. N. York M. Times, 1886-7. xiv. 50. — De- logne. Ecartement exag6re du pavilion de l'oreille. Clinique. Brux.. 1891, v, 326— Dc»nlli<-N. Anomalie de | 1 apjiareil auditif externe chez un euufat do six ans. Soc. ' (h sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend.. 1869, xxiii, 79-81.— Fere (C.) &. IInet ( E.) Note sur une anomalie du pa- i villou de 1'oieille portant sur la meine. Compt. rend. Soc. ! (le bhil, I'ar.. 1885. 8. s., ii, 595.— Fischer. Ahuorni ver- I giosserte Ohrmuschel durch einen Wespeustich. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1879, xxx, 226.— I Auricle (Abnormities of). Grndenigo (G.) Intorno al significato antropologico delle anomalie del padiglione dell orecchio. Arch, di psi- chiat. [etc.], Torino, 1891, xii, 475-477. -----. Sulle ano- malie nella couformazione del padiglione dell' orecchio. Sordomuto. Milano Koma. 1891-2, ii. 1; 33; 69; 135. -----. Misshihhingeu der Ohrmuschel. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1892-3. xxxiv, 281-312. -----. Leber einen Fall von par- tiellem Mangel des Olirliippchens. Ibid.. 313. — «»ruber (W.) Congenitales Foramen in dei' liinteren Wand des Meatus auditorius externus. Arch. f. path. Aunt, [etc.] Berl, 1880, lxxx, 78-80, 1 tab. — Kipp ( C. J. ) On bran- chial fistulas at the external ear. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1875-81, ii, 402-406. — Knapp ( II. ) A case of supernu- merary auricle of rudimentary development. (Pohotin.) Ibid., 357-359. -----. A marked case of rudimentary ami displaced auricle, with defective development of tlii- side of the face. Arch. Otol., X. Y., 1892. xxi, 4.,l8-440. — Lnkr (R.) Double supernumerary auricle. Illust. M. News. Lond., 1888, i, 322. — I.nloy (L. ) Malformation hertdl- taire du pavilion ile l'oreille. Anthropologie, Pur., 1890, i, 580-590.— liedonble. Malformations des muscles de l'oreille. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1894, xxx, 40- 60. —Liinoli (O.) Dell' organico adeiimeuto del padi- glione dell orecchio sinistro. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1857, clxi, 41. —1TI'Bride (P.) Case of malformation of the external ear. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 905-907, I pl.—iVIettcnheimer (C.) Kiementistel am aussernOhr. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1880, xxv. 100-102. —.11 ijjnoi. Ob- servation d'oreille surnuiiieraire. Bull. A cud. de m6d., Par., 1879, 2. s., viii, 1217-1219.— lVIoore (N.i l.aige right ear; very small but perfect left one. St. Barth. Hosp. Bep., Lond., 1878, xiv, 163. — :Tf organ (J. H. ) Two cases of congenital macrostoma, accompanied by malformation of the auricles, and by the presence of auricular appendages. Biit. M. J., Loud., 1881, ii, 780. -----. Supernumerary au- rieles. illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 265. — Oyilori (F.).jr. An abnormal process growing from thu tiagua in a new-born child. Brit. M J., Lond., 1883, i, 405.— Paulieky (A.) Congenitale Misshildimg der rechten Ohrmuschel. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1882, xi, 215-218. Aho, in his: Ueber congeu. Missbild., 8°, Berl., 1882, 17-20. -----. Geschwiilste an beiden Ohrliippchen, durch das Tragen von Ohrringen hervorgerufen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1882, xi, 2."«9. Also, in his: Le- ber congeu. Missbild., 8°. Berl, 1882, 37.— Randall (B. A.) Some cases of supernumerary'auricle nnd congenital aural fistula. Tr. Am. Otol. Sue.,' Xew Bedfotd, 1887-110, iv, 485. — Roaeli ( P.) Malformation of right auricle. Med. Gaz., X. Y.. 1880, vii, 373— Itoberlson (A.) Case with nearly complete absence of both auricles and various cranial delects. Glasgow M. J., 1889. xxxi, 209-211.— Kohrer (F.) Ueber Bildungsanomalie dei-Ohrmuschel. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte. Strassb., 1885, lviii, 137-142. -----. Nuovi tipi di anomalie di cou- formazione del padiglione dell' orecchio. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.l, Torino, 1895, iii, 04. — Mabrazes (J.) Fistules congenitales s.ymetriques du lobule des oreilles. Bull. Soe. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 124-128. Aho: J. de nie,d. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, xx, 483— Nclnvii- baeh (I).) Ueber Kii menfisteln am ausseren Ohr. Zt- schr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 103-105. Aho. transl: Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1879, viii. 246-2-19 — Mcliwalbc (G.) Zur Methodik statistischer Untei'suchungen iiber die Ohr- formen von Geistesktauken und Verbieeheru. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl, 1895, xxvii, 633-644.- Nleller. Zur ope- rativen Beseitignng augeborener Ohrmuschelinissliilduii- gei,. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1884, xxi, 92-94, 1 pl.-Kim- ton (J. B. ) Supernumerary auricles. Illust. M. Xews, Lond., 1888. i. 320. -----. Supernumerary auricles. Ibid., 1889, iv, 50-52. -----. A cervical auricle. Ibid., 1890, vi, 99.—von Swiecicbi. Zur outogeuetischen Bedeutung der cougeiiitah-u Fissuten des Olirliippchens. Arch. f. Auat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1890, 295-299.—Sziim- laiinki (W.) Przyczynek do wrodzonego znieks/.talce- uia ucba zewnetrzuego. [On congenital mnlfornintion of external car] A fulkagyl6-r£k ket esete. [Two cases of cancer of the auricle.] Gydgyiiszat, Buda]iest, 1890, xxx, 364. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]; Pest. nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1800, xxvi, 1012.— VerliiMt des Gesichts durch ein Ohrgeschwiir. Saifll. v. Beob. a. d. Arzneyg. u. Xaturk., Xdrdl., 1769. i, 179.—Weber (().) Ueher Oto- plastik und Epithclialkrebs. Verhandl. d. iiatiiih.nied. Ver. zu iieidelb.. 1865-8, iv, 49-52. — Weinleeliner. Epitheliom der linken Ohrmuschel; Amputation derselben; wegen Becidivs 3 X.icboperationeii. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.- ILilaust. (1. Dr. A. Eder 1869-75, Wien, 1876, 88.—Wil- liams (W. It.) Epithelioma ofthe external ear. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 331-331.—Zwigiimnil}'. ( Lpitlielialcarcinoii) der rechten Ohrmuschel. | Aerztl. Ber. (1. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1873), Is, J. 125. Auricle (Diseases of). See, also, Auditory canal (Diseases ofi); Perio- stitis. PoilL ( F. ) 'Diei Fiille von Perichondritis auricula:. 6'\ Halle a. S., 1894. VI«iei-ton (H. A.) Seborrhceic affections of the ex- ternal ear. X. York Eye & Ear Infirm. Bep., 1893, i, 83- g0 _Amiclt ( W. It. ) Eczema of the ear. Cincin. M. 51 AliricJc (Diseases of). Xews, 1881-2, n. s., x, 156-161.— itaeon (G.) Eczema of the auricle aud external auditorv canal. J. Cutan. &. Ven. Dis., X. Y., 1884, ii, 129-133.—Bnrtscb. Ein Fall vou Perichondritis auricula:. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl , 1884, xviii, 225-227.— Iteuni. Observations sur la peri- chondrite. Cong, internat. d'otol. C.-r. 1884, Bale, 1885, iii, 181-183. —Brnck (A.) Zur Syphilis des iiiisseren Ohres. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 160-162. — Biirkner (K.) Behandlung der Erkrankungen dvv Haut des Ge- hdrorgans. Handb. d. spec. Therap. inner. Krankh., Jena, 1895, vi, 2. Teil, 174-176.—Burnett (C. II.) Traumatic eczeiuatous dermatitis in and about the external ear of in- fants and young children. Arch. Pediat, X". Y., 1884, i, 673-681.—Kills (W. ( L) Ulcerative tuberculous affection of tho lobe of the left ear, with anaesthesia of the same side of the face, complicated with scabies. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 41!!.— Felici (F.) Papillomi multipli infiamma- tori del coudotto o della conca dell'orecchio con pei-icon- drite consecutivi ad otite media puriilenta cronica. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1887, v, 34- 37.—Ferrer (II.) Case of idiopathic perichondritis of the left auricle. xVrch. Otol., X'. Y., 1890, xix, 8-11, Aho, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb.. 1891-2, xxii, 30-32.— Frey (P.) Ueber Syphilis des ausseren Ohres. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, i,-2J3-24L—CJellc. De l'otite externe pcriostiipie circonscrite. Tribune med., Par., 1884, xvi, ."ilO.—4»raa-wenl>cr:j. Coutributiou an traitement de la sc!6rose auriculaire. Coug. internat. d'otol. et de laryngol., Par., 1889, 271-280.—iVIciVIahon (J. B.) Two cases of perichondritis auiicula; treated with tho sharp spoon and through drainage. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1890, xix, 20. Aho, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1891-2, xxii, 28.—iVIeyer (L.) Erklarung zu der Arbeit des Hrn. Prof. Gudden: "Leber deu mikroskopischen Befund des traumatisch gesprengten Oluknorpt-ls". Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1871, hi, 303; 440.—Osier (W.) Cal- cification of the auricle. Montreal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 696. — Petel. Cheloides volumineuses des lobules des oreilles chez une enfant tuberculeuse. Union med. de la Seine-Inf. 1885, Bouen, 1880, xxiv, 55-62.—Pierce (F. M.) Case of eczema (lupoid) of the external meatus. Special- ist, Lond., 1880-81, i, 141.—Politzcr (A.) Do l'eczeina de l'oreille. Aim. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Pur., 1887, xiii, 361-370. — Pomeroy (O. D.) Chondritis and perichondritis of the auricle, probably of lieuro-paralytic origin. X. York M. J., 1885, xii, 437.—Pooley (T. K.) Perichondritis auricula-. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1881, 211-217. Also.- Med. Kec, X". Y., 1881, xix, 313-315. -----. Perichondritis auricula: affecting both ears. Med. Bee, X. Y., 1891, xii, 148.—Bollaml (A.-J.-B.) De l'ec- zema du pavilion de l'oreille. Gaz. med. do Montreal, 1887, i, 241-243.—Bnpp (A.) On syphilis of the external ear. J. Cutan. &. Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1891, ix, 366- 376. Aho, Beprint. — Bj ley (J. B.) Case of keloid tu- mor of lobules of both ears in a female aborigine. Aus- tralas. M. Ga/,., Svdnev, 1882-3, ii, 117.—de Saint-Ger- niniu. Observation de corps 61ranger du lobule de lo- AUKICLE. 802 AUU1CLE. Auricle (IHseasts of). 11 ille. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (18731 1874, viii, 86-88.— Wcliaefer il. C.) Eczema of left auricle and auditory canal. Chicago M. .1. . —Sexton (S.) Tuber- cular svphilide of the ear. J. Cutan. i: Yen. Dis., X. Y., Isie2-3.'i, 2.">7-263. — Winith (J. II.) A case of perichon- dritis auriciihe. Texas Cour.-Kec. Med., Fort Worth, 1884-ii, ii, 507-509.—Spira (11.) Przyczynek do kasuis- tvki nerwic zwrotnwh ucha zewneti/nego. [On reflex neuroses of the external car. | Przegl. lek.. Kiakow, Is!)."). xxxiv, 717-720.—Wloeqnart. Traitement des affections cutanees du pavilion de l'oreille par l'usage interne de l'acide chi vsophaiiiqur. J. de med., chir. et phaniiacol, Brux.. 1884, Ixxix. 483-lsJ. — Tiirnbiill (L.) Acute in- flammation of the ainicle (perichondritis). Med. Bull, Phila.. 18s2. iv. ti.".— Fspfiiski. Dva sluchaya ushnikh grihkov. [Two eases ol eczema of the ear.] Med. Vest- nik St. Petersb., 1876. xvi, 297-300.—Zneker (J.) Leber S.\philis des ausseren Ohres; zwei Beobachtungen von Condylombililuiig und ein Fall von svphilitisebem Primar- iitfeet am Ohre.' Ztschr. f. Olm-nii.. Wiesb., 1884, xiii, 167-171. Also, transl: Arch. Otol., X. Y., 1884. xiii, 241- 246. Auricle (Hcematoma of). Fis-ciiki: ( F.) Die Olirblut»'eseliwul.st der Sei-len^esturten, nebst einer Beob:iclitun<>- der Kupflilulgeschwnlsf bei einem solchcn Kranken. (Mit allgemeinen Beinerkunoen iiber die bei Srelengestorten vorkounnende Piiralvse.) 8C. [Illeuau. 1617.] (Llhekkx (C. C.) Iilodoresvnlsten (H;enia- toma auris) inu-iini-st behandlet nied IIciismi til sin iEtiologi o«j kausale SannnenliaMig med de Sindssyges konstitutionelle Tilstand. Sc. Kjo- benh am, 1*62. lIiiii'.MANX. * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'otb.6- matoniie. 1 . Pavis, 18-7. Koi-.ri'K (M.) De ba-inatoinate cartilaginum nasi (rbinajiuatoniate) ex perniutatiouibus Ihb- sioniliusiiue 1eltK eartilaginea- vel ex periclion- dritide nasali orto. Kespoml.: K. Pott. 4°. Halis Sax., |_1K>9]. Mauille (ir.-K.) * De l'ke'uiatome dc l'oreille. 4-. Xancy, L-7-^. Peschafd (D.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'otke'innitotnc. 4°. Montpellier, 1667). Arndt (11.) T'eber das Othamatom. Internat. klin. Rundschau. AVien 1888, ii, 1729-1732. Aho [Abstr.]: Tagebl. d. Versainml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1889, lxi, 198. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchn- schr.. 18-9, ii. 227. — Anio/iin, Hematome du pavilion de l'oreille. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 27. — Atkiii i( '.j Xote on two cases of lisenia. toina amis. Med. Press &. Circ. Lond., 1889. n. s., xlvii. 273.— Avre« (S.C.i llaniatoma auris. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., vSt. Louis. 189:;. ii. 44. — Bel la use ((}.) Ln eas d'othematome chez uu lypeinaniaque. Encephale. Par , 18^4. iv, 62-65.— Biante. Observation^ »ur les tumeurs sanguines du pavilion de l'oreille. Ann. nicd.-psvch.. Par . 1877, 5. s., xvii. 360-374.—Blake (O.J.) Treatment of otha-uiatoina by means of pirsMirc and massage. Am. J. Otol, X. Y., 1881, iii, l'j3-l!ii;. — Bouteille. Tutiieurs sanguines du pavilion de l'oieille che/ les alienes. Bull. Sue. de med. ment. de Belg.. .land iL-]».-.\ <-li.. Par., 1879, 6. s., ii, 308. — Coiiibemale. Contribution a l'etude de l'othoiiiiitome. Moutpel und., Isss. 2. s.. xi, 211-221. — Delhy i A .» L'oi In-matoine du pavilion de l'o- reille. Arch. med. belies Brux., 1883, 3. s., xxiii, 5-15.— Onplay (S . lie I otheiiiatoute. Inhii.- Conf. de clin. Chir., Par.. 1,-77. 42-46.— Field i M. D.) Oiliainatoma. J. Xerv. e riiematome de l'oieille. J.de 1n6d.de Bordeaux. ls7s-9, viii. 72.—CJivens (A. J.| Hanuatoma am is. X'. Am. .1. Homceop., X. Y., 1802. 3. s., vii, 27s — Goodall (E.) Ob- servations upon the pathology of otluematoma. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 18'.u xl. 636-638. -tiiuaxinaini (S.) Zur Casuistik des Othamatoms. Allg. AVien. med. Ztg., 1889, xxxiv, 3s9. — Grove (B. H.) Ileuiatoma auris. Buffalo Auricle (Hcematoma of). M. .V: S. J., 1890-91, xxx. 205-211. — CJruber (J.) Otha>- matonia auricula:. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankeiih. zu Wien (1889), 1891, 184.—von Ondden (B.) Leber die Entstehung der Olnblufgeschwulst. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat. [etc.]. Berl., I8611. xvii, 121-138: 1862, xix, 1 tin-220: 1863. xx, 423-430. Also, in his: Ces. u. hinteil. Abhandl., fol., Wiesb , 1889, 79-84.—Hasan (II.) Hamatoma amis no evidence of insanity or of impending insanity. South. M. Bee, Atlanta, 1890', xx, 406-409.—Howe il.j Caseof ha-matoma amis in a sane person treated wiih injectious of ergot. Tr. Am. Otol. So.-., Bost. & Xew Bedford, 1882-6. iii, 289-294.—I.opez ((!.) Nota sobre-la fre- cuencia y naturaleza del othematoma en las eufermedades mentales. Cron. med. quir. de la Habana, 18s7, xiii, 253- 2.76.—Mabille (II.) Xote sur 1 evolution anntomo-patho- logique de I hematome do l'oreille. Bull. Soc. de ru6d. et chir. de La Bo.helle, 1887, 4. s., 100-107. Also: Ann. med.- psych., Par.. 1888. 7. s., vii, 273-279. —Meyer (W.) Xogle Tilfa-lde af Blodoresvulst (Otba-matoina) hehandlede med Massage. [Othematoma treated bv massage.] Hosp.- Tid., i-Cjebenh., 1880. 2. R., vii. 541-549. Aho, transl: Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1880-81. xvi, 161-170.—IViehoIn (C. H.) Ha-matoma auris: three cases treated by the con- joined use of massage, galvanism, and leeching. Med. Rec, N. Y., 188C, xxix, 701. —I»elliz-#.i (G. B.) Sull' etio- logia dell' oto-ematonia dei pazzi. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1892, viii, pt. 4. 268; 2s4. ------. Sull' origine infettiva dell' oto ematoina dei pazzi; ricerche anatomopatologiche e hact.iiologiche. Biv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1892, xviii, 613-625. — Randall (B. A.) Doppelseitiges Hamatom desLobulus. [Transl. from English ] Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1895, xxvii. 25. — Kousc (E. B.) Ha-nia- toma auris. Lancet, Lond.. 1892. ii,127(1 —Sinclair (C. L.) Ha-matoma auris in the insane. Maritime M. Xews, Hali- fax. 1888-9, i, 27. — Woe-keel (A.) Etude sur lheiiiatome de l'oreille. Rec de ni£m. de med. . . . mil. Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxvii, 605-052, 2 pl. — Wteinbriigge (II.) Othacnia- tom des linken Ohres bei einem geislig uud korperlich lie- sunden. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb..' 1880, ix, 139-141.— Strnlian (S. A. K.) Hiematoma auris, or "insane ear". Brit. M. J., Loud., 18s9, i, 409.—Thoi-enw. Observation d'oth6matome chez uu enfant syphilitique. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Par. (1881), 1882, xvi. 283-291. Aho: Union med., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 737-713 —Tomkins (H. II.) ll.-e- matoma auris, or "insane ear". Biit. M. ,L, Lond., 1889, i, 187.—Vnllon (C.) Xote sur l'etiologie et le siege anato- luique de l'otheiiiatome. Encephale, Par.. 1881. i. 224 232, I pl. — \feil. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Othiimatonie. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1883, xvii, 41-43. — Williams (H. S 1 The treatment of hematoma auris. Am. J. In- san., Utica, X. Y.. 1892-3, xlix, 67-71, 1 pl. — Wynne (E. T.) Ha;matoma auris. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 141-143. Auricle (Piercint/ of). Afleetions consecutives an perccment du lobule de l'oieille. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1895, vii, 163- 168. — Allan (W.) Ou two large auricular growths following the operation of puncture. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiii. 203. — Buch (M.) Fibrome kozhi vslledstvle noshenia si leg. |Fibroma of the skin in con- sequence ol' wearing ear-rings. J Vrach. St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 426. Aho. transl ■ St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 271.—Carter iP. W.j Eibious tumours of the lobes of both ears. Indian Lancet Lahore, 1860. ii, 211.—Be- Icasje (F.) rmit6 congeiiiale du pavilion de l'oreille droite; difficult^ de l'audi- tion de ce cote: operation nouvelle suivie d'un sucees complet. 4>\ Strasbourg, 1667). Baeon (G.) Malformation of the auricle; plastic operation for the cure of the detorniitv. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1890, xix, 17-19. — ISarkwell (YV. W.) & Beckett (J.) A new method for correcting the deformity of promi- nent auricles. Med. Xews, Phila., IsO.'i, lxvii. 154. Also, Beprint. — Bishop (S. S.) Operation for malformed auri- cle. J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 512.—Burger (H.) Aangeboren misvorming (ler oorscbelp en otoplastiek. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, 2. It, xxx, pt. 1, 648-655, 2 pl. Aho, transl.: Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol, Par.. 1894, iv, 241-243.—Cocheril. De la restauration du pavilion de l'oreille. Bev. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1895. xv, 81; 145. — Ely (E. T.) An opera- tion for prominence of the auricles. Arch. Otol.. X. Y., 1881, x, 97-99. —(niiei-moiipi-e/-.. Ablation d'une por- tion de l'antitragus; antoplastie de cette partie du pa- vilion de l'oreille. Bull Soc. anat.-cliu. de Lille, 1892, vii, 118-121. Also: J. d. sc. ni6d. de Lille, 1892, ii, 73- 76. — Harrison (J. P.) On the artificial enlarge- ment of the earlobe. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1872-3, ii, 190-199, 2 pl.— Ilau<;. Eine einfache neue plastische Methode zur Bucklageruiig hochgradig ahstehender Ohrmuscheln. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, ls94. xx, 776. — .Vienna (G. H. ) Operations for cor- recting the defot nitty due to prominent eats. Boston M. & S. J, 1891, exxiv. 84-86. Also, transl: Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1891, viii. 35-42. — Pomeroy ( O. D. ) An op- eration for correcting a congenital malformation of the left-auricle. Tr. Mi Soc. Xi Y., Svracuse, 1884, 172-184. Also: ^sculapiau. X. Y., 1884, i, ]i5-121. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Kec, X. Y., 1,-84, xxv, 160— Bandall (B. A.) An attempt to replace an auricle bitten off in children. Arch. Otol., N. Y.. 1893, xxii. 163-165. — Stetter. Zur opera- tiven Beseitigung angeborener Ohrmuschelmissbilduiigeii. Arch. f. Ohrenh'.", Leipz., 1895, xxxix, 101-105. — We ber (C. O.) Eine Otoplastik. Yerhandl. d. naturh. Yer. d. preuss. Kheinl. u. Westphal.. Bonn, 1859, xvi, 99-101. Auricle (Tumors of). See, also, Auricle (Hcematoma of). Metzgeu (J.) * Casuistik zu den Tunioren des iiiisseren Ohres. "°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Albespy. Kyste du pavilion de l'oreille; operation; guerison sans deformation. Kev. dc laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1892, xii. 841-845.—Anton (W.) Fibroma(molle)auriculas. Arch, f Ohrenh., Leipz., 1889, xxviii, 285-287. — Andain & Pi I Met. Eihrome auriculaire d'origine inflammatoiiu. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1892, lxvii. 78o.— Baeon (G.) Tu- mors ofthe auricle. Ann. Opth. i Otol., St. Louis, 1893, ii, 217-223.—Behr (G.) De excrescent in gelatinosocartilagi- nosa pone aurem dextram, sub ejusdem lobo per 15 integros annos gestata, et mediante operatione mauuali intra sex sejitimanarum sputium feliciter curata. Selecta med. Fran- eof., Erancof. ad Viadr., 1737-9, i, 180-186. 1 pl.—Biiijj(A.) Ueber Warzen nnd Papillomo am ausseren Ohrtheil. Wien. med. BL. 1885, viii, 1205-1207.—Blanc (E.) Obser- vation ib- kyste dermoide du pavilion de l'oreille. Loire nit-d., St.-lttienne, 1895, xiv, 258-261. — Bo*lroem (E.) Piiiiiiires Myxoni des linken Vorhofs. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1879-80, xii, 163-168. — Demons. Chelolde du lobule de l'oreille. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phy- siol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 95.—Friedenw aid (H.) Cholesteatoma of the ear. Med. Xews, Phila., 1.-93. lxii, 253-258.—Gia) (A. S.) Tumours of the lobo of the ear. Austral. M ■!.. .Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 115, 1 pl.—«reen (J. O.) Cavernous angioma of the auricle; ligation of Hie external carotid; removal: i.coverv. Arch. Otol, X. Y. 1893, xxii, 289-292. — C»nyon (J.) Tumeurs fibreuses de l'oreille. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie. Alger, 1863, viii. 158. Also, transl.: Arch.Otol. X. Y.. 1886, xv, 133-143.—Ilart- m a mi (A.) Feber Cystenbildnng in der Ohrmuschel. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1885-6. xv, 156-166. -----. Le- bei CystenbildungiuderOhrmuschel. Ibid., 1887-8, xviii, 42-44.' Aho, transl: Arch. Otol., X. Y., 1888, xvii, 233- 235.— EI.-in;;. Zur mikroscopischen Anatomie der Ge- schwiilste des ausseren Ohres. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1891, xxxii, 151-170,1 pL—Messier. Cyste in der Ohrmu- schel nach traumatiscbein Othematoma. Ibid., 1885-6, xxiii, 143-148—Holt (E. E.) Bepoi t of a caseof terratoid tumor of both auricles, having u clinical history of a re- current fibroid. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost. :• vi-and (II.) Sur un proce.de de traitement des kystes du pavilion Rev. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1892, xii, 403-405 — tlasini (O ) Asportazione di iiii' fibroma del lobnlo dell' orecchio. Imparziale, Fi- renze, 1881, xxi. 705-709. — Mala* (B. i Large cavernous iui»ioina, involving the integument ol an entire auricle, Auricle (Tumors of). successfully treated by dissi ction, free resection of dis- eased tissue, and ligation of the afferent trunks in situ by a special method. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lxi, 701-705. Also, Reprint. — ITIermet (P.) Fibro-chondrome calci- fic du pavilion de l'oreille. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 979-983.—Montgomery (W. T.) Fibroma of the lobe of the ear. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1878, xxviii. 205-207—Pierce (E. M.) Removal of fibrous (cicatricial keloid) tumor of the lobule of the ear. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 346. — Pipino (W. C.) Xa-vus vas- cularis maternus of the ear. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1886, xxx, 434.—Kali■■ & Rougicr. Ost6ome de l'oreille. Mem. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. ni6d. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, pt. 2. 150-152. Also: Lyon med., 1891, lxviii, 123-125.— Keverdin (J.-L.) & Bnsearlet (F.) Tumeur cirsoide tin pavilion de l'oreille. Rev. nied. de la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1892. xii, 745-751,1 pl—Robinson (H. B.) Dermoid cyst of the pinna. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, xii. 281.— Rohrer. Contribution a la pathologie du cholest6a- tome do l'oreille. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], I'ar., 1892, xii, 193-202. — Kiinnlt (A.) Fibromes du lobule de l'oreille. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, lvii, 309— Seligmami (H.) On cysts of the auricle. [Transl. by A. Schapringer. ] Arch". Otol, X. Y., 1887, xvi, 41.—Spiers (II. H.) Cyst of the auricle ofthe right ear. Cincin. Lancet - Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxiii, 574.—.Steinbriigge (II.) Fibroin des linken Olirliippchens. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1880, ix, 141. — Wtowers. Melanotic sarcoma ofthe auricle. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1893-4, 57.—Sutton (J. B.) A case of sebaceous adenoma involving the pinna. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888, xxi, 172-175. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 589. — Toison (J.) Sarcome fascicule du pavilion de l'oreille ; observation; examen his- tologique. J. d. sc. med. dc Lille, 1884. vi, 251-25L— Voi- tui-iez. Collection liquide non h6matique (kyste?i du pavilion de l'oreille. Ibid., 1886, viii, 44-46. — Winslow (R.) Keloid tumor of the ear removed tliree times. Ma- ryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 528.— Wright (G. A.) Cysts of the auricle. Illust. M. News, Loud., 1888-9,1, 111. Auricle (Wounds of). Bei-enger-Ferand. Des tentatives de conservation dans le cas de separation accidentello du pavilion de l'o- reille. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliii. 282; 286.—Baprcy (E.) Plaie par arrachement de l'oreille (morsure de che- val) ; reunion partiello par premiere intention ; pansements pheniques; gu6rison prompte. Ibid.. 1884, lvii, 325.— Craves (B. H.) Slit ears. Bep. Med. -Miss. Soc. in China 1868, Hongkong, 1869, 23.—Kii-cluici- (W.) Beitrag zur Topographic der ausseren Ohrtheile. mit Beriicksich- tigung der bier einwirkenden Yerletzungen. Yerhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1881, n. F., xvi, 199- 240, 1 pl.—ITIiot & Rarntonx. De la contusion du pa- vilion de l'oreille. Progres med., Par.. 1888, 2. s., vii. 132- 134.—Pellacani (P.) Deformita dell' orecchio consecu- tiva a traumatismo; deturpamento permanente della fac- cia? Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1884. eclxix, 467- 471.—Rcverdin (A.) Dechirure du lobule do l'oreille; reparation. Alger med., 1887, xv, 217-222, 1 pl. Auricle (Artificial). [Patent specifica- tions for.] Batcheldcr (J. H.) Auricles. Xo. 177984; May 30, 1876. Aui'ifaber (Andreas) [1514-59]. Ein niitzliclis unnd trostlichs Regiment wider die anfallende Gifi't, so diese Zeit regiret, au die ersanien wol- weisen nanihafftcn Burgermeisteru und Ruth- liiann der Altenstad Konigsperg, zu gemeiuer j liurgerschafffc Fordcrung gestellet. 221. sin. 4°. Konigsperg, H. Lufft, 1549. AiM'iinORtaiius (Hieronyiuus) [ -1588], Perhorrendje pestilentialisephenieris, quam falso sudatoriam luem vocant, curaudi ratio. [Ad fin.: Cracoviae, in officiua Hierouymi Yictoris, anno 1530.] 15 1. 1(5°. Aurin. Sciimid (W.) * Ueber eine neue Synthese des Anrin's uud die Dacstellung von dessen Homolo- gcn. 8J. Bern, 1882. Auriol (Louis) [1852- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude de la thrombose caclioctique de la veine porte. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*8:!, No. 296. -----. Traitement de la phthisie pnltnonaiie par les inhalations de vapeur d'acide sulfureux. 15 pp. 12°. Ximes, Boger J. Cambridge, !--•">. Repr. from: I'roc. Mass. Histor. Soc, 1885. Aurora. Illinois. Annual reports of the city oliiei-i- lor the years 1-77-- to 1&81-5; 1*86-7: 1-,-.-; ls*<»; l-i>i-1. 8-. Aurora, 187--95. Contain reports of the board of health, board of public works, chief of police, city engineer, superintendent of | streets, superintendent of water works, and the Aurora Hospital. Aurora Hospital, Aurora, 111. .Statement of the . . . for the live years ending Oct. 12, 1891. 7 pp. s~. [Aurora, 1-—-ill. j Aliry (Felix) [1*15- ]. * Le cidre et le poire^ en sante' et en maladie. 70 pp. 4J. Baris, 1694, No. 21i». Auschcr (Ernest) [1863- ]. "Deux cas de talies combine, suivis d'autopsie. 60 pp. 4-\ I'aris, 1604, No. 304. ------. Tlie same. 60 pp. 8'-". Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1895. Auscultation. See, also, Abdomen (Exploration ofi); -SJgo- phony; Chest ( Exploration of); Dynamoscopy; Microphone; Pectoriloquy (Aphonic); Peri- carditis (Diagnosis of) ; Respiration (Bronchial). Bakie (E.) Bruits de souffle et bruits de ga- lop. 12°. Paris, [1694]. Barth A Rogkr (H.) Traite pratique d'aus- cultation, ou expose' me'thodique des diverses applications de ce mode d'exanien a l'e'tat pby- siologique et inorbide de l'economie. 12°. I Paris, 1641. ------. Thesame. Suivi d'un precis de per- ' cussion. 2. 6d. sin. >--'. Paris, 1844. ------. The saine. 4. 6i\. 16°. Paris, 167)4. ------. The same. 12. ed., revue et augmen- tee d'un precis des uie~thodes accessoires d'explo- ration physique. Insi>ection, mensuration, pal- pation, par II. Barth. 12°. Paris, 1893. ------. Thesame. A manual of auscultation aud percussion. Transl. with additions by Fran- cis G. Smith. 6^. Philadelphia, 1*17). ------. The same. Transl. from tbe 6. French ed. n . Philadelphia, 166)0. ------. The same. Ueber Auscultation. Sys- teuiatische Darstellung tier verscbiedenen An- wendung dieser Untersuchuugs-Methode im ge- sunden und kranken Zustande. Aus dem Fran- zosischen iibertrageu und mit Anmerkungen von Dr. B. li. Puclielt. <--. Stuttgart, 1k12. Bastard ( s. ; * Des modifications imprimis a certains sonnies iutracardiaques et extracar- diaques par les variations respiratoires. 4°. Paris, 16*6. ] Bf.kxhf.im. Etude sur les rales. Lecons faites a I'hopital Saint-Charles. 4 . Pavis, 1876. Bowditch (H. I.) The young stethoscopist, or the student's aid to auscultation. 12-. Xew York, 1646. Claldot (il.) * Essai d'une classification nouvelle des rales basee sur leur si6ge anatomi- que ct leur mecanisme. 4 . Strasbourg, 1666. Coilfieu. Precis d'auscultation. 8°. Paris, 18-2. ------. The same. 2. exl., revue c-t augmentee. 12 . Paris, 1-90. Colloxgies. Mannequin d'auscultatiou pour l'instruction des etudiants eu m6decine. 18°. i Vichy, 1,-72. I Dekcle (U.) * Coutributiou a l'e'tude des souffles extra-cardiaquesde la pointe. 4\ Lyon, I 1-92. Di'itAM) (L.) * De la rarete des souffles iuor- ganiqiics chez les enfants du premier age. 4^. Lyon, 1-91. Auscultation. Fedeli (C.) Istituto di clinica medica della r. Universita di Pisa (sezione di propedeutic:)). Dei suoui non cavitarii timpanico c di pentola fessa e della loro consociazione. s . l'i*a, 1--C. Flint (A.) Resume de recherches (-Uniques sur la fievre continue, la dyssentetie, la pleuiesio chroni(iue, et sur les variations du ton dans les sons fournis par la percussion et par l'ausculta- tion. . ------. Thesame. 5. ed., thoroughly revised by J. C. Wilson. 8J. Philadelphia, 1890. ------. Physical exploration of the luugs by means of auscultation and percussion. 12°. Philadelphia, 1682. Gee ( S.) Auscultation and percussion, to- gether with the other methods of physical ex- amination of the chest. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1877. Gerhardt (C.) Lehrbuch der Auscultation uud Percussion mit besonderer Berucksichti- gung der Inspection, Betastung und Messung der Brust uud des Unterleibes zu diagnostischen Zweckeii. 8°. Tubingen, 1866. Giksbkks (H. J. F.) *Over R. T. H. Laennec en zijue verdieusten omtrent de leer der auscul- tatie. [Utrecht.] 8~. Gennep, 1863. Hughes (II. M.) A clinical introduction to the practice of auscultation, and other modes of physical diagnosis: intended to simplify the study of the diseases of the lungs aud heart. >c. Philadelphia, 1646. vox Jacobson (G.) * Experiinentelli-r Bei- trag zur Lehre iiber Myophonie und Dermate- phonic. f»°. Greifswald, 1881. Laenxec (M.) A manual of percussion and auscultation. Composed from the French of . . . By James Birch Sharpe. 16°. London, 16:12. ------. Tlie same. 16°. Xew York, 1K52. Laennec (R.-T.-H.) Trait6 do I'uuscultutiou m6diate et des maladies des poumons e! du cceur. 2. ed. 2 v. 8-. Paris, 1*26. ------. The same. Avec les notes et addi- tions do M. Laennec. 4. 6d., considerahlement augmentee par M. Andral. 3 v. 83. Paris, 1837. ------. The same. Traitd de l'auscultatiou mediate et des maladies des poumons et du cauir. h~. Paris, 1879. ------. The same. A treatise ou the diseases of the chest, in which they are described accord- ing to their anatomical characters, and their diagnosis established on a uew principle by means of acoustick instrumeuts. Transl. from the French, with a preface and notes, by John Forbes. 1. Am. ed. 8-. Philadelphia, 1-23. ------. Thesame. From the 3. revised Loud. ed., with additional notes, i* . Xciv York, 1830. ------. Thesame. Transl. from the3. French ed., with copious notes, a sketch of the author's life, and an extensive bibliography of the dif- ferent diseases, by John Forbes. To which are added the notes of Prof. Andral, contained in the 4. and latest French ed. Transl. aud accom- panied with observations on cerebral ausculta- tion by John D. Fisher. -'. Xew Yovk, 1*'.\*. ------. The same. With the notes aud addi- tions of Mer[iadec] Laennec and of Andral. Transl. from the latest ed. by a member of the College of Physicians. Edited by Theonhilus AUSCULTATION. 805 AUSCULTATION. Auscultation. Herbert, with practical notes condensed from the lectures of F. 11. Ramadgc. 8°. London, 1646. -----. The same. Die mittelbare Ausculta- tion (das Horen mittelst des Stethoscops), oder Abhandlung iiber die Diagnostik der Krank- heiten der Lunge und des Herzens, anf das ueue Erforschungsmittel gegriindet. Nach dem Fran- zosischen im Auszuge bearbeitet. f°. Weimar, 1622. -----. De l'auscultation mediate. De l'ex- ploration de la poitrine. 12°. Paris, 1893. Laskgle (C.) La technique de l'auscultation pulmonaire a l'tisnge des etudiants en m6decine. 8J. Paris, L-^l. Lisfranc (J.) Memoire sur de nouvelles ap- plications du stethoscope. 8-\ Paris, 1.-24. Mitchell (C. L.) A synoptical table of tho- racic percussion and auscultation. Arranged from the works of Laennec, Hope, Louis, Piorry, Williams, and others, and the lectures of Barth, Roii'er. and Laudouzv. 1 sheet, fol. Xew York, 1839. Mi hi.baler(F. X.) Die Lehre von der Percus- sion und Auscultation mit Beriicksichtigung der pathologischen Anatomic der Brustorgaue fiir den praktischen Arzt. 8 . Erlangen, 1847. -----. Tlie same. De leer der percussie en auscultatie met betrekking tot de pathologische anatomie der borstorganc-u, ten behoeve van practische artsen zamengesteld. Uit het Hoog- duitsch vertaald en het aauteekeningen voor- zien door Dr. C. Gob(?e. 8-. Leiden, 1647. Nicolis (I. ) Trattenimenti sperimentali e pratici di percussione e di ascoltazione, dedicati alia gioventu medica subalpiua. 8-. Torino, 167)7. Xiemeyer (P.) Precis de percussion et d'aus- cultation. Traduit de l'allemand par A. Szerlecki fils; revu et annote jtar I'auteur. 12-. Paris, 1874. -----. The same. Compendio de percussao e auscnltacao. Trad, do original allemao por Joao Felix Pereira e revisto pelo Dr. P. F. Da- costa Alvarenga. 8°. Lisboa, 1874. -----. Rigakuteki teicho shinron. [A new treatise on auscultation and percussion; transl. by Sakurai Ikujiro.] 3 v. 12 . Tokio, 1*76. Japanese text. Noll (J.) * Du bruit de souffle dans h-s ma- ladies chirurgicales. sa cause, sa valeur diagnos- tique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1-70. Physikalischen (Die) Untersuchungsmetho- den, oder Anwendung der Inspection, Palpation, Mensnratiou, .Succussion, Percussion, Ausculta- tion und auscultatorischcn Percussion im gesun- den und kranken Zustande. Xach Barth et Henri Roger . . . und Hughes, H. M., zusain- niengestellt von 1). Friedrich Wilhelm Theile. 8°. Weimar, 1-55. Rotger (H.) * Einige seltnere Caverncnge- rausche. 8°. Wiirzburg, I860. Simon (P.) Manuel de percussion ct d'auscul- tation. 12°. Paris, 1*97). Skoda (J.) Abhandlung iiber Perkussion und Auskultation. 8:. Wien, 1839. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. 8:. Wien, 1850. -----. Tbe same. A treatise on ausculta- tion and percussion. Transl. from tbe 4. ed., by W. O. Markbain. 8-. London, 1853. -----. The same. Auscultation and percus- sion. Transl. from the 4. ed., by W. O. Mark- ham. 8''. Philadelphia, 1-54. _____. The same. Trait6 de percussion et d'auscultation; traduit de l'allemand sur la 4. M., avec des notes et des remarques par le Dr. V.-A. Aran. 8J. Paris, 167,4. Auscultation. Steinthal (C. F. ) * Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehnugs- weise des vesicnlaren Athmungsgerausches. 8°. Heidelberg, 1885. Stokes(W.) Two lectures on the application of the stethoscope to the diagnosis and treatment of thoracic disease. 8°. Dublin, 1826. Townsend (R.) Uebersicht der hauptsiich- lichsten Zeichen, welche die Auscultation und Percussion darbieten, sowie der Anwendung der- selben zur Diagnose der Lungeii-Krankheiten. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Julian v. Szo- tanski. fol. Darmstadt, 1836. Vander Donckt (I.-F.) Rdsum6 pratique d'auscultation et percussion a l'usage des etu- diants eu mddecine. 8". Bruxelles, 1865. Vierordt ([K.]H.) Kurzer Abriss der Per- cussion uud Auscultation. b-\ Tiibingen, 1664. -----. Tho same. 3. Aufl. 8-. Tiibingen, 1-90. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Tubingen, 1895. Vogel (F.) * Ueber Pectoralfremitus bei den verscbiedenen Krankheiten. 8°. Wiivzbuvg, 1689. Wagner (K.) * Ueber eiu musikalisches Ge- riiusch an der Spitze des Thorax. [Jena.] 8°. Salzungen, 1891. Aufi-t-clit. Ueber (lie Entstehung des Bronchial-At- nieiis. In his: Path. Mitt., 8°, Magdeb., 1881, 81-89.— Barclay (R.) Tlie personal equation ; a suggestion con- cerning diagnosis by auscultation. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. St. Louis, 1888, xxxi, 81-89.—Barely (A.) De lausculta'- tion des bruits cesopbagiens pendant la deglutition et des modifications de ces bruits dans certains etats patbologi- ques thoraciques. Rev. de nied., Par., 1884, iv, 652-655.— Baric (E.) Sur la pathogenie du bruit de galop. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 814-817. A ho : Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 595. -----. Lt- bruit de galop. Semaine med., Par., 1833, xiii, 473-476. Aho, transl: Med. "Week, Par., 1893, i, 524-528. -----. Les souffles cardiopulmo- naires. Abeille m6d., Par., 1S95, Iii, 258-202.-Barth (II.) Bruit de souffle. Diet, encvcl. (1. sc. med., Par., 1K81. 3. s., x, 539-590.—Bernoud ((J.) & Belaud (0.) Sur tin bruit pulinonaire crepitant synchrone aux batti-nients de l'aorte dilutee. Province med., Lyon, 189."., ix, 423-420.—Bcltel- licim (K.) & Gncrtncr (G.) Ueber ein neues Instru- ment zur Inteusitatsmessungder Auscnltationsphanoniene. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 629-632.—Bew ley (U. T.) On the diagnostic value of venous humming murmurs in the neck; a study in statistics. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ire- land, Dubl, 1890-91, ix, 124-128. —Blake (C. J.) The telephone and microphone in auscultation. Boston Ml & S. J., 1880, ciii, 486. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soe. M. Im- prove. (1880-82), is83.viii, pp. lxi-lxiv.—Bo«oli|»off (L.) K teorii stotoskopa. Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1886, civ, pt. 3, 23-58.—Bonilct. Etude sur la respiration; recherches physiologiques sur lo mecauisnie des bruits respiratoires. Mem. et compt.-nnd. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1864, iii, 156-170.—Bornari (C.) Ricerche sul sof- fio sottoclavicolnre. Riv. rliu.. Milano, 1889, xxviii, 321- 335. A ho, Reprint. — Brancaccio (F.) Di mi caso di soffio sistolico cavernoso; contribuzione alia semiotica. Ann. clin. d. Osp. d. incur, in Napoli, 1887, 37-51.—Bi-iin- niclic (A.) Et ikko noksom paaagtet ausknltntonsk Fsenomen. [On some insufficiently noted auscultatory phenomena.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1881, 2. R.. viii, 601- 604. -----. Autofoni. Ibid.. 788-790. — Bnllar (J. F.) Experiments to determine the origin of the respiratory sounds. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1884, xxxvii, 411-422. -----. On the breath sounds of health and disease. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1885, xxi, 191-209. — t'aiilani (A.) Kurze Mittcilung iiber die (liagnostische Yerwer- tung der Fortpflanzung des Atmungsgerauscbes iiber den Unterleib, namentlich bei Pneumoperitoneum. Centralbl. 1. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1883, xxi, 113-115.—Cary (C.) The production of tubular breathing in consolidation and other conditions of tho lungs. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1892, vii, 313-323. — t'a*H-x (E.) Note sur une loi fondamentale dans la theorie de l'auscultation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par.. i894, 10. s., i, 805-J-07. -----. Fvtiule Liinerale de l'auscultation do l'appareil respiratoire. Arch de phvsiol. norm, et path.. Par., 1895. 5. s., vii, 225- 23s.—rnltatioBi. immgs-Geriinscli. N. Yorker med. Presse, 1886, ii, 47-54.— Crook (J. K ) The diagnostic significance of the venous and arterial murmurs in the neck, based on examinations of fifteen hundred persons. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. 8.. cv, 167-173— Dchio (IC.) Experiment!- iiber die Entstehung des vesiiuliiivn Athmungsgerauscbes. Yer- handl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1889, 370-376.- Drvoto (L.) Sulla trasmissione del mormorio vescieolare e del Inmito vocale attraverso i liquidi pleurici. Lavori d Cong, di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1*93], v, 214. Also: Cron. (1. clin. med. di Genova, 1893-5, 375-383.— Dueiias Gaznmri (R.) Estertor crepitante. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant, de Chile, 1880-81, ix, 257-272. — Dnroziez (P.) Diagnostic des bruits organiques et inorganiques du cceur. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1883), 1884, xviii, 102- 114. -----. De l'auseultat ion delaine. Ibid. (18851,1886, xx, 72-76. Also: Union med., Tar.. 1885, 3. s., xl, 193-195. -----. Du double souffle crural; (le sa formation. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1889), 1890, xxiv, 160-162. -----. De la presystole. Ibid.. 151-154. —F. (L.) Sul lantolo crepitante fisiologico. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1881. 8. s., iii. 331-333.—Fede (F.l Del rumore sotto- clavicolare. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, IsM. vi, 405-410.— Feileli (C.) Intorno alia genesi dei suoni non eavitari tinipanico e di pentola t'essa. Raecoglitore nied.. Forli, 1887, 5. s., iii, 345-353.—Feletli (R.) Sulla causa della normale ipoionesi della fossa sottoelavieolare destra. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1881, 3. s., i, 100.—Flint (A.) A uni- form nomenclature of auscultatory sounds in the diagnosis of diseases of tho chest. Cong, period, internal, d. sc. ined. t'ompt.-rend. 18M. Copenh., 1880, ii, Sect, de med., 11-23. — Fourmcaiix (L.) Une forme frequente d'asys- tolie pulmonaire parti< lie (asystolie lobaire). J. d. se. med. de Lille, Isii.V ii, 2n:i-3oo. — Cabbi (U) Delia pro- pagazione del rumore respiiatorio nella cavita gastrica id addominale c della sua importanzadiagnostiea. Riv. clin.. Milano. 1889, xxviii, 177-200. — Galliard (L.) Le bruit de pot file. Med. mod., Par., h-'X,, vi 597: 601. Also: Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1895, xvi, 1340. — (»alvagni (L.) Sul crepitio xifoideo o peritonitico. Liv. clin. di Bologna, 1881, 3. s, i. 449-469.—Garland (G. M.) Tbe letter s curve. X. York M. J., 1879, xxx, 494-502. A ho, Reprint.— Gee (S.) The theory of the breathing sounds heard by auscultation. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1890, xxvi, 103- 105.—Gcigel (R.) Die akustische Leistung vou Cotnnm- nicatioiisrdliren und Siethoskopen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1895, cxi. 165-191. — Oelle. Auscultation transauiiculairc. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 18i-2, 7. s., iv, 307-309.- Greene (G. E. J.) Morbid stethosoopic sounds (not produced by disease in patient). Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 18S9, n. s., xlviii, 546.—Guenean de HIiinmv ( N.) Elude sur l'auscultatiou plessiu:e,i-ique. Inhis: Clin, nied., 8°, Par., 1885, iv, 1-16. -----. fitudo sur la valeur senielotique des vibrations thoraciques. Ibid., 17-25.—Hanpt. Die Schalhvahrnehmuug beider Auscultation. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 395- 398.—von Holowinski (A.) Physiologische und klini- scho Auweudungeu eines neuen Mikrophons C-Rhyth- mophons"), beider Auscultation von Ilerz-und Pulsbewe- guiigen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1893, xxiii, 363-368.— JoIiiinoii (G.) On certain differences in tho physical signs beni ath the clavicles, on the two sides of tho chest, iu healthy subjects. In his: Med. Lect. & Essays, sD, Lond.. 1887, 480-4*5.—KloeUhof (C. A.) Dissertiitiodo strcpitu in pectore inter potanduin, de prolapsu ad pedes, et siiuilibus acutorum symptomatis. In his: Opuscula medica omnia, 8°, Jeuse et Lipsia.% 1772, 161-184.—I.aza- rrvitdi (I. P.) Plessimetro-stetoskop. Yrach, St. I'e- tersli., 1880.i,636-638.—Iiemnislre(l>.) Preseiieedu bruit amphonque dans deux affections differeutes. J. Soe. do med. et pharm. de la Hante-Yieune, Limoges. 1887. xi, 131- 135. — I.epine (L.) Contribution a l'etude des vibrations thoraciques. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (18791, 1880. xix, 180-184. [Discussion], pt. 2, 131. —I.e. winnlci. Zur Lehre von den Auscultationsnnthoilen. Berl. Klin. AVchnschr., 1882, xix, 82-85. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. nied. Gesellsch. (1881-2), 1883, xiii, pt. 2, 25-34.— Iilambias .Tlir (J.) Piaulement. Ann. d. Circ. med. argent , Iiuenos Aires, 1894, xvii, 64-67.—liOtli (C.) Sull' origine dei rumori respiratorii in genere e della broncofo- nia in ispecie, secondole idee di Laennec edi Skoda. Iiidi- pendente. Torino:1880. xxxi. 737 : 759; 781. Also, Reprint.— l.yomict (B.) Du In uit ile galop. Province med., Lyon, 18'i3 vii .^34; 247 — tl ,-i i-ianini (V.) Intorno al freinito p- ttor.ili u voc.ile. il- >i di laurea.) Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1«83, 3. s.. iii, 914-921.— ?lar«li (F. (J.) Tho mechanism of some chest sunmls. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxxi 255.—??Iav* iT. J.) Pulmonary auscultation don'ts. Med. H, v, 241-268. -----. Intrathoracic auscultation as a means of physical diagnosis. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xvi. 31- 38. Aho: Asclepiad, Lond., 1892. ix, 371-380. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1037-H>:!9.—Roosevelt (J. W.) An automatic plexor and pleximeter for use iu auscultatory percussion. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 510. — RoNCiibach I (O.) Ueber pseudopulmonale nnd pseudopleiiralo Geia'u- sche. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 37.—Runiino ! (G.) Sur les lois qui reglent la transmission de la paiolo epelee aphoniquonieut a- travers le poumon et les liquides endopleuretiques do differeute nature. Yerhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890. Berl, 1891, ii. 5. Abth., 42-45.— SaiiiMbm-y (II.) Note on the venous muimur as heaul in the chest: a practical point. Lancet, Lond., 1896. i, 540-542.—Schrottcr. Mittheilungiiberein von der Ilerz- action abhangiges. an derLungenspitzeeinzelner Kraiikt-r wahrnehmbares Geransch. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. j Wissensch., Wien. 1872, lxv, 165-108.—Sccrctan (II.) | Notes sur quelques phenoiuenes d'auscultation et de per- cussion. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, li-)^9, ix, 44; 65.—Mclirwald ( E. ) Die Plegaphonie; eine neuo diagnostische Methode bei Ausfall der Bronchophonie. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Yer. v. Thiiriugen, Weimar, l<-89, xviii, 61-64. -----. Die Plegaphonie; eine neue diarios tische Methode bei Ausfall der Bronchophonie. .Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 2; 2".—Niuioiiini I (L.) Nuovo rirerche sulla trasmissione della voce at'ona attraverso liquidi di varia natura. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, lt-87, ii, 105; 166; 215. — Mokolowski (A.) Przyczynek do nauki orozpoznawaniu jam siichotuiczych. I [Observations ou "'bruit de pot fel6" in the cavities of tho lungs.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1877, v, 077; 693; 709.— Spittal (R.) Experiments and observations on the causo of the sounds of respiration. Edinb. M. & S.J.. 18::9. li.99- 111. Also, Reprint. — Steell(G.) Bronchial breath-sounds. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1886, iv, 454-460. -----. On certain fallacious auscultatory signs. Ibid., 1890-91, xii, 461-465.—Taylor (F.) Au unusual case of cardio-pul- nionary bruit. Tr. Clin. Soe. Lond., 1880, xiii, 365-368.— Toubin. Modification des bruits respiratoires sous l'in- fluence des lesions laryngees. Rev. med. de la Franche- Comte, Besancon, 1893, ii, 101-108.—T ran be (L.) Zur Lehre von den aus der Entfernung hiirbaren Geriiuschen am Respirations-Apparate. In his: Ces. Beitr z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl, 1878, iii, 621-623.—Tussey (A. E.) The crepitant idle frequently found in apparent health. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 102.—Vanni (L.) Nuovo contributo clinico alia legge della ditfusiono nel! area gastrica dei ru- mori oriel e valvulari. Raecoglitore med., Forli, 1887, 5. a., iv, 525-553. -----. II rumore. sistolico della pulmonale da compressione meccauica. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 502-515. —Vinoaradoflf (X. A.) Sluchai venoznago shuma pod mechevidniiu otrostkom grudnoi kosti. | Ve- nous murmur over eiisiforni process of sternum.] Dnev- nik Obsh. vrach. gKazani, 1883. vii, 153-155 —White (W*. IL) A case ot pulmonary murmur. Intermit.Cliu., l'hila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 82-91, 1 pl. — Widmann (l).)# Przypadek zwe^enia tetnicy pluci ej. [Systaltic bruit of lungs.| Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1881. xx, 469-472.—Woillez. Du son tympauique ou tvmpanisme thoracique dans les mala- dies.' Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1856-8), 1864. iii, 144-148 — Wyllic (J.) On extra-auscultation. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., imii::. i. 48-C8 — Znniboni ( B. ) Dei soffi auemici; appuuti di semeiotica medica. Gazz. d. osp., Milauo, 1893, xiv, 1162-1167. Aliscil I tat iOBl (Abdominal). See Auscultation (Cbsteivic). Auscultation (Cranial and cerebral). DE Feyfeu(0. II.) * Over een geruisch waar- necinbaar aau den kindersehedel. [Leyden ] 8i. Te Hoovu, 1661. R(h;i;k (H.) Clinical researches on ausculta- | lion of the head. [Transl. from the French by Alfred Meadows.] 8". London, 1803. See, aho, infra. AUSCULTATION. 807 AUSSBNAO. Auscultation (Cranial and cerebral). Vkkslni (L.) * Jusqu'a quel poiut l'ausculta- tion peut-elle eclairer le diagnostic des maladies de l'eucephale ? II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1839. Epstein (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis des systolischen Schiidelgerausches der Kinder. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 181; 189.— Osier (W. ) On the systolic brain murmur of children. Boston M. &. S. J., 1880, ciii. 29. Also, Reprint.—Rilliet (F.) Historische und kritische Lnter- suchungen iiber das Behorchen des Schiidels bei Kindern. J. f. Kiuderkr.. Erlang., 1860, xxxv, Hft. 7 & 8, 1-23.— Roger (IL) Recherches cliniques sur l'auscultation de la tete Mem. Acad, de med., Par.. 1860, xxiv, 39-66. [See, also, supra.}—Tripier (R.) Note sur lo souffle c6pha- lique de l'adnlte cousidere au niveau des regions orbi- taires. Rev. de med., Par., 1881, i, 785-795. Auscultation (Obstetric). CAXTACi'zfeXE (C.) *Des foyers d'ausculta- tion en obstetrique. 4°. Paris, 1864. Mlxko (A.) Dissertation on the use of the stethoscope in obstetrics. -°. Glasgow, [n. d.]. Oi.STHEicuKR (J.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Uteringt-riiusch wiihrend der Srhwaiigerschaft, der (ieburt und des Wochenbettes. 8°. ll'iirz- burg, 1891. \Vrede ( H. ) * De signis auscultatoriis in utero gravido oriundis eoruinque iu diagnosi dignitate. 8J. Berolini. [167)7]. Railly. Recherches sur le souffle uterin apres l'ac- couchemeut. Arch de tocol.. Par.. 1S74, i, 449-471.—Bu- din (P.) Note sur uu procede qui permet de mieux con- stater les caracteres de la region dorsale du foetus lorsqu'on pratique la palpation abdominale et de mieux entendre les bruits du coeur foetal lorsqu'on pratique l'auscultation a la fin de la grossesse. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1881. 6. s., iii, 296. Aho: Progres med.. Par., 1881. ix, 397 —C'liampiicys (F. H.) Observations on the uterine bruit. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1880i. 18x7.xxviii, 1.88-204. —Du«es (A.) Nouvelles reflexions sur l'auseultat ion appliquee a l'art des accouche- mens. Rev. med. franQ. et etrang.. Par., 1822, ix, 40-45.— Flandriu. Quelques mots sur la maniere de noter les resultats foitrnis par l'auscultation du coeur foetal; de- scription dun schema imagine & cet effet. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1893, xvii. 56-CL—llohl. Klinische Mit- theilungen iiber das Pterin-Placentarstellengeransch. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1849, i, 61. — IHLHnrrich ( M.) Report of a case with funic soufUe Glasgow M. J., 1881, xvi, 416-418. — Mayor (A.) Note sur l'auscultation si- multanee des cceurs des deux foetus dans la grossesse ge- mellaire. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rora., Geneve. 1886, vi, 690-693.—Parvin (T.) Placenta or uterine souffle .' Am. Pract, Louisville, 1881, xxiii, 198-2o2.—Pilat. Lecuii sur 1 auscultation appliquee a la grossesse. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, lr-fl. xxi, 37-55. — Rizzoli (F.) Delia sede del soffio proprio della gestazione ndito anche in una gra- vidanza estra-uterina peritoneale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1879. 6. s., iv, 400-413. Also, transl.: Ann. Soc. med.- chir. de Liege, 1880, xix, 67; 115. Alisderau ( Carl ). * Die moderne Hernien- Radicalopcration unter antiseptischen Caute- len. [Bern.] 99 pp. *. Zurich, F. Lohbauer, [i860]. Aliserleseiie Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Augenheilkunde. Hrsg. von einem Angen - arzte. 1. & 2. Hft. lpl., 247 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 6"J. Berlin. A. Fbrstner, 1838. Aliserleseiie Abhandlungen, praktischen und chirurgischen Innhalts, aus den philoeophischen Transaktionen und Sammlungen ... See Royal Society of London. Aiiscrieseaie Beobachtungen der medizinischeu wetteiferndeu Gesellschaft zu Paris. Aus dem Franzosischen mit Aumerkungeu. v. 1-3,1802-3. 6°. Leipzig. Alisei'h seiie Sammlung der besten medicini- schen und chirurgischen Schriften. v. 40-50, 55- 7)6 in 6 v. 12°. Frankenthal, L. B, F. Gegel, 1791-4. v. 42 and 43 wanting, being v. 3 and 4 of Frank's system. CONTENTS. J P. Frank's System einer vollstandigen medicinischen Polizey. Aiisfeldt (Job. Christoph). s>g Aimlccltcntlcr Seuehe. welche dieses 1713. Jahr. 1 u \ 4-1 \n p n. d. | — Vier Tractatlein von der An steckeuden Seuehe |etc.j [ml. s.|. 4=. Hamburg. 1714 Alisfillll'liclie Beschreibung so wohl des Schinidt'schen-Augeu-Was8ers als auch dessel- ben Haupt und Fluss Schnupf-Tabaks, nebst Verhaltuugs-Regeln nach welchen diejenigen, so mit Augen- und Kopf-Beschwerdeu beliaftet sind, sich zu richten, und im Anfange, wahrend der und nach vollendeter Kur ihre Augen, Ge- sicht uud Kopf zu behandeln haben. 70 pp. 8°. Leipzig, d. Verfasser, 1803. AllsfiilirlicliC (Jeschichte der Hunde, von ihrer Natur, verscbiedenen Arten, Erziehung, Abrich- tung, Krankheiten und mauuigfaltigen pharma- ceutischen Gebrauch. xxiv, 374 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Leipzig, W. G. Sommer, 1761. Preface is signed: Kynophilus Actaeon. Alisfiilirliclie Krankengeschichte eines Fall- siichtigen mit den Katligebiingen dreier verstor- beuer Aerzte, des Vcrfassers, des . . . Geueral- Chirurgi Theeden zu Berlin, und des grossen Professors Stoll zu Wien, aus dem Lateiuischen iibersetzt nnd hrsg. von E. vi, 221 pp. 12°. Bremen, F. Wilmans, 1600. Ausftilirlicliei' Bericht von der Artzney, Es- sentia dnlcis genannt, durch welche unter dem Seegeu Gottes, allerley schwere Krankheiten, Gicht, Epilepsie, Stein, allerley Gebrechen an Augen, auch wenn sich Felle angesetzet, Man- gel am Gehor, Coutractur, u. d. gl. bissher curi- ret worden, zum drittenmal und verbessert in Druck gegeben. 41 pp., 2 1. 4°. Halle, Way- senhaus, 1703. Ausg'illlK' (Ueber den) der cyanotischeu Indura- tion der Niere in Granularatrophie. Herrn Ober- medizinalrat Professor Dr. Bollinger zur Feier seines fiiufzigsteu Geburtstages gewidmet. I. Teil. Ueber das Vorkommen von Nierenschrum- pfuug bei Zustiinden allgemeiner venoser Stau- uug, von Ludwig Horn. II. Teil. Weitere his- tologische Mitteilungen iiber Granularatrophie als Ausgang cyanotischer Induration, vou Hans Sihmaus. Aus dem pathologischen Institut zu Miinchen. 3 p. 1., 102 pp., 3 1., 3 pl. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1893. Atisin (Joh.) *Das Eisen in der Linse. (Aus der Universitiits-Augenklinik des Prof. Fuchs in Wien.) 61 pp., 1 1., 1 col. pl. 8°. Dorpat, H. Laalcmann, 1691. AuspitZ (Heinrich) [1835-81)]. Allgemeine Pa- thologie und Therapie der Haut. In: Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1883, xiv, 1. Hlft., 137-298. ------. The same. Pathologie et therapeutique generales des maladies de la peau. Traduction du docteur A. Doyon. v, 270 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Masson, 1HK7. ------. Zur Therapie der Hautkrankheiten. Ue- ber die Applikation von Arzneistoti'en auf die Hunt in dunneii, festhaftenden Schichten. 10 pp. 8°. [ Wien, 1**\].] Repr.from: Wien. med. Wchuschr., 1883, xxxiii. See. also, von llcbi-n (H.) [in 1. s.]. System der Haut- krankheiten. 8°. Wien, 1881. ------ & ITiina. (Paul). Zur Pathologie der syphilitischen Initial-Sclerose. pp. 107-200, 4 pl. 8°. Wien, C. Ueberreuter, 1677. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat.,' Wien. 1877, iv. For Biography, see Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1886, xxxi, 271 (Finnen. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1886 2. s?, vii. 325-327 (E. Besnier & A. Doyon). Aho: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii. 368 (O. Lassar). Also: Mifcth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Xied. Oest., Wien, 1886, xii, 150-152 (Hock). Also: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat.. Hamb., 18*6. v, 237-240 (Uuna). Aho. Keprint. Aho.- Vrtljschr. f Dermat., Wien, 1886, xiii, pp. i-x (F. J. Pick). Aho: Wien. med Bl, 1886, ix, 681. Aho: Wien. med. Wchn- schr.. 1886, xxxvi, 797 (Kaposi). Aiissenue (II.) * Contribution a l'dtude des kystes du maxillaire infdrieur. 45 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. G. AUSSET. 808 ArSTKALASIAX. Aiissot (Daniel) [1859- ]. *Du traitement de la cataracte molle par la me"thode de l'aspira- tion. 7li pp. 4l. Paris, 1**2, No. 2til. Alison (Edouard-Lonis) [1.-66- ]. 'Contri- bution a retude de 1'histogenese du carcinonie testiculaire. (12 pp., 3 pl. 4. Bordeaux, 1869, N«. ]. tlaiini! (A.) Kraukheits-und Sterblichkeitsverhalt- nisse in Aussig im Jahre 1^7. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1S8S, xiii, 176. AllSSlc$riiiig° und Beschreybung der Anatomi oder warliafl'ten Abeontt-rfetiing eines inwendi- gen Corpers des Manns und YYeybes, mit Erkle- ruug seiner innerliclieu Gclider, wie und wohyn eiu yedes von Gott ersehaffen und geordnet, das mensclilieh Lebeu zu anffenthalten. Dem ge- uieinen Menschen zu einem kurtzen und ver- stendlichen Bericht. 12 1. sm. 4 '. [Xiirnbcrg, H. Guhlcnmnndt], 1539. -----. The same. Ausslegung uud Beschrei- bung der Anat homy, oder warhafften Abconter- fetuug eines inwendigen Corpers des Manns uud Weibs, mit Erklerung seiner innerliclieu Gclider, wie und wohin ein Jt-iles von Gott erschaft'en und geordnet, das mensclilieh Lebeu zu auffeut- halten. Dem geineynen Menschen zu einem kurtzen und verstentlichen Bericht. 14 1. sin. 4J. [Strassburg, J. Frolich, 1514.] Aussotll'tl (Paul) [1-54- ]. *De l'elevation dr la temperature daus les ndoplasuies et en particulier dans le cancer du foie. 48 pp. 4-, Paris, 1—2. No. 92. Aust (.Carl [Friedrich Wilhelm]). " Beitrag zur Ih-hatidlung der Empyeme mittels der Biilau- sclien Aspirations-Drainage. 55 pp. * . Kiel, H. Fienckc, L-92. Aust ([Carl Rudolf] Georg) [1*66- ]. *Die Iulliienza-E])idemie der Jahre 1-91-2 nach Be- obachtungen in der stiidt. Krankenanstalt zu Konigsberg i. Pr. mit ln-souderer Beriicksichti- uuug der Psychoseu. 1 ]». 1 , 57 pp., 2 1. 8C. 'h'iinigsberg i."Pr„ M. Liedtke, 1*94. Austell (Josephus Lrulielmus). *Disp. qmedam de purpura hteniorrhagica eomplectens. 1 |i. 1., 27 pp. 8P. Edinburgi, Abernethy et Walker, 1620. Austen (Peter T[o\vnsend]) [1-52- ]. The relation of alutninii- and ferric salts to plant life. 5 pp. -. [Xew York, 1*85.] Repr.from: School of Mines Quart., X. Y., 18^4-5, vi. ----- A Wither (Francis A.) Report on the purification of drinking water by alum. 4 pp. 8 . [Trenton, 18-4.] Repr. from: Auuual report of the State geologist of New Jersey, 1S84. Austen (Philip II.). Nc- Harris (Chapin A.i A- \i:»!.n ( Ph. II.) Traite tlieorii|ueet pratique de l'art du dentiste r>-tc.]. 8°. Paris, 1.-S74. Allstili, Texas. Annual report of the city physi- cian forthe year 1-79. 2 1. 4". Austin, 1-60. Austin, Texas—continued. j -----. Annual reports of Ihe mayor and other officers to the citv council for the' vears 1 --'.»-'.»(I | to 1893-4. *°. Austin, 1601-7). Contains reports of the city engineer, city marshal city physician, and board of public works. Austin (A. E.) Clinical value of renal casts. 3 pp. &°. Philadelphia, 1894. Repr.from: Internal. M. Mag., Phila., 1801-5, iii. Austin (C. K.) [1857- ]. 'Sur le diagnosi ic precoce des neoplasmes de la vosie et du rein au moyen du cystoseope. 04 pp. 4 . I'aris, 1600, No. 265. Austin (David) [1760-1831]. The millenial door thrown open, or the mysteries of the latter day glory unfolded, in a discourse delivered at East Windsor, State of Connecticut, July fourth, 1799, the twenty-third year of the declaration of in- dependence of the United States. 48 pp. 12:. East Windsor, L. Pratt, 1799. Austin (C Lowell). The physicians' pocket manual and year-book, iv, 5-176 pp. 24-. Bos- ton, the author, l*-0. Austin (H. L.) Best thoughts. A souvenir of our trip to the city of Mexico. Edited by H. L. Austin, Evansville, Wis. 16 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Evansville, Wis., H. M. Antes, 1893. Austin (Henry). Croydon draiuage. Further report from the consulting engineer 1o the Gen- j oral Board of Health on the Croydon drainage. (Presented by command of Her Majesty. Or- dered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 20 Aug.,'1*53.) 33 pp. 8°. [London, 1*53.] See, also, Great Britain. General Board of Health [in 1. s.J. Statement of the preliminary inquiry |etc). 8°. London, 1853. Austin (Ivers J.) An address delivered before the corps of cadets of the United States Mili- tary Academy, June, 1*42. 18 pp. rt-. Xew York, Wiley $■ Putnam, 1642. Austin (.lacobus). *Disp. qmedam de hepati- tiile eomplectens. 2 p. 1., 27 pp. 8-. Edin- burgi, J. Moir, 1820. Austin (J[ohu] A[lfred]). Ambulance sermons, being a series of popular essays on medical and allied subjects. xvi, 3*4 pp. 12°. London, G. Bed way, 1687. Austin (Louis W.) & Tli wing (Charles B.) Exercises in physical measurement, x, 198 pp. 12 . Boston, Align <,• Bacon, 1896. Austin Hospital for Incurables, Melbourne. Annual report of the committee of manage- ment to the subscribers. 1., 18*2-3. 15 pj). ,--, Melbourne, Miller <\- Sayers, 1883. Australasia. See, also, Australia; Materia medica of vari- ous countries; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Small-pox (History, etc., ofi), by countries; Solo- mon Islands; Tasmania. Bui'ck (L.) The A'ustvalasian medical direc- tory and handbook. yJ. Sydney, 1883. Coghi.ax (T. A.) A statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia. 8 . Sudnei/, 1601. Vntouia. Australasian statistics. Compiled from official returns, with a report by the government statist of A7ictoria. 11.-13., 1-8:1-;"). in!. Melbourne, 1**1-6. UStralasiail Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Reports of meetings. 1., 1***; 3.-5., 1*91-3. *-'. Sydney, 1889-91. ustralasiau (Tlie) Journal oi' Pharmacy. Published under direction of the Pharmaceuti- cal Society of Australasia. The organ of phar- macy in the Australasian colonies, devoted to the advancement of pharmaceutical knowledge. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, June, 1*h;,; v. 1-9, ]*,^3_94. s°. Melbourne. AUSTRALASIAN. 809 AUSTEIA. Australasian (The) Medical directory and handbook. Edited and compiled by Ludwig Bruck. 194 pp. * . Sydney, Austral. M. Giu. Ofi'., 166X ------. Thesame. Including a general gazetteer and road guide and local medical directory of Australasia. 2. issue, v, 269 pp. * . Si/dney, Austral. M. Ga:. Off., 1666. ------. The same. 3. ed., corrected up to Aug. 31, 1*92. 2p. 1., 237 pp. *G. Sydney i\-London, 1692. An tralasiau (The) Medical Gazette. The official organ ol the combined Australasian branches of the British Medical Association. Edited by Frederick Milford. [Monthly.] v. 1-15, 18*1-96. sm. 4s. Sydney. Current. In v. 2, J. iL Creed In-eann- editor, v. 2 | complete in 15 nos. Australasian t,Tlie1 Medical and Surgical He- view. Sec Medical (The) and Surgical Review. [Australasian.] Australasian (The) Veterinary Journal. A monthly journal of veterinary science. Edited by Graham Mitchell, T. Chalwin, and W. T. Ken- dall, v. 1, 1**2. 8~. Melbourne. Ended. Australia. Ste. aho, Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, History, etc., ofi), by localities; Great Britain; Hospitals (Descrijitions, etc., of), In- sane (Care, etc., of), by localities; New South Wales; Quarantine (Beports on, etc.), by coun- tries; Queensland; South Australia; Statis- tics (Vital), by localities; Universities; Vacci- nation (His'ory, etc., of), by localities. Chamiek (G.) Australian timber. 8 . Lon- don, 1**7. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Engineers, Lond., 1886-7, lxxxix, pt. 3. Plants collected in Capricornic Western Aus- tralia, by H. S. King, esq., and recorded by Baron von Mueller. Read 15th of June, 1886. 8-'. Melbourne, 1886. Bancroft (J.) Various hygienic aspects of Austra- lian life. Hep. Australas. Ass. Adv. Se. 1883, Sydney [1889], i, 494-504— Bui-ridge (A. F.) On the rates of niorialitv in Australia. J. Inst. Actuaries, etc., Lond., 1883-4. xxiv, 333-358.— Gciland (G.) Das Aussterlien der Eiugeborenen Ausiralieus. Jahresb. d. Ver. f. Lid knnde 1880, Metz. 1881. iii, 160-199. —Jamieson (J.i Contributions to the vital statistics of Australia. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1881-2. i, 103; 129: 162. Also, Reprint. -----. Childbirth mortality in Australian colo- nies. Tr. Intercolon. M. Cons. Australas. 1*87, Ade- laide, 1888. i, 2ii8-272.—ItlacLnnrin ("H. X.) Compara- tive view of tbe mortalitv of the ditli rent colonies from certain diseases. Intercolon. M. Long. Tr., Melbourne, leS9, ii, 401-433. Australian Health Society. Wall sheet, Xo. HI. Prevention of infectious diseases. Broad- ^side, 12 by 20 inches. Melbourne, Walker, May ,y Co.. [1***]. Australian (The) Medical Gazette, a journal of medical science, literature, and news. [Semi- monthly.] Nhs. 1-47 (v. 1-3), Jan. 30, 1860, to Dec, 1.-71. 3 v. sm. 4-. Melbourne. Want no. 24. Jan , 1870. In Jan., 1870, became monthly. Xo. 47, Dec., 1871, last published. Australian (The) Medical Journal. Edited under the superintendence of the Medical So- ciety of Victoria. [Quarterly.] X. s., v. 2-17, ls*6-fJf>. 8°. Melbourne. In Jan., 1896, united with: Intercolonial Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, forming: Intercolo- nial Medical Journal of Australasia. In. 1864 became monthly. In 1880 et seq., edited by "VV. Moore aud G. A. Syme. AnstraliaBis. Keeerstein (W.) Bemerkungen iiber das Skelett eines Anstraliers vom Stamme Warn a m- bool. 4\ Dresden, 1*67>. Lax<; ( G. S ) The aborigines of Australia, in their original condition and in their relations Australians. with the white men. A lecture delivered . . . July 12, 186.">, iu aid of the Leichhardt Search Fund. 8 . Melbourne, 1867). Macalistek (A.) Notes ou the skeleton of an aboriginal Australian. 8°. [Dublin, 1878.] Cuttim; from.- I'roc. Hoy. Soc. Dubl, 1877-8, n. s., i, pt. 2, 63-65.' DE QtJATiiEKAGEs. Kapport sur le travail de M. Cauvin, intitul6: Kapport sur les mensura- tions ct le.s caracteres morphologiques d'une s6rie de cranes australiens. 8°. [Paris, 1881.] Cutting from: Miss. Scient. [sic], vii. Kkci.ls (K.) Le primitif d'Ausiralie, ou les Non-Nou et les Oui-Oui. Etude d'ethnographie comparee. 12°. Paris, [1*94]. Topinahd (P.) Etude sur les races indigenes de l'Australie. 8°. Paris, 1672. Cooper (C. I).) Xotes on the skull of an aboriginal Australian. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1893-4, xxiii, 153- 156, 1 pl —Cunningham (IL J.) The spinal curvature in an aboriginal Australian. Proc. Ron . Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xiv, 301 ; 487. — Forrest (J.) On the natives of Central and Western Australia. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1875-6, v, 316-321. - Frasi-r (J.) Les aborigines d'AustraIie,i leur antlnopologie; trad, de I'anglais par E. Verrii-r. Bull. Sue. d'ethnog., Par., 1887, 2. s.. i, 30-38.' Also: J. de med.de Par., 1887, xii, 631-643.—Honze (E.) iV Jacques (V.) Communication sur les Australiens du Musee du Nord. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1884-5, iii. 53-153.4 pl.— Ilowitt (A. "W.) Ou some Australian beliefs. J. Anthrop. Inst., Loud., 1883-4, xiii, 185-198. -----. The Dieri and other kindred tribes of Central Australia. Ibid., 3890-91, xx. 30-104, 1 pl. - l.nmlioltz (C.) 116- ponse alinea par alinea, pom- h-s Australiens de Herbert Kiver, au questionu iie de sociologie et d'ethnographie de la Societe. Bull. Soe. d'anthrop. de I'ar.. 1888: :(. *., xi, 648- 662. — 111 a;; a rey (A. T.) Smoke signals of Australian aborigines.' Bep. Australas. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1893, Svdnev. lt-94, V. 498-513.— Jlarcel ((',.) The Australian aborig- ines. [I'rausl from: La Nature.] Pop. Sc. Month.. X. Y., 1881, xix, 680-681. — IVIatlicw (J.) The Australian aborigines. J. it I'roc. Hoy. Soc. X. Soutli Wales, Syd- ney, 1889, xxiii, 335-449, 1 pl, 1 map. -----. The cave paintings of Australia; their authorship and significance. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1893-4, xxiii, 42-52, 4 pl. — Tlalh- ewix (R. H.) The Bora, or initiation ceremonies of the Kamilaroi tribe. Ibid., 1894-5, xxiv, 411-427, 1 pl. -----. Australian rock pictures. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1895, viii, 268-278, 2 pl.—IVotcs on the aborigines of Australia. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1894-5, xxiv, 158-198. — Palmer (E.) Notes on some Australian tribes, I bid.. 1883-4, xiii, 276-334—KeelitM (15.) Contributions a la sociologie des Ausiralieus, institutions politiquea et civiles. Rev. d'an- throp., Par., 1886, 3. s., i, 240-283: 1887, 3. s., ii, 2D: 692.— Kiitlcv (W.) Report on Australian languages and tradi lions. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond.. 1872-3, ii, 257-291.—Rob- eriMon (J. S.) What Australians die of. Internat. il. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, v, 22-30, 2 maps.-Kollcsloii (H.D.) Description of the cerebral hemispheres of an adult Aus- tralian male. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1887-8, xvii, 32-42,1 pl — Stephen* (E.) The aborigines of Australia ; being peisonal recollect ions of those tribes which once inhabited the Adelaide Plains of South Australia J.&Pioc. Boy.Soc. N. South Wales, Sydney, 18.-9, xxiii, 476-503.—Taplin Hi.) I'm thoi- notes on the mixed races of Australia, and their migrations and language. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., ls,t- 5, iv, 52-57. —Topinard. Presentation de trois Austra- liens vivants. Bull. Sou. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1885. 3. s.. viii, <;.«3-t;<>H. —Turner (Sir W.) The relations of thedentary arrades in the crania of Australian aborigines. J. Anat. & Phvsiol., Lond., 1890-91, xxv, 461-472.—Virchow (IL) Leicli'nain eines Australiers. Yerhandl.d. Berl (ieseilsch. f. Antlirop.. 1881, 94-96. -----. Australier. Ibid., 1883, 190-193. -----. Australier von Queensland. Ibid., 1884, 407-418.—Wake (C. S.) Tribal affinities among the ab- origines oi A ustralia. J. Anthrop. Soc. Lond., 1870-71, viii, pp. xiii-xxxii. —Well* (F. H.) The habits, customs, and ceremonies of the aboriginals on the Diamentina, Herbert, aud Eleanor rivers, in East Central Australia. Rep. Australas. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1893, Sydney, 1894, v, 515-522.- WyiMlham (W. T.) The aborigines of Australia. J. & Pro',:. Roy. Soe. N. South Wales, Sydney, 1889, xxiii, 36-42. Austria. See, also, Altenburg; Arco; Army(.l»«'na«. Statistics of); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Directories, etc. (Medical); Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Ty- phoid, Histori/, etc., ofi), Hospitals (Military), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), by localities; Hy- giene (Public, Laws, etc., ofi); Marienbad; AUSTKIA. 810 AUSTRO-n U NO ARY. Ausiibllllg ( Die ) der Zalinheilkunde im Deutschen Reiche. 8 pp. 12°. [Koln, M. Dn Mont-Schaubevg, 1884.] Repr.from: Kolnischc Zeitung, November 5, 1884. Austro - Hungary. Leopoldi des Ersten, neue Iufections-Orduung, wie es iusoeinein auff dem Laud in den Infectious-Saehen zu halten. 46 pp. 4J. Hall in Sachsen, C. Walker, [1680]. -----. Austeckeuder Seuehe, welche dieses 1? 13. Jahr in das Ertz-Hertzogthuin Nieder-Oester- | reich eingeschlicben, griiudlich- iiud ausfiihr- liche Nachricht, sonderbar auf das Land, saint beuothigter Hiilffs-Kettuugs- und Verwahrungs- Mittelu. Aus dem uieder-osterreichisoheu Ge- snndheits-Kath. 79 pp. 16°. Xiirnberg, G. Lehmann, 1713. Another copy bound teith: Botticher (J. G.) Motbo- ruin malignoruin, [etc.]. 16°. Ilamburgi. 1713. The work c. nsists of four treatises, with a preface by Gottfried Kirchoff. Austria. Pest (History, etc., of), by localities; Pesth; Pharmacopoeias; Prisons, etc. (Descriptions, etc., of); Prostitution (History, etc., ofi), Quar- antine (Laws, etc., relating to), Quarantine (Be- ports on, etc.), by conntiies; Scarlatina (Epi- dimics ofi), by localities; Sewage (Disposal of), etc.; Small-pox (History, etc., ofi), by countries; Statistics (Vital), by localities; Universities; Vaccination (History of), Vaccination (Statis- tics of), by countries; Vienna. (Iammn'iog (F. L.) * Austria morbosa (estate. sm. 4 . Vienuce, 1743. IIabekmann (J.) * Austria morbosa per ver. sin. 4 . Vienna', 1743. Mayii (A.) * Austria morbosa autumno. sin. 4°. Vienna?, 174.1. OEsTEKKEiCriiscHEitMedicinal-Schematismns, eutbaltend sainnitlicbe gradnirten und diplo- niirten Aerzte, Thierarzte und Apotheker [etc. J, der im Kciclisratbe vertretenen Konigreiche und Lauder. 1*73; 1**0; 1**5; 1*86; 1*8*; 1-90; 1-92-5. 12 . Wien, 1*74-95. Pachnek ( F. ) Austria morbosa hyeme. sin. 4°. Viennee, 1743. WeimiaCH (A.) Die Deutschen Niederoster- icichs. Fine anthropologische Skizze. * . Wim, 1602. Repr from: Mitth. d. k. u. k. Mil.-San. Com. xi (Samml. med. Schift., xxv). Rewegmii; (Die) der Bevolkerung im Jahre lr-9;l. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1895, vii, 211-215. — Uonntli. Lie ph\>i.>clie Di generation der Bevoikerung in den nio- | dei nen ('iiliiirstaaten mit hesonderer Riicksicht aut Oe-, ti rreieh-Lii-^arn. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894. xxx, yj'J-951. —Kitse (V.) MortalitatstabelleOo>terreich's aufgestellt auf Giund der Yolksziihlum: vom Jahre 1869 und der Sui belisteu und Geburtslisten der Jahre 1865-75. Ztschr. d. k- preuss. statist. Bureau's, Berl., 1881, xxi, 113- 124. —linsy (E.) Die Sterblichkeit in den grossen Stad- ten und (Jenii inilen im Jahre 1886. [From : Statist. Mo natsschr | Oesterr. iirztl. Vereinztg., AVien, W7. \i. 217; 271; 298. Aho: Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Xi.d.- 1. 4-\ Argentorati, apud J. Schottum, 153*. -----. De pueroruni morbis, et symptomatis tuni cu rand is liber. Ex Gnecoruni, Latinorum et Arabum placitis excerptus. Adjecti sunt Hip- poc aph. ali([iiot de noviter natoruni adfeetibus, alii item aphoristici sensus ex variis autboribus, de eorundem l»ona valetudine tuenda. 338 pp., 15 1. 24°. Lugduni, ti. Bouil, 1519. See. also, FoiitamiH (Xicolaus). Comnientarius iu Sebastiauuni Au»triuiu, de puerorum morbis. 2P. Am- stelodami, 1612. CONTESTS. 1. [Diagnosis einer coutagieusen Krankheit, von D. Stockhamer.] 2. Kurtze Anleitung zur Austilguug des bedrohlicheu Pest-Uebels au die Hand gegeben von einem Pest Sorgi-r in Wien iiu Jahre 1713, [von I). Baiitsclmer). 3. Gautz kurtzer und deutlieher Aufsatz wie sich der gemeine Mann uud Arme wider die gegen wartime . . . Seuch . . . selbst schiitzeu und heileu kann, [von 1). vou Drahn). 4. Ausfiihrlicher Bericht wie das Ao. 1713 in der kay- serlicheu Residentz-Stadt Wien und dero Vor-Stadten giassirende Contagium sich nicht allein in Allem dem bis- hero gantz Hungaiu (litrchgelautfent-n Contagio gleiehe, sonderu was es vor Signa invadendi, Symptomata und Eventus habe, [von Joh. Christoph. Ausfeldt]. ----. The same. Nach dem YVienerischeii Ex- emplar in folio. 6 p.l., 130 pp. 4°. [n.p.,n.d.] ----. The same. Vier Tractatlein von der an- steckenden Seuehe . . . Nebst einer Vorrede vim einer schiidlicken Pest-Mediein, zum Druck be- fordert vou einem Hamburgischen Medico [Gott- fried Kirchoff]. 5 p. 1., 130 pp. 4 \ Hamburg, C. Liebeztit, 1714. ----. Griindliche nnd aussfuhrliche Nachricht von der aiisteekeuden Seuehe, welche dieses 1713. Jahr in das Ertz - Hertzogthum Nieder- Oesterreich eiugeschlichen, samt denen bt-no- thigten Hiiltfs-Kettungs-uud Verwahrungs-Mif- teln. Auss dem nieder-osterreichisehen Gesund- heits-Kath. 35 pp. 4°. Wien, J. ran Ghelen, 1713. [P., v. 7b5.] ----. Pest-Beschreibung und Infections-Ord- nung. Welche voruiahls iu besoudern Tracta- ten hrsg., nnumehro aber in eiu Merck zusaminen gezogeu, samt der Anno 1713. zu YVienu in Oes- terreich fur gewesteu Contagion, mit denen dar- gegen gemacht- und beschriebenen Veraustal- tungen, dem gemeiueu Weesen zum Besten in Druck befordert. 2 p. 1., 02 pp. (12 1.), 94-289 pp., 10 1., 1 pl. fol. Wienn in Oesterreich, A. Heyinger, 1727. Consists of two parts, each with a separate title-page, but having a continuous pagination. The title of the first part is as follows: " Pestordnung, oder der gautzen Ge- iuein uutzliehei- Bericht und Gutachten von der Eigen- sehafft und Lrsacheu der Pestilentz iu genere . . . aus . . . Joannis Guiliehui Manuagetta- . . . mauuscriptis genom- men, durch . . . Pauluni de Sorhait . . . veruiehret"; and that ofthe second part is: -'Anderter Theil worhiin-n die so wohl aussc-r- als in dem Land Oesterreich 1713, einge- scblichene Seuehe, griindlieh und ausfiihi lieh besclu ieben, samt denen dargegeii verfasten klugeu Veranstaltungeu deren fiir gekehrten Hiilf- uud Kettungsniittel, wie solche von Zeit zu Zeit von Seiner . . . Ma.jestat Caroli VI. vei- mittels der hierzu besonders angeordueteu geheimbeu Hof- Commission seynd anbefohlen, und vou denen in Sauitats- Sachen nachgesetzten Stelleu beobachtet worden. fol. Wien, 1727. ----. The same. 2 p. 1., 312 pp., 13 1., 1 pl. fol. Wien, J. T. Trattnevn, 176W. ----. Dispensatorium pharinaeeuticum Austri- ;ic<>-Yienuense, in quo hodierna die usualiora medicainenta seeunduin artis n-gulas compo- nenda visuntur, cum sacra- Ca;sarea3 regiseque AUSTRO-H UNGAR Y. 811 AUSTRO-HUNGARY. Austro-Hllllgary-- continued. Catbolieai Majestatis privilegio, snmptibus col- legii pharmaceutic! Vieuneusis. 14 p. 1., 27)1, 9 pp., 2 pl. fol. Viennce Austria', veimpressum apud G. Kurtzbiick, 1744. -----. Neue Apothecker Tax-Ordnung, oder der Werth und Preiss aller, so wohl einfaehen, als zusaimngesezten, theils chymiseli- theils Gale- nischen Artzeneyeu, welche iu deuen Hof-Feld- und Burgerlichen Stadt- YViennerischen Apo- theeken bey jetzigen Zeiten gebriiuchig seyud; verfasset nach dem ncu-iinfgelegten Wienneri- schen Dispensatorio pharmaceutico, aus aller- hSchst koniglichen Befehl dem allgemeinen Weesen, und koniglichen JErario, zum besten hrsg. und publiciret. Mit besonderer konig- lichen Privilegio. 4 p. 1., 72 pp., 1 1. fol. Wienn, G. Kurtzbiick. 1744. German and Latin text. Another copy bound with: Arsruo-HUNGAnY. Dispensa- torium pharmaceutieum. fol. Yiennee, 1744. ■-----. Thesame. 4 p. 1., 72 pp., 11. fol. Wien, J. T. von Trattnern, 1705. German and Latin text. -----. Pharmacopcea austriaco-provincialis. 3 p. 1., 394 pp., 9 1. 8°. Vienna', typ. J. Thonuv nob. de Trattnern, 1774. -----. The same. Ed. quarta anctior. 3 p. 1., 312 pp., 9 1. 8-. Vienna; typ. J. T. nob. de Tratt- nern, 17*0. .■-----. Tbe same. . . . enieudata. viii, 195 pp. 8-\ Vienna?, C. F. Wapplei; 1794. -----. The same. Enieudata nunc primum notis, uberriniis locupletata. xvi, Hi* pp. 8-. Venetiis, typ. S. Valle, 179*. -----. The same. Ed. enieudata. vi, 7-151 pp. 8'. Venetiis, F. A ndreola, 1*19. ■-----. The same. Ed. quarta enieudata. vi (1 I.), 192 pp., 2. 1. 83. Vindobonce, typ. cees. reg. aula' [etc.], 1834. -----.. The same. Ed. quinta. viii, 272 pp. 4^. Viennce, ccrs. reg. aula; et imp. typog., 1855. -----. The same. Ed. sexta. x, 293 pp. Viennce, cas. reg. aulas et imp. typog., 1809. -----. The same. Ed. sexta. x, 306 pp. 8:. Viennce, cces. reg. aulce et imp. typog., 1**4. -----. The same. Ed. septima. xviii, 380.pp. Vienna?, cces. reg. aula' et imp. typog., 16*9. -----. Regolamento generale della Facolta medica. *d pp., 4 tab. sm. 4°. Milano,presso G. Galoazzi, 1775. -----. Istruzioue sopra 1' innesto, sopra i sin- toni, e sopra il metodo di trattar la vaccina af- fincbe riesca un sicuro preservative contro il vajuolo; distribuita gratuitainente per ordine delF imperial regio governo generale a tutti li medici, e'chirurghi maggiori di Venezia, e di tutte le Austro-Venete Provincie. 16 ottobre 1-03. 11 pp. 8J. [ Venezia, Pinelli zio e nipotes, 1803.] [-----.] Geschichte der Vaccination in Bdnmen, auf hohen Befehl hrsg. von der iu Schutzpockeii- impfuiigsanstalten niedergesetzten k. medicini- schen Polizeycommission. lxxxv, 310 pp., 2 ]., 2 tab. 8 . Prag, J. G. Calve, 1*M4. -----. Generale regolamento, ed istruzioni degli uffiei di sanita da osservarsi in tutto il littorale austriaco. 1 p. 1., *5pp., 11. f°l- Trieste, 1805. Italian and German text. -----. Vorschrift zur Leitung uud Ausiibuug der Kuhpockeii-Iiiipfung in den k. k. deutschen Erbstaateii. 23 pp. fol. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staals-Druckerey, 1808. _____, [Imperial decree by Emperor Francis I. concerning the contraction of marriage. Dated Vienna, April 20, 1815.] 41. fol. Vienna, 1*15. LP., v. 7*5.] AllStro-II imjrary—continued. -----. Instruction fiir die Sauitats - Behorden und fiir das bei den Contuinaz-Anstalten vcr- weudete Personale, zum Behufe die Griinzen der k. k. osterreiehischen Staaten vor dem Ein- bruche der im kaiserlich-russischen Reichc herrschenden epideniischen Brechruhr (Cholera morbus) zu sicheru, und im nioglichsten Falle des Eindringens Hire Verbreituug zu hemmen. 32 pp. *\ ILunnortv, Helwing, 1831. Auf allerhoehsten Hef'ehl verfasst. Wien, 1830. Another copy boiend with: Annesley (James). Ueber die ostiudische Cholera. 8°. Hannover, 1831. -----. Instruction fiir die oflentlich angestellten Aerzte und Wundarzte in den k. k. osterreiehi- schen Staaten, wie sich bei gerichtlichen Leichen- scbauen zu benehmen haben. 2. Aufl. 68 pp. 4°. Prag, Krouberger la pe-te. ] 30 settembre 1847. 1 sheet. 4°. [Trieste, 1847.] -----. Regolamento generale per 1' ammini- strazioue della sanita. marittinia nell' imperio austriaco. 29 pp. 4-"■. [ Vienna, tipog. del Lloyd austr., 1851.] -----. Note sur l'61evage du bewail des especes bovine, oviue et porcine de l'empire d'Autriche. Public par ordre du ministere autrichieu de l'in- t6rieur. xv, 102 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Paris, Firmin Didotfreres, fits j- Cie., 1856. [P., v. 1*02.] -----. Belehrung iiber die bei einem moglicheu oder wirklichen Ausbruche der epidemischen Chidera zu beobachteuden Verhaltungsinass- regeln. 1 1. fol. [ Wien, Ic. k. Hof- und Staats- Druckerei, 1867.] ----^. Vorschrift fiir die Vornahme der gericht- lichen Todtenbeschau vom 28. Jiinner 1855. (Aintliche Handausgabe.) 142 pp. 16°. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruekerei, 1867. -----. Officielle Ausstelluugs-Berichte hrsg. durch die General-Direction der Weltausstellung unter Redaction von Dr. Carl. Th. Richter. 8°. Wien, 1*73-4. CONTENTS. Thierziicht (Gruppe II, Section 2). Bericht von Johann Pohl. 58 pp. Chirurgische Iustrumente (Gruppe XIV, Section 4). Be- richt von Mosetig von Moorhof, Hans Adler, L. Schotter, Moriz Benedikt. 42 pp. L)er Bdinden- und Taubstuminen-Uuterricht (Theilbe- licht der Gruppe XXVI). Bericht von Eduard Kaltner. 18 pp. Militar-Sanitat und freiwillige Hilfe im Kriege (Gruppe XVI, Section 3). Bericht vou Mosetig von Moorhof. 58 pp. -----. Das Quarantainewesen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Qtiarautainen in der kroa- tisch-slavon. Milittirgrenze an der osterrei- chisch-ungarischen Reichsgrenze gegen Bosnien und Serbien. Zusammengestellt beim k. k. Ge- neial-Commando iu Agram als Grenz-Laudes- Verwaltungsbehorde, von Franz Hensler. 14 pp., 1 1. 4°. Agram, C. Albrecht, 1874. AUSTRO-HUXGAKY. 812 AUSTRO-nUNGARY. Aust ro-IIimgjary—continued. -----. Instruktion zur Vornahnie von Desinfek- tionen. 25 pp. 12-. Wien, k. k. Hof- and Stcats- druckevei, 1*79. -----. llandausgabe der osterreichischen Gesetze und Yerordnungen. lift. 16. 64. 75. 76. 12J. Wien, k. 7c Hofi- und Staatsdvuckerti, 1-79-84. CONTENTS 16. Hft. Verordnungen be/iigli'-li der Erlangnng des Doctorates an den Lniversitaton und Alih-gung der Di- ploniprufiingeu an anderen Hocbsrliuleu. 3. vermehrte Aufl. iv, 177 pp. G4. (icM-tzo, betreffeinl Abwehr und Tilgung ansteeken- der Thierkranklieiteii, Abweln- und Tilgung del- Rinder- pest. Vei-prtielitiing zur Desinfection hei Viehtransporten auf Eiscnbahneii uud Schiffen. Viehseuehen-Veberein- koiiimen. Sammt deu hie/.u nacbtraglich ergangeuen Ge- setzeu, Diirehfuliriingsverorduungeii Landesgesetzen, Er- liLson. Kuiidmaclniiigen, uud deu Eiitscheidungen des obersten (ieiichts als Cassations- und des Verwaltungs- gericht-diofcs. Zusaninieugestellt von Max Freiherrn von Busihinan, k. k. Min. Seer, im Haiidels-Miuisteriiini,und der stiiudigen Redaction der llandausgabe. xii, 352 pp. 7.". Wehrgesetz sammt "Wehrgesetz-Novelle vom Jahre 1882 (deutscher Text und Uebi-i selzung des ungarischen Textes) und Durchfuhrungsvorsehrit't vom Jahre 1882. 2. Aufl 164 pp. 70. (icset/. vom 17. Jiinner 1883, womit eine Bauordnung fiir die k. k. Reielishaupt- uud Rcsideuzstadt Wienerlasseu wild. 2. Aufl. 92 pp. -----. Ofiieielle Handausgabe der osterreichi- schen Gesetze und Verordnungen. 64. Heft. Ge- setze vom 29. Februar 1880, betreffend die Abwehr und Tilgung ansteckender Thierkrank- heiten uud der Rinderpest, nebst den Durch- iuhrungsbestimniuugen. Gesetz vom 19. Juli 1*79, betreffend die Desinfection und Viehtrans- porten, nebst Vollzugschrift. 162 pp. 12~. Wien,k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1880. -----. Sauitats-Gesefze fiir Ocsterreich-Uugarn. i; vi-viii. 16°. [ Wien, 18*0-88.] Bound with: Oesterreichischer Medicinal-Schematis- mus fiir 1880; 1885; 1886;; 1888. -----. Bau-Ordnung fiir Sarajevo vom 14. Mai l-*0. S)])[). 4°. Wien, k. k. Hof- u. Staats- druckerei, 1*81. -----. Kundmachung des k. k. Statthalters im Erzherzogthuine Oesterreich unter der Enns vom 5. Mai 18r<2, Z. 15617, betreffend die Einrichtung der Todtenbeschau im Erzherzogthuine Oester- icich unter der Enns, mit Anschluss der k. k. Haupt- und Resideuzstadt Wien. 19 pp. 12-. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*62. -----. [Blank forms used by coroners in Austria.] fol. [ Wien, n. d.] CONTENTS. Aerztlicher Behandlungssehein. Vormerkung der vor- znnehmenden Leichenbeschaaeu. Todtenbeschau - Be- fund. -----. Instruction fiir die Abtheiluugs-Sectious- Aerztc bei Epidemien. 1 1. fol. [ Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staats-Druckerei, n. d.] -----. Instruction fiir die Kraukenwarter der Filial-Spitiiler bei Epidemien. 11. fol. [IVien, k. k. Hofi- und Slaats-Druckerei, n. d.] -----. Instruction fiir die ordinirenden Aerzte der Filial-Spitiiler bei Epidemien. 1 1. fol. [ Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staats-Drmkerei, n. d.] -----. Vorschrift fiir die Ntadthauptinannschaft uud die stadthauptinannschaftlichen Bezirks- Counnissariate zur Verfassung und Priifung der Sauitiits-Berichte bei verheerenden Epidemien. 2 1. fol. [ Wien, k. k. Hofi- und staats-Druckerei, n. d. ] -----. Instruction fiir die subalternen Aerzte (Srcundar-Aerzte) eines Filial-Spitales bei Epi- deinien. 1 1. fol. [ Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staats- Druckerei, n.d.] A llSlro-II Hillary. KaiserHch-kbnigliche Ir- reu-Htil- und Pile>/e-Anstalt zu Wien. Aerztliche Berichte in deu Jahren 1-53, 1 -54, 1*55 und 1-56. Zu folge hoher Anorduung des k. k. Miuisteri- Anstro-IIiiiiirary—continued. urns des Innern verOtfentlicbt. vii, 32- pp., 1 pl., 4 plans, 22 tab. roy. * . Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*58. llStl'O - II u ii^ary. Kaiserlich - kbniglichr Kriegs-Marine. Die Krankheils- nnd Sterblieh- keitsverbaltnisse in Sr. Maj. Kriegs-Marine Avabrend des Quinquennium* 1*63-7. Im Auf- trage der Marine-Section des Reichs-Kriegs-Mi- nisti-riuins statistisch zusanmiengestellt von Kobert Kolaczek. 1 ji. 1., (53 ]i]i., 5 tab. roy. 8 . Wien, IV. Braumiiller ,f- Sohn, 1*70. ----. Statistisehe Sanitats-Berichte fiir die Jahre 1870-91. Im Auftrage des k. k. Reiclis- Kriegs-Ministeriuins (Marine-Section) zusani- mengestellt vou Kobert Kolaczek, Adolf Alt - schul, Alexius Fhlik, Josef Potocuik, Hans Krumpholz, Max Brillaut u. Arthur Plunnit. rov. 8'. Wien, 1*72-92. Report for 1870. bv Kolaczek; 1871-4, by Altschul; 1875- 7. bv Lhlik: 1878, bv Potocuik; 1879-81, bv Krumpholz; 188j-r.. by Uhlik; 1886-9, by Max Brillaut; 1890-91, by Ar- thur Plumert. ----. Vorschrift iiber die Gebarung mit dem Sanitiits-Materiale auf 8. M. Schiffen. Iti pp. 4C. Wien, k. k. Hof- nnd Slaatsdruckerei. 1*86. pp. 13-46 are forms, being Beilage 1-10. Beilage znm Marine-Normai-Verorduungsbl. Wien, 1886. ----. [Blank forms used by the medical depart- ment.] v. s. [ Wien, 18*-.] CONTENTS. No. 25. Diat-Haupt-Sumniariuiii. (Monthly.) No. 28. Speisebogen. No. 28". Suniniarischer Speisebogen. No. 39. [Description and kit of mariue ?] No. 40. Vormeikblatt. No. 47. Fruh-Rapport. No. 48. Friih-Bapport. No. 91. Extractns medicamentorum. No. 96. Kranken-Rapport. No. 97. Kranken-Rapport iiber die Personen des k. k. Heeres. [etc.J. No. 98. Kranken-Rapport iiber die in Diensten der k. k. Kriegs-Marine stebenden Civilpersonen. [etc.]. No. 99a. Rapport iiber Krankheitshalber Ausgeschiffte. No. 100. Rapport fiir kranke Oftiziere iiipiiparirende Chargen, Beamte und Kadeteu. No. 101. Vormeikblatt. No. 106. Bedarfschein fiir die Materiale fiir Krauken- pflege. No. 107. Thesame. Sanitats Materiale. Abtheilung A, No. 108. Thesame. Abtheilung B. No. 109. Tlie same. Abtheilung ('. No. 110. Thesame. Abtheilung D. No. 111. Thesame. Abtheilung E. No. 112. Abfuhrschein in die Reserve oiler Abriistung an das k. k. Marine-Spital zu Lola abgefiihrte Materiale fiir Krankenpflege. No. 113. Thesame. Sanitats-Materiale. Abtheilung A. No. 114. Thesame. Abtheilung B. No. 11."). Thesame. Abtheilung ('. No. 116. Thesame. Abtheiluug 1). No. 117. Thesame. Abtheiluug E. ----. Vorschrift zur Verfassung der iirztlich- statistischen Eingaben [including blank forms]. 77 pp. 4C. Wien, [n. d.]. pp. 10-77 are forms, being Beilage i-xii. Repr. from ■ Maiiiie-Norinal-Verordnungsbl. 'Wien, 1873, xxxii. Stuck. ----. Gebiirs- und Auweisuugenbogen. [Blank forms used by the medical department.] fol. [ Wien, n. d.] CONTENTS. No 1. Detail des Oekouoinie-Otlieiers im k. k. Marine- Spitale zu Pola. 42 pp. No. 2. The same. Aerztliches Detail. 30 pp. No. 3. Thesame. Aerztliches Depot. 28pp No. 4. Reehiiuugsfiihrei'-Uetail. 12 pp. Iislro-Ilunwary. Kaixirliih-kbnigliche sta- tistische Central-Commission. Statistik des 8ani- tatswesens der im Kcichsrathe vertretenen K6- nigreiche und Eiinder nach den fiir die Jahre 1-73-9, nach aintlichen Bericliteu bearbeitet vou Alex. Killiches. 4J. Wien, l*77-c2. For eoutiiiuatiou, see following. ArSTUO-IirXGARY. 813 A ITlSTKO-nUNG AR Y. Austro-IIunwary. Kaiscrlich-kbuigliche sta- tistisehe Central-Commission—continued. ------. Thesame. Oesterreiehische Statistik .. . fiir die Jahre l*-0-*0: 16*0; 1*92. 4J. Wien, 1**2-95. ------. Oesterreiehische Statistik hrsg. von der k. k. statistischen Ccntral-Connnissioii. lluwc- gung der Bevolkerung der im Reiehsrathe ver- tretenen Konigreiche und Eiinder in den Jahren 1*81 uud 1*82. Bearbeitet von dem Bureau der k. k. statistischen Central-Commission, xxx, 273 pp. fol. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 18*1. ------. Woehen-Ausweis der Sterbefalle in Wien (sammt Vororten) uud den osterr. Landeshaupt- stiidteu. Jan. 1 to March 13, 18*6; Mav 9 to Sept. 25, 1*66; Oct. 10 to Xov. 6, 1*86. 4°. I Wien, 1*86.] Beilagen zu den Mitth. d. Wien. nied. Doct.-Coll., 1886. A u*t ro-II angary* Kaiserlich-kbnigliche Stern- warte zu Prag. Astronoinisclie, maguetische uud meteorologische Beobaehtuugen an der k. k. Srernwarto zu Prag. Auf o&'entliche Kosten hrsg. von Carl Horusteiu. 33.-35., 1872-4; 37., 1-76: 3*., 1*77. 4°. Prag, 1873-8. Alistro - Hungary. Kaiserlich - kbnigliches Ackerbau-Mini^tt'iiiiHi. XX. Gesetzartikel des Jahres 1-74 iiber die Vetfiigungen gegen die ori- entalische Rinderpest. (Sanetionirt den 13. Juni 1874.) 7- iip. fol. [ Wien, 1^74.] ------. Gesetz bi-tretl'eiul die Abwchr und Til- gung der Rinderpest in Bosuieu uud llercegoviua vom 9. Jiinuer 18-0, sammt Durehfiilirnngsvor- schrift. 45 pp. roy. 8°. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Slaatsdruckivei, 1681. ------. Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir das Jahr 1*91. 1. Hft. Production aus dem Plianzenbau. xviii, 145 pp., 2 diag. *J. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staats- druckerei, 1-92. Auslro - Hungary. Eaistrlich - kbnigliches Ministerium fiir Cultus und Unterricht. Erlass vom 5. April 1&72, Z. 2*15. [II. Rigorosen-Ord- nung fiir die medicinische Facultat. 1 pp. 159- 166. 4=. [Wien, 1*72.] Cutting. ------. Erlass vom 1. Juni 1*72, Z. 6726, mit welchem deu uiedicinischen Piofessoreu-Colle- gien zu Wien, Prag, Krakau, Graz und Iunsbruek die Instruction zur Ausfiihriing der Rigorosen- Ordnuug fur die medicinische Facultat. sowie Bestimmungen iiber die Einrichtung des medi- cinischen Fnterrichtes nach Massgabe der neuen Rigorosen-Ordnung mitgeilii ilt werden. * pp. 4-. [Wien, C. Ceroids Sohn, 1*72.] -----. Instruction iiber die Einrichtung der Priifuno 3 pp. 4 praktischei Kigorosen. 1-72.1 4astro - Hungary' Ministerium des Inuerii. bei den nieilii iuischen [Wien, C. Gerald's Sohn, Kaiserlich - kbnigliches Statistik des Medicinal- Statides der Kranken- und Humaiiitats-Anstal- ten der Minerulwiisser, Biider, Trink- und Ge- sundbruunen von Uugaru. viii, 359 pp. 8 '. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1859. -----. Instruction iiber die Verfassuug der Seu- chenberii lite. 11pp. 12\ Wien, k. k. Hof-und Stiiat»drnekcrei, 18*0. -----. Verordnung vom 1. Juni 1881, Z. 61*3, mit welcher eine revidirte Ilebanimeii-Instruc- tion erlassni wird. 19 pp. 16-. Wien, k. k. Hofi- nud Staatsdruckerei, 1**1. _____. Vert-riniir-Berichte fUr die Jahre 18-0-83, l*-6 bis 18-9. Nach amtlichen, iiber Auftrag des k. k. Ministeriums des Inneni aus dem im Keich.srathe vertretenen Konigreiehen und Liin- dern eingelangteti Berichten. Bearbeitet vom k. k Ministerial-Secretiir. ^J. Wi-n, 1882-91. Reports for 1880-83, 188G, 1887, by M. F. Roll; 1888, 1889, by Bernhard Sperk. Alistro - Hungary. Kaiserlich ■ - kbnigliches Ministerium des Iniiem—continued. ------. Arznei-Taxi- fiir die Jahre 1664, 1*85, zur osterreichischt n Pharmakopoe vom Jahre 1*69, und zum Anhange derselben vom Jahre 1*7*. ix, 4:1 pp.; ix, 43 pp. 8°. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, l*-l-5. ------. Ar/.nei-Taxe fiir die Jahre 1891-5, zur nsterreichiscbcii Phiirmakopoe vom Jahre 18*'.), 8 . Wien, 1*90-94. ------. Genieinveistaudliehe Belehruug iiber Cholera und Cholera-Massnahmen. Verfasst im Auftrage des k. k. Ministeriums des Innern. 56 pp. 16 . Wien, A. Holder, 1692. A astro - Hungary. Kaiserlich - kbnigliches Ileichs- Kriegs- Ministerium. Regleinent fiir die kaiserl. konigl. Feldchirurgen in Friedenszei- &ten. Auf Befehl seiuer kaiserl. konigl. apos- tol. Ma jest at Joseph des Zweyten. Von J. A. v. Brambilla. 1. Theil. 130 pp., 5 1., 7 forms. 4J. Wien, J. T. Edler von Trattnern, 1789. ------. Pharmacopeia austriaco-castrensis. 1 p. 1., 102 pp. 8°. Vienna', A. A. Patzowsky, 1795. ------. Tho same. 98 pp. 8°. Viennce, Schaum- burg (y Co., 1800. ------. Erlauternngen der neuen osterreichischen Milit iir-Pharmakopbe zum Gebrauche der oster- reichischen Feldiirzte. 1 p. 1., 268 pp. 6\ Wien, 1800. Bound with: Piiarmacopoj;a austriaco-castrensi. 8°. Yiennce, 1705. Oesterreiehische Militar - Pharmakopoe. Im allerhochsteu Auftrage seiuer kaiserlich-ko- niglichen apostolischen Majestat. 148 pp. «-. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdvuckerei, 1859. The same. 160 pp. 8°. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*72. Auszuo- aus der osterreichischen Militar- Pharmakopoe vom Jahre 1*72, mit deu Heil for- men nach dem osterreichischen Mcdicinalge- wichte. 98 pp. 12°. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*72. -----. Ausziige aus den Sanitats-Berichten iiber die k. k. osterreichische Armee und Militar- Grauz-Bevolkeruug fiir die Militiir-Jahre 1*4 1-7. Behufs der Allerhochst anbefohlenen dieust- lichen Mittheilung an die k. k. osterreichischen Feldiirzte, redigirt von der permanent en Feld- Saiiitats-Commission. 8^. Witn, C. Ueberreuter, [1-15-8]. Statistischer Jahresbericht iiber die sani- tiiren Verhiiltnisse des k. k. Heeres und der Popu- lation iu der Militiirgrenze, dann iiber die Ei- gebuisse der Wehrpdiehtigeu im Jahre 1.-09. 1 p. 1., 210 pp. 4°. Wien, k. k. Hof- uud Staats- druckerei, 1871. -----. Instruction fiir die k. k. Militar-Aerzte uud Militiir-Medieatnenten-Beamteu, aus Anlass der am 1. Jiinner 1*73 in Wirksamkeit tretendeu neuen MiliUir-Pliarmacopoe. 21 pp. 4C. Wien, k. Ic. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*72. -----. Militiir-statistischis Jahrbuch fiir die Jahre 1870 (1. Th.); 1871; 1872; 1878 (1. Th.) ; 1879 (2. Th.); 1880-82; 1*83-4 (2. Th.); 1*86-9. Ueber Anordnung des k. k. Reichs-Knegs Mini- steriums bearbeitet und hrsg. von der iii. Section des technischen und adniiuistrativen Militiir- Comit6. 4-. Wien, 1872-92. _____. Leitfaden zum fachtechnischen Unter- richte ties k. k. Sanitafs-Hilfs-Personales. (Zur Instruction fiir die Truppenschulen des k. k. Heeres. vi. Theil.) xiv, 199 pp. 8°. n7en,l*73. -----. Handbuch fiir das k. k. Militar-Sanitats- vveseu. Im Auftrage des Keichs-Kriegs-Mini- steiiiitns. Hrsg. von Franz Stawa, Carl Kiaus, Josef Leiden. 12J. Wien, 1874-7. CONTENTS. 1. Lf". Dienst-Reidement fiir das k. k. LTeer, 1. Th., 117 pp. " Diseiplinar-Strafvorschrift fiir die Mihtar-Beam- AUST RO-II UNGAKY. 814 AUSTRO-nrNGARY. Aastro - Hungary. Kaiserlich - kbnigliches Beichs-Krieys-Ministerium—continued. ten des k. k. Heeres. 15 pp. Vorschrift fiir Murodenhau- ser. 13 pp. Instrukzion zur Ilandhabiing von Bamm- oiler Bohr- (Noi ton schen) Bninnen hei den Infanterie- 1 )ivisions-Sanitiits-Anstalten. Orgauische Bcstiiuniungen fiir die Militiir-Saniiat, 119 pp. Geiueinfassliche Darstel- bin-; der Befr.ietions-Anomalien mit Riicksicht auf Assen- tirung unci Siiperarhitrining als Behelf zur Beurtheilung des Selivermogcns nach einem hesonderen Vertheiler her- ausgegebeii, v, 118 pp. Provisorische Vorschrift fiir die Ausspeis in den k.k. MilitiirSpitalern vom Jahre l^T.'i, 81 pji.. 3 tab. Anweisung: zur Bereitung der in der prov-so- risehen Vorschrift zur Verfassung periodischer militiir- aiztlichcn Eingaben. 112 pp. Anleitung zur Vornahme meteorologischer und hydrometiselier Beobaclitungen, 45 pp. Normale fiir Eisenbahn-Sanitat.s-Ziige, 112 pp., 6 pl. ------. Taschen-Ausgabe der Militiir-Voi sehriften (zusammengestellt fiir den Feld-Gebrauch). Or- gauische Bestimmungen fiir das Heerwesen, he- tie ffend die Mi lit iir-Medika men ten -Anstalten vom Jahre 1-78. Qualifikations - Beschreibuugen iiber Militiir-Medikamenten-Beanite vom Jahre 1*74. (Berichtigt bis Ende April 1*8:1.) Neue Aufl. v,20pp. 12u. Wien, k.k. Hofi- und Staats- druckeri i, 1**3. A. 1. (pp.). ------. Taschen-Ausgabe der Militar-Vorschriften (zusainmengestellt fiir den Feld-Gebrauch). Or- ganische Bestimmungen fiir das Heerwesen, j betreffend das militar-arztliche Offiziers-Korps vom Jahre 1882. Dienstes-lnstruktiou fiir den Chef des militar-arztlichen Offiziers-Korps vom Jahre l*7f>. Orgauische Bestimmungen und Dienst - Vorschrift fiir den militar-arztlichen Kurs. vom Jahre 1*7."). Neiie Aufl. vi, 34 pp. 12-'. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1883. A. 1. (1). A. 13L ------. Leitfaden zum Unterrichte im Sanitiits- dienste in der k. k. Landwehr. 32 pp. 12 . Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1-76. | ------. Bestimmungen fiir die Unterbringuug und Pllege vou im Felde Verwuudeten uud erkrauk- ten Kriegern, ausserbalb der Militiir-Sauitiits- Anstalteii. 21 pp., 1 1. 12 . Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1678. ------. Orgauische Bestimmungen fiir das militar- arztliche Offiziers-Korps. 18pp. fol. [Wien,n.d.] Ad Bites. No. 5006, vom Jahre 1K7S. Normal-Verord- nuugsbldtt fiir das k. k. Ileer, 44. Stiiek, ------. Orgauische Bestimmungen fiir die Militiir- Medikamenten-Austalten. 11 jip. fol. [ Wien, n. d ] Ad Pries. No. 500G, vom Jahre 1878. Normal Verord- uungsblatt fiir das k. k. Ileer, 44. Stuck. ------. Orgauische Bestimmungen fiir die Militar- Sanitiits-Austalten. 44 pp. fol. [Wien, n. d.] Ad Piaos. No. 5006, vom Jahre 1*7*. Normal Verord- nu'ngsblatt fiir das k. k. Ileer, 44. Stiiek. ------. Orgauische Bestimmungen fiir die Sani- tiits-Truppe. 47 pp. fol. [ Wien, n. d.] Ad Pries. No. 5006, vom Jahre 1878. Normal-Verord- uungsblatt fur das k. k. Heer, 44. Stiiek. ------. Anleitung fiir die Anlage von neu zu er- batienden Kaserneu und einem die Grundsiitze fiir die Beurtheiluug vou bestehenden oder zu adoptirenden Gebiiudeu als Kaserneu oder Noth- kaserneu betreffendeu Anhauge. H.—34. 103 pp. toy. *.°. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdrucke- rei, 1-79. ------. Anleitung fiir die Anlage von neu zu er- bauenden Maroden-Hiiuscrn und Truppen-Spi- talern, mit einem die Grundsiitze fiir die Beur- Iheilung von bestehenden oder zu adoptirenden Gebiiudeu als Marodeuhiiuser oder Truppen- Spitiilern betreffendeu Anhauge. H.— 35. 29 pp. roy. *'-. Wien, Ic. k. Hof-und staatsdruckerei, 1*79. ------. Reglement fiir den .Sanitiits-Dienst des k. k. Heeres. IV.Theil. Sanitiits-Dienst im Felde. 2*2 pp. 12 -. Wien, Ic. Ic. Hof- and Staatsdrucke- rei, 1*79. Zu Pries. No. 5471, v. J. 1879. N. V. Bl, 45. Stiiek. Alistro - Hungary. Kaiserlich - kbnigliilus Beichs-Kricgs-Mtnisterium—continued. ------. Beilagen zum IV. Theile des Reglements fiir den Sanitiits-Dienst des k. k. Heeres, betref- fend den Sanitiits-Dienst im 1 Vide, iv, 297 pp. 12J. [ Wien, k. Ic. Hof- nnd Staatsdruckerei, 1*701] Zu Brass. No. 5471, v. J. 1879. N. V. Bl. 45. Stuck. -----. Beispiele fur die Anlage von Infanterie- Kasernen. Im Auftrage des . . . auf Grund tier ''Anleitung fiir die Anlage von neu zu erban- enden Kaserneu" (zu Paragraph 5 des Einquar- tieruugs-Gesetzes), ausgearbeitet von Franz Gruber. Hrsg. vom k. k. technischen und ad- ministrative]] Militiir-Komite. Hft. 1 A 3. 14 & 13 1. oblong fol. Wien, 1**U. -----. Beispiel fiir die Anlage eines Truppen- Spitales. Im Auftrage des . . . auf Grund der "Anleitung fiir die Anlage von neu zu erbaueu- den Maroden-Hiiusern und Truppen-Spitiilern" (zu Paragraph 5 des Einquartieruugs-Gesetzes), ausgearbeitet von Franz Gruber. Hrsg. vom k. k. technischen uud adniinistrativen Militiir-Ko- mite'. Hft. 7). 3 1. oblong fol. Wien, L— 0. -----. Ergiinzung de*. Reglements fiir den Sani- tiits-Dienst des k. k. Heeres. IX'. Theil. Sani- tiits-Dienst im Felde, iu seiner Anwendung auf die k. k. Landwehr. 21 pp. 12°. Wien, k. k. Hof- it. Staatsdruckerei, 1--0. ------. Normale fiir Eisenbahu Sanitiits-Ziige. 2. Anil. 116 pp. 12J. Wien, k. Ic. Hof- und Staats- druckerei, 1860. Zu Brses. No. 4255, v. J. 1880. N. V. B., 33. Stiiek. ------. Regleinent fiir den Sanitiits-Dienst des k. k. Heeres. Anhang. Freiwillige Sanitiitsptlege. 2*5 )>p. 12°. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdrucke- rei, 1**0. Zu Brass. No. 1071, v. J. 1880. N. V. Bl., 13. Stuck, ------. Beschreibung des norinirten Sanitiits- Feld-Ausriistungs-Materiales. vi, 170 pp. 12°. 35 pl. oblong 4°. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staats- druckerei, 1881. ------. Fiinf uud dreissig Tafeln Zeichnungeu zur Beschreibung des Sanitats- 1'eld-Ausriistuugs- Materialis. 35 pl. oblong fol. Wien, 1**1. ------. Bestiuiungeu iiber die periodischen mili- tiir-iirztlichen Eingaben der staliilen Militiir- Sanitiits-Austalteu. 16 pp. 41-'. [ Wien, 1**3.] Ad Braes. No. 50G6 ex 1883. Normal-Verorduuugsblatt fiir das k. k. Heer, 53. Stiiek. ------. Instruktion zur iirztlichen Untersuchung tier Wehrpflichtigen. 49 pp. 8-. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1883. ------. Reglement fiir den Sanitats-Dienst des k. k. Heeres. I. Th. Sanitiits-Dienst hei den Mili- tiir-Behorden, Commanden, Truppen und Heeres- anstalten. vii, 208 pp. 12-. Wien, Ic. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1**3. Bras. No. 5066 v. J. 18b3. N. V. Bl, 53. Stiiek. ------. Taschen-Ausgabe der Militar-Vorschriften (zusammengestellt fiir den Fehl-Oebrauch). Or- gauische Bestinnnuiigen fiir das Heerwesen, be- treffend die Sanitats-Truppe, vom Jahre 1582. (Ausgegeben im Jiinner l*-3.) Instruktion fiir deiiSanitiits-Truppeu-Koinuiandauten vom Jahre 1870. Neue Anti. v, 43 pp. 12J. Wien, k.k. Hof- u. Staatsdruckerei, 1883. A. 1. (hh.)—A. 14. ------. Taschen-Ausgabe der Militiir-Vorschriften (zusainmengestellt fiir den Feld-Gebrauch). Or- gauische Bestiinninngen fiir die Militiir-Sanitats- Austalten vom Jahre 1*82 (ausgegebeu im De- cember 1—2). Neue Aufl. v, 33 pp. 12°. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei. 1**3. A. 1. (DO.). ------. Kaiserliehes und konigliches Garnisons- Spital No. 17 in Budapest. [Beschreibung des Siiitals, nebst Statistik, 1884-93. Von Franz Herzog.] 2 1. fol. [ Budapest, 1*91. ] A U STRO-H UNG AR Y. 815 AUTHENTIC. Alistro - Hungary. Kaiserlich - kbnigliches Keichs-Kriegs-Ministerium—continued. ------. Die hygienischen Verhaltnisse der gros- seren Garnisonsorte der osterreichisch-ungari- schen Monarchie. I. Graz. v, 93 pp., 1 map, 5 plans, 10 diag. 16°. Wien, 18*7. ------. Thesame. II. Budapest, v, 130 pp., 7 1., 1 map, 7 plans, 2 diag. 10 . Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1***. Zu Abth. 14, No. 1885, vom Jahre 1888. Normal-Verord- nungsbl. f. d. k. k. Heer, 23. Stiiek. ------. Tlie same. III. Prag. v, 162 pp., 2 maps, 3 ch., 2 diag., 2 tab. 12\ Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*89. -----. Thesame. IV. Kaschau. v, 154 pp., 10 pl., 1 map., 10 diag. 12-. JTien, lc. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1690. j Zu Abth. 14. No. 'J22S, vom Jahre lc80. Normal Veroril- nungsblatt fiir das k. uud k. Ileer. '2. Stiiek vom Jahre 18U0. ] ------. The same. V. Pressburg. iv, 96 pp., 2 maps. 2 ch., 3 plans, 2 tab. 12-. Wien, A\ k. Hofi- nnd Staatsdruckerei, l*9d. -----. Thesame. VI. Agram. iv, 63 pp., 1 map, 6 plans, 10 diag., 1 tab. 12-. JHYm, k. Ic. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*90. ------. Thesame. VII. Klageufurt. iv, 31 pp., 1 map, 7 plans, 2 tab. 12c. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*91. ------. The same. VIII. Briinn. iv, 119 pp., 1 map, 3 plans, 1 tab. 12°. Wien, k. k. Hofi- und Staatsdruckerei, 1691. ------. Instruction fiir die k. nud k. Militiir- Aerzte und Militiir-Medicaineuten-Beamten zu der mit 1. Jiinner 1*92 in Wirksamkeit treteuden Militar-Pkarinakopoe. 13 pp. 12 -. Wien, k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1*91. ------. Vorschrift iiber die sauitiits-statistischen Eingaben im k. und k. Heere. viii, 104 pp. 12J. Wien, Ic. k. Hof- u. Staatsdr., 1694. AllStro-SI linear}. Oberbsterreichische Landes- Irrenanstalt zu Xiedernhart bti Linz. Die . . . von M. Schasching. 139 pp., 3 1. 8°. Linz, 1-^73. Ausziigrc aus den hesten franzosischen periodi- schen, medicinischen, chirurgischen, pharmaceu- J tischen Sehriften. v. 1-2,17*<»-*1. 12 . Leipzig, j All«>zug aus den Krankengeschichten der im Summer-Semester 1*88 in der medicinischeu Klinik vou Dr. Mosler vorgestellten Patieuteu. 1. Folge. Ziisamniengestellt von Schomanu, Niesel, Weber. Redigirt von E. Peiper. 59 pp. *". Greifswald, J. Abel, 18-8. AllSZUg ans dem Monatsbericht der konigl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Monat December 1841. 16 pp. 8-. [Berlin, 1*11.] [P., v. 1524.] ------. The same. Monat Juni 1*42. 23 pp. * . [Berlin, 1-42.] [P., v. 1524. ] AllSZUgf aus dem Tagebuche eines Geistlichen wiilirend der Cholera-Krankheit zu Sara tow im siidostliehen europiiischen Russlaude. 32 pp. 12 ;. Barmen, J. F. Steinhaus, 1*31. Aliszilg aus dem Tagebuche einer maguetischen Cur. 8 p. 1., 126 pp. 8J. Frankfurt u. Leipzig. 17-7. • ' ' j AllSZUg? aus den Verhandlungen der (achtzehu- ten) Abtheilung fiir Militiir-Siinitiitswesen des x. iiitei-nationaleu medizinischen Kougressc* zu Berlin 1890. 73 pp. 8J. Berlin, E. S. Mil tier u. Sohn, 1691. Suppl. to and bound c-itli. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1891, xx. Also, Beprint (?). AllSZU£r tius dem Werke "Borszek", etc., von KarlCseh. 16 pp. 12-. Budapest, F. Buschmann, 1*78. Aul nntrimentum aut nullum; fachniannische Berichte iiber die Mosquera-Priiparate. Hrsg. von der Mosqiiera Julia Food Co., Bohlen u. Aut nntrimentum aut nullum, [etc.]—continued. Hirst, (i.-nci-al-Agenten. l*pp. 8-. [Hamburg, I'ontt iy von Dbliriu, 1*91.] Alltellet (Maximin). * De l'action antipyretique de l'alcool employe dans la Iievre typhoide. 1* pp. 1 :. I'aris, 1*71, No. 225. Autenrieth (Allied). * Ueber die funktionel- h-n Resultate der Chopart'schen Fussi-xaiticula- tion. [Strasburg.] 89 pp. *-. Stuttgart, Hoff- mann, 1891. Autenrieth (Ilermannus Fridericns) [1799- 1*7 *]• Disquisitio quaestionis academica- de dis- criniiiie sexuali j.-tin in seminibus ])lautarum dioicarum apparente pra-mio regio ornata; ad- ditis quibusdatn dc sexu plantarum argumentis geniialibus. 4, 3-61 pp., 2 pl. 4 . Tubinga; H. Laupp, 1*21. ------. Uebersicht iiber die Volkskrankheiten iu Giossbritanien, mit Hinweisung auf ilire Ursa- clien und die daraus entstehendeii Eigenthiim- lichkeiten der englischen Heilkunde. x, 183 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, II. Laupp, 1*- 'Tiibingen, L. F. Fins. 1*46. Also, under title: Forrnsia von Herrn. Friedr. Allien- rieth. Erster Theil. ((rerichtlieh-niedicinisebo Anfsa'tzo uud Gutachten von Kanzler v. Autenrieth und dem Her- ausgeher.) Autenrieth (Wilhelm). * Zur Kenntniss der substituirten Crotousiiuren. [Erlangen.] 45 pp. 8-. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann, 1*8*. Anteiiil. Sec, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by Im alities. Antlieiiae (Julien). *De la pancreatine. 43 pp. 4-. Montpellier, 1**7, No. 430. fieole de pharmacie. Allthenac (S.-P.) * Essai sur l'iddologie, la tecbnologie, la nosographie et la medicographie des lievres gastriques simples. 59 pp., 1 tab. 8^. I'aris, Lemaire, an X [1801]. [P., v. 10*4.] ------. Manuel medico-chirurgical, ou 61e"meus de meib-cine et de chirurgie pratique, a l'usage des elcves en medecine et en chirurgie; de tons les homines de l'art auxquels une pratique t res- mult ipliec ne permet pas de consulter un grand noiiihre d'ouvrages, et getieralement de tous les gens du monde instruits qui desirent connaitre l'histoire du derangement des functions de la vie. v. 1. xii, 712 pp. *■-. Baris, Allut [et al.], 1612. ------. Nosographie mddicale, ou (Siemens de medecine ]»ratique, a l'usage des Aleves en in6deciue et en chirurgie, et de tons les homines de l'art auxquels la pratique ne permet pas de consulter uu grand nombre d'ouvrages. 2 v., paged consecutively. v (2 1.), 70*+ PP- 6°. I'aris, Bechet A Gabon, 1*24-0. First aud second bvraison ol v. 2 are wanting. Authentic memoirs, biographical, critical, and literary, ofthe most eminent physicians and sur- AUTHENTIC. 81G AUVARD. Authentic memoirs, [etc.]—continued. "•cons of (: iil7; 073: 70L—Colin (H.) Deux eas d'automatisme ainhulatiiire : 1° automatisme d'origine alcoolique ; 2"auto- luatisnir hysterique. Gaz. d. hop , I'ar., 1890, lxiii, 794; 8.72.—C'ristismi (A.) Su un feuomeno di automatismo negli abenati reeidivi. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio- Emilia, 1894, xx, pt. 2, 501-508. — Kaiiicm-ir (N. P.) Sluch. psikhicheskavo avtomatisma. [Case of psychical automatism.] Otchet. o dic-jatel. Obsh. Tulsk. vrach., Tula. Is93. xxxi, 22-30. — Kovnlcvski (P.I.) Avto- matizm. iSur lautoiuatisim- ) Vu/.huo-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1894. iii, 397; 417—.H yer* (F. \V. II.) Motor au- tomatism. I'roc. Sm-. Psveh. Research. Loud., 1893, ix, 26-128. — Ki'!;is. Automatisme anibulatoire de uatuie hysterique; presentation de malade. Mini, et bull. Soe. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1893). ls'.it, 31-48.— *ioiiqiu-s ( A. ) Automatisme anibulatoire chez uu dipsoin.iue. Arch, de neurol., Par.. 1892. xxiv, 61-67. Aiitophony. Il:ii-lmaiiii. Leber Autophouie. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Vei's.iitnnl. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 18*3, Freiburg i. li., 18.-4, lvi. 276. Aiitoi>*ic«. See Anatomy (Pathological); Bacteria in the cadaver. Aiatojisy (Societies of). Woc-it-lc d autopsie, Imidt-c a Paris en 1876. President- fondateur: Dr Coudereau : Piesideut actuel: Dr J.-V. La- borde. Kev. unus. del Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1893, iii, 233-236, 1 I. facsimile. AlltOII (Marie-Anne). See «lo la Koqnt-ttc (G.) Fille qui peril st's dents [etc.l. 10°. |i'a/'ts. 1738.J Autric (Charle.s-Cyprieu-Andre-Ma.rius) [ 1-73- ]. " Uecbercbes et considerations sur la ma- tite pleure'tique. (i'.l pp. 4\ Bordeaux, 1W(.I4, Xo. 4. Antmi. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., ofi), by lix ali tics. Guyton (L. M.) Topograpbie et statistique medicales de la ville et de la commune d'Autun. 8-. Aittun, 167>2. Auvard (Pierre-Vicror-Alfred) [1855- ]. * De la pince a os et du crauio-claste; 6tude histo- rique et experimentale; prece"d6e de quelques considerations sur la tete fret ale et la jierfora- tion du crane. 1 p. 1., 2-18 pp. 4". Paris, 1-84, Xo. 164. -----. Tbe same. 252 pp. 8-. Paris, 0. Doin, 1864. -----. * De la conduite a teuir dans les cas de placenta praivia. 252 pp. 12'■'. Paris, 0. Doin, l**o. These d'agregation (accouchements). -----. Obstetrical antisepsis. 3 1. 8°. Boston, 1666. Repr.from: Ann. Gynaec, Bost., 1887-8, i. -----. Traitement de l'e"clampsie puerp<5rale. 208 pp. 18°. Paris, O. Doin, 1886. Date on cover: 1889. -----. Travaux d'obstetrique. 3 v. * . Paris, Lecrosnier ty Babe, 1*.-"J. v. 1 and 3: 1889 on title aud cover; v. 2: 1888 on title, 1889 on cover. -----. Trait6 pratique d'accoucbeinents. 1 p. ]., iii, 7-7 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1*U0. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. iii, 7-7 pp. 8J. Paris, 0. Doin, 1-91. -----. Tbe same. 3. "--. Paris, 0. Doin, 1894. -----. Le nonveau-ne'. Pbysiologie, hygiene, allaitement; maladies les plus frequentes et leur traitement. (Kxtrait, avec quelques modifica- tions, du Traite pratique d'accoucbeinents, du meme auteur.) 84 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1690. -----. Thesame. 2. dd. ix, 118 pp., 2 pl. 12. Paris, 0. Doin, 1694. -----. Tbe same. The newborn infant: its physiology, hygiene, and nourishment, together with its commouest diseases aud their treat- ment. In: WOOD'S M. & S. Monog., X. Y., 1890, viii, 183-222. -----. De l'antisepsii- en gyuecologie et eu ob- stetrique. vi, 2*4 pp. 12-. Paris, Leerosnitr iy Babe, 1891. -----. Menstruation et fecoudation. Physiolo- gie et pathologie. l'J5 pp. 12^. Paris, Gau- thier-1 iIlars j- fils, [ 1692 ]. -----. Gynecologic; semmologie genitalc. 175 pp. 12 . Paris, Gauthier-Villars 4'- fills .\- G. Masson, [l.-ilJJ. Iu series: Eiic.vclop&lio scientifique des aide-memoire. -------. Formulaire gvnecologique illustre. 1091. 16". Paris, Bueff.y'C'te., [1*92]. 109 leaves paged thus: iii, I, 1 bis, etc. ------. The same. Ein bundert illustrirte Falle aus der Frauen-Praxis. Fiji's Deutsche bearbei- tet von Dr. A. Roscnan. Mit einem einfiihrcu den Vorwort von F. von Winckel. xi, 102 ft., 103, 113 pp. 10 . Liipzig, A. Meiner, 1*93. ------. Formulaire obstetricale illustre. 1.10 1. 16°. I'aris, Bueff i>- Cie., [1-H2J. 110 leaves paged thus: iii, l, 1 bis, ete. -------. Traite pratique de gyudeologie. 792 pp. * . Paris, O. Doin, 1892. AUVAKD. 817 AVECILLA. Auvard (Pierre-Victor-Alfred)—continued. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 870 pp., 12 pl., 12 1. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1894. Therapeutique obstetricale. iii, 213 pp. 16c. Paris, 0. Doin, 1893. Indications therapeutique xi, 301 pp., 11. 16°. Pans, Eurffj'Cie.. 1894. Forms v. 1 of: Manuel therapeutique gyn6cologique. -----. De la sterilite chez la femme. xiii, 313 pp. 12°. Paris, L. Battaille 4' Cie., 1696 [1*95]. Also. Editor of: Archives de gynecologic et de toco- logie, Paris, 1896. See, also, ltcrlin. Guide de diagnostic gvnecologique [etc.]. 8°. I'aris 1893. -----. The same. 2 ed. 12°. Paris. 1894.—(aiiidcde therapeutique [etc.]. 12°. I'aris, 1893. -----. The same 1 ed. 12°. Paris. 1*9.">. — loiireiininl (L.) & Cnubct (H.| [inl. ».]. Memento de therapeutique obstetricale |.tc.J. 16°. Paris. 1892. For Biography, see Bianrhoii (H.) Nos grands me- decins. 8°. Paris, 1891, 7-10, pott. Aho: Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, Suppl, 185. -----A Call bet (E.) Anesthesie chirurgicale et obstetricale. 2l>8 pp. 12c. Pari*, Bueff <.y Cie., [1*92]. -----& Dcvy ( G. ) Plauches murales pour l'enseignement de la gyuecologie tirees en plu- sieurs couleurs. 27 1. 8-. Paris, O. Doin, [n.d.]. -----A Pingat. Hvgiene infantile. 74 pp., 1 1. 12 . Paris, G. Bongier ,y Cie., 1*69. -----& Secheyron (L.) L'hypnotisme et la suggestion en obstetrique. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye <$■ E. Lecrosnier, 1*8-. Repr. from: Arch.de tocol, Par., 18-<8. xv. AuvergiliOt (L.-A.) [1858- ]. *De la inono- artbrite blenuorrbagique chez la femme. 95 pp. 4°. Parts, 1*90, No. 138. Aiivert (Alexandre) [ -1865]. Carte, iseerologie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1865, xxxii, 144. Auvillain (J.). See Catalogue des livres [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1865. Alivity (\Jean-\Pierre) [1770-1805]. Carte. Necrologie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1865, xxxii, 240. Auvray (J.) * Essai sur la conjonctivite gianu- leuse. L'epideniie des pupilles de la marine a Brest. 60 pp. 4-. Paris, 1883, No. 104. Auxerre. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., ofi); Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities. Auxilia vGirolauio). Monografia sul coiera- morbo, sua storia, progressi, natura, e tratta- mento. x, 129 pp., 1 1. 8J. Palermo, tipog. Spamjiinato, 1837. Auxiliary to health. Description, use, and recommendations of Chamberlain's patent bil- ious cordial. With directions and use of many other compounds. 4. ed. 60 pp. *~\ Bucks- town (Me), 1807. [P., v. 1433.] AuzatC (Comune di). Regolamento di polizia urbaua, rurale e niortuaria e di pubblica igiene stato detinitivamente deliberato dal consiglio coinunale in seduta 10 ottobre 1^75, 18 mnggio 1*^(>, 24 maggio 1*75, e 18 settembre 1875. 32 pp. 8°. Novara, frat. Miglio, 1*76. Auzias-Turenne (Joseph-Alexandre) [1812- 70]. La syphilisation. Publication de l'ojuvre du docteur . . . faite par les soins de ses amis. xl 907 pp., port. 8C. Paris, Germi r-Bailliire J-'Cie., 187*. See aho, Academie de medecine. De la syphilis vnccinale fete.]. 83. Paris, 1865.—lievaclier d'lTrclc (Felix), lie l'anatomie de la main [etc.J. s'-. [Paris, For Bior/raphy, see [d'Andecy /!«■ His, 1553, ff. 434-438. -----. De febribus liber. In: FkhkiuTS (De) opus sane aureum, [etc.], 105b-108. fol. Venetiis, 1576. For Biography, see Fi«h«i(<; J.) Abou Merwan Ben Ahdel Melek Ben Zohr. commonly called Avenzoar. 1070- 1161. Ann. Anat. tis. De preservatione a peste. De pestileu- tiali febre. De signis febris pestilentialis. De cura febris pestilentialis. Ordinata exposita, discnssa, a rustico niedicinae cultore nuperrime in lucem emissa. In: Bavekils (J.) Consilia. fol. Papim, 1521, 24 1. (sig. ai-d, vi). ------. Qui venenosa formulas apparata et pesti- feros paves bubones, ecce dicta Aviceme Atabis. De igne per.sico prima vel carbone. De signis ignis persici pruna^ vel carbonis. De cura ignis persici prunae vel carbonis. De althoyn seu antrace. De signis althoyn seu antracis. De cura althoyn seu antracis. Ordinata, expo- sita, discnssa a rustico medicina' cultore nuper- rime in lucem emissa. In: Baveriis (J.) Consilia. fol. Papice, 1521, 16 1. (sig. ai-C, Civ). -----. Liber canuouis totius niedicinae ab Avi- ceuua Arabum doctissimo excussus. A Gerardo (remonensi ab Arabica lingua in Latiuam icduc- t»». Et a Petro Antonio rustico Placeutino in philosophia non mediocriter erudite ad liniam ex omui parte ah erroribus et omni harbarie castigalus: necnon a Domino Symphoriano Cainperio Lugduuensi fecundis annotationibus termiuisque Arabicis et eorum expositiouibus Aviceuua—continued. nuper illustratus: una cum ejus vita a domino Francisco Calphurnio non minus breviter quam elegauter excerpta. 10 p. 1., 453 ff. 4°. [Lug- duni, opera Jacobi Myt], 1522. -----. Liber canonis de mediciuis cordialibus, et eantica, jam oliiu quidem a Gerardo Carmo- nensi ex arabico sermone in latinum conversa, postea vero ab Andrea Alpago Bellun'ensi . infinitis pene correctiouibus ad veterum exein- plarium arabicoruni fidem in margine factis, locupletissiinoque nomiuum arabicoruni ab ipso interpretatorum, indice decorata, nuuc autem demum a Benedicto Rinio Veneto . . . eruditis- simis aecnratissimisque lucubriitionibus illus- trata. Qui et castigationes ab Alpago factas suis quasque locis uptissime inseruit: et quani- plurimas alias depravatas lectiones in margine iugeniosissime emendavit. Et locos, in quibus auctor ipse vel eandem sententiam, eandemve medicameuti unius compositiouem iterat, vel oppositas inter se sententias ponit, vel aliquid denique ab Hippocrate, Aristotele, Dioscoride, Galeno, Paulo, Aetio, Alexandro, Serapioue, Rasi, Halyabate, Alsarabio inutuatur, diligen- tissime iudicavit: plurimis etiam arabicis voci- bus nunquain antea expositis, latinum nomen invenit: indicem(|Ue latinum medicanieutorum simpliciuni iu secundum librum composmt. His accesserunt Aviceume libellus de removendis nocumentis, qua} accidunt in regimine sanitatis; ejusdem tractatus de syrupo acetoso. Ab eodem Alphago ex arabico in latinum sermonem trans- lati. 3 v., paged consecutively. 51*0 (1 1.), 19 ff. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1555. [Index, 1557.] -----. The same. 21 p. ]., 2004 pp., 19 1. fol. Basilece, per J. Heruagios, 1576(?). Date probably 1556; it has been altered. ------. Feu. 1. lib. 1. canonis. 104 pp. 24°. Venetiis, apud Tuvrinum, 1663. Last page numbered 84. Bound with: Schola medica [etc.]. 24°. Yenetih, 1663. ------. The same. 127 pp. 24°. Patavii, apud Cadorinum, 1682. Bound with: Schola medica [etc.]. 24°. Patavii, 1682. ------. De animalibus per magisti um Michaelem Scotum de Arabico in Latinum translatus. [In fine: Explicit liber de auimalibus Avicenme decimus nonus et ultimus.] 51 ff. fol. [n.p., 1500?] ------. Flores Avieenna? collecti super quinque canonibus quos editit in medicina: necnon super decern et novein libris de animalibus cum eanticis ejusdem ad longuin positis. 1 p. 1., ccviii ff. 16°. [Lugduni, B. Trot, 1514.] Another copy, with which is bound: iKcunius Romanus. De formatione humani corporis. 16°. Venetiis, lXii. ------. Excerpta, quae ad aquas et balnea perti- nent. In: Balneis (De) omnia qua3 extant Ietc.]. fol. Yene- tiis, 1553, ff. 321-422. ------. Index iii Avicenuai libros nuper Venetiis editos, Julio Palamede Adriensi medico auctore. 76 ff. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1557. Bound ivith his: Liber canonis [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1555. ------. De febribus tractatus quatuor. In: Febkikus (De) opus sane aureum [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1576, 67-99. ------. Abugalii filii SiuaB sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Avicennae, . . . de morbis mentis tractatus, edi- tus in specimen norma} medicorum universal ex Arabico in Latinum de integro conversa' et a barbarotuin inscitia spurcitiaque vindicate. Interprete Petro Vatterio. 11 p. 1., 216 pp. 12°. Parisiis, apud interpretem, et apud J. Huart. 1659. AYICENNA. 821 AVULSION. Aviceuua—continued. -----. Uboo-Uli Ebn Sena. Oorjoozeh, or a treatise on medicine, originally written by Uboo-Uli Ebn Sena, edited by Hukeeni Muolvee Abd-ool Mujeed. 1 p. 1., 97' pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1629. Arabic and Hindustanee text. •$<><-. also, Apolliliaris (Q ) Bericht vom Urin. In: May (T.) Lrin-Biuhlein [etc. |. 16°. Hamburg, 1738.— Ai-t-iilaniiN (Joannes). Expositio in primam fen quarti canonis [etc.]. fol. [Yenetiis, 1512.] -----. The same. Joannis Herculani expositio optime in quarti canonis [etc.]. fol. Ferrarice. 1489. -----. The same. Joannis Hereu- hmi expositio in primam fen quarti canonis [etc.]. fol. Yenetiis. 1496.—Averroes. Decinium volumen : Colliget libri vii [etc.]. sm. 4°. Yenetiis, LV74: -----. Colliget, tomus nonns [etc.|. am. 4°. Ye net is, 1560. — Bei-to- Iiiin (Alphonsus) &. f rnlo (Joannes). Metbodus cura- tiva | ete. ]. 12°. Franeof ttrti. 1608. — ltetti (Anto- nius Maria). In qnartam fen primi eammi.s . . . [etc.]. fol. Bononice 1560.—C'nstellns (Baithiilom;eus). Lexi- con medieiim ina-eo latinum [etc.). 12°. Roterodami, 1665. — I'hnmpcriiis (S\mj.lioiianns). Crihratio: lima. [etc.]. ltic ' Luodnni], 1516. -----. Svmphonia (inleni ad Hippod-ntem" [etc.). 16-. [Lugdii'ni, 1528]. —For- raiidux (Joannes), lie urplirisis et litbiasis (etc.]. 16°. Parisiis. 1570. . Paris, 1892, No. 151. -----. The same. 139 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1892. Avis. Sur la correspondance de la Societe" royale de me'decine et sur les objets dont cette compa- gnie est chargee. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, P.-D Pierres, 1780.] Avis sur un puissant vermifuge de l'Isle de Corse appelle" vulgairement helminthocharton. 2 1. 4 . [Bastia, imp. S.-F. Batini, 1778.] Avis d'un serviteur d'Esculape, sur les melanges de chirurgie, par M. Claude Pouteau. Aux cito- vens de Lyon. 1 p. 1., Ill pp. 12°. [Lyon], 1771. Another copy bound with: Pouteau (C.) Melanges de chirurgie. 8°. Lyon, 1760. Avis a la societd sur son plus grand interet, oil l'on propose la guerison parfaite de la maladie anti-sociale, sans jamais employer les caustiques ni les instrumens tranchans. De'converte ini- portante, a laquelle ou est enfin parvenu apres trois siecles d'experience, moyennant le cdlebre antiv6n6rien de M. le chevalier de Godernaux, 6prouve' solemnellement en Angleterre et en France, adopts par le roi pour le traitement de ses troupes en campagne et en garnison. 12 pp. 16°. Paris, [B. Morin], 1782. [P., v. 1890.] Avisos (Los). Periodico quincenal de medicina, farmacia, [etc.]. Director y propietario: Pablo Fernandez Izquierdo. v- 4-9, 1880-85. fol. Madrid. Avogadro di Quaregna e di Ce- retto (Amedeo) | 177(3-1856]. Troinpeo (B.) Cenni uecrologici. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1856, 2. s., xxvi, 394-400. Avon. Wie schiitzeu wir uns vor Krankheiten ? Allerhand Betraclitungen und Winke. 48 pp. 8-5. Leipzig, O. Klemm, 1890. Avrai'd (Alf.) Des injections intra-nterines. Memoire presents au Congres medical de Bor- deaux, oct. 1865. 68 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, G. Gounonilhou; La Bochelle, chez Vauteur, 1866 Avrai'd (Ch.) *De l'involution incomplete de l'literus apres la grossesse et de ses conse- quences. 141 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1860, No. 497. d'Avi'igili. Sec Loeuillart-D'Avrigni. Avril. Rapport de l'administration des travaux publics sur les cimetieres; lu au conseil g6u6ral par le citoyen Avril. 28 pp. 8°. [Pavis, n. d.] Avsitidiyski (Sergei [Iovlevich]) [1855- ]. * Materiali k voprosu ob azotoobnilenie i kozhno- lyokhochnikb poteryakh pri rastitelnoi d'iete. [Data on the question of nitrogenous metab- olism and losses by the skin and lungs under vegetable diet.] 31 pp., 7 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, S. Volpyanski, 1889. Avtokratoff (Plotr [MikhaTlovich]) [1857- ]. *0 vliyanii udalenia shtshitovidnoi zhelyozi u zhivotnikb na nervnuyu sisteniu. [Effect of ex- cision of thyroid gland in animals upon the ner- vous system.] 112 pp., 3 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. Voshtshinslcaiia, 1888. AvtoiiomoflT (G[rigoriy] V[iktorovich]) [1853- ]. * K voprosu ob otnoshenii bluzbdayu- shtshikh nervov k dikhatolnim dvizheniam. [On the relation of the vagus nerve to respiratory movements.] 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1669. Avulsion. See, also, Extremity (Upper, Avulsion of). Guermonprez (F.) Arrachements dans les 6tablissements industriels. 6°. Paris $ Lille, 1884. Aho, in: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1884, 3. s., xviii, 459-524 Also, in: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1884, i, 649: ii, 33. AVVERTENZE. 822 AXILLA. Avverteuze opportune contro le ordinarie in- fezioni miasmaticlie. See Grimelli (Geminiano) [in 1. s.]. Avviso al popolo [concerning cholera]. 21. 8". [Venezia, 1836.] [P., v. 941.] Avviso al popolo intorno al cholera-morbus. 14 pp. .--. [Venezia, F. Andreola, 1835.] [Also, in: 1\, v. 941.] Aweng (Engeu). * Ueber den Succinit. [Berne.] 31 pp. *■. Berlin, G. Schenck, 1895. Awful disclosures and startling developments in relation to tbe late Parkman tragedy. Pro- fessor John W. Webster, of Harvard Medical College. 16 pp., port. 8-. Boston, 1849. Repr.from: Boston Daily Herald. Awful (The) and ethical allegory of Deuteron- omy Smith, or the life-history of a medical stu- dent. By a student of medicine. 3. ed. 15 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Dryden, 1662. Awl (William Maclay) [1799-1S7G]. Loving (S.) Obituarv. Tr. Am. AI. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi,'1009-1011. Awoki (Kotan). Gekwa satsuyo. [The chief points of surgery.] 6, 25, 33 pp., 1 1. 8C. [n. p.], 1767. Aw re urban sanitary authority. -See Glouces- tershire combined sanitary district [in 1. s.]. Ax. Drkscii. Ax thermal; nos (Stablissemeuts. 12-. Foix, 1894. Axe (J. "Wortley). Milk in relation to public health. 23 pp. 8°. London, J. K. Adlard, 1885. Repr.from : Veterinarian, Lond., 1885, lviii. ------. Abortion iu cows; its causes, prevention, and treatment. 32 pp. 8-. London, A. Xapier, [n.d.]. Axenfeld (Alexander]) [L-2.V76]. * Des in- lluences nosoconiiales. 51 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste $ Cie., 1857. Concours. ------. Des nevroses. 1 p. 1., pp. 1J5-695. 8°. I'aris, Germer-Bailliere, 1*64. Cutting [with printed title-page] front: ItEycix (P.-A.) Pathologie medicale. 8°. Paris, 1863, iv. ------. The same. Traite des nevroses. 2. e\l., augmentee de 700 pages par Henri Hnchard. xiv, 1195 pp. 8-. Baris, Germer-Bailliere <.y Cie., 1*6'A. Axenfeld (J). See Iskander. Le docteur Kroupoff. 8°. [Paris, ISM.] Axenfeld (Karl Theodor Paul Polykarpos) [1867- ]. * Untersuchungen mehren-r Mar- burger Schulen auf Kurzsicbtigkeit. 30 pp., 11. 8". Marburg, B. Friedrich, 1690. -----. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Lehre von der eitrigen metastatischen Ophthalmic. Die fur die septische Metastase des Auges im allgemei- nen wichtigen anatomischen und bakteriologi- schen Yerhaltn^se. Habilitationsschrift. 1 p. 1., 90 pp., 3pl. .--. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1894. Axfoi'd (Samuel) [1S.J2-73]. Ranney (G. £.) Necrology. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1882, xxxiii, 517. Ax ford (William Henry). Sewer gas; its rela- tion to typhoid and other allied diseases. A paper read before the Literary aud Scientific Society of Portsmouth, Jan. 9, lr-77; with ap- pendices. 30 pp., 31., lpl. 8°. Southsea, Mills .)• Sons, [le77]. Axfbrd ( William Livingston) [1858-91]. I>r. W. Ii. Ax ford. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1891, is, 53. Axilla. See. also, Artery (Axillary). KKiiKEiHA Santos Peis (H.) * Consideracoes cirurgicas sobre a regiao axillar. 4-. Bahia,1670. Axilla. Poelchex (R.) * Die Fascieu der Axelhohle. 8°. Berlin. [1679]. Birmingham (A.) On the homology aud innerva- tion ol the Ach.selbogen and pectoralis quartus, and the nature of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thorax. Dub- lin J. M. Sc., 1888, ii. s., Ixxxvi, 15G-158. — Dwight (T.) A new demonstration of the axilla. Boston M. ouiicll. Axillary tumour. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8. n. s., iii, 228.- .M'l-cod (K.) A case of axillary hseiuatoma. Lancet, Lond . 1881, i 133. — .Tlalbcrbc (A.) Ganglions tuberculeux de taisselle. (Liz. med. de Xantes, 1883-4. ii, 154. — Vlari- ani ol. M l Linfo-s-ircoma voluniiuoso de la axila. In his: Ketazos cliu., 8°, Madrid, 1890, 73.— .TIartel. Tu I Axilla (Tumors of). meur sous-cutanee de laisselle droite chez une fillette do 10 aus, indolente. coustatee seulement depuis six semaines et pouvant etre attribuee .a ce que l'enfant por- tait souveut des corps lourds sous ce bras. Bull et mem Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 273.— Tlazzoni (C j Granuloma del pilastro anteriore dell' ascella sinistra- rasehiamento delle granulazioni; guarigione. Clin chir' (Mazzoni), Roma. 1881, vi-vii, 174.—ITIoiicslic. Tumeur tuberculeuse ganglionnaire du creux de l'aisselle, simu- lant un lyiiiphadenome. Bull. Soc. anat.-cliu. do Lille 1893, viii, 31-34. — illonnier ( L. ) Tumeur do la paroi thoiacitmodti creux axillaire; varice lymphatiquo proba- ble. Kev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1883, i 456-461 Also | Abstr ]. Proures med., Par., 1884, xii, 274.- .?Iouod! Lipome de l'aisselle (sous-pectoral). Bull, et mem Soc de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s., xiv, 241. — von iVIoscti«- Vlooi'liof. Cancer fihrosus ghindularum axillarium • pi i- maies Careinom. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1878 Wien. 18,9, 190. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien 188o' xv, 400. — Osburnc (C. A. V.) A large nasvus removed by excision trom the axilla. Laneet, Lond., 1890 ii 668 — Osier (W.) Medullary sarcoma of axillarv glands- secondary masses in heart, lungs, stomach, intestines,' liver, spleen, kidneys, supra-renal capsules, aud pancreas Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i. 330-339. — Paquct (A.) Cue tumeur du creux de l'aisselle. Bull med du nord, Lille, 1881, xx, 295. — Pascalc ( G.) Linfonui tubereolare della regione sottoascellaie diritta. In his- Oss. di patol. e cliu. chir., 8°, Napoli, 1889. 176. — PieiL Tumeur carciuomateuso des ganglions axillaires- extir- pation. Bull. Soc. med. do l'Yonne 1886, Auxerre, 1887 xxvii, 62-61.—Follosson (A.) Kvste sereux de l'ais- | selle. .Mem. et conipt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 179. — Post (A. C.) Scirrhous glands in axilla; extirpation; recovery. Med. Gaz.,N. Y., 1880, vii, 277.—R. (J ) Escirro con adherencias al p'lcxo hraquial; estiriiacion. Clinica, Zaragoza, 1878, ii. 84.— Reznicclc. Carcinoma in regione axilhe dextra?; Exstir- ]>atio; Heilung; spiiter aufgetretene Periostitis und Pleii- rodynie; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stittuugiu Wien (1878), 1879, 310.—Ru.nbold (A.) Die | ('ysteiihygtome der Achselhohle. Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 1«94, vii 531; 552. — Ryckcwacrt. Sarcome du creux de l'aisselle gauche chez uu homme, de 71 ans; pneumonie liypostatique post operatoiro; mort. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, 52-56. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1888, xi, 321-325. — Snbaticr. Tumeur de l'aisselle. Mem! Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1876), 1877, xvi, 190. —Sato (K.) Lke keubu no kyotai nam saihalsu senu ikuso no seijeno shi. [A caso of recurrent fibrosarcoma in the right axil. lury region.) Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1892, no. 300,1-3.— Syiupson (E. M.) Case of congenital fatty tumor iu a child of eight months. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 380.__ Treves ( F. ) Scirrhous (?) growth in axilla.' Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 997. — Troqnart. Tumeur de laisselle. Alem. et bull. Soc.de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1894), 1895, 653-655.—Vnslin. Indications de l'ablation des tumeurs gauglionnaires volumineuses du cou et de l'aisselle; tech- nique operutoire. Cong. fran?. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] Par., 1888, iii, 338-347. Aho: Bull. Soc. de nied.d'Anvers! 1888, n. 8.. xvi, 89-103.—Weinlechncr. LyniphonnTdcr Achselhohle exstirpirt, Listers Verfahren; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung iu Wien*( 1875) 1876, 323.— Weiss (W.) Myxosarcoma axillas. Aerztl Ber. d. It. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1882). 1884, 160. — Wharton (U. R.) Melanotic sarcoma of axillary'rciou. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1887-9), 1891, xiv,264.—Wiiidlc (Ii. C. A.) Congenital tumour of the axilla. Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1889, xxvi, 344. — Zsigmondy. [Exstirpation eines Seirrhus aus der Achselhohle.) Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kraukeuh. zu Wieu (1875), 1876, 132. AxiQIa (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Artery (Axillary, Wounds, etc, ofi). t'solnoky (F.) Ein seltener Fall einer Stichwunde. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 855. — Ilulkc. Caso of lacerated wound opening the axilla, simulating a stab. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 141.— Job av- ion (W. W.) A case of gun-shot wouud of the axilla, followed by a peculiar eruption. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885, xiii, 270.—.Ilalecot (A.) Auesth6siede lepaule et de l'avant-bras d origine retiexe et consecutive & une bles- sure de la paroi anterieure de laisselle ; guerison par Im- plication succei-sive de vesicatoires au niveau de la cica- trice. Compt. nnd. Soc. de biol. 1881, I'ar., 1882, 7. s., iii, 124-126.—Pom-el. Corps etrangers de laisselle. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1890). 1891, xxx, pt. 2, 253.—Kadcliffc (A.) Extensive wound of the arm and axilla; healing without cicatricial contiaetions. Med. Rec,, N. Y., 1893. xliii, 652. — Kawilon (II. G.) Rupture of the axillary artery; ligature; amputation at the shoul- der-joint; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1890, ii, 1380—Sebi- rnili. Eine totale Ausraumung der Achselhohle und die Folgen davon. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl. 1888, xxxvii, 231-234.—Morel (E.) [Corps etranger. morceau de verre extrait de la partie iuferieure de l'aisselle gauche d'une fille.] Soc. mGd. d'Amiens. Bull. (1878-9), 1880, xviii-xix, AXILLA. 824 AYER. Axiila (Wounds and injuries of). 161.—Tanary (S.) Removal of a lead pencil impacted in the axilla in a case previously mistaken for one of fmctnre ofthe clavicle. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi 51. Also [Ab- str |: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894. xlvi, 763—Wight (J. S.) Primary union of the axilla after exsection of its contents; illustrated by three cases. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888. lviii, 198.— Wilbins (W. F.) Injury from railroad accident; extensive loss of tissues; skin grafting: recov- ery. St. Louis M. &. S. J., 1888, lv, 337.— Wiuslow (R.) On injuries to tlie blood vessels during operations in the axilla'. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii, 401-403. Axis, S>e, also, Atlas and axis. Cunningham (1). J.) The connection of the 09 oiloiitoiileuni with the bodv of the axis vertebra. J. Anat. ifc Physiol.. Lond.. 1885-6. xx. 238-243.—(Siaeomini. Sull' esistenza dell' "os odontoideum " nell' uomo. Gior. it r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. s . xxxiv, 24-38, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. (le biol, Turin, 1887, viii, 40-48, 1 pl.—Mannequin. Subluxation de l'axis avec fracture. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d.sc. med. (le Lyon (1887), 1888, xxvii, pt. 2, 90 —Winge (E.I Fibrosarcoma epistrophei; acute Cerviealparaph-gie. Deutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885-6, xxxviii, 65-80. A Mil il II li (Carolns Fridericns) [1^-Jl- ]. *De gangliorum systetnatis structura penitiori ejus- (|tie fuiictionibus. 1 1., 40 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Bero- lini, G. Schade, [1647], ------. Beitriige zur mikroskopischen Anatomic uud Physiologie cb-s Ganglien-Norvensystenis des McnM-ben und der Wirbelthiere. 3 p. 1., 14(5 pp. *,-. Berlin, Hasselberg, 167)2. Axiiianei (Hans). #Zur vagi nal en Totalcxstir- piition des carcinomutosi-ii Uterus. [Jena.] H-1. pp. 8. Erfurt, /■'. Bavtholomdus, 1890. AxocopaiB. C'akmasco (J. B.) Estudio dc las aguas de Axocopan (distrito dc Atlixco, estado de Pue- bla). 4C. Mexico, 16*0. AxolotS. Walther (T.) "Die Vorniere des Axolotl. [Eilangen.] .*'~. Miinchen, 16*:i t'attaneo (G.) Sviluppo e dispo.sizione delle cellule pigmentali nelle Uu ve dell' axolotl lioll. scient., Pavia 18.-6. viii, 42-46.—Field (H.H.) Sur la circulation em' bryonnaire dans la tote chez l'axolotl. Anat. Anz. Jena 1892-3, viii, 634-638.—Gaseo (F.) X. 11 axolotl lo svilup- po normale dell' novo ed il sesso souo del tutto indipen- denti dal numero di nemaspermi iusinuatisi nella sfera vitellina. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, Anat.. 81-85.— Iloussay. Sur la metametrie de la tete chez l'axolotl. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1889. 9. s., i. 691-694.-Iloussay (F.) Ordre d'apparition des fentes branehiales chez l'axolotl; feute branehiale auditive Ibid.. 1890, 9. s., ii, 416-418. -----. Sur la circulation em- bryonnaire daus la tete chez l'axolotl. Compt. rend, Acad. d. sc, Par., 1892, cxv, 132-135.—Sutton (J. B.) Curious dropsical condition of an axolotl. J. Anat & Physiol., Lond , 1886-7, xxi, 670. — Weisiuann (A.) On the change of the Mexican axolotl to an amblystoma. [Transl. by II. M. Douglass.] Rep. Smithson. Inst, 1877 Wash , 1878, 349-375.— Wicdershciiu (R.) Leber die Veriuehrung des Os centrale im Corpus und Tarsus des Axolotls. Morphol. Jahrb.. Leipz., 1880, vi, 581-583 1 pl - Wilson (G.) The development of the Mulleri'an duets m axolotl. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1893-4, ix, 736-745. A\oiiometer. Tlioriugton (J.) An axonometer. Med. News Phila., 1894, lxiv, 240. Aho, Reprint. Axl (Joh. Conrad). Abortus in morbis acutis lethalis, oder cine sehr nutzliche und nothwen- dige Frage, ob einem Cbristlichen Medico zuge- la.ssen sey, bey einer schwaugern Frauen, welche an einer schweren Kranckheit darnieder lieget, die Frucht abzutreiben. 7:2 pp. 32°. Jena J Bielekc, 1681. Ax tell (E. R.) Cholera. 18 pp. 8°. Denvev 1893. Repr.from: Denver M. Times, 1892-3, xii. -----. Four cases of chronic pulmonary involve- ment, with features of special interest. 14 pp. 12-. Xew York, D. Appleton a- Co., 1894. Repr.from: N. York M. J., N. Y., 1894, lx. Axtell (E. R.)— continued. -----. A review of six interesting pathologic cases. 14 pp. 12°. [ Philadelphia, Lea Bros. inaire, et snr h-s rapports qu'elle a avec la me'decine humaine. Suivi d'uu projet d'organisation des ecoles v£te>inaires en France, presents au ministre de l'interieur ; par le meme. 1-9 pp. 8?. Paris, Huzard, an IX [1801]. Aylesbury. ¥i-nnsc precipitation works at Aylesbury. San. Kec, Loud.. 18*0-81, n. s., ii, 71. Aylesbury urban sauitary district. See Buck- ingham (County of). Copies of the annual re- ports ofthe medical officers of health. Aylwiii (Thomas). * De nephritide. 91. sm. 4-. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1682. Slightly mutilated. Ayinard (Pierre) [18G6- ]. * Recherches sur le passage des micro-organismes (et en particu- lier du pneumocoque) de la mere a l'enfant par le lait. (52 pp., 1 1. 4-. Paris, 1691, No. 304. Aj Hie (Henri). * Du traitemeut de la syphilis par le thymol-acetate de mercurc. 1 p. 1., 82pp., 11. 4-. * Xancy, 1*91, No. 5. Ayineii (J[ean]-B[aptiste]). Dissertation dans Jaquelle on examine si les jours critiques sont les nieines en nos climats qu'ils 6toieut daus ceux oil Hippocrate les a observes, et quels egards on doir. y avoir dans la pratique. Piece qui a rem- porte' le prix propos6 par l'Acade'mie royale des sciences de Dijon pour l'annee 1751. xvi, 114 pp. 6-. Paris, Prault fils, 1752. [P., v. 910.] Ayilioiie. Memoire sur la question proposde par la Socidtd dem6decinede Bruxelles: La unit excrce-t-elle une influence sur les maladies? V at il des maladies oil cette influence est plus ou moius manifested Quelle est la raison physique de cette influence ? In.- Actes Soe. de med. de Brnx., 1806, i, 1-58. See, aho, Influence (De 1') de la unit sur les malades [in 1. s.J. 8-. Bruxelles, 1806. Aynard (Ludovic) [1865- ]. * Etude sur la famille des apocynees. x, 11-80 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1889, No. 468. ficole superieure de pharmacie. Aynard (Theodore). Assainissement de Lyon, contre la tievre typhoide, le croup, etc. Tout a logout a l'iustar de Paris, Londres, Editnbourg Francfort, Rome, Berlin, Madrid, Geneve, Lau- sanne, Grenoble et autres lieux. Epuration agri- cole des eaux d'egout. Kdponse aux 2,602 elec- teiirs qui ni'ont fait 1'honneur. en 18*8, de mo Aynard (Theodore)—continued. designer pour le conseil municipal de Lyon, ainsi qu'aux autres, eucore plus nombreux, qui m'out fait le bouheur de me laisser a mes loisirs. 80 pp. 8°. Lyon, Mougin-Busand, 16*6. Ayr. Nym (J.) Report on the sanitary condition of the town of Ayr. San. Inquiry:—England, Lond., 1842, 214-238. Ayr District Lunatic Asylum, at Glengall. An- nual reports of the medical superintendent to the Ayrshire district board of lunacy. 1.-3., 1870-71 to 1872-3; 5.-7., 1874-5 to 1876-7; 9.-12., 187K-9 to 1881-2. 8°. Ayr, 1871-82. Opened July 28, 1869. ------. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] v. s. [Ayr, n.d.] CONTENTS. Form A. Petition to the sheriff to grant order for recep- tion of a patient. A1. Notice of admission. B2. Application to the general board of lunacy to grant transfer of a patient from one asylum to another. B3. Notice of admission. C. Application to the hoard of lunacy to sanction tho reception of a pauper lunatic into the lunatic wards of a poorhouse. G. Application to general board of lunacy to sanction the liberation on trial or probation of a lunatic. IL Notice of death. H1. Notice of discharge. II2. Notice of removal. H3. Notice of escape. ------. Rules for tbe government of the ... 10 pp. 8-. [Ayr, Advertiser Office, n. d.] ------. Rules and instructions for attendants and servants. 7 pp. 8°. Ayr, Advertiser Office, [n.d.]. Ayre (Joseph) [1781-1860]. Ueber das Weseu und die Behandlung der Wassersttcht im Gehirn, der Brust, dem Unterleibe, den Eierstockeu und der Haut. Ein Versuch die Pathologie dieser Kraukheit auf richtige Grundsiitze zu basiren, eine neue und wirksamere Behandlungsart zu empfehlen und (lurch Beispiele zu erliiutern. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Fr. Rein- hard t. viii, 131 pp. 8°. Ilmenau, B. F. Voigt, 1829. Ayer (Christophorus Heinricus). Methodica et succincta inforuiatio medici, practicam aggre- dientis; in usum ac utilitatem niediciuae stu- diosorum, scripta per ... 75 pp., 1 1. 12-. Francofurti, P. Kopffius, 1594. Ayrer (Franz). * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Hy- drouephro.se im Kiudesalter. 28 pp. 8°. Gottin- gen, Dietevich, 1691. C. Ayres (Joh. Christophorus). * Qeupr/uaTa larptKa de differentiis aliinentorum et medicamentorum. 24 pp. sm. 4-. Altdorffi, typ. H. Meyeri, [1(577]. Ayres (Arthur). Compressed oil-gas and its ap- plications. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. 69 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons, limited, 16*6. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, sess. 1887-8, pt. 3, xciii. Ayres (Daniel). Lymphoiuata in the anterior* mediastinum, simulating aortic aueurism. 11 pp. 8°. [Brooklyn, 1*61.] Repr.from: Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brooklyn, 1881, iii. Ayres (Douglas). A case of puerperal eclampsia at the seventh mouth; with a few thoughts as to treatment from practical experience. 8 pp. 12J. Philadelphia, 1893. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii. Ayres (Mortimer). Some of the diseases of the rectum aud their homoeopathic and surgical treatment. 78 pp. 8°. Chicago, Duncan Bros., 1864. Ayres (Samuel). Address in mental disorders. Gastro-iutestinal and hepatic disorders, espe- cially chronic gastro-iutestinal catarrh, iu rela- AYRES. 826 AZEMA. Ayres ( Samuel)—continued. tion to the etiologv of some cases of insanity. 11pp. -. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soe. Penn., Phila., 1891. Ayres (.Samuel). Ayres'hernia truss. 2 1. 8°. Ili'lnnoiid, Va., Gillis, [n. d.]. Ayres (S[tephen] C.) Five cases of sympathetic opbtbalmia. 9pp. 8°. [Xew Tork, 1*76.] Repr. from: Arch. Opth. & Otol, N. T.. 1876, v. ------. Glaucoma. 10 pp. 6 . Columbus, 0., Colt cf Hann, 1879. Repr.from: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1879, xxxiv. ------. Exostoses of the external auditory canal. pp. 327-334. 8\ [Xew York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 16*0.] Cutting [rover with printed title] from: Arch. Otol., N. V., 1881, x. ------. Sympathetic intlammation. pp. 199-209. 8-. [Xew York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1682]. Cuttinq [cover with printed title] from: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1882, xi. ------. Tumors of the optic nerve; with report of two original cases. '.'>6 pp., 2 pl. 8C. Cin- cinnati, II. Clarke pp. roy. 8-'. Paris, F. Alcan, 1K13. See, aho, Ti*sic (Philippe-Auguste) [in 1. s.]. Les reves [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1890. Azaill (Jean-Marie) [1864- ]. * Contribution a l'etude dutraiteme*nt de la Iievre typhoide. 81 pp., 1 diag. 4-. Paris, 1890, No. 55. Ax.lDii (Jean-Sixte) [1777-18C3]. t'affc (P.-L.-B.) Necrologie. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1863, xxx, 303. Azaiion. Ulleraperger (J. B.) Zur ethnischen Pathologie. Die Krankheit vou Azanou. (La eufermedad de Azaiion.) Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1873, xxv, 280; 290. Azarevicll (Ieronim Ivanovich) [1857- ]. * K voprosu ob usvoyeuii zhirov pishtshi pod vliyan'iem dvuuglekislavo natr'ia 5 gtauim. v sutki, u zdorovikh lyudel. [On the assimilation of fats from food under the influence of bicar- bonate of soda, 5 grammes in 24 hours, in healthy men.] 59 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, A. Ehom- slci